I never thought that I would be a prisoner of the Alliance again. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to you... , is it? I will meet you up top and from there we will deal with them.
Make your way up top on the upper deck of the Vengeance Wake off the shore of the Lost Isles and speak with Thrall.
Meet Me Up Top
No one need lecture us about the demons. It is they who drove our clan from our ancestral lands. It is they who forced us to take over the Kolkar wastelands, where we struggle just to exist. The war against the Kolkar took a heavy toll on my people. What few of us remain are weary and hungry. Bring food for my people and then we shall discuss the demons.
Collect 5 Basilisk Flanks.
Will Work For Food
Listen. I'm not going to beat around the bush. There's a good chance the potion Krennan made for you wasn't a complete success. Or perhaps you need more of it. Either way, he's probably better equipped to advise you than I am. Go see him.
Speak to Krennan Aranas in Duskhaven.
Further Treatment
I was trying to domesticate the indigenous hippogryphs here using a series of debilitating electrical shocks, when for some reason they went berserk! Now my test subjects are tearing up this place for no good reason! , go slaughter my failed experiments before they find me.
Kill 8 Static-Charged Hippogryphs.
Bad Science! Bad!
One other thing I need. Hot water. Not easy around here. Not hot springs, no friends to share. One good way though. Have this sponge... it's ultra absorbent! Use it to go soak Vile Splashes at the sandbar eastish. With enough, go squeeze them out over near the tower to summon jumbo elemental. He has hot water.
Collect 20 Simmering Water Droplets from the Vile Splashes east of the Ruins of Arkkoran.
Speak to Gwen Armstead in Duskhaven.
! We thought we wouldn't see you again! Listen -- we need your help. A huge earthquake hit us and the aftershocks haven't stopped. Prince Liam isn't going to be of much use either. We need to make sure our defenses are still holding up. The Queen's Gate is the only thing standing between us and a mess of frothing-at-the-mouth rabid worgen from the Blackwald. Just follow the road east, out of town. Let me know if the gate has held up.
Gwen Armstead wants you to investigate the Queen's Gate.
There is but one way to win the trust and loyalty of the Magram. It must be beaten out of them. They have suffered many losses in their war against my clan. They now possess an unfamiliar land, where they struggle just to feed themselves. Now is the time to strike. Speak to me when you are ready, then ride in and plant my spear in the Fatherstone. If we can kill enough of them, their Khan will submit to our will.
Khan Leh'prah wants you to place the Spear of the Kolkar Khan in the Fatherstone and defend it from the Magram until Khan Kammah appears.
Delicate Negotiations
Ah, yes. The effects of the Curse cannot ever be fully cured as far as we know. With treatment, however, your mind will remain yours... and not that of a wild animal. We are fortunate that the treatment worked on you. Normally, I can only treat recent infections. We'll need to continue your medication if we're to have you reverse the Curse. I will need mandrake essence to brew another batch of my serum for you. You will find a crate stashed beneath a shed southwest of town.
Find the Crate of Mandrake Essence.
In Need of Ingredients
Go away! You're just inside my head... You're not real.... you're dead! You died in Gilneas City... the worgen... they got you... It should've been me... it should've been me... Aughhh... first the earth won't stop moving... and now I'm seeing things... too much rye...
Speak to Gwen Armstead in Duskhaven.
Liam's Stupor
It began with a dream that repeatedly warned me of the danger to come. I saw the demonic legions bearing down upon our kind, overrunning our lands. The dream has become real. The Burning Blade and their demon masters have pushed the Magram out of their lands in the south. In turn, the Magram have defeated my people and taken over our homes. The fight was ferocious. Only a handful of the Kolkar still live. I would ask that you visit what was once my land in the east, and free them from their prison.
Kill the Magram Warden at the Magram Village.
Since the demons have invaded their lands, the Magram have broken all ties with any outsiders. They are untrusting and hostile and have taken to stealing from others instead of providing for themselves. Many of our needed supplies have gone missing of late and we suspect that the Magram are to blame. Please, go to their lands in the east and search for our belongings.
Collect 7 Cenarion Supply Crates from the Magram Lands.
Cenarion Property
I have heard of your exploits here in Desolace. We are in your debt. I'm afraid I must involve you in yet another crisis, one more pressing than the rest. The landscape is not all that has changed here of late. Old conflicts have made way for new, more dire ones. I should allow our guest to explain further.... Khan Leh'prah is among the last of the Kolkar tribe that once possessed all of eastern Desolace. We found him near death on our borders. Listen to his words.
Garren Darkwind at Karnum's Glade wants you to speak to Khan Leh'prah.
