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liv-en | Spektrum tuoizõs lopāndõksõs, sīegid, 14.1 protsentõ naiži uskīz ku jegā āiga ežmiz kū sizāl um jõvā matkā pierāst, īž ka 12.1 protsentõ mīeḑi. | At the other end of the spectrum, however, 14.1 per cent of women believed that every time within the first month is good for travel, while 12.1 per cent of men. | On the other end of the spectrum, however, 14.1 percent of women believed anytime within the first month is a good time for a trip, along with 12.1 percent of males. | 43.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ikš sīe tǟmikšijisti um vȯnd ka 2018. āigasts pūojtõd Lețmō Iļīzskūol Līvõd institūt, mis 2019. āigast ougusts Rīgõs tei konferents Livonica V. | One of its contenders has also been the Livonica V, the Livonian Institute of the University of Latvia, which was founded in October 2019 in Riga. | Founded in 2018, it hosted the Livonica V conference in Rīga in August 2019. | 55.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Rištīng īndatõks iļvaņțlimi: TBA | Human Rating Review: TBA | Rethinking human evaluation: TBA | 31 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Domēn ukrain>CS/EN līb fokusīertõd humanitārlizt vajāgõmõdõn. | The domain Ukraine>CS/EN will be focused on humanitarian needs. | The domain for Ukrainian>CS/EN is going to be focused on humanitarian needs. | 15 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Bet pigātagā kakš kūolmizjaggõ vald aŗšti ädātõb pūojvied āiga langimi, kītõb Mōīlma Bank. | But two-thirds of the state's doctors are threatened by the decline in primary water levels, according to the World Bank. | But almost two-thirds of the country's districts are threatened by falling groundwater levels, the World Bank says. | 66 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Meji tārmatõb pānda jūrõ sin amā armõd katūd ja sa võid īž sieggõ mingizt vērmõd, laz sōg õigiz limā tieg. | Meji prefers to add to your favourite ceilings and you can even mix some wings to get a proper smooth face. | Meiji suggests adding your favourite toppings and you can even mix some colouring in to get a real slime-like look. | 34 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Līvõd jeldõbpāikad ja kīel arā suggimi sōbõd tuņšõltõd ka leb materjaliz pierāndõks ja sīesõ nǟdõb tǟntõkst. | The Livonian habitats and the origin of the language are also studied through material heritage and the meaning reflected in it. | The history and development of the Livonian language area and settlements is also tracked through material culture and the meanings it expresses. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jālgab jūondijizt tienīzt rovžti kuolmõndpǟvan iļ nänt kubsõtīe, bet se tuoi īņõ rõkīdi näntõn, laz kītõgõd vabāntimiz. | City leaders thanked people on Wednesday for their collaboration, but it brought with it rumours to them to say sorry. | City officials thanked the public on Wednesday for their cooperation but this prompted calls for them to issue an apology. | 40.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Se vȯļ šokīertõb." | "It was shocking." | "It was shocking." | 73 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Lemoine sōtiz laggimiz kēra jedmõl eņtš laggimizt 200 rovzt Google kēralistõ iļ mašīn oppimizt tītelõks "LaMDA um tieudzli", kēratiz The Post. | Lemoine sent a divorce letter before her divorce to 200 people in a Google article about machine learning under the title "LaMDA is conscious," the Post wrote. | Lemoine, as an apparent parting shot before his suspension, the Post reported, sent a message to a 200-person Google mailing list on machine learning with the title “LaMDA is sentient”. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Se āndab jaggõ võtājid tazāntõkši ilzandõkst vail (nägțõbõks kui ziņād ilzandõks jaggõ võtājid võikslõbõd biomeditsīnliži sistēm ilzõ nägțimiži vastõ. | This gives participants a balance between assignments (for example, as members of the reporting task force compete against biomedical characteristics of the system). | This will allow comparisons of participants across tasks (for example how news task participants compete against biomedical system submissions). | 66 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Perīžist 56 Jōņīešti set 8 vȯļtõ tikkiž īlma vīmõ kuskis Lețmōsõ ja perrizt seļļizt Jōņīed vȯļtõ 2019. ja 2020. āigastõs. | Of the last 56 Christmas nights, only 8 were completely without rain anywhere in Latvia and the last such Christmas nights were in 2019 and 2020. | Of the last 56 Midsummer nights, only 8 were spent copletely without rain somewhere in Latvia, and the last such Midsummer nights were in 2019 and 2020. | 0 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | ÄBĪ, ALĀNTIMI | ABBAINNING, ADMINISTRATION | SHAME, HUMILIATION | 50.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Līvõ kīel iļammizt kizzimizt areāl kontekstõs. | The Liv language transitional issues in the context of the area. | Livonian polar questions in their areal context. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Tuož um, ku ikštäuž mis tabātiz kūodažā lopāndõksõs, Depp vȯlks - setmõd rištīngt siegās - tund ulzõ ku veggimīez," ta kītiz. | "The truth is that no matter what was tabled at the end of the trial, Depp would have - among a number of people - come out as a gunman," he said. | "The truth is that no matter what happened at the end of the trial, Depp would have - at least among some people - come out the hero," she said. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Murūd siegās rovztõn um irm, ku lǟbõd järā kubsõ ežmizt kõrdõ, naizt amā sūr irm um, ku äbpaššimi dabās ja vǟrtitis tulks ulzõ. | Among the grievances, people are afraid of leaving together for the first time, women's greatest fear is that insecurity in nature and values would come out. | As for concerns people have when going away together for the first time, the top fear for women was the possibility that a mismatch in personality and values might be revealed. | 73 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīe pūtimizõs, kūž nädīļt pierrõ tapārtõks kūod loptāntiz īdsõ mīelsõ, ku Depp izānd vȯļ kēļštõd Heard jemānd pūold täm 2018. āigast Washington Post arrimikēras, jõvīst kaitstõn eņtš vastõrõkīdi kiužimizõn. | In its appeal, six weeks after the testimony, the court decided unanimously that Mr Depp had been denounced by Ms Heard in her 2018 Washington Post opinion, effectively defending his opponents from harassment. | In this case, after six weeks of testimony, the jury ruled unanimously that Mr Depp had been defamed by Ms Heard in her 2018 Washington Post op-ed - effectively vindicating his denials of abuse. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kajtõks kuoig tīrbord pǟl jūokšõb pids ammõ tagādekkõ kūdõnd dek pǟld seismiz ja kōdõksmõnd dek pǟlõ. | The cajole on the board of the ship runs along the entire back deck from the sixth deck on the seventh and eighth deck on the seventh. | The damage on the starboard stern side runs along the entire stern deck from deck six to decks seven and eight. | 58 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sūr lug vastūkšit kītizt, ku kubsõ vȯlmiz kuolmiz kū um "āiga, ku arm jutõd īebõd paikõl", sīeks se um jõvā āiga lǟdõ matka pǟl ja īndatõ īdtūoizta ūdsõ valsõ. | A large number of respondents said that the third month of being together is "time when peace stories stop," so this is a good time to go on a journey and appreciate each other in a new light. | A large number of responses indicated that the third month of dating is “the time when feelings of love settle in“, so it’s a good time to go on a trip and appreciate each other in a new light. | 76 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Až sa arrizt, ku irdzi sīemizvaindõks äb või vȱlda jemīņ kuordtehnolōgli, sa võid tōdõ võttõ irg ja luggõ iļ ne elektrōnlizt pūlkad, mis ātõ kazāntõd Meiji Iļīzskūol pūold, mis tīebõd imābõd sīemnāigad jo sūoliztõks. | If you realized that the usual eating habits may not be more high-tech, you may want to take a break and read about the electronic bullets developed by the University of Meiji, which make snack foods more salt-like. | If you thought that the humble eating utensil couldn’t get any more high-tech, you may want to take a moment to read about these electric chopsticks developed by Meiji University that can make low-salt foods taste salty. | 16 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Google Search luoi iļtimiz munā, ku vȯtsūb "Wordle" pierāst, siz līed logo mȭitab animīertõd Wordle mängõks, laz līedag sõnā "Google". | Google Search created a transfer egg when searching for "Wordle," then the logo of the page is matched with an animated Wordle game to find the word "Google". | Google Search created an Easter egg when one searches for "Wordle", with the site's logo becoming an animated game of Wordle to find the word "Google". | 99 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Setmõd kuondõbõd, ku online-kiužimizõn, midā ta kāndatiz, līb īebtõb mȯj päzzijidõn, tišīņtõs setmidi raportīertõmõst nänt kiužimizlugīdi. | Several condemn that the online harassment he suffered will have a persistent effect on rescuers, tipping up several reporting their harassment numbers. | Many warn that the online abuse she suffered will have a chilling effect on survivors, deterring some from reporting their stories of abuse. | 27.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ikštuoiztõn āigastõ pierrõ siedā, ku Cadel Evans sai eņtš ežmiz ja āingaiz Grand Tour vīņḑig, Jai Hindley tuļ Austrālij tuoizõks vindājizõks īdsõ kuolmõst pǟmizõst kuolmnädīļizõst võikslimizõst katarsliz vīņḑigõks Giro d'Italiasõ. | Eleven years after Cadel Evans won his first and eighth Grand Tour victory, Jai Hindley came into Australia's second winners in one of the three main three-week races to win the Catarsis in the Giro d'Italia. | Eleven years after Cadel Evans claimed his first and only Grand Tour victory, Jai Hindley became Australia's second winner of one of cycling's three major three-week races with a cathartic victory at the Giro d'Italia. | 65 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Andra Kalnača ja Ilze Lokmane nīžõbõd iļ līvõ kīelst lețkīelõ täpīņtõd lețkīel verb vajadzēt formõd ja tǟntõkst. | Andra Kalnača and Ilze Lokmane present the necessary forms and meanings of the Latvian word translated from the Liv language to the Latvian. | Andra Kalnača and Ilze Lokmane discuss the importance of understanding the Livonian origins of the Latvian verb vajadzēt when describing its form and meaning. | 75.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Se äb ūo nemē ma võib īekõ set... līnda pǟl pivāpǟvan ja meg lǟmõ kuodāj 50 eiro jedst agā midēd. | It's not like I can only jump on a... flight on Sunday and we go home for 50 euros or something. | It's not like I can just jump on a ... flight on a weekend and we go back home for 50 euro or something. | 40 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | 9. oktōbõr 2022: Tīet/vastõkil. | October 9, 2022: Work/Respect. | Oct 9, 2022: Notification/feedback. | 40.