4 values
(M tf Goodra, Inflation, Kaiju) Grey is a pokemon trainer in the Unova region. He was quite skilled at battle and got along well with his pokemon so they synergised with each other. Unova had recently opened trade routes across the pond to Galar however, which brought a lot of new trainers, and with them- losses for Grey. After losing the last nine battles in a row within a couple of turns, Grey was a little bit fed up. He spoke to his pokemon through their balls as he walked carefully around the wet forest floor. "Ok, so apparently all it takes to wipe out an all-psychic pokemon team is a single Dark type." He released an Abra, who drifted in the air. "Ok Abe- use your psychic powers to scan for brain waves. Those Galar trainers have been scooping up Unova's unique pokemon and releasing some of their own old pokemon in the process. There is supposedly a Goodra in these woods we can round out our team a bit better with. My friend got his ass kicked by it though so we have to be careful." Grey waited till it was raining to come looking for the Goodra, knowing it only really came out in the rain. Goodra were slug dragons, so they require damp environments to survive. Their bodies were also extremely soft and bouncy, which allowed them to suck up most impacts as if it were nothing. It was raining very heavily today- the force of the drops dampened only by the leaves overhead. Grey would have proffered waiting for the weather to be a better compromise, but waiting too long would mean the pokemon would likely get caught by someone else. Goodra are not native to Unova- so this was the only one here. Abra silently drifted through the air, unbothered by the rain. Grey followed close behind, but it was good Abra was floating slowly- Grey's feet kept sticking to the ground, getting sucked into the soft muddy forest floor. Abra finally stopped and pointed to the Goodra, having tracked it by its brain waves. Grey grinned and told Abra to teleport him right beside the Goodra. If he surprised it, they had a much better chance of winning! If he was really lucky, he might be able to just smack it with a Quick Ball and catch it without even fighting in the first place. Abra teleported him over to the Goodra, but at the same time the Goodra stepped forward and was caught in the flesh of psychic power! Grey appeared and looked around trying to find the pokemon but it was no where to be seen. He glanced at Abra who for once in its life actually opened its eyes slightly in surprise. Grey immediately felt weird, then his body started to look puffy like he was allergic to something. He looked at his hands as they started to puff up and the skin was pulled taught. When his skin started to look slightly off color he realized the mistake. Abra accidentally teleported him to the exact same place Goodra was already standing. They fused together!! He could feel the muscles and skin pooling into his tail bone and then extending out off it. His arms and legs got more and more swollen looking. Even his fingers became pudgy, then round. His digits became to bloated his toe and finger nails popped completely off! He was about to ask Abra to teleport him again but that wouldn't do anything- it would teleport Goodra with him, they were now one body. Grey sighed, at least he found another human to be with. He then furrowed his brows as he knew now that the Goodra's thoughts had melted into his own mind as well. The up side is that pokemon are meant to be with humans and play off on another, so when a bond is formed the pokemon will for the most part share a will with its trainer- so Goodra's thoughts will likely never be in direct competition with his own at least. Grey's ankles started to bloat up, rubbing against his shoes harder, causing him to waddle his way out of the marshy bottom of the forest and make his way to the base of a larger tree where the ground was most dry. He was already turning into a pokemon, he did not need to go bare foot in marsh water and end up with a Tynamo or something sucking the blood out of his bare feet. He had not even noticed how his body itself was bloating till he bent over to take his shoes off- bending his torso over caused his gut to protrude quite a ways, popping out from between his pants and shirt unable to contain it already. It was perfectly round rather than flabby so it almost looked like he was pregnant. It also made it harder to actually reach his feet though, so he had to squat as well to be able to reach. Once he undid the laces, Abe helped by grabbing onto the bottom for him. His feet had swelled so large already that it took some pulling to finally pop off- but the bloated skin was sort of rubbery so it wasn't as though his feet were locked in place. Grey groaned when he looked at his bare feet past the curve of his gut. It looked like someone was blowing him up like a human balloon! He went to stand back upright but the muscles in his leg felt like they squished out sideways rather than pull straight! His thighs swelled up massively! His pants got yanked down from lack of room, catching on the increasing curve of the thighs and exposing now his growing tail- which was not very long at all yet but very wide. His spine did not extend at all into it, only flesh and muscle so it was somewhat amorphous. His growing thighs also caused his butt to grow massively- only half covered by his pants. The growth and shifting in his legs made it impossible for him to stand for the moment, so his effort to do so just caused him to wobble in place and then fall onto all fours. When he straightened his arms to catch himself, the growth seemed to take the opportunity to surge down, filling his arms like a long narrow balloon. You could no longer see any of the limbs features outwardly. If he held his arm completely straight you could not see where his elbow was, or his wrists. His fingers were so plump and squishy that when he relaxed them all lined up they all smushed against one another and looked like a single mass- it looked like his arm just had a tapered end to it. An actual Goodra has two fingers and a thumb, but he retained all four of his fingers and a thumb, so while Grey's limb looked identical to a Goodra at first, there was a little human still in there. He gasped and his entire body tingled as his nervous system was yanked tight a moment in sudden change when a loud hollow pop was heard from his back. Again and again, with only a few seconds delay between his back popped as vertebrae were pulled too tight with growth and popped apart! Goodra is a type of gastropod- it doesn't have bones! That was why as his tail continued to grow still larger and longer, his tail bone did not grow at all. His pants were cutting into his thighs pretty badly- but the flesh was so plush and indented from pressure that he could not wedge his fingers between in order to pull them off! Instead Grey bent his body and then scooted his limbs closer together- this flexed his thighs and ass muscles and forced a large rip in the back of his pants. This allowed him enough room temporarily to stand up again and yank the pants down as he straightened his legs. Abe again had to help him pull them the rest of the way off, since his body was not flexible enough at the moment to do it himself. His body got longer and his hips finally popped apart, which for a second caused his entire body to jostle abruptly as his lower body squished down and outward before wobbling back into shape. The strangest of changes was his neck now growing. His body feeling increasingly less solid as each additional vertebrae from his neck now popped off and dissolved into the changing mass. He watched not only the ground below him get further away but also his own swelling body. His now huge tail wrapped itself around the trunk of the tree beside him for stability- a reaction from Goodra's mind, not his own. He felt awfully congested, then he had to switch to breathing through his mouth. Grey's face started to bloat outward and lose shape. His hair rapidly fell from around his head and four nubs grew in its place, quickly fattening up and then growing outward. His face grew out into a short muzzle, but this also caused his nostrils to close up entirely- Goodra do not have noses. He felt more and more relief from his lungs though, and after a few more moments Grey breathing from his mouth slowed and stopped. Like many species of amphibian- he can now breath through his skin. His thighs, hips and ass were so gigantic now that his lower legs almost looked comically small in comparison since his feet had not altered size at all. Goodra only have two toes that- like its fingers- are almost indistinguishable from one another when relaxed; so Grey ended up losing a toe and instead had four equally sized toes. Two toes were further forward than the other two, so his feet still had a rounded point shape to them. His shins were the same length as always but looked extremely short just because the thigh was so gigantically round that the shin was sort of lost in the front curve of the thigh. It also caused his entire body to have a tear-drop shape to it, with long narrow neck, conical shaped body which got thicker as it went down and then very round hips. His gut was no longer very noticeable- though just as large if not even bigger now, the expansion of his entire body sort of equalized it so it had no definition against the rest of Grey. His iris turned amethyst-purple but only grew slightly, making them much smaller than a Goodra's eyes. The nubs on his head finished growing into two gigantic tentacles and two small ones. The small ones now picked up scent- like a slug, this was his nose now. But unlike a slug, Goodra already has eyes, so the larger tentacles were instead used to perceive moisture from a long distance away. Goodra only live in moist environments and generally only come out when its raining- their larger tentacles allow them to detect incoming rain from miles away. At the base, Grey's tail was now as thick as his body, making it extremely girthy even though it was also a good length. The final changes to finish was the distortion of his skin color. Grey was expecting to turn purple, but it seems one of the interference from his human genes on the pokemon were to cause it to become Shiny after merging with him! Most of his skin turned so a soft banana-yellow. Instead of three circles of green flesh on his tail, they were amethyst-purple like his eyes, and then two more circles on his his head just behind his eyes. These patches of skin had more give to them than the rest- these were where its slime was emitted from. There was also a non visible place in the palm of its hand that could also release goo. His entire underside though, from muzzle to the tip of his tail was peach colored. So he was banana and peach colored, and shaped like a pear. "Couuuhn I suu ulk? ...Mo." Translation; 'can I still talk? ...no.' His vocal chords and mouth shape were both very different and Grey did not even have teeth anymore, so forming human words was not going to work. Which unfortunately prevented him from asking for help. Grey's human traits were so few that someone could be looking right at him and not know he wasn't just a regular Goodra. Goodra are both a bit larger and a LOT heftier than the average human so the Goodra sort of just buried his humanity entirely. Grey was still wearing his shirt, though it was stretched quite tight. He figured he would just leave it on, even though it was uncomfortable to move his arms around in the tight sleeves. Anything that would make him stand out and potentially get help is good. Grey started to walk toward the city awkwardly. He kept over-adjusting for his body wobbling- without any bones he stood and walked with liquid pressure within his body. When he stepped down it felt to him like he was going to fall over entirely because his leg wasn't solid enough, though the Goodra in him was perfectly calm- completely used to having this body. Grey was now a bit larger than any normal Goodra though- the bio mass of his human body having been added onto it. Grey looked so balloon like when examining himself, since even his skin had no pours on it, making it look super smooth and since it was raining- shiny and smooth. Grey perked up as he suddenly got an idea! The rain! He took out two other pokeballs and released their contents- his original pokemon a Gardevoir and a new addition he traded someone from Galar for- a Arctovish. Arctovish's ability was Water Absorb, which caused any water type attacks against it to heal it instead of dealing damage. An entire human isn't part of a Goodra's natural biology- so its immune system may regard his cells as a threat. Grey told his Gardevoir to use Skill Swap, switching her ability to Arctovish, and then used Skill Swap again on Grey to swap Sap Sipper to her and Water Absorb to him! With Water Absorb, the rain should help heal Goodra, which according to his theory should heal it- repulsing his human form from the body! With over half his team now following him Grey lumbered his way out of the forest and into the grass fields between it and the city so he could expose himself more directly to the rain. He directed Abe to teleport Gardevoir and himself to his house to grab an outfit to wear for when he returns to normal. He opened his arms wide and put his face to the sky waiting for the healing effect to kick in. He felt the liquid slowly seep into his smooth bouncy skin. Instead of the rain water running down his body it hit and then the droplets collected but shrank as they traveled down- very little actually making it all the way to the ground under him before vanishing into his body. He felt oddly good and refreshed, so he assumed it was working. After a minute he furrowed his brow at how it seemed to be harder to hold his girthy tail up, and his shirt really seemed to be strangling him. He was actually starting to have problems breathing because it was so tight! He finally opened his eyes to look down, and he gasped in shock- which expanded his chest and caused his shirt to suddenly explode open down the front! He reflexively went to grab the fabric to hold it to himself but the moment he tried to bend his arms the sleeves shredded and the garment slumped off completely- oddly dry. His body had even absorbed the liquid that his shirt had previously absorbed itself! Grey could barely hold his tail up because it was twice the girth yet again! His gut and thighs were even more gigantic, making the pear-shape of his body still more extreme! Water Absorb is an ability, so its just on automatically and cannot be turned off! He was endlessly absorbing all the rain water which was swelling up its body! And Gardevoir was not there to Skill Swap again! At first it seemed to pool in his lower body, making it still harder to walk, but then his entire body started to grow and swell up with the cool rain! He quickly tried to get to the city hoping maybe someone who can fix this will notice the very huge Goodra. He moved incredibly slow though, not only was his body weight increasing but he wobbled even more when he moved now! Grey could not make even the slightest movement without making his entire body wobble like a delicious flan. Grey's body seemed to swell and then grow in pulsing turns. First it swelled out making him look like a Goodra parade balloon, but then once he started to feel too tight like he was getting ready to pop, his body would grow in size overall and his proportions returned to normal, then started to swell again. When he became the most bloated- just before a growth surge- he would fall forward and barely be able to crawl on all fours till he grew, because his limbs were so bloated he could barely bend them! The tall grass started to look like regular grass. Boulders looked like pebbles. By the time he finally reached the outermost street of the city, the street lights were only half as tall as Grey is! He was too big to take shelter under anything from the rain. Grey could no longer stop jiggling at all. He did not want to stop moving, hoping he could reach his apartment and find Gardevoir if nothing else. Even if he stopped moving for a minute there would still be tiny tremors rippling somewhere in his body. Ripples in his soft, bouncy mass collided with one another creating new ones. His tail was so enormously girthy since it was the first part to bloat in his swelling cycle that he could not completely lift it off the ground. The circles of purple skin on his head and tail were leaking goo, causing him to leave a trail. At least that got rid of some of his body's liquid, since he cannot re-absorb his own slime. It made back tracking impossible though- the slime was extremely sticky like powerful glue against a surface that is dry, but almost zero friction against a surface that is wet- even if the wetness is more slime. So if he attempted to turn around and go the other way he would immediately slip and fall on his face. Bigger and bigger he grew, slowly raising up past the second floor windows on the buildings, then the third, then the fourth. Now the two parts of his growth cycle were becoming uneven. When he grew his proportions did not return completely to normal- he was still swollen looking. Every time he grew again, he remained looking a bit more swollen still than the last. His gut trailed to his tail between his legs, and became so soft and fat that it dragged on the ground between his legs! He could no longer walk properly, he was basically dragging himself, using his arms to brace himself on the buildings on either side- taking up the entire two lane road in between! He could hear people panicking down on the streets and tried to wave them down and say something, but could not communicate in this form. The police and fire fighters arrived, trying to attack him to subdue and capture him and minimize damages but he was so gigantic and soft all their attacks bounced off, doing nothing. Well, almost all of their attacks. Unfortunately the fire fighter's pokemon's water attacks didn't do NOTHING, they just didn't hurt. They made him still bigger. He was so heavy and large it was hard to not break windows on the buildings, even trying to be careful as he used them to stabilize himself and very soon after, he felt his massive wobbling thighs brushing the buildings on either side! He was getting so giant that he could not fit down the street! Grey reached his apartment though with a sigh of relief and tried to bend down and peek in the window to find Gardevoir but found his body too bloated to bend! He had to actually back up some ways to lay himself flat to be able to look in the window, and the first step he took he slipped on his own slime trail and slammed down onto the road! Grey is so enormously heavy that when his gigantic body hit the street he collapsed it! The pavement caved into the sewer below, completely annihilating the entire block! The ripple of momentum in his soft body then caused it to squish out sideways, slamming into the buildings on either side, demolishing windows and some of the outer facing walls that were not supported by any adjacent walls. His soft flesh squished into the newly made holes, so when he wobbled back into proper proportions, it raised and tore the holes even wider before his skin bounced back out of the buildings entirely. He blushed as he felt a stirring in his groin. All the movement was destructive for all the tiny structures and people, but to him it felt good if anything, and dragging his gut on the ground had also helped an unwanted erection to start. He glanced in his window since his head was now laying on the ground at least, and seen his apartment was empty! Gardevoir would have already gotten the clothes by now and returned to him... except he moved. They had missed each other- Gardevoir and Abe were now back in the forest, wondering where their master wandered off to. He cannot go back the way he came following the same path, because it was now slick as ice thanks to his own goo! Even his tongue was feeling bloated in his mouth as he groaned loudly in frustration. Something small but hard was jamming into his leg and hurting him so he moved his leg first, trying to get away from it. There was no room for something as big as he was though- so not only did his thigh damage the building more beside it, he snapped the object completely out of the street, and then felt the cold blast against him! He snapped a fire hydrant out of the ground! It was now blasting high pressure water straight into him!! He then tried to shove himself back up so he could shuffle away from it and felt the cold flow on his arms! The water pipes leading into people's homes were all smashed open below the street! He was getting blasted with gallons of water every second from below, and still getting rained on from above! As he finally got into a standing position again, his gut and the base of his tail was sat so heavily on the ground in spite of his completely straightened legs that he could not really move at all! His body wobbled so violently that Grey felt he barely had any control of his movements at all- forced to just get yanked around in whatever direction his wobbling form decided to ripple. The purple circles of flesh on him were more flexible than the rest, so now they stood as perfect half-spheres out off his side, leaking goo perpetually. Even the Goodra part of his mind could not stop them from leaking because the pressure was too much. The Goodra part of his mind was oddly amused- it did not understand the scope of the damages and the danger of the situation. It got a bit of a power high. Grey on the other hand was terrified for the increasing value of damages he was causing to the city and just praying people got away from him in time so he did not step on and kill anyone by accident. He was also mortifyingly embarrassed when he looked down and seen his penis at full mast! He was not aroused at all! Like the purple flesh, the penis was skin that was built to be expanded already! Because his body was over-pressured, the liquid pressure forced a permanent erection into his dick! Goodra penis is normally internal as is its balls. Once it slides out the penis is a tapered neon pink pillar, but naturally fairly large compared to the creature- the length of its entire arm. Which made it especially big now- since his arm was large enough to crush a medium sized building. He could feel the ripples and jiggling of his body extending into the phallus as well, causing it to tighten and squirt out some pre from the unintentional pleasure. But that gave Grey another last second plan! He could ejaculate fluids! Grey tried to bend himself over enough to grab his penis but the pressure in the shaft caused it to jut straight out rather than up, making it harder to reach because of how bloated his body was. His skin color seemed to be getting more pale as well, like the surface of a balloon that was reaching capacity. Another police squad appeared, attempting to attack him but Grey just ignored them for now- they couldn't actually do any harm anyway. He lost his balance trying to bend over and accidentally smashed his head into a nearby building, leaving a huge crater in the side of it, then barely being able to catch himself before flopping back completely over, but his heart jumped when his gigantic dick slapped the ground! It landed on top of the police squad! His penis was more than heavy enough to smash their bones into paste! He felt minuscule hands shoving against him though, and felt them squirming their way out from under it on either side of the shaft. It was so massively bloated and squishy soft that the hot meat hit them but was bent inward by them- so its weight slammed onto the ground around them rather than directly onto them. It was soft enough and they took up such a tiny percentage of its surface area that they were completely unharmed by it. Grey wanted so much to just give up and remain half-laying there. The rain was constantly refreshing feeling, and every little movement he made, made his entire body jiggle around and feel good. The Goodra half of his brain was giddy on its power high and enjoying everything- unintentionally starting to convince Grey to do the same. Even his penis was starting to balloon out to proportions it was not meant to have, becoming cone shaped from getting so extremely girthy. It was starting to mirror his tail on the other side, since its flesh was already meant to stretch much further than any of the rest. He was shocked back into his efforts to save himself quickly enough though when Grey too a closer look at his arm and seen how dire the situation was. The swelling was getting worse, and the growing less. He could see the people on the street fleeing from him- THROUGH his arm! His body's liquid mass was so giant compared to its solid mass that he was actually transparent! His skin didn't just get more pale colored, you can actually see through it. And because his organs were being saturated at the same rate you could not see them through the skin- because their transparency was a bit more than the surface skin due to their naturally higher liquid mass. And Goodra had no bones, so there was a completely unobstructed view straight through him! The pre now almost continuously spurting out of his dick no longer had the consistency of precum... he was pumping almost pure water back out of him. It was basically just warmed up by being absorbed through him and then ejected back out. Grey struggled to get back onto his feet but his body was less solid than ever. Imagine trying to balance yourself on a water balloon- not easy, eh? Well at this point- that was his entire body. He almost stood up but then wobbled forward and fell onto all fours- smashing his upper torso through a nearby high-rise and then his neck swung across the street on the opposite side, and his head smashed through the side of a building on the other side of the other street! Grey's eyes were wide as he seen the people only inches in front of him inside of the building scream and scramble to get away from his gigantic face. Oh no! The people INSIDE of buildings did not evacuate- they were probably told to stay indoors at risk of being stepped on. Fearing he had just crushed dozens of people to death in the building remnants under his chest and gut he looked back and seen something that was equal parts relieving and disturbing at the same time. He seen around thirty people swimming INSIDE of him! He was becoming so much liquid mass that it was almost like his entire body was made of jello. You can push your hand through jello. If he stepped on anything solid, it would just pop through his skin and float around inside of him! His giant dick was squirting water out like a hose at this point, feeling like a mild, constant orgasm to Grey. His tail was being forced to curl backwards from pressure as he stood back up onto his feet, but unable to walk because his bloated gut filled the space between his legs and rest fully on the ground. Then it stretched even further out. His neck was forcefully straightened and arched back slightly as its underside bloated out- giving his entire body the shape of a croissant. Streams of thick goo trailed constantly from the bloating domes of the purple spots on him, and his penis started to blast water out at a pressure strong enough to strip paint off a car. His arms look like stumpy cones on the side of his torso! Grey could not move at all anymore. Any attempts to move any part of his body just caused him to wobble a bit. His skin color continued to look more and more pale as his body became increasingly transparent and rounder, and rounder. He started to drool water uncontrollably, then started to spit up and then practically vomiting a stream of continuous water. Grey's body became so monstrously bloated that it became shaped like a lemon! What used to be his tail and long neck were the tapered points on either end- the tentacles on his head nothing more than four round bumps. His arms were nothing but bumps as well, and his legs and feet were a bump on the end of a large sphere on either side that was his thighs. His penis was like a pink spike- almost as wide as it is long. Most of the people trapped inside of him swam into the base of his penis- so they get pulled out through the unending stream of water it was ejaculating. Finally Goozilla ruptured with a loud *kabooosh* and his body converted basically to nothing but water, and thus lacked enough solidity to hold together. The force of the tidal wave smashed several buildings completely down and slammed vehicles to the sides of the roads for several blocks before settling down. Pokemon can only be feinted however- not killed. A KO'ed Goodra reconstituted in the road a short while later. Luckily by then the rain had stopped and a pokemon professor was quick to scoop the pokemon up and place it in containment so it could not continue to destroy. Goodra would have a rather pampered life from that point on, and got plenty of attention from the professor who was eager to research the strange specimen. They never did figure out any of what had actually happened that day. Grey was so much like a normal Goodra that no one ever caught on that it was a human in there, they just thought it was a rampaging Goozilla. Even the professor was unable to put together what happened, because the Goodra had its ability switched by Gardevoir's Skill Swap- which is reverted as soon as the pokemon is switched out of the battle. The Goodra feinted- so its ability reverted to Sap Sipper by the time he was captured for research. Its skin also reverted to non-shiny since it was Grey's genes that made it shiny in the first place. And Grey? Woke up perfectly normal... although completely naked in a pokemon center. He blacked out- which caused him to wake up in the last pokemon center he had used- but that only applies to the trainer, not wild pokemon- which caused the two to become divided again. He had to deal with an angry nurse and indecent exposure charges, but Grey was fine with that. Because they never found out he caused several billions of dollars worth of damages to the city.
Title: A Tale of Two Demons by Galactor123 Tags: Dragon, F/F, Foot Fetish, Growth, Macro, Paws, Violence, Vore (soft) A looooooooooooo \*breathes\* oooooooooong overdue commission for deathmetal over on FA, and why I don't do commissions anymore, I present you: A Tale of Two Demons. Standard Sex, Rampage, Growth story with a bit of incestuous twist this time around. I hope you all enjoy! And as always, I dearly love comments, critiques, and criticisms. --- For the small city of St. Andrews, the day started like any other. People walked about the town like always. The suburbs bustled with cars and the sounds of life, as always. However, for one Cherrygrove Rd. house, things were taking quite a dramatic turn. It was a calm night at the Peterson's household. The parents of the house were asleep in their beds, snoring soundly. Their daughter had snuck out for the night as usual for a Friday... and their son was with about three other middle school aged children in their basement, under the pretense of having a sleep over. In actuality, it was much more sinister. Dressed in black robes, and surrounding a cauldron filled with all the ingredients that the book said they needed, they were chanting a song that would bring over something from another world that they all desired: a pair of hot, loyal female compatriots. Demons or no, they would love to have them, each and every one of them, and were willing to go to these great lengths to have them for themselves. At the end of the fourth verse, they all stood in unison. George, the Peterson boy, looked to the rest as a a deathly silence surrounded the cauldron. "Alright, the last ingredient after the chanting is supposed to be... the blood of a chaste individual." "What does that mean?" "It means one who hasn't had sex retard." "Silence! I'll put mine in to finish the ritual..." George walked towards the cauldron filled with nasty, almost stereotypically dark and creepy ingredients. As he took out the jar, prepared for just this occasion and filled with a bit of his blood, he smiled in his own eagerness. Opening it, he forced the first few drops in before the rest fell in on it's own. The kids sat in silence for a while. Nothing. They sat, and sat, and sat, anticipation the only thing keeping them from calling bullshit. Finally, after a good ten minutes, they saw a tiny black bead in the midst of the pot, and watched in both horror and fascination as it grew... "Uuuuuhm... should we... get out of here?" Said one of the boys. George simply stared at him, and he stood his ground, watching as the black bead grew larger and larger.... they could hear the sounds of two women giggling, and the eagerness of the boys was immediately elevated... about two seconds before the portal shot open. \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\* Cherrygrove Rd. was an unfortunate bystander to the girls entrance. The portal that had been about human sized quickly shot to easily three thousand feet tall with the sound of an explosion, sucking in with a loud WOOOOSH a good city blocks worth of materials into it's dark, cold abyss. However, for those who were startled awake by the sound of the portal blasting open, that was the last thing they cared about. For out of the portal they saw a horrendous sight. At first, it was a single foot... and even that was enough to break the minds of some of the onlookers. Over three hundred feet long, and half that in width, it looked like a human foot, but scaled red. The toes, instead of being tipped with nails, were tipped with vicious toeclaws. But it was the touchdown on the surface of this world that announced it's arrival most poignantly. It fell and fell hard, the ground blasting underneath it as the earth itself revolted against such an unnatural thing; and it hadn't even seen the rest yet... Kala stretched as she stepped out of the portal from her home plane. She had been summoned once again to provide comfort for a lecherous man. Ah well, she could at least take his immortal soul as comfort this time round. She was after all a succubus now, newly initiated and everything. Draconian in form, her body was surprisingly anthropomorphic as many men enjoyed her as such, and she had changed herself appropriately with her newfound powers. Feminine shoulders led down to thick breasts, filled to the brim with milk. Lower still, she had a thin muscled stomach then led down to ungodly thick hips, an hourglass figure taken to quite an extreme. From there, her long legs were curved just so, muscled, but still feminine, and ending with a pair of plantigrade paws, their thick claws one of the few self defense mechanisms she had against these stupid lecherous b-.... It was only then that she realized something... odd. Her vision adjusted to this worlds sun, but her mind was elsewhere. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Surrounding her were hive like structures, they looked that way anyway. Tiny and insignificant, almost comically so. Was this a planet of bug people...? Before she could answer, she heard the sound of the portal sending in yet another behind her, and Kala couldn't help but sigh as she saw who it was. Same draconian features, same hourglass shape, almost a spitting image of her. It couldn't be anyone else but her sister and partner in crime, Jalal. Jalal giggled as she spotted her sister, running up to her and tackling her. It was rather out of character for a pair of demons to be tackling each other, but the two were not exactly the run of the mill type of demon. In character or no, Kala was taken aback as she thought her balance was better, her overconfidence getting her knocked down to the ground. She felt the ground shutter as she watched debris from some of the nearby hives blast across her naked breasts... it felt good, especially as she felt a slight... wiggling? Before she could investigate, Jalal had flipped her over, sitting on her naked chest, her own body just as free to the world as Kala's was, before leaning down, her thick arm length tongue tickling against her sisters lips. "Hi hi! You got the summons from another group of men too I gather?" Kala nodded, trying to get a good look at their surroundings. "Yeah but... theres something... different about this one. Look." Kala pointed at the hives a few arms lengths away. Jalal blinked, looking at the structures with an almost child like fascination. "Ooooh... bugs! I always feel all powerful when I crash into bugs, don't you? Like your a big monster or something! Raaaawr!" Kala couldn't help but laugh "Jalal, we -are- monsters... were succubi now remember? Ever since we were recruited as such at least." "Yeah but like REAL dragons and stuff! we see humans all the time, haven't you heard of their monster movies?" "Yeah..." Kala blinked. She had been looking at the sky when she wasn't looking up at her naked sister, idly studying the constellations that she could make out. "Now that you mention it though... doesn't this sky look... familiar?" Jalal looked up at the night sky and noticed what her sister was talking about after a good look at it. "Yeah... the constellations. This is...." She blinked, looking around. "This is Earth!" Jalal, still looking a bit shocked, albeit a bit curious of their surroundings now, got off of her sister, helping her up, as they both looked around in silence. For the first time they heard the screams, the screech of car tires against the road. They saw the tiny bugs that were running through the mess they had already made, hives flattened... no, buildings flattened by their child like outburst. An outline of their forms was left in the soft dirt, the ground peppered with white dust and particles from the obliterated buildings. "J-jalal... I think we ARE monsters..." Jalal smiled, and Kala couldn't help but join her as she purrrrrrrrred... \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\* For the people of St. Andrews, the words escaping the lips of these two weren't foreign. Speaking in plain, clear English, the human like characteristics of the dragonnesses made it all the more surreal for those who still had the mindset to pay attention. The two dragonnesses were -massive-. Taller then the tallest skyscraper in the world, paws the size of city blocks... and it didn't take long for the two of them to realize just how large they really were. For Hannah, it was way... way too soon. She was just a few blocks away from the edge of the portal when it exploded outwards, able to see the pair of demons warp into their plane of existence, taking a city block of debris back into their home plane before she watched it close behind them, unnoticed and uncared about. She had ran, and by the time they had tackled one another, she was in a building but a block or two away from their touchdown, able to see first hand the nuclear winter that they had caused just from their innocent movements. As it cleared, her building miraculously saved, she had gotten a good look at their faces. She saw their look of love for one another... a curious personality quirk for a pair of what looked like old monster's from a B movie from her angle. She could hear their words, could hear that they were, in some way, human. Speaking English, thinking, analyzing. This wasn't like the monster movies she was such a fan of. This was real. These things were... planning. They were planning for this cities demise. The look of that large, dripping tongue stayed in her mind, those big paws second to it. She stayed in the building. Not because it was safe, but because she was fascinated at the same time that she was terrified. She had sometimes dreamed of monsters destroying this place; now that it was happening though, she couldn't help but feel for the helpless citizens that were just like her. It wasn't long before the sound of their purrrrrrrrs hit her ears. "T-... they are enjoying this." The next moment was terror incarnate, as she saw one of their HUGE paws shift close to her as they had stood up while she was lost in thought. she could see every inch of sinew flexing in one of them, their toes curling as they chatted idly, but her mind was too occupied to hear them by now. Her fight or flight systems were screaming at her to run, to get out of the way, to find shelter from these massive predators... but her human ego was fascinated. Such grace, such power, such human individuals. The scales, the talons, all that separated this foot from that of a humans. Yet looking up, she could see the pairs tails flicking, their eyes wandering through the city as they purred and teased one another. They were so human, yet so alien at the same time. She focused, trying desperately to hear what they were trying to say through the sound of blood rushing to her head, their booming voices probably able to carry for miles, yet she was but a few feet away. "Well the men who brought us here obviously just screwed up the summoning! He used more of something then he was supposed to. Who knows what else the warp did to us..." "Who cares? If we don't have a man to play with, at least we have his home. Come on, how many times have you told me you dreamed of having more power...?" Hannah watched in fascination as one of them moved in on the other, her tongue teasing across her neck as her hand moved down to tease across her nipples, elliciting a coo from the other. "Mmmm... a-all the time..." The teaser retracted her tongue with a giggle, only to plant a short lived kiss on the others neck. "Mmm... and what would you call this right now? Were GODS sis! This place is nothing but a playground for us now! Watch!" Hannah watched as the teaser, and the one whose paw was closest to her, suddenly lifted up said paw. Hannah's eyes went wide as she literally -heard- the sound of muscles tensing as it rocketed skyward. She watched as debris fell off the dragoness's foot, concrete and metal I bars crashing into the earth below, leaving their own small craters without anyone even noticing. Hannah's eyes were fixated on that paw. Easily the size of a city block, it's toes wiggling as the dragoness giggled above. "Their nothing more then ants to us now!" Hanah then watched as it grew, her body not accepting it, not understanding what that meant until the last couple of moments. "no no no... it's fallin-!" \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\* Jalal's foot landed HARD on the city block. Both she and Kala giggled as they watched a city block -explode- out from underneath Jalal's paw, dust and debris flying into yet more buildings, and cracks shooting out from underneath the massive stomp, shaking the earth to it's very core. Jalal's big tongue licked across her maw as she let out a murrrr. "Ooooh... You gotta try this sis!" She wiggled her toes with a purrrr, "Such power over all these little guys... It's why we turned into succubi in the first place after all remember?" Jalal turned to see Kala's eyes wide, watching in a combination of fascination and lust, before she blinked, noticing her sis's glance. "Y-yeah... yeah I remember." Kala blushed, before stepping forward casually. Even her casual steps sent shockwaves of air out as her heavy weight pushed it out from underneath her feet in blasts thick enough to knock the humans off their feet. She felt the little cracks of cars and humans underneath her toes, and as she looked on, naughty, lust-filled ideas swarmed her thoughts. "Jalal... we can do anything here." She turned to see her sister, idly wandering in a different direction before leaning down, her thick tongue trailing against the ground as she saw a few dozen littles stick to it like Velcro. Her tongue retracted soon after with a purposefully elongated slurp, Jalal murrrring as Kala watched the small ball of meat fall down her thin throat, a low groan issuing from her sister's lips. "Jalal! We can do anything here." Kala repeated in between purrs. This time Jalal turned, blinking at her sis. "Well... yeah. What are you getting at? It's a playground! I told you that already." Kala's smile widened. "But... all of this. Murder, destruction. Nothing can stop us." Jalal looked at Kala like she was crazy, turning to walk up to her sister with a smile and a saunter in her step. "What, did you have something in mind?" Kala blushed, but couldn't help but smirk at her sister's saunter, "Well... lets have some fun shall we? Those buildings in the middle. I bet you can't stomp those big ones without hurting your paw." Jalal giggled. "Ooooh. Now your getting into it! Also: Your on!" Jalal, without even thinking, turned and began to run towards the center of the city, the downtown district of St. Andrews. Kala purrred as she watched Jalal's movements. Thick musculature flexing with each and every step, her paws shooting out from underneath her, tossing debris back like it was simple dirt. Kala watched as her toes curled with each step, her paw craters filled with the debris of buildings and the decimated bodies of humans. Tens of thousands of lives either killed or destroyed, as she walked over houses like they were nothing more then ant hills. Her flighty sis did it without thinking, without caring at all... Kala couldn't be so kind. As she followed her sis, her footfalls were deliberate. A crowd of fleeing humans felt the wrath of her draconian paws, their popping eliciting a short lusty hiss out of the dragoness. A fleeing fleet of cars couldn't be passed up... and as she stepped over them, her tail dragged on the ground behind her, blasting a thick trench in the road, and knocking up against over three dozen cars, knocking their inhabitants astray before they two were crushed by the tip of her idle tail. Finally, she came into the downtown area... and her eyes widened. Jalal had stopped as well as she saw the crowd, thick to the point of looking like a living carpet, unable to escape, unable to move even due to the sheer amount of fleeing furs. The two of them were awestruck by it, both of them purrring instinctively. Kala was the first to act though. Lifting up a single massive foot, she hovered it over the furs with a wide grin on her face. "Mmmm... your right Jalal. Smashing bugs does make me feel like a monster. A big..." She wiggled her toes, drinking in the screams of thousands as she lorded her power over them like a God. "...Powerful..." She tensed her muscles, her leg and paw now like a loaded artillery piece to the humans below her. "...Monster." She chuckled as she snap kicked down. Jalal even blinked as the sudden snap blasted into the ground. Bits of earth, asphalt, buildings, glass... raised high enough to smash up against Jalal as well, causing her to lose her balance, falling on her thick ass... and landing right on another crowd. Jalal blinked, before purrring as the short lived squirming made way to an oily running feeling against her cheeks as she watched the debris cloud slowly fall away, revealing a dusty, moaning Kala, walking towards her sis. Kala walked towards her sister before kneeling down, ignoring her sisters quizzical looks as she licked against Jalal's chest with her own long tongue, before making her way down to her sister's revealed sex, sucking against her clit. Jalal yelped with a start, before shaking in pleasure. "Aaaah! W-w-w-what are you doing?!" Kala smirked, and pulled back without answering. After a second or two of searching, she found a crowd of humans, grabbing them with a single hand. "Showing you just what I meant by -anything-." Kala chuckled as Jalal's eyes went wide at the sight of the writhing mass in her hands. She moved it right up against her sister's sex, and within the second, Jalal began to moan and scream in ecstasy. "AAAAH! S-stop it stop it, it feels s-so good...! Ooooh g-g-gods!" Jalal began to thrust into the crowd, and Kala watched, purrrring like a cat playing with a mouse as she felt her sisters thrusting pound the crowd slowly into pulp. "Mmmm... stop it sis? I'm not even started..." Kala grinned wide as she moved closer, resting to the side of her sis, letting her long tongue slither across her sisters front, before moving up to her nipples, licking and teasing across her large areolas. Jalal closed her eyes, shivering visibly as her thrusting started to get more intense, pounding into Kala's hand greedily before whimpering "Aaah... they've stopped moving..." Kala wasted no time. When her sister pounded into her hand again, it wasn't her palm she struck, but three fingers. Jalal leaned back, moaning heavily as her tongue fell from her mouth in an open mouthed moan. Kala couldn't help but switch her attentions, moving in and deeply kissing her sister at the same moment her fingers struck home. She could hear her sisters muffled screams as she orgasmed and orgasmed hard right into her fingers. She continued to finger her, letting the juices fall to earth, coating the dead and the still alive in a thick, viscous coating, trapping them there. Kala purrred as she sat back, her sister basking in the afterglow. "Now it's my t-" Kala started to stay, just as she felt a sharp sting against her shoulder. She blinked, growling as she turned, and saw where it had come from. "The h-... Aaah. The military has finally showed sis. Was wondering when they'd try to put up a fight." Jalal looked up, still basking in her afterglow, giggling softly as she saw what looked like a National Guard regiment. A good one thousand strong soldiers just in that one section, mostly in tanks and other vehicles. They weren't stupid enough to use small arms at least. "Mmmm... come to join the party...?" Jalal looked up at her sister, and blinked as she realized something around the same time Kala did. She was growing. Not much, but it was definitely visible. Muscles bulging slightly, her height shooting up even more, resting at about 3,300 feet tall now. Kala's eyes were wide, as she issued forth a loud pent up purrr. Jalal watched as her sister stood up and stood up tall, her arms spread wide and a sly grin on her face. "Fine! You want to shoot me? Try me!" Kala said as loud as she could. Jalal was about to stop her when the entire regiment opened fire. Tanks, a few helicopters, all of it pinging off of her scales, useless stings that did nothing but scuff her scales. Kala laughed, and then Jalal realized why her sister seemed so suicidal all of sudden... she had figured it out before she had. Kala grew. It wasn't as slow as before either, she could see it before she could even feel it. Her feet became broader, wider, more prominent. Muscles adding to muscles, flesh added to flesh. She felt her body shifting as the skyline became even less prominent, the little bugs below her that they called a military force looking even more insignificant. She couldn't help but giggle, the rush of power hitting her brain like a sledgehammer. She was over five thousand feet tall from that onslaught now, almost double her sister... and she could still see the pings of fire hitting her scales. "Mmmm.... had enough yet little bugs...?" She leaned down, her massive head dwarving the regiment completely, the shadow over top of them almost three times as big as their military force. She chuckled as she saw them scramble, the breath from her chuckle alone shooting a tank in the air, before she watched it fall on it's turret. "Let me show you what I can do now, hmm...?" \*she kneeled, before letting her hands touch down on either side of them. She let her heavy breasts simply laze down on top of them. She felt them touchdown, felt the metal of their tanks bend and crunch underneath them, the feeling of bodies against her sensitive nipples intoxicating. It was all too much for the pent up dragon as she whimpered, not even really paying attention to the world around her... until she saw her sisters massive toe crash down in front of her. Jalal giggled. She had grabbed the helicopters that Kala had not paid any mind too, watching in panic as they fired everything they had into her, merely forcing her bigger, stronger. She had accidentally blown one up in her hands, cursing slightly, before she realized she was almost twice the size of her sis now. "Kala?" She grinned as her sis looked up, blinking as she realized that the toe before her was not a mirage. "I'm big too!" She giggled, teasing her toe against her sisters muzzle. Kala purrred, licking it gently. "Mmmm... good girl..." Kala smiled wide as she looked up at her powerhouse of a sister. "Lets use it to destroy this miserable place, hmm...?" \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\* Commander Carson was in a bit of a tight spot. He was called in after the national guard unit had been all but destroyed, the national government at large just now mobilizing... after all, the whole incident had taken less then an hour to escalate. He was watching the screen now, watching as a pair of goddesses walk among them. He knew this, knew that he had but a few options to choose from... and none of them looked pretty. "Commander. What are our options?" The President was looking at him sternly from across the room. Carson's took a moment before he looked away from the screen showing the two of them. They were huge... stomping on St. Andrews like it was model train set. The whole experience was so surreal it was almost beautiful in a macabre, disturbing sort of way. "Commander Carson?" "Y-yes. Well, they don't look good. The National Guard was wiped out in seconds. We have our normal armed forces of course, but I don't think they have the firepower to truly take these two down either. They are a lot stronger then we anticipated." "Then you anticipated?" Carson nodded. "The National Guard's last transmission described how even the bunker buster they deployed as absolutely useless. It just blasted against her scales, and fell flat..." "Jesus... alright, so I ask again. What are our options?" "Well sir... we can let this continue until they go back to where they c-.." "Let it continue?! Dear god man, their wrecking half the damn countryside now, who knows what their capable of?" "OR..." Carson said loudly, silencing the President. He had to get up the courage to say this. Watching the screen he saw the two playfully kiss each other as their paws struck down into a crowd of humans, debris and blood flowing out from under their paw. As it lifted, he saw the massive print filled with the rubble of some of the largest skyscrapers in the city. He sighed, looking at the president. "Or we go nuclear." \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\* Kala giggled as her thick paws struck down against the city. She had managed to find another few National Guardsmen, letting them hit her with all they had... until she was about her sisters size again, easily seven thousand feet tall by this point. Walking, just by itself, was enough to bring some buildings crashing to the ground, even those they never touched. Their paw prints were massive, filled with the debris they were leaving behind... and she knew this was just the beginning. "Little bastards think they can take us out with tanks..." She purred, nuzzling her sister, her big tongue tickling against her muzzle as she giggled. Jalal turned, rubbing Kala gently. "Heee! They'll have to try better then that!" The two waltzed towards the edge of town, not even caring about the suburbanites, their feet falling on cars, humans, everything without a care in the world. They were looking for another city, another batch of fun buildings to play with.... when out of the blue, they saw a pair of dots screeching across the sky. "The hell...?" Both Jalal and Kala stopped to look at them. They seemed to be getting closer. They were large by the looks of them. After all, they could see them from this far away, they had to be rather large. They watched as they seemed to grow bigger still... no, they were getting closer. "They trying to launch missiles at us now? What do they think they'll do?" She grins "We'll just get bigger!" Jalal nods. The missiles got closer still. Both girls stood their ground, awaiting their next wave of growth. And then... The city looked like it was engulfed in flames. A blast wave went out far enough to knock out and disintegrate everything that wasn't already obliterated, and many things that were. Not one, but two mushroom clouds, one for each girl, shot out from the ground as the world around them turned into a hellscape... \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\* While the fireballs obscured their vision, and the EMP wave had knocked out the cameras for the screens in the bunker Commander Carson was in, he still sighed in relief. He had seen the two hit directly before the EMP hit. There was no way in hell they had survived that blast. He could hear cheering as the reports came in. Direct hit. St. Andrews was gone, and hopefully so were the pair. "Commander! We have a bird flying by that has a camera for us. They'll see what happened and confirm the deaths." "Good. Carry on sergeant." The screen flickered for a moment, before popping back to life... and Carson immediately wished it hadn't... \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~\* Kala looked around at the scorched earth. Fire was burning anything that wasn't destroyed... but she didn't see much of it. Was it not a nuclear blast after all? Her vision was still obscured by the hit. It definitely hurt... but she was alive. She looked over at Jalal, about the same size still. Had they not even grown? Shaking off her confusion, she looked down... and it was only then that she smiled wide. "J-jalal... look." Jalal looked down as well.. and noticed the same thing. They were -huge-. Where the city once was, their paw was their instead, Jalals having moved to strick into a mountain peak, decimating a small mountain range, and they were still growing faster then they could even imagine. Jalal looked up, noticing the atmosphere getting lighter as her head hit the coulds, before she heard a boom below, looking to see what happened. Kala had simply walked forward. Her paw lifted up, she had let it hang for a moment, the shadow eclipsing two other nearby, smaller towns, before she let it fall. She watched, a wide smile on her face as the Earth split asunder. She saw magma rise from the cracks, flowing down against the surface as her paw print was slowly filled with what felt like luke warm bath water to the goddess. "Sis... lets destroy this place..." She purrrrrred. Jalal blinked, before seeming to realize that it was possible at her size as well. "For fun?" Jalal questioned. "For fun..." Kala answered, chuckling at the strange question. Both girls were still growing and growing, so rapidly that her growth alone was causing Kala's foot to knock over two additional towns, engulfing them in her growing pawpads. Kala blinked as she felt herself lift up a bit, her body easily the size of a small state already, and her head blowing through clouds and into the lighter atmosphere. Out of curiosity, she jumped. No pomp, no circumstance, simply jumped. She felt herself blast through the atmosphere of Earth, still growing exponentially larger with every passing moment as her body flew into space. She hovered around the planet idly for a moment, awestruck at her size, and how she was yet still growing. After all, she was the size of a small moon now. She saw the Earth's moon, her own body catching up to it's size within a matter of minutes. It took Jalal longer to step off the planet, her body to big for the Earth's gravity to hold so close to the planet by that point. "We... can breathe and live out here." Jalal said. Kala nodded, turning to her with a grin. "We are also just getting bigger... and quick." Jalal blinked as she noticed it too. Where they were standing just moments ago, now looked so tiny. The earth itself was shrinking rapidly in front of their eyes. Where it once obscured their vision, with each passing moment, it became more and more like a small, blue marble. Within a good ten minutes of take off, they both had to be a good couple billion miles tall. They were celestial beings taken literally. With the earth about their size, Kala smirked. She leaned in, her thick heavy breasts hitting against the surface. Jalal giggled as she saw the land blast out from underneath her teasing, water shooting out in tidal waves as a pair of craters the size of eurasia were formed on the side of the planet. She was killing billions in a single motion, but all she could think about was how strange, and yet how good it felt against her sensitive breasts. She watched herself grow, her breasts engulfing the planet slowly. She once again beckoned for her sister, and Jalal floated over, joining her sister in thrusting her breasts against the other side of the planet. Kala and Jalal looked at each other, then back at the planet Earth fading between their chests. They were still growing bigger, still gaining more power by the second... and as they felt the earth disintegrate between their chests, the two of them leaned in, kissing each other deeply...
Title: Shift: 2nd Gear by Arxl Tags: Anatomically Correct, Frottage, Love, M/M, Morning after, Oral, Snow Leopard, Wolf, cars Shift: 2nd Gear I stirred in the car, suddenly feeling something slippery under my tail. Oh, yeah that's right. I look over my shoulder to see Shadow with a very content look on his face. I smiled and snuggled backwards into his chest, it was very warm and his fur felt so good. I started purring as he was waking from my movements and started scratching my chest fur. "Mmmmm good morning kitty." He whispered in my ear. He embraced me again, holding me tightly to his body. It felt so comfortable and right to be there. "Murrrr good morning Shadow." I purr louder now, I was so happy to be here with him. He yawned and nuzzled my scruff while he asked me, "Sleep well?" "Mhmm, it was the best sleep I had in ages!" I smiled and noticed the car's clock said 10:00 AM. The car's window tint totally betrayed the time. "Maybe we should get some breakfast, it is getting late." I proposed. "But I'm so comfy in you!" He giggled and licked my ear, "But okay, where do you wanna go?" I gasped as he slipped his now soft cock out me; it felt loose but so empty now that he was out of me. I pulled my pants up my waist and put on my tank top and propped the seat up as he was fumbling with his clothes. "Well why don't I take you over to my place and eat there?" I offered. "Would your dad mind? I mean if you didn't know you were gay then he sure as hell doesn't." He did make a good point, it did make me think. How would he react when I tell him? I doubt he would really be that upset, but I wasn't sure. I never showed any interest in guys or girls growing up really so... I don't know. "I'm sure he would be fine with it, besides he will probably just scold me for being late for breakfast." I joked, trying to brighten the conversation a bit. "Okay then, let's go!" The wolf smiled and grabbed my paw, then released it so we could start driving. The car roared to life and I put it into gear to get out of the small camping area. We got onto the road and I pushed the speed limit a bit but still kept control. What a day... getting a great car and a even better boyfriend. I couldn't be happier, I smiled all the way home. "Wow you guys really are rich..." Shadow said in amazement as we neared my dad's estate. Out front was parked a few of my dad's cars. I drove them all and I couldn't decide which I liked more. I parked my Corvette in the end of the line of cars. "Here, lemme tell you about these cars." I offered. "We walk past them to get to the door anyway." I smiled and he seemed all too happy to hear about them. "First here is my dad's 2008 Dodge Viper, ever since I crashed his 2000 model he wanted another, so he got this one and pretty much made an updated version of his old one. It is nice and great for cruising, especially when we drive to the lake in it." He walked around it once, studying it, he obviously likes cars just as much as I do. "Next is what I call the "Space Car," it is a 1970 Ferrari Modulo. It is all original from the year and drives like it is new. Even the mileage is at 60,000." I heard him give oohs and aahs as he looked over the strange car. "Here is my dad's 1969 Chevrolet Nova SS he customized it himself for drag racing, so we don't really drive around with it too much. The zz572 under the hood would make it flip faster than a mini-van. But in a drag it will put you back in your seat." He inspected the rear of the car with its larger rear tires and wheelie bars and came back to hold my paw as we went to the next vehicle. "What we have here is his favorite, and something the tabloids don't know much about. They said only a few were built but there were others for the top bidders that were put aside. He inherited this from my grandfather who got it back in 1968. I present to you the 1967 Shelby Cobra Super Snake!" He was speechless as he caressed the curves of the rare car, looking into the cockpit at all the retro gauges and levers. We were at that car the longest and we gushed about its stats. That was a mean car, everyone knew it when they were driving near it, and the rumble of the engine alone could be felt in your chest. We eventually pried away from the car and got to the door; I was a bit nervous but got it open with shaky paws. We entered and padded over to the origin of the aroma of breakfast. We entered the dining room where there was a healthy looking breakfast feast for me and a extra plate. I guess he knew I would invite him over. I hardly noticed but he was sitting in a chair away from the table reading the comic section of the newspaper. He cleared his throat to get our attention and we looked over to see him smiling warmly from his seat. "Well Chris I guess I do know you too well." He looked a bit smug but he deserved that, since he shocked me from what he said next. "You and Shadow should get some food before the cook gets pissed that you wasted it. I know it isn't much of a breakfast conversation but I have to ask to settle my own curiosity, who was top?" I stood agape with Shadow, how did he know?! "Well... Uhh, h-how did you know?" I managed to stutter out. "Son, I know the look you had in your eyes when you were near Shadow here, it was the same way I looked when I met your mother. Not to mention you both smell heavily of musk. So after breakfast I expect you boys to shower, I'm inviting a few friends over for some pool and drinks and I want you to at least smell less like sex." He said that almost like he rehearsed it. My dad is full of surprises! "So, you're okay with me being-" He cut me off and said, "Since your mother died I promised myself that I would support you and make sure you are the happiest you can be. So yes, I am okay with this; as long as he doesn't hurt you, because then we will have trouble. Got that Shadow?" He looked sternly at my wolf. "Of course Mister Alpine! I could never hurt Chris!" He said, he sounded earnest and my father accepted that. "Okay boys, I'm going for a jog, I will be back in a little while. Try not to mess the house up too bad, okay?" He smiled at us; I couldn't believe how openly accepting he was! We both nodded as he got up to get changed, but stopped to ask again, "You never did answer my question, who was top?" I couldn't tell if he really wanted to know or if he was joking, either way I was blushing fiercely. Before either of us could answer he strode out. We stood there, eventually getting enough sense back to sit down and have a nice breakfast together. We talked more and he told me how he was 25 and was finishing up his engineering degree. I told him how I just had a bachelor's degree in business, which must have surprised him. "Business? Why business?" He asked. "Well eventually I'm going to take over for my dad when he retires, but I would be racing mostly. Since the company nearly runs itself, I just have to make important decisions and give my signature on things. He only has to be at work 10 hours a week." He was amazed at how little he had to work. I smiled and held his paw. "This is all turning out so great! I'm so happy to have met you!" He smiled and gripped my paw in return, "So am I, this is all going so fast! But I like that." He leaned over to lick my cheek, "Are you okay with this? I mean how fast things are progressing?" I thought about it for a moment. Yeah, things were going very fast. But I just feel deep down that I should trust Shadow. It feels like we are connecting in a very special way that I never felt before. I am scared, but that fear is overridden by this connection we have. I love how I feel around him, it is nearly- no- it is addicting. "Shadow I will tell you now that I am apprehensive of this all in a small way, but, that pales in comparison of how happy I feel with you. I want to trust you with everything, and you make me feel like I can. I mean I pretty much kidnapped you since yesterday. That's how much I want to be around you, I haven't asked you if you wanted to go home or anything like that." I chuckled and blushed at myself. For a moment he just sat there looking at me, seeming to just absorb what I said. "Chris I don't want to leave your side for more than a moment. I... Feel that way too. I know you haven't had anyone else in a relationship with you and I'm flattered that I'm your first; but I want to be the best boyfriend for you. You are more charming and adorable than I could have imagined when I was just your fan. I'm so happy I became more than that and I want to keep that connection with you." He embraced me warmly; I just sat there in his arms, nuzzling his neck. This has to be either a dream or a fantasy. Either way, I never want it to end. I embraced him back; we just sat there in silence. Seeming to communicate with the feelings we shared, they were nearly palpable. We stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but in truth was only about 15 minutes. Our ears flicked at the same time in the direction of shuffling paws coming down the stairs; interrupting our moment. I saw a jackal with serious bed-fur. He looked lazily at us then seemed to be in a state of shock, seeing us holding each other so intimately. "Uh... Hey Chris, what's up?" Trevor tried to sound casual but I knew he was still trying to grasp the situation. "Oh, hey Trevor, you remember Shadow right?" I asked him, indicating the wolf by nuzzling his neck and purring into him. "Yeah man, so this is why you were distracted yesterday." Trevor seemed in a mixed array of emotions about this. I could make out shock of course, closure, and something else. He seemed a bit let down. "Mhmm, is there something wrong Trevor?" I asked, trying to understand why he seemed disappointed. "Well, uh... I didn't know you liked guys is all. I'm fine with it, it's just..." He trailed off, lowering his ears. "What's wrong Trevor?" Shadow spoke up, seeming to be equally as curious as I was. Trevor seemed to stumble over his words for a moment before managing to fumble out a coherent sentence, "I just wish I knew is all." He seemed dismissive about it and I knew I shouldn't pry for now. He walked back up the stairs to find some clothes to put on. "So, is he always like that? Or..." Shadow inquired to me. "No I have never seen him upset like that before; I wonder what's up with him." I responded. Apparently that wasn't the answer Shadow was looking for. "No, I mean is he always naked in the house?" I hardly noticed that anymore. "Oh, yeah, he is non-body shy. Actually most of us would rather not have clothes at all here, we like our fur is all and clothes make our fur stuffy and messy looking." I answered, he just smiled. I guess he liked the idea of me walking around nude all the time. "Well let's get comfortable then!" The wolf declared. He stood up and stripped down, looking a bit shy about his boxers going down but he found the courage to take it all off. I must say, seeing his nude form in good lighting was even better than yesterday in the dark car! Tone muscle could be seen under the fur, not big and bulky, but nicely toned. "Well I would hate to be made a stranger in my own house!" I said back and stripped down fluidly, it was a practiced ritual for when I got home I suppose. My body wasn't as toned as his but I was still slender and slight definition showed. The wolf growled lustily at me and I giggled. "Easy killer, remember we gotta take a shower!" I padded off, swishing my tail wantonly as I strode down the hall, my wolf in tow. We stepped into the large bathroom and I flicked the light on. Everything was clean and with little wear. Our maid worked well. I swatted the wolf's chest with my long tail and stepped into a roomy shower. We both easily fit in and I blasted hot water on us with the universal touch pad on the shower wall. It stung at first but we got used to it quickly. I grabbed some soap and lathered my paws up and started scrubbing my chest and tummy but suddenly the wolf's paws were on my chest and scrubbing softly. I purred in approval and leant back slightly to rest on his chest as he started on my tummy. "Mmmm I feel a lot of dried cum here; you needed a shower dirty kitty." He whispered in my ear, his dirty talk was working wonders for my sore dick, which was now standing at full attention. No one ever talked to me like that but I loved it. As he was keeping my attention with his dirty talking I didn't notice that he was get closer to my crotch with his paws. Only as he wrapped a paw around my member did I notice. "Ahhhh that's sensitive Shadow!" I squealed out. "Hush, it is dirty and needs to be cleaned." He whispered. Slowly he was stroking the soapy mixture over my shaft, making me squirm for pleasure and soreness. It made my hips go backwards and grind into his sheath. I felt him hardening in the furry pouch and I decided to play with him and grind my ass slowly up and down it. This made the wolf moan with me; our bodies gyrated together as we pleasured each other. Eventually it became too much for the wolf as he spun me around and locked our muzzles together for a long, passionate kiss. Eventually his skilled tongue made my knees weak and I began going limp. Shadow encouraged me falling though; he set me on my knees. "Mmmm I think you need a lesson on how to suck cock, if you do well then I will give you a treat." The wolf couldn't look slyer as he winked at me. I felt water from the showerhead hitting my shoulders now and as I looked forward I saw his impressive member, rock hard and his knot fully engorged. Even this part of him was better in the light! It looked sculpted, symmetrical, thick and a great length to boot. I guessed right, about 10 inches with the knot, seeming to dwarf my 7 inch. "Well are you going to look at it all day?" Shadow joked, smiling down at me. He put a paw on the back of my head. "Now just suckle the tip, if you want to use your teeth then do it lightly, lets your tongue do most of the work though. If you can't breathe then just pull it out a bit. Have fun kitten." I blushed and looked back down to the wolfcock in front of me; I was a bit embarrassed to be in this position but I couldn't help but enjoy it. The smells of his musk assaulting my senses, making me feel a bit intoxicated. I eventually got my courage up and started suckling on the tip. There was a bit of precum there and it made my first taste of dick very sweet. I delighted in the texture and taste, I wanted more. After I milked all the pre onto the tip of my tongue I slid my short leopard muzzle down the length to about halfway. Along the way I used my tongue and teeth to caress the smooth flesh just like he said. I could hear him moaning softly and tilting his head back, I was doing a good job so far, I hope. After letting his head rest on the back of my rough tongue for a bit I slid further down the length. Choking a bit as his tapered head slid past the back of my tongue, I had to tilt my neck to keep sliding it down. I wanted to see how far I could take it; the phallus still tasted wonderful all the way down. Eventually my nose tapped his knot and it was very hard to breathe as I deep throated for the first time. My neck was in slight pain as his thick member stretched it but I got used to it. I hardly noticed him shaking, so I pulled off and breathed some fresh air for a second before asking. "What's wrong Shadow? Did I hurt you or something?" He smiled and was blushing a bit. "No, nothing of the sort. You just suck dick very well, that was amazing!" He looked nearly out of breath and his cock was twitching with need in front of me still. I dove on the cock, hungrily taking it into my muzzle again. Letting my rough tongue glide across the head as it entered and I cradled the bottom of it as I bobbed my head back and forth. Delighting in the spurts of pre that were hitting my throat in the process, I wanted to swallow the cock, it tasted so good! After about 10 minutes or so of sucking my jaw was getting sore but I kept going, wanting the treat he promised. He began thrusting into my maw roughly now; thankfully my gag reflex was suppressed by now. "Here is your treat kitten!" With that he howled and pushed himself down my throat, starting to pump his seed directly into my tummy. I felt spurts in me and it made me so horny to feel that. Halfway through his orgasm he pulled his dick halfway out of my throat and filled my muzzle. Remembering last night I began swallowing his sweet and salty seed and grabbed his knot with my paw, remembering how sensitive it was. This made him gasp and pull his dick out of my muzzle completely to squirt just a few more ropes of cum onto my face. I licked my lips and swallowed all I could, but I knew my face was still a mess, along with his cum dripping down my chin. "That is a good look for you Chris." He giggled and wiped his cock across my face, his scent thoroughly mixed in with mine. "That was really tasty Shadow! How did I do?" I blushed and looked up at him. "You suck as well as any hustler, I mean wow! It is hard to believe that was your first time sucking." He chuckled and pulled me up to my paws again. He licked at my face to clean off his leftovers. "Thanks for cleaning me up Shadow." I was blushing fiercely under my fur, I was sure he could see it. We hugged and kissed a bit more softly now. "I think you still need to get off though." He smiled and grabbed my dick. "And I know a good way to do just that." He leaned his back against the wall and pulled me to him by my dick, making me whimper as he pulled the whole way. "Now I'm going to put our dicks together, it is something called frottage and I think you will like it since you like cock so much." I couldn't stop blushing at him, but I was very horny and I needed release. "All you have to do is hump into my paw and against my dick until you cum." He gave me a naughty smile and put our dicks together and began jacking them off. His cock was soft to the touch but still rigid thanks to the canine penile bone in the center of it. He began pawing our dicks and his fingers playing with my soft barbs making me moan out loudly. I began thrusting into this and the combination of his soft cock and paw pads was making it unbearable to hold back. After only a few minutes of fucking his paw I could tell I was close. I began squeaking and whimpering like a little kitten, my ears laid flat to my head as I thrusted once more, harder than before into his paw. I spurted strong ropes of cum all over our tummies and our dicks. The slippery mess now on our dicks made great lubrication for him to start pawing faster than before. He was obviously good at control because my oversensitive dick was making me want to pass out. I was squealing and writhing against him, clawing his chest. Eventually he stopped for me. I was in a daze so he was the first to talk, "You are a very sexy kitty with very sexy sounds, did you know that?" I blushed and hugged him and he hugged me back. "Well you are my sexy wolf." I bit his neck playfully before saying through his fur, "An I wown giff you ub." He laughed at my muffled words and petted my head. We eventually got back to the shower we were supposed to have and thanked the stars that my hot water tank was big. We washed each other and dried each other off before walking out with a single towel wrapped around both of us. We sat down on a cloth couch and cuddled. "Dad will be home any minute now, maybe we should get dressed. We do wear clothes around guests, like the ones that dad is bringing over." I nuzzled him, even though we smelled clean I could still smell his musk and the smell of cum on us. We got up and walked up the stairs to my room. Thankfully we were the same height and almost the same body type; I gave him some clothes that looked a bit tight for his slightly more toned build. I didn't complain because he looked very sexy with tight clothes on. I put on a colorful Strawberry Crush shirt that I bought a few years ago, wanting to accentuate my newfound sexuality a bit. We hugged and went back downstairs to watch some TV and cuddle on the couch until my dad got back. We passed by Trevor's room and I thought about him, I was still worried about him. I doubt he was going to move out, we took him in when we were both 15 and his parents kicked him out. I never asked why because it seemed to make him very sad. 'I hope his depression isn't coming back' I thought. We got down the stairs and I heard what sounded like someone whispering. I peeked from the top of the stairs. I saw my father, he was talking to someone. I craned my head to try and see who he was talking to, it looked male, I think. He had a very lithe figure and after looking a bit more intently I saw that he was a red fox. I never saw him before. Maybe I could listen in... My dad's voice was clearer since he had a louder speaking voice than the fox, "Look-..... I\_... okay-... gay-........ afraid-... she-... long time-... move-... hiding-...... there-.... son-... deserves-.... know-...." Damn, I could barely hear even him, the fox was totally inaudible the whole time. What WERE they talking about? END! For now =P Thanks for reading this continuation and thanks to all the support from the first one I have decided to make this into a series. Let's see if we can get this all the way to 6th gear! Comments and notes/criticisms are welcomed.
Title: When the Urge Builds by Sellin Tags: Autofellatio, Bukkake, Ejaculation, Fingering, Hermaphrodite, Kissing, Living Gasm Drive, Masturbation, Other/Herm, Short, Solo PLEASE leave a message to tell me what you think, I know it is short, and not a story story, but votes and messages are loved by me. The concept of the LGD or Living Gasm Drive is (I believe) property DarkNekogami, An Amazing Artist. --- She yawns and gave off a soft murring sound as she lay back on the soft red silken sheets. Her soft pink scales rubbed against the delicate silk and she gave a shudder of pleasure at the cool smoothness of it. Her tail twitched and her breath came in a soft little pant, she was starting to get worked up. Swallowing she didn't fight the urge. One of her scaled paws slid down and stroked along her smooth scaled inner thigh. The soft brush of her fingers merely encouraged her towards succumbing to the desire the was building and it wasn't long before the deep pleasured rumble started to slip free of her chest. Her body was unclothed, she hated the material wrapping, but the feeling of silk at her back got her blood boiling, her tail tip twisted round in the silken sheets, the tip gently dripping clear slipperyness onto the silk. The soft cool silk rubbed into her back as she arched and squirmed on the silk, her thighs were growing damp with the excitement of her hot folds, her teeth nipping at her lip as an eager half moan half murr slid from her throat. Between her thighs her folds grew warm, her fingers drifted up her thigh, brushing across her warm folds, she spared a moment to stroke across her balls, giving them a gently squeeze. Her fingers drifted back down to her folds, stroking as her male slit spread open, the sly head of her serpentine maleness slipped free, the corner of the mouth glistening with the pre it drooled when excited. Her tail rubbed along the silk eagerly, dripping more pre, her paw between her thighs stroked over the soft slightly damp folds, nuzzling against the boiling hot silken skin. She let out a deep pleasured moan. Her breasts heaved with her breath, firm and pert they moved with her squirming, as she twisted and writhed on the cold silk, her breath coming in slightly shorter little breaths as she started to grow hot from the inside out, her body begged at her to be touched. Her serpentine tip slipped free of the slit it called home, turning it began to slither up her body, trailing a line of pre along her stomach from its mouth. It slithered higher as she slid a finger into her hot tight walls. The serpentine cock wrapped its mouth around her nipple, her own serpentine tip suckling on her nipple, making her yelp out eagerly, as the serpents mouth suckled wetly one her small nipples. Her chest tickled with delight, the line of pre grew cold on her body, her thighs tingled with need, her whole body shuddered with delight and pleasure at the slowly building touch as her tail flicked and rubbed at the silk. Her free paw curled round the serpentine shaft that squirmed on her chest, stroking the scaled snakes body, the head dragged free of her nipple, drooling pre more freely. Her fingers between her thighs sank deeper into her tight wet walls, the tunnel boiling hot and dripping wet round them tensed and squeezed tight at them. The serpentine shaft slithered higher as she rubbed along its both, her head tilted up as she met her own serpentine shaft in a warm deep kiss, the serpent kissed back, drooling slightly salty pre into her mouth as her cock shaped tongue pressed into its mouth and it suckled back eagerly. Her tail rubbed over the silk rapidly, lashing at the silk, leaving behind a trailed smear of clear slippery pre. The serpentine tip suckled on her cock like tongue as it drooled salty pre into her mouth, her moan echoing into it, the pleasure burning through her body. Her walls crushed around her fingers as the snake like cock tensed and pulsed in her stroking hand, her body burning up with the pleasure all over as her orgasm grew closer. Her chest heaved with gasped breaths through flaring nostrils, her whole body pounding with the beat of her heart as the passion grew to a peak. Her boiling body thrashed on the silken sheets, crumpling them beneath her as she squirmed and her hips twitched and squirmed with the desire that pounded through her, from her ear tips to her toes, toes which curled into the silk sheets. She writhed on the bed, her lips pressing tight to her serpentine tip, her cock like tongue pressing out to slide into the throat of her snake like cock, her paw pushing deeper into her folds, her moans drowned in the drool of pre from her snake esk lover. Her tail thrashed as her chest arched upwards, her breasts bounced slightly, her snake like cock tensed, sealing the kiss with her lips. Her moan ripped from her lips into the kiss as her walls clamped around her fingers. She orgasmed hard, her walls collapsed and shuddered roughly round her fingers her slick juices dripping round her hand, her snake cock tensed and spewed forth thick rich salty cum, her tongue tensing and drooling saltyness into her snakes mouth, her tail straightened and tensed and coated the silken sheets in thick white cum. She lay there panting as the serpentine cock broke the kiss, seeming to grin triumphantly it drooled thick white cum along her body as it slowly slid into the slit between her legs, snuggling home just above her balls. Her tail lay twitching at her side as she murred deeply, closing her eyes with pleasure for a moment surrounded with and tasting the warm saltyness, she felt satisfied for now. Opening her eyes she looked round at the furs that had been around her when her passions took over and had been treated to the whole show. She smirked "What a lady can't enjoy herself when she feels the need?" she snapped round at the watchers and winked.
Title: Hotel Night Tags: crossdressing, gay, first time, blow job, doggy style, slut, cum, lingerie It was my first time crossdressing. I have no gender identity issues or anything, I just wanted to try it. But I also wanted to have a little fun since I was sure this would be the only time I'd do something like this and I hadn't gotten laid in a while. It probably wasn't the smartest idea, but if literotica had taught me anything it was that Craigslist was a place to find a quick fuck. So I went on and posted an ad for myself. "First time cd looking to service a man in the area." Of course, I found out quickly that I had been misled on the usefulness of the site. The only replies I got back were from very shady characters and, honestly, not very attractive guys. If I was going to have gay sex for the first, and probably only, time I wanted the man to at least be a little attractive. Thankfully after a week I got a hit that seemed promising. It was from a man who was visiting from out of town on business and he wanted to meet me for a "night of fun" in his hotel room. Attached were some pictures of a pretty fit guy in either his late twenties or early thirties with a nice tan. But I was still wary. I didn't want my body to show up on the 6 o'clock news and my family to know I was murdered by a psycho while whoring myself out in drag. So I instigated a conversation between myself and the man, who said his name was Andrew, though I'm sure it wasn't his real name. I was able to confirm that the man in the pictures was indeed the man I was talking to, and a little image search brought up "Andrew's" facebook and twitter. By all accounts he seemed like a normal dude. Had a nice job, a hot girlfriend, and no red flags as far as I could tell, and I was able to gather that he was free of any nasty diseases. So I agreed to meet him at his hotel that weekend. I went out to the lingerie shop close to campus and got a nice outfit, some sexy underwear, and a blond wig. I thought that getting one that was a different color than my normal brunet would help me hide my identity if I somehow ran into someone I knew. I also picked up some toys, for my alone time. A guy's allowed to treat himself a little now and then. I'm somewhat ashamed to say that I was a little bit giddy that week. The thought of having sex with a guy for the first time was one I'd had for a while and now that the time had finally come I was nervous. But I was determined not to chicken out! This was an experience I was going to have! Even if it was only once, that'd be fine, but life is about experiences and I was going to do this. I spent all day Friday shaving. Thankfully I was not naturally hairy, unlike a friend of mine. The guy was like a freaking bear. Of course, this shaving included what little facial hair I had and my crotch and even the hard to reach areas. By the end of it I was as smooth as a baby's butt. I then took some laxatives to clean out the system. What pornos and literotica stories never mention is all the work that goes into making this kind of thing, like, not really messy. As a guy about to be fucked in the butt by another guy I didn't want something obscene to occur in that hotel room. Andrew might have been into it but I certainly was not. After cleaning and dressing myself I took a moment to check myself out in the mirror. I looked like a totally different person, which I suppose was the point. The wig didn't look terrible, the make-up I had put on did the job without making me look like a slut, and my outfit was a really sexy yet humble skirt and sweater ensemble. My figure wasn't too bad, either. I had never been a skinny kid, but for the past few years I had been using the college's gym to work off the fat around my stomach. I had left the weights alone, though, and the effect, with a little help, was that I could pull off a natural breast size between an A and B. If I hadn't known the girl I was looking at was me I would have definitely enjoyed a night with her. The time had come. I put sweats on over the skirt, blouse, and sweater and set out with my equipment. Since I went to an urban school the hotel Andrew was staying at was only a 15 minute walk from campus, and as I arrived I tried to look as not-out-of-place as possible, so as to not draw attention. His room was apparently 7069 (the irony was not lost on me) so I made my way up to the 7<sup>th</sup> floor and found a bathroom to change in. I took my sweats off and stuffed them in my bag, which I then stuffed in a purse. Also in the purse went my shoes and out came a set of 1 inch heels. As a man, I had never had to master the art of walking in heels so I wanted some that would make me look more girlish, but that also wouldn't break my legs in two steps. With wig adjusted and lipstick applied I walked out of the bathroom in my heels and with my purse over my shoulder and I can safely say I've never felt sexier. The confidence didn't last, though. I had butterflies building in my stomach as I walked down the hall. Standing in front of his door I wrestled with myself one last time. I decided that I wasn't going to let an opportunity like this go to waste so I psyched myself up and knocked. He answered a few seconds later. He was just like in the pictures. He was tall, had short black hair, and was tan like he spent time in the Mediterranean. He had a dress shirt and some slacks on at this moment. "Yes? Can I help you?" "Um... I'm looking for an 'Andrew?' Are you him?" I squeaked in the girliest voice I could muster. A smile spread across his face as he shifted positions in the doorway. I had apparently found the right man. He had also apparently picked up on my sheepishness. "Aren't you a cutie? And what might your name be?" "Um..." I hadn't really thought on it. I just chose the first name that popped in my head. "M- Meagan. Sir." It was my sister's name, which for me just made the situation hotter. "Well, Meagan, why don't you come on in and make yourself comfortable," he said as he vacated the doorway and let me into the room. It was like all hotel rooms, a hallway with a bathroom leading to a central bedroom with a tv and windows. "I'm glad you agreed to meet me tonight, Meagan. Is this your first time?" "Uh... yes, actually. It is." "Well I hope I can make it an enjoyable one," and with that he grabbed me, brought me close, leaned down, and kissed me full on the lips. I was able to take in his musk and he definitely smelled like some kind of expensive cologne. His hands sought a place to be and found my butt, groping me under my skirt. Though that felt amazing I wasn't really ready for a make-out session, so I broke it off and kneeled down. This is what I was here for. "A little eager, are we?" he said with a smile as I unzipped his pants. Soon his flaccid cock popped out from behind his shorts. It wasn't pornstar sized, just as most men aren't, but it was big. I considered myself of average length and it was definitely bigger than mine. 7 to 8 inches, at least. I looked at the head, transfixed. After a few absentminded strokes I took it in my mouth, licking the head and getting the length as wet as possible, even getting my tongue into his little hole. Down here I was enveloped in Andrew's smell. It was all musk and no cologne and it definitely got me all riled up. I continued to stroke the base as I sucked on the upper half of his meat. "Oh, yes. That feels amazing. Keep going," he was saying as he tucked my blond hair behind my ear and out of my face. I continued to stroke and suck for a few seconds after he had gotten hard, then stopped. "No," he whined, "Why'd you stop?" "I have a little surprise for you," I replied. "Why don't you get comfortable while I get ready?" I picked up my purse and went to the bathroom in the hall. After admiring my reflection and how sexy I looked in it one more time I stripped and got the lacy lingerie I had bought a few days before. It was a set of black lace underwear with bra and panties (which my rock hard dick was sticking out of at the moment) and in addition I had gotten lace stockings with garter belt and gloves. After tonight, I thought, I will definitely have some fun alone time with this outfit. He was sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked when I came out. I tried to strike a sexy pose and felt like I succeeded. "W-Well? Do you... see something you like?" "Oh, yes," he said with that smile of his. "You are truly beautiful. The sexiest slut I have ever seen." He opened his legs, beckoning me. I walked over to him, swaying my hips like a woman who knew what she wanted, and took hold of his massive member as I kneeled down. Taking his cock from him, I stroked it with my gloved hand as I took one of his balls in my mouth and sucked. "Oh, god, this is amazing!" he moaned. I continued to stroke his rapidly hardening cock, loving on his sack all the while. He happened to be one of these guys who shaved his crotch, thankfully. This would not have been as enjoyable if I was getting a mouth full of pubes. Taking the now hard and ready cock in my mouth I moved to massaging Andrew's scrotum with my hand. "Oh fuck! You're better than my girlfriend." That took me aback. It seemed rude to me to mention another girl when your cock was being serviced by someone else, and in response I doubled my efforts to make this man cum. When he was screwing his girl I wanted him to think about me and the great fuck I gave him. "Oh- OH FUCK!" With a tensing of his balls and a flexing of his massive penis, load after load of hot cum shot into my mouth. The only cum I had ever tasted before had been my own, and Andrew's was definitely different. Thicker and sweeter. His orgasm had caught me off guard, but I was determined to swallow every drop of the salty juice. After he had finished cumming into me I sucked on his beautiful member like a straw, trying to get everything I could. It was truly an amazing experience: the salty sweet taste in my mouth, the warmth in my stomach, and Andrew's moans of pleasure all added to my arousal, making me hornier than I had ever been before. He fell back onto the bed, momentarily exhausted. "Wow. That was just... amazing," he said, though I didn't give him any time to recover. I began to stroke his wet meat again, trying to harden it back up. I was not done and I wanted to make sure he wasn't either. When I was sure he wouldn't refuse some more, I stopped and climbed onto the bed kicking off my heels. I crawled up to the headboard and stuck my ass into the air. "Andrew, I would you be a dear and help a girl out?" I said with a little shake of the booty. "You bet, you little minx." I could feel him position himself behind me, and after he pushed my panties aside he licked my ass hole. That was an entirely new experience for me and now I was definitely happy I cleaned earlier that day. With his tongue in my hole I couldn't help moaning the cutest, girliest moan I had ever heard myself make. "Oooh, yes! That feels amazing. Keep licking my pussy; you're making it dripping wet." And he obliged. Not only did he wet my ass but also the underside of my balls and everything in between. "Oh, oh please. Fuck me now!" I cried. I couldn't take it anymore. I braced myself and planted my face in the cheap hotel pillows, trying to relax my ass muscles. I felt his tip probing at my rosebud, then the pressure of his wet head pushing into me. I bit my lip, prepared for the point when his head entered me completely and the rest of the shaft slipped in. It happened quickly. One moment there was a bulge pushing into me, the next it was traveling deeper into my bowels. I had never felt anything like it before: the sense of completely filling up thanks to the wondrous rod of a man, especially one as big as Andrew's. I didn't have much time to reflect on this, as Andrew started to pump almost immediately. In and out, in and out. All I could feel was the head gyrating inside of me and the shaft rubbing on my asshole. "Oh-h-h-h my GOD! Fuck. Me! Yes! YesyesyesyesYES! Fuck me like you could never fuck your girlfriend. Make a woman out of me!" I undid my bra to let my breasts swing free and I couldn't keep my hand away from my neglected clitty. With my face buried in the sheets I started to masturbate as my ass was being serviced. The feel of my lace gloves did me in and I had never cum so fast and so hard. I could see trails of my jizz on the sheets under me as I screamed, "I'm cumming!" I guess this pushed Andrew over the edge since he started to shoot his load into me for the second time that night, and this time I could feel the warmth actually filling me up. But he didn't miss a beat. After he had finished unloading his cream into me he picked me up and flipped me around, pivoting me on his penis, which was still inside me. I landed with my back in pools of my own cum and I could see this man furiously pounding into me, trying to harden back up. We locked eyes and he took the chance to start kissing me again. With my mind occupied by the meat in my butt I wasn't able to break away from the kiss and just went with it. I lifted my legs to give him a better angle and wrapped them around his back, pulling him into me. He eventually broke off the kiss and sat back up, supporting my back with one hand and wrapping the other around my sore shaft. With a grin on his face he began to pump my penis vigorously. "Ow, I can't take it. My head's too sore." Thanks to my earlier orgasm my dick was hypersensitive to the attention Andrew was giving it. It seemed like only a few seconds had passed before a shudder ran through me and my balls constricted, retreating further into me than they already were, and load after load was launched from my hole. Streams of my cum shot up my body, with most landing on my breasts and stomach, but some of the first few made it to my face. At feeling my juice on my face I opened my lips to try and get a few spurts into my mouth. Andrew retreated out of me, leaving a cold, empty feeling in my ass, and laid down next to me, trying to catch his breath. I wasn't ready to be finished, but I was too sore to do anything fun, so I crawled down to his penis and started to clean the cum off his shaft with my mouth. After that was accomplished I snuggled up next to him and we laid there like that for a while. I awoke in the same position an hour later. The lights had been turned off and I could feel Andrew breathing rhythmically beside me. I got up and looked out the window at the lights of the city below. The hotel was right on the edge of the financial district which, at night, was quite beautiful. I didn't notice Andrew was behind me until he started touching me and sucking on my neck. I moaned, accepting his advances, and pushed my butt up against him. He accepted my invitation and shoved his dick back up my ass, pressing me up against the large glass window. The mix of sensations was erotic: the heat of Andrew behind and in me coupled with the cold of the glass against my breasts, body, and erect penis. When I started to move with Andrew, the sensation of the window on my penis acted like a masterbatory effect and allowed me to orgasm. My load shot up, coating my stomach and the window in my cum. In all of this, the thought that this would be a bitch to clean up for the staff reached my head, and I sank down to my hands and knees and started to lick my own cum off the window in an attempt to clean it. This gave Andrew perfect access to my hole, so he entered me, taking me doggie style. He reached around to grab my tits, grunting with every movement of his huge phallus inside of me. For my part I was moaning, tongue out and lapping up every stream of my cum that was sliding down the window. "Mmmm... yes. Fuck my pussy. Shove your huge hot dick up my virgin pussy! Yes!" I was shouting between my licking of the cum on the window. "Ooh yeah, you like that, you little slut? You like my dick up your ass?" "Yes!" I couldn't take this anymore. I moved my arms to the window and shoved my face in my cum, preparing for what I wanted. "Will you stroke my clitty for me, baby?" I asked. He didn't waste any time and grabbed my dick. He stroked it furiously, and I responded with violent thrusting back into Andrew. "Oh- oh- OHHHHH!!" I screamed. Being taken furiously from behind like an animal and the scent of my own juices soaking me and the window filling my nostrils pushed me over the edge. More loads from my clit coated the carpet under me, as well as Andrew's stroking hand. It was too much. I looked out over the city lights, a city that could probably see a little crossdressing slut in the window of a hotel laying in her own spunk after being taken like the bitch she was, and just rested. Andrew pulled out of me and went back to the bed. I flipped around and just sat, my balls laying in pools of cum. This was the first chance I had gotten to reflect on the events of the night. I looked down at my sore and twitching penis and my cum stained body and decided that tonight had been a success, and that I should probably head out. I got up and, trying not to fall thanks to my raw ass and weak knees, made my way to the bathroom and ran a bath. After cleaning up I got my wig back on, bits of cum still in it. 'I need to find out how to clean this,' I thought. I also put some makeup back on. Despite just ingesting a lot of his cum, I didn't want Andrew getting a good idea of what my face really looked like. Dressed in the skirt and blouse I arrived in, with my cum covered lingerie in a bag in my purse, I went up to the bed and told Andrew that I was leaving. He looked up and said, "Please wait a minute." He got up and jotted something down on a piece of paper, his now-flaccid organ swaying as he did. "This is my number. Get in touch with me and next time I'm in the city we can do this again," he said, with that mischievous smile on his lips. "Will do," I mumbled, trying to suppress a smile of my own. With that I left the room and the hotel altogether. I hadn't changed into my boy clothes before I left and on the walk back to my dorm I was getting stares from all the drunken guys leaving the bars. At this time of the night, or morning depending on how you looked at it, the only guys still out were those who went out looking for something and hadn't found it yet. I passed this one guy coming out of a bar who noticed me and called out, "Hey, sexy. You looking for a good time?" I looked back at the guy, a young white stud who could barely stand, and decided in my cum-high that his was good looking enough. "Sure. Why not?" I said and took his hand. I lead him to the ally beside the bar and got down on my knees. I undid his belt, unzipped his jeans, and pulled his boxers down. His dick was already hard and I started sucking. "Holy shit, bitch. You're eager, aren't you?" I didn't want to talk to him, I just wanted his seed in my mouth. I was startled to feel his hands on the back of my head pushing me down further onto his meat, which was smaller than Andrew's. In fact it was close to my size, though it was still bigger than my clit. Gaging on his shaft I knew I couldn't do this for long. Someone could walk by, not to mention the difficulty I was having breathing with his penis down my throat. I grabbed his balls and began to massage and doubled my efforts on the cock. Moving quickly I bobbed my head up and down, using my tongue to clean the whole organ. The guy couldn't take it and started to thrust into my face. "Sh- shit, girl. You're a re- real slut, you know that?" I moaned into the guy's pelvis and that seemed to push him over the edge. Hot streams of his seed shot from his dick and into my eager mouth. I swallowed all of it, not letting one drop go. It tasted like alcohol. With that I got up and left quickly, before the guy came to his senses. I was able to leave him dumb in the ally as I got back to my dorm. I was lucky that my roommates were out for the weekend. I did not want to explain to them why I was in drag at 2 in the morning. With that my first cross dressing experience ended. But, unlike what I originally planned, it was not my last.
Title: The Pokemon War Part 1 remake 2 by Chakat Tailswisher Tags: Action, Death, Pikachu, Pokemon, Violence (Not In Yiff) The Poke'mon War Part 1: The Beginning Story is © Chakat Tailswisher Pokemon © Nintendo \*\*\*\*\* This is the last remake to the intro of Pokemon War. I think that this one is the best yet, so I'm going to continue the story using this path. If you don't like it, deal with it. lol.\*\*\*\*\* It was another cold, snowy day on Ice Mountain. Ash and Brock were climbing the mountain to try and reach the mysterious poke'mon shrine at the top. They had heard about it from a man in a small city they had passed through a while back now. The man had appeared insane and most people were avoiding him. When the man saw Ash, Misty, and Brock he had ran over to them and begged them to listen to what he had to say. Misty being the sensitive girl she was, was willing to hear the man out, Brock wasn't paying much attention to the man as he was staring at the group of teenage girls across the road. Ash didn't like the way the man looked and was a bit cautious, but soon perked up when he heard the man mention a shrine in which a "legendary poke'mon" was rumored to live. Even Brock, who was drooling over another group of women walking by, stopped and intently listened to what the man had to say. The man spoke of a strange and mysterious poke'mon no one had ever seen. Then he said that the shrine was on top of an uncharted mountain. The man said that the "legendary poke'mon" would only allow someone to see him if the man was worthy of such an honor. Ash looked questioningly at the others, who stared back with the same look on their faces. The man then said that in order for the man to prove himself worthy, he must not use any poke'mon on the climb up to the shrine, and if he did then the "legendary poke'mon" would consider the man weak, and would not let the man see him. "How do you know all this?" Ash asked with a slightly curious look on his face. "Yeah," Brock and Misty chimed in together. "I know," the man said, "because I saw it." Everyone had a look of shock on their faces. "I don't believe you," Misty said with a look of distrust on her face. "Most people don't," said the man, "most people think I'm crazy, but I saw it. I did! You have to believe me. I'm telling the truth!" Misty still didn't believe him. Ash and Brock looked at each other then at Misty. "Where is the mountain?" asked Ash. Brock then pulled out his map from his backpack and gave it to the man. The man pointed out Blackthorn City. He then told them that the mountain was far from city towards the north. He told them it would be better to stop in the city and gather supplies there because it would take a few months to reach the mountain and get back. Ash and Brock had decided to go for it while Misty on the other hand didn't believe him and decided to go back to her sisters in Cerulean City while Ash and Brock went on the long trek to the supposed shrine. Misty agreed to come back and meet them back in the city in about 3 months. Misty agreed to look after Ash and Brock's poke'mon while they were gone. Pikachu didn't like not getting to go with Ash and was quite angry. Ash and Brock gathered all the supplies they thought they might need and started out on long hike to the mountain. Misty waved good-bye along with Pikachu and then went to take Ash and Brock's poke'mon to Professor Oak in Pallet Town. Misty decided to stop by and see Mrs. Ketchum as well. Misty had made it to Cerulean City and had told her sisters about the man and what he had told them. She also told them about how Ash and Brock went in search of the shrine. Misty's sisters didn't believe what the man had said either. Misty told her sisters that she still had to take Ash and Brock's poke'mon to Professor Oak and set off towards Pallet Town. Ash and Brock had been gone for about a month now and had started their ascent up the mountain. "This is it Brock," Ash said, "This is our chance to prove how good we are." "Yeah, the ladies will swarm around me when I tell them about this," Brock said with a wistful look in his eyes. Ash just rolled his eyes and continued climbing. Ash had never been rock climbing before so Brock was ahead of him, even though Brock had never done it before either. "This is a lot harder than I thought it would be," Ash said. "Don't tell me your whimping out now," Brock replied with a smirk on his face. "You wish," Ash snapped back, "I'm just not used to this." "Me too, but you don't see me complaining about how difficult this climb is," Brock replied. That was all that needed to be said. They both understood perfectly. The rest of they way up the small cliff face near the bottom of the mountain was done in silence. When they reached a medium sized indent on the cliff face they stopped for the night. Brock made a fire while Ash set up the tents. Brock made soup for their supper and afterwards they both sat around the fire. "Man, are my feet sore!" Brock exclaimed. When he had taken his climbing boots off. "I thought you said that I'm the one who complains too much," Ash said with a large grin on his face, "and here you are moaning about how your feet hurt." "Haha Ash, very funny," Brock said with a slight smirk on his face as he looked up at Ash. "I thought it was," Ash said right before they both burst out laughing. After a while they got into their tents and went to sleep. They had a big day of climbing ahead of them. It was chilly when they woke up. "Hey Ash, are you awake?" Brock said in the direction of Ash's tent. "Huh, what...uh, yeah I'm up," Ash said, still groggy. When Ash was finally awake Brock made a small breakfast before they both started to take down their camp. Ash grabbed the two coats they had bought in Blackthorn City and gave one to Brock. When they were both ready for the climb, Brock took the lead again, and they were off. It was slow going but it was easier. "I'm tired of this. Let's go the faster way Brock," Ash said. "It's too dangerous Ash, and besides we're almost to the top, and that means that we're going to get hit by a lot of snow," Brock said wisely. Ash, being his normal stubborn self, argued that if they went the fast way they could get through the snow quicker, but Brock said that if they went that way it would be more dangerous, that they could fall off the side of the mountain. Ash won the fight after about a half an hour of arguing. Ash took the lead and veered off to the left of the path they had originally been taking. This path was very narrow, but it went around the landslide of rocks that they would have had to climb on the other path. Ash was careful, but not careful enough. He tripped over a root and fell over the edge of the path. Brock saw what had just happened and grabbed the nearest thing to him, a small pine tree. Brock braced himself for what was about to come. The climbing rope that was attached to both of them in case they did fall was short and so Brock didn't have much time before the force of the rope becoming taught hit him, and boy did it hit him. It just about knocked him off the side, as well. "God Ash, your heavier than you look!" Brock thought as the rope connecting the two was wrapped around his waist. "Hey! Ash, are you alright?" Brock asked after he had recovered his breath. Ash was okay, although he had had the wind knocked out of him from the jolt, and couldn't answer right away. "Yeah...I'm ok!" Ash said, coughing. Brock pulled Ash back up over the edge. As they started to head up the path that lead further up the mountain, the weather suddenly turned for the worst. "It looks like a storm is on the way Ash," Brock said as the wind started to pick up. "Let's try and find somewhere to set up camp before it gets to bad," Ash said. That's when the storm appeared. It was fierce; it whipped the snow up in their faces like needles. It also stopped them dead in their tracks. They could literally not see five feet in front of them. "How did this storm appear so fast?" Ash asked over the roar of the wind. "I don't know," Brock yelled over the steadily increasing wind and falling snow, "It just came out of nowhere." It was true that they couldn't see very far in front of them, but the fear of freezing to death was something that they didn't want to come true. So, the two cold, and hungry in Ash's case, set off slowly through the hastily deepening snow. Brock almost fell off on a few occasions, but they managed not to fall off the path. After about a half an hour of slowly treading through the snowy path they came to a clearing. "Let's stop here," Brock said. The clearing they had found was flat and had no trees around it. Ash and Brock had just started to take off their backpacks and set up camp, when suddenly they heard a cracking sound. Ash and Brock froze, standing completely still. The sound started growing louder and then suddenly it stopped. "What was that?" Ash asked. "I don't know," Brock replied. Ash started to say something else when suddenly the ground beneath them gave way. They fell into a freezing cold lake. They had been on top of the frozen sheet of ice covering the lake. Ash and Brock tried to get out of the water, but they couldn't. Almost immediately Ash and Brock were frozen solid. The storm and lake combined had been cold enough to freeze them both into solid blocks of ice. The End for now.
Title: Hotel Club Ch. 04 Tags: shemale, blowjob, cum I woke, naked and with a lingering ache in my balls and asshole. I showered and got ready to go to work. How was I going to return to a wife who I suspected didn't love me any longer and not compare our paltry sex life to the past three days of unadulterated pleasure? That was too big a question to ponder as I showered and prepared for a long day. I got into the office early and was busy all day. The boss did not stop by until close to five that afternoon. "Hey," she said poking her head into my area. "Send me today's work?" she suggested. "Are you going to make your bonus?" I shook my head. I had encountered a bunch of problems, and Cindy had insisted the night before at seeing me again. I did not need the money enough to forego another sexual adventure with that lovely shemale, so I agreed to see her. "Too many setbacks today." "You won't work on it tonight?" she asked. "I don't know," I said without taking my eyes from the screen. I did not hear her go. I kind of fell into work, and it was about six-fifteen local time when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw that it was Cindy, and checked the time. "Oh...fuck," I said. I answered. "Hello?" "Roger? Where are you?" Cindy asked. Her tone at the moment was neutral. "At the office," I explained the situation with the bonus and that I simply lost track of time. "Well." She grumped. "I don't want you to miss your bonus. Call me later when you're done, okay?" she asked. "I will." I worked again for another two hours, before my eyes were crossing. I felt the pull and need for sleep, blessed sleep. Without cocks or balls or crazy sex. I stood to leave, closing things up. The extra hours left me with the possibility that I was going to make that bonus. I did not figure on seeing Cindy so I bypassed the bar and pressed the button for the elevator. "Roger?" I heard a voice call. I had been preparing to talk into the elevator but stopped seeing Cindy standing there. "I didn't think you'd be here," I explained. Then even though I did not mean to do it, I yawned big and hard. "Sorry," I said sheepishly when done. She nodded. "So did you get all of your programming done?" "Enough that I might make the bonus," I said. "I suppose that it's little solace to you that I stood you up, but it's important to me." She gnawed on her lower lip. "I'll admit, I was pissed off, but I had to tell myself that I live here and you're here for work. Speaking of, you seem exhausted." "Yeah, I'm all done." I swayed a little on my feet and I was not faking it. "Come up to the room and sit with me for a bit?" I suggested. "Sure, love," she agreed warmly. We rode up and Cindy actually put her arm around my shoulders. The unexpected tenderness of it touched me, and I kind of sagged into her. We got into my room and I threw my crap on the bed and sat down on the edge. Cindy came over and stood in front of my. Her hands automatically reached to tousle my hair, and mine automatically reached for her legs and began to rub them slowly. Neither of us spoke, but the silence seemed to ratchet up the sexual tension. I was beginning to feel my organ swell with blood and it looked like Cindy's was rising as well. And...my cell phone rang. I saw that it was my wife. I answered "Hello." "Hello." Her voice was icy from three thousand miles away. Cindy moved away, taking the desk chair seat, keeping her eyes on me. My infidelity hit me hard at that moment, even with the chilly reception I got from my wife, and my head dropped and I rubbed the bridge of my nose between my fingers. "How are you?" "Pissed off." "I can hear that. Why?" "Where were you at six thirty today?" she demanded. "Six thirty? At the office working." "You never replied to my text." My voice rose a tad, and took on a defensive tone. "What text?" I said. I held the phone away so I could pull up the text message app. Sure enough my wife had texted me asking me how I was doing and whether I would be home on Friday or Saturday. "I just now saw it, sorry, I had the text sound turned off." "Well, I won't be home when you get there, whether its Friday or Saturday. I'm going to stay with my mother. She's sick." "What's wrong with her?" I asked. Not that I cared. My mother-in-law was a battleaxe and I cared little for her or about her. My wife knew this. "She's dying." "Oh. I'm sorry," I said in a small voice. And that unleashed the pent-up fury. I held the phone away from my ear, and looked over at Cindy who was conveniently staring out the window, ignoring it all. I let my wife's fury run its course. But towards the end she dropped the real bomb. "Roger, I don't know if I'll be coming back. I may...stay with my mother." "What, like...a separation?" I asked. "Yes." "Oh that's just great," I said sourly. That led us into a short but bitter fight that ended when she hung up on me. I savagely slammed the phone onto the bed, venting my anger once by screaming "FUCK YOU!" at the phone. I stood and went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I saw nothing in the reflection except the same old me. When I got back out, Cindy was standing. "Should I stay or go." "No. Yes. How the fuck should I know? I don't fucking know. Fucking fuck." I sat back down on the bed, and when Cindy tentatively put her hand on my head I did not shake it off. The contact was welcome. "I'm sorry," she said. I grabbed the phone and turned it all the way off. I slid it away and sat back down. "Come here," I said. "Just stand there." She did and actually pulled my head against her abdomen. I appreciated the simple gesture and the human contact. I had long thought that my wife and I were on the downhill side of it and now that she had breached the threshold...I realized that I didn't know what I felt. "Part of me is really angry," I began talking in a slow, low monotone. "But part of me doesn't care anymore and this week has opened my eyes to a very different world. A world I denied myself out of what, love?" That last word I inflected with considerable poison. "Out of fear? Some people hate fags, others don't understand bi-sexuality. Whatever, I know - now - that pleasure is what satisfies you. Going home to her doesn't satisfy me, it never did, it never will. Not now, not again. Might as well file the damn paperwork and call it a divorce because that's how we've been living for a long time, stopping to talk only long enough to call each other out and devolve into fights that leave both of us angry and frustrated. Her touch repulses me anyway." That was an admission I had not made before. I lifted my head. "Distract me." "My pleasure," Cindy replied and tousled my hair again. "Worship me." "And that will be my pleasure." I lifted her skirt. "Take this off," I told her. She reached behind and undid it, and it fell to the floor. She stepped out of it and her heels. She wore a pair of black satin panties and stockings again. Her package, visible through the panties, now called out to me. I wanted to worship it. I wanted to tease it, to lick it, to suck it, to taste it, and to devour it. No more cords. No more binds. I ran my hands slowly from mid-thigh up to the line between torso and leg and up over her abdomen. Slowly I repeated this circle, hands down, pause, and slowly back up. I watched as under the panties her meat throbbed and pulsed slowly, and then began to steadily rise and engorge. I felt my mouth begin to water as the pink head of the erection slipped behind the waistband of her panties and continued to push out as her gorgeous tool became fully ready. I took the tips of my fingers and hooked just the pads into the waist. I pulled gently, and then a little with my left, a little with my right, back and forth, sliding the soft material against her tool. I inched her panties down her thighs, slowly revealing every lengthy, girthy inch of that lovely cock. Once she was freed of the panties, and kicked them away. "Worship me," she whispered a second time. My hands flattened against her body, my thumbs on either side of her turgid erection and thick balls. She kept her hands lightly on my head, watching me. With my left hand I lightly put my fingers around the base of her turgid cock. I was going to savor it this time, every touch, how the hardness of the cock mixed with the velvety touch of the skin. I looked up, my eyes making contact with Cindy's as she watched me carefully. I slid my tongue out of my mouth and pressed it against her soft balls. Her breath escaped just a little bit faster. I slid my tongue around in small circles on the front of her balls, and she hissed a little bit. My tongue began to travel up. I paused just at the base of the underside of her beast, and flicked my tongue back and forth quickly just at that little base at her penis. The taste was pleasant. After waiting until Cindy's head tilted back a little bit more in pleasure I began to run my tongue against the length of the underside. I paused to flatten my tongue all along the base of her thick, full, now throbbing penis. Slowly I went up her shaft, pausing to pull away and flick the tip of my tongue against that little sensitive spot just under her head. I made several circles there before pulling that cock down straight at me. I circled the head with my tongue slowly, making sure to watch her expression of lust, pleasure and a growing insistent need. "Take it in your mouth," Cindy directed in a throaty whisper. "Just the head, tease me and I'm yours baby," she moaned. Delighted to help out, I thought. I put my lips together and held her gorgeous cock against them. I slowly opened my mouth and let that monster slide between my lips. The taste of her head was so hot; my cock throbbed so hard in my pants I thought I might come right there. But I got her in and locked those lips around the head, my tongue swirling on her thick, heated invader. I moaned involuntarily. It was so hot to have her meat in my mouth. I pursed tight and sucked, hoping to draw precum out, and was rewarded with a big droplet. I licked that up and shuddered from the taste. The delicious taste. "That's some worship baby," Cindy whispered. "I'm so fucking hard from you right now!" she gasped. "Mmmmmm," I said and felt her hips quiver as the vibrations were surely pleasurable. Then I relaxed my throat and pushed my head down, my tongue moving around as much as I could, making that wonderful thick tool as wet as I could get it. I almost deep-throated her; I had to pull back just a tad. I resumed slurping on that head. Cindy's fingers tightened in my hair. Her moans sounded more urgent now. I released her and ran my tongue from head down to the base, allowing her cock to slide against my forehead as I did so, and licked on her balls a little. Back from base to head again and especially that little spot. "Oh you are such a good, nasty, little cocksucker!" Cindy moaned. "God don't fucking stop now." "Oh no not now," I replied quietly as I just licked a little. "I'm taking you all tonight." "Wait," she panted. "D'you think we could um...sixty-nine? I want to taste you at the same time." "No," I said. "No?" she replied plaintively. "Well. Okay." "Why did you say no?" "I'm enjoying owning your cock right now that's all." "Oh. Well. Continue owning it then," Cindy said. "I will." I began to gently stroke her at the base, with just enough pressure that there would not be any way for her to hold back. I mixed that with locking her head into my mouth and sliding my tongue all over that head. I stroked faster now, using the entire hand. She moaned, warning me that she was getting close to cumming. My reply was to moan loudly and stroke faster and suck harder. "Oh oh god here oh I'm cuuuummmmiiiinnnnggg!" Cindy groaned. The explosion of hot, slippery, delicious semen in my mouth was obvious enough that she was cumming. I found myself swallowing hard, taking it in, the warmth of his seed spilling down my throat. I jerked his cock harder, sucking hard now, trying to extract it all, drying her out of cum, my spare hand now carefully massaging her balls to get it all out. Finally, she pushed me away. She was spent, completely done in. She dropped to her knees in front of me. "Where you want to cum, in my mouth or in my ass?" she asked me. "Mouth. Take it all, Cindy. Take it all." She had me climb up on the bed and then got on all fours over me. She treated me to a quick, strong blowjob not meant for length seductive pleasure but a quick, powerful orgasm. She got her wish quickly and like I had done for her, she swallowed it all. We exchanged a light, cummy kiss. "Sorry about your domestic issues," she said quietly. "I feel bad." "As do I Cin. So thank you for the distraction." "See you tomorrow?" "We'll see. Now I gotta sleep." I escorted her out, traded another kiss, and then locked the door and shut it firmly. Sleep beckoned.
Title: Best Friend Brain Ch. 05 Tags: girlfriends, izombie, liv moore, peyton charles, rim, spanking, strap-on, zombie Disclaimer: I do not own iZombie. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. \*\*\*\*\* "God damn it!" Liv swore in frustration as she left this Seattle offices of Fillmore Graves. "Liv, it's okay." Peyton attempted to soothe. "It's not okay Peyton!" Liv snapped, "We were so careful, but none of that matters, because Fillmore Graves dumped a load of chemicals into the water supply, and now you're a zombie. And the best they can do is, SORRY! You should sue them for everything they've got." "Well, technically it was a faction within Fillmore Graves, and they're dead now. I mean, I'm good, but I don't even think I could win that case." Peyton pointed out softly, "Besides, I really did want this." "No you didn't." Liv grumbled. "You don't get to make that decision." Peyton said sadly, her lawyer voice coming in. Stopping in her tracks and turning to look directly at her girlfriend for the first time Liv demanded, "Look me in the eye and tell me you would choose being a zombie if we weren't together." "But we are." Peyton said softly, "And I don't want to even imagine a world where we're not." The two girls exchanged a soft smile, and then Liv insisted in a calmer tone, "Seriously Peyton, you would choose to eat brains the rest of your life?" "We've had this argument before." Peyton sighed, "But again, for the millionth time, if it meant being with you, yes. And there are other benefits, like being free from disease, and maybe old age, and all it took was adding another hour to my morning routine and I look like my old self." "It was more than an hour." Liv grumbled. "The point is, I'm very happy with this turn of events." Peyton said softly, pulling Liv into her arms and then smiling wickedly, "It means nothing is off the table." Liv sighed, "Life is about more than sex, you know." "I know, but you can't deny it's one of the main advantages of me being a zombie now. Or the biggest one." Peyton pointed out with a smile, and then when Liv rolled her eyes the lawyer quickly added, "But, I was hoping we could forget about what we can or can't do now, and concentrate on what we were doing." This caused Liv to smirk, "Really?" "Uh-huh." Peyton blushed, leaning in and whispering, "I know you're angry and frustrated, and we both know the best cure for that is by letting Mistress Liv out to play. And just think about it, this time you don't need to hold back so you don't hurt the weak and feeble human. You can give me everything you've got. Please Liv, give it to me. Give me your anger and frustration. I wanna feel it." \* Liv took her girlfriend up on that offer and about an hour later they were back in their apartment with Peyton tied securely to their dining table. Her feet were tied to the bottoms of one side, making sure her legs were spread, while her hands were tied to the tops so she was completely helpless. To add to the effect Liv had shoved the ball gag into Peyton's mouth and secured it firmly behind her head, which was the last thing she had done before slowly making herself a cup of tea and then sitting down in front of her handiwork to slowly drink it. God, Liv was so tempted to finish the tea and then leave. She wasn't even sure where she would go, but the idea of leaving Peyton here like this, naked and tied up, was almost too good to pass up. However she just couldn't wait that long to fuck her sub, and more importantly right now take her frustrations out on her. One thing she couldn't resist was taking a bunch of photos on her phone, while telling Peyton, "God, you look so beautiful like this. If I was still on artist brain I'd do a painting of you just like this. I'm tempted to try now, as some of it has lingered, but I just know I wouldn't be able to do you justice." Peyton let out a pleased sound, causing Liv to smile as she put down her phone, before teasing, "I also just want to get myself off looking at you, and then leave you tied up until you want brains so bad you'll break that table just to get them. Then we can see just how badly you want to be a zombie." Which got an impressed look from Peyton, causing Liv to quickly change the subject, walking around and slapping her girlfriend's ass before continuing to taunt her, "Of course, I'd rather just fuck you. And I could. Like this I could do anything I want to you, and you'd take it, not just because you want too, not because you're my little sub bitch, but because you have no choice. Mmmmm yeah, I could rail your ass for hours. Or your pussy. Maybe one and then the other. And the thing is, now you're a zombie, I don't even have to use a toy. I know you want me to, but as we've established, every ounce of pleasure, or pain, you receive over the next few hours, is entirely my choice. Not yours." This was a lie of course, as Liv would never do anything Peyton didn't want her to do, but she knew how this kind of talk affected her submissive slut, as did teasing her by picking up a spanking toy and sliding it over her skin, which was exactly what Liv did as she continued her taunting, "But that's what I really want to do. Cause you pain. For hours. As hard as I can for once. Are you sure that's what you want? Because this, this is your last chance to say no." As she spoke those last words Liv slowly removed Peyton's ball gag, Peyton then replying as soon as she could, "Yes please Liv, destroy my ass, inside and out. Do whatever you want to me Mistress. I'm yours." Liv smiled softly, then reminded her lover, "Remember, you need to cry out really loudly to get my attention, and shake your head back and forth. Then I'll stop. Okay?" "Okay." Peyton said dismissively. "I love you." Liv said softly. "I love you too." Peyton smiled softly. The two women exchanged a soft smile, and then Liv leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to Peyton's lips, lingering there for a few long seconds before reattaching the ball gag. She then spent a few long minutes circling Peyton's body and then sliding that toy all over it, before ultimately concentrating on her girlfriend's butt and then smacking it. Normally Liv would start off with a blow that was hard as she could give it, but not this time. No, this time she started out gentle, and continued that way for quite a while, which she knew in it's own way was a tease for her little pain slut. Oh yes, this style would always make Peyton pout and give her a look, sometimes even whining at her when her mouth wasn't covered like this. It also made her whimper in annoyance into the gag, like the spoilt little sub she was, Liv forcing Peyton to remain in that moment for as long as she wanted again as a way to put her in her place. Then she arguably really started doing that by gradually increasing the pace until the whimpers and cries from Peyton became of enjoyment, and then ultimately agony. Only even more so because instead of giving pain as much as a human could stand Liv's eyes went fully red and she started giving the other zombie everything she had. Which a big part of her hated, because it broke the promise she had made long ago never to hurt Peyton, but it was what Peyton had asked for, and even when the blows became brutal Liv could sense just how wet the other girl was. Of course the entire time Liv was paying close attention to Peyton to see if she shook her head, part of her actually wanting her too but not surprised in the slightest that it never came. No, Peyton took everything like a good little pain slut, despite the fact that this wasn't a paddle or even Liv's hand, which would have spread the pain across a wide surface. No, this was a cane which dug into Peyton's butt cheeks and left several criss-crosss bruised and angry red marks across the usually flawless skin. Which some sadistic part of Liv actually enjoyed, even if it didn't make Peyton's ass cheeks jiggle nearly enough for her liking. Which in turn just pushed Liv to spank Peyton harder so she would get more of that jiggle which she craved. Peyton had always known that her Mistress was holding back on her, but she hadn't realised just how much until this wonderful moment. Sure, it hurt, in fact it was agony towards the end, and it was humiliating, especially because she had literally asked for this, and Peyton had found a twisted part of her enjoying this type of pain and humiliation. Although it was almost certainly good that Mistress Liv had given this to her before, because there was no way she would been able to take it as a human. Which just made Peyton even happier about being turned into a zombie, even if she wasn't looking forward to the moment that she would actually have to eat a brain. But however bad it would be would be worth it for this moment, and being able to truly please her Mistress. Before Peyton had been worried not only about not being good enough for Mistress Liv as she couldn't take everything she had to give her. She was also worried about Mistress Liv just losing control one day and giving her too much, or maybe even try and eat her brain, but Peyton no longer had to worry about any of that. No, she was truly safe with her Mistress, and able to take everything like a good pain slut should. Which made her think about everything else she could take from Mistress Liv. Oh yes, Peyton had gotten a taste of it, pun intended, earlier, but she wanted so much more, including her top giving her slutty little bottom the kind of pounding she was truly capable of, something which she was sure she wouldn't have to wait too long for. Sure enough the second the spanking was done Mistress Liv put away the cane and returned with a large strap-on dildo and some lube. She made sure to strap on the cock and lube it up directly in front of Peyton's face, Mistress Liv silently telling the lawyer she was going to take every inch of the monster inside her. Preferably up her butt. More accurately, inevitably up her butt, the only real question was whether that would be first. Because Peyton of course loved to be fucked in her pussy, but it definitely felt like an anal mood. Either way Peyton was practically trembling with excitement as Mistress Liv slowly walked around her body until she was behind her again. For a few long seconds Mistress Liv just admired her handiwork, before she did her best to wipe her hands clean and then slide them across Peyton's well beaten bottom, soothing some of the pain away. Although Mistress Liv couldn't seem to resist giving it a few playful swats, which was more than enough in the lawyer's current condition to make Peyton cry out pitifully. Then she moaned happily as her Mistress started playing with her butt-plug, at first just turning it around inside her ass then pulling it out until the widest part of the toy was stretching her anal ring before pushing it back inside. Which was a process which was repeated several times, before Mistress Liv removed the toy entirely, and then gave Peyton a welcome surprise. Liv had been thinking about this for a long time. Easily since their first time together, and maybe even before that as Peyton had a truly amazing ass, and now finally Liv was going to do it. Which probably wasn't a very dominant thing to do, but Liv didn't care, she was going to do it anyway. That thing? Get down on her knees behind her girlfriend and literally start kissing her ass. Which would have probably made them both giggle under the circumstances, and make a lot of jokes, but the only thing out of Peyton's mouth right now was a muffled moan of pleasure in anticipation of what was to come, and Liv was right there with her. Not that literally kissing Peyton's ass wasn't fun, because it was, to a surprisingly good degree, and it probably helped with the pain. But it was just a starter. Perhaps it was even the tease of the starter, and the real starter was the moment Liv started sliding her tongue around Peyton's already stretched out ass hole. Oh yes, she'd eaten Peyton's pussy, but now Liv was literally licking her most private hole. She was licking the butt hole of another girl, and it made Liv so excited she could burst. Especially when she pushed her tongue inside the hole and literally licked Peyton's rectum. God, this was so twisted, and yet so exciting, both girls moaning in pleasure as they took their twisted relationship one step further. It was a step which Liv lingered on for quite a while, before with a evil grin she pushed the butt plug back into her girlfriend's ass hole and then licked around it, before pulling it out and sucking it clean. She repeated that process a few times, and even at one point pressed her mouth against Peyton's back door, pushed her tongue as deep as it would go into it and then she literally started to tongue fuck Peyton's ass, but it wasn't enough. No, Liv needed to stretch that ass, and not just with her strap-on. Not that she did much stretching by pushing two fingers into Peyton's butt hole, but the third did the trick. And definitely the fourth. Then Liv got to her feet, her thumb underneath her fingers so she could slip it into Peyton's butt without much hassle, and then pushed forwards until her knuckles were stretching her girlfriend's forbidden hole wider than it had ever stretched before. "Do you want me to stop, and use my strap-on?" Liv asked huskily, and then when after a brief pause Peyton shook her head she followed up with, "Do you want my fist in your butt?" The frantic way that Peyton nodded her head suggested that the only reason for the hesitance was she was eager for a deep stretching and didn't want to imply she didn't want the strap-on, but she wanted to find out what it would be like to be stretched wide by a fist. and Liv was eager to give it to her, so with a wicked chuckle she forced her hand the rest of the way in, and after a few long seconds and a cry of pain from Peyton she achieved her goal. Oh yes, her knuckles slipped in, and the rest of her fist quickly followed, meaning that successful lawyer Peyton Charles now had an entire hand up her butt. Liv's hand! Liv had her entire hand deep in her girlfriend's butt, and it felt weirdly great. Peyton had cried out with joy when she finally felt Mistress Liv's fingers being pushed into her ass. What was even better was it wasn't just a finger, but two right from the start, and quickly followed by more, Peyton having the same reaction to each additional finger. Actually taking Mistress Liv's fist was a little more difficult, and caused some pain to be mixed in with pleasure, but mostly Peyton enjoyed being stretched wider than ever before and being violated in this new interesting way. Although she was very, very grateful that her wonderful Mistress gave her what had to be a full minute to recover from the initial violation, and of course checking in with her before and after it. "Are you ready to be fucked?" Liv asked softly. By the time her Mistress asked that Peyton was more than ready for it, quickly and eagerly nodding her head before letting out a loud moan into her gag as Mistress Liv started moving her hand around inside her ass. At first this just meant tiny thrusts back and forth, occasionally turning her hand around this way and that to make sure that Peyton was stretched out, but it wasn't that long before Mistress Liv clenched her hand into a fist and started punching the inside of the lawyer's butt. Which meant pulling that fist out to the knuckle, and then slamming it back in as hard and as deep as she could, making Peyton squeal with delight into her gag, and ultimately cum. As normally she would have to beg for that privilege Peyton did her best to prevent herself from cumming, but from the way she was constantly increasing her pace it became fairly clear that Mistress Liv wasn't interested in that. Or perhaps she was too far gone from doing something so perverse. Peyton knew she was, as despite the increasingly kinky things they did together they had never discussed fisting her butt. Although they hadn't discussed fisting at all, and had just gone with it because it felt good, and Peyton certainly wasn't going to complain given how good it felt. It was just so overwhelming that Peyton could barely even think straight, no pun intended. Like just about everything else with her best friend turned girlfriend one orgasm just wasn't enough for her, Mistress Liv anally fisting Peyton through multiple climaxes in perhaps the ultimate sign of how much things had changed between them. Only this time Peyton had more stamina, so she could take more than ever before. Except Mistress Liv didn't take advantage of that. No, after half a dozen climaxes she gradually slowed herself down, and then slowly pulled her fist out of Peyton's ass, leaving the recently turned zombie feeling horribly empty and unloved. Then she quickly remembered Mistress Liv's strap-on was lubed up and ready to go, causing a dreamy smile to cross the well-respected lawyer's face. "Are you ready for my cock?" Liv teased as she pressed the head of the dildo against Peyton's well loosened back door, which of course caused her butt slut to nod her head eagerly, which just wasn't enough for Liv at that moment, "I can't hear you, I said are you ready for me to shove this big cock up your slutty little ass?" Then Liv chuckled wickedly as Peyton frantically nodded her head up and down and screamed through her gag a barely audible, "Yes! Yes please Mistress Liv, fuck my slutty little ass with your big cock!" Peyton then cried out joyfully as Mistress Liv shoved the first few inches straight into her loosened ass hole, only stopping when she reached the area her hand had reached. Well, she went a little beyond that, but the high-pitched squeal Peyton let out let her know to slow down, although even then it was nowhere near as low as it usually was. Maybe that was because Mistress Liv was just so horny from fisting her ass, or because now Peyton was a zombie she trusted her more to take this kind of rough treatment. It was probably a combination of both, but whatever the case Peyton welcomed it, which she made clear from her constant gasps, cries and even moans. Admittedly there was some pain mixed in, but mostly it was pure pleasure, and that hint of pain quickly faded once the sodomy got properly underway. As usual there was a brief pause when Mistress Liv's thighs came to rest against her ass cheeks, but Peyton love that, as it gave them both a chance to savour the full length of Mistress Liv's cock buried in her rectum. Especially as in this case Mistress Liv leaned down so that her tits were pressed against Peyton's back, her girlfriend hugging her tightly and whispering soft words of encouragement and love into her ear. Oh yes, Peyton would have been kind of happy if that had lasted an eternity, especially when Mistress Liv emphasised her words by reaching underneath her to cup her big boobs. "Is this what you want, you little slut? Huh? Mmmmmmm, you want to be spanked and butt fucked by your Mistress Liv? Huh? To take it like a bitch, right up the ass? To cum with a cock in your butt like a naughty little anal whore? Huh? Answer me!" Liv growled at first, and then when she got frantic nodding and Peyton attempting to agree through the gag she smiled and then whispered, "Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhhhh, that's what I thought. My slutty little girlfriend loves it in her ass. Ooooooooh, you took it so well baby. Mmmmmmm, and now... I'm going to butt fuck my little butt slut. Fuck her nice and deep and make her squirm for me. Oh yes Peyton, ohhhhhhhh fuck, moan! Moan and squirm for me while I fuck you up the butt!" Clearly lost in feeling her up and taunting her when Mistress Liv finally began thrusting in and out she didn't initially lift herself up. As a result it was more of a tease than a fucking, the dildo only sliding in and out a few inches, which were no near as satisfying enough for Peyton. She tried to beg for more, but her words were muffled by her gag, and Mistress Liv barely gave her the chance to get a word in. Thankfully Liv eventually lifted herself up and started to get down to some serious butt fucking, not only increasing the length of the thrusts, but the speed too. She even started roughly smacking Peyton's ass, making it jiggle even more than they were from the regular thrusting. In what had to be record time Peyton was ready to cum, and as always she tried to hold herself back for as long as possible, but it just became too much, even though she wasn't sure how much of it Liv understood, "Fuck me, ohhhhhhhhh, fuck me hard! Please Mistress Liv, destroy my ass! Destroy my slutty little zombie ass with your big girl cock! Oooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhh, make me cum like an anal whore! Oooooooooh fuckkkkkkkkk, like the anal whore I am! Please Mistress Liv, please wreck my whore ass! Fucking ruin it! Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, I want my whore ass ruined! Oh please, mmmmmmm ooooooooooh pleassssssssseeeeeeee, please, fuck me hard and make me cum, oh yes, mmmmmmmm, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk!" Surprisingly Peyton barely got going before the pace was once again increased, so hard and rapidly it actually hurt. Especially because the little spanking on her sore ass also increased the force, if not in frequency, which only pushed Peyton closer to the edge of orgasm. Then all of a sudden she was going over the edge of a powerful climax, and as always it was quickly followed by another, and another, and another. Best of all Mistress Liv was ass fucking her harder than ever before, easily using a pace which would have literally destroyed Human Peyton's back hole, but just made Zombie Peyton cum harder. Which meant Peyton's last coherent thought for quite a while was, God, she wished she had become a zombie sooner. Liv had brutalised Human Peyton's butt hole countless times, using far more strength and speed then she should for any hole on a human body, let alone such a tiny hole. But somehow Peyton had always recovered, and the rough treatment always gave them both such satisfying climaxes, that she just couldn't seem to stop herself. And now she knew Peyton could truly take this kind of abuse Liv could barely stop herself from giving her anal whore of a girlfriend the brutal rectum wrecking the white haired girl love to give, and the brunette girl love to receive. Especially when she was so pissed off, and just aching to take out her frustrations out on something. Admittedly there had definitely been something to be said for playing with Peyton a bit first, and despite her frustration and her girlfriend's new powers Liv felt that she needed to do at lease some form of warm-up. More than just the anal fisting, at the very least. And oh, was it satisfying to smack that already well spanked flesh and see it jiggle for her, and here this respectable lawyer moaning and crying out in mostly pleasure into her ball-gag as she was spanked and butt fucked. Then there was the fact that she had Peyton Charles, the best friend she'd ever had, and now the best girlfriend anyone could have, bent over in front of her, giving up that perfect ass of hers for their mutual pleasure. This was more than the old Peyton Charles though, which was proven by the way she was able to break through her restraints in order to thrust herself back against Liv's thrust. Something which Liv would have normally punished her for, and once she was thinking more clearly she almost certainly would follow through on that. But for now, Liv just needed to use every ounce of strength to brutalise Peyton's back hole. Oh yes, her eyes were glowing bright red, and she was letting out inhuman sounds as she slipped into Full Zombie Mode and literally tried to destroy Peyton's rectum. Although she wasn't the only one trying to achieve that, or even the only one with glowing red eyes while doing it. For the first time since they had become a really kinky couple Liv Moore and Peyton Charles were two zombies using every ounce of their supernatural strength to have insanely rough and intense butt sex which had both of them cumming like crazy. Liv tried to hold back for quite a while, but ultimately the other end of the harness bashing against her clit and the sheer joy of sodomising Peyton like this just caught up with her, and she came over and over again. Of course she had plenty of practice pushing through that, and that was exactly what she did, Peyton doing the same so that the two undead girls kept going until they collapsed. Peyton first of course, but Liv wasn't far behind her. Then after a few long seconds of recovery Liv nuzzled Peyton's back, and started covering it with kisses, before purring as close to her ear as she could, "God, I love you." "I love you too." Peyton mumbled dreamily through her ball-gag. Of course with her enhanced senses Liv heard that perfectly, causing her to grin against her lover's ear, "Wanna prove it?" "Uh-huh." Peyton groaned, and then when Liv finally removed her ball-gag she clarified, "Absolutely." "Then spread those cheeks for me, slut." Liv ordered, yanking her cock out of Peyton's ass and roughly smacking it, "Show me my handiwork!" Peyton cried out loudly, first from the removal of the dildo and then even louder as her sore butt was spanked. Although that pain was kind of welcomed, because it helped wake her up and give her the ability to obey Mistress Liv and reach back to pull apart her butt cheeks as widely as possible, exposing her widely stretched back door. It was one of the most perverted things which Peyton found herself regularly doing for her Mistress, and yet she didn't hesitate, because again, she would do anything for her Dom Zom. Besides, Peyton had to admit there was a kind of thrill doing this, which was why she welcomed what happened next. Well, one of the reasons. "Good girl." Liv purred, staring at Peyton's gaping butt hole for a few more long seconds, before ordering, "Now suck my cock clean. Ohhhhhhhh yesssssssss, get on your knees in front of your Mistress and suck the ass cream off of it you filthy little zombie slut! Yessssssssss, that's it you nasty little whore! Suck it! Mmmmmmm yessssssssss, suck it real good." The first time Mistress Liv had told her to do this Peyton had very nearly refused out of disgust. She had certainly given her friend turned girlfriend a look which clearly said, 'what the hell is wrong with you', but the joke had been on her, because as soon as Peyton had tasted her own ass she found she couldn't get enough of it. Hell, that first time she had moaned in pleasure, and this time was no different. Well, she recovered a lot more quickly now that she was a zombie, it was so embarrassing to do something so twisted, and to enjoy it as much as she did. But again, it was pleasing her Dom Zom, and Peyton would do anything to do that, especially if it was twisted. So the respected lawyer quickly got down on her knees in front of her Mistress, wrapped her mouth around the other woman's strap-on cock and moaned in pleasure at tasting her own butt. Something she savoured for a few long minutes, before beginning to bob her head up and down that shaft. She took more with every bob of her head, until it was hitting the back of her mouth. Then with practised ease she pushed it into her throat, and slowly continued her way down it. Now she was a zombie she once again found this act easier, which briefly had her contemplating what else she could do. But she had a much more important job now, and she intended to do it. Namely, taking every inch of that dick down her throat like a good little cock sucker for Mistress Liv, as the Dom continued to encourage her. At first this was just the occasional word and stroking of Peyton's long dark hair, before the sub got closer to the bottom of the cock, at which point Liv chuckled with delight, "Yessssssss, mmmmmmm, that's it! Just a little more, just a little more, just a little more, mmmmmmm yesssssssss! Every inch! That's every single inch of that big dick down your talented little throat. Oh Peyton, you really are the best sub a Dom could ask for. Yes you are, yes you are, oh fuck, ooooooooh yessssssss, mmmmmmmm, suck it! Suck my cock just like that! Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh, good girl. Good little cock sucker! Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss, suck it!" Which mostly made Peyton preen with delight, and suck even more enthusiastically, even though shortly after she reached the base that meant there was no more butt juices to clean. However again, because she was now one of the undead, it was much easier to perform her duties as a sub, so she stayed there for a record amount of time, before starting to bob her head up and down the cock again, which further delighted Mistress Liv. It also delighted Peyton, to the point where she almost wished it could have lasted longer. Although technically neither she or Mistress Liv were receiving physical pleasure because of it, so she also kind of welcomed the moment Mistress Liv pulled her lips away from the cock and covered them with her own, so they could share those anal juices with a deep and long kiss. Then when she finally broke the kiss Liv gently stroked Peyton's face and told her, "I love you." "I love you too." Peyton grinned, adding after a few long seconds, which Mistress Liv seemed less pleased with, "And I think I'm going to love being a zombie."
Title: Behind the Iron Curtain Ch. 05 Tags: eastern europe, office sex, multiple girls, office Soon after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, I was in an Eastern European country. My business was in trouble, but would the new girl help me? \----------------------- The next morning Lilya and Danica accompanied me to the office. Natalya saw us off like a good little housewife, handing Danica my briefcase and giving me an open-mouthed french kiss. She looked a little forlorn as the three of us left and I felt my heart lurch again with love for this beautiful girl who had come into my life so suddenly and unexpectedly. I assigned Lilya the desk next to Danica and left the girls alone to settle themselves. I walked into my office and turned on my Pentium computer. As it went through its boot sequence, I sat back and thought about what I should do. I'd been here for a month now and had zero results. My head office in London was patient, but not that patient. I could imagine the political games being played there - people like Mike Bloody Thornwood, who had shafted me once and got me exiled here, would be sharpening their knives. They were probably dripping a steady flow of bad news into the senior partners' ears about how the Eastern European operation was a waste and should be shut down. The only thing that probably helped me was that my boss had some influence and even Mike probably didn't want me back in London until I had fully lost all credibility. My depressing thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. I looked up to see Danica at the door with a cup of coffee. She silently moved forward and put the cup on the table where I could reach it. She turned my chair until I was no longer facing the table and sank to her knees gracefully. She reached out to my waist and expertly undid my belt and my trouser waist hooks. I lifted my bum off the chair and she pulled my trousers down along with my pants. The operation had been enough to harden my dick and she held him with her soft hands and kissed the tip, while looking up at me. I lost myself in her beautiful eyes as she kissed my cock again and again. I stroked her lovely hair. 'Relax sir,' she whispered. 'It's too early in the day to get so worried.' I lay back in my chair and closed my eyes. She was right. We'll find a way. I felt her lips form a seal round my erection and then felt her warmth slide down the pole until I was fully enveloped. I felt her nose against my pubic bone. What a good cock-sucker she was! I stretched my legs and held them tight against her warm hips while she bobbed up and down my rigid shaft. Occasionally, she stopped moving to swirl her tongue against the sensitive head. A few minutes later, I gripped the arms of the chair tight as I felt my balls churn. I opened my eyes to see her looking up at me while she continued sucking and that drove me over the edge. I put one hand on the back of her head and her eyes closed as she felt my cum shoot up my erect cock. She had gone down all the way and stayed there as I shot jets of cum into her throat. My hips jerked up driving my cock deeper into her and she made a choking sound but swallowed like a trooper until I had no more to give. I took my hand off her head and she came off my softening cock. Her eyes were streaming with tears from being choked and her mascara was running but she had a wide smile on her face. 'That was good, Danica,' I said. She nodded. She gave my cock a kiss, sweeping up a last drop of cum from the tip. She stood up in a smooth motion and disappeared into the bathroom as I stared at her rippling haunches. She reappeared with a wet flannel and cleaned me up. I stood up from the chair on woozy legs and pulled up my trousers. When I looked up at the door, I saw Lilya standing there. When she caught my eye, she blushed and her eyes dropped to the ground. I knew she had seen everything. Well, she hadn't run away screaming, so I guessed it was all right. Also, I had fucked her a few times last night and that was another reason I was confident that she didn't have s problem with me getting a blowjob at ten in the morning in the office. 'Hi Lilya,' I said. 'Is everything okay?' She was still blushing quite fetchingly as she nodded without meeting my eyes. 'Yes sir,' she said, and went back to her desk. I stared after her. I didn't want an awkward environment in the office. I'd have to get her to give me regular blowjobs too. It was a hard job, but I just had to do it - purely for office morale, you know. With a smirk, I turned to my desk. A couple of hours later, I called a meeting. I moved my chair so that I faced the sofa and the girls sat there. They were both wearing skirts that ended well above the knee and I could see most of their legs from where I was sitting. This was work however and I tried to ignore their sexiness. I turned to Lilya. 'Have you settled down?' I asked. She nodded brightly. 'Yes, sir,' she said. She opened the notebook she was holding and said, 'Danica gave me the list of beer makers you have compiled.' 'Fat lot of good it did us,' I said. 'Most of them won't even talk to us. They claim they don't have any spare capacity to sell to us. Georgi must have got to them.' 'Danica told me about your office manager. You were a real hero to protect her.' Lilya's admiration made me embarrassed. After all, I was fucking the girls. I just shrugged. 'Your list has all the big manufacturers. Their beer is good, but not great. And they really do sell everything they can make. You'll find it very difficult to get through to them, regardless of Georgi.' 'Why?' Lilya put a paper on the table and bent forward. The action made the top of her shirt open and revealed her lovely creamy cleavage. My eyes couldn't help dart to that view. The feeling that I could just reach out and fondle her boobs if I so wished was like a shot of viagra (which hadn't yet been invented back in the day), but I controlled myself. What was wrong with me? I had just been the recipient of an awesome blowjob and this was serious business, we were discussing here. Lilya drew her finger down the list we had made. 'These manufacturers represent more than ninety percent of the market.There are two dozen other producers who make up the rest of the market, but they are all small and mostly local. But what you have to realise is that there is a twelve percent shortage of beer in this country, so they don't have to do any marketing. They know that every litre of beer they produce will be sold without problems.' 'So why don't they make more?' I asked. 'Lots of reasons. Their equipment is old and keeps breaking down. They don't have enough hops sometimes. The workers are lazy.' She shrugged. 'The big manufacturers are quite happy with the situation. They were all sold off to oligarchs for peanuts when the government fell and now they are raking in lots of money with no investment and little work.' I nodded slowly as I absorbed what she said. This was hopeless. Beer would have made a good export but now it looked as if that was a busted flush. Was I going to be a failure before I even started? 'So we were always going to fail?' I asked. I glanced at Danica and she looked ready to cry. Lilya nodded. 'Yes,' she said. 'But now you have me!' She was grinning. 'I know a small manufacturer in Pozen who fell out with one of the oligarchs and was frozen out. They make great beer but cannot sell it anywhere. I think they would be willing to do a deal.' Hope surged through me. May be there was a way out after all! I closed my eyes and thought things through. 'Where is Pozen?' I asked. 'Not far,' said both girls simultaneously. 'It's about an hour outside the city. South east of us.' I had a lot more questions but I suddenly felt I had enough sitting round in the office. 'Let's go,' I said. 'We'll visit this brewery.' 'Now?' asked Lilya. 'Why? Have you got something else to do?' She shook her head. 'Good,' I said. 'You can tell me all the details about them as we are driving.' The roads were not very good, but there wasn't much traffic either once we left the centre of the city. Lilya sat next to me and Danica behind us. I glanced at the young lady. The car was warm by now and her coat was unbuttoned all the way, revealing her legs. I casually put one hand on her thigh. She glanced at me but didn't say anything. I loved the warm feeling of her smooth skin as I drove along. I realised it was crazy to just drop everything and drive to a business I had just heard about. But on the other hand, I wasn't achieving anything in the office. And a ride with two willing beauties in a car isn't a great hardship, is it? 'Tell me more about this brewery,' I said. Lilya thought for a moment. 'There has always been a brewing industry in Pozen since the middle ages, but the town resisted against the Nazis when the Germans occupied our country and the town was pretty much wiped out, including the beer industry. Then after limited reforms were introduced in the seventies, the brewery started. They came to us in the Alcohol Production Controller's office asking for support, but the commissar wasn't sure whether to support them.' 'Why wouldn't the commissar support them?' I asked. 'This was a private company. All the other companies we supported were government companies. My boss said the beer was good but he couldn't bring himself to help a capitalist.' What a fucked-up system, I thought. Lilya continued, 'It's ironic because my boss ended up working for the biggest beer company for Comrade K after it was privatised.' Pozen was a town without charm, full of grey concrete apartment buildings built after the war. There was a brutalist soviet-style statue of a man and a woman holding a sickle against a cowering Nazi soldier. Subtle it wasn't, but it made me look at the town in a new light. The medieval attraction of the town might have been erased, but these citizens had bravely resisted the Nazis when the easier thing would have been to go along with the occupation. How much more beautiful is that than some old cathedral? Lilya had been here before and she directed me across a small bridge and then I saw the brewery. My heart sank. It was ramshackle, a couple of brick buildings surrounded by a wall. The gate was rusted and and even the sign saying 'Staro Pozen Browar' had slipped down its nails on one side and leaned like a drunk against a wall. A young man, clearly puzzled, greeted us as we got out of the car. I saw a few other men and women peering at us through grimy windows. Lilya spoke to the young man in rapid sentences that were well beyond my ability to follow. I assumed she was asking to be taken to their leader, like some alien who had just landed on a UFO. The Mercedes was certainly out of place here and I was suddenly worried about its safety. I whispered my concerns to Danica and she nodded before speaking to the young man and pointing several times to the car and to me. The young man looked at me and nodded. In a soft voice, Danica said, 'I think the car will be fine now. I've told him that you are a very brutal man and that you love your car more than you love your wife.' 'But I am not married,' I said. 'So I wasn't lying!' she said with a grin. The boss was a bearded, balding man with, appropriately, a beer belly. His name was Pyotr. After introductions, Pyotr spoke in halting English. 'My family have been brewers in Pozen for at least three hundred years. We lost everything when the Nazis razed the town. The communists re-opened the brewery in the sixties. They kept the name but...' He shook his head. 'I used to feel sick to see the Staro Pozen name on that horsepiss.' He looked at the ladies and said, 'Sorry for my language.' I waved my hand to tell him not to worry. I was impressed by the depth of his feeling. 'How did you get the brewery back?' 'The brewery eventually died, as it should have. Then some limited reforms were introduced in the late seventies allowing private people to own some businesses and I used all my savings to buy it. My friends and family tell me that I made a big mistake. I think they are right too. Everything is a struggle. I can't get enough barley, enough hops, enough bottles...' He sighed. 'I am going slowly bankrupt. He nodded towards Lilya, 'The Alcohol Kommissar's lady tells me that you may be interested in buying our beer?' I nodded. 'I might be,' I said. 'Can we look through your plant?' 'Of course,' he said. Despite myself, I was impressed by the tour. Unlike the exterior, the interior was spotless. Pyotr pointed at the things as we walked through, explaining. The floor was cemented well without any cracks for material to collect and rot. The plant was also laid out logically. The grain handling area was on one end of the plant by large gates that lorries could drive to. Next to that area was the kitchen, where the grain was mashed in the digester and through to a room filled with kegs. The process needed a lot of water and I could see why they were next to the river. There was a small bar in one corner with a couple of draught taps. Pyotr picked up one of the kegs from the exit area and plugged it into one of the taps. He pulled the handle of the tap and filled a glass. The beer was a deep golden honey with a nice white head. He pushed the glass to me and I picked it up. 'Cheers,' I said, and sniffed the beer. The aroma was clean and enticing. I took my first swallow and knew that Lilya had found me the perfect beer to export. I had absolutely no doubt that this elixir was going to be a hit back in England. Pyotr offered the drink to the girls and they took very tiny amounts. I was later to learn that unlike English women, Eastern European women rarely drank much in public. We went back to Pyotr's office, with me still carrying my half-empty (or was it half-full?) glass. 'Let's talk commercials,' I said. 'I want a hundred barrels.' Pyotr nodded. I wanted a good price, so I let him know that I was going to be a big customer. I said, 'If that sells as I think it will, I want a thousand barrels for the next shipment.' Pyotr's face fell. Lilya immediately leaned forward and spoke to him rapidly. I waited patiently until they finished their conversation. I could sense that something was wrong. Lilya turned to me. 'There is a problem,' she said. I nodded, having guessed as much. 'What is it?' 'He cannot supply us,' Lilya said. I was shocked. 'Why not?' Pyotr leaned forward. 'Sir, I don't want to make a promise that I cannot keep. I would love to supply you but I cannot. I can make barely a hundred barrels a week.' This was a blow. Even if I took his entire production run, a hundred barrels a week was hardly worth my company's while. I'd be laughed at in London. I could imagine Mike bloody Thornwood, my nemesis, pushing for the whole Eastern European division to be shut and for me to be fired if this was the best that I could manage. I thought for a moment and then something struck me. 'Your brewery is quite big and we only saw one small plant in it. I am sure even that one plant seems as if you can make over a hundred barrels a day, let alone a week.' Pyotr nodded. 'You are right. At its peak, my grandfather used to produce thousands of barrels of six different varieties here. Those days are gone.' 'Why?' 'I need more people, more grains, more barrels, more everything!' 'But you said that you were making a loss and going slowly bankrupt. If you increase production, you will start making a profit.' 'I know,' Pyotr said. He looked miserable. 'But I need money to ramp up production which I don't have.' 'Why don't you go to the bank?' Pyotr laughed and even Danica and Lilya smiled at my naivety. 'Mr Fred, the banks in our country don't have any money. What little money they have is captured by oligarchs who take out loans and don't repay it. I have already put everything I have into the brewery. I can't ask my friends and family for any more investment because I don't want them to lose it all.' I thought for a moment. I liked the fact that he had refused to take the contract. I knew many people who would have agreed to supply the beer and then let me down. 'If you had the investment, how long would it take to ramp up production?' 'Two or three months. A bit longer for the high gravity beers.' 'How much investment do you need?' 'It depends. To produce one thousand barrels on a regular basis, I'd need...' He went silent for a moment and I could almost hear the gears in his brain turning. 'Two hundred thousand Koruna.' I did my own calculations in currencies that I was comfortable with. Thirty thousand pounds. Fifty thousand dollars. 'Let's not worry about that for the moment. Supply me the one hundred barrels and then we can talk about the rest.' I liked the beer but I wanted to be sure that it would really sell in England before I committed anything further. Lilya discussed the terms with Pyotr and I was pleasantly surprised by the deal she was able to get. I guess the fact that she knew the beer business inside out gave her, and by extension me, a great advantage. The drive back was just as pleasant as the drive there. Danica sat in the front this time and she too unbuttoned her coat all the way. Her slim legs were just as inviting and one of my hands casually fondled them, running up her smooth thighs. She parted her legs willingly and I rubbed her knickers, feeling the fierce heat of her pussy. She looked at me with hooded eyes, her breathing growing ragged as my hand excited her relentlessly. It was lucky that there was hardly any traffic until we reached the city. When we reached the office, I started finding out what it would take to import beer into England. There were forms to fill, duties to be paid and bonded warehouses to be used, but as an import-export company, this was our bread and butter. Danica went back to her search about local office rents and lease agreements. Lilya started organising the local logistics - lorries, ships and so on. The afternoon passed quickly and productively and we went home in high spirits. I was confident that the beer would sell well and the investment that Pyotr needed wasn't too difficult to fund. The next couple of weeks passed quickly. In the morning, Natalya would see me off with a hug and a kiss. When we reached the office, Danica would give me a blowjob. We would work for the next couple of hours before it was Lilya's turn to suck me off. Both girls had slightly different techniques. Danica took me in deep and applied consistent pressure while Lilya used her tongue a lot more. She licked my hard cock like a popsicle. Needless to say both were quite enjoyable. I had no objections from either girl if I copped a feel of their tits or gave their bums a swat through the day. They would occasionally come over and give me a kiss or two as well. We'd go out for lunch at one of the four good restaurants in town. Back to work for a few hours before I fucked one or both the girls as my fancy took me. We left office at six because we were an hour ahead of London and I wanted to be in the office till it was five in the head office. I didn't want to give the impression that we were slacking! Back home, Natalya usually had dinner almost ready. As soon as we changed, she would hand the final bits of dinner prep to one of the girls and would join me for 'our' time. I would sit on the sofa and watch as this beautiful lady in high heels, short skirt and a soft, almost-transparent top mixed a drink, usually scotch, but sometimes a gin and tonic. Despite the two blowjobs and one fuck during the day, I'd become hard just watching Natalya walk towards me with a smile and the glass in hand. I had tried to get her to drink as well, but she shook her head and said that she wanted this time to be about her serving her master. I would raise my arm along the back of the sofa and she would sit next to me, snuggling up to me as my hand left the back of the sofa and hugged her shoulder. Natalya kissed me on the cheek, then took my hand, kissed my fingers and guided them on to her breast. I took a sip of the drink while fondling her boobs gently, wondering what I had done to get so lucky. We talked about her English lessons, practising her increasing vocabulary. I talked to her about my calls with the head office or about some new customs regulation that I had found out about. She didn't understand most of it, but she listened avidly, gazing up at me with adoring eyes. I would kiss her and her lips were always ready and willing. Eventually, she would slip down from the sofa in front of me. I would give her a cushion for her knees - no one could accuse me of being inconsiderate. Also, it stood to reason that I would get a better treatment if her knees weren't sore on the hard floor. Natalya would pull down my trousers and start with my feet - sucking my toes while looking into my eyes. Then she would move up my legs, slowly, so that it was ten or fifteen minutes before she reached my thighs. By this time I would be hard as steel. She would start licking my balls and take them gently in her mouth. I would slide forward and raise my legs. Natalya knew what I liked and she would move down from my balls and started fluttering her tongue against my hole. I would groan with pleasure and reach out to the back of her head and taking a grip on her silky hair, I pressed her hard against my ass. I then took control, guiding her to wherever gave me the most pleasure. After several minutes of this, I would let go of her head and she looked at me with a smile and stood up smoothly. She opened her legs and straddled me while sinking into my lap. Her pussy was wet and my hard cock always went smoothly into her cunt. She lowered herself all the way, until my cock was embedded fully inside her and stayed still for a few seconds, using her cunt muscles to squeeze me. 'Fuck,' I groaned, closing my eyes and reaching out for her tits. 'Yes, fuck,' she said, in her delightful accent, before starting to move up and down. We fucked long and hard and I felt her orgasm two or three times before I shot my cum into her. Natalya gave me a kiss before heading for the bathroom. One of the other girls would come in with a wet flannel and clean me up before I pulled up my trousers and we all sat down for a delicious dinner. The night, oh, the nights... If you've never been to bed with three hot and willing women, I would highly recommend it. But I'll relate that experience some other time, because this pleasant interlude didn't last forever. I got a call from my boss in London. We had shipped off the beer but it was stuck in a bonded warehouse in Felixstowe because some paperwork was wrong. Someone in London had filled out Form B for spirits instead of the Form A required for ale. How could we have made such an elementary mistake? As I had mentioned, we were an import-export company and we didn't make errors like this. I suspected bloody Thornton's hand. And I got a call from a rough sounding man. His boss, Comrade K, wanted to meet me. The Comrade wasn't happy about something.
(F tf M stallion, inverted-merge) Jade had a time these past few weeks this year already, and is currently in the eye of the storm, so to speak. It all started when her husband Ian found a black horse out in the woods all by its lonesome. No one laid claim to it, so they took it into their own ranch. In the past two weeks, Jade has had to deliver five new foals. Physically impossible for them to have given birth that fast? Yes it is, thanks for noticing. Seems the horse they dubbed Imbros is far from normal- Jade hypothesized that the stallion was originally a human who used a transformation spell gone horribly wrong. One of its many unnatural talents is the ability to seduce any mare whether she is in estrus or not, and once they do the deed- her pregnancy progresses at light speed. Attempts to lock Imbros up always fail eventually, because he also has the ability to teleport, but this only seems to happen when his needs reach a certain threshold. You would think, well just get rid of it- well turns out, Imbros is Jade's husband. The first thing Ian tried to eliminate the foul magic was to castrate the stud, and that is where things went bad. Imbros' curse took Ian's body and grew it into a new host for Imbros himself, merging with Ian because his balls were still intact. Jade can tell that Ian's consciousness is somewhere in Imbros now, but its instinct is louder than its actual thoughts. If Imbros did that to him, it is also likely it has done this before too. Anyone who castrates the stud ends up turning into the next iteration of the stud- so it always has balls. There could be any number of people inside of Imbros, muted by both the multiple minds clashing, as well as the horse instinct which speaks louder than any of them. Jade felt an odd squirming feeling and a slight cramp, holding her sides with a groan. She knew she is on a limited timer now. In order to protect the poor mares she had no choice but to castrate Imbros again. He will just teleport out eventually if she locks him up, and giving birth in fast-forward isn't exactly easy on the mares. Jade cannot stop any of that from happening, so she cut him off at the source. That unfortunately means she is now subject to his curse. It has been a day since she removed his family jewels, but she is still human. The curse affects her slower than past victims like her husband because, well... she isn't a 'he'. She has no balls for it to possess, but she does have ovaries. She will still succumb to the curse, it just has a bunch more work to do before it can take her. Which gives her more time to try to unravel this mess- and since her own husband was the previous victim, she also has more knowledge on the impending curse. It was tricky looking up and reading spells on horse transformation while affected by the curse. Every once and a while she will space out after reading about horses and endowments, breeding and such. The curse was already affecting her mind. Slowly her egg cells in her ovaries are growing tails, condensing but multiplying- converting her supply of human eggs into horse sperm. The cramp she feels in her sides is her ovaries stretching larger, slowly converting into testicles while still inside of her. This caused her sexual orientation to swiftly slide the other way. A few times while looking in the mirror in the morning or night she will space out again and bounce her breasts in the mirror, hypnotized by the motion. She is attracted to females now, and since she has a perfectly female body still... she is attracted to herself. It also helps that her husband's psyche is starting to bleed into her mind somewhere. Jade tried her best to keep her mind focused as she flips through pages of old magic tomes trying to figure out a series of spells to repair the situation. Imbros himself is already gone- seemingly vanished into thin air. His essence is inside of Jade now. The third day dawned after her initial possession and Jade woke earlier than she would have wanted. Her vaginal muscles were flexing entirely on their own. It almost felt like something huge was being pulled out of her, but there is nothing there! Her pussy just opened on its own for seemingly no reason. Her ovaries throbbed again and swelled still larger. Her guts gurgled a bit as the mutated ovaries sank lower, both for a lack of room and their weight drawing them further out. Jade needs to finish her counter-spell fast. She only glanced in the bathroom mirror briefly to avoid getting lost in her own appearance again- and seen her pupils are much larger and deformed into horizontal ovals now- stretching toward the equine rectangular pupil shape. The edges of her iris are also brown now- though the body of them remain her natural blue. Jade has blue eyes; Imbros has dark brown. Her wavy brown hair darkened from the roots out to the tips as well- almost entirely black now like the mane of Imbros. She and Ian named the stallion after the first centaur of mythology, because from its shoulders up its body is snow white while the rest is black- vaguely looking like a centaur, turning pale where the human torso would be. His mane is the only black that makes it all the way up. Jade started to change a bit physically; muscles forming in her ears caused them to involuntarily twitch every now and then as they became more and more leaf-shaped. This actually helped her, if anything- because the movement snapped her out of her almost constant day-dreaming of mare rumps. Jade feels a strong urge to mount and thrust into a mare, even though she currently doesn't even have anything to thrust in! Her tail bone is getting rather pudgy looking from muscle building up, but the actual bone and skin hasn't extended yet. Jade hastily etches mana into small crystal plates she then fuses together to make quartz cubes to trap spells inside of. The problem with unraveling the curse is that no one knows how it was made in the first place, or how many layers deep it goes. Once she turned far enough horse she obviously isn't going to be able to muck around with the spells anymore- so she needs to load as many as she can into crystals that can be activated even after she turns full Imbros. Jade found herself thrusting her hips unintentionally at a slow buildup of pleasure! Her ovaries mutated worse and sunk even lower. Her pussy opened on its own and drooled heavily through her panties and across the chair, smeared by her mini-thrusts. She pulled her panties down entirely since they were soaked anyway. The Bartholin glands that create the pussy juice in the first place drew in toward each other and back further, fusing in the middle to become a prostate and then getting pulled further back to be closer to the side of the colon! Of course, moving such a delicate thing caused her to tremble from the automatic pleasure. Jade put a hand on her lower crotch and could actually feel the two orbs inside of her growing and shoving their way down! With every surge her mind was flooded with desire to ram into a mare from behind- to feel her huge muscular ass fill Jade's groin. Jade groaned loudly and thrust forward, trying to straighten her torso as much as possible while still technically sitting in the chair. It felt like something gigantic was pushing out of her pussy, but in actuality- the vaginal walls were turning themselves inside out! A squishy cone of pink started to emerge from her as her vagina prolapsed more and more! Like a zipper being closed, her labia clenched and fused below it, merging as far up as possible! Her former ovaries erupted out of her causing her to gasp suddenly as one, and then the other popped out of her torso and got caught in the fused labia- which was turning into the scrotum! Jade's moans and cries are desperate sounding as her breathing becomes extremely rapid. Her labia continue to try to fuse right to the top, but to do so they crush the base of her distended vaginal walls, causing her pussy to invert even further out of her from having the base compressed! The top of the labia fused to her clitoral hood and became a tight sheath! The skin started to relax, growing thicker and looser so it did not strangle the base so badly, and its coloration also darkened. Unlike the rest of her skin it was already a tone of red-pink, and now it darkens to violet, then bruise purple, then dark bruise purple, and finally matte black! Her clit grew long like a chubby pink thorn, and in desperation to send the pleasure over the edge and get some relief from it- Jade grabbed it and the base of her inverted vagina in a hand. The moment she pushed the two together, they fused! Jade took her hand away and let out a breathless scream and slid completely from her chair onto the floor, her vision an explosion of white stars from pleasure overload- yet still no true release. As the clit fused to the inverted vagina, the skin color rapidly changed to match the sheath. The nerves spread out and filled the fleshy mass as it grew longer and more solid- finger-thick veins digging further up its length with each throb! The first half of the mass solidified as it darkened to black and the latter half was sucked momentarily inside of it! A medial ring formed where the two halves folded in on each other, and then the latter half popped back out and continued its own mutation now that the base was formed. The pleasure nerves collected the most into the end, and here even before the latter half was fully formed, the mutated genitals started to expand outward. The end at first became a bulb, but then at the halfway point it stretched outward into a bumpy ridge, which also pulled the front flat. Her urethra expanded greatly in the middle and emerged from the end projecting out like a little pipe. Blood pressure surged up the shaft and built in the forming head, causing it to become so tight with pressure it almost felt itchy. From the medial ring onward the color change did not seem to want to advance though- leaving the head and latter half of the shaft still neon pink. The corona kept throbbing tighter and tighter, pulling wider and wider! A soft cleft formed down the front of the glans as they bulged forward, connecting to a deepening divot around the urethra- though the urethra itself did not project any less. The divot around the urethra a perfect fit for an equine cervix. The corona flared so wide even the last tenth of the shaft became stretched into a bit of a cone-shape trying to keep up with it. Jade clutched her balls, feeling them expanding as well rapidly now that they are free of her torso. The smooth black sack struggled to keep up with the swollen, heavy orbs inside. They felt so tight, so heavy... so full. They ached for release. She thrust her wobbling shaft into the air over her over and over, trapped on the edge of orgasm far too long without being able to go over because not all the pipes connected to where they should yet. With a shriek that was almost a whinny; Jade finally erupted! The thick rope of white fired almost three feet straight up in the air before coming down heavy enough to make a wet slapping sound when it hit the floor. Then another ten ropes later, she completely passed out from exertion. Even her dreams are a mess of equine and human thoughts clashing in a confusing jumble of back and forth concepts. Jade wakes up on the floor with a thick, sticky pool of cum under the table she was working on spells on. The horse cock between her legs never became fully flaccid, and hangs in a lazy arch from her crotch to the floor between her kneecaps. "As much as I would like to clean that up now, gunna have to take priority on the spells..." Jade was a bit worried. In order to activate the most important of her counter spells, she had to deliberately wait till more of her mind was affected. But if too much of her mind was affected- Imbros will stop her, because it will also know what she is planning. It took Jade several attempts to get to her feet- her torso felt very stiff and did not want to bend. As she got to her feet, Jade was a bit turned on by the feel of the weight in her crotch. She is now technically a 'He'; at least physically. Jade has an odd urge to cover her dangling genitals even though no one can see her in her own home, and her skirt still mostly covers it already. Her hands almost automatically went to grab it, brushing the shaft several times as she fights against the urge. No, maybe not an urge to cover it but rather put it inside of something. She wonders if this is what all males felt. Any hole or hand would do- she just wants it in something. She moans and places a hand on the edge of the table to stabilize herself and she feels so very pent up again- like she has an ocean of cum rocking back and forth in her demanding to get out. Her cock drools pre consistently even though it is only erect enough to point straight forward off her still. Her knees tremble and she almost falls over at a surge of pleasure and she realizes why she feels too pent up! Her prostate is enlarging to the size of a full horse- there isn't enough room for a prostate that big and pre starts to spurt out in thick gobs because there is no room for it inside of her. Her balls rise and clench a moment then swell even larger. They relax a moment before repeating the process four times- each swelling to almost the size of an oblong honeydew melon! Jade cries out in surprise as her cock tenses at the back causing it to jump up so quickly that it flicks a line of salty hot pre up her face and through her hair! It is long enough that the corona slaps between her tits- stuffing her shirt between her breasts a moment. The pleasure is too sharp for her to think through the electrical pleasure and instead of holding the dick back; she holds it upright and starts to thrust into her own cleavage through the shirt, which is very quickly soaked in her fluids. The shaft almost feels sore from all the blood pressure in it, and the glans feel itchy. It is in full flare even though it typically only flares fully just before orgasm. Her now fully equine ears pivot forward and pick up on the very quiet sounds of twisting organic material coming from her shaft as it grows even larger! The blood pressure is forcing it to stretch even bigger! First her prostate, then balls, now the shaft- they are become proper horse size, which makes them far too large on her human torso. Her thoughts are further muddled as she becomes anemic- her phallus now drinking in more blood than her body had to offer, depriving her brain of oxygen. She is thinking with the 'wrong head' now. The flow of pre settles down considerably- half because her urethra is now larger and cock longer, but mostly because her anus swelled up into a plush, muscular ring- a horse's anus. That means her prostate now has enough room to exist without being in a constant state of being squished. This however put a powerful pressure on her pelvis; which is now struggling to contain all that. The flared glans of Jade's horse dick slowly rose higher out of her cleavage, as if trying to present itself to her, or offer a drink of the pre pooled in the divot around her urethra. It feels like hard rubber from the blood pressure in it- about as unyielding as flesh gets. The corona bumps her chin and she moves her hand so the shaft slides a bit further forward from its weight and the glans are able to pass her face. Chin level, then mouth, then nose and still it grew longer. The salty warm musk of the horse cock was right in front of her nose now, putting her into a trance like state as her pupils stretched further horizontal. Ian's transformation had been much slower- he actually tried to fight it with his will power but Jade is leaning into it. Her counter measures are magical, and already pre-set. She does not leave the table for long, needing the spell crystals she made on it. Jade's hips gave a loud, hollow pop and expanded her pelvis in a sudden burst, causing her to lean forward abruptly, and the head of her penis bounced off her forehead, connecting them with a thin strand of pre. Jade's skirt tore at the waist, so now the only thing holding it on is internal pressure. Because her dick is longer than her torso, the shaft takes up almost all her vision, so all Jade has to look at really is the thick veins inside the shaft, throbbing hard enough to be seen on the surface and then vanishing again as they relax. Her butt feels very tight and her thighs start to balloon out! She cannot move her legs or hips at all at the moment because her muscles are tightened entirely on their own, and thus unresponsive to anything she tries to do. The thick groups of muscle pressed hard into the surface tissue and pulled it tight, pinching swelling veins and making them bulge on the surface level. Her crotch especially became very veiny around the base of her balls and sheath. Jade held the edge of the table with one hand- a bit worried she might fall over, because she can't bend her legs to save herself if she tips. Her thighs swelled absolutely massive which made her butt swell up as well, which put more pressure on her hips. Her pelvis echoed several more pops and crunches muffled by the surface tissue as her hips grew still larger! Jade's skirt tore even further and popped right in half, sloughing off her body entirely. Her ass grew into massive globes of muscular meat! Her tail bone started to extend and grow hairs over her black doughnut shaped anus and her very long, swollen taint rest below that. The bones in her legs started to grow now, forcing the joints to lock up as the bones pressed into one another tighter from a lack of room since it grows unevenly. Jade regained control of her leg muscles, but now the bones are too stiff to move without causing all the joints to pop. She moans, almost mindlessly sucking a section of her shaft, giving her cock a hickey. She feels equine thoughts coming into her mind while her own thoughts are almost entirely blank- so she knows these other thoughts are not her own. She did not think them; they are just present. Jade arcs her neck back a moment at the prickly feeling of her hair line extending down her neck. She puts her hand on the edge of the table further onto the table, trying to feel for the crystals. Instead of mentally resisting the invading thoughts, she attempted to imagine the gaps in the invading thoughts- going along with them, and filling in the blanks. She straightened her back just enough to look over the edge of the table from the side of her vision, past the bobbing cock shaft and spotted the first spell segment she needed to trigger and activated it right away! Her triggering the spell caused two different, nearly opposite things to happen. Her body lurched on its own, causing her to fall onto all fours as the entire body surged with invading growth from within. But her mind purged all invading thoughts and her pupils quickly snapped back to perfectly round and shrank to normal size! The first and most important part of her spell was to shield her mind in a bubble- preventing any invasive thoughts from affecting her- a pretty ground-level spell for Sorcerers to prevent subterfuge. That however removed her strongest human aspect in defense of her body, basically throwing it to Imbros to have. Her giant butt raised further and further into the air as the bones stretched her legs longer and longer, making her arms smaller in comparison. The tail grew a tiny bit and the hair on it surged longer with every flick, doing a little hop from one butt cheek to the other entirely on its own without her thinking about it at all. The muscle paused after her thighs, causing her legs to look sunken in from the knees downward, the shape of the bone being clearly visible on the surface. Her toes tingle and Jade is worried a moment that the bone will just erupt out of the end of her feet because the skin isn't growing with it! In a sudden surge though, her middle toe suddenly grows tremendously- shoving the others to the side and deforming the shape of her feet! Her skin starts to grow, causing the bones to speed up their own growth, and then a moment later she can see spiraling meat filling out her sunken in leg structure- muscle sinew growing down to better match the massive upper legs! A pelt of dense but tiny black hairs grew in, crossing her massive thighs like a shadow as her horse fur grew in. She groaned loudly as her stomach gurgled repeatedly and she was forced to burp several times in a row. Her intestines and stomach are swelling up to match her bottom, and the shift forced all the trapped pockets of air out. Her rib cage felt strained in pulses with her heart- the heart attempting to grow to be able to match the blood demands of her massive cock. If you have ever rest on your side for too long on a stiff surface- it felt a bit like that, like if she rolled her shoulders back her entire rib cage would pop like a roll of bubblewrap. Her legs became so large that her body started to do the splits, because if it leaned much further forward she would fall on her face! Only the central bones of her foot expanded, causing all her other toes to pull away because only the middle one lengthened as well. The other toes started to regress, becoming weak and unresponsive and then slowly shrank away into nothing as the middle one grew bigger and bigger! The nail on the end grew in mass, wrapping around the entire end of the toe and extending far enough forward to also cover the tip. Once her foot became too long, her legs slid out behind her going almost straight out, putting a painful amount of weight onto her wrists before she scoot the hooves back under her- now what had been the flat of her foot was a cannon bone and not meant to be stood on. What had been merely her middle toe was now an entire hoof, and the only surface area meant to stand on. Her vision started to pulse with her heart beat, turning blue from blood pressure behind her eyes. She groaned in a deeper voice at a strange feeling and a sickening squelching sound from inside of her chest as her heart grew in a surge, shoving other organs aside. Her lungs however shoved BACK. Slamming up against either side of her ribs on the inside, the sternum felt the pull for a few seconds until her heart gave another mighty throb and it finally popped! Once her ribs yanked out from her sternum, they grew thicker and longer, getting pulled out further, shoving her arms to the side more, but mostly expanding forward, making her torso more barrel-like. This made her torso disturbingly malformed, because her gut is still swelling out with her lower organ growth, so it was very sunken in looking compared to both hips and chest which expanded suddenly all at once. Now her limbs were REALLY struggling to keep her up! She could not hold her arms straight because her chest is too big! There is almost a two foot gap between her breasts, which look tiny now in comparison! They continue to stretch horizontally, causing them to project even less, and her nipples and areola became more and more like her normal skin tone- phasing out of existence entirely. Jade gasped several times in a row without exhaling! Her lungs swelled gigantically, thirsting for a great deal more air than her lungs were previously even able to hold. She felt a subtle pressure, more like an echo of a tickle as her blood pressure increased and her heart grew to the full size of a horse. With her breasts stretching into obscurity she no longer had cleavage to thrust her massive dong into. Her body acted on its own- by Imbros' instinct it tried to grab the phallus, stupidly ignoring the fact that they were already barely able to stand. The moment Imbros tried to lift its hand, they all fell face-first into the floor! He rolled over and tried to grab at the cock again, but could not reach past their own deformed body! Her entire body started to throb in time with her heart beat. Her shirt and bra was filled to max in spite of her not even having breasts anymore. Now with each surge it tore a little bit more, starting at the seams but ripping out across the whole shirt. It was hard for her to see what was happening, and her shirt was actually the first thing to tip her off- her entire body was growing at the same time, becoming much bigger! Her stomach filled out and then started to bulge, almost looking like a pregnant horse, which didn't make sense because her body is male. Then she felt a pressure on her lower ribs and pelvis and realized her torso isn't the correct proportions! As if in response to Imbros' attempts to grab the violently bucking dong, their shoulders popped loudly and for a moment their arms went numb entirely and shifted location! The shoulder blades expanded to equine size, but also rolled further down, partially wrapping around the ribs and the socket for the arms rolled to the lowest point- putting her arms MUCH further down and forward- enabling Imbros to now reach around the barreled out ribs to get to the cock! Her heart skipped a beat at the pleasure of having the dick touched, and her heart rate increased with the tension in the phallus. It went from bucking up and down violently on its own to being so rigid that it basically vibrates in place! The glans tighten in pulses which can easily be seen by how the pours on its surface pull flat and smooth each time it tightens, and spits another gob of hot precum onto her chest. She squirms around, half at the pressure in her swollen guts and half at the feeling of growing. Growing in size overall while laying on her back creates a feeling of the skin on her back being pinched; because the floor holds it stationary while everything else spreads out, creating the illusion of being pinched. When she rolled her shoulders forward to try and resist the feeling she tore the holes in her shirt a bit too far and the back burst in half! The remnant of her top was now just loosely sitting on her chest- not actually attached by anything, but weighed in place by all the pre it is absorbing. She could see a strip of black fur creeping up, having extended from her crotch to slowly consume her body. Out of her view- a patch of fur was growing from her upper back too, but this fur is stark white in contrast. She will have the same coloration as Imbros soon. Imbros became more desperate in his masturbating her- his hands not moving as far, but moving much faster as the arms felt pressure from internal growth. The bone is starting to expand- which means they won't be able to hold anything for much longer. The tension in the huge phallus sped toward its max and erupted as Imbros let go and the shaft jumped with each blast of cum. It bounced so high that the first few wads of cum were tossed high enough into the air to land on TOP of the table, several more hit the bottom, and the rest oozed out across Jade's chest. Before it could even finish though, the pressure in her gut also tipped over and her spine started to bend this way and that as new material bled out of existing vertebrae to wedge between as new segments! Her stomach started to flatten out to her hips and chest as her spine allowed it enough room to fit properly finally. The growth did not stop with her body however. Her neck started to stretch out, the veins bulged in it, and the muscle swelled quickly, making her head seem tiny in comparison to the giant neck that was growing from it! Her hair line ran down to match its length, the bottom staying between her shoulder blades. Her arms locked up, almost felt like they are about to start compacting in on themselves before the middle finger grows away from the rest, and then the skin and muscle advances. Her other fingers and thumb devolve as the middle one deforms toward a hoof. Now Jade knew what Ian had described to her when this was happening to him. A feeling of a horse growing inside, rather than himself growing into a horse body. Most of the changes happened internally before the outside changed. A feeling of her body stretching and growing in a way that deforms it into the shape of a horse. Like Imbros stepping into her skin, stretching it till it fits. This is how Imbros restores its balls- by taking a new host body and merging its psyche with his own. Inefficient? Very, but Imbros is a horse- he isn't very smart. It worked the first time, so now this is just what he does automatically. What had been her hands stretched longer and compacted in to form a single cannon bone like on her legs- a hoof where her giant middle finger had been. More than simply turning equine in nature, it was like a horse leg just grew in and stretched her human features into obscurity- like her human skin was still wrapped tightly around the horse, before the fur covered it and obscured that part of her as well. At this point in the changes Jade would likely be almost entirely swallowed up into the cluster of minds that makes up Imbros, to create its next iteration- except her thoughts are entirely intact, protected in a psychic bubble. Before her neck grew she could not even see past her own chest- except for the giant cock since it is still large enough to bob over the chest- only now going limp from its latest blast. Jade cries out in an increasingly distorted voice now as her skull starts to deform. The pressure coming from within, pushing outward, like a spectral Imbros was shoving his horse head into her human head. The bridge of her nose popped loudly and her entire nose ballooned in size, the nostrils flaring larger with every heavy breath. Her teeth growing into huge blocks, forcing the jaw longer. Her entire face pushed out further, which caused the bridge of her nose to stretch wide and equalize with the rest of her face, making it indistinguishable from the rest. As Jade's face pushed out, her eyes were forced to the side, though the eyes themselves did not change color or shape- her psychic protection forced the horse traits out of the eyes. For a few moments her strained cries of pleasure and pain sounded like a monster- horse blended perfectly with human to produce a sound neither creature has. Then as the human tones bled out of the sound, it became smoother and deeper toned, transitioning to full horse. Even if her voice box had not changed- the new extremely long mouth shape would have made speaking properly impossible regardless. The fur of a horse is so fine that she only actually felt a warmth spread over her transformed face- not even realizing that was the fur coat completing. Because Imbros' head is white- his large flexible horse lips are neon pink as well as his nostrils. His eyelashes are still black, and his entire mane is black, so it forms a dark stripe up over the top of his head and then cascades down one side. When Imbros takes a new body, the hair turns black to match his coloration, but the shape and length of the hair changes according to who the last victim is. So in this case, the hair is about two and a half feet long on both his tail and mane, and wavy instead of straight. Imbros shakily got to its feet and then hopped on his front and then back legs, giving a pleased whicker at the feeling of his big heavy balls once again swinging between his legs! Then suddenly its control of the body was ripped away! Imbros is made up of many people trying to take control, and arguing against the horse instincts. Jade however has one whole mind with muted human instinct- so she can very easily take all control for herself. She can feel the confusion and anger Imbros had on the matter, but he did not understand why he was not in control, and likely did not know a spell to steal it back even if he did. Imbros is so large that when Jade stood up with his front hooves on the table, his head was so high she needed to slouch his neck over to fit- otherwise his head would be scraping the roof. She nudged the crystals around trying to decide which to use. She could technically use one to dispel the invading minds and then have all the time in the world to pick at the body and turn it back. Problem is, their body is inside of hers, compressed as energy. If she rejected their minds from this combined body, they would have no physical vessel to go to, and be effectively dead. There is one detail that dawned on her that the others are definitely not going to enjoy. Imbros started to possess new bodies because his original was castrated... that means everyone in this current body except Jade has had their gonads removed. Dividing the bodies isn't going to fix that. There is another problem though... Jade will have to stay in the main body to ensure anyone else actually gets out. Hers is the only mind with a clear edge. Everyone else has been mushed together into the same mind, which means the division spell will not recognize them as individual beings, there is no edge for where one mind starts and the other begins. Thanks to being turned horse, none of them have access to the intelligence to really figure that out on their own, so Jade needs to stay inside and point out the differences. Looking into their thoughts from the outside, Jade seen places she could pick at. Memories of being both a man and woman in the past- obviously those cannot be from the same person. Memories of having different professions. Just regular memories that happened at the same time- they couldn't be in two places at the same time, its physically impossible, therefor those memories must be from two separate people. Jade took a deep breath and unintentionally snorted from the force of her exhale. She touched the division crystal with her hoof and hoped for the best. As long as she keeps channeling it, it should keep attempting to divide them. The only thing is; is that because she is going to be searching for the 'edge' between people actively as the spell is going- they aren't going to divide all at once, which may cause some... odd changes. The first thing she found is a female- obviously she cannot be the original because... well; wrong gender. Jade cried out from a radiant, electrical pleasure from her rump as the very long, bulging taint of the stallion body inflated even further on its sides, but collapsed suddenly in the middle! It felt like something was dividing from her dick from deep in her taint! Suddenly a vaguely heart-shaped ping-pong ball sized clit erupted from the skin, creating a split which quickly went straight through the forming cleft! With a loud, wet *smeck* sound a new horse pussy opened behind her, between the balls and anus! They were a hermaphrodite now! But Jade tried to reject it from the body- the male and female are two separate pieces! At first it almost looked like Imbros' butt was projecting outward but once it stretched far enough out, a divide started to form revealing the butt and thighs were dividing into two separate sets! The pussy pulled out with the new rump, while the male genitals remained with the original hips unmoved. Jade looked back at it even as the pleasure still made Imbros' four existing legs tremble. Wait- that wasn't a horse at all! When Jade looked at it- the dividing legs were so tiny they barely cleared Imbros' ass cheeks, never mind reaching the ground! That's the butt of an Exmoor pony! Those breed of pony have bushy mane and tail, and a rather shaggy pelt- good for deterring mosquitos since they live in moors- which is also why they are so small. A big horse wouldn't do well on squishy wet ground. But why the hell is there a pony inside Imbros?! That would imply that it was not always the same horse repeating? Jade let out a confused neigh as her muscles clenched without her input. Her upper arms, thighs, and especially upper back muscles and neck swelled massively! Her entire body started to make a muffled sound like the trunk of a tree being bent in the wind! She is growing again! Pleasure forced her to buck her hips forward and her dick quickly emerged again, rapidly progressing to erection while also growing at a speed that told her an erection was the least of her problems! The pony was absorbed separately to temper Imbros' original form! Originally he was an absolute monster of a horse, so endowed that he could barely move! The table split in half from their weight. She had to bow her head again as their body started to grow so huge that her head touched the roof even when fully on the floor! Her cock was now as long as it was erect while still resting on the floor under her like it was mostly still flaccid- and already thicker than it had been by quite a bit. The pony also did not properly divide; only its hips and stomach pulled out, the rest is still inside Imbros- its spine aligns with the whole, so only the pony has a tail at the moment. That is because there is more than one female inside Imbros- and Jade hasn't defined one from the other yet! The pony rump basically stood up off the rest of the body with its tiny hooves standing on the back of Imbros' thighs. She obviously shared the unwarranted pleasure as well, because her lil pony pussy was dripping all over the place behind them and her clit stuck in full 'outy'. Jade found the memories of their original transformation- when Imbros first took them. One became his new host but one was transformed and then absorbed afterward. Using this 'seam' between memories Jade traced them further back, and found more differences. As soon as Jade found the inconsistencies while using their mind- it caused those parts of the mind to resist one another because of the unfamiliarity- and thanks to the division spell, that caused their physical beings to divide as well. She also unintentionally stumbled over other memories as well, since none of them were pre-defined, which also caused some of the boys to divide... partially. Jade arched her head up from the strange feeling of her neck and jaw expanding downward rapidly. The new lower muscles yanked down while she remained up and the two tore in half- like two chunks of putty dividing! Jade could only partially see the full horse head and neck below her own- its mane is striped! A Fjord horse! This belonged to the other female. Jade felt the muscles clench, but this time the feeling was more remote, only the lower muscles clenched and forced branching muscles higher... she realized it is the Fjord horse repelling her- she is getting pulled out from the top! Double-long ribs, and then a second set of shoulders. Then upper arms started to emerge on top and the divot between the two sets of ribs and upper torso emerged. Both horse heads let out a high-pitched neigh in surprise and an explosion of pressure set of a loud series of cracking bones, and the lower torso seemed to rip in half! A third front leg hit the ground in the middle! The fjord horse neighed in distress as she felt her neck splitting from the bottom up and suddenly her head was pulled in half- the extremely muscular, girthy throat of a shire stallion head beside hers now! Their upper bodies are only half-divided, and Jade's upper body just sat wedged in the cleft of spines from above! Jade's front legs hang over the front legs of the two lower horse- their third leg is half the right leg and half the left leg of the two- fused. They all murmured and nickered softly at the unwanted pleasure, feeling the gigantic phallus creeping across the ground without actually stiffening. The second female also muffled its endowments- now that she is partially divided, Imbros' true monstrous size is returning. As it started to finally lift its tremendous weight off the ground the fjord mare bent her head down to nibble on the corona, which helped it to full stiffness quickly. Three horse upper bodies sharing the same beefcake lower body, with a tiny second butt coming out from where the tail should be! It seems not all aspects of the fjord mare agreed with sucking on this giant prick, because the back of her head pulled away while the front remained where it was! She now had a twice-long head, with a second set of eyes and a second set of ears! There is a male in that head still! Just how many people did Imbros consume?! Only now did it occur to Jade that Imbros could be hundreds of years old potentially. Every time it possesses a body, it turns that body into his own- which also reverts his age to whatever the age of the person he consumed was. Not only does his possession spell keep getting his balls back- it also keeps him forever young. So there is no telling how long he has been doing this for. Jade looked back after feeling a jolt of pleasure again followed by a wet slapping sound as a large deluge of fluid fell from one of their two rumps. When she looked back her heart skipped a beat! The pony was siphoning off all the female traits even though there was three women in there! That caused her equine udders to swell three times too big, and her pussy to become three times too big too! Their unified clit was now the size of a football! Their pussy distended so far off from the actual hips that it sagged downward a bit from lack of a solid framework! Each of the two segments on the ebon equine udder are the size of a small beach ball, with teats that are like stumpy ice cream cones! Well... that is a problem. That means if the pony splits off fully it takes the femininity away from the other two women- so when they split off they will be null gendered! She needed to re-absorb the pony so their traits could split evenly! The problem is, all of them still shared the same back legs except the pony- Jade's control was minimal other than her own divided upper body. She hooked her front legs around the shoulders of the two lower horses and yanked them back, forcing them all to fall on their rump. Or more accurately; they fell on the pony rump, which caused it to ram back into the rest of the body. Their body was semi-amorphic at the moment thanks to the division spell trying to parse their forms, so it was like mashing two balls of putty together. Jade felt the pony traits starting to spread and affect the other parts but then grabbed onto the woman's initial memory of transforming, and used that form as instructions for the spell. The pony started to re-condense while inside of them, which thanks to a lack of room; the pony fired up through the middle of the body as it took shape and erupted from the apex of the three horse upper bodies! A perfectly normal exmoor pony staggered to a stop, clearly very confused in front of the malformed equine abomination. Well, that takes care of one anyway. Jade grabbed the edge of the table with a hoof and tried to drag herself over to it. The fjord mare was busy sucking cock so she was not at all ready to brace herself against it and Jade managed to shuffled them all far enough to the right that she could get her hooves onto the table and roll a spell crystal over. She activated it- the transformation spell to turn humans back from horse. The form of the pony turned solid, luminescent white for a moment before it exploded into a cloud of vaporous energy, revealing a petite woman in its place! The same thing happened then to Jade but the area that turned white kept creeping back and forth. She was still stuck with the others so it could not fully work on her! She let out a heaving wheeze as her lungs returned to human size and the energy cleared. She was... sort of human. Her upper back still had a coat of black fur and was hugely muscular, trailing to below her human arms where a pair of horse front legs grew- which looked weird because obviously the front legs of a horse are a lot bigger than human arms. Her belly looked human, but faded to horse hide on the lower curve, and was absolutely giant! It looked like she was pregnant with sextuplets! Her chest tightened in nervousness. Or pregnant with a horse. Their collective rump jarred suddenly with a brief ache as their slowly growing testicles let out a loud gurgle and split into two sets of testicles at half the size each! That means two of the boys were dividing. But the two heads Jade accounted for are not Ian- she can feel his consciousness still fully confused into the mess of a body- which means there is at least three males total; only two are dividing currently. Jade used her equine front legs to push down on her huge gut and she tried to push whatever it was out. If there really was another body distilling in her womb- it would need a way out. The current unified rump has to vagina after the pony was rejected. Sure enough, the curve of her human spine to equine spine started to straighten as another backside started to pull free from the others! She felt a bit disjointed from the others but she could still feel Ian's thoughts just as easily- which means that is who is in her womb! Jade managed to get her own horse rump out, but her back legs were still fully fused into the bottom. So it was a full stallion rump with a mare's butt growing out of the top of it! The equine legs on her upper half turned white slowly and melted- the transformation spell hitting her as she divided. She realized a moment too late the problem with that. The transformation spell started to turn her stomach and organs back human... while there is still a forming horse in her womb. Her pussy was immediately forced open with loud squelching sounds it stretched wider as Ian's dividing horse form was pushed out! It was like his body was using Jade's body as a filter to divide him from the rest of them- which made sense, they are the only two who shared so many memories. As he came out, he grew quickly to full size however which... caused him to get stuck. Even a proper horse isn't meant to birth another adult horse. Jade's lower half also did not turn human though- her and Ian shared a butt! It isn't that his lower body is still trapped in her- they are fused together on the inside! Meanwhile below them, the half-head in the fjord mare split fully out, then the neck split off, then the shoulders and legs emerged! The new stud is a Marwari horse- a very lean and elegant breed. He felt Ian emerge onto the back of the others and remembered the feeling of being on top of a mare. So now both his human mind and horse instinct was struggling to get out as fast as possible- to mount the mare! The Marwari wedged his head between the mare and the shire stallion and pushed him away- causing the divide to go all the way down! The second set of balls in the scrotum vanished as the mass was returned to its owner! The shire stallion stumbled away from the two and his tremendously endowed, muscular form turned white and started to crumble upward! What emerged was an older man, wheezing in delirious arousal- because even restored human, his genitals were absurdly gigantic and his body over-muscular! His heart can't keep pace with genitals that big- if Jade doesn't cast a hyper reversal spell on him soon his erection will knock him out- or give him brain damage if she waits long enough. His dick is as round as his torso, and about as long too- it would be longer but his body is physically incapable of making it fully erect. Each testicle is about the size of a beach ball now without the others holding them back. His body was so muscular it looks like he would have trouble moving, for how bulbous his muscle is. The veins bulge so far out on the surface it looks like they might rupture if he flexes too hard. His balls occupy too much space between his legs for him to walk, so he is forced to sit on them like a huge beanbag chair. He is clearly too delirious from blood loss to his cock for him to save himself. Jade is now fully human to her hips, then equine leading into Ian who is a normal Clydesdale down to the hip- which is Clydesdale too, but facing the wrong direction. The Fjord mare and Marwari stallion were mostly divided, but not entirely. His cock divided already in her pussy. His underside and her backside are fused- trapped in the perfect position for unending sex. Jade rolled herself, which forced Ian to also roll over since they shared hips. She bent over and placed her hands on his crotch and immediately they started to divide further. Predictable. She offers sex, and suddenly his willpower to divide increases by ten times- because he doesn't have a dick for her to grab in this state. The legs matched his species but faced a direction that made them look like hers- when they started to divide they for a moment looked like a mass of confused flesh and muscles- they did not look like limbs at all. When they pulled apart in the middle they were both fully human! From the legs up- Ian's equine traits turned white and fell off like glowing ashes. Unfortunately for him; that means by the time he got his cock back, it was fully human again. The Marwari stud came quickly- horses are not known for their sexual stamina- and once his mind cleared more it occurred to him that he did not even know the female he was on top of. As soon as he tried to get off, the divide formed all the way down. The second they divided, both bodies turned white and burst into a cloud of energy, causing their two bodies to fall out of it on top of one another- since their human bodies are a lot smaller than a horse. Everyone else was so embarrassed and confused that no one said a word. They all just sat looking at each other, surrounded by a giant pool of horse cum and vaginal fluid that managed to cover almost the entirety of the floor. Jade on the other hand scrambled to the table to grab the spell book. She did not know she would need a hyper spell, so she did not have one prepared, but she needed to cast a reversal- FAST. The man who was originally Imbros is wheezing- barely conscious. His body feels ice cold because his blood is spread too thin. His overactive pleasure nerves in his giant mutated genitals were insisting on trying to erect his monstrous endowments, and his cock felt like it was literally sucking the life out of his body to feed itself. Jade found and quickly cast the reversal spell, but unlike the others this one acted a bit different. Rather than just sloughing off of him, his skin tightened and his body started to compact down. The muscle shrank down and away and his genitals compressed down- leaking tons of fluids that they no longer had the ability to contain. Jade took a quick glance around and surprisingly; everyone had their genitals intact. When they divided, each took a portion from the original man- because his own genitals had far too much mass. So Imbros unintentionally restored their genitals. When Chiron woke up, he had a lot of explaining to do. The elder man woke with a blanket draped over him, propped against the wall of the room everyone was helping to clean of horse fluids. "What... year is it even?" Jade crouched beside him- having re-clothed herself while he slept, as well as loaning outfits for the others. "The 3rd year, 378th era." Chiron nodded. "Nine years then, it has been. You are an amazing sorceress to have devised a plan to defeat the stallion I had become." She chuckled. "Nah. Actually I only practice magic some times for convenience- I never studied it in school." "Wh-how?! How did you know which reversals to use then?" "I didn't. But you did." He paused a moment and then smiled and chuckled. "You waited till you were far enough merged with the horse- that you could access my memories. I created the spell, so of course I would also know how to break it." The elder man Chiron explained, and confirmed her initial theory on what created Imbros. Chiron wanted to grant himself the endowments of a stallion, but he did not know the spell would also affect his mind fully. Once his mind devolved to a point, he became overwhelmed by his bestial lust and cast an endowment spell on himself. Of course a horse isn't smart enough to really measure things out properly- his muscle and endowments became so horrifically amplified that they may very well have killed him. In horse form he wasn't smart enough to think of a proper solution- so his plan was to absorb the petite woman Jill into his form to act as a counter-balance. His horse mind did not want to be less horse though, because that part was still fun- so he turned her into a pony so her humanity would not dilute his transformation. That caused the equine side of their mind to double down however- muting the human aspects and Imbros was officially born. Imbros found Cynthia next who appeared in their amalgamation a short while ago as a fjord mare. Imbros found her stables and tried to mount the horses she rented out to travelers who stay at her inn. Thanks to Jill; Imbros was small enough that his dick did not kill him but he was still far too big to have sex with... well, anything. Cynthia of course tried to subdue the rogue stud trying to impale her mares on his battering ram- but that made Imbros kill two birds with one stone. When Cynthia clipped his jewels to get him to calm the hell down, he made her grow a new pair for him. The horse mind wins out, but its desperation to get off and instinct to impregnate mares caused even the horse half of the mind to search Chiron's memory for a solution, and managed to piece together some relevant spells- the first being his possession trick. He vanished, compounding his essence into Cynthia who then transformed into a new body for Imbros and was made to fuck her own mares pregnant! Once they were all pregnant at once however, Imbros had to wait for them to birth at least... and horses are not patient creatures. He instead wandered to the nearest ranch. Radan became the Marwari next after trying to 'fix' the stud, and then impregnated all of his own mares. Then it was off to Ian's ranch. Imbros was just arriving in the area in the woods bordering the actual fields when Ian found him and wrangled the stud in, trying to imprison him to find an owner. Unable to contain Imbros properly and unable to find an owner, he was the third to try and remove Imbros' balls, only to become Imbros himself, and then finally Jade. Because Jade seen first-hand her husband transforming- she was actually able to devise a plan and dissect the situation. Unlike any of the others before her, she knew she was going to turn into the next Imbros and prepared a counter, to finally end the curse. Nothing of this nature had happened before, so no one knew the measures to take. Chiron turned himself into the university though- and left his punishment to their hands. He knew the extent of trouble he had caused a good many people- and horses, and was willing to pay whatever price they named. Jade and Ian however were restored to normal, and finally able to return to normal ranch life. So if you ever find a frisky, endowed dark horse in the woods... maybe just leave its junk intact.
