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Look... one last favor before you run off. Private Worcester is still back at that tower "recruiting." Go and let him know that we're good to pack it up now. Back to town. Pleasure working with you, recruit. | Speak to Private Worcester at the Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange. | Private Chat |
Commander Molotov sent word directly that you should be dispatched to our forward post. We're preparing to send squads into the ruins to rout the naga and recover the artifact, and he would like you to lead one of them. Get to the northwest corner of the beach and follow the path up to our forward post. | Report to Captain Tork at the forward post in the Ruins of Eldarath. | Field Promotion |
We're looking pretty good here at this point. It's definitely been a pleasure working with you, soldier. If you're ready to take the artifact back, we've got a Gyrocopter ready to take you back to Bilgewater Harbor so that you can deliver it to Uncle Bedlam personally. | Bring the Heart of Arkkoroc to Uncle Bedlam in Bilgewater Harbor. | Shore Leave |
I've placed an enchantment on the tabard that should allow you to slip past the Silver Enclave's defenses for a short period of time. You should have enough time to find your way up to the top level of the Silver Enclave and meet up with the Silver Covenant's man there, known as Arcanist Tybalin. While disguised, obtain the copy of Ancient Dragonforged Blades that his men borrowed from Wyrmrest, and return the book to me. | Retrieve the Ancient Dragonforged Blades tome from Arcanist Tybalin. | An Audience With The Arcanist |
The quilboar have not only razed our buildings, but have taken tauren captives. I saw them take Seer Skyhoof, a young seer, away in one of their foul cages. Please, find a key on one of the quilboar's bodies and go save her! | Obtain a Crude Key from one of the Bristleback Quilboar, and use it to unlock the Quilboar Cage holding Seer Skyhoof. | The Captured Seer |
Things seem to be quieting down a bit. Gallywix will probably keep forking out cash to keep us posted here, but I have a feeling we might be able to milk a bit more out of the deal. Naga and Sea Giants aren't normally friends, so the naga must be controlling them somehow. Take this stealth field generator, get in those ruins, and let me know if you find something that looks really pricey. | Use the stealth field generator to infiltrate the Ruins of Eldarath and identify the Heart of Arkkoroc. | Profitability Scouting |
It's fallen to some of our youngest to defend our camp, and many of our bravest apprentices are out there as we speak, fighting the quilboar. I fear for their safety... Please, look for the young druid Keshu Treehoof to the east, deep within quilboar territory. If you find her and the other apprentices alive, they may be able to help you. | Find Keshu Treehoof. | The Captured Druid |
Looking over the captured attack plans, you find a map of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor with major settlements marked. Reading over the orders, you learn that Kvaldir captains have drafted plans for a series of devastating raids. According to the orders, the attacks are to begin after Mistcaller Yngvar "consults the Heart of the Mists." Perhaps you could delay the attacks by capturing the omen from the Mistcaller's Cave on the western side of Hrothgar's Landing and notify Justicar Mariel Trueheart. | Recover the Heart of the Mists and bring it and the Kvaldir Attack Plans to Justicar Mariel Trueheart at the Argent Tournament Grounds. | Battle Plans Of The Kvaldir |
The quilboar have not only razed our buildings, but have taken tauren captives. I saw them take Miira Thunderhoof, a young shaman trainer of ours, away in one of their foul cages. Please, find a key on one of the quilboar's bodies and go save her! | Obtain a Crude Key from one of the Bristleback Quilboar, and use it to unlock the Quilboar Cage holding Miira Thunderhoof. | The Captured Shaman |
The quilboar have not only razed our buildings, but have taken tauren captives. I saw them take Honu Staghunter, a young hunter trainer of ours, away in one of their foul cages. Please, find a key on one of the quilboar's bodies and go save her! | Obtain a Crude Key from one of the Bristleback Quilboar, and use it to unlock the Quilboar Cage holding Honu Staghunter. | The Captured Hunter |
The quilboar have not only razed our buildings, but have taken tauren captives. I saw them take Bowe Dawnhorn, a young Sunwalker, away in one of their foul cages. Please, find a key on one of the quilboar's bodies and go save him! | Obtain a Crude Key from one of the Bristleback Quilboar, and use it to unlock the Quilboar Cage holding Bowe Dawnhorn. | The Captured Sunwalker |
There is more work to be done. We must create a new totem to cleanse the Thunderhorn Well. You must gather the claws of the predators of the Mulgore plains. Hunt prairie stalkers for their stalker claws and flatland cougars for their cougar claws, then return to me. You will find the prairie stalkers and flatland cougars to the east and west. | Collect 6 Stalker Claws and 6 Cougar Claws. | Thunderhorn Totem |
