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Prague, September 10 (ČTK) - Fifty years ago, the Soviet space probe Luna 2 was supposed to deliver a nuclear charge to the Moon that would explode there. Soviet officials abandoned this plan, which was supposed to demonstrate the military superiority of the USSR and intimidate the world, only because they feared that the rocket would crash and fall outside Soviet territory, where it could get into unauthorized hands. Antonín Vítek, an expert on astronautics from the Academy of Sciences told ČTK that this is not entirely new information. but that it is necessary to remember these things.
The Soviet Union planned to use nuclear weapons on the Moon.
While polls show that Poles oppose the U.S. anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today.
Poland's prime minister and president support the construction of a British warehouse for military equipment on Polish territory.
Warsaw, 24 August (ČTK) - Fifty-six percent of the inhabitants of Poland are against the location of a US missile base on Polish territory. 28% of respondents are in favour of building the base. This emerges from a survey of almost 900 Poles, the results of which were published by the CBOS public opinion research institute.
Poland's prime minister and president support the construction of a British warehouse for military equipment on Polish territory.
The percentage of people who oppose the location of a US base in Poland has been hovering between 50 and 60 percent in recent months. The highest level of opposition to the base was 60 percent in a CBOS poll at the end of June.
Poland's prime minister and president support the construction of a British warehouse for military equipment on Polish territory.
FLOOR 12. (ČTK) - The high interest of Kladno citizens to vote in the referendum on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union is evidenced by the number of issued voting cards. The Kladno magistrate issued a record number of voting cards. A total of 526 Kladno residents will vote outside their permanent residence. "In last year's parliamentary elections, 355 citizens voted in this way," Ladislav Pavlík, spokesman for the Kladno City Hall, told ČTK today.
A total of 526 Kladno residents will vote outside their permanent residence.
Convulsions from overheating arise from the loss of water and ions, they are usually in the abdomen and limbs, may occur during exertion. It is therefore necessary to immediately stop the effort and stay calm in a shady, cool place, drink fruit juices or ionic drinks for athletes. helps to firmly squeeze the muscles and release them by gentle massaging. A doctor should be called only if the convulsions do not subside within an hour.
overheating causes contraction of the calf muscles.
Heat cramps are caused by a loss of water and ions, usually in the abdomen and extremities. They may appear in the fall. It is therefore necessary to immediately stop the effort and stay calm in a shady, cool place, drink fruit juices or ionic drinks for athletes. helps to firmly squeeze the muscles and release them by gentle massaging. A doctor should be called only if the convulsions do not subside within an hour.
overheating causes contraction of the calf muscles.
Despite criticism of the Blix report, the letter expresses a "firm commitment to continue cooperation" with UN inspectors. At the same time, it warns against US attempts to use the inspection process for its aggressive policy towards Iraq.
US representative Blix presented a detailed report on the deployment to the UN Security Council at Monday's meeting. weapons in Iraq.
A key climate summit begins today in Paris, which is expected to produce an agreement on limiting greenhouse gas emissions for the next few decades. The new agreement is intended to replace the Kyoto Protocol, which originally covered the period from 2008 to 2012, as of 2020. The main goal is to keep the average global temperature rise below two degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels. This is where the reduction of emissions, to which the shift away from fossil fuels also contributes, should help. to new technologies and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind or water power.
The Paris Agreement is due to replace the Kyoto Protocol in 2012.
BRNO/BUČOVICE (Vyškovsko) 1 June (CTK) - Fifty years of restoring tapestries at the Moravian Tapestry Manufactory in Valašské Meziříčí na Vsetínsku will be illustrated from today by an exhibition at Bučovice Castle in Vyškovsko. It will last until the end of August, Bučovice castellan Pavel Ecler told ČTK today. The manufactory brought to the Bučovice castle, among other things, six historical tapestries from the depositories of the state chateau Náměšť nad Oslavou and the Silesian Museum in Opava.
The Moravian Tapestry Manufactory also brought tapestries from the castle Náměšť nad Oslavou and the Silesian Museum in Opava to Bučovice Castle.
Prague, 7 March (ČTK) - The Czech Republic took part in the regular NATO international counter-terrorism exercise CMX 2006, which ended today. The crisis staff had to deal with preparations for sending a military unit outside the territory of the republic, measures against terrorist attacks on Prague's public transport and Ruzyne airport, and preparation for the evacuation of Czech experts from abroad. CTK was informed about this by the Ministry of Defence. Participation in international missions Czech soldiers have earned the respect of their alliance colleagues even before joining NATO. Czechs abroad are active in NATO, UN and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe operations. In recent years, they have been involved in missions such as KFOR in Kosovo, SFOR in Bosnia and peacekeeping operations in Macedonia. They also regularly participate in allied exercises and on the territory of the Czech Republic. Since 2000, more than ten exercises of the armies of NATO member states have taken place.
The Czech Republic is one of the NATO member countries.
Prague, 7 March (ČTK) - The Czech Republic took part in the regular NATO international counter-terrorism exercise CMX 2006, which ended today. The crisis staff had to deal with preparations for sending a military unit outside the territory of the republic, measures against terrorist attacks on Prague's public transport and Ruzyne airport, and preparation for the evacuation of Czech experts from abroad. CTK was informed about this by the Ministry of Defence. Together with Poland and Hungary, the Czech Republic is one of NATO's youngest members; these three countries joined the alliance last March. These three countries, as well as Turkey, for example, are also among the states that are members of NATO but not of the EU, which is trying to build a common foreign and security policy. By participating in international missions, Czech soldiers have earned the respect of their alliance colleagues even before joining NATO. Czechs abroad are active in NATO, UN and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe operations. In recent years, they have been involved in missions such as KFOR in Kosovo, SFOR in Bosnia and peacekeeping operations in Macedonia. They also regularly participate in allied exercises and on the territory of the Czech Republic. Since 2000, more than ten exercises of the armies of NATO member states have taken place. The Czech Republic is a member of NATO but not the EU, as are Poland, Hungary, Norway, Iceland and Turkey. According to the EU's proposal, relations with these states should be settled by bilateral agreements that would include regular meetings with the EU at various levels. According to the EU's ideas, these countries would automatically be able to participate in Union military operations for which NATO resources would be used. Although they would participate in the planning, preparation and execution of such actions, they would not decide on them. This would only apply to EU countries. The Czech Republic is a member of NATO but not the EU, as are Poland, Hungary, Norway, Iceland and Turkey. According to the EU's proposal, relations with these states should be settled by bilateral agreements that would include regular meetings with the EU at various levels. According to the EU's ideas, these countries would automatically be able to participate in Union military operations for which NATO resources would be used. Although they would participate in the planning, preparation and execution of such actions, they would not decide on them. This would only apply to EU countries.
