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The two-day summit, which began today, is taking place in the north of Italy. and Russian President Vladimir Putin. For him, the summit is a first opportunity to personally negotiate with Russia. The European Union's representative on the events in Ukraine since his June visit to France, where he took part in celebrations of the Allied landings in Normandy during World War II. On Friday he and other EU leaders will meet for a working breakfast with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, after which direct talks between Putin and Poroshenko could take place.
Vladimir Putin is the prime minister of Russia.
"The EU delegation took part in the negotiations and did not raise any objections to the intergovernmental agreement," said Polish Deputy Economy Minister Joanna Strzelec-Lobodzinska. Alexander Medvedev, deputy chief executive of Russia's gas export monopoly Gazprom, said the contract with Poland's PGNiG would be completed within two weeks.
Russia's gas giant Gazprom will build pipelines to Poland.
While polls show that Poles oppose the U.S. anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today.
Jaroslav Kaczyński has a brother - Lech Kaczyński.
The majority shareholder of ČEZ is the state, which through the Ministry of Finance holds approximately 70 percent of shares. Recently, there has been talk of a possible transformation or division of the company. The intention is, among other things, to help reach a decision on the possible construction of a new block at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant.
70 percent of ČEZ is owned by Daniel Křetínský.
Prague 27. The upcoming life and work anniversary will be celebrated by Jiřina Jirásková on stage and with her audience. The day after his 80th birthday, he will turn 18. February in Prague's Vinohrady Theatre in Joe DiPietro's comedy The Family, or Let Us Keep the Heritage of Our Fathers, Sir. The gala performance, in which Michal Novotný, Ilja Racek, Petr Kostka, Jana Hlaváčová and Lucie Štěpánková also play, will complete an incredible 60 years on this stage. The day before, your favourite actress will appear on stage at the Divadlo Bez zábradlí. On the occasion of her life anniversary, it will present a reprise of John Mist's play Sonata for Spoon, in which she excels alongside Dana Syslová and moderator Aleš Cibulka. He is 12 now. On February 2nd, he will invite you to the Divadlo U firefighters theatre, from where he regularly broadcasts a live stream of the show Tobogan.
Jiřina Jirásková will celebrate her birthday.
Prague 27. The upcoming life and work anniversary will be celebrated by Jiřina Jirásková on stage and with her audience. The day after his 80th birthday, he will turn 18. February in Prague's Vinohrady Theatre in Joe DiPietro's comedy The Family, or Let Us Keep the Heritage of Our Fathers, Sir. The gala performance, in which Michal Novotný, Ilja Racek, Petr Kostka, Jana Hlaváčová and Lucie Štěpánková also play, will complete an incredible 60 years on this stage.
Jiřina Jirásková will celebrate her birthday.
While polls show that Poles oppose the U.S. anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today.
Jaroslav Kaczyński has a brother.
18th in Berlin. January (CTK reporter) - Some 20,000 general practitioners across Germany took to the streets today to show their discontent with what they say is excessive bureaucracy and low pay. In Berlin alone, the scene of the main demonstration, 14,000 paramedics gathered in spite of inclement weather, having been brought by bus from eastern Germany and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Across the country, around half of the 96,000 GP practices are on strike.
18 in Germany. In January, medical practitioners demonstrated.
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Britain's longest-married couple are Thomas and Elizabeth Morgan from Caerleon in South Wales. They married four. They were married on May 19, 1809 and remained together for 81 years, 260 days until Elizabeth's death. January 1891.
The longest-lasting marriage, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is from continental Europe two centuries ago.
Kiev, 6 April (ČTK) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko today publicly withdrew his objections to a referendum that could increase the powers of rebellious pro-Russian regions where fighting has been going on for more than a year. According to the AP agency, he has thus changed his government's current position. But pro-Russian separatists reacted angrily. He also stressed that he is still against the federalization of Ukraine, as Russia wants. However, it is in favour of decentralising power to the regions. According to him, decision-making in security, defence and foreign affairs should remain mainly in the hands of the central government.
Poroshenko is against decentralization of power in Ukraine in favor of the regions.
Thirty big names in global business have joined the so-called Breakthrough Energy Coalition. Its members, including Gates or Amazon boss Jeff Bezos, former chairman of Indian conglomerate Tata Ratan Tata and South African mining tycoon. Patrice Motsepe, they want to provide money for innovation in the energy sector. According to them, private equity is the only way for smaller companies to succeed with a new concept of clean technologies and get it successfully onto the market.
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are members of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.
Prague 14. July ( ČTK ) - For seventeen years she was a member of the National Theatre in Prague and her acting has been widely used by film. Regina Rázlová mostly played self-confident and exclusive women. She has also been on the other side of the law, and her captivating voice was heard in radio and dubbing. After 1989, she stopped doing well, went into business and even spent several months in custody due to the case of tunneled Skloexport. This was compounded by health problems. Rázlová, however, in the spirit of the heroines she portrayed in theatre and film, managed to overcome everything bad. Today, Rázlová is 16 years old. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in July, once again a sought-after actress and celebrity.
The actress Regina Rázlová was a member of the Municipal Theatre in Brno.
Tank battle at Ořechov 24. In April 1945, World War II ended in this part of the country. About 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers were killed. Thirty-five Soviet tanks and vehicles were destroyed, and 80 percent of the village was wiped out. Twenty people died and 176 homes were destroyed. An event in the village is commemorated by a memorial.
Died in battle and soldiers.