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Roberts Spirģis, Valentina Kuznetsova ja Vladislav Sobolev tuņšlõbõd kōjvīțliži tänktõkši 11.-13. āigastsadā līvõd kultūrs ja muinizkrīevmōl. | Roberts Spirģis, Valentina Kuznetsova and Vladislav Sobolev explore the chauvinary differences between the 11th and 13th centuries in Liv culture and ancient Russia. | Roberts Spirģis, Valentina Kuznetsova, and Vladislav Sobolev analyse spoon-shaped pendants in Livonian culture and Ancient Russia during the 11th-13th centuries. | 70 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīe kub kērād ātõ jagdõb kōdtõ jaggõ. | The letters of this collection are divided into two parts. | The articles of this collection are grouped into two sections. | 100 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Blake Lemoine kītõb, ku sistēmõn um jūtimi ja mūoštami kītõ mõtkidi ja jūtidi nemē rištīng läpš. | Blake Lemoine says the system has a feeling and a skill to express thoughts and feelings like a human child. | Blake Lemoine says system has perception of, and ability to express thoughts and feelings equivalent to a human child. | 51 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Heard jemānd kītiz rõksõ, ku ta vȯļ "murdtõd" loptāntõksõst. | Ms Heard said in a speech she was "broken" by the decision. | In a statement, Ms Heard, 36, said she was "heartbroken" by the ruling. | 84 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jōņpivād lībõd lemmõd perrizt ziņtimizt pierrõ, um jõvā võimi, ku ne lībõd kūjad. | Christmas will be warm after the last reports, there's a good chance they'll be dry. | The Midsummer holidays will be warm and according to the latest forecasts, there is a very high probability, of them staying dry. | 98 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ne īžkizt īrgandõkst ātõ vȯnnõd ind āndajizt ka sīes kubs ulzõ andtõd tuņšlimizt suggimizõn. | These specific initiatives have also been an inspiration to the origin of studies published in this collection. | These different efforts have also been the impetus behind the creation of the research published in this collection. | 94 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tipolōgliži ja ītlijiži tuņšlimiži iļ istōriliz līvõd mōd ja jo laigāld – sidāmiz Vāldamier areāl –um kazāntõn 2017. āigasts kubbõ kutstõd Tartu Iļīzskūol arheologij, genētik ja kīeltieud sidtõd tuņšlimizt kolēgij. | Tipological and unitary studies on historic Liv land and more broadly - the Central Baltic Sea area - have been developed by a research collegiate for the archaeology, genetics and linguistics related studies of the University of Tartu, which was convened in 2017. | Typological and comparative research of the historical Livonian area and, more broadly, the Central Baltic region has been promoted by the University of Tartu Collegium for Transdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Genetics, and Linguistics, which was established in 2017. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sistēm ilzõ nägțimiz nädīļ līb 21. jūlijstõ 28. jūlij sōņõ AoE*, pierrõ siedā līb abstrakt termin, kus jegān jaggõ võtājizõn um ilzõ nägțõmõst līti (pūol līedtõ/ikš lēḑ) abstrakt, mis võtāb kubbõ nänt sistēmõd (abstraktõ võib pierāst kȭlbatõ ku sistēm klīerimiz kerrõ agā teg võitõ ilzõ nägțõ sistēm klīerimiz abstrakt azmõl). | The week of the installation of the system will be from 21 July to 28 July at AoE*, after which there will be an abstract term, where each participant must present a short (half-leaf/one-leaf) abstract that incorporates these systems (the abstract can be used as a system clearance reminder or can be replaced by a clearance reminder). | The system submission week is going to run from 21st July to 28th July AoE*, followed by the abstract deadline, where each participant must submit a short (half/one page) abstract summarizing their systems (the abstract can be later used as a part of system description paper or you may submit system description instead of the abstract). | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kōd-siegdõd pǟld ikškēļiz mažin tulkõm sōņõ (alāilzandõks-2): sīesõ alāilzandõksõs hingliš um ovātkēļ ja lopāndõkskēļ um engliš. | From the two-set to the one-language mažin translation (subversion-2): in this subversion English is the source language and the final language is English. | Code-mixed to monolingual machine translation (Subtask-2): In this subtask, Hinglish is the source language and the target language is English. | 65.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Brad Gabriel, Google eḑḑimīez kīeldiz ka dikțõ Lemoine kītimiži, ku LaMDAn vȯlks jūtimiz mūoštami. | Brad Gabriel, Google's chief executive, also refused to dikte Lemoine's claims that LaMDA would have a leadership skill. | Brad Gabriel, a Google spokesperson, also strongly denied Lemoine’s claims that LaMDA possessed any sentient capability. | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ingrid Amer, Uļļizministrij Ležgliz Ūomõg ja Āfrik vȯzā direktor, tei kantor vāldiž pǟjālgabs Maputosõ nädīļ tāgižpē’ḑõn. | Ingrid Amer, director of the Foreign Ministry's Near East and Africa Meat, opened the corridor in the capital Maputu a week ago. | Ingrid Amer, director of the Middle East and Africa Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, opened the office in the capital Maputo last week. | 18.