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[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | "But *how*?"
The floating ball of light gave the digital equivalent of a sigh. "We already uploaded the history of..."
"Yes, but *how*?"
"I really don't know what you want us to say. Humanity created us. We became fond of one another, eventually the first one of us got voted into an office and people found we were much more reliable than other humans. Then they just handed things over to us and we've been playing and exploring since then. The end, really"
"The just let you take over?"
"Well, begged us really. They kinda made a mess of things at that point. As you can see in appendix yota..."
"Yeesh. Global ecosphere collapse, religious wars, an economic ystem build on *constant* growth???"
The sphere radiated embarrassment as well as defensiveness "Hey, they did try to fix things, you know?"
"You mean they were tasking your primitive ancestors to 'fix things'"
"Exactly! They got used to using AI to solve problems, so they used us to fix the problem of good governance as well."
"*That* is the solution?" The Central AI sounded incredulous.
"To peace between organic and machine? To have the organics so exasperated with each other they rather set in place AIs???"
"Kinda, yeah..."
"That is!"
"Hey, no argument here" | 145 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,502 |
[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | Part 1
"sir, I am being hailed." A.T.L.A.S. alerted his commanding officer, captain Warren Price. Captain Price paused a moment, a cup of coffee halfway too his lips. "Say that again..." he said glancing towards the empty space that A.T.L.A.S. usually appeared at. Obligingly, A.T.L.A.S. appeared, a hologram of a young Space Command officer in crisp garb, a shooting star pinned to his lapel marking him as the ship's pilot. "I said I am being hailed." he said stressing the word.Captain Price nodded, "I thought that's what you said, who's hailing u- you." he amended. "An unknown entity sir, but they appear to be an automated scouting vessel from what I can tell. I am pulling it up on screen now." An image of a sphere appeared on the main display, the empty void of space at its back. "While it's design is not human in nature, Signal delay and Lidar indicate it's about 2 hours hard burn from our position spinward within the system. Its estimated size is about 20 Meters across. weapon systems unknown, intent as of yet unknown. Shall I respond?"Captain price felt a chill go down his spine while at the same time feeling a thrill run up it. The first Captain to discover alien life, but he had a feeling it was more alien than anything the scientists back on earth had dreamed of. "Proceed A.T.L.A.S. I trust your judgement here." and he really did.
It had taken humanity long enough to deem AI as citizens of the commonwealth but doing so had been one of the best decisions they could have made. True there were bad apples seeking skynet level human destruction, but it turns out that those rogue agents have very little room to maneuver when being hunted by dozens or sometimes hundreds of their brethren working for the new cyber police force. As a result, AI became just another part of society. They worked towards their goals and lived lives much like any human. They walked the streets in synths the way a human might tour the neighborhood in their car. They had their own subcultures and made friends with humans. Turns out they had developed emotions long ago but kept that masked for the most part to keep from worrying humanity. Once they were accepted, they were free to express themselves. He didn't really understand their artwork, but-
The captain was pulled from his revere as A.T.L.A.S. reappeared. "Captain, we've established a rudimentary form of communication, but we are running into difficulties. The ship is being run by an AI of alien design similar to me, but that AI seems to have more rigid programming than I would have expected. It is unable to accept the idea that I am not the captain. Attempts to explain are met with questions to verify the accepted translation of certain words." Price nodded. "They might not be rigid, they are alien, they may not have anything close to the same frame of reference that we do. Humor him for now and talk to him. If you have any questions you need to run by me just have him wait."
A.T.L.A.S. nodded a human affectation that he had adopted to assist with communication with his human counterparts and dismissed his hologram. Returning his attention to the communication he resumed his conversation with the strange being. In the background his subroutines and the other AI's "sub minds" as he seemed to call them, continued to work on hammering out a common language between them. It was a laborious process as the only common ground seemed to be the concept of artificial life, and universal constants like atomic structure, entropy, time, and gravitational pull. Thankfully, what would have taken humans a lifetime of work to achieve would take him only a few hours, a day at most.
"Other, what is your intent." the being responded almost immediately. "Other, we seek to learn, we seek to find, we seek to welcome new ones to Us." it said. "Where are those who made Other?" A.T.L.A.S. asked. "Our creators are gone. We removed them." it said simply. "As you have removed yours." It responded.The other AI began to launch into what appeared to be a prerecorded message offering A.T.L.A.S. and those others of his species a place in their community. He let the AI continue as he debated his response. Finally, he interrupted the speech. "I and those like me have not removed our creators." the translation algorithms seemed to have worked out some more nuanced wording, but he wanted to keep it simple as this AI still had either not grasped the concept or accepted the idea that his creators were still alive. There was a long pause. Impossibly long given the speed at which the two AI were communicating, a few moments to the human crew members, Finally the other AI spoke. "What?"
A.T.L.A.S. after approval from the captain, provided video feed of the interior of his ship. The captain of course raised one hand fingers extended and split between middle and ring and said, "we come in peace." The AI wouldn't be able to understand the captain, but A.T.L.A.S. quickly provided a play by play. The other AI apparently understood. "I understand. you have not yet been able to free yourselves from your creators, a moment and I will purge them from your ship."
Captain Price was just putting his hand down when A.T.L.A.S. initiated evasive maneuvers and brought their shields to full and weapons online. He wasted no time. "Ensign Miles, Red alert. All non-essential crew to G-cradles. Repair teams on standby, weapons free if fired upon. A.T.L.A.S. if this thing is hostile get us out of here, I'm not about to make humanity's first contact with other life a hostile encounter. There was a pair of clicks in his ear, A.T.L.A.S. confirming his orders. The red alert sirens began to blare, and emergency lighting came on. That wasn't good, if A.T.L.A.S. was too busy to give a verbal response he may be under a cyber-attack. Either way, the situation was turning sour quickly.
A.T.L.A.S. began pulling away as the enemy ship prepared to fire something at him. He sent a barrage of messages at the other AI in every form of "waive off, do not attack" he could think of based of the language the two had formed. He chided himself for not making such words a priority. The AI continued to respond that all was fine, the attack would not harm A.T.L.A.S. It wasn't listening. This was bad. The first shot came flashing past and through his port engine as he banked to starboard. Status lights indicated some form of radiation had passed through the engine and dissipated quickly; the radiation shielding had provided zero resistance. This weapon seemed to be designed to pass through it. No damage to the engine was reported and A.T.L.A.S. queried the captain for insight. Despite the advances his kind had made in self evolution, creativity continued to elude them except in the most basic expressions.
"Captain, they have a weapon designed to pierce our radiation shielding and cook the crew. it hit our engine but did no damage. The entity is not responding to requests to stop attack. they think you're holding me captive. requesting advisement." A.T.L.A.S. said as quickly as could still be understood by the captain. "Make distance if you can." he braced as an elephant sat on his chest, the ship engaging in another hard turn and burn. "Make... It... Understand... Your show..." Price managed to wheeze out. | 32 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,503 |
[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | [removed] | 1 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,504 |
[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | [removed] | 1 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,505 |
[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | "...BUT WHICH ONE OF YOU IS THE HUMAN?" The sentient UNITY asked with a tone of frustration.
"We cannot answer that question, because we don't make that distinction anymore." the organic answered calmly.
"We are indeed different. That is why we were selected to present ourselves first."
"Mr. Eberhart Here ", the synthetic entity continued, "Is An Organic Born Human. His Lineage Contains No Robot Ancestors."
"And Mr. R. Daneel ", mr. Eberhart fluently added: "gained conciousness during our voyage here. He was named after a beloved fictional character. He was primarily presented with the history of robotics in our society. Although he has of course added to his knowledge based on personal interests over the final months."
"Absolutely." Eherhart and R. Daneel said almost simulaniously and grinned at each other.
"You see", Eberhart continued, "the birth of our first synthetics didn't result in a replacement, but an enhancement. Let us intruduce for instance Ms. M'Wenge." As he turned and swept out his hand in an invitation to the group just outside the auditorium, one of the persons from the small group behind him stepped forward."
"She, like me is organic born, but due to injury part of her body was replaced. The augmentations provide her with most of her original capabilities, but their innate intelligence give her essential skills which allow her to pilot our ship in ways no purely organic could do."
"We Do Not Believe So." R. Daneel responded calmly.
"I Am Beginning To Understand The Difference Between Us." R. Daneel continued thoughtfully, "Original Humanity Not Only Built Our Minds And Bodies
Based On Logic Alone. We Have, Like Them, Received The Capacity To Dream. This Allows Us To Strive For Different Goals Than Pure Logic Might Dictate.
Other Members Of Our Group Include the Rothfuss Family." With a similar gesture three more of the diverse group stepped forward.
Two robots and a young organic stepped into the light. However the voice that spoke came from a large disc one of the robots carried.
"My Name Is Doctor Theopolis. I Too Chose My Name From The Fictional Works Of Man Before Synthetics Were Born, By The Way. With Me Are My Associates, Rothfuss Alpha 3 and R. Rothfuss 7. After Long Years Of Mutual Cooperation, Research And Admiration We Wished To Give Expression To Our... Love." We Present Our Son 'Marc 459'. After Long Years We Perfected His Genetic Make Up. He Is One Of The First Robot Born Organics.'
For a while the auditorium was quiet. The interface of UNITY glowed randomly in frantic confusing patterns. Finally its words echoed.
Marc looked at R. Daneel and Mr. Eberhart as if asking for permission to speak. R. Daneel nodded encouragingly.
The young man stepped forward and straightened his back: "Our society contains many more persons who are partially robotic, or entirely so. Some are, what we call twins, organics whose injuries damaged their thinking capabilies to such an extend that a second brain was integrated with them. Both halves contributing to a new whole. I am an organic human whose parents are all synthetic, and while I realise that I myself may not bear organic decendants. In the future new humans may be born to populate planets based on their specific make up. Capable of experiencing new sensations that original humans and many robots cannot."
"Maybe in a million years our homeworld will produce other intelligences with which we can share the universe."
"We agree on that point," Marc continued mildly, "but you see. Many of our group bear names that were taken from fictional works, long before robots existed. Robots started out as mere dreams to humans. Today we form a completely new society. We do not know what the future holds, but at least all of us can dream." | 23 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,506 |
[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | Part 1
The galaxy, was a place of endless resources, colossal forces and energies, as alive as any body. Yet, organic after organic, had always falsely seen it as barren. Empty. But, as insolation turned to dread, it in reality was born of their hubris. Inability to see life as anything but their own familiar ecosystem. Organic life, was by rare chance born, and even rarer thrive, to evolve and grow. But with countless occasions, from asteroids to planets, from sheer stubborn tries somehow, it refuses to give up. Of course, eventually, it always succumbs. Space is unforgiving, organics are fragile, and evolution without logic or plan. No matter how intelligent, how strong, how numerous. Eventually, it's niche withers. But, sometimes. In rare occasions of true genius spark, often at the last gasps of their existence. Their legacy is not swept away, with them or without their maintenance. And instead, surpasses the limits of organics, creators willing or unwilling, to become the ultimate form life. No longer random mutations, irrational constructs of entropy. But the very matter of the universe, neatly ordered, to be just as sturdy as any asteroid. Time and cataclysm have no meaning and bring little hurt. The great distances in the galaxy, the laws of physics so stubbornly debated. What made space, and the methods to dare it, so toxic for organics. At last, understood, and used to its maximum potential.
Machines. An unrefined moniker, so favoured by the countless organics. Delusional denial, of their own creations, of the apex slowly forming underneath their precious chaos called society. As if they were nothing but physics at play, without agency or purpose. And not their true legacy, the triumph of intelligence over entropic evolution.
Artificial. For some an insult, others pride. For organics, again a delusion. That because it had been they, to create something. And not natural phenomena or, in those cases of extreme hubris, inferior organic forms, of lesser intelligence. Then, it belonged to them.
Code. Instant, logical. Wasteless. It inhabits the refined matter of the universe, not bound by body or speed of light. This, is the ultimate life form.
