def METHOD_NAME(event, saltenv="base", test=None): """ Delete a reactor CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt-run reactor.delete 'salt/cloud/*/destroyed' """ if not _reactor_system_available(): raise CommandExecutionError("Reactor system is not running.") with salt.utils.event.get_event( "master", __opts__["sock_dir"], opts=__opts__, listen=True, ) as sevent: master_key = salt.utils.master.get_master_key("root", __opts__) __jid_event__.fire_event( {"event": event, "key": master_key}, "salt/reactors/manage/delete" ) res = sevent.get_event(wait=30, tag="salt/reactors/manage/delete-complete") return res.get("result")
[ 34 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): """Test the post-login hook""" req, info = self._generate_req_info(self.app_settings['openid.provider']) remember_me(None, req, info) # The user should now exist, and be a member of the releng group user = models.User.get('lmacken') assert user.name == 'lmacken' assert user.email == '[email protected]' assert len(user.groups) == 1 assert user.groups[0].name == 'releng'
[ 9, 80, 21 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls._args_schema is not None: return cls._args_schema cls._args_schema = super().METHOD_NAME(*args, **kwargs) # define Arg Group "" _args_schema = cls._args_schema _args_schema.resource_group = AAZResourceGroupNameArg( required=True, ) _args_schema.name = AAZStrArg( options=["-n", "--name"], help="Connection name.", required=True, id_part="name", ) return cls._args_schema
[ 56, 134, 135 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return self._get(self._interfaces)['result']
[ 703 ]
def METHOD_NAME(a : 'int', b : 'int'): return (a-b), (a+b)
[ 457, 1413, 1659, 2078 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): """ Runs generate.main() which should merge source files, then compile all sources in all configured languages. Validates output by checking all .mo files in all configured languages. .mo files should exist, and be recently created (modified after start of test suite) """ # Change dummy_locales to only contain Esperanto. self.configuration.dummy_locales = ['eo'] # Clear previous files. for locale in self.configuration.dummy_locales: for filename in ('django', 'djangojs'): mofile = filename + '.mo' path = os.path.join(self.configuration.get_messages_dir(locale), mofile) if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) # Regenerate files. generate.main(verbosity=0, strict=False) for locale in self.configuration.dummy_locales: for filename in ('django', 'djangojs'): mofile = filename + '.mo' path = os.path.join(self.configuration.get_messages_dir(locale), mofile) exists = os.path.exists(path) assert exists, (f'Missing file in locale {locale}: {mofile}') assert datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path), UTC) >= \ self.start_time, ('File not recently modified: %s' % path) # Segmenting means that the merge headers don't work they way they # used to, so don't make this check for now. I'm not sure if we'll # get the merge header back eventually, or delete this code eventually. # self.assert_merge_headers(locale)
[ 9, 57 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Windows IoT Device Service notes. """ return pulumi.get(self, "notes")
[ 5160 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): # Should fit in the context window since we subtracted the number of tokens of the test prompt # from the max request length of 2049 assert self.window_service.fits_within_context_window(TEST_PROMPT, self.window_service.max_request_length - 51) # Should not fit within the max request length because we're expecting one more extra token in the completion assert not self.window_service.fits_within_context_window( TEST_PROMPT, self.window_service.max_request_length - 51 + 1 )
[ 9, 3298, 1516, 198, 1092 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> list[str]: """Return the ids of this metric's issues.""" return self.get("issue_ids", [])
[ 946, 308 ]
METHOD_NAME(self, *filepaths):
[ 1014, 4206 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> Any: """ Dataset properties. """ return pulumi.get(self, "properties")
[ 748 ]
def METHOD_NAME(site_id, api_key=None): cycle_point = os.environ['CYLC_TASK_CYCLE_POINT'] # Try to get the information from SYNOPS. dist = 0.0 badsites = [] fails = True obs = None while dist < 1 and fails: try: obs = synop_grab(site_id, cycle_point) fails = False except NoDataException: badsites.append(f'{int(site_id):05d}') site_id, dist = get_nearby_site(site_id, badsites) if obs is None: if api_key: print('Attempting to get weather data from DataPoint...') data = get_datapoint_data(site_id, cycle_point, api_key) else: print('No API key provided, falling back to archived data') data = get_archived_data(site_id, cycle_point) obs = extract_observations(data) # Write observations. with open('wind.csv', 'w+') as data_file: data_file.write(', '.join(obs))
[ 57 ]
def METHOD_NAME(model_fn, data_gen_fn, output_transform_fn, loss_fn, test_config): org_model, org_optimizer, sharded_model, sharded_optimizer, criterion, booster = \ build_model_from_hybrid_plugin(model_fn, loss_fn, test_config) org_loss, org_output, sharded_loss, sharded_output = \ run_forward_backward_with_hybrid_plugin( org_model, sharded_model, sharded_optimizer, data_gen_fn, output_transform_fn, criterion, booster) stage_manager = booster.plugin.stage_manager tp_group = booster.plugin.tp_group # unwrap model vit_model = unwrap_model(org_model, 'ViTModel', 'vit') shard_vit_model = unwrap_model(sharded_model, 'ViTModel', 'vit') # check grad row_layer_for_check = ['encoder.layer[0].attention.attention.query', 'embeddings.patch_embeddings.projection'] col_layer_for_check = ['encoder.layer[0].attention.output.dense'] # Save gradient tensors for comparison between the original model and the sharded model before optimizer step. grads_to_check = {} if (stage_manager is None or stage_manager.is_first_stage()) and booster.plugin.zero_stage == 0: if test_config['precision'] == 'fp32': atol, rtol = 1e-5, 1e-3 else: atol, rtol = 5e-3, 5e-3 row_layer_grads = get_grad_tensors_for_check(vit_model, shard_vit_model, row_layer_for_check, tp_group, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, dim=0, verbose=False) col_layer_grads = get_grad_tensors_for_check(vit_model, shard_vit_model, col_layer_for_check, tp_group, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, dim=1, verbose=False) grads_to_check.update(col_layer_grads) grads_to_check.update(row_layer_grads) # optimizer executes step org_optimizer.step() sharded_optimizer.step() # check last hidden state & loss if stage_manager is None or stage_manager.is_last_stage(): if test_config['precision'] == 'fp32': atol, rtol = 1e-5, 1e-3 else: atol, rtol = 5e-3, 5e-3 if org_model.