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dale nesbitt greg , dale nesbitt is a consultant who develops pricing models ( spot and fwd ) prices for e - commerce sites . he will be in houston in the beginning of july . any interest in meeting him ? vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 06 / 28 / 2000 05 : 24 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vkaminski @ aol . com on 06 / 11 / 2000 03 : 17 : 23 pm to : vkamins @ enron . com cc : subject : dale nesbitt o : cc : subject : re : follow up vince : thanks for your help in this matter . i dont want to be a bother to you . i know you are doing your best to put this together as a go between . as you might suspect , i am in a hurry to put together the right hearing at enron because marketpoint is just now being completed - - u . s . and world oil and gas and north american electricity . we have just signed up our first web provider ( e - acumen . com ) , who is preparing to vend our north american electric generation data base over their website . i believe we are an integral part of their offering . it wont be long before marketpoint needs the capitalization to meet our growing customer needs professionally and quickly , particularly when we sign up one or more vertical portals to vend or offer fundamental forward projections from our models . i a loath to do so without the capitalization and staffing we need . also , i am loath to do so without the market reach that a partner like enron could render instantly available . i also would be eager during my next trip to houston to continue the discussion with you regarding how marketpoint might benefit enron directly . i plan to be there the last week in june . thanks again for all your help and support . dale
Ricardo     Olá     Trabalho divulgando empresas sérias e competentes que podem lhe oferecer excelentes oportunidades.     Caso não seja de seu interesse solicito que exclua este e-mail ou se possível o repasse para seus amigos.     Muito obrigado pela ajuda e compreensão     Atenciosamente...     Ricardo L. Kampf.Proteja seu patrimônio sem gastar uma fortunaCamera Falsa M01R$ 36,00 frete inclusoPara ver outros modelos ou obter mais detalhes clique aqui.Outros produtos Escuta telefônicaAlarmesCameras verdadeirasTrava de CâmbioR$ 38,00 Frete inclusoAo mesmo tempo trava a alavanca do câmbio e do freio de mão.  Fabricada em aço carbono e ferro, pintura eletrostática. Fechadura Tetra Para ver outros modelos ou obter mais detalhes clique aqui e visite nossa loja.       Para se retirar do cadastro, favor responder sem assunto.
feminine he feminine he ouch ! no doubt about it , pronouns and gender are touchy topics . robert millar ( in metaphorically slapping me around a little in the ad hominem mode ) makes some good points but mistakes my focus a bit , misspeaks my findings somewhat , and misstates the fuller design of my position a lot . his linguistic list vol-6 - 835 ( 22 jun 1995 ) responds to my vol-6 - 806 ( 12 jun 1995 ) . i don ' t mean to say that , as robert millar attributes , " 's he ' entered english as a whole suddenly at the advent of printing " - - puhleeeze . i do mean to say that the h - stem feminine suddenly , after printing begins , disappears forever from the written record . my broader conclusion is that the h - stem feminine was alive for centuries beyond the oed 's orthodox-view account of its purported demise . i don ' t discount the sh - forms during the periods when and in the regions where they are amply attested . far be it . i do , however , maintain that the " significant " cause , in the overview , for the disappearance of the h - stem feminine was , not that it began to resemble phonetically the masculine , but rather the standardizing force of printing ( the motive for this is a separate question ) . and , too , there is the telling evidence that spoken pronoun use is often quite different from written . and i am suggesting that some of the oe h - stems survived in speech beyond printing 's seeming signal of their demise . the late survival of the h - stem feminine has the implication for socio / political linguistics that 18th century grammarians , regarded during these past decades as androcentric ( for having written down the " he rule " ) must be admitted to not have been so - - " he " is the principal thrust of the androcentric argument , right ? i am tempted to apologize for my insensitivity to other people 's faculty for correctness . in this case , it resulted in robert millar suffering mood swings - - feelings he shared with us - - his sorrow , his anger , regarding my position . my intention was not to academically abuse or linguistically victimize anybody . but despite his mood swings , we may all nonetheless benefit from his hot flashes of insight appropriate to his rejoinder to my native morphology of singular " they " hypothesis . but i will not continue the " they " discussion here , however , so 's not to detract from the late survival of the h - stem feminine presently under discussion , and indeed much more the hot topic . robert millar says that he suspects that i only have a slight understanding of dialect diversity , and that my discussing material from _ piers plowman _ and _ ayenbite of inwyt _ is a way to " circumvent . . . lalme , mcintosh and samuels . " first i would suggest that he provide fuller citations , this for the benefit of those on the list who concentrate in other areas of linguistics than this subject ; and second i would like to make available to him and anybody else some of my charts resulting from my indexing and sorting all the citations for all the forms for all the third person pronouns in the oed . m . l . samuals , " dialects and grammar , " in _ a companion to piers plowman _ ( ed . , john a . alfred , 1988 ) , specifically identifies by dialect nine of the seventeen manuscripts of the a - version of _ piers plowman _ . these are the ones that had already been identified in kane - donaldson , 1960 ( _ piers plowman , the a - version _ , george kane ) , after generations of effort . the book is a momentous compendium that in my thinking was conceived with the intention of making work such as mine possible . i use the seventeen manuscripts of the a - version of _ piers _ as the mainstay of my argument . samuals is unable to identify the dialects in nearly half the manuscripts of piers . i specifically focus on _ piers _ because it is a manageable corpus that anyone can go and check for themselves . _ piers _ is a great source for studying diverse forms because the forms are all variations on the same text . where can one find such a wealth of data for comparative analysis ? and piers can also be considered the first highly " popular " work in medieval english , and for this reason , the scribes , in copying the work for their intended audiences , would tend to avoid esoteric , literary , and archaic forms . the " cult of auctoritas " is the conservative emulation of older forms by the copying scribe . robert millar alludes to this to explain the h - stem feminines found in manuscripts of _ piers _ . i have met with this criticism before . i will make available to anyone who wants them particular lines as found in all seventeen manuscripts , and rather than the conservation of forms , the contrary of the auctoritas principle seems to be found in _ piers _ , whereby the scribes , in copying from the original , tended to modify it to regional conventions . i am not saying that auctoritas was not in many instances of medieval scribal practice the rule . i ' m saying that looking at lines of _ piers _ , through the seventeen manuscripts , sees in them a tremendous diversity . and even so , the use of the h - stems in all the manuscripts - - assuming for the sake of argument they were not in colloquial use - - indicates that they were well known , nonetheless , does n't it ? robert millar reads between my lines that i consider the anglo - normans as " wicked . " not so . chronocentrism in the reading of history is as inimical to reason and human understanding as is ethnocentrism in the reading of culture . he holds to the orthodox view and says that " the rising london standard spread much more rapidly than it ever would have done in an age of purely manuscript culture . " but would n't the london " standard " better be called the status dialect . it is mistaken to assume that writing , before and after printing , reflected how people generally used language day-to - day . most people talk like _ i love lucy _ and _ the honeymooners _ , not like _ the new york times _ . today , for example , the indefinite / proverbial " he " is primarily a written status form ; the singular " they " a spoken form . i think it is very safe to assume that then , just as now , there is a common english and a status english within a particular regional dialect . it is on the basis of this assumption , coupled with evidence for the widespread knowledge of the h - stem feminine in the generations before printing , that i am postulating the late survival of the h - stem feminine . anybody who would like to have my charts showing the " persistence " of all the feminine and masculine h - stem forms from the 11th century on , comparative exhibits of lines through the seventeen manuscripts of _ piers _ , pronoun paradigms from the same manuscripts , and perhaps a few other items - - they are available for a dollar copy charge and two stamps for usa . jeffrey weber , 2843 n . spaulding ave . , chicago , illinois , 60618 , usa . this current transmission is more an aside than the summary that will be forthcoming . i have received an excellent critique from wittysan ( sean ) , which he sent also to robert millar , and would be happy for the asking to share it and my response as this inquiry continues .
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gallup news good news : i ' ve just received word that the ferc has issued an order denying socal ' s request for rehearing of the gallup order . ferc also ordered that tw ' s request for rehearing ( which asked the commission not to require tw to disclose discounted rates ) is now moot because we filed a discount report at the time required by section 284 . 7 ( b ) ( 6 ) of the commission ' s rules ( as we always do ) . if socal is still feeling vindictive , they can file an appeal in the d . c . circuit . i believe their window is 60 days . in any event , the pendency of an appeal would not affect the validity of our certificate . if you have any questions , let me know .
