def METHOD_NAME(self, X): # MSIWarp discards peaks outside the node_mzs range, so add a safety margin at either end # in case some other spectra in the dataset have a wider m/z range than the sample spectra. # Also, round to the nearest 10 or 1 Da for consistency and interpretability, and only pick # unique values in case n_segments is too high or the mass range is too small min_mz = np.floor(X.mz.min() / 10 - 1) * 10 max_mz = np.ceil(X.mz.max() / 10 + 1) * 10 node_mzs = np.unique(np.round(np.linspace(min_mz, max_mz, self.n_segments + 1))) node_slacks = peak_width(node_mzs, self.analyzer, self.recal_sigma_1) / 2 return mx.initialize_nodes(node_mzs, node_slacks, self.n_steps)
[ 93, 5611, 480 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> None: cr = bahc.CodeRunner("This is a syntax error", "path", []) assert cr.failed is True assert cr.error is not None assert cr.error_detail is not None assert "Invalid syntax in" in cr.error
[ 9, 1207, 168, 176 ]
def METHOD_NAME(apps, schema_editor): Consent = apps.get_model("consents", "Consent") TermOption = apps.get_model("consents", "TermOption") term_slug = "may-publish-name" try: options = TermOption.objects.filter(term__slug=term_slug, archived_at=None) may_publish_name_github = [ option for option in options if "only use my GitHub Handle" in option.content ][0] may_publish_name_profile = [ option for option in options if "use the name associated with my profile" in option.content ][0] may_publish_name_orcid = [ option for option in options if "use the name associated with my ORCID profile" in option.content ][0] may_publish_name_disagree = [ option for option in options if option.option_type == DECLINE ][0] except IndexError: return for old_consent in Consent.objects.filter( term__slug=term_slug, archived_at=None ).select_related("person"): old_option = old_consent.person.lesson_publication_consent option: Optional[TermOption] = None if old_option == "yes-profile": option = may_publish_name_profile if old_option == "yes-orcid": option = may_publish_name_orcid if old_option == "yes-github": option = may_publish_name_github if old_option == "no": option = may_publish_name_disagree if option: reconsent(Consent, old_consent, option)
[ 215, 6894, 2411, 156 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, source_langs: bool) -> list[Language]: """ Reverse-language is supported as the only target language. :param source_langs: See documentation on TranslationService. :return: See documentation on TranslationService. """ if source_langs: return Language.query_all() else: reverse_lang = Language.query_by_code(REVERSE_LANG["lang_code"]) if reverse_lang is not None: return [reverse_lang] raise Exception( f"Test-language is not found in database with the code '{REVERSE_LANG['lang_code']}'." )
[ 19, 2539 ]
def METHOD_NAME(app, doctree): # first generate figure numbers for each figure env = app.builder.env docname_figs = getattr(env, 'docname_figs', {}) docnames_by_figname = getattr(env, 'docnames_by_figname', {}) for figure_info in doctree.traverse(lambda n: isinstance(n, nodes.figure) or \ isinstance(n, subfig.subfigend) or \ isinstance(n, figtable.figtable)): for id in figure_info['ids']: fig_docname = docnames_by_figname[id] = env.docname if fig_docname not in docname_figs: docname_figs[fig_docname] = OrderedDict() if isinstance(figure_info.parent, subfig.subfig): mainid = figure_info.parent['mainfigid'] else: mainid = id if mainid not in docname_figs[fig_docname]: docname_figs[fig_docname][mainid] = OrderedSet() if isinstance(figure_info.parent, subfig.subfig): docname_figs[fig_docname][mainid].add(id) env.docnames_by_figname = docnames_by_figname env.docname_figs = docname_figs
[ 16259, 203 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): if settings.URL_PREFIX: return settings.URL_PREFIX return "/"
[ 1055, 274 ]
def METHOD_NAME(src, dest, opts=None): if os.path.exists(dest): logging.debug('Removing existing directory: %s' % dest) shutil.rmtree(dest) logging.info('Syncing directory: %s -> %s.' % (src, dest)) shutil.copytree(src, dest, ignore=get_filter(opts)) ensure_init(dest)
[ 164, 2851 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, alias): """ Returns the phase number of an alias, if it exists. Otherwise, returns the alias. """ return self.aliasPhaseMap.get(alias, alias)
[ 19, 533, 3200 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return (self.start or 0) * 512
[ 447, 623, 321 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, name): """See BaseTask.paths. """ props = self.name_split(name) camera = "{}{}".format(props["band"], props["spec"]) return [ findfile("preproc", night=props["night"], expid=props["expid"], camera=camera, groupname=None, nside=None, band=props["band"], spectrograph=props["spec"]) ]
[ 3336 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._args_schema is not None: return cls._args_schema cls._args_schema = super().METHOD_NAME(*args, **kwargs) # define Arg Group "" _args_schema = cls._args_schema _args_schema.gallery_application_name = AAZStrArg( options=["-n", "--name", "--application-name", "--gallery-application-name"], help="The name of the gallery application.", required=True, id_part="child_name_1", ) _args_schema.gallery_name = AAZStrArg( options=["-r", "--gallery-name"], help="Gallery name.", required=True, id_part="name", ) _args_schema.resource_group = AAZResourceGroupNameArg( help="Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using `az configure --defaults group=<name>`.", required=True, ) return cls._args_schema
[ 56, 134, 135 ]
async def METHOD_NAME(self, task_id, **kwargs): ...