Title: Loosening Up - By your side by wolfaith Tags: Dragon, Fox, Highschool, Hybrid, Lion, Panther, Tiger --- Faith and Jared©wolfaith(me!) Soren, Farad and Khaz©Serov Aspharr and Kal©Kradu Warning: If you are not 18 years and above, read this story at your own risk. There's no Yiff in this chapter but my other series will be. =3 This story contains mild-nudity between two male furs. We don't want to face your lawsuit-happy parents, because we don't have time to do so. --- "Hey, I'm back." Faith just stared onto the panther's eyes, then immediately looked away. The panther, feeling worried, laid down the plate of food down on desk near his bed and sat with the canine. "Are you alright?" the panther said, squeezed the canine's paw gently. "Yyeah...errm..I'm ok." the canine said, obviously disturbed. The panther just smiled back to him, caressed the canine's cheek and stood up. Held up the plate of food and said, "Are you going to eat or not?" With a nod, the panther padded down to his kitchen, passing by Jaren's door. The canine stood up after, hissed in pain as his tailhole ached. He lazily followed the panther's path, catching a glance at Jared's door. Giving him a glimpse of the past, the brutal thrusting into his ass. The mere thought made his sheath swell with arousal. Shrugging the thought, he continued following the panther. The panther placed his plate down the table, scanning the fridge for something to drink. He heard the canine's footsteps. "What do ya want to drink?" he said, still head inside the fridge, rummaging through the goods. "Umm...orange juice would be nice." the canine said. After hearing a series of bumps from the contents of the fridge, "Aha! here we go." the panther said, pulling out a bottle of orange juice and closed the fridge shut. Grasping a good clean glass, he poured orange juice onto the container and placed it down the table. The canine sat down on the chair quietly, both never noticing the fact that both of them were still butt-naked. The panther sat down beside him, began munching on the food that was on the plates. The panther, looking at the canine, a string of pasta hanging from his maw. "You okay? you look really weird this morning." the panther said, slurping the string of pasta back into his maw. "I'm...i'm..." the canine managed to say under his breath, breathing rather deeply. He held the glass of orange juice, gulped it in one go, slamming the glass back on the table hard. He pushed his chair away from the table and stood up. The creaking from the chair and the loud slam of the glass, awoken the dragon snoozing lightly upstairs. "I'm fine." he lied to the panther. Staring deeply into the panther's eyes, a moment of silence passed as a big black dragon entered the room the couple we're in. Faith blinked into his direction and walked silently past him, back into Soren's room. "What's with th'pup?" the dragon curiously asked the panther. The panther stood up, briskly walking past him, completely ignoring his question. "Uhh...okay.." the dragon scratched his head, and proceeded to raid the fridge. Back into the panthers room, Faith entered the bathroom, closing it shut as the panther entered the room. The panther, noticing that his bathroom door was used. Knocking on the door, he said, "What's the matter with you?" No response, but he heard the shower's hiss. Getting worried, he opened his cabinet containing a spare key of the bathroom. Unlocking the bathroom, walking through the fog of warm steam that emanated from the shower. The panther opened the shower curtain with a swift swipe. He found the canine, standing steadily, warm water flowing through his wet fur, staring blankly into space. The panther approached the canine, silently held him onto his arms. The canine, did'nt even budge. Holding onto him tightly, the panther whispered in his ear, "Please, tell me what's wrong." The canine let his ears fall back and looked down. He reached on the panther's hands, squeezing them. "I'm sorry Soren, it's just...just.." the canine said. "I don't know." the canine said calmly, taking a deep breath. The panther's mouth was about to say a word, until he cut him off, "What will other furs think about us?!" Faith barked out loud. Jared heard a weak sound, staring onto the direction where the couple was located, but still continued eating. The panther sighed, positioned the canine in front of him, so he could see his face. Just before the canine was about to bark out another word, a finger pressed lightly on his muzzle. "Shush, it's going to be alright. Nothing wrong will happen, trust me." the panther said, rubbing the canine's back, trying to calm him down. The canine, sighing deeply, fell unto his lover's arms. The canine sniffled onto the fur of his lover's shoulder, the panther's method of calming someone down worked. Hugging the canine softly, kissing his forehead as warm water freely brushed down their fur, cleaning and trying to erase the stench of sex from last night. The panther chuckled ever so lightly, "You know, we won't be able to brush the scent off if we keep hugging." he smiled at the canine. The canine chuckled and hugged Soren tighter, released him and picked up the soap and a bottle of shampoo. He grinned at the panther, giving him signals of what he wanted. The panther just grinned back. A few moments passed, they both left the bathroom, drying their fur and combing it neatly. "Ugh, god damnit!" the canine exclaimed. Startling the feline, "What's the matter?" "My clothes, I wasn't able to bring any!" the canine panicked, picking up his dirty clothes, folding them into a ball shape, tossing it. "Calm down." the panther said. "Here love, I can lend you some of mine." The panther opened his closet, "Ah." he said, pulling out a simple black t-shirt and baggy pants. "Uhh..thanks." the canine said, panting. All this panicking got him nowhere but on the saving grasp of Soren. Dressing up, he stared at Soren. The panther wore his football jacket, he wore a simple white t-shirt inside, and a pair of pants. The panther noticed the canine examining him, looking back at the canine, "You like?" he said. "Yeah, it looks great on you." the canine said, a smile creeping on his muzzle. "Well, we should get going. Or we'll be late." the panther said, as they raced down to the kitchen together, they both noticed Jared was gone. The table cleaned, so was the dishes. "We'll have to walk. I don't have a car unfortunately." the panther said, his ears fell back in shame. Their ears perked up, as a footstep was heard before them. "I can take ya there." Jared said, wearing his usual uniform, the scent of cologne evident in the air. "That'd be great, Jared." the panther replied with a grin. "Hop on to th'car then." the dragon replied, stalked past them, opening the door and unlocking his car with the beeper. Immediately they went and sat on the car, Jared roaring the ride with a flip of the key. \~\~\~ The ride was pretty quick, only took 10 minutes to get to Abellana high school. Jared dropped off Soren and Faith in front of the gate of the school. They bid their goodbyes and Soren gave a quick peck on the canine's cheek. The panther hurriedly went to his class, leaving the canine. Blushing at what has happened, he scanned the environment cautiously and entered the school. \~\~\~ Inside the school Faith strode through the corridor, furs rushing to get class and others rummaging through their lockers. Unable to keep thinking about last night and this morning. He wasn't himself today. The canine walked to his next class, which was Social studies. Walking rather briskly to the classroom, he spaced out, clumsily bumped a fox that was rocking his feet in wait and dropped the fox's books. "S-sorry, I wasn't looking." the canine apologized, his ears fell down in shame. He picked up the fox's books for him and walked inside the classroom. Silently cursed at himself for his clumsiness. The small fox just stared at him. The canine found his seat, prepared himself for what was to come. As his classmates we're settling down, he eyed the same shy fox that he bumped into earlier entering the same room, taking a seat far away from him. A few seats was left vacant beside the fox, maybe the students did not want to sit with him, the new guy. His teacher, Mr. Ramorez entered the room. An old fox, he wore Abellana high school's dictated teacher's uniform, He always carried his usuals, chalk as always, a book about his subject and a simple envelope. "Oh great." most of the students thought, as they eyed the envelope. It contained their test scores, every fur hoping that they did good, just like any living being on earth did. It usually contained pop quizzes, the quizzes we're taken almost too frequently, it wasn't even 'popping' on their heads anymore. Mr. Ramorez set his things on the teacher's desk, looking at the class and said, "Class, please settle down. We don't have much time." Mr. Ramorez isn't actually a strict teacher, but he made students lightly cringe when he said his usual, 'We don't have much time.' statement. Maybe it was his tone. "Thank you, I have your test scores from last week's quiz." Mr. Ramorez said, initiating a chain reaction of groans and whines of disapproval. "Please, just relax. You did great this time, at least most of you did." most of the furs inside then smiled in confidence, a handful we're faces painted with worry. As the teacher started calling out each one of their names, giving out their quiz and revealing their grade, The fox Faith bumped earlier was now nervously eyeing him too. Faith felt a piece of chalk hitting his forehead, He noticed Mr. Ramorez tapping his foot, glaring at him and his classmates, snickering. His ears fell back in complete humiliation and got up to get his quiz. Murmuring a rather silent 'Sorry' to Mr. Ramorez, he paced back to his seat, glanced at his quiz. 'A 86, not bad.' he thought, smiling to himself. As the teacher gave his classmates their paper, eliciting many groans of disapointment and howls of accomplishment. Faith eyed the fox again, as he was the last one to be called, everyone staring at him made him blush hard, even his white muzzle fur turned into light pink. He ran back to his desk and his ears fell in embarrassment, a few furs snickering at his direction, gossiping. The fox just looked away, trying hard to ignore them. Faith noticed this and looked away from the fox, silently just paid attention to the teacher. A rather big, muscular lion entered the room and interrupted the class. He wore a tight black shirt, cargo pants and a pair of sunglasses. "Ah nice of you to join us for class, Aspharr." Mr. Ramorez said, a hint of sarcasm obviously hung unto that statement. "Sorry teach, didn't have ah ride t'get me here, so ah had ta walk to th'school." the lion said, he had a really weird accent. "Be sure to get a late slip from the school's secretary and give it to me." Mr. Ramorez replied. "Now find a seat, relax and listen attentively, because I will call you a lot." the teacher said. "And, take those sunglasses off, their prohibited." Obeying the teacher's request, he took off his sunglasses, revealing his blue eyes. Stuffing it inside his pocket, he scanned the room for a vacant seat, and unfortunately found a seat beside the shy fox. His tail perked up, as he strode to the vacant seat, saying a kind "Hello" to the fox sitting beside him. Aspharr, even though as a big lion, he's actually pretty kind. The fox tried to avoid eye contact with the big lion beside him desperately, a big paw was placed on his shoulder. He froze in complete fear, his avoidance in utter failure. "H..hh.hH...Hi..." he managed to murmur to the lion quietly, shivering nervously as he cautiously eyed the lion's face. His eyes, he thought. He blushed when he saw the big lion smiling at him kindly, the lion staring unto his emerald green eyes. "Relax there little foxy, what's yer name?" Aspharr asked, still smiling, his paw never leaving the fox's shoulder. "Uhh...K-kal.." the fox said, his shivering stopped, but his blushing never did. "Heyas there Kally, am Aspharr." the lion replied to him with a big grin, his paw leaving the fox's shoulder in order to shake. The fox hesistated to reach out a paw to shake the big lion's larger paw, he eventually did anyway. Aspharr felt a sting coming from his forehead, it was Mr. Ramorez again, flinging pieces of chalk at students who did not listen. "Even for a old fox, he's pretty accurate." He thought to himself. "Aspharr, page 67. Item 15 of exercise A. Now." a low growl came from Mr. Ramorez. Aspharr, noticing that the old fox was getting mad due to the sheer amount of students that did not listen to him, he immediately turned to the said page. "Thank you, Aspharr." the teacher said, returning back into his lecture. Kal though, still blushing at the lion, chuckling lightly at his silly mishap. Aspharr heard the small chuckle, faced the vulpine, the vulpine immediately shrunk back, the vulpine expecting that the lion would beat him to death, but Aspharr returned him with his kind smile. Kal smiled back, he's going to love Social Studies class, he thought to himself. An hour passed, as the student's we're slumping on their desks in boredom. Mr. Ramorez too, noticed this and just kindly ended the lecture with a little project. Facing the students, "Class, I have a little team project for you to do, due on friday, about the current topic today." he said, "I want you to do question cards. That'll be the class' quiz tomorow, I will call each and every one of you and ask you 5 questions." he followed with, "5 questions that were made by your classmates, randomly picked on this envelope." lastly he said, "Study hard, groups of 3, scatter, NOW." Different furs on the class scrambled out of their seats, meeting their friends and grouping up with them. Some discussing what should they do and who they should add to the group and others who we'rent invited to either. Faith, Aspharr and Kal were ones of those others. Aspharr looked at the silent fox and said, "Hey, ya wanna group?" with a big grin. The fox replied, "Ss..shure.." smiling, the big lion stood up, alongside with the fox. Looking for someone to be their 3rd groupmate. The big lion's ears and tail perked up in excitement, he approached the unknowing canine and tapped his back. Faith did'nt even budge, normal students would've yelped in suprise, as the big lion unknowningly tapped them. "Ya need ah group?" the lion grinned at him, showing his pearly white fangs. "Okay." the canine said. "Great!" the big lion exclaimed, his voice immediately overlapped by the numerous, and rather loud voices of his classmates. As the students we're leaving the classroom, going to their lockers stuffing their books and pulling out the ones for the next subject. "Okay class, remember your projects. Study and survive, not study and you WILL, fall into my merciless grasp." Mr. Ramirez trying to cover his good self, with an invisible shield of toughness. "Discuss this shit, ta'morrah then?" Aspharr asked them, the canine left already, without either fox nor lion noticing. "Hurmmmh....ratha' weird canine huh?" talking to the fox, Kal just nodded. When Kal was about pack up his books and go for his locker, the big lion stopped him. "Err..Do ya wanna hang out an' crap? I dun' have somethin' ta do t'morra." the lion said. Kal was just staring curiously, the word: "Why?" shrouded his mind. "Uhh..ya might think this is weird an' all, but I dun' hav any friends. People complain that I'mma giant, a lion, should be tough and stuff...." the lion's voice trailed away through the air. "Well fuckin' hell yeah this is frickin' weird." Kal thought. But the big lion was very kind to him, and being a new kid, a good friend was needed. Blushing profusely, a smile crept on his little muzzle, and the fox said, "..er...sure..okay...yyeah..." The big lion, didn't say anything, but instead, a really big grin appeared on his muzzle. They both left the classroom, and went to the cafeteria. \~\~\~ The Cafeteria The cafeteria, contained numerous furs. It looked more than a simple crowd, like a mob, no, bigger. Much, much, bigger. The tiles on the floor shined with new polish, the tables we're cleaned frequently by the great staff, different aromas of different kinds of food filled the air. And the lunchladies, I worry more about them though, look at those students, lining up, trying to get their orders done. A young tiger stood before the big line, he wore casual clothes, like what a normal person would wear, moderately built and stood a little bit tall, just a little bit. The line looked like it would take years before you could even place your order. "Screw this." the tiger said to himself, even though saying the words out loud would make the sound like a murmur because of the constant talking of the other furs. Walking past a small crowd, accidentally bumping into a wall of muscle and fur, it was Aspharr. "Dude, really sorry!" the tiger said, ears falling back, apologizing to the big lion. "Naw, is okay." Aspharr said, wearing his usual kind smile. The tiger noticed a really shy fox behind him, trying to avoid contact with him. For once, Kal's avoidance worked. The tiger walked away, stood in front of a snack vending machine. Aspharr glanced at the curious fox, he pulled out his sunglasses and wore it. Still looking at the fox, "Ya okay Kally?" the lion said. The vulpine did'nt really mind the big lion calling him "Kally". Turning back to him, he nervously said "rr...is..fine....th..th..thanks for asking." blushing, as always. The lion just smiled back at him, the line was moving rather quickly. the tiger looked back, 'Wow, those lunchladies can sure can move fast.' regretting about leaving the line in the first place. He went back to the line, his cellphone rang, but it could not be heard, due the fact that the cafeteria sounded like a zoo, more like Jurassic Park actually. Luckily, he had vibrator enabled and was able to know that someone was calling him. Pulling out the phone, he saw a rather familiar name, Khaz. Khaz wasn't calling him though, instead he left a message: "Do you want to go out and get dinner together later?" the tiger smiled and typed out the word: "Yes." he finished by pressing the button SEND and stuffed the phone back in his pocket. Checking on the progress of the line, it did not move. The feline growled in annoyance, until saw a familiar lion waving at him. "Here!!!Here!!!!!" Aspharr waved to the tiger, Kal already placing his order and licking his chops in hunger. The tiger's ears perked up in suprise and approached the familiar lion. "Heya, long line ain't it?" the lion said. "Wannah come eat wit' us?" the lion followed. The tiger nodded to him, and Aspharr just smiled. The fur behind them was growling out loud. The lion heard him and stared at him, "Ya are next anyways, why complain?" finishing his statement with a smile. The fur rolled his eyes and just looked away. 3 of them placed down their trays full of food on a clean table, and sat down beside each other. The tiger though, was in front of the lion, but the fox, was beside Aspharr. "So..what's yer name?" the lion asked. The tiger took a bite of the chicken sandwich, gulping the piece down. Looking at the curious lion, he said, "I..Uh..am Farad." "Well nice ta' meet'cha Farad, am' Aspharr and this little foxy right 'ere is Kally." the fox, taking a bite of his food, accidentaly swallowed it and he mildly choked. Pounding on his chest, he took a sip of soda and took a deep breath. The two felines just stared at the fox, Aspharr, chuckling at him and Farad just flashed him a quick grin. Kal, shrunk back on his seat, his face burning red with embarrasment. "Hey, sorry for the bump awhile ago man." the tiger apologizing again. "Tis' okay, really." Aspharr flashing him a toothy grin. "So..what's yer next classes guys?" The vulpine turned to him and said, "Bb..biology...." and returned to sip on his soda. "Wow, ah' got biology next too!" smiling at the vulpine. The lion, playfully poked the fox's ear. The fox blushing immediately, "Okkaay....." he thought to himself. Farad just smiled at them. The bell rang, ending recess. "Aww, would b'great if we got ta' talk more Farad." the lion said, taking the last bite of the cheeseburger. Farad just smiled back at him, and the fox. "See you guys later." he waved, Aspharr waved at him and Kal just stared at him. \~\~\~ A few hours passed, the sun came down. The final bell ringing, signaling dismissal. Carrying his bag, Faith got out to meet Soren outside the campus. Patiently waiting for the panther, staring at the random furs going home. A tap came from behind his shoulder, he looked back and saw Soren, grinning at him. "Hey." the panther said, "You've been spacing out again, something wrong happened?" he followed. "No, I'm all right." the canine said. Successfully pulling off a fake smile, he told the panther, "Wanna walk home together?" "Sure!" the panther smiled, they left the school gate and headed for each of their homes. Asphaar waited for Kal to get finished with his work, fortunately, they had the same subjects every week. The lion patiently waited for Kal, standing beside him, he leaned above the fox, pointed something on his work. "Nice." the lion said, praising the fox. The vulpine looked above at the lion, catching a whiff of his scent. "Tthanks..y-yoou.." he said, smiling back. Couple of minutes passed, and Kal was done with his work. Asphaar perked up, "Hey! are ya gonna do somethin' ta'morra night?" looked down on the small fox. "Erm..nope..." shaking his head slightly at the lion. "Grrrreat! Want ta' catch'a movie?" the lion's tail, waving in excitement. The fox's tail wrapped on his right leg, blushing while he calmly said, "Sure." Leaving the room, they saw Farad walking to the school's exit. They waved at him, the fox, finally not staring. The tiger waved at them back, smiling at them and continued to go his way. * To be continued --- Well, there you have it chapter 2 of the series of "Loosening Up" and again, I thank my darling Serov and Kradu for giving a part of the story and editing it. Comments would be nice. =3
(M tf bovine/human\equine hybrid forms) Allen Richter was a pretty average guy, living a pretty average life. He was not very tall, he was about as athletic as a month old corpse, but he was not bad looking by any standards. He was not talented and did not have any educational focus, but he had a sharp enough whit and had decent grades up to graduating high school. He did not have the money nor focus to take school beyond that, so unfortunately found himself doing odd jobs that ultimately went nowhere. Sure, they pay the bills and allowed him to get by, but he had always imagined himself the protagonist of his own little story. To help someone else, save the day, or do something that was worth remembering. But, it never worked out that way. That was when his friend Marcus presented an unusual offer to him. It seems his wife was working for a secret organization, and they were looking for test volunteers. Now, Allen sat on a new couch in a home so modern and squeaky clean that you could immediately tell the moment you entered it that no one had lived here yet. This was all his now. The company known as RHE- the rebuilding humanity effort- had just given him this house to do whatever he wanted. Outside its doors, a beautiful little paradise island, oddly shaped like a bowl. They would even restock his fridge and make unbranded clothing for him at whatever specifications he wanted, all to keep him happy while he worked for them. And his job? Pleasure. Experience pleasure, and cum a lot. I mean, that was the super dumbed down version, but that is essentially the job requirement. Since he nodded dumbly at Marcus and told him he was on board, everything had been a blur. He met his wife, the Magistress Telah Reinhart, who then had him flown out to the island (simply called RHEI). She had a meeting in her office in the research wing of the island to talk to Allen and the RHE head researcher, but basically everything they talked about went far over Allen's head. The only thing he really understood out of any of that is that he is going to be transformed into a hybrid of an animal and man using a new process Telah herself invented and its his job to cum as much as possible. The first pause for Allen to get his thoughts together on the matter was the sound of his new door closing after Telah gave him a brief tour of the nice one floor home that was now his. Now he was alone, though still perfectly human. He drank a tincture they gave him, but it would apparently enable him to transform into whatever body he wanted- pulling from the genes of human, equine, and bovine. Once he had his perfect body, he contacted them and they would make it permanent. It sounded too good to be true, but then the view out his front window looked too good to be true as well- but there it was. An entire wall of his living room was window, and he had drawn the curtains closed and left the lights off in his house as he seen the first woman to walk by so he wouldn't be caught staring! She had four breasts and was entirely naked except for sandals on her feet! He was a bit paranoid about meeting the other test subjects at risk of tenting his pants mid conversation or being caught staring or something. Giant udders, animal features, huge breasts, and multiple breasts! Most of the island was populated with animal hybrid women who all give massive amounts of milk, which RHE then ships around the world as specialty food. Allen felt an odd sensation in his chest and a warmth, but whenever he looked down there was nothing amiss. He remained by the window, peeking out at anyone passing by to try to let the shock value wear off before he attempted to actually introduce himself to any of these people. The sensation in his chest continued and caused him to idly reach up and scratch his chest and then he quickly looked down and seen his nipples poking into his shirt! Allen pulled his top off and tossed it to the couch to look at himself- the lights were off but enough filtered through the curtains that he could still see. His areola were unusually smooth and puffy and his nipples were larger and erect! They turned from light brown to a red-pink. Those were a woman's nipples! A very subtle feeling of movement under the flesh and the continuation of the warmth told him he was growing breasts! Telah had told him the tincture he got could turn him into anything he wanted by using the building blocks of those three species- unfortunately that was not gender specific. It was activated by thought but that was all Allen knew- and since he has been looking at women with massive endowments walk past his mind has been on boobs all afternoon! He unintentionally gave himself tits! The reason the transformation took so long to become visible is because the first change was establishing a network of milk veins between forming mammary glands- all of which are built at foundation level, and are not outwardly visible at all. Now fat cells rapidly multiplied, which caused the outward structure to grow, making it look suddenly quite fast. Little disks of fat formed first, then they started to curve outward. Little hills, big hills, chubby spheres, fat globes and still they grew. At first they grew spherical which made them look like fake breasts. When Allen cupped his hands to them he could feel the growth process in a bit more detail through his hands. The breasts fattened up becoming softer and wobbly as the skin billowed up between his fingers as if threatening to swallow his hands. Then the feeling of slight movement from within as the milk ducts and mammary glands grew to make use of the added space as the fat stretched their pathing for them. Then the layer of thin muscle linking fat to flesh grew and tightened, causing the breasts to firm up and become more jiggly. This is what gives them their shape- without this muscle layer they would be too soft to hold their form. Then acting like a pulley a tendon from the rib cage strengthens a bit more, causing the curvature of the breasts to rise and the breasts to become bouncier. The breasts still sagged downward where they projected the most, causing them to gain their true teardrop shape- the bottoms folded over the chest below while the tops pulled firmly into a bouncy firm slope. Allen could not help but knead his growing breasts. He supposed no one was going to see him in here so it did not matter if he had boobs. Till he called Telah to make his form permanent, any changes he makes will reset when he goes to sleep. Even though they were attached to his own chest, he still spaced out fondling them. His penis tented his pants a bit in attention. As the breasts grew they became more and more visible to him without having to look straight down. They stopped at what looked to be around DD or even E cups! Blushing, he fixated on an erect nipple and cupped the bottom of the breast, seeing if he could roll it upward enough to suck his own tits! A very loud sound went off that almost made him stumble backward over the living room table and give him a heart attack! It sounded like someone trying to break his front door down. Then from behind the door he heard a muffled woman's voice. "AAAAaaaoooow! ....wow. That was dumb, even for me." There was a long pause before a timid knock on the door. "Uh... anyone home?" Allen scrambled to get his shirt off the couch and back on to hide his boobs! Unfortunately he could not pull it on- they were too big! He bowed forward and stretched the front of the shirt out and still could not get them in. He held the shirt with two fingers from both hands and used the rest of his hands to shove inward on the front of his tits to compress them enough to shimmy the top on. His midriff was completely exposed in the front now because there wasn't enough fabric to go around! There was rock hard folds across the front where his nipples were and the shirt was yanked the tightest. It was a good thing his breasts were soft- firmer melons would have just tore the shirt in half, but his squished outward and occupied space other breasts would not have been able to. Though, after getting it on he realized how futile his effort to hide the breasts was- it was still extremely obvious he had boobs. You could be standing half a mile away and still see that he has boobs at a glance. It looked like his shirt might explode if he bumps into anything. Allen opened his front door only a crack and seen an energetic looking woman grinning at him. Even from the front he could see her tail swishing back and forth happily! She wore a tiny sleeveless top but then a black fishnet long sleeve over that, and some jean short-shorts. Her heels were far off the ground but not as far as a hooved creature would be- her legs ended in rather small looking furless paws! Her tops did nothing to conceal her assets- she had eight nipples and areola, but only the top two were hidden under her shirt. The fish net top was transparent so it did nothing to hide anything. She did not seem to have any breasts though, just nipples and areola. The front of her nose stuck out a bit more than normal and was angled forward more, with a black tip that was cool to the touch. The bridge of her nose did not curve toward the end, which made it stand out more than a normal humans, so that its angle was straighter. Her lips were mostly black like the end of her nose, but she had a pink spot on her upper lip. Giving away her species more than anything was her large rounded ears that completely flopped over- unable to lift their own mass. Though she had no fur anywhere on her, her skin was brown on her ears and the spots extended over both her eyes without ever meeting in the middle. She had a large black splotch on her back, and then on her butt she had a black spot on one cheek and a brown on the other, both shaped like half a heart. She isn't a bovine hybrid- she is a Beagle; a dog! "Hehe, I actually already knew you were home because I can smell your scent. I also smell blood too though- you okay in there?" Allen motioned to his nose. "Uh, I think that is you." She touched a finger to her nose and seen the blood! She burst into his house, unintentionally knocking him back since he was trying to block the door from the inside. "Ack! Do you have toilet paper or something?!" Allen quickly got her some tissue paper to clean herself up, and she stuffed the last square into her nostril to block the flow. Allen also quickly closed the door behind her so no one else will notice this house has an owner. Allen cocked an eyebrow at her. "What happened?" Her voice sounded a little odd now with one nostril blocked off. "I was coming to greet you and just as I got to your house a fly or something hit me right in the face and startled me. I ran face-first into your door." "...you must have been running real fast." She held up her hand showing him they were modified too. Though her hand and fingers were shaped perfectly human, the very tip and very base of each finger was a bubble of grey-pink skin, giving her canine paw pads, allowing her to run on all fours without hurting herself. She introduced herself properly now as subject 73, Roxi Roseheart! Her front used to be covered in small boobs, but as more women came to RHEI able to produce milk, Roxi's speed became the more desirable trait. She is now the official messenger of the valley, and was sent on behalf of all the valley residents to welcome Allen to his new life here in paradise! Roxi was no researcher, so she did a better job explaining for Allen the situation here. Most were here to produce milk, given life in paradise in exchange. The other modified males on the island were to service the females- to trick their bodies into thinking they are pregnant or very sexually active so they continue to lactate without actually getting pregnant. She knew Allen was not here for that though- that he was a test subject like the female residents, and told him he would likely have to explain that to others since it is the only case of that ever happening so far. Allen noticed Roxi smile and stare at his chest, but was too embarrassed to say anything. She made a motion to grab his boobs and he quickly moved back out of her reach. "I don't suppose you know anyone who used the 'gummy' tincture?" He poked his right breast causing them to jostle in their cloth prison. "These happened because I don't know how to work it properly..." "Mmmm, that is tricky. There is only two other test subjects who used that. One is subject 100; Dr. Hedgewall, you can find Julie in the valley lab but she is probably doing research right now so I don't know if she would have time to give you a demonstration. The other is 101, and good luck finding her. She inherited the mansion of 01 after she passed away from old age, but she never really uses the place. She crashes at other people's houses, so there is no real way to find her, she just sort of shows up. I guess look for either someone who looks totally human, or someone with four legs and is super tall? She uses the gummy tincture so her form can change at any time, so describing her also doesn't really work, haha." "I guess I would be test subject 102 if I was signed up for a normal test. But because I am under Magistress Reinhart for a new thing, I am subject XY." Roxi nodded, looking a bit absent minded now. "Hmm, I wonder if I was even supposed to tell you my name? Oh well, too late now I suppose. Normally males are the only ones expected to use designation numbers but yours isn't a normal case. You don't service us women so... I dunno. Guess I should have asked first before coming here, hehe." Roxi offered to ask Julie for him if she did not look too busy, and dashed off again to deliver other messages between the residents of the valley. Al wandered his house a little anxious now. At least Roxi already knew he was living here now even though he kept the curtains closed and the lights off- that meant others may know as well. He had a huge pair of tits on his chest now that gave him about a two foot long blind spot directly in front of him where he could not see the ground past them. He could sleep to get rid of these immediately; it would not even matter how long he slept for, just losing consciousness for a moment would do. Except he isn't really tired. There was still a little tent in his pants however. He could try to alter his penis, which seemed to be the primary focus of the XY test anyway, and if he masturbated it would make him tired after and hopefully allow him to sleep and reset. Then he can try to track down either subject 100 or 101. Allen glanced in his closet- there was not much clothing because his transformation wasn't done yet. There was several different sized shirts though, so he decided he would keep his top on. He grinned at his idea. Al was afraid his shirt would be too tight and rip if he moved at all with Roxi here, but now that she left again he sort of wanted to see that happen. He liked the idea of annihilating a shirt entirely with his own body size. Allan flopped onto his bed and shimmied his pants off, not even fully on the bed in the first place he immediately grabbed his dick and concentrated. Because of his tight shirt, his breasts could not flop to the sides and completely eclipsed his view of his penis so he had to concentrate on touch only, trying to visualize bigger in his head. At first it almost felt like it was going flaccid in his hand. He felt like he was getting an erection- the nearly indistinguishable feeling of blood flow collecting quickly to a single point, but his penis felt like it was getting softer. Though it was getting softer, he also noted it was still just as big as it would be fully erect. The veins then pulsed and thickened and stiffened from the increased flow forcing its way inside. He could feel it in his urethra the most, the stretching of the shaft as it got longer. Then he started to feel it in the skin on the surface and then his cock felt like it was tightening again. He could not see any of it, but he could feel with his hands there had to be several inches more than usual at the very least! It was a good deal bigger, and had grown very quickly! He tried to grow it even more as he started to piston his hand faster, but when the speed of growth started to pick up the nerves pulled tighter toward the surface and the spike of pleasure caused him to stop growing it for a moment and start over again- the pleasure was too much. Al gently placed his other hand on the side of a boob and concentrated on those now. He is able to control his body thanks to his tincture, he just needs to figure out how. It was thought, but obviously not just any stray thought- he had to focus on it. The spherical shape of the imprisoned boobs started to get lost and become more oval- they were trying to expand but the fabric could not go any further, so they squished sideways harder. His breathing became shallow as the pressure in his shirt started to compress his ribs. He let go of his penis a moment to reposition his arm on the outside of the curve, as the outside of the left breast was starting to roll over his arm and smiled when he felt the head of his penis bounce on the taught shirt fabric. Feeling around with his left hand he realized his dick was long enough to reach his cleavage! He arched backward which let his penis slip back and fall against his torso, then laid back down which caused it to spear his cleavage from below, which thanks to the shirt was very tight! Al shivered from the sensation and felt both his penis trying to get still bigger and his breasts just on reflex- his body wanting more of this feeling! He watched as the collar suddenly shredded through at the front middle, giving the top of his boobs more room. They billowed up causing his upper cleavage to escape the collar and form a bit of a muffin top! That put more strain on the already ripped fabric and caused the rip to progress downward, which caused more boob to shift upward and grow into the space as it was made available! Now he was bucking his hips to thrust into his own tits, watching the taught rubbery flesh billowing out and shuffling as the shirt continued to rip, putting on a show for him. The skin was shiny from a bit of perspiration- growth made heat, and fat insulated the warmth so it could not escape. Now he could tell his balls were larger from the increased weight when they flopped from his thrusts, and thinking about how much of a turn on that was caused them to surge in size even more! Over half of his boobs were wobbling free of the shirt, sticking out at least twice as far as the lower half still trapped. The further the shirt ripped the harder the tension was pulled across more threads- which actually made it harder to continue to rip. Had it burst at once from the middle out it would have been instant, but because it started at the top it slowed the tearing, which only turned Allen on more. Even though he could feel them, and they felt amazing being squeezed so hard and jiggling around at the same time- his brain still could not fully accept that they were his, so while watching them wobble around it was like watching a woman's boobs, not his own. He could feel his dick rub a bit deeper with every thrust, spreading more precum through the cleavage to create an almost zero friction surface. His balls were so large now that when he thrust up he could feel their weight shift and rest on his ass, then roll back out more when his hips rest back down! Al finally hit climax and arched his back on reflex which caused his dick to pull out more, and throb hard against the inside of the shirt. His cock created a more concentrated point of contention which finally did the shirt in, ripping it completely down the middle which allowed his dick to fly out of the cleavage almost straight up and down as it fired off a massive load! His breasts violently freed rocked downward hard and then sprung back up far enough to almost cover his mouth for a moment before sloshing back onto his chest and wobbling constantly for several minutes. He woke up a bit over thirty minutes later with a smile. He did not even remember going to sleep, but Al certainly remembered what happened leading up to that. He looked down at the torn shirt, the fabric stretched so far out and thought 'wow, that was all me in there'. He sort of wished he had been able to see his dick over it all though. That was the part he is supposed to be changing! Telah's project was to create a hyper endowed male that can cum absurd amounts. She would then use alchemy to refine the calories and protein content of the ejaculate and refine it into a food product. Allen was supposed to produce protein like the women around here make calcium. But unlike most others, he had the power to adjust and craft his own form with his mind to make a perfect body. He had to master the changes though first- since he accidentally gave himself boobs earlier. Since Allen was actually normal again he swapped out his demolished shirt and decided to finally leave the house. Though now it was around dinner time so a lot less people would be out and about. Normal society did not exist on this island though, so not everyone adhered to a three meal a day plan, and some people slept all day and were up all night. The only rule on RHEI was your own enjoyment. Al walked out the shale path that connected his home to others in the shallow grassland hills of the valley. The sunlight was starting to turn golden as it got heavier in the sky. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and sighed. This really was a crazy paradise, and it was all his. Even the 'job' side of things seemed far too good to be true. He was startled by the sound of a woman crying out in surprise behind him though and almost thought it was Roxi again. Allen's house and the next one over were quite close together- divided by a gigantic tree and there was an odd looking woman hanging from its branches! It looked like she had just caught herself mid-fall! Allen scoot up closer to see if she was okay- she was apparently his neighbor. It looked like her grip was slipping and two huge wings spread from her back and started to beat so quickly they seemed to vanish! Al was shoved back by a blast of wind and the sound of humming from the rapid movement of her wings but she stopped a second later when she seen Allen standing there. "Ah... could you give me a b-.... no. Actually, can you just catch me? I know it isn't a long fall but..." His eyes scanned down to her rump where he would have to get under her to catch her and his face started to turn red. Test Subject 57 did not wear any clothing except a poncho and that did nothing to cover her assets because they were not up top. Her vulva was almost right against her anus, shoved back in order to make room. On her lower stomach cradling her navel in their upper cleavage was two DD cup human breasts! Then below that was a goat udder, still two segments but joined in the middle, and larger than the breasts besides- with gigantic cone-shaped teats. But it was not a normal goat udder. Under that was the bottom half of a cows udder! So rather than four segments like a proper cow it was only two- it was fused to the goat udder, so the goat udder made up for what the cow udder lacked. But cows have different proportions, so the udder itself was larger and rounder, but the teats were comparatively much smaller- only about the size of a human thumb. So the cow udder was between and a bit behind her legs, the goat a bit between and in front, and the human breasts sat comfortably on top of that- giving her a cluster of six mounds on her lower body! There was no way she could walk properly! He seen her grip was slipping quickly so he put his embarrassment aside and rushed to catch her. She fell into him and slammed him onto his back, winding him but he broke her fall at least. Allen gasped to get his breath back and his eyes went wide as the next thing he seen was a long blade pointed straight at him! 57 chuckled. "Oops, sorry." The long, sharp chitin blade split into three segments and folded back- they joined her arm at the elbow and encased her forearm and hand normally, when folded completely back they formed a chitin blade again, but off the back of her elbow instead off her hands. In addition to cow and goat, 57's most noteworthy change was also the source of her nickname 'The Mantis'. Her arms had an additional segment of bone, so she actually had two humerus bones and two elbows per arm! The first segment went up, so the second and third segment still bent the same way a human arm normally would, just much farther out from the body than normal. Her hands had a chitin plate on the outside facing side of her fingers, on each segment, but nowhere else. Her toes all had chitin shells protecting them but similar to her fingers, the chitin only went to the base of each toe, where most of her weight would be walking on all fours. Her skin was pale brown but the chitin areas were forest green. She had nine inch segmented antennae from her forehead as well. Her back was covered with two long thin shell segments, and under those translucent insect wings she could use to... sort-of fly. The reason she was made part mantis is because of her endowments down below- she can stand up fine but could only walk using little baby steps in a normal position. So her arms were made to be able to extend extremely long, so she could walk on all fours while also being mostly upright! Her wings could allow her to fly as well, but she was not very stable in the air, so flying very far off the ground became increasingly dangerous the further up she went. So for the most part she only ever used it to hover or jump. Her hair was pale sandy-brown colored and tied in dozens of thin braids, and her iris an odd grey color- like a flash of steel. The breasts on her lower gut were the same color as her skin with dark chocolate brown nipples, but the goat udder segment was more grey-brown, making it closer to black. The goat udder became dappled where it was conjoined to the half cow udder, which was still neon pink. She helped him up with her hand once she flipped the blade around. "I guess you are the new neighbor, my name is Hazel Nu... well, Hazel." "Nu...?" She blushed a bit. "There is no reason for last names here, heh... heh." Al chuckled. "Well, I am Allen Richter." He emphasized his last name a bit. Hazel sighed. "Hazel... Nutmeg." Allen smiled. "That's... cute." She sighed again. "Thanks. Anyway, thanks for the help. I hang out on my roof sometimes but I slipped." "Can't you fly? You have wings." "Eeeh, technically I can fly. They only work straight up and down though, and when I was hanging from the tree the wings were not parallel to the ground, so I would have fired myself sideways, not up. Oh and here comes number 28." Allen turned around and froze up a bit at the sight of the massively endowed beauty as she smiled at Hazel and handed her a book she had borrowed. She spotted Hazel outside and took the opportunity to walk up and return the book. 28 had white hair on one side of her head and black on the other. Her horns were just short spikes and her ears fully bovine. Most of her body looked perfectly human though beside that- except for her chest. She wore a skirt over her lower half but then a girdle around her upper stomach that anchored two titanium rods that acted as support pillars for her tits, cradling the bottoms of them with a soft padded U shaped brace because her spine could not remain upright for long without it. As an earlier experiment, RHE attempted to lean a bit too heavily into cow traits for her mammaries- resulting in both of her breasts entirely converting into cow udders! She had no breasts at all, and rather two proper, full sized cow udders on her chest. They were so strapped for space on her torso that they both faced slightly to either side, pushed that way by the other udder! She gave a slight bow to Al. "Julia Sterling, subject 28, nice to meet you. Careful with Hazel as your neighbor, if you hear something stomping around on your roof it is probably her." "R-right." She was looking at him and he was looking at her, but unlike her, his eyes were deadlocked on hers without moving. There was an awkward pause and an increasingly large smile crossed her face. "You are trying SO hard right now." Hazel wrapped her scythe-blade arms around him from behind as if to shield him from Julia. "Don't tease the poor guy! He is so fresh he doesn't even have any changes yet!" Julia leaned forward so her twin udders almost left their little pedestals and leaned in close to him, cupping their fronts to squish them up. "You can look at them if you want. If I wanted to hide them I would have had RHE ship me custom tops, but I didn't. A lot of people around here are just permanently nude. And once your changes start up, I will probably get to see what you have hidden under your clothes too~" Hazel opened her wings and beat them, blasting Julia with wind, blowing her hair back and making her shiver from the sudden breeze on her udders. Julia giggled and took the hint, leaving the two alone for now. Hazel pat him on the shoulder. "She can be a little out of control sometimes. She is sort of right though, it is like a nudist colony, lots of soft bits flopping around but you get used to it, so it isn't immediately a sexual thing, its just... natural. What are you going to be turning into anyway? If you were a regular breeder you would have appeared on the registry as unavailable till your transformation progressed enough- but your not on the registry at all." "Well that is the thing... what I turn into is sort of in my hands. I am a new type of test subject under Telah Reinhart." Once Al finished explaining situation, Hazel gave him a tour of the surrounding area. Each segment of the valley collected pathways from each home to a pool that acted as a local meeting spot, but each section also had a location unique to it. There was the valley labs in the area south of theirs, a marketplace in their area where home made crafts were traded, and in the area north of theirs was farms. Between theirs and the next was a library, and between theirs and the last was an art gallery. As she seen others catch his eye, Hazel told him the names of other women they passed. The mouse and cow hybrid twins Mint and Pepper, who were tiny but stacked with four breasts each. The monolithic udder of subject 33- Amber Tahltry, which was almost bigger than she was. When they spotted Amber, she was being teased by subject 86- Bernard. He traded for a ribbon to give her, but was making her take it from him, holding it just out of her reach as she tried to reach past her udder, rolling over on top of it so the giant endowment was actually holding her up instead of the other way around. That unintentionally gave Al a great view of her equine rump and the horse udder that was normally hidden in the shadow of the gigantic cow udder. There was even an extremely tall woman who was hybridized with an Oryx! Her chest was devoid of anything, and instead she had a cluster of four breasts in her crotch! Her hair on her head and tail were extremely long and well kept, this was subject lucky 13. Technically Saanvi is Subject 13-2; there was another person who was also 13 before her, but the other was no longer with the living, so pointing out that Saanvi was the second oryx seemed pointless. There are those who would also argue Amber is actually 33-XV, because her body is extreme sized, to the point she cannot function on her own- she requires a modified dolly to move her udder. Mahogany Primrosa is the current RHE Overseer though, and ruled that because Amber does not require to be moved to special containment that she isn't an extreme variant. The researchers remain divided on the subject, but officially she is just 33. Once he returned home it was already time for a late dinner. He had fun with Hazel though, she is a pleasant person to be around- and he did not have as hard of a time diverting his eyes from her endowments, because all hers are down low. Allen had been a bit paranoid he would accidentally start changing himself in public, but since 57 kept them moving around on their tour and always looking at something new, his mind was flipping between thoughts too quickly for the transformation to take anything from. In the evening though, he took out a pen and paper and starting to make some rough sketches. He was terrible at drawing but wanted to sort of plan out a form on paper. Trying to plan a transformation while transforming would mean the form never turns out the way he intended, because the first thing to pop into his head would be the change he gets stuck with till he goes to sleep again. He could feel the pressure in his taint expanding forward as he sat on the couch, his balls drooping a bit with added weight. Right now it was fine even if he screwed it up because he was just going to sleep right after this anyway. He had to think of practicality too- giving himself hooves on his feet at least to help support increased body weight. He had horse genes so it would seem a waste to not give himself increased strength. Allan leaned forward at more of an angle as he continued to make sketches as his thighs and butt cheeks grew massively with taught meat. More and more of his butt cheeks could be seen over his pants. There was a loud hollow pop as his pelvis expanded, sending a shiver up his spine from the odd sensation as his entire body jostled from the sudden adjustment. He could then feel his anus expanding into a large tight ring between his butt cheeks that were further divided now. Al paused his sketches a moment and stood up, remaining bent over, placing his hands on the coffee table now with a grin. He loved the feeling of annihilating his shirt earlier that day... he wanted to try that again with pants this time. He laughed at himself a bit and noted he can't keep doing this or he will run out of clothes quickly. His feet stretched tremendously, forcing him to roll his weight forward onto the fronts as the heels lifted far off the ground. What had been 26 different bones in his foot expanded without moving, causing them to merge together, and then their fused form expand and reshape into the cannon bone of an ungulate. The stretching of what had been the sole of his foot also pulled tight his toes and fused them as well as the nails united and evolved into hooves rapidly, giving him the legs of a lean horse. Leaning more toward a work horse, the muscles in his legs continued to expand which in turn also made his butt increasingly large. He placed one hand on the steep ridge of his hip with a groan. He was perfectly human to the hip, which caused there to be a rather extreme transition where his ass was almost twice as wide as the body it was attached to! His tail bones extended into an actual short tail and started to twitch back and forth on its own as hairs rapidly sprouted and grew into an increasingly long horse tail, the same deep brown as the hair on his head. His pants tore at the waistband, but as the rip was forced further it branched into a Y shape as his thigh muscles yanked the rift down the pant legs. His balls expanded to full horse nuts, going from peach toned skin to bruise purple and then shiny black, pulling the pants forward enough to cause the top part to fall completely limp. He stomped one hoof and then the other and the flexing of his leg muscles demolished the rest of the pants. Allen was pleased at his dominating another article of clothing, but yawned at how tired he was. He had a lot to take in from today, so while he was turned on he decided to just turn in right now. As he slipped into bed he noted how pretty his long horse tail looked swishing behind himself, and flicked it over his muscular tight to gently run his fingers through as he went to sleep. The next day he woke up fairly early, once again fully human. Al got himself some new pants and this day he opened the curtains up wide to let in the sun, but could not actually see anything! It was nothing but white! An extremely dense fog had settled in over the island, so thick that he could not even see the tree between his house and Hazel's, and it was only five feet away from his house. Al had never seen this sort of weather where he came from so he could not help but wander out into it. He was a bit afraid of going too far from his house though at risk of getting completely lost. It felt like wandering around in some sort of dream. The mist was very cool on his skin, and its dampness left millions of beads of dew on everything it made contact with, including Al's hair and clothes. The mist churned as he moved through it. He heard a deep, womanly voice humming softly nearby. "I built a castle out of my dreams~ when I woke it tore at the seams~" Allen looked around and seen out of the corner of his eye a figure moving through the fog. They were more than two feet away so the mist hid them entirely, but he could still see where they were from the movement of the fog itself. When he walked up his heart jumped a moment thinking he was looking at a ghost in the mist. Her skin was unusually pale, and her hair was white as snow! She turned to him with half-lidded eyes and then smiled timidly. Since Al was no a very tall man, she was the same height as he is. "You must be the new guy, huh? Test Subject 101, at your service!" She took his bewildered hand and shook it. "The name is Io."
The air raid sirens were going off and already the panic had been installed for a good five minutes, given the sheer size of the threat at hand. In the distance, a giant figure made its way closer and closer to the downtown area, its screaming and moaning loud enough to rattle windows out of their frames and nearly pierce through eardrums, its heavy footsteps quaking the earth and breaking through the streets into the piping and foundations below. It wreaked a path of destruction wherever it passed, and yet, at the same time, the only people running away from it where the ones that weren’t yet close enough to realize that there was no point; in fact, why should they run away when turning towards this supposed “danger” and succumbing to it was probably far more worthy of their time? The giantess making her way through the city had long since given up even trying to be subtle about it, letting loose every yowl and ecstatic shout that her lust-addled mind conjured up, barely even in control of her own actions after the sudden growth spurt that had left her in her current state. Where once there had been a chemical laboratory, now there was nothing more than a crater with a long, deep groove in the ground through where Boo had dragged herself, her new body blossoming beautifully as it kept on growing in every direction with each step that she took. The serum had done a number of on her, especially given her already quite sizeable assets; she’d only expected it to add a few more cup sizes, perhaps another foot or two to her shaft down below, but instead ended up exploding from her workplace when her body burgeoned outwards to an absolutely insane degree. At the very least, she did end up getting exactly what she wanted in terms of a size boost… in addition to a couple more rows of breasts on her chest, a sudden problem with hundreds of gallons of milk being produced every minute inside of them, a pair of extra rods appearing next to her first one as all three extended to become longer than her tauric torso was, and her balls splitting into a quad-sack that was the main reason why the road behind her had been transformed into a long trench. Add to that the fact that she had become tall enough to see over most buildings, and her pawbs alone were massive to the point where a single bean was enough to reduce a large truck to a metallic pancake, and she had every ingredient for a recipe destined to make her lose her mind; that this was just the first second of her journey was nothing short of maddening, and indeed things just got worse (or better, all thing considered) once she mindlessly turned towards the center of the city and started walking, perhaps under the assumption that she would find someone to help her there. It seemed that with each step she took, Boo’s situation deteriorated so much that she had no other recourse but to open her mouths and moan like it was the best thing that ever happened to her, every sensory neuron in her body flaring at the same time and overloading her pleasure centers to such a degree that it was doubtful whether there was even any Boo in there at all, or some sort of primal, animalistic creature ruled entirely by desire and baser instincts. Whatever the case, she kept walking, her paws digging into the ground and smashing apart any car that happened to be in the way, her enormous and bloating cum factories dragging behind her and clearing away anything that didn’t get out of the way quickly enough. Not a hundred yards were cleared before she felt something odd underneath her tauric torso, a series of pinpricks that quickly became inflamed spots spaced evenly across the bottom of her body, tiny nubs that swelled and grew and filled with sweet milk as extra rows of heavy, laden breasts sprouted from beneath her, approaching the ground at an alarming pace even when they were in full flow and already flooding the entire sewer system just from the first gushes alone. Before she even knew it, Boo was barely able to move at all, and not just because those six extra rows of breasts were already so heavy and full that they smushed against the ground and bulged out so hard they began to ride up the side of their flanks; no, the main problem, unbelievably enough, was that her three cocks had absolutely nowhere to go but between those milky monsters, resulting in each step the taur took turning into a threefold titfuck between six wobbly, warm and unthinkably tight cleavages, and that… that was a problem for everyone in front of her, given that the productivity of her milk factories was only matched by that of the cumtanks still bloating behind her. While both heads were a bit busy being thrown back and having their tongues loll out of their mouths in the middle of a cracked smile, occasionally their minds snapped back to reality for just long enough that they could look down, appreciate how much they changed from the last time they did so a few seconds prior, and then trigger yet another growth spurt when the sheer arousal from recognizing their size was enough to make it go out of control yet again, gaining enough in such a short time that even the buildings on either side of the road she was on were soon insufficient to keep her contained, toppling away from her after the giantess’ body became much too big, much too immense for simple mortal-built structures to endure… all while both heads continued to make such undignified noises that, were Boo to still be in possession of their mental faculties, they might have actually been embarrassed by them. Instead, they found that enhancing the experience was the main goal for that day, and though it pained them to remove their hands from within the folds of their milk-stuffed udders where they had been quite for quite a while, each focused on finding one person they could grab in order to help share the pleasure they themselves were feeling. It wasn’t too hard, all things considered; while people far away might be running from the walking disaster area, not understanding that it was a worthless endeavour, those few who were close enough to be able to touch her had been doing so for a while, some even going so far as to climb onto her body for ease of transportation, while a select minority had given up all semblance of reasonable thought and threw themselves into her cleavages or onto her cocks, hoping perhaps to gain a measure of their size and power. In due time. As for the two people blessed with being caught by the giantess’ grabby, greedy paws, those would be introduced to the time of their lives on the very tip of Boo’s cocks, biology and physics no longer mattering when it came to fulfilling the colossus’ desires; something about her constantly-spewing cum made the little ones she was holding onto surprisingly stretchy, so much so that not only did she manage to actually fit inside of them, but found their bodies to be malleable enough to take the full length of her shafts… or at least the bits of them that were poking out from the front of her cleavages. Two living, furry condoms whose cries and begs for more were so loud that they somehow managed to reverberate over the cacophony of slorshing and gurgling emanating from the rest of the giantess’ body, constantly demanding that she stretch them out even more, regardless of how much they became one-percent themselves ninety-nine percent Boo’s cockmeat. Even better, though her central one wasn’t being “used” per se, having its neighboring twins so vigorously worked and serviced like that made for some wonderful second-hand stimulation, allowing it, and by extension Boo, to experience the same degree of ridiculously intense and unbelievably powerful pleasure that led to her two living cum balloons to be bloated to an impossible degree within a matter of mere seconds; they weren’t even dumpsters so much as they were blimps, used as living disposal for the absurd quantities of spunk that she was producing, and leaving the taur wondering whether or not she should attach someone to each of her nipples, keep them nice and drained that way. Meanwhile, everyone else both on and around her suddenly had to contend with the side-effects of being near a chemically-induced giantess sex beast with no control over her own fluids and an intense desire to spread as much of her love as possible. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone that something like Boo’s growthsplosion was contagious, and yet every single person affected by it had to stop and look at themselves as if to confirm that yes, indeed, it was actually happening to them too. Whether it be a splash of milk or some of the cum being fired from the one unoccupied shaft (or the copious amounts drooling from out of the two lucky people used as cum balloons on the other two), simple contact with the giantess’ fluids was enough to trigger a similar response in their own bodies, though depressingly enough not to the same explosively gigantic degree, and even worse, not even in any consistent manner: some would become taurs as well, regardless of their previous physiology, while others simply gained an extra pair of arms or an oddly-jointed set of legs. A few were lucky enough to sprout breasts and shafts in enough number to crowd their forms and keep them from even so much as moving, but most merely experienced uncontrollable growth in what they already had on them; it might have been enough to make it hard to go anywhere, thus giving them an even better reason to climb onto Boo and never leave, but it still wasn’t as gloriously excessive as it was for those lucky bastards who won the genemodding lottery and were thoroughly corrupted into miniature-scale copies of the titanic tauress they were riding on. As for Boo herself, there really wasn’t a lot left inside of her that could justify talking about it. Everything but her base instincts had been quashed by the knowledge and sensations that came with outsizing entire buildings, especially when her tauric undercarriage grew so massive that she became stuck on a stretch of road… and then promptly collapsed the structures on both side of it in order to keep going, mindlessly heading towards the center of the city in some vain attempt at finding a cure for a condition that she wasn’t even sure she wanted to rid herself of anymore. When else would she experience the kind of growth where she could barely even reach her body-length dicks because of how enormous the tits on her chest were, all while her tauric half was having trouble dragging itself from place to place, not necessarily because of how heavy those udders were, but because of their size: the giantess found that she was no longer able to reach the ground properly at all, being unable to fully plant her paws down, forced to rely on her tip-toes and whatever momentum she could gain by pushing herself off of whatever buildings survived her rubbing up against them. Soon enough, even this wouldn’t be possible. She tried avoiding it, in her own way. She tried rubbing her legs up against her swelling tits, even though she didn’t have enough of the former for the latter, tried thinking as many sexy thoughts as her addled mind could remember to have in order to force herself to lactate as hard as possible. Tried to remember to take heavy steps in order to squeeze those things dry… but it just wasn’t enough. They filled up too quickly, grew too uncontrollably, and as much as she tried to get up and move her immense self closer towards the city’s center, there came a point where even the tips of her toes couldn’t even graze the ground at all, let alone push her towards anywhere. She was well and truly stuck atop a bed of breasts from which literal rivers of milk emanated, who knew how many gallons of her sweet cream being jettisoned out from her truck-sized nipples while still being woefully inadequate to deal with the copious amounts being produced inside of her; maybe, if she was still inside of her laboratory and in full control of her mental faculties, Boo would’ve found this to be alarming, panic-worthy even. But out here, so long after her overdose and about a mile past the point where she stopped caring, it was nothing more than the best thing that could’ve happened to her, the perfect cap to an explosive episode that could not have ended in any better way: herself, with twelve stuffed tits underneath her, each so big that she’d have trouble heaving it up, together conspiring to lift her off the ground and keep her very much pinned down where she lay. It was all she could ask for. … of course, things didn’t just stop there because she was satisfied at that moment. She was a creature of pleasure now, and as such demanded an ever-higher amount of stimulation for a brain that grew accustomed to whatever she was like at any given moment, setting the bar higher and higher while her body kept being more than happy to deliver. If the tits beneath her tauric torso were enough to lift her into the air, the ones on her chest were burgeoning outwards to reach her destination ahead of her, barrelling through countless tons of steel, concrete and rebar as they took up an increasing amount of her field-of-view, filling up with even more delicious milk than the ones underneath her. All the while, the quad-nuts she’d been dragging behind her had taken a cue from her milk-makers and became so engorged that they would’ve prevented Boo from moving all on their own, while the tri-shafts they were servicing continued to girthen up and lengthen to the point where they not only matched up to the six rows of taur-tits they were stuck between, but superseded them, keeping the three rods perpetually turgid and the two fortunate souls stuck on their end filled with an amount of spunk that no mortal should be able to hold. Their tiny bodies, tiny even after being bloated, tiny when compared to the colossal monster that was Boo, had been stretched and elongated until their original selves barely accounted for a percentual point of their full mass. They were a torso, head and pair of legs attached to a cumgut, that’s what mattered with them: their ability to hold more and more of Boo’s spunk, to beg and squeak and moan for her name as they demanded to be filled even harder, even when it was obvious that there just wasn’t any more room left anywhere. Then again, if there wasn’t any room, then Boo would simply… make more. Her body was still growing, her assets even more so, and if she already barely fit on a road before becoming immobile, it was only a matter of time until she was overtaking the whole damned city at the rate she was going now. With her four legs stuck stimulating her udders (coincidentally leading them to produce even more) and her arms doing much of the same to the racks on her chest, her haunches pistoning her cocks into her very own cleavages and her whole body practically vibrating as it went through growth spurt after growth spurt, was it any surprise that most of the city was either evacuating or heading directly towards her by the end of the hour? No one knew when it would end, but they did know that it was good, it was right, and if they were going to make good use of it while it lasted, they had to do so as quickly as possible. Thus, while plenty of folks took their chances with the vehicle-clogged roads filled with people trying to escape the wrath of the growing giantess, many more had turned around and willingly given themselves to her, joining the ranks of thousands upon thousands of souls who had found a good spot on her body, climbed up, and enjoyed the bliss and ecstasy that came from riding the same growth wave as their new mistress. Boo herself was barely cognizant of any of this, both of her heads stuffed into a breast of their own, revelling in the sloshing of ocean-strength currents roiling inside. She had transcended pleasure, or at least her brain had stopped processing it properly from the sheer overload, leaving her instead feeling like she had reached some sort of enlightenment, a kind of perfection… at least until her mind recalibrated itself and gave her a few seconds of raw, unfettered carnal enjoyment the likes of which she had never experienced before, a cycle that, while she was only vaguely aware of, Boo nonetheless viscerally looked forward to in every waking moment. Air raid sirens were going off in the distance. News helicopters circled Boo’s still-growing body, eventually keeping it lit with spotlights once the sun began to go down. All throughout the world, millions tuned in to the biggest news of the day: that of a whole city being destroyed by a rampaging, out of control hyper, one whose corruptive influence was so powerful that it stopped anyone trying to put an end to her rule, yet one so loving and caring that many more willingly helped her become even larger, with no end in sight to her growthsplosion, not even when a single one of her colossal, stuffed udders became so immense, so unbelievably massive, that its nipple alone could obscure the entire metropolis… or at least what it used to be, now that it had been reduced to rubble. And still she grew. Never to stop.
Title: The Adventures of Shock and Rock III by Klesk Vadrigaar Tags: Arctic Fox, Female, Hyper, M/F/F, M/M, Macro, Magic, Male, Mild Violence, Muscle, Panther, Raccoon, Skunk, growing, rampage **The Adventures of Shock and Rock** ***What Belongs in a Museum....should stay there.*** **\_ \_** "...and so, honored guests and patrons of the Si-Te-Cah Institute, I present to you the latest addition to our cultural and natural history. Additions which you yourselves have made possible, behold, the Masks of Kingcome!" From my vantage point high above, I watch as Laura throws the lever and the curtains rise off of several glass cases. There is the expected commotion of oohs and ahhs as the collected morphs gaze upon the new treasures the good folk at Micro-Optimum have unearthed, before everyone applauds our bowing emcee for permitting them this honored first look. "Please, please, it's you who deserves the applause I insist! Thanks to your generous investments and continued efforts to keep our archeological projects running we've been able to reclaim almost the entire collection of these ceremonial masks. I invite everyone here tonight to gaze upon the fruits that our combined labors have born. Please, enjoy yourselves!" The ringtail lauds, beaming as her words bring a light to all eyes and a lump to a good few throats of the various museum goers. It makes it that much easier for her to then turn off the podium mike and quickly rush off the stage to grab her ear bud, glasses and a much needed drink. "You certainly know how to spin the bullshit." I quietly whisper as Rock appears clutching two water towers filled with champagne. "Yeah well, whatever it takes to keep them happy and their wallets open." The ringtail mutters as she downs the contents of her glass then swaps it for a full one off the trays now doing the rounds. "We need the extra funding, and whatever else these tycoons can toss our way now more than ever, what with the on-going thefts from our overseas labs that've been gumming up the works and other more recent events." I take a sip of my own drink as Laura balances her glass on the vast expanse of her chest and does a few stretches, the fatigue from having to play hostess showing with each creak and groan. "Well hopefully tonight's little sting operation should solve at least one of those issues, if we're lucky." "We'll be lucky, Shock. Such rare gems of the past are far too tempting a prize for any thief to pass up." Rock muses, watching as the museumgoers gaze and natter in wonder at the richly decorated headwear. "I think a more pressing question is is it really safe to let such artifacts into the public domain?" "Probably not, but frankly we don't have any alternatives at present." Laura slips on her specs and sighs. "At any rate, I only have to keep this up for two more hours. Then we can turn everything over to you and the police, and I can go back to working on the Bustress." I quickly bite down on the rim of the water tower, the unyielding taste of metal in my mouth serving to mute my bubbling giggles. "Still so raw about that are we?" "Hey, she's showing promising results under me. Been nearly four months since her initial rampage and she's still happy as a clam out in the sink with her original team. Hasn't held back anything on what she did to...ahem...'improve' on my design and shows every bit of enthusiasm towards helping us crack the secret of artificially induced bodily growth." Laura proudly declares, taking a triumphant swig from her glass. "I thought we'd lucked out with how well Gon is responding to his treatment but we may actually be looking at the prospect of rehabilitating two full macros here. Even you can't deny that's an attractive thought." Rock and I keep politely sip at our champagne, each of us daring the other to make the first reply. "We do..." Rock finally begins. "We just worry what you're getting up to in order to make such happen." Even from a mile below us we can feel that immediate pin prick of a dark glare. A glare only our dear, extremely busty ringtail could possibly conjure up. Fortunately my skunk and I have worked with Laura for long enough that we've earned the right to occasionally bust her chops, so with a winning smile from each of us the ringtail just sighs and raises her glass for a toast. "To furthering the harmony of giants and little folk, no matter the cost." "To us and to you, with deepest sympathies to all assigned as your own private test subjects." I proclaim, bringing us all to laugh as we share a drink together. "Anyway, enough schmoozing with the giant superheroes. We've got fans out here to tend to and you've got a ripe bank account quickly zeroing in on your six." Laura turns around to behold a cobra herm slithering her way through the throng of morphs. Clad in scarlet scales and a shimmering purple evening dress the naga girl cuts a most eye-catching visage as shi approaches, most prominently because shi actually meets up with Laura while the two of them are still at five paces, the enormity of their breasts bridging the distance between them. "I do apologissse for interrupting you, but I couldn't help notisssing your fine tassstesss in wardrobe up there on the podium. There'sss ssscant few I've ssseen who not only have your figure but alsssso favor original Garibaldi threadsss." The serpent hisses softly. Laura cocks a perplexed eyebrow, then glances down at the blue backless number that's being so cruelly taxed by her while simultaneously getting battered around by the giant snake tits rubbing against it. "Well I don't know if I favor them per se, I just find them practical to wear for events such as this." She responds. The serpent looks most pleased. "Ssso you find them comfortable in addition to durable?" Shi asks. Laura tugs at her dress and shrugs when the material vehemently refuses to give despite the dual mammary assault, and the reinforcements that're added when the serpent's third bulge presses so sweetly into her lower regions. "Yes, actually it's quite comfortable. Though, if you'll forgive my asking, what interest is it to you, Miss...." Laura extends her paw, and gets a fit of hissy giggles. "Eleanor Garibaldi, the one you have to thank for making such fitting attire. You and your friendsss there that isss" The snake replies, hir forked tongue briefly getting caught in her teeth as she stifles more giggles from our ringtail's surprise. "And my interesstssss sssstem from a few wordsss that found their way to me resssently: about how there are other sssuch folk asss yourssself at Micro-Optimum in need of comfortable attire while they work to better life for usss all. I wish to dissscusss allowing my company to be your primary ssssupplier for work uniformsss and lab gear." Laura seems to finally realize she's been standing with her jaw resting upon her chest the whole time this serpent has been making her offer. Gently pushing it closed she offers her paw again, noticeably this time with more enthusiasm. "Well in that case, my name's Laura and I'd be happy to discuss such a proposition. Care to walk and talk?" The snake tenderly takes the offered paw, planting a delicate kiss on it. Laura blushes and quietly leads hir away to where they can natter freely. It's fine by us as we can trade nods and hushed snickers without fear of repercussions while posing for photos from the flocking crowds outside the museum. The party runs its course rather uneventfully from then on. We sign autographs, flex to let a few thousand more cameras immortalize our beefy bods clad in the new costumes Miss Eleanor is apparently to thank for, and provide additional visual entertainment till the fun and games draw to a close. "All right that's the last of them. Place is all yours." Laura replies in relief as the remaining patrons leave. "I'll check in as soon as I'm back and logged in, though I may possibly be a little slow in responding." The ringtail swallows as Eleanor approaches, offering her arm and blushing when the snake accepts. I'm admittedly more intrigued than I am concerned. "Fine by us. We've got police back up for this one so we should be set." I reply, tossing the lightning ball I've been toying with for the fans into the sky then carefully closing the museum roof (like all public buildings it's hinged on one side so we can simply flip it up if either Rock or I need to glance at what's happening inside). "Roger that. She should be here shortly. I'm signing off for now." Laura departs with her serpent and Rock and I do a quick survey of the square. From our vantage point all seems fairly clear, though neither of us accepts that at face value for even a second. Ironically while 400 feet may afford a perfect view for covering the exterior of a location, it puts us at rather a disadvantage for trying to catch someone who's indoors. It's thus why we need a normal sized point of view for this particular operation, and fortunately one soon becomes available when a police cruiser pulls up behind the museum and out steps an arctic fox. "Shock? Rock? I'm Detective Rachel Graham, KCPD. Reading me up there?" The vulpine inquires. Tapping my specs I zoom in on her as she flashes a badge pinned to her vest. "Shock here, getting you loud and clear. You're our inside eyes and ears for the evening?" I inquire. "Affirmative on that. My job's keeping the exhibit under close guard while you two patrol the outside." Rachel slides a card through the service entrance key reader and steps into the museum. I kneel and watch through the windows as she goes about setting alarms and checking the building's systems. "What's the initial report on things?" "All's clear so far. We've kind of been hoping you could give us a bit more background on who it is we're expecting to turn up tonight." Rock replies while I kneel and press my face against the glass, watching as the detective reaches the exhibit hall containing the masks and maps out the room. "He calls himself "Ombre de Argent", roughly translated, "The Silver Shadow". Based on what we've gathered from the previous theft at your branch in Ottokan he's a coyote, roughly mid-20's with quite the talent for acrobatics and a keen eye for all the valuable relics your company has been digging up. Unfortunately we've got nothing concrete on motive just yet, but we believe he's either a former employee of Micro-Optimum or possibly working with an inside source as so far he's managed to best every manner of security your company has." The white vulpine lightly taps her foot on one of the pressure plates built into the floor around the displays, smiling when it sinks slightly to show it's now armed. Should anyone try to approach the masks in the normal manner, they'll quickly find themselves immersed in a thick cloud of knock out gas. Seeing this makes me smile too, though for very different reasons. "That's it?" I ask. "That's all I'm allowed to reveal for now. I trust you understand that, as this is an ongoing police investigation, there are a few facts I've been asked to keep confidential." I turn to Rock and gesture to my glasses. He in turn smirks and takes the lead. "We understand the police issue just fine, we're just perplexed since we're all working for the same company on this particular operation." My darling skunk replies. The vixen halts as a shadow swallows her up. Hesitantly she turns around to view our faces taking up the entirety of the windows. "Don't get us wrong, we can tell you're very much a well carried enforcer of the law, however not every law enforcer was made aware of the Ottokan theft, nor does every officer carry a badge etched with a Micro-Optimum ID tag that only shows up on an infra-red scan. There's also the little issue that you seem quite familiar with all the added security that was installed yesterday, such as that pressure plate, despite not having a floor plan or any notes to hand." Rock continues. Rachel looks down at the floor again, now realizing her exquisite attention to detail has caught her out. I merely take a back seat and let my beloved mephit play Sherlock. "Now taking into account you didn't bring any back up with you it's pretty obvious you've been tailing this 'Ombre' character for a while, enough to be trusted to deal with him on your own. That fits since, if, as you say, he has an inside angle, the most reasonable option would be to send another inside agent to counter his efforts. Add to that the doubt hanging on your previous words and I think we can safely say there's more to tell than just the official police issue spiel." Rock smiles warmly, bringing the white vulpine to sigh and fold her arms. "So, adding it all up, you're clearly here at the behest of the company and not the police, thus there's little need for secrecy." "Yes well, regardless, I'm a cop first and an inside agent second....it's just Micro-Optimum pays far too well for me to refuse side-jobs like this." Rachel shrugs. Rock and I both snicker. "If you honestly must know, yes I've been following this guy ever since he first broke into that dig site of yours up in Korstein and made off with the scepter you recovered. Seemed like nothing more than simple burglary at the time, except none of the feelers I put out were able to report any sightings of it on the black market. From then on it's been the same thing, he'll take something of immeasurable value and it'll just vanish off the face of the earth. If he isn't selling them off for profit, there's gotta be something else afoot here." "And how do you know it's always the same morph perpetrating each theft? Plenty out there who'd give their right paw to get their...well, right paw on the treasures we've been finding." I query. Rachel withdraws a business card, shaped like a coyote's print, and holds it up for my perusal. "He leaves one of these at the scene of every crime, this one he actually dropped right into my lap, after handcuffing me to a pole and making his escape." Rachel glowers while clenching a fist. "Can't believe I actually let him get that close and yet still lost him!" I zoom in on the card, noting the print is clearly that of a foot, and has been painted with some type of reflective finish so it gives off a silvery aura in the pale moon light. "Bit of a personal angle on this case then, detective?" Rachel looks away, though there's nary a flicker of denial in her body language. "Maybe....a little bit." She puts away the card away and sighs. "I need to check all the other exits and entrances are secured. You two got the outside covered?" "Every inch from roof to ground." I reply. Rachel adjusts her clothes and heads off into the other wings of the museum while Rock and I stand vigilantly around the perimeter, sweeping our gaze across the bright lights of the city and seeing all there is to see. "May want to keep the fans at bay though. He could use them as a distraction to slip by us." I venture as the ground continues to mass with morphs wanting to see what the two titans of the city are up to. "Good thinking....although...." Rock hmmms as he makes the perimeter of rose bushes around the museum grow about eight feet higher, limiting our adoring public to the sidewalks outside. "I dunno, the more I think about it, the more preferable the idea of letting him make the heist sounds. At least then the contingency plan would kick in and make things a heck of a lot easier." I meditate on the possibility, tossing another small ball of lightning between my paws. My skunk speaks true about the facilitation aspect, though what would happen as a result still gives me pause. "Perhaps, but I'd rather not push our luck. Sure he'd be easier to catch, but he'd also be a lot more dangerous. Speaking of which..." I tap my specs. "Rachel, you about done with your check-ups?" "Affirmative, Shock. I just need to head to the monitoring room for a second then I'll return to the masks. Place looks to be locked pretty tight on the doors, nothing that can be easily picked. Anything happening on the roof?" Though I know it'll make no difference I scan the top of the museum. "Nothing, but I don't think he'll be using the roof to get in either. Too easy to be spotted by one of us." Rachel growls in frustration. "Well there's gotta be something we're missing. Hmmm..." I see her pass by one of the windows, paws noticeably still clenched as she tries to think of any other way this thief might be able to get the drop on her again. "Did your contact at Micro-Optimum mention anything else about the nature of this operation?" I ask. The vulpine looks at me through the glass. "Nothing besides we've basically set up the whole museum as one giant trap for our mutual grievance, and really that's about all I needed to hear to agree to do this. Why?" I debate for a moment on whether to follow, and decide it best since, as Rock said, we're in this together and shouldn't be keeping secrets. "Well, if it'll put your mind anymore at ease, even if dear Ombre succeeds we've still got...." *WEE-OOH! WEE-OOH! WEE-OOH!!* \_ \_ \_ \_ We all jump as the museum suddenly blazes with red lights and wailing klaxons. "Wha? Never mind, we'll talk later. Get to the masks!" Rachel tears off back in the direction of the new exhibit wing. I take a moment to follow, having been cleanly winded by first the noise, then the apparent notion that despite my best efforts, Ombre has still somehow slipped past. By the time I've stepped back over, Rock has already unlocked the roof and lifted it up, revealing that although the alarm has been tripped, the masks are mercifully undisturbed. Praise be that I can now let my pride suffer from the harsh truth that someone has managed to defy my superior eyes and ears without worrying about additional repercussions. Seconds later Rachel charges in, disarms the alarm then tries the lights. The results aren't favorable so she flicks her gun's flashlight on and takes aim. We all scan every last inch of the wing, but neither I nor my skunk can see any other morphs. "He can't have split, can he?" I say. "Not likely, not if his prizes are still here." Rachel responds. Swiftly she kicks the door shut and calls out. "Alright Ombre, been a nice game of hide and seek we've played till this point but tonight is where it ends. I've got a view of every exit from this room and the two very large males with me have both the roof and the entirety of the grounds outside covered. There's no where for you to run!" For a second silence reigns, but then comes the rhythmic beat of slow, admiring applause. "*Magnifique, ma fleur blanche. Magnifique."* A lowly accented voice echoes from the darkness. "*Et pour vous aussi, cher tuteurs.* Clearly I have been making the rounds of the company boardroom if they're now sending their biggest assets after me." Handing the roof to me, Rock leans in to try and spy any movement, any sign of a being in the midst of the exhibit area. Unfortunately this quickly proves another instance of where size can work against us as he just serves to keep the room in almost pitch blackness, his wide spanning back blocking all light from the moon. "My express congratulations to whomever had the idea of installing the laser net across the ceiling instead of the floor this time. Thought for sure I'd mapped every one of your little tricks but still you manage to surprise." Rachel growls as she nears another light switch and tries it. Still nothing but taunting clicks. "Ah yes, I do apologize but I came across the main fuse box for this place on my way in and...well temptation makes fools of us all." Ombre replies. "For the better really, now perhaps we can actually talk this over for once, *non?"* \_ \_ \_ \_ Something catches Rachel's eye, and, to our combined surprise, she proceeds to blast away into the darkness. "Guess not. How tragic." A rustle echoes from elsewhere in the exhibit and the vixen shoots up another poor wooden panel. I'm now mildly concerned that our means to catch this thief may end up costing the museum more than said thief is. "Um, Rachel, we are aiming to take this guy in alive, right?" I say as the arctic vixen whirls around and tracks her gun across the far side of the room. "They're just stun darts. Nothing fatal." Rachel retorts, eyes glowering as she keeps trying to find her prey in the dark labyrinth of displays. "Well be that as it may, there's a lot of valuable, not to mention fragile stuff in there so still.....hmm, never mind. Shock, can you reach the chandelier?" Rock asks. I stare questioningly, but soon get the gist when he gives me a wink. Pulling the large beaded ornament free from the ceiling I cut through the power cables with my claws, then press the exposed wires to my thumb. "Shield your eyes detective, this is going to be bright!" I proceed to feed the lights a massive amount of juice. In an instant the interior of the museum erupts with an almost heavenly white aura, the lightbulbs audibly hissing with the strain of carrying so much voltage. Quickly I peer into one of the windows and behold the now perfectly lit room, just as something begins to inch it's way up from behind one of the display cases. "Okay Rachel, to your left, main display!" I say. With seasoned precision, the arctic vixen turns and locks on her target. The shape, realizing it's been caught, breaks the glass case open and attempts to grab the mask inside, so the dear vixen duly responds by firing away again. Ombre abandons his reach and ducks under the first volley, darting from the display to the far side of the wing. "Grrr, give it up, Ombre! You're not escaping me this time!" "*Ohh mon cherie,* when the time comes I'd wish to be caught by no one else than yourself. *Malheureusement,* I fear I must remain at large for a bit longer." He dodges another shot behind one of the columns, out of sight from what's visible through the windows. As Rachel gives pursuit he zips to another column then another, leading her on another goose chase around the room, till finally the lightbulbs can take no more of my super charging and blow out. "DAMMIT!" Rachel screams as the room plunges back into darkness again. "Now I can't see anything till my eyes adjust!" She rubs at her face, blindly stumbling back towards the broken display. Scanning the room again, I spot something emerging from the shadows and make another mad dash for the mask. There's no time for us to think, instinct acts on its own. Rock slams his fist into the ground to trigger a very localized earthquake, while I zero in on Ombre and flick a low powered bolt of lightning at him. It's a quick but effective response, and it'd have worked beautifully if not for one thing: by the time both our attacks hit, the guy's already closed the distance between him and the case, while Rachel is still between them. As such when he loses his footing he goes flying into her stomach, and she gets tackled into the case, with the two of them ending up in a crumbled mess of shattered glass and wooden splinters. "Oooh, oops." Rock meeps. "Umm, Rachel are you okay?" Much coughing and groaning issues from under the quivering Ombre as our dear vixen pushes him off. "Yeah, \*cough\* rather frazzled and short on \*cough\* breath, but I'm good." I tap my specs and zoom in on Ombre. As theorized he is indeed a coyote, and certainly as silver as they come. His fur, what I can see of it under the high-tech sneak suit he's wearing, practically shimmers in the moonlight, almost as if it were metal rather than fur. Looking at him I'm suddenly beset by some old memories, some reclamation of my past self before I became a lightning god, and my suspicions about him increase exponentially. "Well he's yours for the taking now. Want me to hold him down while you get the cuffs.....out..." My voice stills as Rachel extracts herself from the destroyed display piece, and reveals that in the hassle the mask has slid off its mount and onto her. "Um....Rachael, I think you've got something on your face." *"Oui,* permit me to take care of that for you, *ma gendarme belle."* I whip around to see Ombre back on his feet and running to the vixen. Quickly I move to grab him but no sooner have I raised my paw than he's suddenly reversed course and flown clear across to the other side of the room. "Wha?" Rachel blinks, staring through the mask in utter bewilderment as her target slowly regains consciousness from the 100 yard flight. Looking down at her arm, the vixen gasps as she sees the muscles on it have swollen to almost three times their normal size. Shivering at this, she checks her other arm and sees it's bulking up too. In fact her whole body has started to pack on additional might. "What is this?" I swallow heavily, dread mixing with fascination as I answer. "That's the contingency plan." The arctic vixen gasps, watching herself getting bigger by the second. Her clothes start to creak and fray, seams popping as she tentatively flexes. Her now bowling ball sized biceps burst right through both her shirt and her jacket, finishing off the rest of her sleeves when she flexes again and they're joined by the watermelon size triceps. "This...This..." She looks down and murrs deliciously at the sight of her breasts also expanding outward. "This is incredible!" "Indeed..." Rock responds, clearly as amazed as the rest of us. Rachel attempts to get up from the display wreckage, only to stumble and fall back on her butt as the rapid growth of her legs throws off her balance. Her pants are soon reduced to shreds as striated, white furred muscle surges forth from within, her foot paws pushing the other displays over as they get longer and larger. "But it's kind of throwing a wrench in the plan here. Can you get the mask off your face?" "Hmm?...uh right..." Rachel reaches up and tries to remove it, though the task is impeded by the fact that her fingers have now swollen to the size of train cars and the mask itself isn't growing with her. Inevitably her effort only succeeds in dislodging it so it falls into her chest and is promptly swallowed up by her cleavage. "Damn...s-sorry." She tries to dig it out, and murrs even louder when her vest breaks apart to let her tits swell out. "Ooooh....can't concentrate....feels too good!" I'm further intrigued, heck if there weren't more pressing matters to hand I'd actually want to watch this play out. Rock and I have had the inside dirt on the true nature of the masks for a while, but never have either of us gotten to see one in action. Sadly right now it looks like we gotta pick up the slack here as a check on Ombre shows he's come round from the crash against the wall. "Don't even..." I start, right before he flips to his feet and makes a renewed attempt for the growing vixen. This time however she proves useful in her predicament as one of her feet hits the pressure plate and throws up a wall of knock out gas between her and the coyote. Seeing we've still got the roof open, Ombre fires a grappling hook from his suit into a hole I now notice has been drilled into one of the panels (his point of entry perhaps?) and attempts to lift himself up and over this obstacle. I promptly slam the roof back down on the museum, nearly catching my skunk's fingers in the process. "Ack! Shock, what are you doing?" "Hopefully that should incapacitate him, since the gas can't dissipate." I explain. Rock looks uneasy. "And what of our dear vixen when she ends up growing too big for the room to contain her?" He asks. "......ahhhh." I bleat weakly, realizing the slight flaw in my plan. Hearing a thunk and a yelp of pain from inside the museum I hastily try to get the roof open again, only to be knocked off my feet when two giant footpaws kick down one of the walls and nail me in the shins. Down I go over the rose bushes to a crashing collapse in the street and the park outside. Rolling over and rubbing my legs, I watch in dismay as two black furred fists punch out the windows, knocking Rock for a loop as they reach up and tear off the roof. Smashing apart the rest of the ruined building, Rachel finally extracts herself and cries aloud in ecstasy, standing now at 280 feet tall with the pitiful remainder of her clothes tumbling off a body that's packed with almost as much muscle as Rock or my own. I am left quite breathless as to just how huge she's gotten in every department, and in such a short space of time too! Not to mention how much the look seems to appeal to her. As she passes the 300 foot mark, Rachel takes a moment to check herself out, flexing and panting raggedly that she now possess biceps the size of small mountains and calves that dwarf skyscrapers. Hefting her chest again the vixen nearly orgasms when she feels her breasts are both big enough and definitely heavy enough to match all her bulk, supported perfectly by a fine pair of steely pectorals and a brick wall of eight solid abs underneath. "Rachel?" I ask hesitantly as I walk over to her, the Amazonian vixen glancing up with awe as my face gradually gets closer and closer. "Oh...my....GOD! Look at me! I'm....I'm like uber-fox!" She gushes, flexing again and watching the veins covering her might inflate as her growing form demands increasing amounts of blood. "Oooh, and it feels so...gooood!" She hugs herself and moans as her massive, impervious lats roll and expand into her paws. Rubbing back over herself she reaches between her legs and teases at the moist, swollen folds of her immense sex, potent smelling juice trickling down the canyons of her legs to land on the ground in huge, pond size splats. "So I see. Well we'll be happy to explain why in a moment, but first let's get that mask off you so you don't get too big here." I try and find where the offending artifact has lodged itself, but something causes Rachel to tear away. "Wait...wait just a minute...where's Ombre?" I look into the crumbled rubble of the museum, but there's no trace of the coyote. "He's....well, I honestly don't believe it, he's gone." I look to my partner. "Rock?" My skunk shakes his head as he gets back to his feet. Rachel quickly turns and scans the surrounding buildings, her teeth glowing in the moonlight as something small and fast somersaults out of a tree and onto a nearby fire escape. "There he is! Ombre, halt!" She growls, her body instantly gaining 50 more feet and a few additional tons of muscle in reaction. Veins now bristle across her immense might as she charges across the street, asphalt turning to dust under her footpaws while cars (those that weren't able to stop in time to veer around) crumble into scrap as they collide against her ankles. Reaching the other side she grabs the fire escape and rips it off, taking a good chunk of the building's wall out in the process. "Dammit, stop running you felon! You can't hide from me now!" She roars as the coyote merely backflips of the fire escape and onto the roof. Enraged, Rachel makes a grab for him but her target is too fast for her to catch. Instead she ends up putting her fist through several floors while Ombre executes a perfect dive into a window across the alleyway and gives the vixen the slip again. As such, said vixen vents by shoving her fingers through the windows and reducing yet another structure to gravel. Things, suffice to say, are quickly getting out of control. "Rachel, spirits, RACHEL WAIT!" I cry as the vixen blindly tosses the refuse aside, sending boulders the size of phone booths raining down onto the morphs on the sidewalk. There's no sign of him on the floor he entered so she checks the next floor down. There's apparently no sign of him there either, so she just grabs the base of the building and pulls the whole thing out of the ground as one would uproot a bothersome weed. "Rachel..." I warn as the vixen starts violently shaking the structure, apparently not noticing nor hearing the several dozen morphs I can see being thrown out of the windows. Finally the silver furred coyote leaps free of the crumbling structure and vanishes into the alleyways beyond, prompting the vixen to cry out in frustration and prepare to hurl the building and its remaining inhabitants into orbit. "STOP!" I command, tazering the vixen with a lightning cascade. This causes her to promptly lose her grip on the building but fortunately Rock is there to catch and carefully set it down as our subdued companion collapses into the wreckage of her rampage. "And yet again, much like the Bustress, we see why the power of a macro is not something that should be bestowed upon normal folk willy nilly." Rock mutters while helping the tiny residents escape their crumbling apartments to reach the safety of the ground outside. Priming a second charge I approach the quivering titan, praying I'm not going to have to do further damage as she gets up and fixes me with a fiery death glare. "Rachel..." "What did you do that for!? He's getting away! I can't let him escape again!" She makes to shove me aside so I give her the full brunt of a lightning ball, following with a fist to her stomach so she gets blown backward into the park where Rock helpfully summons a forest of vines to tie her up. "If you would please just listen for a second we could put your fears at ease on that." My skunk sternly says as the vixen thrashes violently against her bonds. Now reaching 370 feet she puts up quite the struggle, so much so Rock is having to literally uproot whole sections of the park in order to get enough plant matter to hold her down. "Ombre's not about to go anywhere, not while you still have that mask on you!" Panting and growling as more vines replace the ones she's busted off, the vixen stares daggers at us. "And how do you figure that?" Rock points to her chest, swallowing at the sight of those luscious tits growing through the plant life and jiggling most deliciously. "Micro-Optimum took a few...creative liberties with the reports on their findings. The other masks were indeed all recent discoveries, but the one you have has actually been sitting in a stasis container in a lab for the last year." Rachel ceases to thrash. "The archeological boys recovered it from an underground temple near Korstein, though when they learned of it's ability to make morphs larger they had it secured at headquarters so it couldn't cause any accidents. When the other masks were found the head honchos hatched a plan for the exhibition, reasoning that if you weren't able to catch Ombre we could since he'd hardly be able to hide when macro sized." Rock explains. Rachel hmmms at this and flexes, the mere tensing of her enormous muscles triggering a symphony of snaps as all the vines are ripped apart. To our relief she doesn't immediately run off again, merely stands up and dusts down her fur. "Well be that as it may, he's still on the loose so your little plan so far isn't working." "Perhaps not, but neither is your method for trying to apprehend him." I say, my voice carefully tuned to draw the vixen's attention with its accusation. "Look at what you've done, Rachel. Destroying public property, endangering countless lives by flinging buildings around will-nilly, do you really deem that acceptable in the cause of 'to serve and protect'?" That hits the mark right home. Rachel looks around at the devastation she's caused and all anger departs from her body. Literally everything slumps as if the weight of her immense form is getting to be too much for her to carry, the shame of what she sees causing the vixen to back away from the crowded sidewalks and fold her ears down. "No...no it isn't. Just the power, and the pleasure it felt to be so big and strong....." She bows her head. "Okay you're right, I got a little carried away. What do you two suggest? I obviously need some pointers on this whole macro thing." I scan over the vulpine, watching as she hits the 400 foot mark and can now make eye level contact with me while her body gently bulges and rolls with gorgeously detailed musculature. I think back to my previous suspicions and quickly come up with a new course of action. "Don't chase after him, let him come to us. I think you may yet prove your worth as a giant." I assure. Rachel looks unconvinced. "What makes you so certain of...huh?" As if more proof were needed, something suddenly streaks across the sky and lands in the vixen's breasts. While the initial impact goes unnoticed, the sudden bounce as her tits seemingly take on a life of their own definitely stops her in her tracks. "What the...?" A silver furred head pops out of the vulpine's cleavage, the wobble of flesh joined by a new chorus of creaks and pops as the mask finds a new specimen to work it's magic on. Valiantly, Ombre fights to pull the damn thing out of Rachel's boobs, trying his best to not be hindered as his own body rips and shreds its way out of his sneak suit, while above Rachel just stares aghast at this sudden invasion of her personal space. "Why you!" She makes to grab him again, only he ducks and pulls himself downward out of her reach, his suit splitting loudly down the back as his lats and delts swell from the effort. Grunting, Rachel slams her breasts together and tries to smoosh him into submission, but that too hits a snag as the more she squeezes, the faster he grows and forces himself out of her. It finally reaches a head when the continuing addition of extra weight causes the vixen to overbalance and face plant into a shopping mall on the other side of the park. "\*cough\* Grrrrrr, stop struggling you little....ooooh....and stop touching me there!" The vixen grumbles as we run over and check everything is okay. The few security guards that were patrolling the mall all manage to wriggle their way free of the wreckage (thank the spirits the place had already closed up for the night) so we turn our attention to our fellow titans. By now Ombre's half her height, thus her efforts to try and keep him pinned down are proving increasingly fruitless. As we get a better look at the two it's also apparent there's an additional factor gumming things up: the constant grind of his expanding muscles against hers is...noticeably distracting the vixen's concentration. "I would if I could, *ma cherie,* but it seems you're rather enjoying getting to be so close to me again." Rachel glares at the coyote as his muzzle bumps against her chin. "And once again, for what it's worth, I truly am sorry I cannot stay here and keep you company." He smiles sweetly, then kisses the vixen. Both Rock and I prime ourselves for another violent reaction....yet as the seconds tick by, Rachel's resistance is noticeably not forthcoming. Heck, if anything the lip lock actually seems to please to her as Ombre is able to grab her shoulders, roll her over, then push himself off before she finally breaks and hacks up dust from the rubble. "Oop, sorry about that too." He stumbles away from us, wobbling crazily from the constantly changing dimensions of his body. Feeling something press against his chin he pulls his suit open and pants as his chest balloons out, those amazing pecs swelling almost like tits in and of themselves, except the deeply corded striations on them prove they're not fat but pure raw power. Leaning his head back, the coyote gasps as he hits the hard, velvet cover of his now mountainous traps, muscle moving in to cushion him from every side as his shoulders erupt out of their prison and his inflating arms tear through the sleeves with ease. Unable to resist, Ombre extends a claw and cuts apart his pants, his tongue lustfully lapping at his pecs which leads to an orgasmic howl as said pants burst open, releasing his legs and the mountain of heavy canid scrotum. He looks absolutely beautiful, every inch of him sculpting itself till all is perfection, with that cute face of his crowning the top. I actually kind of feel bad for having to interrupt such a transformation, but he's now at the 380 foot mark, and frankly taking him down is going to be a lot easier if Rock and I have at least a slight height advantage. "Okay Ombre, nice little excursion you've lead us on around the city, and I don't deny you're certainly looking a heck of a lot more gorgeous. But frankly I got questions of my own that I wish to ask, and your acrobatics are hardly going to be of any use now that you're on our level for size." I say, assuming a combat stance while Rock ignites his fists. "Hand over the mask and consider yourself under arrest." Ombre looks at the two of us endearingly, his body flexing so delightfully as the few remaining scraps of his clothes fall off and his sheath bumps gently against mine. "No doubt you do. However, if you two will at least consent to hear me out for a moment, I really, *really* cannot allow this mask to be out in the open or in Micro-Optimum's paws any longer. It's not a matter of me wanting it, so much as it is I'm not the only one who wants it." My eyebrow cocks, the suspicion inside me raging like a fire that's just gotten a good soaking of gasoline. "What are you talking about?" Ombre tactfully steps away from us, holding the mask behind his back. "*Vous* will listen?" I clench my paws, lightning arching wildly between them. "*Vous* will keep an open mind on what I have to say?" My gut instinct is to just fry this damn yote, but as I look into those eyes of his and see they shimmer with perfect sincerity, my determination wavers. Hesitantly I glance at Rock, and see my skunk is obviously picking up the same vibe. "Make it quick, what's really going on here, Ombre?" "I'll tell you what's going on!" All three of us look over at Rachel, and then we all look at the sky as the vixen launches herself at the coyote, sending him barreling into us, which in turn sends all of us crashing back into the park again. "I'm finally taking you in, and putting an end to your damn crime spree!" Ombre coughs and struggles for breath as Rachel wraps one of her steely arms around his neck and heaves him off us, fighting for his voice as she reads him the usual spiel about his rights and asks him if he understands. "*Je...\*cough\*...comprends parfaitement, ma cherie.* However I...\*hack\*...have a few words to say in return. *Oui* you may be taking me in....but this crime spree will not stop with me." Rachel pauses in her procedure, eyeing her captive with severe distrust. "What do you..." And then something out of the corner of her eye distracts her again. Another streak of movement against the night sky that swoops down out of nowhere, snatches the mask from where it landed during our tumble and flies back up to one of the nearby buildings. "*Merde,* I knew she couldn't...\*cough\*....be far behind." Ombre says sullenly. Pulling myself off my skunk, I tap my specs and zoom in on this new entry, discovering it to be a purple toned panther wearing a similar sneak suit under a hood and flowing coat. "Awww, poor Ombre. Should have listened to me when I said your noble quest to try and return all these relics was a hopeless waste. Ah well, perfect opportunity to make up for lost time." The feline playfully chides, taunting us by waving the mask about before firing her grappling hook into another building and disappearing into the night. "See ya in a bit!" "Huh? What...." Rachel blinks and glares at Ombre, angrily flexing her enormous biceps against his throat. "What was that?" Ombre chokes, frantically pulling at the vixen's arm. Sighing, Rock grabs the offending limb and wrenches it away. "Oh for the sake of the spirits Rachel, the guy can't talk if he can't breathe!" Ombre pulls himself free, gasping hungrily for air. "I...have...little time to explain now. Let's just say we need to follow her and get that mask back *epargnons!"* I scan the city's horizon, tracking all the possible routes the feline could have taken from her starting point. "Why, what's her angle in all of this? And what did she mean by 'your noble quest'?" The silver coyote coughs and stares up at me, looking almost like he's pleading in spite of his titanic height and godly build. "Would you believe my objective in taking all those artifacts from you was nothing more than just wanting to keep them out of more dangerous paws?" Behind him I hear Rachel huff. "Yeah sure, that's likely." I, however, am not so convinced. There's something about the whole night's proceedings that just seems off, something that keeps stirring up old memories in me from the time when I was but a simple native of the land. Rapidly replaying through everything in my head I finally locate what it is, and realization again hits me in the face like a cold wet towel. "No, he's right!" I proclaim, to the surprise of all around me. "What?" Rock asks. "The hell?" Rachel finishes. "He's telling the truth! Look, I'll...I mean we...Ombre and I will both explain soon. But we do need to get that panther! Rachel, can you get word out to the police for an APB?" The vixen respectfully looks at me like I've gone insane. "Shock, you're not making any sense here." "Rachel, do you trust us?" Rock asks. The vixen hesitantly nods. "Do you want to end this crime spree and come out hailed as a hero of the police force?" The white fox takes a deep breath, thinks it over and reluctantly nods again. "Then do as he says and let Ombre go. Maybe we can reach her before she uses that mask for whatever she intends." My skunk commands. Sighing, and will a narrowing of the eyes that shows how much she loathes this course of action, Rachel walks over to two black and whites that have pulled up by the destroyed mall. After they get over the initial shock of seeing one of their own number towering over them, naked and far stronger than they remember her, the officers radio in her description of the panther while I turn to give my darling mephit a quick kiss for his support. "Thank you." I whisper, to which Rock simply sighs and licks my nose. "Just don't be too long in revealing what the hell is actually going on here please, cause I'm still completely lost." He replies. I smirk and open a channel to HQ as we take off after our new target. "Shock to base, Laura are you there?" There's a noticeable lag before I get a response, which is par for the course since the dear ringtail has a good reason for being slow tonight. "I'm here, Shock. What's going on?" She says somewhat breathlessly. "To put it in simple terms, the plan for apprehending the one stealing all our finds is getting way out of paw. I need you to link me with all police communications so we can try to track down the one responsible." "Roger that, I'm connecting you with dispatch now. Please keep the channel open cause I'm going to need to report on what's happening to the higher ups as....mmm...Eleanor please, I'm trying to work!" I bite my tongue and run faster as the chatter of officers co-ordinating their efforts come pouring in, slowing only when Ombre suddenly appears beside us, backflipping onto a building then doing a flying leap across an entire neighborhood to keep pace. "What was that about him not being able to use his acrobatic skills while giant again?" Rock playfully nudges...right before the silver coyote misses his landing point and goes tumbling into a bowling alley, his keen sense of balance no doubt thrown off by all the extra bulk and having to swing around his new oversized scrotum. "Just as I said." I retort, running over to help Ombre up and checking all those underneath him are okay. "Think you hit a perfect strike there." The coyote meekly consents to just run along with us as we get a heads up on our target from the police helicopters. "SW-313 to dispatch, suspect spotted moving south across the rooftops towards 9th and Elm...ksssh...correction, make that 13th and Elm....kssssh....wait lost her, moving to reacquire...." We adjust our direction accordingly and I scan the terrain again to try and guess where the stealthy feline might have headed next. "Don't suppose you'd still care to spill the beans on who this friend of yours is would you, Ombre?" The coyote stumbles up behind, finding it rather a challenge to plant his feet in places where there are neither cars, houses nor civillians underfoot. . "She calls herself Shanika, and she was my contact within your organization. She originally offered to let me know any time your archeological team uncovered an accursed artifact, and help me devise ways to steal them. However, it seems her reasons for doing so weren't quite as honest as mine." I hmm, comparing this with what else I've seen thus far and finding it fits my conclusions. Doesn't paint our dear coyote in such a good light but, well, least I know he's being trustworthy for the moment. "SW-313 to dispatch, suspect reacquired on top of abandoned building at 30th and St. Raleigh. Now entering premises and seems to be trying to hide from us. Notify all patrols in area." "Roger 313, units PC-126 and 149 en-route. ETA two minutes." The voices crackle over my specs. Quickly we tear like heck across the city to the aforementioned location, just as two police cars pull up and all four of their occupants jump out with their guns drawn. "Good of you to turn up, Shock, Rock. We'll go in first and see if we can route her out. You guys mind covering the outside?" One of the officers ask. I look over the exterior of the building and see nothing out of the ordinary. "If you so wish, just be careful please. She's got something rather hazardous in her possession." I warn. The little policemorphs give us the thumbs up. "Will do, oh and uh, Detective Graham, she should be here shortly as well." He shrugs, looking a might confused. "You really must tell us what the heck you've been doing with her after this is over." I roll my eyes and take up a sentry position, cautiously cracking my knuckles as I peer into the dark windows of the building. "Anything else we might need to know about Miss Shanika, Ombre?" The coyote carefully squats, finding his newly hyper sized balls provide an excellently supportive cushion for sitting on. "She's obviously power mad and not someone you want to keep close at paw. That's about the extent I learned before I decided to sever contact with her and go at my operations solo. Always figured she'd eventually track me down again though, when the opportunity prevented itself." I carefully form a lightning ball in my paws, Rock fanning green flames across his fur as the tiny twinkles of flashlights search the building. As the seconds slowly tick by without anything happening I hesitantly entertain the possibility that the police may very well be able to nip this problem in the bud before it gets any worse. And, of course, when I do is when fate decides to prove I'm far too naive. A purple furred fist comes crashing through the wall of the third floor, opening to let two of the officers plummet to the street outside while the third comes running out of the main entrance carrying his partner over his shoulder. "Repeat, situation is now a 409! We need back up now!" He screams into his radio as the entire structure starts to rumble threateningly. Quickly I convert the lightning ball into two streams of electricity and try to cocoon the building, Rock taking up the defensive by summoning stalagmites out of the ground to create an impenetrable wall around the block. Masonry flakes and crumbles off the dilapidated residence as something increasingly bad goes on inside, but again it seems our combined efforts may yet keep things contained.... ...that is until the rock wall explodes and we're all sent flying as masonry pelts us and the surrounding blocks. "Heh heh heh, oh you boys. Momma never told you not to walk in on a girl when she's preoccupied?" Shanika chides with a subtle laugh. Heaving boulders off my face I rub my eyes clean of dust and then retrieve my glasses to get a look at the panther. Despite having only managed 120 feet so far she's already attained three times the muscle mass that both Ombre and Rachel were able to achieve when they first felt the mask's effects, her coat and suit now stretched like two additional layers of skin that are quickly coming apart as she flexes and lowly moans. "Mmmm yes, oooh my word, at last! Now, the true fun begins!" I hastily check on Rock and Ombre, seeing they've been flung far away in opposite directions but otherwise seem to still be conscious. Since that, however, means I'm on my own for the moment I leap to my feet and charge at the feline, lightning leaping like crazy from my muscles as I prime to fry some fur....which ends rather humiliatingly with her catching my fist in her paw then grabbing my neck as she bears the brunt of the electric shock. "MMmmmm, no, I don't think so. Not yet." She purrs, the sleeves of her jacket tearing and falling away to let a truly masterful set of blimp sized purple biceps and triceps out. Despite still being a good 200 feet smaller than me, she hurls me into the adjoining block with ease, though mercifully I don't land quite as hard since she doesn't have much reach. Groaning and rolling over, I watch the rest of her transformation unfold, watch as her hood falls off, the coat splitting down the back by the release of rising traps to release a cascade of mauve tinted hair all over the expanding muscles. She turns her head, finds herself quickly being surrounded on all sides by sweet, impervious might. She flexes her expanding arms and moans louder as she begins feeling herself all over. "Ohhh yes...the power!" I swallow heavily, feeling my attention waver again as my target grows into absolute beauty. Lustfully she claws at her breasts through the material of her suit, her tongue hanging limply from her mouth as they just push her paws further and further out. With a teasing ZZZZZZIIIIP! and a SNAP! her suit pulls itself open, revealing a rather comical t-shirt underneath depicting a race car zipping across the front with the slogan "LET 'EM RIP!" following behind it. "The absolute power!" She cries orgasmically, taking her fraying t-shirt's advice and tearing it apart to release her immense boobs. They're gorgeous to behold, nearly the size of the moon with such temptingly erect nipples capping them in dark purple flesh. Grinning a mouth full of white, razor sharp teeth, Shanika gives them a flex and gushes as the pectorals behind them quickly bulk up to take the weight. "I...am...a....GODDESS!!!" Breathing heavily and kicking my mind back to reality, I get to my feet again, ignoring the painful arousal in my crotch as I get a bearing on my opponent. She's growing far faster than anything I've seen, and so long as that mask is still on her person that probably means she won't be stopping any time soon. The danger of this becomes increasingly clear as she passes the 400 foot mark, gives her pert butt and convoy sized legs a celebratory flex, and sends her pants into the afterlife. Now completely nude, the panther steps onto the busy streets, her emergence heralded with a symphony of car alarms triggered by the resulting shock waves. Flexing again she checks her new self out, howling in the bliss of a second orgasm as she feels her godly might roll and ripple with each movement. I notice I can't see the mask anywhere on her, yet she's still growing faster and faster as something gets her attention and she glances down at the rapidly disappearing ground. "Ooooh, you little commoners come to gaze at the birth of your new ruler?" She coos, curling an arm behind her head and cutting a body builder pose as morphs leave their cars and flock around her feet. "Yes, yes worship me! Revel in my strength! My beauty! My power!" She moans, fanning out her hair like a fashion starlet then heaving up her titanic breasts to show off how awesome her abs are. They're pretty awesome too I must admit, eight solid blocks of fur so finely chiseled and sculpted they almost put Rock or my own to shame. Almost. Swallowing again, I tap my specs and zoom in on the crowd. Despite the constant hindrance of the panther feet pushing them back, more and more morphs are flocking to see this new wonder that has sprung from their city, several of them high fiving each other at getting front row seats to such a spectacle. I frankly don't blame them, specially seeing as she's now at 600 feet and still growing strong, which is already far larger than any other macro that's ever appeared around these parts. As my eyes fight to keep taking this purple toned monstrosity in, I realize I should probably get back to doing something to amend the situation. At the very least arrest Miss Shanika's development before she starts taking out city blocks via the sheer volume of her body. Looking around I spy an electric substation in the distance and run over to it, pulling several of the high voltage cables down and closing my paw around the bare, sizzling wires. "Laura, Shock here. Contact every power station in the region and tell them to fire up their auxiliary reactors to max. We're facing possibly one of the biggest problems yet and I'm going to need all the juice they can spare!". "Roger that, Shock. I'm sending word to have Haokah primed as well. Do whatever you have to till it's ready!" The ringtail cooly commands. Closing my eyes and focusing my energy, I tap into the might of the national grid, channeling its full electric force through my body. All around I can feel every muscle erupt in flames, my costume crinkling as the heat of so much voltage wears away at it, and as I start gaining some additional height of my own from the overcharge. Much as I know I've got a cat to put down, I savor the sensation for just a moment. Spirits above, I feel so alive when I'm like this! I turn to face Shanika, raise my paw as if to defy the world, and proceed to let the panther have the worst of it. The thundering crash shatters the night sky like glass, the city blocks around me glowing like lanterns before the feline is silenced by a crushing tumble into the financial sector. Ceasing the attack, then dropping the cables, I take another moment to stretch and let my muscles burst out of my costume before running over to survey the damage, just as Rock finally reappears and leaps down to the smoking crater. "Well, that's the first time I've seen you really cut loose in a while. I admit I've missed the sight." My beloved skunk murrs, looking at my now 450 foot frame and rubbing my exposed biceps. "Don't get distracted, that was merely just to get her down, not take her out." I carefully peer into the crater, seeing a purple mass of steaming but otherwise unharmed fur and muscle. "Where's Ombre?" "Getting his bearings. Poor guy got a 20 ton stone block directly to the head so he's still a little woozy." Rock replies, just as two monolithic footpaws slam into us and send us hurtling back into the commercial sector. Shanika wastes no time in righting herself, and looks little worse for wear besides a few scorch marks. "What a pity, I so wanted him to see the true fruits his labour could have born, if only he'd seen things my way." She says, tsking as we rise and stand ready to attack again. "Really do you two think you stand a chance against me? Considering I'm rapidly dwarfing you by the second?" She asks, gazing down now from 730 feet with almost a pity in her eyes at our seemingly misplaced confidence. "It's going to take more than mere height difference to deter us." I reply. "Specially considering your motives are anything but beneficial to the populace...and you're stealing all our fans from us." Rock adds, staring reproachfully at the crowds still flocking around the panther's feet. Some of them actually seem to pick up on this as they turn to view us, blush in shame and quickly mouth their apologies. "Beneficial? To such tiny nothings? Ha!" Shanika rumbles, grinning at us like a truly maniacal monster. "This is the time of MY dominancy now! And if you honestly think you can stop me, then behold!" She raises one foot and crushes a city block as if it were a bunch of wet cardboard boxes. "I am strong, STRONG, *STRONG!* My claws glow with the sharpness of finely crafted sabers!" She flicks out her built in weaponry and lets the glint of their lethally honed edges say the rest. "My breasts hold as much the nurturing milk of a mother as they do the unstoppable force of death!" She demonstrates again by swaying her body from side to side, neatly cleaving the tops off skyscrapers with a fat smack of her mammaries."My breath brings the force of hurricane winds, and my skin, as you now see, bears the imperviousness of steel. I am armed and armored against anything!" On our end, Rock and I just glower, patiently waiting for the panther to finish. Perking her ears, Shanika turns to us again. "Well, my dear Shock and Rock, do you still think you stand a chance?" We remain mute, knowing there has to be more to this little ego tirade. Indeed the panther then appears to get an idea and offers a paw. "But yet, I can see you both have much potential. Certainly two such fine specimens as yourselves would make for great enforcers to instill my will against any who resist! And who knows? I certainly would be open to intimacy with you as well. What do you two say?" We let silence hang for a bit longer, till it becomes clear the 800 foot feline is waiting for us to answer. Respectfully we look at each other again, quietly communicating the message of 'Is she fucking serious?' "You don't read a lot of our press, or for that matter any press, do you?" Rock politely inquires. Shanika just grins more maniacally. "Wrong on both counts, handsome. I'm just giving you the chance to ascend to your rightfully deserved positions as rulers over all morphs, subservient only to me." She purrs. I let my eyes wander over her body, drinking in the sweet curves, the thick veins, the striations and the swells of all her muscles before I gaze up at the dominating beauty of her breasts. A multitude of sordid ideas run through my head, and Rock's too as I glance over at him, but we both remain firm on our decision. "Well the intimacy part definitely sounds appealing, the rest, not so much." I assume a combat stance, lightning crackling wildly around me. "Really you should have gathered that going in." Shanika sighs, shrugs her massive shoulders, and then promptly tries to flatten us underfoot. "You choose poor allies then, raccoon." I quickly dive for cover, letting the rest of the neighborhood vanish into dust and rubble as Shanika crushes all in her way. This is going to definitely get a whole lot more ugly before we can make it any better but for right now that's just how it's going to have to be. "Rock, regroup!" I call out, eyes peeled for the panther's other foot as it rises high into the heavens and comes down upon me almost at the speed of light. With little alternative I drop to the ground and roll myself back into the rubble, uttering a silent prayer that my partner is quick enough with his counter. It's a seriously close call, but at a mere two feet above me, Shanika suddenly encounters an obstacle as the pieces of the ruined houses around me rise up and join together, forming a shell of rock and wood. I allow myself a quick sigh of relief (though really I should learn never to doubt my darling mephit's reaction time whenever my life is in danger) and prep myself for the follow up. Sure enough, after about a second's confusion, Shanika simply sighs in annoyance and pushes down harder, easily shattering through Rock's barrier, and then meeting a nasty surprise of 40,000,000 volts. "Ahhhhghh! Grrr, you little..." She snarls, stumbling back from the shock and holding her burned foot. "Hmph, fair deal, I can play that way too!" She grabs the antennae of a nearby radio center and breaks it off. Sighting me as Rock and I dash for the cover of an office block she sends the steel pylon hurtling through the air like a giant javelin, bringing a chill down my back as I duck behind the towering skyscraper, and suddenly feel the night's wind ruffling my bushy hair. "Great spirits! That was waaaay too accurate for comfort!" Rock says breathlessly, his voice echoing the very real fear we're both experiencing as we behold the sight of my baseball cap neatly skewered by the antenna through the building behind us. If I'd been just a nanosecond slower....well....let's not even contemplate it. "Okay, seeing as we've got....maybe a moment or so before she catches up with us, ideas?" I force myself to calm down and think. "Well, there is one advantage we can exploit: the bigger she gets, the smaller we become as targets. That'll at least give us a chance of evading her till Haokah finishes charging and aligning itself. Then we can hopefully even the odds a little." Rock nods cautiously. "But how the heck can we hope to subdue her after that? She's bigger than anything we've faced before, and we've got no means of shrinking her back down to a more manageable size." I risk a peek around the skyscraper to see the 900 foot feline charging at us like a demonic freight train, a dark cloud of ruin constantly building around her ankles. Despite the impending danger, I still find it in me to smile a little. "Oh yes we do." I mutter as quietly as I can. Rock is understandably stumped. "Look, get back to Ombre and do whatever it takes to get him on his feet. I'll keep her occupied till we can spring our ace." Stumped fades to deep concern, which then washes out to adrenaline fueled panic as the meteoric mass of two titanic kitty tits bulldoze the skyscraper and send us fleeing in a hail of glass and metal. "You better still be breathing when I get back!" My skunk yells, waving his paw to form another rock wall between him and Shanika while I yank the broadcast antenna out and retrieve my cap. "How pitiful, really. The first time you face opposition that cannot be merely beaten into submission, and your immediate reaction is to flee and hide?" Shanika sounds disappointed, though there is an upswing of hope to her tones as I slap my hat back on and stand ready to face her again. "Hardly, just wanted to give you more time to grow. You weren't big enough for my liking before." I tease, stepping back further for another quick drink of the panther's fabulous body. Even if no good can come of it, she looks even sexier the bigger she gets, and as she raises her foot for another go at making me into a pancake I get a full view of perhaps the most delicious aspect of all. "Now you are." I reply, focusing a million volts through the radio antenna as I thrust it into the soaked lips of her vagina. With her height reaching 950 feet it's at the perfect level for me, just within reach of my improvised kebab sticker so I can give her a good jolt up the wazoo without having to put any part of my own body in jeopardy. Shanika howls into the night, as much with pleasure as with pain as she loses her balance and goes crashing back onto the city. I let go and quickly turn my head as sweet scented juice comes raging against me, the results of another orgasm soaking me through and through as I fight against the raging tide and approach the titan again. "Nghh daaaamn youuuu....ooohh....okay....I'll give you that one. That felt incredible." The panther purrs, her redwood sized fingers reaching to gently rub over the raw quivering folds of her sex. "Glad you enjoyed it. Want me to do it again?" I reply, giving her a few more shocks and let the musk of her juices envelop me. She really smells good, like lavender mixed with primrose in the heat of a perfect summer evening. It's quite intoxicating, and a serious turn on. Even more a pity I can't enjoy it due to its emanator being several shades of homicidally insane. "Grrrr, yes, YE-NO! I mean NO! Aghh, you are going to pay so dearly for that!" Her claws come down upon me like a finely polished portcullis. In a flash I've backflipped out of the way but still she manages to shred the front of my costume, drawing a few lines of blood for good measure. Whether it's the mask's doing or just natural talent, this bitch is fast! I stumble backwards and clutch at the giant masses of my pecs. The cuts aren't deep, praise be, but they don't lie about what dear Shanika could do if I don't remain on my toes. Fortunately I then feel the plop of cool, clear rain on my wounds and know that I won't be at a disadvantage for much longer. "Clearly I can see I don't appeal to you much at this scale." I admit, flexing my muscles through fraying fabric as the panther pulls out the antenna and wads it into a little pellet. "Please permit me to change that." Thunder rolls across the sky, the rain coming down harder and harder as I gaze to the heavens and hold my arms aloft. Shanika looks up as well, clenching her fists and eyeing me with suspicion before deciding to just smash me into batter before anything else can happen. Anything else, however, isn't going to be having any of that, as no sooner has she thrown the punch, than she's quickly retracting it back, more fur being singed as lightning crashes down from the clouds and consumes me in its blinding might. Whatever she, Ombre, and even Rachel may have felt when they were growing, I feel it tenfold as my body absorbs the electric power. Pleasure burns through my being like fire as I explode out of my costume, raining black and gold confetti in celebration for passing the 500 foot mark, then the 550 foot mark, then the 600 foot mark. I know I'm not going to be able to equalize the panther just yet; lightning is powerful indeed, but it's not a source of constant power. It's of little worry though, as I reach 700 feet and Haokah shuts down for a recharge I know I've got the edge back now. "There, is that better?" I ask, murring as I flex and feel my body battling pleasurably against itself. Traps gently massage the back of my head as my pecs, despite their wounds, rise to tickle and rub against my face. Clapping my fists to my biceps and hearing the thunder roll again from the impact, I tense my core muscles and moan in utter bliss as my drooling cock rises into view. "Well.....mmmmm, actually yes it is." Shanika murrs, trying not to moan as well as I sandwich my fat cock between my even fatter pecs and drink deep of its warm pre. "Why can't you just submit Shock, seriously? You're so beautiful and sexy. I promise I'd make it worth your while to serve me." I grind my shaft against my muscles, delight raging through its titanic length as my abs tenderize the meat while my chest squeezes to get every last drop of goodness out. Hungrily I suck at the head, allowing myself a moment to just get high off how good I taste and how much I love my body, before finally looking to the panther. She quivers as the 1,000 foot barrier is finally breached, her head a tiny jewel obscured by a sea of sculpted beauty. Swallowing the pre, I smile through my dripping lips. "Simply put, I'm not generally the sub type, and if you'll forgive the criticism, you're not really putting forward the best argument for why joining you would be a good thing." Shanika rolls her eyes, obviously not seeing why she need argue at all when the evidence for my surrender is staring me right in the face. Good thing that's not all that's staring me in the face. "In fact, I'm seeing quite a convincing argument for maintaining my stance against you right now." I say, my eyes centering on the convention center behind the panther as she sighs and prepares to pounce. Slowly I edge back, letting myself stay in full view of her as I prepare for the worst. I know I can dodge once it's too late for her to alter her lock, but given her blinding speed I'm not going to escape without a few more scratches. She strikes, I side step and pain erupts across my abs as she carves several more deep grooves into my flesh. Biting against the renewed agony I reach over to the convention center and pull one of the spot lights from its mounting on the roof, turning it to Shanika as she rises to face me again. "Smile my sweet!" I declare, powering up the bulb and catching the panther in a cone of brilliant white light. She hisses as her vision is reduced to a blank void, paws frantically covering her burning eyes as she stumbles backwards from the sizzling glare. It's just the distraction I need, as I'm then able to close the gap between us, jump up and viciously smash the two ton electrical appliance onto the panther's head. The blow doesn't quite hit it's mark since her traps, shoulders and boobs forming a defensive perimeter, but the impact of glass and steel shattering over her skull is still enough to leave her weaving, thus allowing me to pull back and smack her again across the face with the metal casing. For the third time in the night, Shanika hits the canvas, making a nice crater for herself as her body sinks a shopping district, a business park and most of a suburban neighborhood deep into the earth. Holding the spotlight over my head I carefully approach the stilled amazon, seeing she's looking pretty down for the count...for now at least. "Laura, you still with me?" I ask, kneeling to check for the usual flurry of little bodies pulling themselves free of the wreckage. "I'm here, Shock. What the heck are you doing over there? It sounded pretty painful." The ringtail asks in concern. I check the bloody gashes on my stomach and wince. "I took a bit of a beating, but Shanika looks like she's finally had enough. Where the heck are Rock and Ombre?" I check my surroundings but there's little trace of my partner, or the coyote. "Rock just reported in about five minutes ago. Apparently he and Ombre had to go chasing after Rachel who's trying to do....something with the Verazini suspension bridge. Hold on a sec...." I hear key taps over the channel. "Hmmm, well it looks like they've got a little surprise ready for Shanika. Any chance you could lure her over in that direction?" A growl stills my thoughts. With trepidation chilling my bones I look up to see a very pissed off purple face rising up from behind the mountainous wall of breasts, blood gushing from the pert nose while the eyes make clear their murderous intent. "Um....yes....I can probably manage that." I weakly reply, swinging the spotlight at Shanika again, only for her to catch my paws and lift me up off the ground. Higher and higher I go as she rises to her full 1,470 feet, pulling the spotlight from my grip with her other paw and crushing the giant appliance into a wad of scrap. "You....are going to have to do better than that." She snarls, a finger resting upon my pecs where they've been slashed open. The bleeding is quickly ceasing but the pain is still very present, and as a claw rises to block my view I sense it's about to get a whole lot worse. "Now let's see, where can I cut that won't necessarily be fatal to you?" I grit my teeth, frantically trying to think of a way out of this. She's got my arms in quite the unbreakable grip....but I've still got my feet and my sheath hanging free. "Well hold on here, maybe I can make it up to you. Give you something to take your mind off the pain." I say, swinging my body away, then towards her so I come to rest against her nipples. They're so stiff and pert they're pretty much begging to be pleasured already, so with a quick application of electricity I give them what they need and Shanika is again left gasping in new arousal. I quickly find myself plummeting to earth as she lets go and massages her sensitive boobs, teeth grit in annoyance but breath raggedly betraying that she did enjoy it. Picking myself up out of my own crater, I dust off and tear hell like hell for the Verazini bridge, giving myself a taste of the same medicine as the bounce of my balls against the streets and the wet thumps of my cock against my pecs help dull the pain of my own wounds. I make no attempt to avoid buildings or any obstacles in my way; Shanika is quickly gaining on me and if I don't get to my reinforcements before she does this fiasco is going to end quickly and very gruesomely. The irony that I'm rapidly devastating the city in my attempts to save it is not lost on me either, Rock and I will just have to put in some serious overtime to fix the damage afterwards and hope our hero insurance is still good. As I reach the water and one of the eight glimmering metal structures that span it, however, I notice a distinct lack of fellow macros. In a panic I whirl around but there's no sign of Rachel, Ombre or my dear skunk. The bridge is empty, and the water beneath it as still as the night air. "Uh Laura....you did say the Verazini bridge right?" I ask, stepping onto the metal beams as Shanika comes flying out of the city and demolishes the marina with her landing. "Yeah...they were just there....I...I'm not sure what's....kssshhhh." My link with the ringtail is rudely interrupted when those paws, each now nearly the size of an island resort, grab me and hoist me in the air again, one cutting off my air supply with a choke hold while the other brings itself across my face at near light speed and knocks my hat and glasses off into the ocean. "That's quite enough, raccoon. I really, *really* didn't want to have to do this, but if you're not going to see the sense then I've got no other choice." Claws press fearfully against the thudding spot where my heart is, the points penetrating fur then slowly working their way through muscle. "Goodbye, Shock. We could have a great time rocking this world to its core." I close my eyes, the question of just where the hell my partner is fading as I face the very real inevitability of death. Though it's not a subject one generally wishes to dwell on, I've always wondered just how impervious I am as a lightning god, and whether life ever would eventually end for me after so many centuries. Sadly, though it's a very minor regret, it seems I'm not to find out today. No sooner has the panther sunk her claws into me than the section of the bridge beneath us suddenly up ends itself, sending Shanika tumbling into the water while I plummet onto a cushion of soft moss, flowers and leafy green vines. Shaking my head to clear the dizziness of impact, I watch as the bridge rises higher and higher over the sprawled feline, revealing underneath it is the welcome sight of a white fox and a silver coyote. "Rachel, Ombre! Goo,,,nghhh." I strain to call out, my throat still aching from the chokehold. "We got this, Shock. Just take a moment to...nerrghh...collect yourself." Rachel replies, her magnificent body straining to overturn the gigantic monolith of concrete and steel. Even for her 400 foot form it must be a tremendous undertaking considering the weight, but she and Ombre seem unconcerned as they push it over to collapse onto the panther and give her what must be one hell of a concussion. The bridge breaks apart as it topples onto her body, par for the course considering she's now almost 2,000 feet tall and made of far sterner stuff. With an earth shattering howl of rage, Shanika hurls the broken fragments off and stands ready to end our lives where we stand. Then she promptly sits back down, and then goes sailing high into the sky. A gigantic mass of vines, all cunningly interwoven together, has her by one of her legs, and makes short work of slamming her into the sea, pulling her up and sending her crashing 5 miles into the other direction. Like a rag doll the snarling titan is thrown about, the tentacle vine taking care to hurl her into the further reaches of the sea so her impacts don't result in a tidal wave that'll flood the city. On the opposite shoreline Rachel is quickly pulling all the suspension cables off the other half of the bridge, testing their tensile strength with a few quick whip like cracks then standing ready as Shanika comes in for a landing in front of her. "GRAAARRRGGH! THAT IS IT!" The panther screams, rising for yet another round in this ridiculous fight. I groan as I try to sit up as well, then see that I don't have to as one of the cables has now wrapped itself around Shanika's neck and is pulling her back down. "Yes, it is." Rachael intones, teeth grit and arm muscles flaring as she chokes the panther into submission. I still have to wonder how, seeing as with the height difference this must be even more of a challenge than the bridge. The vixen seems to sense my thoughts on this as she gets Shanika to lay prone and quickly whips another cable around one of her wrists. "Fun fact I've learned tonight: smaller...hurrrghh...doesn't necessarily equate to...grrrraaaahh...weaker!" She tosses the other end to Ombre who vaults up and ties it around the main tower. With one arm now out of action, Shanika attempts to knock her assailant aside with the other, but Rachael simply catches the punch, grins and leans forward to plop her enormous breasts over the panther's face. Thus disorientated, Shanika is unable to stop the vixen from arm wrestling her to the ground and tying up her other paw. The pair go for the legs next, and her tail for good measure. Against all the thrashing and cursing, they bond the panther up on the remaining slab of the bridge like a prisoner being tied to the rack, arms and legs stretched out as far as they'll go. Again I attempt to get up and lend what aid I can, but then my plant bed shifts, turning me away from the action and raising me up so I flop against quite possibly the best thing I could ever hope for. "Rock." I mutter, tears stinging at my eyes as my skunk gently cradles me in his arms. I can feel he's finally caught up in the growing game as well, his costume thankfully gone so the nude beauty of his 800 foot frame fills my gaze and warms my heart as he kisses me hello. "Shhhh, it's okay my love. I'm here now." He soothes while tending to the bleeding wounds on my torso. "Great spirits, what the heck did she do to you?" "N-Nothing I won't recover from. They aren't as bad as they look." I bleat. My skunk sighs and gently coaxes my arms out, allowing the vines under me to wrap around and efficiently bandage me up. Feeling somewhat more level headed I glance at the now fully immobilized Shanika and getting an idea. "My glasses, did you see my glasses anywhere?" Rock holds his paw out and another vine duly drops both the specs and my very wet hat into it. Quickly I slap both back on and try to get a channel open to HQ. "Laura, this is Shock. Laura do you read?" "Ksh...ksh...kshere Shock...what the ksshh-eck's happening? What's going on?" The panther growls murderously as she pulls at her bonds. They won't give easily seeing as they were designed to be able to keep the bridges up even with both Rock and I standing on them, but unless she stops growing, it's still only a matter of time. "Never mind that, is Haokah ready for another blast?" "Kshhhh....kshhh-yes, primed and targeted on your position." I glower darkly at the panther. "Adjust its parameters by six degrees north and three degrees west. Then let it rip with everything it's got." Shanika glares at me, her entire body a mosaic of striated veiny might fighting to get free and tear me into so many little pieces you could spread me over the city and call it New Years. As the rain starts to fall again however, realization dawns, and the feline looks with horror at the night sky. "Oh no, NO! Wait please!" Rock quickly scoops up Rachel and Ombre, hugging them close to his chest as lightning crashes down from the heavens, and the panther disappears in a blinding white haze. It won't kill her, heck probably won't even cook her that much given her size, but with the amount of voltage in that salvo she's certainly not going to be getting up again any time soon. Waving the smoke away as everything settles, I see to my satisfaction that Shanika's now reduced to a twitching, paralyzed mess. Still a very gorgeous, if somewhat blackened mess but a paralyzed one most importantly. Realizing this gives him the opportunity to finally halt developments, Ombre leaps out of my skunk's grip and plunges his arm deep into the folds of the panther's vagina. A fruitless search ensues as he gropes around inside, whimpers of pained bliss coming from Shanika as he adds his other arm, then eases his head in to find what he's after. For a moment I wonder if we're about to lose the coyote before he finally pulls himself out, the tiny mask held triumphantly in his dripping paws. "Well done. All of you." I reply, grimacing as Rock helps me stand up. "Would've been nice if I'd had a little more heads up though." "Seriously we didn't mean to scare you like that. When I finally got Ombre up again, Rachel came to us with this little emergency plan of hers so I needed to get myself powered up as well." Rock replies, his ears tinting red as his tail wilts and he dips behind his pecs in shame. "Can you forgive me?" It's a stupid question, I'd never hold anything against my beloved no matter how grave...but to see him plead and whimper, cuteness positively oozing from his attempts to shy away....mmm, I can be evil at times. "Just tell me it's over now." I say. Ombre enthusiastically nods. "*C'est finis mon ami.* Now that I have this I can make sure no one's getting any bigger or crazier tonight." "Good, then maybe we could finally clear up a previous point you two mentioned?" Rachael stares at us accusingly. "Namely how the heck did you know Ombre wasn't the only one stealing artifacts from you, and that the real reason he was stealing them was to keep them away from her?" A pregnant pause holds, Ombre looking to me for the explanation. Heaving a sigh I clear my throat and begin. "Well for starters, after I laid eyes on this guy I could tell he wasn't the international master thief he might portray himself to be, and after hearing him speak it was even more obvious he's of these lands and not some far off exotic locale." The coyote looks surprised, though a smile soon breaks across his face and he responds to me in turn, noticeably this time without the accent and in a far deeper, and much sexier sounding voice. "Alright, I'll bite. What really gave it away?" He asks, an inadvertent flex of pleasure rippling his fur as I trace a line across his gorgeously huge pectorals. "I thought Rachel was just mispronouncing your name when she said you called yourself *Ombre de Argent.* But when I saw that's how you actually spelled it on your business card it became pretty obvious that you have no idea how the French language works. 'Argent' in its normal form means 'money' not 'silver', and 'de' is vowel sensitive so it'd actually form a contraction with the former. The correct translation of 'Silver Shadow' would be 'Ombre Argentee'. That's pretty basic knowledge." The coyote smiles wider, giving a shrug as if to say 'Well what can you do?' Beside him, Rachel is mixed between perplexed, and insulted. "I didn't know that." She mutters. "Second you went straight for the one mask with magical properties, ignoring all the others despite them all being equally priceless. That clued me in that your interests weren't for financial gain." I continue, speaking with great relish. "And finally, to one familiar with the original inhabitants of this territory, it's not hard to recognize a member of the fabled Silverfoot Tribe, which you clearly are." Ombre promptly stops smiling and looks at me in amazement. So does everyone else for that matter. "The Silverfoot? Wait, I thought you guys all vanished 500 years ago." Rock exclaims. The shimmering coyote merely shakes his head. "Vanished no. Reduced to a paltry few hiding in secret perhaps, but we still exist." He says, looking at me with renewed interest. "Does bring up a new question though, of how you know about us when none else at Micro-Optimum do." I hesitantly offer my paw, letting the coyote sniff at it so the scent can jog his memory. It's a bit of a risk since I don't know how he'll respond to the truth, but it can't be worse than what else has happened tonight. "You're Kyakaw?" He asks, a faint tinge of disdain lacing his tones. I step back and nod. "When the Unhcegilia visited their terror upon my tribe, the Thunder Bird chose me to assume its powers and its post after it had fallen. I've been carrying on the duty ever since." I reply. Ombre narrows his eyes, looking at me up and down before hmmming thoughtfully. Rachel continues to look perplexed. "Right....umm, okay, vixen is lost here, what does that have to do with the theft of artifacts?" She says, waving her paw in the air to get our attention. "The Silverfoot were nomads, always searching for a place in these lands to call their own, yet always being driven away by plague, famine or hostility from other tribes. Many hated them for their reckless use of magical arts, my kind being one example. Wouldn't be hard to imagine those artifacts we've been digging up originally belonged to them and were either lost or stolen by the other morphs they came in contact with." I explain. Ombre nods respectfully. "That they were. However, I'd protest calling our practices 'reckless'. See unlike *some* lucky folk we didn't have a physical god keeping us safe from all the horrors of this world so, with little alternative, we had to find ways of making our own." He holds up the mask. "This was one of several we used in times of emergency. If we needed a giant defender to keep us from harm, it was a simple matter of choosing the best of our warriors and showing them what to do. Sadly we indeed were robbed of most of them when we settled near other inhabited areas so we thought to simply cut our losses and leave since they'd only end up being the downfall of whomever mis-used them. We hoped they'd eventually be lost to the tides of time, but then, when Micro-Optimum started digging them up again, we knew we couldn't risk letting you study them." He pauses for breath, eyeing me up with subtle distaste. "While I admire your and the board of executives' dedication to your tribe's original cause, there's a great number of untrustworthy folk on your payroll who won't hesitate to take advantage of what's hidden in your laboratories." "Our dear Shanika here being one of them?" Rachael asks. "Indeed. Originally she was just an intern at the Korstein facility, looking to make it big with some miraculous discovery. When she learned, however, of the research team finding our scepter and what it could do, she saw a way to achieve her own success without having to let it become company property. She started running an information racket, selling trade secrets to whomever could assist her in such a heist. I contacted her for the inside scoop so I could get the scepter back, and things spiraled out of control from there." Ombre shrugs again, with a wayward glance at Rachel. "I wasn't always the best judge of character." Rachel cocks an eyebrow. "Well still, if you're a native of these parts, then what was with the whole French accent and romantic charade? For that matter why didn't you just tell us, or at least me, what you were really up to? Granted your crimes would still have to be answered for, but I could've at least gotten her out of your fur." She says with a nod to the twitching panther. "Because regardless of the ethical standing of our shamans' practices, my tribe would never have tolerated thievery. I only wished to ensure their name was not further sullied with my actions. As for informing you or Micro-Optimum of the truth, well those in charge of the company still bear a lot of bad blood against us so I doubt they'd listen, and your whole 'shoot first, ask questions later' methodology does make it a little hard to talk to you." Rachel's ears fold down in embarrassment as Ombre gently takes hold of her paw. "I'd like to point out, however, that the romance was not a charade." The vixen promptly looks up. "What?" "You're quite a destructive woman, Rachel, but you have a stamina I've not seen on any for a long time. Not to mention your admirable solid grasp of right and wrong, the fact that you had one of the strongest builds I've seen on a girl before, and that you look a million times more beautiful now." Rachel blinks, her eyes turning down this time to gaze at the enormity of her muscles, the full, heavy swells of her giant white breasts. Tentatively she flexes a bicep and gauges the coyotes reaction. "You, like this?" "No." Ombre grins. "I love it. The women of my tribe were similarly amazonian, though I think you've got them all beat for size." Emotions race and war across the vixen's face, her mind torn on how to feel about this new revelation from the one she's been pursuing for so long. "I admit I once entertained the possibility you might feel the same way about me, back when we met at that strip club in Ottokan." And then the vixen settles right down on what to feel: namely seething hatred. I'm momentarily confused before I replay Ombre's words, and then Rock beats me to the punch line. "Wait, you said he gave you that card after handcuffing you to a pole....what type of pole were you talking about exactly?" My skunk asks, his lips tightening against the bubbling giggles as Rachel harumphs and roles her eyes. "I was working undercover okay? We were trying to apprehend a local drug baron and that was the only place he visited regularly. I knew the only way I'd be able to get in there and subdue him was to sign up as one of the performers." She promptly flexes both arms, fans out her hair and cuts a very seductive muscle pose to spite us. "And besides, as he says, I definitely had it so why not flaunt it?" I frantically bite my tongue, trying to focus on the pain in my chest as Rachel rounds on the coyote. "You did a fine job of nearly screwing that whole operation up by the way!" "Hey no one said you had to dance with me! Nor forced you to sashay naked around the place teasing all the bar patrons with your body." Ombre promptly replies, making Rachel's ears go red as beetroot. "I didn't know it was you! You were wearing a disguise, and talking in your real voice! And you said such nice things about me and....and....fuck!" She crosses her arms under her breasts and promptly turns away as my skunk and I collapse into uncontrollable laughter. Ombre sighs and alights a paw on the vixen's shoulder. She shudders and tries to turn away but he keeps with the advance, nuzzling into her silky cheek fur till Rachel finally has to surrender to her true feelings and lets herself relax into his touch. "I meant everything I said then too." He whispers, murring as the white fox turns around and looks deep into his eyes. Though I can't see them from the angle I'm at, I've no doubt they're probably shining with the same sincerity as when he spoke to us, and Rachel then confirms with renewed blushes, this time of shy affection as Ombre kisses her on the lips. "Yes...well...umm..." The vixen bleats, her gaze following the coyote's down over their bodies, as if just noticing that they're both naked, and finding the view is pretty appealing. I can hear her breath still from the sight of those juicy pecs, their silver covering glimmering like finely polished stone in the light of the moon, save for the two clearings of his huge nipples; full, erect, and as begging to be fondled as her own are. Time seems to stop, if only just for a moment as paws extend to each other, Rachel's alighting upon Ombre's chest, while Ombre's comes to rest upon her firm breasts. Their eyes meet again, passing a flurry of confusion, enamor, lust and weak denial, yet neither pulls from the other's touch. On the side I have to wonder if either of them ever dreamt this moment would happen, or maybe how long have they dreamt of this moment happening? "These are...so firm. It's wonderful." Rachel exhales, slowly trailing through the striated fields, feeling the limitless power within their rock hard forms. Her claws dig in as the coyote flexes, though the fact that they don't, and indeed probably could never penetrate those pecs just seems to excite her more. Curiously she moves to the cavernous cleft between them, and her paws slip in past the wrist to get a nice firm rub down from the soft pelted muscle, making her pant even more heavily. "And you, you feel so perfect." He replies, slowly circling his thumbs over her nipples, reveling in her shivered gasps of delight. Ponderously he splays his other fingers out over her mammaries, and finds to his own glee they're far too big for him to ever be capable of cupping or holding, even in his enormous mitts. The sheer size the two have acquired seems to fuel their desire to explore more, moving from their chests to each others arms, obliques, abs, and wherever else may take their fancy. Every so often one will pause to flex and let the other feel the strength in the muscles they're worshipping, before letting the other follow so they know they're both equal in quality. Naturally this eventually leads to the inevitable point where Rachel suddenly finds herself being pushed away by the coyote, though not by his paws of course. "Oh, sorry again." Ombre blushes, his mighty canine hood rising much as the suspension bridge he just helped demolish did whenever a barge came through. Of course his is quite a bit bigger than the bridge, and probably a whole lot stronger too. Certainly it's a damn nicer sight to the vixen who's left covering her mouth as she feels herself running short of breath again. "My....God. This is...." She hesitantly steps forward, bravely facing the ruby red beast as it pops free of its sheath and yawns a fall of pre onto her boobs. "This is beautiful." The coyote stares at her in surprise. Like us, he's totally caught off guard by this reaction, but unlike us, he quickly adapts as the vixen places her paws on the almost 270 foot shaft and softly kisses it in greeting. His muzzle rests limply on his pecs as he moans from the sudden bolt of pleasure. His flesh is no doubt very sensitive seeing as it's experiencing touch for the first time after growing so huge. I was no different when I first explored myself after my own transformation and doubtless Rock was exactly the same. "Mmm, so filling." The vixen murrs as she takes a drink of the pre, letting it fill her mouth till her cheeks are near bursting, then slowly swallowing it as if to get a sense of its vintage and flavor. Delicately she licks the head again, then works her way down the length, planting kiss after kiss while Ombre just watches dumbfounded and moans anew. "I....mmm...take it you prefer your men larger...ahhh than normal?" He asks, to which the white fox nods. "While I have full respect for guys who can still please without possessing ludicrous dimensions, I need to be able to feel my lover in every inch. To be stuffed as much as I can, not letting any available space go to waste. It's a high demand, but it's what satisfies me." She replies, gazing at the coyote with renewed passion before a loud growl interrupts proceedings. "Shit, I think she's coming around finally." "Mmm, let me do something about that then." Ombre replies, walking over to the groaning Shanika and covering her face with his paw. "Another fun little tidbit about this mask, it works just as well in reverse for those who know how." He adds, unable to stop a gloating smirk from crossing his lips as the panther suddenly finds herself shrinking. Not a lot, but the fact that she's losing mass at all is enough to wake her up and send her into a raging panic. "Mmmph, mmrrrrbbrrrbbb..OOO!" She screams as Ombre lifts his paw. "No don't make me smaller!" The coyote ponders the request, then denies it by pressing his paw over her again. It's almost tear jerking to listen to the panther's cries as she descends back down to 1,750 feet, then 1,600 feet. The key word again being 'almost' of course. "Oh hush you homicidal bitch. I'm only getting you down to a more manageable level." Ombre chides, finally taking his paw off again once the purple feline is at 1,500. "There, that oughta be small enough for the cables to hold you, yet big enough that if you do manage to escape you've got nowhere to run or hide." He inhales slowly then exhales in relief when the snarling panther tugs at her bonds again and finds they indeed are holding good, no matter how hard she may try. We all collectively allow ourselves to relax that the night's crisis is finally over, though it only lasts for an instant as we become aware of something very potent in the air. "What is....what is that intoxicating aroma?" Rachel sniffs deeply, eyes closing as she is awash in the heady perfume. Slowly she drifts over to the panther, finding the smell getting stronger as she dips between Shanika's spread legs. "My word....are you actually getting off from having been beaten so mercilessly?" The vixen touches the panther's soaking wet lips, trailing the plentiful juice around her tender petals before leaning in to lick at her vagina. "Mmmm, so, a secret glutton for punishment are we?" Shanika groans, her mighty body rolling and trembling as she gets wetter from all the exertion. Smelling it makes Rachel tremble in return as she feels the pheremones go to work on her, while Ombre just gets harder and spurts more from his throbbing cock. "Well, we did hurt her pretty bad. I suppose we should make up for that." The coyote murrs. Rachel drags her tongue across the soaked pussy again, taking the beach ball sized clit between her lips and hmming thoughtfully as she feels her captive writhe violently against her bonds. Cautiously she touches one of the panther's tower sized legs, lightly brushing against the straining muscles as she gets a sense of their power, finding a strange appeal in the great danger as evidenced by the way she starts licking more aggressively, opening the petals so she can add fingers, then a paw into Shanika's depths. "Mmmm, I suppose you're right. Certainly would be foolish to pass up something that tastes this good." The vixen churrs, pushing deeper and gritting her teeth as the vice like walls compact against it. Having lost a good deal of height, the risk of losing a limb in the kitty is gone, but one can plainly see she's still got godlike levels of power in every part of her body, inside and out. As such, Rachel is careful to only keep probing till she senses the panther's getting close, then removing her hand and going back to buzzing her clit till finally she collapses over the edge into orgasm again. "Uggghhhh....you.....ohhhhhh....you..." The panther struggles for words, her breath getting increasingly hoarse from her pleasured screams as Rachel gets pushed back by a wave of feline juice, her jaw opening as wide as it can to take it all in and gulp it down. "Mmm...gah...oh wow, you really are divine!" The vixen murrs, cupping her paws under the quivering lips to get the last of her cum then offering both Ombre and us a taste. It has the texture and mild tanginess of wild berries, though there's definitely a very ethereal spice to the mix. It's definitely strong too as we all quickly feel the effects of our horniness being ramped up the scale. Ombre whimpers as his shaft starts to ache from being so pent up, the water around him splashing and turning cloudy from the constant fall of pre spilling into it. Desperately he tries to lick some of it up, but the head of his shaft has now gone up past his ears so he unfortunately must do with just lapping around the circumference of his mighty pillar. Seeing this, Rachel becomes....strangely sympathetic, walking over to take the yote penis and give it a loving nuzzle. "Come on, it's your turn now." She coos, watching the canine knot flare out like a giant inner-tube of flesh and muscle under her touch. Giving it a few appreciative kisses, the vixen leads her silver counterpart over to the panther and guides him down between her legs. "Do what you have to to make sure she can't move, or rather just doesn't want to for the next couple of hours." Ombre nods, thrusting forward to spear and enter the feline tunnel. It's not an easy fit, even considering Shanika's greater size, but with a little more effort she starts to stretch nicely around the titanic canine penis, her voice silencing to an unheard cry of both pain and ecstasy as the yote grabs her legs and keeps pushing in. "As for you two, you want to join in or tend to each other?" The fox asks us. Briefly the thought of actually making good on Shanika's previous offer (minus the world domination part) crosses my mind, but then I look to Rock and see who the want in his eyes is truly for. Stupid of me really, I should know by now we're both too much of a slave to routine. No one will ever compare to my skunk where it really matters and he sure as heck isn't going to spring for anyone else so long as I'm around. Seeing we're taken care of for the moment, Rachel crosses the length of Shanika's body and plops herself down on the panther's tits, finding them to be a very comfy cushion as she spreads her legs and grins menacingly at the purple feline. "Seeing as your mouth still seems to be working pretty well, let's give you something to use it on. Think you'll find I'm as delicious as you are down there." Shanika gives the vixen a deathly glare, which only gets colder when Rachel refuses to budge. "And if you're thinking of biting me in revenge or anything like that, well keep in mind that from this vantage point I can easily crush your head between my legs before you stand any chance of wrenching yourself free." Shanika growls, though it is an empty threat. She's defeated for now, and she knows it. As such she leans up and begins to dine on the vixen vagina, munching quietly on the tender skin while Rachel shivers in glee. All is well with the prisoner so I turn back to Rock, letting him embrace me in his massive arms and take me into another deep kiss. All his worry over me, his sympathy and his concern, I can feel it through our contact, the way his tongue shies from mine, the tiny but detectable trembles in his muscles, he's really feeling bad about leaving me alone to get all sliced up. Naturally I can't have that (and to be fair I did tell him to go get help in the first place) so I grab his head and throw myself fully into the kiss, my own tongue going to pat his down, giving it a wet and warm massage across his maw as I teasingly flex in a calculated way so all his specially sensitive spots in front receive a proper fondle. Inevitably he starts to moan, but I hold him fast in the lip lock, not letting him go till he properly understands I forgive him, and will always forgive him. I know there's no one he cares for more than me, and dammit I'll do whatever it takes to let him know how much I appreciate that. Finally, after I feel his claws pulling at my back fur in want, I let him go, my heart firing like a super hot jackhammer at the sight of relief on that oh so cute black and white face of his. "So, feel better?" I ask, my eyes starting to tear up as he buries his face in the valley between my pecs. "I do, so long as you do." He replies, kissing each wide, furry plane then looking down at the vines bandaging my wounds. "Tell me where you hurt, my love. Let me finish healing you up." I lightly tap the lower part of my chest. "Here, a lot." The vines are cut away, and Rock....mmm...screw it, Kaiden applies his tongue to the cuts. They've stopped bleeding but still need time to scab over, and are indeed quite sore. Fortunately my skunk's got a little something extra in his saliva that's good for speeding the process up, so with a few careful licks the flesh starts to close and I gasp at being able to breathe without feeling like my lungs are ripping through my fur. "Where else?" My skunk asks, making me giggle as he moves to get both my nipples, sucking on the big nubs of skin like a baby would at a bottle teat. Sadly I don't have any milk to give so he has to make do with just my natural flavor, which fortunately happens to be just as delicious. I let him take his time in making me tingle with repeat sparks of pleasure, occasionally giving rise to an arch of electricity as he bites and loves my hot spots. "Here" I finally say, pointing to where my abs were slashed open. Kaiden gently lays us both down in the water then quickly rips the vines off. Again I feel his tongue on my body, wet curtains of heat dragging across my damaged muscles, spurning them on to fight the pain and get to work on repairing themselves as I flex and treasure how good it feels. "Anywhere else?" He asks again, a sly smile curling his lips as I point to my forehead. "Here?" I quiver. My hat and glasses are promptly removed, Kaiden's warm, manly paws cupping my face as he kisses it all over. His hold is tender, yet secure, his lips fanned by the searing heat of his breath. I want more of it, my hunger only growing greater the more he lets me have it. All over my body still aches, no longer in pain but in raging, deep-seated lust for my skunk. It primes itself, makes it known in the necessary aspects that my face can't hog the pleasure all to itself, the only way I'm going to be sated is if every part of me gets its fill of hot, mephit attention. "Anywhere else?" The question comes again, ladened this time with heavy demand. Kaiden wants me to give myself over to the hunger, and I can't comply quickly enough. "Here!" I cry, grabbing the towering length of my erection and pushing it towards him in desperation. I feel somewhat shameful in begging, but by this point my pride is all but gone. Not that it reduces Kaiden's enthusiasm as he quickly sets upon that tower of flesh like a starving wolf upon a raw steak. Unlike the previous spots, my skunk uses his full body for this challenge, wrapping his paws and lips as best he can around the powerfully spurting head, while his chest, abs and even his own shaft go to work on the rest. It's nothing short of amazing how he utilizes every part of himself to ensure that although he's only tending to one area of me, I still feel like I'm experiencing him all over. The pleasure rocks me to and fro in the waves, my eyes watering as I let myself be licked, sucked, massaged, fondled and squeezed all at once. My skunk is even good enough to rock along with me so our balls can rub together and stoke each other's boiling reserves while he takes care of the rest. I soon feel about as able to move as the dear panther off to the side is, though a wayward glance shows that even in her paralyzed state she's still managing to up me on one front: while Ombre gets a rhythm going and starts pumping her tummy up with thrusts and spilling pre, she's still managing to make Rachel cry aloud to the heavens in the bliss of her skillful mouth. Naturally I'm not about to take this lying down (well, okay actually I am but you know what I mean) so I grab for my mephit's beautiful shaft and rest it across the plane of my own front. The added weight presses fearfully down on my still tender skin, but I bear through the pain. If Kaiden's going to make me feel this good, I can damn well return the favor! Specially considering how good his flesh tastes across my tongue, and how welcome it is to have my tummy filled again after the night's exertion. Hungrily I gulp down his flowing precum, letting it replenish my energy as I channel the pleasure flowing through my own body back via our mutual connection...along with a little something extra. "Grrr...oooh you sneak..eep!" My skunk playfully chides as I attack his pride with little electric zaps, nothing that'll do any harm, just tease him mercilessly till he's fit to burst. His cock retaliates by launching a literal tidal wave of pre into my mouth, but I simply swallow as much as I can and catch the rest in my paws so I can rub it back across the hot flesh. Best not let anything go to waste given what I've got planned next. Across from us Shanika's rage/ecstasy fueled howls increase in intensity, the addition of Ombre's knot into her already widely stretched depths proving too much to remain muzzled. Interestingly, Rachel offers no complaint, rather she just lets the panther deplete the air in her lungs, then grabs her head and forces it back against her soaked petals, immobilizing it further with a threatening squeeze of her legs. "Not yet girl, I've still got a little bit further to go...mmmm...and you're far too skilled with that tongue of yours for me to let you off now." The titanic vixen moans lustfully as she plays with her tits. Behind her Ombre just groans his agreement, waves soaking Shanika's groin even further from his relentless pounding of her pussy. Things are revving up for the final push on all fronts, and as such I likewise rise from the water to pull myself away from my skunk. "Huh? Isaac, what are you doing?" He whines, grappling for my cock so he can continue to appreciate it. Though I would like nothing better than to let him do so, I know what's going to come next will be even better for the both of us. "There's one other spot I'm still aching in." I reply, rolling over and raising my tail. "Here." Kaiden stills his paws, an adorably sly smile crossing his lips as he leans down to grab my firm, perfect butt. "I see, well let me take care of that for you as well then." He squeezes my hard glutes, claws torturing me by anchoring themselves against the impenetrable muscles and setting off all the nerve endings embedded within them. I may be evil in the way I swoon my skunk with affection then take advantage of him while he's vulnerable, but for all the protest, he's no less merciful when I give myself over to him. Not that I'd ever try to stop him, mind you, but damn does he know how to get me hot! As he pries my cheeks apart and lets my tender tailhole feel the lash of his tongue, I have to grab the coastline and dig my fingers into the earth and the surrounding highway, my teeth gritting against the force of the pleasure steadily building within me. Then Kaiden adds his own teeth to the mix and I promptly crush a half mile of asphalt and rock face into dust. The city is already pretty bashed up so a few more cracks is hardly going to make any difference. "I love how despite all the bashing you take on a day-to-day basis, this seems to pain you the most." My skunk coos, lightly biting at the clenching, puckered flesh. "It's...nghh...only because you're so...oohh so good at it." I lustfully stammer, claws scraping through the shattered streets in agony as that tongue probes deeper and my tailhole finally starts to open up. Kaiden mmms, pressing his thumbs to the pucker and massaging it into relaxation. Even though he gets off on making me hurt for him and his love, he still knows how to make sure I'm as ready as possible so there's no pain when we actually get down to it. Finally I relax enough for his needs, and his thumbs depart to allow for the press of his gargantuan shaft against my butt. Bracing myself against the waterfront I nod for him to continue, and silently scream my pleasure as he forces his way in. It's taken us many years and a lot of practice, but we've both made it to the point where we can accept each other to the hilt. As such Rock doesn't pause to let me adjust, he just keeps pushing deeper and deeper into my muscled depths. His flesh gently rubs against every inch of my innards, the heat burning away the pain till his hips meet my cheeks and he leans down to kiss me again. "I'm only good, because you make it worth it for me to be good. Because I just cannot, and will never be able to get enough of you, my beloved electric raccoon." He whispers, tickling my ear with his hot breath. I'd give him a smack for reducing me to a very emasculated mess of blush and tears again with those words, but I know how hypocritical it'd be. He's just speaking the truth as I would, and the enthusiasm he puts into each thrust show how much he means it. My tummy swells out like a balloon as as he pulls out and starts to fuck me, the first few cum flows sloshing into my depths, right along with my aching balls vying for the same sort of release. Figuring it's already a complete mess I prop my cock against the city's waterfront and let Kaiden's movements drive me to rub myself against it. Pre floods across the docks, swallowing up ships and buildings in its tides as I finally find my voice again and cry aloud in pleasure. I feel...just so damn complete; my skunk's body joined with mine, his heat augmenting my own, our movements synched as one. There is no more pain, not any more. I feel too damn good to register anything other than the love Kaiden is channeling through me, and my burning want to return it. Behind us Ombre and Rachel sound like they're fast approaching the same zenith. The latter has already doused their captive with one orgasm and quickly working her way towards a second, and Shanika, most interestingly, doesn't appear to be dissuaded in helping her reach it. If anything the knowledge that whatever follows this little soiree isn't going to be good for her seems to be driving the giant panther to make the most of her situation. From Ombre's pained moans she's certainly making him work to reach his own peak, no doubt trying to see how much she can squeeze that shaft of his before he turns her into a bloated balloon of purple fur. Everywhere across the bay we cry our little symphony of pleasure, five titans finding the solace in an otherwise very dirty night. As Kaiden leads in the final chorus, his shaft swelling inside me to finally let flow his creamy tides, events finally come to a close, in both a very literal and metaphorical sense. He fills me as much as he can before pulling out and letting the rest of his load splash all over my back, the heat of his thick, fragrant cum pushing me over the edge into my own ecstatic bliss. Much like the waves battering my sides, the pleasure within me hits with all the force of a tsunami, jostling my tense balls and sloshing all the spooge in my belly as I spurt a no less plentiful amount all over the lower districts. I don't try to watch where I aim, no point really. Like I said, the waterfront's a write off so might as well just add the final touches. Doubly so, I'm too paralyzed by my climax to move anyway, and Kaiden then collapsing on top of me doesn't help matters either. A muffled exhale is all I offer in protest, however, my dismay at being pinned into the now saturated water little more than a niggling worry, compared to the glee of getting to feel my skunk's body against me again. "Ooooh spirits.....that...Kaiden, thank you." I finally get out, trying again not to cry when those huge manly paws take hold of me, turn me around, and pull me into a warm embrace. "As always my love, anything. Anything, for the one who makes me happy." He replies, pressing his lips to mine as if to seal the night, while Rachel, Ombre, and even Shanika give their own cries to signify it's well and truly over. "AAAAHHHGHHH....ooooh, oh my God, you've got a skillful tongue." The vixen bleats weakly, letting gravity pull her back off the panther's mouth to rest against the great round mountain of her tummy. "Such a shame you couldn't be more cooperative. Think you may be the first arrest I'm actually going to miss." She tenderly nurses at her tits, trying to squeeze a few last jolts of pleasure out for herself before being interrupted by a coyote flopping down beside her. "What...and I'm now suddenly just chopped liver?" He pants, nevertheless smiling when the vixen leans over and kisses him on the cheek. "I said *arrest*. You...you....fuuuuck, what am I going to do with you?" She muses, her voice suddenly heavy with regret. Realizing there's still a few last details to work out, I reach over and stop Kaiden, bading him to let me go so I can grab my glasses from where he flung them. "Shock to HQ, Laura, you still with us?" A moan, quickly cut short by my sudden return, confirms the ringtail is indeed still on the other end, if against her will. "Shock? Yeah...mmm...yeah I'm here. Just got a little distracted." I bite my tongue. "Shanika's ready for retrieval, though we're going to need one hell of a holding pen to keep her contained." I tentatively gauge, the damage to the city. "You may also want to see if any of the neighboring states can lend a few of their emergency services too." "I'm sure they will. Don't worry, Shock, we can fix whatever was broken....mmmph....point is you solved the mystery of who's stealing all our finds and we can close the file on this." The ringtail soothes, now back in mother hen mode. Looking to Ombre and Rachel, I nod hesitantly. "Ummm, about that, you think there's anyway we could work out an alternative agreement?" I say while approaching the trio. "I mean yeah Ombre here may have had the right idea in his actions, but that still doesn't change the fact that he's a wanted criminal and has to answer for his misdeeds." With an air of admirable nobility, the coyote merely pulls out of Shanika and stands as if to say he's ready to face the music. I could almost swear Laura's able to see it through the com-link based on what she says next. "Hmmm, well....maybe not. He COULD be of use to us in any future archeological finds, not to mention a very worthwhile emergency asset if any of the other enchanted artifacts we've uncovered fall into the wrong paws." The ringtail murrs, in the background I hear a hiss of agreement. "Offer him this, if he agrees to turn over everything he's stolen, and to remain under our watchful eye as a...'captive consultant', I'm sure we could make a few alterations to his record. See that a warrant gets lost here and there, and a police database gets 'updated'. I'm sure Detective Graham wouldn't mind helping out in this endeavor?" I relay everything, and the most devious glint comes to the white vixen's eyes. "Hmmm, a most interesting proposal. Goes against everything I joined the force for...but I guess I've already sold myself out with all the inside work I've done for you guys." She turns to the coyote, a wandering paw again alighting upon a vast and furry pectoral. "How about this Ombre: first off I'm placing you under house arrest for now. MY house specifically, and you're not going to leave my sight till the furor over your actions has died down. Second off we're going to also be subjecting you to a very intense interrogation to find out how the hell you managed to beat every single security system Micro-Optimum could dream up, and whether those skills could be used in benefit to the police. This interrogation will take place at 8:00 pm sharp on Saturday, over dinner at my favorite restaurant." The coyote's ears perk as high as they can. "And finally, you're going to shrink us both back down to normal height. Note I say HEIGHT there. Being a giant ain't really for me, but the massive muscles and the boobs?" She flexes, watching her biceps rise into the sky, a purr vibrating her lips as she nuzzles against the firmness of her brawn. "Yeah I want to keep this body, and likewise you better turn up for that interrogation as buff, and packing the same manner of giant genitalia as you are now. Got it?" Ombre dips his head in a gentlemanly display of submission. "I believe I can accommodate those demands. Indeed I would be happy to do so, my beautiful fox." "As for you, Shanika..." Rachel carefully checks her captive, seeing to her satisfaction that the panther is again out of it thanks to both the sex and from drinking her fill of vixen juices. "Hmm, well she's your responsibility now. Do whatever you have to, just keep her from causing any more trouble." I smile and relay the message back to Laura. "Sure, I think I know where we can put her. We do still have that...mmph...that emergency vault we're building under Mt. Chenya. I know it's meant to shelter the city's population in the event of an apocalyptic cataclysm, but for right now it should be able to hold a huge, troublesome panther." The ringtail replies. I nod. "Tell her it's the only way she can avoid getting any smaller, and she may just be willing to cooperate this time." "Good point, I'll make sure she's informed once she regains consciousness. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to contact the necessary emergency services then sign off for the night. Have to...oooh....have to go and be eaten by a snake." I manage to hold myself together just long enough to close the channel and pull my glasses off, before the city is again rumbled by four giants dissolving into a cacophony of laughter as we wait for the buzz of helicopters coming to haul away Shanika and help us start the long process of cleaning up. All in all, it's been a long, dirty, but very worthwhile night.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, first person, Muse, tank Text: The story of how I got here is kind of a crazy one, but I've talked about it before. Those of you who are curious about my backstory can find it easily enough, I'm sure. Without having to slow down to go into too much detail, I'll just say that I've ended up as a sort-of hire-on for a metaphysical idea agency, helping potential artists come to those first thoughts that spark creativity for future works. Okay, that's a little too broad. Suffice to say, the old Muses, that is, the spirits of inspiration so sought after by the ancient Greeks and Romans, are still around and doing their jobs. While they mostly take the forms of dreams or "random" thoughts or fortune cookie papers, sometimes they want to get a little more hands-on in their approach, and they appear directly before the creators they are meant to inspire. That's where I come in. You see, the Muses are by and large female (sometimes both bi and large, as well), and once in a while it comes to pass that a certain mind is deemed to be better influenced by a male apparition instead of a female one. In those cases, I'm told that men get subcontracted in to appear in spirit to these creators. I haven't met any others, but apparently it's not all that uncommon, and tradition is really the only thing that keeps the Muses from branching out into a fully co-ed service. Not that I'm complaining! Of course, part of what got me pressed into service is the particularly small niche that my creativity seemed to blossom in: inflation fantasy. I know, it's weird and downright perverse to a lot of people, but as long as it's imaginary and nobody gets hurt... The thought of being able to help budding authors come to grips with the idea of blowing up filled me with an erotic thrill, and I couldn't refuse the offer when it had come to me. Until just now, I'd never actually been called upon in any capacity. I have to say, I'd expected better preparation. I had been settling down for a longish night of gaming in front of my computer screen when I heard a peculiar, faint noise coming from behind me. The singular harmonics of this sound, a low hiss of gas escaping from a hose, reached deep down inside me and triggered memories that I had thought had only appeared in my imagination. It all came flooding back to me: Auria, the elastic-bodied Muse who had appeared to me and unlimbered my mind as well as my libido. Given the events of the previous times I had seen her, I had to take a deep breath before swivelling my chair around. She was as I'd seen her before, clad in a voluminous white toga, her dark hair held back by a sort of wreath or tiara of greenery. She was sitting on my bed with her legs crossed, with a gas canister standing on the floor beside her. "Good to see I've got your attention," she smiled. I tried to play it a little more coolly than before, but the sudden appearance of one's sexual fantasy in one's bedroom has a bad effect on attempts to be suave. "I didn't think I merited another visit from you. Not after last time." She shrugged, one dusky shoulder popping from the folds of her robe briefly. "Don't you worry about last time. In fact, that's why I'm here." That was a little worrisome. The previous time we'd met, Auria had used me to try to get another Muse into her line of work, but the new girl had had a chip on her shoulder even larger than the belly she had ended up sporting. I hadn't seen either of them since... except in my deepest fantasies, where Auria's globular body pressed down on me harder and harder as she filled with an obscene amount of mystical gas. But, despite the mindblowing sex, the danger of the situation was something of a turnoff to me, and I had counted my blessings in not having to repeat the experience. Still, there had been something more to her visit than just getting me to write. "Do you remember that little job offer I gave you?" "To do your job for you and help other writers think up balloon sex? Doesn't ring any bells." She laughed. "Yes, that's the one. Let's just say your time has come." "What, right now?" Auria smiled again and tossed me something bulky and white. "Sure. Here, put this on." I clumsily unfolded the object, which eventually turned out to be a set of togs similar to hers, a toga complete with a little golden leaf-pattern circlet and a pair of leather sandals. "Seriously? Just like that? What if I have things to do tonight?" She responded with a mocking smile "Okay, there are a few things wrong with that. First, I know you're not doing anything. XCom is just going to have to save the world without you. Second, you'll be gone for no time at all. This is more of a spiritual journey." I frowned. "Wait, so I'm not actually going anywhere?" "Right. We'll just borrow your intelligence and have an astral projection to where you need to be. It'll feel real, but you'll be right here the entire time, and when you're done you'll come back to this place." "So why make me wear this stuff? Can't you just, I don't know, spirit these clothes onto me if I'm not really going to be there?" "It's easier for you to believe you're wearing something if you're actually wearing it. Stop making this so hard!" I sat down on the bed beside her and began undoing my pants. "I could say the same to you--" I began in my smoothest voice (which, admittedly, isn't all that smooth), but she laughed and slapped my shoulder. "Save it for the client, Casanova. Maybe if you're still up for it later there will be time for fun, but there's a task at hand." "Yeah, okay, about that. I don't know the first thing about actually doing what it is you expect me to do." Auria gave me an appraising look. "Good, you're asking questions. Don't worry, you're not going to go in completely without answers. Let's get you suited up first." After some confusing moments with the toga, I was dressed as well as could be expected for a 21st-century guy in a zeroth-century outfit. "All right, now what?" She tugged at my toga to straighten an errant fold, then smiled. "Now, I teach you." The walls faded to insubstantial shadows--or maybe we did while the walls stayed the same--and things changed. After what felt like several hours, I appeared in the bedroom of a woman that would be my first human demonstration of power. She had an empty text document open before her while she toyed with a lock of her brown hair. From the way she kept opening her email, checking Facebook, and all the other little time-passing tricks, I guessed that she'd been in this posture for a while. I'd been there myself, telling myself that I was going to write and frittering the time away with meaningless checkups, until ultimately having to resign that night's effort was for nothing. Well, hopefully this night would be something different. I cleared my throat softly from across the room while allowing myself to fade slightly into visibility. I'd been given a small suite of mythic powers for my deputy-Muse duties, including teleportation, invisibility, and elasticity, as well as the ability to pass these powers on as need be. When the woman didn't react, I said "Ahem" slightly louder. I didn't want to completely freak her out right off that bat, but can you really expect to know how people will react when being granted a divine visitation? She reacted far more quickly than I would have thought. Her head snapped around, and within an instant an empty tea bottle that had been on her desk whirred through my head and smashed into the wall behind me. Good thing I'd remained incorporeal at the time, or else that surely would have done some damage... and being knocked out within the first minute of my first Musing mission would have gone very poorly for me. That didn't stop me from flinching and flailing stupidly for a moment before recovering my senses. Already the woman already had a second bottle in her hand, waiting to strike, but my ghostlike shimmer was causing some confusion. "What... What are you?" she asked, eyes narrowed. "I'm glad you asked," I said. I'd had something rehearsed for this situation, but at the necessary moment, the words escaped and I just went with my gut. I hefted my standard-issue air canister in one hand and pointed towards her computer screen with the other. "In a nutshell, I'm here to help you get into the mindset you need to create what you want to create." She sat bolt upright and flushed. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" she stammered. In response, I approached her slowly and took a seat on her bed near her--comfortably out of reach, but close enough for a companionable chat. "Do I need to type in some web addresses? See if you have accounts on a site or two? Maybe browse your favorites list on that secondary DeviantArt account you keep, just to yourself?" I was only guessing here, but some of that struck a chord with the woman, and she ran a hand through her hair and gulped nervously. "Do you mean... You're here to...?" "I'm here because you want to write about what it's like to be big. Very big. And I'm here to let you feel what it is you'll be writing." She cleared her throat once, twice, before casting a longing glance at the canister I held. "You're here for me? Why?" I smiled and leaned back. I knew she would be willing; she just had to know that it was fantasy. "Because some ideas need a kick to get going. Think of me as your Muse."She kept looking from me to the canister as I explained the basic function of the Muse. At least, as well as I understood it, both from what I already knew and from the brief introductory course I had undergone in Auria's realm. Was what we did really real? It certainly felt real, which could be all the argument one needed from a subjective sort of view. Being a semi-mythological being tended to give one a very pointed opinion on the Plato's Cave metaphor, I'd noticed. Suffice it to say, I left out the part about me not actually being a real Muse, but I did tell her that this would be a first time for both of us. Once the shock of the situation wore off, the woman seemed almost eager to try it, but held back. "You can blow me up. You can put me back, right? I'm not going to pop or be stuck like that, or anything?" "Not at all. This is going to be for you. You guide the experience. I'm just here to make it... a little less of a mental exercise." Almost hesitantly, she reached out to touch the canister, then me. "You're really here, and you can really do this, and you know that I want it." She took a deep breath, and her voice steadied. "Let's do it.""Perhaps you would like to change into something a little more comfortable before we get started?" I asked. She was wearing a pair of flannel pajama pants and a baggy T-shirt; suitable clothing for writing, I knew, but even with the slight elastic magic I could impart, they wouldn't hold up well. After a few minutes of indecision in the closet, she eventually emerged in a pair of slightly loose tan yoga pants and a men's white button-up shirt. "No underwear," she said, sitting on her bed, "but that's not going to be a problem, is it?" "Not for long," I agreed. "First, this might be personal, but how would you like to take your gas?" "Huh?" "I mean, where do you want it to go in? The body has a number of different entry points: mouth, belly button, er... lower..." I guestured. "Belly button," she answered hastily. "If you can use that, I'd like it." "All right," I said. "With the belly, the gas is going to naturally concentrate in your midsection. You'll be able to spread it about as you grow, of course, but if you don't keep an eye on it, you'll get pudgy pretty fast." "Are there differences between the different places?" she asked. Again, my Musing crash-course came to the rescue. "It turns out, yes. At least, in the mind of the inflatee--that's you--the body tends to expand more in a localized area about the gas's entry point. In the case of the mouth, it goes to the chest, the belly button, into the midsection..." "And if I wanted it up my ass, it would go straight there." She seemed a little amused by this logic. "Got it." However, instead of connecting the canister I had to her, I reached into the hammerspace (personal dimensional cache, for the uninitiated) I'd created under her bed and pulled out an old-timey bicycle pump. The hose was metallic and strong, though, and I reached under her shirt to plug the end into her belly button. I noticed that she was already quivering at my touch, and when the hose made its connection, she drew a sharp breath and gripped her bed tightly. "What's with the pump?" she asked. "Aren't you going to turn on the canister and let me blow up?" "There are two reasons why we're going to go with the bike pump," I explained. "First, we're going to take this very slowly, so you can get a clear mental image of what's happening at every step. This is so you can remember it for the future, right?" "Okay," she nodded. "And the other reason?" "Because you're not mystical, we've got to slowly pump you so that your body acclimates to having pressure inside of it." I was glad Auria had taught me a suitable metaphor for this, for I'd never had to see her do it. "The first time you inflate, your body doesn't know what to do. It's like you're a rubber balloon being blown up for the first time. The very first time you try to blow it up, there's a point where the rubber resists before it begins to stretch. Your body is going to do that, so by using the pump we avoid going too fast." "You said 'the first time'?" she asked. "Will this happen again?" "Nope. If you ever end up inflating magically again, your metaphysical 'skin' will already know that it should stretch, and so you only need to go through this once." "No," she said, "I mean, will you come and blow me up again after this?" There was a touch of breathlessness to her voice. "I don't know. I guess it depends on how well you take to this first lesson. Are you ready?" "Wait!" she said, her hands clamping down on her belly. At first I thought she was trying to pull the hose out of herself, but then I realized that she was unbuttoning her shirt and then rebuttoning it around the hose, so that it would stick out between a gap in the buttons instead of snaking underneath. "Oh, there's one more question before we start." I flicked a small switch on the pump a couple of times for emphasis. "Do you want to float, or not?" She paused. "You can make me float?" "Yup. Your choice, but you should decide before I start pumping anything into you. Do you want to be heavier than air or floaty?" Her eyes glazed over slightly, and she swallowed before answering. "I want to be a real balloon. Make me lighter." She lay back on the bed and arched her back, waiting. I nodded, set the pump accordingly, and pumped the first small burst of gas into her."I feel it!" she gasped, holding her hands over her belly, where the hose trailed between her shirt and into her body. "What's it like? Is it too hot? Too cold?" "N-No... It's good. I just... keep going!" "I'm asking because you need to know how to convey what you're feeling now. Give me a stream-of-thought while I'm pumping you up." I drew up on the handle and sent another slow wave of gas into her. "I feel my belly... it's tighter, kind of. The air's in me." She poked at her midsection, and ran her hands up and down her body. "I can feel the air under my hands. I can move it around a little..." Another pump, and she pushed a bubble up and down her side with her hand. "Guide that air into your body. Let it fill you up. You can send it into the other parts of your body if you want." With the next pump, she gently nudged a bubble up herself until it reached her breasts. "Oh! Now my breast is tighter, too, a little. The air's in there." I continued to pump her slowly, letting her push the bubbles to and fro across her midsection to end up in her breasts, her thighs, her buttocks. "Now, for the next few pumps, don't use your hands. Tell your body where it's going to get bigger, even as the gas is coming into it. All the while, keep telling me what you're feeling." "I can feel the gas in me... I don't feel bad. The air is under my skin, getting puffier. I feel tension, but my body isn't tense. I'm sending it into my breasts... They're larger now. I can feel them tugging on the shirt a little, when they weren't before. My pants are tighter. I know my ass is bigger, and I think my legs are thicker now?" "They are," I confirmed. "The gas is going to fill your available space before you start to stretch." She nodded and ran one hand under the waistband of her yoga pants feeling the resistance of the elastic before letting it snap down with a hollow donk. "That's new," she said. "It must be because I'm... emptier now. I have more room in me." I continued to pump, urging her to continue to describe the feelings she was having. When she did, her voice was huskier, breathier, as if the very act of describing what was happening was stirring her as much as the feelings of pressure within her. "The air's getting harder to move around without my hands," she reported. "It's going into my middle. I feel it getting tighter against my shirt, and my breasts aren't lying flat anymore." Sure enough, her shirt was beginning to put up some resistance against her swelling midsection, and now I could clearly see the hose where it entered her as her body tried to pull the shirt open. It was nowhere near straining yet, but she was noticeably bigger than before, in every way.Her pants clung to her swollen hips and thighs, the stretchy fabric easily taking in her growing lower body. Seeing the waistband slowly creeping down her rounding belly reminded me of watching Auria's body as she had swelled, but I knew this was different. For one thing, despite my own growing excitement, this inflation was far, far, slower, and it wasn't for my benefit. "Okay, now stop directing the gas. Let it go where it wants, but keep in mind what's happening to you." I slowed down the pumps, but tried to retain a smooth rhythm. "I... The air is bunching up in my midsection." She ran her hands over her newly-rounded body as she described each area. "It's not just my belly, but out to the sides, too. My waistband feels much tighter. My back... I can't feel the small of my back going in anymore. There's just my ass, oh god it's round and full, and then my skin curves out. My breasts are almost totally round now, and I'm starting to feel tight all over. "The air's in my belly, and I'm getting bigger, pushing against my clothes... No, that's not my clothes. My skin isn't pushing out any further, and I feel... just tighter. There isn't any more room for this air." She finally started to sound concerned, as she realized that I was showing no sign of relenting my slow pumping. "I'm filling up! No, I'm full! I'm full, you can stop!" She was hardly full. She was puffy, but she hadn't truly begun to stretch. But there was no way for her to know this; after all, she'd only ever imagined this could happen. I did stop pumping, though, and ran my hand over her inflated body. She moaned slightly at my touch, then grabbed my hand. "Thank you for showing me this. I feel so much bigger." Her belly pushed against her shirt, and now a band of her skin was visible between the bottom of her shirt and the waistband of her pants as the it rode up her body. I pressed down on her belly, causing her to squeal while the gas within her was pushed to her extremities. "You remember what I said about the balloon, right? You aren't inflating yet. Your body's still pushing back before you can expand." I pulled my hand free of hers and disconnected the hose from the bicycle pump, then connected the same hose, still planted in her belly, to the the gas canister. "No," she whispered. "You promised I wouldn't pop. You--" I turned the wheel on the canister, letting a slow but steady flow of bouyant gas into her. Without having to manually pump her up, I could help her more directly, and I took her hands again, holding them against her belly. "You're not going to pop. You're going to get bigger. Repeat that with me." "I'm not going to p-p-pop... I'm g-going to get b-b-bigger..." she stumbled, as the gas continued to well up within her body. "You aren't even floating yet. You're nowhere near big enough to pop." "I still n-need to float... Not gonna pop..." She closed her eyes and shivered as the pressure continued to mount. Her belly groaned, and her breasts quivered, but her skin remained smooth and unblemished. After just a few more seconds of this buildup (which must have felt like an eternity to her), her body began to swell again, her belly forcing its way to stretch her shirt as far as it could even as her butt and legs grew even larger. A familiar low-pitched whooshing noise filled the room: the sound of a helium balloon beginning to inflate, but magnified and much, much deeper. Her eyes snapped open, and she cried out once. "I'm growing again! My body..." I ran her hands over her belly and hips, caressing them with my own hands. "Now you're starting to swell up. Your body's reached that point where it stops resisting, and now you're expanding for real." "Oh... It was so powerful," she groaned. "And you say I never have to go through that again?" "Well, not from Muses," I admitted. "That might be a shame," she said. "I think... I came a little, right at the end there." "I wouldn't be surprised," I said, "but there's still time." Still, that frank admission of release was new to me. I did let my hands wander over her lower body for a few seconds as the gas continue to work its way inside her. Her newly-rounded hips and thighs were still soft and smooth, and the yoga pants cling gamely to her new curves along her rear and across her groin, which was beginning to push outwards as her lower torso met her belly. "Help me up," she said. "I want to see myself." I pulled her upright and helped her stand, where she took a pose in front of the full-length mirror in her room. Her breasts bobbled up beneath her shirt, and she grinned. "See? Parts of me are lighter already." She hopped up and down slightly, watching her breasts bounce while her midsection shimmied slightly. Her shirt was stretched tight across her body now, both as her breasts and her belly continued to grow within it. The lower part of her shirt in particular was strained across her midsection as she swelled out to the sides and back, but the buttons were hanging in there, keeping the garment closed. "Tell me what you're feeling." I said, getting her back on track. She stared at herself in the mirror for a moment longer, then wrapped her arms about herself. "That tightness from before is gone, but I feel pressure on my waist, and around my chest. My skin feels more sensitive, I think because I'm actually stretching now. I feel... bigger, but not clumsier or slower." "That pressure's probably just your clothing," I said, trailing a finger around the waistline of her amazingly stretchy pants and then tapping her shirt. "You're still getting going to bigger, if you want to." "Of course I want to!" she sighed. "You couldn't stop me now, could you? Not after what happened on the bed? And, besides, you said I could fly!" "I said you could float. If you think you're getting out of this room, you're crazy." "Crazy enough to find this incredibly stirring. But, you knew that, right? You wouldn't even have come to do to this to me if I didn't." "Uh... Let's get back to focusing on your impressions. Remember how this all feels, as your body fills." She sighed and closed her eyes, crossing her arms under her breasts and letting them rest on the new pillow of her belly. "Right now... I feel like things are slowing down. I know I'm still getting bigger, but the pressure and the tension are subsiding. I still feel a fullness, but my skin feels softer, not as severe as before." "Okay, you're entering a safe stretch," I said, drawing on the specialized vocabulary Auria had drilled into me. "Pun intended?" She cocked her head, brown hair spilling onto her shoulder. "Very much so, more's the pity. But what I mean is now that your body's begun to expand, you've passed a safe milestone and you can relax for a bit." "I don't want to relax! I want to feel a thrill! I want to float!" She bobbed on her toes again, and her breasts almost broke free from the shirt now. "Don't tell me that this gets actually dull once I start getting big!" "Hardly!" I said, with all the experience of having watched this being done a mere two times. "We're taking it slow because this is your first time, remember? At this point in most fantasies, the inflation actually increases until something happens." "That's the problem," she said. "My fantasy involves getting bigger, faster. I want to feel that pressure again. I want dramatic change!" "Careful," I said. "Don't get all adrenaline junkie on me now. Besides, from the looks of things you're about to cross another line fairly soon." "Is it taking these constrictive clothes off?" She leaned forward and squeezed her breasts between her arms, causing them to strain at the already-stricken shirt enough that a button popped loose. "Oh!" she gasped, "That felt... liberating. Being able to break free, that sudden release... It's kind of like that first stretch again." "At least, in the stories, that's how it goes, right?" I nodded. "The clothing has to come off sometime. If you want, I can take it off for you, or..." "No! I want to bust out of them." She sat back on the bed. "How long is it going to take?" "Well, you're already pretty big. But usually the growth is faster at this point. I could turn up the pressure..." "Yes!" she exclaimed, almost hungrily. "In return, though, you need to get back into the zone. Remember what's happening. Relax, and feel your body swelling." She lay back down on the bed, the new curves of her body resting comfortably. The waistband of her yoga pants, still being driven downwards as her belly and sides grew, gave her the impression of a comparative waist, and her hips, ass, and thighs flared out cartoonishly below it. Above, the shirt was taut against her belly and sides, and an escaping glimpse of breast peeked from the broken button near the top. "I feel... tight, but not dangerously so. I'm constrained, and I can get bigger if I can get free." "How's your skin?" I asked, tapping the rising crown of her belly with a finger. Even lying down, her body was a good yard high. "Still... Mmm... Soft and sensitive. Do that again." I obliged, and she laughed at the dull bwom sound that resonated through her. "All right. I'm going to turn it up. Get ready." She bit her lip and nodded. I opened the valve on the canister a bit more, increasing the gas's flow into her. She sighed contentedly and rubbed at her belly. Soon she began to rub herself faster and faster. "The pressure's building again..." she said. "I can still be bigger, but first... I've got to get out of this!" Her breasts burst forth, popping two buttons at once with a staccato ripping sound. She gasped with pleasure as her flesh heaved to, straining against her shirt. The rising swell of her was getting visibly larger, pushing at the final few threads keeping her from being free. "It's tight... but I can be bigger." she whispered. Sure enough, the shirt finally gave in, the buttons tearing off one after another as she lay, a triumphant mound of woman in her tan stretch pants and the remains of a white shirt. "What about the pants?" I asked. "Can I get them off?" she panted. "I can't see." The curve of her oversized belly was preventing her from seeing below her waist, where the spandex seemed laminated to every curve of her lower half. "I don't know," I said. "Whichever brand you bought, you really picked a winner." "Just get them off of me," she said. "I want to be free to grow, and they're so tight..." Even as her body continued to blow up with the increased gas flow, I knew that ripping these pants might be more trouble than it was worth, so I climbed on top of her bed and straddled her legs. I found a handhold on either side of her massively flaring hips and tugged downwards, but the swell of her immense rear kept me from pulling them off. "I need to flip you over to do this," I said, and slowly rolled her onto her side and then onto her front. She bit her lip and grunted as she took her weight on the gas-filled pillow of her belly, and the globes of her now-immense rear rose up before me. I hooked my thumbs into her waistband on either side, then hauled her towards me, shoving against her to pull her pants down. Every inch of the clothing's movement was accompanied by her swelling ass pressing closer and closer to me, as her own body pressure worked to help me peel the pants away from what was becoming a smooth expanse of cheek and thigh. At one spot, the flare of her hips was even wider than her waist had been, and I struggled with the stubborn clothing. How had this thing stayed intact? My tugging had had a second effect on her, however. As I pulled, she rocked back and forth on her stomach, and when I began to work her faster, she gasped and tried to slip a hand down below her belly, but was unable to reach. She contented herself with playing with her sides, running her fingers along her hips and across as much of her rear as she could manage. "This feels so good," she moaned. "The pressure is sliding down my legs, and I can feel my ass growing again, now that it's out of there." Her cheeks were expanding more rapidly, taking on gas and forcing her thighs to press against each other tightly as the pants held her legs together around her knees. I was going to make another go at pulling, but she waived a hand for me to stop. "Leave it there. I like the way my thighs are mashing together, against each other and into my crotch. It just feels so... electric." I rolled her over again and pulled her into a sitting position, her hugely inflated belly riding against her swollen thighs, her bottom another pair of exaggetated curves below that. Her back was bulging out behind her head, rounding out her entire upper body. Obviously her front was stretched out much more than her back, but she was thicker all around, and her waist was rapidly becoming more of an equator to envelop her hips. "Keep thinking about how it feels." I said. "Is there anything else I can do?" Instead of responding directly, she closed her eyes and nodded, driving her chin between her massive breasts and setting them to bouncing. Her hands remained busily stroking at the sides of her immense body, and she seemed to be shaking with excitement. After a few moments of this, her body still slowly inflating, she looked over to me and smiled. "I feel lighter. The sense of pressure on my ass is getting less, even though I know it's still getting bigger, and I know why. It's because I don't weigh as much!" I nodded. "You're starting to float." "I'm starting to float." She sighed and leaned forward as much as she could, pressing against her belly and holding herself tightly. "Hurry. Speed it up. I want this so bad right now." I gave the canister another twist, and the rate of flow into her increased once more. "Yessss..." she hissed, and she began to slowly rock against herself. Each time she pulled back, her belly was slightly larger, further restricting her movements. "I can feel it," she whispered. "There's so little weight to me. It's just this incredible feeling of fullness and my skin is so sensitive." I placed my hand on her belly, near the hose, and she shuddered with pleasure. Her voice was low and fast, almost like a mantra or a woman in a dream. "I'm going to float. It's coming. I feel it in the pit of my stomach, like when you're going up a roller coaster and about to drop. It's building up so much inside me and I just can't stand it and--" Her belly began to waver, and she slowly rose up off the bed. She gasped and lay backwards, twisting her hips as her rear lost contact with the sheets. Her calves and knees were still effectively held fast by her pants, and her hugely bulging thighs ground together, the globes of her ass working against each other. Her feet trailed against the bed for a moment, for she was obviously being lifted by her belly and her legs were still the heaviest part of her, but in a moment even they had risen up off the bed and she was rising up into the air. I caught her by the ankles and towed her more towards the center of the room, then tugged her downwards and took a hold of the hose. She rolled in the air to face downwards, tethered by the hose to the canister, her almost spherical belly and torso meeting with her hips and ass in a series of smooth, flawless orbs. "I'm floating... I'm floating..." she moaned, her head back and her face flushed. She seemed lost in the throes of passion, and from the way she had been waiting for this very moment, I wasn't surprised. I teased my other hand along the curve of her belly, out of her reach, starting between her breasts and tracing down to the hose, then further along to where her thighs pressed in a firm grip of inflated flesh. Somewhere between them, her body must have been swollen mightily as well, but with her pants forcing her legs tightly together by her knees, there must have been an incredible amount of pressure there between the inflation of her thighs, her belly, and her groin. For a moment I considered thrusting my hand up and finding the spot that was giving her so much pleasure as her body pressed itself into her more delicate areas. But, no. Unless she asked, I wouldn't take liberty with her like that. After all, this was to be her fantasy, and she could stimulate herself all she liked. With her mind, at least, since she obviously couldn't reach there with arms. Eventually, even the thrill of floating must have worn down slightly, and she tapped against her belly with one hand to create a series of kettle-drum booms. "Stop," she commanded. "Turn it off. I... I'm big enough now." "Are you sure?" I asked, squeezing a breast slightly. "There's still some give in your body. You could be bigger." Still, I stopped fondling her long enough to turn off the flow of gas, but kept holding on to the hose. "Yeah," she replied. "It felt... feels so amazing, but I don't want to strain myself. Being big and soft is better than drum-tight, I think." She sighed, laying her head down on the curve of her body, and let her arms dangle. "I'm finally a balloon, and it's so good. I can't get lost in it." Funnily enough, I hadn't had that degree of self-control in my first inflation session with the Muses, and I hadn't even been the one blowing up. I was impressed by her "What are you thinking of?" I asked, tugging on the hose to let her bob in the air. She giggled slightly. "I have to put this into words. I know that I was probably repeating myself a lot while it was happening, and I need to do better than that to make it worth reading." "You'd be surprised," I said. "An honest, natural-sounding voice is much more immersive than a thesaurus for 'big.' Just stay away from fruit and sporting goods and I think you'll do okay." "I'm still not quite over it. It really happened. I'm so huge, and round, and it all really happened." "Try to remember that." I reassured her. "It's going to feel like a dream later. A fantastic dream, and you'll tell yourself that it was impossible. But, hold on to how you feel, dream or not, and keep it in your mind." I set the gas canister to its last setting--a harmless anesthetic-- and let it slowly feed into her, so slowly that its passage was silent. Within a few short moments, she fell asleep even as she grew a tiny bit bigger, lolling in the air as contentedly as a cloud given feminine form. It was a fairly quick task to guide her over to the bed and gently deflate her, using the hose's valve to magically suck every trace of the gases from her body. I repaired her shirt with a touch and tossed it into the closet, but left her pants around her knees and covered her with her blanket. Even though she had changed her clothes, the restored shirt would contradict her memory of the event, giving the whole experience an even more dreamlike feel when she woke up. I gave the room one more look and set everything back to the way I remembered it being when I first arrived, then said the spell to take me back to the etherial plane where the Muses made their home."A good first run," Auria said when I returned to the cloud-enveiled room that she had made her office. "Very polite, very professional." "It helped that she didn't want me to be really dominating during the whole thing," I said. "I'm not sure I could have gotten into that." "The point isn't for you to get into it," she replied harshly. "It's for her, and you'll do as she likes. That's the point. Still, though, it's nice that you enjoyed it." "I did," I agreed, "though I'm not sure I have it in me to do it very often." "Maybe you won't need to," Auria said. "We'll watch how this takes hold in her creative centers and keep an eye on her output. You may have just done something very special for one person, or maybe it'll spark something that gives pleasure to a lot more than just her. That's the thrill of this job, the potential of making your simple actions for one mind ripple outwards to reach many more. Now change back into your own clothing and I'll send you home." I smiled and did so. When I was done, Auria made a note in the file she was reading and shut the folder, which then flew into an open file cabinet and neatly alphabetized itself under "I" (it was a fairly large section, I noticed). "There is one more thing I should mention," she said. "This isn't the sort of thing we Muses had to deal with when we first started out, so I can see why it's a rookie mistake." "What's that?" I asked. "I thought everything went fairly well." "Oh, it did," she said with a smile, waving her hands to cause a cloud to form around me to take me back. "But, in the future, make sure anyone you visit has her webcam off before you appear to her." She winked and snapped her fingers, and everything went black.
