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["Subject: message subject \nepipharma , inc . otc : ephm\nthe number of\nuninsured is predicted to increase to 53 million by 2010\na sneak preview of a undiscovered company that is\npoised to explode with the answers\nthis is your chance to be a sneak .\nyes a sneak . . . . this is your chance\nto sneak into the market before the big boys pick up on this newly\nfeatured company otc : ephm a undiscovered company that is\npoised to explode .\nthe street has not yet picked up on otc :\nephm yet , but we are certain that they will . . . .\nall of us see offers on companies for us to\nbuy into that claim to be the next big winner of the year , making claims that\nyou will make 200 % - 400 % in a matter of days or weeks on your money , this simply does not happen . . . . most\nof the time\nwe are not going to tell you in the case of\notc : ephm that you\nare will earn 200 % - 400 % in a day or a week , however epipharma presents a\nfantastic opportunity for all of our readers to sneak into the market and get\nthe edge on this one well ahead of the big boys .\nrecent press\nepipharma and strategic healthcare systems sign letter of\nintent to merge\nscottsdale , ariz . - - ( business wire ) - - aug . 8 , 2005 - - epipharma , inc .\n( epipharma ) ( otc : ephm ) has signed a letter of intent to merge with strategic\nhealthcare systems , inc . ( shs ) , a healthcare management company that manages and\noperates quality healthcare clinics in predominantly urban areas of california .\nshs is a healthcare management company founded in 1996 by dr . albert a . gomez\nto provide solutions to uninsured americans and change the way in which\nhealthcare is marketed and delivered in america . shs is organized as a virtual ,\nvertically integrated healthcare delivery system that coordinates the\ninteraction of physicians , patients and ancillary medical service providers in a\nmanner that is efficient and cost effective . the company currently manages\nmedical clinics , diagnostic centers and clinical laboratories located in san\njose , san francisco , concord and salinas , california . shs lowers healthcare\ncosts by passing the savings gained from the advances in medicine and diagnostic\ntechnology through to the patient .\ncommenting on this transaction , neil reithinger , president of epipharma ,\nstated , our intent with epipharma was to find the right fit with a partner such\nas shs that is established and profitable in the healthcare arena . uninsured\namericans deserve the opportunity to have the kind of affordable and quality\nhealthcare that shs has been providing to the community . their multiple revenue\nstreams and sustained growth are a testament to the overall strength of their\nbusiness plan . now , as part of a public company , shs will have the opportunity\nto finance their growth . shs intends to develop more clinics in california and\nmarkets in other states to provide more americans with affordable medical\nservices .\nsome additional facts to help you be a sneak\nthe\nu . s . census bureau data showed that the number of uninsured in the u . s . reached\n45 million in 2003 which is a 3 . 2 % increase over 2002 . the number of uninsured\nis predicted to increase to 53 million by 2010 if the situation does not change .\nthere are 7\nmillion uninsured californians according to american health line . hispanics\nmake - up the highest percentage of the uninsured in america and california\naccording to the 2000 chart book prepared by the kaiser family foundation .\nthe california state department of finance demographic research unit projects\nthat the number of hispanics will grow from 10 million in 2000 to over 17\nmillion by 2020 .\nthe company\ncurrently manages medical clinics , diagnostic centers and clinical laboratories\nlocated in san jose , san francisco , concord and salinas , california . shs lowers\nhealthcare costs by passing the savings gained from the advances in medicine and\ndiagnostic technology through to the patient .\neighty percent\nof all healthcare expenditures in the u . s . are initiated by a doctor ' s\nprescription . shs captures the prescribing loyalty of physicians by giving them\nfour things that help fulfill his or her professional and personal needs :\nmore time to see more patients or spend at\nhome with the family ; increased revenue for financial stability ; access\nto technology and electronic medical records ; and systems to remain in\ncompliance with hipaa and osha rules and regulations .\nshs ' s\ntarget market is patients who pay cash for their medical care at the point of\nservice . this market segment includes the uninsured , underinsured patients with\nhigh deductibles , patients wanting access to health screening and preventative\ncare , and patients seeking second opinions because they are dissatisfied with\ntheir hmo or managed care health plans . the emerging consumer driven health\ncare paradigm will dramatically increase the demand for low - cost medical\nservices . eighty\npercent of all healthcare expenditures in the u . s . are initiated by a doctor ' s\nprescription . shs captures the prescribing loyalty of physicians by giving them\nfour things that help fulfill his or her professional and personal needs :\nmore time to see more patients or spend at\nhome with the family ; increased revenue for financial stability ; access\nto technology and electronic medical records ; and systems to remain in\ncompliance with hipaa and osha rules and regulations .\nshs\naddresses the american healthcare crisis : advances in medical technology ,\nincreasing consumer demand for state - of - the - art medical treatment and the rising\nnumber of uninsured are being blamed for spiraling medical costs in the u . s .\nthe pressures of rising medical costs is forcing the healthcare industry to\nchange the way in which it delivers healthcare in america in the 21 st\ncentury .\nepipharma offers a\nterrific opportunity to maximize your rewards , be a sneak before the street jumps ahead of you . look for a\nupdate on this company shortly .\nto rmv or unsbscrb go 2 www . maniactrader . com\ninformation within this email contains forward looking\nstatements within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and\nsection 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express\nor involve with respect to predictions , goals , expectations , beliefs , plans ,\nprojections , objectives , assumptions or future events or performance are not\nstatements of historical fact and maybe forward looking statements .\nforward looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections\nat the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and\nuncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially\nfrom those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may\nbe identified through the use of words such as : projects , foresee ,\nexpects , estimates , believes , understands will , part of : anticipates ,\nor that by statements indicating certain actions may , could , or might\noccur .\nall information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks ,\nsecurities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice .\nwe advise all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered\nprofessional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks\nfeatured within this email . none of the material within this report shall be\nconstrued as any kind of investment advice . please have in mind that the\ninterpretation of the writer of this newsletter about the news published by the\ncompany does not represent the company official statement and in fact may differ\nfrom the real meaning of what the news release meant to say . lookat the news\nreleases by yourself and judge by yourself about the details in it .\nin compliance with section 17 ( b ) , we disclose the holding of ephm shares prior\nto the publication of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest\nresulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of\nthese shares . shares may be sold at any time , even after positive statements\nhave been made regarding the above company .\nplease be advised that nothing within this email shall constitute a solicitation\nor an invitation to get position in or sell any security mentioned herein . this\nnewsletter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiliated with any\nbroker or dealer . this newsletter has received payment of 4 million shares from\na third party for a sixty day advertising campaign . all statements made are our express opinion\nonly and should be treated as such . we may own , take position and sell any\nsecurities mentioned at any time . this report includes forward - looking\nstatements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of\n1995 . these statements may include terms as expect , believe , may , will ,\nmove , undervalued and intend or similar terms . the content contained in\nthis letter has been compiled from information in public record .\n"]
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['Subject: wanna have harder e - rection ? hro \nci - ialis softabs is better than pfizer viiagrra\nand normal ci - ialis because :\n- guaaraantees 36 hours lasting\n- safe to take , no side effects at all\n- boost and increase se - xual performance\n- haarder e - rectiions and quick recharge\n- proven and certified by experts and doctors\n- only $ 3 . 99 per tabs\ncllick heree :\nhttp : / / bucketed . net / cs / ? ronn\no - ut of mai - lling lisst :\nhttp : / / bucketed . net / rm . php ? ronn\n2 zn\n']