[ 19, 620, 147, 1384, 958 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): config = OmegaConf.structured(encoders.ResNet18AudioEncoder.Config()) encoder = encoders.ResNet18AudioEncoder(config) x = torch.rand((1, 1, 4778, 224)) output = encoder(x) self.assertEqual(output.size(-1), config.out_dim)
[ 9, 11188, 1747, 305 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, resource_group): self.kwargs.update({ "san_name": self.create_random_name('elastic-san', 24) }) self.cmd('az elastic-san create -n {san_name} -g {rg} --tags {{key1810:aaaa}} -l southcentralusstg ' '--base-size-tib 23 --extended-capacity-size-tib 14 ' '--sku {{name:Premium_LRS,tier:Premium}}', checks=[JMESPathCheck('name', self.kwargs.get('san_name', '')), JMESPathCheck('location', "southcentralusstg"), JMESPathCheck('tags', {"key1810": "aaaa"}), JMESPathCheck('baseSizeTiB', 23), JMESPathCheck('extendedCapacitySizeTiB', 14), JMESPathCheck('sku', {"name": "Premium_LRS", "tier": "Premium"}) ]) self.cmd('az elastic-san show -g {rg} -n {san_name}', checks=[JMESPathCheck('name', self.kwargs.get('san_name', '')), JMESPathCheck('location', "southcentralusstg"), JMESPathCheck('tags', {"key1810": "aaaa"}), JMESPathCheck('baseSizeTiB', 23), JMESPathCheck('extendedCapacitySizeTiB', 14), JMESPathCheck('sku', {"name": "Premium_LRS", "tier": "Premium"}) ]) self.cmd('az elastic-san list -g {rg}', checks=[JMESPathCheck('length(@)', 1)]) self.cmd('az elastic-san list-sku') self.cmd('az elastic-san update -n {san_name} -g {rg} --tags {{key1710:bbbb}} ' '--base-size-tib 25 --extended-capacity-size-tib 15', checks=[JMESPathCheck('name', self.kwargs.get('san_name', '')), JMESPathCheck('tags', {"key1710": "bbbb"}), JMESPathCheck('baseSizeTiB', 25), JMESPathCheck('extendedCapacitySizeTiB', 15)]) self.cmd('az elastic-san delete -g {rg} -n {san_name} -y') time.sleep(20) self.cmd('az elastic-san list -g {rg}', checks=[JMESPathCheck('length(@)', 0)])
[ 9, 6092, 14245, 10748 ]
def METHOD_NAME( oci_resource: gci.componentmodel.Resource, clamav_client: clamav.client.ClamAVClient, oci_client: oc.Client, ): access: gci.componentmodel.OciAccess = oci_resource.access try: clamav_findings = _scan_oci_image( clamav_client=clamav_client, oci_client=oci_client, image_reference=access.imageReference, ) return clamav.model.MalwareScanResult( resource=oci_resource, scan_state=clamav.model.MalwareScanState.FINISHED_SUCCESSFULLY, findings=[ f'{path}: {scan_result.virus_signature()}' for scan_result, path in clamav_findings ], ) except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, socket.gaierror) as e: # log warning and include it as finding to document it via the generated report-mails warning = f'error while scanning {oci_resource.access.imageReference} {e=}' logger.warning(warning) traceback.print_exc() return clamav.model.MalwareScanResult( resource=oci_resource, scan_state=clamav.model.MalwareScanState.FINISHED_WITH_ERRORS, findings=[warning], )
[ 1365, 793, 660 ]
def METHOD_NAME(event_manager, element_factory, modeling_language): main_window = None return FileManager(event_manager, element_factory, modeling_language, main_window)
[ 171, 722 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, fl_ctx: FLContext): # get app root app_root = fl_ctx.get_prop(FLContextKey.APP_ROOT) # Load model configuration to initialize training NeMo environment self.config = OmegaConf.load(os.path.join(app_root, self.config_path)) self.config.trainer.devices = self.devices self.config.model.language_model_path = os.path.join(app_root, self.gpt_file_name) # Using defaults from `init_prompt_encoder` in `MegatronBasePromptLearningModel` _encoder_type = PromptEncoderType(self.config.model.p_tuning.get("encoder_type", "mlp").lower()) if _encoder_type == PromptEncoderType.TPMLP: self._init_environment() PromptEncoder.__init__( self, encoder_type=_encoder_type, total_virtual_tokens=self.total_virtual_tokens, token_dim=self.hidden_size, hidden_size=self.config.model.p_tuning.get("encoder_hidden", self.hidden_size // 2), lstm_dropout=self.config.model.p_tuning.get("dropout", 0.0), num_layers=self.config.model.p_tuning.get("num_layers", 2), init_std=self.config.model.p_tuning.get("init_std", 0.023), taskname=self.taskname, ) self.log_info(fl_ctx, f"Initialized prompt encoder type {_encoder_type}")
[ 15 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): parameters = { **self.serialize_header_param( "Accept", "application/json", ), } return parameters
[ 572, 386 ]
def METHOD_NAME( self, field, query_string="", query_dsl="", supported_charts="table", start_time="", end_time="", limit=10, ): """Run the aggregation. Args: field (str): this denotes the event attribute that is used for aggregation. query_string (str): the query field to run on all documents prior to aggregating the results. query_dsl (str): the query DSL field to run on all documents prior to aggregating the results. Either a query string or a query DSL has to be present. supported_charts: Chart type to render. Defaults to table. start_time: Optional ISO formatted date string that limits the time range for the aggregation. end_time: Optional ISO formatted date string that limits the time range for the aggregation. limit (int): How many buckets to return, defaults to 10. Returns: Instance of interface.AggregationResult with aggregation result. Raises: ValueError: if neither query_string or query_dsl is provided. """ if not (query_string or query_dsl): raise ValueError("Both query_string and query_dsl are missing") self.field = field formatted_field_name = self.format_field_by_type(field) aggregation_spec = get_spec( field=formatted_field_name, limit=limit, query=query_string, query_dsl=query_dsl, ) aggregation_spec = self._add_query_to_aggregation_spec( aggregation_spec, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time ) # Encoding information for Vega-Lite. encoding = { "x": { "field": field, "type": "nominal", "sort": {"op": "sum", "field": "count", "order": "descending"}, }, "y": {"field": "count", "type": "quantitative"}, "tooltip": [ {"field": field, "type": "nominal"}, {"field": "count", "type": "quantitative"}, ], } response = self.opensearch_aggregation(aggregation_spec) aggregations = response.get("aggregations", {}) aggregation = aggregations.get("aggregation", {}) buckets = aggregation.get("buckets", []) values = [] for bucket in buckets: d = {field: bucket.get("key", "N/A"), "count": bucket.get("doc_count", 0)} values.append(d) if query_string: extra_query_url = "AND {0:s}".format(query_string) else: extra_query_url = "" return interface.AggregationResult( encoding=encoding, values=values, chart_type=supported_charts, sketch_url=self._sketch_url, field=field, extra_query_url=extra_query_url, )
