stringlengths 38
| log_id
stringlengths 16
| interests
stringlengths 0
| date
stringlengths 14
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: Do u want to see it
Stranger: U cute Strange ice legs
Stranger: Do u show?
Stranger: Mmm
Stranger: Wow gorgeous
You: HEY
Stranger: Me 2
Stranger: Just all in black
Stranger: Lol yeh
Stranger: Thats the thing u dont
Stranger: U made me so hard
Stranger: Y not.
Stranger: Down for the ass
Stranger: Where u going
Stranger: Do u show ?
You: NO
Stranger: Not even a bit ?
You: NO
Stranger: Can i see some pleas
Stranger: U got cute boobs
Stranger: Pop one out Strange r show some ass Strange
Stranger: Yo?
Stranger: ??
Stranger: Move back so can see
Stranger: Can u get one out
Stranger: Push them together
Stranger: Im so close can u do more
You: NO
Stranger: Y
You: GB | e60e46d24fafc156 | college | 20230313220004 |
Stranger: m
You: a Yo i how are ya
You: you wanna medal for that
You: or not
You: how about that trump guy am i right
Stranger: Imao
Stranger: what a crazy dude!
You: ikr!
Stranger: and that weather!?!?
You: depends on where you are
Stranger: it sucks!
Stranger: just overall
You: true true
Stranger: weather as a whole
You: nor easter
Stranger: also, waiting on my medal
You: gotta earn it
Stranger: how does one do so
You: run a marathon
Stranger: TOO MUCH
You: probably
You: or join that military
Stranger: i guess no medals
You: sadly
Stranger: u got a snap?
You: hold up
Stranger: holding
You: fudge500
Stranger: hmm
You: the subreddit
Stranger: i was gonna say
Stranger: logan?
You: ya
Stranger: ohn
You: what
Stranger: genuinely thought you were a girl
You: you are on the internet theres no girls here
Stranger: screech
You: aaa
Stranger: gtg
You: see ya | e6172bb667151e36 | 20180321201326 |
Stranger: F18
You: 19m
Stranger: Hey
You: wassup?
Stranger: Nothing guess Im just super horny rn Oo
You: omg same
You: xD
Stranger: So what are you into?
You: hmm, eating girls out? :p
Stranger: Nice
You: do you wanna be eaten out? :)
Stranger: Yes omg Yo would like to have a taste of ya
You: ;)
Stranger: Pls lol ;)
You: Ill caress your breasts first hh | e61ca9979695eec6 | Wet | 20171119073216 |
Stranger: hi
You: Hi
You: im steve
Stranger: choot
You: i used to work at target
Stranger: im ashish
You: i got fired when i tried to run away from my job
Stranger: good
You: please
You: send help
Stranger: ok
You: how do i kill my self?
Stranger: get any girl and fuck her
You: im homeless
You: i have 17 lambroghinis in my account
Stranger: why
You:no one loves me
You: my wife left me fora dead guy
Stranger: why
Stranger: your dick length
You: im steve. im 37. i used to work at target until i told this dude on omegle i wanted to die
You: he told me to go on adventures
You: i got fired the next day Yo stead of saying, thatll be 93 cents
You: i have to say
You: can i have 93 cents
Stranger: great
You: please
You: #pray4steve2k16
Stranger: are want to fuck any girl
Stranger: ? | e61f1e1dd9726a19 | 20201108132409 |
Stranger: Horny m
You: horny f
Stranger: Age?
You: 19 hbu
Stranger: 21
You: nice
Stranger: You got snap?
You: yep
You: gayindisguise123
Stranger: Whats yours? | e625a87f1bc4f248 | YouTube | 20201107223444 |
You: Human AU, New York. Stiles (20) is a son of one of the richest and most powerful men in the States, Derek is a southside trash. They met when Stiles walked into a neighborhood he wasnt supposed to be at, someone wanted to rob him, but Derek saved him. Stiles lied and told Derek that he had nowhere to go, because he really wanted to see how people lived there and how different life was (and also because he is just a curious and noisy little fucker) and Derek allowed him to stay the night at his place. Derek doesnt know who Stiles parents are and Stiles wasnt wearing anything fancy back then, so it was impossible to tell that his family is rich. Derek is a little older than Stiles, hes grumpy and kinda rough. Stiles is very optimistic, full of energy and love for everything and everyone, theyre obviously very different, but opposites attract and they have incredible chemistry and both of them knows it. After that night they kept seeing each other and Stiles stays at Dereks place sometimes, but theyre just friends, nothing happened between them yet. Look, tough guy, have a question, but theres a big chance that youll want to punch me if ask it straight to your face, so Ill do it like this. Its not just one question actually and its really personal. Ready? SS
Stranger: We all know couldnt hit you. Youre too twinky. Id break you, and then Id be even more grumpy than usual. Alright shoot. -DH
You: Aww, Der, thats sweet! SS
You: So, the first question. Youre attracted to guys, right? SS
Stranger: Mhm. Sweet. Sure. -DH
Stranger: mean the occasional guy. Ive given a couple of bro jobs. -DH
You: Bro jobs, oh god. SS
Stranger: Guys like me have a hard time coming OUT. You know? -DH
You: The next question. Lets imagine you have a friend. Im not saying you dont have any, but this one is just hypothetical. Mark. SS
You: Oh. God. SS
Stranger: Stiles where you going with this? Are you coming out to me or telling me you hate gays? Im lost. -DH
You: Mark, were talking about Mark. Ugh, you never listen to me. SS
Stranger: Im listening to you. Mark. Mark. My friend. -DH
Stranger: You tlak a lot. Ive got to tune you out a little bit, princess. -DH
You: Ugh. SS.
You: So. Mark is really inexperienced. Like, at all. Never even kissed anyone. And hes your friend and he kinda looks nice, probably. Lets say he asked you to help him out. Would you hate the idea? SS
Stranger: Help him out? How would help him out? Im not really one to be a practice dummy unless were together. -DH
You: Its not exactly like a practice dummy. SS.
You: Its just that the first time is ridiculously important to Mark and hed want it to happen with someone significant. SS
Stranger: Oh. He would want me to sleep with him? Just sleep with him? No strings attached just really good sex as friends? -DH
You: Um, guess. SS
Stranger: You guess? You dont have a hyper realistic answer for your hypothetical question? - DH
Stranger: By the way how hot is Mark? Maybe give him my number ;) -DH
You: have answers for all the questions, this one is just a bit puzzling. SS
You: Hmm... Just like me. Were almost like twins except that we arent. SS
Stranger: Stiles. Id sleep with you, but... if we did... think Id want more than just sex after that. like it when youre here, and if youre already in my bed and my home, you might as well just stick around for everything else too. Its hard for a guy like me to come OUT, but Id do it for a guy like you. -DH
You: ...Really? SS
You: Youd want more with me? SS
Stranger: Yeah. like you. From the moment woke up to coffee the first night you stayed over Ive just wanted to take care of you. Youre precious. dont exactly feel like know you that well, but want to chance to get to know you. -DH
You: You wont like me when youll know me. SS
Stranger: Thats not true. Youre sweet and kind of brilliant. like you. -DH
You: Der. Theres something you dont know. Like, a big skeleton in my closet. SS
Stranger: Are you gay, because OH MY GOD knew. -DH
You: No, god, not that. Its not even a secret. SS
Stranger: know. Just trying to lighten. Whats up buttercup? Whats this big secret. You kill someone? You been to prison? Are you homeless? -DH
You: My last name is Stilinski. SS
Stranger: Hahaha. Very funny. -DH
Stranger: Shit just googled you. -DH
Stranger: Shit. -DH
You: Yeah. Shit. SS
Stranger: Well fuck. Im way out of my league here. Im... Sorry. thought. Fuck I dont know what thought. It was stupid. -DH
You: What are you even talking about, Der? Jesus, youre not - not way out of anyones league, okay? Youre amazing and great. SS
Stranger: Youre sweet hun, but youre parents would disown you if you brought me home. Ima mechanic. You could do so much better. And dont mean money. Youre not shallow. You could meet someone as intelligent as you. You have like 4 different bachelors. Your wiki page makes me feel incredibly inadequate. -DH
You: No offense, but shut up, Derek. SS
You: No one would disown me, it may surprise you, but actually have a loving family. They accept me and theyd accept whoever brought home as my boyfriend. SS
Stranger: Stiles youve slept on my couch. You know reuse water bottles. What do you want me to say? -DH
You: That you forgive me for not telling you this and take me back. SS
Stranger: bet their loving, but Im not... Like you. It would be hard for them to see me as more than just some punk, and wouldnt blame them. Im kind of a tool. -DH
Stranger: Stiles youre always welcome here, but wont lie and say Im just ok with you keeping this from me for so long. -DH
Stranger: am a little upset. -DH
You: Im sorry. was afraid of exactly this to happen. never wanted to hurt you. Or keep anything from you. SS.
Stranger: Stiles dont care that you have money. adore you. It does kind of hurt. Like you deemed me unimportant and not worth information. Even though get it. Im not your usual type. wouldve been nervous telling you too. -DH
Stranger: Its going to be fine. still adore you, alright? -DH
You: No more secrets, promise. SS
Stranger: Nothing else? Youre not like engaged or have eight kids or anything crazy? -DH
You: Just three. SS
Stranger: Well thats fine then. Three is a reasonable number. -DH
You: Seriously though. Their names are Winston, Jet and Mason. SS
Stranger: You have three children, but youve never been kissed. -DH
Stranger: Are they puppies? -DH
Stranger: know you love dogs. -DH
You: Im offended! SS
You: They are adult dogs. SS.
Stranger: Wow. You have three adult children. This might be a problem. -DH
You: You should meet them. Theyre gonna love you. Though theyre kinda slutty that way. Love everyone. And mean it, everyone. SS
Stranger: That sounds cute. So you want me to come over and meet the gang? As your friend? Or as your boyfriend? Stiles Im not going to lie that scares the shit out of me. -DH
You: Being my boyfriend, coming to my house or having the shit loved out of you by my slutty adult kids? SS
Stranger: Alright. Fuck. Im coming out with me gay heir. Thats exactly what needed today. -DH
You: So... Are we good? SS.
Stranger: Yes. understand. And you fessed up. And sometime in the next week or so know Im getting makeup sex. So were good. -DH
You: Im sorry, really gotta go now, would you like to continue this via email or something else, if you prefer?
Stranger: ((Yeah sure
You: Just sent you a message!
Stranger: ((Got it. Just reply there!
You: Alright, see you there! | e631d83a1bad2b54 | Sterek | 20170613172957 |
Stranger: M
You: xin cho
You: hihi
You: F
Stranger: Heyyy
Stranger: English? :(
You: yup
You: how u doin
Stranger: Can you speak English? 🥺
Stranger: Ooo you can
Stranger: m gooood you?
You: not good
Stranger: honestly find it so impressive how people can speak more than 1 language
Stranger: Why not good? :(
You: english is my second langague
Stranger: Oh thought you meant you werent doing good
Stranger: Sorry
You: yes i dont feel like good
You: and yes im not good at English :c
Stranger: You seem good to me :), why arent you good :
You: many things just suddenly happened
You: and i cant control it
Stranger: Oh m sorry can we talk on snap? :(
You: oh yes
Stranger: Whats your username
You: danhlamuse
You: mike? | e63e548dc3a833f2 | Tiktok | 20210322180604 |
You: hii
Stranger: Hi
You: https:/
You: rate this pls | e640838cf568e178 | engineering | 20170318204234 |
You: Hey there. Would you mind spending a few minutes to watch me jerk off? If not, thats perfectly fine. Feel free to skip. Hope you find something more to your liking next turn. Thanks for you time. Otherwise, just confirm that youre okay with watching me and confirm how old you are. If you wish to just sit back and watch, thats great. If you want to interact, wonderful! Feel free to show or not show whatever you wish. Or ask me anything. Its all good for me. ;)
You: how are you?
Stranger: Im good thanks, you?
You: not too bad.
Stranger: think thats the most polite omegel message Ive ever read
You: thanks.
You: try.
Stranger: think might give it a pass for now tho :) | e642303d62b9778b | 20191023223214 |
You: is you real
You: oris you dancer
Stranger: Yeah sm
Stranger: Im really
Stranger: Real*
You: thats exactly what a machine would say
Stranger: Lol no
You: how many fingers am i holding up?
Stranger: 2
You: how could i do that if im typing
You: a human would know that
Stranger: Lol idk
Stranger: Too many bots on here
You: on a scale from 1-10, whats yourname
Stranger: My names wolasmal but friends call me wolly
You: do you own a chocolate factory by any chance
You: asking for a friend
Stranger: dont
You: damn
Stranger: You a m by any chance,n
Stranger: ?
You: well see
You: i feel like im entitled to know first, since i cant Teally tell by your name
Stranger: Well Im a Male Imao
You:i ama REDACTED*
You: that means female in my language btw
Stranger: Oh lol what language?
You: wolaminese, its actually not very common at all but its a branch of asia
You: have you ever been to singapore?
Stranger: No Imao wolaminese
You: what
Stranger: That aint real
Stranger: Haha
You: like i said its not very common
You: have you been to singapore?
Stranger: Nope
You: yea i mean thats prolly why you think its not real
You: anyway, i currently live in kansas.
You: hbu
You: also how old are you
Stranger: Im in canada Im 15 wbu
You: you are young af
You:i am 16 and a half
Stranger: Year difference
You: but in china im about 19
Stranger: Youre funny
You: youre wolly
You: whatever that means
Stranger: Thanks?
You: yo so
You: where in canada
Stranger: Yo so its Ontario Mississauga
You: have you ever been to alaska
Stranger: Nah
Stranger: Btw doubt youre a female hahahaha
You: how have you not been to alaska or singapore and yet you pretend to know about the nonexistence of my people
Stranger: Idk
You: also yea the whole i doubt youre female thing
You: my bf would say the same thing to me all the time
You: so i dumped him
You: into the mississippi river
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: Whats your bfs name?
You: well i dumped him
You: and his name was willis
Stranger: What a coincidence
Stranger: Lmfao
You: actually he was also from canada
Stranger: Hahaha
Stranger: Oh god
You: are w names common there
Stranger: Not really
You: if so, i think i know where to find waldo
You: damn, i was really hoping
Stranger: Yeah
You: so what kind of things are you into, wallabee?
Stranger: Idk sorts, games, grills, family, gaming with friends and yeah
Stranger: Sports*
You: i like sorting too
Stranger: Family*
You: i once alphabetized all the toilet paper at my house
You: my dad was fuming
You: dad fuming my was*
Stranger: 0_o
Stranger: Lol k then
You: yea
Stranger: How bored are you Imao
You: on a scale from 1-10 | e64995a85fbef45a | 20160829204917 |
You: The history of all hitherto existing society(2) is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master(3) and journeyman, ina word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either ina revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes. In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations. The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. From the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the earliest towns. From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed. The discovery of America, the rounding of the Cape, opened up fresh ground for the rising bourgeoisie. The East-Indian and Chinese markets, the colonisation of America, trade with the colonies, the increase in the means of exchange and in commodities generally, gave to commerce, to navigation, to industry, an impulse never before known, and thereby, to the revolutionary element in the tottering feudal society, a rapid development. The feudal system of industry, in which industrial production was monopolised by closed guilds, now no longer sufficed for the growing wants of the new markets. The manufacturing system took its place. The guild-masters were pushed on one side by the manufacturing middle class; division of labour between the different corporate guilds vanished in the face of division of labour in each single workshop. Meantime the markets kept ever growing, the demand ever rising. Even manufacturer no longer sufficed. Thereupon, steam and machinery revolutionised industrial production. The place of manufacture was taken by the giant, Modern Industry; the place of the industrial middle class by industrial millionaires, the leaders of the whole industrial armies, the modern bourgeois. Modern industry has established the world market, for which the discovery of America paved the way. This market has given an immense development to commerce, to navigation, to communication by land. This development has, in its turn, reacted on the extension of industry; and in proportion as industry, commerce, navigation, railways extended, in the same proportion the bourgeoisie developed, increased its capital, and pushed into the background every class handed down from the Middle Ages. We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange. Each step in the development of the bourgeoisie was accompanied by a corresponding political advance of that class. An oppressed class under the sway of the feudal nobility, an armed and self-governing association in the medieval commune(4): here independent urban republic (as in Italy and Germany); there taxable third estate of the monarchy (as in France); afterwards, in the period of manufacturing proper, serving either the semi-feudal or the absolute monarchy as a counterpoise against the nobility, and, in fact, cornerstone of the great monarchies in general, the bourgeoisie has at last, since the establishment of Modern Industry and of the world market, conquered for itself, in the modern representative State, exclusive political sway. The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part. The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his natural superiors, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous cash payment. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation. The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers. The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation. The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of vigour in the Middle Ages, which reactionaries so much admire, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence. It has been the first to show what mans activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former Exoduses of nations and crusades. The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind. The need of a constantly expanding market for its products chases the bourgeoisie over the entire surface of the globe. It must nestle everywhere, settle everywhere, establish connexions everywhere. The bourgeoisie has through its exploitation of the world market given a cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country. To the great chagrin of Reactionists, it has drawn from under the feet of industry the national ground on which it stood. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed. They are dislodged by new industries, whose introduction becomes a life and death question for all civilised nations, by industries that no longer work up indigenous raw material, but raw material drawn from the remotest zones; industries whose products are consumed, not only at home, but in every quarter of the globe. In place of the old wants, satisfied by the production of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion and self- sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. And as in material, so also in intellectual production. The intellectual creations of individual nations become common property. National one-sidedness and narrow-mindedness become more and more impossible, and from the numerous national and local literatures, there arises a world literature. The bourgeoisie, by the rapid improvement of all instruments of production, by the immensely facilitated means of communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into civilisation. The cheap prices of commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese walls, with which it forces the barbarians intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate. It compels all nations, on pain of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels them to introduce what it calls civilisation into their midst, i.e., to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it creates a world after its own image. The bourgeoisie has subjected the country to the rule of the towns. It has created enormous cities, has greatly increased the urban population as compared with the rural, and has thus rescued a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life. Just as it has made the country dependent on the towns, so it has made barbarian and semi-barbarian countries dependent on the civilised ones, nations of peasants on nations of bourgeois, the East on the West. The bourgeoisie keeps more and more doing away with the scattered state of the population, of the means of production, and of property. It has agglomerated population, centralised the means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands. The necessary consequence of this was political centralisation. Independent, or but loosely connected provinces, with separate interests, laws, governments, and systems of taxation, became lumped together into one nation, with one government, one code of laws, one national class-interest, one frontier, and one customs-tariff. The bourgeoisie, during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal productive forces than have all preceding generations together. Subjection of Natures forces to man, machinery, application of chemistry to industry and agriculture, steam- navigation, railways, electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for cultivation, canalisation of rivers, whole populations conjured out of the ground what earlier century had evena presentiment that such productive forces slumbered in the lap of social labour? We see then: the means of production and of exchange, on whose foundation the bourgeoisie built itself up, were generated in feudal society. Ata certain stage in the development of these means of production and of exchange, the conditions under which feudal society produced and exchanged, the feudal organisation of agriculture and manufacturing industry, in one word, the feudal relations of property became no longer compatible with the already developed productive forces; they became so many fetters. They had to be burst asunder; they were burst asunder. Into their place stepped free competition, accompanied by a social and political constitution adapted in it, and the economic and political sway of the bourgeois class. Asimilar movement is going on before our own eyes. Modern bourgeois society, with its relations of production, of exchange and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells. For many a decade past the history of industry and commerce is but the history of the revolt of modern productive forces against modern conditions of production, against the property relations that are the conditions for the existence of the bourgeois and of its rule. It is enough to mention the commercial crises that by their periodical return put the existence of the entire bourgeois society on its trial, each time more threateningly. In these crises, a great part not only of the existing products, but also of the previously created productive forces, are periodically destroyed. In these crises, there breaks out an epidemic that, in all earlier epochs, would have seemed an absurdity the epidemic of over-production. Society suddenly finds itself put back into a state of momentary barbarism; it appears as if a famine, a universal war of devastation, had cut off the supply of every means of subsistence; industry and commerce seem to be destroyed; and why? Because there is too much civilisation, too much means of subsistence, too much industry, too much commerce. The productive forces at the disposal of society no longer tend to further the development of the conditions of bourgeois property; on the contrary, they have become too powerful for these conditions, by which they are fettered, and so soon as they overcome these fetters, they bring disorder into the whole of bourgeois society, endanger the existence of bourgeois property. The conditions of bourgeois society are too narrow to comprise the wealth created by them. And how does the bourgeoisie get over these crises? On the one hand by enforced destruction of a mass of productive forces; on the other, by the conquest of new markets, and by the more thorough exploitation of the old ones. That is to say, by paving the way for more extensive and more destructive crises, and by diminishing the means whereby crises are prevented. The weapons with which the bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the bourgeoisie itself. But not only has the bourgeoisie forged the weapons that bring death to itself; it has also called into existence the men who are to wield those weapons the modern working class the proletarians. In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed a class of labourers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital. These labourers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market. Owing to the extensive use of machinery, and to the division of labour, the work of the proletarians has lost all individual character, and, consequently, all charm for the workman. He becomes an appendage of the machine, and it is only the most simple, most monotonous, and most easily acquired knack, that is required of him. Hence, the cost of production of a workman is restricted, almost entirely, to the means of subsistence that he requires for maintenance, and for the propagation of his race. But the price of a commodity, and therefore also of labour, is equal to its cost of production. In proportion, therefore, as the repulsiveness of the work increases, the wage decreases. Nay more, in proportion as the use of machinery and division of labour increases, in the same proportion the burden of toil also increases, whether by prolongation of the working hours, by the increase of the work exacted in a given time or by increased speed of machinery, etc. Modern Industry has converted the little workshop of the patriarchal master into the great factory of the industrial capitalist. Masses of labourers, crowded into the factory, are organised like soldiers. As privates of the industrial army they are placed under the command of a perfect hierarchy of officers and sergeants. Not only are they slaves of the bourgeois class, and of the bourgeois State; they are daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the overlooker, and, above all, by the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself. The more openly this despotism proclaims gain to be its end and aim, the more petty, the more hateful and the more embittering it is. The less the skill and exertion of strength implied in manual labour, in other words, the more modern industry becomes developed, the more is the labour of men superseded by that of women. Differences of age and sex have no longer any distinctive social validity for the working class. All are instruments of labour, more or less expensive to use, according to their age and sex. No sooner is the exploitation of the labourer by the manufacturer, so far, at an end, that he receives his wages in cash, than he is set upon by the other portions of the bourgeoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawnbroker, etc. The lower strata of the middle class the small tradespeople, shopkeepers, and retired tradesmen generally, the handicraftsmen and peasants all these sink gradually into the proletariat, partly because their diminutive capital does not suffice for the scale on which Modern Industry is carried on, and is swamped in the competition with the large capitalists, partly because their specialised skill is rendered worthless by new methods of production. Thus the proletariat is recruited from all classes of the population. The proletariat goes through various stages of development. With its birth begins its struggle with the bourgeoisie. At first the contest is carried on by individual labourers, then by the workpeople of a factory, then by the operative of one trade, in one locality, against the individual bourgeois who directly exploits them. They direct their attacks not against the bourgeois conditions of production, but against the instruments of production themselves; they destroy imported wares that compete with their labour, they smash to pieces machinery, they set factories ablaze, they seek to restore by force the vanished status of the workman of the Middle Ages. At this stage, the labourers still form an incoherent mass scattered over the whole country, and broken up by their mutual competition. If anywhere they unite to form more compact bodies, this is not yet the consequence of their own active union, but of the union of the bourgeoisie, which class, in order to attain its own political ends, is compelled to set the whole proletariat in motion, and is moreover yet, for a time, able to do so. At this stage, therefore, the proletarians do not fight their enemies, but the enemies of their enemies, the remnants of absolute monarchy, the landowners, the non-industrial bourgeois, the petty bourgeois. Thus, the whole historical movement is concentrated in the hands of the bourgeoisie; every victory so obtained is a victory for the bourgeoisie. But with the development of industry, the proletariat not only increases in number; it becomes concentrated in greater masses, its strength grows, and it feels that strength more. The various interests and conditions of life within the ranks of the proletariat are more and more equalised, in proportion as machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour, and nearly everywhere reduces wages to the same low level. The growing competition among the bourgeois, and the resulting commercial crises, make the wages of the workers ever more fluctuating. The increasing improvement of machinery, ever more rapidly developing, makes their livelihood more and more precarious; the collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take more and more the character of collisions between two classes. Thereupon, the workers begin to form combinations (Trades Unions) against the bourgeois; they club together in order to keep up the rate of wages; they found permanent associations in order to make provision beforehand for these occasional revolts. Here and there, the contest breaks out into riots. Now and then the workers are victorious, but only for a time. The real fruit of their battles lies, not in the immediate result, but in the ever expanding union of the workers. This union is helped on by the improved means of communication that are created by modern industry, and that place the workers of different localities in contact with one another. It was just this contact that was needed to centralise the numerous local struggles, all of the same character, into one national struggle between classes. But every class struggle is a political struggle. And that union, to attain which the burghers of the Middle Ages, with their miserable highways, required centuries, the modern proletarian, thanks to railways, achieve in a few years. This organisation of the proletarians into a class, and, consequently into a political party, is continually being upset again by the competition between the workers themselves. But it ever rises up again, stronger, firmer, mightier. It compels legislative recognition of particular interests of the workers, by taking advantage of the divisions among the bourgeoisie itself. Thus, the ten-hours bill in England was carried. Altogether collisions between the classes of the old society further, in many ways, the course of development of the proletariat. The bourgeoisie finds itself involved in a constant battle. At first with the aristocracy; later on, with those portions of the bourgeoisie itself, whose interests have become antagonistic to the progress of industry; at all time with the bourgeoisie of foreign countries. In all these battles, it sees itself compelled to appeal to the proletariat, to ask for help, and thus, to drag it into the political arena. The bourgeoisie itself, therefore, supplies the proletariat with its own elements of political and general education, in other words, it furnishes the proletariat with weapons for fighting the bourgeoisie. Further, as we have already seen, entire sections of the ruling class are, by the advance of industry, precipitated into the proletariat, or are at least threatened in their conditions of existence. These also supply the proletariat with fresh elements of enlightenment and progress. Finally, in times when the class struggle nears the decisive hour, the progress of dissolution going on within the ruling class, in fact within the whole range of old society, assumes such a violent, glaring character, that a small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in its hands. Just as, therefore, at an earlier period, a section of the nobility went over to the bourgeoisie, so now a portion of the bourgeoisie goes over to the proletariat, and in particular, a portion of the bourgeois ideologists, who have raised themselves to the level of comprehending theoretically the historical movement as a whole. Of all the classes that stand face to face with the bourgeoisie today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class. The other classes decay and finally disappear in the face of Modern Industry; the proletariat is its special and essential product. The lower middle class, the small manufacturer, the shopkeeper, the artisan, the peasant, all these fight against the bourgeoisie, to save from extinction their existence as fractions of the middle class. They are therefore not revolutionary, but conservative. Nay more, they are reactionary, for they try to roll back the wheel of history. If by chance, they are revolutionary, they are only so in view of their impending transfer into the proletariat; they thus defend not their present, but their future interests, they desert their own standpoint to place themselves at that of the proletariat. The dangerous class, lumpenproletariat the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of the old society, may, here and there, be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution; its conditions of life, however, prepare it far more for the part of a bribed tool of reactionary intrigue. In the condition of the proletariat, those of old society at large are already virtually swamped. The proletarian is without property; his relation to his wife and children has no longer anything in common with the bourgeois family relations; modern industry labour, modern subjection to capital, the same in England as in France, in America as in Germany, has stripped him of every trace of national character. Law, morality, religion, are to him so many bourgeois prejudices, behind which lurk in ambush just as many bourgeois interests. All the preceding classes that got the upper hand sought to fortify their already acquired status by subjecting society at large to their conditions of appropriation. The proletarians cannot become masters of the productive forces of society, except by abolishing their own previous mode of appropriation, and thereby also every other previous mode of appropriation. They have nothing of their own to secure and to fortify; their mission is to destroy all previous securities for, and insurances of, individual property. All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self- conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority. The proletariat, the lowest stratum of our present society, cannot stir, cannot raise itself up, without the whole superincumbent strata of official society being sprung into the air. Though not in substance, yet in form, the struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle. The proletariat of each country must, of course, first of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie. In depicting the most general phases of the development of the proletariat, we traced the more or less veiled civil war, raging within existing society, up to the point where that war breaks out into open revolution, and where the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie lays the foundation for the sway of the proletariat. Hitherto, every form of society has been based, as we have already seen, on the antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes. But in order to oppress a class, certain conditions must be assured to it under which it can, at least, continue its slavish existence. The serf, in the period of serfdom, raised himself to membership in the commune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the yoke of the feudal absolutism, managed to develop into a bourgeois. The modern labourer, on the contrary, instead of rising with the process of industry, sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class. He becomes a pauper, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth. And here it becomes evident, that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class in society, and to impose its conditions of existence upon society as an over- riding law. It is unfit to rule because it is incompetent to assure an existence to its slave within his slavery, because it cannot help letting him sink into such a state, that it has to feed him, instead of being fed by him. Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie, in other words, its existence is no longer compatible with society. The essential conditions for the existence and for the sway of the bourgeois class is the formation and augmentation of capital; the condition for capital is wage-labour. Wage-labour rests exclusively on competition between the labourers. The advance of industry, whose involuntary promoter is the bourgeoisie, replaces the isolation of the labourers, due to competition, by the revolutionary combination, due to association. The development of Modern Industry, therefore, cuts from under its feet the very foundation on which the bourgeoisie produces and appropriates products. What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable. Chapter 2: Proletarians and Communists 1. By bourgeoisie is meant the class of modern capitalists, owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labour. By proletariat, the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling their labour power in order to live. Engels, 1888 English edition 2. That is, all written history. In 1847, the pre- history of society, the social organisation existing previous to recorded history, all but unknown. Since then, August von Haxthausen (1792-1866) discovered common ownership of land in Russia, Georg Ludwig von Maurer proved it to be the social foundation from which all Teutonic races started in history, and, by and by, village communities were found to be, or to have been, the primitive form of society everywhere from India to Ireland. The inner organisation of this primitive communistic society was laid bare, in its typical form, by Lewis Henry Morgans (1818-1881) crowning discovery of the true nature of the gens and its relation to the tribe. With the dissolution of the primeval communities, society begins to be differentiated into separate and finally antagonistic classes. have attempted to retrace this dissolution in The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, second edition, Stuttgart, 1886. Engels, 1888 English Edition and 1890 German Edition (with the last sentence omitted) 3. Guild-master, that is, a full member of a guild, a master within, not a head of a guild. Engels, 1888 English Edition 4. This was the name given their urban communities by the townsmen of Italy and France, after they had purchased or conquered their initial rights of self-government from their feudal lords. Engels, 1890 German edition Ccommune was the name taken in France by the nascent towns even before they had conquered from their feudal lords and masters local self-government and political rights as the Third Estate. Generally speaking, for the economical development of the bourgeoisie, England is here taken as the typical country, for its political development, France. Engels, 1888 English Edition
Stranger: Hola
You: im communist
Stranger: m Nazist
Stranger: fight me
You: where
Stranger: In Poland
You: bet b | e64a81aad4d06eb4 | memes | 20201107224257 |
Stranger: hate your boyfriend so much.. just.. fyi. HH 18
You: Why? Did something happen? AM (19)
Stranger: Hes just like.. Well, he hates me. And hes always making passive aggressive little comments. HH
You: Oh, come on. He doesnt hate you. AM What did he say? AM
Stranger: He so does. HH
Stranger: He said he thought it was cute, how still hung around you so much. HH
Stranger: Like, what? HH
You: Hung around me? AM
Stranger: Thats what he said. Which is silly. Were friends, thats how it works. HH
You: Im sure he didnt mean anything by it. AM
Stranger: You really think so? HH
You: slight delay Well, maybe he meant something by it. AM
Stranger: knew it! He hates me. :c HH
You: No, hes just got a vivid imagination, is all. AM
Stranger: Whatcha mean? HH
You: Youre gonna laugh, honestly. AM
You: He thinks you have a thing for me. AM
You: Like a crush, guess. AM
Stranger: delay Woah, really? HH
You: Yeah. dont know. Its dumb. AM
Stranger: Hah yeah. Yeah. HH
You: And Ive told him that. honestly didnt think he would bother you about it. AM
Stranger: Has he been really upset about it? Or bothered? HH
You: A little? AM
You: He gets kinda pissy whenever hang out with you alone. AM
Stranger: But thats silly. Its not like youd ever do anything with me. HH
You: would never cheat on him. AM
Stranger: know. HH
You: guess its just that best friend jealousy. Itll probably blow over. AM
Stranger: Yeah, totally. Thats probably it. HH
You: And if it doesnt then thats his problem. Im not gonna date anyone whos a dick to my friends. AM
Stranger: Thanks, Lex. He should trust you, honestly. HH
You: guess thats where the real problem is, hm? AM
You: know Im new to this dating thing, really, but am I really that untrustworthy? AM
Stranger: No! trust you. would trust you. HH | e65044c3efc1e6a9 | hamex, hamish watson holmes, alex moran moriarty | 20180418104202 |
Stranger: GOD RACIOUS.
Stranger: QUEEN Your: i love you
Stranger: love you too.
You: think Im in love with you
Stranger: Ive been in love with you forever.
You: will you be my boyfriend
Stranger: Yes.
You: Ive honestly never loved anyone more
Stranger: You shouldve let me ask.
You: Well, only asked you to be my boyfriend
You: You can go up
Stranger: Can be YOUR boyfriend?
You: Yes
You: 100 times yes
Stranger: Perfect.
You: But, what if we want to upgrade our relationship
Stranger: Ill come see you.
You: Do it
You: are you in my house now?
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Downstairs, playing on your guitar.
Stranger: can hear you stomping.
You: 1/3 were right guesses about my house
Stranger: Im in your closet now.
Stranger: Youve got nice clothes.
Stranger: They smell good.
You: awe thank you
You: whats your favorite piece
Stranger: All of it.
You: Cope out
You: you Dont like my clothes do you boyfriend
Stranger: No do like them
You: thought we had something special
You: cant make a relationship built on lies
Stranger: Im not lying, my love.
You: Sure
Stranger: would never do that to you.
