8 values
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However, there is need and potential to increase production further to meet both the domestic and export markets. Currently average farmers’ yields are very low ranging from 400 to 1,000kg per hectare. Yield of up to 4,500kg per hectare can be obtained with good crop management
Komabe pali kufunika komanso kuthekera kowonjezera kulima kupita mtsogolo kuti tikwaniritse misika ya mdziko muno komanso yakunja. Padakali pano, chikatikati cha zokolola za alimi mchotsika kwambiri kuyambira makiligalamu 400 kufika 1000 pa hectare. Zokolola zofika makilogalamu 4,500 pa hectare ndizotheka mbewuyi itasamlidwa moyenera
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Ocepara 4 is an indeterminate variety which has a very high yield potential of over 4,000kg per ha. It is adapted for cultivation in medium plateau to upland areas characterized by a prolonged rainfall season
Ocepara 4 ndi mtundu wa mbewu wapakatikati womwe umabweretsa zokolola zoposa makilogalamu 4,000 pa hectare. Imalola kulima mmadera okwera pang'ono mpaka kumadera okwera kwambiri omwe amakhala ndi mvula nthawi yayitali
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The variety requires a full growing season for best yields. It is a very tall plant, with broad leaves, medium to late maturing
Mtunduwu umafuna nyengo yathunthu yolimira kuti ichite bwino. Imatalika kwambiri, ili masamba otambalala kwambiri ndipo imacha mochedwerapo
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A well grown crop produces a lot of green canopy. An additional characteristic is that Ocepara 4 is resistant to root knot nematode (Meloidogyn spp) hence is most suitable for cultivation in root knot nematode prone sandy loamy soils hence can be grown as a rotational crop in tobacco fields
Mbewu yoti yakula bwino imakhala ndi masamba ambiri obiliwira. China chozindikiritsa mbewuyi ndi chakuti Ocepara 4 amapilira ku mbozi zotupitsa mitsitsi (Meloidogyn spp) choncho ndiyoyenera kubzalidwa mudothi lachenga momwe mbozi zotupitsa mitsitsi zimakonda choncho ikhoza kulimidwa ngati mbewu yakasinthasintha kuminda yafodya
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This variety has white flowers and grey hairs. It is big seeded (22g per 100 seeds) and has a small light grey hilum
Mtundu umenewu umakhala ndi maluwa oyera a tsitsi laphulusa. Maso a mbewu yake amakhala akuluakulu (olemera magalamu 22 pa maso 100) ndipo mchombo wake umaoneka wotuwirapo pang'ono
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The variety takes about 23 days from maturity to shatter and its logging resistance is very strong. The normal colour at maturity is light grey
Mtundu wa mbewuyi umatenga pafupifupi masiku 23 kuchoka pomwe wakhwima kufika posweka ndipo mitengo yake simagwa wamba. Maonekedwe ake ikahwima ndi a phulusa
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Nasoko is a determinate variety. It takes 120-130 days to maturity. The yield potential; is 3,500 kg/ ha. It is widely adapted to most agro ecologies in Malawi
Nasoko ndi mtundu wa soya omwe ukafika msinkhu wina umasiya kukula. Imatenga masiku 120 kufika 130 kuti ikhwime. Imabeleka kufika makilogalamu 3,500 pa hectare. Imalola madera ambiri a ulimi mMalawi muno
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It is a fairly tall plant, with broad leaves, late maturing with light cream round seeds which have a colorless hilum a characteristic most preferred by the agro-processors
Ndiyotalika pang'ono, yamasamba otambalala, yocha mochedwa, maso ake obulungira ooneka oyelerapo ndipo mchombo wake ulibe mtundu zimene zimapangitsa ogaya soya kuti adziyikonda
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The variety has pink flowers and grey hairs. It is big seeded (22g per 100 seeds). It takes about 23 days from maturity to shatter. The variety has good logging resistance and its colour at maturity is light grey
Mtunduwu uli ndi maluwa a pink ndi tsitsi laphulusa. Maso ake ndi akuluakulu (olemera magalamu 22 pa mbewu 100). Imatenga masiku 23 kuchokera pomwe yakhwima kufika posweka. Mtunduwu umadzika kwambiri munthaka ndipo sumagwa wamba komanso maonekedwe ake ikakhwima ndi a phulusa
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Makwacha is an indeterminate variety. It takes 120-130 days to maturity. The yield potential is 3,500 kg/ha. It is widely adapted to most agro ecologies in Malawi
Makwacha ndi mbewu yomwe imapitilira kukulabe mpaka itadulidwa. Imakhwima pamasiku 120 kufika 130. Imabeleka kufika malikogalamu 3,500 pa hectare. Imalola madera ambiri a ulimi mMalawi muno
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The variety has very strong logging and shattering resistance. It is medium maturing with large spherical flattened bright cream seeds
Mbewuyi imalimba munthaka ndipo simaswekwa kwambiri. Imakhwima mochedwerapo pang'ono ndipo ili ndi maso ozungulira ooneka mwa mkaka yophwathalala
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Tikolore is another indeterminate variety. It is an early to medium maturing variety. It does well in low, medium and high altitude areas
Tikolole ndi mtundu wina wopitilira kukula mpaka utadulidwa. Imakhwima mwachangu pena mochedwerapo. Imachita bwino mmadera otsika, okwelerapo komanso okwera kwambiri
