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Here is an email: Good Morning All, As a matter of information, I am forwarding the below attached document. Please give us a call, should you need us. Thank!! <<organization Changes.doc>>
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Organizational Change | aeslc_10templates | 700 | Her er en e-post: God morgen Alle, som en opplysning, sender jeg videre det under vedlagte dokumentet. Ring oss hvis du trenger oss. Takk! <<ordning Endringer.dok>> Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten? | Here's an e-mail: good morning, everyone, as an announcement, I'll pass it on under the attached document. Call us if you need us. Thank you! <<order Changes.doc>> What is a possible subject line for this mail? | Endring i organisasjon (skift) i organisasjon (skift) | Organizational (shift) change (shift) |
Write an email with the subject line "Have Courage and Never be Afraid". | My dearest precious men, "Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord." - Psalm 31:24 Courage belongs to those who know God, says the psalmist. And, I say we all need to continually affirm God's power to protect us. Today I have created a litany which affirms our faith in God's power, so that we need never be afraid. Since our current situation strikes fear in our hearts, read this litany of courage and praise. You need never be afraid! When I am being tested beyond measure in my job responsibilities ... I will put my trust in God. When I am facing the greatest hurdles of my life... The Lord gives me courage! When I feel like I am completely alone... The Lord is my light and salvation! When I feel like the bottom is falling out... My heart shall know no fear! God will save me! When I have no other answers or solutions... God will send the help I need! When I go through every terrifying minute of the day... I am expecting the Lord to rescue me! When I think failure is upon me... I am brave, for God's power is greater than any situation I could possibly face today. "FEAR NOT, FOR I HAVE REDEEMED YOU; I HAVE CALLED YOU BY YOUR NAME, KEN AND BEAU, YOU ARE MINE. WHEN YOU GO THROUGH THE WATERS AND GREAT TROUBLE I WILL BE WITH YOU. WHEN YOU GO THROUGH RIVERS, THEY SHALL NOT OVERFLOW YOU. WHEN YOU WALK THROUGH THE FIRE YOU SHALL NOT BE BURNED, NOR THE FLAME SCORCH YOU. FOR I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD, YOUR SAVIOR...YOU ARE PRECIOUS IN MY SIGHT, YOU HAVE BEEN HONORED, AND I HAVE LOVED YOU. FEAR NOT, FOR I AM WITH YOU." Isaiah 43:1-5 The bottom line of our life should be faith, not fear, so live today controlled by God-inspired positive thoughts!!! Love and prayer, Linda/Mom | aeslc_10templates | 701 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Ha det godt og vær aldri redd<unk> | Type an email with the subject line<unk> Take care of it and never be afraid<unk> | Mine kjære kjære, vær av godt mot, og Han skal styrke ditt hjerte, alle dere som håper på Herren, - Salme 31:24 Mot tilhører de som kjenner Gud, sier salmisten. Og jeg sier at vi alle må fortsette å bekrefte Guds makt til å beskytte oss. I dag har jeg skapt et samfunn som bekrefter vår tro på Guds makt, slik at vi aldri trenger å være redde. Ettersom vår nåværende situasjon har vakt frykt i vårt hjerte, bør vi lese denne lille ting som vitner om mot og ros. Du trenger aldri å være redd! Når jeg blir utprøvd i jobben min... Jeg vil sette min lit til Gud. Når jeg står overfor mitt livs største hindringer... Herren gir meg mot! Når jeg føler at jeg er helt alene... Herren er mitt lys og min frelse! Når det føles som om bunnen faller ut skal mitt hjerte ikke kjenne frykt! Gud vil frelse meg! Når jeg ikke har noen andre svar eller løsninger... vil Gud sende den hjelpen jeg trenger! Når jeg går gjennom hvert eneste minutt av dagen... Jeg venter på Herren til å redde meg! Når jeg tror at jeg har feil... Jeg er tapper, for Guds makt er større enn noen situasjon jeg kan møte i dag. <unk>FJERN, FOR JEG HAR FREDD DEG; JEG HAR KALT DEG AV DIN NAVN, KEN OG BUD, DU ER MINE. Jeg skal være med deg. NÅR DU GJØR GJØR RIVERE, SKAL DE IKKE OVERVINNE DEG. TENK OVER ORDET DU SKAL IKKE BLI BURDERT, NOR DEN FLAME KJÆRLIGHETEN DEG. For jeg er Herren din Gud, din frelser... Du er syk i min natt, du har vært æret, og jeg har elsket deg. FAR IKKE FARBEIDT, BELØSNING Jesaja 43:1-5 Slutten av vårt liv skulle være tro, ikke frykt, så lev i dag kontrollert av gud-inspirerte positive tanker!!!!! Kjærlighet og bønn, Linda/Mamma | My dear ones, be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord, Psalm 31: 24 Courage belongs to those who know God, says the psalmist. And I say we must all continue to uphold God’s power to protect us. Today, I have created a society that confirms our faith in God’s power so that we never have to be afraid. Since our present situation has stirred fear in our hearts, we should read this little display of courage and commendation. You never have to be afraid! When I'm tested at my job... I want to trust in God. When I face the greatest obstacles of my life... The Lord gives me courage! When I feel like I'm all alone... The Lord is my light and my salvation. When it feels like the bottom is falling out, my heart will not feel fear! God will save me! When I have no other answers or solutions... God will send the help I need! When I go through every minute of the day... I'm waiting for the Lord to save me! When I think I'm wrong... I am courageous, for God’s power is greater than any situation I may face today. FRENCH, FOR I HAVE FREEDOMED YOU; I HAVE CALLED YOU BY YOUR NAME, KEN AND BUD, YOU ARE MY NAME. I'll be with you. WHEN YOU DO RIVERS, THEY SHALL NOT OVERCOME YOU. CONSIDER THE WORD YOU SHOULD NOT BE BUILDED TO YOU. For I am the Lord your God, your Savior... you are sick in my night, you have been glorified, and I have loved you. - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Isaiah 43:1-5 The end of our lives would be faithful, not fear, so live today under the control of god-inspired positive thoughts!!!!! Love and prayer, Linda/Mama |
Over the weekend one of the Enron International data servers (EI G:\common) was scheduled to relocate to another Enron data center. Since the move of the server, the system has been experiencing a wide range of technical issues. The infrastructure team has been working around the clock to resolve these issues. This work is expected to be completed and all files accessible by end of business day Monday evening. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience in this matter. Thank you,
Generate a subject line for this email. | EI Data Servers | aeslc_10templates | 702 | I løpet av helgen skulle en av datatjenerne (EI G:<unk>common) i Enron International-datatjenerne (EI G:<unk>common) flytte til et annet Enron datasenter. Siden serverens flytting har systemet hatt en lang rekke tekniske problemstillinger. Infrastrukturlaget har jobbet døgnet rundt for å løse disse problemene. Dette arbeidet forventes å bli fullført og alle filer som er tilgjengelige innen utgangen av arbeidsdagen mandag kveld. Vi ber om unnskyldning for besværet og setter pris på deres tålmodighet i denne saken. Takk, lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | During the weekend, one of the computer servers (EI G:<unk>common) of the Enron International Data Servers (EI G:<unk>common) was to move to another Enron Data Centre. Since the server’s move, the system has had a wide range of technical issues. The Infrastructure Team has worked around the clock to solve these problems. This work is expected to be completed and all files available by the end of the working day on Monday evening. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience in this matter. Thank you, please create a subject line for this e-mail. | EI datatenarar | EI data servers |
What is the subject line for this email?
I spoke with John Weiss (630-836-5687) @ BP Exploration & Oil Inc. (cpid #668) and he informed me that effective October 1, 2001 they will be changing the name of the company. The new entity is going to be BP Products North America Inc. We will need to coordinate BP Products coming on EOL and BP Exploration being shut down. From the legal standpoint, we have a master with BP Exploration & Oil Inc. and need to know how that will follow the new company. tm | BP Name Change | aeslc_10templates | 703 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Jeg har snakket med John Weiss (630-836-56-87 @ BP Exploring & Oil Inc. (cirka #668) og han informerte meg om at den 1. oktober 2001 vil de endre selskapets navn. Det nye foretaket kommer til å bli BP Products North America Inc. Vi må samordne BP Products som kommer når EOL og BP Exploration legges ned. Fra det juridiske synspunkt har vi en master med BP Exploration & Oil Inc. og må vite hvordan det vil følge det nye selskapet. her | What is the subject line for this email? I have spoken to John Weiss (630-836-56-87 @ BP Exploring & Oil Inc. (approximately #668) and he informed me that on October 1, 2001, they will change the name of the company. The new enterprise is going to be BP Products North America Inc. and we need to coordinate BP Products that arrive when EOL and BP Exploration close. From a legal standpoint, we have a master with BP Exploration & Oil Inc. and need to know how it will follow the new company. here | BP-navneendring | BP Renaming |
What is the subject line for this email?
Dear Susan. This time of year, you can't turn around without bumping into a great festival. This weekend, enjoy yourself at the annual Westheimer affair, guffaw with comic Janeane Garofalo, catch Reel Big Fish and treat yourself to our Halloween guide. Details at WESTHEIMER FESTIVAL--After a successful relocation to Buffalo Bayou, son of a gun, it's still big fun. | CITYSEARCH WEEKEND PREVIEW: Westheimer Fest, Janeane Garofalo, Halloween tips and more. | aeslc_10templates | 704 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Kjære Susan. På denne tiden av året kan man ikke snu seg uten å støte på en stor festival. Denne helgen, kos deg på den årlige Westheimer-affæren, uffla med tegneserie Janeane Garofalo, fang Reel Big Fish og vær så snill mot vår Halloweenguide. Henta 20. mars 2011. Etter en vellykket flytting til Buffalo Bayou, sønn av en pistol, er det fortsatt gøy. | What is the subject line for this email? Dear Susan. This time of year, you can't turn around without running into a big festival. This weekend, enjoy the annual Westheimer affair, unplugged by comic book Janeane Garofalo, trap Reel Big Fish and be so kind to our Halloween guide. Pick up March 20th, 2011. After a successful move to Buffalo Bayou, son of a gun, it's still fun. | CITSISK VEEIEN FOR VESEN: Westheimer Fest, Janeane Garofalo, Halloween tips og mer. | Westheimer Fest, Janeane Garofalo, Halloween tips and more. |
What is the subject line for this email?
There has been a change to the expiration schedule for NYMEX Natural Gas and Products. After preparing the holiday schedule for 2002 the NYMEX has chosen to close the Friday after Thanksgiving; howver, expiration for December natural gas, unleaded and heating oil wll remain the same. As such, expiration for these contracts is as follows: Natural Gas: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 Heating Oil: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 Unleaded: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 Thank You | December Futures Expiration | aeslc_10templates | 705 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Det er endret en tidsplan for NYMEX Natural Gas and Products. Etter utarbeidingen av ferieplanen for 2002 har NYMEX valgt å avvikle fredag etter høsting. Krøll, utløp for desember, utslippsdato for desembergass, blyfri blyfri og oljefyringsolje wll forblir den samme. Derfor er utløpsdato for disse kontraktene som følger: Natural Gas: Tirsdag 26. november 2002 Varmeolje: onsdag 27. november 2002 Uavledet: onsdag den 27. november 2002 Takk | What is the subject line for this email? A schedule has been changed for NYMEX Natural Gas and Products. Following the preparation of the 2002 holiday plan, NYMEX has chosen to liquidate Friday after harvest. Curl, expired December, December gas emissions date, unleaded and oil-burning oil will remain the same. Therefore, the expiration date of these contracts is as follows: Natural Gas: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 Heat Oil: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 Unbred: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 | Utløper fra desember framtid | Expires December |
Write a subject line for this message:
You are invited to attend a meeting to discuss Transwestern on July 31st from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. It will be held in 49C2 (video conference room - Houston) and in 7C2 (video conference room - Omaha) Attendees - Houston: Attendees - Omaha: Attendees - Washington D.C. via phone: Stan Horton Greg Porter Charles Moore - Akin, Gump Rod Hayslett Mary Kay Miller Robin Nuschler - Akin, Gump Danny McCarty Steve Kirk Frank Kelly - Gallagher, Borland Steve Harris Maria Pavlou Steve Stojic - Gallagher, Borland Kim Watson Joe Hartsoe - Enron Shelley Corman Drew Fossum Teb Lokey Tracy Geaccone Tracy, Rod Hayslett requested that you attend this meeting also. I'm sorry, I didn't add your name to the list. | Transwestern Meeting 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. | aeslc_10templates | 706 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Du er invitert til å overvære et møte for å drøfte Transwestern 31. juli fra kl. 14 til 16.00. Det vil bli avholdt i 49C2 (videokonferanserom<unk> Houston) og i 7C2 (videokonferanserom<unk> Omago) Deltagere<unk> Houston: Deltagere<unk> Omega: Deltakere<unk> Washington D.C. via telefon: Stan Horton Greg Porter Charles Moore<unk> Akin, Gump Rod Hayslett Mary Miller Nuschler<unk> Akin, Gump Danny McCarty Steve McCarty Steve Kirk Frank Tracy<unk> Gallagher, Borland Greg Porter Charles Moore<unk> Akin, Gump Rod Hayslett Rod Hayslett Mary Miller Nuschler<unk> Akin, Gump Danny McCarty Steve Tracy<unk> Gallagher, Borland Greger<unk> Borland Borland, Borland Travis<unk> Gallagher, Borland Kim Watson Joe Harts<unk> Enron Shelley Cormangeard Teb Lokey Geacone, Rodslett ba om at du også skulle delta på dette møtet. Beklager, jeg har ikke lagt navnet ditt til lista. | Enter a subject field for this message: You are invited to attend a meeting to discuss Transwestern on July 31 from 2: 00 p.m. to 4: 00 p.m. It will be held in 49C2 (Video Conference Room<unk> Houston) and in 7C2 (Video Conference Room<unk> Omago) Deltas<unk> Houston, Deltagere<unk> Omega: Delegates<unk>C. By phone: Stan Horton Greg Porter Charles Moore<unk> Akin, Gump Rod Hayslett Mary Nuschler<unk> Akin, Gump Danny McCarty Steve McCarty Steve Kirk Frank Tracy<unk> Gallagher, Borland Greger Charles Moore< Mooreunk> Akin, Gump Hayslett Rod Hayletts Mary Miller Nuschler<unk> Akin, Gump Danny McCarty Steve Tracy<unk> Gallagher, Borland Greger< England Borland Borland Borland, Borland (Borland <angler], Borland Knight, Dr. I'm sorry, I haven't added your name to the list. | Transvestlig møte kl. 14.00 - 16.00. | Transvestian meeting at 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |
Dear Power Outage Database Customer, Attached you will find an excel document. The outage contained within is a forced outage. Your daily delivery will still contain this outage. Any questions please let me know. Thanks.
Write a subject line for this email. | ECAR (Rockport 02) | aeslc_10templates | 707 | \"Særlig kraftutstikker\" Database Kunde, vedlagt vil du finne et utmerkelsesdokument. Det er en utpressing. Daglig levering vil fortsatt inneholde dette utelaget. La meg få vite noen spørsmål. Takk. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | In particular, you'll find an awards document. It's a blackmail. Daily delivery will still contain this outdoors. Let me know a few questions. Thank you. Type a subject line for this email. | EECAR (Tokhavn 02) | EECAR (Airport 02) |
Here is an email: Please grant me access to the rac website. I am the manager for the central region - natural gas. I need access to activate and inactivate and view all central books. Please give me a call with any questions. Thanks for your help. PL 3-7376
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Web Access | aeslc_10templates | 708 | Her er en e-post: gi meg tilgang til nettstedet rac. Jeg er sjef for regionen - naturgass. Jeg trenger tilgang til å aktivere og inaktivere og se alle sentrale bøker. Vennligst ring meg med spørsmål. Takk for hjelpen. PL 3-7376 Hva er en potensiell emnelinje for denne e-posten? | Here's an email: give me access to the website rac. I'm head of the region - natural gas. I need access to activate and inactivate and see all central books. Please call me with questions. Thanks for your help. PL 3-7376 What is a potential subject line for this e-mail? | Netttilgang | Access to a network |
This is the content of an email: We know how interested all of you are in the Retention & Severance Plan, so we want to update you on its status. As many of you know, we have been working with members of the Creditors' Committee and their consultants since December to formulate a Retention & Severance Plan, and we formally presented the plan to the committee on Friday, February 22. We had hoped the committee would approve the plan quickly so that we could file it with the bankruptcy court and share the details of the plan with you before the end of the month. We know that many of you have career options outside of Enron and that the Retention & Severance Plan may impact your decision to stay or to leave. We sincerely regret to inform you that approval of the plan for debtor companies is delayed. We're learning that, in bankruptcy, most things don't move as quickly as we are accustomed. The committee outlined some concerns related to our proposed plan, but we are confident we will be able to reach agreement with the creditors on those concerns. The Creditors' Committee fully supports the implementation of a Retention & Severance Plan. Such plans align the company's objectives with the goals of the creditors and are fairly standard in bankruptcy. These plans are designed as a way to preserve and maximize value for the estate. The Creditors' Committee also understands that time is of the essence for getting a plan in place and has established a subcommittee to expedite their review and approval process. To that end, we are meeting regularly with the subcommittee. We intend to work hand-in-hand with them to reach agreement on an acceptable plan as quickly as possible. This is currently our top priority, bar none! When we filed for bankruptcy, we did not fully grasp how tedious the process of developing an acceptable plan would be. Unfortunately, that lack of understanding led management to set unrealistic expectations about how quickly a plan might be in place. We now know that it takes significant time, resources and effort to understand, identify and gather the massive volume of required details, to formulate that information into a reasonable program, and to prepare a rationale and compelling presentation. The process mirrors the most time-intensive business presentation or deal negotiation with which Enron has been involved. That serves only as an explanation - it is not intended as an excuse. We remain committed to working with the Creditors' Committee until we can reach agreement on a plan. We anticipate that negotiation process will take another week or so, and have targeted the week of March 11 to file a motion to adopt a plan with the bankruptcy court. We will continue to hold retention and severance as our number one priority until a plan is approved by the bankruptcy court. With respect to non-debtor companies, or those companies not in bankruptcy, new severance plans are being approved and will be rolled out to employees in those companies in the very near future. In the meantime, we have been working to finalize merit increases and promotions across the entire organization and plan to communicate those to employees next week. And of course, we will update you on retention and severance as soon as possible.
What was the subject line for this email? | Update on Retention & Severance Plan | aeslc_10templates | 709 | Dette er innholdet i en e- post. Vi vet hvor interessert dere er i angreplanen, så vi vil oppdatere dere om status. Som mange av dere vet, har vi jobbet med medlemmer av kreditorkomiteen og deres konsulenter siden desember for å utarbeide en angreretts- og avgrensningsplan, og vi har formelt presentert planen for komiteen fredag den 22. februar. Vi hadde håpet at komiteen ville godkjenne planen raskt, slik at vi kunne levere den inn til konkursretten og dele detaljene i planen med dere før utgangen av måneden. Vi vet at mange av dere har karrieremuligheter utenfor Enron, og at planen for tilbakeholdelse og utsettelse kan påvirke deres beslutning om å bli eller å forlate. Vi beklager å måtte meddele at godkjenning av debitorselskapenes plan er forsinket. Vi har innsett at det meste ikke beveger seg så fort som vi er vant til. Utvalget skisserer noen bekymringer knyttet til vår foreslåtte plan, men vi er sikre på at vi vil kunne komme til enighet med kreditorene om disse bekymringene. Kreditorkomiteen støtter fullt ut gjennomføringen av en Retensjons- og avholdsplan. Slike planer stiller selskapets mål i forhold til kreditorenes mål og er ganske standard ved konkurs. Disse planene er utformet som en måte å bevare og maksimere boet på. Kreditorkomiteen forstår også at tid er avgjørende for å få på plass en plan, og har opprettet et underutvalg for å fremskynde sin klage- og godkjenningsprosess. For det formål skal vi møte i underkomiteen. Vi skal samarbeide med dem for å komme til enighet om en akseptabel plan så raskt som mulig. Dette er topp prioriteten vår. Da vi søkte om konkurs, forstod vi ikke fullt ut hvor kjedelig prosessen med å utvikle en akseptabel plan ville være. Uheldigvis førte mangelen på forståelse til at ledelsen satte urealistiske forventninger til hvor raskt en plan kunne være på plass. Vi vet nå at det krever betydelig tid, ressurser og anstrengelser å forstå, identifisere og samle den omfattende mengden av nødvendige detaljer, å formulere denne informasjonen til et rimelig program, og å utarbeide en begrunnelse og overbevisende presentasjon. Prosessen speiler den mest tidsintensive forretningspresentasjonen eller omhandler forhandling som Enron har vært involvert i. Det tjener bare som en forklaring - det er ikke ment som en unnskyldning. Vi fortsetter å samarbeide med kreditorkomiteen inntil vi kan komme til enighet om en plan. Vi forventer at forhandlingsprosessen vil ta en ukes tid til, og har satt uken 11. mars til å begjære begjæring om å vedta en plan med konkursretten. Vi vil fortsette å holde fastholdelse og sluttvederlag som vår fremste prioritet inntil en plan er godkjent av konkursretten. Når det gjelder ikke-debitorselskaper, eller de selskapene som ikke er konkurs, er nye sluttvederlag i ferd med å bli godkjent og vil bli utbetalt til arbeidstakere i disse selskapene i nær framtid. I mellomtiden har vi arbeidet for å få slutt på økninger og forfremmelser i hele organisasjonen og planlegger å formidle dem til de ansatte neste uke. Vi oppdaterer dere om oppbevaring og slutt så snart som mulig. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email, and we know how interested you are in the cancellation plan, so we'd like to update you on your status. As many of you know, we've been working with members of the creditor committee and your consultants since December to draw up a plan of cancellation and demarcation, and we've formally presented the plan to the committee on Friday, February 22. We had hoped that the committee would approve the plan quickly so that we could file it for bankruptcy and share the details of the plan with you before the end of the month. We know that many of you have career opportunities outside Enron, and that the plan for withholding and deference can affect your decision to stay or to leave. We regret to inform you that the approval of the obligor company's plan has been delayed. We've realized that most things don't move as fast as we're used to. The committee outlines some concerns related to our proposed plan, but we are sure that we will be able to agree with the creditors on these concerns. The Creditor Committee fully supports the implementation of a Retention and Abstinence Plan. Such plans aim the company’s objectives in relation to the objectives of creditors and are fairly standard in cases of bankruptcy. These plans are designed to preserve and maximise the estate. The Creditors Committee also understands that time is crucial for setting up a plan and has established a sub-sample to accelerate its review and approval process. To that end, we'll be meeting on the subcommittee. We will cooperate with them in order to come to an agreement on an acceptable plan as quickly as possible. This is our top priority. When we filed for bankruptcy, we did not fully understand how dull the process of developing an acceptable plan would be. Unfortunately, lack of understanding led management to unrealistic expectations of how fast a plan could be. We now know that it takes considerable time, resources and effort to understand, identify and gather the comprehensive amount of necessary details, to formulate this information into a reasonable programme, and to prepare a rationale and convincing presentation. The process reflects the most time-intensive business presentation or deals with negotiations involving Enron. It just serves as an explanation - it's not meant to be an apology. We continue to cooperate with the creditors committee until we can come to an agreement on a plan. We expect the negotiation process to take another week's time, and we have set the week of March 11 to file a motion to adopt a plan of bankruptcy. We'll continue to maintain our tenure and termination benefits as our first priority until a plan is approved by bankruptcy law. In the case of non-debtor companies, or the non-employee companies, new termination benefits are being authorised and will be paid to employees of those companies in the near future. In the meantime, we have been working to put an end to increases and promotions throughout the organization and are planning to distribute them to the employees next week. We'll update you on storage and exit as soon as possible. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Oppdatering om fornyelse og sluttidsplan for tilbakeholdelse | Update on renewal and withdrawal end time plan |
What is the subject line for this email?
Dear Mr. Lay, I just wanted to drop you a note and personally wish you the best of luck with Enron Corp. through the holidays and in the coming new year. Although I am not a stockholder, I've always believed that Enron Corp. was on the cutting edge of everything that was good about the energy business, and what's right for Texas in particular. My wife works for the American Heart Association here in Austin. She said you and your company have been a long time and generous supporter of AHA. Thank you for that. As I was reading in the Austin American Statesman this morning, I understand that you have gone to great lengths to do "the right thing" for everyone concerned. I firmly believe that you will come out of this situation on top and continue to prosper and profit as always. P.S. I hope that my email moniker of "elduque" didn't throw you.....I am not with any east coast competitor! I picked it up while watching a World Series game last year and thought it appropriate at the time, when Yankee pitcher "Elduque" was busy striking out the side. Here's hoping you can do the same! Best Wishes For The Holiday Season!! Respectfully, Douglas Smith | Our support/Best Wishes | aeslc_10templates | 710 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Mr. Lay, jeg ville bare gi deg en lapp og ønske deg lykke til med Enron Corp gjennom høytidene og det kommende nyttår. Selv om jeg ikke er aksjonær, har jeg alltid trodd at Enron Corp. var på kanten av alt som var bra med energibransjen, og det som er rett for Texas spesielt. Min kone jobber for American Heart Association her i Austin. Hun sa at du og firmaet ditt har vært en lang og sjenerøs tilhenger av AHA. Takk for det. Som jeg leste i Austin American Statesman i morges, forstår jeg at du har gjort mye for å gjøre det rette for alle de berørte. Jeg tror at du vil komme ut av denne situasjonen på toppen og fortsette å ha framgang og profitt som alltid. s. Jeg håper e-post-monikeren min av <unk>elduque<unk> kastet deg ikke ..... Jeg er ikke med noen østkyst konkurrent! Jeg plukket den opp mens jeg så på en World Series-kamp i fjor og syntes den passet seg på den tiden, da Yanke <unk>Elduque <unk> var opptatt med å slå ut siden. Her er håpet at du kan gjøre det samme! Beste ønskeønsker for julehøytiden!!! Jo, uten tvil, Douglas Smith | What is the subject line for this email? Mr. Lay, I just wanted to give you a note and wish you luck with Enron Corp through the holidays and the upcoming New Year. Even though I'm not a stockholder, I always thought Enron Corp was on the edge of everything that was good with the energy industry, and what's right for Texas in particular. My wife works for the American Heart Association here in Austin. She said that you and your company have been a long and generous supporter of AHA. Thanks for that. As I read in Austin American Statesman this morning, I understand that you've done a lot to do the right thing for all the people involved. I think you'll come out of this situation at the top and continue to have progress and profit as always. p. I hope my e-mail moniker of <unk>elduque<unk> didn't throw you.... I'm not with any East Coast competitor! I picked it up while watching a World Series game last year and thought it was appropriate at the time, when Yank <unk>Elduque <unk> was busy knocking out the page. Here is the hope that you can do the same! Best Wishes for Christmas!! No doubt, Douglas Smith. | Vår støtte/Beste ønske | Our Support/Best Wish |
This is an email
Send to your favorite counterparty. Enron Receives Dynegy $1.5B Cash Infusion Tues. >DYN ENE By Christina Cheddar 11/14/2001 Dow Jones News Service (Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Dynegy Inc. (DYN) provided Enron Corp. (ENE) Tuesday with the $1.5 billion cash infusion envisioned in the companies' merger agreement, a Dynegy spokeswoman said. Dynegy received preferred stock and other rights in an Enron unit that owns the Northern Natural Gas pipeline in return for its investment. The cash infusion, which was made with the assistance of Dynegy's largest shareholder, ChevronTexaco Corp. (CVX), is aimed at providing Enron with additional cash liquidity to support its core energy marketing and trading operations. The rights provide Dynegy with the option to acquire the pipeline unit should the two companies fail to complete their merger. The deal, which still needs shareholder and regulatory approval, is expected to close within the next six to nine months. Dynegy is acquiring Enron for 0.2685 of a Dynegy share, or about $10 billion based on the recent price of Dynegy shares. The acquisition of Enron by its smaller rival follows a series of disclosures about Enron's financial dealings with partnerships run by some of its corporate officers. The dealings are under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission and at the center of more than a dozen of shareholder lawsuits. During the last month, Enron watched as its share price sunk to a small fraction of its earlier levels as shareholder confidence in the trading company evaporated. As credit-rating agencies began to cut Enron's debt ratings threatening the company's investment-grade status, the company scrambled to raise additional cash to shore up its balance sheet and protect confidence in its business. Industry experts viewed Dynegy's cash infusion as one way the companies sought to bolster confidence in the energy trader's liquidity, and protect its most valuable business. In a conference call earlier Wednesday, Enron said its core energy trading business has been temporarily hurt by the uncertainty created by recent events. According to Dynegy spokeswoman Jennifer Rosser, the preferred stock Dynegy has received for its investment in Enron is convertible into the common stock of the Enron pipeline unit. Dynegy also has the right to convert the preferred stock into Enron shares if it desires, the spokeswoman said. For example, if Enron were to cancel its merger with Dynegy in order to accept a higher bid from another suitor, Dynegy might decide to convert its preferred shares into Enron stock in order to reap the profits created by an increase in Enron's stock price, Rosser said. In either case, Dynegy wouldn't be required to pay any additional consideration. Dynegy was able to make the cash infusion after ChevronTexaco, of San Francisco, made an investment in Dynegy. If the acquisition closes as anticipated, ChevronTexaco, which owns about one-fourth of Dynegy, plans to make an additional $1 billion investment in the combined company. ChevronTexaco also has the right to purchase an additional $1.5 billion in Dynegy stock in the first three years following the close of the acquisition. Enron officials said they are monitoring the energy market's reaction to the cash infusion, and hopes it will restore the confidence of its counterparties. Enron remains on a credit watch at the credit-rating agencies. Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's each have Enron rated one notch above speculative grade.