Title: French Frolic Tags: first time, vacation Where to begin? It is never easy to know where to start with a confession. The easiest place to start is at La Rue - a tiny little dive of a club just a couple of blocks from my hotel in Paris. I had only been in Paris a couple of hours. I was extremely jet lagged but only had a few days to make the best of it. I was just through a vey rough break up. I was already scheduled to be in Europe for several work conferences, when the opportunity arose for a few days layover in Paris to forget my troubles, I took it. And I was not about to waste a minute of it sitting around the hotel. I had been in La Rue about 45 minutes when I spotted her looking at me. I did not speak a word of French and was completely unsure how to proceed. She was captivating, back in the shadows, her dark sleeveless top revealing the luscious curve of her beautiful breasts. A black and white vertical striped mini skirt. The stripes thick and bold and wonderfully complimenting the taper of her legs. Her right arm was about 80% covered in tattoos, not a true sleeve but a riotous collection of symmetry from her wrist to her shoulder, waves and lanterns and things that should never match somehow tied together in a harmony that was uniquely hers. Her hair was dark and short, parted on the left in a boy cut, framing a round face, dark high pinstripe eye brows, the light was too dark to make out the color of her eyes, but the intense smolder of her gaze was clear. Her long straight nose leading down to full pouty lips, dark red Gothic lipstick and a sardonic twist to the left side of her mouth, giving the distinct impression she had every intention of eating me. I felt like prey in her gaze. Waiting, being stalked and knowing there was no escape, and knowing I did not want to escape. The music changed - the tempo shifted the crowed flooded the dance floor, I lost sight of her. I sat nursing my beer, scanning the room trying to spot where she had gone when I felt a breath on the back of my neck and something whispered in French in my ear. It startled me so badly I almost jumped out of my seat. She was standing there - much taller then I would have guessed, standing over 6 feet I would guess. I stand only five four, she absolutely towered over me. She was proffering a bottle of absinth and two glasses. I did not know how to respond, I hoped the club was dark enough to hide the raging erection I suddenly sprouted when I found her towering above me. Her breasts larger then I first realized, her long tapered legs curving up into slim muscular hips . Her grey eyes smoldering - her gaze sliding down my body coming to rest on my lap and then jumping back to my face with an absolute carnal hunger filling her face. She stopped asking and invited herself to sit. She set my beer aside and poured two glasses, where the sugar and cold water materialized from I could not say. She must have had a cocktail waitress follow her out, but I never noticed them. She handed me my drink her hand falling to my thigh as she leaned in to toast - what? I have no Idea, but I toasted with her and tossed back my drink. It was much stronger then I was prepared for, I knew absinths repute but I had never before experienced it first hand. She poured round two, this time when I took it she let her hand drop right to my erect cock. She said something with a giggle and a smile as she threw back her second glass. I had the distinct impression she was mocking me, but I did not want her to leave and did not want to fall behind so I smiled (quite stupidly I am sure) and threw back my drink as well. This seemed to excite her as she poured round three. I barley had a chance to get the glass down before she grabbed me by my erection and dragged me onto the dance floor. The beat was thumbing and kind of fast but the floor was crowded and she pulled me in close, pressing my face into her breasts and laughing like a victor. My hands slid around her back, she stroked my head and murmured something as my hands slid over her muscular back and down to her tight ass. She was much stronger then I originally thought, she was obviously in good shape, but she was in better shape then I had suspected. She pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. Then her hand took me by the back of my head, managing a hold on my short hair, and bent me back, her fierce eyes captured me for a moment before she leaned down, almost close enough to kiss. Once again I desperately felt like I was being stalked - and I desperately needed her to kiss me. Thats what was happening, I was not kissing her, she was taking what she wanted, when she wanted. She finished her descent her hot mouth capturing mine, Her tongue forcing my lips apart and invading me. Forcing my jaw open, when she broke off I felt strangely violated and desperately empty. With a devilish grin and a maniacal giggle she grabbed me by the hand, snatched the half finish bottle off of the table and led me out the door. The cool air outside hit me and I realized just how drunk I was. It sobered me slightly as she looked at me and asked "hotel"? that simple word revealed just how broken her english was - and I started thinking this may not be a good idea. Things were going to easily. She was not dissuaded by my hesitance. She turned towards my hotel and started leading me in that direction. I wanted to ask how she new, but really it was obvious. I was foreign and this was the only hotel in the area. At least the only one likely to have a tourist. We got to my room, again I hesitated at the door, realizing just how vulnerable I was. It was late, no one of note saw us together, I was exhausted, and I had realized just how much stronger then I she was. She spun me around so my back was to the door, she leaned in trapping me. Her mouth closed over mine, her tongue forcing its way in again. My body failed me collapsing the rest of the way into the door. She snatched the key away, slid the card in the lock, and opened the door. If not for her hold on me I would have fallen backwards onto the floor. She pushed me the rest of the way into the room, closed and locked the door shoved me backwards into the sofa, and just to show me how easy it was for her she then set the bottle on the table. She manhandled me and the room and still had a free hand to hold the bottle. I knew I was trapped - I also knew I did not want to scape. She casually strolled towards me, placing a foot on each side of me. Her skirt was slightly lifted revealing more thigh and driving me absolutely crazy. My cock was throbbing with the excitement, I could feel my pre cum cold in my underwear. I had a desperate need to touch her. I started to sit forward. She stopped me with a fingertip to my lips. Her hands took her shirt and swept it over her head, revealing her full, braless, gravity defying breasts. I was sure they had to be fake though I could not see a scare and they certainly felt real when she had held my head pressed into them. She reached out with her left hand and grabbed me by the hair again pulling my face into her taught stomach. My hands reflexively came up and caught her by the outside of her thighs, my fingers curving around and feeling the muscles of her ass flex and tense as she pulled me in tighter. She started speaking again in French, I had no idea what she was saying as her right hand slid between my left hand and my face. Her hand slid down to the hem of her skirt as she held me firmly in place. Her smoldering grey eyes holding me as surely as her grip as she murmured to me in French. I was unsure of her hesitation at this point, I was completely captured by her, it was as if the predator was playing with her dinner. I was eager to please. Her right hand slowly pulled up the hem of her skirt as her left hand pulled my head back and down. I suddenly smelt the musk of a male. I thought I must have cum through my pants and not realized it, until I felt her bulge through her panties press against my cheek. My shoulders tensed and I tried to push back as her left hand held my face firmly in her crotch. She continued to coo soothingly in French (she? was I still thinking of her that way) and her right hand pulled her lacy panties aside releasing the biggest cock I had ever seen. She was easily over eight inches and she was not even hard yet. Her left hand held me firmly to the left side of her crotch, I realized I had been smelling her musk. I tried futilely to push back. I looked up to beg her no, that's when I could see the absolute heat and desire in her eyes as her cock slowly stiffened and drifted up the left side of my face. I stopped struggling, and I saw her realization of victory in her eyes. Her speech changed - the tempo, the rhythm. I knew she had stopped whispering reassurances - no, now she was giving directions. And while I could not understand a word she was saying I knew I would end up obeying. My cock was absolutely desperate to get out of the cage my clothes had become. My hands were once again wrapped around the curves of her ass, not holding her to me, but not trying to push her away either. Her hands still held me firmly in place though there was no struggle to do so now. Her musk filled my nose, pressed deeply into her crown of red brown pubic hair. Her Goth look was obviously helped with a dye job, somehow that realization turned me on even more. I could feel her mostly erect cock all along the left side of my face, well passed my ear. Her balls had drawn up some and were pressing on my chin. Some how they seemed like the least threatening place to start. My hands cupped her ass lifting slightly as I lowered my face a few inches. She allowed me to slip down, my lips parted. I could feel the warmth of her flesh and I found myself desperately needing to fill my mouth with it. I could taste the saltiness of her skin, and the maleness of her musk. She tilted my head back slightly, my mouth full of balls I looked up into her heat filled eyes, my gaze licking over her gorgeous breasts with their big stiff nipples. I wanted those nipples. I allowed her nut to slide out of my mouth I tried to rise up, but she held me firmly in place. I could still feel her thick cock against my left cheek. Her grip on my hair firmed as she drew her hips back. Her cock sliding against my face. I knew she was about to force feed me that monster - and I could tell she was not fully erect yet. As her head slide past my ear and glided over my cheek to my chin I looked up in her eyes and pleaded no. She just laughed, I tried to tell her I could never take that much, but before the words passed over my lips she was already forcing her thick head between them, stilling my tongue as her cock pressed it into the bottom of my mouth. I tried desperately to escape backwards, this only amused her. I quickly ran out of couch to back up on. She had her knees on both sides of me her hands firmly on the top of my head and was thrusting powerfully into my mouth. She would pull her head back almost to my teeth. I could taste her pre cum sliding over my tongue as she thrust forward again. her cock was fully hard now - splitting my jaw. Each time her head forced itself into the back of my throat it made me gag. About her 5th or 6th thrust in this position was more then my body could handle. My body completely betrayed me and I went into a mind blowing orgasm from having this powerful woman rape my mouth. All of the tension went out of me as my body shock, I found my hands desperately clingy to her ass as she continued to thrust about a 3rd of her cock in and out of my mouth. Once my trembling stopped, she titled my head back about mid thrust. She had maybe half of her cock in my mouth, my gag reflex was temporarily subdued. She had absolute victory in her eyes. She slowly withdrew her cock and finished stripping down. She took me by the hand and lead me towards the bed. She quickly stripped me pushed me onto my back with my head hanging over the edge of the bed. She moved around to straddle my face. Her right hand came up to cover her mouth and her left one pointed at my spent cum covered cock as she spoke. I have no idea what she said, but I am sure it was something like "how pathetic that little thing is, all spent, and we are just getting started." She took a step forward I reached up to try and stroke her off, but she snatched my hands aways pined them down on the bed and lowered her thick hard cock down to my mouth. I wanted to turn away, but I NEEDED to have my throat fucked again. My mouth opened even though I was thinking "no, stop don't let her do this". Her warm cock quickly filled my mouth with the taste of her flesh and her pre cum. I found myself desperately trying to accommodate that big thick cock and needing to know what her load tasted like. I could see her balls drawn tight up against her body and I was sure I would soon know, but she just kept thrusting away at my face. My gag reflex had not yet returned but I still could not manage more then about half of her cock. I could feel her thick head desperately trying to stretch my throat open, and all I could think was "god please let her cum soon, I NEED her cum. After what seemed an eternity of having my face violently fucked her tempo changed, she stopped pining my hands down and shifted her position a bit. I could tell she was getting ready to cum. My mouth tightened hungrily around her cock. I was finally going to get what I NEEDED! She thrust a couple of more times and I felt her climax build. Thrust, thrust, thrust, suddenly the taste I had been craving. I hungrily sucked her cum down as she pulled her hard spurting cock out of my mouth. I felt robbed and violated all at the same time as she continued to shoot thick streams of warm cum over my face and chest. I lost count after 8 - 8, plus the two that had gone mostly in my mouth. My eyes were glued shut with thick jets of her cooling cum. As I lay there feeling violated and strangely satisfied all at once I noticed my own little cock desperately needed relief. I reached down to service myself, but she pulled my hand away as she repositioned me on the bed and slipped in beside me. She did not speak, but her meaning was clear. I was her's; I was her's, and she was not finished yet. I had to be satisfied with the hungry cum covered kiss she gave me, and what little of her I could manage to lick off of my face as she held me there and let the rest of her spunk cool and dry on my skin. I had to be satisfied waiting for her pleasure, but I wasn't satisfied. I was confused, aroused, ashamed - and extremely turned on. She had me pinned on my right side, her left arm over me and still holding my wrist. I could feel her soft full breasts pressed into my back, my head pillowed on her right arm. Being spooned, but I had never been spooned like this. I was so turned on my cock ached with the pleasure. I could feel her taught belly against my lower back, her cock laying against my ass. I tried not to think about her cock against my ass. The fact I really liked her cock against my ass. What it would mean when she fucked me, it was obvious she was going to fuck me. I had held women like this before, waiting for round two. I could not stop anticipating round two. Being held there, trapped under her arm, was driving me crazy. I tried not to think about it but I could feel her cock against my ass. I tried not to move, any little shift sent sensations of longing through my body. After the fucking she had giving my mouth I found it hard to believe she would be ready before morning. I could not wait that long. I was about to explode with desire. I tried to reach down and stroke my cock, but her hand just tightened on my wrist. Her hips shifted I could feel her cock pressed more firmly against my ass. My hips rocked with desire. I could feel her cock begin to stiffen. I could feel her cock begin to stiffen and it drove me crazy with desire and ashamed with guilt all at the same time. Desire feeling her big cock back there and guilt knowing that I desperately wanted what she would do with it. She pulled my left arm towards my chest, her hand released my wrist but continued to trap my arm as her hand snaked up to my neck. I stiffened as her fingers closed around my neck pulling me tighter into her grip, her erection pressing hard into my backside. She whispered into my ear "girl" - I was unsure if she was calling me one or telling me I was about to be one. It didn't matter, I had pushed her for this provoked it - and now it scared the hell out of me. I tried to wrestle free but she just laughed as she rolled me onto my stomach. rolling with me giving me no chance to escape. Her right arm sliding out from under my head her left one tight on my neck, pulling me towards her, arching my back. I felt her left foot press between my legs, I thought about trying to keep them closed, but I had mounted plenty of women with their legs together - it wouldn't stop her. The only difference was they had been willing. I was not, was I? She pressed my legs apart I felt her shift onto her knees, and she laid more heavily on my back, her left hand still holding my throat. Her right hand slid under my stomach, brushing my cock as she pulled my hips up arching my back. "Girl" she whispered again, no a said. But it was useless. She was declaring her intent to rape me into one. My breath caught ,my body trembled, and my cock ached when I felt her cock head slip between my cheeks and press against my ass. Her weight shifted and there was suddenly a sharp firm pressure demanding to fill me. I tried to squirm but her grip tightened on my throat, her other hand pulled my body back against her hard cock. The pressure on my ass increased and my cock absolutely ached for release. A tremor started at my hips and traveled through my body as it surrendered to her demands. It was incredible, having someone beautiful on top of my back pushing deep inside me. I moaned into the pillow, her hand released my neck and hooked over my shoulder, her right slid up my body and did the same. She started to gently thrust deeper inside me, pressing my face into the pillow which had become soaked with my tears. Each thrust brought another moan from deep inside me. A moan being muffled by the pillow her weight was forcing my face into. Her tempo shifted, she started thrusting more firmly, more quickly. My body trembled and my cock unloaded - it wasn't an orgasm, it was more like a gallon of pre-cum drained out. I could feel my hard cock sliding back and fourth against the cum covered sheets, it was finally getting the attention it so desperately craved. It did not take long at all until my body was gripped in orgasm. She used the distraction this caused me to push deeper inside me. I knew she could only be in me about half way, but it felt like she had rammed a mile of cock up my ass. I slide my arms up to the top of the bed so I could brace myself and push back against her thrusting hips. Her hands clamped down hard on my shoulders and I felt her start to orgasm - then I felt her load deep inside me. I could feel each jet as she came deep in my ass. I knew the load she was leaving back there was at least as thick and heavy as the one that had dried on my face. I felt her body shudder its last, still she did not withdraw. She just collapsed on top of me her cock going limp in my ass. My body pressed down under hers my legs sprawled apart, my cock and stomach coated in my cooling cum. I knew this was only just starting...
Title: An Elites Tale [Part 1] by Verses Fatum Tags: Anal, Ejaculation, Elites, First Time, M/M, Oral, Series, Sixty-Nine One day on the Covenant Flagship *Persistant Journey,* Commander Nessus 'Artumee was making a daily inspection of the ship. but something didn't feel right. Nessus knew that today was the Sengheili Mating Season and everyone on board was stiff like a rock. but that wasn't what was bothering him...it was something else, like a feeling or the way it was quiet on board the ship...No it was much more then that, and Nessus had a feeling he was about to find out later through the day. Nessus was making his way towards the Armory when he bumped into an Elite Spec Ops named Mano 'Kekamee. "Sorry about that commander" Mano said with an embarrased tone in his voice. "It's quite alright Mano, how's your daily inspection going so far?" replied Nessus while trying not to look down and his fellow Elite. Then Mano replied, "It's been going great, Engines running smoothly, Shields and Weapons at 100% and the crews work speed has doubled." "Good," replied Nessus, "Well, I have to be getting back to my inspection." "Alright Commander." and with a nod of Manos' head, they both continued there inspections. Nessus felt weird being surrounded by Elites with different sized cocks, but didn't want to show his feelings to the others, so he set his feelings aside and continued for about an hour with his inspection before getting back to the bridge. sometime after Nessus got back to the ship, he recieved a message from Mano saying that he wanted him to come to the Armory. So Nessus walked over to the Armory, only to find it empty. He started to look for Mano when something hit him in the head, knocking him out. When he woke up, Nessus saw Mano without his armor. Nessus tried to say something but found that he was gagged, when Nessus tried moving, he noticed that he was bound to the floor. Nessus also noticed the Armory door locked along with armor strune about the Armory floor, but it wasn't Manos', it was Nessus's armor that was on the floor. when Nessus finaly looked back at Mano, he noticed his 7 inch cock erected. When Nessus saw Manos' cock, he knew what was gonna happen, so he started panicing and struggleing to break free...but his efforts were futile as Mano began to speak to Nessus. "I'm deeply sorry for this Commander, but it's Mating season...I hope you understand." as Mano finished talking, he got down on his knees, with erect cock in one hand and began to insert it into Nessus struggleing and sweat soaked anus. At that point, Nessus shut his eyes tight as Mano began to thrust slowly inside him, groaning at the pain of each thrust...but after the fifth thrust, Nessus began to enjoy Manos' rythmic thrusts and even began to moan with pleasure. Nessus forced one of his eyes to open a little bit and saw a smile on Manos' face as Nessus continued to moan after each thrust. Then Mano arced his head back a little bit and closed his eyes as his thrusts began to become faster untill Nessus could feel Manos' semen hit the back of his anus as Mano moaned with pleasure. Mano took his semen drenched cock out, bringing a trail of cum out of Nessus anus and then unhooked and ungagged Nessus. Nessus sat up and leaned towards Mano, with his cum drenched cock and licked off the semen from his still erect penis and then started to bob up and down his shaft, tongue exploreing Manos' cock as Mano started moaning as Nessus came back up his cock and then back down, repeating this process untill Mano blew his sticky load into Nessus mouth. Nessus was then turned over and felt Manos' wet cock penetrate Nessus anus once more. With Nessus driping cum from his anus and mouth, both Nessus and Mano started Moaning and groaning at the feel of wet cock thrusting and making wet slapping sounds. Mano thrusted for 1 minute before turning Nessus back over and starting thrusting his mouth up an down his cock. Mano stopped for second to lick the pre cum from his lips and began to continue with his rythmic thrusting. "I'm..\*wet slap\*..about..\*wet slap\*..to cum" moaned Nessus. Mano stopped to reply back, "Same here." Mano then stoped, turned around and was now in the 69 position, they both started bobbing there heads as some pre cum leaked from there mouths untill they both erupted in eachothers mouths with a sattisfieing moan as Nessus took Manos' cock by the hand and then licked cum from his throbbing shaft while fingered Mano with his free hand. as both Elites lay on the floor, drenched in semen and moaning with pleasure, Mano turned toward Nessus and said, "That was the best mating i've ever had." "Me two" replied Nessus, who was licking the last of the semen off of his hands. They both then got there armor back on and then left the armory with smiles on there faces. But as Nessus walked down the hall back to the bridge, he started thinking about the great sex they both had and wondered what other species would be like...He smiled at the thought. **To Be Continued**
Lilac sighed at her reflection in the vanity mirror on her dresser. She had graduated high school not too long ago and had started her half-assed job searching. That was not the source of her depression though. She looked at her emerald green eyes and dark blood-red hair in its wild waves. As she leaned toward the mirror she peered down her own cleavage- a valley formed between generous C cups. She pressed her lips onto the glass, kissing her reflection as she blushed at her own silliness. Her reflection was not just hers- it also belonged to her identical twin sister Jasmine, they are the Lavendelle sisters. And that is where her distress comes from, she had always been close and often helped each other out by switching roles, abusing their identical appearance. When the two got older, Jasmine started to comment on boys and respond to their flirtations, Lilac however had no interest in them- all she needed was her sister. Not only did Lilac realize she is a lesbian...her heart belonged to her own sister, which was clearly taboo. She knew her sister liked boys though, so Lilac kept her affection secret and now Jasmine found herself a boyfriend she went to prom with. Lilac sighed at her hopelessness and leaned back in to bang her head into the mirror but fell much farther forward than she should have been able to. She had to quickly grab the frame to keep herself from falling all the way in. With eyes now wide she quickly scanned the area. On the other side of her mirror was a flower garden of some sort. Tiny brick paths, overgrown flower beds and enclosed with unkempt hedge walls. The center area was entirely red roses, practically choking a tree. A bit afraid but more curious, she reached farther into the mirror and flipped herself around to ease herself down toward the ground on the other side. The sky rippled in the wind as if it was made of water. She was startled by a sudden deep, masculine voice. She spun around trying to find the source but seen no one around the area. "Down here- the adorable one." She finally found the source- a small black, lop-eared bunny. "...I knocked myself out on my mirror didn't I?" "No. I thought you seemed rather glum, so I brought you to this place. It is inside a dream, but I assure you it is real regardless. A real girls-girl going by your moment with your reflection, that or you are terribly narcissistic." Lilac's face flushed bright red. "Yea...so what?" "Just wondering, I never seen a significant other on the other side of your mirror, so it is hard to tell. You seem like a nice girl, how is it that you don't have someone? Don't tell me you are holding back because of your unconventional attraction..." She glanced away. "N-no...well...it is complicated. I sort of have a...crush on my twin sister. But, she is straight, or...yea. Yea." He nodded along with her staggered explanation. "Oh, so it was narcissism." "Hey! Not cute!" He started to hop back and forth as a form of pacing. "Truly, you wound me. You better be nice- as you can imagine by my ability to talk- I am a magical being. And it just so happens that I could assist you in your current troubles...if only so you'd stop looking into the mirror with that sad face." Lilac asked him what he could possibly do, and the little bunny introduced itself as a force known as Occult. He explained that her real trouble lay in the inconclusiveness of the situation. She would never know if it was a thing that could have been because she never confessed, and now Jasmine had someone else- someone who isn't taboo to be with. Occult said he could create a situation that it would not be taboo in, and at the same time, create a situation where Jasmine could evaluate Lilac in the same light as Lilac did her. She could not figure out how he could possibly pull that off but wasn't about to argue- there was plenty of things about this whole encounter she couldn't quite wrap her head around. All Occult needed of her was that she place her hand firmly on the side of the tree in the central area and hold it there for several seconds. Sounded simple enough so she had no hesitation in her approaching it. She had to step very carefully as the entire central area was thick and hard rose briars, waiting to shred her pants if she stepped in the wrong place. She reached the tree and found a blank space low enough for her to reach. She placed her left palm flat on it and the bark felt oddly quite warm. After only a second a sharp pain caused her to yank her hand back to see the tree itself had sprouted a thorn! She held her wounded hand and watched as her blood started to glow against the tree, forming eldritch runes as it trailed down. She stepped back a pace and seen the blood streaks on the sides of her legs. The roses were not red- they were painted with blood! She felt very light headed suddenly and feinted. When Lilac woke she was on the shag carpet near her dresser. She quickly got up and looked into her mirror but only seen a normal reflection, but there was a thin crack across one corner of it with a few drops of blood in the crack. She looked at her hands and in the palm of her left hand was not a glass cut or thorn puncture- there was a set of radial runes, in what looked like scar tissue from a wound she never actually had. Occult was no where to be seen, so she still wondered if it had all been a dream. Weirder still, she looked at the clock and seen that the time was two hours earlier than when it started. She had to check her cell phone and found that it was actually a full day later! Dream or not, that was an entire day worth of time she could not account for! She was starting to panic, wondering what she was going to tell her sister when she asked where Lilac has been the last day. She did not have long to think about it however, as Jasmine came into the room almost immediately after as if on queue. She seemed a bit out of it but asked Lilac if she wanted to hang out around the house today. She said they had not had much time to hang out together, and while that was true, Lilac still had a feeling that Occult was somehow behind it. The timing was just way too convenient. Jasmine got some small snacks ready quickly and already had several movies lined up for them to watch. The two of them relaxed on the couch together watching movies that had come out in the last while that they missed because of their highschool exams. Jasmine was sitting right up against Lilac even though there was plenty of room on the couch. Lilac was enjoying it greatly but wondered how far this was going to go, or more importantly how far she should go with it. It seemed like what Occult told her was coming true, but there was still a good chance it was a coincidence and she could screw things up badly by jumping the gun. It was a quarter of the way into the third movie when Lilac noticed Jasmine was looking at her through the corner of her eyes, not the movie. Lilac gulped nervously. "W-what are you lookin' at?" "I...you ever really think about us? I mean identical twins- we are exactly the same." Jasmine moved even closer to Lilac, looking her over as if she were undressing her in her head. "Everything under your clothes is under mine, exactly the same..." Her hand was sliding up under Lilac's shirt but she seemed to snap out of it just as her fingers touched breast. "Geese, sorry! I didn't mean to..." Her hand was recalled as if having been burned. Lilac tried to compose herself but her face was bright red, and her breathing deeper. "You OK? You have been acting a bit weird..." She looked a bit like a kid who got caught with their hand in the candy jar. "I...I know. I feel weird too, but I am OK, I just...I don't know." She spoke progressively quieter as the two of them stared into each others eyes. The movie going on in the background was all but forgotten as Lilac swallowed her fears for the moment and moved agonizingly slow toward her sisters lips. Jasmine made no effort to pull back and they found themselves in a long and deep kiss. Jasmine breathlessly spoke as soon as they broke off the kiss. "Wow...what was...nnngh, so horny today, I have no idea why...I thought I was straight but...you are, I mean..." Lilac's face felt like it was on fire she blushed so vibrantly. "N-no actually...lesbian." Jasmine was surprised. "Really!? Geeze, feel bad for not knowing. We are identical twins! No secret keeping!" Lilac was a bit delirious from hormones and the suddenness of this whole situation, telling Jasmine if she wanted to know a secret and trailed off while pushing her sister onto her back. Lilac pushed her sisters shirt up enough that the curve of her breasts held it up and grasped the side of a breast in either hand, squeezing gently. She moved in, pressing her face into the plush and elastic surface of a breast before pulling out a bit to gently grasp an erect nipple into her teeth only hard enough to tug back with. She knew full well how sensitive those nipples would be from playing with her copy of them by herself. Jasmine arched her back and let out several high tone moans that were almost whimpers. Jasmine was quickly getting sweaty so she squirmed her way out of her clothes one at a time. Lilac paused only momentarily to mirror her. Lilac trailed the tip of her nose lightly down Jasmine's body, past the neatly trimmed patch of hair above her vagina to her needy clit, already peering out of its hood looking swollen. The AC kept the room a comfortable temperature itself so Lilac could easily feel the intense heat radiating from her sisters pussy. They were the same, so Lilac could tell easily that her sisters nether lips were unusually sensitive. Her clit as well seemed to throb often and half of those throbs caused it to remain the slightly expanded size. Was this part of Occult's magic too? But what did this have to do with her request? Not much in a contemplating mindset, Lilac shrugged it off for now and pressed her lips into Jasmine's hot pussy, breathing in deep through her nose an splitting the depths with her tongue, pressing upward on the way out to drag on the needy love button. The clit was quite large now, bright red, and even slightly pointed! It looked painfully swollen but her sister did not seem eager to complain. Lilac was about to suck on the clit specifically but Jasmine pulled back and swung around and shoved Lilac back with a bare foot before sliding her own legs between hers. Using the scissor position they ground their vaginas together fervently. After a minute though, they both noticed the extra friction and looked down. The clit was even bigger now! It was like a fat, pointy thumb! Rather than worry about her changing pleasure pearl- Jasmine seemed to almost become crazed with lust. Pulling back again she put Lilac's legs together and her own apart as she resumed grinding only this time while riding her sisters hips. It only took two thrusts before the huge clit penetrated Lilac and the grind became a thrust. Lilac could feel it throb and grow with need inside her. It grew in tiny amounts but grew almost constantly. Lilac panicked a bit internally as she seen her sisters nails were longer and more narrow now, like claws! She tried to say something but could not manage enough breath. Even if she could she may not have the heart to interrupt her perfect dream moment. In an unexpected finish, they both orgasmed at the same time- which was expected- but Lilac could have sworn she felt something actually come out of the clit. Jasmine's labia also swelled up quite a bit right at the end. They were both panting heavily as they pulled apart a bit to recover themselves but Lilac noted Jasmine was panting with her mouth open, and her tongue out a bit. "Your nails...and clit. And ears! Are your ears bigger?" Jasmine was already aware of her clitty but looked at her hands and then felt her now pointed ears. "I...have no idea what's happening to me! I feel fine but..well, great but...nnngh and horny. Why am I still so horny?!" Lilac suddenly felt a lot of guilt. She did not know what was happening either, but she had a good idea what the cause was- and it was her fault! Had she vomited on Occult after she passed out and angered him? She really was at a loss as to how this transformation had anything at all to do with her request, but what other explanation could there be for it? Trying to lower her heart rate and awaken her rational mind again, Lilac spoke in as calm a tone as she could manage. "OK, well...we need to figure out what is happening with you first. Just, calm down and try to relax as much as you can. I will Google it and see if anyone else has had something like this happen to them, and we can go from there." "N-no! Not yet, I need you!" Jasmine moved forward and hugged her sister tightly. "It feels weird, you are the only place that feels right..." Lilac's own vagina quivered at that. Tasting those words on Jasmine's laboured breaths was Lilac's ultimate wet dream, and all resistance left her body. She could feel Jasmine's hips twitch, wanting to thrust as the hug started to lean back at a dangerous angle. When Lilac felt the mutated clit brushing her own she knew she should pull back and stop it, but could not muster the strength to even move. She was putty in the hands of her sister. This time Jasmine thrust in while laying on top of Lilac, their breasts pressed firmly together and their lips locked several times for several moments each. Lilac could feel the clit changing even more inside her, getting even bigger. This time when they finished, perfectly synced again, Lilac felt three spurts of hot liquid from the huge clit. It was no longer a clittoris, it was a penis. An odd shaped one at that, red and veiny...it had no knot yet but going by the fact Jasmine had a set of dog ears now, it was probably canine. Lilac was quick to pull off and out from under her sister, more from shock than anything, which also gave Jasmine pause through her continued haze to evaluate her changes. Her fingers were short and thick and her palm was puffy looking, like her hands were halfway to dog paws. Her nose was slightly longer and canine in appearance, and her ears were already fully changed. She was panting open-mouthed and Lilac could see her tongue was longer and all of her teeth sharper. The changes came swiftly but now that she was watching her, the changes were completely paused. Then it occurred to Lilac suddenly. "Sex! Sex must be a catalyst for your changes! It came in two bursts so far, and both were during sex!" "OUR changes, you mean?" Lilac quickly looked down at herself for the first time and seen she was afflicted with the exact same changes! Her attention was so drawn into Jasmine she completely neglected her own body! She noticed immediately now though that her crotch was different. Dark, puffy, slightly triangular- a dog vagina. When Jasmine rolled back a bit she could see her own labia fused into a tight scrotum. The ovaries already fell in place to assume the roll of testicles, though still small and not yet fully formed. Why was Jasmine turning into a male and Lilac remaining female? Lilac didn't like boys, this is getting farther and farther from anything she wanted! Not to mention the whole dog thing in the first place still had her baffled. She didn't know why it was happening, so she also did not know how to stop it. Her mind spun in fear- she could not live as a half beast and did not want to live as a full one! If they did not have sex anymore, it presumably would not get any worse, but they needed to reverse what was already done! Jasmine was startled and Lilac was scared as the sound of Occult's voice resonated in their thoughts. "Don't tell me you are out of stamina already, pfft, and girls complain about men finishing too quickly!" His small bunny body appeared on the television screen across the room from them. "Maybe once you're done I will visit in a human form and play fetch with you two!" Lilac spoke up as Jasmine was still trying to comprehend what was going on. "What are you doing to us!?" "Why, exactly what we agreed on. That new set of genitals are causing your sister to evaluate you, like you have been her all these years...and as promised I have also created a situation in which you two going at it will not be taboo- not an easy feat. I caused you both to turn into dogs as you have fun, and no one will question two dogs going at it- they won't even know you're related!" Jasmine slowly turned to Lilac with fury in her eyes, practically spitting the words out. "What WE agreed on!? YOU did this??" Lilac blushed so hard tears came to her eyes. "Wait, it isn't what you think! Occult, this isn't what I wanted, I need to change my wish big time! There is clearly a misunderstanding..." Occult hummed in thought a moment. "No. I am not a very nice person, so one wish really is already straining myself, emotionally. Goes against my nature, really. You entered a blood pact though...so I will tell you what- if you are still upset about your wish in another two hours, I will return and make modifications as nessisary." Jasmine was quite angry, overriding her raging hormones and confusion of the situation. "I can save you time- we are definitely still going to be upset about this in two hours." "Mmm, are you sure about that?" "Huh?" Neither sister liked the sound of that, it sounded like he had another trick up his sleeve. "Dogs are not...advanced enough mentally to comprehend magical transformations- hell, you barely are. So, what the real question is- is will you still have enough humanity left after two hours, to wish yourself out of this?" Static started to overtake the image on the screen. "See you then." And with that the screen shut off entirely. Jasmine looked back at her sister, and did not need to say anything, the rage in her eyes said it all. Lilac shook her head as tears started to break free from her eyes. She quickly got up and dashed to the bathroom and locked herself in, crying heavily. Jasmine was going to get dressed but did not think it would be a good idea with her transformation so she remained nude, sitting on the couch trying to contemplate the situation. She cringed at the sound of her sister crying echoing off the tiles in the bathroom. She wanted to go over and comfort her but remained where she was to emphasize how angry she was at her. How did Lilac even know a magic bunny? She realized she was unintentionally sitting like a dog as well, and sighed at herself. She was still so very horny but was angry at Lilac and knew that sex was now damning. To relieve herself another way and try to clear her head she grabbed the penis with her semi paw like hands. The base of the penis was very tight and throbbed with her heartbeat, waiting to fully change and gain its knot. It was not as sensitive as it had been as a clit but it did still feel incredible. She started slow and sped up a bit as a trail of pre traced down the shaft onto her hand. She grabbed her balls with the other hand pulling the scrotum tight as she fell onto her back. As much as she tried to picture her boyfriend she kept involuntarily thrusting her hips and visualizing her sister's pussy and how it felt squeezing her with its soft folds. She felt her balls tighten with an oncoming orgasm but rather than draw in they seemed to move farther out. Darkening and becoming covered in fur, her balls expanded to their full size. She could feel a tail grow from above her butt and her upper and lower jaw seemed to expand a bit. Jasmine threw her head back and made a half moan, half whining sound as the base of her cock bloomed into a knot and she blasted off her first big load with her now complete dog package. When she regained enough of her wits from the pleasure shocks she looked down at the still very erect member. She whined again- she did not think masterbation would also trigger the changes! Maybe it should have been obvious, but she was unable to think well in her haze of horniness, which was why she tried doing that in the first place! Her hands and feet were furry and now almost entirely paws, so she couldn't do that again anyway- intentionally or not. When she stood she realized she had shrink a bit too. Jasmine made her way to the bathroom, her ears perked to listen to the crying. She could only hear Lilac occasionally. Crying that heavily will take a lot out of a person. Jasmine tried to knock on the door but it sounded more like an animal scratching to get out thanks to the fur and claws. "Lilac? Come on out already. Pull yourself together- at least one of us has to have their head on straight and mines in the clouds." There was a long pause interrupted at first only by a few awkward sobs. "It is all my fault! You must hate me...I hate me." Jasmine sighed exhaustedly, butting her head against the door. "I could never hate you. I can be extremely pissed for a long time- but eventually I am going to need you again. N-not like this, but I will always need you...even if it turns out you are secretly a weirdo with creepy fetishes and evil magic friends." "Oh he is so NOT my friend!" There was another long pause and Jasmine could hear her move closer to the door. "H-how much time has it been since Occult left?" Jasmine was a bit surprised- she had forgotten entirely to check, and looked over at the clock now. "Forty five minutes, apparently. Hey, uhm...did you change anymore while in there?" "...no, I can't have sex with myself...why?" Lilac slowly opened the door and gasped at her sister's current state. They were no longer matched- one was technically male now and an entire stage of changes ahead. Jasmine told her, shamefully that orgasms from any source trigger it- not just sex. Reassuring Jasmine they only had a bit over an hour left till it could be fixed, she decided to get them something to eat as well to help get their minds off other things. Lilac nearly grabbed a pack of hotdogs but realized that may not symbolically be the best choice of foods. She decided on nachos since thy were a bit of a messy food to begin with and Jasmine's hands were no longer able to grip things well, if at all. She did end up having to help feed her sister. Jasmine's tail wagged involuntarily and she squirmed in her seat quite a bit. The dog cock that used to be her clit never went soft, it still bobbed between her legs stiffly. The transformation progressed with every orgasm, but every transformation step reset her libido as part of the change. Lilac was horny too but that was not an alteration, that was just her being presented with a chance to romp with her sister. She did not like boys, but even in a male body her sister was still perfectly attractive to her- which actually made her question her sexuality a bit, was she really purely lesbian or had she just never given a male enough thought? Jasmine moved in to lick Lilac. "Such a unique situation...we...won't be able to do it like this again..." Lilac glanced past her at the clock while trying to push her back. "You wouldn't want to, remember? You...don't actually like me like that, it is just the spell!" Jasmine persisted and Lilac had to shove her back more aggressively. "Down girl!" Jasmine sat, but drew her ears back and growled a bit. "Sorry! I didn't mean it like that- it just came out." "Hnnngh...I can't stop myself anymore! My body is on autopilot!" Lilac moved as far over on the couch as she could and sat up straight, holding Jasmine off with her arm. "Just leave the room, lock yourself in another room!" "But...it isn't that long left till this ends..." Lilac knew Jasmine was right but her defenses against the advances were weak at best. While Lilac knew the risks and knew she should get away, her mind kept automatically looking for excuses to stay. There wasn't that much time left, and Jasmine was a step ahead of Lilac- when she was a complete dog already Lilac would still be human enough to reverse the wish. She started to lean sideways over the arm of the couch away from her sister, but in doing so also turned her butt, exposing it enough that Jasmine's blind thrusts made their mark- in her butt this time. Lilac let out a long moan, marveling at how much smaller her sister was than her now, and she would match the size soon. "Just enjoy the feeling right now, I will still fix this." Jasmine plowed into her and she met the thrusts. They were both panting with their long tongues out, both lost their thoughts and lived the moment. Lilac felt as though her face was so flushed that she could feel the pressure building in her face, but she seen her nose actually become more visible. As if it was a trigger, juices exploded from her pussy around Jasmine's cock and Lilac realized she might be in trouble. She was transforming another stage now! They had different types of genitals now, their sensitivity levels were different, and Lilac was already infatuated with the situation itself. She felt as though she was sinking into the couch as she started to shrink- bringing her closer to the couch since her arms did not reach as far. Her tailbone developed into a full tail at the same time her face pushed out making it feel like her body was stretching bigger even though it was shrinking overall at the same time. That reminded her of still another problem- they were the same size again, which meant Jasmine's knot was big enough to lock them together! It was physically impossible to separate without wounding one another. If Lilac came twice before they finished it would be game over. Lucky for her the fast and relentless thrusts Jasmine was forced to use now that her knot prevented long thrusts, send her over the edge. She stopped thrusting but had to wait a minute for the knot to shrink enough. By that time, she looked like a complete dog! A golden retriever to be exact, except not gold- dark blood red, and her, or...his tail was very large and bushy. Because the transformation renewed the libido, Jasmine had to be quick to pull his cock out, as it never became totally soft before returning to full mast. He bent down and started to lick himself but Lilac quick pulled his head away to stop him. After making a yes or no code from barks, Lilac determined the transformation had one more step even past this. Jasmine still had her mind, only her physical body finished. When Jasmine barked frantically Lilac knew to turn around, and quickly spotted Occult being held up in a magician's hat. The magician with him seemed lifeless behind his porcelain mask but Lilac did not stop to ponder details. She wished them to be back to normal, saying she only wanted to be with her sister romantically- not like this and not artificially forced. Occult laughed heartily at that, saying he was going to try and find a loophole in her wish, but she worded it so poorly that he did not even need to! He told her that her first request was easy- they are back to normal. THIS is their normal now. He said he would take care of the second part and chuckled again. Jasmine lunged toward him but underestimated her ability at her new size and only crashed into Lilac. As they squirmed around, Lilac felt a sudden and powerful burst of pressure and heat as her transformation advanced on its own. Jasmine felt as though her sister vanished and he had fallen through where she had been, but was overcome by a powerful and weird sensation. Things were moving around and inside their bodies all at once and Occult vanished again to let them sort it out on their own. The first thing they noticed as the changes slowed to a stop is that they were telepathic- one could hear the conscious thoughts of the other. They both let out a loud mournful howl as they looked down at the monstrosity they had become. Two had become one- Lilac was indeed closer to her sister...as they now had only one body between the two of them. Their heads and ears now resembled egyptian jackals in shape and thankfully each sister still had one of their own, with two black bands across the middle of their long ears. There was black bands around their limbs above their paws as well and black marks around their eyes, making their eyes seem very large and almond shaped even though they were not. They had two tails and both were gigantic and so bushy they matched their torso in width at the middle. They sort of resembled fox tails, and that comparison was complemented with the pale pink tips on the tails, which to the dark red of the rest of them almost seemed white. They had both a vagina and penis, with the very front part of the labia trailing into the scrotum and the cock taking the place of a clit, and even proportionately the cock was twice the size it had been. Their body was twice as big too, but it used to be two bodies so that only made sense. They had a huge poof of fur on their chest to look past to see they had four front legs, but only two could be used at once while the others rest. Lilac controlled one set and Jasmine the other, but figuring out the rest was a painful struggle. They both had control over the rest of the body, but if both of them tried to move it at once the muscles just got confused and cramped painfully rather than do what either of them wanted. Jasmine's own frustration was quietened as she could feel the seething rage her sister filled with. Lilac rushed to her room and jumped half onto the too-small-to-support her surface of her dresser, knocking it to the floor. She used her nose to flip the mirror on the floor, which was still intact thanks to the shag carpet. Placing a paw into its surface she hurriedly jumped through. Their body felt quite strong, and they could jump a good distance pretty easily. Jasmine was horribly confused, and Lilac could also feel her fear, forcing her to pause her rampage to explain. Occult had sounded pleased when he mentioned the pact Lilac made with him, so she returned to this realm to break it. If she wiped it off the tree Occult may be upset enough to return to fix it, and they would attack him! They were quickly met with a small Chihuahua however, tail wagging and letting out a few enthused barks. Around it's neck was a name tag 'Garm'. Jasmine backed up a bit when Garm advanced trying to get behind them to smell. "Don't tell me this is Occult's guard dog. He is trying to sniff our butt...if he realized how big our package was I don't think it would stick around. Our shaft alone is bigger than this twerp..." Lilac laughed. "Maybe he wants to show us the best place to bury bones, if you know what I m-" "I know what you mean. Weird we are so much animal, and so horny, but...we don't feel any attraction to this thing." "Yea...that is odd. Occult is a magical entity in the form of a bunny, maybe this guy isn't really a dog." They turned as Garm circled them to always be facing him to make sure he didn't do anything funny. They started to back up toward the briar-bound tree, but Garm quickly changed course and ran around them to get between them and the tree. They stepped from one side to the other trying to dash past him but he was fast. It growled at them baring its fangs, but they considered just stepping over him- how much harm could he possibly manage to do? He stopped his snarling abruptly and started to gag and hack wetly like a cat with a hairball. Jasmine lowered her ears in sympathy. "Now I just feel sorry for him..." The sisters jumped back in shock when Garm vomited its organs and mucus onto the ground. It did not stop however- a mass of writhing organs and cords larger than its entire body started to pile up in front of Garm. Fangs, claws, and bones started to surface from within as it all started to coil around one another- tightening and taking shape. The result was a fleshless monstrosity of a hellhound, dwarfing even the Lavendelle sisters in size. Garm wore its former body's empty husk on its head like a macabre hat. Its growl was so deep and loud it was like a continuous thunder boom- they could feel the reverberance in their own chest! To make matters worse Garm arched upward and nine cords of what looked like muscle tissue shot out from its crotch and coiled into a gigantic dog cock, the veins were glowing with a flowing red and orange liquid, looking to be magma. When a drop of eager pre dripped slowly to the ground it made a loud hiss from the difference of temperature. Jasmine quickly spun on their rear paws and bolted, not wanting to see Garm's next move. "Time to get the fuck out!!" As they ran, Lilac nervously chuckled. "That is one HOT dog." "Oh my god we don't have time for puns!!" "Speak for yourself- you're the one controlling the body right now, I am just stuck along for the ride." The sisters jumped over several flower patches on the way back to the mirror, gaining distance as Garm was slightly slower at gaining speed and slowing down for jumps. Because of the placement of the mirror in the real world they had to jump straight up and try to hook their paws around the edge- remembering they couldn't grab anymore with these limbs. They started to slip, unable to get a good enough footing to pull up! Lilac tried a last moment idea- rotating her arms down and switching which were socketed, which put them an inch higher, then told Jasmine to do the same. After a quick two switches they had enough of their torso on the edge to heave them self up. Lilac flipped the mirror over with her nose and Jasmine stomped on its back- breaking it against the carpet. They had cut it so close they could feel the heat of Garm's cock through the mirror. Lilac let out a long, pained whine. She would be crying in defeat if this body was capable of actually crying. Jasmine took them to the front doors saying she had one final idea- a long shot but currently the only option left. They were not able to make it very far out in broad daylight before people were stopping to point their cameras at the freak of nature. Lilac panicked wanting to run off the sidewalk and hide in an alley- causing their muscles to conflict and they buckled momentarily in pain. It was a weird sensation being both in and around one another's body. When the other was in charge it was like their body was on autopilot, but because of the mental link that allowed them to still talk exclusively to each other they still had a concept of what the other was doing. Jasmine quickly shouted at her sister to stop, growling a bit with their physical body unintentionally. She told her to calm down, reminding her that although they were naked in public- this wasn't their body. Absolutely no one would recognise them like this, so modesty was unessisary, and panicking was slowing them down. Only a half block further though, Jasmine broke into a full run, explaining that she was pretty sure the last person to whip out a phone at their appearance was probably calling Animal Services on them. They had to detour through several back lanes to make sure they were not followed and Jasmine finally arrived in the right back yard! Unfortunately she did not see the person she intended to. Aden and Chleo both stood up quickly as the beast jumped onto their lawn, but it was Aden that spoke up to it. "Woah! Stay back, back!" He took two cautious steps toward it, waving his arms at it in a shooing motion. Chleo stepped forward, grabbing his arm gently to calm him. "Wait, look at this thing." The sisters whimpered and laid down. It was only then Aden took more than the fact it was large and a beast into account. "A freak of nature...it has two heads!" "Or a freak of magic. I know of at least one person able to create things like this!" Aden looked at the Lavendelle beast now with a bit of curiosity. "...Occult." Having been reduced to an amalgamation beast herself, Chleo gave more of a pause at the creature. She asked it if it was Occult and Jasmine responded with a quiet, annoyed growl. Their ears perked up and their tails wagged involuntarily when Ken exited the back of the house to see them. Ken was Jasmine's boyfriend, and the son of Aden and Chleo. After many yes or no questions and gestures, the sisters were finally able to get their point across. Having both Chleo and Ken experienced in very similar situations made things considerably easier. Ken told them he knew someone that may be able to help, and lead the sisters on a long walk out of the city and into the rolling green hills. Chleo and Aden insisted on coming as well, against the sisters and Ken's wishes. Ken brought them to some ancient ruins he used to visit not all that long ago. They had to crawl through dark holes and long collapsed halls to a hidden courtyard. Ken stood confidently in the very tall grass on the other side. "Arcane! I need your help- bad." He became a bit nervous at the long pause, was she not able to manifest yet? The resplendent butterfly materialized before them all though in only a few moments. Her voice resonated through all their thoughts, and she quickly understood the situation. Because she spoke mentally, she could hear the thoughts of the sisters who were only able to bark at the others. Arcane was also instantly able to recognise Occult's handiwork, apparently knowing him somehow. "Arcane will release his spell no troubles- is not a strong spell. Bad Occult made it perpetuate through sisters feels. So spell is weak, victims ironically all that is holding it up." A bright flash went off and the nude sisters pulled apart in the middle of a halo of colored mist that exploded off of them. But suddenly everyone, including Arcane felt queasy. The sky turned black and the shadows around them intensified and spread, consuming the area into a black void around them. Arcane looked around worriedly. "D-did...you sign a blood contract!?" Lilac looked at her sheepishly as torches illuminated a totally different area around them. "Yes? Is that a problem?" "...he countered my banishment spell on us all." They all looked up the gigantic polished wood stairs of the now perfectly intact castle. A freakishly flawless looking handsome man with heavily hanging black hair and gold eyes got their attention, with the tapping of his cane against the steps as he descended toward them. He was very well dressed with ruffled white undershirt and black suit, capped with a top hat. He smiled down at them all and opened his arms to welcome them. "Welcome, to my parlor!" His smile became a vile grin. "...said the spider to the fly." His voice was now physical, but unmistakably Occult. "You are in my world now, ahaha!" He banged the end of his cane on the wood stairs, causing everyone to jump at the loud echo. "So let the games begin." ...to be continued.
Title: Freshers' Week Ch. 03 Tags: college, dirty talk, doggy style, facial, university, handjob MONDAY When John woke up on Monday morning, his head was pounding. The effects of another late night of drinking and sex had taken their toll, and he was really feeling it. Despite his exhaustion, however, John smiled to himself as he looked at the beautiful face of the girl lying asleep next to him. He had met Hannah the previous evening at a networking event for the new freshers and had instantly wanted to get with her. It didn't take long for John's wishes to come true and the two of them had spent the rest of the night gleefully fucking in her room. John glanced at the clock by Hannah's bed: it was just after 9am. He'd never been sure what the gentlemanly thing to do in these situations was - should he leave now and avoid any embarrassment, or should he wait for Hannah to wake up in the hope that they might have sex again? He thought through his options for a few minutes before his decision was made for him as Hannah stirred and open her eyes. "Hey," John said gently. "Morning," said Hannah, rubbing her eyes as she came to her senses. "How are you feeling?" John asked, now very much hoping that she was up for some more fun. "Tired", Hannah replied after a pause. She sat up in the bed and hastily covered her breasts with the duvet, seemingly embarrassed to be naked in front of him. John's heart sank - Hannah was not giving off the vibe of someone wanting to have sex any time soon. That said, he really wasn't feeling great himself so maybe this was for the best. "Thanks for last night," he said and he got up off the bed and rooted round on the floor for his clothes, his erection standing proud. Hannah smiled as she saw it. "Ditto," she replied, sensing his awkwardness. "I hope we can meet up again." "Me too," John said as he picked up his boxers and put them on. He dressed in silence, with Hannah watching him all the while. He was delighted that she seemed genuinely keen to hook up again, but he was desperate to leave quickly given the air of tension that hung in the room. Once dressed, he made a move for the door but retreated back into the room. He bent down to Hannah, who was sitting on the edge of her bed, and kissed her gently. "I mean it. You were incredible. Let's definitely do this again." Hannah said nothing but relaxed at John's compliment. He smiled back at her, opened the door and stepped outside into the hallway. As the door shut behind him, John started to think about what a great time he'd had with Hannah - though she'd been shy at first, her performance in the bedroom had been quite the opposite. He considered himself lucky to have been with someone so sexy and so beautiful. He left Hannah's block and started heading towards his own when he looked up and saw Hayley walking towards him. He'd met Hayley on his first day and flirted with her, and then last night at the "speed dating" event she had made very clear that she was willing to take things further. Until he'd hooked up with Hannah, John had been disappointed to see Hayley heading off with some other guy. "Morning," she said confidentally as she noticed him. "Another good night for you then?" "Ummm, yeah," John replied, noticing that Hayley was in the same dress he'd been admiring her in last night. "And you?" "Not bad; could have been better," she stated as if she was grading the guy she'd spent the night with. "Anyone I'd know?" John suddenly remembered that Hannah was in the room next door to Hayley's. "Don't think so," he said, wanting to spare Hannah the interrogation he was sure Hayley would administer to her neighbour if she knew. "Cool. Well, glad you had fun. Come say hi sometime." And with that, Hayley breezed past John in the direction he'd come from. John looked back at her and admired her killer figure through her short dress. He'd certainly be taking her up on her offer when he felt up to it. For now, he trudged wearily back to his room and went straight to bed, hoping to shake off his hangover. He slept badly but did manage to get some rest. He was woken several hours later by a knock at the door. "Hi, John," said a cheery voice as he opened the door. It was Simon - the over-enthusiastic guy who lived in the room across from his. "Just wanted to let you know that we're going to have a bit of a party out in our hallway here tonight before everyone goes off to the club night in the main bar," he continued. John ears pricked up. He had forgotten that the halls' bar was hosting a music and dance thing that evening. In his quest to sleep around as much as possible in freshers' week, this would clearly be his next opportunity to hook up. "See you out here at 7?" Simon said, interupting John's thoughts. "Sure, see you then," John replied. He closed the door and stepped back into his bedroom. He heard his phone buzz and went to pick it up. It was a text from Alex, the hot girl he'd slept with on Saturday night. "Hey. Hope you've been having a good time. Going to that club thing tonight? Would be good to see you again xxx," it read. John put his phone down and pondered his reply. He didn't want to look too keen - Alex, like Hannah, had been amazing in bed, but John was hoping to find someone new tonight to continue his sexual adventures. He really didn't want to look like he was up for anything like a relationship at this stage. That said, Alex had been fantastic and had given him the most exquisite blowjob he'd ever received - he could do a lot worse than get with her again. And what if he blew her off now only to fail to pick up another girl later? After mulling it over for a few minutes, he settled on a friendly but non-committal reply: "Sure. See you there." Relieved that this was done, John got some food and wasted away the rest of the afternoon playing on his computer, interupted only by a call from his mum who was checking his week was going well. He grined widely as she asked him if he'd met anyone nice but brushed her off with generic responses. In what felt like no time at all, it was early evening and John could here the other students in his block gathering for food and drink. By this time, he was feeling recovered and ready to go again. Just after 7pm, John stepped outside his room and was greeted by the sight of a dozen or so of his fellow freshers who were laying out snacks and pizza and pouring drinks. He felt guilty that he hadn't brought anything along, so tried to be helpful in setting everything up. As he did so, John was pleased to notice that Clare - the gorgeous girl who lived in the room above his - was there and dressed to kill once more. Her bottle green dress came down to just above her knees, again showing off her smooth, slender legs. It's neckline plunged down almost to the bottom of her small tits, and her matching heels meant she was now the same sort of height as John. She smiled as she saw him looking at her. The students sat down in a circle and began eating, drinking and talking. John was opposite Clare and the two of them made idle chit-chat. Even when they weren't talking, John couldn't resist looking over at her, and she seemed to be doing the same thing. After half an hour or more of making eyes at each other, Clare surprised John by getting up from the circle and making her way towards the tiny kitchenette adjacent to his bedroom. "John, come give me a hand making more punch," she called back to him over the rest of the group, who were all distracted by conversations of their own. Saying nothing, John obediently got up and joined her, delighted at the opportunity to spend some time alone with Clare. The kitchen was only just big enough for two people to cook in. John squeezed inside and closed the door. "So, how much more punch are we making?" he asked, once again admiring her figure from behind. Clare spun around to face him. They were only a few inches apart. "I guess if I don't get things going, nothing will ever happen between us," she said softly. Before John could think about this any further, she pulled him towards her and kissed him passionately. He responded in kind, cupping the back of her head with his hand as they made out. As they exchanged the taste of alcohol between their lips, John felt the rapid reappearance of his erect penis pushing against the fabric of his jeans. He was delighted that something had finally happened with Clare and all the more thrilled that his plans for the evening had already borne fruit. She was a great kisser, and they continued making out for several minutes. But Clare wanted more. Silently, she pushed John back against the kitchen door and pulled away from their kiss. Staring right into his eyes, she reached down to unbuckle his trousers and pulled them down far enough to release his cock from the confines of his boxer shorts. She didn't break her gaze one bit as she started vigorously wanking him with her right hand, soon reaching a pace that let John know he wouldn't last for long. His breathing got faster. He gazed back into her beautiful brown eyes. She had a look of incredible intensity on her face and John admired the way she was so quickly in complete control of the situation - and of him. They continued like that for a couple of minutes, their eyes fixed on one another as Clare pumped John's cock harder and faster. It wasn't long before John felt his release rising inside him. He was about to warn Clare but, sensing his orgasm was imminent, she slid down onto her knees and stuck his engorged cock straight into her mouth. This was too much for John. After just a few seconds of Clare sucking on him, he closed his eyes and with a loud grunt fired his creamy load into her waiting mouth. Clare, who had kept her gaze on John the whole time, waited for a moment before pulling back and standing up. John saw her swallow his cum. "Wow," was all he could muster. Clare smiled then readjusted her dress and made a move away from him. John badly wanted to keep things going and reciprocate. "I don't think we're done yet," he said, taking Clare's hand in his own. "We're supposed to be making punch, silly," she replied. "You can do me later." John was disappointed but obeyed, and they began getting things out to mix more booze for everyone. Clare's decision to pause their foreplay was backed up within a minute as Simon banged on the door. "You guys need any help in there?" he called. Assuring him they didn't, they silently went about their work and produced another bowl of punch before returning to the group. Despite being delighted that he and Clare had finally got together, John was annoyed that it had been so brief. The tension between them had evaporated as they joined their fellow freshers in more drinking and eating, but all John could think about was how masterfully Clare had handled him and how much he wanted to get her naked and return the favour. He was at least now confident that they'd be spending the night together. By around 10pm, there was a collective decision to head over to the bar to join the club night. John made sure that he walked over with Clare - he wasn't going to let her out of his sight this time. They reached the bar, which was only a few minutes walk away, and found it was already busy. The larger function room off the bar was packed with students dancing to a DJ set but the bar itself was quieter and there was some space to sit down. When John offered Clare a drink, she beamed. "I thought you'd never ask," she purred. Taking careful note of where she went to sit down on the other side of the room, he joined the short queue for the bar. Looking around, there were plenty of students that John didn't recognise and he assumed that not all of them were freshers and some had come from other halls. He was almost at the front of the queue when he was tapped on the shoulder. John spun round and was greeted by the sight of Alex, his hookup from Saturday night. She was wearing a red dress that seemed to hug her body even tighter than the one she had been wearing 48 hours ago. Her perky boobs looked ready to burst out of it. "Hey stranger!" John greeted her, determined that things wouldn't be awkward. John could tell that Alex was already pretty drunk. This was confirmed when she leaned up to him and planted a wet kiss on his cheek, very close to his mouth. He could smell the alcohol on her. "Thanks for Saturday night," she said, slurring her words slightly. "If you fancy coming back to mine later..." "Sounds good," John replied carefully. He had no real intention of being with Alex that night, but he certainly didn't want to close off the possibility of sleeping with her again soon. Reaching the front of the queue, John ordered a beer for himself and a vodka for Clare. As the barman got the drinks, he turned back to Alex. "I'm just having a drink with a friend. Catch you later in there later?" he said, gesturing towards the dancefloor in the adjacent room. "Sure," Alex replied with a cute smile, before heading into the room. John felt guilty for lying to her, but he had a plan and he wanted to at least try to stick to it. She seemed sufficiently tipsy that he was confident she'd probably forget the whole thing by the time the night was through. When he returned to Clare, he found her chatting with two girls he didn't recognise. As he handed Clare her drink, she introduced them. "Thanks! These are my school friends Connie and Helen. Girls, this is John - he lives on my block." They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. John quickly felt like they were getting in the way of his time with Clare but he made an effort to be as friendly as possible. It became rapidly apparent, however, that they weren't about to leave. The conversation dragged on. John finished his beer and went to the bar to get another one. Clare must have sensed his mood and she mouthed "sorry" to him as he looked back at her across the bar. By the time John returned with another beer, he couldn't face hearing yet more stories about their school days and so began chatting to the others from his block who were standing around and drinking near to Clare and her friends. They were a nice bunch but John found himself feeling growingly frustrated at the situation - though he'd been impressed and really turned on by Clare's desire to take control before, he was now feeling resentful of the way she didn't seem interested in spending more time together. Richard - one of the guys whose room was near John's - suggested that a group of them went to dance. John hesitated for a moment but, seeing Clare deep in conversation with her friends, soon decided to leave her for the time being. He did however make sure she saw him leave and said he'd be back later. The dancefloor was busy and warm. John didn't much like dancing but - a few beers down - he was willing to have a go. A group of seven or eight of them found some space and began dancing awkwardly to the loud music in a small circle. Bodies were packed in closely and John kept bumping into the guy behind him, to their mutual irritation. John did his best but soon started to feel bored - and he still couldn't shake the irritation he felt at Clare's flakiness. He wandered back to the bar to get another drink - as he downed a tequilla shot, he noticed she was still there talking to Connie and Helen, and sighed. Returning to the dancefloor, John tried to make his way through the crowd back to his group, but struggled to get past the mass of sweaty bodies bouncing along to the pounding beat. Feeling more and more inebriated, he stopped in the middle of the dancefloor and began dancing amongst the strangers he found around him. One girl in particular caught his eye. He struggled to make her out properly in the low light, but he could tell she was short and skinny, with her dark, wavy hair coming down to just below her shoulders. She was wearing a very short denim skirt, which must have only just covered her bum, and a loose fitting, sleeveless top that left her flat stomach exposed. The girl was dancing near John, and it looked to him that she wasn't with anyone else either. He bobbed up and down to the music unthinkingly, instead focusing on his new dancing companion. She turned to look at him and shot him a wicked smile. John smiled back and, as they danced more closely, he studied her face in the flashng lights. Her skin was very pale and she had a cute little nose and gleaming white teeth. The wild grin she had on her face immediately enticed him. Without warning or a single word being exchanged between them, the girl began dancing right up close to John so their bodies were touching. Soon she turned her back to him and began grinding her arse up and down him, to the visible shock of a couple of those dancing near them. John didn't care. Not being one to say no to a hot girl, he joined in, taking her skinny waist in his hands and swaying with her as she pushed harder and harder against him. It didn't take long for John's cock to get very hard - something which the girl clearly noticed too as her Cheshire Cat smile grew even wider. They continued like this for a couple of minutes until it felt like they were both going to get off from all the grinding. To anyone standing around, it must have looked like they were practically fucking in the middle of the dancefloor. John was incredibly turned on and even more so when the girl leaned her head back into him and whispered in his ear, "Let's go fuck!" Considering he'd only set eyes on her a few minutes earlier, John should have been surprised by this, but the slutiness she had shown so far meant he was already fantasising about the sex they'd inevitably be having soon. He took her by the hand and lead her through the dancing crowds and the disapproving glances of a couple of girls who were standing nearby. As they left the dancefloor, John heard a guy's voice saying, "Oh look. Tilda's preying on freshers already." So her name was Tilda. John didn't really care, but it amazed him that he was about to fuck this girl and had only just learnt her name. When they got back through to the bar room, John briefly remembered that Clare was still there with her friends. Noticing them on the other side of the room, he found a route that avoided Clare seeing him and his new fuckbuddy. Once outside, they practically sprinted towards John's room, such was their mutual lust. But, unable to wait, Tilda stopped outside the block adjacent to John's and led him behind a tall bush near to the doorway. "I want your cock now," she said as she dropped to her knees and hurriedly pulled his trousers down around his ankles. "Oh yes, it's even bigger than it felt," she added as she took it out of his boxers. And with that, she devoured it in one. John groaned as he had his cock in a girl's mouth for the second time in just a few hours. Gone was the sensual technique of Alex and Hannah; Tilda was focused solely on getting John to cum as quickly as possible and she gave him the wettest, nastiest blowjob he'd ever had. John's dick was as hard as steel and he knew he'd be cumming very soon with the way Tilda was fucking him with her mouth. They could so easily have been seen or heard, but he didn't care. He wasn't thinking about anyone else - not Clare or Alex who he'd abandoned at the bar and certainly not any passers-by. He was only thinking about sex. A couple more minutes of Tilda bobbing furiously up and down his cock and John was ready to explode. "I'm about to cum," he said breathily. At this, Tilda slid her mouth up his length until it popped out. She grined again and looked up at John lustfully. He knew what she wanted and eagerly obliged. Taking his wet cock in his hand, he pumped it a few more times before unleashing his sticky load all over her face. "Yum," said Tilda as she scooped up what she could before licking John's cock clean. John was stunned at just how dirty she was, and, considering his last orgasm had been earlier that evening, he was pleased at the amount of cum he'd shot this time. Tilda wasn't wasting any time reflecting. She wiped away the remaining cum from her face with the back of her hand. "Take me to your room and fuck me hard," she directed as she stood up. As he pulled his jeans back up, John prayed that he'd be able to fulfill her wishes and led her back to P Block. As the door of John's room shut behind them, Tilda wasted no time in moving things forward. She turned back to John and pulled his shirt open to reveal his muscular chest. He could hear the sound of buttons hitting the floor but didn't care one bit. John kicked off his shoes and socks, and together they removed his trousers and underwear so he stood before her completely naked. His cock, which hadn't had time to soften yet, stood proudly, "Very nice," Tilda remarked as she eyed him up. With that, she removed her pumps and turned away to resume grinding hard on John. He was beyond relieved that this seemed to be maintaining his erection. Not wanting Tilda to miss out, John felt her up as she rubbed her firm arse against him. He reached around to feel her small tits through her top and was pleased to find she wasn't wearing a bra. But when he tried to feel under her skirt to finger her, she stopped him. "I'm not interested in foreplay. I want that cock inside me right now," she announced. John was happy to comply and he enthusiastically pulled up her top as she removed her skirt. They paused for a second, now both of them were naked. Tilda's breasts were tiny, though John thought her pointy nipples were cute and would be good to suck on. Her body was in great shape, especially her bum and her legs, which were long despite her overall height. All in all, John felt like he'd hit the jackpot again. Tilda took control once more and surprised John as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around him. She stuck her tongue in his mouth and they sloppily made out for a few seconds before John, holding her up, slipped his cock into her wet pussy. "Oh yeah," purred Tilda. John knew he would need physical as well as sexual stamina to keep things going in this position, and he began lifting Tilda up on his cock before easing her back down on to it, relieved that she was light enough that this wasn't too much of a strain. For her part, Tilda eagerly bounced up and down on him. She had wrapped her arms around John's neck so she could pull herself up and was alternating between whispering dirty talk into his ear and kissing him as they fucked. After a couple of minutes of this, John was starting to feel the strain. Tilda's behaviour to this point made him think she would be up for pretty much anything and he wanted to take this lead himself given that she'd very much been in control so far. With his cock still inside her, he pushed Tilda against the nearby wall to remove some of the strain and resumed fucking her in earnest. Tilda looked surprised at first but soon resumed smiling. The wet sound of John's cock plunging in and out of her pussy filled the air. "Oh yes. Fuck me harder, big boy!" she cried. Using all he could muster John heeded her command, pushing her against the wall and ploughing her harder and harder. Tilda's pussy wasn't as tight as Alex or Hannah's but it was so wet and it felt incredible on his cock. Tilda continued shouting like a porn star - John had never heard anything like it before, but it certainly seemed to be doing the job of keeping him hard after cumming so recently. He didn't expect he'd be so lucky next time so wanted to make it count. In an attempt to preserve his stamina, he stopped fucking Tilda for a moment and carried her from where they'd been by the door into his bedroom. With Tilda's silky legs still wrapped around his midriff, he pushed his laptop and a pile of books off his desk and laid her down on it. He lifted her legs higher and began thrusting into her again, now in a position that allowed his entire length to slide inside her. Tilda looked delighted and responded by pushing her hips up to meet each thrust. John's balls slapped against her arse. Before long, Tilda was cumming. She leaned up to meet John's thrusting and urged him on. "Yes, fuck me, fuck me," she cried. "Oooooooh." John felt her wet pussy convulsing around his cock as she climaxed. He stopped fucking her for a moment and let her ride it out, but the calm didn't last long. "Don't stop!" she commanded. "Fuck me harder!" Though almost exhausted from their exertions, he carried on plunging his rock-hard dick into her. She orgasmed again and again in quick succession. John had never met a girl with such incredible powers of stamina and sexual confidence as she continued to curse and swear her way through each thrust. Eventually, he was almost spent but wanted to finish in the best way possible. Saying nothing, he pulled out of Tilda and carried her over to the edge of his bed, setting her down on her front. He stood at the end of the bed behind her and slipped his cock back into her for one more go. Grabbing Tilda by her hips, he began relentlessly fucking her from behind, determined to match her exhortations with the sex she clearly wanted. She seemed taken aback by their role reversal as John took control but she was soon moaning loudly again and pushing herself back onto his cock. John didn't let up. He lost all sense of time as he continued fucking her harder and harder. His own orgasm hit without warning and he fired his load into Tilda before pulling out and collapsing on the bed next to her. "My god," he whispered amid his panting. "That was incredible." Tilda smiled but said nothing. She got up from the bed and went over to the door to retrieve her clothes before beginning to put them back on. John watched her as she dressed - she was a different kind of hot to the other girls he'd slept with that week, but he couldn't help but admire how sexually charged she'd been from the moment he'd set eyes on her on the dancefloor. Once dressed, Tilda stood in the middle of the room and looked back at him. "I know you must think I'm a compelte slut," she said calmly, "but I just really really needed that." "Not at all," John said. "I really needed that too, and I'm so pleased we found each other." "Good," she replied with a smile, "then I guess you won't mind doing this again tomorrow." Before John could reply, she turned round and picked up some paper and a pen off his desk and began scribbling something down. Before long, she turned round and handed the paper to John. "This is where you can find my room. I've got a class that finishes at 2pm so come at 2:30." She wasn't asking him; she was telling him. John had no intention of saying no, and began to say so, but Tilda cut across him. "If you're lucky, I might even let you fuck my arse." John was struck dumb by this, and Tilda knew it. With that, she smiled again and breezed towards the door. "See you tomorrow," she called as she opened it and left. John looked at his clock: it wasn't yet midnight. He must have met Tilda no more than an hour ago and she had just left his room after amazing sex with the promise of more tomorrow, including anal. Freshers' week was going very well indeed.
Title: 48 Hours on Blue Bayou Pt. 10: Autumn Tags: slave, master, training, submission, male domination *Previously in Autumn Pt. 06: (To read Autumn's story from the start, read Parts 1, 4 and 6 first.)* "Time for your initial bid, gentlemen. Please hand me your paper with your preferences in order." The Captain glanced at the bids and began arranging the captives in front of the proper bidder. "We can have another round if you wish, or we can end it here. Does anyone want to go on?" Silence. The men were far too eager for the next phase of the event to begin. "All right. You may take your purchase and get better acquainted in your room for the rest of the evening. I would remind you of the rules we set up before the sale." He waved his hand toward the women. The first man took Asmara by the hand and headed for a door. The second man swept his arms under Huma and carried her off. She put her arms around his neck. They were kissing as they left the room. Master watched from the side. There are few sights more arousing than seeing a naked woman in the control of a fully dressed man. Miriam, ever alert, walked behind him and began rubbing his shoulders. The third buyer picked up a piece of the chain, attached it to Tahera's collar and led her to the side. Farhah's temporary master picked her up and threw her over his right shoulder. His left arm snaked up between her legs, making her squirm and kick. Miriam and the Master were alone in the room. "Excellent, Miriam. Only one thing could make it perfect." "Yes, Master, I know." She walked to the stage and picked up a piece of the chain, wrapping one end lightly around her neck a couple of turns. Returning to him, she dropped her dress and handed him the end of the chain. **48 Hours on Blue Bayou Pt. 10: Autumn** Late in the evening, Miriam patiently waited in the hall near the guest cabins for the women to emerge. Linda came out first, clad only in a towel. She was still damp from a shower. Autumn followed, wearing a large man's robe. "Meet in my room in about an hour. I'll have some food and we can talk about your evening." When all four women were together, Miriam spoke. "I'll give you your chips privately, but Master is pleased. He is also giving you a week of free meals. I want to hear from each of you about your experience. First, the rules we set up before the auction were that, other than your mouth, you were not to be penetrated and that this was to be mutually pleasurable. Linda, tell me what happened with your guest." "Yes, Miss. He told me to undress him with my teeth as much as possible. It took awhile, but when he was naked he said to kneel and take him in my mouth. I guess we were both turned on by the auction because he didn't last very long. Then, he put me on the bed and licked me. I was surprised that he would do that, but he was good and I came all over his face. He seemed a little embarrassed by that, but we laughed at it. We took a shower and then he just wanted to cuddle and spoon. Before the time was up, he wanted another blow job, I mean head, and that was it." "Were any of you injured in any way?" Autumn spoke up. "Miss, not really. He spanked me, but it was kind of playful. And I, uh, came on his other hand at the end." "Rosemary?" "Miss, I brought him off with my mouth on the bed. He said I could do myself if I wanted and went into the bathroom and took a shower. We watched TV the rest of the time. I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do!" Rosemary started crying, expecting the worst. "No, no, you are fine, Rose. That's all he wanted. He had no complaint. He might not have understood the full meaning of the rule or didn't care. After men spurt, they get drowsy and lose interest pretty quickly. He gave you four chips, dear. That's as many as any of you got. Well done!" Rosemary smiled and wiped her tears. "Abby? Your turn. Did your guest follow the rules?" "I guess so, Miss Miriam. I know we have to do whatever they want. May I tell you about the strange part?" "Yes, dear, tell me everything." "Well, first, he put me on the bed and gave me the best massage ever. He hit every muscle. My face, my shoulders. It felt so good. He kept going back to my, uh, pussy. By the time he worked his way down my legs, I had an orgasm. Then, he asked if I knew why he chose me. I didn't know. "He said I had the prettiest feet! He started rubbing and licking them. He got his tongue down between each toe. It was kinda gross, but it felt great. Then, he put my feet together and squirted all over them. I was so sleepy from the massage that I guess I dozed off for a while. He was gone when I woke up, so I took a bath and waited. I haven't seen him since." "Wow. I didn't know he was a foot man. He gave you four chips though, so he was happy. All of you have pleased Master. In fact, he was so turned on by the auction that he dragged me back to his room. No rules! I didn't get much sleep." She smiled at Abby. "He didn't pay any attention to my feet, but he was very thorough with other places." Everyone giggled. "You are all learning that everyone, especially men, has fantasies and fetishes. Some of them are very specific. I once knew a guy who only wanted to lick my navel. These gentlemen are all rich, so they can afford to play out their fantasies like other guys play golf. Of course, they usually leave their wives at home. One weekend, though, Master had two guests who brought their wives." "So, one of these days you might find some women at the poker table. I tell you this because we will be doing some training with each other soon. You will be expected to perform with the same skill and enthusiasm." Abby's hand flew to her mouth. The other three gasped. A couple started to talk. "Miss, Miss!" Miriam held up a finger. Her voice took on a darker tone. "Shh. We will all do exactly as we are commanded. I understand that this will be hard at first, but you are not free to choose. She looked at each one as eyes dropped to the floor. "In fact, looking at your reaction, I think we need to take a small step right now. Stand up!" "Rosemary, you have the most to lose here, so you will lead. Take Abby and start to kiss lightly around her neck and face. Then go in for a full, wet kiss. Now." Tears formed in Abby's eyes. Rosemary aggressively grabbed her and started "necking." Abby tried to respond, but mostly just stood there. "All right, enough. Linda, Autumn, I hope you can do better than that." As they embraced, both flashed back to the bath with the Captain and the splash-fest afterward. They had no trouble getting into the act, finishing with a long kiss. "Excellent! We will return to this topic in the near future. You will return to your duties tomorrow. Master is pleased with all of us. That probably means he will be making business deals tomorrow with his guests. You may go. Abby, stay with me for a moment." As the door closed, Miriam's smile faded. "Strip and kneel!" Suddenly distraught, Abby dropped her robe and assumed the position, spreading her legs and freckles. "Abby, why do you think Rosemary kissed you so enthusiastically a few minutes ago? Do you think she is a lesbian?" "Uh, no Miss! I..." "That's right, she is not," Miriam cut in. "Rosemary is desperate to please me. She knows what happens when I am not happy. I'm not happy with you right now." "But, Miss, I..." "When I gave you a command a while ago, you imitated a fence post! I think it might be time for your first session." "Oh, please, Miss! I'll try harder! Please." Abby's tears welled. "I expect you to do whatever you're told instantly, without thinking." Miriam let her words sink in for a long moment. "Nose on the floor! Crawl to me!" Abby obeyed in seconds. "You thought foot licking earlier was gross? Remove my slippers and worship my feet with the passion you lacked with Rosemary!" Abby took a deep breath and set about her task. She noisily began sucking Miriam's toes and kissing around her arches and heels. She rubbed the soles with her fingers. Like most women, Miriam loved a nice foot massage. She closed her eyes and let it go on as long as possible. "All right, crawl to the bathroom and fetch a damp cloth to clean up your slime." As Abby shuffled away, Miriam thought, "She even has freckles on her ass!" Abby returned and carefully cleaned Miriam's feet. "Turn away from me! Position 3!" In a moment, Abby presented her pussy. "Hold yourself open!" Miriam began rubbing and tugging Abby's lips in a slow massage. "Is this what he did last night?" "Yes, ahh, Miss." The rubbing was having the intended effect. Miriam's fingers made circles around Abby's now-exposed clit. "Mmm, ahh." Abby moved her hips and gasped. As a light spasm hit, Miriam stopped and pinched her ass cheek viciously. "Owww! Oww! Please!" "Stand. Leave your robe here. You are to go find the other girls. Wake them up if need be. You will tell them everything that just happened. Every detail. Do you understand?" "Yes, Ma'am." "Go!" Abby scampered from the room, naked. \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ For the next three weeks, life aboard the yacht was routine. The Master left on an extended trip with Miriam. The head chef took charge of the four women, supervising their work schedule. There were no poker games. They gathered each evening in Autumn's room to watch TV. No one spoke of Abby's startling story, though all were shaken by it. On the morning of Miriam's return, she called a meeting in her room. Autumn, Abby, and Linda left their duties and gathered. As they entered, each knelt and looked at Miriam to see if she expected her to strip, but she waved them to chairs. A few minutes of silence followed. "Rosemary is no longer aboard ship. I will only tell you that she did not fit in well here, and she will be sent on. She will not be harmed, but her life will not be as pleasant as it was here. We will not speak of her again. Am I clear?" Three faces took on a look of shock, but Miriam heard a whispered, "Yes, Miss." After a few moments to let this sink in, she asked, "Autumn, do you remember a man called Albert?" Autumn shivered as the images flooded back to *Blue Bayou*. She heard the Captain's announcement to gather on deck at dawn. Men with guns. Facing him in a towel after showering and shaving. The interview. Autumn nodded at Miriam through tears, but the images continued. Her naked spanking in front of the other women. Lisa. Walking on deck in a dress, stripping in front of those men. Albert ordering her to wiggle her panties down to her ankles. Leaving with them in her mouth. She put her face in her hands and started sobbing. Miriam's eyes narrowed. "I thought you were past all that. I guess I was wrong. I think I'm going to leave for a while. Perhaps you all need to talk about how you came to be here. Maybe you need to cry. Master always says that tears are cleansing. I'll be back in 45 minutes." Linda moved over to Autumn and drew her into a hug. Abby joined the circle, "As much as I hate it, I think it might be good to tell our stories." She went to the bathroom to get a glass of water and a washcloth for Autumn. After a few quiet moments, Abby spoke again. "My story is pretty short." "I was in a bar in Jamaica with a couple friends. We were on a three-day weekend getaway. We were having fun, flirting and dancing. Guys were sending drinks over. I felt a little dizzy and went toward the restroom. I must have been drugged because the next thing I remember was waking up here." "I guess I was out of it for a couple days. I woke up one morning and saw Miriam sitting there. I smelled the stench. I had peed and crapped myself. At first, she acted like a nurse and helped me shower and get cleaned up. She took me to a different room and put me back to bed for another day. Then it started. The training, the positions, her little whip." "I guess about the fourth day she brought the Captain in and I had to crawl over and put my mouth on him. I had never done that before. It was awful!" Linda and Autumn both nodded. "We know, Honey. We know the Captain very well." Through tears, Abby went on. "He came back every day until they were satisfied. I had to thank him for his time. He would pat me on the head and leave. Then, Miriam would make me finger myself until I came. Since then, I've mostly been in the kitchen until that auction. I've never been to the dreaded poker game that Rosemary hated so much. Oh, sorry, we're not supposed to talk about her." "Have you been to the Master's room?" "Yes, Linda. He's very passionate, isn't he? After a little while, I just kind of fell into his game. I just tried to imagine I was on a date with a really handsome guy. He's been happy so far. I have never thought of freckles as being sexy until I got here. Even you two can't stop staring!" At that moment, Autumn was staring. "Sorry, but they are cute, honey, and so is your hair!" She reached up to fondle Abby's red locks. "Other than the first couple weeks and that time Miriam was so mad at me, this has been a lot like going to a job every day. Oh, and the fake auction. That was so hard, but by the time it was done, I was all over that guy! And then, we didn't even do it!" "Oh yeah, the foot guy," chimed Linda. "Not that I'm into that, but you do have pretty feet." Abby wiggled her toes a bit. "Thank you. That's about it for me. Linda?" "Well, girls, I guess I just walked right into it. I had a boyfriend at the time. We were doing a little kinky stuff. It went from blindfolds to handcuffs over a month or two, and then he started tying me up. He got off on roping me to the table or the bed. Once he put the car in the garage and had me on the hood. It was fun for me as well, but after a couple months it was like he ran out of places and lost his spark." "One weekend he took me to a big party on a yacht. Yes! It was this yacht! He was a business associate of the Master. I actually remember meeting him. He put his hand on my upper arm and looked into my eyes. I could see that he was a powerful man in command of the room, you know?" The other two women could only nod in agreement. "We were drinking some kind of sweet slushie drinks and I got a little smashed. I woke up with one hand cuffed to a bed, and I heard 'Good morning' from Miriam. It wasn't a very good morning. The rest is a lot like your story, Abby. I guess I've been here a few months longer than either of you." "I met you, Autumn, under the poker table. And I think you were in the kitchen, Abby. You know, all men love a good blow, but I hate doing two guys in a row and having them throw chips on the floor like dog treats. Abby, I'm betting you are up this week. Take two washcloths and a water bottle with you." Linda lowered her voice to a whisper, "I guess my favorite part is straddling Master and bringing him off long and slow. And like, the last few times I'm popping my cork right along with him." That produced the first giggles of the morning. Autumn knew it was her turn. "OK, my trip to this place was hard, but I guess I can tell you about it. I was on a Caribbean vacation with a few other couples on a hired yacht called *Blue Bayou*. One morning, these men with guns took over the ship. They made us line up at a railing and took our jewelry and phones. I was thinking that might be all there was, but one of the girls started yelling at them, and the leader, this horrible man, Albert, had her spanked in front of us. He had his men take us to our cabins to shower. They made us shave ourselves all over and brought us back upstairs just wearing towels." "Then, we each had what he called an 'interview' where we had to answer a bunch of questions. He made us drop the towel to step on a scale. It was too much and I freaked out. This other guy dragged me back out on the deck and spanked me really hard. It was horrible. He made me wait there naked until the rest were done, then I had to go back in." "Somehow, this Albert recruited one of the girls named Lisa to finish my interview. It was awful. She made me shave a couple hairs I had missed, then she rubbed around down there until I came. The next day, she started training us for an auction. Not like the one we had. A real one, where we had to strip and parade around for these men. When Master bought me, he took me to a cabin. You can imagine what happened there." A few tears formed on her cheeks. The three women drew into an embrace again. "Linda, you have been so good to me. You have helped me through the worst of this. Thank you. Abby, we will be there for you, too. I'm sorry for what happened with Miriam after the auction. I guess she has something new for us to do, but her mentioning Albert's name is not a good sign." They embraced for a few more minutes and sat back in the chairs in silence. When Miriam returned, she waved her hand in a way that told them to stay seated. "Autumn, did you do as I asked?" "Yes, Miss." Autumn was still trembling. "We talked about how we came here. May I ask how you came here?" "That's fair. At one time, I headed up one of his companies. After a time we also became lovers. I knew he was a powerful dominant and I enjoyed that, but it all changed when one of my employees embezzled a large sum of money. He flew into a rage and held both of us accountable. The man just disappeared, but he demanded that I pay back every dollar. At first, I was in servitude like you. I still am in some ways, but now I manage the affairs of the ship, other than the actual operation, which is the realm of our dear Captain." "I called you here because Master has a new acquisition. Her name is Anna and we didn't have to bid on her because Master received a communication from this Albert, recommending her as a good match. She will be here in a week and we are all going to participate in her indoctrination. You will serve as models and coaches. Can all of you do this?" Linda immediately said, "Yes, Miss Miriam, we can." She saw this as a kind of promotion and didn't want to show any hesitation. The other two showed a confused look. "Ladies, it's very simple. When I want to show Anna a position or a technique, you will demonstrate with enthusiasm and grace. She will have some rudimentary training before we see her, but Master expects to see a submissive and obedient addition to our group in a short time. He has a new activity in mind that will require participation from more than one of you." "We are going to use a version of 'good cop, bad cop' with Anna. We will talk about that later. For now, Autumn and Abby, return to your duties. Linda, please stay for a moment." The two women filed out. "Linda, Master and I are pleased with your performance and attitude. You are a leader among the women. We would like you to take on more responsibility as my assistant if you interested." "Oh yes, Miss! I would like that very much. What would you want me to do?" "You will organize the work schedule each week and work with the cooks and other staff on the monthly supply order. That can be learned. But there is a much more difficult duty and that is training. You will take a major role in training our new property, Anna." "We must be completely overwhelming and degrading at first with a trainee. She cannot sense any softness during the first week, so she will accept her situation. Then, we can work on a psychological dependence. This has worked very well with Autumn. Rosemary was a disaster and Abby is a work in progress. Linda, if you can't handle this, tell me right now." "Umm, I guess you're asking me to put on an act. Is that right, Miss?" "Exactly. I don't enjoy being harsh with you girls, but this is our situation. I act on Master's demands and you will be required to do so as well. Think carefully before you accept." Miriam leaned in to whisper. "There is a chance that you could earn your eventual freedom. I am working toward that right now." "Oh Miss! I'll do anything..." "Shhh. I know. It begins with the new girl. Of course, you must not breathe a word of this to anyone." "Yes, Miss! You know I won't." \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ "What is your name?" Miriam, sitting in a chair, faced the new girl. Linda stood to her left, Abby and Autumn to her right. "Um, Anna Holmes. What's going to happen to me?" "First, Anna, you will address me as Miss Miriam. You will only speak to answer my questions and you will answer them fully, in complete sentences. Is that clear?" Anna's voice took on a higher pitch. "You have to let me go! What is wrong with you?" She bolted for the door but found it locked. She fell to the floor, curled into a ball and started loudly sobbing. "We are going to wait for you to return to your place, Anna Holmes, then, we will start over. Do not try my patience. We are on a boat in the middle of the ocean and you are not going anywhere. I do not wish to gag you, or ask my assistant to use the leather belt she is carrying. Now, get yourself together!" After a few minutes, a subdued woman rose and walked back across the room. She wiped a few tears on her sleeve. "A few minutes ago, you wondered what was going to happen to you. But you already have a good idea, don't you? What is going to happen to you? Do not forget my rules." "Um, err, I guess I'm a captive on this boat, but why? Uh, Miss..." "Miriam. You are correct. Your situation will become much clearer in the next few days, but first, you are going to tell us about yourself and show us your assets. The man you know as Albert usually provides us with a complete assessment of his shipments. But, he sent you to us raw and untested. So, we will start from the beginning and do some training as we proceed. "These girls are Autumn and Abby. They are your role models and you will do exactly what they do. For example, remove your blouse. Slowly." The two women started to unbutton from the top. "Ohh, please!" Linda took a step toward her. "OK, OK!" Anna started unbuttoning and letting the blouse slip to the floor. As she looked up, she noticed that the two women were bare-breasted. "You are not permitted a bra on board. Lose it!" Anna tearfully reached back to unclasp the bra and let it slip from her shoulders. "Very nice. Tell us your height, weight, and measurements." "Umm, I'm 5 foot 3. I weigh about 110 and uh, I'm about 32-27-34, Miss, uh Miriam." "Thank you. Put your hands behind your neck and turn around for me." As three girls turned, Linda thought of those wind-up music boxes with twirling dancers. "Now, pick up your bra and read the tag to us." After a long sigh she read, "Ummm, it's 34B, Miss Miriam." "Thank you. Linda, please finish the interview." Linda took a deep breath and walked up to Anna. Slapping a leather belt on her hand. "You have 15 seconds to get naked!" The terrified girl quickly kicked off her shoes. Her jeans were tight, so she tumbled to the floor to peel off socks and pants. She looked up. "Wait! Stand up! Get those shoulders back and your head up. Be proud of your body!" Anna ended up standing at attention like a sobbing soldier. "Now, as slowly as you can, peel off those pretty pink panties, one side at a time. If you're going too fast, I'll let you know with this." Another loud slap of the belt. Anna jumped, but started moving the waistband at her left. Half an inch at a time, her last covering headed south. She had to tug at the legs a few times. As the panties hit Anna's knees, Linda realized that she had been concentrating on her subject the whole time. She glanced back to her right. Autumn and Abby stood at attention, panties at half-mast. Further back, she spied Miriam, slightly smiling. "All right, drop them!" Three pairs, one pink and two white, fluttered to the carpet. "Now, fold your clothes in a neat pile and take them to Miss Miriam." Anna went to one knee and began folding the jeans and blouse. The bra and panties topped the pile. The two role models offered their clothing as well. "I believe you are ready now for a few more questions. You will address me as 'Ma'am,' and speak in sentences. Is that clear?" "Yes Ma'am. Uh, yes, that is clear." "I am impressed to see that you are bare. Is that normal for you?" "Ummm, no, ma'am, that man shaved me down there." Anna's blush returned as she remembered holding her knees open for Albert. He had been gentle but persistent, shaving and bringing her to a rolling orgasm. "Good. Did he teach you any positions?" "Uh, I'm not sure, Ma'am. He made me kneel down." "Show me." Anna dropped down, putting her hands behind her neck. "Did he tell you to keep your knees together?" "No, Ma'am, he, uh, he, err, said to keep them far enough apart..." She looked away, in tears. "Go on!" "Uh, far enough so he could tell if I was, uh, t-turned on." She started to separate her knees. Every eye in the room turned to her crotch. "And?" "No! I'm not! ...Ma'am." Linda took a step forward, crouched down and ran a finger along Anna's bare slit. Anna came up off her heels. "Ahhh, please!" "Really? What is this?" She held up a shiny finger. Anna put her face in her hands and sobbed. "All right, let's get on with it. Do you have any tattoos or birthmarks that we haven't seen?" "No, Ma'am, I don't have any of those." "How old are you and where are you from?" "Um, I'm 24 and I live in Denver, Ma'am." "Anna, I think we will continue tomorrow. If you have any hope of ever getting back to Colorado, you will do exactly what you are told, and you will try to please me in any way that you can. Do you understand?" "Yes, Ma'am, I understand." "Good. Autumn here will take you to a room and get you some food. She will also answer some of your questions. You may go." Autumn fetched robes from the bed and gave one to Abby and the other to Anna. She directed Anna out of the room, thinking, 'OK, good cop-bad cop.' She mouthed "Food" to Abby. To the new captive, she said, "You've had a tough day. Are you hungry?" "Yes, Ma'am, but mostly just tired." "Please call me Autumn. You and I are in the same boat. Oh! I guess I made a little joke!" Anna produced a slight smile, then stopped dead in the hall. "This can't be happening! It's a nightmare!" She collapsed into Autumn's arms. They clung to each other for long moments. "How can you..." "I know, honey. Come on, we can talk in the room." As they arrived, Abby walked up with a tray of food. As they nibbled and sipped some tea, Autumn began. "Anna, first off, none of the women you saw earlier is here by choice, not one. We are here because the owner of this ship bought us. That is horrible, but it's the plain truth. He is rich enough and powerful enough to do whatever he wants." "No! You have to help me get away! What is wrong with you?" Abby spoke. "Anna, we have all looked for ways to escape. We're in the middle of the ocean. I don't even know what ocean, but we never dock anywhere. The Master has everything brought to the ship..." "Master? I'm not a slave!" She collapsed in tears on the bed. Autumn moved in to rub her back. "Get some sleep. I'll be back in the morning to help you get a shower. Remember when Linda said there is a possibility you could get back to Denver? Cling to that thought tonight. Abby and I will help you through this." For breakfast, Abby brought oatmeal with blueberries and coffee for three. They ate largely in silence. Autumn said, "Why don't you go take a long hot shower. Be sure to check your shaving. We have an idea to make today a little easier for you." Anna emerged from the steamy bathroom with her robe tied tightly and faced Autumn. "What idea?" "You have to learn and practice the positions. We thought it might be easier to do that here, instead of going back to Miss Miriam and Linda. What do you think? We can even keep our robes on for the first part." "Umm, OK. This is really happening, isn't it?" "Yes, honey, it is. This is that bad dream we've all had about being kidnapped and sold. But, if it had to happen, we are better off than some. They will not torture us or throw us in a dungeon or a cage. If you can do what they say and have some kind of enthusiasm, even fake enthusiasm, you won't be hurt at all." "If you can't, they have what they call a session. I have had one. I'll just say it's a painful spanking with a bonus." Abby added a little giggle. "The first position is 'stand.' Hands behind your head, feet apart a little more. Good. Elbows back a little. That's it. Look straight ahead, unless someone is talking to you. Now, go to your knees, hands behind your back." Autumn observed the new girl's first attempt. "You know what I have to say now, don't you? "Yes." Anna moved her knees apart. "All right, the last one is embarrassing, but there's no way around it. Keep your knees apart and put your face on the floor. This is called 'down,' or '3.' Sometimes they will just snap their fingers." With a gasp and a reddening face, Anna complied. "Good. Now in one motion, go back to your knees and then stand." Her first try was clumsy, but she managed to go through with it. "Anna, naked is normal around here and you might as well get used to it," Abby added as she dropped her robe. "Now, go from one to the other as gracefully as you can. Watch Autumn." Autumn amazed herself at how fluidly her movements went. "Now, you try it a few times. It gets easier." After a half-dozen tries, Anna met the girl's approval. "OK, let's get dressed and talk a little more." Autumn began. "Honey, have you ever given a man a blow job?" Anna recoiled a little at the question. "Uh, yes, a few times. Why?" "We have to do that here. They just call it 'head.' In a day or two, you are probably going to have to give one to the Captain. It's part of the training before you see the Mas... uh, the owner." "And before the poker game," Abby added. Just then, Linda opened the door. Autumn started to guide Anna down, but Linda held up her hand. "Just stand." The three barefoot women rose together. "Anna, have you been practicing? Lose the robe and show me 'stand.'" In a moment, Anna stood naked before Linda. "Kneel." Anna slid gracefully to her spread position. "Good. Now, 'down.'" Anna's face touched the floor. Linda glanced at the other girls. "Miss Linda," Abby quickly whispered, "We didn't get any farther." "Oh. OK, Anna, turn to face the wall and look back at me." Anna slowly turned. Linda stepped up and gave her a light slap with the belt. The sound of the slap was much stronger than its force. "Oww! Please!" But Anna knew. She parted her legs widely. Humiliated, she quietly sobbed. "There will be times when you are commanded to hold yourself open with your hands, but for now, go through the sequence with grace and poise." Anna began to move through the three positions, grateful for the practice before Linda walked in with the belt. "Stand. You are going to meet the Captain tomorrow. I will expect obedience." Autumn thought again about 'good cop-bad cop.' "Miss Linda! May we have one more day with Anna before..." "Yes, that will be fine. Use your time wisely." She turned and left. Anna gave out with a sigh of relief as she donned her robe. "Oh my god, thank you! This is all happening so fast. Autumn, why is she so mean?" "They feel they have to be intimidating at first to get us to accept the situation. We all went through it. It will get better so long as you do what they say. I promise. Can you try?" Anna sat on the bed. "I have an idea! Let's get dressed. I'll go find some food and then we'll take a tour of the ship. OK?" Autumn knocked on Miriam's door. As she entered she made a motion to kneel, but Miriam motioned her to sit in a chair. "Dear, that was a good move to ask for another day. Linda thinks Anna is coming along nicely." "Thank you, Miss. We're trying to do our part. We'd like to walk her around the ship later. Is that OK? She's on overload right now." "That's a good idea. Begin talking to her about galley and housekeeping duties. Most women can relate to cooking and cleaning. It will get her mind off the other part." "May I ask why Linda is suddenly carrying a belt? What's going on?" "No, you may not ask. I will simply say that our job is to produce a compliant, obedient Anna. If we are successful, good things will follow for all of us. That is not a change. We all are to do what Master commands. Do you understand?" "Yes, Miss Miriam. Will you excuse me? I was on my way to get some lunch for us. Thank you." As Autumn retreated to the door, she was already thinking, "Could this mean Linda is going to replace Miriam? Is this her chance to leave? My chance?" As the door closed, Linda came out of hiding in the bathroom. Miriam and she continued their conversation in whispers. "Dear, Master has at last agreed that I have fulfilled my obligation to him. If all goes as planned, I can leave the ship in about a month. You and I have two hurdles to clear: Master has to believe that you can do my job at a high level, and he has to receive a very good visit with Anna. I think the second one will require our utmost effort. Your thoughts?" Linda lowered her voice even more. "Miriam, I've learned a lot already. Let me shadow you for a couple weeks, maybe even in your meetings with Master. I can absolutely do this! As for Anna, I think it's going well. Your good cop-bad cop plan is a good one. I have an idea to take it even further. What if we enlist the Captain to put on a little show..." \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ The girls were back in Anna's room on the morning of the Captain's appearance. The previous day had been light, with a tour, eating, and girl talk. Now the talk turned serious again. Autumn knew she had to pull this off if there was any hope of escape. "Anna, you said you have given blow jobs before. You have to give one to the Captain today. Abby and I are counting on you. If the Captain is happy, life gets better for all of us. Can you try?" "I don't know if I can. The last guy I went down on needed a shower. It was not good." Autumn thought of her smelly client at the first poker game. Smoothly, Abby replied. "Anna, that's one thing you don't have to worry about. The Captain is always very clean..." Autumn broke in. "Listen, we have both been there. Here's what you need to do. First, look him in the eyes as you crawl closer. Lick your lips. Make him think you want to do this. Then start slow. Kiss and lick for a few minutes. He doesn't want to stick it down your throat. Just take it in and start moving. Use one hand to pump him a little and the other to massage his balls. Keep moving your lips over his ridge. Moan a little. He'll get off in no time." "Then just kiss and lick a little more and you're done. He will give you some poker chips. Just take them. We'll tell you about that later. OK?" Anna nodded and looked at the floor. She was wiping a few tears away when Linda opened the door. "Are you ready?" "Yes, Ma'am." "All right, come with me. Abby, you may remain here." The Captain, shirtless, sat in a chair in the room. Linda, Autumn, and Anna entered. "Strip and keel." In a moment, the two women adopted the familiar open pose. They didn't notice Miriam in a far corner. "Anna, you may begin." Anna started to crawl toward the Captain. As she approached, he started to unbuckle his belt. Anna progressed as far as placing her hands on his knees when she froze and put her head down. "Oh please!" "I thought she was ready," accused the Captain. Miriam darted forward. "Linda, give me that strap! I'll get her ready!" She grabbed the strap and stepped toward Anna. Linda quickly headed her off. "Wait! Please, wait a minute, Miriam! Let's give her a little time to get herself together. Please!" She was standing between Anna and Miriam. The Captain dramatically looked at his watch. "Give them fifteen minutes, please! Autumn, talk to her. Miriam, let's leave the room for now." Linda took Miriam's arm and guided her to the door. Miriam glanced back. "Fifteen minutes." Autumn grabbed a robe and rushed over to pick Anna up. "Come over here for a minute. Put this on." She whispered, "You can do this, Anna. Just go through the steps." Anna wiped her face on the robe sleeve. "I know! I'll go with you. We'll double team him. C'mon, just stay with me." Autumn dropped to all fours and glanced up. In a moment, Anna shed her robe and dropped beside her. As they crawled, Autumn made full body contact. "Good morning, Captain. Your pants look too tight. Let us help you." Autumn led in the effort to take down his trousers. Excited by the previous drama, he already sported a nice erection. "You take one side, I'll take the other." They began their two-front assault on the Captain's shaft. Anna followed Autumn's lead, making little moans and slurping sounds. Autumn moved Anna's lips up to the head. "OK, honey, do your thing." The shaft disappeared into her mouth. The Captain groaned. Autumn began tiny nibbles on his balls. After a few long moments, she whispered, "Captain, can we give you another bath soon?" "Ahhh, ahh, oh, oh." That image finished the job. He slumped in the chair, breathing heavily. At length, he moved to pull his pants up. Through a few more deep breaths, he said," Thank you, ladies. Here are five chips, but you'll have to split them." As he left the room, he saw Miriam and Linda in the hall. He gave them a wink and a smile. Miriam gave a short curtsy and said, "Thank you, Captain! It looks like our little charade worked." "Always a pleasure, ladies!" In the room, Autumn pressed the chips into Anna's hand. "Show these to Miriam. You passed the test! The chips are money. I want to hug you, but put your robe on first." They smiled and embraced as Miriam walked in. Autumn pulled Anna down to kneel. "The Captain is very happy with you two. Thank you. Anna, how many chips did you get?" "Five, Miss. I don't know what they are for yet." "The girls will explain. And Autumn, here are more chips for you and Abby. Do you know where the spa room is?" "Yes, Miss, near the stern?" "The three of you are cleared for two hours of private time there. I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you again. I am very pleased." For the first time in their collective experience on board, the women were happy to shed robes and get naked. They splashed, dunked, and giggled the two hours away. They spent the rest of the day in Autumn's room, watching TV. As yawns began to outnumber laughs, Autumn turned the TV off. "Anna, the chips are our money. We pay for meals and we can buy underwear and a few other things. The weird part is that you earn them, umm, I guess, with your enthusiasm. The Captain was happy, so he gave you five chips. If you can find a way to accept our situation, you will see that it could be so much worse. Soon, you'll spend a night with the Master. It's not hard to please him because he just takes over. A little like spending the night with Richard Gere in *Pretty Woman*." Abby said, "Anna, you can do this. It's how we survive. We work and we give them sex. You have to get with it. There is really no other choice. Autumn and I have seen what happens if we don't. It's bad. But it seems like we can be together a lot in our off times..." "...And if there is any chance to get back to real life some day, this is it," Autumn added. Anna took a deep breath. "It seems you are right about not having a choice, and you guys have been so good to me. I'll do my best, but I can't promise a lot of enthusiasm." They drew into one more embrace and went off to bed. Around midnight, Linda came to Autumn's room and sat on the bed. She could smell that her friend had been masturbating. "Wake up, naughty girl. I know what you did!" "Oh, umm, hi. What are you doing here?" She sat up beside Linda, slowly waking up. The "naughty girl" comment sank in and she pulled the sheet up around her breasts. "OK, you caught me. I thought today was great, didn't you? What happened back there with the Captain?" "Sweetie, that was all an act with Miriam and the Captain. We were counting on you to step up and you sure did. I'm sorry we couldn't tell you. We wanted you to be natural." "So, what's going on with you and Miriam? I know you are not as mean as you were acting before." "Sorry, honey. No comment. But, everyone is happy right now and you and Abby are a big cause of it. Miriam has given me some new duties, but you and I will always be friends, even if I have to play mean to you in front of the others. I'm doing scheduling now and I have a couple of things for you. First, you and Anna have kitchen duty this week. Take her in the morning. Also, there is a poker game this week. You and Abby have that. It will be her first..." "...Wait! What about that man..." Autumn could almost smell that disgusting odor again. "...Don't worry. Miriam brought it up with Master. It won't happen again. The clients have to shower before the game. Talk to Abby about it. I'm thinking about having Anna watch through a crack in the door. All right, honey, get some sleep and keep your hands outside the covers!" Giggles. \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ Autumn was relieved that, after four days in the kitchen, no one had come in to grope Anna. It was going to be traumatizing enough to have her observe the evening's poker game. As they waited under the table, Autumn whispered, "Abby, once it starts, it won't take long. They're so excited when they sit down, it only takes about ten strokes to get 'em off. What worked on the Captain will work on them." "I know. I'm getting used to it. Do we really have to go out there and strip for them after?" "Yeah, we probably will. Don't look at their faces. Remember, you can get lots of chips here. I got ten once." "How many for a ticket out of here?" Autumn gave her a gentle elbow. "Shut up, bird-brain! Here they come." In moments, the four chairs were filled. The girls could hear the small talk and the sound of cards flipping around the table. The women were well-prepared. They had bowls of warm water, bottled water, and washcloths. As promised, all the men were clean and relatively sweet-smelling. Nothing could mask the taste and odor of semen, however. Within 20 minutes, four men came to a groaning finish. Autumn used her patented final kiss and earned nine chips. Abby received seven. They waited for the last act. Master seemed to wait forever before calling them out. "You are both lovely. Please leave your panties around one ankle." This was the clue for them to turn around and draw their garments off. They gracefully turned back to face the table, fingers laced behind their necks. "Please walk around the table and say hello to my guests. Gentlemen, try to look these ladies in the eyes!" As she approached each client, Abby tried to figure out which ones she had serviced. Each one turned his chair and held out his hands to greet her. "Hello, beautiful!" There were laughs around the table as each man tried and failed to follow Master's prompt. Bare breasts and smooth pussies overruled eye contact. She took each man's hands and did a little curtsy. "Hello, I'm Abby." Observing this little ritual played right in to Master's fantasy about nude women and clothed men. His eyes clouded over a bit as the scene finished. Soon the girls were side by side again, panties still dragging along on one foot. "Thank you, ladies. I am pleased." They entered the hall to find Anna and Linda, who offered robes. They swiftly pulled their panties into place. "Oh, thank you, Linda! I was getting goose bumps there at the end." Anna remained silent as they made their way to Autumn's room. Linda waited while the girls brushed their teeth and gargled. As they gathered in a circle, Autumn commented that the worst part of male come was the aftertaste. All three women nodded in agreement. "But at least they were clean this time. They all smelled like Ivory soap!" Linda started the conversation. "So, Anna, that's the poker game and you're up next time. I'll go with you and guide you through it. OK? What are your thoughts?" "Well, Ma'am, I..." "...Wait. You have been through a tough indoctrination in the last couple of weeks. Now, Anna, when it's just us, please call me Linda." "Oh, OK, I will, Linda. I haven't had a chance to thank you for intervening with Miriam that day. You saved me!" "You are welcome, dearie. We are in a new phase now. It seems like you have accepted your place in this strange menagerie, so I will now be more like a den mother. I will do my best to protect you. Your first test will be the poker game on Friday. Abby did very well, and I'm counting on you to play your role as well." Linda drew Anna into a long embrace. \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ Two weeks later, Miriam came to Autumn's room. "Turn off the TV, honey. You don't want to miss this news." Miriam took her hands as they sat on the bed. "It's all set. I'm leaving the ship and, if you can agree to the conditions, I'm taking you with me." Autumn's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh my god! Tell me!" "I have satisfied my debt and regained his trust. I'm going to run one of his smaller businesses in Germany and you are going to be my accounting assistant." But, you have to agree to stay with me for a year and never, ever say a word about your time here. Don't answer right away." "But..." "Listen carefully. He is a powerful man who stays in international waters most of the time. Do you remember that French tycoon who raped a hotel maid in New York City? Nothing ever happened to him. These people are untouchable. Do you understand?" Autumn didn't hesitate. "Yes! Miriam, I owe you everything! I agree! When?" "We leave in three days. I have lined up an apartment in Berlin. I would like you to stay with me at first. We have one more event with Master and then we are free. He wants to spend a night with Anna. Since you did so well with her last time, I suggested a threesome. He took exactly one second to say Yes." "Yes, we can do it! Anything! Let's go wake Anna up!" "That will wait 'til tomorrow. This will be your most important performance, but you must be sure Anna is fully into it. You two will show up at his door eager and horny. Now, Linda only knows that I'm leaving and, of course, Anna knows nothing. We need to keep it that way until the last minute. Let's get some sleep, dearest. We're going to need it." At noon the next day, Linda found Anna on cleaning duty. "Anna, you're off for the day. Go find Autumn. You are going to see the Master tomorrow and you are going to perform with grace and passion. Am I clear on this?" "Yes, Linda. I'll do my best." Autumn and Anna spent the day talking about how they would approach Master. "Anna, they are counting on us to keep him happy. Life is always better when he is. This time, I think we should be a little aggressive with him. I have an idea, but you have to be right there with me. OK?" Autumn took her hands, hoping not to betray her ulterior motive. "Yes, I think I can do it if you will be there with me. What is he like? I've never even spoken to him." "Well, he just has this power that won't be denied. He doesn't need a belt. He uses his eyes. He just looks at you and you melt. You might be surprised at how gentle he can be. Somehow, I've never felt like he was forcing himself on me. It's hard to explain, but you'll see." \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ Miriam and Linda watched from a distance as the girls approached his door. Autumn focused on one thought: She could be free in 24 hours. Anna was torn between the reality of giving herself to a stranger and the fuzzy concept of "taking one for the team." Autumn knocked twice. Master opened the door a few inches. "Sir, you ordered a massage?" "Uh, oh yes, come in, ladies!" He opened the door wide. Instead of falling to the customary kneeling position, they faced him. Abby held up a small bottle of oil. "Sir, did you order the Premium Special Massage?" They both stood close and looked up at him. "Why, uh, yes I did!" The look of surprise and delight on his face was priceless. No one else knew of the scene they planned. "Shall we proceed to the bedroom?" Remembering her role, Anna said, "Sir, the Premium Special is clothing-optional. Will you please help us with that?" They both turned their backs to him. He slowly lowered one zipper, then the other. The white gowns fell to the floor. They turned and, out of habit, placed their hands behind their necks. He lowered himself to one knee and slipped the white panties to the floor. He couldn't help but reach out to caress the two bare pussies at his eye level, eliciting a nice gasp. They began removing his shirt. As Autumn knelt to slide his pants down, she pressed her cheek along his already stiffening penis. "Please, lay on the bed, Sir." Master stretched out on his stomach as Anna straddled his back and Autumn moved to work on his legs and feet. Anna started rubbing his head and lightly tugging on small handfuls of hair. He started making little sounds of pleasure. Anna knew from long experience that women loved a vigorous scalp massage. It was one of the great pleasures of a visit to a beauty parlor. It was no surprise men liked it too, though most would never talk about it. Autumn started on his upper thighs, casually running her nails along his testicles as she kneaded his muscles. She worked her way down to the calves, frequently returning to squeeze and tickle him. She started rubbing her thumbs on the soles of his feet. Having his hair and feet massaged at the same time felt wonderful. He started squirming and moaning. He tried to turn over. "Please, Sir! We're almost finished." Anna started on his shoulders. He relaxed. Autumn's roaming fingers found him to be fully erect. In a few moments, Autumn realized that he was ready to explode. "Would you like to turn over, Sir?" Anna rose up to let him turn. His penis stood completely upright. Autumn took Anna's hips and guided her onto the Master, setting an excruciatingly slow pace, as Linda had advised. Up slowly, a little wiggle, a tight clench, back down. Autumn lightly tickled and raked his balls from behind. Master, groaning, reached up to fondle Anna's breasts. Up and back down. As he started breathing and moaning rapidly, Anna increased her speed and concentrated on the head. Autumn could tell that Anna was also lost in lust. Master erupted. "Ahh! Ahh, uh, uh, uh, uh, oh!" Autumn reached around to rub Anna's clit. In a moment, she exploded as well. "Ohh! Oh! Mmm...oh god! Uhn, ahh...stop...Autumn... please!" She tried to push Autumn's hand away. Master sat up, still inside Anna and drew her into a long, deep kiss. He lay back again and guided her slowly off, indicating that she should lay beside him. Autumn took a cue and whispered, "Sir, would you like to be alone with her now?" "Yes, thank you." Autumn gave her a light pinch on the bottom, picked up her dress and padded out of the room. \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ \~ Miriam made sure that Autumn and Linda had some time to say goodbye. They cried and hugged and talked for 30 minutes until they could hear the helicopter winding up. "I'm sorry you have to stay. Miriam says that if all goes well, you could leave here in a year or so. You have to find me then! We have to see each other again!" The last hug, the last wave. Autumn and Miriam, airborne, took one last glance at the ship and tightly holding hands, looked forward in the direction of the mainland. *Author's Note: Dear Readers, this marks the end of Autumn's adventure in captivity. Please watch for the continuation of Julie's life in Hong Kong by co-author J Spe. I will also endeavor to continue Lisa's life in the harem (from Part 2). We appreciate your comments.* *—Carole99*
Title: Begin Again Pt. 02 Tags: lesbian, love, romance, lgbt, fingering, oral sex, lesbian sex, break up, workplace romance CHAPTER 6: Alexa and Maggie are cuddled up on the couch on a Sunday morning. "Let's do something," Alexa suggests. "What do you want to do?" Maggie yawns and wraps Alexa in her arms. "Not move a bit," Alexa says. Maggie laughs, "You spoke my mind." Alexa receives a text from Lin reminding her about a work deadline. "Who sets the deadline anyway?" Alexa asks a little irritated. "I do. Sorry." Maggie says facing Alexa. "The boss is a bitch," Alexa jokes while replying to Lin. "Hey!" Maggie hits Alexa's arm. Alexa tries to hit back but Maggie catches her hands and pulls her closer. Alexa strokes Maggie's hair and leans closer. Maggie kisses Alexa with her experienced tongue; taking full advantage. Alexa's left hand start traveling inside Maggie's shirt and stops at Maggie's left breast. "Ugh get a room!" Lilly says. "Forgot how to operate a phone?" Maggie comments. Lilly rolls her eyes and walks over to them. "Hi, you must be Alexa. I'm Lilly, Maggie's sister," Lilly warmly introduces herself to Alexa completely ignoring Maggie. "Hi I have heard so much about you," Alexa says warmly shaking her hand. Someone else coughs from behind to let their presence known. "Oh, by the way, I brought along mom," Lilly says and moves to the side as she was blocking the view. Maggie gets up to greet her mother. "Hi ma," Maggie hugs Mrs. Chan. "You forgot your mother," Mrs. Chan complains adorably. "Never. Come, I want you to meet someone," Maggie says turning her face to Alexa. "She is Alexa, my girlfriend," Maggie says the girlfriend word loud for the first time. It catches Alexa's attention. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Chan," Alexa says warmly extending her hand. "Oh come here," Mrs. Chan wraps Alexa in an embrace which makes her heart warm as she never had a mother. "Come I want to know everything about you. It's the first time Maggie has introduced me to someone," Mrs. Chan drags Alexa by the waist and she gives a surprised look to Maggie. Maggie and Lilly follow them to the breakfast counter. Mrs. Chan and Alexa seem to get along well. When Mrs. Chan asks her about her family, Maggie freezes. Alexa didn't even talk to Maggie for a day when she last pressed her about her family. Alexa seems calm and replies that she is an orphan. Meanwhile, Lilly tries to get Maggie's attention. Maggie whispers "what?" Lilly points at Alexa's neck and there's a hickey is being revealed through her shirt. This is the first time her mother has met Alexa and this had to happen? Maggie freezes in embarrassment. "Well tell her!" Lilly again whispers to Maggie. "How?" Maggie asks in a similar manner. "What are you two bickering about?" Alexa asks. "Oh please! We all are adults here," Mrs. Chan says, "Alexa darling, you have something on your neck." Lilly bursts out in laughter. Horror runs through all over Alexa's body and she blushes red all over. "Excuse me," she gets up and goes inside to change. When Alexa comes out wearing a top which thankfully covers the love bite, she finds all of them laughing. She wonders what if she had a family like this growing up. This makes her upset. She walks over and joins them. "I'm going to make some food. Alexa, will you help me?" Mrs. Chan asks. "Sure," Alexa says willingly. Maggie feels pity for her girl because she knows it is more grilling time. Maggie watches Alexa intently as Alexa joins her mother in the kitchen. "You've got it bad, you know?" Lilly says noticing her big sister. "I know I cannot help it. I don't know how the last month went by," Maggie admits. "I feel there's a but coming," Lilly says. "Sometimes I feel like she's hiding something from me. Like when you talk about her family, you never get a straight answer," Maggie says with a sigh. Lilly knows that it has been bothering her sister. "Have you talked to her about this?" Lilly asks. "Last time I did, she didn't even see my face for a day," Maggie says. Lilly feels helpless for her sister. "You seem out of control this time," Lilly says. "This is out of my control. I've fallen for her. Hard," Maggie says looking at Alexa with sad eyes. "Can mom help? She's a brilliant psychologist," Lilly says in desperation to help Maggie. "They just met. I don't want to ruin this," Maggie says. Mrs. Chan decided to stay the night at Maggie's house rather than in a hotel. They live in different cities. She wakes up in middle of the night to get water and sees Alexa sitting on the breakfast counter working on her laptop. "Do you have sleeping troubles?" She asks Alexa while taking a seat beside her. "Since I was a kid. It seems to have gone away recently," Alexa says with a smile. Mrs. Chan smiles fondly at her. They chat for a bit; mostly Mrs. Chan trying to fish out information from Alexa and telling her funny stories about Maggie's childhood. "As a mother, I need to know this. Do you love my daughter?" She asks Alexa. "I think I do. It's crazy because it's only been a month," Alexa says honestly. "Sometimes all it takes is a moment," Mrs. Chan reassures her. She then asks her a bunch of unrelated questions. Alexa answers all of them anyway. Maggie wakes up at 6 in the morning. She finds Alexa sleeping peacefully with her head on Maggie's chest with her arms wrapping her like a flag. At that moment, she realizes that Alexa has the power to destroy her completely and she wants to let her. Maggie strokes the hair out of Alexa's face. Alexa wakes up but still very sleepy. Alexa's face lights up when she sees Maggie. "Hey," she says reaching for Maggie. Maggie gives her a squeeze, "go back to sleep." She leaves the bed to get some work done. She finds her mother in the kitchen. "Good morning ma," she says to her mother. "Good morning. I'm making tea," Mrs. Chan says fondly to her daughter. "How I've missed your tea!" Maggie says. Mrs. Chan hands over a cup of tea and says, "Darling, we need to talk over the girl who is sleeping in your bed." "Why? What's wrong?" Panic runs all over her. "I believe that she has clinical depression," Mrs. Chan says. "Are you sure?" Maggie's face falls. "Affirmative. Didn't she tell you?" Mrs. Chan sounds surprised. "She never talks about her health or what she is going through. Though she gets those crazy migraines," Maggie says. "Connect the dots, Maggie." Mrs. Chan says. "What do you think is the reason?" She asks. "I suspect that some trauma which might have happened in her childhood. I noticed how she tries to avoid the family question and you also freeze," Mrs. Chan says. "The last time we argued about this, she completely shut me out," Maggie says. "Do you think is this why she's with me?" Maggie lets her fear known to her mother. Mrs. Chan laughs it off, "She has got it bad as much as you do. She basically admitted that she loves you." Her mother words make her shocked, "She did?" "You don't?" her mother asks. "I do. But we have never said that to each other," Maggie says. "Why not?" Mrs. Chan asks. "I'm afraid that I'll scare her off," Maggie confesses. "Darling, I think she has the same fear. You both need to talk about these things," Mrs. Chan squeezes her daughter's hand to reassure her that will be alright. CHAPTER 7: Life has been great for both Alexa and Maggie. They seem to be in love more than ever. It has been more than a week since Alexa has met Maggie's mother and sister. She comes home in a good mood. Maggie came earlier, Alexa doesn't know why. She finds Maggie sitting in the dark and drinking. "Hey, what's wrong?" Alexa asks and gives a squeeze on Maggie's shoulder. Maggie doesn't even bother to look at her and hands over a brown file. Alexa takes the file both curiously and confused. Alexa sits down in shock when she opens the file. It's all her family's details- how they are all well and alive. It makes her blood boil. Her hands start shaking. "Where did you get this?" She asks Maggie and doesn't get a response. She asks again, "Maggie, where did you get this?" The loudness in her voice makes Maggie turn her face to her. "So, I guess I should have listened to everyone and stayed away from the likes of you!" Maggie shouts. "The likes of me?" Alexa asks trying hard to keep her calm. "You've been lying to me the whole time. And it says here that one of your brothers is in prison for money laundering," Maggie shouts. "What the fuck do you think of me?" Alexa shouts at Maggie. Maggie doesn't say anything but drinks her whiskey. "You're right. This isn't working. We should call it off," Alexa shouts. Alexa throws away the file to the room before leaving. Maggie throws her glass on the floor as Alexa leaves the house, "FUCK!" Alexa enters her house after a bit struggle of opening the door. Seeing their faces again brought back all kinds of unwanted memories. Her head is pounding. She is having a panic attack. She sits down on the floor. Crying and cursing God for giving her this life. She somehow manages to get into the shower. When she comes out of the shower and sees the mirror, she punches it hard. The mirror breaks and pieces of glass enter into her hand. She doesn't even feel the pain. The pain inside her chest is way more severe. She sits on the floor feeling blank. She doesn't realize how many hours have passed or how many minutes. Al comes and finds her. Al has a key and checks on the house from time to time. Al calls her son who is a doctor. Alexa never interacted with him. Her hand needs medical attention which he provides and gives something for the pain. Al asks him to leave. Alexa starts crying in Al's arms. Al tries to comfort her but all in vain. Alexa falls asleep when she is completely drained out of her energy. In the office, Maggie finds out that Alexa has taken leave for the day. She is still too angry with Alexa to find out why. Meanwhile, Alexa drinks all day till she passes out. The morning after two days, Alexa tries to take the day off again but she has been told that she cannot take the day off when they are so close to a deadline. She gets ready despite how much she detests it. She hides her dark circles with makeup. She changes the bandage on her hand. She looks presentable and hopes that no one will notice her red eyes under glasses. Alexa has a meeting with the board of directors which means Maggie will be there too. She drinks a glass of wine before leaving. Both Maggie and Alexa start dying internally when they see each other but hide it pretty well. Maggie notices Alexa's hand almost immediately. But chooses not to say anything. "What happened to your hand?" One of the directors asked Alexa. "Oh, I tried to cook. Burnt the house down. Barely made it alive," Alexa jokes. Everyone laughs. But Maggie knows that Alexa is lying. Again. After the meeting, Alexa doesn't even look at Maggie which makes her angrier. "First she lies and now she is ignoring me!" Maggie shouts mentally. After a few hours, Maggie comes down to the R&D department to find Alexa. She finds her talking to Lin. "Dr. Scott I need to talk to you about something," Maggie says. Alexa calls Lin and says to Maggie, "Ma'am, I have been absent for two days and need to catch up a lot. She can answer anything you need to know." Saying that Alexa goes as far away from Maggie as possible. Lin asks, "Yes?" "Never mind," Maggie says annoyed and leaves the room. Lin stands there staring confused at what just happened. "That bitch!" Maggie slams the door when she enters her room. She dials Lilly to talk about this. "Well, she might have another reason for lying. Technically she didn't lie. She just didn't tell anything and you assumed they were dead," Lilly says. "Whose side are you on?" Maggie shouts on the phone. "Calm down and think. You said you loved her. Aren't you a bit interested to save this?" Lilly asks. As much as Maggie hates it she admits that Lilly makes a valid point. Lilly has always been the cool-headed between two of them. After work, Maggie decides to go to Alexa's house. When no one answers the door, she decides to use her spare key. The smell of booze gives her a smack on the face when she enters the house. She finds Alexa sitting on the balcony staring at the pond. Tears are falling down uncontrollably from Alexa's eyes. It seems like as if something has sucked the life out of her. Seeing her in this state, Maggie's heart gets broken into million pieces. Maggie's footstep on the wooden floor startles Alexa. "What are you doing here?" Alexa asks. "We need to talk," Maggie says. "Please leave!" Alexa says while turning her gaze again into the nothingness. 'A living corpse'- Maggie thinks. "I'm not going to leave until you tell me the whole story," Maggie sits beside her. Alexa looks her in the eyes. Maggie is horrified to see that Alexa's eyes are blood red and her skin is pale like a ghost. There are noticeable dark circles under both of her eyes. Maggie knows that Alexa has been crying. "Baby what's wrong? Please tell me!" Maggie begs Alexa. Maggie wraps Alexa in her arms. Alexa doesn't protest and falls on Maggie's arms unable to say anything. It feels like she is gathering the courage to talk which is taking her everything. After about half an hour, Alexa starts talking, "I grew up in a very small town. The population was less than 1000. My family was strictly religious. When I came out to them as gay, I hadn't realized the extent they could go." Maggie listens quietly. Alexa continues, "In a desperate attempt to convert me, they tied me up and let strange men rape me. They thought they were doing God's work. It went on for days. I was only 16 for God's sake," Alexa confesses with a very shaken voice and tears start rolling from her eyes. Maggie is horrified at what she hears. Maggie holds her tight to let her know that she is safe. Alexa continues again, "They tied me up like a caged animal. I even lost count how many men raped me. My sister, Kara, isn't my biological sister; she was a social worker. Luckily, she was visiting the town. When she heard about me, she tried to save me but failed a few times. Later, we somehow managed to escape. So you see why it bothers me." Maggie is at loss of words. Alexa cannot even look up. "Hey," Maggie pulls Alexa's chin up and says, "They didn't break who you are. You are still the strong independent woman whom I met at the conference. You have the power to destroy me and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you," Maggie says without breaking eye contact with Alexa and kisses her to make her know that she is still here for her. But it is hard to tell if Alexa is here anymore. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you anywhere near my past. And I also didn't want to go through it again," Alexa says with a shaken voice. "You don't have to. You're not alone anymore," Maggie reassures Alexa. Alexa gives a weak smile but she is exhausted both mentally and physically. Thousands of knives are stabbing in Maggie's heart thinking of what Alexa went through and Alexa has a photographic memory which means she remembers everything clearly. Maggie sees that Alexa's hand is bleeding again. She goes into the house in search of medicine and sees the broken mirror. It still has dried blood on it. She finds emptied anti-depressant bottles in the sink. Maggie finally breaks down in tears. She cannot believe what the person she loves has been through and she reminded her of the horror again. At the same moment, she also realizes what Alexa means to her. She is afraid that she might have lost Alexa forever. Alexa finds Maggie after some time; sitting on the bathroom floor and sobbing. Alexa sits beside here and holds Maggie's hand gently. "Baby, don't!" Alexa pulls Maggie in her arms. "I'm so sorry baby. I could never imagine what you have been gone through," Maggie cries. "I feel like a burden has lifted from my chest. I have never talked about it with anyone," Alexa says and means it. She feels relieved but also broken. It's very hard to explain. CHAPTER 8: Maggie makes Alexa take a shower while she prepares food. Alexa is still not done when the food is prepared. Maggie sees Alexa sitting naked in the corner of the shower. She strips off her clothes and steps in the shower. Alexa looks up. "Let me," Maggie says taking the shampoo bottle in her hand. Alexa stands up holding Maggie. Maggie cleans Alexa without doing anything her libido wants her to do. 'This is not the time' Maggie tells herself. Alexa is just grateful that Maggie is there. After the shower, she sends Alexa to dry and turns on the cold water. It doesn't work like it's supposed to. Maggie shifts beside Alexa. She can't sleep; not after what Alexa had told her. She finds it hard to imagine. She turns to face Alexa. "Are you asleep?" Maggie whispers. Alexa doesn't respond. Maggie raises her head to check and sees that Alexa's pillow under her eyes is wet. "Lexie," Maggie says with a soothing voice touching Alexa's shoulder. Alexa turns to face her. "I don't know how we move past this," Alexa says looking down at the sheet. "Hey," Maggie says lifting Alexa's chin up. "You don't have to worry about me. I told you that I love you and I mean it," her voice almost breaks up and she somehow manages it thinking Alexa wouldn't notice. However, it doesn't go unnoticed. Alexa reaches to Maggie and kisses her, "I love you." Alexa wakes up to see Maggie rushing around the room. "Where's the fire?" Alexa asks confused. "I'm late," Maggie says. "Oh God, I'm late too," Alexa realizes the time. "Yes," Maggie says with a straight face. "Will race you to the office," Alexa pokes her tongue out and rushes to get ready. Maggie knows Alexa well enough by now to know that Alexa is hiding her sorrows. Maggie only hopes that Alexa doesn't build a wall around her again. Alexa and Lin are working at their stations. Maggie comes out of nowhere. "Hi," Maggie whispers to Alexa hovering over her. Lin notices their exchange immediately. "Hi!" Alexa says with a surprised tone. They are still not telling the world about them. "I just wanted to check on you," Maggie whispers while caressing her face. "You don't have to worry. Please breathe," Alexa reassures her. Maggie smiles. "Now that you are here, please find an excuse to visit. You know.. this is work," Alexa points out. "Oh sure," Maggie gets smacked by the reality. Truth is Alexa matters to her the most. She goes to talk to Mack anyway. "She sure comes down here a lot lately," Lin says. She has noticed the exchange between Alexa and Maggie but chooses not to comment on it. "She didn't before?" Alexa fakes a shocked voice. "Never," Lin replies. Alexa gets a text from Lilly in the afternoon. "What are we doing for Maggie's birthday?" Lilly writes. "I'm out of ideas," Alexa writes back. "Are you joking? IT'S DAY AFTER TOMORROW!" Lilly shouts with capital letters. "It's the weekend. Can we go somewhere?" Alexa says. "Tell her that you need a break and would love a beach," Lilly writes. "Why?" Alexa demands. "Just do it," Lilly commands. Alexa immediately texts Maggie, "I need a break. Can we go to somewhere like a beach and relax?" "Your wish is my command," Maggie replies almost immediately. "It's done. Where are we going?" Alexa texts to Lilly. "You will see. You have to be quiet about this. Keep her busy and leave the planning to me," Lilly writes back. The next morning Alexa wakes up alone in the bed. Today they are supposed to go on their trip. She wears a knee-length silk robe over her lingerie and goes to search for Maggie. She finds Maggie working on her laptop. She walks over and says, "Good morning." "Good morning," Maggie says without moving her eyes from the screen. Alexa walks over to Maggie's side and spins the tool so they are facing each other. She sits on Maggie's lap wrapping her arms around Maggie and kisses very passionately. "Good morning," Alexa says. Maggie always forgets what she is doing when Alexa kisses her like that, "Good morning." Alexa smiles and kisses her again. Maggie's hand travel through Alexa's ripped torso. "Why is it when I see you both, I find you on top of each other?" Lilly says from behind which startled them both. Alexa quickly closes her robe. "What are you doing here?" Maggie sounds annoyed. "I just broke up with my boyfriend," Lilly says. "What boyfriend?" Maggie starts interrogating. Alexa takes her coffee mug and takes a seat beside Lilly. "Long story. Can I stay here for the day?" Lilly asks. "Feel free. But we are leaving for two days," Maggie replies. "Can I come along?" Lilly asks with a puppy face. "No!" Maggie dismisses her request in a second. "Please!" Lilly continues to make a puppy face. "Can she come? Please?" Now Alexa asks with a puppy face. "Fine!" Maggie says in defeat. "So, what exactly happened between you two?" Lilly asks Maggie on the plane. Alexa has dozed off on Maggie's shoulder. "Some misunderstandings," Maggie says without wanting to reveal everything. "Tell me," Lilly pressures. "Please understand that this is between us," Maggie answers. "I get it. Don't worry," Lilly says reassuringly. Alexa shifts and Maggie freezes trying not to wake her up. Maggie and Alexa go on a walk on the beach after the evening. It's one of the private islands of Maggie's family. "Stall her till 12," Lilly texts Alexa. "Who was that?" Maggie asks. "Just work," Alexa replies. "Come I want to show you something," Maggie leads Alexa to a small wooden house. The house feels cozy. Very different from the mansion on the island. There are lots of pictures of small kids. "Is this you?" Alexa asks Maggie taking a photo frame. "Yes." "So chubby!" Alexa chuckles. "I wasn't that chubby!" Maggie protests. Maggie then shows Alexa some more photos of her childhood. They have been in the house for a while. Maggie makes them tea. Alexa finds the taste odd. She asks, "Why does it taste.." "Different?" Maggie completes the sentence. "It's from my grandmother's secret herbs. Good for hair, skin, and libido," Maggie says shyly sipping her tea. Alexa gets the hint which makes her blush a little. Truth is, they have not touched each other since the breakup. Maggie treats Alexa as if she was made of glass after hearing about her past. "Come on we should go," Maggie gets up after a while a bit frustrated. Alexa holds her hand to stop her, "Can we stay a little longer?" Maggie turns around to face her lover and Alexa gets up and kisses her. Alexa pushes her on the bed and rides on top of her. Kissing her, worshipping her. Alexa puts her mouth on Maggie's collarbone. Her mouth starts exposing Maggie's bare chest. She pulls off Maggie's dress over her head. She then pulls the dress off herself. Their kiss is full of desire. "Want to make this interesting?" Alexa asks with a mischievous spark in her eyes. Maggie looks puzzled. Alexa gets up and finds whip cream. Maggie lies on her back after kicking off her lingerie. Alexa starts licking Maggie's skin with whip cream from her head to toe. Her tongue sets the firecrackers under Maggie's skin. She feels like as if she was going to have a spontaneous combustion. Alexa's fingers start working their magic inside of Maggie and her tongue is relentless on Maggie's clits. Maggie's fingernails injure Alexa's shoulder badly when she comes loudly. It takes a while to come her back to her senses. She opens her eyes to see Alexa's grey eyes gazing her full of lust. "Sit on my face," she commands and Alexa happily obliges. Alexa sits on Maggie's face in a reverse cowgirl position and holds Maggie's hands on her thighs for support. Maggie licks Alexa's opening which earns her a moan. She thinks of something new. She thrusts her long tongue into Alexa which she had never done it before. "Oh. My. God!" Alexa shouts loudly. Maggie relentlessly keeps thrusting into Alexa. She never knew Maggie could do that and neither she had any idea that Maggie's tongue was this long. When she comes, she comes as loudly as she could and soaking Maggie in her juice which she swallows too happily. Looking back at Maggie, Alexa looks in horror, "Did I?" Maggie grins, "Yes you did baby. I love it." Alexa says in surprise, "But I have never squirted!" Maggie winks while wiping her face with a wipe, "I have that effect on you!" CHAPTER 9: Maggie sits on the bed wrapped up in the grey sheet leaning on the bed stand. Alexa lies on her lap also wrapped up in the sheet. Warm light makes the moment more magical filled with the smell of their lovemaking. Maggie strokes Alexa's hair, "I love you, you know that right?" Alexa giggles, "I am not convinced yet. Convince me!" Maggie giggles, "Oh God you are insatiable!" Alexa's phone vibrates and Maggie looks at it annoyed. "Who is troubling you at this hour?" Maggie cannot hide her annoyance. "We should go," Alexa says. "Why? We could sleep here,' Maggie suggests. "I have to send a mail from my laptop," Alexa lies on her face and gets up hurriedly not be caught on the lie. "Let's get a shower first," Maggie too gets up from the bed. "We'll take shower when we get to the house," Alexa hurriedly dress up which Maggie finds odd. Maggie is sure that Alexa is not aware of her birthday. Maggie always throws a grand party but this time, she would rather be here in this island alone with Alexa. Maggie enters first as Alexa takes the last few steps slowly. The house is dark. Lilly has probably gone to sleep. She turns on the light switch. "Happy Birthday!" Everyone jumps from behind the couch which surprises Maggie. Maggie looks at Alexa who is grinning. "Happy birthday baby," Alexa hugs her. Even though Maggie would prefer to be alone here with her girl, seeing everyone makes her elated. Mrs. Chan comes running to hug her daughter and everyone follows. Alexa stands behind leaving the center of attention for Maggie. Alexa happily watches Maggie being greeted by family and friends. Lilly comes to talk to Alexa. "Thank you for keeping her busy," Lilly says with a grin and handing her a glass of champagne. "I'm glad that you included me. She looks so happy," Alexa grins and looks in the direction of Maggie. "You have something on your hair," Lilly touches the white creamy thing on Alexa's hair. "Whip cream," Alexa says with a straight face. "Ugh! I don't want to know! " Lilly pokes her tongue out in disgust and this makes Alexa laugh. There are at least 50 people in the house. All are close to Maggie. Alexa doesn't recognize most of them but she is more relieved not seeing anyone from the office. She helps herself to the food area. "Damn those legs!" Someone comments from behind. She turns around to see Jia. "Hi. Nice to see you again," Alexa says. "Likewise," Jia smiles broadly. Meanwhile, Maggie sees their exchange and points their direction to Lilly. "So, you two have met!" Lilly comes in between them. Jia doesn't even notice her. "You were out all day. Had fun?" Jia asks too eagerly. "Yeah," Alexa takes a sip from her drink. "So what did you do?" Jia starts nagging. "You know.. sightseeing. Talking about stuff," Alexa says. "Were you discussing a recipe which requires whip cream?" Lilly starts teasing her sister's girlfriend. Alexa blushes all red and rolls her eyes. Jia understands and starts laughing too. "Listen I am sorry for the last time," Jia says. It makes Alexa confused. "Why?" she asks. "You don't know?" Jia asks surprisingly. "What don't I know?" Alexa confusion rises. "Maggie was having a panic attack and wanted to find out if you would break her heart. So Jia tried to flirt with you," Lilly explains. "Sounds so much better when you say it," Jia comments. Alexa's mood falls. Her head takes it logically which made it sound reasonable. But her heart finds it difficult to be ok with. She looks at Maggie who also looks at her smiling but Alexa's face is without any expression. "Excuse me," she excuses herself from the current company and goes on the porch. Maggie finds it a bit odd. She excuses herself from the people she was talking to and comes to talk to Lilly and Jia. "What happened? What did you tell her?" Maggie asks them. "Nothing," Jia answers. "Not nothing. She knows about how you sent Jia after her," Lilly says while giving Jia an annoying stare. "What the hell did you do? Why are you meddling in my relationship?" Maggie says trying to keep her calm. However, it's clear that she is angry. None of them answer. Maggie goes to talk to Alexa who is sitting on the railing of the porch; drinking from her glass and staring into the sea. "Hey!" Maggie says in a soothing voice. Alexa looks at her and says nothing. "Are you mad?" Maggie asks. "No," Alexa replies. "Then you are entering into a vegetative state," Maggie comments and Alexa rolls her eyes. "Why the hell don't you believe that I'm with you because I love you?" It's hard for Alexa to hide her annoyance. "I do believe you. It's from before. You were being secretive and I panicked," Maggie confesses with guilt. "So, you sent Ms. boobjob after me? It was never about your fucking money!" Alexa's voice gets a bit louder than she expected. "You could trust me too," Maggie replies in the same manner. "Well, I don't need to. You will just hire a P.I anyway," Alexa snaps. "Ugh!" Maggie says in exasperation. "It's time to cut the cake!" Mrs. Chan shouts from the inside. Maggie goes inside; Alexa follows her after a bit. Everyone drags Maggie to the center. Alexa stands near the porch door; still annoyed. It takes 10 to 15 minutes to gather everyone. Mrs. Chan notices Alexa is standing far just before cutting the cake. "Alexa, what are you doing there? Come here!" She comes and drags her by the elbow and makes her stand beside Maggie. "Let's cut the cake!" Mrs. Chan urges. Maggie cuts the cake and everyone sings "Happy Birthday " in unison. Maggie feeds her parents the cake and her sister. Then she turns to Alexa and feeds her a piece of cake. Before Alexa could fully swallow it, Maggie grabs her by the waist and kisses her in front of everyone. Alexa is surprised and so is everyone. "I thought you guys were keeping it a secret," Lilly comments later when they are alone. "I thought so too!" Alexa still sounds surprised. "Oh enough with the secrets already!" Maggie says. Maggie then takes Alexa's hand and says, "we need to talk." Maggie leads her to the porch and sits on the railing holding Alexa's both hands. "Listen. I am sorry. I never felt like this and it scared me," Maggie confesses looking into her eyes. "Felt like what? Chased by a gold digger?" Alexa says in annoyance. Maggie rolls her eyes and says, "Loved. I don't think I knew what love was before you came into my life." The sentence softens Alexa's face. So, Maggie continues, "When I first saw you, I don't know why I was drawn to you. Then we were together and all I could think about was you. I knew that I had given you the power to destroy me and it scared me." Maggie's eyes tear up while confessing. It also brings tears to Alexa's eyes and she kisses her girl like the world doesn't even exist at the moment. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Mag. I love you. More than you know," Alexa says looking into Maggie's eyes. "And I know it's too much for you; to be around people right now. But you did it for me. It means a lot to me. Thank you," Maggie says wiping her eyes. "I am fine. Don't worry," Alexa says. Maggie puts her right hand on Alexa's heart area and says, "Baby, you don't have to pretend with me!" It tears up Alexa again; this time in the opposite way. Alexa looks at the water to hide it. Maggie touches Alexa's chin gently which makes her face Maggie. "You have me now!" Maggie squeezes Alexa in her arms. "You have me and you are safe now!" Maggie says again more soothingly and Alexa buries her nose in Maggie's chest. CHAPTER 10: "Whoo trouble!" Jia comments as she, Alexa and Lilly are chatting beside the bar. Lilly looks as if she is constipated. Alexa sees Maggie across the room who is talking to someone. "Uh, what?" Alexa looks confusingly at them "She is Rose; a friend of Maggie's," Lilly points to the woman Maggie is talking to. "Yeah right!" Jia scoffs. "What are you not telling me?" Alexa asks them. They both give each other the known stare. "Come on!" Alexa now pressures them to spill. "She and Maggie were close," Lilly says with a complete poker face. "How close?" Alexa's inside turns upside down. "They were together," Jia provides the information Alexa was not hoping for. "Oh!" Alexa swallows. Her heart starts pounding. "And?" Alexa asks in a very low voice. "She is the first serious relationship of Maggie," Jia says. Lilly lightly slaps her arm. "What?!" Jia asks and Lilly rolls her eyes. Meanwhile, Alexa finishes her wine at once. "That's it! I'm going to intervene," Alexa says after getting the liquid courage. "Wai wai wait.. hold on," they both stop her by her arms. "What?" "Intervene when you are not drunk," Lilly suggests. "I am not!" Alexa protests. "Probably this is a good idea," Jia comments approvingly. She fixes Alexa's hair. "Just give your damn perfect hair flip," Lilly says. "And, open a button. no two buttons," Jia says as they are both trying to make her look seductive. "Damn how many scratches you got on your shoulder? And there's also a love bite. Looks new," Jia comments, "Maybe exposing the hickey is a good idea." "All ok? Can I go now?" Alexa asks and they both nod in agreement. "There you are!" Alexa says drunkenly to Maggie. Alexa comes near and kisses Maggie exposing her hickey which makes Rose feel awkward. "Meet Alexa," Maggie says to Rose. "The girlfriend," Alexa adds wrapping her arm protectively around Maggie's waist. Rose smiles and says, "I am Rose. A friend." "Nice to meet you," Alexa says. "Likewise. As I was saying, Maggie, I have to leave. See you later," Rose leaves the room hurriedly. "What was that about?" Maggie asks. "What was what?" Alexa asks pretending not to know what she is talking about. "Oh my God! Are you jealous?" Maggie asks too happily. "I don't get jealous!" Alexa brushes her off. "You are!" Maggie points out the obvious. "No!" Alexa hurries to the porch so she wouldn't get more embarrassed. However, Maggie follows her. She sits on the couch with a cushion on her lap. Maggie sits on her knees facing Alexa. "Admit it you are jealous!" Maggie is adamant. Maggie is grinning ear to ear at this revelation which makes Alexa admitting it. "So maybe I was!" Alexa grins and blushes at the same time. "I see what you did there!" Maggie says as her fingers stroke through Alexa's too revealing cleavage and also on her hickey. Maggie gets up on her knees and kisses Alexa cupping her face with her both hands. Mr. Chan and Mrs. Chan are watching both Maggie and Alexa through the window. "Look at her. She is so happy!" Mrs. Chan comments. "That she is," Mr. Chan comments as they see them chatting; laughing. "You still don't approve?" she asks her husband. "I didn't. Then I did something that I had no right to," he says. "What did you do?" she asks in shock. "I hired a P.I.," he says looking embarrassed in front of his wife. She gasps. "Is this why they broke up?" she asks. "I think so," he answers remorsefully. "You should have consulted me!" She becomes angry. "Now I don't know how to face any of them!" "What was in on it?" she asks. Then he tells her everything he knew from a later investigation. The horror in Mrs. Chan's face is hard to hide. Alexa is sitting alone on the porch. Someone dragged Maggie away. The view of the ocean at night seems so peaceful. She gets lost in the sound of the waves. It is probably around 2 in the morning. "May I sit?" Mrs. Chan asks. Mr. Chan is standing beside her. Alexa gets a little startled. "Yes, please." "How are you darling? I didn't get the chance to catch up," Mrs. Chan says fondly. "Things are great," Alexa says. She feels a little uptight around Mr. Chan. "Please, you can relax. We are family here," he reassures her. "I was looking for ways to apologize to you," he says again. "I am sorry. I don't follow," Alexa sounds puzzled. "For what I did. Hiring a P.I to investigate your private life which I had no right to," he says remorsefully. "Oh," Alexa dodges a bullet. She couldn't understand why Maggie would do this. Now things have become clear. "You are like my daughter. Please forgive me," he apologizes and he means it. Maggie's parents try to read Alexa's face. After a pause, Alexa smiles and says, "it's all over now." "I am glad that you are here," Mr. Chan gives an approving smile which means a lot to Alexa given her issues with her own parents.