The Czech Republic is one of the NATO member countries.
Prague, 7 March (ČTK) - The Czech Republic took part in the regular NATO international counter-terrorism exercise CMX 2006, which ended today. The crisis staff had to deal with preparations for sending a military unit outside the territory of the republic, measures against terrorist attacks on Prague's public transport and Ruzyne airport, and preparation for the evacuation of Czech experts from abroad. CTK was informed about this by the Ministry of Defence.
The Czech Republic is one of the NATO member countries.
Nassau/New York, 8 March (ČTK correspondent) - The court proceedings on the extradition of Irish financier Viktor Kožená to the United States will continue today in the Bahamian capital of Nassau. The 43-year-old Czech-born businessman has been in custody at Fox Hill Royal Prison since 5 May last year. He was arrested in October at the request of U.S. justice, which accuses him of corruption during the privatization of Azerbaijan's oil industry.
Nassau is the capital city of The Bahamas.
London 26. May (TBC) - He celebrated his 80th birthday with a simple kiss today. Britain's oldest married couple, Frank and Anita Milford. Like many couples, they argue from time to time but have never let the disagreements affect their love for each other and commitment to marriage. As a result, 100-year-old Frank and Anita, 99, have equalled the record for Britain's longest marriage.
A couple from 18th century Scotland had the longest-lasting marriage of all time.
With 80 years together, the Milfords have equalled the previous record for England's longest marriage, set in 2006 by Percy and Florence Arrowsmith from Hereford. Percy Arrowsmith has died, two weeks after the anniversary of his death.
A couple from 18th century Scotland had the longest-lasting marriage of all time.
"I don't own any shares, offshore funds or anything like that. I have a prime minister's salary and some savings, from which I get some interest. I also have a house," Cameron said in response to a question from Sky News reporter during a debate on Britain's EU referendum campaign.
David Cameron ignores the "Panama Papers."
According to Punčochář, it is a myth that if there were more water in the water profile, filling of reservoirs and river flows would be ensured. According to him, there are around 165 reservoirs in the Czech Republic with a volume of 3,360 million cubic metres and a surface area of 30,000 hectares. In the ponds, of which there are about 23,000, there are 500 million cubic metres, i.e. several times less. But their area is 51,000 hectares, so they are more heated and have greater evaporation than large reservoirs.
Number of water reservoirs in the Czech Republic It's over 160.
15th place overall. October (ČTK) - In Frýdek-Místek, the reconstruction of the bridge at 17th Street will be completed on Friday. November. Vehicle traffic will return to the nearly 70-meter-long bridge after four months. The bridge over the R56 expressway from Ostrava to Beskydy was in poor technical condition. In order to modernize its Expended The state fund for transport infrastructure is approximately 32 million crowns. The Moravian-Silesian Region paid another CZK 3.5 million for a new road surface up to the intersection with Ostravská Street. Barbara Odstrčilíková, spokesperson for the Moravian-Silesian Hetmanate, informed ČTK about this.
17 High Street. In November in Frýdek-Místek there is a concrete bridge.
Frýdek-Místek, 15 October (ČTK) - In Frýdek-Místek, the reconstruction of the bridge at 17th Street will be completed on Friday. November. Vehicle traffic will return to the nearly 70-meter-long bridge after four months. The bridge over the R56 expressway from Ostrava to Beskydy was in poor technical condition. The State Fund for Transport Infrastructure has spent approximately 32 million crowns on its modernisation. The Moravian-Silesian Region paid another CZK 3.5 million for a new road surface up to the intersection with Ostravská Street. Barbara Odstrčilíková, spokesperson for the Moravian-Silesian Hetmanate, informed ČTK about this.
17 High Street. In November in Frýdek-Místek there is a concrete bridge.
Nymburk (Nymburk) 24. The reconstruction of the railway station in Poděbrady worth 12 million crowns should be completed by the end of August, which includes repairs to the facade, roof, interior and surroundings of the building. These repairs should then be followed in September by the reconstruction of an apartment building, which is connected to the railway station. The two buildings will form one colourful whole. Czech Railways spokesman Petr Štáhlavský informed ČTK about this.
A new shopping centre is being built in Poděbrady.
NEW YORK 30. January (CTK) - Iraq on Wednesday rejected a report by chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, but offered some new information and pledged further cooperation with the inspectors. That's according to a letter released by Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed al-Douri, at UN headquarters in New York.
Iraq will not suspend cooperation with UN inspectors.
Referring to Blix's assertion that after 12 years Baghdad had still not "truly accepted" a commitment to eliminate its weapons of mass destruction, the Iraqi letter said it was "unfortunate to make such a political judgment after two months of unprecedented cooperation" with inspectors. Similarly, Blix's statement "speaks little about Iraqi cooperation and contains a lot of unsubstantiated claims, assumptions and distortions." Despite criticism of the Blix report, the letter expresses a "firm determination to continue cooperation" with UN inspectors. At the same time, it warns "against US attempts to use the inspection process for its aggressive policy towards Iraq."
Iraq will not suspend cooperation with UN inspectors.