In the first sentence of the first paragraph, we have corrected the incorrect wording..." in the first four places... ..."in the first places in four categories..." In the first sentence of the second paragraph, we corrected the inaccurate "This year's Young Architect Award 2011 title was won by..." to "One of the four winners who won this year's Young Architect Award 2011 title was...."
The 2011 Young Architect Award has one winner.
Prague 22. (ČTK) - In the domestic competition of young architects, which this year was attended by 128 projects from creators from a total of 14 countries around the world, three graduates of Czech universities and one Slovenian architect took first place in four categories. The expert jury appreciated their work and projects, in which they ingeniously connected public space with the existing urban development and natural elements. Aleš Povr informed ČTK about this on behalf of the competition organisers.
The 2011 Young Architect Award has one winner.
One of the four winners who won the Young Architect Award 2011 this year was, for example, Ida Čapounová, who designed urban solutions for the Czech countryside, specifically for Měchnov in Benešov. Another of the laureates, young architect Jakub Jílek, focused on the Vltava River in the Czech capital; architects Pavlína Macháčková and Klára Makovcová from MMM Architekti then prepared a study concerning an agricultural training school. The only foreign author among the winners is Slovenian architect Polonca Kastelicová, who designed the revitalization of the main square in one of Slovenia's municipalities.
The 2011 Young Architect Award has one winner.
Catalan authorities said some 2.26 million voters took part in Sunday's ballot and around 90 percent of them voted for independence. Madrid considers the vote illegal and has tried to thwart it. According to Catalan authorities, around 900 people were injured in violent clashes with police accompanying the vote.
The elections made it clear that an overwhelming majority of Basques want independence.
Prague 19. (ČTK) - In the current heat, people are at risk of sunstroke, cramps from overheating and exhaustion from overheating, warns the Ministry of Health on its website. In heatstroke, the body's temperature regulation fails, so that in a short period of time it can rise up to 41 degrees and one risks permanent damage to health. and death. Immediate medical help is needed, as well as for cramps and exhaustion from overheating. In case of heat stroke, the victim should not be given anything to drink and must be cooled down until a doctor arrives. With cramps and exhaustion from overheating, you can drink.
In hot weather, overheating of the body can occur accompanied by cramps or exhaustion.
Prague 19. (ČTK) - In the current heat, people are at risk of sunstroke, convulsions from overheating and exhaustion from overheating, warns the Ministry of Health on its website. In heatstroke, the body's temperature regulation fails, so that in a short period of time it can rise up to 41 degrees and one risks permanent damage to health. and death. Immediate medical help is needed, as well as for cramps and exhaustion from overheating. In case of heat stroke, the victim should not be given anything to drink and must be cooled down until a doctor arrives. With cramps and exhaustion from overheating, you can drink. Exhaustion from overheating may occur. to discover days after being exposed to high temperatures and not having enough fluids. is manifested by sweating, paleness, tiredness, fatigue, weakness, muscle cramps, dizziness to fainting, nausea or vomiting. Body temperature may be normal, skin cold and clammy, pulse fast and weak, breathing rapid and shallow. Medical help is essential if the sufferer suffers from high blood pressure or heart problems. Special attention should be paid to pregnant women.
In hot weather, overheating of the body can occur accompanied by cramps or exhaustion.
According to Punčochář, it is a myth that if there were more water in the water profile, filling of reservoirs and river flows would be ensured. According to him, there are around 165 reservoirs in the Czech Republic with a volume of 3,360 million cubic metres and a surface area of 30,000 hectares. In the ponds, of which there are about 23,000, there are 500 million cubic metres, i.e. several times less. But their area is 51,000 hectares, so they are more heated and have greater evaporation than large reservoirs.
The volume of all ponds is smaller than the volume of all water reservoirs in the Czech Republic.
More than 1,400 people arrived from Tunisia in September alone: more than the previous eight months combined. "We haven't seen so many in years," said Flavio Di Giacomo, an Italian spokesman for the International Organization for Migration (IOM). While this has not yet reached the levels seen shortly after the Arab Spring in 2011, says EU Ambassador to Tunisia Patrice Bergamini, it is an increase. In just a few months, around 25,000 people came to Europe via Tunisia.
In September, more than 1,000 migrants arrived in Europe from Tunisia.
Washington/Prague 10. The last person to leave his footprints in the lunar dust was Eugene Cernan, commander of the Apollo 17 mission that landed on the Moon 11 years ago. December of 1972. This Chicago native, whose ancestors came to America in the early 20th century. He spent 75 hours on the Moon together with Harrison Schmitt, including a record 22 hours and four minutes outside the module. The third member of the Apollo 17 crew, who returned to Earth on the 19th. On December 12, 1972, Ronald Evans was born.
Eugene Cernan has Central European ancestry.
Chicago/Prague 12. In December 1972, American astronaut Eugene Andrew Cernan was the last man to leave his footprints on the dusty surface of the Moon. Back on his home planet back then, Cernan, who was 14. He turns 75 in March. In addition to geological samples, he also took away the Czechoslovak flag. The Chicago native has always claimed his Central European roots - his ancestors came to America in the early 20th century. century from Bohemia and Slovakia.
Eugene Cernan has Central European ancestry.
Two months later, Apollo 11 was ready to go into space and once again headed for the Moon. Its crew, including an astronaut with a Eugene Cernan's Czechoslovak roots, during the tests of the landing module it reached up to 15 km from the surface of Luna. And then, in July 1969, came the famous moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the lunar surface. Of the Apollo 9 crew, only David Scott, who commanded the Apollo 15 mission in the summer of 1971, ultimately succeeded.
