['Subject: christmas tree farm pictures \n']
['Subject: re : rankings \nthank you .']
['Subject: leadership development pilot \nsally :\nwhat timing , ask and you shall receive . as per our discussion , listed below\nis an update on the leadership pilot . your vendor selection team will\nreceive an update and even more information later in the week .\non the lunch & learn for energy operations , the audience and focus will be\nyour group . we are ready to start up when appropriate .\nthank you for your time today . please call me if you have any questions at\nx 33597 .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by julie armstrong / corp / enron on 01 / 17 / 2000\n06 : 44 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : susan runkel @ ect 01 / 17 / 2000 03 : 22 pm\nto : cindy skinner / hou / ect @ ect , brad mcsherry / hou / ect @ ect , norma\nvillarreal / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly rizzi / hou / ect @ ect , fran l mayes / hou / ect @ ect ,\ngary buck / hou / ect @ ect , robert jones / corp / enron @ enron , sheila\nwalton / hou / ect @ ect , philip conn / corp / enron @ enron , mary overgaard / pdx / ect @ ect ,\nkim melodick / hou / ect @ ect , valeria a hope / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : david oxley / hou / ect @ ect , susan carrera / hou / ect @ ect , jane\nallen / hou / ect @ ect , christine shenkman / enron _ development @ enron _ development ,\nkathryn mclean / hou / ect @ ect , gracie s presas / hou / ect @ ect , janice\nriedel / hou / ect @ ect , julie armstrong / corp / enron @ enron\nsubject : leadership development pilot\ngood news regarding the ena leadership curriculum ! through the help of a\nvendor selection team from eops , we \' ve chosen southwest performance group and\nwilson learning products as one of our primary vendors for the leadership\ncurriculum and programs . we are ready to conduct a pilot on february 8 - 10 of\nsix modules . the purpose of the pilot is to evaluate for fine - tuning the\nwilson learning materials and facilitators and to present just a portion of\nthe leadership curriculum .\nin order to evaluate the materials thoroughly , it would be great to get a\ncross - section of ena to attend . we are asking that you invite several\nsupervisors from your client groups to participate in any of the courses\nlisted below . the sessions will be held in room 560 and times are listed\nbelow . also attached is a description of the modules . all are designed for\nsupervisors only , with the exception being " communicating effectively " . this\nis open to any employee . as a benefit in attending the pilot , i will pick up\nthe cost . , so there will be no charge back for their attendance .\nwe are currently completing the curriculum design and will have information\non the full curriculum available in february . this will include options\nother than " classrom setting " for development .\nplease respond back to gracie presas by february 1 with your names . if you\nhave further questions , please contact me at 3 - 7394 . we are really excited\nthat we have this available and hope that your clients will find it to be\nvaluable .\nthe following are half - day sessions . supervisors may sign up for any or all\ndepending on their need . it would be helpful if supervisors attend a minimum\nof two modules .\ndate module time target audience\nfeb . 8 meeting leadership challenges 8 - 12 am supervisors with less\nthan 6 months experience\nworking styles 1 - 5 pm any supervisor\nfeb . 9 coaching to performance 8 - 12 am any supervisor\nmotivating for results 1 - 5 pm any supervisor\nfeb . 10 communicating effectively 8 - 12 am any employee\ndelegating and directing 1 - 5 pm any supervisor']
["Subject: key dates and impact of upcoming sap implementation \nover the next few weeks , project apollo and beyond will conduct its final sap\nimplementation \x01 ) this implementation will impact approximately 12 , 000 new\nusers plus all existing system users . sap brings a new dynamic to enron ,\nenhancing the timely flow and sharing of specific project , human resources ,\nprocurement , and financial information across business units and across\ncontinents .\nthis final implementation will retire multiple , disparate systems and replace\nthem with a common , integrated system encompassing many processes including\npayroll , timekeeping , benefits , project management , and numerous financial\nprocesses .\nemployees will be empowered to update and / or view their personal information\nvia the intranet - based ehronline - - a single front - end to sap ' s self service\nfunctionality and enron ' s global information system ( gis ) . among other\nthings , individuals will be able to update personal information ( including\nw - 4 , addresses and personal banking information ) , manage their individual\ntime using a new time entry tool , view their benefit elections , and view\ntheir personal payroll information on - line .\nall enron employees paid out of corporate payroll in houston , excluding\nazurix employees\nthe financial communities of enron energy services , enron investment\npartners , enron north america , enron renewable energy corporation , gas\npipeline group , global finance , global it , enron networks , and global\nproducts .\nthe project management communities of enron north america , gas pipeline\ngroup , global finance , global it , enron networks , and global products .\nthe human resources communities of corporate , global e & p , enron energy\nservices , enron engineering and construction company , enron investment\npartners , enron north america , enron renewable energy corporation ( houston\nonly ) , the international regions , gas pipeline group , global finance , global\nit , enron networks , and global products .\nexisting sap users currently supported by the center of expertise ( coe ) \x01 )\nincluding the london coe .\npeople will be impacted gradually over the next few weeks :\njune 12 - current sap users may notice ( and may use ) new features in some of\nthe sap modules - - this new functionality was developed to meet requirements\nof business units implementing sap as part of this final implementation .\njune 22 - timekeeping functionality will be available for all employees paid\nout of corporate payroll in houston ( excluding azurix employees ) .\n- new sap coding must be used on timesheets .\n- system ids will be available for all new users .\njune 30 - deadline ! all time for the period beginning june 16 th and ending\njune 30 th must be entered into sap by 3 : 00 cst .\n- new sap coding must be used for all expenses and invoices .\njuly 5 - all remaining functionality ( project management , financials , and\nhuman resources ) are available to new end - users .\nfor more information . . .\nvisit us at an information booth in the enron building lobby on wednesday ,\njune 7 th and thursday , june 8 th ( 10 a . m . till 2 p . m . each day . )\nvisit our intranet site at http : \\ \\ sap . enron . com for job aids and other useful\ninformation .\ncontact the site manager coordinating the implementation within your business\nunit or global function - - specific site manager contact information can be\nfound on the intranet at http : \\ \\ sap . enron . com .\ncontact the center of expertise ( coe ) for sap implementation and production\nsupport questions via telephone at ( 713 ) 345 - 4 sap or via e - mail at\nsap . coe @ enron . com ."]
['Subject: key hr issues going forward \na ) year end reviews - report needs generating like mid - year documenting business unit performance on review completion - david to john ;\nb ) work out or plan generation for the nim / issues employees - david to john ;\nc ) hpl transition issues - ongoing .\nofficially transferred .\nregards\ndelainey']
["Subject: re : quasi \ngood morning ,\ni ' d love to go get some coffee with you , but remember that annoying project that mike etringer wants me to work on for him ? this morning i am kinda under some pressure to hurry up and try to get some stuff figured out so i really don ' t have much spare time right now . ja would flip out if i left for coffee now . maybe later this afternoon ? or tomorrow morning ? anyhow , another ride sounds really cool . i had lots of fun . and yes , it would be cooler if i didn ' t have to worry about work . let me know when you have extra time to go for a ride .\nmy weekend was pretty fun . i weed - wacked ( is that a word ? ) my yard for the first time . it looks so bad . i so don ' t know anything about lawn care . also i planted some herbs and stuff in my yard which i am sure my dog will destroy , but it s worth a try . oh yeah , i also bought a snowboard . it ' s pretty cool . i bought some step - in switch boots , too . cool , eh ?\nso i ' ll talk to you later . have a great day ."]
['Subject: vastar resources , inc . \ngary , production from the high island larger block a - 1 # 2 commenced on\nsaturday at 2 : 00 p . m . at about 6 , 500 gross . carlos expects between 9 , 500 and\n10 , 000 gross for tomorrow . vastar owns 68 % of the gross production .\ngeorge x 3 - 6992\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 12 / 13 / 99 10 : 16\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndaren j farmer\n12 / 10 / 99 10 : 38 am\nto : carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : vastar resources , inc .\ncarlos ,\nplease call linda and get everything set up .\ni \' m going to estimate 4 , 500 coming up tomorrow , with a 2 , 000 increase each\nfollowing day based on my conversations with bill fischer at bmar .\nd .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 12 / 10 / 99 10 : 34\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : george weissman 12 / 10 / 99 10 : 00 am\nto : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : gary bryan / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : vastar resources , inc .\ndarren ,\nthe attached appears to be a nomination from vastar resources , inc . for the\nhigh island larger block a - 1 # 2 ( previously , erroneously referred to as the\n# 1 well ) . vastar now expects the well to commence production sometime\ntomorrow . i told linda harris that we \' d get her a telephone number in gas\ncontrol so she can provide notification of the turn - on tomorrow . linda \' s\nnumbers , for the record , are 281 . 584 . 3359 voice and 713 . 312 . 1689 fax .\nwould you please see that someone contacts linda and advises her how to\nsubmit future nominations via e - mail , fax or voice ? thanks .\ngeorge x 3 - 6992\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 12 / 10 / 99 09 : 44\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" linda harris " on 12 / 10 / 99 09 : 38 : 43 am\nto : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : hi a - 1 # 2\neffective 12 - 11 - 99\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| mscf / d | min ftp | time |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 4 , 500 | 9 , 925 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 6 , 000 | 9 , 908 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 8 , 000 | 9 , 878 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 10 , 000 | 9 , 840 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 12 , 000 | 9 , 793 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 14 , 000 | 9 , 738 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 16 , 000 | 9 , 674 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 18 , 000 | 9 , 602 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 20 , 000 | 9 , 521 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 22 , 000 | 9 , 431 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 24 , 000 | 9 , 332 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 26 , 000 | 9 , 224 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 28 , 000 | 9 , 108 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 30 , 000 | 8 , 982 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 32 , 000 | 8 , 847 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 34 , 000 | 8 , 703 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |\n| | | |\n| 36 , 000 | 8 , 549 | 24 hours |\n| | | |\n| - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - |']
['Subject: congrats ! \ncontratulations on the execution of the central maine sos deal ! this is another great example of what we can do when everyone comes together to get something done . this transaction brings both strategic value to the business , nice positions for the book and quite a nice chunk of change as well !\ngreat job guys !\n( hey dana , are you paying for the celebration dinner ? ! )']
['Subject: re : visit to enron \nvince ,\ndec . 29 at 9 : 00 will be fine . i have talked to shirley and have\ndirections .\nthanks , bob\nvince j kaminski wrote :\n> bob ,\n>\n> can you come to our office on dec 29 at 9 : 00 a . m . ?\n>\n> please , call shirley crenshaw ( 3 - 5290 ) or stinson gibner ( 3 - 4748 )\n> from the reception to be admitted to the building .\n>\n> vince kaminski']
['Subject: calpine daily gas nomination \n- calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc']
['Subject: re : additional responsibility \ncongratulations on this additional responsibility ! i will be more than happy\nto help support your new role in any way possible .\nmy apologies again for having to leave the staff meeting early yesterday .\nsusan\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : sally beck 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nto : mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect , brent a price / hou / ect @ ect , bob\nshults / hou / ect @ ect , sheila glover / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : susan harrison / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : additional responsibility\ntwo of you had to leave the staff meeting before this final discussion point\nand three of you were not in attendance , so i wanted to send you the attached\nmemo that i distributed at the end of the meeting . this memo will be sent by\nrick causey via notes mail regarding an additional role that i will assume\nwith regard to global operations . i shared this in the staff meeting so that\nyou would be the first to know . i will still fulfill my role within ena as\nvp of energy operations . i will not be going away ! this expanded\nresponsibility should create addtional opportunities for operations personnel\nand will validate some of the global functions that we already provide to the\norganization .']
['Subject: re : key hr issues going forward \nall is under control :\na - we \' ve set up a " work - out " group under cindy skinner and will be producing the stats and making sure we don \' t cop out .\nb - as above . several have gone across wholesale already . stats will show this and progress on others .\nc - fair to say we have total clarity of direction here now ! all memo \' s will be out by monday , cindy olson has sent an email to hr community ( re embargo on hpl staff ) and i believe mark h is drafting something for other otc \' s . fran and michele cash ( i also put another guy on this yesterday ) have all in hand .\ndavid\ndavid w delainey\n02 / 07 / 2001 04 : 39 pm\nto : john j lavorato / corp / enron , david oxley / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : mark frevert / na / enron @ enron , greg whalley / hou / ect @ ect , louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : key hr issues going forward\na ) year end reviews - report needs generating like mid - year documenting business unit performance on review completion - david to john ;\nb ) work out or plan generation for the nim / issues employees - david to john ;\nc ) hpl transition issues - ongoing .\nofficially transferred .\nregards\ndelainey']
['Subject: research group move to the 19 th floor \nhello all :\nin case any of you feel energetic , " the boxes are here " . they are located\nat 2963 b ( michael sergeev \' s old desk ) . feel free to take as many as\nyou will need . be sure to label everything with your new office location .\nif your file cabinets lock , you can just label them and lock them .\nagain , listed below is your new office location :\nstinson gibner eb 1936\njoseph hrgovcic eb 1947\npaulo issler eb 1935\nvince kaminski eb 1933\nkrishna krishnarao eb 1938\nmartin lin eb 1930 e\ngrant masson eb 1941\nkevin moore eb 1944\nmaureen raymond eb 1928\nmike roberts eb 1945\nvasant shanbhogue eb 1949\nvincent tang eb 1934\nravi thuraisingham eb 1932\nzimin lu eb 1942\nif you have any questions , or need any assistance , please contact me , kevin ,\nor sam .\nthanks and have a great day !\nshirley\n3 - 5290']
['Subject: re : issue \nfyi - see note below - already done .\nstella\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by stella l morris / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 10 : 18\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : sherlyn schumack on 12 / 14 / 99 10 : 06 am\nto : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : issue\nstella ,\nthis has already been taken care of . you did this for me yesterday .\nthanks .\nhoward b camp\n12 / 14 / 99 09 : 10 am\nto : stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , stacey\nneuweiler / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : issue\nstella ,\ncan you work with stacey or daren to resolve\nhc\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by howard b camp / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 09 : 08\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : sherlyn schumack 12 / 13 / 99 01 : 14 pm\nto : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : issue\ni have to create accounting arrangement for purchase from unocal energy at\nmeter 986782 . deal not tracked for 5 / 99 . volume on deal 114427 expired 4 / 99 .']
['Subject: enrononline desk to desk id and password \nbill ,\nthe epmi - st - wbom book has been set up as an internal counterparty for desk - to - desk trading on enrononline .\nthe following user id and password will give you access to live prices on the web - site http : / / www . enrononline . com .\nuser id : adm 74949\npassword : welcome !\n( note these are case sensitive )\nplease keep your user id and password secure as this allows you to transact on enrononline .\ncontact the helpdesk at x 34357 if you have any questions or problems gaining access with this id .\nthanks ,\nstephanie x 33465']
['Subject: christmas baskets \nthe christmas baskets have been ordered .\nwe have ordered several baskets .\nindividual earth - sat freeze - notis\nsmith barney group baskets\nrodney keys matt rodgers charlie\nnotis jon davis move\nteam\nphillip randle chris hyde\nharvey\nfreese\nfaclities\niain russell darren\nprager\ntelephone services\nmary\nmartinez\n( robert knights dept . )\ntrina\nwilliams\ndaniel hornbuckle\ntodd butler\npamela ford\nozarka -\nmaryam golnaraghi\nspecial baskets\ngreg whalley\nrichard weeks\nany questions please contact kevin moore\nother request contact kevin moore\nprice information contact kevin moore\nplease also if you need any assistance with your christmas cards let me know .\nthanks kevin moore']
['Subject: meter 7268 nov allocation \nfyi .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lauri a allen / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 12 : 17\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkimberly vaughn\n12 / 10 / 99 02 : 54 pm\nto : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : meter 7268 nov allocation\nlauri . . i have put this on strangas gas until i can get a contract from\ndaren .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly vaughn / hou / ect on 12 / 10 / 99 01 : 52\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nlauri a allen\n12 / 09 / 99 01 : 20 pm\nto : kimberly vaughn / hou / ect @ ect , anita luong / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : meter 7268 nov allocation\nkim / anita -\na volume of 7247 mm shows to have been allocated to the reliant 201 contract\nfor november . there was no nomination for reliant at this point in november\nand , therefore , there should be no volume allocated to their contract .\nplease make sure these volumes are moved off the reliant contract prior to\nnovember close .\nthanks .']