An Introduction Is In Order
With such an abrupt change to the ecology, it is to be expected that some of the flora and fauna don't react as well as we'd hope. The uprooted lashers are a troublesome example of this. Roaming the fields to the east and south they are a detriment to the region and must be disposed of. While you're about, please deal with any of these pests that you find.
Kill 7 Uprooted Lashers.
Pulling Weeds
Did you see the explosions on the way in? The Secret Lab is engulfed in flames! Again! If we don't stamp out those flames we're going to hit critical temperatacity and resonate into a meltdown cascade. Here, I'm entrusting you with a canister of experimental hypercooled pressurized liquigel: The most volatile fire retardant known to science! (Keep that canister away from open flame.) Put out the fires and hose down my interns, then contact me via the squawkbox in central control.
Use the Fireliminator X-21 to extinguish 8 fires and to rescue 6 Research Interns from the inferno at the Secret Lab.
When Science Attacks
What a glorious time we live in! The former wastelands of Desolace are blooming, bursting with life. Imagine, if all of Azeroth's wastelands awoke in such a fashion! Perhaps someday... It's true that there are weighty issues at hand here, but why not take a moment to appreciate the wondrous miracle we are witnessing? In fact, why not take part in it? Here are some Cenarion Seeds. Use them at the more fertile spots of the wildlands. Perfect medicine for lifting a weary soul!
Use the Cenarion Seeds next to 5 of the Fertile Mounds around the Cenarion Wildlands.
Taking Part
So Krennan's potion did not kill you? Well, I suppose that means the human inside of you is in control then. I guess I won't be shooting you after all. At least not yet. Go speak to Krennan Aranas and give him the good news. He's in charge of the house where we keep... your kind. Just remember. I've got my eye on you. You so much as try anything funny and you'll get a bullet between the eyes.
Speak to Krennan Aranas in Duskhaven.
Among Humans Again
Once we flush the central reactor, I need you to return the core to me. It's 100% refined azsharite crystal, which is both powerful and dangerous. And lovely. Oh precious azsharite, the shaper of worlds to come! The giant lever to your left will dump the core and send it to me via the rail system. The core will be superheated, so you'll need to periodically douse it with the Fireliminator on the way here... don't let it reach critical temperature!
Activate the Reactor Control Console and escort the Azsharite Core back to the Southern Rocketway Terminus. Use the Fireliminator X-21 on the Core if it starts to overheat.
Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped
No one knows better than the Cenarion Circle that this lush oasis could dry up as quickly as it appeared. We must take care not to interfere with the processes taking place here, but to support and preserve them, A new species of plant, very plentiful in the surrounding region, has appeared since the great change. Collect samples of these for me, that I might study them and learn what they have to teach us,
Collect 10 Aloe Thistles.
A Time to Reap
The winds of change are blowing. Of that there can be no doubt. There are many pressing issues vying for our attention and action. Chief among them is the spreading of our growing oasis. Its growth has surpassed our hopes as well as our understanding, yet now it faces opposition. To the west, where the grass meets the sand, whirlwinds prevent its penetration into the desert. Go and eliminate this hostile obstacle to life!
Destroy 5 Whirlwind Stormwalkers.
Stubborn Winds
You have accomplished much in your efforts against the naga. But I fear it is not nearly enough.... This is my official assessment of the naga presence. I'm confident that my peers in the wildlands will take the necessary action. Bring this to Karnum at the grove in the center of the Cenarion Wildlands to the southeast. He will know what to do. Thank you. And farewell.
Cenarion Researcher Korrah wants you to take Korrah's Report to Karnum at Karnum's Grove.
Official Assessment
Return to the Horde Base Camp and let Aggra know that we still live. Tell her that I am moving on to the Wild Overlook and that we will all meet up on the northwest side of the island. I expect to see you there. We will track down the Alliance and slay them to the last!
Inform Aggra at the Horde Base Camp on the Lost Isles of all that has transpired.
Back to Aggra
As you have by now witnessed, the rapid changes to this region can have both positive and negative effects on the native creatures. To the south and east of here, enraged kodo are a constant threat to anyone nearby. It's time to put my theory to the test. I've used the rejuvenated thunder lizard's blood in the making of this concoction. I'm hoping it will soothe the kodo when they eat it. Place it near an enraged kodo and make sure you do it from a safe distance!
Use the Kodo Concoction near 5 Enraged Kodos.
Calming the Kodo
It is done! Together we were able to bring down a dangerous adversary. Neptulon himself shall hear of your exploits here. Allow me to extend you his thanks... You should leave now. This place will not remain safe for long. Soon, the naga will seek vengeance for their priestess.
You are to return to Cenarion Researcher Korrah at Ethel Rethor.