[ 22 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): self._file_upload_envelope = FetchFileUploadS3Data(self._pubnub).\ channel(self._channel).\ file_name(self._file_name).METHOD_NAME() response_envelope = super(SendFileNative, self).METHOD_NAME() publish_file_response = PublishFileMessage(self._pubnub).\ channel(self._channel).\ meta(self._meta).\ message(self._message).\ file_id(response_envelope.result.file_id).\ file_name(response_envelope.result.name).\ should_store(self._should_store).\ ttl(self._ttl).\ replicate(self._replicate).\ ptto(self._ptto).\ cipher_key(self._cipher_key).METHOD_NAME() response_envelope.result.timestamp = publish_file_response.result.timestamp return response_envelope
[ 164 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): vel_pids[LEFT].setpoint = 0 vel_pids[RIGHT].setpoint = 0
[ 631 ]
def METHOD_NAME(env): static_obj, shared_obj = SCons.Tool.createObjBuilders(env) static_obj.add_action('.d', SCons.Defaults.DAction) shared_obj.add_action('.d', SCons.Defaults.ShDAction) static_obj.add_emitter('.d', SCons.Defaults.StaticObjectEmitter) shared_obj.add_emitter('.d', SCons.Defaults.SharedObjectEmitter) env['DC'] = env.Detect(['dmd', 'ldmd2', 'gdmd']) or 'dmd' env['DCOM'] = '$DC $_DINCFLAGS $_DVERFLAGS $_DDEBUGFLAGS $_DFLAGS -c -of$TARGET $SOURCES' env['_DINCFLAGS'] = '${_concat(DINCPREFIX, DPATH, DINCSUFFIX, __env__, RDirs, TARGET, SOURCE)}' env['_DVERFLAGS'] = '${_concat(DVERPREFIX, DVERSIONS, DVERSUFFIX, __env__)}' env['_DDEBUGFLAGS'] = '${_concat(DDEBUGPREFIX, DDEBUG, DDEBUGSUFFIX, __env__)}' env['_DFLAGS'] = '${_concat(DFLAGPREFIX, DFLAGS, DFLAGSUFFIX, __env__)}' env['SHDC'] = '$DC' env['SHDCOM'] = '$DC $_DINCFLAGS $_DVERFLAGS $_DDEBUGFLAGS $_DFLAGS -c -fPIC -of$TARGET $SOURCES' env['DPATH'] = ['#/'] env['DFLAGS'] = [] env['DVERSIONS'] = [] env['DDEBUG'] = [] if env['DC']: DCommon.addDPATHToEnv(env, env['DC']) env['DINCPREFIX'] = '-I' env['DINCSUFFIX'] = '' env['DVERPREFIX'] = '-version=' env['DVERSUFFIX'] = '' env['DDEBUGPREFIX'] = '-debug=' env['DDEBUGSUFFIX'] = '' env['DFLAGPREFIX'] = '-' env['DFLAGSUFFIX'] = '' env['DFILESUFFIX'] = '.d' env['DLINK'] = '$DC' env['DLINKFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('') env['DLINKCOM'] = '$DLINK -of$TARGET $DLINKFLAGS $__DRPATH $SOURCES $_DLIBDIRFLAGS $_DLIBFLAGS' env['SHDLINK'] = '$DC' env['SHDLINKFLAGS'] = SCons.Util.CLVar('$DLINKFLAGS -shared -defaultlib=libphobos2.so') env[ 'SHDLINKCOM'] = '$DLINK -of$TARGET $SHDLINKFLAGS $__SHDLIBVERSIONFLAGS $__DRPATH $SOURCES $_DLIBDIRFLAGS $_DLIBFLAGS' env['DLIBLINKPREFIX'] = '' if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32' else '-L-l' env['DLIBLINKSUFFIX'] = '.lib' if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32' else '' env['_DLIBFLAGS'] = '${_stripixes(DLIBLINKPREFIX, LIBS, DLIBLINKSUFFIX, LIBPREFIXES, LIBSUFFIXES, __env__)}' env['DLIBDIRPREFIX'] = '-L-L' env['DLIBDIRSUFFIX'] = '' env['_DLIBDIRFLAGS'] = '${_concat(DLIBDIRPREFIX, LIBPATH, DLIBDIRSUFFIX, __env__, RDirs, TARGET, SOURCE)}' env['DLIB'] = 'lib' if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32' else 'ar cr' env['DLIBCOM'] = '$DLIB $_DLIBFLAGS {0}$TARGET $SOURCES $_DLIBFLAGS'.format( '-c ' if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32' else '') # env['_DLIBFLAGS'] = '${_concat(DLIBFLAGPREFIX, DLIBFLAGS, DLIBFLAGSUFFIX, __env__)}' env['DLIBFLAGPREFIX'] = '-' env['DLIBFLAGSUFFIX'] = '' # __RPATH is set to $_RPATH in the platform specification if that # platform supports it. env['DRPATHPREFIX'] = '-L-rpath,' if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin' else '-L-rpath=' env['DRPATHSUFFIX'] = '' env['_DRPATH'] = '${_concat(DRPATHPREFIX, RPATH, DRPATHSUFFIX, __env__)}' # Support for versioned libraries env['_SHDLIBVERSIONFLAGS'] = '$SHDLIBVERSIONFLAGS -L-soname=$_SHLIBSONAME' env['BUILDERS']['ProgramAllAtOnce'] = SCons.Builder.Builder( action='$DC $_DINCFLAGS $_DVERFLAGS $_DDEBUGFLAGS $_DFLAGS -of$TARGET $DLINKFLAGS $__DRPATH $SOURCES $_DLIBDIRFLAGS $_DLIBFLAGS', emitter=DCommon.allAtOnceEmitter, )
[ 567 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): pkg_dir, dist = self.create_dist() cmd = build_clib(dist) cmd.include_dirs = 'one-dir' cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.include_dirs, ['one-dir']) cmd.include_dirs = None cmd.finalize_options() self.assertEqual(cmd.include_dirs, []) cmd.distribution.libraries = 'WONTWORK' self.assertRaises(DistutilsSetupError, cmd.finalize_options)
[ 9, 977, 1881 ]
def METHOD_NAME( self, *scopes: str, claims: Optional[str] = None, tenant_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> AccessToken: """Request an access token for `scopes`. This method is called automatically by Azure SDK clients. :param str scopes: desired scopes for the access token. This method requires at least one scope. For more information about scopes, see https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/active-directory/develop/scopes-oidc. :keyword str claims: additional claims required in the token, such as those returned in a resource provider's claims challenge following an authorization failure. :keyword str tenant_id: optional tenant to include in the token request. :keyword bool enable_cae: indicates whether to enable Continuous Access Evaluation (CAE) for the requested token. Defaults to False. :return: An access token with the desired scopes. :rtype: ~azure.core.credentials.AccessToken :raises CredentialUnavailableError: the credential is unable to attempt authentication because it lacks required data, state, or platform support :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError: authentication failed. The error's ``message`` attribute gives a reason. """ if not scopes: raise ValueError('"get_token" requires at least one scope') try: token = self._acquire_token_silently(*scopes, claims=claims, tenant_id=tenant_id, **kwargs) if not token: self._last_request_time = int(time.time()) token = self._request_token(*scopes, claims=claims, tenant_id=tenant_id, **kwargs) elif self._should_refresh(token): try: self._last_request_time = int(time.time()) token = self._request_token(*scopes, claims=claims, tenant_id=tenant_id, **kwargs) except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-except pass _LOGGER.log( logging.DEBUG if within_credential_chain.get() else logging.INFO, "%s.get_token succeeded", self.__class__.__name__, ) return token except Exception as ex: _LOGGER.log( logging.DEBUG if within_credential_chain.get() else logging.WARNING, "%s.get_token failed: %s", self.__class__.__name__, ex, exc_info=_LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG), ) raise
