stringlengths 5.5k
June 8, 2001 5:00pm through June 11, 2001 12:00am
ECS to ECN Network Interconnection, June 9th 2001 POSTPONED
This is a notification that the Enron Corp. I/T Networks team will be connecting the new building network infrastructure located in Enron Center South (ECS) to the existing Enron Center North (ECN) backbone network. While this activity is not expected to produce a disruption to network services, this notice is designed to alert the organization to our activities. No network hardware or systems are anticipated to be shutdown. The actual physical interconnection of the networks will be performed in the EB 34th floor Data Center.
Interconnection activities are scheduled to occur the evening of June 9th 2001 starting from 7:00 p.m.(CT) and completing around 11:00 p.m. (CT). Application testing activities will begin at 11:00 p.m. (CT) once all network testing has completed.
If you have any further questions, please contact Pete Castrejana at 713-410-0642 for more information.
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: ENS
Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:30:00 PM CT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 9:30:00 PM PT
Sat 6/9/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 5:30:00 AM London
Outage: Upgrade code on Ardmore routers
Environments Impacted: Ardmore
Purpose: There is a bug with the version of code that we are using that causes the switches to crash.
Contact(s): Scott Shishido 713-853-9780
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 8:30:00 PM CT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 3:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 6:30:00 PM PT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:30:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 2:30:00 AM London
Outage: Split VLAN 468 into a /27 network
Environments Impacted: Corp
Purpose: Separate the load and traffic between AEXT, AEIN, & AX environments
Contact(s): Morgan Gothard 713-345-7387
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 6:30:00 PM CT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 3:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 4:30:00 PM PT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:30:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 12:30:00 AM London
Outage: AEINFW swap
Environments Impacted: Corp
Purpose: Eminent growth and related stability issues.
Backout: Reinstall original units
Contact(s): Morgan Gothard 713-345-7387
FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.
INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Exchange
Time: Sat 6/9/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 2:00:00 PM CT
Sat 6/9/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 12:00:00 PM PT
Sat 6/9/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 8:00:00 PM London
Outage: Apply latest hotfixes to Nahou-msmbx03v & Nahou-msmbx05v
Environments Impacted: Exchange Users on Nahou-msmbx03v & 05v
Purpose: Ensure backups and data integrity
Backout: Uninstall Hotfixes
Contact(s): Scott Albright 713-345-9381
Tim Hudson 713-853-9289
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London
Outage: Market Data TV systems upgrades
Environments Impacted: Trading Floors
Purpose: Increase system reliability and systems management, also allow presentation of new infrastructure content to the trading floor plasma screens
Backout: re-install original systems
Contact(s): John Sieckman 713-345-7862
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 6/8/2001 at 7:30:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 9:30:00 PM CT
Fri 6/8/2001 at 5:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/8/2001 at 7:30:00 PM PT
Sat 6/9/2001 at 1:30:00 AM London thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 3:30:00 AM London
Outage: NAMEX-LN1 and NAMTY-LN1- Needs Rebooting
Environments Impacted: Local Office
Purpose: Need to reload NETIQ Agents for NAMTY-LN1 and NAMEX-LN1
Contact(s): Wilma Bleshman 713-853-1562
Time: Sat 6/9/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 6/10/2001 at 1:30:00 AM CT
Sat 6/9/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 6/9/2001 at 11:30:00 PM PT
Sun 6/10/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 6/10/2001 at 7:30:00 AM London
Outage: Upgrade for E10K SSP tremor requires downtime on server moe.
Environments Impacted: Global
Purpose: An SSP is the controlling server for an E10K platform. Moe is a domain on the E10K platform named aftershock. In order to complete the upgrade of moe, we must first upgrade the SSP. The first phase will entail upgrading the SSP to Solaris 8 and the SSP software.
Backout: The SSP is really a new server that needs to be configured. The old SSP will be there if we need to back out.
Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716
SITARA: No Scheduled Outages.
SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.
TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
Specific Help:
Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536
SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727
Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]
RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]
OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]
CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]
EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]
EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797
TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager] |
---------------------- Forwarded by Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT on 03/13/2001 09:11
AM ---------------------------
"Steven Kelly" <[email protected]> on 03/13/2001 08:59:41 AM
To: "'Alan Comnes'" <[email protected]>, "'Alex Makler (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Alex Sugaoka (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Allen Jensen (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Andy Gilford
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Armen Arslanian (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bert Hunter'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bill Adams (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Bill Barnes (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Carlson
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Woods (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bo Buchynsky (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob
Ellery (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Escalante (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bob Gates (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"Bob Szymanski (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Bob Tormey
(E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Carolyn A Baker (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Charles Johnson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Charles Linthicum (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Cody
Carter (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Curt Hatton (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'David Parquet (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Dean Gosselin (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Diane Fellman (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Don Scholl (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Doug Fernley (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "Doug Levitt (E-mail)" <[email protected]>,
"'Duane Nelsen (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ed Maddox (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Ed Tomeo (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Edward Lozowicki (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Edwin Feo
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Eric Edstrom (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Eric Eisenman (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Floyd Gent (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "Frazier Blaylock (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "'Hal Dittmer (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Hap Boyd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Iliff Steve
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jack Pigott (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Janet Heck Doyle (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Joe Greco (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'John O'Rourke'" <[email protected]>, "'Jonathan
Weisgall (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kawamoto, Wayne'"
<[email protected]>, "'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ken
Hoffman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ken Salvagno (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Kent Burton (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Larry Kellerman'" <[email protected]>, "'Lucian Fox (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Mark Fillinger'" <[email protected]>,
"'Mark J. Smith (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Mike Hawkins (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Milton Schultz (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Nam Nguyen (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Paul Wood (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Paula Soos (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Pete Levitt (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Peter H. Weiner'" <[email protected]>, "'Phil Reese (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Rick S. Koebbe (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Robert Frees (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ross Ain (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Scott Harlan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Steve Ponder (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tandy McMannes (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Ted Cortopassi (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Thomas Heller (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Thomas Swank'" <[email protected]>, "'Tom
Hartman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tony Wetzel (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Ward Scobee (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bob Judd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Brian T. Craggq'" <[email protected]>, "'J. Feldman'" <[email protected]>,
"'Kassandra Gough (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kristy Rumbaugh
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>
cc: "Doug Kerner (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Carol Hudson (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, "Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Katie
Kaplan (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Steven Kelly (E-mail)" <[email protected]>
Subject: Status of SB47X
There will be no hearing on SB47X this week, and it is very possible that
47X will not be heard in the future. The Governor has "control of the bill"
which means that neither the Democratic nor Republican leadership want to
move the bill. As a result, they are deferring to the CPUC to address the
QF issues. The CPUC is expected to release a Decision on Thursday, which
will be a revised Wood PD. While not having a lot of detail on what the PD
may say, it is expected that the price cap will be lifted in some manner.
While it is difficult to ascribe specifically why the bill has been waylaid,
it is clear that (1) SCE has been effective in arguing that the QFs are "not
in the box" established by Mr. Keeley (i.e. 7.8 cents/kWh), (2) the initial
Keeley "box" has been replaced by the Governor's box which is in some sense
related to the price DWR has been paying for its purchases and, as a result,
the QF "box" may be perceived by the Governor as less than 7.8 cents/kWh,
(3) the democrats (and even the Republican leadership) were reluctant to
tackle a complicated "rate setting" bill and assume the risk of getting
burned as occurred in AB1890, and they were reluctant to take the lead on
legislating a five-year deal, (4) the Governor has consistently wanted the
QF bill to be tied to the "mega bill" and this seems to be occurring through
the lack of action, (5) in the absence of some compelling "crises" (e.g.
wholesale shutdowns), the legislature failed to see the urgency to move the
bill at this time.
At this point, we will await the PD. It is unlikely that the PD will be
able to simultaneously (1) address SRAC "within the box" as directed by the
Governor, and (2) be consistent with state (Section 390) and federal (PURPA)
law, particularly given the paucity of a "record" at the CPUC on which to
base its decision.
Upon receiving and reviewing the PD, we will convene a conference call of
the IEP QF/Renewable Committee to discuss next steps. |
Yes, we have a seat for her.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 3:46 PM
To: Marilou Schopper
Subject: RE: The Center -- An Invitation
Importance: High
Is Sally confirmed for this event?
Christina Valdez
Asst. to Sally Beck
-----Original Message-----
From: "Marilou Schopper" <[email protected]>@ENRON
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 6:05 PM
To: Ben F. Love (E-mail); C. Richard Everett (E-mail); Charles E.
McMahen (E-mail); Charlie Savino; Claire Farley (E-mail);
David L. Mendez (E-mail); Deborah M. Cannon (E-mail); E.
William Barnett (E-mail); Eugene H. Vaughan Jr. (E-mail);
George Martinez (E-mail); Jacqueline S. Martin (E-mail);
D. Calaway (E-mail); James R. Royer (E-mail); Jim Kollaer
(E-mail); John Mendelsohn (E-mail); Lay, Kenneth; Lee Hogan
(E-mail); Matthew R. Simmons (E-mail); Michael K. Jhin
(E-mail); Ned S. Holmes (E-mail); R. Bruce LaBon (E-mail);
Robert Mosbacher Jr. (E-mail); Rosie Zamora (E-mail); Rufus
Cormier (E-mail); Steven L. Miller (E-mail); William A.
(E-mail); William H. White (E-mail); Alice L. Aanstoos
(E-mail); c. Ronald Lewis (E-mail); CFA Lee Lahourcade
(E-mail); Charles O. Connell (E-mail); Chase Untermeyer
(E-mail); Craig Weinstock (E-mail); Gasper Mir. III
Harry Gee Jr. (E-mail); Jodie Jiles (E-mail); Joe Synan
(E-mail); Kenneth M. Williams (E-mail); Kim Ruth (E-mail);
E. Linbeck Jr. (E-mail); Lloyd Bentsen III (E-mail);
D. Burke (E-mail); Paul Frison (E-mail); Peggy Smith Ph. D.
(E-mail); Robert M. Eury (E-mail); Stephen C. Beasley
(E-mail); Terry S. Cheng P.E. (E-mail); Wilhelmina (Beth)
Robertson (E-mail); Willard Jackson (E-mail); Willie J.
Alexander (E-mail); Al Calloway (E-mail); Alex Chae
Ann Lents (E-mail); Brian Landrum (E-mail); Craig Lieberman
(E-mail); David Gochman (E-mail); Dorothy Ables (E-mail);
D. Wulfe (E-mail); E. Staman Ogilvie (E-mail); Elijio
(E-mail); Frank Michel (E-mail); Fred Williams (E-mail);
Gaurdie Banister (E-mail); Gene L. Locke (E-mail); Jeff
(E-mail); Ken Wells (E-mail); Lee Cutrone Jr. (E-mail);
Stark (E-mail); Massey Villarreal (E-mail); Max Castillo
(E-mail); Michael Holthouse (E-mail); Milton L. Scott
(E-mail); Nancy T. Chang (E-mail); Olga Moya (E-mail); Paul
Hobby (E-mail); Randy Velarde (E-mail); Bowen Jr., Raymond;
Rene Paul Joubert (E-mail); Beck, Sally; Sonceria
Messiah-Jiles (E-mail); Walt Mischer Jr. (E-mail);
Yu (E-mail); Yolanda Londono (E-mail)
Cc: Marilou Schopper
Subject: The Center -- An Invitation
Importance: High
Center for Houston's Future Board Members,
2000 Business-Civic Leadership Founding Forum Participants,
2001 Business-Civic Leadership Forum Participants:
Please consider this event -- a compelling speech by Dynegy's
and CEO, Chuck Watson. This event is another in a series of speeches
prominent business people in our region focused upon Houston, the
and its possibilities.
The incoming Winter 2002 Business-Civic Leadership Forum Participants
have been encouraged to attend. If possible, please attend both the
reception (11:30 a.m.) and luncheon event (noon) to meet and show
support to the incoming Forum participants. Luncheon seating will be
arranged together. This will be an excellent networking opportunity.
This event will set the stage for The Center's forum dialogue,
provide a
first opportunity for the Winter Forum participants to meet their
in a social setting and offer a time for current Center volunteers to
interact with those who will step forward at the close of this next
Forum, March 2.
Cost: $21.50 Please e-mail a reply to this invitation to Marilou
Schopper, [email protected] by Wednesday, Jan. 9. Luncheon fee
should be paid by a check made payable to Center for Houston's
Please send the check to Jill Murray, Center for Houston's Future,
Smith, Suite 1150, Houston, TX 77002. Thank you for your
and see you at the Houston Club.
Who: Dynegy's Chairman and CEO, Chuck Watson
What: A Conversation with Chuck Watson about Energy, Diversity and
Future of Houston
When: Thursday, January 17, 2002, 11:45 a.m. check-in, noon luncheon
Reception to precede event, 11:30 a.m. prompt, Travis Room
Where: The Houston Club, 811 Rusk
Why: This event is a part of The Houston Club's Distinguished
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********************************************************************** |
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 02/24/2000 07:54
AM ---------------------------
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "C. Scott" <[email protected]> 02/24/2000 06:15
Please respond to "C. Scott" <[email protected]>
To: "Wilbur & Betty Williams" <[email protected]>, "Travis Kelley"
<[email protected]>, "Susan Margaret Scott" <[email protected]>, "Pat and
Paige Lentz" <[email protected]>, "Mike Oldham"
<[email protected]>, "Kana, Kristi M."
<[email protected]>, "Charlee Marshall Williamson"
<[email protected]>
Subject: Fw: You Know You're In Austin, TX When...
-----Original Message-----
From: Whitley, Stacie <[email protected]>
To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: FW: You Know You're In Austin, TX When...
>Know you can relate to this one!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Kevin P. Kellar [SMTP:[email protected]]
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 10:25 AM
>> To: [email protected]; Mark & Stacie Whitley; Agnes Whitley
>> Subject: FW: You Know You're In Austin, TX When...
>> Your co-worker tells you they have 8 body piercings, but none are
>> You make over $100,000 and still can't afford a house.
>> You never bother looking at the Captial Metro schedule because you know
>> the
>> drivers have never seen it.
>> You've been to more than one baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm
>> donor.
>> You have a very strong opinion where your coffee beans are grown and can
>> taste the difference between Samatran and Ethiopian.
>> A really great parking space can bring you to tears.
>> You know that anyone wearing pants in November is just visiting from
>> Your child's 3rd grade teacher has two pierced ears, a nose ring and is
>> named "Breeze." And, after telling that to a friend, they still need to
>> ask if the teacher is male or female.
>> You are thinking of taking an adult education class but you can't decide
>> between Yoga, Aromatherapy, Conversational Mandarin or one on building
>> your
>> own website.
>> You haven't been to Hippie Hollow since the first month you moved to
>> Austin.
>> A man walks on The Drag in full leather regalia and crotchless chaps.....
>> You don't notice.
>> A woman walks on The Drag with live poultry.....You don't notice.
>> You think any guy with a George Clooney haircut must be visiting from the
>> Midwest.
>> You know that any woman with a George Clooney haircut is not a tourist.
>> You keep a list of compaies to boycott.
>> Your hairdresser is straight, your plumber is gay, the man who delivers
>> your mail is straight, and your Mary Kay Lady is a guy in drag.
>> You occasionally see a guy on a unicycle whiz buy you while you're in
>> car and you say to yourself, "Oh yeah, it's that guy again...."
>> You start to worry when you don't see the cross-dressing, bearded guy
>> in-a-tutu-and-bikini-top-who-has-made-a-statement-with-his-grocery-cart-
>> and-cardboard-box-art/shelter on your way to work in the morning.
>> You'll make dinner or bar plans around who's got the best margaritas.
>> You have a tough time deciding on one of Austin's six 24-hour eating
>> options (IHOP, Denny's, Katz', Kerby, Stars, or Magnolia Cafe)
>> You complain about their prices but still shop at Central Market for the
>> scene.
>> You don't even think about getting good seats to the Longhorn's football
>> games.
>> You know the exact locations of three towing yards.
>> Your summer shoes are your Birks and your winter shoes are your Birks
>> socks.
>> Your entire wardrobe consists of: a black tank-top, a GAP white T-shirt,
>> second hand Levi's, second hand cut-off Levi's, overalls, Longhorn
>> anything polyester from the 70s, a bikini, Tevas, Birks, and running
>> shoes.
>> Dressing up to go out for a woman means throwing a tank top on over the
>> sports bra you've had on all day because it's so DAMN HOT!
>> You often find yourself wondering why magazine editors insist that
>> swimsuit season starts on Memorial Day when it's really the end of
>> February or at the latest, the beginning of March.
>> You consider chips, salsa, Kerby Queso, and Shiner Bock Beer a
>> well-balanced meal.
>> You find yourself making beaded necklaces to give as Christmas gifts.
>> 100 degrees for three straight months isn't unreasonalble, 110 degrees
>> (And 90 degrees anywhere between May and September seems a bit chilly)
>> You figure skin cancer is inevitable beacuse it is so hot that even your
>> sunscreen won't stay on.
>> When you go out, you make sure you've grabbed you waterbottle before
>> checking to see if you've got your wallet and keys.
>> You don't mind parking a mile away as long as it's in the shade.
>> You spend so much time at MoJo's Coffee House you finally start bringing
>> in
>> your own CD's for the staff to play.
>> Your professor decides in the middle of the Government lecture that now's
>> as good of time as ever to tell his class of 500 he's gay. Like you
>> didn't
>> know. Like you even care.
>> (Gals) You ask yourself constantly if that's a cute guy or a butch girl.
>> And you don't really care either way because it's fun to wonder.
>> You'd rather ride your bike than get in a car without air conditioning.
>> At least on your bike, you're guaranteed a breeze regardless of traffic.
>> You see more Texas flags flying than American flags.
> |
August 21, 2000 (AP)
California regulators cut San Diego electricity rates in close vote
(08-21) 16:28 PDT SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- With consumers howling about
unexpectedly high electric bills this summer, California's Public Utility
Commission took a step back from deregulation and cut rates for most San
Diego residents by 43 percent, so that most customers will pay no more
than $68 per month through January.
By a 3-2 margin, the commission also approved a rate cut for small
businesses and school districts, resulting in estimated bills of $220 a
month for customers that don't exceed strict usage limits of 1,500
kilowatt hours.
"This isn't going to help anybody," muttered San Diego restaurateur Susan
Bauman as she waved a $10,284 electricity bill showing one of her two
businesses used 30,000 kilowatt hours in July.
PUC Commissioner Henry Duque, who drafted the proposal, said it provides
some relief while encouraging energy conservation, since customers who
exceed the usage limits will have to continue paying market rates.
Other San Diegans who attended the hearing called the action woefully
"We are bleeding to death and this will not stop the hemorrhaging," said
San Diego Supervisor Dianne Jacob. "We are going to die unless we get more
The PUC rejected an alternative proposal that would have imposed price
controls through 2003 and lowered bills by 60 percent from current levels.
Ed Guiles, CEO of San Diego Gas & Electric Co., said the alternative would
have accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars in deferred costs. With
interest, those costs ultimately would be passed on to customers beginning
in 2004.
But even the measure that did pass could end up costing San Diego
customers as much as $100 million after 2001, Guiles said.
"This is an interim solution that stabilizes the bills for consumers but
does not get to the root part of the problem of high energy prices,"
Guiles said.
Consumer advocates say customers should not be forced to pay for the
higher rates, now or in the future.
"The proposals are really just a ruse. They move the burden from the
consumers' checkbook to their credit cards to be paid at a future date,"
said Doug Heller of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, a
Santa Monica watchdog.
The deregulation of the state's $20 billion electrical power industry --
imposed under a complex 1996 law that phases in the effects from south to
north -- was supposed to lower prices by creating greater competition.
But demand has outstripped electricity supplies, due to a growing
population, booming high-tech economy, and less electricity available from
neighboring states that haven't deregulated their systems.
A sweltering summer in much of California hasn't helped, and cost hikes
and continuing power shortages that caused rolling "brownouts" in the San
Francisco Bay area in June have spurred demands of a repeal.
Monday's action came at an emergency meeting called at the request of Gov.
Gray Davis, who asked the commission to lower soaring electric bills that
have sparked outrage in California's second largest city -- and fears in
other California regions due to buy electricity on the open market as
early as next year.
Residential and business customers who receive their power from SDG&E have
seen their electric bills double or even quadruple since their rates were
deregulated in June.
Jacob and other San Diego-area politicians on hand at San Francisco's
hearings said they were headed to Sacramento to lobby for a state law
proposing to revert rates to 1996 prices. The proposal doesn't specify who
would pay for the rollback.
Other critics said the PUC's rate limits won't help elderly and sick
people who must run their air conditioning during the hot summer months.
Opponents also warned that small businesses still might have to lay off
employees or move from the area to offset their rising expenses.
"What we have done is lower the rates for turning on your TV or running
your refrigerator, but basically what we're telling people is, don't turn
on your air conditioner," said PUC Commissioner Carl Wood, who wanted the
steeper rate cut that failed Monday.
The cap adopted Monday applies to residential customers who limit usage to
500 kilowatts per month. About 70 percent of homes in San Diego fall under
the cap, estimated Duque.
The prevailing market rate has soared under deregulation.
On August 13, the average wholesale price for San Diego electricity was
$117 per megawatt hour, up from $25 per megawatt hour at a comparable time
last year, said Wood.
The estimated $68 cap for residential customers will remain in effect
through January 2001 and then increase to a projected $75 cap through
December 2001.
The projected $220 cap on electric bills that applies to businesses and
school districts will increase to $240 per month after January.
Under deregulation, private utilities were required to sell off their
power plants and open their markets to electrical resellers, and buy power
on the open market, paying an amount that may fluctuate from day to day.
But the state has been shunned by some power developers who are uncertain
about deregulation, and few new power plants are in the works.
------=? On the Net:? California PUC: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov? California ISO: http://www2.caiso.com? Energy Department electricity statistics: http://www.eia.doe.gov? North American Electric Reliability Council: http://www.nerc.com? Utility Consumers Action Network: http://www.ucan.org???----------------------------------------------------------------------?Copyright 2000 AP? |
You may have seen this...
---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 02/22/2001 09:24
AM ---------------------------
From: Mark E Haedicke@ECT on 02/21/2001 03:17 PM
Sent by: Janette Elbertson@ECT
To: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Roger Balog/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy
Banczak/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert
Bruce/NA/Enron@Enron, Teresa G Bushman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bob Carter/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M
Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nancy
Angela Davis/NA/Enron@Enron, Peter del Vecchio/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy E
Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andrew Edison/NA/Enron@Enron, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Chris Gaffney/TOR/ECT@ECT, Robert H George/NA/Enron@Enron, Barbara N
Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT, James Grace/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark
Greenberg/NA/Enron@ENRON, Wayne Gresham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie
Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Karen E Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anne C Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan
Larsen/PDX/ECT@ECT, Dan Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bruce
Jane McBride/AP/Enron@Enron, Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa
Mellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet H Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R
Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cheryl Nelson/NA/Enron@Enron,
Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marcus Nettelton/NA/Enron@ENRON, Limor
Nissan/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, John Novak/SA/Enron@Enron, Francisco Pinto
Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Rasmussen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Coralina
Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Frank
Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol St
Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carlos Sole/NA/Enron@Enron, Lou Stoler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark
Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT,
John Viverito/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ann Elizabeth White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randy
Young/NA/Enron@Enron, Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Kimberlee A Bennick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Martha
Flores/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda R Guinn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ed B Hearn III/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Mary J Heinitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathleen
Carnahan/NA/Enron@Enron, Deb Korkmas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laurie Mayer/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Matt Maxwell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Ogden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debra
Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Merrill W Haas/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Andrea Calo/SA/Enron@Enron, Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron, David
Keohane/CAL/ECT@ECT, Justin Boyd/LON/ECT@ECT, Edmund Cooper/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark
Elliott/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark Evans/Legal/LON/ECT@ECT, Denis
O'Connell/LON/ECT@ECT, Robert Quick/LON/ECT@ECT, Paul Simons/LON/ECT@ECT,
Martin Rosell/OSL/ECT@ECT, Rahul Saxena/LON/ECT@ECT, Greg
Johnston/CAL/ECT@ECT, Mark Powell/CAL/ECT@ECT, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT, Suzanne Adams/HOU/ECT@ECT, Connie
Elbertson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kaye Ellis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carolyn
Jan M King/HOU/ECT@ECT, Taffy Milligan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pat Radford/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Becky Spencer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda J Simmons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dina
Snow/Corp/Enron@Enron, Twanda Sweet/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda
Whitehead/HOU/ECT@ECT, Yo Yamanishi/AP/Enron@Enron, Claudia
Meraz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Reginald Shanks/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wendi
Martinez/NA/Enron@Enron, Sami Arap/SA/Enron@Enron, Luiz
Watanabe/SA/Enron@Enron, Andrea Calo/SA/Enron@Enron, Patricia
Dutra/SA/Enron@Enron, Karla Azevedo/SA/Enron@Enron, Nancy
Muchmore/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra Vassel/SA/Enron@Enron, Miguel
Paula Porto/SA/Enron@Enron, Celina Ozorio/SA/Enron@Enron, Maria Pia
Subject: Organizational Announcement
We are pleased to announce organizational changes to the Enron South America
legal department in response to the recent reorganization and realignment of
the principal Enron Wholesale Services business units operating in the
region, Enron Americas and Enron Global Assets.
Randy Young, currently General Counsel of ESA, will be assuming new
responsibilities within Enron. John Novak will become General Counsel of
ESA, reporting to Mark Haedicke. The ESA legal department will be
responsible for supporting all Enron Americas and Enron Global Assets
businesses in the region. Additional legal resources, coordinated by Lance
Schuler, will be provided from EWS Legal in Houston to support ESA's
wholesale activities. John will also work closely with Bruce Lundstrom,
General Counsel of EGA, to coordinate legal support with respect to the EGA
businesses in the region. An organizational chart describing the new
structure is attached.
This new structure will enable us to continue to provide quality legal
support across business lines within South America while improving
coordination and providing additional support from Houston for Enron's
existing operating businesses, as well as the new business development
initiatives under way in the region. |
The first quarter of 2001 was a record quarter for the performance of the businesses under the Enron Global Markets group. We posted a gross margin number of $100 million for the first quarter. This represents a 38% increase in gross margin after a very successful Q1 of 2000. When combined with outstanding results posted in December of 2000, EGM has contributed over $187 million to the Wholesale group in the last 4 months. This was due to tremendous contributions from each business group.
In order to keep the momentum going and to facilitate more growth, the following changes and additions have been made within the organization.
Crude and Products group
Bill Berkeland has joined the group and is responsible for creating a focused mid-marketing function specifically within this group. Fred Lagrasta is responsible for mid-marketing for Enron Americas and still maintains some responsibility for various contacts and deal flow as well. The purpose of this group is to be very focused in the development of crude and product specific products and services. This group reports to Randy Maffett.
In order to manage the increased origination opportunities around the world, the Origination group has been changed in order to insure that the proper focus is placed on these opportunities and to manage its wide scope. Doug Friedman will lead our NGL and Petchem origination efforts reporting to John Nowlan. Joining Doug will be Rick Cantrell recently hired from Union Carbide. The global crude and products origination group has added Randy O'Conner from Red Meteor, who has extensive experience in these markets. Both Randy and Doug Leach's growing fuels origination group will report to Randy Maffett.
Lee Jackson will assume the role of U.S. NGL's lead financial trader, supported by Chad South. The petchem and plastic trading businesses have been reorganized under Stuart Bland. Alan Engberg will be responsible for plastics trading in the Americas.
Scott Moncrieff will assume responsibility of our global shipping network related to crude and products. Scott will be charged with expanding all aspects of the shipping portfolio taking advantage of our growing presence in these markets and the successes we have had marketing shipping on line.
The weather group under Mark Tawney's direction is expanding its efforts around the world. Europe will have an expanded focus and the London office will focus on new opportunities in Europe. Paul Murray has joined Enron from Castlebridge Partners and will be moving to London to develop and expand the continental opportunities. Ross McIntyre, currently based in London, will report to Paul. Bill Windle has joined the weather group and has responsibility for origination activities for North America. Bill's most recent assignment has been in the EBS organization. The Oslo weather office managed by Thor Lien will have responsibility for Scandinavia weather activities. In addition, employees are being added in the Australia and Japan regions. We are now making markets in 32 cities around the world on EnronOnline.
Mark Schroeder has joined the coal group and is responsible for origination activities with generators in the U.S. Mark's most recent assignment was as the head of all regulatory activities for Enron Europe, Japan and Australia.
Enron Japan
The momentum of power deregulation process has slowed in Japan. The decision has been made to scale back the wholesale power activities. Joe Hirl, President and CEO of Enron Japan, will now report into the EGM organization. Joe will maintain his direct responsibility of the office and will be increasing his focus on the business lines within EGM. All of these products have high growth potential in both the near and long-term and he will coordinate and help implement with all the business lines and their activities.
LNG continues to expand with the vision to increase the number of transactions and create a portfolio of assets and contractual access around the world. Jonathan Whitehead has joined the LNG group and has responsibility for all trading and shipping activities.
Neal Gerstandt, previously an independent energy consultant, Jared Kaiser, from Enron Americas - East Gas Desk, and Kurt Lindahl, from Enron Global Assets, have also joined the LNG group with responsibilities in the area of origination in the Western Region.
Enron Freight Markets
EFM has concluded over 2,000 transactions in its first two months. Chris Kravas continues to focus on building the spot trading and mid-market capabilities that will enable it to be the dominant player in its market, and has hired four new traders in the last two weeks. Kellie Metcalf, from EBS, has joined Shawn Cumberland's origination effort, and Deirdre McCaffrey, from Gas Structuring and Mid-Market, has joined Matt Arnold's forward trading group focusing on diesel products.
Global Risk Markets
David Hoog joined Enron from Ace Insurance in December 2000 and has quickly built a team of people specialized in trading unit contingent power price call options, a hybrid insurance derivative product. Drawing on Ace and Enron resources, this team is based in New York and includes Alex Tartakovski and Larry Marcus from Ace, as well as Joana Bekerman and Tony Chang who recently moved to New York from Houston. Their first transaction closed just 3 months after startup.
Brad Blesie will be moving to London in June to establish a base of operation for GRM and expand our insurance derivative activities into the European market place. Among the opportunities he is currently exploring are contingent call options applied to shipping and charter rates, trading insolvent insurance claims, and combining North Sea oil and gas VPP risk with decommissioning insurance.
In April this year, EGM established a hedge fund origination effort in New York reporting to Per Sekse and led by Russell Dyk who recently moved to New York from LNG in Houston. Russell is responsible for expanding our commodity trading relationship with hedge funds to include crude oil, products, liquids and other commodities traded by EGM. Joining Russell in this effort is Stephen Plauche, who comes to us from Enron Americas' power trading desk.
Financial Trading
Elsa Piekielniak has assumed responsibility for Enron's developing agriculture business. Billy Lemmons has changed groups and now runs the Analyst and Associate program for Enron Corp.
Please congratulate everyone on their new assignment and we look forward to the continued growth in all the EGM businesses. |
Sue Mara
Enron Corp.
Tel: (415) 782-7802
Fax:(415) 782-7854
----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 03/21/2001 10:25 AM -----
Jean Munoz <[email protected]>
03/21/2001 09:27 AM
To: Katie Kaplan <[email protected]>, "'Andy Brown (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'B Brown Andy (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Baker Carolyn (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Escalante
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Weisenmiller (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Douglas Kerner (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Greg Blue (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jan
Smutny-Jones (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John
Larrea (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John Stout (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Kassandra Gough (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'kent
Palmerton (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kristin Vellandi
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Marty Wilson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'McNally Ray (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "''Nam Nguyen'
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Norton Kelli (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Paula Hall-Collins (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Pigott Jack (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Richard Hyde (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Rob Lamkin (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Roger Pelote
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Stephanie-Newell (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Sue Mara (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Theo Pahos (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tom Ross
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Carol H Hudson (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>, steven kelly <[email protected]>, "'Anne Kelly (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Chuck Cole (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Delany Hunter (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'DJ Smith
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Hedy Govenar (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'Maureen OHaren
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Mike Monagan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>,
"'Phil Isenberg (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Robert Ross (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Ron Tom (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Scott Govenar
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Susan Mccabe (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>
Subject: Great Sacramento Bee Editorial Today
B; E; E; ; E; D; I; T; O; R; I; A; L; S
Our first Gray-outs: These power outages are purely a failure of leadership
(Published March 21, 2001)
Add a new term to the electricity nomenclature -- the Gray-out. This is a
power outage caused by politics in Sacramento under Gov. Gray Davis, rather
than some unavoidable mismatch between supply and demand.
This is March. Peak demand is thousands upon thousands of megawatts lower
than it will be this summer. And yet the lights are going out.
These rolling Gray-outs trace squarely back to state government's failure to
figure out a way to pay for all the power that California needs. The
generators who aren't getting paid are beginning to go temporarily out of
business. Day by day, less and less power is available for the grid, to the
point that a little bit of spring sun is enough to overtax supply and turn
out the lights. Unbelievable.
It's true that the governor is bleeding the state's coffers to the tune of
about $50 million every day to pay the big for-profit generators for their
supply. This is his short-term solution, until the longer-term solution --
whatever that is -- kicks in. But no, even that huge payment isn't all the
money needed to pay all the generators.
Neglected by the government plan are about 600 little guys that produce 20
percent of the electricity supply. These are generators dotted throughout the
state known as Qualifying Facilities. A creation of the alternative energy
movement of the 1970s, these are plants powered by natural gas, the sun and
the wind. Unlike the big for-profit generating companies, these QFs are
contractually tied to the giant utilities, Southern California Edison and
PG&E. And the utilities haven't been paying them for weeks and weeks -- at
this point the QFs are owed $1.48 billion.
Not surprisingly, some of these generators can't afford to keep producing
power for free. Grid operators say that these QFs could be producing about
6,000 megawatts if they were being paid. Instead, they are producing about
3,100, and the amount is decreasing. Outages were triggered on Monday because
the grid was short about 1,000 megawatts of load. This math clearly reveals
how avoidable this disruption was. Call it a rolling Gray-out.
Bipartisan legislation has languished in Sacramento for weeks that would cut
in half what these QFs have been billing the utilities. The savings are
possible by moving these contracts into long-term deals and out of the
higher-priced spot market. This piece of the overall solution has been
stalled while the governor has been at work on the others, such as returning
the big utilities to solvency and locking in power purchases long-term with
the big for-profit generators. Disregarding the little guys, however, is a
mistake that the governor and Legislature should correct immediately. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Rod Hayslett/FGT/Enron on 02/21/2001 07:04 AM ---------------------------
From: Office of the Chairman 01/12/2001 07:31 PM
Sent by: Office of the Chairman
To: All Enron Worldwide
Subject: Managing Director and Vice President Elections
The Managing Director PRC Committee met this week to elect individuals to Managing Director and Vice President positions. These employees are recognized as outstanding contributors to the organization, whose individual efforts have been instrumental in the continued success and growth of the company. We are pleased to announce the election of the following new Managing Directors and Vice Presidents. Please join us in congratulating these individuals on their new appointments.
Managing Director - Commercial
Phillip K. Allen, ENA (EWS) West Gas Trading - Houston
Franklin R. Bay, EBS Entertainment on Demand - Houston
Timothy N. Belden, ENA (EWS) - West Power Trading - Portland
Michael R. Brown, EEL - Executive - London
Christopher F. Calger, ENA (EWS) West Power Origination - Portland
Joseph M. Deffner, ENA (EWS) Treasury & Funding - Houston
Timothy J. Detmering, ENA (EWS) Corporate Development - Houston
William D. Duran, ENA (EWS) Generation Investments - Houston
Robert S. Gahn, EES Commodity Structuring - Houston
Kevin C. Garland, EBS Broadband Ventures - Houston
Ben F. Glisan, Jr., Corporate - Global Equity Markets - Houston
Robert E. Hayes, ETS COMM Marketing - Houston
Phillip R. Milnthorp, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination & Trading - Calgary
Managing Director - Commercial Support
Sally W. Beck, ENW (EWS) Energy Operations Management - Houston
Fernley Dyson, EEL Finance & Support Services - London
Vice President - Commercial
Gregory Adams, EES MMC Management - Houston
Robert Bayley, EEL-UK Origination - London
Jack D. Boatman, ETS Market Development - Houston
Rhenn Cherry, EES Assets/Labor - Houston
Niamh Clarke, EGM (EWS) Liquids Trading - London
Peter Crilly, EEL-UK Origination - London
Derek J. Davies, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination - Calgary
Mark D. Davis, Jr., ENA (EWS) East Power Trading - Houston
Charles Delacey, Corporate Finance - Houston
Paul Devries, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination - Toronto
Christopher H. Foster, ENA (EWS) West Power Trading - Portland
Jeffrey F. Golden, EES Corporate Development - Houston
Michael D. Grigsby, ENA West Gas Trading Group - Houston
Troy A. Henry, EES Bundled Sales-Heavy Industrial - Houston
Rogers Herndon, ENA (EWS) East Power Trading - Houston
James W. Lewis, EES Underwriting - Houston
Christopher Mahoney, EGM (EWS) Liquids Trading - London
Andrew Marsden, EBS Broadband Ventures - London
John McClain, EBS Broadband Wholesale Origination - Houston
Kevin J. McGowan, EGM (EWS) American Coal - Houston
Albert E. McMichael, Jr., ENA (EWS) Gas Commodity Structuring - Houston
Ermes I. Melinchon, Central America Origination - Houston
Steven R. Meyers, EES Consumption - Houston
Lloyd D. Miller, ENA (EWS) Portfolio Management - Houston
Michael A. Miller, Wind Development / Execution-General Administration - Houston
Marcello Romano, EBS EEL-Broadband Trading - London
David A. Samuels, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline - Houston
Per A. Sekse, EGM (EWS) Global Risk Markets - New York
Edward S. Smida, EBS Video on Demand - Houston
Mark Tawney, EGM (EWS) Weather Trading - Houston
Jon Thomsen, EBS Business Development - Latin America/Canada - Portland
Barry L. Tycholiz, ENA (EWS) West Gas Origination - Houston
Frank W. Vickers, ENA (EWS) East Gas Origination - Houston
Amit Walia, Corporate, Corporate Development - Houston
William White, EBS Global Bandwidth Risk Mgmt - Houston
Jonathan Whitehead, EEL EA Trading - Japan
Mark Whitt, ENA (EWS) West Gas Origination - Denver
John A. Zufferli, ENA (EWS) Canada Power Trading - Calgary
Vice President - Commercial Support
Beth Apollo, EEL Financial Operations Executive - London
Marla Barnard, EBS Human Resources - Houston
Karen L. Denne, Corporate, Public Relations - Houston
Georganne M. Hodges, ENA (EWS) Trading, Origination & Power Plant Accounting - Houston
Phillip Lord, EEL Transaction Support - London
Peggy Mahoney, EES Marketing - Communication - Houston
Steven Montovano, Corporate, Government & Regulatory Affairs - Dublin
Laura Scott, ENA (EWS) Canada Accounting - Calgary
Richard C. Sherman, ENA (EWS) Transaction Support - Houston
Gregory W. Stubblefield, EES Financial Planning & Reporting - Houston
Dennis D. Vegas, CALME International Public Relations - Houston
Vice President - Specialized Technical
Sami Arap Sobrinho, ESA (EWS) Legal - Houston
Merat Bagha, EBS Sales Engineering - Houston
Justin Boyd, EEL Legal - London
Mary Nell Browning, EBS Legal - London
Jonathan Chapman, EEL Legal - London
Robert D. Eickenroht, Corporate, Legal - Houston
Mark Evans, EEL Legal - London
David Forster, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline - Houston
Janine Juggins, EEL Tax - London
Peter C. Keohane, ENA (EWS) Canada Legal - Calgary
Pinnamaneni V. Krishnarao, ENA (EWS) Research Group - Houston
Travis C. McCullough, ENA (EWS) Finance Origination, Mergers/Acquisitions - Houston
Michael Popkin, ESA (EWS) SA- Risk Management/Network Integration - Houston
Elizabeth A. Sager, ENA (EWS) Physical Trading - Houston
Richard B. Sanders, ENA (EWS) Litigation - Houston
John W. Schwartzenburg, EECC Legal - Houston
Michael D. Smith, EES Legal - Houston
Marcus Vonbock Und Polach, EEL Legal - London
Jay C. Webb, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline Systems - Houston
Vice President - Technical
Donald R. Hawkins, ETS Quality Management - Houston
John R. Keller, ETS Engineering & Construction - Houston |
June 22, 2001 5:00pm through June 25, 2001 12:00am
ECS to ECN Network Interconnection WILL BE RESCHEDULED
This is a notification that the Enron Corp. I/T Networks team will be
connecting the new building network infrastructure located in Enron Center
South (ECS) to the existing Enron Center North (ECN) backbone network. While
this activity is not expected to produce a disruption to network services,
this notice is designed to alert the organization to our activities. No
network hardware or systems are anticipated to be shutdown. The actual
physical interconnection of the networks will be performed in the EB 34th
floor Data Center.
If you have any further questions, please contact Pete Castrejana at
713-410-0642 for more information.
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 6/23/2001 at 11:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 6/24/2001 at 2:00:00 AM CT
Sat 6/23/2001 at 9:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 6/24/2001 at 12:00:00 AM PT
Sun 6/24/2001 at 5:00:00 AM London thru Sun 6/24/2001 at 8:00:00 AM London
Outage: EDI_HUB System Reboot
Environments Impacted: Corporate
Purpose: Preventive maintenance to improve High Availability and System
recovery capability
Backout: Defer reboot
Contact(s): Alex Tudor 713-853-3895 713-318-1987
Jack Metkus 713-853-3062 713-288-0743
Maria Santiago 713-345-7354 713-406-0588
Impact: R: drive for the corp users
Time: Fri 6/22/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 2:30:00 AM CT
Fri 6/22/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 12:30:00 AM PT
Sat 6/23/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 8:30:00 AM London
Outage: General Application Server Storage Upgrade
Environments Impacted: All CORP users provided applications on the R: drive.
Sitara, CMS, Equity Trading Systems, Adaytum, CQG, TMS, PowerMap Europe,
PowerDat Europe, MapInfo Professional, & Secretariat
Purpose: The storage space for the application server environment will be
upgraded with 3 additional volumes to accommodate growth as the volumes are
at capacity. All applications residing on the R: drive will be temporarily
unavailable from Friday, June 22, 2001 at 10:30 P.M. until Saturday June 23,
2001 at 2:30 A.M. for users logging into the CORP domain serviced by Enron
Net Works. The outage is needed to perform required system maintenance
updates and increase the storage capacity of the general application servers
hosting the applications managed by the Enron Net Works Distributed
Application Management group.
Backout: Should the upgrade volumes or maintenance updates render the primary
node server inoperable the secondary node will be brought on-line with all
volumens maintaining current configuration.
Contact(s): Chris Jeska 713-345-7004
Brian Larkin 713-853-6985
Impact: Corp
Time: Sun 6/24/2001 at 10:00:00 AM CT thru Sun 6/24/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT
Sun 6/24/2001 at 8:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 6/24/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT
Sun 6/24/2001 at 4:00:00 PM London thru Sun 6/24/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London
Outage: Apply Windows 2000 SP2 to Houston CORP Domain Controllers
Environments Impacted: Corp
Purpose: SP2 is being applied to all domain controllers to resolve security
Backout: Uninstall SP2.
Contact(s): Robert Stine 713-345-5214
FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.
INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages.
MESSAGING: No Scheduled Outages.
MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: EBS
Time: Fri 6/22/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT
Fri 6/22/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/22/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT
Sat 6/23/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London
Outage: EBS Shepherd Location
Environments Impacted: Shepherd Employees
Purpose: To increase port Density as well as re-patch IDF panel to clean up
cable management
Backout: Exchange both 6509's back to the existing 6506's
Contact(s): Jason Kilgo 713-345-3198
Impact: sysADMIRAL Batch Servers
Time: Sat 6/23/2001 at 6:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT
Sat 6/23/2001 at 4:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT
Sat 6/23/2001 at 12:00:00 PM London thru Sun 6/24/2001 at 12:00:00 AM
Outage: SYSadmiral Server Rebuild
Environments Impacted: None
Purpose: Server NAHOU-BPS06P will be down and there will be no access during
this period.
Contact(s): Rusty Cheves 713-345-3798
Impact: CORP, OTS, ETS
Time: Wed 6/27/2001 at 6:00:00 PM
Outage: De-commission ENEDS01_ADAPT server
Environments Impacted: DSS Users
Purpose: Power off old DSS server, data has been moved to SQL 2000 server
Backout: None
Contact(s): Joe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 6/22/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 6/22/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT
Fri 6/22/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 6/22/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT
Sat 6/23/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 6/23/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London
Outage: CPU replacement for Orbix dev server midas.
Environments Impacted: Orbix development.
Purpose: Bad CPU needs replacement.
Backout: restart sever without the cpu.
Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716
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(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
Specific Help:
Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536
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Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
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TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager] |
This is a long email, you may want to print out to read.
Settlement Conference Call Issues:
We are set for the 8:30 conference call tomorrow morning. I'll come to your
offices. Have Leslie and Tom had any discussions about the calculation of
proof of claim? I assume not given that they want EPMI to sign the
confidentiality agreement that I faxed to you yesterday. The confidentiality
agreement essentially says that we'll treat any communications and documents
shared in the settlement discussions as confidential. The only problem I have
with the scope is that for the pure factual exchange about how they are
calculating our proof of claim (the unpaid electricity sold in May, June and
July), that is not confidential or proprietary information and we shouldn't
to go take discovery to prove it up if we aren't able to reach a settlement.
However, that discovery should not be burdensome, and I doubt that the Trustee
will agree to go forward with the settlement conference unless we sign the
Action Required:
1. I would appreciate it if you would look at the agreement and let me
know whether you're willing to sign it. If so, please execute it and fax it
me so that I can get it to the Trustee before the call tomorrow so that we
waste any time.
2. If you don't want to enter into it, then please let me know so that
can let them know and determine whether there is anything we can discuss with
the trust tomorrow.
3. Could you please let me know what phone number that I should give
Trustee and counsel for them to call us tomorrow at 8:30 am. If you'd prefer
that we place the call, let me know and I'll get the phone number -- (but I
suggest that the cost of the call be on their ticket.)
Termination Notice Issues:
We have taken a look at the law in Texas in connection with their
anticipated allegation that we did not provide notice consistent with the
of the Master Agreement, they did not receive the June 25 letter, and,
consequently, we did not properly terminate the transactions under the Master
Agreement and are not entitled to use the termination payment provisions of
Master Agreement.
The bottom line is that if we can prove actual receipt, then sending it
the wrong address will not negate the effectiveness of the notice. Texas
Utilities Electric Co. v. Aetna Casualty & Surety Co., 786 S.W.2d 792 (Tex.
-- Dallas 1990). The standard used in most cases is "substantial compliance"
rather than "strict compliance." "An address that is correct in all respects,
except that it is not the address in the notice section of the contract can
fully perform the function of the specified address, absent the special
circumstance that a particular separate address for distinct purpose is
to the attention of the contracting party." Ray v. Metropolitan Life Ins.
858 F. Supp. 626, 628 (S.D. Tex. 1994). I assume that there was no discussion
about the address given in the Master Agreement and no discussion about the
importance of using that address for the June 25 non-payment notice.
Section 8.3 of the Master Agreement states that "Notice by facsimile . .
shall be deemed to have been received by the close of the Business Day on
it was transmitted . . . ." Thus, by the terms of the Master Agreement
EPMI's transmission confirmation should be sufficient to prove that it was
transmitted and received.
If PCA disputes receipt, we have the burden to prove receipt. Although a
notice provision that allows delivery by mail of fax shifts the risk of
non-delivery of the notice from the sender to the intended receiver, if the
sending party fails to use the address specified in the contract, the risk of
non-delivery shifts back to the sender. See, e.g., University Emergency
Medicine Foundation v. Rapier Investments, Ltd., 197 F.3d 18, 23 (1st Cir.
In terms of what evidence we can present to prove that the fax was sent
actually received, obviously the fax and confirmation sheet are the most
important pieces of evidence we have. In addition, we would want to have
testimony from the author (James Fallon and/or Jeff Hodge) and the person who
actually faxed it (Jeff's secretary (?) who made the hand written notation on
the fax cover sheet). In Ray, Judge Hughes stated: "[t]he evidence showed
it [the letter] was prepared and processed as were all of the other letters
to Energy Resources. The likelihood that the letter was not received is
especially since all the other correspondence was received." 858 F. Supp. at
628. Proof that all the other confirmation notices were received at the CT
address and acted upon by PCA will help us carry the burden of proof on actual
Our waiver or modification argument based upon course of dealing is not
strong as I had hoped. The Master Agreement provides in section 8.6 that
. . . modification to this Master Agreement shall be enforceable unless
to writing and executed by the Parties." Courts have upheld these
non-modification provisions. See, e.g., Brookside Farms v. Mama Rizzo's Inc.,
873 F. Supp. 1029 (S.D. Tex 1995). In Brookside, the court articulated the
black letter law just described, but then found that the non-waiver clause
not protect the party asserting it because of certain equitable factors. If
PCA New York office was closed or defunct at the time the June 25th letter was
sent , we could rely on that to try to escape the non-waiver clause ruling in
Motion to Compel Arbitration:
A quick and interesting update: As you recall, the Trustee has asked for an
extension of the briefing schedule to allow them to determine whether we will
settle the case. Richard was agreeable to a "short" extension. When I
communicated this back, Jane Parver indicated that the Trustee would want
discovery of the intent of the parties in connection with the arbitration
clause. From previous conversations with Elizabeth, my sense is that the
"intent" evidence is nonexistent because it was not "negotiated," or the
evidence will not necessarily help us because at the time the Master Agreement
was entered into, EPMI wanted a more limited arbitration clause. If I
understand correctly, similar agreements now have broader language to require
arbitration or any and all disputes. Please let me know if I'm incorrect in
I assume that we will go along with the "short" extension of two weeks, but if
Parver follows through on her statement, she's going to want a deposition of
someone knowledgeable of the intent of the arbitration clause.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Thanks.
The information contained in this email message is intended only
for use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader
of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or
agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you
are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you
have received this communication in error, please immediately
notify us by telephone (713-546-5000), and destroy the original
message. Thank you. |
FYI. From today's Post. Davis seems to continue to put distance between
himself and the contracts.
California Changes Stance on Refunds; Two Sides Far Apart In Energy Talks
Peter Behr
The Washington Post
Page E01
Copyright 2001, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved
California officials have abruptly shifted tactics in their attempt to
recover billions of dollars in alleged overcharges for electricity , saying
they may reduce their demands for huge refunds if generators renegotiate $43
billion in long-term electricity contracts that the state signed this year.
Gov. Gray Davis (D) said part of the $8.9 billion in refunds the state is
seeking could be offset by reductions in energy prices in the long-term
contracts, whose costs have become a growing political embarrassment for
"We've made suggestions, we've offered various ways in which people could get
us $8.9 billion," Davis told the San Jose Mercury News in a report yesterday.
"You can renegotiate our existing contracts and save us money. However you
want to do it, it's just got to net out close to $8.9 billion."
The new offer was introduced this week into the closed negotiations over a
California settlement being conducted in Washington by Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission Judge Curtis L. Wagner Jr., according to sources close
to the negotiations.
Yesterday, Wagner said he may issue his own preliminary finding today on the
amount of overcharges if California officials and the generators cannot reach
a compromise.
"What I'm trying to do is get people in a settlement mood," Wagner told
reporters. "In the event we're unable to do that, [Friday] at some point I
may offer a preliminary assessment." The settlement conference is set to
conclude on Monday.
Wagner, FERC's chief administrative judge, has been trying to push both sides
toward a compromise that would resolve the huge energy pricing controversy.
Mountainous energy prices have bankrupted California 's largest utility,
drained billions of dollars out of the state treasury and put Davis at
sword's point with generators that help keep the state's lights on.
Last Friday, Wagner rebuked Davis's chief representative, Michael Kahn,
chairman of California Independent Grid Operator -- the state's power grid
manager -- indicating that the state's demand for nearly $9 billion in
refunds from power generators and marketers was too high, sources said.
Wagner's settlement conference, which has involved more than 100 lawyers for
all sides, is closed to the public and media.
Wagner complained last month that Kahn was following a political agenda, and
his lack of independence in the negotiations was such a "joke" that the
parties might as well wear "clown suits," according to a Dow Jones report
confirmed by sources close to the talks.
But he has also criticized the generators and power marketers, led by Reliant
Energy Inc., Williams Energy Services, Duke Energy and Southern Co., for
failing to make serious settlement offers, these sources said. The suppliers
have offered to refund $600 million, provided the state is able to call off
various California lawsuits demanding far larger refunds, sources said.
Wagner's leverage is his ability to propose his own refund figure to FERC's
commissioners. FERC has tentatively called for $124 million in refunds, but
now is taking a harder line on preventing a new escalation of California 's
electricity prices this summer and is likely to be receptive to a higher
refund figure, some energy analysts believe.
Davis's tactical change, offering to make the long-term contracts part of an
overall settlement, comes amid growing criticism of what the state will have
to pay for energy under those deals.
California 's energy calamity stemmed in large part from its failed
deregulation plan, which relied heavily on short-term power purchases at
volatile "spot market" prices. When energy costs shot upward last summer, so
did the state's electricity bills.
In response, Davis's aide, S. David Freeman, and his staff began negotiating
long-term power contacts with suppliers. The $43 billion in deals signed so
far would require the state to pay about $70 per hour for a megawatt of power
for a large part of the electricity it will need over the next 10 years.