Return and Report
The land is not all that has changed in Desolace. Here, the wildlife has responded to their new environment in strange and sometimes exciting ways. I am particularly interested in the Rejuvenated Thunder Lizards that roam just to the west. I need a sample of their blood. You may begin helping me by using this jar of leeches on a few of them. Once they've filled on the blood of those beasts, return them to me.
Collect 10 Blood-filled Leeches.
Blood Theory
I knew these guys would be trouble as soon as we started building this tower. Scoffing our bribes. Stealing our workers. Labor isn't cheap with all the construction in Azshara. I need those men back!
Use Ironwrought Keys from cultists and dragonkin to free 4 Goblin Workers in Sable Ridge.
The Trial of Fire... oooh... sounds intimidating, doesn't it? No? Hm. Well I kind of thought so. Firsts are first, you touch the fire crystal and the portal to the trial opens. To beat this trial, you have to hop around in the fire runes without getting hit by the fire. If you stay unflamed long enough, you win! There are little signs to help you - fire hopping to its new rune, fizzles when a rune goes cold. You can figure that stuff out if you want. Or just guess! That's what most people do.
Complete the Trial of Fire by standing in the fire runes without getting hit by flame for 10 consecutive bursts.
The Trial of Fire
Quite marvelous of you! A pleasure to observe. Much to study. Off you go now, retire to my tower. Joanna will get you situated. I shall open a portal for you.
Take the portal to Archmage Xylem's tower and seek out Joanna inside.
Xylem's Asylum
I've taught you all that is practical for now. It is time we joined with the other survivors. The others mentioned that King Greymane and his royal guard are just south of here. We should go there and seek safety in numbers.
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
Safety in Numbers
We've done all we can here. Let King Greymane know we've bought some time. I've a feeling it won't be long 'til the worgen are back in force. We'll need to fall back to Greymane Court to the west, if that's the case. It's the last place we can hold out without being trapped like fish in a barrel.
Speak to King Genn Greymane at Greymane Court in Gilneas City.
Time to Regroup
This is somewhat simple and somewhat not simple. All the way up there are Energy Conduits. Rather like this one right here one might say! Indeed, I do say. Now for you. You must use my jump pads to ascend the pinnacle, and you must touch all of the conduits you see along the way. When you get to me at the top, you should be all juicy with energy, because really that's the only way to be. And be sure to keep moving or you're likely to be sent for quite a trip!
Receive 6 Energized charges from the Energy Conduits as you ascend to the top of the Arcane Pinnacle.
Watch Your Step
I've taught you all that is practical for now. It is time we joined with the other survivors. The others mentioned that King Greymane and his royal guard are just south of here. The others are going to need the aid of the Light in these troubling times.
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
Safety in Numbers
All these years after the war and Crowley was still hiding enough firepower in that cellar to level half of the district. It might have to come to that, unfortunately. We can't open fire just yet, there is a civilian trapped on the other side of the prison. Not just any civilian, either. Krennan Aranas is one of the most brilliant alchemists this world has known. One of his potions saved my daughter, Tess, from dying soon after being born. Take my horse and rescue him. Krennan must live.
Rescue Krennan Aranas.
Save Krennan Aranas
You have done us a great service. While they remain an imposing force, your efforts have kept an important artifact from the naga. I shall write to my peers of your findings. Meanwhile, the water revenant on Ranazjar Isle has stood alone against a steady onslaught of naga. I would have you find him and determine if there is some way we can assist him.
Cenarion Researcher Korrah wants you to speak with Lord Hydronis.
The Enemy of Our Enemy
Two Naga witches have been masterminding the assault on this outpost. They've repelled direct attacks from some of my best grunts, but you can finish the job where others have failed. Seek out and slay Lady Silisthra and Lady Vesthra at the eastern edge of the cliffs, around the ruins of the ancient night elven colossus. You will first need to destroy the powerstones that give them their strength. Do not disappoint me!
Kill Lady Silisthra and Lady Vesthra by disabling their power stones.
Sisters of the Sea
I've taught you all that is practical for now. It is time we joined with the other survivors. The others mentioned that King Greymane and his royal guard are just south of here. We should go there and seek safety in numbers.
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
Safety in Numbers
I've taught you all that is practical for now. It is time we joined with the other survivors. The others mentioned that King Greymane and his royal guard are just south of here. We should go there and seek safety in numbers.
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
Safety in Numbers
There's only so much I can teach right now with all these worgen trying to dismember us. We really should think about heading south with the other survivors. We've been told that King Greymane is there. If we stick together our chances of survival will increase... especially if you choose someone nutritious-looking to stand next to.
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
Safety in Numbers
I've taught you all that is practical for now. It is time we joined with the other survivors. The others mentioned that King Greymane and his royal guard are just south of here. We should go there and seek safety in numbers.
