66 values
Write a subject line for this message: CNG would like to stop by the office to do some TTT training next Wed, Thur, or Fri. Please let Marde know if you have a preference as to which day you would like to meet with CNG. I may or may not be here. Thanks
CNG Training
Skriv et emnefelt for denne beskjeden: CNG vil gjerne innom kontoret for å gjøre noen TTT - treninger neste Wed, Thur eller Fri. Vennligst si fra til Marde hvis du har en preferanse for hvilken dag du ønsker å møte med CNG. Kanskje jeg er her eller ikke. Takk.
Write a subject field for this message: CNG would like to visit the office to do some TTT exercises next Wed, Thur, or Fri. Please notify Marde if you have a preference for the day you want to meet with CNG. Maybe I'm here or not. Thank you.
Sniffling training
This is the content of an email: I have reviewed the above proposed confidentiality agreement and have made certain modifications which are in line with the confidentiality agreement presently in effect between ENA and Markwest. Since the new agreement is to cover Markwest for the period that they are letting Enron review Markwest's financials which are scheduled to be publicly released next week, the term references therein need to only cover the period from the date hereof until such financials are scheduled to be released, which I understand to be next week. The change to Enron Corp was made because the employees who will receive the information are now employees of Enron Corp. Please have your attorney contact me if there are any problems with the manner or substance of the changes noted in the document. What was the subject line for this email?
Markwest Conf. Agreement
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: jeg har gjennomgått ovennevnte forslag til fortrolighetsavtalen og gjort visse endringer som er i tråd med fortrolighetsavtalen som nå gjelder mellom ENA og Markwest. Ettersom den nye avtalen skal omfatte Markwest for det tidsrommet de søker om å la Enron Review Markwests finanser som skal offentliggjøres neste uke, skal betegnelsen på denne bare omfatte tidsrommet fra datoen som gjelder her til slike finanser skal offentliggjøres, som jeg forstår vil være neste uke. Endringen til Enron Corp ble gjort fordi de ansatte som vil motta informasjonen nå er ansatte i Enron Corp. Vennligst bes henvendelser til din advokat dersom det er problemer med eller er berørt av endringene i dokumentet. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: I have reviewed the above draft confidentiality agreement and made certain changes in line with the confidentiality agreement now valid between ENA and Markwest. Since the new agreement shall cover Markwest for the period during which they apply to have Enron Review Markwest's finances published next week, the term thereof shall only cover the period from the date in force here until such finances shall be published, which I understand will be next week. The change to Enron Corp was made because the employees who will receive the information are now employees of Enron Corp. Please contact your lawyer if there are any problems with or are affected by the changes in the document. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Konf. Avtale
Consul. Appointment
Write a subject line for this message: Gerald and Stacy - Attached is a worksheet for a new master physical with Berry Petroleum Company. Please prepare draft at your earliest convenience and contact me when ready. I am getting the email address of the Berry Petroleum person to whom we need to send this. Thanks,
New Master Physical
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Gerald og Stacy - vedlagt er et arbeidsark for en ny mesterlege hos Berry Petroleum Company. Forbered utkast på ditt tidligste øyeblikk og kontakt meg når du er klar. Jeg får e-postadressen til den som vi må sende dette til. Takk.
Write a topic field for this message: Gerald and Stacy - attached is a worksheet for a new chief physician at Berry Petroleum Company. Prepare a draft for your earliest moments and contact me when you're ready. I get the email address of the person we need to send this to. Thank you.
Ny Master i alt
Total new Master
Here is an email: [email protected] writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List: Dear Pricing Issues Task Force Members, After today's meeting of the Pricing Issues Task Force it was decided that the meeting previously scheduled for 9/25 should be cancelled in favor of bringing the issue to a larger group in the form of a joint S&P and Market Structure meeting on October 4th. Short term recommendations for actions in response to the BME/SCD pricing issues will be considered under the scope of the S&PWG while longer term BME/SCD issues, which has been a topic on the MSWG's agenda, will continue to be addressed by that working group. Regards, What is a potential subject line for this email?
NYISO Pricing Issues Task Force Meeting, September 25, 2001, CANCELLED
Her er en e-post: [email protected] Skrive til diskusjonsliste for NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE: Dear Pricing Issus Task Force Separes, Etter dagens møte i Den Pricing Issues Task Force ble det bestemt at møtet som tidligere var planlagt for 9/25, skulle innstilles for å bringe saken til en større gruppe i form av et felles S&P- og markedsstrukturmøte den 4. oktober. Kortsiktige anbefalinger for tiltak i forbindelse med BME/SCD-prisfastsspørsmål vil bli vurdert under virkeområdet til S&PWG, mens langsiktige BME/SCD-spørsmål, som har vært et emne på MSWGs, fortsatt vil bli behandlet av den nevnte arbeidsgruppen. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: [email protected] Writes to the News List for NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE: Dear Pricing Isus Task Force Separator, Following the Day's Meeting in the Pricing Issues Task Force, it was decided that the meeting previously scheduled for 9/25 should be set to bring the matter to a larger group in the form of a common S/3P and Market Structure Meeting on 4 October. Short-term recommendations for BME/SCD pricing actions will be considered under the scope of S/3G, while long-term BME/SCD issues, which have been a subject of MSWGs, will continue to be addressed by that working group. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
JYISO Prios-rettsuts Utsteding av tjeneste i kraft Møte, september 25. september 2001, KANSJE
JYISO Prios Law Issue of Service in Power Meeting, September 25 September 2001, KANJE
I may have these at home, but just to be sure, please email me your H and W and Cell ph. #, pager #, palm pilot #, the # that connects to the steel plate in your head, your address, and any other communication coordinates you think I need to have. I'll be at the Westin La Something in San Anton, checking out Friday, and cell # 402-630-8461. I'll give you guys a call at one of your numbers at a time of your choosing on Friday PM, and then head over to your joint or a restaurant or something for festivities. I may even call you today if I can get a few minutes away from the madness. I'm looking forward to reminding you about all of the fun things that come with working for corporate america. You're gonna have to start reading Dilbert again so you can relate to all of us other corporate drones. Adios, DF Write a subject line for this email.
Jeg har kanskje disse hjemme, men for å være sikker, e-post meg din H, W og Cell ph. #, personsøker #, palmepilot #, # som kobler til stålplaten i hodet ditt, adressen din, og alle andre kommunikasjonskoordinater du tror jeg trenger å ha. Jeg er på Westin La Something i San Anton, sjekker ut fredag, og nummer 402-630-8461. Jeg skal ringe dere ved et av numrene deres på et tidspunkt da dere velger fredag, og så dra til deres fellessted eller en restaurant eller noe til festligheter. Jeg ringer deg kanskje i dag hvis jeg kan få noen minutter unna galskapen. Jeg gleder meg til å minne deg på alle de morsomme tingene som kommer av å jobbe for et firma i USA. Du må begynne å lese Dilbert igjen, så du kan forstå alle oss andre droner. Adios, DF Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
I may have these at home, but to be sure, email me your H, W and Cell ph. #, pager #, palm pilot #, # who connects to the steel plate in your head, your address, and any other communication coordinates you think I need to have. I'm at Westin La Sommering in San Anton, checking out Friday, and number 402-630-8461. I'll call you at one of your numbers at a time when you pick Friday, then go to your community place or a restaurant or something for festivities. I might call you today if I can get a few minutes away from this madness. I can't wait to remind you of all the fun things that come from working for a company in the United States. You need to start reading Dilbert again so you can understand all of us other drones. Adios, DF Type a subject line for this email.
Dear Sir, As you know Lehman Brothers is one of the most prestigious investment banks on Wall Street. On a regular basis Lehman brings new companies public in many industries. One area that has received great interest lately is Master Limited Partnerships. These vehicles generally have high yields (in the 10% range) with tax advantages. In today's environment of low interest rates that is extremely attractive. If you would like to learn more the next time we offer one by prospectus please e-mail or call. All the best! ! Propose a subject line for this email?
Master Limited Partnerships
Som du vet, er Lehman Brothers en av de mest renommerte investeringsbankene i Wall Street. Regelmessig etterbehandling fører til at nye selskaper offentliggjøres i mange bransjer. Et område som har fått stor interesse i det siste, er Master Limited Partnerships. Disse kjøretøyene har generelt høy avkastning (i intervallet 10 %) med skattefordeler. I dagens miljø med lave renter som er ekstremt attraktive. Hvis du vil vite mer neste gang vi tilbyr en på prospektet, vennligst e-post eller ring. Alle de beste! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
As you know, Lehman Brothers is one of the most prestigious investment banks on Wall Street. Regular post-treatment results in the publication of new companies in many industries. One area that's become very interested lately is Master Limited Partnerships. These vehicles generally have a high rate of return (in the interval 10 %) with tax advantages. In today's environment of low interest rates that are extremely attractive. If you want to know more next time we offer someone on the prospectus, please email or call. All the best! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Partnership ships
Hi Eric, It looks like Enron employees have an enterprising spirit according to the H. Chronicle. Ebay is saturated with Enron goodies. This is quite amusing. Sorry about tonight and we will miss you on your birthday. We will celebrate whenever you wish, just let us know. If you change your mind about tomorrow, email me. Donnita and Jason are coming over for dinner. We would love for you to come. Have a wonderful day. LU-M Propose a subject line for this email?
Good Morning
Hi Eric, Det ser ut som Enron-ansatte har en driftig ånd ifølge H. Chronicle. Ebay er mettet med Enron goder. Dette er ganske merkelig. Beklager det i kveld, og vi vil savne deg på bursdagen din. Vi skal feire hver gang du ønsker det, bare si fra. Hvis du ombestemmer deg i morgen, e-post meg. Donnita og Jason kommer på middag. Vi vil gjerne at du skal komme. Ha en vidunderlig dag. LU-M Foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Hi Eric, it looks like Enron employees have an enterprising spirit, according to H. Chronicle. Ebay is saturated with Enron's benefits. This is kind of weird. I'm sorry about tonight, and we're gonna miss you on your birthday. We'll celebrate every time you want us to, just let me know. If you change your mind tomorrow, email me. Donnita and Jason are coming for dinner. We'd like you to come. Have a wonderful day. LU-M Suggest a subject line for this e-mail?
God morgen
Good morning.
While our established schedules of Tuesday and Friday DPR's would have us reporting tomorrow's activity on Monday, we will change that for month end. Please email the January 31st DPR information for your respective groups to my attention by noon on Friday. You should use the same spreadsheet format used for the 1/29/02 DPR. All p&l and PRMA numbers should be in $'000's. Starting in February, you will be able to export the data, as opposed to using the spreadsheets. Thanks, Write a subject line for this email.
EWS DPR 1/31/02
Mens våre timeplaner for tirsdags- og fredagsPR-er vil ha oss til å rapportere morgendagens aktivitet på mandag, vil vi endre det for månedsskiftet. Vennligst epost i januar 31. DPR-informasjonen for dine respektive grupper til min oppmerksomhet innen kl. 12.00 på fredag. Du bør bruke det samme regnearkformatet som ble brukt ved d/02 DPR. Alle pIl- og PRMA-numre burde være i $000. Fra og med februar vil man kunne eksportere dataene, i motsetning til å bruke regnearkene. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
While our schedules for Tuesday and Fridays PR want us to report tomorrow's activity on Monday, we'll change it for the end of the month. Please e-mail in January 31, DPR information for your respective groups to my attention by noon on Friday. You should use the same spreadsheet format as used for d/02 DPR. All Pl and PRMA numbers should be in $1,000. As of February, data will be exported, as opposed to using spreadsheets. Type a subject line for this email.
EWS DPR arbeidsminne / umal
EWS DPR Work Memory / Unmal
This is an email WOW what a week!! I'm pretty sure these are the lowest scores ever - I'm going to have my statistician check that out. Meanwhile....EVERYBODY sat down - four different teams were picked and they all lost so 12 of you will split the $120.00 pool! (Almost as good as the income tax rebate!) It was really WAM's week - he not only married the lovely Shannon McClennahan in Carmel this weekend, he also won first place for the first time and he is a co-founder of the pool! AND his beloved Cleveland finally won when he bet on them!! The week also brought good fortune to 2 first time winners for this year: 2nd place - Andy 3rd place - Mickey and in 4th place was Cary Congratulations to all of you! Checks for Weeks 1-7 (actually six weeks) will go out later this week so please let me know if you see any errors. The scores were so low that there was not much movement in rankings to report. The pick sheet is attached for next week. What is the subject of this email?
Results--Week 7 & Pick Sheet for Week 8
Dette er en e-post wow for en uke!!! Jeg er ganske sikker på at dette er de laveste poengsummene noensinne - jeg kommer til å la statistikeren min sjekke det ut. I mellomtiden.... DE FLESTE som satt ned - fire forskjellige lag ble plukket og alle tapte så 12 av dere vil dele de 120 dollarene! (Nesten like godt som skatteletten abate!) Det var egentlig WAMs uke - han ikke bare giftet seg med den skjønne Shannon McClennahan på Carmel denne helgen, han vant også førsteplass for første gang og han er medgrunnlegger av bassenget! OG hans elskede Cleveland vant til slutt når han satset på dem!! Uken brakte også lykke til 2 første gang Vinnere for dette året: 2.-plass<unk> Andy 3.-plass<unk> Mickey og på 4.-plass var Cary Congratulation til dere alle! Sjekk for uke 1-7 (egentlig seks uker) vil gå ut senere denne uken, så vennligst si fra hvis du ser noen feil. Poengene var så lave at det ikke var mye bevegelse i rangeringene som skulle meldes. Det er neste uke på diagramskiven. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an email wow for a week!!!! I'm pretty sure this is the lowest score ever - I'm going to have my statistician check it out. In the meantime, most people sitting down - four different teams were picked and all lost so 12 of you will split the $120! (Almost as good as the tax abate!) It was really WAM's week -- he not only married the lovely Shannon McClennahan on Carmel this weekend, he also won first place for the first time and he's cofounder of the pool! AND his beloved Cleveland finally won when he put his money on them! The week also brought luck to 2 first winners for this year: 2nd place, Andy 3rd place, Mickey and 4th place, the Cary Congratulation for all of you! Check for week 1-7 (actually six weeks) will expire later this week, so please let me know if you see any errors. The scores were so low that there was not much movement in the rankings to be reported. That's next week on the record sheet. What is the subject of this email?
Resultater - Uke 7 & Lommebok for uke 8
Results - Week 7 & Wallet for Week 8
Write a subject line for this message: All, Attached is a spreadsheet of Enron's curve names for the West book. We just need a quick status on the broker quotes you have and the ones still needed/missing. Please review the curves against the broker data you have (including electronic files), and indicate any gaps. Based on your reply, the Estate will purchase the missing data. Please have this prepared by 12:00 tomorrow. Tim Bowler
Broker quotes required for validation - West
Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldingen: Alt, vedlagt er et regneark av Enrons kurvenavn for Vest-boken. Vi trenger bare en rask status på megler-sitatene du har og de som fortsatt trenger/mangler. Vennligst se på kurvene mot meglerdataene du har (inkludert elektroniske filer), og oppgi eventuelle hull. På grunnlag av svaret ditt, vil denne staten kjøpe de manglende opplysningene. Vennligst belag dette innen kl. 12 i morgen. I Bowler
Write a topic line for this message: everything attached is a spreadsheet of the Enron curve name for the West book. All we need is a quick status on the real estate quotes you have and those that still need/missing. Please look at the curves against the broker data you have (including electronic files) and give any holes. Based on your answer, this state will buy the missing information. Please prepare this by noon tomorrow. In Bowler.
Broker det det kreves her for å bli godkjent<unk> Vest
Broke what it takes here to be approved<unk> West
This is an email Just thought you'd like to know that Roger Ebert gave the movie 3 stars. He had many of the same comments to make about the film and Dallas as you. Talk to you soon, Susan What is the subject of this email?
Good news about Dr. T and the Women
Dette er en e-post Du vil vite at Roger Ebert har gitt filmen 3 stjerner. Han hadde mange av de samme kommentarene å komme med om filmen og Dallas som deg. Vi snakkes snart, Susan Hva er temaet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail. You want to know that Roger Ebert has given the film three stars. He had a lot of the same comments to make about the movie and Dallas as you. We'll talk soon, Susan. What's the subject of this e-mail?
Gode nyheter om Dr. T og kvinnene
Good news about Dr. T and the women.
Write an email with the following subject: New Date Buckets
Here is the New Date Bucket format that we need for your mini-benches for the Benchmark(not the Lavo Bench) for July. 1. July 2. Aug. Index 3. August 4. Sept 5. Oct 6. Nov 7. Dec 8. Jan '01 9. Feb '01-Dec '01 10. Jan '02 - Dec '02 11. Jan-Dec '03 12. Jan-Dec '04 13. Jan '05-Dec '10 14. Jan '11-Dec'15 15. Jan '16-Oct '23 If you have any question give me a call. Thanks,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Ny dato<unk> reservebok
Send an email with the following topic: New date<unk> reserve book
Her er det nye Bucket-formatet vi trenger for mini-benkene dine for referansemerket (ikke Lavo-referansen) for juli. 1 . 2. juli Aug. Indeks 3. Ufasient Septer 5. okt. 6. Novli, nov: Des. jan la la la Fra '01- des '01 10. « Er », « er », « er — ikke, « er », « er, « er », « er, « er », « er, « er », « er ikke », « er », « er, « er » », « er « er », « er, « er », « er, « er ikke », « Er », « er 11. » Dagbladet 12. des. jan- des '04 13. Jan '05-dec '10 14. Jan '11-dec'15 15. Jan '16- Oct '23 Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så ring meg. Takk.
Here's the new Bucket format we need for your mini-benchs for the reference mark (not the Lavo reference) for July. One. July 2nd Index 3. Non-fatal Scepter 5. Oct. 6. Novli, nov: Des. Jan la la la From '01-des '01 10. 'is not '.' The 12th decift. Jan- des '04 13. Jan '05-dec '10 14. Jan '11-dec' 1515. Jan '16-Oct '23 If you have any questions, give me a call. Thank you.
Lawrence G. Whaley Vice President Enron Gas Services P. O. Box 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 November 12, 2001 Dear Lawrence: We are so pleased that Steve Kean will be speaking at our conference on Winning Globally: Organizing for Global Growth on January 23, 2002. As you may know, Steve will be speaking on a panel on "Maintaining Gold-Standard Ethics in a Global Era." We hope that you will be able to join us at the conference. We would also like to invite you or a company representative to participate in the 2002 International Career Fair at Stanford Graduate School of Business, which will be held on the previous evening, Tuesday, January 22, 5:00pm - 8:00pm. The goal of the International Career Fair is to facilitate interaction between leading global companies and our talented MBAs looking for positions of international scope. The International Career Fair is strategically timed to coincide with our second -year students' full time job searches and Write a subject line for this email.
Invitation to the Stanford Graduate School of Business International Career Fair, Tuesday, January 22, 2002
Lawrence G. Whaly Visepresident Enron Gas Services P. O. Box 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 12. november 2001 Dear Lawrence: Vi er så glade for at Steve Kean vil tale på vår konferanse om Winning Globally: Organizing for Global Growth den 23. januar 2002. Som du kanskje vet, vil Steve tale i et panel på .. opprettholder gull-standard Etikk i en global æra Vi håper at dere kan komme på konferansen. Vi ønsker også å invitere deg eller en representant fra et selskap til å delta i den internasjonale løpemessen 2002 ved Stanford College of Business, som vil bli holdt kvelden før, tirsdag den 22. januar, 17:m - 20:00m. Målet med den internasjonale karrieremessa er å legge til rette for samhandling mellom ledende selskaper i verden og våre toårige MBA-er som ser etter posisjoner i internasjonalt virkeområde. Den internasjonale karrieremessen er strategisk tidfestet til å sammenfalle med våre andreårsstudenters heltidsjobb søk og Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Lawrence G. Whale Vice President Enron Gas Services P. O. Box 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 12 November 2001 Dear Lawrence, we are so happy that Steve Kean will be speaking at our conference on Winging Globally, Organizing for Global Growth on January 23, 2002. As you may know, Steve will speak on a panel at..maintain the gold standard Ethics in a global era. We're hoping you can come to the conference. We would also like to invite you or a representative from a company to participate in the 2002 International Tour of the Stanford College of Business, which will be held the previous night, Tuesday, January 22, 17:m - 20:00m. The aim of the international career fair is to facilitate interaction between world-wide executives and our two-year-old MBAs looking for positions in international scope. The international career fair is strategically timed to coincide with our sophomore full-time job search and write a topic line for this e-mail.
Invitasjon til Stanford Graded School of Business International Career Fair, tirsdag 22. januar 2002
Invitation to Stanford Graduated School of Business International Career Fair, Tuesday, January 22, 2002
Write an email with the following subject: Terra Industries
Here is your Guaranty. Have them sign two letters and attach copies of the original Gty as Exhibit A. Call me if you have any questions.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: «Terratra Industri».
Write an e-mail on the following subject: ‘Terratra Industry’.
Her er ditt Guaranty. La dem signere to bokstaver og feste kopier av den originale Gty som avistegner A. Ring meg hvis du har noen spørsmål.
Here's your guaranty. Let them sign two letters and attach copies of the original Gty that deflates A. Call me if you have any questions.
Here is an email: Tanya: Please see page 7 of the attachment (Par. 5, part C) regarding setoff. ENA was about to have this agreement executed just as I received your email. I'll call you after 5 pm. We need to discuss today. Thanks. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Enron Global Custody and Clearance Agreement
Her er en e-post: ultimate: Se side 7 i vedlegget (Par. del C) om avsetting. ENA var i ferd med å få denne avtalen utført akkurat da jeg fikk din e-post. Jeg ringer deg etter kl. 17. Vi må snakke om det i dag. Takk. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here is an e-mail: ultimate: See page 7 of the attachment (Par. Part C) re-release. The ENA was about to have this deal made just when I got your e-mail. I'll call you after 5:00. We need to talk about it today. Thank you. What is a possible topic line for this email?
Styr over den globale ansvars- og klareringsavtalen
Governance over the global liability and clearing agreement
Write a subject line for this message: Attached is a revised Credit Watch listing for the week of 6/4/01. Please note that Continental Gas, Inc., Continental Resources Inc., Hiland Partners, LLC, North Texas Gas Partners and Florida Gas Utility were added to the Credit Watch List. If there are any personnel in your group that were not included in this distribution, please insure that they receive a copy of this report. To add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been sent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002. For other questions, please contact Jason R. Williams at x5-3923, Russell Diamond at x5-7095, or Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002.
Credit Watch List--Week of 6/4/01
Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldinga: Vedlagt er en revidert Kredittpostliste for uke 6/4/01. Legg merke til at Continental Gas, Inc., Continental Resources Inc., Hiland Partners, LLC, North Texas Gas Partners og Florida Gas Utility ble oppført på listen over kredittenheter. Dersom det er noe personell i din gruppe som ikke var med i denne utdelingen, forsikre deg om at de mottar en kopi av denne rapporten. For å legge til flere personer til denne distribusjonen, eller hvis denne rapporten er sendt til deg feil, vennligst kontakt Veronica Espinoza på x6-602. For andre spørsmål, ta kontakt med Jason R. Williams ved x5-3923, Russell Diamond ved x5-7095 eller Veronica Espinoza ved x6-602.