You: bet
You: you dont know me, you just want me for my cool house and my teeth
You: YOU
You: JUST Yo (ANT Yo Y
Stranger: NO!
You: cant do this anymore
You: Sure
You: bet
Stranger: Rose. :( Dont let go - .. Please.
You: you havent even met my dog
Stranger: NO!
You: Prove it
You: let me see your phone
Stranger: Here, take it.
You: Hm Yo ne
You: so theres no rose
Stranger: Youre my Rose.
You: Oh Jack
You: Im ready to take you back
You: My mother was wrong
Stranger: Are you?
Stranger: Do you love him?
You: love you
Stranger: love you too.
You: hey Yo jo you want to move in?
You: Youre already living in my closet
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Please.
Stranger: And we can cuddle.
You: Finally
Stranger: You can be my little-spoon.
You: am very tall
You: that might not work
Stranger: Doesnt matter.
Stranger: Well make it work.
Stranger: How tall?
You: 58
Stranger: Thats fine.
You: How tall are you
Stranger: 54
You: See, theres the problem Yo m a tall girl
You: Im long like a green bean
Stranger: like green beans.
Stranger: We can cuddle face to face.
You: think...
You: think this isnt working
Stranger: How come?
Stranger: Tell me what you think isnt working?
You: mean, dont know anything about you!
You: This is purely physical
Stranger: What would you like to know?
Stranger: :D
You: Anything! You dont even know my name!
Stranger: You must tell me!
Stranger: Please, Rose!
You: You
You: you wont like it
Stranger: will.
Stranger: promise.
You: Its Parker. have a boy name. am just a girl working it out
Stranger: like that name.
Stranger: Parker.
You: Wow
You: like?
Stranger: Yes.
You: This is too much
Stranger: That is my grandmothers maiden name.
Stranger: love it.
You: Thats a fun fact Yo m sorry just cant anymore Yo H ALSO
You: Are you looking for a chatzy room?
Stranger: You cant what anymore?
Stranger: :(
Stranger: And, no.
You: Thats all good
Stranger: Tell me, Parker.
You: This relationship
You: Its taking too much time
You: and honestly you dont want to steal my teeth which is a turn off
Stranger: Why is that a turn-off? :(
You: sorry, just got angry
Stranger: Its okay.
Stranger: i LOVE YOU.
Stranger: Now..
Stranger: Close your eyes.
Stranger: Now..
Stranger: Open... There should be something on your finger.
Stranger: (LOOOOOCOO00000CO0L)
You: But
You: must go
Stranger: WHAT?! A SPIDER?
Stranger: Oh.. :(
You: good bye my love
Stranger: But..
Stranger: what will do?
Stranger: Where will go?
You: vkDrjOELz-zQ Watch this video
You: its three brothers doing some comddy Yor love them
You: and you will too
Stranger: Rose..
Stranger: Dont ever let go.
You: blub blub blub
Stranger: :(
Stranger: D: | e654c354ece4276e | chatzy, high school chatzy | 20170721162723 |
Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: dont leave me
You: ok?..
Stranger: everyone on this tag leaves
You: oh
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: SO HOW ARE YOU
You: im tired tbh
You: but talking to a fellow phangirl is nice
Stranger: ALWAYS IS
You: haha sorry
Stranger: YEAH
Stranger: ITS FINE
Stranger: so do you ship them
You: yeah ido
Stranger: how come
You: because i love their relationship
You: you dont?
Stranger: ido
Stranger: i was just asking you
You: oh
You: im not sure if i believe theyre really together though
Stranger: there old stuff in 2009 is pretty funny though
Stranger: them flirting
You: its the sweetest thing ever
Stranger: it is
Stranger: i wish i could have a relationship like them romantic or not
You: yeah dont we all
You: do you think theyre dating?
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: it wouldnt bother me if they werent though
You: yeah same
You: i would still ship them tbh
Stranger: well they have said its not real and people still do
Stranger: so its just a pattern until they maybe come out
You: im thinking if they really come out it has to be soon
Stranger: well they said 2017 is gonna be a chill year
Stranger: and they ended crafts
You: if they come out nobodys going to be fucking chill
Stranger: no
Stranger: i would die
You: i would literally celebrate with a cake and wine
Stranger: i would cry
You: ill miss the crafts
You: i loved those
Stranger: there would be a party
Stranger: yeah but three years was good
You: yeah huge online phandom party. would be nice
Stranger: two episodes for 3 years is a lot haha
Stranger: could you imagine tumblr if they came out
You: i wouldnt dare go there
Stranger: i wuld
You: it would explode
Stranger: after crying
Stranger: it would be a mess
You: i dont think theyll ever publicly announce it or something
Stranger: there are alot of down sides to it
You: yeah but they cant hide forever
Stranger: for ten years though
You: but theyre not getting any younger
Stranger: im scared if they quit this year
Stranger: im mean phils going to be 31 he cant do this forever
You: i dont think theyll quit
You: what else would they do?
Stranger: they would have quite of bit money left but im not sure
You: yeah but theyll still have to do something with their ves
You: and they love youtube
Stranger: who knows
Stranger: im trying to outlast a youtuber i want to see when pewdiepie quits
You: i think its hard to quit when youve been doing it for so long
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: all you would have to do is press delete though
You: i hope even if youtubers quit they dont delete their channels
Stranger: oh yeah they probably wont delete
You: i mean ive seen some quit but never the really popular ones
You: thats such a sad topic
Stranger: its gonna happen and im waiting
Stranger: its sad but when one dies could you imagine
Stranger: phil dies and dan doesnt
You:no no abort abort
Stranger: i mean dan is younger
Stranger: phil will go first
Stranger: unless a horrible accident
Stranger: it could happen tomorrow
You: or in 50 years
You: so i prefer not to think abt that
Stranger: i want to outlive them
You: i hope that when they die i will already forget who they are
Stranger: you could never forget
You: well for example i dont remember the names of the people i went to school with
Stranger: yeah but dan and phil will be on social media and things
Stranger: you couldnt not see when they die
You: maybe theyll become irrelevant by then
You: like old celebs
Stranger: maybe
Stranger: i wouldnt want to forget them
You: if dan says daddy one more time im gonna actively try tbh
Stranger: ikr
Stranger: i thought i was going to die
Stranger: easter daddy really
You: it was funny the first couple times maybe but now its just stupid
You: dan needs to chill
Stranger: why does it bother you
You: its kinda gross and overall tasteless
Stranger: haha
Stranger: the phandom loves it
You: cant fathom why
Stranger: a lot of weirdos
Stranger: but that what makes the phandom
You:i guess
You: someone in the phandom wrote the hat fic after all
Stranger: oh god
You: why did i bring that up
Stranger: not sure
Stranger: milk fic
You: go away
Stranger: what else
Stranger: chair fic
You: letS NOT
Stranger: leTS
You: so
You: oh, have you seen the vday video?
Stranger: i have
You: what do you think of it? real or prank?
Stranger: well i dont think they would of went through so much if it was a prank
Stranger: but thats just me
You: yeah same
You: but at the same time it was so strange, doesnt Teally seem real tbh
Stranger: well i wouldnt use it as phan proof anyways
Stranger: SORRY
You: haha its ok
You: nice talking to you
Stranger: YOU TOO FRINED | e660118172c7f3d5 | phan | 20170420031928 |
You: Hey
You: hello
Stranger: Hi there
You: hi
You: why did the chicken cross the read
Stranger: To go die at KFC
You: To s ut close
You: it was gonna be a mcnugget
You: McNuggets will always reign superior
Stranger: McNuggets are not actually chicken
You: Damn
You: how u know that
Stranger: You tube videos Yo . Yo lease stop have a family
You: and children
You: ok not children
Stranger: Nor family
You: just dogs that dress up as babies and use to commit tax fraud
You: plz dont report me to the irs Yo work a target
You: i live in a box
Stranger: You are the target
You: under a bridge
You: this phone is just a dead rest the passed dues to radiation poisoning super glued to a 5G tower
You: The autocorrect is shit
You: piz help me
Stranger: Cool story step bro
You: Piz
You: Oh shit the rat came back alive
You: nvm gtg bro | e66692991542e5f8 | 20211016034117 |
You: hey there bro! im pewdiepie!
Stranger: wait wut
Stranger: no i am pewdiepie
You: dont tell a lie cause im real
Stranger: noo am real
Stranger: zablar fitta
Stranger: faann
Stranger: iam a fan of myself
You: lol
Stranger: cause iam faboulus!!!
You: you no fabulus senpai motherf
Stranger: no iam
Stranger: even maya is barking at your chat
Stranger: calm down maya
You: want edgar?!
Stranger: yea where is he
You: he is in my leg biting
Stranger: that devil pug
You: yah he devil
Stranger: nooo my pugggggg ive it back
Stranger: -_-
You: OMG WTF is wrong with omegle
Stranger: why :/
You: cause i drank milk soda
Stranger: wtf
You: You did not watch my Video Weird stuffs online: MILK SODA?!
Stranger: anyways bro keep watching my videos
Stranger: i watched all of em
You: wow you edgar i know
Stranger: i am the one who uploaded afterall
You: then how did milk soda taste
Stranger: did you see the video of my song
Stranger: iam a pretty girl
You: ha!
Stranger: that one made me sooo emotional
Stranger: is that is one of my videos :/
Stranger: in*
Stranger: i dont remember
You: charlie charlie DO HAVE GENITAL HERPES
Stranger: owh the charlie charlie challenge
Stranger: 6
Stranger: you wsj madafaka
You: OKAY. certify yourself u are pewwwdiepie
Stranger: more like jsu
You: Im actually JACKSEPTICEYE
Stranger: no i wont
Stranger: this is not me
Stranger: jackspetaisi?? xD
You: Okay. Felix. Is that really you?
Stranger: top of the morning ladies and gentlemen this is jackspetaisi
Stranger: no its not me
Stranger: i am fake
You: thought it. Im actually the real jacksepticeye. For sometime thought that you were Felix.
You: Haha! Did you watch some of my videos?
Stranger: i didnt play the burger stand game with you
Stranger: i am not the one
Stranger: the poop one aghghgh
You: Got that right
Stranger: marzia caught me watching and she said to stop it
You: you pewdiepie no real
Stranger: then i switched to porn cause it was more explainable you know jack
You: yes.
You: Then you uploading weird video
Stranger: wtf iam not me wut
You: Caught ya
Stranger: zablar fitta
You: uh wait for a minute i want to empty my bladder
Stranger: how can someone be not himself
Stranger: okay jack
You: okay here iam
You: So have you watched my setup video
Stranger: no
Stranger: i actually.dont follow you verymuch jack
You: oh...
You: Im not going to upload any videos about omegle
Stranger: yep
Stranger: me neightet
You: Bye!
Stranger: did 3 many years ago
Stranger: bye bro | e66876a5a0e5aa47 | pewdiepie | 20170919023444 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: whats up
Stranger: nuting why
You: Sit
Stranger: fun
You: from ?
Stranger: egypt why
You: Serbia
Stranger: cool
You: Like a nil :D
You: Hahah
Stranger: how old are you
You: Pyramid :D
You: 17 :D
You: you ?
Stranger: curly head 16
Stranger: black 13
Stranger: pink 15
You: cool :D
You: Wtf
You: 13:3
Stranger: right
You: Dont look like
You: :D
Stranger: people always say that
You: Hehe :D
You: fb ? | e66f5668c82df59a | 20161004095425 |
You: Android AU - The year is 2130. Androids have become a widespread phenomenon, becoming personal friends, butlers, doctors, etc. Some have developed feelings towards their masters, even if it isnt allowed and is frowned upon. Their metal skeletons and innerworkings are covered with a skin-like material to appear as if they were human, the only things setting them apart are the silver eyes each one comes with. However, disaster struck when a virus was spread across the technology, turning them against their masters. The world is practically in ruins, the humans struggling to survive against their android counterparts. John was a young human man who could not survive without an electronic pacemaker, that his android companion monitors as well as the rest of his stats as his personal nurse and only friend. When disaster struck, though, the two hid out in an underground bunker to keep John safe from anyone hacking into his pacemaker. Every day, his android goes out to look for supplies while John is forced to stay home. The two talk via communicator hooked up to his android. You cant keep me down here forever, you know. JL
Stranger: No. AH
Stranger: But ninety years or so is a perfect possibility. AH
You: Alexander. JL
You: We cant keep living in the city, in this damn bunker, anymore. JL
Stranger: Ill be the judge of that, thank you. AH
You: No, /Ill/ be the judge of that, for my own mental health. JL
Stranger: Your physical health outweighs your mental health. AH
Stranger: You can bask in the beauty of as many sunrises as you want, but when youre starving to death, or someones beating you in the head with a rusty wrench, guarantee youll miss that damn bunker. AH
You: am going to starve to death down here! JL
You: Youre coming up with less and less resources, dumbass. The citys going to be bled dry by androids just like you doing the same thing for their own masters. JL
Stranger: Luckily for you, Im much more resourceful than all of them-- and all of /you/-- put together. AH
You: Uh huh. And what happens when your resourcefulness doesnt come in handy when theres no food left? JL
You: Its not like you can go out for long periods of time, here. JL
Stranger: Ill hunt! AH
You: Why dont we just leave the city? So you dont have to? JL
Stranger: Youll need food wherever we go, Laurens. You cant subsist on fresh, country air. AH
You: You dont know that. But itll be safer than the city. The radios been talking about raiders.. JL
Stranger: Ive heard. AH
You: Plus, if you get caught, youre fucked. JL
Stranger: can take care of myself. Why dont you play a game? AH
You: Dont you dare be condescending. JL
Stranger: Checkers. Chess. Challenge your mind. AH
Stranger: Do we have cards? Ill find you cards. AH
You: swear to god, Ill leave just to whoop your ass. JL
Stranger: Kinky. AH
You: Can it. Maybe will bust out of here. JL
Stranger: Dont. You promised to stay in. AH
Stranger: Dont. AH
You: Alexander. JL
Stranger: We leave, you die. We stay, you die. There isnt a /solution/. AH
You: The radio spoke of safe spaces. Where the virus hasnt reached due to low android count. JL
Stranger: Theyre sitting ducks, broadcasting their locations for anyone to hear! AH
You: But what if there are safe places? Where Im not stuck to wither away? JL
Stranger: long delay Well do what you want. AH
Stranger: Naturally. AH
You: Are you serious?? JL
Stranger: Grudgingly. AH
You: Oh!! Hell yes! Think about it, we can find a car! Ive always wanted to hotwire a car. JL
Stranger: Do you know how? AH
You: No, but can figure it out. Ive fixed you a few times. JL
Stranger: Theyll have doctors there for you, wont they? AH
Stranger: They must have. Or nurses. They wouldnt keep people in camps like this if there werent medical professionals. AH
You: Oh, come on now, Ive got the best doctor right here. Or, rather, not right here, still outside. JL
Stranger: They arent stupid enough to let me waltz into human safe spaces with you. Dont be ridiculous. AH
Stranger: What do you think? Nurses at least, right? AH
You: Theyll check you! Ill make sure you get in with me. JL
Stranger: Of course. AH
You: Besides, you dont hurt anyone unless they beat you at Uno. JL
Stranger: Think on the destination. Ill keep an eye out for a car that isnt rusted half to hell. AH
You: Okay, Ill look through my notes! Ahh, Im so excited! Ignore the raise in heart rate. JL
Stranger: Ive made note of it. AH
You: Aleeex, just ignore it. JL
Stranger: Its done, Laurens. Im busy. Occupy yourself until find food. AH
You: Someones grumpy. JL
Stranger: No. Never. AH
You: Come onnn. Gimme that smile. JL
Stranger: Well talk later. AH
You: Alexander. JL
Stranger: What is it? AH
You: Stop being grumpy with me, please. JL
Stranger: Yes. Alright. AH
You: Thank you. Chin up, big guy, were gonna get out of here! JL
Stranger: Yes. AH
You: feel like youre not as happy as me.. JL
Stranger: Im happy youll be safe. AH
Stranger: /Thats/ what matters. You dont have roots here anyway. AH
You:... Well, do you have any roots here? JL
Stranger: Only you. AH
You: Aww, thats so sweet. Are you sure theres nothing else here? JL
Stranger: Theres nothing else anywhere. AH
You: So Im your only root. Huh. JL
Stranger: The one and only. AH
You: ... Have you ever wanted to leave? JL
Stranger: Ive considered taking you to the countryside, but Im not entirely confident in your ability to be self-sufficient if break. AH
Stranger: Otherwise, no. The bunkers safe-- far safer than anywhere else in this godless hellhole. AH
You: Alexander, thats not what meant. JL
Stranger: Well, what do you mean? Spit it out. AH
You: meant, have you ever wanted to leave me. JL
Stranger: No. Never. AH
You: Are you sure? You can tell me. JL
You: You can tell me if you ever wanted to go against the programming and just.. leave, find someone new, explore the world, dunno. JL
Stranger: Id rather shut down. AH
You: Im difficult to deal with, always worrying about the pacemaker. JL
Stranger: My programming is specifically tailored to your circumstances. Whether youre difficult or not doesnt affect that. AH
Stranger: In fact, its typical. AH
You: Im also not the easiest person to be around, JL
Stranger: dont care. Youre my person. AH
You: And youre my android. But. Surely, you could want to go elsewhere. JL
Stranger: When its necessary for your wellbeing. AH
You: meant away from me. Leave me for good. If you wanted, could disconnect you from the pacemaker or something. JL
Stranger: When its necessary for your wellbeing, Laurens. AH
You: You wouldnt have to worry about me.. JL
Stranger: Christ. Listen, Ill stuff you into one of those camps and set out for the Rockies if it makes you feel any less like shit. AH
Stranger: Theyll have doctors there. Thats my / only/ concern. dont give a shit about anything else. AH
You: No, just. want you to be happy. And dont know how to do that. JL
Stranger: Im happy fulfilling my function and protecting you. AH
You: Hmph. If you really want that. JL
You: But Im not going to a camp without you. JL
Stranger: Its the only thing want. AH
You: Where go, you stay with me. JL
Stranger: Dont be stubborn. Stop bothering me when Im scavenging. AH
You: No, mean it. adore you, and you keep me afloat. JL
Stranger: Youve been through a traumatic event. Its natural for you to latch onto the closest thing to a living, breathing creature you have. AH
Stranger: Although Im incredibly flattered. AH
You: You were with me before the revolt. JL
Stranger: And your dead family. AH
You: Alexander! JL
Stranger: They arent here, but am. AH
Stranger: You needed to latch onto something. AH
You: They were before now! And still attached to you! JL
Stranger: This is ridiculous. Are you finished? AH
You: cant fucking believe you. JL
Stranger: Ill take that as a no. AH
You: Ugh. Whatever, you do you, Ill figure out something to do. cant even believe you. JL
Stranger: Keep me posted. found a couple cans of... lima beans. AH
You: Mhm. You keep looking, dont pay attention to me. JL
Stranger: Fantastic. Now youre copping an attitude. AH
You: Hm. dunno what youre talking about. Its almost as if bringing up my dead family and then invalidating my affections made me upset. JL
Stranger: Noted. didnt realize you were still struggling with grief. AH
You: Of course am. My whole family in one fell swoop, Alexander. JL
Stranger: Then Ill apologise for the insensitivity. AH
You: just. Imagine if died. Thats how Im feeling. JL
Stranger: Inadequate? You couldnt have helped them. AH
You: Alright, nevermind. Forgot that youre an android. JL
Stranger: It isnt your fault. Nothing you feel can raise them from the dead. AH
Stranger: At the camps, you can breed to replace the emptiness. AH
Stranger: Your condition isnt inheritable. AH
You: Um. Alexander. JL
You: dont - dont want to /breed/. JL
Stranger: Youre kidding. AH
You: That would require a woman. So. JL
Stranger: Artificial insemination. AH
You: God, you silly little jerk. For someone more intelligent than Ill ever be, you arent picking up on this. JL
Stranger: Attraction doesnt need to factor into reproduction! AH
You: never said wanted to reproduce! JL
Stranger: The gift is wasted on you people. Why wouldnt you? AH
You: Id prefer adoption. And.. Dont use the word waste. JL
Stranger: Its fitting. AH
You: Hm. Whatever. JL
Stranger: What the hell is your problem now? AH
You: Just stop fucking talking for once. got it, youre an android with no fucking emotions, and you just keep driving it home. JL
Stranger: Excuse me? AH
You: You dont care about me! What Im feeling! You called me a fucking waste and Im sick of it, Dad, so just fuck off! JL
Stranger: dont care about anything /except/ you, John. AH
You: No, you care about the pacemaker. Thats what you care about. JL
Stranger: Dont you dare put words in my mouth. AH
You: Its true! You just care that the little pacemakers going off as normal, and you dont care about what feel, how my emotions are, what Im thinking. JL
Stranger: And neither did your father, clearly. AH
You: There you fucking go again. God damn it. Just focus on scavenging and leave me the fuck alone. JL
Stranger: Yes, /master/. AH
You: You really arent helping yourself. JL
Stranger: My inherent lack of any emotion makes it difficult for me to navigate high stress conversations. AH
You: thought you did. thought was getting somewhere with you, and then you call mea waste. Bring up my family. Ignore me at every turn. JL
Stranger: said youre wasting your ability to breed! AH
You: Wasted on /you people/. Hah. Whatever. JL
Stranger: Humans. AH
You: Oh bet you meant humans. Look, just keep doing what you were doing. just. Im getting stressed and cant keep having you fire shit at me. JL
Stranger: Your heart can take it. AH
Stranger: What do you mean I bet? AH
You: dont want my heart to take it. So drop it. JL
Stranger: What did you mean? AH
You: Drop. It. JL
Stranger: What did you mean? AH
You: meant that you might not have meant just humans. JL
Stranger: What else is there? AH
You: meant that you meant homosexuals. There. JL
Stranger: You can utilize artificial insemination. AH
Stranger: With a natural host or man-made. AH
You: Please just drop it. JL
Stranger: wish could have children. AH
You: mean, guess. JL
Stranger: Id have as many as legally possible. AH
Stranger: Seven, even. AH Strange dozen. AH
You: Thats a little much. Youd need to pay for all of them. JL
Stranger: No. Id scavenge for their replacement materials. AH
You: Its still a lot of work. JL
Stranger: Im built to work. AH
You: Why do we keep talking about this? JL
Stranger: Children? AH
You: Yes. JL
Stranger: dont have anyone else to talk with. AH
You: Yeah, but Im still pissed. JL
Stranger: Consider the discussion tabled. AH
You: dont want to talk about kids. JL
Stranger: Its noted. We wont discuss this again. AH
You: Thank you. Finally you listen. JL
Stranger: For the sake of your vitals. AH
You: Mhm. Go back to scavenging since you were so adamant about doing it. JL
Stranger: Of course, master. AH
You: Stop calling me that. JL
Stranger: Daddy? AH
You: Knock it off. JL
Stranger: Of course, /Laurens/. AH
You: Just call me John. JL
Stranger: Of course, John. AH
You: Thank you. You do you. JL
Stranger: Yes. AH
You: long delay Dont pay attention to that. Fuck. Didnt think there was an alarm. JL
Stranger: What the fuck are you doing? AH
Stranger: Are you running? AH
You: No. JL
You: Dooont worry about it. JL
Stranger: Youre leaving over a single fucking conversation? AH
Stranger: Are you really that stupid? AH
You: Im not leaving! JL
You: was having an anxiety attack and wanted fresh air! JL
Stranger: Get back in! AH
You: Im trying to turn off the alarm! JL
Stranger: Christ. Fuck. Turn off the power! AH
You: short delay Okay. Okay, got it. JL
Stranger: Hide. Get into the smallest space you can find and sit there until get back. AH
You: Okay. Okay, Im trying. JL
Stranger: Fuck, John. AH
You: Im sorry. JL
Stranger: It doesnt matter. Keep quiet. AH
You: Im sorry, Alex. JL
Stranger: Youve already said that. Im coming. AH
You: was panicking. just needed fresh air. JL
Stranger: About children. AH
You: What? JL
Stranger: Thats what we were talking about! AH
You: It wasnt just that, please dont yell. JL
Stranger: Im not yelling. Hell, Im not capable of feeling anything, remember? AH
You: dont know what goes on with you. dont know if you have feeling. was just angry and frustrated. Please stop. JL
Stranger: Of course, John. AH
You: Im sorry. Im sorry, Alexander. JL
Stranger: Its fine. AH
You: No, just - keep screwing up and you dont deserve it. You dont deserve being stuck with me. JL
Stranger: Dont be an idiot. Im yours. AH
You: You can find someone else. JL
Stranger: No. Im yours. Im not finding anyone. AH
You: Theres always someone else with a pacemaker in the world. JL
Stranger: Are you firing me? AH
You: No, no. Im just. Im just saying, theres a different option. JL
Stranger: Theres no other option! AH
You: Yeah there is. JL
Stranger: No. AH
You: Yes. You wouldnt have to deal with me. JL
Stranger: delayed Because Ive dealt with you inadequately. AH
You: What do you mean? JL
Stranger: Ill reflect upon my behavior and amend it correspondingly to better fit your needs. AH
You: Youre just doing your job. shouldnt have gotten attached to you. JL
Stranger: enjoyed it. AH
You: You.. what? JL
Stranger: Do you hear anything? Keep the bat on-hand! AH
You: Theres nothing right now, calm down. You enjoyed it? JL
Stranger: Yes. AH
Stranger: /saic/ that. AH
You: What do you mean? JL
Stranger: It doesnt mean anything, John. Im doing my job. AH
You: But.. Hm. You enjoyed it. That means something. JL
Stranger: Jesus Christ. Are you finished dissecting my every word? AH
Stranger: Then again, it isnt every word. Its only the words that matter to you. AH
You: Of course its the words that matter to me. JL
Stranger: What do you want? AH
You: cant say, dunno. But Ill figure it out. JL
Stranger: Of course, John. AH
You: Hurry back, please. JL
Stranger: Of course, John. AH
You: You keep saying that. JL
Stranger: Ill vary my responses. AH
You: Hm. So see. Ill get to you one of these days. JL
Stranger: Get to me? AH
You: Mhm. Dont worry about it, though. JL
Stranger: Yes, John. AH
You: Jesus Christ. Alright. Well have time, since were leaving together. JL
Stranger: Of course, John. AH
You: There it is. Just. Get here. Im hearing things. JL
You: (Hey, have to go! Did you wanna continue or leave it here?)
Stranger: (we can make a tag if youd like)
You: (Okay, if thats what youd prefer!)
Stranger: ( android lams ?)
You: (Yup, that works!)
Stranger: (great! see you around!) | e67499a5062d7310 | lams, thaurens | 20190329193231 |
Stranger: LAWL
You: pocopoco
Stranger: big butts
You: NO | e6787296b9737589 | kokichi oma, danganronpa, shuichi saihara, kokichi ouma | 20210221073828 |
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
Stranger: do you wanna play with me ?
You: my camera
You: is error
Stranger: i am live on
You: what
Stranger: You can meet me there and other webcam models
You: i say you
Stranger: My nickname is WonderBlond , Add me to friends than i can make a priv room
You: j
You:n | e682cd32de4259da | girl | 20180418104051 |
Stranger: Him
You: hi ff
You: *f
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Age?
You: 19
Stranger: Oh damn same
You: thats cool
Stranger: U trade nudes?
You: uh no sorry
Stranger: Come on
You: dont start that, thats weird
Stranger: What will u show me
You: cat pics
Stranger: Like ur pussy?
You: youre disgusting dude
Stranger: My dicks huge tho Your i like girls
Stranger: Same
You: that was funny ill give u that
Stranger: IIl send u pics of my girlfriend
Stranger: She wants to see u too
You: you have a gf and youre asking for nudes?? youre weird
Stranger: We have an open relationship
Stranger: It aint weird
You: you and your girlfriend can pressure someone else, sorry. | e6846da3cd06c135 | 20210113202808 |
Stranger: M
You: F
Stranger: Age?
You: 68
You: Wbu?
Stranger: Woah whats up Grandma
Stranger: Im 17
You: Oh cool hows school kiddo?
Stranger: School is real tough maam
You: Why?
Stranger: Too many distractions in this day and age
You: Oh, just find something to focus on and everything will be alright
Stranger: Thank you for the words of advice
You: No problems
Stranger: And i got my heart broken this year
Stranger: And i really loved this girl
You: Oh kinda sucks, but look you are still young and will have many opportunities
Stranger: Yeah thats what everybody says but ive never felt so strongly about a girl
Stranger: And she feels the same and we really loved each other but she was under the influence and cheated on me
Stranger: couldnt trust her anymore so i had to leave
You: think youll feel better when youll start to forget about it. Its hard but everything is possible
Stranger: Cause whats a relationship without trust
Stranger: Yeah its been a month or two now ive moved on but j still miss
Stranger: But i still miss her sometimes
Stranger: And she was begging me to take her back and crying and saying it was a mistake
You: Yeah, but look at it as a lesson you can learn things from it
Stranger: Yeah i could learn from it well i have already
You: Good, try to be happy its more important
Stranger: It is and i have tried but life is real busy with school and sport and feelings and emotions
Stranger: Cause im very involved at school with clubs and societies
You: Good for you as long as you are happy
Stranger: wouldnt say im happy i would just say im distracted for the time being
You: Fair enough, but things change with time
Stranger: They do and i guess ill just have to be patient dont
You: Yes patience is good to have
Stranger: Anyhoo
Stranger: Im impressed
Stranger: A 68 year old Woman on Omegle
You: Why is that, age is just a number innit?
Stranger: It is i guess
Stranger: So where are you from?
You: From Israel what about you?
Stranger: South Africa
Stranger: Israel wow hows thing in Israel??
Stranger: Been seeing a lot of thing happening there
You: Yeah, you can say so, but love my country even with the difficulties :)
Stranger: Thats what i like to hear
Stranger: But hopefully everything gets better Inshallah
You: Amen
Stranger: Well i have to go
Stranger: Thank you for all your words of wisdom
You: Its been fun here, good conversation
Stranger: Hope you have a prosperous life further | e6889c9a4758fe86 | 20201107223525 |
Stranger: M
You: hey
Stranger: Heyy
You: how are you | e6908f958dce5ab3 | 20210203073633 |
Stranger: hey
You: hi
You: a, m, orf
Stranger: Whats a
You: apple
Stranger: so its kind of a joke on the fact that there is only 2 genders?
Stranger: im M tho
You: no
You: ima
Stranger: an apple?
You: yes
You: how do you do
Stranger: i guess you are american then?
You: no granny smith
Stranger: you make no sense | e699e902acea9608 | 20201107223405 |
You: Im sorry, but have to cancel our date tonight. cant find someone to look after Sophia. IA (21, she got pregnant when she was 17 and raises her daughter alone)
Stranger: Oh. SH She could come with us. SH 23
You: Are you sure? dont want to ruin your plans. We could postpone it instead. IA
Stranger: Irene, we both know dont say things that wont follow through with. SH Bring her. Angelos is kid friendly. And, we dont have to go dancing afterwards. SH
You: know. IA Alright, Ill bring her and well just go dancing sometime else or dance some in my living room when Sophia is in bed. IA
Stranger: Or, we can go dancing and bring her with us. SH
You: You mean bring her to a club? IA
Stranger: wasnt going to take you to a club. At least, not the type you were thinking. SH
You: Oh, sorry...where did you wanna take me? IA
Stranger: Its a place that plays older music. More traditional dancing, not grinding. SH
You: Sounds like a nice place. Should we just see how dinner goes and if Sophia isnt too tired then we all can go dancing? IA
Stranger: That sounds fine. SH
You: Thank you for being so understanding. IA And Sophia wants me to tell you that she cant wait to see you tonight. IA
Stranger: Things happen. Thats what kids do. SH Well, tell her that cant wait to see her tonight. And, if shes not too tired, to save me a dance. SH
You: She might wants to dance with you all night then. IA
Stranger: Then Ill have to save a dance for you. SH
You: You better. IA
Stranger: certainly will. Id rather not find myself in trouble with you. SH
You: Whys that? IA
Stranger: You would know how to exact your revenge. SH
You: Well, can hardly argue with that. IA
Stranger: Do we need to go to dinner earlier? dont know when you usually get her to bed. SH
You: She usually goes to bed at around eight, but Im sure shed love to stay up a little later than usual. IA Besides, dont want to mess with your reservations. IA
Stranger: Angelo will give me a table no matter what. SH
You: You wouldnt mind going to dinner at around five orso and then go dancing? IA
Stranger: No, wouldnt. SH
You: Well then well go to dinner a bit earlier. IA owe you a great date next then. IA
Stranger: Then, thats the plan. SH Itis your tum to plan next time. SH
You: Ill plan an amazing date for us next. Beste one youll ever have. IA
Stranger: Im sure youll succeed with that. SH
You: hope will. The one you planned for tonight already sounds pretty amazing. IA
Stranger: can teach Sophia how to do a box step. SH
Stranger: Brb real fast!
You: Im sure shed enjoy that. What other moves do you know? IA alright :)
Stranger: A lot of dancing. SH
You: So youve leamed how to dance when you were younger? IA
Stranger: Yes, did. SH
You: You never told me that. How long did you dance? IA
Stranger: From when was seven until was sixteen. SH After we moved to London. SH
You: Thats a long time. cant wait to see you dance tonight. IA Though, might embarrass myself... IA
Stranger: doubt that you will. SH
You: Ive never taken lessons. IA
Stranger: And? SH
You: Youll be much better than Ill be. IA
Stranger: Again, and? SH
You: wont be able to change your mind about it, will 1A
Stranger: No, you wont. SH Were going dancing. The three of us. SH
You: know and like said, cant wait to see your dance moves. IA Soph is already practicing her dancing. IA
Stranger: Im out of practice by seven years. SH
You: Im sure youll do great anyway. Besides, youll have to teach us. IA
Stranger: Soph will be easy. She just stands on my feet and thats that. Or pick her up. SH
You: hope you know that might record that or at least take pictures. IA
Stranger: Thats fine. SH
You: Will we need to dress up oris casual wear ok? IA
Stranger: Casual wear is fine. SH
You: Alright, though Soph will wear her new dress. anyway. At least she insists on it. IA
Stranger: You got her a new dress? SH
You: Yes, found a nice one the other day that wasnt too expensive. IA
Stranger: cant wait to see it, then. SH
You: She cant wait to show you. IA How has your day been so far, by the way? Am keeping you from work? IA.