Title: The Shadows -Intro- by Nil Serahk Tags: Horror, Intro, No-Yiff, Series, Supernatural, Wolf Okay, this is my first submitted story on Yiffstar so be kind in your reviews hehe... I would love some really constructive critism and some feedback. Remember this is only the intro basically just introducing the world I've had in my head for awhile now. Hope you people enjoy it. \========================================================== "I don't know why they are acting like this...why they are watching me, why they are looking at me as if I all these...things were by my hand." The image on the monitor shimmered slightly as the waves of static often found on low quality videotapes rolled up the screen. After a moment of pause from the person on the screen the picture went back to normal just in time for the wolf to lean forward, his hands folded in his laps, his eyes showing fear and confusion. He began to speak again "It...it wasn't me, I swear it wasn't!" his voice was soft as he spoke; the wolf sounded broken, lost, unable to find himself or to find any meaning to anything other than his paranoia. As you listen to his soft voice you start to realize that this obsession of his has been bogarting his thoughts for a long time now, but something about it seemed like he still thought these developments were brand new. Questions rolled about in your mind as you continued to watched, enthralled by what the wolf was saying. You wondered who he was, what was his story, and more importantly why he disappeared without a trace. "I'm not crazy!" the anonymous wolf suddenly shouted out, making you jump in your seat and pause the video for just a moment. Your heartbeat raced for just a couple of seconds, your hand instinctively moving back to the play button when you had calmed down. The wolf continued from where he had paused, his expression looking as if he had just been slapped and was growling at the offender, teeth bared, his claws digging into his flesh and making blood stain his dirtied gray fur. "Anyone who says I am is lying through their teeth. I saw them! I saw those things and they did too!" the wolf was being awfully vague, but his eyes showed true fear. Another growl came from the canine before he slammed a fist into the wall of the small room he was in. Another brief pause as he gave a small whimper, the image darkened, then brightened, copies of it rolled along the screen as the video seemed to be trying to find where it was again. You took this moment to examine the room he was in. It was very small, probably a bedroom, and had candles lit all around the area. Some of them had burned down to the wick, others were just starting to melt. You finally noticed that he was sitting on a bed, a nameplate infront of it saying "Morgan D. Langer" but you couldn't tell if the wolf owned the bed or if he was 'borrowing' it. Your lookabout was interrupted by the wolf picking up the camera, bringing it close to him as if to let you see right into his eyes which were a dull gray."Whoever finds this tape, please know that I am innocent, I'm not dead or at least not yet." You gave an instinctive blink at this, was the video you found the wolf's hope of someone finding him? "Follow the smell, look at the wind, please we're not too late they can be stopped." What was the wolf talking about? A soft hiss of wind was heard and the candles blew out from around the room, leaving the only vision to be seen as the wolf's eyes. They looked desperate, something flashing out of the side of them as a reflection but the wolf didn't seem to notice anything. "Please...find me, it will start soon and I can help fight them." A soft swoosh sound was heard "Shit! The light, the light hurts them." He was panicing now, something was deathly wrong. "Don't be fooled, anyone can b--" a soft, girlish giggle interrupted him. A black, whispy hand covered his eyes from view "Ah!" he was pulled back onto, no, into the bed as the camera fell and the lens shattered causing the image to be seperated into several parts but one could easily make out a pair of white glowing eye-like shapes. Another giggle was heard. "We'll be waiting..." the tape ended there. Someone shut it off leaving you guessing just what the hell happened there. Slowly you took the tape out of the video player, your heart thumping hard in your chest as you put the tape on your desk. Some people were going to have to explain a lot of things to you now. That was it, you thought, you had to get answers. You stood up in your office chair, walking towards the door and turning off the light. A sudden shudder went up your spine, causing you to look around for a moment. Nothing was there but you normal stuff. With a soft chuckle you would dismiss it as an effect just like what would happen after watching too many horror films. You felt a soft breeze along your face, the air started to smell of roses and lilac as well as something...not of this earth. You couldn't put your finger on what it was but you had to follow it, walking slowly until you found the scent was coming from a closet. You shakily put your hand on the handle and open the door. "Oh good another playmate" you screamed as you felt arms wrapping around you and everything fell into darkness.
Title: Just us. by Benji Kun Tags: Anal, Bad Language, Fox, M/M, Oral, Raccoon (I know im a sick individual as i write this story while watching Sweeny Todd.To think that killing gets me all horned up.Well,actually blood has an attractive color,no?Besides,i doubt if any one would care while reading this story.Enjoy.\<3) Disclaimer: under no circumstances should anyone under 18 read this unless you are 18, or not offended by gay furry sex which i myself find very appealing since i myself have a partner. If that offends you as well, then go die,Because penguins and foxes,despite what some would believe, do make a good couple.So there. "Damn it!" Karl the fox sat frustraited at his desk, looking at his physics homework.He was stuck on a rather hard problem, and he was growing more and more tired of it every second. he erased his answer and he tried again.however,this new effort proved fruitless. Gritting his teeth angrily he screamed at the papers on his desk "FUCK YOU! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE CIRCUMFRENCE OF OUR SUN?! Just then his room mate walked in. "Geez, whats your problem?" Karl looked back to see his room mate Terri walk in. He was a cute raccoon,but could be a little shy or feisty at times. "It's this stupid physic question. i can't figure it out." "Awww...Is my widdle foxy having truwbble?" Terri hugged Karl from behind, giving him a good squeeze. "Please,not now Terri, I'm sort of busy." Terri's hug grew lighter, and he slowly began to run one of his paws slowly down Karl's chest and towards his crotch. "Please? Besides,you could use a break from physics,and study up on some...Biology." Karl smiled as the raccoon was now rubbing the inside of his leg gently.Looking up, he saw that the raccoon had that look of wanting on his face, "Your bed,or mine?" The raccoon squealed with delight as he was tackled gently onto Karl's bed.He liked Karl's bed because it always smelled like him,even if he wasn't in the room when he was there.Karl was on top,looking into the raccoon's green eyes. "You really wanna do this then?" Terri gave Karl's ass a tight sqweeze. "You bet you sweet foxy ass i do." "OK then." Karl began to slowly pull off Terri's shorts,exposing tht he wasn't wearing any type of underwear,and tht the raccoon had begun to grow fully erect. "eager are we?" Terri just let out an excited giggle. As Karl began to run his hand up to Terri's chest, Terry began to pull off Karl's shirt. 'Let's get you a little released, shall we?" Karl let out an approving growl as Terri slipped Karl's pants and boxers off. Now that both of them were alone,Karl motoned for the raccoon to sit at the edge of the bed. Getting on his knees,Karl gripped Terri's cock in his paw, and slowly began to run his muzzle along Terri's cock.Terri loet out a moan of pleasure, letting the fox play with him. "You ready?" Terri nodded, and then Karl slipped his mouth around the raccoon's cock. Terri let out a soft little growl of pleasure as he watched the fox suck his cock,his soft muzzle and tounge brushing against all the sensitive parts. This wasn't the first time the two has had sex. They met each other at the start of the school year and since then, they had hit it off very well. He looked on at the small triangular ears as they moved up and down, the feeling of Karl's soft and slippery tounge making his cock even harder and slick.Terri leaned his head back and placed his hand on Karl's head, moving it up and down his cock in a pulsive rythem.Karl obviously knew exactly where to lick.And carl had to admit, he didn't mind taking a break to enjoy his lover.He could feel Terri's hand on the back of his head as he slowly ran his fingers along his ears,petting him gently. Terri suddenly felt that tingling warmth inside his cock,and he let out a small warning yip to Karl.Karl stayed where he was,he felt Terri's cock pulsate as he came in his mouth.Raccoon cum always had a certain sweetness and saltiness to it.A taste that Karl liked,he had gotten used to such a fine taste.Hell, he enjoyed the taste more often that the beers that he had now and again.However,Terri had been saving alot up, for it dribbled out of his mouth and down his chin. Terri glanced at Karl and smiled,watching as the fox licked the extra cum off his lips. "You look cute with a litte bit of cream on you" Terri said as he stroked Karl's cheek. "Well, i have all this pent up stress, and I need you to release it..." Karl gave that longing glance to Terri.Terri leaned back and motioned with a finger. "Then come and get it, you sexy fox" Grabbing a small bottle of lube,Karl squeezed te contents onto his now fully erect dick, and climbling in between Terri's legs, he lifted Terri's legs onto his shoulders, positioning himself right outside Terri's tail hole. "Are you ready?" Terri gave Karl a lick on the cheek and whispered, "Be gentle." Karl eased himself into Terri as gently and as slowly as he possibly could. he didn't want to hurt Terri.Karl started off slow,gradually progressing as Terri let out small moans of pleasure every now and again..But the warmth from the feeling of being inside Terri was amazing. Karl hadn't been inside Terri for a while,so he was pretty tight. It was hard to push in,but as he continued to, Terri eventually began to loosen up.Te feeling of having Carl's cock pound into him was almost to much to bear. The scent of aroused male filling up the room along with horomones made Terri begin to let out small pants to accompany Karl's now yiffing body on top of him.Karl stared into Terri's green eyes, They reflected his blue eyes back at him.Karl began to grow more frantic as he felt his knot wanting to force its way into the loosening tail hole in which it filled.Karl began to yiff loudly now,not wanting to go so easy. "Please...' He begged Terri to let him go nuts. "Pound me into this bed!" Not waiting another moment, Karl gave a hard thrust as his knot forced its way into Terri, giving that ultimate feeling that the fox craved.With a howl of triumph,Karl came inside Terri,filling him so full that his fox cum began to slowly dribble out of Terri's tail hole. Terri let out a moan of satisfaction,feeling his insides catch fire as molten fox cum poured inside him.Karl and Terri panted heavily,Both having released themselves of all things.Karl then pulled out of Terri slowly,as to not hurt him too much,but he slid out with a sort of ease.They looked at each other compassionately,until Karl spoke. "Guess I should get back to that problem huh?" "Why? It's not due until Friday,and it's Monday!" Terri gave that same look as before,and pulled the fox into a kiss. "You have all the time in the world silly" Karl just smiled and kissed Terri,pushing him down onto the bed and cuddling close to the raccoon. "I guess i can spend a few more hours studying biology.After all, it's one of my favorite subjects..."
Fall of Heroes: Venom Blackness. An infinite sea of blackness. That is what defines my existence. Nothingness. No sensation, no memory. Then suddenly I long for the emptiness again as my entire existence becomes pain. My body is wracked by spasms, everything hurts. Everything. Pain to my very core, all the way into my bones. It's like my blood has become living acid and is trying to eat its way to freedom from my flesh. Despite the pain, I find I can push it away, distance myself from it. I still feel it, I'm still unable to control my muscle movements, but I now have the clarity of mind to think. Who am I? Where am I? Why am I in such pain? Firefly. That's my name. Well, not my name, but it's what I'm called. I've been Firefly ever since I showed my first super power when I was 12. There's a scientific name for it, something or other applied pyrokinesis. It means that I sheath my lower body in flames and uses differences in temperature for propulsion. Literally a Firefly. Though it stuck when my dad joked that my butt glowed just like a firefly's when I was in the air. Dad had helped me a lot when I was developing my powers. I wish he was still here to help me with this, whatever it was. I manage to open my eyes. The spasms have calmed, but I still hurt all over, though it's dimmed to a dull ache. I still don't want to move. Just lay here for a bit, wherever here was, and try to remember more things. Like my skin, it's purple. Lilac type purple. Has it always been like this? Yeah, yeah it has. Born with obvious mutations, light purple skin, navy blue hair, bright yellow eyes. Dad blamed it on Mom eating those Cheese Puffs that made your tongue turn funny colors. More happy memories of my Dad surface. Always there with something silly to say or a playful insult. There hasn't been a whole lot of laughter in my life since he died. Things are beginning to come back to me now, slowly. I poke and prod at my foggy memories, trying to get the ball rolling on the events that lead me to here, wherever it is that I am. I don't think I'm in danger, I feel pretty safe, though I get the sense someone is looking for me. I think I pass out, because I suddenly find myself looking down at myself. I've never had an out of body experience before, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to have another one. I know I'm not dead, 'cause I'm still breathing, but I do look pretty beat up. My suit is totally wrecked, and it appears to have burned away in places. I can see the angry red-purple-black scorch marks on my skin. I don't burn from heat, I know that at least. I remember showing off on the Fourth of July for the neighborhood picnic by dousing my hand in lighter fluid and using it to ignite my sparklers. ARMOR, the state agency that deals with superpowered individuals, tested my heat endurance when I registered as a superheroine when I turned 16. Their equipment overheated before I did. So that leaves chemical burns. I have some nasty cuts too, narrow and deep. Glass. I can still see some pieces lodged in me. Those are going to hurt when they come out. I'm laying in a puddle of something thick, sticky, and purple. It isn't blood, I bleed red like just about everyone else. Though personally the only one I know that doesn't is that lobster girl that's a part of the Gathering of Aquatic Superheroes and Heroines. We worked with them a few times when Red Tide held that oil tanker hostage in Grapevine Bay. 'We?' Oh, yeah. I'm part of a supergroup too. No one could think up a name, so we're on record simply as 'Group 144.' Unofficially we're referred to as 'Three Bugs, A Kitty, and a Goo Girl.' Not really a flattering name, but pretty descriptive. The Beetle sisters started it, the lot of us essentially worked the same area, and rather then get in each other's way we decided to work together. Stag and Lady Bird BEETLE are their battlesuit call signs. I suppose BEETLE is an acronym for something, you can't spit in Megalopolis without hitting an acronym, but I dunno what it means. I never asked. Besides, the suits look bulky and beetle-y enough that I simply take their word for it. They're bright girls, but they kind of snooty and snippy, though I suppose anyone who has enough money to buy the supplies to make and maintain those things probably has those traits burned into them with a branding iron heated by burning old money. Trigarr is a bit of genetic engineering made by one of many rogue geneticists in order to strike back at a Super by utilizing their own powers. Cerebus, at least the guy who got the name registered first in Megalopolis, is some kind of werewolf looking thing. Big, muscular, fuzzy, three heads, four arms. Trigarr's kind of like that, only replace the wolf with tiger, and change the gender to female. She didn't have a childhood due to an accelerated growth rate, but mentally she's still in the single digits. I'm not surprised that she was dumped by her maker, there isn't a mean bone in her body. She's a sweet kitten. Thankfully she was born in Megalopolis, Governer Kincaide's made our lovely city-state a wonderful place to live for those who weren't born the traditional way. There's some old case in some musty lawbooks that's interpreted to mean that genetically engineered creatures are considered property. In Megalopolis all it took was 15 minutes of filling out forms at one of ARMOR's bases and Trigarr's considered to be her own person under the Alternate Sentients Rights Act. For a former super-villain, Governer Kincaide has sure made a lot of hero friendly laws. We lead the nation in powered, mutant, and non-human residents. Heck, I think we have two Aztec gods, several hundred artificial intelligences, a goodly number of space aliens, a talking virus, and a self aware chemistry set as residents. Though calling Alexandria a living chemistry set is an ongoing joke. She's as puzzled about her origins as everybody else. she's basically a swirling mass of liquids contained in a membranous skin shaped in the general configuration of a human. She doesn't know how, but she's pretty sure that she's the result of a collection of waste compounds from various illegal experiments from a dozen secretive corporations coming together deep in the sewer system. She can confirm that by testing the various compounds that make up and are contained in her body. But basically all she knows is that she woke up one morning as a living thinking being with more knowledge about various branches of science then the entire faculty of Iron State University. Ok, so I know a bit about who I am now, and I have a good idea about what I was doing. Something superhero-y when I got blasted with something. Detached from the pain of my physical form, my ears tell me the answer to my second question. I'm at the Superion Memorial Park Zoo, where I work when I'm not wearing a mask, a spandex bodysuit, and a pigment projector. Shit. I'd forgotten about my projector, it's a little gizmo that alters coloration. While Dr. Alicia Reilly is a bright purple mutant who utilizes her slight empathic abilities to take care of animals, Firefly is neon orange and flies around and flings fireballs. One of my better ideas actually, using two super powered identities. Most people think that most costumed heroes look completely different, that you wouldn't recognize them in the daily lives. They also think that someone using their powers without a secret identity doesn't don a skin tight bodysuit and go out and fight crime during their off hours. I can't recall anything purple and gooey in glass containers being stored around the zoo, so I'm pretty sure I flew here instinctively after I got hurt. I also appear to be doing better, as my body isn't moaning anymore, nor is it breathing quickly. I hear myself mmm softly as I curl into the fetal position, apparently feeling better. I kneel down to take a look at the purple gunk, and I suddenly find myself in a theater, a bucket of popcorn in one hand, my waterbottle in the other, and a box of Gobstoppers under my arm. I see a tall, muscular blue scaled woman waving me toward her. I can't help but chuckle, she's quite good with mental imagery. I plop down into a seat that's far more comfortable then the real deal, setting the snacks aside. "Heya Hiss." I say with a smile to my scaled friend. She leans down and hugs me, as big as she is she shouldn't fit into a theater seat, but as this is only a mental projection silly things like the laws of physics don't really matter. "My lady," she says as she releases the hug, "You've been hurt quite badly, I have managed to suppress your pain and let your physical self rest, but a lot of weird things are happening, and I'm not sure what they are, or how to deal with them." Though she treats me like a queen from a feudal era, Hiss does it only out of respect. I'm not only the head veterinarian for the zoo, I'm also the only one who's managed to figure out that the 50 foot long, bright blue star attraction of the snake exhibit is smarter then she appears to be, and has enough psychic ability to twist my mind into knots if she wanted to. For the most part though she's content to sun herself and spend the day telepathically chatting with me. When she was discovered napping on a stretch of airport runway, she was immediately brought to the zoo as we tried to figure out what exactly she was. She's poisonous and of constrictor size, she also has key traits from various species of serpent, so we're pretty sure that she's yet another bit of genetic engineering that wandered off from its creator and took a tour of the city. All the elementary schools got to vote on a name for her, though we didn't know she was a girl at the time, so 'Lord Hiss' was the winner. I was on sick leave the first week she was at the zoo, or more precisely Alicia was. Firefly had to help repel an invading horde of frogmen intent on claiming one of the nicer sections of beachfront property as their own. Got a nice bonus in my ARMOR paycheck from the grateful community too. Anyhow, Hiss proved to not particularly care for being poked and prodded by curious herpetologists, and so she was quite moody and quite resistant to sedatives by the time I got back. A little mental nudge to calm her down and a quick scan of my mind told her I was friendly and interested in helping her. I also got her into a cage of her own away from several amorous Anaconda males, so she was quite thankful for that as well. "And I've been helping you out ever since." Hiss adds with a fanged grin. "Thankfully you had enough time to call the engraver to get the plaque to read 'Lady Hiss,' I don't particularly desire to be the first reptile with gender confusion issues." I roll my eyes, she catches the gesture and chuckles. "Well, enough silliness, I can tell that you're having a few memory problems, more then likely from a bad concussion. You heal quickly, so I can't tell how badly you got thwacked originally, but you do have a bit of a concussion right now. Your burns aren't healing as fast as they ought to be though. Your cuts either. Maybe it's the purple stuff you're covered with. It smells familiar, though I can't place it." Her eyes unfocus for a moment before returning to clarity. "Odd, the last week before waking up here are a complete blank for you. You've been on duty here as normal except yesterday and today, and I didn't pick up anything odd from you then. Ah! There we are! I think I can call it up, though I'm going to have to process it." She points to the screen, "So you won't remember it until you see it up there." I shrug, "Well, let's get the movie started then." I say as I reach for the popcorn. "I just hope it's not directed by Uwe Boll." Hiss winces, "I have a number of stored insights from zoo patrons and staff members. I'm beginning to suspect that he has undocumented mind control powers over studio executives. One of the janitors, Chen, rented 'House of the Dead' the other night." "Poor him." I say with a chuckle, leaning back in the chair and propping my feet on the one in front of me. Having gone though a memory movie session once before with Hiss, I know that I ought to be as relaxed as possible. She squeezes my shoulder gently. For lacking the requisite bodyparts in her true form, Hiss knows a great deal about nonverbal communication in humanoids. It's comforting to know that she takes the time to study how to behave in a comforting manner. "If you'd shoosh yourself and focus, I'm sure we could begin." she teases. My mind is going a mile a minute right now, it takes a few deep breaths before I can concentrate on the task at hand, that being essentially reliving the sensory experiences I had in my memories. It isn't dangerous, memories of pain can't harm me, but it does hurt. Thankfully Hiss is able to dull the sensations somewhat at those points. "Ok, let's fire up the projector." -o- I'm having another one of those out of body experiences, watching myself flying through the air in my Firefly guise. I'm going pretty fast, I apparently need to be somewhere quickly. An emergency. There'd been a gang raid, I remember now. Well, it may be gang related. The Skulls are a gang at least, their supposed rivals this evening are more of an urban legend then anything else. The Vipers, no one has actually seen one, but we've all seen their tags and we've all felt their influence. They have no history in Megalopolis, they just came out of nowhere one day, and the next we had the street dealers selling Venom. Venom, yeah, that's what this was all about. It's the newest designer drug, just about perfect from all points of view. It's cheap, the effects are dramatic, there are almost no risks involved, and it's non-addictive to 90 percent of the population. But that ten percent really get pulled into it. There aren't any real withdrawal symptoms, it's just that the damn stuff boosts things so well that that 10 percent feels like they're only truly themselves when they're under the effects of Venom. It starts out with a calming effect, proceeding into a sense of contentment and euphoria. That lasts for the entire eight hour span of a normal dose. After that there are a number of effects that kick in at certain points, at the one hour mark there's a noticeable increase in mental clarity. ARMOR's tests show on average a twenty to thirty point increase in IQ, but the effect is more powerful in brighter individuals. An hour and a half into the Venom high the senses begin to sharpen, everything seems more vibrant and alive. At two hours the body begins to run more efficiently somehow. Strength, reflexes, stamina, an increase in metabolism. The munchies are about the only side effect Venom has, but with the metabolic boost, nothing usually comes out of it. Again, the effects are more pronounced in those that are already strong, fast, and tough. While it won't let you bench press buses like the Minotaur unless you've already got parahuman levels of strength, it's enough to make a small, frail girl on par with your average professional wrestler. From there the effects remain at their peak power until around hour 6 or so, when they begin to slowly taper off. It's not at a rate that anyone would notice. The user begins to feel fatigue building around hour 7, and by the time they come down entirely in the eighth hour, most are interested only in taking a nap. Though Venom does have one really nasty use. In almost all powered individuals it can actually strengthen just about any ability. Again ARMOR found that Venom was capable of boosting 90 percent of powers by a rating of 1 or 2 on the Tesla Metahuman Ability Scale. Now THAT is capable of making somebody with minor strength enhancements able to benchpress a bus. In some users it's just a single ability, in others they find all their powers enhanced. I shiver as I watch myself flying, I have no idea how I know so much about Venom, I don't remember researching it. I'm hoping it was prepared data that I read in order to help deal with the gang fight aftermath. -o- "Venom. That's what that scent is." Hiss says softly, giving me a concerned look, "You're completely saturated with the stuff. My eyes widen and I bite my lip, thinking for a moment. "It shouldn't have much of an effect. ARMOR tested huge doses of the stuff in all the forms it comes it, liquid, powder, capsule, the amount didn't seem to have any baring on the effects." "It's gooey, like jelly. I've never heard of it in that state despite all of my snooping in other people's minds. It smells strong too, really pungent, not like the stuff Director Henson uses. I think it's the pure stuff. I don't have any idea how much they dilute it before putting it out on the street. And the only way I can think of for you to have it covering your entire body is to have taken a swim in it. And if that's the case, you might've swallowed a bunch more then got stuck to you." "And more could've gotten into me though my burns and cuts. Great. We don't know how much I've got, how powerful it is, and no antidote for any of it." I sigh, "And you said there were 'weird things' going on inside me?" Hiss looks down at the floor. "Uh... they've kind of stopped being entirely inside now. There was some pulsing and writhing under your skin for awhile, now you're sweating this thick blue-gray gunk. I think it's a cocoon." "You mean I'm changing into something else?!" I say in a choked whisper. Being purple is bad enough without having horns or hooves or twin rows of razor sharp spines going down your back. They tend to make matters of fashion notoriously difficult. That is on top of being a big glaring neon sign that flashes "MUTANT" to anybody who so much as glances in your direction. "I'm sorry to say that you are, and I can't even give you a hint as to what. The stuff seems to be blocking all of my attempts to see through it. I'm going to let a little bit of sensation though. Tell me what you feel." Hiss reconnects my mind to my body, letting only a tiny fraction of sensory input in. My eyes widen as I find this small piece entirely overwhelming. "CUT IT!" I yell, "CUT THE LINK!" As she does so I begin to pant, breathing hard and sweating even in the mental realm from the exertion of what I'd just felt. The serpent looks at me with concern as I shiver with aftershocks from the overwhelming feelings I'd just experienced, "Are you burning up inside again?" I clench my teeth and shake my head back and forth, every muscle in my mental body tensed up. It takes me a moment before I'm able to release. "No, Gods no. No pain at all. It felt incredible, wonderful. How much did you let me feel?" I ask, taking deep breaths. "Ten percent." is Hiss' puzzled reply. I shiver again. "I can't imagine what that would feel like ten times as intense." "I should've cut you off from it sooner, but there didn't seem to be any problems at first. You just suddenly started shouting. You just turned and stared at the screen for twenty minutes after I opened the connection, I didn't sense any problems with you." "No way. You opened the connection then maybe a second passed, then I couldn't take it and yelled for you to stop." I shake my head, none of this is making any sense. Though if whatever is happening to me is making me black out, maybe it has something to do with the huge gap in my memory. -o- There's a sudden flash and I find myself entering the building where the gang fight had taken place. Not watching myself going in. There's a sense of detachment though, I feel my body moving, but I'm not directing the motion. I take a look around the run down apartment complex, though sealed, boarded up and abandoned, it seems that someone has decided to take up residence here. I realize I know where this is, it's the Lakeview apartment complex. I suppose there used to be a lake view. If you stood on the roof thirty years ago you might be able to see a sliver of Platinum Lake over the hilly area of Emerald Heights. That's all isolated now. Governer Kincaide had it all sealed off right after the Fallen War was over. The whole thing was a pretty nasty conflict, but Platinum Lake now houses a virus that alters people into 'living works of art,' at least according to the Fleshshaper. Emerald Heights, once the place where the newly wealthy flocked to, got blasted back to the stone age. Kinda. Electricity works fine and all, it's just that everything kind of got turned all Flintstones-like. Emerald Heights is probably the reason for the quarantine. Basically anything with a motor became a dinosaur or something of the like. It's a big jungle now, filled with dinosaurs and sabertooth tigers. Of course some of them still commute to work out in the rest of Megalopolis. Every near-human became some sort of anthropomorphic animal. The effect that caused the changes in Emerald Heights is still in effect, though weakened. Sure, you start growing fur and fangs the moment you step over the city limits line, but it's not permanent. Five minutes a day in Platinum Lake is enough to stave off permanent transformation forever. It takes about twelve hours to change to and from forms. Though the process is much quicker on animals, only taking an , and even less on technology. Depending on how complex it is, it could be a couple minutes, or happen in seconds. Kincaide's Dev-Bots put the walls 100 yards out from the furthest visible effect, but he evacuated and condemned all the property 100 yards from where the wall is just in case of some sort of lingering energy. Emerald Heights actually sees a lot of new residents, some are big game hunters up for a new challenge, others are interested in studying the place, others like the back to nature lifestyle, while others find living amongst other beast-people to be much more comfortable then out amongst the human residents of Megalopolis. There's also the tourism trade, the novelty of being a big fluffball for a few days without any side effects afterwards is a big draw. Heck, some people stay a solid week inside Emerald Heights so it DOES remain permanent. Damn sight cheaper then the Body Shops' Feral Formulas, and you don't have to keep shelling out the dough. I have the sensation of a mental shiver as I feel something slip into a corner of my mind, having milked that information from me. I don't particularly care for the feeling. I think whatever it was has been looking for information before, having me call to mind some other bits of knowledge. It seems to be growing more eager, as I feel it now, it isn't being as subtle as it was. I'm in the middle of the apartment complex now, it seems to be where the fighting occurred, as I see puddles of dried blood about. The police have come and gone, and the crime scene is open to investigative heroic types, like myself. The rest of the group are already here, I see the BEETLE Sisters over in the corner looking at something. Alexandria and Trigarr on the other hand are walking around the outer edge of the once pristine plaza, Alex more then likely doing her Sherlock Holmes thing, while Trigarr sniffs about. Knowing better then to talk to the sisters when they're occupied, I walk over to my fellow metahumans, who seem to have found something. "Smells like sex here." Trigarr choruses quietly, for such a large creature she has a extremely meek, quiet voice. "That's nice, Trig." Alexandria says, scowling at the three headed tigress and putting a finger to her lips. Trigarr's mental programming includes a number of nonvocal commands, the downward wave the follows the finger to the lips telling Trig to drop the subject. Alexandria and Trigarr would be the perfect team if they could communicate efficiently. Alex tends to speak in scientific terms and has difficulty trying to decipher Trigarr's simplistic phrases and thought patterns. I find myself to be an effective translator. "Smell-type smell, or color-smell?" I ask as I walk up. Trigarr's able to sense, I don't know what the exact specification is, auras, energies, stuff like that. She can't explain exactly how she does it, to her it feels like she's using her nose, but what it tells her are sort of like colors too, thus color-smell. "Both." she says with a trio of nods, "Girl-girl sex." Alexandria chuckles, "And where, do tell, did you sample that aroma?" Both Trig and Alex live in the group base we bought with grants from ARMOR, as Trig needs constant supervision and Alex never sleeps. As shy as Trig is, and as information hungry as Alex is, they don't leave the base very often. Rather then reply Trig turns the gaze of one head towards our teammates in the corner. "Oh ick!" I say, sticking out my tongue. "I seriously didn't need to know about their incestuous ways!" Alex strokes her chin for a moment before speaking, "I presume that it is the only intimate relationship maintainable due to their less then stellar attitudes, predisposition towards browbeating and bullying any disagreeing parties, and permanent delusions of grandeur in regards to the correctness of their cognitive functions." Trig blinks and looks at me to make sense of that jumble. "She means that no one else can stand them, and that they're a bit bullying and always think that they're right." The tigress brightens and nods, "Aaaah! Bullying. Being mean, like when Lady steps on Trig's tail, even when she makes sure to keep it under her chair." Alex pats her shoulder comfortingly, "Don't worry about it, charted behavior patterns indicate the choosing of a heroic lifestyle by only 2.84 percent." I hold my forefinger and thumb about an inch apart, "They're this close from being supervillains." "Nah, more like this." Alex says with a chuckle, making the same gesture, but half the size. Trig puts her handpaws over her mouths to stifle some giggles as she walks on. All three of her faces take on puzzled expressions. She sniffs the air, taking in deep breaths. "Funny smell here. Funny sex smell. Like girl-girl sex smell but not quite. Girl and not-quite-girl." "Androgynous? Lacking true gender identity?" Alex suggests. "Hermaphrodite?" I add, "Boy and girl in one?" Trig points to me and nods. "Uh huh. Like that. Though not a people smell. Smells like 'Nita, like a snake, but not as fuzzy." 'Nita being Juanita Lopez, who rents space from ARMOR down the hall from our base. Though 'base' is what we call it, it's essentially a large, armor plated apartment with some scientific equipment in the biggest room. The whole building is similarly constructed for supers. Miss Lopez and Trigarr have similar difficulties in most human build places, low ceilings, small furniture, and easily breakable surroundings. A daughter of Quetzalcoatl, she looks the part. Essentially like a big feathered snake crossed with a human. She's about nine feet tall, and has the enhanced strength and durability one would expect with a super that size. Funny how you never see any eight foot tall, five hundred pound speedsters. "Snake color-smell all over. All not-quite-girls. Dead human smell, boy humans. No dead girl humans though. Girl humans left with snakes, all happy and purring." "Purring? How's that?" Alex asks, again not understanding. "Purring-happy. Sit in the sun, purring. Getting scratched behind the ears, purring. Fish sticks and French fries for dinner, purring. Very, very happy." Trig says with a wistful sigh, naming off several of her favorite things. "Maybe girl-girl sex if Alex is interested, Trig's never tried before." I wince at the thought of it. To my horror Alexandria had her head tilted to the side, looking slightly upward, another of her thoughtful poses. "Well I do have vast reservoirs of carnal knowledge in function, mechanics, and technique, and I have yet to use them. Though a bit of personal experimentation and analysis would be in order to ascertain the chemical content of my secretions in order to determine the relative safety of the procedure. Calculating resource allotment to the current task, time for gathering and chemical analysis, as well as television broadcast schedules for the next few days... How does Wednesday night sound?" says the green humanoid shape with a smile. -o- I sigh and lean against a nearby fake palm tree. "Alex, can you synthesize brain soap? I need to wash my mind free of the image of the two of you... you know." "You're just envious that you don't have similar romantic adventures planned during a similar timespan." Alex says, sticking out her tongue. "It's probably due to the bad crowd I hang out with." I respond, making the same gesture. The friendly bickering might have continued for awhile yet, but a loud thud behind us ended our conversation. We both turned to see an overturned palm quivering, the result of Trig picking it up by the base and tossing it aside. "Pretty smell." she says, kneeling. "Pretty feather. Hmm, it has a string." I watch as Trig walks over to us, showing us what she found. It's a large feather, and she's right, it is quite pretty. It's a shade of silver, metallic. Just looking at it I get the hint of being able to see it reflect, but not quite. I don't see what string she's talking about. "What string, Trig?" I ask the triple headed tigress. She point at the tip and then out the door. "Not a string for seeing, for color-smelling." she says proudly. I raise a brow, "What kind of string? Is it short and just hanging off, or is it long?" "Long. Really long. Goes outside." Trig says, pointing to the hallway and the door beyond. "Can Trig see where the string goes? There might be more feathers. They're pretty." she asks, grinning hopefully. "Well, we'll see. It might be evidence, so you might not be able to keep it." Trig's face, well all three of them, drop a bit at that. "But more then likely it's not too important." And with a trio of nods, we're headed outside. Trig immediately looks upward into the sky. "Really long string." she says. "Hmm, maybe Trig can make it shorter." She reaches up into the air with one handpaw and makes a tugging motion, her eyes unfocus for a moment. "Ohh! Pretty place! Trig likes it! Big yard, trees, big big house, pool in the back. Blue roof, kinda funny... blue roof and..." I groan, "And a wall around it, an arc shaped driveway, and the back wall butts up against the Quarantine Zone. There's also this big metal thing around a fountain out front." Trigarr nods happily, "Uh huh! That's where the string ends!" Alex looks at me with a raised brow, she hates it when people know things she doesn't. "That's the Heroine's Plight, it's a superhero/villain themed strip and sex show club, and according to some rumors, a brothel." The raised brow becomes a glare accompanied by a grin. It's the sort of look that when on the face of someone sitting next to you on a sofa, you instinctively have to thwack them with a pillow. "They actually recruit real heroines for the shows, I get an invitation to check them out and apply for a job in my ARMOR mailbox once a week it seems." Alex rolls her eyes. "Well, apparently we can see where the owner's tastes lie..." "In good looking, well built, bright orange girls who unlike some people that could be mentioned, are incapable of having their sneezes eat through metal?" I interrupt, grinning. Alex just clicks her tongue as I take the feather from Trig. "Don't worry, kitten, if things go well, you'll get it right back." I say, reaching up and giving her central head a few scratches behind the ear. "So, shall we get going?" I ask, looking at Alex. Trig immediately perks up. "Balloon ride!" The googirl on the other hand looks dejected. "No! I may be exceptionally malleable and am capable of hydrogen production for flight. But I am not a sort of public transportation!" She crosses her arms and looks rather upset. "I refuse to look that silly! Who do you think I am? Plastic Man?" I chuckle, "I'll go on ahead. Good luck in wrestling the keys to the truck away from the gruesome twosome." I take to the air, leaving the two to argue. Bleh, the whole concept of the Heroine's Plight is a little bit repulsive to me. The big time draws are the sex shows, always involving cute girl in a bright outfit getting captured by a villainess and done vile, sexual things to. For the most part the girls there are normal, pretty gals in flashy costumes. Some of them have a few minor powers, but what I find really gross is that they have actual heroines working there. It's just something that makes me uncomfortable, these girls are saving the planet one minute, and then getting tied up and mounted by some hermaphroditic feline-canine humanoid alien thing in front of several dozen, maybe several hundred, people. I don't know how big the shows are, but that mansion is big enough to hold a good couple hundred. Man, what kind of a slut would one have to be to work there? Well, actually 'there' is now 'here' since I've apparently arrived at the Heroine's Plight. It's the middle of the afternoon, so like most bars there's not a whole lot of action going on. There aren't any bouncers out front, and the door is unlocked, allowing me entry. I find myself in the lobby, a large rectangular room with several other doors leading off of it, all of a certain motif surrounding them. They're all labeled, and there are little plaques on the wall explaining what each one is. I can't help but be a little bit curious. There's the Jungle, which has... urgh! Shows with animals. Yuck! The Dungeon, which is decidedly bondage. The Laboratory, centered around toys and mechanical stuff. Finally there's the Menagerie, home to all the odd types. Like that cat-dog-girl-herm-thing that's become so popular around here. It's a bad habit of mine, having to at least browse through every piece of mail I get. The weekly job offers come with a newsletter. I usually just glance at the front page, which has been devoted to the black furred fuzzball, as her show attendances have broken all previous records. There's only one way out of this room without a bunch of themed stuff surrounding it, the one that has a Bar and Grill sign over it. Not particularly wanting to stare at naked flesh, I head over that way, up the stairs and into the restaurant area. Doesn't look like there are any customers, just the girls that work there, as can be evidenced from the fact that they're all females, all pretty, and most of them wearing skintight costumes. I approach the girl tending bar and cooking, she's obviously a plant controller, and it looks like she's somewhat plant herself, with her green skin and vines and leaves rather then hair. I prepare to show her the feather and ask her who it belongs to. There's this whole spiel in my mind about a psychic tag, but she just takes one look at me and nods. "You'll be wanting to talk to Miss Skye then." she says, pressing a button on the wall, opening a door at the side of the bar. "Through there, it's the office at the end with the double doors." she says, smiling in a fashion that makes it obvious that she knows something that I don't. I don't like that look on anybody, so I feel like a mouse walking right into a trap. I have the mental command to turn my flame shield on right on the tip of my brain, so I'm not going to be caught by surprise. So I open the door, and of course I'm taken by surprise. Laying on the black leather sofa right across from the office is the most beautiful person I've ever seen. The sight of her takes my breath away. Smooth porcelain like skin, brilliant silver hair, and wings, oh her wings, they look so wonderfully soft. Silvery feathers that glimmer and shine, almost like a mirror. She's dressed in a red leather bodysuit, so wonderfully tight, showing off her breasts, round cuts showing her belly, the sides of her breasts, as well as her legs. I've never considered myself attracted to the female body before, but I can't help but imagine my legs wrapped around this women's head, her tongue caressing my most intimate of places. She looks up from her book, and a shocked expression appears on her face. She appears to be looking at me much as I imagine I'm looking at her. She gulps and opens her mouth, but no words come out. "Huh huh huh...." she stutters for a moment, shaking her head. "H-have we met before?" she asks quietly. Her voice is beautiful, I want to listen to her talk for hours, the topic doesn't matter, I just want to hear that sweet voice. She sits up and pats the cushion next to here. Spellbound I find myself drawn to her, sitting down. Oh God, I'm pressing up against her, I can't help it, I want to feel her skin against mine. I want... I want to kiss her. I want to fuck her. She licks her lips, looking over me. She raises a hand, bring it just about to my breast before pulling away. I find myself in her lap, my legs wrapped around her body, hugging her to me. Her soft wings fold around me, her feathers feeling wonderful on my skin. "Th... this has never happened to me before. Please... I want you but I... don't even... I can barely control myself. Please help me stop." my sweet angel whispers. I close my eyes and lay back on the couch, my lust is still present, but with her warm body pressed up against my loins, it's tolerable. "I... I'm Firefly." I manage, my mouth suddenly dry, wanting to be wetted with with a kiss from Skye. "I... found a f-feather of yours with a psychic tag in a r-run down apartment building. There had been a gang war or something. The Skulls and the Vipers, we think. No one knows anything about the Vipers." Skye's lips press gently up against mine for a brief moment, I just about melt at the sensation. "I know of the Vipers. I could tell you so much, if I wasn't so damned horny. I... I feel... do you have the feeling that we've met before? Does... this feel familiar?" she purrs, licking my cheek her tongue sliding down my neck, down the low neckline of my bodysuit and between my breasts. There's a brief flash of memory, like something from a dream. Almost just like this, feelings of love and desire, darkness, being wrapped in something warm, but it's different, though still soft it's still different. "A serpent's coils." I whisper. "A forked tongue in my mouth, clawed hands caressing my breasts, nursing, a sweet taste in my mouth." "Oh yes! Mmm... I'll tell you everything you need to know about the Vipers. The S-Skulls were hired to track the Vipers down, by me. I hate them. Ohh... I'd love to tell you why, beloved, but you'll be able to understand much better in a few minutes. We... we need to fuck. Show me your true self, little sister, you've not truly orange, you're purple." My mind is fogged in a state of lust, but I recognize the danger of letting my true identity slip. But she... already knows my real coloration and that I'm hiding it. If she's feeling for me what I do for her, then she won't hurt me. Ever. It feels so nice, like love at first sight, but deeper, far, far deeper. Like I've found my soulmate. I slip off the bracer that contains my pigment projector as Skye tears off my costume. I don't mind, I'm sure she had plenty of similar solid color spandex outfits around. "Oh... I've missed you so much, dear one, I nearly died inside when that horrible human stole you away so long ago." she says between showering my breasts with soft kisses. I don't know the meaning of what she's saying, but deep down inside I feel that it's true, whatever it is. She unzips her out suit, I help her pull it down, nuzzling her perfectly sized breasts, running my tongue over sweet pink nipples. She helps me slide out of the tattered remains of my suit, curling her wings around me. Her soft, sweet feathers feeling heavenly against my bare skin. I want her so badly, but I don't even know how to begin. Then I suddenly find out I don't have to. Something warm and hard is pressing up between my legs. My beloved angel is a hermaphrodite. -o- I ought to be surprised, stunned, and maybe a little disgusted. But it just seems so natural for her, for the woman I love to be male and female in one. Even if I had been a little put off by it, odds are those thoughts would have vanished like dust in the wind the moment she slid into me. I throw back my head, moaning loudly, by entire body tensing, pressing up against her. Gentle hands guide me back down onto the couch, her soft wings beneath me. I can't find the strength to speak, all I can do is lay back and let my beautiful angel slowly thrust into me. She lays down atop me, my head between her breasts. "Suckle from me, beloved." she says. My body takes that as a command that must be obeyed, I don't know how I manage to do it, so filled with pleasure as I am, but my hands find their way to one breast, bringing it to me mouth, her cute pink nipple with a tiny bead of purple fluid on the tip. My tongue gathers the stray droplet, and a wonderful sensation spreads over my tongue. It's not just the wonderfully sweat taste, but it's almost like it's an enhancement to my sense of taste, making everything taste better. I press my lips up against her breast, suckling happily. The wonderful sensation oozes down my throat, and in a few moments, everything feels better. It's like I've lived all my life with every sense wrapped in a veil of wet cloth. My sense of smell becomes so much more sensitive, I can smell Skye's arousal, her desire, her need, and her love. I can detect her emotion. I can tell what she feels more me is real, that she truly loves me. Her scent is strange as well, there is the wonderfully sweet, cinnamon-like smell of her current state, but beneath it there's something else. Something a little more earthy, musky, dry, and wonderful. I can hear things I could never hear before. I can hear through the walls, into the dressing room for the Bar and Grill's performance stage, where two of the girls are having a little fun of their own. I can even hear the soft wet sounds the strap on makes as it slides slowly from one of them. My sense of touch is heightened, and with it the stimulation I feel from Skye's perfect cock increases in ways I can't begin to describe. But strangely with the increase in sensation comes an increase in control. I had been almost paralyzed by pleasure, unable to speak, barely able to think coherently. My vision is also enhanced. I can see every wonderful detail of my lover's face, perfect beauty right down to the smallest detail. She's so beautiful, I want to be with her forever. There's a tiny part of me, a glimmer in my mind that wasn't quiet awake before that gives me a feeling that such a thing might just come to pass. True love, lasting forever. I'm so lost in exploring my new world of sensation that my climax sneaks up on me, a wonderful rippling flow of heat and pressure. I feel a delicious warmth shooting up inside me, swirling around the center of my being. It's an experience that transcends physical pleasure, and enters into the realm of the spiritual. The wonderful liquid feeling flows over my body, settling into every part of me. It's a few minutes before I get a sense of my environment back. I sit up, seeing Skye smiling at me from her place next to me on the sofa. She's donned a striking blue leather outfit, much like the red one I saw her in earlier. The wonderful feeling that encompasses my body hasn't faded in the slightest. It feels wonderful to simply exist. The overwhelming sense of desire I felt before is gone, replaced with adoration and affection. "There," she says with a smile, "I trust you feel better now?" I nod, "Yeah, I feel really good." her smile is infectious, I can't help but smile back. "Good. Now, let's properly introduce ourselves. I'm Silver Skye, owner of the fine establishment." she says, extending a hand. I shake it then introduce myself. "I'm Firefly, a superhero. My patrol area is over on the other side of the Quarantine Zone. My group and I were investigating a gang fight at an abandoned apartment complex between the Skulls, and we think the Vipers. One of my friends found a feather, one of yours, with a psychic tag on it that lead me here." Skye nods. "The Skulls were mine. I hired them to track down the Vipers. The spell I put on it was meant to allow me to track them, as well as well as provide a sort of surveillance of the scene. Do you have it with you?" I nod, instinctively reaching for the pocket on my suit, but then I recall that I'm not wearing a suit. Here I am, sitting completely naked, and feeling entirely comfortable with it. I blush a little and point to the somew2hat shredding and mauled pile of fabric that used to be my bodysuit. My beautiful angel leans down and picks it up, riffling through the pockets before finally finding it. "Thanks." she says with a smile. "It'll take a few minutes in my possession before it allows me to go over the data. But I'm sure you have some questions that aren't related to the gang war. Let me try to explain as best I can. We, you and I, are of a race called the Sisterhood, though in anceint times one group of us referred to ourselves as Gorgons, and the name stuck. Our race was created through intense ritual by a number of sorceresses in ancient times. Though we are able to birth children, they are almost always human girls. Our only sure method of reproduction is transformation." "I the old days we would watch for decades, trying to find a woman who was stronger enough in mind and spirit, and beautiful enough in body to accept our gifts. Women who were skilled with many things, but mistresses of few. We would slowly fall in love with our chosen one. Some of us would seduce her, others would make promises of power, still others would do their best to make our chosen return our love. Through mating, coupling, close contact, ritual, and sorcery, over the course of several months the chosen girls would slowly transform into their Gorgon state." "We universally took on at least some reptilian features, with many of us adding bits from other animal species. The chosen has no conscious control over her form, but when her transformation is complete, it feels much like she had been born into the wrong body, and had finally become her true self. Sadly this is almost never the case any longer." "With the progression of science, the Sisterhood learned what it was that triggered the transformation, and sought to isolate it, to extract it, and to enhance it. And with those sisters who's Gorgon forms were created in this manner, their bodies produced the compounds that induced transformation in such a fashion." "Now it's almost impossible for a Sister to bring her chosen one into the fold without causing pain. More and more Gorgons are created that have bodies that are aberrant to their minds and spirits. I was one of the first like this. Since it became so easy to convert others, many Sisters simply did so, not bothering to develop a bond with their daughters." "So for the past few centuries, the Sisterhood as a whole has declined. Our ranks are filled almost exclusively with power hungry Sisters who wear the name Gorgon with pride, after the evil and monstrous Sisters of old. But by speeding up the rate at which we can bring others into the fold, it seems that we've also began weeding out the aspects that grant a Sister our powers. In the past two hundred years there hasn't been a Sister that has had powers even equal to half of my own." "Many of us do not seek to remedy this problem with our race, thinking only of quantity, not quality. I've begun to reverse the changes in myself, making me better able to make slowly becoming, but powerful, daughters. Unlike most of our race, I feel that humans need to be watched and carefully guided to the proper action our of love and affection, not as a race of inferiors to be controlled and used only for breeding purposes. They see themselves as superior. But we're not. We were born human, most of us anyway, and gifted with powers above and beyond those around us." "Nowadays with so many humans being born with superhuman ability, the Sisters are slowly regaining their former strength, as the transformation draws out and strengthens their inner power. But they're almost always evil, and interested only in using their power for themselves. And now some of them have found a way to bind a daughter's will to her monster's. So now Gorgons are being created to be nothing more then pawns, thralls to their mistress' will, rather then Sisterhood being granted as a wonderful gift to those who have something to offer the world, and given freely by a creature out of love." Skye smiles at me, "But you? You're special. You were born several centuries ago, born a Sister, one of maybe one hundred children mothered by a Sister that was born naturally with our gifts. By the time you entered to adulthood, I was well on my way to being one of the most studied historians and ritualists of our race. Unfortunately, I think that with the deaths of several of our race, at the hands of the Gorgon faction, I am the one who is most learned about the rituals and spells that were once common to our race." "Once when a Sister granted the gift to her chosen, mother and daughter shared a deep, powerful bond. A bond of love and adoration that would always inform one of the other's feelings, an empathic bond. A broken bond, however, is a terrible thing. When a bonded sister causes severe pain to one she is bonded with, the bond shatters, harming both mother and daughter. If there is rage and hate present, it will have terrible effects." "My 'mother' was one of the first to alter herself to be able to create as many daughters as she could, and she had only known me for a few days when I began to change, and it was only a week from start to finish for my change. My mind and the body she gave me were at complete odds, I am a recreation of an extra-planar being, halfway between a cupid and a succubus. A beautiful angel. My form as a Sister is... demonic. In the state where mind and body opposed one another, I lashed out in uncontrollable rage at my mother, wounding her terribly and breaking the bond between us forever." "But I learned that I could, with a born Sister, mend my bond in part, by making the Ture Sister my chosen daughter. Doing so would enhance her power, your power, tremendously, as well as creating a powerful bond between the two of us. A bond that transcends death. So long as one of us lives, the other will always be reborn. But the link doesn't recur on it's own, there has to be a face to face meeting." I smile. "Like just now." Skye nods. "Exactly like now. The overpowering urge to make love that we felt, that was to restart you transformation. Your true form will be restored to you soon. I know this all sounds strange, but it's true." I nod, I know it's true. I can feel it inside my mind, I can scent it on the air. She can't lie to me without my knowing, and we both know it. I snuggle up to my Sister-Mother, delighting in the feeling of her soft feathers on my skin. Things are slowly coming back to me. "I'm going to be a herm, aren't I?" Skye chuckles, "Yes, beloved, all Sisters are male and female." "And this club, it's so you can draw beautiful girls here to bring into the Sisterhood, isn't it?" "That is one of it's many uses. It is also a place that I can use my gifts to bring people great pleasure and enjoyment. It's in my nature as an Angel of Desire, to surround myself in an environment filled with lust, desire, and pleasure." "So it really is a brothel?" Skye chuckles and nods. "Yes, Firefly, it's also a brothel." For some reason I don't find that fact as repulsive as I did earlier. In fact, I'm rather looking forward to visiting here again, getting to know my Sister-Mother's employees, and maybe even performing on stage, or in a back room some time. "Now, let me inform you of the faction of Gorgons that calls themselves The Vipers, their goals, and Venom itself..." -o- "The Vipers are a faction of 'baby' Gorgons, there isn't a one of them who has been in the Sisterhood for more then a decade. I think they might have the same Sister-Mother, but I'm not sure of that. There could be two or three mixing their broods. But from what I can tell, whoever is in charge of the group is smart. Incredibly smart. The Vipers aren't making the mistakes that almost all rapid change Sisters make. But though their methods are more professional, they still have the goal of domination, achieved in the short term of a few years." "So to further their goals, they produce and distribute Venom, a refined version of the transformation essence given off by all Gorgons. Unlike the pure substance, Venom is only able to induce transformation in 10 percent of the female population. But by distributing it, the Vipers hope to create an army of superpowered Sisters." "A Venom transformation is slow, it takes months of use to induce it, but it brings out stronger powers within the new Sisters then most of us are able to bring about with our traditional bonding methods. Venom transformees are unbound, but given strong social instincts, wanting to be around others of their kind, wanting to fit in, wanting to help other Sisters any way they can." "In distributing Venom, the Vipers hope to gain a powerful and loyal army of what are essentially pets. While most will be normal girls without any villainous ambition, they can't help themselves. They have to obey their elder sisters. They're addicted to Venom as well, the only creatures that can be, requiring either a sample of Venom every few days, or getting it straight from the source." Skye smiles at me, cupping her breasts. "Venom is our milk, our seed, our sexual essence. All are suspensions of Venom in slightly different forms. I can only guess as to how it's processed, but however they do it, they make it more powerful, a more concentrated form. The euphoria you felt, the enhancing of the senses, that is the normal effect. Venom strengthens more then the senses. In fact..." I don't hear what Skye has to say, the sound of my beloved's melodious voices is absent as my body spasms. My vision blurs, the edges fading, and I black out. But I'm not unconscious, I still feel the world around me. It feels cool, slick, smooth, and wet in places. Wet and tight. Mmm... I'm aroused, very around. Somebody is stroking my breasts, there's a tongue in my mouth, my own tongue in my lover's, whoever they may be. My cock is gripped tightly by the wet walls of their sex. My cock? I don't have a cock! I realize it's not part of the past that I'm remembering, but that means it can only be the present. I moan and open my eyes, peering into the beautiful purple irises of Hiss, her mental projection anyway. I try to speak, but it comes out only as a soft moan. She smiles for a moment before pressing her lips against mine once more. I feel more in control of myself, lifting up my arms to hug her against me. I know what's happening to me, the Ascension, the transformation from human form, into the true form of a Sister. It must be taking place in the cocoon that surrounds me in the real world, my mind mirroring it. I wrap my legs around Hiss' waist, delighting in the feel of her cools scales on my thighs as I thrust into her. I ought to be embarrassed, ashamed at what I'm doing. I don't know if this is something that Hiss initiated, or something I started while mentally overcome with visions of the past. But I'm not. I recognize it as nothing more then a coupling for mutual pleasure, my scale-sister enjoying herself while helping to ease my conversion into my new, scaled body. I can think, I can analyze, but I cannot speak. My muscles don't seem to want to work properly. While a part of my mind is detached from the wonderful feelings of pleasure rocketing through my body, another part remains detached from the pleasures of the flesh, giving me clarity in moments of deepest passion. Hiss breaks the kiss, much to my disappointment. I moan and lean forward, trying to recapture her tongue, to pull it back into my mouth. But she just smiles and shakes her head. "Sssssh, Little Sister," she says happily, "The transformation can be overwhelming at times. Just relax, let me take care of you for once. You've tended to my physical self for so long, allow me to return the favor." A hot shiver flows through my body as I climax, the feeling of a wet explosion rocketing through my loans as I feel what it's like to cum as a male. I feel Hiss tense against me. The blue serpent gasps softly, eyes half lidded in pleasure from her own climax. "The change is a wonderfully sexual experience, most often felt in the flesh. But I can sense you're a special case. I've never heard of a Sister changing within a cocoon before. But it gives us a delightful opportunity, to fulfill desires and fantasies that would be difficult to act upon in the real world." As the theater fades around me, I grin, wondering what sorts of pleasures that my elder Sister has in store for me. -o- The theater is replaced by a jungle, warm, humid, and misty. I find myself chained on a large stone circle set into the ground. My arms are free, but a metal collar around my neck, chaining my to a post rather hinders my movement. My legs are similarly chained, the shackles connect by a bar, spreading my legs wide. The chains are loose enough to let me sit up and move around some, but not long enough so I can get to my feet or reach outside the stone circle. I'm dressed in a typical jungle babe outfit, leopard fur bikini top and a matching loincloth. A loincloth that I might add is a bit distorted by the recent addition to my body. Well, no time like the present to get acquainted with the recently erected wing of the genital department. As I reach down to pull the loincloth aside, I find that my skin has an inherent sheen to it. Running my hand over my arm, I find that my skin is incredibly smooth, like rubber. Or latex. I chuckle at that, then go back to the matter at hand. Literally at hand now, as I begin to stroke myself through the loincloth for a few moments before pulling it aside. Well, it's most definitely NOT a human cock, I have a sheath for one, for two it has a medial ring, and for three, a spade shaped tip like that is most certainly not anything I've seen or heard of in my career in veterinary medicine. Or my recreational porno watching for that matters. A rustling in the bushes draws my attention, and a few moments later, out slithers Hiss, smaller then life, but still a very large, very blue snake. And in the case very pregnant. I know a pregnant snake when I see one. I open my mouth, but find it suddenly filled with a gag. "No snide remarks!" comes Hiss' voice in my head, "It ruins the whole roleplaying environment!" The huge serpent slithers up to me, large tongue flicking out, tickling my feet. I can' help but giggle. Hiss slithers closer, between my spread legs, the tip of her tongue flicking over my sex, making me writhe trying to get away from the erotic tickling. There is a different sort of wiggling as a pleasured shiver runs through my body as she slowly runs her tongue over my cock. Her scaly head lowers, nuzzling my netherlips. Oh God, she's not going to do what I think she's going to do is she? She does, beginning to slide her wide scaly body into me. There is no pain, I stretch quite easily to accommodate her. I fall back, bucking my hips wildly. It feels so good, the texture of her scales stimulating me to great heights. She quickly finds resistance in my cervix, but her powerful, muscular body easily pushes past it, giving her entrance to my womb. I moan loudly through my gag, her cool body slithering into me feels incredible. My enhanced Gorgon senses serving me well, enhancing my pleasure beyond anything I ever felt before my change. I watch, fascinated, as my belly begins to swell with the mass of the serpent inside me. I caress my growing belly, the movements of my hands feeling strangely erotic and pleasurable. I look several months pregnant, and Hiss barely has a quarter of her body inside me. Good Lord, I'm going to be huge. The prospect excites me, having my belly filled with a live, wriggling snake. My maleness erupts in climax, my lilac colored seed standing out on my darkening purple skin, making my belly slick as I rub it in. Venom, I'm producing Venom. At this stage it's still weak, not the radiant purple color I know it ought to be, but as soon as my transformation is complete I know it will be of the strength that overwhelmed me during my coupling with Skye, beautiful Skye, my love, my mate, my Sister-Mother. I can feel Hiss moving inside of my, turning around and around, pulling more and more of her long body into me, my belly growing rapidly. So big, so round, so beautiful. I can barely hug my middle now, it sticks out so far from my body. Strange thoughts fill me mind, of how wonderful this feels, of how beautiful I look like this. Desire flowing through me, a desire to alter and change. Change others, bind them to my will, make them my pets, make them beautiful, like me. Gorgon thoughts. One or two wouldn't hurt. Defeated villainess vanishing from the public spotlight, living out their lives as my pets, giving pleasure where they once caused only pain. It's not like anybody would miss Miss Mayhem, or the Scarlet Destroyer. I cum again, hard, a dual climax from both my male and female aspects, puddling on the ground as my femcum gushes from around Hiss' body, my seed dripping down my belly to join it. I'm so big... so wonderfully big. As Hiss' tailtip disappears into me, my belly is massive, as big as I would be curled up into the fetal position. Hiss shifts and churns inside of me, finally position herself to her liking, and then begins the process of slithering out. Or so I think. She stops with only her head and several feet of body poking out of my sex. She slips out a bit further, bending upward, taking my cock into her mouth, curling her tongue around my cum covered length. I thrust as best I can into her mouth, it's almost impossible with my huge, round, heavy middle. Her body undulates inside my womanhood, driving me to howl with pleasure. My body tingles, something happening. The changes in the real world carrying over into my mental projection. My breasts swell, growing larger, filling with Venom-laced milk, the nipples growing, becoming partially teat-like, like the long nipples of baby bottles. My hands go to my breasts, caressing the growing orbs, stroking my nipples, drawing out the first streams of milk that run down my smooth, round belly. My hands are changing too, in a few moments my smallest fingers are gone, the others thickening to replace them, each one tipped with a bright pink claw. I feel the urge to lick and suckle at my own breasts, my tongue slips out, now long and forked, curling around a fat nipple as I bring my breast to my mouth, the sweet Venom-milk flowing into my mouth. Mmm... it tastes so good. A virtual explosion of climax rockets through my body as the changes move downward. In a few moments the shackles no longer bind my legs, as I no longer have legs, rather a long, majestic, serpentine tail that rapidly grows out to twenty feet in length. So wonderful, so beautiful, so sensual. Sadly the tingly feelings of charge are gone in a few moments, leaving me as a beautiful, busty, pregnant looking Lamia-like creature. Hiss releases my shaft, licking her lips for any stray droplets of seed, and begins the process of slithering out of me, faster then she went in, as she's aiding by the lubrication of my cum. I feel sad as she departs from my body, her weight and presence inside me feeling so comforting. But as she's halfway out, I notice that my belly isn't shrinking as far as it ought. A look at her confirms my suspicions, she no longer appears pregnant, she's laid her eggs inside of me. As I begin to think of the reasons why she would do such a thing, I feel the jungle heat fading around me, being replaced with a dryer, but hotter environment. I grin and wonder what the next little scene she has in store for me will be. -o- I open my eyes and find myself seated on a throne. I looked over my beautiful body and delight in the changes to it from the last scenario. Apparently I'm some sort of powerful wyrm-serpent, with draconic wings stretching out behind me, and a head topping a long, sinuous neck that allows me to look over a great deal more of my body then before. I'm not sure if this is what I am truly becoming, or something that Hiss has thought up for me for this particular role. I'm garbed in rather regal looking jewelery, and I'm wearing a tiara of some sort. Just by feeling it with my hands I can get a metal image of what it looks like, my sense of touch heightened by my ascension into the Sisterhood. It's an intricate piece in the shape of a dragon in flight. The long cloaked around my neck, trailing down my back and beneath my tail, feels wonderfully soft. I'm still pregnant, my rounded middle looking as beautiful as ever, sending thrills of pleasure through my body as I caress it. The caresses stir my maleness to arousal, and a sudden wetness dampens my underbelly scales as my femsex makes its need known, though the sudden throbbing ache in my cock demands attention. The huge double doors open, and a rather familiar looking blue scaled draconian leads in a number of bound and shackled human girls, all intently staring at the floor. Hiss approaches my throne with the girls in tow, dropping to one knee and bowing before securing their chains to a nearby post. "Your majesty," she says, "These subjects have spoken out against your rule, they disrespect your wisdom, and mock your beauty. What is worse, they have condemned your sentences to crimes as demonic, terrible acts rather then the fair justice that they truly are. They have also violated your edicts, and have refused the gifts offered by the Scaled Goddess, they have yet to fulfill their duty and mate with a scale-blooded partner, my lady." I shake my head and click my tongue. "Such naughty girls, breaking their Empress' edicts and laws as they so please, and refusing to please others with their bodies, such selfish creatures, wanting to keep their affections to themselves. Though it does honor me to be their first taste of scale-blood pleasure. Attendant Hiss, recite the crimes of the first to be sentenced and bring her forward." Hiss nods and takes the girl's leash in her hand, pulling her forward. The girl, a small, lithe brunette, follows along meekly, offering no resistance. "This transgressor has obviously not followed Her Majesty's orders to couple with a member of a scaled race. Despite there being so many recently relocating into this city along with Her Majesty's benevolent acquisition of the throne. It is my opinion, my lady, that this one would not be guilty of such crimes on her own, but was pulled into it be the others, who claim to be her friends." "Remove her gag." I say as the draconian finishes. "Is this true?" I ask the human girl, "Are your actions not your own, but those of your friends?" The girls nods, "Yes, My Lady." she says softly, "What I did, I did out of loyalty, and fear. They... threatened to report me for disobedience once I said that I didn't want to do these things any more." "Attendant, remove her bonds. Step forward, little one, stand before me." both obey, Hiss removing her manacles, shackles, and collar allowing her to walk up the steps to my throne. I reach out to stroke her cheek, and I notice that she's staring at my erect manhood. "Do you openly accept your punishment, no matter what it may be?" I ask, my taloned finger trailing down in between her breasts, my claw hooked in the neckline of her shirt. "Yes, Mistress." she says meekly, then gasps as I rip her shirt open with my claw. "Good girl." I purr, quickly making a cut through the crotch of her pants as well. "You will receive the honor of having your queen grant you the gift of scale-blood, but you will also be punished. You will, however, be getting off lightly compared to your companions. Your punishment may actually seem a reward, depending on how you chose to view it. Now, turn around so we can show those less well behaved how a subject ought to accept her Empress' authority." The girl does so, and I see a tiny smile on her face as I pulled her into my lap, my draconic cock slipping slowly into her. The human moans loudly as she sinks lower and lower onto my shaft. She wraps her legs around my tail and lays back against me, her head resting on my plentiful breasts. She's wonderfully at ease, eager to please me and to feel the gift that has been denied her for so long. The head of my cock pushes her cervix open with ease, but strangely I don't feel the need to thrust or piston back and forth with her. I begin to massage her breasts gently, causing her to mmm happily, just about melting in my embrace. She's a sweet girl, she really is, loving and eager, filled with lust and desire. I lean my head downward, kissing her lips, which open and allow my tongue entrance. I moan as I feel a jolt of pleasure shoot through my body as something shifts inside of me. It's moving, slipping downward, providing pleasure all the while. Down, down, down, until it feels like it's right behind my cock. Then it's inside my cock, I feel my maleness stretching to accommodate the egg that's passing through it, serving as an ovipositor to place a dragon's egg inside the human female. The tip of my tail glows with a white-blue light, and I bring it to her belly, the magical energy flowing into her, altering her so that she will be able to take the large egg without pain or discomfort. I break the kiss as the egg begins to enter her, stretching her to beyond the limits that she would have had a moment before. Where there would have been pain before, is now only pleasure. She grips the arms of my throne, pushing herself up and dropping down on my cock and the egg within. She begins to pant through clenched teeth, the slit made in her pants widening as the unborn dragonlet makes its way deeper into her. In a few moments the egg is entirely in her sex. I find myself panting as well, hissing through my teeth at the sensation. I lower one hand from her breast, instead caressing the large bulge moving up her belly. With a visible surge of movement, it exits my cock, residing entirely in her womb. She pushes down hard against me, and I thrust up against her, our climaxes arriving simultaneously. The roundness of her belly grows with each massive jet of dragonseed I pump into her. I pull out of her, the magic that altered her making sure that every drop of my seed is kept inside of her. I remove the girl's shirt, to allow her companions to see what will shortly happen. She moans softly, dropping to all fours. The girl arches her back as tiny, bright red scales appear along her spine, looking much like freckles. They spread out over her shoulders and hips, marking her as having been mated by a scale-blood. Two tiny horns appear on her forehead, marking her as being mated by a dragon, and her nails becoming small white claws. "You're free to go, little one." I say, leaning forward and helping her to her feet. She turns and smiles at me, "Thank you, Your Majesty." she says, giving a bow, before turning and walking from the room, directing a smug look towards her former friends. I grin predatorially, the real fun is about to begin. "Attendant Hiss, recite the transgressions of the next criminal." -o- As I look down upon the throne room Hiss has constructed in this shared dream, I get the sense that there is a purpose to it, rather then simple pleasure and desire fulfillment. There was a strange sensation in me when the girl began to change. Perhaps these fantasies are some sort of a guide, a tutorial if you will, on the new powers that I've been granted with my ascension to Sisterhood? Something clicks into place in my mind, and I feel that it is indeed the case. Mine is a grand and rare power, the ability to alter the physical form of any creature with a simple touch and a thought. It must be beyond the scope of the lesser ascension to grant, or else the power hungry Gorgons would have made great use of it already. "This one's crimes are more serious. Not only has she spurned the affections of Her Majesty's people, and spoken out about Her benevolent rule, but she has also broken into the the Mage's Academy, currently closed whilst proper faculty can be arranged. Her purpose was to seek texts, in order to devise a alchemical concoction to prevent the gifts granted by coupling with a scaleblood." "Unbind her legs and bring her to me. Leave her manacles and gag. I can see it in her eyes that she is guilty." I say as Hiss places her leash in my hand, allowing me to draw the human forward into my lap. I curl my tail around her waist, tightly so that she has no hope of escape. I reach out and run my clawed hand through her hair, holding her head gently. "Silly girl, trying to find a way to avoid the fear of the unknown, while still wanting to experience the pleasure one of my people can bring you." I purr, reaching down with my other hand and stoking my maleness, warm shivers running through my body as I do so. "You don't want to be changed, but you don't know how wonderful it feels to do so, to slowly become something different, to feel your soft human skin transform into beautiful, bright scales. To feel your new tail sway from side to side behind you as you walk. Perhaps even to spread your own wings and take to the air. You mind my race attractive enough that you desire to mate, but yet not beautiful enough to desire to become one of us? Silly little human, you all will be changed in time. You just get to be changed early at a much faster rate." On the topic of faster rates, I increase the pace of my stroking. The human's eyes widen, and she begins to struggle. "Aaaah, so you know of the transformative effects of a scaleblood's seed. Even if it simply touches the skin, especially if it does so. You won't be able to hide this, everyone will know that you've been 'tainted' by one of us." I purr. "Actually, I doubt anyone will think you're tainted. You'll be so covered in scales, that you'll never be thought of as a human again." She begins to writhe in my coils, trying her best to escape and pull away. But it's no use, I've brought myself close to the edge, and have been holding myself there for several seconds. Streams of thick seed erupt from my cock, landing on her face and chest. She howls through her gag, struggling in my grasp, trying to get away. I let her go, and she falls to the floor, writhing and whimpering. Hiss kneels over her and recites an incantation, the girl's restraints evaporating into mist, then reforming in Hiss' hands. "Please! Make it stop!" the human begs, trying to remove my cum from her skin, but all she does is manage to rub it around further. She claws at her clothes, trying to get them off, and quite easily succeeds at doing it. The simple fabrics part easily under the pressure applied from her new claws. She looks at them in horror from slit-pupiled eyes and directs her gaze downward, where her skin as begun to turn a bright green in the places where my seed has come in contact with her flesh. The green tint spreads, and with it, the appearance of scales. She turns to me, eyes wide in horror, "Pleasssssse!" she hisses, a forked tongue sliding from her lips. She shivers as scales take form on her body, not all over however. I've chosen to have her face and underbelly remain free of them, remaining human skin with a slightly green tint to serve as a reminder of what she used to be. She moans as a thick tail erupts from the base of her spine, lashing back and forth to signal her fear and agitation. The girl whimpers as the feelings of change vanish from her body. Her whimpering has stopped, and her tail slowly stills. She stands up, cautiously, and looks over her body, experimentally moving her tail, running her hands over her new scales. Her body is more defined now, I am not a cruel mistress, and have improved her somewhat pudgy looks, so what she herself considers beautiful. She cups her breasts, now a few sizes larger, another favor from me. "See? It's not so bad, now is it?" I say with a chuckle. "Most certainly not anything to fear." She shakes her head. "N-no, my l-lady." she says, still a little nervous, knowing there is a second part of her sentence coming. "In order for you to make up for time lost, you are to serve as morale attendant for my own guards. That way you can sample what you've missed for so long, as well as continue your transformation into a true citizen of my realm. You do realize that you no longer have a choice in the matter, as you certainly no longer resemble a human. You have nothing to gain by struggling against what will soon be natural urges to make love, and to have your body further enhanced by the contributions of fellow scalebloods of varying appearance." She bites her bottom lip, not knowing what to think. I can see she enjoys the changes I've already brought to her body, and that the desire common to all scalebloods is beginning to burn in her loins. "I understand, Your Highness, and will serve my sentence without complaint." she says with a bow, licking her lips. I have no doubt that she will have no complaint, and will enjoy her time spent as the barracks playtoy. More then likely she'll end up staying in the position permanently. One of the door guards steps forward to usher the new pet to the barracks. I look over the last two girls. One of them looks absolutely terrified, with the other has managed to regain her composure and has a defiant look in her eyes. I stand, shifting my weight onto my tail for the first time, my instinctual sense of balance and movement ensures that I only have a few small wobbles before getting the hang of it as I slither down the steps, approaching the two girls. I smile in a manner I know to be threatening, "There is no need to recite the crimes of these two, I'm already familiar with their activities and how they've brought shame on their families." "Nobles, the both of you. From houses that have not only embraced my rule, but were my allies in helping to attain the throne in the first place. Houses which upon hearing of your acts as a part of an attempt at organized resistance, turned you in to the proper authorities, despite your status as beloved daughters. Not only disregarding my laws and edicts, but going so far as to attempt to sew chaos and dissent in my city. Speaking out against me, condemning those who offer themselves freely to my forces as sluts engaging in little more then bestiality." I slith around the frightened girl, looping my muscular tail around her, constricting to have her immobile from the waist down. I use the same incantation that Hiss utilized to remove the restraints. I take both of her hands in my own, gripping them tightly. She is silent, shivering, terrified. "Those were your words, were they not? Condemning my race as nothing more then animals, and that your fellow citizens that mated with them were lowering themselves to rut with monsters?" I purr, low, seductive, as my taloned fingers slide up her stomach, caressing her breasts, running a single finger along her jawline, then down swiftly, leaving a faint line of blood along her cheek from my claw. I rip her top from her body, the flimsy fabric giving way before my powerful dragon-serpent frame. "You will not experience the pleasure of an infusion of scaleblood essence. Instead you body will be warped by my magic instead. You will feel nothing but the strange sensation of your flesh warping as I desire it, to take on the shape in which you will serve out the next year in my service. Your role will be one I find fitting." I say, disgust evident in my voice, as I uncoil from around her, and give her a shove, sending the human sprawling to the ground. "First to go will be that pale pink-white covering that you so pride yourself on, tending to your skin with exotic oils to retain its color, stave off imperfections, and keep it silky smooth." I say, holding my hand out, fingers spread wide. "You will no longer have to worry about errant hairs appearing to ruin to smooth perfection of your body, because you will no longer have them, or hair of any sort. That shiny luxorious mane that you pride yourself on has no place on a creature like yourself." With a snort of disgust a nimbus of purple-blue energy leaps from my hand and into her body. I know she wants to run, but her body just won't let her, prepared as it is for a complete transformation. As the last of the energy fades into her, the changes begin. In a few tiny wisps at first, but then in a pure black cascade, her hair falls from her scalp, falling to the floor. In a few moments the hair that she had spent years growing and maintaining is gone, taken in an instant. The human whimpers softly, tear beginning to flow from her eyes. She lets out a startled gasp as her skin suddenly feels cold. Tiny cracks seem to appear in her flesh, but they are simply the outlines of what are to be scales, which rapidly erupt from the skin beneath them. They are thick and heavy, dull and flat in appearance. Not meant to be the beautiful scales common to most scalebloods, but the thick armor of something meant to take the abuse of the harsh desert sandstorms. In a few moments she's covered from head to toe in thick scales of pure white, the color she so desired her skin to be. Her muscles appear to ooze and writhe as they begin to be affected, ready for their own change in time. "Ah, how plain you look now. If I left you like this you would be held in contempt by the rest of the world for the rest of your existence. Nothing more then a disfigured human, covered in the scales you regard as hideous. A plain, boring looking body with no embellishments to draw attention to it. Aren't you glad that I am a benevolent ruler, and will not condemn you to such a life of pain, and an ugly body?" I purr. Directed by my will, a pair of horns sprout from her temples, thick and ridged like a rams, curling as they grow longer. A line of spikes appears on her spine, thick bony protrusions meant to discourage predatory cats and flying hunters from pouncing and diving onto her. A frilled crest appears on the back of her head, shimmering in many different hues, immediately rising to full prominancy to signal her fear. More horns erupt from her body, smaller ones clustered on her upper arms, ripping through her pants on her hips. Three tiny ones appearing above her eyes where each of her brows once were. The girl wails loudly, unable to articulate any sounds properly due to her transforming, pulsing, fluctuating body. I slither to her, crouching down, and begin to pet her scaled head. "Ssssh, there, there. It will all be over soon. You don't have to be afraid anymore." I coo soothingly, running a finger over her ear, which now looks out of place. In an instant it begins to change shape, the skin growing thinner in places, and the cartilage shifting into long spines, her ears becoming a pair of draconic fans adorning the sides of her head. "Now, unlike the two that came before you, you fought when you were arrested, hitting and kicking, clawing and biting. You also aided the the attempt to create a counteragent for the effects of scaleblood seed. I don't feel I will be able to trust you, even closely watched as you will be. You are a skilled thief, little one, having picked the locks to the library. You've even been caught trying to remove your chains whilst imprisoned. So therefore I shall remove the temptation to do so entirely." With that decree she howls, a sad, eerie sound. She sits up, watching in horror as her fingers begin to distort, growing, and growing, and growing. In a few moments they're incredibly long and thin, only her thumb remaining as it was, only thickening a little. The first joints are comparatively short, fleshy and thick, while the second and third are long and distorted. As her forearms begin to shorten, and webbing begins to work its way between the digits its obvious that her hands are now the wings of a Riding Wyvern. I smile at her as it dawns on her what she is becoming. "That's right, my dear. After all your condemnation of my race, it will be you that shall be mating with monsters and beasts. You will be an addition to my own stable. You will mate and be mated by the unintelligent mounts that my favored guards use for patrol. You will not be ridden, however. Your purpose will only be breeding. For the next three years, your waking hours will consist of eating, tending your nest, nursing your young, and fucking the other Wyverns. You will retain your own mind, and your capacity to speak, provided it is not abused." She begins to sob, holding her head as best she can with her wings. A shudder runs through her body as her tail rips through her pants, growing out to a length longer then she is tall. The spikes on her back continue down her tail, which ends in a stinger filled with a special chemical agent. She will lash out and try to sting the other Wyverns, but all she will do is fuel their arousal. Her shoes are obliterated by the sudden expansion of her feet and the reshaping of her legs. Now shorter, digigrade, and more muscular, they're now suited for a creature meant to walk on all fours, rather then upright like a normal speaking, thinking creature. She falls back onto the floor, limp, broken in spirit. She ceases her wailing and whimpering, tears silently running down scaled cheeks. She lets out a startled sound, and spits out her tongue, now much thicker and longer, a good two feet of it hanging from her mouth. I chuckle at the comical sight. "Aaah! The famed Wyvern tongue. You should learn to put that to good use, it will be the sole appendage you have able of decent manipulative abilities. The breeder prisoners soon learn that their caretakers and guards enjoy the sensations that a Wyvern's tongue can bring. Extra food and treats are yours to obtain, all you need to is politely ask your handlers if you can pleasure them. They won't reward you if they have to take their pleasure, and they will. You won't be able to help it, you will instinctively pleasure any male who places his cock in your mouth, or any female who offers her pussy to you." I take her head in my hands, bringing it to my own raging erection to demonstrate. She tries to struggle, but the moment her tongue touches my cum and pre covered rod, she can't help but curl her tongue around it, pulling it into her changing mouth which shifts quickly into a draconic muzzle, her neck lengthening as well, allowing her to deep throat my member without any discomfort. She instinctively begins to purr, and the air fills with the spice-like musky scent of a Wyvern in heat. I take her horns in my hands, gently guiding her up and down on my shaft. This is the final component of the Wyvern transformation spell, the small amount of energy drawn into my body stimulating my cock, bringing me nearer and nearer to the edge the closer my new broodwhore's change is to completion. With a roar I unleash a torrent of my seed into her mouth, gulped down eagerly. Scaleblood cum is an extra source of protein that Wyverns enjoy, and those altered into Wyverns have been created not to waste a drop. Back in control, she pulls away from me, horrified at what she was just doing, and enjoying. She tries to speak, but she finds that the pulsing of change that had quieted a few moments before has begun anew. She moans from the pleasurable sensation as her final changes take place. Her breasts swell to nearly obscene size, H cups that are larger then her own head. Her nipples elongated, thick teats that nearly drag on the flood. She begins to buck as if being mated as a second pair of breasts, equally sized, swell to prominence on her chest, followed by a third. I pick her up, the girl like a Wyvern in body, but still human in size. I loop my tail around in a circle, laying her on her back in the makeshift nest as she begins to moan, her thrusts becoming harder. With a final thrust she arches her back, a thick, pale pink cock tearing through the crotch of her shredded pants, delivering streams of ropy cum onto her breasts, face, and belly. The Wyvern begins to instinctively lick herself clean as I turn to the final girl, her friend's change seeming only to harden her eyes and her attitude even further. "And now we come to you..." I say with a sinister laugh, having saved the most terrible punishment for last.
Title: Matty Meets Kimmy Ch. 09 Tags: wedding, honeymoon, beach, bikini, anal sex, shower sex, wedding night sex, lingeire, romance, kissing I moaned as I licked the tip of Matt's penis, then the length of his shaft. Smiling up at him, I stared into his eyes as I took him in my mouth. Matt groaned softly then lay down on the bed from his sitting position. I went to work on him, bobbing my head, my hand wrapped around his shaft, pumping him as I slid my mouth up and down. Every other minute or so, I would take a breather, letting Matt slip from my mouth but continuing to stroke him with my hand. I watched as his bare stomach moved up and down as his breathing intensified. Matt had his head pressed back against the pillow and his eyes tightly shut. I sunk my mouth back down onto him and began sucking. When I felt Matt raise his hips, I lowered my mouth all the way down, taking as much of his shaft into my mouth, and holding him in. Sealing my lips tightly around the base of Matt's cock I held him inside my mouth until I felt myself just about to gag. I quickly slid him out and began bobbing my head, slurping my way up and down his cock. Matt was breathing heavily now, and I could feel the tenseness in his legs beside me as he stretched them, "A little faster baby, and squeeze harder," he whimpered. I was all too happy to oblige and immediately bobbed my head faster and tightened my grip around Matt's cock. About a half a minute later, I felt Matt raising his hips again, "Almost there baby, I'm so close," he whispered. I continued my actions and sure enough, seconds later, Matt pushed up into my mouth and grunted. I moaned as I felt his warm cum shooting into my mouth. Matt's body wriggled about and I slowed the pace of my mouth, but continued stroking him with a tightened grasp. I sucked every glob of cum that spewed from Matt's cock and swallowed the mouthful with a smile. I cautiously wiped the tip of Matt's penis then licked my fingers clean. He finally came about and slowly opened his eyes to me, "Come here," he whispered. I crawled up to Matt's side and lay down beside him. He rolled over to me and we kissed, deep and long. "That was outstanding," he stated as we pulled our lips apart. I smiled at him and pressed my nose against his, "I was just returning the favor, my body's still trembling from the orgasm you just gave me," I replied. We kissed again briefly then parted. We laid there staring up at our bedroom wall, gathering our strength. "So Kimmy, tomorrow's day one of our one month abstinence pact. You think you're up for it?" Matt teased. "Yes I am! It'll be torture but I know I can do it, and I know it'll be worth it," I stated. "We can still kiss n stuff right?" Matt comically asked. "Of course! Oh my god, that I wouldn't be able to handle," I frantically responded. "Ohh okay, just making sure," Matt replied. I turned over to him and smiled. Watching Matt's body, I noticed every few seconds he would shiver. "You cold baby?" I softly asked. The air conditioning was on, but no colder than usual. "A little," Matt replied. "Come on, let's get under the covers," I suggested as I raised the sheets up. I covered Matt and myself up and we went back to chatting, "Did I give you that check for the flower store?" "Yeah, I'll drop it off on the way to work tomorrow," Matt confirmed. "Okay good, I couldn't remember, there are so many things to keep track of," I confessed, "Did you hear from Summer or Adam? Did they book their flights yet?" "Yup, Adam told me they were buying the tickets yesterday, said he'd send me the itinerary when he did. What about you and Summer? Did you guys find the bridesmaid dresses?" "Yeah, we found them online, then Summer went to the store to see em in person, she said they were beautiful," I informed. Matt and I continued going over some of the details of our upcoming wedding when I noticed him still shivering under the covers, "Awww baby! What's the matter?" I sweetly asked, genuinely concerned. "I don't know, I can't stop, weird huh?" he laughed. "You want me get a thicker blanket or raise the temperature on the AC?" I offered. "Nah, I'll be fine," Matt stubbornly replied. "Come here, I'll keep you warm," I instructed. Matt scooted over to me and we intertwined our legs as I held his body right up against mine, "This feels better?" I whispered. "Much," Matthew replied as we kissed. Our kiss was long and passionate, lots of tongue twirling and moaning, and lots of me rubbing my palm along Matt's skin trying to warm him up. He of course was up to his old ways, reaching behind and grabbing a handful of my butt cheeks, softly massaging them. It wasn't too long till I felt Matt's erection growing between or pressed together bodies. I rolled Matt onto his back and crawled onto him. I immediately pressed his cock against my folds and felt him slide into my pussy. We continued kissing and Matt began to slowly thrust his hips. His cock glided in and out of me so tenderly and unhurried, it felt amazing. I laid my body against Matt's pressing our chests together as he squeezed my ass. If this wasn't getting him warm, nothing would have. I licked and kissed Matt's neck as he continued his delicate pressing. I had stopped kissing Matt's neck now, and was just panting my hot breath against him as his cock ground against my clit with every inward stroke. Matt's hands had moved from my ass to my back as he hugged me tight against him. He too was breathing heavily, his breath rushing against the side of my face. I began to whimper as I felt my pussy convulse. My orgasm took control of my body, and I squeezed the muscles in my vagina hard around Matt's shaft, to which I heard a soft groan from Matt. He had begun pushing a little faster into me and I felt him press his teeth against my shoulder. I felt Matt's cock twitch inside me and he squeezed his arms around me even tighter. "Ohh fuck, ohh fuck, mhmm," he kept repeating as we both hugged each other tight. I remained on top of Matt, but held myself up so I could look into his face. He had such a peaceful serene smile on his face as he stared up at me, "A whole month huh?" he pondered. We both chuckled and I delicately rolled myself off Matt's body. After lying in each other's arms for a few moments, we got up and quickly cleaned ourselves. I made it a point to adjust the air conditioning and we found ourselves curled up in bed, drifting off to sleep. XXXX "Did you check the flight status babe?" I asked Matt as I got ready for bed. The past three and a half weeks had flown by, and now it was the Wednesday before Matt and mine's wedding, which was taking place on this coming Saturday. "Yeah Kimmy, the flight's on time," Matt replied as he grabbed his car keys. It was close to midnight and Adam and Summer's flight was coming in tonight. I had been so busy all day I was exhausted and Matt said he'd go by himself to pick up our friends and drop them off at my parents' place. Our guest bedroom was already occupied by Matt's sister Maggie, her husband Jeff and their daughter Kelsey who had flown in the day before. Everyone was flying in for the big day. Most guests were going to be staying at the hotel where our wedding was taking place, a beautiful beachside luxury hotel on Ft Lauderdale beach. Matt took off and I crawled into bed. It must have been a couple hours, but I was awoken by some soft noises in the corner of the room. I got up and looked over. Matt had switched on the corner lamp and was in the process of hopping out of his jeans. The clock on the wall said it was almost 2am. "Everything went okay?" I whispered as I squinted my eyes in Matt's direction. "Awww babe, I was trying not to wake you. Everything was fine, dropped them off, your dad was up to welcome them; they were heading to bed when I left. Go to back to sleep honey, Sum said she'd call in the morning." I waited for Matt and held the covers open for him to get in. Minutes later I was sound asleep once more. The next morning, I let Matt sleep in. After using the bathroom, I joined Maggie, Jeff, and Kelsey out in the kitchen for breakfast. "Hey Kim, morning, everything work out with Adam and Summer last night?" "Morning Mags, hey Jeff, hi Kelsey! Yeah Matt said everything was fine, he got back around two this morning." I proceeded to help Maggie make breakfast, bacon, toast, and eggs. The four of us sat around the table and ate, "So Kels, do you know in a couple days, when your Uncle Matt and Kimberly get married, Kim's gonna be your aunt. You're gonna have to start calling her Aunt Kimmy. How does that sound?" The little girl laughed cutely and went back to her breakfast. Maggie and I smiled at each other and did the same. "So Kim, how's all the planning going?" Jeff inquired. "Yeah sweetie, if there's anything you need, we're here to help, please put us to work," Maggie kindly offered. "Thanks you guys, right now it's just mainly keeping up with phone calls with the wedding planner who's been great. I'm sure there'll be lots to do on the day itself, I'll be sure to let you know, but Matt and I really just want you all to relax and enjoy yourselves." I replied. As we wound down breakfast, I turned to Kelsey, "So Kels, are you excited about being the flower girl? Your mom showed me your dress, it looks so pretty, I can't wait to see you in it," I stated joyously. "Uhhuh, I'm excited," the nine year old replied. "And how do you feel about walking back down the aisle with my little cousin Sebastian?" I teased. Kelsey hid her face behind her glass of juice and blushed, to which her mom and dad chuckled. A couple minutes later, Matt came walking out of the bedroom, holding my cell phone to his ear, "Hold on, here she is," he stated as he held out the phone to me. "It's Summer," he informed. I took the phone from Matt and he sat down and helped himself to some eggs. "Hey Sum!!. . . .I know right! . . . .Uh huh. . . .Yeah . . . .Okay babe, see you then." I hung up the phone and rejoined the table. "So what's the plan?" Matt asked as he took a bite off his toast. "Oh we're just meeting up in a bit, she's gonna run some errands with me," I replied. "What about you guys?" Matt asked as he turned to his sister. "Well we're heading down to the hotel, we booked from today, figured we'd enjoy the beach," she replied. After a couple more minutes, I said my goodbyes and quickly got ready. Thirty minutes later I had picked up Summer and we were taking care of some last minute errands. "So are you excited?" Summer asked as we walked around downtown. "Sooo excited," I giddily replied. "And how's your guys' one month ban going?" she followed up with a sly smirk. "Oh my god Sum, I'm going stir crazy. I swear to god, I never thought it'd be this hard. Matt's leg brushed against mine a couple mornings ago in bed and I had to fight every fiber of my being from jumping him." Summer burst out laughing and put her hand around me, "Don't worry sweetie, only a couple more days to go," she consoled, caringly rubbing my arm. After running my errands, Summer and I returned to my parents' place. We saw Matt and Adam out in the yard as I pulled up into the driveway. "Hi Adam!!" I excitedly greeted, "Finally woke up huh?" I teased as I walked over to hug him. Adam kissed me on the cheek and we broke our embrace, "Hey Kimmy, yeah, late night," he replied. "So, are you guys busy planning Matt's bachelor party for tonight?" I chided. "Nah, it was all taken care of months ago," he proudly stated. "Just bring him back in one piece please." "Hey, I have him for one night, then you can have him for the rest of your life," Adam teased as he wrapped his hand around my shoulder playfully. We all chatted for a bit then went out for lunch. XXXX That night, Matt went out with Adam and their friends and Summer and my friends took me out. We started off with dinner then hit up a couple clubs for some dancing. As the night drew on, Summer insisted we go to a strip club since that's what the boys would be doing. We all relented and found the nearest strip club, which didn't even have male dancers; it was a regular strip joint. Since our party was all girls, we didn't have to pay the cover charge, and Summer saw to it that we were given a table. I had to admit, the night was extremely fun, never had I thought I'd enjoy sticking dollar bills into some woman's thong. I dropped Summer off and gave her a hug before heading home. Stumbling into the apartment and over to the bedroom I looked to the clock, it was minutes past 2am. I sat on the edge of the bed and let out a tired sigh. Kicking off my heels, I reached behind and was about to unzip my dress when I heard the front door. Matt entered the bedroom and walked right over to me. "Hey baby!" I greeted. "Hi sweetie, you just got in?" "Yup," I replied, "How was your night?" "Great, but I'm sooo exhausted," he sighed as he crawled onto the end of the bed with me and laid his head on my lap. I began to stroke Matt's cheek with my palm when he turned his head and stared up at me, "What about you? Did you have fun tonight?" "Lots baby! Even got a lapdance," I teased. I watched as Matt's eyes brightened and we both giggled. We didn't ask for too many details of each other's night, I knew that Matt trusted me and I trusted him, I was just happy he enjoyed his night. I sat there for a few minutes, lightly stroking Matt's hair. When I saw the time, I glanced down at Matt, "Come on babe, time for bed, we've got a big day tomorrow," I stated. Matt got up off me and began to unbutton his shirt. In the meantime, I reached out and undid his belt buckle, then the zipper on his slacks. I tugged on Matt's pants and let them fall to the floor. I almost groaned out loud when I saw the slight bulge in Matt's navy blue boxer briefs, I wanted so bad to reach out and caress it but I knew I had to fight the temptation. "Off you go," I instructed as Matt trekked off to the bathroom. I heard the sound of the shower and leaned back into the bed, waiting patiently. Matt was quick, and emerged in just a pair of boxers. I stood up with my change of clothes in hand, "Babe, could you unzip me please?" I asked with my back to Matt. I felt Matthew's hands on my neck, slowly moving down as he worked the zipper on the back of my dress. I walked over to the bathroom and had a quick shower. Returning to the bedroom in a t-shirt and one of Matt's boxers, I scurried over to the bed and joined Matt under the covers. It was such a relief to snuggle up to Matt's side and to feel his arm around me. XXXX The next morning, Matt was off early. He set out to pick up Adam then to the airport to pick up Adam's parents. Summer's mom and dad were arriving as well but rented a car and were driving up to the hotel. I drove over my mom and dad's to get Summer and we drove up to the hotel. Matt and I had separate rooms so I was able to check in. Summer, who was rooming with Adam, waited in my room for the boys to show up. Around lunch time, all the necessary guests gathered outside on the hotel back patio where the wedding ceremony would be taking place. We did a quick rehearsal under the guidance of the wedding planner. Everything went according to plan and we were done in about an hour. I said a quick goodbye to Matt who took off with Adam to do some last minute errands, it was probably the last time I'd be seeing him till the big day tomorrow. Summer and I and some of the other girls in the bridal party headed upstairs to change then met up at the beach. I saw Maggie and Kelsey down on the sand and went over to chat for a bit, "Hi Kels, you did so well today, you think you're ready for tomorrow?" I asked. "Yep, I think so," the girl chirped as she played in the sand. "How are you guys liking the hotel?" I asked turning to Maggie. "It's wonderful, really nice choice, and the patio is so beautifully decorated for tomorrow," she replied. We chatted for a bit more, then I noticed Summer and the girls heading into the water. I said goodbye to Maggie and rejoined my friends. Back up in my room, Summer joined me for some room service dinner. "So, is there anything else that needs doing?" she asked. "No, I think everything is covered." "How are you doing? Holding up okay?" "Yeah, I just can't wait for tomorrow," I anxiously replied. As we both scraped our bowls of ice cream clean, I turned nervously to Summer, "Sum, do you mind if I ask you what your wedding night was like?" Summer looked up at me and smiled, "Of course not hun, umm let me think, it was really special, Adam was so sweet and tender, I remember the hotel had a bottle of champagne chilling in the room for us. If you want I can talk to the hotel staff and get them to arrange something, maybe some candles, some roses. . ." "That sounds wonderful," I replied, "So you didn't feel any pressure to, I dunno, up your performance, to make it really special or something?" I asked. "Not at all babe, we were together which already made it special. Just be yourself Kimmy, that's all Matt expects, that's all he wants, and I guarantee you, it'll be very special. A couple tips, don't rush, you're probably gonna feel exhausted so it's okay to take a breather before, and definitely have a snack" Summer advised. Summer's words had really set me at ease, "Thanks Sum." "Don't mention it Kimmy," she kindly replied, "So can I see it?" she asked. "See what?" I queried. "Don't play dumb, can I see what you bought from Agent Provocateur," Summer asked with a smile. I cleared our dishes and set them on the room service cart, then walked over to the closet. A sly smile crept up on me as I retrieved the lingerie set and held it up for Summer to see. It was the snowberry lingerie set in ice blue which consisted of three parts; demi cup bra, thong, and suspender. Everything was french lace with silk lining. The only additional item was the flesh colored stockings. "Wow, I bet you look amazing in that," Summer gushed, "One month of no sex and that outfit, Matty's gonna blow in no time flat," she joked. We both laughed like schoolgirls as I tucked the outfit back into the closet. Turning back to Summer, another nervous feeling snuck up on me, "Can I show you something and you promise not to laugh?" I asked. "I dunno babe, it might be funny," Summer teased. "Fine then," I abruptly stated and folded my arms. "Okay okay, I promise, you big baby." I smiled and walked over to Summer, "So, um, it's been about a month since Matt's seen me, ummm down there, I thought I'd have a little fun," I explained. With that, I began to peel the front of my sweat pants down, along with my pink cotton panties, baring my vagina to Summer. I watched her reaction to the sight before her. I had shaved my lowly trimmed pubic hair into the shape of a small heart, right above the lips of my vagina. Summer giggled. "Summer!" I faux scolded as I pulled my sweats back up. "It's adorable Kim, Matt's gonna love it," she stated. "So I shouldn't shave it off?" I asked. "No, it's cute," Summer reaffirmed. I sat back down, my face flush with embarrassment. Summer and I hung out a little while longer then decided to call it a night. "Okay hun, see you in the morning for hair and makeup," Summer reminded as we hugged. After she left, I took a shower and crawled into bed and watched some television. I was so excited I couldn't even concentrate on the show I was watching. At around 10pm I switched of the television and tried to go to sleep. I kept tossing and turning, my mind racing with so many thoughts of the next day. Just then, my phone began to ring. I reached over and looked at the screen, it was Matt, "Hey Matty," I answered. "Hi baby, did I wake you?" he asked, "No," I sighed, "Can't seem to fall asleep," I explained. "You too huh? I feel so lonely in a bed without you," he admitted. "Me too babe," I agreed. "So how are you feeling about tomorrow?" Matt queried. "Sooo exicited," I gushed. "Me too honey." Matt and I chatted for a few more minutes, until he had me switch on the speaker on the phone and set it down on the pillow beside me. He talked me to sleep, and sure enough, it worked like a charm. XXXX The next morning, my mom and Summer joined me in my room for breakfast. They then went back to their rooms to shower then returned to mine to get their hair and makeup done by the stylist. I emerged from the bathroom in my wedding gown to in unison "Awws" from my mother and Summer. "Our baby girl is all grown up huh?" Summer teased as she laid her arm across my mom's shoulder. "She certainly has Summer," my mom replied, fighting back tears. The two made sure I was all ready then retired to their rooms to finish getting dressed. I pottered about the room, putting on some final touches when I heard a knock on the door. It was the wedding planner, Grace, it was time to go. Grace escorted me downstairs where I met up with the bridal party and my dad. "You look so beautiful baby," my father greeted. "Thanks daddy," I replied, trying not to break into tears. Summer and the bridesmaids made their way out, followed by Sebastian the ring bearer and Kelsey. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the bride's processional music began. I clutched my father's arm tightly and we began our slow trek. As we rounded the corner and stepped up onto the patio, I spotted Matt at the end of the aisle. They all stood against the back drop of the ocean. It was a beautiful day, nice and sunny but not extremely hot. The waves gently rolling in in the distance set the perfect mood. My heart fluttered as we walked, Matt looked so handsome. My dad and I slowly made our way up, smiling at the guests who had risen to their feet. Standing me next to Matt, my dad raised my veil and kissed my cheek. He placed my hand in Matt's then walked off to his seat next to my mother. I looked up and smiled at Matt as Summer took a brief moment to fix the train of my dress. He could tell how emotional I was. Matt leaned over to me, "If you start tearing up, I'm gonna be blubbering mess," he stated. Matt had immediately lightened to mood and set me at ease as I giggled slightly. Summer took her place beside the other bridesmaids and the priest began the ceremony. The ceremony flew by, and in no time at all, Matt and I were sharing our first kiss as man and wife. After the guests were served cocktails, we moved inside to the ballroom to start the reception. After all the speeches, the guests were served dinner and Matt and I had a chance to get a breather. We sat at the head table with Summer and Adam and other members of the bridal party. I just nibbled on the food that was served, not really feeling in the mood to eat, all the while firmly holding on to Matt's hand. Every other minute or so we would look over at each other and smile uncontrollably. Matt and I were soon sharing our first dance as husband and wife. He held me tightly as we danced in the darkened room infront of all our friends and family. "Having fun?" he whispered into my ear. I nodded and smiled. As the song came to an end and transitioned to another, other guests were invited to dance as well. Eventually, Summer and Adam made their way over to us and we exchanged partners for a song. I clasped Adam's hand tightly as we danced, "Feel any different?" he asked. "I guess I do, I kinda feel, I dunno, all grown up I guess," I tried to explain. Adam spun me then pulled me back against him. When the song was over, the emcee announced it was time for the father daughter dance. Again the lights were dimmed and my dad stepped to the center of the floor. Matt walked me over and then retreated to the darkness. "I'm so proud of you sweetie, and so happy for you and Matt," my dad stated as we slow danced. "Thank you daddy," was all I was able to muster, fearful I would begin crying. After the cutting of the cake and throwing of the bouquet, Summer escorted me up to my room to help me out of my wedding dress and into something more comfortable. Back downstairs, Summer and I rejoined the party. Matt and I danced some more and did a lot of mingling with the guests, thanking them for coming and graciously accepting their congratulations. As the night drew on, the party began to die down. Matt was handed the key to our new joint room for the night by the wedding planner and we began to say our final goodbyes to the guests. Finally we made the decision to head upstairs. Standing in the elevator, Matt and I smiled, almost shyly, at each other as we made our ascent. Matt held my hand in his as we walked down the hall to our room. He turned and smiled at me as we stood in front of our door, "Are you ready?" he softly whispered. All that was required of me was a smile and a nod. Matt handed me the key card and then leaned down and picked me up into his arms. We giggled and rubbed our noses together then briefly kissed before I reached over and opened the room door with the key card. Matt carried me into the dimly lit room and we marveled at the laid out candles, roses, and chilling champagne. "Oh my! Who did all this?" Matt questioned as he walked me over to the bed. "This is all Summer," I chuckled. Matt gently laid me down onto the bed, and hung his head over mine. We kissed again, just lightly, then Matt rolled over and laid beside me. We both sensed that the other wanted to relax for just a bit. "Do you want a little champagne?" Matt asked. "Sure," I replied. Matt got up and turned on the lights. He grabbed the champagne out of the ice bucket and began fiddling with the cork. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. "Did you see my fingers trembling when you were putting the ring on?" I asked, staring at the wedding band on my finger. Matt looked over and nodded. I smiled inwardly then looked back up to Matt, "How did Kelsey look walking up the aisle? And Sebastian?" I asked. "They looked so adorable babe, Kels looked like she was having lots of fun with the flowers," Matt replied before there was a loud pop of the champagne bottle opening. "Hey, there are some Hors d'oeuvres here, you hungry?" Matt asked. "Yeah, actually, I am." Matt poured me a half a glass of champagne and handed it over to me. He poured the same modest amount for himself then grabbed the tray of snacks and joined me on the bed. We clinked our glasses together and toasted our recent nuptials while dining on the finger foods. Matt fed me the last of the appetizers, a mushroom topped piece of bruschetta. I softly nibbled on the tip of his finger for a bit before Matt pulled it from my mouth. "You looked so beautiful today baby. You should have felt how fast my heart was beating when you rounded the corner and I saw you for the first time in your gown." "Awww, thank you sweetie, you looked very sharp in you tux," I said, returning the compliment. Matt leaned in and we kissed. I let my hands roam across his chest as I slid his jacket off his back. I had to force myself to pull my lips from Matt's, "Why don't you go shower and get refreshed, then you can get comfortable on the bed and I'll do the same," I whispered. Matt slinked off to the bathroom and I laid down on the bed, letting out an exhausted but satisfactory sigh. I smiled at stared up at the ceiling. About fifteen minutes later, Matt emerged from the bathroom dressed in one of the hotel's white robes. I watched as he walked over to the bed, "You're not gonna give me something to think about while I'm in the shower?" I teased. Matt grinned and untied his robe then let it fall onto the floor. I stared in awe at his body, and smiled at the solitary piece of clothing he wore; an all-white tight fitting pair of silk boxer briefs that ended slighter higher up on his thigh than usual. I reached out and ran my fingers against the smooth material, then along the waistband, "Wow, Armani," I noted, "Well this will have me back in a hurry," I teased. With that, I walked over and grabbed my overnight bag, then headed into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and a refreshing shower, I quickly dug into my bag and pulled out the special lingerie. Labeled as ice blue, an accurate description of the set would be a light whitish blue with silver cord stitching decorative embellishments. Firstly, I slipped on the flesh colored stockings. I was already beginning to feel sexy, feeling the tightness of the stockings against my smooth legs. Next up was the thong which was so cute with a little organza bow in the front, up on the waistband. I slipped it up my legs then thighs. Pulling lightly, the slender back of the thong gently lodged itself between my butt cheeks. I then moved on to the matching suspender. I wrapped the French lace garment around my stomach and hooked it at the back. Pulling on the four straps, I clipped them down to the tips of my stockings. Finally was the complimenting bra of the set. I placed my hands through the thin shoulder straps and pulled the cups to my petite breasts, then expertly hooked the back. The silk lining felt amazing against my hardening nipples. Again, there was another cute bow in the middle of the cups where there were joined. I brushed my hair and dabbed a little perfume on my skin. Looking at myself in the mirror, I smiled devilishly. I picked up the folded robe from the counter top and slipped it on, then made my way out to the bedroom. Matt had dimmed the lights and lit the candles and was waiting patiently for me on the bed. A nice surprise was the slow romantic music playing lightly in the background; apparently Matt had done some planning of his own. "Hope I didn't take too long," I whispered as I walked over to the head of the bed. "Not at all honey," Matt kindly replied. I took a deep breath, inhaling the sensuous aroma of the scented candles then let my robe fall to the floor. Matt got up from is laid down position, his eyes locked on my body, "Kimmy, you look . . .wow! Babe, you look amazing!" he enthusiastically exalted. I found myself blushing as Matt crawled over to the end of the bed and held out his hand for me. Extending my arm, I grabbed Matt's hand and he helped me onto the bed. Matt lay back down and pulled me onto him. With my entire body lying on Matt's, we stared into each other's eyes as I savored the warmness of his skin. "Hello wife," he softly stated. "Hello husband," I giggled in response. Matt smiled at me and then we began kissing. Matt very gently and very tenderly began rubbing my back as we transitioned from light kissing, to deep passionate French kissing. With Matt's and mines noses pressed against one another we panted heated breath into each other's mouths as Matt's hands drifted down to my ass. I giggled slightly as Matt gave my cheeks a light squeeze. I squirmed my body atop Matt's, feeling the length of his trapped shaft throb against my abdomen. Eventually I pulled my lips from his and slinked my way down his body. Lying between Matt's outstretched legs; I reached out and ran my fingers across his bulging arch, his silk boxers felt so smooth. I smiled up at Matt's adoring eyes then hooked my fingers into the waistband of his underwear. Matt lifted his body ever so slightly so I could peel his white boxer briefs off. I wondered if he could see the excitement in my eyes as his beautiful cock sprang free. I immediately reached out and wrapped my fingers around his girth, then began to slowly stroke him. Shimmying my body up so I could get close enough, I extended my tongue and licked the length of Matt's shaft. His moans were music to my ears and I began to swirl my tongue around his bulbous tip. I stared deeply into Matt's eyes as I sunk my mouth down onto him. His cock was so warm and felt so hard as I rubbed the tip of his penis against the inner walls of my cheek. My hands were gently rubbing Matt's thighs, slowly moving up and down as I began to bob my head on his cock. With my left hand still rubbing Matt's thigh, I moved my right higher, searching for his balls. Holding Matt's sack in my hand I gently massaged and caressed him then squeezed lightly. Matt groaned blissfully; the exact response I wanted. I spent the next ten or fifteen minutes, diligently slurping on Matt's cock till I felt him tug on my arm. I looked up to him and he motioned me to come over. Sliding my mouth up Matt's shaft, I let him slip from my mouth then crawled my way up to his face. I smiled as I sunk my face onto Matt's, his tongue immediately darting into my mouth. Pressing my body against Matt's I moaned gleefully, feeling his saliva covered cock squirm against my stomach. Matt's hands were again roaming across my back, and I felt him pause at the hook of my bra. He fiddled for a few seconds and eventually the hook gave way. Matt pulled the lace garment from me, laying it gently on the side of the bed. He pulled his mouth from mine and I sat up a little. Matt's gaze was fixed on my breasts. "You look like it's the first time you've seen them," I commented. Matt smiled up at me, "It's the first time I'm seeing them as your husband and you my wife. I feel like they're all mine now, once and forever." "Aww baby, they've always been yours," I replied as I pulled Matt's head to my chest. Matt wrapped his arms around my back and held me close to him. He pressed his lips against the curve of my breasts, tenderly kissing my flesh from one side to the other. I kicked my head back and my rolled my eyes as I felt Matt's tongue swirl around my nipple. It didn't take him long to take my hardened nub between his lips and suck teasingly on it, moving back and forth from one breast to the other. Matt's hands roamed my back, and he now played with the suspender around my stomach, dancing his fingers along the lace material. "You like it?" I asked, holding my head back and staring down at Matt, his lips still suckling at my breast. "It's so damn sexy baby," he whispered. "Wanna help me get out of it?" "I'd love to," Matt smiled. I worked on the four straps that were clipped to my stockings while Matt undid my hook. Smiling mischievously, Matt pulled the garment from around my waist, laying it down with my bra. Matt ran his palm across my stomach and sides before I leaned in and we kissed again. "Shall I remove my stockings?" I asked, rubbing my nose against Matt's. "You can leave em on if they're not bothering you sweetie, they're so sexy," Matt replied. "Whatever you want baby," I cooed. Matt rolled me over and laid me on my back. He kissed me passionately while his hands gently caressed my breasts. I had reached down and was stroking his manhood ever so slightly, taking pauses to just squeeze him, loving Matt's moans every time I did. Matt began to work his way down my body, kissing my neck, chest, and then stomach. He paused a while, tickling my belly button with his tongue. My tummy shivered with laughter and I not too subtly pushed Matt's head further down. I felt goosebumps spring up as Matt hooked his fingers into the waistband of my thong. He pulled gently and I raised my butt off the bed so he could pull it from me. I watched as he looked down at my naked sex. "This for me?" he questioned, tracing the small heart shaped by my trimmed pubes with his finger. "Yes darling, all for you," I whispered. Matt pressed his palm against my flat stomach and lowered his face between my thighs. I held my breath with anticipation, feeling Matt's warm breathing against my eager folds. I sighed as Matt's tongue licked the length of my lips. He did this several times, then pressed his way into my opening and wiggled about. His mouth on my pussy always felt amazing. As Matt darted his tongue in and out of my vagina, I ran my hands over his which was still against my stomach. I slowly moved my hands up my body and began playing with my breasts, kneading the soft flesh of one and pinching the nipple of the other. Matt moved his tongue up to my clit and my hips involuntarily twitched as he made contact. As he flicked his tongue up and down against my nub, he began working his index finger into my opening. He slowly moved his finger back and forth as his tongue continued driving me insane. I whimpered softly, squeezing my breasts harder as Matt drove me to an amazing orgasm. His tongue was rapidly swirling around my protruding clit as my body shook with passion. I moaned his name over and over, gently squeezing my thighs around his face. When I came to rest, Matt raised his head from between my thighs. He gently patted my pulsing vagina, watching me with a wide smile on his face. "Come here Mr. Cole," I beckoned. "Whatever you say Mrs. Cole," he replied as he leaned down to me. I wrapped my arms around Matt's neck and planted a soft peck on his cheek then lips. I could taste my own juices on Matt's mouth and it only aroused me further. I began stroking Matt's cock once more, which had been pressing against my stomach. "Can I finish off what I started?" I eagerly asked. "I'd really like that," Matt whispered in response. I got up and laid Matt down in my place. With my hand wrapped around his cock, I licked Matt's tip, tasting the precum that had dribbled out. I smiled and lowered my mouth around Matt's cock, taking all of him in me. Matt brushed my hair out of the way and I directed my eyes up at him. I slowly sucked my way up his throbbing shaft then lowered myself again. Soon, I was bobbing my head up and down with great pace and massaging Matt's balls with my hand. Matt's body had begun to squirm and I could feel him getting tense. "Ohh god Kimmy! I'm so close baby!" Matt groaned. I paid no mind to his warning and continued sucking hard on his cock. Moments later, Matt's hips rose and he grunted loudly. I felt his hot cum spray against the roof of my mouth and finally slowed my bobbing. With my lips still sealed around Matt's pulsing shaft, I moved slowly to the tip then began to stroke him, slow and hard, milking his every drop. . .and there was alot! Matt's body finally settled, and I let his cock fall from my mouth. Staring at his smile I swallowed his seed proudly and wiped the corner of my lips, "I've missed that so much," I whispered. Matt reached out for me and I laid my head down on his chest. I could feel the heightened beat of his heart begin to slow and watched as his once glorious erection go limp. I reached out and wiped the tip of Matt's now soft penis; there was a trickle of semen still left. "Having fun?" Matt asked as I licked my fingers. I turned to him and smiled, "So much fun baby," I gleefully replied. I laid there with my head on Matt's body, smiling up at him, both of us gathering our strength. "Can I just say again, how beautiful you looked today baby, and tonight, you were simply stunning." "Awww baby, you're so sweet. I like looking nice for you Matty," I blushed. Matt reached out and rested his palm on my cheek, rubbing my skin with his thumb. I placed my hand over Matt's against my face and kissed the inside of his palm, "Can you imagine baby, five days in Hawaii doing exactly what we're doing right now," I mused. "I know, I can't wait." Matt and I had a day of rest tomorrow, then, we were off to Hawaii on Monday for our honeymoon. I began to get up and rolled to the edge of the bed, "Where are you going?" Matt asked. "Gotta pee baby, the champagne," I giggled, "Want anything while I'm up?" I asked. "Just you sweetie." I shot Matt a smile and scurried off to the bathroom. I did my best to make the trip as quick as possible then hurried back to Matt. Crawling back onto the bed, I went to lay down in my previous position with my head on Matt's chest, "Come lay up here with me," Matt invited. I happily switched and lay down next to Matt. We both lay on our sides, smiling at each other, "Missed me?" I teased. "Every second my love." I smiled and closed my eyes. Leaning in, my lips met Matt's and I stuck my tongue into his mouth. Matt's hand caressed my face then shoulder. I reached down and wrapped my fingers around Matt's resurgent cock, "Guess somebody's ready," I said with a smiled. Matt tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek, "Roll over for me baby," he softly instructed. I happily obeyed and rolled over to face away from Matt. Still lying on our sides, Matt scooted closer to me, my back coming into contact with his chest. Matt began to rub my thigh, and I gently opened it a bit. I could feel Matt moving around behind me, his hand still calmly stroking my skin. Then, I finally felt it, the tip of his cock pressing against the lips of my pussy. "Oh god baby," I moaned, as Matt's hand held me in place while he pushed into me. Finally, Matt was all the way in. I could feel his cock throbbing against the walls of my pussy, and the warmth of his body pressed behind me. Matt lowered his head and kissed my cheek, then the curve of my neck. He began to move his hips, sliding in and out of me. Matt was now kissing my shoulder as he reached over and began massaging my breasts. I pressed my head back against him, wanting to feel as much contact with him that I could. His pumping cock felt amazing going into me, his hips lightly slapping against my butt with each thrust. I shut my eyes, lost in the passion as Matt's kisses alternated between my shoulder and neck. Pulling one of Matt's hands from my breasts, I brought it to my face and kissed his fingers before sliding his digits between my lips and sucking on them slowly. Matt's mouth was latched onto my neck, sucking and licking me as he continued to penetrate me from behind. I could feel my impending orgasm and arched my head back to get a view of Matt but couldn't. "Baby, I want to see your face," I whimpered. Matt's tender obedience was immediate; he pulled out of me and gently rolled me onto my back. Taking a quick glance down to our groins, Matt positioned himself and slid back into me. We both moaned with joy. I wiped the hair from my face then pulled Matt down to me. We kissed passionately as Matt grew into his thrusting rhythm. Matt held my face lovingly as our tongues swirled around one another. Eventually I could take no more, I pushed Matt's face off me ever so softly and stared deeply into his eyes as my body was overcome with my climax. "Ohhh god Matthew!!!" I cried. My vagina spasmed around Matt's pistoning cock, juices gushing out of me. I held Matt's head firmly against me, pressing my forehead against his. He continued to pump with measured pace and now began to grunt. My body still shuddered with my own orgasm as Matt pressed hard into me and cried my name. I could feel his warm spunk splash against the walls of my pussy, and I ground myself against him. "I love you so much Matty," I whimpered. "I love you too Kimberly. . .Cole." We both shared a giggle then Matt eased himself off me and lay at my side. I was about to get up when Matt stopped me, "Where are you off to now?" he questioned. "I'm gonna get cleaned up," I replied. Matt held my harm and pulled me back down onto the bed, "Lay here baby, I'll take care of you," he softly whispered before whisking off to the bathroom. When Matt returned, he was clutching a hand towel. He sat at my side and lovingly began to wipe the inside of my thighs with the warm, damp, cloth. Matt wiped my skin softly, moving the towel daintily against my vagina. His fingers parted my folds as he made sure to clean me thoroughly. "All done, nice and clean now," Matt chirped before he leaned down and planted a kiss on my pelvis, just above my pussy. I smiled adoringly at Matt as he went back to the bathroom to dispose of the towel. Scooting over, I held up the covers and Matt crawled in. "Did you enjoy your night?" he asked as he nuzzled his face against my neck and wrapped his arms around me. "Yes I did baby, I've had the most amazing night," I replied, my face pressing against Matt's head, his hair ticking my nose. "What about you sweetie?" I asked. "Are you kidding? I've been on top of the world since you said 'I do'. You've made me the luckiest man in the world now that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." "Aww Matty, you say the sweetest things baby," I cooed as I tilted Matt's head to mine and kissed him. "I mean every word honey," Matt affirmed. "I know you do baby, and I feel the exact same way." We kissed again, then I turned over so Matt could spoon me. It had been an amazing day but also a long and exhausting one. Matt and I feel asleep in mere minutes, curled up in his arms. XXXX "Honey. . .honey, it's almost ten," I whispered into Matt's ear. I watched as his eyes slowly opened, "Morning sweetie," I greeted, planting kiss on Matt's lips, "Wanna head down for some breakfast?" "Sure thing Kimmy," he groggily replied. I was about to get off the bed when Matt pulled me onto him. I giggled as he kissed me and I wriggled my body against Matt's apparent morning wood. "How about we make that brunch instead?" Matt suggested. "Baby!" I squealed as Matt groped my ass. "I'm just trying to make up for the month we missed," Matt whispered into my ear before nibbling on my lobe. That was all that it took to convince me, as I lowered my mouth back onto his. XXXX By the time we made it downstairs it was for lunch. Matt and I were halfway through our meal. I looked over to his plate which looked particularly scrumptious. "Do you mind if I try a piece of your chicken?" I asked. "You may," Matt replied, "And it'll only cost you one smooch." "One smooch huh? I think you're selling yourself short babe," I replied. Blushing, I leaned over to Matt, then gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Hey you two! Save that for the honeymoon!" I whipped my head around and saw Summer and Adam walking over to us with their luggage. Reaching over, I pierced a chunk of Matt's pineapple chicken with my fork and devoured it. Adam and Summer took a seat at our table, "So you guys all ready to go?" Matt asked. "Yup, flight leaves in a couple hours, got to get back to work in the morning," Adam explained. "Well thank you guys so much for coming, it meant the world to Matt and me," I gushed. "Aww babe, it was our pleasure," Summer replied. Just then, Adam got a call on his cellphone. After a brief conversation, he looked over to Summer, "Cab's outside hun, we better get a move on." Adam got up and shook Matt's hand. Summer leaned over and hugged me, then whispered into my ear, "Call me later, I want to know how last night went." We broke our embrace and smiled at each other. After another exchange of hugs, Summer and Adam headed out to catch their cab. Matt and I relaxed at the hotel for the rest of the day, saying goodbye to friends and family who were heading back home. XXXX The next morning, we had just enough time to pass by our apartment, drop one set of luggage off, pick up another set of already packed bags, and head to the airport. I held Matt's hand as the plane took off. We both stared down at our clasped fingers. Presumably, he was looking at the same thing I was, the new addition to our fingers; our wedding bands. Matt and I couldn't help from smiling like children at each other. When we landed in Hawaii, we were warmly greeted but hotel staff at the airport who placed lays around our necks. We were helped with our luggage and escorted to the hotel shuttles. The drive to the hotel was a lengthy one but Matt and I didn't mind, we marveled at the majestic island scenery. We checked into the honeymoon suite of the very ritzy hotel and were escorted up to the room. Matt tipped the bellboy and we shut the door. I had to use the bathroom, so I left Matt to explore the suite. I re-entered the living quarters to the sound of a loud thud. I looked to the left and saw Matt standing at the entrance to the balcony holding his head. Matt had apparently walked into the glass sliding door. I immediately began laughing, "Babe! What happened?" I queried, "What made you think the door would be open?" "I thought it was an open, balcony, it looked so clear," he explained as he rubbed his forehead. I continued my inconsiderate laughter till Matt looked up at me with an adorable frown, "Awwww, come here, let me make it all better," I stated. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Matt joined me and I sat him beside me. I reached up and removed his hand from against his forehead and replaced it with my own. "Awww, my poor baby," I comforted, while rubbing his forehead. Matt stared at me with puppy dog eyes, really milking the situation. I leaned over and kissed his forehead, "Does that feel better?" "A little," he faux whimpered. "A little huh? Well, let's see if we can make it feel alot better," I whispered. I gently nudged Matt and laid him down on the bed. I kissed his forehead again, then his temple, then his cheek, then his lips. "Mmmm, starting to get better," Matt murmured, his lips pressed against mine. I giggled and began to roam my hands across Matt's body, up the sides of his stomach, across his chest, then the side of his face. As we continued to kiss, Matt's hands did some roaming of their own as he tenderly rubbed my back. Matt slid his tongue into my mouth and I sucked delightedly on it, then bit down seductively on his lower lip. A soft groan escaped him as I held his lip between my teeth and gently squeezed. I smiled as I released Matt then went back to exploring his mouth with my tongue. Matt hand was cradling my face as we lay side by side kissing. I had begun to rub his thighs, then, mischievously slid a hand through the sizeable hole in his ripped jeans which was just above his knee. Smiling against, Matt's lips, I worked my hand up his thigh till I was able to press my palm over his hardness. Matt's cock, which was trapped in his boxer briefs, throbbed against my hand, even more so when I squeezed and caressed it. "Mhmm, I knew I loved these ripped jeans for a reason," he moaned. I giggled and squeezed his erection hard, eliciting a passionate groan. After a few more minutes of kissing and fondling, I pulled my hand from the hole in Matt's jeans and began to unbuckle his belt. I quickly pulled Matt's jeans and boxers from his body then crawled onto him. Matt slid his hands up my bare thighs, under my denim skirt and began tugging on my underwear. "Mhmmm, I guess you're all better," I teased before leaning close to kiss Matt's lips. Matt had lowered my green cotton thong to my knees, and I wiggled my body, positing myself for him. "I want you so bad Kimmy," Matt whispered against my mouth. "You can have me baby, I'm yours forever," I cooed as I pressed my vagina against Matt's upright cock. We smiled at each other as Matt held my hips steady I lowered myself onto him. I watched as Matt closed his eyes and smiled, "Ohhh god, baby, I love you so much," he sighed as I continued to sink down onto him. With Matt's cock entirely buried inside me, I kissed him tenderly before he slowly began writhing his hips, pressing in and out of me. "Mhmmm, yeah baby," I moaned as Matt and I began to kiss again. Matt grasped my hips tightly, as he worked his way in and out of my pussy; his cock was so hard and felt amazing, grinding against my clit with each stroke. As we continued to make love, one of Matt's hands slowly inched its way up the sides up my body, till he was able to massage my breasts through my cotton jersey. I broke the kiss between Matt and myself and sat up on his body, staring down at him as he kept gently thrusting into me. "Ahh ahhhh ahhh fuck Matty," I groaned, holding his hand against my breasts, "You want these little boobs huh," I whimpered. As Matt's hand retreated, I lifted my jersey off me and tossed it to the floor. I reached behind and unhooked the clasp on of my white bra then lifted off my chest and flung it to the floor as well. "Mhmmm, what an amazing view," Matt whispered as he raised his hands back to my breasts, cupping my mounds and squeezing my bare flesh. I hunched over and pressed myself against Matt's body. I could feel his lips kissing my breasts, his tongue swirling around my skin every few seconds. Matt finally took my nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. I groaned aloud and gyrated my hips against his pressing. Matt wrapped his hands around my lower back and hugged me close to him, his face buried in my breasts. He began to thrust faster into me. "Ohhh god baby that feels so good," I cooed as Matt bit down on my nipple. I was so close to cumming, but I wanted to see Matt's face. I held Matt's head back, tilting it away from breasts and up to my face. I smiled down at him as he stared up at me with focus in his eyes. "Are you close?" I whispered. "So close, baby," he grunted. "Cum with me darling," I whimpered. "Tell me when," Matt replied as I kissed his lips. Matt began to fuck harder and faster. His arms were still wrapped around my back, hugging me as we kissed. About a minute later, I pulled my mouth from Matt's "Now baby!! Now!!!" I cried as my body convulsed in blissful satisfaction. Matt groaned and thrusted hard and deep, then cried out with me. I felt Matt's hands tighten around my back as his body twitched and his cock spewed his cum inside me. "Yes baby, mhmmm ohh fuck yess," I moaned as our orgasms collided. Matt had stopped thrusting and was holding his spasming cock inside my pussy. I giggled when he groaned almost in agony as I clenched my pussy down around his cock, "Sorry baby, I couldn't help it," I explained, knowing how sensitive his cock was now. I gave Matt a minute before easing off him then lying on his body. He looked up at me, "I've got to walk into doors more often," he panted. I smiled down at him lovingly, "What are you smiling about?" he asked. "Nothing, I was just thinking. . .my husband the klutz," I teased. Matt joined my chuckle and lightly spanked my butt. "Wanna know something?" "What baby?" I asked. "When I paid the bellboy out in the hall, he asked me a question, he asked if my wife and I would be needing anything else. I smiled at him so proudly, I almost hugged the guy. My wife and I. . . it sounded amazing." "Awww baby, that does sound nice," I replied. We laid there for a few minutes till I finally rolled off of Matt's body, "Come on, let's go get washed up and check out the beach," I excitedly chirped. XXXX "Would you like another one hun?" Matt asked. I slurped the last remnants of my bahama mama and set the glass down, "No thanks, I don't want to ruin my appetite for dinner." Matt walked over to the poolside bar for another beer then returned to his lounge chair. We were four days into our honeymoon, and were lounging out by the pool after a refreshing swim. If we weren't in the bedroom making love, Matt and I were on the beach or at the pool resting up. We did however; make a decision to at least try to do some touristy stuff. Tomorrow we had a whole day planned; surfing lessons in the morning, then some snorkeling, we booked a bicycle tour, then, we were planning to finish off the day with a couple hours at the spa and a nighttime stroll on the beach. As Matt finished up with his beer, I got up off my lounge chair and stood over him, "Ready to head up, dinner reservation's in a little while." Matt glanced at his watch then looked back up to me, "It's still early," he replied. "I know, but I thought we could take a shower together and that could umm. . .take some time," I explained, smiling down at him. "Ohh, I see, well by all means, we should head upstairs," Matt calmly stated with a wicked smile. As we bumbled into our hotel suite, I felt Matt's hands on my back untying my bikini top. We made our way over to the bathroom, leaving a trail of our clothing behind. Matt turned on the shower and we embraced beneath the warm water. I could already feel Matt, throbbing against my stomach. I lowered my hand between our bodies and stroked Matt's cock. He inched forward, forcing me against the tile wall. Matt slid his hands down my body, then around both my wrists. I stuck my tongue into his mouth and felt Matt suck passionately on it. I pressed Matt's cock against my pussy, then he raised my hands into the air, pressing them against the wall. With my wrists pinned to the wall by Matt's hands, there was nothing to do but kiss him. I loved his tight grasp on my hands, his body pressed against mine as he slid his cock into my cunt. "Mhmm, fuck baby," I cooed. Matt began to thrust, slow at first but soon, nice and fast, hard and deep into my pussy. I pulled my tongue from Matt's mouth and settled my face against his neck. Biting down lightly on Matt's shoulder, I whimpered with his every thrust. After a few minutes, Matt set my hands free and I lowered them around his body. Gripping his buttcheeks, I pressed his body forward every time he pushed into me, feeling his cock plunge deeper than before. "Fuck Matty, I'm gonna cum," I announced. Matt's handS were grasping my hips as he continued plunging into me. "Ohhh god baby!!!" I cried, unable to control myself as my body shuddered and a blissful warm sensation surged through my body. I pulled my face from Matt's neck and stared into his eyes. My body continued to twitch as my pussy clenched down periodically on his thrusting penis. I felt so at ease as my orgasm subsided. I wiped the water that splashed down on Matt's face then kissed him. Laughing cutely, I hopped up and wrapped my legs around Matt's waist. With my arms around Matt's neck for support, I urged him on, "Fuck me baby, fuck me hard." Matt wrapped his hands around my back and began thrusting fast and hard. He pressed his forehead against my chest and I felt him breathing heavily on my breasts. I kissed the top of Matt's head, on his wet hair, and rubbed the back of his neck with my fingers. "That's it baby, ohhh god you feel soo good!" I moaned. I felt Matt's cock go extremely hard, then a loud groan. "Ahhh FUCK Kimmy!!" I held Matt's head tightly to my chest as his came in me. He leaned me against the wall for support and I felt him delicately kissing the curve of my breasts, his cock still twitching in my pussy. After a few minutes, Matt turned his head up to me and we kissed. I hopped down from around his body and his cock slid from my vagina. We proceeded to soap and rinse each other's skin, slowly and tenderly, it was very romantic. Eventually we were done showering but remained under the warm water just kissing and caressing each other's bodies. "Are you ready to go get some dinner?" Matt finally asked. "I'm starving baby," I replied. Matt shut of the water and I retrieved some towels. After getting dressed we walked down to the lobby and outside to catch a cab. The drive to the CanoeHouse, the restaurant where Matt had made reservations, was brief. The place was absolutely gorgeous, a romantic beachfront restaurant. Matt and I opted to sit outside on the restaurant's open air deck. We ordered appetizers and stared out at the waves slowly lapping at the shore. When the main course arrived, Matt and I had the pleasure of an amazing Hawaiian sunset as a backdrop to dine to. I kept staring up at Matt, he looked so happy, and that filled me with joy. Matt played with my hand as we ate our sorbet desserts. He smiled up at me, "You look so beautiful Kimmy." "Aww, thank you baby," I replied. "I can't wait to get you back to our room." I blushed a little and squeezed Matt's hand in mines, "I can't wait to get you on your back," I teased. We both laughed guiltily and finished up with our dessert. Back at the hotel, we again made love before falling asleep in each other's arms. XXXX The next day was everything Matt and I had hoped for, extremely exhausting but totally exhilarating and fun. I laughed until my stomach ached during our surfing lessons; Matt must have fallen off his board twice as much as I did. After snorkeling, we took our bike tour and got to see much of the island and some amazing sites. An hour at the spa was exactly what we needed at the end of the day to unwind, it was thoroughly relaxing. Then, after a quick bite to eat, Matt and I shared a long romantic walk on the shore, under the stars. Back in the hotel suite, Matt and I settled in for the final night of our honeymoon. We were laying on the bed, locked in what was approaching a twenty minute passionate make out session. I began to unbutton Matt's shirt, and he slid his khaki shorts down his legs. Lying in just his boxer briefs, Matt reached over and lifted my red blouse off my body. I smiled at him as I unbuttoned my jean shorts. Matt laid me down on the bed and helped my wiggle out of my shorts, then tugged on my yellow panties. Completely naked, I pulled Matt onto me and kissed him. I could feel his bulge pressing against my stomach and hooked my fingers into the waistband of his underwear and began pushing them down his thighs. Matt kicked his boxer briefs down around his ankles and I pulled him back in for a kiss. I rolled Matt over and we lay on our sides still kissing. He slinked his hand up my body and caressed my breasts, eliciting an appreciative moan from me. I squeezed Matt's cock in my palm and felt his hand sliding down my stomach. "Babe. . .do you mind, umm. . .if we just did anal tonight?" I stammered, almost shyly. "Sure honey, any particular reason?" Matt asked. "Do you want the truth?" "Of course baby," Matt replied. "Well, the truth is, I feel kinda sore," I explained. "Awww Kimmy, why didn't you tell me, I'm so sorry honey," Matt replied, his voice laden with concern. "It's not your fault baby," I quickly responded, "Well, not all your fault, I'm equally to blame," I smiled. "You know we don't have to do anything if you're not in the mood, we could just cuddle," Matt offered. "No baby, I want to, I really want to," I assured him. Matt kissed me and tenderly cupped my vagina in his hand. He kissed his way down my body till his nose was nuzzled against my folds, "I am so sorry, you're the most heavenly of creatures," he whispered. "Babe, what are you doing?" I giggled. Matt directed his eyes to mine, "I'm apologizing to your pussy," he replied. "Wow, I wished I knew you were crazy before we got married," I teased. Matt went back to whispering to my pussy, "Don't mind her, we know our love is real," he whispered comically as I continued to laugh. Matt ended with a light kiss against my lips. "Turn over for me baby," Matt requested. I happily flipped over and laid on my stomach. Matt's hands immediately began massaging my butt cheeks. Resting my head comfortably on my pillow, I closed my eyes and enjoyed Matt's tender touch. I felt Matt lean in and his lips on my soft flesh. He kissed each of my cheeks then began to spread them. The next thing I felt was the amazing feel of Matt's tongue right against my asshole. His tongue swirled circles around my tight ring, then began to press against my hole. Matt lapped away at my asshole for a few minutes then ended with a kiss, right against my hole. I opened my eyes and watched him walk over to my bag and retrieve the mini bottle of lube. I arched my neck back to watch Matt lube up his erection, then felt his slippery fingers between the crack of my ass, rubbing my opening. When he was done, Matt closed the bottle and walked over to the table to set it down. I got up on my knees. My face was pressed against the pillow and my ass was sticking up in the air as I eagerly waited on Matt. I watched Matt walk back across the room and crawl onto the bed. He moved behind me out of sight and I felt his hands on my ass. Matt spread my cheeks ever so slightly and I felt him pressing his cock between them. I reached back to help Matt, grasping my ass cheeks and holding them apart for him. He pressed his cock against my tiny ring and began to press. I shut my eyes tight and focused on relaxing my body as I felt Matt's cock squeeze into my anal rosebud. Matt continued to ease into my asshole, making steady progress. His cock filling me felt amazing. Finally, he reached a point where my asshole sucked in his entire cock and we both groaned. Matt remained still, his cock buried entirely inside me. He rubbed my back soothingly as I took a minute to get adjusted to having him in me. After a minute or so, got comfortable on the pillow and gave Matt the all clear, "Okay baby, I'm ready. That was all Matt needed as he began easing out and then back in. "Fuck that feels amazing!" I groaned. "You feel so nice baby," Matt replied. I could feel my anus stretch as Matt rock hard cock slid in and it felt unbelievable. Matt was rubbing my ass cheeks with his palms as he began moving harder into me. Soon he was slamming his cock deep inside my asshole, his thighs slapping my ass. "Ahh ahhhh ahhhh, fuck baby, mhmmmm," I moaned in pleasure. I tried rubbing my pussy a little but the soreness was just too irritating. I pulled my hand from between my legs and arched my neck back to Matt, "I'd like to lie on my stomach," I informed him. Matt paused his thrusting, "Of course baby, everything okay?" he asked. "Yeah, it feels wonderful; I just think it'll feel better for me if I lay flat. With Matt's throbbing cock inside me, I stretched my legs back and lay down on my stomach. Matt moved with me, lowering himself so he remained inside me. "Okay, you can start again," I giggled. I felt Matt's hands on the back of my shoulders as he began to slide his cock in and out of my ass once more. "Ohhh god, this feels sooo good," I cooed. Matt planted his hands on the bed, on either side of my shoulders and plowed into me. As he gradually built back up to his previous plunging speed, he lowered his head and kissed my back. He was able to nibble on my shoulders and I turned my head and we kissed. I squeezed my legs tightly together, squirming my body as I felt an immense orgasm approaching. Matt paused our kissing and breathed heavily against my face, "You're so tight baby, I can't last much longer," he grunted. I smiled and kissed him then just pressed my face against his. We weren't kissing, just breathing hot breath into each other's mouths. I cried out in high pitch as my climax hit me, my asshole and pussy spasmed in unison. At the same time, Matt grunted and I felt his cum shooting into me. We continued pressing our faces together, planting brief pecks on each other's lips every few seconds. Matt's cock throbbed so hard in my asshole, I tried to imagine what it felt like for him to have my anus contract around his length. We both resumed kissing and remained in that position for a couple minutes till Matt rolled off my back and lay down at my side. "Ohh my god baby, that's the first time I've orgasmed from just anal," I panted. "Really?!?" a surprised Matt asked, "You weren't touching yourself?" he added. "No, I tried, but was too sore, so that was all just from anal," I explained. "Wow, you think it was the position? With you on your stomach?" "Yeah, I think that was it, in that position, I dunno, you just seem to hit all the right places," I giggled. We laid with each other a bit then took a shower. When we returned to bed, I got comfortable, cozying up into Matt's arms. "I've had the best five days ever," I stated. "Me too baby, it really has been amazing, but to tell you the truth, I can't wait to get back home and start living our lives together," Matt replied. "I know what you mean, it'll be nice to get to the day to day of being a married couple, you've made me so happy Matty, I can't wait to see what's next." "I feel the same baby," Matt responded, squeezing me tight. We fell asleep with the knowledge that tomorrow we'd be heading back home, to start our lives as husband and wife. XXXX *End of ch.09 Okay folks just one more chapter to go and that'll be in end of this series. Comments, suggestions, critiques, are always welcomed and greatly appreciated.*
Title: Gone and Come Home Ch.5 by Bloudin-Ruo Tags: Cuddling, Gay, Gay Relationships, Kissing, Maned Wolf, No-Yiff, Tiger The next day I arose early, even before dawn. I tried getting up, but then was reminded of my injuries by a stiffness in my three places from the braces attached to me. I laid back down, taking this time to take in the drawings plastering the walls of the room. Of course the first one I saw was the one of me, being right next to the bed where we both left it the night before, but also attracted to certain places around the wall more than others. One picture really caught me eye, it was a full color ink drawing, painted in pastels of a tree, a single tree upon a grassy hill in a sunset. The tree cast such a long shadow, it trailed off into the horizon. It was so detailed and emotional... The single tree, along with nothing else to comfort it. Then, every day was the warmth and love of the bright sunset to warm it and comfort it until the grips and coldness of night embraced it in it's dark, but loving sanctuary. But wait, what is this... There is a small protrusion from the tree, right at ground level, almost completely engulfed in shadow, barley noticeable. I slowly got out of bed, being careful not to put any pressure on my knee, and then noticed a pair of crutches laying by the foot of the bed. Obviously Jim cared for me every moment of the day... Brining me these things in the middle of the night, even without waking me up. I scooted over and picked them, up, using them to move over to the pictures hung up on the wall. I looked as close as I could and made out some precise details only the most skilled artist could have achieved... There was a small foot with little thorn things coming off of it, hardly noticeable again. There was also a sudden edge coming out of the tree, and what looked like the tip of a nose... Oh, one more thing. A small tube sort of thing carefully wrapped around the tree, and the tip was barely in the sunlight, it was colored... Black with a little orange--- It was Jim! With a drawing pad! He was there in this place, at this time... drawing it, and capturing every moment and every emotion of the scene, even without looking upon it other than his view. Amazing... so, beautiful... Interrupting my thoughts the door opened slowly and I turned to see Jim's cute fuzzy face poke it, and was surprised to find me out of bed. I looked out the window, and while I was up it had tuned a slight gray blue outside, and the clock read 6:30am. Jim slipped inside the room and silently closed the door, and walked up to me, wrapping his arm around my neck and his teal around my ankles. "You like it? This is my special picture... My special place. It's where I go when I feel so lonely and sad, like nothing in the world is worth living. When nothing seems to love or be loved, or cared for. The tree is lonely like me, and makes me feel like I have someone or something that shares my feelings. Then, the sunset comes and warms out spirits, making us happy and loving again. When I go there I am lonely, sad and crushed. When I leave, I know that I have shared my feelings, and shown something in the world that there is still care left in the creatures of the land. That there are those that share your feelings, no matter what you feel..." "Have you every been there for the beginning of the day? Sunrise?" "No, I don't think I ever have..." Jim said, sounding a little down-struck at this. "Well, why don't we go together? Show that one place that houses all of the bad feelings of the world and gives away all of it own happy, warm ones. Why don't we give it something that can be happy instead of sad? How far away is it?" "Oh, only about 15 minutes by walking. If we go now, I bet we can make it before the sunrise." "Let's go then, but you'll have to carry me, hun." I said, smiling at him, and lightly licking his nose, making him jump back, but smile and laugh at the same time." "Ha, come ere' you..." He said, picking em up in his arms and quietly opening the door with only one arm. We quietly slipped down the stairs, and out the front door, and started walking down the sidewalk going away from the main street. "Alright now you little sneak wolf, this is my special, uber-secret spot, and now it's ours. Nobody else can know about this, nobody, gotcha? This is ours, and only us two know about this special place. It'll be like out little relaxing spot..." "Mmm, okay you little fuzzy tiger..." I said, licking his face again, making him laugh. A few more minutes of walking, and we cam upon an open clearing, sloping down towards a shallow valley on both sides, with a big oak tree right smack dab in the middle of it. Jim walked through the tall grass, and it eventually thinned out and became short around the tree. It was almost sunrise, and the sky was already lighting up as he set me down, and took a seat right next to me, wrapping his arm around me again and putting his tail across both of our laps. A dew seconds passed and I leaned into his shoulder, resting my head on his frame as he rested his on the top of mine, sort of interlocking us together as I popped my tail in between us and started brushing his chest with it. Right before the sun came up, I whispered in his ear, "I love you, so much..." And I nuzzled closer to him, seeping in his warmth along his fur. "I love you too, honey..." He turned his head to me, and I looked up to him, and we kissed, right as the top of the sun came over the horizon, warming us and causing his fur to gleam and glow in the sunlight, creating a beautiful shine and glow over his entire body, the orange light of the sun cascading into him, and glowing against his orange fur as we kissed. We shared our love to each other as the sun warmed our bodies as we rubbed each other. We also shared out love to the scene, one that had only absorbed hate and depression and sadness in it's life, was now lit on fire by the passion of love and romance. The whole scene was different now, the tree became like a reassuring post to lean on, to support our weight as we drove through the consequences of life together, as one. We continued sharing our love with each other until the sun was high in the sky, marking that it was time to leave. We parted, and we both drove into each other as we looked into those pools of blue and green, swirling into love, caring, and partnership. Without a word needed to be said, Jim got up, and scooped me in his glowing orange, warm arms, and we locked together once more as we left the warmth of the place, although we both knew that it was now a happier secret to bare, our secret. One that we could share as lovers, not individuals or friends, but lovers. It was ours, and it was a secret. As we left, I looked over Jim's shoulder to see the tree shining in golden light as the sun rose higher in the sky, the area having a lighter, more romantic feel and air to it now that we had shared a good moment, given the land something to live for... As we walked back, not a word was said, as actions explained more than words. I laid my head in his chest as we walked back to his house, his warm fur comforting me and making a soft cushion for my to rest on against his muscular body. I rubbed against his chest and back with my hands, running my fingers through his fur. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and murred into my ear, and I whimpered back at him and we both smiled at each other. It was then that getting up so early had it's effect and my eyelids fluttered and the last thing I saw before I fell to sleep in his arms were his soft green eyes looking down at me and the gentle smile of his showing brightly on his face, and I fell to sleep as he cradled me closer into his chest. --- I woke up again in my-or his-bed, neatly tucked in and comfortable... I looked at the clock. It was 12:30pm. Man had I slept a long time... I slowly rolled off the warm sheets and painfully swung my legs over the bed, and looked for my crutches... Of course, they were right by the bed, but there was a paper on them... I took it off and studied it. It looked just like the picture of the special place... but something was off... Whoa... wait a minute... INstead of the original picture of Jim with the notepad, there was something else there... There were four legs coming our of the base of the tree. One going straight out in front, and the other to the side like it's owner was leaning on something... Then it dawned on me, this was us this morning! He drew us together at the tree, me leaning on his shoulder and sharing our love for one another! But he couldn't have had enough time before school to draw this and color it, could he? Curious, I gathered the picture, got my crutches, and slowly made my way out into the hall and down the stairs. I tried to be a quiet as I could but that is sort of hard when you have crutches, and I heard footfall coming towards the stairs from the other direction. I reached the bottom and looked around, and there was Jim! "Jim! What are you doing here? I though there was school??" I asked, bewildered... "I got the week off, I called in and told them that you were hurt and needed looking after. It took some convincing and some talk from my mother but we got it through. It's only this week though, then I need to go back. But, that should be long enough, don't you think?" He said, smiling, and I smiled back with my lopsided mouth. He helped me towards the living room and plopped me down on the long sofa, letting my lie down while he walked across the room and grabbed a small chair from the kitchen and brought it next to me. "Man, your mouth looks so funny without your other tooth..." He said coming back to the living room with the chair. "I wish they hadn't done it... Why me, anyways? I mean, couldn't they just pick on somebody else??" I said pleadingly. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I think it looks cute," He said smiling. " It's unique... Well, as for why they did it I have no idea, those kids are just douche-bags waiting to explode. But I'm going to make sure that nobody does anything to you ever again. When I get back I'm going to announce our relationship, and I'm going to make sure your story is spread around the entire school, Hell, the entire world if I need to! Anything to keep people from hurting you..." He said to me, nearly tearing up as he did so. "Are you sure that's the best idea? I mean, what if-" He silenced me in mid sentence, not letting me finish. "No "what if's" "buts" "or's" or anything of that sort, okay? We'll go with what comes out way, live life by the second. If they don't like it, too bad for them, but I'm not letting anybody hurt you ever again... I'm going to make sure of it..." He said, still looking deep into my eyes. "Thank you Jim...." I whispered into his ear, and I leaned up and hugged him close, intertwining our fur and running my hands through the fur on his back, both of us murring into each other ears as we pressed our muzzles into each others necks. "I love you... so much Jim..." I whispered into his ear. "Me too... me too Greg..." He whispered back. We embraced for minutes, just our bodies comforting each other as we rubbed on each other and nuzzled each other and murred over our touches. Well, until the door opened and we both fell to the floor under a mass of orange fur...
