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Sentence i Fred and Alice had very warm down coats, but they were not enough forthe coldin Alaska, Sentence2:Fred and Alice were nat enough for the cold in Alaska,
Sentence 1: Papa looked down at the children's facgs, so puzzled and sad now. It was bad enough that they had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them. Sentence 2: It was bad enough that the faces had to be denied so many things because he couldn't afford them.
Sentence’ 1:-1: saf: there. feeling .rather: like'a' choppie Id’ once read about in 6 book, who murderéd. another ‘cove -and hid ‘the -body-under’ the “dining:toom ‘table, and then had-to be Hie-life’ and soul ‘of a‘dinner party, with ‘it, there: all. the time. : Sentence. 2:'He had: to ‘be: the :life and soul- ofa. dinnef: parly,-with: the. dinner patty. there-all the: time.
Sentence 1: I can't cut that tree down with that axe; it is too small. Sentence 2: The axe is too small.
Sentence 1: Joe has sold, his house, and. bought, a new one a. few miles away. He will be moving out of it on Thursday. Sentence 2: He will, be moving out, of The. old jouse on Thursday.
Sentence: 1. the..non, tifted™ the boy oats his. bunk bed. * . Sentence’ 2: The ion I¥fted, the.-boy onto the; boy's “bunk bed:
Sentence 1: Anne gave birth to a daughter last month. She is a very’ charming baby. Sentence 2: Anne's daughter is a very charming baby.
‘Sentence: 4: sane ‘knockéd-én' the door; .and="SUsan- answered « ‘She invited herto-come i
tence 1: All the buttons up the back of ora'’s plaid dress were buttoned outside-in. laude should have thought to button her up; wut no, She had left poor little Dora to dhe est she could, alone, tence 2: She had left poor little Dora to do the best Maude could, alone.
‘Sentence 4: Joe's uncie can stil beat him et tennis. even though he is 50 years younger. ‘Sentence 2: Jue is BV years younger.
Sentence & Bob paki for Charlie's college education, but now Chartie acts as though it never happened. He is very ungrateful. ¥ Sentence 2: Charlie is very ungrateful
Sentence 1: The ‘delivery’ truck’ zoomed: by .the| ‘School bus because'it was slow. Sentence 2: The delivery truck was going so slow.
hen propebed Tagan mote? ue ait
Sentence 1: Anne gave birth to a daughter] last month. She is a very charming woman Sentence 2 Anne is a very charming woman.
Sentence 1: John hired Bill to take care of him. ‘Sentence 2: John hired Bill to take care of John.
Sentence I: The large ball crashed right through the table because it was made of styrofoam, Sentence 2: The table was made of styrofoam,
‘Sentence 1: Fred wos supposed to run the dishwasher, but he ‘put it off. becouse he wonted to wotch TV. But the show tumed out to be boring. so he changed his mind and tumed it off, ‘Sentence 2 He changed his mind ond turned the TV off.
Sentence 4: They broadcast an announcement, but a subway came into the station and | couldn't hear it. Sentence 2:1 couldn't hear the announcement.
Sentence Az Mary :took ‘out her flute’ and played: ‘one’ of her favorite pieces. She has. had: it since she, was a child. é . Sentence 2: She. has had, the fate since shé vas “a child.
Sentence } | took the water bottie out of the backpeck so] thot it would be handy. Sentence 2 1 took the water bette out that the backpack would be handy. backpack so
Sentences: Since> Chester \Was)depéndention UnclenVérnony ihe -touildn't, veryriwell Vary. without his approval Sentence,2: Ha. couldn'hveryiwell marty-without Uncle Vernon's ‘approval
Sentence 1: The lawyer asked the witness a question, but he was reluctant to repeat it. Sentence 2: The witness was reluctant to repeat it.
lice arrested. all of the gang, members. Gg ead in dhe neighborhood. 1g 19 Tun the: drug, Sentence 1: The P They were trying t2 run the Sentence 2: The gang, members were cr trade in the neighborhood.