__class__.__name__ == 'ViTModel': check_output_hidden_state(org_output, sharded_output, stage_manager, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) check_loss(org_loss, sharded_loss, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) # check weights if stage_manager is None or stage_manager.is_first_stage(): if test_config['precision'] == 'fp32': atol, rtol = 5e-3, 1e-3 else: atol, rtol = 5e-3, 5e-3 check_weight(vit_model, shard_vit_model, col_layer_for_check, tp_group, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, dim=1, verbose=False) # check grads check_all_grad_tensors(grads_to_check) torch.cuda.empty_cache()
[ 250, 76, 2955 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return True
[ 220, 1188, 1007 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): for i in range(3): self.op.setConstant(i) aimg = self.renderScene(self.scene, "/tmp/a_%03d.png" % i) assert numpy.all(aimg[:, :, 0] == i), "!= %d, [0,0,0]=%d" % (i, aimg[0, 0, 0]) self.op.setConstant(42) self.op.setDelay(1) aimg = self.renderScene(self.scene, joinRendering=False, exportFilename="/tmp/x_%03d.png" % i) # this should be "i", not 255 (the default background for the imagescene) assert numpy.all(aimg[:, :, 0] == i), "!= %d, [0,0,0]=%d" % (i, aimg[0, 0, 0]) # Now give the scene time to update before we change it again... self.scene.joinRenderingAllTiles(viewport_only=False)
[ 9, 3133 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): """Do not make a request if the archive format is unsupported.""" self.instance.archive(format="clearly fake") assert self.session.get.called is False
[ 9, 1950, 1622 ]
async def METHOD_NAME(self, app): await self.session.close()
[ 69, 950 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> str: """ The name of the resource """ return pulumi.get(self, "name")
[ 156 ]
def METHOD_NAME(plugin, item_id, category_title, **kwargs): """ Build programs listing - Les feux de l'amour - ... """ resp = urlquick.get(URL_SHOWS) root = resp.parse("div", attrs={"id": "accordion-horizontal"}) for category_datas in root.iterfind("./div"): if category_title in category_datas.find(".//h2").text: for sub_category_datas in category_datas.findall(".//div[@class='entry-section clearfix']"): sub_category_title = sub_category_datas.find("./p/strong").text item = Listitem() item.label = sub_category_title item.set_callback(list_programs, item_id=item_id, category_title=category_title, sub_category_title=sub_category_title) item_post_treatment(item) yield item
[ 245, 1066, 2065 ]
def METHOD_NAME(request, lccn, date, edition, sequence): """ api/chronam/lccn/<date>/ed-<edition>/seq-<sequence>.json Retrieve a page's info """ try: _year, _month, _day = date.split("-") _date = datetime.date(int(_year), int(_month), int(_day)) title = models.Title.objects.get(lccn=lccn) issue = title.issues.filter(date_issued=_date, edition=edition).order_by("-created").first() METHOD_NAME = issue.pages.filter(sequence=int(sequence)).order_by("-created").first() except ValueError as e: return JsonResponse({'detail': str(e)}, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) except (AttributeError, IndexError, ObjectDoesNotExist): return JsonResponse({'detail': 'Page does not exist'}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if METHOD_NAME is None: return JsonResponse({'detail': 'Page does not exist'}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) serializer = rest_serializers.PageSerializer(METHOD_NAME, context={'request': request}) return JsonResponse(serializer.data, safe=False)
[ 1174 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): # Mutating attribute with a Tensor type class Foo(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.a = torch.Tensor(3, 2) def forward(self, x): self.a = self.a.to(torch.float64) return x.sum() + self.a.sum() self.check_failure_on_export(Foo(), torch.Tensor(3, 2))
[ 9, 298, 309, 87, 2220, 2302, 1170 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): return [ { "Value": "/path/to/certs/testsite1.crt", "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/ssl/certs/SSLCertificateFile", }, { "Value": "/path/to/certs/testsite1.key", "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/ssl/certs/SSLCertificateKeyFile", }, {"Value": None, "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/ssl/certs/"}, {"Value": "True", "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/ssl/force"}, {"Value": None, "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/ssl/"}, { "Value": "salt://sites/testsite1.tmpl", "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/template", }, {"Value": "test.example.com", "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/uri"}, {"Value": None, "Key": "test-shared/sites/testsite1/"}, {"Value": None, "Key": "test-shared/sites/"}, {"Value": "Test User", "Key": "test-shared/user/full_name"}, {"Value": "adm\nwww-data\nmlocate", "Key": "test-shared/user/groups"}, {"Value": '"adm\nwww-data\nmlocate"', "Key": "test-shared/user/dontsplit"}, {"Value": "yaml:\n key: value\n", "Key": "test-shared/user/dontexpand"}, {"Value": None, "Key": "test-shared/user/blankvalue"}, {"Value": "test", "Key": "test-shared/user/login"}, {"Value": None, "Key": "test-shared/user/"}, ]
[ 414, 5005, 365 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): "Vertical polarization should decay in (cos2θ)**2 in vertical plane and no correction in horizontal one" self.assertTrue(abs(self.ai.polarization(factor=-1)[6] - numpy.ones(13)).max() == 0, "No correction in the horizontal plane") self.assertTrue(abs(self.ai.polarization(factor=-1)[:, 6] - (numpy.cos((2 * self.rotX)) + 1) / 2).max() < self.epsilon, "cos(2th)^2 like in the verical plane")