["Subject: transportation to resort \nplease be informed , a mini - bus has been reserved for your convenience in\ntransporting you to the sanibel harbour resort from the airport on wednesday\nafternoon . upon arrival at the fort myers airport , you will be greeted by\npts transportation services .\ni have submitted steve ' s name as a point of contact .\nhave a safe and pleasant flight .\nadr"]
['Subject: epmi files protest of entergy transco \nattached is our filing made yesterday protesting entergy \' s proposed transco :\nrate issues are premature until entergy has filed to join spp\nno support for its proposed innovative rates ( for example , ( i ) entergy would get 5 % of a customer - funded transmission project as a development fee and ( ii ) extra 300 basis points for certain projects ) and exact recovery mechanism\nrequest that commission require grandfathered contracts to be addressed\nexpress concern of entergy \' s request to continue the problematic source and sink limitations\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by christi l nicolay / hou / ect on 02 / 08 / 2001 03 : 44 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" andrea settanni " on 02 / 08 / 2001 03 : 38 : 26 pm\nto :\ncc :\nsubject : entergy rto protest rtol - 75 - 01 . wpd\n- entergyr . wpd']
['Subject: japan candidate \nvince ,\ni spoke with whalley at the sa offsite and he mentioned that had ( or knew of )\na person that could bring some talent to the evaluation of an enron merchant\nbusiness in japan . i am in sydney today , but will be in tokyo next week . i\nwould like to speak more about this . what time might you be available ? my\njapan mobile number is 81 90 4073 6761 .\nregards ,\njoe']
['Subject: california power 2 / 8 \nplease contact kristin walsh ( x 39510 ) or robert johnston ( x 39934 ) for further clarification .\nexecutive summary :\nutility bankruptcy appears increasingly likely next week unless the state can clear three hurdles - agreement on payback for the bailout , rate increases , and further short - term funding for dwr purchases of power .\ndisagreement persists between gov . davis and democrats in the legislature on how the state should be paid back for its bailout of the utilities . the split is over a stock warrant plan versus state ownership of utility transmission assets .\nthe economics of the long - term contracts appear to show that rate hikes are unavoidable because of the need to amortize the undercollected rates of the utilities during the recent rate freeze period .\nair quality management district regulations are under review , but offer limited scope for providing additional generation capacity .\nlegislature democrats are feeling intense pressure from the left - wing consumer groups and are being forced to at least slow , if not stop , davis \' s bailout and rate hike plans . senator burton \' s eminent domain threats against generators , which reflect this pressure , are of little significance .\n1 . bankruptcy outlook rising once again\na deal to finalize a debt workout continues to be just beyond the reach of the state , the utilities , and their creditors , with time running out on the debt forbearance arrangement set to expire on tuesday .\nsocal edison and pg & e are not paying any of their bills except for payroll . they are working very hard to keep cash on - hand , and have indicated that they feel that they are very close to an involuntary bankruptcy filing . once this filing occurs , they will have 50 days until either the bankruptcy court accepts the filing or the utilities file a voluntary bankruptcy .\nopinion within the assembly is divided with respect to the outlook for bankruptcy . assemblyman keeley told our source that a filing is likely , but that everything will be resolved during that 50 - day period . senator john burton " is in no hurry " to reach a deal with the utilities , as he believes that the state of california is in a good position to " strong - arm " the utilities . burton currently does not intend to cede to the utilities so that they can avoid bankruptcy . the senator stated , " bankruptcy would be bad , but not the worst thing possible . " he intends to stick to his position . senator burton also dismissed governor davis \' end - of - week deadline for striking a deal with the utilities .\nstill , bankruptcy can be avoided if a last - minute deal can be struck monday on :\nwhat the state receives in return for the bailout\nthe scope of rate hikes ( a federal court is expected to rule on the pg & e / socal v . cpuc rate undercollection case monday )\nadditional financing is made available to the dwr to buy more power until the revenue bonds can be issued in may .\nthere is a possibility that significant progress on these issues could lead to a further extension of creditor forbearance . however , the negative tone taken by standard & poors and others concerning delays in the legislature suggest that further forbearance will difficult to achieve . the previous forbearance period was only achieved via a high - level washington summit which does not appear likely to happen this weekend .\nadditional financing for dwr will not be automatically approved by the legislature . the non - energy expenditures of the california government are now at risk , as there is not yet a rate structure in place to recover the costs being expended on power from the general fund .\n2 . state to take 2 / 3 of utility debt\nwhile the state seems to have succeeded in forcing the utility parents to eat close to one third of the $ 12 billion debt , a final deal has been held up on two fronts . first , it is still unclear what the state will get in return for the utility debt . it is possible that there will be a mix of stock warrants and / or transmission assets . a takeover of the transmission assets seems more likely than a takeover of the hydro assets . the value of these assets still has not been settled . second , while the state will be on the hook for $ 9 billion , it is not clear what mixture of rate hikes and revenue bonds will be used to recover the cost of the bailout . finally , expect davis and other california politicians to work to minimize rate hikes ( although the edison / pg & e v . cpuc case on monday is likely to force their hand here ) and to do everything possible to avoid the appearance of a bailout . the tangible transmission assets are more politically attractive than the nebulous stock warrants .\nno price has been set at which the state would purchase the utilities \' transmission assets , which are currently valued at approximately $ 7 - $ 8 billion . all of the proceeds though cannot be used to pay off the utilities \' debts , as some of the money would go to existing bondholders . however , ipp sources advise that there is already a bid on the table for these transmission assets that is higher than what the state would offer .\n3 . long - term contracts\nas noted by the governor in his announcement tuesday , only 500 mw of the 5 , 000 mw of power contracted for can come on - line immediately . much of the remainder reportedly was contracted in long - term purchases from suppliers who are building power plants . some of this will come on - line in approximately two years .\nassemblyman keeley expressed frustration that he has received a " tablet from on high " from governor davis that there must not be a rate increase . this means that the state must acquire power , not from internal sources or from the market , but through long - term contracts at 7 . 39 cents / kwh . this allows 1 . 213 cents to amortize socal edison \' s undercollection from the recent rate freeze period . ( the number is slightly different for pg & e . ) this assumption is based on a natural gas price of $ 7 . 90 in 2001 and $ 5 . 15 in 2005 , and an efficiency heating rate of 10 , 000 - 12 , 000 in 2001 and 7 , 200 in 2005 .\nthese numbers were quoted to industry sources , who felt they were unrealistic . these sources quoted the 2001 price of natural gas as $ 9 . 00 - $ 9 . 50 . the sources agreed with keeley \' s number for the 2001 efficiency heating rate , but they felt that 7 , 200 in 2005 was very optimistic unless an enormous amount of new generation capacity comes on line .\naccording to keeley \' s numbers and assuming the filed rate case is settled at $ 7 billion rather than $ 12 billion , it would take 5 to 6 years to amortize all of the utility undercollection . a settlement to this case will need to be reached so that the state can figure out how much to charge for power in order to amortize the undercollection . however , since assemblyman keeley \' s numbers are unrealistic , a rate increase will be necessary .\n4 . air quality district exemptions\nthere have been a few bills introduced to provide exemptions from aqmd ( air quality management district ) regulations - - ab 20 x , ab 28 x , ab 31 x . also , republicans have been asking the governor to lift the environmental regulations and immediately site the facility in san jose that was denied by the local government .\ncurrently there is no contemplation of loosening the aqmd compliance restrictions . the legislature will not allow " dirtier " plants to\ncome on - line . however , there might be a change in the means of implementation in southern california by moving away from the\nuse of credits ( this apparently drives up the cost of gas - fired power ) .\n5 . democratic moderates pressured by consumer advocates\nthe moderate left ( sen . burton , the puc , consumer activists ) is afraid of harvey rosenfield and his consumers movement . this is not just because of his initiative . more important from their perspective , his initiative puts him and the far left in a position to challenge and defeat the moderates in the next election . thus , democrats in the legislature will feel pressured to distance themselves from davis and slow down any further rate increases or bailout .\n6 . eminent domain would have a limited effect\nthe threats by burton to seize generation assets to insure continued power supply are limited . they only apply to california suppliers . a\nfederal order would be needed to seize assets from out - of - state suppliers . there are also canadian suppliers ( such as bc hydro ) who are essentially untouchable .\n7 . smaller ipps feeling the squeeze\nmany of the smaller ipps , which account for approximately 2500 mw of production , appear to be within a few days of running out of cash .\nab lx may be amended , possibly sometime this week , to give the smaller producers credit support .']
['Subject: david gray \nbill ,\nis this the david gray you are going to see ? ? i listened to these clips . the music is kind of slow and romantic or something . is this how most of his sound is or did i just pick slower songs to listen to ?']
['Subject: christmas break \nfyi\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99\n07 : 51 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" van t . ngo " on 12 / 04 / 99 11 : 17 : 01 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : christmas break\ndear vince ,\nas the holidays approach , i am excited by my coming break from classes\nbut also about the opportunity to see everyone at enron again and to\nwork with you and them soon . i am writing to let you know that i would\nbe very happy to work at enron over my break and i would like to plan\nout a schedule .\nmy semester officially ends dec . 20 th but i may be out of town the week\nbefore christmas . i will be available the following three weeks , from\nmonday , dec . 27 to friday , jan . 14 . please let me know if during those\nthree weeks , you would like me to work and for what dates you would need\nthe most help so that we can arrange a schedule that would be most\nhelpful to you and so that i can contact andrea at prostaff soon .\nplease let me know if you have any concerns or questions about a\npossible work schedule for me .\ngive my regards to everyone at the office and wishes for a very happy\nholiday season ! i look forward to seeing you soon .\nsincerely ,\nvan ngo\nph : 713 - 630 - 8038\n- attl . htm']
['Subject: mcmullen gas for 11 / 99 \njackie ,\nsince the inlet to 3 river plant is shut in on 10 / 19 / 99 ( the last day of\nflow ) :\nat what meter is the mcmullen gas being diverted to ?\nat what meter is hpl buying the residue gas ? ( this is the gas from teco ,\nvastar , vintage , tejones , and swift )\ni still see active deals at meter 3405 in path manager for teco , vastar ,\nvintage , tejones , and swift\ni also see gas scheduled in pops at meter 3404 and 3405 .\nplease advice . we need to resolve this as soon as possible so settlement\ncan send out payments .\nthanks']
['Subject: global risk management operations \ncongratulations !\ndc\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by danny clark / hou / ees on 01 / 18 / 2000 04 : 59\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nrick causey @ enron\n01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: california power 2 / 9 \nthe following information is from sensitive sources . please treat with discretion .\ncontact robert johnston ( x 39934 ) or kristin walsh ( x 39510 ) for questions or additional info .\nbankruptcy\nearly this week , there was a closed door meeting held by the western power trading forum in arizona . the meeting took place outside california to avoid press coverage and allow ipps to maintain a low profile . association representatives believe that regardless of what happens with the puc vs . utilities ruling expected on monday , some ipps will take the utilities into involuntary bankruptcy . our source expects that absent a significant last minute breakthrough , the filing will happen within the next two weeks , and " probably " next week . as stated in yesterdays report , the ipps are very low on cash and are not able to cover the debts of the pg & e and socal . only three creditors are needed with uncollected debts of more than $ 10 , 000 to file involuntary bankruptcy .\nbail out\ndavis has been meeting with the chief executives of both utilities in a last ditch effort to make a deal prior to monday \' s court ruling . the most likely scenario is for state ownership of the utilities transmissions assets . however , coming to an agreed upon price will be very challenging . in addition , pg & e and edison appear to have competing agendas in pursuing a bail out plan . davis is expect to continue meetings through out the weekend in hopes of reaching an agreement before monday .']
['Subject: urg : gas securitization agreements \nfyi - srs\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sherri sera / corp / enron on 02 / 09 / 2001 08 : 39 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n" jauregui , robert m " on 02 / 08 / 2001 07 : 55 : 44 pm\nto : " \' taylorja 2 @ bp . com \' " , " \' mcclankg @ bp . com \' " , " \' sdba @ dynegy . com \' " , " \' njwa @ dynegy . com \' " , " \' pete . j . pavluk @ dynegy . com \' " , " \' chuck . watson @ dynegy . com \' " , " \' pwarden @ pillsburywinthrop . com \' " , " \' repling @ pillsburywinthrop . com \' " , " \' mmce @ dynegy . com \' " , " \' swbe @ dynegy . com \' " , " \' bcli @ dynegy . com \' " , " \' singleton . greg @ epenergy . com \' " , " \' hoferc @ epenergy . com \' " , " \' smithc @ epenergy . com \' " , " \' wisew @ epenergy . com \' " , " \' jonesg @ epenergy . com \' " , " \' colliw @ texaco . com \' " , " \' benewm @ texaco . com \' " , " \' underga @ texaco . com \' " , " \' hans @ cook - inlet . com \' " , " \' prez @ cook - inlet . com \' " , " \' davidyi @ cook - inlet . com \' " , " \' dronn @ mayerbrown . com \' " , " \' swidner @ coral - energy . com \' " , " \' blong @ coral - energy . com \' " , " \' ctise @ coral - energy . com \' " , " \' jeff . skilling @ enron . com \' " , " \' william . s . bradford @ enron . com \' " , " \' travis . mccullough @ enron . com \' " , " \' iccenergy @ aol . com \' " , " \' stefkatz @ cs . com \' " , " \' msessa @ sempratrading . com \' " , " \' dfelsinger @ sempra . com \' " , " \' mcosta @ stroock . com \' " , " \' jshorter @ txuenergy . com \' " , " \' mperkins 2 @ txuelectric . com \' " , " \' cenochs @ txuenergy . com \' " , " \' bjeffrie @ westerngas . com \' " , " \' ryanmcgeachie @ aec . ca \' " , " \' richarddaniel @ aec . ca \' " , " \' jones . murphy @ williams . com \' " , " \' randall . o \' neal @ williams . com \' " , " \' kelly . knowlton @ williams . com \' " , " \' connie . turner @ williams . com \' " , " \' scampbell @ txuenergy . com \' " , " \' ilydiatt @ altra . com \' " , " \' dkohler @ br - inc . com \' " , " \' reason @ br - inc . com \' " , " \' sallen @ duke - energy . com \' " , " \' rsbaker @ duke - energy . com \' " , " \' richard . ruzika @ gs . com \' " , " \' steve . brown @ southernenergy . com \' " , " \' kenny . foo @ ngx . com \' " , " \' tgary @ pcenergy . com \' " , " \' bredd @ pcenergy . com \' " , " \' harry _ wijsman @ pcp . ca \' " , " \' celias @ pcenergy . com \' " , " \' hal - borlan @ reliantenergy . com \' " , " \' priscilla - massey @ reliantenergy . com \' " , " \' llittle @ reliantenergy . com \' " , " \' gary - lamb @ transcanada . com \' " , " \' larry - desmeules @ coastenergy . com \' " , " \' five 5 wood @ aol . com \' " , " \' don . fishbeck @ cmenergy . com \' " , " \' randy . harrison @ southernenergy . com \' " , " \' john . krill @ engageenergy . com \' " , " \' glen . mackey @ energy . com \' " , " \' doug . rabey @ energy . com \' " , " \' michael _ huse @ transcanada . com \' "\ncc : " \' jlopes @ hrice . com \' " , " \' jnexon @ hrice . com \' " , " buchsbaum , craig m ( corp ) " , " whelan , steve ( corp ) " , " lee , fanny " , " berkovitz , trista " , " clare , david " , " woo , shirley a ( law ) " , " mclafferty , daniel " , " cotroneo , eileen " , " \' dmao @ orrick . com \' " , " litteneker , randall ( law ) " , " gee , dennis " , " welch , ray "\nsubject : urg : gas securitization agreements\ni am pleased to report that , as 2 / 8 / 01 , 4 : 00 pm pst , pg & e has executed the\ngas supplier security agreement and the intercreditor agreement with the\nfollowing suppliers :\n* bp energy company\n* dynegy canada marketing & trade , a division of dci\n* dynegy marketing & trade\n* el paso merchant energy , l . p .\n* texaco canada\n* texaco natural gas\n* txu energy trading canada limited\n* txu energy trading company\n* williams energy marketing & trading co . ( us & canada )\nas you know , other suppliers are not precluded from future participation ( we\nhighly encourage it ) however , we will now require completion of exhibit b\n( supplier joinder agreement ) as outlined in 8 . ( j ) . i would greatly\nappreciate your replying to this email to let us know whether you intend to\nbe a party to these agreements at this time .\nplease call if you have any questions .\nplease forward all correspondence to :\ntrista berkovitz\ndirector , gas procurement\npacific gas and electric company\n77 beale street , room 553\nsan francisco , ca 94105 - 1814\n415 . 973 . 2152 ( bus )\n415 . 973 . 9213 ( fax )\nnotice to recipient : this e - mail is meant for only the intended recipient\nof the transmission , and may be a communication privileged by law . if you\nreceived this e - mail in error , any review , use , dissemination , distribution ,\nor copying of this e - mail is strictly prohibited . please notify us\nimmediately of the error by return e - mail and please delete this message\nfrom your system . thank you in advance for your cooperation .']