Write a subject line for this message: Attached is a revised Credit List for Week 6/4/01. Note that Continental Gas, Inc., Continental Resources Inc., Hiland Partners, LLC, North Texas Gas Partners and Florida Gas Utility were included in the list of credit units. If there are any personnel in your group who were not in this distribution, make sure they receive a copy of this report. To add more persons to this distribution, or if this report has been sent to you incorrectly, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-602. For other questions, please contact Jason R. Williams at x5-3923, Russell Diamond at x5-7075, or Veronica Espinoza at x6-602.
Kredittvaktliste - Uke 6/4/01
Credit Watch List - Week 6/4/01
This is an email FYI, Sally is getting an ear full today from the RAC group about unofficialized post id's. We run a macro every night to verify these are officialized. I just want to remind everyone that this is very important that we do this. Our group and Jeff will catch tremendous heat if these errors continue. Again, this is just a reminder, we are doing a good job on this currently. Thanks. PL What is the subject of this email?
official post id's
Sally får et øre fullt i dag fra RAC-gruppen om uoffisielle post-id-er. Vi kjører en makro hver kveld for å sjekke at disse er offisielt autoriserte. Jeg vil bare minne alle på at dette er veldig viktig at vi gjør dette. Vår gruppe og Jeff kommer til å oppleve kraftig hete hvis disse feilene fortsetter. Dette er bare en påminnelse, vi gjør en god jobb med dette for tiden. Takk. PL Hva er emnet i denne e- posten?
Sally's getting an ear full today from the RAC group about off-the-book post IDs. We drive a macro every night to make sure these are officially certified. I just want to remind everyone that this is very important that we do this. Our group and Jeff will experience intense heat if these errors continue. This is just a reminder, we're doing a good job with this right now. Thank you. PL What is the subject of this email?
offisielle post post post d d d d d d d d d d d d s,
official record d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d s,
This is the content of an email: Kevin: Do you know if you're coming out yet? Got e-mails from Lulenski (he's coming) and Sarhatt (he's not). I'm planning to go to the beer bust and picnic for sure and probably the Saturday night event if enough of you guys are interested. Let me know. Regards, What was the subject line for this email?
Are You Guys coming to LA?
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Kevin: Vet du om du kommer ut ennå? Fikk e-post fra Lulenski (han kommer) og Sarhatt (han er ikke). Jeg planlegger å dra på ølbyste og piknik for sikkert og sikkert og sikkert lørdagskvelden hvis nok av dere er interessert. La meg få vite. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
Kevin, do you know if you're still coming out? Got e-mail from Lulenski (he's coming) and Sarhatt (he's not). I plan to go to a beer buster and picnic for safe and secure Saturday night if enough of you are interested. Let me know. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Kommer dere til LA?
Are you guys coming to LA?
Gerald, The Upstream group is doing a considerable amount of repeat business with several customers. There is an increasing need to execute Master agreements with these customers. We would like to begin the development of a Master Wellhead contract that includes the same type of provisions that our Upstream GTC contracts include such as tolerances, keep whole, nomination deadlines, etc. Can you please let me know if you see any issues with changing the Master Firm contract to accomodate the Upstream business or if there is anything else that you may need from us to begin creating this Upstream Master? Thanks, Propose a subject line for this email?
Wellhead Master
Gerald, The Upstream Group gjør en god del gjentatte forretninger med flere kunder. Det er et økende behov for å gjennomføre Masteravtaler med disse kundene. Vi vil gjerne begynne utviklingen av en Master Wellhead-kontrakt som omfatter samme type bestemmelser som våre Upstream GTC-kontrakter omfatter for eksempel toleranser, hele varer, frister osv. Kan du vennligst si fra hvis du ser noen problemer med å endre Master Firm-kontrakten for å søke om markedsføring av virksomheten eller hvis det er noe annet du trenger fra oss for å begynne å skape denne Upstream Master? Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Gerald, The Upstream Group does a lot of repeated business with several customers. There is an increasing need to implement Master Agreements with these customers. We would like to begin the development of a Master Wellhead contract that includes the same type of provisions as our Upstream GTC contracts include, for example, tolerances, whole goods, deadlines, etc. Could you please let me know if you see any problems changing the Master Firm contract to apply for the marketing of the business or if there's anything else you need from us to start creating this Upstream Master? Would you like to propose a subject line for this e-mail?
I skallens skall
In the shell of the skull
This is the content of an email: Well, I win the award for ass of the week and probably the year. I really can't begin to apologize enough for Tuesday. I won't offer an excuse. Guys on the Central desk asked me a question as soon as I hung up with you, and before I knew it, it was around 2:30pm. But the worst part is, I didn't realize what I had done until later the next day. It was disrespectful and I sincerely apologize. I do have a conflict tomorrow. And I will understand if you want to stop the sessions. Thanks. DG What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet av en e-post, jeg vinner prisen for ukens rumpe og for årets skyld. Jeg kan ikke be om unnskyldning nok for tirsdager. Jeg vil ikke komme med noen unnskyldning. De spurte meg om noe så snart jeg la på med deg, og før jeg visste ordet av det, var det rundt 14.30. Men det verste er at jeg ikke visste hva jeg hadde gjort før neste dag. Det var respektløst og jeg ber oppriktig om unnskyldning. Jeg har en konflikt i morgen. Og jeg vil forstå hvis du vil stoppe øktene. Takk. DG Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail, I win the award for the week's ass and for the year's sake. I can't apologize enough for Tuesdays. I don't want to make any excuses. They asked me a question as soon as I hung up with you, and before I knew it, it was around 2:30. But the worst part is, I didn't know what I had done until the next day. It was disrespectful and I sincerely apologize. I have a conflict tomorrow. And I'll understand if you want to stop the sessions. Thank you. DG What was the subject line for this e-mail?
I spoke to the fellow at today. He will only be in the office Mon. and Tues. of next week, so if possible, he would like to set up a demonstration with us together at your desk on the computer so he can work us through the software. Let me know when a convenient time would be for you, maybe Tuesday sometime? Propose a subject line for this email?
Jeg har snakket med fyren på i dag. Han vil kun være i embedet Mon. og tues. i neste uke, så om mulig, vil han gjerne arrangere en demonstrasjon med oss sammen i skrivebordet ditt på datamaskinen, så han kan hjelpe oss gjennom programvaren. Si fra når et passende tidspunkt er for deg, kanskje tirsdag en gang? Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
I've been talking to the guy at today. He'll only be in Mon's office. and how about next week, so if possible, he'd like to stage a demonstration with us in your desk on the computer, so he can help us through the software. Let me know when a suitable time is for you, maybe Tuesday sometime? Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Det juridiske
Legal Medical
To all Energy Operations employees: ENA has experienced extraordinary growth thus far in 2000. I am especially proud of the accomplishments of Energy Operations in supporting this growth. I wanted to express my appreciation for all the hard work and dedication that you have demonstrated. We have done great work and I want to recognize you for that. Although we have done much, we have additional goals to accomplish within ENA and Energy Operations this year. Therefore, as we go forward, I want to make sure that you have all the necessary tools to do the best possible job, and that any barriers that may impede your work are removed. To help in this effort, I have asked a consulting organization -- S.J. Bashen Propose a subject line for this email?
Note from Sally
Til alle ansatte i energiverket: ENA har opplevd en ekstraordinær vekst hittil i 2000. Jeg er spesielt stolt av energioperasjonenes prestasjoner i å støtte denne veksten. Jeg ville gjerne gi uttrykk for min verdsettelse av alt det harde arbeidet og den innvielsen du har vist. Vi har gjort et stort arbeid, og jeg vil anerkjenne deg for det. Selv om vi har gjort mye, har vi ekstra mål å nå innen ENA og Energidrift i år. Derfor, mens vi går fremover, vil jeg sørge for at dere har alle de nødvendige verktøyene for å gjøre best mulig jobb, og at eventuelle hindringer som kan hindre arbeidet deres blir fjernet. For å hjelpe til i denne innsatsen har jeg spurt en konsulentorganisasjon - S.J. Er det et emnelinje for e- posten?
To all employees of the Energy Agency: ENA has seen extraordinary growth so far in 2000. I am particularly proud of the energy surgeries ’ achievements in supporting this growth. I wanted to express my appreciation for all the hard work and dedication you have shown. We've done a lot of work, and I'd like to acknowledge you for it. Even though we have done much, we have added goals to reach within ENA and energy drive this year. Therefore, as we move forward, I will see to it that you have all the tools necessary to do the best work possible and that any obstacles that might interfere with your work are removed. To help in this effort, I have asked a consulting organization - S.J. Is that a subject line for the email?
Notat fra Sally
Sally's Notes
Write an email with the subject line "will question".
Vanessa, I checked with Bill, and the very unsatisfying answer to your question is that it totally depends on how Greg divided the community property with his ex. He agreed with me that a will is a good idea in any case because you can arrange things so that you avoid legal proceedings and save a lot in taxes! Our friend Tony Maluski does probate work: I believe his number is 713-228-7401. He's a nice guy and I believe him to be competent; however, I think it is a good idea to shop around when you're doing something routine like a will or an uncontested divorce, so I'd advise calling several lawyers and see who you like best and who will give you the best deal. If I can find some other names/numbers for you, I will. Hope this helps!
Skriv en e-post med emnefeltet<unk> innen spørsmålsskjemaet<unk>
Enter an email with the subject field<unk> within the query scheme<unk>
Vanessa, jeg har snakket med Bill, og det svært utilfredsstillende svaret på spørsmålet ditt er at det avhenger av hvordan Greg delte eiendommen med eksen sin. Han sa til meg at en vilje uansett er en god ide, fordi du kan ordne ting slik at du unngår en rettssak og sparer mye i skatt! Vår venn Tony Maluski gjør probat arbeid: jeg tror hans nummer er 713-228-7401. Han er en hyggelig fyr og jeg tror han er kompetent; men jeg tror det er en god idé å handle rundt når du gjør noe rutine som et testamente eller en ikke-konservert skilsmisse, så jeg råder deg til å ringe flere advokater og se hvem du liker best og hvem som vil gi deg den beste avtalen. Hvis jeg kan finne noen andre navn/nummer til deg, så gjør jeg det. Håper dette hjelper!
Vanessa, I've been talking to Bill, and the very unsatisfactory answer to your question is that it depends on how Greg shared the property with his ex-girlfriend. He told me that a will is still a good idea, because you can arrange things so you can avoid a trial and save a lot of taxes! Our friend Tony Maluski is doing probate work: I think his number is 713-228-741. He's a nice guy and I think he's competent; but I think it's a good idea to shop around when you do some routine like a will or a non-preserved divorce, so I advise you to call more lawyers and see who you like best and who will give you the best deal. If I can find you any other names/numbers, I will. I hope this helps!
Hey Melissa, Are you back from Brazil yet? Hope they didn't work you too hard down there. Drop me a line when you get a chance. Generate a subject line for this email.
Hei, Melissa, er du tilbake fra Brasil ennå? Håper de ikke jobbet deg for hardt der nede. Slipp meg en strek når du får sjansen. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Hey, Melissa, you back from Brazil yet? I hope they didn't work you too hard down there. Drop a line when you get a chance. Create a subject line for this email.
Mark your calendar. The Enron Management Conference will be held Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 14-16, 2001, at the Westin La Cantera Resort in San Antonio, Texas. This has been an eventful and challenging year for Enron. As I've said before, we are a company that continues to look to the future, and there are many exciting things on the horizon. Please join me at this year's conference to plan our strategy and success for the new year and beyond. Watch for an agenda and registration information in the next few weeks. I look forward to a good meeting and to seeing you there. Regards, Write a subject line for this email.
SAVE THE DATE -- Enron Management Conference, November 14-16, 2001
Marker din kalender. Enron Management Conference avholdes onsdag til fredag nov. 14-16, 2001, på Westin La Cantera Resort i San Antonio, Texas. Dette har vært et begivenhetsrikt år for Entron. Som jeg har sagt før, er vi et selskap som fortsetter å se framover, og det er mange spennende ting i sikte. Bli med meg på årets konferanse for å planlegge strategien og suksessen for det nye året og det videre. Se etter en dags- og registreringsinformasjon i løpet av de neste ukene. Jeg ser fram til et godt møte og til å treffe deg der. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Mark your calendar. Enron Management Conference will be held Wednesday until Friday, nov. 14-16, 2001, at the Westin La Cantera Resort in San Antonio, Texas. This has been an eventful year for Entron. As I have said before, we are a company that keeps looking ahead, and there are many exciting things in sight. Come with me to this year's conference to plan the strategy and success for the new year and so forth. Look for a day and registration information in the next few weeks. I look forward to a good meeting and to meeting you there. Type a subject line for this email.
SAVE DATE -- Enron Management Conference, November 14-16, 2001
SAVE DATE -- Enron Management Conference, November 14-16, 2001
Write an email with the following subject: MDEA
Kay at this time MDEA has $292,544.40 that they owe us. We have approximately $360,000 that we have made in profit according to our P&L from Risk. At this time we are not doing any buying or selling for MDEA. We run the load forecast, determine the position and then we get a market price from WRI. We then call MDEA and inform them of the Market and their position. They then tell us to buy the power from WRI. We call WRI and they bill MDEA, not us. We then do the tag.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: MDI)
Write an e-mail using the following topic: MDI)
På dette tidspunktet har MDIEA 292 544,40 dollar som de skylder oss. Vi har omtrent $360.000 som vi har tjent i henhold til vår PKL fra risiko. I denne tiden kjøper eller selger vi ikke noe som helst sted i verden. Vi kjører varsprognosen, bestemmer posisjonen og får en markedspris fra WRI. Vi ringer så til MEDEA og informerer dem om markedet og deres stilling. De ber oss så kjøpe kraften fra WRI. Vi ringer WRI og de ber om å få vite det, ikke vi. Så tar vi merket.
At this point, MDIEA has $292,544,40 that they owe us. We have approximately $350,000 that we've earned according to our PKL from risk. During this time, we do not buy or sell anywhere in the world. We'll run the forecast, determine our position and get a market price from the WRI. We then call the MEDEA and inform them of the market and their position. They ask us to buy the power of WRI. We call WRI and they ask to know, not us. Then we'll take the mark.
Here is an email: Jim, my understanding is that there continues to be some discussion on whether there will be functional seperation of the retail and wholesale businesses and to what extent and under what strategy these are undertaken. I am not sure that we want to put ourselves in a box under any structure until these things are completely ironed out eg) country managers et al. I'm not in agreement with any memo that further details the organization beyond what was outlined in the original memo. However, I am in agreement that this needs to get resolved ASAP unfortunately Frevert and Skilling and most of the first world is out this week. I ask for your patience. Lets discuss. Regards What is a potential subject line for this email?
See Attached
Jim, jeg forstår at det er en del diskusjon om hvorvidt det vil bli en funksjonsseparasjon i detaljist- og engrosforetakene og i hvilken utstrekning og under hvilken strategi disse er satt. Jeg er ikke sikker på om vi ønsker å sette oss selv i en boks under noen som helst struktur før disse tingene er fullstendig strøket ut eg) landstyrer et al. Jeg er ikke enig i noe notat om nærmere detaljer om organisasjonen utover det som ble skissert i det opprinnelige notatet. Jeg er imidlertid enig i at dette må løses så raskt som mulig med Frevert og Skilling og mesteparten av den første verden er ute denne uken. Jeg ber om Deres tålmodighet. La oss diskutere. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Jim, I understand that there is some discussion as to whether there will be a functional separation of retail and wholesale enterprises and the extent and under which these strategies are put. I'm not sure if we want to put ourselves in a box under any structure until these things are completely deleted (I) lander an al. I do not agree with any note about the details of the organization beyond what was outlined in the original memo. I agree, however, that this must be resolved as quickly as possible with Frevert and Skilling and most of the first world is out this week. I beg your patience. Let's talk. What is a possible topic line for this email?
What is the subject line for this email? Pete, I'm getting comments that people are having trouble opening the ABB docs. Please send the docs directly to: [email protected] and michael.o. [email protected], and [email protected]. Thanks,
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Pete, jeg har fått kommentarer om at folk sliter med å åpne AB-doktorene. Send dokumentene direkte til: [email protected] og michael.o. [email protected], og [email protected]. Takk.
What is the subject line for this email? Pete, I've had some comments that people are having trouble opening the AB doctors. Send the documents directly to: [email protected] and micael.o. [email protected], and [email protected]. Thank you.
This is an email I want to thank eaach of you for all of your support and friendship. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. I know we all have a long list of contact with whom we would like to stay in contact. I also know it will be difficult. To the extent possible, I would like hear from you to know how you are doing. I wish the best to all of you. I hope our paths will cross again soon and often. My contact information is What is the subject of this email?
Judy Thorne's contact info
Dette er en e-post jeg vil takke dere for all deres støtte og vennskap. Jeg har hatt stor glede av å arbeide sammen med dere. Jeg vet at vi alle har en lang liste med kontakt med hvem vi ønsker å holde kontakten. Jeg vet også at det blir vanskelig. I den grad det er mulig, vil jeg gjerne høre fra deg at du vet hvordan det går med deg. Jeg ønsker dere alle det beste. Jeg håper våre stier vil møtes igjen snart og ofte. Min kontaktinformasjon er Hva er emnet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail I want to thank you for all your support and friendship. I've had a great deal of pleasure working with you. I know we all have a long list of people we want to keep in touch with. I also know it's gonna be difficult. To the extent possible, I'd like to hear from you that you know how you're doing. I wish you all the best. I hope our paths will meet again soon and often. My contact information is What's the subject of this e-mail?
Kontaktinformasjon for Judy Thorne
Contact information for Judy Thorne
This is an email The World Wide RibFest "celebration of the Rib" is coming up. This will be the 5th annual ribfest, and John Mee has his work cut out for him to defend the title he won last year (for the second time). I believe he will have a tough time, as the competition looks increasingly focused on unseating the former Bostonian from his Throne. For those of you who haven't been to a ribfest in the past, it's a barbeque competition where 5 to 7 cooks compete to see who can produce the best Baby Back Ribs (if you want those Fred Flintstone beef ribs, you ain't getting them here). A blind-judging takes place to determine the winner, but often the crowd gets up in arms and nominates a "peoples choice" (though this is not officially recognized by the sanctioning body). Every year, my wife asks the following: "So, besides Ribs, beer and margaritas, what else will be served?" I reply: "Nothing comes to mind." She replies: "No." As you might expect, she wins this discussion year in, year out. So, appetizers, sides, desserts and food & drink for the kids are also served. The competition around the grills gets a little rough, so I recommend that the young and faint-of-heart maintain a safe distance while the cooking and competition is taking place. The appropriate College football games will be broadcast, so you don't have to worry about missing any games. There are a couple of changes to this year's competition: The competition will be held at the John Mee/Laura Benjamins compound in Bellaire Mike Paradise (who won the very first ribfest) has stepped out of the competition this year citing "personal reasons" Date & Time Saturday November 3rd. We fire the grills up around 12:00, and the judging takes place between 3:00 and 3:30. Where 4807 Elm Street in Bellaire Directions (from John Mee himself) From downtown, take 59s to 610s. The first exit is the Bissonette//Fournace exit. Take this exit and go through the light, noting the gouging in the lamppost from that freak cherry-picker accident from last April. Before the Bisonette light, there is a big Chase Bank Building. Right before that building is Elm Street. Take a right on Elm Street exactly 236 yards to 4807 Elm Street. Go inside and ask for directions there, cause I really don't have a clue... KIDS Bring 'em! We'll have the Moonwalk set up for them again this year, and we'll have hot dogs, burgers, popcorn and drinks for them. The more kids the better. What you need to bring Nothing, except maybe some attitude to heckle the cooks while they try to concentrate. What is the subject of this email?
RIBFEST -5- (Nov. 3rd)
Dette er en e-post The World Wide RibFest<unk> Utfylling av Rib<unk> kommer opp. Dette blir den femte årlige rifest, og John Mee får sitt arbeid skåret ut for ham til å forsvare tittelen han vant i fjor (for andre gang). Jeg tror han kommer til å ha det vanskelig, ettersom konkurransen ser ut til å fokusere stadig mer på å avsette den tidligere Boston-boeren fra tronen. For de av dere som ikke har vært på ribbefest tidligere, er det en grillkonkurranse hvor 5-7 kokker konkurrerer om å se hvem som kan produsere de beste Baby Back Ribs (hvis dere vil ha de Fred Flint-steinen, får dere dem ikke her). Det foregår en blind kjennelse for å kåre vinneren, men ofte reiser publikum seg opp i våpen og nominerer et<unk>folkevalg<unk> (selv om dette ikke er offisielt anerkjent av sanksjonsorganet). Hvert år spør min kone: \"Og foruten Rips, øl og margaritaer, hva annet som skal serveres I svar:<unk>Det kommer an på Hun svarte: \"Nei Som du kanskje kan vente, vinner hun dette diskusjonsåret inn, år ut. Det serveres derfor også forretter, sider, desserter og mat & drikke til ungene. Konkurransen rundt grillene blir litt tøff, så jeg anbefaler at unge og svaksynte holder trygg avstand mens matlagingen og konkurransen foregår. De egnede college fotballkampene vil bli kringkastet, så man slipper å bekymre seg for å gå glipp av noen kamper. Det er et par endringer i årets konkurranse: Konkurransen vil bli avholdt på John Mee/Laura Benjamins-sammenslutningen i Bellaire Mike Paradise (som vant den aller første ribben) har gått ut av konkurransen i år citing<unk> personlige årsaker<unk> Dato og tid lørdag 3. november. Vi fyrer opp grillene ved 12-tiden, og dommen finner sted mellom kl. 03.00 og 15.30. Hvor 4807 Elm Street in Bellaire Directors (fra John Mee selv) Fra sentrum tar 59s til 610-tallet. Den første utgangen er Bissonetten//Ferdig-utgangen. Ta denne utgangen og gå gjennom lyset, og legg merke til ugingen i lyktestolpen fra den jævlen fra forrige april. Foran Bisonettelyset er det en stor forretningsbankbygning. Rett før den bygningen ligger Elm Street. Ta til høyre på Elm Street 236 meter fra 48, Elm Street. Gå inn og spør om veien dit, for jeg har ikke noe spor... BARN Bring dem! Månewalken skal settes opp for dem igjen i år, og vi skal ha pølser, burger, popkorn og drinker til dem. Jo flere barn jo bedre. Det du trenger for å ta med deg Ingenting, bortsett fra kanskje litt holdning til å hekte på kokkene mens de prøver å konsentrere seg. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an email The World Wide RibFest<unk> Finishing Rib<unk> coming up. This will be the fifth annual festival, and John Mee will have his work cut out for him to defend the title he won last year (for the second time). I think he's going to have a hard time, as the competition seems to be focusing more and more on dismissing the former Boston resident from the throne. For those of you who haven't been to a ribs party before, there's a barbecue where 5-7 chefs compete to see who can produce the best Baby Back Ribs (if you want those Fred Flint Stones, you won't get them here). There's a blind verdict to declare the winner, but often the audience gets up in arms and nominates a<unk> election of the people. Every year my wife asks, "And besides Rips, beer, margaritas, what else is there to serve In answer, "<unk> It depends on She said, "No, no, no, no. As you might expect, she wins this debate year in, year out. Thus, appetizers, pages, desserts, and food are also served for the young. The competition around the grills is getting a little rough, so I recommend that young and weak-minded keep a safe distance while cooking and competition are taking place. The appropriate college football games will be broadcast so you don't have to worry about missing a few games. There are a few changes to this year's competition: the competition will be held at the John Mee/Laura Benjamins concentration in Bellaire Mike Paradise (who won the very first rib) has expired from the competition this year Cating<unk> personal reasons<unk> Date and time on Saturday, November 3. We'll light the grills around noon, and the verdict will take place between 3:00 and 3:30. Where 4,807 Elm Street in Bellaire Directors (from John Mee himself) from downtown takes the 59s to the 610s. The first exit is the Biszonet///Done exit. Take this exit and go through the light, and notice the noise in the lamppost from that son of a bitch from last April. In front of the Bisonette Light, there's a big business building. Right before that building is Elm Street. Make a right on 236 meters from 48 Elm Street. Go in there and ask for directions, because I don't have any leads... CHILDREN Bring them! Moonwalk's gonna be set up for them again this year, and we're gonna have hot dogs, burgers, popcorn and drinks for them. The more children the better. What you need to take with you nothing, except maybe a little attitude to hook up with the cooks while they're trying to concentrate. What is the subject of this email?