Eugene Cernan has Central European ancestry.
They were the last humans to leave their footprints on the lunar surface. American astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt began their three-day lunar landing on the 11th. December of 1972. They spent a record 22 hours and four minutes outside the Apollo 17 lunar module, collecting 113 kilograms of moon rock. "It was a great feeling. There are no roads on the moon, but there are also no policemen," Eugen Cernan later quipped during a visit to what was then Czechoslovakia, where his ancestors came from. Apollo 17 was the last of America's lunar missions, which took place between 1969 and 1972.
Eugene Cernan has Central European ancestry.
American astronaut of Czech-Slovak origin Eugene Cernan, who in 1972 became the last man to land on the Moon, also testified in the case. Cernan said he donated several items to the museum, saying he had full confidence in Arya. "Max was the reason I even considered sending a few artifacts to the space center," Cernan said.
Eugene Cernan has Central European ancestry.
Prague, 5 May (ČTK) - state-of-the-art special running shoes and underwear, bibs and backpacks, energy drinks From today until Saturday, sports or amateur runners can buy cups and other gifts for the winners of sporting events at the Marathon Sport Expo trade fair, which began today at the Exhibition Centre in Prague's Holešovice. At the moment of the imaginary starting gun, hundreds of runners of all ages filled the Palace of Industry.
The Marathon Sport Expo was held at the Holešovice Exhibition Centre in Brno.
The Hateful Eight had its US premiere on the 25th. December. Even before that, a pirated copy had leaked onto the internet. According to Variety, nearly 570,000 IP addresses downloaded the film in the first 24 hours after it was leaked. The film piracy group Hive-CM8 has since apologised for the problems caused. He allegedly wants his activities to help people who do not have money for the cinema, and he does not want to harm the film business. They described themselves as fans of Tarantino's work.
The premiere was on February 3.
Tehran/Washington, July 26. (ČTK) - The Washington Post's Iran correspondent Jason Rezaian, who has been imprisoned in Tehran for more than 500 days, was allowed a few hours of Christmas visit from his wife and mother. This was reported by the American newspaper.
The Washington Post's Jason Rezaian is on an official visit to Iran.
Rezaian was convicted of espionage in October and sentenced to prison. However, the sentence was increased by the Revolutionary Tribunal in He did not specify Tehran, which tries political or national security cases.
The Washington Post's Jason Rezaian is on an official visit to Iran.
The Iranian-born journalist, who had been the paper's Tehran bureau chief since 2012, was arrested along with his wife and two photographers in the Iranian capital last July. Everyone up to Rezaian was later released.
The Washington Post's Jason Rezaian is on an official visit to Iran.
Dubai/Cairo/Moscow 25. June (CTK) - A group close to Al-Qaeda in Iraq posted a statement online today saying it had "executed" the Russian hostages it seized on June 3. Along with the statement, according to world agencies, it published on an Islamist website video footage clearly documenting the killing of three kidnapped Russians; the fate of the fourth captive is not yet clear. The tragic culmination of the kidnapping of Russian embassy workers was announced on the very day that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki presented a national reconciliation plan to end sectarian tensions and violence in the country.
All employees of the Russian Embassy are alive.
The international community has repeatedly approved sanctions against the authoritarian regime in Zimbabwe. The last time this happened was after the disputed presidential election in March 2008, which was won by Western-criticised President Robert Mugabe. The election was followed by a political crisis and violence in which 180 people are reported to have died and 9,000 injured as of October 2008. Mugabe and his rival, Morgan Tsvangirai, struck a power-sharing deal last September and formed a joint government in February. Human Rights Watch (HRW) today called on the AU summit to sanction Mugabe's regime and declare it illegitimate. "The AU can help end Zimbabwe's violence by taking the strongest possible action against Mugabe and his government," HRW said in a statement.
Human Rights Watch has commended Zimbabwe for its human rights record.
Other NGOs have also raised issues with the system, most notably in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley Process in November allowed two companies to export diamonds from Zimbabwe's Marange region, even though Global Witness and Human Rights Watch have documented human rights abuses at the mines. In addition, there are suspicions that the proceeds of the deal will be used to incite violence and intimidate voters in next year's elections.
Human Rights Watch has commended Zimbabwe for its human rights record.
The government intensified its persecution of Gülen's supporters after the 2016 coup attempt. According to official figures from mid-November, more than 218,000 people have been detained since then. Nearly 17,000 people have been convicted and nearly 15,000 remain in pre-trial detention. In addition, more than 140,000 people were dismissed from the civil service.
More than 200,000 people have been detained since Turkey's attempted coup.
Maluch, Czech for "little one," played a key role in the motorization of Poland. Since production began in 1973, almost three and a half million units have been produced in the country, with the vast majority of them ending up on the domestic market. Many Poles remember the car, which despite its miniature dimensions often replaced the function of a family car, with a certain nostalgia. More or less believable stories about how many passengers and what amount of cargo the car was able to transport have been kept in circulation to this day.
Over 70% of all Fiat 126s are still roadworthy.
However, not everyone was as enthusiastic about the car. "It is good that the little ones will gradually be replaced by cars which brake and steer without any problems," he said on the occasion of the end of production. Artur Orlikowski who prepared these cars for competition in rallycross. He was referring to the poor reliability of Fiat 126p, which has been confirmed by more than one owner. Some languages even claimed that the manuals for a Maluch are thicker than those of other types of cars, because they have bus timetables inserted to be on the safe side.