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
Safety in Numbers
There's only so much I can teach right now with all these worgen trying to dismember us. We really should think about heading south with the other survivors. We've been told that King Greymane is there. If we stick together our chances of survival will increase... especially if you choose someone nutritious-looking to stand next to.
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
Safety in Numbers
Your efforts have paid off. The great risks you have taken have proven worthwhile. You have discovered the object of the nagas' desire and their reason for overrunning the coast of Desolace. As for the engravings you've discovered, your duty is clear...
You are to bring the Ancient Engravings of Neptulon to Cenarion Researcher Korrah.
Mystery Solved
The path ahead is difficult. We must devote the entirety of our mental power to the task at hand. As you begin to grow in power, new pathways to the arcane will begin to materialize in your mind. You'll begin to develop spells you did not know before.Go, get more experience, and then use what you learn against the Bloodfang Worgen.
Reach level 3 to learn Frost Nova. Use it against a Bloodfang Worgen.
Frost Nova
Most of us made it here alive... but there are worgen on this side of the city as well. We're going to continue heading south once everyone's accounted for. That reminds me, someone was asking about you. It was that harvest-witch, Celestine; she said the winds spoke your name. You'd best hurry. We're going to need you to get back to the worgen-smashing once you're done conversing with nature.
Speak to Celestine of the Harvest in the Military District.
The Winds Know Your Name... Apparently
We were driven to the edge of extinction once before. But we druids, keepers of the old ways, saved our people from famine. When we cut ourselves off from the outside world and our crops failed, it was our order who called upon the earth's blessings and restored the harvest. Just as our powers restored the crops, your growth in power will develop your connection to our ancient arts.Go, develop your powers, and use what you learn against the Bloodfang Worgen.
Reach level 3 to learn Moonfire, then use it against a Bloodfang Worgen.
I am Hydronis, a servant of Neptulon the Tidehunter, Lord over all waters. Azshara and her sinister naga have arrayed themselves against my master, and seek a war with him. This is the first battle in what shall surely be a long struggle. I have fought bitterly, and have grown weary. It seems that my actions here have attracted the attention of their priestess. Alone, I haven't the strength to overcome her. but perhaps together, we may prevail.
Hydronis wants you to mount him and defeat Priestess Valishj.
A Revenant's Vengeance
You have much to learn. And I've much to teach you. These are perilous times, however, and I fear that you may need to learn much on your own Have no fear. The Light will guide us through this.Go, get more experience, and learn a new skill. Use it against the bloodfang worgen nearby.
Reach level 3 to learn Shadow Word: Pain. Use it 2 times on a bloodfang worgen.
Learning the Word
Most of us made it here alive... but there are worgen on this side of the city as well. We're going to continue heading south once everyone's accounted for. That reminds me, someone was asking about you. A man named Blake. Said something about a plan to escape into the woods.
Speak to Huntsman Blake in the Military District.
Someone's Keeping Track of You
Most of us made it here alive... but there are worgen on this side of the city as well. We're going to continue heading south once everyone's accounted for. That reminds me, someone was asking about you. A strange fellow named Vitus... he was really giving me the creeps. He kept talking about some "forbidden knowledge" he'd uncovered.
Speak to Vitus Darkwalker in the Military District.
Shady Associates
So I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that there are more worgen in the woods than in here... so we really have no safe place to go to. The good news is that you're starting to get the hang of this. As you get more experience, you'll start to learn how to do new things. Once you learn your first new ability, try your hand at it against the bloodfang worgen to our west.
Reach level 3 to learn Steady Shot. Practice using Steady Shot 2 times against a Bloodfang Worgen.
Steady Shot
Most of us made it here alive... but there are worgen on this side of the city as well. We're going to continue heading south once everyone's accounted for. That reminds me, someone was asking about you. A member of the clergy, Sister Almyra, said that you were in great peril and needed the Light's protection. You should go talk to her. She seemed very concerned.
Speak to Sister Almyra in the Military District.
Seek the Sister
A magical barrier pulses around you, chilling your bones. You feel secure behind this enchanted wall. Torg Twocrush will want to know what you've discovered here!
Return to Torg Twocrush at the Southern Rocketway Terminus in Azshara with news of your discovery.
Report to Twocrush
Most of us made it here alive... but there are worgen on this side of the city as well. We're going to continue heading south once everyone's accounted for. That reminds me, someone was asking about you. It was a mage named Myriam. She mentioned something about you being "ready."
Speak to Myriam Spellwaker in the Military District.