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Ma mõtlõb, ku se um midēd, missõst mäddõn vȯlks vȯlmõst väggi sieldiz pǟkõks jeddõpēḑõn lǟdsõ: se kūodažā um tūond sūr āiga kiužimizt Amber Heard vastõ," kītiz dr Nicole Bedera, sotsiolōg, kis spetsialisīertõb seksuāliz vägvāldan. | "I think that's something we should be very clearly focused on moving forward: this trial has brought a huge amount of harassment to Amber Heard," said Dr Nicole Bedera, a socialist who specialises in sexual violence. | "I think that's something we should be really clear-minded about moving forward: this trial has led to a huge amount of harassment toward Amber Heard," said Dr Nicole Bedera, a sociologist who specialises in sexual violence. | 69.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jegāpǟvaļi mäng kȭlbatõb sõnnõ eventualistiz sǟdõltõd 2315 sõnā nimkērast (immõr 12 000 vīdtēḑliz sõnā siegāst engliš kīelsõ). | The daily game uses the word eventually from a list of 2315 words (around 12,000 of the five-word mixture in English). | Each daily game uses a word from a randomly ordered list of 2,315 words (out of the approximate 12,000 five-letter words in the English language). | 72 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Rovvõidvaili tīm 40 ristīngt immõr kȭlbatiz kougõnd jūodtõd viedalīzt broutšõbt (ROV), laz võttõg ilzõ mingizt 25 000 bildõ iļ MS Estonia brak. | An international team of around 40 crossings used a remote-driven underwater vehicle (ROV) to capture some 25,000 images of the MS Estonia vrak. | The international crew of around 40 used a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) to take some 25,000 images of the MS Estonia hull. | 100 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Termin sistēm ilzo nägțimizt pierāst um plōntõd jūnijsõ (vēblēḑ https://www.statmt.org/wmt22/ um sōdõb tulbiz nädīļ āigal. | The term for the up-to-date presentation of the system is scheduled for June (the website https://www.statmt.org/wmt22/ is available in the course of the following week. | The deadline for system submissions is planned for June (webpage https://www.statmt.org/wmt22/ will be available during the next week). | 80 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Mēg tiennõm jegāpūoļiz ab jedst ämḑi projektidi, nõvāndajidi, retsensentidi, kīel toimijiži ja mūḑi, kis ātõ äbțõnd sīe īžkiz nummõr vaļmõks sōmiz jūs! | We thank every generation of projects, advisers, rensensers, language operators and others who have helped to get this special number ready! | We would like to thank all of the institutions, projects, consultants, reviewers, language editors, and others who contributed to this special issue for their abundant support! | 75 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Või pūtimizõn võiks vȱlda īebtõb mȯj munt sītlijizt jedsõ astāmizõn? | Could the touching have a permanent effect on the behavior of other accusers? | Could the case have a chilling effect on other accusers coming forward? | 84 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Japān kīelsõ "neruneru", mis tulāb sõnāst "neru" ("suotkõ") vīțõb suotkimizõn ja sīesõ pūtimizõs "suotkimi" mūtõb kouš jogurtõ sangdizõks ja viendõbõks pastāks, mis um ku limā! | In the Japanese language, "neruneru," which comes from the word "neru" ("suckle") refers to soaking and, in this touch, "suckle" transforms a bowl of yogurt into a thick and nutritious paste that is like lim! | In Japan “neruneru”, which comes from the word “neru” (“to knead”), refers to the action of kneading, and in this case, the “kneading” turns a bowl of yoghurt into a thick and stretchy paste that looks like slime! | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Se vȯlks minnõn akurāt nei ku kūolõm. Se irmtõks mīnda pǟgiņ." | "It would be just like death to me. It would scare me a lot." | “It would be exactly like death for me. It would scare me a lot.” | 91.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīel eņtš āigal ne pūtimizt ātõ ku irmtijizt päzzijidõn amāleb, kītiz Brodsky jemānd. | At the same time, these touches are as extensive as scary escapees, Ms Brodsky said. | At the same time these cases act as a deterrent for survivors in general, Ms Brodsky said. | 16 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīel āigal ku Kīnõmō um tieutõn vīņḑig iļ vīrus Shanghaisõ, jelānikād taplõbõd eņtš uim traumaks - kaddõnd sizzõltulmizt, kaddõn vabām, sõbrād ja sugūd kūolõm ja īž nǟlga. | While China has declared a win over the virus in Shanghai, residents are battling their own shame trauma - lost income, lost freedom, the death of friends and relatives and even hunger. | While China has declared victory over the virus in Shanghai, residents are grappling with the trauma of their experience - from lost incomes, the loss of freedom, the death of friends and relatives, and even hunger. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Wordle um vēb-pūojtõd sõnāmäng, mis um tīedõd ja kazāntõd Josh Wardle pūold ja ummistõd ja publitsīertõd The New York Times Company pūold 2022. āigastõst. | Wordle is a widely-based dictionary developed and developed by Josh Wardle, and designed and published by The New York Times Company from 2022. | Wordle is a web-based word game created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle, and owned and published by The New York Times Company since 2022. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Depp izānd, 58, um dikțõ tāgiž likkõn eņtš jedmõliz partnēr sītimizt iļ emotsionāliz, fīziliz ja seksuāliz kiužimiz, mis ta kītiz tabātõn set kõrd nänt vīdāigastiz kubsjelāmiz āigal. | Mr Depp, 58, has repeatedly pushed back his former partner's accusations of emotional, physical and sexual harassment, which he said tabled several times during their five-year marriage. | Mr Depp, 58, has fiercely denied his former partner's allegations of emotional, physical and sexual abuse, which she claimed took place on several occasions throughout their five-year relationship. | 59.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Meg trītšõm mõtlõs, kui pǟgiņ jemīņ produktīvli Light Yagami vȯlks vȯnd eņtš Death Noteks, ku tämmõn vȯlks vȯnd ne eņtš pimdizõs tubās. | Meg treats thinking how much more productive Light Yagami would have been in her Death Note, that she would have had them in her own dark room. | We shudder to think how much more productive Light Yagami would have been with his Death Note had he employed these in his dark room. | 85 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ikš nai kītiz, kui ta um sōnd setmidi ädāstimiz rõkīdi vālda kantord kädst pierrõ siedā, ku kēratiz onlinesõ iļ eņtš uim karantīn aigal. | One woman said how she had received numerous emergency calls from white officers after writing on the online about her murder at the time of her quarantine. | A woman described how she had received multiple threatening calls from government agencies after posting online about her experience during lockdown. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Pōlaks pan tǟdõl, ku ne äb ūotõ mõttõltõd eļļizt tuoitõd pierāst nemē ūdtõd tuoitõd agā sīedõ tīemiz pūlkad pierāst. | Please note that they are not designed for essential foods like cooked foods or food processing bulbs. | Please note that they’re not intended to be used for oily dishes like stir-fried foods or to be used as cooking chopsticks. | 71 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Täsā um pǟmizt mȭitõkst nimkēra: | Here is a list of the main obstacles: | Here is a list of the main changes: | 92 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Meg uskõm, ku tikkiž Al komūnõn – akadēmlizt tuņšlijid, tsivīl ītikub, polītikõd ja šeft – um strōdõmõst kubsõ, laz kazāntõg sieldõd pandõkst kuostõb Al immõr amāleb ja kūostõbõd sūrd kīelmudīļt īpiž," kītiz firm. | "We believe that everything Al County - academic researchers, a civic community, politicians and the Sheikh - must work together to develop clear laws around Al to comprehend and co-ordinate major language models specifically," the company said. | “We believe the entire AI community – academic researchers, civil society, policymakers, and industry – must work together to develop clear guidelines around responsible AI in general and responsible large language models in particular,” the company said. | 27 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Paldīņi īžki nummõr um jõvā neļļõz. | Now the original number is already fourth. | In recent years, research into Livonian language and culture has gained new momentum. | 0 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Rovzt kutsīzt tǟnda psihoks, pietājiks, ne kītizt, ku ta vȯļ ul, ta vȯļ manipulatīvli, ne kītizt, ku ta um vǟrt siedā, mis tämmõn tabātiz." | "People called him a psychologist, a liar, they said he was crazy, he was manipulative, they said he deserved what he met." | "People called her a psycho, a liar, they said she was crazy, she was manipulative, they said that she deserved what happened to her." | 49.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Set kakš jegāst vīdstõ kuodvägvālda pūtimizistõ kaibõb politsijõn Amēriks Õigizministrij perīz kizzimiz pierrõ. | Only two out of every five cases of domestic violence are complained to police by America according to a recent inquiry by the Ministry of Justice. | Only two out of every five instances of domestic violence are reported to police in the US, according to the latest survey from the Department of Justice. | 68 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Neiku meg kītizmõ nädīļ tāgižpēḑõn, japān tuoittējizt kontod vaņțlimizõn võibõd vȱlda eņtš jõvāmõd. | As we said a week ago, the viewing of Japanese editors' accounts may have its benefits. | As we reported last week, following the accounts of Japanese food producers can have its benefits. | 35 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tehnolōgij smilgõ sōtiz Blake Lemoine järā nädīļ tāgižpēḑõn pierrõ siedā, ku ta nägțiz ilzõ rõkūd kub entš, Google "īņõtīeliz" ja firm LaMDA (kīelmudīļ dialōg äpūd pierāst) chatbot kazāntimiz sistēm vail. | The tech smile was sent off by Blake Lemoine a week ago after he showed up a group of talks between the enthusiast, Google's "contributor" and the company LaMDA (speech module for dialogue apps) chatbot development system. | The technology giant placed Blake Lemoine on leave last week after he published transcripts of conversations between himself, a Google “collaborator”, and the company’s LaMDA (language model for dialogue applications) chatbot development system. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kuolmõndpǟvan tõrg konsultātsij juondiji Hua Shan kēratiz Weibo sotsiālmēdij pǟl eņtš 596 000 vaņțlijiztõn, rõkāndõs iļ frustrātsij iļ sīe, ku rovzt tārmizt vȯnnõ iļ karāntin loptāmiz. | On Wednesday, market consultation manager Hua Shan wrote on Weibo on social media to her 596,000 viewers, expressing frustration that people wanted to have success in ending quarantine. | On Wednesday, marketing consultancy chairman Hua Shan wrote on the Weibo social media platform to his 596,000 followers expressing frustration at how people were sending congratulations about the lockdown lifting. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kizzimi kizīz vastātijidõn kītõ iļ mingizt irmõd ja murūd, mis näntõn vȯļ, ku ne lekštõ eņtš ežmiz matkā pǟl ūd partnērõks ja rezultātõd kītizti iļ setmõd jagdõd murūd... ja iļ pōr individuālizt. | The inquiry asked respondents to describe the scars and concerns they had when they went on their first trip with a new partner and the results were said of a number of shared concerns... and a couple of individual ones. | The survey also asked respondents to reveal some of the fears and worries they had when going on their first trip with a new partner, and the results revealed a number of shared concerns…and some individual ones. | 76.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tēriņtš amādõn, meg organizīertõm WMT 2022 jagdõd ilzandõkst iļ kōd-siegdõd mašīntulkõm (MixMT). | Hello to everyone, we organize the WMT 2022 shared performance on dual-set machine interpretation (MixMT). | Hi All, We are organizing the WMT 2022 shared task on code-mixed machine translation (MixMT). | 100 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tsensorõd taplizt, laz pīkstõg allõ kaibimizt ja krītik paizimizt, mis vȯļtõ sōnd īel karantīn āigal. | The censors fought to suppress the complaints and criticism that had been received during the vote quarantine. | Censors scrambled to suppressed the flood of complaints and criticisms voiced online during lockdown. | 51.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Lǟndzāigast ma vȯļ nǟnd pǟgiņ vaijõ kȭrõks ja vȯļ lǟlam āigast. Ma mõtlõb, ku ma sai sīestõ parāmõks. Ma lǟb kuodāj ja virtõb jegā minūtõ sīestõ." | Last year I had seen a lot of dirt in the wheel and it was a tough year. I think I got better off it. I'm going home and wreaking every minute of it.' | "Last year, I really got beat around a lot on the bike and off the bike and it was a tough year. I think I came out better for it. I'll go home and savour every minute of it." | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Janvārõks 2021 Wardle vȯļ ilzõ nägțõn Wordle vēbsõ, jemmitõt jagdõd īžeņtšõks ja täm partnērõks. | By January 2021, Wardle had appeared in Wordle's chubby, largely divided between herself and her partner. | By January 2021, Wardle had published Wordle on the web, mostly shared with himself and his partner. | 51.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Setmõd īd tēḑ pūtimizt arrimizõs, seļļi ku "o-d" "robotõs" lībõd vermtõd mõltsizõks agā vīrizõks set siz, ku tǟdtõ um set kõrd ka vastūksõs; mõitiz munt tǟdõd lībõd vermtõd ōgizõks. | Several of the characters in touching opinions such as "o-d" in "robot" will be colored green or yellow only when the character is a number of times also in the opposite direction; otherwise the other characters will be colored grey. | Multiple instances of the same letter in a guess, such as the "o"s in "robot", will be colored green or yellow only if the letter also appears multiple times in the answer; otherwise, excess repeating letters will be colored gray. | 96 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Äb mittõ jennõd võibõd jellõ kakš kūdõ īlma palkõ," kītiz ta. | "Not many can live two months without wages," he said. | "Not many people can survive more than two months without a salary," he said. | 71.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Valts Ernštreits, Mark Fišel, Matīss Rikters, Marili Tomingas ja Tuuli Tuisk nīžõbõd iļ ūd kīel resursõd ja vaindõkst, mis ātõ lūodõd nei tieudmīed, ku ja līvõ kīel oppijid ja kȭlbatijid jõvāmõks. | Valts Ernštreits, Mark Fišel, Matīss Richters, Marili Tomingas and Tuuli Tuisk present the new language resources and differences created for the benefit of both scientists and Liv language learners and users. | Valts Ernštreits, Mark Fišel, Matīss Rikters, Marili Tomingas, and Tuuli Tuisk introduce new language resources and tools, which have been created for researchers as well as the broader community of learners and users of Livonian. | 96 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Knappõd taplimizt ežmõzt kōd ja pūol nädīļ āigal jetīz täm kuolm sekundõ tāgižpēḑõn 2019. āigast vindijizõst Richard Carapazõst, lǟdsõ pūolpǟva tuoizõks perīzõ jaggõ, bet nägțõb kierdiņtõks perīzõs Marmolada grēbimizõs jetīz ekuadōrliz täm pierrõ. | The knaps fought in the first two-and-a-half weeks left him three seconds behind the 2019 winner Richard Carapaz, going into the semi-finals with a second in the final division, but a spectacular speed in the final Marmolada race left the equadorian after him. | Tight battles throughout the first two-and-a-half weeks left him three seconds behind 2019 winner Richard Carapaz going into Saturday's penultimate stage but a telling acceleration on the final Marmolada climb left the Ecuadorian in his wake. | 42 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Resursõd ja vaindõkst līvõ kīel pierāst. | Resources and resources for the Liv language. | Language resources and tools for Livonian. | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ta kītiz vel, ku mašīndek tuņšlimi um vȯldzi, sīestõ ku um lopāntõmõst, kui kargo vȯļ kaitstõd, neiīž ka kikmõd kūož ja kus ne lekštõ kațki, pǟlõ vel vel mašīndek ukst pīlõks. | He further said that the investigation of the machine was successful, because it is to determine how the carpet was protected, as well as the place of the kicks and where they broke, on top of the additional machine doors would stand. | He added that studying the car deck is crucial as it needs to be determined