Over 70% of all Fiat 126s are still roadworthy.
While polls show that Poles oppose the location of a US anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today.
The location of an American spy group in Poland is opposed by a majority of the country's population.
Brno, 8 October (ČTK) - Filmmakers from Europe, Asia and America will present themselves this year in the main programme of the Brno Sixteen festival. There are 45 short films from 28 countries in the competition section, organizer Kristina Ketmanová announced to journalists today. Each year, the festival accepts a maximum of half-hour feature films with an emphasis on narrative and story. Their authors are amateurs, film school students or independent filmmakers. The tradition of the Brno Sixteen dates back to 1960. It is one of the most important amateur film festivals even on a global scale, as evidenced by the interest of filmmakers from distant countries such as Mexico, the Philippines and Nepal. This year's event will begin on the 14th. The event will take place on October 10th in the Art cinema, where the show organized by the Tourist Information Centre has found a home in recent years. It will take four days. Some filmmakers will attend the festival in person. For the second time, Iranian director Ali Asgari will visit the festival, this time with his film Child. Also competing will be Grzegorz Jaroszuk, who was on the jury last year. There will also be other creators, such as Kymbat Adylbekova from Kyrgyzstan and Ben Aston from the UK. All films are accompanied by Czech and English subtitles, all discussions are interpreted. The festival prizes are awarded by the main jury, student jury, Association for B16 and Alternative Film as well as spectators. The closing ceremony with a subsequent screening of the winning films will take place on Saturday 17th. October from 19:30. The accompanying programme offers other film blocks, retrospectives, lectures, discussions and exhibitions. For example, the organisers will screen a selection from an extensive collection of eight-millimetre private films that illustrate various moments in the theatre and film career of Brno actress Vlasta Fialová. Also on the programme are a series of films about fashion from 1958 to 1987 and a series of post-war short films promoting healthy lifestyles.
The Prague Sixteen is one of the most important amateur film festivals.
As a contributory organization, the ND must end up with a balanced budget; last year it received more than 15 million crowns from activities other than its main activity, i.e. mainly from renting premises. Spectators bought 600,288 tickets. The average attendance was 77.8 percent, and the theatre is almost 33 percent self-sufficient. Last year, it received 3.5 percent of its budget from ND sponsors, or about 35 million crowns. Thanks to its benefactors, it has gained 2.4 million crowns.
In 2016, the National Theatre received financial donations from art lovers that exceeded two million crowns.
Brno, 14. (ČTK) - The biggest problem of social services in Brno is that the public knows little about them. People who give birth to a disabled child or families caring for an elderly person must therefore find out on their own what they are entitled to and where the necessary services will be provided. This follows from the community plan of social services, which was prepared by the city. The wide-ranging document is published on its website and people can submit comments. According to Javorová, the community plan also showed that there is a surplus of some services in Brno. The politician did not want to be specific, but said that for example different counselling centres often provide people with the same services. The city and state subsidize all of them, which the deputy described as a waste of money.
In Brno, we will find services for the public.
NEW YORK 30. January (CTK) - Iraq on Wednesday rejected a report by chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, but offered some new information and pledged further cooperation with the inspectors. That's according to a letter released by Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed al-Douri, at UN headquarters in New York.
As a result of the Blix report, Iraq is refusing to cooperate with UN investigators.
Despite the criticism of the Blix report, the letter expresses a "firm determination to continue cooperation" with UN inspectors. At the same time, it warns "against US attempts to use the inspection process for its aggressive policy towards Iraq."
As a result of the Blix report, Iraq is refusing to cooperate with UN investigators.
Oslo, 3 December (ČTK) - The Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a bomb attack and subsequent shootings in July this year, disputes the psychiatrists' report that he is insane. One of his lawyers said this in today's edition of the Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang.
77 people died at the hands of Anders Breivik.
He also stressed that he is still against the federalization of Ukraine, as Russia wants. However, it is in favour of decentralising power to the regions. According to him, decision-making in security, defence and foreign affairs should remain mainly in the hands of the central government.
The official Ukrainian government will continue to have the main say in matters of state security and defense.
Berlin, 4 May (ČTK newsletter) - Italian company Fiat intends to maintain its presence in Germany. Opel and the three main assembly plants of the carmaker, into which the Italians want to enter. This was announced today in Berlin by the German Minister for Economic Affairs, Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, after talks with the CEO of the Italian group, Sergio Marchionne. However, the minister hinted that there could be a "need for consolidation" at the plant in Kaiserslautern where Opel produces engines.
The Italian company and Fiat have decided to keep the Opel brand in Germany.
Tbilisi/Prague, August 9 (ČTK) - Hundreds of victims - including civilians - were claimed today by the fighting between Georgian troops that tried to take control of separatist South Ossetia and Russian forces that responded with a sharp counterattack. The violence that has spread today Russia's encroachment on Georgia's other separatist region, Abkhazia, has alarmed the international community and France, as EU president, has proposed a peace plan. Russia and Georgia blame each other for the conflict. They also disagree on who controls South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali, and how many are dead. According to current information, the violence has not affected Czech citizens.
The war between Russia and Georgia has claimed many young lives.
The work has been exhibited more than twenty times in the Czech Republic. and abroad, for the first time in 1919 at Klementinum. As early as 1936, however, the Prague City Council did not recommend that the epic be lent for exhibitions at all, because due to its technique and huge dimensions it suffers greatly during transport. Some experts have also opposed this and are asking the Ministry of Culture to ensure that paintings, which are cultural monuments, cannot travel abroad.