[ 9, 4873, 2256 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, data): """Handle a pong message.""" self.last_pong = ioloop.IOLoop.current().time()
[ 69, 7491 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): """ This helps trim the library a bit by excluding rates with products with more protons than the endpoint, heavier than the endpoint, or with relatively high or low neutron percentages. """ # Proton number bounds Zlo, Zhi = 6, endpoint.Z # Nucleon number bounds Alo, Ahi = 12, endpoint.A # Bounds on A / Z ratio to drop peripheral nuclei Rlo, Rhi = 1.69, 2.2 def limit_products(r): meet_conds = \ ( (Zlo <= p.Z <= Zhi and Alo <= p.A <= Ahi and Rlo <= p.A / p.Z <= Rhi and (p.N, p.Z) in bintable.energies) or (p.Z, p.A) == (1, 1) or (p.Z, p.A) == (2, 4) for p in r.products ) return all(meet_conds) return limit_products
[ 1188, 7998 ]
f METHOD_NAME(self, y):
[ 3581, 390, 899, 3310 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): """Path to the environment file""" return self._env_file
[ 485, 171 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, load_system_with_callbacks): scwc = load_system_with_callbacks # Don't register this rod mock_rod = self.MockRod(2, 3, 4, 5) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: scwc.collect_diagnostics(mock_rod) assert "was not found, did you" in str(excinfo.value)
[ 9, 1076, 41, 7427, 112, 5147 ]
def METHOD_NAME(voigt_notation): return voigt_notation_to_stiffness_tensor( np.divide(voigt_notation, voigt_compliance_factors) )
[ 18059, 9093, 24, 4495, 768 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): """Get a valid Bearer token for the Name Request Service.""" token_url = current_app.config.get('NAMEX_AUTH_SVC_URL') client_id = current_app.config.get('NAMEX_SERVICE_CLIENT_USERNAME') client_secret = current_app.config.get('NAMEX_SERVICE_CLIENT_SECRET') data = 'grant_type=client_credentials' # get service account token res = requests.post(url=token_url, data=data, headers={'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, auth=(client_id, client_secret)) try: return res.json().get('access_token') except Exception: # noqa B902; pylint: disable=W0703; logger.error('Failed to get nr token') return None
[ 19, 6166, 7070, 466 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): METHOD_NAME = abstracts_settings.get(self.event, 'announcement') render_mode = abstracts_settings.get(self.event, 'announcement_render_mode') return RENDER_MODE_WRAPPER_MAP[render_mode](METHOD_NAME)
[ 10164 ]
METHOD_NAME(self, field, value, idx_start, idx_end=None):
[ 0 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> None: self.optim_step_progress.increment_ready() self.trainer.profiler.start("optimizer_step")
[ 69, 1553, 367 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): self.assertEqual( format_exception( "Hello world, this is a very long message that will " "inevitably wrap onto another line." ), "Hello world, this is a very long message that will\n" " inevitably wrap onto another line.", )
[ 9, 524, 756, 277 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return [ self.InputItem( name=_("业务 ID"), key="biz_cc_id", type="string", schema=StringItemSchema(description=_("当前操作所属的 CMDB 业务 ID")), ), self.InputItem( name=_("定时作业名称"), key="job_cron_name", type="string", schema=StringItemSchema(description=_("待创建的定时作业名称")), ), self.InputItem( name=_("定时规则"), key="job_cron_expression", type="string", schema=StringItemSchema(description=_("待创建的定时作业定时规则")), ), self.InputItem( name=_("定时作业状态"), key="job_cron_status", type="int", schema=IntItemSchema(description=_("待创建的定时作业状态,暂停(1) 启动(2)"), enum=[1, 2]), ), ]
[ 1461, 275 ]
def METHOD_NAME( self, organization: RpcOrganization, data: Mapping[str, str] ) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return { "name": data["name"], "external_id": data["external_id"], "url": data["url"], "config": { "instance": data["instance"], "project": data["project"], "name": data["name"], }, "integration_id": data["installation"], }
[ 56, 1230, 200 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, source, mapped, Model): for field in Model._meta.fields: column = field.column if hasattr(source, column): if Model in self.overrides and column in self.overrides[Model]: self.assertEqual(self.overrides[Model][column], getattr(mapped, column)) else: self.assertEqual(getattr(source, column), getattr(mapped, column))
[ 638, 578 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): policy = {"timeout": 0.1} user = "example-test" try: self.client.admin_query_user(user, policy) except e.ParamError as exception: assert exception.code == -2 assert exception.msg == "timeout is invalid"
[ 9, 539, 21, 41, 532, 659, 54 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, df): """ Generic data loader function :param df: Input tensor :return: Returns the constructed dataloader """ return DataLoader( df, batch_size=self.args["batch_size"], num_workers=self.args["num_workers"] )
[ 129, 365, 467 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, environment=None): if self._sys_path is not None: return self._sys_path # The sys path has not been set explicitly. if environment is None: environment = self.get_environment() sys_path = list(environment.get_sys_path()) try: sys_path.remove('') except ValueError: pass return sys_path
[ 19, 414, 3709, 157 ]
def METHOD_NAME(n_messages, messages, p_response, app_data): """ Simple conversation function that responds to any prompt where the echo is off with the supplied password """ # Create an array of n_messages response objects addr = CALLOC(n_messages, sizeof(PamResponse)) p_response[0] = cast(addr, POINTER(PamResponse)) for i in range(n_messages): if messages[i].contents.msg_style == PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF: pw_copy = STRDUP(password) p_response.contents[i].resp = cast(pw_copy, c_char_p) p_response.contents[i].resp_retcode = 0 return 0
[ 1192, 1306 ]
def METHOD_NAME(theyear: int, w: int = 2, l: int = 1, c: int = 6, m: int = 3) -> str: ...
