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liv-en | Kōjvīțlizt tänktõkst 11.–13. āigastsadā līvõd kultūrs ja muinizkrīevmō jelānikād jūs: ežmizt tuņšlimizt rezultātõd. | The importance of stones in Livonian culture of the 11th and 13th century and in ancient Russia: findings of the first studies. | Spoon-shaped pendants in the culture of the Livonians and inhabitants of Ancient Russia in the 11th-13th centuries: preliminary study results. | 34 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ēstimō tei vāldiž eņtš seismiz ovkonzulāt Āfriks Mozambīksõ kūolmõndpǟvan, tīedsõ jo īdkȭrdaliz tiegūd tǟmikšimiz ēstliztõn sīel arāl ja lagtõs kubbõ pūtimiži. | Estonia opened its seventh honorary consulate in Africa to Mozambique on Tuesday, making it easier to offer facial expressions to Estonians in this area and expanding contacts. | Estonia opened its seventh honorary consul in Africa in Mozambique on Wednesday making it easier to provide services to Estonians in the region and boost contacts. | 100 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Hindi kīel kītõmõd ātõ kēratõd Devangari skriptsõ, sīel āigal ku lopāndõks hingliš tekst um kēratõd romān skriptsõ. | Hindu sayings are written in Devangar script, while the end of the text in the soulful is written in the script of the novel. | The Hindi language sentences are written in the Devanagari script whereas the target Hinglish language text is written in the Roman script. | 71 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Kāmera nägțiz piškiži eļļõ buļīdi nūzõmõs viedpīnda pǟl. | "The camera showed small arrows of sand climbing on the waterbed. | "The camera showed tiny oil bubbles rising to the surface." | 33 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jennõd indiļizt reagīertizt sotsiālmēdijsõ sīe pǟlõ, midā ne kutzīzt "sidāmt murdtõb" videoks ja pīkstizt vāldamēḑi, laz ne äbțõgõd killõ. | Earlier Indians reacted to social media inviting them to "break the bond" with a video and pushed white people to help them soak. | Many Indians on social media reacted to what they called a "heart-breaking" video and urged officials to urgently help the village. | 100 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Rene Arikas kītiz, ku tīmõn pidāks vȱlda ežmizt rezultātõd iļ fotogramētrij tuņšlõks jūnij perīz nädīļ lopāndõks āigal. | Rene Arikas said the team should have first results in analyzing photography at the end of June last week. | Rene Arikas said that the team should have the preliminary results of the photogrammetry study by the last week of June. | 55.5 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jemād vȯļtõ lagdõd eņtš läpšīst ežmiz päuvši, kuņtš ovāri protestkriukimi sai vālda mūtõm polītikõ. | Mothers were divorced from their children in their first days, until the ovary protest screaming became a bleaching transformation of politics. | Mothers were separated from their children in the early days until a public outcry moved authorities to revise the policy. | 63 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Emojid rīnda kopīertõd jaggõs rezultātõ mängstõ sīe kēra illõ. | Emoji chest copied by adding the result of the game at the top of this article. | The emoji grid copied by sharing the result from the game at the top of this article. | 84 | TAL-SJTU | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Meg tiennõm iļ amād komentārõd ja tārmatimizt mäd plōnõd pierāst ja meg vaņțlõm leb amād seļļizt vastõkilūd. | Meg thanks for all the comments and wishes for our plans and me looking through all such contradictions. | We welcome any comments and suggestions from the community regarding our plans and will consider all such feedback. | 72 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Īlma temperatūr jemmit vȯzīs mōsõ līb pivādõn +22stõ C +26 C sōņõ ja īž īezõ līb mīeldzi +12 C +16 C sōņõ. | The air temperature in most parts of the country will be from +22 on Sundays to C +26 C and even at night it will be favorable to +12 C +16 C. | The air temperature in most of the country on the holidays will reach from +22 C to +26 C, and even at night it will remain a pleasant +12 C to +16 C. | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kubdõd pimdizt testkubūd ilzandõkst vail: meg tīemõ kubsõtīedõ munt ilzandõkstõks, laz ītõg pimdiži testkubīdi, sīeks jaggõ võtājid jegāst jagdõd ilzandõksõst lībõd tulkõ pimdiži testkubīdi mūšti ilzandõkšist až andtõd kīelpōr um jagdõd. | Cube blind test cubes between assignments: we work together with other assignments to unify blind test cubes, with the participants taking part in each assignment shared will have to translate blind test cubes from other assignments if the assigned language couple has been shared. | Aggregated blind testsets across tasks: we are cooperating with other tasks to combine blind testsets, thus participants from each shared task will translate blind testsets from other shared tasks if given language pair is shared. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Āndagõd mäddõn tieudõ, až täddõn um kizzimiži. | Let us know if you have questions. | Let us know if you have any other questions. | 41 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Ne ātõ īņõ võttõd īnda/kaz analīzõs ja saggõld arrimi nägțõb, ku näntõn um parām äb kaibõs." | "They are included in the price/loss analysis and often the assessment shows that they have a better not to complain." | "They are engaged in a cost/benefit analysis, and often that calculus shows them they're better off not reporting." | 83 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | The Post kītiz, ku lopāntõks Lemoine, seisāigastli Google veterān sūr uimõks iļ pärsōntimiz algoritmõd, makstõd järā sōtimizõst vȯļ tīedõd pierrõ setmõd "agresīvõd" tiegūd, midā kītõbõd ku inženīer vȯļ tīend. | The Post said that the decision to remove Lemoine, a seven-year-old Google veteran with a major threat to persuasion algorithms, from receiving the charges was made following a number of "aggressive" acts claimed to have been carried out by an engineer. | The Post said the decision to place Lemoine, a seven-year Google veteran with extensive experience in personalization algorithms, on paid leave was made following a number of “aggressive” moves the engineer reportedly made. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Lopāndõksõks spēļimizpūlkad ātõ vastātõbõd Japān Tuoit Sanitātsij Aktõks ja kītõd jõvāks Tierāt-, Tīe- ja Jõvāvȯlmiz Ministrij pūold. | Finally, the playing fields have been compatible with the Japanese Products Sanitation Act and have been approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. | Finally, the gaming chopsticks are fully in accordance with Japan’s Food Sanitation Act and are approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. | 31 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Pierrõ siedā tuļ īekimi "seisõst kūstõ āigastõ sōņõ" (12.9 protsentõ mīeḑi ja 12.2 protsentõ naiži) ja tāgiž tuoizõ ekstrēmõ, "jegā āiga um jõvā", vȯļtõ 5.3. protsentõ mīeḑi ja 3.5 protsentõ naiži. | After that came the jumping "from seven to six years" (12.9 per cent of men and 12.2 per cent of women) and back to the second extreme, "every time is good," there were 5.3 per cent of men and 3.5 per cent of women. | This was followed by a jump over to “seven months to a year” (12.9 percent of males and 12.2 percent of females), and back to the other extreme, with “Anytime is OK“, were 5.3 percent of males and 3.5 percent of females. | 60.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Kūod āndiz minnõn min jel tāgiž," kītiz ta rõksõ pierrõ lõpāntõks. | "The court gave me my house back," he said in a speech after the conclusion. | "The jury gave me my life back," he said in a statement following the verdict. | 96 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Ma väggõ murtõb iļ kopīertimiz efekt." | "I'm very worried about the effect of copying." | "I really do worry about the copycat effect." | 61 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ätsmingižis Lețmō vȯzīs vȯdlõb vīmõ nädīļ ežmizõs pūolsõ, bet Līgo ja Jōņpǟv 23. ja 24. jūnijõn pidākstõ vȱlda īlma vīmõ Vald Īla, Geolōgij ja Meteorolōgij sidām perrizt ziņtimizt pierrõ. | In some parts of Latvia, rain is expected in the first half of the week, while Līgo and January 23 and 24 should be without rain, according to the latest reports from the National Weather, Geological and Meteorological Centre. | Rain is expected in some parts of Latvia during the first half of this week, but Līgo and Jāņi on the 23rd and 24th of June should pass without precipitation, according to the latest forecasts from the State Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ēstimō Julglit Tuņšlimiz Birō (OJK) ja Rūotšmō Pūošt Tuņšlimiz Amāt (SHK) vīžtõ lebbõ fotogramētriliz tuņšlimiz iļ pasažīerkuoig MS Estonia brak 7.-16. jūnij vail. | Estonia's Security Investigation Bureau (OJK) and the Swedish Post Investigation Agency (SHK) conducted a photogrammetric investigation into the passenger ship MS Estonia brak between June 7 and 16. | The Estonian Safety Investigation Bureau (OJK) and the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority (SHK) carried out a photogrammetric study of the hull of sunken passenger ferry MS Estonia between June 7-16. | 36 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Īdsõ klipsõ ta tuņḑšlõb, ku ta "rabīz" Depp izāndt jedmõl ku kītiz tämmõn algõ ta vȯlkõ "läpš". | In one clip, he admits he "raped" Mr Depp before telling him not to be a "child." | In one clip, she admits to "hitting" Mr Depp before telling him not to be a "baby". | 81 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Až sa vȯtšūd vȯndzizt sidāmriekkõ, laz kōļõg vietā ȭdõgizt kubbõ sōmiz ja matkā partnēr vail, teg võitõ sīegid alz lǟdõ kubsõ matkõm. | If you're looking for a lucky midway to try water between dinner meetings and a travel partner, you can nevertheless always go on a trip together. | If you’re looking for a happy in-between to test the waters between dinner date and travel partner, though, you can always go on a hike together. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tīm līediz ka, ku eļļõ lekkimizt ātõ mõitõnd jo sūrdõks iļ lǟndzāigast. | The team also found that oil leakages have changed considerably over the past year. | The crew also discovered that oil leaks have become more extensive since last year. | 49.