the winner there will represent the st. louis area in the scripps national spelling bee.
the winner there will go to the national spelling bee.
a spokesman for scripps said the competition periodically has participants who are blind including a girl from oklahoma a few years ago who made it to the third round.
a spokesman for scripps said other kids who are blind have bee in the national bee.
a spokesman for scripps said the competition periodically has participants who are blind.
a spokesman for scripps said other kids who are blind have bee in the national bee.
a spokesman for scripps said the competition periodically has participants who are blind including a girl from oklahoma a few years ago who made it to the third round.
a spokesman for scripps said other kids who are blind have been in the national bee before.
a spokesman for scripps said the competition periodically has participants who are blind.
a spokesman for scripps said other kids who are blind have been in the national bee before.
a spokesman for scripps said the competition periodically has participants who are blind including a girl from oklahoma a few years ago who made it to the third round.
one was a girl from oklahoma a few years ago who made it to the third round.
a spokesman for scripps said the competition periodically has participants who are blind including a girl from oklahoma a few years ago who made it to the third round.
one was a girl from oklahoma a few years ago.
but the contest has made accommodations in the past for other children with disabilities.
but the contest has done things to assist other children with disabilities in the past.
richie s accommodations for the written test are still being worked out.
what will be done to assist richie on the written test that comes before the final is still being worked out.
richie s accommodations for the written test are still being worked out.
what will be done to assist richie on the written test is still being worked out.
richie s accommodations for the written test are still being worked out.
they are still figuring out what can be done for richie on the written test.
what will be done to assist richie on the written test that comes before the final is still being worked out.
they are still figuring out what can be done for richie on the written test.
what will be done to assist richie on the written test is still being worked out.
they are still figuring out what can be done for richie on the written test.
it could be that someone will write his answers for him or he could use his braille machine to type them out.
he also might use his braille machine to type them out.
someone might write his answers for him or he could use his braille machine to type them out.
he also might use his braille machine to type them out.
along with that trophy the school ordered richie a plaque one with enough room to mark his win with printed letters and also in braille.
it has enough room to mark his win with printed letters and also in braille.
some of mexico s largest export farms have acted in recent weeks to improve conditions for farmworkers installing toilets and beds reforming pay methods and ousting stores from labor camps that charge inflated prices to a virtually captive clientele.
in recent weeks however some of mexico s largest export farms have acted to improve conditions.
in recent weeks however some of mexico s largest export farms have acted to improve conditions.
last week many of mexico s largest farms said they would work together to improve working conditions.
then last week the drive to end abusive practices endured by thousands of laborers received another boost.
then last week the drive to improve conditions for farm laborers received another boost.
mexico s produce industry acting under the leadership of the secretary of agriculture created an alliance aimed at improving conditions across the nation s fertile produce regions.
mexico s produce industry announced that it has formed an alliance aimed at improving working conditions.
mexico s produce industry acting under the leadership of the secretary of agriculture created an alliance aimed at improving working conditions.
mexico s produce industry announced that it has formed an alliance aimed at improving working conditions.
and wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its effort to force improvements up and down its supply chain.
at the same time wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its own effort to bring about improvements.
and wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its effort to force improvements up and down its supply chain.
at the same time wal mart announced its own effort to bring about improvements.
at the same time wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its own effort to bring about improvements.
at the same time wal mart announced it too would work to improve the treatment of farmworkers.
at the same time wal mart announced its own effort to bring about improvements.
at the same time wal mart announced it too would work to improve the treatment of farmworkers.
and wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its effort to force improvements up and down its supply chain.
wal mart s involvement is important because it imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
at the same time wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its own effort to bring about improvements.
wal mart s involvement is important because it imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
wal mart s involvement is important because it imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
experts said wal mart is an important company.
and wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its effort to force improvements up and down its supply chain.
the company imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
wal mart s involvement is important because it imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
the company imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
and wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its effort to force improvements up and down its supply chain.
it buys more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
at the same time wal mart which imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company announced its own effort to bring about improvements.
it buys more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
wal mart s involvement is important because it imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
it buys more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
the company imports more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
it buys more fruits and vegetables from mexico than any other u.s. company.
the moves came two months after the los angeles times documented mistreatment of farmworkers at these big export agribusinesses.
just two months ago a study of farm workers at big mexican export farms revealed widespread mistreatment.
the moves came two months after the los angeles times documented mistreatment of farm workers at big mexican export farms.
just two months ago a study of farm workers at big mexican export farms revealed widespread mistreatment.
the question now confronting the mexican industry and its american retail customers is how these changes will actually work what it will take to move from the broad strokes announced in press releases into life changing improvements for peasant workers at loosely regulated farm labor camps.
the question now confronting the mexican produce industry and its american retail customers is how these changes will actually work.