RIBFESTE -5- (nov. 3.)
RIBFEST -5 (Nov. 3.)
Write an email with the following subject: Agreement
Laurie, Thanks for your call. Attached is a redline version incorporating ENA and Cabot's revisions. Please give me a call after you have had a chance to review same. Regards,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: avtale
Write an e-mail with the following subject: appointment
Takk for at dere ringte. Attasted er en redline-versjon som inkluderer ENA og Cabots revisjoner. Vennligst ring meg etter at du har fått mulighet til å se på det samme. .,
Thanks for calling. Location is a redline version that includes ENA and Cabot revisions. Please call me after you have had the opportunity to look at the same thing. ..,
HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: 05-06-01 12:00 15:00 (UTC) A) Position at noon: N 23 24 W 069 20 B) Dist. From last noon: 438 nm C) Dist. To go to next port: 1476 nm D) ETA next port: LAKE CHARLES 9th 04hrs LT E) 1: Average sea/wind Sea: E 3 Wind: 3 2: Average speed 18.25 kn RPM: 88.38 3: BOG 194.6 m3 5: F.O Consumed 34 m3 6: G.O. Consumed 0 m3 7: Average vapor press Average liq. Temp: Tk1: 0.122 bar -158.17 ?C Generate a subject line for this email.
HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: EL-01 12:00 15:00 (UTC) A) Plassering ved middagstid: N 23 24 W 069 20 B) Dist. Fra siste middag: 438 nm C) Dist. For å gå til neste havn: 1476 nm D) ETA neste havn: LAKE KJARLES 9. 04hrs LT E) 1: Hav/vind Hav: E 3 Vind: 3 2: Gjennomsnittshastighet 18.25 kn RPM: 88.38 3: BOG 194.6 m3 5: F.O Konsumert 34 m3 6: G.O. Forbrukt 0 m3 .7: Pressemiddel for vær og vind. Temp: Tk1: 0,122 bar -158.17 ?C Generer en subjektlinje for denne e-posten.
HOEGH GALLEON, DATE: EL-01 12:00 15:00 (UTC) A) Dinnertime position: N 23 24 W 069 20 B) Dist. From last dinner: 438 nm C) Dist. For the next meeting, we're going to say: Spending 0 m3 .7 pressure medium for the weather. Temp: Tk1: 0.122 bar -158.17 °C Generate a subject line for this e-mail.
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This warning is automatically sent to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is currently 123538 KB. Maximum size for mailbox: When you have a PO Box of 115,000 KB, you will receive this message. To check the size of the mailbox: Right click on the mailbox (lookout today), select its properties and click on the Folder Size button. This method can also be applied to individual folders. To make more space available, you can delete all items that are no longer necessary, such as Sent items and journal entries. You must empty the Delete Trash folder after you have deleted items, or the space will not be set free. To disable day-press, click on the tools ME options. See client help for more information. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
ÅTVARING: Deres postkasse nærmer seg grensen for størrelse
WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the limit of size
Write a subject line for this message: Sorry I have been hard to reach. We are in the midst of the CA Iso case depositions. Enclosed are the invoice numbers. Please call if you want to discuss further. - PNWBudget.doc
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Beklager at jeg har vært vanskelig å komme på. Vi er midt i CA Iso-avsetninger. Dette er fakturanumrene. Vennligst ring hvis du vil snakke videre. - PNNWBdyt.doc
Type a subject field for this message: Sorry I have been difficult to come by. We're in the middle of CA Iso reserves. These are the invoice numbers. Please call me if you want to continue talking. - PNOBdyt.doc
Cooper, Phillip Allen pointed me in your direction to be added to access for the westpower internet site? Let me know if you need additional information. Thanks. Randy x31991 Propose a subject line for this email?
Access to Westpower
Phillip Allen pekte meg i din retning for å få tilgang til nettstedet til den engelske nettsiden? Si fra hvis du trenger mer informasjon. Takk. Randy x31991 Foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Phillip Allen pointed me in your direction to access the website of the English website? Let me know if you need any more information. Thank you. Randy x31991 Suggest a subject line for this e-mail?
Tilgang til den vestlige delen av
Access to the western part of the
Here is an email: <<MF April 20th 2001.pdf>> Good Friday Afternoon - Comments From The Local Guys! One of the reasons that we, the Local Guys are pretty exited about the recent rate cut by the Federal Reserves is that we think it will make a real difference. Over the last few months, there has been considerable talk that while capital spending (especially information technology spending) has been budgeted by corporations for 2001, it has, to a large extent, been 'frozen' as the economic uncertainty had taken a grip of corporate comptrollers. We believe that this latest rate cut (and possible future cuts), could well spur greater corporate confidence (as well as spur greater liquidity from the capital markets) and thus free up already allocated budgets for corporate spending. The 30-year US T-Bond yield is 5.81%. The 10-year yield is 5.30%. The 5-year is trading at 4.81%. Spot crude oil is trading at $28.03 p/b. Natural Gas - Henry Hub - is trading at $5.06 p/mcf. AD Time: The Local Guys! - Who We Are. - The partnership of Jordan Larimore and David Morris manages investments for individual and corporate clients. - We help investors achieve their personal and professional portfolio goals. - We manage individual portfolios.. - We use Outside Money Managers. - We utilize the top Mutual Fund Families. - We help with portfolio re-diversification - taking investors out of highly concentrated equity situations and rediversifying those dollars. - We also work on Corporate Stock Option Plans and 144 Restricted Stock issues. - We welcome hearing from you! Call us toll-free at 1-800-227-4537. Lehman's Research. What is a potential subject line for this email?
The Morning Market Call - Friday April 20th, 2001.
Her er en e-post: <<<MIF den 20. april pdf>> Langfredag<unk> Kommentarer fra De lokale menn! En av grunnene til at vi, de lokale gutta, er ganske oppstemte om de siste rentene som sentralbankene har kuttet, er at vi tror det vil gjøre en stor forskjell. De siste månedene har det vært en betydelig diskusjon om at mens kapitalforbruk (spesielt informasjonsteknologiforbruk) har vært budsjettert av selskaper for 2001, har det i stor grad vært 'fryst' ettersom den økonomiske usikkerheten hadde grepet inn hos innbilsk aktør. Vi mener at denne siste satskuttene (og mulige framtidige kutt), godt kan føre til økt foretakstillit (og også føre til større likviditet fra kapitalmarkedene) og dermed frigjøre allerede tildelte budsjetter for selskapsforbruk. 30-års US T-Bond er 5,81%. 10-årsresultat er 0<unk>0,3<unk>0,0. 5-års omsetning er på 4,1%. Olje på stedet er handel med 28,03 p/b. Naturgass - Henry Hub - er handelssted til 5 kroner .06 p/mcf. Tid: Lokale folk! - Hvem vi er. - Partnerskapet Jordan Larimore og David Morris forvalter investeringer for enkeltindivider og klienter. - Vi hjelper investorene å nå sine personlige og faglige porteføljemål. - Vi bruker \"Stop Move Managers\". - Vi bruker den øverste av Statens overvintlige fond. - Vi hjelper med portefølje-re-transformasjon - å ta investorer ut av svært konsentrerte egenkapitalsituasjoner og å endre de dollarene. - Vi jobber også med aksjemajoritetsforhandlingsplaner og 144 Avgrensede aksjespørsmål. - Vi er velkomne til å høre fra deg! Kall oss inn på avgiftsfri ved 1 9-2274537. Fortidsforskning. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail: <<MIF on April 20th pdf> Good Friday<unk> Comments from the local men! One of the reasons why we, the local guys, are pretty excited about the last interest the central banks have cut is that we think it'll make a big difference. In recent months, there has been a significant discussion that, while capital consumption (especially information technology consumption) has been budgeted by companies for 2001, it has been largely 'frozen' as the economic uncertainty had intervened with conceited actors. We believe that this latest cut-off (and possible future cuts), may well lead to increased corporate distillation (and also lead to greater liquidity from capital markets) and thus free already allocated budgets for corporate consumption. 30-year US T-Bond is 5.81%. 10 year result is 0<unk>0.3<unk>0.0. Five-year turnover is 4.1%. Oil on site is the trade of 28,03 p/b. Natural gas - Henry Hub - is a trading post at $5.06 p/mcf. Time: local people! - Who we are. - The partnership Jordan Larimore and David Morris manage investments for individuals and clients. - We help investors reach their personal and professional portfolio goals. - We use "StopMove Managers". - We'll use the top of the State's winter fund. - We help with portfolio re-transformation - take investors out of highly concentrated equity situations and change those dollars. - We're also working on major share negotiations and 144 restricted stock issues. - We're welcome to hear from you! Call us on a tax-free basis at 1 9-2274537. Past research. What is a possible topic line for this email?
Aftenposten Morgen<unk> Aftenposten Morgen<unk> fredag 20. april 2001.
Evening Post Morning<unk> Evening Post, Friday, April 20, 2001.
We have received the executed Second Amendment to Guaranty Agreement dated as of June 9, 2000. This amendment changed the guaranty of Formosa Plastics Corporation, USA ("Guarantor") with respect to the physical transactions with Formosa Hydrocarbons Company, Inc. and financial transactions with Neumin Production Co. to an unlimited guaranty. The original guaranty amendment will be sent to Credit. Generate a subject line for this email.
Neumin and Formosa
Vi har mottatt den utstedte Andre tilleggsendring til garantiavtalen datert 9. juni 2000. Denne endringen endret garantien for Formosa Plastics Corporation, USA (<unk>Guarantor<unk> med hensyn til fysiske transaksjoner med Formosa Hydrokarbons Company, Inc. og finansielle transaksjoner med Neumin Production Co. med hensyn til fysiske transaksjoner med Formosa Hydrokarbons Company, Inc. og finansielle transaksjoner med Neumin Production Co. med ubegrenset garanti. Den opprinnelige garantiendringen vil bli sendt til Kreditt. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
We have received the issued Second Amendment to the Guarantee Agreement dated 9 June 2000. This change changed the guarantee of Formosa Plastics Corporation, United States (<unk>Guarantor<unk> in respect of physical transactions with Formosa Hydrocarbons Company, Inc. and financial transactions with Neumin Production Co. in respect of physical transactions with Formosa Hydrocarbons Company, Inc. and financial transactions with Neumin Production Co. with unlimited guarantee. The original guarantee change will be sent to Credit. Create a subject line for this email.
Nærings- og utformingssov
Food and Design Soap
This is the content of an email: Hi Sarah - The Enron attendees for tomorrow's meeting are: Ken Lay, Marty Sunde and Bob Williams. Their resumes are attached. Sarah, will you please e-mail me exactly where they should come once they get through traffic. Thanks. What was the subject line for this email?
Ken Lay visit with Chancelor Reed at 11:00 a.m. on 5/17/01
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Hi Sarah<unk> Enron-deltakerne til morgendagens møte er: Ken Lay, Marty Sunde og Bob Williams. Det er lagt ved CV-er. Sarah, kan du sende meg en e-post hvor de bør komme når de kommer gjennom trafikken? Takk. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email, Hi Sarah<unk> The Enron participants for tomorrow's meeting are Ken Lay, Marty Sunde and Bob Williams. It's attached résumés. Sarah, can you email me where they should be when they get through traffic? Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Ken får besøk av Chancellor Reed klokka 23.00 på 5/17/01
Ken is being visited by Chancellor Reed at 11:00 p.m. on 5/17/01.
This is an email Barry, I have spoken to my insurance agent. Please take the car in for an estimate and let me know what they say. After that I can work with the insurance company to get them to do the rest of the coordination. Thank you. I am sorry for the inconvenience and for the whole incident. What is the subject of this email?
Car Repair
Dette er en e-post Barry, jeg har snakket med min forsikringsagent. Vennligst ta bilen inn for et anslag og la meg få vite hva de sier. Etter det kan jeg samarbeide med forsikringsselskapet for å få dem til å gjøre resten av samordningen. Takk. Jeg beklager bryet og hele hendelsen. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail Barry, I've been talking to my insurance agent. Please bring the car in for an estimate and let me know what they say. After that, I can cooperate with the insurance company to get them to do the rest of the coordination. Thank you. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and the whole incident. What is the subject of this email?
ikkje ikkje nevnt nevnt ellers ellers
not mentioned elsewhere
Write an email with the following subject: Override letter
Attached is the form of override letter to be executed at the same time as the GE facility agreement. It addresses accounting issues and lender requirements. I should have a final draft of the GE facility agreement later today. Kay
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Overstyr over bokstav
Compose an e-mail subject of the following subjects: Override letter
Vedlagt er den form for overkortebokstav som skal utføres samtidig med GE-anleggsavtalen. Den tar opp emisjonsforetak og långiverkrav. Jeg burde ha et endelig utkast til GE-anleggsavtalen senere i dag. Siste lahar Sitt
Attached is the form of the index letter to be carried out at the same time as the GE facility agreement. It covers issue and lender claims. I should have a final draft for the GE facility agreement later today. Last lahar Sitt
Attached you will find the 2002 Group Plan Meeting Schedule. Please mark your calendars. If you have any questions, please contact me at X58113. Thanks. Generate a subject line for this email.
2002 Group Plan Meeting Schedule
Vedlagt vil du finne gruppeplanen for 2002<unk> du har deltidsplanen for 2002. Vennligst mark dine kalendere. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, vennligst kontakt meg på X58/11. Takk. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Attached you will find the 2002<unk> group plan you have the 2002 part-time plan. Please mark your calendars. If you have any questions, please contact me at X58/11. Thank you. Create a subject line for this email.
2002-gruppens programdelplan
2002 programme plan of the group
We remain in the process of gathering information sought by various governm= ental agencies. Please search your files and collect all records and documents covered by o= r relevant to the following requests: (1)=09All records relating to any investigations/review of the allegations = raised by Sherron Watkins in her August memo to Ken Lay, including but not = limited to: (A) =09=09The review conducted by V&E in relation to which you were intervi= ewed. (B)=09=09Any review conducted by AA. (C) =09Any relevant internal Enron review. (2)=09All records from investment bankers or other financial advisors, oth= er than AA, regarding the structuring, financing or accounting relating to= Enron's SPEs, subsidiaries, and/or partnerships including but not limited = to LJM1, LJM2, JEDI, CHEWCO, RAPTOR ENTITIES, OSPREY, BLUE DOG, and their s= ubsidiaries. In the context of the above requests, "records" includes, whether in electr= onic or hard copy form, all and any emails or regular mail/memoranda you ma= y have sent or received, notes you may have made, documents (including draf= ts) on shared/hard drives, meeting notes or minutes or actual opinions/advi= ce from any of the above sources. A full definition provided by the govern= ment is attached hereto. If you discover any records/documents, or if you have any questions, please= contact the RAP TEAM at [email protected] or ext. x5-3723. =20 We appreciate that you may have received what appear to be similar requests= in relation to other governmental lines of inquiry but it is very importan= t that we respond, and are seen to respond, to each governmental request as= specifically, fully and promptly as possible. Thank you in advance for your continuing assistance in this matter. Regards, Write a subject line for this email.
TEAM 4 - HR ENERGY & COMMERCE SUBPOENA (1) (01/14/02) AND (2) (12/10/01)
Vi fortsetter i arbeidet med å samle informasjon som søkes av forskjellige curm=entalbyråer. Søk i deres arkiver og samle inn alle journaler og dokumenter som er omfattet av o= r relevant for følgende førespurnader: ()=09All fortegnelse over eventuelle undersøkelser/oversikt over påstander = oppfostret av Sherron Watkins i hennes augustnotat til Ken Lay, herunder men ikke = begrenset til: (A) =09=09 Omtalen foretatt av V&E i forhold til hvilken du ble sendt mellom vi=. (B)=09=09&09AHenry anmeldelse utført av AA. (C) =09AHANH relevant intern anmeldelse av Enron. (2)=09- alt register over investeringsbanker eller andre finansielle rådgivere, dvs. ikke over AA, med hensyn til struktur, finansiering eller regnskapsføring av = Enrons SPEs, datterforetak og/eller ansvarlige selskaper, herunder, men ikke begrenset til LJM1, LJM2, JEDI, CHEWCO, RAPTORSENTITET, OSSREY, BDOG og deres s=-underselskaper. I forbindelse med ovennevnte anmodninger omfatter fortegnelser , enten i elektr= onic eller i kopiform onic eller i kopi av e-post, alle eller eventuelle e-post eller e-post/memoranda du ma= y har sendt eller mottatt, notater du kan ha laget, dokumenter (herunder draf= ts) på harddisker, møtenotater eller minutter eller faktiske uttalelser/advi= ce fra noen av kildene ovenfor. En full definisjon gitt av low= ment er vedlagt hertil. Dersom du oppdager noen dokumenter/journaler, eller hvis du har noen spørsmål, vennligst= kontakt RAP TEAM på [email protected] eller ext. x5 3723. =20 Vi forstår at du kan ha mottatt det som ser ut til å være lignende s= i forhold til andre statlige spørsmål men det er veldig importan= t at vi svarer, og ses å svare, på hver regjeringsanmodning som= spesifikt, fullstendig og raskt så mulig. Takk på forhånd for at dere fortsetter å hjelpe til med dette. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
We continue to gather information sought by various curm=ental agencies. Search in their archives and collect all records and documents covered by o=r relevant for the following requests:()=09All records of any claims/surrenders = raised by Sherron Watkins in her August note to Ken Lay, including but not = limited to: (A) =09=09 The review by V=E relative to which you were sent between we=. (B)=09=09-09AHenry review by AA. (C) =09AH relevant internal review of Enron. (2)=09-all records of investment banks or other financial advisers, i.e. not over AA, in terms of structure, financing or accounting for = Enrons SPEs, subsidiaries and/or partnerships, including, but not limited to LJM1, LJM2, JEDI, CHEWCO, RAPTORSENTITET, OSSREY, BDOG and their s=under companies. In the case of the above requests, records include either in electr=onic or in copy form onic or in copy of e-mail, all or any e-mail/memoranda you may have sent or received, notes you may have made, documents (including Drif= ts) on hard disks, meeting notes or minutes or actual statements/advi=ce from any of the above sources. A full definition given by low= supposed is attached hereto. If you discover any documents/journals, or if you have any questions, please contact RAP TEAM for reply [email protected] or ext. x5 3723. We understand that you may have received what appears to be similar s=to other government issues but it is very importan=t that we answer, and see to respond, to each government request as= specific, complete and as quickly as possible. Thank you in advance for continuing to help with this. Type a subject line for this email.
TEAM 4 - HR ENERGY & COMMERCE SUBPOENA (1) (01/14/02T OG (22 (12/10/0)
TEAM 4 - HR ENERGY & COMMERCE SUBPOENA (1) (01/14/02T AND (22 (12/10/0)
Tuesday's Contents: 1.08.02 Daily News Update and Stock Performance As stated in our November 16 issue of The Prometheus File, Reed Wasden Research will be sending our daily publication and morning notes for a 45-day trial period. Included is our daily update and notes on companies that RWR follows. For those who do not wish to receive the daily updates, please reply with WEEKLY ONLY as the subject. Please allow at least one day for your request to be processed. Best regards, Propose a subject line for this email?
Reed Wasden Research - Daily Update 1/08/02
Tysdagsinnhold: 1.08.02 Daglig Nyheter Oppdatering og resultatoversikt som oppgitt i vår 16. november-utgave av The Prometheus File, Reed Wasden Research vil sende vår daglige utgivelse og morgennoter i en 45-dagers prøveperiode. Inkludert er vår daglige oppdatering og notater om selskaper som RWR følger. For de som ikke ønsker å motta de daglige oppdateringene, vennligst svar med UKJE BARE som fag. Vennligst la anmodningen din behandles minst én dag. Best message, Foreslå en subjektlinje for denne e-posten?
Tuesday's content: 1.08.02 Daily News Update and Review as provided in our 16 November edition of The Prometheus File, Reed Wasden Research will send our daily release and morning notes during a 45-day trial period. Including our daily update and notes on companies that RWR follows. For those who do not want to receive the daily updates, please respond with UPJE ONLY as a subject. Please allow your request to be addressed at least one day. Best message, propose a subject line for this e-mail?
Reed Wasden Research<unk> Daglig Oppdater 1.08.02
Reed Wasden Research<unk> Daily Update 1.08.02
BL, Have you experienced any blackouts yet? I think you'll see a lot this summer. What does everyone think about the situation? Do they think it's a threat or not? I think the state is in for a horrific summer - I hope it doesn't turn out that way, but it'll be incredibly difficult to avoid. Hope everything's going well with work and with the family. When's the next time you'll be in Dallas? Let me know. KR Propose a subject line for this email?
