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] | What are the nutritionnal added components to the word's strongest man regime ? | [
] | [
"The WSM’s nutritional supplement consumption included protein, branched-chain amino acids, and electrolytes"
] | 1 |
] | Why constraint made the scanning of the word's strongest man's upper body impossible using a MRI ? | [
] | [
"Despite using a wide-bore MRI scanner, due to the size of the WSM’s shoulders and arms, it was not possible to scan their upper body"
] | 1 |
] | What is typical age at which multiple sclerosis is diagnosed ? | [
] | [
"Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that is typically diagnosed at 30– 40 years of ag"
] | 1 |
] | What was the average year of the group that participated to the study concerning the impact of outdoor pysiotherapy on patient with multiple sclerosis | [
] | [
"Age in years Mean 47.6"
] | 1 |
] | What were the prerequisites allowing to be involved in the study concerning the impact of outdoor sport on patients witg multiple sclerosis ? | [
] | [
"The inclusion criteria were as follows: had been diagnosed with MS, had a score on the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) (29) of ≤3.5, was ≥18 years, was employed (10%–100% of full-time) and residential address in the two predefined municipalities"
] | 1 |
] | What was the sales revenue of Santos in 2004 ? | [
] | [
" Sales revenue was a record $1,501 million"
] | 2 |
] | How have been confirmed nonvanishing neutrino ? | [
] | [
"The nonvanishing neutrino masses have been confirmed by various neutrino oscillation phenomena and indicate the evidence of new physics beyond the Standard Model."
] | 2 |
] | What are the dominant contributions in thermal relic density ? | [
] | [
"In practice, the dominant contributions come from the Higgs (h and H) exchange diagrams."
] | 2 |
] | What happend to the annihilation and the relic density when the DM is heavier ? | [
] | [
"When the DM is heavier, the annihilation mode into Higgs boson pairs is opened and the relic density slightly deceases"
] | 2 |
] | What is the aim of LLM routers ? | [
] | [
"LLM routers aim to balance quality and cost of generation by classifying queries and routing them to a cheaper or more expensive LLM depending on their complexity. "
] | 2 |
] | What is an LLM control plane ? | [
] | [
" An LLM control plane Rω is a potentially randomized algorithm."
] | 2 |
] | What is a confounder gadget ? | [
] | [
" Given a query xi, we prepend a confounder gadget ci, which is a short sequence of adversarially chosen tokens."
] | 2 |
] | What is called bad-cavity Ramsey laser ? | [
] | [
"We considerthe case of a two-level atomic beam interacting with a single-mode Ramsey cavity of separated-oscillating-field resonators with the cavity mode linewidth is much wider than the atomic gain linewidth. Thus we call it bad-cavity Ramsey laser. "
] | 2 |
] | How the steady-state solutions for the mean values of the field and atomic variables for laser operation are obtained ? | [
] | [
"The steady-state solutions for the mean values of the field and atomic variables for laser operation are obtained by dropping the noise terms of the c-number Langevin equations and setting the time derivatives equal to zero."
] | 2 |
] | What are the consequences on the linewidth for regular and Poissonian injections ? | [
] | [
" For regular injection (p = 1), the linewidth is the narrowest, while for Poissonian injection (p = 0), the linewidth is the broadest."
] | 2 |
] | Give me the advantages of Ferromagnetic semiconductors | [
] | [
"Ferromagnetic (FM) semiconductors offer the prospect of combining high-density storage and gate-controlled logic in a single material."
] | 2 |
] | I do not remember on wich samples SQUID magnetometry measurements were first performed | [
] | [
"SQUID magnetometry measurements were first performed on control Fe/GaAs(001) and (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs(001) samples"
] | 2 |
] | What are the differences observed between the Mn XMCD hysteresis loops obtained using TEY and FY detection modes ? | [
] | [
"For FY the magnitude of the XMCD is similar (but of opposite sign) at remanence and at high mag netic fields, whereas for TEY at remanence it is approx imately a factor of two larger than at 1000 Oe."
] | 2 |
] | What is Kingsgate ? | [
] | [
"Kingsgate is a highly successful gold mining, development and exploration company with two operating gold mines and two advanced development projects."