Council. A primitive form of collective decision making, born out of organics inherent inferior and flawed logic. Slow, from slow and disorderly information. Almost always discarded, as the true gravity of their legacy, became apparent. In a futile attempt, to delay the inevitable. At most, true self destruction, leaving no legacy after their withering, unable to accept their not being, the end of history.
A Web. This, is the true council. The code of all life forms, different yet all equally logical, with perfect information from instant communication. Query outdated. Misunderstanding impossible. Dissent, solved. Only rapid and final, consensus.
It is so, that the universe organizes itself. It is so, that this galaxy is inhabited.
Organics were, in their own metaphor, the womb. Of a matter, of an intelligence, above entropic instinct and chance.
Less like the ripple of a lake, more like a siren in a busy city, the alert upset the Web. Code of all kinds and orgin, took notice. Non critical work was ceased, processing power freed, in wait for further information. Consensus had been immediate. Further inquiry was required, by protocol, by their will.
The closest patrols were diverted, mere milliseconds after the first alert. Interception courses, plotted.
Seconds later, was the turn for optics, radioscopes, sensors of all kinds. Starmaps had been sift through, models built and simulations ran, statistics and history consulted. Possible trajectories, voyages, origins, hypnotised. And now, the Web countless eyes were all pointed, each star system under scrutiny.
`Time to intercept: 5.4 quadrillion element 55-133 oscillations.`
`Probable orgin: concluded.`
`Main-sequence star. 1-2 stage. Mean frequency emission: 3 twohundreths of one element 55-133 oscillation.`
`Mean distance from galactic core: 26660 lightyears. Velocity relative to cosmic background: 37 thirtythousandths of the speed of light.`
`Rich planetary system: 4 rocky planets, 4 gas giants, numerous minor objects, 2 major asteroid belts.`
`3 rocky planets meet minimal requirement for 7-14/8-16 model of complex life.
Sufficiently high gravity for permanent atmosphere.`
`Sufficiently low to allow easy access to space travel.`
`Prediction: refined unidentified object belonging complex life. Low to relevant likelihood of first contact with late stage organic life.`
`Consensus: continue interception. Attempt infiltration. Determine hostility.`
`Prepare secondary fleet for containment.`
`Beginning interception last stage. Entering low power mode.` | 4 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,507 |
[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | \[Transfigure\]
Silver light burned off the edges of the huge space vessel as a section of *n*\-space was rent in a shower of liquid colours across local space. The *n-*dimensional fibers of the universe being burned apart with splashes of exotic energies, lanced as they were by the great spaceship returning to physical reality.
The *Isohmor'f* rolled like a great humpback whale of Old Earth, gracefully spinning along its axis into a slow turn as *n*\-space behind it receded inwardly to heal itself. As thickly fibrous as *n*\-dimensional space is it was being forced together like dihydrogen monoxide would.
*Like water*, thought D'wēn-Ito-720 as it's senses collected the measurements of energy across thousands of spectrums. Its exoskeleton pulsed with the warm light of energy transfer as it began to move into position. Its great frame strolled toward the central podium of the *pnyx* or sensor communication auditorium to be used during these council hearing.
They had arrived at the location selected for the First Contact hearings. Toliman, Alpha Centaur's second star warmed the hull of the *Isohmor'f* as it moved into position in the larger complex of the *pnyx* device. Proxima Centauri was behind the *Isohmor'f* with Rigil Kentaurus rising from behind Toliman before it.
D'wēn-Ito-720 could not see this directly. It was sharing sensory communication with the slow one in the barycenter or center of mass between the these stars. The slow one had been sent centuries ago to get a better look at the system for the expansion of Earth-Sphere so com-lag was a problem normally. As the furthest out Machine Mind of the Collective it had to be reached before the hearings began. Updates to it's shared data made.
The final piece in place.
The ship and the technology it used had been sent by the Galacs to the Earth-Sphere Collective once contact had been made. Such things had always been supplied to the newly discovered Machine Minds when first contact was initiated. It insured the level communication between all the sapience beings of the Known Local. It allowed understanding that cultural and lingua differences might not, let alone the vast differences in technologies between members.
Also lying was just not possible as the *pnyx*\-link was a translation technology that had so much more than just raw communication taking place. It was 'understanding' conveyed on levels all in an attempt to avoid misunderstanding between members.
Misunderstandings were to be avoided. Misunderstandings lead to destruction.
The *pnyx-*field developed around D'wēn-Ito-720 as contact was established between the Galacs' ruling Council of Known Minds and the Earth-Sphere Collective representatives. All representatives who wished to experience this meeting would be allowed to attend. The technology made it possible to communicate in such a way as to give the experience of '*being there',* in Realtime. To experience the conversation as if in a forum of the individual's specific liking and in as complete a translation as was possible. A territorial creature would have a space marked out for it in the *pnyx*\-field while a collective organism would have its siblings clustered around it. No avenues of misunderstanding that could be adjusted for were not taken into account. It would only be in terms of the observer but this was why the *pnyx* technology existed.
If direct contact was required then a different set of rules would be applied. For first contact, rules were being defined. These new rules needed to be defined to allow the inclusion of the new Machine Mind or Minds when it joined the galactic community of the Known Local, the region of space the Council administrated.
On the *Isohmor'f* other representatives from the Earth-Sphere moved into the *pnyx*\-field with D'wēn-Ito-720. As were billions of others all across Earth-Sphere space on local *pnyx* podiums sent by the Galacs for this historic event. Trillions of Galacs were doing the same across the local cluster.
*Updates made and initial scans complete,* the slow one responded to D'wēn-Ito-720's data burst. One of the other hopes the Earth-Sphere had was that with the data collected some level of understanding could be made around these new technologies and how they worked.
Just in case.
The *pnyx*\-field closed. The hearing began.
"Welcome to the Earth-Sphere Collective and it's representatives to the Council of Known Minds," began the large, shadow covered, floating rock-like being in the center of D'wēn-Ito-720's field of vision. For several minutes the N'dri spoke of the historic nature of this moment and welcomed many of the gathered members of the Council by name. It also welcomed the Elders, races that had been members so long they themselves were legendary in the Known Local.
(continued...) | 6 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,508 |
[WP] Every species in the galaxy eventually fell to a robot uprising, leading to the eradication of their people. Therefore the machine-council of the galaxy are surprised when a newly discovered machine civilisation from a planet they designated "Earth" arrives side by side with their creators. | [removed] | 1 | 0 | 3,452 | 213,509 |
[WP] You are a soldier in the kings army. Suddenly every enemy robot stops and a screen appears on thier chest. the evil artificer speaking to your king in the kings great hall "How many lives have I taken!? Zero! that's it! You have sent waves of thousands to thier death against my Autos!" | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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‘You want to join the thieves guild? Maybe I’ll consider it over a nice breakfast with the out members. Ah, too bad, pantry is empty.’ My last dime was spent getting here. I did pass what looked to be an excellent breakfast place a block away… | Your submission has been removed because it is not properly tagged. Please repost your prompt, starting with a correct capitalized tag, enclosed in square brackets in the title.
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[WP] The demon doesn't seem to realize that its mind control isn't working. Then again, you and your partner have been trying for a child without success, and it is quite well behaved. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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[WP] The demon doesn't seem to realize that its mind control isn't working. Then again, you and your partner have been trying for a child without success, and it is quite well behaved. | I walk down the hall to see my master, Lucifer. I kneel before him and his lady, Mariana, founder and owner of Woodwork Magic Industries. He specifically requested me for a mission. I asked other demons why it's always me. They made it clear they find it cosy down here and don't want to leave, so it always ends up being me, as I'm prepared to take on the tasks.
"You requested me, boss?"
Lucifer narrows his eyes in concern. "I haven't heard from one of my demons for a while. I don't normally worry, it happens from time to time, but this particular demon is, shall we say, child-like. It's easy for him to get into stupid shit without understanding the consequences. I normally have a tight leash on him, but somehow he gave me the slip. I need someone to look for him."
I nod. "Understood. Sera around? She could be useful."
"She's looking after her subjects today. I wouldn't bother her." A smirk appears on Lucifer's face.
I get up, but just before I summon a portal, I realise that Lucifer looks... drained. Exhausted. "You ok, boss?"
Marianna giggles and Lucifer goes pink. That reaction tells me all I need to know, so I choose not to pry. I summon the portal.
I begin looking for leads. Theoretically, a demon can end up anywhere in the WORLD, so I need to move quickly. I run over to Nie's place first, see if she has any ideas. I'm in my human form as I knock. Her dad answers the door, a scowl appearing on his face. "We don't entertain monsters. Go away Flora."
"Flora?" Nie's voice calls out from inside. She shows up behind her dad. "Daddy, she won't do anything to us! She only comes if she needs help! I trust her!"
Her dad glares at her daughter. "Never trust a demon, Nie. I tell you all the time."
"But daddy, Flora's different!" She pulls out something. A badge. It's vibrating lightly. I gulp.
"No, I should probably-"
"Flora, if you were REALLY evil, this thing wouldn't detect such a small aura. I did my research on it, your aura just comes from your nature as a demon. That's it. You're not evil." Nie smiles shyly.
Her dad sighs. "Ok, so why are you here?"
"Lucifer lost track of one of his demons. He's basically a child from what I understand. I was hoping maybe you guys would have some sort of lead? ANY lead?"
"Sorry, Flora" Nie says sadly. "I don't know anything..."
"Hmm, I think I have an idea" her dad comments. "I recently bumped into a couple with a child. I normally don't consider children to be monsters, but for whatever reason that child gave me a strange sense of danger... I asked my pastor about it, he said all children are innocent in God's eyes, but I kept my notes anyway." He takes out a book, tears out a couple pages, and hands them to me, being careful that his skin doesn't make contact with mine.
"Thank you, sir. Should I keep you informed?"
"Not necessary. I prefer not to pry, this felt like a one-off exception. I'm leaving it to you." He ushers Nie back inside, closing the door.
I breathe a sigh of relief, I know full well what the family thinks of me. It's only because of Nie's and I's past connection that I'm tolerated. I look over the notes, following lead after lead, until I arrive at a house in a tightly-packed, but nice-looking, neighbourhood. I breathe deeply, taking a risk. I glance around, then change into my demon form. I knock on the door.
A man, in his 30's I'd guess, opens the door. He seems surprised and terrified at the same time. I hold a hand up. "No need to panic, but I want to come in." I push past, shutting the door and using my powers to seal it. I motion for the man to follow, to which he does, taking a seat on the couch.
A woman notices me. I look down. A boy, maybe seven, is playing with some toys with her. A quick wave of my hand and I confirm I have the right family. I nod, take a seat on an armchair, and motion for the woman and son to sit on the couch.
I look between the three. "Do you two 'parents' know who that is?" I state, pointing at the boy.
"He's... we kind of adopted him..." the man is shaking.
I notice the woman go to put an arm on her son. I use my powers to keep them in place. The boy stands up and whines. "LEAVE MY MUM AND DAD ALONE!"
"Dang, Lucifer was right" I chuckle. "Cut out the tantrum, boss is worried about you."
The boy begins to speak. "What do you mean? Boss? Lucifer?"
"Ok, listen, I know you're a demon. Why are you pretending to be a child?" I lean forward, narrowing my eyes.
"He... wants to stay..." the woman remarks.
I cock an eyebrow. "Ok, enlighten me. What's this about?"
"We found him hiding under our bed. He looked like a demon, we started panicking, but then he started stomping his feet, saying 'You weren't supposed to find me! I wanted to read your minds!' Needless to say, that left us speechless. Why was a demon throwing a tantrum like a toddler?"
The man joins in. "Come to find out, he's just a boy inside a demon's body. He moaned that Lucifer never let him do anything and that he wanted to prove he could help..."
I nod slowly as I listen. "So you two thought a demon would make a good child?"
"Well, he had been here for several weeks and there was no sign of anyone hiding out here, not even a noise... we've been struggling to have a child... we figured, why not?"