[ 19, 466 ]
def METHOD_NAME(raw): # header headerstr = "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" data = (magic, version, off_Entities, len_Entities, off_Planes, len_Planes, off_Vertices, len_Vertices, off_Visibility, len_Visibility, off_Nodes, len_Nodes, off_Texture_Information, len_Texture_Information, off_Faces, len_Faces, off_Lightmaps, len_Lightmaps, off_Leaves, len_Leaves, off_Leaf_Face_Table, len_Leaf_Face_Table, off_Leaf_Brush_Table, len_Leaf_Brush_Table, off_Edges, len_Edges, off_Face_Edge_Table, len_Face_Edge_Table, off_Models, len_Models, off_Brushes, len_Brushes, off_Brush_Sides, len_Brush_Sides, off_Pop, len_Pop, off_Areas, len_Areas, off_Area_Portals, len_Area_Portals) = struct.unpack_from(headerstr, raw) if struct.pack("BBBB", magic>>24, (magic>>16)&0xff, (magic>>8)&0xff, magic&0xff) != "PSBI": die("Bad header") if version != 38: die("Bad version") Leaves = [] leaf_Size = 28 for i in range(len_Leaves / leaf_Size): (brush_or, cluster, area, bbox_minX, bbox_minY, bbox_minZ, bbox_maxX, bbox_maxY, bbox_maxZ, first_leaf_face, num_leaf_faces, first_leaf_brush, num_leaf_brushes) = struct.unpack_from("IHHhhhhhhHHHH", raw, off_Leaves + i*leaf_Size) Leaves.append((first_leaf_face, num_leaf_faces)) print "Leaves: %d" % len(Leaves) Leaf_Face_Table = [] leafface_Size = 2 for i in range(len_Leaf_Face_Table / leafface_Size): Leaf_Face_Table.append(struct.unpack_from("H", raw, off_Leaf_Face_Table + i*leafface_Size)[0]) Faces = [] face_Size = 20 for i in range(len_Faces / face_Size): (plane, plane_Size, first_edge, num_edges, texture_info, style0, style1, style2, style3, lightmap_offset) = struct.unpack_from("HHIHHBBBBI", raw, off_Faces + i*face_Size) Faces.append((first_edge, num_edges, lightmap_offset)) print "Faces: %d" % len(Faces) Face_Edge_Table = [] faceedge_Size = 4 for i in range(len_Face_Edge_Table / faceedge_Size): Face_Edge_Table.append(struct.unpack_from("i", raw, off_Face_Edge_Table + i*faceedge_Size)[0]) Edges = [] edge_Size = 4 for i in range(len_Edges / edge_Size): (v0, v1) = struct.unpack_from("HH", raw, off_Edges + i*edge_Size) Edges.append((v0, v1)) print "Edges: %d" % len(Edges) Vertices = [] vert_Size = 12 for i in range(len_Vertices / vert_Size): v = struct.unpack_from("fff", raw, off_Vertices + i*vert_Size) Vertices.append(convCoord(v)) print "Vertices: %d" % len(Vertices) ents = struct.unpack_from("%ds" % len_Entities, raw, off_Entities)[0][1:-3] # opening { and final }+nul Entities = [] for ent in ents.split("}\n{"): entdata = {} for line in ent.lstrip("\n").rstrip("\n").split("\n"): k,v = line.lstrip('"').rstrip('"').split('" "') entdata[k] = v Entities.append(entdata) return Leaves, Leaf_Face_Table, Faces, Face_Edge_Table, Edges, Vertices, Entities
[ 557, 772, 365 ]
def METHOD_NAME(live_eventhub, uamqp_transport): credential = EnvironmentCredential() producer_client = EventHubProducerClient(fully_qualified_namespace=live_eventhub['hostname'], eventhub_name=live_eventhub['event_hub'], credential=credential, user_agent='customized information', uamqp_transport=uamqp_transport) consumer_client = EventHubConsumerClient(fully_qualified_namespace=live_eventhub['hostname'], eventhub_name=live_eventhub['event_hub'], consumer_group='$default', credential=credential, user_agent='customized information', uamqp_transport=uamqp_transport ) with producer_client: batch = producer_client.create_batch(partition_id='0') batch.add(EventData(body='A single message')) producer_client.send_batch(batch) def on_event(partition_context, event): on_event.called = True on_event.partition_id = partition_context.partition_id on_event.event = event on_event.called = False with consumer_client: worker = threading.Thread(target=consumer_client.receive, args=(on_event,), kwargs={ "partition_id": '0', "starting_position": '-1' }) worker.start() time.sleep(15) worker.join() assert on_event.called is True assert on_event.partition_id == "0" assert list(on_event.event.body)[0] == 'A single message'.encode('utf-8')
[ 9, 340, 444, 2540 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, n): if n < 0: raise ValueError('fstring size must be nonnegative') i = self.__pos j = i + (n+3)//4*4 if j > len(self.__buf): raise EOFError self.__pos = j return self.__buf[i:i+n]
[ 789, 8716 ]
async def METHOD_NAME(self, inter: discord.Interaction, btn: discord.Button): await inter.response.defer() if not self.teams: return await self.ctx.error("No teams to remove.", 5) v = QuotientView(self.ctx) v.add_item(TeamSelector(self.teams)) v.message = await inter.followup.send("", view=v, ephemeral=True) await v.wait() for _ in self.teams: if str(_.id) in v.custom_id: self.teams.remove(_) await self.refresh_view()
[ 188, 2957 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, file_name): self.create_and_verify_stack(file_name) rest_api_id = self.get_physical_id_by_type("AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi") apigw_client = self.client_provider.api_client response = apigw_client.get_models(restApiId=rest_api_id) request_models = response["items"] self.assertEqual(request_models[0]["name"], "user") self.assertEqual( request_models[0]["schema"], '{\n "type" : "object",\n' + ' "properties" : {\n "username" : {\n "type" : "string"\n }\n' + " }\n}", )
[ 9, 377, 379 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, child) -> None: ...
[ 69, 188, 186 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, iter_: int, stage_id: int) -> None: lr = self._lr * _get_multiplier(self._stages[stage_id], iter_) for param_group in self.param_groups: # pyre-ignore [16] param_group[self._lr_param] = lr
[ 0, 6941 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): response: Response = self.client.post( path=reverse(viewname="v1:host-component", kwargs={"cluster_id": self.cluster_pk}), data={ "cluster_id": self.cluster_pk, "hc": [ { "component_id": ServiceComponent.objects.first().pk, "host_id": self.host_pk, "service_id": self.service.pk, } ], }, content_type=APPLICATION_JSON, ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_201_CREATED)
[ 129, 1806, 1007 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> IO[Any]: ...