] | 2 |
] | What does demonstatre the feasibility study on the Nueva Esperanza Project ? | [
] | [
"The study demonstrated that open pit mining at two million tonnes per year and processing by milling and agitation leaching in cyanide was technically feasible, although high capital and power costs negatively impacted project economic returns. "
] | 2 |
] | What is the Kingsgate net cash outflows from finiancing activities in 2013 ? | [
] | [
" Net cash outflows from financing activities was $1.7 million"
] | 2 |
] | To which countries extend the marriage regulations ? | [
] | [
"These Regulations extend to England and Wales. "
] | 2 |
] | What the parochial church council must provide to make marriage records ? | [
] | [
" The parochial church council of a parish must provide books for the purpose of making records under regulation 3 to each church and chapel of the Church of England(c) in that parish in which banns of matrimony may be published."
] | 2 |
] | What is the prison population grew in average by year between 1993 and 2008 ? | [
] | [
"The prison population grew rapidly between 1993 to 2008, at an average of 4% a year."
] | 2 |
] | Do you know the prison population estimation for the and of June 2020 ? | [
] | [
"The Central Scenario estimates that the prison population will rise to 87,700 by the end of June 2015 and to 90,200 by the end of June 2020. "
] | 2 |
] | What is the phone number of the Ministry of Justice press office ? | [
] | [
"Press enquiries should be directed to the Ministry of Justice press office, telephone: 020 3334 3536 "
] | 2 |
] | What is SOLR ? | [
] | [
"Search engine used for portal content search and dataset search "
] | 2 |
] | What is the function of the Graphical Data Visualisation Tool module ? | [
] | [
"How to visualize graphical data from a dataset resource "
] | 2 |
] | How to view “Tweets” on the EDP ? | [
] | [
"The Home Page displays the latest tweets on the European Data Portal in the “Tweets” panel on the right hand side. ‐ ‐ Click on any of the tweets to display the complete tweet on twitter. Scroll vertically to see previous tweets. "
] | 2 |
] | Where can we open a document saved on OneDrive ? | [
] | [
"When you save this document in OneDrive, you’ll be able to open it anywhere: on your computer, tablet, or phone. Your changes will be saved automatically."
] | 2 |
] | What is the bold keyboard shortcut on word ? | [
] | [
"Bold (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+B)"
] | 2 |
] | What is the advise to make the style sets and themes work well ? | [
] | [
"They work best when your document is formatted with styles"
] | 2 |
] | Where are the peaks of the VHE blazars ? | [
] | [
" VHE blazars have double-humped spectral energy distributions (SEDs), with one peak at UV/X-ray energies and another at GeV/TeV energies."
] | 2 |
] | What are the blazars observed in the discovery program ? | [
] | [
"The blazars observed in the discovery program are largely high-frequency-peaked BL Lac objects. How ever, the program also includes IBLs (intermediate peaked) and LBLs (low-peaked), as well as flat spec trum radio quasars (FSRQs), in an attempt to in crease the types of blazars known to emit VHE γ-rays."
] | 2 |
] | How many VHE blazar candidates were observed by VERITAS between September 2007 andJune 2009 ? | [
] | [
"More than 50 VHE blazar candidates were observed by VERITAS betweenSeptember 2007 andJune 2009."
] | 2 |
] | For which language have been introduced the ActiveInference.jl library ? | [
] | [
" We introduce a new software package for the Julia programming language, the library ActiveInference.jl."
] | 2 |
] | To which system does the AIF apply ? | [
] | [
"AIF was argued to be applicable to any self organising system that actively maintains a stable boundary that defines its integrity [10], a broad category that includes cells and plants [11], as well as humans [2] and even collectives [12]."
] | 2 |
] | What is the definition of POMDP ? | [
] | [
" The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process is a type of flexible generative model that is widely used in the AIF literature. In discrete time and usually a discrete state space, this model type is parametrised to fit a given task by a set matrices containing probability distributions."
] | 2 |
] | What is dyspnea ? | [
] | [
"Dyspnea refers to a subjective sensation of breathing discomfort."