Portable Generator
BL, har du opplevd noen strømbrudd ennå? Jeg tror du vil se mye denne sommeren. Hva synes alle om situasjonen? Tror de det er en trussel eller ikke? Jeg tror staten er i en forferdelig sommer - håper det ikke blir slik, men det blir vanskelig å unngå. Håper alt går bra med jobben og familien. Når er neste gang du er i Dallas? La meg få vite. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
BL, have you had any power outages yet? I think you'll see a lot this summer. How does everyone feel about the situation? Do they think it's a threat or not? I think the state is in a terrible summer - hoping it won't be like this, but it'll be hard to avoid. I hope everything goes well with the job and the family. When's the next time you're in Dallas? Let me know. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Portsonsonsonson som kan kunne komme til å kunne foreta som kan kunne kunne kunne ta seg av:
Portsonsonson that might be able to do that could take care of:
Attached is PIRA's extended Daily Demand Report. Please contact Morris Greenberg and Victoria Watkins for more information regarding these reports at [mailto:[email protected]] and [mailto:[email protected]], respectively. For distribution requests, contact John Graziano at [mailto:[email protected]]. We can all be reached at (212) 686-6808. - ed041801.pdf - ed041801.xls Write a subject line for this email.
PIRA's Daily Demand Forecast 04/18/01
Vedlagt er PIRAs Sentende Daglig Etterspørsmelding. Vennligst kontakt Morris Greenberg og Victoria Watkins for mer informasjon om disse rapportene på henholdsvis [mailto:[email protected]] og [mailto:[email protected]]. Ta kontakt med John Graziano på [mailto:[email protected]] for å få utleveringssøknader. Vi kan alle nås ved (212) 686-68. - ev1801.pdf - ed041801.xls Skriv en subjektslinje for denne e-posten.
Attached is PlRA's Late Daily Request Report. Please contact Morris Greenberg and Victoria Watkins for more information about these reports in [mailto:[email protected]] and [mailto:[email protected]] respectively. Contact John Graziano at [mailto:[email protected]] for extradition requests. We can all be reached at (212) 686-68. - ev1801.pdf - ed041801.xls Write a subject line for this e-mail.
PIRAS DAG TALS Daglig etterspørsel 04/18/01
PIRA Day TALS Daily Demand 04/18/01
Write an email with the following subject: Houston 2012 Olympic Committee
Mr. Lay, Per my conversation with Rosie, I wanted to inform you of a couple of items regarding the Houston 2012 Olympic Committee. Yesterday, I received a call from Susan Bandy (Executive Director, Houston 2012) advising me that she and George DeMontrond came to meet with you regarding your potential involvement and role in the Houston Olympic bid effort. I wanted to make you aware that Mark Frevert and I are on the Board of the Houston 2012 Olympic Committee. When I joined Enron in 1999, I was asked by Joe Sutton to replace him on the Advisory Board Committee. We've been involved with the organization since then, and this past June, Mark Frevert became a member of the Board of Directors. I would like to offer my services to you at any level possible with this initiative, from coordination/development of activities to attending meetings or researching opportunities. If you need any additional details concerning our involvement with Houston 2012, I would be more than happy to do a full briefing. This is just one of many initiatives we are working on. We continuously keep members of the executive committee and office of the chairman through M. Frevert, engaged in our efforts. If we can be of assistance to you on this matter or any other related to sports, sponsorships and event marketing items, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: i den olympiske komité i 2012
Write an e-mail on the following subject: in the 2012 Olympic Committee
Mr. Lay, Per min samtale med Rosie, Jeg ville informere deg om et par ting angående OL-komiteen i Houston 2012. I går fikk jeg en telefon fra Susan Bandy (direktør i Houston 2012) som sa at hun og George DeMontrond kom for å møte deg angående ditt potensielle engasjement og din rolle i OL i Houston. Jeg ville gjøre Dem oppmerksom på at Mark Frevert og jeg er i styret til den olympiske komité i Houston 2012. Da jeg ble medlem av Enron i 1999, ble jeg bedt av Joe Sutton om å erstatte ham i den rådgivende komité. Vi har vært engasjert i organisasjonen siden den gang, og i forløp av juni ble Mark Frevert medlem av styret. Jeg vil tilby dere mine tjenester på et hvilket som helst nivå som er mulig med dette initiativet, fra samordning/utvikling av virksomhet til møter eller forskningsmuligheter. Hvis du trenger ytterligere opplysninger om vårt engasjement i Houston 2012, vil jeg gjerne gjøre en fullstendig orientering. Dette er bare ett av mange tiltak vi jobber med. Vi har stadig medlemmer av styret og formannsvervet gjennom M. Frevert, engasjert i vår innsats. Hvis vi kan hjelpe dere på dette området eller noe annet relatert til sport, sponsorer og e-post, vær så snill, ikke nøl med å ringe. Takk.
Mr. Lay, Per my conversation with Rosie, I wanted to let you know a few things about the Houston 2012 Olympic Committee. Yesterday, I received a call from Susan Bandy, director of Houston 2012, who said that she and George DeMontrond came to meet you about your potential involvement and role in the Houston Olympics. I wanted you to know that Mark Frevert and I are on the board of the Olympic Committee of Houston 2012. When I joined Enron in 1999, Joe Sutton asked me to replace him in the advisory committee. We've been involved in the organization since then, and in the past of June, Mark Frevert became a member of the board. I will offer you my services at any level possible with this initiative, from coordination/development of activities to meetings or research opportunities. If you need further information on our involvement in Houston 2012, I'd like to make a full briefing. This is just one of many measures we're working on. We still have members of the board and the chairmanship through M. Frevert, engaged in our efforts. If we can help you in this area or anything related to sports, sponsors and e-mails, please don't hesitate to call. Thank you.
Woody Hunt, Chairman of our Higher Education Task Force, has asked that I arrange for a meeting of the committee in February. The dates listed below are being considered. Please let Tonda or me know if you are available, and your date preference, as soon as possible. Wednesday, February Thursday, February 7 Tuesday, February 12 Wednesday, February 20 This is an important meeting as our Pre-K through 16 Symposium is slotted for a mid-April (date to be determined). Thanks for your interest and participation. Propose a subject line for this email?
Governor's Business Council - Higher Education Task Force
Hunt, som er formann i vår arbeidsgruppe for høyere utdanning, har bedt meg om å ordne et møte i komiteen i februar. Årstallene nedenfor regnes med. Vennligst si fra til Tonda eller meg om du er tilgjengelig, og din dato- preferanse, så snart som mulig. Onsdag 14. februar Torsdag 7. februar 7. februar 7. februar 12. februar onsdag 20. februar Dette er et viktig møte ettersom vårt før-K gjennom 16-symposium er plassert i en midt-april (dato bestemmes). Takk for deres interesse og deltagelse. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Hunt, chairman of our higher education task force, has asked me to arrange for a meeting of the committee in February. The dates below are included. Please let Tonda or me know if you're available and your date preference, as soon as possible. Wednesday, February 14, Thursday, February 7, February 7, February 12, February Wednesday, February 20, February 20, this is an important meeting as our pre-K through 16-symposium is located in a mid-April (date to be determined). Thank you for your interest and participation. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Guvernørråd<unk> innsatsgruppe i utdanning
Governor's Council<unk> Educational Taskgroup
What is the subject line for this email? Dear Vince, I have attached the invoice for the workshop that Beth O'Sullivan and I conducted for your group last month as well as a summary of the workshop evaluation. I am sorry for the delay, but we were waiting to receive more of the workshop evaluations so that we could provide you a more complete assessment of the workshop by the attendees. As it is, we only collected 11 responses of the 17 attendees. I will also send you a copy of this invoice in the mail and will be glad to send you the actual evaluation forms completed by the attendees if you would like to have them. As mentioned in the attached, we enjoyed working with your group and hope that you can see the difference the training made in the presentation ability of the attendees.
Workshop Invoice
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Kjære Vince, jeg har lagt ved fakturaen for verkstedet som Beth O'Sullivan og jeg ledet for din gruppe i forrige måned, samt et sammendrag av workshopevalueringen. Jeg beklager forsinkelsen, men vi ventet på å få flere av verkstedvurderingene slik at vi kunne gi dere en mer fullstendig vurdering av verkstedet av deltakerne. Som det er, samlet vi bare inn 11 svar av de 17 deltakerne. Jeg vil også sende deg en kopi av denne fakturaen i posten og vil med glede sende deg de aktuelle evalueringsskjemaene som deltakerne har fullført dersom du vil ha dem. Som nevnt i det som står i artikkelen, likte vi å samarbeide med din gruppe, og vi håpet at dere kan se hvor stor betydning opplæringen i presentasjonsevnen til de tilstedeværende har.
What is the subject line for this email? Dear Vince, I have attached the invoice for the workshop as Beth O'Sullivan and I led your group last month, as well as a summary of the workshop evaluation. I apologize for the delay, but we were waiting to get more of the workshop assessments so that we could give you a more complete assessment of the workshop by the participants. As it is, we just collected 11 answers out of the 17 participants. I will also send you a copy of this invoice in the mail and will be happy to send you the relevant evaluation forms that the participants have completed if you want them. As mentioned in the article, we enjoyed working with your group, and we hoped that you could see the importance of training in the presentation of those present.
Write an email with the subject line "Cristina".
Thanks again for your help, advice and Cristina's phone #. We'll see where it goes from here. But I'm shocked. I called Cristina, and NO answering machine. I didn't think that happened anymore. Any way of leaving her a message? Thanks again.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Cricina <unk>
Type a mail using the subject line <unk>Cricina <unk>
Takk for hjelp, råd og Cristinas telefon nr. Vi får se hvor det går herfra. Men jeg er sjokkert. Jeg ringte Cristina, og telefonsvarer. Jeg trodde ikke at det skjedde lenger. Kan du legge igjen en beskjed? Takk skal du ha.
Thank you for your help, advice, and Cristina's phone number. We'll see where it goes from here. But I'm shocked. I called Cristina, and the answering machine. I didn't think it happened anymore. Can you leave a message? Thank you.
Keith, The article I mentioned. Vince *********************************************** rashed By Tax Selling But are there bargains among the discards? By Michael Santoli Here it is more than six months since even the most intransigent last-minute filers wrote checks to the IRS to render to the government its due for their financial good fortune in 1999. By rights, this should be a season relatively free of concerns about taxes, notwithstanding the presidential candidates' parrying over whose tax-cut math features more fuzz. And yet, for anyone with a dollar in the stock market (which in recent weeks has likely been reduced to loose change), the looming demands of this year's levies on capital gains have helped to make this month yet another taxing October for investors. The jump-and-stumble course the major stock indexes have taken this year is being blamed for a particularly intense effort among mutual-fund managers and other big investors to sell their losers. The steep ramp-up in stocks that persisted from the fall of 1999 through the first quarter of this year Generate a subject line for this email.
Keith, den artikkelen jeg nevnte. Avsløring Av Michael Santoli Here er det mer enn seks måneder siden selv de mest intranstransirente filistere i siste øyeblikk skrev sjekk til skattemyndighetene for å gjengi regjeringen sin skyld for deres økonomiske lykke i 1999. Dette bør være en sesong uten bekymringer for skatt, selv om kandidatene stiller opp i hvem som er mest i tvil om skattekutt i matte. Og likevel, for alle med en dollar i aksjekursen (som i de siste ukene sannsynligvis er redusert til småpenger), har de foreliggende kravene i årets avgifter på kapitalgevinster bidratt til å gjøre denne måneden til enda et skatte oktober for investorer. Hopp-og-stumbløyteløpet de store aksjeindeksene har tatt i år, blir bebreidet for en særdeles stor innsats blant gjensidige finansledere og andre storinvestorer for å selge sine tapere. Den bratte oppstigningen i lagre som vedvarte fra høsten 1999 til og med første kvartal av dette året Genererer en subjektlinje for denne e-posten.
Keith, the article I mentioned. Reveal By Michael Santoli Here, it was more than six months ago even the most intransiated Philistines at the last minute wrote checks to the IRS to render their government's guilt for their economic happiness in 1999. This should be a season of no worry about taxes, even though candidates will be there for who is most in doubt about tax cuts in math. And yet, for all with a dollar in the share price (probably reduced in the last few weeks to small change), the current demands of this year’s fees on capital gains have contributed to making this month another tax on October for investors. The jump-and-stum barrel of the large stock indices has taken this year is blamed for a particularly high stake among mutual financial managers and other major investors to sell their losers. The steep rise in stocks that remained from autumn 1999 until the first quarter of this year is generating a subject line for this e-mail.
This is the content of an email: Kim - great catching up with you today. As promised, I have attached my resume'. Robin and I are very interested in relocating to the Denver area. My experience over the last few years has been in creating Mid Market origination channels for retail commercial and industrial customers. Thanks for forwarding my resume' on to your contacts in the western US area. Regards, What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Kim - storartet gjenkjenning av deg i dag. Som lovet har jeg lagt ved min CV. Robin og jeg er veldig interessert i å flytte til det aktuelle området. Min erfaring de siste årene har vært med å skape bransjekanaler for handel og industrikunder. Takk for at du videresendte min CV til kontaktene dine i det vestlige USA. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Kim, excellent recognition of you today. As promised, I have attached my CV. Robin and I are very interested in moving to the area in question. My experience in recent years has helped create industry channels for trade and industrial customers. Thank you for forwarding my CV to your contacts in the western United States. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Heres' the file. Again, we used it, in the end, to justify having the utilities go out, now, and fill 10-15% of their net short position with 5 and 10 years deals. The group agreed, though there's still discussions about the percentage (higher?) and the mix (5 and 10 year deals? ; 3, 5, 10 year deals?) --you get the picture. Generate a subject line for this email.
Her er filen. Vi brukte det til slutt for å rettferdiggjøre at det ble slutt på forsyningene, og fylle 10-15% av deres korte nettoposisjon med 5 og 10 års dealer. Gruppen ble enige, selv om det fortsatt er diskusjoner om prosenten (høyere?) og mikse (5 og 10 år lange deler? 3, 5, 10 års ting?) - Du skjønner tegningen. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Here's the file. We finally used it to justify the end of supplies and fill 10-15 percent of their net short positions with 5 and 10 years' deals. The group agreed, although there are still debates about the percentage (higher?) and mix up the parts 5 and 10 years long? 3, 5, 10 years?) - You get the picture. Create a subject line for this email.
Port sounds
Write an email with the following subject: Utility authority to engage in derivative transactions
Barry, et al: FYI. Some initial info I got from our outside council regarding utility authority to engage in financial risk management tools. More info to follow as we get it. If you have quesitons, comments, or suggestions for additional research needed, just holler. Please forward to others who might need it. Best,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Tjenestemannsmyndighet til å delta i finansielle transaksjoner
Write an e-mail with the following subjects: Official authority to participate in financial transactions
MYI, et al: FYI. En første info jeg fikk fra vårt utenforråd om fullmakt til å drive med økonomistyringsverktøy. Mer info følger så snart vi får den. Hvis du har quesitoner, kommentarer eller forslag til ekstra forskning du trenger, så bare rop. Vær så snill og fremskrid andre som kanskje trenger det. For det meste; i det enkelte, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i
MYI, an al: FYI. It's a first piece of information I got from our outside council on the power of financial management tools. More information follows as soon as we get it. If you have quesitons, comments, or suggestions for extra research you need, just shout. Please advance others who may need it. For the most part, in the individual, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it
Write an email with the subject line "New Legal Team to Assist RAC".
In order to bring better legal coordination and standardization to Enron's Risk Assessment and Control (RAC) group, we have formed a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Financial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Essandoh (Retail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail) and Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). This group will focus on, among other things, managing Enron's exposures with bankrupt counterparties, working out credit solutions with distressed counterparties and standardizing our overall credit practices. The initial members in this group have been drawn from Enron's numerous legal groups in order to gain a broader perspective. Each of these members will provide support to this new group in addition to their current responsibilities. Within RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on distressed counterparties, in conjunction with Bill Bradford, who continues to manage the Credit Risk Management group. Please join us in supporting the efforts of this new group.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk> Ny RAC til Assist RAC <unk>
Type a mail using the subject line <unk> New RAC to Assist RAC <unk>
For å bringe en bedre juridisk samordning og standardisering til gruppen Enron's Riskeval and CRAC (RAC) har vi dannet en ny juridisk gruppe, som i utgangspunktet vil omfatte Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Finacial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Essandoh (Stail), Paul Darmitzel (Restail) og Sager (Power Trading) (Team Handder). Denne gruppen vil blant annet fokusere på å administrere Enrons engasjementer med motparter som går konkurs, arbeide ut kredittløsninger med nødstilte motparter og standardisere vår overordnede kredittpraksis. De innledende medlemmene i denne gruppen er hentet fra Enrons tallrike rettsgrupper for å få et videre perspektiv. Hvert av disse medlemmene vil støtte denne nye gruppen i tillegg til sitt nåværende ansvar. Innenfor RAC vil Michael Tribolet fokusere på nødstilte motparter, i samarbeid med Bill Bradford, som fortsetter å lede gruppen Adit Risk Management. Vær med på å støtte denne nye gruppens innsats.
In order to bring better legal coordination and standardisation to the Enron’s Risk and CRAC group, we have formed a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Final Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Esssandoh (Stail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail), and Sager (Power Trading) (Team Handder). This group will focus, among other things, on managing Enron’s exposures to bankrupt counterparties, on working out credit solutions with disadvantaged counterparties, and on standardising our overall credit practice. The leading members of this group are taken from Enron’s numerous judicial groups to get a broader perspective. Each of these members will support this new group in addition to its present responsibilities. Within the RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on disadvantaged counterparties, in cooperation with Bill Bradford, who continues to lead the Adit Risk Management group. Share in supporting the efforts of this new group.
Write an email with the following subject: rebuttal testimony schedule clarification
The September 26, 2001 order had established December 10, 2001 as the date for "Simultaneous rebuttal testimony on November 6, 2001 evidentiary presentations." On November 6, 2001 several parties had filed responsive testimony on issues relating to other sources of cost recovery, including NOx emissions and startup costs The November 23, 2001 order said these issues will be addressed at the February hearing on issues 2 and 3. This combination left Staff uncertain as to when rebuttal testimony on these issues is to be filed. We called Bryan Clark, Judge Birchman's new law clerk, and asked when we are to file rebuttal testimony. He checked with Judge Birchman, and said we are to file all rebuttal testimony on these issues on February 6, 2002.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: resy tilbakevisende vitnesbyrd
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Resy retractive evidence
Den 26. september 2001-ordenen hadde fastsatt 10. desember 2001 som dato for <unk>Simultan tilbakeviste vitneprov 6. november 2001 <unk> Den 6. november 2001 hadde flere parter sendt inn vitneforklaringer om spørsmål knyttet til andre kilder til kostnadsdekning, blant annet NOx-utslipp og oppstartskostnader Den 23. november 2001-rekkefølgen sa at disse sakene vil bli behandlet på høringen i saker 2 og 3. februar. Denne kombinasjonen gjorde at det er usikkert når det skal inngis tilbakemelding på disse spørsmålene. Vi ringte Bryan Clark, dommer Birchmans nye advokat, og spurte når vi skulle avgi vitneutsagn. Han har sjekket med dommer Birmman, og sa at vi skal sende inn alle vitneforklaringer om disse sakene den 6. februar 2002.
On September 26, 2001, the Order of Witnesses had set 10 December 2001 as the date for <unk>Simultan rejected Witness Prowl 6 November 2001 <unk> On 6 November 2001, several parties had submitted testimony on questions related to other sources of cost recovery, including NOx emissions and start-up costs, on November 23, 2001, the order stated that these issues will be addressed at the hearing in cases 2 and 3 February. This combination made it uncertain when feedback is to be submitted on these issues. We called Bryan Clark, Judge Birchman's new lawyer, and we asked when we were going to testify. He's been checking with Judge Birmman, and he said we should send in all the depositions on these cases on February 6, 2002.
Write a subject line for this message: Suzanne: Please send an e-mail to all of the lawyers and paralegals in the ECT Legal Dept. asking them to reserve the conference dates and asking them to let you know their t-shirt sizes. Once you have everyone's t-shirt sizes, please give the list to Dan. Thanks,
e-mail to conference attendees
Skriv et emne for denne meldingen: Suzanne: Vennligst send en e-post til alle advokatene og advokatene i ECT Legal Dept. å be dem reservere datoene for konferansen og be dem om å si fra om hvor store T-skjortene er. Når du har alles t-skjortestørrelser, vennligst gi listen til Dan. Takk.
Suzanne, please send an e-mail to all the lawyers and lawyers in ECT Legal Dept. Ask them to reserve the dates for the conference and ask them to let you know how big the T-shirts are. When you have everyone's T-shirt sizes, please give the list to Dan. Thank you.
e-post til møte møte ved e-post
mail to meeting at mail
Here is an email: Luanne: Our credit person is fine with revising the MAC language to say taht a MAC would be triggered if either (1) an entity's Credit Support Provider's rating from S&P is below BBB- by S&P or Baa3 by Moody's or (2) if such Credit Support Provider fails to be rated by both S&P and Moody's. Also, in Sections 4.5 and 4.6 of the ISDA Schedule we would like to change the reference to "Goldman Group" to "The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc." I will have Tana Jones draft an amendment and send it to you. Call me if there are any problems with the above. Tana, Please draft an amendment for my review. What is a potential subject line for this email?
MAC Amendment
Her er en e-post: Luanne: Vår kredittperson har det fint om vår person reviderer MAC-språket for å si at taht en MAC vil bli utløst dersom enten (1) en enhets Kredittleverandørs rating fra S&P er under BB- av S&P eller BaA3 av Moody's eller (2) dersom en slik kredittleverandør unnlater å bli rangert av både S&P og Moody's. Også i avsnittene 4.5 og 4,6 av ISDA-planen vil vi endre henvisningen til «Goldman Group» til «The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc<unk> Jeg vil ha Tana Jones til å lage en endring og sende den til deg. Ring meg hvis det er problemer med ovennevnte. Tana, vennligst lag en endring for min omtale. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail: Luanne: our credit person is fine if our person revises the MAC language to say that the taht a MAC will be triggered if either (1) the credit provider's rate from S/3P is under BB by S/3P or BaA3 by Moody's or (2) if such a credit provider fails to rank by both S/3P and Moody's. Also in sections 4.5 and 4.6 of the ISDA plan, we will change the reference to the Goldman Group to the "The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc<unk> I want Tana Jones to make a change and send it to you. Call me if there's a problem with the above. Tana, please make a change for my review. What is a possible topic line for this email?
MAC Change
Write an email with the subject line "Breifing Ken Lay on President Bush's Tax Proposal".