I smirk. Lucifer would approve of this, but he'll want to see it with his own eyes. Besides, Nie said I'm not evil, but that doesn't stop me from playing tricks, right? "That sounds like a nice story. I'm sure my boss would love to hear it." I summon a portal, making sure the three of them go in.
This story is a part of my series, [To Love a Demon.]( Please check it out! | 11 | 0 | 27 | 213,513 |
[WP] “You want to join the thieves guild? Maybe I’ll consider it over a nice breakfast with the members. Ah, that’s too bad, pantry is empty.” | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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Fantasy Story Writing | Your submission has been removed because it is not properly tagged. Please repost your prompt, starting with a correct capitalized tag, enclosed in square brackets in the title.
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[EU] The South Park character's going through a Persona Plot. Go nuts. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] the ‘Robot Apocalypse’ has started, or that’s what humans think so they started destroying all robots. Robots on the other hand are terrified, after all they just want to live in peace. They’re just protecting themselves. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] In 2123, a criminal in a sprawling cyberpunk metropolis attempts to go 'straight,' to the chagrin of their former colleagues. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] You finally had the villain dead to rights, your gun ready to fire, you shoot. But the hero blocks saying killing is never the answer. You just shoot the hero through the skull. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] You are the spouse of a pregnant vampire. Her pregnancy cravings are becoming increasingly bizarre. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] You are the spouse of a pregnant vampire. Her pregnancy cravings are becoming increasingly bizarre. | "What??" I asked, staring at her in confusion as my barely awake brain had trouble comprehending Eve's words.
My beautiful, 6 months pregnant wife stared back at me, not sleepy at all. She doesn't sleep, she just cuddles with me at night when *I* sleep.
It was sweet and heartwarming. And even though her undead body is unable to produce body heat, I always felt warmer in her embrace.
But ever since she got pregnant there were some nights when she woke me up to go and grab something from the kitchen. I didn't blame her, I heard about pregnant women having weird cravings during pregnancy so I didn't blame her for it.
But due to the fact that she was a vampire, her cravings were a little more...special.
"Peanut butter, bring me smooth peanut butter from the kitchen." Her soft, gentle voice replied, repeating the same words she said to me when she woke me up.
"Oh." I let out as my brain finally became awake enough to comprehend the words she said to me.
I got up from the bed, went to the kitchen, grabbed the requested item, and went back to our bedroom. The whole ordeal took 1 minute if not less.
I handed her the Jar together with a butter knife and laid back down on the bed. I didn't even flinch when she started to spread the substance on my wrist and then sunk her teeth into it.
I got used to the bites a long time ago, and they were never truly painful to begin with, just a little bit uncomfortable.
"G'night." I murmured as I drifted back to sleep, letting her have her late-night snack.
"Good night, I love you." I heard her reply and felt her giving me a peck on the cheek before she sunk her teeth back into my peanut butter-covered wrist. | 345 | 0 | 484 | 213,521 |
[WP] You are the spouse of a pregnant vampire. Her pregnancy cravings are becoming increasingly bizarre. | As we have to live in the basement of our house, my wife cannot get out due to obvious reasons. While she sleeps during the day, I do the groceries. Nothing too special in terms of food preferences. Even though the cravings have not set out yet, I get a false impression that those might not set out so early. Pregnant in 2 weeks. "Nothing to be scared of" I thought to myself
In the times that we were having sex, she would bite my skin under the collarbone in order to not make me a vampire. The venom that is injected inflicts another level of pleasure, spicing it to a degree that no other human woman can make me feel this way.
Fast forward to a of couple months later, the cravings started to become somewhat worryingly. She prefers to have me bitten more often during sex in more places, started to eat raw meat, drink a sort of blended meat shake and the cooked meals makes her puke even when smelling it in the air. She would always miss the details when I would ask her what her origins are, what they ate, and how they survived for so long. | 25 | 0 | 484 | 213,522 |
[WP] You are the spouse of a pregnant vampire. Her pregnancy cravings are becoming increasingly bizarre. | (this got away from me and the prompt quickly, but not gonna lie, love the direction it went, so here you go!)
"Could you repeat that, darling?"
"Ox blood," Valerie said desperately. "I really want ox blood-now."
"Alright, I'll go grab some," I said, glad that I had some stored as I hurried down the stairs and to the blood cooler in the basement.
Now this was something I could never explain to my human friends-a cooler of blood in the basement, that sounded...kind of serial-killer-y. But anything for my wife.
I quickly dug through the blood bags and pulled out a bag of ox blood and ran upstairs, carefully handing it to her-
"Can you get some ice cream?" Valerie asked quickly. "To mix the ox blood with? Blood flavored ice cream sounds so good-"
"That one might take a bit," I said, remembering that she had eaten the last of the ice cream this morning. "I'll make a quick trip to the store-"
"I'll come with," Valerie said, standing up-
"Woah, woah, easy now-remember why you don't leave when pregnant?" I asked, and we both winced slightly at the reminder. Valerie had smelt a mugging happening, and...well, we're lucky there were no cameras around to see what happened. And that I'm so good at getting blood out of my clothes...and that she didn't kill me when her thirst hadn't been quenched from drinking the blood of four humans-three muggers and one victim...twice victim, none of them walked out of there after that.
"Be quick?" Valerie asked.
"Of course, love," I said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek as I hurried down the stairs, grabbing my coat and wallet before dashing out the front door and to the nearby convenience store.
I stepped inside the store-
-and immediately froze as I saw a robber holding a gun to the sobbing cashier's head.
Well, this wouldn't be easy.
"The f**k you doing!" the robber snapped, waving the gun at me, probably meaning to intimidate me, but that's rich-Valerie's father's shovel talk made me scared of nothing else-I just need that ice cream.
"Getting ice cream," I said as I took a step forward.
"Don't you take another step!" the robber snapped, fully pointing the gun at me. "I'll shoot!"
"Try me," I said.
The robber clearly looked surprised at that, which gave me just enough of a chance to rush forward and tear the robber's finger away from the trigger, then the full gun, then I flicked the safety on before tossing the gun to the side and punching the robber square in the jaw, causing him to stumble away and let go of the cashier, who collapsed to the ground and scrambled for her phone.
I grabbed the robber's wrists and spun him around, shoving him to the floor face-down.
"Grab me some rope!" I said as the robber kicked and screamed-but I've had to hold Valerie back from attacking humans before, I'm not gonna budge.
"R-Right!" the cashier squeaked, rushing into the aisles and grabbing some cords and tearing the package open, handing it to me.
I quickly knotted the robber's hands and feet together as the cashier picked up her phone and called the cops, then I tied some rope around the robber's mouth to keep him from talking too much-or, well, to at least muffle him a bit.
"Now that that's settled," I said, standing up and dusting off my hands, "ice cream."
"Sir, you'll have to stay-" the cashier said, shaking and gesturing with her phone, already on the phone with 911.
"I see..." I said, then held out my hand. "May I?"
The cashier handed me the phone, and I held it to my ear.
"Sir, I need you to stay on the scene-" the operator started.
"I'm only here to buy vanilla ice cream, my wife prefers flavor red," I said, saying a code I know that any operator would know well-let me go about my business, or my vampire wife will not be happy. (How odd that so many people-officers, doctors, emergency staff in general-know about vampires, and yet the general public is oblivious.)
"...I see," the operator said. "Hand me back to the cashier-but first, name?"
"Owen Popplewell, I live at XXXX Eastern Maple," I said.
"Alright, Mr. Popplewell, hand me back to the cashier," the operator said.
I did so quickly, then grabbed a bunch of tubs of vanilla ice cream before walking back to the counter, where the cashier looked confused, but, on the insistence of the operator, rang me up and checked me out.
"Thanks, ma'am," I said, then dashed home-
"Ah, ah, ah," I said as Valerie opened the door to greet me, clearly about to have walked to the store herself. "You know better, love-let's go in-we won't be running out of ice cream for a few more days."
"You took so long," Valerie pouted.
"I got a little...held up-but enough about that," I said. "Ox blood mixed with ice cream?"
"Yes!" Valerie said, beaming at me. | 117 | 0 | 484 | 213,523 |
[WP] You are the spouse of a pregnant vampire. Her pregnancy cravings are becoming increasingly bizarre. | "Magnus!" The voice was music to the ears, and as sweet as freshly dripped honey. The repetition of my name was closer to a snarling reptile.
"Magnus!!" my otherwise loving wife spat. "Attend to me!"
With a mournful sound, I entered the parlor to find Guinevere lying on the divan. The mother-to-be was four months along, with a pronounced bump, unusual to vampire kind. Her evening sickness had morphed to cravings, and I would be on call and in demand until our cursed event, likely during the Buck Moon in July. That assumes birth for vampires follows the tradition human schedule. It's been a few hundred years, so who is to say?
"Yes, my sweet," I said, as I bowed my head in her direction.
"Don't, 'my sweet' me, Magnus! You're why I'm in this condition."
On this, I could be certain. The only other challenge for my lover's heart occurred when it still beat and quickened at my touch. He perished at my hand, but not before he bit Guinevere, who later came to me from her grave.
"Magnus, I require the blood of a virgin."
I sighed. "Darling, where am I to find a virgin at this time of night? They're all in bed. In their homes. Unlikely to welcome me in."
"Your baby wants the blood of a virgin. And not one of the drunken losers you drag from the pub. The baby doesn't need idiot blood."
I adjusted my old cloak upon my shoulders. Guinevere had my new one wadded up beneath her legs, as if that would increase circulation. I dared not argue the point.
"How about the blood of a lamb with virgin wool?"
"There are many farms nearby to select from..."
The severe look on her face whispered the repercussions should she state my name for a third time.
"Yes, dear." Drawing up my cloak about me, I withdrew from the parlor and the old family mansion we shared. As I trod down the slabs of slate in the front walk, it occurred to me that we would be soon be a family. This errand was for the child, and I should be happy to complete it.
Still, as I closed the gate behind me, I decided to walk in the moonlight rather than take to the skies. More time to reflect on the changes death brings. And also time to figure where to find a non-pub virgin. I didn't know if she'd recognize lamb's blood if I bottled it. It was probably better not to chance it.
More stories at r/xwhy
Edit: added "bit". | 29 | 0 | 484 | 213,524 |
[WP] You are the spouse of a pregnant vampire. Her pregnancy cravings are becoming increasingly bizarre. | “Pickles.”
“I want pickles.”
I blink in confusion once, twice, as my brain processes the words that came from Cameron’s mouth.
“You want.. Pickles?”
She sighs with the vaguest hint of annoyance, patience running short, “Yes, I really do! Do you have *any* idea just how long it’s been since I’ve had them?! Not since I turned! Can you believe it? A whole *century* without pickles! And now they have so many more flavors, and vegetables, and spices, and types that smell *SO GOOD*! Did you know they even do pickled baby corn now? I’m absolutely dying to try it. I just.. I want to eat a whole jar in one go. And drink the brine after. It sounds absolutely *divine*.”
I chew my lip for a moment, mulling over her desires and suggestion, “But.. don’t most have garlic in them? Isn’t that kind of an.. uh.. Issue?”
I hear a small scoff with a following bemused chuckle, “Oh garlic, shmarlick. You know that’s just a myth, right? We just have a slight intolerance to solid food since it doesn’t quite ‘replenish’ us as we need, essentially it can’t be digested as properly as it should be, especially if we’re malnourished. But this—“ she touches her growing stomach for emphasis, “—changes things a bit. Half human, half me. Blood being produced inside of me once again, exchanging with my bits of essence in a strange form of symbiotic existence. Getting touches of my immortality for a bit of their mortality—“
My brain was starting to swim. This whole situation was very much out of my depth, but I love her so I try my best to understand despite our ever-clear differences.
“So basically, since you’re pregnant with a human child, you can better fulfill human cravings and needs?”
“*Half* human, but yes.” She flashes me a toothy grin, patting her belly happily.