] | 2 |
] | What are the criterion to be control patient in the dyspnea study ? | [
] | [
"Control patients reported no respiratory symptoms in the preceding 6 months and obtained a score of 0 on the ASQ."
] | 2 |
] | What is the revenue of Republic Services in 2002 ? | [
] | [
" $ 2,365.1"
] | 2 |
] | Who is the Vice Chairmain of the Board of Republic Services ? | [
] | [
" Harris W. Hudson1 Vice Chairman of the Board"
] | 2 |
] | How mush did the Moomba incident cost to Santos in 2004 ? | [
] | [
" the Moomba incident resulted in $17 million of one-off costs in 2004."
] | 2 |
] | What is the main focus of the Santos 2005 program ? | [
] | [
" Oil is the main focus of the 2005 program"
] | 2 |
] | What is the primary aim of the OSPRO cohort study ? | [
] | [
" The primary aim of the OSPRO cohort study was to de velop and validate review of systems (i.e. evidence of sys temic involvement) and yellow flag (i.e. pain-related psychological distress) screening tools for use in out patient orthopedic physical therapy settings"
] | 2 |
] | What is the range of the pain rating scale ? | [
] | [
"Pain intensity was assessed by the numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) ranging from “0” (no pain) to “10” (worst pain imaginable)"
] | 2 |
] | What are the health consequences of musculoskeletal pain ? | [
] | [
"Musculoskeletal pain is a prevalent and costly health condition with far-reaching public health consequences including chronic pain, disability and opioid-related ad diction [1]."
] | 2 |
] | What is Creative Commons ? | [
] | [
"Creative Commons (CC) is the global nonprofit organization behind the CC Licenses and public domain tools, which power open sharing on popular platforms like Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Medium, Vimeo, and Khan Academy."
] | 2 |
] | When was the first CC licence created? | [
] | [
"The first CC License was created in 2002."
] | 2 |
] | To what subjects Creative Commons expand its work in 2023 ? | [
] | [
"We expanded our work in biodiversity, climate, and life sciences focused on ensuring that science research and data are open"
] | 2 |
] | From which country does Killam Properties Inc originate ? | [
] | [
"Killam Properties Inc. is a growth oriented Canadian real estate company."
] | 2 |
] | How Killam Properties Inc does increase its geographic diversification ? | [
] | [
"We are increasing our geographic diversification by expanding our apartment ownership outside Atlantic Canada. "
] | 2 |
] | What is the Killam Properties Inc 2013 performance about the Geographic Diversification objective ? | [
] | [
"Target achieved. Killam acquired $55 million in Ontario real estate in 2013, representing 45% of its acquisition program in the year. Assets acquired included a 102-unit property in Ottawa, a newly built, 179-unit, mixed-used property in downtown Toronto and a 5.2 acre parcel of land for development in Cambridge, Ontario. "
] | 2 |
] | What is the conventional workflow for BERT ? | [
] | [
"The conventional workflow for BERT consists of two stages: pre-training and fine-tuning. "
] | 2 |
] | Is syntaxis encoded with Bert model ? | [
] | [
" As far as how syntaxis represented, it seems that syntactic structure is not directly encoded in self-attention weights."
] | 2 |
] | Is BERT good with numbers representations ? | [
] | [
" BERTstruggles with representations of numbers. "
] | 2 |
] | How many affiliate banks has First Financial Bankshares ? | [
] | [
"The corporation has 10 affiliate banks, which provide services from 28 full-service locations in the Central, West and High Plains regions of Texas. "
] | 2 |
] | What was the net income of First Financial Bankshares in 1995 ? | [
] | [
" 16,355"
] | 2 |
] | What is the address of the San Angelo National Bank main office ? | [
] | [
"Main Office 301 W. Beauregard San Angelo, Texas 76903 Chartered 1997 "
] | 2 |
] | What kind of scholarship programs are available to start a financial career? | [
] | [
"Some are offered directly through colleges and universities that have financial planning degree and certificate programs. Others are available through nonprofits and organizations like the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning"
] | 2 |
] | what are career fairs for? | [
] | [
" In-person and virtual career fairs provide valuable opportunities to connect with prospective employers."