I have crafted the totem to cleanse the Winterhoof Water Well. Now, you must take it to the well and perform a cleansing ritual. The well is to the southeast, but be warned: whoever did this may still be there, laying in wait. This may prove very dangerous. Be careful...but do not let the defilers of our well escape. | Use the Winterhoof Cleansing Totem at the Winterhoof Water Well. | Winterhoof Cleansing |
We have no choice. We must move further inland. I don't like it one bit, but we're vulnerable here. Return to the stables below the manor. Let's get everybody on carriages and send them eastbound. I pray it's not too late. | Board a carriage below Greymane Manor. | Exodus |
There's some gorgeous beach front property along the shore. I can market this stuff for 10 times what construction will cost me. The prime spots are that naga pagoda to the south, the tower right next to the water, and the ruins at the far northern end of the beach. I'll give you some coin if you claim them for me before the fighting clears out. | Plant Ruckus' Territorial Claim Flag next to the prime real estate locations along the Shattered Strand. | First Come, First Served |
There are a lot of naga left on this beach. Looks like you have some wet work ahead of you. | Kill 12 Spitelash Naga on the Shattered Strand. | Mop Up |
! Was it you who piloted the wind rider who bombed the command center? It was a direct hit! My scouts tell me that you gravely wounded Jarrodenus, flight master of the night-elven skychasers and de facto commander of the opposition. The opportunity to strike is now - I don't have time to assemble a full assault. Rush the command center building and kill Commander Jarrodenus before his backup arrives. Bring me his head... and Azshara is ours! | Slay Commander Jarrodenus in Talrendis Point and collect his head. | The Conquest of Azshara |
We've got "soldiers" all over the beach trying to get out of their work by dying on us. Find the slackers and use this flaregun to call in a priest to take care of the situation. We can't have men thinking they can get off that easy. | Call in Airborne Priests at the bodies of 8 Wounded Soldiers on the Shattered Strand. | Halo Drops |
Are you sensitive to the tremors of the local ley-lines? I can feel the occasional thrum, like the plucking of a string. It's the kind of resonance I'd expect from a long-range summoning spell. The Lorekeepers in Talrendis, with their laughably primitive magics, are trying to summon in backup from Darnassus. We can use this to our advantage. If you can compromise their summoning stone, we can teleport a crack team of commandos behind enemy lines. Locate the summoning stone in Talrendis! | Slay 5 Talrendis Lorekeepers and locate a Lorekeeper Summoning Stone somewhere within Talrendis Point. | Commando Drop |
Our grunts are strong but have no initiative. They're fighting toe-to-toe on the front lines. But an independent like yourself - well, someone like you can slip behind the lines and cause some real havoc deep within the enemy redoubt. Cut a swath of destruction through the heart of Talrendis! Slay our foes in territory they think is secure, leaving blood and fear in your wake. | Fight your way across Talrendis Point, slaying 12 Talrendis Defenders and 6 Talrendis Sentinels. | Let Them Feast on Fear |
Welcome to The Briny Cutter. I am Erunak, the last surviving passenger of this once-proud vessel. I'm afraid your travails have only just begun. The naga have been attacking here relentlessly. You're not equipped to be of much help down here yet, but I can remedy that. Just outside this ship live a special breed of starfish. Bring me some of them along with a conch shell. I'll prepare an enchantment that should help to increase your chances of survival. | Erunak in The Briny Cutter wants you to bring him 3 Saltwater Starfish and a Conch Shell from Seafarer's Tomb. | Sea Legs |
This appears to be the remains of a mixture for potent wine. Perhaps the proprietor of One More Glass in Dalaran would be interested in it.... | Bring the Waterlogged Recipe to Christi Stockton in the Dalaran city. | Waterlogged Recipe |
The reality of fighting on multiple fronts, is that we cannot spread our forces too thin or we risk losing it all! Critical troop deployments are necessary on a day by day basis. Today it is the battle for Alterac Valley that's in most need of brave combatants. Go now, and aid the Stormpike Expedition. We cannot allow the Frostwolf Clan to get away with the violence they've inflicted on our brethren! | Win an Alterac Valley battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Alterac Valley |
You have accomplished the truly impossible. The brood mother of the Black Dragonflight lies dead at your feet. Seize her head and deliver it to Arnak Fireblade. | Take the Head of Onyxia to Arnak Fireblade in the Cleft of Shadow. | A Most Puzzling Circumstance |
! Give us a hand here, will ya? Gorsch here had a bad experience at the all-you-can-eat seafood joint back in town, and now we're short a pilot. My job was to take out those elven glaive throwers before they cut our air units to ribbons. Hop on this wind rider and take to the skies! One of my bombardier buddies will ride with you and bomb the targets at your command. And hey! Chuck a bomb straight at the night elven command center - the large building south of here, beside the bridge. Glorious! | Mount a Grounded Wind Rider and fly over Talrendis Point. Destroy 6 Talrendis Glaive Throwers and bomb the Command Center. | Blacken the Skies |