Title: Dr. Chloe Burrell, Sex Researcher Tags: strapon, man-fucking, asshole, feeldoe, butt plug, finger fucking, teasing, deep throat, dildo Chloe Burrell, Ph.D., was acutely aware of the irony of her situation. At 34, single (divorced after two years of marriage to the guy she'd lived with for three years before that), and attractive enough to be dating frequently, she was without a boyfriend, dateless for six weeks running, AND she was a "sex researcher" at a large Midwestern university. How unfair was that? Five-seven, sandy brown shoulder-length hair, pretty face with expressive brown eyes, good figure—and Chloe hadn't had sex in months. Making the situation even more ridiculous was the fact that the only make-time-for-myself activity she prioritized into her crammed-full professor/researcher life was her workouts. Taking to heart the findings about the benefits of exercise applying to the brain as well as the body, Chloe did not skip her regular workouts, and her trim figure in a bikini would turn any man's head if only she had time to go to the beach. Or to a party. Or on a weekend out of town to relax. Circumstances had conspired against her, she thought as she walked to her car after another day of doing several hours of research and working on a journal article she was co-authoring with a professor at a university in the next state. Getting ahead in the cutthroat world of academic ladder-climbing and peer-reviewed publishing meant long hours and a nose-to-the-grindstone approach to life. As a woman, she was suspect in the eyes of the reigning cadre of academe's gray-haired old boys' club who wondered when she would "take time off" to have a baby or three. Chloe faced the female equivalent of the "black tax" that her African-American colleagues faced: Work twice as hard to be considered just as good. Tossing her satchel onto the passenger's seat and climbing behind the wheel, she turned down the volume on the radio before starting her car. The drive to the townhome she shared with her cat among the accumulated detritus of an academic career and a dissolved marriage was one more in the string of daily duties that sucked away opportunities to meet interesting men. Time for dating? Yeah, right. Meeting eligible men in her field of research at conferences, professional organizations, and the like? Fat chance (with "fat" being the operative word, Chloe once thought, given the physical condition of many of the men who showed up at such gatherings). Dalliances with grad students? The double standard meant the male profs could probably ride out any repercussions, but that wouldn't be the case for the lone woman professor among the graduate neuroscience faculty at her university. Exiting the faculty parking lot, Chloe drove around the edge of campus toward the interstate loop. Trees were shedding their red- and yellow-hued foliage under a coffin-lid sky as a cold breeze blew swirls of fallen leaves across the road in front of her. A couple of guys were stubbornly clinging to the last hint of the season before unremitting cold set in and were jogging in shorts and hooded pullovers on the sidewalk next to the road. She looked at the gray cotton fabric stretched snugly across their butts as they ran beside her car. The view made the slow crawl bearable as the traffic moved at a pace matching that of the joggers. Both the guys had nice, firm glutes. The sight was hypnotic as Chloe daydreamed about how the curves of their strong asscheeks might feel against her cupped palms if she were standing behind them as they paused to catch their breath. It had been way too long since she had curled up to doze or to talk, happy and content, with a pair of masculine arms wrapped around her. It had also been far too long since she had gripped a man's naked butt, pulling him deeper inside her pussy as he pumped his hard cock inside her. She missed both things desperately. An impatient honk behind her snapped her back to reality, and she noted that the two college men had rounded the corner and disappeared. She accelerated to rejoin the normal flow of traffic. At least her job meant Chloe had learned about a couple of excellent female masturbation techniques and gadgets in the last few years. They had come in handy on multiple occasions (and for multiple orgasms) since she learned about them either because she had been charged with finding appropriate "exogenous female sexual arousal intensifiers" for the lab's major grant project two years ago, or because the research subjects whom she interviewed described their techniques, accouterments, and fantasies to her as part of the data gathering she had to do for some of the research studies. And, as usual, that line of thought (and maybe the two muscular male backsides she had watched running on the sidewalk now two blocks behind her) prompted contemplation of a category of fantasy to which Chloe had recently been introduced in the course of her research: Fucking a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo. Driving to her townhome through the cold sprinkle which had just started and which presaged the coming winter, Chloe thought yet again about Georgia, the subject who had come in for her screening interview on Monday a week ago as the first step in the two days' worth of time she would be paid by the lab for the research study. Georgia was a tall brunette who had been recruited to the study from an ad run in the university's student newspaper: "College-aged women wanted for sexuality research. Two days required. No major illnesses within the last six months. Sexually active. Pay for participants." Chloe was the researcher who interviewed the women about their sex habits. "Yeah, I masturbate pretty frequently," Georgia had told her that Monday as Chloe collected baseline data. "I seem to need it pretty regularly, you know?" Chloe hadn't looked up from her clipboard but murmured a noncommital, "Uh-huh." Georgia could have said, "Frig my clit," or "Play with my pussy," or any other description that meant "masturbate," and Chloe's reaction would not have changed. Part of her job meant listening to research subjects talk in the most natural way when they answered the researcher's questions. In fact, the subjects were encouraged to do this because it lessened the chances of any reticence in sharing information. This research subject didn't seem to have any trouble communicating in the vernacular about her activities and fantasies. "Don't get me wrong," Georgia continued, "I love a good, hard dick on a buffed guy, and I like the emotional connection even more—when you can actually find a guy who will connect with you between your ears and not just between the sheets. But you've got a better chance of finding a five-carat diamond in a bag of M&Ms than you have of finding a guy like that—at least at this university. So I make do between one-night stands and a casual boyfriend every now and then." Nothing Chloe hadn't heard many times before from the women who participated in these studies. "Are you as satisfied from your masturbation as from sexual intercourse?" Chloe asked, moving to the next question on the form. "Emotionally? Of course not. Physically? I haven't found a guy yet who could hold a candle to what I can do to myself." Chloe shifted in her chair. Georgia continued as she reached behind her head to readjust the elastic band at the base of her pony tail. "Part of it is that only you know how to do to yourself exactly what feels the best, but I'd be willing to train a guy to do it, if he was interested." Georgia laughed, then sighed. "But college guys willing to learn? With the female-to-male ratio here at 60/40?" She made a "pffft" sound that needed no elaboration. "The guys know the competition favors their wants, and that usually means just getting their rocks off, not spending time making the girl happy. They don't have to do it because there's always another girl who won't ask for it." Chloe knew the statistics and the consequences. There had been an article and several editorials about it in the student newspaper with headings like, "Why guys can afford to be jerks," and "Where are the decent men?" "So the guys here figure it's not worth the investment to learn how to do a girl really well orally," Georgia concluded, shrugging. "No, give me my favorite vibrator for my pussy, the little pocket rocket vibe I rub across my clit at the same time, and turn me loose to come like no guy ever makes happen." "So I can put down that you are 'moreso' physically satisfied from masturbation than from intercourse with a male?" "So far," Georgia answered simply. "When you return tomorrow, can you bring your favorite toys?" Chloe asked in a purely clinical manner. "This study attempts neurological calibration of female sexual response. You'll be lying down underneath a scanning machine when you masturbate and climax so we can get readings on your brain activity during orgasm." "Cool!" said Georgia enthusiastically. The following day Georgia showed up carrying a backpack which held her laptop, her chemistry text, and her vibrators. Chloe had Georgia lie down (toys in hand) on the altar-like platform extending from underneath the massive scanning machinery, then explained why the research was such a challenge. "Excess motion of your head is bad for the readings," she said as she drew a white blanket on top of Georgia, who was wearing one of the lab's garments designed for comfort in the cool environment required by the scanning machinery. The garment was drawn up so that she was nude from the waist down except for heavy white cotton socks. "I know it's tough to think about not moving your head when you're about to come, but that's what we're stuck with because of this machine." "I'll see what I can do," Georgia said with a smile as she thumbed on the pocket rocket vibe to make sure the battery she'd put in before crawling up onto the platform padding was ready to go. "I've given myself some orgasms in places and at times when I had to be quiet and not draw the attention of the people around me, so maybe I'll be a good test subject for you, Dr. Burrell." Chloe didn't let Georgia see the little smile that played itself across her lips as she adjusted settings on the instrument panel. Co-eds in the twenty-first century were WAY more comfortable talking about, and engaging in, all manner of sexual activity than were college women during Chloe's undergraduate years way back in the stodgy old 90s (at least today's college women seemed to be like that compared to the very small number of studious females with whom Chloe studied in her pre-med courses). "I hate to ask this, Georgia," Chloe said, reappearing into the co-ed's line of sight after stepping away from the instrument panel, "but can you show me what you're going to do with your hands and arms when you masturbate? If there's excess shoulder motion, we'll have to figure a way around that." "No problem," Georgia answered. Chloe was past being surprised at the ease with which today's college women handled sex. She rolled the blanked up over Georgia's tummy and watched as the girl eased the vibrator, glistening with a coating of lube, inside her vagina. "I move this around to get the rounded vibrating part up against my G-spot," Georgia said, squirming her legs open a bit and seating the vibrator to her satisfaction. "But once it's in place, it doesn't take a lot of motion—I just hold it up against the right spot on the front wall of my pussy, and I let the hum of the vibrations do the work." "Okay," Chloe answered, truly happy from a researcher-clinician-check-this-off-the-experimental-protocols viewpoint. Georgia's technique would minimize motion underneath the scanner. "Then, I don't have to do a lot with this little vibe, either," Georgia said, holding the lipstick tube-sized toy almost like a pencil and directing the tip against her clit, which Chloe noticed had already distended. The girl's clitoris also glistened with a coating of lube, something readily apparent given Georgia's denuded pudendum. ("For the guys who will go down on you," Georgia had told Chloe, "I've found that a smooth, hair-free pussy does seem to encourage them to spend a bit more 'quality time' there." The co-ed had, in answering the questions Chloe asked as part of the screening determinations, shared in explicit detail her blow-job techniques and why she liked giving head as part of her own arousal. But Georgia was quick to say that she fully expected to receive as well as to give oral sex. "I better not have to ask for it," was Georgia's no-nonsense addendum to her explanation about why cunnilingus was such a big part of a satisfying sexual encounter. "If I give a blow job and then they don't take a dive, well, things don't go nearly as well from that point on.") Georgia positioned the two vibrators to her satisfaction, and Chloe rolled the blanket back down in place. "Hold that thought, Georgia," she laughed as she exited the scanner area in order to control things from a protected space nearby. Quickly checking that all arrangements were still go, she started the process that would result in the functional magnetic resonance images of Georgia's brain during arousal, climax, and post-orgasmic return to Planet Earth. "Okay, Georgia," Chloe said into the microphone, "do your thing." "It's about time," answered the college student. "I wasn't going to last much longer like this if I couldn't turn on my toys and start to enjoy myself." An eye on the array of read-outs, Chloe monitored things, noting neurophysiological indicators and how they changed as Georgia began her climb up the excitatory curve of female sexual arousal. In a surprisingly short time, the co-ed was already on the pre-orgasmic precipice. This was always a fascinating part for Chloe—watching the signs that linked with arousal and climax. Each subject was different. For some, it took forever to plunge over the edge, and some never made it. ("Just like 'shy bladder' among men at a row of urinals," Chloe once told a grad class, explaining that the clinical aspects of an experiment prevented some women from reaching orgasm in the laboratory.) Georgia, though, was blasting through each stage faster than any woman who had ever been in the lab. She may be in the category of subjects defined in sexual research literature as aroused by the thought of having sex (with oneself or a partner) in public and/or under the watchful eyes of clinicians, Chloe thought. "Remember to keep your head still," Chloe cautioned into the mic. Then, there it was. The incontrovertible evidence of the female orgasm as displayed in real-time fashion for a few brief seconds (or, in Georgia's case, an amazingly long series of seconds). The near shut-down of cognitive activity in specific regions of the brain was neurological proof of a climax. Georgia had experienced probably the most intense orgasm Chloe had ever witnessed. The data would be incredibly valuable simply because there was so much of it, so much evidence of brain function cessation in multiple areas for so long. She must be completely blissed out, Chloe thought. That kind of orgasm would be powerfully addicting. When the signs appeared that the refractory period had finally tailed off, Chloe stepped into the scanner room and approached the platform cautiously. "Georgia?" The girl stirred slightly. "That was a good one, huh?" "Mmmm," was the only response as Chloe manipulated the instrument panel so that the platform slid silently out from under the casing which housed that part of the university's fMRI machine. Georgia opened her eyes dreamily and looked at Chloe. "It was good, but it wasn't one of my best." Chloe found this hard to believe, but she didn't say anything as she helped Georgia off the platform. Carefully holding open the plastic bag into which the co-ed dropped her toys so she could take them back home with her, Chloe said, "The readings I got told me clearly that you just had one heck of an orgasm, Georgia. And you're saying that you've had some that have been even MORE intense?" Georgia answered from behind the screen which had been set up for subjects to dress and undress. A touch of female pride in her voice, the co-ed said, "Oh, yeah. This place doesn't really allow me to get comfortable, to dive into a favorite fantasy or watch a hot video, you know?" Georgia emerged from behind the screen and sat down on a straight-backed chair up against the wall to lace up her tennis shoes. "But when I'm really ready to focus, well, it's somethin' else." Intrigued, Chloe sat on the edge of the platform where Georgia had a few minutes earlier been lying, and laid her clip board and notes next to her. An even more intense orgasm would produce even more data, maybe something worthy of a journal article. "So what's different when you do that?" Georgia fidgeted on the chair for a second before answering. "Well, it's not really that different in terms of what I do." Could that possibly be a blush of embarrassment creeping up onto Georgia's face? This girl who had no hesitancies about describing in exhaustive detail her fellatio technique, why she liked cunnilingus, how she had surreptitiously masturbated in public places? Chloe was now even more intrigued. "Then there's something else that's different? I mean, are you saying that you can have these even more spectacular orgasms by doing the same things you did just then, but that you'd be thinking of something different?" Yes, those pretty cheeks were reddening on Georgia's face. "Yeah. A different fantasy or watching a video of that fantasy." Georgia made no move to get up and leave. Chloe knew the girl was aware that the day's experiment was over, that the only thing left was to collect her pay on the way out of the psychology complex's research building. Taking in a breath and stiff-arming the platform in order to slide back a little—and thereby sending the message that she was ready to listen if Georgia was ready to talk—Chloe didn't say anything. But she did look at Georgia, raise her eyebrows and cock her head slightly. "Well?" didn't have to come out of her mouth for the girl to know which of the two of them would make the next comment on the topic of better orgasms based on a private fantasy. Leaning against the chair back and crossing her feet at the ankles as she stretched her long legs out to full length, Georgia placed her hands in her lap and spoke without making eye contact. "I don't know why this is, Dr. Burrell, but what gets me hotter than anything is thinking about a certain way a woman has sex with a man, or seeing it happen on a video." Silence hung in the air. Chloe realized this co-ed who had during all the previous exchanges in the experimental interviews and protocols been such a nothing-shocks-me libertine was now embarrassed about admitting to something that turned her on. "It's okay, Georgia. I'm a researcher, and I have to tell you that I am interested in how you achieve such orgasms. This research is all about discovering things that we can use to eventually help patients or even just normal people looking for ways to work out problems in their sex lives." "Okay," the girl answered, drawing in a big breath. Poised for a second with lungs full of air, and heightening Chloe's curiosity even more during that brief pause, Georgia finally blurted out the private fantasy that launched such powerful orgasms. "What makes me come more intensely than anything is when I masturbate and think about fucking some hot guy in his asshole with a strapon dildo while he's bent over nude in front of me with his hard cock hanging down between his legs and he's moaning in pleasure as I really ride him good to bring myself off." In spite of all her training about experimental subject interactions, about not registering surprise or revulsion or even positive attitudes in reaction to what subjects said or did, Dr. Chloe Burrell's jaw dropped open. And her pussy immediately moistened. Georgia continued as Chloe snapped back into researcher mode—at least in terms of outward appearances. "Jeez, it is just so hot. I never thought about such a thing until I saw it happen on a video on one of the porntube video sites. It was totally accidental that I stumbled onto it one night when I was bored and surfing for something interesting to look at. But, man, did it ever blow my mind. I mean, it was like hypnotizing to see it, and I got really, really wet even before the short video was over." Chloe remained quiet. Processing. "God knows why this has such an effect on me, but if I had been thinking about it while I was masturbating just then, I probably would have blacked out when the orgasm hit—that's happened a couple of times. Maybe it's the power trip thing. You know, me being the one to fuck the guy—I mean REALLY fuck the guy. Or maybe it's just because it's so . . . I don't know, so, so . . . erotic. That's the word. Not nasty. Not kinky. Not perverted. For me it's just so damned HOT that I can't imagine anything that could turn me on more." Georgia's eyes had defocused while she tried to explain her fascination. Chloe the researcher noted how even talking about this act seemed to send the girl's consciousness to a different place. "Being inside a guy, maybe that's what so hot about it," Georgia continued. "I absolutely love to suck off a guy and slide my finger up his ass at the same time because when he comes, I can feel his spasms inside him, gripping and releasing my finger with the contractions of his tight hole matching the contractions that are pumping his cum into my mouth. That is incredibly hot, so the idea of fucking him in his asshole with a strapon as a way to trigger those contractions—and getting myself off at the same time—damn, it just drives me crazy to think about doing that." Chloe thought her line of work had inured her to being aroused by subjects' reactions or revelations. She had seen girlfriends or wives leaning over the platform fellating their men to the point of orgasm in order to get readings of the male orgasmic response. She'd shown subjects videos of gay porn from the lab's "library" depicting acts that should be anatomically impossible as a way to test for differences in brain readouts between gay and straight men. She had interviewed numerous females about their anal sex practices. She had done two separate studies which searched for differences between orgasms brought on by clitoral masturbation or by anal penetration—and in those studies, women who said they orgasmed from being screwed in the ass would bring their dildos or butt plugs into the lab and then pump into their bottomholes while hooked up to a 24-channel EEG machine. So what was anyone ever going to say to Dr. Burrell in the course of research that would arouse her when she thought she had heard and seen it all? What Georgia just said did it. Chloe needed a few seconds to compose herself. She picked up the clip board and feigned at making a mark on the papers. Finally, having tamped down the arousal that came out of the blue when Georgia described her mind-blowing fantasy, Chloe asked, "And this particular fantasy usually creates the most powerful orgasms for you?" "Not usually," Georgia answered, finally looking at Chloe after her fidgeting and descriptions. "Always. The fantasy ALWAYS brings me to a powerful climax." Chloe really did make notes on her clip board this time. "Can you estimate how many times you've climaxed with this fantasy in, say, the last six months?" Georgia rubbed her palms down the front of her jeans as she sat in the chair, much more relaxed now as she talked about her fantasy. She chewed her lip for a moment, thinking. "Well, first, it hasn't been six months since I saw that video. It's only been—let me see . . . um—it's been about three months ago when I started. Since then how many times have I gotten off thinking about it? I dunno, maybe . . . 30 times or so?" Chloe did the math quickly. "So at least a couple of times a week?" "Yeah. That sounds right." "Have you masturbated during that period to other fantasies, even though they don't create the intense climaxes you get with that fantasy?" "Oh, sure. I have all the usual fantasies, and I enjoy them a lot. You know, a guy going down on me and licking and sucking my clit while he fingers me, being taken doggy style and rubbing my clit when he fucks me, watching a guy's cock get hard when he's naked in front of me as I strip for him." Georgia smiled. "I like that one a lot." She brushed a lock of hair back from her forehead and said, "But it's on purpose that I DON'T think about screwing a guy with a strapon every time I masturbate. I just couldn't handle that much sexual intensity that often." This girl was masturbating much more frequently than any other female research subject had ever reported. "Did you masturbate as much before as you do now? And try to answer based on the times when you weren't with a guy getting sex regularly. It's an assumption by we researchers that sex with a partner on a frequent basis cuts down on the amount of masturbating." Georgia pulled one leg up underneath her on the chair, settling in for more discussion. "You know, Dr. Burrell, even if I had a guy in my life right now, and even if we were getting it on regularly, BUT if I weren't plowing his behind at least every now and then, I think I'd still be fantasizing about this and masturbating to the fantasy." Pausing to consider her response for a second as she shifted in the chair, the girl then added, "Maybe I wouldn't fantasize about it so much if I had actually done it with a guy, you know? But I'm betting it would still cause incredible orgasms if I brought myself off while thinking about it." Georgia's far-away look dissipated, and she looked back at Chloe. "Oh, yeah . . . about whether I masturbate more since I started thinking about this?" The girl's embarrassment had at this point faded, and she smiled broadly at Chloe when she said, "Yeah, I masturbate a lot more now. I think I'm actually addicted to the intense orgasms I get when I think about doing a guy with a strapon, and since I've added those sessions of playing with myself, I also have to admit that I masturbate more often to ANY of the fantasies I have. Sometimes I just close my eyes and picture stuff, you know? But other times, I start things off by looking at pictures of naked guys, especially pictures in which they're completely nude and their dicks are hard—and what's even better in those pictures is when the guys are also looking into the camera, like they're looking right at me and thinking, 'Yeah, here I am, baby, all for you—this is all just for you, and I love knowing you can see every inch of me.' And I like to look at videos of good-looking guys fucking pretty girls, too, as a way to launch into masturbating." Chloe continued writing notes about this interview as she asked, "So it's accurate to say that, for whatever reason, this particular fantasy of guys getting fucked in the ass by women wearing strapons has increased your appetite for sexual arousal and release?" (Not only were the subjects encouraged to use their most natural means of expression when talking about their sexuality, the researchers were trained to emulate that type of talk as a way to reinforce the normalcy of how subjects expressed themselves. Chloe had learned to match her subjects' lexicon even though it sometimes meant talking in ways she would never—ever—do in her own life. At least, not to anyone other than a lover in her bedroom.) Georgia answered Chloe's question of whether fantasizing about strapon man-fucking had made her hornier. "Of course, Dr. Burrell," she said, standing from the chair in order to tug the legs of her snug jeans downward as she reached for her backpack. "Of course fantasizing about doing a hot guy with a strapon increases my sexual arousal. Doesn't thinking about it do the same thing for you?" The question surprised Chloe. Another surprise was the blush she felt rising into her own cheeks at the girl's intimation that she had thought about fucking a man with a strapon and had masturbated to the fantasy. Dr. Chloe Burrell wasn't about to admit to Georgia or to anyone, that for the first time in all the instances in which sexual practices had been described to her (and even performed in the lab in front of her), this idea of strapon man-fucking was not only out-of-the-blue new to her, it had instantly gotten her wet and had continued to moisten her pussy during the interview and note-taking in the past few minutes. Chloe was relieved to see Georgia pick up her backpack, indicating that she was ready to go. It would be truly embarrassing as a Ph.D. university faculty member doing a clinical research study if one of her subjects were to catch an unmistakable whiff of the arousal that Chloe was experiencing. Chloe answered the co-ed's question by saying, "Let's just stick to the information I'm collecting for this research study, okay?" She looked down at her clip board to hide the embarrassment that must be on her face and which would plainly communicate that the concept of strapon man-fucking had, for whatever reason, turned her on sexually in a powerful and instantaneous way. "Sure, Dr. Burrell," Georgia answered, shouldering the backpack with a "Gotcha!" smile. There had been many research studies done on personal differences and preferences that sexually arouse humans, so Chloe wasn't surprised that something in particular was driving this research subject to a strong focus on a certain kind of sexual activity. But the fact that Georgia said the fantasy induced climaxes even MORE intense than what Chloe had just witnessed was almost unbelievable. Chloe's own response to the mention of the subject further intrigued her, both as a research scientist AND as a woman eager to learn more about doing something with a man—to a man—that was making her pussy cream at just the thought. It was clear that Georgia must return to the lab, bring her toys, and give herself permission to fantasize about strapping on a dildo and fucking some hot stud until the act triggered off an incredible orgasm. Chloe HAD to see those readings on the fMRI. She made the arrangements with Georgia to come back to the lab the following week. Chloe needed time to search for any new studies on topic-specific sexual fantasizing as a means for self-induced orgasm. Snapping back from the memory of her data gathering the week before with Georgia, Chloe turned off the freeway at her exit ramp and started the labyrinthine route home that would avoid several stop lights which always seemed to last forever after a tough day in the lab. It gave her time to think yet again how she could possibly describe Georgia's fantasy if, indeed, the readings she would get during Georgia's orgasm in the lab the next week were what she hoped they would be. Writing up the research article would require some kind of description about what Georgia was thinking about that caused such off-the-chart brain readings. How would Chloe translate what the girl had told her in the lab into academic journal jargon? (". . . fucking some hot guy in his asshole with a strapon dildo while he's bent over nude in front of me with his hard cock hanging down between his legs and he's moaning in pleasure as I really ride him good to bring myself off"—Chloe didn't think she would ever forget that description.) \+++Journal of Human Sexuality, 43(4), p. 487: "The subject reported that she always experienced the same kind of intense orgasmic response as shown in the scans in Figures 2-4 when she masturbates to visions of female-to-male coitus in which the female takes position behind the male, who has presented his naked buttocks to her while in a position allowing her to penetrate his anus with a penis-like appendage positioned and secured at her crotch, thus enabling her to thrust the appendage in and out of his anus in the same manner as a male thrusts his penis in and out of a female during sexual coupling. Fantasizing about this activity, always with the fantasy including both male and female orgasm as a result of the activity, is done in concert with the subject masturbating using vaginal and clitoral exogenous female sexual arousal intensifiers The process reliably produces the subject's intense orgasmic response."+++ Would there be some other way to describe strapon man-fucking in an academically acceptable manner? Chloe wished for a different publication that might be more enjoyable to write for: \+++Journal for Women Who Like to Fuck Men in the Ass, 1(1), p. 26: "The subject reported that she always got mind-blowing climaxes when she fantasized about fucking a guy in the asshole. She described the activities in the fantasy as watching the male strip out of his clothes and seeing his hard cock spring free of his briefs when he slid them down and off. The subject enjoyed this section of the fantasy because she reports pleasure in seeing men naked in front of her, especially men with hard cocks. Brain scan number five (shown below) is time-coded to this part of the fantasy and indicates that telling the naked man to stroke his cock for her and get it really hard created a spike in arousal readings. She then tells the man in her fantasy to bend over for her and spread his buttocks wide apart to show her the place where she will fuck him."+++ Wasn't gonna happen, but it WOULD be a delightful respite from academic authorship to write for such a journal. Chloe surprised herself at how quickly, after Georgia's initial confession of the subject of her most intense fantasies, that Chloe's own fantasies and comfort with the idea of strapon man-fucking made their way into her personal sexual lexicon. Pulling into her townhome garage, she was happy to be finished with the day's work at the university. Her drive time daydreaming meant she was more than a little randy, and she sat her satchel on the kitchen table, pulled the cat food from the cupboard to shake some out into the cat's bowl as her pet came galloping from the bedroom to eat, and then Chloe headed straight to the computer in the second bedroom which served as her home office. Sitting down, she clicked on the monitor, pulled up her browser, and googled, "strapon videos." The lab owned several pairs of goggle-like video playback glasses that subjects underneath the fMRI machine could wear to watch videos of various kinds of sexual content depending on what the research study's goals were. Chloe had earlier that day decided it would be best for the next experiment with Georgia if the girl were watching a video of her favorite fantasy as she masturbated. That way, the research wouldn't be dependent solely on Georgia's fantasizing skills. Remembering the co-ed's blush when first describing her fantasy, Chloe did not want to jeopardize the chances for getting brain readings that would produce even more data than the last time simply because Georgia still suffered from some traces of embarrassment at masturbating to the fantasy in Chloe's lab. The fact that searching for such a video tonight would probably arouse her to the point of masturbation and orgasm was an added bonus. The overnight shipping charge that Chloe would pay for an appropriate video would be worth it—she wanted Georgia's orgasm in the lab on Friday to last as long as possible in order to generate the greatest amount of data. Tonight was Monday, so the video would be delivered on Wednesday (if not before—Chloe had once ordered a second copy of a video the lab had been using in a research study and which had been inexplicably lost between one instance of its use and the next, which meant the subjects had to come back later in the week; amazingly, the delivery was in her mailbox the next day even though it was after 7 PM when she ordered it the night before). What a menu of possibilities appeared on the computer screen! Chloe was dumbfounded at how much of this kind of sexual activity was discussed and displayed on the Internet. Call it the "bus man's holiday" syndrome—just as a bus driver usually wasn't motivated to hop in the family car and drive cross-country for a vacation, Chloe the sex researcher usually wasn't motivated to go looking for sexually titillating material away from her work in the lab. Spending so many years in the neuroscientific aspects of human sexuality research meant she, like most people, enjoyed leaving the subject of her work at her job. When—if—she found a man with whom to make an emotional connection and initiate a long-term relationship, she was sure her physical urges would ramp up, but until then, it was the rare occasion that Chloe found herself horny enough to go looking for a fantasy-inducing story or visual. A good session with her vibrator or even just her fingers was almost always enough for her. The weekend just past, though, was a rare exception. Chloe had masturbated three different times to images conjured of the things Georgia had described in the lab. Each orgasm was intense, fulfilling, draining, and completely satisfying—at least until after a recovery period. Then, inevitably, she was, again, drawn to the erotic mental images of a nude woman wearing a strapon pumping the dildo protruding from her crotch into the willingly offered asshole of a man bent over in front of her, with both of them panting in sexual excitement as the woman drove herself and her man to orgasm. So to this point in her life, Chloe had not done much surfing for anything erotic on the web. She was unaware of the range and amount of material about female-to-male strapon play that was available. The topic hadn't been mentioned before by her research subjects, and except for the one instance when she had to buy a replacement copy of a DVD that had been lost in the lab, she hadn't spent time looking for sex stories or videos because the lab already had quite a collection.. Finding a web site that specialized in "videos for women who enjoy the delights of strapon man-fucking," Chloe scrolled through the descriptions of several DVDs. She lingered on two in particular, both because the actors and actresses portrayed were attractive and because the story descriptions aroused her: "Katrina leads Jonathan into a new world—one in which the man is the one who is penetrated during sex. Hired by the college as a tutor in math for the athletic department, she enjoys helping this basketballer learn calculus, but she enjoys training him to take her strapon even more. He is a willing student who brings firms glutes and a seven-inch cock to every tutoring session. You will enjoy seeing Katrina's practiced techniques for spreading Jonathan open to her gaze and to the penetrations of her fingers, tongue, and strapon dildo as he learns the pleasure of submitting his ass and his soul to a woman who knows how to use him for her sexual arousal and enjoyment." The pictures showed a toned 30-ish, tall woman with one hand on the back of a handsome college-aged guy's head, drawing his face to hers for a kiss. She was dressed in a tweed skirt, white blouse, and sexy ankle-strap shoes, and her other hand was pressed against the bulge in the young stud's pants. A customer review by "Anabelle" rated the video with the highest rating of five stars: "This was the hottest thing I've ever seen! The actors are all good-looking, and the story is great! The heroine (yes, she IS a heroine in my book!) helps the basketball star discover how much he loves it when a woman plays with his ass and then fucks him there. Great camera work, too—I just love those shots when she opens him up and we get to see his cute little pucker twitch in anticipation of her strapon. Somehow the camera catches that AND his nice, hard cock and snugged-up ball sac all framed perfectly in the scene. And his moans of pleasure when she takes him are so sexy! This video definitely captures all the excitement and eroticism of an experienced woman who loves to fuck men in every way teaching a young guy what a turn-on it is for both of them when he surrenders his asshole to the deep thrusts she gives him with her strapon. If I could give this ten stars, I would!" Chloe clicked the "Add to Shopping Cart" button. Her other hand dropped to her crotch. The other DVD was titled, "Losing the Bet, Winning the Game," and the summary of the story made clear that there really wasn't much of a plot. The female protagonist loses a bet during a raucous "cougars' night out" at a male strip club, and her thirty- and forty-something girlfriends set a diabolical task for her as a result: She must provide proof in the form of pictures snapped with a digital camera while she is screwing each of three different guys in the ass with a strapon, and she has to accomplish the feat within 24 hours. Silly and sophomoric as it was, the set-up provided the perfect plot device for moving from one strapon encounter to another. However, the pictures connected to this DVD's story were quite arousing. The woman was tall, slender, and brunette. Though she was obviously older than Georgia, she looked something like the way Georgia might appear in say, fifteen years—perfect for making it easy for the coed to really get lost in the video's fantasy as she masturbated in Chloe's lab. The promotional pictures that went along with the film showed the woman nude except for her strapon as she drilled each of three different guys who all were naked and, when the pictures had them in poses that revealed their cocks, nicely endowed. The men were buffed and handsome, and they all had great asses, which were clearly on display as the woman handled them in the pictures. In one of the shots, she had parted the cheeks of a hunky farmboy-looking stud and was preparing to slide her stiff, fake cock inside him. In another picture, she was standing at the edge of a bed with a different guy on his back in front of her. She had draped his legs over her shoulders and was gripping each thigh, clearly pulling him back onto the strapon dildo she had buried up his butt. He had one arm thrown over his eyes (embarrassed?—for some reason, that made it even hotter). The sexy tableau was completed with the look of pleasure on the woman's face as she leaned back while at the same time pressing her crotch forward against his ass, her strapon obviously buried to the hilt inside him. Both pictures included a digital camera placed somewhere close to the woman and available for her use in producing the proof her girlfriends had demanded in payment for losing the bet. Chloe's pussy moistened as she looked at the pictures from this DVD. She clicked on the button to play the trailer: "That's right, Lela, three guys. You have to bring us proof in pictures that you've screwed three guys in the ass with your strapon before this time tomorrow. That's what you get for losing the bet," said one of the women in the scene as she grabbed the butt of a male dancer who just then ventured close to the table where the women were sitting. The woman being told what her assignment was looked doubtful. One of the other ladies grinned at her and said, "Don't be such a wimp, Lela. You're gonna enjoy it if you let yourself!" (". . . your strapon . . ."? thought Chloe. People do this enough these days that middle-aged women talk about "their strapons"?) The trailer showed the male dancer gyrating in front of their table as the woman who had lost the bet took her turn grabbing his ass. "Now that you mention it, Donna, this is going to be a memorable 24 hours for me," laughed Lela, losing her look of consternation and grinning as she squeezed the naked mounds of male ass flesh that had been presented to her. "We all know how much fun and how sexy-hot it is to do a guy like that, but . . . THREE guys! In 24 hours!" "Not up to it, Lela?" teased the other woman in their group. The trailer then cut to a scene which showed Lela dialing up a male escort service and saying into her cellphone, "Yes. I want to use a strapon dildo on you." The scene quickly moved to a few seconds of a point-of-view shot as Lela's strapon began to slide into the man's asshole as she held his asscheeks spread apart in front of her. In a disappointingly short amount of time the trailer again jumped to another scene. Lela was in a women's locker room and was pulling the farmboy, who looked to be all of eighteen years old, to a long bench between a row of lockers as she said, "Yes, I said I'd show you my tits and my pussy and that I'd suck your cock, so hurry up and get out of your pants before someone comes in." In the next scene of the trailer the guy was naked, lying on his stomach on the bench and scooted enough toward the end of it that his cock and balls were dangling as he stretched his legs out behind him for balance. Lela was crouched between his outstretched legs, nude except for a harness and strapon dildo (which was poking up from her crotch in her position behind the young man) as she finger-fucked him in the ass while he moaned, "God, what are doing? I can't take it, I can't take . . . oh, god, oh god. You shouldn't be doing that, but it feels so good! Don't stop. Don't stop!" With the other hand she was stroking his hard cock, and both her palm and his cock were glistening with the lube she had obviously poured from the opened bottle sitting on the floor next to her digital camera. Chloe quickly stopped the trailer. She didn't want to see any part of the third scenario. It would be far more fun to watch Lela's third encounter with no preview of how she would do the guy and what he looked like. She squirmed in delight and anticipation at the thought of the DVDs' arrival. She would draw the blinds, pop in a DVD, adjust the volume on her system's crystal clear audio, and lounge nude with her legs spread and her pussy moistening in front of her TV's large screen. Chloe knew she would be forced to stroke her clit as she watched the erotic and sexy scenes of an experienced woman plunging her strapon into a hunky stud eager to surrender himself and his asshole to the pleasures awaiting him as an initiate into a new world of sexual delights. The second DVD immediately joined the first one in her shopping cart. Then, fearing she would be tempted to buy every DVD on the site, Chloe clicked through to check-out. After entering her credit card information, though, she paused before clicking the purchase button. A smile forming on her face, she upped the quantity to two each of the DVDs, recalculated, and confirmed the order. One copy of each for the lab, one copy of each for her. Besides, this wasn't an order that would be showing up on a reimbursement form in the university's Accounting Office. Chloe knew much grief would be avoided by simply purchasing these DVDs and placing the copies for the lab in the appropriate cabinet in the storage room. A change two months ago in Accounting meant that all university audio-visual purchases had to include detailed descriptions of content (copyright compliance issues, the university counsel said), and it was clear to her the instant she read the memo that any future DVD or CD purchases for her research would have to be unreimbursed expenditures. It was worth it. She knew that Georgia's masturbatory session on Friday would be far more likely to get the readings Chloe wanted with one of the DVDs amping up the girl's fantasies. But even at twice the price, she still would have purchased "Losing the Bet, Winning the Game" and "Tutoring Samuel" for her own viewing. The thought of what she would witness on those DVDs meant she could not wait to watch them during her own private screening. Naked. Playing with her pussy. Tugging at one nipple while the fingers of her other hand squeezed and pressed against her throbbing and distended clit. And fantasizing about being the woman on the screen who was ass-fucking a naked man with a strapon dildo. Chloe was beginning to understand exactly why Georgia was having such intense orgasms. Was this kind of reaction common to every woman presented with this idea? Or was Chloe (and Georgia, for that matter) different from most other women in this regard? Maybe it's just been too long since I've fucked a guy, and ANYTHING on the topic of men and women having sex would arouse me, thought Chloe, but she quickly dismissed that rationale—in the last month she'd listened to fifteen descriptions given by female research subjects who described fantasies to which they liked to masturbate. All their descriptions were of sexy situations, but only Georgia's description had the impact it did on Chloe. "Am I kinky?" she wondered. Then she remembered Georgia's explanation and felt that it applied to her, too: "Erotic. Not nasty. Not kinky. Not perverted. Just so damned HOT!" Yeah, that was it. For some crazy reason, this idea of strapping a dildo to her crotch, lubing it up, and using it to penetrate—to push inside of and open up—a man's asshole, was just so damned hot! Why? A shiver ran up Chloe's spine and goose-bumps formed on her forearms and the back of her neck when she had the next thought: What if I find a guy, my special man who's going to love me, marry me, and in addition to the sweet, sexy lovemaking in all the ways I love so much, he also likes to roll over, naked, draw himself up on his knees with his glorious firm ass high in the air and his chest low to the mattress, and ask me to fuck him with a strapon in his ass? Chloe hugged herself tightly and rocked herself through a flood of positive emotions, so intense was the reaction produced by that thought. A lover/husband who might also like to be strapon fucked! Yum! Tuesday evening turned out to be a true disappointment. Even though Chloe knew it was certainly nothing but sheer luck that her prior experience with an overnight order resulted in less-than-24-hour service, she could not help but be disappointed when she got home and found that her order had not yet arrived. Sighing as she walked back inside to feed the cat, she realized it had been a very long time since she had been excited about sex, even if it was only being a voyeur to the action on a DVD. She knew that her Wednesday at the university would be deadly dull because the classes she taught were on Tuesday and Thursday mornings this semester. That meant Wednesdays were usually dedicated to lab work, and this particular Wednesday's work would consist of running statistical analyses. It was grunt work that was the heart and soul of academic research. More than once on Wednesday Chloe's mind drifted to Georgia's description of the fantasy that gave her the most intense orgasms. Other times Chloe replayed in her head the descriptions and storylines and the parts of the trailers she had allowed herself to view when ordering the videos for Friday's lab experiment with Georgia. A couple of times she was distracted with thoughts of the two guys she'd seen jogging on the way home Monday evening (what would those nice, firm, young butts look like nude?) Even more frequently, she daydreamed about finding a guy that was both the love of her life and an eager partner in strapon play. But she knew, given the state of her love life currently, she would have to settle right now for the purely sexual thrills that would be inevitable as she watched and masturbated to the erotic images of Katrina or Lela strapon fucking hot and willing men in the videos she had ordered. So when she got home on Wednesday, Chloe didn't even set her satchel down before checking the mailbox on the porch. The package was there, and only because she knew the cat would be whining and interrupting her viewing of the videos if she didn't tend to her pet's feeding, she took care of that task. After that, though, she quickly shucked off her clothes and slipped on a mid-thigh length robe, knowing better than to tie the belt around her waist—she would soon have the robe opened to allow unencumbered access to her pussy and her breasts as she laid on her sofa watching Lela and Kartrina push their strapon dildos into the assholes of sexy men who would be squirming and moaning in pleasure as these two fortunate actresses brought themselves to climax from the act of strapon man-fucking. Chloe could not wait to see it. That women are capable of multiple orgasms within short spans of time was truly a blessing! Chloe enjoyed two wonderful climaxes watching Katrina tutor Samuel and knew she would masturbate many times in the future to a replay of those scenes—whether mental or actually viewing the DVD. And she congratulated herself mightily for not watching a preview of Lela's third man-fucking. Seeing the entire scenario played out in front of her—with all its nuances, all the lingering camera shots on the guy's tight bottom, muscular body, and handsome face as he was led inexorably toward his deflowering—was over-the-top erotic and gut-clenchingly arousing. Chloe had no idea she could be turned on so completely by watching porn. Check that! she thought. Porn—at least everything she had seen before Georgia planted the seed to go looking for what she watching now—had never been this erotic (and Chloe had seen a lot of porn as part of her research). "Not nasty. Not perverted. EROTIC!" Georgia's description again came to her mind. God, what was going on with her? Why did this cause such an intense reaction? What was it about this act that drove her crazy with lust? Was it captivation with the allure of engaging the male ass in new, naughty ways? This WAS new to her—the thought of man-fucking had not crossed her mind before. Why not? Was it so powerfully arousing because of the role reversal, the thought of being the one in the coupling who would actually GO INSIDE of the other, penetrating her partner and taking him sexually? That WAS a delicious thought! It was more than delicious. It was mouth-watering in a way that told Chloe she had developed an insatiable appetite for it. Was it both of these things mixed together that was making strapon fucking a man so very, very erotic and stimulating for her? If that was it, would most women get turned on, too? Chloe snapped herself out of sex-researcher mode. She could self-analyze at length some other time. Right now, Lela the bet-loser was toying with her naked prey, her digital camera close by along with her strapon and lube. "You'll love this, Miguel," Lela was telling a gorgeous Latino male who looked to be in his early forties with touches of gray starting to creep into the hair at his temples. She was behind him, her arms wrapped around his chest, hugging him close to her. Though she was wearing a clingy jersey knit dress that hugged her curves in a swash of pale green accents on shimmering black, he was nude, and his lovely cock was full and hanging heavily, though not yet erect. He had reached his arms behind him to rest his hands on her hips, and she was whispering in his ear. "Trust me, baby. I'll go slow and be so tender with you. It's so-o-o-o hot to think about being the one to take your anal virginity, Miguel. I love your firm, tight ass, and I'm so wet just thinking about spreading your asscheeks apart so I can look at you." The guy's cock was starting to rise. Lela kept up her tortuously sexy descriptions. "I know you have a beautiful little asshole, baby. I can't wait to touch it. I'm even going to kiss it, you turn me on so much." Her hands slid down his chest and over his rippling abs, one hand dropping down to curl around his now erect dick. "Have you ever had a woman lick your asshole, Miguel? I'm going to do it to you. You're so sexy. You're going to be a willing virgin for me, aren't you?" Miguel's eyes were closed as he listened to Lela tease him with her nasty talk. "Mmmm, señora magnifica, you are most persuasive in your sexy dress with your breasts pressed into my back and your hand on my cock," he said in an accent tinged with the perfect mix of Latin lover and sexual arousal. "Will you enjoy taking me like this?" Lela raised up on her tiptoes in order to get even closer to his ear. She nibbled his earlobe and answered in a sexy, throaty whisper, "I will be so gentle with you, but there will be a time when doing you like this will make me so crazy to come that I know I'll push deep inside you, grab your hips, and just grind against you until I come so hard that I may faint with pleasure." She released her grip on his erect cock in order to slide down behind him, pressing her tits into his back and across his buttocks as she did so. Dropping to her knees, she placed her hands on his hips and began brushing her lips lightly across his naked ass, breathing heavily and occasionally extending the tip of her tongue to also barely graze his cheeks as she moved her face over his backside. Pausing to plant a tender, gentle kiss on one asscheek, Lela then reached her hands up his back, stretching her torso up to bring her breasts to his backside, pressing them against his butt. "I will love taking you like this more than you can imagine, Miguel," she said. Miguel's hardened cock was incontrovertible evidence that he would enjoy it, too. Dropping back down to her knees behind him, Lela placed her hands on his asscheeks and slowly spread him open with the wide-eyed wonder of a kid seeing a kindle of just-born kittens for the first time. "I'm looking at your cute little pink hole, Miguel. Have you ever shown it to a woman before? Have you ever let her open you up and look at you right . . . here?" She leaned forward, extended her tongue and formed it into a compact point, and then darted it forward like the quick flick from a snake. She aimed her tease directly onto the center of Miguel's asshole. Leaning back from him to gaze up into his face as he craned his neck around to see what she was doing, she smiled and said again, "Right . . . here?" Again she teased him with a flick of her tongue against his anus. "I do not think it matters, Miss Lela," said Miguel, a sense of urgency creeping into his voice as he thrust his backside out to bring it closer to her face as she leaned back. "You are showing me that it is a pleasurable thing. Perhaps you will do it again?" "Oh, I'm going to do it again, love," Lela answered, laying the side of her face against one of his asscheeks as she spoke. "But I don't know if you'll be able to stand it if I have to keep my tongue there in order to make sure my sexy virgin's hole is nice and wet for me." In a voice that could only be described as liquid smoke, she reached between his legs and closed her fingers around his balls as she told him, "I'm going to take such good care of you, Miguel—you'll see how tender I'm going to be with your cute little asshole. I'll get it nice and wet and relaxed with my tongue, then I'll follow that with gentle caresses of my lubricated finger." Miguel's eyes closed immediately and he threw his head back as he said, "We shall try this, yes? I can assure you I can take it." "Are you sure?" she teased, fondling his balls as she planted another soft, sensuous kiss on his ass. "You are a virgin this way. That's what you told me. How do you know you can take my nice, hard strapon dildo as I slide it deep inside you?" Her hand crept up to the shaft of his steel-hard penis now pointed straight to the ceiling with a droplet of pre-cum glistening on the velvety head. "You're not lying to me, are you, Miguel?" Lela gathered the droplet of his arousal on the pad of her fingertip and then released his cock. The swirl of liquid on her fingertip reflected the light as she drew her hand away from him. She asked again, "You seem so sure you'll be able to take it, my love. If you're really a virgin, it must mean that you are desperately eager for me to take your virginity. Is that it?" Before Miguel had a chance to answer, Lela pried his cheeks open with one hand, again exposing his pink anus, and she slid the fingertip coated his pre-cum directly across his starfish. He gasped. Then grabbing his firm globes with both hands in order to open him completely, she extended her tongue and plunged it deep inside him. "A mi dios!" he growled, his cock twitching rapidly. "You taste wonderful," she said, rocking back on her heels to gaze in satisfaction at the shiny orifice in front of her. "My little virgin just experienced another first, didn't he?" she asked, confident in the answer as she stood up and stepped in front of him, wrapping one hand around his erect dick and pulling him behind her, leading him like a puppy to a spot at the side of the sofa. "I want to take you with your gorgeous ass up high in the air, Miguel," Lela said as she untied the jersey fabric belt around her waist. "I am very wet thinking about this." She pushed him down over the arm of the sofa, tapping lightly on his ass. "High, my love. Keep this lovely naked butt way up high. That way, I can see how nice and hard you are as your cock and balls put on a sexy show for me between your spread legs." She shrugged off her dress. "Ummmm, that's it. Such a lovely sight." The camera took the cue and panned back to frame the sight Lela had just described. Miguel was a man in great shape, his body toned, his ass firm and taut. He was also nicely endowed, and his erect cock bobbed beneath him until he reached one hand to the base of his dick and levered it backwards so he could lower himself just enough over the arm of the sofa to rest his abdomen on it yet have his cock and snugged-up balls available to Lela's manipulation in front of the sofa arm. The result was that he did keep his ass up high for her, but he was also offering his genitals to her gaze, her hands, her mouth, or any other means she wanted to employ as a way to use his cock and his balls—as well as his asshole—for her personal arousal. It was a stunning display of naked male lust for a good, hard, deep-grinding strapon fucking. Chloe had an orgasm. In the video, Lela reached for a bottle of lube on the coffee table, popped the cap and tipped it toward the top of Miguel's ass crack. "Reach back and spread yourself open for me," Lela said in a husky voice. "Hold yourself wide apart and relax your asshole, lover. I want to watch the lube slide down over the place where I'm going to fuck you." God! thought Chloe, hugging her knees to her chest as the tremors from her orgasm coursed through her body. I can't stand how sexy this is! In spite of an orgasm only moments before and the resulting sensitivity of her clit, Chloe inched her hand back to her crotch, gingerly nudging one finger against the shaft of her clitoris. The visuals before her—Lela stepping into the harness as she cooed to Miguel how hot she was as she readied herself to take his upturned and exposed ass, which was sexily displayed as the glistening lube slid downward onto and over his eager pucker—forced Chloe to reach for another climax. Retracted under its hood, her pleasure nub was still firm, though exquisitely sensitive, and Chloe grasped it lightly through the engorged tunnel of the slick skin covering her hard little shaft. The almost unbearable mixture of tortuously intense sexual arousal mixed with desperation for ecstasy was like nothing she had ever put herself through before. With gasps coming in a short, uneven staccato rhythm as she watched Lela's masterful taking of the third, and final, conquest necessary to satisfy the terms of the bet, Chloe drove herself past every over-sensitized physical sensation as she witnessed the consummation before her on the screen. Lela had squeezed out lube into her palm and was stroking her fake cock as it jutted forward, proud and firm, glistening slick. Miguel had released the grip on his firm glutes that Lela had directed so the lube could roll down the valley between his cheeks and onto his asshole, and now his buttocks were squirming in anticipation. "Please, Lela, you are a most naughty lady teasing your man like this!" He arched his back even more, thrusting his ass upwards in a display of pure lust to be opened and penetrated. "You will do me now, yes?" It was a question, a plea, a mournful begging all in one sentence. Chloe was stroking her clit furiously now, the intensity of her arousal overpowering every physical sensation except a nothing-else-exists-in-the-world need to come. She had pushed two fingers of her other hand inside her sopping pussy, sliding the fingertips against the walls of her silky depths, then pausing to press a fingertip against her G-spot. The camera showed Lela advancing toward her desperate male, his hips gyrating in anticipation as he continued his pleas for the sexy woman to take his anal virginity. "See, mi mujer, I am open for you. See my invitation!" Lela spread his cheeks wide apart, and Miguel's asshole relaxed, an aperture appearing in the center. The camera caught it in gorgeous, loving detail, every crinkle of his surrender open and available for inspection by both Lela and all who watched the scene in this powerfully erotic film. The viscous lube coating his pink anus did not camouflage or obstruct the evidence that he had, indeed, opened himself to Lela's strapon—the small opening in the center verified his overpowering desire to be penetrated. Chloe's hungry gaze fixed on Miguel's pink, vulnerable opening as she climbed quickly toward the inevitable. "You are such a sexy little virgin, Miguel," Lela said, pushing her hips slowly forward as she held him open to the camera's focus. "I am going to slide this strapon dildo deep inside you." She positioned the tip of the purple phallus directly over the opening he had surrendered. The tip made contact with the lube that was slowly sinking into the depths of him. "I can't possibly be slow and gentle with you right now, lover. You've made me too hot and horny for that!" Lela drove the full length of the shaft in one thrust deep into Miguel's asshole. Chloe saw Lela push her hips against Miguel's flanks, the dildo buried completely inside him as he yelled in lustful surprise, bucking back against her. Her lovely tits jiggled with the motions created when she grabbed onto his powerful shoulders, riding him to her own approaching orgasm. Whatever came after that, Chloe missed. She had slipped into some kind of oblivion that allowed no sense of where she was, what was to be seen, or what sounds were to be heard. The only thing in Chloe's existence at that moment was the most powerful and absolute sexual release she had ever known. When she was able to refocus her senses from near black-out ecstasy to what was happening on the screen, she had missed what must have been an explosive mutual climax by Lela and Miguel. "Oh, baby, you did great," Lela panted, stretched out on Miguel's back as he lay still bent over the arm of the sofa, her strapon dildo having slipped from his asshole and hanging down between her legs, brushing up against his ball sac. "You took every inch that I stroked into you, my love." Miguel was shaking his head, as though clearing stars from his eyes. "You did not tell me, mujer deliciosa, that taking me like that would make me come so hard and so much. You are very, very bad." Lela eased up from on top of him and stepped back just enough to once more spread his asscheeks open to her gaze. "You are the one who is bad, Miguel." She leaned down to blow gently against his asshole. "You lied to me about being a virgin, didn't you?" The camera caught Miguel's smile as he levered up from over the arm of the sofa. Chloe was an absolute basket case, a puddle of spent desire, body wracked with the kind of overwhelming sensation that made her wonder if some cosmic genie had just granted a request to force upon her the most physical pleasure possible. Drunk with the aftereffects, she was barely lucid enough to have a single thought: Georgia was right! \*\*\* Chloe was excited on Friday morning. Georgia would come to the lab that afternoon, and if things went as Chloe hoped, she would get brain scans of the kind of intense, long-duration female orgasm that would be a gold mine of information to support a noteworthy journal article. The researcher/tenure-track professor in her was giddy at the thought of a research breakthrough. Beyond doubt, though, she was also excited at the thought of witnessing Georgia's excitement, knowing what the co-ed was watching while masturbating. Having seen some of the crazy-sexy scenarios that well-done strapon man-fucking videos could produce, Chloe now had first-hand experience with the multiple erotic aspects of a woman penetrating the male asshole for her pleasure and his. She had lived through the mind-blowing orgasm that masturbating while watching a hot, nude, prime-time, hunky stud take it in the ass from a sexy woman strapped into a stiff, fake cock could produce. That knowledge meant she would have a far better perspective on what was happening during the read-outs on her computer screen as Georgia lay beneath the scanner. No male researcher would ever have that perspective, that intimate knowledge of what was going on in the mind of the research subject. She grinned to herself as she began preparations for the afternoon's experiment. Maybe now she should consider herself the same kind of researcher as those intrepid souls who gather anthropological research by living with native tribes, learning their languages, and dressing and acting like them in order to discover from an "embedded" perspective what it was like to "be" a member of that society in order to learn what and how they think. Giggling out loud at the thought as she checked through items needed for the afternoon's experiment, Chloe decided that doing anthropological exploration in a society where women donned strapons as part of a regularly occurring religious ceremony would truly be a marvelous research assignment. All manner of detail rushed to her mind at this thought: The women would take the men of the tribe one by one on a symbolic sacrificial altar where the act of screwing them in the ass until intense female orgasm was triggered was deemed a cleansing ritual that purified the men's souls, allowing them to be proficient hunters as well as proficient lovers. The men would approach the altar, reverently presenting their naked genitals for inspection by the women, who would handle their cocks and balls to the point of erection, with glistening pre-cum on the head of their dicks the indication that they were ready for the gods to bless them with the purification their women would provide in the form of a thick phallus stroked repeatedly into their assholes until the act brought the women to resounding orgasms. Labeling the folders for the data that would be generated this afternoon, Chloe licked her lips unconsciously as her mind drifted to the sight of a lithe, finely muscled young native man of, say, 25 years, spreading his legs as he leaned over the altar, his cock and balls clearly visible and in an evident state of arousal. He would be told to reach back and spread himself open to allow one of the teen-aged and virginal girls of the tribe tasked with uncorking a large urn of lubricant and tipping it at the top of his ass crack to perform her duty. She would step back from the ceremony, and the woman who was about to take the young hunter would press a finger through the lubricant and into the man's asshole, stroking in and out as the women witnessing the ritual chanted in unison to the thrusts of her finger: "Gods of plenty, bless our tribe with successful hunting and many babies! See our promise made to live in peace and harmony, woman with man, and man with woman!" Withdrawing her thoroughly coated finger as evidence that she had completely coated the dark tunnel inside the hunter's ass, the woman would approach the bent-over male, grasping her strapon at the base and running its smooth surface around and over his glistening asshole, crack, and balls to smear the gooey substance all over her fake cock. She would then point the phallus directly at his asshole, nudge it into place, and then drape herself over his back while grabbing onto his hips, all in strict accordance with the ceremonial protocols for the ritual. Then, the globes of her beautiful ass would shimmy with each thrust as she fucked him with utter abandon (as required by the gods) until he cried out in delirium and she had a quaking orgasm. The ceremony would conclude as she withdrew her strapon from her tribe's hunter, the side of the altar dripping with the cum he ejaculated as she screwed him in the ass. The wide-eyed, virginal teen who had performed her duty with the urn of lubricant would have watched intensely, learning from the woman wearing the strapon, and knowing that she would someday take her turn at the altar behind the muscular flanks of one of the tribe's men. Snapping back to reality as she noticed she had repetitively created sixteen data folders during her daydream, Chloe shook her head in wonderment. What is happening to me? Why am I obsessing on the thought of women screwing men in the ass with strapons? She would return to that native-tribe-religious-ceremony fantasy, she knew. The morning crawled by at a snail's pace until Chloe was ready to check out the operation of the goggles Georgia would wear underneath the scanner in order to view either "Tutoring Samuel" or "Losing the Bet, Winning the Game." The process was usually one in which she turned on the DVD player, donned the goggles, and watched in disinterest for five seconds or so just to ensure the machinery was all working properly, and then checking a computer read-out against the amount of time she had spent with the video running as shown on the digital display of her stop watch. This morning was different. Samuel's education was too arousing to limit to five seconds. "Dr. Burrell?" Chloe almost jumped out of her skin at the light touch on her arm as she leaned against the scanner platform with the goggles and earphones on, stopwatch in hand. Katrina was plunging her strapon into Samuel's upturned ass as he moaned repeatedly about how good it felt. "Dr. Burrell, that replacement ethernet card for the number five computer just came, and the tech resources guy needs your signature." It was Mandy, one of the lab's research assistants. God! Had she heard anything from the headphones Chloe was wearing as she "checked out" the system for the afternoon's experiment? "What?" Chloe said, immediately pressing the stop button on the side of the goggle's cumbersome mechanism for keeping the entire contraption properly positioned over the user's eyes. "What did you say, Mandy?" she asked, placing the stopwatch on the scanner platform. The girl looked closely at her as she laid the goggles-earphones combination next to the stopwatch. "You know, that ethernet board that got fried yesterday during the server surge?" "Oh, yes. Of course," Chloe responded, pushing her hair back into place after the mussing it had taken with her surprised and hasty removal of the goggles and earphones. "I was checking the time code against the visuals for this afternoon's experiment. Sorry." It was logical. It was to be expected. Mandy should believe it. "I apologize for interrupting your work, but you did ask me to let you know the instant they brought the new board up," Mandy said, anxious to let her supervising faculty member know she was just following instructions. Overcompensating in her relief, Chloe said, "Thanks, Mandy. You did the right thing, the exact right thing. You know that these time code checks are routine and can be restarted with no problem. Getting this board installed, though, well, that's a high priority." She took the paper and pen the girl proffered and signed the work order. "Please unhook the cables and cords—you know I don't trust anybody but you with our computer set-up—and then let the TR guy take it down to their shop." "No problem," said Mandy as she left the scanner room. "Sorry again to have disturbed you," she said, closing the door behind her. Good grief! thought Chloe. She felt like a teen-aged girl who, having heard a knock on her bedroom door, hastily stuffed the Playgirl Magazine she'd been looking at and giggling about with her friend on the phone who was looking at the same issue. Damn! There wasn't any reason to apologize for grown-up sex! An adult woman shouldn't have to feel apologetic or guilty about having sex with an adult man in a way that involved a strapon dildo, his lubricated asshole, and their mutual enjoyment. But she did. Maybe that was part of the appeal . . . It would NOT be right, though, for her dean, her research subjects, Mandy, or anyone she came in contact with as part of her work at the university to ever, for even a second, suspect that she was being sexually aroused by any topic in her research. No, that was the ultimate taboo. Grant funding, journal article and book chapter acceptance, speaking invitations to professional conferences—they all depended on her ability to maintain a coolly analytical, this-is-totally-about-scientific-research approach to her work. Breathing a sigh of relief after pressing the cups of the earphones against her thighs and playing "Tutoring Samuel" through the goggles and phones to verify that no sounds escaped that Mandy might have heard, Chloe vowed not to watch anymore strapon man-fucking in the lab for ANY reason, equipment check or no. It was just too easy to get sucked into the fantasy, to forget where she was. From now on, she would check out the time code using the credits of the DVDs, not the scenes that she knew would distract her to the point of becoming lost in the fantasy of being there, of being the woman in the video who was gripping the naked man's hips as she thrust her strapon deep into his asshole, riding him to their mutual, intense sexual satisfaction. Then, for what?—maybe the hundredth time?—Chloe wondered what it would feel like for real to do this incredibly erotic, naughty, intimate, fantastic thing. Her nipples were erect from watching Samuel take it in the ass and had remained erect during the rush of anxious worry that Mandy might have discovered her enjoying Samuel's penetration. Finally, she gave herself permission to squeeze them lightly through the material of her blouse and bra in an attempt to relieve, at least temporarily, the ache that had so quickly developed after she pressed the play button on the DVD only minutes before. It didn't help, and she knew it wouldn't. The pinch only intensified her lust to actually be strapped into a fake cock, a nude man bent over in front of her, his cute, pink pucker exposed as he surrendered himself to the screwing she would give him as she rode him to an inevitable, intense, and completely draining—yet totally satisfying—orgasm. What would it be like? To feel it? To do it? Could she handle the orgasm? If she had come so intensely watching the act, would DOING THE ACT be even more mind-blowing? Would she ever find a man to do this with her? Oh, how good it had felt that first time she contemplated finding a lover, a mate, who also would play with her like this! Did such men exist? Would she ever meet one? And then a cloud settled over Chloe's mind. She hadn't even had a date in six weeks. How long would it be before the next? What were the odds that her next date would be with a man who would acquiesce and be turned on by surrendering his asshole to her strapon penetrations? Even if she did find such a guy, how long would it take to reach that point with him? Months, at least, probably years. And where, given her current circle of professional acquaintances, grad students, faculty colleagues, and various journal editors or co-researchers (which were just about the only people with whom she interacted, owing to the insanity of her schedule and work load) would she find a potential lover adventurous enough to explore her desire to take his anal virginity? (Yes, it had to be a virgin if at all possible. The thought of being the first one to do a guy like this, to take him to a place he had never been before, was powerful. Maybe it was her introduction to strapon man-fucking via a video that depicted a confident, experienced woman tutoring a college stud through his deflowering that had done it, but making her first strapon experience one in which she guided her fake cock into the asshole of a guy experiencing the sensation for the first time was almost non-negotiable—"almost" because doing ANY guy in the ass with a strapon would be fantastic.) Her gloom darkened during lunch. She would be around the subject of strapon man-fucking for at least as long as it took to conduct this experiment with Georgia. Then there would be analyzing data, all the while knowing what caused the brain state she was investigating. Then would come the months involved in writing the article, including whatever comments she could devise in stilted academic narrative to describe her research, before submitting it for review. It would be so frustrating! "Whoa! Who peed on your dishes?" It was Faye Davenport, a modern languages professor that Chloe knew from the institutional effectiveness committee she had worked on last year. Faye had become a friend, a female connection outside of the department in which Chloe worked. Faye was a junior faculty member, only two years into her appointment and still four years away from going up for tenure. Her irreverent approach to the staid world of academe was a big reason Chloe liked her. Faye was also single, never having married but definitely desirous of a long-term relationship. She had shared that hope with Chloe. "Mind if I join you? But if you're really intent on staring a hole through the table in whatever funk that's eating you, I can move to--" "No, no, Faye, please." Chloe scooted her tray a bit closer to her, giving Faye a larger space to put down her own tray. "I admit I must be broadcasting plenty of 'Life Sucks' signals." Faye sighed as she set down her tray and pulled off the paper ribbon that wrapped the napkin and plastic utensils. "No apologies necessary, Chloe. I've been in exactly the same place lots of times here, and I haven't been here nearly as long as you." Dipping her spoon into a styrofoam cup of steaming chili, Faye brushed away a strand of red hair as she blew gently on the concoction to cool it down. "Research going south?" Pushing the noodles of her chicken alfredo around on the plate in front of her, Chloe sighed and put down her fork. "No, and that's the hell of it, Faye." She looked at her friend, the noodles in their gooey white sauce cooling on her plate. "I'm probably going to get great data today that I'm sure will lead to an article that should generate a buzz. It'll probably get me invitations to speak and write about the findings. This is all going to be super." Faye spooned chili into her mouth, savored the spicy stew for a moment, then swallowed as she considered her friend's statement. "And this is a bad thing?" "Of course not. This is going to be great for me. It's probably going to be the breakthrough research that will ensure tenure." Chloe slumped back in her chair. "You know, this is definitely weird," said Faye, stirring the chili to help it cool down faster. "Everything you just said should be creating a way different reaction from what I'm seeing. What am I missing?" Chloe had never gone much into the subject of her research with Faye. Sure, her friend knew Chloe was on the neuroscience faculty, but Chloe seriously doubted that Faye had ever read one of Chloe's articles. The university didn't do a lot of publicity about its neuroscientific "sex research" for obvious reasons—it didn't want to attract negative attention to what might be an easy target for people wanting to criticize research spending. Therefore, Faye and the rest of the university's faculty, unless they were in her department, were probably not aware of exactly what it was that went on behind the doors of Chloe's lab. "Let's just say that, in spite of the professional rewards coming my way, the personal rewards have been shit." Faye looked at Chloe with instant sympathy. "Men, right?" "No," said Chloe, crossing her arms as she leaned against the back of her chair, "a decided LACK of men." "How long?" "Six weeks and counting since a date." Faye put her spoon down. "You're right. That IS a decided lack." Chloe looked at her friend. "What do you do? You know how it is at this university." Faye pursed her lips into a sly smile. "Well, during a true dry spell, the batteries and power tools are always handy." That broke through Chloe's cloudy demeanor, and she laughed. "Guess we all have them, huh?" "Sometimes, Chloe, they are ALL we have." The ice broken, Chloe confessed, "Yeah, I take that option, but I'm really bummed about the lack of prospects, the weeks and months ahead without a guy to kick back with and try to forget this insane academic rat race. Don't even tell me it might be years. That would make me slit my wrists." "Chloe, Chloe, don't be so negative," Faye said, her voice laced with concern. "You'll find some guy, I know it. You're attractive, smart, funny. You're not dating only because you haven't taken time to date. I know lots of guys that would like to go out with you." "That's just it, Faye," Chloe replied as her friend spooned up another mouthful of chili. "Time is what I don't have. I'm close enough to my tenure review that I have to put on the big push, you know? As the only woman in my department, I have to work extra. I can't make one slip. I have to constantly go beyond what any man would have to do to get the same respect. It's stupid in this day and age, but I'm stuck with it. It's enough to make me consider changing careers." Again, Faye put her spoon down in concern. "Don't talk crazy, Chloe. You know you're just saying that." She reached her hand across the table to grab Chloe's wrist. "Besides, the rewards are going to be so satisfying. Not only will you get tenure, you'll get the satisfaction of telling all the old farts, 'I told you so!'" "Yeah, I know you're right. It's just that some days the fact that there is absolutely no balance, and no man, in my life really gets to me." Chloe did not mention that the intensity of her dissatisfaction at this particular moment had been initiated not just due to the lack of a man; it was that the man she was lacking was, as well, not whispering into her ear how sexy she looked wearing her strapon and how eager he was to open up for her. "Look," Faye said, "we're both trying to figure out where the available men are at this university." She picked up her bread and smoothed a pat of butter across it. "When you eliminate the student body, both the grads and the undergrads, that leaves . . . wait . . . let me figure," she said, making a funny face as she looked up in mock concentration, "oh, about NONE!" Faye was the perfect antidote for Chloe's mood. She laughed at her friend's estimation of the university dating pool. "Makes me sometimes wonder if I'll be able to continue keeping my hands off all my students," Faye winked. "Robert in my French lit class is hot." "But you won't," Chloe said, with a warning look. "No, but thinking about Robert while I have the vibrator out is not something my review committee will ever find out," replied Faye, popping the bread into her mouth and then smiling smugly, exaggerating the effect just to coax a giggle from Chloe. The two friends settled into a conversation that lightened Chloe's mood, and she walked back to her lab after lunch feeling much better. Maybe she'd find a guy soon—somehow—and maybe he'd be an adventurous lover. In the meantime, her enthusiasm about the afternoon's experiment was ramping up. Georgia arrived on time, and Chloe had prepared everything in advance. When the girl stepped from behind the screened-off changing area wearing the same attire she had donned for her first experience under the scanner, Chloe explained the added part of the day's experiment. "It's important that you replicate the conditions that create your best orgasms, Georgia, so I took the liberty of ordering a couple of videos for you if you think watching a video while you masturbate this time will help you relax and focus on your favorite fantasy." Chloe watched closely for Georgia's reaction. She was ultra-sensitive to how she interacted with research subjects. Years of experiments had schooled her well in the delicate nature of the human psyche, especially when the research concerned sex. Georgia was a trooper, though. "Great!" she said, genuine delight in her voice. "I have two DVDs, but they're both focused on the kind of sexual activity you described as always creating your most intense orgasms. I hope--" "What are the titles?" Georgia asked, interrupting in excitement. "Like I told you last week, Dr. Burrell, it hasn't been that long ago since I found this particular turn-on, but I have to say that it's been hard to find this kind of video that's any good." She hopped up on the scanner bed, toys in hand. "And I have definitely looked." "Well," Chloe said as she helped the girl into position underneath the scanner, "one is called, 'Losing the Bet, Winning the Game,' and the other is, 'Tutoring Samuel.'" Chloe pulled the blanket up over Georgia, already knowing the girl's masturbatory technique would not cause excess motion that might compromise the readings. "You must have found the same internet site as I have!" Georgia exclaimed happily. "I haven't yet ordered, 'Tutoring Samuel,' but the other one is just absolutely, incredibly hot. That scene where Lela has Miguel bent over the sofa, doing him with her strapon, and then in the middle of it he gets so excited that he reaches underneath himself to jack off because he's so hot and bothered—god, that just drives me right over the edge every time I see it." Chloe hadn't allowed herself a second viewing of "Losing the Bet, Winning the Game" because she knew she wouldn't be able to handle the intensity of the kind of orgasm it gave her the first time so soon after that initial viewing. However, what Georgia had just described—Miguel fisting his cock as Lela fucked him over the arm of the sofa—was something that must have been shown during the immediate aftermath of Chloe's explosive orgasm. She didn't remember that part of the scene. Tonight. Yes, tonight, Chloe would watch Miguel jack off as Lela screwed him with her strapon. "So, Georgia, would you like--" "The one I haven't seen yet, Dr. Burrell," Georgia said eagerly. The motions underneath the blanket covering the girl as she lay on the platform let Chloe know that Georgia was inserting her vibrator inside her pussy and positioning it to her liking. "I mean, it's a good one, right? I know it's from the same company that sells the one with Lela and Miguel, so it's going to be good, too, right? Have you seen it?" What was the proper research-scientist response to that question? Chloe wondered, worried that the wrong answer might make Georgia wonder whether Dr. Burrell's research was for ulterior motives. She decided to fib, at least a little bit. "Yes, I have watched it, Georgia. I had to in order to time code the video to the scanner read-outs." That was a very safe answer that would instantly eliminate any trace of concern any subject might have had about this experiment. It was partly true, too (though a software program did the coding automatically, Chloe did have to spot check the results). Her answer to Georgia's question, though, lacked the full disclosure of, "I watched it while stroking my clit, tugging on my hard nipples, and coming when I buried two fingers up my pussy to push against my G-spot as I watched that sexy man's asscheeks being spread apart and his tutor's strapon sliding hard and deep into his opened asshole." "So, is 'Tutoring Samuel' just as good as the one with Lela and Miguel? Does it have the same kind of action?" "I know you'll like it, Georgia," Chloe answered with a smile. "Samuel is hot, and the woman who tutors him REALLY does a good job of it." "And to think I'm getting paid for this," Georgia mused in wonderment as Chloe fixed the goggles and headphones into place on her subject's head. "Remember to try to minimize all motion," Chloe reminded the co-ed as she stepped to the control panel to start the computer. The results were everything Chloe had hoped for. Georgia rocketed through all stages of arousal in record time in response to the care Chloe had taken to start the video at the part where Kartrina was convincing Samuel to disrobe for her as she stepped into her strapon harness while telling him how good she was going to make him feel. Chloe wanted to see how fast Georgia could reach the intense orgasm she claimed she always had when thinking about or seeing a woman using a strapon on a guy, so anything shown before the inevitable lead-up to the act followed immediately by the act itself would have compromised that aspect of the experiment. Georgia was truly the perfect research subject. Whereas Chloe's intense orgasm brought on by seeing Lela take Miguel in "Losing the Bet, Winning the Game" carried with it lots of physical jerks and involuntary motions, Georgia reached a true black-out of bliss that lasted for several seconds of almost no motion. That was great for minimizing the artifacts of involuntary motion that would otherwise have sullied the readings. Darkened areas on the scans indicated shut-down of neural activity in multiple areas for the duration of the girl's deeply intense orgasm. God, she was right! thought Chloe, her hands shaking with excitement as she ran them through her hair while watching the computer monitors. Georgia had just experienced an orgasm that was even more intense than the one she gave herself the week before in the lab. Fascinated, Chloe's gaze locked on the time read-out at the bottom of the monitor which was displayed right next to the counter showing the size of the file being generated by the readings. As the darkened regions of activity on Georgia's scan lingered on the monitors, the clock's digits climbed steadily upward as the file size grew to at least triple that generated by any other female experiencing orgasm during any experiment Chloe had ever conducted. As gigabytes advanced toward terabyte, Chloe started to become concerned. Had Georgia had a seizure? Shit! A stroke? The girl stirred. Chloe breathed a huge sigh of relief and saw the darkened areas in the scan flicker back to life. She rushed to the scanner platform, punching the button to slide it out from underneath the maw of the imposing scanner head even before coming to a full stop at the scanner's control panel. Being as gentle, but as quick, as possible in removing the goggles and earphones, Chloe placed the fingertips of one hand on the girl's forehead in order to raise one eyelid with her thumb and check for a reaction to the light in the lab. Georgia's eyes rolled forward, and she focused on Chloe's face peering over her. "I'm okay, Dr. Burrell. Can I please just lie here for a minute?" she mumbled. "Of course," Chloe whispered, stepping back from the platform and taking a seat on the straight-backed chair to wait for Georgia's eventual refocus to full consciousness. Her concern and rush to the scanner had meant Chloe's recordings would not include all the data that would have come with Georgia's return from her intense orgasm to full, wakeful brain function, but Chloe was okay with that—the brain readings would have startled any researcher and prompted similar action. The French characterization for an orgasm, la petite mort—the little death—had been spectacularly justified in this experiment. Chloe's interruption in the readings, though, did not take place until Georgia had started to return from her fantastic bliss-out. The data would be uncorrupted before that point, and the powerful description of what had taken place that caused Chloe to rush to the girl's side (yes, even though it would have be written in that stilted, third-person academic jargon) would add immeasurably to the appeal of the article. This would definitely qualify for a top-tier journal, and Chloe would be the researcher who, in the months it would take the article to go through the peer review process (generating buzz as it did so), would be continuing work in this area. During that time she would build a reputation as the pre-eminent authority on la petite mort brought on by female fantasy coupled with self-stimulation. Take that, you bunch of big-headed, little-dicked, couldn't-get-it-up-with-a-crane horde of male intelligentsia in academe purporting to know all about the female orgasm! (Okay, she was guessing about penis size and function, but it was just too satisfying not to put her mental exclamation of glee into those terms after all the years of being a second-class citizen in the world of the neuroscience of sexuality.) Wait! "La petit mort" was surely a term coined by a man. "Burrellian Threshold" had a much better, far more satisfying ring to it, thought Dr. Chloe Burrell. \*\*\* "Amante! You are driving me crazy," panted Miguel as Lela plowed into his ass with her strapon. The woman was truly practiced in the art of man-fucking, Chloe noticed on her second viewing of this very sexy video, a viewing prompted by Georgia's comment about the part of the scene that Chloe had obviously missed after she crossed the "Burrellian Threshold" on her initial viewing of the film. It was hypnotic watching the serpentine motion of Lela's hips and back as she fucked him, her breasts swaying seductively with their hard nipples distended in arousal. "Oh, I love hearing you say that, Miguel," cooed Lela, increasing her tempo just a bit. "I love seeing my strapon cock sliding in and out of your asshole, baby. Tell me how much you like it." Lela was like a belly dancer behind him, undulating in waves that moved the strapon rhythmically in and out of Miguel's sexy opening. "I can not talk now, naughty one," Miguel croaked, reaching underneath himself to fist his stiff cock and begin stroking with a tempo that matched Lela's erotic movements. Somehow the camera caught everything—Lela's strapon sliding in and out of Miguel's asshole, her hips moving hypnotically as she fucked him, and his hand wrapped around his shiny, slippery cock, sliding up and down the shaft and head in the same tempo his opened hole was receiving the phallus strapped to her crotch. The entrancing bolero built to its climax. This was the part, Chloe thought as she increased her ministrations on her exposed, throbbing clit, that Georgia had reported never failed to— It did the same for Chloe, and she crossed the Burrellian Threshold, once again missing Miguel's ejaculation and Lela's orgasm. \*\*\* It had been two months since the breakthrough with Georgia's strapon-fantasy-induced orgasm in Chloe's lab. In that time, she had replicated the experiment with Georgia, and then with two other women, providing her the groundwork to defend assertions in her article, which had been received favorably—and to her surprise, in a matter of only a week—by the first journal to which she had submitted it. "An important piece of research," the editor had said in the letter, indicating that he would ask his editorial review board members to prioritize the reading of her article so that The Journal of Human Sexuality could publish the article quickly if the peer reviews that came in were as he suspected they would be. It was a coup. By this time, Chloe had both refined and expanded her research. The expansion was, well, as self-serving as it was scientifically defensible. Dr. Chloe Burrell, discoverer of the eponymous "Burrellian Threshold," had been curious to find out if there was something unique in the images or sounds or sensations of "female-to-male penetration during coitus" that applied only to women. This, of course, meant she would need to do some research with men viewing the same subject matter. Oh, sweet Jesus! Chloe thought the first time the idea came into her head. What if this turned on guys to the same degree? It would be SUCH a shame to have to spend hours and hours gathering data from research subjects, listening to the men describe why—exactly—the act aroused them. Worried that she would not be able to conduct such research without completely losing all professional decorum, Chloe delayed doing such experiments. My god! What if some great looking man looked at her and told her that the idea of taking it in his asshole from a woman wearing a strapon drove him absolutely crazy with lust? What would she do if THAT happened in her lab? In the name of science, she would find out. Chloe fought down her worries and ran the ad soliciting research subjects. So far, she was at a very preliminary stage in this aspect of her research. But she was batting a thousand: Both men who had viewed "Tutoring Samuell" registered intense arousal responses on her brain scans. One of them denied he was aroused, even feigned disdain at the subject matter. Chloe knew he was lying. The other, more honest, said it surprised him to notice his reaction. He said that he would have reported no interest in the act if someone asked him about it. This guy, of course, had never seen it happen, had never been exposed to the concept. But at least he admitted to getting aroused at seeing it happen. Too bad both those research subjects were undergrad students and therefore off limits in terms of a potential sexual dalliance for about a thousand reasons. Chloe would surely have been able to convince the kid who admitted his fascination and arousal that he needed his own 'tutor,' right? Even though there was no chance the two experiments thus far conducted with male subjects would lead to her own experience with a strapon and a naked man's eager asshole, the results lifted her spirits enormously. Maybe taking it in the ass from a sexy woman had an appeal for a lot of guys. Whether they knew it or not. If so, finding a lover who would be into it might not be the difficult and protracted process Chloe had feared. Her work would make the subject so easy to bring up. She could show him 'the lab's' DVD in explaining the focus of her research. If his cock got hard as they watched it, well . . .. The other intriguing aspect her research had turned up was the variation in the sequence of brain area bliss-out among her female subjects. For some of the women, it seemed that the executive function brain areas with neural routing to the auditory control centers blissed out first, yet for others, it was areas with connections routing into visual control centers. The discovery would further strengthen her notoriety as a researcher studying the Burrellian Threshold, and it would provide a rich vein of ongoing investigation. While her professional life had moved into high gear, bringing with it the satisfactions of an invitation to speak at the next Congress of Human Sexuality and an invitation to author a chapter in an upcoming compendium devoted to the female orgasm, Chloe's personal life remained devoid of an intimate relationship with a man. The only difference was that now she found herself more frequently fending off overtures—usually at the increasing number of conferences her department was offering to send her to—from men that she clearly had no interest in being with. Thankfully, the men in her department at the university were all married (and god bless the wives that somehow put up with them!), so at least she didn't have to deal with advances from the senior neuroscience faculty. That was an especially good thing. A rebuffed male ego was capable of destroying a woman's academic career. Chloe had seen this happen. But not having to worry about the consequences of telling a senior colleague she did not want to go out with him was no salve for the emptiness of her townhome when she went home each evening. It did nothing to replace a pair of strong, masculine arms enfolding her and drawing her close so the man could nuzzle her hair and tell her how much she meant to him. And it certainly did nothing to better the odds that she would someday slide a strapon dildo deep into some guy's asshole and fuck him to the point of a quaking, soul-splitting orgasm. Chloe remained desperate to experience that, but the urge was also building for the man she would someday take in that fashion to realize that she was his perfect mate, the woman he needed and wanted at his side. In the meantime, Chloe added to her DVD collection, all purchased from the same online vendor. Her single foray into another purveyor's library resulted in a turn-off due to the demeaning way the women were using the men, the names they called them as they made them suck their strapons before fucking them. It wasn't her cup of tea, not by a long shot, so she stuck with videos and stories of women who, though sometimes having to convince reluctant partners of the pleasure to be had at the ends of their dildos, screwed men who enjoyed being taken and who were also men comfortable in their maleness and in being protectors and lovers who could make a woman see stars during passionate love-making. And she ordered a harness and dildo. Just in case. Advancing to the next stage of her research required somehow trying to separate audio-triggered orgasms from video-triggered orgasms among her subjects, and that meant Chloe had to find audio stories that could be listened to while underneath the scanner. Georgia had remained a loyal subject, providing lots of data generated by the intensity of her orgasms. This meant Chloe was obliged to find audio stories of strapon man-fucking, and that turned out exceedingly difficult to do. While thinking about a solution one day in the lab, Chloe considered writing a story and recording it herself. She knew exactly the kind of scenarios that would push Georgia's buttons, so writing the story would not be difficult. (And putting her own turn-ons down on paper would be enjoyable, Chloe thought, given that Georgia's enthusiasm for fantasizing to thoughts, sights, and the sounds of women bringing themselves off by fucking men with their strapons was just as intense as her own.) However, previous research by others had shown that there was a lessened impact on orgasmic intensity if a sexual fantasy was read to a woman by a woman (unless the listener was same-sex oriented). This meant that Chloe's story would have to be read by a man. Further, it would have to be read in a studio-quality setting so that poor audio would not distract the subjects as they listened (such distractions caused artifacts in the readings). What all this meant is that Chloe was going to have to find some guy to come to the Psychology Building on campus in order to sit before a mic in the little audio studio in the basement and record a story about a woman fucking a man in the ass with a strapon dildo. Good grief! Her line of work created all manner of embarrassing situations . . . But then Chloe stopped that line of thought. Perhaps "opportunity" was a better description of this situation! Then a second thought: How could she approach a man with this request? "Excuse me, but would you consider coming with me to the audio studio in the basement of the Psych Building and recording a pornographic story about a man being taken anally by a woman wearing a strapon dildo?" How well would that work out? Then she remembered the guy in the evening class to which she had spoken last year at that for-profit college with the Psy.D. degree program. The Psy.D. was a practitioner's degree, a doctorate designed for "psychologist counselors" as she had heard one of the senior faculty in her department describe it in none too positive terms. She had been impressed, though, with the college's curriculum, and it had actually been a positive thing for her to speak to the class—she had explained to her dean that she had accepted the invitation in order to be a good colleague to an institution that would benefit from some observations by a university professor on a topic the students were struggling with at the time. It was an enjoyable experience, and she was struck by the thoughtful questions from a man in the class who approached her after her talk and the class' dismissal. Knowing that the college's market included a fair degree of career changers, she was not surprised to see this guy—probably mid- to late-thirties—sitting in the chair-desks among the mostly female group of students who looked to be anywhere between mid-twenties and mid-fifties. What was his name? He had mentioned it when he introduced himself, saying he was enrolled because he had always been fascinated by the human mind, and he finally decided that his career as an actuary was never going to provide the fulfillment that he was seeking. He was keeping his day job and going to school at night, hoping to open a practice someday as a psychologist. Chloe's talk about the brain's limbic system as the seat of emotion had intensely interested him. "Rick." That was it. He had introduced himself as Rick. Was he wearing a wedding ring? Chloe couldn't remember. She did remember his smile and his pretty brown eyes. Then it occurred to her why she had thought of him. His accent. It was-- Oh, my! Chloe thought. Rick's voice was similar to Miguel's—similar to that sexy, Latin baritone that was such a turn-on in counterpoint to Lela's throaty entreaties in "Losing the Bet, Winning the Game." Had her subconscious just served up a memory based on her strong desire to take a man like Lela took Miguel? Even though Rick was not Miguel, was her inner self concocting a role-play substitution based on Chloe's fascination with strapon man-fucking? Dammit! WAS Rick wearing a wedding ring? She had liked him. He was handsome, she recalled. His earnestness in learning more on the subject she had talked about impressed her, as did his easy acceptance of her as an authority on the topic, something he mentioned when he said he appreciated that someone with such a rich research background as hers would come speak to the class. And she liked hearing him talk—that masculine voice with its sexy accent had actually caused her to ask him a question or two, just to prolong their conversation. He would be perfect to record what Chloe needed for her research! No, he was NOT wearing a ring—she remembered now. She had purposefully taken note of that fact when he turned the pages of the textbook to a diagram in order to ask her a question. Then she remembered looking up into his smile. He must be—what?—about six feet tall? He was dressed casually, she recalled, but it was easy to tell he was in pretty good shape. What happened? Why had she not somehow sent a message, somehow opened the door to a follow-up conversation? She remembered leaving the college thinking about him as she drove home. Shaking her head in disbelief at the missed opportunity and wondering what stupid, inconsequential concern must have prevented her from trying to connect with him (no time? can't be distracted? wait for the guy to make the next move? Shit!), she searched through her email archives for a message with the name of the college in it. The teacher of the class had contacted her to invite her to speak, and the teacher would know Rick, know if he were still at the college. It took only a minute to find it. Dr. Talia Shropshire's office phone number was listed as part of her email sig file. Though the odds were slim that the woman would be in her office at the moment, Chloe punched in the number anyway. "Hello? This is Dr. Shropshire." It was a good omen. "Dr. Shropshire, this is Dr. Chloe Burrell. You invited me to speak to your class about a year ago on the limbic system." "Good to hear from you, Dr. Burrell! Thank you again for coming to our campus. Your presentation was quite helpful for the students." "It was my pleasure," Chloe said, warming to the conversation. The entire experience had, indeed, been quite pleasant, and it was nice to reconnect with it in this manner. "What can I do for you?" "Well, Dr. Shropshire, we have some research going on here at the university—mine, actually—and for various reasons related to my research protocols, I need to have an audio recording made by a male with a slight accent." It was a lie—the accent would not matter. It would, though, explain why Chloe was asking specifically about Rick. Too, given her position on the neuroscience faculty, which Dr. Shropshire obviously knew, the request for an accented audio recording could plausibly be connected to any number of research studies seeking to map brain function. "And I remembered from my visit to your class a gentleman named Rick. He spoke with me after class about a couple of things related to my talk. He had an accent as I recall, and I thought that since he's enrolled in your college he might be receptive to this assignment. You can understand that we try not to have our own university students generate material that is used in our research. It simplifies the IRB process in a number of ways." All of this was true, and Chloe was relieved to explain her reasons to someone who understood such things. "Makes complete sense, Dr. Burrell, and I'm sure Ricardo would be interested. He's close to graduating, but he is taking his capstone course this semester. It's our college's policy not to give out information on our students, but I will ask him to contact you if he is interested. I know I have your card somewhere around here, but can you give me your phone number and email address so I can write them down? The capstone class meets this evening, and I can give your contact info to Mr. Torres then." Another good omen. Chloe began writing the story as soon as she hung up the phone. The afternoon from that point on became a voyage of self-discovery for her. The story spilled out on her computer monitor as her fingers flew over the keys, seemingly with a will of their own. The story developed of its own accord, the characters speaking unconscious truths about Chloe's fascination with penetrating the male asshole. And the writing got her very, very wet. So wet, in fact, that she did something she had never done in her entire time as a faculty member at the university. Chloe Burrell locked her office door, drew the blinds on the single window, sat down in the fake leather chair at her desk, and slid her slacks and her panties to her feet as she scrolled back up to the start of her story. She needed desperately to play with her clit and her pussy as she read the story she had just written. Her tale of two lovers, the woman leading the man through the stages that would have him ready and eager to surrender his tight opening, had her squirming in arousal as she had typed, translating into words on her computer monitor the action and characters that were rushing to her mind. Chloe had imprinted the story with her own passion to penetrate a man who would become her perfect mate. It was so easy to write the story. The things she had read in the months since Georgia's first admission of her favorite fantasy, especially the advice from women who blogged about the subject in the various online venues which Chloe had trolled for more information about her obsession, meant she was quite prepared to write about how a woman could gently and lovingly guide a man to the point of desperation for her to push deep inside his virgin hole. Now it would be hot—so very hot—to read her own fantasy. It had made her pussy wet when she wrote it, even though the "reader" part of her brain wasn't fully attending to the actions or the words of her characters. Now, though, she could sit back and enjoy the story, knowing that what was to come in the tale would be exactly what HER idea was of ultimate eroticism. Chloe was eager to read about her heroine, Simone, who knew exactly how to bring the man, Trent (and his glorious, firm ass!) inevitably to the state of abandoning any thought in his head except for one (Go inside me, please!) and abandoning all ability to focus on any sensation except the crazysexyhot feeling Simone was creating in his asshole. Yes, this story was written in order to be what Georgia would like to fantasize about as she masturbated under the fMRI machine in Chloe's lab, but it was also devised to be the most erotically persuasive description of the entire process of female-to-male penetration Chloe could produce. In every aspect of the narrative, from the woman's desire to make the man feel great to the care she took with his precious asshole and the lengths she went to caress and pamper him through each stage of his journey to ultimate surrender, Chloe's subconscious magically authored a story that aroused her intensely as the words popped up rapid-fire on her computer screen. It was a given that the story would get Georgia wet, hot, and eager to experience her favorite type of orgasm. Chloe desperately hoped it would also lengthen and harden Rick's cock as he read it. If he is a strapon virgin—the default assumption, she reasoned—the story must appeal in a way that would erase any preconceived notion, any reluctance about stereotypical gender roles, and be so hot that Rick would be fascinated and drawn to the idea of exposing and surrendering himself. The story had to be very erotic, make the idea of female penetration of the male anus arousing and seductive for a man, and accomplish these things in a manner that would not scare Rick away from the research. From Chloe. It was a tall order, especially since Chloe knew so little of this man (and nothing of his likes or dislikes sexually). Somehow, though, the requirements to turn on Georgia to get what was needed for the experiment in the lab, AND to turn on Rick, to get what Chloe longed for in an experiment in her bedroom, filtered through to her subconscious author. The zone Chloe found herself in as she wrote her tale was as empowering as it was erotic. If the story aroused Rick anywhere near as much as it was arousing Chloe, then she would have succeeded in her first attempt as a writer of erotica. And it would be the ultimate irony if her profession, with all the years of self-sacrifice and resulting lack of time to cultivate any personal intimate relationships, was now the thing that had provided her with the opportunity to find BOTH a man she might want to be with AND to coax him quickly toward the idea of surrendering his asshole to her strapon dildo. With a mounting sense of anticipation to play reader to the words that had rushed in a torrent from her subconscious, Chloe drew one leg out of the rumpled cotton material at her feet which was her slacks and panties. She wanted to spread her legs wider. Her pussy was already wet. The fake leather would be easy to wipe down with a tissue from the box on her desk. She slid down just a little in the chair, tipping her crotch up a bit so that her entire pussy was easily accessible as she sat before her computer monitor. She could run her fingers completely up and down the entire length of her pussy lips. She was at her desk in her office, for god's sake, about to masturbate as she sat naked from the waist down. Wait. Her nipples. She knew it would feel so delicious to pinch and tug on her nipples as she stroked her clit while she read. Chloe unbuttoned her blouse. Today she had worn a favorite bra. It unhooked in the front. She undid the clasp, the cups of the bra falling to her sides, her nipples already hardened, areolae already pimpled in sexual arousal. Shivering briefly with the rush brought on by doing this so-wrong but so-sexy-naughty thing in her office (even with the door locked and the blinds drawn), Dr. Chloe Burrell exposed her breasts, her clit, her pussy to the easy access she had to have to those physiological pleasure triggers. Then she settled languidly back in her chair, mouse with scroll wheel positioned at the edge of the desk, about to dive into her story with the biggest pleasure trigger she possessed: Her mind. Then, as though putting the final period on her story of lust and hope, her subconscious pushed the title of the tale into her fingertips for typing: "His Woman Delights Him": Trent was such a find, thought Simone, a warm feeling flooding through her body as she happily straightened her apartment on Sunday afternoon. They had spent all day Saturday—and just as important, Saturday night—together, and his charm and intelligence were such a delight. Equally delightful was the physical Trent: Simone loved roaming her hands over his strong chest, muscular arms, and across his firm stomach. Maybe not a ripped six-pack, but it was darned close. And his glorious, fantastic firm ass! She had seen it the first time only two weeks ago in the aftermath of their fourth date. It was a date she would never, ever forget because of what followed. They had gone to a local theater production put on by a troupe of long standing in their city. Known for socially relevant satire with a bite, the play was hilarious. Maybe the good vibes carried over. Maybe it was just time. Maybe the stars and planets were aligned just so. Whatever it was, Trent's lovemaking was tender but passionate. He aroused her intensely with his body, his words, his lips on her throat, her breasts, her pussy. For the first time ever, Simone had an orgasm during an initial session of lovemaking with a man. That told her volumes about her connection with Trent. Pausing as she picked up a magazine from the end table, Simone remembered the velvety smooth feel of the head of his cock inside her mouth. He was delicious! The first time she saw his erection, she had to taste it. She slid him as deep inside her mouth as she could take him, wanting to swallow him whole if that were possible. She could have handled him for hours that night, stroking him, fluttering her tongue along the length of him, coaxing the pre-cum of his lustful desire from the end of his beautiful, naked cock. But she was too anxious to feel the full measure of his hard dick buried as deep as she could pull it into her pussy. He was eager, too. Oh, my, god, thought Simone, easing onto the sofa to daydream, cleaning chores temporarily forgotten. Gripping his firm, muscular asscheeks as he pumped into her. That was heaven! He had such a fantastic ass! It felt so wonderful, so masculine, so powerful, so very, very erotic. Simone's hand dropped subconsciously to her crotch. The memory of Trent's gorgeous ass underneath her fingertips was moistening her pussy. Then, memory advanced to fantasy. Simone shucked off the gym shorts and panties she was wearing. Lying against the back of the sofa and settling into position to masturbate, she launched from the reality of two weeks ago into the fantasy of sliding a lubricated finger inside Trent's tight, hot asshole as he pumped her. It was a favorite way to make love for Simone. Though an inventive lover had introduced her to the sexy, intimate act over a year ago, he was not a man who viewed Simone—or any woman, for that matter—as a long-term investment. Sadly, not since her powerfully erotic introduction to exploring the snug, naughty confines of that man's asshole had she experienced this favorite kind of sex play. How would Trent react? Had he experienced this? Would he like it? Could she introduce him to it in a way that would arouse him, make him even hotter to take her, to ravage her in ways that would have her thrashing in ecstasy? More important, could she introduce this to him in a manner that would put all his fears and doubts immediately to rest so she could give him the extreme sexual pleasure she had seen on the face of the guy who had introduced her to finger-fucking a man in the ass? Teasing one fingertip across the exposed pleasure nub of her clitoris, Simone imagined what it would feel like, what she would say, how he would react. "Baby, hand me that bottle of lube on the nightstand." Not a surprising request, and Trent would do so, reaching with one arm as he laid on top of her to retrieve the bottle. "Need a little slipperiness on your clit?" he would ask, handing her the bottle and then dropping back down, his strong chest pushing against her breasts. "No. You make me so wet. You know that!" she would giggle. He would raise himself up on his elbows to gaze questioningly into her face. "This is for you," she would whisper sexily, popping the top on the bottle and tilting it at the base of his back, poised at the end of the furrow between his muscular glutes. "This is for the sexiest man I know, the man who I want to massage into ecstasy right now as his beautiful hard cock feels so wonderful buried in my pussy." A look of recognition would cross his face. She would thumb the cap shut and drop the bottle to the bed, moving her hand to the puddle of gooey liquid poised at the apex of his ass crack. Simone's fantasy moved from thinking about what she WOULD do into a movie in her mind about what she WAS doing. "Simone, you're not saying that--" "Yes, baby," she answered, shushing him by placing one finger of her other hand against his lips. "I'm saying that I want to give a sensation so indescribably wonderful that you can't believe a woman would pamper and love you like this. I'm saying that I want to touch you here," and she slid her hand downward, pushing the lube in advance of her fingers between the valley of his firm cheeks and toward the crinkled orifice that was his asshole, "in order to massage you and give you every bit of pleasure I can possibly can." She began stroking a fingertip gently over his asshole, the slippery liquid soothing, cool, and awakening the nerve endings bundled and concentrated underneath the crinkles of his beautiful pink starfish. He gasped. "That's it, baby. Relax and let me touch you like this. I want to make you feel so good." Trent eased back down on top of her, his weight borne mostly on his strong arms on either side of her as he rested his chest against hers. It placed one ear close to her mouth, and she continued tutoring her now-willing student through all reluctance, all worries or concern about what was happening. "God, you are such a fantastic lover, baby. You make me feel so good." Simone's finger was now circling Trent's anus, smoothing and massaging as she occasionally slid her fingertip across the center of his asshole. "I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. I know this is one way to do it." She nibbled tenderly on his earlobe. He groaned, raising his ass slightly, signaling her that her ministrations on his asshole were arousing him. "That's it, baby. Let yourself go to take my finger inside you. I want to feel you there. I want to take you to a place you've never been." "Simone, what you're doing—it feels so good. I can't believe how sexy this is. Oh, baby, you are such a lover." He flexed open his asscheeks, sending the unmistakable signal that he wanted Simone to do this. She centered her fingertip, resting it against his slippery opening. "Then show me, Trent," she whispered throatily, "show me how good it feels and how much more you want. Show me by opening up for me right here." She tapped lightly on the center of his asshole. A deep moan rumbled in his chest. Simone thrilled to the sensations it sent into her breasts. "Right here, baby. Right here." Tap. Tap. Then, there it was. An indentation. The first sign of surrender. The first sign that her lover trusted her enough, was so turned on by what she was doing, that he would acquiesce to the lesson she would teach him about his own sexuality. Simone's toes curled in anticipation as she pressed, so very lightly, into his virgin hole. "Oh, my sexy, sexy man. You are fantastic. I want to make you feel wonderful. Let me in. Let me in." Her finger slipped in to the first knuckle. She held it there, cooing and whispering to reassure him. "Oh, god, Trent, I'm inside you. Baby, I'm inside you, and it feels so-o-o-o-o sexy. You are so-o-o-o sexy. I love it when you open for me. Oh, let me give you a gentle massage, my love." She withdrew slightly and was rewarded with the most erotic rush she had ever felt with this glorious man. It was the rush created by a moan that communicated in no uncertain terms a message that drove her wild with desire: Don't go. Don't take it out! She pushed back in slowly. Deeper this time. Again that masculine growl reverberated through Trent's chest, sending vibrations against Simone's breasts. "I won't go, baby. I promise I won't go. I won't pull it out until I make you feel better than you have ever felt during sex." She pushed deeper. Trent raised up on stiffened arms, his asshole clenching around her finger. "Damn! Oh, damn!" he exclaimed. Panting in surprise, lust, anticipation of even more, he opened his clenched-tight eyes to look down at her. She looked directly into those deep brown eyes and inched her finger even deeper. "It feels so good, doesn't it, baby?" She pulled out a bit, then plunged back in. He was tight and so hot. His virgin hole was accommodating her intimate massage. Simone's pussy clamped around his hard dick, a shudder of pure sexual desire coursing through her body. He surrendered totally, dropping back down against her, his buttocks thrusting upward to get more of her finger inside, then pumping down to drive his hard cock deep into her sopping pussy. "Do me, Simone. Do me good," he whispered in her ear as he ground against the slickened folds of her vagina. "Put your finger inside me, baby. Put it in deep because you're gonna make me come, and I want to feel you all the way inside me when I do." Simone slid her finger almost entirely out of his asshole, poising at the entrance to curl it into position, and then buried it as deep as she could inside him, nudging against his prostate as she slid her finger to the core of his sexual soul. Trent bucked in surprise and lust, thrusting back against her cupped hand spread across his buttocks as her middle finger impaled itself deep inside his asshole. She pressed her hand hard against his ass as he thrust his stiff cock in and out of her pussy. She was climbing fast to her own peak. "God, Simone! Fuck me with your finger. Put it inside deep, baby. I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come!" He groaned, and Simone could swear she felt the vibrations from that sexy man-sound wrap around the finger she had buried in his asshole. That pushed her over the edge, and her pussy started contracting rhythmically around Trent's stiff cock. Then, the most erotic, lustful thing Simone had ever experienced began. Trent's asshole began spasming in concert with the contractions of his cock, which were pushing powerful jets of cum deep inside her. The gripping and releasing of his anus tight around her finger was the sexiest feeling imaginable for a woman making love to a man. She arched her back and moaned in primal satisfaction and happiness as an intense orgasm coursed through her body.. This happened to both fantasy-Simone and real-life Simone. Clearing her head as she lay on her sofa, legs splayed, a dishrag limpness working its way into her entire body as the aftermath of her powerful orgasm subsided, Simone smiled. Maybe her fantasy would come true on her next date with Trent. Chloe's fingers were working her clit insistently as she neared the end of the story. She was tugging on one nipple with the other hand. When she read the part about Simone pushing her finger all the way inside Trent's willing, opened asshole, Chloe came with a shudder, legs stiffening as she sat in her office chair, one hand quickly grabbing the arm rest to steady herself. Gritting her teeth to tamp down the orgasmic groan she wanted to emit, Chloe somehow suffered silently through an intense orgasm. How did Georgia ever do this so the people around her didn't know what was happening? \*\*\* Driving home from work that day, Chloe was quite satisfied with her initial foray as an author of erotica. The story would surely excite Georgia as she masturbated on the scanner platform, but it was also a first-step-only tale that was the perfect introduction to man-fucking for a guy who had never ventured to that kind of sexual play. If Rick turned out to be a man with whom she wanted a relationship (fingers crossed!), observing his reaction to her tale of Trent's gentle initiation into taking his lover's finger up his ass would provide important clues. But Chloe wanted all the usual steps of getting to know each other to come first. That would, she hoped, lead to discovering that Ricardo Torres could be a man with whom she would want to spend a great deal of time. Maybe even marry . . . Chloe knew she was getting ahead of herself. But, if it did work out, amidst all that wonderful getting-to-know-each-other giddiness and anticipation, her story would be rolling around inside Rick's head. Would it make him curious to try out what he had spoken into the mic in the recording studio? Fidgeting through dinner then a half-hearted attempt at writing the abstract to an article she was working on, Chloe gave up. First, writing in the required academic style after the writing she'd done this afternoon somehow just didn't work—she needed more time to come down from the high of putting into written words one of her own sexual fantasies. Second, she was too distracted wondering about the possible what-ifs for what was happening across town at the college Rick attended. Hmm . . . 8:30 PM now. Let's see, the class is from seven to ten, so what if they were dismissed early? Would Rick be home by now, maybe at his computer and replying to the note Dr. Shropshire would have given him? She closed out the article file and checked email. No. Of course not. It was too early. She tried television. Why did I think THAT would work, Chloe thought, dropping the remote in disgust at the vast amount of inane drivel that was beamed to her satellite dish. In spite of 250 channels, nothing of intelligence could be found. Man-fucking videos weren't a possibility. She was too amped up to settle into a fantasy, and besides, her orgasm this afternoon in her office (God! Had she really done that?) was pretty intense. Chloe wasn't ready for another just yet. (At least, not one at her own hands.) 9:15 PM. No message. Too soon. Too soon. 10 PM. No message. He had to drive home, for heaven's sake! 10:30 PM. No message. Where did he live? Maybe he went to the library after class. Aaargh! The library! He could be there half the night. 11:10 PM. The quiet beep sounded from her computer speakers indicating an incoming message: Hello Dr. Burrell, Yes, I do remember your talk last year to our class. Thank you again for coming to speak. I truly appreciate the time you spent with me to go over that one aspect of limbic system function. Your research study sounds very interesting. I would be delighted to be a reader for the material you need recorded by an accented male voice. This is perhaps the only time my accent has gotten me a job! I have your office phone number from Dr. Shropshire. Please email me to let me know when a convenient day and time might be to call you. Sincerely, Rick Torres This was perfect. Absolutely perfect! \*\*\* "Rick, thanks so much for agreeing to be a reader for this recording," Chloe said, opening the door to her lab and ushering him through. He was in a button-down shirt and khakis, having left his coat in the car given the unseasonably mild late winter/early spring day. Chloe could not help but steal a glance at his butt as he walked ahead of her into the room with the massive scanner. "I want to show you everything connected to this research study—where we do our fMRI scans, the computer set-up, everything—so you get a feel for the research. It's very important work, this mapping of brain activity." She led Rick to the scanner's control panel. "Have you ever had a functional magnetic resonance imaging scan of your own brain? It might be fun to take a look at neural activity within your amygdalae. There is a strong marker for limbic system activity there." The effect of language on the workings of the brain was one of Chloe's areas of expertise. How could it not be, given her line of research into the neuroscience of human sexuality? She felt only a twinge of guilt at carefully planning ahead of time exactly what she would say as she led Rick on this part of the tour: "I want to SHOW YOU EVERYTHING . . . SO YOU GET A FEEL . . ." Yes, it was devious. Yes, it was designed to appeal to the man's subconscious desire to have the woman. But it was only the 21st-century version of what women had done for millennia to interest and arouse the men they desired. And everything about Rick—from the moment of his phone call to her until this tour of her lab later in the week—made Chloe desire him. He was excited at finishing his doctorate and starting an internship, and the subject of his new profession was something about which Chloe knew a lot. It made it easy for them to start conversations. Those conversations, though, had led quickly and easily to other areas: He, too, was divorced. No kids. Looking for a more satisfying life. Though his schooling the past year and a half had cut drastically into his free time, he was (like Chloe) someone who prioritized staying fit. That attracted her a lot, and Chloe also learned that he liked to salsa dance (though he hadn't done much of that since before his relatively brief marriage). They would make an attractive couple on the dance floor—AFTER he taught her how to dance. That would be so much fun! In only the two phone conversations they had had since her message was delivered by Dr. Shropshire, it was clear to both of them that what had started with her offer for him to read a short passage to be audio-recorded for her research had led to both of them enjoying the other's company. This is exactly what Chloe had hoped! In only two phone conversations they were far past, "Dr. Burrell" and, "Mr. Torres." Now, though, she was starting to get very nervous. Very worried. She truly liked the man. He was handsome. He understood, at least to some degree, her work. He had a sexy voice, and he worked at keeping himself in shape. (A realization that led Chloe again to thoughts of exploring his muscled asscheeks and running her hands over his nude butt.) But now she was going to show him the story she wanted him to record. "So, Rick, what do you think?" "About the lab?" "I guess. I assume you also might have been curious enough to try to find one of my articles or some other clue about my research." They were seated in her office, having moved back there after the thoroughly delightful stroll through the research lab and the connected computer room where Chloe called up onto a monitor the prior day's scans. They had an engaging conversation about the neurophysiological markers of brain activity as shown on the scans before going down to the audio recording studio. He smelled good. As he leaned closer to look at one of the readouts in the computer room, she had caught the subtle whiff of . . . what? Probably deodorant. Or did he actually put on a touch of cologne for their meeting? She decided cologne, definitely, though very subtle, very classy. She smelled it again as he stood next to her, looking through the glass partition into the Psych Building's small recording studio. Rick answered in that sexy baritone. "Well, yes, I admit that I did search your name on google scholar. I read your article from January's Journal of Neuroscience." Thank god! Chloe thought. That article talked about her work mapping the "bliss-out" areas of the female brain during orgasm. And still Rick had come to her lab. He had not been scared away. "I was happy for them to publish that one," Chloe said, relaxing. "I'm eager to contribute to the science that could help improve people's sexual lives. It's such an important part of a relationship, but our society really manages to screw up and denigrate so much of what should be a normal, healthy part of everyone's lives. If science can figure out what's going on in the brain during arousal and orgasm, maybe we can devise interventions that can help people get back to enjoying satisfying lives." It was a prepared speech that she had at the ready for explaining her work to journalists, lay audiences, high school advanced placement students touring the lab. He had such pretty eyes! "You don't have to sell me on the importance of your work, Chloe. I hope to be able to make a positive impact in improving people's lives myself," Rick said, smiling at her. "I'm so happy to hear you say that, Rick. I have been so nervous about showing you what we need to have recorded for the next phase of the research." He looked interested. He rubbed his chin for a moment. "It's written in the language and idiom meant specifically to cause sexual arousal for a female research subject. Do you know of the research work involving language protocols when doing sexuality research with human subjects?" Chloe's palms had started to sweat. "You mean the findings that natural language for subjects as a means to minimize their embarrassment or concerns in the lab?" Rick leaned forward slightly in his chair. "Yes. We had to cover that as part of counseling session good practice." "I am being so silly, Rick. You know about my research. You're about to get a doctorate in psychology. Forgive me for being nervous but, well, no matter all the polite, scientific spin we can put on this—and believe me, I want nothing except pure scientific professionalism in my work—the words you'll be reading into the recorder down in the studio are, um . . . it's just so . . . well--" "Explicit?" Rick saved her from more stumbling in embarrassment trying to describe the story she had written. He smiled reassuringly. "I kind of figured, when I learned more about your research, that I would be reading something pretty steamy." He grinned at her look of relief. "Yes. I think I can handle it," he said, leaning back in his chair. "Rick, the fact that you're being so understanding about this makes me wish the small amount the lab can afford to pay for you to record this for us were at least ten times more," Chloe said earnestly. "We can't use our own students for this, and you can imagine the potential delicate situations that would be created by asking any colleague to do it." Rick raised his hand to cut short Chloe's tortured explanations. "Yes, I can just imagine," he laughed. "Say no more." She handed him a manila envelope. "You might want to read it ahead of time. But don't practice! We just need a natural sounding male voice. The content is tailored for specific sexual arousal triggers for the particular research subject who will listen to the story as we run an fMRI on her." There. It was done. Rick had Chloe's story in his hands. "So the recording session is set for tomorrow evening at 8 PM, right?" he asked. "Yes," Chloe answered, tossing her head backward to move a shock of hair away from her eyes. (The move lengthens and exposes the female's neck, according to the evolutionary psychologists who study human mating behavior. This universal sexual signal of interest and availability was something Chloe had also studied. Knowing about it was part of her research, but she did it now unconsciously. She wanted him!) "Just one thing, Chloe," Rick said, rising from his chair. Chloe tensed. "Why do you need an accent for this reading?" She was caught off guard. The accent ploy required no explanation for Dr. Shropshire—she would assume Chloe's research was targeting some aspect of the neuroscience of second language acquisition or any of a dozen other potential plausible topics. She hadn't thought through her subterfuge enough to have planned an answer for Rick. "Accent? Oh. I'm sorry, I guess I haven't explained that, have I?" Chloe responded, stalling for time as she cast about for an answer that would not reveal her ulterior motives in having selected Rick. "Well, it's just that," and her gaze fell on the spine of a book on the shelf behind Rick's head—"Language as Metaphor" was the title—and she had her answer, "it's just that this particular research subject has a thing for Latin men, and since we're trying to induce orgasm routed initially through the auditory control centers, I thought a Latin accent would be most appropriate." He didn't look entirely convinced. "So. Busted. I admit that when I went through the subject's interview history and remembered her statements about this preference, I immediately thought of you, having remembered our conversation after that time I spoke to your class." Chloe toed the carpet nervously. She tilted her head down slightly as she looked at him, her expression begging him to say it was okay. Rick let out a hearty laugh. Chloe melted. "Just as I said in my email, Chloe," he answered. "This is the first time my accent has ever gotten me a job!" \*\*\* Chloe had a restless night. She could not shut down the lines of thought that coursed through her mind as she lay in bed. What had he thought when he read the story? Had he been turned off by it? Shit! Even more unsettling (at least in terms of getting some sleep): Had he been turned on by it? Shit! Chloe sat upright in her bed as a thought came to her, unbidden from her subconscious. What if it turned him on so much that he masturbated to it? Georgia would. Chloe HAD! Oh, my sweet mother of everything holy, thought Chloe. What if Rick was at this very instant stroking his hard cock as he re-read Chloe's story? The pit of her stomach clenched at the thought. What if her words had aroused Rick to the point that he had to stroke himself to an ejaculation as he read (and re-read) the story? The mental image would not leave her. Chloe got wet thinking that maybe the man she hoped she would have the chance to get to know much, much better had been so turned on by her story that he was masturbating right now. Maybe the scenario she created in "His Woman Delights Him" got Rick so hot, so horny, so desperate to come that he had to wrap his fist around his naked, stiff dick and stroke himself to an orgasm. Would he be sitting at his desk at home, her print-out propped up in front of him as he sat nude in a chair before it, fisting his cock? How big was his cock? Would he moan when he spurted? Or would he be lying in his bed, pleasuring himself to the memory of the story, to what Simone did to Trent? What would have turned him on the most about the story? Would Chloe ever get the chance to ask him these things? Would it be mutual masturbation if she played with herself right now imagining that Rick was doing the same? It did not matter what it would be called. Chloe spread her legs, moved her hand to her naked crotch, and brought herself to a satisfying orgasm with the mental image of Rick, naked as he sat reading her story and stroking his stiff dick until he came, shooting spurts of white cum up onto his sexy chest. Only then did Chloe get any sleep. The next day was incredibly frustrating. Chloe botched several attempts at an analysis run, always forgetting to do some little thing that would have normally been second nature to her. She was as skittish as a new-born colt, distracted by everything, concentrating on nothing. Damn! Would 8 PM never come?! Finally, 7:30 PM did, and Rick knocked on her office doorjamb, leaning slightly inside as he did so. "Chloe?" Her skittishness, anxiousness, butterflies—everything combined—meant she jerked with a startle response that came from nowhere. "Oh, Rick! Sorry—I guess I was pretty engrossed in this print-out." There WAS print-out on the desk in front of her. Engrossed in it? Hardly! Nervous beyond measure at what the evening would bring? Absolutely. "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be to give this a shot," Rick said, stepping into her office. Chloe rose from her chair. She had agonized over what to wear (even moreso than what she had put herself through in advance of Rick's visit yesterday) and had finally decided it would be best to send no overt signals. The atmosphere would be charged enough as Rick read her story out loud into the mic in the little studio. Those were close quarters, though the recording booth was separated by a glass window from the digital recording station and soundscaping equipment on the other side. Thank god Chloe needed no technician to do this job. She had booked the time for the studio, picked up the key before the Psych Department administrative assistant left for the day, and would be the only person with Rick in the studio. As they walked to the elevator, Rick carrying the manila envelope in his hand, he asked, "Chloe, there won't be anyone around while I'm doing this, will there? I mean, I'm happy to do this for you, I really am, but, well, anyone else around hearing me read this—it might make me nervous and spoil the recording, you know?" "No one but us, Rick," she answered, placing her hand on his arm briefly and drawing them to a stop in front of the elevator. The hallway was empty. "We're very sensitive to everything connected to this research, and that includes your wonderful assistance, Rick. There does have to be a recording engineer to run the console during the recording and to check for volume spikes and the like, but that's something I've done several times over the years. I thought it best that I be the engineer in order to save you from having yet another pair of ears hear you read the story." The elevator door slid open and they stepped inside. "Was that a good assumption?" she asked, punching the button for the basement, worried that it was not. Rick swallowed hard and fidgeted, fingering the envelope for a moment before answering. "Yeah, that was definitely the right thing to do." He dropped his hands to his side, the envelope grazing against his pants in the process. "It's just that, well . . ." He leaned against the wall of the elevator and blew out a breath between pursed lips. The elevator ground to a stop, and the doors slid open to the basement of the building. Rick pushed himself forward from the wall of the elevator and stepped next to Chloe as they exited into the hallway. Her stomach was churning in worry. What was he going to say? "Chloe, this story. Well, I know you told me not to practice reading it, but I did." She looked at him quizzically as they walked toward the recording studio. "You see, I had to practice it. The first time I read it, well, it . . . it . . . oh, damn it to hell!" He stopped in his tracks, chewed at his lower lip for a moment, and then looked at the floor when he said, "Reading that story really got to me, Chloe, and I'm worried that I'll do a bad job of this. It was almost impossible to read this thing"—Rick raised the envelope and gestured with it—"and not stumble over the words or have my voice get caught in my throat, or," and he finally looked at her, "or just have to stop and settle down for a minute because the story . . . oh, god, how do I say this? . . . because this story turns me on so much!" Chloe blinked twice. She hoped it hid the mixture of relief and happiness in her face. Chloe was ecstatic at what Rick had just admitted. She laid a hand on his arm and said, "Don't worry, Rick. That's what the recording equipment is for. We can edit the recording every which way from Sunday no matter how many times you have to stop and start." "I know all that, Chloe," Rick said as they resumed walking to the studio. "That's not what I meant by being worried about all of this." Arriving at the studio door, Chloe unlocked it and ushered them inside. They were alone in the cramped space of the control room. Rick put his hand on Chloe's shoulder. "Sit down for just a minute and let me explain," he said. "I know I must have you thinking I am some kind of idiot." Far from it, thought Chloe, but she let Rick have his say. "Chloe, this story arouses me. THAT'S what I'm worried about. I want to help you with your research, but I also want you to think about me as a guy you might like to, well, you know, might like to go out with sometime," he said hopefully, looking into her eyes as she sat in the old, rickety chair that was swivelled around to face him from its place in front of the console. "And here I come tonight, not able to do this like you need it done because I can't get through it without getting so turned on that I have to stop just to somehow keep my wits together." He looked away from her, running his hands through his hair at the sides of his head before looking back into her eyes. "I know the recording can be edited, Chloe, and I know that somehow you're going to be able to piece together what you need from tonight for your research. But don't you see what I'm telling you? I've just told you that what goes on in this story turns me on sexually. I knew I wouldn't be able to hide that while I'm reading the story, so I figured I'd admit to it now." The tiny little room did allow him to pace, something his nervousness was demanding. "But Chloe, I am so worried that you might think I'm, well, kinky or something because this story gets me so excited, and if you do think that, then what you think of me will jeopardize any chance of what I want so much to happen between us." He searched her eyes, and Chloe saw the fine sheen of perspiration on his forehead reflected in the glow from the fluorescent light overhead. Her heart melted for him as he concluded his tortured confession. "And what I want to happen, Chloe, is to have dinner with you some night soon. I want to take you to a nice restaurant, then maybe go for coffee afterwards and just get to know you, just get to spend more time with you." Rick dropped the envelope onto the desk behind Chloe and shoved his hands in his pockets. "So please don't think I'm weird or a pervert or anything. Please don't think that!" Chloe stood up to wrap her arms around his waist and rose up on her tiptoes to whisper into his ear, "I'm glad you liked my story." She leaned back to see the stunned expression on Rick's face. "Your story? You wrote that story?" he asked, incredulous. "I thought it was something that came from some sexual research database or something. I never for a minute thought . . ." He drew in a big breath and rolled his eyes back to look at the ceiling for a moment before returning her gaze. Chloe's arms still encircled his waist. "I would love to go out with you, Rick," she said, looking into his beautiful brown eyes. "This is the absolute craziest way any guy could ever ask a girl out," Rick said, a smile starting to form at the corners of his mouth. "What I've just confessed to you . . . Chloe, I really, REALLY hope that somehow in your sex researcher history you've decided that a guy who gets turned on by this story can still be an okay guy." "Rick," she said seriously, releasing her grasp around his waist, "relax and stop worrying. It is definitely not a deal-breaker for me that this," and she reached behind her to tap the manila envelope lying on the console table, "has the effect that it does on you. If anything, it makes me--" Chloe stopped herself, searching for the right way to put into words what she really felt. He waited, trying to guess what she would say as he looked into her eyes. "It makes me think you're a fascinating, complex, intriguing man who might be a very good lover for some lucky woman, maybe a woman who will be as gentle and loving and careful as Simone is in the story." Then Chloe decided to stop being so coy. Rick had admitted he wanted to go out with her. They had discovered in their first two phone conversations that they liked each other. Now she knew that a woman finger-fucking a man in the asshole turned him on. What more did she need? An engraved invitation? "Maybe the lucky woman for whom you'll be a very good lover is me, Rick. You don't know it yet, but 'Simone' is my middle name." His eyes widened in surprise. "Can we please start this recording session? Please?" Chloe gave him a knowing smile. "Of course." Then she was all business, setting up the mic, running a mic check and setting volume levels—everything an audio engineer would do. She was just as eager to get the recording session underway, though not for the same reason as Rick's. And it was wonderful, absolutely perfect, that HIS reason was because he wanted to finish the task that had so bothered him for so long because he worried about what SHE would think of HIM for being so powerfully aroused by the idea of a woman finger-fucking a man in the asshole. What would he think of her if he knew that she had masturbated the night before to thoughts of him stroking his cock as he read her story? What would he think of her if he knew she wanted to do to him exactly what Simone had done to Trent? What he had admitted made Chloe think he would think that he could not wait to make to love to her. Delicious! Chloe could not wait to listen to Rick's sexy voice describing in vivid detail how a woman gently and lovingly finger-fucked her man in the ass. God! Hearing the man speak those things she had written! What an incredible turn-on this recording session was going to be! \*\*\* Chloe did not tell Rick that she burned a CD of his recording, and it supplanted anything in her collection in terms of pure, lustful eroticism. She masturbated more than once to his sexy accent narrating the story that had come out in one intense session at the keyboard in her office. When he read the things Trent said in the story—"God, Simone! Fuck me with your finger. Put it inside deep, baby. I'm gonna come! I'm gonna come!"—well, Chloe would shake with excitement, passion, lust, every erotic feeling she had ever felt, only three times as intense. She could not wait to hear him say those things to her as her finger slipped inside his tight asshole. And so. It came to their first coupling. Looking up at her from between her legs, his chin slick with her juices, Rick said, "You taste wonderful." Chloe was finally coming down from the fantastic orgasm he had given her with his tongue pressed against her clit, swirling it around and sucking it into his mouth as he slipped two fingers inside her pussy and found her G-spot, pressing gently but insistently against that bundle of nerves in just the right fashion to drive her wild. "Do you think I'm wet enough for you to slip your hard cock inside me?" she teased. He crawled up over her, his erection bobbing in obvious arousal, pre-cum smeared across the head of his dick. "I'm going to find out, baby," Rick said. The recent weeks had been heavenly for Chloe. She made excellent progress in her research and her publishing, and she was in love with a beautiful man. Being in this condition made her wonder how she possibly existed without it. "An actuary, huh?" said Faye at lunch several weeks after Rick recorded "His Woman Delights Him." "He's not your typical accountant type, is he?" "No," Chloe answered smiling. "He is definitely NOT a nerdy, introverted, sexually repressed man, if that's what you mean." Wiping her mouth on her napkin, Chloe looked at Faye and asked her own question. "And who says accountants are automatically like that anyway?" Faye was too interested in Chloe's response to take the bait for a debate. "Wow—if you already know he's not sexually repressed, you two must have--" "Get you mind back on your lunch," Chloe said, grinning as she looked down into her salad. "Does he have a brother?" Faye laughed. \*\*\* On a Saturday afternoon at her townhome after a delightful morning the two of them had spent browsing through a used book store followed by a nice lunch at a tony bistro nearby, Chloe felt it was time to have the conversation she'd been so excited-scared-aroused to have with Rick. She had carefully and deliberately placed her strapon, harness, and lube for easy retrieval in the drawer of the nightstand next to her bed. Sitting next to each other on her sofa, she started the conversation she had been planning ever since the night Rick recorded her story. "You know, babe, this has been such an incredible time in my life. You have no idea how much I've dreamed about reaching this point in my research and at the university. It looks rock solid now that I'll get tenure, and I actually have a reputation in neuroscience and even a research topic—the Burrellian Threshhold—named after me." She leaned her head on Rick's shoulder and continued. "But none of that comes close to having you in my life." Had she been able to mimic her cat's purr, Chloe would have done it. "I'm not at that level professionally, Chloe, but even if I were, being with you would top it," he answered, squeezing her thigh. "And to think that all this started with a subject who came to my lab and told me she could have orgasms even more intense than that first one I witnessed on her scans," she said, lifting her head from Rick's shoulder and turning slightly to face him more directly. "Where would I be if that research subject hadn't admitted that her most intense orgasms came from thinking about a woman sliding her finger inside a guy and getting off on how it felt around her finger when he came." Chloe had not discussed Georgia's fantasy with Rick before, other than the little she had to tell him to support the need for the story he recorded. She never talked about her subjects by name or in connection with any identifying information—that would violate confidentiality rules. As far as Rick knew at this point, a finger in the asshole was the extent of the research subject's obsession. Chloe had purposefully not brought the story up in the weeks since he had read it. Rick's expression was priceless! Chloe watched a range of emotions play across his visage as the seconds ticked by. He didn't know what to say. Or he knew, but he was afraid to say it. Chloe continued her planned teasing. "Funny how life is, sometimes, huh? If my research hadn't gotten into audio-triggered female orgasm, we wouldn't be sitting here like this right now." She looked at his face, resting one hand on his knee. "And I wouldn't be thinking about how much I enjoyed writing that story and hearing you read it." The implication hung in the air. Rick swallowed hard. "Boy, you were sure nervous that night, remember? As I recall," Chloe said, leaning closer to Rick's ear, "you said that the story got you hot and bothered." She moved her hand from his knee to higher on his thigh. "Does 'hot and bothered' mean you'd like it if I slid my finger inside you?" Rick drew in a big breath. He looked at her, shifted around to face her a bit more. "Yes." Chloe smiled. "I've been thinking about doing it to you for a long time, baby. I've been thinking about how hot, tight, and warm you'll be, how much I'm going to love being inside you." "It DOES get me hot and bothered." Rick said, moving her hand to his crotch. His cock was hardening. Chloe scooted closer to him, unbuckling his belt in the process. "You know what, baby? I made a CD of your recording, and I play it when I get horny—which is a lot since I met you—and I masturbate listening to you talk about Simone sliding her finger into Trent's asshole as they're making love." She unbuttoned his pants. "It gets me off every time. The only thing better in the recording would be to actually hear Trent's moans when he comes." She lowered Rick's zipper. "I figured I couldn't ask you to do that for the recording, though." Chloe freed his cock by stretching the front of his briefs below his balls and ran her fingers all over the shaft and head, sending shivers she could feel run through his body as she snuggled against him. "But I would love to hear you moan for ME when I put MY finger inside your asshole." She lowered her head and took him in her mouth. "God! Chloe! Damn! Admitting what I told you that night—you're using that against me, aren't you?" His words were forced out as he fought down the urge to moan at that very moment. Chloe lifted her head and looked at him. "Against you? If you mean that I'm using your admission that you like having your cute little asshole penetrated during sex to tease you right now, then you're right." She stroked his cock, now slick with her saliva, as she looked at him. "And if you mean that I'm going to put my finger inside you while I suck you in a minute because I know you're going to love it, then you're right about that, too," she said, concentrating her grip at the base of his cock and tilting it forward so the pink head of his shaft was easily accessible to her other hand. She traced a fingertip around it and across the sensitive bundle of nerves below it. "But Rick, lover, I don't think it's really accurate to say all this means I'm using it against you. In fact," Chloe said before lowering her head once more to his now throbbing cock, "we both know how much we'd like to do what Simone and Trent did, so I don't see that I have any advantage at all!" Rick groaned loudly as Chloe's lips closed around the head of his cock and she slid her mouth down his shaft, taking as much of him as she possibly could accept into her throat. It was not long before Rick was lifting his butt off the sofa, unconscious reflexes taking over as he began humping her face. Chloe was awkwardly positioned for this. She drew his gorgeous cock out her mouth with a slurp and sat up next to him. "Take off your pants," she said throatily. "Get naked for me." Chloe was running her fingers across the material of her top, centering her fingertips on her nipples and pressing against them, pinching them to feel the material of her bra slide across them as she tugged them upward. Rick stood quickly, his pants falling to his ankles, then skinned off his briefs. Chloe watching in mounting excitement. She would soon experience the snug warmth of a man's asshole for the first time after so many weeks of fantasizing about it, seeing it done on her videos, writing down Georgia's comments for her research, and listening to Rick's sexy voice describe the act in the recording he had made. Rick was out of his shirt and had kicked his clothes to the side. He was bending down to take off his socks. "Stop, Rick. Stop doing that right now," Chloe said, surprising herself at the urgency in her voice. "You're going to give me a sexy show as you take off your socks, okay?" He looked at her, puzzled, his glorious cock at half-mast. "Turn around," she said, smiling. "I want to see your nice, firm butt when you bend over to take them off." Her hand had slid to her crotch. She was brazenly pressing one finger into the material at the crotch of her jeans. Rick tilted his head down a bit and looked at her as he began moving his head slowly side to side. "You are as naughty as Simone, Chloe Burrell," he said, accentuating the sexy Latin rhythms and tonal rises and falls in his accent. "You are going to do things Simone didn't try, aren't you?" Chloe's stomach fluttered with a thousand butterflies. "Yes," she whispered, "not only AM I Simone—remember that's my name, too—but I've had weeks to think up terribly naughty things that we're going to do with your pretty little bottom, my dear." She smirked at him dramatically, emphasizing the playfulness of their little scenario. "And the first step is you showing me my personal plaything hiding between your firm little cheeks, so turn back around. You know what to do." He turned slowly, drawing out her anticipation. Oh, he had such a wonderful ass! She loved everything about it and knew it intimately by touch, having spent delightful periods of time running her fingers and her hands over his naked butt as he laid on top of her during their lovemaking. Rick bent to reach the sock on one foot. Flexing apart his asscheeks as he did so, he murmured, "Your plaything?" He tugged off that sock then reached to the other, his cheeks momentarily coming together in the process. Then he flexed open to her gaze again, this time more completely and holding the pose for several seconds as he said, "Do you mean that my asshole is your personal plaything?" Chloe's hips were levered up off the sofa as she frantically pulled down her jeans and panties. Seeing Rick open up like that in front of her and then become the tease himself as he lingered with flexed-open cheeks, his pink pucker only inches away, triggered a desperate need to play with herself. Having freed herself from her jeans, Chloe spread her legs and leaned forward. "Yes, Rick, that's exactly what I mean. Back up!" She planted her hands on his naked cheeks and spread him open to her view as soon as he was close enough to do so. She leaned forward, blew gently on his starfish and then flicked her tongue lightly into the furrow between his cheeks but millimeters above his twitching hole. Leaning back after that delicious taste, his meaty cheeks firmly in her grasp and held open before her, she told him, "This, Rick . . . just like this. This is one of the positions I want you to memorize because I love the way it opens all of you up to me. Let's call it, 'Position Alpha,' shall we? I can't wait to tell you to get into 'Position Alpha' for me in the future." She released one cheek and smacked it playfully, giggling. He moaned. "Yeah, just like this—you leaning forward, naked, your hands on your knees and your nice hard cock and balls so freely available to me. I love 'Position Alpha.'" She released his cheeks and reached underneath him to cradle his sac in one hand. The other hand went to her crotch. "This really turns me on, baby. I am going to love going inside you." She fondled his balls with one hand, stroked her clit with the other. "You're going to be a good boy for me and take my finger all the way inside, aren't you?" He moaned again. It meant yes. She released his balls and reached further underneath to grab his dick. She pulled it down and back, bringing it to a convenient position for her to stroke as she continued her teasing description of what she was doing, what she would do. "Have you ever done this with anyone, Rick?" She leaned forward and kissed him again on one cheek, her hand still stroking his cock. "No," he croaked. Goose pimples had formed on his thighs. "Ooh, how sweet," she told him, the manipulation she was giving her clit now intensifying because she knew she was about to do something she had seen in "Losing the Bet, Winning the Game," and which drove her wild at every viewing. Chloe released his cock, drew her hand away from her crotch, and placed her hands once again on the cheeks of Rick's ass. Drawing him wide apart, she looked directly at his asshole. Her pussy was now sopping wet. "If you haven't done it before, then that means that this—" Chloe stuck out and pointed her tongue. The flush of sexual excitement had engorged her pussy, reddening it with intense arousal. She was squirming in anticipation. She speared Rick's asshole with her tongue, lingering briefly before drawing back to conclude her statement to him: "—it means that this must be a virgin asshole. Is that right, baby?" Rick reacted by standing straight up and turning around quickly, his cheeks slipping from her grasp. He dropped to his knees in front of her and grabbed the insides of her thighs, spreading them quickly, forcefully, and pulled her butt forward on the sofa so he had easy access to her pussy. Resting his arms on her knees, he spread her pussy lips apart with his fingers and pulled back the hood of her clit with one thumb. Her pinkness was glistening wet, liquid already pooled at the bottom of her lips and oozing toward her asshole. He answered her question. "I've been saving my virgin hole for a very special lady," he said, his mouth a tantalizing inch away from her pussy and clit. "It's yours, Chloe," he said right before burying his face between her legs. She gasped at the intensity of his invasion, tongue snaking as far inside her pussy as he could force it while his thumb strummed against her hardened pleasure nub. Chloe struggled out of her top, then reached behind her quickly to undo her bra and free her breasts, which she immediately cupped and lifted upward, drawing each nipple between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, sighing in the relief of tending to them as a counterpoint to the glorious things Rick was doing to her pussy and clit. When he sealed his lips around her clit and flicked his tongue repeatedly against it, Chloe had a series of mini-orgasms—rapid-fire waves of pleasure crashing into her. "God, stop! Stop! I can't take it," she screamed, scooting back against the couch to pull her crotch away from his mouth and the ecstasy he was creating there. Trembling with pleasure that had distended her nipples into long, hard, dark brown signals of tortured passion, she leaned down and kissed him deeply, tasting herself all over his lips. Lingering with her mouth pressed to his as her climax dissipated, Chloe finally drew her face back from his and looked deeply into his eyes. "You make me feel so good, baby." He smiled. She looked down to the front of the sofa. His hard cock was throbbing, upright and pointed toward the ceiling as he remained on his knees in front of her. A drop of pre-cum had oozed from the tip of his penis and was dripping down the shaft, clinging there precariously. "There's a bottle of lube in the nightstand drawer, Rick. Why don't you bring it to me," Chloe said, leaning against the back of the sofa and stretching to bring one hand to the back of her head. She rustled her hair as she looked at him thoughtfully for a second. "I am going to slide my finger inside your asshole while I suck your cock." He rose from his knees, looking at her with a wry grin. "And it's only because you're a sex researcher and therefore had to learn how to talk in ways that match whatever your subjects say that you're able to tease me so well by saying such profoundly dirty, exciting things, right?" His lovely cock bobbed before him, and he smiled at her over his shoulder as he walked to her bedroom. She didn't answer. She just returned his smile, then dropped her gaze to stare at the sexy motion of his naked ass as he walked to her bedroom. He would discover her harness and her strapon lying next to the bottle of lube she had told him to bring her. Chloe jumped up, dashed to the kitchen to pull a large, thirsty dish towel from a drawer, and returned to the sofa, spreading the towel on the edge of the sofa cushion where Rick would lose his anal virginity to her finger. Then she rose and sat on the towel herself, deciding that he would need to assume 'Position Alpha' first so she could enjoy the delightful sight of the lube sliding down between his spread-open butt cheeks as it made its way to the pink, crinkly opening that she would slide her finger into. Rick reappeared at the door of her bedroom. He held the bottle of lube in one hand, the strapon and the harness in the other. "I took the liberty of bringing these, too," he said, motioning with the black leather harness and purple dildo. "You are definitely very, very bad, Chloe," he said. "What do you think is going to happen with these things you laid next to the lube?" It was clear what he wanted to happen with them. His cock was steel hard and dripping even more pre-cum as he walked toward her. "Oh, those?" she answered in mock surprise. "My, my, Rick, I had forgotten about those being in the drawer next to the lube." She laughed, enjoying the role play. "But since you've brought them out, I can show you how they work if you like." He dropped the harness and the dildo on the coffee table then leaned down as he stood before her. He looked into her eyes and whispered, "I believe you asked for this," as he held the bottle out for her. "Mmmm, what a good boy! This is just what I need to use with my personal plaything," she said, taking the bottle and jiggling it in front of him. "Position Alpha should be just about perfect to get things ready for a blowjob you'll never forget." Chloe's nipples were as hard as Rick's cock. She was intensely aroused, so crazy to do him in the ass that she was oblivious to the thought of anything else. He kissed her, lingering with his lips brushing hers as he said, "You are magnificent, Chloe Burrell. I have come so many times thinking about you doing this, about you sliding your finger inside me and about you fucking me with a strapon." Chloe's eyes widened in surprise. "You've been thinking about me strapping on a--" "Shhh," and he pressed a finger against her lips. "Yes. Yes, I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me and to come as a result of doing it." She dropped the bottle of lube onto the sofa beside her and reached out one hand to cradle his ball sac, looking into his eyes as she fondled him. "But you're a virgin, remember?" she grinned. "Can you take it?" "If you go slow and gentle," he said, squirming in pleasure at what she was doing with his balls. "But before that, I assume it's probably a good thing to warm me up with something smaller, wouldn't you say?" He was asking her to finger fuck him in the ass! "Beg for it, baby. That's going to get me so hot, I just know it will." She released his balls and gripped his hard shaft. "Position Alpha, Rick, then beg me to put my finger inside you." He grabbed her head in both hands and kissed her passionately, deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth. "You are the sexiest lover a man could ever have," he said, finally releasing her from his kiss. Her hand had remained on his stiff dick throughout his kiss. She leaned forward and popped the head into her mouth, swirling her tongue across the sensitive spot that she knew was the focus of pleasure during the male orgasm. Withdrawing his cock from her mouth, she said, "That's just a little prelude, Rick—I'm going to take your cock all the way down my throat when I put my finger up your ass." Chloe released him completely, put her hands on his hips, and rotated him into position in front of her. "Hands on your knees, baby. I want to see that sexy little asshole." She picked up the bottle of lube from beside her, popped the top and watched Rick bend over, put his hands on his knees and flex his ass open before her. "Oooh, that is the sexiest sight ever," she purred, pouring a little lube in one hand before moving the bottle to the top of his crack. Reaching to grab his cock, Chloe smeared the lube up and down his shaft and then pulled it back slightly between his legs, his balls separating in their sac to move to either side. With the bottle poised to drip its contents into the furrow between his cheeks, she said, "Spread wider, Rick. I want to see your cock better as I play with it." He moved his feet wider apart. "Now bend lower for me, baby. Arch your back more and push your ass up high. Show me how much you want this." He bent lower, rocking forward a bit to tilt his hips in a way that pushed his naked butt into a position which left no doubt that he was offering it to Chloe to toy with in any way she chose. She began drizzling lube into his ass crack. He flinched at the coolness of the viscous liquid. "Now, I think I remember something about some sexy hot begging," Chloe said, watching in fascination as the shiny lube rolled down between Rick's cheeks, advancing toward the place where she would penetrate him. "Oh, Chloe, how many times have I thought about this? How many times have I wanted you to do this to me? Please, baby, please—put your finger inside me and fuck me with it!" The desperation in his voice was genuine. It brought a gush of liquid from Chloe's pussy as she handled his cock and listened to his sexy pleas. "I want you to do me good, baby. Fuck me good with your finger." "Where?" she teased, wanting to hear more of his sexy entreaties for her to fuck him. "Where do you want me to fuck you with my finger?" "God, Chloe! Don't tease me like this! Please don't make me beg any longer. You're driving me crazy, baby. I want you to finger-fuck me in my asshole!" He wiggled his butt in front of her to emphasize his lustful desire. The lube had made its way to his pink anus, and she centered her index finger on the sensitive portal to his tight anal canal. Chloe began spreading the lube across his crinkled opening. "Mmmmm," was the throaty moan her actions elicited from Rick. "Does this feel good?" she asked, teasing him more. "Let me know if I should stop." All the while, she continued stroking his dick, drawing her fist downward toward the floor and then back up again, the lube glistening as the head of his cock disappeared from view on the downstroke and then re-appeared on the upstroke. It was almost as mesmerizing as seeing his cute little asshole twitch beneath the motions of her fingertip. "Chloe! Stop it! Stop teasing me and push it in!" He was begging for real, panting, his head levering up to the ceiling and then back down, eyes tight in frustration. She leaned forward and lightly nipped him with her teeth on one cheek. "Stop that squirming, mister—you're distracting me. I'm going to put it inside you right now, so stop wiggling around like a little puppy." Rick calmed his actions immediately. The room was quiet except for the slight slurping noise made as Chloe jacked her fist up and down Rick's hard cock. She didn't say anything. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Rick was holding his breath. She pushed her finger inside his asshole slowly but without stopping until she was completely buried inside him. "Oh, god, oh god, oh god," he moaned. "Oh, babe, it feels so good!" It did feel good, Chloe thought. It felt better than good. "You're so tight," she whispered, "so tight and hot." She withdrew slightly, bringing a groan from her lover. "I'm fucking you in your asshole, Rick. I'm screwing you with my finger in your asshole. Do you like it?" She set up a regular tempo, really getting into the act of penetrating his ass, going inside him as she jacked his cock. "You're gonna make me come, it feels so good," he answered, breath ragged and his twitching cock speaking testament to his warning. Chloe withdrew her finger immediately. "Aaargh," he groaned in frustration. "Don't stop. Please, put it back in!" "No coming," she said, more sternly than she planned. "The first time you come from a finger-fucking, it's going to be down my throat," Chloe warned him, clamping her fist at the base of his cock to emphasize her point. He growled in . . . what? Defiance? Frustration? Exhilaration? She released his cock. "Turn around and sit on the couch," she directed. Rising from her seat on the towel, Chloe noticed the damp spot that had spread beneath her. She was very, very wet. Chloe stepped to the side from behind him, and Rick raised from his bent-over position, turned around, and moved quickly into position in front of the sofa. She placed her hands on his shoulders, looked him in the eye, and said, "Sit," as she pushed him down onto the towel. Dropping to her knees in front of him, she quickly pushed his legs open then draped them over her shoulders. Grabbing his hips, she pulled him forward so his butt was just at the edge of the sofa. Quickly insinuating her finger between his asscheeks, she looked up at him. "Look at me as I slide my finger inside you," she said, holding his gaze with hers. "Look at me and know, as I slide my finger inch by inch inside you, that I want your asshole as my personal plaything. That it makes me hotter than you can know, Rick, to do this to you." She eased in past the ring of muscle at the entrance of his rosebud and held her finger there, his hole spasming around the first knuckle of her index finger. "Fucking you like this has been a fantasy that I've masturbated to countless times." She inched her finger forward a bit more. Rick threw back his head and moaned. "Look at me!" He lowered his gaze back to hers. More of her finger slid insistently inside him. "I have wanted to feel your asshole grip my finger for so long." Deeper she went. "I wrote the story the whole time imagining it was me doing it to you." He moaned again, brow furrowing as he looked at her, squirming into position to send the unmistakable message that he wanted her to slide every millimeter inside him. "And I want you to shoot your cum down my throat right now." Chloe pressed her finger as deep inside him as it would go, and she lowered her head to his throbbing dick, opening her mouth and plunging it half-way down his cock before she slowed, opening her throat and proceeding by tortuous millimeters, adjusting to him in the process, until her lips were sealed around the base of his cock. Proud of herself, Chloe thought with satisfaction that the weeks of practice with the dildo had paid off. The best part was, Rick's cock was real. It was her man's cock, not the plastic of a stand-in serving only as a practice instrument. She backed off, looking up at him as she slid his cock from her mouth, taking in a gasp of air as the head popped free She wiggled the finger buried in his asshole. Rick's eyes were wide in wonder. "Damn, Chloe! Damn! Baby, you are driving me absolutely insane!" "Am I a good cocksucker?" she asked, now sliding her finger in and out of Rick's lubed asshole. "Do you like how I suck you, baby?" Rick was near delirium, and his answer was almost incomprehensible as he clamped his eyes tightly shut in an attempt to prolong for just one more second the bliss at what she was doing to his asshole and his cock. "Wild . . . driving me . . . wild . . ." Waiting for nothing more of an answer, Chloe took him again in her mouth, this time working her tongue repeatedly back and forth over that sensitive spot, wanting to trigger an orgasm, as she finger-fucked his asshole. "Arrgh," he moaned through gritted teeth. "Baby, I'm coming, I'm--" He couldn't finish the sentence. Chloe sealed her lips around the head of his prick, settled back on her haunches, and simply reveled in the feeling of his asshole spasming around her finger in concert with the contractions that were pumping his sperm into her mouth. Some of his cum dribbled out of the side of her mouth and rolled down the shaft of his dick. Rick shuddered and collapsed forward, his legs straightening as they fell from her shoulders on either side of her to the floor. His cock slipped from between her lips in the process, and she grabbed it at the base to direct the final spurts of his semen onto her breasts and across her nipples. Her finger remained buried inside him. "Oh, god! Slide it out, Chloe, slide it out! I can't take it any longer!" He was panting, his head rolling from side to side now as he hugged his ribs, his legs twitching. Chloe slid her finger slowly from his asshole as she swallowed. Rick fell against the back of the sofa, drawing in deep breaths. Placing her hands on his thighs, she pushed herself up to kiss him deeply, knowing he could taste himself on her lips. She held the kiss, sucking his tongue into her mouth. Finally breaking the soulful mouth-to-mouth connection, she whispered to him, "That felt great, baby. I love making you come like that." He looked at her intensely, holding her gaze for a moment before he said, "I love you." Chloe fell against his chest, her cum-soaked breasts rubbing against his skin, and said, "I love you, Rick." It was heaven. For several minutes they remained in this position. Rick enfolded her in his arms as she laid against him, and they simply existed, two souls as one in the aftermath of the their incredible sexual bonding. Finally stirring from their post-orgasmic bliss, Chloe said, "Let's clean up a bit, recover, and I'll fix us a light dinner." She rose from her knees, the flush of sexual arousal retreating from her chest, and turned to walk to her bedroom and a quick shower. Rick was still too spent to do much more than be an appreciative audience to the naked backside of the woman who had just given him the most powerful climax of his life. As he watched Chloe disappear into the bedroom, he finally found strength to sit up, stand groggily, and follow her to the rejuvenating effects of a shared shower. The harness and strapon remained where they lay on the coffee table. They donned casual—and easy to remove—clothing after their shower. Rick in a pair of gray gym shorts that Chloe had bought him the week before and then enjoyed seeing him model before planting her hands on his ass and jerking them down to kiss one of his firm glutes. A Hawaiian shirt, unbuttoned, was the rest of his attire. "Leave it unbuttoned," she said. "I like seeing your chest and sexy abs." She put on her mid-thigh length robe, lightly belted. Neither wore any underwear. As Chloe created a spinach salad topped with chicken strips, some sliced yellow squash, boiled eggs, and cherry tomatoes, Rick sat on the sofa, contemplating the strapon dildo before him on the coffee table. It was, she had told him in the shower, a "feeldoe"—a dildo designed explicitly for the woman's pleasure as she thrust into, and out of, her partner. He leaned forward and picked it up, turning it over in his hand, the odd shape strange in its contours, its color a jarring departure from that of dildos meant to mimic a man's penis. Running his fingertips over the ovoid, Rick examined the feeldoe thoughtfully. "That end fits inside me just right," Chloe said, walking to the sofa from the kitchen with the two salad bowls in her hand. She set them on the coffee table and headed back to retrieve salad dressing and two glasses of iced kombucha tea along with forks and napkins. "The bulb fits right up against my G-spot," she explained over her shoulder, "and those little ridges nudge up against my clit." Rick was impressed at the engineering and design of the strange-looking toy. "And that button right there," she said, pointing with a finger after setting down the glasses, "turns on the vibrator." Rick was, indeed, impressed. Settling onto the couch, Chloe looked at him, gripped the shaft of the dildo as she took it gently from his grasp, and then closed her other hand around the bulb end, holding the feeldoe before him in both fists, almost like she was about to bend it apart. "And this end," she said, sliding her hand up and down the part that looked so incredibly sexy protruding from her crotch when she modeled it for herself in front of her mirror, "is the end that I have dreamed and fantasized about sliding in and out of your fantastic bottom." She smiled demurely at him, teasing him yet again, and placed the dildo back on the coffee table next to the harness. Reaching for the viniagrette, she poured a small amount over her salad as she asked, "Do you have a buttplug?" Chloe was completely guileless in her question. She advanced a bit of salad toward her mouth, pausing for a moment to clarify her question as the spinach and a little tomato balanced on her fork. "You know, a toy that you've used to slide in and out of your asshole when you masturbate." Rick had not yet picked up the bowl she had set in front of him. He just looked at her. She was enjoying her salad. "Chloe, I swear, your research must be doing things to you. You are calmly sitting there, eating salad, and talking about stuff that you know makes me incredibly horny. Are you wearing your researcher hat or something so that this is a clinical observation exercise? I can't even concentrate on picking up my fork with you asking me questions like that." Poor baby, she thought. He truly is in a state. She loved it! Playing with this man, teasing him (but always—ALWAYS—consummating the tease), was so satisfying. Rewarding. Sexy. Erotic. But all of that paled in comparison to two things: He loved her obsession as much as she did, and he was quickly becoming the man, protector, mate, lover . . . that she could see as her husband. After putting her fork down into her bowl of salad and then reaching for her glass of tea, Chloe looked at Rick over the edge of the glass poised at her lip. She said, "No. I can assure you that talking about this, thinking about this, seeing this done—all of it makes me incredibly horny, too." She took a swallow of tea, put the glass down on the coffee table, and resumed her position in a half-turn toward him on the sofa, the bowl of salad cradled in her lap. "And, trust me, this is NOT my 'researcher mode.'" She smiled lovingly at him as she picked her bowl up to resume eating. "What this is, Rick, is more of the tease that is as delicious for me as this salad." She gathered more salad on her fork, and paused. "So . . . do you have a butt plug? Do you use it when you masturbate and think about getting fucked in the ass?" He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Tease me all you want, baby." Settling back into position after finally picking up his own bowl of salad, Rick said, "Yes." Chloe's nipples immediately hardened. "And?" she asked, looking at him as she lowered her bowl to her lap. Rick looked puzzled as he chewed a mouthful of the tasty salad. "And how do you do it? Explain to me in very careful detail, Rick." He swallowed, managing not to choke, and said, "As good as this salad is, Chloe, I can't possibly eat right now if you're going to do this." In mock surprise, she answered, "Do what?" He narrowed his eyes at her. "You're being coy and naughty, Dr. Chloe Burrell," he said, wagging a forefinger in front of her. "Oh! My! I guess you must want to talk with Dr. Burrell," she said grinning. "I understand that Dr. Burrell interviews research subjects about their sexual fantasies and practices. Just a minute." Chloe leaned over to put her bowl on the coffee table and jumped up from the sofa, striding quickly to the little desk in the corner of the kitchen next to the refrigerator. She slid open the drawer and withdrew a clip board. "Now, Mr. Torres," she said, walking back to the sofa after retrieving a pen lying on the desk, "you were saying that you have a butt plug, that you use it when you masturbate, and that your masturbatory fantasies involve having a woman wearing a strapon dildo fuck you in the asshole." Chloe sat back on the sofa, this time her back straight as she perched on the cushion. She placed the clip board on her lap, hand poised to write on the paper. "Is this all correct?" Cocking his head to look at her as he slowly moved his bowl of salad to the coffee table, Rick smiled wryly. "Yes, Dr. Burrell. All that is correct." He placed his hands in his lap, waiting for the next question. Pretending to make a mark on the paper, Chloe said, "Very good. For the purposes of our research, we need to know as much as possible about your thoughts and actions when you use the butt plug. May I assume that you are naked during such, um, activities?" "That's a good assumption," he answered. "I will mark, 'yes' on our subject sexual practices profile. Thank you." Chloe looked up from her clip board. "If you are naked, Mr. Torres, is that because you anticipate masturbating to the point of ejaculation as a result of your activities?" She quickly raised her hand to stop Rick from answering the question before the first word formed on his lips. "I apologize. We specifically try not to be scientific and clinical in our interview terminology. I should have asked you, 'If you are naked when you stroke your cock and use the butt plug, is that because you expect to come as a result of your activities?'" He gave her a small but knowing smile. "Yes. I expect to come." "Describe the activity," she said simply, looking at him with expectant eyes. That caught Rick off guard. He took a deep breath. "Well, Dr. Burrell, I generally initiate the activity because I've been thinking about making love to a woman by having her fuck me thoroughly with a strapon dildo. In thinking about this, the fucking she would give me would only happen, of course, after I have aroused her in many different ways. For example, I have certain techniques with my tongue and lips on her clitoris that are usually quite effective in causing her sexual arousal." He paused. Chloe took the cue. "You are saying that you perform cunniling--" She stopped herself, pretending to strike through something on the pretend writing she was doing. "I apologize again, Mr. Torres. You are saying that you lick and suck the woman's clit as a way to get her hot and horny. Is that right?" Rick grinned broadly. "That is exactly it, Dr. Burrell." Rick was enjoying this little game. "Very good. Proceed with your description." He scooted just a bit closer to Chloe. "In this fantasy, when I use the butt plug to pretend the woman is actually fucking me in my ass, I take great pleasure in arousing her intensely." He paused, looking intently into Chloe's eyes. "Should I mention that it is always a certain kind of woman who is in this fantasy, Dr. Burrell?" Chloe cleared her throat. "Yes. Mention it, Mr. Torres." "The woman is always one who likes to have orgasms, who is sexy and hot. This woman understands how great it is that she can play with a man as a way to get herself off, and she enjoys doing that." Chloe pretended to write. Even pretend writing was becoming difficult as she listened to Rick. Who was teasing whom right now? "For me, that's extremely important as part of the fantasy," Rick continued. "You see, Dr. Burrell, I like to fantasize about being fucked in the asshole by a woman who will come hard as a result of doing it, a woman who KNOWS she's going to come hard from fucking me that way, and a woman who is desperate for the orgasm she will have because she is so turned on about everything connected with fucking a man with a strapon dildo." He paused. Chloe cleared her throat and swallowed. "This, this kind of woman in your fantasy, Mr. Torres," she said haltingly, "when you jerk off, do you think about such a woman actually fucking you with her strapon, and your use of the butt plug when you masturbate helps you feel what you might actually feel if the woman were there with you at the time you are stroking your cock?" Rick inched a bit closer to "Dr. Burrell" on the sofa. "Well, I know it can never feel the same as a woman actually stroking her strapon dildo in and out of my asshole," he said, pausing for a moment. "You see, Dr. Burrell, I have never been fucked in the ass by a woman before. I am a virgin in that way, so I don't really know how it would feel." Rick lowered his voice just a bit and leaned forward slightly. "So I can only guess that sliding my butt plug in and out of my virgin ass must feel at least a little bit similar to a woman—the kind of woman I've described to you—using my asshole for her sexual pleasure by fucking me there with her strapon." He was teasing her, Chloe knew. She loved it. Her gushing pussy was proof. Chloe shifted in her seat, easing back a bit. Relaxing. Being "Dr. Burrell" was difficult in these circumstances. Glancing at Rick's crotch as she re-positioned herself, she saw the unmistakable outline of his hardening cock in his gym shorts. "So, uh, the woman," Chloe said, her hardened nipples poking into the flimsy material of her robe, "this woman in your fantasy loves to fuck you with her strapon and that is important as part of the fantasy's ability to cause you to spurt your cum. Is that correct?" She had dropped the pen to floor as she shifted back to a more comfortable position. "It is essential," Rick said. "The woman wants to take me as a way to make herself come." He chewed his lip thoughtfully for a moment, then added, "But maybe that's an oversimplification." He placed his hand lightly on Chloe's forearm. "This woman in my fantasy is desperate to come from fucking me, but she is also desperate that I come, too." Chloe's eyes tracked the motion of Rick's hand as he removed it from her arm in order to readjust his lengthening cock, which was becoming uncomfortable, trapped in his shorts. He was deliberate in the motion, drawing the shaft forward to tent out the material at his crotch, then repositioning it up against his abdomen, the head just barely contained by the elastic in the waistband. When her gaze moved back to his, Rick was smiling at her. He quickly continued his explanation. "You see, Dr. Burrell, this fantasy isn't about a woman who just wants to use me, to demean me, in some kind of revenge mode against all men. No, that's not it at all. My fantasy woman is hot and horny to do me in order to get herself off, but it's because fucking me like that is one way that we both get off." The clip board slid off Chloe's lap, nestling next to her on the sofa cushion. Moments ticked by as they looked into each other's eyes. "In this fantasy, do you," Chloe swallowed, her mouth dry and her heart racing, "do you stroke your cock as the woman fucks you, or is she the one manipulating your erection?" Rick reached one hand slowly toward her and slid it inside her robe, across her firm, heaving breast, and trapped her hard and throbbing nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Scooting closer to her as he began to fondle her breast, he clarified exactly what happened in his fantasy. "This is a favorite fantasy, Dr. Burrell, so there are many, many variations. Sometimes I am on my back, my ass on the edge of the mattress with the woman standing between my legs, which she has draped over her shoulders. She is looking at me as she slides her strapon very slowly inside me, all the while gripping and stroking my cock and telling me things like, 'Ooh, this feels so good, baby—I just love fucking you like this.' She looks down to watch her dildo pump in and out of my asshole and says, 'You are my sexy fantasy. This gets me so hot and wet.' She is very good at stroking my cock while she fucks my asshole with her strapon, and the rhythm she uses to do both things at once drives me incredibly wild with lust." Rick's insistent, yet gentle tugs on her nipple were causing cascades of pleasure to shoot between her nipples and her pussy. Chloe slid her legs open, crooking one knee to draw it up under her and extending the other leg to straighten it, her foot sliding slightly under the coffee table. The motion bloused open the top of her robe quite a bit, and it caused the hem of the short garment to ride up. Continuing to tug on her nipple, Rick slid the other hand to her pussy, now easily available to him. He found her clit immediately. It was hard, distended, peeking out from under its hood. Both her clit and her pussy were wet. Very wet. "So to answer your question, Dr. Burrell, in that version of the fantasy, the woman is stroking my cock. It feels absolutely wonderful, her hand gliding up and down my erect dick as her strapon slides in and out of my asshole." Chloe's eyelids fluttered briefly, breath quickening as Rick played with her. "In another version of this fantasy," he continued, building his tease artfully as he momentarily backed off from what he was doing to her clit, "the woman has positioned me on the bed with my chest down on the mattress but my knees spread wide and my ass high. She is behind me on her knees, and she tells me things as she strokes my cock and fondles my balls as they hang down between my legs." "What things?" Chloe croaked, fighting to keep her conscious mind focused on what Rick was saying so she could reproduce his fantasies for him. What he was doing to her nipple and her clit, though, was making it very, very difficult to be taking mental notes. "Very sexy, very arousing things, Dr. Burrell." He resumed stroking her clit. Slowly. So slowly. His thumb slid easily across it, lubricated with a slippery coating of her juices that had clung there when he withdrew it from between her pussy lips. "She tells me that she is crazy hot to fuck me because she is so turned on by seeing me like this, spread apart and open to her. She gently glides a finger of her other hand up and down between my spread apart cheeks and tells me how much she likes to look at my upturned ass and my naked, exposed asshole because she knows it's her personal toy for her own sexual pleasure, and she knows that playing with it will give her a mind-blowing climax." Chole unbelted her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders, giving her entire body to Rick to play with as he continued his dangerously erotic description, a description that could, at any moment, send her into an orgasm that she knew would make her delirious. He moved his hand to her other breast, continuing with his slippery, gentle massage of her clit. "What she's doing to my cock and my asshole feels wonderful, Dr. Burrell, and I encourage her. I tell her things, too, in this fantasy." He leaned close to Chloe's ear and whispered, "Do you want me to tell you what I say?" Chloe was panting. She eked out a hoarse, "Yes. Tell me." Her abs and stomach fluttered, an undeniable presage to an orgasm. "I say that I am going to take every inch of her strapon deep inside me and that I want to feel her buck up against me when she screws me. I say that I want her to grind her pussy up against my ass as a way to stimulate her clit. I tell her that I want her to fuck me really, really good, and to make herself come hard from doing it." Rick slid the hand on her breast down to her crotch and slid two fingers inside Chloe's pussy. He continued his massage of her clit as he began to twist his fingers in and out of her, fucking her as he whispered sexily into her ear. "When I tell her that, she gets crazy with lust and releases my cock in order to slide closer to me, grabbing the lubed shaft of her dildo at the base and tapping the end of it against my asshole. She says she's going to go out of her mind if she doesn't fuck me at that very instant, and she slides that dildo all the way inside me in order to do just what I said I want—grind her pussy up against my ass in order to fuck me deep and to make herself come. I reach beneath me and start stroking my cock because I know it will be only a few seconds before she reaches an incredible orgasm, and I want to come at the same time." Chloe gasped, emitted a primal, guttural moan, and came hard, her pussy spasming around Rick's fingers, her clit retracting under its hood. She shook in waves of ecstasy, her beautiful tits jiggling with their long, hard nipples tracing crazy patterns before Rick's eyes. He leaned his mouth against her hair and said, "Yeah, baby, come for me. Come hard for me." She threw her arms around his neck and rode out the orgasm, pressing her naked body against him, shivering and convulsing her way to, and through, the Burrellian Threshold. When her panting had subsided, orgasm ebbing away, Chloe was draped against him, hugging his body tight to hers. "Is that the information you needed, Dr. Burrell?" he asked, gently grabbing her shoulders to push her away from his chest enough to see her face. Drawing in a long breath with closed eyes, Chloe parted and licked her lips, swallowing to soothe her dry mouth and throat. She opened her eyes slowly to look at Rick. "No more 'Dr. Burrell' right now, Rick. No more, 'Mr. Torres,' either. Take those shorts off," she ordered, "and get out of this shirt." She pushed the shirt off his shoulders and tugged down on the waistband of the shorts, freeing his cock. She leaned away from him to pick up the feeldoe from the coffee table. "I'm going to fuck you right now with this," she said, holding the crazy-shaped device in front of his eyes. Standing from the sofa while Rick slid off his shorts, Chloe picked up the harness and the bottle of lube. The clip board fell from the sofa to the carpet. "Come into the bedroom, Rick." She walked quickly to the bedroom door. "I know just what to say when I take your virginity." His cock bobbed comically as he hustled after her. "I don't think I'll need any lubricant to insert this into my pussy, do you?" Chloe asked, holding the feeldoe before Rick as he sat on the edge of the bed and she stood before him. She handed him the dildo. "Put it in, lover," she purred, leaning forward to place her hands on the sides of his face and kiss him deeply. Straightening, she stepped close in front of him and spread her legs. Rick eyes widened. He leaned forward to plant a quick kiss on her belly, then inched the bulb end of the dildo slowly inside her. It popped inside with a satisfying little slurp, and Chloe reached down to position it exactly right. She stepped back from him. "Do you like seeing me with the fake cock that's going up your ass in a minute?" she asked demurely. It was the most erotic sight Rick had ever witnessed. His cock stood straight up between his legs as he sat on the edge of the mattress. "I love seeing it, Chloe," he answered, marveling at how the sight in reality exceeded in effect anything he had yet conjured in his masturbatory imagination. "Good," she said, stepping back in front of him. "Then suck it." Surprising herself at the intense desire with which she wanted to see him sucking her fake cock, Chloe grabbed his head and pushed it toward the shaft protruding from her crotch. "Open wide and let me see you suck it for me," she urged, thrusting her hips upward to bring the end of the dildo close to his mouth. "It will look so sexy, baby. I have dreamed of seeing your lips wrapped around this as you take it into your mouth for me." Rick was stunned. His eyes communicated his surprise. "It's as hard as your own cock, Rick," she whispered, reaching a hand to close her fist around his stiff dick. "Do this for me, baby. I want you to suck my cock." Tentatively, he parted his lips as Chloe maintained her grip on his erection. Nudging the end of the shaft slowly inside the access he was allowing, she saw him seal his lips around it and drop his jaw. "God! Oh, damn!" she said, releasing his cock so she could grab a breast in each hand and start tugging at her nipples, drawing them outward between thumbs and forefingers. "That is so-o-o-o-o hot! Jesus, Rick! Oh, my sweet, sexy man. Oh, shit. Oh, shit." Her encouragement, the intensity with which she communicated how much the act turned her on, pushed Rick quickly past any reluctance to suck on the fake cock protruding from Chloe's crotch. He took more of the purple plastic down his throat. Chloe could only manage moans of desire as she tugged her nipples and watched her man suck the stiff phallus protruding from her pussy. What he was doing made the bulb of the feeldoe move around inside her in delightful ways. She released her breasts to place her hands on his head and began to make small, carefully controlled fucking motions with her hips as she looked down at the sight. "God, baby, I could fuck your face to an orgasm that would blow the top of my head off," she said, desperately holding back the urge to thrust forward and really begin fucking Rick down the throat. She would never do that, but the thought of it was such a temptation. He drew back, slurping spittle from the end of her fake cock, and said, "You want me to learn to deep throat this, don't you?" he asked, looking up into her eyes. She dropped her hand back to his dick, which was still rock hard. "I can teach you, baby. Remember how good it felt to have you down all the way down MY throat?" He grinned and wiped his mouth. "It will turn you on?" She cocked her head at him. "Okay. Stupid question," he laughed, reaching behind her to grab her ass in his hands and pull her toward him. "But learning how to do it should qualify for some kind of special reward, don't you think?" He nipped playfully at a spot on the side of her hip. Her arm was trapped between them, with Chloe's hand still wrapped around Rick's cock. She squeezed it. "I will think of something, my sexy man." Relesing his dick, she said, "But seeing you suck my cock got me so hot, Rick, that there is nothing that can happen right now except me fucking you long and deep and hard in your asshole." She backed away from him. "Up on the bed on all fours, and scoot forward with your chest down facing that direction." She pointed behind him. A puzzled look on his face, Rick twisted around from his seated position to face where Chloe was pointing. The closet door was opened all the way against the bedroom wall. A full-length mirror was attached to the inside of the closet door, which meant that Rick was now looking straight at the mirror. "That's right. I want both of us to see what it looks like the first time I fuck you in the ass," Chloe whispered into his ear, looking at their reflection in the mirror. He turned back around and grabbed her face in his hands, sealing his lips against hers and kissing her hungrily, deeply. Drawing back for a moment, Rick said, "You have planned everything about this, haven't you?" She smiled, looking into his eyes, not saying anything. He kissed her again, plunging his tongue inside her mouth, savoring her, tasting her. Breaking the kiss, Chloe straightened. "First, though," she said, "I have to strap into my harness." She picked it up from the nightstand and quickly stepped into it, a move practiced many times in the previous weeks as she got used to wearing the feeldoe, to adjusting to how it felt inside her, how the shaft moved and bounced when she walked. But more than any of that, she had practiced thrusting her hips in a fucking motion, seeking to mimic the practiced movements that were so hypnotic to watch as Lela fucked Miguel in the ass on Chloe's favorite video. After quickly buckling the straps, Rick all the while looking on in rapt attention, Chloe reached for the bottle of lube, also on the nightstand. "Now," she told him, the purple shaft protruding through the metal ring at the crotch of the harness as she stood before him, "lube up my cock." She popped the top on the lube and handed him the bottle. Rick drizzled a stream of the glistening liquid along the length of the shaft and then quickly closed a fist around it, thumbing closed the top of the bottle of lubricant with his other hand. He began to stroke and twist his fist around the shaft of the dildo while Chloe stood in front of him. "That's a pretty good job, Rick," she said huskily, watching him prepare her cock with the lube. "But stand up behind me, reach around, and show me how a man really strokes his cock." He licked his lips and stood, moving behind her. In the process he leaned his lips next to her ear and whispered, "A guy stroking his cock like this can make him come, Chloe. Are you gonna come while I stroke your cock?" He was behind her, his hard dick pressing into the small of her back and then sliding up against her, slick with pre-cum, as he pressed tightly against her buttocks. Reaching one hand around her to grab the shaft of the feeldoe, he reached the other around the other side of her to fondle her breast. Standing as they were, it was easy for Chloe to watch in the mirror as Rick's practiced motions for jerking his cock began their magical strokes up and down the shaft sticking proudly from her crotch. He was tugging her nipple. Lips close to her ear as he looked at their reflection in the mirror, he began a torturous stream of dirty talk. "Does this make the bulb in your pussy move, Chloe? Does it feel good?" It did. "When I'm standing up like you are right now, my hard cock sticking up from my crotch just like yours is—see, in the mirror?—and I'm stroking my cock like this," he said, gliding his fist up and down the purple shaft, causing the other end of the dildo to nudge repeatedly against Chloe's G-spot, "I'm often thinking about actually fucking you. I'm pretending that your hot, sweet pussy is around my cock, and I'm stroking in and out of you. Are thinking about fucking me right now, about stroking your hard cock in and out of me?" She was. "Have you stroked this cock just like this, watching yourself in the mirror, and wishing I was here to take this cock deep inside my asshole?" "God!" she screamed, pushing him backwards away from her and twirling immediately to look at him, a hungry, lustful gaze dropping straight to his steel-hard dick as it pulsed and pointed skyward. "Get on the bed, Rick. Get on the bed now! I can't wait any longer. You've driven me completely crazy. I have to fuck you now!" He scrambled into position, dropping his chest to the mattress, spreading his elbows to the side as his hands gripped the edge of the mattress slightly in front of his face. He widened his knees, his cock now bobbing beneath his belly, his balls dangling in their sac. Drawing his knees forward a little, Rick pushed his ass upwards. He had practiced the position many times as he imagined being taken by a woman like this. It was easy in this position to reach underneath himself with one hand and stroke his cock as he fantasized about a beautiful, sexy woman crawling behind him, pointing the tip of her lubed-up strapon at the center of his exposed asshole, and sliding it deep inside him. Since he'd met Chloe, that woman was always her. Rick felt the bed jostle as the woman of his dreams—beautiful, sexy, Chloe Simone Burrell, the woman who would transform his lustful desire into reality at the same time she lived out her own fantasy—moved into position behind him. He looked into the mirror to see her gorgeous breasts swaying seductively and the purple dildo bouncing slightly as she advanced on her knees to scoot next to him. Chloe closed a fist full of lube around Rick's dick with one hand as she tilted the bottle of lube at the top of his ass crack with the other. Before squeezing the viscous liquid out into the furrow between his cheeks, Chloe paused. She looked into the mirror, meeting his eyes with hers, and smiled. "I love you," she said sincerely, dropping her eyes momentarily to ensure her positioning of the bottle was perfect. Returning her gaze to his in the mirror's reflection, she said, "And I am going to love fucking your beautiful little asshole until we both come, Rick." She squirted out a generous glob of the slippery liquid, capped the bottle and dropped it to the mattress. Then she began a calculated act, something that she wanted to put Rick into such a state that he would be crazy for her cock, crazy to be fucked, begging her to do him. She stroked his very stiff dick with one hand, drawing it back between his legs to get a good grip, while at the same time pushing a large dollop of the lube toward his asshole, sliding her finger through it in the process. She pushed that finger deep inside him as she continued stroking his cock. "Oh, god, Chloe!" he moaned, muffled into the sheets on the mattress. His hands gripped the edge of the mattress as he squirmed beneath her. "Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god . . .." Whatever sounds came from his mouth after that were indistinguishable to Chloe. Her nipples were achingly hard, and her pussy was sopping wet, making her appreciate the wisdom of the harness to hold the bulb end of the dildo securely inside her pussy. She looked at their reflection in the mirror and became even more aroused, then looked down at the sight in front of her as her finger slid in and out of Rick's asshole. Yes, it was all real. It was really happening. "Rick," she said, her voice loud enough to be heard over the slurping sounds of her fist sliding up and down his hard cock and her finger plunging in and out of his eager pucker, "look at me." He raised his head to stare at the mirror. "You have no idea how hot this is making me." She looked directly into his eyes in the mirror. "See how I'm stroking your cock and finger fucking you in the ass at the same time?" She watched his gaze track around the scene in the mirror. "It makes me crazy to have you like this, your naked ass up in the air, begging me to fuck you, your hard cock in my grip, jacking you off to make you even more desperate to come." Chloe had remembered enough of what Rick had teased her with during their session a little while ago on the couch to improvise successfully. "You're my toy like this, aren't you baby?" She pushed her finger completely inside him, holding it there, wiggling it against his prostate. He groaned. "You want to give yourself to me like this so I come hard, don't you?" He growled deeply this time, his asshole rippling around her finger in response to her question. "Fucking you like this WILL make me come, Rick. It will make me come harder than I have ever come in my life." Chloe ceased her ministrations on his cock, and released it to bounce free beneath his belly. Any more stroking and he would have spurted, she knew. "But Rick, having my finger inside you like this," and she wiggled the digit buried inside his asshole, nudging it repeatedly against his prostate, "is so very sexy. I have wanted to be inside you for so long." She began a torturously slow extraction, drawing her finger from inside the depths of his tight opening in a calculated manner that would coincide with the end of her dirty talk right before she speared him with her dildo. "And taking it out like I'm doing right now can only mean one thing, Rick." She stopped the retreat of her finger. "Do you know what that is?" Chloe looked into his eyes as he watched her reflection, entranced, in the mirror. "God, Chloe! Don't tease me like this," he begged. "Don't tease me any longer, baby." "Then tell me what you know is going to happen when I take my finger out of your asshole, Rick." "You're going to fuck me, aren't you?" he whimpered into the sheets. "What?" Chloe whispered. "You're going to fuck me!" Rick exclaimed, pushing the words from deep in his chest. "That's right, baby," Chloe cooed, "I'm going to fuck you in your asshole." She popped her finger from his puckered opening. "So open it up for me, Rick. Open up your hole. I'm going to push my cock inside you all the way." She pressed his thighs outward with her own to lower his ass a bit to fit her height behind him. Then she grabbed the slickened shaft at the base, aimed the tip at Rick's opened asshole, and slid it deep inside him, sealing herself against him tightly, trapping him underneath her as she reached up and grabbed onto his shoulders. Looking into the mirror, a firm grip on the sexy man beneath her, Chloe said, "Look at me, Rick." He raised his head to stare into the reflection of her eyes as she searched his gaze. "This is how it feels to be fucked, lover." Chloe began the motions that she had practiced so long, the sure, steady undulations she had watched Lela use to fuck Miguel, and she fucked her man slowly, deeply, thoroughly, and with a satisfaction that simply continued to mount through the minutes as he writhed beneath her, panting—even drooling—with lust as she pushed her way right into the depths of his soul. "Chloe! Oh, Chloe, what are you doing? I can't take it! I can not take it!" "Yes, you can," she whispered into his ear, draped over his back as her eyes remained fixed on the mirror, watching their visage as she ass-fucked her lover for the very first time. "You can take it, Rick. You can take it deep for me, can't you?" He reached underneath himself for his hard and throbbing cock. "Not for much longer, babe," he panted, looking at her eyes in the mirror. "I really, really can't take it much longer. You will make me come." Chloe used his words as a cue to press her crotch as tight against his ass as possible. She squirmed against him in that position, knowing that doing so would bump the bulb end of the dildo repeatedly against her G-spot. She would come with him. Rick's fist became a blur on his hard cock. His balls snugged up against his crotch as the final indication that he had reached the point of no return, and the motions of the purple shaft back and forth across his prostate triggered his orgasm, huge spurts of cum flying from the end of his cock, landing on the sheets at the edge of the mattress. Chloe's orgasm hit at the same time. She slammed her crotch against his ass and held it tightly there as wave after wave of incredible pleasure washed over her. Her breasts were pressed tightly into his back as they collapsed down onto the bed, both of them panting in ecstasy and exhaustion. Rick struggled his hand away from his cock, his asshole still spasming around Chloe's strapon. "Back it out, Chloe. Please. Back it out," Rick panted, squirming his ass beneath her. By then having recovered from her journey through the Burrellian Threshold, Chloe put her hands on either side of his back and stiff-armed herself up enough to raise her hips, drawing the dildo slowly from his ass. When it popped free, she once again collapsed on top of him, the dildo now trapped between her belly and his ass. This pushed the bulb end of the feeldoe against the back wall of her pussy, and Chloe rolled off of Rick. She needed relief from the strapon just as Rick did. Rolling off the bed on shaky legs, Chloe managed to unbuckle enough to slip the harness over the feeldoe and drop it to the floor. Gingerly pulling the purple ovoid carefully from between the still-engorged lips of her pussy, she placed the toy atop the tangled mess of leather on the floor and crawled back onto the bed to lie next to Rick, who had turned over on his back. Snuggling her head onto his chest, she pressed her body next to his, draping one leg across his strong thighs. They dozed lightly, too spent to do anything else, until Chloe roused herself enough to say, "You are one sexy man, Rick." She kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Mmmm," he responded, rolling on his side to look into her eyes. "And this from the woman who gave me the two most intense orgasms of my life, both within the span of only . . . what?" He raised his head to look at the digital clock on the night stand. "Within the span of only three hours." He kissed her. "Chloe, come here." He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against his body. "I am the luckiest guy in the world, and you are the sexiest woman ever." He searched her eyes, seeing the contentment and happiness there. "Well, soon-to-be Dr. Torres," she said, brushing a lock of hair away from Rick's eyes as he laid on his side looking at her, "I can just imagine all the exciting research projects we can collaborate on as we both study the human sexual response." She grinned at him, a tingle coursing through her body. "Yes," he answered, a twinkle in his eye. "A two-doctor household WOULD make collaborating quite convenient." And that comment produced a thrill bigger than any Chloe had experienced that day. Or ever.