NEW YORK 30. January (CTK) - Iraq on Wednesday rejected a report by chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, but offered some new information and pledged further cooperation with the inspectors. That's according to a letter released by Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed al-Douri, at UN headquarters in New York. Despite criticism of the Blix report, the letter expresses a "firm determination to continue cooperation" with UN inspectors. At the same time, it warns "against US attempts to use the inspection process for its aggressive policy towards Iraq."
Iraq will not suspend cooperation with UN inspectors.
22nd in Madrid. (ČTK) - The Swiss insurance company Zurich Financial Services and the Spanish bank Santander have entered into an agreement that will open up access to fast-growing markets in Latin America for 1.67 billion dollars (approximately 30.2 billion Czech crowns). In return, the Spanish bank will receive capital for further acquisitions. The new joint venture was announced today by the two institutions.
Zurich, through its partnership with Santander, will focus on offering financial services in the Americas.
Volkswagen said last week that it posted a record full-year loss of 1.6 billion euros (over 43 billion Czech crowns) due to costs associated with the emissions scandal. In 2014, it earned almost 11 billion euros. Last year, costs related to the emissions scandal cost Volkswagen about 16.2 billion euros. Last year, sales of Volkswagen Group cars fell by two percent to around ten million vehicles. However, the company's total sales rose by more than five percent to 213.3 billion euros.
Volkswagen has sold 10 million cars.
Prague 13. (ČTK) - In Prague, more than 6,700 announced demonstrations took place in the second half of last year. In the whole year, there were about 11,000 protest rallies. Deputy Mayor Rudolf Blažek (ODS) said this at a press conference today. Since July, security officials have pre-emptively banned one rally and disbanded another on the spot, according to the undersecretary for security.
Rudolf Blažek is a member of a political party.
Prague, 1 January (ČTK) - From April, it will be possible to pay parking fees in Prague's paid parking zones via SMS. Deputy Mayor and Councillor Rudolf Blažek (ODS) told ČTK this in an interview. Some zones reserved for residents will also be turned into mixed zones in the spring, where both residents and visitors can park. However, Blažek does not want to discuss the expansion of parking zones into other city districts until the current operation in Prague 1, 2, 3 and 7 has been evaluated.
Rudolf Blažek is a member of a political party.
While polls show that Poles oppose the U.S. anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today.
Poland's prime minister and president are in favour of locating a US anti-missile base on Polish territory.
According to him, the EU made a mistake in the past when it did not care about the problems of Italy and Greece, through whose territory most refugees arrive. "Yes, Germany will have to pay. If we are to receive many refugees in the future, we will have to set a quota. I mentioned the figure of 200.000 per year, which corresponds to our economic strength in the EU. But when this number is reached, we will have to turn people away at the border," said the Bavarian Prime Minister.
According to the Bavarian Prime Minister, accepting 200,000 refugees a year corresponds to Germany's economic strength in the United Nations.
"Pastor's Lunch" 11. July (CTK) - This year, the town hall in Postoloprty in Louny is donating 175,000 crowns to repair the Chapel of 14 Holy Helpers in the local part of Mradice. Mayor Bedřiška Zakouřilová (independent) told ČTK today that although the chapel from 1841 is owned by the church, the city is interested in repairing it not only because of its external appearance, but mainly to preserve it.
The Postoloprty town hall is donating money to repair the chapel.
Chomsky, who is emeritus professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is considered to be the most important living linguist and founder of modern linguistics. A left-wing political activist, he is also known for his critical stance. American capitalism, globalization and its consequences, military conflicts, the foreign policy of the United States, Israel and other governments.
Chomsky leans to the political left in his thinking.
Washington/Prague, December 5 (ČTK) - He is often referred to as one of the most influential intellectuals of our time; the media write about him as "the world's best-known dissident" or "the conscience of the American nation." The American linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky is best known for his persistent criticism of American capitalism, the system and way of life of the country in which he lives. The US, he said, is "the most aggressive power in the world and the greatest threat to peace." The left-leaning Chomsky, whom some accuse of having too black and white a view of the world as well as certain mistakes, has also criticized for example the planned American radar in the Czech Republic. He turns 80 on Sunday.
Chomsky leans to the political left in his thinking.
Chomsky is one of the best known figures in Western left-wing intellectual dissent. The eloquent Chomsky has been criticizing American foreign policy since the Vietnam War, but he is also known as a creator of modern linguistics. His theory of generative grammar is considered the greatest contribution to theoretical linguistics in the 20th century.
Chomsky leans to the political left in his thinking.
Last year, the number of aircraft movements (i.e. take-offs and landings) at Ruzyně Airport increased by more than 50%. 11.4 percent to nearly 116 thousand. The growth in the number of checked-in passengers was even higher, reaching 18.2 percent. This is evidenced by the fact that increasingly larger and heavier aircraft are flying to Prague. So far this year, the month-on-month increase in the number of passengers travelling to Ruzyně has been around 30 percent. In July, the airport even handled more than a million passengers in one month for the first time in its history.
Larger and heavier aircraft are increasingly flying to Berlin.
Last year, the number of aircraft movements, i.e. take-offs and landings, at Ruzyně Airport increased by 11.4 percent to almost 116 thousand. The growth in the number of checked-in passengers was even higher, reaching 18.2 percent. This is evidenced by the fact that larger and heavier aircraft are flying to Prague. So far this year, the month-on-month increase in the number of passengers on Ruzyně has been around 30 percent. In July, the airport handled more than a million passengers in one month for the first time in its history.
Larger and heavier aircraft are increasingly flying to Berlin.
NEW YORK 30. January (CTK) - Iraq on Wednesday rejected a report by chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, but offered some new information and pledged further cooperation with the inspectors. That's according to a letter released by Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed al-Douri, at UN headquarters in New York.
Mohammed Durie works for the United Nations.
The Hateful Eight had its US premiere on the 25th. December. Before that, a pirated copy of it had leaked onto the internet. According to Variety, nearly 570,000 IP addresses downloaded the film in the first 24 hours after it was leaked. The film piracy group Hive-CM8 has since apologised for the problems caused. He allegedly wants his activities to help people who do not have money for the cinema, and he does not want to harm the film business. They described themselves as admirers of Tarantino's work.