The painting is in a private art collection.
The sale of live dolphins is governed by the Agreement on International Trade in Endangered Species, which prohibits similar transactions if they could harm the animals. The Solomon Islands, about 1,800 kilometers northeast of Australia, did not sign the agreement. The territory is currently in the throes of a political crisis and ethnic violence, which prompted Australian troops to be sent there this week. Environmentalists accuse Mexican businessmen of exploiting the crisis in the Solomon Islands.
The crowds supported the sale of dolphins from the Solomon Islands.
The work has been exhibited more than twenty times in the Czech Republic. and abroad, for the first time in 1919 in Klementinum. As early as 1936, however, the Prague City Council did not recommend loaning the epic at all for exhibitions, because due to its technique and huge dimensions it suffers greatly during transport. Some experts have also opposed this and are asking the Ministry of Culture not to allow paintings that are cultural monuments to travel.
The epic was first exhibited in the Valdštejn Riding School.
Prague 26. (ČTK) - The Slav Epic cycle of paintings by Alfons Mucha will fly to Tokyo in February next year, with the exhibition starting there on 7 March. After that, he will move to China. It will remain in three Chinese museums until mid-2018. The gallery is working on a final version of the loan agreement. The director of the Prague City Gallery, Magdalena Juříková, said this today at a press conference in the Trade Fair Palace, where the epic will be located until the end of the year. The work has been exhibited more than twenty times in the Czech Republic. and abroad, for the first time in 1919 in Klementinum. As early as 1936, however, the Prague City Council had already recommended that the epic should not be loaned for exhibitions at all, because due to its technique and enormous size it suffers greatly during transport. Some experts have also objected and are asking the Ministry of Culture not to allow paintings that are cultural monuments to travel.
The episode has never been seen in the Czech Republic or abroad.
Prague 26. (ČTK) - The Slav Epic cycle of paintings by Alfons Mucha will fly to Tokyo in February next year, with the exhibition starting there on 7 March. He will then move to China. It will remain in three Chinese museums until mid-2018. The gallery is working on a final version of the loan agreement. The director of the Prague City Gallery, Magdalena Juříková, said this today at a press conference in the Trade Fair Palace, where the epic is located until the end of the year.
The episode has never been seen in the Czech Republic or abroad.
The work has been exhibited more than twenty times in the Czech Republic. and abroad, for the first time in 1919 in Klementinum. As early as 1936, however, the Prague City Council did not recommend loaning the epic at all for exhibitions, because due to its technique and huge dimensions it suffers greatly during transport. Some experts have also opposed this and are asking the Ministry of Culture not to allow paintings that are cultural monuments to travel.
The episode has never been seen in the Czech Republic or abroad.
In 2012, with great media attention, the work was moved to Prague from Moravský Krumlov, where it had been on display for decades at the local chateau. According to the painter's bequest, the canvas belongs to Prague. The painter's relative John Mucha does not agree with the planned tour and has filed a lawsuit in Prague. The author's wish was that the city build a separate exhibition pavilion for the epic, Prague wants to choose where it could stand by the end of the year.
The episode has never been seen in the Czech Republic or abroad.
Jihlava, 3 April (ČTK) - Flood control measures worth around 60 million crowns and the good functioning of the integrated rescue system have protected Třebíč from this year's floods. According to Mayor Miloš Mašek, they protected the lives and property of residents. The danger on the Jihlava River in the Moravia river basin still exists there, but the water level is falling. Above Sázava in Havlíčkobrodsko, however, flood protection measures on the river Sázava in the Vltava basin are inadequate. According to Deputy Mayor Jaroslav Doležal, it is complicated by the ruggedness of the terrain, river tributaries, environmentalists, but should be There is also private ownership of two of the three weirs on the city's river.
The Morava River is the warmest in history.
Heat cramps are caused by a loss of water and ions, usually in the abdomen and extremities. They may appear in the fall. It is therefore necessary to immediately stop the effort and stay calm in a shady, cool place, drink fruit juices or ionic drinks for athletes. helps to firmly squeeze the muscles and release them by gentle massaging. A doctor should be called only if the convulsions do not subside within an hour.
spasms from overheating appear all over the body.
Prague 19. (ČTK) - In the current heat, people are at risk of sunstroke, cramps from overheating and exhaustion from overheating, warns the Ministry of Health on its website. In heatstroke, the body's temperature regulation fails, so that in a short period of time it can rise up to 41 degrees and one risks permanent damage to health. and death. Immediate medical help is needed, as well as for cramps and exhaustion from overheating. In case of heat stroke, the victim should not be given anything to drink and must be cooled down until a doctor arrives. With cramps and exhaustion from overheating, you can drink.
At high temperatures, the body overheats.
The Czech Consolidation Agency (CCA) was established in September 2001. based on the law 239/2001 Sb. as the successor of Konsolidační banka (KoB), founded by the Ministry of Finance in 1991. He finished 31st. In December 2007, its agenda was transferred to the Ministry of Finance.
After the activities of Konsolidační banka are terminated, its function is represented by ČAK.