Vince, I was surprised at your comments in today's PRC meeting. It must be my oversight for not sending you a copy of the briefing material that we provided Ken Lay for his trip to the White House. I spoke with Steve Kean after the meeting and he was pleased with our group's contribution. I thought you also had an opportunity to speak with Steve. Maureen
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Breifing Ken Lay på president Bushs skatteforslag <unk>
Write an email with the subject line <unk>Breifing Ken Lay on President Bush's Tax Bill <unk>
Vince, jeg ble overrasket over kommentarene dine i dagens PR-møte. Det må være min tilsynsmyndighet for ikke å ha sendt deg en kopi av briefing materialet vi skaffet Ken Lay for hans reise til Det hvite hus. Jeg snakket med Steve Kean etter møtet, og han var fornøyd med gruppens bidrag. Jeg trodde du også hadde mulighet til å snakke med Steve. ]
Vince, I was surprised by your comments at today's PR meeting. It must be my supervisor for not sending you a copy of the briefing material we provided Ken Lay for his trip to the White House. I talked to Steve Kean after the meeting, and he was happy with the group's contribution. I thought you had a chance to talk to Steve, too. ]
Here is an email: Just an update, to keep everyone current on the progress of this initiative: We (Matt (from Unify), Liz, Dave, and myself) met today and attempted to find ways to directly relate the Passport information (from El Paso) to the corresponding prices etc. in Unify. Unfortunately, we discovered that there is no direct "fool-proof" way to accomplish this. However, we have come up with a couple of things to try: Liz is going to contact El Paso directly, and see if there is any other information they can provide in the Passport file that better uniquely identifies each deal / cut. Hopefully, this will be something that makes relating the data to Unify much easier. Matt is going to take a look at the format / content of the "scheduled quantity" file that comes in currently through the EDI Hub. It's possible that this file contains cut information itself, which would possibly alleviate the need to use the Passport file altogether. I believe that succinctly recaps the results of our meeting today. If I have misrepresented anything, please let me know. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thanks, What is a potential subject line for this email?
Pipeline Cutoffs
Her er en e-post: Bare en oppdatering, for å holde alle aktuelle på framgangen til dette initiativet: Vi (av (av «Forent »), Liz, Dave og meg selv) møttes i dag og forsøkte å finne måter å direkte knytte passinformasjonen (fra «El Paso ») til de tilsvarende prisene osv. i Forent. Dessverre oppdaget vi at det ikke finnes noen direkte, feilsikker måte å gjøre dette på. Vi har imidlertid kommet på et par ting å prøve: Liz skal kontakte El Paso direkte, og se om det er noe annen informasjon de kan gi i passfilen som bedre entydig identifiserer hver deal / cut. Forhåpentligvis vil dette være noe som gjør det mulig å sette dataene i sammenheng med Unigere mye enklere. Matt skal ta en titt på formatet / innholdet i fila « rutet mengde » som kommer inn nå gjennom EDI-minnet. Det er mulig at denne filen inneholder klipp informasjon selv, noe som muligens kan lindre behovet for å bruke Passport-filen til sammen. Jeg tror at det likefram tilbakeskrev resultatene av vårt møte i dag. Hvis jeg har sagt noe galt, så si ifra. Ta kontakt med meg med spørsmål eller spørsmål. Takk, hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here is an e-mail: Just an update, to keep everyone involved in the progress of this initiative: We (of United), Liz, Dave and myself met today and tried to find ways to directly link the passport information (from El Paso) to the corresponding prices, etc. United. Sadly, we discovered that there is no direct, fail - safe way to do this. However, we have thought of a few things to try: Liz is going to contact El Paso directly, and see if there is any other information they can provide in the passport file that better identifies each deal/cut unambiguously. Hopefully, this will be something that makes it possible to put the data in context with the Unigeres much easier. Matt will look at the format/ content of the file's scheduled amount 'which is currently entering through the EDI memory. It is possible that this file contains clip information itself, which may relieve the need to use the Passport file combined. I think it just rewrote the results of our meeting today. If I've said something wrong, let me know. Contact me with questions or questions. Thank you, what is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
avskjæring av rør
pipe cutting
In compliance with the Commission's August 28 order relating to ICAP, ISO-NE filed market rule changes which it states are necessary for implementation of the new Installed Capability product. Specifically, ISE-NE proposes changes to Market Rules 4, 11 and 20. It has requested an effective date of Oct. 1. If you need further information, please let me know. Write a subject line for this email.
ISO New England (EL00-62)
I samsvar med Kommisjonens melding om ICAP av 28. august om endring av ISO-NE-kodede markedsregler for ICAP, som den fastslår er nødvendige for gjennomføringen av det nye produktet for omplassering av kapasitet. Særlig foreslår ISE-Ne endringer i markedstabellene 4, 11 og 20. Den har anmodet om ikrafttredelsesdato 1. okt. 1. Hvis du trenger ytterligere informasjon, vennligst si fra. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
In accordance with the Commission Communication on ICAP of 28 August amending ISO-NE-coded market rules for ICAP, which it finds necessary for the implementation of the new capacity relocation product. In particular, ISE-Ne suggests changes to market tables 4, 11 and 20. It has requested the date of entry into force 1st Oct. 1. If you need any further information, please let me know. Type a subject line for this email.
ISO New England (på norsk:
ISO New England (Norway:
January 24, 2002 Dear John Lavorato, Hunter Shively, Andy Lewis, and Chris Gaskill: I regret to inform you that I will be resigning from the new Enron/UBS Warburg venture and will await further direction in the effort to fulfill my current obligations. It is definitely with a bit of sadness that I have arrived at the conclusion to leave the new Enron/UBS Warburg venture, but I believe that it is in the best interest of my young career. In addition, after signing a UBS offer letter I have realized over the last two days that given my current assignment it would be very difficult for me to continue to be motivated and to produce in the manner that would please both management and myself. Therefore I believe it is in the best interest of both parties that I leave the new Enron/UBS Warburg venture. Although this decision was not an easy one for me to make, I have decided to pursue other opportunities. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have been given here in this organization and for the investments that both you as individuals and the organization as a whole have made in my personal career development. I believe I have worked hard at Enron and I trust that I made significant value adding contributions. It is because of my experience here and the tutelage that all of you have given me that I have my current knowledge and opportunities. I am very grateful for all of my experiences here at Enron/UBS Warburg, and I would like to personally thank all of you guys upon your return from Connecticut. I will also make a concerted effort to maintain contact with all of you. UBS Warburg Energy will certainly be a successful organization and I wish you all the best of luck with the exciting challenge of rebuilding this great business. I await your direction upon receiving my intention to resign, and I offer my services in order to make the process as smooth as possible. Sincerely, Propose a subject line for this email?
Denver Plachy
24. januar 2002 Kjære John Lavorato, Hunter Shively, Andy Lewis og Chris Gaskill: Jeg beklager å måtte meddele at jeg vil trekke meg fra det nye Enron/UBS Warburg-foretaket og vil avvente videre retning i forsøket på å oppfylle mine nåværende forpliktelser. Det er definitivt med litt tristhet at jeg har kommet til konklusjonen om å forlate det nye Enron/UBS Warburg-foretaket, men jeg mener at det er i min unge karrieres beste interesse. Etter at jeg har undertegnet et brev jeg har fått på et UBS - tilbud de siste to dagene jeg har lest at det ville være svært vanskelig for meg å fortsette å være motivert og å produsere på den måten som både ledelsen og jeg selv ville glede meg over. Derfor mener jeg at det er i begge parters beste interesse at jeg forlater det nye Enron/UPS Warburg-foretaket. Selv om det ikke var lett for meg å treffe denne avgjørelsen, har jeg bestemt meg for å satse på andre muligheter. Jeg er svært takknemlig for de mulighetene jeg har fått her i denne organisasjonen, og for de investeringene både dere som enkeltpersoner og organisasjonen som et hele har gjort i min personlige karriere. Jeg tror jeg har jobbet hardt med Enron og jeg stoler på at jeg har gitt betydelige merverdibidrag. Det er på grunn av min erfaring her og den aneIse at dere alle har gitt meg at jeg har min nåværende kunnskap og muligheter. Jeg er svært takknemlig for alle mine opplevelser her i Enron/UMS Warburg, og jeg vil takke dere alle for at dere kom tilbake fra Connecticut. Jeg vil også gjøre en innsats for å opprettholde kontakt med dere alle. U. Warburg Energy vil bli en vellykket organisasjon, og jeg ønsker dere lykke til med den spennende utfordringen med å gjenoppbygge denne store virksomheten. Jeg venter på at du vil gå av, og jeg tilbyr mine tjenester for å gjøre prosessen så smidig som mulig. Vennlig, Foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
On 24 January 2002, my dear John Lavorato, Hunter Shively, Andy Lewis and Chris Gaskill, I regret to inform you that I will resign from the new Enron/UBS Warburg enterprise and will await further direction in the attempt to fulfill my current obligations. It's definitely with some sadness that I've come to the conclusion to leave the new Enron/UBS Warburg firm, but I believe it's in the best interest of my young career. After signing a letter I received on a UBS offer in the last two days I have read that it would be very difficult for me to continue to be motivated and to produce in the way that both management and myself would enjoy. Therefore, I believe it is in the best interests of both parties that I leave the new Enron/UPS Warburg enterprise. Although it was not easy for me to make that decision, I have decided to pursue other options. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been given here in this organization and for the investments both you as individuals and the organization as a whole have made in my personal career. I think I've been working hard with Enron and I trust I've made significant extra-value contributions. It is because of my experience here and the belief that you have all given me my present knowledge and opportunities. I am very grateful for all my experiences here in Enron/UMS Warburg, and I want to thank you all for coming back from Connecticut. I also want to make an effort to maintain contact with all of you. U. Warburg Energy will be a successful organization, and I wish you all the best with the exciting challenge of rebuilding this great operation. I'm waiting for you to resign, and I'm offering my services to make the process as smooth as possible. Friendly, suggest a subject line for this email?
Hunger på grunn av pest
Famines From the Plague
Monday February 4, 9:07 am Eastern Time Press Release SOURCE: Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. Maritimes Files Application for Phase IV Expansion Of Natural Gas Pipeline System BOSTON, Feb. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. has submitted an application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to further expand its natural gas pipeline system. The $250 million expansion project, designated Phase IV, will allow Maritimes to nearly double its capacity to transport natural gas from offshore Nova Scotia to markets in the northeastern United States from approximately 415,000 dekatherms to 800,000 dekatherms per day. Propose a subject line for this email?
Maritimes Files Application for Phase IV
Mandag 4. februar 9.07 am Eastern Time Pressemelding KILDE: Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. Maritimes Files Application for Phase IV Expansion Of Natural Gas Capline System BOSTON, feb. 4 /PRNewswire- firstcall/ -- Maritimes & Northeast Pipline, L.L.C. har inngitt en søknad til Den føderale energireguleringskommisjon om ytterligere utvidelse av dens system for naturgass. Ekspansjonsprosjektet på 250 millioner dollar, utpekt fase IV, vil gjøre det mulig for sjøfolk å nesten doble sin kapasitet til å transportere naturgass fra offshore Nova Scotia til markeder i det nordøstlige USA fra ca. 41 dekater til 800 000 dekater per dag. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Monday, February 4, 9.07, Eastern Time Press Message SOURCE: Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. Maritime Files Application for Phase IV Extension Of Natural Gas Capline System BOSTON, Feb. 4 /PRNewswire First Call/ --Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C. submitted an application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for further expansion of its natural gas system. The $250 million expansion project, designated phase IV, will enable seafarers to almost double their capacity to transport natural gas from offshore Nova Scotia to markets in the north-east United States from approximately 41 decatas to 800,000 decats per day. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Søk etter sjøfartsfiler for fase IV
Search for Maritime files for phase IV
This is an email Elizabeth: Now that the Federal Estate Tax Return has been filed, you should think about making a substantial distribution from the Trust to the individual trust accounts for you and your siblings. Some funds should be held back in case of an audit of the Return. I think $100,000 would be a safe number to keep in the account. I called the Virginia attorney and left a message for him. I hope he has gotten the Estate opened by now. How have you progressed with getting the IRA distributed. Please give me an update. Ellen H. Arthur Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, PA 901 Dulaney Valley Road, Suite 400 Towson, MD 21204 (410)769-6146 NOTICE: The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is intended by Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A. for the use of the named individual or entity to which it is directed and may contain information that is privileged or otherwise confidential. It is not intended for transmission to, or receipt by, anyone other than the named addressee (or a person authorized to deliver it to the named addressee). It should not be copied or forwarded to any unauthorized persons. If you have received this electronic mail transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or forwarding it, and notify the sender of the error by reply email or by calling Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A. at (410) 938-8800 or 1-800-276-0806 so that our address record can be corrected. What is the subject of this email?
Estate of Joan Sager
Dette er en e-post Elizabeth: Nå som det er innlevert en skattemelding i den føderale delstaten, bør du vurdere å foreta en fordeling fra Tillit til de enkeltes kontoer for deg og dine søsken. Det bør avholdes enkelte fond ved revisjon av avslaget. Jeg tror at det ville være et trygt tall å beholde på kontoen. Jeg ringte statsadvokaten i Virginia og la igjen en beskjed til ham. Jeg håper han har åpnet Estate. Hvordan har du klart å få distribuert IRA. Vennligst gi meg en oppdatering. Ellen H. Arthur Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, PA 901 Dulaney Valley Road, Suite 400 Towson, MD 21204 (4100769-6146 MIKK: Informasjonen i denne overføringen av e-post er ment av Hodes, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A. til bruk for den navngitte personen eller enheten som vedkommende er rettet til, og kan inneholde opplysninger som er fortrolige eller har fått ansvar for dette, Den er ikke beregnet på overføring til eller mottak av andre enn den navngitte adressaten (eller en person som har fullmakt til å levere den til den navngitte adressaten). Den skal ikke kopieres eller videresendes til uvedkommende personer. Dersom du har mottatt denne feiloverføringen av e-post, vennligst slett den fra ditt system uten å kopiere eller videresende den, og varsle avsenderen av feilen ved å sende inn e-post eller ved å ringe etter meldinger, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A. ved (410) 938-8800 eller 1 x00-276-0806 slik at vår adresserekord kan rettes. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail to Elizabeth, now that a federal tax report has been filed, you should consider making a distribution from trust to individual accounts for you and your siblings. Individual funds should be held for the purpose of auditing the refusal. I think it would be a safe number to keep in the account. I called the D.A. in Virginia and left him a message. I hope he's opened Estate. How have you managed to distribute the IRA? Please give me an update. Ellen H. Arthur Heads, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, PA 901 Dunney Valley Road, Suite 400 Towson, MD 21244 (4100769-6146 MIC): The information in this e-mail transfer is intended by Heads, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A. for the use of the named person or entity to which he is addressed and may contain information which is confidential or is responsible; It is not intended for the transfer to or reception of anyone other than the named addressee (or a person authorised to deliver it to the named addressee). It should not be copied or forwarded to unauthorised persons. If you have received this e-mail error transfer, please delete it from your system without copying or forwarding it, and alert the sender of the error by sending mail or by calling for messages, Ulman, Pessin & Katz, P.A. at (410) 938-8800 or 1 x00-276-0806 so our record can be corrected. What is the subject of this email?
Estate i Joan - Sager
Estate, Joan - Sager
Gerald: I am still awaiting your review of the proposed changes to the Purchase and Sale Agreement sent to you earlier. Please contact me so that I may prepare the final document. Keith Write a subject line for this email.
Sale of Napoleonville Property Our file ENR-02
Gerald: Jeg venter fortsatt på en redegjørelse for de foreslåtte endringene i kjøps- og salgsavtalen som ble sendt til deg tidligere. Vennligst kontakt meg slik at jeg kan utarbeide det endelige dokumentet. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Gerald: I am still waiting for a statement of the proposed changes to the purchase and sale agreement that were sent to you earlier. Please contact me so that I can prepare the final document. Type a subject line for this email.
Salg av Napoleonville Eiendom Our file E Rule
Sale of Napoleonville Realty Our file E Ryle
Attached is a revised version of the consent to assignment. This version is specific to the ESA deal, but I'm told that the TurboPark version can be expected to be close to the same. Kent, I'm awaiting final Enron input on the facility agreement as well, and I will let you know as soon as I get it. Thanks, Propose a subject line for this email?
Revised consent to assignment
Vedlagt er en revidert versjon av samtykket til tildeling. Denne versjonen er spesifikk for ESA-avtalen, men jeg får vite at TurboPark-versjonen kan forventes å være nær den samme. Kent, jeg venter på endelig Enron input på anleggsavtalen også, og jeg skal si fra så snart jeg får den. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Attached is a revised version of the consent for allocation. This version is specific to the ESA agreement, but I'm told that the TurboPark version can be expected to be close to the same. Kent, I'm waiting for Enron input on the construction agreement, too, and I'll let you know as soon as I get it. Would you like to propose a subject line for this e-mail?
Avgangsavsender til avsender av yrke
Type-of-life consignor to the consignor by profession
This is an email Chris, did we get the DASH completed and approved on Pasotria and LV Cogen? Rob, I have not heard what the plan of action is with Moore? Rob, what would be the necessary steps needed to book all or some of the Bruce deal in Q3? Regards What is the subject of this email?
Generation Strategy
Dette er en e-post Chris, har vi fått DASH ferdigstilt og godkjent på Pasotria og LV Cogen? Jeg har ikke hørt hva planen er for Moore? Rob, hva er de nødvendige skrittene for å booke alle eller noen av Bruce-avtalene i Q3? Hva er emnet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail from Chris. Did we get DASH completed and approved at Pasotria and LV Cogen? I haven't heard what the plan is for Moore? Rob, what are the necessary steps to book all or any of the Bruce deals in Q3? What is the subject of this e-mail?
Sen Sendu, og ikke minst
Sen Sendu, and not least.
Write an email with the following subject: Telephone conference
Brent, Andrea and I were hoping you might be available for a 30-minute call on Tuesday after 5pm (BA time) or 2pm (Houston time) on Tuesday, Feb. 29. The BA office had a meeting last Friday afternoon and has apparently set some rather lofty goals, such as online trading for Q3, etc. Please let me or Brent know if you are available and/or alternative times. Tomorrow we meet with the American Chamber of Commerce, Wed. with Marval and the ADA and the Securities Commission, and Thursday with tax consultants. Also, I need to talk with you about Brazil when I return. Sami has been diligent about forwarding deal flow information and there are a ton of references to PPA's and SWAPS. We are still trying to get our arms around all the business units in Brazil to track their activity. Have you heard from Yao? This international position may be right up his alley. Sara
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Konferanse
Write an email with the following subject: Conference
Brent, Andrea og jeg håpet du ville være tilgjengelig for en 30 minutters samtale tirsdag etter kl. 5 (BA-tid) eller kl. 2 (Houston-tid) tirsdag, feb. 29. BA-kontoret hadde møte siste fredag ettermiddag og har tilsynelatende satt seg noen ganske så opphøyde mål, som netthandel for Q3, osv. Vennligst la meg eller Brent vite om du er tilgjengelig og/eller alternativ gang. I morgen skal vi møte handelskammeret, Wedd med Marval, ADA og Verdipapirtilsynet og Torsdag med skatte- og avgiftskonsulenter. Og jeg må snakke med deg om Brasil når jeg kommer tilbake. Samisk har vært flittig med å videresende informasjon om handel med flyt og det er et tonn med referanser til PPA's og SWAPS. Vi prøver fortsatt å få alle forretningsenheter i Brasil til å spore deres virksomhet. Har du hørt fra Yao? Denne internasjonale posisjonen kan være rett opp i hans smug. _Tilpass
Brent, Andrea and I were hoping you'd be available for a 30-minute call Tuesday after 5:00 or 2:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 29. The BA office had a meeting last Friday afternoon and has apparently set some rather elevated targets, such as the online transaction for Q3, etc. Please let me or Brent know if you're available and/or alternative times. Tomorrow we'll meet the Chamber of Commerce, Wedd with Marval, ADA, and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Thursday with tax and tax consultants. And I need to talk to you about Brazil when I get back. Samisk has been diligent in forwarding information about trade in flow and there is a ton of references to PPA's and SWAPS. We're still trying to get every business unit in Brazil to track their business. Have you heard from Yao? This international position could be right up his alley. _Customize
Write an email with the subject line "Review of Enron ISDA Schedule".
I will be in Enron's BA office from September 14 - September 17 (Tuesday - Friday). I would like to schedule some time to review the ISDA Schedule previously sent to you for comment. Other than the morning and early afternoon of Sept. 15 (Wed.), I am free to schedule an appointment with you. If you have comments to the Schedule, please send them to me in Houston. I will be in the Houston office until Monday afternoon. Also, does the Marval firm have an English speaking tax lawyer who could assist Enron Houston tax on Argentine trading issues? Please let me know as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards. Sara
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> Anmeld Enron ISDA Schedule<unk>
Writes a mail using the subject line<unk> Amongst Enron ISDA Schedule<unk>
Jeg vil være i Enons BA-kontor fra 14. september - 17. september (Truesday - fredag). Jeg vil gjerne sette av tid til å gå gjennom den tidligere utleveringsplanen for ISDA som er sendt til deg for kommentar. Jeg har frihet til å avtale en avtale med dere. Hvis du har kommentarer til planen, vennligst send dem til meg i Houston. Jeg vil være i Houston kontoret til mandag ettermiddag. Har Marval-firmaet en advokat som kan hjelpe Entron Houston med å ta skatt i handelssaker? Vennligst si ifra så snart som mulig. Jeg ser frem til å høre fra deg. - Ja, det er det. _Tilpass
I want to be in Enons BA office on September 14th - September 17th (Truesday - Friday). I'd like to set aside time to review the previous ISDA extradition plan sent to you for comment. I'm free to make a deal with you. If you have any comments on the plan, please send them to me in Houston. I'll be in the Houston office by Monday afternoon. Does the Marval company have a lawyer who can help Entron Houston collect taxes on trade? Please let me know as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. - Yes, it is. _Customize
Write a subject line for this message: As a reminder, the mandatory Annual Compliance Meeting was rescheduled to Thursday, November 8, 2001 from 8:30 - 10:00 am at the Doubletree Hotel, LaSalle Room B. The agenda is as follows: Robert George Board Seats Richard Lauer ECT Securities LP Cassandra Schultz Risk Management Policy Bob Bruce Chinese Wall Policy Chip Schneider Transaction Approval Process Rick Carson RAC Reporting Tools Please confirm your attendance at this year's meeting either by responding to this email message or contacting Donna Wackerle at ext. 39755. If you have already RSVP'd, thank you and we will see you Thursday. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at ext. 31939. I look forward to seeing you this year. PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO ENSURE IT IS SCHEDULED ON YOUR CALENDAR.
Annual Compliance Meeting
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Som en påminnelse ble det obligatoriske årsmøtet sendt om til torsdag 8. november 2001 fra 8.30<unk> 10.00 på Doubletree Hotel, LaSalle Room B. Dagen er som følger: Robert George Board Setets Richard Lauer ECT Securities LP Cassandra Schultz risikohåndtering Bob Bruce Chip Schneider Transaksjonsprosess Robert George Board Sets Richard Lauer ECT Securities LP Cassandra Schultz risikohåndteringspolitikk Bob Bruce Chip Schneider Chip Polise Chip Polise Schneider Transaction Prosess Rick Carson RAC Reporting Tools Vennligst bekreft at du er til stede på dette årets møte enten ved å svare på denne e-postmeldingen eller kontakte Donna Wackerle på stedet. 3 VM i seiling. Hvis du allerede har bes ber om hjelp, så takk, så ses vi på torsdag. Dersom du har noen spørsmål, kontakt meg direkte på stedet. 319. Jeg gleder meg til å se deg i år. TREDJE BESTEMT MED DIN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTIV OPPLYSNINGER MED HENSYN TIL ENSYN DET ER SHEDULERT I DIN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I HENHOLD TIL VERDEN I DIN KALENDER.
