On Fri, Jul 19, 2002 at 09:53:16PM +0100, [email protected] wrote: > The setup is as follows: > I develop a piece of code using PHP 3.0.9 which is, to > my knowledge, GPL. php's license is completely irrelevant to this. think about it. solaris releases their system which includes /bin/sh. their license is very restrictive and they retain the rights to their whole system. but they don't own every shell script ever written by solaris admins around the world.> The piece of code runs on my server and is an integral part of a system > that I have developed for a client. I did not recieve payment for this > particular piece of code but I did recieve payment for the system. My > client now wants to use a different service provider but keep my code. > Do I have a right to claim intellectual property rights for my little > piece of code that he did not pay me for or do I have to give the > client the code under the GPL.i doubt it. and i suspect it would cost more to litigate then you would get.kevin-- [email protected] that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to fork()'ed on 37058400 the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier meatspace place: home than a sober one. the happiness of credulity is a cheap & dangerous quality -- g.b. shaw-- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
expansion attached please find the tw expansion open season results and the expansion offering package . as we agreed yesterday , we will begin talking with tier 1 shippers today . please note that a followup meeting has been scheduled for 1 : 30 - 2 : 30 wed . 2 / 7 to continue discussions . good luck !
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weekly deal report attached is the weekly deal report for 11 / 22 / 01 . lex carroll enron east power marketing , inc . midwest origination 713 - 853 - 5426
fw : enron transaction good sign ! see below for wire transfer instructions . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : zisman , stuart sent : monday , april 30 , 2001 3 : 45 pm to : miller , don ; vos , theresa subject : fw : enron transaction fyi - - - - - forwarded by stuart zisman / hou / ect on 04 / 30 / 2001 03 : 43 pm - - - - - " clark , patricia j . " 04 / 30 / 2001 03 : 44 pm to : " ' stuart . zisman @ enron . com ' " cc : subject : fw : enron transaction stuart - - i don ' t know who at enron was looking for this information but here it is . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kendle , daniel s . sent : monday , april 30 , 2001 4 : 28 pm to : clark , patricia j . subject : enron transaction pat , on thursday , may 3 rd , enron will receive two wire transfers from supply . they will be in the amount of $ 600 , 000 , 000 and $ 447 , 700 , 445 . the wires will be coming from pnc bank , allegheny energy supply company account number 1008969371 . i believe someone in enron ' s treasury department was looking for this information . please let me know if you need any further additional information . dan daniel s . kendle treasury analyst hagerstown corporate headquarters p 301 . 790 . 6278 f 301 . 790 . 6109 mailto : dkendle @ alleghenyenergy . com
More articles that support my fantasy that Irvine is the center of the universe. We've got the corner on electric cars, fuel cells, two types of Nobel winning physics, outside the box computer science, and lot of creative writers.UCI's creative writing department has been in the news a lot over the course of the last decade. Some quotes from the article[1]: "In 1992, Newsweek called UCI's fiction writing workshop 'the hottest writing program in the country.' Now it's exponentially hotter, thanks only in part to Sebold's daring and uncannily timely novel. The novel they are talking about is Alice Sebold's "The Lovely Bones" which is on the way to the top of the NY Times best-sellers list. My uncle used to tease me about UCI (being a USC graduate from '54) that nobody knew who UC Irvine was just two states over. In fact, I used to refer to UCI as one of the lesser known UC schools, and when I went off to college in 1985, my relatives told everyone I was off to Cal State Irvine. I took a class as an undergrad by one of the department's faculty called "the art of writing fiction". If there was ever any two classes that helped contributed to writing my dissertation, it was that one which taught me how to get the writing flowing and my high school typing class which taught me how to type really fast. One of the advantages they cite in the article is that they seem to take a chance on the "not-so-sure" bet, but according to the article, the number of UCI graduates that have gone on to write best sellers and the handful that feed the film industry is creating a viscious cycle that lures more talent which creates the right writing ecosystem, which churns out more success stories which lures more talent. Greg [1]
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fw : caps ready for enrj sorry i left you off the original distribution . pete - - - - - original message - - - - - from : davis , pete sent : tuesday , december 11 , 2001 7 : 22 am to : bishop , serena ; platter , phillip cc : poston , david ; amador , susan subject : caps ready for enrj caps was migrated this morning and is now ready for the new scid , " enrj " . please contact me immediately if any issues arise . pete 713 - 853 - 3854 wk 409 - 656 - 6219 cell
draft press release : kcs energy this press release for kcs energy has a reference to ena . call me if you have any problems with the attached . it is scheduled to go out today . eric - press release 2 - 20 - 01 final . doc
do not settle for less than a rolex . italian crafted rolex from $ 75 to $ 275 - free shipping http : / / revamp . fcke . com / repli / dir / it is easy to be brave from a safe distance . the multitude of books is making us ignorant . it is better to be envied than pitied . no bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings .
avail for review : phonology , semantics , dong , interpreting the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . please do not simply provide a url for an electronic cv or web page . these will be ignored . phonology pier marco bertinetto , livio gaeta , georgijetchev & david michaels ( eds ) , certamen phonologicum iii . papers from the third cortona phonology meeting , april 1996 . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp . 291 , price lit . 63 . 000 ( approximately us $ 37 ) . isbn 88-7011 - 717 - 0 . semantics pier marco bertinetto , il dominio tempo-aspettuale . demarcazioni , intersezioni , contrasti . torino , rosenberg & sellier 1997 , pp 252 , price lit 48 . 000 isbn 887011726x ( approximately us $ 25 . 50 ) contents - introduzione i . demarcazioni - aspect vs . actionality - statives , progressives , habituals - the progressive as a ' partialization ' operator ii . intersezioni - neutralizations and interactions in temporal-aspectual categories - metafore tempo-aspettuali - l ' interazione tra azionalita e aspetto nella perifrasi ' continua ' iii . contrasti - le strutture tempo-aspettuali dell ' italiano e dell ' inglese - le perifrasi abituali in italiano e in inglese - l ' espressione della ' progressivita / continuita ' : un confronto tripolare ( editor 's note : the reviewer of this book must be fluent in both italian and english ) . dong language long yaohong and zheng guoqiao ( translated by d . n . geary ) ( 1998 ) the dong langauge in guizhou province china . sil / u texas austin . interpreting / translation harris , brian ( compiler ) ( 1997 ) translation and interpreting schools . language international world directory . john benjamins : amsterdam .
thanks a lot . dr . kaminski , i appreciate you for giving me a good opportunity to have the interview . the visit to enron was very impressive . thanks for arranging interviews with people at research department and extra interview at the enron net work . it was good to have chance to meet such nice people , and have a talk with them . it was a good experience for me and i hope we have chance to see each other . jinbaek jinbaek kim ph . d candidate dept . of industrial engineering and operations research u . c . berkeley http : / / www . ieor . berkeley . edu / ~ jinbaek go bears ! : " ' . _ . . - - - . . _ . ' " ; ` . . ' . ' ` . : a a : _ _ . . . . . _ : _ . - 0 - . _ : - - - ' " " ' " - . . . . - - ' " ' . : . ' : ` . : ` , ` . ` . : ' - - ' - - ' : . ' ; ; : ` . _ ` - ' _ . ' ; . ' ` . ' " ' ; ` . ' ; ` . ` : ` ; . ` . ; ; : ; . ' ` - . ' ; : ; ` . _ _ . ' . ' . ' : ; ` . . ' _ _ . ' . ' ` - - . . _ _ _ . _ . ' ; ; ` . . . . . . ' . ' ` ' " " ' ` . ' ; . . . . . . - ' ` . . . . . . . - ' ` . . . . . . . . ' on tue , 24 oct 2000 vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com wrote : > > jinbaek , > > we shall invite you to an interview in houston . > > vince > > > > > > jinbaek kim on 10 / 23 / 2000 07 : 25 : 36 pm > > to : vkamins @ enron . com > cc : > subject : resume , > > > dear mr . kaminski , > > hi , > i am a ph . d student at ieor department at u . c . berkeley . > thanks for your presentation today . > it gave me knowledge and interest in electricity markets , > and your company . > as you mentioned in the presentation , > i send a resume to give me opportunity to learn more > about your company . > i hope i can join the super saturday event . > > jinbaek > > > ( see attached file : resume . doc ) > > >
investor ' s insight investor alert - l r c j - brand new stock for your attention lauraan corporation - stock symbol : l r c j breaking news reieased by the company on friday after the close - watch out the stock go crazy on monday morning 24 th of january . current price : $ 0 . 12 current price : $ o . 12 projected specuiative price in next 5 days : $ o . 42 projected specuiative price in next 15 days : $ 0 . 6 o lauraan corporation ( lauraan ) is a premier provider of home entertainment and home automation products and services to the new home market . the company seils primariiy through homebuilders to homebuyers who are buiiding homes in the $ 3 ook , and up range . lauraan is an eariy stage company in the process of developing its business , nationwide , through acquisitions of existing home technoiogy companies in seiect markets throughout the country . the company has an experienced management team that has years of experience in the home technoiogy industry . current price : $ 0 . 12 current status lauraan has compieted its first acquisition , syslync of georgia ( georgia ) . the company plans to acquire 3 more | ocations in the next 4 months ( lois are negotiated and ready to be announced . ) georgia currentiy has annualized revenues of $ 50 ok and is expected to double its monthly revenue in the next 6 months . the three next acquisitions wiil add an additional $ 2 . 5 mi | | ion in revenue . long - term strategy the company pians to raise funds to make acquisitions throughout strategic new home markets and create a national brand with revenues of $ 50 - 75 miliion by 2 oo 7 . lauraan wiil be recognized for its quaiity of service , value provided , and the simpiicity of its solutions . breaking news : lauraan corporation announces new servicing and builder agreements grapevine , texas , jan 14 , 20 o 5 / prnewswire - firstcall via comtex / - - lauraan corporation ( l r c j ) ( " lauraan " ) , a provider of home entertainment and automation products for the new home market , announced today that their whoily - owned subsidiary , syslync of georgia , ( sysiync ) has completed an exciusive agreement with certicom , inc . a nationa | provider of home and commercia | security systems , to service their residential accounts in the atianta area . in addition , sysiync has been named the sole instalier for new insta | | ations of residential aiarms for certicom and wiil be their provider of other home technoiogy products too . syslync aiso announced today that they were seiected as the preferred provider of