class label
2 classes
Sentence 1: There is a gap io thé'wall,:Vou' can see the garden through it, : Sentenca.2; You can'see the garden ihrooght the wall,
[entence 1 Mark was close to Mr inger's hools. Ho heard him calling for Iho captain, promising him, in tho jargon everyone falked that night, hat nof one thing should be damaged nn fhe ship except only the fammunifion, buf the capfain and all is crow had bost stay in tho cabin luntil fhe work was over. Pontence 2: Ho heard Mr. Singer calling for the captain.
Sentence % Every doy ofter dinner Mr. Schmidt took o long nop. Mark would let him sleep for on hour, then wake him up, scold him. and get himto work He needed to get him to finish his work becouse his work wos beoutiful Sentence 2: Mark's work wos beoutiful
Sentenée 1: We had to! place eopies of our newsletter on al}. the. chairs in the auditorium, put there were simply too sein at them. Sentence 2: There /were tiple too sani chairs.
Sentence 1: Every day after dinner Mr. Schmidt took a long nap. Mark would let him sleep for an hour, then wake him up, scold him, and get him to work. He needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful. Sentence 2: Mark needed to get him to finish his work, because his work was beautiful.
Sentence 1: Carol believed that Rebecca regretted that she had stolen the watch, Sentence 2: Carol believed that Rebecca regretted that Carol had stolen the watch, oe
tence 1: John couldn't see the stage with lly in front of him because he is so tall. tence 2: John is so toll.
Sentence ¥ I couldit put the pot on thes#felf becouse tt was too tall Sentence a The shelf was too tall
Sentence 1: Tom threw. his. schoolbag down to Ray after he‘reached the bottom of the stairs. Sentence 2: Ray reached. the bottom of the stairs.
Santance b The table won't ft through the doorway bectune Bie too narrow. Sentence 2: The tatie le too narrom
Sentence 1:1't00k the mater bottle out of the backpack so. that it would be lighter. Seittence 2:1 took the water bottle out ofthe backpackso.thatithe widter bottle would be' lighter.
Senténce. 1: ré-large. ball érachea! tight through the tabte-becauss it:waé made of stéet Sehteniee 2° fHe largé-ball was maile of steel
Sentence 1: I used an old rag t6 clean the knife, and then I put itin the trash. Sentence 2: I put théMfnife in the wrath
ntence ‘t1'T:-couldnt. find a spoon, so 1 tried ing @.pen to’ stir my coffee. But, that turned ut "to ‘be a bad idea’ because It yot. full of Hak: = Pentence-2: ‘The’ pen got full of ink
“Sentencé 1: Bill passed the hialf-empty: plate.to-Johin because he was hungry: Sentence 2: Bill was hungty.
‘Sentence 4: Adam -catit leave work here until. Bab arrives to réplace -him.- IF Bob ‘had teFt home For work. on time; he would be’ here by ‘this’ tithe: Sentence 2:.Adam,would be here by this time,
Sentence 1: Jané knocked! an Susan's door but she‘did not answer. Sentence 2: Jane:did not answer:
Sentence 1: Modonno fired her troiner becouse she couldn't stand her boyfriend. ‘Sentence 2: She couldn't stond the woiner's boyfriend.
Sentence. 1: In the middle -of the outdoor concert, the rain - started falling, and it continued until 10. Sentence 2: The concert continued until 10.
Sentence 1: During a game of tag, Ethan chased Luke because he was "it". Sentence 2: Luke was "it’,
Sentence ‘1: Sam. Goodman's biography of the Spartan. general Xenophanes conveys a‘ vivid “sense of. the difficulties “he faced’ in his research. Sentence 2: Sam.: Goodman's biography. of the Spartan general Xenophanes conveys a Vivid sense of. the. difficulties . Xenophanes faced in his research.
Sentence t Jane’ knocked on the door dnd Susan answered i. She invited her to come in, Sentence 2 Susan invited her to come in
Sentence +t Bill. passed the gameboy:to John bécause his turn was over. . Sentence 2:.Johin's turn was over.
Sentence 2 Cooper had been dead for five years.