We've recently come extremely close to driving the Stormpike invaders from Alterac Valley. As a result we're redirecting all our reinforcements to aid the Frostwolf Clan. A decisive victory there would free up the resources we need to crush the Alliance scum on all the other battlefronts. Go. Earn great honor by heeding the call of the brave Frostwolf warriors. | Win an Alterac Valley battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Alterac Valley |
You have accomplished the truly impossible. The brood mother of the Black Dragonflight lies dead at your feet. Seize her head and deliver it to Zardeth of the Black Claw. | Take the Head of Onyxia to Zardeth of the Black Claw in the basement of the Slaughtered Lamb. | A Most Puzzling Circumstance |
The Alliance is an insidious enemy. They claim to defend the Ashenvale forests to justify their acts of aggression against our territories in the Barrens. Today we have an opportunity to drive the enemy from our lands once and for all. Go to Warsong Gulch and take back what is rightfully ours! | Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch |
Arathi Basin is on the verge of being lost to Alliance forces. We must send reinforcements at this very moment or all our efforts will have been in vain. Do not delay, go to Arathi Basin and crush the enemy. Victory to the Horde! | Win an Arathi Basin battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Arathi Basin |
The Silverwing Sentinels fight to protect the forest in Warsong Gulch. We aid them, not because we're tree-lovers, but because the forest forms a natural protective barrier for Alliance territory. Their need is greater today than it's ever been. We need to deploy reinforcements right away unless we want to see Ashenvale annexed to the Barrens! | Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch |
We will fight and crush the enemy wherever we find them. Azeroth, Outland, the place makes no difference. We cannot allow the Alliance to establish superiority in the Eye of the Storm. Take the battle to them today... tomorrow it might be too late! | Win an Eye of the Storm battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm |
Arathi Basin is on the verge of being lost to Alliance forces. We must send reinforcements at this very moment or all our efforts will have been in vain. Do not delay, go to Arathi Basin and crush the enemy. Victory to the Horde! | Win an Arathi Basin battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Arathi Basin |
The Silverwing Sentinels fight to protect the forest in Warsong Gulch. We aid them, not because we're tree-lovers, but because the forest forms a natural protective barrier for Alliance territory. Their need is greater today than it's ever been. We need to deploy reinforcements right away unless we want to see Ashenvale annexed to the Barrens! | Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch |
The reality of fighting on multiple fronts, is that we cannot spread our forces too thin or we risk losing it all! Critical troop deployments are necessary on a day by day basis. Today it is the battle of Arathi Basin that demands immediate reinforcements. Return to me with news of victory. We cannot allow the Horde scum to secure the resources that are rightfully ours! | Win an Arathi Basin battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Arathi Basin |
The reality of fighting on multiple fronts, is that we cannot spread our forces too thin or we risk losing it all! Critical troop deployments are necessary on a day by day basis. Today it is the battle of Arathi Basin that demands immediate reinforcements. Return to me with news of victory. We cannot allow the Horde scum to secure the resources that are rightfully ours! | Win an Arathi Basin battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Arathi Basin |
The Silverwing Sentinels fight to protect the forest in Warsong Gulch. We aid them, not because we're tree-lovers, but because the forest forms a natural protective barrier for Alliance territory. Their need is greater today than it's ever been. We need to deploy reinforcements right away unless we want to see Ashenvale annexed to the Barrens! | Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch |
Look. The rolling plains of Mulgore stretch before you: our home, the cradle of the Earth Mother. Here she provides us with all we could ever need, a peaceful and verdant land. This is what you will fight to protect. Your journey will take you far beyond her sheltering arms, to the farthest and cruelest regions of this world, and beyond. Below us is Bloodhoof Village. The first step on your true path begins now. Drink deep of the Water of Vision, and let the spirits guide you onward. | Drink the Water of Vision. | Rite of the Winds |
I've placed an enchantment on the tabard that should allow you to slip past the Sunreaver Sanctuary's defenses for a short period of time. You should have enough time to find your way into The Filthy Animal and meet up with the Sunreaver contact there, one Magister Hathorel. Obtain the copy of Ancient Dragonforged Blades that his men borrowed from Wyrmrest while your disguise holds, and return it to me. | Retrieve the Ancient Dragonforged Blades tome from Magister Hathorel. | A Meeting With The Magister |