Pirates appreciate art.
Brussels/London, 2 February (CTK reporter) - The draft agreement, which is intended to redefine the relationship between Britain and the European Union, was published today by the permanent president of the European Council, Donald Tusk. Tusk said the document, which will be discussed at an EU summit later this month, was a good basis for compromise but tough negotiations lay ahead. British Prime Minister David Cameron responded on Twitter shortly after the release of the draft, saying that while the documents showed progress in all four areas London wanted to negotiate, more work was needed.
The British Prime Minister is a Conservative.
Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma sacked Tymoshenko, deputy prime minister for energy and fuels, in January after she was charged with falsifying documents, tax evasion and theft of Russian natural gas. She has denied any wrongdoing, saying the allegations were fabricated by her political rivals. KYIV, 5 January (ČTK) - Ukrainian authorities today arrested Yulia Tymoshenko, Deputy Prime Minister for the Energy and Fuel Sector, who is accused of tax evasion, embezzlement and falsification of documents. This was reported by Interfax. KYIV 15. (ČTK) - The Ukrainian Prosecutor General today charged Yulia Tymoshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine for the energy and fuel sector, with falsifying documents, tax evasion and theft of Russian natural gas. She strongly denied any wrongdoing, saying the accusations were fabricated by her political rivals, and filed a lawsuit against Prosecutor General Mikhail Potebenko. This was reported today by Interfax.
Ukraine's deputy prime minister has been replaced by a man.
Visitors to the exhibition can see works by sculptor Jan Ambrůz, graphic artist Vladana Hajnová, painter and sculptor Daniel Hanzlík and sculptor Ladislav Jezbera. Also exhibiting in the Hradec Králové gallery are author of large-format drawings Jiří Kornatovský, painter Jiří Matějů, painter and experimenter Jaromír Novotný and author of audiovisual installations Richard Loskot.
The Great Silence exhibition presents musicians of the last decade.
The thematic exhibition maps one of the forms of contemporary visual art, which with minimal means tries to capture the invisible order of things, go beyond common conventions and deepen sensitivity to what is seen.
The Great Silence exhibition presents musicians of the last decade.
PARIS/LONDON, April 10 (ČTK) - European airlines Air France and British Airways will retire Concorde supersonic jets this year after more than 27 years in service. France's Air France announced its decision in Paris today, while the British airline made a similar announcement in London. The French will decommission the Concorde once and for all. November. In a press release, Air France justified its decision by the deterioration of economic results on the transatlantic route used by Concorde. Both companies have noticed the worsening economic situation of Concorde in recent months, especially since the beginning of this year, AFP wrote.
The two companies announced the end of Concorde operations at a conference in London.
PARIS/LONDON, April 10 (ČTK) - European airlines Air France and British Airways will retire Concorde supersonic jets this year after more than 27 years in service. France's Air France announced its decision in Paris today, while the British airline made a similar announcement in London.
The two companies announced the end of Concorde operations at a conference in London.
LIBEREC 19. (ČTK) - The life of Václav Havel before his accession to Prague Castle and I During the His presidency is represented by a narrative publication of photographs, which some bookstores are now offering. The president, whose term of office expires in February, was captured in 90 images by nine leading Czech photographers. "The book is currently only available to booksellers in Liberec and Prague, but it will gradually appear in other cities as well," Pavel Vinklát, a representative of the Liberec publishing house Knihy 555, which launched the publication, told ČTK today. Roughly a third of the published photos depict Havel between 1974 and 1989, while the rest were taken during his time at Prague Castle.
A Liberec publishing house has put a book of photographs by Václav Havel on sale.
Washington/Prague 10. The last person to leave his footprints in the lunar dust was Eugene Cernan, commander of the Apollo 17 mission that landed on the Moon 11 years ago. December of 1972. This Chicago native, whose ancestors came to America in the early 20th century. He spent 75 hours on the Moon together with Harrison Schmitt, including a record 22 hours and four minutes outside the module. The third member of the Apollo 17 crew, who returned to Earth on the 19th. On December 12, 1972, Ronald Evans was born.
Eugene's ancestors were from Bohemia and Slovakia.
Eugene Cernan is probably the best known, but not the only American astronaut who claims to be of Czech origin. Half of Czechs take after their mother Jim Lovell, a crew member of the ill-fated Apollo 13 and the only man to fly twice to the moon without landing on it. From the younger generation of astronauts, John Blaha has Czech ancestors, whose grandfather was from Herálek u Humpolce. Blaha first looked into space in March 1989 and last worked at the turn of 1996 and 1997 aboard the Mir orbital station.
Eugene's ancestors were from Bohemia and Slovakia.
Chicago/Prague 12. In December 1972, American astronaut Eugene Andrew Cernan was the last man to leave his footprints on the dusty surface of the Moon. Back on his home planet back then, Cernan, who was 14. He turns 75 in March. In addition to geological samples, he also took away the Czechoslovak flag. The Chicago native has always claimed his Central European roots - his ancestors came to America in the early 20th century. century from Bohemia and Slovakia.
Eugene's ancestors were from Bohemia and Slovakia.
Two months later, Apollo 11 was ready to go into space and once again headed for the Moon. Its crew, including an astronaut with a Eugene Cernan's Czechoslovak roots, during the tests of the landing module it reached up to 15 km from the surface of Luna. And then, in July 1969, came the famous moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the lunar surface. Of the Apollo 9 crew, only David Scott, who commanded the Apollo 15 mission in the summer of 1971, ultimately succeeded.
Eugene's ancestors were from Bohemia and Slovakia.
They were the last humans to leave their footprints on the lunar surface. American astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt began their three-day lunar landing on the 11th. December of 1972. They spent a record 22 hours and four minutes outside the Apollo 17 lunar module, collecting 113 kilograms of moon rock. "It was a great feeling. There are no roads on the moon, but there are also no policemen," Eugen Cernan later quipped during a visit to what was then Czechoslovakia, where his ancestors came from. Apollo 17 was the last of America's lunar missions, which took place between 1969 and 1972.