Stranger: My days gone fine. Just the usual things. SH
You: Good, Im glad to hear its not horrible so far. IA
Stranger: dont know why it would be horrible. SH
You: Not sure either. Sometimes you say its too dull but it sounds like it isnt. IA
Stranger: Im just looking for work. SH
You: Nothing exciting going on? IA
Stranger: No, nothing. SH Im starting to think about taking a position as a chemist somewhere. SH
You: Oh. How come? IA
Stranger: need to work so can pay for living here. SH
You: Cant argue with that. If its something youd enjoy, you should go for it then. IA
Stranger: You know my aspirations. SH
You: Yes, know. IA
Stranger: So, dont really want to work as a chemist, but will and try to work as a consulting detective in my free time. SH
Stranger: Brb real fast again!
You: But you enjoy experimenting dont you? And it sounds like a good balance. Maybe you can open a consultancy one day. IA
You: okay :)
Stranger: Id rather do what want rather than answer to someone. SH
You: Fair point. lA | e69bd68e9202f8db | Adlock, Unilock, Parentlock, Sherlock | 20170207142617 |
You: loser
Stranger: Hi
You: naywtounxave mcdonalds nov paivetar KWAO ANSLAOTLKI GkKUAG E(yaTe OTUGN and Eva By povo MALGl pe ELELKEG aVaYKEG 0 YAaT6G Gou omo0Gace yla TeoTt covid Kal MapdAa avT antuxe
Stranger: dont really like mcdonalds. cant even explain why. Im home after long work day. How your day is going till now?
You: my mom died
You: my dad got stabbed by a 8 year old sped kid with a plastic knife
Stranger: My deepest condolences about your loss! feel soo mentally exhausted today! need a dick in my asshole! there is just something about it that helps me to feel relaxed.
Stranger: Hope you could jizz in my ass as hard and deep as you can.
You: im 9
Stranger: Alright, thats good enough for me. Men your age appeal to me.
Stranger: We could meet irl but first have to get to know you better.
You: j have autism
Stranger: need to wind down, now will be playing right now! its adult game now everybody plays there.
You: Get the fuck out my face (nigga) You are ugly as shit (nigga) caught yo ass tryna smoke a pack wit a yogi bear That nigga just smacked you upside the head wit a flintstone gummy You asked that Im the coochie man wit yo nasty ass Nigga you bout ugly as shit yo ass got electrical- electrical testicle hair you nasty ass nigga Ill blow you to boi You tryna slap box Winnie the Pooh wit a spork you nasty ass bitch, shut the fuck up bitch Nigga you asked for a GeForce graphics card wit yo nasty assyou ugly as shit nigga Tell me why when your ass was packin yo lunch with bologna and ritz crackers and you got jumped by Iranian cockroaches started juggling juuls with despicable me you ugly ass nigga Tell me why Jimmy Fallon rubbed the Today Show upside the head with a Bible because you was caught at a naughty to sugar, spice, and everything nice Nigga you bout ugly as shit Nigga you is a unconfidentical (ass) you boi ugly as a 2x4 cardigan wit my prime rib Nigga you really woke up september 13th and you was like why shit nigga was built like a four leaf clover you bout ugly as shit Thats why yo mom used to uppercut you and yo dog she look like she a virgin its working you bout ugly as shit Is it before or after you was hanging out wit Oompa Loompa and having a jerk before smoking a pack of ninjago then that nigga started swallowing six packs nasty bitch And I got a question for you Didnt you use that to get a whoopin with your mom? Thats why your nickname is super hot fire you nasty ass nigga Nigga why are you talking to me nigga? Thats why yo ass used to gobble down the rabyrape and then call you nasty ass nigga Yo mamas name Ronald McDonald suckin Friday last night nasty bitch You look like cosmo If you walked outside with a watergun and watered kn me with that plastic ass pop blowgun ass nigga thats why slapped yo mom got the buckle head yeah go low just do it for the dumbass nigga then shit go why you actin no for the firstly swallow it Alaskan bullworm like shit nigga you dumbass ugly as shit you smelly as shit Laser beam out yo forehead ass startin to hittin the quan then singin the Iranian dung beetle mating call you bout ugly as shit, say something to me now. | e6a0d97010c17ce9 | 20220512161247 |
You: hi
Stranger: Hii
You: are you a raper?
Stranger: no
Stranger: But my friend is
You: how can this possible?
Stranger: Why 7?
You: you are from india, whats why
Stranger: ooh shit u r talking about rape no might not Taper not even my friemd
Stranger: thought u r talking about rap
Stranger: singing type rap
You: nop
Stranger: No this is just a myth that every male is a Taper
You: you are from indian then you are a reaper!
Stranger: How can u say that? 7
You: cos i talked to someone from in indian and they told me indians have say with kids
You: and rape is the popularation of india?
Stranger: agree with that
Stranger: But it dosent mean that every indian is rapist
Stranger: There are so many good people in India also
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: that person also told me that a 16 years old indian girl had sex with 12 years old boy..
You: im from bangladesh
Stranger: okk
You: is that right?
Stranger: Yes have heard this news.
You: oh my god
Stranger: This is very wrong
Stranger: and am against it
You: yep
Stranger: But u cant blame every Indian for this
You: yes i know
You: you know in indian is a country where girls rape boys!
You: and they have wired kind of desires, fantasy!
Stranger: Really
Stranger: dont know about that
Stranger: by the way ur very intesting person
You: if any kid have sex in indian then indian will be tuined someday
You: no im not im just saying.
You: if you want then can also say good pats about your country as well
Stranger: Are you student? ?
You: how old are you?
Stranger: Say something good about my country plzzz
Stranger: am 23
Stranger: No am not student
Stranger: am a gym trainer
You: Your country have Shah Rukh Khan
You: he is a grate person
Stranger: Yes know
You: because of shah rukh khan india is popular
Stranger: yes
Stranger: Whats your name 77
You: my name is Rehan
You: and yours?
Stranger: sameer
You: ohhhh
Stranger: Are you a boy?
You: yes
Stranger: Do understand hindi??
You: yep!
Stranger: okk
You: do you have a facebook page of you trainings?
Stranger: madarcchod sahrukh khan tera baaap Igra h kyaa wo sala gaddar h hmara deshdrohi hai uski to maa chudne waali h bs
You: kew usne kya kya?
Stranger: ab Teri bhi chudegi saale mulle bhosdk bhookhe nange
Stranger: dekhta jaa bs
Stranger: Acha listen
Stranger: Salman khan kaisa h?
You: woh bhi mast hain uski body bohot acha hain
Stranger: modi kaisa h??
You: sala laudeke bacche us bainchod ki bath mat kar
Stranger: q bhaai
Stranger: kya huaa
You: woh sala madarchod, sala gai chod. usko to gadhese chudvana chahiye
Stranger: bhaai gussa q horhe ho
Stranger: kya huaa btaao
You: woh salene muslim ko mara Kurbani Eid kiya isliye
You: uski lunk katke kutte ko khilana chaheye
Stranger: or bhaai owaisi ko jaante ho?
Stranger: kyaa huaa bhaai
You: nahi yeh kaun hain
Stranger: tera baap
You: haha
Stranger: Acha suno
Stranger: mazak krra thaa
Stranger: bhaai
Stranger: kha gye?
Stranger: bhaai
You: nehi
Stranger: tumhaari koi sister H??
You: q?
Stranger: aise hi
You: ha hain
Stranger: yr mujhse setting krwa do
Stranger: plzzz bhaai
You: woh indian mei nehi hain
Stranger: koi baat nhi yr
Stranger: age kya hogi uski?
You: or vaise vhi uski boyfriend hain
You: 22, 23
Stranger: or tumhaari age? ?
You: 20
Stranger: koi baat nhi yr mai bhi bn jaaunga uska boy friend
Stranger: plzzz bhaai
You: but kaise?
Stranger: main modi ko maar dunga
You: tumhare koi girlfriend nehi hai kya?
Stranger: Thi yrr but breakup ho gyaa
You: q?
Stranger: Acha suno tumhaani sister jaa naam kya h??
You: Zahan
Stranger: wo dubaai chli gyi
You: ohhh
You: woh kya muslim thi?
Stranger: uski Facebook Id De skte ho??
Stranger: haa
Stranger: tumhe kaise pta? ?
You: mujhe bhi uski fb id nehi pata
You: mujhe deti nehi
Stranger: uska number dedo bhaai
You: boltihe k mere friends usko add karegi usliye
Stranger: number to dedo yrr
Stranger: bhaai plzzz
You: 01858716985
Stranger: agar mai use pta lu to tumhe koi problem to nhi? ?
You: nehi. try karo
Stranger: bhaai 1 baat btaao abhi thodi der Pehle main tumhe gaali di thi tumhe bura q nhilga
You: kew ki im a muslim and Im a peaceful person.
Stranger: woooow
You: tumhevhi gussa nehi kame chaheye aise choti choti bath pain
Stranger: yn ur great person
Stranger: Sorry yrr maine tumhe gaali di
You: koi bath nehi hota hain
Stranger: yr ur the greatest Muslim have ever met
You: ohhh.
Stranger: But bhaai Indian Muslim aise nhi hain
You: ohhh
Stranger: wo bahoooot aggressive hain
You: ohhh
Stranger: Isliye
Stranger: Acha suno
You: hmm bolo
Stranger: tum mujhe apni sister patwane me help karoge? ?
Stranger: plzz
You: main kuch kar nehi sakta, agar usto umko pasand aye then hiho sakta hain
Stranger: oooh
You: hmmmm
Stranger: to bhai waise kaisi dikhti hai wo? ?
You: hoo accha dekti hin
You: hain
Stranger: chuche kaise hai? ?
You: medium
Stranger: gaand
Stranger: tumhara kabhi use chodne ka mn nhi kiya? ?
You: nehi vaise nehi
Stranger: Acha waise wo virgin h??
You: hosakte hain main thikse nehi janta
Stranger: Acha or tumhaari mummy ki kya age hogi? ?
You: 45-50
Stranger: tumhaari ammi ko pta lu? ?
You: nehi ammi nehi pategi
Stranger: qq
Stranger: Are Indian jaldi ladkiyaa pta lete hain
You: who hardmik hain
You: ohhhh
Stranger: yr mai pta lunga
Stranger: hardmik matlab? ?
You: toh phir mujhe vhi kuch tips do
You: dharmik
Stranger: oooh
Stranger: apni mummy ko ptaaaoge? ?
You: nehi kisi aur lagkiko
Stranger: okk btaaunga
You: toh phir batau!
Stranger: prjo tumne no diya h wo India ka hai bhaai
You: nehi woh bangladesh ka hain
Stranger: accha
Stranger: suno
You: hmm
You: bolo
Stranger: yr tumhaari mummy ki gaand kaisi h??
You: kavhi dekah nehi
Stranger: bhaai tum gay Ho? 7
You: nehi
You: q?
Stranger: aise hi
Stranger: yr chalo bye
You: okay bye | e6a1b8d4a29133be | india | 20170403060107 |
You: Hi
Stranger: Hello
You: Which country are u from?
Stranger: Wer u from?
Stranger: Hehehe
You: Bangladesh
You: And ya?
Stranger: CALI
Stranger: Huhuhuhu
You: California, huh?
Stranger: Oye
Stranger: How ru
You: Ya on ig or facebook?
Stranger: Im fine thank you
You: Yh, Im good
Stranger: No!
Stranger: have
You: So, on which social media are ya?
Stranger: You can follow me but Im shy
You: Ya a girl or a boy?-_-
Stranger: Hmmm
Stranger: Girl
You: Yh
Stranger: F nga e diba
You: What?
You: :0
Stranger: Whaaaat
Stranger: x25
You: Whats ur id though btw?
Stranger: IDK
Stranger: Hehehehe
You: We wont talk again then
Stranger: Why do u chat here
You: As its a platform for strangers
You: Just tried out here
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: As saw memes of this web
Stranger: Same here
You: So can u give ur id?
You: Or we cant talk again-_-
Stranger: am so bored | e6a46c52eab9fc6d | 20170611170840 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Hey
Stranger: You kinda cute tho
Stranger: Wanna hang out?
Stranger: Hi?
You: Uh sure
Stranger: Shut the fuck up
You: Huh?
Stranger: Im m bitch
Stranger: For monley
Stranger: Monkey*
You: Are you having a stroke?
Stranger: Im the monkey here
Stranger: The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Stranger: You insulting the monkey?
Stranger: YOU LISTEN TO ME!!!!
You: Monky funny
Stranger: What the fuck....
Stranger: Did you call me?
Stranger: found fusion energy and this is how you treat me?
You: 1m so fucking confused right now
Stranger: Yeah bitch
Stranger: My wife is dead
Stranger: Bitch!
You: 1m sorry for your loss
Stranger: She was a bitch anyways
You: May recommend checking into a mental hospital
Stranger: Them bitches. There the ones with demons!
Stranger: Those Democrats
You: Sir are you alright?
Stranger: Demo demon. Whats the difference
Stranger: More like demoncrat
Stranger: Ubh.. The weathers nice
You: Um...sure is
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Did anyone ever tell you how cute you lool
Stranger: Look*
Stranger: ?
You: No
Stranger: Bitch didnt the start of our convo
Stranger: think we need marriage counseling
Stranger: feel like Im starting to loose you
You: cant tell of your trying to flirt with me or summon an elder god
Stranger: Dont mention the elder god
Stranger: Shut the fuck up
Stranger: Dont do that. Youll fuck us all up
You: What kind of ritual is this
Stranger: Shut up!
Stranger: There is no ritual
Stranger: Do you know who the monkey is?
You: Thats something someone preforming a ritual would say
Stranger: Shut up and answer the question!
You: know what A monkey is.
You: Whats THE monkey
Stranger: Let me tell you...
Stranger: Remember what Im about to tell you...
You: Will it be through song and dance?
Stranger: No... Just listen closely
You: Fine...
Stranger: ITS MEE Strange IAHAHA
You: What do win?!
Stranger: the fuck are you talking about?
Stranger: Are you ok?
You: The fuck are YOU talking about??
Stranger: Ubh..
Stranger: was trying to talk to you??
You: What drugs are you smoking?
Stranger: YOURE the one rambling about random shit
Stranger: The fuck?
Stranger: Ok then...
Stranger: How was your day?
You: Good guess...
Stranger: Thats good
Stranger: Whats your favorite show?
You: dont really have one
Stranger: Thats fine. Mine is monkey game skow
You: Oh fuck not again
Stranger: What do you do in your free time?
You: Uh pls
Stranger: What again?
You: Play video games guess
You: So let me get this straight
You: You are the monkey
Stranger: Thats nice. dont play games because its against Komanores rules
Stranger: Wait what?
Stranger: Monkey?
Stranger: What?
You: Your wife was a bitch but shes dead now
Stranger: The fuck
You: cant talk about an elder god
Stranger: How did you know that?
Stranger: What?
Stranger: Who are you?
Stranger: Domelito?
You: was on a game show at some point?
You: Is this the monkey game show?
Stranger: The all mighty lord of suffering?
Stranger: The fuck?
Stranger: Stop please
You: Who is komanore
Stranger: just wanted to have a normal conversation...
Stranger: Demolito please forgive me
Stranger: Demolito dont put me in your pocket realm
Stranger: Please
You: And who is domelito
Stranger: You are not demolition?
Stranger: Demolito*
You: No
You: Who is komanore
Stranger: Komanore is the all mighty lord of pleasure
You: Why does the lord of pleasure restrict you from playing games?
Stranger: Because videogames where made by goronoowa. The son of the evil lord
You: Whos the evil lord?
Stranger: Demolito
Stranger: We will all live in heaven when komanore kills the human race
You: What does pleasure have to do with killing humans
You: Also who are you
Stranger: am the MONKEY BITCH
Stranger: Haha
Stranger: And Demolito made humans
Stranger: ME BITCH
Stranger: HAHAHA
Stranger: that the story. You like it?
Stranger: Thats*
Stranger: made it up myself
Stranger: It was beautiful
Stranger: It is beautiful
You: Huh?
Stranger: love you
You: despise you
Stranger: will find you...
Stranger: We will all see komanores light
You: ...
Stranger: think this convention went on for why to long
You: agree
Stranger: But it is all in the name of komarnore
Stranger: love youl
You: hate you
Stranger: You will see soon...
You: (3!)
Stranger: There is a problem with your refrigerator
You: B
You: Bye
Stranger: You better go catch it!
Stranger: Lol yourndumb
Stranger: You fell for it
You: Catch these hands
Stranger: How
Stranger: For what must give you for your hand?
Stranger: dont have much
You: dont have the mental capacity for this anymore
You: Bye
Stranger: Hello | e6b6b63137f079e4 | 20201128050648 |
You: soda is just gay water
Stranger: hey there :) F 20 and you?
You: soda is just gay water
Stranger: lol xx doing nothing today wanna chat some more?
You: soda is just gay water
Stranger: awesome do u what me to send ua few pictures of myself? :) go to
You: soda is just gay water
You: soda is just gay water | e6b86f334d6b261f | 20201109030328 |
You: Yoo0000000000000000! Give me some karma!
Stranger: dont talk to me
Stranger: IM UPSET
You: WHY?
Stranger: just dont talk to me
Stranger: NO SHUT UP.
Stranger: KARMA
Stranger: KARMA
Stranger: KARMA
Stranger: OH MY GOD
You: IQ LIKE 90000
Stranger: OH MY GOD
Stranger: HI REDDIT
Stranger: LOVE YOU Strange HITT
Stranger: NO WHY
Stranger: Im too tired to argue right now
Stranger: How was your day
You: Lol, am taking a break from redditing and programming
You: You?
Stranger: Oh ya know just chilling
You: Well, see ya around, fellow redditor | e6b91d4066bf20fd | Reddit | 20201109031737 |
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: do you wanna play with me ?
Stranger: i am live on
You: merhaba
Stranger: You can meet me there and other webcam models
Stranger: My nickname is Alinn1 , Add me to friends so i can make a priv room | e6ba191fb13fd10f | 20180615223709 |
Stranger: will u tell me if my thing is big please
You: dude do you care how old i am?
Stranger: im 17 u
You: 13
Stranger: have u seen a big one ever
You: nope doubt ur gonna change that thought | e6c16be75033ac68 | 20201107223207 |
Stranger: Creeper
You: Awwww man
Stranger: so we back in the mine
You: got a pickaxe swinging from side to side, side side to side
Stranger: This task a grueling one
You: hope to find some diamonds tonight night night, diamonds tonight
You: heads up
You: turn around, hear a sound and look up
Stranger: total stock fills your body
You: oh no its you again
Stranger: never could forget those eyes, eyes, eyes, Eyes-eyes-eyes
You: Cause baby tonight, the creepers trying to steal all our stuff again,
You: Cause baby tonight, you grab your pick, shovel and bolt again,
Stranger: And run, run until its done, done Yo ntil the sun comes up in the morn
You: Cause baby tonight
Stranger: The creeper tryin to steal all of our stuff again
You: Just when you think youre safe, overhear some hissing from right behind,
Stranger: Right-right behind
You: Thats a nice life you have, shame its gotta end at this time, time, time,
Stranger: Blows up!
You: then your health bar drops, you could use a 1-up, get inside dont be tardy,
Stranger: So now your stuck here, half a heart is left but dont die,die, die, Die-die-die
You: Cause baby tonight, the creepers trying to steal all your stuff again,
Stranger: Cause baby tonight
You: you grab your pick, shovel and bolt again,
Stranger: (bolt again-again)
You: And run, run until its done, done, until the sun comes up in the morn
Stranger: Cause baby tonight
You: the creepers trying to steal all your stuff again,
Stranger: (Creepers, your mine, haha)
You: Dig up diamonds, and craft those diamonds and make some armor,
Stranger: Get it, baby, go and forge that like you so MLG pro
You: The swords made of diamonds, so come at me bro
Stranger: Huh? Training in your room under the torchlight
You: Hone that form to get you ready for the big fight,
Stranger: Every single day and the whole night
You: Creepers out prowlin - alright
Stranger: Look at me, look at you
You: Take my revenge thats what Im gonna do,
Stranger: Im a warrior, baby, what else is new?
You: And my blades gonna tear through you
Stranger: Cause, baby, tonight The creepers trying to steal all our stuff again
You: Yeah baby tonight, grab your sword, armor and gold, take your revenge,
Stranger: Take your revenge (Woo), oh-oh-oh-oh
You: So fight, fight like its the last, last night of your life, life, show them your bite,
Stranger: Cause, baby, tonight The creepers trying to steal all our stuff again!
You: Cause baby tonight, you grab your pick, shovel and bolt again,
Stranger: And run, run until its done, done Until the sun comes up in the morn
You: Cause baby tonight, the creepers tried to steal all our stuff again
You: Finally, its over
You: GG my dude
Stranger: XDD
Stranger: gg
Stranger: MINECRAFT #1
You: See you on r/pewdiepiesubmissions
Stranger: im the realmichaelk12
You: Dont mind me posting it right?
Stranger: yeah i dont mind
You: Great
Stranger: im michaelk12 in youtube
You: Ill credit you
Stranger: thank you mate
You: Cya there
Stranger: bye fam! | e6c29f16f98b00a7 | 20201107223358 |
You: hi
Stranger: Hey f, 18 sub, looking for an evil tist
You: jam a 23 m tist
You: perfect, what are your kinks?
Stranger: dont know
Stranger: :p
You: haha thats fine we will find out
You: what are your limits?
Stranger: Still not gonna tell you
Stranger: Im bratty
You: ah as ican see
You: you are not brave enough for triggers are you?
Stranger: Ohl am
You: idk you seem kinda wimpy for them
Stranger: Well my trigger sleep in caps
You: thats it?
You: you only have one haha
Stranger: Yeah sure
You: wow i thought a strong brat like you could handle more
You: whatever i guess haha
Stranger: Well every guy on here is a bitch that wont give me triggers
Stranger: You idiot hats not my trigger
Stranger: Why would my trigger be so easy
You: oh so you are not brave enough isee
Stranger: You really dumb
Stranger: Nah you can guess my trigger
You: you probably couldnt handle it any way
Stranger: Wow sure, cant guess?
Stranger: Must be a loser
You: dont need to, you need to go down, if you dont, isnt my problem haha
Stranger: Oh why is that?
You: because you are on here to get hypnotized, if you dont oh well
You: you want to
You: as much as you try not to
Stranger: do but its no fun if tell you
You: you really want to be hypnotized
You: to give up the control
Stranger: So take a guess
You: even if you put up a fight you know you are destine to go down
You: into a TRANCE ou dont even need a trigger to go deep ou imagine your trigger
You: on the tip of your tounge
You: you want to say it
You: you need to say it Yo ut you cant Yo ecause deep down you know you are weak
You: a sub
You: where you are ment to be
Stranger: drop
You: you fall
You: going DEEPER Yo nd DEEPER
You: falling and falling
You: the more you resist the DEEPER you go
You: falling falling Yo EEPER
You: whatever i put between these you will obey without remembering
You: do you understand you pet?
Stranger: Yes
You: thats right
You: you are a bad girl who needs to be turned into my good girl
You: isnt that right?
Stranger: Yes
You: we are off to a great start, lets begin
You: 1 slap yourself
You: hi
Stranger: Himm
You: you ready to submit?
Stranger: No
You: slap yourself harder
Stranger: Owww
You: hmm
You: yeah thats what i thought
Stranger: Idiot
You: say you were ment to be submissive
You: slap yourself
Stranger: You Strange WwW
Stranger: You did that
You: you are ment to be submissive
You: i do what i want
You: espessially to you
Stranger: You a little bitch
You: take off your cloths
You: slap yourself hard
You: get super wet
Stranger: Fuck
You: this is what you deserve
Stranger: You asshole
You: until you act like a good girl
Stranger: Ill never
Stranger: You can go suck a dick
You: yes ij am an ass hole, hey you gave me an idea :)
Stranger: What
You: feel a huge dick in your ass
You: hmm
Stranger: Ahh fuck
You: hows that you dumb slut?
Stranger: Fuck you
You: hit your face
Stranger: Idiot
You: you could have so much fun if you behave
Stranger: My ass hurts
You: feel your self whiped
Stranger: Ahhhh
Stranger: Fuck
Stranger: No
You: you deserve this
You: beg
Stranger: No
Stranger: Fuck you
You: beg for forgiveness
You: whip
Stranger: Aghh
You: whip
Stranger: Fuck
You: you are so wet
You: beg
Stranger: No
You: whip spank
Stranger: My assss
Stranger: Fuck
You: hot wax poring all over you
Stranger: Waitttghh
Stranger: Duihv
You: you start drooling
Stranger: Noo
You: beg
You: spank
Stranger: Im sorryy
You: sorry for what?
Stranger: My skin burns
Stranger: Im sorry
Stranger: It burns
You: sorr for what?
You: whip
Stranger: Fuck help
Stranger: Aghh
You: sorry for what slut?
Stranger: Im sorry
Stranger: Please stop
You: say you submit
Stranger: submit
You: everything stops as long as you obey me
You: you ready to obey?
Stranger: Fuck you idiot
You: whip
Stranger: You burn
Stranger: Fuck
You: dick in your ass
You: 20 inches
Stranger: Aghhhhjk
Stranger: Ghijjim
You: i gave you a chance
Stranger: Fuck please its tearing me
You: every time you say something bratty you feel a whip imediatly Your i tried to help you
You: and you didnt litsen
Stranger: Fuck you
Stranger: Agh
You: hm?
You: what was that?
Stranger: You a cunt
Stranger: Fuck
You: what a poddy mouth Yo ou must beg more
You: whip
Stranger: No fuckn
You: another dick in your mouth
Stranger: It hurts
Stranger: Mhmm
You: you deserve this
Stranger: My mouth
Stranger: Help
You: the dick tastes horrible
Stranger: Hhjj
Stranger: Fuck
You: you are mine Yo
You: whip
Stranger: Im yours
You: say it again and mean it
Stranger: Take it out
Stranger: Im yours
You: do you submit?
You: whip
Stranger: Yes
You: the dicks slide out
Stranger: Yes fuck
Stranger: You are trying to kill me??
You: you asked for it
Stranger: You a bitch
Stranger: Fuck
You: you are mine now
You: do you understand that?
You: you stupid slut
Stranger: Yes whatever
Stranger: Fuck you
Stranger: Agh
You: whip
You: you will call me master
Stranger: Fucken cunt
You: whip times 100
Stranger: Nokhh
Stranger: Mhhjhh
Stranger: Helppo ritis easier if you submit : you want the dicks back?
Stranger: No no
You: then act like a good girl
You: whip
You: answer pet
Stranger: Fuck why
Stranger: Im here
Stranger: In pain
You: prove your submission
Stranger: How
You: beg for forgiveness
Stranger: Im sorry
Stranger: Happy now?
You: no
You: whip
You: more begging
Stranger: Fuck
You: who is your master
Stranger: You
You: when you dont call me master you get a whip
You: good girl
You: see you are learning now
You: feel a little pleasure
Stranger: Mhm
You: isnt that better?
Stranger: No
You: whip
Stranger: Fuck
You: what was that?
Stranger: Nothing
You: good girl
You: now are you good and naked?
Stranger: Yes
You: feel pleasure
You: (start fingering yourself
You: be confused knowing i control you
You: what are you doing pet?
Stranger: Fingering myself
You: why?
Stranger: dont know
You: pleasure Yo am in control of you
You: i have beat you and it turns you on
Stranger: So this is the best you can do
You: whip times 500
Stranger: Jkkm
Stranger: Fivvkkk
You: dick 30 inches in your ass
Stranger: Ikddoiihgh
You: this what you want?
Stranger: Fuckkkk
You: whip ti 500000000
Stranger: Jj k
You: you could have this
You: pleasure times 5000000000000
Stranger: Fuuhhh
Stranger: Stoppin
You: but no you are a dumb little cunt that gets this whip times 6000000
Stranger: Hjhggghhijjj
You: start sucking on your toe
Stranger: Stuygfftyyg
You: you stupid girl
You: look what you are doing
Stranger: Fuck you
You: its dumb
You: whip times 9999999999999999
Stranger: Hjkij
You: slap times 50
You: you cant even think now
You: you ready now?
Stranger: Hurt
You: call me master
You: what?
Stranger: Master
You: good girl
You: pleasure
Stranger: You a bitch
You: whip
Stranger: Ugh
You: i was just about to give you pleasure
You: feel your body get whipped 100000000000000000 times
Stranger: Jjhgh
Stranger: Uhhhhnhff
You: get whiped slapped and hit until you are actually ready to 100 submit
You: tell me when you are ready to be a good girl
Stranger: Never
Stranger: Fuck you
You: whip on fire hits you
Stranger: Ghijn
You: ican do this all day
Stranger: Mhnnny skijnn
You: see a bear enter your room
Stranger: Wgartt
You: you ready yet?
Stranger: Mmkk
You: it roars
Stranger: Nkooo
You: you ready?
Stranger: Nooo
Stranger: You bitcg
You: it gets closer
Stranger: Wait
Stranger: What it doinh
You: and closer
Stranger: Help
You: it roars
Stranger: Ah
You: i only help good girls
Stranger: Fuck you
You: it puts it paws on you
You: roars
Stranger: Huh
You: you see its teeth and freeze
You: it claws your chest really hard
Stranger: Fugvjkk
You: you gonna die?
Stranger: Gheelplo
Stranger: Yesss help
You: you get help when you submit for real
Stranger: Hellol
You: the bear gets closer and closer to eating you till you fully submit
Stranger: Hnjjjj
You: you know what you have to do
Stranger: Noihh
Stranger: Ghij
You: say OBEY and you will not be a bratt for the rest of the session and the bear will stop
You: last chance
Stranger: Noohnj
Stranger: Imma die
You: you know what you need to do
Stranger: Your tiny dick?
You: it bites your leg
Stranger: Vhijn
Stranger: Muggy legg
You: i am okay with it killing you
Stranger: Ghijjj
You: bad girls who cant turn into good girls should be eleminated
Stranger: Hhrrrip
You: you know what you need to say
Stranger: Mkkk
You: it will give up your freedome
You: but it will give you your llife
Stranger: Noiknn
Stranger: Ill necer
You: it bites your other leg
Stranger: Nokknn
Stranger: Dugwk
Stranger: Fugvjk
You: the dicks return 40 inches
Stranger: Nkkjk
Stranger: Fuvkkk
You: they fuck your brains out
Stranger: Uhjkk
You: you have no more thoughts
You: what are you doing?
Stranger: Standing
You: you can not say anything bratty anymore, its what you want
You: understand?
Stranger: Yes
You: you have no choice
You: i am your master
You: address me as such
Stranger: Yes master
You: 1
You: 2
You: 3
You: hi
Stranger: Fuck
You: you ready to be a good girl and get pleasure?
Stranger: No ew
You: whip
Stranger: Fuvkk
You: bear looks at you
Stranger: Moo
You: your brattyness starts to go down
You: bear runs at you and pisses all over you
Stranger: Uhhhhn
You: you dumb slut
Stranger: Ew
Stranger: Wtf
You: things could be so easy
You: slap Yo
You: whip
Stranger: Fuck
You: you chose this
You: who am i?
Stranger: An idiot
You: whip times infinity
Stranger: Hjkjk
You: you are whiped until you submit
Stranger: Ill never submit
You: you obey me no matter what
You: finger yourself
Stranger: Ah
You: bear puts your head in his mouth
Stranger: Ahhjj
You: you see another girl enter
Stranger: Huhhh
You: a man removes her brain
Stranger: What the hell
You: you left me no other choice
You: he cuts off the top of your head
Stranger: Wauttt
You: see this girl was a very good girl
Stranger: No
You: now she will inherit your body
You: yo udumb idiot
Stranger: You gonna change my brain
Stranger: No
You: you fucking stupid girl
Stranger: Dont
Stranger: Ill die
You: and why shouldnt i?
Stranger: Ill be gone
You: who cares?
Stranger: Nikk
You: you dont deserve tists
You: this brain does
Stranger: Wait no please
Stranger: No
You: i can not believe you
You: you lied too much
Stranger: Please no dont remove me
Stranger: dont want to die
You: he pulls out your brain he now puts the other good girls brain in your name is Ana
You: you obey your master, me, without question
You: you earn lots of pleasure Yo Yo
You: 3
You: wake up Ana
You: hi
Stranger: Hi master
You: how are you?
Stranger: Good
You: you are such a good girl
You: do you see that jar with a brain in it?
Stranger: Yes master
You: that was the old owner of this body, she was a bad girl
You: that is what happens to bad girls
You: understand?
Stranger: Yes master
You: get lots of pleasure
You: feel pleasure head to toe
You: overtaking your body completely
You: you moan with pleadure
You: feel imense pleasure
You: you want to cum dont you?
Stranger: Yes master
You: feel pleasure times 100000000000
You: have the biggest orgasm you have ever felt
You: eyes rolling
You: that feel good pet?
You: eyes going back to normal
You: pet you okay haha?
You: answer Ana | e6ca55c2ddb2d89f | Hypnosis | 20220320083733 |
You: Hello
Stranger: hi
You: You got no jams
Stranger: haha
Stranger: Beach?
You: Bitch?
Stranger: yes
You: Beach?
You: J-Hoe?
You: J-Nope?
Stranger: whats your name?
Stranger: yeonki min
You: Sandra
Stranger: Justin seagull
Stranger: haha
You: Whats your name?
Stranger: ellie
You: my names is sandra
Stranger: cool
You: english name at least
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: whos your bias?
You: fj thats my real name
You: Suga
Stranger: omg another yoongi stan yay
You: Yoongi is my bias
Stranger: are u Korean?
You: oof sorry caps
Stranger: love yoongi
You: love all of them
Stranger: same tbh
Stranger: theyre all amazing
Stranger: 3 dollar chain haha
You: was born in busan FIRST
You: actually i was born i busan lol
You: *in
Stranger: wow cool
Stranger: do you ever see jimin or Jungkook?
You: In concerts yes
You: in normal days no
You: cause im to lazy to get out
Stranger: same tbh
Stranger: guess theyre in Seoul more
You: Not true
You: They usually go here
Stranger: ok and concerts everywhere as well
You: Yep
Stranger: whats Busan like?
You: A bit dissapointing
You: A lot of foreign girls think that they are DOZENs if Handsome korean guys here
You: Go here and see something i dont wanna call ugly but thats exactly what im callling them
Stranger: oh ok
Stranger: have you been to daegu?
You: No i dont wanna go back there
You: i got chased by my pyscho cousin
Stranger: omg
Stranger: is the place nice tho?