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Mȯlmõd saitõ sieldõmt Heard jemānd vastūksõst, kītiz Kelly Sundberg, Ashland iļīzskūol profesor ja "Nēmiz pǟl, ārmaz neitst" autor, mǟdõltõkst iļ täm uim kiužijizõs kubzjelāmizõs. | They both received light from Ms Heard's response, said Kelly Sundberg, a professor at Ashland University and the author of "On the vision, a loving girl," a reminder of her humour in an exhilarating conversation. | Both were crystallised by the response to Ms Heard, said Kelly Sundberg, a professor at Ashland University and author of Goodbye Sweet Girl, a memoir about her experience in an abusive relationship. | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ja ikš sēļțami kizzimiz pierāst rovzt kädst: set jedmõl irtõltõd *kīel mudīļd* ātõ lastõd blīvdõd radās (jedmõl irtõltõd generatīv agā tulkõm mudīļd äb ūotõ lastõd blīvdõd radā pierāst, bet ne võibõd sīegid vȱlda kȭlbatõd äbblīvdõd radā pierāst). | And one explanation for the issue from the public: only previously practiced *speech models* have been loaded in a blistered line (formerly practiced generator or translation models have not been loaded for a blistered line, but they may, however, have been used for a blistered line). | And one clarification based on the question from the community: only pretrained *language models* are allowed in constrained track (pretrained generative or translation models are not allowed for constrained track, but they still can be used for unconstrained track). | 37 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Virginia kūod līediz kuolmõndpǟvan, ku Johnny Depp vȯļ laimdõd Amber Heard pūold 2018. āigast arrimikēras, kus ta nīžiz iļ eņtš kui "iļ ovāri rištīng, kis eḑštõb kuod kiužimizt", ilmõ nimtõmõt Depp izāndtõ. | A Virginia court found on Wednesday that Johnny Depp had been slammed by Amber Heard in a 2018 arrest warrant, in which he described himself as "an open man promoting domestic harassment" without naming Mr Depp. | A Virginia jury found on Wednesday that Johnny Depp was defamed by Amber Heard in a 2018 op-ed in which she described herself as a "public figure representing domestic abuse", without naming Mr Depp. | 63 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jemmit vastātijid vȯldsõ īdsõ melsõ, ku kōdstõ kūd kūzõ sōņõ vȯļ jõvā āiga, nägțõb, ku mingi tundtõb jūtõ um idealistiz kizdõd jedmõl ku lǟdõ ežmiz matkā pǟlõ ūd partnērõks. | With more respondents agreeing that eight months to six was a good time, it appears that some familiar feelings have been ideally questioned before going on a first trip with a new partner. | With the majority of respondents agreeing that two to six months was the sweet spot, it appears that a certain level of familiarity with each other is ideally required before going on a first trip with a new partner. | 85 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ni Meiji võlūb amḑi ūd tuoitņäpāks mis sai amād vȯstõm nänt "Bulgaria" sangdizt jogurtõ, sīepierāst ku veitõ aigõ tāgižpēḑõn tīedõd tvītsõ ta nägțiz, kui tīedõ Neruneru jogurtõ. | Now Meiji enables everyone with a new food tip that got everyone to buy their "Bulgaria" thick yogurt because in a tweet made a little while ago he showed how to make Neruneru yogurt. | Now, Meiji is wowing everyone with a new food hack that’s got everyone buying their “Bulgaria” brand of thick yoghurt, thanks to a recent tweet showing us how to make Neruneru Yoghurt. | 70 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Se vȯļ pidūks täm kīel pǟl, ku jogurt maits norīz täm maitsmīeld pǟl tekstūrõks, midā ta iz ūo kunāgid jūtõn — se vȯļ sangdi ja jõvīst glumā ja ka veitõ krõmš, nǟdsõ, ku mingizt naggõrstērk kabāld äb ūotõ sieggõnd leb. | It was a celebration on his tongue, when the taste of yogurt melted on his taste taste with a texture he had never felt - it was thick and well glamorous and also slightly cramped, noting that some pieces of potatoes hadn't mixed through. | It was a party on his tongue, as the flavour of yoghurt permeated his taste buds with a texture he’d never experienced before — it was thick and delightfully slimy, and a little crunchy as well, seeing as some bits of potato starch hadn’t been mixed in thoroughly. | 50.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Spēļijid ullopēḑõn Amērikõ ātõ kaibõnd, ku se õigikēra āndab amērik spēļijidõn äbovliz ežmikäd, nägțõbõks sõnā "favor" arāndõks pūtimizõs. | Players from outside America have complained that this law gives American players an unfair advantage, such as the word "favor" in touching the arch. | Players outside the US have complained that this spelling convention gives American players an unfair advantage, for example in the case of the solution "favor". | 30 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tekst kītõb "Wordle 196 4/6", pierrõ midā tulāb nēļa rindõ, vīž emoji kastõ jegās: vālda, vīri, vālda, vīri, vīri; mõltsi, vālda, vīri, vālda, vīri; mõltsi, vīri, vālda, vīri, mõltsi; mõltsi, mõltsi, mõltsi, mõltsi, mõltsi. | The text says "Wordle 196 4/6," after which it comes in four lines, five emoji boxes each: white, yellow, white, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, | Text saying "Wordle 196 4/6", followed by four lines of five emoji boxes each: white, yellow, white, yellow, yellow; green, white, yellow, white, yellow; green, yellow, white, yellow, green; green, green, green, green, green. | 61 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tuoizt vīrgizt ja līedizt, ku nänt uļļiukst vȯļtõ barikatīertõd tarādõks. | Others woke up and found their outdoors barricaded with gardens. | Others woke to find their front doors barricaded in by fences. | 63 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | SHK tei ovāriz tǟmikšimiz ekspedītsij pierāst ja alīzkēratiz sǟdõm Rūotšmō firmõks Ocean Discover AB. | SHK completed an official designation for the expedition and signed a contract with the Swedish company Ocean Discover AB. | SHK held a public tender for the expedition and signed a contract with Swedish company Ocean Discover AB. | 83 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīe āigaks, sinnõn um jõvā tīedami iļ sin partnēr dabā ja nänt mīeldimizt ja äbmīeldimizt, mis piḑīks lūodõ jõvā pūŗitimiz matkā āigal. | Within that time, you have good knowledge of your partner's nature and their pleasures and discomforts, which should create a good break during a trip. | By this stage, you also have a good of your partner’s personality and their likes and dislikes, which should make for smooth sailing during the trip. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Pierrõ prototīp loptāmizt 2014. āigast immõr, Wardle vȯļ kōtõn interes ja paņ prototīp aigõl. | After completing the prototype around 2014, Wardle had lost interest and put the prototype on the edge. | After finishing the prototype around 2014, Wardle had lost interest and set the prototype aside. | 34 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Līvõd vaimliz kultūr pierāndõks manifestātsijd Lețmōl ja iļ rubīž Ēstimōl: tǟdõlpanmizt nurmtīestõ. | The manifestations of the Livonian spiritual cultural heritage in Latvia and across the borders in Estonia: observations of the field work. | The manifestations of Livonian intangible cultural heritage across the Latvian and Estonian border: framing early field notes from research sites. | 96 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Lețkīel verb vajadzēt: sīe līvõd jūrd, modalitāt ja distribūtsij eņtšsuglit. | The Latin word should be: its Liv roots, modality and distribution characteristics. | The verb vajadzēt ‘to need, must’ in Latvian: its Livonian origins, modal, and distributional features. | 64.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | 1. jūlij 2022: Kōļimizāiga irgõb. | 1 July 2022: Trial Date Begins. | Jul 1, 2022: The test phase starts. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kuodvägvālda ažātundijizt nemē Bedera jemānd kārtabõd, ku intensīvliz negatīv vastūksõn Heard jemāndõn lībõd mȯjūd kūodažāst kōgazpēḑõn. | Domestic violence experts like Ms Bedera fear that the intensive negative response to Ms Heard will have consequences far from the trial. | Domestic violence experts like Ms Bedera fear the intensely negative response toward Ms Heard will have repercussions far beyond the trial. | 68 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kūodažā perīz nädīļõn Heard jemānd, ikšlimi jemā eņtš īdāigastiz tidārõn, rõkāndiz iļ kiužimiz kūodsõ kītõs, ku ta vȯļ sānd sadīdi kūolõmädātimiži saggõld, až äb jegāpǟvaļiz. | During the last week of the trial, Ms Heard, a single mother to her one-year-old daughter, spoke about the harassment in court saying she had received hundreds of death convictions often, if not daily. | In the final week of trial, Ms Heard, single mother to her one-year-old daughter, addressed the harassment in court saying she had received "hundreds of death threats regularly, if not daily". | 48.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jidiš kīelvīțõd līvõ kīel kontaktõd arāl. | Jidiš languages the array of Liv language contacts. | Yiddish varieties in the Livonian contact area. | 100 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Mängõn um "kīeri vīț" võimli, mis kizūb, ku vastūks sizāldõb mõltsizõks ja vīrizõks merktõd tēḑi tulbizõs vastūksõs. | The game has a "versatile style" capable of requiring the opponent to insert green and yellow-marked characters in the next opponent. | The game has a "hard mode" option, which requires players to include letters marked as green and yellow in subsequent guesses. | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ta paņ ka tǟdõl mingizt pīentizt detailõd iļ mäng, neiku mäng klaviatūr mȭitami, laz nägțõg mäng pīlõkst, ku pūojd spēļijid vitš pierāst. | He also noted some fine details about the game, such as the game's keyboard meltdown, to show the game's stability as basic players for a whisky. | He also noted some subtler details about the game, such as the game's keyboard changing to reflect the game state, as reasons for players' enjoyment. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Video nägțõb nāizta lǟmõs kouvstõ alā ilmõ kīeta agā rīmõzt, laz sōgõ vietā. | The video shows a woman walking down the cave without a kettle or rim to get water. | The video shows the woman going down the well without a rope or harness to access water. | 64 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Mīed irmõd siegās um ežmiz kūož pǟl um īž sūr irm mis naiztõn — ku äbpaššimi dabās ja vǟrtitis tulks ulzõ. | Among the men's fears is on the first place is the same great fear that for women - that non-pacification in nature and values would come out. | As for the fears of men, in the top spot was the same overwhelming fear for women — that a mismatch in personality and values might be revealed. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Irgõms mäng kȭlbatiz amḑi 13 000 võimlizt vīdtēḑlizt sõnnõ engliš kīelsõ, bet ta līediz, ku täm partnēr Palak Shahõn vȯļ kīeri jarā tundõ mingiži jo veitõ irdziži sõņḑi ja ta tei arrimiz īž plōntõks ku se vȯļ Mastermindsõ. | At the beginning of the game, he used all 13,000 possible five-star words in English, but he found that his partner Palak Shah had trouble recognizing any less ordinary words and he made the assumption himself of a plot as it was in Masterminds. | Initially, the game used all 13,000 possible five letter words in the English language, but he found that his partner Palak Shah had difficulty recognizing some of the less common words and made the guessing as haphazard as it was in Mastermind. | 100 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ilzõ võttõd audios kūod kūldiz, ku Depp izānd ōŗiz sliktīdi ja ropīži ažḑi Heard jemāndõn, ja nei ziņḑi, kus ta kītiz ku vēļõb, ku Heard jemānd kūolõks. | In the recorded audio, the court heard that Depp's husband shouted bad and rough things to Heard's mother, and so reports, in which he said he wishes Heard's mother