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The variety is susceptible to rust but can escape, small seeded, promiscuous (may not require inoculant), Tolerant to frog eye disease with potential yield of 2500kg/ha
Mtundu umenewu umagwidwa kwambiri ndi matenda a dzimbiri koma ikhoza kusemphana ndi matendawa, yaying'ono maso ake, imakwatitsana (singafune feteleza wobzalira soya). Imapilira ku matenda ouma masamba a frog eye ndipo zokolola zimafika 2,500kg pa hectare
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Field preparation should be done before the first planting rains. Prepare ridges at 75cm or 90cm apart. Fields should be properly tilled to conserve soil and water
Kukonza minda kuchitike mvula yobzalira isanagwe. Konzani mizere motalikirana 75cm kapena 90cm. Minda igawulidwe moyenera kuti idzisunga dothi ndi madzi
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Seed should be inoculated with Rhizobium for high grain yield such as Nitrofi x, Biofi x and Histick. Nitrofi x is applied by inoculating seed prepare 200ml of a 5% sugar solution (discouraged due to ant’s attack) by dissolving one match box full of sugar into water contained in a bottle of fanta
Mbewu ithiridwe feteleza wa Rhizobium kuti ibeleke kwambiri monga Nitrofi z, Biofi x ndi Histick. Nitrofi x amathiridwa posakaniza ndi mbewu pamulingo wa 200ml wa madzi a sugar, koma izi zimaletsedwa chifukwa zimayitana nyerere, posungunula sugar wodzadza chibiliti chamachesi mmadzi odzadza botolo la fanta
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Mix one sachet of inoculants (50g) into this solution to form a slurry. Pour this slurry over 25kg of seed and mix until all the seed is evenly coated
Sungunulani paketi imodzi ya mankhwala okwana 50g kuti mupange kaphala. Thirani kaphalako pa mbewu yolemera makilogalamu 25 ndipo sakanizani mpaka mbewu yonse itakutidwa mofanana
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Leave it to dry in the shed for 30 minutes. Plant seed within 24 hours of inoculation. Inoculum does not have to be stored in are frigerator, it can be stored at room temperature. For Biofi x and Histick farmers are encouraged to mix the product with right quantity of water and seeds
Siyani kuti ziume kwa mphindi makumi atatu. Bzalani mbewu maola 24 mutathira mankhwala asanadutse. Mankhwalawa sakuyenera kusingidwa mozizira, akhoza kusingidwa pamalo ofunda pang'ono. Kwa Biofi x ndi Hastick, alimi akulimbikitsidwa kusakaniza mankhwalawa ndi mulingo woyenera wamadzi ndi mbewu
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Medium to late maturing varieties of soya bean require 100 days of good rainfall for good development of the crop
Mbewu za zoya zocha pakatikati kufika mochedwerapo zimafuna masiku 100 a mvula yabwino kuti zikule moyenera
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Planting in narrow row widths produces more yield than wide spacing. Planting on the ridge should be done on two rows spaced on each side of ridge at approximately 30cm apart and placing one seed per planting station 5cm apart and 2.5cm deep
Kubzala mmizere yothithikana kumatulutsa zokolola zochuluka kuposa kutalikitsa. Kubzala mmizere kuchitike mbali iliyonse pamtunda wa 30cm ndipo ikani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 5cm ndipo 2.5cm kulowa pansi
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Flat planting should be done on rows spaced at 45cm apart and 5cm between stations. In both cases the required seed rate is 60 to110 kg per hectare depending on seed size
Kubzala pamalo osaladza kuchitike mmizere yotalikirana 45cm ndipo mbewu zitalikirane 5cm paphando. Pa ziwiri zonsezi, mulingo woyenera wambewu ndi makilogalamu 60 kufika 110 pa hectare kutengera kukula kwa mbewu
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Soya beans can be grown under residual moisture or irrigation. Normal ridge and planting spacing and seed rates should be followed. Water logged conditions should be avoided
Nyemba za soya zikhoza kulimidwa ndi chinyezi kapena mthilira. Mizere ya mulingo woyenera komanso kutalikitsa pobzala mbwewu kutsatiridwe. Malo a lowe apewedwe
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Pigeon pea is an important pulse in the country particularly in the Southern Region. It can be grown in almost all types of free draining soils either in pure or mixed stand with other crops such as maize and cassava
Nandolo ndi mbewu yofunikira kwambiri mdziko muno makamaka ku chigawo chakummwera. Imalimidwa payokha kapena yosakaniza ndi mbewu zina monga chimanga ndi chinangwa mmitundu yonse yadothi imene simadzadza madzi
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Pigeon pea is a valuable source of vegetable protein and farmers grow it either for food or cash. Pigeon pea improves soil fertility through leaf litter and nitrogen fixation. It can be grown either as an annual or as a perennial crop
Nandolo ndi wofunikira kwambiri ngati chakudya chomanga thupi chamasamba ndipo alimi amalima ngati chakudya kapena kugulitsa. Nandolo imaonjezera chonde munthaka kudzera mmasamba ake omwe amagwa pansi ndipo amathandizira kuyika nitrogen munthaka. Amalimidwa ngati mbewu yachaka kapena yokhalitsa kuposa chaka chimodzi