Eugene's ancestors were from Bohemia and Slovakia.
This morning, police were out in force across the South East. 32 crashes to accidents. One person was seriously injured, one moderately and five people escaped with minor injuries. "Drivers do not realise that even wet roads are slippery and should therefore take their foot off the accelerator," police spokesperson Jana Kameníková told ČTK.
On the last day of January, South Bohemia recorded 32 car accidents.
PRAGUE 20. April (ČTK) - When examining the injured 17-month-old girl, doctors at Prague's Vinohrady Hospital did not find that she had eight broken ribs. The abused girl was treated by doctors for a broken leg. The Endangered Children's Fund removed the child from his parents on suspicion of abuse. His rib fractures were later discovered by his doctor. The fund has therefore turned to the Ministry of Health with a complaint against doctors at Vinohrady Hospital, Nova television reported today.
All of the girl's ribs were intact.
Little Dominika was treated by doctors on 4 April. Among other things, the little girl had bruises on her face and doctors put a broken leg in plaster. Her broken ribs were not treated. "There were five fractures on the left side and three on the right," doctor Hana Peregrin, who examined the girl Monday, told Czech Television. It is not yet possible to say exactly how old the injury is, Nova said.
All of the girl's ribs were intact.
Pope John Paul II. He led the Catholic Church for 27 years. For the majority of believers, he represented a charismatic personality, filled with optimism about life and firm moral principles. But the pope also enjoyed sympathy outside the community of believers. During his pontificate from 1978 to 2005, he broke many taboos, including being the first head of the Catholic Church in history to visit a synagogue and a mosque. He has always defended the right to freedom of expression.
John Paul II. He is one of the popes who refused to visit a synagogue and a mosque.
Volkswagen said last week that it posted a record full-year loss of 1.6 billion euros (over 43 billion Czech crowns) due to costs associated with the emissions scandal. In 2014, it earned almost 11 billion euros. Last year, costs related to the emissions scandal cost Volkswagen about 16.2 billion euros. Last year, sales of Volkswagen Group cars fell by two percent to around ten million vehicles. However, the company's total sales rose by more than five percent to 213.3 billion euros.
The auto industry has lost its way.
Prague 22. (ČTK) - The Czech Theatre's showcase of regional theatres continued today in Prague with a guest performance by the Municipal Theatre from Mladá Boleslav. Its members presented on the stage of the Theatre under Palmovka musical comedy by Karel Poláček, Martin Vačkář and Ondřej Havelka "Men in Offside," which was the most successful project of last season.
The Czech Theatre showcase continued in Prague by hosting a theatre from Olomouc.
Prague 22. (ČTK) - The Czech Theatre's showcase of regional theatres continued today in Prague with a guest performance by the Municipal Theatre from Mladá Boleslav. Its members presented on the stage of the Theatre under Palmovka musical comedy by Karel Poláček, Martin Vačkář and Ondřej Havelka "Men in the Offside," which was the most successful project of last season.
The Czech Theatre showcase continued in Prague by hosting a theatre from Olomouc.
Prague 22. (ČTK) - The Czech Theatre's showcase of regional theatres continued today in Prague with a guest performance by the Municipal Theatre from Mladá Boleslav. Its members presented on the stage of the Theatre under Palmovka musical comedy by Karel Poláček, Martin Vačkář and Ondřej Havelka "Men in Offside," which was the most successful project of last season. The Czech Theatre showcase opened last week; it was the Mladoboleslavlovers who took home the award for the most successful title in terms of audience participation at this year's festival. Specifically for the game John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, which opened just a year ago.
The Czech Theatre showcase continued in Prague by hosting a theatre from Olomouc.
The scholarship from the South Moravian Region amounts to 72,000 crowns for one year of study in Brno. The first year is paid by the region, then a university can support good students. Students from Russia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, South Korea, Syria and other countries most often come to the south of Moravia. In the last six years, there have been more than 150. Students come to the programme on the basis of a selection process and recommendations from their parent faculties.
Students from Russia and Ukraine come to study in Brno.
The scholarship from the South Moravian Region amounts to 72,000 crowns for one year of study in Brno. The first year is paid by the region, then a university can support good students. Students from Russia, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, South Korea, Syria and other countries most often come to the south of Moravia. In the last six years, there have been more than 150. Students come to the programme on the basis of a selection process and recommendations from their parent faculties. Long-term cooperation is closely linked to Brno, for example with Izhevsk State Technical University in Russia. Every year several students come from Izhevsk for internships, and in recent years more than ten full-time students. For this reason, a Czech language teacher training centre has also been established in Iževsko where candidates can learn Czech. Other lectureships are in Khanty-Mansiysk and Ulyanovsk, Russia.
Students from Russia and Ukraine come to study in Brno.
The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation.
Tomio Okamura considers the criticism as part of a campaign against him in order to prevent direct confrontation. and indirect. participation of the SPD in forming a government.
The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation. Prague, 6 February (ČTK) - The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation.
Tomio Okamura considers the criticism as part of a campaign against him in order to prevent direct confrontation. and indirect. participation of the SPD in forming a government.
31 December 2005 - An avalanche buried eight Czech tourists who were bivouacking in the Slovak town of Roháč. Seven Czechs died under the snow, one of them a woman aged between 23 and 37. One man managed to be rescued.
In the Slovak Tatras, an avalanche buried 8 Czech tourists.
Taylor is the first former head of state from an African country to be tried by an international court. In the past, toppled African dictators usually fled overseas where they lived in comfort with impunity. Taylor also went into exile abroad, notably in Nigeria, after his overthrow in 2003, but was later handed over to a special court under international pressure.
The African dictator has been invited to an international conference in March.