[ 93, 171 ]
f METHOD_NAME(self):
[ 9, 35, 1894, 61, 434, 1217, 6563 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): # Don't load data from syncthing daemon, it knows nothing... copy = {k: self.app.config[k] for k in self.app.config} self.cb_data_loaded(copy) self.cb_check_value()
[ 557, 365 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): expected_instructions = ( "Gather the ingredients.\n" "Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat to 350 F. Grease an 8-inch square cake pan with softened butter. Line the bottom with a large sheet of parchment paper that extends up and over two opposite sides of the pan.\n" "To make the peppermint swirl, place the cream cheese, confectioners' sugar, salt, egg, extract, and food coloring in a medium bowl and beat with a hand mixer on medium to medium high speed until combined and fluffy. You can also use a stand mixer.\n" "To make the brownies, microwave the butter, cocoa powder, and sugar on high in a large microwave-safe bowl in a few 30-second bursts, whisking after each, until combined. The batter will be quite thick and fudgy-looking. If you do not have a microwave, you may place the ingredients in a heat-proof bowl over a pot of simmering water on the stovetop until combined.\n" "Whisk in the extract. Gently whisk in the eggs one at a time.\n" "Sprinkle the salt over the wet ingredients and whisk it in.\n" "Finally, fold in the flour and 1/3 cup of the crushed candy until the last streak of flour disappears. Don’t overmix.\n" "Scrape the batter into the prepared pan, reserving 3/4 cup of it.\n" "Dollop the swirl mixture over the brownie batter in the pan—about 9 dollops, using a 1 1/2 tablespoon portion scoop, if you have it.\n" "Dollop the reserved brownie batter in between the swirl dollops. Run a long wooden skewer through both the brownie batter and the pink cream cheese mixture, until the top is completely covered in decorative swirls. Don’t swirl too much: big swirls are what you want, as they are most dramatic. And don’t swirl too deep or the swirl can get lost in the batter.\n" "Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, rotating the pan at the halfway point. At the 25 minute mark, sprinkle the remaining 1/3 cup of candy over the top of the brownies. The brownies are ready when a cake tester inserted into the brownie—not the swirl—comes out with a few moist crumbs—do not over bake.\n" "Let cool to room temperature. Lift the brownies out of the pan by the parchment handles. Run a butter knife around the edges not covered by the paper, if there’s resistance. Slice into 9 equal sized squares and serve room-temperature, or refrigerate for an hour and serve chilled (my preference)." ) self.assertEqual(expected_instructions, self.harvester_class.instructions())
[ 9, 897 ]
def METHOD_NAME(root: ModelWithMetadata, _info: ResolveInfo, *, keys=None): return _filter_metadata(root.metadata, keys)
[ 1014, -1 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return "GET"
[ 103 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, str): return "--" + str
[ 1287, 1880 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls, parameter_set="default"): """Return testing parameter settings for the estimator. Parameters ---------- parameter_set : str, default="default" Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return `"default"` set. Returns ------- params : dict or list of dict, default = {} Parameters to create testing instances of the class Each dict are parameters to construct an "interesting" test instance, i.e., `MyClass(**params)` or `MyClass(**params[i])` creates a valid test instance. `create_test_instance` uses the first (or only) dictionary in `params` """ return { "n_lags": 4, }
[ 19, 9, 434 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): """Reverse children in-place""" self.__children.reverse()
[ 1354, 2189 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): self.run_test("def sort_key(n):\n b=[(1,3),(5,4),(2,n)]\n b.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])\n return b", 1, sort_key=[int])
[ 9, 266, 59 ]
def METHOD_NAME(d, k, m, x, y): """d: {k: {m: [(x,y)]}}""" mt = d.get(k) if mt is None: d[k] = {m: [(x,y)]} else: klist = mt.get(m) if klist is None: mt[m] = [(x,y)] else: klist.append((x, y))
[ 238, 1341 ]
async def METHOD_NAME( self, channel_id: "Snowflake_Type", message_ids: list["Snowflake_Type"], reason: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Delete multiple messages in a single request. Args: channel_id: The id of the channel these messages are in message_ids: A list of message ids to delete reason: The reason for this action """ payload = {"messages": [int(message_id) for message_id in message_ids]} await self.request( Route("POST", "/channels/{channel_id}/messages/bulk-delete", channel_id=channel_id), payload=payload, reason=reason, )
[ 2278, 34, 1107 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, event=None): """Toggle enabling.""" self.enabled = not self.enabled
[ 766 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, x): return self.preds
[ 76 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): r""" >>> element = ET.XML("<html><body>text</body></html>") >>> ET.ElementTree(element).write(sys.stdout) <html><body>text</body></html> >>> element = ET.fromstring("<html><body>text</body></html>") >>> ET.ElementTree(element).write(sys.stdout) <html><body>text</body></html> >>> print ET.tostring(element) <html><body>text</body></html> >>> print ET.tostring(element, "ascii") <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ascii'?> <html><body>text</body></html> >>> _, ids = ET.XMLID("<html><body>text</body></html>") >>> len(ids) 0 >>> _, ids = ET.XMLID("<html><body id='body'>text</body></html>") >>> len(ids) 1 >>> ids["body"].tag 'body' """
[ -1 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): parameters = { **self.serialize_url_param( "namespaceName", self.ctx.args.namespace_name, required=True, ), **self.serialize_url_param( "resourceGroupName", self.ctx.args.resource_group, required=True, ), **self.serialize_url_param( "subscriptionId", self.ctx.subscription_id, required=True, ), **self.serialize_url_param( "subscriptionName", self.ctx.args.subscription_name, required=True, ), **self.serialize_url_param( "topicName", self.ctx.args.topic_name, required=True, ), } return parameters
[ 274, 386 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): self.assertCallableWorks(process_dataset_function)
[ 9, 559 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, **kwargs): """Populate a fake Segment event with data of interest""" action = kwargs.get('action', 'Track') sample_event = { "userId": kwargs.get('user_id', SEGMENTIO_TEST_USER_ID), "event": "Did something", "properties": { 'name': kwargs.get('name', str(sentinel.name)), 'data': kwargs.get('data', {}), 'context': { 'course_id': kwargs.get('course_id') or '', 'app_name': 'edx.mobile.android', } }, "channel": 'server', "context": { "library": { "name": kwargs.get('library_name', 'test-app'), "version": "unknown" }, "app": { "version": "1.0.1", }, 'userAgent': str(sentinel.user_agent), }, "receivedAt": "2014-08-27T16:33:39.100Z", "timestamp": "2014-08-27T16:33:39.215Z", "type": action.lower(), "projectId": "u0j33yjkr8", "messageId": "qy52hwp4", "version": 2, "integrations": {}, "options": { "library": "unknown", "providers": {} }, "action": action } if 'context' in kwargs: sample_event['properties']['context'].update(kwargs['context']) if 'label' in kwargs: sample_event['properties']['label'] = kwargs['label'] if kwargs.get('exclude_name') is True: del sample_event['properties']['name'] return sample_event
[ 129, 12527, 417 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, previous_description): if previous_description != [""]: print("(--> Type enter directly to keep previous value !)") description = [""] while True: user_input = input() # 👇️ if user pressed Enter without a value, break out of loop if user_input == "": break else: description.append(user_input) if description == [""]: description = previous_description return description
[ 19, 1067 ]
async def METHOD_NAME(event): mount(make_next_count_constructor(count))
[ 69, 212 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls, test_config): test_config['ckan.plugins'] += ' s3filestore' ## AWS S3 settings test_config['ckanext.s3filestore.aws_access_key_id'] = 'aws_access_key_id' test_config['ckanext.s3filestore.aws_secret_access_key'] = 'aws_secret_access_key' test_config['ckanext.s3filestore.aws_bucket_name'] = cls.bucket_name test_config['ckanext.s3filestore.host_name'] = 'http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com' test_config['ckanext.s3filestore.region_name'] = 'eu-central-1' test_config['ckanext.s3filestore.signature_version'] = 's3v4' test_config['ckanext.s3filestore.link_expires_in_seconds'] = 180 test_config.pop('hdx.s3filestore', None)
[ 194, 200 ]