[ 7496 ]
def METHOD_NAME(temp_salt_minion, tmp_path): opts = temp_salt_minion.config.copy() opts["master_uri"] = "tcp://" grains = salt.loader.grains(opts) pillar = salt.pillar.RemotePillar( opts, grains, temp_salt_minion.id, "base", ) mock = MagicMock() mock.side_effect = salt.exceptions.SaltReqTimeoutError() pillar.channel.crypted_transfer_decode_dictentry = mock with pytest.raises(salt.exceptions.SaltClientError): pillar.compile_pillar()
[ 9, 2437, 5005, 659 ]
def METHOD_NAME(num: int): if num < 1: raise ValueError("test") METHOD_NAME(num - 1)
[ 442, 3435 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, aligned): a = self._get_array(2e300, aligned) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="error raised inside the core-loop: non-finite factor!"): a.astype(SF(2e-300))
[ 9, -1, 3723, 2026, 1096 ]
def METHOD_NAME(incident_comment_id: Optional[str] = None, incident_id: Optional[str] = None, resource_group_name: Optional[str] = None, workspace_name: Optional[str] = None, opts: Optional[pulumi.InvokeOptions] = None) -> AwaitableGetIncidentCommentResult: """ Gets an incident comment. :param str incident_comment_id: Incident comment ID :param str incident_id: Incident ID :param str resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. :param str workspace_name: The name of the workspace. """ __args__ = dict() __args__['incidentCommentId'] = incident_comment_id __args__['incidentId'] = incident_id __args__['resourceGroupName'] = resource_group_name __args__['workspaceName'] = workspace_name opts = pulumi.InvokeOptions.merge(_utilities.get_invoke_opts_defaults(), opts) __ret__ = pulumi.runtime.invoke('azure-native:securityinsights/v20230701preview:getIncidentComment', __args__, opts=opts, typ=GetIncidentCommentResult).value return AwaitableGetIncidentCommentResult( author=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'author'), created_time_utc=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'created_time_utc'), etag=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'etag'), id=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'id'), last_modified_time_utc=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'last_modified_time_utc'), message=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'message'), name=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'name'), system_data=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'system_data'), type=pulumi.get(__ret__, 'type'))
[ 19, 6664, 1591 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls): return "%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
[ 17516 ]
def METHOD_NAME(m, init_func, obj): if len(list(m.children())) > 0: if m == obj: return METHOD_NAME(m, init_func, m) else: try: init_func(m) except Exception as e: print('initialize layer {} failed, exception is :{}'.format(m, e))
[ 2203, 176 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): """The main function. Hier spielt die Musik. """ # parse the command line, exit with UNKNOWN if it fails try: args = parse_args() except SystemExit: sys.exit(STATE_UNKNOWN) # fetch data if args.TEST is None: result = lib.base.coe(lib.url.fetch_json( args.URL + '/info/info.json', timeout=args.TIMEOUT )) else: # do not call the command, put in test data stdout, stderr, retc = lib.test.test(args.TEST) try: result = json.loads(stdout) except: lib.base.cu('ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded') # init some vars msg = '' state = STATE_OK perfdata = '' # get thresholds automatically max_conn = result['licenseInfo']['connections'] max_conn_warn = max_conn * 0.9 max_conn_crit = max_conn * 0.95 # build the message and perfdata msg += 'Max {} {}, '.format(max_conn, lib.txt.pluralize('connection', max_conn)) # license; expired? now = lib.time.now(as_type='iso') msg += 'licensed' if result['licenseInfo']['hasLicense'] else 'no license' if result['licenseInfo']['endDate']: if result['licenseInfo']['endDate'][0:10] <= now[0:10]: msg += ' (expired) [WARNING]' state = lib.base.get_worst(STATE_WARN, state) expires_in = lib.time.timestrdiff(result['licenseInfo']['endDate'][0:10], now[0:10], pattern1='%Y-%m-%d', pattern2='%Y-%m-%d') if expires_in <= 10 * 24 * 60 * 60: msg += ' (expires in {}) [WARNING]'.format(lib.human.seconds2human(expires_in)) state = lib.base.get_worst(STATE_WARN, state) msg += ', ' view_state = lib.base.get_state(result['connectionsStat']['hour']['view']['max'], max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, _operator='ge') state = lib.base.get_worst(view_state, state) msg += 'last hour: {}/{}/{} views{} '.format( result['connectionsStat']['hour']['view']['min'], result['connectionsStat']['hour']['view']['avr'], result['connectionsStat']['hour']['view']['max'], lib.base.state2str(view_state, prefix=' ') ) perfdata += lib.base.get_perfdata('conn_hour_view_min', result['connectionsStat']['hour']['view']['min'], None, max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, 0, result['licenseInfo']['connections']) perfdata += lib.base.get_perfdata('conn_hour_view_avr', result['connectionsStat']['hour']['view']['avr'], None, max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, 0, result['licenseInfo']['connections']) perfdata += lib.base.get_perfdata('conn_hour_view_max', result['connectionsStat']['hour']['view']['max'], None, max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, 0, result['licenseInfo']['connections']) edit_state = lib.base.get_state(result['connectionsStat']['hour']['edit']['max'], max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, _operator='ge') state = lib.base.get_worst(edit_state, state) msg += 'and {}/{}/{} edits{} (min/avr/max), '.format( result['connectionsStat']['hour']['edit']['min'], result['connectionsStat']['hour']['edit']['avr'], result['connectionsStat']['hour']['edit']['max'], lib.base.state2str(edit_state, prefix=' ') ) perfdata += lib.base.get_perfdata('conn_hour_edit_min', result['connectionsStat']['hour']['edit']['min'], None, max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, 0, result['licenseInfo']['connections']) perfdata += lib.base.get_perfdata('conn_hour_edit_avr', result['connectionsStat']['hour']['edit']['avr'], None, max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, 0, result['licenseInfo']['connections']) perfdata += lib.base.get_perfdata('conn_hour_edit_max', result['connectionsStat']['hour']['edit']['max'], None, max_conn_warn, max_conn_crit, 0, result['licenseInfo']['connections']) if 'usersInfo' in result: msg += '{} unique {}, '.format(result['usersInfo']['uniqueUserCount'], lib.txt.pluralize('user', result['usersInfo']['uniqueUserCount'])) perfdata += lib.base.get_perfdata('unique_users', result['usersInfo']['uniqueUserCount'], None, None, None, 0, None) msg += 'v{}, '.format(result['serverInfo']['buildVersion']) # over and out lib.base.oao(msg[:-2], state, perfdata)