The Alliance is an insidious enemy. They claim to defend the Ashenvale forests to justify their acts of aggression against our territories in the Barrens. Today we have an opportunity to drive the enemy from our lands once and for all. Go to Warsong Gulch and take back what is rightfully ours! | Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch |
Our sacred wells have been tainted, and I will need your help to fix this. To cleanse each well, I must create a cleansing totem, then you must bring the totem to the well and perform a cleansing ritual. First we will create a cleansing totem for the Winterhoof Water Well. To do this, the land must offer its aid. Hunt prairie wolves for their paws and adult plainstriders for their talons. They are to the southwest. Return to me with the paws and talons. | Collect 6 Prairie Wolf Paws and 4 Plainstrider Talons. | Poison Water |
Today, you have undertaken a rite of passage far more difficult than we ask of most of our youths. Be proud. Now, it is time for you to continue on your journey. To the west, beyond our burial ground, you will find a path winding up the mesa. Follow it to the top, and speak with Dyami Windsoar. Walk with the Earth Mother, friend. You will always be welcome here. | Speak to Dyami Windsoar atop Fargaze Mesa. | Rites of the Earthmother |
The Alliance is an insidious enemy. They claim to defend the Ashenvale forests to justify their acts of aggression against our territories in the Barrens. Today we have an opportunity to drive the enemy from our lands once and for all. Go to Warsong Gulch and take back what is rightfully ours! | Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath. | Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch |
Getting you inside the Sunreaver's Sanctuary will be tougher than it appears. Only those who possess Sunreaver tabards are permitted entry to sanctuary. If we can get our hands on one, a simple enchantment will do the rest of the work. On the balcony above Threads of Fate, you'll find Shandy Glossgleam. I've helped him a few times in the past, so he owes me a favor. He handles laundry for a wide variety of people in the city. Maybe he can find a way to 'lend' you a tabard for a while. | Obtain a Borrowed Tabard from Shandy Glossgleam. | A Suitable Disguise |
Again, be sure you are ready to leave Bloodhoof Village behind. The next step on your journey will take you far from here. Your path continues to lead onward, across the fields of Mulgore, the eyes of the Earth Mother on you at all times. When you are ready, consume the waters near the tribal fire. Once you have ingested the holy waters, your eyes will be opened, and the spirits will guide you. | Consume the Water of Vision in front of the tribal fire in Bloodhoof Village. | Rite of Vision |
Until recently, a group of dwarves intruded on our lands to the west, carving the earth apart senselessly to search for treasure. When the very earth itself tore apart, the spirits of the land they had abused rose up and took their revenge. The agitated earth spirits still roam the former dig site. We must offer them appeasement. Take this drum with you to the west and play to the spirits. The rhythm may calm their fury and confusion. | Use the Drums of the Soothed Earth to calm 6 Agitated Earth Spirits. | The Restless Earth |
Our best demo-man, Ticker, is on assignment with the Gob Squad. He's got WAY more than enough explosives for all the runestones in the ruins. All you have to do is get him there and keep him covered - he'll handle the rest. | Bring Ticker into the ruins and cover him as he sets up bombs at 3 of the Spitelash Runestones. | Ticker Required |
You made it, huh? Good. I've been waiting for help. No time like the present to act, right? Take this kit and head deeper inside to serve papers to the leader of that scumbag chemical company, Hummel. The paper's inside. So's a little something to protect you from any chemical tricks they might pull. Use one of the neutralizers when the time comes, all right? | Serve the Court Subpoena to Apothecary Hummel in Shadowfang Keep. | You've Been Served |
They taught us at officers camp to always cut off the head of the snake. Seemed dumb considering we never fought any snakes, but I guess it kind of makes sense now. Take your men in there and kill Lord Kassarus. | Kill Lord Kassarus in the Temple of Zin-Malor. | Head of the Snake |
Commander Molotov found a party at the Secret Lab willing to act as buyer for the artifact that you scouted out earlier. Undoubtedly, it's still in the center of the ruins with the High Priestess, where you initially spotted it. Get it back here undamaged, soldier. | Recover the Heart of Arkkoroc from the center of the Ruins of Eldarath. | Still Beating Heart |
Hey there, buddy. Want to make a quick buck? Bring me back any highborne tablets you find in the ruins. | Collect 12 Highborne Tablets from the Ruins of Eldarath. | Handling the Goods |
This tower was out of cannon range, so I thought we'd blow it up the old-fashioned way - in person. We set all the main charges but the guards fought us back before we could arm the detonators. ! Get up there and arm the three detonators we placed around the base of the tower. Those things are wired into a pack of thermals I set up along the spine... It'll be some show! | Arm the three Explosive Charges located around the base of the southern-most tower at Talrendis Point. | Rigged to Blow |