That's well under the average of $250 per megawatt-hour that the state was
paying at the beginning of this year, but above current power prices -- and
considerably higher than what electricity may cost in the next decade, energy
analysts say.
A new agreement to lower those contract prices could relieve political
pressure on Davis and focus settlement negotiations away from the state's
controversial demand for the $8.9 billion refund. Davis will argue that
reducing future power charges that his administration negotiated should count
as a "refund" because the deals were reached "under commercial duress,"
according to sources close to Wagner's negotiations.
Industry supporters say Davis's refund figure is impossible to justify.
"There's no benchmark for what a fair and reasonable price should be," said
Michael Zenger, California director of Cambridge Energy Research Associates.
The state's advocates counter that if FERC enforced a "just and reasonable"
standard for power prices based on operating costs and a generous profit, the
overcharges by all sellers could easily reach the $9 billion figure.
"It's not rocket science, but it does require the regulators to regulate,"
said Frank Wolak, a Stanford University economist who heads an oversight
committee for the California grid.
Those polar-opposite views have left both sides in Wagner's conference room
"billions of dollars apart," as the talks approached their final weekend,
sources said. |
Our JDRF Walk is this weekend and we need to collect our donations by tomorrow or Monday, if possible. As mentioned below, you pledged $100.00. If you would like to write a check, please make it payable to "JDRF". Please call me at X-36898 and I will be happy to stop by and pick up the donation when you are ready.
Thank you so much for your support.
Cathy Phillips
-----Original Message-----
From: Kaminski, Vince J
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:48 PM
To: Phillips, Cathy
Subject: RE: Important Message - Please Read
I shall contribute $100. I shall also urge my group to participate as walkers and team leaders.
I shall use parts of your message, those with the general description of the Walk, as an info
for my group.
Vince Kaminski
-----Original Message-----
From: Phillips, Cathy
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 2:38 PM
To: Arnell, Doug; Aronowitz, Alan; Beck, Sally; Bergsieker, Rick; Davies, Neil; Douglas, Stephen H.; Ewing, Habiba; Fowler, Ellen; Fraser, Jennifer; Frevert, Mark; Funkhouser, Shanna; Gonzales, Eric; Hickerson, Gary; Hirl, Joseph; Kaminski, Vince J; Lawyer, Larry; Leach, Doug; Leboe, David; Maffett, Randal; Mahoney, Chris; Maredia, Amin; Mcclellan, George; Mcconnell, Mike; Mcgowan, Kevin; Myers, Thomas; Nowlan Jr., John L.; Perlman, Beth; Pettersen, Morten E.; Price, Brent A.; Quilkey, Paul; Reck, Daniel; Sekse, Per; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Staley, Stuart; Tawney, Mark; Thirsk, Jeremy; Tholan, Scott; Yoho, Lisa; Armstrong, Kristy; Baker, Donna; Brandli, Christina; Burns, Jennifer; Coneway, Betty J.; Crenshaw, Shirley; Daw, Nicki; Domonoske, Sarah; Garcia, Nita; Higaki, Akiko; Isbell, Shirley; McPherson, Kathleen; Morris, Jennifer; Palmer, Rhonna; Phillips, Cathy; Prentice, Jacqueline; Purswell, Sharon; Ryan, Beth A.; Shuckard, Melanie; Solis, Gloria; Taylor, Helen Marie; Valdez, Christina; Villanueva, Chantelle; Westbrook, Cherylene R.; Zoch, Judy
Subject: FW: Important Message - Please Read
Please take just a few minutes to read the following message and then forward to others in your group.
Once again Mike McConnell has volunteered to be the chair of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) walk. This year the walk will be held on Sunday, October 28, 2001, at Greenspoint Mall.
As some of you may know, Mike has diabetes and JDRF is an organization that is very important to him. There are two types of diabetes and Mike has Type 1, insulin-dependent diabetes which is also known as Juvenile Diabetes. The other type of diabetes is Type 2, adult-onset diabetes that can often be controlled with a combination of diet, exercise and oral medication. Every day Mike must prick his finger to test his blood sugar at least 7 times, in addition to giving himself at least 3 or 4 injections of insulin. Just think of it, at least 10 times a day Mike has to stick himself with a needle to manage his disease. I don't know about you, but I am a wimp if I have to get a shot just once every few years and I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to stick yourself over 70 times in just one week! But for Mike it is not just one day or one week, it is every day of every week for the rest of his life -- until a cure is found. Diabetics can never take a break from their disease. It requires constant management of their food intake, monitoring of their blood sugar and the administration of the proper amount of insulin. If diabetes is not properly managed it can lead to kidney disease or failure, blindness, heart disease, amputations, among other complications.
I wanted you all to know that I have volunteered to help Mike in his efforts with the JDRF walk again this year. I am serving on the steering committee and I plan to walk again this year to raise funds to help find a cure for this terrible disease. I am doing this to support Mike, but I also have a personal interest in doing whatever I can to help find a cure. My husband has adult-onset diabetes and we lost his mom and her three sisters all to diabetes and diabetes-related diseases several years ago. In addition, I have an uncle and a cousin that both have juvenile diabetes.
I am sending this message to ask you to join our team for the JDRF walk this year. It would mean a lot to me (and to Mike) to have support from the people in our Enron Global Markets organization, as well as people from previous groups we have worked with, along with other friends throughout Enron.
Some of you receiving this message have already signed up and I want to take this opportunity to say thank you very much! For those of you that have not yet signed up, please consider one of the following three opportunities that are available to give your support to this important effort:
1. Team Leader. The team leaders help solicit walkers and handle the collecting and reporting of funds raised by their group of walkers. Based on the donations raised by your group, you may also be eligible for prizes available only to team leaders. If you are interested in becoming a team leader, please contact me right away so that I may get the team leader information and materials to you.
2. Walkers. If you want to sign up to walk and raise funds for JDRF, I will make sure that you get on one of our teams -- just sign up! The JDRF walk is a very fun event with music, entertainment and great food. All walkers are asked to raise at least $25 in donations and will receive a great T-shirt to wear the day of the walk.
3. Supporters. If it just is not possible for you to join us for the walk on October 28th, then please sign up as a supporter by sending a return e-mail with your pledge amount and you will be contacted later in October for collection of the donation.
The bottom line is raising money to support research to find a cure! The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is very well managed and for every dollar that is donated to JDRF, over 85 cents goes directly to research. In addition, this year Enron will match all donations dollar for dollar.
Thank you for your support, time and efforts. And please, let's Walk to Cure Diabetes!
Cathy Phillips X-36898 |
One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my
class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked
like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone
bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd." I had
quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends
tomorrow (afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They
ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him
so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in
the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible
sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over
to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, I saw a tear
in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks.
They really should get lives." He looked at me and said, Hey thanks!"
There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real
gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As
it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen
him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I
would have never hung out with a private school kid before. We talked all
the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool
kid. I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with my
friends and me. He said yes.
We hung all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him,
and my friends thought the same of him. Monday morning came, and there
was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said,
"Boy, you are going to really build some serious muscles with this pile of
everyday!" He just laughed and handed me half the books.
Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we
were seniors, we began to think about college. Kyle decided on
Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I knew that we
would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going
to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship. Kyle
valedictorian of our class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He
to prepare a speech for graduation. I was so glad it wasn't me having
to get up there and speak. Graduation day came, and I saw Kyle.
He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found him during
high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He
had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him.
Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see
that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and
said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!" He looked at me with one of those
looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began.
"Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through
those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings,
maybe a coach, but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you
that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give him or her. I
am going to tell you a story."I just looked at my friend with
disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill
himself over the weekend.
He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do
it later and was carrying his entire stuff home. He looked hard at me and
gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from
doing the unspeakable." I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this
handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I
saw his mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not
until that moment did I realize its depth.
Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can
change a person's life. For better or for worse. God puts us all in
each other's lives to impact one another in some way. Look for God
in others.
You now have two choices, you can:
(1) Pass this on to your friends or
(2) Delete it and act like it didn't touch your heart.
As you can see, I took choice number 1. "Friends are angels who
lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."
It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends how much you really
Eleanor Roosevelt wrote: "Many people will walk in and out of
your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your
Anger is only one letter short of danger.
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault; if he betrays you twice, it is
your fault.
Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss
He who loses money, loses much; He, who loses a friend, loses much more; He,
who loses faith, loses all.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are
works of art.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them
all yourself.
Friends, you and me....
you brought another friend....
and then there were 3.
We started our group....
our circle of friends....
and like that circle....
there is no beginning or end.
Yesterday is history...
Tomorrow's a mystery.
Today is a gift.
It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends how much you
care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND. If
it comes back to you, then you'll know you have a circle of friends.
Typically the traders are not interested in changes to the TAC because it is
paid by the end-user not by us. However, EES folks (Dennis Benevides, Neil
Bresnan, and Jubron Whelan) are usually interested and you can copy the
traders with an FYI if you want to. You have probably discovered all this
Alan Comnes
01/03/2001 08:55 AM
cc: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary
Subject: Re: CAISO Notification - Transmission Access Charge Implementation -
Addition of City of Vernon as PTO
I did a brief summary of this last week which I will copy below.
I do not have any sense of whether the proposed change will be accepted,
accepted subject to refund, or suspended by FERC.
If you need any detail, I think you will find it in one of the ISO's
attachments to their filing (the .xls file) which is at www.caiso.com/ferc
Alan Comnes
Earlier Email:
Here is another hefty ISO filing that came in this week. Please let Sue or
I know if you believe we should intervene/protest.
Alan Comnes
Summary of ISO Amendment 34:
Filed: December 28
Effective Date: 1/1/01 (expedited treatment requested)
Protests Due: January 17? (need to confirm this)
Filing in a Nutshell: The ISO states that the purpose of the amendment is to
clarify certain issues associated with implementation of the new transmission
Access Charge methodology it orginally proposed in Amendment No. 27.
(According to the ISO, Amendment 27 has been accepted for filing, suspended,
and set for hearing. Settlement negotiations are ongoing. (Is Enron a party
to these settlements?)) In addition, the ISO provides new transmission Access
Charge (TAC) rates that will be in effect if the Commission approves the City
of Vernon joining the ISO effective January 1, 2001 and the amount of Firm
Transmission Rights that will be given to Vernon in accordance with the ISO
Specific Proposed Changes
Clarification of Wheeling Access Charge Quantity
The ISO proposes that these provisions be clarified to specify that in the
determination of the Wheeling Access Charge, the proper calculation is to use
transmission facility ownership and Entitlements less all Encumbrances.
Encumbrances include transmission used to meet demands of existing
contracts. This is how the ISO is currently calculating this charge and the
ISO appears to be using this filing to codify this method.
New HV TAC Rates Using Year-1 of the ISO,s Proposed Transmission Methodology
The current Access Charge methodology consists of three separate zone rates
based on the Transmission Revenue Requirement of the Original Participating
TO. Because each zone corresponds to the service territory of the TO, they
are known as &license plate8 rates. Under Amendment No. 27, this methodology
continues in effect until a New Participating TO joins the ISO. Once that
occurs, the Access Charge for High Voltage Transmission Facilities will be
assessed based on the combined High Voltage Transmission Revenue Requirements
of all the Participating TOs in each TAC Area.
The filing claims to implement an already-approved transition formula wherein
new members of the ISO will pay a rate that is a mix license place and system
average embedded costs. The goal is that after 10 years there will be only 1
high voltage access charge. The following table shows that under the current
method, which would be a 90/10 split of license-plate/system-average charges,
PG&E and SCE TO access charges would rise approximately $3.2 million and
Vernon would be subsidized approximately $7 million.
Calculation of the net (benefits)/burdens from Access Charge and GMC Impact.
PG&E and SCE have a $32 Million cap annually and
SDG&E has a $8 Million cap annually; Vernon is held harmless; I
OUs pay muni cost increases in proportion to their cap relative to the total
cap. Adjusted
PG&E $3,283
SCE $3,283
SDG&E $821
Vernon ($7,051)
Total $336
Note: a positive number means the TAC is going up. A negative number means
the TAC is going down (or will be lower than would be the case under 100%
license plate ratemaking)
Vernon,s Existing Transmission Rights Converted to FTRs
Veron, by joining the ISO effective 1/1/01, agrees to convert existing
transmission rights to FTRs of presumably an equivalent amount. The proposed
FTRs to allocate to Vernon are in the filing. These FTRs will expire when
the underlying contract right expires or 10 years, whichever is sooner.
End of Summary
Roger Yang@EES
01/03/2001 08:35 AM
To: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Alan
Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Tamara Johnson/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re: CAISO Notification - Transmission Access Charge Implementation -
Addition of City of Vernon as PTO
Can you get us what the estimated revenue requirement cost shifting will be
to SCE, PG&E, and SDG&E? I know it is not much, but we need to build this
amount into our transmission curves for these utilities.
Susan J Mara@ENRON
01/02/2001 07:42 PM
To: Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES
cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan
Subject: CAISO Notification - Transmission Access Charge Implementation -
Addition of City of Vernon as PTO
i thought that Vernon had opposed some of FERC's order on joining, but
according to this ISO e-mail,, it looks as if Vernon is now a PTO. PG&E =
the northern TAC, SCE = Central, and SDG&E = Southern. I don't recall seeing
any filings for the "Low Voltage" rates. I'll have to let you know on those.
----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 01/02/2001 07:35 PM -----
CRCommunications <[email protected]>
01/02/2001 05:48 PM
To: ISO Market Participants
[email protected]>
cc: ISO Client Relations <[email protected]>, SC Settlements
so.com>, "Kazerooni, Hamid" <[email protected]>, "Gerber, Spence"
<[email protected]>, "Le Vine, Debi" <[email protected]>, "Bouillon, Brad"
<[email protected]>, "Shafa, Masoud" <[email protected]>, "Ng, Chi-Pui"
<[email protected]>
Subject: CAISO Notification - Transmission Access Charge Implementation -
Addition of City of Vernon as PTO
Market Participants:
As of January 1, 2001, the City of Vernon has joined the CAISO as a
Participating Transmission Owner (PTO) under the CAISO Tariff and
Transmission Control Agreement (TCA).
According to Amendment 27 of the ISO Tariff, there are three TAC areas:
Northern TAC Area, Eastern/Central TAC Area, and Southern TAC Area.
The following TAC Area rates for the use of the High Voltage Transmission
Facilities are in effect starting January 1, 2001.
TAC Area High Voltage Access Charge
(TAC Area + ISO-wide)
North 1.41 $/MWH
East/Central 2.04 $/MWH
South 1.99 $/MWH
The Low Voltage Access Charge is defined in each PTO's TO Tariff.
<<TAC Overview.doc>>
Client Relations Communications
- TAC Overview.doc |
Ken, my deepest thanks again for attending and speaking at the Davenport
Society banquet program this Friday night. At the end of this e-mail is
your portion of the "script" for this event. The entire script will be in a
notebook at the podium.
Besides introductions (primarily some of our students who will be there),
the program will include remarks from the chancellor, the induction of new
members of the Society, announcements of other large new gifts, and some
musical entertainment. Jack and Mary Bush of Dallas, Texas are co-chairs of
the Davenport Society this year. Both are MU alums. Jack retired several
years ago as president of Michaels Store, the large arts-and-crafts
retailer; he's now involved in retail and e-commerce consulting.
We will have at least 225 alumni, business people from the area, university
leaders, faculty, staff, and students in attendance. A couple reminders:
It is black tie. And the event is being held at the Reynolds Alumni Center
on campus, with reception at 6 and dinner at 7. We intend/hope to end by
You will be introduced by Jack Bush. As you can see below, we have allotted
about 10 minutes for the keynote talk. The starting time for your talk is
approximate, but we strive to stay on schedule. Last Friday, I responded to
an e-mail from Rob Bradley regarding your keynote talk. He indicated that
he would be preparing the talk. (Rob, would you confirm that you received
my e-mail of last Friday. Thanks.)
Then we will have another 10 minutes or so devoted to the announcement of
the Pinkney Walker Professorship. As you can see, I'll introduce this part
after thanking you for your keynote remarks. The professorship plaque that
will hang in the foyer of Middlebush Hall (and, soon, Cornell Hall) has
arrived so we will be able to show it to the audience and to Pinkney. We'll
have it on stage and I'll hold it while you read the wording (see below).
If you desire, you can add personal comments about Pinkney after reading the
inscription on the plaque. If you want them placed in the podium script,
just have them sent to me via e-mail; likewise, with any changes or
corrections to the portion below. Of course, you can speak extemporaneously
about Pinkney or bring prepared remarks about him with you. Then we'll
allow Pinkney to say a few words. It should be splendid.
By the way, during the dinner, you will be seated with Pinkney and his wife
Sheila, Dulari Mehta (a College of Business student from the Dallas area who
is hosting the Walkers, who are new Davenport Society members), Richard
Schwartz (dean of A&S), and Michael Kateman and Lindsay Lopez (both from the
A&S development office)
Of course, if you, Rob, or Rosalee have questions, you can call either my
assistant Carol Ritter or me at 573/882-6688. See you Friday evening.
Thanks again.
Ken Lay: [remarks]
[Bruce Walker joins Lay at podium.]
Bruce Walker: Thank you very much, Ken.
We are truly honored and grateful that you have returned to Mizzou this
At this banquet two years ago, Ken announced the start of a campaign to
establish an endowment in the College of Business in honor of Pinkney C.
Ken, along with Harold Hook and Bob Pugh, agreed to lead the effort to raise
funds for this endowment.
Pinkney, would you please come up and join Ken and me.
Many of you are familiar with Pinkney.
Those of you who don't know Pinkney probably have 2 questions in mind.
Are these two Walker guys related?
And the answer is no.
Why does Pinkney Walker deserve such as honor?
Well, let me tell you a little bit about him.
A native of Graham, Texas, Pinkney's academic degrees include a bachelor's
from the University of Texas and an MBA and a doctorate from the Wharton
School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Pinkney's association with MU dates back to 1940.
Eventually, he became a professor of economics, who -- according to one
estimate -- taught as many as 40,000 students at Mizzou.
Pinkney also served as the college's dean from 1964 to 1971.
He left the university to become a member of the Federal Power Commission.
Now, he is enjoying the good life of a professor emeritus, residing in Fort
Myers, Florida, with his wife Sheila.
We knew the Pinkney C. Walker Endowment would be dedicated to building
excellence in the college.
But we didn't know if the endowment eventually would fund a scholarship or
two, faculty research, or a faculty position.
That would depend on how much money was raised.
Well, tonight, as Paul Harvey would say, Ken is back with the rest of the
Ken. . .
Ken Lay: It is with great pride and pleasure that I can tell you
tonight that the Pinkney C. Walker Endowment has received gifts totaling
$550,000, which means it will fund a distinguished professorship in the
Here is the plaque that will hang in Middlebush Hall and eventually will be
moved to Cornell Hall.
It reads:
Pinkney C. Walker Distinguished Teaching Professorship
College of Business
Established in recognition of Dr. Walker's teaching excellence
and his significant contributions as dean, public servant, and friend.
Endowed in 2000 by alumni and friends of the University of Missouri.
Pinkney, please accept our congratulations.
Would you like to say a few words.
[Pinkney Walker comes to podium]
Pinkney Walker: [Remarks]
[Jack and Mary Bush come to podium; Bruce Walker, Pinkney Walker and Ken Lay
return to seats.] |
tEXas tailgatES talk
Winning feels good, doesn't it? The road trip to Stillwater was fun.
We had several hundred people at the tailgate, and by the middle of
the 3rd quarter, I think the Texas fans outnumbered the Oklahoma
Aggies. All I will say about the booming Metropolis of Stillwater is
I'm glad we do not return for 2 years. Brutal. Absolutely brutal.
Texas looked a little sloppy early, but righted the ship to cruise
on course. Oklahoma State had a solid game plan, but the Texas
adjustments and superior talent overwhelmed the Cowboys. The running
game re-appeared this week, and freshman stud-to-be Cedric Benson got
his 1st career start. He did not disappoint. El Ced finished the day
with 131 yards on 31 carries. His solid running opened up the passing
lanes for Simms and Co., who picked apart the overmatched OSU secondary
to the tune of 5 touchdown passes. All in all, the much-anticipated OU
hangover did not come to pass. Texas took care of the weaker opponent,
as they should have.
2:30 pm
ABC telecast
ESPN Gameday (the radio edition, not the t.v. show) will be here for
the game. Texas comes in ranked #8, and CU comes in ranked #14. This
is a game both teams need to validate their seasons. Texas needs to
show the world, and themselves, that they can indeed win a big game.
A win over the Buffaloes would catapult the Longhorns forward to a
probable 10-win season (no offense, Aggies), while a loss could send
this team into a tailspin. Colorado, much like Texas, is a different
team at home. They have beaten some quality teams in Boulder, but now
must show they have grown up and can win on the road. This is a HUGE
game. If the 'horns hold serve, they should sail into College Station
9-1, with a BCS birth on the line. This will not be easy. Texas has
not seen a team that pounds the ball like CU does. The Buffs are #2
in the Big XII/#13 in the nation in rushing offense (224.7 ypg).
National t.v. coverage, temperature in the high 70's, 2 top 15 teams
getting after it? I wouldn't want it any other way.
There will be no television for the Missouri game. The Texas Athletic
Department has asked the Missouri A.D. to allow a pay-per-view
broadcast for next week. The final decision has not been made
(as of Wednesday morning). If the game is on pay-per-view, it will be
at 2:30, if it is not, it will be at 1:00. For those of you going to
Columbia, the tailgate party will be at the Holiday Inn in Spanky's
Sports Bar. I will have a start time as soon as I know a game time.
It will be posted on the link below:
The Baylor tailgate will be at George's Party Zone on Dutton Avenue
(just east of Floyd Casey Stadium) and is hosted by the Waco Texas
Exes. Start time will be announced next week. Plans for the Texas
A&M game are still being discussed. Click the link below for more
Those of you needing bus information to Waco and College Station,
click below:
News and Notes:
* Chris Simms tied a school record with 5 touchdown passes vs.
Oklahoma State (James Brown-'94- vs. Baylor). It's amazing what a
running game will do for you.
* Cedric Benson now ranks #10 on the all time single-game freshman
rushing record with his 131 yards. Charles Hunter holds the record
with 187 (Houston - '87).
* Benson was also named the starter for the CU game. His reign begins.
* Look for Texas to run the 3-4 and the 4-3 this week. The way the Buffs
run the ball, Texas will show them many different looks.
* Last week Texas A&M threw for 334 yards vs. CU. 334 yards from a
team that HATES to throw. Look for the 'horns to throw early to set
up the run.
* Injury update: Kalen Thornton (knee) is returning to practice this
week. The defensive end should be ready to this weekend. The news is
not as good for another de, O.J. McClintock (lacerated arm). Look for
him to redshirt this year, unless they absolutely must have him.
* Colorado starting cb Roderick Sneed is out for this game with a
pulled hamstring, and his backup, Phil Jackson, has a broken hand.
3rd team corner on Roy/B.J./Sloan/Tony/Kyle? Nice.
* Some Buffalo news you may not have heard: Jashon Sykes, the
All-America candidate at middle linebacker, is done for the year with
a herniated disc. His backup, Joey Johnson, was the Defensive Big XII
Player of the Week last week.
Around the Conference:
* Nebraska beat Baylor, 48-7, but that's not the story, this is:
the Cornhuskers had 641 yards rushing in the game. They had 4 backs
go over 100 yards. 641 yards in one game. That's almost twice what
Baylor has for the season (374).
* Texas Tech whipped the Purple Wildcats from Kansas St, 38-19. Kliff
Kingsbury threw for 409 yards and 4 touchdowns for the Red Raiders,
the most passing yards ever allowed by K-State. The Wildcats are
circling the drain. They are 0-3 in conference and 2-3 overall.
They draw the Aggies this week, while Tech gets a head check at
Nebraska. Good luck, Raiders.
* Texas A&M seems to run into the same wall when they don't play well:
turnovers from sacks. Quarterback Mark Farris has fumbled 3 times
after being hit from the blindside, and all 3 have been returned for
touchdowns, the last one vs. Colorado.
* OU has named Jason White their starting quarterback, benching
ineffective Nate Hybl. A quarterback controversy, how interesting.
Have a good weekend. See you at the Alumni Center on Saturday!
Trey McLean
Texas Exes
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we need to respond today cuz all the spots are nearly already taken, is that
right sean?
-----Original Message-----
From: Prentice Sellers [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:59 PM
To: Cameron Sellers; 'Scott Laughlin'; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
I think you mean right field. And catcher. We'll need more than 9 people
cause I'm sure there'll be times when people can't make it. Don't want to
have to forfiet just cause we don't have enough people. What about the
-----Original Message-----
From: Cameron Sellers [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 3:58 PM
To: 'Scott Laughlin'; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
I'm game, but I'm not good. I can share left field with Colleen.
Cameron Sellers
Vice President, Business Development
1860 Embarcadero Road - Suite 210
Palo Alto, CA 94303
[email protected]
650.798.3366 (direct dial)
650.269.3366 (cell)
650.858.1095 (fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Laughlin [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 3:49 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
This is really weird. While you guys were here exchanging e-mails about a
possible softball team, we were in Mexico, where Eldon kept asking me, over
tequilla masquerading as margaritas, if I thought Colleen needed any help
with her swing...
I'd be game for this. Can we get 9 people?
>From: Colleen Silva <[email protected]>
>To: Colleen Silva <[email protected]>, 'Jeff Dasovich'
><[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
><[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
><[email protected]>, 'Prentice Sellers' <[email protected]>,
>'Scott Laughlin' <[email protected]>, 'Cameron Sellers'
><[email protected]>
>CC: 'Sean Maloney' <[email protected]>
>Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 13:19:16 -0800
>can we please make a softball team and i promise to play back up left field
>and not hold a majorly important position...... and i think we can even
>sean into cheating for us and calling things good for our team.... anyone
>and sean, willyou please send this to molly? (i don't have her email...)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sean Maloney [mailto:[email protected]]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 8:40 AM
>To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Black,
>Kirk'; 'boyden, mike'; 'Brad Zampa'; '[email protected]';
>'[email protected]'; 'Campbell, Laura Jean,M.D.'; 'Chad
>Laurendeau'; 'Chanda Keefe'; 'Chuck Muller (E-mail)'; 'CKO'; 'Clahan,
>Gena'; 'Clahan, Kevin'; 'Colleen Silva'; 'Costabile, Marina'; 'Dean
>Holter (E-mail)'; 'deirdre polson'; 'Eddie Zalayet'; 'eisler, staci';
>'Erik Sogge'; 'Evans, Ingrid'; 'Eugenia Clahan'; 'Francine Hunt'; Gia
>Lawson; 'Glancy, Kerry'; 'Gurvey, Jennifer'; '[email protected]';
>'Hawkins, Chris'; 'Heather Stein'; 'Hollenbeck, Chris'; 'Holter, Dean';
>'Hyde, Amy'; 'Jason Fuchs'; 'Jeff Dasovich'; 'Jeff Sciaroni';
>'[email protected]'; 'Jenckes, Lenlee'; 'John Horton';
>'[email protected]'; 'Kate Ryan'; 'kerr, home'; 'Kramer, kirise';
>'Laura Smith'; 'Leutwyler'; 'Louis on the road'; 'marlene burt';
>'mattreis'; '[email protected]'; 'Myers, Scott'; 'Nino-Murcia, Elisa';
>'Pete Scott'; 'Pete Woodring'; '[email protected]';
>'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; 'Prentice
>Sellers'; 'Purdy, Tom'; 'Reis, Kimberlie'; 'Rochios, Matt'; 'sarmiento,
>angela'; 'Scott Greenberg'; 'Scott Laughlin'; '[email protected]'; 'Smith,
>Derek'; 'Sogge, Eric'; 'St. Cin, Steve'; 'Sonsini, Pete'; 'Tovi,
>Abello'; 'Tracy_Brown'; Trong Le; 'Trong Le'; 'Weisman, Will'; 'Weisman
>Cc: '[email protected]'
>Hey Everyone,
>My two roommates are starting up a softball league. The games will be at
>Fort Scott (right by GG Bridge on SF side). It should be a lot of fun.
> Details are below. Please pass this on to anyone you know who might be
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Lee Zimmerman [SMTP:[email protected]]
>Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 5:58 PM
>To: [email protected]
>Hi everyone,
>We are excited to announce that we are officially re-starting coed softball
>at the Presidio Fort Scott Fields! We have enjoyed
>playing in the Fort Scott leagues for the past 4 years and are psyched to
>get everyone back in action.
>We will have both spring and summer leagues. In spring, leagues will be
>played on Sunday nights (weeknights are booked with
>school and rugby/lacrosse leagues). In summer, leagues will be played on
>weeknights (Monday through Thursday). Priority for
>summer leagues will be given to teams who play in the spring.
>We plan to start the spring leagues on April 15 so we need to move fast to
>get teams signed up.
>Here are the details for this spring:
>- Games are Sunday nights from 6 -10 pm starting on April 15 and ending on
>June 24 (with no games on May 6 or June 3)
>- Each team will have 1 one-hour game per night
>- Season includes 7 weeks of regular season games, plus single elimination
>playoffs (meaning 1-3 more games)
>- 10 people play in the field at a time (typically 6 men, 4 women)
>- There will be two league levels - "recreational" and "competitive"
>- Each league will have 8 teams (16 teams total)
>- Cost is $550 per team (covers cost of fields, umps, insurance, equipment,
>t-shirts, etc.)
>Please note we are accepting teams on a first-come, first-served basis, so
>you should sign your team up ASAP.
>To secure a spot for your team, we ask you to do the following:
>(1) E-mail or call us expressing your interest (including league level
>preference - recreational or competitive)
>(2) Send us your payment via check
> - Make payments to Sandstorm Ventures, 10 UN Plaza, Suite 630, San
>Francisco, CA 94102
> - Please include your contact information with your payment
>After we receive your payment, we will call and confirm that you are in,
>provide additional league details, get team name and
>member info, etc...
>While we intend to keep things simple and un-bureaucratic, we will run
>these leagues professionally, using experienced umps,
>maximizing actual time of play, and making sure that everyone has a great
>INTERESTED IN PLAYING (including anyone who played in
>the past) -- please copy us as well so we can get these folks on our
>contact list.
>Feel free to call or e-mail us with any questions.
>We hope you are as excited as we are!
>Lee Zimmerman (415 902 7194) and Brian Anderluh (415 609 4973)
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Relax and shop at the same time with our new holiday items!
In This Issue:
Start Your Christmas Shopping From Home
A Peek at our Christmas Department
Harriet's Holiday Safety Tips
A Favorite Holiday Drink for Friends and Family
Dear Friends,
This Thanksgiving week give yourself a chance to spend time with
friends and family and still get a jump on holiday shopping with
HarrietCarter.com. http://www.harrietcarter.com/index.cfm?xyzzy=HC_25
Why fight the crowds and brave the malls when you can shop from
the comfort of home? We're pleased to offer you an exciting
selection of decorative holiday items to give you a head start
and get you in the mood for the season to come.
Give your house a new sparkle with Star Icicle Lights to shine
brightly throughout the holiday season. Each 16 ft. long set has
21 vertical strands with 100 separate lights and can be used indoors
or outside. Connect set to set for a spectacular light show!
Your mantle will have a festive air with this Holiday Card Display.
Our beautifully-crafted, gold-painted metal holder creates instant
decoration and holds over 100 cards and photos.
What a sweet welcome for your guests these Glow Candy Canes will make!
15" high Glow-in-the-Dark Candy Cane Stakes absorb sunlight by day to
cast a festive glow at night. Light up your drive, walkway or sidewalk
without electricity or costly wiring.
Greet your friends and family with a winter wonderland. Lighted
Snowflake Stakes line your drive or walkway and put guests in the
mood for the festivities to come. You can even join sets together
to make a magical holiday trail.
We have lots more Christmas items for decorating and for great gift
ideas. You can browse them all in our Christmas Department!
Harriet's Holiday Safety Tips:
In all the excitement of the season, it's easy to forget some common
sense safety measures that are especially important to remember with
trees, lights, and decorations. For a safe holiday, please take a
minute to think about some tips I've found come in handy.
? Select only a freshly cut tree. The needles should not be
falling off from dryness.
? Keep the tree outside or in a garage until you're ready to
decorate it.
? A diagonal cut in the tree trunk will allow the tree to absorb
water. This will allow the tree to soak up water from the stand.
? A 6' tree will use 1 gallon of water every two days, so be sure
to check the water level daily.
? Trees should be at least three feet away from heat sources such
as fireplaces, candles, and radiators, also, never block an exit
with the tree.
? Artificial trees should bear the UL label. Never use electric
lights on metal trees like the old silver trees. To avoid
electric shock on metal trees, use colored spotlights securely
mounted above or below the tree, never fastened directly on it.
Plastic trees should be made of fire resistant material.
Holiday Lights:
? Use only U.L. approved tree lights. Check for frayed or bare
wiring, lights with cracked or broken sockets or loose
connections. If they show signs of wear and tear, throw them away.
? Use only UL-listed lights, and no more than 3 strands linked together.
? Decorations can cause overloaded circuits. Watch for signs of
lights dimming.
? Turn off all lights on trees and other decorations when you go to
bed or leave the house.
? Keep outdoor electrical connectors above ground and out of puddles and snow.
Tree Ornaments and Trimmings:
? Avoid placing small or breakable ornaments on lower branches
where children or pets can reach them and knock them off.
? Also be careful about putting edible decorations low where
pets and kids can reach them.
All of us at HarrietCarter.com wish you a safe, happy, and festive
Thanksgiving week and want to leave you with one last idea to make
your guests feel warm and welcome.
Harriet's Cozy Cider:
Pour a container of fresh cider into a large saucepan and heat
gently. You can add a little nutmeg or a few cloves, as well an
orange or lemon peel for a real flavor punch. When guests arrive,
ladle them a mug of hot cider with a cinnamon stick for a stirrer.
It's a great way to say "welcome!"
Relax, sit back, and start your Christmas shopping with
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours,
Harriet Carter
The HarrietCarter.com Newsletter Club, Volume 40
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se item re bankruptcy bill.
Lisa J. Mellencamp
Enron North America Corp.
1400 Smith St.
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: (713) 853-7986
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----- Forwarded by Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT on 09/25/2000 11:38 AM -----
"David Rosenzweig" <[email protected]>
09/25/2000 11:36 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Fulbright Daily Bankruptcy News
From: Wm. J. Rochelle, III Monday, September 25, 2000
Fulbright - New York
AHT Corp. (Nasdaq:AHTC) filed chapter 11 on Friday in White Plains, New
York, along with a deal to sell its health care "E" commerce business for $15
million in cash and stock to a competitor named BioShield Technologies Inc.
(Nasdaq:BSTI). AHT listed assets of $2.5 million versus liabilities of $8.4
million. The deal is slated to pay creditors in full while giving
stockholders ten cents in cash per share plus stock in BioShield.
The banks called their loan on Signal Apparel Company, Inc. (OTCBB:SIAY),
which responded by filing chapter 11 on Friday somewhere other than Delaware
(New York to be precise). Signal designs and markets activewear, swimwear
and bodywear and says it is negotiating DIP financing with the banks.
Bankruptcy reform update:
It now looks like bankruptcy reform legislation is dead for this term. On
Friday the President said he would veto a new Republican bill that would have
omitted some of the more controversial items. Despite the change, the
President's spokesman said that "too many of the bill's provisions . . . will
place unnecessary barriers before those who genuinely need bankruptcy
protection when faced with the most difficult situations life has to offer."
Bankruptcy alternative:
Maybe eBay will become an alternative to filing chapter 11 in Delaware.
Example: eSeated.com consumed $5 million in initial funding developing a
system for making restaurant reservations online. Unable to complete another
financing, the company is selling its assets on eBay. Commenting on the
sale, the company's founder said, "This is the ultimate act of desperation in
a very non-liquid market."
Filing possible:
The SEC has won the appointment of a receiver for Capital Consultants LLC,
which manages $1 billion in union pension funds. Capital was allegedly being
run as a Ponzi scheme.
In February S&P took investment grade status away from National Health
Investors Inc., a Nashville REIT that invests in assisted living and long
term health care facilities. S&P downgraded again on Friday, this time
lowering the corporate rating and senior notes by two clicks each to B+. A
$102 million unsecured revolver matures next month, and giving collateral to
the banks may result in another downgrade. See F&J Daily Bankr. News of Feb.
24 and May 30.
Pro Air Inc., a "low cost" airline based in Detroit, filed chapter 11 last
week after the FAA grounded its three aircraft for alleged safety
violations. The airline now admits it could not begin flight operations
again for at least three months. See F&J Daily Bankr. News of May 10 and
Sept. 20.
Safety-Kleen could not convince the court of appeals to allow the company to
continue operating a landfill in South Carolina while suing in federal court
to set aside a state court order directing that the landfill be closed. The
company contended that the shut down order was in retaliation for filing
chapter 11 in June. See F&J Daily Bankr. News of Feb. 8 & 17, March 8, 13,
14, 15, 17 & 28, April 19 & 28, May 1 & 17, June 6, 12, 15, 20 & 21, July 7,
10, 11, 12 & 17 and Sept. 13.
In late December the appeals court held that the FCC has exclusive
jurisdiction to regulate the wireless licenses owned by NextWave Telecom
Inc. Relying on the decision, the FCC canceled NextWave's licenses, and
NextWave immediately turned to the bankruptcy court for help. The bankruptcy
court quickly ruled that the FCC's action was "self-help repossession by
ambush" and set aside the agency's license terminations. In May, the FCC won
its appeal in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the FCC's
cancellation of the licenses. NextWave has now filed an appeal to the
Supreme Court. Unless NextWave wins in the Supreme Court, the company has
virtually nothing left to reorganize. The press has been saying that a
resale of the licenses could bring the government as much as $10 billion (no
typo) at the next frequency auction now scheduled for December 12. See F&J
Daily Bankr. News of June 9, 10 & 16, Oct. 22 of 98 and Aug. 2, 12 & 17,
Sept. 1, 21 & 22, Oct. 21, Nov. 29 and Dec. 17, 22 & 27 of 99 and Jan 13,
14, 19 & 27, Feb. 1 & 11 and May 26 of 00.
Aureal Inc. filed chapter 11 this spring in Oakland, Calif., and the
bankruptcy court approved the sale of the company's assets for $32 million to
Creative Technology Ltd. Aureal developed and marketed audio semiconductor
technologies for the PC and consumer electronics markets. See F&J Daily
Bankr. News of April 6.
SORT with respect to this report, including any warranties or representations
as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, facts, or
opinions contained herein. By having requested receipt of these reports, the
recipient acknowledges that the receipt of these reports does not constitute
the receipt of legal advice and does not, by itself, establish an
attorney-client relationship. These reports are provided as a courtesy
solely for the recipient's information and may not be reproduced or
distributed to any third parties without Fulbright's express written
- BKNEWS.wpd |
Another defeat for Davis. Tough break. Is the judge's proposed decision available?
FERC Judge Urges Dismissal Of Calif Complaint Vs El Paso
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- An administrative law judge has recommended the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dismiss a complaint alleging El Paso Corp. (EPG) manipulated the market for natural gas sales into California .
The ruling in the high-profile, politically charged case was a setback for California , which had sought to hold El Paso financially accountable not only for higher natural gas prices, but also for the resulting higher electricity prices in a state heavily dependent upon gas-fired power plants.
"While ... El Paso Pipeline and El Paso Merchant had the ability to exercise market power, the record in this case isn't at all clear that they in fact exercised market power," Curtis Wagner, FERC's chief administrative law judge, concluded in an initial decision forwarded to the commission late Tuesday.
The California Public Utilities Commission, which filed the complaint against El Paso, said later Tuesday that it would appeal Wagner's decision on market manipulation.
In a small victory for the state, Wagner did find that El Paso officials violated FERC's "standards of conduct" rules barring the sharing of market-sensitive information between pipeline companies and their natural-gas marketing affiliates.
"El Paso Corp., El Paso Pipeline, and El Paso Merchant are guilty of affiliate abuse," Wagner concluded.
"There was a dialogue between the pipeline affiliates and the marketing affiliate that gave an unfair advantage to the bidding" by the marketing unit for El Paso pipeline capacity into California , Wagner said.
FERC had dismissed the issue of affiliate abuse on March 28 without a hearing. At Wagner's request, the commission later agreed to reopen the issue during a hearing into the market-manipulation complaint.
The proceeding, which began April 4 and concluded August 6, resulted in a hearing record of 32 volumes and totaled 5,573 pages, while 515 exhibits were entered into evidence, Wagner reported.
"The briefs measured approximately one linear foot," he said.
Contracting With Affiliates
At issue are contracts worth $38.5 million that El Paso's marketing unit entered into with its pipeline affiliate to secure 1.2 billion cubic feet per day of firm transportation capacity into California from March 2000 through June 2001.
California argued El Paso had used its control of pipeline space to limit the supply of gas into the state and boost prices.
The contract period coincided with an unprecedented period of power-market volatility, in which skyrocketing natural gas costs contributed to extreme spikes in electricity prices that ultimately rendered the state's utilities insolvent.
The judge found that the contracts gave El Paso Merchant more than a 35% market share, the market-power threshold under FERC's merger guidelines, based on his interpretation of the relevant market. El Paso had argued for the higher antitrust-law threshold of 50%, but Wagner ruled that the lower standard should apply.
But while that market share gave El Paso the "ability to exercise market power," Wagner said, "it is not at all clear from the record in the proceeding that El Paso Merchant and El Paso Pipeline exercised market power."
The record offers only mixed support for allegations by the CPUC and utilities in the state that El Paso withheld gas supplies to drive up prices, Wagner said.
From March through October 2000, El Paso's capacity utilization rate was about half the rate of other shippers, while for the remainder of the contract, the full capacity was used.
Wagner concluded that El Paso's compliance with FERC rules requiring companies that control pipeline capacity to offer unused capacity to other shippers constituted an effective check against market power.
Improper Communications Seen
Where the state scored a win was in the second phase of the hearing, where Wagner heard evidence on allegations of affiliate abuse.
Wagner cited telephone records and correspondence to conclude that El Paso violated FERC rules requiring pipelines and affiliated marketers to operate independently of one another. The rules also restrict communications between pipeline operating personnel and affiliated marketers.
Transcripts of telephone conversations between pipeline and marketing employees of El Paso "demonstrate blatant collusion ... to keep secret a discount for service" on El Paso's Mojave system until the open season was over in which Merchant was bidding for the pipeline capacity on the sister pipeline, Wagner said, including the transcripts in his opinion.
Wagner determined that the transcript offered a "prima facie" case of affiliate abuse, and urged El Paso to present witnesses to rebut his finding. But El Paso declined to present the witnesses, the opinion noted.
Wagner also cited a confidential memorandum to William Wise, El Paso's chief executive, from the head of El Paso Merchant as contributing to his conclusion that El Paso and its pipeline and marketing affiliates "were in clear violation" of FERC's affiliate-abuse rules.
El Paso replied in a statement that the commission had considered the same evidence and found no abuse in its March 28 ruling. The commission would commit a "legal error" if it adopted the judge's views, the company said.
The parties have 30 days to file briefs taking exception to the judge's findings. The commission can either accept or reject the judge's findings.
However the commission ultimately rules in the case, it is expected to end up appealed before a federal appeals court. |
I agree with Harry. In particular, we'll need to make Richard Sanders and
ENA's outside counsel are aware. I have been concerned, and continued to be
concerned about, the implications of being in the case, understanding that
our interests--and the stakes--are very high. Continues to seem important
that we be in, but we'll need to discuss further, and make sure that Jim and
ENA's attorney's are in the loop.
Harry Kingerski
01/18/2001 08:46 AM
To: Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Tamara Johnson/HOU/EES@EES, Gordon
cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Fwd: Reliant Data Request No. 1
I think what Bob is trying to tell us, with this and another message I will
send you shortly, is that we can expect similar questions if we dip our toes
into the waters of this PUC case.
Jeff - this tells me we need ENA awareness/agreement ? with our going forward
in the CPUC case.
----- Forwarded by Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron on 01/18/2001 08:42 AM -----
"Robert Weisenmiller" <[email protected]>
01/17/2001 08:30 PM
To: Harry Kingerski <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: Reliant Data Request No. 1
Delivered-To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 01:48:34 EST
Subject: Reliant Data Request No. 1
To: To:[email protected] ('Chris Witteman'),
??????? [email protected] ('Bob Finkelstein'), [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected] (Zeller,Jason), [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
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[email protected],
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[email protected],
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??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected] (Stevens,Maria E.), [email protected] (Minkin,Angela
??????? [email protected] (Walwyn,Christine M.),
??????? [email protected] (Danforth,Christopher),
??????? [email protected] (Lafrenz,Donald J.), [email protected] (Fua,Faline),
??????? [email protected] (Lo,Jeanette), [email protected] (Kajopaiye,Kayode),
??????? [email protected] (Hattevik,Kerry), [email protected] (Malcolm,Kim),
??????? [email protected] (Kinosian,Robert), [email protected] (Feraru,Robert T.),
??????? [email protected] (White,Rosalina), [email protected] (Linsey,Steve),
??????? [email protected] (Tapawan-Conway,Zenaida G.),
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected] (Hartmann,Audra), [email protected],
??????? [email protected], [email protected],
??????? [email protected] (Serizawa,Linda), [email protected]
X-Mailer: 6.0 sub 171
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Please find enclosed UCAN and Ratepayers data request directed to Reliant
Energy Services, Reliant Energy and Reliant Energy Power Generation.? Please
inform me at your first opportunity if we have a discovery dispute, as that
term is defined by ALJ Ruling 164.? Please feel free to contact me regarding
any questions about this request.? thank you michael J. Aguirre
- reliantrequest01.wpd |
---------------------- Forwarded by Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT on 11/13/2000
03:39 PM ---------------------------
Ceci Twachtman@EES
11/10/2000 05:48 PM
To: Linda Ng/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected], Patricia Slaughter/HOU/EES@EES,
Justin Townsley/HOU/EES@EES, Karl Klicker/HOU/EES@EES, Rita Hartfield/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Patricia Slaughter/HOU/EES@EES, David
Chang/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Doug Leach/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted
C Bland/HOU/ECT@ECT, Craig Childers/HOU/EES@EES, Terry Pierce/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Roy Hartstein/NA/Enron@Enron, Anthony
Mends/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Benjamin Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Lynette Malone/HOU/EES@EES, Harold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES, Thomas E
White/HOU/EES@EES, Pat Keelan/HOU/EES@EES, Bessik Matchavariani/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Article
---------------------- Forwarded by Ceci Twachtman/HOU/EES on 11/10/2000
05:23 PM ---------------------------
11/10/2000 03:19 PM
To: [email protected], Ceci Twachtman@Enron Communications
Subject: Article
---------------------- Forwarded by David Haug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
11/10/2000 03:16 PM ---------------------------
Steven Haug@ENRON
11/10/2000 11:07 AM
To: Larry Abbott/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Mike Ames/OTS/Enron@Enron, Mike
Bonnstetter/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Max Brown/OTS/Enron@Enron, [email protected],
John Gormley/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Jeff Hamlin/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Danny
Holguin/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Steve Tarter/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Al
Vandarwarka/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Jon Wernette/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Norma
Nusz-Chandler/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Virgil Pfennig/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Gary
Numedahl/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, [email protected], David
Haug/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], Marlene McCoy/ET&S/Enron@ENRON,
[email protected], John W Rose/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, [email protected],
Norm Ruiz/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, [email protected], Neta Zitnik/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Article
Al Gore and
, 2000 WorldNetDaily.com
Ever since I saw Al Gore give that uncharacteristically statesman-like speech
defending the integrity of the Electoral College system under the
Constitution of the United States, I've been scratching my head trying to
figure it out.
Who was this guy? Was this the same Al Gore who has demonstrated -- time and
time again -- so little respect for the Constitution during the last eight
years? Why was he giving up on the idea of a challenge to the Electoral
College, when it seemed many in his camp were banking on that as their last
line of defense?
Well, I think I have figured it out. Actually, there are two possibilities.
The first thought that came to me was that this was Al Gore's
"Don't-watch-the-man-behind-the-curtain speech." While he was extolling the
virtues of the Constitution, his minions in Florida -- from Bill Daley to
Jesse Jackson -- were busy subverting it by any means necessary. It was Al
Gore's way of establishing public plausible deniability. He stood above the
fray, while his cohorts did the dirty work.
But, more recently, another thought has occurred to me -- a darker, more
sinister thought. I hope I am wrong. I pray that, this time, I am
overestimating the deviousness of Al Gore. But that, of course, is always a
difficult task.
Think, for a moment, why Al Gore would suddenly be reading and citing the
The answer is that, in this instance, it gives him all the power. What do I
Who is it, under the Constitution, that is specifically charged with
certifying the Electoral College votes of each state? You guessed it. The
president of the U.S. Senate, which also happens to be the vice president of
the United States. That's right. The day those Electoral College votes go to
the Senate to be counted and certified to choose the next president of these
United States, Al Gore will be holding all the cards.
"Oh, Farah," you say, "you don't think Al Gore would tamper with the results
in any way with the whole world watching, do you?"
Well, let's think about what has been happening in Florida for the last
several days. Al Gore's campaign managers have been whipping up hysteria
stating that the will of the people in that state is being subverted.
They are filing lawsuits. They are organizing marches. They are all but
accusing the Bush campaign of voter fraud.
Listen to what Bill Daley has to say: "More than 100 million Americans voted
on Tuesday and more voted for Al Gore than George Bush. Here in Florida it
also seems very likely that more voters went to the polls believing that they
were voting for Al Gore than for George Bush. If the will of the people is to
prevail Al Gore should be awarded a victory in Florida, and be our next
president of the United States."
They've decided that no matter what the actual vote count shows, Gore wins.
Now, all Gore has to do on that fateful day in the U.S. Senate is reject for
certification the Electoral College votes of Florida, and he wins the
majority and becomes president. Sorry, Bush fans. I don't think there's a
thing you can do about it other than protest, complain and stomp your feet.
Better start planning your legal strategy now. I'll bet Al Gore's transition
team is already hard at work. Barbra Streisand is probably making plans to
sing at the Inauguration. Alec Baldwin is unpacking his bags. This could be a
fait accompli. I guarantee you a counter to this bold move is not in the Bush
campaign's playbook.
The Gore campaign, still working overtime, has laid the groundwork for the
challenge. The Florida vote is tainted, they say. It's too close to call. Too
many irregularities. The vote can simply be dismissed by the constitutional
authority -- Vice President Al Gore.
Would you put it past him? I sure wouldn't.
Joseph Farah is editor and chief executive officer of WorldNetDaily.com and
writes a daily column. |
FERC extends $1,000 price cap on NY ISO power
Dow Jones Interactive
October 24, 2001
Creating chaos out of order ; Power play: Federal order to merge electric transmission grids will hurt Maryland consumers.
Dow Jones Interactive
October 24, 2001
Calif Resells Surplus Power At A Loss In Second Quarter
Dow Jones Interactive
October 24, 2001
FERC extends $1,000 price cap on NY ISO power
WASHINGTON, Oct 24 (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Wednesday agreed to extend a price cap of $1,000 per megawatt hour for wholesale electricity bids handled by the New York Independent System Operator.
The New York ISO asked FERC to approve an extension through April 30, 2002, for the price cap, which first went into effect in July of last year.
However, FERC said it expected power supplies in New York City and Long Island to remain tight through the summer of 2002. The ISO would likely request another bid cap extension at that time.
Therefore, FERC said the price cap will last as an interim measure until the new Northeast Regional Transmission Organization is up and running.
"We believe that our decision ... will promote price certainty and market participants' confidence in the New York ISO-administered markets, which will increase supply, improve reliability and ... lower energy prices," the agency said in its order.
The New York ISO operates one of the nation's biggest wholesale electric markets with billions of dollars in transactions.
The $1,000 price cap was first adopted to control market manipulation and prevent artificially inflated prices. The cap is supported by several large utilities, such as Consolidated Edison Inc. , which were concerned about high wholesale power prices that occurred after the New York ISO took control of the state's power grid.
FERC aims to create four huge Regional Transmission Organizations to replace the New York ISO and similar groups in managing the nation's power grid. Federal regulators see the RTOs as a way to avoid a repeat of the power crisis in California last winter, in which the antiquated U.S. grid prevented more power from flowing into the state.
Under FERC's plan, the RTOs would be for-profit groups in the U.S. Northeast, Midwest, Southeast and West. Each region would combine public utility transmission facilities to provide open access, more reliable power and lower rates for consumers.
However, some utilities have been hesitant to join an RTO because they will some lose control over the rates they charge other companies to use their power lines.
Creating chaos out of order ; Power play: Federal order to merge electric transmission grids will hurt Maryland consumers.
USING scare and bully tactics, the federal government is trying to force Maryland electricity consumers into paying higher prices for less reliable service and less local control.
That's the outlook for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's plan to create four new large regional power transmission groups to manage the nation's electric grid. The efficient, stable, economical PJM Interconnection grid system that's taken over 70 years to refine would be twisted and subverted to serve the needs of high-cost New York.
Maryland's carefully crafted deregulation plan to benefit consumers and utilities is also threatened by the FERC order to create a Northeast regional transmission organization within three years.
Challenges by Maryland, Virginia and Washington to the federal agency's mandate have been ignored. So have protests from Vermont and New Hampshire.
Curiously, FERC cited the PJM network, which includes Maryland, as a model for the nation. Then it ordered a hasty merger of PJM with less able New York and New England systems.
Warning of California -type energy problems for the rest of the nation, FERC has pressed its theory that bigger is always better. It ignores the fact that California is the largest U.S. electric market and still failed due to arrogant mismanagement.