Title: End of an Era. Sorry humans, you're planet has just been sold. by shetland Tags: Character Development, Clean, Fanfiction, Human, M/F, No-Yiff, Story Series, Vixen End of an Era by Shetland repaired by Raven Fox: Earth gets attacked by an unknown race and gets sold. A bunch of humans want to stay on their planet even tho races of anthros are living on Earth. One human male moves around to avoid eviction, but he gets captured and given a choice. (This was a story I scrapped years ago, but my friend Raven Fox talked me into giving to him so he can fix and finish it. SHETLANDJ) Everett Washington at a rural area. Simon wiped his brow as he disassembled the dash of his 1984 GMC truck. A few months ago the dash wiring of the truck caught on fire burning up the main wiring harness and fuse box. He removed the screws on the instrument cluster carefully removing it so he can unplug the gauges and disconnect the speedometer cable. The thirty year old human with light brown hair with hazel eyes examined the burnt harness noting that twelve volt positive main wire insulation was rubbed off causing the fire. "I can't believe that my cousin Denis did a jury rigged ignition switch, all what he had to do was go to Auto-zone for a replacement switch." The human grumbled to himself as he removed the wiring harness. One week later, Simon's trailer. Simon connected the battery and got in the cab of the gray colored truck. Turning the key in the column from the 1985 Chevy truck, the human watched as the gauges cycled and the 350 V-8 engine turn over. He pressed the accelerator and pulled on the manual choke. A deep rumble came from the engine compartment as it caught. Thru the steering wheel, Simon felt the vibration of the engine. Grinning, the human put the gear selector into drive. He took a quick glance of the gauges and drove down the street turning on the radio. A few weeks later at a camping site. At the campsite Simon tended the fire watching the embers floating up in the night sky. He looked at the clear summer night sky looking at the stars. Something caught his attention, light blue streaks streaked by in the sky. The human watched as hundreds of the light blue streaks pass in his line of vision. He stomped the fire out and threw his tent in the bed of his truck. The starter whined as he tried to start the cold engine. Cussing, Simon pulled the choke knowing that he spent the last couple days hiking the area. "Just like the Millennium Falcon on the ice planet Hoth in the Empire strikes back." The human thought to himself hearing the engine catch with its occupying raw fuel smell. "I just love the smell of 91 octane at night." Simon said as he drove to see what's going on. A few hours later looking at the Puget Sound. Cold fear gripped his chest as he saw what is going on at Seattle. Five large shapes hovered at parts of the town sucking up dust clouds. The human grabbed a pair of binoculars looking at the clouds, his insides chilled as he saw thousands of people get sucked up in the shapes as the mysterious things moved around the city. A roaring sound got his attention as fighter jets flew by. Missiles streaked to the objects not causing damage to them. Simon shook his head as smaller objects attacked the military fighters, a few got away. A few of the smaller ones exploded when they were attacked by the military fighters. "I know what's going to happen next, so I better get back in the mountains." The human thought to himself as he hiked back to his truck. When he got to his truck, Simon drove five miles making sure the mountain is between the Puget Sound and his area. Simon disconnected the battery and the wires to the distributor. "I hope the mountain shields me from the fallout." The human thought to himself as he set up his tent. Simon was right, the next morning he saw a brilliant white flash emanating from the other side of the mountain. Taking no chances, the human drove away five hours later heading east after hooking up the electrical system to his truck. He gambled by pulling the cables off the battery and the wiring to the distributor to see if doing this will protect his system from a EMP. "Well, I count myself lucky that this truck is still operating." He said to himself as drove on. The next day near Yakama. In a wooded area watching the town Simon watches as a bunch of figures clad in a one piece black suit wearing a type of BMX helmets walk by. They walked in the town holding a type of pistol in their hands. A Honda Insight drove by his hiding place to go down the freeway. One of the figures fired that pistol. Simon watched as if some one slammed on the brakes on the Honda. The figure walked to the drivers' door to open it. The driver locked the door, but the figure twisted something on the pistol making the window roll down. He turned away because of the screams from the male driver as he was killed. "Dam, I am glad my truck doesn't have electric windows and ABS brakes." The human thought to himself feeling sorry for the driver of the car. It wasn't till the next day before Simon decided to drive out of the area he was stuck at. Before leaving town, he filled up both fuel tanks. Simon kept his wits while driving down the freeway. While driving down the road later on, a very new import sports car passed him. The male driver looked at Simon laughing at the sight of his twenty seven year old truck. His laughter didn't last long as one of the invaders smaller vehicles buzzed the two vehicles. A red light stuck the newer vehicle, the vehicle stalled slowing and the brakes locked up causing it to go out of control. Simon watched as two of the invaders drag the driver out and they killed him. They tried to fire their pistols at Simons GMC truck, but nothing happened to it. Even that hovering vehicle fired its red beam with no effect. Sighing, the human stopped his truck and loaded his model 1911 45 cal handgun, a gift from his grandfather. He killed the two invaders and emptied the clip to the hovering vehicle. Sparks shot out of an area and the vehicle flew away. Simon watched as the vehicle flew off, he walked up to the two bodies to examine them. "What the heck!?" The human whispered as he watched the bodies melt away leaving behind their suits and helmets. Getting back in his truck, the human started his truck listening to the 350 V-8 rumbles while it idles. He put the gear selector into drive and drove away keeping an eye out for any signs of the invaders. A day later near Boise Idaho. Overlooking from a mountainside, Simon looked thru a set binoculars looking at the large city. He picked up a radio station hearing that the nuclear strike was successful, but the remaining missile silos were destroyed. "What about our missile subs?" The human thought to himself. Right now at the city, military fighter jets were attacking the invader's vehicles. He watched as a squadron of F-18s fired missiles at one of the larger vehicles sucking humans into it. One of the large vehicles fired a light blue ball in the air; it made a strange sound by making a series of beeps. A larger blue ball fell out of the sky striking the center of the town, but it acted like a nuclear explosion. The town area glowed a bright blue causing Simon to cover his eyes, darkness. He didn't know how long he was out; opening his eyes he was met with a splitting headache. Rubbing his eyes, the human looked at the area Boise was at. "Shit, the dam city is gone." Simon said looking the large black crater. While looking at the giant black crater that uses to be a city, something happen in the sky. A section showed a bunch of shapes like a logo and a voice speaking English said. "Attention all Earthlings, your planet was just been sold Galen species. We just defeated the last of your military and just eliminated the last of the governments. Don't know what Earths' new owners are going to do with any surviving humans they find, if there are any of you humans left, your planet is now going to be moved to its new location. Have a nice day." The sky went back to normal. Rainbow coloring with a white static spark show lit up the sky. It was like being in a crystal being shine with a flashlight. Simon covered his eyes due to the light being bright with the sound of bacon frying. He squinted his eyes shut feeling his way to his truck. After finding his way to his truck to enter it. The human covered his ears smelling the musky smell of the interior, due to that the truck was never restored. "Who is the Galen species?" Simon thought to himself as he passed out. Unknown time later. Cramps woke him up due to sleeping in the cab. Opening his eyes the human looked out of the windshield gasping at the sight. "Oh shit, this is not good." He said looking at Earths' new sky. He saw that the sky has a whiter tint to the blue, plus there are two planets in the sky with the moon with a smaller one. The larger and closer planet is like Earth, but Simon can tell that one planet must be mostly cities. Looking at the smaller one, he saw it must be mostly water because of smaller green parts. "Noo not again." Simon cussed as objects descended to the surface. He watched as most of the ships came from the larger planet. The human sighed as a few landed in the crater that use to be Boise Idaho. "I am getting out of here." Going down the freeway, a few hours later. He drove the length of the freeway keeping an eye out for any trouble. Before he went to Boise, topped off the tanks knowing that the truck wouldn't need fuel for four hundred miles. "What the?" Chasing the truck is a dark blue BMW 7 series, buy the lines it must be early 1980's. He accelerated bringing the speed to eighty, but the car speeded up. Due to the distance, the driver of the BMW wasn't visible to him. Simon ran thoughts thru his head knowing the best way to deal with that car is to beat it with endurance. "Those cars are tanks, but this truck has more fuel, because if that BMW was recently fueled, I will still outlast him." The human thought to himself. An hour later, the BMW turned around and headed back to the remains of Boise. Simon grinned. "Nobody has ever built a vehicle that can beat a Chevy." The human chuckled as he drove down the freeway. A day later, Fort Bridger Wyoming. He hid his truck at an abandoned ranch. Simon walked a few miles due to activity at the old fort. The place use to be a trading post, but now it's a museum. Being real quiet, the human climb on to the roof of the main building to check to see what's going on. "Alright, who are these Galen species, what the?!" As an anthro wolf walked out of the building. The male wolf looked at the group of humans standing at the clearing near the building. He noted a few angry looks from some of the older humans. "Alright, my name is Shane and my family paid a fortune for this section of this continent. We will allow you humans to live here, but you half to follow a few rules." Simon watching the spectacle shook his head. "Bad wording wolf, that's the last thing you want to say to a bunch of hard headed white boys." A male voice bellowed. "And what if we won't follow your rules? Some of us paid a fortune for our places." Shane grinned showing his teeth. "Well, the ones who won't listen to us. Will be sent to Washington State. The place that uses to be called the Puget Sound can use some humans to clean the remains of Seattle." "Well, I am out of here, better head over to Utah." Simon said quietly leaving the area. "Sorry Shane, I am not living at your place." The human avoided the wolves and some felines he saw as he quietly crept back to truck. Two days later, West of Salt Lake City Utah. At the wrecking yard Pick N' Pull. Climbing the fence to the yard, Simon looked at the rows of wreck cars. The human jumped on to the ground looking for any signs of the new owners of this area. From what he saw, anthro foxes owned this part of the United States. "Ok, Chevy trucks are at the northeast part of the yard." Simon said to himself walking to the wrecked trucks, he knew this wrecking yard due to that he used to live in Sandy Utah. Right now, his truck is parked nine miles from the yard. It took the best part of the day to get to the yard due to the foxes being more watchful. The water pump to his truck started leaking real bad starting yesterday. He couldn't go to an auto parts store due to the fact he went to check a few out seeing the foxes already manning the stores. Simon made a bee-line to a 1981 Chevy ¾ ton 4x4. Opening the hood, the human choose this candidate due to the truck was rolled in an accident with most of the damage to the roof of the cab. He looked at the engine compartment noting that so far the missing part was the carburetor. "Well, this water pump is almost new, but I won't dare take another vehicle because Earth's new owners are at every auto dealership I seen and all vehicles confiscated. But I really like my GMC truck because it saved my life from those what ever those things that sold this planet." Simon thought to himself as he removed the water pump from the wrecked truck. A set of catlike brown eyes with a cream color mixed in the color watched the human remove a part from the wreck truck. The vixen with brown coloring reach into herself to summon her talent of telekinesis to put an invisible band around the human, but she stopped. "Nah, I need someone to chase. Those dam CEO's that sold us this planet killed too many humans and I find this one interesting. Well Lillian, better hide and wait till the chase starts again." Lillian said to herself getting in a dark blue BMW 7 series that's parked in a stall. Watching his back, Simon quietly left the wrecking yard walking and ducking in a hiding place. He walks by a row of parking stalls not seeing the dark blue BMW parked in one of the stalls. Hours later, Simons' hiding place. Tightening the power steering pump mounting bolts, the human double checked his work before filling the scarce coolant in the cooling system. After topping of the coolant, the human started the truck and double checked the system for leaks. Hours later while driving down I-15 toward southern Utah. "Dam, who ever that BMW owner is, they're persistent." Simon said to himself seeing a familiar dark blue BMW 7 series chasing his truck. He checked his tanks for the quantity of fuel. "Crap, one tank is quarter full and the other is ¾ and I don't know what engine that car has in it." The human thinks and grins turning off the freeway going down a real rough road. Lillian stops her car and watches the gray colored truck go down a steep road knowing if she drove down that hill, the bottom of the car would of gotten damaged. The vixen shrugs grabbing a piece of metal the size of a penny. She concentrates and the metal disc goes under the truck. "You can run, but you can't hide from me human. I already decided what to do with you." She says as she gets in her car and drives off. A day later, I-15 north miles from Ogden. He decided to head over to Montana, so Simon double checked his fuel quantity knowing that earlier in the day; he fueled at a gas station that he watched for a day making sure that there were no foxes running it. The dark blue BMW hasn't been seen since yesterday, so Simon was keeping an eye out for that car. "I wonder who is driving it. A wolf or one of those foxes or a feline." He thought to himself as he drove down the freeway. A mile north from Simon. "Dam, who stole my ride! I really liked that car! Crap, if I get a hold of the individual, I am.....Oh no problem, I'll just catch him right now." Lillian said looking at a device showing a blip going down the freeway near her. "I wonder what it will be like driving that gray vehicle." The vixen muttered to herself getting on the freeway. Simon saw a fox climb over the guard rail and walked toward his truck. "What is going on?" He asked himself as the fox did a gesture with its arms. The engine raced and a strange feeling went thru him as the view from the windshield went from the freeway to the sky. His truck rotated so the front is pointing to the ground. Simon shut off the engine as the fox pulled off its hood revealing its gender. "How did she do that?" The human thought to himself as his truck is lowered till its just a few inches off the ground. Lillian grinned to herself looking at the shock look on the human's face. "Well, I guess he doesn't know what to make of me." She said leveling the truck, but she made sure that the wheels weren't making contact with the freeway. Simon did an involuntary shudder as the dark brown anthro vixen walked closer to his truck. The drivers' door popped open and he felt a force pulled him out of the truck. His body floated to the vixen standing at the front of the truck. Brown catlike eyes with a light tan mixed in the coloring looked at him. An invisible band is keeping his limbs from moving. The human looked at the vixen with the petite build looking at him. "How can she do this?" Simon thought to himself looking at the vixen. A strange feeling went to his scrotum, it felt like a hand massaging his testicles. He looked at the brown vixen with a medium tan front grinning at him. A strange feeling went thru him as he passed out. Lillian looked at the unconscious human floating near her. The vixen used her talent and moved Simon to the passenger area of the truck. She climbed to the drivers' seat moving the seat forward and started the truck. "Got to get use to this fuel smell." Lillian said to herself wrinkling her muzzle from the fuel smell and the deep rumble coming from the engine compartment. The vixen put the truck in gear driving it to an exit to make it go south instead of north. Unknown to Simon, the human is going to the smaller of the two planets near the planet Earth. Lillian decided this morning to go back to her home planet because she didn't like the hot climate of Utah, but she's taking a couple of souvenirs back to her home planet. She strokes Simon's face looking at him. "My feline friend Chell is going to like you human. But she gets you after me." The vixen said with a grin. The truck pulled to Salt Lake City airport a while later. Lillian went thru the security check point and drove to a heavy shuttle going to her home planet. "Taking a couple of souvenirs back to the home planet?" Inquired the red male fox looking at the unconscious human asleep at the passenger side of the truck. "Yeah, he's a furry and begged me to go live with me. Such a shame that male foxes are few in numbers and the few don't like my pelt coloring." Lillian said to the guard. "But it's the telekinesis that intimidates use males, not the pelt coloring." The male fox thought to himself letting the truck pass thru the gate. The vixen grinned to herself pulling the truck into the large heavy lift shuttle parked near a Airbus 320 being studied by a couple of cheetahs. Lillian waved to the two felines as she parked the truck shutting it off. She looked at the sleeping human again. "Going to have fun with you." The vixen said to Simon and got out of the truck shutting the door. End of Chapter 1 Sorry it took a while before I posted a new story. I helped a friend change an engine on his truck and did a job seventy miles from my home. Plus I helped someone fix their computer. The next chapter is going to be about Simon waking up at Lillians' homeworld and him being her guest and mate.
Title: Hotel Entrepreneur Tags: tom greg, cheeks bulge, tom thrusts, guys blow, takes control, room week, uniform wearing, greg lap, man greg, greg tom Daisy is on her way to meet a client in the hotel. Technically she's a maid, but she supplements her income by giving blowjobs to guests. Her housekeeping duties let her identify clients. She snoops around, looking for the magic recipe: only one set of (men's) clothing, porn, condoms. If she finds this recipe she leaves a little note saying there was a slight problem with the room and that they can contact her for a complimentary bottle of wine--she gets access to this by blowing the wine steward of the hotel restaurant once a week. When the guests contact her, she puts on an extra-skimpy maid's uniform and hand-delivers the wine, being sure to bend way over while placing it on the dresser. At 5 foot 4, shoulder length brown hair with brown highlights, athletic body with small but pert tits and a nice ass, her act always attracts attention. After giving the guy time to sup the wine and watch her flounce around, she asks "Is there anything else that I can do for you? Anything at all?" while batting her lashes. Most guys make a pass at her. She then leans in close and sexy, says "$50 bucks", waits for the confused nod, then drops to her knees and gets the guy's cock out and into her mouth as fast as possible--before he has a chance to realize he's about to pay for sex. She's very good at what she does. She does it for the money, but she doesn't really need the money. Mostly she does it because she likes making money on her own, and she likes being a naughty girl. She enjoys the thrill of the hunt, of so turning on guys (even nice, married guys) that before they know it she's down in front of them, sucking their cocks for cash. She usually has three or four clients a week; a couple on the weekends, one or two during the weekdays. This week has been slow, frustratingly slow. She sucked off the wine steward on Sunday, as usual, but has not had a client all week. Now it's Saturday and, due to a scheduling mixup, she hasn't had a chance to scout out new rooms. She has only one client, and she's on her way to his room now. At only one for the week she's way below her normal amount. She considers. Maybe there was a way to get this guy to pay more than $50. She blushes as she thinks of the obvious way: to let him fuck her. She'd never done that for money, it was too much. Typically she doesn't even let the guys touch her tits, or even see them without a bra on. Still, she bets she could make a lot of money if she let a guy fuck her. And it'd be *very naught*. Maybe she could do it. With no clients all week, she had to make a lot of money with this last guy *somehow*. The guy is a little timid. He's a first time customer but after drinking a little wine and watching Daisy bending over straightening up he quickly agrees to the proposition of a fifty dollar blowjob. Daisy, turned on from her naughty thoughts, takes control by audaciously performing a strip show. She sits the guy down and proceeds to peel off her blouse top, then her maid's skirt, until she is dressed only in tight white bra, white thong panties, and black knee-high boots. The guy is flabbergasted. As she dances she looks around. He's got a nice coat, nice luggage… this guys is well-off. She can work with this. She takes control. "Take out your cock-let me see it." He does. It's surprisingly big. "Don't cum until I tell you to." That command given, she straddles the guy and rubs her pussy against his cock. The guy goes nuts, trying to slip it past her panties. She reaches back and pops off her bra; lets it slide to the ground. She smiles in wonder. Before tonight, a guy was lucky to see her bare nipples. Now she is topless, straddling a guy with her tits in his face. She loves the power. She pops first one, then the other nipple into his mouth and orders him to suck. Lightning races down her spine and she rubs harder against his cock. The guy moans. She smiles crookedly, flushed with heat. She feels her panties soak, shifts them so that they ride up her pussy. She cruelly drags her exposed wet pussy lips up and down his cock, coating it with her juice. It feels good; she *wants* the cock in her. She leans in close. "I'm not going to fuck you." It's just too much, fucking for money. Even as she reaches the decision, she's surprised that she's a little disappointed--turning this guy on has made her incredibly horny. She slides down and considers the cock inches before her face. It's slick with her juice. Knowing the guy is watching, she licks her lips. The guy moans and gives a startled twitch that causes the cock to slap against her cheek. Her eyes flash up, eyes narrow, and the guy looks terrified. "I'm s-sorry." She glares, the cock-shaped glistening patch on her cheek notwithstanding. "P-please…" he begs. Her eyes snap to the cock that slapped her, then back to the man. She rises up on her knees until her lips are level with the cock head. Pauses. Opens her lips. Pauses. Then, never taking her eyes off the guy, lowers her mouth and begins to suck. Still maintaining eye contact she continues sucking, deepthroats, reaches to the dresser and takes his 50 bucks, then slides her mouth off his cock and abruptly stops. "I've sucked you. This money is mine." "H-hey-" he begins. He is a new client. She grabs his cock at the base and gives him a long lingering lick to silence him, like she was lapping a Popsicle. "For another... 50 bucks, I'll fuck myself in front of you. And..." if he goes for it she's only up to $100 bucks for the week: not enough. What else can she offer? Her pussy throbs, making it hard to think straight. No, not that. It's too much. She stalls for time by licking him again, pops his cock in her mouth and bobs up and down three times. His cock is swollen, his nuts heavy. It gives her an idea. "And... for another 100 bucks, I'll let you jack yourself off onto me." "Where?" She slowly slips his cock into her mouth, slides all the way down, pauses, considers. She assumed the guy would do it onto her leg or something--she hadn't really thought about it. When she sucks cock for money she always makes the guy cum in her mouth, then she spits the cum into a washcloth. Guys have asked to cum on her tits or face, of course, but she doesn't let them. Except once, because she was really turned on. Like now. She slowly slides up, popping the cock out with an audible pop. "Yes," she says, answering the unasked question. "--all over." She lies back on the bed, one hand moving to her tits, the other stuffed between her legs. She shoves the panties aside and slides two fingers into her eager, swollen wet cunt. She figures she could have asked for more money, but she is so turned on that she wants this as much as he does. "Well?" It isn't a difficult decision. She's surprised by how excited she gets, laying naked, rubbing her pussy right in front of a guy who is kneeling next to her jacking himself off and ready to cum "all over" her. She feels very naughty, very turned on, an exebitionist whore. Her lips swollen from cocksucking just moments before, she's now plunging fingers into her cunt, rubbing her clit, waiting for that splash of hot, hot… She closes her eyes and howls in ecstasy as she cums, hard. Time slows, she feels the slow-motion splashes as the guy's hot cum spurts onto her stomach, then more slow motion impacts on her tits--she cums again--and then a pause, the bed shifts as the man moves, a pause, and she feels gooey hot gobs slowly spurt onto her... face. She comes a third time, time resuming its normal flow in a rush, fingers crammed into her pussy as the guy's sperm explodes onto her cheeks and lips. She finds herself opening wide and greedily gobbling his cock. Incredibly he cums again, hard--her cheeks bulge and cum leaks from the corners of her mouth. She sucks him until his cock stops spurting. The limp cock slips out of her lips, causing a small cum waterfall. The guy obviously enjoys that, so she swishes the cum in her mouth, then decides to give him a thrill. She sits up and smiles, letting the cum flow past her wet lips to dribble down her chin, hang in slowly lengthening drops from her jawline, and spatter onto her tits. She licks her lips and theatrically moans "Mmmmmm…" She loudly swallows the rest, astonished at the lust she feels, marveling at the wanton sensation as tiny rivers of cum tickle down her face and body. This is a big change from making guys cum in her mouth, then spitting into a washcloth. But she finds herself liking it, how naughty the cum makes her feel. The slutty feeling even somehow makes it taste good. She licks her lips again and sighs with satisfaction. Daisy looks over at the guy, who is slumped against the headboard with an extremely satisfied look on his face. She wonders what she must look like: topless, panties shoved to one side, fingers glistening, tits hard, lips swollen, cum drizzled over her naked body like icing on a cake. "For another 50 I'll let you watch me shower." … Pleased with herself, Daisy walks back toward her room. She's up $250 for the week, the same as blowing five guys. Not bad; how much could she make if she did to every client what she did to that last guy? She's surprised that she's still horny. "What I really need," she thinks to herself, "is a hard cock." She has a dildo back in her room. Her pace quickens. She passes a door with loud music coming from it. Besides housekeeping and freelance cocksucking, her other job is to make sure hotel workers aren't too loud. She bangs on the door. "Hey! Quiet down in there!" The door opens to a man, early twenties, dressed in jeans and a button-down shirt. Inside is only one other guy, sitting on the couch in front of the TV. He's got a video game controller in his hand and there's another on the couch beside him. Instead of a loud employee she found two hotel guest playing video games; the music was from the TV. "Oh, sorry, are we too loud? I can turn down the volume…" He stops as he notices the way Daisy looks at him. Hungry. Like a wolf. Daisy says "Thanks." The guys are cute. Even though her last client made up for the slow week, she could always use more money. Even as she thinks it, she knows money isn't the real reason she finds herself saying "Hey, while I'm here why don't I tidy things up a bit?" She sweeps past the guy into the room before he can say anything. "I'm Daisy." "I'm Greg" the door guy says. "Tom" the couch guy says. Daisy starts tidying up. She throws away empty cans of coke, picks up discarded bath towels, each time bending way over with her ass toward the astonished guys on the couch. Even wearing her standard maid's skirt, she knows they can see the white flash of her panties. She picks up the last towel and takes it into the bathroom. "I'll just hang these and straighten things up in here…" she says as she enters, then closes the door behind her. "What am I doing?" she asks herself. "There are *two* guys out there. What am I going to do: blow both of them?" At the thought, she feels her pussy suddenly grow wet. She smiles, blushing. Sex is for two people--blowing two guys at once would be too much. She can't do *that*. "Then why?" she asks herself, "am I taking off my panties?" She peels them off and stuffs them into her pocket. Sighs. "Maybe I can get them to come in here, one at a time. I'll just wing it." She opens the door. "All done!" She says cheerfully. She notices that she's interrupted the guys' whispered conversation on the couch, smiles because she knows they were whispering about her. She makes a show of giving a final sweep of the room, and spots a corner of a DVD under a shirt. She turns her back to the guys and says "What's this? A movie?", then bends over to pick it up. She knows that this time, they're not seeing white panties. "Er…" one of the guys stammers, eyes locked on the bare glistening pussy revealed under the skirt. She audaciously remains bent over, and reads the title aloud. "Girls Gone Wild". It's a softcore porn DVD. "Wow, I see commercials for this all the time, but haven't watched it. Is it good?" "Um…" the other guy stammers, likewise fixated. She finally stands, walks over to the game machine, pops the lid and swaps the game disc for the porno. "Mind if I watch it with you?" Greg and Tom look at each other, then instantly shift apart to make room on the couch. She squeezes between them; the couch is really only made for two. Both guys are attractive, and she wonders what's going to happen. The porno is full of normal everyday girls flashing their tits at complete strangers. They make out with each other and let guys grab their boobs in exchange for cheap "Girls Gone Wild" t-shirts. Daisy smiles smugly to herself. If those girls would just take one more small step, they'd be the ones making money, not the video producers. She glances at her companions. The guys clearly can't believe they're watching porn with a hot girl in a maid's uniform. A hot girl in a maid's uniform who isn't wearing panties. No, a hot girl in a maid's uniform who *was* wearing panties but clearly took them off for their benefit. Daisy eyes the bulges in the guys' pants. She notices that while both guys give her room on the couch, they also keep their legs pressed against hers, and one of Greg's hands keeps inching toward her knee. Daisy blushes, feeling turned on again. She realizes what she's going to do, and blushes again. This is a turning point for her. But will she go all the way? She decides to wing it. "Wow," she says, "this video is awesome. That girl has really nice boobs." Onscreen, a busty college girl squeals as an upturned bucket of ice-cold water turns her shirt transparent. The guys look at her. "Uh-huh." "Yeah." "Hey, are you guys hot? Is it hot in here? It's hot. I'm just going to open my shirt--do you guys mind?" They're speechless. She takes that to mean that no, they don't mind, and slowly unbuttons her blouse. She flaps the blouse open, cooling her skin and letting the guys catch glimpses of her nipples straining through her white bra. She leaves the blouse wide open. "Ah, that's better." She pauses. Both guys make moves at the same time. Both go for her tits, grabbing the one closest, while leaning in for a kiss. She meets the guy on her left, Tom, with her lips and kisses him deeply, feels a full-body tingling as the guys yank down her bra and expose her tits. She feels Greg's mouth close on her right nipple and he begins to suck. She grabs his head, holding him there, while her other hand fumbles at Tom's pants zipper. She can't get it; Tom drops her tit and frantically pulls at the mechanism. He breaks the kiss to get a better look at what he's doing. On the TV, a girl at a bar lifts up her shirt to thunderous applause. Daisy's head is spinning. Her pussy is soaking but she tells herself that she has to stay in control. "Guys… guys!" she gasps as Greg flicks his tongue over her nipple, and pulls his cock from his jeans. Tom finally yanks his own jeans down to his ankles, then takes Daisy's hand and puts it on his cock. She reflexively starts tugging at it. She wants it in her, she wants it bad. Her pussy throbs. She struggles for control as Greg gives her nipple a little bite. "Guys! Wait, wait…" the guys stop, surprised, then embarrassed to be naked and hard in each other's presence. "Guys… I'll blow you, each of you, for… $100 each." She's panting. The guys are astonished, surprised at this mercenary turn of events. "What?" "I'll suck you off, I'll suck you until you cum I swear I will, but it'll cost you $100. Each." She knows that's not as good a deal for her as the last guy, but she's too flustered to think of math right now and it's better than her usual rate. Her hand continues to tug at Tom, and she moves her other hand onto Greg's cock. They sit like that for a second, Daisy with her shirt open and tits hanging out, nipples swollen, while she tugs on the cocks of the two guys on either side of her. She sees that they're a little embarrassed, and she's never seen, let alone handled, two bare cocks at the same time either. She amends "One at a time, of course--while the other waits in the bathroom." "Uh…" says Tom. "Er…" says Greg. Look, I, uh, I've never done this before… you know, paid for it…" Daisy looks at Gred, then slowly slips off the couch onto her knees. She keeps her eyes locked with his as she slowly shifts before him, spreads his legs, and moves between them. She leans up and forward, using her palms to smush her tits on either side of his cock, then slides down until her nose touches the middle of his dick. She flicks her tongue out against his balls, sending a shiver through his entire body. She slowly lifts up, dragging her tongue along the shaft, until her lips are pressed against the tip. "Do you want me to stop?" she whispers. She doesn’t want to stop. "No!" Pleased, she daintily kisses the head of his cock. "One hundred dollars." "Okay! Okay! Just suck my dick!" She looks up at Tom and taps Greg's cock against her cheek impatiently. "How about you? Want your dick sucked?" She's feeling naughty. She's regrets that she said 'while the other guy waits in the bathroom part', because the idea of having someone watch while she sucked off a guy… her pussy throbs. "Well?" she asks again, "Want your dick sucked?" Feeling audacious, she pops Greg's cock into her mouth. Never taking her eyes off Tom, she quickly slides up and down, causing the cock head to audaciously stretch her cheek with each thrust. Greg gasps. She slips him out and says "Like that?" She notes that Tom unconsciously began stroking his dick while he watched her perform on Greg. "Oh god, yes! I mean no. I mean… no, I can't. I've got a girlfriend." Daisy looks at him. That didn't stop him earlier. "You can watch me," she says, "you can watch me blow your friend. You can watch as I fuck him with my mouth… if you pay me $50." Tom and Greg exchange awkward glances. They discuss the strange situation, debate the pros and cons, and come to a mutually satisfying decision in the way that only guys can: "Cool?" "Cool." Tom and Greg both look at Tom's hard dick. Daisy somehow knows that it'd be weird for Tom to jack off into a napkin in front of Greg. Also, she could make more money. "And… for another $50, you can jack off onto me." "Where?" Daisy smiles, remembering her escapade less than an hour ago. "All over." "Deal!" Judging by the way Greg's cock twitches in her hand, that seemed to settle any weirdness. Greg looks down. "Oh man, now fucking blow me! I'm dieing!" She lowers her mouth and eagerly begins to suck. She is turned on, very turned on, feeling like a naughty whore as she blows one guy while another jacks off to the spectacle. She feels like a porno star for a private audience of one. Her nipples are rock hard. She takes Greg's hands and shoves them onto her tits. He plays with them while she sucks; she deep throats him to the balls. He moans, low, and she pulls off and gasps for air. "Oh man, oh wow, you're good." Greg pants, "I want to fuck you. I need to fuck you. How much to fuck you?" Daisy blushes. She can see and hear Tom's hand moving up and down on the couch seat beside Greg. Without knowing why, she says "Tom, it distracts me to have you sit there like that. Take a chair and sit behind me." He does. Now she understands; she's keenly aware of how her bare pussy is now pointing straight at him, under her skirt. "How much to fucking fuck you?!" Greg asks again. She looks up at him as she licks his cock coyly. "I don't do *that*, I only do blowjobs." As she says it, she wonders if the guys can hear how uncertain that statement feels. Or if they can tell how horny she is. "Well," she thinks as she flips her skirt up onto her back, "Tom sure can see how horny I am, now. He's got a perfect view of my swollen pussy." She grins at the naughty visual and starts sucking off Greg again, who is no fool and knows not to mess with a good thing. He leans his head back and closes his eyes. Daisy is a cocksucking expert, and can control when she'll let a guy shoot his wad. Sometimes she makes a guy come quick, usually she takes her time. Right now she's taking her time. She uses her hands, cupping his nuts and sliding along his shaft. As she bobs up and down she lets her whole body get into the rhythm, swaying her pussy back and forth for Tom's benefit. Every once in a while she turns her head to the side, so she can catch a glimpse over her shoulder of Tom jacking off behind her. Her eyes lock with the guy, and her pussy throbs. She finds herself wishing she had her dildo. She turns her attention back to Greg, slurping up and down noisily--again for Tom's benefit. She sways and lets herself get into it, and suddenly realizes that her motion has caused her skirt to slip back down, covering her ass and pussy. As she reaches back to hike it back up she feels Tom's hand lifting the skirt--but taking his time. His fingers touch her inner thigh, trailing his fingers up, until they brush the wet hairs of her pussy. As if in a dream Daisy finds her hand close on Tom's. She hesitates, then stuffs his hand over her hot pussy mound. She feels Tom drop to his knees behind her and he slips two fingers into her dripping cunt. "Mmmmm!" She moans around the cock in her mouth, causing Greg to moan back. She takes the cock out of her mouth long enough to gasp "Twenty bucks, Tom!", then eagerly starts sucking again while thrusting her pussy onto Tom's fingers. "…what?" Greg asks, in a daze. "I'm in for another 20" Tom breathes. The aroma of Daisy's sex fills the air as Tom's slick fingers work inside her. It feels so good. "Are you fucking *fucking* her, man?!" Greg blurts, looking up. "No…" Tom says. Daisy thrusts against him as she sucks, flush with heat. "Not yet." At that, Daisy cums, hard, pussy contracting against Tom's fingers. She pops the cock out of her mouth and pants, pumping it furiously with her hand. She gradually slows, moaning, her breath coming in gasps, until she rests her head in Greg's lap. She can feel her pussy dripping, still hot. She can hear Tom's hand up and down on his cock. She can feel Greg's cock throb in her hand. She licks it, looks up at Greg. She slowly stands up, unwraps her skirt, and lets it fall to the ground. She turns slowly, undoes her bra, and lets that drop. Facing Tom, she steps outside of Greg's knees and pushes them together, she then slowly, very slowly, sits down in Greg's lap. He holds his cock steady. She pauses just as her pussy lips hit his dick, bent over, looking in Tom's eyes. "Two hundred dollars, each." "Deal!" Greg says instantly, thrusting up and into her. It's like plunging into warm honey, and Daisy shudders with pleasure. But she stays where she is, so Greg pops out after his thrust. "Each." She repeats, still bent over, still looking at Tom. He stands up, walks forward, puts his hand on the back of her head, and slowly slides his cock into her eager mouth. "MMMmmmmmm…." She moans, dropping onto Greg's cock as she begins sucking Tom. She writhes on the cock, feeling like a total whore because she also has a cock in her mouth. She enthusiastically blows Tom, thrusting in and out as she bounces up and down on, then grinds on Greg's cock. Greg grabs her by the hips and pulls her down onto him, holding her steady as he revolves his cock inside. He slides his hand up and pulls her arms back, arching her back and making her tits shove out toward Tom's waiting hands. Tom kneads Daisy's boobs, then puts one hand on the back of Daisy's head. "Keep her still, man…" he breathes, then moves his hips back and forth, slowly building up speed until he is truly fucking her mouth. All three hear the slap of Tom's balls against Daisy's chin. Tom says "Okay Greg, let me see what I've been missing" and pops out of her mouth. Greg lifts Daisy up by her ass, she sways unsteadily, lets Tom turn her around before she drops to her knees. Greg holds his slick cock steady; she bends over and sucks it into her mouth in one motion, lifting her pussy to Tom behind her. "Oh man, she's sucking me off just after I fucked her!" Greg exclaims. "Mmmm…" Daisy moans, then slips the pussy-flavored cock out long enough to say "I like it!" Daisy's head bobs up and down, but Tom isn't in her yet. He must be having second thoughts. Daisy reaches back until she grasps his cock. She pulls it toward her, centers it, then pushes back with her ass until her pussy engulfs his cock in a wet sheath. Tom pauses, leaving it there while Daisy grinds her pussy in a circle. She then starts thrusting back and forth, fucking him. Soon Tom puts his hands on her hips, fucking her back with long solid strokes. His hands move up and cup her swaying tits, letting the nipples slip between his fingers. Daisy is fucked back and forth like a tug-of-war, each stroke of Tom pushing her mouth onto Greg's cock, each thrust of Greg pushing her pussy back over Tom. The guys sense the rhythm and synch up; as she fucks them with her pussy and mouth she can hear them clap hands and whoop above her. Daisy arches her back, changing the angle that Tom's cock enters her. Explosions of heat flash through her each time his cock rubs against her clit. She pops off Greg's cock, tosses her hair like a wild beast, and then descends to engulf it again. Tom redoubles his pace, really fucking her hard, his balls slapping her cunt with a wet smack at each stroke. He spanks her hard and she flushes, squirms her pussy against him, so he spanks her again. "This bitch likes it! Do that again!" Greg gasps. Tom smacks her ass every other stroke, changing sides every once in a while, until her ass is cherry red. Her mouth tires so she pulls off and lays her head in Greg's lap, pumping his cock with her fist and licking the balls while she gets rocked back and forth by Tom. Greg is mesmerized by Tom's performance. "Damn, man, fuck her--*fuck* her! Yeah!" Tom pulls on Daisy's hips, pulls her off Greg's lap and onto her back on the carpet. She spreads her legs and he jumps between them, throwing them up on his shoulders. She grabs his cock and shoves it into her cunt. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" she yells. Tom thrusts, long, fast in and slow out, rocking her back and forth. Greg says "Oh man, oh man!" and kneels down beside Daisy's head. She feels his cock against her cheek and turns her head, slips it into her mouth while still looking at Tom. She slides one hand up to tweak her jiggling tits while the other holds Greg's cock in her mouth steady against Tom's fucking. Her tits sway in tight figure-eights with each stroke. Greg grabs her tits so she lets that hand fall to her pussy, rubbing her clit hard. She moans, her eyes close, she starts to pant around the cock in her mouth. "Oh man, she's coming again! Oh man!" Greg gasps. She feels his cock suddenly grow large in her hand, grow still, twitch and her mouth is instantly full of cum. She yanks out the cock and Greg jerks it, spraying cum onto her face. She squeals as she orgasms, Greg's cum spilling out of her mouth, pussy spasming, her body rocking back and forth and face getting splashed with warm cum as she's fucked. She feels the gooey streams explode onto her, giggles wildly as one large dollop splashes onto her left eyelid, sealing it shut. Her other eye flutters open when Tom yells, pulls out, and slides over her hips onto her chest, wild-eyed. She grabs his cock with both hands and jerks it, releasing a thick rope of cum onto her tits. Consumed with a sudden thirst, she leans up and tugs him forward toward her mouth, spraying her face before closing her lips around the spurting cock. She seals her lips. Tom thrusts and she feel her cheeks bulge again--it's too much too fast--she gulps Greg's and Tom's cum down her throat as fast as she can but there's still too much. Her lips loosen with a sudden release of pressure that sends huge drops cascading onto her chin and her chest. She leans back, Tom's cock popping out. A gooey strand of cum obscenely hangs from the tip of Tom's dick to her lips. She whorishly sucks it in like spaghetti, ending with a French kiss on the deflating dick. The guys kneel on either side, taking turns dipping their drooping dicks into her slick mouth so she can repeat the spaghetti spectacle. She then sucks out the last drops of cum, and runs her fingers up her body to her cum-splattered tits and face. Judging by the way the cocks twitch in her mouth the guys seem to like that, so she scoops up the cum in her fingers, smiles a one-eyed smile and says "Another ten bucks and I'll lick my fingers clean…" "Deal!" "Deal!" … Daisy lies on her back, her fingers clean, her mouth slick with swallowed cum, her body still glistening. The two guys are collapsed beside her. None are at all uncomfortable with their nakedness. The guys lazily caress Daisy's slick body and tits while she strokes and pets their spent cocks. "Wow." Greg says. "That was incredible. You're a fucking mess." Daisy giggles. She stretches, feeling the drying cum stretch on her bare skin. "I… liked it." She licks her lips and giggles again. Tom looks thoughtful. Daisy asks "What's up, Tom?" Tom looks at her, eyes glittering. "How would you like to make more than 10 times what you just earned?" "How do I do that?" "What you do best: fuck and suck Greg, me, and our 8 friends, next week." "That would take a long time, even… doubled up." She giggles. Is he serious? "No, you'd take us all at once." A shiver runs through her even as she feels the cocks in her hands twitch. She sucks cock to supplement her income, and she just fucked two guys at the same time for a thrill, but what he suggests is very naughty. She considers, pursing cum-slick lips. "How much?" she asks. "300." "Each?" He smiles. "Yes. We'll be fucking you all at once. Well not exactly all at once--we'll take turns--but think about it: you can blow two or three guys while another fucks your pussy, and..." he pauses, considers, then continues "and, er, two more play with your tits." Daisy gasps at the image. Tom continues. "You'd be surprised how many men one girl can take at once. Trust me, I've seen it in porno. Since it's a little extreme, I think you deserve a little more money." She considers. Until tonight she's limited herself to blowjobs, sucking off lonely travelers for 50 bucks a pop. She liked the money and also liked being a "bad girl". But a fucking gangbang? Before tonight, she rarely showed her tits to a customer. Before tonight she'd never fucked for money. She smiles. Before tonight, she never had two spent dicks in her hand, their cum covering her tits, mouth, and face. She can hardly believe she is considering fucking ten guys at once. She can hardly believe she'd earn $3,000 in a single night if she agreed. She can hardly believe how turned on she is getting, thinking of almost a dozen men taking turns fucking her. Or, as the guy said, almost a dozen men somehow fucking her at the same time. She licks her lips again. "Okay, I'll do it." … Walking down the hall from her impromptu appointment, she smiles. She is really looking forward to next week.
Title: A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 60 Tags: she'd shaved, breasts wanted, mom long, felt sue, sue face, pussy sue, face mom, she'd thought, mom hand, sue began *FOREWORD This chapter was finally finished at the urging of several readers. Chapter 58 leads into this Chapter. Reading or re-reading 58 will enhance reading this tale. The following chapter is part of a single novel length story relating a journey of awakenings, discovery, and growth involving a small group of people. This story should read fairly well all alone, but... By clicking on a blue Wm\_Sexspear, you'll be taken to my Profile; at the bottom of the page you'll find a list of all the currently available chapters. THIS SHOULD MAKE IT EASY TO READ THEM ALL, IN SEQUENCE, WHICH IS HEARTILY SUGGESTED so the reader can follow the story line, character development, and catch the inside jokes. Many of these chapters could go into several different Literotica story categories. Many chapters could go into either First Time, Erotic Couplings, Lesbian, OR Incest, for example. Specific example: in Chapter 1 there's a small amount of male-male sex. Yet the sex comes about in reaction to female induced arousal. A number of ladies have said it turns them on to picture two guys, just like the idea of girl-girl sex is arousing to many males. Yet Chapter 1's purpose is to supply important background regarding the heterosexual development of 2 young men, so I'd hope a straight, bi, or gay reader could relate to and enjoy that chapter. Thank you. W\_S* \* \* \* \* \* **Chapter 60 - Mom Opens Up For Larry** We needed food. The sex was outstanding, but unless we rested and ate a bit, we'd soon be too pooped to pop. Food prepared and served by a topless waitress is the greatest! During lunch I made Mom laugh a continually. Feeling so good about everything, being so relaxed, brought out my sense of humor, as well as Mom's. When I grabbed her teats a couple times while pretending to reach for something else, she squealed like a school girl. Any dropped food was an excuse for us to giggle. Sight gags involving our bodies were also the order of the day. A few times we even fed each other. Pure and simple, we had fun. By the time we finished dining I had a boner. While Mom washed dishes, I was supposed to dry. I did, but I made this routine chore a little more fun. Without too much effort, I got Mom to bend over the sink enough for me to worm my penis into her from behind. While it was awkward as hell for both of us, if we took our time, we still managed to wash, dry and screw without breaking anything but a mild sweat. The sex felt fantastic, but it was also funny, not to mention hard to perform. Neither of us came, but we both needed to by the time we finished the dishes. As soon as I could, I led Mom up to my room where I asked her to lie on her tummy with her legs pressed together. Like a slithering snake, I slid up her back until I was covering her body with mine. Following a series of gentle penile probings into the unseen warm moistness between her legs, I mounted my mother, keeping my legs on the outside of hers. Just laying there for a time, I savored the warmth of her skin against mine. Whispering into her ear, I asked Mom to help me get my hands under her breasts; I wanted to fondle them while feeling her thick nipples poke into my palms. Uummmm, how good it felt knowing my penis was plugged into her body through the tiny gap at the top of her pressed together thighs defies description. Mom's buns began to roll as she signaled her need to feel my cock moving within her. Certainly I was more than ready myself for the exquisite sensations of intercourse. Unable to wait a moment longer, my hips began the rise and fall of coital bliss. Withdrawing my erection until only the glans was barely touching her, I'd slowly allow my cock to sink back into her steamy depths. Slowly, but steadily, I humped Mom for as long as I could hold out before it felt so wonderful that I had to come. Mom was great, she made her ass push up into my groin perfectly. The obvious joy her body exuded left me feeling so glad she was enjoying making love with me; I was counting on a whole lot more sex with this incredible women who just happened to be my mother. When I had fully drained the very last of my ejaculate into her still grasping pussy, I rolled off of her back. We cuddled, fondled or kissed for quite a while. When I asked her if she felt like being eaten again, her enthusiastic "YES!" prompted a short discussion about her preferences. Seems Mom really, really, enjoyed being eaten. As it dawned upon me how little about her I actually knew, I decided to satisfy my curiosity about a few more things. Under what other circumstances could I have learned that she'd never shaved her pussy for fun. She'd been shaved twice for my and Carly's deliveries, but since Dad never wanted to eat her, she'd never thought much about her bush. Sporting a lecherous grin, I told her how much fun it was eating Carly after she'd shaved her young pussy. Since it would allow me to use my tongue all the better, and in more places, Mom decided "What the hell." Before I knew what was happening, she was up and running with me in tow. Into the bathroom we went. Within minutes she was sitting on the edge of the tub, ready to clear-cut the forest. To make her sexual adventure all the more fun, she had me trim her bush, then lather and shave her. It was so cool! You can't believe how careful I was, but having the whole thing take a long time was no problem at all to me! When she was finally clean as a whistle, I used a warm wash cloth to remove any traces of soap. At last I was able to give her a big slurp or two, but it was very awkward in the tub. Like a flash we were back on my bed in a passionate 69; I ate her bald pussy like she was my last meal. As my tongue burrowed throughout her slit, Mom was coming left and right. My tongue spent considerable time probing into her hole, plus I was now able to seriously lick and suck her vaginal lips. I found her pussy to be amazingly beautiful, I couldn't resist her. Wow, I loved it that her clit was easy to suck on when she got excited; it puffed out when it became engorged until I could suck it like it was a little cock. Boy did she come hard when I did that for her. Certainly Mom seemed to love having my cock in her mouth. She didn't just suck me, she made love to my penis. Her tongue was constantly busy; she'd lave the shaft then caress every part of the glans with the tip or flat part of her tongue. She was especially adept at working the underside of my glans. Nearly passing out from ecstasy overload, I learned that she definitely was able to take me down her throat. Sometimes Mom liked for me to come so I'd splash onto her tongue; sometimes down her throat like it was a vagina. Anything and everything she did made my penis feel like it was well loved and well cared for. Another thing we both adored about 69'ing; we loved having a handful of each other buns. Mom's ass was so soft, but I adored feeling her strong muscles contracting when we made each other come. The way her hands kneaded my buns, the way her fingers dug into my flesh, never failed to add to my excitement and pleasure. My next orgasm just plain happened. I knew I no longer had to warn her, in fact her mouth knew when I was about to send it a gift. God, it was sheer bliss the way she'd suck every drop out of me. When we finally took a break I resumed my questioning. Eventually, I got her to tell me about her experience with oral sex. Apparently she had blown my Dad a few times before they'd ever had intercourse, but mine was only the second penis she'd ever sucked. Mom had been an only child. Like me she'd had few playmates growing up, plus it sounded like her folks had been even more sexually severe. Apologizing in advance because I really didn't want to embarrass her, I explained that I was curious if she'd ever thought about fooling around with a girl since she seemed to enjoy being eaten so much. To my great surprise, after a lengthy pause, Mom at long last confessed that her first sexual experience had with a cousin name Sue who lived in New Jersey. Being so far away she had rarely seen Sue while growing up, but once in a while her folks sent Sue for a visit to the country. They had always gotten along like best friends, but my mother had been especially thankful for the albeit brief companionship. When Sue and Mom were both 18, they were just starting to fully blossom; at that point it had been three years since they'd last spent time together. Mom recalled they'd been playing in her room while still in their Sunday School dresses as they waited for Sunday dinner. They'd been teasing each other about God knows what, when a tickle fight had broken out. Both being fairly ticklish, they were soon laughing like maniacs as each girl managed to break though the other's defenses, thus reaching their main objective: the sensitive rib areas. As their bodies continually rubbed together, Mom recounted her surprise when she had fleetingly felt Sue's breasts several times as they vied for position. Managing to grab one of Mom's wrists, Sue shoved it between hers legs to trap that arm while she used her now two free hands to Mom's one to trap Mom's remaining free hand. Now having an edge, Sue began tickling Mom mercilessly. As Mom struggled to free herself, her arm worked upward until the wrist began to slid out, but her hand became lodged in the gap at the top of Sue's thighs. Still struggling, Mom's hand got pressed against Sue's panties. Since Mom's hand had been trying to tickle any part of Sue she could reach, she was feeling up Sue without meaning to. She recalled the changing expressions on Sue's face as Mom's fingers worked their magic on Sue's panty covered pussy. Only after Sue had stopped tickling her for a time did it finally sink in just where her hand was, and just what it was doing to Sue. Instantly Mom stopped moving her fingers. A funny expression came over Sue's face, Mom recalled. For what seemed like a lifetime, Sue stared into Mom's eyes. Slowly Sue's free hand slid down Mom's tummy until it was below her hemline. She felt Sue's palm press against her thigh, then tentatively travel upwards until her palm cupped Mom's pussy. Silently, Sue began feeling up Mom the way Mom had inadvertently done to her. "It felt better than anything I'd ever known, anything I'd ever imagined. I closed my eyes, allowing the waves of pleasure to wash over me. As it dawned upon me how good I must have been making Sue feel, I started to return the favor by intentionally massaging her warm pussy once again." "Sue was the first to say she'd wanted to see my...see me down there. She released my hand, yet widened her legs. So I kept feeling her up as she lowered my panties to near my knees. Eagerly I opened my legs, I wanted her to touch me again, as soon as possible. It seemed like an eternity before I felt her fingers gliding through my sparse fur, I recall moaning when I felt her fingers discover my naked pussy. When Sue resumed the circular massaging motion, I fought not to faint. Since Sue was making me feel so utterly awesome, I simply had to do as much for her. Also, I wanted very much at that point to see between her legs. We didn't have girls sports back then, there were no girl's shower rooms; I'd never seen another girl naked." "Sue lifted herself so I could lower her panties. Switching my position so my head was very close to her pussy, I slid her panties all the way off. Opening her legs freely, Sue invited my close examination." "After staring a while, I used both my hands to play with her or open her up so I could study her hidden beauty. Following my lead, Sue removed my panties, then laid her head on my thigh so she could see everything as she did sexy things to my pussy. Lord, I don't know how long we kept at it before I heard Sue say...I'm going to do something I did to a boy a couple times, he really, really liked it, so I'm betting you will to." "I hadn't a clue what she was talking about, but a moment later when her mouth began sucking my pussy I sure knew. Before I'd even begun to recover from the pleasant shock of being sucked, her tongue started worming around between my lips. Sue soon located my clit. Bang, I was having my first orgasm from real sex." "Oh God baby, it was awesome. My body shook like a leaf. I knew I had to immediately eat Sue. Guess I was a little unsure just how to start, but I made up for ignorance with enthusiasm. Instantly I was relieved to learn she tasted wonderful to me. I loved her scent, I loved her pussy. Sue got eaten like she deserved to be for having gotten me off so wonderfully." "Sue was just about there when my mother shouted from downstairs that dinner was on the table." "Coming!" "Sue shouted at the top of her lungs, and boy was she ever. She buried her face between my legs again. We both got off again a moment later because we were each so excited by seeing someone else have an orgasm." "We weren't ready to stop, but we had to lest my folks come to check up on us. Understand, I was never allowed to lock my door." "Basking in my orgasmic afterglow, I confided to Sue I'd never had a date. Shyly I asked if she would mind being my date that night. I wanted to be kissed, I wanted to feel someone's hand fondle my breasts, and I especially wanted to have my pussy eaten a lot more. Sue never said yes or no, instead she pulled me to her and gave me a French kiss that left my head spinning." "I've never kissed a girl before, not bad!" she said. Sue had to pull me to my feet, I was too weak to stand. At last, off to dinner we went." "Mom, did you and Sue have your date?" "Thank God, yes. I still get shivers when I remember it. I probably shouldn't be this honest with you about it, but I've had to masturbate most of my life when I needed some relief. More often than not, my first 'date' with Sue especially is what I used to think about to push myself over the edge." Obviously Mom had grown terribly excited by recalling her times with her cousin; she spun around into a 69 position, then engulfed my bouncing erection. As I observed her eager beaver from inches away, the twitching and spasms of her vaginal muscles proclaimed her arousal, clearly her pussy was begging for penetration. My penis was tortured by the need to decide whether come in the perfect feel of Mom's silky mouth, or the perfect sight of her ever widening pussy. As I drifted deeper into the dreamy world of sexual bliss, my lust driven mind began picturing Carly and Mom eating each other while I screwed them both. "How would I decide which one to nail first?" was my last thought before losing myself in making love to Mom.
It was always such a chore to get everyone ready for a night out that it served as its own incentive not to prepare anything special at all; when they had to go through hours of pre-departure check-ups just to make sure they didn’t cause a scene when they got to their destination, it really made the older bun wonder whether it wouldn’t be better to just splurge out on take-out and call it a day. Certainly wasn’t made any better by her son having decided to just not be there for most of the preparations either; if he thought he could get away from everything by just skipping the proceedings, he was dead wrong. Contrary to what the momma bun thought however, there was nothing malicious about Cream not being there in time for her to check if his productivity was low enough and his nuts were properly emptied; it just so happened that he got distracted getting out of work and was unfortunately stuck emptying out in a public restroom in order to keep himself from making a scene elsewhere. Didn’t really help that he effectively clogged up every single toilet and sink in there, but at least the damage was contained to one single room rather than spread out across a whole avenue; besides, it was a restroom, it was supposed to be cleaned on a regular basis, and it wasn’t as if hypers weren’t a fact of life. It was, however, a testament to his virility that by the time he was climbing up the stairs to their family home, he could already feel the weight mounting between his legs. It was an oddly productive day, so much so that he’d gone through a whole condom pack at work and still had to borrow a few from the other hypers in the office, and this could only mean one thing: more draining would be needed at home. The poor thing had completely forgotten about their plans to head out for dinner that day, being slightly too busy trying not to lose his mind completely whenever he stuffed another quadruple-XL-sized rubber and turned it into an almost-bursting plastic blimp; that, and the fact that the elevator was broken, so by the time he even reached the front door of the apartment, he had to stop to collect himself. It was impressive how his balls were already full enough to reach the ground, straining his short’s ability to hold onto them; his twin cocks were firmly out for everyone to see though, and given their size, would probably need to be angled down in order to fit through the opening. With his eyes already glazing over and the tip of his tongue desperate to loll out of an open mouth, Cream turned the key and walked inside, only to be met with his family, standing there in the living room staring at him. For a moment, he wondered why exactly his mother and two sisters were all dressed up like they were supposed to go somewhere, but the time it took for him to push his shafts down enough for them to fit through the door was enough for the sight to jog his memory: why of course, they were meant to go somewhere, and he’d just up and decided to have a bad day for that. Not his fault, honestly, and as soon as the other three women in the room saw him, they immediately realized that the poor bun really wasn’t to blame for being tardy; he’d just had a productive day, was all. “Sorry I’m late,” Cream sighed as he closed the door behind him, throwing his coat onto the ground and angling his cocks further down towards the three women in front of him, “seriously miscalculated how full I got, did I miss something?” “Nothing important,” Anise replied, drawing a very indignant stare from their mother; Cream’s sister casually pulled off her own pants to reveal a single shaft of her own, undoing her shirt while she was at it as well, “need some help draining out?” “If you wouldn’t mind” - Cream instantly took advantage of the opportunity to angle one of his rods directly towards that of his sister’s, unceremoniously shoving his tip into hers and pushing forward until the other bun’s length was seriously bulged out by his own - “Sorry for ruining everything, but you know what it’s like.” All three women scoffed simultaneously before springing into action, taking up positions like they usually did; disregarding their clothing completely, both Pol and Anise each brought one of their breasts to bear on their brother’s mouth, allowing the other one to hang freely and have its contents leak onto the ground. Cream himself, sensing an opportunity, finally allowed his body to relax, releasing a whole cloud of musk that they’d been holding onto for the whole day. This had the quite fortunate side-effect of lowering the three bun gals’ inhibitions even more, and before anyone knew it, Cream’s mom, Nia, had already opened her mouth wide and invited her son’s free shaft into it. For anyone else, this sudden turn of events might’ve been harsh enough to cause whiplash, but it was par for the course in the Etcher household; if not for Cream, then for either of the three gals servicing him, because their unique biology ensured that when one of them had a bad day, that was instantly everyone else’s problem as well. It wasn’t for nothing that they had drains installed everywhere in their home, nor that their domicile had its own plumbing system separate from the rest of the building’s; if they hadn’t received those amenities, the entire structure would be constantly flooded on a regular basis, and while heavily-transformative milk might be something that people grew to love (and quite literally so), having runaway hyper-inducement fluids running about uncontrolled was in no one’s best interests. Thankfully, the effects they had on the buns themselves were entirely temporary, owing to their genetic make-up, but no less potent; it didn’t take long before Pol and Anise’s breasts began to grow far in excess of their ability to hold them up, their own lactic production skyrocketing as they struggled to feed Cream’s endless desire for more. The sole male bun made sure to milk those two for all they were worth, not only bringing his hands up to help massage the two tits he had stuck in his mouth, but having his body alter itself in order to make good use of the ones that weren’t actively pouring a waterfall of sweet milk down his throat. Down below, his bushy little tail elongated until it reached the ground, growing several feet in length before developing a seam that ran all the way from the tip to its base; seconds later, it had split into two identical copies, both of which had their ends fatten up into a large ball, almost like raw mass was being deposited into them via a pump. Wouldn’t take long before the far ends of his tails opened up to reveal some kind of mouth, two tailmaws that immediately swung around to latch themselves onto Pol and Anise’s free and hanging breasts, clamping themselves shut tightly around their leaking nipples. Three mouths, four faucets of milk, and already Cream felt like he could die happy. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows though. While him and his sisters were busying themselves milking and being milked for all they were worth, someone had to do the hard work of actually draining the bun out, and as usual that task fell squarely on Nia… not that the momma bun really minded; it gave her full access to a cock that never seemed to run out of spunk, after all, not to mention the accompanying twin sets of cum factories that she could already hear gurgling loudly enough to make her blush furiously. Not an easy feat, considering the sort of things that household was used for on a regular basis. With one of Cream’s dicks firmly lodged inside that of his sister Anise’s, the two of them did very little beyond trade volume and size; with their bodies already in full flow, it was very much a case of one of them emptying out in the other, who would then pay back the favour and start the whole process all over again. With their bodies being the way that they were, each time this current of cum was exchanged between them it grew bigger and thicker, and before long both of their nuts were easily doubling up in size each time before emptying out, a multiplication factor that would only get worse with time. This left only one avenue to vent all of that excess pressure: the one shaft of Cream’s that was stuck down Nia’s throat. The momma bun had an almost supernatural ability to take loads and keep begging for more, with her body doing most of the work in getting rid of all that protein by reprocessing it into yet more momma bun. There used to be a time in which she was person-sized, and not the absolute behemoth of curves that she was in present day; years of having to take care of her adult children’s needs had ensured that her body had become a monument to fertility, and not a single day went by that she didn’t clog something up with how much milk she produced on a regular basis, or at least ended up hip-checking something so hard that it broke, usually a doorframe. On the other hand, this had given her enough expertise to be able to handle a rod the size of Cream’s with a sort of ease that bordered on the unreasonable, even when most of her throat was cockmeat by mass and she could barely even breathe; it was the only way she could avoid a disastrous growthsplosion, and it just so happened that thanks to her son and one of her daughters being stuck inside one another, what she was receiving was an unholy and extremely powerful mix of both of their seeds, leading to quite a bit of belly swelling within just a few seconds of her starting to gulp down the constant loads. Cream and Anise swapped spunks, and some of it would eventually be vented out into Nia, who had effectively become a living pressure release valve. Not much better than her two daughters, both of which were having a hard time dealing with all the milk they were making. It was always a problem with them, given that the more aroused they became, the more they produced, inevitably leading down to a point where, no matter how hard Cream’s mouth or tailmaws emptied them out, it simply wasn’t enough to deal with all of the lactic production. How long it took before their tits were too big for them to stand was the only variable, because they would end up kneeling on the ground unable to move, pinning their brother down as the amount of milk draining into his body grew higher and higher… thus leading to Cream making good use of it in the only way he could: increasing his own productivity. It was a vicious cycle, and one that would only end when the whole group reached climax; until it did though, all it accomplished was making the male bun’s four nuts output at an increasingly accelerated rate, gallons upon gallons more multiplying within those things until even Anise’s body couldn’t handle it anymore. No matter how hard the herm bun tried to keep the cycle where she and her brother took turns filling the other up, her own loads weren’t powerful enough to face up to both the intensity and frequency of her brother’s, and soon enough she was being continuously filled by both Cream’s endless stream and her own backed-up spunk. Wouldn’t take long before she felt her nuts slam into the ground and start riding up her back at an alarming rate, and from there it was a quick and easy jaunt to have some of that protein shoot right back up into her tits and double up her milkiness; within just a couple of minutes, she was trapped between a body-sized bust on one side, and a similarly enormous pair of cumtanks on the other. As for Nia, all she could really do was keep working on the shaft she had access to and hope to the heavens above that she’d be able to bring her son to some semblance of climax before the whole house was flooded; the ground was already coated in a half-inch thick layer of fluids, so if she didn’t get it done soon, the whole building was going to be cleaning up the stairwell for the next two days or so. Luckily for everyone involved though, a whole day of edging himself, coupled with having three lovely, gorgeous beauties servicing him with such immense gusto, was more than enough to drive Cream to the very edge, at which point he gleefully jumped off; he’d spent so long pent up that all he really wanted was to get it over with, so as soon as he opened his eyes and saw what was happening… well… Pol, to his left, looking perfectly normal apart from each of her tits being so stuffed that it was about as big as the rest of her. Anise, to his right, with a rack so massive that each milktank alone was the size of her sister’s entire body, tits and all, with nuts to match. And finally Nia, out in front of him, already blimped out by his own endless output and looking ready to double up on her already outrageous curves; how could he not orgasm on the spot, knowing he had such wonderful lovers to share the moment with? Sadly, everyone present massively underestimated just how pent up the poor bun was. Anyone standing outside their front door would be treated to a perfectly regular opening in one second, and then a cloud of atomized splinters in the other, followed by a spurt of cum so powerful that it might as well be a tidal wave, a whole pool’s worth of jizz barreling out from inside the Etcher household at such a high speed that it managed to smash through the elevator in the landing and still end up flying off the building after piercing the outer walls… and didn’t really stop until there was a waterfall (cumfall?) going all the way down to the ground floor, with flooding alarms going off in every apartment in the building. Within the buns’ home, a several-inch-thick layer of creamy white covered everything, with a formless mass in the middle indicating where all four of the hypers were, the shape heaving up and down as all of the Etchers struggled to breathe after such an explosive climax. Any plans to do with going out for dinner had been wiped clean from their minds, but that was perfectly fine. This sort of thing was routine. And they still had round two to go.
Title: Learning a Lesson by Toonces Tags: Domination/Submission, Fox, M/F, Mild Bondage, Oral, Pegging, Tiger \_[Toonces, the Driving Cat, the Cat Who Could Drive a Car](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/Toonces) If you enjoy the story, please leave a comment!\_ --- "Hey sweet cheeks," the tiger said, walking at least ten steps in front of the lithe and luscious Fennec he'd met - though he'd use the term "picked up" - at a bar only a few hours beforehand. "Which of these apartments is yours?" He stood swaying lightly at the door, a smile like victory on his face. He knew he was in. Now he was just getting impatient. "Hold on," Amelia said as she fished through her purse for her key, "it's just one door down. Be patient. And quiet down a little!" She was deathly afraid her neighbors might wake up to see a strange man being let into her apartment. She blushed as she turned the key and opened the door, wary of her neighbors waking up to see her letting a stranger into her home, who probably smelled of booze from a hundred yards away. She had twinges of regret bringing the man home, but he had been captivating enough at the bar, showing off his muscles with a confidence that never quite pushed cockiness, telling her a few jokes that might have been too dirty, drinking buckets of beer as a demonstration of his inherent male virility or something. He wasn't quite prince charming, she wasn't quite desperate, but both were close enough that he scored a trip home with her. The way she saw it, if she was set on getting laid tonight, the tiger might have been as well as she was going to do anyway. "Where's the bathroom, honey pot?" He asked with a smile displaying the kind of condescension you can only get away with after a few years of marriage. Amelia swallowed her pride, hoped this new and sudden confidence was just the last drink in the cab home talking, and pointed him away. He left her with a smack on the ass. She turned to shoot a look of contempt at him, but his back was turned, his broad shoulders to her which in their own special way placated her. She didn't like being treated badly, but guys... it's just what some guys do. Maybe he thought he was being silly. She stepped into the bedroom and stripped off her top that smelled of smoke and slipped into a tight little number she liked to call The Drool Collector. It was a negligee, a pearl colored little thing made of silk that displayed all her best features in a way that kept them hidden still, kept you waiting like for a teaser after the credits of a movie. It wasn't tight, yet it seemed to follow her slender body exactly, the kind of elegance of fashion you get for maxing out your credit card. In it, she felt sexy, she felt alive, she felt beautiful and radiant and desirable. She followed her own body with her hands over her hips, curvy like a mountain road. A little bit of it might have been the alcohol, but oh damn, she felt wonderful. "You gonna take that thing off?" The tiger asked, surprising her a little as he leaned against the door frame. "No reason to hide that sexy little body of yours," he added with a clumsy wink. She sighed. "I think it looks good on me, don't you?" she asked, hopeful. "Fine, ok, wear it. You'll be taking it off eventually, I'm sure." the tiger drawled. He sincerely thought he was being suave, she could tell. Her confidence suddenly wavered, and she felt a twinge of regret. Men changed the moment they got in the cab to drive home. His kisses seemed so less passionate with each mile closer they got, his hands so much more welcome to wandering. She swallowed the lump in her throat. She felt herself a strong woman, and a man veering off course didn't mean she couldn't bring him back with a little passionate reminder of what women want. He sat down in bed, leaning backwards on his elbows, the collar of his shirt half undone. She climbed up with him, close her eyes, and pressed her lips to... his hand? "Woah," he said, "what are you doing?" "I was... trying to kiss you..." she said, bewildered. "We, um... didn't we do that on the way home?" He said. He was oblivious. "I think we did. I might have forgotten!" He laughed easily, like it was supposed to be charming. "We did," Amelia said through her teeth. "Oh, well then, now aren't we at the part where you blow me?" Amelia looked in his eyes with a hateful stare the tiger must have drunkenly mistaken for catty exuberance. "Maybe," she said, trying her luck, "we're at the part where you eat me out. Did you ever think of that?" "I don't do that," the tiger said flatly, with a tone of decidedness like it was civil disobedience, a just cause. "I just don't." He looked annoyed now, too. "I never have, I never will. That's just... that's just not something I do. If you don't like it you're welcome to pass me up," he said, already laying in her bed with his pants unzipped. She wanted to spit in his eye, but she counted backwards from ten. He's got a bit of an attitude problem, but more importantly than that, he's got a dick, and the tease of the cab drive home had only made her more intent to scratch that itch that she could live with tomorrow's regret. She pulled down his pants. She was almost disappointed to see that the tiger at least had a dick to back up his cockiness. He was packing the kind of meat that gives you the right to not feel guilty buying a sports car. The kind that, to her own guilt, almost made her forgive his attitude. It hung over her, half-hard and bowed toward her nose, escaping from his pants like a jack-in-the-box. He had the kind of dick you wish nice guys had. With a sigh of something almost like defeat, she gave the head a lick. She could be sensual here, at least, with kisses at the base of the rod by the meaty balls, and long slow licks under the whole length, pressing her lips against it softly, using her tongue like it was something more than a slick wet muscle. She heard the ooohs and low moaning sighs that seemed to approach sensuality. Her confidence came back in slow waves as she began to wrap her lips around the tip, gently flicking the tip of the tongue against the bottom of his head. He kept his low, almost hushed moans, not saying a word as she delicately worked his meat over, loving herself every lusty lick she played barely across his skin. She felt she may have won him over, gotten him to relax, gotten him to appreciate her sensuality. Until she felt a paw on her big ear push her down the shaft, her eyes opening wide with surprise as the shaft pressed into the back of her throat. "What was that?!" she demanded, wiping her mouth. "You almost choked me!" "Haha, am I really that big?" he said with self-satisfaction. "That was incredibly rude! You can't just try to shave my head into your crotch!" "Well baby, you just need to learn to suck a cock like how a man wants it." The end. It took the the promise of a massage - which would relax her and get her better in the mood to do exactly what he wanted - to get the tiger on his stomach. With the cunning that comes only from adrenaline, she snapped the cuffs over his wrists without him hardly noticing. Those cuffs themselves were quickly secured to the headboard before the tiger knew what hit him. It was all over before the tiger could say "What?" He could only look behind him and watch with a look of startled curiosity as Amelia disappeared into the closet. She emerged a moment later having swapped her negligee for a black corset and, a sight that must have sobered the tiger up rather quickly, a punishingly big strap on that hung between her legs like a mallet. Had the tiger been able to break his staring match with the daunting toy that put his own unit to shame, he would have seen a look of defiance on the fennec's face. She jumped into bed and took a spot behind him, lifting him up onto his knees, immediately pressing the shiny black dildo against his hole, having to lift his tail to make the threat. Now she grinned from ear to ear, her heart beating with a sense of power she'd never felt before, a sense like finally she decided what was happening, to who, in what spots. "What are you doing?" he asked in a tone that begged not to be answered, not a drop of authority left in his voice. "Teaching you a lesson," she said curtly, holding her hands against the tiger's hips. She placed the toy against his hole, and awed in herself for a moment as she felt the tiger writhe beneath her. "Oh God!" he said, "Please don't! I'm not gay, I'm not meant for this!" he pleaded. "You're not gay and I'm not a tramp, but one of us already got treated as such, now it's the other's turn." The tiger fought against his cuffs, turned his hips, tried to wrap his tail around the toy, any single move he could think of to try and shake the toy threatening his virgin hole. "Please don't, really, Please please please please..." "And how about I pull your hair while I fuck you?" He whined. "And how about I see if just a spit lube's enough?" He whined louder. "And how about, while I'm spreading you open, I think of the best possible way to tell my friends later I fucked a nice big burly tiger right in the ass?" He whined louder, and begged. He didn't say sorry, he didn't make amends, he simply said "Please please please." She repositioned herself, got in front of the tiger, had a chance to look him in the eyes. "Bitch, if you don't want this to go in dry, you better lube it up real good!" He bowed his head, stared at his punishment, and did so. He gagged on the length, coughing as he tried to ease the beast back into his mouth. Amelia put her hands on his eyes and helped through the gags, thrust her hips slightly just to give him those unexpected coughing fits. His cheeks burnt so hot they could have melted the rubber, and though his muzzle was stuffed you could hear his high pitched whine as he sucked at his shame. Pulling it from his lips, he almost fought for a little more, wary of the need for lube, but she was back behind him before he could sneak another lick, lifting his orange tail and pressing the slick toy against his hole. She couldn't stop smiling. She rehearsed inside her a million different lines to say as she made her first defiant thrust. Her heart beat fast, she felt a tingle in her large ears that stayed perked up, she felt like biting his shoulder. It was power. Looking at the tiger, broad body and all, face buried in the sheets and ass high in the air, she felt powerful. She grabbed his hair, he yelped. She pushed, he screamed. It didn't even go in. She pushed again, he wailed. Still didn't go in. She grabbed his shoulders, shifted all her weight against him, and broke his seal. He split open and his throat opened wide too with a hearty wail, hushed quickly by the biting of a pillow. He moaned heavy moans into the pillow as Amelia began to pound away, a sick smile on her face never fading as she pounded him. She bent over him, grabbing his hair and lifting him up, reveling in the pained expression on his face. "Is this how you wanted to make me feel? Is this how you think women are supposed to enjoy sex?" He could only answer with a pained "No, no!" She pulled his hair as she thrust again, making him cry out. "You just wanna do whatever you want and hear us tell you we just love being the bitch, don't you? Tell me you love being the bitch!" She ordered him. He was hardly even adjusted to the toy, and she found the thrusts were hard to even manage herself. She spit on the toy and humped firmer into him. "Go on, tell me you love being fucked like this, it's exactly what you would have expected out of me." He still refused, only grunting through clenched teeth as he was spread open. "I'm just going to keep fucking you like a slut until you say it, that you want to be fucked like one, because that's all you expected out of me." He fought with the words, now, his mouth moving dumbly, not saying anything. She had taken to quick, powerful thrusts, waiting with her fake dick buried inside him as he moaned with the deep penetration, waiting for him to finally say it. Then she pulled back, waited a moment, giving the occasional spit lube, and thrust again. His own dick swung beneath him, hard and dripping now, betraying his sudden begs to "stop, please," as if he wasn't enjoying it. "What's that?" She asked, egging him on to ask again. "Please, please, I'm sorry, I'll kiss you, I'll hug you, I'll snuggle you, I'll eat you out, I'll do anything, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" The confession seemed to drain him more than the ass-pounding. Satisfied, Amelia pulled out her toy to see a battered hole. She slipped off her bottom, then found her way in front of the tiger, his whiskers drooping, his breath heavy. Without a word, she pressed his head into her snatch. An easy transition, for her at least, and he seemed to take to it soon enough as well, with a weariness attributed to drunkenness, or, possibly, the fact he'd just had his ass reamed for the first time with a ten inch strap-on. He licked slow, long, tentative licks, getting deeper each time. She rubbed his ears, feeling exhausted herself, coming down from the high of her power trip. Having taken off the strap-on, she didn't feel the same person. She could hardly believe only a few moments ago she'd been mounted up on his ass, making him cry and beg, yet with the tiger between her thighs she knew that whatever she'd really done up there, it worked. He lapped over her lips, and for the first time that night, she moaned, too. It wasn't any type of eating out experience she had before. The tiger didn't slurp at her with lustful fervor, he didn't wriggle his tongue in sensual waves, he... it would be hard to describe how he did it, though the fact that it was the first pussy on his tongue was evident. And yet, with this queer feeling, Amelia was in ecstasy, her back arching and her paws gripping the rounded ears rough. The tiger whined, his tongue dipping slowly in, but not hesitatingly, penetrating deeply if not quickly like water dripping through stone. She still couldn't quite place what it was that was making her writhe like this. It wasn't that the tiger was hitting all the right spots. It wasn't that he had a sudden lustful energy that she couldn't help but return. And yet, every time his tongue made that long and dutiful journey into her she moaned a little louder. Suddenly, it hit her: Obedience. The tiger was going at the pace of obedience. Not the pace of being forced. Not the pace of enthusiasm, or even disgust, or anything else. He was eating her pussy because he knew it was what he had to do. He was in his place, and Amelia reveled in the fact that he'd put him there with her ten inches of justice. He slurped at her clit with the patience of a man sentenced to life, he sucked at her lips with the temperance of a fasting man sipping water. He explored every inch his tongue could reach, experiencing it like he was just learning about pussy for the first time. He painted the outer lips with his spit, then teased the lips inside with the tip of his tongue. He prodded at her hood, making her almost blush in excitement when he found the prize inside, with a little help of direction from some not-so-subtle ear pulls. Her chest heaving with deep breaths of lust, she buried two fingers in with the tiger's tongue, working herself over in a way the inexperienced tiger never could have. She was so close... she teased her clit and pressed the tiger's muzzle so firm against her his nose was buried in it. She was panting now, her legs were shaking, her toes curling. She shoved the tiger's head away and, quickly repositioning herself as she fought through gasps and moans, squirted on his face. He recoiled in surprise, but only a few inches, not near enough to avoid the second spray (or the the third). His fur gleamed with the wetness. It dripped onto his lips. He whimpered a low, dulcet, sad cry as he opened his stinging eyes. Amelia collapsed back against the headboard, her chest still rising and falling in great huffs, her eyes closed as she collected her senses. When they opened, the tiger laid there still looking up at her, not a word spoken, not an inch moved. "Now," she said, looking down at him as if he was a problem to be dealt with, "do you see what it's like to be fucked like a bitch, bitch?" He nodded sheepishly. "Well, let's make sure this lesson stays with you," she said as she reached for the strap-on again.
Title: in my dreams, in my nightmare... by omiridian Tags: Dream, fears, nightmare, scary There is times when i fall asleep in my bed, i close my eyes to only awaken to my fears a of torture and pain. this dream, a dream not of lolipops and sunshine. i stand in the mist, darkness surrounds me. the wind howls past my ears. i take a step, the wind stops the noise stops, everything zones out. im now in a long hallway with a closed door on the otherside. chills crawl up my spine. blood drips down the walls. i know its just a dream..a nightmare but i cannot awake, is there a task i must do? must i reach that door? i turn to see if theres something behind me. a wall nothing but a wall. i guess theres no choice but to go though that door... as i turn back to the hall i frezze again. why was there a empty hallway leading to no where? why was there a blank wall behind me yet the walls ooze with what looks like blood? two hands on my shoulders. making me jump. i look behind me to see what looks like a humaniod climbing through the wall. i turn and run. the hallways gets longer and longer as i charge for the door. my hand reaches the handle i open it. step in, closing it behind me. leaning against the door. taking a deep breath...
Title: Meeting of the Six Kings Ch. 03 Tags: master, submission, slave Day Two - Continued Ryan was eager for the meeting to adjourn. Eager for the chance to spend an uninterrupted evening with Catrine in their suite. She had spent most of the day tucked up in his lap and while he'd relished it, it hadn't afforded him the opportunity to say more than a few words to her all day. He found the idea of sharing a meal and having an unhurried conversation with her to be very appealing. Surely things would wrap up soon. He could see the sun setting through the stained glass windows that surrounded them. He was surprised that the Six Kings hadn't been more critical of his proposal now that two full days of meetings had passed. While his initial pitch had been the focus of the engagement and he had fielded his share of questions, he had expected to face a tough inquisition. In retrospect, it almost felt like a formality that he attended the meeting at all. More than halfway through the conference, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that they planned to develop the energy resources of the south and engage his company to do lead the effort. So, why had they bothered to invite him? The thought troubled him as he considered it. There was really no way to guess at the answer and he reminded himself that their agreement was not yet confirmed. They had not signed the contract and many of the specifics of the negotiation remained still to be decided. All the more reason to try to keep his head on straight. Meeting Catrine and having her here certainly complicated things though. He was usually so cool under pressure. So detached. It was a significant factor in his ability to navigate the empire of the Six Kings for so many years; He could get by, do his bit, say little, and offend no one. But here, with her as his companion, he had called attention to himself. He had been distracted since the moment she joined him. He hadn't been able to don his usual business persona. Her beauty, her pain, and her honesty were humanizing in a way that pulled at the center of his heart. It was as though he couldn't care about anything as much as he suddenly cared for her. Watching her, touching her, and, he admitted reluctantly, even striking her; It had called into question the complicity of his past actions. Now, he felt suddenly accountable for all that he had overlooked; all that he had seen but not called to question. It muddled the purpose of his visit and left him feeling unsure of his goal. He had started this quest to lock up a contract and, in the process, lock up his future. He was no longer sure of his future at all. His thoughts were interrupted as he saw King Arick rise to make an announcement. His gut instincts told him that nothing good would come from this. He reflexively tightened his grasp on Catrine and waited to hear what the King had to say. "Gentlemen," Arick began, smiling at each King in the room. Ryan couldn't shake the suspicion that he had something up his sleeve. He wanted to slap the expression right off his face. "As you all know, one of the best parts of our quarterly meetings is the chance to share in the rarest luxuries from each of our territories. Sir Hall, the wine you brought along for example, has been most exquisite. Thank you for being so considerate as to share it with each us!" Hall nodded in dignified reply. King Arick continued, "So, it occurred to me this afternoon, that we should really share all of our treasures with one another during our short stay. Our time is so precious and our treats are so...tasty. So, if you'll indulge me in a bit of whimsy, I thought perhaps we should...trade." "Now, now. Don't worry!" He continued quickly. "It would only be temporary. Just for one night. The chance to partake in one another's most favorite of all delights! Our beloved pleasure slaves, at our collective disposal, to indulge in our most tempting desires." "Dutton!" he exclaimed with great congeniality, "I know, for example, that you are most eager to get between the legs of Roberts' twins!" Hearing this, Dutton held up his glass of wine to Roberts to toast his fine taste. The two Kings sharing in the joke and smiling widely. "And, my own lovely Pet," he said stroking the hair of the girl next to him. "She is extremely well suited for some of Edwards' less gentle tastes." Edwards licked his lips at the suggestion, hungrily eyeing the girl at Arick's feet. "Let's see if you can't push her limits a bit, no?" He said with a wink as Edwards slowly nodded at him in full agreement. "And I must confess," Arick continued with exaggerated dismay, turning his attention to stare directly into Ryan's eyes. "I have been quite taken by our newest guest, Mr. Pierce's companion." "I was thinking just this afternoon that I would be most appreciative of the chance to explore her most...intimately." He lingered on the final word, turning his attention from Ryan to Catrine as he shot her a cold smile. She sat wide-eyed in Ryan's lap, fully comprehending how this would unfold. "So, unless there is any objection?" He trailed off for a moment looking to the other Kings, many of whom had already begun collecting their personal items, nodding back at him in total agreement. "Excellent!" He said and clapped his hands together like a small child who had just been told that he had his pick of delights from a candy store. Leaving the other Kings to sort out their swaps, he turned to Ryan and Catrine and with a deadly serious expression said, "If you would please follow me then, dear?" He found himself helpless again. Ryan's rage threatened to spill into open violence as he balled his fists and gritted his teeth. On shaking legs, Catrine slowly stood and stepped away from Ryan's embrace to follow behind King Arick. In a flash, Ryan grabbed her and pulled her backwards with so much force she almost crashed into his desk. He surged forward to put himself physically between her and the vile King. "Something wrong Mr. Pierce?" King Arick asked with mock concern. Ryan's breathing was labored and his eyes burned intensely. He closed in on Arick and readied himself to strike him. The anger sparked between them and the other Kings took notice, stopping their activities and turning their attention to where the two men stood. Catrine knew that the situation was escalating quickly and that a conflict with a King could turn bad fast. Very, very bad. There were too many accidents and too many disappearances that couldn't be explained. She knew Ryan meant well, but his reactions were naive. She couldn't stand the thought of him coming into danger because of her. She searched for courage deep inside of herself. Reaching out to Ryan, she gently pulled at his fist, which broke his stare down with Arick as he turned his head to regard her. Their eyes met briefly, ice blue to warm brown, each reflecting the other's sadness. She took his hand in hers, gently prying at his balled fist to open his fingers and reveal his palm to her. She bent gracefully forward and planted the softest kiss from her lips to the center of his palm. The gesture was intimately submissive, a slave bidding good evening to her Master. But, as she stilled her lips and brushed her cheeks back and forth against his warm skin, she tried to convey her prayer with her gesture: Do not be stupid. I will be okay. I will come back to you. Releasing his hand, she turned to King Arick and fell to her knees in front of him. She lowered her eyes and said quietly, "As you please, My King." "That's more like it." Arick mumbled under his breath. He took her by her hair and yanked her roughly back to her feet. He pulled her forward sharply and spun her around so that she was pinned with her back pressed against his body, his hands roughly grasping her. She couldn't bare to look anywhere but at her feet. "She is a clever girl." He said to Ryan. "And she seems obedient enough. You would do well to learn something from her," he sneered. Then, guiding her swiftly across the room he called merrily to the others, "Sweet dreams all!" And in an instant, they had vanished into the hall. Ryan fell back into his chair feeling as though there was no air left to breathe in the room. His heart constricted and his mind buzzed with incongruous thoughts. He had promised to protect her and yet he had failed at every turn. He had wanted to comfort her, yet again and again, she had needed to reassure him. He had tried furiously to maintain control, but it was clear that there was no chance of it in these games. "Master?" a small voice interrupted him and he looked up to see that the room had emptied entirely except for one young woman. Preston's slave, he realized with dismay. She was looking at him expectantly. "Come along then," he said with resignation as he made the walk back to his suite. —- Catrine followed King Arick down the hall and into his private chambers. While it was clear that the next several hours would be a test of her strength, she also felt oddly back in more familiar terrain: This was her role. This was what was expected of her. This was the world that she knew. The time she had spent with Ryan had brought with it a slew of emotions that she hadn't allowed herself to consider for months, perhaps even years. Thinking, feeling, wanting; these were dangerous pastimes for a slave. In showing her kindness, he had weakened her defenses. He had exposed parts of herself that she had locked away long ago. She touched her collar as if to confirm it was still there. Yes, she affirmed, better to know your place than to get lost in dangerous wishes. Arick wasted no time as he lead her into his bedroom. Loosening his tie and unbuckling his belt he added, "Take your clothes off. Then, come over here in front of me." He ogled her, toying with his own mustache and practically salivating, as she slipped off her dress and panties. He hadn't felt this eager to play in a long time. She quickly walked towards him and he leered at her openly. "Yes, right here will do." Present your hands to me, please." He removed a set of thick metal cuffs from his bedside table. She stood before him and shivered as he slipped one securely over each of her delicate wrists. "You seem fairly obedient," he began as he fingered the soft skin on the underside of her wrist. It gave her goose bumps. "So, I don't think I'll need to tie you to the headboard. Am I right, beautiful?" She shook her head cautiously, thinking he had more to say. "Very good," he continued. "I'll just make use of these to keep things interesting." He stroked the metal cuffs again. It was clear that he was admiring the cuffs themselves and not her delicate wrists beneath. "On your knees then." he declared, his words thick with anticipation. To emphasize his point, he placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed forcefully downward so that she sank to her knees before him. She blanched at his touch as he ran his fingers roughly through her hair. She heard him mutter, "Very good, indeed" as he reached down and stroked himself lewdly through the fabric of his pants. Knowing she was watching, he unzipped himself and released his pulsing cock just inches from her eyes. It was long and thin and angry looking, with dark purple veins criss-crossing its length. He grabbed a handful of her hair with his fist and tightened his grip, forcing her head back sharply so that she had to look up into his cold eyes. She gasped at his sudden forcefulness and the painful pull against her scalp. "I had to wait for you all day," he said darkly, "and I am not a patient man." He pulled harder, making her back arch, pushing her breasts forward, as she let out a small yelp. She saw his mustache twitch slightly as though he was smirking at her discomfort. He loomed over her, raking his eyes over her body. His expression villainous. He brought his face almost level with hers; so close that she could smell his moist, rancid breath as he whispered, "Let's see if you're worth all this fuss. Please me and I will let you, and that supposed Master of yours, live another day." Releasing his grip just enough for her to be level again with his swollen cock, he pressed the tip of it against her lips and breathed his command. "Show me." She parted her lips gingerly, intending to ease herself into the gratification he demanded. But he was too hungry to feel her submission. He locked his hands against her head, winding her long hair in his fingers and using it as a way to control her movement. She shuddered at the feel of his hands on her. "Shhhh..." he said quietly but it did nothing to soothe her. It only heightened her fear. He forced her to still completely as he towered over her. He held her helpless between his hands and reveled in the power of his position. His whole body thrummed with his desire to possess her. Suddenly, he thrust deeply into her mouth, pushing himself down her throat. She choked against him, her gasp vibrating against his shaft. He moaned luxuriously, appreciating the sensations of her cry against his penetrating cock. Her struggles to accommodate his length only aroused him further. He set set a punishing pace as he fucked her mouth brutally. Without the ability to use her hands, she found it difficult to maintain her balance and she teetered painfully on her knees from the force of his actions. She tried to control her breathing to match his pace but she found it impossible. She felt tears prick her eyes as she worked to breathe, gagging and sputtering against him. Each struggle only seemed to inflame him further. He grunted and pushed back against her hard, forcing himself even deeper with his thrusts. He grunted, closing his eyes with smug satisfaction, as he relished the feeling of dominating her. "That's it my sweet, slave girl. You know just how to take it." He slowed his pace, but kept himself deeply inside of her as he continued, "Your mouth is exquisite." He smiled at her with a monstrous expression. "I wonder if you were a natural or if they had to train you exhaustively to bring out your gifts?" He appraised her with his words. "Let's test your limits a bit, no?" He looked delighted with himself as he pressed himself forward again. He held her head tightly, not stopping until he felt the tip of his cock rubbing against the back of her throat. He let out a long satisfied sigh as he watched her struggle to breath, rocking himself side to side, but not releasing his grip at all. Tears fell freely from her eyes and she worried she would faint from the exertion. He renewed his thrusts, increasing his pace to a frenzy. Finally, with a few more violent thrusts, she felt him swell in her throat as he released his rancid seed into her mouth. He let out a deep grunt, pushing himself back and forth a few more times, still enjoying the soft grip of her mouth around him before he finally slipped himself from her lips. He stood and waited expectantly for her to swallow. "Oh lovely, lovely girl." His chilling words combined with his taste in her mouth left her nauseated. Still on her knees, she wiped her eyes and her mouth as best she could against her cuffed hands. She leaned forward to rest her face in her palms, struggling to catch her breath. Looking down at her he admonished, "There is no time to rest, my slave. We are just getting started. Up on the bed now. Hands and knees, please." He walked over to a water pitcher and poured himself a large glass. The sound of the ice cubes rattling against the cup made Catrine lick her lips with thirst. He drank it deliberately, exaggerating his enjoyment, clearly not planning to offer her any. He turned to assess her again, admiring her from behind. She rested on her elbows, her ass tipped slightly up in the air, her hands still bound at her wrists. He had only just satisfied himself with her mouth and his cock already twitched for more. "You are quite something to look at, you know?" he said to her, stroking her body with his cold hands. "Perhaps that's why Mr. Pierce seems so absorbed in you?" He watched her closely as he mentioned Ryan's name. Like a cat who had caught a mouse but wasn't all that hungry, he was in the mood to toy with her. She closed her eyes and turned her head so that she could press her face against the mattress. It was harder to breathe, but at least she could hide her expression from his critical gaze. "Yes," he whispered with menacing softness, walking his fingers up each of her vertebrae and enjoying the tremors his actions provoked. "I can see why he dotes on you. You are something to be savored." Stilling his hands on her bare hips he finished his preamble. "I am certain that I am going to enjoy fucking you very, very much." He yanked her roughly backwards, grinding her soft slit against his renewed hardness. The pressure of his motions forcing her to anticipate the coming violation of her body. He pushed between her legs and slammed himself inside of her with his full strength. He tugged forcefully against her body, making sure that she couldn't escape any of his thrust. "Ugh." They both moaned together. Hers, a response to the sudden pain she felt as her body struggled to take him in so suddenly. His, a satisfied grunt as he forced himself deeply into her. He used the leverage of their position to force her body backwards as he used his own momentum to thrust himself forward. He loved looking down on her in that moment as he completely overpowered her. Her hands bound and extended in front of her. Her hair tangled and spread across the bed. The creamy skin of her shoulders and bare back tempting him to bite her. Her tiny ass squeezed together as his cock slid in and out of her most intimate place. He was hers to violate and hers to control. He was soaring with triumphant power. Each time he bottomed out against her, he felt the satisfying press of her pussy against the base of his cock. His rhythm was powerful and punishing, wanting to push himself still deeper, claiming her with each thrust. "They keep you so tight." He said with relish as he fucked her hard. He rubbed himself against her walls using her body fully for his own enjoyment. "You were made for this," he berated her. "Molded and shaped and trained and punished to be so perfectly submissive." "Mine to claim," he added pounding his words into her with each thrust. He groaned, curling himself over her body so that he could reach around her and cup her breasts with his hands. "Such a delicacy." he continued. He grabbed her breasts roughly and pinched at her nipples until she cried out again. He squeezed them hard, kneading them in his palms and forcing the tiny buds to extend in his fingers. "Yesssss!" He exclaimed in ecstasy, yanking at her breasts as an alternate way to control the pace of his fucking. "You are such a delightful fuck." She was trying so hard to be silent; to not call any additional attention to herself. To wait it out. To take it as she had taken punishments so many times before. But she felt the tears welling behind her eyes and once the first spilled over, she couldn't control their flow. She began to weep quietly into the sheets. He didn't see it at first, the single tear that slipped down her face. He was too lost in the immense satisfaction he had obtained in using her body so thoroughly for himself. But, when he heard her soft cry, he rejoiced in her pain, knowing that he had dominated her fully. Swiftly, he pulled out of her, grabbing her knees and flipping her onto her back. She was forced to look up towards him and he returned her gaze with a vicious smile. Wasting no time, he thrust himself forward again, impaling her deeply on his cock. She yelped as he pushed her bound hands above her head, forcing her painfully backwards. He crushed her chest with the weight of his own, knocking the wind from her as she gazed up at him fearfully. He fucked her brutally, pushing until he could feel his cock at the entrance of her cervix. Pressing her legs back against the mattress to open her up further to his authority. She cried openly as he bore down on her, reveling in her cries. Her hair was matted against her face, damp with her tears. His lips nestled against her temple. The gesture out of place for the brutality of his force. Wrapping his hands around her thighs and tightening her against him, he found her ear and whispered his most chilling words, grinding himself against her mercilessly to emphasize their meaning. "This is what you are." "This is all that you are." "You are only as much as I want you to be." He rose up higher to look deeply into her eyes. He wanted to make sure that she grasped his full meaning as he increased his intensity. "Did he make you come? Did he please you? Did he make you think for a moment that you could ever be free?" He sneered at her as he flexed his body and pounded her with his words and his cock. "You are a slave." He spat. "To possess." "To own." "To devour." He shoved himself inside again deeply, renewing his violent assault. He ran his hands all over her body; grabbing, squeezing, thrusting, pinching. She sensed the fever in his motions and she knew that this ordeal would soon be finished. If she could just hang on a little longer. He reared up above her, his lips curling into that sick smile. She could no longer face him and tried to turn away. "Not so fast," he snapped. He snatched her chin tightly in his grasp before swiftly slapping her hard across her face, splitting her lip open. He relished her fear, backhanding her hard across her opposite cheek just for the thrill of it. She fell back hard against the bed following the force of his blows. Her eyes watered and she blinked rapidly to clear her vision. A growing sharp pain radiated from her temple and her lip. She felt him roughly pushing her knees back, forcing them against her shoulders as he bruised her with his violation. He held absolute power. She could no longer hang on. His motions overtaking her completely. With a final stab, he came sharply inside of her, wave after wave of thick cum coating her and claiming her, as he groaned out his deep satisfaction. Finally sated, sweaty, and breathing hard, he whispered his final chilling words almost soundlessly into her ear. "You are so delightful, little slave. Perhaps I will buy you." Her world faded to darkness. —- Arick tossed her aside shortly after his climax. No longer a novelty, he left her alone, his attentions turned back to his kingdom. The room came back into focus and Catrine realized he had untied her hands. Her tongue tentatively licked her lip, tasting blood. Her hand reached to her temple where a goose egg had formed and a headache pulsed with increasing intensity. She felt tender, inside and out, from his rough treatment of her. She slid off the bed and tucked herself into the position she'd been taught to maintain, on the floor pillow that was meant for her. While his thrusts had been brutal, it was his words that had wrecked her. "This is all that I am." She whispered aloud so that she could hear it in her own voice. She felt nothing more and thought nothing more as her mind retreated from the present. —— Ryan couldn't get over the emptiness of the girl who had followed him back to his room. She was beautiful, yes. But she was blank. Broken, he realized sadly. He had dismissed her quickly, sending her back to wherever it was that Preston kept his slaves. He was anguished by his helplessness and overwhelmed with anxiety for Catrine's safety. He struggled with the depth of his emotions. He had known her for less than two days. Yet, he was inexplicably drawn to her. So connected in a way that he had never experienced before. He nursed a drink and attempted to check email as a distraction. He soon gave up, walking to the large picture windows that ran the length of the suite. He pressed his head against the glass. It felt cool against his skin. He kept thinking about the thin gold band that was wrapped tightly around her neck. Her collar. A constant reminder that she could never be free, could never fully explore her own desires, could never truly trust or confide in him. Suddenly, an idea came to him and he needed to act on it immediately. He unlocked his tablet and wrote an urgent message to a good friend who worked in the technology division of his company. He fired it off quickly, glad to at least have taken one step towards feeling less helpless. Then, there was nothing to do but wait for her return. He fell back against the wall and slid downwards, slumping slightly as he sat. He stared out the window as he had done the night before, only this time he was painfully alone. He looked out over the city and waited for the dawn.
Title: Kate and Nia by nigel76 Tags: Anal, F/F, Fox, Lesbian, Rimming, S&M, Short, Sixty-Nine, Soft-SM, Vixen \##INTRO: Kate is a wealthy, light red furred foxgirl who lives in a huge mansion with her best friend, Nia who's house was destroyed in a tornado. Nia is a dark blue furred foxgirl who has been best friends with Kate ever since they were kits. Kate is 24, and Nia is 23 Kate was sitting on her couch, watching a movie with her best friend Nia, when the satellite went out. "Well this sucks." Kate said. "What are we going to do now?" Nia asked. "I know, Lets go clothes shopping." Kate said. "Sounds good to me." Nia said. Kate pressed a button on the arm of the couch, and the limo driver came to the door. "Where to?" the limo driver asked. "The mall." Kate said. The two beautiful vixens got into Kate's limo, and went to the mall. It was a really windy day, and as they got out of the limo, the wind blew Nia's loose fitting shirt up fot a second. Kate caught a glimpse of her best friend's cleavage, and was starting to feel horny, luckily Nia didn't notice her looking. once inside the clothing store, they quickly began grabbing things that they liked. Kate picked out a fancy dress she liked, and Nia found a very suggestive outfit. when she asked Kate how it looked, Kate almost slipped up, but she caught herself before she said it. The girls finally decided on what they wanted , checked out, and headed for Kate's limo. Kate and Nia walked out of the clothing store, and got into Kate's limo. As they drove away Kate asked Nia if she wanted to play a little game when they got back, and Nia of course ,said yes. Not knowing what surprises Kate had planned. Kate had, had a crush on Nia ever since High School, but she was too afraid to say anything, not knowing that Nia secretly felt the same way about her. As they arrived at Kate's mansion, Nia couldn't help but wonder what sort of "game" Kate had in mind. The two beautiful vixens went upstairs to Kate's bedroom, and had a couple stiff drinks. They weren't really drunk, but they had drank enough that both girls were talking about things they wouldn't normally. Then finally Kate made the first move, she kissed Nia, who was only surprised for a second, before passionately returning the kiss. They kept it up, their tongues exploring each other's mouths, until Nia broke the kiss to ask about the game. Kate responded by saying, "Then I guess you want to take this to the next level." Nia said yes, squeezing her own breasts as she did. Kate went to her closet and came back with a box filled with dildos, vibrators, bindings, lube and other toys. "The game is called S&M." Kate said. "Nia you're going to be my slave." Kate said. Nia knew what S&M was, because she had been in an S&M before, with Asha, another close friend, only then Nia had been the mistress and Asha the slave. "What do I do first mistress?" Nia said to Kate. "Strip." Kate ordered. "Yes mistress." Nia said, and began to remove her clothing. Then Kate began doing the same. By now both vixens were completely naked, and Kate got on her paws and knees, and ordered Nia to make her come. Nia started licking Kate's cunt, flicking her tongue in and out, and around her clit, which sent waves of pleasure through her. Kate moaned in ecstasy, and ordered Nia to take her. Nia got a dildo and began licking it to lube it, then she shoved it into Kate's cunt, and began pumping it in and out. Kate moaned even more now, as she began to tense up, her juices running down her legs, and Nia's hands as she came. "Your turn." Kate said, removing the silk bondage ties from the box. She tied Nia to the bed with her legs spread, and upraised in a way that gave her easy entry in either her cunt or her tailhole. Kate started licking her cunt, and Nia felt waves of pleasure all over. Then she let out a yip of suprise as to what Kate did next. Kate had began licking her tailhole, and Nia had never been rimmed before, it was a completely new sensation, like nothing she had felt before. Kate continued licking her tailhole, sticking the tip of her tongue in, to make sure she was good and moist for what she planned to do next. Nia was really moaning now, filled with a sensation like she'd never felt before. Kate went back to the box and got out 2 realistic looking dildos, one of which she covered in lube. Kate took the lubed dildo, and pressed it against Nia's tailhole, which brought about another yip of surprise. Kate eased the dildo in until it's full length had been taken, then she got the other dildo she had, and shoved it into Nia's cunt. Nia didn't know what to think, at the sensation of being filled by 2 dildos. Kate began pumping the dildos in and out, which drove Nia to pure ecstasy. with another few strokes, Nia finally came, Kate licking up every bit of her juices then Kate untied Nia and said "Ready for round 2.". Both vixens lay on the bed now, licking each other's cunts. Then Kate took hold of the dildos, and began pumping them again. Nia was not to be outdone, however. She got another dildo from the box on the nightstand, and lubed it up, then she shoved the dildo into Kate's tailhole. This made Kate start pumping faster, thrusting the dildos in and out of Nia. Nia took hold of the dildo that was in Kate's cunt and the one she'd just put in Kate's tailhole, and began pumping them in and out. Kate moaned with pleasure and continiued to pump the dildos in and out. This made Nia moan in ecstasy, about to come, she desperately worked the dildos faster, determined to make Kate come first. Kate was trying to hold off her orgasm as well, not wanting to be outdone by her slave. This was of course to no avail, as both vixens moaned loudly, as they came at exactly the same instant. Both vixens, now exhausted, fell asleep right where they lay. Kate woke up the next morning to the smell of food cooking, Nia was making breakfast for them. Scrambled eggs, sausage , and coffee, "Nia you didn't have to go to all this trouble." Kate said. "I know, but I love you." Nia said. "I love you too." Kate said. After breakfast they shared another passionate kiss, and then Kate said, "I have an idea, Lets invite our friends to a party tonight." "That sounds like fun" Nia said. Kate got her cell phone and called May, and Asha to invite them to the "party" which was really a lesbian orgy, But since Asha is bi, and May is a virgin, that was better kept a secret for now. This is the prequel to the series, The Vulpine Orgy all comments welcome, I need feedback.
Title: Relentlessness by Bjorn Tags: Anatomically Correct, Demon, Feline, No-Yiff, Rabbit, Reptile, Series A thunder, like a falling tree, echoed over the dark deck. Smooth, scaled hands rolled the parchment gently, tenderly; obscuring the neat cut lines of his sketch. Rising fluidly, the figure clambered rapidly from the hollow housing a small freight lifter, and peered back into the gloom, wisps of cloud thronging the containers. ‘No Lights.' The far-off rear, the bridge of the Hauler's Engine, normally basked in the gentle glow of the high hung lamps was barely lit, and all had grown silent. His tail flicked in irritation and confusion. He began to stroll quickly, rearward across the cool metal, claws clicking softly, the only sound in the balmy calm of the night. His quiet hollow rested far from the main cabins at the rear, the walk was a lengthy one, and he clapped his hands together for warmth as he walked, disturbing the brooding quiet. At length he reached the central deck catwalk, the high-up pathway that ran above the centre of the containers, and began to climb the wooden steps, eyes attacking the gloom, trying to make out what was going on. As, panting from the long climb, he mounted the walkway; he paced quietly through through the throng of creaking ropes and groaning beams supporting the skein above him. The storm lanterns were out on the walkway, all was dark, so he stepped cautiously, avoiding an unwelcome fall. He heard voices, drifting ghostly through the breeze. The long stretch of wood continued to leer up from the thin fog as he kept his pace up, heart quickening. A soft thump, a flower of sound cut through the night. His steps slowed as screams began to pierce the air, shouts of anger, confusion and fear. Stopping, gripping the aged wood of the handrail, the lizard's eyes narrowed, his heart thudding in his ears. The yells continued, quieting slightly, replaced by the chatter of some hidden crowd; and flickering orange light became visible through the mist. ‘Fire' He suppressed any panic and walked further forward, breaking into a smooth run, tail flicking behind him, balancing his frame. As he ran along the seemingly endless walkway, he hissed gently. Far beneath him, suddenly, he heard shouts, running footsteps echoing across the metal. He thrust his head over the railing, and peered down desperately, but could make out little. He caught sight of a group of people, running, illuminated by a dim floor-light, before they vanished again. He waited, tense, pulse racing, looking out like some hawk perched above a valley, watching for prey. He could see nothing, and cursed the fog curling around him. Finally, he heard a retort, and saw a flash of red light far away on the port railing. He couldn't see the source of the light itself, but it reflected off of the walls of the high containers thronging the deck. He ran onward toward the rear of the ship, glancing up at the balloon swaying above him, huge in the gloom. Running for what seemed perversely like hours, past the mid-mast and onward, he came finally to the abrupt end of the walkway, looming out of the mist. The sight before him stopped him in his tracks. The proud, rugged bridge of the airship Hauler's Engine lay beneath the ruined rear tether mast. The command deck was utterly destroyed. The mast, which usually pierced the catwalk, and had rested toward the back of the maindeck, in front of the bridge; had ripped the far end of the walkway to the deck like paper torn in half. The lights on the mast were destroyed, emitting the occasional spark as broken tether ropes hung like macabre bunting from the balloon above, which was now barely attached to the rear of the ship, held only by the thick stern hawser. The bridge itself had collapsed inward under the huge, falling mast, and the lizard tensed, standing on the brink of the destruction. He tore his gaze away, to the source of the voices; a huddle of figures on the starboard side of the wrecked bridge, fighting a fire, nearly out. Their confused voices and shouts echoed up to him. They seemed tiny, like toys, from his high vantage on the gantry, milling about confusedly as the flickering flames died at last. He stood, heart thudding. Suddenly he was thrown to his feet, as his world seemed to explode around him. A roar, like a fist of sound, dropped from above, pushing him with a smack to the broken end of the twisted walkway, He was nearly thrown to the tattered wreckage below, and his long tail whipped out, gripping the railings as he scrabbled for balance. Dragging himself to safety, to the swaying boards beneath him; he looked up, head ringing, the entire walkway rocking. The port side of the balloon, invisible from his vantage hugging the skein's underside, had apparently been blown away; tattered, flaming debris fell like confetti, lighting the dark. He trembled as he rested on his hands and knees, ears ringing, the shouts of those below echoing up as if he were underwater. A cloud of burning fragments, carried by the wind, blew about him like fireflies, pricking at his black hide. Forcing himself, he rose, gripping the rail, and without looking down, he began to run, as swift as he was able, breathing heavily, feet thudding on the still wobbling catwalk, towards the fore of the ship, and the salvation of the far off lifeboats. Sounds, of flickering flame and shots, echoed about him, and the light of crimson flares, arcing up from the port rail into the dark sky. After an eternity of running, he stopped, wheezing, crouched by the end steps of the walkway, gasping for breath. Flares cast a ghostly red light over the scene, and he clenched his fists, keeping himself calm, tail coiled tightly about his waist. He looked back, and saw a spurt of flame gush from the cut balloon, spiralling debris into the night fog. He hurried on, down the steps, his path illuminated by dim, orange, floor level bulbs; as the ship seemed to shudder beneath him. He could see no one about, and walked briskly towards the forward balconies. The balconies were the only route around the frontal containers, one on each side, and formed metre wide gantries allowing access to the lifeboats hanging from the ships prow. He glanced about him, nervous, cautious. He turned the corner to the starboard balcony and stopped, eyes wide, hissing. A huge cargo box, somehow released from it's clamps, lay across the balcony. And for whatever reason, razor tape and wire were strung from it to railings and posts. He walked forward, looking for routes to climb, face locked in confusion and rage. He found none, the surfaces were smooth, the box covered the entire width of the balcony and more, hanging into space, and the razor tape formed an impenetrable barrier. ‘What the hell is going on?' He stamped once, frustrated, turned back and sprinted toward the starboard side of the ship, retracing his steps to the forward junction, overshadowed by the dark, looming containers. In the maze of the giant boxes, all had grown quiet and dark, and he heard only his blood coursing as his claws thudded off of the metal deck. The soft glow of the sparse deck lighting reflected from his black scales. Pulling himself around the corner, he stopped, eyes wild, breathing heavy. The same obstacle, almost mirrored in some cruel duplicate, lay across the other side of the ship. The wall was just as insurmountable as that on the port side. "AGH!" He yelled out, a shout of denied rage, and look about him for some means of escape. Pacing back and forth rapidly, he stared about him, willing the dark to reveal some path. Suddenly, red flares curled up from the starboard side, and a route became evident. He ran on. Stopping, out of breath, suppressing his rising panic, he stared up at the spindly tower, clicking his teeth, considering. He put his slender hands to the first, rusted rung and began to climb, tenderly, his tail securing him by grasping a rung high above. The red flares glinted off of his dark scales, silhouetting the crane, thronged with mist. The ascent seemed long, and he looked through the girders of the crane, trying to discern what was happening further back on the deck as his hands continued the motions, pulling him up one rung at a time. He felt a heavy tremor shake the ship, the balloon above the crane's peak groaning. He quickened his climb. Hauling his sleek body, becoming ever more tired, onto the cabin floor, he panted, looking down. He swung himself into the seat of the crane, leather creaking beneath him, and considered the controls. They appeared simple, two ornate brass levers and a hand crank, with a series of small, labelled buttons. He jabbed a large, green one reading "Operate" And with a hum, the crane flickered into life, lights clicking on in the cabin, and highlighting the tower. He hissed, unwilling to be such an obvious beacon to those onboard, especially considering the mayhem that was going on. He hit a second button, labelled "Lights" And the incandescent bulbs winked out. He peered down, at his goal far below, and began to manoeuvre the crane, guiding it's pendulous grabber toward the tangled barricade on the port side. The tower swung dispiritingly, and the gears gave soft groans, the thrum of the crane's engine rumbling in his ears. Rapidly the grabber was positioned above the crate, and he turned the crank quickly, face locked in concentration, till the grip contacted with the blockage with a hollow clang that resounded across the entire ship. He hissed yet again. Pressing another button, the grip's jaws began to shut, enclosing the metal with a soft creak. Heart racing, he began to turn the crank back as a sheet of glowing material flapped past the cabin, burning slowly. His entire body locked up in panic as a loud scream of tortured steel cascaded over his ears. The crate hung a bare foot over the decking, and yet already the beam was bending worryingly. He desperately pulled a lever, to swing the crate out over the night. He watched, his stomach sinking, as the grabber detached smoothly, with a crack of cable, from the beam, sending the tower springing back, near throwing him from his perch. He held on for dear life, tail swishing in blind horror. The giant crate fell smoothly, with clicks of breaking wire, to the balcony, and did not stop. With a shattering crunch, that bounced back across the airship several times, the balcony was torn from it's mountings, ripping beams of wood and metal free, falling swiftly into space, gouging a hole in the ship's hull as it dropped, wood snapping and splintering, steel plates screaming. The reptile was wordless, stunned, as he looked at the broken crane, cable hanging useless. He was trapped, and for a moment panic threatened to overcome him, but with a violent stab at the "Disable" button the crane silenced, and he began to descend rapidly, not willing to give up. He reached the deck once more, as it shuddered worryingly beneath his feet. He ran to the broken balcony, and peered into the abyss, mist thronging around the hole. The splintered metal decking was festooned with the dangling razor tape, the hole was a good ten metres across if not more, and it was clear there was no way across. He turned and hurried rearward; only with assistance could he escape this nightmare. He mounted the catwalk stairs again, looking down for someone to work with, someone to help cross that infernal barricade. A minute's frantic lookout spotted a huddle of three creatures, running through the aisles of the crates, and biting his lip for a moment, slung himself from the stairway, his tail assisting a rapid climb down to the group. He called out. "Hey! Hey, help!" He hit the deck, maintaining his balance, and approached the trio, waving, walking quickly toward them. They stopped, wary, a large panther in front of the group holding out a hand. "What's going on?!" He called out, golden eyes distrustful. The lizard opened his hands in a gesture of peace, walking slowly closer. "Hell if I know. I can't get to the front of the ship, the lifeboats are blocked off, what's happened back there?" The cat shook his head. "We don't know, I couldn't get to the rear lifeboats either, one of the masts has fallen over. Isn't there any way forward? Who are you?" The lizard curled his tail around his waist, red armpit scales glinting as he gestured. "I'm Michael. I saw the mast. There's some sort of barricade on the starboard side, but the port side's totally broken. We might have a chance of shifting starboard if we can find some tools. It's not simple stuff, someone's strung out a load of razor wire, I can't get my hands into it safely. The panther nodded. "I'm Tomas. These two are Alex and Jenny." He gestured to two rabbits behind him, a male and a female, faces locked in determination. The male held a crowbar. "Alex grabbed that when we heard all the shouts, I think someone's caused this. You saw the balloon explode?" Michael looked at the metal bar. "That might do. I know, something's foul about all of this. Come on, we haven't got long, the ship must be going down." As if on cue, another rocking shudder bucked the deck, and with a muffled roar, fire gushed from somewhere toward the rear of the ship, rushing towards the obscured stars. The four furs watched, faces illuminated by the fiery glow, before Alex began to jog ahead, tugging Jenny by an arm. "Come on!" He yelled. "I don't know where we're going!" Michael turned and ran after them, pointing to starboard. They hurried on. They worked swiftly, unspeaking, tugging at the lengths of wire and pulling them aside. The job was painstaking, and all four bore cuts within a few minutes. They exchanged wordless glances as they heard shouts and screams, preceded by an enormous crash from further back the ship, and worked furiously as voices echoed out to them from somewhere to port, made ghostly by the metal walls of the crates. A gigantic explosion, far larger than the earlier blast from the balloon, split the night from the rear of the ship, and all four cowered, gripping the deck, as a pillar of fire and debris flew up, chunks of huge propeller and wooden beams clear against the harsh light. Suddenly it was as if the entire ship was burning, fire rushing forward, gushing up in plumes from unseen blazes below decks. They pulled frantically. As the fire encroached ever further forward, growing louder and louder in their ears, the group finally pulled away the last strands of wire, and began to climb the box, helping each other, pulling and tugging. Michael reached the top first, tugging Alex, who sported the most cuts of anyone, having plunged fearlessly into the task, atop the crate. The other pair joined them, and Alex leapt from the other side first, rolling. The reptile followed. Smoke was curling around the crates now, the sick orange light growing by the second. As the rabbit and lizard stepped forward, they heard a terrible groan. They turned, hearts sinking, as the crate, with Jenny atop it, and Tomas just having jumped clear, broke the balcony's strength, and split the wood on which it rested. Jenny fell, with a wordless mask of horror, into the dark, and Alex screamed, a desperate roar of anguish as the crate clipped Tomas on it's descent, pulling him downward. The smoke and dust clouded their eyes as both lizard and lapine rushed forward. Tomas clung to the lip of broken wood, and they pulled him up. The rabbit let out a low moan. Tomas's legs were gone below the knee, and his thighs were a mess of splintered flesh. His eyes were glazed over, his breaths ragged. He trembled in shock, and did not speak. A tear dropped to the wooden surface, as Alex shook his head in desperation, the lizard was merely frozen in fear. The panther coughed, blood spattering the boards, and Michael pushed the rabbit onward. "We can't save him Alex..." The lapine let out a cry of guilt and shame. Michael pushed him again, and turned back to the broken panther, the crowbar lying by it's side. The reptile reached for the metal bar. Alex trembled as the crunch cut through the roar of the on-rushing flames, and heard the clang as the crowbar was dropped. The lizard pulled him onward, rushing toward the lifeboats, merely a door away. The fore-deck was burning now, and wisps of ash curled around the desolate pair. Through tear filled eyes, both saw a lifeboat, flares arcing from it, drifting away through the breeze. From above them, cries and screams could be heard, and some pour soul was caught atop the foremast, flames licking around the mast at him, trapped. They turned away; stomachs sick, pushed open the emergency forward fire-wall door, and stepped out onto the prow. Most of the six boats were gone or destroyed. Two remained, one neatly hooked, one a mess of broken ropes and a missing balloon. Looking hopelessly upward, the pair jumped into the final boat. Michael pulled at the balloon handle, and air rushed upward with a thump, filling the skin, flickering in the red glare. Alex tugged the release catch, and with a soft creak the boat fell away safely, rising slowly, the pair aboard hugging each other in pain and triumph. A crack split the air, and the boat lurched sickeningly. Sparks and flame gushed downward. Michael looked up desperately, back at the flaming skeleton of the Hauler's Engine. The figure atop the mast was firing flares, directly at them, his anguished screams splitting the night. A second flare curved over them, missing, and both creatures aboard the boat screamed back in wordless terror. The third shot split their balloon asunder. Fire curled around them, ropes whipping in the wind, and they fell, a screaming pirouette to the trees far below. The lapine and the reptile held each other in their arms, weeping, a desperate final contact; till their lights were snuffed out in the fiery dark.
(MtF tf half-cow) Lucious was a hard working man, not... particularly talented, but hard working. He was handsome and had a warm smile, and he was a good person to talk to; it was these reasons he got picked up initially by a very secretive company named RHE. His friend Amanda happened to be a scientist there and he did not even know! RHE did human experimentation so the company was very secretive and operated entirely on a remote island. Lucious was hired as a general helper- cleaning or fixing basic things, but also because they needed staff to be in charge of milking! Now that was the part that put a smile on his face. You see, almost all test subjects of RHE are hybridized with mammals, and designed to be able to give milk frequently. Therefore, the subjects who did not want a machine to be sucking on them, required a soft human hand. Well, it seemed great on paper anyway. Lucious has been working there for a month and a half now and has not so much as touched a single breast! Heck, he has hardly ever even seen them! RHE already has 4 test subjects on the island, but two had to be released back into the outside world because the test failed completely somehow, so subject 02 and 04 were gone. Test Subject 01 lived in her own massive palace that looked like it belonged to some wealthy emperor, and had her own milking rig custom built into her massive home. Her breasts were so colossal that it would take hours to milk her by hand anyway, so it wasn't really practical. That only left Subject 03, and because of her form, Lorelei lived offshore on a tiny island to the north of RHEI, by the lighthouse. So while he could help milk her and she probably wouldn't mind... the only way to reach her is taking a boat off the west side of RHEI and going all the way north, and then all the way back. Again, very impractical, so she had her own milking station set up. So, all Lucious was doing was helping clean the place up as a glorified janitor. It was clear they were expecting many more test subjects in the future, so Lucious held out hope he would one day be buried in boobies. There was massage parlors, milking stations and even indoor sports and game rooms set up on the ground level of the main facility. They wouldn't set all that up if they did not expect someone to need them. The staff could make use of the game room, sure, but they obviously were not going to need the milking stations for themselves, and there was at least 8 in each of the two rooms for them. The researchers were also twiddling their thumbs to be fair as well, waiting for new people to sign up for the program. Most of what they did was running simulations to half-test theories. Using spells to simulate the influence on a physical form, using a clay model. Since it is inorganic though, this doesn't at all account for clashing of existing biology or genetic differences that could influence the changes, but it was the best they could do without a human subject. Lucious often slipped into the labs to nose around. He especially liked putting in his two cents with their brainstorming sessions on what animal traits they could put together to make a better overall form. They often had rough sketches on whiteboards and Lucious would love looking them over and imagining what they would look like in real life. Who hasn't seen a drawing of a woman with cow traits? Or maybe a part dog. But to be able to see it in real life, actual flesh and blood! Or so he dreamed. One day Lucious was helping them install new racks in the main labs. These racks were made of of two metal bars that could be pulled out from the wall- the other side was cold storage to keep everything preserved. The inner facing sides of the two bars had magnetic circles on them the vials could be placed between- this would keep the vial hovering between the two bars without physically touching them, preventing them from rattling around. Lucious was finishing up on the first rack, placing a coin between the bars to make it hover in place to see if it was working. "Okay, hand me one of the tinctures. It is working but a coin is solid metal. Tincture bottles have a lot less metal in them, just a small thin metal circle on the bottom and top, so we need to see if the fields are strong enough to hold an actual vial." Amanda handed him one of the vials to place in. It was not even a full tincture really- the vial contained just cow traits to be passed to a person, which on its own isn't an experiment, because they already knew it would work- that was one of the most basic transformative tinctures they made back with their founder Moth was still there. To make an actual test out of it, this tincture would be mixed with another that would either focus the traits into specific areas or blend them with another creature entirely. Lucious placed it between the bars and carefully removed his hand- it held! He tapped it toward the top and bottom to test how stable it was, and it still held. The magnets were yanking it both up and down with enough force that you would have to very deliberately be trying to remove it to get it out- there could be an earthquake and that vial still wasn't going anywhere. Amanda smiled and clapped. "You are so good at this sort of stuff!" Lucious shrugged. "Meh. I used to muck around with my PC obelisk a lot. I basically just learned this stuff by randomly messing around and seeing what worked." She laughed. "Sounds like the research team." Another of the researchers named Morgan yelped suddenly though and fell face first into the carpet! The lights in the room flickered and the vial suddenly clinked against the bottom bar before breaking in half on Lucious' head! It happened so fast no one knew what problem to assess first! Morgan tripped over the power cable which was running across the floor, because the equipment was still being installed and the wiring wasn't tucked away because it was still being worked on! That cut the power to the rack however and dumped the tincture onto Lucious! The overseer was rushed to the situation. The whole reason the magic was placed into the form of a tincture instead of directly into the person is because it is meant to change their genes- to make the form permanent so that mana does not need to be constantly fed into the subject to maintain their shape. That meant they could not cast a reversal spell and negate what was going to happen to Lucious. There was other problems too though... the first being the tincture was meant for a woman, not a man. Men are not known to lactate. The other being that it is supposed to be injected, not dumped on your head. It won't circulate through his body properly, it was being concentrated in his head and progressively more diluted as it went down. Lucious was hoping they would be able to just give him something to negate it and be back to work by the afternoon. Instead, he was given the title of Test Subject 05 by the afternoon, and brought down onsite. Trying to look on the bright side of things, this meant he did not have to work cleaning up equipment and tinkering in the offices anymore- he would have free food and shelter for the rest of his life like other test subjects were offered. This also meant that when the area became populated more- he would be right in the middle of the action. There was five homes already built in the valley for test subjects and none of them currently occupied, so he was assigned the first one at the bottom of the long gradual slope that lead back up to the giant plateau the main facility was built on. All the homes in the valley were basically identical anyway so it ultimately did not matter which he was given. He felt normal all afternoon, nothing changed. Maybe they were wrong? More likely, it just took longer because he bathed in the potion instead of being injected. He started to get a massive headache around dinner time. He bowed forward and rubbed his head, feeling large, strange bumps around his temples just before he was about to pull some food out to start cooking a dinner. When he straightened back up he forgot the freezer door was open and cracked his head on it- hard enough to cause the dumps to rupture through the skin! Great, now his forehead was bleeding, and he has two short but wide horns! His ears started to feel sort of cramped; they were growing but at a very slow and steady rate, causing the cramped feeling to concentrate at the very edge of his ears as they became pointier. The cartilage was thinning, as they became leaf shaped. Amanda came to check on him the very next day, and also noted after a night of sleep his nipples had turned from powder red to a magenta pink, and lost the few hairs he had there before. They were starting to look puffy, and the surface of the areola had expanded a bit. "You can't undo the tincture I got on me but... can you add another?" Amanda was a bit surprised by that. "Uh... yea? There is no limit to how many we slap on, why? We don't even know how THIS one is going to affect you yet." He poked his puffy nipples. "Well, I think I would rather be a woman with boobs than a man with boobs." "Oh... you... want us to flip your gender? That would probably make your form more stable. Because it will be trying to give you female cow features... the fact you are male will clash directly with them, causing them to be diluted and ineffective. Like, even if you had boobs you probably won't be able to lactate, or not much anyway. Your hormones will be constantly arguing with the change. Are you sure though...?" He blushed. "I mean... sure. If you have to do something anyway, might as well do it right, right?" And so later that morning Amanda returned to inject him with a tincture that would cause him to turn female. Again, simple enough change, that was something RHE could whip up without any problem, and at least this tincture was administered properly. It also worked faster than the first. Only an hour after she left, Lucious felt oddly tight. His skin firmed up and felt really bouncy and smooth suddenly. His body hair was becoming much more subdued, his pours became smaller and the hair he had on his forearms fell out entirely. He could not tell if it was the second tincture or just the thought of how he was changing, but he was feeling a bit turned on too- though his penis remained fully flaccid. By the afternoon he had C cup breasts, and his nipples were much bigger than before- though still within a completely normal range. They felt oddly firm and hot though. Lucious examined himself in the mirror and already his face was quite different. By now he would have short bristly facial hair growing back in but his face was totally smooth still. His chin was a bit more narrow, his cheek bones a bit more defined, and his adam's apple was no longer visible on this throat! His skin looked so soft and supple! Lucious' black hair went to his chin in length before but was now to his shoulders. He blushed and leaned forward to look at his own breasts in the mirror and gave them a squeeze. As soon as he squeezed them, the firmness shifted forward with a strong pressure and his nipples tingled from the pressure before beads of white formed on their surface! He was lactating! He grabbed them closer to the areola and pulled forward a bit while squeezing and several thin streams fired into the sink. Since it was part of his original job description- Lucious knew how to properly milk a teat. As he milked himself into the sink, his breasts quickly felt much better and softened back up into jiggly mounds. They were like super soft rubber. After being milked though, touching his nipples directly did not feel good. They become oversensitive from milking and need time to rest and reset. That night his dreams were strange and wild- everything from reliving old memories except in the body of a girl, to being in a field getting plowed by a bull. His brain ran over every wild possibility of the changes and acted each out as a short dream- blending them together, however nonsensical the continuity. He woke up in a sweat, and cried out, but then startled himself with his own cry and rolled off the bed, smacking his face on the floor beside it! He thought someone else cried out, because his voice was quite different now, it sounded womanly! He went to bed early the night before so Lucious also woke up before he normally would- the sun was getting ready to rise, but wasn't there yet. Lucious shuffled to the bathroom, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looked in the mirror again. He couldn't see his breasts in the mirror anymore! He was a few inches shorter than he had been, which meant his chest wasn't high enough to be in the reflection. His hair now went to his shoulder blades, and the roots were turning grey toward the front only. His eyebrows were thinner and his mouth and nose much smaller- lips very plump and red. He looked totally female now! Well... except between his legs. His penis was much smaller now, only half the size it had been at most, and unable to become erect at all anymore. Even his balls were much smaller, just the size of little grapes, and his scrotum had become smaller along with it, looking like a lil' penny pouch. On physical examination there was a depression on the underside of his balls- the muscle that makes up the pelvic floor was softening and opening up there, getting ready to invert his equipment. Lucious could now pivot his ears around- and they did so automatically when he was not actively controlling them. His horns had gotten a bit longer but not by a lot. He was given cow genes not bull, so the horns would never be very big at all, unless he was given a very specific breed of cow. His breasts were huge now too! And very heavy. He could tell immediately they were overfull- they were blushing pink, the nipples were reddened and the breasts were perfect spheres.... that isn't a shape they naturally take. They looked like F cup, but it was hard to judge when they are overinflated like this. The nipples were moist even before he touched them at all, pressing on his breasts anywhere was enough to cause them to express, so he started emptying into the sink again. It seemed a waste to let so much milk go down the drain- but test subject milk cannot be used till a day after their transformation finishes, at risk of their milk carrying some of the transformative properties and transmitting it to someone else. He groaned softly as he finally finished. "I need to keep on top of these things. It hurts when they get too full." Amanda stopped by again to check on him later in the morning. She spotted something he did not- his tail bone was slightly longer, and he had what looked like a giant bruise on his upper back. It was the skin itself becoming discolored- it was a cow splotch fading in. It felt embarrassing as heck having to strip down to let his friend examine him, but he would still rather it be Amanda than a random other researcher. She gave him a playful slap on the butt when she finished examining him and giggled. "Oh, I am sorry, I couldn't help it! Your butt is looking rounder!" Lucious just smiled and shrugged, starting to put his clothes back on. "It is fine. It sort of doesn't even feel like my own body anyway." "What do you mean?" "It is so different from my old body it kind of feels like I just... stole someone else's body. Like, mentally it is still me, but its like I am wearing a costume or something, so I don't feel quite as embarrassed being nude because it is like you aren't looking at the real me... even though it is." "Yea... I kinda get what you mean. I better get back to the main facility though! Someone activated Protocol Zero some time late last night." "Protocol Zero?" "Remember those two test subjects that were let go? Well, turns out they did transform, it was just extremely delayed. So Test Subject 00 was dispatched to recover them. They should be back on RHEI within a day... if nothing else goes wrong." By the time Samantha left, Lucious had to milk himself again. His breasts had not started to tighten again, but he was feeling the weight- they were comfortably full. The changes were putting his hormones into overdrive so he was created milk at an extreme rate. Of course- this also meant he was ravenously hungry because his body needs the material. His hands were feeling a bit cramped and stiff as it approached lunch. He did not check the mirror again, so Lucious did not notice his lips becoming more pale, turning from red to pink. The bridge of his nose became wider gradually as well- too gradual for him to notice it by feeling. After milking himself again he noted his breasts were bigger again. Each one looked like a K cup- if not just outside the range of named bra sizes. Each breast was like a medium sized beach ball! Well, when he was wearing his shirt anyway, which was filled to max. With no top holding them up, the bottoms eclipsed half his midriff, elongating into perfect teardrop shape. When he sat down to watch TV to pass the time Lucious could not help but have his hand in his pants. Feeling his poor genitals shrinking away ever so slowly. He would be sad to see them go, though he was aroused by what he would get in exchange. Mentally Lucious was not changing at all, so he was still a hetero male- in a woman's body, so he was now turned on by... himself. His nipples slowly became uncomfortable in the top. They were growing too, and his breasts already stretched the top out. With the shirt holding his tits up they stuck out far enough in front of him that he had a two foot long blind spot on the floor immediately in front of himself. The shirt was so stretched by them that his entire midsection and the bottom of his chest was exposed because there wasn't enough fabric left to cover anything else- which meant the bottom of his boobs were also exposed. Usually when lactating the areola darken to act as targets for infants in contrast to the rest of the skin, but his seemed to be doing the opposite now. They became more pale like his lips, turning from magenta to base pink and then to candy pink. Lucious passed it off as minor muscle spasms, but he would occasionally feel something squirming under the skin around his arm pits and the base of his breasts. It was actually the milk veins expanding and restructuring. The way cows make and store milk in their mams is not the same as a human- his were switching to bovine. By noon he finished off what food he had left, and since RHE was likely not expecting him to need a restock so soon he had to hit the red button inside the top of the fridge- which sent a signal to the main facility that he needed an immediate restock of food. He also heard a helicopter in the distance. RHEI does not appear on any maps, and there are no air traffic routes that go over the island, so the only helicopter that would be here is a RHE chopper, which was likely the one sent to recover Test Subjects 02 and 04. Lucious leaned on the kitchen counter, grunting at the feeling of his penis feeling tight. His shaft was basically non existent, his foreskin was bunched into a ring of fat skin folds around his glans and that was basically all that was left of it, and it feel like his body was trying to yank it inside, but it couldn't fit yet. His breasts were also getting real heavy. They did not feel nearly full yet, but the weight inside was straining him so he wanted to milk them anyway just so he did not hurt his back. He never had breasts at all before now, so his lower back muscles were not equipped to deal with the weight in the least bit. He got himself a glass of water before he started to milk himself into the sink again, but his fingers were so stiff, they did not respond well to any input. When he tried to bring the glass of water to his face his hands tightened on their own and the glass slipped right out of his grip! It hit the floor on the bottom so thankfully it did not shatter- it still splashed water everywhere. With a growl he bent over quickly to grab it and clean it up but completely forgot the position of the island counter and smashed his head against it- knocking himself out! By the time he woke up, well, he was not a HE anymore. In place of his tiny underdeveloped genitals was now a tiny underdeveloped vulva! It looked almost comically small on her body- the vagina barely large enough to fit a single finger inside. It had still only just formed, so it still had a lot of growing to do. Aside from that though- inverting her genitals also caused her hips to become much wider, her thighs wider- and as a result, her butt rounder. She felt a slight cramp in her butt as she went to sit up and realized it was her tail. It was much longer now, but was not yet properly formed so it was quite stiff still. Lucious glanced at his feet and sighed- his legs and feet seemed totally normal still so that was good. Maybe it was diluted enough that she only got minor bovine traits. She put her hands down on the tile floor to get up and immediately pulled them off when she heard the loud clack! Her arms were still completely human structured- till the wrist. Her hands were entirely gone without a trace! She had cloven cow hooves! She also winced at the feeling of her taught breasts wobbling around- even larger than before! Getting knocked out before she was able to milk herself seemed to be the final straw for her body- the very slow trickle of change finally built up into a burst, and now that she was awake again it was activating! Lucious struggled to get up; hooves were a lot less friction against a smooth tile floor and counter tops than flesh, so she could not really get a grip on anything around her. She started to get up but the immense weight of her boobs caught her off guard and caused her to fall forward onto her hooves and knees. Fat milk veins bloated below the surface. The pressure in her breasts oddly concentrated toward the front- there was no such pressure at their base, so it was not equally distributed like it had the other times she filled up. Her nipples were almost twice as fat as when she went to sleep and were leaking down her front and pooling milk on the floor because of how tightly they were wedged into the fabric. The pressure behind them made them itch, and stretch longer, which dragged them on the inside of the top, driving Lucious nuts! She could not grab her top to pull it up, but managed to hook her primary hooves around the bottom, and wedge her dew claws into it for extra grip. When she yanked up however her boobs followed the shirt! They were pressed so tightly together she could not pull her shirt back off! The fabric being wet only helped it cling even worse. It was getting tighter! The milk escaping on its own went from a slow trickle to a steady dribble. Desperate, she reached a hoof under the bottom, squeezed it between her breasts and then pushed the front of her shirt against the side of the counter and rubbed the two together. Her hooves were newly grown; because they have never been used to walk on yet, their edges should be extremely sharp, like those of a newborn calf. Sure enough, she cut a notch in the front which her boobs promptly yanked into a large circle. Lucious was going to try and stand up again but suddenly felt the muscles in her neck pulse! The veins throbbed to keep delivering blood around the increasing muscle mass and her neck made hollow popping sounds as it actually grew longer, while also swelling thick with muscle! Oh no- all the potion was dumped on her head so all the transformation was concentrated toward the top. Features that were meant to be spread out or in the lower body were unable to get to where they were supposed to! "Oouu no!" She startled herself with the sound of her deepening voice. "Mouy head has been throouuugh enough already!" Her voice was deepening, but it still sounded feminine. The double wide bridge of her nose she had not even seen yet started to expand outward now! The end the same candy pink as her lips, the two linked together by the coloration! She was almost forced to wretch as the tongue in her mouth grew huge in a surge- the flesh of the tongue was easier to expand than bone so it grew much faster than its surroundings, overflowing the mouth. Her shirt tore a little more, and a little more, but her nipples were screaming to be free. Unable to wait for it to happen on its down, Lucious thrust his chest out and lurched forward, ramming the corner of the counter side into her cleavage. It force-divided her breasts and caused the tear to go all the way up to her collar and all the way down to the bottom, causing the shirt to violently pop in half! As soon as the boobs were free, Lucious seen they were changing in more ways than size! The nipples were basically teats now- as thick as a thumb and just as long too. The areola were very distended and the neon pink of their flesh was bleeding backwards onto the breast itself! The pink coloration was spreading further up, consuming the breast! Now free from the fabric, the teats were no longer leaking, which immediately told her they were not full- the pressure was changes happening to the breasts themselves. "Ouuuu fuck! M-moooo face!" With a long series of cracks and snaps, the bones of her skull started to stretch! Her jaws advanced forward and her nose expanded, pulling her face outward! Her teats were also continuing to get fatter, but not width-wise, which made them look a bit unusual in shape. It felt like someone was squeezing the skin inward toward the base of her areola, without any thing actually touching them. Her face stopped advancing- it was no were near a full cow muzzle and tiny compared to an actual cow head. Her skull remained human in shape, only the face had advanced into a mini muzzle. She let out a long, booming moo and arched her back, thrusting her chest out as her boobs surged on their own! The pressure finally burst! Her areola divided in half! Her teats split from the base out to the tip, and her breasts quickly slowed to a stop finally! Each almost the size of a beach ball, and bright pink fading into her normal skin tone only at her torso. Each breast was capped with two areola and two teats- though they were the exact same color as the rest of the boob now. Both breasts together... looked like a cow udder, except the muscle rib that would divide the teats horizontally. The cleavage basically replaced the vertical rib. As part of the internal restructuring of the breasts to be more like udders- they now stood higher on the chest. They were still tear drop shaped because that is just how gravity is going to react with them, but they were much rounder, shorter tear drops than you would think possible naturally. That made her even more top-heavy though; not allowing them to sag lower put her overall balance even further off its center. "Can I still tooo- t- talk? Oouukay. At least have that goooing for me." Struggling quite a bit, Lucious finally managed to stand and hobble to the bathroom to look in the mirror. She had a black patch that consumed both ears and the base, and the front of her face was neon pink. It was like a slightly humanized cow head and neck! Her hair stopped growing when it reached the middle of her back. The grey roots she had before continued to drain of pigmentation and now the front of her hair was stark white, while the rest remained black. Basically, her bangs specifically were white. The huge splotch on her upper back was now totally black, and her right arm from the hoof to almost her elbow was black- the rest of her remained normal skin tone. Lucious did not grow any fur on her body at all except a diamond shaped patch of fur where her pubic hair should be. Even once it finally finished growing her tail was naked except for the tassel on the very end, which is technically hair not fur. Normally mythological creatures have the lower half of an animal and the upper half of a human but she is backwards! Even her udder-boobs were supposed to be between her legs no doubt. Without hands she cannot pick up or operate anything normally, and with these gigantic tits she was so extremely top heavy she could barely stand up in the first place- and without hooves for feet, her regular human feet got sore quickly carrying all this around! At the very least, her regular human pants still fit basically the same- she just had to have the waist a bit lower in the back to let her tail out. When Amanda arrived to check up on her, she had to immediately write up a checklist of things they needed to do. She tried her best to cheer up Lucious- RHE would figure something out! They would never leave a test subject hanging! The homes had television to keep them entertained and PCs with internet access, though the PC had a built-in block on RHE; preventing them from leaking information to the outside world through the net. The problem is... these required hands to operate, which Lucious no longer had. She had her food delivered to her, but no longer hands to prepare said food. Even if they made a shirt that could actually fit her- how would she get it on and off without hands to grab it with?! Lucious bowed his head in depression as she sat on the couch, just wearing a blanket over her shoulders. "I wasn't even supposed to booo- b- be a test subject in the first place! Now I am fucked..." Amanda pat her on the head. "Noo no no. We will figure this out! The sorceress Paragon Moth taught us how to re-configure the human genome and blend it with others! Compared to that, this is nothing! You think we can't figure out a lil' problem like this?" Lucious brought her feet up onto the couch, shoving her tits up with her knees and then rest her chin in her own warm cleavage. "I don't see how yoouu would fix this. Give me psychic powers so I can dooo things with my mind?" They both jumped a bit at the sound of an electric guitar suddenly. "What is that?!" Amanda smiled. "That would be your new neighbor across the way. Test Subject 02 and 04 are returned home safe and sound. 04- Lauren- was apparently a rockstar before. She was given a guitar and amp as part of her home set up. Speaking of neighbors though... how are you going to introduce yourself?" Lucious hummed in thought. "Good point. Loooocious isn't a very feminine name." Amanda shrugged. "I mean, you don't have to change it if you don't want. Whether you want them to know what you used to be is up to you." "No no! Definitely don't tell them I uooosed to be a man. At this point I don't want to remember myself. If I name myself something toooo different I might forget and give myself away, haha. Lu...cia? No, that doesn't even souuuund like a real name." "Lucretia?" "Toooo fancy. Oh, how about just Lumooo - ack, Lulu." "Lumoo it is." Lulu lowered her eyebrows and Amanda just snerked. "I will be back as soon as we have word on what we are going to do to fix you up... or, tomorrow to check up on your again I guess- whichever comes sooner. In the meantime, it is a bit out of the way but since you cannot make your own food, come up to the main building and just eat with the rest of the staff for now. You can stop by the lactation stations on the way out and empty out before you return for the night. Once Amanda left, Lulu attempted to milk herself to get rid of some of the weight if nothing else, but she could not stand straight enough to get her massive rack onto the counter to milk into the sink like before. Embarrassing as it was, she had to walk on all fours and make her way to the bathroom, hefting her huge udders onto the side of the bathtub. She had no fingers so gripping the teats properly was impossible. Like an udder though, her boobs now had actual reservoirs to store milk that was already made- it gathered in the area of her virtually invisible areola, and fattened the teats. So she pushed in on this part of her boobs, squeezing between hoof and tub and managed to milk herself that way. It wasn't very efficient, but she did get some out at least. Also by doing this she discovered another difference. A true cow udder has its own production and storage for all four segments, but Lulu only has two. Each breast had two teats, but they were both fed by the same supply of milk. So you only needed to empty two of her four teats to exhaust her supply. No matter what Lulu was trying to do, she never put her arms down at her sides anymore. She was subconsciously compelled to hold them on either side of her huge tits as if to protect them from something. Lulu could not do much else because of her lack of hands, but found plenty of entertainment watching her own rack jostle around. Even when full her teats had a lazy arc downward from their own weight. The skin was very elastic, and when she shook her chest her teats flicked around much quicker than her breasts rolled back and forth. She could tell from the feeling of her teats flopping around on the ends of her boobs she would love having them pulled... but could not pull them herself. She also could not masturbate properly at risk of cutting herself with her hooves. That was another thing to add to the to-do list. She needed a grinding stone to smooth the edges of her hooves. Without anything to be done yet, Lulu headed to bed and decided to just get some extra sleep. The bed was quite comfortable- her bedroom window had been open so the sheets were cool to the touch and refreshing. It was winter on the island, though everything still green outside- the island was in the sub-tropics so this was as cold as it will ever get. Lulu pressed a hoof over her pussy in frustration, then slipped it under her pants. Yea, she needed the hooves filed down asap. Her vagina was still growing- it was still a bit on the small side for her body size. Her clit was still a bit shaped like the glans of a penis before minus the urethral opening, but now it has compressed and rounded into a proper clit. When Lulu grunt in frustration and pulled her hoof back out from her pants, she slapped herself in the face with her tits by accident from the movement of her body! Like Newton getting domed by an apple- this caused Lulu to have an idea. She cupped her lower areola with her hooves and gently pushed them forward- causing her boobs to bend toward her face! She was just pushing the fronts, rolling the breast up toward her own face and as soon as she could, grabbed a teat in her own mouth! Her breasts were more than big enough to allow her to suck her own teats! Her milk was heavy with a hint of sweetness. It was half cow and half human as well- so its density was more like cream, but not quite the calorie-bomb raw cow milk would be. She bunched her legs up and thrust her hips into the air, causing her boobs to roll backwards and smother her face. She pressed on their undersides with her hooves. She sucked her own milk supply dry and gently nibbled on the long fat teats with her face pressed into the tit flesh as hard as she could without suffocating herself. Her new pussy even twitched with mini orgasms a few times from both the feeling and concept of being smothered in tit flesh! She went to the main facility in the evening for dinner and re-emptied herself in a lactation station. The station was actually really comfortable. It was a padded bed, but arched so you were sort of sitting up- with openings for breasts to go through. You selected which and how many openings you needed. There was one for two breasts, four, two in the crotch, four in the crotch, or udder. Lulu's were half udders in spite of being on her chest so she had to work the flesh through the opening a bit to get them to fit, but they got there. The entire bed was mildly heated as well for comfort, and the suction cups on the ends of the actual milkers softly vibrate to massage the mams. For this reason, there was a rather loud, annoying sounding buzzer when it finished- since most people were put to sleep by the comfort of the process and needed to be woken back up. Still no word back on what was to be done, Lulu tried to just stay in bed and sleep as long as possible just to pass the time. Lauren across the way prevented that however. Before noon, the sound of her electric guitar once again filled the area. Lulu decided to go introduce himself. She made a breakfast of her own milk supply, so with a full stomach and empty tits she was at least able to stand... mostly straight. Test Subject 02 Nancy was sitting in the grass out front of Lauren's place bopping her head to the music. Lauren had a small front patio she had the amp on, and had one hoof up on the amp and the other on the patio as she shredded on her axe. Nancy looked like your standard cowgirl. Cow ears, tiny stump horns, pink nose and lips, a tail, and hooved feet that transitioned to regular human thighs and hips. Her breasts were very large and from what Lulu seen exposed through her collar- they permanently blushed a slight pink. Lauren on the other hand was not like anything Lulu had seen or expected- Test Subject 04 had been a bit of a mess up just like Lulu's. Her arms and legs were very long, the legs ended in hooves but the arms ended in what looked like half paw half hand. For this reason her guitar needed to be modified with abnormally strong strings- because otherwise her canine claws would cut them in half. There is no risk of the string cutting her, because she uses her claws like a pick. Her neck was very long and flexible. Lauren's head was human shaped but had a cow face and demi-muzzle. Lulu's face was like a really tiny short cow muzzle, but Lauren's was even more human. Her eyes and forehead were still positioned exactly like a normal human, only her jaws extended out further- so when viewed from the side her face was sort of L shaped, with a sudden out-turn at the bottom half of her nose. She had what looked at first like giant bull horns, but these were actually slug traits, and made of squishy smooth skin, not keratin. When her ears flicked, the many piercings in them clinked together. She had streaks dyed in her black hair and many tattoos around her body, including a particularly lewd one over her right breast. Or... her top right breast. She has eight total. Four C cups on her upper torso, then four G cups on her lower torso. The bottom set was flopped over her short skirt. The top four were small enough to be covered entirely by her shirt- both Nancy and Lauren could wear human clothing. Lauren also had a long tail that looked to be that of a slug as well, and was covered with grey freckles that were actual smooth gastropod skin. Lauren gave one last slam on the strings before thrusting her hand in the air and sticking out her extremely long tongue- the spike studs on it shining in the daylight. "Ayyy, sup? You Test Subject 05? Or 03?" Lulu blushed, a bit embarrassed to be outside topless- but no normal top could contain her. "5. You will never see 3 this far in-land. You might want to get to know her though, because of your musical talents." "Oh?" "Lorelei was nicknamed The Siren because she has a very powerful voice." Nancy knew Lauren on the outside, so they were already friends. Lauren had a bit of a foul mouth, but she seemed cool and very... energetic. Neither of them seemed to think twice about Lulu being topless with giant udder boobs. Well... that is the reason they are on the island, so Lulu supposed it was normal for that to be here. She just had a hard time processing it because she was mentally the same as when she was a male. It was normal for women to be topless around each other, but Lulu still considered herself secretly a man. A wolf in sheep's clothing in this environment. Lulu was also amazed at how well Lauren could still play the guitar even though her hands were half-paw. Her and Nancy invited Lulu to sit with them and told her old stories of the band and its tours. The band was called We Might Be Dragons, and their biggest song was Playing Koi. As they exchanged stories from before they were test subjects, they did not even notice the small group of RHE staff coming to see Lulu with a solution to her problem. Lulu spotted them only as they were stopping out front and one of the staff members pointed to her. Nancy and Lauren did not recognize the cloaked figure in the middle, but Lulu did and immediately rushed over, a bit nervous. The young woman's face was hidden in the shadow of the huge hood. She walked with a large staff, dangling a lit lantern from the top. Lulu gave a slight bow. "Paragon! It is an honor." Moth giggled lightly. "Oh please, I am not royalty or anything. To be honest, it is not impossible to undo your changes- especially since all we technically need to change is your hands, BUT, the overseer has been arguing the contrary- insistent on us finding a way around it rather than taking the easy route, and undoing steps of an existing test. Fortunately I have not skipped town just yet so I can slap together a little something." Moth clicked the bottom of her staff to the ground and a large glowing runic circle formed. She then took a pace back and swung her staff in a full circle, summoning a huge pillar of stone from the ground. She touched her free hand to it and several flat panels flipped outward- only one of which had yet another runic circle on it. She told Lulu to touch the panel and the spell made a copy of her will power. The stone pillar crumbled, flipped around, spread out and then re-compressed! What had been a simple stone pillar a moment before had become a statue of a human! Its expression was rather featureless, its crotch was bare but otherwise it was a rather detailed human figure. Its joints were those of a ball-joint doll, only life-sized. Moth explained that this golem would act as Lulu's servant. It is alive thanks to Lulu's own will, and would do anything she wants. She would just have to be careful when giving it orders like most golem, since they lack the free will to interpret commands- they will do literally what you say without question. And so Lulu forgot her old life as a man and quickly got accustomed to her new life as a cow half. RHE would install voice command interfaces for most of the home appliances from then out, just in case someone else had to give up their hands, by accident or otherwise. But Lulu simply made her golem do it for her. She quickly learned to use her tail to attend her pussy in bed when she masturbated, while playing with her massive squishy boobs- but the golem can be ordered to use his hands for that too. Lulu would enter into an exercise regime that slowly worked her lower back muscles up so she could stand on her own, but at the same time she technically no longer needed to. After exercising she would get the golem to pick her up and carry her on its shoulders, so she could just rest her tits on his head while he carried her back to bed. It was like having a servant always around to do her bidding! She would often hang out with Lauren and Nancy, and also introduced them to Lorelei at the west shore while they were all exploring the island more. Amanda caught up with her as Lulu was heading out. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?" The golem stopped and turned with Lulu on its shoulders. "It has been three days since yoouur last checkup, I figured we were done..." Amanda paused a moment to catch her breath as she finished running up to them. "Well... I suppose that is true. Technically I wasn't assigned to come check up on you now, I am sort of using you as an excuse to feel the sun on my skin that hasn't been filtered through a window pane first." Lulu pouted, resting her head in her cleavage like a mobile pillow, while her tits were in turn propped on the head of the golem. "Soou... we just don't see each other anymoooore, huh?" "Nooo, it isn't like that! You can come visit me whenever you want in the main facility. We haven't got it up and running yet, but there are plans for RHE to set up a shuttle service for the valley once there are more test subjects to warrant it- and make milk to offset the costs." "Won't I get in trouuble for disrupting research?" "Nnno.... not if you are there to visit someone specifically. And I invited you! If there is any trouble I will be the one who gets punished, not you. Anyway, how are... things? No more changes right? Milk production slowing down...?" "Milk hasn't slowed doouuwn, no. I don't moo- m- mind though. Gives me something to a build a schedule around, y'know? Plus, it feels gooood." She rubbed her chin back and forth on her soft tit flesh. "I don't know how youuuu girls can get anything done with these always around to distract youuu~" Amanda rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Well you are mentally still male- I don't think the average woman is infatuated with boobs as much as you are. Not going to lie, I do sometimes just grab them and roll them around when I am bored. I would also like to point out you don't have the blight that is a menstrual cycle. Test subjects by default are incapable of reproducing because their genome is half and half- so in order to be fertilized they would need a sperm cell that is the exact same half n half as they are... which doesn't exist. So, whenever an experiment involves genitals, we generally shut off or re-purpose functions- since they are unable to serve their primary function. You have a vagina and womb, but your testicles just shrank away into nothing- the biomass was repurposed. So you never had ovaries in the first place. No eggs, no periods. You get a hard pass on the most annoying part of being a woman, so of course it's all sunshine and rainbows for you." "And I have this stone servant ooun my beck and call. I know I have it easy. With a booody like this, I could have just as easy been reduced to a barn animal without hands tooo moo anything. That is why I will make it my mission to help other test subjects moo- w- who have trouble. I think his island has a lot of potential. Not just messing with science to see what sort of things woo- ...we can do but; this paradise island, filled with exotic women?" "Careful, don't drool on your shiny new servant." Lulu blushed. "Not just because of hoouw sexy it will be. My changes were terribly inconvenient but also really pleasurable and hot. Having your booody itself changed takes a lot of getting used moo, and its interesting. I think it helps distance yourself from yoour former life too. So coming here is sort of like... a second life. A hard refresh. Everything feels new because yooouur feeling it with an all new body." Amanda smiled, looking back up toward the main facility a moment, the chopper taking off from the supply tower to escort a new volunteer to the island. "I think you are right." Slow but surely more test subjects started to pop up on the island and RHE would start building more homes for more subjects. Whenever there was a new subject who had trouble adjusting to their new body- Lulu was always the first to come help them out, because no one knew awkward body types more than Lulu, the inverse cow. Plus... she still enjoyed marveling at the new and unique forms RHE kept coming up with.
