Librarian Bot: Add language metadata for dataset

by librarian-bot - opened

This pull request aims to enrich the metadata of your dataset by adding language metadata to YAML block of your dataset card

How did we find this information?

  • The librarian-bot downloaded a sample of rows from your dataset using the dataset-server library
  • The librarian-bot used a language detection model to predict the likely language of your dataset. This was done on columns likely to contain text data.
  • Predictions for rows are aggregated by language and a filter is applied to remove languages which are very infrequently predicted
  • A confidence threshold is applied to remove languages which are not confidently predicted

The following languages were detected with the following mean probabilities:

  • German (de): 82.15%

If this PR is merged, the language metadata will be added to your dataset card. This will allow users to filter datasets by language on the Hub.
If the language metadata is incorrect, please feel free to close this PR.

To merge this PR, you can use the merge button below the PR:
Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 15.27.46.png

This PR comes courtesy of Librarian Bot. If you have any feedback, queries, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to @davanstrien .

Haha, the Bot is unfortunately wrong, but it would be interesting to see the "mean probabilities" for the other languages that the Librarian Bot detected. For examples with low language score I could see even romanized Vietnamese :D

CIS, LMU Munich org
edited Dec 13, 2024

Haha, the Bot is unfortunately wrong ...


kargaranamir changed pull request status to closed

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