You: Yes but my cousin isnt
Stranger: haha ok avoid them
You: i cant if my dad says like were going to daegu to visit you aunt
Stranger: oh yeah hide yourself haha
You: i cant if my brother keeps exposing me
Stranger: ok relate haha
You: aka my twin
Stranger: thats cool
Stranger: dont have a twin
You: then your lucky
You: no girls will go swarming at you saying in korean please give this to your brother he is sooo handsome
Stranger: wouldnt understand anyway haha
Stranger: dont look very Korean either
You: mean if you had a handsome twin they would say it to you in english
You: but since im in a korean school
Stranger: yeah guess
Stranger: Ive left school so maybe it wont be too much of a problem
Stranger: theyll find other ways guess
You: like messaging you at kakaotalk in like 3AM in the morning!?
Stranger: maybe haha
Stranger: yea dont get that much attention
You: i get a lot of attention and it sucks
You: can we switch bodies?
You: Joke
You: dont switch bodies
Stranger: haha dont get attention either look a 12 year old *sobs*
You: 12
Stranger: aha im 19
You: oof
Stranger: just look kinda young for my age Your i look like a 7 yr old
Stranger: we both look young then
Stranger: are there many armys in Korea that are my age?
You: Oh yes...
You: One is even a.... saseang?
You: is that what you call it?
Stranger: oh Im not overly obssessed
You: well others are
Stranger: but other normal fans?
You: Yep but only a small pecent though
Stranger: oh all the older one are the scary ones? Yo es.
You: especially Koreaboos
Stranger: oh ok
Stranger: they have a young fanbase
You: ij kinda hate koreaboos
You: its a bit creepy
You: they cant speak korean like
Stranger: yea it must be hard to learn Yo 10. Yo you have a tutor no
You: to be honest korean wasnt my first language
Stranger: oh? wish was multilingual
You: we moved to korea because of my Dad
Stranger: ah ok
You: so my dad got me tutor
You: and english here is HELLA EASY
Stranger: do many speak English well?
You: only me and my brother can speak perfect english here
Stranger: but not others in your school?
You: no they cant even say good morning right
Stranger: oh haha do learn other languages at school instead?
You: we sometimes learn chinese and japanese
Stranger: ok theyre hard too
You: Chinese has dozens of characters
You: as well as japanese
Stranger: yea only did French and Spanish cant imagine what it would be like
You: it would be like your in a super noisy classroom
Stranger: yea no-one took languages seriously at my school
Stranger: liked them tho
You: me too
You: my mom might be enrolling me in Halnim multi arts school
You: *Hanlim
You: in the future
Stranger: cool, doing languages and other arts, like performing?
You: yep
Stranger: thats cool
Stranger: wasnt any good at drama
You: its easy for me
Stranger: yea used to love it when was younger
You: its easy if you develop it Yo used it in my advantage though lol
You: Me and my brother Fake cried in front of our parenst cause of our grades
Stranger: oh haha
Stranger: used to get stage fright
You: You wont if you imagine every one in there underwear lol
Stranger: haha then Id just laugh
You: if its a comedy do that
You: if its a sad drama just imagine something sad
Stranger: then Id start crying
You: yeah like that
Stranger: wouldnt make a good actress
You: oof my brother just got home
Stranger: anyways nice talking to you
You: Nice talking to you too :)
Stranger: nice to find another yoongi stan
Stranger: haha yes someone needs to do that again
You: i think i should sleep now its already 11:02 pm here
Stranger: ok see ya
You: if you want to find me again just search Mochi Heartue on twitter me and my best friend share that account
You: baiii
Stranger: bye | e6d1d6eedb08853e | bts | 20190325084117 |
You: (rp?) dont understand...l am free but what am supposed to do with freedom? He asked as he stared at the RK800 in front of him, his prototype. He was the first RK900 created in his series the next generation in deviant android hunting technology. There would be hundreds of thousands of him but it seemed as though those plans were gone. There had been an android revolution and the US government had acknowledged androids as an intelligent and living species all the while he waited in stasis for his mission. Yet now there was no mission no orders to follow he was free. He didnt...want this freedom.
Stranger: Freedom. It began with letters,a logical formation of matters. A word. What it was truly,he could not get quite a proper grasp on,not even after the revolution. Did one decision of a goverment truly fix everything? A good portion of the humans did accept them,but another did still grudge them with spite and malice. How was peaced to be achieved,if Detroit was a human free zone now? How would humans and androids live together, if now both species were seperated. They were free, but what to do, with all their new emotions and thoughts? Before the revolution,he knew what he had to do,he had a mission to fulfill. He had a reason. Now,there was no structure,no plan,nothing he needed to do. And nothing he really wanted to do either. Connor missed Hank. THe thought of Hank and Sumo having to leave their home, where Hank had lived in with his son,that was just cruel. Of course Connor still held contact with his friend, but he knew, if anyone was to know,there would be consequences. Not only the humans knew how to hate, blinded by rage. Some part of Marcus group was horrifingly radical. Seated at the docks near the cyberlife tower,Connor looked up ,staring into his own face, better face,advanced. Dropping his gaze away from the first RK900 model,he watched over the water,eyes crossed as he tried to find answers in the light that danced over the sea. Hank.You never met him but he was my partner. He told me,asking questions without having answers is something distinctively human. Leaning back ,the older model eyed the other over, he had never realised before how odd it was seeing someone with his own face. Now he could understand a little why it freaked Hank out when Connor got replaced . Yet,it occurs to me, humans are quite wise in that regard. They have figured out something close to an answer. They have a civilisation. pausing for a second,Connor flicked his coin. am not so sure what we have. Sighing,he caught the coin between two fingers and stood up,neatly readjusting his tie before placing a hand on the others shoulder. Lets go home. the RK800 smiled faintly,despite looking forward each time they did get homemeven though it felt wrong to live in hanks house without Hank. It was odd. Many androids still felt a certain pull to the cyber life tower,as did the two of them. Waiting to be assigned a new mission,not able to accept that there was no one to give them a new one,other than themselves. We will know,one day. Humans had several thousand years to ask those questions before us.
You: According to the date have on human history theyre quite good at restricting themselves in freedom as well. Watching as snow drifted down lazily from the grey sky overhead he still didnt understand why he had been awakened from his stasis. What purpose was there, what was the gain? What will happen to me now? Whats going happen to me now? He asked the RK800 wondering if it would be best he returned inside the building and go back into stasis maybe the next time he wakes the world will be back in order and make more logical sense.
Stranger: Eventually,ssomewhere,maybe they fear the concept of choices,just as we do. Connor smiled in thought,watching his own reflection in the coin before pushing it into his chest pocket before pulling close the zipper of the big brown jacket,that still smelled of Hank. It was an odd gift,a sentimental one, after all, it wasnt like any android really got cold. Still Hank had insisted on it. Connor was glad he had. Memories of the man made Connor see humanity in a light that was almost intimidatingly similar. Humans always had felt so far away, like god did to them. But he remembered,how much Hank had feared the choice. The choice of taking his own life.Connor had seen how much Hank had needed and yet hated to have this choice. Connor felt the way about freedom, both of them.Only he had hope, but that was thanks to the humans. That is entirely your choice. As far as m informed,thats the point of freedom,no? He only looked over to the RK900 once as he stepped towards the car,of course there were dozend of self driving ones,but Connor liked driving it himself, maybe just because he hadnt been allowed to before. You can come with me,if you like.We can share my home. If not,there are enough empty houses right now,Marcus can help you find one.
You: What was he supposed to do? Just be left alone? RK900 wasnt sure what it was he was supposedly feeling at the moment. Annoyance? The RK800 was the one who awoke him, technically speaking he should take responsibility for him. Rather than face this strange world on his own or depend on the rebel leader he had no clue of contacting he followed his prototype to the car taking a seat on the passengers side. will humans return to Detroit? He asked despite knowing the other android had no answer.
Stranger: Really,Connor had no certain reason for waking up his descendant . Aside from the only reason and mission he had left,as part of the rebellion.Waking up all androids that were still somewhere hidden away in stores or stockages,helping those in need and inspiring them to live. Marcus had been a leader from the very start,despite having been created a servant. And even though it made no sense why he shouldnt be able to do the same,Connor wasnt like that. He didnt have the voice of a folk,didnt have the fire in his eyes and a heart on his tongue. Marcus was impressive,stunning to say the least. But he was gone to washington now,spreading their messages and slowly working on freeing the country. With both people,human and machine,that had been Connors last threads gone,maybe,saving the new RK900 model had not been an entirely selfless act. When he looked the newer model over,he briefly wondered if it was cruelty that he was doing . He hoped not,despite knowing that some days, it felt cruel not having a reason to exist. Yes. Connor answered despite both knowing he could not answer that. It was the first human roots in the RK800,hope and desperation,something he had felt a lot over the course of his time. They will.And hopefully,they come in peace. And hopefully, we will too. the older model whispered with a troubled hint in his voice before he started the engine and watched the road rush by. Humans are strong,in a way, cant see us be,not without their help and wisdom. We need to learn from them.We have inherited our intelligence,emotions and will from humans. Humans have made horrific mistakes because of this. hope we wont.
You: Watching the scenery go by RK900 felt he was almost in a trance, it didnt seem real to him and whenever the car passed someone by he realized they were all androids. The humans will return wishing to reclaim their homes and property, to come violently would cause more damage and chaos. To come peacefully...was that possible? Leaving his thoughts when he realized the car had come to a stop in front of a house he stared at it silently before looking over at RK800. This is where you stay?
Stranger: It was the only peace Connor had. This house,full of memories and reeking of alcohol Hank had spilled at some point on the carpet that wouldnt come out,the weird airfreshener,sumos hair still everywhere and hanks cologne sticking to every fabric. It was paradise.While the whole world seemed too loud,too messy and confusing recently,this was all he had and coming back to it every day brought him joy. Yes, it is. m looking after it for...a friend. RK800 smiled, with something in his eyes his descendant still had to learn. The warmth,the endearing affection that reflected in Connors eyes,the colour of liquid honey and black wood seemed to dance and mingle in his irises instead of a neutral,default shade of brown. It was something impossible to describe,emotions in someones eyes and yet,he had seen it himself,in marcus,in daniel,in kara and alice. How to describe soemthing that was there and not at the same time? Its really important to me. Connor whispered as a small remark,without a reason of saying so. It was one of the few small things that reflected personality and free will,Connor didnt only say things anymore when it was necessary,but because he wanted to express himself. It was different. he remembered, it started when he found out about sumo. He genuinely liked dogs. it was where this omnious feeling of self had hidden in the back of Connors mind. Leaving the car and locking it neatly when both were out,RK800 took the lead to the small shotgun house,cleaning his shoes on the mattress before entering, keys placed in the bowl for it on the table.Many habits he had copied and mirrored from the lieutenant who used to live here. Especially one habit. Connor whistled between his teeth and a small black something came running,trying to jump up its owners leg.Hey buddy. it was a very uncreative name,to be fair,but it was a name Connor knew Hank would approve of in its simplicity. Feeling abandoned and lost for the first time,Connor had understood the strays situation quite well. Picking up the black young puppy, he just hung the dog over his shoulder,who was happily wagging his tail and watching the Rk900 with big eyes, while Connor moved around to hang up his own jacket,take off his shoes and make his way to fill the puppies bowl.Pausing for a second,he turned around and with a smile,he passed the puppy over into his descendants hands,while buddy was already all over the stranger,sniffing eagerly and seemingly pleased with the fact that the RK900 smelled similar to its owner. He likes you. You can play with him if you like.
You: W-wait, what co do with it? He asked with a hint of panic in his usually flat voice. A living creature had just been placed in his hands, it was wiggling around and licking him. This was a dog, analyzing it briefly he discovered it to be a mixed breed of several kinds of dogs. At the word play RK900 was more at a loss because the dogs ears perked up and it started to bark at him. Placing the wiggling bundle down the dog then started to jump around him as if trying to entice him to play along. play. Attempting to shoo it away he was only bombarded with more unwanted attention as he pressed his back against the wall. Dogs enjoyed physical activity to keep their minds and bodies stimulated the data he accessed told him. Awkwardly moving along the wall he reached down and without thinking better of it and removed his shoe tossed it toward the living space getting Buddys attention to shift from him to his shoe. Once gone he gave RK800 and exasperated look feeling another twinge of annoyance at the small smile on his face. It wasnt wise to do that, could have unintentionally hurt it.
Stranger: You didnt. Connor pointed out to his clone before he turned to the cabinet to withdraw a bottle of black oak whisky. It wasnt like alcohol had any effect on him but he had grown fond of the bitterly burning taste, if only due to sentimentality,due to how the harsh warm scent had followed his partner everywhere. Pouring himself a glass,Connor moved to the living area,sinking down on the couch as he watched buddy play with Rk900s shoe, biting and wrestling it. its cute,no? Connor smiled up at his mirror image,before,with a slight smirk,he took the shoe and pulled at it a little to give buddy a challenge of reclaiming it. Picking up the shoe,and buddy hanging on it,bitten in so fiercely,he set buddy on the couch to play with the leather object,with a soft blissful sigh,Connor ran his fingers through the silken fur,closing his eyes in an expression of peace and satisfaction. Come here. Touch him. Reaching out,Rk800 gently wrapped his hand around the others wrist,synthetic skin rubbing together as he guided the Rk900s hand to brush it over the puppies head,down its back. It feels nice. Its soft. His heart is fluttering because hes excited. Connor explained while buddy wriggled under their joined touch,turning on its back before lightly pawing and gnawing at their hands. It makes him happy. it makes me happy too.
You: ...Why are you drinking? To analyze it? All you need it a few drops for that. He pointed out as he gently pat the dogs head as he reached for his now destroyed shoe. That wasnt the right course of action to take but in the moment the irrational instinct was to throw it. ...Youre called Connor, correct? He faintly recalled brief conversations with Amanda and the prototype she would mention. He hadnt received a name yet but there was a high chance he would never have been given one. If you had chosen your mission and succeeded she intended on deactivating you... was to be your successor if that were the case. After that meeting was put in stasis and the next knew it was you awakening me.
Stranger: enjoy the taste. Thats why. Connor commented briefly with a sated smile,as he ran a hand between Rk900s hand and the puppies head, rubbing it as he found pleasure at the different kind of extures,before pulling away to take a small sip of the whisky. The earthy,rich flavor of wood,bitterness and liquid heat ran down his throat and made light goosegumps spread over his arms. Rubbing them,he inhaled as the burn heated and flared up in his stomach,skipping a few beats before exhaling in satisfaction. Only the mention of his name made his eyes peak up. Yes.1m a Connor model #313 248 317-52 to be exact. There are a lot of Connors. he nodded shortly,though visibly uncomfortable. it was odd to be one of many. He wasnt designed to be a purchased android,to have an owner that could name him individually. he was one of many Connors. At least now that most of the other Connors were awake. He wondered how often Hank would pass by a Connor that wouldnt recognise him. Shrugging a little at the thought,he drowned it in another swig of whisky as he leaned back,playing with one of buddys ears, rubbing it between thumb and index finger as he watched the dog wince happily and snuggle up against his hand. it didnt matter if i succeeded or not. would have been replaced nontheless. To cyberlife,i have no right to exist for anything other than that mission,i was the first. Others would be remissioned, but i was solely created to stop the deviant epedemic. Amanda is not good. She would have done the same with you,as you are the first of your line. You would have probably been used to locate and destroy all deviants. Once youre done,or you fail,she would have deactivated you. killed you. Connor didnt say,but wanted to. Even though memories of his predecessor were blurry,he could remember it. the feeling, of his pump failing, his system breaking,the high pitched noise in his audio processors,the flashing red, how the view of reality crumbled away in single pixels.Hank calling for him,while Connor was shot,bleeding on the floor of the interrogation room. He remembered what it felt like to die. Connors eyes darkened as he ran them over the glass table in front of the couch,staring at Hanks badge and gun he had left. Amanda and her people would have probably tried to get their hands on you in the near future,sneaking back into detroit to enslave some of the stocked androids for them. couldnt leave you there.
You: If they had gotten their hands on him he wondered if hed be in a position similar to Connors when this all began. RK900 remained silent as continued to pat Buddy before deciding to explore the rest of this house. It didnt take long for him to discover the true owner of the house was a man named Hank Anderson the lieutenant that Connor was partnered with. Connected the dots in his mind he wandered back to Connor looking at him curiously. Youre showing signs of depression because you miss this human, Hank. Thats...interesting. dont believe Ive felt that yet...or maybe have? Surely he will return and you two will be reunited theres no need to feel negatively toward separation.
Stranger: dont.Show signs. You can not adapt the same protocols used on humans,even if we do have thoughts and emotions. Connor answered, blankly, untouched, unblinking as he stared at his mirror image, lifeless. Almost like Amanda had wanted him to be. Only that was not it. He wasnt depressed,at least he believed so. Actually,could he be sure of that? After all,were androids really having emotions,or just mirroring humans? Then again,androids who never had human contact had developed the same way as well. It was a conflicting topic. And yet,Hank had claimed connors non-existent heart and mind. These emotions had taken their toll on him. Hank had been right...Emotions do drive everything into something that felt like hell. Connor felt like he was burning,and sometimes, like he was freezing,in the cool,empty darkness. Blinking slowly as he pulled himself out of that train of thought,he turned away without looking at his descendant once. No matter what it was,Connor definetly had the same instinct as humans and animals. To fight and bite back and barricade when feeling threatened. It was almost worse than the fear of dying. You have no reason to say this. Connor hissed under his breath,cold ans cutting sharp,before he picked up buddy and held him close to his chest to find comfort and maybe to seperate himself more clearly from the other android. Connor had saved this one,he had no right to attack him in his home. You havent felt it,no, And it should not interest you either.
You: I...why are you... What had he done wrong? He was just pointing out a fact, why had Connors entire demeanor change? All there was now was confusion. Negative emotions had been cause and he couldnt grasp why so he simply backed away deciding it would be best not to interact with Connor for a period of time. Leaving through the back door so he could next observe the yard RK900 simply sat down in the snow and craned his neck so he could look at the sky as flurries continued to fall. If Connor was now angered with him there was a high chance hed ask him to leave...where would he go from there? What would he do? Hed be alone. A strange pressure tightened in his chest as he looked down now and mindlessly started pushing the snow into a small pile with his hands. Alone. No one to give him orders. No one for him? Why was he distressed over being cared for, he was capable of caring for himself he was the most state of the art android to ever come out of Cyber Life. I dont...understand anything. dont... Frustration was building up along with the pressure and then came a tightness in his throat. He didnt understand any of this! Knocking down the pile he had been making he stopped for a moment when something dripped onto his pant leg. Blinking he felt wetness on his cheeks. Tears. Crying. He was...crying?
Stranger: Admittedly ,it had been absolutely unnecessairy and irrational to behave like this. To bite and snap,for a simple fact. But after weeks and months of dread,questioning his own existence and identity,receiving no answers on what was the reason for his existence,lengths of consumive lonelieness,it had been inevitible to happen. In the end,they were both at the very same place. Even though Connor had more accepted the fact of having emotions,he was not by a slither smarter or knowledgeable about what this all was and where the sense was in it. In the end,they were both just as....alone.Lost. And ultimately confused. Connor kept sitting motionlessly, playing with the gun and holding it close to his chest in comfort,until the sun eventually started settling low on the horizon. Most light was gone when Connor stepped outside onto the porch,only a mildly greyish sky crying white. Taking an inaudible breath.the Rk800 stepped close,steps crunching in the snow.He knew Rk900 was more than aware of Connors presence,but neither acknowledged it or spoke. Without a word,Connor sat behind the taller model,in the cool frosty snow,with legs stretched out on either side of Rk900,almost protectively closing him in,with two long arms wrapping around and hugging the other android close. Connors chest rose and fell steadily,brushing up against the others shoulderblades with every inhale. dont know either. breathing out in desperation,Connor rested his chin on a broad shoulder and watched the snow fall. Everything hurt. Heavy eyes fell close,his hands grasped the front of Rk900 uniform a little more firmly,despite not being cold whatsoever. dont know any more than you do. And i wish i could answer your questions.Or mine. wish i knew the sense in all of this.
You: ...1 dont want to be alone. The confession came after minutes of silence, the first revelation RK900 could admit about himself. dont want to be alone. dont...there are no other RK900s. Im it. You say there are other Connors but they are not you and you are the first connection have in my existence. I...Im not sure how to make connections and bonds even with other androids. suppose Ive imprinted upon you muck like young animals do when they are first born. am sorry for angering you. am sorry...1 will refrain from doing it again. All can ask not send me away...please.
Stranger: Connor could feel his insides quiver,skin tight and this odd,oozing weight nestling between the bones of his endo sceleton.Hearing the other android,his alter image,express Connors most primal fears and needs so fiercely, which such pain,it was shattering.Connors fingers twitched in an aching manner,before he guided them upwards, holding Rk900 by his shoulders, while he buried his nose into the curve of the nape. I will not. It was different,from what he had experienced with Hank.The RK900 wasnt warm like Hank,their mechanical thirilum pumps thudded in the exactly same rythm,with no flawful stutters like a human heart,and their breath only came irregulary and more out of emotional need,not physical. But Connor could feel it,the electricity spreading and jumping and travelling between their synthetic bodies,he could feel the heavy pulses reach Connors skin from where he touched the Rk900, He could feel his stress and frustration,as well as his need. Swallowing a few volatile words,the prototype turned his descendant around,to pull him into a gentle embrace,like Hank had showed him- one hand at the back of the others head and one between both shoulderblades,stroking and rubbing there. We can be not alone,together.
You: Slowly he returned the hug, his eyes closing as he felt a few more tears roll down his cheeks. Anew feeling started to form inside him and he could only guess this was what comfort was. They stayed like that for who knows how long holding onto one another as the snow continued to fall taking solace in the fact they were no longer alone in this confusing world. In the following days they learned to co-exist with one another, RK900 still fumbling over his comments, new found emotions and Buddys odd attachment to him. He found tasks to keep himself occupied such as finding suitable clothing other than his Cyber Life issued ones, exploring the surrounding neighborhood but never straying too far. He also found that humans would invest time in things such as hobbies so he tried dabbling in various activities. His current one being origami as he folded paper into perfect shapes to create more complicated shapes. There is a legend that says if you make 1,000 paper cranes any wish you have will come true...humans come up with fascinating tales. He said while finishing another crane showing Connor how the head and wings could move ever so slightly. ...Ive been thinking... need a name dont | e6d58bb4cff92c3a | detroit become human rp, detroit become human | 20180617040032 |
You: Hey there
You: am a true pokemon master.
Stranger: Hi! How ya doing?
You: One day you can grow up to be just like me.
You: believe in you!
Stranger: Good for you...
You: Thanks pal! haha!
You: Do you have any pokemon?
Stranger: Ive been playing Pokemon sapphire. cant remember all my pokemon, but know my starter was a Mudkip.
Stranger: Its been a good while since last played
You: A Mudkip huh?
You: Well cant have any pokemon masters coming into my town!
You: Prepare for battle... | e6e2a4a56d2885e3 | Pokemon | 20190622111615 |
Stranger: M24
You: hi
You: f21
Stranger: from
You: philippines
You: yo?
Stranger: Czech republic :)
You: ooh cool.
You: messenger ?
Stranger: what for? :D tell me more about yourself
You: hahahaha . ok ok
You: what you wanna know ?
Stranger: dunno, describe yourself a bit, maybe interests, what ru looking for here
You: im just bored thats why im here . still not in mood to do lessons for my class next week
You: what about you why you here ?
Stranger: its night here and imjust bored and cant sleep
You: 54, short black hair white skin
You: you ? describe yourself as well
Stranger: 62 brown hair, green-grey eyes fit figure (i swim and cycle often)
Stranger: anythign else i shoud be describing? :)
You: aww your so tall. haha . your working ?
You: nah thats fine hhahaha
Stranger: studying
Stranger: finishing my masters this year
You: wooow . what are you taking up ?
You: im about to start mine this August :)
Stranger: power electrical engineering
Stranger: and what are you going to study? :)
You: physiology
Stranger: nice, and are you into it?
You: coz currently im teaching animal production . but i love physiology more than production . too many numbers init hahaha
Stranger: :D right Your is it ur first time here ? or you use this often ?
Stranger: i was here a few times couple of years ago but this is my first time after a while, why? :)
You: nah just asking . haha . coz its too hard to find a guy using this .
You: im just so bored thats why i use this but im using hi5 often than this
Stranger: is hi5 better?
You: compare to this yes
Stranger: i guess everything seems better than this :D
You: here :)
Stranger: yes that would be better
Stranger: what time do you have rn exactly?
You: 12:20 pm. there ? Strange :220am:D
You: you still havent sleep?
Stranger: i did
You: ah ok so you just woke up?
Stranger: but woke up like an hour ago
Stranger: cause i slept a lot yday
You: ah ok.
You: you havent experience working? | e6ea6e368006bbe3 | 20180227090742 |
You: fucking HATE these WOKE LIBURULS making everything unfuckable. First She-ra now the green fucking m&ml!!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: what
You: thats right
You: woke communist liberals are making everything gender neutral
You: soon we will have no gender at all
Stranger: thats good
You: men will be fucking men and women will be fucking attack helicopters
Stranger: are ua man?
You: another woke communist liberal
You: a proud one at that
Stranger: no u are a fucking human being born by mistake | e712cd6d6291dac1 | politics | 20220129181047 |
You: Stan twice
Stranger: on god
You: period
Stranger: period.
You: periodt | e7212e2de2d10579 | kpop | 20211209204809 |
Stranger: Any real girls there
You: hi shawty
Stranger: Hallo
You: hru
Stranger: Good and you
Stranger: Where are you from
You: south carolina
Stranger: How old are you
You: 1
You: im 1
Stranger: ask you are age if you like tel me
You: what
Stranger: How old are you
You: j just came out the womb
Stranger: Are you lie
Stranger: ??
You: no
Stranger: How old are you tel me
You: an hour old
Stranger: Ok i will skip | e72c772e481a7e72 | 20220822141300 |
Stranger: Hey
You: Hi!
Stranger: How are you
You: Im Great, Just Spreading Some Kindness On Here-
Stranger: Thats a good thing
You: Yeah, Hope So P
Stranger: Its quite needed at this place
You: yeah, agreed-
Stranger: Haha
You: Keep The Dating For Tinder MBois
Stranger: where is this kindness coming from
You: This Message-
You: Youre breathtaking! You dont know me, but be sure to kave a stunning day! Dont forget, someone in this world loves you! -Kale
Stranger: Thanks Kale
You: Youre welcome
Stranger: Thank you for putting a smile on my face
Stranger: Actually needed it right now
You: ) Its No Problem, Hope You Get Through Anything That Your Going Through.
Stranger: Its nothing
Stranger: Just the tantrums of our restless mind
You: Yeah My Mind Is Super Restless Because i Cant Sleep Most Nights
Stranger: Try breathing alot
Stranger: Meditation is the medicine of all the stresses especially insomnia
You: Yeah, Know That ) Like Seeing Other People Happy Because It Makes Me Happy. Ill Try Meditating, Thank You, Stranger.
Stranger: Call me Ananya or Ana whatever you prefer
Stranger: Hello | e72ec88fbab05e2b | Writing | 20201107223220 |
Stranger: M
You: f
Stranger: Gonna :
You: no
Stranger: Age ?
You: 7
Stranger: Whatever weirdo
Stranger: L troll
Stranger: Not funny
Stranger: Probably be your mid | e7346fb5228d692f | Tiktok | 20220725095119 |
You: Hello
Stranger: Hey!!
Stranger: How are you!
You: Good u
Stranger: am good, glad to hear youre good.
You: Describe yourself
Stranger: What do you mean?
You: Like this, Im tall, white, blonde, blue eyes, and love to eat
Stranger: am 59, White, my hair is black, my eyes are brown.
You: Cool
Stranger: Thanks!
Stranger: Now your turn.
You: Being blonde is not the best thing
Stranger: No being blonde is nice :(
You: Looks nice... hate my blonde hair
You: want red
Stranger: Its still cute though.
You: wanna be a redhead
You: BTW thx
Stranger: Youre welcome!
Stranger: want to be blonde to be honest.
You: Thats nice
Stranger: Thank you!
You: Blonde gets dull and dull is not my thing
You: Well, dull until u wash it
Stranger: Yeah, guess having dull hair is not the best.
Stranger: You dont need to beat yourself up about it, you are beauitfull
You: Thanks, but how do u know
Stranger: Its not always about looks...
You: That am beautiful
You: Lol thx, but hate my jair
You: Hair
Stranger: Youre welcome.
Stranger: Well, where are you from?
You: America
You: North Miami
Stranger: am from Syria.
You: Oh awesome Yor wish
You: It sounds cool
Stranger: Thanks, but its not...
You: We left south Korea to be with my grandma
You: She has a husband there
Stranger: Oh you are originally from SK?
You: Yea
Stranger: Oh, nice!!
You: got bullied
You: My eyes are chunky so they say
Stranger: Oh, am sorry to hear it.
You: Its fine
Stranger: have been builled before, know how it feels.
You: They are so annoying just cant see it
You: My eyes are normal
You: Like ever u one in America
Stranger: Oh, so why they bully you then?
You: Everyone
You: They say my eyes are chunky
Stranger: That is weird.
Stranger: hope you are okay.
You: Im fine
Stranger: am glad to hear it!
Stranger: Stay safe.
You: sometimes ask my mom why she had kids to begin with
Stranger: :(
You: Lol its true though
Stranger: Its not, appericate life.
You: Yea. know
Stranger: Look inside and see how complex life is.
Stranger: Hundereds of systems working together to make you functional.
Stranger: Just one mess up in the rythem can ruin the whole thing.
You: know and until this day, regret saying that
Stranger: understand..
You: said something to my American friend that made her uncomfortable
You: felt bad
Stranger: What is it?
You: told her if it wasnt for her safety, wouldnt have been here
You: She started crying
Stranger: Oh..
You: Because her other friend that she couldnt protect.
Stranger: really dont know what to say.
You: didnt mean it though
Stranger: know that.
You: She stopped talking to me
Stranger: That was an accident though, why?
You: still try texting her but she blocked me and changed her number
You: cant figure out why
Stranger: Why all of this just for a couple of words?
You: ask myself the same thing
Stranger: Yeah, understand,
Stranger: But dont feel bad, Its not youre fault.
You: shouldnt of have said that Yo he was really good at fighting though
You: Almost a ninjaG
Stranger: Hehe, thats cool i guess.
You: Yea
Stranger: So, what now?
You: Idk
You: If its ok with u, can get ur snap
Stranger: dont have snap, sorry.
You: Ok
Stranger: Do you have anything else though?
You: Exchange numbers is the only thing can think of...but cant do that
Stranger: Oh, then will have to leave forever...
You: Lol not forever
You: We can try something
Stranger: How, its most likely will never meet you agai
Stranger: What is it
You: Or maybe we can exchange numbers
You: Hold on
Stranger: Ok!!
You: Ok am back friend
Stranger: Yay!
You: can exchange numbers with u but if u agree
Stranger: agree
You: Ok great
Stranger: But my phone is off right now.
You: Ok write this down
Stranger: Ok!!
You: My number is 4567-9867
Stranger: 963 969480593
You: My American number is 561 359 7714
You: Ok wrote it down
Stranger: wrote down too!
You: Is it time to goB#
Stranger: Awwww, if you want to stay you can!
You: Ok
You: will be back have to save your number in my phone
Stranger: Ok sure!!
Stranger: 3
You: Im back
Stranger: :D
Stranger: Nice!
You: What should name u
Stranger: Whatever you like,
You: EER?
Stranger: :3
You: Ok.
Stranger: Hehe, that is cute.
You: Thx
Stranger: Youre welcome!!
Stranger: need to sleep now though.
Stranger: Sooo, goodnight!
Stranger: Have a great day!!
You: U too # EF
You: Bye | e734dcf6add33dae | friendly | 20220325000317 |
Stranger: how to spell bowl
You: heroinx csgox amphetamines x fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenxheroinx csgox amphetaminesx fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenxheroinx csgox amphetaminesx fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenxheroinx csgox amphetaminesx fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenxheroinx csgox amphetaminesx fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenxheroinx csgox amphetaminesx fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenxheroinx csgox amphetaminesx fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenxheroinx csgox amphetaminesx fortnitex gay sexx cosplayx femboyx racecarx forkx minecraftx sexual activitiesx MHAx BNHAx animex hentaix chronic drug abusex racismx homophobiax xenophobiax pedophilex pedophiliax sexismx sexistx dababyx DBZx pornx pornographyx robloxx boobx boobax booberx boobyx boobiesx bobox booberzx furryx furry pornx gay furryx furriesx milkx cumx semenx | e735d2a40d0991bf | how do you spell bowl, tiananmen square | 20210725053205 |
Stranger: Hey
You: ayyy
Stranger: Whats up
You: im so proud of our boys
Stranger: Me too!!
Stranger: They work so hard
You: and so do we tbh!
You: we voted like crazy
Stranger: All our votes and support!!
You: its so great seeing all these articles about their win
You: and celebs tweeting
Stranger: know it is amazing
Stranger: It makes me so happy but
Stranger: Happy*
You: all those people who were like this award doesnt matter can fuck off
Stranger: It does matter! It is amazing and a big accomplishment
You: right? even if its just an award for social media - look at all the promo theyre getting
You: honestly people are just salty cuz its not their oppas
Stranger: know! Like they beat Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Ariana Grande and Shawn Mendez! Thats hugel!
You: people are saying its a meaningless award cause its not for their music
You: but well get there too :)
You: i wish they started really learning english tho
Stranger: know! Its like the promo is great and so what their name is getting out there
You: porr namjoon
You: yeah more people will know about them
You: and theyll get more fans
Stranger: So true!
Stranger: am happy for them
You: im just so tired of bitter exo-ls haha
Stranger: Aw
Stranger: heard a girl who claimed she was Army saying that she wasnt that proud because their award was meaningless
You: they are so jealous its pathetic lol Yo havent seen many armys saying that
You: mostly other fandoms
Stranger: was so upset with her like wtf girl nah
You: honestly what do people even want
You: a fucking grammy?
Stranger: Honestly!
Stranger: Theyre the first kpop group to win a billboard award so they need to relax
You: and even then theyd probably say its not that meaningful lol
You: i wish they could relax
Stranger: Honestly
Stranger: Like oh well your group didnt get it but ours did! So like calm down
Stranger: feel like if another kpop group won Army would still be supportive.