Citizen! As you may have heard, the Horde's attacking just offshore. The fighting's been fierce and relentless. We need every able body out there repelling the enemy! Report to the northernmost dock at once for transport to the battle. Oh, and our official warships are... err, a bit late in their scheduled return. Don't worry though, we've commissioned mercenary vessels to serve in the meantime. Hurry along now. Stormwind needs you! | Ride the mercenary ship to battle. | Call of Duty |
The inside of the card is scribbled with mad, detailed plans to infect most of Azeroth. You should show this to one of Steamwheedle's investigators immediately! | Bring the Faded Lovely Greeting Card to Detective Snap Snagglebolt in Orgrimmar. | Something is in the Air (and it Ain't Love) |
We're sending you in there to clean up this naga infestation. Lethal force has been authorized. Gob Squad will be backing you up on this one, so it should be a cakewalk. | Kill 30 Spitelash Naga in the Ruins of Eldarath. | Extermination |
The Horde and Alliance are locked in battle with one another in the seas to the west. Below them, a great host of enemies prepares to carry out a plan that could be the undoing of us all. I am sending you to speak with the admiral of the alliance forces. Share with him the vision you have seen. Convince him to focus his attention on the true threat below, before it grows too late... To gain audience with the admiral, you must first enlist with the recruiter at the harbor. | Nambria wants you to speak to Recruiter Burns at Stormwind Harbor. | Into The Abyss |
Enough small talk. Get off your butt and onto a rocket, soldier. And remember, you don't get paid if you're dead. | Use a rocket to reach the Shattered Strand, and then report for duty to Lieutenant Drex. | There Are Many Like It |
Lemme check the connections... and we're set. You do the honors. Push it. Push the button! Push the button! After the fireworks, go tell Kroum back at Valormok that his skies are clear. Push the button! | Detonate the explosives! | Push the Button! |
The Bilgewater Battalion are now accepting recruits for OPERATION FISHGUT. Wages will consist of 1 gold piece at the time of operation completion for all active soldiers in good standing. All wages will be forfeited in the event of death. A fee of 20 silver will be charged for any resurrections performed in the line of duty. All recruits are to report for duty directly to Commander Molotov under the main cannon. | Report for active duty to Commander Molotov under the main cannon in Bilgewater Harbor. | Operation Fishgut |
, I'm sorry, I thought you were dead! This is just crazy. We sailed into a fight between the Alliance and Horde! You know, our brothers and sisters still need to be rescued. I think I'm going to sit here a while longer and catch my breath. Can you swim around and let them out? Take my pair of thermohydratic flippers so you can get around faster. Let Sassy know that I'll swim in shortly. | Rescue 6 Goblin Survivors. | Goblin Escape Pods |
Looks like those monkeys will steal anything! Those thieving little monsters have driven the teraptor matriarch into a frenzy by stealing her eggs. Worse yet, the eggs have started to hatch! We've got hungry teraptor hatchlings running around all over the place, looking to make a quick meal out of us! We didn't start this, but it's our problem now. You'll have to head into the jungle and kill those hungry teraptor hatchlings before they kill us all. | Slay 6 Teraptor Hatchlings. | It's Our Problem Now |
Do you see a problem with these wind riders? They're not riding the wind! Every flight I send aloft gets peppered by night elf snipers. Talrendis sharpshooters are holed up in the southern-most tower, against the mountains. I sent one of these little goblin scrubs to take care of the tower, but I haven't heard a word from him. Go find Bombardier Captain Smooks and beat him with the hurry stick! | Find Bombardier Captain Smooks at the southernmost night elf tower at Talrendis Point. | Grounded! |
Oh have I got a deal for you! Immerse yourself in foreign cultures, go on epic adventures, blow things up, and get paid to do it! Sound too good to be true? Well it's not - this is what we do! If you're interested, head over to Gallywix Defense Post on Forlorn Ridge to the north and look for Commander Molotov. | Report to Commander Molotov on Forlorn Ridge. | Another Warm Body |
The naga are using those giants to stamp paths through our minefields. Time to put that SFG to use! Head over to the entrance to the southern minefield - I think you can figure out the rest. | Use an SFG to kill an Enslaved Son of Arkkoroc in the southern minefield. | In The Face! |
Hey bud! Like explosions? Of course you do. Who doesn't like explosions?! I've got mortars set up on the ridge to the east to hold the naga back. Go forth, recruit. Mortar them... mortar them all! Ahahahah. | Use a Goblin Mortar to slaughter 60 Spitelash Attackers. | First Degree Mortar |
First things first - we need more supplies for you and the other new recruits. There are some perfectly good standard issue packs on the bodies of our last round of recruits, in the minefield to the north. Taking their lessons to heart, I'd recommend you avoid stepping on mines yourself. | Retrieve 12 Military Supply Packs from the central minefield. | Hand-me-downs |