Sentence 1: Bob collapsed on the sidewalk. Soon he saw Carl coming to help. Me was very ill. Sentence % Bob was Very Ti
scnténte ‘tary, o wii teers ser: es inith: His widdiwed. mother: in-.c- Bradtuyn, Howsing::pro|act, Corry’ “tother, 0:.g0rI9 Jeader ,.wos''shokto -dedtty] is. father's. disciple, Aritinto, takes Larry: tinder his wing, 8 quickly:molés Petr inter G-dtug runner 7] entence’ 2 His faite’ disciples Antonio, thes Jeary. sander :his wing; -and. duicldy: molds “komny’ fethelintd'o nig carer {
Sentence 2. Jone knocked on.” Susans ‘door, but: there: was. no. answer: She” Was: out: .:.'.
Sentence x Steve follows Fred's example in everything. He influences himhugely. Sentence x Fred influences him hugely.
Sentence thé police arrested all of the gang members. They: were trying to stop thé drug .trade in“ the neighborhéod. Seritence 2: The police were stop, the drug trade’ in. the neighborhood. : 3
Sentence 1: Jim comforted Kevin because he was so upset Sentence 2: Kevin was so upset
Sentence 1: Bob collapsed on..the sidewalk, Soon he saw Carl coming. to help. He was very concerned. Sentence : Carl was very concerned.
4 The octevs used 10 be name Terpsichora bit. shackle oie fa oor os acai ry 190s fon herd to pronounce: Gente 2: Twos oe otic
2. Sentence 1; The father Carried the. sleeping | _boy'in his.arms, Sentence. 2: the tater carried the sleeping boy in the boy's arm:
Sentence f Madonna fired her trainer because she couldn't stand her boyfriend. Sentence 2: She couldn't stand Madonna's boyfriend.
Sentence’ % Mark was close to Mr. Singer’s... heels... He heard’: ‘him: calling .for the: captain, pro ing him, in -the jargon everyone: talke: that. ‘night, that -not. one’. thing should: be damaged .'on =the: ship except. only . the. “ammunition, but the -captain. and’ all: his crew. had. best. stayin the: cabin until the work. was ‘over: Sentence’ 2: The captain and. all Mark’s crew. had. best stay ih the cabin. until. the work:\was. ever.
Sentence 1: Bob paid for Chai ducation. He is very grateful. ntence 2: Charlie is very grateful:
Sentence 1: Sam took: French classes frony/Adam ‘because he was known to speak it fluently. Senterice °2: Adam:, was: known ‘to “speak ‘it fluently.
Sentence 1: Many p and can't put them down. They are grip: Paul writes so well Sentence 2 People are gripped because Paul writes so well
Sentence I: The’ Dakota. prairie :lay,.80: warty and ‘bright under: the ‘shining ‘sun-that: it didnot 'seér possible had ever.been: swept by the winds ghdsngs of that hard-winter. Sentence. 2 it. did’ not. seem’ ‘possible . that. the prairie: had ‘ever been sivept ‘by “the- winds and snows’ of that hiird winter. :
Sentence 1: Sam tried to paint a picture of shepherds with theep, but they ended up looking more like dogs. |Sentence 2: The sheep ended up looking more like dogs.
Sentence I: poured water from the bottlé into'thé cup uintil it was full Sontence 2-The bottie was ful
Sentence I Madonna fired her trainer Iecinge she. alepl with her boyfriend. Sentence 2 She kept with Madonna's bo friend
Sentence 1: We went to the lake, because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach, so it was a dangerous place to swim. Sentence 2: The lake was a dangerous place to swim.
Sentence 1: When Tatyana reached the cabin, her mother was. sleeping. She was careful not to ‘disturb. her, undressing and climbing back into her berth. Sentence 2: Tatyana was careful not to. disturb her, undressing . and climbing back into her berth.
. Sentence i Boh paid for Charlie’ college education, He is very Senerus, Sentence 2: Bob 55 very generous.
Sentence 1: Joc’s uncle can still beat him at tennis, even though he is 30 years older. Sentence 2: Joc’s uncle is 30 years older.
‘Sentence 1: Everyone really loved the oatmeal cookies; only a few people liked the chocolate chip cookies. Next time, we should make more of them. Sentence 2: We should make more of the chocolate chip cookies.