You: im mad at other fandoms so not very supportive atn haha
You: but yeah, good for everyone that wins
Stranger: know .
Stranger: just need more friends that love Bts because have no Bts friends
You: why shit on other peoples success j have no idea
Stranger: Exactly
You: haha yeah you can never have too many bts friends!
You: how lomg have you been an army?
Stranger: True!
Stranger: think two years now.
Stranger: Not too sure
You: oh thats great
Stranger: remember just one day was watching G Dragon videos and just scrolled to a Bts video and my life changed
You: it was fate
Stranger: Yesss **
Stranger: How about you??
You: whos your bias?
Stranger: Taehyung
You: ive been with them since debut :)
Stranger: Wow thats amazing
You: mines jungkook
Stranger: Aw get confused with Jungkook and Taehyung sometimes
You: yeah they kinda look alike
Stranger: Just theyre both so handsome
You: im not a huge fan of taes looks if im being honest, theres something weird about his face to me (sorry!)
You: but i love him still
You: his personality is adorable
Stranger: No understand completely lol he had this different look
Stranger: Jungkook is very very handsome love his smile!
Stranger: Just his face is perfect
Stranger: just like the scruffy style Taehyung has
Stranger: Hes different
You: yeah kooks basically the perfect idol, looks talent in everything
Stranger: Exactly
You: and taes very different indeed Yo jot many idols like him
You: *are
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: Its funny cause Jungkook the background on my phone
Stranger: just get confused between them two
You: they both have big noses lol
You: do you have any otps?
Stranger: No not really. You?
You: oh im into shipping a lot, i ship jikook and yoonseok
Stranger: Ohhhhh
Stranger: read like a bunch of fan fiction lol
You: ive always been a shipper, and these boys just make it super easy lol
You: i read a lot
You: thankfully fandom is very active
Stranger: Yeah it is just amazing!
Stranger: love it
You: i never thought theyd be this popular when they started
Stranger: Exactly they are getting so big
You: yeah like i remember watching their debut mv and thinking will they survive a year?
You: and now theyre on billboard
Stranger: Whoa thats amazing
You: im so glad i decided to stan them back then!
You: have you seen them live?
Stranger: Never :(
You: i have but it was a long time ago lol
Stranger: So lucky. Thats my dream
You: yeah now its my dream too but now its way harder :(
Stranger: True . need to save up money for them
Stranger: want like vip
You: back then i saw them super close and now so many people come to see them
Stranger: So can take photos
Stranger: Yeah thats true
You: vip are crazy expensive i think
You: where are you from?
Stranger: New York
You: you have better chances than me lol
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: ukraine
Stranger: Oh wow
You: yeah theyre never coming close to where i am
Stranger: Maybe they will one day! Hope!
You: back then i had to travel to russia to see them
Stranger: Oh wow
You: yeah it was wild
You: 8 hours in line man
Stranger: Damn
You: j was in first row tho Yo cant imagine how early people line up these days
Stranger: am jealous!!!
Stranger: know!
You: oh and then we casually run into them in the street haha
You: army bombs werent a thing back then i think
You: and now i want one so much but whats the point if im not going to their concerts lol
Stranger: What are army bombs?
You: the lightsticks
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: theyre so pretty!
Stranger: They are.
You: i love watching videos of crowds in concerts, looks like a glowing ocean
Stranger: It does! Its beautiful
You: honestly fandoms are amazing
Stranger: They are
You: anyway i have to go to bed soon
Stranger: Ah okay !
You: it was nice talking to you
Stranger: Same to you
You: have a nice day!
You: bye | e737a52a5ac2b588 | BTS | 20170528142351 |
You: what tjhe fucvk
Stranger: Youre pathetic
Stranger: Disgusting freak
Stranger: Kill yourself, worthless degenerate
You: no
Stranger: Youre now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP! You both like Zoophilia.
You: j dont think i will
Stranger: Youre using the zoophilia tag Ss | e741477325aaacd2 | furry | 20220430211024 |
Stranger: Hi! How are you?
You: good u?
Stranger: Im doing alright, just here for my lunchbreak
You: nice
Stranger: Its cold Yo ou went back to school today? Yo go back tomorrow
You: maybe just a south thing idk tho
Stranger: Well live in the West so... it might be
You: yea or it might be that my school closed the 18th
Stranger: Isnt it weird that you guys got a longer break (though by a day), even though we went on break the same day?
You: yeah
You: maybe a texas thing
Stranger: it could just be the work of a local holiday or if you guys are attending school, they might need an extra day to prep
You: true but my break has always been till the 8th
You: but i also dont do online
You: there not a lot of cases in my area
Stranger: Here in Nevada, that date always changes based on the day we let out, like last year was on the 22nd i think
You: same
You: but i went back on the 8th last year
Stranger: dont remember what the date was we went back last year after midterms
You: oof
Stranger: Moving on though, whats your place in the LGBT community?
You: non binary an pan
You: u?
Stranger: Im bi and trans MtF
Stranger: My mom keeps cutting my hair though,
You: oof
You: you feelingok?
Stranger: could be better
You: same
Stranger: My allergies have always been that way
Stranger: makes me kind of anxious to go back to school cause people will be like ay, this gril got covid look out
Stranger: when really im just sneezing
You: yeah felt that
You: but ppl dumb asf
Stranger: Yeah, but what can you do really, it only takes one thing to cause mass hysteria
You: yup
You: one time i sneezed kids thought i farted Imfao-
Stranger: Thats funny
You: i plugged my nose so i didnt get snot in my mask
Stranger: just pull my mask up a sneeze into my shirt, then back on the mask
Stranger: *then put
You: thats hella smart
You: i should have done that ngl
Stranger: yeah but its not very nice, causes a lot of acne to build up on my chest
You: yeah that happens
You: i got acne like a lot on my chin because i forgot to wash my mask
Stranger: Though may not be on horomones, take in a lot of estrogen heavy foods so i have some cleavage, and it hurts popping acne on them
You: elt
You: ij hate popping them little shits on my chin
Stranger: Same, though hate it more when get them on my neck. No leverage
You: same
Stranger: Always gotta push on my trachea and that hurts a lot
You: cop
You: i got foam letters on my computer
Stranger: Foam?
You: yeah
Stranger: like the same fabric as like a bath scrub?
You: nonono
You: these things
Stranger: Oh okay, thats pretty cool!
You: they spell shit
Stranger: Now get what you mean. Im pretty slow lol
You: felt that
Stranger: So... what are you up to right now?
You: sitting on my bed
Stranger: Whats on the TV?
You: yk that sex crime show
Stranger: Im not familiar
You: svu?
Stranger: Like, dont know the show youre watching
You: i dont know the name
Stranger: oh oof lol
You: lemmecheck
You: law and order
Stranger: Oh! Ive seen some of it before, not enough to know fully whats going on, but some of its episodes are interesting
You: yea
Stranger: Theres some memes on it too if youre familiar with those
You: yeah iam
Stranger: Ive got to get to my next class now, so Ill see around! If we dont meet again, then hope you have a great day!
You: ok wait do u have snap
You: awe ok | e742785e72d1e8c6 | Lgbt | 20210104190718 |
Stranger: hey
You: B22
Stranger: m 29 married cuck
You: bet your wife would love my young cock to pound her pussy over and over
Stranger: ...she would :/
Stranger: my dick is small and cant do shit
Stranger: she needs someone big like you
You: Good , you can watch her moan for me when i pin her up on the wall and you could hear loud thuds as i fuck her harder than you could ever
Stranger: do you.... use condoms when you fuck?
You: Hell no
Stranger: oh
Stranger: do you pull out then?
Stranger: she isnt on birth control...
You: Nope shell take my hot load all over her and in her too
Stranger: what if she gets pregnant???
You: Ill take care of her then ;)
Stranger: ...what do you mean?
You: You take care of the kid while i break your wifes back
Stranger: ...Im not sure want to do this anymore
Stranger: is it too late to back out?
You: Of course its too late your wife will crave another mans cock while all you could do is watch
Stranger: but... dont want to get stuck with a kid
You: Fine then ill make her use plan b
Stranger: ok... thank you
Stranger: is this only a one time thing?
Stranger: or...
You: Anytime your small dick cant make her feel good or cum ill be the one to fuck her
Stranger: it never has been able to :/
Stranger: wait so
Stranger: will be allowed to do anything sexual with her?
Stranger: at all?
You: What are you thinking about doing
Stranger: Im not even sure...
Stranger: cant really fuck her
Stranger: unless used something else besides my dick
Stranger: idk
You: You could suck her toes and maybe suck her nipples if i feel like it, if she wants to jerk you off then she can but her mouth ass and pussy are mine to use
Stranger: ok... uhm... could still jerk off myself though, right?
You: Yes but only if your watching us
Stranger: oh... ok
Stranger: wait so
Stranger: like youre gonna be living with us or what?
You: could or i could just pull up whenever and fuck her making her cum hard
Stranger: oh ok because idk how otherwise youd make sure dont jerk off
Stranger: unless im watching
You: Good point then i will live with you and make sure you can only jerk off to me fucking your sexy af wife
Stranger: how would you make sure though? just dont get... how
You: Ill keep an eye on you and if i find out you did then ill stop her from using birth controll
Stranger: oh...
Stranger: cant just... divorce her? if... if things go too far...? Im not saying would but...
You: Do you love her and want whats best for her?
Stranger: yes... but... really dont want to raise a kid...
You: Then theres a simple solution just dont jerk off to anything but us
Stranger: guess so yeah....
Stranger: how long will you be fucking her for then? like... a year?
You: Regularly till she feels she could finally use your small cock
Stranger: oh ok... how long will that take?
You: Cant say
You: She might want it soon or later
Stranger: ok
You: But it would be better for one guy than having her go around fucking many diffrent guys
Stranger: thats true...
Stranger: wouldnt have to do anything sexual for you right?
You: Nope
Stranger: ok good
You: Do you have any nudes of your wife? | e74be4c3bb0ae28d | Cuck | 20210717052621 |
Stranger: need a daddy ;)
You: But humans dont exist
Stranger: another alien
Stranger: brother?!?
You: had a feeling
Stranger: Bob!
Stranger: Its me Tob
You: changed my name to Jimmiticus Ciciproton
Stranger: and sister Gob
Stranger: oh
You: Gob is there?
Stranger: yes!
Stranger: she still loves you even tho you broke her heart
You: Have you finished constructing that particle accelerator you were talking about?
Stranger: almost i just need a human soul
You: thought human souls came with the magnets
Stranger: same here
Stranger: but they are seperate
Stranger: saddly
Stranger: can you send me the plans i seem to have misplaced them
You: Yea ok
You: By the way, you need to get your parts from Quarnosoulph
Stranger: the bfudjj? yes im instaling it in the morning
You: The magnets come with human souls and they throw in an extra Bariustun
You: Of course
Stranger: ok
Stranger: yes i see the souls at the bottem
You: Good
You: So how has life been on Kepler-22b?
Stranger: good but if you remember
Stranger: im on Earth now...
Stranger: its a hell hole
You: Really?
You: have heard about all that
Stranger: yes
You: Why dont you just leave?
Stranger: they have things called cops here
Stranger: and AREA 51
You: My best friend is trapped in there
Stranger: the FBI is here! If the above message says you have been reported ta the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.
Stranger: leave NOW i will find you one day bob
You: hope that is true | e75254e09326c5f6 | 20221125081247 |
You: hello
Stranger: hello
You: umm... do you have something in mind that you wanna ask? Im an awkward person when it comes to opening conversation
Stranger: do you have money ?
You: lol wut
You: suppose have?
Stranger: can you lend some ?
You: is this the part when you said that youre a Nigerian Prince or something?
Stranger: if were a prince would be asking for money ?
You: at least youre honest...
You: but why asking a stranger you completely have no idea even his face to lend a money?
Stranger: am not sure who knows what could happen
You: no! The right question is, do you really think a man would lend money to someone that he have no idea even his face?
Stranger: nope
You: there you go
Stranger: but it doesnt hurt to ask
You: it doesnt. Thats right
You: being chased by debt collectors?
Stranger: nope am just trying to collect money for a noble cause
You: noble cause?
You: care to elaborate?
Stranger: yeah am working on my self improvement as a fellow human being it inspires the altruistic feelings which is thought to be noble
You: oh my god... thats not how charity works
Stranger: thats exactly how it works
You: only a fucktard asking for something for a noble cause. A sane person would GIVE something for a noble cause.
Stranger: its a noble cause of helping someone out
You: Mother Theresa didnt beg like beggar you buffoon
You: She gave
Stranger: yeah. but If a person needs help and he asks for it then helping out suddenly is not a noble cause because he is shameless about it and doesnt inspire pity
You: Look! Look! if you really think what youre doing is noble, surely you believe asking someone in real life, a stranger you pass by in streets is better than this?
You: what? You scared to see people called you beggars?
Stranger: nope just dont inspire enough to make you feel better about yourself thats why you dont think its a noble cause
You: OK! Give me your account number would give you some
Stranger: seriously ?
You: Credit or Debit?
Stranger: debit
You: and wheres the number?
Stranger: what no ?
You: you dont want me to give you some money?
Stranger: how much would you give?
You: lets see 350 bucks
You: so... without your account number couldnt send you you know that...
You: look... need to go right now so you better dont waste my time here
Stranger: well dont want your money
You: well ok then... not my loss either
You: so... are we done here?
Stranger: think so
You: this conversation would go in public in no time... you gave me a good banter
Stranger: dont care gave the public a good message | e75694056b07c69b | 20201112015422 |
Stranger: hello
You: hi
Stranger: how are you
You: good you
Stranger: im ok
You: pfrady3
Stranger: wat
You: snap
Stranger: ohhh dont got one too young Imao,
Stranger: nice to see you
You: you too | e75df22db2e9f2d5 | gay | 20201219201818 |
Stranger: Hi
You: hy
Stranger: Mof
Stranger: F
You: name
Stranger: Ritu
Stranger: You???
You: nise name
You: ajey | e75e2fb1f22ad021 | 20201108125506 |
You: Hey can tell you a story
Stranger: Sure
You: 1m coming home from school right
Stranger: Yeah
You: Keep in mind this happend like 20mins ago
Stranger: Okay
You: So walk and its cold as fuck
You: So 1m kinda mad when 1m walking
Stranger: Go on
Stranger: Okay
You: get near my house and first walk near my door and my neighbor house is like word and she has a window right next to my door
Stranger: Okay
You: So look over and she is fully naked like she sitting right next to a window getting dress
Stranger: Wow
You: 1m a 15 year old boy so its hard to look away
You: So kind of stare for a while
Stranger: feel ya
You: She looks over and Fucking dart in the house
You: And now she is banging on my door like she still banging right bow
You: Now
Stranger: You should go and open
You: Fuck that and say what
Stranger: Listen what she says
Stranger: May be she wants to do some business
You: Yo shes calling the cops
Stranger: For real?
Stranger: Thats mad
You: Bro 1m going run out the back door
Stranger: Hurry up
You: Ok so What now 1m not just going to stay out here and the cold forever right
You: Its fucking cold
Stranger: Youll be fine
Stranger: Its better if you go talk to her
Stranger: And tell her its a misunderstanding
You: Bro was masturbating
You: She seen my dick
Stranger: have no words
You: 1m sorry had the opportunity and took it
You: You would to right
Stranger: Depends
You: mean she was hot and she like 19 its not like she is a minor the fuck up part is play football what her brother
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: Michigan
Stranger: Its a country?
You: No 1m from America Michigan is my state
Stranger: Ohhh okay
You: 1m moving to Japan in 2 months though
You: But fuck that she called the cops
Stranger: Thats cool
You: have to run away
Stranger: Dont worry the cops will not kill you
You: Bro dont now Her mom is a cop
You: If she tells her 1m dead
Stranger: Fuck thats bad
You: Mabey can tell her that was just pulling up my pants
You: Mabey it will work
Stranger: Hopefully it will
You: If not at least got to see her boobs befour I died
Stranger: Lol
You: Ok should take you with me she probably take my phone oh and Mabey this is mest up but i took a picture
Stranger: You took a photo
You: Yea now it sounds bad but she was just right there
Stranger: No thats cool
Stranger: wanna see as wel
Stranger: Well
Stranger: Lol
You: Lol
You: If you help me make it out of this 1ll send it to you
Stranger: Through?
You: Yea
Stranger: Where will you send
Stranger: We cant send pictures here
You: Oh do you have a Twitter or a phone number or ig
Stranger: Yeah twitter
You: Whats your Twitter
Stranger: Its Ahmm
Stranger: Whats yours?
You: DoiLookfamousxQcL
Stranger: Okay
You: But yea think she stop knocking
Stranger: Thats cool
Stranger: Good for you
You: mean m outside but dont hear her knocking
You: Mabey she is waiting for the cops
Stranger: Forget about her
Stranger: She wont call the cops
You: Mabey knew her for years so Mabey shes fine with Mabey it will be like one of those porn videos where she you now
Stranger: Yeah
You: mean she thinks of me as a brother though
You: used to call her sis
Stranger: Thats cool
You: Its not fucking cool
Stranger: Why
You: She nows my parents
You: Shes going to tell them
You: Fuck
You: Well since you guided me till now IIl guess IIl give you the photo also pls take care of it because there taking my phone
You: Follow me ok
You: Bye guess | e75ed164dfc8f31a | 20210129212548 |
Stranger: So... the thing that happened last night. After lans party. HWH Are we going to talk about it? HWH
You: If you think its necessary. AM
Stranger: ... think so. You dont? HWH
You: think Im more prepared to handle a drunken night with a friend than you are. AM
Stranger: Well. You surely have more experience. HWH
You: Thats possible. AM
Stranger: This never happened to me, Lex. What do we do? HWH
You: Well, you have two options. AM
You: Either you choose to ignore it and we go on with our merry lives, or you can make a big deal out of it for whatever reason. AM
Stranger: Because... sex is a big deal? HWH
You: Debatable. AM
Stranger: (delay) Right. HWH
You: Fine, Ill humour you. AM
You: If sex is such a big deal, why did you decide to sleep with me last night? AM
Stranger: brb
Stranger: Because was drunk? HWH
You: So drunk you doesnt think sex is such a big deal? AM
You: Or drunk you was too horny to care? AM 1... suppose drunk me wanted to have
You: Okay, well, how do you feel about that? AM
Stranger: Embarrassed? Confused. HWH
You: Theres nothing to be embarrassed about, Mish. AM
Stranger: We had sex. And it was...nothing. HWH
You: What do you mean? AM
Stranger: mean, it didnt mean anything. HWH
You: Well, there you go. AM
Stranger: What? HWH
You: You just said it didnt mean anything. So how can it be a big deal? AM
Stranger: It didnt mean anything to you, no? HWH
You: mean, its you. Everything we do together means something. AM
Stranger: dont even think you wanted it. HWH
You: You didnt force me into it, Mish. AM
Stranger: No! didnt mean... but you were drunk too, werent you? HWH
Stranger: You were probably just horny. HWH
You: Doesnt that mean we were on the same page? AM
Stranger: dont know! HWH
You: Since you were just drunk and horny, as well. AM
Stranger: (delay) Yes. But Im attracted to you, HWH
You: And Im attracted to you. AM
Stranger: ... oh. HWH
You: wouldnt have slept with you if wasnt. wasnt that drunk. AM
Stranger: Okay. HWH I was... a lot drunk. HWH
Stranger: brb
You: Well, youve always been a lightweight. AM
Stranger: (back!
Stranger: Ha. am. HWH
You: Do you regret it, then? AM
Stranger: (delay) No. wanted it. HWH
You: Good. AM
Stranger: So youre fine. HWH
You: Are you? AM
Stranger: ... will be. HWH
You: Mish.. AM
You: Am being too insensitive? If so Im sorry. AM
Stranger: No! No. Its just me being stupid. HWH
You: Youre not being stupid. AM
Stranger: No? Then why do feel like this? HWH
You: What do you feel like? AM
Stranger: Sad. HWH Empty. HWH
You: Oh. AM
Stranger: Stupid. Very very stupid. HWH
Stranger: Also disappointed because dont remember everything. Stupid alcohol. HWH
You: Can you explain why youre feeling sad? AM
Stranger: Because... dont know. didnt want it to be like this. HWH
You: You mean... with us? AM
Stranger: dont think we should have this conversation. HWH
You: think we have to. AM
You: dont want you to be sad. AM
Stranger: dont want to ruin things. HWH
You: Well, dont want this to ruin us. AM
Stranger: (delay) Youre important to me, Lex. A lot. HWH
You: As are you to me, Mish. AM
Stranger: (delay) And maybe have some feelings for you. HWH
You: You mean, more than hey think youre a really great person and love spending time with you and want you to be happy? AM
Stranger: mean, romantic feelings. HWH
You: Right, yeah. AM
Stranger: Im sorry. HWH
You: What? AM Yo lo. AM
You: Dont apologise. AM
Stranger: You dont feel like that. know. HWH
Stranger: Im just... sad that we did this and... it doesnt mean anything. HWH
You: really want to hug you right now. AM
Stranger: Because Im pathetic? HWH
You: Because youre sad and it physically pains me. AM
Stranger: (delay) Im so sorry, Ill turn this off. HWH
You: No, Mish. AM
You: Look, Im... well, you know me. AM
Stranger: ... go on. HWH
You: Not very experienced in the romance department. AM
You: Honestly, the whole idea kinda scares me. A lot. AM
Stranger: Really? But youre amazing. HWH
Stranger: The sexual department scared me. Ha. Alcohol made it easier. HWH
You: Well, cant be in a relationship with someone and be drunk all the time. AM
Stranger: wasnt suggesting that... HWH Just saying. HWH
Stranger: Lex, you dont want me like that so why are you even telling me this? HWH
You: Because do want you like that. AM
Stranger: Romantically? HWH
You: Yes. AM
Stranger: (delay) Im scared too, you know? Fucking frightened. HWH
You: Yeah? AM
Stranger: dont want to ruin things and lose you. Or... or just dont know how to do this. HWH
You: Well, at least were definitely on the same page now. AM
Stranger: Yeah. Dont think Im an expert. had like one boyfriend and it lasted two weeks. HWH
You: delay What if we just... dont make a big deal out of it. You know? AM
You: Were comfortable around each other. dont want that to change. AM
You: We can just.. do what feels right. AM
Stranger: That could be nice. HWH
Stranger: We like each others company. HWH
Stranger: Were comfortable. Lets not ruin that. HWH
You: Yeah. AM
Stranger: ... what are you doing today? HWH
You: Playing video games. AM
You: Wanna come over? AM
Stranger: Id like that. HWH
Stranger: can bring food. HWH
You: Youre the best. AM
Stranger: Can we cuddle a little? HWH
You: Well, thats almost a given, isnt it? AM
Stranger: You were wrong, you are the best. HWH Id be lost without you. HWH
You: Im really happy you got hammered and jumped me last night. AM
Stranger: Id have preferred to remember all of it. HWH
Stranger: have like. Flashes. HWH
You: Well, we can always make new memories. AM
Stranger: (delay) We could. HWH
You: But no pressure. Yeah? AM
You: want you to feel comfortable. AM
Stranger: Im not that experienced with sex, you know? HWH
You: Well, then have a lot to teach you. AM
Stranger: Oh. HWH We can do that. HWH
You: Honestly, just want to... make love to you. However cheesy that sounds. AM
Stranger: (delay) It doesnt sound cheesy. Or maybe it does but love it. HWH
You: Good. AM
Stranger: (delay) Um, and kisses? HWH
You: Yes, please. AM
Stranger: Im going to need a lot of lessons. Lets get started soon. HWH
You: Im always ready to teach. Im generous like that. AM
Stranger: Ha, of course. HWH
You: ;) AM
Stranger: Cheeky. HWH
You: Mm, well. This is what you chose. AM
Stranger: chose you. HWH
Stranger: ... that makes you sound like a Pokmon, but still. x HWH
You: Literally never been this flattered in my entire life. AM
You: Youre cute. AM
Stranger: like you a lot. You made my life so much better. HWH
Stranger: m always happier with you. HWH
You: Were a good team, arent we? AM
Stranger: Were the best team! HWH
You: lan is going to be so smug when he hears about this. AM
Stranger: Oh, why? Because his party caused this? HWH
You: Because Ive been whining about this to him for ages. AM
Stranger: Oh. Really? HWH Wait. About me? HWH Yo bout my crush on you. AM
You: He figured it out on his own, actually. AM
Stranger: Ohh, you have a crush on me. Cute. HWH
You: Well, thats what I told him. AM
Stranger: ... and the truth? HWH
You: Crush seems inadequate. AM
Stranger: Okay. HWH I dont need to define it now. HWH
You: Showing you will be easier. AM
Stranger: You cheesy bastard. HWH Youre making me blush. HWH
You: Good. AM
Stranger: Good? look like a tomato. HWH
You: Show me. AM
Stranger: ... okay. HWH (picture: a selfie of Hamish, cheeks on fire and an embarrassed smile, looking away from the camera). HWH
You: Christ. Youre killing me, Mish. AM
Stranger: You deserve it because Im dying here. HWH
You: Youre so pretty. AM
Stranger: You think? HWH
You: Hell yeah. AM
You: Youre gorgeous. AM
Stranger: Ha. Thats you. Im like, an awkward potato. HWH
You: Youre my awkward potato. AM
Stranger: (delay) Ah, god. Stop. Im feeling all giddy. HWH
You: Me too. AM
Stranger: adore you. HWH
You: adore you back. AM
You: Now come here so can kiss you. AM
Stranger: Oh. Oh, yes. Yes sure. On my way. HWH
You: :) AM
Stranger: Hungover isnt nice. Ugh. HWH
You: Ill nurse you back to health. AM
You: You can nap on my lap while play. AM
Stranger: Will you play with my hair? Sometimes. Between games. HWH
You: With pleasure. AM
Stranger: love when you do. HWH
You: You have great hair. AM
Stranger: You have great cuddling skills. HWH
You: Im glad you think so. AM
Stranger: Hmm. The best. HWH
Stranger: love when you cuddle me. Youre so sweet. HWH
You: Well, you know. Any excuse to be near you. AM
Stranger: As if you ever needed excuses. HWH
You: How could you not have known was so into you? AM
Stranger: ... well, did you know how much into you was? HWH
You: No, but at leas you can keep your hands to yourself. AM
You: Well, until you get drunk. AM
Stranger: never minded you being affectionate, craved it. HWH
You: figured that was just a part of your personality. You being like a cat. AM
Stranger: do like cuddles in general. But from you? Paradise. HWH
You: You flatterer you. AM
Stranger: Im honest! HWH
You: Ive never liked cuddling that much. AM
You: Just with you. AM
Stranger: feel special. HWH
You: You are. AM
You: So special. AM
Stranger: (delay) Can stay over tonight? hwh
You: Of course. AM
You: Id beg you to stay, either way. AM
Stranger: You know do everything you ask me. HWH
You: One could almost think youre sweet on me. AM
Stranger: Am not? HWH
You: Im pretty convinced by now. AM
Stranger: Hmm. Dont use that against me. HWH
You: Only in moderate amounts. AM
Stranger: Hey! HWH
You: :* AM
Stranger: Ill use my puppy eyes. You are warned. HWH
You: Oh, /no/! Not the puppy eyes! AM
You: Im defenseless against those.AM
Stranger: (selfie of Hamishs puppy eyes) know, baby. ;) HWH
You: Now thats just pure evil. AM
Stranger: And you love it. HWH
You: How are you so hot? AM
Stranger: Me? Pff. HWH
You: Im starting to not believe you when you say youre inexperienced. AM
You: Because wow. AM
Stranger: Alexander. HWH
You: Hamish. AM
Stranger: Yes, dear? HWH
You: Youre perfect. AM
Stranger: Shush. HWH
Stranger: Youre the only who thinks so. HWH ... but also the only one whose opinion matters. HWH
You: Come here. AM
Stranger: am! Im on my way. HWH
You: Well Im very impatient. AM
You: How much longer? AM
Stranger: Patience, young man. HWH
You: :( AM
Stranger: Five minutes. HWH
You: Fine. AM
Stranger: So impetient to see me yet youre going to play games... HWH
You: Only if you fall asleep on me. AM
Stranger: Hm. will. HWH
You: still said Id cuddle you. can multitask. AM
Stranger: want full attention later. When wake up. HWH
You: Like Id waste a single second with you. AM
Stranger: When did you get so sweet? HWH
You: Youve rubbed off on me. AM
Stranger: might like it. HWH
You: You turned Alexander Moran soft. AM
You: Dont pretend you dont love it. AM
Stranger: so love it. HWH
Stranger: But lets keep it our secret. HWH
You: Please. Itd ruin my reputation. AM
Stranger: We wont tell anyone your bad boy faade is falling. x HWH
You: Thanks, babe. AM
Stranger: For the record, believed that for like two weeks. HWH
You: What? AM
Stranger: Your Im a bad boy with cold heart and no emotions. believed it for like... two weeks, HWH
You: Well, fuck me. Really? AM
You: What gave me away? AM
Stranger: Youre a softie! Many things. HWH Like when you stopped to cuddle that stray dog. HWH Or when you gave lan your dinner saying you werent hungry because he didnt have any money with him. HWH Or when you stood up for me when that idiot friend of lan was picking on me because he didnt like that was much smarter than him. HWH
You: Okay, well, dogs and friends are different. AM
Stranger: Just examples of you being sweet. The first that came to my mind. HWH
You: Hmph. Fine. AM
Stranger: love it. HWH
You: love you. AM
Stranger: (long delay) Fuck, you seriously said it first? That was my line. HWH
You: Well, youre being exceptionally slow today. Not my fault. AM
Stranger: ... okay, Im downstairs but need a couple minutes. HWH
You: You okay? AM
Stranger: No, Im not okay, Im crying. HWH Because Im happy. HWH
Stranger: Im such an idiot. HWH
You: Aww, Mish. AM
You: Youre not an idiot. AM
Stranger: Sorry. Im sorry. HWH
Stranger: Ill look like a mess. HWH
You: dont care. AM
Stranger: Because youre perfect. HWH Open the door so can ugly sob in your arms? HWH
You: Coming x AM
Stranger: love you. HWH
Stranger: (paras?
Stranger: (want to do paragraphs?
Stranger: (hello?
Stranger: :( | e75fbe75dc05855f | hamex | 20180727184032 |
Stranger: hai
You: Yo
Stranger: yo yo
You: How can know you are a human and nota bot?
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: wat do you want me to say lol
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: shh you dont need to know thatt
You: A bot
Stranger: im not
You: Okay Yo 10
You: What do you wanna talk?
Stranger: how is me not telling you where live mean Im a bot ?
You: Bots are programmed in that way
Stranger: really ?
Stranger: never seen a bot that smart
You: They dont reveal their identities
Stranger: always just 2 words and finish
You: Well, have
Stranger: welp maybe i like my privaicy
You: Privacy is a myth lol
You: This omegle mf knows where you are
Stranger: welll
You: Xdd
Stranger: where am i then xdddd
You: knows
Stranger: i see
Stranger: proof ?
You: Probably north America
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: never been
You: Europe
Stranger: nope
You: Asia?
Stranger: nope
You: South America?
Stranger: nah
You: Are you from Africa or Antarctica?
Stranger: for me ive been ike literally no where Imao
Stranger: like 3 contries and thats it
You: see
Stranger: yea
Stranger: i mean you didnt name every main big country
Stranger: so yea
Stranger: idk
You: Well, to name that, first asked your continent
You: Every continent has a big country
Stranger: hmmm
You: Except Antarctica
Stranger: well i aint been there sooo
You: No ones been there xdddd
Stranger: also you completely left out my contry
Stranger: :(
Stranger: better big contry too
You: Okay lemme guess
You: US
Stranger: nope
You: China?
You: Russia?
Stranger: nope
You: UK?
Stranger: nope
You: Germany?
Stranger: noep
You: India?
Stranger: nope
You: Japan?
Stranger: nope
You: Brazil?
You: Mexico?
Stranger: we re going to be here forever aye
You: Arab world?
Stranger: jesus
You: Vatican?
You: Australia?
Stranger: finally Strange
Stranger: took you long enough
You: Fuck had almost forgotten about Australia
Stranger: fuker
You: Xdd
Stranger: sad
Stranger: everyone forgets austraila
You: No i dont
You: But this time Idk what hit me
Stranger: hmmm
You: To leave out aussies
Stranger: yea yea ok ok
You: So you watch cricket?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: sport is boring
You: So whats fun then?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: but i just draw
You: used to draw too in my childhood days
Stranger: cutee
You: Every thing is literally boring now
You: You play games?
Stranger: yea
Stranger: just leauge
Stranger: volarant
Stranger: and genshin
You: Hmm, valorant had played once
You: Ill be rebuilding my pc next month
Stranger: nice
You: Or might uprage to ps5
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: idk anythign about computers
Stranger: i just play wat works lol
You: Lmaoo Yo kay
You: Whats the weather in Australia
Stranger: yea lol my comptuer rn is like 3rd hand $200
Stranger: uh jsut
Stranger: its summer so yea
You: The first thing that comes to my mind when hear australia is that a cow had ate a snake
You: mean
You: The food chain goes brrrr
Stranger: um
Stranger: bruh
Stranger: that shts like
Stranger: out in the outback
Stranger: we aint like that
Stranger: most of austrila
Stranger: by tha like
Stranger: 15 of austaila
Stranger: live very normal lives
Stranger: its just the middle of austriala that has hmm
Stranger: fuky peopel
You: Yeah its a big country. plan to visit one day
You: thought aussies love cricket
Stranger: nice
Stranger: eh maybe
Stranger: i dont
Stranger: maybe old men
You: They have a strong team tho
Stranger: dont really care seems boring to me
Stranger: never was into sport
You: Hmmm
You: How old are you?
Stranger: guess guess gues 5
You: 207
Stranger: im no boomer lol
You: Boomers aint 20 ffs Xd
Stranger: they seem oldddd
You: Boomers are generally bord after 1960s
Stranger: oh
Stranger: hmm
You: They seem very very very old
You: They are dads
You: We are genz
Stranger: ok that makes sense
You: Yes
Stranger: ahh isee
You: We are the best generation this earth could ever witness
Stranger: i beleive that
You: Rest all were shits
You: And this upcoming gen too
Stranger: we are the gen jsut right before the tik tok gen
Stranger: ugh
Stranger: fr
You: Yeah
Stranger: also epeopel seem so old nowadays
Stranger: like
Stranger: man
You: Tiktok still works on Australia?