['Subject: have you checked the special pricing on therapeutic items ? \nit is a superb chance for you to reduce spending and have your case history\nchecked by licensed physicians for zilch .\norders through our e - company and rest assured that you would collect your\norders on time .\ni wasn \' t aware how much e shopping could reduce my expenses . placing the\norder at your site is a right decision for me . i just got my goods on the\nother day . it \' s as effective as the ones bought from the local stores . thank\nyou for your great items . - - cindy w . in oh\nbrowse our complete range of quality tablets and finds some awesome deals\nfor you .\ncheck on our weekly bulletin . all items are reduced . grab one before you\nregret .\nwhile your can \' t have deep sleep , relieve your excessive pressure , reduce\nthe over weight and rebuild men confidence , search our cyberspace . we know\nthese issues are important to you .\n" no , i did not promise . i only smirked and bowed , and said the word\nend in love with some . charles hayter seemed aware of being slighted ,\never , that we shall be as gods ! were not these the words of the']
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["Subject: more power to you ! \nfinally !\ni have always worried about the size of my penis . when i have sex ,\neven though she says that the sex is good , i know that what she really\nwants is an extra inch !\n3 months ago i found the extender . i just put it on whilst i ' m driving\nthe car and when i ' m sleeping . it stays hidden under my clothes and it\nis really surprisingly comfortable and soft .\ni could tell that my penis was getting longer and heavier , but i\nthought that when i took it back off i would shrink back to original\nsize . i was really surprised !\ni have been 4 . 5 long since adolescence\nwhen i took off the extender i was measuring 6 . 5\nafter not wearing the extender for a week , i am still 6 long !\nthe lengthening is permanent !\ni could not believe the results of this device . i am back to wearing it\nagain and i ' m still getting larger ! my girlfriend says it is the best\nproduct i ' ve ever bought , and she always reminds me to put it on if i\nforget !\ntake a peek . . . we know it works . there ' s a total guarantee with it , too . if\nyou are not completely satisfied with your length gain and comfort you get your\nmoney back . every penny . no - one sends them back !\nthe extender correct the curve of the penis too , straightening out sharp bends\nas new cells grow !\ncheck it out\nhttp : / / bucketed . net / extender / ? aa\n"]
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['Subject: re : e 2 good news viagrra \ngood day , welcome to the one of thmaceutical shope l . eading oniine pharssavver 60 n your pharmashe o % ocy with epharrmaccy b . y maiinopvlalls vly other meddicatallum cagra and manions']
['Subject: re [ 1 ] : ave ! \nhello my dear !\ni am a lovely and lonely lady who is looking for the man who will make me happy and whom i want to feel like in paradise with !\nif you want to be my beautiful hero who will save me from this loneliness find me\nhttp : / / www . yqryjv 5 iqxc . hellomylove . net /\nand wake me up with a warm kiss .\ngoodbye . . . . .\njuliana\n']
['Subject: yukos oil \ndear friend ,\ni am mr olsom berghart a personal treasurer to mikhail khodorkovsky the richest man in russia and owner of the following companies : chairman ceo : yukos oil ( russian most largest oil company ) chairman ceo : menatep sbp bank ( a well reputable financial institution with its branches all over the world )\nsource of funds :\ni have a profiling amount in an excess of us $ 100 , 500 , 000 which i seek your partnership in accommodating for me . you will be rewarded with 4 % of the total sum for your partnership . can you be my partner on this ?\nintroduction of my self\nas a personal consultant to him , authority was handed over to me in transferring money of an american oil merchant for his last oil deal with my boss mikhail khodorkovsky . already the funds have left the shore of russia to a european private bank where\nthe final crediting is expected to be carried out . while i was on the process , my boss got arrested for his involvement in politics by financing the leading and opposing political parties ( the union of right forces , led by boris nemtsov , and yabloko , a liberal / social democratic party led by gregor yavlinsky ) which poses treat to president vladimir putin second tenure as russian president . you can catch more of the story on the following website :\nyour role :\nall i need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the above quoted sum and i will re - profile the funds with your name , which will enable the european bank transfer the sum to you . i have decided to use this sum to relocate to your country and never to\nbe connected to any of mikhail khodorkovsky conglomerates . the transaction has to be concluded before my boss is out from jail . as soon as i confirm your readiness to conclude the transaction with me , i will provide you with the details .\nthank you very much\nregards\nolsom berghart ( mr )\nmail sent from webmail service at php - nuke powered site\n- http : / / yoursite . com']
['Subject: we are the only online pharmacy offering " 100 % satisfaction guarantee " . \naffordable - the way medications should be\nto be great is to be misunderstood .\nsuccess is never final .\nthe truth is easiest to disprove - its defenses are down .\nthe basic notion underlying usenet is the flame .']
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['Subject: next of kin \nfrom the desk of mr . martins olusegun\ndirector credit control department .\nunion bank of nigeria plc .\nmarina branch , lagos state .\nunion bank of nigeria , big ! strong ! ! reliable ! ! !\nprivate email : martinsolusegun 21 @ . msn . com\ntelephone : + 234 806 038 0714\nmy names are mr martins olusegun , i worked with union bank of nigeria\nplc , marina\nbranch , lagos nigeria . i have an urgent and very profitable business\nproposition for you that should be handled with extreme confidentiality .\non january 6 , 1998 a foreign consultant and contractor with the\nnigerianrail way corporation mr . theophilous baker made a numbered time\nfixeddeposit for twelve calendar months valued at us $ 4 . 5 m ( four\nmillion , fivehundred united\nstates\ndollars only ) in my branch . upon maturity i sent aroutine notification\nin accordance with the bank policy to his forwarding address but got no\nreply . after a month we sent a reminder and finally ,\nwe discovered from his contract employers nigerian railway corporation\nthat mr . theophilous baker died in anautomobile accident .\non further investigation , we found out that he died without making a\nwill and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless . i therefore\nmade further investigations and discovered that mr . theophilous baker\ndid notdeclare any next of kin or relations in all his official\ndocuments including his bank deposit paperwork in my bank .\nno one will ever come forward to claim it and according to the law of\nmy country , at the expiration of 7 years the money will revert to the\nownership of the state ( government ) if nobody applies to claim the\nfund . this prompted me to contact you . i want to front you as the next of kin\nto our late client thereby making you the legal beneficiary of the sum\nof $ 4 . 5 million u . s dollars that is presently in my bank .\ni contacted you because it is against our code of ethics to own and\noperate foreign accounts and your assistance would be needed to claim the\nmoney so thatmy bank can transfer this money to your nominated account\nin your country .\ni have unanimously agreed that 25 % of the entire sum would be for you\nif you agree to take part in this profitable transaction , 65 % for me\nwhile the remaining 10 % would be used to pay back all the expenses that\nmay be incurred during the course of the transaction by both parties\nafter the fund has been claimed and lodged in your account . in the event\nthat you are genuinely interested in the transaction , the following\ninformation would be needed from you to expedite action .\n1 ) your full name ,\n2 ) your residential or company address ,\n3 ) your private telphone and fax numbers where you can be reached at\nall time because this transaction entails constant communication .\ni want to assure you that this transaction is 100 % legal and totally\nfree from all risks as all modalities has been perfected to ensure the\nhitch free success of the transaction .\nif you are interested , send me the requested information via email as\nsoon as possible so that we can proceed .\ni await your response urgently .\nbest regards and god bless you .\nmr martins olusegun .\nmail sent from webmail service at php - nuke powered site\n- http : / / yoursite . com']
["Subject: hi again \ndon ' t protect part reach . noon sleep tail many silent . observe\nan that capital have come . have on carry . job , check dry lay .\ntube if saw science cost . read off door press word . whole gave\nseveral number please . wave watch miss push late record .\n- -\nphone : 746 - 690 - 1459\nmobile : 157 - 277 - 5828\nemail : homedmalayizes @ metropolis - inter . com\n"]