Some opposition to the FERC plan is based on loss of control by state regulators and existing regional systems. States opposed to deregulation fear the plan will force that change on them.
Even within PJM, which serves five states and Washington, members hold differing positions on forming mega-regional networks.
But PJM is the largest competitive wholesale power market in the world and has served its 22 million customers well. There's little benefit and a lot of risk in forcing it into a shotgun marriage with less capable Northeastern partners.
Calif Resells Surplus Power At A Loss In Second Quarter
LOS ANGELES -(Dow Jones)- The California agency buying power in lieu of the state's ailing utilities resold electricity in the spot market during the second quarter at an average price of $45 a megawatt-hour, the agency said Wednesday.
The announcement by the California Department of Water Resources was an answer to critics who blasted the department this summer for having to resell surplus power for as little as $1 a megawatt-hour because it secured too much electricity under long-term contracts negotiated by the administration of Gov. Gray Davis, the department said.
In a press release, the department's California Energy Resources Scheduling division, its power-marketing arm, said it resold 224,871 megawatt-hours, or 1.1% of its total purchases. That power generally was first bought on the spot market or through monthly or quarterly contracts, not the long-term contracts, the department said.
Such sales are typical of any power-buying operation, as demand for electricity can vary in unpredictable ways, the department said.
The DWR is responsible for buying all the power needed by the customers of the state's three main utilities beyond what the utilities generate themselves or have secured under their own long-term contracts - or about one-third of the total.
According to the DWR, power secured under Davis' long-term contracts covers one-third to one-half of the electricity it must supply. Short-term deals, such as monthly or quarterly contracts, represent one-third of the portfolio. The rest is bought in the spot market.
The state has put its average cost of power under the long-term contracts at 7.9 cents per kilowatt-hour for the first five years and 6.9 cents per kilowatt-hour for the next five years.
Davis has taken heat for locking up too much electricity at high prices. Similarly, the Department of Water Resources has been criticized for amateurish purchasing practices.
The DWR releases information on its power transactions quarterly to protect its negotiating position, the department said.
The DWR buys power for customers of PG&E Corp. (PCG) unit Pacific Gas & Electric, Edison International (EIX) unit Southern California Edison and Sempra Energy (SRE) unit San Diego Gas & Electric. |
Please see attached materials from Steve Kean. Ken Lay and Steve Kean met
yesterday with the Governor of California and his policy director to discuss
solutions to California's energy problems. The meeting was very
constructive. Ken Lay and Steve offered some of Enron's proposed solutions
and the Governor discussed the options he's considering. We've been asked to
provide--by Tuesday--feedback on his proposals. The turn-around time is
tight, particularly in light of the holiday. We'll need your feedback by COB
Monday. If at all possible, if folks can group their feedback, comments and
suggestions and foward them along to me, that would be very helpful. If
there is anyone else that you think ought to receive this information, please
forward along. Thanks very much for you help.
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 12/29/2000 11:33 AM -----
Steven J Kean
12/28/2000 09:19 PM
To: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, David
Parquet/SF/ECT@ECT, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Robert
Badeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra
McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul
Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON,
Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Meeting with Governor Davis, need for additional
We met with Gov Davis on Thursday evening in LA. In attendance were Ken Lay,
the Governor, the Governor's staff director (Kari Dohn) and myself. The gov.
spent over an hour and a half with us covering our suggestions and his
ideas. He would like some additional thoughts from us by Tuesday of next
week as he prepares his state of the state address for the following Monday.
Attached to the end of this memo is a list of solutions we proposed (based on
my discussions with several of you) as well as some background materials Jeff
Dasovich and I prepared. Below are my notes from the meeting regarding our
proposals, the governor's ideas, as well as my overview of the situation
based on the governor's comments:
Overview: We made great progress in both ensuring that he understands that
we are different from the generators and in opening a channel for ongoing
communication with his administration. The gov does not want the utilities to
go bankrupt and seems predisposed to both rate relief (more modest than what
the utilities are looking for) and credit guarantees. His staff has more
work to do on the latter, but he was clearly intrigued with the idea. He
talked mainly in terms of raising rates but not uncapping them at the retail
level. He also wants to use what generation he has control over for the
benefit of California consumers, including utility-owned generation (which he
would dedicate to consumers on a cost-plus basis) and excess muni power
(which he estimates at 3000MW). He foresees a mix of market oriented
solutions as well as interventionist solutions which will allow him to fix
the problem by '02 and provide some political cover.
Our proposals: I have attached the outline we put in front of him (it also
included the forward price information several of you provided). He seemed
interested in 1) the buy down of significant demand, 2) the state setting a
goal of x000 MW of new generation by a date certain, 3) getting the utilities
to gradually buy more power forward and 4) setting up a group of rate
analysts and other "nonadvocates" to develop solutions to a number of issues
including designing the portfolio and forward purchase terms for utilities.
He was also quite interested in examining the incentives surrounding LDC gas
purchases. As already mentioned, he was also favorably disposed to finding
some state sponsored credit support for the utilities.
His ideas: The gov read from a list of ideas some of which were obviously
under serious consideration and some of which were mere "brainstorming".
Some of these ideas would require legislative action.
State may build (or make build/transfer arrangements) a "couple" of
generation plants. The gov feels strongly that he has to show consumers that
they are getting something in return for bearing some rate increases. This
was a frequently recurring theme.
Utilities would sell the output from generation they still own on a cost-plus
basis to consumers.
Municipal utilties would be required to sell their excess generation in
State universities (including UC/CSU and the community colleges) would more
widely deploy distributed generation.
Expand in-state gas production.
Take state lands gas royalties in kind.
negotiate directly with tribes and state governments in the west for
addtional gas supplies.
Empower an existing state agency to approve/coordinate power plant
maintenance schedules to avoid having too much generation out of service at
any one time.
Condition emissions offsets on commitments to sell power longer term in state.
Either eliminate the ISO or sharply curtail its function -- he wants to hear
more about how Nordpool works(Jeff- someone in Schroeder's group should be
able to help out here).
Wants to condition new generation on a commitment to sell in state. We made
some headway with the idea that he could instead require utilities to buy
some portion of their forward requirements from new in-state generation
thereby accomplishing the same thing without using a command and control
approach with generators.
Securitize uncollected power purchase costs.
To dos: (Jeff, again I'd like to prevail on you to assemble the group's
thoughts and get them to Kari)
He wants to see 5 year fixed power prices for peak/ off-peak and baseload --
not just the 5 one year strips.
He wants comments on his proposals by Tuesday.
He would like thoughts on how to pitch what consumers are getting out of the
He wants to assemble a group of energy gurus to help sort through some of the
forward contracting issues.
Thanks to everyone for their help. We made some progress today. |
Steve --
What's up??
-----Original Message-----
From: Cantrell, Rebecca W.
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 10:02 AM
To: Greif, Donna; Calcagno, Suzanne
Cc: Superty, Robert; Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.; Tate, Paul; Vanderhorst,
Barry; Wiltfong, Jim; Sullivan, Colleen; Black, Don; Bray, Hayden;
Montovano, Steve; Steffes, James D.; Kingerski, Harry; Lawner, Leslie
Subject: RE: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
FYI, Pennsylvania LDC issues with the PUC are handled through Steve Montovano's group, but I don't know which of his people has primary responsibility.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greif, Donna
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 8:24 PM
To: Calcagno, Suzanne
Cc: Superty, Robert; Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.
Subject: FW: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
-----Original Message-----
From: Migden, Janine
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 8:37 AM
To: Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.
Cc: Greif, Donna; Tate, Paul; Vanderhorst, Barry; Wiltfong, Jim;
Sullivan, Colleen; Superty, Robert; Black, Don; Bray, Hayden
Subject: RE: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
Pennsylvaina is not part of my region. I have forwarded this on to see if I can get you the info you need.
-----Original Message-----
From: Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:52 PM
To: Migden, Janine
Cc: Greif, Donna; Tate, Paul; Vanderhorst, Barry; Wiltfong, Jim;
Sullivan, Colleen; Superty, Robert; Black, Don; Bray, Hayden
Subject: FW: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
Importance: High
Janine: Was anyone in regulatory involved with this? We found out this was coming last week at the CPA Shipper meeting. This is going to cause a curve shift which could have been minimized had we known it was coming. Thanks! mde
-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Rhonda
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:26 PM
To: Bray, Hayden
Cc: Driscoll-Ernest, Marde L.; Vanderhorst, Barry
Subject: FW: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
Please make sure you are on Shirley's mailing list, I didn't see your name listed.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:09 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Tariff changes effective October 22, 2001
The following notice was posted on the Nominations Electronic Bulletin
Board today:
On October 12, 2001 the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission approved
Columbia's tariff filing to become effective on October 22, 2001, subject
to an Administrative Law Judge Recommendation. This tariff filing includes
several changes that may be important to suppliers, such as changes in
Columbia's banking and balancing service, introduction of a new Flow Order
Management Service, and a new Imbalance Trading Service.
The full text of Columbia's original tariff proposals, as filed with the PA
Public Utility Commission on August 22, 2001, can be accessed at the
following site:
Shippers serving aggregation pools on the Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania,
Inc. system should carefully review Columbia's new Elective Balancing
Service (proposed tariff pages 164 - 169) and choose one of the three
balancing service options for each aggregation pool. Also, suppliers who
have been designated as an authorized agent for non-aggregated customers
may choose an elective balancing option on behalf of those customers.
Columbia's current estimated rate for Option 1, Full Balancing Service, is
as follows:
SGS, SDS Customers $0.20/Mcf
LDS, MLS Customers $0.10/Mcf
Please note that Columbia's interruptible banking and balancing service
will no longer be available. The cost for the interruptible service
($0.1109/Mcf for SGS and SDS, and $0.0358 for LDS and MLS) will be removed
from customers' distribution rates when the new Elective Balancing Services
become effective.
Under the newly approved Elective Balancing Service (Rider EBS), customers
or their authorized agents are given 20 days in which to elect their
service option. Customers or their authorized agents who do not elect one
of the three Elective Balancing Service options on or before November 12,
2001 will default to Option 1, Full Balancing Service. Columbia will post
final rates for Rider EBS Option 1 by the close of business on November 15,
2001. If the final rates exceed the above estimated rates by more than
20%, customers or their authorized agents who have elected Option 1 may
change their election by submitting a change to Columbia in writing by the
close of business on November 20, 2001. Columbia will begin providing
service under the elected option as of December 1, 2001.
A form for the election of Rider EBS options will be e-mailed to the
"notices" contact person for each supplier that is active on the Columbia
Gas of Pennsylvania systemwhen it is available.
Please contact your Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. representative at
412-572-7117 with any questions relating to these new services.
Attached are the forms and a brief outline of the changes.
(See attached file: EBS & FOMS forms.doc)
Shirley |
Mary Hain has resigned her position with Enron. Please remove her from all
your mail lists.
Thank you.
Lysa Akin
Gov't Affairs - Sr. Admin. Ass't.
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "Ferranti, Bill" <[email protected]>
03/21/2001 04:41 PM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "Ferranti, Bill"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"Schoenbeck, Don" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "Speer, Jack" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "Early, Michael"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "Forsyth, Pete"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "Murphy, Paul" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "Bliven, Ray" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject: WP-02 Data Response
Attached is the response to PN-DS:001-004 and PN-AL:001-004.
Bill Ferranti
Murphy & Buchal LLP
[email protected]
- PN-DS-001-004.doc |
Attached is a monthly summary of all of CERA's articles by topic for the past
---------------------- Forwarded by Lorna Brennan/ET&S/Enron on 08/03/2000
05:22 PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 08/02/2000 10:05:26 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: CERA Monthly Summary--July 2000 - CERA Monthly Summary
CERA Monthly Summary: Sent Wed, August 02, 2000
Title: CERA Monthly Summary--July 2000
Author: CERA
E-Mail Category: Monthly Summary
Product Line: Monthly Summary ,
URL: http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/eprofile.cfm?u=5526&m=1298 ,
Table of Contents
After the Panic: East Asia Three Years Later
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ap/pr/070700_10/ap_pr_070700_10_ab.html
State Government Finances in India: A Looming Crisis or a Driver for
Accelerated Energy Sector Reform?
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ap/db/070700_15/ap_db_070700_15_ab.html
CERA Insight*China's Power Sector: Uneven Recovery, Uneven Reform
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ap/alt/070700_13/ap_alt_070700_13_ab.html
CERA Insight: The Second Phase of Deregulation in Japan's Power Industry...
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ap/db/072500_16/ap_db_072500_16_ab.htm
CERA Watch: Moving Toward More Diversified Strategies
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/cce/wch/072500_18/cce_wch_072500_18_ab.html
Retail Energy: Pioneering a Nonenergy Brand in Europe
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/e2/alt/071300_15/e2_alt_071300_15_ab.html
Disruptive Technology, Industry Structure, and Competitive Advantage
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/e2/pr/072000_10/e2_pr_072000_10_ab.html
Energy and e-Business: Reflections on the CERA Summit
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/e2/db/072800_15/e2_db_072800_15_ab.html
Russia's Governors Could Make or Break Energy Industry Reform
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/fsu/db/071000_15/fsu_db_071000_15_ab.html
Turkish IPPs Near Approval
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/fsu/alt/072100_16/fsu_alt_072100_16_ab.html
Running Fast to Stay Still: Gas Prices in Central Europe
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/eg/alt/070300_15/eg_alt_070300_15_ab.html
Signposts to a High Demand Path for Natural Gas:...
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/eg/alt/070700_11/eg_alt_070700_11_ab.html
Retail Energy: Pioneering a Nonenergy Brand in Europe
URL: European Gas clients:
First Cracks in "Fortress France": How Long Before the French Market Opens?
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ep/db/071100_10/ep_db_071100_10_ab.html
Retail Energy: Pioneering a Nonenergy Brand in Europe
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ep/alt/071300_15/ep_alt_071300_15_ab.html
Turkish IPPs Near Approval
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ep/alt/072100_16/ep_alt_072100_16_ab.html
White Paper:
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/fits/pr/073100_12/fits_pr_073100_12_ab.html
Summary of Discussions:
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/fits/pr/072800_15/fits_pr_072800_15_ab.html
Middle East Peacemaking: What Comes Next?
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ge/alt/072600_18/ge_alt_072600_18_ab.html
Mexico Elections: The PAN Triumvirate
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/la/alt/070300_16/la_alt_070300_16_ab.html
Brazil Downstream Oil Logistics: Opportunities with Open Access?
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/la/db/072500_19/la_db_072500_19_ab.html
Argentine Power Markets: June Prices Rise with Increased Demand...
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/la/alt/072700_12/la_alt_072700_12_ab.html
Coal Bed Methane in Western Canada--A Sleeping Giant?
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/nag/db/070600_12/nag_db_070600_12_ab.html
Monthly Briefing: The Pressure Remains
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/nag/alt/071400_15/nag_alt_071400_15_ab.html
A Quiet Energy Crisis (This Op-Ed article ran in The Washington Post on July
21, 2000)
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/nag/alt/072600_16/nag_alt_072600_16_ab.html
A Quiet Energy Crisis (This Op-Ed article ran in The Washington Post on July
21, 2000)
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/nap/alt/072600_16/nap_alt_072600_16_ab.html
Monthly Briefing: Refined Products Line*North American Markets
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/rp/alt/071400_18/rp_alt_071400_18_ab.html
Refined Products Line*European Markets
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/rp/alt/072000_14/rp_alt_072000_14_ab.html
Market Update
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/rp/alt/072700_17/rp_alt_072700_17_ab.html
CERA Insight: The Second Phase of Deregulation in Japan's Power Industry...
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ref/db/072500_16/ref_db_072500_16_ab.html
Weathering the Summer Price Volatility and Highs--How Will Retail Marketers
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ref/alt/072700_16/ref_alt_072700_16_ab.html
Power Market Caps: Lower Prices at Higher Risk?
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ce/alt/070700_16/ce_alt_070700_16_ab.html
The West: Keeping Its Fingers Crossed
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/ce/alt/072600_16/ce_alt_072600_16_ab.html
Oil Market Politics: The Saudi Dilemma
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/wo/alt/070600_18/wo_alt_070600_18_ab.html
After the Panic: East Asia Three Years Later
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/wo/pr/070700_10/wo_pr_070700_10_ab.html
OPEC: Arguing over Output
URL: http://www.cera.com/client/wo/alt/071800_18/wo_alt_071800_18_ab.html
Please follow URL at top of page for a listing of the above reports with
associated summaries and links to full reports. Note: Should the above URL
not work, please use the following URL:
Account Changes
To edit your personal account information, including your e-mail
address, etc. go to: http://eprofile.cera.com/cfm/edit/account.cfm
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Questions/Comments: [email protected]
Copyright 2000. Cambridge Energy Research Associates |
---------------------- Forwarded by Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT on 05/01/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------
Outlook Migration Team@ENRON
04/27/2001 01:01 PM
To: Allison Horton/NA/Enron@ENRON, Amir Baig/NA/Enron@ENRON, Brandon Bangerter/NA/Enron@Enron, Brian Ellis/Corp/Enron@Enron, Charles Philpott/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chris P Wood/NA/Enron@Enron, Chris Tull/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dave June/NA/Enron@ENRON, Donald Sutton/NA/Enron@Enron, Felicia Buenrostro/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Johnna Morrison/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Joe Dorn/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kathryn Schultea/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Leon McDowell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Leticia Barrios/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Milton Brown/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Raj Perubhatla/Corp/Enron@Enron, Shekar Komatireddy/NA/Enron@Enron, Andrea Yowman/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Angie O'Brian/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Bonne Castellano/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gwynn Gorsuch/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jo Ann Matson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, LaQuitta Washington/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rick Johnson/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sandra Lighthill/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Valeria A Hope/HOU/ECT@ECT, Charlotte Brown/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ronald Fain/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gary Fitch/HR/Corp/Enron@Enron, Anna Harris/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Keith Jones/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kristi Monson/NA/Enron@Enron, Bobbie McNiel/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Stabler/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Michelle Prince/NA/Enron@Enron, James Gramke/NA/Enron@ENRON, Blair Hicks/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jennifer Johnson/Contractor/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jim Little/Enron@EnronXGate, Dale Lukert/NA/Enron@ENRON, Donald Martin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Andrew Mattei/NA/Enron@ENRON, Darvin Mitchell/NA/Enron@ENRON, Mark Oldham/NA/Enron@ENRON, Wesley Pearson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Ramon Pizarro/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Natalie Rau/NA/Enron@ENRON, William Redick/NA/Enron@ENRON, Mark A Richardson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Joseph Schnieders/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gary Simmons/NA/Enron@Enron, Delaney Trimble/NA/Enron@ENRON, David Upton/NA/Enron@ENRON, Mike Boegler/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lyndel Click/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gabriel Franco/NA/Enron@Enron, Randy Gross/HR/Corp/Enron@Enron, Arthur Johnson/HR/Corp/Enron@Enron, Danny Jones/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John Ogden/Houston/Eott@Eott, Edgar Ponce/NA/Enron@Enron, Tracy Pursifull/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lance Stanley/HR/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Frank Ermis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jane M Tholt/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jay Reitmeyer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Keith Holst/HOU/ECT@ect, Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Grigsby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Monique Sanchez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tori Kuykendall/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeanne Wukasch/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Potter/NA/Enron@Enron, Natalie Baker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Suzanne Calcagno/NA/Enron@Enron, Alvin Thompson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Cynthia Franklin/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jesse Villarreal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joan Collins/HOU/EES@EES, Joe A Casas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kelly Loocke/ENRON@enronXgate, Lia Halstead/NA/Enron@ENRON, Meredith Homco/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Loving/NA/Enron@ENRON, Shanna Boudreaux/ENRON@enronXgate, Steve Gillespie/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tamara Carter/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tracy Wood/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gabriel Fuzat/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jack Netek/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Lam Nguyen/NA/Enron@Enron, Camille Gerard/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Craig Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jessica Hangach/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Kathy Gagel/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Lisa Goulart/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Ruth Balladares/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Sid Strutt/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA
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Current Notes User:
1. Once your mailbox has been migrated from Notes to Outlook, the Outlook client will be configured on your computer.
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2. Remote access to your mailbox.
After your Outlook client is configured, you can use Outlook Web Access (OWA) for remote access to your mailbox.
PLEASE NOTE: At this time, the OWA client is only accessible while connecting to the Enron network (LAN). There are future plans to make OWA available from your home or when traveling abroad.
Launch Internet Explorer 5.0, and in the address window type: http://nahou-msowa01p/exchange/john.doe
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PLEASE NOTE: There are some subtle differences in the functionality between the Outlook and OWA clients. You will not be able to do many of the things in OWA that you can do in Outlook. Below is a brief list of *some* of the functions NOT available via OWA:
Features NOT available using OWA:
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If you have questions or concerns using the OWA client, please contact the Outlook 2000 question and answer Mailbox at:
[email protected]
Otherwise, you may contact the Resolution Center at:
Thank you,
Outlook 2000 Migration Team |
JoC Online Daily E-mail Newsletter
Thanksgiving Edition
November 21, 2001
==================HOLIDAY NOTICE===================
JoC Online and the JoC Online Daily E-mail Newsletter
will not be updated on Thursday, Nov. 22 due to the
U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. The Web site and e-mail
newsletter will next be updated on Friday, Nov. 23.
Take the Daily Quiz, sponsored by APL.
How many major seas are in the Pacific Ocean?
Click on
* Korea ship exports boom
* KLM Cargo eliminates fuel surcharge
* Lufthansa braces for layoffs
* Atlas opens new hub network
* Malaysia sets completion of Customs e-systems
* US Coalition protests steel curbs
* CF Air chief confident in security measures
* Surprise choice for HK air express hub
* Deutsche Post names Pordzik US chief
* Sri Lankan shippers slam document fee
* US firms sign trade deals with Cuba
* Union Pacific unveils Olympic, flag trains
* JoC Week: New day for NVOCCs
They're attending the 6th annual Bulk Transportation
Conference & Exhibition on December 3 & 4, 2001.
Don't let them horde all this knowledge and networking
for themselves. Sponsorship opportunities still
Please contact Yvonne Berry at (541) 485-0053 or
[email protected]. Become a sponsor of Bulk 2001 today!
If you have any additional questions, contact Ren?e
Stambach at (973) 848-7154 or [email protected].
South Korean shipyards said exports of ships in
the first nine months of the year jumped 30% over
the year-ago period.
The airline's freight unit plans to eliminate its 10
cents per kilo fuel surcharge.
Europe's second largest airline could eliminate
thousands of jobs ahead of an expected loss for the year.
The cargo carrier has created "a high-frequency air
cargo network" with hubs in Anchorage, Miami and Belgium.
Two dozen agencies under Malaysia's Royal Customs and
Excise Department will be fully computerized by 2003.
Ports and maritime businesses concerned with the impact
of restricting steel imports into the United States will
petition the U.S. International Trade Commission about
its recent decision.
Air cargo security measures should provide sufficient
protection against terrorist threats, a top air forwarding
executive said.
Trade Horizons is a quarterly publication produced
by the PIERS Maritime Research Group. This publication
provides a two-year history, forecasts and analysis of
trade between 60 major trading partners and the U.S.
To order the recently published Fall 2001 issue, please
call 800-952-3839 ext. 7062 or visit
Hong Kong's Airport Authority surprised the air express
industry by proposing a new hub at a little-used
facility near Macau.
The German logistics conglomerate has appointed Wolfgang
Pordzik as its Washington representative.
Shippers are furious over a documentation fee planned
by foreign shipping lines.
A trio of agricultural companies have signed trade
agreements to supply millions of dollars worth of wheat,
corn, soy and rice to Cuba, the first such agreement
in four decades.
The railroad added a generous helping of red, white and
blue to its fleet.
...and only in JoC WEEK
Proposed security legislation would require information
on consolidated shipments to be filed sooner than it
is today.
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Jeff -- can you get LECG involved?
---------------------- Forwarded by David Teece/LECG on 01/19/2001 10:46 AM
"Pablo T. Spiller" <[email protected]> on 01/17/2001 03:46:01 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Water agencies sue power companies - NCTimes.net
we should get into this action.
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Water agencies sue power companies
Staff Writer
Three San Diego County water districts filed a class-action lawsuit
Tuesday against 13 power companies, charging they conspired to create an
"artificial" power shortage to drive up the cost of electricity.
The suit was filed on behalf of the Valley Center Municipal Water
District in North County, Padre Dam Municipal Water District in Santee
and Sweetwater Authority in South County, and asked for $3 million in
"over-charges" the agencies say occurred between June and November.
However, lawyers representing the agencies said that dollar figure could
increase dramatically.
The 13 power companies named in the suit included Enron; Sempra, which
owns San Diego Gas & Electric Co.; and Duke Energy Corp., the
Houston-based energy giant that operates the South Bay power plant in
Chula Vista.
Gary Arant, the general manager of the Valley Center district, said
Tuesday that he expected more water agencies would join the lawsuit.
Valley Center is one of 23 water agencies served by the San Diego County
Water Authority.
"At this point there are just three of us," Arant said. "We would hope it
would expand. We made it perfectly clear that we were inviting others. We
have some interest."
But Tom Williams, spokesman for Duke Energy Corp., said Tuesday that the
lawsuit is "just a big waste of time and money."
"There have been three independent investigations that have found no
collusion or inappropriate market behavior by generators," Williams said.
Generators have generally rebuffed claims of price-gouging, pointing to a
study by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that concluded that
high demand, low supplies and higher fuel costs were responsible for
higher wholesale electricity prices last summer.
Dan McMillan, the president of Padre Dam, said each of the three agencies
was being hurt badly by the increases in electrical rates, which have
doubled ---- even tripled in some cases ---- since California's
deregulation of the power industry took effect in June.
Arant said the Valley Center district alone estimates its increased power
rates have cost it $1.5 million between June and Nov. 1.
Valley Center board members voted Monday night to pass on a portion of
their electrical cost increases to their ratepayers. McMillan said Padre
Dam was expected to do the same Tuesday night.
Water pumping stations, Arant said, use a tremendous amount of electrical
In fact, last-minute agreements by the California Department of Water
Resources to shut down its pumping stations helped avert "rolling
blackouts" across the state when California declared the first two Stage
3 power alerts in its history Dec. 7 and Friday. State officials declared
California's third Stage 3 alert Tuesday.
Arant said the Valley Center district's electrical use runs to about
"five or six megawatts" ---- the same amount of electricity it would take
to power 5,000 to 6,000 homes.
"Yeah, we're one of SDG&E's largest customers," Arant said.
Attorney Mike Cowett of Best, Best and Krieger, the firm handling the
class-action suit, said while residential customers received some relief
from soaring power rates when state legislators representing San Diego
County demanded rate caps in September, water agencies and other large
commercial users have not.
"You and I are exempt (from the increases) as residential users. These
water districts are paying the full freight, and it's hurting badly,"
Cowett said.
Arant said a year ago that the Valley Center district was paying an
average of 7 cents per kilowatt hour for electricity, a figure that has
jumped to an average of 17 cents per kilowatt hour since deregulation
took effect.
Cowett said there is no way of telling how long it may take for the
courts to act upon the suit.
"As you know, this is a huge, complicated mess," he said.
Cowett said there is a chance the agencies' suit could be combined with
other pending class-action suits filed against the power companies.
Cowett said the three agencies asked for "treble damages," which could
drive up the suit's $3 million price tag to $9 million.
However, he said that the $3 million figure only sought reimbursement for
what the agencies felt they lost up until Nov. 1 and that the damages
figure could also change to reflect ongoing losses.
Arant was diplomatic when asked if he felt the power companies "made up"
the power crisis plaguing California.
"We think there is cause to question whether or not all the cost we paid
are just and reasonable," he said.
However, the suit filed Tuesday said the agencies believe the power
companies purposely withheld electricity to "create an artificial
"There's something wrong here," Arant said. "Something terribly wrong."
Staff writers Yadira Galindo and Dan McSwain contributed to this report.
Contact staff writer Gig Conaughton at (760) 739-6696 or
[email protected].
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[email protected] ??? ,1997-2001 North County Times
[email protected] |
I spoke with Stuart Bland a short while ago. He instructs that ECTS would
like to commence an action against the vessel owners. Stuart (who was also
speaking for John Nowlan) wants to arrest the vessel as it arrives in
Kuantan, West Malaysia to discharge the PX which was to be supplied to ECTS.
According to Russell's calculations below, the vessel is due to arrive in
Kuantan on or about 11 -12 October.
The objective is to arrest the vessel while it still has the cargo for the
highest nuisance value.
Since we may be at the brink of commencing action, below is a quick status
update (also for the easy reference of Richard who reads this in copy):
Cause of Action and Damages
As advised by WFW, ECTS only has one cause of action against the vessel
owners ie., failing in their duty to reasonably despatch the vessel to arrive
within ETA.
The cause of action is highly dependant on fact. Although we have some
evidence that suggest that the initial ETA Daesan of 11/12 under the
charterparty may not have been realistic, we still do not have all the facts
as to why the vessel was delayed in the preceding port in Yantai, China. We
were told by the vessel owners that the delay was due to the preceding
charterers not having the necessary import licence ready, which if true,
works in favour of the charterers.
As advised by WFW, the quantum of damages recoverable remains an issue. ECTS
is likely to be able to recover the difference in freight (about USD87,000),
but the difference in price of the PX (about USD141,000) is less certain as
the question of remoteness is again fact dependant. Suzanne advises that the
cases have not always been consistent.
Winning the case, therefore, is not a sure thing.
The above has been communicated to Russell as the matter developed, as well
as John and Stuart over the phone.
Arresting the vessel
I took Suzanne Bainbridge's and Neale Gregson's advice over the phone earlier
this evening. I am also scheduled to meet with Neale on Monday (4 Oct) or
with both Neale and Suzanne on Tues (5 Oct), depending on Russell going
through his tapes. I anticipate the meeting to be more likely Monday than
As advised, it is possible to arrest the vessel in Kuantan before the formal
commencement of arbitration proceedings.
For an arrest in Kuantan, arrest papers will have to be prepared by Malaysian
lawyers. There is no need to quantify the claim for the arrest papers under
Singapore and English law., but can only assume that the same is true under
Malaysian law (which for most part follow English law). The arrest papers
have to be endorsed by a Kuantan judge.
Under English and Singapore law (and presumably Malaysian law), the cargo
owners would have a prima facie case against the arresting party for
interfering with the sale and purchase contract. However, as ECTS has a prima
facie case for arrest. The arrest would therefore not be wrongful and ECTS
would not likely be liable to the cargo owners in that respect.
The cost for arrest proceedings alone in Singapore are typically around
SGD8,000 and is likely to be the same in Malaysia.
However, Kuantan is apparently a notoriously difficult place to arrest a
vessel because the judge is not usually accomodating and not well versed in
admiralty law.
It was initially thought by Russell and Stuart that the vessel would be in
Kuantan over the weekend. Russell has since confirmed that that is not the
case. This is fortunate because Neale advises that there would have been
almost no chance of getting an order from the Kuantan judge over the weekend.
---------------------- Forwarded by Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT on 10/01/99 06:35 PM
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: Russell Aeria 10/01/99 06:31 PM
To: Stuart Bland/LON/ECT@ECT, John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matthias
Subject: Fw: pacific valor
john / stuart,
basis my past discussions with amoco where they informed me that this vsl is
scheduled to discharge at kuantan and also the discussion i had with the
owners some time ago, the vsl schedule approximately base on all the info i
had is as follows :-
eta daesan 22/9
etd daesan 24/9 (loading px cargo)
eta ulsan 25/9........(daesan --- ulsan 396 nautical miles based on 11
ulsan was shut on 25th due to typhoon
loaded vcm cargo on the 26/9
etd ulsan 27/9
eta bangkok 6/10 (ulsan--- bangkok 2569 n.m. based on 11 knots)
discharge cargo
etd bangkok 8/10
eta kuantan 10/10 (bangkok ---- kuantan 640 n.m. / 11 knots)
etd kuantan 11-12/10
pls note that i tried approaching epts (vsl owners) thro' various channels
but they wld not disclose any info. i am piecing the above based on the
telcons we had and current mkt info. this is consistent with the msg owners
sent out offering space below.
---------------------- Forwarded by Russell Aeria/SIN/ECT on 10/01/99 06:08
PM ---------------------------
"Christos Giakoumatos" <[email protected]> on 10/01/99 05:36:53 PM
To: "Russell Aeria" <[email protected]>
cc: (bcc: Russell Aeria/SIN/ECT)
Subject: Fw:
----- Original Message -----
From: EPTS Singapore
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:;@media4.mediahub.com.sg
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 2:04 PM
Pls propose for our tonnage :
open east msia-bunyu-bontang 6-12 oct - any dir
open thailand 6-10 oct or
open spore 8-12 oct - dir indo
open indo 13-20 oct or
open spore-strts 19-25 oct - dir north (p.space)
open spore 20-31 oct - any dir
open spore 26 oct-3 nov - any dir
e.pioneer - employed
open ulsan 1-6 oct - dir spore/indo/sea
open ag 5-11 oct - any dir
EPTS (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Tel : (65) 2242188, Fax : (65) 2242668
Mobile : (65) 98153913 (also message pager)
E-mail :
[email protected] (General/Cargo quotes)
[email protected] (Private)
- att1.htm |
FYI - not sure if you guys saw this! Still looking for a corporate customer
to go on record.
---------------------- Forwarded by Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES on 09/14/2000 06:06
PM ---------------------------
Enron Energy Services
From: Christopher Smith 09/14/2000 11:54 AM
To: Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Enron Energy Services: With Dereg Under Fire,Enron Calif Elec
Business Heats Up
---------------------- Forwarded by Christopher Smith/HOU/EES on 09/14/2000
11:54 AM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 09/14/2000 12:41:56 PM
Please respond to [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Enron Energy Services: With Dereg Under Fire,Enron Calif Elec
Business Heats Up
With Dereg Under Fire,Enron Calif Elec Business Heats Up
By Jason Leopold
Dow Jones Energy Service
(Copyright (c) 2000, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
LOS ANGELES -(Dow Jones)- While federal regulators try to find a way to
stabilize soaring wholesale electricity prices in California, Enron Corp.
(ENE) has been quietly striking up deals with some suburban communities to
sell them fixed-price power at a lower rate.
In the past month, the Houston-based electricity service provider entered
into long-term fixed-rate contracts with the city of Roseville and is
negotiating similar deals with the cities of San Marcos and Chula Vista. Both
of those cities currently get their power from San Diego Gas & Electric Co, a
unit of Sempra Energy Inc. (SRE), and pay market rates for electricity.
Enron has also struck a deal with Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc.
(HOT), one of the world's largest hospitality companies, to sell the company
electricity at a fixed rate for the next 10 years. The company has four hotels
in California, three of which buy their power from SDG&E.
Sources close to the matter said Enron has contracted to sell the hotel
power at about 6 cents per kilowatt-hour, compared with the 22.5 cents/KWh
Starwood said it was charged by SDG&E in August.
Neither company would disclose the terms of the deal. But Starwood said it
expects to reduce its energy costs by more than $200 million over the next 10
Enron, the largest trader of electricity and natural gas in the U.S., will
purchase power to cover such contracts on the wholesale markets and use its
experience to manage the risks, while paying a fee to utilities like SDG&E for
use of their distribution networks.
"That really is our core strength," said Harold Buchanan, chief operating
officer for Enron Energy Services North America. "We understand how to manage
those risks."
High Rates Driving Industrial Customers, Cities To Switch
The growing interest in fixed-price supply contracts is fueling a comeback
of sorts for Enron.
The Houston-based company had tried to break into California's retail power
market just after deregulation, even spending nearly $1 million to advertise
the venture during the Super Bowl. But Enron gave up trying to win residential
customers in 1998, citing disappointing response and lower-than-expected
That was when deregulation and competitive power markets were full of
promise. Oddly enough, now that deregulation is coming under attack in
California, soaring power prices are building demand for Enron's services.
The company is fielding calls from large industrial customers in San Diego
that have seen their utility bills triple in the past three months and are
interested in signing long-term fixed-rate contracts, Buchanan said.
"Overall, what Enron can provide is reliability pricing in San Diego that's
written in stone," Buchanan said. "It's far cheaper than what they're paying
now with the utilities."
A number of large industrial customers negotiating with Enron declined to
The city of Roseville, near Sacramento, entered into a $114 million contract
with Enron last month to purchase 50 megawatts of electricity for five years
at $49 per megawatt-hour.
Furthermore, the city has started talks with Enron about building and
operating a 750-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant that city officials
expect will contribute to lower costs for the purchase of electricity.
Mayor Harry Crabb said the plant could protect residents from the price
spikes that have plagued customers of SDG&E since June.
San Marcos, in San Diego County, is proposing to switch electricity service
for its 10,000 residents to Enron from SDG&E - a move the City Council said
could shave about $12 million a year off the city's power bill. Enron has said
it would offer the city terms nearly identical to those it offered Roseville.
An SDG&E spokesman said last week that the utility supports such
arrangements, saying they're one way deregulation is supposed to work.
Enron offered earlier this summer to sell power to SDG&E itself for four
years at a fixed rate of 5.5 cents/KWh, but the utility said the price was too
California Gov. Gray Davis signed legislation two weeks ago to cap
electricity rates for SDG&E's customers at 6.5 cents/KWh.
-By Jason Leopold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3874;
[email protected]
Folder Name: Enron Energy Services
Relevance Score on Scale of 100: 80
To review or revise your folder, visit http://www.djinteractive.com or
contact Dow Jones Customer Service by e-mail at [email protected]
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Copyright (c) 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved |
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 05/01/2001 05:50 PM -----
"Chris Micheli" <[email protected]>
05/01/2001 04:05 PM
To: "Susan McCabe" <[email protected]>, "Sue Mara"
<[email protected]>, "Steven Kelley" <[email protected]>, "Steve Ponder"
<[email protected]>, "Stephanie Newell"
<[email protected]>, "Scott Sadler"
<[email protected]>, "Scott Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Sandi
McCubbin" <[email protected]>, "Ron Tom" <[email protected]>, "Roger Pelote"
<[email protected]>, "Robert Ross" <[email protected]>, "Rina Venturini"
<[email protected]>, "Richard Hyde" <[email protected]>, "Rachel
King" <[email protected]>, "Phil Isenberg" <[email protected]>, "Paula
Soos" <[email protected]>, "Mike Monagan" <[email protected]>,
"Maureen O'Haren" <[email protected]>, "Marie Moretti"
<[email protected]>, "Lynn Lednicky" <[email protected]>, "Kent
Palmerton" <[email protected]>, "Katie Kaplan" <[email protected]>,
"Kassandra Gough" <[email protected]>, "Julee Ball" <[email protected]>, "John
Stout" <[email protected]>, "John Larrea"
<[email protected]>, "Joe Ronan" <[email protected]>, "Jeff Dasovich"
<[email protected]>, "Jean Munoz" <[email protected]>, "Jan
Smutny Jones" <[email protected]>, "Jack Pigott" <[email protected]>, "Hedy
Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Greg Blue" <[email protected]>, "Fred Pownall"
<[email protected]>, "Delaney Hunter" <[email protected]>, "Chuck Cole"
<[email protected]>, "Bev Hansen" <[email protected]>, "Anne Kelly"
<[email protected]>, "Andy Brown" <[email protected]>, "John Norwood"
<[email protected]>, "Pete Conaty" <[email protected]>, "Matt Kilroy"
<[email protected]>, "Cary Rudman" <[email protected]>, "Carolyn
McIntyre" <[email protected]>, "Barbara LeVake" <[email protected]>, "Pat
Pape" <[email protected]>, "Mohammed Alrai" <[email protected]>, "Kent
Robertson" <[email protected]>, "Katherine Potter" <[email protected]>,
"Juan Rodriguez" <[email protected]>, "Eileen Koch" <[email protected]>,
"Bill Highlander" <[email protected]>, "Aymee Ramos" <[email protected]>
Subject: Fw: Cal-Tax e-Alert: Windfall Profits Tax Update
----- Original Message -----
From: Lisa Martin
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: Cal-Tax e-Alert: Windfall Profits Tax Update
Cal-Tax e-Alerts keep you informed on key tax and public policy
issues?related to your industry as they develop.? We invite you to visit
Cal-Tax Online (http://www.caltax.org) for more information on this and
other Cal-Tax activities.? If you wish more information about Cal-Tax's
e-Alerts or Cal-Tax Online, please contact Greg Turner at [email protected]?
If you wish not to be included on future Cal-Tax e-Alerts, please contact
Betty Rickard at [email protected] and your address will be removed from our
distribution list.
May , 2001?
To:????????????Cal-Tax?Board of?Directors and Interested Parties???
From:????????Larry McCarthy, President?
Subject:????Windfall Profits Tax Update??
This is?coverage that will appear in the next Caltaxletter, relating to the
latest development of?the windfall profits tax legislation:??
Majority Democrats muscled n?electricity &windfall profits8 tax bill to the
Senate floor on Monday when the Appropriations Committee approved SB 1X
(Soto), imposing a 100 percent excise tax on sales of electricity to
California that exceed $80 per megawatt hour.
With Senate President Pro Tem John Burton leading the charge, the fiscal
panel approved the bill on a party-line 7-3 vote.??
Opponents testified that the bill would have a perverse result by
discouraging investment in new energy generation in California despite a
consensus over the need for additional power plants to add more electricity
and rein in the costs.
&While it makes good political theater, this bill does absolutely nothing to
solve the energy crisis,8 said Mike Kahl, representing the Western States
Petroleum Association and alternative energy providers. He said such a
&confiscatory tax sends a perverse message8 to investors in electricity
generation to avoid California. He also said it is a &transparent attempt8
to enact illegal price regulation of interstate commerce.
Carrie-Lee Coke of the California Manufacturers and Technology Association
said the bill is the &wrong medicine,8 would worsen the energy crisis by
reducing supply, and would cause &financial disaster8 for CMTA members.
Carl London, representing InterGen, an international energy generator, said
SB 1X will scare away investment in badly needed power plants. &I can say
with all certainty that the prospect of having this bill hanging out there8
will cause InterGen to stay away from California, he said.
Senator Burton said the bill &says you can,t come in and rip us off. It
doesn,t say you can,t come in and do business.8??
Senator Jack Scott, principal co-author of the bill, said, &We have been
royally mistreated8 by energy providers headquartered in other states that
have &gouged us like no consumer has been gouged in history.8 He said the
bill still &guarantees a generous profit for wholesalers.8??
Revenue from the tax would be returned to California through income tax
rebates. Since none of the revenue goes into the state,s general fund and
would be returned to taxpayers, proponents contend that the revenue-neutral
bill can increase a tax by mere majority-vote approval of the Senate and
Assembly, not the two-thirds majorities required for tax increases in the
state Constitution. Cal-Tax has long disagreed with this interpretation.?
Supporters of the bill included Toward Utility Rate Normalization,
representing &small8 ratepayers; the public-employee financed California Tax
Reform Association; the California Public Interest Research Group; the
California Labor Federation and the Service Employees International Union.?
When Senator Jim Battin noted that the bill would impose windfall profits
taxes on energy contracts negotiated by the Davis Administration (at $86 per
megawatt hour), Senator Scott agreed to amend the bill to exempt existing
While Governor Gray Davis has indicated support for a windfall profits tax,
his Department of Finance had no position at Monday,s hearing. A
spokesperson said there was no analysis from the Franchise Tax Board on the
impact on state revenues. The department also noted that a company would
have to have nexus (physical presence) in California to be taxed, so at
least some of the wholesalers could be immune. The department also expressed
concern about how poor people would benefit if they don,t earn enough to
file income tax returns.??
Co-authors Nell Soto and Scott accepted a number of amendments suggested by
committee staff.?
- e-alert3.gif |
In order to continually develop and make improvements to the functionality of EnronOnline we are rolling out several changes tonight, which will be in effect on Monday August 20, 2001. Some of these changes will affect Stack Manager while others affect the Website. A summary of these changes is listed below.
Stack Manager Changes
Top of Stack limit orders - This feature will allow the price submitted via limit orders to be displayed on the website if their bid or offer is better than the trader's stack price. Stack Manger will list the price and the names of counterparties submitting such orders on the floated stack window. Orders will be queued by price and time stamp. When a counterparty trades on a " Top of Stack Entry" it will create back to back transactions; one between Enron and the counterparty submitting the order, and the other between Enron and the counterparty clicking on the website.
In order to turn on this functionality select the " Allowed Top of Stack" option, in the Orders section of the product properties page. If regular limit order functionality is desired the "Allowed" option should be selected.
Please note that this feature will be released in a disabled mode and will be turned on sometime next week after determining which business units want to roll this out.
Restricted Top of Stack limit orders - This feature will allow the price submitted only by internal traders via limit orders to be displayed on the website if their bid or offer is better than the trader's stack price. Stack Manger will list price and the names of counterparties submitting such orders on the floated stack window. Orders will be queued by price and time stamp. When a counterparty trades on a " Top of Stack Entry" it will create back to back transactions one between Enron and the counterparty submitting the order, and the other between Enron and the counterparty clicking on the website.
In order to turn on this functionality select the " allowed as Restricted Top of Stack" option, in the Orders section of the product properties page. If regular limit order functionality is desired the "Allowed" option should be selected. If a product has active orders against it you will not be able to select the "Restricted Top of Stack" feature.
Advanced Filtering Ability on All Products Tab - Drop down filtering capability is now available for each field in the All Products tab in stack manager. In order to filter click on the arrow next to the field title. A drop down box with a list of attributes will appear. Highlight the attribute by which you wish to filter. To turn off the filter click on the arrow and select the " All" option from the drop down box.
Website Changes
New Submission Screen for Restricted Top of Stack Limit Orders - The submission screen for products that allow Top of Stack or Restricted Top of Stack limit orders is as follows.
The submit button on the left makes a submission for a normal transaction, while the button on the right will submit as a limit order. In case of the Restricted Top of Stack limit orders only internal traders will see the new submission box.
Price of Limit Orders
Modify Limit Orders
Customers now have the ability to modify the price of any active order. In order to do so highlight the order to be modified and use the plus or minus sign next to the price field on at the top of the "Today's Orders" section. The price will move up or down in the same increments as the tick size for that product. Once the price is at the desired level click the "Set" button and the price will be modified. Another way to modify the price on a limit order is to click on the price field on a particular limit order. You will see a box with plus, minus and set buttons that allow you to modify that order.
Expiration time for Limit Orders
Customers can now place limit orders with expiration times of up to 30 days. Currently they may place orders for only up to 12 hours.
Float the Today's Orders Section
You can now float the " Limit Order " section. In order to do so, right click in the "Today's Orders " section and select the float window option. In order to make the window " Stay On Top " right click on the floated window and select the stay on top option.
Mid Market Client - Mid market originators will now have the ability to transact on behalf of their customers, while including their desired margin on the trade, on EnronOnline products. In order to do so Click on the bid or offer price, a customised submission window will appear. Select the counterparty for whom you wish to transact from a drop down list , enter the desired customer price and margin and click submit. For example if a customer wants to buy Nymex Sep 01 at 3.36 and you wish to have a 1 cent margin, please enter 3.36 as the desired price and 0.01 as the margin. The system will trade the order when the EnronOnline offer for Nymex Sep 01 is at 3.35, book the trade at 3.36 and record the 0.01 origination amount.
In order to be set up to use this functionality. Please call the EnronOnline Product Control Group.
Changes to Website Passwords - As an added security measure, which has been requested by many customers, some new password rules have been instituted. First, the password cannot be equal to the login ID. Second, each user will be prompted to change his password every 90 days. These rules apply to all website passwords for both internal and external users.
Please note Stack Manager changes will be available all traders as of Monday August 20, 2001. The changes to the website will be rolled out to a few internal users on Monday with the rest of the internal users being upgraded Monday night, and external users by the end of the week. Over the next couple of weeks all users will be prompted to change their website passwords.
If you have any questions regarding these changes please contact me at 713-853-1787.
Savita Puthigai
<Embedded Paintbrush Picture> |
<<0071988 RESO Enron.doc>>
First, I've attached the proposed resolution which authorizes the City
Manager to execute the Enfolio agreement.
More importantly, I need to inform you that our senior management has
reviewed the referenced contract; I have been asked to present additional
changes to the agreement for Enron's consideration and to raise questions
about certain of its terms and conditions.
Let me start from page 1, top to bottom, and proceed to the end of the
1. There is the word "DRAFT" above the title of the Enfolio agreement which
should be deleted.
2. The introductory paragraph, line 5, should not contain the words "1st of
January, 2001." It should be left blank, until the parties have signed the
contract. Otherwise, the City will be in breach as of the date it signs the
contract, because Article 2, section 2.1 requires the City to proffer the
to-be-approved-by-Council resolution as of 1/1/01.
3. Article 2, Section 2.4, line 2. The City (Customer) wants Enron
(Company) to confirm every recorded telephonic Transaction, as defined.
Therefore, the City requests the word "may" should be changed to "shall."
4. Article 3, Sections 3.1 and 3.2, first sentence: Buyer's Requested
Quantity refers to the DCQ or MaxDQ. Seller's failure to Schedule the
Buyer's Requested Quantity shall constitute a Seller's Deficiency Default.
How does a Maximum Daily Delivery Point Quantity fit into a Seller's
Deficiency Default if the Buyer's Requested Quantity does not include a
Maximum Daily Delivery Point Quantity? What is the reason for the omission?
5. Article 4, Section 4.1, lines 15 and 23: Line 23 refers to "reasonable
attorneys' fees" yet line 15 refers to "attorneys' fees." To be internally
consistent, line 15 should say "reasonable attorneys' fees."
6. Section 4.1, right hand column, lines 3-4. A statement showing the
determination of the Termination Payment will be prepared. It's unclear
whether the City is entitled to review and challenge the determination
before a dispute is referred to arbitration. The City should be entitled to
receive a copy of the determination and to question it before it is
obligated to pay the Termination Payment. Please clarify, or permit the
City to exercise these rights.
7. Section 4.2(iv) specifies that a Triggering Event will exist if a
bankruptcy petition is undismissed within 30 days. Is this (under
bankruptcy laws) the minimum period of time within which one may seek
dismissal of a bankruptcy petition? Please refer to the 11 USC section that
backs up this provision, or change to 60 days.
8. Section 4.2(v) and (vi): Please change "30 days" to "5 days." The City
is concerned with the number of days that Enron may be permitted to fail to
Schedule before a Triggering Event is triggered by Enron.
9. Section 4.2(ix): this language discusses a default by Enron Corp.
(ENA's parent?), but no mention is made of ENA's default in this regard?
Please explain.
10. Section 4.5, line 4: Is "a Company" supposed to refer to "the Company"
11. Article 5. The City is uncomfortable with the force majeure provision
as drafted. It states that the parties must perform even if a FM event
(earthquake) would prevent either or both parties from performing with the
60-day period stated therein. There is no such limitation under California
law in the absence of a contract provision to the contrary.
12. Article 7, Section 7.2: Could Enron translate the last sentence? We
don't understand it.
13. Appendix "1": Act: Please explain why Section 3 is referred to?
14. Appendix "1", Claims, line 4: Please add "reasonable" before
"attorneys' fees.
15. Appendix "1", GAAP: This should read: "GAAP means generally accepted
accounting principles, consistently applied, with respect to Company, and
governmental generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied,
with respect to Customer."
16. Appendix "1", Interest Rate: Please delete "two percent over". The
City has a AAA bond rating, therefore, the City believes the 2% over prime
should not apply to it.
17. Appendix "1", Material Adverse Change: What does Enron believe the
City's Net Worth to be? The $400 million threshold is mentioned. Also,
what is ENA's bond rating? Is "BBB-" an investment grade rating?
18. Representations and Warranties: Because we have agreed that the
opinion of counsel will not be required, the reps and warranties are being
deleted. But the "Representations and Warranties" is nevertheless included
in the agreement. Item (i) should be deleted, because the City has not
undertaken a court search as is our custom and practice whenever we issue an
opinion. We would like to delete "and (vii) it is not ... Party."
19. Operational Flow Orders, line 8: Please add "reasonable" before
"attorneys' fees."
20. Financial Matters, line 8: What is meant by "to the extent it has a
legal right of access thereto and/or ...etc."
21. Arbitration, Disputes to be Arbitrated. We do not as a matter of legal
policy agree to arbitration, but we will mediate disputes. Is Enron
amenable to mediation? This process is less formal and less costly in my
22. Authority for Transactions. Staff would like the Agreement to include
a list of employees for Company and Customer who are authorized to trade on
behalf of their employers. Could a statement be added to this section to
this effect? Then, we could attach the list(s) as an Exhibit C.
Thank you so much for considering these issues. There are others which I
hope to receive from staff next week and which I will forward to you for
Look forward to hearing from you soon. I will be out of town after today
until Wednesday, March 7.
Grant Kolling
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 6:16 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Enfolio Master Firm Purchase/Sale
<< File: 2001-002ctr.doc >>
(See attached file: 2001-002ctr.doc)
I have incorporated the language you provided to me in
the attached
document. I have been informed by the Corporate Secretary's
office that
they will issue a Certificate of Incumbency showing that the
executing the contract for ENA is authorized to execute
contracts for ENA.
No other party signs as to form or terms, however, the
officer executing
for ENA will require that the deal person and I initial on
the line next to
his signature. I have reviewed the proposed draft
resolution. ENA will
accept the enacted resolution and will not require that the
City Attorney
issue an opinion. If the attached contract is acceptable,
please print off
2 originals, have them approved, signed and forward to me
for ENA's
approval and signature. Once the contract is fully
executed, I will return
one fully executed original to you for the City's file.