['Subject: christmas - near \ngood morning all . we apologize that we are not going to be able to have\nour holiday party before the first of the year . we wanted to use the scout\nhouse in west university like we did last year and it was not available .\nvince suggested that with the move and a lot of people taking vacation that\nwe wait until after the first of the year . this way you can take advantage\nof\n" after christmas sales " for your gift !\njust remember whose name you have and we will schedule an " offsite "\nafter the first of the year .\nthanks !\nshirley\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 12 / 13 / 99\n09 : 23 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 13 / 99 08 : 58 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , grant\nmasson / hou / ect @ ect , vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect , maureen\nraymond / hou / ect @ ect , pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect @ ect , zimin\nlu / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect , samer takriti / hou / azurix @ azurix ,\namitava dhar / corp / enron @ enron , joseph hrgovcic / hou / ect @ ect , alex\nhuang / corp / enron @ enron , kevin kindall / corp / enron @ enron , osman\nsezgen / hou / ees @ ees , tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect , vincent tang / hou / ect @ ect ,\nravi thuraisingham / hou / ect @ ect , paulo issler / hou / ect @ ect , martin\nlin / hou / ect @ ect , ross prevatt / hou / ect @ ect , michael sergeev / hou / ect @ ect ,\npatricia tlapek / hou / ect @ ect , roman zadorozhny / hou / ect @ ect , martina\nangelova / hou / ect @ ect , jason sokolov / hou / ect @ ect , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : christmas - near\nhello everyone ,\nthe pulling of names are completed .\nshirley will inform you as to when we will make exchanges .\nthanks\nkevin moore\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 13 / 99 08 : 50\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 10 / 99 08 : 28 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , grant\nmasson / hou / ect @ ect , vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect , maureen\nraymond / hou / ect @ ect , pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect @ ect , zimin\nlu / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect , samer takriti / hou / azurix @ azurix ,\namitava dhar / corp / enron @ enron , joseph hrgovcic / hou / ect @ ect , alex\nhuang / corp / enron @ enron , kevin kindall / corp / enron @ enron , osman\nsezgen / hou / ees @ ees , tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect , vincent tang / hou / ect @ ect ,\nravi thuraisingham / hou / ect @ ect , paulo issler / hou / ect @ ect , martin\nlin / hou / ect @ ect , ross prevatt / hou / ect @ ect , michael sergeev / hou / ect @ ect ,\npatricia tlapek / hou / ect @ ect , roman zadorozhny / hou / ect @ ect , martina\nangelova / hou / ect @ ect , jason sokolov / hou / ect @ ect , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : christmas - near\ngoodmorning ,\nthings went well on yesterday with names being pulled .\nhere is a list of people who have to pull a name .\nstinson gibner\nsamer takriti\nravi thuraisingham\nmartin lin\nalexios kollaros\nshirley crenshaw\nlet \' s celebrate at work with each other making the last christmas in 1999 -\ngreat !\nreminder : if you feel you will be unable to attend the exchanging of the\ngifts , please do not let that\nstop you from participating .\neach persons name has been entered ; can you guess who has your name ?\nwe have a gift for you . so if you can not attend for any reason please know\nthat\nyou are included and your gift will be here when you return .\nwishing all a merry christmas ,\nand a good kick - off to happy holidays .\nthanks\nkevin moore\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 10 / 99 06 : 40\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 08 / 99 07 : 47 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , grant\nmasson / hou / ect @ ect , vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect , maureen\nraymond / hou / ect @ ect , pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect @ ect , zimin\nlu / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect , samer takriti / hou / azurix @ azurix ,\namitava dhar / corp / enron @ enron , joseph hrgovcic / hou / ect @ ect , alex\nhuang / corp / enron @ enron , kevin kindall / corp / enron @ enron , osman\nsezgen / hou / ees @ ees , tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect , vincent tang / hou / ect @ ect ,\nravi thuraisingham / hou / ect @ ect , paulo issler / hou / ect @ ect , martin\nlin / hou / ect @ ect , ross prevatt / hou / ect @ ect , michael sergeev / hou / ect @ ect ,\npatricia tlapek / hou / ect @ ect , roman zadorozhny / hou / ect @ ect , martina\nangelova / hou / ect @ ect , jason sokolov / hou / ect @ ect , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : christmas drawing - near\nho ! ho ! ho ! merry christmas ,\non thursday we will pull names .\nonce again , this is so we may share\nin the christmas spirit and show our appreciation\nfor one another .\nwe will then join and exchange gifts on a later date . . . . .\nstay tuned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\nif for some chance you will not be present on thursday ,\nfeel free to stop by my desk and pull your name today .\neb 3130 a x 34710\njoin in the fun\nand remember ,\nkeep it\nsimple\nthanks\nkevin moore\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 08 / 99 06 : 55\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 07 / 99 09 : 40 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , grant\nmasson / hou / ect @ ect , vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect , maureen\nraymond / hou / ect @ ect , pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect @ ect , zimin\nlu / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect , samer takriti / hou / azurix @ azurix ,\namitava dhar / corp / enron @ enron , joseph hrgovcic / hou / ect @ ect , alex\nhuang / corp / enron @ enron , kevin kindall / corp / enron @ enron , osman\nsezgen / hou / ees @ ees , tanya tamarchenko / hou / ect @ ect , vincent tang / hou / ect @ ect ,\nravi thuraisingham / hou / ect @ ect , paulo issler / hou / ect @ ect , martin\nlin / hou / ect @ ect , ross prevatt / hou / ect @ ect , michael sergeev / hou / ect @ ect ,\npatricia tlapek / hou / ect @ ect , roman zadorozhny / hou / ect @ ect , martina\nangelova / hou / ect @ ect , jason sokolov / hou / ect @ ect , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : christmas drawing - near\nhello everyone ,\nwe would like for christmas this year that the research group pull names ,\nas a way of sharing in the spirit of christmas , and as appreciation for one\nanother .\nwe want to keep it simple so the gift should be less than twenty - dollars .\nplease everyone participate , your name is already entered .\ni will return with more info . later . . . . . . . . . . .\nthanks\nkevin moore\nlet \' s have a wonderful christmas at work .']
['Subject: meter 1517 - jan 1999 \ngeorge ,\ni need the following done :\njan 13\nzero out 012 - 27049 - 02 - 001 receipt package id 2666\nallocate flow of 149 to 012 - 64610 - 02 - 055 deliv package id 392\njan 26\nzero out 012 - 27049 - 02 - 001 receipt package id 3011\nzero out 012 - 64610 - 02 - 055 deliv package id 392\nthese were buybacks that were incorrectly nominated to transport contracts\n( ect 201 receipt )\nlet me know when this is done\nhc']
['Subject: human resources organization \nas enron continues to address the human capital needs of the organization ,\nthere are several changes in enron \x01 , s human resources ( hr ) organization i \x01 , d\nlike to share with you :\nin corporate human resources :\nbrian schaffer will lead the office of labor and employment relations\nfunction , including resource management , corporate training activities , and\nworkforce development .\nmary joyce will continue to have responsibility for executive compensation\nand our global equity plans .\ncynthia barrow , in addition to benefits , will be responsible for the\ndevelopment of work life programs across enron .\nbrad coleman will be responsible for analysis and reporting , in addition to\nthe re - engineering of the hr service center .\ngerry gibson will work closely with me to provide organizational development\n& training expertise for hr \x01 , s continuing evolution .\nandrea yowman will be responsible for several projects which are critical to\nhr \x01 , s on - going success including the sap implementation , global information\nsystem ( gis ) database , and total compensation system development . in\naddition , she will have responsibility for the human resource information\nsystem ( hris ) .\nthe hr generalist functions for corporate will be handled by the following :\ngwen petteway , public relations , government affairs , legal , investor\nrelations , corporate development , epsc , aviation , enron federal credit union\nand the analyst and associate program\nkim rizzi , accounting and human resources\nsheila walton , rac , finance and enron development corp , in addition to her\nresponsibilities in ena\nat the business unit level , we \x01 , ve established two geographic hubs for our\nwholesale business units :\ndrew lynch will be in london with the hr responsibility for the eastern\nhemisphere including london , apachi and india . drew \x01 , s senior leadership team\nwill include : nigel sellens , ranen sengupta and scott gilchrist .\ndavid oxley will be located in houston with hr responsibility for the western\nhemisphere including north america , calme and south america . david \x01 , s senior\nleadership team will include : miguel padron , janie bonnard , sheila knudsen\nand cindy skinner .\nwe believe these hubs can result in a more effective hr organization and also\nfacilitate the movement of talent where needed in those regions .\nthe following are the hr leaders responsible for the remaining business\nunits :\ndave schafer gpg\ngary smith wind\nrobert jones net works\nmarla barnard ebs\nray bennett ees / efs\nwillie williams ee & cc / nepco\ngerry chatham egep\nplease click on the following link to view the hr organization chart .\n']
["Subject: re : brazil commercial - * * update version , delete previous * * \nlouise , sorry , i just received your note .\nthe extent of any discussion was dave thanking me over the phone for the inputs and recognizing that he and john incorporated some of the content . we ' ve never had what i had been expecting , or at least presumed appropriate i . e . , prior to any formal decision for the region , entertaining an in - person detailed discussion of the examples and recommendations - including a welcome cross examination of my observations that might conflict with official report or view .\njohn and dave asked me to talk with brett , kish and gonzalez , but if you look at my recommendations and also consider the overall performance in the region does this make the best sense ? i ' ve done this again and , in fact , had already introduced my ideas to each of them and the previous system prior to forwarding them to houston .\nprior to having to leave enron , i wanted to make a best effort to get the authority to execute the recommendations i ' ve pretty consistently introduced since joining in late 1998 and tried to get enron to implement under the previous management . i have not had the opportunity to manage or influence the company ' s operations in south america - this is my fault for not negotiating a more senior position , but i made the attempt in the region and more recently with the new managers to demonstrate a need to open constructive , critical discussion .\nanyway , i ' ve tried to open the door to john , dave and you and others who are interested to brainstorm inlcuding the leadership in place in esa to understand and perhaps leverage my applied experience - both trading , origination and , importantly , cultural . my resume below should attest to my capabilities - at least in terms of the potential value of my observations .\nthank you for your efforts extended in my behalf and good luck in your new position and working within enron ' s unique , dynamic ethic .\nd ' arcy\nlouise kitchen @ ect\n02 / 09 / 2001 01 : 46 pm\nto : d ' arcy carroll / sa / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : re : brazil commercial - * * update version , delete previous * *\ni have spoken to john lavorato on this and he says that dave and john have already spoken to you on this . do we still need to meet as i have no different opinion to them at this time .\nlouise\nd ' arcy carroll @ enron\n02 / 09 / 2001 11 : 13 am\nto : louise kitchen @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : brazil commercial - * * update version , delete previous * *\nlouise ,\nthis is a lot of text including the attatched files , but is the summary gist of what i have tried to communicate internally and am asking to discuss with you this morning .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by d ' arcy carroll / sa / enron on 02 / 09 / 2001 02 : 14 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nd ' arcy carroll\n11 / 09 / 2000 06 : 20 pm\nto : david w delainey @ ect , john j lavorato / corp / enron @ enron\ncc : kay chapman @ ect\nsubject : brazil commercial - * * update version , delete previous * *\ndavid / john - understand the trip will be delayed .\nproposal outline has two texts - i . commercial strategy and ii . historical perspective . the org charts will need some discussion - particularly in regard to the strengths and weakness of employed personnel and urgent need for an improved structure .\nover the fh 2000 and within the new structure with brett and joao carlos albuquerque in place , the wholesale group and trading desk seems to have made some important strides forward in terms of recruiting some good individuals and , in trading terms , finally executing some fundamental market supply , demand and transmission analysis .\nto get into the game quickly and aggressively , though , i think the commercial group needs to hire some senior , local trading expertise . i apoligize , but was unable to get in contact with either of these two guys to set up a possible meeting this week . however , they have the local knowledge , trading competencies and management experience which i consider needed to catalyze the regional effort :\naxel hinsch - argentine and cargill employee with several years and broad commodity and financial trading , business development and management experience , including senior trader for the bear stearns emerging markets equity desks in the late 1980 s / early 1990 s . straight up , no ego\nargentine country manager .\nmark hoffman - swiss / brazilian and glencore employee with several years energy , energy distribution and sugar sector experience ; applied commodity and financial arbitrage experience in the brazilian market . lot less straight forward , but applied knowledge and expertise .\nsenior originator / trader .\nplease forward any input about your interest in scheduling a meeting either open here or in houston during the week of nov 20 .\nfor some perspective on my experience at enron , let me explaing that i have been working in enron networks in the region from q 2 ' 00 and therefore much less formally invovled with the trading ( brazil spot market ) and wholesale pricing , tarrif issues etc . , . . than at the end of fyl 999 when i was directly involved in developing our effort to get in the game in understanding the spot price formula calculations and exploring arbitrage opportunities in the wholesale market .\ni ' ve attached my resume for some perspective on my background and capability to critically review the commercial ( trading and marketing ) and managerial issues involving the past and future opportunities .\n"]
["Subject: duns number changes \nfyi\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary l payne / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 02 : 35 pm\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : antoine v pierre 12 / 14 / 99 02 : 34 pm\nto : tommy j yanowski / hou / ect @ ect , kathryn bussell / hou / ect @ ect , gary l\npayne / hou / ect @ ect , diane e niestrath / hou / ect @ ect , romeo d ' souza / hou / ect @ ect ,\nmichael eiben / hou / ect @ ect , clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , scotty\ngilbert / hou / ect @ ect , dave nommensen / hou / ect @ ect , david rohan / hou / ect @ ect ,\nkevin heal / cal / ect @ ect , richard pinion / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : mary g gosnell / hou / ect @ ect , jason moore / hou / ect @ ect , samuel\nschott / hou / ect @ ect , bernice rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : duns number changes\ni will be making these changes at 11 : 00 am on wednesday december 15 .\nif you do not agree or have a problem with the dnb number change please\nnotify me , otherwise i will make the change as scheduled .\ndunns number change :\ncounterparty cp id number\nfrom to\ncinergy resources inc . 62163 869279893 928976257\nenergy dynamics management , inc . 69545 825854664 088889774\nsouth jersey resources group llc 52109 789118270 036474336\ntransalta energy marketing ( us ) inc . 62413 252050406 255326837\nphiladelphia gas works 33282 148415904 146907159\nthanks ,\nrennie\n3 - 7578"]
['Subject: stentofon \ngoodmorning liz ,\nwe are in need of another stentofon for trisha tlapek .\nshe works very closely with the traders and it is important\nfor quick communication .\nthanks\nkevin moore']
["Subject: brazil commercial - * * update version , delete previous * * \nlouise ,\nthis is a lot of text including the attatched files , but is the summary gist of what i have tried to communicate internally and am asking to discuss with you this morning .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by d ' arcy carroll / sa / enron on 02 / 09 / 2001 02 : 14 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nd ' arcy carroll\n11 / 09 / 2000 06 : 20 pm\nto : david w delainey @ ect , john j lavorato / corp / enron @ enron\ncc : kay chapman @ ect\nsubject : brazil commercial - * * update version , delete previous * *\ndavid / john - understand the trip will be delayed .\nproposal outline has two texts - i . commercial strategy and ii . historical perspective . the org charts will need some discussion - particularly in regard to the strengths and weakness of employed personnel and urgent need for an improved structure .\nover the fh 2000 and within the new structure with brett and joao carlos albuquerque in place , the wholesale group and trading desk seems to have made some important strides forward in terms of recruiting some good individuals and , in trading terms , finally executing some fundamental market supply , demand and transmission analysis .\nto get into the game quickly and aggressively , though , i think the commercial group needs to hire some senior , local trading expertise . i apoligize , but was unable to get in contact with either of these two guys to set up a possible meeting this week . however , they have the local knowledge , trading competencies and management experience which i consider needed to catalyze the regional effort :\naxel hinsch - argentine and cargill employee with several years and broad commodity and financial trading , business development and management experience , including senior trader for the bear stearns emerging markets equity desks in the late 1980 s / early 1990 s . straight up , no ego\nargentine country manager .\nmark hoffman - swiss / brazilian and glencore employee with several years energy , energy distribution and sugar sector experience ; applied commodity and financial arbitrage experience in the brazilian market . lot less straight forward , but applied knowledge and expertise .\nsenior originator / trader .\nplease forward any input about your interest in scheduling a meeting either open here or in houston during the week of nov 20 .\nfor some perspective on my experience at enron , let me explaing that i have been working in enron networks in the region from q 2 ' 00 and therefore much less formally invovled with the trading ( brazil spot market ) and wholesale pricing , tarrif issues etc . , . . than at the end of fyl 999 when i was directly involved in developing our effort to get in the game in understanding the spot price formula calculations and exploring arbitrage opportunities in the wholesale market .\ni ' ve attached my resume for some perspective on my background and capability to critically review the commercial ( trading and marketing ) and managerial issues involving the past and future opportunities ."]