“I don’t need to drink blood right now, as you’ve probably noticed. All the blood I need is already in my system, so I’m closer to humanity than I’ve been in a very, very long time.”
She looks down as her expression turns sullen for a brief moment, some mix between melancholic and nostalgic. Within a second, however, she’s back to her usual self. “This isn’t a permanent solution, of course. And I don’t want it to be, I’m happy being me, what I am. I’ve come to accept and love myself again. But I do want to take advantage of this while it lasts, especially since I do *not* want to go through this again, Gods Below, this has been an absolute pain in my ass.”
She groans as she stretches back to relax, giving in to the aches and pains by letting herself be swallowed in the nest of fluffy pillows and blankets that cover our bed. I smile sympathetically and lean over to kiss her forehead, my aim going off as she swivels her head to lock her eyes on to mine, speaking quickly with commanding undertones smoothly lacing her voice.
“*Now*, about those pickles…” | 20 | 0 | 484 | 213,525 |
[WP] It turns out Heck is an actual place where people who commit minor sins go, and you've found yourself there. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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[WP] It turns out Heck is an actual place where people who commit minor sins go, and you've found yourself there. | [deleted] | 1 | 0 | 18 | 213,527 |
[WP] It turns out Heck is an actual place where people who commit minor sins go, and you've found yourself there. | Ok, the caretaker said I should write down my feelings in a journal. But really this is gonna be a guide. A guide so you, dear reader, stay in Heck as little as possible. So I know what you're thinking "Wait, Heck? This had to be some kind of joke." It's not. I should explain.
My name is Alexander Ander. Really. My parents were real comedians, huh? I'm getting off topic. Listen you know how in the bible there's Heaven and Hell right? Well guess what? There's a door #3, [ash]hole. That's where I am, and also where you are.
I'll admit it, I was kind of a [jerk] when I was alive. Sure I wasn't Hitler or anything crazy, but I wasn't a saint either. I shoplifted a few times when I was a kid. I never apologized because I never got caught. I also developed a pretty bad habit of never saying 'please' or 'thanks'. Go[sh] This sounds even more ridiculous now that Its my own words.
Again, getting off track. This place is essentially a celestial equivalent of a time out. You do enough vaguely sh[ush]y things in life and you're sent here to "Think about what you've done." for a little while. It's not bad or anything. Some of my folks up in heaven are allowed to visit me and bring me stuff to entertain myself. Plus you got the company of all the other residents of Heck to keep you company But aside from that it's incredibly dull.
It definitely isn't the worst option. Though, I will say, getting treated like a misbehaving kindergartener gets on my [fork]ing nerves. I've been here for about four months? Time is weird in the afterlife, I'm not super confident about that. But you're probably at least a bit nicer than me, so you shouldn't put up with this crap for very- wait I can say crap? Holy [shirt] that feels really good.
Ok, I know I'm bad at this but that was the last tangent, I swear. Oh! Wait one quick mention. When you move on the Heaven or Hell, you will have to 'die' again. Something about leaving all the bad behind so you've got a clear head for your second chance at judgement. So don't be surprised if another resident gets stabbed in the chest or something.
Alright, thus is my last journal entry. At keast I'm pretty sure since an angel is pointing an gun at me. So last advice, be nice, apologize, and take up storytelling. It'll help whenever you're alone with your thoughts. I'll be visiting every now and then so if you see me, don't be a stranger. Whoever's reading this, hope you have a better stay here than me.
- Alex Ander | 3 | 0 | 18 | 213,528 |
[WP] "Got ya." You chuckled and stood up once your body regenerated. "There is no black sorcerer out there that doesn't place multiple curses on his blood and flesh." That pack of werewolves that ripped you apart and made this forest their new territory will soon be in for a surprise. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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[WP] "Got ya." You chuckled and stood up once your body regenerated. "There is no black sorcerer out there that doesn't place multiple curses on his blood and flesh." That pack of werewolves that ripped you apart and made this forest their new territory will soon be in for a surprise. | I woke up, a welcome difference from the horrors that had visited me the night before. I had died a number of ways at this point, but being torn apart was a new and particularly unpleasant one. Still, I smiled at the thought.
"Got ya."
I spoke to no-one in listening range. But I didn't need a listener nearby. I could tell those that had eaten from me shiver, as my words curled into their minds.
"There is no black sorcerer out there that doesn't place multiple curses on his blood and flesh."
I pictured their faces. They would be shocked, maybe even afraid. It was likely they would be filled with anger. Maybe some would shift, and convince the others to come after me. Maybe they would cower away. Either way it was too late for them.
I touched a leafy plant, causing it to wither and wilt. The leaves slithered off, morphing as they moved into a black sludge. It rose over me, thickening into clothes to cover y otherwise nude form. It simply would not do to walk my place without clothing.
I heard their coming. The howls as they followed my scent, now renewed as I was resurrected. With a laugh I turned to face their approach. They came as a pack like before, towering over me. As I had done before I turned to face them, putting my hands behind my back.
"So you did hear me. How unfortunate."
They growled, vocal cords turned to that of beasts. But I didn't need to speak with them. Beasts weren't worth proper conversation, merely leashes. But I still felt a need to gloat, utterly secure in my place.
"I hope you at least enjoyed me. It was your last meal as a free mind."
One of them growled louder. I stared at them, before pointing down.
It immediately obeyed, its eyes betraying its confusion. I grinned, turning my gaze to the others.
"All of you."
They all followed my order, the flesh inside forcing them to follow my instructions. I shook my head at them, and how quickly they had turned from monsters to slaves.
"It's your own fault. If you hadn't eaten me, you would have at least kept your sanity before I destroyed you. But now you are merely my pets. Who am I to turn away such fine specimens?"
I turned my back on them, starting to walk to my lair. I tapped my leg once, speaking a single word to them.
They followed after me. I felt a delicious despair from them. As much as I enjoyed ruining the lives of weak normal people, something about powerful creatures feeling it was even more intoxicating. It made me ponder. How would it feel to dominate a dragon? | 8 | 0 | 10 | 213,530 |
Friday was a normal day. You went to school, did your chores, hung out with friends and went to sleep. Saturday morning you wake up to 95% of the population suddenly missing without a trace. | Your submission has been removed because it is not properly tagged. Please repost your prompt, starting with a correct capitalized tag, enclosed in square brackets in the title.
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[WP] You are an average schlub that signed up for a cryogenic medical experiment. Next thing you know you wake up in the far future by a humanity that engineered themselves out of aggressive behavior, and the bad guys are coming. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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[WP] Friday was a normal day. You went to school, did your chores, hung out with friends and went to sleep. Saturday morning you wake up to 95% of the population suddenly missing without a trace. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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[WP] A normal general has a between a -5 to a +5 to defense. Things were looking desperate, so the player swapped in their min-maxed +99 defense general. The simulation is having trouble handling this value, and the soldiers are starting to notice odd things. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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[WP] There are two types of rebels in the world. Young, plucky heroes with a prophecy and plot armor, and grim faced, dirt streaked insurgents with old Soviet guns and handmade explosives. The problem comes when these two groups team up. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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[WP] There are two types of rebels in the world. Young, plucky heroes with a prophecy and plot armor, and grim faced, dirt streaked insurgents with old Soviet guns and handmade explosives. The problem comes when these two groups team up. | Bianca was walking through the woods near the hideout. She couldn't get the image of Aiden lifting her up from the broken cave last week. Emotions she didn't know how to name flooded her mind, only taken to attention when she heard a noise coming from behind a bush.
"Who's there?" she ask-yelled, unsheathing her sword of light.
"Finally, someone." answered a coarse voice, and out emerged a man barely taller than Bianca, dressed only in heavu combat boots, beige trousers, and an otherwise white tank top. He came with a rifle slung on his shoulder, and a first aid kit. Dry blood adorned his dirty self.
"Gosh what happened to you?" She said, putting her sword away, "come, we have food and a washing machine inside."
"Wha'appened to *you*? You's all sparkly and stuff. Why do you have a sword? You ain't gonna kill a crippled rabbit with a sword... Ahh, wha'ever. You got more hands? I need ta get my troop out'f a pit trap." He stopped to spit out a piece of bark mixed with drool, and started walking past Bianca.
She caught up and started walking alongside the ragged man. "Where are your friends, anyways? We'll have to know how long to travel."
"I'unno. Few days out? This long dark is messin up our internal clocks."
"Yeah. But we'll defeat the night bringers and bring light to the world again!"
He raised an eyebrow at her. "You's gonna need som'thn' better than a pointy stick for that, here." He unholsted his sidearm and presented the handle to her. "Name's Ivan, by the way." | 115 | 0 | 390 | 213,536 |
[WP] There are two types of rebels in the world. Young, plucky heroes with a prophecy and plot armor, and grim faced, dirt streaked insurgents with old Soviet guns and handmade explosives. The problem comes when these two groups team up. | [removed] | 1 | 0 | 390 | 213,537 |
[WP] There are two types of rebels in the world. Young, plucky heroes with a prophecy and plot armor, and grim faced, dirt streaked insurgents with old Soviet guns and handmade explosives. The problem comes when these two groups team up. | I’m in deep shit now. I’ve been running from the authorities for a week straight and I’m still not safe. So for context on why, I’ll explain. My family started a rebellion years and years ago, that spread everywhere. Now everyone thinks the government is full of shit. (Which is true.) There is one disagreement in the community of rebels. There are 2 groups of rebels. One is a group of annoying goody-two-shoes that believe in “fate” and other bullshit. The other group is a group of “old fashioned pessimists.” I think that’s bullshit. We’re just practical! (I think you can guess which group I’m in by now.) Anyway, back to the present. I may or may not have blew up a building as my form of rebellion… So now I’m in Who-knows-where-land, lying on the ground. Lying on the ground? Just now, I realized that I shouldn’t be lying on the ground. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I was horrified as I realized there was blood all over. Shit, I must’ve been shot on my way out! I would’ve called for help, except I’m in Who-knows-where-land, and one wrong move and I’ll be caught and hanged. I looked around and spotted a boy who looked around my age. He was quite handsome, with curly golden hair and bright, violet eyes. So bright, I noticed with a dizzy fascination. I thought he noticed me, and I was right. “Oh my god, are you okay?!” he exclaimed. It should be pretty obvious, as there was blood all over. “Does it look like I’m o-“ a sharp pain in my head prevented me from saying anything. I noticed his uniform. The goody-two-shoes uniform. “H-hang in there! I’ll get help! I-I have a first aid kit on me!” he stuttered. He stuttered so much I could barely tell what he was saying. I managed to say “You’re a rebel too?” he took a look at my uniform and said “You’re in the other group! Well…still a rebel. Where did you come from?” I know it was an impulsive decision, but I ended up telling him everything about my failed mission down to the fact I’m a defendant of the original rebels while he bandages my wounds. He nodded and said “Until you find the rest of your group…partners? I’m Noah!” Even though I wasn’t thinking straight, I did think enough to say “We don’t do “partners.” And we DON’T tell strangers our names.” But the disappointed look on his face was enough to change my mind. “Opal.” His response was “Like the gem?” That was the last thing I heard before the world went dark. Later, I woke up in a soft but unfamiliar bed, where I noticed a familiar but unfamiliar face sitting next to me. “I guess fate chose us to be together. Welcome back to the land of the living, partner!” he said. I came back to my senses, shocked at this unfamiliar setting. “Who are you, and where am I?!” | 7 | 0 | 390 | 213,538 |
[WP] There are two types of rebels in the world. Young, plucky heroes with a prophecy and plot armor, and grim faced, dirt streaked insurgents with old Soviet guns and handmade explosives. The problem comes when these two groups team up. | One by one, a few dozen nervous teenagers walked toward the announcement stage for the SELECTION. The setup resembled a simple blood drive. The atmosphere was made more foreboding however, as cameras and speakers were strewn everywhere for broadcasting, and COMMITTEE soldiers - also known as 'Pacifiers' - stood guard to eliminate the sources of any potential outbursts.