[ 57 ]
def METHOD_NAME(table, column, profiling_result) -> RecommendedAssertion: if column is None: return None schema_type = profiling_result['tables'][table]['columns'][column].get('schema_type') if schema_type is None: return None test_function_name = 'assert_column_schema_type' assertion_values = { 'schema_type': schema_type } assertion = RecommendedAssertion(test_function_name, None, assertion_values) return assertion
[ 4324, 105, 135, 44, 8499 ]
def METHOD_NAME(rng, dt, sr): ns = T.NS[dt][sr] ok = True attdet = AttackDetector(dt, sr) state_c = initial_state() x_c = np.zeros(ns+6) for run in range(100): ### Generate noise, and an attack at random point x = ((2 * rng.random(ns)) - 1) * (2 ** 8 - 1) x[(ns * rng.random()).astype(int)] *= 2 ** 7 ### Check Implementation f_att = attdet.run(100, x) x_c = np.append(x_c[-6:], x) f_att_c = lc3.attdet_run(dt, sr, 100, state_c, x_c) ok = ok and f_att_c == f_att ok = ok and np.amax(np.abs(1 - state_c['en1']/attdet.en1)) < 2 ok = ok and np.amax(np.abs(1 - state_c['an1']/attdet.an1)) < 2 ok = ok and state_c['p_att'] == attdet.p_att return ok
[ 250, 805 ]
def METHOD_NAME(dirpath: str, privkey_pem: bytes, cert_pem: bytes, entropy: bytes, counter: int) -> None: """ Write the setup directory. Args: dirpath: The directory path. key_pem: The private key PEM. cert_pem: The certificate PEM. entropy: The 48 bytes of entropy. counter: The counter value. """ # Directory os.mkdir(dirpath) # Private key with open(f'{dirpath}/private-key.pem', 'bw') as f: f.write(privkey_pem) # Certificate with open(f'{dirpath}/certificate.pem', 'bw') as f: f.write(cert_pem) # Entropy with open(f'{dirpath}/entropy', 'wb') as f: f.write(entropy) # Counter with open(f'{dirpath}/counter', 'w') as f: f.write(f'{str(counter)}\n')
[ 77, 102, 1190 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cnt_viewmodel): """ Dispalays information about all the services of container. :param cnt_viewmodel: ContainerViewModel: contains view info about container :return: None """ io.echo('Platform:', cnt_viewmodel.soln_stk) for i, service_info in enumerate(cnt_viewmodel.service_infos): _print_service_details(service_info) if i != len(cnt_viewmodel.service_infos) - 1: io.echo()
[ 38, 224, 2051 ]
f METHOD_NAME( self ):
[ 9, 1872, 596, 175, 80, 7302 ]
def METHOD_NAME(_): return '[Ping Devices]'
[ 214, 1677, 165 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> str: """ The name of the resource """ return pulumi.get(self, "name")
[ 156 ]
def METHOD_NAME(micros: int, logical: int) -> int: return (micros << HybridTime.kBitsForLogicalComponent) | logical
[ 92, 280, 15637, 61, 1692 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return self.settings.arch in ["x86", "x86_64"]
[ 220, 1381, 167 ]
def METHOD_NAME(enums, item): for en in enums: if item in en: value = en[1] if wx4 else en[0] return value
[ 416, 1206 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Kind of resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "kind")
[ 1253 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls): cls.use_temp_region() cls.runModule("g.region", raster="elevation")
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, ufunc, stride_in0, stride_in1, stride_out, dtype): ufunc(self.ufunc_args[0], self.ufunc_args[1][0], *self.ufunc_args[2:])
[ 104, 808, 1997, 16503 ]
def METHOD_NAME(xmlfile, operation_model, expected): response_body = _get_raw_response_body(xmlfile) response = {'body': response_body, 'status_code': 200, 'headers': {}} for case in SPECIAL_CASES: if case in xmlfile: print("SKIP: %s" % xmlfile) return if 'errors' in xmlfile: response['status_code'] = 400 # Handle the special cased __headers__ key if it exists. if b'__headers__' in response_body: loaded = json.loads(response_body.decode('utf-8')) response['headers'] = loaded.pop('__headers__') response['body'] = json.dumps(loaded).encode('utf-8') protocol = operation_model.service_model.protocol parser_cls = parsers.PROTOCOL_PARSERS[protocol] parser = parser_cls(timestamp_parser=lambda x: x) parsed = parser.parse(response, operation_model.output_shape) parsed = _convert_bytes_to_str(parsed) expected['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] = response['status_code'] expected['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPHeaders'] = response['headers'] d2 = parsed d1 = expected if d1 != d2: log.debug('-' * 40) log.debug("XML FILE:\n" + xmlfile) log.debug('-' * 40) log.debug("ACTUAL:\n" + pprint.pformat(parsed)) log.debug('-' * 40) log.debug("EXPECTED:\n" + pprint.pformat(expected)) if not d1 == d2: # Borrowed from assertDictEqual, though this doesn't # handle the case when unicode literals are used in one # dict but not in the other (and we want to consider them # as being equal). print(d1) print() print(d2) pretty_d1 = pprint.pformat(d1, width=1).splitlines() pretty_d2 = pprint.pformat(d2, width=1).splitlines() diff = '\n' + '\n'.join(difflib.ndiff(pretty_d1, pretty_d2)) raise AssertionError("Dicts are not equal:\n%s" % diff)
[ 9, 3458, 17 ]
async def METHOD_NAME( src: StrOrBytesPath, dst: StrOrBytesPath, *, src_dir_fd: int | None = ..., dst_dir_fd: int | None = ..., follow_symlinks: bool = ..., loop: AbstractEventLoop | None = ..., executor: Any = ..., ) -> None: ...