Title: 40,000 for a Full Set by Z-JAM-C Tags: Alien, Anal, Fanfiction, M/M, Mass Effect, Oral, Sci-Fi, Space, Turian, garrus, wrex 40,000 For A Full Set By Zack Gregson (All characters copyrighted to BioWare Corp) Even when through the bottom of a half-full dreaded prime cocktail with its pinkish colour, space still looked awesome in the fullest sense, humbling all before its eternal splendour. No matter what species you were or how advanced your society was, looking up at stars still remained high in the list of inspirations for sentient species. At the moment, the stars were merely distractions for the drunkards staring open-mouthed towards them, where much hugging and drunken murmurs would be made. At the moment though, two creatures were drinking side by side on shore leave. A turian, bluish skin like smooth river rock and three-clawed hands, lean figure within an armoured suit as basic clothing as well as a blue visor over one eye. He looked over at the krogan beside him, a huge red and yellow reptile of tough scarred scales and red eyes, an aura brimming with violence. The krogan returned the look and snarled gruffly: "Whadda you lookin' at?" "A face I'm making sure won't get too drunk." replied the turian in a cool young voice. Neither of them were enjoying each other's company, and never really did anytime in their work as crew members and fighters of the SSV Normandy. Moreso for being formally on opposite sides of the law. The krogan being once a mercenary and technically still one, whilst the turian was of Citadel Security in law enforcement. Even though they had gone through many hardships ranging from rogue computers on the Earth's moon to saving the universe from an ancient warmongering race, they still had a frosty partnership. Nobody really expected them to get together well anyway, a krogan and a turian being friends is near impossible due to the troubled history. "Yer not my chaperone, so jus' shuddup an' drink." "I don't care how drunk you get, I just want to be ready in case you let your mind get out of control." The krogan chuckled at this and said: "S'not my mind you should worry about, it's my body that does the hurtin'." They ordered up another drink of Volus Vodka and Dextroyer to drink in silence for a longer while. Their commander, trying to keep crew relations healthy, encouraged the two to go out and drink together, tired of hearing them being stingy towards each other. While the turian did not complain, the krogan was not so receptive to the idea. Seeing perhaps a way to break the ice, the krogan asked: "Since we're stuck like this...wanna go find some fun for the night?" "You mean...like over at Flux?" "Nope. Talkin' about someone to have fun with..." The turian sneered at this in surprise, his sneering mouth and mouthflaps pulling back to show finely sharp teeth. "Wr-Wrex...I-i don't think-" "Come on, whut's wrong? Ohhhh..." He chuckled deeply with a leer at his coworker. "You ain't one fer the ladies are ya?" "What?!? No no, I enjoy a female's presence, I don't go...that way..." "Well, I don't believe you, 'specially with that figure you got. All...lean like that." "Just because I'm a healthy-bodied turian doesn't mean I sleep with males." "Then prove it. Let's get ourselves a female. Commander said we should spend more time together." "...true.....fine, but you better keep control of yourself." "Oh I'll try." The krogan sniggered as they got up to look around themselves for any potentials. The bar they were in was known as Chora's Den and while it wasn't as respected as the ever-so-boring place near the embassies of the Citadel above, it was certainly more fun and varied for that reason. A few strippers were around, mostly asari. But even with their sweet smooth blue skin showing off in the light, they preferred not to due to their thoughts on an asari who was a fellow crew member, and her childish nature. And the whole asari romance thing that they really didn't want to end up in like a bad soap opera. Soon they found a human female on her own, quietly drinking away, smooth black skin shining bluish in the harsh pink light. The turian headed over first and sat beside her as he was less threatening in appearance than the krogan. "Lonely night?" He asked softly, remembering his ways of interrogation back in Citadel Security to calm people into opening up. "Hmm? Oh uh...I guess. Just been trying to go out and have some fun." "Oh? I'm surprised you haven't found anyone yet...but then, how long have you been sitting here?" "About...40 minutes?" "That's hard to believe, and you're saying no one's come up to ask you anything?" "Well an asari did at some point but that's not my thing." She sipped her drink calmly, enjoying the soft voice of the turian. "What about you? You alone too?" "Well, I'm here same as you, just passing the time with my friend over there." He waved at Wrex who did his best to appear studly, the human's eyes widening slightly. "Well, that's really strange to see, turian and a krogan...lost a bet?" "Hah, I wish, we work on the same ship and our commander told us to just get out and "build our social relations to enhance crew morale" or something like that. Not that he's a bad guy...just...you know how krogan are." "Well...can't blame them for having a chip on their shoulder." "I think it's more the whole ship full of chips they have." The human laughed and, starting to feel a bit better, she decided to take her chances and ask: "So...would you and your friend like to...go somewhere else?" "Hmmmm...let me ask him." He got up and went over to Wrex, saying: "We're in, she wants us to go somewhere." "Hehehe, smooth playin', turian. I gotta repay you fer this after we're done with her." The turian walked back to the human and conveyed: "He says he's game, where should we go?" "Well, not back at my place, how about either of yours?" "Sounds great, I have a place here near the upper wards." And so, without a word of formal introduction the three headed to the apartment, the two males grinning at each other in expectant horny glee, especially on the fact that neither one of them had mated with a human before. Wrex was even more drunk than his friend and had a leering gait. Unfortunately things would not be running smoothly tonight for them, when halfway to the apartment, a human male of equally dark skin to the female stopped her. "Maria, I've been trying to call you all night, where the hell ya been?!" "Tom, please! I'm with people, we can talk later." "No, we talk now! You have a baby at home for God's sake!" "I hired a babysitter, duhhh! I'm not an idiot!" "You sure seem to be when she's been trying to call you he's got a fever!" "Wh-what?! Oh my god..." He turned around to the two males, the turian nodding apologetically that she could go. Waving her off, Wrex became very upset over this, even moreso with his drunken state. "Dammit, we were so gonna fuck her an' some stupid brat gets a hot head!" "Wrex, calm down, it can't be helped." "You shut the hell up, you got us into this!" "Me?! YOU were the one who wanted her first, not me!" "Well you had to have an apartment right over here in his direction!" The two stared down for a moment, the turian eventually sighing and looking away. "Alright, it's no one's fault, it's just an unfortunate event...wanna go back to Chora's?" "No, I'm too pissed off, let's just go to yer place, gettin' late too...you got some drinks there?" "I think so, I always keep some separate for visitors." Making the remainder of their journey to the apartment which had "Garrus Vakarian" embolded onto it, the place was like most of the Citadel middle-class apartments. Sterile white-grey walls, various colourful furniture, a moderately sized TV of 56 inches and a smooth comfortable double-bed. Wrex flopped down on the couch frustrated and horny, his ally seeming to handle it easier as he got two drinks. One for himself due to the dextro-amino acids in his body which made any foods not made for turians in mind be either non-nutritious or be indigestably fatal, and one for the krogan, who muttered a thanks. "Aintcha mad at least?" asked Wrex with a slowly slurring voice. "Hmm?" "That we didn't get any? Come on, I know yer not some stone-cold professional, where's yer anger?" "Well I wasn't even that up for it if you remember." Garrus laid back on the couch slightly and reflected before the drunkenness hit. "I was doing it more for you. Last thing I want is a horny krogan." "Too late fer that, you got one now." In addition to this, Wrex rubbed at his crotch with a groan, making Garrus feel rather awkward. But knowing there was little to do, he just continued to drink, inebriation clouding his inhibitions more and more. "You know," began the turian, "just thinking this out loud...why do you think Shepard wants us spending time together so much?" "Don't know...seems to like both our species...maybe wants to be some kinda ambassador in patching up relations." "Might be that...maybe the commander saw we had to work together better so we could be more effective as crew members. Sounds reasonable, I mean, we ARE in the same ship." "True..." "Do you like me?" The question didn't register with the krogan for a few seconds from Garrus' slurring speech, and when it did, he became hesitant to find an answer. "........kinda." "Hmm?" "Can't change the fact yer a turian...I still can't like your species for what you did...but you ain't so bad, you fight alongside me, you don't get in my way, you hold back and like to think ideas out." "Oh please, I'm not smart, I charge in as much as you do." "Hahaha! Ohhh you don't know how to charge in at all." Wrex got up and walked to the farthest end of the room with arms out and a devilish expression. Garrus got curious and asked: "What are you...doing?" "Show me how you charge. Come on, I'll show ya how to do it right." "Oh please I don't need-" "Come ooooon, don't be like some Elcor, have some quad. Yer not scared of me, are ya?" At this dare, Garrus got up with an off-balance gait before he focused his mind towards his ally, eyes trying not to do so against his will. He soon charged with a small yell and was promptly bounced off of Wrex's front onto the ground, much to the krogan's amusement as the turian fell flat onto the carpeted ground "HA HA HA! Told ya." "Ungh...come on, you're much bigger than I am, it's like trying to charge a brick partiti..titi..tition." "Come on, I'll teach ya." He picked Garrus up from the floor and let him back up once more. "First thing is, if ya can't knock me down from one angle, ya gotta try a higher angle. A high enough angle'll knock anything down long as ya don't go too far and miss." Garrus took this advice in and so did another charge, this time leaping up to Wrex's face and managing to topple him over, the two of them now lying on the floor panting heavily. "UNGH! Hhh...hehe...there...gotcha." "See? Told ya." "Shut up, I would've figured that out eventually." "I ain't got all night for you." "Oh you do...you do." And then, in the murky swamp of their alcoholic states with their panting breaths clashing each other so closely, Garrus suddenly decided to kiss the krogan, his mouthflaps oscillating softly as he did so. It took both of them a while to take in what just happened. "Whut..." "I..." ittle could be said to each other, and it was only the unfortunate mixture of alcohol and testosterone that made both of them kiss much more deeply, moans rising from each other's throats. Garrus sounded rather boyish when he did so, while Wrex sounded like a monster awakening from sleep. Their tongues played with each other, one lean thin tongue with one flat thick tongue, wrapping around each other in desperation, arms as well grasping at their clothes. Soon the two broke their kiss and began to disrobe, their senses not giving a damn anymore and just needing to relieve themselves of lust in any way possible. To save time, Wrex undid his crotch area to show an already pulsing thick krogan penis, purplish-red at 8 inches long and 2 inches thick, with small bumpy ridges on each side. Garrus, doing the same as they licked at each other's cheeks with grasping arms, was a little longer at 9 inches, but thinner and of a greenish-blue colour, tight-looking grey-blue testes hanging with them. They soon began to turn into a mutual 69. Both of them viewed the other's genitalia with curiosity, playing with each other more and more bravely, neither of them exactly used to this sexual situation as far as the other knew. Wrex, being the more horny, went down and began to lick at Garrus' tip, eliciting a shuddering gasp from the turian before he swallowed it whole. Inch by inch, he smoothly sucked as he groped Garrus' ass, and pushed him towards his mouth, moaning at the strange tasteless flesh and at his companion's own moans which encouraged him moreso. Garrus, feeling he had to keep up, began to lick at the much thicker length of the krogan, attempting to get it into his mouth now and again. But it was too big. Instead, he did his best by stroking along the bumps and licking along the cock, suckling occasionally too at the shaft. It was successful enough as the deep throbbing groans of the krogan vibrated through his cock, making him precum hard much to Wrex's delight. Soon he found the taste of the turian's dextro-amino pre, which he found to be not so pleasing, and pulled off the cock with a slight retching sound. "Hehehe, guess that's another reason why krogans and turians don't get together." "You ain't having an easy time yerself, the way you ain't swallowing my dick." "Not my problem if you're so well-endowed." "To a li'l twinky body like you...maybe I can get it inside ya another way." "Wh-wh-what?" Apprehension cleared his mind a little bit at the suggestion. "You...it's too big...are you sure?" "I need it...bad. One way or another, I'm gonna waste my seed." As much as common sense begged, Garrus' lust had only increased during their 69, and he soon went over to his bed in the next room, showing his friend a naked turian for him. Lying on his knees, hands splayed forwards ready to grip the bed sheets, his ass hoisted in the air with as much bravado as he could muster. "Come on then...heh...your turn to charge me." Wrex chuckled and undressed fully, walking over with thick erection to sit on Garrus' bed while stroking at the fine tail-less butt. So smooth and virgin from years of desk duty, different from his stubbed tail and less smoother behind. "Yer ass almost looks human." "Mmmm...don't tell me humans could take you inside them." "It's rare...but it happens." Wrex knew he had to open him up carefully, even in his state of lust, and he began to lap at the sweet hole much to the vocal pleasure of the turian at the feel of a thick hot tongue. Sliding along his cheeks and crack for starters, Wrex chuckled as Garrus' mouthflaps shuddered like paper fans in the wind, before Wrex began to finger at the hole, lubing up the finger with his spit and gently pushing in. Garrus clenched the bed sheets at this new sensation, eyes clenching to comprehend it as a thick krogan finger slowly but surely opened him wider, while his cock oozed the purplish precum that was indigestable to Wrex. "Hope yer cum's easy to clean up." "Ungh...ohhh...I-i-i'll clean it up myself...oh...deeper..." Wrex pushed his finger to the knuckled hilt, fucking the turian ass to wide him up more and more. Wiggling this way and that to push it out a bit more, he pushed in another finger which made Garrus outright yelp, making the krogan chuckle at the lean shaky body. "Hehaha! If you make that noise now, wonder what you'll sound like when I fuck you..." "Y-...you'll find out soon when...OHH...when you're done preparing me..." And so, after a few minutes of more spurting turian precum and widening fingerfucking, Wrex finally deemed his ally to be ready, stroking his oozing thick pointed cocktip up and down the glistening stretched out asshole, He began to grip the turian with one hand and pushed inside him, groaning a deep guttural noise as he pressed against the hole until it gave in to penetrate into the virgin ass. Garrus only made a gasping sound that went almost out of the krogan's hearing range, but delighted him nonetheless as he huffed at the tightness around his cock. He watched the ass swallow his cock, pushing as slowly as he could. "AGH...UNGH...Wr-wr-wrex...stop!" To some disdain, the krogan did so in a rare act of friendship, watching Garrus silently and waited as patiently as he could before he heard: "Okay...do it." Wrex smiled and gripped the turian once more, penetrating deeper, allowing the body time to adjust to such a thick cock, wanting to be all the way inside him, needing to fill someone with his seed. Halfway inside, Garrus was making strange shuddering gulps from the feel of the bulbous ridges of krogan genitalia, the turian's precum spurting more underneath him. "You feelin' good?" asked Wrex in a lustful tone. "Ohh...y-y-yes...ohhh Wrex...please fill me..." Submitting to the sexually superior will of the krogan, Garrus grabbed at his sheets harder in bestial desire as Wrex finally hilted inside him a few minutes later, though it seemed to them like hours the way the experience was going. Leaning on top of the smaller alien, Wrex bent down to lick at Garrus' cheeks in a desirable mood, the two exchanging an almost primal sense of noises. Chittering moans from the turian with monstrous growls from the krogan, before Wrex began to slide out a little in order to thrust a little harder back in. Garrus was sure his ass must have been bleeding at some point, but he didn't care. His lust drove him on, the alcohol wasn't even affecting either of them that much anymore and they were going with it as long as it felt good, which it did very much so. They could question their sexuality later, but right now they were forging an intimate alliance of two rival races. Wrex began to speed up his fucking, slapping thick krogan hide against supple turian flesh, as Garrus' balls swung back and forth from the more stronger thrusts of his beastly ally. Squeals came now from Garrus as the penetration turned smoother, his ass managing at last to take in a 2-inch thick penis at the level of being able to take in a human penis with moderate ease. Wrex felt his orgasm nearing as he soon wrapped his arms around Garrus, and slammed harder into doggy style, claws pressing into the hot flesh, tingling sensations rushing through Garrus. Finally the turian came first in an orgasmic blast onto his bed, a loud chittering moan emanating from him before Wrex followed suit with a bestial roar. The vice-like grip of Garrus' ass in climax sent him over, his amount of cum being tremendous in comparison as it seemed to fill up all of the turian's bowels with hot sterile krogan seed, milked to the last drop by tender anal muscles. It took quite a while as all four testicles of the krogan were emptied, to soon be oozing out of Garrus' loosened ass onto the bed. Wrex soon laid onto his side, clasping Garrus tightly to him in reflex as they laid on the bed together, soaking in their cum, heavy pants from the two of them as they slowly began to wind down. Their lust took a while to shake off and allow any other emotions, regrets and questions from either of them to be made, before unconditionally sleeping in each other's company, the exhaustion and the inebriation helping them do so.
Title: Maverick Cattle Company Ch. 09 Tags: gay novella, gay cowboy, gay anal, gay oral, hairy, twink, college, bareback, rimming, gay rural *There are scenes of unprotected sex depicted in his story. In all cases it was between the two main characters, who are in a committed, monogamous relationship and were tested. If you aren't in the same kind of relationship, then you should always protect yourself and wear a condom.* \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin and Josh watched as the multicolored goats streamed from the stock trailer and into the small enclosure. Josh was excited, and worried, as he watched the alert animals move past them. His pestering about getting the goats had finally paid off. Mitch had actually been impressed with Josh's written proposal and he and Darrin had agreed to loan Josh the capital to get started. Once all the details had been worked out, Josh had put many miles on his pickup searching for the perfect animals to build his herd from. In addition, his hours of researching the breeds had made him choose to use Spanish Goats instead of the popular Boer breed. The Spanish goats had evolved in the region and Josh thought they would be more adapted to the environment of the ranch. Darrin glanced at Josh and saw the look of concern on his face, but did nothing to lessen it. This was Josh's first business arrangement, and he should be a little concerned. But as Darrin watched the goats flow past them, he couldn't help but chuckle, at least to himself. These goats were exactly what Mitch didn't like. They were all colors, sizes and horn types. The horns alone made Darrin shake his head in disbelief. Who would have thought so many variations would exist for one breed of animals. As the last of the females streamed into the pen, Darrin heard the scuff of boots. Max turned and yapped softly as Mitch walked up behind them. Mitch looked over the animals and let out a low sigh. But Darrin was glad that he at least didn't voice his opinion. Josh had presented his plan, Mitch had agreed to it, and, for now, Mitch had to live with the agreement they had. As Mitch and Darrin watched, Josh closed the first pen and then opened the second smaller enclosure for the males. When the shaggy bucks ran into the enclosure, Mitch covered his nose and moaned. "God! Those smell terrible! Oh my god! What the hell is wrong with them," said Mitch as he waved his arm at the four animals. "It's breeding season, they pee on their beards to make them more attractive to the females," explained Josh. Darrin looked over the animals and started chuckling, which soon became rich laughter. Josh and Mitch both gave him with a questioning look. Eventually Darrin was able to speak, weakly waved his arm at Mitch and finally managed to gasp out. "I think that's the same method some of the guys at the bars in Dallas were using to attract a mate too!" Soon all three of them were laughing as the odoriferous bucks moved around their new home. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin tossed his keys onto the table, pried off his boots and then sat down on the couch. He was tired of being a single parent and more than ready for Mitch to be home from his scouting trip. He understood the need to locate more stock, but Mitch had been gone for a week and Darrin was missing him quite a bit. As he looked around the room, Mitch's stuff was everywhere and just brought up fond memories for Darrin. From his work boots left by the door, with spurs still on them, to the hats carefully displayed on handmade hooks around the room. It definitely looked like a man's room. Darrin had to laugh a little, because neither of them was given to frills and lace. You could almost sense the masculinity that was ground into their house. As Darrin thought about Mitch and their lives together, he opened his shirt and let his hand roam over his chest. Darrin sighed as his fingers slipped through the hairs, sending shocks of pleasure through his system. He missed Mitch, and his nightly jackoff sessions hadn't been more than temporary relief. His body was again primed for release and in no time Darrin's nipples were hard and aching as he scraped over them with his fingernails. After a few passes over them, his cock was hard and making an obscene bulge in his pants. Reaching one hand lower, Darrin grabbed his crotch and squeezed it hard while he ran his hand over his furry chest. Several long minutes slipped by as Darrin enjoyed the pleasurable feelings coursing through his body. Looking down, he saw a growing wet spot as the precum soaked through his pants. With a smile, Darrin opened his pants and pulled his hard cock out. Stroking its length slowly, Darrin twisted his nipple, causing a cascade of precum over his hand. After another slow stroke, Darrin released his steel hard cock and lifted his hand to his mouth and spit into it. Dropping his hand back down, he again stroked it slowly as his spit and precum melded. Soon the build up of pleasure drove Darrin's hand faster, his hand a blur on his aching cock. He let his free hand slide lower, grabbing his balls and pulling them taut. Soon the rhythm of his pleasuring reached a crescendo and white cum shot from his slit. Darrin moaned, his muscles tensed as stream after stream of hot sperm splattered across his chest. As he striped the last drops from his softening cock, he slumped back against the couch. After his breathing had returned to normal, Darrin grabbed his pants and carefully walked into the bedroom. Reaching under the bed he grabbed the small towel he'd been using all week and wiped the cum off his torso. As he finished he had to chuckle to himself at the cream colored stiffness of the towel, but knowing he could throw it into the pile of clothes Mitch would have, he tossed it back beside the bed. As he buttoned his shirt, he heard a faint yip. Remembering that Max hadn't been out of his kennel all morning, Darrin checked his watch. He realized there was just enough time to get to the airport, he decided to leave Max for Josh to deal with and rushed out of the house. As he pulled down the driveway he smiled in anticipation of seeing Mitch again. Standing at the airport with the other families, Darrin was excited to see his husband again. He knew they had to keep the public displays to a minimum but it would be good just to give Mitch a hug. He scanned face after face as they came down the hallway, wondering how he could miss the cowboy hat topped stud who he loved. Suddenly he heard a loud whoop and turned just in time to catch Mitch as he launched himself into Darrin arms. Locking his legs around Darrin, Mitch started covering his face with kisses. Darrin's face reddened as his husband unabashedly showered him with affection. Finally realizing that most of the other passengers were smiling indulgently, he relaxed and returned the kisses. After a few moments of mutual affection, Mitch released Darrin and jumped to the floor. "I've missed you so much, babe!" said Mitch almost squealing. "I've missed you too, Mitch. A whole lot!" said Darrin with a grin, "That was an enthusiastic greeting." Mitch chuckled, "Yeah, I thought you could do with a PDA." Darrin chuckled again and pulled Mitch by the arm. "Yeah, well let's get home and I'll give you a PDA, but it won't be a public display, it'll be a private display." Mitch wiggled his eyebrows in anticipation and grinned back at Darrin. They both chuckled and went to get Mitch's bags. On the trip home they fell into an easy rhythm and talked about what had happened at the ranch, as well as what cattle Mitch had seen. The time passed quickly and soon they were pulling to a stop in front of their house. As they opened the door, Max flashed by with Josh running behind. They both chuckled as Josh paused and gasped for breath. "Sorry! He's been tearing around your bedroom ever since I let him out and then just now he grabbed the towel that was on the floor and has been running like a maniac. I don't know what got into him!" said Josh in exasperation. Mitch chuckled and then looked over at Darrin, only to see an odd look on his husband's face. As Josh took off after the dog again, Darrin ran to their bedroom. Within seconds Darrin was back and hissed at Mitch. "Help me catch that damn dog!" Mitch continued to chuckle. "Why? What up, babe." Darrin turned bright red and looked to make sure Josh wasn't close. Leaning in he hissed out, "He has my cum towel, with a weeks worth on it!" With that Mitch collapsed on the floor in laughter as Darrin gave him a look a pure disgust before taking out after Max. Never moving from the wall, Mitch was wiping tears of laughter from his eyes as he watched the three make round after round through the house. After several minutes of chasing, which included Max making vaults over Mitch on several occasions, he stopped beside Mitch's face, shook the towel, and dropped it. He looked at Mitch with a look of mirth on his face, cocked his head and then took off racing again as Darrin came barreling around the corner. Mitch waved the towel in the air, feeling the stiff crustiness under his hand and catching a whiff of its pungent aroma. "I've got it," Mitch said with a smirk. Darrin grabbed at it, but Mitch yanked it away and chuckled. "Oh no, big boy. I think this is worth something to Max and me, just as soon as I figure out what it is." Darrin looked at him with a frustrated look and stalked off, with Mitch's laughter ringing in his ears. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Josh had parked his pickup in a remote corner of the ranch, under the shelter of a grove of towering cottonwoods. Looking for some down time, and maybe a little fun, Josh had talked Zach into the little outing. Sitting on the tailgate, they started out just catching up, discussing the various classes each of them were taking this semester. Josh was taking some of the courses Zach had taken the year before, so he was absorbing all the hints that Zach could provide. When the conversation reached a lull, Josh leaned over and kissed Zach on the cheek. Rocking back he smiled at the smaller man. Looking at Zach's pale complexion and spiked blond hair, Josh had to chuckle, if only to himself. If he were to describe how a stereotypical gay boy looked, Zach would not miss the mark by much. Realizing his silence was making Zach uncomfortable, Josh reached over and rubbed his hands over Zach's back. "You look good today, Zach. Good enough to eat," said Josh and then jokingly snapped his teeth at the blond boy beside him. Zach scooted closer and then leaned against Josh. Josh could tell that Zach was still a little tense, but didn't know what he might be thinking. "What's up? You seem a little down," said Josh. "Nah, I'm fine. Just got a lot on my plate, I guess." Josh curled himself downward, raking his teeth over Zach's tender neck. Zach responded with a soft moan and a shudder that ran through his body. Josh whispered with a slight edge, "I'll get you nice and relaxed. And you will be so full of me that you won't have time to worry about a full plate." Zach stiffened further and started to sputter. "Here? But we're outside. And we don't have any cond—" Zach stopped, his litany of reasons broken when he realized that they didn't use condoms any more. With an audible gulp, Zach turned his head and looked at Josh. "Yeah, I think . . . Yeah that would be fun. I think it would be kickass to do it out in the wild countryside." Josh chuckled at his partners stammering and then thought about what he wanted. Josh thought the idea of fucking outside was hot, but he wasn't sure how Zach felt about it. Finally his hormones making the decision for him, he leaned over and gave Josh a passionate kiss as his hand caressed the inside of his thigh. Josh's hands drifted over his slender body, tugging Zach's t-shirt out of his pants and then running his hands over his skin. Zach's breathing quickened as his levels of passion shot through the stratosphere from Josh's soft touch. Soon Josh had his hands inside the open front of Zach's jeans and was groping him hard while he fastened his teeth to Zach's neck. As his teeth sunk into Zach's alabaster skin, he slid his hand lower, piercing Zach's rectum with his finger and then sinking it deep inside his gut. Zach let out a high-pitched squeal of delight and immediately started rocking back and forth over Josh's finger. He grasped Josh's neck with both hands and was soon bouncing up and down on the finger as it explored him. Josh was moving quickly, instinctually knowing that Zach's comfort with the outdoors was going to plummet once he had shot his load. With that knowledge, Josh slowly let his finger slip out, and grinned at Zach's accompanying moan of disappointment at his sudden emptiness. Josh quickly pulled off his own shirt and then opened his pants. His tight white underwear was stretched to their limit by his massive erection and a large translucent spot marked where the head of Josh's cock was pinned. Josh ran his hand over the length of his trapped cock, while Zach watched enrapt with the tableau before him. Josh's nipples were rock hard and his cock was leaking like a faucet, much to Zach's delight. Once his ardor had reached a boiling point, Josh shoved down his underwear and released his fat cock, which arched upward and hit Josh's stomach with a resounding slap. With a look of lust on his face, Josh flipped Zach over and shoved his jeans down his thighs. Spreading his ass cheeks, Josh leaned in and rammed his tongue deep into Zach's pulsing hole. "Ohgod! Fuck! Eat my ass, oh damnit eat my hole good!" Josh pillaged Zach's ass, licking, sucking and biting him until his butt was swollen with desire. Zach had lost himself in the sex, behaving like a doe in rut. With grunts and sighs, he signaled that he was ready for his needs to be met. With a final swipe of his tongue, Josh lifted his head, planting soft kisses on Zach's ass cheeks. Josh's breath was coming in gasps as the excitement of the moment washed over him. With his hard cock in his hand, he moved closer to Zach and rubbed his leaking cock over Zach's exposed crack. As the spit and precum mixed, Josh pushed forward, thrilled by the sensation of tight ass around his bare cock. With a steady push, Josh was soon buried deep inside Zach, his body twitching as he tried to not unload immediately in his lovers gut. With a slow pull backwards, he scraped the swollen head of his cock over Zach's prostrate. "Oh fuck! Yeah! Hit it again! Damn that feels good!" squealed Zach. With that, Josh released his inner animal and power fucked Zach. Taken to the limit of his youthful endurance, he pounded the smaller boy below him. The increased sensitivity from fucking bareback was not helping Josh's staying power, but he really didn't think Zach cared, since he was a writhing pile of boy sex under him. Suddenly Zach screamed and started shooting cum over the pickup bed. His slender cock erupted with volcanic force and volume. His ass clamped around Josh's dick as his orgasm sent him into delirium. Driving past the edge of desire, Josh rammed himself in deep and held Zach tight as his body shook. With a final growl of release, Josh's cock started pumping Zach full of man cream. His body spasmed and twitched as the contents of his nuts pumped into Zach's gut. Over and over he shot as Josh experienced the biggest orgasm of his life. But eventually his body exhausted his supply of semen. Wrapping his arms around Zach, he held the smaller man for a few moments, until Zach wiggled out of his arms and turned to look at him. Instead of the look of contentment he expected, Josh saw a mix of discomfort and disgust on Zach's pale face. Finally he took a deep breath and asked. "What's wrong, Zach?" "I gotta . . . oh god I'm so full and its leaking. Oh god Josh what do I do?" Josh could tell the panic was setting in while he tried to decode Zach's cryptic explanation. Finally he realized that his semen was having the effect of an enema on Zach. "I can take you back to the house. Come on!" said Josh as he started to get out of the pickup. "No! I can't make it! Oh god Josh, whatda I do?" said Zach almost in tears. Josh scanned around them, trying to find a spot where Zach would eliminate his problem. He motioned to a cluster of cedars. "There, go in the cedar trees. No one can see you in there." Zach grabbed his pants and waddled to the trees. Soon sounds that could only be described as 'wet' were erupting from the trees, while Josh tried not to laugh out loud. He did shake his head in disbelief as he fished the roll of toilet paper from behind the pickup seat, knowing it was going to be requested soon. Josh had to wonder what other quirks Zach had in store for him. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin hung up the phone and after a long silence Mitch turned to look at him. "What's wrong, babe? You don't look good." Darrin paused for a few minutes, obviously trying to bring his thoughts together. Mitch waited, allowing Darrin the time he sometimes needed. After several minutes, Darrin started. "It was my sister, she and Mom want to come visit and see the ranch." He paused for a minute, obviously in shock, and then continued, "They said they wanted to come, get to spend more time with you . . . and meet Josh. I'm not sure about this, babe. You know how they are. Do you think Josh can deal with them?" Mitch chuckled slightly. "I think Josh can deal with them better than you can. He's told off his dad, most of the town and talked us into letting him get goats. I think he'll be fine." Darrin shook his head, the slightly sad look never leaving it. "I know, I just worry about him. He's had a rough life." "We've all had rough lives at some point. Josh is almost 20 and he's doing fine. Better than either of us at that age. You decide if you want them to come, don't use Josh as your excuse." Darrin sat still for several minutes as he considered Mitch's comments. Eventually he sighed, smiled slightly, and nodded his head. "Yeah, I hate to admit it, but you're right. They can come and be nice or I'll let Josh give them one of his speeches!" Mitch chuckled and motioned Darrin over to sit beside him on the couch. They cuddled against each other in the cool winter evening as they flipped through television channels, with Mitch making cracks about various shows. Darrin laughed at his husband and took away the remote, changing it to one of the cooking shows and then laid on the couch, resting his head in Mitch's lap and pulled a blanket down from the back of the sofa over both of them. Mitch soon reached down and lightly caressed his face and then let his hand rest over his chest. Both men looked very content, and extremely happy in that moment in time. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin was busy scrubbing the counters for the 12th time while Mitch was working at the computer. Mitch had warned Darrin several times that he was going to rub the color off the counters if he didn't quit. But ever since his mother and sister had called to say they were coming, he'd been a maniac about cleaning everything. Josh had even taken to closing his bedroom door so Darrin couldn't see in his room. The obsessive behavior was starting to get to both Josh and Mitch. Everyone would be happier when the two women finally arrived tomorrow. Suddenly Mitch let out a whoop of delight that made Darrin jump and emit a most unmasculine sound. Josh even opened his bedroom door to see what was going on. Darrin tossed his cloth into the sink and walked over to see what had gotten the huge reaction from Mitch. As he got closer, Mitch looked over at him and grinned, "Sam and Gordy are coming through and wanted to know if they could stop in and catch up. I told 'em, hell yes!" An honest, warm smile broke out on Darrin's face for the first time since he'd gotten the news that his family was coming to visit. He missed the time the two couples had with each other and was thrilled they were coming for a visit. As he leaned against Mitch and reminisced, Josh wandered into the room. Glancing over Mitch's shoulder, Josh asked, "Who's Sam and Gordon?" "Not Gordon, Gordy" said Darrin. "Although, I guess it could be short for Gordon, I never heard anyone call him anything but Gordy." Darrin sat smiling for a few minutes and then realizing he had not answered Josh's question he continued; "They're good friends from college. Gordy is another ag major and has a job in Colorado. He's basically a genius. Sam is his husband and is a computer jock. A really good one too, he kept our crappy old computers running through grad school. They're the friends who we've met a few times in Wichita Falls. They're a great couple. It'll be nice to see them again." "They said they had a surprise for us too. But when I asked what it was, Sam said if he told us, then it wasn't a surprise," said Mitch with a laugh. "Yeah, that sounds like Sam. Gordy wouldn't have been able to keep the secret," said Darrin with a smile. Suddenly a thought came to him and he turned to Mitch. "They aren't coming at the same time as my family are they?" Mitch waved him down with a smirk on his face. "No, no. Calm yourself down. Your mother and sister will be long gone before they show up. I think they are going to see Sam's family over Christmas break and that's when they are stopping to see us." Darrin let out a sigh of relief. "Good, I really want to see them. But I don't want to have to deal with more than just my mother and sister when they're here." As Josh turned to go back into his room, Darrin caught sight of the game controller in his hand. "Josh, how are the classes going? You haven't said much about how you're doing." "It's fine. I'm about to start on the homework. It's pretty simple stuff you know," said Josh. But Darrin was not convinced when he darted immediately back into his room instead of his typical habit of talking things to death. Catching Mitch's eyes, he gave a questioning look. Mitch lifted an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders before going back to working on the computer. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin sat quietly in his chair as a large beige sedan wound its way up their driveway. He knew it had to be his mother, that car was definitely her style. Darrin just couldn't bring himself to push out of the chair to greet his mother. They were staying several days, and they weren't even staying at the ranch since the guesthouse only had the one bed. But Darrin was concerned about what they might do or say in front of Josh. He knew that Mitch thought Josh could deal with her, but Darrin wasn't so sure. As the car slowed in front of the house, he heard a pair of staccato rhythms from cowboy boots as Josh and Mitch came from the bedrooms to greet the visitors. Mitch stopped in the kitchen and motioned to him. "Come on, babe. They're here," said Mitch. "I know. I'm coming . . ." said Darrin with some hesitancy. When he realized that Josh was already outside, he quickly pulled on his boots and trotted toward the door. As he went through the door, he saw Josh opening the car door for his mother. Darrin's jaw dropped open in shock and apprehension as Josh wrapped his arms around Darrin's mother and gave her a warm hug. As his sister walked around the car, Josh repeated his performance with her too. Distantly he realized that Mitch had joined Josh and was shaking hands and giving out additional hugs while the group slowly made its way to the porch. As they moved close, his mother looked up and held out her arms. "Do you have a hug for your mother?" Darrin quickly stepped down and took his mother in his arms, giving her a gentle embrace. Stepping away from her, he felt a set of arms wrap around him as his sister held him for several long seconds. When she released him, Darrin gave her a glancing kiss on the forehead. Motioning everyone to precede him into the house, Darrin felt some of the tension that he'd been carrying evaporate. As the group settled in the living room, Darrin got out glasses and started preparing some drinks and snacks. As he was loading the tray of glasses, he heard a piercing squeal come from the living room. Spinning around to see what was happening, he knocked off a couple of glasses. With the sound of glass shattering receding, he looked to see what had gone wrong. To his shock, Josh was kneeling in front of his mother, who was lavishing Max with attention. Darrin stood in the spreading cherry lemonade, watching in shock as his mother and Josh talked about the little Border Collie. Darrin heard the crunch of glass underfoot as someone walked into the kitchen with him. Pivoting his head, he saw his sister, Dana, moving closer to him. "I thought Mother hated dogs," said Darrin in disbelief. Dana chuckled and shook her head. "No, Mom loves dogs. At least she does now. The only dog she really didn't like was that little poodle that her hairdresser had, the one she called a 'yap dog'." "Well that dog was a pain," said Darrin with a chuckle. "But she's really excited about Josh's dog. I don't ever remember her getting that excited about us!" Dana chuckled and laid her arm across Darrin's waist. "Mom has changed a lot since Dad died. I think some of the things that she did, were caused by him. I don't think it was a marriage based on love, and I'm not sure that Dad didn't abuse Mom too. I know that since he died she has changed, more and more all the time. But regardless of that, I know that there were a lot of things that Dad screwed up for me. Like my relationship with my little brother." Darrin looked at his sister and smile, giving her a little sideways hug before dropping his arm and looking at the floor. "Well I guess I need to clean this mess up. Otherwise Max might get hurt and then I'd be disowned . . .again." "No chance of that. But where's your mop. I'll help you get it back to its polished perfection. You know, you should relax about how your house looks or you're going to give yourself an ulcer." Darrin stared at his sister with opened mouth astonishment as she started picking up the larger shards of glass. Moving to get a mop and broom, he was astonished at how much his family had changed in the last few years. After the cleanup, and the excitement caused by Max, they spent a quiet afternoon talking. Darrin was surprised that Josh chose to join in the conversation, and seemed to be getting along very well with his mother. As the afternoon moved into evening, Darrin started making supper, and Josh moved to help. As they were preparing the meal, Darrin gave Josh a sideways glance and saw a slight smile on his face. "So, you seem to be getting along really well with my Mom," said Darrin quietly. "Yeah, she's a nice lady. And Max likes her a lot, you know what they say, you can't fool a dog," replied Josh. "Besides, my grandmothers are both gone. I'm the youngest of the cousins so I never got to know them very well." Darrin looked at Josh, recalling how far he had came since he had come to live with them and smiled broadly. "That's true, you can't fool a dog." After supper the whole group was relaxing in the living room. As Mitch sighed softly over his too full stomach, Darrin's mom piped up. "Well I need a tour! Someone needs to show me around this ranch my son and his husband own." Before anyone else could offer, Josh chimed in "I'll show you around, Mrs. Anderson." "Please, Call me Granma Diane, Josh." Darrin's jaw dropped to the floor with both Mitch and Dana chuckling at the expression on his face as his mother grabbed Josh's forearm and let him escort her out of the house. As the shock wore off Darrin and he slowly followed the rest out the door, he found Mitch waiting on him. "I told you Josh would charm your mother," said Mitch with a smirk. "You'll excuse me if I just stand here in shock for a few minutes," said Darrin. Mitch laughed and wrapped his arm around Darrin, holding him close as Dana walked up and hugged him from the other side. "Sometimes people can change, Darrin. Sometimes they really can," said Dana softly as she moved to follow the other pair. Darrin tilted his head toward Mitch and with a knowing look said "Yes, sometimes people really can change." The small group threaded their way through the buildings and corrals with Josh providing a running commentary for everything. Diane seemed properly impressed as they wandered through. Eventually they arrived at the goats, which Josh had purposely kept until last. He launched into a detailed explanation of the plans he had, why he'd chosen this breed and summary of the business plan for them. Diane listened carefully through Josh's explanation and when he finished, she leaned over to Josh and whispered, "Next time come to Granma for the money. I won't charge you interest." Mitch and Dana started laughing, and Darrin stood in stunned amazement. This was not the person who raised him; this was an old person trying to get into heaven. Actually he was starting to believe that his father really had been a huge influence and now she was starting to come out of it. After a few moments, the astonished feeling receded and Darrin started laughing along with the other two as his mother started telling stories about her experiences with goats when she was growing up. These were tales Darrin had never heard, and they soon had everyone laughing. As they walked back to the house, the night was slipping around them and dimming the familiar shapes. Once they'd made it back to the porch, the two women made their apologies, but said they needed to find their hotel and relax for the evening. Heart felt hugs and kisses were exchanged, and the guys stood on the porch and watch as the taillights of the car disappeared down the road. Mitch took Darrin by the hand and led him back into the house. Josh and Max squirted past them and sequestered themselves in Josh's room, leaving Darrin and Mitch with the house to themselves. Mitch kissed Darrin softly on the cheek and pulled him against his chest. "So, was it better than you imagined?" asked Mitch. Darrin let out a snort, "Oh, hell yes! That was not my mother, I don't know how but a doppelgänger filled in for her." Mitch chuckled and kissed Darrin again, just enjoying the intimacy. "She was much better, wasn't she? She didn't once ask 'how the gays' would do something." Darrin chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but they're going to be here for a few days. Lets see how we're doing at the end." Mitch nodded in agreement as they headed to their bedroom for a well-deserved night of sleep. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Everyone enjoyed an amicable time together that was marking the final day of the visit from Darrin's family. They had enjoyed a remarkably enjoyable stint, and no gaffs on either side. Josh and Diane had formed as amazing bond, and both seemed thrilled by the grandparent/grandson role they were developing. Darrin and Mitch had dwindled down in their conversation with Dana and were just listening when suddenly the conversation took an unexpected turn. "So, Josh. Is there anyone special in your life?" asked Diane innocently. Darrin and Mitch both tensed, wondering where this conversation was going. As Josh replied honestly and told her about Tony and Zach, they became more and more tense. Both were worried that this would be the point where Diane fell back to her old ways and did something that hurt Josh. As Josh wound down his story, both Darrin and Mitch were anxious and prepared to defend Josh. Diane smiled once Josh finished and reached out and patted his cheek. "Well follow your heart, sometimes it knows what you need more than your brain. I can tell you from personal experience that it's not good if you are with someone for any reason other than love." Both men spiraled into disbelief at the amazingly supportive response. After that revelation, they helped Diane and Dana to their car, and another round of affection was administered. Darrin wished his family safe travel and then stood with Mitch and Josh until the car was no longer visible. Josh looked back at them and patted Darrin on the shoulder as he walked back into the house. "You guys need to relax. She's a very nice lady," said Josh. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin and Mitch were enjoying a quiet night with a fire lit in the living room fireplace. Darrin was curled up on the couch with his head resting on Mitch's lap. They were both glad the family visit was over and were looking forward to Sam and Gordy's arrival later in the week. Josh was off on a late night study session with some of the other people from his intro class, which left the guys home with rare quiet time to enjoy. Darrin was relaxing with a book to read just for fun and Mitch was poring through the latest ranching magazine he'd gotten. The evening stretched out in a wonderfully relaxing manner, with the pair making popcorn over the fire and having it with hot chocolate, spiked with a touch of tequila. Eventually they were feeling very mellow and turned off the lights to enjoy the peace that was surrounding them. They talked about inconsequential things and basked in each other's presence. Eventually they pulled quilts and blankets into the floor, creating a warm nest in front of the toasty fire. The tequila-laced chocolate had them both feeling gently romantic and they lost their clothing one piece at a time until they were nude with the fire glistening off their bare skin. When Mitch extracted himself from the warmth to throw more wood on the fire, Darrin stared openly as the muscles of Mitch's body flexed and rippled and the yellow and orange light created an otherworldly halo around him. Darrin chuckled as he watched Mitch scamper back to their nest and the warmth that Darrin had protected. Mitch cuddled against Darrin, earning a small yelp from Darrin as his chilled body came against him. Turning slightly, Darrin gave Mitch a soft kiss. "This is really nice, babe. I love cuddling with you like this," said Darrin. "It is nice. Your body turns me on so much." Darrin twisted and wrapped his arms around Mitch. They relaxed, holding each other in their arms as they kissed softly. Their hands caressed each other backs and asses, the hair on Mitch's ass cheeks rippling under Darrin's fingers. Mitch ran his fingers over Darrin's face, enjoying the wiry stiffness of his goatee. Turning Darrin's head, Mitch blew lightly in his ear, and was rewarded with a soft moan. "Oh man, that makes me so horny, babe," said Darrin with a sigh. Mitch chuckled and blew again gently and then whispered, "That was the general idea." Mitch gently turned Darrin so they were spooned with Mitch chest rubbing against Darrin's back. Mitch ran his hands down Darrin's chest and then let his fingers comb through his pubic hair. Gripping his balls gently, he stretched them in his hands and enjoyed the soft moan from Darrin. His hard cock burrowed between Darrin's legs as Mitch caressed him for many long minutes. Kissing down Darrin's neck, Mitch took his husband's hard cock in his fist and slowly stroked it as he nibbled at Darrin's neck. The warmth of the fire, and their relaxed position, helped create a wonderful slow and gentle lovemaking session for the couple. But eventually both men wanted more. Mitch reached up and grabbed a small bottle of lube he had stashed there. Squeezing a good amount on his fingers, he lowered his hand and quickly coated Darrin's crack and ass. Mitch slowly slipped two fingers in Darrin's now slick hole and luxuriated in slowly finger fucking his husband. Darrin was pushing back against Mitch's fingers, small sounds escaping from him as the fingers slipped deeper and deeper into his gut. As Darrin's mews of pleasure built, Mitch added a third finger and soon had Darrin gasping with need. Mitch pushed Darrin's top leg forward, exposing his hole to Mitch's exploration. After a few more slow thrusts of his fingers, both men were ready for the real thing. Mitch positioned his cock against Darrin's well-opened ass and slowly slid deep inside him. With his hands continuing to caress and fondle Darrin, Mitch started to slow fuck him. Requiring little effort from either of them, the gentle thrusts were building a heat in each of them that was wonderful. The tides of their passion built and ebbed as time passed during their lovemaking. Mitch's skin was awash with sensations as they caressed each other. Even at their slow pace, the edging eventually sent them over the top. Mitch grunted loudly and buried himself deep in Darrin as he started unloading. His body convulsed as the tremors of orgasm rolled over him continually. His cock shot deep inside Darrin, squirting until the excess was oozing out around Mitch's still hard cock. Mitch slid his hands around Darrin's torso and wrapped them around Darrin's cock. As he began stroking Darrin's manhood, his husband began to whimper with the need for release. With only a few slow strokes, Darrin let out a loud groan and his hole gripped tight around Mitch's dick. Mitch slid his hand up and drove his thumb against the underside of Darrin's cock head. The added sensation drove Darrin over the edge. "Oh, oh, fuck! Yes, here it comes!" Darrin groaned through the climax. Darrin's cock started heaving, hurling thick strands of cum over his body and the bedding. His orgasm continued until he was covered with white strands of cum. With a final small ejaculation, Darrin groaned and moved back against Mitch. Mitch wrapped his arms around Darrin and pulled him tight. Darrin's warm cum slid under his hands as he enjoyed the sensation of chest hair matting with semen. The fireplace was burning lower and the reflection of the hot coals over Darrin's wet chest was incredibly attractive to Mitch. Leaning in, he kissed Darrin on the cheek. "You are so fuck'n hot. I don't ever want to think about my life without you," said Mitch tenderly. "Don't worry about it, handsome. We have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other," replied Darrin with a smile. The two cuddled together for a few more minutes, until Mitch's cock softened and slipped out of Darrin's well-used butt. With a sigh, Darrin turned his head to Mitch and kissed him softly. "I think we better clean up. It's after midnight and Josh could be home anytime." "Yeah, unfortunately you're right," said Mitch as he climbed to his feet. "Let's grab the bedding and throw it in the bedroom. I think we need a shower before we do anything else." Darrin laughed and ran his hand over his chest and it's hardening crust of jizz. "Yeah, and soon. Before this shit dries any more and gets even harder to get off" Mitch gave a laugh of agreement, and then grabbed an armful of blankets, snagged Darrin's wrist and headed for the bedroom. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin had been eagerly waiting for Sam and Gordy's arrival for weeks now. They had finally agreed to spend the night at the ranch after much badgering from Darrin, who was pulling out all the stops in preparing for them. The first night he was cooking huge T-bone steaks in honor of their night out on the town after he had passed his orals, marking a critical hurtle to finishing his doctorate degree. Over the last year Darrin and Mitch had done a few improvements to the house as they could afford it. One of the changes that Darrin was very pleased with right now was a new high-end stove with a built in grill. In addition, they had pecan pie and brownies from the café and Darrin was preparing all the things that he could remember the two of them liking. The incredible amount of work Darrin had invested in the meal resulted in his typical over-abundance of food. Checking the marinating steak for the 20th time, he looked at his watch to calculate when each item had to go in so it would be ready when they arrived. Finally satisfied with all the preparations, he opened the fridge and decided he was going to indulge in one of the imported beers he'd bought for the occasion. As he cracked open the beer, he heard the door open as Josh and Mitch came inside after finishing the last of the mid-winter chores. Sipping the beer, he walked out and watched as the two men stripped off layer after layer of clothing until they again resembled humans. Darrin chuckled when Mitch gave his beer a forlorn look, and then handed it over to Mitch, who promptly took a huge swig. "Come on you two, you both stink. Go get a shower. They're going to be here soon!" said Darrin. Mitch turned with an innocent look and started. "But I thought you l—" Darrin slapped a hand over Mitch's mouth while Josh walked off snickering. Turning Mitch without ever releasing his mouth, he swatted his ass and pushed him toward the bedroom. "No talking, go." Darrin soon heard water running in both bathrooms and did the final preparations for the evening. Josh came back in first, in new jeans and a pressed shirt, looking particularly good. "Is Zach coming tonight?" asked Darrin. "No, he said he's working on a final project with one of the other guys in the class. So he can't make it." "Oh, ok," said Darrin, "And how are your classes going?" "Fine. Just fine," said Josh quickly. Glancing out the door he saw his reprieve. "I think your friends are here." Darrin glanced out the window and saw that Josh was right, Gordy and Sam had arrived. "Hey Mitch! They're here!" shouted Darrin as he headed for the door. Pulling on a heavy coat and a pair of work boots, he went to meet their friends. Darrin had to smile as he watched Gordy uncoil his large, ex-linebacker frame from behind the wheel of their car while Sam was fussing with something in the back seat. As Darrin walked out on the porch he froze in place when he heard a very foreign noise wafting through the air, the sound of a baby crying. After a moment, Darrin realized it was coming from the car, and he stared intently at their friends. Darrin watched in disbelief as the two men maneuvered into the back seat, each emerging with a small, tightly bundled object cradled in their arms. Darrin felt Josh rush past him to help and watched as he took the bags from Gordy and Sam and helped them to the door. Once they reached the porch, there was a madcap scramble for a few seconds as everyone tried to get through the doorway. Darrin motioned them to the living room, still in shock over the revelation of babies. He watched silently as the two men unwrapped their precious packages and were soon holding two writhing toddlers in their arms. The two children were squirming to be put down, and Darrin was able to do little more than just stare. Max came walking into the room and immediately joined the group and started sniffing the newcomers, to the delight of the kids. Darrin was relieved to hear Mitch opening the bedroom door. Looking up as Mitch walked in, toweling his hair, he grinned when his normally caviler husband froze at the sight of the kids. "Holy fuck!" spouted Mitch without thinking. But before either father could scold him about the gaff, he turned red and was apologizing profusely. "Oh cr—, I mean shoot. I'm sorry I didn't mean to fu— Mess up." Mitch took a deep breath and then looked at Sam and Gordy. "So, I guess you're dad's now." Mitch's stumbling entry loosened everyone up as the laughter filled the room. Soon the two kids were in a pile with Max, under Josh's careful supervision, and the two couples were catching up. "So why didn't you tell us you were having kids? They look so cute, how did you . . ." said Darrin, wanting to know but not wanting to intrude on a private family matter. Gordy chuckled and started to explain. "We'd talked about it for the last couple of years of college. Both of us wanted kids, but we weren't sure how good we would be at being parents. I mean, we both had friends in high school and college that knocked up a girl, and none of those worked out very well for anyone involved." Gordy looked at Sam, who nodded almost imperceptibly. "But then we were talking about it with Sam's sisters, and his baby sister offered to donate the eggs. It was a huge step for everyone, and at first Sam's family was furious and threatened all kinds of crap if we went through with it. But Susan can be very determined when she sets her mind to it, and before too long the family realized that it was not something perverted, that I wasn't going to have sex with Sam's sister." Gordy shuttered dramatically and made a look of disgust, to everyone's amusement. "So then it was just a matter of finding a surrogate mother and waiting the nine months for the little darlings to hatch." Darrin looked at the two little strawberry blond toddlers. "So they are . . ." "Part of both of us, literally. My sperm fertilized Sam's sisters eggs." Gordy look at Darrin in amusement. "Surely the red hair was a tiny bit of a clue. I mean, you have had genetics classes, actually I seem to remember that you teach it at the place called a university." Mitch and Josh chuckled as Darrin put a scowl on his face. But after a few seconds he too was laughing and watching the two children who were now exploring Max's face with their pudgy little fingers. "Ok, at the risk of getting made fun of again, two girls, two boys, one of each?" "Two boys. For some odd reason they seem to be off the top of the scale for growth rate for eight month old boys too. Go figure. They're just starting to crawl and pull themselves up. They take after their dad," laughed the former college linebacker. "Which dad?" asked Mitch with a chuckle. Gordy gave a rich laugh. "I'll leave that for you to work out." The conversation continued in their typical friendly manner for the rest of the evening. The twins played with Max until all three of them were exhausted, and had fallen asleep. Josh had helped Sam bring in the kid's things as everyone started to wind down. The guys suddenly realized the plans they had for the couple wouldn't work any longer. Mitch started, "Ah guys, we were going to give you the guest house, but it started life as the house for the hired help, and isn't big enough for all four of you." "Don't worry about it, Mitch," said Sam, "We'll go get a hotel room for the night. It's not a big deal." "Nonsense!" said Darrin, "Leave the kids with us, they're already asleep after wrestling with Max all night. Then you guys can have the other house. I'm sure you wouldn't mind a night of quiet for a change." Gordy looked at Sam, and shrugged his shoulders. After resisting for a few seconds, Sam's shoulders slumped. "Ok, if you're sure," said Sam. "Actually, we haven't had a night away from the twins since they were born." "Then it's settled! You guy's get a dad's night off, and we can take care of two little boys." Gordy beamed at Sam and the two thankfully accepted the gift. Darrin and Mitch reassured them continually as they gave the three adults the toddler's schedule. Finally, with promises to wake them if they needed help, the two grabbed their bags and hurried across the driveway to the guesthouse. Darrin watched out the window until the couple had gotten inside safely and then turned back to Mitch and Josh. With a smile on his face he laughed and said to Mitch, "This will be a cakewalk! What could two little babies do?" \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Gordy and Sam stood in the small house, staring at each other with looks of disbelief. Darrin and Mitch had no idea what a gift they had given the pair. They loved their kids dearly, but the day after day with little privacy and no energy was starting to take it's toll on them. They quickly looked through the tiny house, realizing it wasn't much larger than a small apartment, but thrilled that they were able to have it to themselves, even for just one night. They carefully placed the bags in the bedroom and then moved back to checkout the kitchen. Darrin had said they had stocked it for the couple, but they were shocked to see everything they'd ever mentioned that they liked in the way of food. Gordy spied a can of whipped cream, grabbed it from the fridge and leered at Sam. "I don't know about you, but I'm suddenly not tired at all!" Sam laughed and put his hand on his muscular husbands chest. "Given the choice between sex and sleep, I know which one you would pick every time. But I'm grimy and need a shower, and so you do. Why don't we rinse off real quick and then see what we feel like doing." Without a word Gordy lowered his over six-foot frame and picked up Sam, carrying him into the bathroom. Sitting him down on the counter, he started undressing his husband, an urgency to his touch as the weeks of abstinence partially drove his actions. Looking at Sam in the bright bathroom light, he ran his hand over the red scruff on Sam's face. As he combed his fingers through Sam's hair, letting it drift through his fingers, Sam moaned softly, missing Gordy's strong touch. Gordy continued undressing Sam, loving the sight of his pale translucent skin each time like it was the first time he'd seen it. Soon he had stripped Sam, except for a tight pair of low-rise briefs that barely covered the hard cock that was obviously trying to escape. Jumping to the floor, Sam started returning the sensual undressing as he stripped Gordy. His hands were even more demanding than Gordy's as he moved down his husband's smooth chest. He took his nipple in his mouth and bit down hard, causing Gordy to gasp as the pain and pleasure coursed through his body. Once he had worked each nipple into a hard, red nub, Sam reached lower and unfastened Gordy's pants. Even though his husband towered over him, Sam was obviously the one in charge. He soon had Gordy nude, his legs spread as wide as possible while his torso was braced against the bathroom counter. Sam always found it sexy that Gordy was largely hairless on his torso, but his legs and ass were a forest of masculine hair. Sam pulled out his rampantly hard cock and rubbed it against Gordy's exposed hole. He slid back his long foreskin, precum pouring from it and onto Gordy's ass crack. Sam rubbed his cock up and down Gordy's crack, coating it with thick fluid. Moving closer he sunk two fingers into Gordy's butt, which sucked them deep inside. As he forcefully finger fucked his man, Sam started slapping Gordy's ass, leaving a vivid red mark with each slap. Sam judged carefully, knowing that he could drive Gordy to cum with just this. So once Gordy's ass was cherry red, he turned on the shower, filling the small room with steam. He pulled Gordy to him and kissed him hard. "Come on, stud. Let's get cleaned up." They climbed into the small shower together and Sam squirted shower gel into his palm. He gently washed Gordy, carefully cleaning every millimeter of hot body. As he moved to his ass, Sam let his soapy finger dip into Gordy's hole. Rubbing it in circles soon had Gordy moaning and his cock twitching in anticipation. Sam squatted in the shower and washed down Gordy's legs and feet, enjoying the rough texture of his hairy legs. Sam had always loved heavily muscled men and Gordy certainly fulfilled that requirement. He let his fingertips explore the slopes and muscular demarcations that covered Gordy's massive body. Finishing up by washing his feet, Sam felt Gordy lift him to his feet and then pressed his lips against Sam's in a smoldering touch. With his scorching kiss, Gordy began to wash Sam. The shower gel coated the thick red hair between his pecs, causing its deep red coloration to tint toward pink. While not the muscular physique that Gordy sported, Sam was toned. Gordy had always thought red heads were hot, and the flame red plush covering Sam's body certainly qualified. As he moved lower, he found the object of his desire, Sam's long thick uncut cock. Even hard it was heavy enough that it hung low between his legs. Gordy would never forget his surprise the first time he had unwrapped that monster, but with time Sam had converted him from a confirmed top, to someone who liked to take as much, or more, than he liked to give. Gordy slid back his foreskin, exposing his deep red cock head. He carefully washed around the rim, Sam's breath coming in gasps and his knees buckling each time he did. Sliding his hands lower, he lovingly washed Sam's nuts, as the soapy water cascaded from the red tangle of hair gathered at the bottom of Sam's scrotum, Gordy slid his hand between Sam's thighs to wash his ass. Soaping it carefully, he teased Sam by sliding his thick finger over his opening, causing a sharp intake of air from Sam. Knowing that Sam was as randy as he was, Gordy quickly continued downward until he had finished washing his husband's body. Gordy took the handheld shower and rinsed them both quickly. Grabbing towels, they stepped from the shower into the steam-shrouded room. They quickly toweled each other off, even the sensation of the rough cloth heightening their levels of desire. As soon as they were dry they moved into the bedroom, locked in a passionate embrace. Assuming domination again, Sam pushed Gordy to the bed. He smiled and rolled face down, his crotch on the edge of the bed, his thick muscular thighs spread wide and braced on the floor. Gordy closed his eyes, humping the bed in his aroused state as he waited for Sam to take him. Sam looked at Gordy's exposed position for no more than a second before he was rummaging through their bag. Pulling out a small bottle of baby oil, he quickly coated Gordy's ass, slicking down his ass hair with the liquid. Unable to wait longer, Sam ran his wet hand down his cock, coating it from tip to balls with oil. Moving forward, he slapped Gordy's ass hard once, twice and then rammed himself into Gordy. "Oh yes! Take me, breed me!" said Gordy through a gasp of pain and pleasure. Sam grabbed Gordy's waist with his long, slender hands and bred him like a stud breeds his mate. The smaller man was obviously enjoying his role as the dominant partner as he fucked Gordy hard, slapping his ass as he fucked his tight muscle hole. Gordy pressed back with each thrust, needing to have Sam's massive member deep inside him, hitting places no one else had ever been able to find. Sam's massive cock head plowed across Gordy's prostate with each hard thrust. Gordy tensed and provided delicious friction each time he did. Soon the winter chill of the room was a needed element to keep them from overheating. The time, the desire, the need to reconnect, everything drove Sam to fuck harder and deeper than he could ever remember. Sam's cock seemed to grow, gaining in length and thickness as his climax built. When his rock hard cock slammed into Gordy again, it triggered a chain reaction in both men. Gordy's orgasm started, causing his muscles to contract, trapping Sam's thrusting cock as it tried to push through pure muscle, providing that extra stimulation that drove Sam over the top. Grabbing Gordy's shoulders for leverage, he forced his cock deep inside his man and unloaded weeks of cum. His cock flooded Gordy's gut with white hot semen, his body twisting and convulsing as screams of pleasure burst from his mouth. Gordy's body responded in kind, the hot jizz and the forceful entry triggering his climax. Gordy could feel his prostate harden and grow, Sam's cock scrapping over it and causing unbelievable pleasure to course through his body. The full body orgasm Gordy experienced was far beyond the simple discharge of semen through a hard cock. His mind reeled as waves of delight rushed over him again and again. Only after long minutes of mind-blowing orgasm did Gordy realized that Sam was laying on top of him, gasping for breath, his hard cock still buried inside of Gordy's well fucked hole. Mentally thinking he owed Darrin and Mitch big time for the gift of alone time for him and Sam, he rolled gently so that Sam was deposited on the bed, and began round two of their sexual reawakening. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> "Oh my god! Why are they screaming," demanded Mitch, a note of desperation in his voice. "I don't know! Don't you think I'd fix it if I knew!" snapped Darrin. "It's been hours. We're going to have to call the guys. I can't take this much longer. How long can these kids scream?" "What's going on?" asked Josh sleepily. Both men's heads snapped around as Josh stumbled from his room. Finally, stating the obvious, Mitch said, "We can't get the kids to stop crying. We've tried everything!" "Do they need changed, or fed?" asked Josh with a yawn. "What?" said Darrin. Josh shook his head and took the child from Darrin. Sticking his finger inside the leg opening, he looked at Darrin. "He's wet. And I bet he's hungry." Josh changed one child, and then the other. Handing them back to Darrin and Mitch, he gave them instructions on how to feed them based on the instructions he remembered from taking care of his cousins. Then with a huge yawn, Josh stumbled into his room to go back to his peaceful sleep. Darrin and Mitch followed Josh's advice and soon had the kids fed and quiet. Sitting in two of the living room chairs, they gently rocked the twins to sleep. Hours later, Gordy and Sam quietly slipped into the house, knowing they were going to catch hell for their late night sexual antics and the subsequent late morning sleep. But as they walked into the living room, they found their friends with their children asleep on their chests. With quiet chuckles they lifted the waking little ones and carried them to another room so their sitters could sleep in peace. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin and Mitch were lying in bed the night after Gordy and Sam had left with their little family. It had seemed deafeningly quiet after the days of activity and people. Darrin and Mitch both enjoyed the babies, but neither was certain how they felt about that kind of step for their family. After an hour or so of companionable relaxation while both read quietly, Darrin finally laid his book on this lap and let out a sigh. "Do you want babies?" asked Darrin. Mitch turned to him with no surprise at all. "I thought Gordy and Sam's kids were great." "That wasn't what I asked. Do you want us to have babies?" Mitch let out a low sigh. "You may not like this answer, but no. I don't think Josh is going to be the last kid who needs a place to recover, and I'm fine with that. But I can't imagine raising two little babies and juggling everything else we do." Darrin blew out his held breath and shook his head. "Yeah, as much as I'd like to argue with you, I can't really imagine how Sam and Gordy deal with the constant demands on their time. It was great to see them, but I'm ready to have our quiet little family back." Mitch pulled Darrin to him and kissed him softly on the cheek. "Disappointed?" Darrin kissed Mitch back and pulled him tight against his chest. "Sure, a little. But we have to do what's best for us." Mitch cradled Darrin and smiled. "The way our luck runs, we'll have another mouth to feed before we know what hit us." \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Sheriff White Cloud killed the engine on his patrol car and glided into the thick brush. Every kid in the county knew this was a hot spot to hide and make out, yet it always amazed the sheriff that it never seemed to occur to them that it had been the hot spot for 50 years, so it was hardly a secret. He didn't really enjoy intruding on what he considered to be none of his business, he did it because it was better for him to find them and break up the heated action rather than the parents. And occasionally, just occasionally, someone was here and really didn't want to be. Those were happy to get a ride home from him. Walking quietly through the trees, he spotted the dark outline of a car in the deep haze of the shadowed night. Something about this seemed like more than kids trying to get away for some action, so he flipped the strap off his revolver in preparation. As Jim walked closer, he could hear the faint wet sound of sex. He hated it when the couple was in the throes of passion when he found them, but he wasn't going to ignore them either. Pulling his heavy flashlight from his belt he rapped its metal case hard against the glass. "Sheriff. Get outta the car." Immediately Jim heard cursing and the car began to shake from side to side from the frantic motion as the individuals in the car scrambled for clothes, at least that was Jim's hope. Letting a few more second pass, he banged on the car window again. "Get out! I don't care if you are decent or not. Get outta that car!" yelled the sheriff. A second flurry of activity ensued for a few heartbeats, and Jim put his hand on his gun. Finally the door cracked open and a disheveled blond head slowly came out of the door. "Fuck'n chill, Man. I'm fuck'n come'n out. Just gimme a fuck'n second." Sheriff White Cloud grabbed the kid and pushed him facing against the side of the car. "Spread em, kid; and watch your smart mouth or you'll end up in jail for the night. Now, you, get out of that car!" pointing to the other figure in the back seat. Jim was only slightly surprised to see another male head emerging from the car. As he slowly emerged, he raised his hands, which were trembling visibly. Once he was out and standing with his hands up, Jim looked him over with a deepening scowl on his face, and then glanced at the kid. The Sheriff would guess the man's age at about 30, and the kid at around 14. On second inspection, it became evident that this kid was hooking to survive on the streets. How this guy had gotten the kid to agree to come with him to the middle of nowhere was slightly frightening to Jim. It would be too easy for someone to bring a homeless kid out to the middle of the sticks, and dispose of the body later. He decided this was a situation that would quickly get out of hand; so he put cuffs on the kid and then pushed him back against the car. Turning to the older man, he easily slid into his persona of hardened cop. "ID. Now," said the sheriff in a clipped tone. The guy fumbled with his wallet, keeping one hand up and he handed it to the sheriff. In his hesitancy, he lost his balance and lurched forward. Before he knew what had happened he was face down across the trunk of the car, with the Sheriff's revolver trained on him. As he turned his head and looked up the barrel, his eyes widened in fear and he omitted a soft groan. "Oh shit. Don't shoot me. Oh god please don't shoot me. It's not what it looks like," whimpered the john. "It looks like you're out in the middle of nowhere, on private land, having sex with a 14 year old boy. That's what it looks like!" snapped the sheriff. "I ain't fuck'n 14! I'm fuck'n almost 17!" mouthed off the kid. Sheriff White Cloud turned his hardened visage on the kid. "I warned you! You need to watch your smart mouth. If you have any sense you won't say another damn word." Turning back to the adult, he stepped back and rifled through his wallet. Pulling out his driver's license, he looked over at the guy's terror filled face. "Kevin, Kevin Boorman huh. Well Mr. Boorman, it looks like you had a lot of explaining to do." "Honest Sherriff, it isn't what it looks like. I just picked the kid up on the highway. He needed a ride. That's all!" said Kevin. "You fuck'n son of a bitch. You're a fuck'n liar! You picked me up at that fuck'n park in the city. You said you'd give me fuck'n $100 to have sex with you! Asshole! You said we wouldn't get caught!" Jim barked at the kid, "Shut it!" Turning back to Boorman, he grabbed his arm and turned him around. When he did, he heard a whimper of fear and almost immediately smelled the odor of urine. The sheriff stepped back as the front of the terrified man's pants darkened with pee. Jim looked at the quivering individual and his drenched pants and sighed. Technically in Oklahoma, there was no age of consent for same sex encounters, and if this kid really was over 16, probably a trespassing charge would be all he could get to stick. And at this point, he was more concerned with the kid. He didn't look good, and he'd obviously been on the streets for months. His skeletal thin body and unwashed hair were indicators that he wasn't doing well. Jim probably should take him to the juvenile center, but somehow he thought that Mitch and Darrin might be able to help out this one too. It was worth a shot. "No one do anything stupid. I need to call this in." With that the sheriff stepped back to his car and called in Boorman's information. Quickly determining that he had no arrest record, he returned and handed the license back to Kevin, who was standing and shaking, his pants soaked to the knees in pee. "Get out of here," said the sheriff. "I don't want my car stinking like piss. But I have your information and if I need to find you, I can." Boorman nodded frantically and raced to the driver side of his car while the sheriff pulled the handcuffed kid to his feet. They both watched as the small car peeled out down the road, it's high whining engine maxed out as he raced from the scene. With a sneer the kid turned and looked at Jim. "Fuck, he wasn't even very good." Jim let out a bark of a laugh and walked the kid slowly to the squad car. "What's your name? I can't keep calling you kid." The youngster flipped his hair back and gave Jim a defiant look. "Don't cross me boy. Do you have a license? Since you're almost 17 and all." That seemed to be the final straw, and you juvenile's attitude deflated. "Trent. My goddamn mother fuck'n name's Trent. Yeah, I have an id, it's in my fuck'n wallet." The sheriff carefully fished a small wallet from the kids back pocket. Opening it cautiously he noted the name and birthday. Unbelievably the kid really was only days from turning 17. Calling in Trent's information, he was slightly surprised to find he had no priors. "Alright Mr. Jones, it looked like you'll be going for a little visit tonight." "Fine, take me to juvee. I'll be fuck'n gone from there by morning," said Trent. "No, not Juvenile. I'm taking you to the ranch," Jim said with a slight smile as he helped Trent into the back seat. \<\>\<\>\<\>\<\> Darrin and Mitch kept glancing out the window. Sheriff White Cloud had called them about an hour ago and had briefly filled them in on the kid he had taken in, and asked them if he could stay with them. Without hesitation they said he was welcome, and now were waiting for his arrival. Josh had also been told about the new arrival, but didn't seem to care one-way or the other. Finally they saw headlights swing into the driveway. Both men moved to the door and watched as the car came to rest in front of their house. As the two figures moved into the ellipse cast by the porch light, Mitch opened the door and ushered them in. The sheriff led the slender figure with him into the living room before turning to Darrin and Mitch. "Guys, this is Trent Jones. He needs a place to stay. He's almost 17, so he'll need to get into school as soon as possible. I'm afraid that what he's wearing is about all he owns. I can probably get some clothes from the church . . ." Sheriff White Cloud stopped and gauged their reaction. He saw they were studying the person standing in the middle of the room. Trent had thrown back the hood of his jacket and was staring at them through the one eye that wasn't buried under his chin length bangs. When he turned to look at them, his lips made a hard line under his too young looking ice blue eyes. As Trent flipped his head to move his bangs, Mitch saw the row of rings coming down the edge of his ear, as well as another ring through his upper lip. A few scraggly wisps of hair clung to his chin, all of which certainly made him look younger than 17. About the time the tension was starting to build, Josh walked into the room with Max. A brief smile flashed on Trent's face as the dog walked over to him. He watched closely as the dog smelled him, and then lay down across his feet. Looking up he nodded at Josh. "Nice mutt." Josh bristled at Trent's words and snapped at him, "He's not a mutt! His name is Max and he's a purebred working Border Collie." "Well big fuck'n shit. Don't get your fuck'n panties in a twist. I was just say'n the dog's ok." Josh bristled and called Max to him. When the response he got was a huge yawn as Max rested his head on Trent's canvas shoes, Josh stomped back into the bedroom. Watching Trent lean down to scratch Max behind the ears, the three men moved back to talk. "The case worker will be out first thing Monday morning. They'll arrange for a physical and any treatments he might need. I'll talk to her and encourage them to leave him here. I don't know anywhere better for a kid in his situation." Darrin looked at the young man standing in their living room and turned back to the sheriff with a sad smile. "Is this a trend, Jim?" "I'd like to say no. But in all likelihood, so long as you and Mitch are willing, this is the best place for these kids." Trent turned to them with an undecipherable look on his face. "I'm not a fuck'n deaf old fart, ya'know. And you fuck'n can't keep me here if I don't want to stay," said Trent. Darrin started to reply, when to his surprise Mitch started to talk. "You can leave any time. But where are you going to go? Was it that great where you were before? Here you have people who might understand, and might even care about you if you give us half a chance. But at 16 you don't have many choices, and you don't have many more chances to turn your life around." Sheriff White Cloud drilled Trent with his eyes and then started speaking. "Mitch's right. You don't have many chances left, kid. And that mouth isn't going to get you anywhere. The tough guy language might have worked in the city, but here you better drop it, and fast." Trent looked like he was going to reply, but instead turned his back to the trio and sat down on the floor with Max crawling across his lap for more good scratches.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, club, detective, fetish, genetic, gumshoe, investigator, New York, PI, private eye, sci-fi, science fiction Text: "A private investigator?" the checkout girl asked. "You mean like in the old movies?" "Yeah," I sighed, leaving with my bourbon. "Only not like in the old movies." I get this a fair amount. People seem to think that because Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade are fictional characters, then PIs themselves must be fantasy, too. I'm starting to think they're right. There are an alarming number of people who treat me like I don't exist. And yet, there's my name on the door: Rick McGuffin, Private Investigations. I'll spare you the life story, but a few years on both sides of the law led me to a place where I can find out things that other people can't. An old friend here, a few hunches there, some slicing skills, a nanocom, the willingness to actually do research – it can pay off, or at least pay the bills. I can think of worse careers. Just not too many. As you probably know, New York is weird. Greenwich Village proves it all on its own, but there are so many little pockets of peculiar in this town that it would be tough to say who's in the lead on any given day. And somewhere near the turn of the 21st century, it got even weirder. Mother Nature is a whore, but Big Science is her pimp; together they created everything I never wanted to see outside my second-floor office above St. Mark's Place. Honestly, I miss the piercings and tattoos – they were quaint next to the weird shit walking the streets now. After the whole ecosystem-domino-effect-thing, nobody was surprised when we saw the first mutations – or "traits," if you want to be polite to the aberrations. Yet instead of being shunned, those who developed traits were celebrated as celebrities. Well, at least, the ones who got cool shit were. Green skin, extra vocal cords, the occasional extra finger or toe...basically, stuff that was uselessly unique yet also gave them their 15 seconds of fame. And when Mother Nature couldn't crank out new biological fashion trends fast enough, Big Science took over the mass production. Recreational gene-splicing quickly made "defaults" antique; those not lucky enough to have tiny wings or iridescent pupils could easily roll their own freakshow. And now, everybody's special. Ain't that America. The genetically mutated and the genetically modified came to be "gems," with only "natural" or "synths" denoting how they got to the other side of human. I had my own term for them: "Traitors." For one, it was funnier. And B, their rise to prominence is as good a reason to drink as any of my others. 2. As a PI, I spend too much time in my office for it to be profitable. Actually, "office" is giving it too much credit. I work in a 10-foot-square box with a cracked window that lets the pollution seep in. It's rent-controlled so it hasn't been upgraded in several decades, unless you count the duct tape. Normally I wouldn't take a VIM call that interrupted a lunch from Curry Burger, but the incoming tag said it was from Gwen. She hadn't called in seven months, so I made the exception, because Gwen is exceptional. I pushed the "food" aside, wiped my mouth, and touched the Answer icon. "Hi, Gwen." I tried to sound normal. I have no idea if I pulled it off. "Hi, Rick." The screen didn't do her justice; it couldn't capture her sparkling blue eyes or golden hair the way my memory did. But it was all over her gorgeous face: This was awkward. I had hoped this was the call that would make everything go back to the way it was. It obviously wasn't. I realized an uncomfortable silence was no way to win her back. "What's up?" "Rick...Cynthia's missing." Cynthia and Gwen were always close, long before they came to New York with the standard dreams of fame and fortune. Opposites attract; Gwen tended to be demure and shy, while Cynthia was challenging and overt. Cynthia was sharp, too; she'd even helped me run interference on a few cases. I'd flirted with both girls, but only fell in love with one. "Missing? C'mon," I blurted out. "She's busy. She's probably just focused on the premiere." "Rick." Gwen went from merely uncomfortable to legitimately insulted – and frightened. I immediately regretted my tone. "It's been three days now. No VIMs, no messages, and she didn't show up last night. She hasn't been home and nobody's seen her at the theater, either. Something's happened." The city was always dangerous, especially for an attractive young thing like Cynthia. I was now concerned, but tried not to show it. "When was the last time you talked to her?" "Monday night. When I didn't hear from her in-between, I figured she was just crashing at the theater, exhausted from rehearsals. You know. But she's never missed our Thursday dinner." "All right," I said, trying to sound reassuring. "Look – don't panic. I've got a few things I can check. I'll call you as soon as I find anything." "Rick..." She looked like she was going to say something, then stopped herself. "Thank you," she said, and looked away. "No problem," I said, after my own uncomfortable pause. "Thank you" wasn't what I was really hoping to hear, but it would have to do. 3. I double-checked everything Gwen told me; unfortunately, it was all true. A friend at the security company confirmed that Cynthia's last biometric entry was Monday morning when she locked the door. Well, at least Cynthia's biometric handprint locked the door. Anything's possible. This is New York. I switched tactics and started slicing. A routine image recognition hack – checking Cynthia's photo against a real-time security camera database – paid off quicker than I could have hoped. Problem was, it didn't make any sense. Like a lot of other theater people, Cynthia lived in Hell's Kitchen, but I spotted her on multiple cams way the hell down near the Franklin Street subway station – a good three miles away. That wasn't Cynthia's part of town. What's worse, I knew whose part of town it was. Whatever your damage might be, you could be sure there was a trendy underground hotspot somewhere in the city for your claim to genetic shame – and most of them were scattered in the blocks below Canal Street. Home to many celebrities over the years, lower Manhattan had always attracted the affluent and the arrogant – and traitors, having enough money to play God with themselves, fit right in. Tribeca was lousy with them. And that's where images of Cynthia kept popping up, on three different days since she'd gone missing. You know that feeling of dread you get in the pit of your stomach when you know something's going to go bad? This is the first time it actually kicked in for me on this case. It wouldn't be the last. 4. Just to be thorough – and to avoid visiting Tribeca until I absolutely had to – I visited their apartment building to triple-check in person, then reluctantly hopped the 2 train from Times Square down to Franklin. I almost didn't hear the maglev signals at the subway platform because I was fascinated by a young girl – couldn't have been more than 16 – sporting a blonde pony tail. I mean, literally, the tail of a pony, flowing out over the back of her jeans. Little girls with rich daddies used to ask for a horse; now, they just wanted the hooves. The light was already fading when I emerged at Franklin Street. The cluster of camera sightings were focused around the same three-block area, so I took up residence in a java joint on the corner of Varick and quietly made my coffee Irish. I kept one eye on the street and one on my nanocom, watching for any new matches from the security cameras. I wound up using both. I got a beep that reported two image matches roughly a block and a half away and heading in my direction. Several seconds later, she walked right by the coffee shop window – and if I wasn't looking for Cynthia, I might not have recognized her. Rubber leggings weren't what I expected, and the metallic silver jacket didn't exactly make it look like she was hiding, but I got enough of a look at her face and her trademark auburn hair to know it was really her. She didn't spot me, so I tapped my nanocom on the corner of the table to pay and quickly slipped out the front door. I knew I had a positive ID, but if the wardrobe didn't throw me, the body language sure was confusing – and distracting. She moved with an exaggerated swagger I'd only seen her use on stage, like she wanted people to notice her. I didn't mind the view, but I had to look fast – wherever she was headed, she was headed there in a hurry. Turns out the chase didn't last long. Just a block away, she knocked on the side door of a building; she muttered something and they let her in. By the time I reached the door, it was sealed up tight again, but I did notice the small security panel mounted next to the door – a high-end audio/video/biometric deal. Whoever Cynthia was there to see, they weren't very inviting. Twilight had set in, so I headed across the street to a small bar for surveillance and spirits. Bourbon in hand, I took a seat by the window, set my nanocom's mic to parabolic and aimed it at the door across the street. The building was an old decommissioned firehouse, something of a local landmark; Cynthia had entered through what had been the side staff entrance, and I doubted that the main garage doors had been opened for a good decade. After about 10 minutes, a pedestrian with half his hair carefully shaved to look extremely random knocked on the door through my earpiece. "I think you've made a mistake," said a voice through the speaker. "To err is human," said the pedestrian. I heard a soft beep and a click as the door opened. Hilarious Haircut ducked inside. Click, two beeps. Five minutes later, the same exchange and entry was repeated for Blonde With More Money Than Taste. Sounded easy enough. 5. It was properly dark now, which only made me feel more daring. The bourbon hadn't hurt my confidence, either. I approached the door. The speaker clicked. "I think you've made a mistake," said the voice. "To err is human," I said. The lock clicked and the door pushed open easily. I slipped inside. "Welcome," said an impossibly large man in an impossibly large black t-shirt. His muscles had muscles. "You're among friends." It was almost as dark inside as it was outside. The firehouse had been converted to a nightclub – and by the looks of it, the conversion had been hasty. I gingerly took a few steps on a nearby ramp that led to the landing above, hoping to get a better sense of the place, if not a glimpse of Cynthia. A series of seemingly haphazard ramps – accent on the hazard – led up three, maybe four stories, offering a clear view of the sea of people on the ground floor, none of whom seemed willing to get too far from the bar near the door. I scanned the crowd for a silver jacket but didn't see it. Pink hair here, cat eyes there...frankly, not as many traits as I'd expected to see. But hey, at least I was among friends, right? As I climbed another ramp, it became clear that the upper floors were designed as semi-private meeting areas. Small groups of people gathered around sofas and tables, chatting, smiling. Form-fitting synthetics seemed to be the dress code; I became aware that I was one of the few not wearing at least one item made of latex or lycra. That, and everybody seemed eerily happy. That just made me more suspicious. This was New York, after all. I spotted a flash of silver and auburn when I hit the third floor; Cynthia was holding court around a coffee table with no coffee on it. Instead, it supported some sort of high-tech hookah pipe, a bouquet of hoses stemming from a vase-shaped base. She spotted me and smiled. "Riiiick," she purred, drawing out the vowel sound with a fake tone of surprise. "Fancy meeting you here." She was performing, and her costume for this show was more elaborate than I thought. A red latex halter corset contrasted with the shiny black leggings. "Long time no see, Cynthia," I replied, trying not to sound as uncomfortable as I felt. "Do you come here often, or for days at a time?" She pressed her lips together in a humorless smile and turned to her audience. "Would you excuse us?" They smiled back and, wordlessly, rose to leave. I caught a glimpse of some epic cleavage from one of the blondes and a generous sweetheart bottom on one of the brunettes as they sashayed by. "What's with the disappearing act? Gwen's been going crazy," I said. "Well, she must have been utterly out of her mind if she decided to call you," she snapped back. We'd sparred before – she was smart, and I loved a challenge – but instead of the usual playful and sarcastic, her tone was now egotistical and mean. I wondered if this was an act. Then I wondered if she'd been acting up until now. "Can't a girl go on a little adventure without having her surrogate mother sic her ex-boyfriend on her?" "Is that where we are? Adventureland?" She paused a moment. "Yes," she replied smugly. "I'm impressed you found your way in. Do you even know where you are?" Her arrogance brought out my sarcasm. "I'm surrounded by traitors in a club that appears to have been constructed without any regard to health and safety ordinances." "The term you're looking for is 'gem,'" she said, with the correcting tone of an elementary schoolteacher. "And if you don't behave yourself, I'll have the one of my partners throw you out." "How many partners do you have? I've always wondered." She looked stung for a moment – score one for Rick – but it passed quickly. She waved for an overmuscled waiter and nodded for him to bring drinks. "We built Aufblas for people a bit more...enlightened than yourself." "You built what?" She pointed to a glowing sign near the bar. "The Aufblas Bar. It's German. And it's where you are, stupid." "Oh, it's German. That's a relief. For a minute I thought your tongue had swollen up." Something flickered across Cynthia's eyes; she blinked slowly and recovered. "You really have no idea, do you?" The bulging waiter appeared with a pair of drinks – some clear liquid in a martini glass, and some brown in a tumbler – and Cynthia motioned for me to sit. I cautiously accepted the seat and the bourbon. "Here's what I do know. You're hiding in plain sight as part-owner of a gem bar, and I can't figure out why." She didn't react, so I decided to stand down. "Is everything okay?" Still no reaction. "Is this about Gwen?" She rolled her eyes over her martini. "Rick, everything is not about Gwen. For everyone's sake, let it go." "Well, what's this all about?" Cynthia paused for a moment, then sighed heavily. "I'm just tired of not living life on my terms," she said. "I still live in someone else's apartment. I perform in someone else's show. My choices have all been compromises – and I came to realize that all I was really choosing was who would set my limits. I didn't like that. So I finally decided to choose something else. On my terms." "You ran away." "I took some time for myself," she corrected, "for something important." The awkward pause told me everything I needed to know. I added another, then asked, "Are you a traitor?" She laughed in exasperation. "Are you a bigot?" "No! But I don't think there's any shame in being normal." "Look, I don't know why you've always felt threatened," she said crossly. "People got all concerned about natural gems, but it was just the same cosmic joke with a twist – same planet, same problems. They still didn't get to choose anything. But synths...they get the best of both worlds. All the choice and total control." "So you're saying you had work done?" I shrugged, retreating to my bourbon. "Okay, you've got a new life. No reason to hide from your old one." "Don't pretend you approve," she barked. "You think this is all a fad, a fashion trend." On cue, a girl with rainbow eyebrows walked past our table. "Cyn. Come on." "It's more, Rick, for some of us," she said, lowering her tone. "We can become our wildest dreams. Why not be what you've always wanted to be?" "I am what I want to be," I said defensively. "Really?" she said sarcastically. "Spying on unfaithful spouses? Living alone? Pining after the one that got away?" That hurt enough to make me pause. "I'll do my best not to mistake that for a compliment." "I didn't mean...I'm sorry," she said earnestly. "I'm trying to say...it doesn't have to be that way. You're a good guy, Rick. You can make a change, too." "I don't think a trait is going to make me feel better." "Depends on the trait," she said with a smile. Things were lightening up, but I felt better conferring with the contents of my glass. "Cynthia," I mused aloud, shaking my head with a smirk. "Accent on the synth." "Speaking of which," she said, "I don't think you know which rabbit hole you've tumbled down yet. Aufblas serves a specific clientele. So, mister detective – detect." Her eyes darted to a point behind me, and she gestured for my eyes to follow. At the bar, a raven-haired woman in an elastic green minidress chatted with a blonde man in a black latex tank top who looked like he lived in the gym. His left hand rested on her exaggerated hip, and she didn't mind that he was practically having a conversation with her oversized rack. A very shapely brunette approached the couple, welcomed by each with a kiss, as her skin took on a purple hue. I turned back to Cynthia. "Muscleheads and whores?" She sighed. "A demonstration, then." She leaned forward to select a hose from the vase on the table; as she pulled it, it extended several feet from its base. Cynthia paused, almost solemnly. "All of our choices shape us," she said. "Some more literally than others." She put the hose between her lips, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. Her silver jacket adjusted itself as her lungs expanded...and they didn't seem to stop. I watched as the shoulder straps on her corset shifted and her cleavage deepened. She'd grown two cup sizes before releasing the hose from her lips. They now formed a blissful smile, and she reluctantly opened her eyes. In a sultry voice that made it clear she'd just had a very pleasant personal experience, she whispered, "Are you sure...that a trait...can't make you happy?" 6. I wasn't sure what to say. A friend I'd known for years suddenly sucked on a straw just turned herself on by blowing herself up like a balloon. Well, two balloons. I had to admit – witnessing the moment and seeing the results affected my breathing, too. I tried to play it off. "That looked...fulfilling." "Oh, I'm far from full," she replied, folding her arms behind her head to bring her breasts up to full prominence. She was flirting with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. I spotted what looked like a tiny valve near her armpit; I decided not to ask. "But as you can see, my trait brings pleasure to myself as well as others. Now I have choice and control." I felt distracted and stupid. "So..." I couldn't believe I was going to say this out loud. "You're inflatable." This explained her swagger on the street. With freshly exaggerated curves, she was probably still getting accustomed to walking with rounder hips and thighs. "It's one of the newest traits, just cleared a few months ago," she said, smiling at her own cleavage. "I started saving up for the splice as soon as I heard it was in development." "And this isn't a fad." "No," she said, taking a distractingly deep breath. "It's something I've always wanted – long before it was possible, even," she said, a hint of shyness creeping in. "But it was just something I felt, a fantasy I couldn't explain. It's still kind of a naughty thrill to be able to talk about it, let alone live it. The sense of pressure...gives me a sense of power." Well, there was nothing for me to say to that. Back to the bourbon, which seemed to be kicking in. "It certainly won't hurt my theatrical career," she added, gesturing at her curves. "They don't hide girls who look like this in the chorus." "I guess not." "After the splice, I had a little money left over, so I invested here. I like to think of it as the ultimate growth market." She smiled, and raised her drink in a mock toast. "At Aufblas, our bouncers actually bounce." "So you're all a bunch of loonies." "Times have changed, Rick," she said, letting the insult go. I guess she could tell the booze was starting to talk for me. "Actually, the whole world has changed around you. I'd hate to see it leave you behind." "Look, I may be surprised now, but I am...happy for you," I sighed. "You can be happy for you, too," she said, sliding a fingertip down the side of her breast. "We both know what you like." It took all I had to ignore that and continue. "But Gwen doesn't deserve this silent treatment. You guys are like sisters. Why leave her out?" "I told you," she said, sliding around the sofa toward me. "I'm finally truly free to make my own choices, and I don't want anything – or anyone – getting in the way." She leaned forward, playing her pair of queens even closer to my vest as I tried to blink the bourbon away. "This is a fresh start for me, and I know exactly what I want this time." She put her hand on my hand, then put my hand on her thigh. I didn't want to enjoy it as much as I did, but the booze had removed a lot of my better judgment. "I know we've both wondered what might have happened between us, Rick. And we both know we're a good team. This can be a fresh start for you, too. Besides...I've already admitted I have control issues." I felt something stroke my crotch. "Looks like you're having a few yourself." Cynthia had definitely made things harder than I'd expected tonight. "You know, the straws aren't the only way to fill up," she whispered. "I can show you the others, but not out here. How do I arrange a...private investigation?" My head was swimming; Cynthia had been replaced by a hazy pair of red lips floating over two round hills. "Cyn," I slurred, "I don't feel so good." "Well, it's about time," she said in an echo chamber. "It should have kicked in ten minutes ago." Everything went dark. 7. "Welcome back." I slowly regained consciousness. My head felt like a battleground. Opening my eyes seemed like a bad idea just yet, but I was pretty sure that I was sitting, and that I was hearing Cyn's voice. "Did we enjoy our little nap?" The voice came closer. "You certainly can hold your liquor, Rick. Probably someone else's too." I wanted to shoot back with something witty but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a cough and a moan. "I'll take that to mean 'Where am I,'" Cynthia said, "and that's a fair question. You've been upgraded to one of our elite private rooms here at the club. Consider yourself a special guest." "I've never been so sorry to be on the guest list," I croaked, still squinting. "Do you always drug your VIPs?" "Actually, most of them prefer to self-medicate," she said nonchalantly. Through cloudy eyes and dim light I could see she was still wearing the black latex outfit, and the extra curves that filled it. "But I am sorry about that. It seemed the best way to get the job done." When I went to rub my eyes, I found I couldn't move my arms. My wrists had been bound behind me; I guessed from the feel that they were magnetic cuffs. "Cyn, look...I said I was fine with whatever changes you've chosen. You want to get gemmed, fine – you don't need to hold me hostage." "That's such an unpleasant word," she replied. "Think of yourself as a guest so valued that I've employed deluxe measures to ensure your security." "And since when did I become so special?" "You always were," she purred. My eyes had fully focused now. Cynthia was straddling a backwards chair about five feet in front of me, arms folded on its back. With her legs spread wide, it was clear she was still in a suggestive mood, and the way her shiny legs caught the dim light, it appeared that she'd added some air to herself while I was knocked out. Her hips and bottom flared with an extra voluptuousness as she leaned forward into the chair's back. "Cyn," I said, "I hate to ruin your mysterious master plan with logic, but if Gwen asked me to find you, don't you think she'll notice when I disappear too?" "I doubt it. For one, you haven't exactly been on the best of terms." "And for two," said another voice, "I've noticed." From the dark side of the room, Gwen appeared. I tried not to reveal just how surprised I was to see her stride out from the shadows. She wore a high-necked, hot-pink minidress with a cyan leather waist cincher decorated with silver buckles. It was as if Barbie decided to go to a ren faire in the 1980s. I was at a loss for words as my mind tried to process everything, so Gwen continued. "Thank you so much for finding Cynthia," she said with a faux sweetness. "She said that after a little acting coaching, I could get you to do anything I asked." "Gwen," I said, stupidly. I could only articulate a single word: "Why?" "Cynthia was telling the truth, you know," she said, strutting over to where Cyn sat and running her finger down her friend's back, which caused them both to smile. "You always have been special. While the rest of the world looks for ways to improve themselves and their lives, you...well, you never have." Cynthia rose from her chair and walked into the dark of the room. Gwen locked her eyes to mine. "So set in your ways. So locked into your narrow view of the world. You've always wanted things your way or not at all." She broke the stare and glanced at the floor. "It's one of the reasons, you know." Cynthia returned with something in her hands, and Gwen met her gaze. "I needed someone more...flexible." They both smiled again, and I felt even more foolish. When the hell did this happen? And why was I never invited? Cynthia held up a silver canister, a few inches long and about an inch thick. After Gwen gave a quick nod of permission, Cynthia moved behind Gwen, wrapped her arms around her midsection, and softly but firmly fitted the end of the cylinder through the buckles of Gwen's waist cincher. Gwen gasped slightly after its soft click, and I heard the canister emit a hollow hiss. With Cynthia's arms keeping the canister connected, Gwen's hands traveled up her ribcage to where her chest had started to visibly expand. Eyes closed, Gwen caressed her swelling breasts, straining against the spandex as they inflated into taut spheres. Her hips and ass followed, flaring below the waist cincher into soft but generous arcs. After about 20 seconds, Gwen's hourglass now measured at least 90 minutes. Cynthia disengaged the cylinder with a click and a yank, causing Gwen to gasp again. "I told you the straws weren't the only way," she said matter-of-factly. This all went against everything I'd known, everything I'd ever believed. Cynthia, I could understand – she was always a wild child, and I figured it was only a matter of time before she went traitor. But Gwen...standing before me, feeling herself up. She slowly – torturously – explored her pneumatic curves in front of me, smoothing her hands down her luciously rounded ass and up to her extraordinarily inflated chest. Her waist remained pinched, but her bust looked ready to bust. "It's amazing," Gwen finally said, a bit dreamily. "The navel...is intense." I felt completely disoriented. My reality had been replaced with a bizarre substitute. Gwen had never so much as hinted that she wanted to be a gem; had she really been harboring this desire all along? Or had Cynthia gotten to her and made her think she wanted it? It was a little too convenient. I couldn't stop turning it over in my head, even though it was moot. The woman in front of me was now an exaggerated parody of the one I used to know – or thought I knew – and she seemed transfixed by her own inflated body. I hated to admit it, but so was I. Seeing the girl of my dreams and her flirty best friend pump themselves up into sexy cartoon versions of themselves before my eyes ranks up there as downright inhumane. We'd all been friends long enough that they knew my preferences for curves; this was clearly intentional torture. So while my hands were literally and figuratively tied, other parts of my body were free to react on instinct. Cynthia was clearly getting her own satisfaction from Gwen's pre-orgasmic state, but she snapped her attention back to me. "Anyway. I finally realized – well, we both did – that your stubbornness was actually a benefit," she said. "With all your biases, you would never try anything new, never change, and certainly never upgrade yourself. And that was valuable in its own way." I saw where she was going and I got there first. "Genbanks." I'd heard stories about what happened in the genetic underground – terrible, inhumane stories. Traits can't be created without uncorrupted control data, and they can't be tested without live subjects. The stories about kidnappings of potential donors. Experiments once they were tapped. Cages for all involved. The genbanks said they were all urban legends, but when people disappear and never return, you have to give them some credence. And this is the fate Cynthia and Gwen had planned for me. "There are parties looking for clean samples," Cynthia said with a nod. "Parties with enough money to recoup the cost of my upgrades, my investment in this place, and then some. So you're gold, Rick. You're not only a pure specimen, you're the only truly unmodified person I know. You don't even have a tattoo." She looked me up and down. "While you were out, I checked." "I'm glad I meet your lofty standards, fraulein," I snarled. "Oh, don't you dare," Cynthia replied with disgust, her swollen hips swaying with every angry step toward me. "The guy who snap-judges people based on their genetics plays the hundred-year-old Hitler card? Spare me. What color is your girlfriend's hair again?" "I'm not his girlfriend," said Gwen suddenly. Wherever her inflation had taken her, she was now returning to reality – whichever one I was suddenly in. But despite her villainous bravado speech before, she had trouble making eye contact with me now. "They're not my standards anyway," said Cynthia, turning with a squeak to give me the impressive rear view. "Our contact was very specific. We don't get paid unless we deliver what we promised." "So draw some blood already," I said angrily. "Get it over with." I could accept losing – I was used to it – but I was getting tired of fruitlessly tugging at the magnetic cuffs keeping me in place, and I just wanted this strangely erotic nightmare to be over already. "Not good enough," Gwen said, getting back into what I started to suspect was a character. "A few of your hairs were enough for pre-screening, but they insisted on payment in full, as it were." "The whole manchilada," said Cynthia with a self-satisfied smirk. "And they wanted a live specimen. I think they've got very special plans for you, Rick." Gwen leaned toward me, overtly presenting her pressurized cleavage. "Besides," she said, cupping her taut breasts and giving them a squeeze. "You can understand why we'd want to stay away from needles." 8. I heard three deliberately timed knocks on the door, and Cynthia disappeared into the shadows. When she opened the door, I briefly saw the hulking silhouettes of two of the club's bodyguards. A few moments later they stepped into the light. "Time to go," said Cynthia. One of the bouncers – a foot taller than me and roughly twice my width – waved a metal wand over my cuffs and they noiselessly separated from each other. As I stood, the cuffs alone felt fairly heavy, and I didn't have time to rub my sore arms before Mr. Massive yanked them behind my back again, reactivating the magnetic field. My wrists slammed together again with a clank. A quick shove from his pal Mr. Imposing let me know that the bouncers' bulges weren't entirely for show; they might have added inflatable traits to fit in at the club, but they also had a few muscle upgrades lurking underneath. Cynthia led the way out of the room and down a long, dim corridor; I guessed were in a basement below the firehouse. The two thugs shoved me into the hallway behind her, then took up either position behind me – like prison guards escorting a doomed man. I didn't see Gwen but I assumed she was following after I heard the door close and lock behind us. The lighting was dungeon-worthy, but it was enough for me to see Cynthia's red hair cascade over her shoulders and the racy curves of her undulating hips. I really hated that I really liked what I was seeing. So round, so firm, so fully packed – I supposed it was easy to get a figure that would drive men wild when you could simply squeeze a bulb to get it. It was bad enough that I'd never seriously pursued Cynthia because of my devotion to Gwen; now that I'd blown both chances, it was as if Cyn was almost literally rubbing it in my face. She paused at a door in the hallway. "I don't want the club seeing him," she said to the bouncers."Take him to the alley exit and I'll meet you in a moment. Gwen, stay with them." Cynthia ducked inside the room as we marched past. Imposing prodded me to hang a right at the upcoming intersection. Now, I don't know if anybody's up there – Jesus, Buddha, Hendrix, Yoda, whatever. After all the weird, sad crap I've seen down here in the material world, I tend to think that nobody's driving the bus. But every so often, I catch an unbelievably lucky break, and one day I hope I find out if there's someone I should be thanking. Because at that precise moment, I knew I owed somebody a nice gift basket. As we turned the corner, I felt my cuffs demagnetize. Massive and Imposing were hired because they were, well, massive and imposing, but they probably couldn't spell the name of an IQ test, let alone pass one. So it didn't occur to Massive that keeping the maglock wand clipped to the front of his belt would put it close enough to my cuffs to set me free. It was silent when the field disengaged, but I felt it, and struggled to keep my arms in position to keep up appearances. I saw another hallway up ahead, and I hoped that adrenaline would get me through what I felt was my only chance. I took a deep breath and, with an audible grunt of effort, spun to my left as fast as I could, swinging my heavy, cuffed right wrist up straight into the side of Massive's face. I heard something crack and he recoiled. Before Imposing had a chance to react, I used my momentum to spin all the way around for another swing, this time with both wrists together, and plowed the cuffs into Imposing's temple. He went down like a sack of genetically modified potatoes, bouncing slightly as he hit the ground. Massive was still clutching the left side of his face when I delivered an uppercut on my third rotation. He staggered back and toppled over — slamming into a shrieking Gwen, who quickly crumpled under his weight, pinned beneath a few hundred pounds of unconscious thug. I didn't know much about the inflation trait, but I knew this much about normal balloons: You can add air, you can subtract air, and if it's not pumped to the max, you can displace the air inside. When Massive landed on Gwen's hips and legs, the air shifted, creeping up her torso with an ominous hiss. Gwen's chest rapidly filled her bubblegum pink dress as it strained to contain them. "Oh fuck," she cried, watching her breasts overinflate like the enormous balloons they had become. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna pop!" I didn't want to see that happen to the girl I'd once loved...so I turned and ran. This was my only opportunity to save myself from a very real future of scientific slavery, so I yanked the maglock from Massive's belt and bolted around the corner. Somewhere down one of these hallways was an exit. 9. I quickly got lost in a maze of dark corridors. As I passed door after dimly-lit door, I tried not to think about what I'd just done, or what kind of deviance lay inside the private suites I was passing. But as desperately as I needed to run, I needed to get these heavy cuffs off first. The adrenaline from the fight was wearing off and arms were now screaming in pain just from the dead metal weight hanging from my wrists. I finally spotted a room with its door ajar and ducked inside. I had trouble processing the sight that lay before me. The center of the room was dominated by some sort of examination table, with a more traditional bed to the right; both featured bondage straps. There was some sort of rubber sack/cocoon/deflated ball thing nearby; I didn't want to know any more about it. Three gas cylinders holding who knows what lined one wall; a rolling cart with various pumps, squeeze bulbs, and small silver canisters sat next to them. A hazmat suit, a gas mask, and various clichéd Halloween costumes ranging from schoolgirl to policeman to nun hung on a rack in the corner; most looked to be made of stretchable fabric. I think I even saw an inflatable horse outfit. There must have been several dozen hoses and tubes of various sizes all around the room – slinking out of the ceiling, snaking out of wall outlets, never more than a few inches away from just about any object in the room. Everything was polished, curved, and smooth; it looked like a science lab pretending to be a bordello. The smell of latex was strong and heady; I wondered if they were pumping it in through the vents. I'd found the weirdest, kinkiest, most deluxe suite for inflation perverts. I sat on the edge of the bed (an air mattress, of course) and fiddled with the settings on the maglock. After keying in a standard override code, the cuffs sprang open and clanked to the floor. I winced and rubbed my tortured wrists. "Put those back on," barked Cynthia. I hadn't seen or heard her come in; I probably should have shut the door behind me, but I was in a bit of a rush. That didn't change the fact that she was now leveling a pistol at me. "Cynthia, this is stupid." "Not as stupid as you thinking I wouldn't see your little adventure in the hallways." She closed the door with her free hand, never lowering her weapon. "Cameras," she said, gesturing to a dome in the corner of the ceiling. "And I bet that's how you tracked me down in the first place, wasn't it? Good old irony." "Cyn, you can't do this!" "Already done," she said, sauntering slowly toward me with those hips, her outstretched arm pressing her bulbous right breast into her bulging left. "The nice men from the genbank are waiting for their package. All that's left to is to deliver what they ordered and collect my credits. So let's go." "What about Gwen?" "She doesn't care about you, Rick. Get up." "I mean, is she okay?" "So now you care, after you heroically ran away from your true love because you thought she was going to explode?" she snarled. "She's resting. And she'll see that was nothing – she's going to be able to get much bigger than that." Goddammit – another cruel mental image. I wished she'd just shoot me. "There has to be some way we can work this out." "No," she said flatly. "It works out by you getting those cuffs back on and marching outside, and me not messing up the nice walls of this room with your brains." I knew she was bluffing. She said it herself: If the genbank was promised a live sample, I was worthless as a corpse. But I didn't really see many options at the moment, so I gingerly put a cuff back on my left wrist. When I grimaced, it wasn't an act. "It must be killing you," she said with a cruel smile. "Seeing the new her, the new me – seeing us together, even – and knowing that you will never have either of us, never be able to enjoy any of the things we can do now." A wave of the maglock secured the cuff to my wrist, and it was at that moment that I realized...I was going to owe Yoda another gift basket. I picked up the other cuff, slammed it on Cynthia's right arm, and bashed her hand with the maglock, simultaneously locking the cuff and making her drop the pistol. With another quick wave of the wand, the two cuffs clanked together as a pair, but an angry shove from Cynthia threw me off balance, and together we tumbled onto the bed, chained at the wrists. Cynthia tried to pull her arm out of the cuff, but she was more likely to pull her arm out of its socket. Realizing it was fruitless, she simply went for my throat with her free hand, forcing my windpipe closed. I gagged for a few seconds, then with a burst of adrenaline, rolled her onto her back. I pinned her thigh to the bed with my knee and pulled her claws away from my throat with a gasp. Her hips flared out suddenly as her derriere pressed against the bed; as with Gwen, the rest of the displaced air shot up her torso and into her already augmented chest. Her breasts surged, creating inches of new cleavage barely contained by the corset. She gasped at the sudden change but kept blindly flailing with her free arm, desperate to do any damage she could, until I pinned her wrist next to her ear. We were still cuffed together – I'd fumbled the maglock when we hit the bed – but at least now I had some physical leverage. I realized I needed to incapacitate her before she turned the tables again. And then I remembered Cynthia's reaction to the straws, and Gwen's to the canisters. I grabbed for one of the closest hoses surrounding the bed, which turned out to be connected to a breathing mask. When I forced it down over Cynthia's face, I heard a click from the other side of the room as the respirator activated. She savaged me with brutal left hooks the moment I released her arm, so I threw my elbow down on her forearm and managed to keep the mask clamped over her nose and mouth. When the hissing began, I didn't see Cynthia start to inflate – I felt it. With my whole body covering hers, I instantly felt her hips begin to grow beneath me, while her chest slowly pressed harder against mine. She struggled at first and her eyes shot open, but then she screwed them shut as I heard her moan behind the mask. The red rubber cups of the corset's top stretched to accommodate her ballooning breasts; her hardened nipples poked at me through the latex. I struggled to stay on top of her as her ass continued to swell, forcing her pelvis up into mine. I had hoped that by blowing Cynthia up, I might be able to shut her down. Sure enough, as the air flowed in, her resistance leaked out. Her writhing beneath me now had a different, deliberate tempo to it, and her latex tights pinged and creaked as they tried to keep up with her rapidly swelling form. I lunged for another nearby hose – it had some sort of connector on it, like the one on the cylinder Cynthia used on Gwen. I grabbed it and stuffed in between us, looking for her navel under the boning of the corset, and finally hit the mark with a soft click. Cyn gasped, and I felt her abdomen bulge slightly, then recede beneath the heavy corset stays – and all the other swelling areas got a boost. I spotted the valve near her armpit, and with a lucky lunge snagged another hose to match it. Another soft connection click and Cyn's breathing became heavy pants of pleasure. I felt her inflate faster beneath me. I didn't dare remove the mask, but I knew I couldn't stay cuffed to her for much longer. I spotted the missing maglock on the left side of the bed, so I moved our connected arms as one, grabbed the rod upside down, and disengaged the cuffs with a one-handed wave of the wand. Cynthia wasn't trying to beat me senseless anymore, so with another quick tap of the controls, I completely unlocked the cuffs from both of us. She didn't notice; she was delirious with pleasure and still moaning as she swelled. With her arms free, she grabbed at my hips, pulling me closer, as if trying to force me to enter her. When that went nowhere, she focused on herself, cupping the sides her enormous breasts, pressing in to feel them inflating against her hands. Experimentally I removed my hand from the mask; Cynthia didn't even notice. At this point her pleasure centers were clearly running at full tilt. I slid off her body and stared at what Cynthia had become. She was more voluptuous than any woman I'd ever fantasized about, let alone seen – spherical breasts bulging straight out from her ribcage, ready to burst free of the crimson cups at any moment. Her still-slim corseted waist gave way to pneumatic, rounded hips and tapered thighs, backed by an enormous ass that pushed her pelvis skyward. She was someone's ultimate fantasy, waiting to be explored – or exploded, by the look of it. Whoever it was, I hoped they had big hands and a lot of stamina. Her staff would find her soon enough, but I didn't want to be here when they did – and I still needed to get out before the genbank goons threw me in a cage. I took one last, long, lascivious look at Cynthia 2.0 – still inflating obscenely before my eyes – before heading for the door. Over the hissing, I swore I heard Cynthia call out a single muffled word from behind her mask: "More..." 10. After all that trouble, I managed to waltz out of Aufblas through the main door with little more than the bruises from Cynthia's jabs. Apparently she'd kept the whole affair on the down-low, and Gwen was nowhere to be seen, so nobody even attempted to stop me. The first light of dawn lit my way to the subway, and I headed back to my place, thoroughly exhausted. New York wasn't safe for me anymore; Cynthia could have shown up at my doorstep with the scumbags from the genbank at any moment. I hated to leave the city but I was a marked man, so I had to leave, at least for now. I knew from investigating identity theft that it was fairly easy to acquire a new name, and I knew a maglev ticket could have me in Los Angeles in an hour. I didn't have many possessions worth keeping, so it didn't take me long to pack. Just some slicing gear, my nanocom and some data archives, some papers and photos, my meager life's savings, and some bad memories that I'd probably relive forever. I spent a lot of the weeks that followed asking myself the same questions over and over. How had Cynthia convinced her to turn traitor? Was she truly acting of her own free will? Had I driven her away by being too inflexible? When did she and Gwen become a couple? Ultimately, which was the real Gwen – the girl who laughed at all my jokes while we were dating, or the one who set me up for my own kidnapping? And the heartbroken ex-boyfriend, leaving Gwen on the floor when she was helpless and terrified that she was going to explode...was that the real me? The answer to all of those questions is always the same: Bourbon. I told you at the beginning. It's not like the movies. There are no happy endings.
Title: Thomas (Der zweite Tag) by Fjordwolf Tags: Albino, Collie, German Language, M/solo, Masturbation, Sorrow, Wolf Direkte Fortsetzung der Story "Thomas (Der erste Tag)" copyright (c) 04/2005 Fjordwolf Verwendung der Story oder Teilen der Story ist nur mit Genehmigung des Erstellers erlaubt. Private Nutzung ist frei. Keine unauthorisierte Vervielfältigung im Internet. --- Thomas (Der zweite Tag) Das warme Wasser lief seinen weißen Körper hinunter und wusch auch die letzten Spuren der Geschehnisse des Tages ab. Thomas verkroch sich in seinem Zimmer und starrte lange an die weiße Decke. "Bin ich wirklich so anders? Nur weil ich aussehe als wäre ich in Mehl gefallen? Ich hasse dieses weiße Fell." Er fing an zu weinen. Dicke Tränen liefen an seinem weißen, seidigen Fell hinunter und befeuchteten das Bettlaken. Seine Gedanken wechselten immer von der schönen Laika zu den drei Übeltätern, die ihn heute so böse misshandelt haben. Er wusste nicht, wie es weitergehen sollte. Mit seinen Eltern konnte er über solche Dinge nicht sprechen. Und so blieb er den ganzen Abend in seinem Zimmer auf dem Bett liegen und hielt sein Wolf-Plüschie im Arm. Wie gerne wollte er die Farben von dem Plüschie haben. Doch er war weiß. 'Döt Döt Döt Döt'. Thomas zuckte zusammen. Schon war die Nacht vergangen. Er war eingeschlafen ohne es zu bemerken und ratzfatz war die Nacht schon wieder vorüber. Den Weg zur Schule musste er heute selber gehen, weil seine Eltern schon sehr früh aus dem Haus gegangen sind. Sein Frühstück hatten sie ihm auf den Tisch gestellt. "Hey", hörte Thomas es rufen als er die Straße entlang ging. Verschreckt drehte er sich um. Es war Ben. Thomas wandte sich ab und versuchte, ihm davon zu laufen. Doch Ben folgte ihm und kam immer näher. Wieder rief er: "Thomas, warte doch mal. Hab keine Angst, ich will dir nichts tun." Doch Thomas lief weiter. Ben jedoch war schneller und hatte ihn schon bald eingeholt. Er hielt Thomas am Arm fest, der jedoch versuchte sich zu wehren, blieb dann aber an der Hauswand stehen. "Thomas, warte doch." Sagte Ben ein wenig aus der Puste. "Hey, hab keine Angst. Ich wollte mich entschuldigen für das was gestern passiert ist." Thomas hörte auf sich gegen den Griff von Ben zu wehren, der ihn daraufhin losließ. "Ich habe einen großen Fehler gemacht gestern, den ich nicht wieder gutmachen kann. Weißt du, Kevin übt eine ziemlich starke Macht aus." "Lass mich in Ruhe", antwortete Thomas ihm. "Es tut mir leid Thomas. Ehrlich. Sowas wie gestern haben wir noch nie gemacht. Und das hat mir auch gezeigt, zu was Kevin fähig ist. Ich habe nur aus Gruppenzwang mitgemacht. Bitte verzeih mir. Ich werde nie wieder jemanden missbrauchen oder verprügeln." "Wenn du das ernsthaft meinst, dann glaube ich dir. Aber lass mich trotzdem in Ruhe." "Okay. Es tut mir leid." Mit diesen Worten drehte sich Ben um und ging mit gesengtem Kopf die Straße hinunter die sie zuvor hochgekommen waren. In der Schule angekommen lief Thomas die Gänge entlang zu seinem Schulraum und setzte sich sofort auf seinen Platz. Einige seiner Mitschüler waren bereits da, nahmen aber nicht wirklich Notiz von ihm. Sein Blick hing starr auf der Eingangstür des Klassenraumes. Er zuckte zusammen, als Danny den Raum betrat. Thomas sah ihn an, doch Danny wich seinem Blick immer wieder aus und setzte sich ebenfalls an seinen Platz und schaute betroffen in ein Buch, das er vor sich hinlegte. Nach und nach kamen die anderen Mitschüler in die Klasse und schließlich folgte die Lehrerin, die hinter sich die Tür schloß. Ben ist nicht aufgetaucht und auch Kevin fehlte. Genauso Laika. Noch bevor die Lehrerin an ihrem Platz war um den Unterricht zu beginnen, fragte Thomas Kira, wo denn Laika sei. Diese antwortete nur, daß sie krank im Bett läge und die nächsten Tage wohl nicht zur Schule käme. Das aber Kevin und Ben nicht da waren, machte Thomas nicht wirklich etwas aus. Die erste Doppelstunde zog sich ewig hin und Thomas war froh, als endlich der Pausengong schlug. Einige Schüler verließen wieder den Klassenraum, Thomas aber blieb auf seinem Platz sitzen und kramte ein Pausenbrot aus seiner Tasche. Sein Blick fiel immer wieder im Wechsel aus dem Fenster und zum Platz von Danny, der ebenfalls den Raum verlassen hatte. Vom Fenster aus konnte Thomas auf den Pausenhof runterschauen. In einer Ecke entdeckte er Danny, der wohl eine Auseinandersetzung mit jemand anderem hatte. Thomas konnte aber nicht erkennen um wen es sich dabei handelte. "Buh." Thomas erschrak. Kira stand hinter ihm und hatte ihm einen tüchtigen Schrecken eingejagt. "Na, gibs da was zu gucken?" Meinte sie neugierig. "Nö, eigentlich nicht." Thomas versuchte,eher desinteressiert zu wirken. "Was ist eigentlich mit Laika? Hat sie eine schlimme Krankheit?" "Sie hat einen angeborenen Herzfehler und muss häufiger ins Krankenhaus zur Untersuchung. Deshalb ist sie heute nicht da. Morgen kommt sie wieder." "Einen Herzfehler? Ist das schlimm?" Fragte Thomas besorgt. "Bisher hat sie keine wirklichen Probleme damit. Das kann sich aber schnell ändern, deshalb muss sie ja so oft zur Untersuchung." "Na,dann wollen wir mal das Beste hoffen." Nach und nach kamen die Schüler zurück in die Klasse. Auch Danny war wieder zurück. Wieder wich er Thomas' Blicken aus und setzte sich schnell auf seinen Platz. Die ganze Schulstunde über schien Danny desorientiert zu sein, denn er passte anscheinend kein bisschen auf. Dreimal wurde er bei einer Aufgabe von der Lehrerin ausgewählt und nicht einmal konnte er richtig antworten. Wieder zog sich die Doppelstunde ewig hin. Durch seinen andauernden Blick auf seine Armbanduhr verging die Zeit überhaupt nicht. Thomas dachte die ganze Zeit über an Laika. Tatsächlich hat es ihn doch betroffen gemacht als Kira ihm sagte, daß sie im Krankenhaus sei, doch tat er so, als würde ihn das nur peripher betroffen machen. Endlich ertönte der Pausengong. Die Lehrerin hielt die Schüler allerdings noch zurück um ihnen mitzuteilen, daß die letzte Stunde heute ausfiele, da die Lehrer eine Besprechung haben. Mit Gejubel rannten alle Schüler aus der Klasse um sich die Zeit besser zu vertreiben als in der Schule zu sitzen. Thomas aber blieb auf seinem Platz sitzen. Die Lehrerin bemerkte Thomas und fragte ihn, ob er nicht auch gehen möchte. Sie müsse ja schließlich den Raum abschließen. "Frau Tensahr, hatten sie schon mal das Gefühl anders zu sein?" Fragte Thomas in besorgtem Ton seine Lehrerin. "Das hat wohl jeder mal", antwortete sie. "Schauen sie mich doch mal an. Ich bin ein Albino. Wieso tut die Natur mir sowas an? Warum ausgerechnet ich?" Seine Miene ging ins traurige über. "Thomas, so darfst du das nicht sehen. Nur wegen deiner Fellfarbe bist du doch nicht anders. Du bist was ganz besonderes. So ein reines weißes Fell wünschen sich so viele, aber du hast es. Schau mich doch an. Orangefarbenes Fell und manche der schwarzen Streifen mag ich auch nicht. Aber ich bin nunmal so und akzeptiere es." "Aber man ärgert mich weil ich so weiß bin", sagte Thomas verzweifelt. "Ärger aus dieser Klasse?" "Ja." "Und wer ärgert dich?" Versuchte Frau Tensahr Thomas zu entlocken. "Gestern waren es drei. Heute morgen hat sich einer bei mir entschuldigt dafür. Aber ich schäme mich vor dem was die getan haben." "Was haben die denn getan?" Fragte die Lehrerin weiter. "Das kann ich nicht sagen." Antwortete Thomas. "Ich will jetzt gehen." Mit diesen Worten griff er seine Schultasche und rannte aus dem Klassenraum heraus. Draussen auf dem Schulhof war es bereits recht leer. Die gesamte Schule hatte frei bekommen und nur noch wenige Schüler hielten sich auf dem Schulgelände auf. Die meisten warteten darauf, daß sie abgeholt werden. In einer Ecke entdeckte Thomas Danny. Er schaute strikt auf das Schultor, als wenn er auf etwas warten würde. Als er Thomas entdeckte kam er langsam auf ihn zu. "Thomas", rief Danny rüber. "Warte mal." Thomas sein Herz fing an zu pochen. Danny war ein Stück größer als er und hatte mattgraues Fell. "Thomas, was da gestern passiert ist.....ich weiß nicht wie ich das sagen soll. Es tut mir leid. Ich möchte das gerne ungeschehen machen." Thomas sein Gesichtsausdruck war eher ratlos als erstaunt. Innerlich war er recht ruhig. "Warum hast du das getan?" Fragte Thomas ihn. "Ich weiß es nicht. Ich wollte das eigentlich nicht. Aber als ich dein schönes weißes Fell sah, da wurde mir ganz anders. Niemand hat so schönes Fell wie du. So rein und weiß." "Lass mich in Ruhe Danny", sagte Thomas und ging an ihm vorbei in Richtung Straße. Danny rief ihm noch nach, daß es ihm leid tue, doch Thomas drehte sich nicht mehr um. Zu Hause angekommen setzte er sich an seinen Schreibtisch und schaute aus dem Fenster. "Hmmm....vielleicht ist dieses weiße Fell ja doch nicht so übel", sagte er vor sich hin. Er zog sein T-Shirt aus und stellte sich nur mit Shorts bekleidet vor den Spiegel. Seine roten Augen stachen aus dem weißen Fell hervor. Mit der rechten Pfote fuhr er langsam gegen den Strich durch sein Bauchfell. Das weiße Fell ließ sich ganz sanft bewegen. Sein Schwanz zuckte hin und her als er begann sich mit der Pfote selber zu streicheln. Er sah sich im Spiegel seine Silhouette an und streichelte immer wieder über seine Shorts um die sich inzwischen gebildete Beule zu vergrößern. Als er sich die Shorts ein Stück runterzog stand bereits die Hälfte seines Penisses aus dem Schaft heraus und glänzte feucht und rot. Er zog die shorts ganz aus und betrachtete sich im Spiegel. Immer wieder strich er mit der Pfote über seinen Schaft. Wie seine roten Augen stach auch die prallrote Penisspitze vor dem weißen Fell hervor. Ihm gefiel immer mehr was er sah. Und er spürte, wie es ihn immer mehr erregte als er mit der Pfote seine Hoden, sein Schaft und auch die zarte Haut des Penisses berührte. Erstes Precum spritzte ihm aus dem Penis und befeuchtete sein Bauchfell. Er setzte sich so aufs Bett, daß er sich immer noch im Spiegel sehen konnte. Ihm gefiel diese rot-weiße Farbkombination. Ohne den Blick vom Spiegel zu richten, masturbierte er seinen, inzwischen ganz ausgefahrenen, Penis bis er spürte, daß er kurz vorm Orgasmus stand. Sein Knoten war bereits fast ganz angeschwollen und schon ziemlich hart. Und nach einigen weiteren Berührungen kam er dann auch und spritzte sein Sperma bis an seine Schnauze. Ein paar Tropfen liefen ihm an der Nase herunter die er geschickt mit der Zunge ableckte. Er blieb noch kurze Zeit regungslos auf dem Bett liegen bis sein Knoten einigermaßen wieder abgeschwollen war und ging dann unter die Dusche um die Spermaspuren abzuwaschen. \--Fortsetzung folgt--
Not that it was important, not when his body reached such a size that it could no longer fit in the storeroom, not when he could feel every wall around him pushing against his form, with his physical self pushing back and physically reshaping the entire building around him. It was the last line of defense the nano-compound could offer: if it couldn’t forcefully keep the giant inside of it, then it could at least mould itself to better fit his burgeoning frame, until anyone looking in from the outside would see not a standard building (whatever those looked like on that planet), but rather a dragon-fox-shaped bulge covered in increasingly-strained nanite swarms… at least, until even that was no longer true. Thomas felt the moment where he became truly free, the instant where pressure abated once he crossed an invisible threshold and simply overpowered the adaptive materials holding him back; he had become too big, too massive for even this advanced civilization to be capable of containing, too powerful for spacefarers who abducted other sentients like it was the most perfectly natural thing to do. And just as well, as things had started to feel cramped and stuffy in there; another moment more and he might just have done something stupid, like physically push one of his fists through the nearest wall and probably end up collapsing the building on him rather than breaking free from it like an impromptu cocoon, a mental image that only left the drox even more aroused than before. He looked around, hoping to see anything of worth, only to find himself staring at absolute desolation. Off in the distance, just when the ground met the sky, he could see tall, imposing spires, presumably arcologies in some centralized housing district or city… but in between it and the facility he broke free from, there was nothing but scorched, cracked earth and darkened skies, with thick clouds roiling above him preventing any sunlight from reaching the surface. It was a desert, though only visually, as the dragon-fox giant suddenly felt incredibly cold once the outside world imposed itself; his first thought was that the planet itself was dead, that whatever happened to it had turned it into an uninhabitable rock, and the only way the lizards survived was by creating self-sustaining mega-cities… or something along those lines, he didn’t consume nearly enough science fiction to try and justify it further. Whatever it may be, there weren’t nearly enough people around to lord over, as obviously the facility had been constructed far enough away from civilization that any incidents could be dealt with without jeopardizing anyone’s safety; in a way, Thomas found that even more repelling, in the sense that he’d been shunted off to the side. If the zoo-slash-prison had been built next to the arcologies, then at least he could rest assured that everyone there was just a bunch of apathetic and uncaring reptilians, who earnestly didn’t care about who or what they abducted so long as it was entertaining enough. Instead, he was out in the boonies, far away from anyone who might care, seemingly indicating that the people of that world would rather not think about what they were doing or where their circus freaks came from. His first reaction to this, if only to help quell the burning cauldron bubbling inside of him, was to deliver a sweeping blow to the top of the prison next to him. A quick glance revealed that the complex was surprisingly mundane, being little more than a low-lying structure with only two stories, making it easy for the giant drox to rip the ceiling off of it now that he’d become supersized; in doing so, he exposed a myriad of cells, filled with prisoners who, despite having heard the commotion from elsewhere in the prison, had no clue what was actually causing it. In the short time Thomas bothered to look, he saw creatures of shapes and sizes he never once thought could be possible for a living being; so used was he to anthropomorphic frames that the notion of a slime-like blob or a plantoid was entirely novel to him, though he barely had the attention span to consider this superficially, let alone spend any time focusing on it. He had far more important things to do with his time, such as growing bigger, which meant going through the wreckage between his legs to try and pick the remaining energy bar bricks from whatever had been made of the ruined shelves and machinery. It was, all things considered, significantly easier than Thomas had expected, owing to most of the prison’s outer structure having scattered to the winds as a result of the nanite bonds being broken; all he had to do was carefully poke through the metallic wreckage with the tip of a claw and just as gingerly pull every last growth-inducing snack into a pile big enough that he could actually pick up, as individual units had (unfortunately) become far too small for him to be able to interact with. Even the final product, the sum total of all the energy bars he hadn’t eaten, was still so tiny that the only way Thomas could feasibly handle it was by smushing it between two fingers and then bringing the resulting mass up to his mouth, barely needing to chew it afterwards. Thankfully, it appeared as if doing so had either led to an increase in potency… or he was already so big that any further expansion just stacked itself on top of him, multiplying his size to the point where the universe itself had no clue what to do with him. Whatever the case, the rest of the prison complex didn’t last much longer after the giant’s final snack; the few parts of it that weren’t swept away when he gained several dozen feet in just a second or two, not so much razing the structure as he did atomize it, were quickly dealt with as soon as the drox came down from his pleasure high. There were so many lizards on him that, for a moment, he wondered where they’d all come from, at least until he remembered where exactly he was; that none of them were (apparently) harmed was nothing short of miraculous, especially since Thomas honestly had zero concern for their well-being, but at least it kept anything darker than property damage from clouding his mind. For the rest, however, yet another sweeping blow: whichever sections of the prison complex still stood were dealt with in short notice, and with such a gesture, the last remaining captives were set free after their colossal saviour physically destroyed their prison around them. Not that said titan really cared; it was important for him, but only in the sense that it deprived his own former captors of something they wanted, rather than providing freedom for anyone. Thomas’ motivation was still to tear down and destroy everything his abductors held dear, as payback for even so much as thinking that they could just take him without any consequences. And now? Now that he had both the power, size, and opportunity to lay waste to their civilization, now Thomas had begun to feel what it was like to be the one in charge; after having been trapped and made to know nothing but despair, now he was back in action and better than ever before, ready to quite literally take on the whole world, no resting until he was done traversing the full breadth of it, having asserted his superiority wherever there were people to be made aware of it. The idea of it was so powerful that the dragon-fox ended up having to take five minutes, even after his ascension, just to take care of excess pressure he felt wanting to get out. Not that anyone could complain about it; who was going to walk up to a living god and tell them they couldn’t jack off in public? As far as Thomas cared, the public space was his to begin with, so he could very much do with it whatever he wanted; and he wanted was to wrap his hands around his cock and start pumping, never to stop until he was satisfied… and given his size, that would be a while. Not that he was on a schedule; what were the lizards going to do, call their armies? Have them fire piddly little laser guns at him, so that he could ignore them and carry on with his day? Hell, he’d welcome the attempt, if only because it would only serve to further confirm what he already knew: that he was unstoppable, and that his destiny was to wreak havoc across the world of his captors… it just so happened that, before he could get around to putting on the mantle of destructor deity, he needed to vent some of that excess arousal, was all; nothing too fancy, just enough cum to fill up a large swimming pool, leaving the barren ground outside the facility painted white, a sharp contrast to the dark gloom cast over everything. It felt so dead, so unworthy of his attention, that for a moment it was genuinely wasteful, as if Thomas had gone to such lengths only to be given… nothing. Thankfully, the answer to that particular problem was perfectly visible off in the distance: if he couldn’t get a proper reaction out of anything or anyone out there in the middle of the empty wasteland, then surely all he had to do was walk to civilization and repeat the stunt where people could see him. It only made sense, in a poetic sort of way, as he’d been shoved into a cell for so long that obviously he had to make up for it by exposing himself to as many people as he could; that said, getting back on his feet was… sadly harder than Thomas thought it would be. His balance was definitely affected, courtesy of most of his growth having taken place when he was lying down on the ground, leaving a great big hole where his ability to coordinate his limbs should be; more than once he almost collapsed on the ground, slipping and sliding on his own cum and lacking anything to grab should his center of gravity shift too much. He was lucky that his basic frame hadn’t really changed much: he was enormous, sure, but his body looked about the same, proportionately to itself, as it always had, letting him rely mostly on muscle memory after a short adaptation period. Of course, this did come packaged with seismic tremors whenever he took a step, plus the shifting of wind currents every time he moved; if he tried to walker just slightly faster than usual, barely more than a light jog, he would leave small twisters behind him, which given his height had reached a frankly absurd hundred feet, was saying quite a lot. He could only imagine what it would be like if he broke out into a full sprint, or if he actually tried to stamp his foot down on the ground rather than just walking normally… though really, the beauty of it was that he didn’t have to imagine: he was right there, no one could stop him, and he could just try it out for himself! Thus did seismographs go off in a several hundred mile radius, alerting those few who were paying attention to… something. The waves coursing through the ground were unlike anything the devices had picked up, leaving several geologists wondering if their world had suddenly developed a case of the hiccups with how constant and yet singular each tremor was; it was as if something was slamming down on the surface of their home… something big, powerful, and, as soon as the drox came into view, very green for some reason. The approach to the city would’ve made these tremors feel more powerful regardless, but as was normal for the fox-dragon by that point, it wasn’t just proximity which worsened the problem, but the drox himself; for Thomas had, ultimately, consumed enough of the growth-inducing energy bars that it was only natural that his body should react to them with renewed enthusiasm, in the form of a continuous, apparently unstoppable size spurt that carried on for far longer than the previous ones. Granted, it was also slower, most likely on account of the giant himself being… well, a giant; Thomas presumed that, being so big already, it became progressively harder to add more mass onto him in a way that actually made him visibly grow. On the other hand, the expansion itself didn’t seem to stop, meaning that his body had either adapted to continuously bulge outwards, or he had eaten far, far more of the energy bar bricks than he thought he did. Whatever the case, it meant that, by the time he reached the city in the distance, really just a few dozen steps away for him, Thomas already loomed over most of the lower-lying structures, with only the larger arcologies capable of competing with him for size. For the drox, reaching the metropolis confirmed his suspicions that the lizard civilization must definitely live in hyper-concentrated mega-cities, at least if the glow on the horizon whenever he looked over the tops of the arcologies was any indication. The one he approached looked straight out of a cheap ‘80s science-fiction movie, with the only thing missing being a large glass dome over the whole thing: in between residential arcologies with large, wide-open areas between them to serve as avenues for flying vehicles, the clouds of smug produced by an industrial zone in the outskirts to the right of the giant, even the overabundance of ads on just about everything that could be used as a monitor (and plenty of things that couldn’t), he might as well be staring at a grungy remake of some cult hit that barely anyone knew about… with the exception, of course, that it was right there in front of him, it was very real, and above all, was his to play around with. Thomas was staring at his demesne, not at something on a screen, and it was this realization that brought a wide smile to his face, one that only widened when he began hearing the terrified screams erupting from the crowd below. It was exactly what he was looking for: horrified civilians come face to face with the consequences of their actions. He’d intended on finding wherever this zoo might be, but the more he looked, the more the drox came to realize that he had completely misinterpreted what his final destination would be; seeing as most of the planet seemed to be barren wasteland, and however many billions who lived there did so in these hyper-conglomerated, towering structures, each one probably capable of holding a small country’s worth of people, it was likely that, rather than a zoo, there were multiple distributed zoological exhibits, perhaps even private ones that individual citizens could have installed in their home. Rather than being shoved into a wide-open enclosure with glass panes all around him, Thomas figured that he was most likely headed to a small box in the house of some rich industrialist or investment banker who felt like adding something exotic to their already-exuberant penthouse; it was the fact that he’d denied this hypothetical person their prize that left the fox-dragon feeling even better than before, despite having no evidence that this was the case at all. The one thing Thomas could think of was that he earned his freedom the hard way, and now he had to show the rest of the world what that meant… all without causing too much destruction, of course. It would give him nothing but pleasure to take one of his hands hand and shove it straight through one of the arcologies he was standing next to, or raising a paw and bringing it down on one of the many smaller ones; it’d certainly be what the lizards deserved, no one could deny that, and there was a significant portion of his own brain that was desperate for an opportunity to secrete obscene amounts of happy juice in order to reinforce that particular behavioral pattern. All it would take would be the fox-dragon giving into his animal instincts and doing what had to be done; it’d be easy, simple, and above all, well-earned, leaving very few reasons why he should hold back… but some good ones regardless. Namely: worship. It’d be one thing to simply get rid of the pesky little reptilians who caused him so much harm, and indeed it’d be the simplest way of dealing with the infestation, but that was an immediate solution to a problem that could be handled in a much more long-term fashion. It was also an absolute one; the moment he was done going through the planet, Thomas would effectively be left with a ball of dead rock with a bunch of released prisoners trying to make their way out of it by repurposing abandoned spacecraft. No, there was a better way of handling things, a way to extract as much pleasure and enjoyment as possible without actually destroying anything, and that was via worship. He was, after all, a god; perhaps not a literal one, in the sense that, despite being an absolutely titanic colossus of a drox fully capable of destroying his captors’ civilization, he was still a flesh and blood being rather than a truly divine one. That said, he was still a titan, and as a result, the closest thing to a deity that the reptilians had; they could certainly try to deny it, like they did when they sent a few fighter craft his way and gave Thomas something to do for a couple of minutes, but ultimately they would have to sit down and admit to themselves that what they were looking at was not a genetically modified escapee which had slipped from their grasp. Rather, the dragon-fox giant was their new god, their new god-king, their new undisputed ruler, and it was now their job to pay both respect and copious amounts of worship to him, lest his anger rain down upon them and cast their world into oblivion. In a way, Thomas felt that this approach was far more effective than simply wrecking things; anyone could swing a big arm around and cause damage, anyone could up and physically destroy buildings and infrastructure. Hell, they didn’t even need him to do it, as there were likely enough weapons on that planet to do the job for him several times over. No, it took a special kind of someone to transcend the need for brute force and instead establish dominance through pure presence alone; the threat of violence was always there, sure, but that was only because the fox-dragon was that big to begin with, rather than him being willing to go through with it. Why bother when he could just stare anyone down without any concern for his own well-being? Why waste time proving that he was as strong as he looked when he could be ordering his new underlings to construct for him a throne of pure gold (or whatever precious metal they had lying around), or making demands of his subjects so that they might stave off his boredom? He quite fancied that notion, of himself as the immortal ruler of a world that once thought to make a pet out of him; it was deliciously ironic in a dramatic sense, poetic even… plus, it was the only way he’d ever get more of those energy bars. They’d almost slipped from his mind, but now that he thought about it, destroying that world would also destroy the one supply of the growth agent which had allowed him to transcend his mortality to begin with! Had he gone forward with what his instincts wanted him to do, he’d end up staring at a bunch of burnt wreckage, wondering where he could get his next fix, only to be denied it; with the populace under his direct control, however, he could order them to focus all their efforts on producing yet more of the stuff, even refining the formula so that he could grow more, grow faster! He wouldn’t be satisfied until he could use the very planet as a throne, after all, and that couldn’t be accomplished without some heavy-duty gorging on his part, thus giving him even more of a reason not to vanquish his foes the old-fashioned way. Besides, after the seventh or so try, and about a couple of hundred fighters shot down, it appeared that the lizards gave up trying to bring him down, or at least had to regroup before they could throw anything else at him; Thomas was fine with some casualties in this case, as really, anyone who willingly threw themselves at him with the intent to kill deserved none of the righteous mercy that he was willing to extend to those who would accept it. For the myriad of little lizards down below who understood this, who left their homes to stare at him and wonder what they should do, Thomas had nothing but his unconditional love, provided they gave him their unconditional obedience; for the relative minority who yet fought back, who believed themselves capable of taking down a god, there would be nothing but divine wrath, cast down upon them in the form of being casually swatted out of the sky or stepped on in the case of land-based vehicles. The dragon-fox was certain that, at some point, someone in the reptilians’ chain of command would authorize their version of a nuclear strike, ready to sacrifice an entire city if it meant getting rid of a burgeoning threat on Thomas’ scale; unfortunately for them, the fox-dragon was still growing, was already taller than any of the structures around him, and would most likely be fully capable of taking a nuke to the face without even flinching. The noose was tightening and the window narrowing, with it becoming progressively harder for anyone to do anything that could remotely serve to slow the drox down; every second that passed made the task that much more difficult, sealing the lizards’ fate as they looked up and tried desperately to comprehend what it was they were witnessing. For Thomas, this was the perfect opportunity to assert himself; there might not be a lot of geography around to use as a seat, but there was a whole city that he could slowly lower his butt onto, making good use of some flat roofs in order to find himself a nice place to wait until he grew big enough to use the entire city as his personal, divine throne… that is, until he became even larger, and could then loom over it with a single paw. For the time being, however, he had potentially hundreds of millions of people to play around with, people who slowly came to the conclusion that what they were seeing wasn’t some form of publicity stunt, that the giant fox-dragon was very real, and that they were going to have to do something about it… but what? Resist? Fight back? If Thomas was real, then those fighter craft that were effortlessly swatted down were also real; in that case, what hope did anyone have, when the best they had at their disposal was cutlery or the occasional personal sidearm? What could they do but stare ahead, trying to come to terms with the existence of something that shouldn’t exist?
Title: Freedom of Flight Ch. 04 Tags: were *Author's note: All characters and companies mentioned in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone or anything bearing the same name or names. Events portrayed in this story are pure invention and have not been based on any events that have happen in real life. All the characters involved in any sexual acts if their ages are not mentioned before hand; are over 18 years of age. Enjoy.* **Hi everyone Here it is the long awaited and demanded chatper of Freedome of Flight. Sorry for the delay; for those of you who don't already know my editor has been sitting her mid year exams and only recently finished them freeing up her time to edit. As always a big thanks to her and to you the reader. Don't forget to vote and comment, all feedback is welcome. Have fun** Part 4 Alanna shifted uneasily as Tarval joined them during their morning spar the next morning. Sage's comments had kept her up last night, thinking further on what she was going to do about Tarval: let him in or keep him out? He smiled at them, "Morning." He greeted warmly, noticing her slight unease. "Hey Tarval, what brings you here this morning?" Sage asked, trying not to snicker at her sister's obvious discomfort. Alanna jumped her sister to keep her from blabbing about what they had discussed after he had left and after their pillow fight. They started to tussle trying to unseat the other but both slammed into the ground as Alanna kicked Sage's legs out from underneath her, making her go down but still she refused to release Alanna, dragging her down with her. Right before landing, Sage twisted and landed on top; she struggled for a moment but managed to get Alanna into a headlock. Alanna growled and as Sage was changing her grip to deal with her struggling body, she bit Sage near her wrist and bit hard but not hard enough to break skin. "Hey, no biting!" Tarval refereed, trying to keep the tussle from turning into a brawl, sensing that this may not be their normal way of sparring. Alanna released Sage, "Hello, there are no rules in immortal battle dummy." Sage smirked and added, "Well, one rule: no pulling feathers!" "And no pulling punches." Alanna jerked her head back, breaking Sage's nose. Sage released her and was on her feet in an instant. She righted her nose wincing a bit at the pain as she set her nose and glared at Alanna as she wiped blood from her face and flicked it onto the ground. "Watch it..." She growled warningly. "Bite me." Alanna dared back as they started to circle. They had gathered a small crowd; their duel less than a week ago had perked the interest of many of the senior warriors. Alanna was the first to attack again as she spun and kicked at Sage's head but Sage ducked while trying to sweep Alanna's legs out from under her. Alanna skipped quickly away before she was struck. When it came to hand fighting Alanna was faster than Sage; when it came to wrestling Sage was stronger and bigger, so when they fought they mixed both styles of fighting to keep things even. Sage took a stance more akin to a boxer's as Alanna took a stance closer to kick boxing and martial artists. They circled carefully, looking for the opening that would allow them an advantage. Alanna twitched her muscles, faking her attack. Sage took the bait and quickly changed her footing to meet the believed attack she had seen was coming only to have her feet kicked out from under her. Alanna's foot came down and landed on Sage's stomach with a thud which forced the air out of Sage's lungs. Many watching winced as Alanna skipped away and waited for Sage to get up. Sage glared at her sister as she sucked air back into her body. She flipped onto her feet and charged at her sister. Alanna caught her around the middle and bent back using Sage's speed and weight to slam Sage face first into the training mat, re-breaking her nose. There were collective gasps and murmurs from the watchers. Sage tried to buck and move but Alanna's arms were firm around her arms and torso. She tensed her muscles as Sage tried to break the hold. There were gentle cracks as several of Sage's ribs broke, "Ah!!!!!!... yield!" She cried. Alanna smirked and released her sister, letting them both collapse to the ground. "How many times does ma have to tell you, never charge a smaller opponent." she pushed herself up and helped Sage to her feet, wincing when she saw the damage she had inflicted upon her sister's face. Sage went red when she realised her father had seen that fight. "Amy is right, Sage, never charge a smaller opponent. Go to the healers and let them have a look at you." He told her seriously, he would never let on just how impressed he had become in his daughter's fighting under Amy's tutorage. He knew very well that if he did she would become even more cocky. She nodded and left the training court. Dominic turned to Alanna and reprimanded gently, "You didn't have to be so rough." "Yeah I did, Sage knows what I can do. If I go easy on her she'll go mental and if she goes easy on me, I'll pummel her. She'll heal and she already forgives me. She would have done the same if our positions were reversed." She explained as she looked around noticing that no one would meet her eyes directly in a sign of respect for a greater warrior. They had seen the way she moved and they knew they had barely seen what she was capable of, not that she was ready to get up and personal with any of these men. "So... can I help you train?" Tarval asked, hoping to get closer to her so that she would trust him enough to answer his questions. It slightly amused him that they would have to beat each other up in order for him to get closer to her but he was beginning to see that she was not what he considered normal for a woman. Nor, he suspected, will this be a normal relationship. She watched him for a moment, trying to decipher his intentions; her wolf, however, was all for the idea as she might get close enough to smell him again! "Okay." Alanna was surprised the word had tumbled from her mouth because it was certainly not in her mind but it was too late to snatch it back, nor did she really want to. "Good, how about you show me some of those moves you used on Sage? All I know is boxing." He asked as they walked over to an empty training ground. "Okay." \*\*\*\* That set the routine for the next several days for Alanna and Tarval. They trained in the morning, her teaching him the finer art of martial arts and him swapping tactics for boxing and wrestling and in the afternoon she taught him to swim. Their relationship was growing slowly as they carefully tried to learn about the other, Alanna out of nervousness and Tarval out of a need... simply to be with her. Slowly she was learning to trust him as she learnt about him, like although physically he was stronger than her, he never displayed that strength, realising that he was doing his best not to scare her. It was the middle of the afternoon so Dominic knew he would find them at the lake. Alanna was showing Tarval how to side stroke to conserve energy if he was forced to do a long swim. She stayed close to him to help him if he floundered or to correct his strokes, their bodies accidentally touching, sending conflicting emotions through her body, of desire and fear. Often when she was drying off after a lesson, she would wonder which emotion would ultimately win; the desire or the fear. She would then brust it off, knowing that eventually she would know the answer. Dominic watched them for several moments before he cupped a hand around his mouth and called them in. "Sage said she was beginning to itch." He told them as Alanna patted herself down and they waited for Sage to finally join them. She frowned as she was wondered why Sage had even told her father. It seemed like an odd thing as she never talked about getting itchy with their parents. She saw the questioning look in his eyes, wanting to know if she was getting the need to immerse herself in her beast. "I don't itch. My wolf is content just not being in a cage or chained up." Dominic frowned thinking that that was the curse of her childhood: she was content with small things that people in her society often took for granted. Tarval listened carefully, hoping that more would be said as he still had not learnt about what Sage had meant. Dominic shrugged it away, knowing that Sage had told him about her past so that he could help with her recovery. He also knew that she just wanted to get on with her life and for him not make a fuss over it. "Anyway, I've been talking to Mather and as long as you stay this side of the lake, you can run in his forest... although he might move his herd closer to what was Markus's land." Her head tilted to the side as her eyebrows shot up, she was used to terms like Pack: Pride, Ambush, Clown, Flock, Strike, Coven, Drove, Pod, Skulk, Kennel, Tribe and Flight but she had never heard of Herd before. "Herd?" "Yes, Santaurs." Dominic answered, not understanding her question. She sighed at herself for her ignorance. She was often so concerned with getting back to her physical peak that she had completely neglected to learn about the new world she was in. "Okay, assume I know nothing about this world and explain what a Santaur is." Tarval chuckled, the rich sound made her body tingle and desire raced through her, which was quickly chased away by fear. "Forgive him. He forgets you are new to this world since you have been here so long. Santaurs are like relatives of Centaurs. The only difference between a Santaur and a Centaur is that Santaurs have antlers and are bigger. They are more like half man half deer, instead of half man half horse." "And they own the forests." She asked slowly, trying to understand while fighting not to feel those strong opposing emotions. Tarval nodded, "Yes. We own the sky, they own the forests and plains; it has always been that way. But we organise treaties so we can hunt in their forests and they want treaties from us because we keep the galphons away." "Galphons?" She asked, her eyes going wide now, distracted enough to have succeeded in fighting her emotions back. Dominic chuckled at her face. "Sand monsters. They own the deserts and every now and again they try to conquer the forests and plains. We protect the land temporarily for them then because if we are in a treaty with the Santaurs, their land is a good source of food for us." "But there can be misunderstandings. Sage's ma almost caused a war when she went for a run and mistakenly tried to kill a Santaur, not knowing that Santaurs are not food sources." Tarval added but suddenly he remembered that this memory might be painful for Dominic but Dominic didn't seem too distressed by his reference. Sage joined them, having taking longer to get to shore as she had been dive bombing off the wall. Sensing the slight unease, she tried to steer the conversation back to Santaurs, having heard most of what was being said with her sensitive ears. "They look like deer until you get to where the neck should be. They also smell like deer, which is why da has to warn the Santaurs when we go for a run. They put limitations on where we can go, keeping us from the herd. We will also be watched by guards just in case." Alanna frowned, she had never had to guard herself when she went for a run. "All that for a run?" She asked, incredulous. "What do you like to do when you run?" Tarval asked. Alanna thought about it and shrugged. "I like to explore, smell, scratch, dig and run. Sometimes I hunt, others I just chase because I can." Tarval was suddenly intrigued, he wondered what it was like to be Were, to be able to let go of everything that made them sentient and immerse themselves in their primal minds. "What is it like?" He asked curiously hoping to get another understand of the woman before him, of what was in her mind. "What do you mean?" Alanna questioned back. "To shift, to immerse yourself in your beast." He elaborated. She thought about it for a moment, "It's freedom." She answered simply, not understanding what he wanted from her. "I get that but why is it freedom?" He pressed on. Alanna smirked, "What's it like to fly?" She countered. "Wouldn't you call flying freedom?" As one, both Alanna and Tarval turned to Sage as she was the only person they knew who could experience both so she would be the best person to get their answer from. Sage glanced between them, startled that she was being dragged into this. "What?" She demanded not getting why they had suddenly turned to her, Alanna and Tarval rolled their eyes in unison causing Dominic to smirk as they both had the same annoyed look on their faces. "Since you have wings and can shift... explain." Dominic interceded before an argument started. Sage thought for long moments, "It's hard to put into words, it's not like they are the same things or have the same things in common." She argued to the people who were waiting for her answer, she could tell by their looks that they weren't going to let her get out of this so easily. "Okay..." she thought for several moments, there was no point in trying to explain, as she couldn't, but maybe she could get away with reminding them of a memory and comparing those feelings to their argument. "Alanna, remember that day when the triplets were still really little and us girls went out with ma and some of her friends and we just ran around acting like fools, we raced through the forest running as fast as we could dodging and weaving, feeling the air rush through our coats." Alanna nodded, it was perhaps one of her fondest of memories. Sage turned to Tarval, "remember when we went so high up it was almost as if we were touching the stars, then we free fell and pulled out at the last possible moment." He nodded, following her. "The freedom of flight we experience when we do a freefall is like running at break neck speeds in an endless forest for no other reason then because you can. That sheer joy is what it is like to be Were and vice versa." She glanced at them hoping that they would accept that answer, she quickly changed her mind as she wasn't going to try to explain this again. "It's the best I can do, there is nothing common between them." Dominic smiled, suddenly remembering to give Sage the news that she longed for. "Mather has agreed to three runs: one tomorrow, another after your birthdays and another a month later." Tarval smiled, strangely pleased that Alanna's birthday was soon that she would have reason to celebrate and that he would hopefully get a chance to see a different side of her. "So what do you want to do for your birthdays?" he asked, hoping that whatever they would dream up involved him somehow Alanna and Sage shrugged, they didn't really care. They were used to having a combined birthday because their birthdays were only a day apart. Their ma, however, always made a fuss about birthdays and they felt a little sad that they weren't going to be able to spend time with the woman who had come to mean so much to them. \*\*\*\* Amy frowned after she returned from dropping off the information Electra needed on missing pack members. It was going to be a strange couple of weeks for her as she always made a big fuss over her adopted daughter's birthdays and this year she would not be able to fuss over the girls. Since Electra and Alanna had never had birthdays growing up, she had made it a point to cause the biggest fuss she could. The delight in their faces as they experienced events they hadn't been able to made it more important for her to continue that fuss but now she fussed over all her children's birthdays. Wolfgang wrapped her up in his arms and nibbled at her ear. "Maybe we should have a holiday and go somewhere." He suggested gently, he could feel her sadness about not being with her daughters. She had only just gotten used to Electra's busy life that kept her from her family but Electra always tried to make up for it by stopping by for dinner or breakfast as often as possible. "Where to?" She asked as she rubbed her nose against his chest, in search of comfort. He growled gently as his blood sung and the careful control he had been forced to learn, to keep control of his lust for his mate crumbled. It hadn't been easy for him to learn control, the long hours away from his mate as she worked, it made him long for her badly when she was near him, he had to have her, to touch her, to love her. It had led to some embarrassing encounters for the humans around her, when he couldn't control it and was so tightly strung that he ended up pressing her to the nearest wall and taking advantage of her, not that she would ever deny him. He knew that here at home he could let go of his control and do whatever he wanted but he was trying to learn further control, to learn not to jump her bones the moment they were alone or that she was in the house. "To visit our daughters. Vivian explained that we could go there and come back, we just can't bring them back with us," his voice muffled because he was nuzzling her neck before gently taking her skin between his teeth. She thought about it, recalling that Rhiannon made the same suggestion. They could go there and come back by creating their own portal but the girls couldn't return to earth because they had been dragged through a natural portal that left markers so they could only return the way they had been taken. Since the portal that had taken them had been forced, the magic which allowed a portal in the first place basically sealed the world off. No one except a special few creatures could come and go as they pleased. "We can surprise them." she said mischievously, warming up to the idea and to the desire coursing through her from her mate. He chuckled and moved his lips and teeth to nibble on her ear, feeling her desire rise to match his. "There's no surprise about what you want." Amy added drawlingly. He chuckled again, making no excuses for his libido and tightened his arms preventing her from escaping his lips. As he moved in for the kill, a high-pitched scream made him groan, and not the pleasurable kind he had been going for and released his mate, *Temperance. Maybe we should continue this once the cubs are in bed for the night.* She suggested, placating him. He smiled in helpless surrender, knowing there's no way around this. Their cubs came first but he knew that once the cubs were asleep he would get his wicked way with her, and leant down to brush her lips. Another high pitched scream and something crashing and breaking brought them apart. "Bastion is going to kill her." She mumbled while she pressed her face to his chest and took another deep breath bracing herself for what ever her daughter had gotten up to this time. He laughed and together they hunted down the oldest of the triplets. They found her outside of Keira's room surrounded by a broken pottery. Keira was on her knees, gathering the pieces carefully, with tears falling from her eyes as she cradled the precious pieces. Her mother, her biological mother, had given it to her shortly before her death. She had been an artist and was becoming quiet well-known before her death, but this plate had been the last one she made, and she gave it to Keira to celebrate her birthday. It was the one thing she had left from her mother. Sienna knelt and helped her gather the last few pieces. Wolfgang picked up Temperance and handed her to Anna who quickly took Temperance and put her in the naughty spot in the kitchen and went back to work on dinner, ignoring her. Sienna gently wrapped an arm around Keira, she knew how much that plate had meant to the young woman. Keira sobbed in Sienna's neck. She closed her eyes, trying to keep her own tears away. She couldn't stand to see her daughter so upset, after loosing her last two pregnancies through still-birth and miscarriage; she had poured all her love into Keira. Wolfgang went to make several phone calls. Amy knelt next to Keira, she felt like she had to do something, she couldn't apologise for Temperance, only her daughter could do that but she could try to make things better. "Here, let me try something." She asked gently. Keira shook her head and held the pieces tighter to her chest, although in pieces, they were still very important to her. "I won't make it any worst." She promised comfortingly. Keira hesitated for a moment before she gently put the pieces down on the rug. Sienna kept an arm around her for comfort. Amy let her hand hover over the broken pieces. She willed them to go back to the way they were before the breaking. The pieces started to move; chips that had been missed rose into the air. Slowly, carefully the pieces went back together. Five minutes later and with a large amount of will power from Amy, the plate gently floated down to the rug. Keira carefully picked the plate up with hands that shook, in shock that it was whole and hoping that it would not disintegrate the moment she touched it. It was whole again with only fine cracks to show it had been broken. She gently stroked the plate then hugged it carefully to her chest. She stood and walked into her room, returning the plate to its place of pride. She then wiped her eyes. Amy and Sienna watched Keira; they knew they could do little to console her. That plate was too important to her. They couldn't really chastise Temperance for her natural tendency as a cub to explore and learn but they knew that Temperance knew that she was not meant to go into Keira's room without permission. \* "I don't care, have them here within the hour." Wolfgang ordered and slammed his phone down. Thais sat on a rug playing with blocks completely oblivious to what his father was up to and he knew Serenity would be with Susan, either sleeping or playing. "Your sister has been naughty again." Thais looked up when he realised his father was addressing him. Although all the cubs could talk, Thais rarely did so. He had tried to explain once that talking covered the invisible music all around him but Wolfgang hadn't understood him. He gave his father a resigned look as if saying, *what has she done now?* Wolfgang smiled, amused at the serious look on such a young face and explained what his sister had been up to. "She broke Keira's plate." Thais's eyes went wide and he packed his blocks away before going to Keira. Thais knocked on the door frame before popping his head into the room. Sienna smiled as she stepped out of the room. "Ker." He said gently to her. She glanced up from her pillow, she sniffled and pushed back her flaxen hair; her green eyes were glassy from crying. "Ker, want a hug?" He asked softly; hesitantly, knowing that Keira may want no one near her at the moment. She nodded and rolled onto her side, opening her arms. Thais walked in carefully and crawled onto the bed and up to her. She pulled him close and hugged him. She loved her little cousins... well, Thais and Serenity at least. They knew about private space and things that weren't meant to be touched. Temperance, however, either couldn't grasp the concept or didn't want to. She would be angry with the little girl for days. She had always been surprised by Thais, the way he always seemed to be in deep thought. She had asked Amy about it and she had explained that Thais was an old soul trapped in a young body, that he was no normal child. The world around him was viewed through eyes that, although were young, had all the memories, knowledge, wisdom and experience of all the different reincarnations of his soul. It made him exceedingly insightful and sensitive to the emotions of those around him and a very quiet, thoughtful boy. Thais nuzzled against her. Normally Serenity would be here and would purr for Keira. Thais, however, could not purr: he was wolf whereas his sisters were sabres. No one understood why Thais wasn't like his sisters but at the moment no one cared as long as he was healthy and growing well. Keira fell asleep holding her little cousin. \* Amy frowned as she watched several men assembling a glass case an hour after Temperance had broken Keira's plate. "What are you doing?" She demanded of Wolfgang who was over-seeing the entire process. "Making sure Temperance can't get her hands on Keira's plates." He answered. "Plates? She only has the one!" "No, she has all fourteen now. I had to pull a few strings to get all of her mother's plates but I managed to get the other thirteen. I had these made by Mryddin. He swears Temperance will never be able to get in and the door will only open for Keira. I'm irritated that I didn't think about this before, it might have stopped that plate being broken." "I managed to fix it. The cracks are still there but the plate is whole." She told him then frowned. "Why are you setting up in here?" "This is going to be Keira's new room." He explained. "But she already has a room." He smiled. "But not her own bathroom. She can lock this room up easily and Vivian said she'll put wards up to keep Temperance out. Sienna and Gillian agreed since she's turning eleven this December and soon she would be a teenager. We're moving her stuff in as we speak. Thais is doing me a favour and keeping her asleep..." "Wolfgang, you know I don't like the cubs to use their powers. They are only four year-olds!" She told him, angry all of a sudden. She didn't want the cubs to grow dependant on their powers. As part Ancient, part Were, what they could do was limitless. She wanted them to learn to use their minds and think of solutions before taking the sometimes easy route of magic. "Especially on Keira. How is she meant to trust us if she can't trust us not to manipulate her? It's not like she can defend herself or pay Thais back for what he is doing..." She waited for him to react. He glanced away suddenly, feeling guilty for what he had done, he hadn't thought about the ramifications of what he was trying to do. "I was just trying to surprise her. To... to make things better." He stuttered as he tried to find the right words to explain what he was doing. Keira had come to mean a great deal to him and he didn't like to see her hurting. "When did you ask Thais to do this?" She demanded. "They were napping, I slipped into his mind and asked him, since she was already asleep all he is doing is keeping her asleep." He explained guiltily, wanting her to know that he hadn't asked him to *make* Keira sleep only to keep her from waking for a little while. She felt a little better about him using his magic, at least he hadn't forced her to do something against her will. "Fine, but you take the blame. Tell her you asked Thais to keep her asleep." She spun on her heel and left. She walked into the kitchen and glared at her daughter. Temperance had spent the last hour sitting in the naughty spot but there was still a hint of defiance in the way she sat. Amy picked her up, "You and I need to talk." She told the toddler after taking a deep breath to calm her self. She walked them into Temperance's room and sat her on her bed. "Temp, do you know why you were put in the naughty spot?" Temperance hesitated for a moment then nodded. "I broke Keira's plate." "That is only part of it, Temp. You were in her room without her permission. Then you broke her greatest treasure." Amy waited to let her words sink in. Temperance remained quiet. "How would you feel if Keira came in here and tore up Cuddles?" Temperance shot around to look at her beloved teddy, seeing that he was okay, she knew what her mother was trying to get through to her. She would be devastated if anything had happened to her Cuddles, and she had gone and done just that to Keira's plate. "Now stay in your room until dinner is ready and think about what you are going to say to Keira." Amy said as she stood and left the room, leaving Temperance to think. Her cubs weren't stupid; they learnt faster than their year mates. All of them could read and write which almost all cubs could do by five and were well on their way to completing their compulsory Were education, at least what they could complete before their sixteenth birthdays. They were required to have memorised two books before they turned nine, Were and Other history volume one and two, which was a complete unbiased account of history. They had those books already memorised and were only waiting to take the test to prove it. They had to get every question right in order to pass. After that test there was no real book lessons; more social lessons, learning their place in the pack and how to control the beast within. She just didn't understand why Temperance never used her mind to think things through, never reasoned out her actions before acting like she did when she worked on her school problems. \*\*\*\* Tarval cornered Sage the next day in one of the inner hallways of the keep, the air being cooled by stones. It was a little too cold during the early morning but during the afternoon, the temperature was perfect. "I need your help. Dominic is taking a party to the markets and I need help finding Alanna a gift." She studied him for a moment as they made their way out of the deeper parts of the inner keep; she was still trying to find out what was going on between them. "Why?" "Because I want to get her a gift but I don't know what. Besides you and Dominic, I haven't bought birthday gifts for anyone else." He explained slowly. "But why do you feel compelled to buy Alanna a gift?" She asked getting curious. He and Alanna had been spending a lot of time together lately. "Because she's a friend and I want to get her a gift." He responded honestly, leaving out the part of not being able to get her out of his mind or that the mere mention of her name had his heart skipping beats. She couldn't fault his reasoning. "I'm going to be looking for my own gift for her, so I can't help you. All you have to do is look until you find something that screams Alanna." They started to walk along the open hallways of the outer keep. The keep was literally carved into the cliff side with miles of hallways that both received light and didn't. The keep was separated into two halves, the outer keep; where the rooms and halls were affected by the heat or received direct sunlight and the inner keep; where the sun and heat could not reach. "But what if I get the wrong gift and she doesn't like it?" He asked, not wanting to disappoint her. "Then she doesn't like it but if you choose a gift with your heart, she would never not like it." She replied. Alanna joined them moments later. "Hey, your da said he's taking us to the markets." She wrapped an arm around her sister. "How am I going to get there and it better not involve a flight stretcher." "No, we'll use a flight harness, like a fireman's chair." Sage answered. "Cool. I was hoping to get you a gift but I don't have any money." Alanna admitted. Dominic joined them silently while Alanna was talking. He handed a pouch to Sage then offered another to Alanna. Alanna gave him a confused look. "I give Sage an allowance, but only when she's training hard. I decided to do the same for you. You both have been training hard so I put a little extra in." He smiled at her. She smiled and put the money bag around her neck and into her shirt where pickpockets would have trouble getting to without her knowing. "We leave in an hour so go put on your good clothes." He informed them. "Good clothes?" Alanna asked, alarmed. All she had was training clothes and normal everyday clothes. "Yes, good clothes... normally house armour. It prevents misunderstandings." Tarval explained. "But I don't have house armour." She frowned. Dominic chuckled. "Yes, you do. I had some made for you. I..." he hesitated for a moment as he didn't know how to explain how he felt about her. "I... you're Sage's sister, I... I think of you as family." She smiled and on an impulse hugged him. Dominic smiled and hugged her back, pleased that she trusted him enough to touch him so causally. Tarval watched, surprised and a little jealous of Dominic as that was where he wanted to be. He wanted her in his arms but he also knew that outside of their lessons, she rarely touched him or got too close. This was a big thing for her and he shouldn't get worked up over it. But that doesn't stop him from feeling jealous. Dominic released her, "come on, the smithy should have finished putting it in your room." He pulled Alanna towards her room. Alanna followed him into her room, her jaw dropped at the finely made silver mail that hung on a rack. Sage nudged her and picked up the breast plate. It was made of polished steel and carefully etched with Dominic's crest: a phoenix in flight, etched onto the phoenix's chest was the same symbol that started in Amy's hair line and covered the back of her neck, the marks she had had since visiting the king's men. Dominic had seen it a few times when she would put her hair up and the very complexity had him believing it was a family crest. It was highlighted in the brightest green enamel the blacksmith could find but it sadly lacked the glowing quality of Amy's marks. "Jewel will help you into it, she's had plenty of practice." Dominic explained and left with Tarval and Sage. Alanna ran her fingers over the mail. Jewel smiled and waited for Alanna. "Does everyone have armour like this?" She asked, still in awe at the sight that met her eyes. Jewel shook her head. "No, only the Warlord's family. Most just have studded leather and a breast plate with their affiliation over their heart. Some of Dominic's sergeants have elaborate armour but those breast plates have been given to them by Dominic and therefore are a mark of honour." Alanna blushed as her fingers brushed over the breast plate. After hearing what Jewel had said she felt all bashful about the armour. She didn't feel worthy of it, hadn't earned it through acts of bravery, and she wasn't exactly a member of the warlords family even if he considered her so. "Come on, we have to get you dressed." Jewel started to tug off Alanna's clothes. Alanna sighed and let Jewel do her job. At first Alanna had been highly embarrassed when the woman started to insist in helping her get dressed, at first when she needed the help to keep from tearing her wounds open but after, it just made no sense to her. Jewel, however, would not take no for an answer and Alanna could do nothing but surrender to her will grudgingly. Jewel got Alanna out of her normal clothes of shirt and breeches. Underneath, she wore a breast band and loincloth which also now doubled as her bathing suit. "Okay, pull the mail pants on. They are lined with cotton so they won't chafe or pinch." Jewel instructed as she pulled the mail shirt off the rack and put it on the bed so she could get it ready to be put on. Alanna pulled on her mail breeches but the moment she released them they fell down. She pulled them up again but found no fastenings to keep them up or at least none she understood. Jewel chuckled and put the shirt down. She walked forward and reached around Alanna, grabbing the suspenders she brought them up and over her shoulders and attached them to the front. "These attach here and then you pull these." She pulled on the straps pulling the opening tight around her waist. "And tie them off. See now they don't fall down. They are made too big for a reason, well several, comfort is one, strength is another. Hold still let me get the shirt." Jewel lifted the mail shirt up over her head, her arms went into the sleeves. Jewel tugged the shirt down. The sides were flapped front and backed so that they over lapped over the venerable sides she tied the back flaps first then the front. "Now touch your toes and jump, see how you move." Alanna did as she said as Jewel got the front and back plate ready. Normally there wasn't a back plate, merely a spine guard as wings were hampered by a full back plate, but because Alanna didn't have wings they had improvised the back plate. Alanna frowned as she walked forward her eyes focused on the raised marks that lined the back plate, recognising them. "Those lines look like my scars." Jewel nodded. "The blacksmiths asked me about them one day. I sketched them and they put them there." She saw Alanna's confused look, not understanding why they would even think to put her scars on the back plate. "Alanna, you don't know just how famous you are." "But I haven't done anything." She stated. She had done nothing to warrant being famous in her eyes. Jewel rolled her eyes and continued her argument, "People see you and they bow, they don't even do that for Dominic. When you talk to them, they think of it as an honour and a rare privilege. That little boy who you showed a different way to stand with his fighting style has just been offered more private lessons. Mark my words, he'll become a sergeant." "All I did was show a little interest in a different fighting technique." She protested weakly. "But your opinion matters. You showed interest in him and that made others notice him and see his potential." Jewel countered. "Now, be still and let me get these on." She lifted the back plate and placed it on Alanna's back. "Hold these." She instructed sliding loops of leather into her waiting fingers. On closer inspection the back plate wasn't one continuous piece of metal. It was in fact, made up of more than a dozen panels that over-lapped and were joined together. If Alanna moved the armour would move with her; the breast plate was the same. The breast plate was connected and buckled together. Both plates hugged the body to the point of being a second skin. "Move... see how you feel in it." "Can't breathe." Alanna complained breathlessly. Jewel glared at her playfully and unbuckled the plates, she had only just realised that she hadn't told Alanna to take a deep breath. "Deep breath Alanna and hold it until I say otherwise." Alanna took in a deep breath and held it as Jewel buckled the plates back together; the more she wore the armour, the sooner it would be easier just to buckle to the used hole. "Okay. Now move." Alanna twisted her body and bent to test her ability to move. "Good, now sit so I can get at your hair." Alanna sat as Jewel clipped shoulder guards on. Jewel undid the plat and quickly brushed Alanna's long black hair. She then started to braid her hair, adding smaller plats to one bigger one. "Arms out." Alanna held her arms out and Jewel tied wrist guards to her wrists, tucking the mail beneath it. Jewel then slid on metal plated boots that had shin guards. "Now stand." Alanna stood and bent her body again, testing her mobility, she noticed that the armour wasn't all that heavy but she knew these were strong enough to withstand battle. Sage walked in dressed similarly, she eyed her sister over and smiled. "Going all native, I wish I had a camera." Alanna glared at her sister playfully. "Come on... and don't forget your money." Sage urged as Jewel tied several sashes around her waist. Alanna tapped the hip pouch Jewel had put the money into. Jewel had a cloth and was quickly buffing her finger prints off the metal. "Jewel, enough! You're worst than our mother." Sage cracked up laughing as they left the room. Dominic was waiting and smiled at Alanna. "That looks good on you." he commented. "I feel like a fool. Is all this armour really necessary?" She retorted which made him laugh and nod. Alanna tuned as she heard footsteps behind her as Tarval joined them. She felt her breath catch as she looked Tarval over. He didn't wear polished steel like Dominic, Sage and herself as the silver metal was reserved for Nephalim to wear. He wore enamelled black armour that had a matt finish so that it didn't reflect light and in battle didn't show up blood. His crest, four shining white feathers, that were placed in a fan-like pattern across his chest were the only different colour on him. Even the sashes tied to his waist were black. The breadth of his shoulders and broadness of his chest was only emphasised by the black armour and chain mail, making him look larger and much more menacing: she could see why early humans had called them the devil's angels. Her throat went dry as he took a deep breath and the perfect fitting armour moved with him, muscles flexed as he shifted his feet creating new patterns in his chain mail. Her wolf was clear in her mind, her ears were down, her tall wavered slightly before she dropped to the ground and rolled over, bearing her throat and belly to him and his subconscious power over her. She blinked and jerked her eyes up to see his face, hoping to distract her body from following her wolf's prompting at dropping down and rolling over. As she looked into his face, her eyes locked with his sparkling green eyes that were fixed on her, making her swallow nervously. This was the first time she had ever seen him in anything other than a pair of brown breeches and a white cotton shirt. His slightly long hair was in its usual disarray but she could see her fingers running through it as he kissed her. She blinked and let her eyes quickly scan other parts of him; he was every woman's dark fantasy of a fairy tale black knight, all muscle and power. His eyes were lures, lures of promises of delightful sin. It made her want to quiver as her pulse increased to race her blood through her veins. She took a deep, much needed breath, not realising she had stopped and the pebbles of her nipples rubbed against the cotton covered mail through her breast band, causing delightful pangs to shoot through her body, liquid heat started to pool between her legs. She could imagine him throwing her over his shoulder and whisking her away to a tower where he would hold her captive to his sexual needs. Her Wolf groaned at her thought, she wanted all that and more, *much* more. Sage noticed her sister's reaction and glanced to Tarval who was essentially her grandfather then back at her sister. She then turned to her father whose eyes sparkled as he too had noticed Alanna's reaction. "So are we going?" Tarval asked trying to keep from grabbing her and whisking her away. He had a feeling that she may have wanted that but that it would have scared her. Alanna had to look away as he stood next to her. "Yes." Dominic answered but he was also conflicted. On one hand, he was all happy that Tarval had found someone that he could love but on the other, he wasn't sure how he felt about it being Alanna. He felt all protective of her and didn't want to see her hurt although he knew Tarval would never hurt her and that maybe she was just what he needed and vice versa. He would just have to wait and see. "Wait... Alanna doesn't have a sword." Tarval's sharp eyes had noticed that she lacked a weapon. Normally he wouldn't make a fuss but she was dressed in full armour, which meant she was a warrior and in this world a warrior had to have a sword, although he knew full well that she didn't need one to protect herself. The bruises on his body were proof of that. "Damn... she's only got practice swords." Sage reminded her father. Dominic frowned. "She can borrow Bianca's sword, I'll get the smithy to make her one when we get back." He disappeared into his room for a moment and returned. He offered the sword to Alanna who took it with astonishment and honour; she knew how much trust he placed in her to hand over something that had belonged to the love of his life. "I will make sure if I use it I will not damage it." She swore. Dominic sighed sadly with a little shake of his head. "Perhaps it is time to let her go..." Alanna tilted her head. "Why? She'll want it when she come backs." Dominic stared at her blankly. "Were believe in reincarnation. She will be reborn to be with you again, you can give her back her sword then, and one day, like you and Sage, she will be immortal and you will never fear that you will lose her again." Alanna explained. He turned to Sage, hope in his eyes, "Sage?" "Da, I could have told you but you wouldn't have believed me. Besides, you haven't been ready for this, giving Alanna ma's sword meant you were ready to hear that she was coming back." Tarval smirked at Alanna then clapped his son on the back. "We best be going, Dominic." Dominic nodded but his thoughts remained fixated on what Alanna had told him. His beloved Bianca was coming back to him, that she would always come back to him. There was a noticeable spring to his step as he walked off. \~\*\~\*\~\*\~\*\~ Foot note: I used some terms to describe Non-human groupings that Alanna was aware of, here is an explanation of those terms in the context of this story. Ambush:Is a pure pride of tigers with no other species of Were or Non-humans present. Clown:Is a pure group of Song birds with no other species of Were or Non-humans present. Strike:Is a pure group of raptors with no other species of Were or Non-humans present. Flock:Is a mixed group of Were and or Non-humans with a Bird type Were as Alpha. Coven:Is a group of Were and or Non-humans with a Elemental or Fae as the leader. Tribe:Is a pure group of Vampires with no other species of Were or Non-humans present. Pack:Is a group of Were and or Non-humans with a K9 type Were as Alpha. Pride:Is a group of Were and or Non-humans with a Feline type Were as Alpha. Flight:Is a pure group of Centaurs with no other species of Were or Non-humanspresent. Drove:Is a mixed group of Were and or Non-humans with a Centaur as the leader. Pod:Is a mixed group of water type Were and water type Non-humans. Skulk:Is a pure group of Foxes with no other species of Were or Non-humans present. Kennel:Is a mixed group of Were and Non-humans with a Fox as Alpha.