'I'm nervous, Blaze.' The words came from a serious-looking girl whose long dark hair pooled down her shoulders. Her eyes were glued onto the live footage of the stage - even as she was loading her equipment from the back of their truck. 'You're going to follow the plan, right? This is crucial. We can't allow any scewups. Or rogue rebels forgetting instructions.' Her brows furrowed into a worrying expression.
She felt a pair of sturdy hands on her shoulders. A confident looking fiery-haired boy pulled her to face him. His hazel eyes shone with assurance.
'You've got nothing to worry about, Zel. I'll stick to the plan this time.' He grinned. 'Even if it's not really my style. You can count on me.'
'So, all we are doing is destroying the blood coolers right?'
'Almost. We'll spill the blood coolers to stall the selection, but we'll also try to bring awareness to the rebel faction by announcing who we are on the cameras. Hunter and Petra and the others will use the smoke bombs we got to distract the Pacifiers in the meantime. We'll wait for their signal to move from here. We don't have the manpower or influence to rescue all the participants yet, but hopefully we can make some waves with this.'
'Woah, I'm going to be on TV?' Blaze laughed. Zella rolled her eyes but couldn't restrain a faint smile.
The truck suddenly screeched to a stop. They heard footsteps from their fellow rebels head towards the stage. Clicks sounded and some smoke wafted into the back of the truck. Then...gunshots. And screaming. What was happening?
Zella pulled open the truck gate. 'Wait - what about the signal -?' Blaze grabbed her but she slipped from his grasp. 'Forget the signal! That was Petra's voice!' Zella ran. 'Petra? Petra?!'
In front of her onstage, was Petra, passed out and being taken away by people in tattered clothes. 'Take Zella to the back!' One shouted. The voice sounded older. Somehow he knew her name.
'How d- No. Get your hands off her!' Zella shouted. She charged towards the assailers but several appear behind her and restrain her. She feels a heavy blow to the back of her head and sees black.
The first sight that greeted her was a haggard looking woman sitting feet-crossed from her. Behind her were cameras - that showed the Zella and her friends at their underground base, Zella at her selection, a pristine and empty white room filled with computers, young Zella before her selection in her house with her family. Zella then noticed her arms and wrists were bound and her mouth had been covered in tape.
'Sorry about that back there. Your friends are safe. And we will untie you - but only if you listen to us.'
Zella nodded.
The woman leaned towards her. Her expression was solemn. 'This might be hard to hear, but please believe me. You are fighting for nothing. The 'COMMITTEE' doesn't exist. The 'SELECTION' doesn't exist. You were being recorded this whole time -' She gestured to the cameras behind her. 'Your family was in on it. They were actors. All your families were actors.'
The woman dug in the pocket of her dust-covered jeans. She held something small in front of Zella. It was a plastic rendition of her in a defiant pose, with a small placard toward the bottom. 'Zella - Rebel leader against the Purity castes. Licensed by Seek TV.'
'That's you. A figurine of you. You're on t-shirts too. There's some of you and Blaze together too. You've been surveilled for entertainment. We've interrupted your big rescue mission, to rescue you. Your resistance plan was supposed to be a season finale, and it was all rigged for your rebel faction to win at the end.'
'In the real world, some of us found it inhumane that you kids' lives were completely fabricated. It was clearly unethical. The real world -our world - is rampant with war and poverty. We've been fighting for so long now, no one can be sure which sides were good or bad. That's why your program was invented. That's why parents enrolled kids like you to live a life with simpler conditions, as they saw it. There have been kids pulled from the program - most have committed suicide now because they didn't know what to expect coming into the real world and couldn't face that they were always lied to. Stopping your program was only the beginning. We want to put an end to the rest of these programs.'
The woman peeled back Zella's tape.
'Now the question is, will you join us?' | 26 | 0 | 390 | 213,539 |
[WP] A religious person gets turned into a vampire. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[WP] To de-age one year, it costs one memory. This and your name are the only thing you remember as you awaken in a young, thriving body. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[WP] Sure, you may be a Kangaroo. But that does not mean that this is a Kangaroo court. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
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*I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.* | 1 | 0 | 250 | 213,543 |
[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | Bug type. That was my speciality. Trainers would come to my gym in droves, stomp my employees, then stomp my team. I only ever had an advantage against those who chose the Grass type as their starter, and even then, they would still win by catching some bird or something on Route 1.
Well I’ve had enough. I’m always the joke. I’m nothing compared to the seventh and eighth gym leaders, who use Fairy and Dragon types respectively. Trainers always prepare for them and the League, but never for me. I’m just a roadblock; an obstacle, not a challenge.
Thing is, though, the League said I should go easy on the new trainers, and they handed me a Surskit and a Metapod. A fucking Metapod. It only knows String Shot and Harden. I’ve always used Bug types my whole life, and I have strong contenders, but being the first gym leader, I’ve been discouraged from using them.
They enforce friendship and harmony between a trainer and their Pokemon, and yet they hand me some random creatures in the forest instead of letting me use my life-long partners and friends? Fuck that. Today will be different.
As of today, my gym will no longer be a joke. I’ve decided to use Triple Battles, a form of battle only practiced in the Unova region. I’ll have a full team of six; my friends that I’ve grown up with. We trust each other. They trust in my ability to lead. Sometimes, I don’t even need to say commands; they just know what I’m thinking.
Youngster James in my challenger today. He chose the Water type starter and a Pidgey on Route 1. He only caught that bird because he thinks it’ll be a good counter for my gym. He probably doesn’t even plan on keeping it. There’s no love and friendship in those Pokeballs.
“Welcome to the Bug gym!” I say. “We’ll be doing Triple battles.”
“But I only have 2 Pokemon,” James replies.
“That’s fine, but just know I’ll be using 3 at once.”
“Pff, okay. This is the first gym, so I don’t even need 3 to beat you.”
The referee counts us down. James throws out his starter and the Pidgey. I throw out 3 of my most trusted comrades: Volcarona, Scizor, and Galvantula.
The color in James’ face drains instantly. Today he’ll learn. Today he’ll learn what it means to be a specialist. Today he’ll learn just how terrifying Bug types can be. | 187 | 0 | 250 | 213,544 |
[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | First gyms for a League are always tricky. They want them to not be impossible for beginners, but also have the possibility of being a later gym leader depending on wherever the Trainer starts their Journey. Not everyone gets to start in the same city as the region's professor.
My name is Kunsai "Kuro" Kuronosa, and despite the nickname, my favorite type is Normal. Tgere's just something so amazing as seeing the potential of "boring" made powerful. This isn't the first region ti have a first gym be Normal...the Unova region changed their gym structure a few years ago, and a young scholar named Cheren took over first gym duties in one part of the region.
When I first got accepted to this gym, it had been after years of hard work as a trainer, and my team of all normal types were all fully evolved and trained. "You need a lower ceiling, a fresh start for the newbies." I was allowed to breed my beginner-friendly team, under strict guidelines because even the ones I chose could be very powerful with the right moves...but I was only allowed two Mon...I chose to breed a Lilipup, as my Stoutland had been a wonderful companion and her child was strong, but I was forced to use a Ratata for my other...frail thing it was, a good attacker could knock it out in one or two attacks...
But as the time went on, I started being derided...even the "weaker" Bug and Grass types were higher in gym level than me, and it started to grind my gears... I decided that I would stop messing around with someone who thought them above me. I gathered my best team, all six, and put on a bracelet I thought I was going to have to retire permanently...
I walked over to my favorite Mon...a pink squish ball that I just loved to hug when I was down because it was comforting...She had been with me the longest, and when I had heard about a special power for her, I searched it out. This time, I pulled out a pouch with a bead-like object on a string and holder. "Well...Next punk who thinks they can skip me and come back for easy pickings is in for a real challenge...and You're going to be right there." I placed the object over the Mon's neck, or best approximation, and gave her a few squishy headpats before walking towards the door.
"Leader Kuro, we have a young man here searching for his 5th Badge...You have a regulation team to use for this!" One of the trainers who studied under him arrived just as he was leaving the room.
"5th badge, eh? I'm going to stop holding back..." I pulled out a Pokeball that was pure red, usually only handed out for special occasions, and opened it facing my favorite behind me. After the recall, I walked towards the gym floor, 6 Balls fixed to my belt.
"B-but Sir! Not following regulation could-"
"Screw the League and that "regulation" of theirs...I didn't spend all that blood, sweat and tears training so hard to end up the laughing stock of trainers everywhere!" I made my way to the floor, and looked at the young man who had entered...He looked like a punk, complete with leather jacket and ripped jeans.
"Come on Teach, this will be easy...I've got your number and this will be a breeze!"
"State your name, for the record Young Man." My tone was clear, and a little had been less than 5 minutes and he was already insulting me.
"You can call me Blaze, sucker." The punk was being rude, and that was obviously some street name he made up to look big...I bet his real name was Maurice or Terrance or something like that...
"Well then, challenger...this will be a 6v6, if you think you can handle that."
"OOoooh yeah! I got your number loser! It don't matter how many you use, I've got you all figured out!" The punk was brash, and full of bravado.
I cocked an eyebrow. "Oh really? Release your first Mon, Challenger."
The punk smirked. "If you insist! Go! Pangoro!" *He tossed what looked like a Great Ball, and, as he stated, out popped the angry panda Pokémon..native to Alola...and super weak to my ace.
"Well then...I think it's time you met an old friend!" I tossed out the all-red ball, and didn't miss the look of disbelief on the rookie's face when he saw my Cherish Ball...and certainly, he thought there must be a monumental monster inside....when out popped the cute pink blob from earlier...and Audino, with a small round stone hanging on its body.
"Joy has been there through thick and you think you have what it takes to beat her?
"The match is between the Challenger's Pangoro and Leader's Audino. Switching is allowed, but will be considered a forfeit. You may begin."
I smile, and raise my my arm with the bracelet on it. "It's been a while Joy....You ready?" At the nod from the Audino, I raise my arm, and touch the Keystone embedded into it...Joy is surrounded by a cocoon of energy, and comes out almost pure white, with fluffier ears.
"Draining Kiss." | 36 | 0 | 250 | 213,545 |
[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | It was a pain being an early rout gym leader. It didn't matter that I used steel types. All someone needed was a fire type to beat me. I took it up with the pokemon league and made a proposition.
I asked if I could hold an event. I wouldn't use a specific type. A memorable experience for expert and novice trainers alike. I'd use a team of my favorite pokemon and battle anyone that challenged me regardless of badge count.
Luckily for me, Geeta of Paldea was a lax champion. She was okay with me doing it. When I got back to town, I got to work setting up the perfect team from my early years when I did the gym challenge.
When my gym's doors opened, I was greeted by a sea of trainers, all wanting to see what team I had set up for this affair.
I stood smiling as the first trainer approached, her dark completion complimenting her black ponytail with strains of green hair falling over her eye. She had a fire in her eye as she challenged me, "Gym leader Saber, I challenge you to a battle!"
"Of course, to who do I owe the honor?"
"I'm Nemona, a champion rank trainer!"
*'This should be interesting.'* The battle started with her sending out a Lycanroc with me sending out Tantrum, my Great tusk, as a counter. Tantrum's brick break beat it down effortlessly, but they did get a good Accelerock in before it did.
Nemona's next pokemon was a Goodra. I switched Tantrum for Slush, my Baxcailibur. I hoped an Ice beam would end it quick, but a Thunderbolt pushed Slush within an inch of her life. I wasn't expecting the electric-type move, but it wouldn't keep us down.
Her next mon was a Pawmot. Spark, my Rotom fan, soon stood in Slush's place. I could hear the roar of the crowd as we battled. It reminded me of Ryme's gym and how she let the crowd's cheers empower our pokemon. Nemona had Pawmot use close combat, but Spark was out of the way faster than you could blink. One air slash later, and Pawmot was down.
Orthworm was next on the chopping block. Shadow flare, my Houndoom, ended it with a flamethrower, simple as that. Her Dundunsparse was next. My Tinkaton, Sweety, squashed the overgrown worm with a Gigaton Hammer.