one thing is clear wal mart and other u.s. retailers will probably have to take on a bigger role in enforcing worker standards a potentially costly prospect.
one thing that is clear is that wal mart and other u.s. retailers will probably have to take on a bigger role in enforcing worker standards despite the expense.
one thing is clear wal mart and other u.s. retailers will probably have to take on a bigger role in enforcing worker standards a potentially costly prospect.
wal mart and other u.s. companies will probably have to take on a bigger role in enforcing worker standards.
one thing that is clear is that wal mart and other u.s. retailers will probably have to take on a bigger role in enforcing worker standards despite the expense.
wal mart and other u.s. companies will probably have to take on a bigger role in enforcing worker standards.
retailers are stuck between a rock and a hard place said jim prevor a produce industry analyst.
supermarkets restaurants and companies like wal mart are stuck between a rock and a hard place said jim prevor a produce industry expert.
but on the other hand they feel that consumers care and want the retailer to assure whatever is sold in their stores meets certain standards.
on the other hand more and more of their customers care about the treatment of farm workers and are demanding that whatever is sold in their stores meets certain standards.
it is unclear how much it would cost agribusinesses which number in the hundreds to create better living conditions for produce workers.
it is unclear how much it would cost large farming companies which number in the hundreds to create better living conditions for their produce workers.
it is unclear how much it would cost agribusinesses which number in the hundreds to create better living conditions for produce workers.
it is unclear how much it will cost to create better living conditions for produce workers.
it is unclear how much it would cost large farming companies which number in the hundreds to create better living conditions for their produce workers.
it is unclear how much it will cost to create better living conditions for produce workers.
some would have to upgrade their housing and bathroom facilities replacing old corrugated metal siding with modern materials.
some will have to improve worker housing and bathrooms.
some farms would have to upgrade housing and bathrooms.
some will have to improve worker housing and bathrooms.
some would have to subsidize new labor camp stores that offer everyday goods at cost.
some would have to subsidize new labor camp stores that offer everyday goods cheaply.
some would have to subsidize new labor camp stores that offer everyday goods at cost.
some would have to help pay for new labor camp stores that offer everyday goods cheaply.
some would have to subsidize new labor camp stores that offer everyday goods cheaply.
some would have to help pay for new labor camp stores that offer everyday goods cheaply.
the main expenses would involve instituting and maintaining an auditing system that ensures that workers rights including weekly access to wages are honored.
one major expense would be developing and maintaining a system that ensures workers rights including weekly access to wages.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers visiting farms and holding seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
wal mart has long had teams of inspectors overseeing the farms it buys from.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers.
wal mart has long had teams of inspectors overseeing the farms it buys from.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers visiting farms and holding seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
wal mart already has teams of inspectors who visit farms the company buys from.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers.
wal mart already has teams of inspectors who visit farms the company buys from.
wal mart has long had teams of inspectors overseeing the farms it buys from.
wal mart already has teams of inspectors who visit farms the company buys from.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers.
wal mart already has inspectors who visit farms.
wal mart has long had teams of inspectors overseeing the farms it buys from.
wal mart already has inspectors who visit farms.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers visiting farms and holding seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
their inspectors visit farms and hold seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers visiting farms and holding seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
inspectors visit farms and give talks on how to follow wal mart standards.
their inspectors visit farms and hold seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
inspectors visit farms and give talks on how to follow wal mart standards.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers visiting farms and holding seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
the inspectors give talks on how wal mart wants farm workers to be treated.
their inspectors visit farms and hold seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
the inspectors give talks on how wal mart wants farm workers to be treated.
inspectors visit farms and give talks on how to follow wal mart standards.
the inspectors give talks on how wal mart wants farm workers to be treated.
wal mart for years has had teams of inspectors overseeing its suppliers visiting farms and holding seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
the inspectors give talks on how wal mart wants farmworkers to be treated.
their inspectors visit farms and hold seminars on how to comply with wal mart standards.
the inspectors give talks on how wal mart wants farmworkers to be treated.
inspectors visit farms and give talks on how to follow wal mart standards.
the inspectors give talks on how wal mart wants farmworkers to be treated.
but the failures of the oversight system suggest that the current approach is superficial.
however the failures of the oversight system suggest that the current approach is superficial.
it can be a difficult task especially when farms have labor camps scattered in remote locations and owners are n t always forthcoming about their operations.
the task may prove difficult especially when farm labor camps are scattered in remote locations and owners are not forthcoming about their operations.
the task may prove difficult especially when farm labor camps are scattered in remote locations and owners are not forthcoming about their operations.
one problem is that the labor camps where farm workers live are often scattered in remote locations.