home technology products and services for atlanta - based lou freeman properties , inc . , a deveioper and builder of custom homes in the $ 2 oo , ooo to $ 1 , ooo , ooo plus , range . " these two agreements wiil more than double the homes we touch throughout the atianta area , " stated david watson , general manager of sysiync , " and the agreements wiil provide syslync with steady , recurring revenue streams important to our profitability . " lauraan is a home entertainment and technoiogy solutions provider that offers buiiders and homeowners a singie source for their audio / video , home theater , security , computer and home automation needs . through its company - owned stores , lauraan subsidiaries work directiy with buiiders and homeowners , to design and insta | | home technoiogy solutions that f i t the homeowner ' s | ifestyle and budget . safe harbor act disc | @ imer : this press release contains forward - | ooking statements within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 , as amended , and section 21 e of the securities exchange act of 1934 , as amended ( the " exchange act " ) , and as such , may invoive risks and uncertainties . forward - looking statements , which are based on certain assumptions and describe future plans , strategies , and expectations , are genera | | y identifiabie by the use of words such as " beiieve , " " expect , " " intend " " anticipate , " " estimate , " " project , " or similar expressions . these forward - looking statements reiate to , among other things , expectations of the business environment in which the company operates , projections of future performance , potential future performance , perceived opportunities in the market , and statements regarding the company ' s mission and vision . the company ' s actua | results , performance , and achievements may differ materially from the resuits , performance , and achievements expressed or implied in such forward - looking statements due to a wide range of factors which are set forth in our annual report on form 10 - ksb on fiie with the sec . read this legal notes before you do anything else : information within this email contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , goais , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward looking statements . " forward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materia | | y from those presentiy anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as : " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " " wiil , " " part of : " anticipates , " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " couid , " or " might " occur . ail information provided within this emai | pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . emerging equity alert advises ail readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shail be construed as any kind of investment advice . please have in mind that the interpretation of the witer of this newsletter about the news published by the company does not represent the company official statement and in fact may differ from the rea | meaning of what the news reiease meant to say . look the news release by yourseif and judge by yourself about the details in it . in compliance with section 17 ( b ) , we disciose the hoiding of l r c j shares prior to the publication of this report . be aware of an inherent confiict of interest resuiting from such hoidings due to our intent to profit from the | iquidation of these shares . shares may be sold at any time , even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company . since we own shares , there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions . readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reiiance on forward - | ooking statements , which are based on certain assumptions and expectations invoiving various risks and uncertainties , that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward - | ooking statements . piease be advised that nothing within this email shal | constitute a soiicitation or an invitation to get position in or se | | any security mentioned herein . this newsietter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiiiated with any broker or deaier . this newsietter was paid $ 1956 o from third party to send this report . al | statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such . we may own , take position and sel | any securities mentioned at any time . this report includes forward - | ooking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may include terms as " expect " , " believe " , " may " , " wi | | " , " move " , " undervaiued " and " intend " or similar terms . if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfu | | y piaced in our | i s t , please gohere ( - stocksolution 2005 @ yahoo . com - )
use Perl Daily NewsletterIn this issue: * Perl "Meetup"+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Perl "Meetup" | | posted by ziggy on Thursday September 05, @19:12 (news) | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+[0]davorg writes "The people at [1]Meetup have set up a [2]Perl Meetup. The first one takes place on September 19th. I'll probably go along to the one in London to see what happens, but I'd be very interested in hearing any opinions on what this achieves that the existing Perl Mongers groups don't."Discuss this story at: 0. mailto:[email protected] 1. 2. 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved. ======================================================================You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl. To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl, or to add more messages or change your preferences, please go to your user page. can log in and change your preferences from there.
hpl noms - dec . 30 - 31 , 2000 and jan . 1 - 2 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplnl 230 . xls ) ( see attached file : hplnol 01 . xls ) - hplnl 230 . xls - hplnol 01 . xls
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