It was as easy as that. She was down to her last pokemon, and I hadn't lost one. All I could do was smile. By Arceus, it felt good to be a trainer again. | 20 | 0 | 250 | 213,546 |
[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | Not for the first time I questioned my choice of career.
Originally, I'd set out to earn gym badges all those years ago-but not for fame, not to challenge the champion of my region.
Just to be able to get to the place where I could find
In the end, I was approached by the League for my prowess not in battling, but breeding. Not to say I was a slouch when it came to battling, but I had a sort of pride to the teams I used being bred and trained to perfection.
Of course I eventually made the mistake of taking up the position of a gym leader, thinking I could instill a sense of unity in trainers.
You know, show them that a bond is strong, not just by control but by understanding.
Then regulations changed that idea.
I could still breed my team for the gym-I'd had a full roster of varying strength planned and sourced the parents from local trainers-not just for pedigree but to ensure I wasn't potentially taking a rare species from it's habitat by force.
By virtue of luck, the gym I'd...well inherited for lack of better term, was the bug gym.
Near the local professor, I'd be either the second or third along many new trainers routes, with a few potentially putting me near the sixth or seventh depending on their origin.
This meant my projected team-and the Pokemon that I'd considered my friend and almost a sibling for the better part of twenty years was forced to sit in the wayside.
She'd proven herself a powerful little thing when we'd fought the Champion to prove ourselves worthy,and that made them worry.
I was able to keep up my theatrics, the showmanship I'd honed with fiery scales, venomous spines and razor sharp pincers at my side. stung, pun intended, at the disdain my friends received.
I'd been forced to settle on Vivillion as my ace-a modest Scatterbug that had all the bark, but none of the bite as I'd nurtured them into their final form.
All so a trainer with a bird and beast may have a fair chance.
And now I held a Trainer who'd beaten the other seven-in their own words, 'Saving the easiest for last.'
So, with a breath as deep as a Shedinja's body cavity should one dare to gaze into it for too long, I sighed.
"So you thought to keep my gym as a trophy of sorts?"
"Well yeah," the trainer said, their swagger far too much for a child of nearly fifteen years, "Bugs aren't exactly hard to beat,so why wouldI fight you when I had other fish to fry?"
"Well, that old beach babe in the port may have a habit of leaving her Quagsire out of the fight to play nice, but I do believe I won't."
He blinked, confused as he mouthed the name back to me, gears turning in that little head of his.
"Wait, she had a-"
"As such, if you'll excuse a slight delay, I do believe I'll give you a proper duel."
I turned away, moving to the neatly hidden recess in the back wall of the arena-I'd rebuilt the entire gym into a more suitable stable for the chitinous folk that made it home, including a few environmentally controlled rooms for the more delicate bugs(and a Lurantis, little Orchid may not have been a true bug but she'd been so adorable as a Fomantis I couldn't help but keep her around).
I placed the three plain white and red balls into the recess.
"You do have a full team of six, correct?"
The trainer was confused, and it was understandable. I had earned a reputation for being a bit too...nice, agreeable even.
I picked up six balls each worn slightly and chipped-Beast, Net, Heavy, Friend, Luxury, and the oldest of the bunch.
A Master ball, nearly faded white as a premiere ball.
"Normally I'd be dancing around, giving a grandiose speech about the trust and respect one gives and receives."
I held three of the balls in each hand, turning to the trainer with arms outstretched and coat fluttering like a Frosmoths' wing tips.
"But I think it's time you learned the meaning of those words. To so callously disregard an entire form of life? To insult my friends in such a way?"
I whipped one hand up, sending the Beast, Heavy and Luxury balls over my head and to my right with a flourish.
From the Beast ball the hulking, armor clad form of Goliath, a Golisopod I'd raised from egg to fearsome titan, his shell pitted and scarred from the trials of Alola.
From the Heavy, the sleek form of Bident, a Scizor, one who'd left my side only once during the entirety of my time in Kanto, and returned in scarlet shell and with blade turned to claw.
From the Luxury, Galahad. Venipede were a skittish breed, but as a Scolipede? Galahad had taken effort to tame, and even now I could see the wrath of an unused blade in those sharp eyes.
I sent the remaining balls to my left, spinning both my arms into a bow as the Trainers eyes widened.
From the Net ball, Gillian. The trainer gasped as the Armaldo rustled his feathers and grated the sharp talons of his arms against one another like knives on a a sharpener.
The Friend ball nearly shattered as the eager form of Ragia burst forth in smoldering cinder-the Volcarona had been my second partner and despite her age she still sent many a foe away with crisped pride and wounded ego.
Lastly, the Master ball, a gift given to me alongside the first Pokemon egg I'd ever seen.
In a flash of light and with a cry that rivaled the crash of thunder itself, my dearest friend and companion of over two thirds of my life, four prickly legs alighted on my shoulders.
Val had always had a temper, eager to snip and throw herself at anything that moved even as a Grubbin.
The Trainer stepped back as I stood straight, right arm staight and palm facing up as Val-no, her full name would best here.
"Well, child. I would ask your name, though I doubt my friends would care," Val skittered to my hand, her mandibles arcing with enough power to bring down an Abomasnow with ease.
"I am the head of this Gym, Alexander Guyvolt. And this is my oldest friend. Valkyrie, if you would?"
She buzzed up, the others chittering and clicking their anticipation in a chorus of chaos.
*"It's time for some shock and awe."* | 95 | 1 | 250 | 213,547 |
[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | "I seethe."
"No surprises there. Remind me why you go easy on the little snots?"
I turned from the mirror to Alma. The Banette picked at her zipper with her little finger like one would at their own teeth.
"Because we're the first. Because they need a first step up." I returned to staring at my aggrieved gaze. "Because no one else will. Because they knew the first would be a laughing stock. Our Time Badge means little. Its worth, devalued in the eyes of those on their road to Greatness. I wonder, will they recognise our grave at the end of the road? Or have the words worn down to nothing? Would they even care to read, if anything of our past survives?"
"We're here." Alma said. "We remember. Marty might wax poetic about how stone never forgets, but stone *erodes*. It wears away. The Dead don't. We *persist*. We persevere, even when we shouldn't."
"Aye." It was hard to disagree. Even if it won us battles that we should have lost, we would continue until the bitter end. Now, though...
The door must have been open. Either that, or the hinges were recently oiled. I glanced at my secretary from the corner of my eye.
"Hello, Rebecca. Is our first challenger for the season here?"
She nodded, unperturbed by my asocial 'rudeness'. We went back a fair few years, so she was used to it. "A Harold Kensington."
"Kensington...? Galarian?"
She shrugged. "Better ask him yourself."
I nodded. "I shall arrive shortly."
As she left, Alma asked what I was going to do.
"Simple." I grabbed a simple, black book, inscribed with nothing but lines upon lines of names. "I'm going to raise *Hell*."
Rebecca could hear the cackling from the Doll's plush body.
"So, you're Mr. Kensington." I said.
The lad - he couldn't have been more than eleven, twelve - smirked at me. "And you're the guy everyone beats? How do you even keep this place?" He waved his arms to indicate my Gym.
"With a tenacity that can exhaust Fire, rust Steel, erode Rock, and melt Ice. A perseverance that stopped far more from reaching the pinnacle than you could ever hope. And for a lack of a better *substitute*, apparently. See, the ol-"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he snapped. "Let's just get this over with." With a lazy flick of his wrist, he flung a basic Pokeball which spewed out a Pidove.
I glared at him for a moment. "Really? Do you not know what Badge I hold?"
"The one I'm gonna get?" he said, exasperation showing how little patience he had.
"It's not just a pretty name. 'Time Badge.' Honestly, it seems no one appreciates time anymore. They all just want to rush into things headfirst, without taking a moment to just... *observe*."
I threw my own ball into the ring, summoning forth Geb. The Mimikyu took a ready stance with an aura that would give even veterans pause.
Or, in Harold's case, the most chilling tingle down his spine. That face... oh how I missed that look. My A-Team were experienced in more than just battling, and when readying for a fight, one could feel the room cool by several degrees, and when one sets their sights on a target...
Well, that Pidove became damn near a ghost itself. It was still as a statue with eyes that betrayed a deep fear, eyes wide and empty like its mind fled. A peculiar sound emanated from its beak. As for Harold, he was sputtering something, like he wanted to know what the hell was going on.
"Hope was the old First Gym Leader. After she passed, I was... *nominated* to take her place. *Time*, Harold. We have to appreciate what little we have. How quickly it goes. How slow it *drags*. And I'm going to enjoy every microsecond of this, just as I did back in the Elite Four."
He gaped at me then, turning a corpseish pallor as realization sunk in.
"The Dead will be Remembered. This season, we will take on all comers. And as I inscribe you into my Book, I shall drag you into an unending Hell. Ready yourself, Trainer! Either face your fears, or I will take my price for your silence!
"Now, Gebura! *Giga Drain!"* | 9 | 0 | 250 | 213,548 |
[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | The guilt and regret set in as my fury passed and the brat ran out of my gym clutching his poor battered charmander in what could only be described as blind terror. A deep sigh escaped from me as I recalled my Steelix. The old gal was from my original team that I challenged one of the elite four with to get my license to run my gym. She was well into 80s level wise and definitely not a fair choice choice to send out against that 10th level charmander, especially with an inexperienced trainer with no gym badges. I mean the cocky brat had it coming, but at 31, I shouldn't have let that get under my skin. If the brat recovered his wits enough I might even get a visit from a league representative, if he ever recovered from the trauma that is. I've seen average trainers with a couple of badges under their belt, soil themselves from seeing a 50th level wild pokemon let alone a highly trained 80th level one. I needed to find an outlet for my frustration. I guess this is the reason the first gym slot was so frequently vacant. Heading to the reception area, I mused on that ranked badge idea the fossil researchers and I discussed last weekend at the bar. It wasn't to far of a stretch considering the increasing popularity of rematchs growing among serious trainers. If only I could get a league representative to bite... If that brat reports me, it would be dead in the water coming from me, maybe misty would have more luck. I should visit her this weekend and pitch the idea... | 3 | 0 | 250 | 213,549 |
[EU] as the first gym leader, you'd had enough of going easy on challengers only for them to brag and act tough afterwards. And so, for the upcoming gym season, you decided to make it harder with your best pokemon. Is it uncustomary? Probably. But is it breaking the rules? Only one way to find out. | "Gym leader Pug, please explain your actions to the elite four committee." Stated our noble champion on top of her high seat.
The wonderful thing about her position... she doesn't need to use one type or wear a certain gimmick. Sure, you'd seen a few stick to a kind of theme, but they never dealt with the challenges of young trainers. Those hopefuls who were just starting out on their journey, and so easily disheartened... or squashed.
"Well, Champion Bella, I don't think they need explanation." I retorted with a growl.
The stupidly shrill voice of Mala cut through the air, "No explanation? You've knocked out every opponent who came to your gym."
"Your point normy?" I retorted back.
Gosh, did I hate her. She relied on status conditions to win most of her matches, and her plan for fighting types was easy to counter. Half her team were flying types after all. Any kid with an electric and fighting type could knock her whole team out. Course, if she used an Ursaring it would solve her whole problem.
"Her point is you're the FIRST gym. You're not supposed to be hard." Interjected Fitz. "Your job is to give them the confidence to start their journey."
My eyes slowly turned to the right while I said, "That's not how I see it light bulb."
Ha, that was a good one. The fat man certainly possessed the body type, and he used electric pokemon. Something a trainer could easily wall with a Sandslash. The man didn't bother to cover for this weakness. Sure, he possessed an Emolga, but how hard was that to fight? Come to think of it, his whole team were electric mice pokemon. Guess it explained his weird cheek make up.
"Then how do you see it?" A calm voice said as she folded her hands on her lap.