You ought to speak to Genn. He's been locked up in his observatory ever since this ordeal started. I'm sure he's working on a plan for his people. He's a very stubborn individual. | Speak to King Genn Greymane in the observatory inside Greymane Manor. | The King's Observatory |
The base of the tower is patrolled by the Captain's elite guards. So here's what we're going to do: we're going to grapple straight up to the top, slice-and-dice the VIPs, and bail out using my portable low-altitude parachute. I'll rig the tower to explode behind us. You be sure to grab Captain Grunwald's head for Chawg. Got it? Do NOT accept this mission unless you are prepared for UNMITIGATED BADASSERY. Is that clear? | Talk to Slinky Sharpshiv to ascend the tower and assassinate Captain Grunwald. Collect Captain Grunwald's head. | Lightning Strike Assassination |
He's here! Captain Grunwald is a high-ranking Alliance officer from Northwatch Hold, no doubt here to coordinate an assault on Orgrimmar with his night elven allies. We have observed him entering the tower southwest of here. I want his head. I want to send it back to Northwatch to drive a wedge between our enemies! I've sent a goblin assassin, Slinky Sharpshiv, to the tower but she hasn't returned. Go find her. And get me that head! | You've been sent to meet with the goblin assassin Slinky Sharpshiv at the base of the northern tower of Talrendis Point. | Where's My Head? |
We've lost contact with Sergeant Dynamo, stationed at the next ridge to the north of the central minefield. They were probably overrun. He had our last SFG. Go over there and get it back. Clear out any naga that have broken through while you're there. | Kill Warlord Krellian and recover the SFG. | Military Breakthrough |
Saving the horses might've saved the rest of the town. They have plenty of carriages in Duskhaven, but not enough horses to pull them. Go tell Mayor Armstead that the horses you saved are at her disposal. I'll get things ready and join you in a bit. | Speak to Gwen Armstead in Duskhaven. | Horses for Duskhaven |
It's time for everyone to head to safety. That includes you. Head to Greymane Manor, the others will be there shortly. Don't worry about me, I'll make sure that everyone makes it out of here in one piece. Yes, even the few ferals we have in the pens. Once you get there, speak to Queen Greymane about the gravity of the situation. | Speak to Queen Mia Greymane inside Greymane Manor. | To Greymane Manor |
Chief Squealer Thornmantle leads these quilboar. It was he that set upon Greatmother Hawkwind and took her life, leading the attack on Camp Narache. He fled and hid afterwards, but we've found him. He lurks to the west within his foul den of thorns, fending off any braves we send in after him. You've proven yourself as a brave defender of our people. Kill Thornmantle and bring his mane back to Chief Hawkwind, in honor of our Greatmother! | Kill Chief Squealer Thornmantle. | Rite of Honor |
We've struck a great blow against the quilboar here. I will stay here, and hold the line, but you need to move on. Seek Adana Thunderhorn; she has taken a few braves to the southwest to root out the rest of the Bristleback. | Go to Adana Thunderhorn to the Southwest. | Go to Adana |
One of my contacts in the Underbelly caught sight of a Sunreaver agent buying reagents from a dealer in the Black Market area. The Sunreavers normally aren't known for their interest in what goes on in the sewers, so that's a big indication they're planning something. Head into the Underbelly, find this Sunreaver agent, and take care of them. Search the body for any information that might give us a lead on the location of that tome from Wyrmrest. We can't let them get it back to Icecrown first. | Obtain the Sunreaver Orders. | The Sunreaver Plan |
There are more threats to be dealt with here. The Bristleback are taming wild boars to be used against us. These armored battleboars have been abused beyond hope of recovery; they must be put down, for our safety and their peace. Go to the pens to the south and slay them. Return to me afterwards. | Kill 10 Armored Battleboars. | The Battleboars |
We must do more than simply hunt boars here. The eyesore that has been left upon the land must be purged. To give them a wild thirst for blood, the battleboars are force-fed raw flesh. Take this torch, and use it to burn the troughs of meat and gore to cinders. | Use Adana's Torch to set fire to all 3 Troughs in the Battleboar Pens. | Feed of Evil |
Knowing the ways of your prey is another aspect of the hunt. In the lands they come from, quilboar live in the shade and protection of huge thorned roots. When they move, their shamans seed and grow new roots for them to live in. These thorns mar the land and choke out other life, turning the earth around them barren. Go to the south and stop these thorncallers before they have a chance to continue. | Kill 7 Bristleback Thorncallers. | Stop the Thorncallers |
This quest tests random drops with flat rate drop percentage. | Get 10 Flat Widgets. | Random Drop Flat Rate |
Behold. The very presence of the Bristleback is a blight. Nothing is left in their wake but corpses and barren land. Camp Narache could become what we see here in but a few days, unless we stand and fight. This will be your Rite of Strength; the first ceremony of a tauren brave. Go into the heart of the thornsnarl and kill Bristleback quilboar, then return to me. | Kill 6 Bristleback Invaders. | Rite of Strength |