Arcane Inquiries
It is true then! You live! I never got a chance to share my greatest discovery with you. After I began my training, and began to become accomplished, I heard the voice Balcephoth of the felshadows in my head... he taught me the forbidden secrets of... Corruption! Go now, gain some more experience, maybe you'll learn a new spell, too. You can go use it against the Bloodfang Worgen to our west.
Reach level 3 to learn Corruption. Practice casting it on a Bloodfang Worgen.
The Naga invaders have set up a series of shrines along the cliffs. I don't know their purpose, but I believe they're strengthening our foes. I need someone to get in there and root out this threat. One nearby shrine is lightly defended: Cross the first bridge east of here and then head north towards the bay. You'll find it on a small outcropping. Investigate that shrine and come back with some info I can use.
Investigate the Naga shrine for Torg Twocrush.
Investigating the Sea Shrine
Good to see you alive! No, of course I don't have that gold I owe you. Now's not really the time to bring that up is it? Listen, maybe I can show you the ropes, save your skin with all the carnage going on. As you learn how to fight, you'll start to learn new things. Go get some more experience, and then when you figure out something new, try it on the Bloodfang Worgen. I'll be watching
Reach Level 3 to Learn Eviscerate, then practice using Eviscerate against a Bloodfang Worgen.
Most of us made it here alive... but there are worgen on this side of the city as well. We're going to continue heading south once everyone's accounted for. That reminds me, someone was asking about you. A woman named Loren... she seemed a little disappointed when I told her you were all right. I think she mentioned she owes you money.
Speak to Loren the Fence in the Military District.
Someone's Looking for You
You're alive! That must mean I did something right. It's a shame our lessons were cut off a little short. But, as you go and learn on your own, you'll start to discover new techniques. Go get some more experience, learn something new, and then try it out against the bloodfang worgen to our west.
Reach level 3 to learn Charge. Practice using Charge against a Bloodfang Worgen.
The air around this strange stone crackles with energy. The stone itself is smooth and icy cold. It pulses periodically as you run your hands over it, like the crashing of surf. A wedge-shaped piece appears to be missing from the top surface of the artifact. This 'keystone shard' is likely the key to unlocking the secrets of the stone. Search the grounds near the temple and locate the keystone shard.
Find the Keystone Shard nearby.
The Keystone Shard
Most of us made it here alive... but there are worgen on this side of the city as well. We're going to continue heading south once everyone's accounted for. That reminds me, someone was asking about you. A fellow by the name of Cleese said you were one of his students and wanted to make sure you were all right.
Speak to Sergeant Cleese in the Military District.
Your Instructor
Queen Azshara seeks entrance into the plane of water, for what I do not know. She believes that the ancients held the keys to finding its location. I have personally been charged with scouring the ruins in this region, and none shall rest until we discover the secrets we seek! Submerged just to the north are a concentration of ruins. Use this staff to search through the rubble. Return to me only when you have located that which we seek!
Priestess Valishj wants you to find the Ancient Engravings of Neptulon.
Deep Impact
It tries my patience, defending against creatures who can disappear into the sea at will and emerge where they please. But I will not back down until their like has been wiped from Azshara. Spitelash Naga have slithered up the cliff walls and are besieging this post from the east. Destroy them. Gut them head to tail, so that they may know the full fury of my Horde.
Slay 6 Spitelash Stormfuries and 6 Spitelash Seacallers.
To Gut a Fish
I've got the perfect solution to our drake problem. My very own Cryomatic 16. I originally developed it to freeze my workers during transport and between shifts so that I wouldn't have to feed and entertain them, but there were... complications. It should be perfect for dropping these drakes out of the sky though!
Use the Cryomatic 16 to freeze and kill 8 Sable Drakes.
Ice Cold
Living Ire Thyme. I must have more! Be quick about it, will you?
Collect 8 bundles of Living Ire Thyme near the Ruins of Nordressa.
Waste of Thyme
Neptulon's minions have arrived here and are doing all they can to thwart us. Clearly, they've discovered our motives. This only confirms my suspicion that what we seek is indeed somewhere in these ruins! These water elementals are no match for our forces! Take this trident and use it to destroy the worthless servants of the Tidehunter. When we find what we seek here, Neptulon himself shall fear for his life!
Defeat 5 Servants of Neptulon. (You must be in naga form when you defeat them.)
Wetter Than Wet
Thanks for helping me restock my supplies. I'll tell you what, bring me more mortars from the lab, and I'll keep supplying you with artillery signals. With me on the trigger and you in the field, we'll blast these cliffs until they go crashing into the sea!
Collect 5 Goblin Mortar Shells from the Secret Lab complex in Azshara.
More Mortars, More!