What is the subject of this email? | Enron Receives Dynegy $1.5B Cash Infusion Tues. >DYN ENE | aeslc_10templates | 711 | Dette er en e-postsending til din favoritt motpart. Enron Receives Dynegy $1.5B Cash Infusion Tues. >DYN ENE Bye Christina Cheddar 11/14/000 Dow Jones News Service (C) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Dynegy Inc. (DYN) sørget for Enron Corp. (ENE) med de 1,5 milliarder dollar kontantene som er sett opp i selskapets avtale, sa en Dynegy Talswoman. Dynegy fikk foretrukne aksje- og andre rettigheter i en Enevoldsenhet som eier av Nordre Naturgassrørledningen i bytte mot sin investering. Kontantinfusjonen, som ble gjort med bistand fra Dynegys største aksjonær, ChevronTexaco Corp. (CVX), har som mål å tilby Enron ytterligere kontant likviditet for å støtte sin kjerneenergimarkedsføring og handelsoperasjoner. Rettighetene gir Dynegi mulighet til å overta rørledningsenheten dersom de to selskapene ikke fullfører fusjonen. Avtalen, som fortsatt trenger aksjeeier og lovbestemt godkjenning, forventes å avsluttes i løpet av de neste seks til ni månedene. Dynegi er ervervs Enerett for 0,2685 av en aksje i Dynegi, eller om lag 10 milliarder kroner basert på den nyere prisen på aksjer i Dynegi. Overtakelsen av Enron ved sin mindre ettersrival følger en rekke opplysninger om Enrons finansielle befatning med partnerskap drevet av noen av selskapets selskapsførere. Forhandlingene er under gransking av Verdipapirtilsynet og børskommisjonen og i sentrum av mer enn et dusin aksjeeiersøksmål. I løpet av den siste måneden så Enron på aksjekursen som en liten del av dens tidligere nivåer som aksjeeiersikkerhet i det handelsselskapet som avdampet. Etter hvert som kredittvurderingsbyråer begynte å kutte Enrons gjeldsakter truet selskapets status som investeringsgrad, ville selskapet skaffe ekstra kontanter for å øke balansen og beskytte tilliten til virksomheten. Eksperter betrakter Dynegys kontantinfusjon som én måte selskapene søkte å øke tilliten til den energihandlerens likviditet og beskytte den mest verdifulle virksomheten. I et møte tidligere onsdag sa Enron at den sentrale virksomheten innen energihandel er blitt midlertidig skadet av den usikkerheten som er skapt av de siste hendelsene. Ifølge Dynegys talskvinne Jennifer Rosser, har den foretrukne aksjen Dynegy fått for sin investering i Enron, blir cabriolet inn i fellesbeholdningen til Enron-rørledningen. Dynegy har også rett til å konvertere den foretrukne aksjen til Enron-aksjer hvis den ønsker det, sa talskvinnen. Dersom Enron for eksempel skulle heve sin fusjon med Dynegy for å godta et høyere bud fra en annen frier, kan Dynegy beslutte å konvertere sine foretrukne aksjer til Enron aksje for å høste overskuddet skapt av en økning i Enrons aksjekurs, sa Rosser. I begge tilfeller ville ikke Dynegi være pålagt å betale noen tilleggsverdi. Dynegy klarte å lage kontantinfusjonen etter at ChevronTexaco i San Francisco gjorde en investering i Dynegy. Dersom overtakelsen blir avsluttet som forventet, planlegger ChevronTexaco, som eier omtrent en fjerdedel av Dynegy, å gjøre en ytterligere investering på 1 milliard dollar i det sammenslåtte selskapet. ChevronTexaco har også rett til å kjøpe ytterligere 1,5 milliarder kroner i Dynegy-aksjer de første tre årene etter at oppkjøpet ble avsluttet. Enron-myndighetene sa at de overvåker energimarkedets reaksjon på kontantinfusjonen, og håper den vil gjenopprette motpartenes tillit. Enron står på en kredittvakt hos kredittbyråene. Moody's Investors Service og Standard & Poor's har hver Enron rangert ett hakk over spekulativ karakter. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an email to your favorite peer. Enron Receives Dynegy $1.5B Cash Infusion Tues. >DYN ENE Bye Christina Cheddar 11/14/000 Dow Jones Service (C) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.) NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)-Dynegy Inc. (DYN) provided Enron Corp. (ENE) with the 1.5 billion dollars cash listed in the company agreement, said a Dynegy Talswoman. Dynegy was granted preferred share and other rights in an Enevolence unit which owns the Northern Natural Gas Pipeline in exchange for its investment. The cash infusion, assisted by Dynegy’s largest shareholder, ChevronTexaco Corp. (CVX), aims to provide Enron with additional cash liquidity to support its nuclear energy marketing and trading operations. The rights allow Dynegi to take over the pipeline unit if the two companies fail to complete the merger. The agreement, which still needs shareholder and legal approval, is expected to end within the next six to nine months. Dynegi is the Entitlement of Acquisitions for 0,2685 of a Dynegi stock, or about $10 billion based on the recent price of Dynegi shares. The acquisition of Enron by its smaller successors follows a number of information on Enron’s financial relationship with partnerships operated by some company managers. The negotiations are under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission and in the center of more than a dozen shareholder lawsuits. During the past month, Enron viewed the share price as a small part of its former levels as shareholder security in the dehydrated trading company. As credit rating agencies began to cut Enron’s debt debts, the company threatened the company’s investment status, the company wanted to obtain extra cash to increase balance and to protect trust in the business. Experts view Dynegy’s cash infusion as one way companies sought to build confidence in the liquidity of the energy dealer and protect the most valuable activity. In a meeting earlier Wednesday, Enron said that the central energy trade business has been temporarily damaged by the uncertainty created by recent events. According to Dynegy's spokeswoman Jennifer Rosser, the preferred share of Dynegy for its investment in Enron, is entered into the common stock of the Enron pipeline. Dynegy also has the right to convert the preferred share into Enron stock if it so wishes, said the spokeswoman. For example, if Enron were to cancel his merger with Dynegy in order to accept a higher bid from another suitor, Dynegy may decide to convert his preferred shares to Enron share in order to harvest the profits generated by an increase in Enron’s share price, Rosser said. In either case, Dynegi would not be required to pay any added value. Dynegy managed to make the cash infusion after ChevronTexaco in San Francisco made an investment in Dynegy. If the acquisition is completed as expected, ChevronTexaco, who owns about a quarter of Dynegy, plans to make a further $1 billion investment in the combined company. ChevronTexaco also has the right to purchase another $1.5 billion in Dynegy stock for the first three years after the purchase was completed. The Enron authorities said that they're monitoring the reaction of the energy market to the cash infusion, hoping it will restore the trust of their counterparts. Enron is on a credit guard with the credit agencies. Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's each Enron ranked one notch above speculative character. What is the subject of this email? | Enron Mottar dysengi $1,5B Konsubstans vansker med å bruke kontanter . >DYN ENE | Enron Receives dysengia $1.5B Consubstantiation difficulty using cash. >DYN ENE |
Write an email with the subject line "My Resignation". | Hey Jay, Just wanted to let you know that I resigned from Enron yesterday and took my job back at Wilkens Weather. No, just kidding -with Energy USA over in the Galleria area. They are a smaller, less sexier and more conservative company than Enron but then we all know what can happen to a "sexy" company. | aeslc_10templates | 712 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>My Resignation <unk> | Type a mail using the subject line<unk>My Kingdom <unk> | Jay, jeg ville bare si at jeg trakk meg fra Enron i går og tok jobben min på Wilkens Weather. Jeg bare tuller med Energi USA i Galleria. De er et mindre, mindre sexy og mer konservativt selskap enn Enron, men da vet vi alle hva som kan skje med et <unk>sexy<unk> selskap. | Jay, I just wanted to say that I resigned from Enron yesterday and took my job at Wilken's Weather. I'm just messing with the Energy United States in Gaul. They're a smaller, less sexy, more conservative company than Enron, but then we all know what can happen to a sexy-assed party. |
What is the subject line for this email?
Michael: I thought that you should be aware of this Transfer Agreement since it involves EEL. Mark Holsworth has reviewed it and I am taking a look at it. If you have any thoughts or questions, please call me. Hope all is going well with you and the group. Carol | Domain name transfer agreement | aeslc_10templates | 713 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Michael: Jeg tenkte at du burde være klar over denne overføringsavtalen siden den involverer EEL. Mark Holsworth har sett på det, og jeg ser på det. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så ring meg. Håpet går bra med deg og gruppen. , ved ved ved | What is the subject line for this email? Michael: I thought you should be aware of this transportation agreement since it involves the EEL. Mark Holsworth's been looking into it, and I'm looking into it. If you have any questions, call me. Hope is going well with you and the group. , wood wood | Overdragsoverføringsavtale om et eget navn | Transfer agreement for a separate name |
Write a subject line for this message:
Attached is a clean and redlined copy of the ENA's IT Agreement on Lost Creek. The revisions incorporate Chris Hoekenga's comments. Please review and let me know if this looks acceptable. If OK we can forward to BR for their final review. | ENA-Lost Creek IT Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 714 | Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldingen: Tilkoblet er en ren og omrisset kopi av ENAs IT-avtale om Lost Creek. Revisjonene gir Chris Hoeksengas kommentarer. Vennligst se nærmere på dette og la meg få vite om dette ser akseptabelt ut. Hvis vi kan fremskynde den endelige gjennomgangen. | Type a subject line for this message: Connected is a clean and outline copy of ENA's Lost Creek IT Agreement. The revisions give Chris Hoeksenga's comments. Please take a closer look at this and let me know if this looks acceptable. If we can speed up the final review. | E-NA-MISTLØS IT-BYTA | E-NA-MISTINAL IT-BYTA |
Write a subject line for this message:
Rod: What's going on with this dudes? They just sent me a huge agreement relating to their arrangement with the International Finance Corp. and hedging agreements. Sara | Capex, S.A. | aeslc_10templates | 715 | Skriv et emne for denne beskjeden: De har sendt meg en stor avtale om avtale med Den internasjonale finans- og sikringsavtaler. _Tilpass | Type a topic for this message: They've sent me a big deal to deal with the International Financial and Insurance Agreements. _Customize | Capex, S.A. | Capex, S.A. |
Planning has met with ENA on Tuesday and responded to the questions from ENA. Let's four of us have a meeting in my office sometime next week and follow-up on this project. What day/ time would be good for you? Thanks,
Write a subject line for this email. | TW/NNG & Sid Richardson | aeslc_10templates | 716 | Planlegging har møtt ENA på tirsdag og svart på spørsmålene fra ENA. La oss ha et møte på kontoret mitt en gang i neste uke og følge opp prosjektet. Hvilken dag/ tid ville være bra for deg? Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Planning has met ENA on Tuesday and answered the questions from ENA. Let's have a meeting in my office sometime next week and follow up on the project. Which day/ time would be good for you? Type a subject line for this email. | TW/NORG OG STYr | TW/NORG AND STORE |
This is an email
Jon, how are things going these days? Are you going to stay in Houston? Did you get a job with UBS? How is the job search going for your girlfriend? So many questions... Things have been going okay up here, other than the fact that we have to look for summer jobs. Christmas holidays back home were definitely fun, but I missed talking to you. I went back to visit the office a couple of times, and Lambie and I managed to get out for an afternoon sporting clays shoot and a couple of beers. Since getting back here, I have had the opportunity to go skiing and play hockey a number of times. Classes are okay, but could be a lot better. We are currently taking marketing, strategy and corporate finance. The corp fin course is cool, and we learned a little bit about real options and valuing debt and equity using black-scholes modeling. That stuff if pretty interesting, and I think that I am going to try and get a summer job doing corp fin with a company. We have a big hockey tournament here this weekend which should prove to be fun, and the olympics also start. I can't wait to watch the Canadians kick a little Yankee ass at hockey. I have also planned a trip to Costa Rica for a couple of weeks in March, where I will hopefully spend a little time on the beach and meet a couple of sweet latin american girls. Anyway, hopefully all is well down there for you. I am interested in hearing how things are going for you. Take Care. Jeff
What is the subject of this email? | Checking In | aeslc_10templates | 717 | Dette er en e-post Jon, hvordan går det for tiden? Skal du bli i Houston? Fikk du jobb i UBS? Hvordan går det med jobbsøkingen etter kjæresten din? Så mange spørsmål... Det har gått bra her oppe, bortsett fra at vi må lete etter sommerjobber. Det var gøy å ha juleferie hjemme, men jeg har savnet å snakke med deg. Jeg dro tilbake til kontoret et par ganger, og Lambie og jeg klarte å komme oss ut på en ettermiddagsskyting og et par øl. Siden jeg kom tilbake hit, har jeg hatt muligheten til å gå på ski og spille ishockey en rekke ganger. Klassene er i orden, men kan bli mye bedre. Vi tar for tiden markedsføring, strategi og bedriftsfinans. Korpfinn-kurset er kult, og vi lærte litt om reelle opsjoner og verdisetting av gjeld og egenkapital ved hjelp av svart-skoles modelling. Det er ganske interessant, og jeg tror jeg skal prøve å få meg en sommerjobb med å jobbe med et firma. Vi har en stor ishockeyturnering her i helgen som skal vise seg å være gøy, og OL starter også. Jeg gleder meg til å se kanadierne sparke litt rumpe på ishockey. Jeg har også planlagt en tur til Costa Rica et par uker i mars, hvor jeg skal tilbringe litt tid på stranden og treffe et par søte latinamerikanere. Uansett, forhåpentligvis alt er bra der nede for deg. Jeg er interessert i å få vite hvordan det går med deg. Ta vare på deg selv. Hva er temaet for denne e-posten? | This is an e-mail Jon, how are you doing these days? Are you staying in Houston? Did you get a job at UBS? How's the job search for your girlfriend? So many questions. It's been good up here, except we have to look for summer jobs. It was fun having Christmas break at home, but I've missed talking to you. I went back to the office a couple of times, and Lambie and I managed to get out on an afternoon shoot and a couple of beers. Ever since I got back here, I've had the opportunity to ski and play hockey a number of times. Classes are fine, but they can be much better. We're currently taking marketing, strategy and corporate finance. The Korponn course is cool, and we learned a little bit about real options and the valuation of debt and equity using the black-school model. It's kind of interesting, and I think I'm gonna try to get a summer job working with a company. We've got a big hockey tournament here this weekend that's gonna turn out to be fun, and the Olympics are gonna start, too. I can't wait to see Canadians kick some ass on hockey. I've also planned a trip to Costa Rica for a couple of weeks in March, where I'm gonna spend some time at the beach and meet a couple of cute Latinos. Anyway, hopefully everything's all right down there for you. I'm interested in knowing how you're doing. Take care of yourself. What's the theme of this e-mail? | Inn: inn: | Input: |
Attached for your review is a rough cut at slides we're preparing for the meeting with Sempra next Thursday. Thoughts and comments are appreciated. Please disregard korny title.
Write a subject line for this email. | DRAFT Slides for Sempra Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 718 | Vi forbereder oss til møtet med Sepra neste torsdag. Det blir satt pris på tanker og kommentarer. Se etter navn på korny. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | We'll prepare for the Sepra meeting next Thursday. Thoughts and comments are appreciated. Look for the name of corn. Type a subject line for this email. | DRAFLL Lysbilder for møtene i samsendingsperioden | DRAFLL Slides for the meetings of the co-transmission period |
While you were out, it was a bit crazed as you expected. I'll hit some highlights for you: Botchlett and Straub position statements: went out on Wednesday. Chapman: I sent the Ok. lawyer a letter and hired Lyn Mattson to investigate. Roome: Spoke with Trey (we had a case against each other a while back and get along well) and sent him a letter. Left Haedicke a message asking if we should give anyone in particular a head's up that they mentioned the SEC investigation. He says don't need to pass along. Anthony Sexton: Got out that separation agreement. Ken Rice: Sent Mark Haedicke a memo outlining the non-competition obligations and potential issues. CC'd you on it. Kitchen/Nettleton: Further discussions with T&F, Oxley, Marcus, Tim Callaghan, etc. Sounds like Marcus is happy. We're getting packet for consular process out to T&F, they send to London, and we think that with some luck (depending on FBI delay on background check), January or February may hold their interviews. Marcus decided not to switch to J&G. RIF: I helped out on some connected stuff, including helping Kerry with release language and speaking with counsel in Mexico so HR can determine what needs to go into calculations for analysis of shutdown of all Mexico ops. Internet Use: Prepared a memo for Oxley. He hasn't responded about whether he wishes to use it. He walked someone out the door (without talking to legal) for posting on the internet from work. New Hire: I did what Vance says was the final new hire orientation. :( We'll talk on your return about figuring out how to tell new hires what they need to know. Hope you had a good trip and a happy Thanksgiving!
Write a subject line for this email. | various updates | aeslc_10templates | 719 | Mens du var ute, var det litt sprøtt som du forventet. Botchlett og Straubs posisjonsuttalelser gikk ut på onsdag. Chapman: Jeg sendte et brev til advokaten Ok. Rom: Snakk med Trey (vi hadde en sak mot hverandre en stund tilbake og kommer godt overens) og sendte ham et brev. Haeidicke en melding som spør om vi bør gi noen, spesielt en leder, at de nevnte SEC-etterforskningen. Han sier at du ikke trenger å gå videre. Jeg fikk ut den separasjonsavtalen. Ken Rice: Sendt Mark Haedicche et memo som beskriver forpliktelser og potensielle problemer utenfor konkurranse. Jeg fikk deg med på det. Kitchen/Netttleton: videre samtaler med T&F, Oxley, Marcus, Tim Callaghan, m.fl. Høres ut som Marcus er lykkelig. Vi får pakke for konsular prosess ut til T&F, de sender til London, og vi tror at med litt flaks (avhengig av FBIs forsinkelse på bakgrunnskontroll), kan januar eller februar holde sine intervjuer. Marcus bestemte seg for ikke å bytte til J&G. RIF: Jeg hjalp til med noen ting som kan kobles sammen, for eksempel å hjelpe Kerry med å snakke et språk og å snakke med råd i Mexico, slik at HR kan finne ut hva som må til for å finne ut hva som må gjøres for å analysere nedstengingen av alle Mexico-operasjoner. Bruk Internett: Tilrettela et notat for avskjæring. Han har ikke svart på om han ønsker å bruke det. Han gikk ut av døren (uten å snakke med lovlig) for å ha lagt ut på Internett fra jobben. Jeg gjorde det Vance sier var den siste nyorienteringen. :(Vi skal snakke på din vei tilbake om å finne ut hvordan man forteller nyansatt om det de trenger å vite. Håper du hadde en god tur og en god høsttakkefest! Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | While you were out, it was a little crazy like you expected. Botchlett and Straub's position statements expired on Wednesday. Chapman: I sent a letter to the lawyer, OK. Rom: Talk to Trey (we had a case against each other for a while and get along well) and sent him a letter. Haeidicke has a message asking if we should give someone, especially a leader, that they mentioned the SEC investigation. He says you don't have to move on. I got that separation deal out. Ken Rice: Sent Mark Haedicche a memo describing commitments and potential problems outside of competition. I got you into it. Kitchen/Nettleton: further discussions with T'F, Oxley, Marcus, Tim Callaghan, etc. Sounds like Marcus is happy. We get a package for consular process out to T'F, they send to London, and we think with a little luck (depending on FBI delay in background control), January or February can conduct their interviews. Marcus decided not to switch to J/G. RIF: I helped with some things that can be linked, such as helping Kerry speak a language and talking to advice in Mexico, so that HR can figure out what it takes to figure out what needs to be done to analyse the shutdown of all Mexico operations. Use Internet: Scheduled a note for cutting. He hasn't responded to whether he wants to use it. He walked out the door (without talking to legal) for posting on the Internet from work. I did what Vance says was the latest orientation. We'll talk on your way back to find out how to tell the new employee about what they need to know. I hope you had a good trip and a good Thanksgiving! Type a subject line for this email. | diverse oppdateringer | miscellaneous updates |
Attached are a few changed pages of the Stage 2 ICAP Manual , to be approved at the July 19 BIC meeting. All these changes were made as result of ICAP Working Group deliberations over the past two weeks. They are summarized here:
Propose a subject line for this email? | Stage 2 Manual Add'l changes | aeslc_10templates | 720 | Tillagt er noen få endrede sider i ICAP Manual stoge 2, som skal godkjennes på møtet i ICAP 19. juli BIC. Alle disse endringene ble gjort som følge av arbeidsgruppen for ICAPs vurderinger over de siste to ukene. De er oppsummert her: Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Added are a few modified pages of the ICAP Manual Stage 2, to be approved at the ICAP meeting on 19 July BIC. All these changes were made as a result of the ICAP assessment working group over the last two weeks. They are summarised here: Would you like to suggest a subject line for this email? | Etappe 2. Manuell Legg til 'l' endringer | Stage 2. Manual Add 'I' changes |
This is the content of an email: You got a notice from Hollywood Video saying you owe $64.99 for a DVD you borrowed on 11/30/01 entitled "15 minutes". You are to enclose the letter when paying your bill so I am mailing it to you. Be sure to look for it in the mail. Also, we need to talk about the weekend of 01/12. My doctor's appointment has been changed. Let's talk about it. Sorry I forgot you went to Belize. Hope you had a wonderful time. Hope there weren't any bugs in that thatched roof! Love you, Mom
What was the subject line for this email? | Hollywood video | aeslc_10templates | 721 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Du fikk en melding fra Hollywood Video som sier at du skylder $64,99 for en DVD du lånte på 11/30/01 med tittelen \"15 min\" <unk> Du skal vedlegge dette brevet når du betaler regningen, så jeg sender det til deg. Se etter det i posten. Vi må også snakke om helga 01/12. Min leges avtale er endret. La oss snakke om det. Beklager at jeg glemte at du kom til Belize. Håper du hadde det fantastisk. Håper det ikke var noen feil i det taket! Mamma, hva var temaet for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: you got a message from Hollywood Video saying you owe $64.99 for a DVD you borrowed on 11/30/01, titled \"15 min\" <unk> You're going to attach this letter when you pay the bill, so I'll send it to you. Look for it in the mail. We also need to talk about the 01/12 weekend. My doctor's appointment has changed. Let's talk about it. I'm sorry I forgot you came to Belize. I hope you had a wonderful time. I hope there was no mistake in that ceiling! Mom, what was the theme of this e-mail? | Video av at film | Video of that movie |
Here is an email: Joe: I need your help regarding the above counterparties As you probably know, at the holding company level, BT and Deutsche merged so that now bankers Trust is a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG. ENA has a Master with BT and we are negotiating one with Deutsche. Their attorney informed me today that it was his understanding that all new trades should be confirmed with Deutsche Bank. Here is what I need to know: 1. The date of the last trade that we confirmed with BT. 2. The date of the first trade that we have confirmed with Deutsche. 3. A copy of the Deutsche confirm that we are being sent. Thanks for your help.
What is a potential subject line for this email? | Deutsche Bank and Bankers Trust | aeslc_10templates | 722 | Dette er en e-post: Joe: Jeg trenger din hjelp med hensyn til de ovennevnte motparter, slik du sannsynligvis vet, på holdingselskapsnivå, slått sammen BT og Deutsche slik at nå er bankiers Trust et datterselskap av Deutsche Bank AG. ENA har en Master med BT, og vi forhandler med Deutsche. Advokaten deres informerte meg i dag om at det var hans forståelse av at all nyhandel skulle bekreftes med Deutsche Bank. Her er det jeg trenger å vite: 1. Datoen for siste handel som vi bekreftet med BT. 2 . Datoen for den første handelen som vi har bekreftet med Deutsche. 3 . En kopi av at vi blir sendt. Takk for hjelpen. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail: Joe: I need your help with the above-mentioned counterparties, as you probably know, at holding company level, assembled BT and Deutsche so that now bankers Trust is a deutsche Bank AG subsidiary. ENA has a Master with BT, and we're negotiating with Deutsche. Your lawyer informed me today that it was his understanding that any new trade would be confirmed by Deutsche Bank. Here's what I need to know: 1. The date of the last trade we confirmed with BT. Two. The date of the first trade we've confirmed with Deutsche. Three. It's a copy of us being sent. Thanks for your help. What is a possible topic line for this email? | Bank- og banksjef | Manager of banks and banks |
This is an email
Mr. Lay, I am a current holder of Enron common stock. I would like your opinion. I am 61 years old. My first stock purchase was of my Enron stock earlier this year. ($38.65) I am not in the market for the short term. I am not spending money that will affect my standard of living. I am considering buying a couple of hundred shares of Enron stock. Do you think this purchase would be an investment that will grow in the long term or would it be a donation to Enron's creditors. Thank You.
What is the subject of this email? | Investing advice | aeslc_10templates | 723 | Dette er en e-post Mr. Lay, jeg er en nåværende innehaver av Enron felles aksje. Jeg vil ha din mening. Jeg er gammel. Min første aksjekjøp var på min immatrikuleringsbeholdning tidligere i år. (Havtale) Jeg er ikke i markedet for kort sikt. Jeg bruker ikke penger som vil påvirke levestandarden min. Jeg vurderer å kjøpe et par hundre aksjer i Enron aksje. Tror du dette kjøpet vil være en investering som vil vokse på lang sikt eller vil det være en donasjon til Enrons kreditorer? Takk. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail to Mr. Lay, I'm a current holder of Enron's joint share. I want your opinion. I'm old. My first share purchase was on my imperial inventory earlier this year. I'm not in the short-term market. I don't spend money that will affect my standard of living. I'm thinking of buying a couple hundred shares in Enron stock. Do you think this purchase will be an investment that will grow in the long run or will it be a donation to Enron's creditors? Thank you. What is the subject of this email? | Det 24 24- eller råd | It's 2424 or advice. |
This is an email
Hi Patrice, I know it's never going to be a good time to take care of this deal, but we've got to do it sometime. Let me know what time is good for you. Please let me know the payment terms of the new deal, so that I can get with the new coordinator of this account. More specifically, are they still prepaying??? Since the name changed to "c," I will no longer be handling it. Bummer, huh? Thanks!
What is the subject of this email? | Heartland Steel | aeslc_10templates | 724 | Dette er en e-post, jeg vet at det aldri kommer til å være et godt tidspunkt å ta seg av denne avtalen, men vi må gjøre det en gang. La meg få vite hva tiden er god for deg. Vennligst la meg få vite betalingsbetingelsene i den nye avtalen, slik at jeg kan få med den nye koordinatoren for denne kontoen. Er de fortsatt forhåndsbetalte? Siden navnet endret til <unk>c,<unk> jeg vil ikke lenger håndtere det. Trist, hva? Takk! Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail, I know there's never going to be a good time to deal with this deal, but we have to do it sometime. Let me know what the time is for you. Please let me know the payment terms of the new agreement so that I can include the new coordinator of this account. Are they still prepaid? Since the name changed to <unk>c,<unk> I will no longer handle it. Sad, isn't it? Thank you! What is the subject of this email? | Hjertlandsuler | Heart Ostrichs |
Write an email with the subject line "Bear Stearns & Co. International Limited forward with Enron Corp.". | Ken: Please let me hear from you as soon as possible today. I will not be in the office on Friday, Dec. 29. In connection with the blacklined confirmation which we discussed yesterday, please (1) verify that there are no changes (or if there are changes, we need to discuss) (2) provide Bear's information for Paragraph 8 (Offices) (3) advise if you wish for us to finalize the document or if you would prefer to do so We would like to exchange faxed signatures today, if at all possible. Thanks. Sara | aeslc_10templates | 725 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Bear Stearns & Co. International Limet inn med Enron Corp<unk>. | Writes an email with the subject line <unk> Bear Stearns & Co. International Pasted with Enron Corp<unk>. | Ken: La meg få høre fra deg så snart som mulig i dag. Jeg vil ikke være på kontoret fredag den 29. desember. I forbindelse med den svartlinjede bekreftelsen som vi har snakket om i går, vær så snill å verifiser at det ikke er noen endringer (eller at det er endringer, vi må diskutere) (2) Gi Bears informasjon for nr. 8 (Offisiell) (3) gi råd om du ønsker at vi skal ferdigstille dokumentet eller om du vil gjøre det slik at Vi vil bytte ut signaturer med telefaks i dag, hvis det er mulig. Takk. _Tilpass | Ken: Let me hear from you as soon as possible today. I don't want to be in my office on Friday, December 29th. In connection with the blackline confirmation that we have discussed yesterday, please verify that there are no changes (or that there are modifications, we need to discuss) (2) Give Bears information for 8 (Official) (3) advise if you want us to complete the document or if you want to do so so so that we will replace signatures with faxes today, if possible. Thank you. _Customize |
What is the subject line for this email?
Ken, As you'll recall, during the September 10th advisory board meeting, we discussed the need for strong, senior-level support to ensure an opportunity for Xcelerator's success. At the conclusion of the meeting, we agreed you and Greg Whalley would discuss the support level with the Management Committee on the 13th. Of course, the sad events of the 11th understandably delayed that timeline. Since September 10th, I've revisited the Xcelerator with several members of the Management Committee including Louise Kitchen, John Lovorato, Jim Fallon, John Sheriff, and Andy Fastow. In summary, they are supportive contingent on support from you and Greg. Additionally, other Xcelerator board members are supportive - specifically Jeff Donahue and Kevin Garland - but all agree the sincere support from you and Greg will be necessary for success. Greg Whalley and I have also discussed the Xcelerator on two occasions. Greg is concerned that I will be unable to attract good talent from within Enron to this "risky" initiative, especially given the trajectory of the economy and scarcity of new jobs within the company. I agree with him. Greg asked if I would try the Xcelerator understanding that most if not all of the full-time team members would need to be hired from the outside. Although not optimal, I think it is doable and told him I'd be willing to proceed under those circumstances. While Greg was quite supportive, he was appropriately distracted by the upcoming board meeting and close of the quarter. As a result, he and I are planning on discussing the future of the Xcelerator this Tuesday. (Of course, the earnings announcement may delay that discussion to next week.) As I mentioned in the Xcelerator's board meeting, I am excited about this opportunity and am committed to giving it my all, with the support of the senior team. This effort could create tremendous value for Enron. However, I have no delusions about how difficult it will be and the patience it will require. If we are successful over '02, we will definitely create value for our shareholders, but are almost certain to be a drag on earnings -- albeit a small one. If you and Greg are not able to be supportive, then let's acknowledge that and discontinue the Xcelerator's operations. As we discussed on the 10th, lukewarm senior support will not be sufficient for success. | Quick update: status of the Xcelerator | aeslc_10templates | 726 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Ken, som du husker, under styremøtet 10. september diskuterte vi behovet for sterk støtte på øverste nivå for å sikre en mulighet for Xcelerators suksess. Da møtet var avsluttet, ble vi enige om at du og Greg Whalley skulle drøfte støttenivået med forvaltningskomiteen den 13. De sørgelige hendelsene i den 11. forsinker selvsagt den tidslinjen. Siden 10. september har jeg besøkt Xcelerator på nytt med flere medlemmer av styringskomiteen, deriblant Louise, John Lovorato, Jim Fallon, John Sheriff og Andy Fastow. I sammendraget er de støttende betinga av støtte fra deg og Greg. I tillegg er andre Xcelerator-medlemmer støttende - spesielt Jeff Donahoue og Kevin Garland - men alle er enige om at oppriktig støtte fra deg og Greg vil være nødvendig for å lykkes. Vi har også diskutert X-akseleratoren ved to anledninger. Greg er bekymret for at jeg ikke vil kunne tiltrekke meg et godt talent fra innenfra Enron til dette <unk>risiko<unk> initiativet, særlig på grunn av økonomien og knappheten for nye jobber i selskapet. Jeg er enig med ham. Greg spurte om jeg ville prøve Xcelerator-forståelsen at de fleste om ikke alle heltids-teammedlemmene måtte være ansatt utenfra. Selv om det ikke er optimalt, synes jeg det er praktisk og sa at jeg ville være villig til å fortsette under slike omstendigheter. Mens Greg var nokså støttende, ble han distrahert av det kommende styremøtet og kvartalets avslutning. Som følge av det planlegger vi å diskutere fremtiden for Xcelerator denne tirsdagen. (Lønsingsmeldingen kan selvsagt forsinke denne diskusjonen til neste uke.) Som nevnt i Xcelerators styremøte, er jeg spent over denne muligheten og er forpliktet til å gi det alt jeg har, med støtte fra seniorlaget. Denne innsatsen kunne skape enorm verdi for Enron. Men jeg har ingen anelse om hvor vanskelig det vil være og hvor tålmodig det vil kreve. Dersom vi lykkes over 02, vil vi definitivt skape verdi for aksjeeierne våre, men er nesten sikre på å være et drag i opptjeningen -- om enn en liten en. Hvis du og Greg ikke er i stand til å støtte, la oss erkjenne det og avslutte Xcelerators operasjoner. Som vi snakket om den 10., vil ikke støtte for senior ikke være tilstrekkelig for å lykkes. | What is the subject line for this email? Ken, as you remember, at the board meeting on September 10th, we discussed the need for strong support at the highest level to ensure an opportunity for the success of the Xcelerator. When the meeting ended, we agreed that you and Greg Whaley would discuss the level of support with the Management Committee on the 13th. Of course, the sad events of the 11th delay that timeline. Since September 10 I have been visiting the Xcelerator again with several members of the Executive Committee, including Louise, John Logorato, Jim Fallon, John Sheriff, and Andy Fastow. In the summary, the supporting implications of support from you and Greg. In addition, other Xcelerator members are supportive - especially Jeff Donahue and Kevin Garland - but everyone agrees that sincere support from you and Greg will be necessary to succeed. We've also discussed the X accelerator on two occasions. Greg is concerned that I won't be able to attract a good talent from within Enron to this risk<unk> initiative, especially because of the economy and the scarcity of new jobs at the company. I agree with him. Greg asked if I wanted to try the Xcelerator understanding that most people if not all full-time team members have to be employed from outside. Although it is not optimal, I found it practical and said that I would be willing to continue under such circumstances. While he was quite supportive, Greg was distracted by the coming board meeting and the block ending. As a result, we plan to discuss the future of the Xcelerator this Tuesday. (Of course, the benefit message can delay this discussion until next week.) As mentioned at the Xcelerator board meeting, I am excited about this opportunity and am obliged to give it everything I have with the support of the senior team. This effort could create enormous value for Enron. But I have no idea how difficult it will be and how patient it will take. If we succeed over 02, we'll definitely create value for our shareholders, but we're almost certain to be a draw on the performance -- if than a small one. If you and Greg aren't able to support us, let's acknowledge it and terminate Xcelerator's operations. As we discussed on the 10th, support for senior will not be sufficient to succeed. | Rask oppdatering: status for Xcelerator | Quick Update: Xcelerator status |
Write a subject line for this message:
Steve, How are things going with this request? FYI. The majority of deals we transact on Oasis are done as HPLC. Only sales to LCRA and term sales to Tufco are done as ENA. Thanks. | Transport contracts | aeslc_10templates | 727 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne beskjeden: Steve, hvordan går det med denne forespørselen? FYI. Hoveddelen av avtalen vi gjennomfører på Oasis er HPLC. Kun salg til LCRA og terminsalg til Tufco gjøres som ENA. Takk. | Write a topic for this message: Steve, how is this request coming along? FYI. The main part of the deal we're implementing on Oasis is HPLC. Only sales to the LCRA and sales to Tufco are made as ENA. Thank you. | Overform tilrettet tjeneste som omfattet av den nye tjeneste som omfattet av den offentlige fart, og | the form of the service covered by the new service covered by public service; and |
This is the content of an email: Gerald, As discussed yesterday, we are targeting to deliver an LOI to Oakhill Pipeline this Thursday morning. Please review the attached LOI Draft and provide any comments. Items in red are still being worked and will be confirmed by tomorrow afternoon. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks, Lisa Druzbik
What was the subject line for this email? | Oakhill Compression Project - LOI | aeslc_10templates | 728 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Gerald, som vi diskuterte i går, vi er ute etter å levere en LOI til Eikebakke rørlinje i dag morges. Vennligst se vedlagt LOI-utkast og fremlegg eventuelle kommentarer. Det arbeides fortsatt med innslag i rødt og bekreftes av i morgen ettermiddag. Vennligst kontakt meg med noen spørsmål. Takk, Lisa Druzbik Hva var temaet for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail, Gerald, as we discussed yesterday, we're looking to deliver a LOI to Oaky-Bound pipeline this morning. Please see the attached LOI draft and submit any comments. It's still working on red entries and confirmed by tomorrow afternoon. Please contact me with some questions. Thank you, Lisa Druzbik. What was the theme of this e-mail? | Joker i komprimeringsprosjektet<unk> LOI | Joker in the compression project<unk> LOI |
To remind me to discuss this with you when you get in: We received via our fax notices from the OMLX a request to provide them with information about our Y2K readiness. When you have a minute let's look at the form together. Probably Alan will have the answers.