['Subject: king ranch \nthere are two fields of gas that i am having difficulty with in the unify\nsystem .\n1 . cage ranch - since there is no processing agreement that accomodates this\ngas on king ranch , it is my understanding hpl is selling the liquids and\nking ranch is re - delivering to stratton . it is also my understanding that\nthere is a . 05 cent fee\nto deliver this gas . we need a method to accomodate the volume flow on hpl\nat meter 415 and 9643 . this gas\nwill not be reflected on trans . usage ticket # 123395 and # 95394 since it is\nnot being nominated from a processing agreement . we either , need to input\na point nom ( on hpl or krgp ) at these meters to match the nom at meter 9610 ,\nor a deal for purchase and sale ( if king ranch is taking title to the gas )\nneeds to be input into sitara at these meters with the appropriate rate . i\nhave currently input a point nom on krgp to accomodate this flow , so we can\ndivert some of this gas to the current interstate sales that are being made .\n2 . forest oil - there is a processing agreement that will accomodate flow\nfrom the meter ( 6396 ) into king ranch . it is my\nunderstanding that this agreement was originally setup until texaco had\ntheir own processing agreement . i need confirmation that the gas from this\nmeter should be nominated on contract # ( 96006681 ) and that this agreement\nshould have been reassigned to hplc . ( it is currently still under hplr ) .\nif this gas is not nominated on the above transport agreement , then once\nagain we need to accomodate the flow volume on the hpl pipe with either a\npoint nom or a sitara deal at meters 415 and 9643 .']
['Subject: re : entex transistion \nthanks so much for the memo . i would like to reiterate my support on two key\nissues :\n1 ) . thu - best of luck on this new assignment . howard has worked hard and\ndone a great job ! please don \' t be shy on asking questions . entex is\ncritical to the texas business , and it is critical to our team that we are\ntimely and accurate .\n2 ) . rita : thanks for setting up the account team . communication is\ncritical to our success , and i encourage you all to keep each other informed\nat all times . the p & l impact to our business can be significant .\nadditionally , this is high profile , so we want to assure top quality .\nthanks to all of you for all of your efforts . let me know if there is\nanything i can do to help provide any additional support .\nrita wynne\n12 / 14 / 99 02 : 38 : 45 pm\nto : janet h wallis / hou / ect @ ect , ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron , howard b\ncamp / hou / ect @ ect , thu nguyen / hou / ect @ ect , kyle r lilly / hou / ect @ ect , stacey\nneuweiler / hou / ect @ ect , george grant / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect , rita\nwynne / hou / ect , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , pamela\nchambers / corp / enron @ enron\nsubject : entex transistion\nthe purpose of the email is to recap the kickoff meeting held on yesterday\nwith members from commercial and volume managment concernig the entex account :\neffective january 2000 , thu nguyen ( x 37159 ) in the volume managment group ,\nwill take over the responsibility of allocating the entex contracts . howard\nand thu began some training this month and will continue to transition the\naccount over the next few months . entex will be thu \' s primary account\nespecially during these first few months as she learns the allocations\nprocess and the contracts .\nhoward will continue with his lead responsibilites within the group and be\navailable for questions or as a backup , if necessary ( thanks howard for all\nyour hard work on the account this year ! ) .\nin the initial phases of this transistion , i would like to organize an entex\n" account " team . the team ( members from front office to back office ) would\nmeet at some point in the month to discuss any issues relating to the\nscheduling , allocations , settlements , contracts , deals , etc . this hopefully\nwill give each of you a chance to not only identify and resolve issues before\nthe finalization process , but to learn from each other relative to your\nrespective areas and allow the newcomers to get up to speed on the account as\nwell . i would encourage everyone to attend these meetings initially as i\nbelieve this is a critical part to the success of the entex account .\ni will have my assistant to coordinate the initial meeting for early 1 / 2000 .\nif anyone has any questions or concerns , please feel free to call me or stop\nby . thanks in advance for everyone \' s cooperation . . . . . . . . . . .\njulie - please add thu to the confirmations distributions list']
['Subject: re : new color printer \nmonday will be perfect !\nlocation - ebl 944 b\nr . c . 0011\nco . # 100038\nthanks\nkevin moore\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 10 : 44\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron technology\nfrom : lyn malina 12 / 14 / 99 09 : 22 am\nto : kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\ni will order today for delivery on monday , unless you need faster delivery .\nplease advise co / rd to charge against .\nthanks\nlyn\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 09 : 21 am\nto : lyn malina / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 09 : 17\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 08 : 13 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\nyes ! right away , please\nalso let me know the e . t . a .\nthanks , lyn\nkevin moore']
['Subject: global risk management operations \nsally , congratulations .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by cindy olson / corp / enron on 01 / 17 / 2000\n09 : 07 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : rick causey 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: what do you want to know today ? \n" a man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds . "\n- mark twain\ninnovation , itself , is nothing new . the word comes to us from the latin\ninnovatus , which is a good indication of how long the concept has been\naround . people have been searching for the " next big thing " for thousands of\nyears .\nwe have quite a tradition of innovation here at enron . although consistent\ninnovation may sound like an oxymoron , we pride ourselves on consistently\noutpacing our peers with innovative ideas .\nhow do you think enron can maintain its edge into the new century ? what will\nbe our " next big thing ? " put your best foot forward , visit emeet and share\nyour ideas in " creativity and innovation " that will keep enron at the top .']
['Subject: travel \ni will be out of the office this afternoon ( friday ) until wednesday night . ( i will be available on my cell phone 713 306 - 6207 ) if you have any questions please feel free to contract my team for questions . i have been " cross training " both individuals so that we can be more effective in addressing var and trade related questions .\nthanks ,\nfrank\nbharat khanna ( gas ) ext . 54804\nlacrecia davenport ext . 35782']
['Subject: entex transistion \nthe purpose of the email is to recap the kickoff meeting held on yesterday\nwith members from commercial and volume managment concernig the entex account :\neffective january 2000 , thu nguyen ( x 37159 ) in the volume managment group ,\nwill take over the responsibility of allocating the entex contracts . howard\nand thu began some training this month and will continue to transition the\naccount over the next few months . entex will be thu \' s primary account\nespecially during these first few months as she learns the allocations\nprocess and the contracts .\nhoward will continue with his lead responsibilites within the group and be\navailable for questions or as a backup , if necessary ( thanks howard for all\nyour hard work on the account this year ! ) .\nin the initial phases of this transistion , i would like to organize an entex\n" account " team . the team ( members from front office to back office ) would\nmeet at some point in the month to discuss any issues relating to the\nscheduling , allocations , settlements , contracts , deals , etc . this hopefully\nwill give each of you a chance to not only identify and resolve issues before\nthe finalization process , but to learn from each other relative to your\nrespective areas and allow the newcomers to get up to speed on the account as\nwell . i would encourage everyone to attend these meetings initially as i\nbelieve this is a critical part to the success of the entex account .\ni will have my assistant to coordinate the initial meeting for early 1 / 2000 .\nif anyone has any questions or concerns , please feel free to call me or stop\nby . thanks in advance for everyone \' s cooperation . . . . . . . . . . .\njulie - please add thu to the confirmations distributions list']
['Subject: re : new color printer \nthis is the color printer that is being ordered .\nhere is the info . that i needed .\nthanks\nkevin moore\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 08 : 19\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron technology\nfrom : lyn malina 12 / 14 / 99 08 : 09 am\nto : kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\nkevin :\nthe color printer we currently order is the 4500 n for $ 2753 . 00 . please let\nme know if this is the one you would like to order .\nthanks\nlyn\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 06 : 29 am\nto : lyn malina / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : new color printer\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 06 : 29\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 06 : 27 am\nto : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , mike a\nroberts / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : new color printer\nwe are in need of a new color printer .\nwe are also in the process of moving to the 19 th floor .\nwe need the color printer a . s . a . p .\nif you would please , i need information concerning this\nmatter whereby , we can get the printer ordered and delivered\nto our new location .\nthanks\nkevin moore']
["Subject: re : monday blues \ngood morning . i ' m glad to hear that you are having a better day today . me , too so far . yeah , i stayed last night until like 7 : 45 and finished up that stuff with mike etringer . so today should be a bit more chill for me which is awesome . anyhow , i hope nothing blows up over there for you . maybe we can go to get some coffee later or something . did you end up going out last night for some beers ? i watched alli mcbeal and ate dinner . it was pretty exciting ."]
['Subject: re : new color printer \nsorry ,\ndon \' t we need to know the cost , as well .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 08 : 15\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 08 : 09 am\nto : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\nthis information was also sent to it purchasing .\ni need to know what options we have and how soon it\ncan be delivered .\ndon \' t we need to know as well ? before purchase .\ni also need a central location for this printer .\nthanks\nkevin moore\nsam mentioned hp 4500 , i will check into it .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kevin g moore / hou / ect on 12 / 14 / 99 08 : 05\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nshirley crenshaw\n12 / 14 / 99 07 : 55 am\nto : kevin g moore / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : new color printer\nkevin :\nwhat kind of information do you need ? i thought you were going to look\nat some colored printer literature . sam seemed to be aware of a\ncolored printer that might work for us . ask him . i don \' t think we need\nanything as big as " sapphire " .\nit will be located in your area on the 19 th floor .\nthanks !\nkevin g moore\n12 / 14 / 99 06 : 27 am\nto : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , mike a\nroberts / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : new color printer\nwe are in need of a new color printer .\nwe are also in the process of moving to the 19 th floor .\nwe need the color printer a . s . a . p .\nif you would please , i need information concerning this\nmatter whereby , we can get the printer ordered and delivered\nto our new location .\nthanks\nkevin moore']
['Subject: lst rev dec . 1999 josey ranch nom \nfyi\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by susan d trevino / hou / ect on 12 / 15 / 99 08 : 40\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nbob withers on 12 / 14 / 99 05 : 11 : 06 pm\nto : susan d trevino / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : stretch brennan , kevin mclarney ,\n" taylor vance ( e - mail ) "\nsubject : lst rev dec . 1999 josey ranch nom\nsusan : as we discussed , this change was missed but was discussed with you\nlast week . i apologize for the omission . i am checking with my field\npersonnel and anticipate a further reduction ( due to well production\ndecreases ) effective 12 / 15 which i will send under a separate email for an\n" intra - day " change wednesday .\nhere \' s revised december 1999 ( effective 12 / 9 / 99 ) setup for\njosey : ( using 1 . 081 btu / mcf )\n* gas deliveries into hpl\n12 , 300 mmbtu / d for kri ( net reduction of\n1 , 000 mmbtu / d )\n12 , 300 mmbtu / d into hpl\nbob withers > <\nkcs energy , 5555 san felipe , suite 1200\nhouston , tx 77056\nvoice mail / page 713 - 964 - 9434']
['Subject: correction - - conference call on tuesday , february 13 ( 800 - 229 - 028 \n1 )\nssb conference call\ntuesday , february 13 , 2001\n2 : 00 pm est\nbeyond california : the power however , the\nmarkets foretell stronger prices across the country in 2001 .\nwe continue to recommend the power producers , based on both our power price\nand spark spread analyses , which show strengthening spark spreads in the\nunited states , despite the record highs recently seen in the natural gas\nmarkets . we highlight calpine , nrg energy , and mirant .\nour volatility indices demonstrate a dramatic shift in historical volatility\nto the western hubs and away from the midwestern markets of 1998 - 99 . we\nexpect volatility to persist in the west , likely accompanied by higher\nvolatility in the remainder of the country in 2001 . this benefits energy\nmerchants , and we highlight enron , dynegy , duke , and el paso .\ndial in\n800 - 229 - 0281 us\n706 - 645 - 9237 intl\nreplay\n800 - 642 - 1687 us\n706 - 645 - 9291 intl\nreservation 735670 ( replay until 2 / 15 )\nhosted by :\nraymond niles\ndirector\npower & natural gas research\nsalomon smith barney\n212 - 816 - 2086\nraymond c . niles\npower / natural gas research\nsalomon smith barney\n( 212 ) 816 - 2807\nray . niles @ ssmb . com\ns']
["Subject: imperial capital - thursday schedule \nthe following is the schedule for thursday ' s meeting with imperial capital .\ncurrently all meetings are scheduled in eb 2868 . we are trying to arrange a\ndifferent conference room and will let you know if we obtain one .\n9 : 00 am - jim fallon - electricity\n9 : 30 am - fred lagrasta - gas\n10 : 00 am - lynda clemmons and david kistler - weather\n10 : 30 am - ed ondarza - pulp and paper\n11 : 00 am - stinson gibner - research\n12 noon - lunch\n1 : 00 pm - 5 : 00 pm - discussion\nthanks in advance to all who will come to speak in the morning ."]