Brussels 13. September (CTK reporter) - According to the European Commission's proposal, short-term or long-term personnel sent by EU member states will form the basis of a new version of the European Coast and Border Guard, which should have a total of 10,000 people by 2020. The Commissioner for the Interior, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said this to journalists today in Brussels when he explained the details of the proposal announced on Wednesday by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker during his speech before the European Parliament. According to the commission's documents, the new-style guard should have about 1,500 of its own employees with the necessary training in 2020 and their number should increase even more in the coming years. But most of the people who should be helping their colleagues in states on the periphery of the Union will be supplied by member countries. The Commission envisages that in 2020 there will be around 1,500 long-term national guardsmen and another 7,000 ready for immediate short-term deployment. The number of short-term staff seconded by Member States should then decrease over the next few years as they are replaced by Agency's own staff.
According to Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European coastguard and border guard should have by 2020: At least 1500 people.
Ostrava 18. August (CTK) - In the Baška reservoir in Frýdek-Místek, water quality remains poor due to an increased amount of cyanobacteria. People with a weakened immune system, children, pregnant women or allergy sufferers must be careful. After swimming in the reservoir, they should take a shower, preferably in drinking water, regional hygienist Helena Šebáková told ČTK today.
In the Baška reservoir in the Czech Republic, water quality has deteriorated due to cyanobacteria.
Heat cramps are caused by a loss of water and ions, usually in the abdomen and extremities. They may appear in the fall. It is therefore necessary to immediately stop the effort and stay calm in a shady, cool place, drink fruit juices or ionic drinks for athletes. helps to firmly squeeze the muscles and release them by gentle massaging. A doctor should be called only if the convulsions do not subside within an hour.
spasms from overheating appear in the lower part of the torso.
15th place overall. October (ČTK) - In Frýdek-Místek, the reconstruction of the bridge at 17th Street will be completed on Friday. November. Vehicle traffic will return to the nearly 70-meter-long bridge after four months. The bridge over the R56 expressway from Ostrava to Beskydy was in poor technical condition. In order to modernize its Expended The state fund for transport infrastructure is approximately 32 million crowns. The Moravian-Silesian Region paid another CZK 3.5 million for a new road surface up to the intersection with Ostravská Street. Barbara Odstrčilíková, spokesperson for the Moravian-Silesian Hetmanate, informed ČTK about this.
In the street of Jan Palach in Olomouc there is a museum of modern art.
The Olomouc Region spends approximately 32 million a year on the operation of the Museum of Art and the Archdiocesan Museum in Olomouc. The archdiocesan museum is under construction, but its administrative facilities have been completed. After its opening, which is planned for 2006, it will cost about 50 million crowns to operate the museum and restore its collections. The Olomouc Region spends approximately 32 million a year on the operation of the Museum of Art and the Archdiocesan Museum in Olomouc. The archdiocesan museum is under construction, but its administrative facilities have been completed. Employees prepare exhibitions and work on the restoration of exhibits. After the opening of the Archdiocesan Museum, which is planned for 2006, its operation including restoration of collections will cost about 50 million crowns.
In the street of Jan Palach in Olomouc there is a museum of modern art.
According to the vice-chairman of ČSSD, Zdeněk Škromach, it is need to be to count He also said that the presidential candidate of the Czech People's Party, Petr Pithart, could withdraw his candidacy if he is elected President of the Senate. Zeman would then be the only candidate from the governing coalition of ČSSD, KDU-ČSL and US-DEU.
Zdeněk Škromach was vice-chairman of a Czech political party in 2002.
According to the vice-chairman of ČSSD, Zdeněk Škromach, it is need to be to count He also said that the presidential candidate of the Czech People's Party, Petr Pithart, could withdraw his candidacy if he is elected President of the Senate. Zeman would then be the only candidate from the governing coalition of ČSSD, KDU-ČSL and US-DEU. Škromach became vice-chairman of the party at its April congress. He said today that by leaving the leadership of the club, he wants to free his hands for the work of vice-chairman of ČSSD. Chairman of the House Health and Human Services Committee. Škromach has previously justified his departure from the head of the club. There is also a need for the ČSSD's political body to return to its full complement of eight members. Since he was vice-chairman of the party and head of the club, he blocked two seats in it. Škromach announced his intention to leave one of his parliamentary positions shortly after being elected vice-chairman of ČSSD at the party's weekend congress. In addition to social democratic deputies, Škromach also heads the House Committee on Social Policy and Health Care. According to Vaclavek, however, it is more likely that the new vice-chairman will give up leadership of the parliamentary group in order to devote himself fully to work within the party.
Zdeněk Škromach was vice-chairman of a Czech political party in 2002.
Škromach became vice-chairman of the party at its April congress. He said today that by leaving the leadership of the club, he wants to free his hands for the work of vice-chairman of ČSSD. Chairman of the House Health and Human Services Committee. Škromach has previously justified his departure from the head of the club. There is also a need for the ČSSD's political body to return to its full complement of eight members. Since he was vice-chairman of the party and head of the club, he blocked two seats in it.
Zdeněk Škromach was vice-chairman of a Czech political party in 2002.
In the report CR-ČSSD-Czech Social Democratic Party-elections-healthcare (Škromach: Free medicines for seniors have strong support in ČSSD, 16:25), please correct your first paragraph and first line to read as follows: ``... ČSSD Chairman Zdeněk Škromach..." On the right:..." Vice-Chairman of the Czech Social Democratic Party Zdeněk Škromach..."
Zdeněk Škromach was vice-chairman of a Czech political party in 2002.
Škromach announced his intention to leave one of his parliamentary positions shortly after being elected vice-chairman of ČSSD at the party's weekend congress. In addition to social democratic deputies, Škromach also heads the House Committee on Social Policy and Health Care. According to Václavek, however, it is more likely that the new vice-chairman will give up leadership of the parliamentary group in order to devote himself fully to work within the party.
Zdeněk Škromach was vice-chairman of a Czech political party in 2002.
Žulawski's films are full of drastic scenes and nudity. His second feature, 1972's "The Devil," was banned in Poland and the filmmaker moved to France, where he died at 50. He studied for years. His debut film, The Third Part of the Night (1971), also a drama with horror elements in historical settings, caused great controversy in Poland.