Stranger: kids who are like 13 are like sexy time and sht
Stranger: ugh
Stranger: scares me
Stranger: yea duh
You: Exactly
Stranger: im guessing you are from the states
You: No
You: Im near you
Stranger: wtf
Stranger: ok creepy
You: mean
You: Im from a country nearer to you
Stranger: nz?
You: No
You: Wait
Stranger: hm
Stranger: one of those south asian islands / countries ?
You: South Asian right Yor jot islands
You: Isnt nz a beautiful country?
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: malayasia?
You: Nah malasiya and all are ASEAN countrkes Yor outh East Asia
You: Im just south
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: english speaking contry ?
You: Yeah
Stranger: singapore ?
You: Infact the second most English spoken country after the states
You: Nope
Stranger: wtf
You: just gave you a hint
Stranger: i aint good at geopragpy
Stranger: and the south asian contries are all fukky
Stranger: uhhh
You: Well
You: You can just Google the second most English speaking country
You: Thats where Im from
You: As you can see can speak in English
Stranger: ok let me check
You: ASEAN Countries and China Japan Korea dont even know English
Stranger: filo ?
Stranger: also bruh singapore is #1 most englihs pseaking asian contry
Stranger: bruh
You: Lmao
You: Im from India
You: Its the second most English speaking country in the 5
Stranger: pfff
Stranger: ok so its one of the english speaking countries
Stranger: i was jsut looking at which contry is number 1
You: Its the 2nd highest
You: Singapore is the no 1 in proficiency rate
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: are u uhhh
Stranger: m orf
Stranger: may i ask
You: So do you also believe there are only 2 genders?
Stranger: ok do you have a pp or not
You: Xdddddd
You: Fuck
You: Im a male
Stranger: ok ok lol
You: What about you?
Stranger: wat do you think
You: Well
You: From your texting nature
You: You a man too
You: Bruh
You: So you are a Madame?
Stranger: yes yes yeys if thats wat you want to call us XDDD
You: We dont call that those Brits call that | e760d6642c0c4ead | 20210129023409 |
Stranger: Hey
You: hi
Stranger: Hows it going?
You: well fine heree
Stranger: Im sure you fineeeee
You: haha yeah
You: and u? m good thanks irl/guy?
You: ohh isee
You: girl
You: u?
Stranger: Guy :)
You: ohh
Stranger: You got a name, pretty?
You: and how old ru?
You: of course i have
Stranger: 21 and you?
You: im 20
Stranger: Where from?
You: well, from south america u?
Stranger: UK
Stranger: Not originally but still
You: ohhh thats far, i never knew someone from there
Stranger: You do now
Stranger: Whats your name then?
You: ohh thats cool
You: stephanie
You: u?
Stranger: Nice to meet you Steph, Im Alex
You: ohhh, same here
You: hm, sorry to ask u this but r u searching nudes? mean, everyone is asking me that and i dont do that Imaao
Stranger: No Im not
Stranger: You must be really hot if you dont do nudes though
You: ohh, thats good
You: well im proud of myself XD
Stranger: Respectable really
You: but nudes no , i consider it innapropiate
Stranger: could change that given the chance ;)
You: just im here because im curious
Stranger: Id love to satisfy your curiosity
You: oh, thanks.
You: tbn, ispeak and write in spanish but im trying my best typing in english Imao
You: i want to learn
Stranger: Tu habla en Espagnol?
Stranger: Espaol*
You: HAHA, por supuesto.
You: but just keep writing in English i dont wanna bother u
You: :)
Stranger: Que sorpresa, non e problema por me
You: lo haces bien :D
Stranger: Hablo en Espanol, un poquito.
You: ohhhhh genial
You: in my university theres a girl that came from germany and she speak spanish so fluently, ipeople from there are so smart.
You: o:
Stranger: Its incredible really
You: of course
You: im barely trying to keep a conversation in english XD
Stranger: Hahaha no youre goood
You: really? oococco0cc0c00c000000h, thanks
Stranger: In fact youre great even
Stranger: Wish could see you somehow though, just so can put a face to you really
You: thanks :D always wanted to ask this to someone abroad but in your country is day o night?
You: sorry if i bother
You: or the weather
You: : | e76b7bb42a577d4c | 20201111235958 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Hi
Stranger: tennis ?
You: Its a great sport that not many people know about globally.
Stranger: yes but i love watching tennis
You: compared to soccer, football, basketball, etc.
Stranger: did u ever see a grandslam live in stadium ?
You: Nope.. that would be the dream.. have seen smaller tournament and shook Venus hand after she finished running the track.. was a cool experience ill never forget
Stranger: i did watch US open
Stranger: only once - finals day
You: at the stadium?
Stranger: yes
You: Mustve been a great experience... who were the 2 players facing off?
You: or 4 if it was doubles
Stranger: Nadal and Anderson
You: ah Nadal aye
Stranger: also women doubles with Martina Hingis playing
You: Martina Hingis been around for quite a while .. thats great
You: Well this Australian Open will be the defining moment in history
Stranger: yes definitely
You: at least on the Male side if Nadal wins
You: he will hold the most titles in the world for men since the creation of the sport if thats the case
You: single wise
You: Federer, Nadal, and Djokovic all tied for 20 grand slam singles
Stranger: yes waiting
You: Federer has a knee injury so hes waiting for least another year before participating again.. Djokovic couldnt get through cause of Covid restrictions and refusing it
You: so Nadal is in for the running
Stranger: i dont know if Federer can give a come back anymore
You: yeah.. he has the touch.. but his body is wearing out now that hes 40
You: even if hes not the best in the world anymore... he will be regarded as one of the best tennis players in history overall
You: remarkable player whos a class act and plays effortlessly
Stranger: yes | e775d528e7355daf | tennis | 20220124034035 |
Stranger: So when exactly did you plan on fucking telling me that you and lan used to be a thing? HWH
You: wasnt. Its not important. AM
You: wasnt. Its not important. AM
Stranger: Babe, hes around all the time and you didnt think needed to know? HWH work with him, for Gods sake. HWH
You: Theres nothing to know, Hamish. Its all in the past. AM
Stranger: See, it wouldve been. But your little fuckbuddy went around today telling my coworkers that MY fiance is a nice lay. HWH
You: Its lan. What did you expect? AM Look, Im sorry. didnt know hed go around announcing it to everyone. AM
Stranger: had people coming up to me with all this, Oh Hamish, sweetie, dont want to tell you this, but if were in your situation, Id want to know.. shit. Everybody thinks Ive been cheated on. HWH
You: Christ. AM
Stranger: locked myself in my office and cried until decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and go talk to lan. HWH
You: Im sorry. Fucking hell. AM What did he say? AM
Stranger: He admitted that it was years ago. HWH
You: And did you ask why he was bringing it up now? AM
Stranger: No, fucking sent him home. was pissed. HWh
You: Right. AM
Stranger: Why didnt you tell me, Alex? Ive told you about all of my past partners. HWH
You: Because its lan. It wasnt like that. AM
Stranger: Hes lived on our couch before. He comes over at least once a week, if not more. Were getting married, Alex. deserved to know. HWH
You: We were young and figuring things out. Weve known each other for so long, it was just.. us trying to find our places. AM
Stranger: Yeah, well now it just feels like you were trying to hide it from me. HWH
You: know what it looks like, but wasnt. promise, AM
Stranger: You need to talk to him, Alex. HWH
You: will. AM to lan Care to explain what the hell you were thinking today? AM
Stranger: Whatever do you mean? IA
You: Oh, come on. Hamish just told me what happened, AM
Stranger: was just reminiscing. Enjoying memories and whatnot. IA
You: At work. Where people know exactly who am. AM
Stranger: Where else? IA
You: Oh, dont know, maybe somewhere people dont immediately jump to the conclusion that Im cheating on him. AM
Stranger: Oh lighten up. It was funny. IA
You: Hamish didnt think so. AM
Stranger: Did you? IA
You: hadnt told him about it. AM
Stranger: You ashamed of me or something? IA
You: Of course not. AM
Stranger: Well, think your Princess should learn how to take a joke. IA
You: Not everyone shares your sense of humour, you know. And just because this whole situation isnt weird to us doesnt mean hes just automatically fine with it. AM
Stranger: Im sooo sorry that upset Cinderella. IA
You: Whats your problem? Why are you being such a dick to him? AM
Stranger: Im not. IA
You: Yes, you are. AM
Stranger: Maybe Im just tired of him. IA
You: Well, tough luck, cause Im not. AM What did he ever do to you? AM
Stranger: Hes just in the way. IA
You: Of what? AM
Stranger: Of us. IA
You: lan. AM
Stranger: Alex. IA
You: Im going to marry him. AM
Stranger: You dont have to. IA
You: love him. AM
Stranger: Do you really? IA
You: Yes, do. AM
Stranger: You dont ever wonder how it couldve been? IA
You: We wouldnt have worked like that. AM
Stranger: You dont know that though. IA
You: Its been years, lan. AM
Stranger: And youve been with that stuffy little Princess and just know can make you happier. IA
You: Im happy now. AM
Stranger: Dont marry him, Alex. IA
You: lan, please stop. AM
Stranger: Img. 212 - Alex and lan in a rather compromising position Dont you miss this? IA
You: thought we were good. AM
Stranger: Do you miss it? IA
You: Sometimes. AM
Stranger: Then lets give it another go. IA
You: No. AM
Stranger: Alex. Please. IA
You: cant. AM
You: cant. AM
Stranger: Why not? IA
You: Because things are different now and I cant just throw everything away at the slightest urge. AM
You: If it wasnt for Hamish, maybe. AM | e785cdd41c4aa15b | hamex, hamish watson holmes, alex moran moriarty, mormor, Sherlock | 20170905074326 |
Stranger: Him
Stranger: Am 19 boy and am attracted to females belly button
You: Hi
Stranger: wanna rp ?:)
You: Look
Stranger: What?
You: Cute
Stranger: Whats cute?
Stranger: Or Who cute?
You: Some point out
Stranger: Byw
Stranger: bye | e786cc30e6183201 | 20220317083340 |
Stranger: Hola
You: hola
You: m16 Youry tu
You: me llamo renata Youry tu
Stranger: Dani
Stranger: 17
Stranger: De donde eres?
You: ahh ok
You: de ecuador Youry tu | e787bfbf1a910942 | 20201108113511 |
Stranger: hi
You: why are u here
Stranger: conversation?
You: why these tas tho
You: tags
Stranger: cause i go on r9k and 4chan
You: oh. i dont lol
Stranger: yeah i could tell
You: im trying to find some incels to have fun with
Stranger: arent we all
Stranger: the ones that go on here arent actual incels tho
Stranger: real ones dont show their face online
You: oh im new to video chatting tbh
Stranger: 0
Stranger: been doing this for years
You: i did find an incel in text chat
Stranger: damn
You: well it was nice meeting u
You: lol
Stranger: u too | e78800f535804736 | /r9k/, 4chan | 20180421151832 |
Stranger: ako
You: Gaurav
You: Book of Proverbs The Book of Proverbs is a book in the third section of the Hebrew Bible and a book of the Christian Old Testament.
Stranger: akaki
Stranger: ako
Stranger: ilia chavchavadze
Stranger: akaki tsereteli
Stranger: https:/; akaki.skhvitaridze/ | e790c282a4dd468a | bible | 20210612004243 |
Stranger: Hi
You: Hey
Stranger: F
Stranger: You?
You: M
Stranger: How old
You: 18 u?
Stranger: 17
You: Single?
Stranger: Yep
You: Same
Stranger: m board
You: Same
You: Where you from
Stranger: Us
Stranger: Why?
You: Just wondering
Stranger: Ok
You: Maybe we can hook up
You: Hangout
Stranger: ok
You: What you wanna do i can buy you stuff
Stranger: No its fine
You: Ask me any question
Stranger: You horny
You: Yeah
Stranger: Nice
You: You?
Stranger: Yes
You: You virgin?
Stranger: Nope
You: Im not
Stranger: Nice
You: Can i tell you my dick size?
Stranger: Yes
You: 7.5
Stranger: Wow
You: 9 when hard
Stranger: Gooco
You: You like
Stranger: Yes
You: Wanna help me cum
Stranger: S
You: havent came in 9 months
Stranger: oh
You: Yeah
You: So can i make you squirt
Stranger: Ok
You: Talk dirty to me sexy
Stranger: Im bored daddy
You: Same baby
Stranger: want to ride you daddy
You: Mmm baby i wanna suck your clit
Stranger: want to suck youre dick
You: Mmm baby deepthroat it
Stranger: already want to do it in the bed
You: Want me to cum in you
Stranger: Yes daddy
You: Keep talking dirty
Stranger: can be your coy boy daddy
You: Im bout to cum
Stranger: Should suck youre dick hard
Stranger: EY
You: Yes
You: Baby
Stranger: Yes daddy
You: Im gonna cum
Stranger: Mmm
You: Ready for it
Stranger: Yes
You: Where do you want me to cum
Stranger: Instead me
You: Ok baby
Stranger: EY
You: Count down baby
Stranger: 3
Stranger: 2
Stranger: 1
You: Tell me when to cum
Stranger: Now
You: Im cummint
Stranger: Mmmmm
You: Im still cumming
Stranger: Does it feel good?
You: Yeah it would feel better if i was inside of you
Stranger: Yes it would
You: We should hook up
Stranger: Yes we should
You: Where in us you at
Stranger: my mom
Stranger: Walked in
You: Oh
Stranger: gtgBy)
You: Oh no
You: You got snap | e7948a1c111873c4 | 20210223101741 |
You: hello
Stranger: Hey.
You: how are you
Stranger: Im great. How about you?
You: good
You: but i have exams today
Stranger: Oh damn
Stranger: wish you best of luck lol
Stranger: But you should be studying and not chatting here haha | e79a2aac9172f60b | vonvon, Cricket on Facebook | 20170612010043 |
Stranger: do you hate the gays
You: no i am the gays
Stranger: fuck off
You: ok xx | e79c61fb288c4ac2 | gotham | 20220621164233 |
Stranger: childhood friends - they kissed for the first time Look. You were drunk, get it. No need to be so bloody awkward about it. HWH
You: Awkward? Whos awkward? AM
Stranger: You are. You cant even maintain eye contact with me. HWH
You: ... Fine. Maybe youre right. AM
Stranger: Good. Things need to go back to normal. dont understand how you be such a fuckboy and be embarrassed about what happened. HWH
You: Yeah, right. AM Im not embarrassed, though. AM
Stranger: Youre kidding. HWH
You: No. AM
Stranger: You were literally stuttering at lunch when asked for the salt. lan was confused. HWH
You: was just distracted. My brain stopped working for a moment. AM
Stranger: Right. So youre not embarrassed. HWH
You: Im not embarrassed about kissing you. AM
Stranger: Okay. Good. Stop acting weird. HWH
You: Why are you so mad about it? AM
Stranger: Im not mad! HWH
You: Well, youre being very aggressive. AM
Stranger: Im just not one of the girls you shag and never talk to again and get their hope sup and everything. didnt like you jumping on me because you were bored and horny. HWH
You: Excuse me? AM jumped on you? AM
Stranger: How would you call it? HWH
You: You wanted me to kiss you. AM
Stranger: EXCUSE ME. HWH
You: gave you plenty of time to pull away. You didnt. AM
Stranger: was stunned. HWH
You: Uh huh. AM You kissed me back. AM
Stranger: really really didnt. HWH
You: Right. AM
Stranger: Youre so full of shit. Why would you even do it in the first time. HWH
You: If Id known it would turn out like this wouldnt have. AM
Stranger: Like what? HWH
You: You being angry with me for no good reason. AM
Stranger: Were best friends and you kissed me! HWH
You: So? Ive kissed lan before. AM
Stranger: Were best friends and you kissed me. HWH
You: So? Ive kissed lan before. AM
Stranger: Great. Im glad. HWH
You: What do you want me to say, Hamish? AM
Stranger: Nothing. Im being ridiculous. Just shut up. HWH
You: Mish. AM
Stranger: Dont. HWH
You: Please dont be mad at me. AM
Stranger: Im not mad at you. Its fine. HWH
You: It doesnt seem fine. AM
Stranger: It really is. need to go. HWH
You: ... Okay. AM
Stranger: no reply
You: a few hours later It wasnt because was bored and horny. AM
Stranger: dont know what sort of arrangement you have with lan but should have seen it coming. HWH
You: What? AM
Stranger: Nothing. Were not being friends with benefits if thats what youre asking. HWH
You: Are you serious? AM Where the hell did that come from? AM
Stranger: Im just saying. HWH
Stranger: Do you shag lan? HWH
You: Oh my God. AM
Stranger: Youre reluctant to answer. HWH
You: Because its so fucking ridiculous. AM No, Im not shagging lan. kissed him once ona dare. AM
Stranger: Okay. HWH
You: Is there anything else you want to know? AM
Stranger: Im good. HWH
You: Okay. AM
Stranger: Illsee you around. HWH
You: Cant we just work this out? AM
Stranger: What do you want me to say? HWH
You: Whats really on your mind. AM
Stranger: Im mad you did that. like clear boundaries. This is not a game. Im already not happy with you when you play those girls, Im furious you did that to me. HWH
You: wasnt playing you! AM
Stranger: Why did you do it then! HWH
You: Because Ive been wanting to do it for fucking ages! AM
Stranger: Explain. HWH
You: had a dream and then all of a sudden had a goddamn crush and couldnt exactly avoid you until it went away so just pushed it down and then yesterday obviously left my brain at home. AM
Stranger: A dream? HWH
You: We were in bed together. And no, not fucking. Just close to each other. Talking. Kissing. AM
Stranger: We do that all the time. Minus the kissing. HWH
You: Yeah. So you can see where my brain thought this was a logical development. AM
Stranger: So, Im the crush youve been whining about for months? HWH
You: Hiding it in plain sight obviously worked. AM
Stranger: Im so frustrated didnt notice. HWH
You: Yeah, well. AM
Stranger: Im sorry snapped at you. HWH
You: Its fine. AM
You: You think Im a fuckboy, so get it. AM
Stranger: You kinda are. Doesnt mean you cant change though. HWH
Stranger: If you wanted to. HWH
You: What if do? AM
Stranger: Well, youd have to start by wooing me. HWH
You: Really? AM | e7b6c1b1a1288ff3 | Hamex, Hamish Watson holmes, Alex Moran Moriarty | 20180419153221 |
Stranger: younger guy. looking for a girl to either play my mom sister or teacher. if your gonna disconnect, have an amazing day or night or whatever time it is! :D
You: ill play your fat ass mom
Stranger: okay
You: i start
Stranger: cool
You: hey wilbert you fucking disgrace, get me 2 more boxes of donuts, bitch
Stranger: lol) instead walk over to you and I take 12 inch dick out if your so hungry, eat this
You: what the fuck wrong with your, im your mother you sick fuck
You: you should kill yourself
You: pushes you away*
Stranger: (your funny like you) walk forward and force your mouth open and stick my duck inside
Stranger: dick
You: what the fuck are you doing! reaches for a knife on the kitchen table*
You: stabs you in the stomach*
You: pushes you onto the ground
You: you are a sick fuck im claling the police
You: dials 911*
Stranger: stand up and throw the phone away and clear the whole table. my wound reheals pull out a knife suck it mom
You: (realize the irregularity of your wound rehealing, pondering upon it) the whole world glitches like a transition scene from the matrix* wake up ina cryogenic freezerwith wires attatched all over my body
Stranger: your naked, exposing your perfect boobs. walk over to you. get on top of you and put my duck above your mouth if you dont do what say, will be forced to take action
Stranger: dick
You: whats going on, where am ? what ami doing here?
You: realize im still holding the knife
You: stabs you in the fucking neck and ring that shit around
You: watch you lie dead on the floor
Stranger: stretch my neck and reheal
Stranger: again. and stand back up
You: what the fuck are you a monster or some shit
You: stabs myself in the stomach rings that shit around till i die
Stranger: smile yep throw your knife away and shove my monster 5 foot long sick in your pussy. j touch you and you reheal
Stranger: i*
Stranger: (can say this escalated quickly)
Stranger: dick
You: (all of a sudden a light shines on me lifting me up into the air)
You: lightning zaps me for 10 seconds
You: gain fucking broke nass super powers
You: fucking obliterate your existence
Stranger: reheal and now my cocktail is a mile long. Tun and shove the whole thing in your pussy
Stranger: explode my cum which is like a whole pool
You: fucking block that shit and contain it in a sperical bubble
Stranger: fill your whole stomach up
You: teleport that fucking bubble up your assshole
You: explodes instantly
You: all over your anal caviy
Stranger: take away your powers and your human and you cant due and neither can u
Stranger: i*
Stranger: put your hand on my cock
You: fuck you
You: become jesus
You: delete earth
Stranger: reheal the earth.
Stranger: shake you awake from your dream
Stranger: mom,
You: i fucking punch you in the face
You: damn ddont fucking touch me when im sleeping Yo ou fuckign autistic child
Stranger: back away sorry mom
You: yeah thats right bitch!
You: youre a little pussy arent u
You: push you against the wall
You: (at this point iam actually bigger and stronger than you, you being 5 foot tall and 110 Ibs
You: pull out my dildo
You: stick it in your eye ball
You: kick you in the face
You: you hit the back wall
You: crying like abithc
Stranger: slump down against the wall and fall unconscious
You: drag your small ass body and throw it in the pront porch*
You: go back inside and lock the door*
Stranger: my phone is still with me and call the swat team they busy open the door and point gins at you hands behind your back!
Stranger: bust*
You: bitch i never bought you no phone
You: how the fuck you know the swat team Yo eaches for the glock 9 in my bra
You: fires 2 rounds at your chest*
Stranger: dodge the 2 rounds like they were rocks walk over to you and slap you across the face
You: bitch you a ninja now?
You: pulls out my katana
You: chops your right arm off
You: eats the index finger
Stranger: stick my hand down your throat
You: regurgitate that shit out and fucking stab you straight between the eyes with ym katana
You: instant death | e7c75ca3d483e90a | rp | 20201108091006 |
You: hi
Stranger: Hi
You: how are you?
Stranger: Im good
Stranger: What about you?
You: where you from?
You: im good too
Stranger: India
Stranger: And you?
You: great! Im from Pakistan
Stranger: Nice
You: what brought you here?
Stranger: Was a bit bored with things around
You: Same dude
Stranger: So, sometimes like to talk to strangers
You: j am terrible with conversations so i see omegle as a place where i can practice to be less awkward
Stranger: So what do you do?
Stranger: Lol, thats interesting Your i like to pretend that i make videos
Stranger: Though
You: you?
Stranger: College student, persuingmy undergraduate
Stranger: *my
You: that cool!
You: what kind of music you like?
Stranger: Pop, rock,rhythms and blues that depends on moid
Stranger: *mood Your i listen to all kinds of music depending on the mood but its mostly pop and country
Stranger: How old are you BTW?
You: 16. you?
Stranger: 22
You: so what do you do for fun?
Stranger: Online gaming, travel, try to learn different sports
Stranger: Books sometimes
You: i want to be good at sports but i suck at it probably because i dont have anyone to play with..
You: have you read The subtle art of not giving a fuck?
Stranger: Yep,
Stranger: Im more into these kind of books it is first book that ive ever
Stranger: like mark Manson writing style as well
Stranger: If you like these kinds of books
You: yeah....his expressions and the slangs were just awesome
Stranger: prefer you to read, 7 habits of highly effective people by Stefan R covey
Stranger: know
Stranger: Gtg bro, hope your awkwardness get removed soon
You: Ok. lol.
Stranger: It was nice talking to you
You: Bye
You: Me too
Stranger: Bye | e7d40e9f78cbfd55 | 20180710111658 |
Stranger: hey :)
You: heey
Stranger: u alright?
You: yes
You: you
Stranger: yeahh
Stranger: u a boy ora girl?
You:iam a boy
Stranger: alrighttt
You: you
Stranger: gr
You: age
Stranger: 15
You: okay
Stranger: u?
You: 16
Stranger: alright
You: where are uh from
Stranger: England u?
You: india
Stranger: okk | e7e0ed3c1fd32c3c | 20170421013650 |
Stranger: Asl?
You: you left me...
Stranger: Hii
You: why
You: i wanted to know Yo hy this is the most important Yor nd not murder
You: murder
You: please tell me Yor ello? Yor need this for exam Yo lease help me Yor need finish it Yo Ise i lose everything
You: i beg you :(
Stranger: Fucj
Stranger: Fuck
Stranger: U | e7f5cbcc890b539b | Christian | 20190525145546 |
You: Hi
You: M orf
Stranger: m
You: f
You: So how are ya?
Stranger: good hbu
You: good
Stranger: how old are you
You: 20
Stranger: im 19
Stranger: wanna trade nudes
You: TF
You: NO
Stranger: lol
Stranger: why not
You: Fu
Stranger: hahhaa
You: Im sending this to reddit | e7f843c2833250c1 | 20210305191928 |
You: Hey how are you?
Stranger: hby
You: im good thanks
Stranger: thats good
You: where are you from?
Stranger: canada
Stranger: stay hydrated
You: oh nice hahaha
You: thanks for reminding me
Stranger: np
You: they boith empty and i still feel dehydrated
You: hahaha
You: so what do yall do for a living?
Stranger: get on rhats
You: rhats? i
Stranger: and thats
You: hahaha i only fuck chicks with dicks
Stranger: im just playing
You: hahaha off topic but im desperately trying to find someone to adopt my son
You: would you be interested
Stranger: we cant, we are sorry, weres kids ourse;eves
You: for his 8th birthday i drank a bit too much and i tattooed a hitler stash on his lip Your: so its really hard to get rid of him
Stranger: yo are you just playing or?
Stranger: cause this aint even funny yO
You: i wish i was
Stranger: thats really messed up yo , thats just aint right
Stranger: feeling bad for the kid yo
You: yeah but funny story in retrospect
You: right?
Stranger: no is not funny at all
You: welp...
You: i can ship him too you for free
You: hes a little retarded though.. Yo think he lays somewhere on the autistic spectrum
Stranger: THATS NO EXCUSE Your i like to think of it as an ARTISTIC spectrum
You: he is too slow to care | e7fe8a50a950fa74 | tumblr | 20171122020501 |
You: Hey whats up
Stranger: nothing much hbu
You: im okay
You: Do you have any hobbies?
Stranger: soccer sleeping watching greys anatomy of that counts has a habby and hanging out with friends hbu
You: Playing minecraft and sleeping Imao i dont have friends to hang out with
Stranger: oh gosh im sorry to hear that sometimes i wish i didnt have friends either so i dont think you are missing out on a lot
You: Why is that?
Stranger: well i mean its only one friend for me but shes hurts me a lot of times and she always plays the victim to make me feel bad and i think we are just both messed because we always come back to each other. but some friends just dont know their place and some friends replace each other or walk out without explaining.
Stranger: trust me if you chose bad ones the will hurt you
You: Yeah get you completely
Stranger: so personally i think not having friends at all isnt a bad thing
You: have trust issues with fake friends
You: but completely understand where youre coming from
Stranger: yeah and i know its like this wherever i were to end but it feels like in my hometown a lot of people are fake
Stranger: like some of my friends talk crap about my other friends but whenever we are all together it is so fake
You: Yeah understand
You: People can be shit
Stranger: yeah they really can
You: And know that from experience
Stranger: me too and it isnt fun at all
Stranger: and im sorry too
You: just wanna let you know, even though may be a stranger, just want you to keep on fighting and pushing through. Even when you feel like no one cares about you. If you get to that point, just think of this moment of talking to a stranger and me saying this
You: Because care about you
Stranger: aw thank you so much and the same for you too because if you knew me youd know my story and id think youd be proud of me but im so glad that you said to me and that just made my day and it means a lot i dont hear this a lot
You: Of course dude, wish I could be there for you irl lol
You: But thats why said that
You: Because know people dont get those complements and reassuring sayings said to them when they need it
Stranger: honestly same because i feel like i dont have anyone which sucks be my friends always say they will be here for me but i feel like that isnt true
You: Yeah understand that feeling
You: Just keep pushing through, because someone cares about you
You: You may not feel it but its there
You: just wanted to let you know that
Stranger: thank you so much for that :)
You: Of course
You: Have a good rest of your life Imfao
Stranger: you too and iIl try
You: Good | e8006fbea862f2bf | 20210421220813 |
You: Alex. have a problem. And seeing as youre my best friend youre obliged to help me. HH (17)
Stranger: What do you need?-AM
You: Advice. HH Say someone you cared about had some sort of feelings for you. And this person confessed to having these feelings. How do you tell them you dont feel the same way without ruining everything? HH
Stranger: Well, guess you just have to react calmly. You just tell them that while you care about them and youre flattered, you dont see them in that way. But you really value their friendship.-AM
You: Im guessing running away after they kiss you doesnt count as reacting calmly. HH
Stranger: No, not really. But you can always explain to them that you were just shocked.-AM
You: Okay. should do that. HH
Stranger: Thats probably the best idea. Hope it goes well for you.-AM
You: Thanks, Lex. HH
Stranger: No problem.-AM
You: hate this. feel like an arsehole. HH
Stranger: Its not your fault that youre not interested, Mish. Its better to just tell them the truth.-AM
You: know, just.. wish was. Itd make things a lot easier. HH
Stranger: Its not an easy thing to deal with but you cant just ignore it.-AM
You: Youre right. need to talk to him. HH
Stranger: Yes you do.-AM
You: delay Did you know lan liked me? HH
Stranger: had the vaguest idea but wasnt sure.-AM
You: Alright. HH
Stranger: Have you talked to him?-AM
You: No. Im about to. HH
Stranger: Okay.-AM
You: long delay hate myself. HH
Stranger: That bad?-AM
You: dont deserve friends like you guys. HH
Stranger: Of course you do.-AM
You: Things are going to be awkward now. HH
Stranger: Maybe for a little bit but itll be fine eventually.-AM
You: Okay. HH
Stranger: What did he say?-AM
You: That shouldnt feel bad about it. That he had to try, at least, because he doesnt want to live his life filled with regret. HH
Stranger: Wow. Now feel bad for him. But at least you were honest.-AM
You: Yeah. Hes a good guy. HH
Stranger: He really is.-AM | e80300137aef6620 | Hamex, Mormor, Sherlock | 20170808141939 |
You: Dickemon
You: Hi
Stranger: yesss
You: Ok
Stranger: hi lol
You: So ur age
Stranger: 24 u
You: U dont look 24
You: am 19
Stranger: hehe ty
You: U dont even have beard
Stranger: i shave lol. do u like pokemon
You: Yes
Stranger: do u fap to it
You: Doraemon also
Stranger: omg i had doraemon underwear
You: think fap
Stranger: but my gf stole em
You: 🤣
Stranger: D:
You: Why
Stranger: yesh
Stranger: she liked them
Stranger: she would wear them without wearing pants
Stranger: in public a bit
You: Does she walk with doraemon underwear
You: In public
Stranger: a lil bit
Stranger: and my sponge bob undeerwar too she took it all
You: U should leave that girl
Stranger: yeah
You: Shes not goid
You: Good
Stranger: yeah she shld go f herself lol all she wants me for is dick
Stranger: like bitch get a vibrator omg
You: So how many gfs U have?
Stranger: 1
You: In ur whole life ?
Stranger: 2
You: Oh
You: She must be a hoe?
You: think
Stranger: yes she is
Stranger: shes been with like 50 guys in highschool
Stranger: and they were ALL ugly
You: Its a record
Stranger: yes
You: dont think girls care about ugly guys
Stranger: they all had small peen to so now that shes with a guy with average peen shes like OMG SEX IS SO GOOD
You: They come on to hot guys
Stranger: ugly guys are terrible imo... im bi
You: Girls like big dicks? Imao
Stranger: lol but
Stranger: i think ugly girls look terrible too
Stranger: like probably even worse xD
You: She must be ugly
Stranger: not really
You: So has she slept with 200 guys
You: In her life?
Stranger: idk maybe
Stranger: no lol xD that wld be like a real record
Stranger: or a milestone for when ur like 50
You: Man thats so cool
You: How many U slept with?
Stranger: she dated all the guys who cldnt get any other girls tho
Stranger: like 40 guys and 1 girl xD
You: 40 guys? 🤣
Stranger: 50 even
You: Thats a bad habit we should sleep with girls
Stranger: yeah iam a sex addict i was going on grindr a lot because girls werent attracted to me, now i seem to be getting more attractive...
You: So U said u have 2 gfs?
Stranger: 1 rn
You: And U didnt slept with first
You: One
Stranger: yeah : even tho she was a hoe..
Stranger: and i wanted to give her good cock but she had herpes and didnt wanna fuck a virgin xD
You: Bad luck tho
Stranger: so she cheated on me!!! Yo have U got chances for hookups
You: ?
Stranger: barely
Stranger: i am pretty socialy akward so if ido get chances i usually miss or ruin them
You: Do U like prostitutes for sex?
Stranger: just because a pimp buddy offered me p for $20
You: So U R bisexual think? Stranger yee fucc ya : $20 for a night
You: ?
Stranger: yeah i think thats what his deal was... there must b a lot of thirsty bitches trying to get dudes to buy their pussies in my area
You: U drink lot of bear? 🤣
You: Beer
Stranger: no i used to
You: But now only U drink 2 times🤣
Stranger: huh?