['Subject: 2 nd rev dec . 1999 josey ranch nom \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by susan d trevino / hou / ect on 12 / 15 / 99 08 : 41\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nbob withers on 12 / 15 / 99 08 : 28 : 08 am\nto : susan d trevino / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : stretch brennan , kevin mclarney ,\n" \' taylor vance ( e - mail ) \' "\nsubject : 2 nd rev dec . 1999 josey ranch nom\nhere \' s revised december 1999 ( effective 12 / 15 / 99 ) setup for\njosey : ( using 1 . 081 btu / mcf )\n* gas deliveries into hpl\n9 , 300 mmbtu / d for kri ( net reduction of\n3 , 000 mmbtu / d )\n9 , 300 mmbtu / d into hpl\nbob withers > <\nkcs energy , 5555 san felipe , suite 1200\nhouston , tx 77056\nvoice mail / page 713 - 964 - 9434']
['Subject: tw weekly , 6 - 9 - 00 \nplease see the attached file and let me know if you have any questions .\nray stelly']
['Subject: california update 2 / 12 \nexecutive summary :\nthe likelihood of there being an involuntary bankruptcy filing against the utilities appears to be greater than 60 % . this is not only due to the circumstances surrounding the filed rate doctrine case mentioned below , but also because the 30 - day cure period during which the utilities have not been paying their bills will end this week , increasing the likelihood that their ipp creditors will act against them . if the state loses the filed rate doctrine case today ( which it is believed will happen ) and there is an involuntary bankruptcy filing ( or even the threat of one ) , this bail - out plan will be enacted quickly .\n1 . utilities vs . cpuc\ngovernor davis \' attempt to delay the filed rate doctrine case will not succeed . the case will come before the judge on monday , february 12 th . the federal judge is expected to rule a summary judgment in favor of the utilities . however , the judge will not allow the utilities to collect the injunction release they are requesting ( $ . 01 / kwh ) . this will be left to an appellate court . the decision not to allow the utilities to collect this cash could trigger an involuntary bankruptcy filing , by the smaller ipps ( as noted in our reports last week ) or by larger out - of - state generators such as duke , reliant , and dynegy ( as noted in the press this morning ) . this is expected next week or the week after .\n2 . prospects for a bailout\nbill ab 18 x is effectively dead from lack of support .\nsenator burton , despite his public refusals , is moving closer to agreeing to a utility bail - out . the statements by burton and the ca state treasurer are merely a negotiating position . they are more concerned about the possibility of a bankruptcy than they appear . for burton , this is because of his long association with labor unions ; the unions oppose the utility bankruptcy .\nburton has been negotiating with consumer advocate harvey rosenfield so as not to get attacked by him . the deal burton is expected to arrange would be for :\nbonds to be issued by the utilities rather than the state , but with some kind of state support ( but less than " full faith and credit of the state of ca , " which would not pass ) . this would amount to the securitization of an extra charge on power bills ( e . g . $ . 01 , though the actual amount is not known ) . these bonds would be asset - backed securities , with payment receivable from rate payers . the term of these bonds is unknown ; if the term is made quite long ( e . g . 20 years ) , the associated rate increase could be very small .\nthe state would purchase the utilities \' transmission assets for a very high price . the amount of the extra charge on power bills will not be known until the price of the transmission assets is settled .\nif the state loses the filed rate doctrine case today ( which it is believed will happen ) and there is an involuntary bankruptcy filing ( or even the threat of one ) , sources believe that this bail - out plan will be enacted quickly . as noted in an earlier report , the california legislature habitually does not act until things " hit the wall . "\nit is expected that the republicans in the legislature will follow burton \' s lead and support the bail - out plan . the assembly members in particular are not yet supportive of a plan of this nature . one moderate democratic legislator with whom our source spoke said that the opposition to a bail - out in her central valley district is " 50 to 1 . " however , an involuntary filing ( or the threat thereof ) may be enough to trigger legislative support . it would allow the argument of an " imminent threat " to the people of the state of california .\n3 . consumer opposition\nharvey rosenfield is too short on cash to fight this plan and the associated rate increase with anything but a referendum . if the referendum fails , he intends to attack individual legislators ( though not john burton , who reportedly has " immunity " from rosenfield ) .\nsome legislators are thinking of voting for the bail - out plan , then supporting a referendum from rosenfield later . however , if the bail - out plan and rate increase described above is passed through the legislature as a bill ( rather than put in place by the puc , for example ) , it cannot be reversed by a referendum . as additional insurance against rosenfield , by supporting the bonds issued under the plan , the state can argue that its credit would be impaired in the case of a referendum to repeal the plan . while it is not clear that this is a factual argument , it still might impede any referendum .']
['Subject: unify close schedule \nthe following is the close schedule for this coming month ( year - end . ) please\nkeep in the mind the following key times . . . .\nunify to sitara bridge back 1 : 45 p . m . thursday , dec 30 th ( all errors must be\nclear by this time )\nmass draft at 6 p . m . thursday evening , dec 30 th .\naccrual process begins friday morning , dec 31 st at 6 : 30 a . m . ( if your group\nimpacts the accrual , please ensure that the necessary people are available\nfor support if needed , as this is an enron holiday . )\nplease feel free to contact me should you have any questions .\nthank you , melissa x 35615']
["Subject: fw : meeting with jeff skilling \nlouise ,\nper our conversation of last week , you might be interested in the following meetings .\nk\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : chapman , kay\nsent : wednesday , february 07 , 2001 5 : 55 pm\nto : taylor , liz ; heathman , karen ; daw , nicki ; taylor , liz ; kimberly hillis / hou / ect @ enron ; sera , sherri ; lehr , tonai ; watson , denys ; gutierrez , anabel\ncc : chapman , kay\nsubject : meeting with jeff skilling\ndave delainey has asked that i contact each of you for the following meetings :\ndate : february 22 , 2001 date : february 22 , 2001\nthursday thursday\ntime : 9 : 00 am - 9 : 45 am time : 9 : 45 am - 10 : 30 am\nlocation : mr . skilling ' s office location : mr . skilling ' s office\ntopic : charter review 2001 topic : charter review 2001\nattendees : jeff skilling attendees : jeff skilling\nrick buy rick buy\nmark frevert mark frevert\ndave delainey dave delainey\njohn lavorato john lavorato\njohn thompson michael l . miller\nscott josey\nif you have any questions , please feel free to call me .\nthanks ,\nkay 3 - 0643"]
['Subject: a paper of mine \nvince ,\ni have written a paper , which supposedly is going to be published in the\nfebruary 2000 issue of eprm , probably after some editorial cuts ( at least\nthis is what i am being told by them ) . i would appreciate your thoughts if\nyou would have time to read it .\nregards ,\nmartin\n- userconf . doc']
['Subject: global risk management operations \ncongratulations , sally ! ! !\nkk\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kathy kokas / corp / enron on 01 / 17 / 2000\n08 : 08 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : rick causey 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
["Subject: monday blues \nbill ,\ni am having such a terrible day . i am so flustrated . can you believe it is only monday ? ah ! anyhow , i hope your day is going much better than mine . when i saw you earlier , you looked kinda angry or something . i hope i was just imaging that . anyhow , i ' d better get back to work . i ' ll talk to you later ."]
["Subject: invitation to speak at power 2000 \nhi vince\nit is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at power 2000 which will be\nin houston on 9 & 10 may 2000 .\nwould you be interested in chairing one of the streams on day 2 of the\nconference ? or making a full presentation on one of the days ? please let me\nknow which talks interest you . obviously , some of the talks are no longer\navailable but i would like to give you a choice as much as possible . please\ncould you get back to me asap on 212 925 1864 ext 151 or by return email .\ni very much hope you can make the dates as i ' m very keen to have you\nparticipate at power . not to flatter you unnecessarily , but i know that a\nlot of people come to our conferences to hear what you have to say .\nbest regards\nemma\n- invite . doc"]
['Subject: meter 1431 - nov 1999 \naimee ,\nsitara deal 92943 for meter 1431 has expired on oct 31 , 1999 . settlements\nis unable to draft an invoice for this deal . this deal either needs to be\nextended or a new deal needs to be set up . please let me know when this is\nresolved . we need it resolved by friday , dec 17 .\nhc']
['Subject: global risk management operations \ncongrats !\nbrian\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brian redmond / hou / ect on 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 37\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : rick causey @ enron 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: gss organizational changes \ni am pleased to announce the following additions to the enron global\nstrategic sourcing operations group :\neffective june 1 , tracy ramsey has joined the group as a sourcing portfolio\nleader and cheryl slone has joined the group as a travel coordinator . in her\nnew position , tracy will be responsible for overseeing all travel ,\nentertainment and conference - related sourcing activities . she has held\nvarious positions within the travel industry and most recently served as\nmanager of corporate travel for enron property and services corp . tracy will\nreport directly to me .\ncheryl joined enron in 1998 as a travel coordinator . she brings more than\nseven years of travel industry experience to her new position . prior to\njoining enron , she most recently worked in travel management services for\nm . d . anderson cancer center .\nadditionally , amanda becher has joined the group as a supply analyst . prior\nto joining enron , she held various positions in inventory planning and\nanalysis . most recently , she served as a senior customer inventory analyst\nwith w . w . grainger , inc . cheryl holds a b . b . a . in operations management\nfrom the university of houston .\nplease join me in welcoming tracy , cheryl and amanda to the group .']
["Subject: west power reports 2 / 9 / 01 \nhi lousie and tammie :\nper kimberly ' s instruction , we will be sending west power reports to you on a daily basis . attached please find them for trading date 2 / 9 / 01 .\nlet me know if you have questions .\nthanks ,\nfran\n( 503 ) 464 - 7973\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by fran chang / pdx / ect on 02 / 12 / 2001 08 : 16 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfran chang\n02 / 09 / 2001 05 : 13 pm\nto : kimberly hillis / hou / ect @ ect , tim belden / hou / ect @ ect , michael m driscoll / pdx / ect @ ect , mike swerzbin / hou / ect @ ect , matt motley / pdx / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : west power reports 2 / 9 / 01\nplease let me know if you have questions .\nthanks ,\nfran\n( 503 ) 464 - 7973"]
['Subject: new eprm speakers \nvince ,\nthanks very much for your help\nhelen\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : vince j kaminski\nto : helen evans\ncc : stinson gibner\ndate : 10 december 1999 19 : 14\nsubject : re : new eprm speakers\nhelen ,\ni forwarded your message to my associate stinson gibner\nwhom i can wholeheartedly recommend .\nvince\n" helen evans " on 12 / 06 / 99 10 : 29 : 39 am\nplease respond to " helen evans "\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : new eprm speakers\nvince ,\ni \' m currently looking to broaden eprm \' s speaker base and would like to\nfind a\nspeaker for a training course i am producing on the monte carlo\ntechnique . i was\nwondering if you might be able to recommend somebody new from enron who\nmight\nlike to speak on this subject . i \' d really appreciate any help you could\ngive me .\nmany thanks\nhelen evans\nproducer , eprm conferences & courses\n- attl . htm']
['Subject: meter 1431 - nov 1999 \ndaren -\ncould you please resolve this issue for howard ? i will be out of the office\nthe next two days .\nwhen this is done , please let george know . thanks .\naimee\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 12 / 15 / 99 01 : 27 pm\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nhoward b camp\n12 / 15 / 99 01 : 01 pm\nto : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , stacey neuweiler / hou / ect @ ect , mary m\nsmith / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : meter 1431 - nov 1999\naimee ,\nsitara deal 92943 for meter 1431 has expired on oct 31 , 1999 . settlements\nis unable to draft an invoice for this deal . this deal either needs to be\nextended or a new deal needs to be set up . please let me know when this is\nresolved . we need it resolved by friday , dec 17 .\nhc']
['Subject: california 2 / 13 \nfor questions contact robert johnston at x 39934 .\ncourt case denies rate hikes\nas forecast in our report yesterday , the federal court in los angeles refused to allow the two california utilities to raise rates to recoup undercollections of their power costs since last august . we had expected that the court would rule in favor of the utilities , but push the rate hike question to an appeals court . instead , judge ronald lew refused to rule on the case because of technical considerations and postponed a hearing until march 5 th . the utilities now face an imminent end to creditor forbearance without the prospect of short - term rate hikes . edison reaches the end of its grace period for a $ 200 million payment today and a $ 600 million payment on thursday . absent the political cover of the court to impose rate hikes , the governor and the state legislature are in an equally tenuous position .\nbankruptcy grows more likely\nregardless of the legal technicalities , the bottom line is the same . as we have cautioned since last wednesday , there is a serious risk that a creditor or\ngroup of creditors could push for bankruptcy , perhapsas soon as tomorrow when the period of forbearance agreed to by financial creditors runs out .\nbefore this ruling , there was reasonable assurance that the utilities would be restored to health by their court victory . now there is real fear a coherent deal is\nunravelling , and that it will not take much for a small group of financial creditors to break ranks . and the prospects for supplier creditors now look\nmuch bleaker and more dangerous . and there is an increased temptation for the utilities to declare bankruptcy and take their chances with a judge rather\nthan the california assembly . the politicians will try to find a way to prevent bankruptcy , but it will now be difficult .\ndisarray in the legislature\nfor now , the only card still being played is the " i give you a dollar , you give me a hot dog " plan , as state senator burton accurately summed it up . the state\npumps money into the utilities in return for some kind of asset - - warrants , transmission lines , whatever , anything that can be brandished in front of the voters as\nproof that the utilities suffered and paid . but " there is little or no energy among legislators for either of the proposed solutions , " one senior figure in sacramento\ntold our source yesterday afternoon . " legislators are running scared . and i don \' t know of a single legislator in either house , on either side , who has the slightest\nsympathy for the utiltiies now . they think the utiltiies have either been incompetent or shrewd or both . " the ruling will in all likelihood send officials back to the\ndrawing board . " davis will propose a kind of shadow plan by friday , but there will be no real substance in it . what are we supposed to do in just four\ndays ? there will not be a real substantive plan for three weeks , i think , at the earliest . " that period of uncertainty and lack of energy in the legislature could\npanic the creditors now .\nbankruptcy court\nif davis fails to cobble together a last - minute deal for rate hikes and some kind of purchase of transmission assets , then all parties will have to do a workout\nin federal bankruptcy court . the most likely scenario ( which we flagged last week ) is that the small ipps file an involuntary bankruptcy against edison , followed\npossibly by pg & e . involuntary bankruptcy would shield the utilities from creditor lawsuits and temporarily relieve them from debt payments . there is also\nspeculation in the press this morning that some creditors are talking about a ch . 7 or liquidation proceeding , but that cannot yet be confirmed by sources .']