Write a topic for this message: As a reminder, the mandatory annual meeting was sent to Thursday, November 8, 2001, from 8:30<unk> 10:00 at the Doubletree Hotel, LaSalle Room B. The day is as follows: Robert George Board Seats Richard Lauer ECT Securities LP Cassandra Schultz risk management Bob Bruce Chip Schneider Trading Process Robert George Board Sets Richard Lauer ECT Securities LP Cassandra Schultz Risk Management Policy Bob Bruce Chip Schneider Chip Policy Transaction Rick Carson RAC Reporting Tools Please confirm that you are present at this meeting of the year either by responding to this e-mail or contact Donna Wackerle on site. 3 The Worlds in Sailing. If you've already asked for help, please, and I'll see you on Thursday. If you have any questions, please contact me directly on site. 319. I can't wait to see you this year. THIRD FEDERATION WITH YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTIVE INFORMATION WITH REGARD TO THE VIEW OF YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT IN THE WORLD IN YOUR CALENDAR.
Annual reports
Write an email with the subject line "Additional $4.9 capital spending for NNG in 2001".
Rod wanted me to point out to you that NNG IT would be spending an additional $4.9 of capital in 2001 with approximately $4.2 spent in Nov. This is reflected on the 2001 Capital by month schedules I sent you. Stan had approved $9.0, but IT was able to negotiate their cost down to the $4.9. The dollars will be spent on purchasing the SAN (Storage Area Network) equipment. This $4.9 was not in the 2001 capital budget nor reflected in any other quarterly or current estimates. cvb
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Tilskudd på 4,9 kroner i forbindelse med folkeanvendelse i 2001 <unk>
Writes an email using the subject line <unk> A contribution of 4.9 kroner for international use in 2001 <unk>
Rod ville at jeg skulle påpeke at NG IT ville bruke ytterligere 4,9 dollar av kapitalen i 2001 med ca. 4,2 dollar brukt i nov. Dette gjenspeiles i 2001-kapitalen etter månedstabeller som jeg har sendt deg. Stan hadde godkjent 9,0 dollar, men IT klarte å forhandle kostnaden ned til 4 dollar. Lønnsbeløpene vil bli brukt ved innkjøp av SAN-utstyret (Størenbanen (Størenbanen) . Dette på 4,9 kroner ikke var med i statsbudsjettet for 2001 og heller ikke gjenspeiles i andre kvartalsvise eller aktuelle anslag. frr
Rod wanted me to point out that NG IT would spend an additional $4.9 of its capital in 2001 with approximately $4.2 spent in short. This is reflected in the 2001 capital after monthly tables that I have sent you. Stan had approved $9.0, but IT was able to negotiate the cost down to $4. The compensation of employees will be used for purchasing the SAN equipment (Stoneway. This amount of 4.9 kroner was not included in the 2001 budget budget and is not reflected in other quarterly or current estimates. frr
This is an email I talked to Lavila Lawrence with Duke Energy Field Services, LP. and she advised me that the GPM Dumas Plant (POI 18058) is going to be shutdown effective January 1, 2002. They will diverting some of the gas to other pipelines and any gas that will be coming to NNG will come through interconnects that David Moon takes care of in the Texas Panhandle. She said "They wouldn't have to de-rhime that plant anymore! ", which gave me the impression that the cost of maintenance might be the reason for the shutdown. Any questions, please call. Randy Janzen What is the subject of this email?
GPM Dumas Plant Information
Dette er en e-post jeg snakket med Lavila Lawrence med Duke Energy Field Services, LP. og hun rådet meg til at GPM Dumas Plant (POI 18058) vil bli nedstengingseffektiv 1. januar 2002. De vil lede noe av gassen til andre rørledninger, og all gass som vil komme til NNG vil komme gjennom forbindelser som David Moon tar seg av i Texas Panhandle. Hun sa<unk>de skulle ikke behøve å de-rhime den planten mer! <unk>, hvilket gav mig inntrykk av, at utgiftene til vedlikehold kunde være grunnen til nedleggelsen. Hvis det er noe du vil spørre om, så ring. Randy Janzen Hva er emnet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail I spoke to Lavila Lawrence with Duke Energy Field Services, LP. and she advised me that the GPM Dumas Plant (POI 18058) will be shut down effective on 1 January 2002. They will lead some of the gas to other pipelines, and any gas that will get to the NNG will get through connections that David Moon handles in Texas Panhandle. She said they shouldn't have to de-rhime that plant anymore! <unk>, which gave me the impression that the cost of maintenance was the reason for the closure. If there's anything you want to ask me, call me. Randy Janzen What's the subject of this e-mail?
GPM Dumasbest be folk informasjon
GPM Dumasbest Ask People for Information
To Rosalie - Ken Lay's office MESSAGE FROM LOD FOR KEN: Thank you for your responses to my email and I look forward to hearing what your Community Relations department recommends on the Bush Library endowment. I would also like to confirm a meeting in New York with our CEO, Tom Casey, on Wed, Sept 5 - perhaps at 4pm? Please let us know where would be convenient for you - if it works, we have offices downtown on Pine Street and Mr. Casey has an apartment at Essex House on Central Park South. Thanks Write a subject line for this email.
Meeting with Tom Casey
Til Rosalie - Ken Lay's kontor MESSE PRODÅ PRODEL FOR KEN: Takk for dine svar på e-posten min og jeg ser fram til å høre hva din lokalavdeling anbefaler av Bush Library. Jeg vil også bekrefte et møte i New York med vår administrerende direktør, Tom Casey, på Wed, 5. september, kanskje kl. 16.00? La oss få vite hvor det passer for deg. Hvis det fungerer, har vi kontorer i Pine Street, og Mr. Casey har en leilighet i Essex House i Central Park South. Takk for denne e- posten.
To Rosalie - Ken Lay's office MESSE PRODEL FOR KEN: thank you for your answer to my e-mail and I look forward to hearing what your local department recommends by Bush Library. I'd also like to confirm a meeting in New York with our CEO, Tom Casey, at Wed, September 5th, perhaps at 4:00 p.m.? If it works, we'll have offices on Pine Street, and Mr. Casey has an apartment in the Essex House in Central Park South. Thank you for this email.
Møt møte med Tom-A skus
Meet with Tom-A.
Here is an email: For Enron Canada Corp. and Enron Canada Power Corp., the following is a summary of change in control provisions: 1. Current Precedent Form of Master Firm Physical Gas Agreement - there is no change in control provision (individual contracts would ahve to be checked) 2. Current Precedent Form of Guarantee supporting the Gas Master - no change in control provision (individual contracts would ahve to be checked) 3. Current Precedent Form of Master Firm Physical Power Agreement - although there is no change in control provision, there is an "Event of Default" where a party reorganizes (including by asset transfer) into another entity and, at the time of such reorganization, the resulting entity fails to assume all the obligations of the predecessor party under that agreement (individual contracts would ahve to be checked) 4. Current Precedent Form of Guarantee supporting the Power Master - no change in control provision (individual contracts would ahve to be checked) 5. Physical GTCs (Gas and Power) - no change in control provision (individual contracts would ahve to be checked) 6. ISDA - there is an "Event of Default" where one party reorganizes (including by asset transfer) and the resulting entity does not assume the obligations of the preceding entity under the ISDA. There is also a "Credit Event upon Merger" when one party or its Credit Support Provider reorganizes and the creditworthiness of the resulting entity is "materially weaker" than the predecessor entity. A Credit Event upon Merger allows the non-affected party to terminate. (individual contracts would ahve to be checked) 7. Financial Omnibus - in the financial terms and conditions (Annex A) there is an "Event of Default" where a party reorganizes (including by asset transfer) into another entity and, at the time of such reorganization, either the resulting entity fails to assume all of the obligations of the Defaulting Party under the Confirmation or the resulting entity's creditworthiness is materially weaker than that of the Defaulting Party (mirroring the ISDA "Merger without Assumption" and "Credit Event upon Merger"). (individual contracts would ahve to be checked) 8. Impact Energy Subscription Agreement - no change in control provisions 9. Petro Canada Services Agreement - Section 11.4 indicates that Enron Canada ceasing to be an affiliate of Enron North America Corp. is a material breach of the agreement entitling PC to terminate the agreement in accordance with its terms. 10. Suncor Services Agreement - Article 18 allows for the termination of the agreement by Suncor if (i) there is a change in shareholding of either ECC or ENA that results in either or both ceasing to be an affiliate of Enron Corp. or (ii) ECC or ENA disposes of all or substantially all of its or their assets or (iii) ECC, ENA or Enron Corp. amalgamate, merge or consolidate into another entity other than an affiliate and such transaction would have a material adverse impact on the business on Suncor. 11. Sundance B Power Purchase Arangement - no change in control provision 12. British Energy Power Purchase Agreement - no change in control provision 13. OEFC Services Agreement - no change in control provision 14. ENERconnect Services Agreement - no change in control provision 15. SYNCRUDE Services Agreement - no change in control provision 16. CASCO Services Agreement - no change in control provision 17. Papier Masson Agreements - these were all transferred to Houston and should be checked by someone in EIM As far as trading agreements go, I believe that most if not all inter-company contracts (ie. between ECC and Enron Direct, ENA, EES, etc.) have a MAC clause relating to ownership by Enron Corp. but I am not aware of any third party trading agreements that would contain the same provision with respect to Enron Canada. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Material Contract Review
Her følger en e-post: For Enron Canada Corp. og Enron Canada Power Corp. er følgende en oversikt over endringer i kontrollbestemmelsene: 1. Nåværende precedent Form of Master Firm Phs fysisk gass Agre<unk> det er ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelsen (individuelle kontrakter vil kunne kontrolleres) 2. Nåværende garantiskjema for tidligere forutgående garanti for at det støtter «gas Master»<unk> ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelser (individuelle kontrakter ville ha falt for å bli kontrollert) 3. Nåværende precedentform for Master Firm Physsial Power Agreement<unk> selv om det ikke er noen endring i kontrollbestemmelsene, finnes det en «standard<unk> dersom en part reorganiserer (herunder ved overføring av eiendeler) til et annet foretak, og på tidspunktet for en slik omorganisering unnlater å påta seg alle forpliktelsene til motparten i henhold til nevnte avtale (individuelle kontrakter ville ha tillatt å bli kontrollert) 4. Nåværende garantiskjema for tidligere forutgående garanti til støtte for maskinsjefen<unk> ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelsen (individuelle kontrakter vil kunne oppnås for å bli kontrollert) 5. GTC-er (gass og kraft)<unk> ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelser (individuelle kontrakter vil kunne kontrolleres) 6. ISDA<unk> det finnes en <unk>Sentwd of Standard<unk> der en part omorganiserer (inkludert ved overføring av eiendeler) og det resultatende foretaket ikke påtar seg pliktene til den foregående enheten under ISDA. Det finnes også en <unk>Credit Event upon Merger<unk> når en part eller dennes yter av kredittleverandør omorganiserer og kredittverdigheten til det resulterende foretaket er<unk>materielt svakere<unk> enn oppdragsgiveren. En Kreditt over merger tillater den ikke-påvirkede part å avslutte. (individuelle kontrakter som vil kunne kontrolleres), 7. «Finansiell omnibus» i finansielle vilkår og vilkår (vedlegg A) er det et «standardvalg<unk> der en part omorganiserer (herunder ved overføring av eiendeler) til et annet foretak, og på tidspunktet for en slik omorganisering, enten det resultatende foretaket unnlater å påta seg alle de forpliktelsene som følger av standardpart i henhold til «Stiftelsen» eller «det resulterende foretakets kredittverdighet» er vesentlig svakere enn det som er stilt hos «standard parten» (med overtakelse av «Ervervstilstanden» (med overtakelse av «underlegen»)<unk> og «Kreditt» på «Flertall»<unk>. 8. (individuelle kontrakter som vil kunne kontrolleres) 8. Enhetsabonnementsavtalen<unk> ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelser 9. Petro Canada Services Agreement - § 1 1.4 angir at Enron Canada som opphører å være et tilknyttet Enron North America Corp., er et vesentlig brudd på avtalen om å påberope seg PC for å avslutte avtalen i samsvar med dens vilkår. ti. Suncor Services Agreement<unk> artikkel 18 åpner for at Suncors avtale kan oppheves dersom i) det skjer en endring i aksjebeholdningen til enten ECC eller ENA som fører til at enten eller begge slutter å være et tilknyttet Enron Corp. eller ii) ECC eller ENA avhender alle eller praktisk talt alle sine eller sine eiendeler eller iii) ECC, ENA eller Enron Corp. amalgamat, fusjoner eller konsolidering til et annet foretak enn et tilknyttet foretak, og slike transaksjoner vil ha en vesentlig skadevirkning på virksomheten på Suncorcorcor. , av eller inn innstad gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi eller eller eller eller eller gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi gi eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller 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eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller Sundance B Kraftkjøp Arangement<unk> ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelse 12. British Energy Power Mose Agreement - ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelse 13. OEFK Tjenesteavtaler - ingen endring i kontrollbestemmelse 14. Etablering av forbindelsesselskaper Avtalen - ingen endring i kontroll av bestemmelse 15. SYNCRUDIGJENSJØJENÅRING - ingen endring i kontrollavsetning 16. CAS-tjenester-avtalen - ingen endring i kontroll av 17. PapierMasson Avtaler<unk> disse ble alle overført til Houston og bør sjekkes av noen i EIM Når det gjelder handelsavtaler, mener jeg at de fleste dersom ikke alle interselskapskontrakter (dvs. mellom EC og Enron Direct, ENA, EES osv.), ha en MAC-klausul om eierskap av Enron Corp. men jeg kjenner ikke til noen tredjemannshandelsavtaler som ville inneholde samme bestemmelse om Enron Canada. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here is an e-mail: For Enron Canada Corp. and Enron Canada Power Corp., the following is an overview of changes in control provisions: 1. The current predictant Form of Master Firm Ph's physical gas Agre<unk> there is no change in the control provision (individual contracts will be controlled) 2. The current policy form for prior guarantee that it supports ‘gas Master’<unk> no change in control provisions (individual contracts would fall to be controlled) 3. The current precedent form of Master Firm Physical Power Agreement<unk> although there is no change in the control provisions, there is a «standard<unk> if one party reorganises (including in the case of asset transfer) to another entity and at the time of such reorganisation fails to cover all the obligations of the counterparty under that agreement (individual contracts would allow control) 4. The current form of prior guarantee in support of the chief engineer officer<unk> no change in the control provision (individual contracts will be achievable to be controlled) 5. GTCs (gas and power)<unk> no change in control provisions (individual contracts will be controlled) 6. ISDA<unk> there is a <unk>centwd of Standard<unk> where a party reorganises (including when transferring assets) and the resulting entity does not assume the obligations of the previous unit under ISDA. There is also a <unk>Credit Event unpon Merger<unk> when a party or its credit provider reorganises and the creditworthiness of the resulting entity is<unk> materially weaker<unk> than the payer. A credit over merch allows the non-affected party to terminate. (individual contracts that can be controlled), 7. «Financial omnibus» in financial terms and conditions (Annex A) is a «default<unk> where a party reorganises (including by transfer of assets) to another entity and, at the time of such reorganisation, whether the resulting entity fails to assume all the liabilities arising from the standard party under «Stiffing» or «resulting entity creditworthiness» are significantly weaker than that imposed by the «standard party» (with acquisition of the «acquisition» (with acquisition of «understanding»)<unk> and «credited» by «Fler number»<unk>. 8. (individual contracts that could be controlled) 8. The Unit Subscription Agreement<unk> does not change control provisions 9. Petro Canada Services Agreement - § 1 1.4 indicates that Enron Canada, which ceases to be affiliated with Enron North America Corp, is a major violation of the contract to invoke PC to close the agreement in accordance with its terms. Ten. Article 18 of Suncor Services Agreement<unk> opens up the possibility that Suncor's agreement may be cancelled if (i) there is a change in the holding of either the ECC or the ENA that either or both of them ceases to be associated with Enron Corp. or (ii) the ECC or ENA disposes of all or substantially all of its assets or assets or (iii) the ECC, ENA or Enron Corp. amalgamat, mergers or consolidation to another undertaking other than an associate, and such transactions will have a significant adverse effect on the activity of Suncorcorcorcorcorcorcorcorcor. or to or or or either or either or either or either or either or either or or either or either or either or either or either or either or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Sundance B Force Purchase Arrangement<unk> no change in control order 12. British Energy Power Mose Agreement - no change in control code 13. OEFK Service Agreements - no change in control provision 14. Establishment of interconnection companies Agreement - no change in control of provision 15. SYnCRUDIE RECOGNITION - no change in control provision 16. The CAS Services Agreement - no change in control of 17. PapierMasson Agreements<unk> these were all transferred to Houston and should be checked by someone in EIM in terms of trade agreements, I believe that most of them if not all inter-company contracts (i.e. between EC and Enron Direct, ENA, EES, etc.), have a MAC clause on ownership of Enron Corp. But I do not know of any third party trading agreements that would contain the same provision for Enron Canada. What is a possible topic line for this email?
Den offentligesvirksomhet, ikke nevnt nevnt i avtalen
Public sector activities, not mentioned in the Agreement
Here is an email: HA market HE's 0700-1100 GMM's and TMM's have been re-published. You may now view the GMM's and TMM's for the HA market, 2/5/02, HE's 0700-1100. Sent by Market Operations, inquiries please call the Hour Ahead Desk. What is a potential subject line for this email?
HA market HE's 0700-1100 GMM's and TMM's re-published
Her er en e-post: HAK HE's 0700-1100 GMM's og TMM's har blitt utgitt på nytt. Du kan nå se på GMM's og TMM's for HA Marked, 2/5/02, HE's 0700-1100. Sendt av Market Operations, forespørsler, vennligst ring Time A head Desk. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail: You can now look at GMM's and TMM's for HA Marked, 2/5/02, HE's 0700-1100. Sent by Market Operations, enquiries, please call Time A head Desk. What is a possible topic line for this email?
HAKHES 0700-1100 GMM- og TMM-er utgitt på nytt
HAKHS 0700-1100 GMM and TMMs published again
Write an email with the subject line "Plans for 2001 Doorstep Reviews".
Got your most recent message. Your observation is correct that the Enron Americas staff member on Shawn's team has not been involved to date with Doorstep reviews or planning. Although Shawn made an offer to Michelle some time ago, there was a long lead time for her arrival. She did not start with the company until after Thanksgiving. Since she started a couple of weeks ago, Wes and I have asked her to look into several specific findings from the most AA internal audit projects and to work with our staffs to provide some solutions to issues that were raised. There simply has not been the time to date to expose her to Doorstep. After Shawn and I meet (see below), I will briefly summarize for you the roles that all groups will play in the Doorstep Review process. Before we move forward I want to be sure that all parties agree on the purpose, methodology, participants and execution plan for this on-going project.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Plans for 2001 Dørstokkvurdering<unk>
Writes an email using the subject line<unk>Plans for 2001 Door Board Assessment<unk>
Jeg fikk den siste beskjeden din. Du har rett i at Enron Americas-staben på Shawns team ikke har vært involvert i noen av de siste undersøkelsene eller planleggingen. Selv om Shawn kom med et tilbud til Michelle for en stund siden, var det en lang ledertid for hennes ankomst. Hun startet ikke med selskapet før etter høsttakkefesten. Siden hun startet for et par uker siden, har Wes og jeg bedt henne undersøke flere spesifikke funn fra de mest AA-eide revisjonene og å jobbe med våre ansatte for å gi noen løsninger på saker som ble tatt opp. Det har rett og slett ikke vært tid til å utsette henne for en slik situasjon. Etter at Shawn og jeg møtes (se nedenfor), vil jeg kort oppsummere for dere rollene som alle grupper skal spille i «The Doorstep Review»-prosessen. Før vi går videre, ønsker jeg å sikre at alle parter er enige om formålet med, metodikken, metodikken, deltakerne og gjennomføringsplanen for dette løpende prosjektet.
I got your last message. You're right about the fact that the Enron Americas staff on Shawn's team has not been involved in any of the recent investigations or planning. Although Shawn made an offer to Michelle a while ago, it was a long lead time for her arrival. She didn't start the party until after Thanksgiving. Since she started a couple of weeks ago, Wes and I have asked her to investigate several specific findings from the most AA-owned audits and to work with our employees to provide some solutions to issues that were addressed. There simply has been no time to expose her to such a situation. After Shawn and I meet (see below), I will briefly summarize for you the roles that all groups will play in the Doorstep Review process. Before we proceed, I want to ensure that all parties agree on the purpose of, methodology, methodology, participants and implementation plan for this ongoing project.
I've got one more deal that Houston says they haven't received a signed confirm letter for - 420529. Stephanie Piwetz says she spoke to Grant County and they said they already sent out that one and 432854, but haven't received them back from us......???? Do you know where they are? Kate (From 2/26/01) Just something to keep in mind - The confirms group in Houston is waiting on signed confirm letters from Grant County for the following three deals - 432854 420554 420563 I've let Stephanie Piwetz and Sharen Cason know that you'll forward the letters on to them once you receive them. Or you can give them to me and I'll fax them over. Keep me posted on the progress. Thanks, Write a subject line for this email.
Confirm Letters - Grant County
Jeg har en avtale til at Houston sier at de ikke har mottatt et signert brev for 420529. Stephanie Piwetz sier at hun snakket med Grant County, og de sa at de allerede sendte ut en og 432854, men har ikke fått dem tilbake fra oss...????? Vet du hvor de er? Kate (fra 2/26/01) Bare noe å ha i tankene<unk> Konfirma-gruppen i Houston venter på signerte bekreftende brev fra Grant County for de følgende tre avtalene<unk> 432854 420554 42050563 Jeg har latt Stephanie Piwetz og Sharen Cason vite at du vil videresende brevene til dem når du mottar dem. Eller du kan gi dem til meg, så kan jeg sende dem over. Hold meg oppdatert på utviklingen. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
I have an agreement that Houston says they have not received a signed letter for 420529. Stephanie Piwetz says she talked to Grant County, and they said they already sent out one and 4,32854, but didn't they get them back from us? Do you know where they are? Kate (from 2/26/01) Just something to keep in mind. I've let Stephanie Piwetz and Sharen Cason know that you'll pass the letters on to them when you receive them. Or you can give them to me, and I can send them over. Keep me posted on the progress. Type a subject line for this email.