Sentence I: It ss not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and it 1s very difficult to cut them precisely the right size. The timest shp of the scissors will make the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave i too small. Sentence 2: Even one thread uncut will leave the ship too small.
Sentence 1: Dr. Adams informed Kate that she| had cancer and presented several options for| future treatment. Sentence 2: Kate had cancer and presented several ns for future treatment.
Senténce 1: The trophy doesn't-fit into thé brown suitcase because it is too large. Sentence 2: The suitcase is too large.
‘Sentence I Look, There is:a. shark swimming’ right below - ‘iat ducktithad better get away tosafety fast! Sentence2: The shark had betterget away-tosafety fast!
Sentence 1: Thé womar’ held the'girlagainst her wil, Sentence 2: The, wor an‘held the girl against 'the:woman's cml :
Sentence 1: By rolling over in her upper berth, Tatyana could look over the edge of it and see her mother plainly. How very small and straight and rigid she lay in the bunk below! Her eyes were closed, but Tatyana doubted if she slept. Sentence 2: Tatyana doubted if Tatyana slept.
‘Sentence 1: John couldn't see the stage with Billy in front of him because heissotall. ‘Sentence 2:Billy issotall.
Sentence 1: It is not easy to space buttonholes exactly the same distance apart, and it is very ult to cut them the size. the net dip of of ian At the hole too large, and even one thread uncut will leave it too small. Sentence 2: Even one thread uncut will leave the right size too small.
Sentence 1: Pete envies Martin because he is very successful. Sentence 2: Martin is very successful.
sentence | pt the heavy book ante table and Broke: sentence 2: The heawy book broke.
Sentence. 1: Irr'July, Kamtchatkadeclared war ‘on Yakutsk.” Since:-Yakutsk’s army” wag -muich “hatter: equipped.and" ten times, larger, they ‘weré defeated within weeks. ‘ ° Sehitence 2: Kanichatka was defeated iwithin weeks:
Sentence 1: Lily spoke to Donna, breaking her silence. Sentence 2: Lily spoke to Donna, breaking Lily's silence.
Sentence 1: The cat was lying by the mouse hole waiting for the mouse, but it was too impatient. Sentence 2: The cat was too impatient.
‘Sehtenceit Jim comforted Kevin because he wassolupset [Sentence 2: inf was So upset.
Sentence 1: John was jogging through the park when he saw a man juggling watermelons. He was very impressive. Sentence 2: John was very impressive. %
Sentence 1: Emma's mother had died long ago, and her place had been taken by an excellent woman as governess. Sentence 2: Emma's place had been taken by an excellent woman as governess.
Sentence 1: The actress used to be named Terpsichore, but she changed it to Tina a few years ago, because she figured it was too hard to pronounce. Sentence 2: Terpsichore was too hard to pronounce.
Sentence 1: Th Sentence 2: Th m wos
Sentence 1: We went to the lake, because a shark had been seen at the ocean beach, so twasasafer place tosw_ m. Sentence 2: The ocean beach was a safer place tosw m.
Sentence I: The womain held the girl against her chest. Sentence 2:-The woman held the girl against the woman's chest.
E Since Chester was dependent on Uncle Vernon, 1e couldn't very well marry without his approval 2: Unde Vernon couldn't very well marry without is approval
Sentence 1: Mary, chee ter 5 Bauge fine sinio aa $0 tha}. shié-could sleep...» . ‘Senfence.2 vary tucked ner adignret anne vi eli £0, hot Mavy's gouges SOUR Seep
Sentence: Sam.and Amy ‘are passionately ‘in love, but.Amy’s. parents are unhappy .about-it, because they are snabs, Sentence'2: Amy's parents are snobs:
Seiitenes t Alice tried traticalj tc stop her daughter fYom chatting at the party, asvng us to wonder svt She was Behaving so strangely, ‘Senterige 2 Alice wa'sbefiaving so strangely.
Sentence 4:1 stuck a pin through a carrat. When | pulled the pin out, it left a hole. Sentence 2: The carrot left a hole.