Brno, 14. (ČTK) - The biggest problem of social services in Brno is that the public knows little about them. People who give birth to a disabled child or families caring for an elderly person must therefore find out on their own what they are entitled to and where the necessary services will be provided. This follows from the community plan of social services, which was prepared by the city. The wide-ranging document is published on its website and people can submit comments. Brno 9. July (ČTK) - Brno opened today A new nursing home. The house with 40 flats will be occupied mainly by senior citizens or pairs of elderly people, who will hand over a municipal flat to the city and use social services in the building. However, Brno still has too few places in similar facilities; applications for homes for the elderly or nursing homes from about 5,000 people are pending at the City Hall, Deputy Mayor Barbora Javorová told ČTK today.
Social services assistance is not intended for families with a disabled child or caring for the elderly.
Brno 14. (ČTK) - The biggest problem of social services in Brno is that the public knows little about them. People who give birth to a disabled child or families caring for an elderly person must therefore find out on their own what they are entitled to and where the necessary services will be provided. This follows from the community plan of social services, which was prepared by the city. The wide-ranging document is published on its website and people can submit comments.
Social services assistance is not intended for families with a disabled child or caring for the elderly.
Prague 12. June (ČTK) - 15 years ago, 13. June 2003, the first referendum began in the Czech Republic, namely on the country's accession to the European Union. the European Union. In the two-day vote, 77.33 percent of voters voted for the Czech Republic's accession to the EU, while 22.67 percent were against it. 55.21% of voters took part in the referendum. The Czech Republic became a member of the EU together with nine other countries on 1 May 2004 in the biggest enlargement in the history of the Union.
A referendum has not yet been used in the Czech Republic.
Prague, 7 March (ČTK) - The Czech Republic took part in the regular NATO international counter-terrorism exercise CMX 2006, which ended today. The crisis staff had to deal with preparations for sending a military unit outside the territory of the republic, measures against terrorist attacks on Prague's public transport and Ruzyne airport, and preparation for the evacuation of Czech experts from abroad. CTK was informed about this by the Ministry of Defence.
The Czech Republic was part of a NATO anti-terrorist exercise.
Prague 27. May (TBC) - The Charter 77 Foundation presented two traditional awards today at the Prague Mayor's residence. The František Kriegel Award for civic bravery was accepted by representatives of the Činoherák Ústí theatre company. The Tom Stoppard Prize for an important essay was awarded to the critic, publicist and former communist and reformist politician, 91-year-old A. J. Liehm.
The management of the theatre in Ústí nad Labem was awarded this year's Kriegl Prize.
Last year, 1.1 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico were apprehended along the 2,000-mile southern U.S. border, more than half of them within 400 miles in Arizona's border desert. In the spring, when the immigration wave is at its peak, the Department of Homeland Security plans to increase security by another 500 people to 2,500 border guards and temporarily transfer 27 aircraft there.
In 2004, more than 1 million illegal immigrants were apprehended at the U.S. southern border.
Plzen 12. (ČTK) - Inspectors of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority seized counterfeit branded goods worth 15 million crowns on Saturday in Železná Ruda, Klatovy region. As usual, the owners could not be found. This was told to ČTK today by the director of the Pilsen CTIA, Václav Havlík.
The information was communicated to the Czech Press Agency by the director of the Pilsen CTIA, Václav Havlík.
A total of around 4.7 million Fiat 126s were built, 3.3 million of them in Poland. A lesser known fact is that a small number of these cars came from the United States. and from the workshops of the Austrian company Steyr-Puch, which fitted an engine of its own design into the supplied bodywork. The Fiat 126p replaced the similarly simple, but significantly more modern Cinquecento model and later the second generation Panda in the production programme.
Less than 70% of all Fiat 126s were produced in Poland.
Last year, 1.1 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico were apprehended along the 2,000-mile southern U.S. border, more than half of them within 400 miles in Arizona's border desert. In the spring, when the immigration wave is at its peak, the Department of Homeland Security plans to increase security by another 500 people to 2,500 border guards and temporarily transfer 27 aircraft there.
The United States shares a border with Mexico.
NOGALES (USA) 4 April (ČTK) - The self-appointed border patrols searching for illegal immigrants on the borders of the US state of Arizona and Mexico have recorded their first "catch." It turned out to be a Guatemalan man from Guatemala, who by chance had been living in the US. He came looking for help directly to the camp of volunteer border guards.
The United States shares a border with Mexico.
Mexico and the United States share a 2,000-mile border, which thousands of Mexicans cross each year in hopes of better living conditions. According to statistics from humanitarian organizations, at least one Mexican citizen dies every day while crossing the border, usually trying to cross a vast desert area or attempting to swim across the dangerous Rio Grande.
The United States shares a border with Mexico.
Illegal immigration from Mexico has long been one of the United States' biggest problems. Republicans have traditionally favored strong border control; they have significant support from labor unions, which argue that cheap labor from Mexico undercuts the cost of labor in the American market. The state most at risk is California, which shares a border with Mexico. California in the second half of the 1990s. In recent years, several laws have been passed to make illegal border crossings even more difficult.
The United States shares a border with Mexico.
San Diego (USA) 17. (ČTK) - Despite the costly effort to close parts of the border between Mexico and the USA, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States continues to grow. That's according to a study released Tuesday by the Public Policy Institute, a California-based non-governmental organization. The organization relied on census data and its own research.
The United States shares a border with Mexico.
The White House described the atmosphere as "deliberately relaxed." George W. Bush is no stranger to Mexico, having dealt with it as governor of the U.S. border state of Texas. Observers say it is also significant that the presidents meet at a ranch, as both are close to the rural way of life. Bush owns a ranch near the Texas capital of Austin. He will also spend the weekend there after wrapping up his Mexican visit.
The United States shares a border with Mexico.