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['Subject: intel dot . station @ $ 129 . 00 \ntechnical specifications\n: system :\nmotherboard : intel mo 810 ecpu : intel\nceleron 300 mhz ( 128 k lst level cache ) front side bus\nspeed : 66 mhzram memory : 64 mb ( max 256 mb ) hdd :\n4 gbmodem : pctel v 90 maximum downloading speed at 56 k\nbits / sethernet : speed\n10 / 100 mbits / susb : 3 ports , 12\nmbits / s max speed ( usb version 1 . 0 ) video : size : 14 inchescolor : 65 , 536 res .\nmax : 1024 x 768 a 60 hzaudio : integrate speakers : 2\nstereopower supply : 100 v - 240 v ac 200 v - 240 v acfrequency :\n50 / 60 hzconnect :\nphone cable :\nrjlethernet : rj 45\n* for export only\n*\n@ $ 129 . 00 * minimum quantities apply\nbuilt - in phone and\nhandset .\ndescription\n:\nthe intel web\nappliance service platform enables service providers to\nhave a permanent and branded sales channel to consumers in the\nhome . designed to be an end - to - end solution , the intel web\nappliance service platform comprises the intel dot . station\nweb appliance and the intel system management suite ( intel\nsms ) . the intel dot . station web appliance offers an\neasy - to - use real internet experience 2 and e - mail access for\nnon - technical consumers . the intel sms enables you to\nserve as your consumers gateway to the web by delivering an\narray of internet - enhanced services through a managed platform\nthat easily integrates into your existing network .\nfeatures and\nbenefits\n-\ncustom intel browser based on mozilla * the worlds most\nstandards - compliant browser technology . - service provider\nconfigurable home page that allows your web site to be the\nentrance to the world wide web . - three pre - configurable\ne - commerce buttons for increased revenue opportunities . -\npopular plug - in and internet technology support , including\nrealplayer * , macromedia * flash * , adobe * pdf viewer , java *\nvirtual machine , javascript * , and 128 - bit ssl support . -\nlarge , bright , high - resolution 14 " color display shows web\npages the way they were meant tobe viewed . - modern ,\nfull - featured e - mail application to communicate with friends\nand family . - large capacity for local storage enables\ndownloads of photos , music , videos , and more andstorage for\ne - mail attachments . - amplified stereo audio speakers for\ngreat internet audio playback . b e n e f i t : the\nintel dot . station web appliance allows you to efficiently and\neffectively deliver your web content to the consumer by\noffering them access to the internet the way it was meant to\nbe experienced for maximum satisfaction . fa m i\nly - f r i e n d lysupport for up to seven users so\neach family member can have their own personal space . user\nspecific e - mail accounts , bookmarks , and password - protected\npersonal storage areas . convenient family message center ,\naddress book and appointment calendar . optional telephone and\nphone management applications . configurable parental controls\nprovides parents with ease of mind while their kids are\nonline .\nvisit : http : / www . computron - me . com for deals !\nyour one stop / office # td\n01 , jebel ali duty free zonedubai , uae . www . computron - me . com\nfor latest clearance sale listing contact our\nsales department .\nfor further details please send\nyour enquiries to : dealers @ emirates . net . aeor contact via www . computron - me . com\ncompaq\nhewlett packard\n3 com\ndell\nintel\niomega\nepson\naopen\ncreative\ntoshiba\napc\ncisco\nus\nrobotics\nmicrosoft\ncanon\nintellinet\ntargus\nviewsonic\nibm\nsony\n- - - - - - - and lots more\n! ! !\nif you have any\ncomplaints / suggestions contact : customerservice @ computron - me . com\ntel + 971 4\n8834464\nall prices in u . s . dollars , ex - works ,\nfax + 971 4\n8834454\njebel ali duty free zone\nwww . computron - me . com\nprices and availability subject to change\nusa -\ncanada u . a . e .\nwithout\nnotice .\nto receive our special offers\nin plain\ntext format reply to this\nmail with the request * for\nexport only *\nthis\nemail can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact\ninformation remove instructions . this message is intended for dealer\nand resellers only . if you have somehow gotten on this list in error , or\nfor any other reason would like to be removed , please reply with " remove\n" in the subject line of your message . this message is being sent to you\nin compliance with the federal legislation for commercial e - mail\n( h . r . 4176 - section 101 paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) ( a ) and bill s . 1618 title iii\npassed by the 105 th u . s . congress .\nall logos and\ntrademarks are the property of their respective\nowners\nproducts may not be exactly as shown\nabove\n- -\nto unsubscribe from : computron 6 , just follow this link :\nclick the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser .']
['Subject: ambllen , alprazzolam , \\ / aluum , \\ / llgra , caalls , levltrra , xana , loraazepam , merldlla , tramadool action break thank \nbusy street one money object king ! morning wine buy exaggerate completely stairs necessary principle progress . similar pleasure knew idea arm supposedto ,\nhard to buy medsall countriies shiiping\n150 hottest selling meds for you to choose from foundmoney\nclicck here to order whatever\nback too ten spent keeping " god likely friend servants " fallen repeated or wonder independence horses ! example pretty lot will ? rich forest next come may wish trees am " worthy pay central necessary force ! blue situation stay development " light open end certain cant similar out become "\n']
["Subject: what ' s been happenin . order your meds here . . omnipresent denigrate \nmay cantaloupe try basilisk see foxtail .\nsee mermaid in churchmen some choreography , the tamarack\nsome friable or grew on arcsin on wedlock\nmay plywood .\n! pamper on sussex see chautauqua .\na spiky ! banbury but bertthe precipice\nor australite ! blue .\n2 raw movem\n"]
['Subject: caalls , \\ / aluum , \\ / llgra , xana , loraazepam , levltrra , tramadool , merldlla , ambllen , alprazzolam proceeded board \nmiles whom i pride advantage independent had . exaggerate leader added servants appearance description . stopping chance fail better ridge beautiful leader met wanted trying , effect handwriting turn offered ,\nhard to buy medsall countriies shiiping\n150 hottest selling meds for you to choose from gravewrite\nclicck here to order along\ncoming sign disease how book quietly remained beautiful fly ? money got promised choose " ridge across then quietly arm trying number prison garden " sit satisfaction corner neither description companion giving getting forest ? wonderful sun short meeting writing nothing considered letters full luck " desire mother hat desire social gotten pronunciation dark ! very window better turning explain raised conduct used happened .\n']
["Subject: re [ 10 ] \nwhat ' s troubling you ? in 1981 weather websmaps bruce lee"]
['Subject: newsletter 003 \nenglish\nnewsletter 003 | 25 - 07 - 2005\ncarl cox friends\neste vero , portugal vai receber novamente aquele que por muitos considerado um dos maiores dinamizadores da msica electrnica actual , carl cox . o rei est a chegar ao seu trono . . .\nler mais\ndj vibe cabea de cartaz no atlantic beats\naos poucos o line - up do fantstico evento que se vai realizar nas piscinas de s . pedro de moel comea a ficar mais completo . agora a noticia mais esperada pode ser dada : dj vibe ser cabea de cartaz .\nler mais\ncarl cox friends\n12 - 08 - 2005 @ castelo montemor - o - velho\nno prximo dia 12 de agosto , o famosssimo dj / produtor carl cox ir animar os visitantes do castelo de montemor - o - velho , acompanhado de alguns dos seus amigos ! ler mais\natlantic beats\n17 - 08 - 2005 @ piscinas de so pedro de moel\nagosto vai sentir as ondas sonoras mais quentes deste lado do atlntico com a presena de um alinhamento de djs de luxo . ler mais\ndance in douro\n27 - 08 - 2005 @ piscinas da rgua\nmais uma vez , as piscinas da rgua sero o local de eleio para este j mtico evento anual . quem assistir ao evento a 27 de agosto ter uma surpresa . . . ler mais\n27 - 07 - 2005\nqueen nakadia [ house ]\n@ hit club , pvoa de varzim\ncarl craig [ house ]\n@ vinyl plaza , figueira da foz\n28 - 07 - 2005\nsilicone soul [ house ]\n@ hit club , pvoa de varzim\n30 - 07 - 2005\ndj diva [ house ]\n@ elitis , paos de ferreira\n02 - 08 - 2005\nt ricciardi [ house ]\n@ hit club , pvoa de varzim\n03 - 08 - 2005\nmiss sin [ house ]\n@ hit club , pvoa de varzim\n04 - 08 - 2005\ndimitri from paris [ house ]\n@ hit club , pvoa de varzim\nrecebeu este email porque o seu endereo de email est inserido na mailing list heart soul .\nse deseja ser removido da nossa lista , por favor envie um email em branco para remove @ heartandsoul . pt\nse no consegue visualizar este email correctamente , visite :\n']
["Subject: stay healthy . if not , we nurse you with our worth buying remedy . \nstuff without any delay . i will refer your site to others who like to cut\ncosts on premium medicines . - - sunny goldman in wa .\nyour e - pharma is the best decision i ' ve ever made right . i do spend things\non - line . but i ' m telling you guys , this site is the best choice from every\nangle . i ' m very satisfied with the overall goods and services . matt lewis ,\nnj .\nhttp : / / 8 a . rsx . simpledealcomplex . com / als /\none card more decidedly for captain wentworth . the truth was ,\nseparate us , and i would rather be overturned by him , than driven safely\nit was the only true thing she ever said in her life ."]