Generate a subject line for this email. | OMLX Y2K Request | aeslc_10templates | 729 | For å minne meg på å diskutere dette med deg når du kommer inn: vi mottok via våre telefaksmeldinger fra OX en forespørsel om å gi dem informasjon om vår Y2K-klarhet. Når du har et minutt la oss se på formen sammen. Det er sannsynlig at Alan vil ha svarene. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | To remind me to discuss this with you when you enter: we received via our fax messages from OX a request to provide them with information about our Y2K clearance. When you have a minute, let's look at the shape together. Alan is likely to want the answers. Create a subject line for this email. | ult etter OX X Y2K | hunger for Ox X Y2K |
Write a subject line for this message:
Here are the preliminary drafts of the term sheets. The scenario highlights are: Exchange will host its private label exchange and the central transaction engine and database Exchange will buy the hardware needed for the implementation Exchange will define the scope of the hardware needed for local handheld devices and specialist software Exchange will map and integrate the solution to its back-office systems. Technology provider will provide Exchange with a standardized format data feed to the back-office (we still need to decide how the data format will be defined and who will define it) Technology Provider will provide all the software and consulting needed for the solution implementation Technology provider will be compensated for his solution Specialist will receive compensation for managing products Specialist will use commercially best efforts to maintain a defined spread on the product it manages Specialist will have the option to stream price/volume pairs form the system to its own principal platform Specialist will have the option to stream its own markets to the system (rules need to be defined) Specialist will pay no clearing or exchange fees for the products it manages Specialist will have fill participation advantages | Preliminary drafts of term sheets for project Boss | aeslc_10templates | 730 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Her er de foreløpige utkastene til terminarkene. Følgende høydepunkter er: Exchange vil være vert for sin private etikettbørs, og den sentrale transaksjonsmotoren og -databasen Exchange vil kjøpe den maskinvaren som er nødvendig for implementasjonen Exchange vil definere omfanget av maskinvaren som er nødvendig for lokale håndholdte enheter og programvare Exchange vil kartlegge og integrere løsningen i sine back-office-systemer. Teknologileverandøren vil gi Exchange et standardisert formatdata til tilbakekontoret (vi må fortsatt avgjøre hvordan dataformatet vil bli definert og hvem som vil definere det) og som er ansvarlig for et standardformatdata tilveiebringe all programvaren og ta hensyn til gjennomføringen av den tekniske nødhjelperen som kreves for den løsningen som denne ikke har fått, vil motta kompensasjon for administrerende produkter Spesialisten vil bruke kommersielt best mulig innsats for å opprettholde en definert spredning på det produktet den forvalter Spesialist vil ha muligheten til å strømme pris/volumparformen Systemet til sin egen hovedplattform Spesialist vil ha mulighet til å strømme sine egne markeder til systemet (det trenger å defineres) Spesialisten vil ikke betale noen klarering eller bytte gebyrer for de produktene dens forvalter av spesialisten vil ha kapitalinteresser som er en fordel for å ta del i arbeidet | Enter a subject field for this message: Here are the preliminary drafts of the term sheets. The following highlights are: Exchange will host its private label exchange, and the central transaction engine and database Exchange will purchase the hardware needed for the implementation Exchange will define the hardware volume needed for local handheld devices and software Exchange will map and integrate the solution into their back-office systems. The technology provider will provide the Exchange with a standardised format data to the back office (we will still have to determine how the data format will be defined and who will define it) and who is responsible for a standard format dataset will provide all of the software and take into account the implementation of the technical assistance provider required for the solution it has not received, will receive compensation for administering products The Specialist will use commercially best efforts to maintain a defined dissemination of the product it manages Specialist will have the possibility to stream the price/volume-matching system to its own main platform Specialist will have the ability to stream its own markets to the system (it will need to be defined) The specialist will not pay any clearing or exchange fees for the products it manages by the specialist will have capital interests that are advantageous to take part in the work | Framlegging av foreløpige utkast til foreløpige oversikter over prosjekt «Sjefene» | Submission of preliminary draft provisional summaries of project ‘Boss’ |
This is an email
A couple of fyi items: SoCal's balance was 151,133 mmbtus at 8/31/01. Their balance is 300,521 mmbtus at 9/23/01. We have received 33,130 mmbtus in payback from Williams through the 23rd which has decreased their balance to 242,260 mmbtus. PG&E Topock's balance is 69,727 mmbtus due TW as of 9/23/01. The index has decrease by about eighty cents during September which will cause a loss on volumetric oba's.
What is the subject of this email? | TW imbal summaries | aeslc_10templates | 731 | Dette er en e-post et par fyy poster: SoCals saldo var 151,133 mmbtus ved 8/31/01. Deres balanse er 300 521 mmbtus ved 9/2 utfor. Vi har mottatt 33,130 mmbtus i hevn fra Williams til den 23., som har redusert balansen til 242,260 mmbtus. PG&E Topocks balanse er 69,727 mm grunn TW fra og med 9/23/01. Indeksen har minket med rundt åtti cent i løpet av september noe som vil medføre tap på volumetrisk oba. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten? | This is an e-mail a couple of phy records: SoCal's balance was 151,133 mmbtus at 8/31/01. Their balance is 300 521 mmbtus at 9/2 out. We have received 33.130 mmbtus in revenge from Williams to the 23rd, which has reduced the balance to 242.260 mmbtus. The balance sheet of PG/3E Topock is 69.727 mm shallow TW from 9/23/01. The index has decreased by about 80 cents during September, resulting in loss of volumetric oba. What is the subject of this email? | TW imbal...par | TW imbal... pair |
PVRC'S WORKSHOP ON TIGHTNESS-BASED BOLTED FLANGE GASKET CONSTANTS AND DESIGN RULES February 6 & 7, 2002, Safety Harbor Florida REGISTER NOW AND WATCH FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS ON PVRC'S WEBSITE AT WWW.FORENGINEERS.ORG Description You must attend this workshop to help keep your job knowledge useful by understanding the new design rules for bolted flanged joints! Are you ready for the New Tightness-Based Gasket constants and flange design changes that are about to replace the traditional constants and rules? This workshop will get you ready with focus on three critical areas that apply to both ASME Section VIII flanges and standard B16 Joints. The New Tightness-Based Rules Gasket Qualification and Selection Latest On Analysis and Assembly of Bolted Joints This Two-Day Workshop is a "must" for those needing advance information and know-how about applying the recently developed gasket constants and flange design rules. The tightness-based rules accommodate levels of permissible joint leakage, representing a new basis for design criteria and opening additional choices and decisions for users and designers. Attendees will gain detailed knowledge about several topics focussing on the new gasket constants and design rules and particularly on issues relating to leakage criteria and associated choices. The tightness concept is also extended to elevated temperature gasket qualification and selection, and know-how for efficient joint assembly and making zero leakage plant operation a realistic goal is presented. Several industry experts will lead workshop sessions including: Bob Mikitka, Jim Payne, Michel Derenne, Yves Birembaut, Ron winter, Jerry Waterland, Rod Mueller, Anita Bausman, Jim Frew Hildegarde Zeres, Warren Brown, Ed Hayman, Bill Koves, and David Reeves. Attendees will receive a bound collection of the presentations and guidelines and recommendations. For additional information contact Welding Research Council at 212-591-7956 or
Propose a subject line for this email? | PVRC Workshop | aeslc_10templates | 732 | PVRCS AKTIV PÅ TREDJE VARSERT BOLDERT FREDSFANGSGASSAKTSVARSEL OG DESIGN RÅL 6. & 7. 7. 2002 REGISTRE NÅ OG VAKT TIL FRAGJENT TIL FRAGJENGE TIL GJENNOMFØRING AV PVRCS VÅND PÅ VERDT. VERDIG. FORGJENGDELEG Du må være på dette verkstedet for å hjelpe til å holde din jobbkunnskap nyttig ved å forstå de nye designreglene for bolterte fleskede ledd! Er du klar for konstanter og flensdesignendringer i New Tightness-Based Gasket som er i ferd med å erstatte de tradisjonelle konstantene og reglene? Dette verkstedet vil gjøre deg klar med fokus på tre kritiske områder som gjelder både for flygel i ASME avsnitt VIII og for standard B16-ledd. New Tightness-Based Rules Gasket Kvalifisering og utval Siste etappe på analyse og sammenstilling av bolteledd Dette todagersverkstedet er et<unk>må<unk> for de som trenger forhåndsinformasjon og kunnskap om å anvende de nylig utviklede pakningskonstantene og flensedesignreglene. I de tetthetsbaserte reglene er det plass til nivåene i den felles lekkasjen i tillatelsen, som utgjør et nytt grunnlag for konstruksjonskriterier og åpner ytterligere valg og beslutninger for brukere og konstruktører. Deltakere vil få detaljert kunnskap om flere emner som har fokus på de nye pakningskonstantene og designreglene, og særlig om spørsmål knyttet til lekkasjekriterier og tilknyttede valg. Tetthetsbegrepet utvides også til å omfatte kvalifikasjon og utvelging for paknings- og kvalifikasjon for modning og utvelging ved høy temperatur, og det presenteres et realistisk mål for know-how for Effeeful Comption and maken Zero lap plants Operation. Flere eksperter på industri skal lede workshop-sesjoner: Bob Mikitka, Jim Payne, Michel Derenne, Yves Birembaut, Ron Winter, Jerry Waterland, Rod Müller, Anita Bausman, Jim Frew Hildegarde Zeres, Warren Brown, Ed Hayman, Bill Koves og David Reeves. Deltakere vil få en grenseinnsamling av presentasjonene og retningslinjene og anbefalingene. For tilleggsopplysning kontakt Veiledende forskningsråd på linje 212-591-7956 eller Forberede en emnelinje for denne e-posten? | PVRCS ACTIV ON THIRD VARGED FREEDOM FREEDOM'S GANG - GANG WARNING AND DESIGN RAWL 6. & 7th 2002 REGISTRERS NOW AND REGISTRATION TO RETURN TO RETURN FOR THE REVELATION OF PVRCS WANDLING ON VERD. VERY. REGLEMENT. You must be at this workshop to help keep your job skills useful by understanding the new design rules for bolted joints! Are you ready for constants and flen design changes in the New Tonight-Based Gasket that are about to replace the traditional constants and rules? This workshop will set you up with focus on three critical areas that apply both to pianos in ASME Section VIII and to standard B16 joints. The New Tightness-Based Rules Gasket Qualification and Selection Last stage of analysis and assembly of bolt joints This two-day workshop is a<unk> must<unk> for those who need advance information and knowledge of applying the newly developed packaging constants and flange design rules. In the density-based rules, there is room for the levels of the common leakage in the permit, which form a new basis for design criteria and opens further choices and decisions for users and designers. Participants will be given detailed knowledge on several subjects focusing on the new package constants and design rules, and in particular on issues related to leakage criteria and related choices. The concept of density is also extended to the qualification and selection of the packaging and qualification for maturation and high temperature selection, and a realistic goal of know-how is presented for the Effeeful Comption and equivalent Zero Lap Planets Operation. Several industrial experts will conduct workshop sessions: Bob Mikitka, Jim Payne, Michel Derenne, Yves Birembaut, Ron Winter, Jerry Waterland, Rod Mueller, Anita Bausman, Jim Frew Hildegarde Zeres, Warren Brown, Ed Hayman, Bill Koves, and David Reeves. Participants will be given a border collection of the presentations and guidelines and recommendations. For additional information contact the Guidance Research Council on lines 212-591-7956 or prepare a topic line for this e-mail? | RHVH JUL | SHWH JUL |
This is the content of an email: Mr. Lay, I only heard part of the employee meeting as I had to leave for the airport to return to Puerto Rico but wanted to say that I have all the confidence in the world that under your leadership Enron will return to the great company it is. We have all been through tough times (I use to be a land drilling contractor from 1979 to 1988). This company is sound, with good people who with the right leadership & direction can achieve the goal of being the best company in the world. I have been working with Enron as a contractor since March 99 in Panama, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas (LNG project). I report to Mariella Mahan and Greg Curran. I really enjoy working with Enron and can assure you that you and Enron will always have my loyalty & confidence. I am proud to say I work with Enron and want to do my part to bring this company back. Sincerely,
What was the subject line for this email? | I am behind you | aeslc_10templates | 733 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jeg hørte bare en del av møtet da jeg måtte dra til flyplassen for å returnere til Puerto Rico, men jeg ville si at jeg har all verdens tillit til at under ditt ledelse vil Enron returnere til det store selskapet det er. Vi har alle vært gjennom tøffe tider (jeg har vært landboring fra 1979 til 1988). Dette selskapet er forsvarlig, med gode mennesker som med rett ledelse & retning kan oppnå målet om å være verdens beste selskap. Jeg har arbeidet med Enron som entreprenør siden mars 99 i Panama, Puerto Rico og Bahamas (LNG-prosjektet). Jeg rapporterer til Mariella Mahan og Greg Curran. Jeg liker virkelig å samarbeide med Enron og kan forsikre deg om at du og Entron alltid vil ha min lojalitet og tillit. Jeg er stolt av å si at jeg jobber med Enron og vil gjøre mitt for å bringe dette selskapet tilbake. Hva var egentlig emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: I only heard part of the meeting when I had to go to the airport to return to Puerto Rico, but I wanted to say that I have all the confidence in the world that under your command Enron will return to the great company it is. We have all been through hard times (I have been a landdrilling from 1979 to 1988). This company is sound, with good people who can achieve with the right direction and direction the goal of being the world’s best company. I have been working with Enron as a contractor since March 99 in Panama, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas (LNG project). I'll report to Mariella Mahan and Greg Curran. I really like working with Enron and can assure you that you and Entron will always have my loyalty and trust. I'm proud to say that I'm working with Enron and will do my part to bring this company back. What was the topic line for this e-mail? | Jeg er bak deg | I'm behind you. |
This is the content of an email: I've tried sending this 3 times. Please see if you can figure out the problem. I've used the autoaddressing and his long internet address. If all else fails, just print and have it delivered, I guess, or send it to his assistant. Thanks,
What was the subject line for this email? | Confidentiality agreement | aeslc_10templates | 734 | Dette er innholdet av en e-post, jeg har prøvd å sende denne 3 ganger. Se om du kan finne ut av problemet. Jeg har brukt autoadressen og hans lange internettadresse. Hvis alt annet slår feil, bare trykk og få det levert, antar jeg, eller send det til assistenten hans. Takk, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email, I've tried to send this 3 times. See if you can figure out the problem. I've been using the auto address and his long internet address. If everything else fails, just press and have it delivered, I suppose, or send it to his assistant. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Fortro fortrolig fortrolighetsavtaler | Confidential confidentiality agreements |
This is the content of an email: The approval process initiated in 1998 for all meeting and event expenditures in excess of $5,000 has enabled Enron Americas to better assess the business value of events, accurately track our activities and save money. These events include customer and employee meetings, and trade shows. EA has made some modifications to the process, which are described in this memo. The $5,000 threshold remains in effect for all customer events. However, the threshold for approval for employee meetings and events has been lowered to $500, and some additional requirements must be met prior to approval. Please be sure to follow the procedures described below for all meetings and events, so we can continue to successfully manage these events. 1) Prior to making any commitments to customers or vendors, all customer events with anticipated costs in excess of $5,000, and all employee events with anticipated costs in excess of $500 must be reviewed by the Enron Americas Public Relations department and approved by the Enron Americas Office of the Chairman 2) The PR department will handle the site search and hotel contract negotiations for all such events. Once this is completed, the PR department will work with you to plan and produce your event in its entirety; or they can provide as much or as little assistance as you require. The PR department will be responsible for helping you achieve the best value for your program and EA. 3) A completed expenditure request form (see attached) and supporting documentation is required for each event. Employee meetings require a detailed agenda as part of the event documentation prior to approval. Please submit the completed expenditure request form and documentation to the PR department at EB 3642, or work with PR department employees to complete the form. 4) After PR review, the expenditure will be submitted to the EA Office of the Chairman for final approval. Additionally, the PR department can assist in the procurement of tickets for various local sporting events and concerts. If you have any questions regarding this process, would like assistance planning an event, or need tickets for a Houston event, please contact Dorie Hitchcock in the PR department at (713) 853-6978. Thank you for your cooperation.
What was the subject line for this email? | Meeting and Event Expenditure | aeslc_10templates | 735 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Godkjenningsprosessen som ble iverksatt i 1998 for alle møter og utgifter utover det meste av det som er tilbake, har gjort det mulig for Enron Americas å bedre vurdere forretningsverdien av hendelser, nøyaktig spore våre aktiviteter og spare penger. Disse hendelsene omfatter kunde- og arbeidsmøter, og bransjeprogrammer. EA har gjort noen endringer i prosessen, som er beskrevet i dette notatet. Terskelen for megleren gjelder fortsatt for alle kundehendelser. Terskelen for godkjenning av møter og hendelser for ansatte er imidlertid senket til 500 kroner, og noen tilleggskrav må være oppfylt før godkjenning. Følg framgangsmåtene beskrevet nedenfor for alle møter og hendelser, så vi kan fortsette å håndtere disse hendelsene på en vellykket måte. 1) Før det gjøres eventuelle forpliktelser overfor kunder eller leverandører, skal alle kundehendelser med forventede kostnader utover en verdi av høyst null eller null, og alle ansattes hendelser med en kostnad på over 500 kroner, gjennomgås av Enron Americas Public Relations-avdelingen og godkjennes av Enron Americas Office of the Chairman 2) PR-avdelingen vil håndtere søking og hotellkontraktforhandlingene for alle slike hendelser. Når dette er fullført, vil PR-avdelingen samarbeide med deg om å planlegge og produsere ditt arrangement i sin helhet, eller de kan yte så mye eller så lite hjelp som du trenger. PR-avdelingen vil ha ansvaret for å hjelpe deg å oppnå den beste verdien for programmet ditt og EA. 3) Det kreves et skjema over utfylt utgifter (se vedlagt), og det kreves dokumentasjon for hver enkelt hendelse. Møtemøtene krever en detaljert dagsorden som en del av hendelsesdokumentasjonen før godkjenningen. framlegge for EB 3642-kontoret for skjema og dokumentasjon over utfylte kostnader for skjemaet og dokumentasjonen for PR-avdelingen i EB 3642, eller samarbeide med ansatte i PR-avdelingen for å fylle ut skjemaet. Etter at PR-gjennomgåelsen er foretatt, vil utgiftene bli lagt fram for lederens EA-kontor for endelig godkjenning. I tillegg kan PR - avdelingen hjelpe til med å skaffe billetter til forskjellige idrettsarrangementer og konserter på stedet. Dersom du har noen spørsmål om denne prosessen, for eksempel bistandsplanlegging eller nødbilletter for en begivenhet i Houston, vennligst kontakt Dorie Hitchcock i PR-avdelingen ved (713) 853-6978. Takk for samarbeidet. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: the approval process initiated in 1998 for all meetings and expenses beyond most of what is left has allowed Enron Americas to better assess the business value of events, accurately track our activities and save money. These events include customer and work meetings and industry programmes. The EA has made some changes to the process as described in this note. The broker threshold is still valid for all customer events. However, the employee approval threshold is lowered to 500 kronor and some additional requirements must be met before approval. Follow the procedures described below for all meetings and events so that we can continue to manage these events successfully. 1) Before any obligations are made to customers or suppliers, any customer event with expected costs beyond a value of zero or zero, and any employee event at a cost of more than $500, shall be reviewed by the Enron America Public Relations Department and approved by the Enron Americas Office of the Chairman 2) Public Affairs Department will handle the search and hotel contracts for all such events. When this is completed, the PR department will cooperate with you to plan and produce your event in its entirety, or they can provide as much or as little help as you need. Public relations will be responsible for helping you achieve the best value for your program and EA. 3) A cost-required form is required (see attached) and documentation is required for each event. Meeting meetings require a detailed agenda as part of the event documentation prior to approval. provide the EB 3642 Agency for the form and documentation of the completed costs for the form and documentation of the PR department in EB 3642, or cooperate with PR staff to complete the form. After the PR review has been carried out, expenditure will be presented to the Director's EA office for final approval. In addition, the public relations department can help to provide tickets for various sports events and local concerts. If you have any questions about this process, such as assistance planning or emergency tickets for an event in Houston, please contact Dorie Hitchcock in PR department at (713) 853-6978. Thank you for your cooperation. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Utgifter til møte og begivenhet | Outlays on Meetings and Events |
Write an email with the following subject:
Next to tee up | Gentlemen, The ESA docs are being reviewed internally for financing and accounting issues. Thanks for turning the docs in such a timely manner. COA is on stand by, due to our need to focus on ESA and two new, identical contracts (remember, we have a lot of turbines!) The next two up are the ones previously destined for CAL ISO - I believe units 17 & 18. These units also have the dual fuel options included, so the base prices of each will be increased appropriately. We will pay 75% of the price prior to signing the facility agreement, and the January payment will be increased by 25% of the cost of the dual fuel option. The turbines will be assigned to two sister Delaware LLCS: CA Energy Development I, LLC and CA Energy Development II, LLC. Use Ben Jacoby at 1400 Smith, Houston, 77002 for notices and invoices for purposes of the draft. We don't have any of the specifics on the site conditions, so we will have to work with generics. We would like to have a draft yesterday, but seeing as that is impossible, please advise when you think it can be ready. Thanks again and again, | aeslc_10templates | 736 | Skriv en e- e- post med følgende emne: Neste ti opp | Write an email with the following topic: Next one up | ESA-doksene blir gjennomgått internt i forbindelse med finansiering og regnskapsspørsmål. Takk for at dere har kommet med en så betimelig vending. COA står på vent, på grunn av vårt behov for å fokusere på ESA og to nye, eneggede kontrakter (husk, vi har mange turbiner!) De neste to opp er de som tidligere er bestemt til COM ISO - I mener enheter 17 & 18 . Disse enhetene har også de tobrenselalternativene inkludert, slik at basisprisene for hver enkelt enhet økes på en hensiktsmessig måte. Vi vil betale 75% av prisen før vi undertegner anleggsavtalen, og januarbetalingen vil økes med 25% av kostnaden for dobbelbrenselalternativet. Turbinene vil bli tildelt to søsterdel Delaware LCLCS: CA Energy Development I, LLC og CA Energy Development II, LLC. Bruk Ben Jacoby ved Smith, Houston, 7 7002 for kunngjøringer og fakturaer for utkastet. Vi har ikke noen av detaljene om forholdene på stedet, så vi må jobbe med gener. Vi vil gjerne ha et utkast i går, men selv om det er umulig, vennligst rådfør deg med når du tror den kan være klar. Igjen og igjen, | The ESAs are reviewed internally for financing and accounting purposes. Thank you for making such a timely turn of events. The COA is on hold because of our need to focus on ESA and two new, identical contracts (remember, we have many turbines!) The next two up are those previously assigned to COM ISO - I mean Units 17 & 18. These units have also included the two fuel options, so that basic prices for each unit are appropriately increased. We will pay 75% of the price before signing the construction agreement, and the January payment will be increased by 25% of the cost of the dual fuel option. Turbines will be assigned to two sister part Delaware LCLCS: CA Energy Development I, LLC and CA Energy Development II, LLC. Use Ben Jacoby at Smith, Houston, 7,7002 for announcements and invoices for the draft. We don't have any of the details about the conditions on the site, so we have to work with genes. We'd like a draft yesterday, but even if it's impossible, please consult when you think it might be ready. Again and again, |
This is the content of an email: Not surprisingly, the organization is moving faster than Rick Buy's vacation schedule. Our meeting is set with Mark Frevert, Rick Buy, you and me on August 28 -- two weeks from next Monday, dictated by Rick Buy's schedule. I
What was the subject line for this email? | Meeting with Mark Frevert - Should We Move It Up? | aeslc_10templates | 737 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Ikke overraskende nok beveger organisasjonen seg raskere enn Rick Buys ferieplan. Møtet vårt er satt med Mark Frevert, Rick Buy, du og jeg den 28. august -- to uker fra neste mandag, diktert av Rick Buy's skjema. Hva var jeg for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email, not surprisingly, the organization moves faster than Rick Buy's vacation plan. Our meeting is set with Mark Frevert, Rick Buy, you and me on August 28th -- two weeks from next Monday, dictated by Rick Buy's schedule. What was I to this e-mail? | Møte med Mark Frevert<unk> Bør vi flytte den oppover? | Should we move it up? |
This note is a perfect example of how far behind I am on doing those things that need to be do. . .Needless to say, I'm LOSING !! By now you probably know we have our unit listed with Rosie. Patsy is much easier to live with now that I see the things the way she does !! All this does mean I need to resign from the Board and from serving as the Board representative to the Social Committee. Do you have any preferences as to the date I do that ? Jim
Write a subject line for this email. | Moving away | aeslc_10templates | 738 | Dette er et fullkomment eksempel på hvor langt bak jeg ligger når det gjelder å gjøre det som må gjøres. . .Nødslig å si, jeg LOSING ! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Nå vet du sikkert at vi har enheten vår oppført med Rosy. Patsy er mye lettere å leve med nå som jeg ser tingene slik hun gjør. knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Alt dette betyr at jeg må trekke meg fra styret og sitte som representant for sosialkomiteen. Har du noen preferanser for når jeg gjør det ? Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | This is a perfect example of how far behind I am in doing what needs to be done. So let's say that this is the same thing. It's necessary to say, I'm LOSING! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Now you probably know we have our unit listed with Rosy. Patsy is much easier to live with now that I see things the way she does. () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or All of this means that I have to resign from the board of directors and sit as a representative of the Social Committee. Do you have any preferences for when I do it? Type a subject line for this email. | Flytter fra hverandre | Moves apart |
The following Items resulted from our meeting with Duke on November 14, 2001. 1. Resolve issue concerning January 2001 Reservation Charges by end of 2001 (Shawn Davis, Robert, & Penny) 2. Duke to return signed Confirmation Letter for K# 21047 and remit amount due NNG ($283,109.51) by November 19, 2001. 3. Duke and NNG will schedule a monthly meeting (after NNG Accounting Close) to allow the identification of any issues in a timely manner. 4. A meeting to be scheduled in December 2001 to discuss the Bushton Audit Process between Northern Natural Gas, Mobil, and Duke. If you have any questions, please contact Harry Woodson, Joe Linhart, or myself. Robert
Write a subject line for this email. | Results of 11/14/01 Duke Meeting | aeslc_10templates | 739 | Følgende ting fulgte av vårt møte med hertug den 14. november 2001. 1 . Opprykk utgave i forbindelse med januar 2001 Reservation Charges ved utgangen av 2001 (Shawn Davis, Robert, & Penny) 2. Duke til å returnere signert konfirmasjonsbrev for K# 21047 og sende innmeldingsmengde i morgen tidlig (på norsk) (på norsk) (på norsk), med 19. november, kl. 3 . Duke and NNG vil avholde et månedsmøte (etter NNG Accounting Close) for å gjøre det mulig å identifisere eventuelle saker i rett tid. Gud, eller, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller Et møte som skal avtales i desember 2001 for å diskutere Bushton-revisjonen mellom Northern Natural Gas, Mobil og Duke. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, kontakt Harry Woodson, Joe Linhart eller meg selv. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | The following things followed from our meeting with Duke on November 14, 2001. One. Reservation Charges in January 2001 at the end of 2001 (Shawn Davis, Robert, & Penny) 2. Duke to return signed letter of confirmation for K#2147, and to send an e-mail in the morning (Norwegian), with November 19, at 8: 00 p.m. Three. Duke and NNG will hold a monthly meeting (after NNG Accounting Block) to enable identification of any timely cases. la or la or la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la or la la la or la la la la or la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la A meeting to be arranged in December 2001 to discuss the Bushton audit between Northern Natural Gas, Mobile and Duke. If you have any questions, ask Harry Woodson, Joe Linhart or myself. Type a subject line for this email. | Resultater fra 11/14/01 Duk møte | Results of 11/14/01 Duke Meeting |
What is the subject line for this email?
I've reviewed Order 637 on voluntary auctions and agree with you, Mary Kay, that the TW IOS procedure is consistent with the Commission's checklist. However, I do have a couple of questions/concerns. First, does "voluntary" mean filing a proposal with FERC is also voluntary? Or is the Commission here requiring that pipelines make filings before they can proceed with auctions? Also, I'm not sure we comply with the Commission's policy on establishment of a reserve price, since it's difficult to tell what that is from the order. A couple of times TW has stated a minimum bid in its IOS. Comments? | TW interactive open season | aeslc_10templates | 740 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Jeg har vurdert bestilling 637 på auksjoner og er enig med deg, Mary Kay, at TW IOS-prosedyren er i samsvar med kommisjonens sjekkliste. Men jeg har et par spørsmål/bekymringer. For det første, betyr det at<unk>frivillighet<unk> betyr at det også er frivillig å innlevere et forslag til FARC? Eller krever Kommisjonen her at rørledningene skal skrive inn opplysninger før de kan gjennomføre auksjoner? Jeg er heller ikke sikker på om vi følger kommisjonspolitikken om fastsettelse av en reservepris, siden det er vanskelig å si hva det er fra ordenen. Et par ganger har TW hatt et minstetilbud i sitt IOS. Kommentarer? | What is the subject line for this email? I've been reviewing order 637 at auctions and agree with you, Mary Kay, that the TW IOS procedure is consistent with the Commission's checklist. But I do have a few questions/anxieties. First of all, does that mean that<unk> volunteering means that it is also voluntary to submit a proposal to the FARC? Or does the Commission here require the pipelines to enter information before they can conduct auctions? I'm also not sure if we're following the Commission's policy on setting a reserve price, since it's hard to tell what it is from the order. A couple of times, TW's had a minimum offer in his IOS. Comments? | TW var i åpen sesong | TW was in the open season |
This is an email
All: At Clint's request, please find below the form of assignment for execution among Enron North America Corp., Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith and Lehman Brothers Finance S.A.. I will have to fax the term sheet to you as I can't find it in my email. Sara
What is the subject of this email? | Assignement Agreement Draft | aeslc_10templates | 741 | Dette er en e-post All: på Clints forespørsel, vennligst finn under skjema for tildeling for henrettelse blant Enron Nord-Amerika Corp., Merrill Lynmelding Fenner & Smith og Lehman Brothers Finance S.A... Jeg må fakse det til deg, siden jeg ikke finner det i e-posten min. Hva er Sara emne for denne e-posten? | This is an e-mail All: at Clint's request, please find under the form for the execution of Enron North America Corp., Merrill Instant Messaging Fenner & Smith and Lehman Brothers Finance S.A.... I'll have to fax it to you, since I can't find it in my email. What's Sara's subject for this e-mail? | Ikke-ober avtalens trekk | Non-ober to the appointment's move |
I was looking at past levels, and I thouhgt to share my findings with you. Highest levels as of the first week of April was in 1999 of 1,367 TCF. Yesterday's AGA showed our levels @ 2,294. In order to reach 1999's levels we ould need to withdraw about 103 BCF a week (2,294 less 1,367 divided vy the remaining 9 weeks until the first week of April). Also, 1999 had the highest levels for the third week of January, levels were 2,039. Year 2002 is 255 bcf ahead.
Generate a subject line for this email. | US Storage levels | aeslc_10templates | 742 | Jeg så på tidligere nivåer, og jeg vil gjerne dele mine resultater med deg. Nivåene fra og med første uke i april var i 1999 på 1367 TCF. GAGA viste våre nivåer @ 2, 2294. For å nå 1999s nivåer vil vi kanskje måtte trekke seg omtrent 103 BCF en uke (2 294 minus 1 367 dividerte vy de resterende 9 ukene til første uke i april). 1999 hadde også de høyeste nivåene for tredje uke i januar, nivåene var på 239. Året 2002 er 255 b i forveien. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | I looked at previous levels, and I'd like to share my findings with you. The levels from the first week of April were 1367 TCF in 1999. GAGA showed our levels @2,2294. To reach 1999 levels, we may have to withdraw approximately 103 BCFs one week (2294 - 1367 divided vy for the remaining 9 weeks to the first week in April). 1999 also had the highest levels for the third week in January, levels of 239. The year 2002 is 255b in advance. Create a subject line for this email. | Det amerikanske sikkerhetsnivå | U.S. Safety Level |
What is the subject line for this email?