Senitence’ 4: Frank was upset with. Tom because the toaster. he -had- sold: him didn't work. Sentence 2: The toaster Frank:had sold him. didn't work.
Sentence 1: Jim yelled at Kevin because he was so upset. [Sentence 2: Kevin was so upsetgg ”
Sentence t: This morning, Joey built a sand castle on the beach, and put a toy flag in the highest tower, but this afternoon the tide knocked it dawn. Sentence 2: This afternoon the tide knocked The sand castle down.
Sentence I: John was doing research in the library when he heard a man humming and) whistling. Ho was very annoying. Sentence 2 The man was very annoying.
Sentence 1: Pam's parents came liome and found her. having .sex- with her boyfriend; Paul. They were embarfassed about it. Sentence 2: Pam.and Pauil were embarrassed ~ about it. a
. Sentence %: Dah"had tO stop | Bili ‘from toying with’ the. injured: bird: He is very Formpassionate, 2.) 2; : ‘Sentence. =: 2 Dan is. very compassionate: fears
Sentence 1: The man lifted the boy onto his shoulders. Sentence 2: The man lifted the boy onto the man’s shoulders.
Sentance |: Riwoys before, Lorry hod helped Dod with his work. But he could not help him now, for Dod soid thot his boss at the roiirood compony would mot wont onyone but him to work in the office. ‘enyone but him to work in the office.
Sentence 1: Steve follows Fred's example in everything. He admires him hugely. Sentence 2: Steve admires him hugely.
‘Sentence 1: The.Dakota.* prairie, lay, so warn and: bright ‘tinder tlie shining: sun that-it did not-séem-possible: that: had: evel” been sivept shy. the winds and: snows of that hard winter. Sentence 2: It, did-not -seein: possible ithat ed seetiy p the siiihad.ever heen’ swept by ‘the winds and snéws of thit-hard winter:
Sentence 1: Since it was raining, I carried the newspaper over my backpack to keep it dry. Sentence 2:1 carried the newspaper over my backpack to keep the newspaper dry.
ogtime Ie ed pi Senfence 2 i as ab fh opt “ahd
Sentence 1 Equally ‘swoon-worthy :is C6. Dexter Haven. a allid young dandy. fiolding ‘a. jade-handied walking “stick. With a poodle asiegp, at his Feet. ‘Sentence 2. Equaily swoon-worthy: is C.K. Dexter. Havin :a alli! young, dandy holding’ a jade-handied: walking stick, with 4 poodie asleep at the poodle's Feet.
Sentence 1: Fred and Alice had very warm down coats, but they were not enough for the cold in Alaska. Sentence 2: Fred-and Alice were not enough for the cold in Alaska.
Sentence. 1::Papa looked, down at the children's: faces,” so puzzled and ‘sad now',..It-was bad enough that they had to-be. denied ‘so many things. because hé couldn't afford them. Sentence 2: It was bad -énough that thé. faces had tobe dénied~so: many things.. because “he. couldn't, «afford. ther, .
Sencence 1: | sax chere feeling rather like a chappie Id ‘once read about in.a book, who murdered. another cove and hid the body underthe diniag-room table, and then tae be. dhe ia, and, su) of 0, lane, parc wih there all the time. Sec Hu se ed of dan party, with the dinner party there all the time
Sentence 1:1 can't cut that tree down with that axe; it is too small, Sentence 2: The axeis too small.
‘Sentence 1: Joe has sold his house and bought a new ‘one a few miles away. He will be moving out of it on Thursday. ‘Sentence 2: He will be moving out of The old house on Thursday.
Sentence 1:,The man ‘lifted: the ‘boy: onto his bunk bed. Sentence :2: The man. lifted the boy onto: the boy's bunk bed.
‘Sentence Ane gave Sith a aiute st mont. She is Bory charming baby: : Serene A cnn ty
nitence 1: Jane knocked on the” Sel ri’.answered- it, She. door, and Susa invited her to'come in. Sentence 2: Jane invited her® to. come.in.
Sentence 1: All ‘the buttons up the back of Dora's. plaid dress’ were buttoned | outside-in.” Maude ‘should have: ‘thought to button her “up; but no, she -had left poor-little Dora to do the best she could, -alone. Sentence 2:. She. had left poor little Dora to do the best Maude could, alone.