def METHOD_NAME(fd): """ Some file descriptors may be closed 'silently' - that is, by the garbage collector, by an external library, etc. When the OS returns a file descriptor from an open call (or something similar), this may be the only indication we have that the FD has been closed and then recycled. We let the hub know that the old file descriptor is dead; any stuck listeners will be disabled and notified in turn. """ hub = get_hub() hub.mark_as_reopened(fd)
[ 959, 4825 ]
def METHOD_NAME(inputs: Tensor, dim: int, pad: int, outer_pad: int = 0) -> Tensor: """Apply single-dimension reflection padding to match scipy implementation. Args: inputs: Input image dim: A dimension the image should be padded over pad: Number of pads outer_pad: Number of outer pads Return: Image padded over a single dimension """ _max = inputs.shape[dim] x = torch.index_select(inputs, dim, torch.arange(pad - 1, -1, -1).to(inputs.device)) y = torch.index_select(inputs, dim, torch.arange(_max - 1, _max - pad - outer_pad, -1).to(inputs.device)) return torch.cat((x, inputs, y), dim)
[ 97, 1425, 2459 ]
def METHOD_NAME(locations, first=None, last=None, force_update=False, load_email=True): # download and prepare data first qd = quidel.QuidelData(DATAPATH, load_email) if not qd.need_update and not force_update: print("Data not updated, nothing needs change.") return qd_data = qd.load_csv() qd_measurements = qd.prepare_measurements(qd_data, start_weekday=4) qd_ts = quidel.measurement_to_ts(qd_measurements, 7, startweek=first, endweek=last) # connect to the database u, p = secrets.db.epi cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=u, password=p, database="epidata") cur = cnx.cursor() def get_num_rows(): cur.execute("SELECT count(1) `num` FROM `quidel`") for (num,) in cur: pass return num # check from 4 weeks preceeding the last week with data through this week cur.execute("SELECT max(`epiweek`) `ew0`, yearweek(now(), 6) `ew1` FROM `quidel`") for (ew0, ew1) in cur: ew0 = 200401 if ew0 is None else flu.add_epiweeks(ew0, -4) ew0 = ew0 if first is None else first ew1 = ew1 if last is None else last print(f"Checking epiweeks between {int(ew0)} and {int(ew1)}...") # keep track of how many rows were added rows_before = get_num_rows() # check Quidel for new and/or revised data sql = """ INSERT INTO `quidel` (`location`, `epiweek`, `value`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = %s """ total_rows = 0 for location in locations: if location not in qd_ts: continue ews = sorted(qd_ts[location].keys()) num_missing = 0 for ew in ews: v = qd_ts[location][ew] sql_data = (location, ew, v, v) cur.execute(sql, sql_data) total_rows += 1 if v == 0: num_missing += 1 if num_missing > 0: print(f" [{location}] missing {int(num_missing)}/{len(ews)} value(s)") # keep track of how many rows were added rows_after = get_num_rows() print(f"Inserted {int(rows_after - rows_before)}/{int(total_rows)} row(s)") # cleanup cur.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close()
[ 86 ]
def METHOD_NAME(try_new_cert: bool, try_new_metadata: bool) -> Saml2Config: saml_path = Path(app.config["SAML_PATH"]) if try_new_cert: saml_path /= "new" config_file = saml_path / "config.py" saml2_config = Saml2Config() # We load the config file manually so that we can fill it with the extra info try: globals_dict = globals().copy() locals_dict: dict = {} exec(config_file.read_text(), globals_dict, locals_dict) saml2_config.load_file(str(config_file)) config_dict = locals_dict["CONFIG"] except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find SAML config file.") except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Could not find CONFIG dict in SAML config file.") metadata_cert_file_name = ( "metadata_new.crt" if try_new_metadata else "metadata.crt" ) metadata_cert_file = saml_path / "certs" / metadata_cert_file_name sp_key = saml_path / "certs" / "sp.key" sp_cert = saml_path / "certs" / "sp.crt" if sp_key.exists() and sp_cert.exists(): sp_key_str = str(sp_key) sp_cert_str = str(sp_cert) config_dict["key_file"] = sp_key_str config_dict["cert_file"] = sp_cert_str # Encryption keypairs seem to be a different option, but e.g., in HAKA the same keys are used for encrypting # requests and decrypting responses config_dict["encryption_keypairs"] = [ { "key_file": sp_key_str, "cert_file": sp_cert_str, } ] config_dict["metadata"] = { "loadex": [ { "loader": metadata_loader, "cert": str(saml_path / "certs" / metadata_cert_file) if app.config["SAML_VERIFY_METADATA"] else None, } ] } config_dict["attribute_map_dir"] = str(saml_path.parent / "attributemaps") config_dict["allow_unknown_attributes"] = True saml2_config.load(config_dict) return saml2_config
[ 74, 19, 6311, 200 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): assert ["error1", "error2"] == merge_errors(["error1", "error2"], None)
[ 9, 4629, 245, 61, 98 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): ...
[ 13694 ]
f METHOD_NAME(self):
[ 9, 654, 485, 486, 654, 584 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> Optional[str]: """ The URI that can be used to request the next set of paged results. """ return pulumi.get(self, "next_link")
[ 243, 548 ]
async def METHOD_NAME(self): """ Ping the Data Source :return: Response object """ ping_endpoint = self.host + "/" + self.QUERY_ENDPOINT if not self.http_client: self.create_http_client() return await self.client_api(ping_endpoint, 'GET')
[ 1677, 3521 ]
def METHOD_NAME(text: str) -> str: # escaped = text.replace('\\', '\\\\') escaped = [] lines = text.splitlines() for line in lines: before = line after = simple_escape_line(line) while before != after: before = after after = simple_escape_line(line) escaped.append(after) return "<br/>".join(escaped)
[ 4748 ]
def METHOD_NAME(request, equivalent_id): """ Instructors view to remove teaching equivalent """ instructor = get_object_or_404(Person, userid=request.user.username) if request.method != 'POST': raise Http404 equivalent = get_object_or_404(TeachingEquivalent, pk=equivalent_id, instructor=instructor, status='UNCO') equivalent.delete() messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, "Teaching Equivalent successfully removed") return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('planning.views.view_teaching_credits_inst'))
[ 188, 9917, 6147, 2204 ]
def METHOD_NAME(mod): tgen = Topogen(build_topo, mod.__name__) tgen.start_topology() router_list = tgen.routers() for routern in range(1, 4): tgen.gears["r{}".format(routern)].cmd("ip link add vrf1 type vrf table 10") tgen.gears["r{}".format(routern)].cmd("ip link set vrf1 up") tgen.gears["r{}".format(routern)].cmd("ip address add dev vrf1 {}.{}.{}.{}/32".format(routern, routern, routern,routern)) tgen.gears["r2"].cmd("ip address add dev vrf1") tgen.gears["r3"].cmd("ip address add dev vrf1") for i, (rname, router) in enumerate(router_list.items(), 1): router.load_config( TopoRouter.RD_ZEBRA, os.path.join(CWD, "{}/zebra.conf".format(rname)) ) router.load_config( TopoRouter.RD_BGP, os.path.join(CWD, "{}/bgpd.conf".format(rname)) ) router.load_config( TopoRouter.RD_LDP, os.path.join(CWD, "{}/ldpd.conf".format(rname)) ) tgen.start_router() tgen.gears["r1"].cmd("ip route add via metric 20") tgen.gears["r1"].cmd("ip route add via metric 20")
[ 102, 298 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return False
[ 478 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, context, layout): layout.prop(self, 'out_mode', expand=True) layout.prop(self, 'noise_type', text="Type") if self.noise_type in noise_numpy_types.keys(): row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(self, 'smooth', toggle=True) row.prop(self, 'interpolate', toggle=True)
[ 1100, 1409 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, instruction, sudo_plugins): """Execute with special instructions. EXAMPLE instruction (Powershell): powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted $plugin_name $plugin_args EXAMPLE instruction (VBS): wscript $plugin_name $plugin_args """ command = [] # Add sudo for commands that need to run as sudo if os.name == 'posix': if self.name in sudo_plugins: command.append('sudo') # Set shlex to use posix mode on posix machines (so that we can pass something like # --metric='disk/logical/|' and have it properly format quotes) mode = False if os.name == 'posix': mode = True lexer = shlex.shlex(instruction, posix=mode) lexer.whitespace_split = True for x in lexer: if '$plugin_name' in x: replaced = x.replace('$plugin_name', self.plugin_abs_path) command.append(replaced) elif '$plugin_args' == x: if self.arguments: args = shlex.shlex(' '.join(self.arguments), posix=mode) args.whitespace_split = True for a in args: command.append(a) else: command.append(x) return command
[ 19, 4518 ]
def METHOD_NAME( self, keytype: Optional[str] = None, md5: Optional[str] = None, sha1: Optional[str] = None, sha256: Optional[str] = None, subject: Optional[str] = None, issuer: Optional[str] = None, self_signed: Optional[bool] = None, pkmd5: Optional[str] = None, pksha1: Optional[str] = None, pksha256: Optional[str] = None, cacert: bool = False, ) -> Filter: ...