A meeting has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 14 in ECN 1336. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ENA's desire to create a WAHA Header using facilities owned by Northern and/or Transwestern. We will tie Jo in via conference call. See you tomorrow. Thanks, | WAHA Hub Co. | aeslc_10templates | 743 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Et møte har vært planlagt til kl. 15.30 onsdag 14. november i ECN 1336. Formålet med møtet er å diskutere ENAs ønske om å skape en WAHA-topp ved hjelp av anlegg eid av Northern og/eller Transwestern. Vi skal spille Jo i samtale via telefonkonferanse. Vi ses i morgen. Takk. | What is the subject line for this email? A meeting has been scheduled for 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 14, ECN 1336. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss ENA's desire to create a WAHA summit using facilities owned by Northern and/or Transwestern. We're gonna be playing Jo on a phone conference call. See you tomorrow. Thank you. | WAHA Hub Co. | WAHA Hub Co. |
Write an email with the following subject:
Avista deals: confirmation? | Bob Badeer informed me that these deals have already been confirmed, possibly by you. Could you let me know if this is in fact true? If it is, I will go ahead and make a note in the comments section of the deals. Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 744 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Fortell om: bekrefte? | Write an e-mail with the following subject: Tell me about: confirm? | Bob Badeer informerte meg om at disse avtalene allerede er bekreftet, muligens av deg. Kan du si fra om dette faktisk er sant? I så fall skal jeg notere meg i kommentardelen av avtalene. Takk. | Bob Badeer informed me that these appointments have already been confirmed, possibly by you. Can you tell me if this is actually true? In that case, I'll take note of the comment part of the agreements. Thank you. |
This is the content of an email: Michelle, Our Coal group is planning to close an office we have in WV at the end of this year. There are 4 employees in this location; one has been offered a job in Houston and has declined, another employee may be offered a job with a JV we have nearby. I wanted to see if there are any notification requirements in WV and if so, what they are. Thanks,
What was the subject line for this email? | W. Virginia office | aeslc_10templates | 745 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Michelle, vår kullgruppe planlegger å avslutte et kontor vi har i WV på slutten av dette året. Det er 4 ansatte på dette stedet; en har blitt tilbudt jobb i Houston og har gått tilbake, en annen ansatt kan bli tilbudt jobb hos en JV vi har i nærheten. Jeg ville se om det er noen varsler i WV og i så fall hva de er. Takk, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email, Michelle, our coal group plans to close an office we have in the WV at the end of this year. There are four employees in this place; one has been offered a job in Houston and has gone back; another employee may be offered a job with a JV we have nearby. I wanted to see if there were any omens in the WV and if so, what they are. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | W. J. W. W. W. JW) Kontor | W. J. W. W. JW. Office |
Write a subject line for this message:
COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION CORPORATION NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES NOVEMBER 21, 2001 Notice ID: 3288 5 - NO RESPONSE REQUIRED SUBJECT: CAPACITY UPDATE EFFECTIVE FOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2001 CHANGES ARE INDICATED WITH AN * Effective Monday, November 26, 2001, capacities will be as follows: Excess MDWQ Available + ISS Withdrawals Available SIT Withdrawals Available Imbalance Drawdowns Available Excess MDIQ NOT Available + ISS Injections NOT Available SIT Injections NOT Available Imbalance Paybacks NOT Available PAL Lends/Unparks Available PAL Parks/Loan Paybacks NOT Available + Call Gas Control 24 hours in advance at (304) 357-2606 to request approval. Non-firm receipt capacity will be as follows: TENNESSEE: Brinker (B12) 20,000 Broad Run (B9) 450,000 Cambridge (B10) 0 Dungannon (B11) 20,000 Highland (B17) 0 Milford (B18) 20,000 North Greenwood (B22) 0 Unionville (B15) 50,000 TEXAS EASTERN: Delmont (C16) 10,000 Eagle (C22) 20,000 Hooker (C9) 20,000 Pennsburg (C23) 20,000 Windridge (C12) 20,000 NATIONAL FUEL: Independence (M1) 0 Ellwood City (L1) 15,000 TRANSCO: Downingtown (E3) 2,500 Emporia I (E13) 60,000 Rockville (E2) 60,000 Dranesville (E1) 50,000 The restriction of 0 non firm has been lifted. * EQUITABLE GAS: Hi Hat (F3) 0 * KENTUCKY WEST VIRGINIA (KYWV): Beaver Creek (H1) 0 * CNR PIPELINE: Boldman (CNR02) 0 * Conoway (CNR03) 0 * Johns Creek (CNR08) 0 * Canada (CNR09) 0 * Canada (CNR10) 0 * Stafford (CNR11) 0 * Thacker/Majestic (CNR12) 0 * Briar Mtn. (CNR13) 0 * Huff Creek (CNR14) 0 * CONOCO: Grant (P1) 0 * Wiser (827280) 0 Delta Natural Gas (819288) 0 ALGONQUIN: Ramapo (R1) 25,000 ANR: Paulding/Cecil 30,000 (F1, A2) LEBANON AGGREGATE 100,000 (A4, F2, C4, D3) TOLEDO AGGREGATE 100,000 (A3, F4, 734462) COLUMBIA GULF: (801) TCO-Leach 700,000 Internal point non-firm capacity will be as follows: Lanham 0 Delivery capacity (non-firm) will be as follows: TRANSCO: Martins Creek 10,000 (MLI E5) Young Woman's Creek 10,000 (MLI E9) ALGONQUIN: Hanover 0 (MLI R2) EQUITRANS: Fallen Timber 31,000 (MLI K1) Waynesburg-Rhinehart 20,000 (MLI K2) OPT-30 will be available in all market areas. OPT-60 will be available in all market areas. Market Area delivery capacity (non-firm) will be as follows: Operating Area 1 Market Area 33 30,000 Market Area 34 20,000 Operating Area 2 Market Area 20 No Restrictions Operating Area 3 Market Area 15 No Restrictions Market Area 16 No Restrictions Market Area 17 No Restrictions Market Area 18 No Restrictions Market Area 19 No Restrictions Operating Area 4 Market Area 21 10,000 Market Area 22 10,000 Market Area 23 20,000 Market Area 24 10,000 Market Area 25 No Restrictions Market Area 29 No Restrictions Operating Area 5 Market Area 02 No Restrictions Market Area 07 No Restrictions Operating Area 6 Market Area 10 No Restrictions Market Area 11 No Restrictions Market Area 12 No Restrictions Market Area 13 No Restrictions Market Area 14 No Restrictions Operating Area 7 Market Area 01 No Restrictions Market Area 03 No Restrictions Market Area 04 No Restrictions Market Area 05 No Restrictions Market Area 06 No Restrictions Market Area 08 No Restrictions Market Area 09 No Restrictions Operating Area 8 Market Area 26 No Restrictions Market Area 27 No Restrictions Market Area 32 No Restrictions Market Area 35 No Restrictions Market Area 36 No restrictions for southern part of Market Area 36. Primary receipts/deliveries only for gas delivered in the northern portion of Market Area 36. Market Area 38 No Restrictions Market Area 39 No Restrictions Market Area 40 No Restrictions NOTE: GAS DELIVERED IN THE NORTHERN PORTION OF MARKET AREA 38 OR THE NORTHERN PORTION OF MARKET AREA 36 MUST BE RECEIVED FROM TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE AT HIGHLAND. Operating Area 10 Market Area 28 No Restrictions Market Area 30 No Restrictions Market Area 31 No Restrictions If you have any questions, please contact your Account Representative. | TCO - CAPACITY UPDATE EFFECTIVE FOR NOVEMBER 26, 2001 | aeslc_10templates | 746 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: COLUMBIA GASS OVERVÅS OVERVORDORRÅDET FOR HELT DEL AV DYR TIL DEL AV DEL TIL DEL TIL DEL: NÅR VURDERING AV DEL: KAPSADITSOMFFEKT FOR VÅR DAG, NOVEMDEL 26 2001 KANDRINGER UDYKDSKAP MED ANNEN AV EN * IGN, 26. november 2001: EKScess MDWQ Prevalent + ISS Withdravals Emmedsacte SIT Withdravals Uavlede Immate INations Excess MDIQ INations Noted Connective Managements NOT SYNUGGN: Excess Informations IS SYNTS UTEN UTEN UTEN HJEMMElige UTEN FOR PLYGGGGGGGN/UnAL Parks/LØVERDIGGGGGGN Kapasiteten ved mottak av ikke mottak av sikkerhet vil bli som følger: TENANSESSEE: Brinker (B12) 20 Broad Broad Run (B9) 450 000 Cambridge (B10) 0 Dungannon (B11) 20 20 Milford (B18) 20 20 20 000 North Greenwood (B22) 0 Unionville (B15) TEXAS EASTERN: Delmont (C16) 10 000 Eagle (C22) 20 000 Hooker (C9) 20 000 Pennsburg (C23) 20 000 Windridge (C12) 20 000 NATIONAL FUEL: Uavhengighet (M1) 0 Ellwood City (L1) 15 000 TRANSCO: Downingtown (E3) (E3) 20 000 mennesker med 20 000 000 000 000 000 innbyggere (E3 000) (E13) 60 000 Rockville (E13) 60 000 Rockville (E2) Lufthavn (E1) Begrensingen av 0 ikke-faste er hevet. * EKVITABLEGASS: Hi Hat (F3) 0 * KENTUCKY WEST VIRGINIA (KYWVV): Beverbekk (H1) 0 * CNR PIPELINE: Boldman (CNR (CNR) 0 * Johns Creek (CNR08) 0 * Canada (CNR) 0 * Canada (CNR) 0 * Canada (CNR) 0 * Stafford (CNR) 0 * Thacker/Majestic (CNR) 0 * Briar Mtn. (CNR13) 0 * Huff Creek (CNARC14) 0 * CONOCO: Grant (P1) 0 * Wisir (827280) 0 Delta Natural Gas (819288) 0 ALGONQUIN: ramapo (R1) 25NR: Paulding/Cecil 30 (F1, A2) LEBANON AGGREGATE 100 (A4, F2, C2, C4, D3) TOLEDOGREGAT 100 000 (A3, F4, 734462) COLUBGGF (801) TCO-Lech 700,000 Intern indre kapasitet utenfor fast kapasitet vil være som følger: LAN 0GREGREGATE 100 000 (A3, F4, 734462) COLUBIA GULF: (801) TCO-LCO-LARCARCY 700,000 indre kapasitet som ikke er fast kapasitet vil være som følger: Lan 0 eller LANYGGG (ikke-HJERRE) Fallentin (KL) KNYSJERHUSTHUSTHUSTHUS (K) OSTRIKE) OST I HUST I HUST I HUSTHELT I HUSJEMMELST. OPT-60 vil være tilgjengelig i alle markedsområder. «Rørsområde» (uten land) vil være som følger: Operasjonsområde 1 Område 1iksområde 33) «Marked Område 34 30) «Markedsområde» (ikke-område 2 »: Operasjonsområde 3 »: Operasjonsområde 15 ikke-restriksjoner Område 16 ingen restriksjonsområder Område 17 ingen restriksjoner Område 18 ingen restriksjoner Markedsområde 19 ingen restriksjonsområde Operasjonsområde 4 ikkje restriksjonsområde 21 Område 21 ikkje-område 22 ikkje-kardimentar Område 22 ikkje-mark Område 24-mark Område 24-mark Område 25-restriksjonsområde 29 ikke-restriksjonsområde 29 Ikke-restriksjonar Operasjonsområde 5 ikkje-restriksjonar Operasjonsfelt 21-ar Område 21 ikkje-ar Område-ar Område-område-område 22 ikkje-arskapsområde 23-område-ar Område-område 23-restriksjonar Område-område-restriksjonar Område-restriksjonsområde 13 nr. restriksjonar Område-område 14 nr. 7 ikkje-restriksjonsområde Operasjonar Operasjonsområde (eller-r) «Raksaturområde» og område-arområde-arområde-r» «Rakstyrområde» / «Rakstur» «Raksasjonarområde» «Rørområde» / «Rørområde» » » ») «Rørområde»: «Raksdomområde»: «Rørområde»: «Rørområde»: «Rørområde»: «Rørområde»: Operasjonsområde» «Raksdomområde» «Raks) «Raks» «Rikeområde» «Rørområde»-område» «Rakeområde» «Rørområde» «Riksområde» «Rikeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» » » » » »: Operasjon» «Rikeområde» «Riksområde» «Rakeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rikeområde» » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » »: Operasjon» «Rikeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rikeområde» «Rakeområde» «R» «Rikeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» » » » » » » » » » » » «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» «Rakeområde» » » » » » » » » » » » » » mottak/leveranser bare for gass som leveres i den nordlige delen av Markedsføringsområde 36. Markedsområde 38 Ingen begrensninger Markedsområde 39 Ingen begrensninger Markedsområde 40 Ingen begrensninger Område 40 ingen begrensninger SIKKERHET: GASS DELIVIVERIVERSERT I DEN NORDRE MARKEDSFØRINGSTILLATELSEN OM AREA 38 ELLER DEN NORDRE PORTERING AV MARKEDET OMRÅDET OMRÅDET OMRÅDE 36 MÅ VÆRE OPPHÅDT FRA TENNESKEGASS PIPELINE AT HIGHLAND. Operating Area 10 Market Area 28 Ingen begrensninger Markedsområde 30 Ingen begrensninger Markedsområde 31 Ingen begrensninger Dersom du har noen spørsmål, kontakt din kontorepresentant. | Write a subject field for this message: COLUMBIA GAS SURVIVAL OF THE ENTITY OF PART-IN-Part ANIMALS INTO PART: WHEN EVALUATION OF PART: CAPSADITS INFECTED FOR OUR DAY, NOVEMDEL 26 2001 CHANGES UNDITIONAL TO THE OTHER OF AN * IGN, 26 November 2001: EXcess MDWQ Prevalent + ISS Withdravals Emmed SIT WITHOUTALS UNPRODUCED INTENDED INSTRUMENTS MDIQ INITATIONS NOTIVE MANAGES NOT SIDUGGNN: Exces ITS INSTOMS WITHOUT ANY OUTS OF OUTSIDESIDES OF PLYGGNGGN/UGGN/LOWGGNENGGNIGNIGN: The capacity to receive no safety will be as follows: TENANSESSEE: Brinker (B12) 20 Broad Run (B9) 45000 Cambridge (B10) 0 Dungonannon (B11) 20 20 Milford (B18) 20 20 20 000 North Greenwood (B22) 0 Unionville (B15) TEXAS EASTERN: Delmont (C16) 10,000 Eagle (C22) 20 000 Hooker (C9) 20,000 Pennsburg (C23) 20,000 Windridge (C12) 20,000 NATIONAL FUEL: Independence (M1) 0 Elwood City (L1) 15 000 TRANSCO Downingtown (E3) (E3) 20 000 people with 20,000 billion inhabitants (E3 000) (E13) 60 000 Rockville (E13) 60 000 Rockville (E2) The limitation of 0 Lunghamb (E1) does not change. * EQUITABLEGASS: Hi Hat (F3) 0 * KENTUCKY WEST VIRGINIA (KYWVVVV): Beaver Creek (H1) 0 * CNR PIPELINE: Boldman (CNR) 0 * Johns Creek (CNR08) 0 * Canada (CNR) 0 * Canada (CNR) 0 * Canada (CNR) 0 * Stafford (CNR) 0 * Thacker/Majestic (CNR) 0 * Briar Mtn. (CNR13) 0 * Huff Creek (CNARC14) 0 * CONOCO: Grant (P1) 0 * Wisir (827280) 0 Delta Natural Gas (819288) 0 ALGONQUIN: ramapo (R1) 25NR: Paulding/Cecil 30 (F1, A2) LEBAN AGGREGATE 100 (A4, F2, C2, C4, D3) TOOLOGREGAT 100 000 (A3, F4, 734462) COLUBGF (801) TCO-Lech 700,000 internal capacity outside firm capacity will be as follows: LAN 0GREGREGATE 100 000 (A3, F4, 73442) COLUBULF (801) OPT-60 will be available in all market areas. ‘Ra’ means ‘Ra’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ category’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ category ‘Re’’ ‘Re ‘Re’ category ‘Re’’’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ category ‘Re’’ ‘Re’ ‘Re ‘Re’ category ‘Re’’’’’ means ‘Re ‘Re ‘Re ‘Re’ category ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘Re’ do’’ means ‘Rake’ means ‘Re’ means ‘Re’ means ‘Re’ means ‘Re ‘Re’ category ‘ link ‘Re’ ‘Re’ ‘ link’’ ‘ link ‘Re’ ‘ link’ ‘Re’ ‘ link’’ ‘ link’ ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’’’ ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’’’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’’’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’’’’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’’’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘re’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘re’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘re’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘re’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘re’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means means means means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means means means means ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means means means means means means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link’ means ‘ link’ do’ do’ do’ do’ do’ means ‘ link ‘ link ‘ link reception/delivery only for gas supplied in the north part of Market Area 36. Market area 38 No restrictions on Market Area 39 No restrictions on Market Area 40 No restrictions on Safety: GAS DELIVIVERSIVE VERSIVATED IN THE NORTHER MARKETING AUTHORISATION ON AREA 38 OR THE NORTHERN PORTING OF MARKET AREA AREA AREA 36 MUST BE RESTRICTED FROM THE TINSK GAS PIPELINE AT HIGHLAND. Operating Area 10 Market Area 28 No restrictions Market Area 30 No restrictions Market Area 31 No restrictions If you have any questions, please contact your account representative. | TCO - KAPAPAPAPAPITET UPDAT UTARBEID FOR NOVEMBELSBEVIS (26) 2001 | TCO - CAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPET UPDATE PROCESS FOR NOVEMBEL RECEIPTS (26) 2001 |
Write an email with the subject line "Investment Com. meeting". | Paul Murphy has scheduled an Invest. Com. meeting for Nov. 14th at 7:30 am in Paul's office for the purpose of reviewing our investment policy and 3rd quarter's investment results. Please let me know if you can or cannot attend the meeting. Thanks, | aeslc_10templates | 747 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk> Investment Com. møte<unk> | Writes a mail using the subject line <unk> Investing Com. meeting<unk> | Paul Murphy har satt i gang en undersøkelse. . . . møte i nov. 14. kl. 19.30 på Pauls kontor med sikte på å gjennomgå vår investeringspolitikk og tredje kvartals investeringsresultater. Vennligst si fra om du kan eller kan få komme på møtet. Takk. | Paul Murphy has launched an investigation. . . A meeting in November 14th at 7:30 p.m. in Paul's office with a view to reviewing our investment policy and the third quarter investment results. Please let me know if you can or can come to the meeting. Thank you. |
This is an email
Dear Sir/Madam, This will introduce an exceptional Candidate for an Executive Level Information Security position. He has 19 years of VP level Information Security development, implementation and management at several of the most technologically advanced financial institutions including a $6 Billion/year stock brokerage (1995 - 2001), a $12 billion/year financial services conglomerate with interests in mutual funds, life insurance, banking and retirement services ( 1990- 1995), and a $50 billion/year bank( 1989-1990). He holds an MS in Systems Engineering and a BS in Mathematics. PhD course work completed. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional ( CISSP) and a Registered Brokerage Rep: Series 7 and Series 63. His primary love is building global Information Security programs and departments. He is receptive to working for smaller institutions and to relocation. For additional information on this candidate or to enquire about other Information Security executives please contact Gary Erlinger. Note: CIO Club is a Fee Based Staffing Organization. Regards
What is the subject of this email? | Information Security Executive -101901 | aeslc_10templates | 748 | Dette er en e-post, sir/Madam. Dette vil gi en eksepsjonell kandidat til en tjenestestilling i informasjonssikkerhet på sjefsnivå. Han har 19 år VPP-nivå Informasjonssikkerhetsutvikling, gjennomføring og ledelse ved flere av de mest teknologisk avanserte finansinstitusjoner inkludert en aksjemegling på 6 milliarder/år (1995<unk>, et konsern for 11 milliarder dollar/år finansielle tjenester med interesser i verdipapirfond, livsforsikring, bank- og pensjonstjenester (90<unk>95), og en bank med 50 milliarder dollar/år( 1989<unk>90). Han innehar en MS i Systems Engineering og en BS i Matematikk. Arbeidet med doktorgradskurs fullført. Han er en Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) og en registrert megler Rep: Series 7 og Series 63. Hans primære kjærlighet er å bygge globale informasjonssikkerhetsprogrammer og departementer. Han er mottagelig for å arbeide for mindre institusjoner og flytte. For ytterligere opplysninger om denne kandidaten eller for å anmode andre informasjonssikkerhetsledere om spørsmål, ta kontakt med Gary Erlinger. Merk: CIO Club er en av de fem. Hva er emnet i denne e-posten? | This is an e-mail, sir/Madam. This will provide an exceptional candidate for a service position in information security at the head level. He has 19-year VPP level Information Security Development, Implementation and Management of several of the most technologically advanced financial institutions including a 6 billion-year stock brokerage (1995<unk>, an 11 billion-year-old financial service group with mutual fund interests, life insurance, banking and pension services (90<unk>95), and a 50 billion-year-old bank ( 1989<unk>90). He has an MS in System Engineering and a BS in Maths. The doctoral course has been completed. He's a certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) and a registered broker Rep: Series 7 and Series 63. His primary love is to build global information security programs and ministries. He's susceptible to working for smaller institutions and moving out. For further information about this candidate or to ask other information security managers for questions, please contact Gary Erlinger. Note, CIO Club is one of the five. What is the subject of this e-mail? | Informasjonsdie die die die die die<unk> 1019 01,1 | Information die die die die<unk> 1019 01.1 |
Write an email with the following subject:
EOL Spreadsheets | Dianne, Do you keep a copy of the spreadsheet you send me everyday? I need some days in May for a new economics model that I am building. Let me know. Thanx, | aeslc_10templates | 749 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: EOL-regneark | Write an email with the following subject: EOL spreadsheet | Dianne, har du en kopi av regnearket du sender meg hver dag? Jeg trenger noen dager i mai til en ny økonomimodell som jeg bygger. La meg få vite. av tox, | Dianne, do you have a copy of the spreadsheet you send me every day? I need a few days in May for a new economic model that I'm building. Let me know. of tox, |
Here is another matrix of TW "Current Shipper" rates & surcharges. This one is not posted on the web. I don't know whether anyone needs/uses it, anymore, but I have been keeping it up. There is a new tab for each change in Current Shipper Rates. The latest is "200111" Elizabeth - I forgot to send this to you this morning. Jeanette - I don't recall whether I sent this along with the other TW files.
Generate a subject line for this email. | FYI 11/2001 TW Rate Matrix - same rates, different format | aeslc_10templates | 750 | Her er en annen matrise med TW: Nåværende skipper<unk> hastigheter og tilleggsavgifter. Denne er ikke lagt ut på nettet. Jeg vet ikke om noen trenger det eller bruker det lenger, men jeg har holdt det gående. Det er en ny fane for hver endring i Aktuelleskipperrater. Det siste er: \"Jeg har glemt å sende denne til deg i morges.\" Jeanette - Jeg husker ikke om jeg sendte dette sammen med de andre TW-filene. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Here's another matrix of TW, current skipper<unk> speeds and additional charges. This isn't posted online. I don't know if anyone needs it or uses it anymore, but I've kept going. There's a new tab for every change in the current ship's perimeter. The last one is, "I forgot to send this to you this morning." Jeanette, I can't remember if I sent this along with the other TW files. Create a subject line for this email. | FYI 11-Date TWrate Mats<unk> samme hastigheter, forskjellig format | FYI 11-Date TWrate Mats<unk> Same speeds, different format |
Write an email with the subject line "CAED docs". | Kathleen, There were three original assignment and assumption agreements: One of CAED I (GE) and two for CAED II (one for GE, one for ABB). I only see two in my packet, and only two are referenced in the transmittal letter. HELP!!!!!!!! This is obviously urgent. Kay | aeslc_10templates | 751 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>ASE DOKS<unk> | Type a mail using the subject line<unk>ASE DOCS<unk> | Kathleen, Det var tre opprinnelige tildelings- og forutsetningsavtaler: en av CAED I (GE) og to for CAED II (en for GE, en for AB). Jeg ser bare to i min pakke, og kun to er referert i transmisjonsbrevet. Hjelp!!!!!!!!! Det er tydelig at det haster. Siste lahar Sitt | Kathleen, there were three initial allocation and assumption agreements: one of CAED I (GE) and two for CAED II (one for GE, one for AB). I only see two in my package, and only two are referred in the transmission letter. Help!! Clearly, it is urgent. Last lahar Sitt |
Brother Betas, It sounds as if I will be a fresh fish in your established group. I graduated from SMU in December of 2000 and am currently working in Houston. I am originally from Houston as I am sure at least a couple of you are as well. During my tenure at SMU I served as Treasurer of the Gamma Omega chapter my sophomore year and then went on to serve as Treasurer and Secretary of the Interfraternity Council through my junior and senior years. I now look back on my days as a Beta and wonder what I was thinking when I decided to graduate. The friendships I made and times I enjoyed will stay with me through my life. I am also one of the two co-organizers of what I would like to see become an annual Beta tradition, the Distinguished Beta Award. An event held to honor one of our brothers who have distinguished themselves as exemplary and provide a setting to rekindle old friendships as well as have a great time. As I am sure some of you were part of the list of people I called last month to inform you that the event had been postponed until this upcoming spring, which has proved to be a blessing in light of the tragic events that occurred Sept. 11, I would hope that this website may become a forum to both share ideas on the future of the event and information in regards to the event.
Write a subject line for this email. | [smu-betas] RE: new members (Justin Loweth) | aeslc_10templates | 752 | Det høres ut som om jeg blir fersk fisk i gruppen deres. Jeg ble uteksaminert fra SMU i desember 2000 og arbeider for tiden i Houston. Jeg er opprinnelig fra Houston, siden jeg er sikker på at minst et par av dere også er det. I løpet av min tid ved SMU tjente jeg som finansminister i Omega, kapittelet om mitt andre år som andreårsstudent, og deretter fortsatte jeg som finansminister og sekretær i Interfraternity Council gjennom mine junior- og seniorår. Nå ser jeg tilbake på mine dager som en beta og lurer på hva jeg tenkte da jeg bestemte meg for å slutte. De vennskapene jeg har gjort, og de gangene jeg har hatt, vil jeg ha gjennom hele livet. Jeg er også en av de to medarrangørene av det jeg gjerne vil se bli en årlig Beta-tradisjon, den Ærespris. En begivenhet som blir holdt for å hedre en av våre brødre som har utmerket seg som eksemplariske brødre, og som utgjør en ramme for hvordan man kan gi gode venner igjen og også ha en flott tid. Som jeg er sikker på at noen av dere var en del av listen over personer jeg ringte sist måned for å informere dere om at hendelsen hadde blitt utsatt til denne kommende våren, noe som har vist seg å være en velsignelse i lys av de tragiske hendelsene som skjedde Sept. 11, håper jeg at denne nettsiden kan bli et forum for både å dele ideer om fremtiden for hendelsen og informasjon i forbindelse med hendelsen. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Sounds like I'm gonna be fresh fish in your group. I graduated from SMU in December 2000 and currently work in Houston. I'm originally from Houston, since I'm sure at least a couple of you are, too. During my time at SMU, I served as Secretary of Finance in Omega, chapter on my second year as a sophomore, and then I continued as Secretary of Finance and Secretary of the Interfraternity Council through my junior and senior years. Now I look back on my days as a beta and wonder what I was thinking when I decided to quit. The friendships I've made and the times I've had, I want all my life. I'm also one of the two co-organizers of what I'd like to see become an annual Beta tradition, the Honorary Prize. An event that is held to honor one of our brothers who has excelled as exemplary brothers and who provides a way to restore good friends and also to have a wonderful time. Which I found to be true of some people who had been shown by the information given by the events. Type a subject line for this email. | [smubets] RE: nye medlemmer (Juntlowth) | [smubets] RE: new members (Juntlowth) |
Write a subject line for this message:
We are short at PGE system for Wednesday, 10/03/01. HE7-22pdt, we are 25mw short (total of 400mw). This is due to a lending deal done by the NW Cash desk. Please supply Portland at their system in the most cost effective manner possible. Deal #799806.1 Thanks, | Short due to lending at PGE System for Wednesday, 10/03. | aeslc_10templates | 753 | Skriv en underlinje for denne meldinga: Vi har kort tid på PGE-systemet for onsdag, 10/00/01. HHE7-22pdt, vi er 25mw short (totalt 400mw). Dette skyldes en utlånsavtale utført av NW Cash Desk. Lever Portland i deres system på den mest kostnadsbesparende måten. Del ut #799806.1 Takk, | Write a sub-line for this message: we have a short time on the PGE system for Wednesday, 10/00/01. HHE7-22pdt, we are 25mw short (total of 400 mw). This is because of a loan agreement made by Cash Desk. I'm delivering Portland into your system in the most cost-efficient way possible. Deal #799806.1 Thank you, | Kort tid på grunn av utlån hos PGE System for onsdag, 10/03 | A short time due to lending to the PGE System for Wednesday, 10/03 |
This is the content of an email: I spoke to Elizabeth Sager today and she is on-board for everyone visiting with the relevant attorney to walk through the details of each contract and fill out the power contract grid and one-page summary. Please make every effort to knock these out by Friday such that we can quickly begin prioritizing and move to the next stage. The attorneys should have the grid and one page summary sheet. Thanks,
What was the subject line for this email? | Power Contracts | aeslc_10templates | 754 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: jeg har snakket med Elisabeth Sager i dag og hun er ombord til alle som er på besøk hos den aktuelle advokaten for å gå gjennom detaljene i hver kontrakt og fylle ut kraftkontrakten nett og ensides sammendrag. Vær så snill og gjør alt du kan for å slå ut disse innen fredag slik at vi raskt kan begynne å prioritere og gå til neste etappe. Advokatene bør ha oversikt og oversikt over oversikter over oversikter over oversikter over oversikter over oversikter over oversikter over oversikter over oversikter og sider. Takk, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: I've spoken to Elisabeth Sager today and she's on board to anyone who is visiting the lawyer in question to review the details of each contract and fill out the power contract online and one-page summary. Please do everything you can to knock these out by Friday so that we can quickly set our priorities and move to the next stage. Lawyers should keep track of summaries of summaries of summaries of summaries of summaries of summaries and pages. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Kontrakter | Contracts |
What is the subject line for this email?
With respect to Commercial Risk Re-Insurance Company, a Bermuda company, although they are being sent thru to specifically open them for weather, Brent Hendry says I can't open them up until we review their Memorandum of Association (like their articles of incorporation) to confirm that nothing in them would prohibit this type of transaction. Can you contact whomever sent you the Password Application and ask them to fax their Memorandum of Association to us. Thanks! | Counterparty Approval List for 12/11/00 | aeslc_10templates | 755 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Når det gjelder et Bermuda-selskap, et Bermuda-selskap, selv om de blir sendt thru for å åpne dem for vær og vind, sier Brent Hendry at jeg ikke kan åpne dem før vi har gjennomgått foreningens notat (som deres stiftelsesartikler) for å bekrefte at ingenting i dem vil kunne forby denne typen transaksjon. Kan du kontakte den som har sendt deg et passordprogram og be dem sende oss et brev til oss om å sende en melding om dette? Takk! | What is the subject line for this email? In the case of a Bermuda company, a Bermuda company, even though they are sent thru to open them to the weather, Brent Hendry says that I cannot open them until we have reviewed the association's note (as their instruments of incorporation) to confirm that nothing in them would prohibit this type of transaction. Can you contact the person who sent you a password program and have them send us a letter to send us a message about this? Thank you! | Valliste for 12 000/2000, unntatt delvis oppsamlingsliste for 12 000 | List of options for 12000/2000, excluding the partial collection list of 12000 |
Dear Jason Wolfe, It has been a while since we spoke about your driving needs. Our inventory has changed since then and I realize your needs may have changed as well. We can still have the vehicle you originally were interested in within 24 hours and we also have some that are similar with similar equipment, only less expensive. Toyota has special financing rates available on Corollas, Tundras, 4Runners and 2001 Siennas. We have great deals on 2002 Camrys. If youd like to revisit our inventory, please click here I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,
Write a subject line for this email. | Internet Sale | aeslc_10templates | 756 | Kjære Jason Wolfe, det er en stund siden vi snakket om dine kjørebehov. Vi har endret beholdningen vår siden da, og jeg forstår at dine behov også kan ha forandret seg. Vi kan fortsatt ha kjøretøyet du opprinnelig var interessert i innen 24 timer og vi har også noen som ligner på lignende utstyr, bare rimeligere. Toyota har spesielle finansieringssatser tilgjengelig på Corollas, Tundras, 4Runners og 2001 Siennas. Vi har store avtaler om Camrys fra 2002. Hvis du vil se vår liste på nytt, vennligst klikk her Jeg gleder meg til å høre fra deg snart. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Dear Jason Wolfe, it's been a while since we talked about your driving needs. We've changed our stock since then, and I understand that your needs may have changed too. We may still have the vehicle you were originally interested in within 24 hours and we also have someone who resembles similar equipment only cheaper. Toyota has special funding rates available on Corollas, Tundras, 4Runners and 2001 Siennas. We have big deals about Camrys from 2002. If you want to see our list again, please click here I look forward to hearing from you soon. Type a subject line for this email. | Internett- sali | Internet Sali |
Write a subject line for this message:
Brian, Attached you will find the Canadian books set up with all the data you requested. The books codes are attached as well as the unique region codes. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me. Thanks. John Valdes | Canadian Books | aeslc_10templates | 757 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Brian, vedlagt vil du finne de kanadiske bøkene som er satt opp med alle data du har bedt om. Kodene i bøkene er også knyttet til de unike regionkodene. Si fra hvis det er noe mer du trenger fra meg. Takk. Det er ikke lov til | Enter a subject field for this message: Brian, attached you will find the Canadian books that have been set up with all the data you have requested. The codes in the books are also linked to the unique regional codes. Let me know if there's anything else you need from me. Thank you. That's not allowed. | Kan noenlund etter Kan noen bok | Can any time after Can any book |
What is the subject line for this email?