Kløfta<unk> Sløfta<unk> Sløfta fylke
Clipped<unk> Raised<unk> Rifle
Write an email with the following subject: New Legal Team to Assist RAC
In order to bring better legal coordination and standardization to Enron's Risk Assessment and Control (RAC) group, we have formed a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Financial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Essandoh (Retail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail) and Elizabeth Sager (Power Trading) (Team Leader). This group will focus on, among other things, managing Enron's exposures with bankrupt counterparties, working out credit solutions with distressed counterparties and standardizing our overall credit practices. The initial members in this group have been drawn from Enron's numerous legal groups in order to gain a broader perspective. Each of these members will provide support to this new group in addition to their current responsibilities. Within RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on distressed counterparties, in conjunction with Bill Bradford, who continues to manage the Credit Risk Management group. Please join us in supporting the efforts of this new group.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Ny RAC til Assist RAC
Write an e-mail on the following subject: New RAC to Assist RAC
For å bringe en bedre juridisk samordning og standardisering til gruppen Enron's Riskeval and CRAC (RAC) har vi dannet en ny juridisk gruppe, som i utgangspunktet vil omfatte Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Finacial Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Essandoh (Stail), Paul Darmitzel (Restail) og Sager (Power Trading) (Team Handder). Denne gruppen vil blant annet fokusere på å administrere Enrons engasjementer med motparter som går konkurs, arbeide ut kredittløsninger med nødstilte motparter og standardisere vår overordnede kredittpraksis. De innledende medlemmene i denne gruppen er hentet fra Enrons tallrike rettsgrupper for å få et videre perspektiv. Hvert av disse medlemmene vil støtte denne nye gruppen i tillegg til sitt nåværende ansvar. Innenfor RAC vil Michael Tribolet fokusere på nødstilte motparter, i samarbeid med Bill Bradford, som fortsetter å lede gruppen Adit Risk Management. Vær med på å støtte denne nye gruppens innsats.
In order to bring better legal coordination and standardisation to the Enron’s Risk and CRAC group, we have formed a new legal group, which will initially include Lisa Mellencamp (Finance), Marcus Nettelton (Power Trading), Carol St. Clair (Broadband/Power Trading), Mary Cook (Final Swaps), Peter Keohane (Canada), Ed Esssandoh (Stail), Paul Darmitzel (Retail), and Sager (Power Trading) (Team Handder). This group will focus, among other things, on managing Enron’s exposures to bankrupt counterparties, on working out credit solutions with disadvantaged counterparties, and on standardising our overall credit practice. The leading members of this group are taken from Enron’s numerous judicial groups to get a broader perspective. Each of these members will support this new group in addition to its present responsibilities. Within the RAC, Michael Tribolet will focus on disadvantaged counterparties, in cooperation with Bill Bradford, who continues to lead the Adit Risk Management group. Share in supporting the efforts of this new group.
Write an email with the following subject: Conference Call
Could you please set up a conference call and send the information to the list below? Please set it up for tomorrow, Wednesday, at 9 AM PDT, for one hour. Thank you very much. Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Rob Bradley/Corp/Enron@ENRON, [email protected], Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mona L Petrochko/SFO/EES@EES, Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT Dave Parquet, Samuel Wehn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandra McCubbin/SFO/EES@EES
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Konferansesamtale
Write an email with the following subject: Conference call
Kan du opprette en samtale og sende informasjonen til listen under? Vennligst sett den opp for i morgen, onsdag, kl. 9.00 PDT, for en time. Tusen takk. Jeff Dasovich/SFO/ES@ES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, James D D Steffes/HOUS/EES@EES, Steven J JFECS/Enrulf/Enron@ENR, James D D D Steffes/HOUS/HHOUS/ES, Robterlin/Cter/Cterp/EnrON@ENRON, mpalme@enron, [email protected], Karen Denne/Corp/COR@EN, Mona L Petrochko/SFO/ES@ES, Susan J Mara/SFO/ES@ES, Paulfman/LUS/@ LBRON, MARS, Samuel Wehn/HO/SFO/ECTH, GUCT, GJEMA, SJELD/HU/ECT, SandraSOFF/ESFO/ES
Can you create a call and send the information to the list below? Please set it up for tomorrow, Wednesday, 9:00 p.m. PDT, for an hour. Thank you very much. Jeff Dasovich/SFO/ES@ES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/Houus/EES@EES, Steven JFECS/Erulf/Enron@ENR, James D D D Steffes/Hrous/ES, Robterlin/Ctacter/Ctacterp/ERON@ENRON, mpalme@enron, MM [email protected], Karen This/Corp/COR@EN, Mona L Petrochko/SFO/ES@ES, Susan Ja/SFO/ES@es, Paulfman/LUS/LBRON, MARS, Samuel Wehn/HO/ECT, GUCT, GJEMA, SELD/HECT, SandraSOFF/ES
Here is an email: Idaho Power Company, dba IdaCorp Energy, the utility (IPC) has assigned the majority of their trades to IDACORP Energy, LP. The trades that IPC retained are as follows: 44573.2 411583 414014 414013 416067 562415 562414 If you trade in the future with either of these CPs, please book them with the appropriate CP. Thanks for your help. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Her følger en e-post: Ida Huntho Power Company, dba IdaCorp Energy, som er et hjelpemiddel (IPC) som har tildelt hoveddelen av sitt fag i IDACORP Energy, LP. Handelsne som IPC beholdt er som følger: 44573.2 411583 414014 414013 4 16067 562415 562414 Hvis du handler i fremtiden med en av disse CP-ene, vennligst bestill dem med relevant CP. Takk for hjelpen. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail: Ida Huntho Power Company, dba IdaCorp Energy, which is an aid (IPC) that has assigned the main portion of its subject to IDACORP Energy, LP. The transactions that IPC retained are as follows: 44573.2 411583 414014 414013 4 16067 562415 562414 If you are acting in the future with one of these CPs, please order them with the relevant CP. Thanks for your help. What is a possible topic line for this email?
Dear Carpoint Customer, Thank you for using MSN Carpoint. We look forward to assisting you with your purchase. This e-mail is to confirm receipt of your recent Carpoint Purchase or Test Drive Inquiry for a 2002 Ford Thunderbird. Your Inquiry number is 1539983. Within the next 24 hours (may exclude weekends) you can expect a contact from the following dealership: Central Ford 4410 Westheimer Road Houston, TX 77027 To help ensure that your buying experience is a pleasant one, in two days (excluding weekends) we will be sending you an email to verify that Brooks Chevrolet has attempted to contact you. Please respond by using the link that will be provided in the email. If you have any questions about your purchase or test drive inquiry, don't hesitate to contact the dealer at the above phone number or email address. Thanks again for using MSN Carpoint. Propose a subject line for this email?
Carpoint Inquiry: 1539983
Takk for at du bruker \"Munn Carpoint\". Vi ser fram til å hjelpe deg med det du har kjøpt. Denne e-posten er å bekrefte mottak av din nylige forespørsel etter en 2002 Ford Thunderbird fra Carpoint Elkjøpe eller Test Drive Inquiry. Deres undersøkelsesnummer er 153998. I løpet av de neste 24 timene (kan ikke være helger) kan du forvente en kontakt fra følgende forhandler: Central Ford 4410 Westheimer Road Houston, TX 77027 For å hjelpe til med å sikre at din erfaring med kjøp er behagelig, om to dager (i helgene ikke nevnt) sender vi deg en e-post for å verifisere at Brooks Chevrolet har forsøkt å kontakte deg. Vennligst svar ved å bruke lenken som vil bli oppgitt i e- posten. Dersom du har spørsmål om kjøp eller testutsjekking, ikke nøl med å kontakte forhandleren på telefonnummeret eller e-postadressen nevnt over. Takk igjen for at du bruker \"smard Carpoint\". Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Thank you for using "Munn Carpoint\". We look forward to helping you with what you bought. This e-mail is confirming receipt of your recent request after a 2002 Ford Thunderbird from Carpoint Elbake or Test Drive Inquiry. Your survey number is 153998. During the next 24 hours (cannot be weekends) you can expect a contact from the following dealer: Central Ford 4410 Westheimer Road Houston, TX 77027 to help ensure that your experience with purchases is comfortable, in two days (on weekends not mentioned), we send you an e-mail to verify that Brooks Chevrolet has tried to contact you. Please respond using the link that will be specified in the email. If you have any questions about buying or checking out, do not hesitate to contact the dealer at the phone number or the e-mail address mentioned above. Thank you again for using "smard Carpoint\". Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Spør etter punkt: 1539983
Ask by Point: 1539983
Michael - I have attached below a revised version of the Channel Marketing Agreement with Deloitte. This document is the most current form of agreement that needs to be used for these deals and also reflects my comments. These comments are based upon the comments submitted by Deloitte. I have incorporated those that we discussed and made some additional comments. You will note that in the "Fee Payment" section, I have included the present value concept that you requested. I have not, however, defined this concept, but would assert that it should be defined in the agreement. Accordingly, please let me know how you want to define it. As I indicated above, this is a bit of a different form than the one you submitted to Deloitte for review. So that we can ensure that accurate documents are distributed, please allow us to prepare the drafts for distribution to potential channel marketing partners. Like the preparation of NDA's, this will enable the Legal Dept. to keep track of the agreement and ensure the right version is used. Please let me know if you should need anything further. Mark Write a subject line for this email.
Deloitte Agreement
- Jeg har vedlagt nedenfor en revidert versjon av Kanalmarkedsavtalen med Deloitte. Dette dokumentet er den mest gjeldende form for avtale som må brukes i disse avtalene, og som også gjenspeiler mine merknader. Disse kommentarene er basert på merknadene fra Deloitte. Jeg har innlemmet dem vi har drøftet og kommet med noen tilleggskommentarer. De vil legge merke til at jeg i avsnittet «Fee betalings<unk>» har tatt med nåverdikonseptet som De ba om. Jeg har imidlertid ikke definert dette begrepet, men vil hevde at det bør være definert i avtalen. La meg få vite hvordan du vil definere det. Som jeg nevnte ovenfor, er dette litt av en annen form enn den du sendte inn til Deloitte for omtale. Så vi kan sikre at nøyaktige dokumenter distribueres, la oss utarbeide utkastene til distribusjon til potensielle markedsføringspartnere. I likhet med forberedelsen av NDAs, vil dette muliggjøre Den rettsmedisinske dept. å holde orden på avtalen og sikre at riktig versjon brukes. Si fra hvis du trenger noe mer. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
- I have attached a revised version of the Channel Market Agreement with Deloitte. This document is the most current form of agreement that must be used in these agreements and that also reflects my observations. These comments are based on the notes from Deloitte. I've incorporated those we've discussed and made some additional comments. You will notice that in the "Fee Payment<unk>" section I have included the present-value concept you asked for. However, I have not defined this term, but I would argue that it should be defined in the agreement. Let me know how you'll define it. As I mentioned above, this is quite a different form than the one you sent in to Deloitte for review. So we can ensure that accurate documents are distributed, let's prepare the drafts for distribution to potential marketing partners. Like the preparation of the NDAs, this will allow the Forensic Dept. to keep track of the agreement and ensure that the correct version is used. Let me know if you need anything else. Type a subject line for this email.
Depoitte avtalen
Depoite Agreement
Here is an email: Davette, Greeting to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus! This is the letter that I spoke of that was sent to me this morning from one of the ladies at my church. She also forwarded this message to several other women outside of our church. I want you to read it because I believe that it will encourage you to trust God if you are not and hold tight if you are because the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous do avail much. Like I breifly stated earlier, I will have my prayer ministry group pray for you tonight and we will keep on praying for you until I hear you tell me ALL is well. We try to meet every Monday night to pray over special prayer request that we have received along with praying for the needs our families, friends, church, government and even our enemies. Our meeting start at 7pm but we really don't get started praying until 8pm so if you want to touch and agree with us around that time that would be great. We're all in this together if you hurt we hurt. : ) I am writing to each of you because I need you to be in prayer with me this week. For the past two months, I have been going to the doctor, because of a lump I found under my arm. As a result of that I have had to have a mammogram and an ultrasound of my breast. Both test came back abnormal and I am seeing a specialist this week to determine if I need to have a biopsy or not. Since God has given me the task of doing a mighty work for him the devil has been busy. I trust and believe that God will heal. God gave me a revelation several months ago that ALL IS WELL since that time, my husband and I have reunited our family, we have been blessed tremendously in more ways than I can share with you at this time, however, in the midst of those blessings, the devil has gotten mad. So he has decided to try and pull me down once again. I refuse to be brought down off this spiritual high that is truly a blessing from God. That is why I am calling on all you prayer warriors I need you to be in prayer with me this week. I see the specialist on Thursday and I will know then if I need to have the biopsy. God Bless Each of you and Season's Greetings Love What is a potential subject line for this email?
Her er en e-post: Davette, hilser deg i min Herre og Frelser Jesu navn! Dette er brevet jeg snakket om som ble sendt til meg i morges fra en av damene i kirken min. Hun videresendte også dette budskapet til flere andre kvinner utenfor kirken vår. Jeg vil at du skal lese den, for jeg tror at den vil oppmuntre deg til å stole på Gud hvis du ikke er det og holder fast ved deg selv hvis du er det fordi de rettferdiges virkningsfulle bønner om å be en bønn virkelig er til stor hjelp. I likhet med meg, som jeg sa tidligere, vil jeg be for dere i kveld, og vi vil fortsette å be for dere inntil jeg hører at dere forteller meg at ALT er godt. Vi prøver å komme sammen hver mandag kveld for å be over en spesiell bønnebønn som vi har fått sammen med oss når vi ber om å få det vi trenger, familien vår, vennene våre, kirken, regjeringen og til og med våre fiender. Møtestart på kl. 19:00, men vi har egentlig ikke begynt å be før kl. 8. Hvis du vil snakke med oss og bli enig med oss rundt den tiden ville det vært flott. Vi står sammen om dette hvis du skader oss. : ) Jeg skriver til hver av dere fordi jeg trenger at dere skal be sammen med meg denne uken. De siste to månedene har jeg gått til legen på grunn av en klump jeg har funnet under armen. Som følge av dette har jeg måttet ha et mammografi og et ultralyd av brystet. Begge testene kom unormalt tilbake, og jeg skal til en spesialist denne uken for å finne ut om jeg må ta en biopsi eller ikke. Siden Gud har gitt meg i oppdrag å gjøre en stor gjerning for ham, har djevelen vært opptatt. Jeg stoler på og tror at Gud vil helbrede. Gud har gitt meg en åpenbaring for flere måneder siden at FOR ALT ER FORTALT siden den tid, min mann og jeg har gjenforent vår familie, har vi blitt velsignet på mange flere måter enn jeg kan dele med dere på denne tiden, men midt i disse velsignelsene er djevelen blitt gal. Så han har bestemt seg for å prøve å dra meg ned igjen. Jeg nekter å la meg rive ned fra denne åndelige herlighet, som virkelig er en velsignelse fra Gud. Det er derfor jeg påkaller alle dere bønnekrigere Jeg trenger at dere ber sammen med meg denne uken. Jeg skal møte spesialisten på torsdag og jeg vil vite om jeg må ta biopsien. Gud velsigne hver av dere og Seasons hilsen Kjærlighet Hva er en potensiell subline for denne e-posten?
Here is an e-mail: Davette, salute you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus! This is the letter I was telling you about that was sent to me this morning from one of the ladies of my church. She also forwarded this message to several other women outside our church. I want you to read it because I think it will encourage you to trust in God if you are not and stick to yourself if you are because the prayers of the righteous are really helpful. Like me, as I said before, I will pray for you tonight, and we will continue to pray for you until I hear you tell me that everything is good. We try to get together every Monday night to pray over a special prayer that we have received with us when we pray for what we need, our family, our friends, the church, the government, and even our enemies. The meeting starts at 7:00, but we haven't really started praying until 8:00, so if you want to talk to us and agree with us around that time, that would be great. We'll stand together on this if you hurt us. : ) I am writing to each of you because I need you to pray with me this week. For the past two months, I've been seeing a doctor because of a lump I found under my arm. As a result, I have had to have a mammogram and an ultrasound of my chest. Both tests came back abnormally, and I'm going to a specialist this week to find out if I have to do a biopsy or not. Since God has commissioned me to do a great work for him, the Devil has been busy. I trust and believe that God will heal. God has given me a revelation months ago that we have been blessed in many ways beyond my ability to share with you at this time, but in the midst of these blessings, the Devil has gone mad. So he's decided to try and drag me back down. I refuse to be torn down from this spiritual glory, which is truly a blessing from God. That's why I call on all you prayer warriors I need you to pray with me this week. I'm meeting with the specialist on Thursday and I want to know if I have to do the biopsy. God bless each one of you and Season's greetings. Love. What is a potential subline for this e-mail?
This is the content of an email: Here is the file. Sorry it is a day late - teh price desk had some errors in teh file adn I was waiting for them to correct the deals. Thanks. PL What was the subject line for this email?
central orig - 4/3
Dette er innholdet i en e- postmelding: Her er fila. Jeg er lei for at det er en dag for sent på dagen. Jeg hadde noen feil i teh-fil-annonsen. Jeg ventet på at de skulle rette opp avtalene. Takk. PL Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email message: Here is the file. I'm sorry it's a day late in the day, but I had a few errors in the teh-file ad. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
ori meg ori meg, eller ori meg, uten fundament, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller 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This is the content of an email: Dear Mr. TenHave, We are in receipt of the above referenced letter addressed to Mr. Jeff Skilling. At this time, Enron has no interest in investing in prime timber/woodlands. We do, however, thank you for the opportunity and wish you success in this endeavor. Regards, What was the subject line for this email?
Letter dated November 28, 2000
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Kjære Mr. TenHave, vi mottar det ovennevnte brevet, som er adressert til Mr. Jeff Skilling. På denne tiden har Enron ingen interesse av å investere i prime tømmer/vedskog. Vi takker dere imidlertid for muligheten og ønsker dere lykke til med dette. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail, Dear Mr. TenHave, we receive the above letter, addressed to Mr. Jeff Skilling. At this time Enron has no interest in investing in prime timber/wood woods. However, we thank you for the opportunity and wish you good luck with this. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
brev datert 28. november 2000
Letter dated November 28, 2000
Write an email with the subject line "Status".
Barbara has asked that I submit a weekly report about what I'm working on. I haven't had time to fix up anything pretty, but I'll give you the big ticket items: Fuel Cell Energy/CRRA transaction. Enron owns equity and holds warrants for Fuel Cell stock. We need to sell 55 mw of fuel cells in order to get the benefit of the warrants. The commercial team is working on a deal to place 50 mw with the Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority, a state agency. I have been working feverishly on the equipment contract, and we recently completed the LOI with CRRA. We need to move to more definitive docs with CRRA, and the structuring isn't complete. The decision about whether the state will fund the project is expected in December. This deal is likely to continue to take up a large amount of my time, and requires a fair amount of travel, as I am involved in direct negotiations. This transaction is on Dave D and Janet D's radar screen, and Mark is familiar with it. The potential upside (in a perfect world), is rumored to be in the nine figure range. Turbopark. Turbopark is the latest financing vehicle for power projects. Enron is moving 20+ turbines into Turbopark in the next 45 days. This requires a series of contracts with GE (at least 6) which I am working on. We also have to move transformers into this facility, so I have been in contact with ABB concerning same. GE general. ENA is attempting to negotiate a standard contract with GE. I've been working with Sheila on this one. We are committed to finish this project by the end of this year. Westinghouse warranty issues. ENA has two significant disputes wiht Westinghouse concerning a couple of turbines. I'm riding herd on resolving the issues. VEPCO. We were attempting to negotiate a PPA with Virginia Power, but ran into some problems, so it won't close this year. Theres' some miscellaneous follow up work to do. Illinois development. I'm supporting the devolopers who are developing power plant sites in Illinois. Enron/Peoples joint venture. I'm working with the Enron commercial team in certain matters relating to getting the joint venture up and running. This gives at least an overview of what I'm spending most of my time on. .
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Status<unk>
Type a mail using the subject line<unk>Status<unk>
Barbara har spurt om at jeg sender inn en ukeberetning om det jeg jobber med. Jeg har ikke hatt tid til å fikse opp noe pent, men jeg skal gi deg de store billettene: fyllecelleenergi/CRRA-transaksjoner. Han eier egenkapital og innehar rettsrettigheter for beholdning av celler. Vi må selge 55 millioner brenselceller for å få rettskjennelsene. Det kommersielle teamet jobber med en avtale om å plassere 50 mw med Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority, et statlig byrå. Jeg har arbeidet feberlangt på utstyrskontrakten, og vi har nylig gjennomført LOI med KRA. Vi må gå til mer definitive docs med CRA, og oppbygningen er ikke komplett. Avgjørelsen om hvorvidt staten vil finansiere prosjektet er forventet i desember. Denne avtalen vil trolig fortsette å ta opp en stor del av min tid, og krever en god del reiser, da jeg er involvert i direkte forhandlinger. Denne transaksjonen er på Dave D og Janet Ds radarskjerm, og Mark er kjent med den. Det går ryktes at potensialet opp-ned (i en perfekt verden), befinner seg i ni-figur-området. - En lysglide. Turbopark er det nyeste hjelpemiddelet for kraftprosjekter. Enron beveger seg 20+ turbiner inn til Turbopark i løpet av de neste 45 dagene. Dette krever en rekke kontrakter med GE (minst 6) som jeg jobber med. Vi må også flytte transformatorer inn i dette anlegget, så jeg har vært i kontakt med AB med samme. GE-generalen. ENA forsøker å forhandle en standardkontrakt med GE. Jeg har jobbet med Sheila på denne. Vi har forpliktet oss til å fullføre dette prosjektet innen utgangen av dette året. Vestinghouse-rettskrivningssaker. ENA har to betydelige tvister wiht Westinghouse om et par turbiner. Jeg er på vei for å finne en løsning på problemene. Et utvalg. Vi prøvde å forhandle om en PPA med Virginia Power, men fikk problemer, så det stenger ikke i år. Det er en diverse oppfølgingsarbeid å gjøre. Utviklingsutvikling. Jeg støtter devolverene som er utviklingslandsteder i Illinois. Førerrett/foretaks felleskontrollert virksomhet. Jeg samarbeider med Enron-reklameteamet i visse saker om å få i gang fellesforetaket. Dette gir minst en oversikt over hva jeg bruker mesteparten av tiden på. .
Barbara has asked me to file a weekly report on my work. I haven't had time to fix anything nice, but I'll give you the big tickets: drunk-cell energy/CRRA transactions. He owns equity and holds rights for cell stock. We have to sell 55 million fuel cells to get the court orders. The commercial team is working on an agreement to place 50 mw with Connecticut Resource Recovery Authority, a government agency. I've been working feverishly on the equipment contract, and we've just completed LOI with the KRA. We need to go to more definitive docs with the CRA, and the structure is incomplete. The decision on whether the government will finance the project is expected in December. This agreement will likely continue to take up a large part of my time, and requires a great deal of travel, as I am involved in direct negotiations. This transaction is on Dave D and Janet D's radar screen, and Mark is familiar with it. There are rumours that the potential upside down (in a perfect world) is in the nine-figure area. - A light-glide. Turbopark is the latest tool for power projects. Enron moves 20+ turbines into Turbo Park in the next 45 days. This requires a series of contracts with GE (at least 6) that I work with. We also have to move transformers into this facility, so I've been in contact with AB with the same thing. The GE general. ENA is trying to negotiate a standard contract with GE. I've been working with Sheila on this. We have committed ourselves to finishing this project by the end of this year. Vestinghouse trials. The ENA has two significant disputes with the Wiht Westinghouse over a couple of turbines. I'm on my way to find a solution to my problems. A selection. We tried to negotiate a PPA with Virginia Power, but we got into trouble, so it's not closing this year. There's a variety of follow-up work to do. Development. I support the devolves that are developing places in Illinois. entitlement/undertaking joint ventures. I'm working with the Enron ad team on certain issues about getting the joint venture started. This gives at least an overview of what I spend most of my time on. So let's say that this is the same thing.