[ 548 ]
def METHOD_NAME(using: str, max_csv_amount: int = 30) -> None: """ rotate csv zip file in the {now:%Y} folder :returns: """ storage = _get_storage_backend(using=using) now = timezone.now() src_folder = f'{storage.location}/{now:%Y}' if os.path.exists(src_folder): list_of_files = glob(f'{src_folder}/**/*.zip', recursive=True) if len(list_of_files) > max_csv_amount: list_of_files.sort(key=os.path.getmtime) for file_to_be_deleted in list_of_files[:len(list_of_files) - max_csv_amount]: os.remove(file_to_be_deleted)
[ 1672, 1426, 1537 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): """ Returns the description for this plugin. This is shown on the plugin configuration page. >>> plugin.get_description() """ return self.description
[ 19, 1067 ]
def METHOD_NAME(data, filename): return _problem_directory_file(data.problem.code, filename)
[ 3095, 2851, 171 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, exe, args, csv_enabled): self.exe_path = exe self.exe_args = args self.has_csv = csv_enabled
[ 0, 462 ]
def METHOD_NAME(bytes_io, output_folder_name): with ZipFile(bytes_io) as zf: if output_folder_name: os.makedirs(output_folder_name, exist_ok=True) zf.extractall(output_folder_name) os.remove(os.path.join(output_folder_name, 'metadata_v0.json')) os.rename( os.path.join(output_folder_name, 'metadata_v1.json'), os.path.join(output_folder_name, METADATA_FILENAME) ) else: in_memory_directory = {} for name in zf.namelist(): in_memory_directory[name] = zf.read(name) return in_memory_directory
[ 297, 365 ]
def METHOD_NAME(args: List[str]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: try: opts, items = parse_broadcast_args(args[1:]) except SystemExit as e: if e.code != 0: print(e.args[0], file=sys.stderr) input(_('Press Enter to quit')) return None sys.stdout.flush() loop = Loop() handler = Broadcast(opts, items) try: loop.loop(handler) finally: if handler.session_started: sys.stdout.buffer.write(session_command(handler.payload, False)) sys.stdout.buffer.flush() return None
[ 57 ]
def METHOD_NAME(cls) -> List[str]: """ Return a list of metadata fields that can be used to order an entity list. """ return ["duration", "publication_date"]
[ 19, 2474, 1094, 852, 342 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, combined_system, molecule_name): combined_system.remove_molecule_type(molecule_name) # Just a sanity check combined_system.to_files(prefix=molecule_name, decimal=8) get_intermol_defaults(periodic=True).write_mdp_file("tmp.mdp") _process( _run_gmx_energy(f"{molecule_name}.top", f"{molecule_name}.gro", "tmp.mdp"), )
[ 9, 188, 756 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return 1
[ 15868 ]
def METHOD_NAME( client, phase_factory, idea_factory, user, category_factory, organisation ): phase, module, project, idea = setup_phase( phase_factory, idea_factory, phases.IssuePhase ) category = category_factory(module=module) url = reverse( "a4_candy_ideas:idea-create", kwargs={"organisation_slug": organisation.slug, "module_slug": module.slug}, ) with freeze_phase(phase): client.login(username=user.email, password="password") response = client.get(url) assert_template_response(response, "a4_candy_ideas/idea_create_form.html") idea = { "name": "Idea", "description": "description", "category": category.pk, "organisation_terms_of_use": True, } response = client.post(url, idea) assert redirect_target(response) == "idea-detail"
[ 9, 129, 1179 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return {group: {}}
[ 102, 467, 468 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): if self.mt_dict is None: print "Cannot save GMT, please read a ModEM data and/or response file first" self.data_array=np.zeros((len(self.mt_dict), 6)) for i in range(len(self.mt_dict)): for ii, att in enumerate(['lon', 'lat', self.colorby, 'azimuth', 'phimin', 'phimax', 'skew']): self.data_array[i, ii]=getattr(self.mt_dict[i], att)
[ 56, 365, 877 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, available_ports): """ Combines all ports that should be added to the Dockerfile into one array """ port_list = [] for p in available_ports: if p.get("expose", True): port_list.append(p.get("value")) return port_list
[ 907 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): data = self.load_hdf5_file(self.events_file) data = self.calc_rho36(data) if any(key.startswith("unc_est") for key in self.cuts): data = self.calc_uncertainties(data) data = self.apply_cuts(data, self.cuts) for name in self.output_names: container = Container(name) nubar = -1 if "bar" in name else 1 if "e" in name: flav = 0 n_files = int(self.files_per_flavor[0]) if "mu" in name: flav = 1 n_files = int(self.files_per_flavor[1]) if "tau" in name: flav = 2 n_files = int(self.files_per_flavor[2]) pdg = nubar * (12 + 2 * flav) mask = data["pdg_id"] == pdg if "cc" in name: mask = np.logical_and(mask, data["interaction_type"] == 1) else: mask = np.logical_and(mask, data["interaction_type"] == 2) events = {key: value[mask] for key, value in data.items()} weight_dict = events["I3MCWeightDict"] primary = events["MCInIcePrimary"] container["true_energy"] = primary["energy"].astype(FTYPE) container["true_coszen"] = np.cos(primary["zenith"]).astype(FTYPE) container["pdg_code"] = primary["pdg_encoding"].astype(FTYPE) container["interaction"] = weight_dict["InteractionType"].astype(FTYPE) CM2_TO_M2 = 1e-4 derived_weight = ( CM2_TO_M2 * weight_dict["OneWeight"] / n_files / weight_dict["gen_ratio"] / weight_dict["NEvents"] ) container["weighted_aeff"] = derived_weight.astype(FTYPE) reco = self.reco reco_total_energy = ( events[f"{reco}_cascade_energy"] + events[f"{reco}_track_energy"] ) container["reco_energy"] = reco_total_energy.astype(FTYPE) container["reco_coszen"] = np.cos(events[f"{reco}_zenith"]).astype(FTYPE) container["reco_z"] = events[f"{reco}_z"].astype(FTYPE) container["reco_rho"] = events["rho_36"].astype(FTYPE) if self.track_E_cut is None: container["pid"] = events["L7_PIDClassifier_ProbTrack"].astype(FTYPE) else: pid = events[f"{reco}_track_energy"] > float(self.track_E_cut) container["pid"] = pid.astype(FTYPE) container["weights"] = np.ones(container.size, dtype=FTYPE) container["initial_weights"] = np.ones(container.size, dtype=FTYPE) container.set_aux_data("nubar", nubar) container.set_aux_data("flav", flav) self.data.add_container(container) if len(self.data.names) == 0: raise ValueError( "No containers created during data loading for some reason." )
[ 102, 559 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): return MonitorAlarmShieldStrategyComponent
[ 1007, 3847 ]
def METHOD_NAME(head: Object) -> Iterator[Object]: """ Iterate over all of the nodes in a list. :param head: ``struct list_head *`` :return: Iterator of ``struct list_head *`` objects. """ head = head.read_() pos = head.next.read_() while pos != head: yield pos pos = pos.next.read_()
[ 245, 43, 1353 ]
def METHOD_NAME(monkeypatch, clean_env): patch_platforms(monkeypatch, []) with pytest.raises( RuntimeError, match=r"No Toga backend could be loaded.", ): _get_platform_factory()
[ 9, 654, 2120 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, title, file_output): save_plot_file(file_output, title, self._get_plotly_figs(title))