Mexico also resents the fact that the United States is still building a wall on their mutual, several thousand kilometer-long border to prevent physical illegal crossing of Mexicans into the USA. An equally important issue will be the smuggling of narcotics across the Mexican border. The United States is urging Mexico to better control its border.
The United States shares a border with Mexico.
Nymburk (Nymburk) 24. (ČTK) - The reconstruction of the railway station in Poděbrady worth 12 million crowns should be completed by the end of August, which includes repairs to the facade, roof, interior and surroundings of the building. These repairs should be followed in September by the reconstruction of an apartment building, which is connected to the railway station. The two buildings will form one colourful whole. Czech Railways spokesman Petr Štáhlavský informed ČTK about this.
The building in Poděbrady is undergoing reconstruction for 12 million crowns.
Kiev 22. (ČTK) - The Ukrainian border service has banned former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili from entering the country until 2021. According to Unian, the reason is an illegal crossing of the Polish-Ukrainian border in September last year. Saakashvili was arrested 10 days ago in Kiev and deported to Poland.
Ukraine welcomed the former Georgian president in Kiev.
The snow-covered streets of the metropolis were flooded by thousands of paramedics, many in white coats or with sanitary masks and a number of banners: "Stop Ulla" in response to the Minister of Health or "60 hours per week" referring to the number of hours an average GP works.
Health workers in Germany have gone on strike.
18th in Berlin. January (CTK reporter) - Some 20,000 general practitioners across Germany took to the streets today to show their discontent with what they say is excessive bureaucracy and low pay. In Berlin alone, the scene of the main demonstration, 14,000 paramedics gathered in spite of inclement weather, having been brought by bus from eastern Germany and Baden-Wuerttemberg. Across the country, around half of the 96,000 GP practices are on strike.
Health workers in Germany have gone on strike.
"We want the euro, no point values. We want to prescribe the drugs we choose," said one demonstrator. He was referring to the fact that health insurance companies only reimburse drugs up to a certain limit. More money is needed in the system overall, according to doctors.
Health workers in Germany have gone on strike.
The decision to strike was taken by 840,000 members of several unions representing more than three million state employees in the sensitive sectors of health, public transport or municipal services, including garbage collection. The last time the public sector went on strike en masse was in 1992, and the protest then made life uncomfortable for virtually all residents of Germany for several weeks until both parties agreed to a compromise.
Health workers in Germany have gone on strike.
In Baden-Wuerttemberg alone, 1,200 medical practices closed on Monday; in Saxony-Anhalt, a thousand general and specialist doctors and medical staff demonstrated in an attempt to obtain better financial awards and eliminate bureaucratic obstacles; protests were also held in Brandenburg. On Wednesday, in addition to Berlin, demonstrations will also take place in Hamburg, Mainz and Munich.
Health workers in Germany have gone on strike.
Zeman appointed Rusnok as prime minister on the 25th. After the coalition government of ODS, TOP 09 and LIDEM headed by Prime Minister Petr Nečas (ODS) fell in June due to a scandal involving Nečas's close associate and friend Jana Nagyová. Zeman then appointed Rusnok's "summer presidential" government, even though the parliamentary parties did not agree on it. Zeman's actions have drawn criticism on the political scene, with attacks also directed at the connection of some ministers to the Citizens' Rights Party - zemanovka. She is now preparing to address members of the caretaker government, asking them to run for her in early elections.
Jiří Rusnok became prime minister on the 25th. In June 2013, he was appointed by President Zeman.
Zeman appointed Rusnok as prime minister on the 25th. The coalition government of ODS, TOP 09 and LIDEM headed by Prime Minister Petr Nečas (ODS) fell in June. The president then appointed Rusnok's bureaucratic "summer" government of 10. July, against the wishes of the majority in the Chamber of Deputies. Rusnok's resignation thus travels to the Castle after about one month.
Jiří Rusnok became prime minister on the 25th. In June 2013, he was appointed by President Zeman.
Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. The creators of the popular operas La Traviata, La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be saluted not only by Milan's restored La Scala, but also by opera lovers. He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole.
The opera Aida was composed by Giuseppe Verdi.
Žulawski's films are full of drastic scenes and nudity. His second feature, 1972's "The Devil," was banned in Poland and the filmmaker moved to France, where he died at 50. He studied for years. His debut film, The Third Part of the Night (1971), also a drama with horror elements in historical settings, caused great controversy in Poland.
Andrzej Žulawski creates art that evokes emotions.
The money ended up in the account of one of the world's largest banks, the Swiss United Bank of Switzerland (UBS). At the end of 2007, the Czech government and UBS agreed that the bank would return 420 million crowns to the state, while the rest of the money would be recovered from Skořepa, who was allegedly involved in the transfer. UBS refused for a long time to return hundreds of millions to the Czech Republic, and in 2006 the CKA therefore sued it at court in Zurich. After an agreement between the Czech Republic and the financial institution, however, the agency withdrew its lawsuit. In December 2007, ČKA received 404 million crowns from UBS into its account, and then another 16 million. K 31. In December 2007, the CCA ceased to exist and its agenda was transferred to the Ministry of Finance.
The successor of the CAC is the Chairman of the Czech National Bank.
The Czech Consolidation Agency (CCA) was established in September 2001. based on the law 239/2001 Sb. as the successor of Konsolidační banka (KoB), founded by the Ministry of Finance in 1991. He finished 31st. In December 2007, its agenda was transferred to the Ministry of Finance.