‘ Bontance 4: Rob paid for Charles college education, but how ‘Charlie acts as though it: never happened. He is very ungrateful. Sentence 2 Charlie is very vagrate ful.
Selitence i: The delivery truck zoomed'by the schéol. ‘bus beicdisse itwas.going so slow. ‘Senitence 2: The delivery fruick Was’ going s6siow.
\Sentence 1: Tatyana knew that Grandma ways enigy serving an abundance of food to her guégts. Now Tatyana watched as Grandma gathered Tatyana’s small mother into a wide, #rawny embrace and then jpropelled her to the table, lifting her shaw! from her shoulders, seating her in the place f honor, aif! saying simply: “There's plenty." \Sentence 2: Grandma gathered Tatyana's mall mother into a wide, scrawny embrace ind then:propelled Tatyana's mother to the table. sod
Sentence’; Anne: gave birth:to a daughter last month. She is d.verg charming woman. Sentence, 2; Anne-is'‘a-very charming wothar.
Sentence 1: Dan had to stop Bill from toying with the injured bird. He is very cruel. Sentence 2: Dan is very cruel.
Sentence 1: The large ball crashed right through.the table because it was made of styrofgain Sentence 2: The table was made of styrofoam
Sentence IFred was supposed to run the dishwasher, but he put it off, because he wanted to watch TV. But the show turned out to be boring, so he changed his mind and turned it off. Sentence 2He changed his mind and turned the TV off.
Sentence 1: They broadcast an announcement, but 2 subway came into the station and I couldn't hear it ‘Sentence 2: I couldn't hear the announcement.
Sentencé.1: Mary. took out hér fluté arid piayed one“ot her Favorite pleces: She hasshad itsince ste was.e child Sentence 2: She has had the flute since she was a\ehild
Sentence 1:1 took the water bottle out of the backpack so that it would be handy. Sentence 2:1 took the water bottle out of the backpack so that the backpack would be handy.
Sentence 4: Since Chester. was dependent ‘on Uncle Vernon, he couldn't very ‘well marry, without his approval Sentence’ 2:.He couliin't -very ‘well marry without Unéle Vernon's approval
Sentence. 1: ‘the lawyer.asked the witness. ion, buthe was reluctant to répeat it. que: Sentence 2:'‘The witness was” reluctine: to repeat it.
1: Bob collapsed on the sidewalk. Soon 1e saw Carl comting to help. He was very ill: 2: Bob was yery ill:
Sentence 1: Larry, a timid teen-ager, Wes WEN Tie Wilowen Feader wee ook housing project. Larrys father, 3 gong Cader, was shot to death; is father's disciple Antonia: tease Larry under his wing, and quickly molds him into a drug ruven Senterce 2: His father's disciple, Antonio, takes Larry under his wing and quiclty molds Larry's father into a crug rumen
Sentence I: Jane kioéked. on-Susan’s: door} but. there was no answer; Slie ias.out. Sentence 2: Jaiie.was Gul. -
Sentence: 1:-Steve -folldws ‘Fred's, exdinple everything: He influeri¢es-him hugely: Sentence 2: Fred influences him hugely. it
: The pote 8106 ll oF the ’ Set Ysa the ag ade $909 members. the Sentence 2 1 seepecong. PAE try to top ha tae he %
Seritence Jim comforted. Kevin because he [was so upset. Sentence 2: Kevin'was so upset.
Sentence 1: Bob collapsed on the sidewalk. Soon he saw Carl coming to help. He was very concerned Sentence 2: Carl was very concerned.
Sentence'1: The actress used to be named Terpsichore, but’she changed. it to Tina-a few. years ago, ‘because she figured it was. too.hard to pronounce: Sentence 2: Tina was too hard ‘to pronounce.