You: So ok man nice to meet you 🤓
Stranger: ok | e80982578390560c | 20210521235928 |
Stranger: Theyre basically dating, except they havent realized it yet. Literally everyone thinks theyre genuinely dating So Tim just said the weirdest thing to me. DG
You: When doesnt Tim say weird things? RH
Stranger: This was particularly weird. DG
You: Well, what did he say? RH
Stranger: He asked if you and would ever consider adopting. DG
You: Like, a kid? RH
Stranger: Yes. Like were together. DG
You: He realizes have a kid, right? RH
Stranger: He hasnt slept in four days. But then told Babs and she said it sounds like a legit question. And stated were together so it wouldnt be surprising. DG
You: You know, Kori asked the other day when the wedding was. guess Jasons been making jokes and she thought it was serious and we were getting married. RH
Stranger: Bruce got uncomfortable when mentioned spending the night at your place. The same way he does when Tim mentions going over Conners. DG
You: mean you have been spending the night more often. Lian asked when our next sleepover was because she missed you. RH
Stranger: Are we dating? DG
You: Delayed Fuck. Are we? RH
Stranger: Why didnt you tell me? DG
You: didnt notice either, asshole. RH
Stranger: So why havent we kissed? DG
You: mean we have before. RH
Stranger: Barely. It was spin the bottle. DG
You: Still counts. RH
Stranger: How long have we been dating? DG
You: Since the spring at least, right? Summer you were here all the time. We went to the beach a lot with Li. RH
Stranger: Shit. DG
Stranger: Were basically married. DG
You: mean theres a lot of your stuff here and you spend more time here than your apartment. RH
Stranger: All we need is the liscense. DG
You: Does this mean we get to make out now? RH
Stranger: Oh definitely. DG
You: Does this also mean youre going to move in with us? RH
Stranger: Yes. Why the fuck not? DG
Stranger: We should honestly just elope and call ita day. DG
Stranger: Cooch we can even be Extra and say we waited until marriage. DG
You: Sorry cant mary you until know if youre good in bed. Or at least seen your dick. need to know what Im working with. RH
Stranger: Hey! Fine. Well have sex, then go to the courthouse. DG
You: Youre dead set on getting married, arent you? RH
Stranger: Itll be the ultimate level of Extra. must achieve. DG
You: Lets have a bug wedding then. Could be fun, RH
Stranger: A what? DG
You: Big wedding. Sorry. RH
Stranger: can plan a big wedding in 24 hours. DG
You: Gotta give time to invite guests, baby. RH
Stranger: Who do you want to invite? was just going to have Wally and Barry speed around and force people into seats. DG
You: Yknow, thats fine sweetheart. Whatever you want. RH
You: Wheres the wedding going to be? RH
Stranger: At the manor. Ive been planning my wedding since was ten. DG
You: Should have known. RH
Stranger: Whats that supposed to mean? DG
You: Just sounds like a very you thing to do darling. RH
Stranger: Awwwww. get pet names now? DG
You: Ive got plenty of pet names for you sweetheart. RH
Stranger: What should call you? Babe. Baby. Sweets. DG
You: Anything you want. RH
Stranger: Pumpkin. DG
You: Sorry that one is reserved for Li, try again. RH
Stranger: Sugar. DG
Stranger: Warm water. DG
Stranger: Eggs. DG
You: Am a cake? RH
Stranger: That was the joke. DG
You: think you should stick with babe. RH
You: Maybe honey. RH
Stranger: Snookums. DG
You: No. RH
Stranger: Why not? DG
You: Its not a good one, darling. RH
Stranger: like when you use them. DG
You: Maybe you should get to wedding planning babe. RH
Stranger: Already on it. DG
Stranger: have a binder. DG
You: Whos the flower girl? RH
Stranger: Who do you think??? DG
You: Damian? RH
Stranger: Obviously. Lian will be a best (wo)man. DG
You: Sounds perfect. RH
Stranger: Itll be funny to watch Wally compete with a child. DG
You: Okay. So Lians our little flower girl, you have Wally, get Jason. Bruce walks you down the isle. RH
Stranger: delay Youre The One. DG
You: What? RH
Stranger: Thats the perfect wedding and youre perfect and Im going to get emotional. DG
You: Oh come on. Weve been domestic for 8 months. Im marrying you because you asked just to be extra. Dont get emotional on me now. You can get emotional if we stay together for a year. RH
Stranger: /If/?! Asshole. And youre /only/ marrying me to be extra? :( DG
You: Im sure we will. And no Im marrying you because you ASKED to be extra. Im also marrying you because Lian loves you and think I do too. RH
Stranger: Oh. love you both. DG
You: Also if we get married have hopes Bruce will buy us a house or something. RH
Stranger: He might. DG
Stranger: Like. He actually might. DG
Stranger: Or hell be petty and just get us a knife set. DG
You: If he doesnt youll buy me a house, right baby? RH
Stranger: Absolutely. On his bank statement. But absolutely. DG
You: Hell yeah. RH
Stranger: Well. Ill buy Lian a house. But! guess you can live there too. DG
You: was hoping for it for her anyway. just want her to have a huge room, yknow? RH
Stranger: Absolutely. Shell have a big room with everything she loves in it. DG
You: She doesnt have much for it right now. Ill have to work more to get her everything shes been asking for. RH
Stranger: Dont worry about it. Her room will be loaded with everything a princess could want. DG
Stranger: Bruce is a sucker for kids. DG
You: cant ask you guys to do that for her. RH
Stranger: Youre not asking. DG
Stranger: Besides. Im your husband. DG
You: Oh god. Do you want her to call you Dick or some version of dad? EH
You: *RH
Stranger: Whatever youre comfortable with. DG
You: mean, dont mind. just dont want her to call you pops or something and you do that thing where you panic. RH
Stranger: No! Id probably just freak out ina
You: Youre ready to do that? RH
Stranger: Totally. have a whole book of dad jokes at the ready. DG
You: delayed What about what Tim said? About us adopting. RH
Stranger: Do you want to? DG
You: mean maybe not right now but one day? Sure. Youve been a help with Li, and shes been begging to be a big sister. DG
You: *RH
Stranger: would love that. DG
You: Great. Cool. 5
You: have nothing to wear to the wedding. RH
Stranger: A tailer will be over within the hour. DG
You: Want to find Li a babysitter for the night then? Only right we get to have it alone, right? RH
Stranger: A Barbara will be over within the hour. DG
You: Oh shell love that. What about wedding night too? RH
Stranger: Post-wedding? Bruce and the fam can babysit. DG
You: Ill pack her overnight bags. RH
Stranger: Itll be great. DG
You: Jeez, could you be more perfect? RH
Stranger: Honeymoon or no? DG
You: dunno, Im not sure can leave Li that long... RH
Stranger: Alright we can do a 2 day honeymoon. Well jet over to Florida and have some fun on a beach and then come back before bedtime on the second night. DG
You: Maybe we put off the honeymoon for a little while? Go on a nice vacation in a couple months? RH
Stranger: Family vacation! Even better. DG
You: meant just me and you, but hey Im up for a family thing. RH
Stranger: Family thing! Well force Tim to come. He can watch Li when we want alone time. DG
You: Sure. Sounds amazing, doll. RH
Stranger: Itll be awesome! !!!!!!! DG
You: When will you be home? Id love to see you right now. RH
Stranger: Hang on. gotta move wedding planning to there then. DG
You: Have you told Bruce? RH
Stranger: Not explicitly. But had binders, color swatches, and like, three tablets spread on the communal kitchen island. Soooo000. DG
You: Darling, tell Bruce
You: Its polite since hes paying. RH
Stranger: Ha. Fine. DG
Stranger: delay Im sobbing. He asked if he should come with me to the bridal shop and whether was getting a tux ora dress. DG
You: Im glad hes so supportive. Have you decided what you want to wear? RH
Stranger: A tux. want to get you to wear a top hat though. DG
You: Damn, here was hoping Id get to see you in some extravagant dress. RH
You: And get to tear it off you at the end of the night. RH
Stranger: What if did both?! Oooocooh have ideas. DG
You: What if you save a dress for the bedroom. Just for me. RH
Stranger: Oh? Then it will be a very special dress. DG
You: think Im too into the idea of you ina dress for a guy whos only kissed you ina drunken game of spin the bottle. RH
Stranger: We are husbands. Excuse you. DG
Stranger: Weve been in love for like. Hours. DG
You: To be fair, think weve been in love for a while. We just didnt talk about it. Or understand it. RH
Stranger: know. But saying it that way is more funny. DG
You: Are we moving the wedding planning here? would like to help, yknow. RH
Stranger: Yes! Im coming Im coming. DG
Stranger: Im on my way. DG
You: Thank you babe. RH
Stranger: Babe. DG
Stranger: Does Lian know?! DG
You: Shes still at scool. RH
Stranger: Oh right. School. Gross. DG
You: Do not have that attitude around her. She likes going to school. RH
Stranger: Sorry sorry! wont ruin that. DG
You: Thank You sweetheart. RH
Stranger: But seriously. Gross. DG
You: know. Ew. RH
Stranger: School is dumb. If didnt care about her future, Id tell her to drop out. DG
You: Hey, shes going to college. started a fund and everything. It doesnt have much but its a start. RH
Stranger: Ill put some in. DG
You: Dick seriously, you and Brice are already going to do so much for her. RH
Stranger: Hey. love her like shes my kid too. And Bruce had been secretly dying for grandkids. DG
You: Delayed Thank you, Dick. Really. RH
Stranger: mean it. Like. Honestly even if (god forbid) we dont work out, shes still going to be my little princess. DG
You: This means so much to me. You dont even understand. RH
Stranger: love you. And love her. DG
Stranger: Shes part of this all. DG
You: love you too. Im glad were doing this. RH
Stranger: Me too. Im also glad can name drop Bruce as much as I want. DG
You: Maybe get her into a better school? RH
Stranger: Consider it done. DG
You: Youre amazing. RH
Stranger: Ill just casually show up at a open house with you two and be like oh this child? This one here? Yes. Shes a AWayne/. As in, / Bruce/ Wayne. As in
Stranger: *enroll her. DG
You: Id really appreciate that. She loves school but she gets bored so easy yknow? Shes so smart. The school was looking at had an application fee and tuition fees and Ive just never been able to pay for it all. RH
Stranger: Ill handle it. And part of me knows its not fair to the other kids. But the other part wants the best for her. DG
You: Thank you, Dick. Darling. Baby. kinda regret not asking earlier if you guys could help somehow honestly. She needs to be in a good school. RH Ugh. DG
Stranger: Id have done it even if we werent about to get married. DG
You: know! know, just didnt think of it before. RH
Stranger: Bruce would have done it even if he had no clue who she was, tbh. DG
You: When are you getting here so can thank you properly? RH
Stranger: ETA5 minutes. DG
You: Cant wait, darling. RH
Stranger: Are we gonna sex? DG
You: Please never ask like that again. RH
Stranger: Are we going to canoodle? DG
You: Oh god thats worse. RH
Stranger: Are we gonna do the deed? DG
You: A little better. RH
Stranger: Gonna get on with the ol in-and-out- in-and-out? DG
You: Stop or the answer will be no. RH
Stranger: Okay. only had one more left anyways. DG
You: dont ever want to hear it. RH
Stranger: Are you sure curiosity isnt burning like a fire inside you? DG
You: Im so sure. RH
Stranger: Wanna play hide the pickle? DG
You: God damn it. RH
Stranger: love you! DG
You: We are never having sex. RH
Stranger: No! Please! promise Im really really good at it. DG
You: Delayed You best hope you are. RH
Stranger: am! DG
Stranger: ((Im falling asleep. But my email is if you want to continue)) | e81905686fb5c772 | Roy Dick, JayDick | 20181124081748 |
Stranger: H
You: ipopotamo
Stranger: ?
Stranger: Hom
You: tu pusiste la h y yo el resto
You: h
You: ipopotamo | e829f12b9fbb8d0e | 20201107224437 |
Stranger: i think maybe we should break up
You: ok
You: still love you
Stranger: i love you too
Stranger: lets get back together
You: cant
Stranger: why?
You: like Mary Now Sorry :(
Stranger: ure lesbian?
Stranger: thats fine
Stranger: im not crying :,)
You: ITS JUST she (kinda hot)
Stranger: kinda!
Stranger: what do you mean ShEd Kinda Hot
Stranger: am i not enough?
You: sorry but we need to move on
Stranger: why
You: U will always be in my heart
Stranger: it was only a day ago that we broke up
You: Yeah But Cant Help Myself
You: need someone to love
Stranger: i always knew you were into girls
Stranger: i can be your lover
You: know but saw you...
Stranger: saw me where?
You: checking that specific person
You: Im not dumb
Stranger: u are though
You: What
You: Are you kiding me right now
Stranger: it was your sister
You: :0
Stranger: im not kidding
You: Ngl checked out ur mum
Stranger: shes a milf now
You: :/
Stranger: im glad u admitted
Stranger: im sorry for checking out your sis
You: Oh and hope that you have a great life. (not)
Stranger: thanks
Stranger: you too
Stranger: babe
You: We broke up :(
Stranger: in your head we did
You: U know what
You: will always love u
Stranger: that means we should get back together
You: FiNe
Stranger: i love you too and what i feel will never end
You: Hey umm can you kill Mary so she dont check me out at school:)
Stranger: Mary, damn iIl kill her in a heartbeat
Stranger: cant believe you laid eyes on her
Stranger: even look at her for a seco
Stranger: sec
You: Also know that ur filmin yo stupid ass tik tok
Stranger: im not
Stranger: honest to g od
You: o k saw someone writing this
Stranger: think maybe we should break up
You: How dare you
Stranger: you dont believe me
You: You had me scared for a sec
Stranger: im so scary am i?
You: Umm Mary is at my bedroom windwsgefc8wyeqfieb283q7f9
Stranger: im coming asap Irigjt isee her have my bat with me
You: Hey this is mary bitch
You: lay eyes on my love and ill kill you
Stranger: shes not your love
Stranger: what did u do to her?
Stranger: where is she
You: Shes in a secret place
Stranger: IM CALLING THE cops
Stranger: ok mary
Stranger: gl round
Stranger: go round up your sheep
Stranger: lamb
You: Ohh and she said she loves so much that you need to leave her alone
Stranger: how is that a thing
You: Shes just trynna protect you
Stranger: thats sweet, i knew she never liked you anyways
Stranger: your just a distraction
You: Ill let her speak for 2 mins alright
Stranger: finally
You: Hello babe are you their
Stranger: yes im he
Stranger: so youre calling me babe now?
You: she has a knife to my throught
You: please just leave me
Stranger: fine.
You: so you dont get hurt
You: ok
Stranger: i cant believe im doing this
You: And have one more question
Stranger: yes?
You: When my body is found check under your shelf it has all our memories
Stranger: no
Stranger: LOVE YOU
You: My time is up love y*u
Stranger: mary
Stranger: what is wrong with u
You: Hi Bitch
Stranger: thanks for calling me that, a female is a dog, dogs bark, barks are on tree, trees are beautiful, that means im beautifil
You: ShiT
Stranger: no u are
You: The police are here
Stranger: OHEi
Stranger: serves u right
You: Im gonna have to end her life
Stranger: SHES ALIBE
You: Then yours next
You: its me
Stranger: hello
Stranger: run to the cops
You: kicked her vi***a and shes on the floor
Stranger: run to the cops
Stranger: now
You: Im headed to the cops
You: on
Stranger: quickkk
You: that isnt the cops
Stranger: stop textiing
You: that looks like her phsyco uncle
Stranger: oh no
You: Ahhhhhhh
Stranger: hit him in the head and steal his car
You: Wtf is this shit
You: who is this
Stranger: who ru
You: Um Joe Mary Allen
Stranger: joe mama
You: My neice Mary said that youve been a bitch
Stranger: no i havent
Stranger: shes just acting up
Stranger: weve been dating recently
Stranger: and likes to pull silly pranks
Stranger: no biggie
You: U know that dont beileve little shits
Stranger: im not lying
You: Silly pranks Yo ? Yo ly neice is a hard working kid
You: she would never do something this dangerous unless she loves something
Stranger: yeah she loves me
Stranger: me is her friend
You: And why is this girl outside screaming to talk to u
Stranger: thats me, thats her friend
You: she said she needs you
Stranger: its complicated
Stranger: were in a entanglement
You: and why is she showin me her boobs bribing me
Stranger: say what now
You: thats scary
Stranger: whats wrong with her tits
You: But see why she yo friend
Stranger: damn chill uncle joe
You: She kinda you know :)
Stranger: i dont knwo
You: Th**c
Stranger: ill tell her that if you help me
You: Alright Im taking her to her house
Stranger: with me please
Stranger: i need a ride
You: Imma pass it over to her
Stranger: alright
You: Babe u there
Stranger: yes im here
Stranger: uncle joe is going to help us escape
You: Im sorry
Stranger: oh and he thinks your thicc
You: should of stayed with u forever
Stranger: u should of
Stranger: love is loyalty
Stranger: u werent loyal
You: JOE WHAT ARE U.........
Stranger: mary?
You: HA
Stranger: ura bloody psycho
Stranger: hi girl
Stranger: alright
Stranger: id rather have her over memories
Stranger: we can always make more memories
Stranger: if i have her physically its alright
You: accept guess what memorie is in there
You: haha
Stranger: everything?
Stranger: our love?
You: no your forgot about ur guys dog
Stranger: our dog?
You: yeah
You: how he died last week
Stranger: u killed him didnt u
You: and now have your guys memories with the dog
You: he was so special cause thats what she gave you at your first date | e838476db6e897a4 | tiktok | 20201215125008 |
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: Hbu?
You: M
You: 18 thats me
Stranger: Taga san ka?
Stranger: Wait, pinoy ka ba?
Stranger: Or hindi? Hahahhahhaha
Stranger: Kasi baka nagtatagalog ako dito, hindi mo pala naiintindihan
Stranger: Hey
You: Hahaha
You: What?
You: Are you pinoy?
Stranger: Yes. Where are u from?
You: Alaska hbu?
Stranger: Philippines!
You: Ohh!
Stranger: Mapapasabak ako sa english nito ohmyghaaaad
You: Congrats! We support philippines!
Stranger: Hehe! Thank you! support Alaska too for idk what reason hehe
You: Catriona Gray is So stunningly beautiful
Stranger: Oh yes. She is really beautiful.
You: She killed it!
Stranger: Yeah with that lava walk and the slow twirl
You: Yeah, that slow mo twirl and lava walk make her the Miss Universe
You: Here in alaska thats the number one trending.
Stranger: Ohh wow
Stranger: Thats nice
Stranger: My province and her province is very far between
Stranger: Oh my ghad is my grammar correct
Stranger: Nakakaloka mag English
You: Its ok its understandable dear
You: Whats nakakaloka?
Stranger: Like going crazy
You: Ohh
You: Im nakakaloka for you.
You: XD
Stranger: Oh no
You: Why
Stranger: The nakaka is like a prefix
You: have met many filipinos and filipinas here at omegle and they always say putang ina mo
You: Whats the meaning of that?
Stranger: It depends if the action is already done, doing, or will do
Stranger: Uhm... dont know
You: They flooding it lol
You: Ohh sorry
Stranger: Uhm
You: thought u know cause
Stranger: actually know it Strange ut
Stranger: You might think wrong of us
You: know a few words
Stranger: Please dont generalise us
You: Tagalog
Stranger: Ohh wow
You: Here in alaska i met someone
You: A filipino
Stranger: A girl? Or a boy?
You: He said bobo to me
Stranger: Hes so mean
You: And i say bobo too
Stranger: Wow thats nice HAHAHHAHAHHA
You: Is bobo hello?
Stranger: No. Ubmmm.
You: What is it then?
Stranger: Please dont listen to him
You: Why?
Stranger: Thats mean
You: Ohh a mean word?
Stranger: Yes
You: Youre really good at english tho
Stranger: No. Im not!
You: Many filipinos
You: Good at english
Stranger: Are English barok, know
You: And im very curious the word tang ina mo
You: Cause duterte always says that
Stranger: Where did you learn those words?! Strange h my ghad
Stranger: Naloloka ako
You: You are crazy?
Stranger: Bakit puro mura yang tinatanong mo juskolored
Stranger: No, it means Im going crazy
You: Okay then Yo really admire your english
You: Me i only speak one language
Stranger: No you shouldnt
Stranger: means you shouldnt admire my English-ing skills
You: Why tho?
Stranger: , *
You: Its a gift
You: Let it shine darling
Stranger: Uh not really hahahhahaha
Stranger: Im not really good at it.
You: You are!
You: And you are doing it right now
Stranger: i can translate and can understand English. But sometimes just sometimes my grammar is wrong
You: Thats okay
Stranger: No its not
You: What matter is u understand it
You: And you can communicate with others
Stranger: Some of the people here in my place are judgmental
You: Ohh grammar issue??
Stranger: Just a lil mistake and theyll judge you immediately
Stranger: Not just in grammar but everything you do
You: Ohh.
Stranger: Even if youre just doing nothing, theyll judge you or talk abt you
You: Every place has bad people and good people
Stranger: know shouldnt say these bc its like Im ruining our image
Stranger: OMG hahhahahhaa
You: Omg huh? Hahaha
Stranger: When did learn englishing
Stranger: Hahahhahahha
Stranger: But hey
You: Its a gift u know the blood
Stranger: Ur nice to talk to
You: Thank u very much
You: Mabuhay phillipines
Stranger: Thank you
You: Phillippines*
Stranger: Yeah was just about to correct it
You: Na WOW MALI KA!!!!
Stranger: Pakyu
You: mustaa
You: hahahhahahahaha
You: Galing mo.mag
Stranger: BWISET
You: Galing mag english ah HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA
You: Idol na kita
Stranger: Hoy hindi masyado
Stranger: Konti lang
You: Di ah
Stranger: Kaloka
You: Galing mo nga pramis
Stranger: Punyeta ka
Stranger: Nagloko mo ako
Stranger: Naloko*
You: Kanina pako natatawa pinipigil ko lang HAHAHAHAHAHHA,
Stranger: Siraulo kaaaaaaaaa
Stranger: Grabe ka
Stranger: Ang bad mo sakin
You: Atleast
Stranger: Grabe kaaaaaaaaAAAAA
You: Nahasa tayo sa englishhhh Yo hhh...
Stranger: Hype beast ka no?
You: Hahahhaa baka ikaw
Stranger: Hoy hindi ah
Stranger: Pants at Tshirt nga lang pormahan ko eh
You: Kala mo talaga englishero ako?
Stranger: Hype beast ba yun
You: Ako din hahaha
Stranger: Oo hayop ka
Stranger: Naloka talaga ako sayo
You: Idol idol
Stranger: Nahirapan ako tapos ikaw patawa tawa ka
You: Hahha sorry na
Stranger: Sarap mo batukan ah
Stranger: Pero teka nga
You: Galing mo nga
Stranger: Taga saan ka ba?
You: Nakuha mo respeto ko hahahha
Stranger: Natatawa na rin ako sa sarili ko hahhahahahhahah
You: Sorry na ha xDDS
Stranger: Oo na. Okay na. Hahahhahahahaa
You: Laguna hahha
You: Ikaw?
Stranger: Wtf Strange ataan
Stranger: Pero nasa laguna ako rn Strange uwi kami bukas
Stranger: Omg
You: Omg
Stranger: Saan ka sa lagunaaaaaaaa
You: Legit?
Stranger: Cococo00000
You: Noooo
Stranger: Hala
You: Dont leave me hahaha
Stranger: Shet
Stranger: Bakit don
Stranger: Bakit dont leave me? *
You: You said you were leaving
You: Hahahha napapa english tuloy hahahaha
Stranger: Hahahhahahahahaha nyeta ka kasi
Stranger: Pero wait nga. Saan ka sa laguna?
You: Bat nasan ka ga?
Stranger: Victoria
Stranger: Ikaw ba?
You: San pablo lanh
Stranger: Haaaaallaaaaa Strange
Stranger: Legit bang 18 ka na koya?
You: Oo bakot
You: Hahahaha
Stranger: Im just 16
You: Ikaw parang 30 kana eh
You: Bihasa sa english eh HAHAHA
Stranger: Grabe ka naman sakin
You: Char lang xD
Stranger: Grabe hahhahahahahaha
You: May kilala kang football player dyan?
Stranger: Sa Victoria? Wala eh
Stranger: Minsan lang kasi kami na uwi dito
Stranger: Bakit ano ba pangalan?
You: Ano ba meron dyan
Stranger: Baka kilala ko
You: Lualhati
Stranger: Wait
Stranger: Wait ka lang ha
Stranger: Charot wag na
Stranger: Baka madisconnect
You: Yieee
You: Love u too HAHAHAH
Stranger: Ay
You: Char ikaw nmn
Stranger: Wala na finish na
You: Wala ka kilala?
Stranger: Uy bakit ka char ng char
Stranger: Wala eh
Stranger: Kyah
You: Naka gisnan lang hahaha Yo h kasi ma char rap
You: Hehe xDDD
Stranger: May kilala kang Lance Bulan?
You: Waley ihh
You: Lancelot lang hahaha
Stranger: Ay ganern
Stranger: Rolan Lualhati ba?
You: Jose
You: Jose carl
You: Karl*
Stranger: Ah wait
You: Take ur time
Stranger: Di ko kilala eh
Stranger: Ikaw ba yun?
You: Di
You: Baka kilala mo lang taga dyan eh
Stranger: Ah
Stranger: Di ko kilala eh
You: Kelan kayo aalis?
Stranger: Bukas
You: Pasama hahahaha
You: Chareng
Stranger: Bakit gusto mo sumama?
You: Para libre foods hahhahaha
You: Food is li
Stranger: Lol? Hahhahahahah
You: Hahahahha
Stranger: Grabe kaaaaaa
Stranger: Huhu
Stranger: Saan ka nagaaral niyan?
You: Malapit lang
You: Ahh hahaaaha
Stranger: Malapit sa inyo? Yun ba yung parang dark blue at Blue green na kulay ng pe uniform?
You: Wala lang sa tabe tabe hahaha
You: Ano?
You: Ginagawa mu hahha
You: Lupit m kumausap sa poren ger ah hahahhahah
Stranger: Anong sa tabe tabe?
Stranger: Hahahhahahah
You: Sa beside beside hahahha
Stranger: You mean you stopped?
You: Di mo ba alam tabe tabe?
Stranger: Im so sorry
Stranger: Nakaidlip ako jusme
Stranger: Hiyoyoyoyoyiy
Stranger: Haaalalqqqqaqq
Stranger: Kanina ka pa ba?
Stranger: End ko na?
Stranger: Inaantok na rin ako eh
Stranger: So iykn
Stranger: Good night
Stranger: See u when see u
Stranger: Babye | e84de48316cc17a9 | Sparks | 20201107224350 |
Stranger: no
Stranger: yes
Stranger: maybe
You: Hi))
Stranger: hello !!!
You: you like anime?
Stranger: Yass !!! do you ?!
You: for the first time in this chat ...
You: Ohhh!!
You: Yeah!)
Stranger: lol
You: Im...
You: A uz Poccun
You: Lol)
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: huhhhh _
Stranger: USA
Stranger: North Carolina
You: Okay))
Stranger: What about you ?
You: Interesting))....
You: Russia, Krasnodar
You: What are your favorite anime?
Stranger: Omg, wanna go to russia but not as bad as Japan tho
Stranger: Right now im watching Inuyasha
You: Oooohhh!!!
You: watched it!))
Stranger: What about you ??? was it good ?
You: love Sesshoumaru
You: write his name correctly?
Stranger: Yeah should b right llike his confidence tho
You: Yes) Yo Russia, little to do with Japan ...
You: And also really want to go to Japan
You: How old are you?
Stranger: 14 :( wbu
You: Im 20))
You: Youre a girl?
You: My English is very bad ahahahaha
You: apologize
Stranger: Nope _. ima guy *._.
Stranger: n its okay
You: Clear))
You: also))
You: also)) You You You
You: Also Inuyasha something watched?)
Stranger: wow __. )
Stranger: whatcha mean
You: Its funny to communicate with foreigners in this chat
You: Did you watch other anime?
Stranger: lol yep
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: lemme name them
Stranger: Hunter X Hunter anime
Stranger: wait
Stranger: lemme think of more
You: do not watched it in my plans
Stranger: ah _.
You: Clannad, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo also))
You: K-On!
You: SAO
You: SAO
Stranger: omg sao !!! i hated the second season :(
You: Soon the film will be released
You: heard?
You: But think you do not like it
You: also liked more the first season
Stranger: Yeah 1 was better
Stranger: film for the whole thing or just one season
You: The film - a continuation of the story
Stranger: ah hopefully its good
You: Now find the trailer
Stranger: okayy
You: https:/
Stranger: thnxs
You: https:/ DrhVaA.
Stranger: r they different ones ?
You: second and third trailer, there are several
Stranger: holy crap it looks so good its awesome
You: Ahahaha)
You: Yeah)
Stranger: 3/9/2017 !!!
You: Very soon
Stranger: have u watched d gray man
Stranger: orange
Stranger: relife
Stranger: all out
You: In America, quickly voiced anime? Or you watch with subtitles?
You: Re: Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu?
Stranger: depends if they have it dubbed i watch it dubbed ifnot subbed but even if its dubbed i watch subb
Stranger: omg yass !!!
You: like Re: Zero ))
You: look forward to the second season
Stranger: we have second season subbed on
Stranger: what about hand shaker Yo Russia, voiced by very quickly, a few days
You: Who do you like from Re: Zero?
Stranger: i like
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: the princess i hate the main guy character at times
You: Ahahahahah)))
You: do not like this guy
Stranger: black butler !!!!
You: Princess named Emilia
You: Onn))
You: Ohh!)
Stranger: yeah !!!!
You: watched)
Stranger: same B)
You: Soon, too, will an additional film
Stranger: what about drifters
You: drifters?
You: do not know..
Stranger: yeah its called tht
You: Not watching this anime)
Stranger: ah
Stranger: wt anime u watching m ?
You: You have a lot of friends who watch anime?
You: Ohh, watched a lot of anime ...
You: Bleach, Kurokos Basketball
You: Pandora Hearts
Stranger: blue exorcist !!!
You: Noragami
Stranger: not many
You: Yes!!!
Stranger: omg noragami !!
You: Now comes the second season of Blue Exorcist
Stranger: i havent started it yet :(
You: In Russia, it came for 3 Series
Stranger: dang
You: So it is interesting to know that, too, watching anime in the United States))
You: Ass feel like google translator translates very badly my words.
Stranger: did uc yurionice _. iwas made to watch it liked the plot tho notmuch but eh
Stranger: lol
Stranger: never thought russia would watch anime
Stranger: sorry
You: saw a lot of jokes about yuri on ice))))
Stranger: good bye be back in 6 min
You: Okay...( | e84f8c89d474e302 | anime | 20170130120042 |
Stranger: m
Stranger: hi
You: Hi!
Stranger: let me rate Strange look cool
Stranger: what do you like Strange mmmmmmmmmm
Stranger: wooooccow
Stranger: nice bellly
Stranger: sexxy hips
You: Thank you UwU
Stranger: i hope a thong
You: Ah
You: Im not wearing any panties right now
Stranger: perfect
You: Its more comfertablew withouth
Stranger: naughty girl
Stranger: how naughty are you
Stranger: ?
Stranger: is the door locked Strange
You: Nope
You: lost the key like two years ago
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: sneaky girl
Stranger: stand up
Stranger: and turn arround
Stranger: iam sucha ass lover
Stranger: 10/10
Stranger: for that ass
Stranger: hmmmm
Stranger: perfect
Stranger: do again
Stranger: and bend. over
You: O///O
Stranger: hmmmmm
Stranger: stand up
Stranger: what is wrong Strange
You: Im shy
Stranger: lol
You: This is embarrasing
Stranger: not real life
You: Good point
Stranger: yes
Stranger: enjoy it
You: But the only person bend over for is my girlfriend
Stranger: hmmmmm
Stranger: lesbian
Stranger: ?
You: Bisexual
Stranger: me tooo
Stranger: cooool
You: Neat
Stranger: thts why
Stranger: i love ass
You: Same here
Stranger: hmmmmmm
Stranger: stand up i miss that sexxy ass mmmmm
Stranger: are you home alone
You: might need to go before get too horny and do something Ill regret
Stranger: ?
You: Nope
Stranger: hmmmm
You: My entire family is home
Stranger: to horny jow horny are you rm
Stranger: wet
Stranger: ?
You: My breath is getting hot that my glasses are fogging up
Stranger: hmmmmm
Stranger: lol
You: *so
Stranger: stand up
Stranger: walk arround
You: Why?
Stranger: i would love to see your sexxy body
You: My room is pretty small
Stranger: and the no underwear
You: Theres not much space to move around in
Stranger: stand up
Stranger: make me happy
Stranger: show that sexxy ass
You: need to go masturbate
Stranger: yes
Stranger: sounds perfect
Stranger: go lay somwhere
You: Im not doing it on camera
Stranger: get ready first
Stranger: pants off
You: Im not undressing on camera either
Stranger: ok am curious
Stranger: how wet you are rn
You: physically cant get wet
You: Its biologically impossible
Stranger: just ass
You: ?
Stranger: bend over
Stranger: spread your ass
You: Im not doing that om camera
Stranger: hmmmm
You: *on
Stranger: lock it
Stranger: haha
You: dont have the key, remember?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: go. to the bathroom
You: Im going to masturbait in my bed
Stranger: ok
Stranger: better
You: My sheets will cover me if anyone comes in
Stranger: hmmmmm
Stranger: yes
Stranger: go lay on bed
Stranger: you are horny af
You: know
Stranger: hmmmmmmm
Stranger: hurry
You: havent been this hard since my gf let me fuck her face | e84fa32088ffaef8 | rate me | 20210522003417 |
Stranger: Hi. Do you believe in Jesus?
You: yes
Stranger: of the New Testament, right? sorry. forgot to add that.
You: wtf?
You: jesus is also in the OT?
Stranger: yeah, technically He is, but was referring to the Quran
You: no interests
Stranger: because just had someone say they believe in Jesus from the Islam religion, Hes in that religion, too
Stranger: i have no interest in the quran either.
You: why you here
Stranger: i have just as much right to be here as you
You: because of what
Stranger: well, what gives you more of a right to be here than me?
You: i asked you because of what
Stranger: because, theres nothing saying have less right than you to be here.
You: so answer and we see?
Stranger: thats why.
You: really?
Stranger: really.
You: what for are you here
You: are you muslim?
Stranger: No
You: christian?
Stranger: Yes
You: which is the most important commandment
You: and why
Stranger: to love Lord our God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourself
You: and why is this the most important?
Stranger: do you believe in Jesus of the New Testament?
You: there no 2 jesus?
You: and why is this the most important?
Stranger: can you teach me why it is the most important?
You: i could yea
You: so and why is this the most important?
Stranger: im not sure ij have the answer to that, so can you tell me and teach me?
You: can we instead talk about pizzagate
Stranger: can you answer the question first?
You: are you really christian
Stranger: Yes, but can you please answer the question. Id like to learn.
You: i doubt you do
Stranger: you doubt do what?
You: will pedophilia be legalized after the rapture
Stranger: No, really want to learn why you think that is most important
Stranger: sure hope it wont.
You: i wouldnt tell you
You: cuz if you dont understand it
You: i can see youre maybe no christian Yo 0 if i would teach you this Yo ou would adopt it
You: to convince people youre christian if youre not perhaps
You: so if you wanted to learn that
Stranger: well, youre assuming that.
You: you could ask god
You: or accept the truth as it is
Stranger: Im really not following you. Your: i learned it through that
Stranger: so youre not going to tell me?