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Present average yields range from 400 to 800kg per hectare. Potential yields of up to 2,500 kg per hectare can be obtained in a pure stand. The objective therefore is to improve yields
Makololedwe apano amayambira makilogalamu 400 kufika 800 pa hectare. Pali kuthekera kolola malikogalamu 2,500 pa hectare akadzalidwa payekha. Choncho cholinga ndi kupititsa patsogolo zokolola
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Short Duration (SD) pigeon pea varieties mature in about 120 to150 days depending on date of sowing and location
Mitundu ya Nandolo yanthawi yayifupi amacha pamasiku 120 kufika 150 potengera ndi masiku ofetsa komanso dera
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The short duration pigeon pea varieties are relatively insensitive to day length and can therefore be grown in a wide range of climatic and soil conditions including dry (700mm mean annual rainfall) low lying (60m above sea level), warm to hot areas to the high plateaus (>1,500m above sea level) which are characterized by cool temperatures and continuous rainfall (2,000mm mean annual rainfall)
Mitundu ya nandolo yanthawi yayifupi simakhudzika kwambiri ndi kutalika kwa usana ndipo choncho ikhoza kulimidwa mmadera a nyengo ndi dothi losiyanasiyana luphatikizirapo madera ouma omwe amalandira mvula ya 700mm pa chaka omwenso ndi otsika pa mtunda wa 60m pamwamba pa nyanja, ofunda kufika otentha kufika madera akumapiri pamtunda woposera 1500m pamwamba panyanja omwe amadziwika bwino ndi kuzizira komanso mvula yopitilira yofika 2000m pa chaka
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Currently there are no varieties amongst the Short duration pigeon pea with resistance to the soil borne disease Fusarium wilt and Cercospora leaf spot diseases and insect pests such as pod borers and pod sucking bugs. Therefore, a Short Duration crop has to be protected against pests
Padakali pano palibe mtundu pakati pa mitundu yocha msangayi yomwe imapilira ku matenda ochokera munthaka a Fusarium Wilt ndi madontho a masamba a Cercospora komanso tizilimbo towononga monga toboola ndolo za nandolo komanso toyamwa ndolo za nandolo. Choncho, mitundu yocha msanga itetezedwe ku tizilombo towonongati
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This category of pigeon peas offers an unlimited opportunity for extending the production of pigeon peas to non- traditional pigeon pea growing areas in Malawi such as the medium to high altitude areas with cool temperatures in the Central and Northern Regions of Malawi. Adapted varieties in this category are available for cultivation
Gulu ili la nandolo limapezetsa mwayi wopanda malire potipitsa patsogolo ulimi wa nandolo kumadera omwe samalima nandolo mMalawi muno monga madera okwelerapo mpaka okwera kwambiri omwe amazizira kuchigawo chapakati ndi kumpoto kwa Malawi. Mitundu yake mugulu limeneli ilipo kuti ilimidwe
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Late maturing (long duration) varieties mature in about 210 to 270 days after sowing depending on time of sowing and location
Mitundu ya nandolo wochedwa kucha imacha pamasiku 210 kufika 270 pambuyo pofetsa potengera ndi nthawi yobzalira komanso dera
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These varieties are traditionally grown in most parts of Southern Region and in certain parts of the Central and Northern regions too, where they form a major component in the farming systems
Mitundu imeneyi imalimidwa kwambiri mmadera ambiri a chigawo chakummwera ndi madera ena mchigawo chapakati komanso kumpoto, komwe liri gawo limodzi lalikulu pa ulimi wawo
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Sauma is an indeterminate variety which flowers between 160 to 180 days, and matures between 220 to 270 days after sowing depending on time of sowing and location
Sauma ndi mtundu wa mbewu yapakayikati yomwe imachita masamba pamasiku 160 kufika 180 ndipo imacha pamasiku 220 kufika 270 pambuyo pofetsa kutengera ndi nthawi yofetsera komanso dera
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This variety has strong resistance to the soil borne Fusarium wilt disease and leaf spots Cercospora spp, which are among the major factors which constrain pigeon pea productivity in the country
Mtundu umenewu umapilira kwambiri kumatenda ochokera mudothi a Fusarium Wilt ndi a madontho a masamba a mtundu wa Cercospora, zomwe zili zinthu zikuluzikulu zobwezeretsa mbuyo ulimi wa nandolo mdziko muno
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Sauma produces many spreading branches which are capable of growing taller than 2 m in a December sowing. The stems are woody and green in colour; the leaves are dark green and its flowers are bright-yellow and the pods are green. Its seeds are large (15g per 100 seeds) oval shaped and white in colour with white hilum. It has a yield potential of 2,500kg per hectare
Sauma amatulutsa mthambi zambiri zotayana zomwe zilu ndi kuthekera kotalika kupyola 2m zikzagetsedwa mu mwezi wa December. Tsinde lake ndi la thabwa komanso lobiliwira; masamba ake ndi obiliwira mozama ndipo maluwa ake ndi achikasu chowala ndipo ndolo zake ndi zobiliwira. Mbewu zake ndi zazikulu kulemera magalamu 15 pa mbewu 100 zirizonse, zobulungira komanso zoyera panchombo pake. Zokolola zimafika makilogalamu 2,500 pa hectare