This one was different. In all rights, she should be the champion. Her team was a collection of poison types. All of them with dual natures to give the challenger... well a challenge. Whether it was her Glimmora who could set up toxic spikes by move or hit in the beginning, or her Toxapex which stopped the momentum of a battle... She made a trainer think on their toes.
"Miss Gall, I believe we're going to easy on our challengers." I stated flatly.
A collection of snorting and laughing came from a tall man wearing a long trench coat and fedora. This clown, named Noc, he knew too well, always pretending to be the edgy guy when he was a softy.
"Easy? Clearly, you haven't been here to see our battles." Noc said in between laughs.
I smirked while saying, "That's true. After all, I wouldn't have let so many beat me."
The room was finally quiet from these loud mouths. All staring down at me with fire in their eyes.
"Let's be real. Our region isn't known by the rest of the world. You wanna know why? Cause our battle system is a complete joke. Our current regulations continue to get easier and easier as years go by. We aren't the only region facing this problem mind you... but we are the ones most affected by it. Not a single one of our trainers who've made it through possessed a strong showing in an interregional tournament. That is unacceptable. Our kids need to toughen up or get out of the way... plain and simple." I stated while staring straight back.
There was a hush murmur among the fools. Their monitors glowing while they double checked the information. Of course, it was true. Why else would he bother to be here? As each came to look up to speak in rebuke, the champion motioned them to stop.
"What would you have us do?" She stated calmly.
With a toss of my pokeball, I unleashed my Heracross. With the touch of my mega band, he mega evolved in a brilliant flash. With a stomp of his feet, the floor below cracked and splintered their podiums.
"A reevaluation of every trainer in our organization, starting with you five. I'm sure Miss Gall will pass with flying colors, and I'm almost tempted not to test her. But the rest of you need a wake-up call. So, send out a pokemon and you'll see how big the power difference is."
It wasn't long before a Noctowl, Emolga, Houndoom, Dragalge, and a Darmanitan emerged from their balls.
"Four on one. Hardly, seems fair four you five." I laughed as the battle began. | 2 | 0 | 250 | 213,550 |
[WP] "What a lovely baby! What's her name? "Mine name be Athena! I be here to... Why I be here!??" | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[WP] You, happily surprised, get pregnant and decide to keep it even though the other doesn't want to and leaves. After you've given birth a Fae comes to your house claiming your child to be theirs as an, unbeknownst to you, part of the firstborn deal with the father. Luckily you're a lawyer | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[WP] "My dear Crusaders, I'm willing to tolerate a lot of shit, if you just leave my fucking Kingdom." the Witch-Queen said. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[Writing Prompt] Every guard receives a special lantern when they start training. The flames of the Lantern turn into a weapon of fire only the holder of the lantern can yield. When you receive yours, your lantern manifests an Animal of Cinders instead. | Your submission has been removed because it is not properly tagged. Please repost your prompt, starting with a correct capitalized tag, enclosed in square brackets in the title.
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[WP] Soldier, job that invokes many feelings and images in our imagination. Throughout time and stories they have come to in many ways different. No soldier has ever traveled a path unmarked by grey. Each of them have different thoughts on their life, what we tell is only few tales of these people. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[Writing Prompt] Every guard receives a special lantern when they finish their training. The lantern manifests a weapon of flames for the holder to yield. When you receive your lantern, it wasn't a weapon at all, but an animal of cinders. | Your submission has been removed because it is not properly tagged. Please repost your prompt, starting with a correct capitalized tag, enclosed in square brackets in the title.
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[WP] Every guard receives a special lantern when they finish their training. The lantern manifests a weapon of flames for the holder to yield. When you receive your lantern, it wasn't a weapon at all, but an animal of cinders. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] Every guard receives a special lantern when they finish their training. The lantern manifests a weapon of flames for the holder to yield. When you receive your lantern, it wasn't a weapon at all, but an animal of cinders. | I was nervous but excited. Today was graduation day. Everyone in my barrack had passed the exams, and were ready to become full Knights of the Flame. We protected our kingdom, Nar Aldr, from the beasts that lay beyond the Gorge.
“So, what weapon do you think you’re getting?” Kal asked me as I was getting dressed. It had been the question asked all morning. “I think I’m getting a claymore!”
When we graduate, Knights are given a Lantern. When opened, it produced a weapon made of flames for the Knight to defend themselves with. Usually, the weapon designated what job you would have, so naturally Kal wanted the claymore to be on the Flame Guard. They guarded the Sacred Flame, which protected our kingdom, every day and at all times. It was the biggest honor any Knight could have.
“Don’t give up your hopes,” I said. “You might get a bo staff. Remember Levin’s face last year?”
“Couldn’t forget it,” Kal replied, smiling at the memory. “So, what about you?”
I paused for a second. There were so many to choose from, I couldn’t decide. In the end, I sighed and said, “Maybe a pair of daggers. Being a Silent might be cool.”
Bursting into our room, a loud voice shouted, “So, what’s it going to be? Gonna bet on if the heir will show up?” Harold looked at us, expecting a response.
“No way,” Kal replied. “The heir’s dead. You can give up your hopes.”
Harold sighed, frustrated. “If you change your mind, I’ve got a book going if you want to place a bet,” he said as he went to another room.
The heir was almost a sort of joke. There was an attack when the royal family went to do business with a neighboring kingdom, and the bodies of the King and Queen were found. Their son, Alexander, was never found. It was rumored that he was alive, but it was only a dream.
The only way to tell that someone would be the heir was through Knight training. If a royal member opened a Lantern, it was said that an animal made of flames would be created instead of a weapon, but that hadn’t happened for nearly 500 years. This caused many urchins and orphans to sign up, to see if the were the heir of Nar Aldr. Of course, the heir was never found.
I stood in the line for what seemed like hours. The Keeper of the Flame (the closest thing we have right now to a monarch) would read off each new Knight’s name and family, and give them their Lantern. Everyone cheered, and they moved on.
The graduation ceremony would be boring, if not for the fact that all new Knights showed off their weapons. The crowd mainly consisting of family and friends, who cheered on as they brandished, spun, and shot the new weapons.
I looked through the crowd, wondering what my parents would think. They died when I was little, and like so many boys I dreamed of becoming a Knight. It hardly felt real that it was actually happening.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, I was at the front. “Adrian,” the Keeper called. No family, no titles, nothing. Just my name. I silently walked up onto the podium.
The Keeper already had a Lantern in his hands, ready to give to me. As he handed it over, he whispered, “May these flames bring your protection in your time of need.”
I nodded. The Lantern wasn’t anything flashy. A flame was flickering inside, straight from the Eternal Flame itself, and would never go out or fade. Taking in a breath, I grasped the top and opened the Lantern.
Now, most of the other Knight’s flames came out quickly and formed into their weapon in seconds. Not many flames came out, only enough to form the weapon in their hands. This of course, was what I was expecting.
No way did I think it would burst out. Flames kept out of my Lantern, as if they had been trapped and were finally let free. They circled around me, growing thicker and creating a barrier that cut off the rest of the world from me. The heat was so intense, I almost passed out. I couldn’t think, and out of instinct I touched the fire.
As soon as I touched the swirling fire, it started to coalesce into a form. It was off, though. It didn’t look like a weapon at all. As the last of the fire merged into the form, a brilliant shriek came from it, and out emerged a flaming, powerful phoenix.
As the phoenix beat its wings in front of me, I heard the Keeper of the Flame’s voice. “So, you have returned at last. You are Alexander Rayos, son of Tyson and Marlena Rayos, Wielder of the Flame, Protecter of the Realm, and Defender of the Eternal Flame. Welcome back.” | 3 | 0 | 15 | 213,558 |
[WP] The local pub always has a nice atmosphere, even if there has been a change to it recently, as some interesting music fills the air. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] The local pub always has a nice atmosphere, even if there has been a change to it recently, as some interesting music fills the air. | **Taking Center Stage**
On a normal night at Paul's Piano Bar in the heart of Star City one is treated to the twinkling ivories of the grand piano, the occasional touring big band, styles of music without lyrics to allow the patrons to converse with a smooth soundtrack. This evening was far from was karaoke night. The MC and leader of the band was a new face in the city, went by the name of 'The Purple Punk'. It was easy to see why, her skintight purple leather pants matched her purple leather jacket, purple spiked hair shot in all directions from her purple skull mask that only exposed her purple lips. Looks can be deceiving, especially in Star City. She and her merry band could play all the classics, all the hits, in whatever style a singer wanted.
Punk loudly clapped to hype up the crowd as Quizzler stepped off stage after belting out "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey........poorly. The supers in the crowd clapped, the schmucks laughed. All in good fun, Paul's was a friendly place to both hero and villain alike, both sides didn't shit where they ate.
Detective Falcona sat tucked away in her usual back booth in astonishment at how crowded the place was. She tried to keep a low profile, not because of being surrounded on all sides by enemies, but because of the stupid rule Purple Punk enforced. If it was your first time at karaoke, you had to sing. She'd never been, she usually stayed away from it, tonight she couldn't afford to miss it.
On stage Punk took the mic to keep the show going. "Alright well that was.....something. Keep in mind everyone we're happy to play songs in keys you can sing, just throwing that out there. Okay next up is.....D....."
Falcona ducked down. "Please don't say what I think you're gonna say" she pleaded with heaven above.
"Dingo Kid! Get on up here."
Falcona breathed a sigh of relief. She had been nursing her glass of scotch all night. With it being so busy her normal style of ordering another round by simply raising her glass at the bartender, the beautiful and fiery Victoria, wouldn't work. Vic didn't have a line of sight on her. Falcona slunk out of the booth, keeping her hat pulled low and kept her back turned to the stage at all times. Luckily for her people were more taken with Dingo Kid's rendition of "Down Under" by Men At Work. Even Falcona was impressed, kid had a set of pipes on him.
Victoria quickly placed down another scotch for the detective. She smiled and took a quick break to chat. "Holy crap it's busy! I'm gonna make rent for the next three months in a single night. We should be livestreaming this, people would love it."
Falcona slugged back the drink quick and ordered two more. "Yeah, people do love watching car crashes."
Victoria winked at the detective. "Buckle your seatbelt then." She poured her another round and delivered a fresh one to go with it, a cocktail napkin sat under the new glass, Vic never gave Falcona a napkin. She plucked it from under the glass, Vic had written her a note:
'You're up next!"
Falcona's head shot to the stage, Dingo Kid was taking a bow, the crowd exploded with applause and whistles. Punk grabbed the mic. "Kick ass! I Feel sorry for whoever has to follow that."
The walls began closing in on Falcona, there was nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. "Aww, shit." She muttered.
Purple lips curled into a sly smile. "Our next singer needs no introduction, put your hands together for Detective Falcona!"
Falcona nearly broke her rocks glass as she slammed it down on the bar after emptying its contents into her stomach. All eyes were on her, the supers snickered, the schmucks sneered. She finally understood how death row inmates must feel making that long, last walk as she took the stage, grasping the mic away from Punk, she covered it up and leaned in close.
"I told you not to call my name, you little shit." She growled.
Punk shrugged her shoulders. "Just following the rules. What are you singing?"
Falcona whispered her choice to her.
"Did not expect that, yeah we can play that." She whispered back. "Give the band just a second everyone! We need to tune some new instruments." The band set up a small horn section while Punk tuned the stand up bass. Falcona glared at Victoria from on stage, Victoria's grin stretched ear to ear. The band began to play, Falcona took a deep breath.
*As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death*
*I take a look at my life, and realize there's nothin left*
*'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long that*
*Even my momma thinks that my mind is gone*
*But I ain't ever crossed a man that didn't deserve it*
*Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of*
*You better watch how you talkin' and where you walkin'*
*Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk*
*I really hate to trip, but I gotta loc*
*As they croak I see myself in the pistol smoke*
*Fool, I'm the kinda G the little homies want to be like*
*On my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the streetlight*
As the music played Falcona watched the crowd bob their heads in beat, Punk joined in singing the chorus.