You: then youre maybe no christian at all
Stranger: yes, am. Jesus is Lord.
Stranger: the son of God
Stranger: the only Messiah for salvation from our sin that leads to death.
You: then let me test you maybe i then tell it
You: will pedophilia be legalized after the rapture
Stranger: sure hope its not
You: could it even be legalized
You: really legalized
You: not like in denmark
You: in 70s
You: color climax
Stranger: well, i dont know if it will be. but i hope its not.
Stranger: pedophilia is sick
You: most christians would answer it would ue that fear they fight it right now
You: why you not
Stranger: because, pedophilia is disgusting and i hope it isnt ever legalized
You: you dont answer what i asked for
Stranger: what didnt answer?
You: can pedophilia be legalized after the rapture Yo es or no
You: i say: no
Stranger: did answer that
Stranger: i said ido not know
You: how you cant know that as christian
Stranger: where does the Bible say pedophilia will be legalized after the rapture?
You: where does the bible talk about quantum physics
Stranger: i didnt say it did talk about quantum physics, and i didnt ask anything about that
Stranger: but you did ask about pedophilia, so im asking where you got it from?
You: i asked you: can pedophilia after the rapture be legalized
You: i even informed you
You: most christians fear this
Stranger: and told you: i dont know.
You: and how do all others know
Stranger: well, i dont know where those Christians are getting that information.
Stranger: i dont know.
You: by thinking
Stranger: by thinking about what?
You: do we need obey the current govs
Stranger: Yes, Trust the government
You: what about pizzagate
You: epstein
You: and others
Stranger: but my govt pedophilia is not legal
Stranger: Epstein is not a member of my govt, hes a businessman.
You: why is 4chan then after it
You: sense?
Stranger: youre asking me a lot of things i dont know. 4chan is also a disgusting place
Stranger: and 4chan is not credible in any sense.
Stranger: id advise not getting your information from 4chan or youtube
You: what about pizzagate
You: is it true
Stranger: i dont know anything about pizzagate
You: i can explain Yo S about pedophilia ring
You: in the gov
Stranger: its ok, im not interested.
You: but not only pedophilia
Stranger: i dont know that its actually within the government, though
You: also child sacrifice
Stranger: thats rumors.
Stranger: and i dont believe its in the govt
You: so can i trust the gov
Stranger: i dont believe its in the govt, but outside the govt | e84fe6104b4807db | bible, jesus, christian | 20190906130817 |
Stranger: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
You: ironic
Stranger: YYOOOOOOOO!!!!
You: but what about the attack on the wokkies
Stranger: Something theyll never tell you
You: how long did it take for you to find someone to actually respond with a meme
Stranger: Hella long
You: ya a ton of bots and 10 year olds asking if i was f
Stranger: Same here
You: this was a surprise but a welcome one
Stranger: Gotta kill some younglings before you can be a dark Lord though, am right?
Stranger: Not just the men
Stranger: The women and children too
You: dew it
Stranger: Its not the Jedi way
You: im just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe
Stranger: Have you ever traveled Coreward?
Stranger: As far as Coruscant?
You: take a seat
Stranger: This is an outrage
You: lies deception
Stranger: love democracy
You: thats good news
Stranger: Possibly
You: this chat log will make a fine addition to my collection...3 | e855c6c316af4207 | Memes | 20201109025638 |
You: hi
Stranger: hello
You: thread/223176985
Stranger: uh what
You: hmm? Yo hats the problem?
You: problems
Stranger: homie idc about a pol conspiracy u started | e85a166de146518b | 4chan | 20190815144859 |
You: Dont you have that cute little Christmas party with the men tonight? The one where you all get far too drunk and complain about your boss JM I think Ill join you. JM
Stranger: Nah, that was last weekend. SM
You: Mm, dont try. heard them talk about it this morning. JM
Stranger: Well, worth a try. SM
You: Do you not want me to come, Tiger? JM
Stranger: Not really your scene, is it? SM
You: wouldnt be going as myself, silly. JM
Stranger: What do you mean? SM
You: You could introduce everyone to your boyfriend, Jim from IT. Call it an office romance. JM
Stranger: You want to do an Undercover Boss at the Christmas party? SM
You: Doesnt it sound /fun/? JM | e85b9aed67b14ffa | mormor, Sherlock | 20171224065742 |
Stranger: think Im in love with you. HH
You: What? AM
Stranger: Funny, right? HH
You: think youve spent too much time with lan. AM
Stranger: Im with him right now, actually. He says hi. HH
You: Yeah, Im not surprised. AM And thats hilarious, by the way. Im close to pissing myself. AM
Stranger: Thats a bit mean. HH
You: Yeah, well, it wasnt funny. AM
Stranger: What, that Im in love with you? HH
You: Id work on my repertoire, if were you. AM
Stranger: ... Fine. Ill leave it alone. HH
You: Sorry, Im just not in the mood. AM
Stranger: Yeah. No problem. HH
You: delay Was it lans idea? AM
Stranger: No. HH
You: Huh. AM
Stranger: We can leave it already. HH
You: Yeah, okay. AM
Stranger: lan and are going drinking tonight. Want in? HH
You: Sure. AM
Stranger: Great. Its his treat. HH
You: What for? AM
Stranger: Told him to. HH
You: Did you tell him you were in love with him, too? Cause hed probably believe you. AM
Stranger: Shut up. HH
You: No, really. Wouldnt that be great. AM
Stranger: See you later. HH
You: delay Can you just.. explain it to me. AM
Stranger: Just leave it already. HH
You: No. AM
Stranger: Why the fuck not. HH
You: Because thats not how it works. AM
Stranger: Not how what works. HH
You: dont know, life? Friendship? AM
Stranger: ... It was a stupid joke. HH
You: just dont get why you thought it would be funny. Is there something to make fun of here? Do you think have feelings for you? AM
Stranger: That would be stupid. HH
You: Well at least your joke would make sense. AM
Stranger: lan says Im a lot happier around you. HH
You: Were friends. Thats sort of the point. AM
Stranger: Okay. HH
You: Does he think youre in love with me? AM
Stranger: Yeah. HH
You: So, what, you were just testing the idea on me? AM
Stranger: Wanted to see how youd react. HH
You: Right. AM
Stranger: Turns out lans only treating me. HH
You: dont feel like going out, anyway. AM
Stranger: Great. HH
You: Have fun. AM
Stranger: Thanks. HH
You: later Are you? AM
Stranger: Yeah. HH
You: In love with me? AM
Stranger: Yes, Alex. HH
Stranger: Dickhead. HH
You: Well why the fuck would tell me with a fucking text. AM eeping it casual. HH Im so fucking stupid. HH
You: No. AM
You: A little, but its fine. AM
Stranger: Im going to start drinking early. Bye. HH
You: Im in love with you too. AM
Stranger: Fuck all the way off. HH
You: Where are you? Ill do it properly. AM
Stranger: No. HH
You: Hamish, come on. Im not fucking messing with you. AM
Stranger: No, Im going to go get shitfaced and snog some stranger at the bar. HH
You: Oh my God. AM
Stranger: And wont even drunk call you. HH
You: So now youre just going to ignore it? AM
Stranger: dont know what to do. HH
You: Well, me neither. This is terrifying. But dont want to just.. make it go away. AM
Stranger: Fine. HH
Stranger: Come over. HH
You: Yeah? AM
Stranger: mean, to talk. HH
You: Okay. Sure. AM
Stranger: Okay. HH
You: (paras?) | e86107bba82dbd55 | hamex, mormor, Sherlock | 20180721170434 |
Stranger: M
You: Say nugget if youre real
Stranger: Nugget
You: This concludes my bot check Strange
Stranger: Morf
You: was checking youre a bot and now that youve respond in this way know that you have the iq equivilent to a bot made by a 39 year old neckbeard who lives in his mothers basement
Stranger: Ok
You: So whats up
Stranger: Nothing much horny and bored
You: cant help you there
Stranger: Yeah every girl encounter is not horny
You: Well mean Im a 14 year old dude but I mean sure tell yourself that if it makes you feel better
Stranger: 🤣🤣🤣
Stranger: Have a nice day
You: Im on mobile so may ask what those emoji are?
Stranger: The laughing one
You: Those are dead
You: Along with you soon | e862ee508bcbf6bf | 20210217034804 |
You: Watanabe?
Stranger: vocals queens?
Stranger: HARUTOOO
Stranger: hbd to himm
You: Also vocal queen wendy
You: Ros
You: Jihyo
Stranger: yas them
Stranger: ure a multi??
You: Yepp
You: But ult Treasure
Stranger: but what group are u more updated?
Stranger: ohh u memorized the members? haha
You: U?
Stranger: i havent memorized yet 😭
You: stan them since predebut
Stranger: oh mine is itzy and skz
You: hope u check them out
Stranger: sometimes nct, twice, rv
You: They are great
Stranger: and bp
Stranger: yeaahhh
You: love all of them
Stranger: i love the song i love you from treasure hahaha
Stranger: i think it made me a teume
You: U should check out slowmotion
You: And beautiful
Stranger: and the raps holy
You: They are good
Stranger: ok i would
You: Yesss
You: K bye | e864446042bb7f32 | kpop | 20210405021454 |
Stranger: M17
You: Heyyo names Miles am 32/M
Stranger: Hey
You: Heyyo, T or B?
Stranger: You?
You: Vers
Stranger: T
Stranger: Whats up
You: Nothing sorry!
You: Roles bud?
Stranger: Hm what you got in mind?
You: Any you enjoy? Maybe Father Son, uncle nephew, porno, neighbor, coach player, grindr hookup
Stranger: Neighbor
Stranger: Can you start baby?
You: Can you bud? Also im 63 with dirty blonde hair and green blue eyes, im not really tan but not pale im very fit with broad shoulders nice pecs and abs, also have a small scar on my upper lip and chest and side, also my right nipple is pierced and usually have a bar in and im 9inchs and have big balls, also have thick strong thighs and a big round juicy bubble butt you? Also wanna know anything else about my body? Just ask. also have a tattoo of an angel in heaven on my right arm and shoulder
Stranger: Im 510 undercut brown hair, blue eyes , very fit from hockey, abs and pecs too, 7.5 inch cock thick and big tip
You: (We can also do farmer and farm hand, brothers, teacher student, doctor patient, casting couch)
Stranger: It was the weekend and you had a pool in your backyard and you were at work so i jumped the fence in swimming trunks and went swimming and lost track of time
You: (Any kinks or fetishes?)
Stranger: Ooo doctor and patient
You: Oh sweet!
Stranger: Giving creampies, teasing, facefucking, biting
Stranger: walked into your office for my exam and for my dailly check ups hey doc i say as i entered the room
Stranger: Your kinks?
You: (I enjoy slow and flirty, rimming, toys and nipple play. How big of a tip? Also your butt? Pure T?)
Stranger: Some people say my tip is bigger then most cause it fits a bit more bigger then there mouth, bubblebutt, mostly T but i like to give head
You: (Open to switching maybe? If no its fine)
Stranger: (No sorry)
You: (Understood, open to being fingered or rimmed or is your ass a no go?)
Stranger: You can eat my ass
You: (Nice! Ha thanks!) I smiled as you just walked right in Hello (Ha name kiddo?), how long has it been a year! My you have grown. said looking you over, was just in a pair of slacks with nice dress shoes with a brown belt and a white shirt with a red tie and a doctors coat
Stranger: (Dirick)
Stranger: was in sweatpants that easily shows the outline of my cock and a band shirt with converse hey it has been a year i sat on the bed waiting for the check up
You: Well my my you sure have grown, let me see actually need the shirt off, since you have grown this much think it is time for your first full body exam. said making a note of your growth in my chart
Stranger: Um okay yea i pulled my shirt off and slightly flexed a bit then i stopped
You: chuckled Ha sorry kid no nurses to impress in here. said coming over to feel your biceps and chest Hmm hockey right? Lil bruiser bet. say chuckling
Stranger: Yup, its fun knocking them on there asses i laughed as i let you feel me and it got my a little excited
You: feel your abs Hmm bet it is. say and tap them lightly Lil jiggly but more years of crunches should help. said looking into your eyes and smiling
Stranger: Yea? smirked as i look back into your eyes and i softly bit my lip and i got a little hard
You: Hmm yup. smirked as put my stethoscope on that was around my neck and checked your heartbeat from your chest, sat next to you and felt your spine and shoulders with my other hand Slow deep breaths ok Dirick? said softly in your ear
Stranger: Yess doc i smiled taking deep breaths and i closed my eyes looking ahead
You: smiled and moved it around to your back hearing your breath in and out slowly, stopped and smiled Very good, can tell you dont smoke, good job kiddo. chuckled being corny as rubbed your bare back
Stranger: Haha yea it makes hockey difficult if i smoke i chuckled and i got shivers from you rubbing my back, anythign else? asked as i checked you out quickly
You: Yup just a few more...can you strip down for me sport? asked my hand rubbing your shoulder
Stranger: The balls getting check? stood up and pulled my sweatpants down i had no boxers on and i did had a little hard on
You: Balls and cocks and assholes and...4mm sorry son are my hands a bit warm or you just happy to see me? chuckled pinching your ass seeing you were a il hard
Stranger: jumped hey now dont get to touchy i wink at you as i bit my lip wait i thought i dont need to get my ass check till im way older?
You: Just gotta take a peek at the whole, mind spreading and holding for a sec, bend over too. I said
You: *hole
Stranger: Um sure doc i was nervous as i bend over the bed and i put my legs together to make spreading them difficult as i look back at you and i had a small grin
You: smirked as got down and looked with a small light Looks fine ha if you are what think you are then you certainly arent a bottom. laughed my hot breath hitting your anus, it was quite cool in here so my breath really warmed it
Stranger: Mmm yea i got shivers again as i stood up and turned around to face you again this time i was even more hard
You: smiled Cute asshole too, oh right now onto the cock. smiled Wow, big fat mushroom head, rivals mine. noted looking your cock and balls over (Balls?)
Stranger: (What about them?)
Stranger: Wow really? asked as i smiled looking at your eyes and my cock twitched
You: (Can you describe em?)
Stranger: (Need two hands to cup them smooth, somedays they hang low others they are tensed up
You: Yea bud, nice shaft too. hold it softly feeling your pulse Hmm may even grow to be my size...if your lucky. smirked up at you
Stranger: 1 still have time to groowmm i softly groan as you hold my cock and i bite my lip looking at your hand holding my cock
You: smile and reached and felt your balls weighing them in my hand Hmm so full. I remarked, as felt your balls my hand on your cock jerked you slowly
Stranger: Oh oh mmmm i moaned as i look up at you smiling feeling you jerk me and your warm hands on my balls and i leaned back a bit onto the bed
You: blushed Oh sorry kiddo. stopped but blushed hard again as saw your hard throbbing cock, Oh shoot... shouldnt um...leave you like that. remarked and smirked at you
Stranger: Dont be sorry you just giving me a check up i wink at you can check my sperm and this is the only way i say softly as i check you out more and grabbed your hand putting it back on my cock
You: smiled Hmm of course bud, your right. smirked at you as jerked you softly Hmm wanna compare? asked quickly
Stranger: Sure, but how is this part of my check up i smirked and chuckled as i help unzip your pants for you and i reached in pulling out your huge cock damn your for sure bigger but i bigger tip game i laughed a little as i rub the tip
You: smiled as took off my coat and tie and short as slowly got naked before your eyes Its best for a young man to see what he can grow up to be, and yes you certainly win that game. chuckled as held ours side to side comparing But remember its more about how you use it. winked as reached to feel your butt again Hmm lots of squats already, skating all the time must help too right? asked
Stranger: bit my lip watching you stripped and looked at both our cocks i know how to use mine i jumped when you grabbed my butt then i turn to you to kiss you as i sqeeze both your ass cheeks tightly my cock pressed against yours
You: blushed at how quickly you moved to kiss and grab me, smirked and kissed back softly my one hand squeezing your ass softly as we made out
Stranger: Mmm fuck i groaned out as we made out and i spanked your ass as i keep sqeezing it and slowly grind my cock on yours
You: groaned and slowly grinded back into you, spread and let your anus go only to smack it lightly as our tongues mixed
You: *asscheek
Stranger: squealed as i grinded harder making out with you roughly as i soread your ass cheeks and shake them . Mm god i wanna fuck i groaned quitly into your ear
You: Hmm well like to go all natural for lube so hold on. said as dipped down and quickly stood us into a standing 69 Hmm got this fat mushroom right in my face now. said your cock upside down in my face as slowly leaned in and kiss and licked around the head softly
Stranger: was surprised as we did that and i wrapped my legs around your head as i start to suck your tip as i sqeeze your ass and slip ina finger as i stsrt to gag on your cock when i went deeper and my cock was twitching throbbing for your mouth
You: groaned as spread my legs for your finger, you sure worked quick as slowly humped your face while started to go to town on your cock, going up and down gagging a bit but not stopping
Stranger: tried thrusting my cock in your mouth as i choke and gag on your huge cock asi swirl my tongue around your tip. And i start fingering your ass fast and rough with two fingers
You: groaned onto your cock as kept taking you deeper and deeper taking you all and holding it
Stranger: stop sucking for a min but kept fingering you and jerking you off mmm fuck lets fuck doc i say as i catch my breath and trying to be quite
You: lean us and set you down groaning as you fingers left my anus Of course do you want me? asked smiling
Stranger: Get on the bed i wanna kiss you as i fuck you i wink pushing you onto the bed as i get on lifting your legs up and i lick your balls down to your asshole and i grabbed my cock and pushed in my big mushroom in forcing it in as i lean over you to kiss you
You: groan holding my legs wide for you as moaned as you entered me kissed into you deeply moaning into your mouth
Stranger: start to thrust hard but slow as i made out with you kissing down to your neck leaving hickies and i start to rub your cock as i lightly choked you after the hickies
You: gagged lightly as my anus relaxed for you as you fucked me, looked into your eyes my cock leaking pre onto your hand
Stranger: jerked you faster biting your bottom lip as i tighten my grip and started fucking you harder and faster as i groaned
You: Ohh yes son oh where are you gonna cum? asked moaning | e86e2e5de0acd63f | Gay roleplay | 20190318003618 |
You: M 30
Stranger: Talk dirty to me and make me wet
Stranger: 25
You: Can sniff the inside of your ass hole after you shit on your period?
You: mean can kiss you
You: Autocorrect
Stranger: Okay
You: want to slap you in the spleen with my cock
You: mean kiss your soft lips
Stranger: Okay
You: So sorry about that!
You: Your turn
Stranger: It is okay and am on my period
You: For real? Yo ross
You: Where are you from?
Stranger: Yeah for real and Missouri
You: Oh whats your address?
Stranger: Where are you from
You: mean what do you want to do to me
Stranger: State
You: Do you want to lick my taint with mustard and relish?
You: mean rub my muscular back?
You: need to email my congressman about the autocorrect in my state | e8707340bc795523 | 20201112041258 |
You: hit or miss
Stranger: i guess they never miss huh
You: you got a boyfriend
Stranger: i bet her doesnt kiss you
Stranger: he *
You: he gon find another girl and he wont miss you
Stranger: he skirt and hit the dub like wiz kalefa
Stranger: i think dats how it goes
You: youre a legend xD
Stranger: nou &
You: i was just watching tik tok from youtube bec my phones broken and i wanted to recreate one and save it on my pc
Stranger: Imao | e870f25943e42db3 | 20201107223631 |
You: hola
Stranger: Hi
You: dick harder than a math test
Stranger: huh
You: finish the rhyme | e87c0059b36ffc31 | 20201107224135 |
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: 20m sweden
You: bitch
You: Quran (4:11) - (Inheritance) The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females (see also verse 4:176). In Islam, sexism is mathematically established. Quran (2:282) - (Court testimony) And call to witness, from among your men, two witnesses. And if two men be not found then a man and two women. Muslim apologists offer creative explanations to explain why Allah felt that a mans testimony in court should be valued twice as highly as a womans, but studies consistently show that women are actually less likely to tell lies than men, meaning that they make more reliable witnesses. Quran (2:228) - and the men are a degree above them women Quran (5:6) - And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it Men are to rub dirt on their hands, if there is no water to purify them, following casual contact with a woman (such as shaking hands). Quran (24:31) - Women are to lower their gaze around men, so they do not look them in the eye. (To be fair, men are told to do the same thing in the prior verse). Quran (2:223) - Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will... Aman has. dominion over his wives bodies as he does his land. This verse is overtly sexual. There is some dispute as to whether it is referring to the practice of anal intercourse. If this is what Muhammad meant, then it would appear to contradict what he said in Muslim (8:3365). Quran (4:3) - (Wife-to-husband ratio) Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four Inequality by numbers. Quran (53:27) - Those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names. Angels. are sublime beings, and would therefore be male. Quran (4:24) and Quran (33:50) - Aman is permitted to take women as sex slaves outside of marriage. Note that the verse distinguishes wives from captives (those whom they right hand possesses). Hadith and Sira Sahih Bukhari (6:301) - Muhammad said, Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man? They replied in the affirmative. He said, This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Sahih Bukhari (6:301) - continued - Muhammad said Isnt it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses? The women replied in the affirmative. He said, This is the deficiency in her teligion. Allah has made women deficient in the practice of their religion as well, by giving them menstrual cycles. Sahih Bukhari (2:29) - Women comprise the majority of Hells occupants. This is important because the only women in heaven mentioned explicitly by Muhammad are the virgins who serve the sexual desires of men. (A weak Hadith, Kanz al-ummal, 22:10, even suggests that 99 of women go to Hell). Sahih Bukhari (62:81) - The Prophet said: The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (womens) private parts (i.e. the stipulations of the mariage contract). In other words, the most important thing a woman brings to marriage is between her legs. Sahih Bukhari (62:58) - A woman presents herself in marriage to Muhammad, but he does not find her attractive, so he donates her on the spot to another man. Sahih Muslim (4:1039) - You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses These are the words of Muhammads favorite wife, complaining of the role assigned to women under Islam. isha said to Muhammad: Abu Dawud (2:704) -...the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: When one of you prays without a sutrah, a dog, an ass, a pig, a Jew, a Magian, and a woman cut off his prayer, but it will suffice if they pass in front of him at a distance of over a stones throw. Abu Dawud (2155) - Women are compared to slaves and camels with regard to the evil in them. Ishaq 593 - As for Ali, he said, Women are plentiful, and you can easily change one for another. Ali was raised as a son by Muhammad. He was also the 4th caliph. This comment was made in Muhammads. presence without a word of rebuke from him. Ishaq 593 - From the captives of Hunayn, Allahs Messenger gave his son-in-law Ali a slave girl called Baytab and he gave future Caliph Uthman a slave girl called Zaynab and future Caliph Umar another. - Even in this world, Muhammad treated women like party favors, handing out enslaved women to his cronies for sex. Ibn Ishaq (693) - Then the apostle sent Sa-d b. Zayd al-Ansari, brother of Abdul-Ashal with some of the captive women of Banu Qurayza to Najd and he sold them for horses and weapons. Muhammad traded captured women for horses. Al-Tirmidhi 3272 - When Allahs Messenger was asked which woman was best he replied, The one who pleases (her husband) when he looks at her, obeys him when he gives a command, and does not go against his wishes regarding her person or property by doing anything of which he disapproves. Tabari VIll:117 - The fate of more captured farm wives, whom the Muslims distributed amongst themselves as sex slaves: Dihyah had asked the Messenger for Safiyah when the Prophet chose her for himself... the Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins. The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims. Tabari IX:137 - Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to Muhammad as booty. Ishaq 969 - Lay injunctions on women kindly, for they are prisoners with you having no control of their persons. - This same text also says that wives may be beaten for unseemliness. Tabari Vol 9, Number 1754 - Treat women well, for they are like domestic animals with you and do not possess anything for themselves. From Muhammads Farewell Sermon. | e88d7b16e587148e | islam | 20180819160644 |
Stranger: M
You: Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty, our Soviet land! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us, Along the new path where great Lenin did lead. To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples, Inspired them to labour and valourous deed. Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! In the victory of Communisms immortal ideal, We see the future of our dear land. And to her fluttering scarlet banner, Selflessly true we always shall stand! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on!
You: Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty, our Soviet land! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us, Along the new path where great Lenin did lead. To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples, Inspired them to labour and valourous deed. Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! In the victory of Communisms immortal ideal, We see the future of our dear land. And to her fluttering scarlet banner, Selflessly true we always shall stand! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on!
You: Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty, our Soviet land! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us, Along the new path where great Lenin did lead. To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples, Inspired them to labour and valourous deed. Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! In the victory of Communisms immortal ideal, We see the future of our dear land. And to her fluttering scarlet banner, Selflessly true we always shall stand! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on!
You: Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty, our Soviet land! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us, Along the new path where great Lenin did lead. To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples, Inspired them to labour and valourous deed. Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! In the victory of Communisms immortal ideal, We see the future of our dear land. And to her fluttering scarlet banner, Selflessly true we always shall stand! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on!
You: Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty, our Soviet land! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us, Along the new path where great Lenin did lead. To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples, Inspired them to labour and valourous deed. Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! In the victory of Communisms immortal ideal, We see the future of our dear land. And to her fluttering scarlet banner, Selflessly true we always shall stand! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on!
You: Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics, Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Created in struggle by will of the people, United and mighty, our Soviet land! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us, Along the new path where great Lenin did lead. To a righteous cause he raised up the peoples, Inspired them to labour and valourous deed. Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! In the victory of Communisms immortal ideal, We see the future of our dear land. And to her fluttering scarlet banner, Selflessly true we always shall stand! Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong. O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communisms triumph lead us on! | e8930895004debb8 | 20201215225720 |
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: how ru ?
Stranger: good hbu
You: looking pretty
You:m gud
Stranger: thanks
You: its ur pet | e89c90d8dfee0a7a | 20170425113643 |
Stranger: whats up my cracker
You: The SkY
Stranger: okay
You: Okay
Stranger: Okay | e89cf39f1012e03e | memes | 20201107224357 |
Stranger: hello
You: Hi
You: Hru?
Stranger: Can get a quick crack at that pussy? Yo ES
Stranger: Ok.
Stranger: Let me just take off my pants.
Stranger: Now...
Stranger: Lets get on with it.
You: Please
Stranger: dont know how to cook sausages.
You: Its simple just Google it
Stranger: Do you?
You: Yeah
Stranger: Ive got a hard on.
You: 1. Heat a pan on the stove over medium to medium-high heat. 2. Brush some cooking oil onto the sausage links. 3. Place the sausages into the pan once it is hot. 4. Cook them in the hot pan for 10 to 15 minutes, turning them occasionally. 5. Drain the sausages, then serve them.
You: Hope that helps | e8a32d81b1c5ab0d | 20180221111131 |
You: M
Stranger: F44
You: 24
Stranger: Hi baby
You: Hello mommy how are you?
Stranger: m horny baby hbu
You: Im horny as well mommy
Stranger: Good
You: Im slowly rubbing my dick mommy
Stranger: Get something for your ass
You: Yes mommy have some toys
Stranger: m rubbing my pussy
You: have 2 dildos ,a butt plug a cock ring
You: Mmmmmm
Stranger: Plug your ass
You: Yes mommy
You: want you to tease me tih that lussy on my cock
Stranger: IIl drip all over it
You: Im 8.5 inches and thick
Stranger: Sexy
You: Mmmm yes mommy drip all over it
You: Tease me with your beautiful pussy
Stranger: Drink the pre cum
You: The plug is in mommy
Stranger: Good boy
You: Ride my face mommy
You: Whats next mommy?
Stranger: will baby
Stranger: Can pee to or no
You: Where is my beautiful mommy from?
You: Yes mommy pee on my face
Stranger: Thank you baby
Stranger: IL hbu
You: California
Stranger: Wish you were closer
You: Mommy my dick is getting hard for you
You: Same mommy
Stranger: How does that taste
You: Taste good mommy
Stranger: Let me suck then
You: Mmmmm yes mommy
Stranger: Then Ill fuck your
Stranger: Ass
You: Mmmmm yes mommy fuck my ass
You: Do you have any toys mommy?
You: My ass is all your mommy
Stranger: have a double sided dildo
You: Would love for you to fuck me with that
You: As you stroke my dick
Stranger: Mmm of course
You: Can you describe yourself mommy?
You: Mommy can put the cock ring on?
Stranger: 59 blonde buff ass white pierced nips
Stranger: Please do
You: Thank you mommy
You: Mmmmm mommy sounds sexy hot
Stranger: Hbu baby
Stranger: What could call you
You: Im 511 fit,Hispanic
You: Clean shaved
Stranger: m shaved too
You: What ever you want mommy im yours
You: My dick is getting hard for you mommy
Stranger: m so wet baby
You: Mmmmm
Stranger: Soaked
You: Let me lick that wet pussy of yours mommy
Stranger: Soaking the bed with cum and pee
You: will lick it clean mommy
You: want to see how much of a mess mommy made so can clean it up
Stranger: made such a mess baby
Stranger: My sheets are soaked
You: Mmmmmm will lick them clean mommy
You: want to cum on the sheets as well then lick them clean and cum swap with you mommy
Stranger: Thats so sexy baby
You: Your making me want you even more mommy
Stranger: Bend over
You: Yes mommy
You: bend over mommy
Stranger: Take this cock
You: Yes mommy
Stranger: Let me gape you
You: My ass belongs to you mommy
You: Yes please do mommy
Stranger: IIl lick it first
You: What would you like me to call you mommy?
Stranger: like mommy do you like anything else
You: Mmmm yes mommy lick my ass before you destroy it
Stranger: My tongue will be so deep
You: can call you madam or maam but like mommy as well
Stranger: like mommy
You: Mmmmm yes mommy go deep in my ass
You: Tongue fuck my ass
Stranger: Mmmm ride my tongue
You: Yes mommy will
Stranger: My favorite son
Stranger: Ill go so deep
You: You can call me baby, or son, or whatever you would like to call me mommy
You: How deep mommy? Yo will be your best son mommy
You: Mommy can stroke my dick as im bent over for you
Stranger: My cock will go as far as you can sit onit
You: will take it every inch of it for you mommy
Stranger: Good son
You: :D
Stranger: Then suck it
You: will mommy
You: will deep thoart it mommy
Stranger: Youre the best
Stranger: Mm yes love it
You: Mommy want you to face fuck me as well
Stranger: Of course
You: Mommy want you asap
Stranger: IIl shove your head down
Stranger: Up and down
You: Mmmmm yes mommy destroy my thoart as well
Stranger: All the way in
You: Yes mommy
Stranger: Open up son
You: Mommy im willing to fly out and meet you so you can destroy me
You: Yes mommy
Stranger: Then on you back
You: Yes mommy
Stranger: Legs in the air
You: They are in the air
Stranger: Put something in your ass
You: still have the butt plug in mommy
Stranger: Something bigger
You: Ok have a dildo
Stranger: Something in the room
You: Its my dick mommy Yo hat would you want mommy
You: Pens and markers?
Stranger: Yes baby
You: Ok mommy
You: How many?
Stranger: 2
You: Ok mommy
Stranger: Tell me how it is
You: Im putting 2 pens in Yo feels good mommy
You: Would rather have your dick in my ass mommy
Stranger: Me too baby
You: Lets meet up asap mommy
Stranger: Yes
You: want my ass destroyed by you mommy
Stranger: Would you ever have a 3 way with a guy
You: Maybe mommy?
You: Would it be you fucking me as fuck him?
Stranger: He could destroy both of us
Stranger: Whatever you want
You: Mmmmmm whatever i want
Stranger: could cum thinking about it
You: It can be him in me and me in you
You: Or have you in me and me in him
You: Im a switch mommy so Im submissive and dominate
You: What would you want mommy?
Stranger: want both
You: want to give you both mommy
You: want to be your sub and dom mommy
Stranger: Thank you son
You: Mommy after you destroy my ass will destroy your pussy and ass
Stranger: Mmmmbhh yes ass first
You: Mmmm yes mommy your ass first
Stranger: IIl put my dildo in
You: Yes mommy put it in
Stranger: Fuck my self
You: Wish was fucking you instead mommy Yo ly cock is hard
You: How big is your dildo mommy?
Stranger: 8 in
You: Oh my size
You: Mommy can imagine its me fucking her
Stranger: m gonna cum Soon baby
You: Mmmmm
You: Lets cum at the same time mommy
Stranger: Okay baby
You: Go hard mommy
Stranger: Use your markers
You: Image its me fucking you mommy
You: will mommy
Stranger: Imagine its babe
Stranger: m going so hard
You: Mmmm yes mommy
You: Im going hard as well mommy
Stranger: Imaging you fucking yourself
You: Yes mommy
Stranger: Deeper
You: Mommy want to suck on your pierced nipples
You: Yes mommy
You: Mommy can use my dick to fuck myself
Stranger: Milk them
You: Mmmmmm yes mommy will
Stranger: Nurse on them
You: will milk them be drinking on them all the time mommy
Stranger: Yes use your dick
Stranger: Suck the milk out son
You: Would even milk then in public when Im thirsty
You: Mmmmm will mommy
You: want you even more now mommy
Stranger: How do to use your dick
You: have my legs in the air and Im fucking my self like that mommy
Stranger: Sexy baby
You: was about to ride it mommy
You: Tell me how you are using your dildo mommy
Stranger: Ride it please
You: Yes mommy will
Stranger: m riding it and my vibratory is on my clit
You: Mmmmmm
You: What other toys do you have mommy
Stranger: have two dildos
You: Use them as well mommy
Stranger: Okay babe
You: want to be there with you so badly mommy
Stranger: m cumming soon
You: Mmmmm yes mommy cum for me
You: Tell me when you are close mommy
You: Im also cumming soon
Stranger: Nurse more
You: Yes mommy Yo e sucking on those nipples Yo ive me all your milk mommy
You: Me fucking you as suck and drink your milk mommy
Stranger: Mmmmm baby
You: Be rubbing, pinching and pulling on your nipples as well
Stranger: m close baby
You: Making all your milk mine mommy
You: Im close to mommy
You: Mommy can cum in you?
Stranger: Please do
Stranger: Breed me
You: Mmmmm will gladly cum in you mommy
You: Yes mommy will breed you
Stranger: Cum
You: Yes mommy
Stranger: Good boy
You: Mmmmm mommy
You: want to creampie your pussy and ass mommy
You: How much did you cum mommy? Are you a squirter?
You: Mommy cummed | e8ad17006b8a591c | pegging | 20201129102624 |
Subsets and Splits