- 0071988 RESO Enron.doc |
---------------------- Forwarded by Don Miller/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 03:36 PM
Don Miller
11/21/2000 11:49 AM
To: Jinsung Myung/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Brownsville Directions
---------------------- Forwarded by Don Miller/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000 11:48 AM
Ross Newlin@EES
11/21/2000 11:24 AM
To: Don Miller/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Brownsville Directions
One more time, also inventory reports just arrived, I will bring them over
later today.
---------------------- Forwarded by Ross Newlin/HOU/EES on 11/21/2000 11:24
AM ---------------------------
Cecilia Ramirez
11/21/2000 11:22 AM
To: Ross Newlin/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Brownsville Directions
Tennessee Plants
June 20th and 21st, 2000
Contact is:
Mitchell Hurt - Plant Manager (901) 772-9003 Office,
Dean Fredrick - Plant Supervisor (901) 772-9003
On Call Pagers (662) 805-7631 and 805-7630
Plant Address
948 Beechgrove Rd, Brownsville, TN. 38012
Driving Instructions:
1. Please fly into Memphis International Airport. Once you exit the
Airport take Airways Blvd. north to I-240 (towards Nashville). Continue
on the I-240 Loop for approximately 11 miles and go east on
I-40 (towards Nashville). Continue on I-40 for approximately 48 miles and get
off on I-40 exit #60. Turn right on Mercer Road and proceed approximately
0.8 miles and turn right on Beechgrove Road. Proceed down
Beechgrove Road for approximately 1.1 miles and turn into the Facility's
main driveway. At the gate ring and announce yourself, as the
Control Room Operator will be expecting you.
2. Hotels; Off I-40 exit #56
a. Holiday Inn Express 901-772-4030
b. Days Inn 901-772-3297
c. Comfort Inn 901-772-4082
*At the Holiday Inn state your here on Business with ENRON for a Corporate
June 22 and 23rd, 2000
Contact is:
Pete McCormick - Plant Manager (901) 648-2190 or 648-2191 (Office), (901)
780-0361 Moble
Jim Satterfield - Plant Supervisor (901) 217-0487
Plant Address
1166 James Mill Rd, Gleason, TN, 38229
Driving Instructions:
Memphis to Gleason Power
1. Take interstate I-40 to Jackson 70 miles
2. Exit at the US-45 North/US-45-By-Pass, Head North.. Follow US-45 North to
US-45 East / West split.
Go East towards Milan 20.3 miles
3. In Milan, Turn left onto US-79. Travel through Atwood, Trezevant, and on
the far side of McKenzie. 21.6 miles
4. Take TN-22N towards Gleason. 8 MIles
5. In Gleason (Still on 22-N) look for water tower on the right. After water
tower, look right you can see plant from 22-N.
Mississippi Plants
New Albany
June 26th and 27th, 2000
Contact is:
Jim Murray - Plant Manager (662) 538-5700 office, (662) 538-1179 Moble
Donald Schmidt - Maintenance Manager- (662) 231-9604 Moble
James Goins - Plant Supervisor (662) 538-1151
Plant Address
1514 Country Rd 126 , New Albany, MS 38652
Driving Instructions:
Directions to New Albany Power I
From the Memphis Airport to Executive Inn in Tupelo, MS (You can also fly
intro Birmingham)
From the Rental Car place go left onto Democrate. Democrate will run straight
Lamar, turn right on Lamar keep going straight on Lamar and it will turn into
78 East,
you will see signs that say to Birmingham. Follow 78 East until you come to
the town of
New Albany (approx. 70 miles). Keep straight on 78 E towards Tupelo(approx.
30 more miles). Take the Beldon Exit onto McCullough Blvd. Go straight until
you reach and Exit that says Gloster. Take a left on Gloster and the
Executive Inn is on the left just after crossing over the overpass.
To plant site from the Executive Inn. Excutive Inn Number is 662-841-2222.
Take McCullough Blvd. Until you reach the 78 Bypass. Take 78 West to
Memphis. Follow 78 West until you reach 1st New Albany exit which will be
Ripley, Pontotoc Exit . A Pilot and Arby's will be visible from the bypass.
Take a left off the exit on Hwy 15 North. Go through two red lights at the
third red light turn right on Hwy 30 East. A BP Service Station will be on
the left by the red light. On Hwy 30 East go 3 miles. You will come to a
community called Locust Grove. You will see a sign that says Locust Grove &
Pleasant Hill. A small county road sign will have 126 on it, turn left. You
will be turning by an old store that is being torn down. Go straight approx.
3 or 4 miles on county road 126. You will past two churches, Locust Grove
then Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. After the church the site will be approx.
1/2 mile on the right side of the road. Go to the second drive where the
tall water tower is. A guard will be at the gate.
Call 662-538-5700 if problems
June 28th and 29th, 2000
Contact is:
Pat Cathers - Plant Manager (662) 356-4109 office (662) 386-2284 Moble
Ron Dennison - Plant Supervisor (662) 386-1125
Plant Address
2278 Caldwell Rd. Caledonia, MS 39740
Driving Instructions:
1. Fly to Birmingham, Ala
2. Drive to Columbus, Miss
3. From Columbus, Travel north on highway 45. Your turn-off is about 10
miles north of Columbus
4. From the Tupelo/Aberdeen or Points North, Travel south on hwy 45. Your
turn off is about 5-7 miles
south of Hamilton.
5. The turn off landmark is a BP station located on the east side of the
highway. Turn onto Caledonia-Koklola Springs Road
6. You will immediately Encounter a Y in the road. Take the right hand Y
onto spruill Road.
**Note: There may be a sign that identified the road as Ridge Road, however
the maps say it is Spruill
7. Travel 1/2 miles and take a left on Spruill and across the railroad
8. Follow Spruill to the end and turn left onto Wolf road
9. Take the first right onto Williams road
10. Follow Williams To Caldwell (Williams will turn into Caldwell)
11. Follow Caldwell Around the substation to the plant (entrace on the
June 30th, Saturday will be reserved for an additional day, should it be
necessary to revisit a particular plant. |
Hey its worth more than two cents, and I hear you exactly. We will be busy
tonight, that is for sure!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 4:52 PM
To: Kari Dohn
Subject: RE: Additional Materials
It's hard to disagree with the fact that 1) the utilities are the ones that
cut the deal they're living with and 2) they took all of the "stranded
cost" money that consumers paid them and invested it in other states and
But you can only buy for 10 cents and sell for 5 cents for so long before
creditors turn off the spigot. Difficult to see how the spigot stays on
with the draft decision issued today. (See story attached, below.)
With bankruptcy, the only one making any decisions is the judge, and while
some see benefits to that, seems to us that from a political, financial and
commercial perspective, bankruptcy creates many more problems than it
That said, we're extremely sensitive to the politics of rate increases.
But if the increases are subject to refund, then decision makers can buy
themselves some time by erring just slightly to the high side of a rate
increase, which could fend off the ratings agencies and provide additional
opportunity over the next 90 days or so to scrutinize the utilities claims
and come up with comprehensive solutions to the bigger problems.
Well, you got my two cents. Sorry about that.
Late afternoon 1/3/01 news:
USA: Calif utility ratings may fall too far on 7-15 pct hike.
By Jonathan Stempel
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2001.
NEW YORK, Jan 3 (Reuters) - Bankruptcy may loom and the credit ratings of
the two largest California electric utilities will likely fall too far if
that state's Public Utilities Commission awards them an interim rate hike
of 7 to 15 percent, analysts said Wednesday.
In a draft decision on Wednesday, the CPUC proposed an immediate hike of 9
percent for residential customers of Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and
Southern California Edison, and hikes of seven to 15 percent for various
business customers.
The CPUC commission is expected to issue a final decision on Thursday.
"It forces the utilities and their creditors to be limbo dancers, and
skilled limbo dancers at that," said Shawn Burke, head of U.S.
investment-grade research at Barclays Capital.
PG&E and SCE had requested respective rate increases of 26 percent and 30
percent, a hike that would help them avoid imminent bankruptcy.
The utilities have also asked the regulators to remove a freeze on retail
rates imposed under California's 1996 law that deregulated the state's
electricity market.
On a day when most stocks roared ahead after the Federal Reserve announced
surprise interest rate cuts, investors beat down the stocks of Pacific
G&E's parent, San Francisco-based PG&E Corp. , and SoCal Edison's parent,
Edison International .
PG&E shares closed Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange at $17, down
$2-9/16, or 13.1 percent, while Edison International shares closed at
$12-1/4, down $2-3/4, or 18.3 percent, on the Big Board.
Bond quotations were not immediately available for the utilities' bonds,
which in recent weeks have traded like junk.
Pacific G&E and SoCal Edison were banking on a big rate hike to allow them
to pass on some of their soaring wholesale power costs to consumers.
The utilities, which operate under a rate freeze, have accumulated more
than $8 billion in unrecovered costs since wholesale power prices started
skyrocketing last summer amid a worsening electricity shortage in the
state. They claim they are running out of money due to the price freeze,
and have billions of dollars of bills coming due in the next six weeks.
Central to their concerns is whether credit rating agencies Moody's
Investors Service and Standard & Poor's will cut their medium investment
grades to junk status.
"No one knows for sure, but if we consider the average rate hike is only
about 10 percent, it will be difficult for the companies to maintain
investment-grade ratings," said Dorothea Matthews, a fixed-income electric
utilities analyst for Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown.
The utilities have already been unable to tap short-term capital markets
because of their precarious financial state.
Downgrades to junk, which the agencies have already threatened, would
cement the door shut to these markets, and cause the utilities to default
on some of their loans.
Late Wednesday, PG&E Chief Executive Gordon Smith said the commission's
proposed hikes could jeopardize his utility's future loans.
Even a downgrade to the lowest investment grades - "Baa3" for long-term
debt and "Prime-3" for short-term debt from Moody's, and "BBB-minus" and
"A3" from S&P - would make the going very difficult for the utilities. The
reason: short-term debt markets are often closed to companies with those
"Unless this process allows the rating agencies to keep 'A2/P2' ratings on
the short-term debt of both companies, then this process has largely been a
waste of everyone's time," said Burke.
Still, he said, "there is a reasonable chance, despite today's weak
recommendation, that the situation can be salvaged with mid-'triple-B'
ratings, which would allow a lifeline to conventional sources of
Moody's and S&P were not available for comment.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Kari Dohn
<Kari.Dohn@GO To: "'[email protected]'"
V.CA.GOV> <[email protected]>
01/03/2001 Subject: RE: Additional
06:30 PM
thank you so much. so the news aint great for utilities?
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 2:14 PM
To: Kari Dohn
Subject: Additional Materials
Greetings Kari:
Forgive the delay. Much going on today, PUC draft decision in particular.
The draft does not look promising for the utilities' financial position.
Attached are our comments on the Governor's Proposals and some more detail
on the demand-reduction proposal. We continue to work on the Nord Pool
research for you and will turn that around as quickly as we can.
Again, don't hesitate to contact me if there's anything else I can help
with, or if there's anything else that you need. (415.782.7822)
(See attached file: Comments on Governor's Proposals 010301 .doc)(See
attached file: Demand buy-down proposal.doc) |
----- Original Message -----
From: andy brown
To: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; dkk ; runwithmee ;
Andy Brown ; Eric Janssen ; cte ; Gregory Maxim ; [email protected] ;
[email protected]
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 7:53 AM
Subject: FERC & California markets
Article noting that FERC will have special meeting on Nov 1 re California
markets, also Article that Terry Winter is having a press conference today
(Friday) about how the market will be fixed:
FERC To Meet Nov 9 To Propose Remedies To Calif
??????????????????? Pwr Mkt
??????????????????? Friday, October 20, 2000 08:17 AM
??????????????????? LOS ANGELES (Dow Jones)--In an unusual move, the Federal
Energy Regulatory
??????????????????? Commission said Thursday it will meet Nov. 1 to discuss
remedies to California's
??????????????????? troubled wholesale power market.
??????????????????? Details of a probe into California's wholesale
electricity market will also be released at
??????????????????? the Nov. 1 meeting. As reported, state and federal
regulators launched the probe over
??????????????????? the summer, saying the market wasn't workably
??????????????????? FERC also said it expects to hold a public hearing Nov.
9 to discuss possible
??????????????????? solutions to California's power crisis.
??????????????????? The place and time of both meetings haven't been decided
??????????????????? Regarding Thursday's announcement, FERC Commissioner
Curt Hebert said "rather
??????????????????? than waiting for Nov. 1 to release the findings of our
staff's investigation, I urge the
??????????????????? chairman to release the completed report now...it can
only help heal the raw emotions
??????????????????? rampant in the state of California."
??????????????????? FERC said it was rare that it would announce details of
its procedures. The
??????????????????? commission said its own rules don't allow it to normally
announce its procedures.
??????????????????? "Because of the need for expeditious action to address
the serious issues affecting
??????????????????? California electric power markets and California
consumers...the commission is taking
??????????????????? the unusual step of announcing in advance the procedures
it expects to follow over the
??????????????????? coming weeks to move forward in these proceedings," the
FERC order said.
??????????????????? The commission said it will give a three-week deadline
for parties to intervene and to
??????????????????? comment on the possible solutions presented by the
??????????????????? FERC said it anticipates issuing an order by the end of
the year "adopting and
??????????????????? directing remedies to promptly address to the extent
possible the identified problems
??????????????????? adversely affecting competitive power markets in
??????????????????? If necessary, FERC said it would hold additional
meetings to develop solutions "to
??????????????????? other identified problems."
??????????????????? California's wholesale power prices soared this past
summer. Customers of San
??????????????????? Diego Gas & Electric Co., a unit of Sempra Energy Corp.
(SRE, news, msgs), paid
??????????????????? market-based rates for power, which resulted in
triple-digit utility bills for its customers.
??????????????????? The state's three investor-owned utilities also racked
up billions of dollars in debt due
??????????????????? to high wholesale costs.
??????????????????? SDG&E customers are currently paying a fixed rate for
their power, while customers of
??????????????????? the state's other two utilities are still bound by a
??????????????????? Generators have been accused of gouging customers and
manipulating the market,
??????????????????? although no evidence has been offered up yet. However,
the FERC investigation may
??????????????????? address that.
??????????????????? -By Jason Leopold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3874;
??????????????????? [email protected]
Cal-ISO CEO To Announce Remedy To Lower Power
??????????????????? Cost
??????????????????? Friday, October 20, 2000 08:16 AM
??????????????????? (This article was originally published Thursday)
??????????????????? LOS ANGELES (Dow Jones)--California Independent System
Operator Chairman and
??????????????????? Chief Executive Terry Winter will hold a news conference
Friday morning to announce
??????????????????? a possible solution to reduce the state's electricity
??????????????????? An ISO spokesman wouldn't comment on the details of the
news conference.
??????????????????? According to a news release, Winter will speak about
"potential vehicles for containing
??????????????????? costs, while maintaining the ISO's high standards of
??????????????????? The ISO controls about 75% of California's power grid
and real-time market. As
??????????????????? already reported, the grid operator has come under fire
this summer for failing to
??????????????????? immediately reduce a price cap in its real-time market.
??????????????????? Currently, state Sen. Steve Peace, D-Chula Vista, is
drafting legislation to merge the
??????????????????? ISO and the state's Power Exchange.
??????????????????? -By Jason Leopold, Dow Jones Newswires; 323-658-3874;
??????????????????? [email protected]
??????????????????? Quote for referenced ticker symbols: EIX, PCG, SRE
??????????????????? , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
There are two David Dupres at Enron. Please insure that you are sending these to correct one.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richards, Andrea
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 4:25 PM
To: Anai, Rousseau; Leung, Steven; Luu, Diana; Mcquade, Jennifer; Morris, Jeremy; Rosa, Robert; Salisbury, Holden; Williams, Willie; Ahmed, Ali; Anderson, Jonathan; Andrews, Travis; Bakondy, James; Baldwin, Tom; Benjelloun, Hicham; Blackburn, Nate; Breen, Erika; Burk, Bart; Cardenas, Catalina; Causholli, Monika; Chavez, Gabriel; Coffing, Timothy; Day, Justin; Donaldson, Ivan; Dupre, David; Enochian, Sam; Eriksson, Fredrik; Escueta, Tricia; Gandhi, Sachin; Gautam, Millie; Gelin, Elberg; Gonzalez, Gabriel; Gross, Michelle; Guggenheim, Victor; Guilmino, Brad; Ha, Amie; Hernandez, Ana Maria; Hill, Veronica; Iyengar, Rachana; Jefferson, Shereka; Johnson, Heather A.; Johnston, Elizabeth; Jones, Brad; Junus, David; Justice, Gary; Kang, Daniel; Kendall, Heath; Kim, Grace; Koenig, Colleen; Kolle, Brian; Koskas, Ethel; Kulic, Sladana-Anna; Lo, Jeremy; Mahajan, Ashish; Marks, James; McClain, Jennifer; Merchant, Lane; Miller, Shaleen; Mujica, Mitra; Mujumdar, Ravi; Nash, Clifford; Nekrasova, Irina; Nelson, Kourtney; Oh, Jeffrey; O'Rourke, Ryan; Parent, Alli; Pathak, Neeran; Patton, Stacy; Pehlivanova, Biliana; Pereira, Hans Oliver; Perinne, Albane; Piazze, Tara; Pielop, Jonathon; Pinckney, Terrance; Piotrowski, Joseph; Quinn, Kristin; Rance, Susan; Rank, Sabina; Rehman, Shiraz; Renaud, Lindsay; Rohmer, Gisselle; Saenz, Angela; Schultz, Amanda; Seksaria, Rahul; Shupe, Jacob; Siegel, Adam; Smith, Reginald; Solberg, Geir; Soykok, Gulay; Sprott, Kendell; Steinbrueck, Brian; Stewart, Jennifer N.; Swanson, Blake; Taylor, Sarah; Tefel, Maria; Terhune, Kendra; Thakkar, Ami; Thibodeaux, Ryan; Velez, Luis; Walker, Rebecca; Ward, Peter; Watts, Christopher; Weaver, Sara; Worthing, Ashley; Wussow, Christy; Almy, Matthew; Alviar, Hector; Berry, Philip; Bryce, Samantha; Bucalo, Harry; Bui, Hang; Cavazos, Brandon; Chenoweth, Christopher; Chunchu, Shilpa; Cohen, Brian; Davidson, Julie; Dawson, Jeremy; Deane, Ryan; Dolezal, Regan; Driscoll, Sarah; Duong, Duc; Edmonds, Marcus; El-Azzi, Zeina; Estrada, Israel; Ferrara, Julie; Fortunov, Gallin; Freeman, Ben; Guo, Jin; Hall, Kreg; Hamlin, Mason; Harvey, Damon; Hatten, Micah; Hausinger, Sharon; Hernandez, Alejandro; Hinze, Ryan; Hirsh, Steve; Hoff, Jonathan; Huizer, Christiaan; Hull, Bryan; Jain, Avinash; Khandker, Dayem; Lalji, Farouk; Lang, John; Mallory, Chris; Martinsen, Aaron; Marye, David; Mauritzen, Brad; McCarroll, Zachary; Milliner, Christine; Monroy, Gabriel; Montana, Henry; Olsen, Michael; O'Malley, Justin; Ospina, Felipe; Paipanandiker, Chetan; Pak, Samuel; Patel, Adnan; Patel, Sanjay; Patel, Sheetal; Pham, Binh; Roman, Ace; Segura, Stephanie; Sexton, Anthony; Sidler, Shirley; Sonesson, Martin; Stephens, Leah; St. John, William; Surface, Jerald; Synnott, Ryan; TAYLOR, JAMES; Thomas, George; Thomason, Benjamin; Thrasher, Jodi; To, Cindi; Trejo, Mauricio; Weakly, John; Willis, Erin; Wininger, James; Woolcock, Adrian; Wu, Allan; Benitez, Gerardo; Benke, Shelia; Carlson, Tobin; Chen, Will; COWAN, SUE; Crook, Jody; Day, Misti; Driscoll, Michael M.; Falcone, Daniel; Foley, Neithard; Francis, Marsha; Herrmann, Karen; Hospeti, Savithri; Hunker, David; Hyde, Crystal; Khleif, Samar; King, Melanie; Kolman, Michael; Landry, Chad; La rose, Simone; Lin, Homer; Patel, Purvi; Rodrigue, Robin; Rostant, Justin; Roumel, Jonathan; Saubier, Sebastien; Schlesinger, Lauren; Schultz, Ethan; Simmons, Michael; Snyder, Jeffrey; Spruiell, Michael; Thompson, Justyn; Vegalara, Mateo; Whitehead, James; Winfrey, Travis; Yzquierdo, Raul; Zadorozhny, Roman; Ashby, Kevin; Bennett, Peter; Gillette, Lisa; Huang, Ted; Jaisinghani, Priya; Jantz, Chris; Jeanmard, Petual; Scott, Susan M.; Thompkins, Jason; Jackson, Alton; Zhu, Lena
Cc: Kinneman, Jeff; Fraser, Bridget; Giovannini, Jana; Bland Jr., Ted C.
Enron Credit provides credit risk mitigation solutions to corporations and other financial institutions. We provide information on the "cost-of-credit" and pricing for 10,000 reference names on enroncredit.com to provide corporations with information required to make smart decisions about extending credit. We also participate as one of the larger liquidity providers in the inter-bank Credit Derivative Swap market with live pricing available on ENRONONLINE. Enron Credit has around 70 staff members and is based in London, Houston and a new office in Tokyo and is looking to grow strongly in the future.
Analyst will support 3 Originators in New York
The job would entail:
? doing background analysis on industry sectors and companies in order to target corporations/industry sectors for origination opportunities
? creating power point presentations and compiling background material on targeted clients
? tracking client correspondence
? working on pricing and transactions
? collating market information on pricing
? some marketing/pricing
Requirements are:
? understanding of financial statements
? understanding of credit and financial analysis
? understanding of derivatives
? innovative and interested in finding new business opportunities
? extremely motivated with initiative
? keen to live in NY
If you are interested in this rotation, please send your updated resume to:
Bridget Fraser (hiring manager) 212-715-5256
Jeff Kinneman (VP) 713-853-5398
Andrea Richards (Career Development) 713-853-6499 |
22nd Alaska State Legislature
Senator Drue Pearce (R)
District F - Anchorage
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State Capitol, Room 119
Juneau, AK 99801-1182
Phone: (907) 465-4993
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716 W 4th, Suite 500
Anchorage, AK 99501-2133
Phone: (907) 269-0200
Fax: (907) 269-0204
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Elected to the House 1984, 1986
Elected to the Senate 1988, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2000
Pat Carter
Chief of Staff
465-4993 (Jan-May)
269-0200 (September-Dec)
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Deborah Grundmann
465-4993 (Jan-Dec)
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Kristy Tibbles
465-4993 (Jan-May)
269-0200 (June-Dec)
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Place of Birth: Fairfield, IL
Residency in Alaska: 1977 - present
Fairbanks, Kotzebue, and Anchorage
Occupation: Businesswoman
Former Banker and Teacher
Family: Husband - Michael F.G. Williams
Daughter - Tate Hanna Pearce-Williams.
Indiana University: 1973
???- B.A., Biological Sciences
Harvard University: 1984
???- M.P.A., Kennedy School of Government
University of Virginia: 1989
???- Darden School of Business, The Executive Program
Alaska State Senate: 1988 - present
Chair, Rules Committee: 2001 - present
Vice-Chair, Resources Committee: 2001 - present
Senate President: 1995-96, 1999-00
Vice-Chair, Transportation Committee: 1999 - 2000
Co-Chair, Finance Committee: 1993-94, 1997-98
Chair, The Energy Council: 1993 - 1994
???- Executive Committee
Chair, Labor & Commerce Committee: 1991 - 1992
Chair, Oil & Gas Committee: 1989 - 1990
Alaska State House of Representatives: 1985 - 1988
Business and Professional Positions:
Partner - Cloverland North and 4150 Company
Investor/Board Member - Wave Energy
Resources Consultant - ASRC
Officer and Branch Manager - Bank of the North
Director - "SummerScene"
Chemistry/Biology Teacher - Indiana
Curator: 1974-77 - The Louisville Zoo
Service Organizations and Community Involvement: Board Service: Alaska
Special Olympics,
???AADC, AWAIC, Anchorage Economic
???Development Corporation, Kotzebue Chamber & PIC,
???and AlaskaAerospace Development Corporation
Member: Anchorage Chamber, Commonwealth North,
???AOPA, Resource Development Council,
???ARWC, AWPC, Exxon Valdez Advisory Committee,
???Alaska Miners Association, Daughters of the
???American Revolution, Arctic Power, USTA,
???Alaska Support Industry Alliance,
???Alaska Federation of Republican Women.
Special Interests:
Family, Friends, Home, Flying, Breeding & Racing Standardbred Horses, United
Methodist Church.
biography last updated 1/23/01
| Top |
Press Releases
Legislature Hires Expert Advisors., 01-30-01
Pearce Refutes False Story., 01-17-01
Pearce Named to Military Advisory Committee., 01-10-01
Past Press Release Archive
2000 Press Release Archive
1999 Press Release Archive
1998 Press Release Archive
1997 Press Release Archive
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Upcoming Legal Issues Facing Alaskans., 12-06-00
Response to Chris Britt's Editorial Cartoon which appeared in the Illinois
State Journal Register on October 11, 2000.
Interview: YRock's Interview with Alaska's Senate President, Senator Drue
Pearce., 09-22-00
Speech: The Regulatory Commission of Alaska, Observations and Changes One
Year Later, 03-01-00
Why Alaska Should Reject the BP/Arco Merger, 01-30-00
Speech given to Commonwealth North - The Upcoming Session, 12-07-99
Speech to the 3rd Annual Sakhalin Oil and Gas Conference, 11-15-99
We Must Demand Maximum Value from Our Investments, 05-10-99
A Federal Threat on Alaska's Horizon, 04-26-99
State Budget Basics 102 - Alaska's Permanent Fund, 04-07-99
State Budget Basics 101 - Which Fund is Which?, 03-10-99
The State of Alaska's Budget, 12-15-98
Fiscal Challenges Faced by the Upcoming 21'st Alaska Legislature - Speech
given to RDC and the Alliance, 11-20-98
State Budgets: Do We Get What We,re Paying For? - Published in the Anchorage
Daily News, 11-17-98
Pearce Proud of Legislature,s Accomplishments, published in Alliance
| Top |
Prime Sponsor Legislation
Co-Sponsor Legislation
SB 2 : Municipal School Bond Reimbursement
An Act relating to reimbursement of municipal bonds for school construction;
and providing for an effective date.
SJR 3 : F-22 Raptor Aircraft at Elmendorf AFB
Relating to the deployment of F-22 Raptor aircraft at Elmendorf Air Force
| Sponsor Statement |
SJR 4 : NCAA Basketball Preseason Tournaments
Relating to supporting the Great Alaska Shootout, the Top of the World
Classic, and similar preseason basketball tournaments, and requesting that
the National Collegiate Athletic Association reject legislative proposal No.
SJR 5 : NCAA Basketball Preseason Tournaments
Relating to opposition to National Collegiate Athletic Association
legislative proposal 2000-106.
| Sponsor Statement |
SJR 8 : Voting Sites at Military Installations
Relating to supporting polling places at military installations and reserve
component facilities.
| Sponsor Statement |
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Ken Erickson?? Bud Curtis |
The GD article today regarding the proposed decision is a pretty good Readers
Digest version of the order. Susan and I spoke with Jeff Dasovich and Mark
Baldwin yesterday, and the consensus of those conversations was that
Transwestern should remain involved in this proceeding only for purposes of
implementation/documentation. Jeff offered that he might send a letter to
Governor Gray's office expressing both dismay and indignation that the CPUC
didn't complete their task and warning of the adverse outcome to California
ratepayers if these more modest reforms are approved. He may ask the other
Comprehensive Settlement parties to join in signing the letter. Susan, Mark
and I spoke about this idea later, and we've got some reservations about TW's
role in admonishing the CPUC. We should probably wait to see this letter
first before committing to anything.
Bilas draft cautious toward SoCal competition
Mindful of the current chaos over energy markets in the state, California
Public Utilities
Commissioner Richard Bilas has recommended the adoption of a much more
approach to promoting competition on Southern California Gas, (SoCal) system.
In his draft decision, Bilas advised the commission to reject the unbundling
of intrastate
transmission and instead approve the first settlement filed in the case, the
less far-reaching
Interim Settlement (IS), submitted in December 1999. SoCal, San Diego Gas and
Electric and
other parties filed two more settlements after the IS, reaching a
comprehensive agreement in
April this year.
But since then, gas and power prices skyrocketed in the state, prompting a
backlash and giving competition a bad name. The draft language notes that
the first interim
settlement was supported by more customer groups than the later agreements.
Recent events &lead us to conclude that the centerpiece of this
investigation, the unbundling
of intrastate transmission and the implementation of a system of firm,
tradable intrastate transmission rights, should be delayed,8 according to the
draft order. &This unbundling is the basis of the [comprehensive settlement]
and we cannot approve it. We do not, however, wish to commit to paralysis
until 2006, as the [post-interim settlement] would have us do. Accordingly,
we believe Californians are better served at this juncture by the adoption,
with modifications, of the IS.8
The biggest change to the IS in the draft is the rejection of an automatic
capacity expansion
by SoCal at Wheeler Ridge, Calif., with rolled-in rates if certain criteria
are met. El Paso
Energy had objected to the provision in the IS that would have allowed SoCal
to automatically
expand capacity at Wheeler Ridge by 100 million cfd if a certain number of
curtailments oc-curred.
El Paso objected to forcing all shippers to pay for the expansion at Wheeler
when only certain customers would benefit.
The draft says SoCal can file a separate application for the Wheeler Ridge
expansion, but approval would be conditioned on a traditional hearing process.
The draft decision would also:
End SoCal,s current &windowing8 process, which limits shippers, ability to
change nominations
for deliveries between receipt points on the system. It is replaced with an
daily calculation of capacity available at each receipt point;
Establish Hector Road as a formal receipt point for nominations;
Institute an operational flow order (OFO) procedure. Provides a forum for
more changes
in OFO procedures if excessive OFOs are made;
Set up &pools8 of gas on the SoCal transmission system that are intended to
increase the
liquidity of gas trading;
Make changes to balancing rules, while retaining the current 10% monthly
Make SoCal,s own gas acquisition unit subject to the same balancing rules
and penalties
as all other shippers;
Allow some limited imbalances trading, as well as the right to assign and
reassign unbundled
storage contract in a secondary market, with a SoCal electronic bulletin
board set up
for it;
Unbundle from core transportation rates the storage capacity cost exceeding
that required
for core minimum reliability; and
Provide for rate recovery of up to $3.5 million in implementation costs.
In addition, the draft would unbundle core interstate transportation from
rates, eliminate
core contribution to noncore interstate transition cost surcharges, eliminate
the core subscription
option as well as the caps for core aggregation programs. The threshold for
participating in
core aggregation is reduced, and billing options are offered to core
Bilas, draft also warned that the commission may come back in two years to
open another
investigation into gas competition, taking into account any changes in market
Bilas gave a little more insight into his decision in the text of the draft.
&The cost of gas as a commodity has vastly increased at the border, showing a
between the basin and border prices that is more than the cost of transport
and related services;
we question whether there will be an opportunity for discounting by marketers
if more competition is allowed,8
Bilas wrote in the draft decision. &With half the state already committed to
restructured competitive natural gas industry, it suddenly seems as if the
benefits of such re-
structuring to enhance competition are speculative, particularly at this
time. With one leg in the
water, the current has switched direction and it will be difficult, if not
foolhardy, to reach our
goals by forging ahead.
&We choose to take a cautious approach again,8 the draft continues. &Rather
than proceeding
to unbundle transmission in Southern California now, we approve, with
modifications, the settle-
ment suggesting smaller steps towards a competitive market. Additionally, we
unbundle core
interstate transmission and once again urge the Legislature to pass consumer
protection legisla-
tion aimed at unregulated marketers while we facilitate growth in core
aggregation programs.8
The CPUC would not rule out the unbundling of intrastate transmission and
other restruc-
turing in the future &but believe that at this point in time the certain
benefits do not outweigh
the costs to most ratepayers.8
All drafts must be filed 30 days before the meetings at which they will be
discussed. The
draft decision is currently on the agenda for the CPUC,s Dec. 21 meeting. |
-----Original Message-----
From: Enron Announcements/Corp/Enron@ENRON [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Ken Lay - Chairman & CEO@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:09 PM
To: All Enron Worldwide@ENRON
Subject: Our Response to the U.S. Tragedy
The tragedy of Tuesday, September 11 will serve as an unforgettable reminder to people all over the world of what is truly important and of life's fragility. My heartfelt sympathies go out to the families and friends of all the people whose lives were taken in this senseless and horrific attack. I ask that all of you keep our deceased colleague Nick Humber and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Tragically, Nick, a director with Enron Wind, was on one of the planes hijacked on Tuesday.
To help with relief efforts in New York and Washington, D.C., Enron will make a total contribution of $1 million dollars to be split equally between the American Red Cross and the New York Firefighters and Police Officers Fund.
Many of you have expressed an interest in more personal involvement and I want you to be aware of some of the options available. I encourage you to support those impacted by this tragedy by donating to relief efforts, and to take advantage of our Matching Gift Program to double the impact of your individual donation. Because of the significance of this tragic event, Enron will match your contribution 2 for 1.
How to Help
? Please go to www.easymatch.com/enron. Once there, click on "Disaster Relief" (located in the middle of the top of the page). Please choose from the list of non-profits that are accepting donations to help with this effort. Any donations made to aid with disaster relief will not be counted toward the annual $15,000 Matching Gift limit. You will need your GIS number to do this (it begins with a 9). If you are unsure of your GIS number, please contact the HR GIM helpdesk at 713-853-5666.
? We will have red, white and blue striped ribbons in Houston for employees to pin on their shirts in memory of those who lost their lives, in honor of those who survived, and for their families. Donations to the New York Firefighters and Police Officers Fund and other organizations are being accepted in exchange for the ribbons. Enron will also match these donations. The ribbons are available tomorrow from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the InfoZone, which is located by the down escalator in the lobby. For any other employees who would like to make donations, please go to the above website.
? Enron employees are generously giving blood, and we will continue to work with relief efforts to ensure that employees who want to give, have the ability to do so. If you have questions, call 713-853-6100.
? President Bush has declared Friday a day of "National Prayer and Remembrance," and is calling on Americans to use their lunch breaks to go to places of worship to pray for victims and their families. Following is a list of websites with additional information:
o <http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/>
o <http://www.chron.com/content/community/religious/>
o If you are looking for a service within walking distance of the Enron building, First United Methodist Church (corner of Main and Clay) and Antioch Missionary Baptist Church will hold prayer services on Friday. First United Methodist Church will have services at 11:00 a.m., noon and 1:00 p.m. Antioch Missionary Baptist Church will have a service at noon.
o If you are interested in attending a service and don't work in this area, please check your local television websites for more information.
? For Houston employees, a citywide candlelight vigil will be held on the steps of City Hall in Downtown Houston at 7 p.m. tomorrow night. Mayor Lee Brown will be speaking.
? At 10:00 a.m. (Central) on Monday, September 17th, in Enron facilities around the world, we will have a moment of silence in memory of those whose lives have been tragically taken. We ask that you put down the phone, turn away from your computer and dedicate a personal moment of silence together with your co-workers.
? We encourage all U.S. based employees to wear red, white or blue shirts on Monday.
For Counseling Assistance
? For employees in Houston, we have an on-site employee assistance counselor in the building that you can reach by calling 713-853-6057. If you are not located in Houston or if you or a family member would prefer an off-site counselor, you can call the 24-hour Employee Assistance Program number 1-800-345-1391.
? Employees outside the U.S. can also contact 713-853-6057 directly. United HealthGroup (Enron's medical network administrator) has provided free access to their National Disaster Line for counseling service to any person. That number is 800-268-1026. We are also working to bring crisis counseling to any work location that has a need.
This is an agonizing time for our nation and it is hard for us all. In addition to the financial and human support we are extending to those in need, it is imperative that we at Enron continue to safely and reliably serve our customers in the U.S. and around the world. We know it is difficult but we must demonstrate on-going stability and strength at Enron, as this will serve as a signal that the ideals upon which America was founded cannot be diminished. Again, our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. Please continue to watch your e-mail for more information. |
I agree with Mark's changes and I think the memo is good to go.
---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 04/10/2001
07:25 AM ---------------------------
Mark Schroeder@ECT
04/10/2001 02:29 AM
To: Joseph P Hirl/AP/Enron@ENRON
cc: Eric Shaw/LON/ECT@ECT@ENRON, John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Michael R
Brown/LON/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Steven J
Subject: Re: Enron Europe Governtal & Regulatory Affairs Organization
John does not want to do that in this memo. He is leaving that to a
Houston-originated memo on EBS in Asia and Europe (we have someone for EBS
here now, and are hiring for Singapore, in addition to what is being done
today in Tokyo). thanks mcs
Joseph P Hirl@ENRON
10/04/2001 08:29
To: Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Eric Shaw/LON/ECT@ECT, John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Michael R
Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Steven J
Subject: Re: Enron Europe Governtal & Regulatory Affairs Organization
How do you want to describe the coordination and oversight of EBS reg affairs
resources in Japan and Asia?
Joseph P. Hirl
Enron Japan Corp.
81 3 5219 4500
81 3 5219 4510 (Fax)
Mark Schroeder@ECT
04/10/2001 03:54 PM
To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Eric Shaw/LON/ECT@ECT, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Joseph P
Subject: Re: Enron Europe Governtal & Regulatory Affairs Organization
1 I have left voice messages for Alfredo, Paul Dawson, and Paul Hennemeyer
(but have not heard back from any of the three), and have spoken to Peter
Styles and Doug Wodd, so we can go with whatever is agreed.
2 I have made a change as we discussed about geographic responsibility,
given my conversation with you that I think it is a bit misleading to only
show these people (in many areas) being responsible for "Power", when in fact
they are responsible for "Gas", too. Doug is really responsible for gas as
an adjunct to their local efforts, as well as a change to indicate, also as
we discussed, that these responsibilites are flexible, in response to
changing commercial priorities, as well as the need to support the other
Wholesale businesses.
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark Schroeder/LON/ECT on 10/04/2001
07:45 ---------------------------
Richard Lewis
09/04/2001 19:17
To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Eric Shaw/LON/ECT@ECT, Joseph P Hirl/AP/ENRON@ENRON, Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark
Subject: Re: Enron Europe Governtal & Regulatory Affairs Organization
Paul Dawson covers the coal group as well (any others, Mark?) . Perhaps
these areas should be added.
John Sherriff
09/04/2001 18:40
To: Eric Shaw/LON/ECT@ECT, Richard Lewis/LON/ECT, Joseph P
Hirl/AP/ENRON@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT
Subject: Enron Europe Governtal & Regulatory Affairs Organization Announcement
Richard Lewis, Eric Shaw, Joe Hirl, Rick Shapiro, Michael Brown
Please review the attached draft org annoucement and send me your comments.
Mark - please let me know once
we have spoken to the five senior managers in your group as we do not want to
send this out until either you, Michael or
I have spoken to them about this structure.
After nearly five years in London, Mark Schroeder will be returning to the US
on April 11th to join the North American Coal Business with responsibility
for origination in the utility sector. Under Mark,s leadership, his team has
made significant contributions towards Enron Europe,s &first mover8 advantage
and its status as the leading new entrant in the liberalizing pan)European
energy markets. We wish him well in his new commercial role.
With Mark,s departure, the day-to-day management of the Government &
Regulatory Affairs Department in Europe will rest with Peter Styles, Paul
Dawson, Paul Hennemeyer, and Doug Wood. Nick O,Day will continue in his
current leadership capacity in Japan. Each of these five individuals and
their groups will now jointly report to the business heads and to Rick
Shapiro, in the Government Affairs team in Houston. Rick Shapiro will
continue to manage Government Affairs for the Americas. While the team
members responsibilities will vary from time-to-time in response to shifting
commercial priorities, as well as the need to support other Enron Wholesale
Services' business units from time-to-time, the general areas of
responsibility will be as follows:
Peter Styles, based in Brussels, will continue to have responsibilty for our
EU and Netherlands advocacy. Paul Hennemeyer will lead efforts in the
German speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) as well as France
and Belgium. Peter and Paul will report to Eric Shaw. While secunded to the
commercial team in France, Philip Davies will address Nordic market issues on
an ad hoc basis and also report to Paul on these issues.
Paul Dawson will lead our UK, Spain and Italian power regulatory efforts as
well as the gas regulatory work in the UK. Doug Wood will support the
Continental Gas team and the Central and Southeastern Europe Origination
efforts, while also addressing the UK Climate Change Levy. Doug's role in
gas will continue to be to supplement, and not to supplant, the efforts of
each of the team members' geographic responsibilities noted on the
organisation chart. Paul and Doug will report to Richard Lewis locally.
Nick O,Day will also continue to report to Joe Hirl in Japan.
Other regulatory support provided by Mark Schroder will be addressed in
another organizational announcement that will be sent
out from Governmental Affairs in Houston. Attached is the revised
organization chart that now reflects the Governmental & Regulatory Affairs
organization in Enron Europe.
John Sherriff & Michael Brown |
Shawn Carkonen, Editor
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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Upgrades [IMAGE] DownGrades [IMAGE] Coverage Initiated [IMAGE] Stock Splits [IMAGE] Buybacks [IMAGE] Pos Pre-Announce [IMAGE] Neg Pre-Announce [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Unsubscribe [IMAGE] Update my Membership / Profile [IMAGE] Forgot Username / Password [IMAGE] Add / Edit Alerts [IMAGE] View My Alerts [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] As requested, your News Alert for TXN follows from EquityAlert.com. Texas Instruments DLP Cinema Group Signs On as Official Corporate Sponsor of ShoWest 2002 LOS ANGELES, Jan 16, 2002 (ENTERTAINMENT WIRE) -- The DLP Cinema(TM) group of technology giant Texas Instruments has signed on as the Official Corporate Sponsor of ShoWest 2002, taking place March 4-7 at Bally's and Paris Las Vegas. "We are thrilled that Texas Instruments is on board with ShoWest this year," says Jimmy Sunshine, Co-Managing Director of ShoWest. "This really reaffirms their commitment to the motion picture industry and to the future of digital cinema." Doug Darrow, Business Manager for DLP Cinema(tm) at TI's DLP(tm) Products division, adds, "We're delighted to be the corporate sponsor of ShoWest, together with Sunshine Group Worldwide. ShoWest is a significant event in the movie industry's year, and has proved invaluable to us in providing a forum in which we can expose DLP Cinema technology to the industry and to get valuable feedback on our efforts. This year's event promises to be even more exciting, as we believe digital cinema stands poised to move to the next level in terms of widespread implementation." The DLP Cinema(tm) group of Texas Instruments is responsible for the development, manufacture and marketing of DLP Cinema(tm) technology, which delivers a superior on-screen image for moviegoers. DLP Cinema(tm) technology has been under development for several years and has been significantly influenced by inputs from studios, exhibitors, movie creators, and others involved in movie production. In the last two years, Texas Instruments has announced agreements with Christie Digital Systems, Barco Digital Cinema and IMAX Corporation to develop commercial products based on DLP Cinema(tm) technology, and all these companies typically have a high profile at ShoWest and other conventions managed by Sunshine Group Worldwide. Celebrating its 28th year, ShoWest is the world's largest motion picture industry convention. Each year, ShoWest attracts delegates from more than 45 countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. ShoWest was founded by the National Association of Theatre Owners of California and Nevada and the 2001 Show was the first managed by Sunshine Group Worldwide. SGW, founded by brothers Robert and Jimmy Sunshine, owns the ShoWest, ShowEast, Cinema Expo and CineAsia exhibition conventions. The group also publishes Film Journal International and is part of VNU Expositions. CONTACT: Rogers & Cowan Jeanne R. Berney, 646/658-8319 [email protected] Vicky Eguia, 310/201-8889 [email protected] Melissa Little, 310/201-8835 [email protected] URL: http://www.businesswire.com Today's News On The Net - Business Wire's full file on the Internet with Hyperlinks to your home page. Copyright (C) 2002 Business Wire. All rights reserved. -0- KEYWORD: CALIFORNIA NEVADA INDUSTRY KEYWORD: COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS ENTERTAINMENT HARDWARE MOTION PICTURES SOURCE: ShoWest 2002 [IMAGE] ***IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER REGARDING THIS COURTESY EMAIL*** At your request, as a subscriber to our service, this email alert is being sent to you as a courtesy and is for information purposes only. We are a financial news re-distributor. 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"One hundred thousand lemmings can't be wrong." -- Graffito
Can a cash-rich balance sheet offset a slowdown in orders?
By Rick Aristotle Munarriz
There was a time when 3Com (Nasdaq: COMS) networking equipment
and U.S. Robotics modems meant techie heaven. That time has long
since gone. Citing a shortage of parts and a slowdown in orders
from telco carriers, the company warned that third-quarter
results would come in softer than expected.
3Com is now projecting revenues for the period to come in
between $765 million and $780 million -- more than $100 million
below analyst estimates. A loss of $0.19 to $0.23 a share is
also nearly three times as wide as Wall Street's forecast for an
$0.08 deficit.
3Com had already begun to fade away from the investing community
radar. Once the company completed its spin-off of personal
desktop assistant maker Palm (Nasdaq: PALM) back in July, growth
investors had little reason to stick around. Standard & Poor's
felt the same way. It ditched the company in favor of its Palm
sprout for its S&P 500 Index.
While there are no guarantees, shareholders might take solace in
knowing that 3Com remains cash-rich. With $2.7 billion in cash
and short-term investments, the company is stacked with $7.75 a
share in greenbacks. In theory that should help limit the
downside not much farther below the $9.50 the stock was fetching
in after-hours trading yesterday. But even that may prove to be
knobby-kneed shelter if losses continue to widen. However, 3Com
believes that the carrier orders have simply been put on hold --
not hung up on the receiver. Shareholders better hope that 3Com
is making the right call this time.
A slowdown in orders will also be taking a toll on Xilinx
(Nasdaq: XLNX) this quarter. The specialty chip maker warned
that it too would be reporting revenues short of analyst
expectations. Like its rival Altera (Nasdaq: ALTR), who had
warned just last week, an inventory backlog will not be a
painless fix.
It's time to pay for play at MP3.com (Nasdaq: MPPP). The popular
digital music site has now unveiled a "Premier Service" upgrade
to its existing My.MP3.com listening solution. For $49.95 a
year, users can beam up to 500 CDs to their account and stream
as many as 300 songs in a row without interruption. While the
free service never capped the allowable discs, it did have to be
restarted after playing every 50 selections. So much for the
free music revolution -- though the free basic My.MP3.com
service seems set to continue.
Finland's Nokia (NYSE: NOK) should give the wireless sector a
roaming charge this morning after the top dog announced that it
expects revenues to grow in the 25-35% range through at least
2003. Nokia controls nearly a third of the global wireless
handset market.
While weakness in online advertising is certainly not news
anymore, industry leader DoubleClick (Nasdaq: DCLK) confirmed
the malaise by sending out pink slips yesterday. The layoffs are
minor relative to other realignment sackings -- less than 10% of
its workforce -- but it does confirm the hard times in the realm of
Internet marketing. Brother, can you spare a banner ad click?
The thong throng? According to Bloomberg.com, News Corp. (NYSE:
NWS) and Disney (NYSE: DIS) have received European Council
approval to team up with Brazil's Globosat Programadora for a
joint venture in the latter's home turf. So an Australian media
giant teams up with a stateside titan and a local behemoth to
produce Brazilian television programming -- and Europe nods?
It's a small world after all.
Paul Commins wants you to understand why the Rule Breaker's
knickers aren't in a knot every time the market is down.
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March 23, 2001 5:00pm through March 26, 2001 12:00am
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 3/23/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 5:15:00 PM CT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 3:15:00 PM PT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 11:15:00 PM
Outage: Decommission CORPHOU-02B
Environments Impacted: Corp Logins
Purpose: The SAM size on this DC has increased beyond recommended limits.
There is no real reason for us to keep this DC online anymore.
Backout: Bring back online
Contact(s): Keith Meurer 713-853-1743
Impact: ENS
Time: Sun 3/25/2001 at 3:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 3/25/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT
Sun 3/25/2001 at 1:00:00 PM PT thru Sun 3/25/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT
Sun 3/25/2001 at 9:00:00 PM London thru Sun 3/25/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London
Outage: Change VLANS for the EES networks at Ardmore
Environments Impacted: EES
Purpose: Part of the re-design, due to problems with the OC3's
Backout: change vlans back to the old numbers
Contact(s): Scott Shishido 713-853-3780
Impact: ENS
Time: Fri 3/23/2001 at 11:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 9:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT
Sat 3/24/2001 at 5:00:00 AM London thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London
Outage: Add redundancy to the ETS server network
Environments Impacted: ETS
Purpose: Currently the ETS server network has no redundant links
the the routers. If one switch goes down the entire network goes down.
Backout: none
Contact(s): Scott Shishido 713-853-3780
FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 3/24/2001 at 11:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 3/25/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT
Sat 3/24/2001 at 9:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT
Sun 3/25/2001 at 5:00:00 AM London thru Sun 3/25/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London
Outage: Replace ENRON.COM edge routers
Environments Impacted: Internet
Purpose: Replace hardware with faster processing units. IOS Software upgrade
to remove potential security vulnerability.
Backout: Put existing hardware back in production.
Contact(s): John Shupak 713-853-7943
Bryan Aubuchon 713-345-8446
MESSAGING: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Market Data
Time: Fri 3/23/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 9:45:00 PM CT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 7:45:00 PM PT
Sat 3/24/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 3:45:00 AM London
Outage: CQG_DDA Upgrade
Environments Impacted: CQG Digital users
Purpose: Enable migration off of Legacy satellite systems.
Backout: N/A
Contact(s): John Sieckman 713-345-7862
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 3/23/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 12:00:00 AM
Outage: Cleanup CDPD (Air Card) Configuration
Environments Impacted: Corp.
Purpose: Running out of available addresses for air cards. Clean up
configuration on CDPD router/ Change
the method used to translate the aircards IP addresses.
See Change Request # JW918 for IP addresses.
Backout: apply old config
Contact(s): Jon Werner 713-853-6742
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 3/23/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 3/23/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 12:00:00 AM
Outage: SysAdmiral Master Server Move
Environments Impacted: Corp
Purpose: This server move is to replace the failed server that occurred last
weekend. The current location for the master machine online is in 3448. Since
it is on a development segment it has to be moved back into the production
We will need only one hour to move the machine since it it is replacing a
1600 with a 1600. Rails and racking can be reused without rewiring anything.
Backout: Rerack in current location.
Contact(s): Rusty Cheves 713-345-3798
Impact: CORP
Time: Fri 3/23/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 12:00:00 PM CT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 10:00:00 AM PT
Fri 3/23/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Sat 3/24/2001 at 6:00:00 PM London
Outage: OS and Disk upgrade, patch maintenance and migration to T-3 for
server titania.
Environments Impacted: Oracle development
Purpose: Need for additional storage and improved performance.
Backout: shutdown the system
reconnect the old disks
restore the old OS from tape
Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716
SITARA: No Scheduled Outages.
SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.
TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages
TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.
(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
(713) 853-5536 Information Risk Management
Specific Help:
Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]
RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]
OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]
CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]
EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]
EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797 |
Williams will have weather model and research material several minutes before the general market. Universities receive the data before the market and this alliance will get the weather data to Williams as if they were part of the university.
Any thoughts?
-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan, David
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 11:45 AM
To: Presto, Kevin M.
Subject: Williams Energy
This is size....
-----Original Message-----
From: Bennett, Steve
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 9:23 AM
To: Hamilton, Tony; Ryan, David; Pace, Andy; Decook, Todd
Subject: I'm sure you've seen this...
Williams Signs $10 Million Weather and Climate Research Alliance with the University of Oklahoma
August 27, 2001 09:02:00 AM ET
Increased Accuracy of Weather Prediction Technology
Provides Significant Economic Advantages for Energy Industry Leader
TULSA, Okla., Aug. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- A unit of Williams WMB </inc/news/quoteredir.asp?symbol=us:WMB> today announced a $10 million strategic alliance with the University of Oklahoma (OU) to enhance weather and climate research, technology development, and undergraduate and graduate meteorology education.
This commercial arrangement, the largest of its kind in the U.S. between a private corporation and a university meteorology program, is a mutually beneficial agreement that allows OU to expand its top-tier meteorology programs while Williams receives exclusive weather analysis and forecasting tools. This will give Williams a globally competitive advantage in energy marketing and trading, while related educational and research activities are expected to produce for Williams the nation's most qualified meteorologists and weather impact decision makers.
"This is a partnership between business and higher education where both parties benefit," Keith E. Bailey, Williams chairman, president and CEO, said. "This alliance provides Williams access to weather research and technology that is dramatically superior than traditional government weather services and customized to Williams' unique needs. With weather being the number one driver of volatility in gas and power markets, we expect to see a significant return on our investment."
"This history making agreement between Williams and the University of Oklahoma's School of Meteorology, a national leader in its field, is a dramatic demonstration of the power of a private sector-university partnership in the creation of economic productivity and growth, and the expansion of knowledge," said OU President David L. Boren. "I predict that this alliance will become a national model for joining together American international leadership in higher education with private sector creativity and vitality. We are deeply grateful for the confidence placed in this outstanding program at the University by Williams."
Highlights of this expansive agreement include:
* Unique, advanced weather and climate prediction capabilities tailored by
the University of Oklahoma's Weather Programs specifically for Williams'
weather-sensitive businesses.
* A grant of $8.1 million over five years to fund research in advanced
weather analysis and prediction at the Center for Analysis and
Prediction of Storms (CAPS). This includes funding for a supercomputer
that will be most powerful among all Big-12 institutions.