Shelley, Sheila, and Galen, Attached is an excel workbook with worksheets for each individual month's imbalance calculations. Please call or email if you have any questions. Thx, Jim Propose a subject line for this email?
Imbalance worksheets
Shelley, Sheila, og Galen, Attached er en utmerkede arbeidsbok med arbeidsark for hver enkelt måneds ubalanseberegninger. Vennligst ring eller e-post hvis du har spørsmål. Thx, Jim Formulere en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Shelley, Sheila, and Galen, Attached are an excellent workbook with worksheets for each month’s imbalance calculations. If you have any questions, please call or email. Thx, Jim, is there a subject line for this e-mail?
Balance sheet
As you may know, Kathleen Carnahan, our sr. specialist who sits with Ben Jacoby's Asset Development group on 31, will be moving over to Enron South on the 14th of November. She would like to place a five drawer filing cabinet next to the two cabinets (Stuart's files) near the North Stairwell on 38. Any problems with this? Propose a subject line for this email?
Filing Cabinet Space
Som du kanskje vet, vil vår sr. spesialist som sitter i Ben Jacobys utviklingsgruppe på vei til Enron South den 14. november. Hun vil gjerne plassere et fem skuffers arkivskap ved siden av de to skap (Stuarts filer) i nærheten av Nord-Stavene på 38. Er det problemer med dette? Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
As you may know, our S.R. Specialist sitting in Ben Jacoby's Development Group en route to Enron South on November 14. She would like to place a five drawers filing cabinet next to the two lockers (Stuart's files) near the 38 North Steves. Is there a problem with this? Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Write an email with the following subject: commodity logic request
Commodity logic is the process of updating the look and feel of their products. They need two personal from settlements, confirms, and logistics. The group CL has engages will be here on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The meetings will be for one hour (they promise). They would also like to have a demo with the management team. (also Tuesday or Wedesday) Please provide the names of the reps to me plus with best times on Tuesday and Wednesday. Also, CL is looking for one more person to add to their team. They are looking for someone with mid and back-office experiences to help with marketing. If you have any one that maybe interested please let me know. Also, The CL module managers will be calling on you to help coordinate the gathering of contact information for various counter parties. Just to give you a heads up. Let me know. thanks
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: grunntak (request)
Write an e-mail with the following subjects: root of request
Råvarelogikk er prosessen med å oppdatere utseendet og følelsen av deres produkter. De trenger to personer fra bosetninger, bekreftelser og logistikk. Gruppen CL har aktive vil være her på tirsdag og onsdag neste uke. Møtene vil være for en time (de lover). De skulle også gjerne hatt en demo med styringsgruppen. (også tirsdag eller Wedesday) Oppgi navnene på repetene til meg pluss beste tider på tirsdag og onsdag. CL leter også etter en person til å legge til på laget sitt. De leter etter noen med midt- og tilbakemeldingserfaring som kan hjelpe til med markedsføring. Hvis du har noen som kanskje er interessert, så si fra. CL-modullederne vil også henvende seg til dere for å bidra til å koordinere innsamlingen av kontaktinformasjon for ulike motpartier. Bare for å gi deg et tips. La meg få vite. takk
Commodity logic is the process of updating the appearance and sense of their products. They need two people from settlements, confirmations and logistics. The CL group will be here on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. The meetings will be for an hour (the laws). They'd also like a demo with the steering board. (also Tuesday or Wednesday) Give me the names of the reps for me plus the best times on Tuesday and Wednesday. The CL is also looking for someone to add to their team. They're looking for someone with mid- and feedback experience who can help with marketing. If you have someone who might be interested, let me know. The CL modulators will also address you to help coordinate the collection of contact information for different counterparts. Just to give you a tip. Let me know. Thank you.
Here is an email: Get Connected with e-Statements. Sign up for Electronic Statements from Enron Federal Credit Union by November 15 to be entered into a contest to win a Palm Vx! Log on to to apply or for more information. What is a potential subject line for this email?
EFCU Gets You Connected
Her er en e-post: Get Connected med e-erklæringer. Undertegning i forbindelse med e-tegninger fra Enron Federal Credit Union innen 15. november, som skal inngås i en konkurranse for å vinne en Palm Vx! Logg på for å søke eller for mer informasjon. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail, Get Connectiond with e-mail statements. The signature of the e-drawings of the Enron Federal Credit Union by 15 November, to be entered into a contest to win a Palm Vx! Login to to search or for more information. What is a possible topic line for this email?
EFFKUEN GH får deg koblet til
EFKUEN GH will have you connected
This is an email [email protected] writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List: Dear NYISO Customer: The version mapping that was posted to the web on 06/08/2001 was created from a customer file that joined the NYISO on April 11, 2000. This resulted in the mapping not being valid for any customers that were already qualified for the entire month of April. For all customers that were qualified customers for the entire month of April 2000, the following mapping applies: Date Current Previous 1 V-7 minus V-4 2 V-7 minus V-4 3 V-7 minus V-4 4 V-7 minus V-4 5 V-6 minus V-4 6 V-6 minus V-4 7 V-6 minus V-4 8 V-6 minus V-4 9 V-7 minus V-4 10 V-7 minus V-4 11 V-7 minus V-4 12 V-7 minus V-4 13 V-7 minus V-4 14 V-7 minus V-4 15 V-6 minus V-4 16 V-6 minus V-4 17 V-7 minus V-4 18 V-7 minus V-4 19 V-7 minus V-4 20 V-7 minus V-4 21 V-7 minus V-4 22 V-7 minus V-4 23 V-6 minus V-4 24 V-6 minus V-4 25 V-7 minus V-4 26 V-7 minus V-4 27 V-7 minus V-4 28 V-7 minus V-4 29 V-7 minus V-4 30 V-6 minus V-4 Regards, What is the subject of this email?
April 2000 Version Mapping
Dette er en e-post [email protected] Skrive til diskusjonslista NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Diskutering: Kjære NYISO-kunde: Versjonskartleggingen som ble lagt ut på nettet på 06/08/2001 ble laget fra en kundefil som ble med i NYISO den 11. april 2000. Dette medførte at kartleggingen ikke var gyldig for noen kunder som allerede var kvalifisert for hele april måned. For alle kunder som var kvalifisert kunder for hele måneden april 2000, gjelder følgende kartlegging: Dato nåværende dato Førre 1 V 7 minus V 4 2 V minus V 4 2 minus V minus V minus V 4 3 minus V 4 4 V 4 V minus V 4 5 V minus V minus V 4 6 minus V 6 minus V 4 7 V minus V 7 minus V 4 8 V minus V 6 minus V 4 9 V minus V 4 10 V minus V 4 11 V minus V 4 7 minus V 4 12 V minus V 4 13 V minus V 7 minus V 4 7 minus V 4 15 V 6 minus V 4 16 V 6 minus V 4 16 6 minus V 4 7 minus V 4 7 minus V 4 18 7 minus V 4 7 minus V 7 7 minus V 4 20 V 7 minus V 4 21 V 7 minus V 7 minus V 7 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 7 minus V 4 minus V 7 minus V 7 minus V 4 minus V 6 minus V 6 minus V 6 minus V 6 (s) Hva er subjektet av dette??
This is a mail that [email protected] writes to the newslist NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discount: Dear NYISO Customer: The version mapping posted on the web on 06/08/2001 was created from a customer file that joined the NYISO on 11 April 2000. This meant that the mapping was not valid for any customers who were already eligible for the whole month of April. For all customers who were eligible customers for the whole month April 2000, the following mapping applies: Date date previous 1 V 7 minus V 4 2 V minus V 4 2 minus V minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 V 4 minus V 4 5 V minus V 4 6 minus V 6 minus V 4 7 minus V 7 minus V 7 minus V 4 8 V 6 minus V 6 minus V 4 9 V minus V 4 10 V minus V 4 11 V minus V 4 7 minus V 4 12 V minus V 4 13 V minus V 7 minus V 4 7 minus V 4 15 V 6 minus V 4 16 minus V 6 minus V 4 16 minus V 4 minus 4 minus V 4 minus 4 minus 7 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus 4 minus 7 minus V 4 minus 4 minus V 4 minus 4 minus 7 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus 7 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus 7 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus 7 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus 4 minus V minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus 4 minus V minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus V minus 4 minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus 6 minus 4 minus V minus 4 minus V minus V minus 6 minus V minus 6 minus 6 minus 6 minus 6 minus 6 minus V minus 6 minus V minus V minus 6 minus 6 minus V minus 6 minus V minus V minus 6 minus V minus V minus V minus 6 minus V minus 6 minus V minus V minus 6 minus V minus 6 minus V minus V minus 6 minus 7 minus V minus V minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus V minus 7 minus V minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus V minus 7 minus V minus V minus 7 minus V minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus V minus V is 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus 7 minus V is 7 minus V is 7 minus V minus V minus V is 7 minus V is 7 of 4 minus 7 of 4 minus V minus 7 of 4 of 4 minus V minus V is 7 of 4 minus V is 7 of 4 minus V minus V minus V minus V minus V minus V minus V minus V of 4 of 4 of 4 of 4 of 4 minus V minus V minus V minus V minus V minus V minus 7 of 4 of 4 of that 7 of that 7 of that 7 of that 7 of 4 of 4 of 4 of that 7 of that 7 of 4 of 4 of this which which which which is 7 of what of this 7 of which is 7 of this which is 7 of what of what of what of which of which of which is 7 of this which is 7 of what of what of what of what of this is what of this is what of this is what of this is equal to V of what of this is equal to V of what of what of this is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to 4 of what of what of which is equal to V to V is equal to V is equal to 4 of what of this is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to the present to V is equal to V is equal to V to V to V to V to V to V to V to V to V is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V to V to V to V to V to V is equal to V is equal to V minus V minus V is equal to V to V to V to the present of this what of what of what of this is equal to V is equal to V is equal to V to V minus V is equal to V of what of what of what of 4 of what of what of this is? what of this is? what of this is? what of this is equal to V is? what of this is? what of this is? what is? what is equal to which is equal to which is equal to 4 of which is equal to which is equal to the present? what is? what is equal to which of this is equal to which is equal to which is equal to the present? what of which is? what of this is equal to the present? what of which is? what is? what is? what of which of this is? what
Side 30. april 2000, side 21. juli Kartlegging
Page 30 April 2000, page 21 July Mapping
Write an email with the following subject: Moving
Just to give you a heads up, the Tom James of Houston office will be moving to a new location on February 1, 2002. We have bought a building, and our beautiful new office will be located in the Brookhollow area, close to 610 and 290. Our new information:
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Flytt
Compose an email with the following topic: Move
For å gi deg en beskjed, vil Tom James fra Houston-kontoret flytte til et nytt sted 1. februar 2002. Vi har kjøpt en bygning, og det vakre nye kontoret vårt vil ligge i Brookhollow-området, nærmere 610 og 290. Vår nye informasjon:
To give you a message, Tom James from the Houston office will move to a new location on February 1, 2002. We bought a building, and our beautiful new office will be in the Brookhollow area, closer to 610 and 290. Our new information:
This is an email -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a MailBear mailing! This mail is never sent unsolicited. To unsubscribe from our Special Deal Newsletters forward this entire message to [email protected]. (be sure to forward the ENTIRE message, or it may not unsubscribe you!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the subject of this email?
Be a Host Family!
Dette er en e-post -- mail -- mail ------- Dette er en e-postmelding til MailBear! Denne e- postmeldinga er aldri sendt uten adresse. Å avslutte abonnementet på vår Special Deal Nyhetsbrev Send hele denne meldinga videre til [email protected]. (se til å videresende DET ENTORE budskap, eller det kan være at det ikke slutter å skrive til deg!) ------------------ Hva er subjektet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail -- e-mail -- e-mail ---- This is an e-mail message to MailBear! This mail message has never been sent without an address. Unsubscribe from our Special Deal News Letters Send this entire message to [email protected]. (see to pass on the ENGINE message, or it may not stop writing to you!) ---------------- what's the subject in this e-mail?
Vær en familie!
Be a family!
Here is an email: We need to protect the flows to Citizens on TW. I know you guys have been working on this, but Citizens continues to receive cuts. Please secure the supply off of TW. Let Sempra know that IB Link gas will not do. Thanks, What is a potential subject line for this email?
Citizens flows on TW
Vi må beskytte strømmene til borgere på TW. Jeg vet at dere har jobbet med dette, men borgere får stadig kutt. Vennligst sikre forsyningen av TW. La Sempra vite at IB Link gammer ikke vil gjøre det. Takk, hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
We need to protect the currents of citizens on TW. I know you've been working on this, but citizens keep getting cut. Please secure the supply of TW. Let Sempa know that IB Link old man won't do it. Thank you, what is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
borgertidsstrømmer på TW
bourgeois flows on TW
Write an email with the following subject: CA I and CA II assignment agreements
Attached are assignment and assumption agreements for CA I and CA II. The only changes to the GE form were those changes suggested by Lisa, and a little clean up. Kay
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: CA I- og CA II-oppgaveavtaler
Write an e-mail on the following subject: CA I and CA II declaration agreements
angaaende er tildelings- og omregningsavtaler for CA I og CA II. De eneste endringene av GE-formen var de endringene som Lisa foreslo, og litt opprydding. Siste lahar Sitt
The following are CA I and CA II allocation and conversion agreements. The only changes to the GE form were the changes Lisa suggested, and some cleanup. Last lahar Sitt
This is the content of an email: Per, Today, I submitted a brief summary of each groups 2001 goals. I wasn't able to talk to you before putting these out but they were fine for step one. Please review and make any changes you wish to them. I also need you to add as many specifics as possible. For example number of transactions, $ amounts, etc. Please read and make the changes on this email and return to me asap. Keep your goals to no more than 5. Global Risk Markets ? Create $38 million in gross margin and $26 million in EBIT ? Complete and market and execute transactions in three primary technologies: double trigger, upstream term-working interest and power price risk Thanks, What was the subject line for this email?
2001 goals
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Per I dag har jeg sendt inn en kort oversikt over de enkelte gruppenes mål fra 2001. Jeg kunne ikke snakke med deg før jeg la ut disse, men de var fine for første trinn. Vennligst gjennomgå og gjør de endringene du vil at de skal gjøres. Du må også legge til så mange detaljer som mulig. For eksempel antall transaksjoner, beløp m.m. Les og gjør endringene i denne e- posten og gå tilbake til meg som du vil. Hold dere til mål på høyst 5. - Globale risikomarkeder ? 328 millioner i brutto og 26 millioner i EBIT? Komplett- og markeds- og gjennomføringstransaksjoner i tre primærteknologier: dobbelt utløsende, langsiktig rente- og effektprisrisiko i forhold til tidligere perioder Takk: Hva var subjektet for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: As of today, I have sent in a brief overview of the individual objectives of the groups from 2001. I couldn't talk to you before I put these out, but they were fine for the first step. Please review and make any changes you want them to make. You must also add as many details as possible. For example, the number of transactions, amounts etc. Read and make changes to this email and return to me as you please. Stick to a target of no more than 5. Global risk markets? 328 million in gross and 26 million in EBIT? Complete and market and implementation transactions in three primary technologies: double-defaulting, long-term interest and power price risk over prior periods Thank you: what was the subject of this e-mail?
Stort mål: 2001 mål
Big Goal: 2001 Goals
Here is an email: Start Date: 1/23/02; DayAhead market; No ancillary schedules awarded. Variances detected. Variances detected in Energy Import/Export schedule. Variances detected in Load schedule. LOG MESSAGES: PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2002012316.txt What is a potential subject line for this email?
Start Date: 1/23/02; DayAhead market;
Her er en e-post: Startdato: 1/23/02; Dagsmelding; Ingen tilleggsplaner utdelt. Varianser oppdaget. Variansar oppdaga i plan for energiimport/eksport. Variansar oppdaga i lastskjema. LOG MESSADER: PARSING FIL -->> O:<unk>Portland<unk>WestDesk<unk>California Scheduling<unk>ISO Final Scheduling<unk>ISO Final Schedules<unk>2002012316.txt Hva er en potensiell subjektlinje for denne e-posten?
Here is an email: Start date: 1/23/02; Day message; no additional plans distributed. Variance detected. Variables detected in energy import/export plan. Variances detected in load form. •Lt. PHDlS < flL>DAN:
Startdato: hasard03-02; dag for morgen og morgen;
Start date: hazard03-02; day by morning;
This is the content of an email: Chuck - John Allario forwarded the comments you made to the NDA for my review and comment. I agree with all revisions, but the change to the business relationship provision in the introductory paragraph. I would propose that we state the "Project" to be "... each of Enron's and Amerada's affiliates are prepared to furnish each other with information in connection with a possible business transaction or relationship based upon use of the EnronOnline platform or software (the "Project")..." The statement made in your revision is a bit beyond what is actually intended to be discussed. Please consider this change and let me know your thoughts. If this is acceptable, I will incorporate it into final agreements, together with your other comments, and see that final agreements are forwarded for signature. Thanks. What was the subject line for this email?
NDA with Enron
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Chuck - John Allario videresendte kommentarene du kom med til NDA for min omtale og kommentar. Jeg er enig i alle revisjoner, men endringen i næringsforholdsbestemmelsen i innledende avsnitt. Jeg vil foreslå at vi sier at<unk>Prosjektet<unk> skal være<unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk> Hvert av Enron's og Ameradas datterforetak er forberedt på å formidle informasjon til hverandre i forbindelse med en mulig forretningstransaksjon eller et forhold basert på bruk av EnronOnline-plattformen eller programvaren (det<unk>-prosjekt<unk><unk><unk><unk> Utsagnet i din revisjon er litt utenfor det som faktisk er ment å bli diskutert. Vurder denne forandringen og la meg få vite hva du mener. Dersom dette er akseptabelt, vil jeg innarbeide den i endelige avtaler, sammen med deres øvrige merknader, og sørge for at de endelige avtalene er oversendt til signatur. Takk. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Chuck - John Allario forwarded the comments you made to the NDA for my review and comment. I agree with all revisions, but the change in the industry provision in the introductory section. We would suggest that the<unk>Project<unk><unk>><unk><unk>><unk>><unk>><unk>><unk><unk>><unk><unk>><unk><unk>><unk><unk><unk><unk>><unk><unk>><unk>><unk><unk>><unk><unk>><unk><unk>><unk>><unk><unk><unk>><unk><unk><unk>><unk><unk><unk>><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk><unk>><unk><unk><unk>><unk> is meant to be the current condition of a commercial link to each other. Consider this change and let me know what you think. If this is acceptable, I will incorporate it into final agreements, together with their other observations, and ensure that the final agreements are transmitted to the signature. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
N til å bli nidli med Entron
N to become negligee with Entron
This is an email Hey thanks for coming out to see the boys the other night, if you weren't there you missed a good show. 24BOM will probably play with Junco Parker again. But more important than that is Thursday night at the Medicine Hat Gallery- 18th and Alberta St- 9:00 PM. Show up and give some support, 24BOM will be recording live that night and it would be great to have some crowd response on that cd!! Thanks again for your support- hope to see you there What is the subject of this email?
Dette er en e-post Hei takk for at du kom ut for å se guttene forleden kveld, hvis du ikke var der gikk du glipp av et bra show. 24BOM vil sannsynligvis spille med Junco Parker igjen. Men viktigere enn det er torsdag kveld på Medicine Hat-galleriet, 18. og Alberta St. 09.00. Kom og gi litt støtte, 24BOM vil spille inn live den kvelden, og det ville vært fint å ha publikumssvar på den cd-en! Takk igjen for at du vil se deg der Hva er emnet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail. Hey, thanks for coming out to see the boys the other night, if you weren't there, you missed a good show. 24BOM will probably play with Junco Parker again. But more important than that is Thursday night at the Medicine Hat Gallery, 18th and Alberta St. 09:00. Come and give us some support, 24BOM will be recording live that night, and it would be nice to have audience answers on that CD! Thank you again for seeing you there. What's the subject in this e-mail?
større enn
greater than
Write an email with the subject line "Daily EOL/ICE Summary 3/6".
ICE VOLUMES Delivery Pt. Mid-C Palo Palo Palo Palo SP-15 Term Apr-01 Apr-01 May-01 Q2-01 Q4-02 Bal Month Avg. Price 288.00 252.00 275.00 285.00 100.00 246.00 Total MW 10,000 20,000 10,400 30,800 30,800 8,400
Skriv en e-post med emnefeltet<unk> Daglig EOL/ICE-suppresjon 3/6<unk>
Writes an email using the subject field<unk> Daily EOL/ICE suppression 3/6<unk>
I CE VOLUMES Redning Pt. Midt-C Pale Pale Pale Pale Pale Pale Range SP-15 Term Apr-01 Apr-01 May-01 Q2-01 Q4-02 Bal Måned Avg. Prisen 288,00 to hundre to hundre lag 285. lag 100 200 200 200mulmulmulator 10 200 MW 10 0 200 0 200 200 MW 10 0 100 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 200 0 200 0 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 200 0 200 0 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 200 0 200 100 200 2 75 2 2 85 285 285 285 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 100 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 100 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
IN CE VOLUME’S Redding Pt. Mid-C Pale Pale Pale Pale Range SP-15 Term Apr-01 May-01 Q2-01 Q4-02 Ba-month Avg. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Willie: Thanks for your voice mail message. As I explained to Joe and David, on all of the counterparties where we have "EOL Issues" I need to know what those issues are and then I will call them. Could you please advise Joe and/or David about this and then I will follow up. The only issue that we discussed was the issue that these counterparties are thinking that the clicking requirement in the ETA applies to confirms which it doesn't. Thanks Write a subject line for this email.
EOL Issues
Takk for svarermeldingen. Som jeg forklarte for Joe og David, på alle motparter hvor vi har - EOL-spørsmål - jeg må vite hva disse spørsmålene er og så vil jeg ringe dem. Kan du være så snill å råd Joe og/eller David om dette og så vil jeg følge opp. Det eneste spørsmålet vi diskuterte var spørsmålet om at disse motpartene tror at kravet om klikk i ETA gjelder for å bekrefte noe det ikke gjør. Takk for denne e- posten.
Thanks for the voice mail. As I explained to Joe and David, to any counterparties where we have EOL questions, I need to know what these questions are and then I want to call them. Would you please advise Joe and/or David about this and I'll follow up. The only question we discussed was the question that these counterparties believe that the requirement for click in ETA is valid to confirm something it does not. Thank you for this email.
EOL også selv
EOL, too