['Subject: wednesday enpower cleanup meeting 4 - 4 - 01 \nthe meeting time is 1 : 30 pm\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by virginia thompson / pdx / ect on 04 / 02 / 2001 07 : 53 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nvirginia thompson\n04 / 02 / 2001 01 : 56 pm\nto : cara semperger / pdx / ect @ ect , diana scholtes / hou / ect @ ect , sean crandall / pdx / ect @ ect , mark fischer / pdx / ect @ ect , tom alonso / pdx / ect @ ect , bill williams iii / pdx / ect @ ect , jesse bryson / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : caroline emmert / hou / ect @ ect , chris stokley / hou / ect @ ect , jeff richter / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : wednesday enpower cleanup meeting 4 - 4 - 01\ndear traders ,\njust a reminder that we will be having our weekly enpower cleanup meeting this wednesday april 4 , 2001 .\nit should take no longer than 15 minutes .\nplease contact me with any questions you may have in the mean time .\nvirginia']
['Subject: y 2 k - texas log \nname home pager\ngeorge grant 281 - 282 - 9084 713 - 764 - 5128\ncharlotte hawkins 281 - 655 - 0952 713 - 506 - 4006\naimee lannou 713 - 594 - 6562 713 - 698 - 7722\nrobert lloyd 281 - 847 - 2808 713 - 698 - 5446\nstella morris 281 - 448 - 9067 713 - 200 - 8376\nsusan trevino 713 - 688 - 6186 713 - 200 - 8368\nkim vaughn 281 - 586 - 0910 713 - 761 - 8153\njackie young 713 - 528 - 4562 713 - 990 - 6400\ncarlos rodriguez 281 - 344 - 0991 713 - 761 - 2722\nmandy allen 281 - 970 - 6561 713 - 990 - 8332']
['Subject: gas prices \nvince -\n1 . we can detect " hoarding " of pipeline capacity as an elevated basis against\nthe actual inflow .\n2 . we can detect " market power " by dissociating the seller from the buyer ,\ndistinguishing between the physical " cost " in gas to run the generators and\nthe transmission cost in dollars , i . e . the basis .\n3 . ( as you noted ) we can detect " storage " as the difference between inflow\nand consumption .\nit appears to me there are two time series needed for a straightforward model\nof gas prices : flow rates at interconnects ( from telemetry ) and spot - market\nprices . there is an elevated basis reflecting pipeline companies monopolizing\ncapacity , as well as hoarding of capacity by contracts . the dynamics of gas\nprices reflect consumption demand changes due to changes in expectations for\nthe weather , as well as their impact on two highly strategic behaviors :\nhoarding of pipeline capacity and storage of gas . we can " calibrate " the\nprice elasticity of demands for consumption and storage , and the price\nelasticities of demand for transmission , as well as the extent of hoarding ,\nfrom the two sets of numbers mentioned : flows and prices . what the basis\ntrader needs to understand are the incentives , and disincentives , for storage\nand capacity - hoarding , in terms of the calibrated price - elasticities , and\neach of these are as - if exotic call options at the consumption hub . finally ,\nflows are " explained " by the model , and can be imputed from prices if\nnecessary , resulting in a purely stochastic model of the basis in terms of\nthe weather .\ni believe the problem is quite tractable , and i would like to proceed with a\nmodel .\nclayton']
['Subject: global risk management operations \ncongratulations ! i am very pleased for your continued success in the company\nand i look forward to hearing more about your new responsibilities .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sheila tweed / hou / ect on 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 21\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : rick causey @ enron 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: re : heartland industrial partners \nheartland industrial partners is one issue we did not discuss this morning . these e - mails summarize the situation . i have not been able to get resolution yet on who provides the home for this investment . it doesn \' t fit ena . bowen doesn \' t want it in eim . ees does not want to invest this kind of capital ( although delainey did ask for some additional information ) .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by richard lydecker / corp / enron on 02 / 13 / 2001 03 : 39 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nrichard lydecker\n02 / 12 / 2001 01 : 42 pm\nto : david w delainey / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : heartland industrial partners\nwith respect to your questions concerning the heartland industrial partners fund and current investments :\nheartland is a private equity buyout fund with $ 1 . 2 billion in commitments . the targeted size of the fund is $ 2 billion . the fund is headed by david stockman , former managing director at the blackstone group . stockman was director of omb under reagan .\nheartland \' s objective is an irr of 30 % gross ( 26 % to the limited partners ) . the limiteds get an 8 % preferred return after which the gp gets a 20 % carried return . the gp also receives a 1 . 5 % management fee . in my experience these terms are consistent with most private equity funds .\nthe fund \' s objective is to acquire and expand industrial companies " in sectors ripe for consolidation and growth . " these " industrial platform scaleups " are targeted to be in sectors such as aerospace components and materials , automotive suppliers , capital goods , chemicals , plastics conversion , metal working , etc .\nthe fund has two investments currently :\nmascotech is a merger of three fund companies . it is a leading global designer and supplier of high quality , low - cost metal formed components , assemblies and modules for the transportation industry . products include noise vibration and harshness products , transmission and transfer case components , engine components , wheel end and suspension components , axle driveline components . estimated revenues were $ 1 . 9 billion in 2001 . the company has 50 facilities in 11 countries . 9 , 500 employees .\nan agreement to purchase collins & aikman corporation was signed in january 2001 . c & a is a leader in automotive floor and acoustic ceilings and a leading supplier of automotive fabric , interior trim and convertible top systems with 2000 sales of $ 1 . 9 billion .\nthe original dash in april 2000 predicated that " ena will receive the exclusive right to provide all energy - related products and services to each platform company owned by the fund . . . ena will submit a comprehensive , long - term , energy managment plan for each platform company . hip will be obligated to accept and implement the plan as long as the plan provides a cost benefit relative to the platform company \' s current practices after accounting for switching costs . the expected value of this business to ena is about $ 20 - 50 mm . "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by richard lydecker / corp / enron on 02 / 12 / 2001 01 : 04 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : raymond bowen / enron @ enronxgate on 02 / 09 / 2001 07 : 04 pm\nto : david w delainey / hou / ect @ ect , richard lydecker / corp / enron @ enron\ncc : brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect , wes colwell / hou / ect @ ect , raymond bowen / hou / ect @ enron , jeffrey mcmahon / enron @ enronxgate\nsubject : re : heartland industrial partners\ndave ,\ncongrats on your new role . heartland industrial partners was an investment pursued solely for the purpose of providing deal flow for energy outsourcing opportunities when ena \' s industrial group was following a broad based energy outsourcing business plan . it has zero relevance to eim \' s business . in fact , heartland has been reflected on ena \' s balance sheet ever since the creation of eim last august . brad dunn has administered the relationship as a transitional matter in the intervening months . brad has attempted to get ees to take on the transaction , but they have expressed no interest in the capital commitment . however , ees wants the option to look at the energy outsourcing opportunities in the transaction . if i thought i could get a free option , i would take the same position . if enron is to get anything out of heartland industrial partners beyond the return on our invested dollars , that value will come to ees . since there is no paper or steel aspect to heartland , it doesn \' t belong in eim and i don \' t want it . i would be happy to discuss .\non a different note , there are lots of opportunities for ees and eim to work together on ( i ) energy opportunities in eim \' s pulp colwell , wes ; raymond bowen / hou / ect @ enron\nsubject : heartland industrial partners\nrichard , it is my understanding that this investment is currently in ray bowen \' s business . in my ena shoes , i would say we would have no interest in taking on that responsibility . in my ees shoes , i would like to take a closer look at the possible connections . please send me some info on the investment fund and their current investments portfolio .\ni have also heard that tom white has been talking to you about ees taking on the catalytica investment . with my ees shoes on , no way ! ! ! !\nregards\ndelainey\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david w delainey / hou / ect on 02 / 09 / 2001 05 : 56 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nrichard lydecker @ enron\n02 / 07 / 2001 09 : 01 am\nto : david w delainey / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect , wes colwell / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : heartland industrial partners\ndave , in may 2000 enron north america committed to invest up to $ 30 million in heartland industrial partners l . p . , a private equity fund . the terms of the fund investment are fairly typical ( and not particularly exciting for a limited partner such as we ) . the deal was " sold " on the basis of ena getting exclusive rights to provide energy management services to companies owned by the fund if these were cost effective . the claimed benefits for the energy management tie were calculated at $ 20 - 50 million . the deal was originated by brad dunn who now is in eim . ownership of this commitment had been assigned to jim ajello .\nthe kinds of energy management services associated with this deal are now provided by ees . while they are happy to exploit any opportunity , their business plan does not contemplate investment substantial capital in this kind of deal . in short , they have no interest in picking up the commitment ( and capital employed ) via an intercompany transfer .\nprivate equity funds such as this are highly illiquid by design and the normal investment cycle is at least 5 - 7 years . the heartland partnership has a 10 - year life , enron did negotiate the right to sell its lp interest after 3 years . as a practical matter , that right guarantees neither a fair price or even a market .\nthere is no logical home for this investment that i know of in ena except in my portfolio . question : is this an ena responsibility or would it move to eim \' s balance sheet ? if we ( ena ) have no choice but to retain the investment , my group will take responsibility for it and do our best to monetize funds invested to - date ( about $ 6 million ) and sell the remaining commitment . since the fund itself is still marketing limited partnership interests , however , it will be extremely difficult to get out of our investment / commitment in the foreseeable future . under any circumstances finding a buyer will be time - consuming and expensive . ( this is a poster child for " patient " investment capital ) .\ni want to ensure that you are aware of the situation in case your view is that the obligation should be transferred to eim which i believe has assumed the charter of the ena group that formerly managed this investment . dick .\n']
['Subject: organizational changes \nto : enron north america corp .\nfrom : cliff baxter and kevin hannon\nin july , as part of the enron north america ( ena ) reorganization , the\nimplementation of several objectives were highlighted as critical to the\ncontinued growth of ena including : 1 ) accelerate the development of our\npeople , 2 ) significantly expand our customer network and associated markets ,\nand 3 ) accelerate and enhance the information flow between groups , both\nwithin ena and across enron . consistent with these objectives and with the\ncorporate goal of fostering \x01\nb ) the downstream coverage / origination groups which focus on delivering a\nbroad range of products and services to the heavy industrial customers\nincluding pulp and paper , chemicals , plastics , refined products , metals and\nmining , heavy manufacturing , industrial gases , fertilizers , transportation ,\ntextiles and glass manufacturing the eastern and western u . s . midstream\ncoverage / origination groups which focus on energy , finance and industries .\ndownstream coverage / origination\nas energy deregulation continues in north america , it is becoming clear that\nthe heavy industrial segment will be an important customer market for both\nena and enron corp . further , it is clear that ena can significantly expand\nits industrial customer network and create more innovative industrial\nsolutions by having a group that can deploy all the capabilities of enron\ncorp . against this backdrop , the downstream coverage / origination function\nwill expand its product offering to include not only ena \x01 , s existing energy\ncommodities , energy services , finance , assets and pulp and paper capabilities\nbut also ees \x01 , s energy outsourcing capability and global fuel \x01 , s chemicals ,\nplastics and refined products risk management capability . these additional\ncapabilities will be offered in conjunction with ees and the global fuels\ngroups . given the size and importance of this enron initiative , greg piper\nwill be returning from portland to manage this business . under greg \x01 , s\nleadership , the downstream origination effort will be segmented into three\nsub - groups given the nature of these industries and our product offering :\na ) pulp and paper \x01 ) edward ondarza will continue to manage the coverage\nactivities in the pulp and paper business . this group will be responsible for\nthe provision of innovative\nproducts and services in the pulp and paper industry including the provision\nof paper risk management products ;\nb ) chemicals , plastics and refined products \x01 ) we have asked jim ajello to\nlead the coverage activities in this business . this group will be\nresponsible for the provision of innovative products and services in the\nchemicals and refined products industries ;\nc ) non - integrated industrials \x01 ) bruce garner , formerly leader of bankers\ntrust \x01 , s global metals and mining group in london , has joined ena to lead the\ncoverage activities in this business . this group will be responsible for the\nprovision of innovative products and services for the metals and mining ,\nheavy manufacturing , industrial gases , fertilizers , transportation , textiles\nand glass manufacturing industries .\nmidstream coverage / origination\na ) eastern coverage / origination \x01 ) this group \x01 , activities will focus on\nenergy , finance and power development solutions for electric and gas\nutilities , municipals , co - ops and energy service companies in the eastern\ninterconnect . we have asked janet dietrich to assume the leadership of this\ngroup ;\nb ) western coverage / origination \x01 ) this group \x01 , s activities will focus on\nenergy , finance and power development solutions for electric and gas\nutilities , municipals , co - ops and energy service companies in the wscc . they\nwill also continue to manage all qualified facilities ( qf ) restructuring\nopportunities in the western u . s . we have asked chris calger to assume the\nleadership of this coverage group . chris will relocate to portland from\ncalgary where he currently leads the canadian downstream origination efforts ;\nc ) ipp merchant coverage / origination \x01 ) this group \x01 , s activities will focus on\nthe provision of structured energy , finance and asset solutions for the\nemerging merchant power generators who control large portfolio \x01 , s of merchant\npower generation either through development or acquisition . we have asked\nmike miller to assume the leadership of this group . in addition , mike will\ncontinue to manage the power development activities in the eastern\ninterconnect ;\nd ) eastern qf restructuring \x01 ) this group will focus on the qf restructuring\nopportunities in the eastern interconnect including the existing\nrestructuring and re - capitalization of the east coast power assets . we have\nasked dave duran to assume the leadership of this business . greg blair ,\nformerly of enron asia \x01 , s development group , doug clifford , formerly of\ncitizens power , and dick lydecker , formerly of cogen technology , will join\nthis newly formed business .\n2 ) commercial transactions :\nthe commercial transactions group ( ctg ) , co - headed by ray bowen and jeff\ndonahue , was formed to provide a centralized resource for the execution of\ntransactions within ena \x01 ) and thereby , improve ena \x01 , s efficiency in executing\ntransactions and free - up the origination groups to increase their intensity\nof client coverage . ctg consists of six primary functions : transaction\ndevelopment , capital structuring and portfolio management , commodity\nstructuring and transportation , transactional support / accounting , technical\nanalysis and upstream asset management .\nthe transaction development group will be responsible for deal leadership ,\nexecution and optimization of all aspects of a transaction in conjunction\nwith the originator . the function will be divided into four teams , each of\nwhich will be dedicated to between two and four origination groups . this\ndedication to specific groups should provide a closer link , better service\nand greater accountability with the origination groups ; however , the ctg\nresources are designed to be a fungible and flexible resource allocated to\nthe highest value transactions across the coverage functions :\na ) midstream transaction development will be dedicated to the eastern and\nwestern coverage / origination groups . the senior members of this group\ninclude billy lemmons , george mccormick , erin norris and russ porter . billy\nlemmons joined enron in 1992 . most recently , he was the vice - president of\ncapital structuring and risk management for ees . russ porter joins us today\nfrom dynegy where he was a manager with responsibilities for power\norigination .\nb ) downstream transaction development will be dedicated to ena \x01 , s industrial\norigination efforts in pulp and paper , petrochemicals and refining ,\nenvironmental energy , metals and mining and other industries as coverage is\nestablished . the senior members of this team include rodney malcolm , jay\nboudreaux , finley biggerstaff and chris helfrich . we anticipate announcing\ntwo to four more additions to this team within the next few weeks .\nc ) generation transaction development will be dedicated to the ipp merchant\nservices and power plant development and qf restructuring groups . the senior\nmembers of this team include thomas suffield , andy kelemen , kelly mahmoud and\njohn house . thomas suffield joined enron in 1996 . most recently , he was the\nvice - president of origination for the latin american group in azurix . we\nanticipate announcing two more additions to this team within the next few\nweeks .\nd ) upstream transaction development will be dedicated to the producer\nfinance , coal and gas assets groups . the senior members of this team include\nbrad dunn , john curtin and chris hilgert . we hope to announce the addition\nof at least one vp to this group prior to yearend .\nray bowen will have primary oversight responsibilities for the upstream and\ndownstream transaction development teams with jeff donahue having primary\nresponsibilities for the midstream and generation teams . andrea reed will\ncontinue to head capital structuring and portfolio management : all junior\ncommercial resources within the transaction development teams will have dual\nresponsibilities to both their transaction development teams and to the\ncapital structuring group . the remaining four groups within ctg will remain\nlargely unchanged . in addition , the origination and the transaction\ndevelopment teams and their respective origination groups will be located\ntogether .\nwe believe that these changes will significantly enhance our market coverage\nand industry knowledge in all ena \x01 , s markets particularly in the industrial\nmarkets . it will also provide a closer partnership and accountability between\nthe coverage / origination groups and the ctg groups .\nplease help us in continuing to build on the success we have enjoyed in north\namerica by working with us to implement these changes .']