Despite the postponement of company presentations this week by PWC-FAS, Goldman Sachs, and Wells Fargo, all three companies as of today still plan to conduct their on-campus interviews as scheduled. Thus, to ensure that they receive your resumes with time to prepare their interview lists, the resume drop deadline for these companies, as well as Citigroup, will remain Friday, September 14th, at 11:59 p.m. We are currently working with the companies to reschedule their presentations as soon as possible. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Mark Friedfeld Account Manager MBA & MFE Recruiting Haas School of Business University of California, Berkeley | CSO-Finance Presentation & Resume Drop Update | aeslc_10templates | 758 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Til tross for utsettelsen av selskapspresentasjoner denne uken av PWC-FAS, Goldman Sachs og Wells Fargo, alle tre selskapene fra og med i dag planlegger fortsatt å gjennomføre intervju på campus som planlagt. For å sikre at de får din CV med tid til å forberede sine intervjulister, vil dermed døgnfristen for disse selskapene, samt Citigroup, forbli fredag 14. september kl. 11.59. Vi samarbeider for tiden med selskapene om å avtale presentasjonene sine så snart som mulig. Vennligst ikke nøl med å kontakte meg hvis du har noen spørsmål eller bekymringer. Mark Friedfeld Kontorsjef MBA & MFE Rekruttering Haas School of Business University of California, Berkeley | What is the subject line for this email? Despite the suspension of company presentations this week by PWC-FAS, Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo, all three companies continue to plan to conduct an interview on campus as planned. To ensure that they have your CV with time to prepare their interview lists, the daily deadline for these companies, as well as Citigroup, will remain on Friday, September 14 at 11:59. We are currently working with the companies to agree their presentations as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Mark Friedfeld Office Manager MBA & MFE Recruitment Haas School of Business University of California, Berkeley | CSO-Finance Presentasjon og afdipp Drop- oppdatering | CSO-Finance Presentation and afdipp Drop update |
What is the subject line for this email?
This is a very rough draft based on an agreement done previously with a jv company. I'm sending it for Enron review only, since I haven't even read the entire thing yet. I thought you might want to take a look at it to see what you think, and to consider the scope of the services to be provided. As for legal services, one alternative would be to have the services provided by an outside law firm, not associated with either principal. Could you forward me what you received from Clement regarding the corporate guaranty issue? I would like to see what's the latest in that regard. Thanks, | Services agreement | aeslc_10templates | 759 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Dette er et svært grovt utkast basert på en avtale gjort tidligere med et jv-selskap. Jeg sender den kun til Enron-anmeldelse, siden jeg ikke engang har lest hele greia ennå. Jeg tenkte du kanskje ville se nærmere på det for å se hva du mener, og vurdere omfanget av tjenestene som skal ytes. Når det gjelder juridiske tjenester, kan det være at de tjenestene som ytes av et utenforstående advokatfirma, og som ikke er tilknyttet noen av hovedstolene. Kan du fortelle meg hva du fikk fra Clement angående spørsmålet om selskapsgaranti? Jeg vil gjerne se hva som er det siste i den forbindelse. Takk. | What is the subject line for this email? This is a very rough draft based on an agreement made earlier with a company. I'm only sending it to Enron, since I haven't even read the whole thing yet. I thought you might want to look into it to see what you think and assess the extent of the services to be provided. In the case of legal services, the services provided by an outside law firm and which are not linked to any of the principal fees may be involved. Can you tell me what you got from Clement about the company guarantee issue? I'd like to see what's the last thing in that connection. Thank you. | Den tjeneste i st st stinging i stingen, og | The service in the stitching, and |
Write an email with the following subject:
TCO update | Brad, I got a better picture of the delay issue when I talked to Keith this morning. Apparently, his group has lost their server liscence. As a consequence they cannot access their materials. Keith is doing everything he can that does not require the server, and when they regain access, we will get the map out asap. In the mean time, I am looking into major interconnects as well as storage facilities. As of now, I don't have a precise timeline on when the server issue will be resolved. When it occurs, I'll let you know. Thanks | aeslc_10templates | 760 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: TCO update | Send an email with the following subject: TCO update | Brad, jeg fikk et bedre bilde av problemet med forsinkelsen da jeg snakket med Keith i morges. Gruppen hans har åpenbart mistet sin \"server\"-lisens. Som følge av dette får de ikke tilgang til sine materialer. Keith gjør alt han kan som ikke krever serveren, og når de får tilgang, vil vi få kartet ut asap. I mellomtiden ser jeg på større samkjøringer og lagringssteder. Nå har jeg ikke en presis tidslinje på når serverspørsmålet vil bli løst. Når det skjer, skal jeg si fra. Takk. | Brad, I got a better picture of the delay when I spoke to Keith this morning. Apparently, his group has lost their "server\" license. As a result, they do not have access to their materials. Keith's doing everything he can that doesn't require the server, and when they get access, we'll get the map out asap. In the meantime, I'm looking at major interconnections and storage sites. Now I don't have a precise timeline on when the server question will be solved. When that happens, I'll let you know. Thank you. |
This is the content of an email: I'm sure that many of you are aware that there has been a great deal of activity lately related to Enron's evaluation of possible acquisitions. John Goodpasture's group has kept a large number of ET&S people engaged in looking at a number of potential deals. While these deal evaluation projects have become routine around here, we all must remember that these projects are extremely confidential. Even after a potential seller has announced that it is up for sale, the fact that Enron is looking at a potential deal, as well as any of our internal analysis of the deal, remains strictly confidential. I realize that many of you have ongoing business relationships with employees of some of the companies that we have evaluated or may evaluate in the future. If you find yourself in such a situation, and a business contact at the target company asks whether Enron is evaluating the contact's company or assets, the only appropriate response is that Enron personnel are not permitted to discuss potential acquisitions. Please be aware that the confidentiality agreements that we typically sign as part of the acquisition evaluation process preclude any communication by Enron people with employees of the target company. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this requirement, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Thank you for your assistance. DF
What was the subject line for this email? | Confidentiality Regarding Acquisitions | aeslc_10templates | 761 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jeg er sikker på at mange av dere er klar over at det har vært en stor aktivitet i det siste knyttet til Enrons vurdering av mulige overtakelser. John Goodpastures gruppe har holdt et stort antall ET&S-folk opptatt med å se på en rekke potensielle avtaler. Mens disse delevalueringsprosjektene er blitt rutiner her, må vi alle huske at disse prosjektene er fortrolige. Selv etter at en potensiell selger har opplyst at den er ute for salg, forblir det faktum at Enron ser på en potensiell avtale, samt en av våre interne analyser av avtalen, strengt fortrolig. Jeg innser at mange av dere har forretningsforbindelser med ansatte i noen av de selskapene vi har vurdert eller kan vurdere i fremtiden. Dersom du befinner deg i en slik situasjon, og en kontaktperson i målselskapet spør om Enron er i ferd med å evaluere kontaktselskapet eller -kapitalen, er det eneste egnede svaret at Enron-personell ikke har tillatelse til å diskutere potensielle overtakelser. Vær oppmerksom på at fortrolighetsavtalene som vi vanligvis inngår i framgangsmåten for vurdering av overtakelse, utelukker kommunikasjon fra personer som er bosatt i foretaket, av personer som er bosatt i foretaket. Hvis du har spørsmål eller spørsmål om dette kravet, vennligst ikke nøl med å ringe meg. Takk for hjelpen. Hva var subjektet for denne e- posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: I'm sure many of you are aware that there has been a great deal of activity in recent Enron's assessment of possible acquisitions. John Goodpastoure's group has kept a large number of ETS people busy looking at a number of potential agreements. While these interim evaluation projects have become routine here, we must all remember that these projects are confidential. Even after a potential seller has informed that it is out for sale, the fact that Enron is looking at a potential agreement, as well as one of our internal analyses of the agreement, remains strictly confidential. I realize that many of you have business dealings with employees of some of the companies we've considered or might consider in the future. If you are in such a situation, and a contact person in the target company asks whether Enron is about to evaluate the contact company or capital, the only appropriate answer is that Enron personnel are not allowed to discuss potential acquisitions. Please note that the confidentiality agreements that we are usually included in the acquisition assessment procedure exclude communication from residents of the enterprise by persons resident in the enterprise. If you have any questions or questions about this claim, please do not hesitate to call me. Thanks for your help. What was the subject for this e-mail? | Konfitalitet med hensyn til anskaffelser | Confidentiality with regard to acquisitions |
If you like, I can get you database access that will allow you to review the comments between Legal & Credit. We do not give this level of access to non-Legal & Credit people because we are trying to limit certain information for client-attorney privilege (not to mention the business people give away our negotiating positions!). If you would like this level of access, let me know and I will put in a request. This level of access will also give you edit capability, so you need to be careful not to change things by mistake.
Write a subject line for this email. | Financial Trading Agreement Database | aeslc_10templates | 762 | Hvis du liker det, kan jeg skaffe deg tilgang til databaser som vil gi deg mulighet til å gjennomgå kommentarene mellom Den juridiske & kreditt. Vi gir ikke dette nivået av tilgang til ikke-regale og kredittkort-personer fordi vi forsøker å begrense visse opplysninger for klient-attorney-privilegier (for ikke å snakke om at forretningspersonene gir bort våre forhandlingsposisjoner!). Hvis du vil ha dette adgangsnivået, så si ifra og jeg vil legge inn en forespørsel. Dette tilgangsnivået vil også gi deg mulighet for redigering, så du må være forsiktig med å ikke endre ting ved feil. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | If you like, I can get you access to databases that will allow you to review the comments between Legal & Credit. We do not give this level of access to non-regals and credit card people because we are trying to limit certain information for client-attorney privileges (not to mention business people giving away our bargaining positions!). If you want this level of access, let me know and I'll make a request. This level of access will also allow you to edit, so you must be careful not to change things in case of failure. Type a subject line for this email. | Database over finansielle transaksjoner | Financial Transaction Database |
Janelle: I reviewed the email of 1/19/01 from Ben Chu. There are only 2 items listed: (1) I will beef up the language to make it absolutely clear that ENA can select the price only if it hears from ConEd first. (2) I am not sure that I agree about the NY ISO changing pricing after 30 days. We will need to discuss. I have heard that this is not as frequent an occurrence as in the past and we are using the same mechanism as the ISDA procedure for change in prices. (3) Other than the foregoing, he had no other comments exept to say that he would review again.
Generate a subject line for this email. | Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc. | aeslc_10templates | 763 | Janellen: jeg har omtalt e-posten i 1/19/01 fra Ben Chu. Det er bare to punkter som er listet opp: (1) Jeg vil forske på språket for å gjøre det helt klart at ENA kan velge prisen kun hvis den hører fra ConEd først. (2) Jeg er ikke sikker på om jeg er enig i at NY ISO endrer pris etter 30 dager. Vi må snakke sammen. Jeg har hørt at dette ikke er så ofte et tilfelle som tidligere og vi bruker samme mekanisme som ISDA-prosedyren for prisendring. (3) Bortsett fra det foregående hadde han ingen andre kommentarer som han hadde lett for å si at han ville repetere igjen. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | Janellen: I've mentioned the e-mail of 1/19/01 from Ben Chu. There are only two points listed: (1) I will research the language to make it clear that ENA can only pick the price if it hears from ConEd first. (2) I am not sure if I agree that the NY ISO will change the price after 30 days. We need to talk. I've heard that this is not as often a case as before and we use the same mechanism as the ISDA procedure for price change. (3) Apart from the foregoing, he had no other comments that he could easily say he would repeat again. Create a subject line for this email. | Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc. | Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc. |
Agenda Meeting of the Board of Directors Enron Corp. 5:00 p.m., C.S.T., December 11, 2001 1. Review of Bankruptcy-Related Matters - Messrs. Lay and McMahon 2. Update on Sale of Wholesale Trading Operations - Messrs. McMahon and Whalley 3. Consideration of Employee Retention Proposal - Ms. Joyce 4. Other Business 5. Adjournment
Write a subject line for this email. | Board Meeting Today @ 5:00 p.m., C.S.T. | aeslc_10templates | 764 | Agendamøtet hos styret i Enron Corp. 17. aug., C.S.T., 11. desember 2001 1. omtale av Konkurs-Relerte saker - Messrs. lay and McMahon 2. Update on Sale of Engroshandel Operations - Messrs. McMahon og Whalley 3. Betraktning av ankebedømmelse Forslag - Ms. Joyce 4. Annen næringsforetak Adcomment Write a subline line for denne e- posten | Agenda meeting of the Board of Directors of Enron Corp. 17. aug., C.S.T., December 11, 2001. Update on Sale of Wholesale Operations - Messs. Consideration of appeal judgment Proposition - Ms. Joyce 4. Other business undertakings Adcomment Write a subline line for this email | Møtemøte i dag kl. 17.00, C.S.T. | Meeting today at 5:00, C.S.T. |
ISDA PRESS REPORT - NOVEMBER 6, 2001 EURO * Italy rebuts claims over swap contract - Financial Times (North American Edition) * Rome 'did not cheat over deficit' - Financial Times (European Edition) EMERGING MARKETS * Cavallo defends Argentina's plan for debt swap - Financial Times OPERATIONS * After Liffe - The Economist TRADING PRACTICE * Cut Short - The Economist Italy rebuts claims over swap contract Financial Times (North American Edition) - November 5, 2001 By James Blitz The Italian Treasury firmly rebutted allegations on Monday that it had structured a complicated swaps contract with the aim of deflating its 1997 budget deficit figure and qualifying for the single European currency. In a formal statement, the Treasury said that swap contracts - in which a bond issuer can trade his obligation to make payments in one currency rather than another - were a regular method of "improving management of public debt". Privately, meanwhile, Treasury officials sought to explain why Italy had undertaken a swap contract highlighted over the weekend by a report for the International Securities Market Association. On May 15 1995 the Italian government issued a bond for Y200bn. At the time, after the dramatic 1992 devaluation of the lira, the Italian Treasury was gradually seeking to regain credibility in international markets, and did so by issuing bonds in a range of currencies. When the Y200bn bond was issued, the yen-lira exchange rate was at L19.3. By December 1996, however, the yen had depreciated by 30 per cent to a level of L13.4 to the yen. The Treasury then sought to lock in its currency gains over this period. Treasury officials say they could have undertaken to start buying back the Y200bn bond issue, but given its sheer size, this was unrealistic. They therefore decided to undertake a cross-currency swap in which the Treasury could convert its yen liabilities into lira. The Treasury faced a serious technical problem, however. Under European Union statistical rules pertaining at the time, the debt of all EU countries could only be reported in the original currency in which the bonds had been issued, in this case yen. Any swap contract agreed by the Treasury in order to close its foreign exchange risk would thus be irrelevant when it came to calculating the overall debt figure. This was highly pertinent to how the swap agreement had to be structured. The Italian Treasury could have simply closed the swap transaction when the Y200bn bond matured in September 1998, realising all its exchange rate gains at that date. But a strong appreciation of the yen during the course of 1997 might have left Italy's official debt looking higher at the end of that year than it did at the end of 1996. This could have seriously undermined the country's bid to enter the eurozone. The Treasury therefore needed to keep the formal calculation of its debt consistent by realising their exchange rate gain during the lifetime of the bond. Both the exchange rate and the interest rate of the swap contract were structured to allow this. Treasury officials say the 30 per cent foreign exchange gain from the Y200bn bond was highly unusual. They dismissed any notion that this could be a regular phenomenon in debt management as absurd. Nor, say officials, could the swap be judged as a way of "window dressing" the deficit figure. If window dressing had taken place, Italy would have seen its deficit and debt shoot up after it had successfully entered the single currency. The fact remains that Italy's deficit and debt have both been on a steadily downward path since 1996. Rome 'did not cheat over deficit' Financial Times - November 6, 2001 (European Edition) By Peter Norman The European Commission and Eurostat, the European Union's statistical agency, yesterday rejected suggestions that Italy had used the over-the-counter derivatives market to camouflage the true size of its budget deficit and so help its admission to the European single currency. Gerassimos Thomas, spokesman for Pedro Solbes, the economic and monetary affairs commissioner, said the Commission's preliminary evaluation was that the use of interest rate swap transactions by one member state in 1997, as highlighted in an International Securities Market Association (ISMA) report, did not amount to cheating on the budget deficit figures. Mr. Thomas said the purpose of such swap transactions was to save money for governments and they were therefore not discouraged by regulators. Although the ISMA report referred only to an unnamed member state, it was understood to be Italy. Yves Franchet, the director-general of Eurostat, said his agency knew in 1997 about the Y200bn Italian bond issue and swap transaction mentioned anonymously in the report. The effect of that deal was to reduce Italy's deficit of around 2.7 per cent of gross domestic product in 1997 by a marginal 0.02 percentage points. The swap deal was therefore not of a size to influence significantly Italy's ability to produce a deficit well below the 3 per cent ceiling set in the Maastricht Treaty. Mr. Franchet said Eurostat consulted widely on how to treat swaps before defining the deficit of Italy and other member states. The agency had to work out the public deficits of member states for economic and monetary union at a time of statistical transition between national accounts based on a standard known as ESA79, which took no account of swaps, and before formal adoption of the ESA95 system, which recognised swaps. After consulting with expert committees, Eurostat decided to apply the ESA95 standard in calculating member states' suitability for Emu. Aware that swaps could have a positive or negative effect on deficits, Eurostat also conducted a survey of swap use by member states. According to Mr. Franchet, the practice was not widespread. Cavallo defends Argentina's plan for debt swap Financial Times - November 6, 2001 By Thomas Catan Domingo Cavallo, Argentina's economy minister, yesterday mounted a defence of his country's controversial debt swap plan, saying investors must accept lower interest payments if his country was to avoid an outright default on its Dollars 132bn debt. "Any reasonable person knows that Argentina cannot grow if it has to pay interest on its debt that ranges between 11 per cent to 25 per cent - and in the case of some provinces, up to 30 per cent a year," he told an audience of businessmen. "We . . . seek to ensure payment on the basis that Argentina is viable and to stop trying to pay (interest rates) that only reflect the march of Argentina towards default. It's a question of telling the truth." Starting today, Argentina will offer private creditors new bonds backed by future tax revenues that will pay a maximum of 7 per cent. Repayment on bonds coming due in the next 10 years will also be pushed forward by three years, Mr. Cavallo said. This leg of the debt restructuring appears to be aimed mainly at domestic investors - local pension funds, insurance companies and banks - that hold at least a third of Argentina's Dollars 95bn in bonds. These local institutions, often units of international banks, are heavily exposed to Argentine debt and are seen as more susceptible to government pressure. A second "global exchange" for all of Argentina's bonds should be ready within 2-4 months, Mr. Cavallo said. By then, Argentine officials hope to have additional guarantees from multilateral lending agencies to offer foreign investors in return for accepting lower-interest bonds. Argentina hopes this will enable it to avoid an outright default on its debt. Investors entering the first, mainly local, exchange will be entitled to enter any subsequent deal, Mr. Cavallo said. Pension fund managers had feared being taken to court by future retirees for having acted against their interests. "Those who have confidence in Argentina are going to have two opportunities because no one knows if the global exchange will have better or worse terms," Mr. Cavallo said. Argentina is attempting to cut its annual interest bill by at least Dollars 4bn to free up resources to restart its ailing economy, now in its fourth year of recession. To do so, the government is implementing a range of tax cuts and other measures to spark spending, such as cutting employees' private pension contributions. Investors remain concerned that Argentina's debt proposal effectively constitutes a default. However, Mr. Cavallo is now putting them on notice that they must accept lower interest payments if the country is to continue to service its debt. The government is also pressing the 23 provinces to accept a cut in their guaranteed monthly tax transfers. After Liffe The Economist - November 1, 2001 JEAN-FRANCOIS THEODORE, the head of Euronext, is a surprise winner. The London Stock Exchange (LSE) was widely expected to triumph in the bidding for Liffe, London's derivatives exchange. Yet on October 29th the board of Liffe recommended that its shareholders accept a ?555m ($806m) offer from Euronext, the three-way merger between the Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels stock exchanges. Although Euronext's offer was less than the LSE's, it was all in cash (not in combination with shares). It also promised to retain Liffe's management, and to shift all of Euronext's derivatives business to London to trade on Connect, Liffe's trading system. That combination made it unbeatable. Euronext's coup is a blow for the LSE, which had hoped that buying Liffe would strengthen its position in the forthcoming consolidation of European stock exchanges. But the LSE misplayed its hand, advertising its interest for too long in advance and then quibbling over too many details with Liffe's management. It will now have to find some other strategic option if it is not to become prey to one of its rivals. Setting up its own derivatives business will be hard: it might instead seek to buy one of the American exchanges, perhaps the Chicago Mercantile. The third big European stock exchange, Deutsche B?rse, which had also bid for Liffe, will also have to find an alternative. Yet one obvious idea, to resurrect last year's abortive marriage between it and the LSE, will be hard to do under the two exchanges' present management, because the bust-up was so acrimonious. That may put Euronext in the best position to become the dominant European exchange. Europe's investors may not care so long as trading becomes cheaper and easier. Anyway, most of them fret more about improving clearing and settlement in Europe, which is much more expensive than in America and so offers greater scope for savings. The Liffe/Euronext deal immediately triggered speculation about which European clearing houses might now merge. The London Clearing House (LCH), which clears trades on Liffe, had inconclusive talks last year with Clearnet, which clears Euronext trades. A merger would now be logical. Less obvious is which way the Luxembourg-based Clearstream will jump. On October 31st it received offers from Deutsche B?rse (which already owns 50%) and Brussels-based Euroclear, the biggest clearer of international bonds. Deutsche B?rse is keen to own all of Clearstream. This would create the first big European "silo", in which trading, clearing and settlement have a single owner. Werner Seifert, chairman of Deutsche B?rse, has long championed silos, which he thinks provide the reliability required by the market. Critics reckon vertical silos distort competition. Benn Steil at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York says that Deutsche B?rse might impose discriminatory tariffs on non-German-based traders in German shares if it were to own all of Clearstream. Others point to possible cross-subsidy from the monopolised settlement arm to the trading platform. One alternative is the horizontal integration of settlement agencies and clearing-houses, to create large central counterparties-maybe two or three for the whole of Europe. Traders would then be able to net their cash and derivatives positions on several exchanges with a single clearing house, saving capital. Don Cruickshank, chairman of the LSE, thinks the European Commission in Brussels should go further and impose a single European clearing and settlement system like America's. That is a very long shot. It took the intervention of Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission to set up the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation-which moved American non-government securities markets from seven settlement agencies to one settlement organisation and one central counterparty. Besides the defenders of silos, the European Commission would have to contend with a different regulatory and legal system in each member country. More realistically, market forces will drive clearing and settlement houses to join forces, because it is more cost-efficient when buyer, seller and security are linked. Cut short The Economist - November 1, 2001 The American Treasury's announcement that it will issue no more 30-year bonds should delight corporate treasurers and depress fund managers. Cynics also suggest that Peter Fisher, under-secretary at the Treasury, made this move to help Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, bring down long-term interest rates, in a fair imitation of a bull market. The 30-year Treasury bond has been illiquid for some time because until recently America had been retiring debt. Now that the country is a net borrower again, it is the wrong time to take long-term debt off the menu, say Mr. Fisher's critics. Many have a vested interest, however. The Chicago Board of Trade, which usually carries great clout in Washington, immediately protested that economic uncertainty since September 11th obliges the Treasury to keep all its funding options open, including at the long end. It is worried about losing its flagship 30-year-bond futures market. Bond traders, as well as inter-dealer brokers, such as Cantor Fitzgerald, will now have to satisfy themselves with shorter maturities-these are more liquid, but with less of the volatility that dealers love. Those traders and investment banks that cover their 30-year trading positions with repos (bond sales and repurchases) will find life more expensive-they will ultimately have to buy and sell corporate bonds, which carry credit risk, rather than supposedly risk-free government bonds. Perhaps they will use British 30-year gilts instead. There are winners. Swap dealers and long-term bond issuers, notably two government agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, should find more demand for their 30-year bonds. It will please, too, those who think interest-rate swap rates a better benchmark than Treasuries for pricing fixed-income securities. The biggest gripe will come from insurance companies and pension funds with long-term liabilities-especially defined-benefit pension plans. Long-term rates may be lower but will now come with credit risk attached. Surely Mr. Fisher read a paper published in July by the American Academy of Actuaries entitled "The Impact of Inordinately Low 30-year Treasury Rates on Defined Benefit Plans"? If he did, this plea to spare the life of 30-year Treasuries failed to move the man of steel. **End of ISDA Press Report for November 6, 2001** THE ISDA PRESS REPORT IS PREPARED FOR THE LIMITED USE OF ISDA STAFF, ISDA'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SPECIFIED CONSULTANTS TO ISDA ONLY. THIS PRESS REPORT IS NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION (EITHER WITHIN OR WITHOUT AN ORGANIZATION), AND ISDA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY USE TO WHICH THESE MATERIALS MAY BE PUT.