to die. | In recorded audio, the court heard Mr Depp shout insults and obscenities at Ms Heard, and saw messages in which he said he wished Ms Heard would die. | 100 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Ku um āiga pūdstimiz pierāst, set võtā järā järāvõttõb LED vȯzā ja piez set pīsk vȯzā. | When it's time for cleaning, just remove the LED meat and wash just a splash of meat. | When it’s time for cleaning, simply remove the detachable LED unit and wash the resin part only. | 59 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kunā um sīe pierāst siegīd õigi āiga? | When is the right time for this? | When is the right time for that to happen, though? | 63 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Vailiz āigal Wardle luoi kakš online sotsiāllizt kōļimizt The Button ja Place, ku ta strōdiz Reddit pierāst. | Meanwhile, Wardle created two online social trials The Button and Place as he worked for Reddit. | In the intermediate time, Wardle created the two online social experiments The Button and Place when working for Reddit. | 83.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Rovzt tōbõd tappõ mīnda, ne kītõbõd minnõn nei, jegā pǟva. Rovzt tōbõd pānda min laps mikrolaintōjõ ja ne kītõbõd siedā minnõn," ta kītiz. | "People want to kill me, they say yes to me, every day. People want to put my baby in a microwave and they say that to me," he said. | "People want to kill me, they tell me so, everyday. People want to put my baby in a microwave, and they tell me," she said. | 32.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Emīņ detailidi iļ võikslimiz ātõ sōdõbõd võikslimiz kuodlīed pǟl: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/2861 | More details about the race are available on the competition's home page: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/2861 | More details about the competition are available on the competition website: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/2861 | 64 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Se kizzimi vȯļ andtõd 500 mīen ja naizõn knopāndõkšist 50-āigastlizt sōņõ kizzimizõs veitõ aigõ tāgižpēḑõn Webster Marketing pūold Japānõs. | That question was given to 500 men and women from knives to 50-year-olds in an interview a little while ago by Webster Marketing in Japan. | That was the question put to 500 men and women aged from their teens to 50s, in a recent survey by Webster Marketing in Japan. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Lopāndõks rezultātõd ja pierāldõkst iļ ekspedītsij pidākstõ vȱlda publitsīertõd tulbiz kievād. | The final results and experiences of the expedition should be published next spring. | The final results and conclusions of the expedition should be published around next spring. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jedmõl ku paņ pǟlõ Giro rōza serk, Hindley vȯļ vȯnd ikš kuolmõst austrāllizõst pierrõ Evans, kis pīlõb Grand Tour pōdium pǟl pierrõ vaņīmiz veggimīe Tour de France vȯņštimizt 2011. āigast. | Before putting on a Giro pink shirt, Hindley had been one of three Australians after Evans standing on the Grand Tour podium after the senior strongman's Tour de France success since 2011. | Prior to pulling on the Giro's pink jersey, Hindley had been one of only three Australians other than Evans to stand on a Grand Tour podium since the elder-statesman's groundbreaking Tour de France success in 2011. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tazāvait um pǟgiņ mȯjtõd kibḑiz pēțimiz ja kūodazā irm pūold ja irm pūold, ku mitikš äb siedā usk. | The gap is much affected by the side effects of painful surveillance and the side effects of extreme fear, and the side effects of fear, that no one believes it. | That balance is weighted heavily by the fear of a painful investigation and trial, and a fear of not being believed. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Pidā pōr eņtš spēļimizlōda pǟl, nei sinnõn äb ūo kunāgid murtõ, laz võttõg ne piškizt tšipsõd agā kumfektõd kuoțštõ pimdõms. | Hold a couple on your play table, so you never have any care to remove these little chips or cummings from the bag in the dark. | Keep a pair on your gaming desk so that you’ll never have trouble grabbing those little chips or candy pieces inside a bag in the darkness. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Nēļļõndõst seismiz kūožõ sōņõ vȯļtõ võimi sõņšlimiz tulmiz pierāst, rujā agā väzzõn jūtimi, või matkā plōnõd lǟbõd jõvīst ja matkā kulūd viedām kāndami. | From the fourth to seventh place, it was opportunity for the outcome of the negotiations, feeling sick or tired, or planning a trip goes well and carrying out the trip costs. | In fourth to seventh place were: the possibility of an argument occurring, feeling ill or tired, whether travel plans would proceed smoothly, and bearing the burden of travel expenses. | 66 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Õigiz retsept pierrõ sīe "38 kõrdõ" sieggimizõn piḑīks sōmõ siegā viennõm, bet midā jemīņ sa siegūd, siedā paŗimstiz se vienūb. | According to the right recipe, this "38 times" mixture should contain a mixture stretch, but the more you mix, the better it stretches. | According to the official recipe, mixing it “38 times” should get the mixture to stretch, but the more you mix, the better it stretches. | 32 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Indij um amā sūr pūojvied ekstraktērij mōīlmas - jennõd lūotõbõd sīen pǟlõ eņtš jegāpǟvaļiz vied pierāst. | India is the world's largest basic water extraction company - many rely on it for their daily water. | India is the largest extractor of groundwater in the world - many still rely on it for their daily water supply. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīesõ jagdõd ilzandõksõs meg organizīertõm kakš alāilzandõkst, mis sizāldõbõd kōd-sīegdõd kīeldõ, nägțõbõks hingliš (hindi ja engliš kōd-siegā). | In this divided task, we organize two subtitles that contain two-digit languages, such as English (Hindi and English double-digit). | In this shared task, we are running two subtasks involving a code-mixed language i.e. Hinglish (code-mixing of Hindi and English). | 63 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kubsõtīesõ Wardleks ta āndatiz 50 000 $ tulūmõst Boostõn Oaklandõs, Kalifornijsõ, jõvāmtīemi, mis tǟmikšõb Oakland skūollapstõn tiggõ. | In collaboration with Wardle, he donated $50,000 to a resulting Boost in Oakland, California, a charity aiming to support Oakland schoolchildren. | In collaboration with Wardle, he donated $50,000 from revenues to Boost in Oakland, California, a charity providing tutoring to Oakland schoolchildren. | 96 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Sīe nädīļ kūod vȯļ Depp izānd pūold, loptāntõs, ku sītlimizt vȯļtõ äbõigizt. | This week, the court ruled on Mr Depp's behalf, ruling that the accusations were unlawful. | This week, the jury sided with Mr Depp, determining the allegations were false. | 69 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Nȭrka või sidāmi pūojtūļ līb pūgõ, agā ūomõgs līb puglimi. | A northern or central northern wind will be gusty, but in the morning it will be gusty. | A slow to moderate north wind will blow, but in the east it will be gusty. | 64 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Masanuki eņtš amā ārmaz vȯļ mež, mis um samā kat, mis kȭlbatõbõd originālizõs tvītõs sōtõd Meji pūold, nägțõs, kui tīedõ īpižt magḑisīemnaigõ. | Masanuki's favourite was the forest, which is a same cat, which uses the Meji page sent in the original tweet, showing how to make a special dessert. | Masanuki’s personal favourite was honey, which is the same topping used in the original tweet sent out by Meiji showing how to make the unusual dessert. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Siejūs sērijst um tund ka amā tǟdzi ovāt engliš kīels, mis tārmõb rovvõdvailiz tuņšlijizt kubgõn pierāst tieutõ iļ līvõ kīel ja līvõd tuņšlimiz tämpizpǟvan. | The Seychelles series has also become one of the most important sources in the English language, which is intended for the international team of researchers to learn more about the Liv language and the Liv study today. | Likewise, this series has become the main source of this content in English, providing the international research community with information about the Livonian language and, more broadly, also about the current state of Livonian research. | 83 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Loptāntõks paņ imlõm ätsmingizt õigiz ažātundijizt, īpiž ku se tuļ pierrõ Depp izānd kōtimizt ītimizõs pūtimizõs UKsõ kakš āigastõ tāgižpēḑõn. | The decision sparked outrage among some legal experts, especially when it came after Mr Depp's loss in voting in the UK two years ago. | The verdict surprised some legal experts, especially as it followed Mr Depp's loss in a similar case in the UK nearly two years ago. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Vanaga kītiz, ku se jatkõks, kuņtš LIZDA sǟdõmt lībõd kūldõd. | Vanaga said it would continue until the LIZDA Regulation was heard. | Vanaga said it would continue as long as LIZDA's demands are heard. | 0 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Īž nummõrz - immõr 40 % - astõbõd jedsõ kaibimiztõks iļ ležgliz partnēr vägvālda. | The same number - around 40% - stand in front of complaints about the violence of a close partner. | That same number - about 40% - come forward with reports of intimate partner violence. | 71 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Pierrõ sīe ummit jūrõ panmizt mäng ei laigõltõbõks fenomēnõks Twitterõs detsembõr lopāndõksõs 2021. | After implementing this feature, the game became a proliferation phenomenon on Twitter at the end of December 2021. | After adding this feature, the game became a viral phenomenon on Twitter in late December 2021. | 95 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | 16. oktōbõr 2022: kāmera-vaļmõks ilzõ nägțimi. | 16 October 2022: camera-ready appearance. | Oct 16, 2022: Camera-ready submission. | 96 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Spēļijidõn um kūž kōļimizt, laz arrõgõd vīdtēḑliz sõnā, vastõkillõ āndab jegā arrimiz pierāst leb vermtõd kastūd, mis nägțõbõd, ku tǟdõd paššõbõd agā ātõ õigizõs kūožõs. | Players have six attempts to arrange a five-star word, a counter-kill to be given for each assessment through colored boxes that indicate that characters fit or are in the right place. | Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. | 34 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Termin īrgõb/lopūb nēļļõndpǟvan AoE tieudzõld, laz vȯidõg järā perīz minūt tunšlijizt pīkstimizt strōdõ pivāpǟvan | Terminal Begins/Ends on Thursday in AoE Scientific to keep off last-minute tuning pressure to work on Sunday | Deadline starts/ends on Thursday AoE on purpose, to avoid pushing last-minute researchers to work into the weekend. | 76 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Meg tiennõm väggi, ku teg võitõ võttõ jaggõ ja sōtõ sīe tīet jedspēḑõn eņtš īņõtīeliztõn. | Meg thank you very much for being able to take part and send this information to your co-workers. | We will be absolutely grateful