wholes and their parts wholes and their parts castel maretsch , 17-19 june 1998 , bolzano ( italy ) june 17 9 registration 10 bill lawvere , categorical analyses of the whole / part relation 11 : 30 coffee break 12 john bell , whole and part in mathematics 13-15 lunch 15 steve vickers , w / p in semantics for programming languages 16 coffee break 16 : 30 colin mclarty , w / p in foundations of mathematics 17 : 30 carlo cellucci , w / p in logical analysis june 18 9 gonzalo reyes , a category-theoretic approach to aristotle 's term logic , with special reference to mass nouns 10 ettore casari , on husserl 's theory of wholes and parts 11 coffee break 11 : 30 john mayberry , the classical notion of number and the modern notion of set 12 : 30-15 lunch 15 niles eldredge , hierarchical biological systems 16 coffee break 16 : 30 alberto peruzzi , wholes and their parts in semantics and epistemology : local / global and internal / external 17 : 30 roberto poli , wholes and their parts : the ontological stance june 19 9 basil hiley , w / p in mechanics and cosmology 10 ron langacker , wholes and their parts in natural language 11 coffee break 11 : 30 alf zimmer , w / p in gestalt psychology 12 : 30-15 lunch 15 ellis d . cooper , wholes and parts in quale mechanics 15 : 20 , holger schmid - schnbein , in resonant physiological systems , the whole is less complicated than the sum of its parts 15 : 40 irina dobronravova , parts and elements of the wholes in synergetics 16 coffee break 16 : 30 nili mandelblit , the notion of dynamic unit : conceptual developments in cognitive science 16 : 50 anthony atkinson , wholes and their parts in cognitive psychology 17 : 10 lawrence d . roberts , sentential meaning and its parts 17 , 30 frederik stjernfeld , mereology and semiotics 17 , 50 ariel meirav , plato 's theaetetus and the notion of a gestalt further information and abstracts of ( some of ) the talks are available at the imc web site : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * roberto poli department of sociology and social research 26 , verdi street 38100 trento - - italy tel . + + 39-461 - 881-403 fax : + + 39-461 - 881-348 e-mail : poli @ risc1 . gelso . unitn . it axiomathes : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / axiomathes / axiomathes . htm imc : http : / / www . soc . unitn . it / dsrs / imc / imc . htm
On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 11:58:10AM -0700, Paul O'Neil wrote: > If I want to use tcpd for ftp and only one user will ever ftp but I dont > know what IP that user is because its dialup DHCP how do I setup tcpd for > that user?please don't reply to messages to send a new topic to ilug. those of us using threaded mail clients find that really annoying.tcpd is host based filtering/auth. so if the ip is dynamic, you can't really use it. however ftp supports user based auth - actually it kind of requires a user, so just set up an account for that person.kevin-- [email protected] that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to fork()'ed on 37058400 the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier meatspace place: home than a sober one. the happiness of credulity is a cheap & dangerous quality -- g.b. shaw-- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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summary : sri lanka a few weeks ago i asked the following question : > could somebody please tell me how sri lanka is written and > pronounced in spanish ? is the pronunciation uniform across latin > america ? my reason for asking was that one of my students , a peruvian , told me it was pronounced / esrilanka / . yet i seemed to recall that a mexican had once told me it was / sirlanka / . as you will see below , i was wrong but only partly . here are the responses i received : en reponse a ton mail sur la prononciation de sri lanka en espagnol , je peux dire qu ' en amerique du sud ( chili , argentine ) , on prononce et on ecrit siri lanka . my latin american friends tell me ' sri lanka ' is pronounced just as one would expect : sri lanka ( with the dental-alveolar [ r ] and the velar nasal . ) they say it is spelled as you have spelled it . en respuesta a su pregunta sobre la escritura y la pronunciacion de sri lanka en espanol , le puedo decir lo siguiente : en cuanto a la escritura , si no me equivoco , se mantiene el original sri lanka . sin embargo , en cuanto a la pronunciacion , existe la tendencia general a intercalar una i de apoyo entre la s y la r : [ siri ] . ello no excluye que ciertos individuos , considerandose mas " cultos " y mas " sabios " , hagan el esfuerzo de pronunciar [ sri ] . esfuerzo que rompe con la tendencia del espanol de evitar toda s liquida . esfuerzo , por consiguiente , considerado " no natural " . con respecto a la pronunciacion en latinoamerica , no puedo decirle gran cosa . pero imagino que tambien se ha generalizado la tendecia fonetica a intercalar la vocal i . i pronounce it [ ezri ' la ' nka ] , r = trill , n = velar nasal in normal speech . in rapid speech the [ z ] assimilates to the following rhotic producing a sound of intermediate quality ( this assimilation is a well known fact of spanish phonetics in nonaspirating dialects described , for instance , in navarro tomas ' standard manual ) . in slow speech [ esri ' ] , without voicing . i am from spain . in aspirating dialects , it is [ ehri ' ] ~ [ eri ' ] . i am from seville ( spain ) . i write the name of the country as sri lanka . and i pronounce it / sri lanka / . ( i might also pronounce it as / esri lanka / ; but this is due to the fact that we do n't like sequences / sc / as onsets of words . you may have already realized that if you have listened to spanish people speaking english . many of the them would say / espein / instead of / spein / ) . in argentina sri lanka is pronounced : [ siri lanka ] . the [ r ] sound is according to ipa : is a post-dental percusive sound . the [ n ] is velar . i just called my daughter who is a writer at la jornada , a local newspaper . she works in the economics section . she said that their spelling is just like english , although she supposes that some " purist " publications probably change the k for a c . she wrote sri lanka on a piece of paper and asked the 5 people who were in the office to pronounce it . she confirmed my own suspicion that people pronounce it as if it were in spanish - - two of them with a rather marked e at the beginning , which is what spanish phonology would require with st - , for instance . the rest of us tend to sonorize the s - , but that would be expected in mexican spanish anyway . so , her conclusion ( and mine - - we ' re both speakers of spanish as a 1st lang ) is that it 's pronounced " normally . " she has worked with a number of argentine journalists and never noticed that they did anything worth noting , which means that they probably pronounce it just about the same . from : in % " penaja @ wkuvx1 . wku . edu " juan antonio pena as far as spelling , sri lanka is the spanish orthography for this asian country . as far as phonetics , the only thing worth noting is that we insert an ' e ' [ e ] sound at the beginning of the word sri . spanish does this with all words beginning s + any stop consonant . in spain , the name of the state is written as in english : sri lanka ( the geographical name of the island is ceilan - - with an accent on the ' a ' ) . the pronunciation ( in tv and broadcasting ) varies : some people says [ sri ' lanka ] , some others [ esri ' lanka ] ( r stands for the multiple trill of - rr - in spanish , the same sound as in perro ) . hear in spain we use to pronounce the name of the old island of ceilan in two different ways . the most common pronunciation is [ esrri lan , ka ] ( i use double r for the spanish hard r and [ n , ] for the velarized nasal sound ) . there is another pronunciation , not so common as the former : [ siri lan , ka ] . i do not know the origin of this one . so there you have it . my impression is that / esrilanka / is more common in spain , and / sirilanka / more prevalent in south america , but this is obviously not absolute . many thanks to all those who responded . marc picard
schedule crawler : hourahead failure start date : 1 / 18 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 11 ; hourahead schedule download failed . manual intervention required . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002011811 . txt error : dbcaps 97 data : cannot perform this operation on a closed database ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data error : dbcaps 97 data : cannot perform this operation on a closed database ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data error : dbcaps 97 data : cannot perform this operation on a closed database ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data error : dbcaps 97 data : cannot perform this operation on a closed database error : dbcaps 97 data : cannot perform this operation on a closed database error : dbcaps 97 data : cannot perform this operation on a closed database ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data ! ! ! unknown database . alias : dbcaps 97 data error : dbcaps 97 data : cannot perform this operation on a closed database
re : apache deal 384247 10 / 00 according to the contract brief i received , the 2 . 175 is a 1999 price . i believe my pricing is correct . bob or darren may be able your questions better . dave enron north america corp . from : megan parker @ enron 11 / 21 / 2000 03 : 27 pm to : david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : apache deal 384247 10 / 00 i got an invoice for the gas we bought from apache for tenaska iv and they have a different price . for deal 384247 , we have a price of 2 . 285 and a demand fee of 0 . 457 for 25 , 000 / day . apache is billing us at 2 . 175 with no demand charge . can you verify this price for me and let me know which is correct ? thanks , megan
umbrella - final documents louise / john , you both ok with me sending latest netco 835 employee list to them . also , fyi on their group b list . david - - - - - original message - - - - - from : arber , diane z [ hr ] [ mailto : diane . z . arber @ ssmb . com ] sent : monday , january 07 , 2002 10 : 02 am to : oxley , david cc : donnelly , john l [ hr ] ; clark , eugene [ gco ] ; cash , michelle subject : final documents david , the required document which will filed by 4 : 00 pm today identify the actual employee names who will be part of the new entity . please confirm the names in group a & b and forward the names for group c . section 8 . 5 employees . prior to closing , buyer or its affiliate shall have entered into retention agreements with ( a ) each of the three individuals listed on schedule a , ( b ) each of the 13 individuals listed on schedule b , provided the buyer shall provide substitute different individuals , reasonably acceptable to buyer , for no more than two individuals on schedule b , and ( c ) 80 % of the individuals on schedule c . . . . . group a : top 3 ( 3 out of 3 join ) greg whaley john lavorato louise kitchen group b : 13 ( 11 out of 13 join ) hunter shively tim belden john arnold mike swerzbin fletch sturm matt motley philip allen chris calger kevin presto dana davis * * please confirm that this is mark d davis rob benson mike grigsby mike maggi group c : 80 % ? ? please feel free to contact me with any questions . diane arber fixed income human resources phone : ( 212 ) 723 - 9537