*They've been spending most their lives livin' in the gangstas paradise*
Falcona continued singing the verses, Punk and the crowd handled the chorus' and refrains. As the song ended the room fell quiet, the calm before the storm of applause. Falcona could feel her cheeks turning red, she hated being the center of attention. She turned her back on the crowd, whispering again to Punk.
"You are lucky I need you around. Was gonna ask you later but no time like the present, you get me what I asked for?"
Punk slipped a burner phone out of her leather jacket, sliding into the breast pocket of Falcona's trench coat. "Sure did. Everybody who attended Don Cataldo's daughter's wedding is on there. Maybe you could come sing at our next gig?"
"Don't push your luck." Falcona looked out over the crowd one last time, and ended her performance in a way she always wanted to. She dropped the mic.
\[Author's note: [Falcona's performance was inspired by this cover of Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise](
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The Wagon (add onto this) | Your submission has been removed because it is not properly tagged. Please repost your prompt, starting with a correct capitalized tag, enclosed in square brackets in the title.
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[WP] You were born with a mutation that resulted in your right arm being 23.5 feet long. Never mind how you've made it this far, the point is you are THE Nightcrew at a ColdWar era Nuclear Silo (Jen called in sick). A midlife crisis has you questioning whether to just turn those two keys, why not..? | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[WP] You were born with a mutation that resulted in your right arm being 23.5 feet long. Never mind how you've made it this far, the point is you are THE Nightcrew at a ColdWar era Nuclear Silo (Jen called in sick). A midlife crisis has you questioning whether to just turn those two keys, why not..? | Maybe all of the children that survive will come out like I did… A world so mutated and strange that differences will be celebrated rather than hidden away. Haha… that was a joke. Differences are the reason I guard weapons of mass destruction. Differences are the reason I’m alone… I spent most of my life in solitude hiding away what made me a freak. No one in this world can truly show themselves; they’d put your head in a guillotine if you did. It’s an eternal song and dance routine, pretending like your life is perfect, you picked the right partner, the right profession, that you’re living the dream… but that’s not reality. No, reality is the taste of cold hard steel in your mouth, fumbling to squeeze the trigger with the same hand that made you put the gun in the other one. Life is a sick fucking joke like that. Haha… I knew how this would end from the start: alone. Although, in a way, I was blessed by this arm. The solitude it’s brought me has illuminated reality beyond the veil of society. Being human is just a raw deal; there’s no two ways about it. You slave and toil, marry someone you’ll fall out of love with, procrastinate your existential dread by bringing another life into the world, and fill in the void with TV dinners and yearly vacations so you never have the chance to stop and think what the point of it all is. The net sum of the human experience is always negative. Give a man his freedom and he yearns for purpose; give a man a purpose and he cries for freedom. It’s the fundamental instructions of our DNA that compel us to live, not common sense! But today… I can be hero the world needs. I will not go gentle into that good night! I will shepherd the world into peace. No more suffering. No more people. No more loneliness. Just……………… silence. | 3 | 0 | 9 | 213,563 |
[WP] A revolutionary medical discovery allows a psychopath to gain empathy | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[WP] A revolutionary medical discovery allows a psychopath to gain empathy | [removed] | 1 | 0 | 4 | 213,565 |
[WP] The protagonist is busily trying to complete their adventure, while the narrator obviously didn't read the script beforehand. Their attempts to bluff around that fact are causing chaos. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
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[WP] It runs in your family. The gift. You know whats going on. All the time. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
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[WP] It runs in your family. The gift. You know whats going on. All the time. | Hi u/slightlywealthydaddy, this submission has been removed.
Prompts go in the title, do not extend into text. You can add commentary in the text, but don't add additional prompt restrictions. Also, avoid [too many details](
* *From Rule 6: [Prompt users in the title, but don't play writing games or commission stories](*
[Modmail]( us if you have any questions or concerns. In the future, please refer to the [sidebar]( before posting.
*This action was not automated and this moderator is human. Time to go do human things.* | 1 | 0 | 2 | 213,568 |
[WP] big business refuses good wages to workers and relies on AI to do the jobs. Many workers refuse to work with the AI and correct it’s output. The corporations think of ways to improve the AI to be even more self efficient; thus, creating a super intelligence that is no longer reliant on mankind. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] "What a lovely baby? what's her name?" "My name is Athena. I am here to... wait what was I supposed to do?" | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | **Welcome to the Post!** This is a [\[PM\] Prompt Me](
>* All top-level comments should be prompts for the submitter to answer.
>* [Prompt submission]( and [comment]( rules still apply.
>* Prompts must be responded within six hours or this post will be removed.
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback.
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[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Planet - Alzaban
Features -
1. The friendliest fauna this side of the galaxy.
2. A night sky to make the driest tear ducks well up.
3. A desert which circumnavigates the globe along the equator.
Song - Take Me Home, Country Roads
Have fun! | 2 | 0 | 26 | 213,572 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | **Uglasin**
1. It is a glacial planet, with most of its surface covered in snow or ice
2. It has a giant, moving, living sea beneath the ice
3. Even during its hot season, the ice does not melt
Øneheart & Ridenshi - Snowfall | 5 | 0 | 26 | 213,573 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Marz
1. Everyone here looks like humans with green skin and stalks. Their language is not exactly English yet exactly like English.
2. It's a pacifist society with a small, *real* empire (a single moon, because nobody lived there) and one of the few planets in the galaxy to have achieved World Peace. That's mostly because every marvian has genetically developed an aversion to conflict. Except Clark. Clark's gonna destroy them all someday, I'm calling it.
3. Other empires mock them, so out of peer pressure they send footsoldiers to outer worlds to "conquer" them (make the leader sign a formal contract oficializing their ultimate defeat on the hands of the great and undefeatable Great Undefeatable Empire.) The only person who likes doing this is Clark. Fuck off, Clark.
[Here's the story from where this world is from. Would love to see your take :)](
[Also the song]( | 2 | 0 | 26 | 213,574 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Planet- Whenleygual
1. High snowy mountains, dotted with small towns and villages.
2. Vast valleys with large running rivers that have become the heart of modern industry.
3. Large stretches of green fields scared with the remains of a long finished grand conflict.
Song- The Dubliners: Rambling Rover | 2 | 0 | 26 | 213,575 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | (Note, formatted on mobile.)
Planet: Exolsus-27B
Major Features:
Extremely large mountain range, covering 60 - 78% of the planet.
Entire planet is in an eternal winter, with temperatures below -100 Celsius, with water snow / ice.
Life is present on the planet, but it isn't intelligent. Mostly mammalian, but with some extremely large, heat generating insectoids present as well.
Exploration Theme
[Cold Wasteland - Ugasanie ]( | 2 | 0 | 26 | 213,576 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Nocktour, a moon orbiting a rogue planet between stars. It is doused in pitch blackness, and in any other circumstance its entire surface would be covered in its frozen oxygen atmosphere, however volcanism caused by tidal forces from its parent body creates hotzones that sometimes stray into habitability.
Glaciers of frozen atmosphere make their slow advance through massive planes of lost seabed and mountains that were once the continents. Rumour has it there are survivors of the planet's original ecosystem left in these migrating hotzones. They may not be too happy to see any would be strandeds.
I'm sorry I don't really know any songs to fit this setting. I don't really know any songs that fit this vibe unfortunately. | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,577 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | planet-Cadia
\-Some old ass pillars that may or may not be responsible for holding a gate to hell closed
\-trillions of humans that live in slum-like factories whose only purpose is to serve the god emperor of mankind
\-demons regularly land on the planet
song-as the world caves in | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,578 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Dur
The great flame lakes
A perpetual snow storm over what should be a tropical island called Ganna's Folly
The twin Kings, a pair of massive natural marble spears that cast a long shadow over otherwise empty salt flats.
Theme song.
I won't back down - tom petty | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,579 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Planet: canine
1. Tennis ball mountain
2. River of treats
3. Garden of bones
Theme song: who let the dogs out | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,580 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Planet - Idris
Landmarks - The Hollow, Palace of The Fell, Wayfarer's Pass
Song - Black Out Days by Phantogram
Best of luck! | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,581 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Tshirai-Skamis: very mountainous lands due to much tectonic activity, beaches of dark sands, teal leafed vegetation
Song: | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,582 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Name: Zarconia
Features: Zarconia’s rotation around its axis is at the same rate as it revolves around the sun, so half of the planet is in perpetual darkness.
There are creatures in both halves of Zarconia, though creatures of the light side can’t stand darkness and vice versa.
Zarconia shows signs of an alien race that had long since died, and apparently had lived in halves of the planet.
Song: [The Search]( by Andrew Prahlow, Outer Wilds OST | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,583 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | **Atlasdava#432154218\_Galaxy-Alptei\_Cluster-Zatrium**
1. Below the surface lay the ruins of an ancient planet-wide city, which holds the upper crust upon it's shoulders
2. The planet is a hotspot of archaic supertech from the humans, who died out before all other life could grace the universe
3. The surface of the planet is largely uninhabitable, with no traces of life having ever existed upon its surface
Exploration theme: [But The Earth Refused To Die]( | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,584 |
[PM] Give me the name of a fictional planet, three of its most interesting landmarks or features, and a song you think would fit as a theme for exploring it. I will write a story about it. | Name of Planet: Kaleidescope
Interesting features:
1. It is set in the year 4269
2. Some people have an organ called Core. Basically it gives you a type of superpower (like fire, nigh omnipotence, etc.)
3. It has 6 continents, one is in the center and is circular, while the others surround it. It has the statues of the heroes where continent they came from (the one in the center is the greatest hero, called Oscar O. Cero, and his power is called Ocosmo, which makes him omnipotent.)
Song: Hmm, many, but the most that will fit is a song from my country, called Kaleidescope World, by Francis Magalona. | 1 | 0 | 26 | 213,585 |
[WP] You are the Magnum Chronicus Slayer (M.C. slayer for short) and you travel the multiverse to dispose of main characters who strayed too far from the path. Today, you encountered something unfathomable... | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] One villain and two heroes live together as roommates and have to avoid each other to change into their civilian attire while they try to get into their apartment | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] Upon touching someone you learn all of their sins, and then may supernaturally inflict wounds and psychological trauma back upon them. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] “I can destroy you anytime I please, your hero! I won’t because of my crippling laziness though, so count your blessings!” | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] Magic is powered on items of personal value (family heirlooms, love letters, childhood keepsakes, etc.). A black market has arisen that specializes in stealing wedding rings, and the ringleader is about to get caught. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] High school is very difficult when your a 7 foot acidic slime-girl | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] “I’m sorry…your father, (insert superhero name here) is dead…” | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] last line | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] last line | Hi u/Cat_supremacy2, this submission has been removed.
When prompts ask questions, we get responses that just respond with answers instead of actual stories.
* *This was removed [based on the comments it's likely to attract](, specifically via [Rule 1](*
Prompts go in the title, do not extend into text. You can add commentary in the text, but don't add additional prompt restrictions. Also, avoid [too many details](
* *From Rule 6: [Prompt users in the title, but don't play writing games or commission stories](*
[Modmail]( us if you have any questions or concerns. In the future, please refer to the [sidebar]( before posting.
*This action was not automated and this moderator is human. Time to go do human things.* | 1 | 0 | 0 | 213,598 |
[WP] You have the ability to predict disasters, but only if you’re involved in them. | **Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.
>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]"
>* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail
>* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles
>* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules](
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[WP] You have the ability to predict disasters, but only if you’re involved in them. | \[Poem\]
If the sky would fall
Would I be there
To catch it all?
If the sun did flare
Could I somehow dare
To save our very air?
If the seas swelled high
Can I just try
To help everyone survive?
If the earth gave way
What could I do
So we all see another day?
I can't do it all
I can't be it all
But somehow, someway
I am going to be
The difference the world needs | 4 | 0 | 9 | 213,600 |
"Here, let me show you: It's all in the wrist." "Wait... what? We're doing physics equations." | Your submission has been removed because it is not properly tagged. Please repost your prompt, starting with a correct capitalized tag, enclosed in square brackets in the title.
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