I have fashioned a charm that will allow you to infiltrate the naga, giving you the appearance of one of their own. With this disguise, you will be able to speak and understand their language. They will be unable to discern your true identity. But beware! The sharks and other sea creatures here will expose you for all to see. Avoid them at all costs. Now go. Speak to the Priestess of Azshara and do what you must to learn of their purposes here.
Use the Slitherblade Charm.
Going Deep
The Naga started making a move on the peninsula here after we finished building this rocketway terminal. But there's no problem in this world that can't be solved with gratuitous firepower! That's what my daddy used to say. Before the accident. I'm running short on supplies, though. Do me a favor and collect the mortar shells I left stockpiled in the Secret Lab just west of here. Keep me supplied and I'll let you call in the artillery strikes!
Collect 5 Goblin Mortar Shells from the Secret Lab complex in Azshara.
Mortar the Point
I need a crateload of tail! And not just any kind of tail. The tail I'm after needs to be old - ancient even. The more decrepit the better. The scales of a basilisk's tail are unique in that they harden with age without becoming brittle. The hardened scales are ideal for the production of certain armors. It's been many years since I've been reduced to peddling lizard scales, but who knows, maybe it'll build even more character in me! If that's even possible....
Find 15 Aged Basilisk Tails.
Good Gold For Bad Tail
We have plenty of enemies in this region without raising the ire of the Cenarion Circle. When we established our post here, we were asked to keep a watch over one of their researchers. Korrah was last seen at the tower to the west. Do be a dear and pay her a visit. It's been some time since we've bothered to check on her.
Cerelia at Furien's Post wants you to speak to Korrah at Ethel Rethor.
Ethel Rethor
Say, while you're out there exploring the desert wastes, do me a favor? Keep an eye out for Dread Swoops. Their oily feathers make for the best fletching, and to the right buyer they can fetch a handsome price. Lucky for you, I know all of the right buyers!
Collect 25 Dread Swoop Feathers.
Fletch Me Some Plumage!
I am all that remains of my company, sent to monitor the many changes on this coast of Desolace. I have reported of the dramatic increase of naga here, but to no effect. My peers are focused on other crises, so I must ask you, a stranger, to assist me in my research. First, though, allow me to show you the threat we face.
Korrah wants you to speak to her when you are ready to be shown the Naga threat.
The Emerging Threat
There's never been danger of centaur attack this far north before. Someone put 'em up to it, I just know it! Regardless, I'm wiped out. I had everything invested in this haul. Fortunately, there's one thing no centaur can take from me and that's goblin ingenuity! I'll start from scratch and build an empire! There's always a market for poison. Whatdya say, friend?
Collect 15 Scorpion Stingers.
New Beginnings
Time and again, the naga have proven to be enemies to the balance of nature. I have no qualms with the spilling of their blood. Your best efforts though, would barely put a dent in their forces here. Where one falls, two seem to rise in their place. I have a plan. Your objective is not merely to take the lives of the enemy, but to gather components necessary for the next stage of our investigation....
Collect 10 Slitherblade Bones from Slitherblade Naga, 30 Slitherblade Scales from Slitherblade Sorceresses, and 4 Slitherblade Fins from Slitherblade Warriors.
Slitherblade Slaughter
We're going to need some more animate basalt. There's only one reliable source for that in the area, a mountain giant named Balboa. We can't be killing the mountain giant if we want to keep stocked in the stuff long term, so we've just been chipping off pieces at a time. You'll be able to see his path northeast and east of here. Find him, place the charge ahead on the path, and then hide until it goes off. Once he's cleared the area, you should be able to retrieve the basalt and bring it back to me.
Use the Arcane Charge to retrieve 5 Animate Basalt from Balboa near the Ruins of Nordressa.
Renewable Resource
You have a strong feeling that this stone is somehow responsible for the region's refusal to accept the encroaching regrowth. Looking off to the west, you notice a trail of smoldering debris that appears to be related to this mystery. You surmise that clearing the debris might assist Thunk's efforts here. And who knows what this stuff might be good for?
You are to collect 7 pieces of Element 116 and bring them to Bizby at Bizby's Caravan.
Heavy Metal
I'd be amazing! At archmagery. Amazing! He won't even talk to me because I don't have a stupid robe and hat. Pffft. The most amazing archmage this land has ever seen can't just have any robe and hat. I need to show him that I'm something special, and I know just how to do it. Go out there and kill some of those hippogryph things. Bring me back a TON of feathers. You heard me! A whole bunch of feathers! Go go, I'll have the robe ready for them by the time you get back.
Obtain 80 Pristine Thunderhead Feathers from the Hippogryphs near the Ruins of Nordressa.