The quilboar have not only razed our buildings, but have taken tauren captives. I saw them take Brave Sharphorn, a young warrior trainer of ours, away in one of their foul cages. Please, find a key on one of the quilboar's bodies and go save him! | Obtain a Crude Key from one of the Bristleback Quilboar, and use it to unlock the Quilboar Cage holding Brave Sharphorn. | The Captured Warrior |
One of the first lessons you should learn, is to never underestimate your prey. While we were distracted by the attack on Camp Narache, more of the Bristleback swept in unnoticed and stole a cache of our rifles. You can see them to the south now, filling the air with lead. This is your Rite of Courage: brave the hail of gunfire, hunt the Bristleback gun thieves, and bring back our rifles. | Recover 7 Stolen Rifles from Bristleback Gun Thieves. | Rite of Courage |
This quest tests random drops with progressive drop percentage. | Get 10 Progressive Widgets. | Random Drop Test Progressive |
All members of the tribe share in the harmony of life. We live together and work together. Our commitment to one another carries with it a high degree of responsibility. I ask of you now a humble task. My mother set out this morning to fetch water from the well to the southeast of Narache. It has been quite some time now. Perhaps you could check on her for me while I attend to tribal matters here? | Chief Hawkwind wants you to search for his mother near the water well to the southeast of Camp Narache. | A Humble Task |
While we should never miss an opportunity to strike out against the Alliance, we mustn't forget about the Scourge. We won't have the numbers here to make a proper assault in the glacier for weeks, but that won't keep us from learning all we can know about their defenses. I have asked our resident death knight to advise you in this effort. After all, who better knows this enemy than they? Allow me to introduce Koltira Deathweaver. | Sky-Reaver Korm wants you to speak to Koltira Deathweaver on Orgrim's Hammer. | Takes One to Know One |
While we should never miss an opportunity to strike out against the Alliance, we mustn't forget about the Scourge. We won't have the numbers here to make a proper assault in the glacier for weeks, but that won't keep us from learning all we can know about their defenses. I have asked our resident death knight to advise you in this effort. After all, who better knows this enemy than they? Allow me to introduce Koltira Deathweaver. | Sky-Reaver Korm wants you to speak to Koltira Deathweaver on Orgrim's Hammer. | Takes One to Know One |
What you see here is the work of the quilboar, young one. Year after year they have encroached on our village. The great cataclysm finally drove them from their dens to spread like locusts across the land, and now you see the result; my own mother, dead from their savagery. Today, you are of age. Today, you will take up your weapon and fight for the tribe, and avenge the Greatmother. Follow the path to the east, and find my son, Grull. He will lead you in our strike against the quilboar. | Follow the path East out of Camp Narache and find Grull Hawkwind. | The First Step |
There's no mistaking it - this hilt comes from a powerful, ancient weapon, but which one? I do not recall seeing or hearing of a sword with these markings, but that doesn't mean that all is lost. Korialstrasz, better known as Krasus, has long been a friend to the quel'dorei and the Kirin Tor. With his vast knowledge and resources, he's certain to know something. Travel to the top of Wyrmrest Temple and seek his counsel, then report to Arcanist Tybalin inside the Silver Enclave in Dalaran. | Speak to Krasus at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. | What The Dragons Know |
Hear my words! The winds of change have gathered into a violent storm that sweeps across Azeroth. Have you the courage to face the true cause of our plight? Muster your resolve, and pray for the strength and fortune to see you through the trials that await. An unexpected ally has issued a call for all that would hear. Peer into the Waters of Farseeing and behold the fate of the world! | Nambria wants you to peer into the Waters of Farseeing. | Cataclysm! |
They say that Garrosh Hellscream is one of the greatest heroes in the Horde! When I grow up, I want to be a hero of the Horde too! Do you know Garrosh? Could you do me a favor, please? Could you get his autograph for me? I dunno how to ask him, and he probably wouldn't listen to someone like me... but you! You're an adventurer, like him! I bet he'd give you his autograph easy! Please? | Travel to Grommash Hold in the heart of Orgrimmar's Valley of Strength to see about getting Garrosh Hellscream's autograph for your ward. | Garrosh's Autograph |
Our destinies are forever intertwined. There are events taking place that are reshaping our world and ultimately will destroy it. We must put an end to them before it is too late. Know that you can always count on me! We will meet again on the larger island. May you find peace until then. | Speak with Sassy Hardwrench at the Wild Overlook on the Lost Isles. | Farewell, For Now |