[ -1 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, request, format=None): annotation_id = request.POST.get('annotationId', None) age = request.POST.get('ageGroup', None) gender = request.POST.get('gender', None) newSubjectId = request.POST.get('newSubjectId', None) person_album = None if newSubjectId and newSubjectId != '': person_album = Album.objects.filter(pk=newSubjectId).first() new_rectangle = FaceRecognitionRectangle.objects.get(pk=annotation_id) if (person_album and not AlbumPhoto.objects.filter(photo=new_rectangle.photo, album=person_album).exists()): albumPhoto = AlbumPhoto(album=person_album, photo=new_rectangle.photo, type=AlbumPhoto.FACE_TAGGED, profile=request.user.profile) albumPhoto.save() person_album.set_calculated_fields() person_album.save() additional_subject_data = AddAdditionalSubjectData(subject_rectangle_id=annotation_id, age=age, gender=gender, newSubjectId=newSubjectId) return self.add_subject_data(additional_subject_data=additional_subject_data, request=request)
[ 72 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, session): data = self.deserialize_http_content(session) self.ctx.set_var( "instance", data, schema_builder=self._build_schema_on_200 )
[ 69, 1072 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): single_temporal = pd.DateOffset(months=3) single_td = _check_timedelta(single_temporal) assert single_td.get_value("mo") == 3 assert single_td.delta_obj == pd.DateOffset(months=3) mult_temporal = pd.DateOffset(years=10, months=3, days=5) mult_td = _check_timedelta(mult_temporal) expected = {"Y": 10, "mo": 3, "d": 5} assert mult_td.get_value() == expected assert mult_td.delta_obj == mult_temporal # get_name() for multiple values is not deterministic assert len(mult_td.get_name()) == len("10 Years 3 Months 5 Days") special_dateoffset = pd.offsets.BDay(100) special_td = _check_timedelta(special_dateoffset) assert special_td.get_value("businessdays") == 100 assert special_td.delta_obj == special_dateoffset
[ 9, 2918, -1, 24, 8227 ]
def METHOD_NAME(x, y, z=_SENTINEL): """ pow(x, y[, z]) -> number With two arguments, equivalent to x**y. With three arguments, equivalent to (x**y) % z, but may be more efficient (e.g. for ints). """ # Handle newints if isinstance(x, newint): x = long(x) if isinstance(y, newint): y = long(y) if isinstance(z, newint): z = long(z) try: if z == _SENTINEL: return _builtin_pow(x, y) else: return _builtin_pow(x, y, z) except ValueError: if z == _SENTINEL: return _builtin_pow(x+0j, y) else: return _builtin_pow(x+0j, y, z)
[ 3992 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> str: """ Resource type """ return pulumi.get(self, "type")
[ 44 ]
f METHOD_NAME(self, label, start, num_iters, device, batch_size):
[ 339 ]
def METHOD_NAME(tmp_path, process, disable_extractors_dict): disable_extractors_dict.update({"USE_READABILITY": "true"}) add_process = subprocess.run(['archivebox', 'add', ''], capture_output=True, env=disable_extractors_dict) archived_item_path = list(tmp_path.glob("archive/**/*"))[0] output_file = archived_item_path / "readability" / "content.html" assert output_file.exists()
[ 9, -1, 432 ]
f METHOD_NAME(self):
[ 9, 612, 107, 12797, 61, 8877 ]
def METHOD_NAME(request_cls): """ Extract a request's response class using the mapping found in the module defining the request's service """ for req_cls in request_cls.mro(): module = sys.modules[req_cls.__module__] if hasattr(module, 'action_mapping'): return module.action_mapping[(request_cls._action, request_cls._version)][1] elif hasattr(module, 'response_mapping'): return module.response_mapping[req_cls] raise TypeError('no response class!')
[ 19, 17, 3847 ]
def METHOD_NAME(content, version): regex = re.compile(r"graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies:([0-9\w\-.]+)") return re.sub(regex, f"graphql-dgs-platform-dependencies:{version}", content)
[ 416, 369, 281 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, kube_apis, crd_ingress_controller, virtual_server_setup): patch_virtual_server_from_yaml( kube_apis.custom_objects, virtual_server_setup.vs_name, f"{TEST_DATA}/virtual-server-advanced-routing/virtual-server-complex.yaml", virtual_server_setup.namespace, ) ensure_response_from_backend(virtual_server_setup.backend_1_url, virtual_server_setup.vs_host) wait_before_test() global resp_1, resp_2, resp_3 resp_1.status_code = resp_2.status_code = resp_3.status_code = 502 while resp_1.status_code == 502 and resp_2.status_code == 502 and resp_3.status_code == 502: resp_1 = requests.get( virtual_server_setup.backend_1_url + "?arg1=v1", headers={"host": virtual_server_setup.vs_host, "x-version": "future"}, cookies={"user": "some"}, ) resp_2 = requests.post( virtual_server_setup.backend_1_url + "?arg1=v2", headers={"host": virtual_server_setup.vs_host, "x-version": "deprecated"}, cookies={"user": "bad"}, ) resp_3 = requests.get( virtual_server_setup.backend_1_url + "?arg1=v2", headers={"host": virtual_server_setup.vs_host, "x-version": "deprecated"}, cookies={"user": "bad"}, ) execute_assertions(resp_1, resp_2, resp_3)
[ 9, 233, 41, 2587, 1626 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): for year in range(1963, 2050): self.assertHoliday( f"{year}-01-01", f"{year}-05-01", f"{year}-10-20", f"{year}-12-12", f"{year}-12-25", f"{year}-12-26", )
[ 9, 4696 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): mod = self.make_module(""" #include <Python.h> HPyDef_METH(f, "f", HPyFunc_NOARGS) static HPy f_impl(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self) { HPy h = HPy_FromPyObject(ctx, NULL); if (HPy_IsNull(h)) { return HPy_Dup(ctx, ctx->h_True); } else { return HPy_Dup(ctx, ctx->h_False); } } @EXPORT(f) @INIT """) assert mod.f()
[ 9, 17373, 1051 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, event=None, server=None): ...