Generate a subject line for this email. | ISDA PRESS REPORT - NOVEMBER 6, 2001 | aeslc_10templates | 765 | ISDA PRESSSRAPPORT<unk> NOVEMBEBER 6, 2001 EURO * Italia tilbakeviser erstatningsutfordring over bytteavtale<unk> finansiell tid (Nordamerikansk utgave) * Roma «ikke juks over underskudd»<unk> finansiell tid (EU-utgaven) EMERGING MARKEDS(Vavallo forsvarer Argentinas plan for gjeld swap<unk> Financial Times OPERATIONS * After Liffe<unk> The Eastern TRADING PRACTICE * Cut Short<unk> The Eagenztal Italy tilbakestiller påstander over swapkontrakten Financial Times (Nord-Amerikautgaven)<unk> 5. november 2001 Ved James Blitz Det italienske finansdepartementet tilbakevistede beskylder på mandag at det hadde en komplisert avtale om å deflatere sitt budsjettkrav i 1997 og å kvalifisere seg til den felles europeiske valutaen. I en formell erklæring sa finansforetaket at bytteavtaler der en obligasjonsutsteder kan handle sin plikt til å foreta betaling i én valuta og ikke i en annen, var en regelmessig metode for å forbedre forvaltningen av offentlige gjeld — I mellomtiden forsøkte finansministere å forklare hvorfor Italia hadde inngått en bytteavtale som ble trukket fram i løpet av helgen av en rapport fra Det internasjonale verdipapirmarkedsforbundet. 15. mai 1995 utstedte den italienske regjeringen en obligasjon for Y200bn. Etter at liraen ble devaluert på den tiden, var det italienske finansvesenet på den tiden gradvis i ferd med å gjenvinne sin troverdighet i internasjonale markeder, og det gjorde det ved å utstede obligasjoner i en rekke valutaer. Da Y200bn-obligasjonen ble utstedt, var yen-lira valutakursen på L19. Per desember 1996 hadde imidlertid yen avskrevet med 30 prosent til et nivå av L1 3,4 til yen. Finansdepartementet søkte deretter å låse inn valutagevinstene i denne perioden. Myndighetene sier at de kunne ha begynt å kjøpe tilbake gjeldsbrevet, men med tanke på størrelsen, var dette urealistisk. De besluttet derfor å påta seg en valutabytteavtale der finanstransaksjonen kan konvertere sine yen-forpliktelser til lira. Finansdepartementet stod imidlertid overfor et alvorlig teknisk problem. I henhold til Den europeiske unions statistiske regler som gjaldt på det tidspunkt, kunne gjelden til alle EU-stater bare oppgis i den opprinnelige valutaen som obligasjonene var utstedt i, i dette tilfellet yen. Den bytteavtalekontrakt som er avtalt av finanstranssentralen for å avvikle sin valutarisiko, vil derfor være irrelevant når den kom til beregningen av den samlede gjeldsverdien. Dette var i høy grad relevant for hvordan swap-avtalen måtte være strukturert. Det italienske finansforetaket kunne ganske enkelt ha avsluttet transaksjonen når Y200bn-båndet modnet i september 1998, ved å realisere alle sine valutakursgevinster på dette tidspunktet. Men en sterk forståelse av yen i løpet av 1997 kan ha etterlatt Italias offisielle gjeld til å se høyere ut ved slutten av det året enn det gjorde ved slutten av 1996. Dette kan ha underminert landets bud om å gå inn i eurosonen. Finansiet trengte derfor å holde den formelle beregningen av sin gjeld i form av en konsistens ved å realisere sin valutakursgevinst i løpet av obligasjonens levetid. Både valutakursen og renten i bytteavtalen var strukturert for å tillate dette. Ifølge finansmyndighetene var 30 prosent av valutainntekten fra Y200bn-obligasjonen svært uvanlig. De avfeier enhver oppfatning av at dette kan være et fast fenomen i gjeldsforvaltning som absurd. Heller ikke, sier embetsmenn, kunne swapen bli bedømt som en måte å kle seg på<unk> wind winds<unk> underskuddstallet. Dersom det hadde funnet sted en vindusspadebane ville Italia ha opplevd underskudd og gjeldsskyting opp etter at det hadde lykkes å ta opp felles valuta. Det faktum at Italias underskudd og gjeld begge har vært på et jevnt nedoversteg siden 1996. Roma 'did not contover overcond' Financial Times<unk> 6. november 2001 (europeisk utgave) av Peter Norman The EU Kommisjonen og Eurostat, Den europeiske unions statistiske byrå, gikk i går med tilbakeslåtte forslag om at Italia hadde brukt markedet for over-om-teller-derivater for å kamuflere den virkelige størrelsen på sitt budsjettunderskudd, og dermed bidra til at det går over i den europeiske felles valuta. Gerassimos Thomas, talsmann for økonomi- og valutadirektøren Pedro Solbes, sa at Kommisjonens foreløpige evaluering var at bruken av rentebytteavtaler foretatt av ett medlemsland i 1997, som framhevet i en rapport fra International Securities Marketing Association (ISMA), ikke var ensbetydende med at bruken av rentebytteavtaler ble brukt av ett medlemsland i 1997, som framhevet i en rapport fra International Securities Marketing Association (ISMA), ikke sto i fare for å snyte underskuddstallene. Mr. Thomas sa at formålet med en slik byttetransaksjon var å spare penger til myndighetene, og at de derfor ikke var nedstemt av reguleringsmyndighetene. Selv om ISMA-rapporten bare omhandlet et ikke navngitt medlemsland, ble den forstått som Italia. Yves Franchet, som er Eurostats generaldirektør, sa i 1997 at hans byrå kjente til at det i rapporten ble utstedt et problem med Italias obligasjoner på 200 bn, og at det ble nevnt en transaksjon anonymt i rapporten. Virkningen av denne avtalen var å redusere Italias underskudd på rundt 2,7 prosent av bruttoproduktet i 1997 med et marginalt 0,02 prosentpoeng. Bytteavtalen var derfor ikke av noen størrelse for å påvirke betydelig Italias mulighet til å oppnå et underskudd godt under den 3 prosents øvre grensen fastsatt i Maastricht-traktaten. I henhold til Eurostats uttalelse i stor grad om hvordan swaps skal behandles før underskuddet i Italia og andre medlemsstater defineres. Etaten måtte på et tidspunkt da den statistiske overgang mellom nasjonalregnskaper på grunnlag av en standard kalt ESA79, som ikke tok hensyn til swaper, og før det formelt ble vedtatt ENS95-systemet, som innregnet swap. Etter samråd med ekspertkomiteene har Eurostat besluttet å anvende standarden for ENS95 ved beregning av medlemsstatenes egnethet for Emu. Erkjennelse av at swaber kan ha en positiv eller negativ virkning på underskudd, har Eurostat også foretatt en undersøkelse av byttebytteavtaler utført av medlemsstatene. Ifølge herr Franchet var ikke praksisen utbredt. Cavallo forsvarer Argentinas plan for gjeldsswap Finansiell Times<unk> 6. november 2001 Av Thomas Catan Domingo Cavallo, Argentinas økonomiminister, i går til sammen med et forsvar av sitt lands kontroversielle gjeldsbytteavtaleplan, og sier at investorene må akseptere lavere rentebetalinger dersom landet hans skulle unngå et regelrett mislighold på sitt gjeldsoverskudd. <unk> En rimelig person vet at Argentina ikke kan vokse hvis det må betale renter på sin gjeld som varierer mellom 11 til 25 prosent - og når det gjelder noen provinser, opptil 30 prosent i året, - sa han til en forsamling av forretningsmenn. <unk> vi . . . søke å sikre betaling på grunnlag av at Argentina er levedyktig, og slutte å prøve å betale (renter) som bare gjenspeiler en innmarsj i Argentina mot mislighold. Det er et spørsmål om å si sannheten <unk> Fra og med i dag vil Argentina tilby private kreditorer nye obligasjoner med sikkerhet i framtidige skatteinntekter som vil betale maksimalt 7 prosent. Tilbakebetaling av obligasjoner som forfaller forfalt i løpet av de neste ti årene, vil også bli skjøvet framover med tre år, sa Cavallo. Denne delen av omstruktureringen av gjeld ser ut til hovedsakelig å være rettet mot innenlandske investorer: lokale pensjonskasser, forsikringsselskaper og banker som innehar minst en tredel av Argentinas dollar 95 bn i obligasjoner. Disse lokale institusjonene, ofte enheter av internasjonale banker, er sterkt utsatt for gjeld og anses som mer utsatt for statstrykk. En andre<unk>globalbørs<unk> for alle Argentinas obligasjoner bør være klar i løpet av to måneder, sa Mr. Cavallo. Da håper argentinske tjenestemenn å ha tilleggsgarantier fra multilaterale utlånsbyråer for å tilby utenlandske investorer mot å ta imot obligasjoner med lavere rente. Argentina håper dette vil gjøre det mulig å unngå direkte mislighold på gjelden. Investorer som går inn i den første, hovedsakelig lokale, børs vil ha rett til å inngå en eventuell senere avtale, sa Mr. Cavallo. Pensjonsfondsforvaltere hadde fryktet at framtidige pensjonister ville bli stilt for retten fordi de hadde handlet i strid med sine interesser. <unk> De som har tillit til Argentina kommer til å få to muligheter, fordi ingen vet om globale utvekslingen vil få bedre eller dårligere betingelser,<unk> sa Cavallo. Argentina forsøker å redusere sitt årlige rentetillegg med minst 4 bn for å frigjøre ressurser til å starte sin syke økonomi på nytt, nå i sitt fjerde år med nedgangstider. For å gjøre det gjennomfører regjeringen en rekke skattekutt og andre tiltak for å øke pengeforbruket, som f.eks. nedskjæring av de ansattes private pensjonspremier. Investorer er fortsatt opptatt av at Argentinas gjeldsforslag faktisk utgjør en standard. Mr. Cavallo sier nå at de må ta imot lavere rente hvis landet skal fortsette å betjene sin gjeld. Regjeringen presser også de 23 provinsene til å godta et kutt i sine garanterte månedsskatteoverføringer. Etter Liffe The Economet<unk> 1. november 2001 JEAN-FRAN-FRANCOIS TEODORE, Euronexts sjef, er overraskende vinner. Det var stor sannsynlighet for at børsen i London (LSE) skulle seire i budet for Liffe, Londons derivatbørs. Den 29. oktober anbefalte likevel styret i Liffe at dets aksjonærer den 29. oktober skulle godta et ?555m (806m) tilbud fra Euronext, treveisfusjonen mellom børsene Paris, Amsterdam og Brussel. Selv om Euronext's tilbud var mindre enn LSE's, var det alt i kontanter (ikke i kombinasjon med aksjer). Den lovet også å beholde Liffes ledelse, og å flytte all Euronexts derivatvirksomhet til London for å handle med Connect, Liffes handelssystem. Den kombinasjonen gjorde den uslåelig. Euronexts kupp er et slag for LSE, som hadde håpet at å kjøpe Liffe ville styrke sin posisjon i den forestående konsolideringen av europeiske børser. Men LSE feilspilte hånden sin, reklamerte for sin interesse for lenge på forhånd for så å quibbel over for mange detaljer med Liffes ledelse. vil den nå måtte finne en annen strategisk alternativ om den ikke skal bli et bytte for en av sine rivaler. Det vil bli vanskelig å starte sin egen virksomhet med derivater. Det kan i stedet prøve å kjøpe en av de amerikanske børsene, kanskje Chicago Mercantile. Den tredje store europeiske børsen, Deutsche B?rse, som også hadde lagt inn bud på Liffe, vil også måtte finne et alternativ. Men én opplagt idé, å gjenopplive fjorårets avbruddsekteskap mellom det og LSE, vil være vanskelig å gjøre under de to børsenes nåværende ledelse, fordi det var så straffbart. Det vil kanskje sette Euronext i den beste posisjon til å bli den dominerende europeiske utvekslingen. Europas investorer bryr seg kanskje ikke så lenge handel blir billigere og enklere. Uansett er de fleste av dem mer opptatt av å bedre oppklaring og bosetting i Europa, som er mye dyrere enn i Amerika, og som derfor gir et større oppsparingstilbud. Liffe/Euronext-avtalen utløste umiddelbart spekulasjoner om hvilken europeiske rydningssentraler nå kan slå seg sammen. The London Clearing House (LCH), som klarlegger handelen på Liffe, hadde uklare samtaler i fjor med Clearnet, som klarer Euronext-handel. En fusjon ville nå være logisk. Det er innlysende hvilken vei den Luxembourg-baserte Clearstream vil hoppe. Den 31. oktober fikk den tilbud fra Deutsche B?rse (som allerede eier 50%) og Brussel-baserte Euroclear, den største klarere internasjonale obligasjoner. Deutsche B?rse er ivrig etter å eie hele Clearstream. Dette ville skape det første store europeiske <unk>silo<unk> hvor handel, oppgjør og oppgjør har en enkelt eier. Werner Seifert, formann i Deutsche B?rse, har lenge foretrukne siloer, som han mener gir markedet den pålitelighet som markedet krever. Kritikere regner med at vertikale siloer gir konkurransevridning. Benn Steil ved Council on Foreign Relations in New York sier at Deutsche B?rse kan innføre diskriminerende tariffer på ikke-tyskbaserte næringsdrivende i tyske aksjer dersom det skulle eie hele Klarstrøm. Andre skal vise til mulig kryssubsidiering fra den monopoliserte buplassarmen til handelsplassen. Et alternativ er den horisontale integreringen av oppgjørsbyråer og klareringssentraler, for å skape store sentrale motparter, som kan være to eller tre for hele Europa. Handelsmenn ville da kunne fraregne sine kontanter og derivater på flere børser med en enkelt oppgjørssentral, sparingskapital. Don Cruickshank, formann i LSE, mener Europakommisjonen i Brussel bør gå videre og innføre et felles europeisk klarerings- og oppgjørssystem som Amerikas. Det er et veldig langt skudd. Det tok intervensjonen fra kongressen og verdipapir- og valutakommisjonen å opprette Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation-som flyttet amerikanske ikke-offentlige verdipapirmarkeder fra sju oppgjørsbyråer til én oppgjørsorganisasjon og én sentral motpart. Ved siden av forsvarerne av siloer ville Europakommisjonen måtte forholde seg til et annet regulerings- og rettssystem i hvert medlemsland. Mer realistisk er det at markedskrefter vil drive klarerings- og oppgjørshus til å slå seg sammen, fordi det er mer kostnadseffektivt når kjøper, selger og sikkerhet er knyttet til hverandre. Kutt kortet The Economet<unk> 1. november 2001 The American Treasury sin kunngjøring om at det ikke vil utstede flere 30-årige obligasjoner, bør glede selskapskasser og depress-fondsledere. Cynics foreslår også at Peter Fisher, undersekretær i Finansdepartementet, gjorde dette skrittet for å hjelpe Alan Greenspan, styreformann i Federal Reserve Board, å få ned langsiktige renter, i en rettferdig etterligning av et bullmarked. 30-års trekkraft har vært ilbrensel ei tid fordi Amerika inntil nylig hadde vært gjeldsstiftende. Nå som landet er nettolåner igjen, er det feil tidspunkt å ta langsiktig gjeld fra menyen, sier Mr. Fisher's kritikere. Men mange har en viss andel. Chicago Board of Trade, som vanligvis har stor innflytelse i Washington, protesterer umiddelbart mot at den økonomiske usikkerheten siden 11. september tvinger finansdepartementet til å holde alle finansieringsalternativene åpne, også på lang sikt. Den er bekymret for å miste sin børsomsetning i de 30 årende terminkontrakter. Bond-handlere, samt interdealer-meglere, som Cantor Fitzgerald, vil nå måtte tilfredsstille seg selv med at korttids-disse er mer flytende, men med mindre av volatiliteten som forhandlerne elsker. De næringsdrivende og investeringsbankene som dekker sine 30-årige noteringsposisjoner med reposer (oversalg og gjenkjøp) vil finne at et dyrere liv enn dyrere liv vil måtte kjøpe og selge foretaksobligasjoner, som bærer kredittrisiko, og ikke statsobligasjoner som er risikofrie. Kanskje de vil bruke britisk 30-års gilts i stedet. Det er vinnere. Forhandlere og obligasjonsutstedere, særlig to offentlige etater, Fabnie Mae og Freddie Mac, bør finne mer etterspørsel etter sine 30-års obligasjoner. Det vil også være til glede for dem som anser rentebytteavtaler som en bedre referansestandard enn omsetteligheter for verdipapirer med fast avkastning ved fastsettelse av verdi. Det største grepet vil komme fra forsikringsselskaper og pensjonskasser med langsiktige forpliktelser, særlig pensjonsordninger med definerte ytelser. Langtidsrenter kan være lavere, men vil nå komme med kredittrisiko vedlagt. Mr. Fisher leste vel en avis i juli i American Academy of Actuaries. Hvis han gjorde det, ville denne avtalen om å spare 30-års-forræderers liv ikke kunne flytte mannen av stål. **End of ISDA Presserapport for 6. november 2001 ** ISDAGSTRÅTEN ER KREVT FOR BESTEMT BRUK AV ISDAFF, ISDAS BORG FOR DIREKTORER OG SPESIFISERTE KONSUMMER SOM SKAL ISDAGES NÆRRE. MERDIRATORORDORDEN SKAL VISS TIL DISTRIBUSJON (EDER UTEN ORGANISASJON ELLER UTEN ORGANISASJON), OG VIL IKKE VISE TIL VANLIG BRUK FOR Å VÆRE DISSE MATERIALER MÅ VÆRE PLUTT. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | ISDA PRESSRAPPORT<unk> NOVEMBEER 6, 2001 EURO * Italy rejects the challenge of substitution over swap<unk> financial time (North American edition) * Rome “not cheat over deficit”<unk> financial time (EU Edition) EMERUGING MARKEDS(Vavallo defends Argentina’s debt swap<unk> Financial Times OPERATIONS * After Life<unk> The Eastern TRADING PRACTICE * Cut Short<unk> The Agenstall Italy retracts claims over the swap contract Financial Times (North America Edition)<unk> on 5 November 2001 by James Blitz The Italian Ministry of Finance reproached on Monday that it had a complicated agreement to defray its budget requirement in 1997 and to qualify for the European Common Monetary Exchange. In a formal declaration, the financial undertaking stated that swaps in which a bond issuer may act on its obligation to make payment in one currency rather than in another were a regular method of improving public debt management — Meanwhile, financial ministers tried to explain why Italy had entered into a swap that was drawn up during the weekend by a report by the International Securities Markets Association. On 15 May 1995 the Italian government issued a bond for Y200bn. After the Lira was devalued at that time, the Italian financial system was gradually recovering its credibility in international markets, and this was done by issuing bonds in a number of currencies. When the Y200bn bond was issued, the yen-lira exchange rate was L19. By December 1996, however, yen had been depreciated by 30 percent to a level of L1 3.4 to yen. The Ministry of Finance then sought to lock up the monetary gains during this period. Authorities say that they could have begun to buy back the promissory note, but for the size of the promissory note, this was unrealistic. They therefore decided to take on a currency swap in which the financial transaction can convert its yen obligations into lira. However, the Ministry of Finance faced a serious technical problem. According to the statistical rules of the European Union at the time, the liabilities of all EU countries could only be declared in the original currency in which the debt securities were issued, in this case yen. Therefore, the exchange contract agreed by the financial Translocation Centre to liquidate its foreign-exchange risk would be irrelevant when it was calculated on the total debt value. This was very relevant to how the swap agreement had to be structured. The Italian financial undertaking could have simply concluded the transaction when the Y200bn band matured in September 1998 by realising all its foreign exchange gains at that time. However, a strong understanding of yen during 1997 may have left Italy’s official debt looking higher at the end of that year than it did at the end of 1996. This may have undermined the country's bid to enter the euro zone. The funding therefore needed to keep the formal calculation of its debt in the form of a consistency by realising its exchange rate gain over the life of the bond. Both the exchange rate and the interest in the swap were structured to allow this. According to the financial authorities, 30 percent of the currency income from the Y200bn bond was very unusual. They dismiss any notion that this may be a fixed phenomenon of debt management as absurd. Nor, say officials, could the swap be judged a way to dress on the<unk> wind winds<unk> deficit. If there had been a window - shoveling system, Italy would have experienced deficits and debt launches after a single currency had been successfully taken up. The fact that Italy’s deficits and liabilities have both been on a steady down stepper since 1996. Rome 'did not contact overcond' Financial Times<unk> on 6 November 2001 (European edition) by Peter Norman The European Commission and Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, submitted proposals yesterday to suggest that Italy had used the market for over-counter derivatives to camouflage the actual size of its deficit, thereby contributing to its passage into the European Common Currency. Gerssimos Thomas, spokesperson for economic and monetary director Pedro Solbes, said that the Commission’s interim evaluation was that the use of interest-exchange agreements by one Member State in 1997, as highlighted in a report by the International Securities Markets Association (ISMA), did not mean that the use of interest-exchange agreements was used by one Member State in 1997, which highlighted in a report by the International Securities Markets Association (ISMA), was not at risk of cheating deficit rates. Mr. Thomas said that the purpose of such a trade was to save money for the government and that they were therefore not discouraged by the regulatory authorities. Although the ISMA report only mentioned a non-named member state, it was understood to be Italy. Yves Francchet, director general of Eurostat, said in 1997 that his agency knew that in the report a problem was issued with Italy’s 200 - bn bonds and that a transaction was mentioned anonymously in the report. The effect of this agreement was to reduce Italy’s deficit of about 2.7 percent of value added in 1997 by a marginal of 0,02 percentage points. Therefore, the swap was not of any size to significantly affect Italy’s ability to achieve a deficit well below the 3 per cent ceiling laid down in the Maastricht Treaty. According to Eurostat’s opinion on how to treat the swaps before defining the deficit in Italy and other Member States. The agency had to, at a time when the statistical transition between national accounts on the basis of a standard called ESA79 which did not take into account swaps and before formally adopted the ESA95 system, which recognised swaps. After consulting expert committees, Eurostat has decided to apply the ESA95 standard in calculating the suitability of Member States for Emu. Acknowledging that swaps may have a positive or negative effect on deficits, Eurostat has also conducted a survey of exchange swaps carried out by Member States. According to Mr. Branchet, the practice was not widespread. 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We <unk> . So let's say that this is the same thing. So let's say that this is the same thing. seek to ensure payment on the basis of the viability of Argentina and stop trying to pay (rates) that only reflect an incurrence in Argentina in return for default. It's a matter of telling the truth. Starting today, Argentina will be offering private creditors new bonds secured by future tax revenues that will pay up to 7 percent. Repayments of debt securities due over the next ten years will also be pushed forward by three years, said Cavallo. This part of the debt restructuring seems to focus mainly on domestic investors: local pension funds, insurance corporations and banks that hold at least one third of Argentina’s $95 bn in bonds. These local institutions, often units of international banks, are heavily exposed to debt and are considered more vulnerable to State pressure. A second one of the Global Stock Exchanges for all the Argentina bonds should be ready in two months, Mr. Cavallo said. Then Argentine officials hope to have additional guarantees from multilateral lending agencies to offer foreign investors in exchange for receiving lower interest bonds. Argentina hopes that this will help to avoid a direct default on the debt. Investors entering the first, mainly local, stock exchanges will have the right to enter into any future agreement, said Mr. Cavallo. Pension fund managers had feared that future pensioners would be brought to justice because they had acted contrary to their interests. Those who have confidence in Argentina will have two options, because no one knows if the global exchange will have better or worse terms, said Cavallo. Argentina is trying to reduce its annual interest increase by at least 4bn to free up resources to start its sick economy again, in its fourth year of recession. To do so, the government implements a number of tax cuts and other measures to increase money consumption, such as the reduction of employee pension contributions. Investors are still concerned that Argentina's debt bill is actually a standard. Mr. Cavallo now says they must accept lower interest rates if the country is to continue to serve its debt. The government also pressured the 23 provinces to accept a cut in their guaranteed monthly tax transfers. After Liffe The Economet<unk> on November 1, 2001, JEAN-FRANCOIS TEODORE, Euronext's boss, is a surprising winner. London’s Stock Exchange was likely to win the bid for Liffe, London’s derivative exchange. However, on October 29th, the Management Board of Liffe recommended that its shareholders accept on October 29th an offer from Euronext, the three-way merger between the exchanges of Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels. Even though Euronext's offer was less than NEL's, it was all in cash (not in combination with shares). It also promised to keep Liffe's leadership, and to move all Euronext's derivative business to London to deal with the Connet, Liffe's trading system. That combination made it unbeatable. Euronext's coup is a blow to the clearing, which had hoped that the purchase of Liffe would strengthen its position in the forthcoming consolidation of European markets. However, it misplayed its hand, advertised its interest for a long time in advance, and thenquibbled over too many details with Liffe’s leadership. it will now have to find another strategic alternative if it is not to become a prey for one of its rivals. It will be difficult to start your own business with derivatives, rather than try to buy one of the U.S. stock exchanges, perhaps Chicago Mercantile. The third major European stock exchange, Deutsche B?rse, who had also bid on Liffe, will also have to find an alternative. But one obvious idea, reviving last year's break-up marriage between it and the evil, would be difficult to do under the current two stock exchanges, because it was so criminal. It may put Euronext in the best position to become the dominant European exchange. Europe’s investors may not care as long as trade becomes cheaper and simpler. In any case, most of them are more concerned with improving the clearance and settlement of Europe, which is much more expensive than in America, and thus provides a greater savings offer. The Liffe/Euronext Agreement immediately triggered speculation as to which European clearing centres can now merge. The London Clearing House, which clears the deal at Liffe, had hazy conversations last year with Clearnet, who handles Euronext trading. A merger would now be logical. It's obvious which way the Luxembourg-based Clearstream will jump. On 31 October, it was offered by Deutsche B?rse (who already owns 50%) and Brussels-based Euroclear, the largest clarified international debt securities. Deutsche B?rse is eager to own the whole Clearstream. This would create the first great European <unk>silo<unk> where trade, settlement and settlement have a single owner. Werner Seifert, chairman of Deutsche B?rse, has long preferred silos, which he believes to give the market the reliability required by the market. Critics expect vertical silos to distort competition. Benn Steil of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York says that Deutsche B?rse can introduce discriminatory tariffs on non-German-based traders in German shares if it should own the whole of Clearstream. Others shall refer to possible cross-subsidies from the monopolised bulwark arm to the trading venue. An alternative is the horizontal integration of clearing agencies and clearing centres to create large CCPs, which may be two or three for the whole of Europe. Traders would then be able to derecognise their cash and derivatives on several exchanges with a single clearing house, saving capital. Don Cruickshank, president of the United States, believes the European Commission in Brussels should move forward and establish a common European clearing and settlement system such as that of America. That's a very long shot. It took the intervention of Congress and the Securities and Monetary Commission to establish the Deposit and Clearing Corporation that moved American non-public securities markets from seven settlement agencies to one settlement organisation and one central counterparty. In addition to the defenders of silos, the European Commission would have to deal with a different regulatory and judicial system in each Member State. More realistic is that market forces will drive clearing houses and settlement houses to merge because it is more cost-effective when the buyer, seller and security are linked. Cut the card The Economet<unk> on November 1, 2001, The American Treasury's announcement that it will not issue any more 30-year bonds, should be happy with corporate crates and depress fund managers. Cynics also suggests that Peter Fisher, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance, did this step to help Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, lower long-term interest rates, in a fair imitation of a bull market. 30-year traction has been fueled for some time because until recently America had been in debt. Now that the country is back on net loans, it's the wrong time to take long-term debt from the menu, Mr. Fisher's critics say. But many have a certain share. Chicago Board of Trade, usually influential in Washington, protests immediately against economic uncertainty since September 11th forcing the Ministry of Finance to keep all funding options open, even in the long run. It is concerned about losing its stock exchange in the 30-year futures. Bond traders, as well as interdealer brokers, such as Cantor Fitzgerald, will now have to satisfy themselves that short-term these are more liquid, but unless of the volatility that the dealers love. The traders and investment banks covering their 30-year trading positions with resell and repurchase will find that a more expensive life than more expensive lives would have to buy and sell corporate bonds, which bear credit risk, rather than risk-free sovereign bonds. Maybe they want to use British 30-year gilts instead. It's winners. Dealers and bond issuers, especially two government agencies, Fabnie Mae and Freddie Mac, should find more demand for their 30-year bonds. It will also be a pleasure to those who consider interest rate swaps to be a better reference standard than the negotiability of fixed-yield securities in determining their value. The largest grip will come from insurance corporations and pension funds with long-term liabilities, in particular defined benefit pension schemes. Long-term interest rates may be lower but will now be credit risk attached. Mr. Fisher probably read a newspaper in July in American Academy of Actuaries. If he did, this agreement to save the lives of 30-year-old traitors wouldn't be able to move the man of steel. *The End of ISDA Press Report of 6 November 2001 * ISDAY STRENGTH IS FOR THE DETERMINED USE OF ISDAFF, ISDA'S BORG FOR DIRECTORS AND SPECIFIED CONSUMPTIONS TO BE DRAWED NEARLY. THE MERDIRATOR’S WORD MUST BE VISITED TO DISTRIBUTION (SET OUT OF ORGANISATION OR WITHOUT ORGANISATION) AND WILL NOT SHOW FOR A COMMON USE TO BE THESE MATERIALS MUST BE FOLLOWED. Create a subject line for this email. | ISDIDIPRESSERAPPORT - NOVEVIS 6, 2001 | ISDIDIPRESSERAPPORT - NOVEVIS 6, 2001 |
Write an email with the subject line "Grupo Calidra, S.A. de C.V.". | Attached for your approval is the form of Enron Corp. Guaranty in favor of the referenced Counterparty, which guarantees the obligations of ENA under a financial confirmation. We will need the standard executed copy. The confirmation requires that we deliver the Guaranty within 5 days. Upon approval and execution, please call me at x33399 to pick up the documents. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. | aeslc_10templates | 766 | Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Grupo Calidra, S.A. de C.V<unk>. | Writes an email using the subject line<unk>Grupo Calidra, S.A. de C.V.<unk>. | Vedlagt godkjenning av deg er Enron Corp. Guaranty til fordel for det refererte kontrapartiet, som garanterer pliktene til ENA i henhold til en finansiell bekreftelse. Vi vil trenge standard kopi. Bekreftelsen krever at vi leverer gueranten innen 5 dager. Ved godkjenning og henrettelse, vennligst ring x33399 for å hente dokumentene. Takk for hjelpen i denne forbindelse. | The attached approval of you is Enron Corp. Guaranty in favour of the referenced counterpart, which guarantees the obligations of ENA under a financial confirmation. We're gonna need a standard copy. The confirmation requires that we deliver the guerantor within five days. On approval and execution, please call x33399 to retrieve the documents. Thank you for your help in this regard. |
Shari: Before I call their attorney about this I would like to talk with you briefly about the open issues and how negfotiations in the past have gone. Please stop by. I'll be tied up most of the afternoon until around 5 or so. Carol
Propose a subject line for this email? | Deutsche Bank | aeslc_10templates | 767 | Jeg vil gjerne snakke litt med deg om de åpne spørsmålene og om hvordan neggfotiasjoner i fortiden har gått. Vær så snill å komme innom. Jeg blir oppkoblet det meste av ettermiddagen til rundt fem. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | I'd like to talk to you a little bit about the open questions and the way neggfootings of the past have gone. Please come by. I'll be wired most of the afternoon to around five. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email? | Bank: | Bank: |
Here is an email: Maria: I was waiting to see if Jason Peters ever sent a "position letter" to you when we brought this negotiation back inhouse. Absent that information, it appears that we had at least one issue remaining and it concerned the disruption fallbacks, in particular, your request for both you and ENA to each obtain two quotes and then average those quotes (the ultimate fallback). We cannot agree to your request. The last database entry I reflect was in October, 2000, when we were having difficulty obtaining your response. Given the lapse of time, we could try to generate a blackline and review the status. Please let me know what you would like to do.
What is a potential subject line for this email? | negotiation of ISDA Master Agreement | aeslc_10templates | 768 | Her er en e-post: Maria: Jeg ventet på å se om Jason Peters noen gang har sendt et brev til deg da vi kom tilbake med forhandlingen. Det ser ut til at det ikke finnes slike opplysninger, men at vi hadde minst ett nummer igjen, og at det gjaldt de forstyrrende reservene, særlig din anmodning om at både du og ENA skal få to sitater hver, og så gjennomsnittlige disse sitatene (den endelige tilbakemeldingen). Vi kan ikke gå med på din anmodning. Den siste databaseoppføringen jeg reflekterer var i oktober 2000, da vi hadde problemer med å få svar fra deg. Med tanke på tiden kan vi lage en svartline og se på statusen. Vær så snill å la meg få vite hva du vil gjøre. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Maria, I was waiting to see if Jason Peters ever sent you a letter when we got back with the negotiation. It seems that there is no such information, but that we had at least one number left, and that it was about the disruptive reserves, especially your request that both you and ENA get two quotes each, and then average these quotes (the final feedback). We can't agree to your request. The last database entry I reflect was in October 2000, when we had a problem getting your answer. Given the time, we can create a black line and look at the status. Please let me know what you want to do. What is a possible topic line for this email? | ISDA-mesteravtalens forhandling av ISDA-avtale | ISDA Master Agreement negotiation of ISDA Agreement |
This is the content of an email: Below is an update on the Adaytum Consolidated Model: 1) BU Basic Cubes' Training => last week (10/22 - 10/26), two training sessions were held - EEOS and EGAS. Provided in the training sessions were User Documentation, which included screen prints of Manager screens, as well as a word document with additional user instructions and screen shots of the data cubes. Also included were the Adaytum excel add-in reports (both summary and financial statements). Additional training sessions are scheduled for the next two weeks. If you have not done so already, please let me know your availability. The sessions lasts approximately 4 hours, and is done "on-site". NOTE: Most Enron computers have a minimum of 128K of RAM. In order for faster processing of data and accessing the cubes, we are recommending that everyone upgrade to an additional 128K of RAM (totalling 256K RAM). The cost of this upgrade is a nominal amount (under $25), and is well worth the investment. To check the amount of memory on your machine, please do the following commands: Start | Settings | Control Panel | System (Look under Computer for the amount of RAM you have). 2) Next Adaytum User Group Meeting => we will not have a meeting this week due to accounting close. However, I will schedule a meeting for next week (time and place to be determined). Potential topics for discussion are: (a) 2002 Plan information input into Adaytum (timeline), (b) Training update, and (c) Integration of actual / plan data between Adaytum and the Data Warehouse. Please forward to me any additional topic you may want to discuss. Please call me if you have any comments or other items to discuss. Joe
What was the subject line for this email? | RE. Adaytum Update | aeslc_10templates | 769 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Nedenfor følger en oppdatering på Adaytum Consolidated Model: 1) BU Basic Cubes' Training => siste uke (10/22<unk> 10/26, to treningsøkter ble avholdt - EEOS og EGAS. Tilbudt i opplæringsøktene var brukerdokumentasjon, som inkluderte skjermutskrifter av Manager-skjermer, samt et orddokument med ekstra brukerinstruksjoner og skjermbilder av dataavbildingene. Også inkludert var Adaytum extra extra extra extra extrad-in reports (både sammendrag og finansregnskap). Ytterligere treningsøkter er planlagt de neste to ukene. Hvis du ikke har gjort det allerede, vennligst la meg få vite din tilgjengelighet. Sesjonene varer i ca. 4 timer, og gjøres<unk>på stedet<unk> NOTE: De fleste Enron datamaskiner har minimum 128K RAM. For raskere prosessering av data og tilgang til terningene, anbefaler vi at alle oppgraderer til ytterligere 128K RAM (samlet 2K RAM). Kostnaden ved denne oppgraderingen er et nominell beløp (under 25 dollar), og er vel verdt investeringen. For å kontrollere hvor mye minne du har på maskinen, vennligst gjør følgende kommandoer: Start innstillinger for innstillinger for kontrollpanelet (se under Datamaskinen etter hvor mye RAM du har). 2) Neste Adagtum-møte i brukergruppegruppen => vi vil ikke ha et møte denne uken på grunn av nærmer seg. Jeg vil imidlertid arrangere et møte i neste uke (tid og sted som skal fastsettes). Potensielle emner for diskusjon er: (a) 2002 Planinformasjon input til Adaytum (tidslinje), (b) Opptreroppdatering, og (c) Integrering av faktiske / plandata mellom Adaytum og Datavarehuset. Vennligst send meg et annet emne du vil snakke om. Ring meg hvis du har noen kommentarer eller annet å snakke om. Hva het Joe for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: Below is an update on Adaytum Consolidated Model: 1) BU Basic Cubes' Training => last week (10/22<unk> 10/26; two training sessions were held - EEOS and EGAS. Provided during training sessions was the user documentation, which included screen printouts of Manager screens, as well as a vocabulary document with additional user instructions and screenshots of the data images. Also included were Adaytum extra extra extra extra extra extra extra-in reports (both summaries and financial statements). Further training sessions are scheduled for the next two weeks. If you haven't already done that, please let me know your availability. The sessions last approximately 4 hours and are done on site<unk> NOTE: Most Enron computers have a minimum of 128K RAM. For faster processing of data and access to the dice, we recommend that all upgrades to additional 128K RAM (total 2K RAM). The cost of this upgrade is a nominal amount (less than $25) and is well worth the investment. To check how much memory you have on your computer, please do the following commands: Start the settings for the control panel (see below the computer for how much RAM you have). 2) The next Atadatum meeting of the user group => we will not have a meeting this week because of approaching. However, I would like to arrange a meeting next week (time and place to be set). Potential topics for discussion are: (a) 2002 Plan information input to Adaytum (timeline), (b) Uptreptate update, and (c) Integration of actual/plan data between Adaytum and the Dataware House. Please send me another subject you want to talk about. Call me if you have any comments or anything to talk about. What was Joe's name for this e-mail? | . Adagtumoppdatering | So let's say that this is the same thing. Addamtum update |
This is the content of an email: This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is currently 75906 KB. Mailbox size limits: When your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message.To check the size of your mailbox: Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), Select Properties and click the Folder Size button. This method can be used on individual folders as well. To make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. To turn Journaling off, click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items. See client Help for more information.
What was the subject line for this email? | WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the size limit | aeslc_10templates | 770 | Dette er innholdet i en e- post: Denne advarselen sendes automatisk for å informere deg om at din postkasse nærmer seg grensen for maksimal størrelse. Din postkassestørrelse er foreløpig 75.06 KB. Grensen for postboksstørrelse: Når du har en postboks på 75 000 KB, vil du motta denne meldinga. For å sjekke størrelsen på postboksen: Høyreklikk på postboksen (utsegn i dag), vel egenskaper og trykk på knappen Mappestørrelse. Denne metoden kan også brukes på enkeltmapper. For å gjøre mer plass tilgjengelig, kan du slette alle elementer som ikke lenger er nødvendige, som for eksempel Sendte ting og dagboknotiser. Du må tømme Slett papirkorg-mappa etter at du har sletta element, eller så vil ikke plassen bli frigjort. For å slå av dagpressing kan du trykke på verktøya ME-alternativa . Se klienthjelp for mer informasjon. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: This warning is automatically sent to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is currently 75.06 KB. The box size limit: When you have a 75 000 KB mailbox, you will receive this message. To check the size of the mailbox, right click on the mailbox (lookout today), select its properties and click on the Folder Size button. This method can also be applied to individual folders. To make more space available, you can delete all items that are no longer necessary, such as Sent items and journal entries. You must empty the Delete Trash folder after you have deleted items, or the space will not be set free. To disable day-press, click on the tools ME options. See client help for more information. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | ÅTVARING: Deres postkasse nærmer seg grensen for størrelse | WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the limit of size |
When you return from your trip, please follow up with respect to your entry to Canada through Calgary. We are revising your letter and Kevin Zemp will be available to assist you through immigration with the appropriate officers. SS
Propose a subject line for this email? | Canadian Immigration | aeslc_10templates | 771 | Når du kommer tilbake fra turen, følg opp med hensyn til din innreise til Canada gjennom Calgary. Vi presenterer brevet ditt, og Kevin Zemp vil være tilgjengelig for å hjelpe deg gjennom innvandringen med de relevante offiserene. Foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | When you get back from your trip, follow up on your entry to Canada through Calgary. We present your letter, and Kevin Zemp will be available to help you through immigration with the relevant officers. Suggest a subject line for this email? | Kanadisk sjøinnvandring | Canadian Maritime Migration |
Louise and Geoff, Please review the attached Statement Of Work of the new gas system project and provide me with your comments by next Friday, 10/12/01. I would like to request your signature after your review of the document. By the way, Beth Perlman, Steve Stock and Richard Burchfield have read the Statement Of Work. Thanks
Propose a subject line for this email? | Statement Of Work of the new gas system project | aeslc_10templates | 772 | Louise og Geoff, se vedlagt uttalelse om arbeidsoppgave i det nye gasssystemet og gi meg deres kommentarer innen neste fredag, kl. 10.12.01. Jeg vil be om din underskrift etter at du har vurdert dokumentet. Beth Perlman, Steve Stock og Richard Burchfield har forresten lest arbeidsannonsen. Vil du legge til en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Louise and Geoff, see the accompanying statement on the work assignment in the new gas system and give me your comments by next Friday, 10:12.01. I'd like to ask for your signature after you've considered the document. By the way, Beth Perlman, Steve Stock and Richard Burchfield have been reading the ad. Do you want to add a subject line for this email? | Oppstilling fra arbeids sjø sjø stå for det nye gasssystemets nye prosjekt | The new gas system’s new project is being constructed from work seas |
Paul: I need to get some hard evidence (paperwork) that subtantiates the gain collected by Eco Holdings on the LPG hedging contracts for the year 2000. I do have copies of the contracts, but for audit purposes we need to have probably the worksheet where we signed off with Enron as to the amounts collected. Who can I talk to to get this?
