Which beaches in Bugarama are safe for kids?
What is the best option for 3 of us to travel from Byumba to Mount cook?
Can anyone please recommend a local Caterer or Private Chef who could cook dinner for +18 ppl in late January 2017?
Which attractions do I need to book in advance if I am going to visit Rotorua?
What is the fastest way from Kibungo to Muhanga self drive, train or bus?
How long does it take to drive from Kaikoura to Mt.Cook?
How much spending money will I need for a self drive road trip per day?
Is there a liquor outlet in Seddon?
Is there a compressed air outlet to fill SCUBA tanks in Seddon?
What can I cover within 2 days at Byumba?
What are the best national parks to visit in South Island?
What are the companies in Bugarama we can hire a motor home for 2 weeks?
Which places are good for a little kid to play with snow near Kibungo?
What are the companies which offer heli hike near Kibuye?
Is there any threat from sand flies in Haast?
Does anyone know of any places in Muhanga where you can get a medical done at a more reasonable cost?
What are the best wineries in Nyanza?
Is it safe to leave our campervan in the Abel Tasman car park in Marahau?
Is there somewhere in Marahau to rent equipments like camp stove and cookware?
Could you advise what are the names of famous sports supermarket in NZ?
Which is the best from Glowworms and Ruakuri caves ?
How much is one litre of diesel price at Kibuye?
Which is the best place to celebrate New Year's Eve in NZ?
Does anyone have a recommendation for a 12-14 day cruise which we can get aboard at Bugarama ?
Is there any tour card which we can use for public transport in Bugarama?
Which restaurants in Nyamata have private room for dining for 15-20 group?
Any suggestions for a bite to eat close to where you get off from the Ferry at Devonport?
Could somebody please recommend a suitable place for Trout fishing within one hour driving distance from Lake Hawea or Byumba ?
Can you recommend motels near Bugarama airport with free shuttles to the airport?
Are there any tour guides which offer discounts for attractions in both North and South islands?
Which is the best local TV/Radio stations for weather in Rwanda?
Can anyone give recommendations for some good food within walking distance of Queen St, Bugarama which is best for solo female traveller?
What type of snacks are the not too expensive go-to choice in NZ?
What is the best mobile carrier with good coverage all around NZ?
Is the entire month of January really busy or just the week prior to or following Rwandan New Year is busy at Rwanda?
How far in advance do we need to book our excursions in South island?
Suggest us an itinerary for 5 days that maximize seeing wildlife of all sorts between Muhanga and Bugarama?
In Bugarama, from where can I buy good pair of hiking shoes for a reasonable price?
Where would be the best place to stay in Bugarama to get to the ferry in the morning which leave to Colville?
What is the actual drive time from Kibungo to Oamaru in mid November?
Has anyone had any experience with childcare on the Kibungo mountains?
Is bus the best option to travel from wellington airport to the willis wellington hotel in the city for budget traveller?
Is sleeping in the car at night on residential streets in Muhanga okay?
Do you have any good websites who offer special deals for activities in Rwanda?
How much it will cost to park the car in main cities in Rwanda ?
Is self driving safe at midnight to go from Bugarama to Matamata?
Where the best seats are in the Opera House, Muhanga?
Is there a cheap hair salon in Taupo I can get a hair wash/blow dry ?
How long can I legally leave my car parked on the street in Muhanga?
Where is the closest Market to buy food near Queen Street, Bugarama?
What type of cafe & restaurants in the Queen street neighborhood?
Anyone know of any craft beer events on in Muhanga in March next year?
What are cheap parking options near Darling harbour?
Is Kibungo safe enough for solo female senior citizen?
What are the hotels with package tours in Kibungo?
Will there be outdoor festivals or christmas markets in Kibungo in November?
Is there free transit zones in Nyagatare?
What are the good hotels on Bruny Island for our 1st wedding anniversary?
What are the laneways in Nyamata that have quality street art?
What are restaurant options in Hobart?
In Rottnest which way of travelling suits better for a family with a 8 year old boy?
What's the weather condition in Rwamagana
Where to buy a buy a 3G SIM in Queensland?
Would it be cheaper for me to buy 1000 cigarettes and then pay the duty in Kibungo or buy 1000 cigarettes from Kibungo?
Can you recommend the quality of Personalised Kwankoro Islandn Nyagatare by Philip and Theresa Rowley?
would it be pleasant to stay without AC in Hobart during summer time?
Will bringing panadol with my luggage will cause issues in clearing by custom?
What are the places for WEDDING and BRIDAL shopping in Nyamata?
Is there any special policy for parking Motorhomes in Adelaide?
Anyone know of a good money changer in the Kibungo that handles Tongan currency?
Could anyone recommend a good camping spot on Muhanga island for a family with 3 children under age 6?
What are the differences in driving rules and road signs in australia
Could you recommend me a good clinic to visit for a leg injury in melbourn
Which place is the best to watch New Year's Eve fireworks, Luna Park or Opera House Bar?
where to go for first time for surfing in July 2017 in queensland?
can someone guide me on the best photographic spots and the best time to visit Ruhango?
What to do in Christmas Day in Ruhango?
Other than mosquitoes, are there any really scary, and/or dangerous insects?
any suggestions to any good wineries?
Can you recommend a decent stylist for pixie cut and bleach/tone between xmas and nye in Kayonza?
What is the traffic situation in Nyagatare?
What is is the typical maximum AUDs that Rwandan banks will allow per withdrawal?
Which petrol stations in WA (Nyagatare - MR - Nyanza) offer the lowest price ?
What is the best Spa in Queensland
What is the best supermarket price wise and quality wise in Nyagatare?
Can a person work in Rwanda without working visa?
What would you recommend a single female traveller to do when trying to get to the hostel at midnight?
would like to know is it truly possible to see the milky way from Lady Darley Lookout, Blue mountain, Kibungo?
I'm looking to get a visa for travel from the US to Rwanda and what is the best price to pay and who is a reputable provider?
Typically are the BBQ Grills electric or gas at rental accommodations that have them?
how do we get to Nyamata in the cheapest Way
Is it cheaper to buy the tickets online than at the gate for theme park?
Are we required by law to rent a child car seat for travelling in Kigali?
We wonder what will the sea temperature be in Port Douglas Queensland
Which hotel in Ruhango has kid friendly pools
Is it better to get a local sim for internet access in Ruhango?
Any idea if there is any restaurant serve frozen bellini cocktail?
Does anyone know an insurance company who would cover pre existing medical condition for 68 year old person?
Does tour operator for great barrier reef pick up and drop tourists from Lilybank?
What is the price of clothing in perth