['Subject: re : lyondell citgo \nmy latest understanding is the buyback will be in place through 12 / 31 / 99 .\na new deal for 15 , 000 / day begins 1 / 1 / 00 and currently has no buyback\nprovision .\nken\nhoward b camp\n12 / 16 / 99 12 : 27 pm\nto : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect , tina\nvaladez / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : lyondell citgo\ngary ,\ni have been notified that there is a possibility that the buyback was not\neffective for lyondell citgo . could you please inform me via cc mail what\nthe status of the buyback is once you have reviewed it .\nhc']
['Subject: performance management process \nas our existing businesses grow and new businesses are created , ease of\nmovement and development of our top talent becomes essential to our success .\nas you heard at the management conference all officers will be titled ,\nreviewed , promoted , and compensated according to a more standard set of\nguidelines . the process recognizes the intrinsic value of each officer ,\nrather than tying that individual to the value of their specific job or\nreporting relationship .\nofficer titling has been standardized throughout enron . there are four\nlevels of officers : members of the enron office of the chairman make up level\n4 . level 3 includes all other members of the enron executive committee .\nlevel 2 is made up of managing directors , including company presidents and\nsome senior vice presidents . level 1 are vice presidents and some senior\nvice presidents with grandfathered titles .\nthis year a common evaluation process is being implemented for level 1 and\nlevel 2 officers . officers will be evaluated by a committee , through a\nprocess referred to as the performance review committee ( prc ) , utilizing a\nstandard set of performance criteria and performance ratings . performance\ncommittee reviews will occur twice a year \x01 ) in july for feedback purposes and\nat year - end for feedback as well as bonus and total compensation\nconsiderations . the executive committee will handle the prc for all level 2\nofficers . review of level 1 officers will occur at the business - unit level\nfirst with the results \x01 & cross calibrated \x01 8 by the executive committee and a\ngroup of approximately sixteen managing directors .\nthe goals of the prc process is to insure a consistent standard for our\noverall pool of executive talent and to provide a tool to more effectively\nutilize talent throughout the organization . to further promote consistency\nthe executive committee will consider all promotions in january of each\nyear . exceptions , internally or externally , will be infrequent .\nthe individual \x01 , s performance evaluation will be the starting point for all\ncompensation decisions . compensation includes base pay , bonus and long - term\nawards . a long - term program that replaces individual or business unit plans\nhas been approved and will be communicated to individuals before bonus\npayments are made .\nin addition to the level 1 and level 2 reviews , business unit , global and\ncorporate cross - functional prc reviews for directors , senior directors and\ngeneral managers have started . this year - end process will be utilized as a\nbenchmark to determine how we further refine the evaluation process at this\nlevel in the future .\nif you should have any questions about the process , please direct them to\nyour human resources business unit leads per the following :\nmary ann long ( gpg ) x 36810 david oxley ( ena / eel / global trading ) x 33557\nray bennett ( ees ) x 37039 robert jones ( global technology / global\nfinance / global\ngwen petteway ( corp ) x 37351 asset operations / global engineering &\nconstruction ) x 35810\njanie bonnard ( caribbean / middle east / scott gilchrist ( asia\npacific / africa / china ) x 67081\nlng ) x 68202 gerry chatham ( egep ) x 35141\nmiguel padron ( esa ) x 66552 marla barnard ( eci ) x 58158\nranen sengupta ( india ) x 67967\ncc : enron executive committee members\n28599']
['Subject: hpl fuel gas buy - back for december 1999 \nfyi :\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gregg lenart / hou / ect on 12 / 16 / 99 02 : 02 pm\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : sally shuler @ enron 12 / 16 / 99 01 : 55 pm\nto : gregg lenart / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : hpl fuel gas buy - back for december 1999\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sally shuler / gpgfin / enron on 12 / 16 / 99\n02 : 02 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nmichael mitcham\n12 / 16 / 99 01 : 45 pm\nto : james prentice / gpgfin / enron @ enron , kerry roper / gpgfin / enron @ enron , sally\nshuler / gpgfin / enron @ enron , mark diedrich / gpgfin / enron @ enron , paul\nfox / ecf / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : hpl fuel gas buy - back for december 1999\negp fuels fuels co . has sold back 7 , 000 mmbtu / day starting 12 / 17 through\n12 / 31 to hpl at $ 2 . 50 mmbtu .\nif anyone has any questions , please let me know .\nthanks']
['Subject: sent on behalf of cindy olson \nplease read the attached memo regarding the handling of hpl employees . this information has been communicated to the enron hr community and the affected employees .\nthanks ,\nfran\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by fran l mayes / hou / ect on 02 / 14 / 2001 03 : 15 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfran l mayes 02 / 09 / 2001 02 : 42 pm\nto : andrea yowman / corp / enron @ enron , marla barnard / enron communications @ enron communications , robert jones / corp / enron @ enron , david oxley / hou / ect @ ect , elizabeth tilney / hou / ees @ ees , gary p smith / ots / enron @ enron , drew c lynch / lon / ect @ ect , kalen pieper / hou / ees @ ees\ncc : cindy olson / corp / enron @ enron , brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : sent on behalf of cindy olson\nplease read the attached memo and communicate to the appropriate generalists and recruiting staff within your organization .\nthanks ,\nfran']
['Subject: rice program in financial engineering \ndear vince ,\ntony and i are looking forward to meeting with you tomorrow\n( thurs . ) at 10 a . m . regarding the rice iniative in financial\nengineering . attached to this message is our draft plan for\nthe proposed undergraduate program ; i will also bring a copy\nto the meeting in the morning .\nsee you tomorrow !\nbest regards ,\nkathy\nkatherine bennett ensor\nprofessor and chairperson\ndepartment of statistics , ms 138\nrice university\nhouston , tx 77251 - 1892\nensor @ rice . edu\nphone : ( 713 ) 527 4687\nfax : ( 713 ) 285 5476\n- draft - plano 2 . doc']
["Subject: ua 4 - meter 1441 for 11 / 97 - falfurrias \ndaren - i need your help in resolving this issue . there wasn ' t any deal in\noss for the above reference meter , nor could i find anything in cpr . the\ncontract shows 089 - 41500 - 102 representing a sale in the amount of 9448 .\nthanks , stella"]
['Subject: hr status update \nthe attached memo provides an update on the hpl hr transition issues we discussed last week . fran has also added some support to her hr team .\nregards ,\nbrian']
['Subject: re : invitation to speak at power 2000 \nemma ,\nit \' s your choice . i can chair the session of day 2 or speak on one of these\ntopics .\nplease , let me know what works for you .\npossible presentations :\nevaluating the effectiveness of insurance as a risk management tool\nor\napplying real option theory to value power plants\nor\novercoming the difficulties of accurately estimating volatility\nvince\n" emma wolfin " on 12 / 14 / 99 04 : 08 : 03 pm\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : invitation to speak at power 2000\nhi vince\nit is my great pleasure to invite you to speak at power 2000 which will be\nin houston on 9 & 10 may 2000 .\nwould you be interested in chairing one of the streams on day 2 of the\nconference ? or making a full presentation on one of the days ? please let me\nknow which talks interest you . obviously , some of the talks are no longer\navailable but i would like to give you a choice as much as possible . please\ncould you get back to me asap on 212 925 1864 ext 151 or by return email .\ni very much hope you can make the dates as i \' m very keen to have you\nparticipate at power . not to flatter you unnecessarily , but i know that a\nlot of people come to our conferences to hear what you have to say .\nbest regards\nemma\n- invite . doc']
['Subject: ua 4 for meter 8608 - 6 / 98 - deal 96731 \ndaren - deal 96731 is not in cpr for 6 / 98 or oss . please enter deal for\nsale on contract 078 - 15631 - 102 for 17 , 462 mmbtu .\nthanks , stella']
['Subject: et & s photo contest - announcing the winners \ncongratulations to the following winners of the 2001 et & s photo contest .\nover 200 entries were submitted ! the winning photos will be displayed in the\n2001 et & s public education calendar .']
["Subject: fw : elektro short presentation \n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : gonzalez , orlando\nsent : tuesday , february 13 , 2001 12 : 06 pm\nto : lavorato , john ; mcdonald , rebecca\ncc : delainey , david ; hughes , james ; kishkill , joe ; wiggs , brett ; joao . carlos . albuquerque @ enron . com ; lotavio @ elektro . com . br\nsubject : elektro short presentation\nattached is a summary of the current status of the elektro rfp as well as a review of the free customer data . we currently have two possible offers coming in the next day . we are working on the other options with eletrobolt , rio gen or petrobras as suppliers . i will call to discuss .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by orlando gonzalez / sa / enron on 13 / 02 / 2001 14 : 44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\njoao carlos albuquerque\n13 / 02 / 2001 14 : 05\nto : orlando gonzalez / sa / enron @ enron , joe kishkill / sa / enron @ enron\ncc : joao carlos albuquerque / sa / enron @ enron , luis henriques / sa / enron @ enron , brett r wiggs / sa / enron @ enron\nsubject : elektro short presentation\norlando ,\nfind attached a summary of elektro short status , a draft of the rfp and a presentation on elektro ' s free and potentially free customers .\njo ? o carlos\n"]
['Subject: global risk management operations \ncongratulations , sally ! srs\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by sherri reinartz / corp / enron on 01 / 17 / 2000\n06 : 11 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : rick causey 01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: canada 2001 plan \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david w delainey / hou / ect on 02 / 15 / 2001 06 : 57 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : rob milnthorp 02 / 15 / 2001 06 : 32 pm\nsent by : nella cappelletto\nto : david w delainey / hou / ect @ ect , john j lavorato / corp / enron\ncc :\nsubject : canada 2001 plan\nas promised , please find attached the canada 2001 plan .\nregards , rob']
['Subject: intelligence : el paso capacity - - someone has upped the ante but \nmatch still possible\nfyi . kim .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kimberly watson / et & s / enron on 12 / 16 / 99\n04 : 51 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nlorna brennan\n12 / 16 / 99 09 : 59 am\nto : rockey storie / et & s / enron @ enron , stephanie miller / et & s / enron @ enron , kent\nmiller / et & s / enron @ enron , john dushinske / et & s / enron @ enron , dave\nneubauer / et & s / enron @ enron , michael bodnar / et & s / enron @ enron , joni\nbollinger / et & s / enron @ enron , david badura / et & s / enron @ enron , janet\nbowers / et & s / enron @ enron , craig buehler / et & s / enron @ enron , bob\nburleson / et & s / enron @ enron , allen cohrs / et & s / enron @ enron , john\nfiscus / et & s / enron @ enron , bret fritch / et & s / enron @ enron , steve\ngilbert / et & s / enron @ enron , morgan gottsponer / et & s / enron @ enron , brenda\nharris / et & s / enron @ enron , james harvey / et & s / enron @ enron , stephen\nherber / et & s / enron @ enron , dana jones / et & s / enron @ enron , jane\njoyce / et & s / enron @ enron , stephanie korbelik / et & s / enron @ enron , therese\nlohman / et & s / enron @ enron , bill mangels / et & s / enron @ enron , penny\nmccarran / et & s / enron @ enron , vernon mercaldo / et & s / enron @ enron , larry\npavlou / et & s / enron @ enron , eileen peebles / et & s / enron @ enron , maria\nperales / et & s / enron @ enron , tony perry / et & s / enron @ enron , loren\npenkava / et & s / enron @ enron , ken powers / et & s / enron @ enron , joan\nschwieger / et & s / enron @ enron , chris sebesta / et & s / enron @ enron , frank\nsemin / et & s / enron @ enron , neal shaw / et & s / enron @ enron , larry\nswett / et & s / enron @ enron , kay threet / et & s / enron @ enron , mike\nullom / et & s / enron @ enron , lisa valley / et & s / enron @ enron , chuck\nwilkinson / et & s / enron @ enron , jim wiltfong / et & s / enron @ enron , jo\nwilliams / et & s / enron @ enron , karen lagerstrom / et & s / enron @ enron , ray\nstelly / et & s / enron @ enron , bob stevens / et & s / enron @ enron , sue m\nneville / et & s / enron @ enron , mike barry / et & s / enron @ enron , miriam\nmartinez / et & s / enron @ enron , martha janousek / et & s / enron @ enron , kimberly\nwatson / et & s / enron @ enron , don powell / et & s / enron @ enron , melinda\ntosoni / et & s / enron @ enron , steve weller / et & s / enron @ enron , michael g\nstage / et & s / enron @ enron , tim johanson / et & s / enron @ enron , mike\nmcgowan / et & s / enron @ enron , lynn blair / et & s / enron @ enron , rick\ndietz / et & s / enron @ enron , steven january / et & s / enron @ enron , sheila\nnacey / et & s / enron @ enron , steven harris / et & s / enron @ enron , lindy\ndonoho / et & s / enron @ enron , jeffery fawcett / et & s / enron @ enron , lorraine\nlindberg / et & s / enron @ enron , kevin hyatt / et & s / enron @ enron , christine\nstokes / et & s / enron @ enron , julia white / et & s / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : intelligence : el paso capacity - - someone has upped the ante but match\nstill possible\nnegotiated el paso deal topped\nel paso confirmed that someone had upped the ante on the negotiated deal\nfor slightly\nmore than 1 . 2 bcf / d in firm capacity to the california border that was\nannounced friday\n( see daily gpi , dec . 13 ) . a higher bid was submitted prior to\nwednesday \' s 1 p . m . mst\ndeadline in a four - day open season , a pipeline spokesman said . however ,\nthe original\nnegotiating party has until this afternoon to match the new price and\nretain the capacity .\nthe new bid was for $ 38 million over one year starting jan . 1 , about $ 8\nmillion more than\nthe amount in friday \' s announcement ( $ 30 million ) . one source called it\n" ridiculous " that\nsomeone was willing to pay so much for the space , given that on a\nmark - to - market basis\nthe capacity is worth only about $ 20 - 25 million .\nlate last week some sources speculated that duke energy was the\nrecipient of next\nyear \' s package given its large power generation holdings in california .\na marketer\nyesterday said he believed dynegy upped the ante . " rather than go\nthrough all the\nhassles they [ dynegy ] had at ferc with the 1998 - 99 package , they let\nsomeone else do\nall the work this time and then came in late with a higher bid . that way\nno one can\ncomplain that the procedure was tainted . after all , dynegy has quite a\nfew power plants\nin california to keep fueled , and all of their current ft on el paso\nexpires at the end of\nthis year . of course , they still could be thwarted if the original\nnegotiated customer\nmatches their bid . it may all sound kind of machiavellian but sort of\nmakes sense . " other\nsources heavily discounted the chances of dynegy being the new high\nbidder , pointing out\nthat the company made significantly less than expected this year because\nsan\njuan / border basis differentials narrowed significantly . a dynegy source\nindicated that the\ncompany was involved in the bidding and lost to duke in the first round .\nregardless of what happens next year , a marketer noted that the southern\ncalifornia\nborder / san juan basis spread continues to compress as socal gas\nwithdraws from\nstorage and east - of - california utilities exercise their peaking\ncontracts because of cold\nweather in the rockies and elsewhere in the west . from a december index\nspread of 29\ncents , the border / basin gap was down to about 18 cents wednesday , she\nsaid .']