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Kachangu is an indeterminate variety which flowers between140 to 180 days, and matures between 190 to 240 days after sowing depending on time of sowing and location
Kachangu ndi mtundu wapakatikati womwe umachita maluwa pamasiku 140 kufika 180, imacha pamasiku 190 kufika 240 pambuyo pofetsa kutengera nthawi yofetsera komanso dera
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This variety has some considerable degree of resistance to Fusarium wilt disease. Like Sauma, this variety also produces many spreading branches which are capable of growing taller than 2 m in a December sowing
Mtundu umenewu uli ndi kuthekera kokulirapo kopilira ku matenda a Fusarium Wilt. Monga Sauma, mtundu umenewu umatulutsanso mthambi zotayana zomwe zili ndi kuthejkera kutalika kupyola 2m zikabzalidwa mmwezi wa December
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The stems are also woody and green in colour; the leaves are green and its flowers are ivory creamy, the pods are green and seeds are creamy white
Tsinde lake ndi lathabwa komanso lobiliwira; masamba ake ndi obiliwira ndipo maluwa ake owoneka mwamkaka, ndolo zake ndi zobiliwira ndipo mbewu yake ndi yoyera
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The seed is much larger (22g per100 seeds) than that of Sauma, and the seed coat is much easier to remove during Dhal processing as compared to Sauma. Th is variety is preferred by the agro-industry
Mbewuyi imakula kuposa ya Sauma, magalamu 22 pa mbewu 100 zilizonse, ndipo khungu lake silivuta kuchotsa popanga zaudya kuchokera ku nandolo kuyerekeza ndi Sauma. Mtundu umenewu umakondedwa ndi makampani okonza zinthu kuchoka ku nandolo
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Chitedze Pigeon peas 1-The stem is green while the leaves are green and medium in size. It flowers and matures in about 120 days and 190 days, respectively
Nandolo wa Chitedze 1- Tsinde lake ndi lobiliwira pamene masamba ake ndi obiliwira komanso okulirapo. Imachita maluwa ndikucha pamasiku 120 ndi 190 motsogozana
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It is non determinate and semi-spreading in growth habit (Under intercropping, the plants remain tall and compact but when grown under low population additional branches develop giving a semi-spreading appearance)
Imakulabe ndipo imamwazikana pang'ono mmakulidwe ake (pobzala mwakasakaniza, mbewuyi imayima motalika komanso mosamwazikana koma ikadzalidwa motalikana mthambi zowonjezera zimaphukira ndikupereka maonekedwe omwazikana)
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The base flower colour is red. The immature pods are green with light stripes, long and sickle-shaped. Each pod contains 6-7 seeds. Seeds are large white/ cream with 100-seed mass of 14-17g
Duwa lake ndi lifiira. Ndolo zosakhwima ndi zobiliwira ndipo zimakhala ndi mizere, zazitali komanso zamaonekedwe ngati chikwakwa. Ndolo iliyonse imakhala ndi mbewu 6 kapena 7. Mbewu zake ndi zazikulu zoyera ndipo 100 zilizonse zimalemera magalamu 14 kufika 17
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Plant height is significantly influenced by temperature. Under warm environments, the plants grow tall but shorter under cool environments
Kutalika kwa mbewu kumatengera nyengo. Mmadera ofunda, mbewu imatalika koma imakhala yayifupi mmadera ozizira
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It has yield potential up to 2.5 tonnes per hectare. The variety is susceptible to Fusarium wilt but tolerant to most leaf diseases
Imatulutsa kufika 2.5 tonnes pa hectare. Mtundu umenewu umagwidwa ndi Fusarium Wilt koma umapilira kumatenda ena a masamba
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Mwaiwathu alimi a distinct, stable and uniform variety. The stem colour is green. At optimum temperature for growth, it flowers and matures in about 130 days and 180 days, respectively
Mwaiwathu alimi ndi mbewu yodziwika bwino, yokhadzikika komanso yooneka mofanana. Tsinde lake ndi lobiliwira. Nyengo ikakhala pachimake poyenera kukula, imachita maluwa ndi kucha pamasiku 130 ndi 180 motsogozana
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It is non-determinate and semi-spreading in growth habit. The open flower is yellow in colour with dense streaks
Imakulabe ndipo nthambi zake zimatayana. Maluwa ake ndi achikasu akatsegula ndi mizere yothithikana
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The immature pods are green with light to dense stripes, long and sickle-shaped. Each pod contains 6-7 seeds
Ndolo zosakhwima ndi zobiliwira zamizere yosawala, zazitali komanso zamaonekedwe a chikwakwa. Ndolo iliyonse imakhala ndi nandolo 6 kapena 7
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Seeds are large white/ cream with 100-seed mass of 17-19 g. It has the potential yield up to 2.5 tonnes per hectare. It is tolerant to fusarium wilt and most common leaf diseases
Mbewu yake ndi yayikulu, yoyera yolemera magalamu 17 kufika 19 pa 100 zilizonse. Zokolola zake zimafika 2.5 tonnes pa hectare. Imapilira ku Fusarium Wilt komanso matenda ena a masamba
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Short Duration (SD) pigeon peas SD pigeon peas are best produced as sole crop. Plant on the ridges which are spaced at between 75 or 90cm apart on double or single row. Planting on single row requires 2 plants per station, 20cm apart.