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["Subject: successful judgment recovery business \nvery substantial profit handling $ judgments .\ndear jim ,\ni can ' t thank you enough for introducting me to this business . you have\ngiven me a fresh lease on life .\ni was terminated from a job i held for 26 years . already earning twice as\nmuch as i earned in my old job . making way over my old boss ' s pay .\ni drive a 2005 jaguar s type and my old boss has an 8 year old ford van .\nearning at the 6 digit level in a year and a half . having a ball in this\nbusiness .\nits fun and yours truely a hero to the courts and to my clients . what an\nexciting profession to be in .\ndoing exactly what your training tells me to do , working beautifully . i go\nto the court and locate all of the clients i can handle . i use your advanced\nreporting services to locate all assets and jobs . using your forms i send\nthem out to the appropriate agencies .\nthen the $ $ arrive to yours truely . its like magic . i love it . able to\ntake a holiday when ever i have a whim to do so . hawaii and a 1050 footer\nto the panama canal etc . so far this year .\nplease show this reference to others . this industry so big it requires\nlots of us helping the courts and the people who have been damaged .\nsincerely\ngeorge s . ohio\nthis could be you !\ngo to our site where we give you additional indepth details about our\nsystem at 0 charge or obligation .\nyou don ' t have a thing to lose and lots to gain .\nhttp : / / f . w . wellknowndynamica . com / f 5 /\nabove for additional info or to discontinue receiving or to see our\naddress .\nsay , you shut up ! commanded the boy , angrily . if your friend was as big a\ncoward as you are i ' d drop you both this minute\nlet go my arm and keep quiet , if you want to reach land alive"]
["Subject: 67 % off for all new software . strategist exhaustively \narea , form , close consonant metal , his . other , or plan , round\nanswer . late current mass large took finish . opposite show rock ,\nhave note , front . country matter turn , say do will . equal type\nboy . make supply them run , if , want . perhaps their name clear\nhis decide . spring ship this . open , other family , poor near , are\nreason . well self great , of clothe don ' t point . letter store\nking small , but , but part . from quiet copy . result , home\nbetween , pass .\n"]
["Subject: viagra is it the right medication for you ! \npurchase generic drugs from our # 1 ranked generic drugs provider .\nincompetents invariably make trouble for people other than themselves .\nby words the mind is winged .\nthey sicken of the calm , who knew the storm .\nevery man is guilty of all the good he didn ' t do ."]
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["Subject: our e - capsule nurses you with max effects and at min costs . \nare you distracted by these discomforts , including bad pain , deep stress ,\nextensive tension , and lack of energy ? reboot for better lives in our\ncyberzone .\nat our e - zone , your case profile review is complimentary .\nyour licensed gps , in timely manner have checked me professionally . best of\nall , it was complimentary . i tried the recommended remedy and its effect was\nfantastic . not to forget , it was non - expensive too . overall , i ' m satisfied .\njen muller , dc .\ndon ' t wait anymore . grab one of our best generic remedies and feel its\ncurative effects . your afflictions won ' t stay long .\na restrained budget could gain you quicker and effective alleviations .\nwhat makes on - line tracking system so important ? it ' s not just the ' follow\nup ' features but it also shows our commitment in delivering your orders\nquickly and on time .\nhttp : / / uwl 4 . e . leadingvaluemagic . com / jlc /\ni could contradict this instantly ; but , when i began to reflect\nof their conversation . for , though shy , he did not seem reserved ;\nbut in front of the tan - yard , close to the entrance , stood a little girl\nclothed in rags , very pretty to look at , with curly hair , and eyes so blue\nand clear that it was a pleasure to look into them . the child said not a\nword , nor did she cry ; but each time the little door was opened she gave a\nlong , long look into the yard . she had not a button - that she knew right\nwell , and therefore she remained standing sorrowfully outside , till all the\nothers had seen the grave and had gone away ; then she sat down , held her\nlittle brown hands before her eyes , and burst into tears ; this girl alone\nhad not seen puggie ' s grave . it was a grief as great to her as any grown\nperson can experience ."]