when you go down to these places you basically see what they choose to show you said devon zagory a produce industry consultant who has audited farms in mexico.
when you go down to these places you basically see what they choose to show you said devon zagory a produce industry expert.
when you go down to these places you basically see what they choose to show you said devon zagory a produce industry consultant who has audited farms in mexico.
when you go down to these places you basically see what they choose to show you said farming expert devon zagory.
when you go down to these places you basically see what they choose to show you said devon zagory a produce industry consultant who has audited farms in mexico.
you basically see what they choose to show you said farming expert devon zagory.
when you go down to these places you basically see what they choose to show you said devon zagory a produce industry expert.
you basically see what they choose to show you said farming expert devon zagory.
monitoring systems that focus on surprise or multiple inspections annually and interviewing workers are among the best ways to get a clearer picture of labor conditions say experts.
experts say frequent and surprise inspections and interviewing workers are among the best ways to get a clearer picture of labor conditions.
monitoring systems that focus on surprise or multiple inspections annually and interviewing workers are among the best ways to get a clearer picture of labor conditions experts say.
experts say frequent and surprise inspections and interviewing workers are among the best ways to get a clearer picture of labor conditions.
but such audits take longer and cost more added expenses that conflict with wal mart s cost crunching approach.
however such an approach takes longer and costs more and thus conflicts with wal mart s drive to cut costs.
however such an approach takes longer and costs more and thus conflicts with wal mart s drive to cut costs.
however doing things that way takes longer and costs more money.
however such an approach takes longer and costs more.
however doing things that way takes longer and costs more money.
however such an approach takes longer and costs more.
but it takes longer and costs more to do things that way experts said.
however doing things that way takes longer and costs more money.
but it takes longer and costs more to do things that way experts said.
some growers with good reputations on labor issues say though not publicly that wal mart consistently partners with producers with the lowest prices regardless of labor conditions.
they say the company consistently buys from farms with the lowest prices regardless of labor conditions.
some growers with good reputations on labor issues say wal mart consistently partners with producers with the lowest prices regardless of labor conditions.
they say the company consistently buys from farms with the lowest prices regardless of labor conditions.
they say the company consistently buys from farms with the lowest prices regardless of labor conditions.
they say the company buys from farms with the lowest prices no matter how the workers are treated.
some growers with good reputations on labor issues say wal mart consistently partners with producers with the lowest prices regardless of labor conditions.
they said the company buys from farms with the lowest prices.
such an approach is risky as more consumers demand that their food be produced in an ethical manner.
such an approach is risky as more consumers demand that their food be produced in a fair and just manner.
such an approach is risky as more consumers demand that their food be produced in an ethical manner.
more u.s. customers these days are demanding that food be produced in a fair and just manner.
such an approach is risky as more consumers demand that their food be produced in a fair and just manner.
more u.s. customers these days are demanding that food be produced in a fair and just manner.
the extra cost is less damaging than the tarnished reputation of being linked to labor abuses for wal mart as well as other retailers said emily miggins a former sustainability manager at safeway.
the extra cost of inspections is less damaging than being linked to labor abuses said emily miggins a former manager at the supermarket chain safeway.
at a minimum these retailers need to take a little more pride in their product in their brand in their labor.
companies like wal mart need to take a little more pride in their product in their brand in their labor she added.
most large u.s. retailers and restaurant chains import mexican produce.
most large u.s. retailers and restaurant chains import much of their produce from farms in mexico.
every morning daniel stowell reads the newspaper on his ipad over breakfast.
every morning over breakfast historian and author daniel stowell combs through the newspaper to get a head start on his workday.
every morning daniel stowell reads the newspaper on his ipad over breakfast.
every morning historian and author daniel stowell gets a head start on his workday.
he is director and editor of the papers of abraham lincoln at the lincoln presidential library and museum in springfield illinois and he and his co workers have a goal employ modern technology to make historical lincoln documents accessible to anyone with a computer.
stowell is the director and editor of the papers of abraham lincoln at the lincoln presidential library and museum in springfield illinois.
he is director and editor of the papers of abraham lincoln at the lincoln presidential library and museum in springfield illinois and he and his co workers have a goal employ modern technology to make historical lincoln documents accessible to anyone with a computer.
stowell and his co workers are using modern technology to make historical lincoln papers accessible to anyone with a computer.
so far they have posted online about legal documents from lincoln s law career and are chronicling as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.
so far they have posted about documents online as well as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.
so far they have posted about documents online as well as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.
so far they have put about documents online.
and they ve posted about legal documents from lincoln s law career online.
they are also posting as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.
so far they have posted online about legal documents from lincoln s law career and are chronicling as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.
they are also posting as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.
so far they have posted about documents online as well as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.
they are also posting as many day to day events in lincoln s life as possible.