Nandolo wanthawi yayifupi amakhala bwino kumulima payekha. Pamizere yomwe yatalikana 75 kapena 90 cm bzalani mizere iwiri kapena umodzi. Kubzala mzere umodzi kumalira mbewu ziwiri paphando zotalikirana 20cm
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Planting on double rows which are spaced at 30cm apart requires one plant per station, 10cm apart, in either case, 75cm ridges pacing gives a plant population of 133,330 plants per ha and a seed rate of 20 to 30kg per ha whereas 90cm ridge spacing gives a plant population of 111,110 plants per hectare and a seed rate of 16 to 25kg per ha
Kubzala mmizere iwiri yotalikirana 30cm kumalira mbewu imodzi paphando, motalikirana 10cm, mu zonse ziwiri, mizere yotalikirana 75c imapeleka chiwerengero cha mbewu chokwana 133,330 pa hectare ndipo mbewu imafunika makilogalamu pakati pa 20 ndi 30 pa hectare pamene mizere yotalikirana 90cm imapeleke chiwerengero cha mbewu chokwana 111,110 pa hectare ndipo pamafunika mbewu makilogalamu pakati pa 16 ndi 25 pa hectare
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Seed yields of the SD pigeon pea varieties are reduced when intercropped with maize on the same ridge due to shading by the maize plants
Zokolola zamtundu wanthawi yayifupi zimachepa zikalimidwa pamodzi ndi chimanga pamzere wofanana chifukwa chophimbidwa ndi chimangacho
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The only way to intercrop SD pigeon peas with maize is where the maize and the SD pigeon pea are planted on alternative ridges or in strips of 2 or more ridges.
Njira yabwibo yobzalira pamodzi nandolo wocha msanga ndi chimanga ndi pamene chimanga ndi nandolo zabzalidwa mosemphanitsa mmizere
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Medium Duration (MD) and Long Duration (LD) pigeon peas -Plant 2 seeds per station spaced at 60cm on ridges of either 75 or 90 cm apart
Mitundu yanandolo yocha mochedwerapo komanso mochedwa - Bzalani mbewu ziwiri paphando motalikirana 60cm mmizere yotalikirana 75cm kapena 90cm
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This requires a seed rate of 6kg per hectare and the expected plant population is 37,000 and 44,444 per hectare at 90cm and 75cm ridge spacing respectively
Izi zimafuna mbewu yokwana makilogalamu 6 pa hectare ndipo chiwerengero cha mbewu choyembekezereka ndi 37,000 ndi 44,444 pa hectare pa mizere yotalikirana 90cm ndi 75cm motsogozana
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Cowpea is an important legume crop that is grown all over the country particularly in warm areas with low rainfall like the Shire valley, Bwanje Valley, Lakeshore and Phalombe Plains, as well as other dry areas
Khomwe ndi mbewu yamtundu wa nyemba yofunikira yomwe imalimidwa mmadera onse mdziko muno koma makamaka madera otententherapo omwe amalandira mvula yochepa monga ku chigwa cha Shire, Bwanje, mphepete mwa nyanja komanso mmadera a Phalombe, ndi madera ena ouma
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The crop will tolerate heat and relatively dry weather conditions. The pea contains good quality protein that will complement the protein present in cereal grains. Leaves are valuable vegetables (Mtambe) that will provide essential vitamins and mineral
Mbewuyi imapilira kutentha ndi nyengo youma. Khobwe wake ali ndi zakudya zomanga thupi zabwino zomwe zingathandizire zakudya zina zomanga thupi ku mbewu zochokera ku udzu. Masamba ake ndi ofunikira kwambiri ngati ndiwo zamasamba omwe amapezetsa ma vitamin ndi michere ina yofunikira
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In medium and high altitude areas where there is need to escape excessive damage by disease and insect pests, farmers should plant in January and early February. For mixed stand, plant soon after planting the main crop or when the main crop has emerged
Mmadera okwelerapo ndi okwera kwambiri komwe kuli kofunika kupewa kuonongedwa ndi matenda kapena tizilombo towononga, alimi abzale mwezi wa January ndi kumayambiliro a February. Pomwe zabzalidwa mwakasakaniza, bzalani pambuyo pobzala mbewu yeniyeniyo kapena mbewu yeniyeniyo ikatuluka
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Harvest the pods as soon as they start drying and continue drying them to complete the process. For determinate types (Nseula), uproot the whole plant as soon as the pods start drying, as pods dry at almost the same time
Kololani ndilo zake pamene zayamba kuuma ndipo pitirizani kuumitsa kuti ziume. Kwa mbewu zomwe zikakula zimasiya kuphuka, zulani mbewu yonse pamene ndolo zayamba kuuma, chifukwa ndolo zimauma panthawi yofanana
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Bambara nut is grown in throughout the country is either grown in pure stand or intercropped with maize, cassava, groundnuts and other crops
Mzama zimalimidwa mdziko monse muno pazokha pakena mophatikiza ndi chimanga, chinangwa, mtedza ndi mbewu zina
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Farmers should be encouraged to grow the crop as it is a good source of carbohydrates (59%), crude protein (19%), and fat (7%) by weight. The grain is boiled and eaten or prepared as side dish taken with a staple meal
Alimi alimbikitsidwe kulima mbewuyi chifukwa imapezetsa zakudya zokhutitsa kufika 59%, zomanga thupi kufika 19% komanso mafuta kufika 7% pakulemera kwake. Maso ake amawiritsidwa ndi kudyedwa kapena kukonzedwa ngati chakudya chowonjezera chodyedwa pamodzi ndi chakudya chanthawi zonse