re : eix and eme no material current exposure , but we are continuing to review the bny deal . the cro from eme indicated to me that he and the cfo were doing a road show to communicate the current position and direction for the company and said they include enron . i am still trying to schedule . i ' ll keep you informed . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : seyfried , bryan sent : wednesday , october 10 , 2001 9 : 12 am to : kitchen , louise ; bradford , william s . cc : lee , derek ; fiala , markus subject : eix and eme given recent events , we are looking to cover our long protection ( $ 15 mm ) in edison mission energy . will keep the position if you are still interested or can sell it to ena . bonds have rallied in , still looking for a market in the default swaps . pls . let me know if you have any interest .
On Mon, 7 Oct 2002, Jesse Keating wrote:> On Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:28:51 +0200 > Matthias Saou wrote: > > # I've never heard of any CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive having problems with > # DMA... although there probably is since Red Hat decided to default > # disabling it a few releases back :-/ > > When I worked as a PC repair tech for a Computer store chain, I did > run across quite a few DVD drives that would lock up if DMA was > enabled. It's more of a chipset/drive problem than a Drive by itself.And my IBM Intellistation would lock up instantly .. now this is actually quite funny .. if DMA was enabled for the CD-ROM *and* you tried to access a CD with Joliet extensions. Otherwise it worked just fine with DMA enabled :)-- - Panu - _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list
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call for papers : iii national linguistics conference ( mexico ) * * * call for papers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * iii national linguistics conference october 16-18 , 1995 puebla , mexico the asociacion mexicana de linguistica aplicada ( amla ) and the universidad autonoma de puebla , with the participation of various other mexican institutions , are sponsoring the iii national linguistics conference to be held from the 16th to the 18th of october in puebla , pue . ( mexico ) . the congress is of necessity broad in scope since we want it to be a forum for all the linguistic research being carried out in mexico ; therefore papers are invited in all areas of linguistics ( theoretical , descriptive or applied ) as well as the inter-disciplines . however , we particularly welcome papers relevant to the mexican linguistic and sociolinguistic situation ( for example , theoretical or descriptive papers on any variety of spanish or of other languages spoken in mexico , issues of bilingualism and language contact , issues of language standarization , planning and policy ) . in addition to the regular sessions , papers are also invited for a special session on pragmatics which is being organized in preparation for the 5th international pragmatics conference which will be held in mexico city in 1996 . abstracts abstracts are invited for a 20 minute presentation followed by a 10 minute discussion period . requirements for abstracts : abstracts should be anonymous , clearly titled and 300-500 words in length . on a separate page or 3x5 card you should include the following information : 1 ) name , 2 ) title of paper , 3 ) affiliation , 4 ) mailing address , 5 ) e-mail address , 6 ) phone number . abstracts must be received by april 30 , 1995 . mail three copies to the following address : iii congreso nacional de linguistica icsyh - uap maximino avila camacho 208 72000 puebla , pue mexico or send an e-mail submission ( plain ascii ) to : coniii @ siu . cen . buap . mx notification of acceptance will be mailed out in the third week of june . registration fees : pre-registration registration ( paid before september 30th ) ( after september 30th ) general : us $ 25 . 00 us $ 50 . 00 amla members : us $ 15 . 00 us $ 30 . 00 students : us $ 10 . 00 us $ 20 . 00 time schedule : april 30 , 1995 : abstract due june 26 , 1995 : notification of acceptance sept . 30 , 1995 : pre - registration deadline october 16 , 1995 : final manuscript due - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + for further information please write to : rosa graciela montes chair , organizing committee apdo . postal 1356 72001 puebla , pue mexico rmontes @ cca . pue . udlap . mx rmontes @ siu . cen . buap . mx information about accomodations and directions to the conference will be sent in a subsequent message . amla ( asociacion mexicana de linguistica aplicada ) is an affiliate of aila ( international association for applied linguistics )
riskcenter . com / flatiron group alliance announce garp risk review magazine for immediate release contact : tom groenfeld the flatiron group corp . 973 - 925 - 9748 973 - 925 - 9681 fax groenfeldt @ aol . com garp leverages riskcenter . com / flatiron group corp . alliance to produce garp risk review and daily online risk news new york , new york  ) january 17 th , 2001  ) after a competitive bidding process , the global association of risk professionals ( garp ) has chosen an alliance formed by riskcenter . com and the flatiron group corp . to produce and manage garp  , s ( www . garp . com ) new proprietary online and print magazine publishing efforts . garp is the industry association that represents risk managers in the securities industry . to serve these professionals , garp has publications , events , advocacy and 35 regional chapters worldwide . garp risk review will serve as the flagship communication piece that unites all of these elements . in the alliance , riskcenter . com will provide the daily risk management news coverage on the garp web site . the flatiron group corp . will produce and publish the hard copy magazine called garp risk review . " we are very excited about the publication of the online risk management news and the garp risk review , " says adam davids , ceo garp . " both the daily news and the garp risk review will provide our members with the information they need to stay current on both a periodical and real - time basis . with information delivered in print and online , readers will be able get the information that they need in the method that works best for that information . garp represents a community of risk managers that are changing the definition of their roles and developing their profession rapidly . we are extremely pleased to advance the growth of our profession with this excellent marriage of content and medium through the combined efforts of riskcenter . com and the flatiron group . " riskcenter . com , a financial risk management content media company , syndicates financial risk management news stories ( www . riskcenter . com ) focused on six risk categories - - credit , market , operational , ecommerce , energy and commodity  * that help financial executives make better decisions . the flatiron group corp . ( www . windowsfs . com ) publishes windows in financial services , a quarterly magazine covering the expanding use of microsoft technologies in the financial enterprise , and an accompanying newsletter for developers working in financial services . " i think our combination of news delivered over the internet in conjunction with the garp risk review publication will play an important role in educating and informing risk professionals around the world ,  8 says joseph viviani , president and publisher , the flatiron group . " with our garp affiliation , we will have an unparalleled understanding of what our readers need to know , and we will have access to the leading experts to impart the best thinking in the field . this will be a must - read magazine in risk management .  8 about garp the global association of risk professionals ( garp ) is an independent organization of 15 , 000 financial risk management practitioners and researchers . garp is a diverse international association of professionals from a variety of backgrounds and organizations who share a common interest in the field . garp ' s mission is to serve its members by facilitating the exchange of information , developing educational programs , and promoting standards in the area of financial risk management . garp members discuss current practices and regulation , and help bring forth potential risks in the financial markets to the attention of other members and the public . about riskcenter . com riskcenter . com is a media company that provides a daily web - based news service that delivers original stories on six financial risk management categories : market , credit , operational , ecommerce , commodity and energy . the stories explain risk measurement and management issues , as well as the use of risk information in capital allocation strategies . about the flatiron group corporation the flatiron group is a publishing company that currently produces a portfolio of products , including a magazine and a newsletter . its windows in financial services magazine focuses exclusively on the rapidly expanding use of microsoft technologies in financial services , from front office applications to back office processing . it provides real - world case studies showing how firms are implementing new solutions built on the microsoft platform . erik helland phone : 212 - 825 - 1525 riskcenter , llc fax : 212 - 825 - 1530 80 wall street mobile : 917 - 544 - 7676 suite 417 helland @ riskcenter . com new york , ny 10005 www . riskcenter . com " a financial risk management media company " - garp alliance pr . doc
management committee listing please let me know if you have any changes . thanks , joannie 3 - 1769