Senterice * The lawyer asked the witness a. augsion: but fhe was reluctant to-ansivet it.” Sentence 2:7hé Jawyér-was reluetairto answerit
‘Sentence t Grant worked hard to harvest his beans so he and his family would have enough to eat that winter, His friend Henry let him stack them in his barn where they would dry. Later, he and Tatyana would shell them and cook them for their Sunday dinners. ‘Sentence 2: His friend Henry let him stack the beans in his barn where they would dry.
Sentence 1, So Mart slept. It was daylight when he ‘wote.wth Warren's hand upon his shoulder: Sertence 2 & was doytght when he wote wrth Worten’s hand upon Warren's shoulder,
Sentence 1: Alice was dusting the living room and trying to find the button that button, so she put the album on a chair jithout even opening it. 2: She put the album on a hair without even opening the chair.
Sentence 1: Emma's mother had died long ago, and her education had been managed by an excell woman as governess. Sentence mma's education had been managed by an_ excellent woman as governess.
Sentence 1: The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens. They have gotten very nervous. ‘Sentence 2: The chickens have gotten very nervous.
Sentence 1: Sid explained his theory to Mark but he couldn't understand him. Sentence 2: Mark couldn't understand him.
Sentence 1: Sam took French‘classes Froni Adam, because he was eager to speakit fluently. Sentence 2 Sam was éager to speak it fluently.
Sesitence 1:| sallied out for a bit of food, more to pass the time than because! wanted it Sn 2 dot abl ps tebe than because! wanted time:
|Sentence-1: The Wainwright treated Mr. Crowiley like a lprince- until he -made his will in their favor; then’ they treated him like dirt. Folks said he’ died just to be rid of theireverlasting nagging. |Sentence.2: Folks said he died just to be ride of the folks’ leverlasting nagging.
Sentence 1: Although they ran at about the same speed, Sue beat Sally because she had such a bad start Sentence 2: Sally had such a bad start.
Sentence i: Jarie knocked.6n Susan's decor ‘but she did nat get an answer. Sentence 2: Jane did not gel an answer.
SentenceBy rolling over in her upper berth, Tatyana could look over the edge of it and see her mother plainly. How very ‘small and straight and rigid she lay in the bunk below! Her eyes were closed, but Tatyona doubted if she slept. ‘Sentenct@tyana doubted if her mother slept.
Sentence 1: As Ollie carried Tommy up the long winding steps, his legs dangled. Sentence 2: Tommy's legs dangled.
sentence & Emma's mother had died long og and her education had been managed by an excellent woman as governess. sentence 2: Emma's mother's education had been managed by anexcellent woman as governess:
Sentence 1: There is‘a'pillar between me and, the stage, and Team se ar ound it. Sentence 2s Fan’ ESee jivouna the stagé.
Sentence 1: The fish ate the worm. It was hungry. Sentence 2: The worm was hungry.
Sentence # Sentence 2
Sentence 1: Sam's drawing was hung just above Tina's and it did look much better with another one above it. Sentence 2: Tina's drawing did look much better with another one above it. ¥ .
Sentence 1: | stuck a pin through a carrot. When I pulled the pin out, it had a hole. Sentence 2: The pin had a hole.
Sentence 1: Fred is the only man alive who still remembers my father as an infant. When Fred first saw my father, he was twelve years old. Sentence 2: When Fred first saw my father, Fred was twelve years old.
Sentence 1: Bob paid for Charlie's college education, but now Charlie acts as though it never happened. He is very ungrateful. Sentence 2: Bob is very ungrateful.
Sentence 1: This book introduced Shakespeare to Ovid: it was a major influence on his writing Sentence 2: It was a major influence on Shakespeare's writing.
Sentence 1: Sam's drawing was hung just Jabave-Tina's.and it did ‘look much better with another ‘one below it, Sentence 2: Sam's drawing did ook much better. with another one below it.
I Since Chester was dependent on Uncle Vernon, ‘couldn't very well marry without his approval 2 Chester couldn't very well marry without his roval ey
Sentence 1: Sara borrowed the book from the library because she needs it for an article she is working on. She writes it when she gets home from work. Sentence 2: She writes the article when she gets home from work.

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