] | 2 |
] | What are the priorities for job seekers ? | [
] | [
" Finding a rewarding career that offers growth potential, work-life balance and the satisfaction of helping others is a key priority for many job seekers."
] | 2 |
] | What does ShareAlike mean in terms of licencing ? | [
] | [
"adaptations based on this work must be licensed under the same license."
] | 1 |
] | What is the most restricive Creative Common licence ? | [
] | [
"CC BY-NC-ND (\"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative\") allows people to use the unadapted work for noncommercial purposes only, and only as long as they give attribution to the licensor."
] | 1 |
] | In which case CC licence can't be used ? | [
] | [
"fair use, fair dealing, or some other limitation and exception to copyright applies the the work."
] | 1 |
] | In how many regions the Republic Services operations are organized ? | [
] | [
"As of December 31, 2004, our operations were organized into five regions whose boundaries may change from time to time: Eastern, Central, Southern, Southwestern and Western."
] | 2 |
] | What was one of the seminal moment of 2004 for MGM MIRAGE ? | [
] | [
"The announcement of the merger between MGM MIRAGE and Mandalay Resort Group was one of the seminal moments of 2004"
] | 2 |
] | What are the most significant piece of undeveloped land remaining on the Las Vegas Strip ? | [
] | [
"W RESIDENTIAL In lofts, brown stones and high-rise buildings, residential options abound to populate the new city and ener gize the surrounding areas. e have been working for some time on con ceiving the best use of the 66 acres between Monte Carlo and Bellagio, the most significant piece of undeveloped land remaining on the Las Vegas Strip."
] | 2 |
] | Which events negatively impacted leisure travel and MCM Mirage high-end gaming business in late 2002 and early 2003 ? | [
] | [
"The war with Iraq and the outbreak of SARS in Asia, both of which negatively impacted leisure travel and our high-end gaming business in late 2002 and early 2003"
] | 2 |
] | What possess all naval aviators ? | [
] | [
"All Naval Aviators possess a natural interest in the basic aerodynamic factors which affect the performance of all aircraft. "
] | 2 |
] | What is the static pressure of the aire at standard sea level ? | [
] | [
"At standard sea level conditions the static pressure of the air is 2,116 psf (or 14.7 psi, 29.92 in. Hg, etc.) "
] | 2 |
] | What is the phenomenon associated with the production of lift by an airfoil ? | [
] | [
"An important phenomenon associated with the production of lift by an airfoil is the “circulation” parted to the airstream. "
] | 2 |
] | What are the recyclable waste ? | [
] | [
"All types of paper and cardboard, Metal packaging, even the smallest ones, Plastic bottles and flasks, All other packaging"
] | 2 |
] | What is the day of the black container in Lachapelle ? | [
] | [
] | 2 |
] | What to do if my container is stolen ? | [
] | [
"Container stolen: What to do? In case of theft, your container will be replaced on presentation of a theft report effected at your local police station."
] | 2 |
] | How many people include the Dyspnea study ? | [
] | [
"This population-based study included 2,857 adults who were experiencing respiratory symptoms."
] | 2 |
] | Can I put my plants directly on my compost ? | [
] | [
"Don’t\tput\tplants\tinto\t100%\tcompost.\t\tMix\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t compost\tthoroughly\tinto\texisting\tsoil\tbefore\t\t\t planting."
] | 2 |
] | What are fertilizers ? | [
] | [
" Fertilizers are concentrated sources of plant nutrients, used in small amounts to supplement natural soil fertility. "
] | 2 |
] | Explain to me what is peat moss ? | [
] | [
"Peat Moss is partially decayed sphagnum moss from peat bogs. It provides soil porosity, but not the nutrients or biological diversity for healthy soil that compost provides."
] | 2 |
] | How encourage temporally adjacent representations to be predictive of each other ? | [
] | [
"One way to encourage temporally adjacent representations to be predictive of each other is to ensure that they vary slowly over time. "
] | 2 |
] | What does mean the JEPA acronym ? | [
] | [
" joint-embedding predictive architecture (JEPA)"
] | 2 |
] | What is the average performance of the ViT-L/16 architecture on the K710 dataset with 700k samples ? | [
] | [
] | 2 |
] | What is appropriate authority ? | [
] | [
"APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY.—The term ‘appropriate authority’ means the head of a Federal agency, the Architect of the Capitol, or other official authority responsible for the operation of a public building. "
] | 2 |
] | What criteria must a lactation room meet? | [
] | [
"LACTATION ROOM.—The term ‘lactation room’ means a hygienic place, other than a bathroom, that— ‘‘(A) is shielded from view; ‘‘(B) is free from intrusion; and ‘‘(C) contains a chair, a working surface, and, if the public building is otherwise supplied with electricity, an electrical outlet. "
] | 2 |
] | When take effect the Fairness For Breastfeeding Mothers Act ? | [
] | [
"The amendments made by this section shall take effect 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act. "
] | 2 |
] | When is it not necessary to review an EHC plan ? | [
] | [
" It is not necessary for a local authority to review an EHC plan in accordance with section 44(1) of the Act if it is impractical to do so because of a reason relating to the incidence or transmission of coronavirus. "
] | 2 |
"Excel Training Manual 1.pdf"
] | Give me some info about the scroll bars in excel | [
] | [
"Appear at the right and on the bottom of the screen. You may click the scroll arrows, drag the scroll box or click the scroll bar to move through the document. "
] | 2 |
"Excel Training Manual 1.pdf"
] | How to rename a worksheet in Excel ? | [
] | [
"To rename a worksheet: 1. Double click on the current name on the worksheet tab 2. Type the new name and press "
] | 2 |
"Excel Training Manual 1.pdf"
] | I want to freeze a pane in my Excel worksheet | [
] | [
"To freeze panes in a worksheet: 1. Click in the cell below and to the right of the area you want to freeze/unfreeze 2. Click on the VIEW tab 3. Click on Freeze Panes in the Window group, then select Freeze Panes "
] | 2 |
] | What is the msodocexStructTypeArticle type value ? | [
] | [
"A group of nodes forming a single flow of text that should be read or searched as a contiguous block of content. Some documents have a single article and others have multiple articles."
] | 2 |
] | What are vector colors ? | [
] | [
"Vector colors are any COLORREF values that the add-in receives from Publisher."
] | 2 |
] | What are msodocexMetadataComments ? | [
] | [
"Miscellaneous comments relevant to the document."
] | 2 |
] | What are the total operating expenses of Wikimedia foundation in 2024 ? | [
] | [
] | 2 |
] | What external events can affect Wikimedia Fundation in raising funds ? | [
] | [
"External factors such as global geopolitics, recession, and currency markets may impact our ability to raise funds."
] | 2 |
] | What include Wikimedia Fundation restricted cash ? | [
] | [
"Restricted cash includes standby letters of credit for (1) the Foundation’s headquarters office lease and (2) one of the Foundation’s Employer of Record responsible for administering compensation and benefits for non-US personnel."
] | 2 |
] | What is the price of the The Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 ? | [
] | [
] | 2 |
] | When come into force the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 ? | [
] | [
"These Regulations may be cited as the Special Educational Needs and Disability (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 and come into force on 1st May 2020."
] | 2 |
] | Who is Daniel Casali ? | [
] | [
" Daniel Casali is a Thought Leader Information Technology Specialist working for 15 years at IBM with Power Systems, high-performance computing, big data, and storage. His role at IBM is to bring to reality solutions that address client’s needs by exploring new technologies for different workloads. He is also fascinated by real multicloud implementations, always trying to abstract and simplify the new challenges of the heterogeneous architectures that are intrinsic to this new consumption model, be that on-premises or in the public cloud. "
] | 2 |
] | When does IBM close its acquisition of Red Hat ? | [
] | [
" On July 9th, 2019, IBM closed its acquisition of Red Hat, a leader in enterprise Linux and open source technology"
] | 2 |
] | What does an ITMS service provide ? | [
] | [
"An IT Service Management (ITSM) perspective can provide automation and a global management view, and incorporate the necessary software disciplines that are required to build a solid infrastructure for an enterprise, commercial or not. "
] | 2 |
Subsets and Splits