Shear Will
Great news! Foreman Dampwick has uncovered a cave full of kaja'mite on the island! What are the odds? Of course, there's a downside. He took some of the survivors with him to help mine the ore, but none of them have made it out. Crazy as it sounds, the foreman said that there are monkeys in the cave... with mining picks! They're mining the kaja'mite! How is that even possible? Can you head southeast to the cavern? The foreman is standing just outside the entrance.
Speak with Foreman Dampwick outside of the Kaja'mite Cavern on the Lost Isles.
Help Wanted
By authority of the Cenarion Circle, I am charged with turning these harsh lands into lush prairie. The lands south of here welcomed the growth, but something here is fighting back - resisting the replenishment. Perhaps your eyes can succeed where mine have failed. Please. Scour these lands and discover the source of the desert's stubbornness.
Thunk at Thunk's Abode wants you to find the Unnatural Outcropping.
Stubborn Lands
While you were rescuing the Warchief and saving us all from the Alliance, Foreman Dampwick built this rocket sling to shoot us over the shark-infested strait to the bigger island. Luckily for us, the foreman managed to salvage a Town-In-A-Box from the shipwreck. Once you get it set up, we'll have a town of our own. I can't wait to sleep in a bed again! Dampwick's down there at the Landing Site, waiting for you. Why don't you take the next rocket over?
Survive the Rocket Sling shot across the Dire Strait.
Up, Up & Away!
They said that their "precious cargo", whatever that is, is being held out on the Alliance ship, the Vengeance Wake. There's only one thing to do... fly this thing out there and retrieve it!
Locate the precious cargo below deck on the Alliance ship, Vengeance Wake, off the shore of the Lost Isles.
Precious Cargo
As the region becomes more lush, the creatures of the desert are being forced into increasingly confined spaces. A particularly distressing result is the impending extinction of the local swoops. Predators feast on the birds and their eggs when they take nest. I have acquired some swoop eggs from Tanaris and coated them with an irresistible pheromone. Place one in each nest you find, then protect it until a swoop comes to carry it off. You will be doing a service to the balance of this land.
Place 3 Swoop Eggs in Swoop Nests and protect them until they are collected.
Early Adoption
The trade prince had an entire town-in-a-box in the ship's hold! I managed to recover it while you were out saving all of our skins. Do you want to do the honors? All you have to do is climb to the top of that huge pile of explosives and push the plunger, and whamo kablamo, instant town!
Climb to the top of the mountain of explosives and use the Town-In-A-Box Plunger.
It's a Town-In-A-Box
Brothers of Earth and Fire, hear me! Sisters of the Water and Air, heed my call! Azeroth stands on the brink, its existence near an end! Lend me your power as in times past with my ancient ancestors. Allow me to channel your will through this child of Kezan. Let us put an end to those who would keep us from healing the world!
Use the powers of the Cyclone of the Elements to slay 50 Alliance Sailors.
Warchief's Revenge
The Alliance have stolen something of vital importance to the Horde. It is being held out on their ships. At the other end of the beach is a gyrochoppa. Our battlesworn will cover your approach. Go retrieve the keys to the flying machine from one of their operatives. Fly out to their flagship, the Vengeance Wake, and retrieve our precious cargo!
Retrieve the Gyrochoppa Keys.
Get to the Gyrochoppa!
Kilag should be in position by now. It is time for you to move forward to the Wild Overlook. The rest of us will pack up here and move out soon. Just follow the path northwest through the Vicious Vale. Not so vicious any longer thanks to you, eh? Kilag and his scouts will be keeping themselves hidden just off the path, but the SI:7 assassins are sure to spot them soon, so hurry!
Find Kilag Gorefang and his scouts at the Wild Overlook on the Lost Isles.
Forward Movement
Our hunter, Kilag Gorefang, and a few scouts, traveled into the vale down the path to the west. They're ...searching for... 'precious cargo'... that we were guarding when the filthy Alliance sunk our ship. The way is blocked by deadly plants and they have not been able to break through. , prove your worth as a goblin and a . Journey into the Vicious Vale to find Kilag.
Find Kilag Gorefang in the Vicious Vale on the Lost Isles.
The Vicious Vale
I sent Scout Brax forward along the road to the cliffs overlooking the beach to the west. I am going to put you onto Bastia. Travel down the path and let Brax know that we are going to take a different route. We'll see you at the attack on the Alliance beachhead!
Speak with Scout Brax on the path down the cliffs north of the Savage Glen on the Lost Isles.
To the Cliffs
Now is the time for creative solutions. Pull something out of that belt and get to work!
Use the Weed Whacker within your Goblin All-In-1der Belt to mow down 100 of the plants within the Vicious Vale.