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Bambara nut is best stored in the pod at household level. This practice reduces damage by storage insect pest. Store in cool or well-ventilated structures
Mzama zimasungidwa bwino mu ndolo zake pakhomo. Mchitidwe uwu umachepetsa kugwidwa ndi tizilombo towononga munkhokwe. Sungani pamalo ozizira kapena zipangizo zolowa mpweya bwino
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Bambara nuts can be sold shelled or unshelled but most buyers accept shelled bambara nuts. Shell nuts using a mortar and pestle
Mzama zikhoza kugulitsidwa zokuswa kapena zosaswa koma ogula ambiri amalola zokuswa kale. Iswani mzama pogwiritsa ntchito musi ndi mtondo
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Winnow to remove trash and stones. Select and store separately clean whole grain from damaged ones. Present for marketing shelled, clean whole grain; free of trash, stones and discoloured grain
Petani ndi kuchotsa makoko komanso miyala. Sankhani ndi kusunga mosiyana zogazika ndi zosagazika Kagulitseni zokuswa, zosagazika; zopanda zinyalala, miyala komanso zosawonongeka
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Chickpea is an important cash crop grown mostly in the Shire Highlands. The crop requires less moisture than most crops, therefore it can be grown under residual moisture as a relay crop to maize. It is also important because it improves soil fertility
Tchana ndi mbewu yofunikira yomwe imalimidwa kwambiri mmadera okwera a Shire. Mbewuyi imafuna chinyezi chochepa kusiyana ndi mbewu zina zambiri choncho ikhoza kulimidwa pogwiritsa ntchito chinyezi chotsala pambuyo pokolola chimanga. Ndoyofunika chifukwa imawonjezera chonde munthaka
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For a relay crop, prepare ridges when maize has reached physiological maturity. Prune most of the maize leaves into the furrow and bury them in the new ridge. For a pure crop, prepare land by ploughing and ridging by February. Ridges should be 90cm apart with a flat top
Ngati mbewu yobwera pambuyo pa mbewu ina, konzani mizere pamene chimanga chafika pokhwima. Sadzani masamba a chimanga ndikuponya mmipata yamizere ndikuwakwilira popanga mzere watsopano. Ngati yobzala payokha, konzani munda pogaula ndikupanga mizere mu mwezi wa February. Mizere italikirane 90cm yophwathalala pamwamba
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Plant on double rows spaced at 30cm on the ridge. Plant one seed per station spaced 10cm apart. This requires a seed rate of 8 to 10kg per hectare
Bzalani makako awiri otalikirana 30cm pa mzere uliwonse. Bzalani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 10cm. Izi zimafuna mbewu yokanira 8 kufika 10kgs pa hectare
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To avoid caterpillar infestation which normally damage the pods, plant the crop after the main rains
Popewa kufala kwa mbozi zomwe kwambiri zimaononga ndolo, bzalani mvula yeniyeni ikatha
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Green and Black grams are commonly grown in the Shire Valley and Bwanje Valley, Phalombe Plain,Mulanje, Lake shore areas and in other warm plateau areas with similar climatic conditions
Mphoza zobiliwira kapena zakuda zimalimidwa kwambiri ku chigwa cha Shire, Bwanje, Phalombe, Mulanje, mphepete mwa nyanja komanso madera amapiri otentherapo okhala ndi nyengo zofanana
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Grams are a source of protein that will complement the protein present in cereal root and tuber crops. Gram is prepared as a side dish taken with staple meal. Immature pods of some gram cultivars are prepared as a vegetable dish.
Mphoza zimapezetsa zakudya zomanga thupi zomwe zingathandizire zakudya zomanga thupi zopezeka mu zakudya zamitsitsi. Mphoza zimakonzedwa ngati chakudya chonwonjezera chochedwa ndi chakudya chanthawi zonse. Ndolo zosakhwima za mitundu ina ya mphoza zimaphikidwa ngati ndiwo za masamba
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Average yield range from 300 to 700kg per hectare. The crop can yield up to 1,500kg per hectare in pure stands
Zokolo zimafika 300 mpaka 700kg pa hectare. Mbewuyi ikhoza kufika 1,500kg pa hectare ikalimidwa payokha
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Farmers should be encouraged to grow the crop as a complement to staple food and in rotation with other crops or as an intercrop to improve soil fertility
Alimi alimbikitsidwe kulima mbewuyi ngati yothandizira chakudya chanthawi zonse komanso mosinthana ndi mbewu zina kapena ngati mwakasakaniza kuti iwonjezere chonde
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The crop will grow well on drained clay loam or sandy loam soils. A hot weather with a defined rainy season is preferred to enable the grain to mature and dry towards the end of rains
Mbewuyi ingakule bwino mudothi la mchenga. Nyengo yotentha yokhala ndi nyengo yamvula yodziwika bwino ndiyabwino kuti mbewu ukhwime ndi kuuma pomafika kumapeto kwa mvula
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Continuous rainfall at maturity stage of crop growth encourages fungal diseases and rotting of mature pods
Mvula yosalekeza panthawi yokhima imabweretsa matenda komanso kuola kwa ndolo zake
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Grams can be intercropped, relay cropped, grown in pure stand or as green manure crop
Mphoza zikhoza kulimidwa mwakasakaniza, pambuyo pa mbewu zina kapena pazokha kapena ngati mbewu yopeleka manyowa