Sentence The father carried the: sheaping Boy in his-arms. Sentence 2: The: father carried the. sléeping boy ‘in: the boy's arms.
|Sentence“I: Madonna fired’ her irainer because she-couldn't stand. her boyfriend. \Sentence. :.2:° She °- couldn't: ~ stand IMadonnia’s boyfriend: : #
Sentence .1; Mark was clase lo Mc Singers heels. He. nea, fim calng far the caplain, pramsng fim, Ihe jargdn eleucr loka al nig ta ef one hing shoud 86 damaged af ihe sh, ‘|9ce01 nly he ammuntian, bs Ihe caplan and al hs crew had bes! Stay nthe Cabin unite witk was, over Senlenge 2: The copiain and al Man's crew had best stay ins chin uniine work was oven ee
Sentence’ 1: Bob paid for Charlie's ééllege éducatiom. He is very grateful. ‘Sentence 3; Charlic.is'very grateful:
Sentence I: Sam took French classes from Adam. because he was known to speak it fluently. Sentence 2: Adam was known to speak it fluently.
tiany people stort 19 read Paul's books 2nd np Shey are gripped becouse. Poul writes #0 well Sentence 2: People arg: gripped because Paul writes $9 we
ntence -2: it dig not seem. Possible that’ ‘he: prairie. hadever. béen Swept ‘bythe inds ‘and snows of that hard.winter, : ee
Sectence 1: Sam.tried to paint a picture of shepherds with sheep, but they énded up looking more like dogy. Sentence 2 The sheep ended up looking more like dogs.
Sentence 1: In July, Kamtchatka declared war on Yakutsk, Since Yakutsk's army was much better equipped and ten times larger, they were defeated within weeks. Sentence 2: Yakutsk was defeated within weeks.
Sentence ti I poured water from the bottle into the ‘cup -unitil it was full. Sentence 2: The bot was full.
Sentence 1: Madonna a fired her trainer because she’ stept with her boyfriend: si it a ao
Sentence 1: We went to the lake, because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach, so it was a dangerous place to swim. Sentence 2: The lake was a dangerous place to swim.
Sentence 1: When Tatyana reached the cabin, her mother was sleeping. She was careful not to disturb her, undressing and climbing back into her berth. Sentence 2: Tatyana was careful not to disturb her, undressing and climbing back into her berth
‘Sentence 1; Bob paid for Charlie's college education. He is very generous. Sentence 2: Bob is very generous.
Sentence 1: Joe's uncle an, still teat. hint “ec, though he-is, 30 years older at-tennis, Seriterice.2: Joe's uncle is 3()-years solder,
Sentence 1: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookies; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookies. Next time, we should make more of them. Sentence 2: We should make more of the chocolate chip cookies.
Sentence 1: It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and it is very dif-cult to cut them precisely the right size. The tiniest slip of the scissors will make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small. Sentence 2: Even one thread uncut will leave the slip too small.
Sentence 1: Dr. Adams informed Kate that she had cancer and presented several options for future treatment. Sentence 2: Kate had cancer and presented several options for future treatment.
‘Sentence.1: The-trophy ‘doesrit fit into the brown suitcase because it is too large. Sentence-2: The suitcase .is.too large.
Sentence 1: Look! There is a shark swimming right below that duck! It had better get away to safety fast! Sentence 2: The shark had better get away to safety fast!
Sentence’ 1:..The worrian’ ‘held ‘the’ gir! ‘against her wil Sentence 2: The ‘woman ‘held -‘the~.girl against the woman's will.
Sentence 1: By rolling over in her upper berth, Tatyana Conld ooh over the alge of I and oct ber mother plotaly. [athe fi perrelapr sane fre rhe iriee red po ie alt ore a care commer acd Sentence 2: Tat yana doubted if Tatyana slept.
Sentence 1: John couldn't see'the stage with Billy infront of thin because he is so tall. Sentence 2:Billy is 30 tall:
Sentence 4 It. jc net easy to space’ ‘buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and. ‘it js very. difficult “to: > ciut them precisely the- right » size. The tiniest. slip: of the scissors. will make the. hole too large,.-and even one. thread iunciit. will leave it’ too. smal). Sentence 2; Evin one. thread uncut will leave the right size too ‘small.
entence 1: Pete envies Martin because he is very successful. entence 2: Martin is very successful.
entence ithe table and it broke. entence 2: The heavy book broke.
Reateace € Lj sooke to Doma, breakiig ker silence: Besteace & idly spoic c-Doana, beeaiidig Lily's slicnce