Weed Whacker
Looking through the dead orc's belongings, you find a field journal. Though it is heavily water damaged, the writing is still legible, if barely. Flipping through the pages, an interesting story unfolds. Good thing you decided to study Orcish. Like the Trade Prince's yacht, the orcs were fired upon by Alliance warships. You do remember an orc warship that you passed right before the Alliance opened fire. Maybe they were firing on the orcs instead of your ship? Stupid orcs! They got you sunk!
Take the Field Journal to Sassy Hardwrench at Shipwreck Shore on the Lost Isles.
Orcs Can Write?
Keep your voice down. The glen north and west of here is crawling with Alliance assassins. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to spot them. The cowards! They hide and won't fight face-to-face. You goblins are known for your wondrous goggles. Surely you have a pair that will allow you to see them? I need you to team up with one of my scouts and kill any of the SI:7 assassins that you spot.
Kill 10 SI:7 Assassins.
Infrared = Infradead
I hate to ask you to do this, but I guess it's why they pay you the big bucks. Can you deliver that dead orc's field journal to whoever is in charge up at their camp? Based on the writing in the book, they should be located at the top of the island, up the incline past the Kaja'mite cavern to the southeast. Good luck. I always liked you.
Deliver the Field Journal to Aggra at the Horde Base Camp on the Lost Isles.
The Enemy of My Enemy
Look at you. Doing errands. Quite responsible of you. You're moving up up up, you are... up up! There be demons ahead! Demons of many unpleasant kinds. Demons that would quite like your innards! Legash demons of a southeasternly heading! But do not worry. No no, no reason to worry, for I shall provide you with a companion! Point, bugify, squash. Point, bugify, squash! Quite efficient. Quite messy too... but again, worry not. No no, worry not, for afterwards, we don't have to clean up!
Use your Personal Arcane Assistant to turn 12 Legash demons into insects and then squash them.
Trouble Under Foot
Sorrem has made no secret of his disdain for the Burning Blade at Thunder Axe Fortress. Surely, proof of their demise would be of value to him.
You are to bring 25 Burning Blade Ears to Sorrem at Furien's Post.
Ears Are Burning
The local demons seem to get quite a kick out of stealing all of our arcane manuals. I highly doubt most of them can even read, so they're probably doing it just to spite us. I could care less about most of the books they've taken, but they took an Abjurer's Manual that I'm going to need if there's any hope of keeping apprentices like you alive amidst Xylem's "trials." Find the demons at the Lagash Encampment to the southeast and retrieve the Abjurer's Manual. That's all. Scoot.
Retrieve the Abjurer's Manual from the Lagash Encampment.
Manual Labor
We are a forward post, charged with monitoring potential adversaries. Once the Horde launches its Desolace campaign, our work here will ensure that nothing takes us by surprise. Recently, one of our scouts was caught and sacrificed by the Burning Blade at their stronghold to the east. Since then, we've been assaulted with threats and taunts from a Burning Blade wretch named Kohor. Their days here are numbered, but I will pay handsomely for that one to be silenced now!
Sorrem at Furien's Post wants you to kill Kohor.
Peace of Mind
So it's true.... The parchment you discovered in Thunder Axe Fortress details a powerful summoning ritual. One stronger than the Burning Blade have ever been known to possess. Clearly, this rite must be stopped at all costs! Perhaps if this demon were summoned forth prematurely the crisis could be averted.
Collect 100 Bleached Skulls from Thunder Axe Fortress, place them at the Burning Blade Summoning Circle, then kill Nazargen.
Putting Their Heads Together
We've got a good chokepoint here. Feel free to say a prayer if that's your sort of thing. Take courage and let's kill these mutts.
Kill 8 Frenzied Stalkers.
Last Stand
We had enough ammunition to carry on the civil war for another month. Yet the worgen's numbers are such that we're nearly spent. We don't want to be caught out here in the open when that happens. Fall back inside the cathedral and report to the boss. I'm sure old Crowley will know what to do next.
Speak to Lord Darius Crowley inside the Light's Dawn Cathedral.
Never Surrender, Sometimes Retreat
You immediately recognize this statue from a sketch in Furien's Journal. Though the words associated with the entry elude you, the sketch seems self-explanatory. After battle, the enemies' weapons were to be cast upon the basin in exchange for a divine gift of some sort. As you ponder this ritual, the glint of steel catches your eye from a nearby weapon rack....
You are to collect 20 Satyr Sabers from the weapon racks and various satyrs in the region, then place them upon the statue, Elune's Handmaiden.
To the Hilt!
You find it most amusing to think that this ancient relic is bestowing upon you a blessing meant for your enemies. You determine to make as much as you can of this unintentional gift.
You are to collect 10 pieces of Satyr Flesh from the various Satyrs in Sargeron, and place them on Elune's Brazier.
Satyrical Offerings