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It should be planted in December as first or as a green manure crop; and in February as a relay crop so that the pods mature and dry towards the end of the rains to avoid rotting of mature pods
Ibzalidwe mwezi wa December ngati yoyamba kapena ngati mbewu yobweretsa manyowa; mu February ngati yobwera pambuyo pa mbewu ina kuti ndolo zikhwime ndikuuma kumapeto kwa mvula poopetsa kuola kwa ndolo
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Plant grams 2 rows spaced at 30cm on ridges 90cm or 75cm apart. Plant 1 seed per planting station spaced at 10cm on each row
Bzalani mphoza mmakako awiri motalikirana 30cm, pamizere yotalikirana 90cm kapena 75cm. Ikani mbewu imodzi paphando motalikirana 10cm pa makako aliwonse
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When intercropped, number of seed to be planted will depend on the spacing of any other major crop. Seedrate is 6 to 10kg per hectare. A green manure crop will require a higher seedrate because a dense vegetation is required
Ikabzalidwa ndi mbewu zina, chiwerengero cha mbewu paphando chitengera kutalikirana kwa mbewu zina zazikuluzo. Mulingo wa mbewu ndi 6kg kufika 10kg pa hectare. Mbewu yobweretsa manyowa idzafuna mulingo wa mbewu wochulukirapo chifukwa pamafunika zithithikane
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Pods are ready for harvesting when they are black or brown in colour. Pick mature pods in the morning to avoid loss of grain by shattering
Ndolo zimafika pokololedwa zikamaoneka mwakuda kapena mofiilirapo. Tolani ndolo mmamawa popewa kutayika chifukwa chakusweka
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Harvesting should be done as soon as pods start drying to avoid shattering. Thresh dried pods by beating the pods with a stick on the mat or using a mortar and pestle. Winnow to remove trash, stones and immature grains
Kukolola kuchitike pamene ndolo zayamba kuuma popewa kusweka. Menyani ndolo zouma ndi mtengo pamphasa kapena pogwiritsa ntchito musi ndi mtondo. Petani kuti muchitse zimyalala, miyala ndi mphoza zosakhwima
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Store well dried grain in clean and dry containers or bags. Grams are very susceptible to insect pest damage in store. It is therefore important to apply Actellic Super Dust and Wivokil 25g per 50kgs of grain. Store in a cool dry place
Sungani mphoza zouma bwino mu zipangizo zosamala ndi zouma kapena mmatumba. Mphoza zimagwidwa kwambiri ndi tizilombo munkhokwe. Choncho nkofunika kuthira Actellic Super Dust ndi Wivokil magalamu 25 pa thumba lirilonse la 50kg. Sungani pamalo ozizira, ouma
agriculture document
The crop should be harvested when pods and stems have turned brown. When harvesting up- root plants to avoid pod shattering. Threshing should be done on hard clean ground or on a mat free from sand and stones
Mbewuyi ikololedwe pamene ndolo zauma ndipo mitengo yake ikuoneka mofiilapo. Pokolola, dzulani mbewu yonse popewa ndolo kusweka. Kumenya kuchitike pamalo olimba aukhondo kapena pamphasa popanda mchenga ndi miyala
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Oil seeds are useful for both food and cash. They are important as a concentrated source of energy in the diet
Mbewu zamafuta ndi zofunika ngati chakudya komanso kugulitsa. Ndi zofunika ngati zopezera mphamvu zakathithi muzakudya
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The present production of edible oils in Malawi is not satisfying the existing demand thus necessitating importation
Kalimidwe padakali pano ka zakudya mafuta ku Malawi sikakukwaniritsa mulingo womwe anthu akufuna kotero ena amagulidwa kuchokera mayiko akunja
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Increased domestic production of oil seeds will improve the supply of raw materials for the production of these oils there by reducing the need for importation
Kuwonjezera kulima mbewu zamafuta mdziko muno kudzathandiza kupititsa patsogolo kupezeka kwa zipangizo zopangira mafuta motero kuchepetsa kufunika koyitanitsa zipangizozi kumayiko akunja
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The major edible oil seed crops grown in Malawi are sunflower and sesame in addition to groundnuts and cotton. Castor seed is a source of industrial oil
Mbewu zikuluzikulu zamafuta odyedwa zolimidwa mMalawi ndi mpendadzuwa ndi chitowe kuphatikizirapo mtedza ndi thonje. Mbewu ya msatsi imapezetsa mafuta oyendetsera makina
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Sunflower oil is one of the top quality edible oils and the cake is used in the production of livestock feed
Mafuta a mpendadzuwa ndi amodzi mwa mafuta abwino kwambiri odyedwa ndipo zotsalira zake zimagwiritsidwa ntchito popanga zakudya zaziweto
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It is therefore important to encourage increased production of sunflower in all suitable areas. A warm, fairly dry climate is considered optimal for sunflower production
Motero ndikofunika kulimbikitsa kulima mpendadzuwa wochuluka mmalo onse oyenera. Nyengo yofunda, yamvula yochepa imatengedwa kuti ndiyabwino kulima mpendadzuwa
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The drier warmer areas with an annual rainfall of 650mm to 850mm and a low relative humidity are suitable for the growth of the crop. However, 500 to 650mm annual rainfall is sufficient for the shorter early maturing types