if you can participate and pass this information to your colleagues. | 31 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Kīt näntõn, 'minā, Johnny Depp, mīez, ka kuodvägvālda oppõr.'" | "Tell them,'my, Johnny Depp, man, also a puppet of domestic violence.'" | "Tell them, 'I, Johnny Depp, a man, a victim, too, of domestic violence.'" | 71 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Mäng sai pǟgiņ popularitētõ detsembõrs 2021 pierrõ ku Wardle paņ jūrõ võimiz spēļijidõn kopīertõ eņtš jegāpǟvaļizt rezultātõd ku emoji rūtõd, midā jagīzt lāigald Twitterõs. | The game gained a lot of popularity in December 2021 after Wardle added the opportunity for players to copy their daily results as emoji rues, which were widely shared on Twitter. | The game gained a large amount of popularity in December 2021 after Wardle added the ability for players to copy their daily results as emoji squares, which were widely shared on Twitter. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Sǟl vȯļ kakškērdaļi standard kōdlõmõt," Bedera jemānd kītiz. | "There was a double standard without doubt," Ms. Bedera said. | "There was a double standard without a doubt," Ms Bedera said. | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Āigavõttõks um: | The timetable is: | The timeline is: | 33 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jo laigāld sōb vaņtõltõd līvõ kīel neku vaimliz pierāndõks kāndajiz kȭlbatimi ja se, kui nǟdõb līvõ kēļ um kīel immõrgouțs. | More broadly, the use of the Liv language as a spiritual heritage carrier is examined and how the Liv language is seen in the language environment. | These articles deal more broadly with Livonian language use as a transmitter of intangible cultural heritage and its visibility in the linguistic landscape. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Līvõ kīel ja kultūr tuņšlijizt ūd sugkazām suggimiz jūs um vȯnd tǟdzi kūož rovvõdvailizt sõv iļīzskūolõdõn, mis Rāndas ātõ vȯnd jõvā kuolm kõrdõ – 2013., 2017. ja 2021. āigasts. | The emergence of a new generation of Liv language and culture researchers has played an important role in the international summer universities, which have already been held three times in France - in 2013, 2017 and 2021. | The emergence of a new generation of researchers of Livonian language and culture is an important result of the International Livonian Summer University, which has been held on the Livonian Coast in Courland three times already – in 2013, 2017, and 2021. | 49 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Jegā kõrd tekstūr ei jo parām ja parām ja jegā sūtäuž vȯļ ku magḑi kabāl magḑitõ täm kīel pǟl. | Each time the texture went better and better and every snack was like a sweet piece of sweetness on its tongue. | Each time, the texture got better and better, and every mouthful felt like a delicious gloop of sweetness on his tongue. | 30 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Mäd tīm, nänt siegās ētikõd ja tehnolōgõd, um vaņțlõn leb Blake murūd iļ mäd Al sǟdõmt ja um andõn tieudõ tämmõn, ku tuodstõks äb tig täm kītimiži. Tämmõn kītizt, ku iz ūo tuodtõkst, ku LaMDA vȯlks tieudzli (ja vȯļ pǟgiņ tuodtõkst sīen vastõ)," kītiz Gabriel The Postõn kēras. | "Our team, including ethics and technology lawyers, has looked through Blake's concerns about our Al settlement and informed him that the truth does not support his claims. He was told there was no evidence that LaMDA was scientific (and there was a lot of evidence in the letter against it)," Gabriel told The Post. | “Our team, including ethicists and technologists, has reviewed Blake’s concerns per our AI principles and have informed him that the evidence does not support his claims. He was told that there was no evidence that LaMDA was sentient (and lots of evidence against it),” Gabriel told the Post in a statement. | 84 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Pimdiži testkubīdi ižkizist ilzandõkšist äb kȭlbatõd rištīng īndatõks pierāst ja ziņād ilzandõks tulkõm sistēmõd īndatimiz pierāst. | The blind test gaps from the original assignments are not used for human assessment and for the assessment of the system for interpretation of reports. | Blind testsets from different tasks won’t be used for human evaluation and ranking of systems at News task translation. | 37 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Varāli kazāntimi | Early Development | Early development | 98 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Um jennõ päzzijidi, kīendõn līb nēmizt eņtš luggõ sīesõ kūodažās. Näntõn ka līb ōvõmizt sīestõ pūtimizõst," kītiz Bedera jemānd. | "There are a lot of escapees who will have to see their number in this trial. They will also have to be haunted by that touching," Ms. Bedera said. | "There are a lot of survivors who will see their story in this trial. They will be harmed by this case, too," Ms Bedera said. | 68 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Pa jennõ um kōtõd ja ni meg kārtam, ku se tulāb tegīž." | "A lot has been lost and now I'm afraid it will come again." | "Too much has been lost and now we worry it will come again." | 48.