Andrzej Žulawski studied in Poland.
OSTRAVA, 3 September (ČTK) - The employees of the Ostrava Zoo are very happy. At the end of August, a female Grévy's zebra blinked at her keeper for the first time. She was brought into the world by her mother Klára as her third baby. In Ostrava, zebras have been bred since 1973 and 28 cubs have been born in the zoo since then. The current group consists of four females, a male and a young. At the beginning of August, two males left the zoo for the German Garden in Cologne. The zoo donated them free of charge as part of the European conservation programme for Grévy's zebras, in which it is involved.
Striped solipeds have been kept in Ostrava Zoo for more than three decades.
Prague 20. October (ČTK) - Slovak band No Name, which according to the results of the Czech Nightingale poll is the most popular Slovak group in the Czech Republic, has released a new studio album after three years. The record, called "The New Album," includes nine new pop songs and the instrumental piece "Homo instrumentalis." "We will present our new album, which is selling well, on a tour in the Czech Republic and Slovakia," singer Igor Timko told ČTK today. He is particularly looking forward to the 10th concert. November in the Great Hall of Prague's Lucerna, where they have so far only performed as guests.
The band will present a new album on tour in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Brussels/London, 2 February (CTK reporter) - The draft agreement, which is intended to redefine the relationship between Britain and the European Union, was published today by the permanent president of the European Council, Donald Tusk. Tusk said the document, which will be discussed at an EU summit later this month, was a good basis for compromise but tough negotiations lay ahead. British Prime Minister David Cameron responded on Twitter shortly after the release of the draft, saying that while the documents showed progress in all four areas London wanted to negotiate, more work was needed.
The President of the 29-member European Council is Donald Tusk.
The commission's experts do not rule out that Russia could become a "dominant seller" on the emissions market. The protocol only requires Russia not to emit more emissions in the period 2008-2012 than it did in 1990 - and at present, Russia is about 30 percent below this status, so it has a significant surplus in its quota that could be sold to other signatory countries or saved for future periods. According to the Russian government's estimate, the country should not reach 1990 emissions levels before 2020, but the Kyoto Protocol only runs until 2012.
The Kyoto Protocol was in force until 2012.
Japan and the countries of the European Union did not manage to get a commitment for ratification by 2002 into the final communiqué. The United States, Russia and Canada were only willing to sign under the statement that the Kyoto Protocol must be "adopted as soon as possible." The protocol committed industrialized countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by an average of 5.2 percent (compared to 1990) between 2008 and 2012. In EU member states, and also in the Czech Republic, this reduction is to amount to eight percent.
The Kyoto Protocol was in force until 2012.
Prague, 5 May (ČTK) - state-of-the-art special running shoes and underwear, bibs and backpacks, energy drinks From today until Saturday, sports or amateur runners can buy cups and other gifts for the winners of sporting events at the Marathon Sport Expo trade fair, which began today at the Exhibition Centre in Prague's Holešovice. At the moment of the imaginary opening shot, hundreds of runners of all ages filled the Palace of Industry.
The Marathon Sport Expo running fair did not take place at the exhibition grounds in Prague's Holešovice.
Tank battle at Ořechov 24. In April 1945, World War II ended in this part of the country. About 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers were killed. Thirty-five Soviet tanks and vehicles were destroyed, and 80 percent of the village was razed to the ground. Twenty people died and 176 homes were destroyed. An event in the village is commemorated by a monument.
The Second World War ended on Czech territory with the Battle of Slivice.
The FARC is Colombia's oldest and largest rebel group. In 2002 they had about 20,000 fighters, currently their number is estimated at 8,000. In more than four decades, the guerrillas' fight against government troops has left at least 120,000 dead, mostly civilians. The FARC finances its activities primarily from drug trafficking, but also from extortion and the collection of ransoms for kidnapped persons.
The Colombian rebel group had 21. About 20,000 fighters.
PARIS/LONDON, April 10 (ČTK) - European airlines Air France and British Airways will retire Concorde supersonic jets this year after more than 27 years in service. France's Air France announced its decision in Paris today, while the British airline made a similar announcement in London. The famous supersonic plane, which now only connects New York with Paris and London, was expected to operate for several more years if there were no serious accidents. Seven British Airways planes were due to be retired in 2009 and five Air France jets two years earlier. The first Concordes were put into regular service in January 1976. Paris 10th. April (ČTK) - European airlines Air France and British Airways will retire Concorde supersonic jets this year after more than 27 years in service. France's Air France announced its decision in Paris today, while the British airline made a similar announcement in London. The first supersonic civil airliner, Concorde, was launched. On 21 January 1976, Air France (Paris-Rio de Janeiro) and British Airways (London-Bahrain) started their regular flights. Soon, Concordes were criss-crossing the skies between New York, London and Paris, their services being particularly popular with the world's elite and the wealthier strata of politicians and sportsmen. than in the When one of them crashed outside Paris in July 2000, they were considered to be completely reliable. But within a year, the "silver steel birds" were back in the sky. The Concorde can seat up to 144 passengers and can fly at speeds of 2200 kilometres per hour (more than twice the speed of sound). But the operating costs are huge.
The Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde 101/102 aircraft flew for 27 years.
PARIS/LONDON, April 10 (ČTK) - European airlines Air France and British Airways will retire Concorde supersonic jets this year after more than 27 years in service. France's Air France announced its decision in Paris today, while the British airline made a similar announcement in London.
The Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde 101/102 aircraft flew for 27 years.
Moscow 10. January (CTK reporter) - The Russian company Transneft has apparently not yet resumed oil supplies to Europe via the Druzhba pipeline. The vice-president of the company, Sergei Grigoryev, denied ITAR-TASS's initial information that deliveries had already begun. Grigoryev also stressed in Russian media that his company has not yet informed its Slovak partner Transpetrol about the resumption of deliveries of raw materials.
According to the director of Transneft, his company has not yet informed about the resumption of raw material supplies.