Madera oumirapo a mvula yapakati pa 650mm ndi 850mm komanso a mpweya wa chinyezi chotsika ndiwoyenera kulima mbewuyi. Komabe, mvula yapakati pa 500mm ndi 650mm ndiyokwanira kulima mitundu yocha msanga
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Generally sunflower is not very selective to soil types provided the soils are well drained. The crop will produce high yields when grown on deep and well drained sandy loam soils
Nthawi zambiri mpendadzuwa samasankha mtundu wa dothi koma amafuna dothi lotaya madzi. Mbewuyi imabeleka kwambiri ikalimidwa mumthaka yakuya, yotaya madzi yamchenga
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Cool moist weather conditions are favourable for the development of rust disease (Puccinia helianthi), wilt disease (Sclerotinia spp.), and head rots (Septoria spp., Fusarium spp., Diplodia spp.) On the other hand, very hot dry conditions are favourable for the development of charcoal rot disease (Macrophomina phaseoli)
Nyengo yozizira yachinyezi ndiyabwino ku matenda a dzimbiri (Puccinia helianthi) matenda ofota masamba (Sclerotinia spp.) ndi matenda owola mitu (Septoria spp., Fusarium spp., Diplodia spp.). Kumbali ina, nyengo yotentha imathandizira matenda amakala owoletsa mbewu (Macrophomia Phaseoli)
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The aim is to encourage farmers to grow the crop and expand hectarage in suitable areas and improve yields to satisfy raw material requirement for edible oils
Cholinga ndi kulimbikitsa alimi kulima mbewu ndiponso kuwonjezera malo omwe akulima mmadera oyenera komanso kupititsa patsogolo zokolola kuti zipezetse zipangizo zokwanira zopangira mafuta odyedwa
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Seed rate for unimproved cultivars is 8 kg per hectare and 3.5kg per hectare for improved varieties.
Mulingo wa mbewu yamakolo ndi makilogalamu 8 pa hectare ndi makilogalamu 3.5 pa hectare a mbewu yamakono
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Planting sunflower 4 to 6 weeks after the onset of effective planting rains produces the best yields.
Kubzala mpendadzuwa sabata zinayi kufika zisanu ndi imodzi pambuyo poyamba mvula zimabweretsa zokolola zochuluka kwambiri
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This is because the flowering and early grain filling stages coincide with the period when good rains occur
Izi zili chonchi chifukwa kupanga maluwa komanso kudzadza kwa mthanga kumakumana ndi nyengo yomwe mvula yabwino ikugwa
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This will also let the crop escape diseases, since physiological maturity stage will occur under conditions of low relative humidity after the rainy season
Izi zidzathandizanso kuti mbewu isemphane ndi matenda popeza kuti nthawi yokhwima idzachitika mu nyengo ya mpweya wachinyezi chotsika pambuyo pa nyengo yamvula
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Ridges should be spaced at 75cm or 90cm apart and planting stations should be 50cm apart. Plant 2 seeds per station for improved varieties. For unimproved varieties, plant 4 seeds per station and thin to 2 seedlings 2 weeks after emergence
Mizere italikirane 75cm kapena 90cm ndipo mapando atalikirane 50cm. Bzalani mbewu ziwiri paphando za mbewu yamakono. Mbewu zamakolo, bzalani mbweu zinayi paphando ndipo patulirani kuti zitsalepo ziwiri pakadutsa sabata ziwiri zitamera
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Weeding during the first 5 weeks after emergence is crucial. However, it is important to keep the field weed free throughout the growing season
Kupalira msabata zisanu zoyamba pambuyo pomera mbewu ndikofunika kwambiri. Komabe, ndikofunika kuti mmunda mudzikhala mopanda tchire nthawi yonse ya ulimi
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Sunflower is an important catch crop for witchweed (Striga asiatica),It should be used in rotation with maize to reduce witchweed infestation
Mpendadzuwa ndi wofunika kwambiri pothana ndi kaufiti (Striga asiatica). Agwiritsidwe ntchito polima mwakasinthasintha ndi chimanga pofuna kuchepetsa kufala kwa kaufiti
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Following all the recommended cultural practices for cultivating sunflower will reduce the incidence of diseases such as Alternaria leaf spots, septoria leaf blotch, rust and heat rot
Kutsatira ndondomeko zonse zolimira mpendadzuwa kudzachepetsa kupezeka kwa matenda monga Alternaria leaf spots, septorial leas blotch, rust ndi heat rot
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The sunflower crop is physiologically mature when the back of the head has turned from green to yellow and the bracts have turned brown
Mbewu yampendadzuwa imakhala yakhwima pamene kuseli kwa mutu wake kwasintha kuchokera kobiliwira kufika kwachikasu komanso masamba ambali akuoneka ofiilirapo
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Harvesting should start as soon as the seeds are mature. The heads should be cut and dried near the homestead for ease of bird scaring
Kukolola kuyambike pamene mpendadzuwa wakhwima. Mutu udulidwe ndipo uyanikidwe pafupi ndi nyumba pochepetsa ntchito yothamangitsa mbalame
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When dry, the heads should be beaten at the back pointing into a container. The seeds are then winnowed to remove chaff and other debris
Ikauma, mitu imenyedwe kumbuyo kwake polodzetsa mu dengu. Mpendadzuwa apetedwe ndikuchotsa mphwepwa ndi zosafunikira zonse
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