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your help dear sir , i am mrs mariam abacha , wife of the late nigerian head of state , general sani abacha who died on the 8 th of june 1998 while still on active duty . i am contacting you in view of the fact that we will be of great assistance to each other likewise developing a cordial relationship . i currently have within my reach the sum of thirty six million united states dollars ( us $ 36 , 000 , 000 ) in cash , which i intend to use for investment purposes specifically in your country . this money came as a result of a payback contract deal between my late husband and a russian firm on our country ' s multi - billion dollars ajaokuta steel plant . the russian partners returned my husbands share of us $ 36 , 000 , 000 after his death and lodge it with my late husband ' s security company in nigeria of which i am a director . right now the new civilian government have intensified their probe on my husband ' s financial resources and they have revoked our licenses that allows us to own a financial and oil company . in view of this , i acted very fast to withdraw the us $ 36 , 000 , 000 from the company ' s vault and deposited it in a privately erected security safe abroad . no record ever existed concerning the money neither is the money traceable by the government because there is no documentation showing that we received the money from the russians . due to the current situation in the country concerning government attitude towards my family , it has become quite impossible for me to make use of this money within , thus i seek assistance to transfer this money into your safe bank account . on your consent , i shall expect you to contact me urgently to enable us discuss details of this transaction . bearing in mind that your assistance is needed to transfer the funds , i propose a commission of 20 % of the total sum to you for the expected services and assistance . your urgent response is highly needed so as to stop further contacts . all correspondent should be forwarded to this email : zenab . m @ ompadec . zzn . con or you can call my son mobile : hamza 234 - 8023137978 i use this opportunity to implore you to exercise the most utmost indulgence to keep this matter extra ordinarily confidential what ever your decision while i await your prompt response . best personal regards , mrs mariam abacha . - - - - this sf . net email is sponsored by : jabber - the world ' s fastest growing real - time communications platform ! don ' t just im . build it in ! http : / / www . jabber . com / osdn / xim spamassassin - sightings mailing list
Hi, Matthias..>'s a major release and supports now SGI's FAM technology..requires currently some changes for the spec because the dep to fam 2.6.7-6. For compiling fam.h (fam-evel) is required too.-- regards from Germany Matthias_______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list
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re : global operations controller forum see below for selections . stacey enron north america corp . from : sally beck 10 / 10 / 2000 05 : 58 pm sent by : patti thompson to : mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect , james new / lon / ect @ ect , mike wellings / lon / ect @ ect , coralie evans / lon / ect @ ect , robert yeo / lon / ect @ ect , paul d ' arcy / lon / ect @ ect , david a wall / risk mgmt / lon / ect @ ect , andrew cornfield / lon / ect @ ect , cindy horn / lon / ect @ ect , jeffrey c gossett / hou / ect @ ect , leslie reeves / hou / ect @ ect , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron , stacey w white / hou / ect @ ect , peggy hedstrom / cal / ect @ ect , brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , scott earnest / hou / ect @ ect , d todd hall / hou / ect @ ect , sheila glover / hou / ect @ ect , kevin sweeney / hou / ect @ ect , fernley dyson / lon / ect @ ect , heidi mason / enron _ development @ enron _ development , jan - erland bekeng / ap / enron @ enron , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect , barry pearce / enron communications @ enron communications , kristin albrecht / enron communications @ enron communications , wanda curry / hou / ect @ ect , meredith m eggleston / hou / ees @ ees , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , eugenio perez / hou / ect @ ect , michael e moscoso / hou / ect @ ect , neil tarling / enron communications @ enron communications cc : subject : global operations controller forum please fill in the following information and email ( or fax 713 - 345 - 8100 ) to me as soon as possible . ( the same day would be great ! ) please select dinner entr , e for sunday , oct 22 pan seared medallions of black angus tenderloin , or xxxxxxx grilled chicken breast w / artichoke , mushrooms & light herb sauce hotel reservation : both sunday and monday nights sunday night only monday night only xxxxxxx extend for additional nights smoking or non - smoking room non - smoking flight information : date of arrival airline / flight number houston arrival time shirt size : women ' s or men ' s size women ' s small , med , large , x - large , xx - large medium thanks , patti x 39106
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re : tammie schoppe enron americas - office of the chair assistant to louise kitchen 713 . 853 . 4220 office 713 . 646 . 8562 fax 713 . 253 . 2131 mobile - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : sunday , december 02 , 2001 7 : 29 pm to : schoppe , tammie subject : tammie - can you please add the groups to east power trading & origination > louise kitchen chief operating officer enron americas tel : 713 853 3488 fax : 713 646 2308