* A grant of $1.6 million over five years to fund regional climate
research at the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological
Studies. This money will bring to OU the most advanced climate system
model in the world, and will fund research scientists as well as
graduate and undergraduate students.
* Gifts to create the Williams Endowed Chair, an advanced student computer
laboratory, funding for three Williams Fellows in the Master of Science
in Professional Meteorology Degree in the School of Meteorology and a
gift to the Oklahoma Climatological Survey.
"We believe the outcome of this partnership will yield a world class suite of weather forecast and analysis products suited for use in the energy marketing and trading industry," says Denise Russell, director of Market Analysis at Williams' energy marketing and trading unit, who, in 1998 began to hire OU meteorology graduates. "We also will have a valuable pipeline for new technological and human resource capabilities with which to maintain these developments."
According to Dr. John Snow, dean of the OU College of Geosciences and director of Oklahoma Weather Center programs, the School of Meteorology, has already begun to aggressively recruit some of the nation's top graduate students as part of the new partnership, and will expand this effort in the next several months now that the contracts are signed.
"Through this alliance with Williams, The University of Oklahoma has obtained the resources necessary to continue generating new knowledge, defining the global standard for weather technology and developing outstanding graduates, all while bringing new jobs and opportunities to Oklahoma in weather-related fields," says Snow.
The Williams/OU alliance was made possible through technology advances in computing resources and the enactment of Oklahoma State Questions 680 and 681, which provide for the establishment of commercial entities that are licensed for the exclusive right to commercialize the technology developed within research and development sections of universities.
About Williams WMB </inc/news/quoteredir.asp?symbol=us:WMB>
Williams, through its subsidiaries, connects businesses to energy, delivering innovative, reliable products and services. Williams information is available at www.williams.com .
Portions of this document may constitute "forward-looking statements" as defined by federal law. Although the company believes any such statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there is no assurance that actual outcomes will not be materially different. Any such statements are made in reliance on the "safe harbor" protections provided under the Private Securities Reform Act of 1995. Additional information about issues that could lead to material changes in performance is contained in the company's annual reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
? 2001 PRNewswire |
It looks like we hit a home run.
---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 07/11/2000
10:18 AM ---------------------------
From: Kevin M Presto @ ECT 07/11/2000 09:54 AM
To: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Bruce
---------------------- Forwarded by Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT on 07/11/2000
09:47 AM ---------------------------
George Hopley
07/11/2000 09:47 AM
To: Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom May/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Bruce
Ontario Power Generation and Bruce Power announce leasing agreement at Bruce
KINCARDINE, ON, July 11 /CNW-PRN/ - Ontario Power Generation (OPG) today
announced it has entered into a major agreement with Bruce Power Partnership
relating to the facilities at the Bruce nuclear site. Bruce Power is 95% owned
by British Energy plc. The transaction provides an opportunity for the two
main unions, the Power Workers' Union and The Society of Energy Professionals
on the Bruce site, to subscribe to 5% of the equity.
This public/private partnership involves a long-term lease agreement for
the Bruce A (3076 MW-currently in lay-up), and Bruce B (3140 MW) facilities.
The lease runs until 2018, with an option to extend for up to another 25
years. OPG will receive an initial payment of $625 M to be made in three
installments. A first payment of $400 M will be made on closing subject to
normal closing adjustments. The remaining $225 M will be paid in two
installments of $112.5 M each.
Bruce Power's annual payments include base and variable elements. The
variable elements include a share of the net revenue, and supplementary
payments for the management of used fuel. In total these payments are
estimated to be about $150 M in calendar year 2002.
Bruce Power will offer employment to all employees at the Bruce site,
other than those being retained by OPG. Employees remaining with OPG include
those that provide waste management and centralized nuclear operations support
services. The agreement is expected to close, subject to Bruce Power obtaining
the necessary licences, in the summer of 2001.
"Today's announcement is good news for employees, the community, the
electricity consumer and the shareholder" stated Ron Osborne, OPG President
and CEO. "This agreement injects private equity into the Bruce facilities
which in turn will provide new opportunities for employees and the community.
It is also a major step towards opening the Ontario electricity marketplace to
competition and providing electricity consumers with choice." Osborne noted
that an additional benefit of the agreement allows OPG to concentrate on
accelerating the performance improvements underway at its Darlington and
Pickering nuclear facilities while the new company focuses on the Bruce.
Nuclear safety continues to be of paramount importance for Ontario Power
Generation, and safety has been a key tenet for British Energy. Both companies
are committed to ensuring high safety performance standards.
"We are delighted to be announcing the creation of a new company. Bruce
Power will demonstrate that safety and commercial success go hand in hand,"
said Robin Jeffrey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of British Energy
Canada Ltd. "We have a high regard for CANDU technology and for the skill of
the staff at Bruce. We are confident that by working with the staff and the
unions, Bruce Power can achieve world class safety and commercial
To reduce its market dominance, OPG is required by conditions in its
operating licence granted by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), to reduce its
share of generating capacity to no more than 35 per cent of that available to
the province 10 years after the market opens.
British Energy was selected following an extensive worldwide competitive
process over the last two years. They have significant operating experience
and a proven safety track record with a range of nuclear reactor types.
To close the transaction, Bruce Power will be required to secure licences
from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and the Ontario Energy
Board. Bruce Power will be required to follow the stringent licensing and
operating requirements established by CNSC, formerly the Atomic Energy Control
Ontario Power Generation is a major North American electricity generating
company. OPG's principal business is the generation and sale of electricity to
consumers in Ontario and into the interconnected markets. OPG's goal is to be
a premier North American energy company, focused on low-cost power generation
and wholesale energy sales, while operating in a safe, open and
environmentally responsible manner.
British Energy PLC is the UK's largest electricity generator. British
Energy owns and operates 15 reactors in the UK and a further two in the United
States through its joint venture, AmerGen. British Energy's goal is to be a
worldwide electricity leader building on its "Safety First" culture and track
record of commercial success.
SOURCE Ontario Power Generation Inc. |
In my summer update about the acquisition of MG Plc and the integration of
the metals business into Enron, I reported that we were aiming to complete
the integration by the end of the year. I am pleased to report that we are
well on the way to meeting this target.
September was a busy month for the metals business as it brought with it both
the co-location of the London and Tokyo-based metals staff with Enron,s
offices and the first quarter of combined reporting under Enron Europe.
Ensuring a smooth transition for both the metals staff and the metals systems
into our London headquarters took a tremendous amount of co-ordination by
teams across the company on the part of the former MG team and the
integration team at Enron Europe. Nevertheless, &D-Day8 arrived with minimal
problems and the metals team open for business as usual on the morning of
September 18th.
Another key initiative that commenced during September was the re-positioning
of the MG worldwide metals business as Enron Metals. With the exception of
the Henry Bath & Son Limited warehousing division, which will remain as
currently named, the re-branding initiative was kicked off in the UK and
followed by Japan and the US. The re-branding initiative is on going with
all other remaining regions set to undergo completion of the name change by
the end of November.
Enron Metals is represented throughout the world. I have attached a regional
office summary that depicts Enron Metals, locations (Appendix I).
In light of the progress that has been made since the summer, I thought it
would be helpful to provide you with a brief recap of Enron Metals, core
business areas and identify those members of the metals team who will be
leading commercial efforts moving forward.
Merchanting Division
The Merchanting Division, led by Michael Farmer (+44 (0)20 7783 2049), is a
worldwide copper merchant, one of the top three independent merchants of
copper concentrates and nickel and the leading European merchant of recycled
non-ferrous metals. Core activities of the merchanting division are:
? Merchanting of Non-ferrous Metals ) Enron Metals trades as a principal with
producers and consumers, buying and selling non-ferrous metals and
concentrates (particularly copper, aluminum and nickel), exchanging qualities
and locations and lending and borrowing metals.
? Global Stockholding ) Through its affiliate, Henry Bath & Son Limited,
Enron Metals holds stocks of non-ferrous metals at warehouses around the
? Merchanting of Recycled Metal ) Enron Metals trades as a principal with
suppliers and consumers of non-ferrous metal for recycling. Enron has
augmented its European recycling platform through the acquisition of assets
of W&O Bergmann, the leading German Recycling Business.
Financial Services Division
The Financial Services Division, led by Michael Hutchinson (+44 (0)20 7783
2079), provides market-making and trading services to Enron Metal,s physical
metals trading business through futures trading as a member of the London
Metal Exchange and as a member of COMEX in New York. The Financial Services
Division will continue to be comprised of brokerage activities for LME and
COMEX contracts and be a market-maker for both futures and options contracts
on the LME and COMEX and in OTC metals contracts.
With much of the metals business moving to online trading, significant effort
has been put into getting metals contracts incorporated into EnronOnline,s
portfolio of product offerings since the metals business, integration into
Enron this summer. Today on EnronOnline we are trading six metals (Copper,
Aluminium, Nickel, Zinc, Lead and Tin) with over 150 products available.
Enron Metals now has almost 800 financial counterparties on the books, with
300 of these having EnronOnline accounts. Trading volumes have increased
from a couple of trades per day in September to a high of 300 in October. The
attached charts depict the established metals results compared to the start
up of US natgas (Appendix II).
Enron Metals established a London-based commercial unit under the direction
of Eric Gadd, Vice President-Global Metals Origination which is focused on
completing highly structured and long-dated transactions. It will integrate
with existing merchanting and financial service competencies to lever up
earnings creation. Currently, the origination team is working on a number of
Q4 transactions in Australia and the Americas. The deal pipeline for Q2 has
prospects in not only these regions but also Europe/Africa and the Middle/Far
East. Close and regular communication between the metal origination team
and other business units inside Enron is essential if we are to succeed in
building a new capability to achieve earnings targets and deliver shareholder
value through Enron Metals. Your active involvement and close co-operation
here is appreciated.
Warehousing (Henry Bath & Son Limited)
The Warehousing operations, led by Ed Dablin, operate under the name of Henry
Bath & Son Limited. Henry Bath has been in business for more than 200 years
and maintains a global operation for the physical handling and storage of
non-ferrous metals, including zinc, tin, copper, nickel, lead and aluminum.
Henry Bath provides support to both the Merchanting and Financial Services
Divisions, and also engages in independent warehousing operations. Its core
activities include worldwide storage of metals and other products such as
cocoa, general goods and worldwide shipping services.
Presently, Henry Bath maintains over three million square feet of storage
worldwide (most of which is leased), with the largest facilities located in
the United Kingdom (Liverpool, London, Bristol, Immingham), the Netherlands
(Rotterdam), Spain (Bilbao, Barcelona), Singapore, and the United States (New
Haven, New Orleans and Los Angeles).
Rob Soeldner is managing the integration efforts for me. Please feel free
to contact him at +44 (0)20 7783 7169 with any questions regarding the
John Sherriff |
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Martin, Lance
What do you think?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Frank A. Wolak" <[email protected]>@ENRON
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 4:28 PM
> To: Kaminski, Vince J
> Subject:
> Vince,
> I've been hearing rumors that Enron has decided to endorse
> the nodal pricing model as implemented in PJM.
> I just wanted to warn you that I'm not sure
> this is in Enron's long-term interest at all. Let me explain
> why. Feel free to give me a call if you'd like to talk
> more about this.
> First, let me say that I firmly believe in locational pricing
> and specifically pricing congestion. However, the way that PJM
> implements nodal pricing is to eliminate as much price volatility
> and reduce the transparency of the market. Specifically, the
> PJM tariff gives the ISO the ability to mitigate to cost plus a
> %10 adder the bids of any market participant that the ISO deems
> is out of merit in one of the three zones in region. (The fact
> that a nodal market is talking about zones should give you cause for
> alarm.)
> Then the ISO takes this mitigated bid and re-runs its price-setting
> software to compute new nodal prices. The way I have (somewhat
> unfairly) decribed this price-setting process is that the
> PJM ISO decides what prices it would like
> for a given day and mitigates bids until it gets them. This is not
> a transparent market, nor one where it makes any sense to buy
> the risk management services that Enron provides. The
> only price volatility you have to worry about in the PJM market is
> that kind that comes about if they need imports into their control
> area
> to meet demand. Under these circumstances, you need to pay the
> imports whatever is necessary to get them to come to your market.
> However, bear in mind FERC's desire to make a large RTO on the
> East Coast. This will effectively mean little imports
> to the East Coast RTO, so all bids can be mitigated at
> the discretion of the ISO. Paying market-clearing prices to
> cost-of-service
> mitigated bids is just paying too much to eliminate price volatility.
> It effectively kills off the development of risk management at
> the wholesale and retail level. Power marketing becomes much less
> profitable because retailers know you can always buy at cost-mitigated
> prices.
> In short, the PJM model is not market. It is just an alternative
> form of regulation that is politically attractive because it reduces
> price volatility, but it is not good for consumers or traders because
> they just
> get a higher cost form of regulation than traditional cost-of-service
> regulation. You pay market-clearing prices to cost-of-service
> mitigated bids, but under regulation you could just pay
> cost-of-service
> prices and eliminate the infra-marginal profits to low cost
> generators.
> As we discussed during our dinner, I think the two biggest sources
> of benefits from re-structuring will come from getting the demand-side
> involved in the market and from more efficient risk management. A
> necessary condition for both of these to occur is prices that reflect
> actual conditions in the market (including the extent of market power
> exercised). Masking these signals dulls any incentive for market
> participants to make the investment necessary to management. The PJM
> model is just way to have a market in name without achieving any
> significant benefits to consumers or energy traders.
> Frank
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Wonderful to hear from you. Descriptions of each transaction follow (in blue) below the respective item. Best regards. Steve.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kitchen, Louise
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 3:00 PM
To: Douglas, Stephen H.
Subject: RE: EWS Tax Department Update
Good report - these are all the deals under the Americas which I know nothing about - what are they?
Panama Trading Office - Had discussions with the Transaction Support group and PWC-Panama regarding Panamanian tax return.
Enron of the Americas is the 100 percent shareholder of a Panamanian trading subsidiary called Enron Capital & Trade Global Resources Corp. ("ECTGR"). Essentially, by transacting through this company and keeping income invested off-shore, Enron is able to avoid payment of taxes on trading income generated by ECTGR. This result, however, requires that ECTGR trade in Panama in a manner that is not taxable (essentially, ECTGR must trade products that are delivered outside of Panama or within Panama inside a free-trade zone). The Panamanian government has requested that we establish that ECTGR's trading income is derived from qualified activity and the EWS Tax Group is, in turn, working with Transaction Support (which books ECTGR's trades under a Services Agreement) and PWC (which files the Panamanian return for us) to properly document things for the government. We are confident that our position with regard to ECTGR will be agreed with.
Project Atlas Tube ("Atlas") - Met with origination team and EWS Reporting and Analysis Tax group to discuss initial deal structure and related tax consequences. Atlas consists of an inventory management strategy whereby an Enron special purpose vehicle will both buy hot rolled coil steel from and resell the same to Atlas Tube, Inc. on a just-in-time inventory basis.
This is a very interesting deal but was misplaced in the report - it should be listed under Enron Industrial Markets. It is similar to the "Huntco transaction" and I would be delighted to send you a transaction chart if it would be of interest. Let me know.
Project Desperado (Velocity III) - Met with Enron Corp. tax and deal team regarding Velocity III transaction and structure. Reviewed and revised transaction agreements and discussed such with Enron Corp. tax and deal team.
This transaction involved the sale of various equity investments that had been made by Enron of the Americas in various companies (most significantly, Catalytica, Advanced Mobile Power Systems and Hanover Compressor) to Whitewing Associates, LP. A total of approximately $205 million was raised in connection with the sale and resulted in positive funds flow for accounting purposes. Whitewing LP is a deconsolidated entity in which Enron possesses an approximate 98 percent economic interest (deconsolidation is achieved, as it has been explained to me, by virtue of Enron sharing voting control with an unrelated person - the Osprey Trust which, in turn, is essentially John Hancock). The sale of these investments, from a tax perspective, resulted in a slight tax gain (approximately, $61 million) that had been previously reserved for for financial reporting purposes.
Project Hartwell and Project Athens Energy Centers - Advised regarding state income, franchise, sales and use taxes relating to construction of power plants in Clark and Hunt Counties in Georgia. Plants to be sold prior to commercial operation.
Enron of the Americas is developing two plants (described as "Simple Power Plants") in Georgia with the intent of selling the plants before they become operational. EWS Tax analyzed the various state and local taxes applicable to the construction of the plants, inputs (i.e., natural gas) to the plants during operations and income resulting from operations. Georgia imposes a sales tax on components used to construct the plants (granting, as well, however, an exemption from such taxes if appropriate tax certificates are acquired), provides a state tax exemption on the purchase of natural gas if it is used to generate electricity (but, otherwise, the local government charges a 3 percent tax on such natural gas) and, finally, taxes income earned by the company generating the electricity (at 6 percent on U.S. federal adjusted net income).
Utiliquest Transaction - Met with deal team to discuss disposition of ENA's 74% interest in Utiliquest LLC. Reviewed unit purchase agreement and met with outside counsel to other unit holders to discuss tax structuring and benefits of using synthetic 338(h)(10) structure.
Utiliquest is an investment in a utility locating company that the Principal Investment Group of Enron of the Americas is selling. EWS Tax helped develop the structure by which the purchaser of the investment will be able to push their purchase price paid for the stock in Utiliquest to the assets of Utiliquest (essentially, this improves the purchaser's after-tax yield (through increased depreciation) without detriment to Enron).
-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas, Stephen H.
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 8:31 PM
To: Bowen Jr., Raymond; Frevert, Mark; Kitchen, Louise; Lavorato, John; Mcconnell, Mike; McMahon, Jeffrey; Piper, Greg; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Whalley, Greg
Subject: EWS Tax Department Update
Attached is a summary of the many transactions currently being supported by the EWS Tax Department on behalf of Enron Wholesale Services and its Enron of the Americas, Enron Global Markets, Enron Industrial Markets and Enron Networks businesses. I would be delighted to speak with you regarding any of the listed transactions and can be reached at x30938. Best regards. SHD.
<< File: SDH-EWS Tax Report7_17_011.doc >> |
-----Original Message-----
From: Elaine Opper home [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 9:56 AM
To: HHSTM - Brassard, Tracy
Subject: RE: hello
Tracy - Thanks for writing. If you are happy that's all that matters. I
can see how you would perhaps make a connection between Keith purchasing a
house, and how it might relate to your relationship and future together.
However, I don't feel an apology is in order from Miguel or me. After all,
my comments to you were really meant to be taken with the best of intentions
to help Keith, as a first time home buyer, who for months had previously
sought Miguel's advice and assistance. I think if you reflect on the type
of person that I am, you will understand what I'm saying. Also, if you
truly believe that a lost commission means more to us than our relationship
with you, I'm truly sorry for that. Life presents many choices. I will
always choose to love my family over material things. We are human beings
and people often see things differently . I also accept that as a fact of
As always, if you need me, you can count on me to be there for you. Life is
too short. Learn, Grow and Move On.
-----Original Message-----
From: HHSTM - Brassard, Tracy [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 10:57 AM
To: 'Elaine Opper'
Subject: hello
I am very bothered by our earlier conversation and your follow-up e-mail
about Keith's home purchase. However, I have taken this time to gather my
thoughts before responding. I feel the best way to convey my feelings are
through this note. It seems the old adage of not mixing business with
family is becoming an important lesson out of all of this.
First of all, I am very sorry for the way things have worked out. Keith had
full intentions of finding a home on the MLS that suited his needs and would
have benefited Miguel. However, we had no way of knowing his friend would
be transferred to London and that he would be selling a home which met our
criteria. Unfortunately, the seller listed the home privately and was not
willing to use realtors. Therefore, Keith was faced with a difficult
decision: Pass up a great house at a fair price, or keep looking!
Our conversation has left me feeling that you believe Keith wrongfully
shorted Miguel out of a commission that he had already earned. I feel this
is an unfair attitude. Keith did not go behind Miguel's back to negotiate
with someone who was selling a listed home nor did he break an agreement
with Miguel. Keith truly appreciates the time Miguel spent with us on
several occasions, but he simply found a privately listed house. It is my
understanding that this is a risk in real estate. It is not uncommon for a
realtor to spend time with a client who decides either to not buy at all or
finds a privately listed home. Unfortunately, this is the nature of real
estate and I do not see why Keith should be held to a different standard
because he is like family.
Secondly, I was not only upset by the content of our conversation, but also
the manner in which you acted. You insisted that Miguel needed to represent
Keith to determine the FMV and then went on to say that it was up to us if
we decide to pay more than the house is worth. I was bothered by your
insinuation that we are unable to, "act in an orderly and professional
manner", and that we are incapable of making a sound investment decision.
I have milled this over in my head a million times trying to understand
where you might be coming from. While I understand some disappointment at
the loss of a commission, I cannot appreciate the reasons I've imagined you
might have for being upset. Keith appreciates Miguel's efforts and wishes
things had worked out more favorably for him. Keith acted in good faith by
offering Miguel the opportunity to facilitate the closing. He did
understand Miguel's decision to not take part. However, it came down to the
fact that he had to go with the home that was best for him.
Elaine, I am so sorry if all of this has in any way damaged our
relationships but let me reiterate the fact that Keith and I made this
decision together. He is someone who is very important to me and in the not
so distant future when we ultimately tie the knot this will be our home
together. I thought that it was the best decision at the time and I still
feel that it was a good move for him to buy the place. However, I am
concerned and saddened by what has occurred between all of us.
I hope you know how important both you and Lauren are to me. You have been
like a big sister. Living in Houston the past five years and getting to be a
part of your lives has been so important to me. I have treasured getting to
share in your joy of meeting Miguel and having the opportunity for Keith to
get to know all of you as well. I hope that you know that I would be there
for you and Lauren in a heartbeat. I just want you to know how I feel about
all that has happened in the past few weeks and I feel that if I call you I
will not get the chance to say all that I am thinking. I am sorry if you
are upset with the situation and I hope that all four of us will be able to
move on and repair any damage done to our relationship. I do love you and
Lauren very much.
Tracy Brassard
Heritage Health Systems
Senior Accountant
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Enron Global Markets - Coal and Emissions Trading
The first Enron Online synfuel trade occurred this past week, establishing EnronOnline as the only online marketplace for synfuel. The purpose of bringing synfuel on EnronOnline is to provide market transparency between the coal/synfuel spread.
The coal cash book, which began trading only two months ago, has traded over 2 million spot tons. The fundamental purpose of this book is to capture short term market discrepancies, while also adding liquidity to the spot market to further long term trading and marketing of coal.
Enron Energy and Operational Services - ENA Solid Fuel Initiative
ENA started development of a Coal Initiative late last year to support the electricity trading desk and to provide Enron with a hedge in the event that the cost of natural gas continues to escalate above current long term projections. Because of the culture shock associated the use of the words 'Enron' and 'coal' in the same sentence, consideration was been given to changing the name to DNG (Dense Natural Gas); however, we went with Solid Fuel Initiative.
This initiative is developing multiple sites throughout the country where ENA feels there is the greatest opportunity for long term corporate benefit. The primary areas are Texas, Florida, southeastern Ohio and the central Rocky Mountain Area. There are 2 principal areas currently being aggressively pursued: Brownsville, TX and Brighton FL. In Brownsville, the Team secured formal Owner approval to lease a 600 acre site near the Brownsville Ship Channel. This approval will allow the formal permitting activities to proceed without delay.
A 500 MW facility is being considered for Brownsville. As conceptualized, it will consist of two - 250 MW (net) CFB units (Circulating Fluidized Bed) Boilers. The boilers will be fired by petroleum coke (petcoke) and use a technology that will generate electricity in the most environmentally friendly way currently possible. One of the advantages of locating this facility near Brownsville is that it remains a steady growth area and there is already serious interest by others to take substantial initial base load capacity. There is further synergy with other developing projects in the area that could lock down additional base capacity. As stated the plant is initially 500 MW, but will be designed to be expanded to a 1000 MW facility.
The EEOS team is starting to grow and currently includes Hilda Akin & Cheryl Kent, Project Admin Assistants, Bill Fox as PEM, and Paula Solomon as PCM. As the project develops there will be more team members required. In addition, as the Florida opportunity develops we plan to establish a separate team.
eSource, Enron's research group, recently posted on its website a Forrester report as well as analyst reports for various industry and companies. These reports are free and available to all Enron employees on the eSource Hot Topics page at http://esource.enron.com/hot_topics.asp <http://esource.enron.com/hot_topics.asp>. To date, over 1,600 employees have downloaded "Spending Wisely on Private Hubs", a report valued at $2,000. Over 1,100 employees to date have viewed the analyst reports, provided by Investext. The reports, which are updated continuously, are presented in folders by company and industry. New folders are being added upon request. To submit a suggestion for a new folder, please complete the suggestion form at http://esource.enron.com/suggestion.asp <http://esource.enron.com/suggestion.asp>.
Watch for the new eSource bulletin, The Source. It will feature frequently requested searches, tips on finding information, new products, services, and events.
Meanwhile, to further fulfill Enron's information needs, eSource has arranged for analysts and bureau chiefs of various organizations and publishing houses to offer seminars to Enron employees.
Enron Freight Markets
EFM signed a firm contract with Streamline Shippers Association last week to provide truckload capacity for one-year with EFM's option to extend the contract for up to an additional year. Streamline transloads international shipments that enter the U.S. through the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Streamline then consolidates the shipments into full truckloads destined to the major population centers throughout the country. EFM will begin moving shipments to northeast destinations this week.
We are pleased to announce that Sally Beck has been named Chief Operating Officer for Enron Net Works. She will join Greg Piper, President and Chief Executive Officer and Mark Pickering, Chief Technology Officer in the Enron Net Works Office of the Chair.
In her current role as Managing Director for Enron Net Works, Sally heads up Enron's Global Risk Management Operations. She brings more than 20 years professional experience to Enron, joining the Company in 1992. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.B.A. in Marketing and an MBA with a concentration in Finance.
New Hires
EGM - Robert Bogucki, Adam Gianonne
EIM - Sylvia Miller
ENA - Theresa McBride, Sriram Vasudevan, Jonathan McKay
Transfers (to or within)
ENA -Brandon Cavazos
EGM - Michael Garcia
Congratulations to Rahul Kumar for passing the CFA Level III Exam.
Weather Risk Management
The weather group is pleased to welcome several new people to their group. Trevor Nathan and Norm Trethewey have joined the Australia office and Kaoru Hijikata has joined the Tokyo office. Please welcome them to our team.
EnronOnline Figures
Below are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of September 7
? Total Life to Date Transactions > 1,420,000
? Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $809 billion
Enron Best Practice Tips
United Parcel Service (UPS) Delivers the Following Air Products:
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UPS is Enron's preferred vendor for express deliveries.
The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only and should not be disclosed.
<Embedded Paintbrush Picture> |
Mark Golden is an excellent reporter covering the Power Scene.
* Power prices are declining in California as the "destruction of demand"
effect of higher retail power prices kicks in.
* The long-term power contracts signed by the various Power Producers and
Energy Merchants are looking like sweetheart deals for them, as evidence of
price weakness (from a base of extremely high prices) is beginning to
* The movement in prices in California is reflective of the message in our
Power Curve 4 report, where we show that forward prices are peaking this
summer. Year/year power price comparisons are now projected to be flat
4Q:01, and declining afterwards.
POWER POINTS:Great News! Long-Term Contracts Jeopardized
By Mark Golden
A Dow Jones Newswires Column
NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Those looking for even the slightest bit of good
for the state of California can find it in Friday's San Jose Mercury News.
"California is in danger of losing more than 40% of the power it has lined
up in
long-term contracts," says the lead of a major article, because Republicans
the state legislature didn't back the $12.5 billion bond deal last week.
Getting out of most of those contracts would be the best thing to happen
California in a long time.
Since the state went on its long-term buying binge, forward prices for
in the western U.S. have been falling steadily. Gov. Gray Davis announced
billion in purchases lasting up to 20 years on March 5. Contracts for summer
power at Palo Verde, Ariz., a key western trading hub that feeds a lot of
into California, have fallen to $390 a megawatt-hour from a high of $600/MWh
late March. Further out, power for 2004-2006 at mid-Columbia River, a key
trading hub north of California, has fallen from $58/MWh in February to
Companies like Calpine Corp. (CPN) and Dynegy (DYN) that took advantage of
state's buying binge are looking pretty fat and happy. In fact, they have
affectionately started calling the governor Gravy Days. Enron Corp. (ENE),
has been selling aggressively for two months, according to traders, is
like a genius as usual. Generators that held out, like Reliant Energy (REI)
Duke Energy (DUK), may be sorry that they did.
It's been a long time since those long on western power have felt serious
in the markets, but that time has come. Power generators may not make as
profit this summer as last, and power traders that have taken long
positions may liquidate supplies for far less than they bought them. As was
in the eastern U.S. power markets last summer, long positions can turn out
as painful as short positions.
For California, the good news is that maybe spot purchasing costs this
won't be as bad as once expected. The bad news is that the state government
by far the biggest "long" in the bearish forward market. It's safe to say
the $43 billion in contracts signed in March have declined in value by 15%,
$6.5 billion. That's almost as big of a financial disaster going forward as
everything that has gone on since last summer until now.
Granted, this is a sort of damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't situation.
Barring the utilities from the forward market during the first three years
deregulation was one of the most expensive public policy mistakes in U.S.
history. California should do some forward purchasing now, and it's such a
behemoth that it will move the market up when it does so. And, when it gets
buying, prices will come down simply because it stopped.
But that's a footnote to the mismanagement of the financial side of the
crisis. Early this year, when the state started down the path of
mega-purchasing, there was no shortage of advice not to do so. Long-term
were embedded with too much of today's supply-demand imbalance. The state
have been much better off dealing with the imbalance first - since it would
to do that anyway - and gradually securing forward power as declining prices
reflected the improving situation.
Since then, the state has done a great job of crushing demand. Electric
is already down 9% from where it was expected to be thanks to a conservation
efforts and a slowing economy, and people haven't even seen their 30% higher
bills yet. Similar reduction has been seen in power consumption in other
states and in natural gas usage nationally. This is likely what has been
much of the downturn in forward power prices in the West.
This column started with a false "good news" lead. It would be great for
state if, after the state's credit rating sinks further, sellers exercised
option to tear up the five- and ten-year contracts. But they won't do that.
prices are too good from the sellers' perspective. Calpine, which has signed
three such contracts for the state, said immediately that it has no
intention of
reneging on its agreements. And Gary Ackerman, director of the sellers'
association, told the Mercury News that he didn't expect power companies in
general to back out of the deals.
But there may be some real good news for California. The Davis
hired dozens of people that have little or no experience in energy trading
purchase billions of dollars of power. Perhaps they are quick learners. This
week presented an excellent opportunity for the state to pick up what it
needs -
summer power for this year only - on sale. Low prices in the daily market
and Tuesday drove the summer contract prices down to $325/MWh, which is
cheap by
recent standards. The contract price moved up to $390/MWh, but the state
advantage of the opportunity while the window was open.
"The week's condition in the market place helped. We were able to procure
energy for June through September," said state spokesman Oscar Hidalgo.
And, hey, there were no blackouts this week.
-By Mark Golden, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4604;
[email protected]
(END) Dow Jones Newswires 18-05-01
1952GMT(AP-DJ-05-18-01 1952GMT)
Raymond C. Niles
Power/Natural Gas Research
Salomon Smith Barney
(212) 816-2807
[email protected]
s |
May 17, 2000
Via Internet
TO: Interested Clients
FROM: John & Hengerer
RE: Commission Meeting -- May 17, 2000
At today's meeting, the Commissioners approved the consent agenda and then
discussed the following items.
Alliance Companies, et al., Docket Nos. ER99-3144
In December 1999, the Commission issued an order conditionally authorizing
the formation of the Alliance RTO. At today's meeting, the Commissioners
denied (by a margin of 3 to 1, Commissioner Hebert dissenting) rehearing of
the December 1999 order. The Commissioners also unanimously rejected
(Commissioner Massey concurring) Alliance's compliance filing.
In its original filing, Alliance proposed allowing each of its 5 active
owners to retain up to a 5 percent ownership interest in the RTO (up to 25
percent total ownership by active owners). The December 1999 order rejected
this proposal as contrary to the independence principle outlined in Order No.
2000, which states that active ownership should be limited to a total of 15
percent unless special circumstances are shown. Rejecting requests for
rehearing, the majority concluded that Alliance had failed to justify active
member ownership in excess of 15 percent. Dissenting, Commissioner Hebert
argued that (i) the 15 percent benchmark is arbitrary and should not be
viewed as creating a binding legal requirement. and (ii) limiting active
ownership will provide a disincentive for other utilities to join the RTO.
The Commissioners also rejected Alliance's compliance filing submitted to
satisfy the terms of the December 1999 order. In addition to failing to
correct the active ownership issue outlined above, the Commissioners faulted
Alliance for not eliminating pancaked rates and for not addressing issues
associated with the RTO's scope and configuration. Commissioner Massey
indicated that he would write a concurrence to stress that Aseams@ agreements
do not negate the need to review the RTO's scope and configuration to ensure
that it is properly designed and sized.
Southwest Power Pool, Docket No. EL00-39
The Commissioners unanimously rejected, as failing to meet the requirements
of Order No. 2000, the Southwest Power Pool's (SPP) RTO proposal.
Commissioner Massey, who moved the item to the discussion agenda, cited the
following shortcomings in SPP's proposal: (i) operational control of
transmission facilities was not turned over to the RTO; (ii) the RTO's
proposed open-access transmission tariff did not comply with Order No. 2000;
(iii) no real-time balancing market had been proposed; (iv) lingering
concerns with the RTO's governance structure; and (v) the RTO's proposed
scope and configuration are inadequate. Commissioner Massey encouraged the
SPP to join other entities seeking to form an RTO, or consider merging with
the Midwest ISO.
Notice of Interim Procedures to Support Reliability and Request for Comments,
Docket No. EL00-75
The Commissioners unanimously approved short-term procedures designed to
address Summer 2000 reliability concerns. The approved measures provide for
(i) streamlining FERC procedures to promote on-site, distributed generation,
(ii) waiving prior-notice requirements for load-reduction agreements, (iii)
improving demand-side price signals, (iv) requiring more extensive OASIS
posting of available transmission capacity; and (v) making Commission Staff
more available to the industry to address reliability concerns. Comments on
the proposed short-term measures are due by June 2, 2000.
Additionally, agreeing that the short-term procedures are very minimal in
nature, the Commissioners requested comments on long-term reliability
issues. Comments are due by June 30, 2000.
Finally, Commissioner Hebert indicated that he would write a separate
concurrence to express his belief that competitive forces are the answer to
reliability concerns and to criticize the Commission for not eliminating
artificial price caps and promoting competitive rates. Commissioner Hebert's
accusation that the Commission was more concerned with politics than good
policy touched off a heated debate, with Chairman Hoecker reciting FERC
successes and Commissioner Massey scoffing at Commissioner Hebert's
suggestion that price caps were to blame for generation shortages.
Regulation of Short-Term Natural Gas Transportation Services, Regulation of
Interstate Natural Gas Transportation Services, Docket Nos. RM98-10, RM98-12
The Commissioners unanimously addressed and generally denied requests for
rehearing of Order No. 637. Finding that Order No. 637 strikes a good
balance between competing interests, the Commissioners indicated that their
order would, with several exceptions, uphold the mandates of the order. The
Commissioners expressly noted that requests for rehearing of
right-of-first-refusal (ROFR) roll-up issues would be denied. Order No. 637
states that, if a pipeline is fully subscribed, a party wishing to exercise a
ROFR will be required to match competing bids, even if a competing bid
exceeds the maximum rate for the capacity.
Revisions and clarifications of Order No. 637 approved by the Commissioners
at today's meeting include:
(1) shippers with multi-year contracts at max rates for seasonal service will
retain their ROFR;
(2) pipelines will be required to post available capacity within one hour of
each nomination cycle, rather than within one day as directed by Order 637;
(3) short-term capacity release transactions must be posted within one hour
of the first nomination under the contract, rather than upon the execution of
the contract as stated in Order No. 637; and
(4) Order No. 637's OFO penalty and imbalance provisions will be clarified in
the Commission order.
Although comments at today's meeting were brief, we anticipate a lengthy
order addressing the numerous issues raised by parties in their requests for
rehearing. |
Amy Brock
HBD Marketing Team
Office: 281-988-2157
Cell: 713-702-6815
-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Waller
Sent: Wednesday, September 12,2001 5:49 PM
To: Alfred Webb; Allen Hadaway; Allison Boren; Amy Brock; Barry Willis;
Bart Boren; Bill Boykin; Bill Cooper; Billie Cagle; Billy Lee; bob maughmen;
Bob Schuman; Bonita Johnson; Chad Wing; cheryl; Connie Stuckey; corby
goodman; craig Gardner; Dale Miller; Dan Crawford; Dan Michael; Darryl
Fuller; David Attaway; David Tucker; Debbie scott; Derric Moore; Dirk
Morris; Don Paradis; Doug Scott; Dwight Wiedenmann; Frank Kaul; Glenn Bone;
Gene Gallegos; Greg Elder; Harold Reardon; J Walker; James Bement; James
Benkley; James Jackson; Jay Ringhoffer; Jayson Fitts; Jerry Lewis; Jerry R
Reno; Jim Cottom; Jim Easter; Jim Fodor; Jim Reno; Jimmy Wagenseller; Joe F.
Jackson; Joel Christal; John Allen; John Jennings; John Muniz; John Nava;
John Peters; john ringhisen; John Songer; John Vigil; Jorge Manrique; Joseph
Brock; K & A; Kelly Hebert; Kerrel Wilderman; Kevin Carathers; Kevin Kysar
(MEMO); Larry Bloomer; Larry Smith; Lavelle Robert; Lavonne Bell; Leigh Ann
Boren; [email protected]; <mailto:[email protected];> Loraleigh Daum; Lori;
Lucile Leigh; Mark Upchurch; Max Whiteley; Mike Brogdin; Mike Jantz; Moon
Ronnie; Opal Wilson; Paul R. Seelye; Perryton-Ochlitree Chamber; Preston Mc
Nabb; Randy J. O'Neal; Richard Burton; Richard Frosco; Rick Hemmen; Rick
Lafollette; Rob Mc Garraugh; Robbie Carter; Robert Welborn; Roger Engle; Ron
Cooper; Roy Headlee; Scott Carr; Shirley Waller; Spence Hummell; Stacie
McCurdy; Stan Yerton; Susan Dyer; Terry Allen; Tony Swindell; Travis
Buchanan; Wynona
Subject: Tribute to America
Subject: Tribute to America
I needed to read this in light of yesterday's events.....
This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing.
America: The Good Neighbor.
Widespread but only partial news coverage was given
recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from
Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television
Commentator. What follows is the full text of his
trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional
"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the
Americans as the most generous and possibly the
least appreciated people on all the earth. Germany,
Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy
were lifted out of the debris of war by the
Americans who poured in billions of dollars and
forgave other billions in debts.
None of these countries is today paying even the
interest on its remaining debts to the United
States. When France was in danger of collapsing in
1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and
their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the
streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.
When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the
United States that hurries in to help. This spring,
59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes.
Nobody helped. The Marshall Plan and the Truman
Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged
countries. Now newspapers in those countries are
writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.
I'd like to see just one of those countries that is
gloating over the erosion of the United States
dollar build its own airplane. Does any other
country in the world have a plane to equal the
Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the
Douglas DC10?
If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the
International lines except Russia fly American
Planes? Why does no other land on earth even
consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You
talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios.
You talk about German technocracy, and you get
automobiles. You talk about American technocracy,
and you find men on the moon - not once, but several
times - and safely home again.
You talk about scandals, and the Americans put
theirs right in the store window for everybody to
look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued
and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most
of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are
getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to
spend here.
When the railways of France, Germany and India were
breaking down through age, it was the Americans who
rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the
New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an
old caboose. Both are still broke.
I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced
to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name
me even one time when someone else raced to the
Americans in trouble? I don't think there was
outside help even during the San Francisco
Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one
Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get
kicked around. They will come out of this thing
with their flag high. And when they do, they are
entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are
gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada
is not one of those."
Stand proud, America! Wear it proudly!!
This is one of the best editorials that I have ever
read regarding the United States. It is nice that
one man realizes it. I only wish that the rest of
the world would realize it. We are always blamed for
everything, and never even get a thank you for the
things we do.
I would hope that each of you would send this to as
many people as you can and emphasize that they
should send it to as many of their friends until
this letter is sent to every person on the web. I am
just a single American that has read this, TRIBUTE TO
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Your angle is much better for the corporation, and a lot of the below might
be "mastering the obvious," but here it is.
- Rob
The petroleum, natural gas, and electricity price situations have a
different set of facts but a common demoninator--very tight infrastructure
relative to energy demand. Here is a general set of conclusions with a few
"sound bites."
* The current energy price situation is "all about economics." It is
economics 101--supply and demand. Demand has been rising faster than supply
with a predictable response. This is the bad news for consumers. The good
news is that there is reason to believe that prices for oil and natural gas
are at the top of their commodity price cycle. The NYMEX futures market
shows a "backwardation curve" for both--look in the daily Wall Street Journal
in Section C under "Futures Prices" that usually is around page 14. Look at
the settle price for the different energy commodities and the prices after
the prompt month (October) fall over the next months and years except for
this winter's natural gas price.
* Big oil did not suddenly get big or greedy with petroleum prices any more
than "big gas" has with natural gas. Many of the same players were
profit-maximizing during the previous price slump.
* The constraint on energy markets is not the resource base but the
infrastructure to produce, refine, and transport supplies. Infrastructure
constraints have had a cumulative effect of slowing the great engine of
market supply, reflected siting issues and also low profitability (partly
the result of rapid implementation of new environmental requirements).
* The solution is to stop taking supply for granted and build more
flexibility and incentives in the system to profitably meet ever-rising
demand. Energy investment must compete against many New Economy investment
opportunities that have potentially high rates of return.
This is a global market so declining U.S. production is a very small part of
the world supply, but the real constraint is domestic refining capacity.
Since 1990, operable U.S. refineries have declined from 205 to 159 when 50
refineries closed and only 4 new refineries entered the market. [National
Petroleum Council, "U.S. Petroleum Refining," June 2000, p. 23. Other
refineries have been able to expand to increase overall capacity, but
capacity utilization has risen rapidly in recent years and is above 95%--a
tight situation. EPA permits to allow further expansion is a major issue to
making sure that domestic infrastructure keeps up with demand (p. 27). A
number of proposed requirements to further improve the environmental quality
of gasoline has raised profitability questions as well (pp. 27-30).
The two actions the U.S. can take in the short run to increase crude supplies
are to lift the embargo on Iraq and withdraw oil from the Strategic Petroleum
Reserve (up to 3 mmbd). Liquidating the reserve could be part of a
privatization program to get support from the free market community, and the
proceeds could be used to help low income energy users this winter. The days
don't get much more "rainy" than now given that without price controls price
and not supply is in question in an "emergency."
A longer run approach must be to encourage domestic and international
drilling to make the supply response as elastic as possible to higher
prices. Alaska activity such as drilling at the Arctic National Wildlife
Reserve (ANWR) would be a major contribution to world supplies.
On the gasoline side, much has been written about "boutique fuels" where
certain environmental requirements are required for certain regions that
makes the supply/demand balance very sensitive to interruptions (such as
refinery downtime or a pipeline closure). The key to prevent price spikes
for consumers is to not let new environmental requirements outrace technology
or infrastructure constraints. This discontinuity happened earlier this
summer in Chicago, for example, where gasoline prices rose well above $2 per
This is an infrastructure problem that could be alleviated by a more
efficient use of the transmission grid to get power to its highest valued
uses. California in particular has followed a "soft" energy path where
conservation was substituted for permitting urgency for new power plants.
The digital age is driving demand growth although many traditional appliances
(such as refrigerators) are using less power. General economic growth also
means many new appliances, traditional and new, are being produced and used,
adding to power demand.
Natural Gas
Natural gas supplies (and infrastructure to some degree) must catch up to
high demand after many years of slumping gas prices and reduced incentive.
Over 200 Tcf of potential gas reserves is in areas that are off limits to
drilling--something that should be corrected given the advances in drilling
technology that make exploration and production much less invasive to surface
area than ever before. Other public policy drivers should be a continued
emphasis on expedited certification for new pipelines and avoiding new short
run regulatory "fixes." Past this winter, however, gas prices are expected
to decline, so consumers can lock in long term prices that are below current
Energy supply and infrastructure have been taken for granted for too long.
It was assumed that low prices would continue despite increasing
disincentives to increase supply and infrastructure to meet demand. Demand
has also increased faster than thought due to economic prosperity and the
"wealth effect." Market forces can correct the imbalance over time without
regulatory quick fixes and with reasonable incentives for industry
Robert L. Bradley Jr.
Director, Public Policy Analysis
Enron Corp.
P.O Box 1188, Room 4724a
[1400 Smith Street 77002]
Houston, Texas 77251-1188
(P) 713-853-3062
(F) 713-646-4702
Assistant: Joan Stransky 713-853-4702
[email protected] |
March 28, 1999
This is the first day of the Kurban Bayram (Holiday of the Sacrifice)
and Istanbul's streets are full of folks in their holiday best.
And blood.
For days cows, lambs, goats, rams, and other big animals, have been
being brought to Istanbul from the countryside. (I read that in Cairo
you could see people bringing their animals in by cab.) Tent cites
(consisting of rickety structures of unlumbered wood and huge plastic
tarps) full of these doomed animals have sprung up under bridges, in
garbage filled lots and along the highways. The city's normal perfume
of car exhaust and coal fumes is now mixed with the heavy smells of the
And, today, the slaughter began.
Pools of blood and rain spotted the pavement in front of my building,
evidence of a recent butchering. On a muddy hillside in one of the
older neighborhoods south of the Halic (Golden Horn) in Eski (Old)
Istanbul, I saw several women, all smiling, surrounding a man vigorously
chopping away at the rib cage of a cow with an ax. The cow's recently
skinned hide was spread out neatly beside them, the rest of the animal
in a heap nearby. I passed three men loading sagging plastic sacks, no
doubt full of the spoils of a recent kill, into the trunk of a car.
(Sorry, but my weak imagination couldn't help but conjure up to images
from Scorcese's "Goodfellas".) By a mosque, three was a lone Ram's head
under a tree. Its snout was pointing upwards, as if thinking about
stretching a neck that was no longer there to the leaves just above it.
On the sidewalk in front of a butcher shop a man, hacking off the skin
of a decapitated lamb, rolled the body back and forth like a water
balloon. A few meters away, a pen full of sheep ate their feed
contentedly from a trough. I looked closely at them, was surprised to
see that they seemed oblivious to the significance of what was going on
right next to them. Mounds of entrails lay in the gutter of one street.
I walked bye the opening of a narrow alley, from which I was assaulted
by a draft bloated with the now unpleasant order of fresh meat. Later,
I watched, with absolutely no idea what it meant, a young man put his
fingers into the blood runoff of one butchering then walk to his car and
wipe it on the license plate.
The Kurban Bayram is an extremely important holiday for Moslems, second
only Ramadon ("Ramazon" in Turkish). It's the time for the hajj ("hac"
in Turkish), or pilgrimage, to Mecca, which all Moslems of any means are
to make at least once in their lifetimes. Here, in Turkey, most folks
get at least two days off work, some the entire week. During the
holiday, throughout the Moslem world, many families buy an entire animal
for sacrifice, using only a part of it themselves, giving the bulk of it
to others, including most importantly the poor. Some play amateur
butcher, but I have been told the vast majority of them have an "expert"
do it. Indeed, the Koran demands that the sacrifice be as quick and
painless as possible.
The holiday itself celebrates the Old Testament story in which Ibrahim
(Abraham to non-Moslems) was ordered by God to sacrifice his son.
Abraham reluctantly agreed, but was given a last minute reprieve and was
allowed to sacrifice a ram instead. It is a powerful story about belief
and faith (and must give animal rightists a few textual problems). I
can see why Moslems have picked the story out as paramount. It
certainly provides an interesting contrast to the New Testament story of
God's sacrifice of his son.
As I walked around Istanbul today I overwhelmed. The city was a
slaughterhouse, full of, for me, somewhat gruesome contrasts. Young
girls in flowered dresses and boys in tiny three-piece suits ran around
the streets laughing and playing games, with blood on their shoes. I
passed a curious boy kicking at some unfortunate creature's stomach,
which had been left on a pile of garbage. I saw a little girl holding
her mother's hand, smiling at me shyly, as her mom picked through a pile
of discarded intestines.
April 5, 1999
My discontent at the sights of the Kurban, I concluded later, was a bit
sanctimonious. Americans eat considerable more meat than Turks, it's
only that in the United States the dismemberment is done quite a bit
more discretely. But why should it be? Isn't it a better, or at least
a lot more honest, to understand what the animal part, and animal,
you're eating looked like when it was still alive (including rippling
muscles, forlorn gaze, and all)? I thought of my canoe trips to Canada,
and how much more meaningful my fish dinner was because I had caught and
cleaned the unlucky critter myself. A sharpening of reality, I think,
is always a good thing (especially in this time when so much of our
"knowledge" and "experience" comes secondhand through the media,
including, I have to reluctantly admit, my beloved books). If our
rituals, often the most powerful means of creating reality-blindness,
can be infused with as much truth as possible, all the better I'd say.
(Then, perhaps, when those flimsy dreams we try to kid ourselves with
disintegrate like pieces of wet toilet paper....)
Today is the five-month anniversary of my arrival here in Istanbul.
It's an amazing thing I've done for myself, I think. I am as close to
totally engaged in my life, and the world around me, as I have ever
been. It will be hard to live any other way again, I imagine.
In the last week and a half, three terrorists here in Turkey succeeded
only in blowing themselves up, much, I suppose, to their martyred soul's
chagrin. I've got to hope that these crazy acts are evidence of the PKK
(or whomever) being on its last legs. There are important elections,
national and local, coming up on April 18th, so we'll probably get a
chance to see just how long those legs are.
Hope all is well. Drop me a line.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com |
I hope you are talking to Phillip to get you system needs as part of this
---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 10/08/2000
07:55 PM ---------------------------
Beth Perlman @ ECT 10/06/2000 09:25 AM
To: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Consolidated positions: Issues & To Do list
We are working with the traders and have pushed the responsibility for
building consensus on Phillip Allen. I just wanted to keep you in the loop.
Any assistance that you can offer is greatly appreciated.
----- Forwarded by Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT on 10/06/2000 09:22 AM -----
Richard Burchfield
10/06/2000 08:59 AM
To: Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Beth Perlman/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Consolidated positions: Issues & To Do list
Below is the issues & to do list as we go forward with documenting the
requirements for consolidated physical/financial positions and transport
trade capture. What we need to focus on is the first bullet in Allan's list;
the need for a single set of requirements. Although the meeting with Keith,
on Wednesday, was informative the solution of creating a infinitely dynamic
consolidated position screen, will be extremely difficult and time
consuming. Throughout the meeting on Wednesday, Keith alluded to the
inability to get consensus amongst the traders on the presentation of the
consolidated position, so the solution was to make it so that a trader can
arrange the position screen to their liking (much like Excel). What needs to
happen on Monday from 3 - 5 is a effort to design a desired layout for the
consolidated position screen, this is critical. This does not exclude
building a capability to create a more flexible position presentation for the
future, but in order to create a plan that can be measured we need firm
requirements. Also, to reiterate that the goals of this project is a project
plan on consolidate physical/financial positions and transport trade capture.
The other issues that have been raised will be capture as projects on to
themselves, and will need to be prioritised as efforts outside of this
I have been involved in most of the meetings and the discussions have been
good. I believe there has been good communication between the teams, but now
we need to have focus on the objectives we set out to solve.
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT on 10/06/2000
08:34 AM ---------------------------
Allan Severude
10/05/2000 06:03 PM
To: Richard Burchfield/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Peggy Alix/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russ Severson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott
Subject: Consolidated positions: Issues & To Do list
From our initial set of meetings with the traders regarding consolidated
positions, I think we still have the following issues:
We don't have a single point of contact from the trading group. We've had
three meetings which brought out very different issues from different
traders. We really need a single point of contact to help drive the trader
requirements and help come to a consensus regarding the requirements.
We're getting hit with a lot of different requests, many of which appear to
be outside the scope of position consolidation.
Things left to do:
I think it may be useful to try to formulate a high level project goal to
make it as clear as possible what we're trying to accomplish with this
project. It'll help determine which requests fall under the project scope.
Go through the list of requests to determine which are in scope for this
project and which fall out of scope.
For those in scope, work to define relative importance (priority) of each and
work with traders to define the exact requirements of each.
Define the desired lay out of the position manager screen: main view and all
drill downs.
Use the above to formulate a project plan.
Things requested thus far (no particular order):
Inclusion of Sitara physical deals into the TDS position manager and deal
Customized rows and columns in the position manager (ad hoc rows/columns that
add up existing position manager rows/columns).
New drill down in the position manager to break out positions by: physical,
transport, swaps, options, ...
Addition of a curve tab to the position manager to show the real-time values
of all curves on which the desk has a position.
Ability to split the current position grid to allow daily positions to be
shown directly above monthly positions. Each grouped column in the top grid
would be tied to a grouped column in the bottom grid.
Ability to properly show curve shift for float-for-float deals; determine the
appropriate positions to show for each:
Gas Daily for monthly index,
Physical gas for Nymex,
Physical gas for Inside Ferc,
Physical gas for Mid market.
Ability for TDS to pull valuation results based on a TDS flag instead of
using official valuations.
Position and P&L aggregation across all gas desks.
Ability to include the Gas Price book into TDS:
Inclusion of spread options in our systems. Ability to handle volatility
skew and correlations.
Ability to revalue all options incrementally throughout the trading day.
Approximate delta changes between valuations using instantaneous gamma or a
gamma grid.
Valuation of Gas Daily options.
A new position screen for options (months x strike x delta). TBD.
Inclusion of positions for exotic options currently managed in spreadsheets.
Ability to isolate the position change due to changed deals in the position
Ability to view change deal P&L in the TDS deal ticker. Show new deal terms,
prior deal terms, and net P&L affect of the change.
Eliminate change deals with no economic impact from the TDS deal ticker.
Position drill down in the position manager to isolate the impact of
individual deals on the position total in a grid cell.
Benchmark positions in TDS.
Deployment of TDS in Canada. Currency and volume uom conversions. Implicit
and explicit position break out issues.
-- Allan.
PS: Colleen is setting up a meeting tomorrow to discuss the direction for
transport. Hopefully we'll know much better where that part stands at that
point. |
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SIVY ON STOCKS from money.com
November 29, 2000
Fix your mix
In volatile markets like this one, sectors behave in radically different
ways. Here's what you need to know to find today's best opportunities.
By Michael Sivy
When the economy is purring along, most stock groups rise and fall
together. But amid uncertainty and turmoil, different groups suffer at
different times and rebound with varying delays. That's what's been
happening this year, and investors preparing for 2001 need to examine each
sector independently to find the best bargains and to minimize risk.
Since January, there have been three big divergences in the market. The
first has been between tech stocks and defensive groups. The second has
been between issues with high P/Es and those with low P/Es. And the third
has been between companies with big market capitalizations and those with
small caps.
After many months of leadership, tech stocks peaked in March and have
declined as evidence of an economic slowdown accumulated. Technology
companies began warning that their earnings might fall short in upcoming
quarters, and the entire sector suffered as money managers and individual
investors began reducing their exposure. By Thanksgiving, even the
strongest and most popular tech stocks, including Cisco and Oracle, were
down a third or more from their highs. And even at current levels the
stocks aren't cheap with P/Es as high as 50. They'll be vulnerable to
further declines until it's clear that the economy has completed its
By contrast, consumer stocks (which are defensive because they aren't as
tied to economic cycles as tech stocks are) benefited from investors'
flight to safety. After having dropped by a third to less than $60 a share
in March, Procter & Gamble [PG] rebounded 35 percent to $74. And
Anheuser-Bush [BUD] has rallied more than 70 percent over the same period
to $48. Those stocks are now trading at more than 20 times next year's
earnings, so they're no longer exceptionally cheap. But such defensive
issues may still be worth buying to balance a portfolio that has been
overloaded in tech.
Energy stocks have also benefited immensely as a defensive sector, but they
were helped even more by this year's sharp runup in the price of oil.
ExxonMobil [XOM], one of the most conservative international oil companies,
has gained 20 percent since March to $89 a share. I doubt, however, that
oil can remain above $30 a barrel for more than a year or two -- today's
high prices will bring on more supply and an economic slowdown could reduce
demand. As a result, I think energy stocks may have seen the best parts of
their gains.
While constrained supply has pushed up prices in the oil business,
oversupply has done the opposite in telecommunications. Fiercely
competitive phone companies have overbuilt their networks so much that they
have been undercutting each other on pricing and cutting back on further
equipment purchases. The result is that stocks throughout the sector --
from service providers like AT&T [T] and WorldCom [WCOM] to equipment
manufacturers like Lucent [LU] -- have lost more than half their value
since the spring. Statistically, I think stocks in the group are
undervalued by a third, but they still may represent dead money for the
next six months.
These divergences among industry sectors are the most visible symptom of
the roiling market, but they aren't the only one. The largest U.S.
companies have average P/Es in the mid-20s, and the most popular giants
have P/Es double or nearly triple historical levels. By contrast, small
companies -- those with market caps of less than $3.5 billion -- have
average P/Es of below 18.
From all these cross-currents, two important ideas emerge. At any point
there's likely to be at least one sector that's deeply undervalued. Don't
try to predict the turns -- just buy one or two of the blue chips in the
sector that looks cheapest. Right now, defensive stocks are still in an
uptrend but they're no longer cheap, while the techs are still falling
(their decline isn't over yet). You can either buy good tech values and
ride out any further decline or wait until they look fully washed out. The
other important idea is that high-P/E blue-chip growth stocks are way
overvalued compared with everything else. Of course, those are the stocks
everyone most wants to own. But be smart -- diversify with a value fund or
a fund that holds mid- and small-caps with an average P/E below 20. They're
out there.
Post your comments on Michael's column at:
To subscribe or unsubscribe to Sivy on Stocks, go to:
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See attached -- this came up in this morning's call and I asked for the
transcript. We need to find out how many trades we did before the price
jumped back up. kd
---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Denne/Corp/Enron on 07/09/2001
03:07 PM ---------------------------
From: Steve C Hall/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/09/2001 01:29 PM
To: Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, James D
Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Christian
Yoder/ENRON@enronXgate, Bill Williams III/ENRON@enronXgate, Tim
Belden/ENRON@enronXgate, Richard B Sanders/Enron@enronXgate,
[email protected]@SMTP@enronXgate, Alan Comnes/ENRON@enronXgate
Subject: Transcript of a bizarre and unusual telephone call from the ISO
Here is the transcript of the ISO's real-time desk asking Enron real-time
trader Ryan Slinger to help the ISO "set" the market-clearing price ("MCP")
for replacement energy. The ISO wanted Enron to help set the MCP for
replacement energy at $91.86, because the ISO was upset that the MCP had
dropped to a penny, and now market participants were buying the ISO's excess
energy a penny (after having sold it to the ISO for $91 the day before).
There are two phone calls. The first call is the ISO calling to ask us to
help it to set the price. The next call occurs three minutes later and is
the ISO calling because we didn't put in the bid. Our trader told the ISO
that he had to "talk to his boss" because he "didn't want to do anything
Note: I have just learned a complicating detail: Coincidentally, our desk
did put in a bid for $91.86 for Hour 18, which was what the ISO had
requested. However, the bid had been formulated before the ISO called our
Transcription of a telephone conversation between the ISO,s Real Time Desk
and Enron,s Real Time Desk - July 3, 2001, 14:40:50 - 14.43:38
Enron: Enron, this is David [Porter].
ISO: Hi David. This is Allen at the ISO.
Enron: David: Hi Allen. How ya doing?
ISO: Allen: Hold on one sec. I,ve got to get something.
Unknown: Stage one at 11.
ISO: Allen: Hey, I,m on the hour-ahead desk. Did you guys put a bid in?
Enron: David: Yes, hang on one second Allen.
ISO: Allen: Yeah.
Enron: Ryan: This is Ryan [Slinger].
ISO: Allen: Hey Ryan, this is Allen at the ISO hour ahead. Did you guys
put a trade in, replacement [energy]? Not trade, but a bid?
Enron: Ryan: For which hour, for hour 15?
ISO: Allen: For hour 16?
Enron: Ryan: For hour 16, correct.
ISO: Allen: Can you guys continue to put the price at that?
Enron: Ryan: At what? At $91.86?
ISO: Allen: Yes
Enron: Ryan: Um,(.
ISO: Allen: This isn,t on a recorded line, but we wanted to do that because
of some of the things that we are seeing. It would be good to keep it [the
Market Clearing Price for Replacement Energy] at a higher price. It doesn,t
matter how many megawatts you put it at, but we want to clear it at a higher
Enron: Ryan: Wait, you said we,re not on a recorded line, or we are?
ISO: Allen: We,re not. No, we,re not, okay. We already talked to the
day-ahead research guy and myself, but we saw you guys clear at $91 and we
wanted you, if it,s possible, to continue to set that, whether it,s 20 MW or
whatever you want to put in there.
Enron: Ryan: Okay, um(..
ISO: Allen: We want to clear it at that because of some issues we are
seeing as far as others that are taking advantage of the market.
Enron: Ryan: Oh yeah. Because it had been clearing like at $100, hadn,t it?
ISO: Allen: Not replacement.
Enron: Ryan: Oh, not replacement?
ISO: Allen: No. What happened is that we bought it back(.see, the
day-ahead was purchased at like $100 and then what happened is that the
hour-ahead . . .a bunch of these people were buying it back for a penny over
the [inter] ties. They were faking it. So we wanted to keep the price up
Allen and Ryan: Unintelligible.
Enron: Ryan: So they were selling it, oh, in the day ahead, and buying it
ISO: Allen: Buying like 60 bucks. . . trying to make money off of it, then
basically they are trying to buy it back at a penny.
Enron: Ryan: Oh, that,s ridiculous.
ISO: Allen: That,s really ticking us off and right now . . .
Enron: Ryan: That to me signals, that,s probably Powerex, isn,t it?
ISO: Allen: There,s about four of them right now.
Enron: Ryan: Shit.
ISO: Allen: And for the day-ahead for tomorrow, we didn,t, we didn,t, we
took them out. Basically, we,re not allowing anything over the ties.
Enron: Ryan: I didn,t submit one for 17 or (.
ISO: Allen: That,s fine. They,ll probably go to a penny and they,ll
probably get excited and do a bunch, and we,ll hopefully cut them off if you
can get the next price and the next market at 80 or 91.
Enron: Ryan: Okay. All right. Well, I,ll see what I can do.
ISO: Allen: I appreciate it. It,s actually in the best interest for the
State and the ISO [with] what these guys are doing, so we are trying to put a
stop to it.
Enron: Ryan: Okay.
ISO: Allen. Thanks, bye.
Transcription of a telephone conversation between the ISO,s Real Time Desk
and Enron,s Real Time Desk - July 3, 2001, 14:46:55 - 14:47:40 (3 minutes
Enron: This is Ryan.
ISO: Hey Ryan, its Allen.
Enron: Ryan: Yeah.
ISO: Allen: Hey, did you put it in for the next hour?
Enron: Ryan: For hour 16?
ISO: Allen: Yeah, no, they already ran 17.
Enron: Ryan: Oh, I didn,t do 17, no.
ISO: Allen: Well, see, we,re gonna run, we,re gonna run 18 coming up here
in the next fifteen minutes.
Enron: Ryan: Okay.
ISO: Allen: If you have any questions, let me know. I hope you know this
is me from the ISO. I don,t know if you think I,m somebody else but you can
call me at the hour-ahead desk.
Enron: Ryan: Well, I mean, I,m talking to my boss right now as far as,
because of, you know, I don,t want to be doing anything that,s wrong.
ISO: Allen: Yeah(
Enron: Ryan: Even if it is helping you guys out, if it,s wrong, I can,t do
ISO: Allen: I know, but if you continue to bid in at, um, the market, that,
s the best thing to do. For replacement. All right.
Enron: Ryan: Okay, I,ll see what I can do.
ISO: Allen: Thanks, man. |
---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 02/09/2001
08:59 AM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Sherri Sera @ ENRON 02/09/2001 08:38 AM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron, David W
Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: URG: Gas Securitization Agreements
---------------------- Forwarded by Sherri Sera/Corp/Enron on 02/09/2001
08:39 AM ---------------------------
"Jauregui, Robert M" <[email protected]> on 02/08/2001 07:55:44 PM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
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<[email protected]>, "'randall.o'[email protected]'"
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<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
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<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
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<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
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<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
cc: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>, "Buchsbaum, Craig M (Corp)"
<[email protected]>, "Whelan, Steve (Corp)"
<[email protected]>, "Lee, Fanny" <[email protected]>, "Berkovitz, Trista"
<[email protected]>, "Clare, David" <[email protected]>, "Woo, Shirley A (Law)"
<[email protected]>, "McLafferty, Daniel" <[email protected]>, "Cotroneo, Eileen"
<[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "Litteneker, Randall
(Law)" <[email protected]>, "Gee, Dennis" <[email protected]>, "Welch, Ray"
<[email protected]>
Subject: URG: Gas Securitization Agreements
I am pleased to report that, as 2/8/01, 4:00pm PST, PG&E has executed the
gas supplier security agreement and the intercreditor agreement with the
following suppliers:
* BP Energy Company
* Dynegy Canada Marketing & Trade, A Division of DCI
* Dynegy Marketing & Trade
* El Paso Merchant Energy, L.P.
* Texaco Canada
* Texaco Natural Gas
* TXU Energy Trading Canada Limited
* TXU Energy Trading Company
* Williams Energy Marketing & Trading Co. (US & Canada)
As you know, other suppliers are not precluded from future participation (we
highly encourage it) however, we will now require completion of Exhibit B
(Supplier Joinder Agreement) as outlined in 8.(j). I would greatly
appreciate your replying to this email to let us know whether you intend to
be a party to these agreements at this time.
Please call if you have any questions.
Please forward all correspondence to:
Trista Berkovitz
Director, Gas Procurement
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
77 Beale Street, Room 553
San Francisco, CA 94105-1814
415. 973.2152 (bus)
415.973.9213 (fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: NW on Linux <[email protected]>@ENRON
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 6:10 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Red Hat no longer sings "When I'm 64"
Today's focus: Red Hat no longer sings "When I'm 64"
Dear Wincenty Kaminski,
In this issue:
* Red Hat releases version 7.2 for 64-bit processors
* Links related to Linux
* Featured reader resource
Heard about a new product launch? Curious to find out if the
features and benefits of this new product will meet your
critical business needs? Network World Fusion's Product Central
section includes all the info you need to make informed
decision about new products and also includes a product finder
function. Check it out at http://nww1.com/go/ad216.html
Today's focus: Red Hat no longer sings "When I'm 64"
By Phil Hochmuth
Linux distributor Red Hat last week made two announcements that
should make proponents of 64-bit Linux servers happy: it
released Red Hat Linux 7.2 for both the Intel Itanium and
Compaq Alpha processors.
Although Red Hat was previously able to run on Alpha and
Itanium platforms, the software did not take full advantage of
their 64-bit processing power. But version 7.2 for 64-bit
computing includes the newest Linux kernel (2.4.9), with
features such as higher symmetrical multiprocessing scaling and
ext3 journaling file system.
The support for these features, Red Hat says, will allow the
operating system to take better advantage of the Alpha and
Itanium platforms, which can process much larger file sizes and
handle larger address spacing than 32-bit systems.
Red Hat Linux 7.2 includes other enhancements such as improved
USB support, network configuration and user management
applications, plus a firewall configuration program that can be
configured during server setup.
Itanium is the latest iteration of Intel's PC processor, and is
catching on with users who run high-end Web servers and
enterprise-level application. Prior to Itanium, the Alpha was
the big dog among the 64-bit processor platforms. Although
Compaq has said it will phase out its 64-bit Reduced
Instruction Set Computing processor over the next few years,
Alpha systems are still used widely in database and Web
transactions servers in industries such as finance, medical,
and supercomputing research.
To contact Phil Hochmuth:
Phil Hochmuth is a Senior Writer for Network World, and
a former systems integrator. You can reach him at
mailto:[email protected].
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Red Hat releases 64-bit Itanium version of Linux
IDG News Service, 01/07/02
Supercomputing with Linux on the Alpha
Network World Linux Newsletter, 06/05/00
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-----Original Message-----
From: Love, Phillip M.
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 9:09 AM
To: Giron, Darron C.; Bass, Eric; Bosse, Kevin; Lilly, Kyle R.; Baumbach, David; "Jason <jmjaked (E-mail); Mike <mjillard (E-mail); Toni" "D'Agostina (E-mail); Crowell, Scott
-----Original Message-----
From: "James Love" <[email protected]>@ENRON
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 7:12 AM
To: Love, Phillip M.; Craig Langhauser; Phil Hooper; Phillip Roberts; Tracy Magnusson; [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: THINK ABOUT IT!
Received: from SAALT-SENTRY.saalt.army.mil (saalt-sentry.army.pentagon.mil []) by msl.redstone.army.mil,peomsl-mail.redstone.army.mil; Mon, 22 Oct 2001 07:07:18 -0500
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From: "Contreras, Andres MAJ(P) SAALT" <[email protected]>
To: 'Anthony Suarez' <[email protected]>, 'Chris Wagner' <[email protected]>, 'Chuck Hagar' <[email protected]>, 'Eduardo Ramirez' <[email protected]>, 'Gary Amundson' <[email protected]>, 'Gene Pineda' <[email protected]>, 'George Moore' <[email protected]>, 'George Malone' <[email protected]>, 'Glenn Jones' <[email protected]>, 'Gloria Helms' <[email protected]>, 'Henry Vance' <[email protected]>, 'Jim Love' <[email protected]>, 'John Harris' <[email protected]>, "'John Sanchez (Work)'" <[email protected]>, 'Larry Williams' <[email protected]>, 'Larry Suarez' <[email protected]>, 'Mark Pineda' <[email protected]>, 'Mark Roushia' <[email protected]>, 'Marsha Day' <[email protected]>, 'Michael Brown' <[email protected]>, 'Nick Harris' <[email protected]>, 'Norma Kohler' <[email protected]>, 'Pam Woolery' <[email protected]>, 'Steve Metzger' <[email protected]>, 'Tim Long' <[email protected]>, 'Tomas Serna' <[email protected]>, 'Valerie Ward' <[email protected]>, 'Wayne Allen' <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 08:02:17 -0400
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> > >
> > >
> > > > > >
> > > After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six
and injured
> > > 1,000; President Clinton promised that those responsible would
> > > down and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S.
> > > personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be
hunted down
> > > and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which
killed 19
> > > injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that
> > > responsible would be hunted down and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which
killed 224
> > > injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible would
be hunted
> > > down and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and
injured 39
> > > U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be
> > > down
> > > and punished.
> > >
> > > Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 7,000
people in New
> > > York and Washington, D.C. who are now dead would be alive
> > >
> > >
> > > This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show.
Without casting
> > > stones, it is a legitimate question:
> > >
> > > There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops
> > > software and gives billions of dollars to charity. The other
> > > terrorism. That being the case, why is it that the Clinton
> > > spent more money over the past eight years chasing down Bill
> > > than Osama bin Laden?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for
> > > forthcoming memoirs. Bill gets about $12 Million for his
memoirs yet to
> > > written. This from two people who have spent the past 8 years
> > > to recall anything about past events while under oath!
> > > Incredible!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > > >
> > > After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured
> > > 1,000; President Clinton promised that those responsible would be
> > > down and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military
> > > personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down
> > > and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19
> > > injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those
> > > responsible would be hunted down and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224
> > > injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted
> > > down and punished.
> > >
> > > After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39
> > > U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted
> > > down
> > > and punished.
> > >
> > > Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 7,000 people in New
> > > York and Washington, D.C. who are now dead would be alive today.
> > >
> > >
> > > This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Without casting
> > > stones, it is a legitimate question:
> > >
> > > There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively
> > > software and gives billions of dollars to charity. The other sponsors
> > > terrorism. That being the case, why is it that the Clinton
> > > spent more money over the past eight years chasing down Bill Gates
> > > than Osama bin Laden?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > It is a strange turn of events. Hillary gets $8 Million for her
> > > forthcoming memoirs. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoirs yet to
> > > written. This from two people who have spent the past 8 years being
> > > to recall anything about past events while under oath!
> > > Incredible!
> > > |
Today's focus: How much is too much?
Dear Wincenty Kaminski,
In this issue:
* Inflow finds that smaller is better
* Links related to ASPs
* Featured reader resource
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Today's focus: How much is too much?
By Jeb Bolding
In October I talked about Relera, which at that time, announced
that it was getting out of the managed-services business.
Before it made the announcement I visited its Internet data
center in Denver and what comes to my mind when I think about
the discussion I had with its CEO, and my impression of the
facilities is one word: scale.
Everything was about having the best partners, the biggest data
center, massive systems redundancy rates, etc. No doubt, there
is a place for that corporate mentality, and Relera's focus on
scale should be a comfort to many enterprise companies. Relera
may have just been unfortunate with its timing in the market
and it may yet be successful with its focus.
As a counterpoint, yesterday I visited another local Internet
data center provider, Inflow. Like Relera, Inflow is
headquartered in Denver, and like Relera, it is focused at
second-tier cities such as Nashville and Minneapolis, though it
does have some first-tier city locations.
The similarities, in my opinion, end there. Inflow's corporate
esprit de corps seems to revolve around "smaller is better."
As an example, the data centers are smaller, somewhere between
20,000 and 30,000 square feet. Not only does this bring data
center profitability sooner based upon allocated space, but it
also gives, in the words of Inflow executives, a more personal
touch to the relationship between the data-center managers and
Inflow's customers.
Further to this point, instead of effectively building its own
substations, Inflow ensures that each of its data centers
(there are three in Denver) are located on different power
grids. While this may not put you in complete control over your
own destiny, it's a reasonable, and cost-efficient solution
based upon the statistical likelihood of a disaster.
While Inflow's costs are considerably less, the features of its
facilities do not appear to be diminished.
All data centers are mirror images of one another (other than
the square footage), so that a customer walking into a
Nashville facility will be just as at home in a Denver center.
All the services, from simple co-location, to managed security
services and monitoring, are replicated similarly across the
various locations.
And your single operational account representative is your
focal service point regardless of how many Inflow data centers
you're in. Management is fully integrated between the data
centers so that your customer representative does not have to
be local to your issues in order to solve them.
No doubt, there is a place in the business world for Relera and
Inflow. Inflow may have just lucked out that its focus on costs
will help the company better weather a long downturn.
To contact Jeb Bolding:
Jeb Bolding is senior consultant with Enterprise Management
Associates in Boulder, Colo., an analyst and market research
firm focusing exclusively on enterprise management. Bolding has
10 years of experience in the network systems industry, most
recently with eCollege.com, an ASP for higher education, where
he was director of product development. He can be reached at
mailto:[email protected].
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Relera pulls out of MSP market
Network World ASP Newsletter, 10/15/01
EDS exploits shifts in hosting arena
Network World, 01/28/02
AT&T spells out international strategy
Network World, 01/28/02
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advances in service-provider networks that are shaking up the
old telecom order. In classic Network World fashion, we focus
on the hardware, software and services coming to market - but
this time from the vendors targeting legacy carriers, new
alternative local carriers, ISPs and application service
providers. http://www.nwfusion.com/edge/index.html
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Looks Like a Recession
Economy on the edge
Michael J. Boskin
Sunday, July 22, 2001
,2001 San Francisco Chronicle
California, the world's fifth largest economy, the global capital of
technology and entertainment, is teetering on the brink of a serious
Unemployment is rising, job creation is falling and respected forecasters are
painting a bleak future for the state.
California is not alone. Nationally, the employment picture is also
troubling. Income is flat. Industrial production has been shrinking for nine
months. Only the mighty consumer has kept the economy going.
The key problem is the slowdown in information technology spending, so
important for California. Once the engine of productivity growth, and the
source of rising standards of living, the double-digit pace of those spending
increases slowed dramatically, beginning in the second half of last year.
Since then, Silicon Valley companies have experienced sales declines of 5 to
10 percent, not calamitous drops, but compared to the 40 percent growth they
had been used to, an enormous gap. Hence these companies have been cutting
back on everything from production to personnel to facilities. The "new
economy," it turns out, is not immune to the basic laws of economics.
Nationally, the most respected "blue chip" private forecasters believe we
will avoid a recession. They see the economy growing just over 1 percent this
year and by 2 to 3 percent next year.
Having been more optimistic for some years, I became more pessimistic last
year, and remain so despite the Federal Reserve's interest rate cuts and the
Bush administration's tax refunds. Whether we skirt the technical definition
of a recession -- two consecutive quarters of negative growth -- will be a
close call. We should see a modest recovery late this year, and a pick-up of
steam in 2002.
The California economy is in for a rougher time, at least in the short term.
And this time -- unlike the early 1990s, when Southern California bore the
brunt of the severe downturn in the defense industry -- the Bay Area will be
hit much harder. While the region grew much faster than the rest of the state
in the '90s, most of the symbols of that growth -- full employment, exploding
property values, shrinking commercial vacancy rates -- are already history.
Workers who just a short time ago were getting BMWs as a signing bonus are
now being laid off.
Statewide unemployment -- 5.1 percent last month -- is likely to increase
another percentage point or more as layoffs continue in high tech and
aerospace. Still -- and here's some good news -- Bay Area unemployment, even
in Santa Clara County, which took a major hit in June, is still below the
statewide rate. In per capita income, the San Francisco and San Jose
metropolitan areas are ranked first and second nationwide, 75 percent above
the national average.
What of the longer term? California faces serious problems, not the least of
which is the energy mess, which has exacerbated the current slowdown. Our
recovery will probably lag several quarters behind the rest of the country.
But the long-term picture is brighter. Information technologies have brought
about permanent productivity improvements and transformed virtually every
major industry in the so-called "old economy." Such enhancements will
themselves result in renewed information technology spending, if not at the
frenetic pace of the late 1990s.
The main concern is whether California will degenerate into an even more
anti-business climate. We are already viewed by the business community as an
overtaxed, over-regulated state. Gov. Gray Davis' rhetoric, and some of his
actions, during the energy debacle have only added to the impression. While
Davis deserves credit for using the bully pulpit to encourage energy
conservation, his demagogic attacks on "outside" energy companies, and the
suggestion that California should go it alone, are not only poor policy
solutions but suggest a degree of economic illiteracy on his part.
His plan to have the state play an expanded role in energy production and
transportation will require the expenditure of billions of dollars. Do we
believe the state government could make those investment decisions wisely,
efficiently and devoid of politics? California would be better off if the
governor got out of the energy business.
The state will also continue to pay for the financial mishandling of the
energy situation. The initial refusal by Davis' appointees on the Public
Utilities Commission to allow utilities to enter long-term contracts worsened
the shortages and sharpened the price spikes. Then, at the peak of the market
frenzy, the governor's office negotiated long term contracts that lock the
state into paying unnecessarily high prices. And by keeping prices to
consumers unrealistically controlled, he has passed the burden for energy
costs on to the taxpayers -- current and future.
With all the problems and missteps, however, there is great reason to be
optimistic about California's economic future. We are still a beacon of
opportunity. We still attract the best and the brightest. We are still the
best incubator of new ideas and businesses.
However, our current woes should remind us not to take economic growth for
granted. With better state policy -- lower tax rates, less regulation,
reforms to improve our schools, and a more efficient energy and
transportation infrastructure -- California will reemerge as the leader of a
strong national economy, providing opportunity, mobility and still higher
standards of living.
Michael J. Boskin was chairman of the President's Council of Economic
Advisors from 1989 to 1993. He is now a senior fellow at teh Hoover
Institution and the the Tully. M. Friedman Professor of Economics at
Stanford. |
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<p>Dear Andrew,</p>
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<p>I'm Washington Bureau Chief Peter Cook filling in for Jay Rickerts.
<p>In Washington, we'll continue to examine the major energy issues
expected to arise during the New Year. We'll take a look at <b>what
Congress will do with comprehensive energy and electricity
legislation</b>. Our Washington bureau will also follow the <b>FERC</b>
and its <b>push for regional transmission organizations and wholesale
competition</b>. These are some of the issues we'll look at as 2002
<p>On Wednesday, energy consultant and <b>former Assistant Secretary of
Energy during the Clinton Administration Robert Gee</b> will join us in
the Washington bureau. He'll give us his take on the <b>U.S.
relationship with OPEC</b> and we'll get his assessment on the <b>start
of retail competition in Texas</b>. Gee will join us during the noon ET
newscast on Wednesday.
<p><b>The big switch is coming to Houston</b> - On Wednesday we'll bring
you a report on <b>deregulation starting in Texas on January 1</b>. The
Houston bureau will have details on how the power grid reacted to the
switch, and get an update from retail electricity providers.
<p>Also from Houston, <b>John S. Herold, Inc. CEO Arthur Smith</b> says
upcoming <b>earnings releases may hold some unwanted surprises</b>.
He'll join us from Houston on Wednesday to <b>discuss his company's
research report and what we can look forward to in 2002</b>. Catch
these reports from the Houston bureau on Wednesday.
<p><table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=1 bordercolor="#000000"
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td align=center><font color="#000000"
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1><b>Closing
Prices for Monday, Dec. 31, 2001</b></font></td></tr>
<tr><td align=left>
<table cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 border=0>
<!--<tr><td width=5> </td>
<td align=left width=100>Commodity:</td>
<td align=right width=75>Close Price</td>
<td align=right width=100>Change
<tr><td width=5> </td>
<td align=left width=150><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>Crude:</font></td>
<td align=left width=125><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>$19.84/bbl</font></td>
<td align=left width=75><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>-$0.57</font></td></tr>
<tr><td width=5> </td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>Unleaded:</font></td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>$0.5725/gallon</font></td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>-$0.0157</font></td></tr>
<tr><td width=5> </td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>Heating Oil:</font></td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>$0.5507/gallon</font></td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>-$0.0158</font></td></tr>
<tr><td width=5> </td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>Gas:</font></td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>$2.570/mmBtu</font></td>
<td align=left><font
face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size=-1>-$0.204</font></td></tr>
<p>Scheduling Note: <b>We're dark on New Year's Day</b>. We'll see you
Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. ET. Thanks for making this a great first year at
EnergyNewsLive - <b>Have a Happy New Year!</b>
<p>Keep in mind things are subject to change at a moment's notice.
Occasionally guests have to reschedule or change time slots. We'll
continue to do our best to keep you updated on future interviews and
<p><b>Be sure to watch our newscasts every business day - 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. ET, at the top of each hour.</b>
<!-- CONTENT END -->
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Sandra, i have pathed this ticket in unify.
Sandra Dial@ECT
03/24/2000 05:32 PM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joann Collins/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dick
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Please let me know when completed. Customer is waiting patiently for payment.
Chris Germany
03/24/2000 04:32 PM
To: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joann Collins/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Dick Jenkins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Since we now feel certain ENA bought this gas on Jan 21st, please path the
supply deal from COH (deal 153863) to one of those large CES deal tickets.
I'm still checking the tapes to see if we can recoup the cost from CES.
Joanne, to the best of your recollection, this gas did go to CES, correct?
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/24/2000 04:26
PM ---------------------------
Sandra Dial
03/21/2000 06:40 AM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Status on this?
Chris Germany
03/16/2000 10:26 AM
To: Dick Jenkins/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Dick, I don't have this deal in my records as a sale to CES. When you get
back, let's look at your deal sheet and see if there are any notes.
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/16/2000 10:25
AM ---------------------------
Sandra Dial
03/16/2000 08:36 AM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Can you check with Dick Jenkins on this, please. He was my contact on this.
Thanks man.
Chris Germany
03/15/2000 01:13 PM
To: Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
I spoke with Brian at CES . He does not show this deal in his records. I
don't show it in my records either.
Sandra Dial
03/14/2000 11:11 AM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Yes, I have an invoice. I'll bring to you this p.m (I was out yesterday).
Chris Germany
03/13/2000 10:03 AM
To: Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Do we have an invoice from CGAS of Ohio? I would like to see it if we do. I
don't show any record of a deal like this. I'm going to send an email to my
CES contact to see if he shows anything in his notes about this.
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000 09:58
AM ---------------------------
Robert Allwein
03/13/2000 08:22 AM
To: Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Sandra, I just have to get with Chris Germany to see if he can confirm this
deal. I will keep you posted. Thanks, Rob
Chris, Deal # 153683, Please take a look at this and see if you can confirm
that this was Buy/Sell or incremental. CES or EES? I have a supply but no
market. Thanks
Victor Lamadrid
03/10/2000 03:21 PM
To: Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Most likely this is an offset to our term sale to CES on CGAS. Chris prepares
CES invoices. I don't know if he is aware of this. Most likely, there is an
offsetting sale that is not in or we need to back off an existing path and
replace with this purchase.
Sandra Dial
03/10/2000 01:33 PM
To: Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Feldman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Can you change the year from 2001 to 2000 on the deal, please.
Columbia Gas of Ohio, sitara #153863, purchase.
Mark, If you happen to have any info on who Enron sold the gas to (since
we're buying from Col Gas of OH), let Robert know--meanwhile he's checking
with Robin and Chris on his end so he can path it.
Vic--this is only FYI. Robert's taking the lead on finding out the info he
needs to get this pathed in the system.
Thanks all.
---------------------- Forwarded by Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT on 03/10/2000 01:25
PM ---------------------------
Robert Allwein
03/10/2000 10:25 AM
To: Sandra Dial/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
The deal ticket has 2001 on it not 2000. Can you find out who they sold the
gas to. Do you need this pathed and tracked and balanced? - Rob
Sandra Dial
03/10/2000 09:54 AM
To: Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Columbia Gas of Ohio on CGAS for Jan 00
Can one of you check into this for me, please (you may also be getting a call
from Mark Feldman from Volume)...
Columbia Gas of Ohio, sitara #153863, flow date 1/21/00, 3,575 mm's. The deal
is in sitara; however, I do not see anything nommed, etc in Unify (like the
deal doesn't exist). Can you check on your end to see if there was some sort
of glitch/error. According to Dick Jenkins, he agrees with the counterparty.
Let me know what you find/fix so I can redraft and pay them. Could it be
booked under another pipe? Call me later. Thanks.
x5-7213 |
In order to determine if any of this LDC production was sent to us with the
Wholesale package, I need to know who the producers are for each of the
deals, the volumes of the deals, and the term (which I can get from John
Singer). Then we will take that information and try to match it up with the
list of deals given to us by CES with the wholesale package. I'm assuming
that, if these deals were not entered into Sitara by Mark Friedman and the
TAGG people (meaning you had to enter them in yourself at some later point,
which it sounds like we did), they were probably not included in the
Wholesale package. If this is the case, then the deals are not really ours
and are, presumably, CES Retail. If CES-Retail does not want the deals, then
we will value the transactions, get together and discuss the best way to
handle them (i.e., us or EES), then propose a transfer of the deals to
In summary, if you can get the information noted above to me, I'll take it
from there and find out if the deals have already been assigned to us or
not. Thanks.
Joan Veselack@ENRON
03/13/2000 01:06 PM
To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor
Lamadrid/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joann
Subject: Citygate Production GAS behind TCO - PLEASE READ
Kathy, we may need Colleen Sullivan's interpretation of behind the citygate
production. Back in January, Noel Bartlo told me these deals stayed with CES
Retail. John Singer believes the deals stay with him at Enron. If these deals
stay with Enron, should they be at EES... since they are behind the citygate
or do they stay with Enron to reduce the TCO delivery to the citygates for
CES? This could be a can of worms.
Colleen, what is the contract interruption? Does the citygate production
deals stay with Enron? If they stay with Enron, then does CES realize this?
Are the producers receiving two payments, one from Enron and one from CES.
Maybe this has already be discussed and decided, but I haven't heard the
official word.
Currently these citygate production deals are deducted from the citygate
delivery that CES needs. The numbers that Herndon LDC schedulers provide to
Enron are reduced by the production. I think Chris put these buy/sells in the
system to appease John and keep the Enron accounting system whole. Currently
the market demand tickets in Sitara are reduced by the citygate supply. The
pathing could be made easier by hooking up the citygate production supply to
the market demand tickets, but the market demand numbers need to be
increased. Then you could eliminate the buy/sell tickets that Chris Germany
has been creating.
However if this production gas is not Enron's, then Enron is creating a lot
of unnecessary work and the producers are probably receiving two payments.
From: Katherine L Kelly @ ECT 03/13/2000 10:34 AM
To: Joan Veselack/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert Allwein/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CES Pool Gas
Hey guys, I wanted ya'll to see the below messages as well since these are
TCO deals. I'm little confused now, because Wade had informed me that these
were all deals behind the citygate that John Singer had been doing and that
CES retail was pulling gas directly from these points. We found a few like
this on CNG last week. The way we have been handling this is to show a buy
from whomever at the citygate and hook it up as a buy/sell with CES retail.
Chris has been setting up the tickets for the sell to CES retail, but right
now he's priorities are just a bit different. I guess why I'm a little
confused on these is that when I pulled up the Phoenix Dominion it has the
pool attached to the deal and not one of the CPA's.
Wade - Do you know whether deal 142669 is pool or a citygate deal? If it's
pool, I don't know how we could have missed this all month because we would
have had to nominate it in Navigator.
Joanie - Do you have any insight into this?
---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000
10:14 AM ---------------------------
From: Katherine L Kelly 03/13/2000 09:58 AM
To: Wade R Price/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Robert Superty/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CES Pool Gas
I'm sorry Wade, but there definitely seems to be a problem with manpower
around here. Chris is in charge of handling all of the CES retail, so he
needs to set up the corresponding sales and price them. My hands are kind of
tied on the pathing until he is able to complete his end.
Also, I will try to follow up on these, but since these are TCO points,
please feel free to send further TCO issues to Robert Allwein. I have only
been so heavily involved in the CNG because Molly LaFuze has been out on
---------------------- Forwarded by Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000
09:52 AM ---------------------------
Chris Germany
03/13/2000 09:49 AM
To: Brent A Price/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott Neal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Colleen
Subject: Re: CES Pool Gas
Sorry guys. I'm still working on the February invoice to CES. I estimate
that everyday this invoice does not get out cost Enron about $4,000 a day.
Feel free to call my boss Scott Neal about the problems you are having.
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Germany/HOU/ECT on 03/13/2000 09:46
AM ---------------------------
Wade R Price
03/13/2000 09:33 AM
To: Katherine L Kelly/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: CES Pool Gas
John Singer told me these two producers' deals expired 12/31/99. We will not
need these set up.
Producer Pipe Status
Burkland, Richard CPA Deal expired 12/31/99 No need to set up
Burkland, WIlliam S CPA Deal expired 12/31/99 No need to set up
What is the status on these producers ? I have invoices and I need to pay
these ASAP, especially Questa (they are calling).
Questa Petroleum CPA Deal 213088 set up with meter number per 9911 pay
statement. Production statement for volumes
received from John Singer 3/8/00
Phoenix Dominion CPA/Cipco Deal 142669 Producer invoice available for
T & F Operating PennFuel Invoice in. Deal not set up. Not able to identify
which Penn Fuel (56 or 56W) on CGAS |
Ray's take on this is consistent with the EPSA write up on the hearing.
Ray Alvarez
05/07/2001 03:49 PM
To: "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]>
cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power
Prices In CA
I attended the Senate hearing, and Murkowski strongly supported FERC's
decision and was anti- price cap throughout the hearing. In my opinion, the
author of this article misinterpreted what was going on at the end of the
hearing. Commissioner Massey was trying to offer up a letter supporting
price caps, to be placed into the record. My take is that Murkowski didn't
want the letter and, being totally skeptical of the financeability of
infrastructure under price caps, challenged Massey to come back with support
from the financial community for price caps.
"Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]> on 05/07/2001 01:16:37 PM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power Prices In
----- Message from "Tracey Bradley" <[email protected]> on Mon, 07 May
2001 10:49:32 -0500 -----
To: "Justin Long" <[email protected]>
cc: "Aryeh Fishman" <[email protected]>, "Andrea Settanni"
<[email protected]>, "Charles Ingebretson"
<[email protected]>, "Charles Shoneman" <[email protected]>,
"Deanna King" <[email protected]>, "Dan Watkiss" <[email protected]>,
"Gene Godley" <[email protected]>, "Kimberly Curry"
<[email protected]>, "Michael Pate" <[email protected]>, "Paul Fox"
<[email protected]>, "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]>
Subject: Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power Prices In CA
Murkowski Challenges Capitalists To Cap Runaway Power Prices In CA
In what some observers believe could be a watershed change in rhetoric,
Senate energy policy leader Frank Murkowski (R-AK) is berating the capital
community for not coming forward and detailing what kind of ceiling on
wholesale power prices it would take to insure adequate generation -- but
head off continued economic damage to the state of California.
The criticism signals that the chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural
Resources Committee has grown impatient with the hail of philosophical
charges and counter-charges that have followed FERC's April 26 order on the
California market and is turning elsewhere than FERC for a solution. Sources
also say it may be a signal that there is a majority on his committee that
would support some kind of legislative control on the wholesale power market
in the West.
"I am issuing an admonition to the financial community," Murkowski said at
the conclusion of a hearing on the recent FERC order. "If the financial
community will come in and say what terms and conditions they will need to
bring new generation into the state, we can cut through this chatter."
Among other provisions, the FERC order institutes a plan for price controls
during Stage 1 and higher power emergencies. Lawmakers at the hearing,
especially from California and the West, criticized the action as
insufficient to prevent price gouging.
FERC Chairman Curt Hebert said the limited nature of the price controls will
continue to provide the power industry with incentives to build power plants
in California.
Murkowski called on financial interests attending the hearing to settle the
"Tells us what you will or will not do under a price cap," said Murkowski.
Murkowski indicated that the answer to his question should come directly from
top figures in the financial community.
Murkowski also signaled that Congress may step in and take legislative action
on the California crisis.
"We have to question the adequacy of the order and introduce legislation to
address problems if necessary," Murkowski said.
The sentiment was echoed by other members of the Committee.
"We cannot allow our government to sit idly by and allow a tragically flawed
and easily manipulated power market wreak havoc on our economy," Sen. Maria
Cantwell told Hebert. "If you're not going to take action, Congress is going
to act."
All three FERC commissioners testified at the hearing but it was Chairman
Curt Hebert who was on the receiving end of most of the criticism.
"FERC has done a wonderful imitation of a potted plant," Sen. Byron Dorgan
(D-ND) told Hebert. "Regulation is not a four letter word. The market system
sometimes gets out of wack.
Commissioner William Massey also criticized FERC's order, and acted as
counterpoint to Hebert throughout the hearing. Commissioner Linda Breathitt
defended her support of the April 26 order.
"One thing is clear, you all don't get along very well," observed Dorgan.
"I'm amazed at what's been done," said Murkowski in defending FERC's action
over the past several weeks. "It's better than nothing."
"I've been disappointed," replied Dorgan. "I hope FERC decides it's a
regulatory body and steps up and takes some action."
Sen. Feinstein suggested to Hebert that FERC take a closer look at the impact
of skyrocketing natural gas prices on the exorbitant increase in electricity
prices in California.
In response, Hebert announced that FERC was holding a technical conference
May 24 on current and projected natural gas pipelines into California.
"I agree that this is a natural gas situation and we intend to look into this
as well," Hebert said.
Source: EnergyWashington.com
Date: May 4, 2001
, Inside Washington Publishers |
---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea Ring/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001 12:49
PM ---------------------------
Michele Winckowski @ ENRON 01/16/2001 09:47 AM
To: Andrea Ring/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Fwd: FW: Advice on Self-Defense
Hi, ladies, I just finished taking the most amazing self-defense
class, sponsored by Shandwick, and I wanted to share some really
valuable info with you before it goes out of my head. The guy
who taught the class has a female friend who was attacked last
year in the parking garage at Westport Plaza in St. Louis one
night after work and taken to an abandoned house and raped.
He started a women's group and began teaching these classes
soon after. This guy is a black belt in karate and trains twice
a year with Steven Segall. He and the others in this group
interviewed a bunch of rapists and date rapists in prison on
what they look for and here's some interesting facts:
The #1 thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle.
They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun,
braid or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are
also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short
hair are not common targets.
The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for
women who's clothing is easy to remove quickly. The #1 outfit
they look for is overalls because many of them carry scissors
around to cut clothing and on overalls the straps can be easily cut.
They also look for women on their cell phone, searching through their
purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off
guard and can be easily overpowered.
The time of day men are most likely to attack and rape a woman is
in the early morning, between 5 and 8:30 a.m. The number one place
women are abducted from/attacked at is grocery store parking lots.
Number two is office parking lots/garages. Number three is public
rest rooms.
The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman
and quickly move her to a second location where they don't have to
worry about getting caught. Only 2% said they carried weapons
because rape carries a 3-5 year sentence but rape with a weapon
is 15-20 years. If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get
discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to
realize that going after you isn't worth it because it will be
These men said they will not pick on women who have umbrellas,
or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in
their hands. Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get
really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the
idea is to convince these guys you're not worth it.
Several defense mechanisms he taught us are:
* If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage
or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face
and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general
small talk, I can't believe it is so cold out here, we're in
for a bad winter. Now you've seen their face and could identify
them in a lineup, you lose appeal as a target.
* If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front
of you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man
talked to said they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed
that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are
looking for an EASY target. If you carry pepper spray (this
instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him
wherever he goes), yelling I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it
out will be a deterrent.
* If someone grabs you, you can't beat them with strength but you
can by outsmarting them. If they grab your wrist, pull your wrist
back so your hand is in waving position (palm facing forward) and
twist it toward yourself and pull your arm away. It is hard to
hold onto wrist bones that are moving in that way. They stumble
toward you and you stumble back, so you can use that momentum to
bring the same out and backhand them with your knuckles in the
forehead, nose or teeth.
* If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker
either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper
inner thigh. HARD. One woman in a class this guy taught told him
she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her
and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle
strands - the guy needed stitches.
Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it.
It hurts.
* After the initial hit, always go for the groin. I know from a
particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy's balls
(sorry to be graphic) it is extremely painful. You might think that
you'll piss the guy off and make him want to hurt you more, but the
thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman
who will not cause a lot of trouble.
Start causing trouble and he's out of there.
* When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers
and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing
down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using
much pressure and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked
Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of
your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see
any odd behavior, don't dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may
feel a little silly at the time, but you'd feel much worse if the guy
really was trouble.
Please forward this to any woman you know, it's simple stuff that
could save her life.
- pic06208.pcx
- pic02115.pcx |
-----Original Message-----
From: Barnes, Lynnette
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:34 AM
To: Steffes, James D.
Subject: RE: New Report on Lessons from California
-----Original Message-----
From: Steffes, James D.
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 9:53 AM
To: Barnes, Lynnette
Subject: FW: New Report on Lessons from California
Can you please get a hard copy for me?
-----Original Message-----
From: "Samantha Slater" <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Samantha+20Slater+22+20+3CSSLATER+40epsa+2Eorg+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 11:22 AM
To: [email protected]; Linnell, Elizabeth; Kingerski, Harry; [email protected]; [email protected]; Robinson, Marchris; Petrochko, Mona L.; Kaufman, Paul; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Landwehr, Susan M.; Chapman, Tom
Subject: Fwd: New Report on Lessons from California
Samantha M. Slater
Manager of State & Regional Affairs
Electric Power Supply Association
1401 New York Avenue, N.W.
11th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 202-628-8200
Fax: 202-628-8260
E-mail: [email protected]
Received: from femail27.sdc1.sfba.home.com by mail.epsa.org; Wed, 01 Aug 2001 08:18:30 -0400
Received: from cc470486-a ([]) by femail27.sdc1.sfba.home.com (InterMail vM. 201-229-121-120-20010223) with ESMTP id <20010801121806.MXGF553.femail27.sdc1.sfba.home.com@cc470486-a>; Wed, 1 Aug 2001 05:18:06 -0700
Message-Id: <>
X-Sender: hirstea@mail
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Pro Version
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 08:16:55 -0400
To: [email protected]
From: Eric Hirst <[email protected]>
Subject: New Report on Lessons from California
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=====================_640249==_.ALT"
Dear Colleague,
The Edison Electric Institute just published a paper, The California Electricity Crisis: Lessons for Other States, which I wrote. The paper is available on the Publications page of my website, www.EHirst.com << File: http://www.ehirst.com/ >> . Please let me know if you have any comments on the paper.
Here is a summary of the paper:
California was supposed to show the rest of the nation a brighter electricity future. That future, as outlined by the California Public Utilities Commission in 1994, envisioned an electricity industry featuring competitive markets. Such markets were intended to produce lower costs and more choices for consumers, while ensuring profits for efficient energy suppliers and encouraging the retirement of old, inefficient power plants.
Although the first two years of restructuring (beginning in April 1998) seemed to bear out these promises, the last year has been a disaster for California's electricity consumers, taxpayers, and electric utilities. Part of the fallout from California's electricity crisis is considerable concern-even opposition-in other states to restructuring the electricity industry.
Although a few states have decided, based on the California experience, not to restructure, I believe that is the wrong outcome. Instead, the primary lessons other states should learn from California are that competitive markets can work; competition is not to blame for California's problems; and basic economic principles of supply, demand, and prices affect market outcomes.
Section 2 of this paper briefly reviews the history of electricity regulation and restructuring in California and the problems that occurred beginning in May 2000. Section 3, the heart of this paper, offers guidance to other states on the key ingredients of a competitive electricity industry. This section makes several points:
Maintain a favorable investment and regulatory climate for new generation to ensure that enough generation capacity is online and planned to meet growing loads.
Ensure that enough infrastructure (transmission capacity and natural gas pipeline capacity) is in place and planned to meet growing loads, maintain reliability, connect new generators to the grid, support large regional markets, and provide fuel to power plants.
Encourage retail customers to participate in dynamic-pricing and voluntary-load-reduction programs (i.e., couple retail and wholesale markets).
Create honest retail competition: avoid standard-offer rates with artificial discounts and create conditions that encourage many companies to offer retail services without favoring individual competitors.
Encourage electricity suppliers to manage and diversify their supply and price risks.
Create efficient and integrated wholesale markets for energy, ancillary services, and transmission congestion.
Monitor and minimize horizontal market power (generation) and vertical market power (combined ownership and operation of generation and transmission).
Ultimately, competitive markets for electricity will lower costs and prices, better align consumer prices with producer costs, improve producer efficiency in both investment and operation, maintain or improve reliability, and yield greater innovation in customer services and pricing options.
But, this transition from one industry structure to another is turning out to be long and complicated. It is complicated because electricity is so important to our modern, high-tech society; electricity is our most flexible fuel, providing light, heat, motive power, and the energy to operate all our electronic equipment. Also, electricity truly is a real-time product for which production and consumption must occur at the same time.
Although the problems that have occurred in California are substantial and worrisome, regulators and legislators in other states should focus on the long-term benefits of competitive electricity markets and accept the possible short-term problems that may occur. They also need to recognize that wholesale markets are regional in scope and extend far beyond the boundaries of any single state. Finally, competition in retail and wholesale markets must be coordinated; in particular, it is not possible to have competitive wholesale markets unless at least some retail load faces time varying prices.
If states restructure properly to create competitive markets for wholesale energy and retail services, we should all benefit. Consumers will enjoy lower prices, they will have many more choices of energy services and price-risk tradeoffs, reliability will be improved because most reliability services will be obtained through markets instead of by engineering edict, and the financial risks associated with building and operating power plants will be assigned properly to investors rather than consumers.
Eric Hirst
Consulting in Electric-Industry Restructuring
106 Capital Circle
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(865-482-5470 (phone & fax) :[email protected]://www.EHirst.com << File: http://www.ehirst.com/ >> |
Pretty funny.
-----Original Message-----
From: Espey, Darren
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 9:04 AM
To: '[email protected]'; Clause, Kristen; Hungerford, James; Love, Phillip M.; Thibaut, Dan; Schrab, Mark L.; Lenart, Kirk; Brady, Kevin; Worthing, Ashley; Fowler, Kulvinder
Cc: '[email protected]'
Subject: FW: Fw: Fw: Fw: Very Fine Idea
> > Ever wondered what it would be
>like if Dear Abby were a man?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Life could be
>so much simpler (for everyone)!
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Mr.
> > > > > > Q: My husband
>wants a threesome with my best friend and me.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > A: Obviously
>your husband cannot get enough of you! Knowing
> > > > that there
> > > > is
> > > > > > only one of
>you he can only settle for the next best thing --
> > > > your best
> > > > > > friend. Far
>from being an issue, this can bring you closer
> > > > together.
> > > > Why
> > > > > > not get some
>of your old college roommates involved too? If you
> > > > are
> > > > still
> > > > > > apprehensive,
>maybe you should let him be with your friends
> > > > without
> > > > you.
> > > > > If
> > > > > >
> > > > > > you're still
>not sure then just perform oral sex on him and
> > > > cook him a
> > > > > nice
> > > > > > meal while
>you think about it.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Mr.
> > > > > > Q: My husband
>continually asks me to perform oral sex on him.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > A: Do it.
>Sperm can help you lose weight and gives a great glow
> > > > to your
> > > > > > skin.
>Interestingly, men know this. His offer to allow you
> > > > perform
> > > > oral
> > > > > > sex on him is
>totally selfless. This shows he loves you. The
> > > > best
> > > > thing
> > > > > to
> > > > > > do is to
>thank him by performing it twice a day, then cook him
> > > > a nice
> > > > > meal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Mr.
> > > > > > Q: My husband
>has too many nights out with the boys.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > A: This is
>perfectly natural behavior and it should be
> > > > encouraged. The
> > > > > man
> > > > > > is a hunter
>and he needs to prove his prowess with other men.
> > > > A night
> > > > out
> > > > > > chasing young
>single girls is a great stress relief and can
> > > > foster a
> > > > more
> > > > > > peaceful and
>relaxing home. Remember, nothing can rekindle
> > > > your
> > > > > relationship
> > > > > >
> > > > > > better than
>the man being away for a day or two (it's a great
> > > > time to
> > > > > clean
> > > > > > the house
>too)! Just look at how emotional and happy he is when
> > > > he
> > > > returns
> > > > > > to his stable
>home. The best thing to do when he gets home is
> > > > for you
> > > > and
> > > > > > your best
>friend to perform oral sex on him. Then cook him a
> > > > nice
> > > > meal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Mr.
> > > > > > Q: My husband
>doesn't know where my clitoris is.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > A: Your
>clitoris is of no concern to your husband. If you must
> > > > mess
> > > > with
> > > > > it,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > do it in your
>own time or ask your best friend to help. You
> > > > may wish
> > > > to
> > > > > > videotape
>yourself while doing this, and present it to your
> > > > husband as
> > > > a
> > > > > > birthday
>gift. To ease your selfish guilt, perform oral sex on
> > > > him and
> > > > > cook
> > > > > >
> > > > > > him a
>delicious meal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Mr.
> > > > > > Q: My husband
>is uninterested in foreplay.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > A: You are a
>bad person for bringing it up and should seek
> > > > sensitivity
> > > > > > training.
>Foreplay to a man is very stressful and time
> > > > consuming. Sex
> > > > > > should be
>available to your husband on demand with no pesky
> > > > requests
> > > > for
> > > > > > foreplay.
>What this means is that you do not love your man as
> > > > much as
> > > > you
> > > > > > should -- he
>should never have to work to get you in the mood.
> > > > Stop
> > > > being
> > > > > so
> > > > > >
> > > > > > selfish!
>Perhaps you can make it up to him by performing oral
> > > > sex on
> > > > him
> > > > > > and cook him
>a nice meal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Mr.
> > > > > > Q: My husband
>always has an orgasm then rolls over and goes to
> > > > sleep
> > > > never
> > > > > > giving me
> > > > > >
> > > > > > A: I'm not
>sure I understand the problem. Perhaps you've
> > > > forgotten to
> > > > cook
> > > > > > him a nice
> >
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Greetings everyone,
I thought it would be useful to send you this email as a follow up to the
meeting we had last week with the IPPNY PR Working Group.
As you know our efforts to form a PR campaign as the Empire State Energy
Suppliers fell apart at the end of May. Since then, I have been working with
Sharon Stewart at Brown Olson and Wilson in order to pay SSK for their
services from April 1, 2001 to May 31, 2001. We are waiting for one last
invoice (May expenses) from SSK. Once we receive this invoice, Brown Olson &
Wilson will send a lump-sum payment to SSK. I will get you the total cost of
SSK's services for April/May but $200,000 is an approximate number. This
comes to about $22,000 per each of the 9 companies that participated in the
effort. As you will recall, we each sent $25K to the Escrow account.
IPPNY PR Working Group
Given the high profile of energy issues in NY, and the increasing dialogue
taking place there a coordinated PR effoert can certainly be justified.
Those of us who participated in ESES, whose companies are also members of
IPPNY, met last week in Albany to discuss whether IPPNY would be willing to
expand their PR efforts if we joined forces. (Thanks to all of you who were
able to attend and participate in the meeting). Since last week - Gavin
Donohue, and the IPPNY Board of Directors, have given their full support to
this expanded effort, and we are moving foward with a comprehensive
NY-focused communications effort.
I am working as liaison between IPPNY and SSK, and the following is a summary
of how we are proceeding. A meeting between SSK and Gavin and myself is
scheduled to take place in NYC next week. We intend to cover the following:
We are targeting July 4th as our launch date
A press release will go out explaining IPPNY's 7-point Energy Solutions
Program (ESP) for New York
A Q&A, Fact Sheet and other supporting documents for a press kit will be
We will discuss the scheduling of meetings with press outlets and third-party
We will also go over website issues, and other elements of the comprehensive
Essentially, the SSK comprehensive PR plan has been tweaked for IPPNY's
purposes and will be implemented going foward. Given our late start, SSK and
IPPNY have been working extremely closely on all of the above-mentioned
documents so that we can meet a July 4th launch date. However, I don't want
anyone to be out of the loop. It is our intention to provide all of the
members of the IPPNY PR Working Group with the documents prior to launching
on July 4th. The messages are in line with what we agreed to all along as
part of ESES. The difference is that we actually have a spokesperson - Gavin
Budget Issues
This is an extremely important issue and I am appealing to each of you to
respond to me asap regarding the following. As ESES, we agreed to put forth
$50K to our PR effort - with the first $25K going into the Escrow Account
managed by Brown Olson & Wilson. Once SSK is paid for April/May services
there will be some extra money in the Escrow Account. I would like to
proceed as follows - with your approval.
Coordinate with Brown Olson & Wilson and pay SSK for April/May services with
Escrow Account funds
Wire the remaining Escrow Account funds to IPPNY's PR Working Group Account -
also to be coordinated with Peter Brown (if the Escrow Agreement allows), and
with your approval.
Work with IPPNY and have them invoice each of us for the additional $25K
(assuming we are all still in for the original $50K).
Remaining Escrow Account funds + $25K will go toward SSK services going
foward. These funds in addition to the funds that IPPNY has already received
from their PR Working Group members shall cover SSK's work beginning on June
1, 2001 through the extend of the contract.
Additional costs - such as advertising - will have to be considered after we
get the funds deposited into the PR Account and have an idea of how much
we're working with and whether advertising is a possibility.
Enron is willing to contribute additional funds (on top of the $50K) to this
effort if necessary. You and your respective organizations may want to
consider this as well.
IPPNY/SSK Contract Issues
As you may recall, a contract between ESES and SSK was never signed.
Contract discussions took almost 3 months, and SSK continues to work with us
in good faith (considering they still have not been paid a dime). Gavin is
unwilling to sign a contract with SSK until he has funds in the PR Account to
pay for SSK's services. As you can see, we must expedite payment to IPPNY so
that we can launch on July 4th and so that IPPNY and SSK can agree on
contract terms within the next two weeks.
Gavin is reviewing the ESES/SSK contract with IPPNY's lawyers
Once the funds are deposited into the IPPNY PR Account, Gavin will sign a
contract with SSK
We will provide everyone with a copy of the contract if you choose to review
it (although most of you should be familiar with it).
I think this covers the progress we've made since our meeting in Albany.
Please call me if you have any questions about the budget, contract or the
comprehensive plan. I'm interested in you're input so please weigh in with
your comments. Lastly, I want to emphasize that I need your feedback
regarding budget issues asap. I am in Houston all week and can be reached at
the following numbers:
Direct Dial: 713-853-9104
Cell Phone: 713-851-3778
THANKS !!!! |
----- Forwarded by Marcus Nettelton/NA/Enron on 03/22/2001 07:55 AM -----
Rhonda L Denton@ECT
03/21/2001 05:43 PM
To: Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dana
Davis/Enron@EnronXGate, Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christi L
Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Reeves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gretchen Lotz/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Dean Laurent/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cara Semperger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Jan M King/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Mike Swerzbin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael
Etringer/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Malowney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Laura Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Corry Bentley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matt Lorenz/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Thresa A Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sharen
Cason/HOU/ECT@ECT, Veronica Gonzalez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberly Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT,
William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brant
Reves/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russell Diamond/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Suttle/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rod Nelson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie
Piwetz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Moran/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russell
T Kelley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stewart Rosman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Holli Krebs/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Paul Choi/SF/ECT@ECT, Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean Crandall/PDX/ECT@ECT,
Jeff Richter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phillip Platter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Smith L
Day/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Badeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, D Brett Hunsucker/HOU/ECT@ECT,
John M Forney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward D Baughman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kayne
Coulter/HOU/ECT@ECT, John Kinser/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Benson/Corp/Enron@Enron,
Larry Valderrama/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul J Broderick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Edward
Sacks/Corp/Enron@Enron, Janet H Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R
Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jesse
Bryson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stanley Cocke/PDX/ECT@ECT, Michael M
Driscoll/PDX/ECT@ECT, Doug Gilbert-Smith/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly
Hundl/Corp/Enron@Enron, Joy Werner/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Elsie Lew/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Amy Horton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kim Durham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonda
Robinson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rudy Acevedo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diana Allen/Corp/Enron@ENRON,
Don Baughman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Burnett/Corp/Enron@Enron, Carla
Hoffman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Mark Guzman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Larry F
Campbell/NA/Enron@Enron, Mike Carson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jason
Choate/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lawrence Clayton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin
Cline/Corp/Enron@Enron, Terri Clynes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Keith
Comeaux/Corp/Enron@Enron, Karla Compean/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jason
Crawford/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mike Curry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Oscar Dalton/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Clint Dean/Corp/Enron@Enron, Todd DeCook/Corp/Enron@Enron, George
Diaz/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Tom Dutta/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Errigo/Corp/Enron@Enron,
David Fairley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Miguel L Garcia/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gerald
Gilbert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Gordon/Corp/Enron@Enron, Juan
Hernandez/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jim Homco/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Hopley/HOU/ECT@ect,
Richard Hrabal/HOU/ECT@ect, Rika Imai/NA/Enron@Enron, Alton
Jackson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Larry Jester/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gary
Justice/NA/Enron@Enron, MICHAEL KELLY/ENRON@Gateway, Grace
Kim/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff King/Corp/Enron@Enron, Madhup
Kumar/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Justin Laverell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chris
Lenartowicz/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Peter Makkai/NA/Enron@Enron, Posey
Martinez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom May/Corp/Enron@Enron, Keller
Mayeaux/Corp/Enron@Enron, Doug Miller/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey
Miller/NA/Enron@Enron, Narsimha Misra/NA/Enron@Enron, Steve
Olinde/Corp/Enron@Enron, Andy Pace/NA/Enron@Enron, Juan
Padron/NA/Enron@Enron, Ricardo Perez/NA/Enron@Enron, Joseph
Piotrowski/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe Quenet/NA/Enron@Enron, Bill Rust/HOU/ECT@ECT,
David Ryan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Eric Saibi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Zachary
Sampson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Anna Santucci/NA/Enron@Enron, Janelle
Scheuer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Erik Serio/Corp/Enron@Enron, Doug Sewell/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Robert Stalford/NA/Enron@Enron, Chad Starnes/Corp/Enron@Enron, Joe
Stepenovitch/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark Symms/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Paul D
Thomas/NA/Enron@Enron, Greg Trefz/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Maria
Valdes/Corp/Enron@Enron, Joseph Wagner/NA/Enron@Enron, Watts/NA/Enron@Enron,
Lloyd Will/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Wood/Corp/Enron@Enron, Alex
Wong/Corp/Enron@Enron, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Valarie Sabo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Fran Chang/PDX/ECT@ECT, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kate
Symes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Audrey Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacey W White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jenny
Latham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donald Wayne Vinson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Andrea
Dahlke/NA/Enron@ENRON, Casey Evans/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jon Paul
Lewis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Gim/NA/Enron@Enron, Wendy Conwell/NA/Enron@ENRON,
Monica Lande/PDX/ECT@ECT, Mark Confer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Benjamin
Rogers/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kim S Theriot/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Ann
Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Russell Ballato/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard
Broussard/Corp/Enron@Enron, Chris Dorland/HOU/ECT@ECT, Claudia
Guerra/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gautam Gupta/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patrick Hanse/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Marcus Nettelton/NA/Enron@ENRON, Rogers Herndon/HOU/ECT@ect, John
Llodra/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mitch Robinson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Paul
Schiavone/ENRON@enronXgate, Eric Smith/Contractor/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Fletcher J Sturm/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clayton
Vernon/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kerri Thompson/Corp/Enron@Enron, Evelyn
Metoyer/Corp/Enron@Enron, Diana Scholtes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Alonso/PDX/ECT@ECT,
Mark Fischer/PDX/ECT@ECT, Chris Mallory/PDX/ECT@ECT, Matt Motley/PDX/ECT@ECT,
Lester Rawson/PDX/ECT@ECT, Holden Salisbury/PDX/ECT@ECT, Leaf
Harasin/PDX/ECT@ECT, Geir Solberg/PDX/ECT@ECT, Ryan Slinger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Bert
Meyers/PDX/ECT@ECT, David V Porter/PDX/ECT@ECT, Monika Causholli/PDX/ECT@ECT,
Mark Guzman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Bill Williams III/PDX/ECT@ECT, Laura
Dewett/HOU/ECT@ECT, Amy Clemons/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lisa Brown/NA/Enron@Enron,
Gwendolyn Williams/ENRON@enronXgate, Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate, Jason R
Williams/Enron@EnronXGate, Jennifer N Stewart/Enron@EnronXGate, Billy
Subject: Allegheny Energy Supply Company LLC - Merrill Lynch Capital
Services, Inc.
Almost all trades executed under Merrill Lynch have been assigned to
Allegheny. It is my understanding that Merrill will no longer be trading
financial or physical power. The deals that Merrill will retain are as
If you have questions, please let me know. |
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Here's the official firm profile on Sen. Dunn, followed by a profile on the
firm. I'll see what other background I can find.
? Joseph L. Dunn, Partner, Robinson, Calcagnie & Robinson, Newport Beach,
CASenator Joseph L. Dunn, a partner with Robinson, Calcagnie & Robinson, is
a member of the California State Senate. He received his Bachelor of Arts
degree Magna Cum Laude from the College of St. Thomas (Minnesota) and
graduated cum laude from the University of Minnesota Law School.
Senator Dunn,s practice is focused on product liability, mass tort and
complex litigation. He has served as plaintiffs, liaison counsel in the
California Coordinated Breast Implant Cases, the Coordinated UCI Fertility
Litigation, the Consolidated Texaco Refinery Litigation and the California
Coordinated Diet Drug (Fen-Phen) cases. He has also served as co-lead
counsel in the consolidated Shiley Heart Valve cases and the Hanford
Washington Downwinders, Litigation (nuclear facility radiation exposure).
Senator Dunn has participated in numerous other mass tort and complex
litigation cases involving medical devices, pharmaceutical products, toxic
contamination, business and insurance matters, including private attorney
general actions against the tobacco industry brought by Gray Davis and the
County of Los Angeles.
Senator Dunn was a long time board member for the Consumer Attorneys of
California, including service as vice-president and many years as Education
Chair. He served several years on the Executive Board of the Orange County
Trial Lawyers Association, as state coordinator for the national
organization, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice and on the Education
Committee for the Orange County Bar Association. He has worked extensively
in the legislative arena, including drafting and editing legislation and
testifying before various legislative committees, and has been an ongoing
advocate of consumer issues.
He is a frequent lecturer and author and served as an instructor of both
intermediate and advanced litigation procedures for the UCI paralegal
program. Since his election in 1998, Senator Dunn continues to be a member
of the firm and serves as co-liaison counsel for the California Coordinated
Diet Drug (Fen-Phen) cases.
Headquartered in Newport Beach, California, the law firm of Robinson,
Calcagnie & Robinson specializes in representing plaintiffs in cases
involving catastrophic injury or wrongful death, as well as litigation
arising from conduct causing substantial economic losses and damages.
Although known as one of the leading product liability firms in the country,
the firm,s attorneys have built a reputation for success in all areas of
civil litigation, including numerous high profile cases. In 1978, Mark P.
Robinson, Jr., as co-counsel with Art Hews for the plaintiff in the landmark
Ford Pinto fire case of Grimshaw v. Ford Motor Company, won an unprecedented
$128 million award, which at that time was the largest jury verdict ever in
a personal injury case.
Since then Robinson, Calcagnie & Robinson have become known for providing
the highest quality legal representation, and for obtaining substantial jury
verdicts, judgments and settlements for their clients in hundreds of major
cases. The firm has been based in Orange County for over two decades, but
their commitment to their clients and their record of achievement has
evolved into a practice handling a broad spectrum of cases venued
nationwide. The firm,s attorneys have been associated as co-counsel or
admitted pro hac vice in over thirty states, and have tried cases in several
[IMAGE]The firm has an extraordinary track record in litigation which is
well known in the legal community. The firm has received the highest ratings
by Martindale-Hubbell,s National Law Directory, as have each of its
partners. They have been successful in difficult and complex cases against
some of the world,s largest corporations, manufacturers and insurance
companies, as well as government entities. While the firm,s practice is
primarily consumer-oriented, they have represented not only private
individuals but businesses, corporations and government entities seeking
damages for losses resulting from negligence, breach of contract and other
tortious or wrongful conduct. The firm was co-counsel for the County of Los
Angeles in its unfair business practices lawsuit against the tobacco
In cases involving unique and complex issues or significant injuries and
damages, such as automotive crashworthiness litigation, the ultimate result
is often dependent upon the amount of time and money a law firm can expend
on case work-up. Investigation, discovery and trial preparation require
substantial financial expenditures, not to mention demands on the time of
legal personnel. Robinson, Calcagnie & Robinson has a reputation for both
the willingness and the ability to invest the resources required in case
preparation. Utilizing a team approach, the work of several lawyers,
paralegals and support personnel may be devoted to a single case if needed.
The firm prides itself on knowledge of the law, attention to detail, and
thorough analysis. Using the latest computer software and case management
systems, as well as document scanning and coding, the firm has the
capability of handling even the most complex cases involving hundreds of
thousands, or even millions of documents.
Robinson, Calcagnie & Robinson has its own warehouse for evidence
preservation and inspection, including indoor vehicle storage. The firm
regularly retains expert consultants and witnesses from around the country
in a variety of fields such as mechanical engineering, biomechanics,
accident reconstruction, design safety, human factors, metallurgy and
materials analysis. Depending upon the case, the firm,s experts may be
called upon to conduct testing and examination utilizing a wide range of
cutting-edge scientific techniques, including everything from fiberoptic
videography to scanning electron microscopy and energy disbursing x-ray
analysis, to full-scale vehicular crash testing with instrumented
anthropomorphic dummies.
- jld.jpg
- view.jpg |
---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2001
03:07 PM ---------------------------
"Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]> on 01/18/2001 02:53:59 PM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy
FinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin
Thanks for the extra support in getting the word out. I've had a couple
RSVP's from Enron.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:59 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
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[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]; Angela Dorsey
Subject: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy
FinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin
The $500 registration fee is waived for any Enron employee who wishes to
attend this conference because of our relationship with the school.
forward this information to your managers and staff members who would
benefit from participating in this important conference. (Note: Vince
Kaminski is a panellist for the Risk Management Session 3.)
Please note: The deadline for RSVP & Hotel reservations is MONDAY,
22nd Don't miss this opportunity!
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at EXT.
---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001
07:38 PM ---------------------------
"Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]> on 01/10/2001 03:06:18 PM
To: "Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]>
cc: "Ehud Ronn" <[email protected]>, "Sheridan Titman (E-mail)"
<[email protected]>
Subject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University
Texas at Austin
Colleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and
Research (CEFER):
Happy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.
On behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we
like to cordially invite you to attend our:
2001 Energy Finance Conference
Austin, Texas
February 22 - 23, 2001
Hosted by the University of Texas Finance Department
Center for Energy Finance Education and Research
Dr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of
finalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the
outline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference
session will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest
on the designated topic.
As supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research,
representatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant,
Conoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived.
The conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails &
dinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference
session materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel
reservations are each participant's responsibility.
A limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the
Hotel on Town Lake under the group name "University of Texas Finance
Department" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the
latter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the
Conference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need
contact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday,
22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know
when you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the
gives you the special room rate of $129/night.
Please RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN
JANUARY 22nd to [email protected], or (512) 232-7386, as
availability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to
your colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference.
Center for Energy Finance Education and Research
February 22 - 23, 2001
Thursday, Feb 22:
3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for
5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to
UT Club*
6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor
7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club
8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker
9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel
Friday, Feb 23:
7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT
8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS
Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair)
Sheridan Titman, UT
John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co.
10:00 a.m. Coffee Break
10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION
Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair)
David Spence, UT
Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital
Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk
11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker
1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center
2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT
Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair)
Vince Kaminski, Enron
Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co.
Ehud I. Ronn, UT
3:30 p.m. Snack Break
Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair)
Bob Goldman, Conoco
Ray Hill, Southern Co.
5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up
5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner
6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance
*We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the
hotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an
alternative hotel, then transportation to conference events
will become your responsibility.
Angela Dorsey
Assistant Director
Center for Energy Finance Education & Research
The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Finance, CBA 6.222
Austin, TX 78712
[email protected]
************** |
o Report: Crosspoint Forgoes $1 Billion New Fund
NEW YORK -- Crosspoint Venture Partners has commitments
for a new $1 billion fund but has decided not to
raise the capital, according to a report in the
Wall Street Journal. The reason for the delay is
the difficult environment for investing in new companies
and generating high returns. Crosspoint will raise
the fund as soon as the environment improves, according
to the report. Crosspoint raised an $850 million
fund earlier this year.
o Mineral and Metal Marketplace Gets Funding from Votorantim
LOS ANGELES -- Quadrem, an online marketplace for
mining, minerals, and metals, said that Votorantim
Venture Capital, the venture arm of industrial giant
Votorantim Group of Brazil, has become a founding
shareholder of Quadrem. Other founding shareholders
of include Alcan Aluminium Limited, Alcoa, Anglo
American, Barrick Gold, BHP, Corporacion Nacional
del Cobre de Chile (CODELCO), Companhia Vale do
Rio Doce (CVRD), De Beers Consolidated Mines, Imerys,
Inco Limited, Newmont Mining, Noranda. Normandy
Mining, Pechiney, Phelps Dodge , Rio Tinto, WMC
Limited, and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.
o Crosslink Capital Makes Add-ons but No New Investments in Q3
SAN FRANCISCO -- Crosslink Capital said that it
made no new investments in the third quarter of
2000. The firm said this was the first time this
happened since the fourth quarter of 1996. Crosslink
did commit additional capital to existing portfolio
companies in the third quarter. The firm invested
in Brightmail, a provider of anti-spam software;
NonStop Solutions, which develops chain automation
software; Protocare, a healthcare services company;
and techies.com, which provides Web-based IT recruiting
services. The firm said it is evaluating potential
investments in software, Internet infrastructure,
and communications integrated circuits companies.
Crosslink Capital has more $800 million under management.
EnergyWorkspace in alliance with VerticalNet
HOUSTON, Nov. 29 (LocalBusiness.com) -- EnergyWorkspace, a developer of
online business software for the oil and gas industry, has formed an alliance
with a huge Pennsylvania business-to-business company to co-brand their
EnergyWorkspace said the deal with VerticalNet Markets, a unit of VerticalNet
Inc. (Nasdaq: VERT), of Horsham, Pa., will give its users greater information
reach through that company's two energy portals.
VerticalNet operates 55 industry-specific online communities, including one
for oil and gas interests and another for the hydrocarbon industry.
Mark Beatty, president and chief executive officer of Houston-based
EnergyWorkspace, said in a release the alliance will aid his customers and it
also will "introduce our unique business process support system to thousands
of potential clients across a range of energy companies."
Both companies commented on how well the two fit each other's needs, stopping
just short of mentioning a possible merger. Jerry Alwais, a spokesman for
EnergyWorkspace, told LocalBusiness.com that he does not know terms of the
deal and has not heard anything about a merger. Officials at each company
were not available for futher comment.
The once high-flying VerticalNet, whose stock traded as high as $148.38 last
spring, opened today at a 52-week low of $10.50.
Joseph Galli, chief executive officer and president of VerticalNet, earlier
said his company was looking to make strategic acquisitions. He made the
announcement at the same time the company said it lost a whopping $121.9
million through the first nine months of the year, compared with a loss of
$38.2 million for the period a year earlier.
Since EnergyWorkspace is privately held, it doesn't report on its financial
o Broadband Access Firm Allegro Gets $24 Million First Round
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Allegro Networks, which is developing
a wholesale broadband access platform, said it has
secured $24 million in its first round of funding
from Bessemer Venture Partners, Columbia Capital,
and Infinity Capital. The company said it will
use the funds to develop its technology. Allegro
Networks said it named P.J. Singh as its chief technical
officer and acting CEO. Mr. Singh co-founded Packet
o ASP United Messaging Closes Third Round with $70 Million
WEST CHESTER, Pa. -- United Messaging, an enterprise
messaging service provider, said it closed a $70
million third round of financing led by Broadview
Capital Partners. New investors First Union Capital
Partners, Comcast Interactive Capital, and Brinson
Partners, and previous investors Internet Capital
Group, Oak Investment Partners, Infinity Capital,
and Labrador Ventures participated in the round
as well. United Messaging is a global application
service provider that offers hosted messaging and
professional services. The company said it will
use the funding to expand service platforms in the
U.S. and abroad, to support the launch and promotion
of its existing and upcoming messaging technologies
and services, and to open new sales offices in Europe
and Asia. Broadview and First Union will each receive
a seat on United Messaging's board of directors.
o ID Management Firm Courion Gets $13.2 Million in Round Two
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. -- Courion, which develops self-service
identity management software, said it secured $13.2
million in its second round of funding led by QuestMark
Partners. Other investors include Riggs Capital
and previous investors JMI Equity and Massachusetts
Technology Development. The company will use the
funds to add new products, and to expand into Internet
commerce and international markets.
o Performance Management Firm Wily Has $10 Million Round Two
BURLINGAME, Calif. -- Wily Technology, a provider
of performance management software for Java Web
applications, said it raised $10 million in its
second round of funding. Previous investors Greylock
Management and BEA Systems participated along with
new investor Accel Partners. The company will use
the funds to expand its Web application management
product portfolio, and for sales and marketing.
_____________________________________________ |
Thanks for the responses -- all look great. I like coming over knowing that
my calendar will be pretty full. Dinner sounds great, too. I am having
dinner with Beth Apollo on Monday evening to talk more about her assignment.
I received a note from Fernley asking about dinner on Thursday evening also.
Hope that the New York trip was worthwhile and that the trip back was
smooth. --Sally
Mike Jordan
01/11/2001 01:57 PM
To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Topics for next week
see comments in red - rushed - so please excuse my typos
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: Sally Beck 11/01/2001 17:57
To: Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Topics for next week
Well, I didn't get this out to you before I left the office last night. I
was still pouring over bonus info until 9:30, and decided to call it quits at
that point. Here are some of the things that I would like to do next week:
review your action plan to move the close and officialization of London
books to same day, - certainly want to review this in detail with you - the
issue being that we may not in the short/medium term be able to change
systems infrastructure to run same day - but with a combination of process
and tactical systems enhancements we may be able to deliver no action p&l,
new activity p&l and position signoff on trade date with 'officialisation' of
books on T+1 in time for RAC VAR explain and limit monitoring process
Also I would like to go through our credit difficulties with you and Ted at
same time - more for information on this - because when we 'solve' market
risk reporting issues we will face big push to 'clean' credit exposure
reporting process - Office of Chair is very insistent on this
to replicate, if appropriate, an Operational Risk information session for
London counterparts (you and I can review early in the week what we are
doing here in Houston today and modify the info for Europe)
Would defintely welcome this - I can walk through the European MO issues
trying to identify key operational risk themes - top of my list is Metals
I would like to spend some time on Metals with you - hence the lunch on
Wednesday with Andy Cornfield and Howard Carter the two controllers for
Metals ( Brokerage and Merchanting ) - the starting place for this will be
the presentation I gave to Rick Causey in early December.
discuss the Doorstep process with you and, if you deem appropriate, your
business controllers in the London office who will participate in Doorstep
reviews this year (clear up and questions and get your input on how to
continually improve the process),
Would like to brainstorm the linkage between control standards reporting,
self assessment of Op risk and doorstep - this can be done initially in a
small group but additionally I believe the business controllers would welcome
some more background of why Rick,Rick and yourself need the process to be
successful - I think they understand ( I have fully promoted it ) but your
'asides' explaining the weight Jeff assigns to it are very powerful motivators
discuss with Mark Pickering the technology dependencies of the London office
related to speeding up London's information for the corporate DPR
As explained above - additionally I would like to walk you through the
implementation of our change management structure which attempts to cross
prioritise all IT development efforts - a meeting with Steve Whitaker, Mark
and Fernley on this would be useful
do some planning with you for the February 12 & 13 ASE - certainly in
calendar and signed off by the executive committee of one ( my wife !!! )
discuss the feasibility of utilizing our operational pricing model in London
- can you let me know some more of this - I am uncertain of it
discuss your ideas and thoughts on CommodityLogic and other ideas around
potential commercialization of mid and back office services - The below is a
section of an objective I am asking my settlements director to follow - I
would like to expand on these and other thoughts - particularly the absence
of vision/strategy documentation for CL
Lead on all CommodityLogic initiatives associated with Settlements ( note
this is my definition of what CL should be doing ) including :-
Changing Market practices
create cashflow messaging within each transaction
create payment advice notification for each transaction at inception and
re-evaluate operational cost structure associated with any possible changes
to terms of trade
Module/Application developments
Synergy from internal process changes ( pulling Settlements and Documentation
together )
elimination of paper/fax confirmation processes if we can utilise electronic
messaging of cashflow details within transactions and electronic messaging of
payment advices at inception ( based upon planned trade settlement ) and at
liquidation ( based upon actual trade settlement )
In addition, I would like to meet with anyone in the London office that you
think would be beneficial. Through Nicki Scott, I understand that Michael
Brown would like to meet with me so we are setting that up. I will also
spend some time with Beth Apollo and Ted Murphy while I am there. And I plan
to meet with Fernley as well.
Any other suggestions on topics or people to see? Can I suggest we also
Remote offices with Naomi Connell
The ledger control process - similarities and differences with Houston
Static reference control processes - ( Global
Counterparties/Companies/Contracts/Facilities etc )
Themes from our business process reengineering reviews prior to Christmas -
similar to bottom up Op risk assessment
A gap analysis for the risk management team - explaining the 'legacy' work
that James New has been leading on
Our plans for EAS in Europe
I shall call to discuss / prioritise and then I can instruct Fiona to
organise meetings
I think that we have lunch already on the calendar for Wednesday - as above
but would you also be available for dinner with the controllers and Fernley ? |
Notice No. 01-75
March 5, 2001
All NYMEX Division Members/Member Firms
All NYMEX Division Clearing Members
All NYMEX Division Floor Traders
All NYMEX Division Operations Managers
George Henderson, Vice President
Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing
The expiration date for the April 2001 options contract for Platinum (POJ1)
is Friday, March 9, 2001.
All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options
position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or
engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options
contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized
representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m.
until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments
and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation
prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the
expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution
procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no
later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released.
Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Correction (299-2068 and 299-2169)
personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be
available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and
Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or
problems you may have.
The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all
information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration
Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the
Option Expiration process:
Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the
previous 4 business days and trades adjusted for the previous 4 business days
by adjustment date.
Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day
position to the projected end of day position.
Contains all trade and position transfers "TO" your firm and the status of
each transfer.
Contains all trade and position transfer "FROM" your firm and the status of
each transfer.
Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number
of long positions you wish to exercise.
Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number
of long positions you wish to abandon.
PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission.
Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the
system. This input may be made at any time prior to 6:45 p.m. Any PCS input
via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded.
Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final.
Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by
contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your
Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21
E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS
All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at
their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the
expiration process.
Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871,
access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status.
Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be
aware of event status.
The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in
which they will be announced are:
Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money
Do Not Exercise Submissions
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 5:45 PM
Usual Event Time: 5:45 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
Standard Event Message: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 6:30 PM
Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM
Announced via e-mail
Standard Event Message: All positions are deemed final
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 7:30 PM
Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
Standard Event Message: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on
the Single Position Maintenance Windows
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 8:25 PM
Usual Event Time: 8:30 PM
Announced via Fast Facts and e-mail
Standard Event Message: All Report Distribution is completed
Approximate Time of Message Availability: 11:00 PM
Usual Event Time: 11:00 PM
Announced via Fast Facts
The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal
operational conditions and could vary.
Time: 5:30 PM
Activity: Exercise Notice Submission
Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 1
Time: 5:30 PM
Activity: Do Not Exercise Submission
Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 2
Time: 5:45 PM
Activity: Announce Out-of-the-Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise
Event: Fast Facts Notice
Reference Number: 3
Time: 6:30 PM
Activity: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Event: C21 E-mail
Reference Number: 4
Time: 6:45 PM
Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time
Reference Number: 5
Time: 7:30 PM
Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final
Event: Fast Facts Notice
Reference Number: 6
Time: 8:25 PM
Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single
Position Maintenance Windows
Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail
Reference Number: 7
If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles
V. Bebel at 299-2130, Angel Rivera at 299-2150 or Anthony Di Benedetto at
299-2152 prior to the expiration date.
Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this
"[email protected]&
Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy
the text between the quotes, open your internet browser,
paste it into the web site address and press Return. |
I apologize for the "glaring".
-----Original Message-----
From: Alvarez, Ray
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 4:27 PM
To: Steffes, James; Hodge, Jeffrey T.; Williams, Robert C.; Kean, Steven; Shapiro, Richard; Robertson, Linda; Dasovich, Jeff; Walton, Steve; Mara, Susan; Comnes, Alan; Lawner, Leslie; Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Fulton, Donna; Nicolay, Christi; [email protected]; Allen, Phillip K.; Noske, Linda; Perrino, Dave; Black, Don; Frank, Robert; Miller, Stephanie; Tycholiz, Barry; Thome, Jennifer; Belden, Tim; Swerzbin, Mike; Driscoll, Michael M.; Motley, Matt; Badeer, Robert; Scholtes, Diana; Crandall, Sean; Mallory, Chris; Richter, Jeff; Alonso, Tom; Fischer, Mark; Platter, Phillip; Carla Hoffman/PDX/ECT@ECT; Calger, Christopher F.; Etringer, Michael; Hall, Steve C.; Yoder, Christian; Heizenrader, Tim; Swain, Steve; Mainzer, Elliot; Williams III, Bill; Thomas, Jake; Rawson, Lester; Wolfe, Greg; [email protected]; Allen, Phillip K.; Kaufman, Paul; [email protected]; Pharms, Melinda
Subject: Summary- Judge's Recommendation re Retroactive Refunds
Commenting on his general perception of the settlement conference, the Chief Judge, in his down home manner, did not miss the opportunity to say that "you can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink." Below is a Cliff Notes version of the Judge's report and recommendation issued at 4:49 PM today. Attached is the complete work.
The Judge opined that very large refunds would be due- "While the amount of such refunds is not $8.9 billion as claimed by the State of California, they do amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, probably more than a billion dollars in an aggregate sum. ?At the same time, while there are vast sums due for overcharges, there are even larger amounts owed to energy sellers by the CAISO, the investor owned utilities, and the State of California. Can a cash refund be required where a much larger amount is due the seller? The Chief Judge thinks not." Another notable quote: "?it is the opinion of the Chief Judge that the amount claimed by the State of California has not and cannot be substantiated."
The Judge noted that he submitted a proposal of his own on July 5, which was summarily rejected by the State of California, and that the five separate offers of the various industry groups to settle with California were also rejected.
Refund Effective Date- Refund effective date of October 2, 2000, for sales in the spot markets of the CAISO and the Cal PX. The Chief Judge's recommendations do not go beyond that date. "Spot market" sales are "sales that are 24 hours or less and that are entered into the day of or day prior to delivery."
Evidentiary Hearing- "The differences between what the State of California believes the buyers in the California markets are owed in refunds and what the sellers in the California market believe should be refunded raise material issues of fact. The appropriate numbers to calculate potential refunds involve factual disputes. Thus, the Chief Judge recommends that a trial-type, evidentiary hearing be ordered limited to a factual record to apply to the methodology set forth below. Because of the urgent need for an answer to the refund issues that hearing should be on a 60-day fast track schedule. It is important that a single methodology be adopted for calculating potential refunds in this proceeding. However, such a methodology may not be appropriate for all sellers in the CAISO's and Cal PX's spot markets in an after-the-fact refund calculation. In any event, sellers not using the methodology should bear the burden of demonstrating that their costs exceeded the results of the methodology recommended herein over the entire refund period."
Methodology- The Chief Judge recommends that the methodology set forth in the June 19th Order be used with the modifications discussed below in order to calculate any potential refunds that may be due to customers in the CAISO's and Cal PX's spot energy and ancillary service markets for the period October 2, 2000 through May 28, 2001.
Heat Rate- The actual heat rates, rather than hypothetical heat rates (associated with recreating the must-bid requirement of the June 19th Order) provide the first step in calculating the cost of the marginal unit.
Gas Cost- The gas costs associated with the marginal unit should be based upon a daily spot gas price. "In the event that the marginal unit is located in NP15 (North of Path 15), the daily spot gas price for PG&E Citygate and Malin should be averaged with the resulting gas price multiplied by the marginal unit's heat rate to calculate a clearing price for that hour. If the marginal unit is located in SP15 (South of Path 15), the daily spot gas price for Southern California Gas large packages should be multiplied by the marginal unit's heat rate to calculate a clearing price for that hour. The daily spot gas prices should be for the "midpoint" as published in Financial Times Energy's "Gas Daily" publication for the aforementioned delivery points. The last published gas prices should be used in calculating the refund price for the days that Gas Daily is not published (weekends and holidays)."
O&M Adder- An adder of $6/MWh for O&M should also be included with the calculated market clearing price.
Emissions Costs- Demonstrable emission costs should be excluded from the market clearing price and treated as an additional expense that sellers may subtract from their respective refund calculation.
Credit Adder- The 10 percent adder should be included in the market clearing price for all transactions that occurred after January 5, 2001 when PG&E and SoCal Edison were deemed no longer creditworthy.
Ancillary Services- Consistent with the June 19th Order, ancillary service prices would be capped at the market clearing price established in the real-time imbalance energy market. Adjustment bids would also be treated the same as set forth in the June 19th Order.
Maximum Price for Non-Emergency Hours- Somewhat unclear. The Chief Judge recommends that for purposes of recreating a competitive market for calculating refunds, the refund methodology should deviate from the 85% non-emergency requirement of the June 19th Order. To measure the amount that actual prices may have exceeded the refund price, every hour should be recalculated.
Offsets- "Recalculating the hourly competitive price for purposes of a refund calculation would also permit the Cal PX and CAISO to resettle all charges for the refund period. Amounts owed to sellers and outstanding amounts due from buyers would be recalculated. Any refunds could then be offset against accurate amounts receivable without sellers netting out any of their purchases from the CAISO and Cal PX during the refund period."
Interest- Interest should not be charged against any refund amounts unless the refund amount exceeds the amounts that are past due to the seller. |
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Hain/HOU/ECT on 10/02/2000 08:43 AM
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]>
10/02/2000 06:48 AM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>
DJ POWER POINTS: Winners In $4 Billion Calif Sweepstakes
> By Mark Golden
> A Dow Jones Newswires Column
> NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Now that PG&E Corp (PCG), Edison International
> (EIX)
> and
> Sempra Energy (SRE) have announced that about $4 billion in power costs
> flew
> out
> their windows this summer, Wall Street might be curious to know on which
> corporate doorsteps the windfall landed.
> A few of the beneficiaries have indicated publicly how well they did
> this
> summer. We've supplemented those announcements with data on market share,
> conversations with western U.S. electricity traders, second quarter
> earnings
> reports and publicly available information from the California Independent
> System Operator - operator of the state's high-voltage transmission grid
> and
> real-time power market - to create this Top 10 list of winners in the
> Summer
> of
> Luck.
> No. 10: Duke Energy Corp (DUK), Calpine Corp (CPN) and AES Corp (AES).
> These
> companies, with significant merchant power plants in California, didn't
> make
> as
> much money as they could have because they sold their power before prices
> started rising.
> AES, for starters, has sold the vast majority of the capacity of its
> California natural-gas fired generators under a long-term, fixed-price
> contract
> to make power for another company - a company much higher on this list -
> which
> supplies the natural gas and owns the electricity.
> Duke, with 2,680 megawatts of generators in California, lost out on
> significant potential income, because it sold most of its power months
> before
> prices started to rise.
> No. 9: Electricity trading companies. These companies, like Utilicorp
> United's
> (UCU) Aquila, Citizens Power (now owned by Edison International) and
> Belgian
> company Tractebel's (B.TRB) U.S. unit, mostly traded in and out of
> positions
> -
> and they made good profits doing so. This group also includes the
> unregulated
> trading units of Sempra and PG&E.
> No. 8: Western utilities with power to spare, namely Arizona Public
> Service
> Co., the Public Service Co. of New Mexico (PNM) and IdaCorp Inc.'s (IDA)
> Idaho
> Power.
> PNM said on Sept. 14 that it made $193 million in wholesale marketing
> during
> July and August, a 90% increase over the same two months last year.
> Arizona
> Public Service, which is a subsidiary of Pinnacle West Capital Corp (PNW),
> had
> considerably more power to sell than PNM, market sources said.
> No. 7: TransAlta (T.TA) and PPL Global (PPL). Western electricity prices
> have
> been high outside California as well. TransAlta and PPL reached deals to
> buy
> two
> major coal-fired power plants in the Northwest last year and took
> ownership
> before this summer. Unlike gas, coal is still cheap.
> No. 6: Enron Corp (ENE), El Paso Energy (EPG) and the energy trading
> unit
> of
> Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter (MWD). Unlike the in-and-out traders, these
> companies
> bet on rising prices and came into the summer holding large supplies in
> the
> West, electricity traders said.
> "Enron just bought and bought and bought before the summer, and never
> seemed
> to sell," said one trader.
> El Paso also owns 896 MW of generation in California.
> No. 5: The U.S. Federal Government and the State of Arizona. Federal
> utility
> Bonneville Power Administration and Arizona public utility Salt River
> Project
> rode to California's rescue on the hottest days this summer, providing
> hundreds
> of megawatts of supply at top dollar.
> No. 4: California's independent generators. The merchant power companies
> in
> California that did the best this summer are Reliant Energy Inc. (REI),
> with
> about 4,063 MW of California capacity; Southern Co. (SO), with about 3,000
> MW;
> NRG Energy (NRG), with 1,500 MW; and Dynegy Inc. (DYN), with 1,250 MW.
> Unlike Duke, AES and Calpine, these companies held on to most of their
> power
> and sold it in the day-ahead and real-time markets, where prices turned
> out
> to
> be best.
> Reliant has already indicated that third quarter earnings available for
> equity
> will top last year's figure by about $110 million.
> All of these companies, however, saw their windfall trimmed by
> diversification. Each owns gas-fired and some oil-fired merchant power
> plants in
> the eastern U.S., where high fuel prices and low electricity prices have
> damped
> profits.
> "We've had a good summer, but we have a pretty balanced portfolio across
> the
> country," Stephen Bergstrom, president and chief executive of Dynegy, said
> in an
> interview. "As good as the summer has been in the West, it's been as bad
> in
> the
> eastern half of the country."
> No. 3: Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power (and its bondholders). LADWP
> has
> about 7,000 MW of generation, or about 2,000 MW more than it needs for its
> customers. As LADWP general manager S. David Freeman said a few weeks ago,
> "A
> blind pig could make money with that setup."
> No. 2: The heavily taxed citizens of British Columbia, Canada. Their
> provincially owned utility, BC Hydro, has been very busy this summer
> turning
> (free!) water into electricity worth hundreds of millions of dollars more
> than
> expected and flooding the province's general funds. With hydroelectric dam
> reservoirs the size of New England and transmission lines that can carry
> 3,000
> MW of southbound power, BC Hydro has single-handedly kept socialism
> solvent
> for
> another year in British Columbia.
> And the Grand Prize winner in the California Utilities Sweepstakes:
> Williams
> Companies (WMB), the company AES's generators are working for. Williams
> controls
> almost 4,000 MW of gas-fired generation in the San Diego area, a little
> more
> than 10% of what California's utilities need on average during daylight
> hours in
> the summer.
> What's more, those plants are under contract as "resource must run" with
> the
> ISO. Their power can't be sold in the forward market. Williams had to take
> daily
> and real-time market prices by default, which is exactly what you would
> have
> done to maximize profits.
> And Williams isn't hurt by the factors that have diluted other
> companies'
> California gains. It isn't very exposed in the East; and as a big producer
> of
> natural gas, it's benefiting from high gas prices nationwide.
> Just to give an idea of how well the company likely has done this
> summer,
> consider that Williams' second quarter profit from its energy services
> segment
> rose to $412 million this year from $106 million in the second quarter of
> 1999.
> That in a quarter with one and a half months of soaring prices. In the
> third
> quarter, there were three.
> -By Mark Golden, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4604;
> [email protected]
> (END) Dow Jones Newswires 29-09-00
> 1800GMT(AP-DJ-09-29-00 1800GMT)
> |
See the attached. The proceeding certainly isn't over, but I think the
parties have done a great job of submitting a settlement that the Commission
will eventually approve, provided the parties present sufficient evidence to
support such a decision. (Unfortunately, we expect the settlement to be
protested.) Direct testimony is due May 5. To streamline things, the
parties are going to consolidate efforts and have divided up the testimony by
topic. Of course Transwestern got the Hector Road issue. I plan to put Mr.
Fawcett on as a witness. Our issue is not particularly controversial
anymore, so I do not anticipate rigorous cross-examination; nevertheless, I
will probably ask your assistance in preparing the witness for the hearing,
which begins May 30.
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron on 04/17/2000
03:53 PM ---------------------------
Jeffery Fawcett
04/17/2000 03:42 PM
To: Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kevin
Hyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, [email protected], Jeff Dasovich/SFO/EES@EES
cc: Julia White/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tim Aron/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: GIR settlement
As you know, approximately one year ago Transwestern first learned of a dark
cloud looming on the regulatory horizon in California. The CPUC in its draft
Order on the Gas Industry Restructuring proceeding in May, 1999 listed, among
a variety of "promising options," the institution of Mojave's "Hector Road"
as a commercial receipt point into the SoCalGas system. In fact, the CPUC
held in its "Findings of Fact" with regard to Hector Road that:
- It is unlikely that the market will accurately reflect the value of
transmission resources if SoCalGas were to define its marketable transmission
access in a way that did not include the Hector Road facilities, and
- The failure to provide at least window-style access through Hector Road
has resulted in lost opportunities for bringing relatively inexpensive gas
into Southern California.
The basis for the CPUC finding came from testimony taken during the
proceeding indicating that the use of Hector Road displaces deliveries to the
constrained delivery point at Wheeler Ridge. In other words, whatever could
be delivered by Mojave at Hector Road frees-up space at Wheeler Ridge, a
delivery point many in the marketplace considered more desirable.
As first articulated by SoCalGas in its draft settlement proposal in the
summer of 1999, the Hector Road point would be established as a formal
receipt point into SoCalGas, with rights equal to Transwestern's delivery
point at North Needles. With a meter capacity of 200 MMcf/d, and with the
market's apparent interest in securing additional capacity at Hector Road,
Transwestern was facing the real possibility of losing up to 200 MMcf/d of
access rights into SoCalGas at North Needles. Using an average transport
rate of $0.25/Mcf, the resulting loss in transport revenues would be $19MM
per year.
Through months of [seemingly endless] negotiations, and through an
educational process begun by Transwestern during one of the early settlement
meetings back in September 1999, Transwestern went from a party with a
"bullseye" clearly taped on its back, to a party that other stakeholders were
depending on for a principled solution to these receipt point issues. As it
stands now, the Appendix A to the Settlement Agreement, "Primary and
Secondary Receipt Point Access Rights" is nearly identical to the principles
outlined by Transwestern in that September settlement meeting.
I only re-state the obvious here to remind the group what their hard work has
accomplished. Not only am I proud to see that the resulting Settlement
Agreement filed with the CPUC today treats Transwestern and its shippers
equitably, but I'm proud that the work group we cobbled together for this
effort functioned like a "well oiled machine."
I thank each of you for your efforts to get to this point. We know we've
still got a lot of work to do to gain CPUC approval of this document, but no
matter what happens, we can be proud of what was accomplished here.
---------------------- Forwarded by Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron on 04/17/2000
02:49 PM ---------------------------
From: Susan Scott 04/17/2000 02:42 PM
To: "Sullivan, Glen J." <[email protected]>
cc: "'MBD'" <[email protected]>, "'Leslie, John'" <[email protected]>,
"'Elsesser, Evie'" <[email protected]>, "'McCrea, Keith'" <[email protected]>,
"'Pocta, R. Mark'" <[email protected]>, "'Dasovich, Jeff'"
<[email protected]>, "'Beach, Tom'" <[email protected]>,
"'Burkholder, John'" <[email protected]>, "'Amirault, Paul'"
<[email protected]>, "'Alexander, Michael'" <[email protected]>,
"'Chancellor, Craig'" <[email protected]>, "'Dingwall, B.'"
<[email protected]>, "'Douglass, Dan@SES'" <[email protected]>,
"'Fawcett, Jeff'" <[email protected]>, "'Porter, Doug'" <[email protected]>,
"'Rochman, Michael'" <[email protected]>, "'Counihan, Rick'"
<[email protected]>, "'Bayless, David'"
<[email protected]>, "'Paul, Joe'" <[email protected]>, "'Jimison,
John'" <[email protected]>, "'Foss, Robert'" <[email protected]>, "McVay,
Nancy W - TPNWM" <[email protected]>, "'Karp, Joe'"
<[email protected]>, "'Johnson, Pamela'" <[email protected]>,
Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: GIR settlement
Glen, I'm faxing you Transwestern's signature page and declaration. An
electronic version of the declaration is attached. |
please get on distribution and put on web site. thanks. Jeff
----- Forwarded by Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT on 02/12/2001 12:56 PM -----
Jez Peters
02/12/2001 12:12 PM
To: Stuart Staley/LON/ECT@ECT, George McClellan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike
McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter
Bradley/LON/ECT@ECT, Samuel Grossman/LON/ECT@ECT, Pierre Aury/LON/ECT@ECT,
Chris Connelly/LON/ECT@ECT, Riaz Rizvi/LON/ECT@ECT, Manfred
Ungethum/LON/ECT@ECT, Sven Becker/FRA/ECT@ECT, John Moran/LON/ECT@ECT,
Cornelia Luptowitsch/LON/ECT@ECT, Scott Longmore/LON/ECT@ECT, Tiffany
Cochran/LON/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth McCarthy/LON/ECT@ECT, Tom Kearney/LON/ECT@ECT,
Stephen Pirozzi/LON/ECT@ECT, Dimitri Taylor/LON/ECT@ECT, Kenny
Nicoll/LON/ECT@ECT, Lisa Kent/LON/ECT@ECT, Candace Parker/LON/ECT@ECT, Harry
Karolina Potter/LON/ECT@ECT, Meindert Witteveen/LON/ECT@ECT, Ulf
Ek/LON/ECT@ECT, Louis Redshaw/LON/ECT@ECT, Niamh Clarke/LON/ECT@ECT, Ivan Van
Ali/LON/ECT@ECT, Carrie Southard/LON/ECT@ECT, Kevin McGowan/Corp/Enron@ENRON,
Lenny Hochschild/NA/Enron@Enron, Katrina Bensadon/LON/ECT@ECT, Stephen
Subject: Weekly Coal Report
Mixed signals coming from the market at present with Billiton approaching us
to buy FOB stem at RBCT for a cargo each Q2/Q3 and were active for the first
time in a while in the SECA market buying up 2nd half 2001 material.
Meanwhile there remains to be South African resell tonnage coming our way -
predominantly appearing by way of the Spanish utilities who continue to have
excellent hydro levels and ourability to source South African Call Options on
FOB RBCT level with strike of $32.50 seems to question the recent information
that Billitonsold tonnage at $33.25 equivalent into European consumers for
the rest of the year Furthermore for the first time this year we begin to see
Colombian resell material appearing on the market both on a CIF and FOB basis
- probably no coincidence that this comes at a time when some of the steam
seems to have come off the U.S. spot market. Overall the tone seems to be
firmer but with very few new fundamental inputs to fuel this but rather
producer sentiment After weeks of tentatively drifting south the SECA market
traded up a dollar along the whole curve last week. This was really a
consequence of a few looking to buy into a market void of sellers which was
itself is directly a function of peoples unwillingness to further sponsor a
market which has come down some $5 from it's high's. The spot market is now
trading at $40.50 Fob barge Rotterdam, 2nd half of the year at $40.25 and
then 2002 at $39.50.
Despite the extensive coverage which the Far East seems to be attracting with
regards to economic slowdowns/weakness the Pacificmarket continues to be
tight. The JSM/Producers continue their annual negotiations, but expect to
see few conclusions from these in theshort term as the JSM's continue to
exercise all the options they have to keep the drip feed going and most have
clauses in their contractswhich allow them to carry on shipping material
despite any agreement until September time. Both KEPCO and Lafarge have come
out with tenders for the delivery of coal for prompt shipment - it is
definitely a sign of progress that we are being invited to bid but without
any length with which to play with, going short in front of Glencore and Rio
could be expensive - the plan will be to participate without winning the
business. The Chinese Annual Coal Fair took place over the last cuppla weeks
where contracts for 2001 are negotiated and various sectors lobbyfor their
allocation on infrastructure. The major takeaway's from the meeting were that
total production is estimated at 950 million mt for 2001with exports targeted
at 63 million mt - up 5 million mt from last year. Despite increased export
targets, the sentiment remains bullish with most producers asking between $29
and $31 representing a $3/$4 increase versus 2000 prices. Strong domestic
prices will limit any downside in the export market and while the government
is keen to keep pushing exports there is a general scepticism over the
ability of the rail to move the projected tonnage. We have signed a
Memorandum of Understanding with a producer based in Inner Mongolia (ZCIC)to
market upto 1 million mt per year into the export market - all going well
this will provide us with the necessary length to be able to target business
in the region more aggressively.
We continue to try and take advantage of this mismatch between the origin
markets and the European market by selling out of origin lengthand using the
resell market to pick up tonnage to service our commitments at destination.
We are working several bits of long-term destinationbusiness in the Atlantic
which if successful will serve as a melting pot for any length we have
remaining in that basin and more. We will alsolook to sell into any further
rally in the destination SECA mkt. Despite fundamentals in Asia pointing to a
slowdown in demand the consolidation we are seeing in Australia will
certainly prevent any collapse in prices and short-term expect prices to head
higher than the $30 I wud call FOB Newcastle today. It will be very difficult
for us to get any ammunition for the near-term but we are looking at various
projects which will again give us access to coal further out in the curve and
at the same time are exploring any opportunity to own some optionality to
give us some protection against a continued squeeze further out in the curve.
Best Regards
Jez |
I'm going into a legacy database to pull data and I'm having some problems (ODBC -connection to "rmsprod" failed.). The name of the database is ~ORMSDBS97A. This database was owned by an employee that is no longer with Enron. Problem is that Jeff Gossett's team, Kathy Reeve's team, John Postlethwaite's team, Stacey White's team and Global ops used this database to query for daily reporting regarding traders VAR. Either we need front end that can save query out for front end or we need a similar database for NETCO. I'm neutral, however I think a similar database hook up would be quicker than front end solution.
Also, have Jeff and Stacey been able to create the benchmark report on test portfolio's?
-----Original Message-----
From: Hare, Bill D.
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 3:40 PM
To: Hare, Bill D.; Sanvido, Terry; Brackett, Debbie R.; Hayden, Frank; Jaquet, Tammy; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Moorer, Torrey; Rodriguez, Bernice; Sweitzer, Tara; Theriot, Kim S.; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Dupuy, Mark; Gillis, Brian; Heal, Kevin; McKeel, Richard; Reeves, Kathy; Seib, Dianne; Vander velde, Nikole; Anderson, Diane; Bowen, Bob; Campos, Sylvia A.; Garcia, Clarissa; Hilliard, Marlene; Hunter, Larry Joe; Price, Wade R.; Richardson, Stacey; Schrab, Mark L.; Severson, Russ; Spears, Christopher; Sullivan, Patti; Wallumrod, Ellen; Wynne, Rita; Chitradurga, Sundar; Cinelli, Steve; Elwood, Richard; Franks, Shawn; Greig, Iain; Harmon, Kenneth M.; Hunter, Wade; Johnson, Jeff; Nolte, Ron; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Saleem, Aftab; Allen, Thresa A.; Aucoin, Evelyn; Bentley, Corry; Clemons, Amy; Dahlke, Andrea; Denton, Rhonda L.; Evans, Casey; Robinson, Rhonda; Stevens, Mechelle; Pena, Matt; Schomer, Chris; Rao, Ramesh; Henry, Jane Hilburn; Warner, John; Rodriguez, Bernice; Smith, Regan M.
Subject: RE: Estate Testing Sunday
I have confirmed the Customer Number in Global Counterparty is 3000022659.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hare, Bill D.
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 1:52 PM
To: Hare, Bill D.; Sanvido, Terry; Brackett, Debbie R.; Hayden, Frank; Jaquet, Tammy; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Moorer, Torrey; Rodriguez, Bernice; Sweitzer, Tara; Theriot, Kim S.; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Dupuy, Mark; Gillis, Brian; Heal, Kevin; McKeel, Richard; Reeves, Kathy; Seib, Dianne; Vander velde, Nikole; Anderson, Diane; Bowen, Bob; Campos, Sylvia A.; Garcia, Clarissa; Hilliard, Marlene; Hunter, Larry Joe; Price, Wade R.; Richardson, Stacey; Schrab, Mark L.; Severson, Russ; Spears, Christopher; Sullivan, Patti; Wallumrod, Ellen; Wynne, Rita; Chitradurga, Sundar; Cinelli, Steve; Elwood, Richard; Franks, Shawn; Greig, Iain; Harmon, Kenneth M.; Hunter, Wade; Johnson, Jeff; Nolte, Ron; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Saleem, Aftab; Allen, Thresa A.; Aucoin, Evelyn; Bentley, Corry; Clemons, Amy; Dahlke, Andrea; Denton, Rhonda L.; Evans, Casey; Robinson, Rhonda; Stevens, Mechelle; Pena, Matt; Schomer, Chris; Rao, Ramesh; Henry, Jane Hilburn; Warner, John; Rodriguez, Bernice; Smith, Regan M.
Subject: RE: Estate Testing Sunday
I have confirmed the Vendor Number in Global Counterparty is 3000024197, we are still waiting for the SAP Customer Job to complete.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hare, Bill D.
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 9:44 AM
To: Sanvido, Terry; Brackett, Debbie R.; Hare, Bill D.; Hayden, Frank; Jaquet, Tammy; McLaughlin Jr., Errol; Moorer, Torrey; Rodriguez, Bernice; Sweitzer, Tara; Theriot, Kim S.; Winfree, O'Neal D.; Dupuy, Mark; Gillis, Brian; Heal, Kevin; McKeel, Richard; Reeves, Kathy; Seib, Dianne; Vander velde, Nikole; Anderson, Diane; Bowen, Bob; Campos, Sylvia A.; Garcia, Clarissa; Hilliard, Marlene; Hunter, Larry Joe; Price, Wade R.; Richardson, Stacey; Schrab, Mark L.; Severson, Russ; Spears, Christopher; Sullivan, Patti; Wallumrod, Ellen; Wynne, Rita; Chitradurga, Sundar; Cinelli, Steve; Elwood, Richard; Franks, Shawn; Greig, Iain; Harmon, Kenneth M.; Hunter, Wade; Johnson, Jeff; Nolte, Ron; Ramesh, Ganapathy; Saleem, Aftab; Allen, Thresa A.; Aucoin, Evelyn; Bentley, Corry; Clemons, Amy; Dahlke, Andrea; Denton, Rhonda L.; Evans, Casey; Robinson, Rhonda; Stevens, Mechelle; Pena, Matt; Schomer, Chris; Rao, Ramesh; Henry, Jane Hilburn; Warner, John; Rodriguez, Bernice; Smith, Regan M.
Subject: Estate Testing Sunday
I have completed the setup of the two Counterparties with the exception of SAP ID's. I am waiting for the SAP run to complete and will resend this message with the SAP Customer and Vendor Numbers when the SAP job completes.
I have setup two External Counterparties for the Estate Test today (Sunday) as follows:
1) CP ID#167032
- External Gas/Power 1 (with good credit)
- Address Number 193019
- SAP Customer ID [Bill D. Hare] 3000022659
- SAP Vendor ID 3000024197
- 1 wire will be shared; Partner Bank Niumber 0011
- Financial Link
- Power-Houston Link
- Person Contact Link; Test Estate
- Operational Effective Date; 12/01/2001
- Fax Number; 713-646-8876
- Address Roles
o Financial Invoice, Financial Payment, Financial Confirm
o Natural Gas Physical Invoice, Natural Gas Physical Payment, Natural Gas Physical Confirmation
o Power Financial Invoice, Power Financial Payment, Power Financial Confirmation
o Service Physical Invoice, Service Physical Payment
o Power Physical Invoice, Power Physical Payment, Power Physical Confirmation
2) CP ID# 167034
- External Gas/Power 2 (with Bad credit)
Agree. Would be good to have the utilities' answer in graphic form (17+ RTOs) versus FERC's model on a side-by-side. Discussion of the TCA work on natural markets to support FERC.
-----Original Message-----
From: Shelk, John
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 8:26 AM
To: Landwehr, Susan M.; Guerrero, Janel; Briggs, Tom; Allegretti, Daniel; Novosel, Sarah; Nicolay, Christi L.; Staines, Dan
Cc: Shapiro, Richard; Steffes, James D.; Robertson, Linda; Fromer, Howard
Subject: RE: Information request
I just wanted to second Sue's motion about the idea of a map to demonstrate the visual and substantive clarity of FERC's Super RTO model. The map could be augmented with information on how those regions come closer to be aligned with actual power needs and flows. I recall attending an EPSA conference for congressional staff soon after I arrived (June or so) which showed the crazy quilt-like map of the then-proposed RTOs that just looked unworkable. The simplicity of the Super RTO model -- combined with some basic power idea -- will be a powerful lobbying tool.
-----Original Message-----
From: Landwehr, Susan M.
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 6:44 PM
To: Guerrero, Janel; Briggs, Tom; Allegretti, Daniel; Novosel, Sarah; Nicolay, Christi L.; Staines, Dan; Shelk, John
Cc: Shapiro, Richard; Steffes, James D.; Robertson, Linda; Fromer, Howard
Subject: RE: Information request
Janel----as you know, most of the interaction on RTOs that I have had is with the Governors, and more specifically the western govs, so my comments are directed to them, but I think these suggestions could work for other influencers as well.
RTOs are not a readily understandable issue for a governor who has 50-100 issues every week to cover, nor is there a natural constituency that would politically support a governor getting involved, nor is it an issue that they care about---they just want the lights to go on and their voters to have moderate prices and reliability and for the energy crisis to go away if they perceive that it is affecting them. Those that know a little bit about the RTOs are following their incumbent utility lead in opposing a west wide RTO, they are invoking the "states rights" mantra, and they don't want to be in the same playground as California.
I would suggest that we need materials/information (probably a power point of 5-8 pages)as follows:
1 A description of the RTOs and generally what our position is, in plain english, in 3 sentences or less.
2. A minimum of 2 or 3 analogies to a well designed RTO. The analogies need to be fleshed out...ie, cover all objections and questions. The one that comes to mind is Eisenhower and the federal highway system--when/how it happened; who protested and why they were wrong; how great the highway system was for the economy and quality of life, etc. Governors need something they can use as a sound bite and something they understand well to use as an analogy. They do not want to look stupid, and most of them know little about energy, and so we need to give them something very simple to use as their underlying reasoning for supporting our position.
3 Identify and describe only the the 2 or 3 most important, specific issues that we need to see addressed in the RTOs---native load exemption gone/congestion management solutions/timing or whatever Steffes and team identify.
4. Specifically set out what the objections of other parties would be to the governor supporting our position on those 3 issues identified. (this is key in making sure that they trust our information, and it also makes sure that they are prepared to answer the objections) Specifically set out what the answer is to overcome those objections.
5. Provide positive effects of a governor agreeing with the 2 or 3 issues--why he/she should take our position ie better reliability, more transmission or generation will be built if system is truly open, keep them from getting screwed by California, etc.
6. somewhere in here we also need a very simple map so they can visualize what RTOs are.
-----Original Message-----
From: Guerrero, Janel
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 3:37 PM
To: Briggs, Tom; Landwehr, Susan M.; Allegretti, Daniel; Novosel, Sarah; Nicolay, Christi L.; Staines, Dan; Shelk, John
Cc: Shapiro, Richard; Steffes, James D.; Robertson, Linda; Fromer, Howard
Subject: Information request
Today I contacted our friends at Frontier Economics and at Tabors Caramanis about developing a set of talking points and leave-behinds for future RTO meetings (outside of the mediation process) with Governors, State Legislatures, Utility Commissioners and Members of Congress.
In order to adequately provide us with the materials we need, both firms are interested in getting a better idea of the following:
who (which individuals) are raising concerns about the RTO Concept that FERC/Enron are advocating
what specifically are the arguments these critics are making against the single, mandatory RTO concept?
What are the priority issues that need addressing in your regions? (We'll probably have to develop different documents depending on who we are talking with).
Each of you contacted me this week about wanting to meet with various policymakers in order to address their concerns and deliver our message. Before you schedule your meetings, I think it's important to arm you with materials that can be left behind that summarize and/or outline your arguments for a single RTO. Your feedback is important so PLEASE send me an email by Thursday outlining the feedback you've recently received and topics that you want Frontier Economics and TC to address.
Time is of the essence so please send me whatever thoughts you have so that I can forward to FE and TC.
Thanks! |
-----Original Message-----
From: Enron Announcements/Corp/Enron@ENRON [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Ken Lay - Chairman & CEO@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 9:09 PM
To: All Enron Worldwide@ENRON
Subject: Our Response to the U.S. Tragedy
The tragedy of Tuesday, September 11 will serve as an unforgettable reminder to people all over the world of what is truly important and of life's fragility. My heartfelt sympathies go out to the families and friends of all the people whose lives were taken in this senseless and horrific attack. I ask that all of you keep our deceased colleague Nick Humber and his family in your thoughts and prayers. Tragically, Nick, a director with Enron Wind, was on one of the planes hijacked on Tuesday.
To help with relief efforts in New York and Washington, D.C., Enron will make a total contribution of $1 million dollars to be split equally between the American Red Cross and the New York Firefighters and Police Officers Fund.
Many of you have expressed an interest in more personal involvement and I want you to be aware of some of the options available. I encourage you to support those impacted by this tragedy by donating to relief efforts, and to take advantage of our Matching Gift Program to double the impact of your individual donation. Because of the significance of this tragic event, Enron will match your contribution 2 for 1.
How to Help
? Please go to www.easymatch.com/enron. Once there, click on "Disaster Relief" (located in the middle of the top of the page). Please choose from the list of non-profits that are accepting donations to help with this effort. Any donations made to aid with disaster relief will not be counted toward the annual $15,000 Matching Gift limit. You will need your GIS number to do this (it begins with a 9). If you are unsure of your GIS number, please contact the HR GIM helpdesk at 713-853-5666.
? We will have red, white and blue striped ribbons in Houston for employees to pin on their shirts in memory of those who lost their lives, in honor of those who survived, and for their families. Donations to the New York Firefighters and Police Officers Fund and other organizations are being accepted in exchange for the ribbons. Enron will also match these donations. The ribbons are available tomorrow from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the InfoZone, which is located by the down escalator in the lobby. For any other employees who would like to make donations, please go to the above website.
? Enron employees are generously giving blood, and we will continue to work with relief efforts to ensure that employees who want to give, have the ability to do so. If you have questions, call 713-853-6100.
? President Bush has declared Friday a day of "National Prayer and Remembrance," and is calling on Americans to use their lunch breaks to go to places of worship to pray for victims and their families. Following is a list of websites with additional information:
o <http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/>
o <http://www.chron.com/content/community/religious/>
o If you are looking for a service within walking distance of the Enron building, First United Methodist Church (corner of Main and Clay) and Antioch Missionary Baptist Church will hold prayer services on Friday. First United Methodist Church will have services at 11:00 a.m., noon and 1:00 p.m. Antioch Missionary Baptist Church will have a service at noon.
o If you are interested in attending a service and don't work in this area, please check your local television websites for more information.
? For Houston employees, a citywide candlelight vigil will be held on the steps of City Hall in Downtown Houston at 7 p.m. tomorrow night. Mayor Lee Brown will be speaking.
? At 10:00 a.m. (Central) on Monday, September 17th, in Enron facilities around the world, we will have a moment of silence in memory of those whose lives have been tragically taken. We ask that you put down the phone, turn away from your computer and dedicate a personal moment of silence together with your co-workers.
? We encourage all U.S. based employees to wear red, white or blue shirts on Monday.
For Counseling Assistance
? For employees in Houston, we have an on-site employee assistance counselor in the building that you can reach by calling 713-853-6057. If you are not located in Houston or if you or a family member would prefer an off-site counselor, you can call the 24-hour Employee Assistance Program number 1-800-345-1391.
? Employees outside the U.S. can also contact 713-853-6057 directly. United HealthGroup (Enron's medical network administrator) has provided free access to their National Disaster Line for counseling service to any person. That number is 800-268-1026. We are also working to bring crisis counseling to any work location that has a need.
This is an agonizing time for our nation and it is hard for us all. In addition to the financial and human support we are extending to those in need, it is imperative that we at Enron continue to safely and reliably serve our customers in the U.S. and around the world. We know it is difficult but we must demonstrate on-going stability and strength at Enron, as this will serve as a signal that the ideals upon which America was founded cannot be diminished. Again, our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. Please continue to watch your e-mail for more information. |
-----Original Message-----
From: Perrino, Dave
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 11:53 AM
To: Steffes, James D.; Alvarez, Ray; Walton, Steve; Comnes, Alan; Fischer, Mark; Belden, Tim; Alonso, Tom
Cc: Nicolay, Christi L.; Novosel, Sarah; Kaufman, Paul; Landwehr, Susan M.
Subject: DSTAR Update - 2 - IMPORTANT
Importance: High
In speaking with Ron Moulton of WAPA (Phoenix office) I have gathered the following information:
Signatories to MOU for WesTrans for-profit transco are, currently: SRP, APS, PNM, TEPCo, El Paso. Pending, Texas/New Mexico, awaiting authority from their management. There are no Colorado entities signed on, Excel Energy, which owns PSCO will most likely be an ITC and operate under one of the RTOs.
The Filing Utilties are meeting TODAY (10/4) with all four FERC Commissioners and FERC staff for a pre-filing briefing. It is Ron's opinion that it is the intention of the filing utilities to position themselves as THE RTO for the west. They feel that the first in to FERC has the best chance to form opinion and policy.
WAPA has not yet signed due to what they feel as a responsibility to their customers to complete cost-justification and environmental impact studies.
Kind Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Perrino, Dave
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 11:28 AM
To: Steffes, James D.; Alvarez, Ray; Walton, Steve; Comnes, Alan; Fischer, Mark; Belden, Tim; Alonso, Tom
Cc: Nicolay, Christi L.; Novosel, Sarah; Kaufman, Paul; Landwehr, Susan M.
Subject: DSTAR Update -
Importance: High
FYI, I have spoken to Bill Dunn, the DSTAR consultant. He has been retained by the PTOs in the desert southwest to help them complete their tariff for filing by the end of next week (Oct 12 - confirmed by Bill)
Bill's sense is that the PTOs are filing by the 12th becuase they DO want to influence the FERC on the model for the west. This follows the PR envy scenario against the RTO West group that they have been showing since mid year.
If this is the case we need to very carefully review their LLC and TCA agreements as well as the congestion management appendix. The others are important too, but these are the ones that are key. Bill noted that he had issues with the PTO documents as issued and the PTOs told him that they have addressed most of his concerns. Bill Dunn has been very good in helping make the documents as unbiased as the PTOs would let him, but we need to be vigilant.
Kind Regards,
FYI: Bill noted that Fiona Wolf would be a panelist during FERC week.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steffes, James D.
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 10:10 AM
To: 'Perrino, Dave'; Alvarez, Ray; Walton, Steve
Cc: Nicolay, Christi; Novosel, Sarah
Subject: RE: DSTAR disbands - FW: DSTAR: Message from Jack King, Chair of DSTAR Board of Directors 10-3-01
Dave --
Do we have a strong preference for what DSTAR utilities should do? I think that we want to communicate with OMTR and others at FERC to push a single RTO in the West (leaving CA) outside. Also, having the Transco originally within the RTO West makes alot of operational sense and should not limit the economics of the Transco.
-----Original Message-----
From: Perrino, Dave
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:18 AM
To: Comnes, Alan; Nicolay, Christi L.; Steffes, James D.; Fischer, Mark; Alvarez, Ray; Novosel, Sarah; Crandall, Sean; Walton, Steve; Belden, Tim; Alonso, Tom
Cc: Rodriquez, Andy; Yeung, Charles; Karen Denne (E-mail); Kaufman, Paul; Alvarez, Ray; Hall, Steve C. (Legal); Mara, Susan
Subject: DSTAR disbands - FW: DSTAR: Message from Jack King, Chair of DSTAR Board of Directors 10-3-01
Importance: High
To All,
Below is a message from Jack King the Chair of the DSTAR Board, which describes the dissolution of the DSTAR board due to the withdrawal of funding from the PTOs in the region.
The information I received on Wednesday from Cary Deise of APS was, on Monday the PTOs voted to withdraw funding of DSTAR (as noted below). The big 5 in the region, APS, TEPCo, PNM, SRP and WAPA have, or plan, on signing a Memorandum Of Understanding to file with FERC on October 12 a complete tariff to form a for-profit TransCo called WesCo, or WestTrans, which will be based on the documents that we have been reviewing. Cary noted that there are several possibilities for the proposed TransCo, one was to join TransConnect in the northwest and join RTO West, simply join RTO West, or develop their own compliant RTO. Below Jack King states that the PTOs would be forming a for-profit RTO, that was NOT the impression I got from APS.
I will keep you posted of any developments. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.
Kind Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: "Listmanager" <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Listmanager+22+20+3Clistmanager+40dstarnet+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:30 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: DSTAR: Message from Jack King, Chair of DSTAR Board of Directors 10-3-01
Importance: High
Subscription Option #1 -- Document Distribution Mailing List
Message from Jack King, Chair of the Desert STAR Board of Directors:
I have been informed by the Transmission Owners that they plan to move
forward with a filing at FERC in the near future to create a for-profit
Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) and that they do not intend to fund
any future activities of Desert STAR. Without funding, the Desert STAR
Board of Directors feels that it has no choice but to start dissolving
Desert STAR.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank all of the
stakeholders for their support of Desert STAR and to wish all stakeholders
the best of fortune in this evolving environment.
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---------------------- Forwarded by David M Gagliardi/TTG/HouInd on
08/31/2000 01:38 PM ---------------------------
"Michael Gagliardi" <[email protected]> on 08/31/2000 01:10:56 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected],
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Subject: True Orange Fax/E-Mail #81
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[email protected] on 08/31/2000 12:30:43 PM
To: [email protected]
cc: (bcc: Michael Gagliardi/Hou-ComOps/EnergyTrading/PEC)
Subject: True Orange Fax/E-Mail #81
Several of you sent me e-mails saying you did not get last night's
report e-mail, so here it is again for everybody. If you already have it,
sorry for gumming up your mail box.
True Orange Fax/E-Mail Service
Volume 8, Fax/E-Mail #81, Wednesday, August 30, 2000
Jerry Scarbrough's True Orange, P. O. Box 26530, Austin, Texas 78755 -
Horns Have Final Public Scrimmage Before Huge Crowd
Coach Mack Brown put the Longhorns through a short, but spirited scrimmage
Wednesday night in Royal Memorial Stadium before an enthusiastic crowd UT
officials estimated at about 7,500.
With the first-team defense sitting out most of the scrimmage, the offenses
dominated most of the way. Chris Simms hit 5 of 8 passes for 144 yards,
including a 5-yard touchdown pass to freshman sensation Roy Williams, who
set up the score with a great catch of a 50-yard Simms' throw, and a
TD pass to WR Montrell Flowers off a fake reverse.
The first-team offense also scored on a two-yard run by TB Victor Ike,
starting TB Hodges Mitchell set it up with a 50-yard gallop.
But QB Major Applewhite led the second-team offense to two touchdowns,
hitting 10 of 13 for 173 yards, including scoring tosses of 70 yards to the
other sensational freshman WR, B. J. Johnson, and 15 yards to senior
Healy. Applewhite's TD pass to Johnson was a short screen up the middle and
Johnson just ran away from all the pursuit. Starting safety Greg Brown
intercepted one of Applewhite's throws on the second-team's first
Brown still wouldn't give any hint about who will be his starting QB in the
season opener next week, but did say both QBs played well. Brown also said,
"I was really pleased with the wide receivers. I thought they made some
in running better routes and making the tough catches."
He also said Ike is clearly the No. 2 TB behind Mitchell at this point.
Redshirt freshman Ivan Williams had a great spring, but has not been
dominating during the current practices. He also has had some nagging
injuries. Brown said Ike, the fastest of the tailbacks, has been doing well
in practice. "Victor has been doing the best since he's been here," Brown
said. "He is doing much better without the ball (blocking) than he has in
* * * *
Defensive coordinator Carl Reese, who has nine starters back, says he is
feeling better about his new defensive ends. "I've got four guys I think
play," Reese said. "Cory Redding and Jermain Anderson are the starters, and
Kaelen Thornton has really been doing a good job. He just keeps getting
better, so he'll be the first backup for Anderson, and Cole Pittman has had
three solid scrimmages in a row, so he'll be the guy behind Redding. I
all four of them will play a lot, and they're the four main ones right
Thornton, a true freshman, is one of the larger DEs at about 6-3, 270, but
Reese said he is "pretty quick out there. He gets a good rush from the
and that's what we like. He also is learning to do a better job against the
He said Pittman, who was moved over from tackle to provide better run
support, "has been doing a good job against the run, and he's a pretty good
pass rusher, too. I think we'll be okay with those four guys as soon as
get a little more experience."
* * * *
Brown said the team will have one more open practice and it will be
at 3:30 at Denius Field. Then he plans to give the team three days off to
to let the players recover from the grueling two-a-day workouts. The team
will go back to work Monday to get ready for the Saturday opener at 11:30
a.m. against Louisiana-Lafayette.
* * * *
INJURY UPDATE: Brown said OT Mike Williams suffered a twisted leg in the
scrimmage, but he said he didn't think it was serious.
* * * *
RECRUITING NOTES: The Longhorns still have 13 commitments. DE Eric Hall,
6-3, 225, 4.5, of Clarksville, Tenn., who will take his official visit to
Texas the Sept, 9 weekend, rushed 10 times for 102 yards and completed 5 of
passes for 106 yards and two TDs to lead his team to a 34-0 victory over
Springfield Friday in the season opener for both teams. He plays QB and
safety, but said he didn't play any defense after the first half. . . DT
Tommie Harris of Killeen Ellison, says Texas is still his top team, and he
said he will come to the Louisiana-Lafayette game Dec. 9. "I really like
Mack Brown has been doing since he came to Texas," Harris said.
* * * *
My next fax will be whenever events warrant.
The True Orange Fax Service includes at least 99 faxes a year and costs
$99 ($79 by E-Mail). The True Orange Newsletter includes 26 newsletters
is published weekly during football season and twice monthly during most of
the other months. It costs $45. Save by subscribing to both for $130 (or
if you take the faxes via E-Mail or $99 if you take the faxes and
via E-Mail). Send check to address at the top of page. I also update my
900 number
- 1-900-288-8839
- frequently with recruiting news. My E-Mail
address is: [email protected] |
To Energy Committee Members, Principal Officers and Liaison Representatives:
ENERGY UPDATE - June 26, 2001
On Thursday, June 7 our Board Chair, Dr. James Woody signed on to the Energy
Conservation Declaration of Action on behalf of the Silicon Valley
Manufacturing Group. Sponsored by the Bay Area Council, the Declaration
represents an outward commitment to conservation and the quality of life and
economic vitality of California. More than 50 business organizations and
120 CEO's signed on to help make this campaign a success.
Load Management:
On June 6 John Wilson of the California Energy Commission, along with his
consultants John Flory and Mike O'Sheasy, presented the CEC proposed RTP
Tariff to the Energy Committee and asked for our endorsement. Members of
the Committee thoroughly reviewed the proposal and conducted case studies.
The Committee submitted three main caveats to the CEC, upon which our
endorsement depended. The CEC was very receptive to our concerns and
amended the Tariff language to the Committee's satisfaction. If adopted, we
are encouraged that many SVMG member companies can benefit from
participating in the Real Time Pricing program due to our influence. Final
adjustments to the language are being prepared and the CEC is expecting that
this item will be heard by the California Public Utilities Commission on
Thursday, June 28. We will let you know how this unfolds.
After months of effort, we have succeeded in putting together a Blackout
Notification System that will provide California employers, residents, and
public safety officers with adequate time to respond to an impending rolling
blackout. This system provides not only a 1-hour advanced warning before a
blackout could occur, but also includes 48 and 24-hour notices that
blackouts might happen due to predicted hot weather conditions, and/or a
lack of energy supply, or planned and unplanned maintenance at generation
facilities. The proactive approach will include a system by which residents
and employers can have their extensive contact information such as e-mails,
pagers, and cell phones listed in a database. This will help us better
prepare for a blackout with more adequate time to power down assembly lines,
projects, and computers, and power up emergency generators. We can also
help prevent blackouts by taking early action.
Generation / Transmission:
Included in the attached Energy Matrix is a listing of the different
infrastructure projects that the SVMG has helped to endorse. There is also
a link to our website where you can obtain more information on the projects.
You will also find a section that provides an update to project status. The
SVMG will continue to review and support needed infrastructure projects as
they are presented to us.
Legislation / Regulation:
For the past three weeks John Redding, Justin Bradley, and Derek Naten have
been representing the SVMG in a series of meetings in Sacramento with a
broad coalition of consumer, business/industrial, environmentalists, and
labor groups, and Southern California Edison Company to influence a proposed
regional energy plan. Discussion convened daily in an effort to solve the
financial issues surrounding the SCE and DWR undercollections. SVMG has
also been working with business groups to leverage our strength for a fair
and comprehensive energy plan for California that would consist of an
equitable (proportional) allocation of costs of utility and DWR
undercollections between all customer classes, the restoration of a market
with customer choice through direct access to bilateral electricity
contracts, and the removal of barriers to on-site generation. We are
currently stalled at this stage of the negotiations due to the enormous
uncertainty of the terms and conditions of the DWR contract portfolio. We
are encouraged, however, and will keep you updated.
On June 17 Justin Bradley, our Energy Director testified in front of the
House Budget Committee in Washington, DC advocating for research and
development funding through the National Energy Reliability Initiative.
Through his efforts we are aiming to influence a national energy policy that
will help California as we continue to look forward at our energy situation.
One way we will do this is to maintain a working and regular relationship
with our federal representatives. Justin will be facilitating a bi-weekly
dialogue with representatives Honda, Lofgren and Eshoo to exchange
information about legislation and policy with our Legislative Subcommittee.
We will let you know more when Justin returns.
Energy Committee News:
Please join us in welcoming the new co-chair of our Energy Committee. Joe
Desmond, President and CEO of Infotility, has nearly 20 years of experience
in the energy field. He is determined, bright, and enthusiastic about his
work. Joe has a wealth of impressive experience in energy and leadership
and a thorough knowledge of energy and the associated issues facing the SVMG
companies. He has been an active and valued member of the Energy Committee,
and has provided much leadership on salient issues, including Blackout
Notification, Real Time Pricing, and Direct Access. We are excited to
welcome Joe as our new Energy Committee co-chair and are confident that,
along with the talent and expertise of John Redding and the entire
committee, we will continue to lead as California resolves its energy
crisis. Thanks to KC Mares for all his work as former co-chair and,
although he will continue to participate, KC we will miss you!
Attached is our Energy Matrix. Through this matrix we intend to keep track
of our activities on energy. When new business is reported on, old business
will be added to the matrix, which will be updated weekly. If you have any
questions, please call Justin Bradley at 408-501-7852.
- Regulatory and Legislative Update.doc |
The Austin Group Energy, L.P.
Monthly Newsletter
Let's describe a typical and recurring nightmare for generating unit
operators. It's noon on August 15, temperatures have reached the upper 90s
all week; you're well into your reserve margin to serve native load, when a
unit trips off line. Do you scramble to find replacement power at record
high prices and worry about the consequences later? Or, have you prepared
for this event?
When the degree of risk has not been quantified, fear of the unknown can
lead to restless nights, and understandably so. The financial implications
can be astounding when a unit outage occurs during a period of high spikes
in market prices.
How does this relate to the recruitment and hiring of talent within your
shop? Allow me to bring the story together. What would you do if your top
employee came to you and said, "You've been great to me and I've learned
alot, but I just accepted a job at your level right down the road and they
like me so much they want me to start tomorrow." Do you spring into 911 mode
or are you ready for this day.
Start a relationship today with The Austin Group Energy. We will keep you
aware of all available talent in your market area. These candidates are
currently employed and do not answer ads. They stay in touch with
opportunities through us to ensure confidentiality. Why would Top 5
marketing companies pay us for the recruitment and placement of over 400
successful hires when they could hire them on their own. The smart and
proactive companies understand how to outpace the pack when it comes to
hiring talent, they call The Austin Group Energy.
Ref# 00012123
Power Options Trading Desk
This PhD candidate is responsible for long term derivatives
trades/structures (Asian options, heat rate options, weather/power
derivatives structures, swing options etc.)
Ref# 00012124
Rotational Program- Risk Analytics
This MBA Finance candidate is analyzing/evaluating structured transactions
and derivative instruments. Has developed a VBA-based delta-adjusted risk
exposure model for all asset management groups. Designed intermediate-term
forward power curve forecasting model based on gas forward curve. Created
Visual Basic Monte Carlo simulator for Excel for option analysis.
Ref# 00012125
Quantitative Analyst
This M.S. in Applied Mathematics candidate builds short term models
necessary to forecast/schedule usage on a portfolio basis, by various levels
of aggregation (e.g. region, congestion zone, weather zone, customer, etc.)
Constructing statistical and econometric models to accurately predict
seasonal customer usage based on rate class, calendar and geographic climate
Ref# 00012126
Quantitative Analyst - Manager
This candidate developed and implemented two Value-At-Risk (VAR) methods for
Natural Gas. Developed and implemented models for pricing and hedging exotic
natural gas options (Gas Daily and Peaker). OpenLink experience with VaR and
mark-to-market calculations.
Ref# 00012127
Director Derivatives Trading and Portfolio Management
Developed Nymex and locational options, position risk management model.
Evaluated and assisted in the process of selecting and implementing a new
real time front and back office financial system with VAR capabilities.
Structured deals for marketers using embedded financial products and traded
natural gas options and fixed for float swaps. Priced and hedged advanced
options and swaps such as swaptions, asians, extendibles, expandibles, and
spread options.
Ref# 00012128
Risk Control Analyst
Support Origination and Trading activities by providing daily mark-to-market
values and VaR reports through accurate and timely entry of financial
transactions into RMS system. Maintain database for RMS system and
Integrated Commodity Trading System (ICTS) for entry of financial trades.
Ref# 00012129
Risk Manager
Responsible for all mid-office trader support functions. Responsibilities
include daily senior management position and P&L reporting, process
improvements, system implementations, structuring of originated
transactions, and rollout of an operational analysis plan.
Ref# 00012130
Senior Commercial Analyst: Pricing and Structures
Developing model to incorporate basis and transportation into gas fuel costs
utilized in mark-to-market valuation of a gas-fired generation asset.
Determined market value of regional power by confirming the marks estimated
by the trade desk against independent broker prices. Forecasted resulting
previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of book
Ref# 00012131
Director - Risk Management
Analyze financial markets and advise physical traders of hedging and trading
opportunities. Analyze market, secure management approval of trading
strategies and execute financial trades. Generate position reports for
upper management.
Ref# 00012132
Risk Management Specialist
Perform risk management functions for the gas trading organization,
including daily position and P&L reporting. Ensure deal validation and
perform problem resolution for executed trades. Create daily VaR estimates
for both cash and term traders.
Ref# 00012133
Risk Analyst
Determine market value of regional power, confirming the market values
estimated by trade desk against prices set for independent brokers.
Forecast resulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary
valuation of book value. Participate in daily Value at Risk calculations,
exception reporting for daily variances, updating of daily price curves, and
updating proprietary models which value long term transactions.
Paul Johnson
President- TAGE
Ofc (281) 600-8145
Mbl (281) 814-3886
Visit our Website
- Paul Johnson.vcf |
Yesterday afternoon, September 17, the Judge in the Northeast RTO mediation proceeding issued his report to the Commission on the 45-day mediation session. Although not unexpected, but still disappointing, the Judge endorses the market design proposal of the New York and New England ISOs. This market design proposal encompasses a long, drawn out process for discussing what the Northeast market should look like (minimum 12 months) before work begins to develop the new RTO. The target implementation date of the ISOs is November, 2004, but the proposal clearly states that this time frame is "subject to extension" if new design requirements are introduced. We believe the true intent of the ISOs is to delay indefinitely this process in order to retain the three existing ISO structures. A copy of the Judge's report and the Business Plan are attached.
One good aspect of the Judge's report is that he asks in several areas of the report for Commission guidance. We too believe this is necessary. It became quite evident early in the mediation proceeding that we were not going to agree with the New York entities (or the New England ISO) on market design or governance. We argued that FERC intended the new market design to be primarily the PJM system, with enhancements where possible. Others, relying on the ambiguity in FERC's orders, argued that FERC really intended to create a new system, using PJM as the platform but pulling heavily from the other two ISOs, regardless of time or complication of creating this new market. We need FERC direction on this, and the Judge makes this clear.
The Judge's primary goal of this 45-day mediation process was simply to establish a "business plan" which lays out how and when a single Northeast RTO will be created. Enron, along with many other participants, opposed this approach, arguing that we are wasting the 45 days given to us by the Commission. The Judge acknowledges in his report that there was significant opposition to his approach but he thinks it worked out perfectly. Although the majority of the Judge's report and the business plan focuses mainly on process for creating the business plan, he does discuss two substantive issues: market design and governance.
Market Design
At the beginning of the mediation, PJM, NY and NE submitted a joint proposal for forming a single Northeast RTO. This proposal envisions a time-intensive approached designed to reach agreement by all stakeholders, with an implementation date in 3-4 years ("Option 1-M"of the Business Plan). This proposal is now supported by the New England and New York ISOs - PJM has its own approach (see below). The New York transmission owners also submitted a proposal for implementing the new RTO in 3 years ("Option 2-M" of the Business Plan). PJM submitted an alternative proposal for creating and implementing a single Northeast RTO with a single day-ahead and real-time energy market by November 2003 ("Option 3-M" of the Business Plan).
We took the lead in creating a coalition of marketers, generators, PJM TOs, industrials, and other end use customers (The One RTO Coalition) advocating the creation of a single energy market based on PJM's system by December 2002, but no later than May, 2003. Although we (Enron) believe PJM's November 2003 time frame is too conservative, the coalition supports Option 3-M (PJM's approach) since it achieves the Coalition's goals, albeit on a slower timetable.
As noted above, the Judge endorses Option 1-M, in part because it has a built-in a process for determining "Best Practices." Although PJM also conducted a "best practices" analysis, the other ISOs and NY TOs do not agree with PJM's determinations of what practices from their ISOs are "best practices."
The Judge acknowledges that support for Option 3-M (the PJM plan) "far outstrips" the other options in diversity and extent of stakeholder support. However, the Judge believes that the PJM option assumes the PJM platform can work in New York and New England, even though there are more generation divestiture and load pocket issues in New York and New England than in PJM. The Judge states that "impatience, haste and greed" should not be permitted to drive the RTO process "at the expense of sound policy" and that optimal RTO benefits should not be sacrificed in order to allow some to "exploit more immediate economic opportunity in a sprint." See Report, page 18.
The other substantive issues we have discussed are governance: interim governance, final governance, board make-up and stakeholder process. The Judge opted to not endorse any one of the options proposed - instead, he discusses the pros and cons of each option. Here again, the Judge strongly urges the Commission to provide guidance to the participants on the Commission's preferred governance approach. The Judge also suggests that a settlement judge may be helpful in assisting stakeholders in finalizing governance procedures.
PJM has stated that in order to meet its deadline of November 2003 (and certainly earlier), PJM has to be in control of the implementation of the new RTO. PJM proposes that the new board be made up of board members from the existing ISOs: 5 from PJM, 3 from New York, and 2 from New England. The Board elects a voting CEO (assumed to be Phil Harris if the PJM proposal wins).
NY ISO, New England ISO, NY PSC, NY TOs and New England TOs, along with other entities (primarily those who are afraid to cross New York PSC) all support equal representation on the new Board. One proposal would have 3 board members from each ISO with a non-voting CEO. The other proposal would have 3 board members from each ISO with 4 additional board members to be elected by stakeholders.
We support the PJM board make-up proposal to ensure a fast transition to a single Northeast RTO and energy market based on the PJM system.
Post Mediation
The Judge in his report recommends that the Commission issue an order resolving as many of the issues in dispute as possible and then establish further proceedings under the auspice of a settlement judge.
The Judge urges the Commission to not accept comments from participants, but he acknowledges that all participants want an opportunity to comment. We are working on two sets of comments now, one on our own and one in conjunction with the One RTO Coalition. We will circulate drafts as soon as they are prepared.
Although we are disappointed that the Judge did not endorse the PJM proposal, we still believe that the Commission is intent on implementing a single northeast RTO as soon as possible and that the PJM proposal provides a well-reasoned (even conservative) approach to reaching that goal. Therefore, even though the Judge sided with New York, we are hopeful that the Commission will stick to its guns and go with the PJM proposal.
Please call any one of us if you have any questions or would like to discuss the Report.
Sarah, Dan, Howard and Tom |
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 07:56:09 -0500
From: "Tracey Bradley" <[email protected]>
To: "Deanna King" <[email protected]>, "Jeffrey Watkiss"
<[email protected]>, "Paul Fox" <[email protected]>, "Ronald Carroll"
<[email protected]>
Cc: "Carol Bashara" <[email protected]>
Subject: One More News Story on Tuesday's CA Meeting From Calif. Newpaper
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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FYI - Lots of rhetoric from the politicians about price gouging. However,
the article gives the impression that the FERC commissioners are leaning
toward market structure reforms.
Lawmakers, Advocates Call for Repair of California'S Electricity Deregulation
Kate Berry , The Orange County Register, Calif.
( September 13, 2000 )
Sep. 13--Outraged politicians and consumer advocates demanded at a public
hearing Tuesday that federal energy regulators fix California's flawed
experiment with deregulation by cutting electricity prices and refunding
consumers in San Diego and south Orange County for the high cost of power
this summer.
Federal authorities on a day-long fact-finding mission said they plan to act
quickly without backing away from the long-term goal of a competitive
free-market for electricity.
"There are flaws in the existing power structure that I think must be
repaired," said Linda K. Braithitt, one of four commissioners at the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, which launched a formal investigation last
month into the politically disastrous rise in electricity prices in
More than 30 major players in California's electricity market, from utilities
to power producers to state-run agencies that manage the electric grid and
market exchange, offered various solutions to the crisis. The only consensus:
Customers are paying exorbitant prices.
"We must roll back wholesale prices retroactively and refund consumers," said
Rep. Bob Filner, D-San Diego, who accused power producers of manipulating the
power market and pushing retail prices higher.
He also called power producers "criminals," reiterating a statement he made
Sunday at a House commerce subcommittee hearing in San Diego.
"We know these prices are unlawful. I believe these prices are criminal."
Under the Federal Powers Act, regulators can intervene to limit the prices
power generators charge if they determine the market is not workably
competitive. FERC also has the authority to retroactively declare that
market-based rates this summer were not "just and reasonable." If it does so,
the PUC can act to require utilities to refund customers. The utilities then
would likely go to the courts on the matter, Wood said.
The FERC investigation comes as electric bills for 1.2 million customers of
San Diego Gas & Electric have more than doubled or quadrupled in some cases
leading to hardship particularly for low-income residents and the elderly.
Currently, the two biggest utilities, Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern
California Edison, have absorbed $2 billion in costs that they want to pass
on to their consumers when a rate freeze ends in April 2002.
State regulators, which gave up control of wholesale prices when the market
was deregulated in 1998, told their federal equivalents that the system is
"It's time to reset the starting point back to protecting consumers until we
can get it right," said Loretta Lynch, president of the California Public
Utilities Commission. "We have not collectively, on the state and federal
level, demonstrated a path that works." Carl Wood, a commissioner at the
California Public Utilities Commission, implored FERC to return, in the
short-term, to a cost-based rate structure known to consumers before the
utilities sold their power plants and had to purchase electricity on the
power exchange. "No competitive market exists," he said. "The market isn't
functioning in California right now." William Massey, a FERC commissioner,
admitted that California's market is flawed. He also said a return to a
cost-based rate structure remained "on the table." But Curtis R. Hebert,
another FERC commissioner, said the agency had to be cautious about further
regulation. He advocates lifting price caps, changing rules on how suppliers
buy and sell into the Power Exchange and adopting market-based approaches,
such as having the utilities hedge with long-term contracts.
"You can't just say go back to cost-based," he said. "It's not that simple."
The most heated discussion came when Michael Shames, executive director of
UCAN, Utility Consumers Action Network, said FERC was "on trial" and could
lose its case for deregulation.
FERC Chairman James J. Hoecker, said it was natural to look for blame on the
part of power generators. But he added that "making a lot of money gets a bad
rap when individual electricity consumers are hurting." He also asked a panel
of power producers directly to ask why they were "gaming the system." "We
feel we've conducted business not only legally, but ethically," said Bill
Hall, managing director of commercial affairs at Duke Energy, which owns 4
percent of power generation in the state. "We don't anticipate to make
profits like this as soon as supply keeps up with demand." John Stout, vice
president of the Southwest region for Reliant Energy, said he was certainly
in business "to make a profit." "The fact that we had a good year in
California, in terms of revenue, is a fact, I don't deny that at all," he
Across the street from the government building where the hearing was held,
San Diego residents at a hair salon talked about the electricity crisis, with
some residents in a retirement home paying $100 a month for electricity.
Pat Benites, manager of the C Street Salon, said the high-rise building she
works in has seen its rates rise $116,000 a month this summer. "They're just
bilking us," she said.
"They told the whole building to turn computers off at night and turn
electricity off," she said. It's dark in the lobby but we have to leave some
lights on for protection, just so no one breaks in."
To see more of The Orange County Register, or to subscribe to the newspaper,
go to http://www.ocregister.com
(c) 2000, The Orange County Register, Calif. Distributed by Knight
Ridder/Tribune Business News. |
Can you translate this for me?
Mary Hain@ECT
11/16/2000 07:18 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe
Subject: Re: Comments on FERC November 1 order
I'm on top of this. Thanks.
From: Steven J Kean@ENRON on 11/16/2000 06:15 AM CST
To: Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff
cc: Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Comments on FERC November 1 order
Has anyone talked with Tim B about what Larcamp said -- ie the soft cap only
applies to PX and ISO bids and not to any bilateral contracts including
bilateral fwd contracts?
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 11/16/2000 06:12 AM -----
Donna Fulton
11/14/2000 09:33 AM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@ENRON, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary
Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON,
Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES
Subject: Re: Comments on FERC November 1 order
Just to pile on with the issues, I will add a few thoughts of my own for
issues that we might want to consider in our November 20 comments.
Re: the application of the price cap to only PX and ISO, Commissioner Massey
is not totally on board. He specifically asked about capping the forward
market. He raised the idea that he had gotten from the San Diego hearing
that there be an accepted forward contract for a specified timeframe (18-24
months) and specified rate, and that all loads must buy a minimum percentage
of their needs from this contract.
A staffer (Don Gelinas) asked whether the forward/bilateral market
(presumably uncapped) could take care of investment recovery so that
generation not be cancelled in California.
Dynegy and other marketers raised the issue of the test to be used by the
Commission in reviewing transactions above the soft cap. Specifically, what
is opportunity cost? As long as the test is not known until after the fact,
there will be lack of secuity selling into the California and greater
incentive to sell elsewhere.
Hobbs from Williams raised the possibility that if the Commission does not
eliminate the soft cap (his preferred approach), that the cap should be
temporary and escalating and there should be limited time for raising issues
and retaining the refund liability (he suggested that the refund liability be
only for one month).
Many, especially the utilities, raised their position that the Commission
should not institute penalties only on the load. They claimed this was
one-sided and suggested if penalties were required, they needed to be applied
to the supply side as well. They also argued that the load could not meet
the 5% test.
Massey had a concern at the end of the day that the Commission's
encouragement of forward contracts will be stymied by the CPUC by their
authority in reviewing prudence of the utilities' purchases.
Larcamp asked at the end of the day for information on the cost of generation
before deregulation - normalized for gas prices and emmission prices of
today. The marketer on the panel added that we would need to include
stranded costs.
There was almost no support for the single price auction in California.
The California politicians argued that the ISO Board structure needed to be
changed, but that California had jurisdiction to change it, not FERC. A
Court battle was threatened.
Steven J Kean
11/13/2000 08:51 AM
To: Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J
Mara/SFO/EES@EES, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sarah
Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Paul
Subject: Re: Comments on FERC November 1 order
There are a few other issues we need to look into:
Larcamp told Hartsoe and I after the meeting that FERC may clarify that the
price caps and reporting obligations apply only to bids into the PX and ISO
-- ie no bilateral transaction will be subject to the requirements. He asked
if knowing this would change any of our views (esp peaking plants, though I
suspect it's already too late for that). My gut reaction is that so long as
the market continues to clear through the centralized exchanges this
"exemption" for bilateral transactions won't matter much, but let's think it
through. Is EOL or APX an alternative?
Massey specifically asked us to address forward markets in our comments.
Specifically, "has FERC done everything it can to encourage forward market
development?" In addition to any other points we might make, I think we
should argue that "PJMing" the market won't facilitate and may even hinder
forward market development. Also, we should advocate actions by FERC that
take away second-guessing by the CPUC in order to reduce utility fears about
contracting forward.
We have to give the Commission a way out on price caps. We need to think
through whether there is something we can live with here, or we should take
the approach I took in my testimony: FERC should encourage the state to
provide rate protection for selected customer classes by putting those
requirements up for bid (ie get the utility out of the commodity business as
much as possible).
Finally, on governence issues we should argue for a narrowe role for the ISO
as a way of diffusing the emotional governence debate. Analogy: if the ISO
is simply the air traffic controller all parties will simply be interested in
retaining the most technically competent people (not hiring or appointing
their lackies or friends). So long as the ISO has a role in setting prices,
acquiring supplies or running the market, it is destined to be controversial
and highly politicized. Those functions should be left to the market.
Mary Hain@ECT
11/10/2000 11:13 AM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Comments on FERC November 1 order
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Hain/HOU/ECT on 11/10/2000 09:20 AM
To: Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Richard Sanders,
Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES, Mona L Petrochko/NA/Enron@Enron,
[email protected], Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, James D
Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe Hartsoe@Enron, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON,
James E Keller/HOU/EES@EES, Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Harry
Kingerski/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert
Badeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Richter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Steve
Kean, Richard Shapiro, Tim Heizenrader/PDX/ECT@ECT
cc: [email protected], [email protected]
From: Mary Hain/HOU/ECT
Date: 11/09/2000 05:19:03 PM
Subject: Comments on FERC November 1 order
For purposes of our discussions, Alan and I have put together an outline of
issues raised in the FERC meeting today that we might consider putting in our
comments to FERC. Our written comments would also include the issues we have
already raised in our white paper and our oral comments at FERC. Of course
to the extent we have discussed things in our white paper we could simply
cite the paper. Given the potentially long list of issues to be addressed, I
haved left a voice mail asking Seabron if he is available to help Alan. |
The difficulty is in knowing which entites are regulated and which are not.
For instance, ENA is an "unregulated" affiliate of a regulated utility
(PGE). But many utilities have energy services companies affiliates which,
while not regulated utilities like San Diego Gas & Electric, are nevertheless
heavily regulated. We have tried to figure out what we can in the time
available and have relied on readily available public inofrmation.
David Forster
10/14/99 08:48 AM
To: Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Online Derivatives Trading with Regulated Utilities
Does the legal precedent which we previously discussed, apply to subsidiaries
of utilities as well as the utilities themselves?
---------------------- Forwarded by David Forster/LON/ECT on 14/10/99 14:47
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: Tana Jones 14/10/99 00:08
To: David Forster/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Louise Kitchen/LON/ECT@ECT, Bob Shults/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark
Subject: Online Derivatives Trading with Regulated Utilities
As far as your email questions, my responses are following:
1. The list I have provided you is the only list that exists on financial
counterparties. There is no Excel spreadsheet to follow.
2. Duke Energy Corporation. At Mark's direction, I am sending his note
below regarding utilities. Again, until we do the due diligence on a utility
counterparty we have no way of knowing what kind of local, state or federal
regulation or approvals they may be subject to. We currently have masters
in place with only about 10 utilities/govt's. We are in the process of
negotiating another 30. Until those masters are executed and we have the
relevant resolutions, authority documents and/or legal opinions, I cannot
approve them for online trading. I have made every effort to search company
websites and elicit from Credit whether a counterparty is a regulated utility
or not. If I cannot tell by the information available to me, additional due
diligence will be needed to see if they are subject to local, state, or
federal regulation. Mark can override any decision I have made, I can only
make decisions within the guidelines the attorneys have set for me.
3. Montana Power Trading and Marketing Company is a subsidiary of a
regulated utility. I am unable to determine from Credit or their website
what type of regulation they might be subject to. The note is true that
Credit says they are getting out of the business anyway.
4. Petrotemex. Per my conversations with Mark and our advice from counsel,
unlike U.S. and U.K. counterparties, Mexican counterparties are not able to
enter into derivative transactions unless their articles and bylaws
specifically provide for these types of transactions. We will not know this
until the due diligence is completed, so I am supposed to say "no" for
Mexican counterparties we do not have a master swap agreement in place with.
5. PSEG. It is an energy services company; however, it is also not an
eligible swap participant (or "ESP"). CFTC regulation limits the derivatives
trading we may do to certain types of counterparties that meet certain
financial requirements (large, institutional type investors, companies,
banks, etc). Corporations and partnerships have to meet certain net worth
and asset levels or we cannot trade financially with them. Whenever I say
"not ESP" or "not eligible swap participant" it means they have not met the
financial net worth test.
6. The American Coal Company. See prior note.
---------------------- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 10/13/99 04:21 PM
From: Bob Shults 10/12/99 10:15 AM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Online Derivatives Trading with Regulated Utilities
Does this mean that we have 10 utilities that are approved to trade? What
are we doing with the other 30-40?
---------------------- Forwarded by Bob Shults/HOU/ECT on 10/12/99 10:14 AM
To: Louise Kitchen/LON/ECT@ECT
cc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S
Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/LON/ECT@ECT, Bob Shults/HOU/ECT@ECT, David
Forster/LON/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Online Derivatives Trading with Regulated Utilities
We have not decided "to prevent any regulated utility from completing any
financial transactions" online. If we have already satisfactorily concluded
the necessary due diligence with respect to a particular utility, they will
be approved. It is only with respect to those utilities which have not yet
been researched that we are withholding approval. The due diligence required
involves asking the utility for certain information concerning their
organization and regulatory situation, hiring local counsel in the relevant
state and having research done into the laws and regulations in place there
and into any public utility commission orders respecting the particular
utility in question, and on occasion requesting an opinion letter from the
utility's counsel. We usually begin that process only when a trader believes
there is a likelihood of a sufficient volume of trading with the utility to
justify the time and expense. FYI, the due diligence process has in the past
revealed circumstances which prevented the utility from trading derivatives
or required actions to authorize such trading which had not been taken.
A recent count showed about 10 executed master agreements and another 30 to
40 in one stage or another of the due diligence/negotiation process.
Louise Kitchen
10/06/99 02:46 PM
To: Mark E Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, David
Port/LON/ECT@ECT, Bob Shults/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Forster/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Customer Data
On Friday we will be receiving the remaining customer list from credit, due
to the timescales I am asking for turnaround on the customer matrix and
master agreement review by the end of play Tuesday 12th October.
Any problems with this please notify me immediately as we are now running up
against very tight deadlines in terms of getting all of the information in
the system for the launch schedule.
On another note we are requesting a review of the blanket decision which has
been made to prevent any regulated utility from completing any financial
transactions, if we are not prepared to do the due diligence on which ones
can transact and which ones can not - is this our responsibility or theirs?
ie their decision whether to trade or not.
Louise |
Subsets and Splits