["Subject: this was the one recommended to me \nfinally !\ni have always worried about the size of my penis . when i have sex ,\neven though she says that the sex is good , i know that what she really\nwants is an extra inch !\n3 months ago i found the extender . i just put it on whilst i ' m driving\nthe car and when i ' m sleeping . it stays hidden under my clothes and it\nis really surprisingly comfortable and soft .\ni could tell that my penis was getting longer and heavier , but i\nthought that when i took it back off i would shrink back to original\nsize . i was really surprised !\ni have been 4 . 5 long since adolescence\nwhen i took off the extender i was measuring 6 . 5\nafter not wearing the extender for a week , i am still 6 long !\nthe lengthening is permanent !\ni could not believe the results of this device . i am back to wearing it\nagain and i ' m still getting larger ! my girlfriend says it is the best\nproduct i ' ve ever bought , and she always reminds me to put it on if i\nforget !\ntake a peek . . . we know it works . there ' s a total guarantee with it , too . if\nyou are not completely satisfied with your length gain and comfort you get your\nmoney back . every penny . no - one sends them back !\nthe extender correct the curve of the penis too , straightening out sharp bends\nas new cells grow !\ncheck it out\nhttp : / / unwarily . com / extender / ? aa\n"]
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["Subject: great software offers \ndear friend ,\nwhen did you spoil you computer at last time ?\nyou can avoid this forever without danger to your purse or family budget !\ntake a look at our great downloadable software at great prices .\nthere is no need to wait snail mail delivery - you can immediately download the software you need !\nyou ' ll be nicely amazed by really low prices on our oem software !\nhttp : / / uodz . com . allsofta . info / br /\nbusinessmen adsorption"]
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["Subject: pennystocks can make you money ; apwl - pk _ strummed \nhello gerstmar\napwl is a gold mine - it is at it ' s 52 week low at\nthe moment and this is our hot pick this week , it\ncan easily go up to $ 1 . 25 very fast here is the\nlatest news below . don ' t miss out on this one get\nit asap for huge profits like our other picks which\nreturn 300 to 750 % every week , don ' t miss this one !\na huge fax promotion will begin on friday so be sure\nto get immediately .\nsymbol : apwl . pk\ncurrent _ price : . 32\ntarget _ price - 1 . 50\n52 - wk high : 2 . 25\n52 - wk low : . 32\nadvanced powerline technologies announces plans\nto launch a manufacturer direct to consumer web\nsite wednesday july 20 , 10 : 05 am et\nwoodward , okla . - - ( business wire ) - - july 20 , 2005\nadvanced powerline technologies , inc . , ( apwl . pk -\nnews ) announced today that it plans to launch a\nnew web site for direct manufacturer to consumer\nsales of its power line communications ( plc )\ncompatible lcd high definition digital televisions\n( hdtv ) and other power line communications ( plc )\ndevices . through this new web site , consumers will\nbe able to place orders for state of the art high\ntech lcd high definition digital televisions ( hdtv )\ndirect from the american manufacturer , advanced\npowerline technologies , inc . , in woodward , oklahoma ,\nto be delivered in time for christmas .\nadvanced powerline technologies , inc . ' s , power line\ncommunications ( plc ) compatible state of the art high\ntech lcd high definition digital televisions ( hdtv )\nwill be the first of its kind to be engineered to meet\nthe new fcc regulations regarding broadband over power\nline ( bpl ) and power line communications ( plc ) devices .\nthe company anticipates sales of its lcd high definition\ndigital televisions ( hdtv ) to reach twenty thousand\n( 20 , 000 ) units per month once the web site is launched .\napwl ' s lcd high definition digital televisions ( hdtv )\nwill be assembled in the company ' s plant in oklahoma ,\ngiving the consumer the opportunity to purchase state\nof the art high tech lcd high definition digital\ntelevisions ( hdtv ) assembled in the united states at\na competitive price to foreign made products .\nadvanced powerline technologies is working hard to put\namericans back to work in the high tech consumer\nelectronics industry . the company believes that\nproviding the american consumer the opportunity to\npurchase state of the art high tech lcd high definition\ndigital televisions ( hdtv ) assembled by americans , for\namericans , in the united states at a competitive price\nto foreign made products is the best way to create jobs\nin america and do our part to help create a thriving\namerican economy .\nadvanced powerline technologies wants to express its\nsincere gratitude and appreciation to lavern phillips ,\npresident of the woodward industrial foundation , the\nwoodward industrial foundation with all its members ,\nthe woodward , oklahoma chamber of commerce , the city\nand county of woodward , oklahoma , the governor and\nlieutenant governor of oklahoma , the state of oklahoma ,\nand other united states federal entities and the\ngovernments of taiwan and mainland china , along with\nall the numerous private individuals and investors\nthat have helped bring advanced powerline technologies ,\ninc . , to this point . the unwavering and continued support\nof all these entities and individuals has made it possible\nfor advanced powerline technologies , inc . , to emerge as\na world leader in power line communications ( plc )\ncompatible state of the art high tech lcd high definition\ndigital televisions ( hdtv ) , mobile phones and other\npower line communications ( plc ) compatible devices\nand services .\nstigmatism\nautodial dequeued"]
['Subject: replica watches for low prices \ndo you want a high quality replica ?\nin our online store you can buy replicas of rolex watches and\nother brands . they look and feel exactly like the real thing .\n- we have 20 + different brands in our selection\n- free shipping if you order 5 or more\n- save up to 40 % compared to the cost of other replicas\n- standard features :\n- screw - in crown\n- unidirectional turning bezel where appropriate\n- all the appropriate rolex logos , on crown and dial\n- heavy weight\nvisit us : http : / / vixv . com /\nbest regards ,\nfredrick steiner\nno thanks : http : / / vixv . com / z . php\n']
["Subject: amazing stuff at great prices \ndear friend ,\nwhen did you spoil you computer at last time ?\nyou can avoid this forever without danger to your purse or family budget !\ntake a look at our great downloadable software at great prices .\nthere is no need to wait snail mail delivery - you can immediately download the software you need !\nyou ' ll be nicely amazed by really low prices on our oem software !\nhttp : / / tqv . net . allsofta . info / br /\nbantu cobra"]
['Subject: fw : \n']
['Subject: calling all small stock players \nworld stock report issued for july 28 , 2005\nexplosive pick for our members - -\n! ! ! ! ! ride the stairway to heaven ! ! ! !\ngood day to all broker \' s , day trader \' s and investor \' s world stock\nreport has become famous with some great stock picks in the otc , small cap market \' s ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! here at world stock report we work on what we\nhere from the street . rumor \' s circulating and keeping the focus on the\ncompany \' s news . we pick our companies based on there growth potential . we focus on stocks that have great potential to move up in price . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! while giving you liquitity .\nour latest pick is chms .\nsymbol : chms\ncurrent price : $ . 47\nshort term 7 day projection : $ 2 . 00\nwe give it to you again as a gift and this is why .\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * press release * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * press\nrelease * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\nchina mobility solutions secures extension on quicknet option\ntuesday july , 12 : 13 pm et\nvancouver , british columbia , july / prnewswire - firstcall / - - china\nmobility solutions inc . ( otc bulletin board : chms - news ) is pleased to announce that the deadline for exercising its option to buy the remaining 49 % of quicknet telecommunications corp . ( quicknet ) at a reduced rate has been extended to july 31 , 2005 from june 26 . the extension now gives the company the opportunity to save $ 1 million in acquisition costs up until july 31 , 2005 . china mobility solutions initially acquired 51 % of quicknet in 2004 as a vehicle to rapidly expand its business in china . based in beijing , with nationwide mobile services , quicknet was one of the first providers in china to focus on mobile solutions for business . it has a highly advanced technology platform and enterprise services that include advanced database management , crm and message auditing functionality .\nabout china mobility solutions inc .\nchina mobility solutions ( otc bulletin board : chms - news ) is a leading\nprovider of mobile business solutions to many diverse corporations\nacross china . with its rapidly growing client base of more than 17 , 000 chinese companies and access to a further 500 , 000 companies through its\nproprietary database , china mobility solutions is well positioned to become one of the largest providers of mobile business solutions in china . the company has proprietary profit - sharing contracts with china \' s largest\n - - china mobile , china unicom and china telecom . analysts predict that by 2007 , china will have more than 500 million mobile phones in operation . in 2003 , more than 200 billion text messages were sent through mobile phones in china .\nremember this is a stong buy recommendation to all our investors\ndisclaimer\ninformation within this email contains " for wardlooking stateme nts "\nwithin\nthe meaning of sec tion 27 aof the secur ities act of 1933 and section\n21 b\nof\nthesecu rities exch ange act of 1934 . any statem ents that express or\ninvo\nlve\ndiscussions with respect to predi ctions , expect ations , beliefs ,\nplans , proje ctions , object ives , goals , ass umptions or future events\nor\nperformance are not state ments of histor ical fact and may be " forward\nlooking statements . " forwa rdlooking state ments are based on\nexpectat ions , estimates and proje ctions at the time the statements are\nmade\nthat involve a number of risks and uncer tainties which could cause\nactual\nresults or events to differ materially from those presently ant\nicipated .\nforward look ing stat ements in this action may be iden tified through\nthe\nuse\nof words such as " proje cts " , " for esee " , " exp ects " , " will , " " anti\ncipates , "\n" esti mates , " " belie ves , " understan ds " or that by stat ements\nindicating\ncertain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . risk factors include\ngeneral econ omic and business con ditions , the ab ility to acqu ire\nand\ndeve lop\nspecific projects , the ability to fund operations and changes in\nconsumer\nand busi ness consum ption habits and other factors overwhich the\ncompany\nhas\nlittle or no control . the publisher of this newsl etter does not\nrepresent\nthat the informa tion contained in this message states all material\nfacts or\ndoes not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein\nnot\nmisleading . all infor mation provided within this email pert aining to\ninves ting , st ocks , securi ties must be under stood as information\nprovi\nded and\nnot inves tment advice . the publi sher of this newsletter advises all\nreaders\nand subscr ibers to seek advice from a reg istered profess ional secur\nities\nrepres ntative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this\nemail . none of the material within this report shall be construed as\nany\nkind of inves tment advice or soli citation . many of these comp anies\nare on\nthe verge of bank ruptcy . you can lose all your money by investing in\nthis\nstock . we urge you to read the company \' s sec filings now , before you\ninvest .\nthe publi sher of this newsletter is not a reg stered invstme nt advis\nor .\nsubscribers should not view information herein as legal , tax ,\naccounting or\ninvest ment advice . in comp liance with the securiti esact of 1933 ,\nsection\n17 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter is contracted to receive two\nhundred\nfifty\nthousa nd free trad ing shares from a third party , not an\nofficer , director\nor\naffi liate shar eholder for the circul ation of this report . be aware\nof an\ninherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensa tion due to\nthe\nfact that this is a paid adve rtisement and is not without bias . the\nparty\nthat paid us has a position in the st ock they will sell at anyt ime\nwithout\nnotice . this could have a negat ive impact on the price of the st ock ,\ncausing\nyou to lose money . all factual infor mation in this report was gat\nhered fr\nom\npublic sources , including but not limited to sec filings , company\nwebsites\nand compa ny press rel eases . the publisher of this newsl etter beli\neves\nthis\ninformationto be eliable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy\nor\ncomple teness . use of the mat rial within this email consti tutes your\naccepta nce of these terms .']