Propose a subject line for this email? | Year 2000 Hedging Gains | aeslc_10templates | 773 | Paul: Jeg må få tak i noen håndfaste beviser (papir) som underbygger gevinsten som Eco Holdings har samlet inn på LP-kontraktene for år 2000. Jeg har kopier av kontraktene, men for revisjonsformål trenger vi å ha sannsynligvis arbeidsarket der vi signerte med Enron om de innsamlede beløpene. Hvem kan jeg snakke med for å få dette? Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Paul: I need to get some hard evidence (paper) that supports the winnings that Eco Holdings has collected on the LP contracts for the year 2000. I have copies of the contracts, but for audit purposes we probably need the worksheet where we signed with Enron about the collected amounts. Who can I talk to to to to get this? Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email? | Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å Å | Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh |
Write an email with the following subject:
Volunteer Opportunity Meeting | Volunteer Opportunity to become involved in the community and meet professionals throughout Houston Become involved in the community and see how you can help change the face of Houston at a meeting hosting the Quality of Life Coalition. The Quality of Life Coalition is a part of the Gulf Coast Institute, a prominent non-for-profit entity that is engaged in making Houston a better place to live by developing and promoting recreational and environmental amenities (such as running and biking trails like the greenbelt for you Austinites!) that appeal to all parts of the community. The group is a mixture of local citizens from the civic improvement, business, and environmental communities who would like to improve the fundamental health and economics of the city to be more competitive with other cities. At the meeting, the president will more specifically discuss the plan for Houston as well as volunteer opportunities for interested and experienced professionals. The meeting is: Tuesday, October 16th 11:30 in 27c2 Please RSVP and direct any questions to: Catherine Rentz Pernot X57654 | aeslc_10templates | 774 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Frivillig møte | Write an e-mail on the following subject: Voluntary Meeting | Frivillige for å bli involvert i lokalsamfunnet og møte profesjonelle i hele Houston bli involvert i lokalsamfunnet og se hvordan du kan bidra til å endre ansiktet til Houston på et møte der du er vert for livets kvalitet. Quality of Life Coalition er en del av Gulf Coast Institute, et fremtredende non-for-profitt selskap som er opptatt med å gjøre Houston til et bedre sted å bo ved å utvikle og fremme fritids- og miljø- og miljøvern (som løping og sykkelstier som greenbelet for you Austinites!) som appellerer til alle deler av samfunnet. Konsernet er en blanding av lokalbefolkningen fra det borgerlige forbedrings-, næringslivs- og miljømiljøene som gjerne vil forbedre byens grunnhelse og økonomi til å være mer konkurransedyktig med andre byer. På møtet vil presidenten nærmere nærmere redegjøre for planen for Houston samt frivillige muligheter for interesserte og erfarne fagfolk. Møtet er: tirsdag den 16. oktober 11:30 i 27c2 Vær så snill å be om hjelp og still eventuelle spørsmål til: Catherine Rentz Pernot X57654 | Volunteers to get involved in the community and meet professionals throughout Houston get involved in the community and see how you can help change the face of Houston at a meeting where you host the quality of life. Quality of Life Coalition is part of the Gulf Coast Institute, a prominent non-for-profit company that is engaged in making Houston a better place to live by developing and promoting leisure and environmental and environmental protection (such as running and bicycle paths as the greenbel for you Austinites!) that appeal to all parts of society. The Group is a mixture of local people from the civil improvement, business and environmental environments that would like to improve the city’s basic health and economy to be more competitive with other cities. At the meeting, the president will further explain the plan for Houston as well as the voluntary opportunities for interested and experienced professionals. The meeting is on Tuesday, October 16, 11:30, 27c2, please ask for help and ask any questions to Catherine Rentz Pernot X57654. |
Here is an email: ...okay, maybe it's not THAT good but it's cooked and the beer is plentiful. Hey everyone, Just wanted to test the waters and see what kind of interest there was in doing Steak Night tomorrow night at Little Woodrows. I feel like it's been a while since we really rallied the troops and I know I have personally missed the interaction. It's also been a while since we've attempted to solve the worlds problems over cold Shiner and I think the world may be the worse for it. So, get back to me and let me know if anyone's up for an evening of eating, drinking and most definitely being merry. If it looks like 'a go', I'll shoot everyone a follow-up email complete with ETA. The one and only, sscott5 "If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until the looting started."
What is a potential subject line for this email? | USDA Grade A prime beef.... | aeslc_10templates | 775 | Her er en e-post: \"Ok, kanskje det ikke er bra men det er kokt og ølet er rikelig. Hei alle sammen, Bare ville teste farvannet og se hva slags interesse det var for å gjøre Steak Night i morgen kveld på Little Woodrows. Det føles som det er en stund siden vi samlet troppene og jeg vet at jeg har gått glipp av samspillet. Det er også en stund siden vi har prøvd å løse verdensproblemene fremfor kald Sineer og jeg tror verden kan være verre enn det. Si fra hvis noen vil ha en kveld med mat, drikke og absolutt være glad. Ser det ut som «a go» skyter jeg alle en oppfølgings-epost komplett med ETA. Den eneste, sscott5<unk>Hvis vi bare kunne få alle til å lukke øynene og se for seg verdensfred i en time, tenk hvor fredelig og stille det ville være til plyndringen begynte<unk> Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Here's an e-mail: "Okay, maybe it's not good, but it's cooked and the beer's plenty. Hey, everybody, just wanted to test the waters and see what kind of interest it was to make Steak Night tomorrow night at Little Woodrows. It feels like it's been a while since we gathered the troops and I know I've missed my interaction. It's also been a while since we've tried to solve the world's problems over cold Shiner and I think the world could be worse than that. Let me know if anyone wants an evening of food, drink, and be absolutely happy. If it looks like "a go" I'll shoot all of a follow-up e-mail complete with ETA. The only one, sscott5<unk> if we could just get everyone to close their eyes and imagine world peace for an hour, imagine how peaceful and quiet it would be until the looting began.<unk> What is a possible topic line for this email? | Jeg er en god biff. | I'm a good steak. |
What is the subject line for this email?
Attached is a revised, red-lined version of the extension letter. I believe that I addressed Keith's question to his satisfaction, so I haven't added the additional language that he suggested regarding the timing of the removal of the existing compressor units at Stations 1, 2 and 3. Please let me know if you have any additional comments. Thanks. | Transwestern Red Rock Expansion- FERC Extension Letter | aeslc_10templates | 776 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vedlagt er en revidert, rødlinjet versjon av utvidelsesbokstaven. Jeg tror at jeg adresserte Keiths spørsmål til hans tilfredshet, så jeg har ikke lagt til tilleggsspråket som han foreslo i forbindelse med tidspunktet for fjerning av eksisterende kompressorenheter på stasjon 1, 2 og 3. Vennligst si fra hvis du har noen tilleggskommentarer. Takk. | What is the subject line for this email? Attached is a revised redline version of the extension letter. I think I addressed Keith's questions to his satisfaction, so I haven't added the additional language he suggested in connection with the time of removal of existing compressor devices at stations 1, 2 and 3. If you have any additional comments, please let me know. Thank you. | Transwestern Red Rock Expansion- FERC-utvidelsesbrev | Transwestern Red Rock Expansion-FERC extension letter |
Write an email with the subject line "Duetsche Bank AG - Novation Agreement". | We have received an executed Novation Agreement dated as of October 26, 2001 wherein all of the current Bankers Trust Group financial trades shall be transferred and governed under the ISDA Master Agreement between Deutsche Bank AG and ENA dated effective as of December 29, 2000. The Master Agreement between Bankers Trust Group and ENA shall no longer be in effect. Global Counterparty: Please ensure that the ISDA Master Agreement referenced above is attached to this counterparty in EOL. Confirmation Desk: Please ensure that all EOL financial confirmations show this counterparty as "Deutsche Bank AG, acting through its New York Branch" Copies will be distributed. | aeslc_10templates | 777 | Skriv e-post med emnelinjen ---duetsche Bank AG - Novasjonsavtalen <unk> | Write mail using the subject line --duetsche Bank AG - The Novation Agreement <unk> | Vi har mottatt en utført novasjonsavtale datert 26. oktober 2001 hvor all nåværende finanshandel i Bankers Trust Group skal overføres og reguleres under ISDAs hovedavtale mellom Deutsche Bank AG og ENA, datert effektiv fra og med 29. desember 2000. Hovedavtalen mellom Bankers Trust Group og ENA skal ikke lenger gjelde. Globalt kontraparty: Pass på at ISDA-hovedavtalen som det vises til ovenfor, er knyttet til denne motparten i EOL. Bekreftelse Desk: Se til at alle EOL-finansbekreftelser viser denne motparten som<unk>Deutsche Bank AG, som går gjennom sin New York Branch<unk> kopier vil bli distribuert. | We have received a novation agreement dated 26 October 2001 in which all current financial transactions in the Bankers Trust Group are to be transferred and regulated under the ISDA's main agreement between Deutsche Bank AG and ENA, dated efficiently as of 29 December 2000. The main agreement between the Bankers Trust Group and ENA shall cease to apply. Global counterparty: make sure that the ISDA Master Agreement referred to above is linked to this counterpart in EOL. Confirmation Desk: make sure all EOL financial confirmations show this counterpart as<unk>Deutsche Bank AG, which goes through its New York Branch<unk> copies will be distributed. |
This is the content of an email: I will send these as I find them. This is the detail I sent to Jeff for the April 2000 manual invoice. It looks like the only deals that should have been suspended are the citygate CGAS sales. Line 7 under the "Manual Invoice" tab applies to deal 268094, volume of 615600 at $3.1279, sale to CES for Proxy storage injections. Line 6 applies to deals 227081 and 227113, sales to CES at the citygate. Line 8 shows the incremental transport expense ENA incurred to allow CES to swing. Today I would take this expense and add it to the sales price on deals 227081 and 227113. Line 9???? I still can't figure out what I did here. I think everything else is sorta clear.
What was the subject line for this email? | Support for the manual invoice for April 2000 | aeslc_10templates | 778 | Dette er innholdet i en e- post: Jeg vil sende disse slik jeg finner dem. Dette er detaljen jeg sendte til Jeff for faktura på april 2000. Det ser ut som de eneste avtalene som burde vært suspendert er bygaten CGAS-salget. Linje 7 under fanen «Manuell faktura<unk> tab gjelder avtale 268094, bind 615600 ved 33127, salg til CES for injeksjoner i stedfortreder. Linje 6 gjelder for del 227081 og 227113, salg til CES ved byporten. Linje 8 viser den økende transportutgiften ENA pådrar seg for at CES skal kunne svinge. I dag ville jeg ta denne kostnaden og legge den til salgsprisen på avtale 227081 og 227113. Linje 9???? Jeg kan fortsatt ikke finne ut hva jeg gjorde her. Jeg tror alt annet er ganske klart. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an email: I will send these the way I find them. This is the detail I sent Jeff for the invoice for April 2000. It looks like the only deals that should have been suspended are the CGAS sales. Line 7 under the “Manual invoice<unk> tab concerns agreement 268094, volume 615600 at 33127, sales to CES for proxy injections. Line 6 applies to Parts 227081 and 227113, sales to CES at the city gate. Line 8 shows the increasing transport charge ENA is incurable for CES to swing. Today, I would take this cost and add it to the sale price of agreements 227081 and 227113. Line 9? I still can't figure out what I was doing here. I think everything else is pretty clear. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Støtte for håndboken for faktruten for april 2000 | Support for the manual for the Act Route of April 2000 |
Here is an email: Sometimes I have brilliant ideas and this may not be one of them. Also, it would be nice if Jennifer had a singing role but I know how kids can be so don't you worry. I'm not implying that Zachary shouldn't sing (or take on an acting role as well) because that would be even better. Or we could do a quartet. Whatever. But you ,dahling, are the centerpiece here because Mother and Daddy like you best. So here are my preliminary thoughts for an Irving Houston off-Broadway play. Naturally this is based on an Ada & Mike premise. (1) This old suitcase (Daddy packed the Louis Vuitton without wheels a WEEK early but Mother wouldn't let him close it and then it wouldn't close) (2) Lovely Linda (you remember Linda, don't you?) (3) Hi Debba, Hi Sara (what's the story, morning glory, etc. and of course this is the information hot-line and Mother's source of e-mail) I'm sure I'll have many more brilliant ideas over the weekend but I wanted you to be the first to share these ideas with me. Sas Hope Phoenix was facializing and massaging (and fun to boot)
What is a potential subject line for this email? | "Best Play of the Millennium" | aeslc_10templates | 779 | Her er en e-post: noen ganger har jeg geniale ideer og dette er kanskje ikke en av dem. Det hadde vært fint om Jennifer hadde en hovedrolle, men jeg vet hvordan barn kan være så ikke bekymre deg. Jeg mener ikke at Zachary ikke burde synge (eller ta på seg en skuespillerrolle også) fordi det ville være enda bedre. Eller vi kan lage en kvartett. . Men du, som er i sentrum her fordi mor og far liker deg best. Så her er mine innledende tanker om et Irving Houston-off-Broadway play. Naturlig nok er dette basert på et Ada & Mike-territorium. (1) Denne gamle kofferten (Daddy pakket den Louis Vuitton uten hjul en UK tidlig men Mor ville ikke la ham lukke den og så ville den ikke lukke) (2) Lovely Linda (du husker Linda, ikke sant?) (3) Hi Debba, Hi Sara (what's the story, morgon heder, etc. og selvfølgelig dette er informasjonen varmt-linje og mors e-postkilde) jeg er sikker på at jeg vil ha mange flere briljante ideer i helgen men jeg ville at du skulle være den første til å dele disse ideene med meg. Sas Hope Phoenix var ansiktsuttrykk og massering (og moro å boot) Hva er en potensiell subjektlinje for denne e-posten? | Here's an e-mail: sometimes I have brilliant ideas and this might not be one of them. It would be nice if Jennifer had a leading role, but I know how kids can be so don't worry. I don't mean that Zachary shouldn't sing (or even put on an acting role) because it would be even better. Or we could make a quartet. So let's say that this is the same thing. But you, who's downtown here because Mom and Dad like you best. So here are my initial thoughts about an Irving Houston-off-Broadway play. Naturally, this is based on an Ada & Mike territory. (1) This old suitcase (Daddy packed Louis Vuitton without wheels an early UK but Mother refused to let him close it and then it wouldn’t close) (2) Lovely Linda (you remember Linda, right?) (3) Hi Debba, Hi Sara (what's the story, morning glory, etc. and of course this is the information warm-line and mother's e-mail source) I'm sure I want many more brilliant ideas this weekend but I wanted you to be the first to share these ideas with me. Sas Hope Phoenix was facial expression and mass ring (and fun to boot) What is a potential subject line for this e-mail? | <unk>Beste utspill av tusenårsstedet<unk> | Best play of the thousand-year place<unk> |
We are going to have to retain Kyle to work out Canada. To date he has not received any retention money. I believe - although I am not sure - that we have more flexibility since Kyle is an employee of Enron Canada (solvent). Let me know your thoughts. Kyle would like $500,000 US.
Propose a subject line for this email? | Kyle Kitagawa | aeslc_10templates | 780 | Vi er nødt til å være i stand til å finne ut av Canada. Til dags dato har han ikke mottatt noen pengekontingent. Jeg tror - selv om jeg ikke er sikker - at vi har større fleksibilitet siden Kyle er ansatt i Enron Canada (væske). La meg få vite dine tanker. Kyle vil ha 500 000 dollar. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten? | We need to be able to figure out Canada. To date, he has received no money. I think -- although I'm not sure-- we have more flexibility since Kyle is employed in Enron Canada (liquid). Let me know your thoughts. Kyle wants $500,000. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email? | Kitasja | Kitasha |
Write a subject line for this message:
These over the counter prices are best viewed with a fixed width font such as Lucida Console or Courier New. SPORT SHOTGUN - 12 Gauge 3" ....................................... Money Charge SKU # Barrel Stock Order Card ....................................... 10610 28" 2 Ribs Walnut 1086.00 1140.00 * 10615 26" 2 Ribs Walnut 1086.00 1140.00 SPORT Accessories ........................................ SKU # Item Charge ........................................ 80097 Stepped Rib for 26" Barrel 95.95 80098 Stepped Rib for 28" Barrel 95.95 80099 Low Rib for 26" Barrel 95.95 80100 Low Rib for 28" Barrel 95.95 80101 Wide Trap Rib for 26" Barrel 95.95 80102 Wide Trap Rib for 28" Barrel 95.95 80126 Stock Satin Walnut 210.95 80127 Forend Satin Walnut 118.95 Federal law requires that we receive a signed copy of your local dealers federal firearms license before we can ship a firearm. Dealers will charge you a small fee to receive a firearm for you, and to complete the necessary paperwork. (Shop around, the fee varies from dealer to dealer, usually between $10.00 - $30.00.) We are required to collect 8.5% New York State sales tax if the firearm is shipped to a dealer in New York. Out-of-state sales are tax-free. Upon receipt of your payment, including shipping and insurance, (2% of your total order, $10.00 minimum, for long guns. To comply with UPS guide- lines, handguns are shipped Next Day Air and the cost will vary with the weight and destination,) we ship to your dealer and you pick up your purchase at his store. | Benelli Sport 10610 | aeslc_10templates | 781 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Disse over diskprisene er best å bruke på en skrifttype med fast bredde, for eksempel Lucida Console eller Courier New. SPORT SHOTGUN<unk> 12 Gauge 3 <unk> .......................................................................................................................................... Pengeavgift SKU U # Tønnes børs Ordenskort ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Pensels Bas Børsssssvale, kort,.............................................nnøtt,nut 10, 10, 10, 10 N Stsvalsval,nut 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2..., N St Sts, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2..., 2, 2,N St avss, 2,N St avians, 10, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 10, 2, 2, 2, 10, 10, 10, 2, 2, 2,N,N,N, 2, 10, 10, 10, 2, 10, 10, 10, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 N, 10, 10, 2, N N), 10, 2 N), 10..., N, N Lask), 10)), 10)), 10), N Lask, N Lask, N Lask, N Lask, N Lask, N Lask, ... » », ... »,..., ... », ... »,00, ... », ... »,00, ... »,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, ... », ... »,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 * * * * * * * * * * * * *............... * * * * * * * * * 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 * * 06 06 06 06 ] * ] * 06 ] *... * * * * * * * * * 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * 06 ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * 06 ] * 06 ] * ] * ] * ] * 06 ] * ] * 06 06 06 06 06 ] * ] * ] * * * * * ] * ] * ] * 06 06 06 06 06 06 ] * 06 06 06 ] * * 06 06 06 ] Du får en liten betaling for å motta et skytevåpen for deg, og for å fullføre det nødvendige papirarbeidet. (Sløyd rundt varierer avgiften fra forhandler til forhandler, gjerne mellom 10 kroner - 300 kroner.) Vi må innkreve 8 8,5 prosent av New Yorks omsetningsskatt hvis skytevåpenet sendes til en forhandler i New York. Ute- og alenesalg er tax-free. Fra mottak av betalingen, inkludert frakt og forsikring, (2% av din samlede bestilling, 10 dollar minimum, for langkanoner. For å følge UPS-retningslinjer, blir håndvåpen sendt neste dag Air og kostnaden vil variere med vekt og mål,) vi sender til din forhandler og du plukker opp ditt kjøp i butikken hans. | Write a topic field for this message: These above the discount are best used for a fixed-width font, such as Lucida Console or Courier New. * * * * * * * * OTGUN < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000((x0) *................................................................................................................................ * * * * ****]] * * * 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 * *................................................................................................................................................................ 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(Artwork varies the fee from dealer to dealer, usually between $10 and $30.) We'll have to collect 8.5% of New York's sales tax if the gun is sent to a New York dealer. Out-and-out selling alone is tax-free. From receipt of the payment, including cargo and insurance, (2% of your total order, 10 bucks minimum, for long guns. To follow UPS guidelines, handguns are sent the next day Air and the cost will vary with weight and measure,) we send to your dealer and you pick up your purchase at his store. | I det store og det store krigsfart | In Great and Great War Speeds |
Fimat accepted the Enron Corp guarantee so our trading line with then will be increased tomorrow (to approximately $15-16 million from $11 million.) Fimat will have our trading line up to $20 million as soon as they complete their internal credit process. The Soc Gen money is priced as follows: Original margin: LIBOR Variation margin: LIBOR + 5 bp Warren will call John directly when the line is increased. Thanks to everyone for all their help. Sarah
Generate a subject line for this email. | Fimat/Soc Gen | aeslc_10templates | 782 | Fimat aksepterte Enron-korpsgarantien så vår handelslinje med da vil bli økt i morgen (til ca. 1-16 millioner dollar fra 11 millioner dollar.) Fimat vil ha vår handelslinje opp til 20 millioner dollar så snart de fullfører sin interne kredittprosess. Soc Genpengeprisen er priset slik: opprinnelig margin: LIBOR Variasjonsmargin: LIBOR + 5 bp Warren vil ringe Johannes direkte når linjen økes. Takk til alle for all deres hjelp. Sarah, generer en subjektlinje for denne e-posten. | Fimat accepted the Enron Corps guarantee, so our trade line will be increased tomorrow (at approximately $11 million from $11 million.) Fimat wants our line of trade up to $20 million as soon as they complete their internal credit process. Soc Genependence price is priced as follows: original margin: LIBOR Variation margin: LIBOR + 5 bp Warren will call John directly as the line increases. Thank you all for all your help. Sarah, generate a subject line for this e-mail. | Fimat/Socgen | Fimat/Socgen |
I am going to Portland next Tuesday for a meeting on this PGT project. Can we discuss Monday to see if you have any issues/objections. Thanks,
Write a subject line for this email. | WASH LAT PA 7/10 | aeslc_10templates | 783 | Jeg skal til Portland for et møte om dette prosjektet. Kan vi diskutere mandag for å se om du har noen emisjoner/innlegg. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten. | I'm going to Portland for a meeting on this project. Can we discuss Monday to see if you have any issue/explanation. Type a subject line for this email. | PLAST PAT PAV 7/10 | PLAST PAT PAV 7/10 |
What is the subject line for this email?
We will need to catch a cab to get to La Fogata which is located at 2427 Vance Jackson Road in San Antonio. Our dinner reservations are for 7:00 pm, so I suggest we all meet in the hotel lobby at 6:30 and catch group cabs together. Dress is casual. The phone number for the restaurant is 210-340-1337, in case you get lost in a wild cab ride or something similar (this will have special meaning to certain swap group members!). If you haven't RSVP'd back to me, please do so, so I can get an accurate head count for tomorrow. See you in San Antonio. | Dinner Tomorrow in San Antonio | aeslc_10templates | 784 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vi må ta en taxi for å komme oss til La Fogata, som ligger i Vance Jackson Road 2427 i San Antonio. Vi har middagsreservasjoner til klokken 19.00, så jeg foreslår at vi alle møtes i hotell-lobbyen kl. 06.30 og tar gruppetaxi sammen. Dress er kjedelig. Telefonnummeret til restauranten er 210-340-1337, i tilfelle man går seg vill i en vill taxitur eller noe lignende (dette vil ha spesiell betydning for visse medlemmer av swapgruppen!). Hvis du ikke har svart tilbake til meg, vær så snill, gjør det, så jeg kan få en nøyaktig telling for i morgen. Vi ses i San Antonio. | What is the subject line for this email? We have to take a taxi to get to La Fogata, located at 2427 Vance Jackson Road, San Antonio. We have dinner reservations until 7:00, so I suggest we all meet in the hotel lobby at 6:30 and get group taxi together. Suit's boring. The phone number for the restaurant is 210-340-1337, in case you get lost in a wild taxi ride or something like that (this will have special meaning for certain members of the swap group!). If you haven't returned my calls, please, do so that I can get an accurate count for tomorrow. See you in San Antonio. | I morgen tidlig i San Antonio | Tomorrow morning in San Antonio |
What is the subject line for this email?
Please start working on a top ten legal risks list. I want to include that list for each of your companies (EGM, EIM and ENW) in the monthly report. This list should be in bullet format. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Mark | TOP TEN Risks | aeslc_10templates | 785 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Begynn å jobbe med en liste over mer juridisk risiko enn ti. Jeg ønsker å ta med den listen for hvert av deres selskaper (EGM, EIM og ENW) i månedsrapporten. Denne listen skal være i skuddformat. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så ring meg. _Verktøy | What is the subject line for this email? Start working on a list of more legal risks than ten. I want to include that list for each of your companies (EGM, EIM and ENW) in the monthly report. This list should be in firing format. If you have any questions, call me. _Tools | ELP for å være risikoer | ELP to be risks |
Here is an email: Atached are summaries of nine SDG&E advice letters. The most important is 1369-E, which is the filing made jointly with PG&E (see PG&E summary dated 10/19/01 for AL 2167-E) to advise the Commission of the implementation steps the UDCs are taking to effectuate D.01-09-060, the Decision in which the Commission suspended the right of customers to acquire direct access service. A copy is attached for your information. Dan
What is a potential subject line for this email? | SDG&E Advice Letters | aeslc_10templates | 786 | Her er en e-post: Atached er oversikter over ni rådsbrev. Det viktigste er 1 369-E, som er innkrevingen i fellesskap med PG&E (se PG BE-sammendrag av 10/19/01 for AL 2167-E) for å gi Kommisjonen råd om de gjennomføringstrinnene UDC-ene treffer for å gjennomføre D.01-09-60, det vedtaket der Kommisjonen suspenderte retten til kunder til direkte aksesstjenester. Det står ved et eksemplar av denne artikkelen. Hva er Dan en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten? | Here's an e-mail, Atached is a list of nine letters of advice. This is the most important thing that P.G.B.I.B.I.E. is the main thing for which services are available. It is in a copy of this article. What is Dan a possible topic line for this e-mail? | SIGGTØRSJEDÅÅÅ<unk> brev | - Yeah. - Yeah. |
Hey buddy, what's happening? Not much up here these days. I took last week off and Phillip is out this week, so I don't have much to do. I'm pretty much done scheduling and I start next week in Gaskill's group. Anyway, you were going to send me the names of those guys in London we talked to about the synthetic storage, and if you did, I lost them. Regardless, any chance of digging them up for me? I may want to talk to them about their bid process. I think Phillip is ok with going ahead with the idea, but I think I need to keep the ball rolling here with or without him. Mat
Write a subject line for this email. | storage | aeslc_10templates | 787 | Hei kompis, hva skjer? Ikke mye her oppe nå for tiden. Jeg tok forrige uke av og Phillip er ute denne uka, så jeg har ikke mye å gjøre. Jeg er ferdig med å planlegge og jeg begynner i neste uke i gruppen til Gaskils. Du skulle sende meg navnene på de karene i London vi snakket med om lageret, og hvis du gjorde det, mistet jeg dem. Uansett, noen sjanse for å grave dem opp for meg? Jeg vil kanskje snakke med dem om saken deres. Jeg tror Phillip er ok med å fortsette med ideen, men jeg tror jeg må holde ballen i gang her med eller uten ham. Skriv inn en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Hey, buddy, what's up? Not much up here these days. I took last week and Phillip's out this week, so I don't have much to do. I'm done planning, and I'm starting next week on the band of Gavis. You were gonna send me the names of those guys in London we talked to about the warehouse, and if you did, I lost them. Anyway, any chance of digging them up for me? I might want to talk to them about their case. I think Phillip's okay with going on with the idea, but I think I'm gonna have to keep the ball going here with or without him. Please enter a subject line for this mail. | @ info: status | New Contact... |
Write an email with the following subject:
We will not be going out with Tych's group | Ina could not get us into the new building tomorrow, so we will not get together after work. We will plan on going out as a group after we move over. Mike | aeslc_10templates | 788 | Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Vi vil ikke gå ut med Tychs gruppe | Write an e-mail on the following subject: We don't want to date Tych's group. | Ina kunne ikke få oss inn i nybygget i morgen, så vi kommer ikke sammen etter jobben. Vi planlegger å gå ut som gruppe etter at vi har flyttet. Kort etter kort inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn | Ina couldn't get us into the new building tomorrow, so we won't be together after work. We plan to go out as a group after we move out. In inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside 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inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside |
ENA Legal (TBD) 1. ENA Legal is responsible for deal documentation and legal sign off for the transaction, and is typically responsible for all transaction-related agreements documents such as MOUs/MOIs, Participation or Development Agreements, and any Agreement, which directs the operation of the project (O&M Agreement, Steam Agreement, Gas Agreement, Power Purchase Agreement, etc.). 2. ENA Legal represents the interests of advises the origination and development team (and other members of ENA management as appropriate) on all legal aspects of a transaction, accessing internal and external resources as required. and reviews/synthesizes comments from the all the groups. 3. ENA Legal works with origination team, Accounting, Global Finance and Tax in structuring the transaction, and communicates with EECC (and others) as required during the execution of the project to faciliate compliance with the structure. Recommendations for improving the interaction between EE&CC and ENA: 1. EE&CC Legal should be involved in the beginning of the process of drafting documents by EE&CC Contract Administration, unless other procedures have been agreed. 2. Due to conflicts of interest, EE&CC Legal cannot represent NEPCO while at the same time working with the deal team. to procure equipment for the same project. ENA Legal and EECC Legal should be advised early in the process of any project-related agreements being generated by EECC, so that compliance with overall deal structure and risk profile can be ascertained. 3. Comments returned to EE&CC need to either be incorporated in the next draft, or if there are issues on the comments, they need to be discussed with the ENA Legal representative or Origination contact, prior to distribution to vendors. 4. EECC Legal and ENA Legal should communicate regarding issues common to both companies so that consistency in position can be achieved as much as possible. Forms of "standard" agreements should be discussed/agreed to enhance consistency. 5. Service and consulting agreements not specific to a particular transaction which can be untilized by multiple Enron companies via tasking letters should be prepared by EECC. EECC should provide information concerning the existence of such service agreements. 6. ENA Legal would should work closely with EE&CC contract administrators in drafting equipment in the preparation of contracts which the contracts personnel have been tasked to prepare. EECC Legal can assist by providing input, but is not required by ENA to sign off on such contracts.
