12 (1990): 226-44.
Further articles on abortion are collected in J. Feinberg (ed.), The
Problem of Abortion, and in Robert Perkins (ed.), Abortion, Pro and Con
(Cambridge, Mass., 1974). Articles with some affinity with the position
I have taken include R. M. Hare, 'Abortion and the Golden Rule',
Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 4 (1975); and Mary Anne Warren,
'The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion', The Monist, vol. 57 (1973).
Don Marquis restates the conservative position in 'Why Abortion Is
Immoral', Journal of Philosophy, vol. 86 (1989); but see also Alistair
Norcross, 'Killing, Abortion and Contraception: A Reply to Marquis',
Journal of Philosophy, vol. 87 (1990). A useful summary of the abortion
issue is Mary Anne Warren's' Abortion' in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion
to Ethics.
Chapter 7: Taking life: Humans
Derek Humphry's account of his wife's death, Jean's Way, was published
in London in 1978. On the death of Janet Adkins, see New York
Times, 14 December 1990; for Jack Kevorkian's own account, see J.
Kevorkian, Prescription: Medicide (Buffalo, N.Y., 1991). For details of
the Zygmaniak case, see Paige Mitchell, Act of Love (New York, 1976),
or the New York Times,!, 3, and 6 November 1973. Louis Repouille's
killing of his son was reported in the New York Times, 13 October 1939,
and is cited by Yale Kamisar, 'Some Non-religious Views against Proposed
Mercy Killing Legislation', Minnesota Law Review, vol. 42 (1958):
1,021. Details of the Linares case are from the New York Times, 27 April
1989 and the Hastings Center Report, July/August 1989.
Robert Reid, My Children, My Children, is a fine introduction to the
nature of some birth defects, including spina bifida and haemophilia.
For evidence of high rates of divorce and severe marital difficulties
among parents of spina bifida children, see p. 127. See also Helga Kuhse
and Peter Singer, Should the Baby Live? (Oxford, 1985), for more de-
Notes and References
tailed infonnation and references regarding the entire topic of life and
death decisions for infants.
The numbers of patients in a persistent vegetative state and the
duration of these states is reported in 'USA: Right to Live, or Right to
Die?' Lancet, vol. 337 (12 January 1991).
On euthanasia in the Netherlands, see J. K. Gevers, 'Legal Developments
Concerning Active Euthanasia on Request in the Netherlands,
Bioethics, vol. 1 (1987). The annual number of cases is given in 'Dutch
Doctors Call for Legal Euthanasia', New Scientist, 12 October 1991,
p. 17. Paul J. van der Maas et aI., 'Euthanasia and Other Medical
Decisions Concerning the End of Life', Lancet, vol. 338 (14 September
1991): 669-74, at 673, gives a figure of 1900 deaths due to euthanasia
each year, but this is limited to reports from doctors in general practice.
The quotation in the section 'Justifying Voluntary Euthanasia' about
patients' desire for reassurance comes from this article, p. 673. The case
of Diane is cited from Timothy E. Quill, 'Death and Dignity: A Case
of Individualized Decision Making', New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 324, no. 10 (7 March 1991): 691-4, while Betty Rollins describes
the death of her mother in Betty Rollins, Last Wish (Penguin, 1987).
The passage quoted is from pp. 149-50. See also Betty Rollins's
foreword to Derek Humphry, Final Exit: The Pradicalities of SelfDeliverance
and Assisted Suicide (Eugene, Oreg., 1991), pp. 12-13.
Yale Kamisar argues against voluntary as well as nonvoluntary euthanasia
in the article cited above; he is answered by Robert Young,
'Voluntary and Nonvoluntary Euthanasia', The Monist, vol. 59 (1976).
The view of the Roman Catholic church was presented in Declaration
on Euthanasia published by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith, Vatican City, 1980. Other useful discussions are Jonathan
Glover, Causing Death and Saving Lives, chaps. 14 and 15; D. Humphry
and A. Wickett, The Right to Die: Understanding Euthanasia (New York,
1986); and H. Kuhse, 'Euthanasia', in P. Singer (ed.), A Companion to
The distinction between active and passive euthanasia is succinctly
criticized by James Rachels, 'Active and Passive Euthanasia', New England
Journal of Medicine, vol. 292 (1975): pp. 78-80, reprinted in P.
Singer (ed.), Applied Ethics. See also Rachels's The End of Life; Kuhse
and Singer, Should the Baby Live?, chap. 4; and for the most thorough
and rigorous philosophical discussion, Helga Kuhse, The Sandity-ofLife
Doctrine in Medicine - A Critique (Oxford, 1987), chap. 2. An account
of the Baby Doe case is given in Chapter 1 of the same book. The
survey of American paediatricians was published as Loretta M. Ko-
Notes and References
pelman, Thomas G. Irons, and Arthur E. Kopelman, 'Neonatologists
Judge the "Baby Doe" Regulations', New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 318, no. 11 (17 March 1988): 677-83. The British legal cases
concerning such decisions are described in Derek Morgan, 'Letting
Babies Die Legally', Institute of Medical Ethics Bulletin (May 1989),
pp. 13-18; and in 'Withholding of Life-saving Treatment', Lancet, vol.
336 (1991): 1121. A representative example of the pious misinterpretation
of Arthur Clough's lines occurs in G. K. and E. D. Smith, 'Selection
for Treatment in Spina Bifida Cystica', British Medical Journal,
27 October 1973, at p. 197. The entire poem is included in Helen
Gardner (ed.), The New Oxford Book of English Verse (Oxford, 1978).
Sir Gustav Nossal's essay cited in the section 'Active and Passive
Euthanasia' is 'The Right to Die: Do We Need New Legislation?' in
Parliament of Victoria, Social Development Committee, First Report on
Inquiry into Options for Dying with Dignity, p. 104. On the doctrine of
double effect and the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary
means of treatment, see Helga Kuhse, 'Euthanasia', in P. Singer (ed.),
A Companion to Ethics; and for a fuller account, H. Kuhse, The Sanctityof
Life Doctrine in Medicine - A Critique, chaps. 3-4.
The survey of Australian pediatricians and obstetricians referred to
in the section 'Active and Passive Euthanasia' was published as P.
Singer, H. Kuhse, and C. Singer, 'The Treatment of Newborn Infants
with Major Handicaps', Medical Journal of Australia, 17 September 1983.
The testimony of the Roman Catholic bishop, Lawrence Casey, in the
Quinlan case is cited in the judgment, 'In the Matter of Karen Quinlan,