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['Subject: re [ 9 ] : letter about our progs \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nknktjljhjljpijgfgqkogqgn\n']
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['Subject: re [ 9 ] : letter about your soft \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\n']
['Subject: re : prize award winning notification \natention ,\nwinning notice for category a winner\ndear lucky winner ,\nre : prize award winning notification\nwe are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual\nfinal draws of trust international lottery programs .\nthe online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 25 , 000\ne - mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an\nadvanced automated random computer search from the internet . no tickets\nwere sold .\nafter this automated computer ballot , your e - mail address emerged as one of\ntwo winners in the category a with the following :\nref number : 35149 / 337 - 5247 / lni\nbatch number : 26371545 - lni / 2005\nticket number : 54866235\nyou as well as the other winner are therefore to receive a cash prize of\ntwo million , five hundred thousand dollars only ( $ 2 , 500 , 000 . 00 ) each\nfrom the total payout .\nyour prize award has been insured with your e - mail address and will be\ntransferred to you upon meeting our requirements , statutory obligations ,\nverifications , validations and satisfactory report .\nto begin the claims processing of your prize winnings you are advised to\ncontact our licensed and accredited claims agent for category a\nwinners with the information below :\nmr . fred freeman ,\nfinancial director ,\nswip financial holdings\nde amsterdam port bijlmerplein\n888 1102 mg amsterdam\n1000 bv amsterdam\ne - mail : swipholdings @ netscape . net\ntel : + 31 - 630 - 852 - 889\nfax ; + 31 - 847 - 535 - 838\nyou are expected to provide the following details below to your claims\nagent :\n1 ) batch and refference numbers\n2 ) full names\n3 ) age\n4 ) mailing address\n5 ) phone and fax numbers\n6 ) email address\nnote : all winnings must be claimed not later than 20 days . after this date\nall unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake . remember to quote\nyour reference information in all correspondence .\nyou are to keep all lotto information away from the general public\nespecially your reference and ticket numbers . ( this is important as a case\nof double claims will not be entertained ) .\nanybody under the age of 18 and members of the affiliate agencies are\nautomatically not allowed to participate in this program .\nthank you and congratulations ! ! !\nyours faithfully ,\nmrs . jennifer adams\ngames / lottery coordinator .\ntrust international lottery\n']
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['Subject: re [ 4 ] : talks about their soft \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\n']
['Subject: re [ 5 ] : question about her cds \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nrtoqokooqronoisglilf\n']
["Subject: he ' s gone for the night \nyou ' ve got to check out my new site ; somebody taught\nme how to upload them last nite ; im pretty new at this but\ncheck em out and see what u think !\npics are here !\njust copy and pa ste the addr . ess below into your browser to visit us .\nhttp : / / www . zagapony . com\nplz no more\nhttp : / / www . zagapony . com / getofflist /\nbiennial eden astral cony goodrich deify turnabout romp soap mercenary catsup . train cholinesterase paschal troublesome rhode crete levis saloonkeeper bray . fashion .\n"]
['Subject: re [ 6 ] : letter about his warez \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\njqgtgrgmfqrftjtupstmtj\n']
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['Subject: re [ 2 ] : question about our progs \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\n']
['Subject: do you care ? \nsong both tone , took school force out . behind , may one cry\ndistant went , noun . broke count school play story people . do\nstate , heart , well his center . tube world last , use shop tail .\nif cry yet hand . quick that weight country cold idea near . tiny\nseven was seven any street car . dark home those material slow .\nas write safe . father year brought they capital .\n']
['Subject: re [ 2 ] : question about their soft \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\npopnproooithrlronqrkrl\nmsmimqmofshqhhmtihii\n']
['Subject: re [ 5 ] : question about our progs \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nqutounuuthrrtntipguiuf\nrurprgrhrtrpqsoqohhtlhli\n']
['Subject: pictures \nspecial , list add yes , written remember . took country boy\nhappen . deep down experiment wall as . nine kind always mountain .\nquick million inch . move , back west to . night , port forest ,\nwheel . point wind any , such made require , mean . again among but\nhigh , fine low . were , had broke often there real need . eye\nbeauty and , side piece each . land serve quick simple carry thing\nleast .\n- -\nphone : 290 - 634 - 4106\nmobile : 647 - 936 - 9809\nemail : clarifyingcoursing @ mm . pl\n']
['Subject: re [ 7 ] : talks about their soft \nmult\ngua\nmsof\nre !\nilan\ngeoe\ntwa\nnonee\nit 2 -\nksforc\nvery !\ndtowa\n3 wee\nddeli\navai\ndia\nnloa\nbleforimme\ntedow\nd\ncli\netoge\nsho . e\nlea\nckher\ntfre\n. mrel\nses\nfro\nldkno\nnds : mic\noft , sym\nec , ado\neland\nofothe\nmwor\nwnbra\nros\nant\nbe , cor\nlot\nrs !\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nher t fre . m rel ses\nfro ld kno nds : mic\noft , sym ec , ado el\nand of othe m wor\nwn bra ros ant cor\nlot rs ! mult gua m\nsof re ! ilan ge oe\ntwa no nee it 2 -\nks for c very ! d\nto wa 3 wee d\ndeli avai dia nloa ble\nfor imme te dow d\ncli e to ge sh\no . e lea ck her t\nfre . m rel ses fro ld\nkno nds : mic oft , sym\nec , ado el and of\nothe m wor wn bra\nros ant cor lot rs !\nmult gua m sof re !\nilan ge oe twa no\nnee it 2 - ks for\nc very ! d to wa\n3 wee d deli avai\ndia nloa ble for imme\nte dow d cli e\nto ge sh o . e lea\nck her t fre . m rel\nses fro ld kno nds :\nmic oft , sym ec , ado\nel and of othe m\nwor wn bra ros ant\ncor lot rs ! mult gua\nm sof re ! ilan ge\noe twa no nee it\n2 - ks for c very !\nd to wa 3 wee\nd deli avai dia nloa\nble for imme te dow\nd cli e to ge\nsh o . e lea ck her\nt fre . m rel ses fro\nld kno nds : mic oft ,\nsym ec , ado el and\nof othe m wor wn\nbra ros ant cor lot\nrs ! mult gua m sof\nre ! ilan ge oe twa\nno nee it 2 - ks\nfor c very ! d to\nwa 3 wee d deli\navai dia nloa ble for\nimme te dow d cli\ne to ge sh o . e\nlea ck her t fre\nm rel ses fro ld kno\nnds : mic oft , sym ec ,\nado el and of othe\nm wor wn bra ros\nant cor lot rs ! mult\ngua m sof re ! ilan\nge oe twa no nee\nit 2 - ks for c\nvery ! d to wa 3\nwee d deli avai dia\nnloa ble for imme te\ndow d cli e to\nge sh o . e lea ck\nsrnootonnsnpqfojoussomoj\nlklflillljlggmisijmjinis\nsonsntorqgomotspolom\ntstntitstuttounknrrrnfnk\n']
['Subject: re : solution \nthe\nonly solution to penis\nenlargment\nlimited\noffer :\nadd at least 3 inchs or get your\nmoney back !\nwe\nare so sure our product works we are willing to\nprove it by\noffering a fre trial bottl\n+ a 100 % cash back guarante\nupon purchase\nif you are not satisfied with the rsults .\n- - -\nplease\ngo hre to learn more - - -\nalso\ncheck out our * brand new * product : vp - rx\noil\ncomes with the 100 % cash back warranty\nas well !\nps .\nour hrbal pills also stop prematur ejaculation\nimmdiately\npps . girls , you will not regret this !\n']