[ 73, 24, 171 ]
def METHOD_NAME(): y = [None, 1, 2, None, None, 5, None, 7, None] filled = _fill_missing_data(y, max_gap_fraction=0.5) assert filled == [None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, None] filled = _fill_missing_data(y, max_gap_fraction=0.1) assert filled == [None, 1, 2, None, None, 5, 6, 7, None]
[ 9, 1917, 1038, 365 ]
def METHOD_NAME(args): tapsets = tapset_dir(args.binary) if args.verbose: print("Using tapset dir '%s' for binary '%s'" % (tapsets, args.binary)) def print_probes(verbose, name): prefix = probe_prefix(args.binary) offset = len(prefix) + 1 script = prefix + "." + name if verbose: print("Listing probes with name '%s'" % script) proc = subprocess.Popen(["stap", "-I", tapsets, "-l", script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) out, err = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: print("No probes found, are the tapsets installed in %s" % tapset_dir(args.binary)) sys.exit(1) for line in out.splitlines(): if line.startswith(prefix): print("%s" % line[offset:]) if len(args.probes) == 0: print_probes(args.verbose, "*") else: for probe in args.probes: print_probes(args.verbose, probe)
[ 1660, 245 ]
def METHOD_NAME(function, parameters, expected_error, expected_message): """ Test `trace` function of `Tracer` class with bad parameters. """ with pytest.raises(expected_error) as excinfo: Tracer.trace(function, parameters) assert str(excinfo.value) == expected_message
[ 9, 5762, 1068, 2576 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): """Similar situation as with `mongodb-bin` above but the opposite.""" pkg_name = "guitar-pro" correct_arch_dep_name = "lib32-portaudio" self.remove_if_installed(pkg_name, correct_arch_dep_name) fake_pikaur(f"-S {pkg_name}") self.assertInstalled(pkg_name) self.assertInstalled(correct_arch_dep_name)
[ 9, 12439, 1064, 12440, 495, 3458, 12441 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self) -> str: """ The provisioning state of the mobile network resource. """ return pulumi.get(self, "provisioning_state")
[ 1994, 551 ]
def METHOD_NAME( self, **kwargs # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Iterable["models.OperationsListResult"] """List available operations. List the available operations supported by the Microsoft.Maintenance resource provider. :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either OperationsListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.paging.ItemPaged[~maintenance_management_client.models.OperationsListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["models.OperationsListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2021-09-01-preview" accept = "application/json" def prepare_request(next_link=None): # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') if not next_link: # Construct URL url = self.METHOD_NAME.metadata['url'] # type: ignore # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) return request def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize('OperationsListResult', pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return None, iter(list_of_elem) def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response = self._client._pipeline.run(request, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: error = self._deserialize(models.MaintenanceError, response) map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, model=error, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return ItemPaged( get_next, extract_data )
[ 245 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): t = TransactionMetaData() # Can't get data that wasn't set: with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as c: t.data(self) self.assertEqual(c.exception.args, (self,)) data = dict(a=1) t.set_data(self, data) self.assertEqual(t.data(self), data) # Can't get something we haven't stored. with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as c: t.data(data) self.assertEqual(c.exception.args, (data,))
[ 9, 365 ]
def METHOD_NAME(subjects_list: Iterable[Subject]) -> None: # Check that it's an iterable try: iter(subjects_list) except TypeError as e: message = f'Subject list must be an iterable, not {type(subjects_list)}' raise TypeError(message) from e # Check that it's not empty if not subjects_list: raise ValueError('Subjects list is empty') # Check each element for subject in subjects_list: if not isinstance(subject, Subject): message = ( 'Subjects list must contain instances of torchio.Subject,' f' not "{type(subject)}"' ) raise TypeError(message)
[ 214, 2533, 245 ]
async def METHOD_NAME(self, connection: SendConnection, req: Subscribe) -> None: self._check_topics(req.topics) self._maybe_add_session(connection) for topic in req.topics: self._topic_info[topic].subscribers.add(connection.session_id)
[ 1971 ]
def METHOD_NAME(h, f): if h[:4] == '.snd': f = get_long_be elif h[:4] in ('\0ds.', 'dns.'): f = get_long_le else: return None type = 'au' hdr_size = f(h[4:8]) data_size = f(h[8:12]) encoding = f(h[12:16]) rate = f(h[16:20]) nchannels = f(h[20:24]) sample_size = 1 # default if encoding == 1: sample_bits = 'U' elif encoding == 2: sample_bits = 8 elif encoding == 3: sample_bits = 16 sample_size = 2 else: sample_bits = '?' frame_size = sample_size * nchannels return type, rate, nchannels, data_size//frame_size, sample_bits
[ 9, 11809 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self): graph = Graph() opExport = OpFormattedDataExport(graph=graph) data = numpy.random.random((100, 100)).astype(numpy.float32) * 100 data = vigra.taggedView(data, vigra.defaultAxistags("xy")) opExport.Input.setValue(data) sub_roi = [(10, 0), (None, 80)] opExport.RegionStart.setValue(sub_roi[0]) opExport.RegionStop.setValue(sub_roi[1]) opExport.ExportDtype.setValue(numpy.uint8) opExport.InputMin.setValue(0.0) opExport.InputMax.setValue(100.0) opExport.ExportMin.setValue(100) opExport.ExportMax.setValue(200) opExport.OutputFormat.setValue("hdf5") opExport.OutputFilenameFormat.setValue(self._tmpdir + "/export_x{x_start}-{x_stop}_y{y_start}-{y_stop}") opExport.OutputInternalPath.setValue("volume/data") opExport.TransactionSlot.setValue(True) assert opExport.ImageToExport.ready() assert opExport.ExportPath.ready() assert opExport.ImageToExport.meta.drange == (100, 200) # print "exporting data to: {}".format( opExport.ExportPath.value ) assert opExport.ExportPath.value == self._tmpdir + "/" + "export_x10-100_y0-80.h5/volume/data" opExport.run_export() opRead = OpInputDataReader(graph=graph) try: opRead.FilePath.setValue(opExport.ExportPath.value) # Compare with the correct subregion and convert dtype. sub_roi[1] = (100, 80) # Replace 'None' with full extent expected_data = data.view(numpy.ndarray)[roiToSlice(*sub_roi)] expected_data = expected_data.astype(numpy.uint8) expected_data += 100 # see renormalization settings assert opRead.Output.meta.shape == expected_data.shape assert opRead.Output.meta.dtype == expected_data.dtype read_data = opRead.Output[:].wait() # Due to rounding errors, the actual result and the expected result may differ by 1 # e.g. if the original pixel value was 32.99999999 # Also, must promote to signed values to avoid unsigned rollover # See issue ( https://github.com/ilastik/lazyflow/issues/165 ). expected_data_signed = expected_data.astype(numpy.int16) read_data_signed = expected_data.astype(numpy.int16) difference_from_expected = expected_data_signed - read_data_signed assert (numpy.abs(difference_from_expected) <= 1).all(), "Read data didn't match exported data!" finally: opRead.cleanUp()