You have passed the Rites of the Earthmother and earned your place in Thunder Bluff. But in order to maintain the spot that you strived so hard to achieve, you must continue to prove your worth to your people. We are hunters. Down below in Mulgore there is a mighty kodo named Arra'chea. Show me your skills in the ways of tracking and hunting by bringing me the Horn of Arra'chea. | Baine Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff wants you to bring him the Horn of Arra'chea. | Rites of the Earthmother |
This battered old sword hilt has seen better days. Before the hilt was snapped from the blade, it must've been a magnificent example of the blacksmith's art. The graceful symbols and exotic gemstones decorating the hilt suggest that the weapon may have belonged to a powerful person. Surely, the Silver Covenant members would be interested in hearing about the recovery of such an artifact. Seek out their representative at Quel'Delar's Rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds. | Bring the Battered Hilt to Caladis Brightspear at Quel'Delar's rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds. | The Battered Hilt |
I don't know if you've noticed , but this whole lab complex has gone south of cheese! I don't mind writing off all those hippogryphs, but my most prized experiment has gone missing: Subject Nine! Subject Nine is a raptor we imported from the Barrens. I wonder - is she still alive? Try checking above the main complex west of here, near the giant top secret rocket. You can't miss it. | Locate Subject Nine somewhere near the Secret Lab complex in Azshara. | My Favorite Subject |
You will now be revered within our great city. Any worthy of completing the Rites of the Earthmother earns that honor. For your final quest, seek out our young leader, Baine Bloodhoof, who dwells atop the highest mesa in Thunder Bluff. | Speak with Baine Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff. | Journey into Thunder Bluff |
For you to continue with the Rites of the Earthmother you must pass two more tests. It is time for you to broaden your experience. Travel to Bloodhoof Village and seek out the Ahmo Thunderhorn. There you may continue your journey and earn the acceptance of the elders of Thunder Bluff. Take this totem to Ahmo. He will recognize my carvings and help you on your path. Follow the road out of Camp Narache and travel with haste. Do not stray or you will lose your way. | Take the Totem of Hawkwind to Ahmo Thunderhorn in Bloodhoof Village. Follow the road out of Camp Narache. | Rites of the Earthmother |
, there are many conflicts that wound this land. It is my hope that you will not bear witness to as many of them as our elders have. Yet there is one that I would ask you to seek. It will give you some sense of how terrible, if left unchecked, even a small threat can be to the land. Palemane gnolls have settled to the south of Bloodhoof and in a cave to the west. They disrespect our attempts to communicate with them, and they slay the wildlife of Mulgore unbridled. Words are no longer the answer. | Kill 15 Palemane Gnolls then return to Ahmo Thunderhorn in Bloodhoof Village. | Sharing the Land |
Andorel here has crafted a little bit of magic for me. Come, stand next to my fire, and steep yourself in the fumes from the tea. Drape the robes around you and you'll take on the appearance of a night elven ambassador to the Blackmaw. Don your disguise and speak to Andorel here in camp. He'll teleport you to the heart of Blackmaw hold, where the negotiations are to take place. Speak with Chieftain Ungarl and sabotage the treaty. Then, kill as many Blackmaw as you can on the way back! | Wear the Ambassador Disguise and talk to Andorel Sunsworn to teleport into Blackmaw Hold. Speak with Ungarl to wreck the negotiations, then kill 4 Blackmaw Warriors and 4 Blackmaw Shaman on your way out. | The Blackmaw Doublecross |
There are dwarves preparing a dig site to the northwest. They think secrets lie in the earth, and that is true, but hollowing and defiling the land is no way to earn its teachings. Collect the dwarven tools of digging, smash them, and return to me with the dwarves' broken tools. You can smash the tools at a forge. You will find one in Thunder Bluff, but any forge -- even a forge at the dwarven camp -- will suffice. | Collect 5 Prospector's Picks. | Dwarven Digging |
The Blackmaw furbolg that live in this area have broken rank with their Timbermaw brethren as we began to aggressively settle Azshara. They've gone wild, and harass our forces at every turn. Worse, we have seen them engaging the night elves from Talrendis on friendly terms. We cannot allow the two to ally! Just southwest of here you will find a great scar across the earth where my scouts report night elven activity. Slay them and gather any intelligence you find. | Slay 8 Talrendis Biologists and gather up Blackmaw Intelligence from one of the bodies. | The Blackmaw Scar |
In order to infiltrate and disrupt the Blackmaw negotiations, we'll need to know where they're happening. In Blackmaw Hold to the southwest, I suspect you'll find night elven ambassadors milling around, making preparations. Kill them at your leisure, and search the area for important documents. Oh, and grab a set of their ambassador's robes, we'll need them. | Gather a Blackmaw Meeting Agenda at Blackmaw Hold, and kill a Talrendis Ambassador to collect her Ambassador's Robes. | Diplomacy by Another Means |