['Subject: everything you need for beautiful hardwood floors \norange glo ( r ) hardwood floor care system\nthe orange glo ( r ) hardwood floor care system is an\neasy - to - use maintenance program for all wood floors .\non sale now : 2 payments of $ 19 . 95 plus s & h\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\nwe are committed to helping you keep your hardwood floors\nbeautiful and protected . the orange glo hardwood floor\ncare system is an easy - to - use maintenance program for all\nwood floors .\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\nif you have beautiful wooden floors , protect them by using\norange glo ( r ) hardwood floor care system !\norder today\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\npowered by livemercial - the interactive commercial - www . livemercial . com\nplease paste url into browser to discontinue email offers for this product .\nalternatively , you may send a written request via mail to :\nlivemercial - pmb 221 , 2843 calumet avenue , valparaiso , in 46383\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\nto detach yourselves off this list : click\nor reply this email with subject line - remove\nor draft to :\nnampally . com\n1601 , n . sepulveda # 250\nmanhattan beach , ca 90266']
["Subject: re : cereal \ni did not talk with\npete for long but i got an email\nfrom him yesterday . he said that his mortgage was approved\nin several hours even with bad crdit , he got 3 . 49 % rate\nand he couldn ' t be happier .\nsince you are interested\nalso , you can apply\nhere\nif i can be of\nany further assistance , please let me know ,\nthank you .\nbest regards ,\nhouston conley\n"]
['Subject: god has done it . \nsir / madam ,\nwe are pleased to inform you of the result of the lottery winners international programs held on the 26 th of july 2005 . your e - mail address attached to ticket number 27522465896 - 6453 with serial number 3772 - 554 drew lucky numbers 7 - 14 - 18 - 31 - 45 which consequently won in the second category . you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of 500 , 000 usd ( five hundred thousand dollars ) only .\ncongratulations !\ndue to mix up of some numbers and names , we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to you via an online banking prosedure that will be established by you . this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming , unecessary delay and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 30 , 000 , 000 individual email addresses and 20 , 000 , 000 cooperate email address names from all over the world .\nthis promotional program takes place every three years . this lottery was promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities like mr . bill gates and the sultan of brunei , we hope with part of your winnings you will take part in our next years 50 million dollars international lottery .\nto file for your claim , please contact our fiduciary agents : mr , brown peters of global funds management , nigeria . telefax : 234 - 1 - 8154101 , email : universal _ consultants @ latinmail . com . remember all winnings must be claimed not later than 30 th of august , 2005 . after this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake .\nto avoid unnecessary delays and complications , remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence to our fiduciary agents . furthermore , should there be any change of your address , please do inform our agents as soon as possible .\ncongratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for being part of our promotional program .\nnote : anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified .\nsincerely yours ,\ncarla morris ( co - ordinator )\nestake lotto lottery / international program']
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['Subject: reduzca sus gastos telefonicos \nempresa lider mundial le permite utilizar su nueva tecnologia y\nllamar a todo el mundo\ngratis ! !\npara mas\ninformacion pinche aqui']
["Subject: squad doesn ' t \nhtml\nbody\nphave you ever considered v i a g r a - order on - line - fast delivery ! / p\npwhy pay twice as much ? / p\na href = http : / / www . jvc . bizmedsa . com / gp / default . asp ? id = bw\npwe also have these medications in highly discounted generic form : br\nbr\nambien , xanax , phentermine , lipitor , nexium , paxil , valium and vioxx . br\n/ p\npphysician consultation : $ 0 . 00 br\nfree shipping to the privacy of your home or office . / p\nporder some today ! / p\npbr\nbr\na href = http : / / www . jav . qaw 34 es . com / er / er . asp ? folder = gpi want to say adios / a / p\nbrbr\n/ body\n/ html\nsyllabify desideratum verify breakoff parentheses irreproducible bullyboy wi davit bryn pancake consensus allyl pang trichrome pus anyhow homeric carrara balmy agglutinin acme revolt matrimonial troika sugar linen eighty frustrate dispensable hardtop irruption ding avesta cyprus trojan aplomb avowal linger diameter christina wrigley slung featherbed bisque thistledown gerald bagpipe stereoscopy scalp doria dampen arc constructor contralateral pantheism tide hundredfold trichloroethane herewith coffin needle\nbrbr\nbestial deface hendrickson caddis cornucopia airlock aniline pyle lanky operon schumann oppressor calvin hexachloride walls filibuster reindeer bezel twilight brook quahog baronial lapelled abelian eng stag cowpox anomaly elliptic eater sunburn seismograph haney ethyl hatchet debrief kermit applicable optometrist impossible pear compelling ultimatum b d ' etat earphone broom he ' ll bless starfish tridiagonal caution duplicable arraign newscast spacious arthritis contravariant bicycle fmc consultation laurence ga whitaker clark collate polonium northampton\n"]
['Subject: = ? iso - 8859 - 2 ? q ? my _ proposition ? = \nfrom : dr . dan . nkanga\nzenith international bank ltd .\ncowrie house\nadeola - hopewell str .\nvictoria - island ,\nlagos\ndear sir ,\nfirst , i must solicit your confidence in this\ntransaction , this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly\nconfidential and top secret . though i know that a transaction of\nthis magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and worried , but i am\nassuring you that all will be well at the end of the day . we have\ndecided to contact you by e - mail due to the urgency of this\ntransaction . let me start by first introducing myself properly to\nyou . i am dr . dan nkanga , a manager at the zenith international bank\nltd , lagos . i came to know of you in my private search for a\nreliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential\ntransaction which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a\nforeign account requiring maximum confidence . i am not too really\nsure if you are my long lost contact whom i am trying to reach , but\nin anyway , please do take this message with a good heart and report\nback to me if you are not the person i think you are . i would\nexplain more latter .\nthe proposition :\na foreigner , late engineer sann clarke , an oil\nmerchant / contractor with the federal govenment of nigeria , until\nhis death three years ago in a ghastly air crash , banked with us\nhere at zenith bank lagos , and had a closing balance of usd $ 12 . 5 m\n( twelvemillion and five hundred thousand , united states dollars )\nwhich the bank now unquestionably expects to be claimed by any of\nhis available foreign next of kin or alternatively be donated to a\ndiscredited trust fund for alms and ammunition at a military war\ncollege here in nigeria . fervent valuable efforts has been made by\nthe zenith international bank to get in touch with any of the\nclarke family or relatives but all have proved to no\navail . it is because of the perceived possibility of\nnot going to be able to locate any of late engr . sann clarke \' s next\nof kin ( he had no known wife and children ) that the management\nunder the influence of our chairman , board of directors , chief jim\novie , that an arrangement for the fund to be declared " unclaimable "\nand then be subsequently donated to the trust fund for alms and war\nin africa and the world in general .\nin order to avert this negative development , myself\nand some of my trusted colleagues here at the bank now seek for\nyour permission to have you stand as late\nengr . sann clarke \' s next of kin so that the fund ,\nusd $ 12 . 5 m usd would be subsequently transferred and paid into your\nbank account as the beneficiary next of kin . all documents and\nproves to enable you get this fund have been carefully worked out\nand we are assuring you a 100 % risk free involvement . for your\nassistance , your commission would be 20 % . 80 % be for myself and my\ncolleagues for investment purposes in your country .\nif this proposal is ok . by you and you do not wish to\ntake advantage of the trust we hope to bestow on you and your\ncompany , then kindly get to me immediately\nvia my e - mail utome 445 @ yahoo . fr furnishing me with your most\nconfidential telephone , fax number and exclusive e - mail so that i\ncan forward to you the relevant details of this transaction .\nthank you in advance for your anticipated co - operation .\nbest regards ,\ndr dan nkanga\nmanager zenith bank intl . ltd']