[ 447, 163 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): pat_str = self.config_get(self.CFG_PAT_PAUSED, self.DEFAULT_PAT_PAUSED) pattern = Pattern(pat_str) self.status = pattern.format(self.song) if self.song else "" self._set_status(self.status)
[ 2793, 69, 7830 ]
def METHOD_NAME(address_format_type: str, address_data_dict: dict, address_key_prefix: str): result = '' if address_format_type == AddressFormatType.FOREIGN: addr_line_2_key = f'{address_key_prefix}addr_line_2' addr_line_3_key = f'{address_key_prefix}addr_line_3' addr_line_2 = address_data_dict[addr_line_2_key] addr_line_3 = address_data_dict[addr_line_3_key] addr_line_2 = addr_line_2 if addr_line_2 else '' addr_line_2 = addr_line_2.strip() addr_line_3 = addr_line_3 if addr_line_3 else '' result = f'{addr_line_2} {addr_line_3}' elif address_format_type == AddressFormatType.ADVANCED: route_service_type_key = f'{address_key_prefix}route_service_type' lock_box_no_key = f'{address_key_prefix}lock_box_no' route_service_no_key = f'{address_key_prefix}route_service_no' installation_type_key = f'{address_key_prefix}installation_type' installation_name_key = f'{address_key_prefix}installation_name' street_additional_elements = [address_data_dict[route_service_type_key], address_data_dict[lock_box_no_key], address_data_dict[route_service_no_key], address_data_dict[installation_type_key], address_data_dict[installation_name_key]] for element in street_additional_elements: if element: result += f' {element}' result = result.strip() return result
[ 19, 10406, 2900 ]
def METHOD_NAME() -> list[GenericRevision]: """Load all Alembic revisions.""" revisions = [] for path in get_alembic_path().iterdir(): if path.suffix == ".py": module = load_python_file(str(path.parent), str(path.name)) revisions.append( GenericRevision( alembic_downgrade=getattr(module, "down_revision", None), created_at=get_revision_create_date(path), id=getattr(module, "revision"), name=get_revision_name(path), source=RevisionSource.ALEMBIC, upgrade=None, virtool_downgrade=None, ) ) return revisions
[ 557, 8171, 6950 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): command_io = _example( "seqtk convert -i '1.bed' --output '1.bam'", example_outputs=["1.bam"], example_inputs=["1.bed"] ) cwl_properties = command_io.cwl_properties() assert_equal(cwl_properties["base_command"], ["seqtk", "convert"]) assert_equal(cwl_properties["inputs"][0].position, 1) assert_equal(cwl_properties["inputs"][0].prefix.prefix, "-i") assert_equal(cwl_properties["inputs"][0].prefix.separated, True) assert_equal(cwl_properties["outputs"][0].glob, "$(inputs.output1)") assert_equal(cwl_properties["outputs"][0].prefix.prefix, "--output") assert_equal(cwl_properties["outputs"][0].prefix.separated, True) assert_equal(cwl_properties["stdout"], None)
[ 9, 4578, 5327 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, *_args): tasks = asyncio.all_tasks() logger.warning( "Application shutdown detected!\n %s", pformat([t.get_name() for t in tasks]), ) self.kill_now = True assert self.worker # nosec self.task = asyncio.create_task( self.worker.close(timeout=5), name="close_dask_worker_task" )
[ 538, 1601 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, node_id: str) -> Union[None, Vertex]: """Returns a node by id.""" return next((node for node in self.nodes if node.id == node_id), None)
[ 19, 1716 ]
def METHOD_NAME() -> AirbyteMessage: return AirbyteMessage(type=Type.STATE, state=AirbyteStateMessage(data={}))
[ 14605, 551, 277, 1964 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): pass
[ 709, 710 ]
def METHOD_NAME(value): from string import digits, hexdigits # [unused-import] return value if value in digits else "Nope"
[ 2594, 512, 623, 559 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls): if cls._schema_on_200 is not None: return cls._schema_on_200 cls._schema_on_200 = AAZObjectType() _schema_on_200 = cls._schema_on_200 _schema_on_200.next_link = AAZStrType( serialized_name="nextLink", ) _schema_on_200.value = AAZListType( flags={"required": True}, ) value = cls._schema_on_200.value value.Element = AAZStrType() return cls._schema_on_200
[ 56, 135, 69, 1072 ]
def METHOD_NAME(operation, param): """Provide updates to the model that are specific to the CLI.""" overrides = { "create-cluster": {"clusterConfiguration": {"type": "file"}}, "update-cluster": {"clusterConfiguration": {"type": "file"}}, "build-image": {"imageConfiguration": {"type": "file"}}, } try: return overrides[to_kebab_case(operation["operationId"])][param] except KeyError: return {}
[ 49, 2707 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, obj): populator = DefaultValuePopulator(obj.get("schema_etree")) etree = obj.get("scenario_etree") populator.transform(etree) obj.set("scenario_etree", etree)
[ 22 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): with responses.RequestsMock() as rsps: rsps.add( method=responses.GET, url="http://localhost/api/v4/projects/1/pipelines/1/test_report", json=test_report_content, content_type="application/json", status=200, ) yield rsps
[ 3204, 19, 1148, 9, 339 ]
def METHOD_NAME(session: api.Session, ntsc_type: api.NTSC_Kind, eid: str) -> None: """ Use to wait for a notebook, tensorboard, or shell command to become ready. """ name = ntsc_type.value loading_animator = render.Animator(f"Waiting for {name} to become ready") err_msg = api.task_is_ready(session, eid, loading_animator.next) msg = f"{name} (id: {eid}) is ready." if not err_msg else f"Waiting stopped: {err_msg}" loading_animator.clear(msg) if err_msg: raise errors.CliError(err_msg)
[ 618, -1, 1338 ]
def METHOD_NAME(svc: bentoml.Service, **kwargs) -> Deployment: @serve.deployment(name=f"bento-svc-{svc.name}", **kwargs) class BentoDeployment: def __init__(self, **runner_deployments: dict[str, Deployment]): from ..server.http_app import HTTPAppFactory # Use Ray's metrics setup. Ray has already initialized a prometheus client # for multi-process and this conflicts with BentoML's prometheus setup self.app = HTTPAppFactory(svc, enable_metrics=False)() for runner in svc.runners: assert runner.name in runner_deployments runner._set_handle(RayRunnerHandle, runner_deployments[runner.name]) async def __call__(self, request: requests.Request): sender = ASGIHTTPSender() await self.app(request.scope, receive=request.receive, send=sender) return sender.build_asgi_response() return BentoDeployment
[ 19, 549, 1503 ]
def METHOD_NAME(setup_db_for_xpub_tests): """Test that edits bitcoin xpub label and tries to add non existing tag""" db, xpub, _, _, _ = setup_db_for_xpub_tests with db.user_write() as cursor: with pytest.raises(InputError): db.edit_bitcoin_xpub( cursor, XpubData( xpub=xpub.xpub, blockchain=SupportedBlockchain.BITCOIN_CASH, derivation_path=xpub.derivation_path, label='123', tags=['test'], ), ) result = db.get_bitcoin_xpub_data(cursor, SupportedBlockchain.BITCOIN_CASH) assert result[0].xpub == xpub.xpub assert result[0].label == xpub.label assert result[0].derivation_path == xpub.derivation_path assert result[0].tags != {'test'}
[ 9, 2004, 13411, 13412, 130, 1153, 82 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return TOTP(self.secret)
[ 93, 3595 ]