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Až võiks vȱlda pǟgiņ kizzimiži ja nõvtimi detailõdõks, teg võitõ kȭlbatõ siedā dokumentõ, laz āndag vastõkillõ ja luggõg mäd vastūkši: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aq0goPMF_LnlhPYwO46qJGJFcq51ig?e=j6ofH4 | If there could be a lot of questions and consultations with detail, again you can use this document to submit a response and read our answers: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aq0goPMF_LnlhPYwO46qJGJFcq51ig?e=j6ofH4 | As there could be a lot of questions and detailed discussion, you may use this document for giving feedback and reading our replies: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aq0goPMF_LnlhPYwO46qJGJFcq51ig?e=j6ofH4 | 60 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Kīt mōīlman, Johnny," ta kītiz tuoizõs, mis vȯļ võttõd ilzõ 2016. āigastõs. | "Tell the world, Johnny," he said in another video taken up in 2016. | "Tell the world, Johnny," she says in another, recorded in 2016. | 83.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Pierrõ jeggõ arrimizt jegā tēḑ um merktõd ku mõltsi, vīri agā ōgi: mõltsi nägțõb, ku tēḑ um õigi ja õigizõs kūožõs, vīri tǟntõb, ku se um vastūksõs, bet äb ūo õigizõs kūožõs ja ōgi nägțõb, ku siedā äb ūo amāleb vastūksõs. | After every assessment, each star is labeled as green, yellow or yellow: green shows that the star is right and in the right place, yellow means that it is in the opposite direction but is not in the right place and yellow shows that it is not in the opposite direction. | After every guess, each letter is marked as either green, yellow or gray: green indicates that letter is correct and in the correct position, yellow means it is in the answer but not in the right position, while gray indicates it is not in the answer at all. | 91 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kuolmõnd pärsōn ja nägțijizt azūmsõnād morfolōgij sūlizõs līvõ kīels. | Third persons and indicative substitution words morphology in oral Liv language. | The forms of third person and demonstrative pronouns in spoken Livonian. | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Pǟgiņ rovžti kītizt aššõ, ku 'se vȯļ set nōļa.'" | "A lot of people said quickly that 'this was just a joke.'" | "A lot of people were quick to say 'it was just a joke.'" | 50 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Täm tīm um kītõn, ku ta kaibõb jeddõpēḑõn. | His team has said he will appeal further. | Her team has said she will appeal. | 84 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Až jedlõmizt tuņšlimizt lǟndzāigast nägțiztõ, ku lōgõm kuoig tīrbord kilg pǟl vȯļ nēļa mētõrt kuordi ja 22 mētõrt pitkā, ni meg ūomõ lieudõnd, ku se ulātõb kūž mētõrt kuorditõ ja jūokšõb jeddõpēḑõn 40 mētõrt või jo pitkīmstiz," Arikas kītiz ERRõn. | "If previous investigations last year showed that the lava on the sidelines of the ship was four metres tall and 22 metres long, now we have found that it reaches up to six metres in height and runs further 40 metres or longer," Arikas told ERR. | "If preliminary studies last year suggested the tear on the starboard side was four meters high and 22 meters long, we have now learned it measures at least six meters in height and runs along for 40 meters, longer even," Arikas told ERR. | 77.5 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kūod kūldiz setmidi tapārnikidi, nänt siegās ka täm jedmõli brūț nägțliji Ellen Barkin, ne kītõbõd iļ täm ardõb narkotik ja alkohol kȭlbatimiz ja vägvāldalizt tendentsõd. | The court heard several witnesses, including her former bride actress Ellen Barkin, they deny her ardent use of drugs and alcohol and violent tendencies. | The court heard numerous witnesses, including his former girlfriend actor Ellen Barkin, describe his alleged drug and alcohol abuse and violent tendencies. | 99 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Wardle irgõms luoi mäng īžeņtš ja eņtš partnēr spēļimiz pierāst, lopāndõksõks ta tei sīe ovārizõks oktōbõrs 2021. | Wardle initially created the game for himself and his partner to play, eventually he made it open in October 2021. | Wardle initially created the game for himself and his partner to play, eventually making it public in October 2021. | 32 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Kim irgõ, mis lovīztõ Depp-Heard kūodažā | Ten Stones That Slept Depp-Heard Court | Ten moments that defined the Depp-Heard trial | 69 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tienū täddõn ja meg vȯdlõm täd sistēm ilzõ nägțimiži, | Thank you, and I look forward to the performance of your system, | Thank you and we are looking forward to your system submissions, | 67 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | "Pōlaks ūoļtõgid iļ sīe jõvīst min pūtimiz āigal." | "Please take care of it well during my touching." | “Please take care of it well in my absence.” | 72 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Tuņšlijid teitõ ka mier tuņšlõkši, seļļiži neiku hidroakustili tuņšlõkš iļ mierpūoj ja lībõd tīedõ ferromagnetliži tuņšlõkši, laz merkõg kūožõ, svarrõ ja metālažād vīțõ – kuoignannõ sǟld, kus se tuļ vāldiž pierrõ upāndimizt. | The researchers also carried out marine studies, such as a hydro-acoustic study of the ocean base and will conduct ferromagnetic studies to mark the location, weight and manner of the metal matter - the shippan from where it opened after the sunkeness. | The investigators also carried out marine surveys, such as a hydroacoustic study of the seafloor, and will be moving on to ferromagnetic studies next to map the location, mass and shape of metal objects – the bow from where it detached up to its sinking. | 72 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
liv-en | Arikas kītiz, ku fotogramētrij tǟmikšõb väggõ jõvvõ 3D bildõ detailõdõks iļ brak. | Arikas said that photography captures a very good 3D image with details of the vrak. | Arikas said that photogrammetry provides a very detailed 3D image of the wreck. | 96 | TartuNLP | 1 | other | 2,022 |
Subsets and Splits