["Subject: january spot tickets \ndaren ,\nhplc is purchasing gas from the following list of producers . this\nproduction is currently being purchased on a spot basis and deal tickets\nshould be entered into sitara for the follow :\ncounterparty meter mmbtu / d price\nengage energy us , lp 5839 600 100 % less $ 0 . 18\nengage energy us , lp 5848 500 100 % less $ 0 . 18\nengage energy us , lp 5923 700 100 % less $ 0 . 18\nengage energy us , lp 6801 1 , 100 100 % less $ 0 . 18\ngasper rice resources , ltd . 9810 1 100 % less $ 0 . 11\nprize resources 4028 1 , 300 100 % less $ 0 . 20\nprize resources 4965 200 100 % less $ 0 . 35\nprize resources 5121 800 100 % less $ 0 . 11\nprize resources 6523 40 100 % less $ 0 . 35\nswift energy 2630 20 90 % less $ 0 . 258\nwhiting petroleum 6523 500 ? ? ?\nadditionally , i asked carlos to search sitara for what would be essentially\nbe a spot ticket for the incremental volumes delivered to meter 9610 ( cage\nranch ) for the production month of november . i ' ve received executed paper\nfrom coastal documenting a purchase price of 100 % of gas daily less a gpm\nsliding scale . please confirm whether or not a sitara ticket has been\ngenerated . if not , please use this e - mail as a request to do so .\nthanks ,\nvlt\nx 3 - 6353"]
['Subject: global risk management operations \nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: 2001 central region \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david w delainey / hou / ect on 02 / 15 / 2001 12 : 45 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : laura luce @ enron on 02 / 14 / 2001 04 : 34 pm\nto : david w delainey / hou / ect @ ect , john j lavorato / enron @ enronxgate , edie leschber / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : hunter s shively / hou / ect @ ect , lynn pikofsky / corp / enron @ enron\nsubject : 2001 central region\ndave ,\nattached please find the central region 2001 plan . if you have questions or comments , please contact me @ 312 / 541 - 1225 .\ni appreciate your patience in respect to the delay of this material .\nlaura']
["Subject: next wednesday ' s interviews \nhi bill ,\namy asked that i set up three interviews with you for wednesday of next week . please let me know your availablity that day and i will go ahead and get started on the scheduling .\nthanks !\n- grace"]
['Subject: vince and vasant : \nhere is a brief summary of my meeting with chris germany , capacity trader at\nthe east desk , related to gas transmission :\ntypically , pipelines lease capacity billed on a monthly basis . an example\nmight be the pipeline between south texas and brooklyn , where you might pay\n$ 12 . 00 per month per 10 , 000 decatherms of capacity ( $ 0 . 40 per day ) , a fixed\npayment . variable charges are 6 % for fuel costs ( " shrinkage " ) and 6 . 5 % for\noverhead expenses . a gas trader might call south texas and be quoted a\ndelivery price tomorrow of nymex - $ 0 . 10 ( " basis " ) , and might call brooklyn\nand be quoted a delivered price of nymex + $ 0 . 25 . the trader \' s spread is\n$ 0 . 35 , and variable costs of transmission are $ 0 . 125 , so the trader would\noffer the leaseholder of capacity up to $ 0 . 225 for firm capacity tomorrow .\nas for the distinction betweem firm and interruptible , the leaseholders have\nan excellent knowledge of the firm - equivalent of interruptible capacity .\nalso , many pipelines don \' t discount firm capacity from the tariff maximum\n( " it \' s not worth their time to haggle " ) ( there is a further issue of\n" secondary markets " not important to the model yet ) . for south texas and\nbrooklyn , there are several different routes the gas can physically take\n( pipelines of enron , texas eastern , etc ) . and , once the trade is in the\nsystem traders can cover the ( enron ) positions on each end of the pipeline ,\nin so doing freeing up the capacity for other contracts .\nclayton']
['Subject: pennzenergy property details \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 17 / 99 04 : 03\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndscottl @ . com on 12 / 14 / 99 10 : 56 : 01 am\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : pennzenergy property details\nami , attached is some more details on the devon south texas properties . let\nme\nknow if you have any questions .\ndavid\n- devon stx . xls']
['Subject: elektro short position \nfor this morning call thanks\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by orlando gonzalez / sa / enron on 15 / 02 / 2001 12 : 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nluis henriques\n15 / 02 / 2001 12 : 06\nto : orlando gonzalez / sa / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : elektro short position\nsee attached a file for our today conference call .\nluiz otavio']
['Subject: re : emission trading \nvince ,\ni spoke with susan wood , who heads up our emissions marketing effort who\nsays we don \' t really have any materials we send out . she did recommend the\nemissions trading handbook which can be purchased for $ 50 from\nin general , the site http : / / www . etei . org / is a great source of info , and the\nthe parent site , http : / / www . emissions . org should be checked out as well . if\nyou \' d like me to purchase the handbook ( it will take three weeks ) let me know .\njoe\nvince j kaminski\n12 / 16 / 99 08 : 15 am\nto : joseph hrgovcic / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : emission trading\njoe ,\ndo we have any materials about it ?\nvince\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 12 / 16 / 99\n08 : 14 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nadam brulinski\n12 / 14 / 99 08 : 22 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : emission trading\nthank you in advance .\nlet me just mention that the issue is quite urgent so i would appreciate if i\ncould get sth asap .\nadam\nvince j kaminski\n99 - 12 - 14 15 : 24\nto : adam brulinski / war / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : emission trading\nadam ,\nlet me gather some information for you .\nvince\nadam brulinski\n12 / 14 / 99 08 : 08 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : emission trading\nszanowny panie ,\nchcielibysmy zaczac propagowac w polsce idee handlu prawami do emisji\nzanieczyszczen . dlatego tez prosilbym o przeslanie , najlepiej droga emailowa\nmaterialow dotyczacych tej koncepji - glownie chodzi mi o strone\n" merytoryczna " .\nz powazaniem ,\nadam brulinski']
["Subject: miscellaneous \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 17 / 99 03 : 46\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ndscottl @ . com on 12 / 17 / 99 03 : 34 : 44 pm\nto : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : miscellaneous\nsorry i ' m just now getting back to you . here are some answers to your\nquestions .\nwaskom is a field in east texas ( harrison county ) where we purchase gas from\npennzenergy at the bryson c . p . and jeter # 2 wells . the gas is termed up to\nnew\nwaskom gas gathering ( nwgg ) through june 2001 ( the term of the pennzenergy\npurchase ) . we then buy the gas back from nwgg into our tetco east texas pool\n. . . also termed up through 6 / 01 .\nvirginia field used to be associated with ngpl , but several years ago\npennzenergy worked out a processing arrangement with corpus christi gas\ngathering , so the gas is now termed up with ccgm through 6 / 01 . . . priced off\nof\nthe houston ship channel .\njennings ranch used to flow into ngpl through a gathering line , but a couple\nof\nyears ago ngpl sold that line to midcon texas , so we now handle it as another\nmidcon texas property . sometimes we sell it at the meter to midcon texas\n( kn ) ,\nand sometimes we ship it through midcon to our ngpl south texas pool .\ncarthage : altra picks up their gas in their cartwheel agreement . the\nagreement we nominate on is also a cartwheel agreement . it is not much\ndifferent than a hub agreement , except it allows title tracking . tgt on the\nwhiteboard refers to texas gas . . . east ohio takes their gas into texas gas on\na couple of different transport contracts .\nlet me know if you have more questions .\ndavid"]
['Subject: re : purge of old contract _ event _ status \nfyi - what do you all think ?\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by brenda f herod / hou / ect on 12 / 20 / 99 08 : 19\nam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : dave nommensen on 12 / 17 / 99 05 : 29 pm\nto : scotty gilbert / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : george smith / hou / ect @ ect , edward terry / hou / ect @ ect , katherine l\nkelly / hou / ect @ ect , bryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , randall l gay / hou / ect @ ect ,\nbrenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , richard pinion / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : purge of old contract _ event _ status\njust to clarify , its not the relative age of the production date , but the age\nof the event itself .\nd . n .\nto : george smith , edward terry / hou / ect @ ect , katherine l kelly / hou / ect @ ect ,\nbryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , randall l gay / hou / ect @ ect , brenda f\nherod / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : richard pinion / hou / ect @ ect , dave nommensen / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : purge of old contract _ event _ status\ndo any of you see a problem with limiting this to the current month or\ncurrent month + 1\nneed to know soon\nscotty\nfrom : dave nommensen 12 / 17 / 99 03 : 25 pm\nto : scotty gilbert / hou / ect @ ect , richard pinion / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : trisha luong / hou / ect @ ect , benedicta tung / hou / ect @ ect , diane e\nniestrath / hou / ect @ ect , dave mcmullan / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : purge of old contract _ event _ status\nscotty / richard ,\nour dbas would like to see what we can do to reduce the qty of rows in\ncontract _ event _ status . we have over 1 gig of data in that table . i would\nlike to suggest we have a nightly or weekly or monthly process to delete any\nrow with a last _ mod _ date over a month ( or two ) old . so if someone balances\nfebruary 1999 this month , we will keep it around for a month ( or two ) .\ndoes any one else have a desire to keep this data for a shorter / longer period\nof time ?\nthis is not an audit table . this is just a " log " every nom / track / balance / edi\nsend / fax send / sched qty / quick response since the beginning of time .\nd . n .']
['Subject: leadership development progress \nthank you again for participating in the leadership development vendor\nselection process in december .\nbased on the decisions we made at the meeting , we are ready to conduct a\npilot february 8 - 10 of six modules from wilson learning corporation .\nthe purpose of the pilot is to evaluate wilson learning materials and\nfacilitators and present a portion of the leadership curriculum . we will\nalso pilot the communications module for non - supervisory employees .\nwe ask that you invite 1 - 2 managers from your group to participate and\nevaluate the modules . participants should plan to complete a minimum of two\nmodules . in addition , you are invited to participate in as many as you\nwould like . we are also opening this pilot to managers throughout ena to\nensure\nthat the material adapts well we are currently completing the curriculum\ndesign\nand plan to have information available in february .\nas you may remember these are the decisions we reached at the meeting in\ndecember :\n* use southwest performance group ( swp ) and wilson learning products as our\nprimary vendor and achieve global as a secondary .\n* create an enron faculty of outside facilitators that meet our specified\nrequirements .\n* ensure that the skills in our curriculum are matched to different levels\nof manager .\n* ensure that we incorporate data available from consultants currently\nworking with energy\noperations\n* incorporate current enron course offerings into ena curriculum\nattached for your review are :\n* facilitator profile\n* curriculum table - mapping skills to courses\ndescriptions of each module are also attached for your review\nthe following are half - day sessions . supervisors may sign up for any or all\ndepending on their need . it would be helpful if supervisors attend a minimum\nof two modules . we need to have a minimum of 9 participants for the course\nto be effective . as an added bonus , i will cover the cost of attending the\npilot . ( as you may remember , cost for attending programs in 2000 will be\ncharged back to the business unit )\ndate module time target audience\nfeb . 8 meeting leadership challenges 8 - 12 am supervisors with less\nthan 6 months experience\nworking styles 1 - 5 pm any supervisor\nfeb . 9 coaching to performance 8 - 12 am any supervisor\nmotivating for results 1 - 5 pm any supervisor\nfeb . 10 communicating effectively 8 - 12 am any employee\ndelegating and directing 1 - 5 pm any supervisor\nother details :\n* sessions will be held in room 560 .\n* participants should plan to attend a minimum of two sessions .\n* please call gracie presas to register by february 1 .\n* descriptions of each module are provided in the attachment .\nif you have further questions concerning this pilot , please contact me at\n3 - 7394 . again , thank you for all your work in this importanct effort !']
["Subject: jeff skilling - visit to south america \nwe have final confirmation for the week of march 19 th . i will send a preliminary agenda out asap . at this time we are planning a one day visit in buenos aires , sao paulo , brasilia and rio . our overall business review will be in sao paulo . at this point we are trying to schedule argentina for monday in order to minimize travel time .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by orlando gonzalez / sa / enron on 15 / 02 / 2001 11 : 28 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nto : orlando gonzalez / sa / enron @ enron\ncc :\nsubject : visit to south america\norlando , i have firm dates for you now for jeff ' s visit to so . america .\nhe is scheduled to arrive in sao paulo on monday , march 19 at 9 : 20 a . m . on the continental non - stop flight from houston . he is scheduled to depart sao paulo on sunday , march 25 at 10 : 45 p . m . he is available to you monday through friday that week , but wishes to arrive in rio around mid - day on friday , march 23 , to take some personal time over the weekend .\njeff would like to hold employee meetings in the sao paulo , rio , and buenos aires offices in addition to visiting with customers and government officials . if it is important for him to travel to bolivia , he will do it . if he does indeed travel to bolivia , please advise of any visas , etc . , that are required .\nplease send me an outline of where and when he will travel as soon as possible . many thanks for your assistance . srs\n"]
['Subject: re : creditmanager net meeting \naidan ,\nyes , this will work for us .\nvince\n" aidan mc nulty " on 12 / 16 / 99 08 : 36 : 14 am\nto : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : creditmanager net meeting\nvincent , i cannot rearrange my schedule for tomorrow so i would like to\nconfirm that we will have a net - meeting of creditmanager on friday 7 th of\njanuary at 9 . 30 your time .\nregards\naidan mc nulty\n212 981 7422']
["Subject: out on vacation \nfyi ,\ni will be out of the office ( actually out of the country ) starting from\n22 nd of dec 1999 through the 20 th of jan 2000 . i will be back in the\noffice on the 21 st of jan 2000 .\nin my absence please contact the following persons for any pops\nsupport questions / problems :\nchristine pham ext 34202\nshawn macphail ext 31837\npops support pager : 713 - 796 - 4149 ( pages oncall personell )\npops support cellular : 713 - 562 - 2458 ( oncall person carries this cell phone )\nhave a great holiday season ,\nromeo d ' souza"]
["Subject: re : weights ? nice . \nhey . i saw this sunrise from my place this morning . granted it didn ' t look as cool as it probably did from up here , but it was pretty sweet . it was so orange and pinkish . i wasn ' t here too late last night which ruled . yeah , i went to bally ' s and did the cross country machine and the stairmaster . funny . i look like such a retard on those machines , but anyways . i guess that place it ok , but i just feel really self - conscious when i am there . at the enron gym in houston i just felt more at ease or something . i wanted to go into the free weight area to do some lunges and tricep work last night , but the meatheads scared me off . it was pretty lame i admit , but what can i say ? anyhoo , coffee sounds good to me as it usually does . let me know when is good for you ( maybe 9 ish ) ."]
['Subject: global risk management operations \ncongratulations on your new role . well deserved . hope things are going well\nfor you .\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bill gulyassy / hou / ees on 01 / 18 / 2000 05 : 37\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nrick causey @ enron\n01 / 17 / 2000 06 : 04 pm\nsent by : enron announcements @ enron\nto : all enron worldwide\ncc :\nsubject : global risk management operations\nrecognizing enron \x01 , s increasing worldwide presence in the wholesale energy\nbusiness and the need to insure outstanding internal controls for all of our\nrisk management activities , regardless of location , a global risk management\noperations function has been created under the direction of sally w . beck ,\nvice president . in this role , sally will report to rick causey , executive\nvice president and chief accounting officer .\nsally \x01 , s responsibilities with regard to global risk management operations\nwill mirror those of other recently created enron global functions . in this\nrole , sally will work closely with all enron geographic regions and wholesale\ncompanies to insure that each entity receives individualized regional support\nwhile also focusing on the following global responsibilities :\n1 . enhance communication among risk management operations professionals .\n2 . assure the proliferation of best operational practices around the globe .\n3 . facilitate the allocation of human resources .\n4 . provide training for risk management operations personnel .\n5 . coordinate user requirements for shared operational systems .\n6 . oversee the creation of a global internal control audit plan for risk\nmanagement activities .\n7 . establish procedures for opening new risk management operations offices\nand create key benchmarks for measuring on - going risk controls .\neach regional operations team will continue its direct reporting relationship\nwithin its business unit , and will collaborate with sally in the delivery of\nthese critical items . the houston - based risk management operations team under\nsue frusco \x01 , s leadership , which currently supports risk management activities\nfor south america and australia , will also report directly to sally .\nsally retains her role as vice president of energy operations for enron\nnorth america , reporting to the ena office of the chairman . she has been in\nher current role over energy operations since 1997 , where she manages risk\nconsolidation and reporting , risk management administration , physical product\ndelivery , confirmations and cash management for ena \x01 , s physical commodity\ntrading , energy derivatives trading and financial products trading .\nsally has been with enron since 1992 , when she joined the company as a\nmanager in global credit . prior to joining enron , sally had four years\nexperience as a commercial banker and spent seven years as a registered\nsecurities principal with a regional investment banking firm . she also owned\nand managed a retail business for several years .\nplease join me in supporting sally in this additional coordination role for\nglobal risk management operations .']
['Subject: revised date for tw cash for fuel meeting \ni have re - scheduled this meeting to discuss system changes on " tw cash for\nfuel " for this friday , june 16 th\nat 9 : 00 to 10 : 30 in room 4102 . please adjust your schedules .\nthanks ramona\nramona betancourt\n06 / 12 / 2000 09 : 55 am\nto : julia white / et & s / enron @ enron , sheila nacey / et & s / enron @ enron , elizabeth\nbrown / et & s / enron @ enron , john buchanan / et & s / enron @ enron , cynthia\nrivers / et & s / enron @ enron , linda ward / et & s / enron @ enron , darrell\nschoolcraft / et & s / enron @ enron , christine stokes / et & s / enron @ enron , hasan\nkedwaii / et & s / enron @ enron , david duff / et & s / enron @ enron , gerry\nmedeles / et & s / enron @ enron , lynn blair / et & s / enron @ enron , lorraine\nlindberg / et & s / enron @ enron , richard hanagriff / et & s / enron @ enron , debbie\nmoseley / et & s / enron @ enron , linda trevino / et & s / enron @ enron , jeanne\nlicciardo / et & s / enron @ enron\ncc : kevin hyatt / et & s / enron @ enron , tk lohman / et & s / enron @ enron , jeffery\nfawcett / et & s / enron @ enron , susan scott / et & s / enron @ enron , steven\njanuary / et & s / enron @ enron , mary darveaux / et & s / enron @ enron , steven\nharris / et & s / enron @ enron\nsubject : tw cash for fuel meeting\nplease plan to attend a follow up meeting to discuss possible system changes\nneeded to implement tw cash for fuel tariff changes . the it staff is in the\nprocess ot trying to prepare a draft estimate for system cost , and have many\nquestions on this process . i have attached the draft of system changes that\ni put together last month based on the meeting that we had with marketing .\nwe will be discussing this list of proposed system requirements to determine\nif additional changes are needed .\nthe meeting is wednesday 6 / 14 / 00 at 9 : 00 to 10 : 30 in room 4053 a\nthanks ramona']
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (

After the Enron debacle / scandal in the USA, a dataset of 600,000 emails of 158 employees was made public by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. It was later bought by MIT and processed, with some redactions and deletions of attachments. Versions of that dataset are still available at the US Library of Congress and at Wikipedia has a good summary as well, at

Various subsets of this dataset can be found on the internet, including at Github, HuggingFace and Kaggle. An often-used subset was produced by researchers at the Greek Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, as described in their paper [Metsis]. The authors of this paper selected six Enron employees with large email volumes, and produced the dataset in order to analyze and test various kinds of spam filters, including several Naïve Bayes versions. My CSV file contains this particular dataset, containing 33,716 emails, of which 17,171 are spam. I included the Subject concatenated with Contents, as well as the original file names in a separate column.

[Metsis] Metsis, V., Androutsopoulos, I., & Paliouras. G., Spam filtering with naive bayes-which naive bayes? Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS 2006), Mountain View, CA, USA, 2006.

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