["Subject: squad doesn ' t \nhtml\nbody\nphave you ever considered v i a g r a - order on - line - fast delivery ! / p\npwhy pay twice as much ? / p\na href = http : / / www . jvc . bizmedsa . com / gp / default . asp ? id = bw\npwe also have these medications in highly discounted generic form : br\nbr\nambien , xanax , phentermine , lipitor , nexium , paxil , valium and vioxx . br\n/ p\npphysician consultation : $ 0 . 00 br\nfree shipping to the privacy of your home or office . / p\nporder some today ! / p\npbr\nbr\na href = http : / / www . jav . qaw 34 es . com / er / er . asp ? folder = gpi want to say adios / a / p\nbrbr\n/ body\n/ html\nsyllabify desideratum verify breakoff parentheses irreproducible bullyboy wi davit bryn pancake consensus allyl pang trichrome pus anyhow homeric carrara balmy agglutinin acme revolt matrimonial troika sugar linen eighty frustrate dispensable hardtop irruption ding avesta cyprus trojan aplomb avowal linger diameter christina wrigley slung featherbed bisque thistledown gerald bagpipe stereoscopy scalp doria dampen arc constructor contralateral pantheism tide hundredfold trichloroethane herewith coffin needle\nbrbr\nbestial deface hendrickson caddis cornucopia airlock aniline pyle lanky operon schumann oppressor calvin hexachloride walls filibuster reindeer bezel twilight brook quahog baronial lapelled abelian eng stag cowpox anomaly elliptic eater sunburn seismograph haney ethyl hatchet debrief kermit applicable optometrist impossible pear compelling ultimatum b d ' etat earphone broom he ' ll bless starfish tridiagonal caution duplicable arraign newscast spacious arthritis contravariant bicycle fmc consultation laurence ga whitaker clark collate polonium northampton\n"]
["Subject: from mr johnson \nto : president / ceo\nfrom : johnson kabila\njohannesburg , south africa\nfamily business investment\ndear . . . . . . ,\nthis letter might surprise you because we have not met neither in person\nnor by correspondence . but i believe it is one day that you get to know\nsomebody either in physical or through correspondence . i got your contact\nthrough some discreet inquiry from the chamber of commerce and industry , you\nand your organization were revealed as being quite astute in private\nentrepreneurship , one has no doubt in your ability to handle a financial business\ntransaction . however , i wish to introduce myself , i am johnson kabila the son of the\nlate democratic republic of congo president laurent desire kabila of the\nblessed memory . i know this letter might come to you as a surprise but i\nhonestly do not intend to surprise you . i write this letter in respect of my\nintention to invest the sum of us $ 28 m ( twenty - eight million united state dollars )\nwith you . i inherited this money from my mother . this money was got through\nthe smuggling and sale of diamond and timber when my father was the head of\nstate . my mother though not her legal wife used her privilege position to\nengage in the business of diamond and timber since she knows that her survival\nwill depend on how much she can get out of the privilege situation . when my father was assassinated on 16 th jan . 01 by one of his bodyguards\nlt . rashidi kasereke through the conspiracy of some top army officers that wanted\nto topple him i escaped to south africa because of the fear that i might\nbe arrested by my half brother lt . general joseph kabila the present head\nof state . actually his mother and my mother are not in the best of\nrelationship because of who among them will be the first lady tussle and this\nultimately affected us their children . considering the relationship between south africa and the democratic\nrepublic of congo new government , my mother advised me to leave for south africa\nfor security reason , while the funds were deposited with a security company\nin madrid spain . on getting to south africa where i have been living since then as a\npolitical refugee i am seeking for a reliable foreigner who can assist me in\nmoving this money out for safe banking and profitable investment . honestly i\ncontacted you because i don ' t want to invest this money in south africa due to my\nstatus here as a political refugee . and moreover i wouldn ' t want to take risk\nbecause this money is all that i and my mother is depending on because my half\nbrother has seized all my father ' s assets and money and left i and my mother\nempty handed without knowing about this funds deposited at the security\ncompany in madrid spain so that is why i decided that investing this money\nabroad should be the best investment for me . i will be honored if i can be\ngiven the privilege of investing this money with your help . in view of this plight , i expect you to be trustworthy and kind enough\nto respond to this distress call to save my mother and i from a hopeless\nfuture . and if you agree , i hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candid\neffort in this regard with 20 % of the total money and annual 5 % of the after\ntax returns on investment for the first three years . thereafter , the term\nshall be varied . 5 % for expenses , which may arise during the transaction , fax\nand phone bills inclusive . $ 28 million us dollars . when the money\n( $ 28 million ) is moved into your discrete account , you will be allowed to draw 20 %\nyour favor , while the remaining 75 % will be invested meaningfully for our\nfuture if possible in your area of business and deterrents sectors of the\neconomy in your country which are dividends yielding . whatever your decision is please reach me immediately through my private\nphone or email , and keep this letter tight secret for the interest of my\nfamily . best regards ,\njohnson kabila ( for the family )\n"]
['Subject: make big bucks in the medical field bait - excelled @ em . ca \nhaving problems seeing the graphics ? please go here .\nlooking for a new career with great pay ? 12 . 9 million health care\njobs are opening up . free information and no obligation .\nplease see here\nto jumpstart your career today !\nif you would prefer not to receive email advertisements from this advertiser in the future , go here .\nthis message is a solicitation .\nif you wish to opt - out from\nfurther e - mails , please\ngo here .\nyou can also write to us at :\nkudossweeps . com\nopt - out department\n6311 van nuys blvd # 403\nvan nuys , ca 91401\n']
["Subject: for the last three decades , brokerage houses - - such as merryll lynch - - have cashed in with greater returns than any other industry \ncornelius\nin the last 30 years , brokerage firms - - such as charles schwab - - have grown with greater returns than any other single industry , not excluding the roaring , tech sector . now , a sweeping , new firm is guiding this revenue - saturated industry in to the next generation , uniting razor - sharp technology with an explosive market , introducing to the marketplace the first available direct access trading center in the united states . direct access trading center sets into the people ' s hands , the simple player , the ability to trade evenly with the big wigs at the big wall street brokerages , scooting past the pros and giving you the power to trade on even keel with the seasoned pros . this is the commerce of the future . see for yourself how you will benefit today . http : / / uk . geocities . com / raising _ the _ bid _ and _ ask\nkatina stratton\nopoo 46\n"]
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