Write a subject line for this email. | My suggested changes to bullet points re: legal role | aeslc_10templates | 789 | ENA rettsmedisinsk (TBD) 1. ENA Legal har ansvar for å håndtere dokumentasjon og rettsundertegn for transaksjonen, og er vanligvis ansvarlig for alle transaksjonsrelaterte avtaler, for eksempel MOU-er/MOI-er, delings- eller utviklingsavtaler og enhver avtale, som styrer driften av prosjektet (O&M-avtalen, U-avtalen, Gas-avtalen, Maktavtale osv.). 2 . ENA-rettsstatlig representerer interessene til rådsmedlemmer i opprinnelses- og utviklingsgruppen (og eventuelt andre medlemmer av ENA-styringen) for alle juridiske sider ved en transaksjon, og får tilgang til interne og eksterne ressurser etter behov. og anmelder/synsepisoder kommentarer fra de alle gruppene. 3 . ENA Juridisk arbeider med opprinnelseslag, Accounting, Global Finans og Skatt for å strukturere transaksjonen, og kommuniserer med EØFC (og andre) i samsvar med det som kreves under gjennomføringen av prosjektet for å bidra til samsvar med strukturen. Anbefalinger for forbedring av samspillet mellom EE&CC og ENA: 1. EEHEMS-rettsmedisinsk bør være involvert i begynnelsen av prosessen med å utarbeide dokumenter av EE&CC-traktermyndigheten, med mindre det er avtalt andre framgangsmåter. 2 . På grunn av interessekonflikter kan ikke EE&CC Juridisk representere NEPCO samtidig som det arbeides med avtaleteamet. å samle ut utstyr for det samme prosjektet. Det bør tidlig gis råd om retts- og ECE-rettsmedisinsk og ECE-rettsmedisinsk og ECE-rettsmedisinsk prosedyre for alle prosjektrelaterte avtaler som genereres av EØFC, slik at det kan fastslås om det foreligger en overordnet forholdsstruktur og risikoprofil. 3 . Kommentarer som tilbakeføres til EE/CC, må enten innarbeides i det neste utkastet, eller dersom det foreligger problemstillinger om kommentarene, må de drøftes med kontaktpersonen til Det europeiske kontor, som er representant for Det juridiske råd eller har sin opprinnelse, før utdeling til leverandører. Gud, eller, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller Det retts- og ESA-rettsmedisinske og ENA-rettsmedisinske rettsmedisinske spørsmål bør kommunisere om spørsmål som er felles for begge selskaper, slik at plasseringskonsistens kan oppnås så mye som mulig. Former av standardavtaler bør drøftes/enkes for å styrke konsekvensen. Ved ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting 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ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting Tjeneste- og konsulentavtaler som ikke gjelder en bestemt transaksjon som flere Enronselskaper kan framskynde ved flere Enronselskaper via oppgavebrev, bør utarbeides av EØF. Det europeiske fellesskap bør gi opplysninger om slike tjenesteavtaler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENA Legal har rett til å samarbeide nært med EE&CC-kontraktsadministratorer om utarbeiding av utstyr ved utarbeiding av kontrakter som kontraktstakeren har fått i oppgave å utarbeide. EECSAs rettsmedisinske rett kan bistå ved å gi bidrag, men er ikke pålagt av ENA å godkjenne slike kontrakter. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | ENA Forensics (TBD) 1. ENA Legal is responsible for handling documentation and legal signatures for the transaction and is usually responsible for all transaction-related agreements, such as MOUs/MOIs, sharing or development agreements and any agreement governing the operation of the project (O=M Agreement, U-contract, Gas Agreement, Power Agreement, etc.). Two. ENA legal represents the interests of Council members of the Group of Origin and Development (and, where applicable, other members of the ENA management) of all legal aspects of a transaction and are given access to internal and external resources as necessary. and reviews/visions comments from all groups. Three. ENA Juridical works with the EFG, Accounting, Global Finance and Taxes to structure the transaction and communicate with EECC (and others) in accordance with what is required during the implementation of the project to contribute to consistency with the structure. Recommendations for improving the interaction between EE/3C and ENA: 1. EEHEMS forensics should be involved at the beginning of the process of drawing up documents by the EE/3CC contracting authority, unless other procedures have been agreed. Two. Due to conflicts of interest, the EE/3CC Juridical could not represent NEPCO while working on the contract team. collecting equipment for the same project. Early advice should be given on forensic and ECE forensic and ECE forensic and ECE legal procedures for all project-related agreements generated by EECC, in order to establish the existence of an overall relationship structure and risk profile. Three. Comments returned to the EE/CC must either be incorporated in the next draft or, in the event of issues relating to comments, they must be discussed with the European Office of Contact, representative of the Legal Council or originating, prior to distribution to suppliers. la or la or la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la or la la la or la la la la or la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la The forensic and ESA forensic and ENA forensic questions should communicate on issues common to both companies so that the location consistency can be achieved as much as possible. Standard agreements should be discussed/lowered in order to strengthen consistency. Things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things 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things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things Service and consulting agreements which do not relate to a particular transaction that several Enron companies may accelerate in the case of several Enron companies by means of a letter of paper should be drawn up by EEC. The European Community should provide information on such service agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENA Legal has the right to cooperate closely with EE/3CC Contract Admins on the preparation of equipment in the preparation of contracts for which the contractor is tasked. The EECSA forensic right may assist in making contributions but is not required by the ENA to approve such contracts. Type a subject line for this email. | Mine foreslåtte endringer i punkt re: juridisk rolle | My proposed changes in subparagraphs re: legal role |
What is the subject line for this email?
Attached is the August 2001 America's Asset Schedule sorted by Contact. Could each contact please review and identify what assets are "physical assets" in which we have a contractual obligation for asset replacement. Do NOT include any "physical asset" which an outside party has the contractual obligation for replacement. Please be sure to include any off-balance sheet items. Please answer with a "yes" or "no" and resend the attached schedule as your response. This data will be used to validate our corporate insurance charge. Please respond via email by the end of this week . Also, please be sure to copy Kim Harris on your email. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and please call me (x30925) or Kim (x53474) if you have any questions. Thanks, | America's Physical Asset - Insurance Charge | aeslc_10templates | 790 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Festet er august 2001 Amerikas eiendelsplan sortert etter Kontakt. Kan hver enkelt kontakt vennligst gjennomgå og identifisere hvilke eiendeler som er<unk>fysiske eiendeler<unk> der vi har en kontraktsregulert plikt til å erstatte eiendeler. Ikke ta med noen<unk>fysisk eiendel<unk> som en utenforstående part har kontraktsregulert erstatningsforpliktelse. Sørg for å ta med eventuelle poster utenfor balansen. Vennligst svar med et «ja» eller «nei» og send inn vedlagte skjema som svar. Disse opplysningene vil bli brukt til å validere vår forsikringspolise for foretaksforsikring. Vennligst svar via e-post i slutten av denne uken . Du må også forsikre deg om at du kopierer Kim Harris på din e- post. Deres samarbeid er høyt verdsatt og vennligst ring meg (x30925) eller Kim (x534 greb hvis dere har noen spørsmål. Takk. | What is the subject line for this email? The attachment is August 2001 America's asset plan sorted by Contact. Can each contact please review and identify assets that are<unk>physical assets, where we have a contractual obligation to replace assets. Do not include any<unk>physical asset<unk> that an outside party has contractually reimbursed a replacement obligation. Make sure to include any off-balance sheet items. Please answer with a 'yes' or 'no' and submit the enclosed form in response. This information will be used to validate our insurance policy for corporate insurance. Please respond via e-mail at the end of this week. You also need to make sure you copy Kim Harris on your email. Your cooperation is highly valued and please call me (x30925) or Kim (x534 greb if you have any questions. Thank you. | Den fysiske eiendeler - forsikring | Physical Assets — Insurance |
This is the content of an email: NGI's Daily Gas Price Index published : October 29, 2001 ALJ Clears Transwestern of Market Power Charges A FERC administrative law judge has found no improprieties, nor evidence of the exercise of market power in negotiated rate contracts between Transwestern Pipeline and two shippers on its system, which resulted in the shippers being charged as much as $27/MMBtu last February, far in excess of the pipeline's allowed transportation rate of 38 cents/MMBtu (RP97-288-009). ALJ Jacob Leventhal had only one fault to find, and that was with Transwestern's method of posting capacity. The judge said, and Transwestern agreed, to modify its tariff "so that all posting, bidding and award procedures are set forth in a separate provision with an appropriate caption" on its Internet bulletin board. Shippers had said that reviewing capacity on the Transwestern web site was "a tortuous process." Indicated Shippers claimed Transwestern's inadequate capacity posting and award procedures did not provide all interested parties with an opportunity to bid for the capacity that was available. While "both Indicated Shippers and (FERC) Staff find it curious that SET (Sempra Energy Trading) and Richardson (Products Co.) were the sole bidders on the contracts awarded to each of them...curiosity does not translate into proof," the judge said. Witnesses in the expedited hearing testified no bids were considered in advance of the capacity posting. The judge subsequently found the capacity was awarded in a manner consistent with Transwestern's tariff. Similarly, Levanthal could find no evidence that Transwestern exercised market power in negotiating the rates with shippers or withholding or threatening to withhold capacity. The capacity was available at recourse rates, and the shippers knew those rates were available. "Staff's arguments really are criticisms of the posting and award procedures, but do not demonstrate the exercise of market power." The two shippers said they made a business decision to propose the "index-to-index" formula that produced the higher rates, rather than take the recourse rate "to minimize any risk on transportation options." The index-to-index formula refers to taking the difference between the daily published commodity prices at two different points and subtracting to get the transportation rate between them. In this case the two points were the San Juan Basin and the SoCal Needles delivery point. The case was set for expedited hearing last summer by the commissioners acting on staff recommendations.
What was the subject line for this email? | NGI Article on TW Ruling | aeslc_10templates | 791 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: NGI's Daily Gas Price Index Publisert : oktober 2001 ALJ Clears Transwestern of Market Power Charges A FERCs forvaltningsrettsdommer har ikke funnet noen utilfredshet, og heller ikke bevis for utøvelsen av markedsmakt i avtaler om takst mellom Transwestern Pipeline og to skipsførere på sitt system, noe som førte til at skipsførerne ble belastet så mye som 27 kronerBtu siste februar, langt over den tillatte transportraten for rørledningen på 38 øre/MMBtu (R39-288-009). ALJ Jacob Leventhal hadde bare én feil å finne, og det var med Transwestern sin metode for postingskapasitet. Dommeren sa, og Transwestern ble enig om, å endre sin takst, slik at alle posting, budbehandling og tildelingsprosedyrer er fastsatt i en særskilt bestemmelse med passende bildetekst<unk> på sin internetttavle. Ifølge en melding fra en gruppeskip var gjennomgangskapasiteten på nettstedet til Transwestern en stor prosess. Oppnevnte shippers hevdet at Transwestern hadde en begrenset kapasitetsutsendelse og at framgangsmåtene for tildeling ikke gav alle berørte parter mulighet til å legge inn bud på den ledige kapasiteten. Mens <unk>beth Indisted Whippers and (FERC) Staff finner det nysgjerrig at SET (Sempra Energy Trafford) og Richardson (Products Co.) var enebyderne på de kontraktene som ble tildelt hver av dem ...sikkerheten ikke oversetter til bevis,<unk> sa dommeren. Vitnenene i høringen vitnet om at ingen bud ble vurdert i forkant av postingen av kapasiteten. Dommeren fant senere at kapasiteten ble tildelt på en måte som var i samsvar med Transwestern's tariff. På samme måte kan Levantal ikke finne noe bevis for at markedsstilling som utøves i Transwestern ved forhandlinger med skippere eller som tilbakeholder eller truer med å holde tilbake kapasitet. Kapasiteten var tilgjengelig i regresskurser, og skipsførerne visste at det var ledige priser. <unk>Staffs argumenter er i virkeligheten kritikk av framgangsmåtene for posting og tildeling, men viser ikke utøvelsen av markedsmakt<unk> De to skipperne sa de gjorde et forretningsvedtak om å foreslå den<unk>indeks-til-indeks<unk> formelen som ga høyere satser, i stedet for å ta regress-raten<unk> for å redusere risikoen ved transportalternativer<unk> Formelen for indeks-til-indeksen viser til at man tar forskjellen mellom de daglig publiserte råvareprisene til to forskjellige steder og trekker fra for å få transportmiddelet mellom seg. I dette tilfellet var de to punktene San Juan Basin og SoCal Needles leveringssted. Saken ble lagt til grunn for ekspedert høring i fjor sommer av kommissærene som hadde tiltrådt bemanning. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: NGI's Daily Gas Price Index Published: October 2001 ALJ Clears Transwestern of Market Power Charges A FERC administrative justices have found no dissatisfaction, nor evidence of the exercise of market power in tariff agreements between Transwestern Pipeline and two masters on their system, which resulted in masters being charged as much as 27 kronerBtu on the last February, far above the allowable transport rate for the 38 ear/MMBtu pipeline (R39-288-009). ALJ Jacob Leventhal had only one fault to find, and that was with Transwestern's method of posting capacity. The judge said, and Transwestern agreed to change its fare, so that all posting, bidding and award procedures are laid down in a specific determination with appropriate caption<unk> on their Internet tablet. According to a report from a group ship, the circuit capacity of the Transwestern Web site was a major process. Appointed Shippers claimed that Transwestern had a limited capacity outsourcing and that the award procedures did not allow all interested parties to bid for the capacity available. While <unk>Beth Indicted Whippersand (FERC) Staff finds it curious that SET (Sempra Energy Trading) and Richardson (Products Co.) were the sole bidders of the contracts awarded to each of does not translate into evidence, the judge said. The witnesses at the hearing testified that no bids were considered prior to the posting of the capacity. The judge later found that the capacity was allocated in a manner consistent with Transwestern's tariff. Similarly, Levantal cannot find any evidence that market power exercised in Transwestern through negotiations with skippers or that withholds or threatens to withhold capacity. The capacity was available in courses of recourse, and the masters knew that prices were available. In fact, staff's arguments are criticism of the mailing and allocation procedures, but do not show the exercise of market power<unk> The two skippers said they made a business decision to propose the<unk> index-to-index<unk> formula that gave higher rates, instead of taking the regression-rate<unk> to reduce the risk of transport options<unk> The index-to-index formula refers to taking the difference between daily published commodity prices into two different locations and subtracting to get the means of transport between them. In this case, the two points were San Juan Basin and SoCal Needle’s delivery site. The case was based on a hearing held last summer by the commissioners who had been assigned to staff. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Tilstede artikkel om TWW som bringer skip | Present article on TWW bringing ships |
Write a subject line for this message:
I have attached the review. Please let me know if this is the format that I should submit to Kim. If so, should I forward it to Kim or do you want to give it to her and explain the situation. Thanks | Theresa review | aeslc_10templates | 792 | Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldingen: Jeg har lagt ved anmeldelsen. Vennligst la meg få vite om dette er formatet som jeg burde sende til Kim. I så fall, skal jeg videresende det til Kim eller vil du gi det til henne og forklare situasjonen. Takk. | Write a topic line for this message: I have attached the review. Please let me know if this is the format that I should send to Kim. In that case, I'll pass it on to Kim or you'll give it to her and explain the situation. Thank you. | Sjekk oversikt | Check Overview |
This is the content of an email: As a follow-up to the Enron Net Works All Employee meeting on October 5, we are pleased to announce a number of organizational changes. Beth Perlman, currently CIO for EA Systems, will work closely with Mark Pickering on a number of key projects for Enron Net Works. Additionally, Beth plans to explore various commercial opportunities within Enron. Replacing Beth in her current role will be Steve Hotte, currently CIO for EGS. Anthony Dayao will continue as CIO for EES Systems. In addition to his current responsibilities, Anthony will assume responsibility for creating a combined Wholesale/Retail Power Trading and Risk Management system. Jeff Johnson will move into the new role of CIO for EGM/EIM Systems. John Paskin will transfer to the Houston office from London to take up the new role of CIO for Corporate Systems. His group will include the ISC, Enterprise Portal, Intranet Solutions, CRM strategy, Treasury Systems, Development Support and will matrix into HR IT Systems. Continuing in their current positions are Inja Chun, CIO for EBS Systems; Paul Freeman, CIO for Enron Europe; Jay Webb, CIO for eCommerce, which now includes Commodity Logic Systems; and Jenny Rub, CIO for Infrastructure. All of the above positions report into to Mark Pickering in the Office of the Chairman for Enron Net Works. Transitions into their new positions will begin within the next two weeks and should be complete by the end of the year. We are currently interviewing individuals to serve as CIO for EGS, as well as an individual to serve as head of our Enterprise Framework group. We will keep you posted on the progress of these searches. Please join us in congratulating all of these individuals on their new responsibilities.
What was the subject line for this email? | Organizational Announcement | aeslc_10templates | 793 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Som en oppfølging av møtet i EnronNettverkets alle møte den 5. oktober, vil vi med glede meddele en rekke organisasjonsendringer. Bethlman, nåværende CIO for EA Systems, vil samarbeide tett med Mark Pickering om en rekke viktige prosjekter for Enron Net Works. Beth har dessuten planer om å utforske forskjellige kommersielle muligheter i Enron. Å bytte ut Beth i hennes aktuelle rolle blir Steve Hotte, som for tiden er CIO for EGS. Anthony Dayao vil fortsette som CIO for EES Systems. I tillegg til sine nåværende ansvarsområder vil Anthony påta seg ansvaret for å opprette et kombinert system for engroshandel/detaljhandel og risikohåndtering. Jeff Johnson vil gå over i den nye rollen som CIO for EGM/EIM Systems. John Paskin blir overført til Houston-kontoret fra London for å ta opp den nye rollen som CIO for Corporate Systems. Hans gruppe vil omfatte ISC, Enterprise Portal, Intranet Solutions, CRM-strategi, Finanssystem, Utviklingsstøtte og vil mate inn i HR IT Systems. I sine nåværende posisjoner finner vi Inja Chun, CIO for EBS Systems; Paul Freeman, CIO for Enron Europe; Jay Webb, CIO for eCommerce, som nå omfatter kommodesystemer; og Jenny Rub, CIO for infrastruktur. Alle de ovenstående standpunkter fra til Mark Pickering i «Styrmann for Enronnets arbeid». Overgangene til deres nye posisjoner vil begynne i løpet av de neste to ukene og bør være fullført innen utgangen av året. Vi er for tiden intervjuende personer som skal tjene som utdanningsdirektør for EGS, samt en enkeltperson som skal være leder for vår rammegruppe for foretak. Vi vil holde dere oppdatert om disse søkene. Vær så snill og bli med oss og sammen med oss å gratulere alle disse personene med deres nye ansvar. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: As a follow-up to the Enron Network meeting on October 5, we will be happy to announce a number of organizational changes. Bethlman, current CIO for EA Systems, will work closely with Mark Pickering on a number of important projects for Enron Net Works. Beth also plans to explore various commercial opportunities in Enron. Replacing Beth in her current role will be Steve Hotte, who is currently CIO for EGS. Anthony Dayao will continue as CIO for EES Systems. In addition to his current responsibilities, Anthony will assume responsibility for establishing a combined wholesale/retailing and risk management system. Jeff Johnson will be joining the new role of CIO for EGM/EIM Systems. John Paskin is being transferred to the Houston office from London to take up the new role of CIO for the Corporate Systems. His group will include ISC, Enterprise Portal, Intranet Solutions, CRM Strategy, Finance System, Development Support and will feed into HR IT Systems. In their current positions are Inja Chun, CIO for EBS Systems; Paul Freeman, CIO for Enron Europe; Jay Webb, CIO for eComerce, which now includes dresser systems; and Jenny Rub, CIO for infrastructure. All the above positions from to Mark Pickering in the «Stormman of the Work of Enronnet». The transition to their new positions will begin within the next two weeks and should be completed by the end of the year. We are currently interviewing people who are to serve as education director of the EGS, as well as an individual who is to be the head of our corporate framework group. We'd like to keep you updated on these searches. Please join us and join us in congratulating all these people on their new responsibilities. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Opplysninger | Announcements |
Here is an email: there is a book request form in Netco\controls\Book request form.xls. I put in the west desk books already. Susan is checking to see if we can use those portfolio and book codes, if not we'll change them. KK
What is a potential subject line for this email? | book request | aeslc_10templates | 794 | Her er en e-post: det finnes et bestillingsskjema for bok i Neco<unk> controls<unk>Book request form.xls. Jeg har allerede lagt inn de andre bøkene i vest. Susan sjekker om vi kan bruke de portefølje- og bokkodene, om ikke vi endrer dem. KK Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten? | Here is an email: there is an order form available for book in Neco<unk> controls<unk>Book request form.xls. I've already put in the other books in the West. Susan's checking to see if we can use those portfolio and book codes, unless we change them. KK What is a possible topic line for this email? | en kort inn inn inn inn inn eller utgang i bok | a card into or out of book |
Valued RDI client, Welcome to the second edition of Inside RDI, which you can access by clicking here. We've changed how we deliver this newsletter in response to your suggestions. More about that later. First, we'd like to tell you about some significant corporate changes at RDI. We are pleased to announce the merger of two of the world's most respected energy information, research, and market services groups: Financial Times Energy (FT Energy, including the RDI and E sourcebrands), a unit of Pearson plc, has been acquired by Platts, the energy division of The McGraw-Hill Companies. The merger with FT Energy fits well with Platts' mission: to be the world's largest and most authoritative provider of information, services, and solutions for the energy industry. Operating within Platts, RDI will maintain its commitment to its customers, offering data, geospatial, and consulting products and services of the highest quality. But combining our talents with Platts' considerable expertise will result in significant expansions of existing products and capabilities in the areas of news, price assessments, increased global support, and market analysis of the energy industry. In particular, Platts will augment RDI's database capabilities, mapping resources, and consulting services, providing a new level of analysis and insight. Furthermore, the merger with Platts will enhance RDI's ability to develop sophisticated new products and services. Just as in the past, should you have any questions about RDI database, geospatial, or consulting services, please direct your inquiries to RDI's Boulder, Colorado, office at 720-548-5000. Inside RDIwill continue to provide assessments of the latest industry trends, explain how you can use existing RDI products more effectively, and keep you up to date on the new tools we're developing. Because we listen to your thoughts and suggestions, we've changed our delivery method with this edition of Inside RDI. As you've requested, you'll now receive bimonthly e-mail updates with a link that will allow you to download the publication on the spot. (Alternatively, you can visitwww.rdionline.comto download the most recent edition whenever you wish.) We hope you'll find Inside RDI to be a useful business tool. Your input is invaluable to us, because our goal is to make this newsletter serve your changing needs. Please don't hesitate to let us know what we can do to improve the publication. Sincerely,
Generate a subject line for this email. | RDI Newsletter-The second edition of Inside RDI is now online! | aeslc_10templates | 795 | Verdid RDI-klient, Velkommen til den andre utgaven av Inside RDI, som du kan få tilgang til ved å klikke her. Vi har endret hvordan vi leverer dette meldingsbrevet som svar på forslagene deres. Mer om det senere. Først vil vi gjerne fortelle deg om noen vesentlige endringer ved RDI. Vi er glade for å annonsere sammenslåingen av to av verdens mest anerkjente grupper av energiinformasjon, forskning, og markedstjenester: Finans Times Energy (FT Energi, inkludert RDI og E kildebrands), en enhet Pearson plc, har blitt ervervet av Platts, energidivisjonen i The McGraw-Hill Companies. Fusjonen med FT Energy passer godt sammen med Platts' oppdrag: å være verdens største og mest autoritative tilbyder av informasjon, tjenester og løsninger for energiindustrien. Ved drift innenfor rammen av Platts vil RDI opprettholde sin forpliktelse overfor sine kunder, tilby data, geogeografiske data, samt konsulentprodukter og -tjenester av høyeste kvalitet. Men å kombinere våre talenter med Platts' betydelige ekspertise vil føre til store utvidelser av eksisterende produkter og kapasitet i områdene nyheter, risikovurderinger, økt global støtte og markedsanalyse av energiindustrien. Spesielt Platts vil øke RDIs databasekapasiteter, kartleggingsressurser, og konsulenttjenester, og tilby et nytt nivå for analyse og innsikt. Videre vil fusjonen med Platts styrke RDIs evne til å utvikle avanserte nye produkter og tjenester. I likhet med tidligere, om du har noen spørsmål om RDI database, geospati eller konsulenttjenester, vennligst send dine henvendelser til RDI's Boulder, Colorado, kontor ved 7-548-5000. Inside RDIwill fortsetter å gi vurderinger av de nyeste næringsutviklingene, forklare hvordan du kan bruke eksisterende RDI-produkter mer effektivt, og holde deg oppdatert om de nye verktøyene vi utvikler. Fordi vi lytter til dine tanker og forslag, har vi endret leveringsmetoden med denne utgaven av \"Inside RDI\". Som du har bedt om, vil du nå motta e-postoppdateringer med en lenke som gjør det mulig for deg å laste ned publikasjonen på stedet. (Alternativt kan du besøke for å laste ned den nyeste utgaven når du vil.) Vi håper at du finner RDI som et nyttig forretningsverktøy. Din innsats er uvurderlig for oss, for vårt mål er å få dette bladet til å tjene dine skiftende behov. Ikke nøl med å la oss vite hva vi kan gjøre for å forbedre publikasjonen. Vennlig hilsen, Generer en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Valued RDI client, Welcome to the second edition of Inside RDI, which you can access by clicking here. We have changed how we deliver this message letter in response to your suggestions. More on that later. First, we would like to tell you about some significant changes at RDI. We are pleased to announce the aggregation of two of the world's most recognized groups of energy information, research, and market services: finance Times Energy (FT Energy, including RDI and E source branches), a unit Pearson plc, has been acquired by Platts, energy division in The McGraw-Hill Companies. The merger with FT Energy is well matched by Platts' mission: to be the world's largest and most authoritative provider of information, services and solutions to the energy industry. In the case of operations within Platts, the RDI will maintain its obligation to its customers, provide data, geogeographic data, and consultant products and services of the highest quality. But combining our talents with Platts' significant expertise will lead to large increases in existing products and capacities in the areas of news, risk assessments, increased global support and market analysis of the energy industry. In particular, Platts will increase RDI's database capacities, mapping resources, and consulting services, and will provide a new level of analysis and insight. Furthermore, the merger with Platt's strength will develop the RDI's ability to develop advanced new products and services. Like before, if you have any questions about the RDI database, geopathy or consulting services, please send your enquiries to RDI's Boulder, Colorado, office at 7-548-5000. Inside RDIwill continues to provide assessments of the most recent industrial developments, explain how to use existing RDI products more effectively, and keep you up to date on the new tools we are developing. Because we listen to your thoughts and suggestions, we have changed the delivery method with this edition of "Inside RDI\". As you have requested, you will now receive email updates with a link allowing you to download the publication on-site. (Alternatively, visit to download the latest version whenever you want.) We hope you find RDI as a useful business tool. Your efforts are invaluable to us, for our goal is to make this magazine serve your changing needs. Do not hesitate to learn what we can do to improve the publication. Sincerely, Generate a topic line for this mail. | RDI Nyhetsbrev-Den andre utgaven av Inside RDI er nå på nett! | RDI Newsletter The second edition of Inside RDI is now online! |
This is the content of an email: In order to bring better legal coordination and standardization to Enron's Risk Assessment and Control (RAC) group, we have formed a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Financial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Essandoh (Retail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail) and Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). This group will focus on, among other things, managing Enron's exposures with bankrupt counterparties, working out credit solutions with distressed counterparties and standardizing our overall credit practices. The initial members in this group have been drawn from Enron's numerous legal groups in order to gain a broader perspective. Each of these members will provide support to this new group in addition to their current responsibilities. Within RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on distressed counterparties, in conjunction with Bill Bradford, who continues to manage the Credit Risk Management group. Please join us in supporting the efforts of this new group.
What was the subject line for this email? | New Legal Team to Assist RAC | aeslc_10templates | 796 | Dette er innholdet i en e-post: For å bringe bedre rettslig samordning og standardisering til gruppen Enron's Riskevals og kontroll (RAC) til en ny juridisk gruppe, som i utgangspunktet vil omfatte Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary (Final Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Esssandoh (Pustail), Paul Darmitzel (Rehal) og Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). Denne gruppen vil blant annet fokusere på å administrere Enrons engasjementer med motparter som går konkurs, arbeide ut kredittløsninger med nødstilte motparter og standardisere vår overordnede kredittpraksis. De innledende medlemmene i denne gruppen er hentet fra Enrons tallrike rettsgrupper for å få et videre perspektiv. Hvert av disse medlemmene vil støtte denne nye gruppen i tillegg til sitt nåværende ansvar. Innenfor RAC vil Michael Tribolet fokusere på nødstilte motparter, i samarbeid med Bill Bradford, som fortsetter å lede gruppen Adit Risk Management. Vær med på å støtte denne nye gruppens innsats. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten? | This is the content of an e-mail: to bring better judicial coordination and standardisation to the Enron's Riskvals group and control (RAC) to a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary (Final Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Esssandoh (Pustail), Paul Darmitzel (Rehal) and Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). This group will focus, among other things, on managing Enron’s exposures to bankrupt counterparties, on working out credit solutions with disadvantaged counterparties, and on standardising our overall credit practice. The leading members of this group are taken from Enron’s numerous judicial groups to get a broader perspective. Each of these members will support this new group in addition to its present responsibilities. Within the RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on disadvantaged counterparties, in cooperation with Bill Bradford, who continues to lead the Adit Risk Management group. Share in supporting the efforts of this new group. What was the subject line for this e-mail? | Ny RAC fra Det nye kontaktrådet for assistanse | New RAC of the New Contact Council for Assistance |
Write a subject line for this message:
NIck: Do we have an erergy meeting scheduled in September. Let's talk about this. We could do it in either London or Frankfurt doing the week of the board meeting. Let me know your thoughts on this. Mark | Energy Committee Meeting in September | aeslc_10templates | 797 | Skriv et emnefelt for denne beskjeden: NIck: Har vi et ergisk møte i september? La oss snakke om dette. Vi kan gjøre det i enten London eller Frankfurt og holde styremøtet i uken. La meg få vite hva du mener om dette. _Verktøy | Write a subject field for this message: NIck: Do we have an Egyptian meeting in September? Let's talk about this. We can do it in either London or Frankfurt and hold the board meeting this week. Let me know how you feel about this. _Tools | Energikomitémøte i september | Energy Committee Meeting in September |
What is the subject line for this email?
Please ensure the following is done each day: 1. All East calcs are calc'd Official Ad-Hoc Desk and then Officialized 2. Nymex calc of three remaining gas books is calc'd and Officialized 3. East Bankruptcy calc is calc'd Official Ad-Hoc Full Book but NOT Officialized 4. Send an e-mail with the bankruptcy calc post id to: Debbie Brackett, Stephanie McGinnis and John Powell Thanks! | Daily Must Dos | aeslc_10templates | 798 | Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Se til at følgende gjøres hver dag: 1. Alle østkals er calm'd Offisielle Ad-Hoc Desk og deretter Offisielle 2. Nymexkalk av tre gjenværende gass-oer er calm'd og officialized 3. Øst-krakket-kalk er calc'd Offisiell Ad-Hoc Full Bok men IKKE Offisielt nettsted 4. Send en e-post med en konkursbetal post post id til: Debbie Brackett, Stephanie McGinnis og John Powell Takk! | What is the subject line for this email? See that the following is done every day: 1. All east calm'd is the official Ad-Hoc Desk and then the Official 2. Nymex lime of three remaining gas-os is calm'd and officialized 3. East-cracked lime is calc'd Official Ad-Hoc Full Bok but NOT Official website 4. Send an e-mail with a bankrupt post to Debbie Brackett, Stephanie McGinnis, and John Powell. | Daily Must Dos | Daily Must Dos |
Mr. Lay, I hope this note finds you in good health. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year. I am currently working with a group of former Enron employees negotiating with several entities to join one of their organizations to trade various commodities (excluding power and gas). A couple of the entities have shown definitive interest in hiring the group, but our employment at Enron and employment contracts have created significant issues. In order for us to continue with the discussions and the possibility of employment, we have been asked to provide a letter from Enron representing that we have been released from the obligations of our various employment contracts, specifically the non-compete provision. I know you very interested in assisting former Enron employees in succeeding with their lives and careers. I would very much appreciate your personal help and support in this matter. I spoke with Rosalee yesterday (January 10th) and she suggested I email this note to you with the names of the other members of this group that may have issues with their employment contracts. The individuals other than myself are Bryan Burnett, Jeff Ader and Mark Bernstein. Timing as always is important, I will follow up with Rosalee Monday afternoon to determine a time that I can go the office to pick up the letters. I know you have tremendous demands on your time during this difficult period, I sincerely appreciate your attention and support. As before, if there is anything I can do for you or family, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you,
Write a subject line for this email. | Post Enron employment issues | aeslc_10templates | 799 | Mr. Lay, jeg håper denne lappen finner deg frisk. Jeg ønsker deg og familien din et godt og godt nyttår. I dag samarbeider jeg med en gruppe tidligere Enron-ansatte om å forhandle med flere foretak om å slutte meg til en av deres organisasjoner for handel med ulike varer (unntatt kraft og gass). Et par av foretakene har vist endelig interesse i å ansette konsernet, men vår sysselsetting i Enron- og sysselsettingskontrakter har skapt betydelige spørsmål. For at vi skal kunne fortsette med drøftingene og muligheten for ansettelse, er vi blitt bedt om å fremlegge et brev fra Enron der det står at vi er løst fra forpliktelsene i våre ulike arbeidsavtaler, nærmere bestemt konkurransevilkåret. Jeg vet at du er interessert i å hjelpe en tidligere Enron-ansatte i å lykkes med livene og karrieren deres. Jeg ville sette stor pris på din personlige hjelp og støtte i denne forbindelse. Jeg snakket med Rosale i går (10. januar), og hun foreslo at jeg skulle sende dette brevet til dere med navnene på de andre medlemmene av denne gruppen som kan ha problemer med arbeidsavtalen. De andre enn meg selv er Bryan Burnett, Jeff Ader og Mark Bernstein. Når det alltid er viktig, vil jeg følge opp med en gang mandag ettermiddag for å fastsette et tidspunkt da jeg kan gå til kontoret for å hente brevene. Jeg vet at dere har veldige krav på deres tid i denne vanskelige perioden, og jeg setter pris på deres oppmerksomhet og støtte. Som før, hvis det er noe jeg kan gjøre for deg eller familien din, vennligst ikke nøl med å kontakte meg. Takk, skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten. | Mr. Lay, I hope this note finds you well. I wish you and your family a happy New Year. Today, I work with a group of former Enron employees to negotiate with several companies to join one of their various goods trade organisations (except power and gas). A couple of enterprises have shown a definitive interest in hiring the group, but our employment in Enron and Employment contracts has raised significant questions. In order to continue our discussions and the possibility of employment, we have been asked to submit a letter from Enron stating that we have been released from the obligations of our various contracts of employment, specifically the terms of competition. I know you're interested in helping a former Enron employee succeed in their lives and careers. I would appreciate your personal help and support in this regard. I spoke with Rosale yesterday on January 10th, and she suggested that I send this letter to you with the names of the other members of this group who may have problems with the employment agreement. The others besides myself are Bryan Burnett, Jeff Ader and Mark Bernstein. When it is always important, I will follow up immediately Monday afternoon to set a time when I can go to the office to pick up the letters. I know that you have tremendous demands on your time during this difficult period, and I appreciate your attention and support. As before, if there's anything I can do for you or your family, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you, please write a topic line for this email. | Føderforetak og foretak innen tegning før hungar | Entities and subscription undertakings before they are born |
Subsets and Splits