22nd in Madrid. (ČTK) - The Swiss insurance company Zurich Financial Services and the Spanish bank Santander have entered into an agreement that will open up access to fast-growing markets in Latin America for 1.67 billion dollars (approximately 30.2 billion Czech crowns). In return, the Spanish bank will receive capital for further acquisitions. The new joint venture was announced today by the two institutions.
The cooperation between the Zurich insurance company and Santander bank has hindered the Swiss group's access to Latin American markets.
Prague 22. March (ČTK) - Director of the General Health Insurance Company (VZP) Pavel Horák is in danger of being recalled. He may lose his seat as a result of wiretaps published by Mladá fronta Dnes, according to which politicians and lobbyists from outside could significantly influence events in an institution through which 150 billion crowns flow annually. The public prosecutor will try to have him removed from office at the next meeting of the board of directors, reported today. To the leadership of the largest Czech The Minister of Health, Leoš Heger (TOP 09), has also publicly supported the health insurance company for other reasons.
The position of VZP director Horák was strengthened by the published wiretaps.
The King's 22nd. (ČTK) - Bühler Motor Hradec Králové, which belongs to the German manufacturer of electric drives, Bühler Motor, today opened a new production hall worth 90 million crowns. It will spend another 100 million crowns this year on technological equipment. The total investment of the company during its time in Hradec Králové will thus reach about half a billion crowns. This was told to ČTK by the company's executive Christof Furtwängler.
The company Bühler Motor spent 90 million crowns in Hradec Králové.
In the wake of a series of major terrorist attacks in London on Sept. The so-called intelligence group met in July, the Ministry of Defence and its Crisis Staff were also on alert. The police began to keep a closer watch on Prague's key buildings, the metro and important transport hubs, railways, airports and power stations, as well as the headquarters of Radio Free Europe. Roadblocks were set up in front of the British Embassy in Prague.
The 7 July 2005 attacks were a series of coordinated suicide bombings carried out on London transport during the morning rush hour.
PRAGUE 21. July (CTK) - After today's series of terrorist attacks on London transport, the Czech central authorities are not yet preparing additional security measures. The ministries concerned are waiting for more concrete information from the British metropolis.
The 7 July 2005 attacks were a series of coordinated suicide bombings carried out on London transport during the morning rush hour.
The Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama was met by, among others, Minister of Culture Daniel Herman (KDU-ČSL), Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of KDU-ČSL Pavel Bělobrádek and Minister Jiří Dienstbier (ČSSD). The right-wing opposition in particular criticized the statement of constitutional officials, and even in response to it, approximately fifty deputies and senators met with the Dalai Lama on Wednesday. Some high schools raised the Tibetan flag at five minutes before noon on Wednesday.
Czech politicians have not met with the Dalai Lama.
Kunčar and Lukáš faced each other in a by-election in January 2014. More successful was the mayor of Uherské Brod, who received support from 63 percent of voters in the second round, while Lukáš (then in ODS colours) got only 34 percent. He received 37% of the vote. Vícha and Halíková were rivals in the 2012 elections. Vícha, who has been a senator since 2006, defeated his rival in the second round with 59.70 percent of voters.
The second round of elections to the Czech Chamber of Deputies was the most successful for Kunčar.
Ostrava 18. August ( ČTK ) - In the Baška reservoir in Frýdek-Místek, water quality continues to deteriorate due to an increased amount of cyanobacteria. People with a weakened immune system, children, pregnant women or allergy sufferers must be careful. After swimming in the reservoir, they should take a shower, preferably in drinking water, regional hygienist Helena Šebáková told ČTK today.
The water quality of the Baška reservoir in Blanensko is deteriorated due to cyanobacteria.
Ostrava 18. August (CTK) - In the Baška reservoir in Frýdek-Místek, water quality remains poor due to an increased amount of cyanobacteria. People with a weakened immune system, children, pregnant women or allergy sufferers must be careful. After swimming in the reservoir, they should take a shower, preferably in drinking water, regional hygienist Helena Šebáková told ČTK today.
The water quality of the Baška reservoir in Blanensko is deteriorated due to cyanobacteria.
Los Angeles/Prague, April 27 (ČTK) - The case began with a photo showing the brutal beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a major scandal in the US. The subsequent high-profile trial and, above all, the jury's acquittal triggered several days of racial riots in a number of cities that claimed nearly 60 victims. The controversial verdict was handed down 25 years ago, on 29. April 1992.
African-American Rodney King survived a brutal police beating.
A year earlier, King was speeding down a highway when he was pursued by four officers. After a chase through the Los Angeles suburbs, he was pulled over and beaten when he refused to comply with their orders. According to the police version, he resisted arrest and was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Amateur video footage also showed officers using batons and kicking King as he lay on the ground. Within two minutes he had suffered serious injuries - 11 skull fractures, brain and kidney damage.
African-American Rodney King survived a brutal police beating.
Four Los Angeles police officers were retried in 1993. This time, a jury found two of them guilty of violating King's civil rights and sentenced them to 30 months. Two other law enforcement officers convinced the court of their innocence. King was awarded $3.8 million in damages. King died in 2012 at the age of 47.
African-American Rodney King survived a brutal police beating.
The violence and more than a hundred fires caused the death of more than ten people on the day of the verdict. The police were slow and unresponsive. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley declared a state of emergency. King himself also called for calm: "We've only been here a short while, so we have to come to an agreement. The situation stabilized after the deployment of 6,000 National Guard troops and an announcement by President George W. Bush that he was sending 4,500 Army and Navy personnel to Los Angeles.
African-American Rodney King survived a brutal police beating.
In August, a similar The FSB's report on the detention of a group of Ukrainian saboteurs in Crimea, which Kiev denied as a provocation, led to a sharp deterioration in relations between Moscow and Kiev. At that time, Russian President Vladimir Putin cancelled the planned negotiations with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko as part of a four-party meeting with the French president and German chancellor. The so-called meeting. The Normandy Four did not take place until the second half of the 20th century. october in Berlin.
Vladimir Putin is the prime minister of Russia.