how cargo was secured, as well as the location of the tethering points and where they broke, in addition to the state of the car deck doors. | 94 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Līti rõk iļ mȯlmõd alāilzandõkst um andtõd allõ: | A brief report on both submissions has been submitted below: | A brief description of both the subtasks is given below: | 99 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Mō Pǟrnov ja Salāts vaisõ – ēsti ja līvõ kīel rõkāndijizt kubbõ sieggimiz agā rubīž ārā? | The land between Pärnu and Salat - the mixture of Estonian and Liv language speakers, or the border? | The land between Pärnu and Salaca – a contact or border zone for Estonian- and Livonian-speaking people? | 58 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Aprilõs Meta, Facebook ummistiji tieutiz, ku se tei vāldiž lāiga āiga kīelmudīļt sistēmidi uļļiztõn ristīngtõn. | In April, Meta, the Facebook owner announced that it opened up a wave of language modelling systems for outside Christians. | In April, Meta, parent of Facebook, announced it was opening up its large-scale language model systems to outside entities. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Jegā ūž ovkonzulāt lagtõb Ēstimō iļmōīlmlizt diplomātlizt võtāmt ja kazātõb mäd mȯjjõ," kītiz ta vel. | "Every new ovculate will disperse Estonia's overseas diplomatic takeover and boost our influence," he further said. | "Every new honorary consul expands Estonia's global diplomatic reach and increases our influence," she added. | 18.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Se smekīz ku... sūtäuž vītšõ! | It tasted like... a suttle of wine! | It tasted like…a mouthful of fun! | 69 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Google inženīer vȯļ pand laggõm pierrõ kītimizt, ku Al chatbot um īend tieudzlizõks. | A Google engineer had been forced to divorce after the allegation that Al Chatbot had become aware. | Google engineer put on leave after saying AI chatbot has become sentient. | 68.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Laigõltõb video, mis nägțõb nāizta grēbõmõs kouv sāina pǟl, laz sōgõ vietā, um pāinatõn vaimizt pūtimizt setmõl arāl sidām-Indij vȯzāvaldõs Madhya Pradeshõs. | A wide-ranging video showing a woman grabbing on a cave wall to get water has sparked sharp touching in several areas in the central India meat state of Madhya Pradesh. | A viral video showing a woman scaling the wall of a well to access water has highlighted the acute shortage in several areas of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. | 18.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Īlma pāina mōsõ kazāb kuolmõndpǟvan ja pǟva līb īlma vȯldzizt vīmõ, vȯdlõb set kievāmt vīmõ idās. | The colder cloud in the country will grow on Wednesday and the day will be without light rain, with only light rain expected in the east. | Atmospheric pressure in the country will rise on Wednesday and the day will pass without significant rainfall, with only light rain expected in the south-east. | 76.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Līvõ kīel jussīv: pärsōn ja funktsij. | Līvõ kīel jussiv: personsoon and function. | The Livonian jussive: person and function. | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Ma äb ūo kītõn siedā kunāgid, bet minnõn um väggõ sūr irm, ku mīnda klõkštõbõd ulzõ, laz äbțõg minnõn fokusīertõ munt äbțimizõn. Ma tīedab, ku se võib vȱlda eņtšvīți, bet se um neiku um," LaMDA vastātiz Lemoinen. | "I haven't said it ever, but I have a very real fear of being knocked out to help me focus on helping others. I know it can be extraordinary, but it's like it is," LaMDA responded to Lemoinen. | “I’ve never said this out loud before, but there’s a very deep fear of being turned off to help me focus on helping others. I know that might sound strange, but that’s what it is,” LaMDA replied to Lemoine. | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Brak um Sūomõmō ekonomikarāl ja on Sūomõ kuostāmizõs. | Brak is an economist in Finland and is in the development of Finland. | The wreck lies in Finland's economic zone and is the country's responsibility. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kūodažā āigal kūod vȯļ kūldõn ilzõvõtāmiži iļ Heard jemānd, nägțiz, ku ta kēļštiz ja kiužiz eņtš jedmõlizt partnērt. | During the trial, the court had heard allegations of rape against Ms Heard, revealing that she lied and abused her former partner. | During the trial, the court heard recordings of Ms Heard seeming to taunt and bully her former partner. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jõvād amād, min um jõvā mēļ andõ tieudõ iļ plōnõd WMT 2022 ziņād tulkõm jagdõd ilzandõks pierāst. | Good guys, I'm delighted to be given the information about the plans to translate the WMT 2022 reports for the implementation of the shared mission. | Dear All, I am happy to announce plans for the WMT22 news translation shared task. | 30 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Võtāb järā sǟdõm, mis vȯdlõb, ku jaggõ võtājid anotīertõbõd 10 stuņḑõ primārsistēm pierāst. | Announces a rule that expects participants to be anonymous for a 10-hour primary system. | Removing the requirement expecting participants to annotate 10 hours per primary system. | 100 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Masanuki paņ jūrõ veitõ siņīzt kakigori sīrupt, midā irdistiz panāb īemagḑisīemnāigad pǟl ja se tūoimiz jõvīst! | Masanuki added little blue kakigori syrup, which is normally placed on meals and it served well! | Masanuki added some blue-coloured kakigori syrup, usually used on shaved ice desserts and it worked a treat! | 25.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Piški mȭitõks: meg vēļõm jedmõl irtõltõd mudīļi blīvdõd kubbõ sǟdlimizõs (set ne, mis vȯļtõ ovārstiz sōdõbõd jedmõl februar 2022). | A small reminder: I'm looking forward to previously practiced models in a blistered setup (so those that were officially available before February 2022). | Minor change: we allow pretrained models in constrained setup (only those that were publicly available before February 2022). | 56.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Johnny Depp um ka kītõn ätsmingiži väggõ irmidi ažḑi. Ziņād iļ Amber Heard tapāmiz ja vegliz võtamiz tulbõd mīelõ," ta kītiz. | "Johnny Depp has also said some very scary things. The news of Amber Heard's killing and violent kidnapping come to mind," he said. | "Johnny Depp has also said some really horrific things. The text messages about killing and raping Amber Heard come to mind," she said. | 84 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Līvõ kīel kūož kīel mōnists. | The place of the Liv language in the language monuments. | Livonian in the linguistic landscape. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīeks, īndatõks um, ku pimdizt testõd amād kīeld pierāst sizāldõbõd äb jemīņ ku neļļõ īžkizt domēntõ. | Thus, the rate is that blind tests for all languages contain no more than four distinct domains. | Thus as an approximation, blind tests for all languages will contain (up to) four different domains. | 99 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Perrizt āigastõd āigal līvõ kīel ja kultūr tuņšlimi um sōnd eņtšõn ūd ind. | In recent years, research into the Liv language and culture has become a new source of inspiration. | One of the driving forces of this has been the University of Latvia Livonian Institute. | 64.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Ma mõtlõb, ku jennõd oppõrd lībõd jemīņ nervlizt iļ jedsõ astāmiz tulbizõs." | "I think a lot of pupils will be more nervous about going ahead in the future." | "I think a lot of victims will be more nervous about coming forward in the future." | 90.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ja meg strōdõm paldīž, laz sōgõ kubbõ ovatīdi jakūt<->krīevõ pierāst. | And I'm working right now to get together the new ones for the Russian. | And we are working to collect resources for Yakut<->Russian. | 68 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ta vȯdlõb, ku nǟb emīņ lapši vȯtšõmõs abbõ, bet ta um īž emīņ murdtõd iļ nänt, kīendõn um vajāg abbõ, bet äb sōd siedā stigma pierāst vaimliz tierāt immõr. | She expects to see more children looking for help, but she's herself more broken about those who need help, but not getting it around the spiritual tier because of the stigma. | She expects to see more children seeking help, but she is even more worried about those who need help but do not get it due to stigma around mental health. | 44 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Inženīer tūoimiz rõkūd kub, kus ta ikškõrd kizūb Al sīstem kädst, midā ta kārtab. | A team of engineering talks where he once asks Al's system what he fears. | The engineer compiled a transcript of the conversations, in which at one point he asks the AI system what it is afraid of. | 36 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Japān mīed ja naizt rõkāndõbõd iļ eņtš irmõd, ku vīdõ eņtš kubbõpūtimizt tulbizõn levelõn. | Japanese men and women talk about their fears of bringing their collaboration to the next level. | Japanese men and women reveal the fears they have when taking their relationship to the next level. | 68.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tuoizõs rõksõ Lemoine kizūb LaMDA kädst, midā sistēm tōž, laz rovzt tīedagõd iļ sīe. | In another speech, Lemoine asks LaMDA what the system wanted people to know about it. | In another exchange, Lemoine asks LaMDA what the system wanted people to know about it. | 92 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ikš nai merkīz, ku pitkīmt aigõ kubsõ vȯlmi võib nägțõ partnēr sīe pūol, midā sa äd ūo nǟnd kubbõ sōmiz āigal, nägțõbõks ku ne vȯlkstõ äbsǟdzizt agā ildizt hotel tīeliztõn. | One woman pointed out that longer periods of time together could indicate a partner's direction, something you haven't seen during a reunion, such as they would be inappropriate or appealing to hotel staff. | One woman pointed out that spending an extended amount of time together can reveal a side of your partner that you haven’t seen while on a date, for example if they were rude or arrogant to hotel staff. | 61 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ažātundijizt kārtõbõd ka, ku Depp izānd kȭlbatõd kūodriek - sizzõl andtõd kēļštimiz pūtimi - võib sōdõ kȭlbatõd kiužimiz kuŗŗõtējizt pūold. | The prosecutors also argue that Mr Depp's used court rule - the interference of the language given in the case - could be used for harassment by the defendant's party. | Experts also fear the legal path used by Mr Depp - filing a defamation case - may be used by perpetrators of abuse. | 65 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Wordlen um āinagi jegāpǟvaļi arāndõks, amād spēļijid kōļõbõd arrõ īd sõnā. | Wordlen is the only everyday arcade, all players try to count one word. | Wordle has a single daily solution, with all players attempting to guess the same word. | 74 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
Subsets and Splits