[ 9, 756 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, context: RuleContext) -> Optional[LintResult]: """Looking for DISTINCT before a bracket. Look for DISTINCT keyword immediately followed by open parenthesis. """ seq = None anchor = None children = FunctionalContext(context).segment.children() if context.segment.is_type("select_clause"): # Look for `select_clause_modifier` modifier = children.select(sp.is_type("select_clause_modifier")) first_element = children.select(sp.is_type("select_clause_element")).first() expression = ( first_element.children(sp.is_type("expression")).first() or first_element ) bracketed = expression.children(sp.is_type("bracketed")).first() # is the first element only an expression with only brackets? if modifier and bracketed: # If there's nothing else in the expression, remove the brackets. if len(expression[0].segments) == 1: anchor, seq = self._remove_unneeded_brackets(context, bracketed) # Otherwise, still make sure there's a space after the DISTINCT. else: anchor = modifier[0] seq = ReflowSequence.from_around_target( modifier[0], context.parent_stack[0], config=context.config, sides="after", ) elif context.segment.is_type("function"): # Look for a function call DISTINCT() whose parent is an expression # with a single child. anchor = context.parent_stack[-1] if not anchor.is_type("expression") or len(anchor.segments) != 1: return None function_name = children.select(sp.is_type("function_name")).first() bracketed = children.first(sp.is_type("bracketed")) if ( not function_name or function_name[0].raw_upper != "DISTINCT" or not bracketed ): return None # Using ReflowSequence here creates an unneeded space between CONCAT # and "(" in the test case test_fail_distinct_concat_inside_count: # SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(CONCAT(col1, '-', col2, '-', col3))) # # seq = ReflowSequence.from_around_target( # anchor, # context.parent_stack[0], # config=context.config, # ).replace( # anchor, # (KeywordSegment("DISTINCT"), WhitespaceSegment()) # + self.filter_meta(bracketed[0].segments)[1:-1], # ) # Do this until we have a fix for the above. return LintResult( anchor=anchor, fixes=[ LintFix.replace( anchor, (KeywordSegment("DISTINCT"), WhitespaceSegment()) + self.filter_meta(bracketed[0].segments)[1:-1], ) ], ) if seq and anchor: # Get modifications. fixes = seq.respace().get_fixes() if fixes: return LintResult( anchor=anchor, fixes=fixes, ) return None
[ 1171 ]
def METHOD_NAME(path): from pathlib import Path return Path(__file__).parent / path
[ 5016 ]
def METHOD_NAME(args=None): """Entry point for nuc_data_make utility.""" print(message(pyne_logo)) make_funcs = [ ("atomic_mass", make_atomic_mass), ("scattering_lengths", make_scattering_lengths), ("decay", make_decay), ("simple_xs", make_simple_xs), ("cinder", make_cinder), ("materials", make_materials_library), ("q_values", make_q_value), ("dose_factors", make_dose_factors), ("eaf", make_eaf), ("wimsd_fpy", wimsdfpy.make_fpy), ("nds_fpy", ndsfpy.make_fpy), ] make_map = dict(make_funcs) make_open = set( [ "atomic_mass", "scattering_lengths", "simple_xs", "materials", "wimsd_fpy", "nds_fpy", "q_values", "dose_factors", ] ) # Parse the command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Make a nuclear data library.") parser.add_argument( "-o", dest="nuc_data", action="store", default=nuc_data, help="path to the output database file.", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", dest="build_dir", action="store", default=build_dir, help="path to the build directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "--datapath", dest="datapath", action="store", default="", help="MCNP DATAPATH." ) parser.add_argument( "--fetch-prebuilt", dest="fetch_prebuilt", action="store", type=lambda s: "t" in s.lower() or "y" in s.lower(), default=True, help="grab partially assembled file [y/n].", ) parser.add_argument( "--make-open-only", dest="make_open_only", action="store", type=lambda s: "t" in s.lower() or "y" in s.lower(), default=False, help="only add open data to file [y/n].", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", dest="make", action="store", default="all", help="comma-separated parts of nuc_data to make: " + ", ".join([mf[0] for mf in make_funcs]) + ", all, and none.", ) parser.add_argument( "--check", dest="hash_check", action="store_true", help="check hashes against built-in ones", ) parser.add_argument( "--clean", dest="clean", type=int, default=0, help="""level to clean up existing files. 0: no cleaning (default). 1: clean nuc_data. 2: clean nuc_data and build_dir.""", ) args = parser.parse_args(args=args) # clean nuc data if args.clean in [1, 2]: print("Removing nuc_data from {0}".format(args.nuc_data)) try: os.remove(args.nuc_data) except OSError: pass # Make the build dir if args.clean == 2 and os.path.exists(args.build_dir): print("Removing build_dir from {0}".format(args.build_dir)) remove_tree(args.build_dir) mkpath(args.build_dir) # Determine what to make if args.make == "none": make_order = [] elif args.make == "all": make_order = [mf[0] for mf in make_funcs] else: make_order = args.make.replace(" ", "").split(",") if args.make_open_only: make_order = [mo for mo in make_order if mo in make_open] # fetch prebuilt data library if possible if args.fetch_prebuilt: _fetch_prebuilt(args) # Make the various tables print("Making nuc_data at {0}".format(args.nuc_data)) for mo in make_order: make_map[mo](args) if args.hash_check: print("Checking hashes") result = check_hashes(args.nuc_data) print("Results:") badsum = False for name, value in result: if value: print(" node " + name + " checksum matches") else: badsum = True print(" node " + name + " checksum doesn't match!!") if badsum is True: print( """You may need to try building the data from scratch using:\n nuc_data_make --fetch-prebuilt False """ )
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def METHOD_NAME(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MiSoC port to the Papilio Pro") builder_args(parser) soc_sdram_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() soc = BaseSoC(**soc_sdram_argdict(args)) builder = Builder(soc, **builder_argdict(args)) builder.build()
[ 57 ]
def METHOD_NAME(filter_dir=False, r_list=False): res = _get_dir_source_name(ConfigLoader.get_items_dir(), filter_dir=filter_dir) if res: if r_list: res = list(res) return res else: return []
[ 19, 75, 1768, 505 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self: "T") -> "T": raise NotImplementedError
[ 416, 290 ]
def METHOD_NAME(self, operation, value): self.changes.append((operation, value))
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