The successor of the CAC is the Chairman of the Czech National Bank.
Tank battle at Ořechov 24. In April 1945, World War II ended in this part of the country. About 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers were killed. Thirty-five Soviet tanks and vehicles were destroyed, and 80 percent of the village was wiped out. Twenty people died and 176 homes were destroyed. An event in the village is commemorated by a memorial.
On 24 April 1945 there was a ceasefire at Ořechov.
As a contributory organization, the ND must end up with a balanced budget; last year it received more than 15 million crowns from activities other than its main activity, i.e. mainly from renting premises. Spectators bought 600,288 tickets. The average attendance was 77.8 percent, and the theatre is almost 33 percent self-sufficient. Last year, it received 3.5 percent of its budget from ND sponsors, or about 35 million crowns. Thanks to its benefactors, it has gained 2.4 million crowns.
Audiences bought a total of 600,288 tickets to the National Theatre last year.
Last year, 1.1 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico were apprehended along the 2,000-mile southern U.S. border, more than half of them on a 400-mile stretch in Arizona's border desert. The Department of Homeland Security is preparing to increase the number of border patrol agents by another 500 people in the spring, when the immigration wave reaches its peak, and will temporarily transfer 27 aircraft there.
Mexico shares a president with the United States.
NOGALES (USA) 4 April (ČTK) - The self-appointed border patrols searching for illegal immigrants on the borders of the US state of Arizona and Mexico have recorded their first "catch." It turned out to be a Guatemalan man from Guatemala, who by chance had been living in the US. He came looking for help directly to the camp of volunteer border guards. However, the authorities do not support the event and human rights groups fear it will lead to violence and racism. Border officials also warn that volunteers could come into conflict with increasingly violent drug and human smugglers.
Mexico shares a president with the United States.
Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. The creators of the popular operas La Traviata, La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be saluted not only by Milan's restored La Scala, but also by opera lovers. He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole.
Giuseppe Verdi died on the 27th. February 1901.
The government's persecution of Gülen supporters intensified after the 2016 coup attempt. Since then, more than 218,000 people have been detained, according to official figures from mid-November. Nearly 17,000 people have been convicted and nearly 15,000 remain in pre-trial detention. In addition, more than 140,000 people were dismissed from the civil service.
A total of 28 people are facing charges over the murder of Anatoly Karlov.
Of the 28 defendants, 13 are in custody and the rest will be tried in absentia. This includes the cleric Gulen, who lives in exile in the United States. The Associated Press reports that prosecutors are seeking life sentences for some of the defendants, while others could face up to 15 years in prison.
A total of 28 people are facing charges over the murder of Anatoly Karlov.
Ankara, 8 January (ČTK) - A trial began today in the Turkish capital, where 28 people are facing charges in connection with the public murder of Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov in 2016. The assailant was himself shot dead shortly after the crime, but according to media reports, the prosecutor's office claims that the murder was the result of a conspiracy aimed at damaging Turkish-Russian relations and is being carried out by the movement of cleric Fethullah Gülen, which Ankara considers terrorist. Among the defendants are: and Gülen himself.
A total of 28 people are facing charges over the murder of Anatoly Karlov.
PRAGUE 19. March (CTK) - On ten islands on the Vltava River in Prague from 29. From April 4 to May 2, the international music festival United Islands of Prague will take place. "The number of performers will reach almost a thousand and the audience participation is estimated at tens of thousands. The programme is still being fine-tuned," the show's spokesman Marek Hlavica told ČTK today. According to Hlavice, the festival will contribute to the Czech Republic's entry into a united Europe. The ten island scenes symbolise the number of new EU members. Many people may be attracted to the show by the amount of the entrance fee; when entering the islands, visitors pay a sum equivalent to one euro (about 32 crowns).
The music festival held on Prague's islands is called United Islands.
The tradition of the Brno Sixteen dates back to 1960. It is one of the most important amateur film festivals even on a global scale, as evidenced by the interest of filmmakers from distant countries such as Mexico, the Philippines and Nepal. This year's event will begin on the 14th. October in the Art cinema, where a show organised by the Tourist Information Centre has found its home in recent years. It will take four days.
The Brno Sixteen exhibition has aroused interest among South Americans.
The state prize for literature is awarded by a jury, which is always appointed for each year either for extraordinary literary performance in the past year or for overall work, sometimes combining both. When asked why Kundera received the award now, Haman replied that it was probably only this year that jurors sympathetic to Kundera met. "It's very subjective," he said of the judges' decision-making. Prague 22. October (ČTK) - The State Prize for Literature in 2007 will be awarded to writer Milan Kundera for the first domestic publication of a novel The unbearable lightness of being, taking into account previous prose and essay writing. This was announced today by the Ministry of Culture. Antonín Přidal will receive the joint state prize for translation.
Milan Kundera has never received a state prize for literature.
Brno, 24. March (ČTK) - The multifunctional DORN building should start to be built between Brno's Plotní and Dornych streets opposite Vaňkovce at the end of April, At the beginning of May at the latest. The investor, the Tišnov company Camastro, has already demolished old houses and is preparing a space to start construction. The company expects to receive a building permit within a few days, the investor's representative David Jiran told ČTK today.
The multifunctional DORN building is planned outside Brno's Plotní and Dornych streets.
The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the House due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp in Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09. The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign to prevent direct attacks on him. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation.
ODS Chairman Petr Fiala is criticised for statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku.
The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation.
ODS Chairman Petr Fiala is criticised for statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku.