Are 2 weeks enough to explore Nyamata, Kibungo and Adelaide using public transport?
Can anyone suggest a good road trip itinerary for one week period from Kibungo to Nyamata?
Are there any Authentic Rwandan Restaurants in Kibungo?
Which hotels are in 150-$200 USD/night range in Kibungo?
What are the local authentic food we must try at Rwanda?
Suggest me an itinerary for 3 days stay at Kibungo?
Could you recommend me a good clinic to visit in Nyamata?
What restaurants are good for romantic anniversary dinner at Nyamata?
From where can I buy gas canisters in Nyamata for camping?
Which shops offer the best desserts in Kibungo?
How am I best to pay for hotels In Rwanda?
What are the family friendly accommodation places at Hervey Bay?
What would be the cheaper option to get to Spencer st from Tullamarine airport, taxi or skybus?
Is anyone aware of a restaurant in Nyagatare that matches food to whiskey?
Is Badgingarra National Park worth the visit?
Can anyone recommend shops selling ladies hats in Kibungo?
Where is the best place to stop overnight when we are travelling from Nyamata to Noosa?
Can someone guide me on the best photographic spots in Kibungo and the best time to visit them?
Is the weather still hot enough to swim in July at Nyamata?
Any car hire recommendations around Nyamata?
Is it possible for us to drive from Nyagatare to Butare and back to Nyagatare in a day?
Which restaurants will do best dinner on Christmas eve in Adelaide?
Did any of you find giant spiders in your accommodations at Great Keppel?
Any suggestions on car rental agencies Rwanda beyond the main International ones such as Budget, Hertz, Europcar?
What's the easiest and cheapest way for us to get to Penguin Island from Elizabeth Quay?
In Rwanda, do they have Uber for hire boats?
Any personal experience on the chances of picking up an Uber ride at Nyamata domestic?
Any suggestions for things to see and do in Rwamagana itself?
What can we buy as souvenirs in Adelaide?
Any good wineries in Rutherglen?
Can anyone tell me about the babysitting service at Desert Gardens Hotel?
Does anyone know about famous lobster restaurant around Margaret River Region?
Which national park in Rwanda with more wildlife during November?
Does anyone have recommendations for good 'local' food in Nyagatare ?
Are there any lookout points that I should not miss at Kings Park?
How will be the weather in Kwankoro Island on next October?
What is the name of the bus service from the Hyperdome to Southport?
Was just wondering whether 1200 English pound was a good deal for 2 people to stay in a room in someone's property in Kibungo for a month over New Year / January
What is the best company to hire campervans in Rwanda?
Does anyone know if there is any rafting tour going to Whitehaven from Hamilton Island?
Taxi cost Nyamata Airport to Clyde?
Do the maxi taxis at the Gold Coast airport have child/booster seats?
Can anyone suggest me a good hairdresser in Kayonza Island?
Any interesting places to recommend for Kangaroo Valley?
Any sports stores around Kigali that sell Kigali teams merch?
How much is the typical maximum withdrawal from ATMs at Rwanda?
Can anyone recommend a restaurant in Nyamata that has a round / square table that would accommodate 13 people on a Friday night?
What are the differences between Coles and Woolworths Supermarkets in South Western Rwanda?
Are plastic bags provided on a complimentary basis in the supermarkets in WA ?
What is best to spend New Year's Eve, Cyamudongo Forest or Goat Island?
Does anyone know of a way to get any discounts or promo for Kibungo City Tour with Opera House Tour
Can anyone recommend a day tour of the swan valley with visits to wineries included?
Is it truly possible to see the milky way from Lady Darley Lookout or are there any other places that I can go to see the Milky way?
Typically are the BBQ Grills electric or gas at rental accommodations that have them?
What car companies offer drop-off services at the international terminal?
Just wondering if anyone can recommend a travel insurance company for domestic travel.
Does anyone have any ideas where should we visit at Night in the Eastern suburbs of Nyamata?
Which places in Butare offer good fish and seafood on New Year's Eve?
When apartments/lodges & cabins in tourist parks say that trolls and linens included, does that include wash clothes, sometimes called facial clothes?
Is it cheaper to buy the tickets for Seaworld and for Dreamworld online than at the gate?
What are the fancy 5 star hotels in Kibungo with club lounge?
can anyone recommend a reliable minibus / van rental company in Kibungo with reasonable rates?
Is there a wifi egg rental at the Kibungo airport?
Does anyone know of a car rental company at the Launceston airport that will give a full insurance coverage policy?
From which websites I can find details about public transport in Rwanda?
What can we do for 5 hour layover at Kibungo airport?
Is it possible to book a ticket on arrival to climb Kibungo Harbour Bridge?
Is it feasible to cover Blue Mountains tour with a toddler?
Does tour operator for great barrier reef pick up and drop tourists from Lilybank?
What are the special things we can see during a Seaplane tour at Airlie beach?
I would like to know if there are any fruit orchards around Nyagatare that allows fruit picking?
I need help picking a snorkeling tour operator in Rwamagana.
Any suggestions for a central hotel in Nyagatare which is in walking distance of restaurants?
What are some reasonably priced motels with a free shuttle to the Kibungo airport?
Does the Landsborough Pub have a courtesy bus?
Is it safe to do a Great Barrier Reef tour in Summer?
Is there anywhere to go to get a good view of the Kibungo harbour?
Is there a good sized grocery in Port Douglas ?
Need to know whether US traveller need a voltage converter along with an electrical adapter to use in Rwanda?
Which is the best option for buffet at Surfers Paradise Seafood Buffet at Citrique Marriott or Four Winds Crown?
Is the Woodland Store in Jabiru more like a Supermarket or more like a convenience store with just a few items?
What are the laundromats in Kibungo CBD which I can do self washing?
What exactly is there to do on the Green island?
I want to find great camping spots between cairns and Adelaide?
Is it a long drive between Port fairy to Nyamata for 1 day?
What documentation will I need when picking up a rental car?
How are the beaches in Kibungo during March?
Any suggestions for a great Farm stay suitable for a family ?
Are there any restaurants or Pubs in Black Cockatoo near the Wilsons Promontory National Park?
Is it possible to buy and be able to drink, any duty free alcohol that is brought from the bond shop while on holidays on the island?
Is there any shop offer baggage storage nearby The Rock, Kibungo?
Does anyone know of any alternative campervan hire companies that accommodate one way journeys from Nyagatare to Carnarvon?
Looking to get married in Kibungo in December, very simple just 2 of us and our son, where is best to find information ?
Is there anywhere we could get to from Adelaide that we could see some wild seals?
are there any recommendations for picking fruits at fruit farms near Joondalup around mid September?
Does anyone know if there are more race meetings held other than the Towong Cup in March each year?
Is there any restaurants similar to Graze in Nyagatare?
Are there any clubs in Kigali that you would consider safe to go out by yourself to dance?
Which areas we should consider when hiring apartments in Nyamata for 2 weeks?
Are there any casual dinner options in the Harbor Rocks area without breaking the bank?