The use of the word “work” was done with such an odd emphasis to it that Ashly couldn’t help but gulp, knowing that whatever was about to come her way, it couldn’t possibly be remotely good. It didn’t occur to her, up until that very moment, that she was alone in her home with someone who not only knew about the ins and outs of a lifestyle that she was interested in, but someone who would be more than happy to actively experiment with it… and once again, a thought that should have a very simple and straightforward reaction to it instead left the canid feeling conflicted with herself: if, on one level, she wanted Mina to take the wheel and show her what it was like to be dominated properly, on the other her very own animal instincts kept her from accepting this as a reasonable option; she was the top dog there (and quite literally so), so if anyone was going to dominate anyone else, it was her, not Mina. Besides, the vixen had plenty of experience being the one on the receiving end of the leash, so surely they wouldn’t mind it if the same power dynamics carried on with their newest friend; and, judging from the way they were looking up at her, they were thinking the exact same thing. It didn’t occur to Ashly that she was about as easy to read as an open book, that her control over her own emotions was so terrible that something as powerful as the arousal she felt at that time would be stupendously easy to notice for anyone paying even half-decent attention, let alone someone like Mina (or, heavens forbid, Lira); it was unsurprising that the vixen would then take her hand into their own, pulling them towards the bedroom with the most devious smile on their muzzle, and a near-manic glint to their eye. Only when the two of them were inside did Mina actually stop to ask more technical questions, and while they were, on the surface, seemingly innocuous, it was the sheer bluntness of it that really sold to Ashly how “real” it was. They weren’t discussing the theoretical basics anymore, it was Mina asking her if she had any lengths of rope or tape, if she had any experience using harnesses, as well as running down the more practical aspects of the sort of toy-based play she was expected to engage in. Those weren’t decontextualized lessons, they were practical tips, and the jump was enough to leave Ashly reeling… though not enough for her to back down; if anything, the wild dog was just disappointed to have to keep shaking her head, telling Mina that no, she didn’t have any of the tools needed for the two to actually have some fun together. This was a slight issue, though one the vixen seemed intent on resolving at earliest possible convenience, mostly by hijacking their host’s wardrobe, making off with a far too large shirt, and telling Ashly that they would be back within the hour, leaving the canid, for the first time ever, feeling alone in her own home. It was a curious sensation, that of having been abandoned at such a critical moment; even if the amazon knew that her newest potential fucktoy would come back soon, there was no shaking off how odd it felt to have things move so quickly, enough so that she was left feeling dizzy as all the possibilities swam in front of her, melting into one another and keeping her from truly deciding on a path for herself going forward. She could only imagine what it would’ve been like had it been Lira who took the reins, though that was most likely why the panda gal had stepped aside and provided her with a far easier “challenge”, if she could even use that word. It was hard, squaring what she knew to be factually true, and what she wanted to happen based purely on her raw arousal and the unfamiliar instincts crowding her conscious thought processes; distinguishing between what she wanted, and what the beast within craved, was a task so complex that Ashly was left paralyzed as she sat on her bed, staring ahead at the wall and wondering to herself how she’d even gotten there… yet, simultaneously, it gave her something to do, and the closer she came to a resolution, the better she felt about her odds. The answer was obvious, as it always had been, but it was less of a case of Ashly knowing it and far more a matter of her internalizing what was going to happen; there was no chance in hell that she’d ever be the one to be dominated that night, even if she had absolutely no experience in the lifestyle or kinks associated with it. Despite her being a complete newbie, it was simply non-negotiable: Mina was a small vixen, one that Ashly had a good three feet on, one whose body weight was the equivalent of the wild dog’s torso alone, and while some people might be into that sort of reverse size play, the giantess certainly wasn’t. Not that she felt entitled to have Mina or anything; in fact, she was quite certain that once the two of them were done, it’d be them comforting her in aftercare, not the other way around, and though she recalled that wasn’t how things were meant to be, she was still entirely new to the whole thing, and thus had no way of actually understanding what she was feeling. Like before, much like with the gym, Ashly needed to externalize what was going on inside of her, hopefully understanding it by way of doing… and when Mina knocked on her front door, carrying two stupendously large and heavy cases in her hands, that’s when the wild dog knew that the two would be doing quite intensively going forward. She said nothing as the vixen excitedly rattled off all the contents of the cases, trying hard not to think about what each of those things did; hell, half of the names she didn’t even recognize at all, making it quite the surprise when the vixen dropped the cases on the ground, cracked them open, and revealed all sorts of… well, Ashly’s face was a bit too red for her to focus properly, but there were plenty of toys and restraints to play around with, should one want it. And she did; much as she would’ve liked to proclaim herself to be the voice of caution, Ashly wanted to take those ropes and bind Mina up so they’d be at her complete mercy, she wanted to have that tiny little vixen there beneath her heel, for them to beg and mewl and let her know just who was in charge in their budding relationship. Conversely, there was the other side of herself, the one who immediately began wondering what it would be like if it were Lira in there with her, and how much fun the two could have together if the panda gal decided to do even a fraction of what the two of them had spoken about the night before. From there, as before, things began to blur together, presumably as a defense mechanism on Ashly’s mind’s part; it was easier for the wild dog’s brain to simply shut off most higher-order processes and resort to using instinct almost exclusively, only occasionally bringing back the canid’s conscious self whenever a knot needed to be tied, or a collar checked for whether or not it was properly fastened. Apart from that though, the rest was entirely up to the wild half of the genemodded giantess, the one who wanted to stop thinking and get down to action already, the one who wanted to feel one end of the leash in one hand and the vixen’s soft, trembling body underneath the other, the one who wanted to hear the cries coming from Mina, who played into the role of the sex-starved submissive perhaps a bit too well. Red flags would fly, forcing Ashly to focus back on reality, only to see the tell-tale signs that indicated the vixen was still actively enjoying herself: grimaces would turn to grins, even if only momentarily, the whining would turn to moaning, the trembling would turn to squirming, and all of it without… something. There was something missing, though Ashly couldn’t for the life of her remember what it was; a critically vital piece of information that the wild dog knew was lacking, yet still couldn’t make herself stop over it. The instincts were stronger than she was: the arousal, the need for dominance, every last ounce of unspent sexual tension built up ever since she tried getting on Richard’s good side, all of it had to come out; and though part of her wondered whether she was simply using Mina as an outlet, the rest of her simply couldn’t bring itself to care. The vixen was moaning loudly enough that everyone else in the apartment block could probably hear, and that was all that mattered. Their bodies were glued together, and that was all that mattered. The power dynamics were established, and that was all that mattered. In that moment, they were what they were meant to be, living to their fullest potential, becoming everything that they were ever destined to become; it just so happened that this included copious use of ropes and restraints, not to mention a bit more roughhousing than Ashly was used to. Then again, she was still new to having a proper sex life, so what did she know? Her sole experience were platitudes offered by others about how when “the time was right” then “she would know”, among other, even less useful pieces of advice, if it could even be called that. This though, this whatever it was that she was sharing with Mina, interfacing through leashes and collars and harnesses and plugs, this felt right; and if it felt right, then clearly i- “Garnet!” The shout seemed to come from nowhere, but like an emergency switch at a factory assembly line, it stopped everything. Ashly heard it, and almost instantly, her muscles froze and her entire body went stiff; she was back to reality, back to her usual self, standing on top of her bed, inside of her bedroom, with Mina underneath her, kept firmly flat against the mattress by way of one of the canid’s paws on their back. The word had, somehow, caused Ashly to reboot entirely, almost like she’d been hit in the back of the head with something hard enough to make her black out; it was only after a few moments that the amazon realized the significance of it, as well what she’d been missing all long: “garnet” was their safeword. Ashly had no clue how she remembered that if she couldn’t recall ever setting up a safeword to begin with, but given how easily her mind slipped away from her own control, one could never be too certain about anything anymore. What mattered was that Mina had called an end to the proceedings, and Ashly, being the responsible dominant in that scenario, had but one task: stop, remove every last restraint from her partner, and initiate aftercare. It was almost instinctive, even if she had never done this before; perhaps her animalistic side was gifted with far more protective aspects than Ashly had given it credit for, or maybe her human self knew when to tip the scales properly when needed. Regardless of what the case was, the fact of the matter was that Mina needed something big, fuzzy and eminently loving to cuddle up with, and Ashly, being who she was, would promptly offer herself. It was important that the vixen know that they could trust her, though why exactly that was, Ashly couldn’t quite tell; there was the obligation, of course, what was expected of her as a dominant in a relationship of that kind, but there was something else bothering her… though perhaps “bothering” wasn’t the right word. Rather, the need to care for her partner was more than just something she had to do, more than just a fact of their kink lifestyle that neither of them could really negotiate; instead, it was something that Ashly wanted to do. She wanted to provide loving care and attention to Mina, she wanted to hold the vixen against her and gently stroke their back while humming quietly, she wanted to take that moment where the two seemingly melted into one another and extend it for as far as she could. It was most likely because of how this had been her first true sexual experience, the whole event playing merry hell with her hormones, but even if that was the case, that didn’t take away just how powerful the feelings she had for Mina at that time were. They were more than just a sexual partner, they were someone that Ashly could count on, someone she could turn to and trust, even if they had literally only just met earlier that day; there was a connection there, even if a purely physical one, and the canid couldn’t help but worry slightly about whether or not she would end up doing something to break it… either that, or if she was moving too fast, and what she was feeling at that time was less of a deeper connection and more just her having residual horny energy flowing through her veins as thickly as syrup, with her mind choosing to interpret this raw physical attraction as something more complex than it actually was. Nevertheless, these were questions for later, for after the two of them were cleaned up and ready to discuss what had just happened, and that was for after they were done with cuddling together; there was, ultimately, something soothing about the exercise, far more than the actual dominance that preceded it. For Ashly, it felt as if anyone could wield a leash or tie a harness or “threaten” the use of a whip, but it took a special someone to share a moment like the two were experiencing: together, in silence, holding one another and simply bathing in their mutual presence. Granted, the vixen’s grip was stronger than it had been at the bar, and judging from how much they occasionally shivered, it was clear that they needed more attention than Ashly initially assumed they would. Hell, the experience was intense enough for her that she nearly blanked out entirely when her wild side took over, so she could only imagine what it was like for the person on the receiving end of her ministrations; much as the two were consenting adults, there was only so much one could take before having to ask for a time-out, so much one could endure before the emotional charge reached a breaking point and things needed to be grounded. It made sense to her, at least on a surface level: it wasn’t about one person establishing dominance over the other, but rather an exercise in trust, where one side fully entrusted the other to go to the very limits of what they both considered acceptable, yet not a single step further. It was a perpetual trust fall, where one side placed themselves entirely at the mercy of the other, knowing (or hoping, at least) that the latter wouldn’t let them splat all over the ground. For Ashly, this was an entirely new interpersonal dynamic, one that she had never experienced before; trust was one thing, but on that level? Perhaps her notion that herself and Mina shared a deeper bond than usual wasn’t that far off-base, given the sheer amount of blind trust the vixen had to have had in her, that they would so gleefully throw themselves at them. Even with Lira presumably letting them know it was fine, Ashly couldn’t help but feel downright honoured that Mina would actually go ahead with what the two had just done, not with a complete stranger like herself… and thus, the canid wondered just who was taking care of whom in the afterglow. Was it her, the one responsible for the emotional high in the first place, or was it Mina, the one with an actual clue on what had just taken place? Perhaps their attempts at snuggling closer were less of a way for them to feel more comfortable and more their unique manner of ensuring their partner didn’t feel like they had gone too far; the vixen had used their safeword, so perhaps, in their mind, they believed that Ashly would believe she’d gone far beyond what she should’ve done in her first ever experience… or, perhaps, the canid was overthinking it again. Maybe she should just focus on what she had right there and then: a loving, warm, intimate moment of companionship with someone that understood her on a level deeper than most others ever had, even if it took using ropes and harnesses to get there. It took a long while, as well as Mina themselves suggesting they should probably clean up, before Ashly even began to think about getting up from bed, and even then the amazon took her sweet time rolling off from it, keeping Mina tightly against her all the while. Eventually, the warm silence gave way to occasional giggling on the vixen’s part, who was presumably so giddy at how Ashly was so overprotective of them that they couldn’t avoid showing it in some way; not that Ashly herself minded, given that having such a fluffy squeezing toy for her personal use ticked several boxes on a checklist she didn’t even know she had. The two only separated when they reached the shower, and even then the whole thing was just used as an excuse to get them to rinse and wash one another while keeping as little distance between themselves as possible; ostensibly, this was because they could more effectively clean themselves after such an intensive workout, but the reality of it was far baser than that. Still, it was this sort of polite fiction that made the experience that much better; they could pretend that it was something it wasn’t, indulge in the pretense of normality when the whole day up until then had been anything but. It certainly helped in Ashly’s case, that she didn’t have to worry about whether or not she was just going crazy, or overstepping herself in doing something she just wasn’t ready for; being able to interact with Mina in a somewhat “normal” fashion was enough to let her know that she hadn’t done something she couldn’t take back, even if they had to use their safeword to put a premature end to things. Then again, as the canid considered while sitting down and letting the vixen scrub her back, wasn’t that the point of having a safeword to begin with? If both sides knew they would never get to a point where they’d even remotely need one, then why did they spend time coming up with a signal to get them to stop? Was the point not to drive themselves to the very brink, to explore every avenue until they reached a proverbial brick wall and had to be pulled back before smashing into it? If that was the case, then Ashly didn’t really have to worry about “garnet” having been shouted in the bedroom; the word was there to be used, and the fact that it did serve to immediately put a stop to the proceedings was, if nothing else, proof positive that she had the level of self-control required for that sort of kink-play. Indeed, as Ashly came to realize, the true test wasn’t whether or not the safeword would be necessary, but whether she’d have the ability to actually listen to it and obey the rules that came along with its mere existence. Mina seemed to think so as well, given that not only did she not bring anything up, but she seemed incredibly cheerful for someone who had seemingly been so vulnerable just minutes before; in fact, it was her who was humming by that point, even if it was barely audible over the sound of rushing water, and it was her who took the first step to say something when the two were done cleaning up and the vixen noticed their partner looked far more pensive than would perhaps be expected after what had just happened. “It’s fine, you know?” Mina spoke up, still able to read Ashly so easily that it felt downright comical, “I wouldn’t have asked you if I wasn’t sure you’d do well. Honestly, I should be asking you if you’re alright, I know it couldn’t have been easy on you.” “I… can’t actually remember, actually,” Ashly replied, only then realizing how insane that sounded, “it’s like I blanked out. Like, when I had you under me, it was just… it was me, but not the me me, it was another me tha-” “Yeah, Lira’s like that too, don’t worry,” the vixen interrupted her, wrapping their arms around Ashly’s back, “she says that it’s because of the treatments, they do something to your libido because of all the genemodding. Honestly, it’s part of the charm, if I’m to be honest.” That last line was delivered in such a manner that Ashly couldn’t help but blush brightly in response; it was an odd sensation, feeling like she was at the mercy of someone who was about half her height and a good third of her body mass, but there she had it. “You stopped when I asked, and that’s what matters,” Mina carried on, “I knew I could trust you, and I’m happy I wasn’t wrong. And really, you could’ve done a lot worse” - there was a moment of silence, one where Ashly could tell that Mina was trembling again… though not with fright that time around - “a lot worse, actually. God, brought me back, you’re just like Lira was back at the start.” Ashly didn’t believe that her body could reach temperatures that high, but reality seemed to disagree. She violently wanted to get away and hide in a corner so as to not have to confront the feelings she was processing, but with Mina there, her ability to do anything at all had been stripped away, taken by an unassuming vixen who nonetheless knew exactly what to say to keep her frozen in place. Even worse was how Ashly had no clue whether it was even on purpose; as far as she knew, Mina was just being perfectly sincere, rather than outright attempting to bring their canid partner to her knees, which honestly made the whole thing even more unbearable. Teasing she could endure, but genuine lewdness like that somehow hit her far too hard for someone who had literally just spent a good hour or so domming someone else; hell, domming the person responsible for her feeling that way to begin with! It was confusing, to say the least… but it didn’t feel bad. Quite the contrary, in fact: it felt better than anything Ashly had experienced in quite a long while.
Title: 1000 Words: Riding the Goat by Thakur Tags: Bestiality, Goat, Hazing, Human, M/F, Non-Anthro, Short, Vaginal, Zoophilia Please consider donating. Donations come with significant rewards! For more details, click here: [http://www.sofurry.com/index.php?pid=269092](http://www.sofurry.com/index.php?pid=269092) --- *This story belongs to my growing series: 1000 Words: Picture Stories. If a picture is worth a thousand words, can I paint a scene with the same limitation? The stories in this folder are self-contained, and not interrelated, other than the requirement that they contain exactly 1000 words.* The final test to join Alpha Gamma Rho was behind that door. We had to do something embarrassing on camera, to be kept in "The Vault", the fraternity's safe. We were supposed to trust our new brothers completely, though I suspected the leaders also liked the leverage the tapes gave them. Step out of line and end up on Youtube! I'd whispered to a few of the other students pledging. One guy had confided in me that he'd had to dress in women's clothing and masturbate for the camera. Embarrassing, but certainly worth it to get into Alpha Gamma Rho! Besides, I'd already been through too much to turn back now. I almost got frostbite from standing naked in the freezer with two others. If we hadn't cuddled up, we would've frozen for sure! For the second test, I wasn't allowed to sleep for two days straight. Now I walked down the stairs of the chapter house, tired and ready for my last test. I just hoped it wasn't the goat... I opened the door and stepped quickly in, but my heart sank. The dark room was almost empty, except for a lightbulb that illuminated three things: a video camera, a table, and a goat, looking up at me and chewing on something. Why me!? The goat's name was Sheila, and she'd been paraded around in front of the recruits on the first day. One of the recruits, they'd said, would have to "ride the goat". We'd all chuckled nervously at the time. They were just trying to scare us! I closed the door behind me, looking around for anything to suggest a joke. But there was nothing in the room but me, the camera, and Sheila chewing its cud. They weren't serious! What if they didn't think I was Alpha Gamma Rho material, and gave me this test to weed me out? Or maybe this was what it took to prove my loyalty. Either way, I wasn't going to back out now. If they thought Sheila would scare me off, they were dead wrong. I was going to leave this room a full member. I grabbed the camera. Swallowing, I pressed record, and placed it on the table, facing the goat. Sheila was about the size of a large dog, with curly white fur covering its body. The tape was running, and I didn't want to waste any time, so I knelt next to the goat. To my surprise, Sheila turned away from me, lifting its stubby tail. At least she was really a she! Beneath her little tail was a small, pink opening, protruding slightly from the rest of her rump, looking wet and puffy. Beneath her swayed a large udder. Thank god I'd hooked up with a girl my last week of high school, or I'd have to lose my virginity to a goat! Gently I touched Sheila's cunt, but she just bleated and looked back at me. If I was going to fuck her, I needed to get hard. I slid down my pants, making sure the camera was on me and the goat. I damn sure wasn't doing this again, so I was going to get this all in one take. Then I closed my eyes and began rubbing, thinking about my fling back home. In no time I was ready. Well, here goes. I swivilled Sheila's hips at an angle so the camera would get a clear shot. Then I placed my tip up against her cunt. This was the grossest thing I had ever contemplated, but I had to do it. I gritted my teeth, and penetrated the second pussy of my life. I slid right between her warm, wet lips. Then, Sheila lost it, bleating and bucking her hips. I wasn't ready at all. I had to hang onto her, so I leaned forward and pulled her hips back, and suddenly she was a white blur spasming on the end of my cock. She was so much tighter than my first time. I lost it right with her. Her squealing thrusts drove me crazy, and I just started humping her. I just made sure the camera could see everything, and then I went to town, moaning and filling her tight cunt. I'd never felt so good! I leaned over her back and reached around to grab her huge teats, tugging on them as I fucked her. I wanted it to last forever, but I couldn't last long in that wet inferno. I pushed all the way into her shuddering cunt, and my balls let go with everything. Shivering, I pulled out of her, jumping for the camera to hit "stop". God, I hoped they couldn't tell how much I'd enjoyed that! Either way, I'd done my part. Sheila stood there bleating, tail raised, cum running down her rump. No one would doubt he'd actually fucked the goat! All that was left was delivering the tape. I stood up, patting Sheila on the head and pulling up my boxers. I wondered idly where they kept her the rest of the school year, in case I wanted to see her again. What was I saying!? Shaking my head clear, I left her in the room and started up the stairs. At the top step, our chapter president stood smiling, offering his hands. I placed the camera firmly in his left hand and shook his right. "Congratulations," he said. "You're now a full member, assuming the tape checks out. I hope Sheila wasn't too much trouble." "No, sir," I said, holding back my disgust. "Some of our previous pledges have said it's hard to get her in the poses we required, especially the one where you pretend you're banging her. The most important one!" Confused, I said, "Pretend...? What poses?" "The poses, in the letter on the table?" What did he mean, pretend I'm banging her? There wasn't any letter! Oh. Oh, wait. That's what she had been eating when I walked in the door.
Title: 1, 2, 3.. As Easy as ABC Ch. 21 Tags: lesbian sex, interracial sex, group sex "Could not have timed it better, sweetie," Jo said to Megan when the youngster pulled into the pick-up slot at the airport, tossing her bag into the back of the SUV, Tess doing the same, afterwards. The sibs had just arrived back home from their trip to Ireland, their duties as daughters to their parents fulfilled, now. They had interred the ashes of their parents in the Clancy family tomb, in the town of Cork, following the parents' wishes to the letter of their last Will and Testament. "Hugs....I want hugs," Meg gleefully demanded of the sibs, "Ooooh, really missed you guys," the trio of good-looking young women hugging each other tightly. "Missed you too, babe," Jo responded, honestly. "Where's Janice? Tess asked as she buckled herself into the back seat of Jo's SUV which Megan had used to pick up the sibs. "She'll be back in an hour or so, some family crap she had to do with her parents," Meg explained as she checked the mirrors for traffic before pulling out to the exit lane to leave the terminal. "You guys still planning on staying over tonight?" Jo inquired, stretching off the kinks from the long, overseas flight. "If it's still okay, we'd really like to," Meg replied with a sideways glance of her eyes to Jo, trying to see if there was 'interest' in them doing so. "Shit, stay the fucking weekend if you want to, baby," Tess said while she stretched her stiffness away in the back seat, "that'd be okay, wouldn't it, Jo?" "Yeah, that'd be fine with me; guess it's really up to the girls and their parents," Jo opined further on the issue. "Not a problem for us," Megan replied, "my parents will be upstate at my grandmother's and I think Janice said that her parents would be visiting some friends, as well." "Sounds like a plan..." Tess said, "the only thing is," she continued, "I don't want to go anywhere, don't want to do anything that requires traveling anywhere, done enough traveling for a while," her feelings on the matter quite plain and concise. "Why don't you two just relax and let Jan and I cook up a meal for the four of us tonight? Maybe go swimming afterwards? Megan suggested further. "Seriously? You and Jan?" Jo asked, seeking clarification that she and Jan could cook. "Yes, me and Jan.....you're not the only one with kitchen skills, Jo," Meg replied with a chuckle. "Okay, girlfriend, bring it....let's see what you got," was the amused reply from Jolene. "You already know what I have," the bemused Megan responded with a snarky, leery grin, "and you love it!" "Can't argue with that but, tempting as your sweet ass is, I don't want to make Janice jealous or mad, baby," Jo agreed with a chuckle. "Actually......," Meg began her reply to Jo's comment but, instead, let her voice trail off into silence. "Actually? Actually, what?" Tess demanded from the back seat, her mind-trip to the memory of her romp with the Irish boi-chick, Claire, momentarily interrupted by Meg's comments. "Don't be mad, okay?....Jan and I sorta' had a threesome at your house the other night," Meg confessed, "I know y'all didn't want us to have a party or a bunch of people over and we didn't, we really didn't," Megan gushed, rushing her words so that the sibs wouldn't be mad at her for abusing their kindness of allowing she and Jan to have some private time while the sibs were overseas. "Sorta'? What do you mean, sorta'? You either had a threesome or you didn't, no sorta' about that," Tess declared with a smile to Meg in the rearview mirror. "Well, okay, we HAD a threesome at the house....okay?" Meg 'fessed up to the sibs. "Anyone we know?" was Jo's only question about the matter, her curiosity piqued. "Don't think so," Meg responded as she signaled her turn off of the interstate to their exit, "Beverly is a classmate of ours...graduated with us this year; sort of a geeky, nerdy chick that was in band with us." "And?" Tess inquired, her own curiosity piqued as well. "Janice and I ran into her at the mall, kinda' hung out with her there and Janice asked her to join us for an afternoon swim afterwards," Meg explained. "And?" Jo pressed. "Well, Bev didn't have a suit with her, of course, so we told her that we'd all swim bare-assed and you could see that the suggestion hit a hot-button with her.....anyway, when we hit the pool, naked, the girl's body was not to be believed! I mean, who knew?, she certainly never dressed at school in any way that showed that she had a 'hot' body," Meg recounted for the sibs. "And?" the request for more being sounded by both of the sibs now, their attention having been gotten. "So....after the sun went down-it was around five before we got home from the mall-I stole some of y'all's Tequila-sorry,guys-and we all got tipsy," Meg 'fessed, "Janice started putting some moves on Bev, and I thought that was hot and joined in, and, well, Janice and I wound up fucking Bev like crazy out there on the patio, on that large chaise-lounger thingy," the redness of embarrassment creeping up the side of her neck when she admitted it. "I'm gonna' go out on a limb here and conclude that Bev enjoyed it?" Tess remarked a bit smart-assedly. "Oooh yeah, she surely did; gave as good as she got," Meg confirmed. "Hmmph," Jo said simply, "Didn't know that Janice would be into threesomes." "Yeah, neither did I.....but, I'm okay with that, of course," Megan remarked, "though I should've had a clue after she got super-horny a while back when we watched one of Tess' 'chick-flicks' about threesomes," laughing after she said that. "Yep....good porn will do that to you," Jo affirmed with a smile. "Shit, bad porn will do that to you," Tess corrected which brought laughing agreement from her car-mates. Pulling into the garage of the Clancy home, Megan hit the remote to lower the garage doors, the two sibs sighing as they exited the car. "Damn, it's good to be home," Jo averred, dragging her bag behind her into the house. "Tru 'dat, sister-girl, tru 'dat," Tess agreed with a smile. "You guys do what you have to do while I make up a list for dinner, okay?" Megan suggested, perusing the pantry and cupboards for what was there and what would be needed for their dinner. "Sounds good to me," Tess called over her shoulder from the stairwell as she made her way upstairs. "Ditto," agreed Jo, doing the same but wondering why her bag suddenly seemed about fifty pounds heavier as she neared the top of the stairs. Looking to Tess, the two sibs simply smiled their love for the other. "Don't know 'bout you, Jo, but I think I'll unpack later; I'm going to lay down for a nap, I think," Tess said as the weariness of the overseas flight wrapped its arms around her. "Me too," Jo agreed, "See you later." Going upstairs to alert the sibs that she was heading to the market, Meg found them both fast asleep in their own beds. Carefully, closing their doors behind her, she smiled to herself at the closeness of her relationship with Tess and Jo. And, it wasn't just about the great sex, no, not at all....... "Damn, but that felt soooooo good," stretching as she said it, Jo continued downstairs, a large bath towel around her, another in her hands as she dried her hair from the shower. Looking up from the den towards her voice, Janice and Meg simply smiled at the older Clancy girl. They, Meg and Jan, had been lounging on a couch watching a movie on TV, Jan's body stretched out longways, laying against Megan's. Surprisingly, they weren't engaged in any sexual play while doing so, a rarity for them since the start of their romance. "Tess still asleep?" Janice asked of Jo as the older sib approached them on the couch. "Nope. Heard her shower running when I walked past her room......whoa, what is that delicious smell that just hit my nose?" Jo asked when she caught a whiff of the aromas emanating from her kitchen. "That be supper, Ms. Jolene," Janice replied with a faux-accent of a southern slave speaking to her mistress, "It be ready real soon, Ma'am, yes'm, it surely will." "Cute." Jo replied with a smirk, "real cute Jan, but I have to tell you girl, t'aint no way you'd ever be anybody's slave," chuckling afterwards. "Too bad, that might be fun," Jan replied with a grin and a wink to Jo. Hmmph, was Jo's reaction to that bit of double-entendre play from the young Afro-American chick. "Seriously, what is it?" Jo pressed for an answer, following Jan into the kitchen. "Chicken and Sausage gumbo, slow-cooking in the crockpot," Jan answered, holding the lid off to the side for Jo to peek a look and a sniff, stirring off to the side to give Jo room to do so. "Wow, something smells good," Tess' voice called from the foot of the stairs as she walked towards the kitchen to join the others, dressed casually in a top and shorts. "That's what I'm saying.....get a whiff of this, babe," Jo replied, stepping aside for Tess to do just that. Turning the pot to the lowest setting, Jan commented, "Old family recipe from my dad's mom." Grabbing a pot from the cabinet, she started the process of measuring the rice that she'd need for their meal, then adding the water afterwards. "Meg's cooking a sweet potato casserole in the oven to go with the gumbo and all that's left to do is to put the french bread to warm in the oven and serve the meal," Jan informed the sibs, beaming brightly with pride, justifiably it should be noted. "Well, I'm gonna' throw some clothes on before we eat, don't start without me," Jo warned the trio as she rushed upstairs to dress. Oh no, don't worry about that, Jo, Janice thought to herself as she stirred the rice that was now tumbling in the boiling water, wouldn't dream of starting without you, smiling at her private thoughts........ "Ladies? To the both of you," Jo toasted Megan and Janice, "I'll admit it, I had my doubts, but you two have whipped up a simply scrumptious meal; my bad for having doubted you," clinking her glass of Rose against theirs. "Agreed!" Tess affirmed, "Excellent in every way and Meg? your sweet potato casserole is the best I've ever had, next to Mom's, and sweetie, that's a hell of a compliment," Jo nodding her head in agreement with Tess' evaluation of said dish. "Damn, not only are they good looking and sexy, but they can cook! Who knew?" Jo joked to the table. "It's the least we could do for y'all since you allowed Janice and I to stay here while y'all were gone," Meg replied to the compliments from the sibs, "But, I'm glad you find it worthy," smiling her gladness to the sibs. "Beyond worthy, girl; Janice? Is there any way I could talk you into sharing that gumbo recipe with me?" Jo asked the young black woman. "Pretty sure you could talk me into sharing anything, Jo, but, sure, not a problem," Jan replied with a twinkle in her eye to Jo and a wink afterwards. "Sounds promising, thanks," Jo replied, wondering if the remark meant as much in promise as she hoped it did. No doubt about it, Jo was having a hard time keeping her eyes off of Jan during their meal. Dressed in a skimpy top and ass-hugging gym shorts, Jan was keeping Jo's horny-motor running, no doubt about that at all. As the four of them ate and talked, Jo had to fight hard to keep her thoughts focused on the table conversation, visions of Jan's naked, brown body laying in her bed crowding into her consciousness. What Jo didn't know, couldn't know, was that Janice was having the same problem, keeping her mind on their conversation in front of her thoughts of eating Jo's pussy. She had shared her thoughts with Meg about Jo when she and Meg had started meeting at Jo's house for sex play in the afternoons, after school. After one such afternoon of intense sex with Megan, she, Meg, had shared the fact that she had been with both of the Clancy sisters in threesomes. She shared that, after Tess had returned to school that spring, she and Jo had many memorable afternoons of sex with each other. Janice had then told Meg that she thought Jo to be incredibly sexy and openly wondered how good she'd be as a sex partner. "Absolutely fabulous," had been Meg's reply to that question, causing Jan to desire Jo even more. Sure, this girl-girl sex thing was new, and welcomed, to her world, but, thought Jan, exploring is exploring and she definitely wanted to explore Jolene Clancy, if given the chance. The thing is, even though Megan and Janice were absolutely crazy for each other since their first fuck, they were also both adventurous about their sexual appetites. Had either had their first sex with a guy, perhaps it'd be the same for them in wanting to explore, but it hadn't been a guy and for the both of them, that wasn't a problem. So, plans to be 'roomies' at college aside, neither thought their relationship to be 'exclusive' or 'forever', no, they were smarter than that. But, would they enjoy it for as long as it ran its course? Oh yeah, take THAT to the bank...... "Missed you," Tess said softly when she handed Meg a beer from the den's mini-fridge, "been a while for you and me," her eyebrow raised when saying it. "It has, hasn't it?" Megan replied after sipping her long-neck brew, ice-cold as always, "doesn't mean it has to be, does it?" "I was kinda' hoping you'd say that," Tess smilingly replied, "maybe after a bit of swimming you and I could sneak off for a little playtime?" "That'd work," Megan agreed, "though I don't think we'd have to sneak off to enjoy a little time with each other; it'd give Jan a shot at getting to know Jo and I know for a fact she'd really like that," chuckling at her own comment. Sure do like this girl, Tess thought as she and Megan eye-fucked each other while sipping their beers, wonder if she'd like fucking a boi-butch, she thought further, visions of Claire refusing to leave her mind-theatre.... "There...I think I got it all right," Janice told Jo, "you know how it is with cooking stuff you've been cooking all your life from memory, it just sorta' happens by itself." Jo asked Jan for her gumbo recipe but since it was an oral tradition that had been handed down in her family, she had to write it out for Jo. "Yes, I do and thank you for sharing this with me, it really was good," Jo smilingly replied when taking the recipe card from Janice's grip. "Share anything with you, Jo," Jan mysteriously replied. There she fucking goes again with those damned double-entendre comments, Jo thought in that instant, well, we'll just see if she's blowing smoke or not, Jo decided just as quickly. "Better be careful, sweetie, I might just take you up on that," Jo replied leeringly, her eyes hard on Jan's face while saying it. "Promises, promises," Jan flirted back. "Oh, not a promise, babygirl, a definite guarantee," vollied Jo. "I wouldn't stop you, you know," advantage Jan. "I wouldn't want you to," Jo replied, moving closer to Jan's luscious lips for the 'kill shot'. Placing her hands to Jan's smooth skin of her face, Jo drew the brown-skinned beauty's pouty-begging-to-be-kissed lips to her own, sliding her tongue deep into the eighteen year-old's mouth which brought a deep, loud moan of pleasure from Janice as she responded. Game, set, match to Jolene..... "C'mon, babe, let's hit the pool," Tess said, pulling Megan by the hand, behind her. As usual, Tess enjoyed watching Meg strip down while she did the same. Something about the teenager's body just, well, just sorta' appealed to her. Wasn't all that special, Tess thought, slipping her panties from her ankle, but no matter, Tess enjoyed looking at the naked Meg and for her, that was enough. Must be something to the thing she'd always heard that one's first sexual partner would always be special, Megan thought as she surfaced after diving into the pool. Back there, on the decking when they took off their clothes, Megan became wetter and wetter with desire as Tess stripped off her garments. Tess would remain special to her forever, Meg had decided, gripping the edge of the pool to catch her breath, of that, Megan was sure..... "Wha...," Jan started to say, her eyes popping open and her lips still pursed. "I'm going swimming, join me?" Jo said, interrupting whatever it was Janice was going to say. Turning, her back to Jan, Jo smiled to herself as she headed to the deck and pool. Always leave 'em wanting more, Jo thought to herself, less is definitely more, and sliding the patio door open, she stepped outside.... Oh no, she didn't, Janice thought when Jo broke off their kiss and walked off. No fucking way we're stopping this, quickly following Jo outside.... Breaking water on the deep end after shallow-diving from the other end, Tess came up right next to Megan who was still gripping the edge of the pool. Shaking the strands of wet hair from her eyes, Tess treaded water while holding onto Megan's hips with her hands to keep her in place. "Don't drown on me," Meg teasingly said to Tess, placing one of her hands to Tess' rib cage, slightly pulling her closer to her own body. "Would you rescue me if I started going down?" Tess asked softly. "Not if you were going down on me," Meg joked back, "Never, if you were going down on me." "Miss me a little bit, do you?" Tess cooed her question to her teenager. "Miss you a lot, actually," Megan replied just before leaning in to meet Tess' approaching lips with her own. Their kiss was, at first, soft and tender but, as was always the case with Tess and Meg, soon took on a life of its own, the familiar taste of each other's lips and mouths, the driving force behind that.... Watching her sis and Meg kiss each other on the far end of the pool, Jo heard the patio door slide close behind her, heard the scuffle of Janice's bare feet on the deck as the Afro-teenager approached her from behind. Pulling off her skimpy tee at that moment, Jo dropped it to the ground at her feet. "Undo my bra, baby," Jo said softly to Jan, 'feeling' the presence of the teenager as she stopped behind her. "What?" Jan replied. "I think you heard me, baby, I said, undo my bra," Jo repeated, her voice a bit firmer this time. She did. Nimbly, silently, Jan unhooked the clasps of Jo's bra. Turning to face Jan, Jo then let her bra drop from her arms and her girls, Jan's eyes hard on Jo's almost-perfect D-cups, Jo's nipples hard and begging to be sucked, Jan thought fleetingly as she stared at them. Without a word to Jan, Jo simply lifted her chest upwards as she pulled Jan's head downward to her boobs. "Suck them for a bit, sweetie, I'd really like that," Jo said as she pushed her nipple between Jan's parting lips. She did. And while Jan obeyed Jo's command and sucked on Jo's breasts, she felt her stomach flutter as Jo's hand slipped into her gym shorts, Jo's fingers doing a slow crawl towards Jan's so-wanting-to-be-touched young snatch. Jan didn't mean to gasp that little sound when Jo's fingers found their target, she really didn't but damn it to hell, Jo's fingers were doing things that were just un-fucking-believable to her, now-wet, pussy. "Take off your clothes, babygirl, let's go play in the water," Jo suddenly said while quickly removing her hand from the youngster's sopping pussy. Quicker than you could say 'strip', they were naked and in the water, Jo's arms wrapped around Jan's shoulders and back, Jo's lips wrapped around Janice's gnawing lips and tongue. So wrapped up were they in their kiss and, soon, fondling of each other, neither took notice of Tess and Megan leaving the pool, arms around each other, walking back into the house..... "Mmph, mmmph...huhh, huhhhh," shorts gasps of satisfaction leaked from Megan's lips, her mouth full of one of Tess' breasts. Below, Tess was three-fingers wide and, two knuckles deep, into Meg's snatch, her 'fucking' of the teenager, hard, lustful, and almost, hurtful. Megan cared not, the pleasure overwhelmed whatever discomfort and pangs of pain that resulted from Tess' fingers and hand. Tess had her head thrown back, her own breaths coming in short bursts as her excitement grew, as she pictured the Irish boi she had fucked roughly on their last night in Dublin. Had Megan had a boi-cut of hair, she might not have survived the fingering from Tess......... "OhmyGod, ohmyGod.....Sweet Mother of God!!!..." Jan's voice cried into the night. Thankfully, in their somewhat exclusive community, Tess and Jo's backyard had high walls of stone and the nearest neighbor was almost a quarter-mile away. Right next door? Oh yeah, Janice would have been heard. Jo was laying on her back, on the large chaise lounge by the pool, her head between the Afro-teenager's knees. With her arms wrapped around Jan's hips, Jo's fingers dug deeply into the youngster's ass-cheeks, Jo pulling the sweet tasting pussy harder against her mouth and tongue. The more she pulled, the more intense was Jan's orgasms. They, she and Jan, had played kissy-face in the pool with each other for a very pleasurable, long while, both getting off in the water from the fingering of their pussies by the other. They kissed hungrily, tongues dueling constantly, nipples being bitten and chewed upon, neither giving a damn if the Pope himself walked out onto the deck, now. Bringing Jan by her hand to the chaise, Jo laid down, instructing Jan how to kneel on the narrow chaise so that Jo could get her 'taste' and Jan could get her 'rocks'. Of course, they sixty-nined, Janice seemingly crazy with need as she traded licks and sucks with Jo's busy mouth. But, when Jo slipped a finger deep into Janice's asshole while sucking Jan's clit deep into her mouth, well damn, what's a girl to do? She screamed her pleasure loudly and proudly into the night air of that late summer night, is what she did............ During a break from their fucking of each other, Tess told Meg of her fling with the Irish, androgynous, Claire, told Meg of the 'strange' turn-on from fucking the Irish butch-boi, told of how the memory of that encounter simply would not leave her head. Hearing Tess' confession made Megan so damned hot and horny, the teenager pulled Tess to sit on her face and gave the soon-to-be graduate student the ride of her life. Megan's pussy-eating skills just kept getting better and better, Tess thought as she moved her pussy back and forth over her teenaged lover's mouth and tongue, another orgasm climbing from deep within her to explode yet again. For her part, Megan's mind-theatre flickered with visions of she, Megan, on her knees between the legs of a line of butch-bois waiting to be serviced by Ms. Megan and Meg found that so incredibly, fucking hot, yes indeed, she did...... Janice was on her stomach now, laying on the chaise lounge, her head raised and turned towards Jo's bobbing head, watching as the ex-army officer held her asscheeks apart with strong fingers, Jo's head flush against the brown skin of Janice's very fine, toned ass, Jo's tongue dancing up and down Jan's ass-crack, rimming Jan's asshole as it did so. Slipping two fingers into the eighteen year-old's unbeliveably sopping-wet pussy, Jo brought Janice to her millionth climax of the evening that caused the Afro-teenager's body to shake and quake with pleasures that Jan could not fucking believe were even possible...... The four women slept with their sex partners on that first night of the sibs' return to their home, slept with each other's 'gal', none of the four thinking it to be strange that they did so. When they got around to climbing out of bed the next morning after each pair had a 'good morning' round of sex, they drifted into the kitchen nook to enjoy that delicious first cup of coffee of the new day. "Great coffee, Tess, thanks for making it for us," Jo said to her sister-lover. "I made it for myself; you're lucky that I don't mind sharing," Tess joked back to Jo. "I guess we're all lucky that none of us mind sharing," Megan quipped as she, this morning, was sitting next to her gal, Jan, both trading little nibbles of lips with each other as they sipped their cups of brew. "Sorta' worked out well, I think," Jo commented with a wink to both Meg and Jan. "So, what's up for the rest of the weekend, girls?" Tess asked as she stretched her arms over her head, her body still a bit kinked from the overseas flight of yesterday. First class or not, eight hours in a plane can kink the body, to be sure. "I'm meeting with a real-estate agent to look at some possible sites for the place," Jo announced, the 'place' being Jo's planned eatery, "if anybody wants to tag along, have your ass ready by ten, okay?" "I'd kinda like to, if you don't mind," Megan piped up to say, "if you don't mind, sweetie," the last comment addressed to her lover-friend, Janice. "Knock yourself out, babe, think I'll stay here and hang out with Tess, maybe do some laps or something," Jan replied with a smile, then, a kiss to her lover-friend. "Why don't you guys plan on meeting us for a late lunch?" Jo suggested to Tess and Jan, "I'll call you when we're done with the agent and tell you where to meet us." "That'll work," Tess agreed after Jan nodded her head at the plan, "I'm going to jump into the shower and clean up, guys," standing and stretching after saying it. "Hang on, I'll jump in with you," Jo said to her sis, "do your back for you." "Fuck my back," Tess chuckled in response, "do my front," all four women laughing afterwards..... (continued in chapter 22)
Looking back at how things had progressed, Kal often found himself torn between a deep, almost irresistible desire to fall into unending nostalgia, and an overwhelming, burning, envious anger at the injustices that the world had wrought upon him. He remembered the good old days, where he had been the only person on the planet to be blessed with the gene, the only one to have grown to such immense sizes that an entirely new “illness” was named after him. He remembered the struggle to have it recognized not as something inherently bad, but as a “next step in evolution”, even if that made very little scientific sense; he recalled with fondness when others around him began to grow in excess to what they should as well, how he had become known as the one who heralded a brand new age of medical knowledge, an upturning of the social order as more and more individuals came to be known as “hypers”: those with the correct genetic sequence that their bodies burgeoned outwards far in excess to what would be expected for their species and age. For years this notion had been the exclusive purview of more extreme fetish art, but with Kal at the forefront and thousands, eventually millions following right behind him, it was clear past a certain point that hypers weren’t destined to remain a minority for long; in the short span of ten or so years, they went from a handful of isolated cases to composing the vast majority of the population… and that’s when the problems started. For Kal, things had been pretty great, what with him being hailed as the “world’s first hyper”, with all of the accolades, perks and guest star appearances that entailed; it was a life of frankly unparalleled luxury that he lived, one where he was underneath a spotlight for every hour of every day, and though others might find such a state of affairs to be exhausting, the tiger lived and breathed that sort of attention. To him, nothing else could be better, hence why he occasionally ran himself ragged going from place to place in order to promote whatever personal project he’d been working on at the time; for years he maintained this frenzied rhythm, to the point where it was all he knew, to the point where, when it finally began to wane, he immediately picked up on it. ‘Twas almost imperceptible at first, but as news began to trickle in of other “plus-sized” hypers, Kal knew that he had competition; what he didn’t know was that said competition would be short-lived, not because he would blow them out of the water, but because it seemed as if the hyper gene worked in a reverse order: those who came into size later, after Kal himself did, eventually grew bigger than him, and seeing as he had been the first confirmed case of this new condition… suffice it to say, as soon as this particular truth became known to him, the tiger’s life, at least as he knew it, was over. No longer was he big enough to serve as the representative of anything, no longer did he have the standing to go on stage and earnestly suggest that he could speak for anyone but himself; he had been relegated to a footnote in the history books, a “patient zero” of sorts towards whom people would nod at on the streets, maybe even pay some lip service to, but nothing more. When his very own neighbors were bigger than he was, some by several orders of magnitude, what grounds did Kal have to stand on to suggest that he might be even remotely relevant? He would forever be known as the first hyper, sure, but that hardly mattered when, in this brand new world, he had once again been relegated to the bottom rung of society… at least in terms of size. Above all else, this was what caused him to descend into a year-long depressive episode after first realizing how hopeless it all was, to know that after a decade of unmatched dominance, he would slowly be dethroned by quite literally everyone else on the planet, including the very people who once interviewed him over his important status as the vanguard for a new world order. For someone who had come from nothing and been given the chance of a lifetime, to so abruptly be thrown back into the pits of obscurity felt like a mean-spirited practical joke, played by the universe itself at his expense. The scale of it was impressively malicious as well, given that he himself was no slouch in terms of what his body could do: if his impressive height, standing at a proud nine feet, was not enough to impress, then surely a package big enough to have his nuts hang close to the floor and a cock the length of his torso would; even if not, then mayhaps the simple fact that he could fill up entire bathtubs with his precum alone, and needed special drains installed in his house just to keep him from flooding it on a daily basis. What a shame that none of this mattered, that these “special” drains were no longer anything special at all, as they’d become government-mandated in all households with hypers residing within them (which were, at that point, effectively every house in the country); what a shame that even his prodigious productivity was seen as frankly middling, even mediocre, when judging by the standards the rest of society operated on. The biggest of hypers could drown out entire cities if they were left to cum their brains out without adequate preparations, requiring vast amounts of funds to be diverted to their containment; what hope did Kal have of ever competing with those behemoths, they whose bodies were visible for miles around? It all felt terribly unfair, and though he was no stranger to using these feelings to boost him back up in order to accomplish his goals and build himself a stronger foundation, the tiger had to admit that he didn’t have a single clue on how to fix his current problem. It had been fifteen years since he was first diagnosed, and since then, the world had flown by him, leaving him alone, in his home, sitting on a decade’s worth of being a major celebrity. In all honesty, it wasn’t that bad of a life, assuming of course that he focused entirely on his material possessions. He had a decent penthouse in one of the better parts of the city and enough money to last him for the rest of his life, even accounting for the occasional flight of fancy and some frankly decadent lifestyle choices; were he a simpler man, he would’ve been happy to rest on his laurels and simply fade into the backdrop while others took center stage, enjoying the finer things in life from the comfort of his own home… but he was not a simple man. In fact, Kal liked to think of himself as quite needlessly complicated, a tiger obsessed with doing things not necessarily in the right way, but in whatever manner would be most pointlessly complex, if only so he could satisfy both his curiosity and his innate desire to prove to himself that he could always do better. Or, perhaps, he was just a sore loser and this was his way of justifying it, or maybe he had grown so accustomed to the constant adoration that he’d been in a years-long withdrawal; any of these options were reasonably likely, but they all ultimately ended up at the same place: he had to be the biggest one again. Not just big, not just big enough that it would be a hassle, but so massive, so unfathomably huge that even those titans which had been blessed last but most strongly by the gene would look puny next to him; he would once again be at the forefront of a new awakening, one where hypers of all stripes would look at him and realize that they, too, were absolutely tiny and should grow bigger to compensate… thus kickstarting a cycle where he, Kal, would always be growing, always be getting bigger and more powerful, and always be armed with plenty of excuses to continuously push his boundaries. Or, at least, that’s what the plan was; how exactly he was supposed to accomplish any of this was still up in the air, or if it was even feasible to begin with. As far as the tiger knew, there was no real way of tampering with the hyper gene (not according to the latest genetic research, at least), and even his initial awakening had come entirely unexpectedly and without him doing anything special to trigger it; one day he was perfectly normal, the next he woke up with a dick twice its original size and nuts big enough that it took him an hour to empty them fully. No amount of anything seemed to have any verifiable effect: though he had grown big, bulky and stout, exercise did what it always had; though he had grown virile to a frankly absurd degree, any supplements he took ranged from ineffective to so pathetically inefficient that they might as well be the former. For all intents and purposes, Kal’s body was telling him that he had no control over the proceedings, and that he should sit down, accept his fate, and deal with the fact that he would never be as big compared to others as he used to be. This, of course, only made him want to break the cycle even harder, because if there was one thing that made the tiger want to rage against the heavens, it was the heavens telling him he wasn’t allowed to do something; if fate had ordained it for him to stay at that size for the rest of his life, well then fate would simply have to be proven wrong! He had no plan of action, none of the knowledge needed to make one, nor the contacts in the right industries to make inquiries as to what could be done; all he had in his possession were his own size woes, an inability to admit defeat, and a burning need to rise above all others and make his mark upon the world… and really, that’s all he’d ever had. From a lowly fry cook to a world-travelling celebrity, he had proven at the very least that he knew how to work a crowd and bend it to his every whim, and the only reason he’d ever lost his status was because others had literally grown too big for him to share the stage with them. He had, nonetheless, forged a small empire from nothing, and if there was anything he could rely on, it was his bullheaded, idiotic, singleminded determination, the willpower to do something he very well knew was impossible purely because he was informed that it was impossible. Now, the main issue at hand was that, inner fire or not, it was actually quite important for him to know where to start; it was one thing for him to want something, quite another for Kal to take a step in the right direction in order to obtain it. Lacking any insider knowledge on the relevant scientific fields, the only resources and contacts the tiger could mobilize were those related to showbusiness, his little black book of sycophants and various hangers-on that he had kept in his possession just in case he ever needed to cash in favours. After the hyper awakening began to take its toll on the world, Kal assumed that he’d never have any reason to call upon those people ever again… but with his mind now set on making himself the biggest around yet again, there were no avenues that he wasn’t willing to pursue, if for no other reason than to exhaust every option he had available. As he considered this, however, the tiger realized there was always the simple solution of just not relieving himself. With his body used to having its cum stores duly pumped out several times a day, lest something bad happen with him overstuffing himself, it was trivially easy for Kal to deliberately bring that “something bad” to happen by, quite simply, just not jacking off; admittedly, it was significantly easier said than done, seeing as he’d still need to deal with the pressure, but it was a method he knew had some promise… or at least assumed it did. There were plenty of stories of hypers across the world who found themselves larger than they already were after they were kept from emptying out for longer than normal, though whether or not this was a result of their self-denial or just part of their regular growth cycle was never proven scientifically; as would be expected, no one really wanted to give credence to the idea that one could become bigger by inaction, lest the entire world suffer the consequences, and as such these tales were both derisively mocked, at worst, and at best merely refuted by established authorities. As far as anyone knew, and as far as the scientific establishment cared to tell anyone, one’s size was linked purely to one’s genetic code, specifically the “hyper sequence”. Kal, of course, seriously doubted this claim, if for no other reason than it being false meant that he could live out his dreams, and thus he set out to not empty himself for at least a full day, while he busied himself phoning up whatever contacts he had left in order to mobilize his network; the consequences for this would be severe, though unbeknownst to Kal himself, they would not be made apparent to him until after he had given up pursuing that avenue. For his body was not the body he used to have a decade and a half prior, and if there was anything that the hyper gene had done for him, it was heighten his productivity to such an absurd degree that if he didn’t actively fill up entire bathtubs’ worth of volume with his spunk, the slight discomfort he felt whenever he wasn’t being actively drained would progress to pain very quickly, enough that he would have trouble thinking straight after just an hour or so. There was a good reason why he kept drains in every single room of his penthouse when he technically only needed one in his bathroom; no point having to get up and waste time staring at a wall when he could be watching television or working in his study, after all. These wall-mounted ports, however, would soon become more than just a means of release; they were symbols of his folly, signifiers of what sort of insanity he had attempted, because the poor tiger didn’t last for more than three hours before he was left unable to even walk straight. Things had progressed normally enough for the first thirty or so minutes, or at least as normally as they could go; after Kal decided not to empty out, it wasn’t as if his body then turned around and produced more just to spite him, leaving him with a firm grasp of the sort of timeline he could expect. Yet, the longer he spent without shoving his dick into one of those pumps and letting his nuts empty themselves into the piping, the harder he found it to focus on anything other than doing just that; force of habit was already powerful on its own, but when he reached the point where he had to remove his trousers in order to make room for a swelling pair of cumtanks, that’s when Kal realized that he might be biting off more than he could chew. Nevertheless, he insisted on denying himself, even when his body began to burn up and sweat poured down his brow in quantities so copious that he might as well be giving himself a bath; with his cock turgid from the sensations firing up into his brain from the two overtaxed orbs he had spilling over the side of the couch, not touching himself had become the hardest thing in the room, fittingly enough. All the tiger could do was look straight ahead at his shaft, watch as it throbbed and pulsated with each heartbeat, more and more blood diverted to leave it increasingly larger with each second the passed without him stimulating himself; this was, perhaps, the greatest of cosmic jokes played on him, that hypers were fully capable of growing… temporarily, as their arousal spiked higher and higher. He would keep swelling until such a point as the pleasure became too much for him to resist, and what this meant in practice was a cock that took up an increasing amount of room in front of him, and two balls that swelled in every direction until he could feel the ground underneath them despite being firmly seated on his sofa. Even so much as thinking about calling anyone became an impossibility; if he couldn’t get up from his seat, how could he be expected to maintain a decent conversation over such a serious topic as his size woes? No, the number of options available to Kal had been reduced to just one: sitting there and waiting for the inevitable explosion, because if there was one thing certain in his mind, it was the knowledge that, like it or not, he was going to cum his brains out. Even if he succeeded in keeping his hands off his dick, which was itself becoming increasingly unlikely as time went on, there wouldn’t be anything stopping his body from quite simply overloading on raw pleasure alone; judging by what he was feeling at that time, the tiger figured he’d have a couple of hours at best before his brain gave up and unleashed the full might of his body’s productive capabilities upon his unsuspecting living room, a mental image that only served to aggravate the already lust-addled state that Kal found himself in. The very atmosphere of the space around him seemed to heat up, filled with musk and other such scents that the big cat was reasonably certain were being emitted by his own body, all while his ears were blessed by the gurgling and groaning of two very hyperactive cum factories, not to mention the soft, leather-like creaking that heralded every inch that his nuts and cock gained… and there were a lot of those to be had with every moment that passed without Kal submitting to his urges. In a way, it was genuinely impressive that he managed to make it all the way to the three-hour mark before finally snapping, and even then he wasn’t actually experiencing climax; with his cock having grown enough that it was taller than he was and about half again as thick as his torso, a pair of nuts so large that he had to keep his legs atop them so as to not break his pelvis, two cumtanks so enormous that they were collectively about as big as a large family van, it was nothing short of miraculous that the tiger could even think at all. This made it surprisingly difficult to control himself, as the last thing he actually needed was to become consciously aware of just how enormous he’d become; while under the effects of the hormonal storm he’d unleashed upon himself, Kal could at least rely on a thick curtain of carnal bliss to keep him going, but when things reached such a point that his brain rebooted and he was suddenly beset by the sight of his own girth… well, he was doing all of this purely so he could grow bigger, so to catch a glimpse of what he wanted for himself was a little bit too much for him to handle. He knew, in the instant before it happened, that the dam had broken and the floodgates had been opened, and for a fleeting moment, the tiger knew peace; in the next, the ceiling above his head had a brand new hole in it after the first spurt of cum blasted from his tip, with half of the building being made privy to the noises coming from his sack after it was finally allowed to clench in order to get rid of what were probably, at that point, thousands of gallons of cum. With his eyes rolling upwards into his skull before his eyelids fluttered close, however, Kal was happy to let everything go, to fall into a state of semi-consciousness as his body handled all the hard work, leaving him to do naught but experience the sheer pleasure of it all; truly a privileged position to be in. He might’ve been stuck there for an hour, or three, or perhaps a full day; as far as Kal knew, he could very well have gone under for a whole week, given how disoriented he found himself when regaining consciousness. It felt like one of those vanishingly rare occasions where he had a bit too much to drink without eating enough beforehand, his sense of direction so compromised that, for a few precious seconds, he lost track of the very concepts of “up” and “down”, among others; it took a solid thud to the side of the head for him to wake up properly, and even then his eyesight remained unfocused for long enough that he began to notice there was an overabundance of white smudges in his field of view. Still groggy from whatever had happened, Kal wasn’t yet in possession of the correct sequence of memories needed to reveal to him just what he’d done, which was why, when he finally opened his eyes properly and had his retinas start functioning the way they should, his first reaction was to let out a loud yelp, and then immediately topple over as he scrambled to get over the couch, away from what his brain perceived as being a threat. ‘Twas only after he got back up, his back aching and also coincidentally smeared in his own juices, that Kal truly took in just what he had done to his living room: a fresh new coat of paint, one that was a few inches thick, solid white, and seemed to be melting off of whatever surfaces it was slapped onto… which was to say, every single one. He knew, in that part of his mind that remembered such trivial things, that he had a television, a gaming system, an unnecessarily large sound system and a handful of seats arranged in perfect semi-circular positioning, and yet, for some reason, the only thing he could see was an ocean of off-white cream covering everything in the living room. The true nature of this substance was not unknown to him, though there were still a dozen or so protective layers keeping him from truly recognizing what it was, a final line of defense set up by his primal lizard brain in a last-ditch effort at preserving whatever sanity the tiger had left, for surely, the moment they realized they’d coated their penthouse living room in cum, they would lose their minds completely. The reality of it was, fortunately, far more mundane; the moment those walls were broken down and Kal slowly came to terms with what he’d done to his living space, he didn’t shout, or yelp, or scream or bellow or anything at all. Instead, he sighed, bringing one hand to his temple to avoid accidentally rubbing cum all over his eyes… and in the process smearing it over his forehead instead. At least his growth-by-arousal still worked, that was a plus; if nothing else, then at least he could make good use of that if he ever felt the need to live out his fantasies, though that’d always be a very distant second to the real deal; which reminded him, wasn’t he supposed to have been contacting someone over that?
Title: The Risk is the Reward by Duffin Tags: Bondage, Bunny, Exhibitionism, Handjob, M/M, Masturbation, Mud, Public, Solo The Risk is the Reward by Duffin Caprous Jayson smiled and waved as his parents made their way out of the driveway on their way to visit his father's mother. The rabbit had not wanted to go with his parents, knowing he had a lot to do before summer vacation was over. Being that he was 18, they had decided to let him stay home alone. Once they had driven away, he leaped in excitement and ran into the house. The bunny had just turned 18 and he intended to enjoy his week without parental supervision. He tossed off his clothes as he walked into his bedroom and headed for the shower. Glancing in the mirror, the bunny saw his short, slim body. His fur was tan with darker tanned spots dotting his body along with one large splotch on his left pectoral. He looked more like he was 15 or 16, but knew that eventually he would hit his growth spurt. Or, rather, he'd hoped he would. The youth quickly showered, cleaning himself off and resisting the urge to touch himself in ways other than cleaning. He had other plans for that. It didn't take long for him to feel a bit hungry. Being that his parents had left him a hundred dollars for the week, he decided to make his way to a local fast food burger place. He made his way into his car and relished in the freedom of driving somewhere without his parents asking him where he was going. He also felt his heart flutter as an idea came to his head. Within about ten minutes, the bunny made his way to the restaurant and walked in, smiling a little to the fellow lapine behind the counter. The worker looked less than happy. "Welcome to Bucky Burger, how can I help you?" he asked as if he'd spoken the words at least three hundred times already that day. "Um…a number one, please," he replied softly and paid for his food. It was brought out quickly, which obviously meant that it had been sitting under a heat lamp. That was alright, though, he wasn't sure how much he would eat. Taking the tray of food, the bunny made his way furthest from anyone in the restaurant, close to the bathrooms which were around the corner. Across from his table was a row of windows that looked out to the parking lot. Jayson glanced around and unwrapped his burger before beginning to eat it. His heart started to beat even faster as his free paw began to slip beneath the table. His fingers teased over the fly of his jeans, rubbing there slowly as his eyes darted around. He continued to eat without even realizing. His mind was focused on his excitement and fear as he started to pull the zipper down. SLAM! Jayson nearly jumped out of his seat. He did, indeed, drop his burger onto the tray as he looked quickly to the bathrooms. In his excitement, he had failed to notice the yellow bathroom cart sitting in front of the female's bathroom. A Bucky Burger employee had let the door slam behind him as he left, making his way back to the front of the restaurant. His heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest. The bunny chickened out and quickly began to eat his burger and fries. His paw didn't go back down. Indeed, he made a show to no one in particular that both hands were well above his waist by holding onto the burger with both paws. Once finished, he walked back to his car and got in, his heart still pounding. He felt disappointed in himself for not going through with his plan and even felt embarrassed for not noticing the obvious yellow cart. He then realized that he was very hard in his jeans and it was starting to get a bit uncomfortable. The excitement was getting to him and Jayson knew that Bucky Burger wasn't enough. He needed something else. Turning the key in the ignition, an idea came to him and he drove off home to get a few things. Soon, Jayson had returned to the car with a blue duffle bag. The bunny set it on the passenger seat and swallowed at what he was planning, hoping he wouldn't chicken out again. He drove to the mall and pulled into the parking lot, taking the duffle bag with him as he made his way inside. Being that it was Sunday, the mall was pretty busy. That fact made Jayson very nervous, but it thrilled him even more. Nevertheless, he wandered around the mall, scoping the place out before passing a certain bathroom a few times. He noticed that not as many went into that one as went into the others. With a quick glance around, he walked in, quickly going into the handicap stall and locking the door. His chest was pounding so hard, he almost felt sick, but he was resolved to do what he had planned to do. His paw crept down to rub at his obvious arousal, the bunny shivering a little. His long tan ears were perked high to listen for the slightest noise as he pulled the zipper down, tugging out his hard pink erection. His shaft was a modest size at about five and a half inches long, not exactly the biggest of bunny-kind. His soft paw stroked himself in the stall, feeling very nervous. He let out a soft moan and felt himself getting bolder. He quickly pulled his shirt off and put it in the duffle bag, letting his free paw rub over his slim chest and stomach as his paw slid up and down his slick arousal. Jayson bit his bottom lip and whimpered softly, letting out a surprised gasp as the door opened, doing his best not to jump or feel paranoid. There was no reason for the fur that had just entered to suspect what he was doing. The bunny shivered and listened as the male stood before a urinal and relieved himself. His paw began to slide up and down again, the bunny feeling quite a thrill at masturbating while someone else was in the room. Once the male walked out, Jayson swallowed hard and used his free paw to pop the button on his jeans. They immediately fell to the ground and he stepped out of them. Without thinking, he kicked the lumped denim under the stall and across the bathroom floor to rest underneath the row of sinks. Now he would need to walk all the way over there with no pants on to get re-dressed. The lapine blushed deeply at that thought and hoped that if anyone else came in, that they wouldn't notice them. Feeling his excitement grow, the boy's paw jerked at his cock harder, pre leaking from the tip now that he was completely naked in a public bathroom. His paw rested on the door of the stall as he jerked off, letting out quiet noises as he tried to remain silent. Without realizing it, he soon felt his fingers turning the latch on the handicap stall. It swung open of its own volition and while no one would see him in there if they simply walked in, he would need to reach pretty far out to pull the big door closed again and someone would surely notice a shirtless bunny frantically reaching for the door. Another nauseating thrill entered his stomach as he bit his lip hard. First, he stuck a foot out of the stall hesitantly as if something would come and chop off whatever came out of the stall. In reality, he had this fear that as soon as he left the stall, someone would walk in. The whole time, the bunny's paw slid up and down on his stiff bunnycock, pre slickening his shaft. His other footpaw stepped out of the stall, bringing the rest of his body with it. He was in full view of the door now. There would be no time to react if someone threw the door open. They would see him jerking off naked in the middle of the bathroom. He walked further out into the bathroom itself, letting out quiet moans as his paw slide over his throbbing cock. He felt exposed and vulnerable in the middle of the room. Any moment someone could come barging in. It started to become more apparent by every passing second. His paw sped up and he let out a whimper as he felt himself tipping over the edge. He jerked his hips into his paw as streams of bunny cum shot out and splattered onto the sink counter, leaving him panting heavily. All too soon, he regained his senses and quickly ducked down to grab his jeans and rush back into the stall. Just as the latch locked, the bathroom door opened. Jayson nearly felt himself pass out at how close he came to being caught. This time, the person who walked in entered the stall right beside him. He quickly pulled his pants on and heard a shrill whistle and then three taps of a foot. The bunny blinked a little and heard it again. He realized that the sound was coming from the male in the next stall over. He heard the foot tap three more times and without thinking, the bunny returned the three taps. Soon, there was some rustling and he saw the male's knees come into view under the stall as well as his opened fly. All the bunny saw was a dark brown-furred sheath to match the rest of the brown body. Jayson's eyes went wide as he realized what the male had been doing. He heard a grunt come from behind the stall which made him swallow. He wasn't gay, but he was still feeling extremely horny and…he'd never had sex, so…how would he know for sure, unless… The young bunny slowly went to his knees with quite a blush on his face. His small, soft paw slide out to grasp the thickening sheath tentatively. He knew what felt good on him, so he figured that he would do the same for the gentleman in the other stall. His eyes widened as the shaft grew to nearly twice the size of his, which made him blush a little in shame. His paw began to slide up and down the hard black cock. He started to get that excited feeling in the pit of his stomach again as his paw worked over the male quickly, trying to help him before someone else came in. The male apparently had a hair trigger and soon the dick twitched in Jayson's paw. Cum spurted across the floor, landing in the bunny's lap. He gasped softly as he saw the cum land across his pant leg. Without a word, the male pulled back, zipped up, and walked out leaving Jayson with a messy paw and cum on his pants. Through all of that, he noticed that he was hard once again. It wasn't so much the male's cock, but the thrill of doing it in such a public place. This wasn't enough either…he needed something else; something even more thrilling. After cleaning off his paw and trying to clean as much of the cum from his pants as he could, Jayson grabbed his duffle bag and left the mall. He could swear that everyone was looking at him, knowing what he had just done. No police came to arrest him and no mothers hit him with handbags screaming about how he corrupted their children, so he was safe as he made his way to his car. The bunny felt exhilaration like he'd never felt before. He knew what he needed to do, where he needed to go…he started the car and drove out of the parking lot. He felt his cock throbbing in his pants as he drove, feeling excitement like he'd never felt before. He drove the car up a long wooded drive. A sign was posted at the entrance naming the place as Oak Wood Park. He loved this park. It was secluded and very wooded. The bunny left the car and took his duffle bag with him, starting to walk down a particular trail., noting a few cars parked in the same lot as him. He was instantly surrounded by trees, but the trail was clearly marked. The incline slowly increased and he was soon sweating on the warm summer day. Jayson felt the rocks and twigs under his bare feet as he made his way along the trail, enjoying the sights and sounds even as his excitement grew. He could see the flowing creek a few hundred feet down from the side of the hill he stood on and started to make his way down a slightly grown-over trail. He had found the trail a few years ago. He hadn't taken into account that it had recently rained, however, and lost his footing. The bunny yelped out as he slipped in a muddy patch, sliding all the way down the inclined trail. Once he reached the bottom, he had reaches a meadow of grass. Jayson slowly got up. He wasn't hurt, but his back and butt were slicked with mud. Oddly, though, he didn't mind. It was kind of exciting to be dirty in that way. He felt that odd flutter in his stomach and walked toward the creek. He had planned for a naked swim in the creek, but he gasped as his foot sunk up to his knees in mud. The bunny felt the wet mud ooze between his toes as he stepped down and easily lost his balance. Falling forward, he instinctively put his paws out to catch himself. This was futile, of course, as his paws sunk completely into the soft mud and he ended up falling on his face anyway, his front completely mucky now. Jayson gasped and quickly wiped the mud from his eyes and mouth, looking down at himself. Shit, now what was he going to do? It was just then that he felt an odd pleasure from being completely covered in mud. Without thinking, he tugged his shirt off and tossed it off into the woods willy-nilly. He dug his paws down into the mud and brought it up toward his chest, smearing it over. A shivery moan left his lips at how amazingly kinky and dirty he was being. He unbuttoned his jeans and tugged his legs out of the mud, tossing the jeans without thinking. Quickly, the bunny sunk his legs back in the mud and pushed his hips against it. The boy's shaft sank into the soft mud, making him moan out suddenly. He bit his lip hard and shuddered as he started to hump into the mud. It didn't take long for the over-excited bunny to shoot his load into the mud, his eyes fluttering a little. He felt the mud beginning to dry on his body and pushed himself out of the mud-bank. He looked around, realizing that he hadn't even bothered to make sure no one was around before his little dirty foray. Satisfied that he wasn't being watched, the lapine jumped into the water. It was a little cold, but he needed to wash the mud off. He cleaned the mud off as he best could and got out of the water, looking to his duffle bag. It was either now or never, so he walked over to the bag and swallowed. Grabbing it, the bunny walked up to a large tree with many overhanging branches. He swallowed nervously and bent down to look into the bag. Inside the bag were some of the bondage supplies he had managed to buy with his part time job and sneak past his parents. Included were some cuffs, rope, what looked like a pulley system, and some electronic devices. It took a little prep work, but he soon had a rope tied around a thick low-hanging branch about ten feet off of the ground. The pulley was tied to the rope just beneath the branch and a strong leather strap with metal eyeholes every couple inches was slipped through, allowing him to do what he planned. First, he pulled out what appeared to be a box. It was, in actuality, a small electronic safe. The bunny swallowed nervously and began to buckle the ankle cuffs designed for prolonged suspension. He closed both padlocks, locking the cuffs to his ankles and set the keys in the open box. He went to work on his wrist cuffs as well. Soon they were locked on, the keys added to the box. The box had a hole through the top where he could tie a piece of rope. That rope was then tied around the ankle cuff to ensure he would not lose the box and that it wouldn't be in the way. Biting his lower lip nervously, the bunny wrapped the leather strap around the middle of the ankle cuff and locked it in place through two eyeholes. Again, the key went into the safe. To make things easier, he put the last key into the safe as well and closed it. The bunny's stomach fluttered again, knowing he would soon have no escape. Luckily this part of the park was rarely visited. He gripped the end of the leather strap and began to pull. He felt his feet rising into the air. Using all of his strength, he pulled, feeling everything slide smoothly through the pulley. His naked butt left the ground and soon his shoulders left the ground. He pulled until he was about a foot from the ground. It was pretty difficult pulling his own dead weight up off of the ground, but he finally managed it. Holding onto the strap, he used his free paw to close the lock into two eyeholes, locking him up in the air. The safe dangled against his knee. He'd need to work a little to get at it. The safe worked by remaining locked until the specified time had passed. It was possible to set a maximum amount of time and have the safe randomly set a time for you within that maximum timeframe. This is the setting Jayson chose. He hit the green start button, enabling the system. He was shivering. This was it, he was stuck. There was only one thing left…he brought his paws back behind his back. It took a little work, but he soon heard a click as the wrist cuffs locked together, enabling the second of his electronic devices. The cuffs worked in much the same manner as the safe. Once locked, they would remain that way until the randomly selected time was reached. Jayson had set the maximum time to twenty minutes. He would be locked in place for at most that long, unable to play with himself as he so desperately wanted to. Looking up at the safe's LCD screen, he gasped. It was blank, only a power light to indicate that it was still on. He then realized that he'd accidentally chosen to not be told how much time was left. True, he had chosen only an hour as the maximum, but…there was no way for him to know when he would be released. The bunny struggled a little and blushed deeply. Everything was strong and firmly in place. He wasn't going anywhere. All the while, the male's cock was almost painfully hard and drooling precum onto his chin. Jayson tugged at his paws and suddenly found himself wondering how he could have possibly done this. He couldn't even imagine the humiliation of being found in this situation. The blood began to rush to his head slowly as he hung upside down from the tree. He squirmed in his bonds and felt a thrill at being so utterly exposed with no way to stop it. He let out a whimper of frustration as he waited for the wrist cuffs to release him, then gasped suddenly as he heard leaves rustling. Maybe it was a feral animal. Someone began to whistle as well and he bit his lip hard. It was no feral. The bunny tugged hard at his bands, but it was no use. There was no way he would be able to get down, get his clothes back on, and escape before whoever it was saw him. His heart was fluttering and nearly beating out of his chest before he heard a voice of surprise say, "Well…what have we here?" AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is a little something that popped into my head last night that I wrote in two hours. I am planning on a second chapter to this, but it likely won't turn into a series. I want to apologize to everyone who's been waiting for the next chapter of Pizza Party (if anyone even remembers it), but life has been keeping me unmotivated. I hope that with me cranking this story out so quickly that I can get back in my groove. As always, let me know what you think!
Title: Free Hugs Tags: lesbian, hugs, silly, lesbian seduction, lesbian stranger Celeste was always an affectionate woman from the time she was very young. In the time since she had a chance to settle down out of her wilder streaks, and after all that had happened to her in life, she had grown to be a bit lonesome. That changed in late 2006. Quite some eventful months ago, she found a website spotlighting a young visionary that was provoked to offer hugs, free of charge, to our very impersonal, busy as beavers society. In the dynamic and motivating video broadcasted on the internet with a background soundtrack that was vitally liberating, the venturing protagonist carried a crude sign offering free hugs to anyone open minded and daring enough to take him up on his risk-free offer. People slowly warmed to his cuddly nature. Eventually, he was faced with the unfortunate scourges of persecution and short-sighted intolerance -- and was escorted and banished from the outdoor mall. After a popularized petition grew to epic proportions, the free-hugs campaign spread like wildfires across Australia, North America, and the globe with thunderous fanfare. Free time has not been in a premium for Celeste, but she always meant to launch a local chapter of free hugs when she had a tick tock or two of free time. At Christmas, she leapfrogged with a new friend up to Toronto to wreak her own brand of havoc on somebody else's stomping grounds for a refreshing change. While in the bowels of downtown Toronto -- in the epicenter of consumerism and avarice -- they were pleasantly surprised to encounter fifteen spirited members of the organization. Celeste got a pre-emptive introduction to the empowering sensations of a lavish excess of hugs on that wondrous day. So when her friend decided they should offer free hugs in January, she took her up on her inviting offer. Celeste very rarely turned down an offer to play the fool for a day. They crafted their free hugs signage, adorned with a flamboyant flourish of sparklies and glitter, and trudged off to the mall. They were inundated almost immediately. There were skittish and bashful hugs when the would-be hugger thought they were being observed by judgmental bystanders; or a few uninspired hugs accompanied with a pat on the back. There were the "lemming" hugs when friends of would-be embracers decided they needed a hug too -- even if their hugging needs were aroused by the pressure of their peers. There were those leaning, fearful of proximity hugs ("pecks on the chest") which diminished as more and more curious patrons observed the kerfuffle. There were quite a few hugs accompanied with a kiss on the cheek or the top of her head which unwittingly moved Celeste and she broke into fits of silliness and even song. There were a few hugs from the kiddies too and in one case she got to hug a little girl's cushiony, velveteen teddy bear (the "Pookie" hug). There were confiding hugs where she was held tight while they whispered into her ears their humorous banter and giggles, their encouragement, or their insightful discourse. There were short lived hugs or sustained embraces one of them just didn't want to bring to a grinding halt. There were the uplifting or swinging hugs where one of the huggers was hoisted from the ground spun into dizzy submission. By the end of that day, Celeste had the science of the hug all figured out and there was so much instruction to be done on the enrapturing magnitude of the hug, the innate dependence on hugs, and the societal need for the proliferation of the hug in our daily lives. Hugs heal. Hugs cause smiles and wipe away sorrows. Hugs bind. Hugs revive. Hugs redeem. Hugs speak volumes of words. Hugs say hello. Hugs say goodbye. Hugs say I'm sorry. Hugs say I forgive you. Hugs slow us down -- and can make a moment seem to last an eternity. Hugs open minds. Hugs are the bestest reminders that we all need someone to care if only for a fleeting moment in time -- and can offer the same gesture when and if it is required of us. If Celeste ever turns down a hug from anybody, you'll know her heart is dead. In the midst of this kerfuffle, Celeste spotted a woman who she loosely recognized. She watched the mysterious woman, approximately her same age, viewing the spectacle from afar. The woman was obviously leery to approach. Celeste, on the other hand, possessed virtually no strains of tempered bashfulness. She never stopped herself from doing something in the spur of the moment. It would never be in her nature. Besides, this woman was stunning. Celeste had for many years consigned herself to the exclusive love of women. While it had not always worked in her favor, and she had spent many years alone because of her unorthodox choices in the bedroom, she was predominantly content with her choices. She often wandered in parks, beaches, malls, and places where women would collect for her own admiration. Not that they knew Celeste was looking. She was usually discreet. In this case, during a brief hiatus from her duties, she wandered in a bee line straight for the curious onlooker. The look on her face was precious as Celeste approached. Almost completely spooked, the woman turned to flee. Celeste -- "You've been watching for hours. I'm surprised you're running away now that I'm coming over to give you what you probably deserve." Onlooker -- "I'm sorry if I was staring. I was waiting for a friend that is dreadfully late. I think he has his own conception of time." Celeste -- "Typical man. Stereotypical even." Celeste lifted one hand in the air. Then the other. Shaking them in jazz hands. The innocent bystander just giggled. Onlooker -- "Maybe I was a little curious." Celeste -- "Yes, I believe maybe a little more than a little." Onlooker -- "Maybe a smidge more than a little." Celeste -- "Enough to give me a hug now?" Onlooker -- "Maybe just one." Celeste leapt into her arms and squeezed the woman tightly. Celeste -- "I've got you now and I'm not letting go. Bwahahahaha." The mysterious woman just giggled incessantly and squeezed Celeste's body to her own. She had never been hugged by a stranger like this. She remarked to herself that she liked the feeling of Celeste's hugs. Celeste -- "Since your absent minded friend didn't bother to pencil you in, would you care to spend a few tick tocks with me and my friend? I think you might enjoy yourself for the rest of the afternoon. After all, what were you gonna do now? Go shopping?" Onlooker -- "Yes I thought I might go down to the Victoria Secrets store so I could tempt a new friend back into my life since my absentminded friend didn't bother to pencil me in properly." Celeste -- "Lucky new friend. \*Winks\* Tell you what, after a little while, I'll come along with you. Might be fun to go shopping with someone so inclined to entice her friends with slinky negligees and revealing underclothes. Game? By the way, what's your name?" The onlooker paused for a moment. Celeste was fun and she kept her little secret to herself for the moment. It wasn't yet time to spring that jack in the box on her would-be hugger. She introduced herself as Carolyn. With that, she joined Celeste and her friend in their hijinks. For the rest of the afternoon, all three of the women hugged the busy beavers that ran to and fro in the mall. After a few hours, Celeste's friend had to head to work at a local bar. Celeste turned to Carolyn, mischief gleaming in her eyes. Celeste -- "The day is still young, Carolyn. Shall we go and pry the secret out of Victoria? Naughty girl that she is?" Off they went into the inner sanctum of the mall. They found the well trafficked store and Celeste skipped off to a nearby rack leading Carolyn astray. Picking four or five lacy and naughty outfits off the rack, she held them up to Carolyn. Celeste -- "Yum" Celeste -- "Yuck" Celeste -- "Yuck" Celeste -- "Fuck" Celeste -- "Hot dang" Taking the unaware Carolyn by the hand, straight to the changing room quickly discarding the garments deemed as yucky...she took her new friend into the barely secluded cubicle and threw the curtain closed. Celeste -- "Strip" Carolyn felt compelled to do so. She couldn't explain it. She had never done this sort of thing before. She was always reserved and careful about her friendships. But Celeste had her spirit raging like a machine. She had captured her curiosity. She felt no shame in front of Celeste since Celeste certainly didn't have any compulsions to feel ashamed. Carolyn was being lead by a woman that wouldn't ever seem to follow. So it seemed. Carolyn stripped herself slowly of her day clothes feeling no pangs of embarrassment as she revealed every inch of her naked skin. Celeste looked her up and down and bit her lip. "Yummy" Carolyn blushed inwardly at Celeste's compliment, but tried on the negligee that Celeste liked best. It fit perfectly. Carolyn spun around in front of the mirror in the now cramped booth and admitted it looked pretty swell on her. Celeste told her that was on her and the others as well if they matched its perfection. Sure enough, all of the garments looked stunning on Carolyn. Celeste took them into her hands, abruptly opening the curtain, yelled "Hot Girl Naked in Here", and then reluctantly closed the shades with a naughty grin on her face. She went off to pay for the lingerie as Carolyn changed into her street clothes. Carolyn secreted herself out of the change room hiding behind racks to covertly recon the room. She snuck up to the register behind Celeste, bereft of shame, giving her a swat on her tight little behind. Celeste -- "Oh baby, do that again and again and you'll never get rid of me." Carolyn -- "Who said I wanted to get rid of you Celly?" Celeste -- "Yay. My charms have entranced you too! By the way, I love being called Celly. Been called that for years." Carolyn -- "Really? Good guess on my part then." Celeste -- "Very astute. Smart, sexy, ridiculously fun. Your inner demons are being summoned with every second that passes with Celly. Shall we go and sacrifice the goat now?" Carolyn -- "I thought it was tears of virgins that summoned personal bravery of somewhat shy girls to become ... well, like you." Celeste -- (looking around) "Know any?" Carolyn -- "I think they are a dying breed. On the endangered species list for sure if not completely extinct." Celeste -- "Ok. No goat farms near here either. We could go cow tipping. Ever do that?" Carolyn -- "Not sure I want to run around in poop." Celeste -- "Shucks. Ok how about that little boathouse in the park. They have live music. Lots to drink on tap. Bottles of wine up the wazoo. My treat. Then maybe you better come back to my place just down the way. Within stumbling distance. I better not let you drive after I'm done with you." Carolyn -- "Oh that would be splendid. Do you have a guest room?" \*Winks\* Celeste -- "Sighs. Guess you'll have to share my waterbed with me. I think it's big enough for two. Not that I've ever tried." \*Rolls eyes\* The two friends took off arm in arm to their cars. Driving separately to Celeste's home, they filled the driveway. Then skipping along through the puddles on the sidewalks, they entered the park. Soon, they reached the boathouse and went inside. The club was nearly empty and they got their choice of seats. Choosing a booth, with plenty of room, they cuddled up close to one another. For hours they enjoyed the company of their new friend, ordering up libation after libation, and spoke about their hopes, dreams, fears, and loves. Near last call, Carolyn had something she just had to say. Carolyn -- "Have you been playing with me Celly?" Celeste -- "I thought that might take place later when nobody was watching. But if you want, I can strip you down and pour this glass of wine down your naked body and drink from your cleavage. I can lap up every drop of the sweet wine. My tongue doesn't stop for recess." Carolyn -- "You really don't remember me, do you?" Celeste -- "When I first saw you today, a vague sense of memory flashed through me. I'm getting old, sweetie. The grey matter is going white. Like my hair would if I dared to let it." Carolyn -- "We went to high school together. We were in quite a few classes together before grade eleven when I moved to Toronto with my family." With that, Celeste remembered Carolyn from the way back when. It is peculiar how memories or names or dates can be dragged out of the nether regions of the mind when prompted by your friends, family, or loved ones. Celeste apologized for carelessly forgetting Carolyn and gave her a strong hug and a kiss on her neck. The two of them left the club, wandering back to Celeste's house, knowing that they had more history than Celeste originally thought. Celeste wondered if she should catch and release this particular fish. She wondered if she should have mercy on her. But that wasn't in her nature. Taking Carolyn inside, they sat down at the kitchen table while Celeste prepared coffee. The two were in the kitchen, steaming mugs in their mitts, while they spoke the last words of the evening. Celeste -- "Still feel like ... staying?" Carolyn -- "I'm not going anywhere. I will confess I've never been with a woman. Although, I've had a passing curiosity ever since I knew you." Celeste -- "Oh really? But you never did anything about it, did you?" Carolyn -- "Oh god no. But you do something to me, Celly. Something I can't explain." Celeste -- "Join the fan club. We meet on Thursdays." Carolyn -- "Lifetime membership?" Celeste -- "No dues for you. Special treatment." Carolyn -- "Sounds like an offer I can't refuse." Celeste -- "At the time, I didn't have a thing for women either. It took a man when I was seventeen to change that. And I never looked back." Carolyn -- "Typical man. Lucky us. You really are a bad girl, Celly." Celeste -- "You don't know the half of it, Carolyn. Celly likes to be the BAD girl." Carolyn -- "Sometimes bad girls get spanked. After what you've done today, some women think you might just deserve that." Celeste -- "Some girls weren't kidding when they said that they wanted a few more spankings at that register. Some girls think they deserve those every day." Carolyn -- "Well some girls might just get what they want then. I imagine you are the kinda woman that always gets what she wants." Celeste -- "99 percent of the time. Is this the infinitesimal exception to the rule?" Carolyn -- "The odds are not in favor of that." Celeste -- "That's good. I only gamble in the strip poker. That's a fib, but a fun one." Carolyn -- "Tsk Tsk. Fibbers get their mouths washed out with soap." Celeste -- "Glub glub." Carolyn climbed up over the table, leaping across it, and knocked the luke warm java all over the place. The mugs shattered on the tiled floor. The girls didn't seem to notice as Carolyn straddled Celeste. That was the best hug of the day. Hugs are free after all. Just like smiles at Mcdonalds. \*\*\* Carolyn settled herself into Celeste's waiting lap. Her legs were draped over each side of Celeste and were quivering. She had never been with a woman before. She thought she might have feelings of discomfort or wishful thinking that she might be able to satisfy a long time lover of women. She worried she might have second thoughts and bolt. She pressed herself wondering if this was what she wanted in life. As Carolyn straddled Celeste's lap, she didn't care if this was such a reckless disregard of good judgment. She didn't care that she hadn't thought it through. She had feelings for Celeste for a long time and had suppressed them for long enough. She had contemplated relationships with other eligible women in their many years apart, but she had always stopped herself from doing anything hasty. Celeste, however, provoked her to do exactly the opposite. Celeste's playful requests for spankings may have been a joke. She might have just been using the slightly outrageous request as leverage or foreplay. If Celeste was serious, could Carolyn deliver? Carolyn knew she could. She just didn't want to stop the momentum now to evaluate so she tucked all her thoughts in the back of her head. She turned off that rational side of her brain that makes grown ups stay home to balance their checkbooks instead of going out for another night of moshpitting. She let herself be free to make all the wrong decisions, if they really were impetuously reached, and let herself warm to her reunited friend. Carolyn knew her family wouldn't ever approve of her unruly behavior. She knew they could never comprehend a woman being attracted to another of her gender. Again, she didn't care. All she wanted to do was kiss the woman beneath her. Her lips had felt a little chapped earlier while she spoke with Celeste at the bar. While she wasn't looking, Carolyn had dipped into her purse for some lip balm and smeared it over rosy lips. As she sat in Celeste's lap running her hands up inside the back of her blouse, she felt moisture trapped between both her lips and her new lover's. The faint, sweet and sour taste of black cherry teased Carolyn's taste buds knowing it must be the chapstick of her friend. Their tongues moved with the haste of racing dogs. Carolyn had never been kissed like this before. No man had ever made her feel this way...to feel ensnared...to feel entirely coveted. She wondered for the briefest of instants how her male caller that left her waiting would feel if he knew where she was now. Carolyn's hands continued to explore the soft lower back of Celeste. Celeste was leaning right into Carolyn pressing her breasts against her own. That touch alone had kindled a flame in Carolyn. She wondered how Celeste would look naked, and in turn how she would look to her new lover, as she had pondered for their many years apart. She would soon see her naked after all these years. Carolyn's hips grinded into Celeste as she continued to embrace her. Celeste's lips had just broken from her own and were wandering down to Carolyn's neck. She felt Celeste's hands touching her bare skin coddling the skin beneath her shirt. Then she heard herself moan without thinking. Oh god she wanted this! Celeste suddenly hoisted Carolyn up onto the table pushing aside everything on it. As everything clattered to the tiled floor, Celeste stood at the base of the table looking down on her. She reached down for the little zipper on the side of Carolyn's skirt and slowly opened it. Celeste took her skirt down her legs and off of Carolyn's body. Celeste giggled as she tossed it across the room onto a nearby sculpture of Snow White. Carolyn was alive with ecstasy. She felt waves of desire passing through her as she looked up at Celeste clamoring to scale her body on top of the kitchen table. Celeste's naughty fingers tiptoed up her body pausing at Carolyn's breasts. Taking hold of the deep cut at Carolyn's neck, Celeste winked down at her lover. She tore open the shirt popping each of the pearly white buttons off. The buttons richocheted across the room. Celeste reached under Carolyn's bra, tight against her skin, kneading the secret contents underneath. Carolyn's eyes rolled back into her head. Carolyn could feel her nipples hard as painter's tacks. She could feel the virtual pain stirring up in them as they were tickled to the verge. She couldn't take the pressure any more. What was this little lady doing driving HER crazy like this? It was her turn. Carolyn opened her eyes. Suddenly twisting Celeste over onto her side, she heard Celeste yelp out as she was entirely alarmed with the sudden friskyness of her friend. Once she had Celeste pinned on the table, she scaled her body putting all her weight down on her. Returning the favor of the torn shirt, she tore open Celeste's blouse. But she didn't stop there. Hoisting herself slightly above her friend's body, Carolyn flipped Celeste over onto her tummy. Unclasping Celeste's bra -- releasing the hounds -- she climbed further down her body. Opening Celeste's jeans, she eased them over her hips taking them all the way off her slender legs. Celeste's panties came half way down her creamy white thighs with the tight jeans. Taking hold of the panties, they too were removed from Celeste's body thrown into the growing pile of clothes. It was time to take matters into her own hands. She had made a promise to Celeste and Carolyn wasn't going to let her racing intimate desires to stand in the way of that promise. Turning herself around to face Celeste's long legs, she straddled the mid section of her friend's body. Carolyn put her weight down on her friend. Without hesitation, Carolyn's hands worked in a frenzy of slaps. One after another, she let loose the fires, the furies, and the ferocious yearning of these two morsels before her. Her hands did not stop for a moment. Hidden inside this woman was an inner strength she had yet harnessed in life and in this heated moment she was releasing every ounce of it on Celeste's bottom. With jackhammer energy, Carolyn's hands bounded off the flesh of Celeste's lower half of her cheeks. The sound of the spankings filled the home, and maybe the neighborhood, as her hand reeled back over and over again. She witnessed the gradual reddening of Celeste's pale skin. She aimed for the sit spot that delicately found its home on the fleshier portion of these treasured patches of skin. For more than a minute, slap after slap came into contact with Celeste. Celeste emitted sounds of great pleasure. She was getting to her. Surely, this would not be the end of their festivities. Carolyn wouldn't have it. She wanted to leave her mark on Celly and wouldn't leave until she had. Spying a shelf within reaching distance full of spatulas, spoons, and other assorted "kitchen" utensils, she reached over grabbing a devastating looking spoon. She tipped the remainder the tools as she retrieved it. Celeste knew she had underestimated Carolyn. Hurray! \*\*\* Carolyn laughed at her fumbling fingers and at her own expense as the whole canister of kitchen utensils spilled all over the floor. She did still have the one that counted in her hands. She looked down at the amusing sight. Mere hours ago, she never would have believed someone that predicted this. She was straddling a woman that she had barely known from high school and they had been separated from each other for nearly twenty years (GASP am I really that old? I never thought I'd ever say I did something twenty years ago.). She was virtually naked and Celeste laid flat on the kitchen table beneath her and was completely devoid of clothing. Carolyn's stinging red palms were a testament that she had just spanked the woman, at her request, and was now staring down at the cheeks of Celeste's throbbing bum. What was more, Celeste was begging for full blown carnage. Feeling the weight of the somewhat heavy wooden spoon, Carolyn threw a test swing into the flat palm of her hand. Even with the first strike, the menacing spoon left behind a red blotch. The sting had a backlash of pain coursing through her palm and up into her arm. She paused for a moment contemplating backing out of this outlandish assault. Carolyn was now privy to Celeste's pleadings for a taste of this new medicine and a wicked grin creeped onto her face. Celeste probably wasn't going to be done with the wanting for a while, but Carolyn's hand needed a rest for the moment. Edging ever so slightly further up Celeste's frame, Carolyn tested the flat spoon against her palm once again. Ensuring the slap was incredibly loud, Celeste purred beneath Carolyn. Her hips bucked under her weight and her toes curled with excitement. Carolyn placed the spoon softly against Celeste's cheek. She applied a little pressure watching as the fleshier bits of her bottom depressed inwardly from their normal shape. Carolyn observed as Celeste shook under her weight and playfully threatened the woman that mounted her. Carolyn knew the time for teasing was done. Carolyn hefted the spoon up into the air and brought it down repeatedly on the lower echelons of Celeste's rounded cheeks. Carolyn watched as Celly's buns jiggled with each stroke and smiled to herself as her newfound tool for delivering pleasure to her friend proved to be effective. With each stroke, Celeste's bottom pinkened into a rosy hue. Carolyn was startled that Celeste had not marked from the deceptively malicious utensil, but the color of her cheeks only marginally deepened in contrast to the skin only inches away down on her milky white thighs. She found out later it took a long time for Celeste's cheeks to grow dark with a crimson flair. Although Carolyn hadn't been tabulating, she knew after two minutes of solid beating that Celeste's bottom needed a breather. With that she vaulted off the table, and when Celeste moved to get up she was instructed to stay put. Celeste reluctantly remained prone on the tabletop. Carolyn retreated to Celeste's well appointed kitchen and opened up the freezer and peered inside. She found that the ice cube tray was empty, neglectfully unfilled when Celly poured her last drink, and Carolyn spotted a bag of frozen vegetables. Giggling to herself, she took the bag of veggies and returned to the wonderful scene she had played a part. Placing the bag of frozen tasties overtop of the inferno crawling under the surface of Celeste's skin, she watched as her friend suddenly lurched at the infectious cold hiding within the bag. Squealing at first, she saw the muscles in Celeste's lower body stand at attention. After a few moments of adjustment, she relaxed back down onto her arms and looked over at her friend. Carolyn climbed up onto the table and looked into the eyes of her recuperating friend. Carolyn -- "Was that what you wanted, Celly?" Celeste -- "That was a good start. I hope you aren't done." Carolyn -- "I have a feeling there might be a few more secret weapons concealed in your home. I bet your room is full of them." Celeste -- "When we find our way in there, you might want to check out the nightstand." Carolyn -- "That will be my first stop." Celeste -- "I know I can come on a little strong, Carolyn. The outpouring of emotion in life is something in which I thrive. When I have something to say or do, I don't pull my punches. But sometimes this outpouring pours a little fast. And I don't really know how to turn it off." Carolyn -- "You have caught me off guard ever since that first hug in the mall. But I've welcomed every hug, every jibe, and every little innuendo. I think you're swell." Celeste -- "What luck we found each other after all these years apart! And of course it had to be when I was doing something silly like hugging people all afternoon long." Carolyn -- "Maybe that's what persuaded me to come home with you?" Celeste -- "So it worked did it?" Carolyn -- "Sure did. I guess the nagging question for me is do you want more? And shall we go to the bedroom?" Carolyn didn't even have to answer. Celeste turned over on her side, the frozen bag flopping to the floor slowly thawing, as she got up off the table. She stood at the side of the table as Carolyn draped her legs over the side. Celeste leaned in, standing between Carolyn's legs, and gave her a lingering kiss. Mischief crossed her eyes as she lifted Carolyn over her shoulder and carried her to the bedroom. Carolyn feigned a little kicking and screaming for dramatic effect as they went into the diimly lit room. Casting Carolyn to the bed, Celeste giggled as she watched her new friend bounce in the waves of the bed. Crawling up beside her, Celeste watched as Carolyn reached over to the drawer of the nightstand. Inside the tickle trunk, she found a virtual arsenal. Celeste was well stocked. But nothing caught her attention more than two items. A heavy wooden hairbrush and a leather harness with a dildo strapped to it. Carolyn had seen enough of the right brand of pornography over her many years to know the practical applications. Taking the targets of her desires into her greedy clutches, she brought them to the bed. Celeste smiled madly at her new lover's choices and reached to turn off the lamp beside the bed. \*\*\* Celeste carefully pulled the comforter and sheets from under the two of them. Throwing them off the foot of the bed, she reclined back on the warm ever moving mattress of the waterbed. She watched the silhouette of Carolyn as she leaned back on the bed with her feet up in the air as the harness was slid down her slender legs. Pulling the upper belt and snapping it around her waist, Carolyn got up on her knees and tightened it securely. Celeste watched as an unbridled smile flashed across Carolyn's face as her pearly whites gleamed in the pale moonlight. Celeste squealed out as she was forcefully flipped over onto her stomach. She felt like a mannequin, a rag doll, or a marionette as Carolyn pushed Celeste to the head of the bed as the waves of the mattress floated underneath the two panting lovers. Celeste felt her legs being spread wide open. She felt soft warm breaths teasing her back as the all too familiar feeling of something pressing against the lips of her womanhood. Celeste felt the purposeful strokes of the dildo along the wet chasms of her pussy as Carolyn slowly eased the tip of the toy just inside of her. Carolyn was encouraged to torment the woman underneath her even more when she heard the labored breathing of Celeste. The dildo was thrust another inch inside of her spreading her moisture laden walls in its wake. Carolyn thrust her hips watching the toy plummet deep into her lover to its fullest length and girth disappearing inside her friend. Celeste screamed out words we will not repeat. Carolyn lowered her body down on top of the bare skin of Celeste's back. She rested her weight, and her perfect breasts, just below the shoulder blades of her friend. She reached her hands underneath Celeste taking hold of her breasts giving them both a satisfying squeeze. The movement of Carolyn's hips became a static rhythm as she felt her hips come into contact with Celeste's rounded cheeks over and over again. She felt like she had done this before, but knew that she hadn't, and continuously plunged into her lover with the grace of a dancer. The sound of flesh contacting flesh was music to the ears of both of the women in that waterbed. Carolyn kissed Celeste's perspiring skin at her neck and as she got closer to Celeste's face she could hear the virtual growling escaping her lips. Celeste needed this treatment, and Carolyn would offer it to her over and over again, and she bit down on Celeste's tender skin as she pounded the dildo deeper still into her. Easing Celeste up onto her hands and knees, Carolyn grabbed on to the hanging locks of Celeste's hair. Pulling back on the mane in one hand, she continued to thrust in Celeste while subtly reaching for the nearby hairbrush. As Carolyn was fucking Celeste with abandon, she let loose a volley of hairbrush smacks on each of her ravaged cheeks. Celeste begged for more in increasingly inventive wails of affirmation. The sounds of wood finding bottom filled the room with the melody of maple meeting melancholy misfits of misbehavior. Carolyn did not rest as her hips bobbed and weaved behind Celeste. She was feeling the strain in her calves and thighs, ignoring the pain, satisfied with the screams of her friend. She continued to wail on Celeste's ever willing bottom satisfied she must be kindling the fire in her cheeks all over again. Carolyn watched in the moonlight as her hairbrush bounced off Celeste's buns with a satisfying jiggle. She watched Celeste's body squirm and beg for more and more. Carolyn wasn't sure how much more she could offer Celeste in this chosen posture. She leaned back and lied down at the foot of the bed pulling Celeste on top of her. Carolyn watched as Celeste reflexively, whilst facing away from her, mounted the toy and let it ease back inside of her. Celeste put all her weight on her knees and started to bounce up and down on top of Carolyn. Carolyn felt warm and fuzzy and felt the pleasure generating between her own legs. She looked up into the mirror and watched Celeste's breasts bouncing in the reflection as she rode Carolyn's toy with the fiercest devotion to an impending orgasm. Carolyn could feel Celeste's legs quivering on each side of her knowing that her friend was approaching her climax. With that, Carolyn wound up her arm and took careful aim on Celeste's ever moving bum. Stroke after stroke elicited a stream of expletives coming from the rascally mouth of Celeste. Celeste could curse like a sailor stranded at sea for six months of hell. Celeste was obviously a screamer. And when she reached orgasm, Carolyn was pretty sure the neighbors four doors down knew someone had just cum hard. Maybe the aging book keeper at the end of the block was just roused from his sleep. Celeste froze in her position and braced her arms against the wall. For nearly a minute, her body leapt into frenzy as she moaned in a run on sentence. Her toes curled up and her muscles slowly thereafter grew slack. Eventually, she rolled over onto the bed utterly collapsing as Carolyn looked upon Celeste with envy in her eyes. Removing the harness from her waist, Carolyn climbed in behind Celeste holding her with the nurturing love she could afford her. They fell asleep there in the warm waterbed. But perhaps Celeste just needed to recover her fortitude and her growing desire for Carolyn. At 4AM, Carolyn was awoken by..... Oh, but that's another story. Maybe some day I might tell another one of these. Celly
Title: Man Vs. Planet Chapter 1 by FeuerfoxKA8 Tags: Dinosaur, Fanfiction, Fantasy, Human, Other, Reptile, Sci-Fi, Starfox, Violence (Not In Yiff), survival Chapter 1: This Ain't Kansas Anymore... I don't even remember what kind of dream I had... I usually don't remember them that well unless they're vivid and I'm sleeping pretty lightly. For a guy that apparently sleeps like the dead; enough to where I have to practically be punched awake, remembering a dream is a seldom occurrence. Either way, my sleep was shattered by the shrill alarm I had set on my cell phone. The closest I could describe it to would be a high-pitched bleating mechanical sheep that some no-talent trance 'artist' had decided to run through Auto-Tune six times... the damn sound nearly hurt my ears when it went off, and never failed to rouse me out of my sleep. That was a good thing, as without it my biological clock would finally kick in about ten minutes before I was supposed to be at work. I groggily lifted my head off my pillow, the dim cast of my bedroom greeting my eyes. For some reason I had painted it a Wedgewood shade of blue right after I moved into the house I was renting... I think it was because I was sick of staring at plain white walls. Either way I sliced it, it kept the glare down in the room I used solely to sleep in these days. After getting the house to myself a few months ago... the product of the uncle that had been my roommate getting married as well as my ex-girlfriend storming out after one last bitter fight... I had branched out and used the rest of the place for, well... my things. The phone, perched upon a minifridge that I used as a nightstand on my queen-sized bed, continued to sing its ear-offending song. After suppressing the thought of chucking that expensive piece of electronics across the room, I flipped it open and shut off the alarm. As I blinked away the weariness from my eyes, the legend "No Service Avail." was printed across the screen. Odd. I had never had a service outage with this phone. If it wasn't a few minute fluke, I'd use the land line from work and take my lunch break to grill a hapless Verizon customer service rep. Glancing at the phone's clock, it was half past seven in the morning... an hour and a half before I needed to get my ass into work. "Jesus... looks like it's going to be a marvelous day already." I muttered to myself as I got up and stumbled to the door leading into the bathroom. My hand knew the drill enough times over the past five years, reaching out to flick the light switch on. I expected the harsh roar of the far too large exhaust fan and clean, bright light... and I got neither. That shook me out of my mind enough to mutter again. "Fuck." Power outage, too? Just great. At least I didn't necessarily have to have the bathroom light on to take a shower, and the light streaming in from the small bathroom window would give me enough to see by. However, the bathroom would get fogged up to hell due to the fan staying off... ah well. My hand went down to the hem of my boxers as the other one simultaneously turned out the shower faucet.... only to also receive nothing but a few random splashes on the plastic shower floor instead of the expected torrent from the showerhead. That woke me up in an instant. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked myself, looking around as if the answer would have suddenly appeared in front of me. It didn't, obviously. It was like the entire house was dead. *Something* was wrong. I paid the utility bill, so why was everything cut off? Blackout... combined with running water failure? This didn't make sense. Offering a sigh to the still air, I exited the bathroom to see what I could do. The layout of my house was strange... although that was common for houses built in the 1920's. The bathroom was set in-between the two bedrooms... with no access to the rest of the house. I could make my way through the house by using the bedrooms... which I normally did. My target was the breaker box in the backyard... that caused me to stop in the second bedroom and grab a pair of jeans that I had set on the dresser there. I pulled on the garment to at least shield the neighbors from the sight of me running around outside in boxers in the middle of the day... then exited the house through the back door. I stopped dead in my tracks as the cool, still air hit me. This was the precise instant that I knew something was *seriously* wrong in my personal part of the world. However... all I could manage to maintain was a growing curiosity... and a gnawing pit in my stomach. My house stood in an old suburb about four miles north of my city's downtown... established neighborhood going downhill, tightly packed houses... that sort of thing. I had a backyard that was comprised mostly of a concrete patio and a fence... beyond which I could see three houses less than forty feet from me in each direction. The duplex off to my left with the barking dogs was gone. So was the cottage directly in front of me; part of the property but occupied with another renter. The two-story house to my right was also missing. "What the fuck...?" I managed to utter. It had been replaced by wilderness... some sort of cliff face rose maybe the height of my house. I couldn't see much more than that. My hand went to my arm, giving my flesh a vicious pinch. I winced and dropped my hand. Was I still dreaming or something? I stepped back into the house... emerging into the small room that was my office. It was my sanctum of a sort... my desktop computer, sound system... it was where I wrote the troubles of the world away. But, no amount of typing on the old IBM Model M keyboard that sat on my desk would erase the fear that was slowly building up in the pit of my stomach. I suddenly felt very unprotected. Looking around the room, I had my choice of weapons. The small collection of firearms I had stashed in the room beckoned to me, placed in a standalone gun safe tucked in a corner. As my hands trembled I dialed in the combination... it took me two attempts until the door was open. I only kept one pistol out in the open... the one that I expressly used as defense against intruders. My FEG PA-63 fired 9x18mm Makarov... and if a situation warranted my house suddenly being somewhere it wasn't, I thought I needed something more powerful. My hands grabbed my Remington 870 pump-action shotgun from the safe, soon afterwards grabbing a box of #4 buckshot shells from the top shelf. I kept most of my ammunition elsewhere in the office, but this would do for now. I fumbled with stuffing the twelve-gauge shells into the gun... four of them, racking the pump, then one more. I stuffed the pockets of my jeans with as many shells as I could.... all the while thinking what the hell might be out there? Where the hell am I? What the fuck was I actually doing here? Now equipped with a fully loaded shotgun, I decided I was well armed and confident enough to investigate. I wound my way through the living room this time, keeping the scattergun at the ready as if I was expecting the likes of Jason Vorhees to jump out of the walls at me. Eventually I reached the door and unlocked it... stepping forth onto my porch. There was no time for me to react... only the surprised hissing of two... things that had been approaching my front door. My mind tunnel-visioned on them, hastily sizing them up. They were lizard-men... big and bulky ones at that. They stood nearly my height of five-ten, and probably outweighed me by twice my one-eighty. They looked somewhat familiar, but my mind didn't have time to ponder *that* curious thought. They plodded towards me, only the fact they started to brandish the axes in their scaly hands snapping me out of my shock-frozen state. It was then that I still noticed I had the shotgun clenched in my white-knuckle grip. I had purchased it from my stepbrother two years ago... hadn't even fired it since then. I was holding it at my hip, but the business end was pointed at one of the lizards. Without even thinking about it, I jerked the trigger. Nothing happened. "Fuck!" I cursed my stupidity, my finger snapping the safety off in a single press. As the lizard-thing just about reached me, I pulled the trigger again. The Remington belched flame, smoke, and lead in a tremendous roar that made my ears ring. The close confines instantly reminded me of the slight hearing loss I gave myself when I was sixteen, fooling around with my dad's old AK clone in the backwoods of Louisiana. However, for all the noise it had the desired effect. The lizard-thing was kicked backwards, a hole nearly the size of a quarter blown into its chest. Even though the hole looked small, I knew enough about shotguns to know that the lizard-thing had taken about the same amount of punishment as if I emptied a small caliber revolver into it. Its compatriot stopped in its tracks, looking at the stricken lizard-thing tumbling backwards in slow motion. Time seemed to slow for me as well... my hands racked the pump and threw the shotgun to my shoulder. The lizard-thing didn't recover from the shotgun blast and its dying buddy in time. All I knew was that it was running at me with an ax, and that was a pretty good indication of its intent. I pulled the trigger again, my ears protesting with pain as the blast once again spiked my ears. This time I felt the recoil, a quick, powerful jolt to my shoulder. The other lizard-thing fell the same way. It wasn't until I lowered the shotgun that I realized what had happened. My body started shaking at the realization... I had just engaged two armed opponents with a firearm and killed them. I felt... sick. Ten minutes ago I was sleeping soundly in my bed... another average day awaiting me. Now, I had two dead lizard-things on my front porch, a smoking shotgun in my hands, and the beginnings of a pretty bad headache. I took a deep breath as I finally looked out over the scenery that was beyond my porch... besides the dead lizards. A little piece of it was my front yard... not really much of one. The street crews outside had been wanting to repave the street for some time... that was the reason my car was pulled up in the yard... damned lack of a driveway or garage in which to put it. It was still there, but the street simply... wasn't. Green grass and idyllic scenery replaced it... the place I was in looked like some sort of valley. A familiar valley. Wait a minute... My eyes snapped down to the lizard-things I had just shot. Their profiles started looking more and more familiar. Instead of seeing them as some fucked-up snarling beast ready to cleave me in half with a giant ax, I looked closer. Their armor cinched it... and my jaw dropped open. "What the fucking hell is going on with me?!" I shouted to what I now knew were two dead Sharpclaw... the reptilian antagonists to that video game I played several times... the video game I had been using to write stories that were based on the storyline. I felt myself fall to my knees, my hands still clenched onto my shotgun as I watched my view of reality slide away... was I going insane? Had I snapped? Was I dead? Was I really sucked into some sort of video game, a fictional universe? I started breathing so hard I was nearly hyperventilating... honestly, other than the fact I didn't want to be gutted by another Sharpclaw, I would have welcomed it. There was simply no way in Hell that I was experiencing this... there had to be a logical, rational explanation.... ...but I found none. The facts were as clear as day. Somehow my house was *in* Thorntail Hollow... the hub portion of *Starfox Adventures.* Actually, it was tucked away not too far where Fox parked his Arwing at. I could even see a small group of Thorntail regarding me... I think they were looking at me curiously. At least I knew they were pretty timid... Hell, they were scared shitless if their damn night lights were snuffed out. Least I didn't have to worry about *them* charging me. "Fuck, fuck... FUCK!" I shouted, primarily out of frustration. I was confused, angry... isolated. I somehow had to survive in what I up to about thirty seconds ago thought was just a damned video game. I was quaking in my socks as I stood up and retreated back into my house, slamming the door behind me. I locked it... fat lot of good it'd do against an ax, but at least I'd have the warning of my front door being busted in. My curiosity overtook me and I took the few steps to my entertainment center. Rifling through it I came across what I was looking for... a Gamecube game case. I examined it, knowing exactly what I was looking at. The cover art for the game I somehow found myself in stared me right in the face. The iconic Fox McCloud stood in the foreground, an ornate staff extended in his paws. Next to him were Slippy Toad, Peppy Hare, and Prince Tricky... Fox's dinosaur sidekick. Right behind him was Krystal... the enigmatic Cerinian who ended up as Fox's fellow wingman and love interest in the next game. The Sharpclaw were also depicted as well, but their real-life counterparts were a hell of a lot less... cartoony. They looked like comical, bungling bad guys on the cover art, but they looked pretty menacing face to face. Hell... they nearly killed me, and I was armed with a fucking 12-gauge. I needed to investigate; to get my bearings. And for that... I needed to prepare.
Title: Best Christmas Present Ever Ch. 02 Tags: mother, son, incest, taboo *Thank you Jacky for your support and editing.* \*\*\*\*\* Twelve months later, Mary's life hadn't changed much, if at all. She'd been out on a few dates, but hadn't met anyone she liked. Glyn's life had changed quite dramatically. He'd left school and become a trainee mechanic at a local garage, which he enjoyed. What he didn't like was the fact that all his friends had moved away to go to college. All, except Sandy. She had stayed at home to train as a beautician. Mary was concerned that Glyn was spending so much time with Sandy. Last Christmas she had shown him that he was far too big for a small girl like her, but she was beginning to wonder if she was wrong. Later that night when a movie was ending, she decided to find out if she could help. "Glyn, Honey, why don't you get us both a beer from the fridge?" She asked with a conspiratorial look on her face. "Sure, Mom." He replied as he went to get the drinks. As he entered the kitchen, memories of what happened the first time they had a drink together flooded back into his mind. "That was the best hand job ever," he thought. "Could she be wanting to do it again?" His cock twitched and began to grow. Mary noticed the bulge in his pants as he passed her a beer. Glyn took a seat on the couch and placed a cushion over his lap. "Do you remember the first time we shared a beer?" He asked mischievously. "Yes I do, but that's not going to happen again." She said, much to his disappointment. "I wanted to ask how you are getting on with Sandy?" "I get on with her great. You know that." Mary moved her legs up under her on the chair and sipped her beer. "I know you two like each other, but are you like, boyfriend and girlfriend?" Glyn swigged his beer. "Not really. We've made-out a few times, but whenever she has felt my, err... You know." "It's alright, Honey. You can say cock to me. I take it you want to have sex with her?" "Oh, God, Mom, more than anything in the world." He replied, then guzzled down half of his beer. "Every time she's got me hard, she makes an excuse and ends it." Mary took a long swig on her beer and composed herself. "This is going to sound strange, okay, so hear me out. I want you to think of yourself as an athlete. All athletes have to train, right? And all athletes need a good coach if they are going to succeed." Glyn nodded and swigged his beer, wondering where this conversation was going. "I've been thinking, what if you were to see a sex coach. You know, someone the same size as Sandy who could train you as to how to have sex with her." Glyn shifted uncomfortably on the couch. "A sex coach? Do you mean, like, a hooker?" "I think they're called sex workers nowadays, Hon. But yes, that might be a way to get you trained up so you don't hurt Sandy with that big cock of yours." Mary was startled by what she had just said and looked away as she took another swig on her beer. Glyn was taken aback by her suggestion and finished the rest of his beer. "I think we're going to need more of these if we are going to continue this conversation." He said, waving his beer bottle, as he rose to leave the room. In the kitchen Glyn got excited at the thought of fucking a porn star, but then remembered the only hookers he had seen in town were what he considered to be rough. "God knows what I could catch off them?" He thought. He handed Mary another beer and sat down. "I've been thinking and thanks, Mom, but it's not what I want." Mary looked at the bulge in his shorts and was slightly puzzled. A nineteen-year-old man turning down sex was not something she expected. "Why not. I'm sure we could find someone nice." "Mom, could we stop this. It's having an effect on my... On my cock." He said refusing to meet her gaze. "There's two weeks 'til Christmas and sex lessons was going to be your present. Any ideas what you would like instead?" "Mom, I'm working now, I don't want you spending your money on me anymore. How about a silly gift that costs a max of ten dollars?" "That's sweet of you, Hon, but I would like to get you something you want." Glyn took a swig of his beer and thought. "OK. There is something." He looked his mother straight in the eye. "How about the same as you gave me last year?" Mary was surprised and she felt her cheeks blush. It was her turn to avoid his gaze and take a sip of her beer. She pictured the soaked panties she gave to him and remembered how she masturbated into them. How she squirted for the first and only time in her life. How she had never come so hard. The memories got her aroused. "If that's what you want. I just thought sex lessons would be good..." She stopped as Glyn raised his hand and interrupted. "Mom, I... I don't want to fuck some whore. I want to have sex with someone I love. Someone I care about. It just wouldn't be the same." They were silent for a few moments as Mary thought. "I'm proud of you, Son." She said, feeling her eyes begin to well up. "What you just said just confirmed what a decent young man you are". Now find another movie for us to watch and I'll say nothing more." Glyn watched the TV, hoping his erection would subside soon. "Me, decent," he thought. "I just asked my mom to masturbate into her panties and give them to me for Christmas. That's not decent. Me jacking off into her used panties, that's not decent. Me wondering if she's as turned on as I am, is not decent. She must be thinking about it. Oh, God I wish my cock would go down." Mary knew how much her son loved Sandy and she was determined to help. Throughout the following week she searched the net incessantly for information on how a man with a big cock could have sex with a small lady. All she found was porn with guys with big cocks and male prostitutes with big cocks. "Purely for research purposes," she told herself as she watched some of the videos. They brought back memories of her son's big cock and she stopped when she realised how wet she was getting. "Was that because of the video, or Glyn?" She asked herself, not wanting to answer the question. When she saw an advert for a local gigolo with a big cock, a plan took seed in her mind. She took out her phone and typed in the number. Her heart began to race. Twenty minutes after agreeing a price, she rang Mario's doorbell and waited nervously. "Hi, I'm Mario and you must be Mary. Please, come on in." Said the tall, dark, handsome man of Italian descent. Mary rushed inside, not wanting any onlookers see her enter. She took a seat in the living room and Mario sat on the sofa next to her. "So, Mary, what can I do for you today?" "I, um, err...", her mind went blank as she forgot what she had planned on saying. "Mary, it's ok, take your time. Would you like a glass of wine to help you relax?" "No, no, I'm fine thank you." Blurted Mary, all flustered. "I'm here for just research purposes. Here's the fee we agreed upon." She said as she handed him the money. "And what research would that be?" He asked seductively. "My, err... My partner has a very big cock and I think he would hurt me if he were to, you know, put it inside me. If yours is as big as you say, then I think you might be able to help." "I'd be delighted to help such an attractive lady as yourself." He said, placing a hand on her knee. "Wait here a moment." He smiled at her, then left the room. Mary wondered "What am I doing? What's he doing? Oh, God, I should leave now. Control yourself, Mary, you can do this. Yes, I can, but he is gorgeous." Mario returned with two glasses of white wine and passed one to Mary. "Here, I think this will help both of us. If you don't want it, just leave it on the table." Mary accepted the wine and took a large sip. "How big is your partner, Mary?" "He's um, he's just under ten inches and it's thick." Images of her son's cock came to mind and she could feel her face redden. "That's big," Mario replied. "I can see that might be a problem for such a petite lady as you. Okay, I'll tell you what I would do if I'm with a lady like you. Firstly, I've got to make sure you are completely relaxed. Soft music, candlelight and a massage usually does it. Then the foreplay begins. You will need to be receptive, if you know what I mean?" Mary nodded. "I usually begin with stroking your hair and kissing your lips, before moving down your body." Mary could feel her heart race as Mario continued. "I will caress your breasts until your nipples are hard and then I will move further down. I will massage your inner thigh, then stroke your pussy. If you are ready, your pussy lips will be visible. If not, I will perform cunnilingus on you until you come for the first time with me." Mary's heart was pounding against her chest. Listening to all the things this hunk of a man was going to do to her was getting her turned on. She raised a hand to stop him. "Err, Mario, would you mind not referring to me. Could you use 'her' or 'she'? "Sure, no problem. Whatever you want, Mary." He said. She looked away when he gazed into her eyes and smiled. "Once her pussy lips are nice and red, I'll check if she is sufficiently wet before continuing. If she isn't, I'll apply some lubricant to both my cock and her pussy. When she's ready, I gently ease my cock into her and stop after five inches for her to get used to the size. They usually give me a signal to continue and then I slowly ease my cock in as far as it will go. If I press against her cervix, I stop and draw back a little. Then I'll look down at my cock for a measuring point of how far I can go. Once I know that measurement, we would continue to have passionate sex." Mary took a sip of her wine to try and hide her embarrassment. "But how do you... How do you stop yourself from going any further?" "Practice." He said and drank his wine. "This is how I make a living. If I were to hurt any of my clients, they wouldn't come back for more." "Yes, but..." Mary stopped and composed herself. "But when you are about to come, how do you stop yourself from thrusting it all the way in?" She said the word 'thrusting' as she crossed her legs. The heat from her pussy was distracting her. "As I said, practice." Mario noticed her facial expression turn to concern. "What's the matter, Mary?" "I don't think he'll be able to stop himself. I think he would hurt me." "There's a way you can avoid that, but you'd have to take control. It might not be as enjoyable for you, but with practice, he would learn." Mary's head jerked towards Mario with her eyes wide open. "Please, tell me more." "I will, but it would be easier to show you, Mary". Mary looked away from his gaze. She told herself she was here for research, but she couldn't stop the lustful feelings. Mario continued: "First, tell me, when was the last time you had penetrative sex?" "It was... It was three years ago, before my husband and I divorced," she said, almost feeling ashamed admitting it had been so long. "That's not long, Mary. I've known many women who have waited far longer than you have. For you to take control, I think it would be good for you if you had some practice before you have sex with your partner." "What?!" she said in surprise. "You think I should practice with you, now?" "Showing is far better than telling and you want to get it right for your partner, don't you?" He asked with a knowing smile. Mary shifted uneasily in her chair. She was amazed she was actually considering allowing this man she had just met to fuck her. "I, I didn't... That's not..." He rose to his feet, his hardening cock prominent beneath his jeans and in Mary's sight. "Mary, you have already paid for it, so why not enjoy it. I will be gentle and teach you what to do." Mario took her hand and without any resistance, he led her to the bedroom. Glyn was in the kitchen cooking when Mary got home. As she sat down at the table he noticed she looked both happy and tired, in a kind of sexy way. "What's up, you look happy?" "Just a good day at work. I can't believe the amount of... Of work I processed today. Pass me a beer would you, Hon." As he passed her a beer, he smelt an aroma of... of sex. "You look kind of... Funny." 'Fucked' was the word Glyn was about to use. "Just tired. Do your old mom another favour and run me a bath. I've got some thinking to do." "Sure, no problem, but only if you never call yourself old again. You're not old. You could get any man you want." Glyn left the room wondering if his mom had recently had sex. The thought of her fucking made his cock twitch and he was relieved he had an excuse to leave the kitchen. A few minutes later he entered the kitchen. "Glyn", she said quietly. "You can say no and I really won't mind, but would you spend Christmas Eve at home? The present I've got for you, well, if you don't like it, I don't want to spoil your Christmas." They were both thinking about the previous Christmas and they both sensed the sexual tension in the air. "Sure, Mom. I'd love to." He said and turned to continue cooking. "Dinner will be ready in half an hour." "Thank you. I'll go and take that bath now." Nothing further was said, but the sexual tension was palpable throughout the week. Glyn wondered what his present would be - would it be a repeat of last year, or had his mom got him someone to fuck. His cock was constantly getting erect when in his Mom's presence. Mary had noticed the bulge in his jeans a few times. The first part of her plan was to wear sexier clothes around the house. Instead of changing into comfortable casual clothes, she stayed in her work clothes and undid a couple of buttons on her blouse. Glyn had noticed her skirts were shorter than she usually wore and that she was exposing her cleavage whenever he entered the room. Christmas Eve arrived and Mary was relieved that Glyn would be out of the house for the day. It would give her some time to relax after she had finished the preparations for the following day. Glyn was meeting up with friends who had returned home from college and had promised to be back at eight o'clock. As Glyn entered the house that evening, Mary walked from the kitchen with a glass of wine in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other. He was gobsmacked at her outfit and his jaw dropped. She wore an off the shoulder red cocktail dress with black stockings and heels. She looked stunning and was pleased with the effect her outfit had on her son. "Tonight, I'm Mary, not Mom, okay? She said as she handed him the bottle and headed into the living room. Glyn studied her figure from behind and felt his cock twitch. "Okay, Mary. I've got to say you are looking beautiful tonight." "Thank you. I'm glad you noticed." She replied as she sat down and sipped her wine. Glyn took his seat on the sofa. "Glyn, you I know I love you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you." He nodded and uttered: "Yes, Mom. Sorry. Yes, Mary." "There are two conditions you have to agree to before we go any further. Firstly, you have got to promise that if tonight goes wrong, you will forgive me and we will get back to normal tomorrow. Do you promise?" "Of course I do. I promise." "The next condition is equally important. If I tell you to stop, you stop, no matter what. Do you promise?" Glyn could only nod. The thought that he was going to fuck his mother had disengaged his brain from his tongue. "Tell Mary you promise." She said seductively. "Mary, I promise." He managed to say. "There's more beer in the fridge, but don't drink too much". She pointed a remote at the TV and said: "We'll talk again after the film. It's Bad Santa, which I think you'll like." Glyn could barely concentrate on the film. His near permanent erection was getting uncomfortable and he couldn't stop thinking about his mom. Will she be like that porn star who looks just like her? Will she let me come in her pussy? I can't come across her tits. Not unless she asks me to. Will I be able to make her come? These were just some of the thoughts on constant replay in his mind. Watching Glyn unable to get comfortable on the sofa amused Mary. His erection was clearly visible beneath his jeans and the fact that she had turned him on, meant things were going to the plan. By the time Glyn had got his third bottle, he had given up trying to hide the tented bulge in his jeans. He simply passed Mary another glass of wine and sat back down. She knew she couldn't get drunk tonight, but also knew she had to be a little light headed to go through with her plan. When the film finished, she turned to Glyn. "One more drink while we talk." She said as she got up and left the room. "This is for him and Sandy." She told herself as she got the drinks. "If that's true, then why am I feeling so fucking horny?" She asked herself. The thought that she could both help her son and enjoy sex resolved the situation in her mind, and she went back to the living room. "Right then, Glyn." She began. His attention all hers. "If I do or say anything that freaks you out, just stop. If you get up and walk out, I'll understand and tomorrow we'll be back to normal." Mary took a sip of her wine, impressed at how calm she was. "After you said no to a coach, I went to see a man who instructed me in how you could have sex with Sandy. That is what you want, isn't it?" A croaky "Yes" was his reply. "This man taught me what to do and told me you will need quite a bit of practice for you not to hurt her. For you to be able to make love to her properly, I'm willing to teach you and let you practice having sex with me. Have another drink and think about what I just said." Mary sipped her wine. Glyn could barely manage to raise the bottle to his mouth. "Don't forget to call me Mary tonight." She said watching his eyes shift from her legs, to her crotch, up to her tits and finally meet her gaze. "Mary, are you okay with this?" He quietly asked. "Glyn, your happiness means more to me than anything in the world. I would love to have sex with you if that will make you happy." Mary paused, shocked at how simply she had said those words. "And then you'll be able to have sex with Sandy," she said trying to justify her proposal. Glyn's head was spinning. He wanted to pull her over to the sofa and take her there and then. "Will you let Mary teach you?" "Oh, Mary, I've wanted to have sex with you for so long." Mary was equally surprised and excited by his response. "Do you know what foreplay is? She asked and he nodded. "The point of these lessons is for you to have sex with Sandy, so I don't think it would be appropriate for you to engage in foreplay with me. Once I'm prepared, I'll teach you how. Is that what you want from Mary?" "God, Mary, yes!" "I'm going to go upstairs and... And get ready for you. When I call down, I want you to go to your room, take off your clothes and get into bed. Then the lessons will begin." Mary could see his face was burning up with passion. His pupils were like saucers and she thought she could see his shirt vibrate to his heart beat. She got up, went to the door and turned to face him. "When the lesson begins, I don't want you to come too quickly." She reached under her dress and pulled her panties down to her ankles. "I came in these earlier. Use them to jerk off." Like an experienced Mistress, she stepped out of her panties and flicked them over to him. Glyn watched her leave, then quickly undid his zip to free his cock. He groaned with relief as the pain of his cock straining against his jeans left his body. He looked down at the bulbous head, which had turned a dark red, almost purple. "Don't touch it. Not yet." He thought, then removed the rest of his clothes, picked up Mary's panties and sat down on the sofa. The warmth and the aroma from her panties caused him to bring them up to his nose. He spread them across his face, lay back, inhaled her scent and began masturbating. Moments later he knew he was about to come. His back arched off the sofa and the first jet of spunk erupted from his cock and hit the panties. The second and third spurts splashed against his chin. The final spurt hit him on his chest. Breathing heavily, he fell back on the sofa. "Wow", he thought, "If it wasn't for her panties, I would have come over my own face." Not wanting to soil the panties any further, he carefully set them down on his lap and reached over for his T-shirt. After mopping the come from his body, he went to the kitchen to clean himself properly. After twenty minutes, he heard her call. "Glyn, time to get into bed." Mary heard him enter his room. She turned off her vibrator and inspected her pussy in the wardrobe mirror. It was red. It was wet. And she was ready. When Mary knocked and entered his room, Glyn's eyes almost exploded from their sockets. She was completely naked. Her hard nipples protruded from her firm breasts. He could see her pussy lips extend beyond her neatly trimmed blond pussy. As she approached, he sat up on the bed. A feeling of terror and excitement was torment beyond belief. His mouth opened and he breathed heavily. "I don't think we'll be needing this." She said as she peeled back the duvet, exposing his massive cock. "This time, you lie there. I'm going to get on top and show you how you can fuck Sandy. You'll need to do as I say. Don't think about fucking me. You need to watch what I do. Are you ready? He nodded, thinking "Don't think about coming, just listen. Listen to her. Oh, Jesus this is going to be difficult. She looks fucking amazing." His arm reached out to caress her breast and Mary gently pushed it away. "Not yet, Glyn. Just lie there and watch." Mary stood over him and bent her knees, lowering her pussy towards him. She took hold of his cock and rubbed it against the entrance to her pussy. "Do you see how wet and how red my pussy is?" She asked. He stared and nodded. "Sandy's pussy will need to look like that before you can enter her." Mary felt the crown of his cock against her entrance. She lowered herself and took the head into her pussy, "Oh, Jesus," she thought, "This is fucking huge." Glyn watched his cock enter her pussy. The heat and moisture was unbelievable. He stared, spell bound in disbelief. Then he watched her lower her body another three inches onto his manhood. He looked up - her eyes were closed and a look of pain across her face. "Are you alright, Mom?" She didn't answer, just breathed deep breathes. Her eyes opened and she looked at Glyn, "My name's Mary. Just stay still. Jeez, you're fucking big." Glyn didn't take it as a compliment. He was concerned and wondered if he was going to hurt her. His concern abated when she slid down his cock a further two inches. Seven inches of his cock was inside her. The rest of his cock was encased by her hand. He couldn't stop his cock from pulsing and Mary let out a whimper. "Not yet, not yet, lay still." She gasped as she leaned back and placed both her hands on his thighs. "Can you feel the top of your cock pressing against my cervix? That's as far as it can go inside." A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead. "Look at my pussy." Glyn didn't need to be told. His eyes were glued on the sight of his cock in her pussy. "Glyn," she said loudly, snapping him out of his trance. "Put your hand around your cock at the entrance to my pussy. Don't jerk it, just hold it there." He did as instructed. Mary's breathing calmed and she looked him in the eye. "Okay. Phew, that's tight. When you put your cock in Sandy, you'll do it slowly and you pull back an inch once you've reached her cervix. Then you put your hand around your cock to stop you going in any further. If you go in any further, you'll hurt her and she'll never have sex with you again. Do you understand?" "Yes," He said hoarsely. "Once inside, I pull back from her cervix and use my hand to stop me going further." "Good boy." She said as she slowly rose up his cock. "Keep your hand where it is. If I'm going to fuck you, you keep that hand where it is." Not only could Glyn not believe his eyes, he couldn't believe his ears. Mary lowered herself back down to his hand and stopped. "Now I've got used to the size of this massive fucking cock inside me, are you ready to fuck?" Glyn was unable to speak, transfixed by the sight in front of him. "Answer me, Glyn. Do you want Mary to fuck you? Do you want to come inside me? Do you want me to come on this massive cock of yours?" Without thinking, "YES! YES! YES!" he yelped, as Mary rode up his cock then back down to his hand. Up and down. Up and down. The juices from her pussy had covered his cock and she began to move faster. Her breaths were deeper the more she humped up and down his pole. Glyn looked up. She threw her head backwards, closed her eyes and opened her mouth as if about to scream. He listened to her erratic breaths and whimpers as she rode his cock. It took all his effort not to let go and pump all his cock as far as he could into her. Thoughts speared through his mind. "Fuck, she's hot. She's bouncing up and down on my cock. Jesus, look at her, she's fucking lost it. Wow, this is fucking amazing." His cock throbbed and pulsed. He could feel his semen rising. He stopped breathing and whimpered, "I'm gonna come." "Come for me, baby. Come for me." She said, as she clamped her thighs together around his cock. "Come for me." That was all he could take. A spasm shot through his body and his back arched up from the bed. Mary squealed as the first jet of come rocketed into her pussy. He ejected three more ropes of come inside her and fell back on the bed, panting for breath. Mary eased herself off his cock and collapsed on the bed beside him. Neither said a word for what seemed like minutes, as their breathing returned to normal. She turned her head and looked at her son. "Did you like that?" Glyn rose up onto an elbow and looked down at his mom. "That was fucking amazing," he said as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Mary raised a hand and gently pushed him back, thinking: "I can't kiss him. That's too intimate." Then it struck her, "I just fucked him. What can be more intimate than that?" Mary gazed into her lover's eyes, put her hand around his head and pulled him back to her. They kissed like lovers and it wasn't long before Glyn was hard again. Mary ended the embrace and sat up on the bed. "I need to rest a bit before your second lesson." "My second lesson!" He said enthusiastically. "That's if you want it." She teased. "Yeah, I want it." "Lesson one was me fucking you. Lesson two is you fucking me." Mary got up and looked at the perfect young man lying prone on the bed, his erection bouncing against his stomach. "Come on. Put on your robe and let's go down stairs to see in Christmas."
Title: Moonlight Lounge- Smoldering Fur by Nixe DeFoxx Tags: Demon, M/F, Salamander, Wolf Nay brushed her headfur back from her eyes, and looked around the crowded room. She grinned at the fox exiting the stage- Raz was in a good mood tonight. As the Security Demon on duty tonight, she was between the stage and the crowd, enjoying the show. The lights changed and the band cranked out a bluesy sound as the next dancer -a peacock in full display- strutted across the stage... The band had a new member, and Nay chuckled- Foxxy was sitting close by, watching the tawny cat the way a kitten stalks a mouse. She enjoyed the Lounge- the crowd was ever changing and the staff was, well, fun. She was busy as the crowd thinned and the employees began to drift off to wherever. As she made one final walk around before leaving, she heard a noise in the kitchen...moving cautiously, she opened the door and slipped inside. The kitchen was sparkling clean. As she walked around, she saw that the new assistant was still there, curled up on a metal tray in the corner.... "What are you doing?" He startled and looked at her warily. "Nothing misstressss, I sssimply was resting here. Eft will not allow me to return home, and I have nowhere to go where it would be ssssafe.." She blinked. "Safe?" He sighed. "I am a ssssalamander... my options are limited." "ah." He stood and padded close to her, his gray skin giving him a shadowy appearance in the shining kitchen. Up close, he was taller then she had first thought, his dark gray skin spotted with bright yellow dots down his back, his tongue flickering as he looked at her curiously. "What manner of animal are you, mistressss? your sssscent is not exactly wolfisssssh..." A grin showed her sharp fangs. "I am a DemonWolf"...she reached out a paw and put it on his arm- he was hot to the touch, almost uncomfortably so, but not quite. He yelped and pulled back, then looked at her in utter amazement. "You did not burn! You..." he pulled off his gloves and reached for her, only pulling back at the last minute. "Mistresssss? .......May I ......touch your fur?" She gave a soft nod, and watched his face- what was the big deal? Then she realized- Salamander- he could not touch normal furries without injuring them! Her demonic nature allowed it. Ssaven approached the wolfess and reached a trembling hand to her face, his long gray fingers brushed her fur so softly it was as if a moth had kissed her muzzle. When she allowed it, he stepped closer, and pressed both hands against her upper arms, his fingers splayed in her fur. "it is ssso sssso ssssoft.... sssssofter then ssssand.." he marveled. "my fur?" Ssaven nodded. "I have never felt any fur before..." Nay reached out to the salamander and caressed his skin with a soft paw. He shuddered, closing his eyes in bliss and nuzzling against her fingers. Emboldened by her caress, he walked forward until he was close enough to be plastered against her, his arms sliding around her, to pet her back softly. Well. She was about to tell him to back off, when she realized the salamander was ...weeping? "to touch sssssuch ssssoftnesssssess.." he gasped, his hot paws caressing her all over... Alll overr... "wait there now, uuh Saven" "Ssssaven" "yea, um, yea...I think maybe this...ooohhhmy" Ssaven's forked tongue curled around her muzzle, tasting, as his paw caressed her more intimately, pressing against her sex, warm and insistant..She hesitated only a moment and he moaned gently, his fingers cupping her through the security uniform which was NOT fireproof and already smoldering.. Without another word, she took the uniform off, the salamander hissing in pleasure as he caressed her furry body. He nuzzled between her ample breasts, pressing against her fur, his tongue curling around a nipple, the heat almost, but not quite painful. She lowered them both to the floor, the salamander clinging to her desperately, his knee between her legs, his throbbing cock pressed against her body.. She caressed the smooth length of him, and he responded with such noises that you might think he was in pain- the joy of being caressed my paws, not scales, not other salamanders, but the fur he so lusted after... She pushed him away and sat up, and he groveled at her knee, wanting and eager.. Curious, she reached out and stroked his cock, listening to him keen with pleasure, his hip thrusting him into her hand. "Ohhhhh Missssstresssss!" When she leaned over to taste him, the salamander fairly howled his pleasure, a scream that echoed in her sensitive ears. "stop that" "yessssss misstreesssss" She licked the oddly colored cock, as he slid eager wanting paws up her thighs to caress and explore her delights... her slit was wet, and his long tongue darted over it, causing her to moan and open her legs wider to him, her lips closing over the head of his cock as she slowly stroked him into her mouth. SSaven's body arched as if someone had electrocuted him, and he moaned against her heat, his tongue delving deeply within her wet folds, his thumb pressing against her clit. She pushed him onto his back so that she could press her heat against his face , still stroking him into her mouth, her paw tight on his ever warmer cock. Suddenly, she turned and impaled herself against his cock, pressing the huge throbbing length within her. He was holding back his shrieks as only a trained Sub could do, but she could literally FEEL them in his body as he thrust helplessly into her, his paws never ceasing to caress her fur. She rode him hard, using the salamander, as she felt the wetness of her excitement drenching her furry thighs ... when his hot tongue again wrapped itself around her nipple, it felt almost like liquid fire, and she arched her back and came against him, her hips rocking into his.... He was in agony, so hard he thought he would explode, but afraid that he would injure his new Mistress, and he tried to hold back, but the pleasure was searing what little self control his years of training with Eft had allowed him. With a wordless scream, he came into her, a literal eruption of volcanic energy. The cum was HOT-almost unbearable... but Nay was a DemonWolf, and it merely expanded her pleasure as she continued to milk his cock with her heat.. Expanding their pleasure until they both collapsed, utterly spent. The silence was amazing- only the steam rising and sizzling against their bodies made any noise at all as Nay caressed Ssaven's cheek and he turned to lick at her fingers. "Missstressss? Please don't leave me..." She smiled "I will stay the night, and tomorrow we will find you somewhere else to live..." They curled up on the warm tiled floor, and fell asleep, Ssaven's head pillowed on his furry mistress, his paws tangled in her soft, fireproof fur.
Title: Fresh Out Ch. 04 Tags: rimming, interracial, black men, fingering, oral, domination, deep throating, gay for you, best friends, first time *Please note that this is a work of fiction and engaging in risky behavior is dangerous in the real world. Play safely and get tested.* \*\*\*\*\* It all happened so fast. Neville walked in the house and went straight to his room, he was done hiding out in his own house. There was great purpose in the way he took the stairs two at a time, jogged the length of the hall. He pushed into his room and immediately noticed the bed made with fresh sheets. The acidic tinge of sick was gone, replaced by nag champa incense that burned in the window sill. The shower was running, the bathroom door open. He would have liked to think it was an invitation but he sat down on the bed instead and tried not to think of his not so secret crush naked and wet in the next room. "You left me..." And Neville let him have it as soon as Brion stepped out of the bathroom. His honey toned skin still dewy from the hot shower, shorts hung loosely around his waist and Neville wasn't the slightest bit distracted. He cussed him out for the things Brion said the night before, for things he said all those years ago. That's how the argument started. They went back and forth, circling each other. Then two fingers to the chest of the other. It was barely a shove but it was enough. The barrier had been breached and a tussle ensued. It wasn't the first time but never with the intensity as that moment. They were men now. There were no pulled punches. Neville might have been bigger but Brion was faster and boxed when they were kids. And he was almost as strong, at one point he had Neville pinned against the dresser. He held Neville's right arm behind him and used his knee to pin the other. In his other hand he grabbed Neville's tank top, the chest gathered in his fist. "I needed you and you fucking left me, "he screamed in Neville's face, his eyes wet and body trembling with emotion. "The fuck you mean... You believed that skee-ho gold digging cum bucket over me what you expect me to do... I left you... Mufucka you kicked me out," Neville roared back, flexing under Brion's hold so hard the dresser rocked back against the wall. The force knocked their heads together and their noses collided, lips brushed briefly against each others. "The fuck off me nigga, " Neville grunted as he pushed off again, but this time Brion pressed his body forward. Their lips met, intentionally this time but Neville was too angry to stop struggling. Even after Brion loosened the grip he held on his wrist and moved his hand to lace his fingers with Neville's. He felt the rough fingertips on his chest, tracing the nearly invisible stretch marks there. It was the tongue that flicked slowly against his bottom lip that got his attention but he didn't succumb. Not completely anyway. "Wait, Breeze what you doing yo, "he rasped as he pulled his head away, though their hands stayed tangled together behind him. All Brion did was shush him as he chased his lips, shifting his weight so that he sat in Neville's lap.The shorts slid as he moved and Neville felt his excitement against his abs. That did it. He gave in and accepted the persistent pleas of Brion's tongue to get into his mouth. "Are you sure, " Neville tried to say, to remain rational. In all his dreams he never saw it happening this way, for Brion to be the aggressor. He'd always fantasized an (un)fortunate accident or for Neville himself to grow balls and jump on him. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined those callused fingers would be the first to find his manhood, nor did he think that hand would encircle both their cocks and stroke. He pulled Neville's hand around to hold him and didn't flinch when that strong grip pulled him forward then back again, making Brion rock in his lap. "Oh shit," Brion grunted as he found the magic rhythm, working his hips and hand in tandem. Neville grabbed the back of his neck and forced his tongue back into his mouth for Brion to suck. No words were spoken, no instruction given but as soon as it passed his lips Neville felt the gentle suction and moaned. His other hand slipped further into Brion's shorts and squeezed his bare ass. "Fuck Breeze you gonna make me nut..." "That's the point, "he said and Neville smacked his ass so hard his own hand stung. His back arched and his legs clenched around Neville's broad torso. He liked that, Neville thought, and gave him another one. And another and another before Brion began to pant and gasp. "Fuck... Fuck... I'm bout to bust Nev..." Not wanting to get left behind Neville started to rut his hips against Brion's stroking hand. He clasped his mouth against his so tight their teeth clashed but that didn't stop them. Neville simply tip his head up and push his tongue against Brion's moans. They were music to his ears and Neville wanted nothing more than to keep those going for as long as Brion allowed. A bite to his bottom lip, the pressure good enough to make Brion cry out. Just as he did, the first volley of his climax hit Neville's chin pushing them over the edge together. From there they went shot for shot painting each other with their loads. Without thinking Neville pull Brion's face away from his and raced to catch the pearls they'd painted on his chest. He grunted and slurped hungrily at the trails, his teeth scraping against flesh. "Fuck that's nasty nigga," Brion said but his tone in no way implied disgust to Neville's ears. In fact he brought his long slender fingers to Neville's lips and pushed them in. He smirked as Neville slurped them into his mouth. "Suck," he said quietly but Neville felt a hint of authority in his voice and decided to give an order of his own. "Up," he said but he didn't wait for Brion to respond, instead lifted him bodily from his lap, took two steps and tossed him onto the bed. He tried to get up but Neville pushed him back down and smiled as fear flashed across that handsome face. "Don't worry Breeze I'm not goin' fuck you but when I'm done you might be begging." With that he yanked the shorts away and set to sucking the last of their seed from the fur between his cute little barely inny navel and his cock . He heard him moan but was lost in the exploration of their flavors and continued to lick and suckle every drop of Brion's precious essence. He wanted more, needed more of the thick salty musk of this man he'd always loved. And he would get it no matter how much Brion insisted he wouldn't get it up. "I'm telling you bruh, it ain't happening," he gasp as Neville moved his head to suckle his balls. His body tensed with each lick of the sensitive flesh between his sack and anus. He didn't pull away and Neville smiled, ran his nose along the base of Brion's heavy 6 inches. It wasn't even half hard but Neville had seen it at the 9 it would be at full length. Brion brought his hands to the back of Neville's head and pulled in as Neville breathed in deep. He moaned low and deep as Neville dragged his lips across his inner thighs. Then it happened, the moment Neville had been waiting for. The widening of those strong corded thighs, an invitation to enjoy him further. Neville took a quick peek at Brion, his head back eyes closed lost in pleasure. The pleasure that Neville gave. He kissed and licked, nibbled and caressed Brion's entire package waiting for the moment his hips began to writhe. When they did he slowly, deliberately lifted those muscled legs with no resistance. From this angle Neville got a good look at the true prize of the day. Tight, pinker than he imagined and ringed by a fine coating of curly brown hair, Neville wasted no time getting his first taste. He knew this would be a shock to any heterosexual man, the teasing of his anus, but Neville hoped that Brion would not stop him. Slowly he began, tentative pokes at his rim that were answered by moans and grunts of pleasure. Neville raised his eyes again as he took a long slow lick around the circumference of his entrance and watched as the other man shuddered and gasped. Another revolution arched his back off the mattress and Neville couldn't help the growl that escaped his chest at that, nor the slap he delivered to Brion's hard abs with both hands. He trailed his fingers down the rippled 8 pack and hot bulging oblique muscles, ran his tongue along the indentation there before he made a triangle with his hands around Brion cock and balls. His rock hard cook, that dripped and leaked precum down his shaft. Neville started to bring that to his attention but didn't want to seem arrogant so he enjoyed the view on his own. He squeezed his package, pushing it up and away from his asshole. He blew on it and the tight little hole flexed ever so slightly. He spit on it and Brion gasped but when Neville pressed his tongue against it Brion's hips shot up off the bed. "Fuck baby lick my ass," he groaned and Neville bit his lip to keep from thinking too much of the pet name. Instead he distracted himself with loving strokes of his tongue against that now quivering hole. With his thumbs, Neville massaged the base of Brion's balls as he slowly made the push to get inside him. Every thrust of his tongue was met with a thrust of his hips, if Neville held his tongue inside him Brion would grind against his face. "Shit that feel too good...Gotdamn you got me rocked up like a mufucka..." Brion trailed off into grunts and whimpers as he started to stroke himself. Neville would have rather he didn't but couldn't bring himself to stop him. He'd wanted to see him just like this, skin glistening and face flush. His eyes lost somewhere in the back of his head, toes curled tight as he beat his dick feverishly. He was on the brink, Neville could feel it in the way his hole quivered and clenched around his tongue. He wanted him to come, to explode from his touch. With an almost evil grin, Neville shoved his thick thumb deep inside that hot hole. "Ohhhh shit you sneaky muthafuckmeI'mbouttobustthisnut!!" Neville had to hold him down for fear his thrashing hips might twist his thumb the wrong way as he Brion bucked his way through his second climax. Once he settled Neville slipped his thumb from his hole and watched as it clenched itself closed. Gently he kissed that pucker before he stood, all the while his eyes on Brion basking in the afterglow. He went into the bathroom and wet a washcloth with warm water then proceeded to wipe away the evidence of their tryst. When he was finished he went back into the bathroom to clean himself up. Back in his room he dropped his shorts and kicked them into his hamper then left naked to get them water. A smile crept across his lips as he came back to find Brion sprawled out in the center of his bed. It wasn't the first time Neville had watched him sleep but now he didn't care if he got caught. "Damn I can see why you couldn't keep a bitch," Brion said groggily as he rolled over onto his side, showing Neville his chiseled back and bubble butt. "Can't even hold a brotha after you get that nut off huh? Fucked up bruh." Neville laughed and smack his ass as he climbed into bed beside him. He wasn't sure how much affection was too much so he didn't go for full blown spooning just yet, instead he settled for a hand to his thigh. By the time he settled Brion snored quietly beside him. He vaguely remembered turning on his tv and guzzling half his water. They slept, long and hard. Slumber lowering thier last inhibitions and allowed them touch. Neville lay on his back, Brion on his stomach. His head on Neville's pillow, arm across his chest, lips grazing his shoulder before Neville shifted down. He ran his hand down Brion's thigh and squeezed a little before he settled with a long deep breathe of his scent. One or the other stirred Brion into full wakefulness and he cleared his throat. "Well, this is awkward," Neville said as he quickly tried to roll away, hiding his hurt feelings. He had been dreaming he thought. But then there was pressure on his hip and an arm around his neck. "Chill, yo I'm comfortable...But yeah a little," he added the last with a chuckle but Neville stayed in close. "I mean it might just be me but I think I still smell my boys on ya breathe." That got a shot to the rib that was just hard enough to make Brion flinch but he laughed and continued. "What, I'm just saying..." "Naw it sound like you complaining," Neville said as he went for another love tap, this one to the chest but blocked. "Naw, I'm not complaining. I'm just saying you a nasty mufucka that all...also not a complaint," Brion added quickly with a laugh. He took a deep breathe, his hand slowly making its way down Neville's chest and sighed. "You know, the other day...I couldn't...You shocked me..." "I'm good bud..." "Naw let me finish," he said quietly as his hand came to rub Neville's hard stomach. It had begun to round a little thanks to Gianni's home cooking and rejoining life in the real world. Neville watched that hand, willing it to go lower. He felt Brion on his hip, his hardness wedged between them. "You remember that girl lived across the hall from us freshman year?" "Tarin," Neville said with a laugh as he remember Brion's freak of an on again off again girlfriend. Neville had always liked her, and not just because she let him watch. "Yeah you probably got as many blowjobs as I did from that one," Brion said and Neville felt his cock twitch against his hip. "That easter weekend, we stayed and she did us both. I saw you...the way you watched her mouth...licked your lips..." His hopes answered, Neville moaned as Brion started to stroke him again all the while thrusting slowly in time against him. Brion moved to put his face to Neville's, his lips brushed against his ear. "I got the hint and did some digging...you really need to learn to clear your browser history bruh...I knew you wanted it. I started noticing you checking me and at first it kind of weirded me out but that didn't last long. We did everything together man, always had each others back. You went out for track in high school for me why couldn't I do this for you...I know it's not the same but it is. I figured you'd tell me." Neville moaned and spread his legs as Brion moved his hand down beneath his balls. His long fingers wasted no time making his intentions known forcing their way in between his cheeks. "But you didn't then you went away and I was stuck out here with all these feelings. It wasn't just you wanting me anymore. I wanted this," he said with a smack to Neville's quivering hole. "But then when you kissed me I got shellshocked. I didn't expect it to be so...I didn't know how much...It was good. Too good and it scared me. Then I lost my mind last night and you know why? Not because of any shake to my sexuality. I was jealous..." "It's not..." Neville managed to say as he watched Brion lift up and lean to his bedside table. He snooped through more than his browser history, Neville thought as Brion knew exactly what drawer to find the flavored lube Gianni told him to buy when they went toy shopping. He poured some on his fingers and rubbed it along Neville's crack making him moan. "Like that I know, I know but I was fucked up. I figured you'd come to bed at some point and I could set you right but you didn't...Mmmm that's it open up for me," Brion said into his ear as Neville lay back and spread his knees wide. "I wanted to give you this dick so bad baby but I ain't wanna share you with the white boy just yet." Neville laughed at that. "Yet," Neville repeated breathily as he felt pressure of a middle finger on his rim. He opened his eyes just in time to see Brion smiling at him lustily. His eyes lidded and bottom lip trapped between his teeth as he gave his finger the final push inside Neville's tight hole. They both moaned at that. "Yeah," he said as he slowly working his finger in that hot chute, rotating his finger back and forth before he started to pull out. Neville watched him watch his hole and lick his lips as it began to loosen under Brion's attention. His dick stood up rock hard against his flat stomach and Neville wanted nothing more than to put it in his mouth. He reached for it, to stroke it, but Brion swatted his hand away. "Naw I had my turn earlier," He whispered, his eyes on Neville, silently asking if he was ready for more. Their eyes locked, Brion squeezed a good amount of the sticky vaguely chocolate flavored goop onto Neville cock before he took it in his grip. The way he looked at it Neville thought he might be working up the nerve to put it in his mouth. He fisted the sheets at the thought, hips thrusted down to meet the two fingers pushing into him. "So how close is it to eating pussy," He asked with a smirk. "I mean aside from the nuts on your nose pretty close," Neville grunted as Brion spread his fingers inside him. He rocked his ass down to meet his knuckles, eyes slammed shut he was starting to get tunnel vision with the double sensation in his groin. This wasn't the first time he'd had something inside him while he stroked, Neville was sure Brion had seen the two toys in that draw and the little brown bottle. The still unopened jar of water based stuff he read about on line. He imagined Brion might have come across Neville's research on it's uses in his "digging". "Yeah that's what I figured," Brion said and pull his fingers all the way out. Neville heard the whimper as he watched the slow closing of that muscle. He lean down and blew on it, making Neville shiver and moan his name before he pushed in three fingers. After a few gentle strokes he pulled all the way out again and gave Neville's gape a hard slap before it closed making the big man squirm and moan his name again. "Ohhh fuck Breeeeze..." "Yeah say my name again," Brion said with another slap, this one to Neville's sensitive taint. It stung like a bitch but that big black log started dripping clear love juice all over Brion's stroking hand. "Come on baby say it for me." Neville wasn't so far gone not to recognize what was happening. He heard the tone in Brion's voice change, felt his change of posture. But he couldn't fight it, couldn't stop himself from giving in. Those fingers found their way back inside him and thrust in time with the firm grip on his cock. The rich musk of masculinity filled his nostrils as Brion moved his crotch to Neville's face. He gave his cock a slap before he grabbed his own, push the tip to Neville's lips. "Say it for me babyboy," he said and Neville whimpered as Brion ran his dick along his bottom lip. When Neville opened his mouth Brion pulled away laughing. "Ah ah ahhh, no baby not til I say so...or you say it." Neville tried to reach up and grab it himself but Brion pinched his nipple hard, making him cry out and his cock drip some more. "When we used to play touch on the greens you never wanted to play your position. You always wanted to be my center. I thought it was because you wanted to protect me, imagine my surprise when I find out it's cause you want to bend over for me. Wanted to feel me pushed up behind you tight, hoping you get a feel of my dick on your ass." "You don't know shit," Neville said, not even believing it himself and Brion laughed. "I know I got you open as fuck right now...breathing all hard. Sweating and shit. I know you want me to throw you this dick. I know you losing that fight to hold out on me. You know how I get down baby, you seen me put in work. You always been curious, since that first time you seen me bend Tarin over my desk. Maybe later. I want to see your face the first time you take it," He whispered over Neville's gasps. He chuckled and gave his fingers a twist, knowing he'd found that magical place inside Neville that would open him completely. He wanted to hear it though. "Mmmm see I just want to make you feel good babyboy. Let me take care of you baby..." He couldn't take it anymore, his fingertips on the ledge Neville let go his grip and plummeted over the edge. He screamed his name over and over again, with every volley of his load as it shot into the air. He vaguely heard Brion mumble something about being ready and the next thing he knew there were balls on his ass and a cock deep inside him. Neville howled at the quick, savage entry but he loved every second. His mind was on fire, pleasure center erupting as Brion went right at him, thrusting through the end of his climax. Neville's chute writhed and quivered around the invasion, trying desperately to grip the rod but Brion slicked the hole well enough that he slipped easily in and out. "Mmmhmm, that's it babyboy take it for me...take all that dick," Brion grunted into Neville's neck as he pounded into him, their balls slapping loudly against each other. "Fuck that's tight...got me wanting to knock the lining out this ass." He paused then and looked at Neville as he ground his hips into him. He lowered himself so they lay chest to chest, nose to nose. "I'm the first," he said quietly, all of a sudden the bravado gone. The look in his eye was still passion filled but it was softer, loving almost. Neville nodded but that wasn't enough and in an instant the machismo was back. "Aww baby you mean to tell me I'm the first one up in this hot little hole. Ain't nobody else been up in it? Damn got nigga feeling like this mine...Dats what you trying to tell me babyboy...This my ass?" Neville had hoped he wouldn't ask, especially not like this, as he ground his legnth deep inside him. Every stroke made him see stars. He couldn't in his right mind deny what he knew to be true. Neville had always wanted it to be Brion who took his cherry. "Yes," he barely said as he clung to the sheets, his legs wrapped tight around Brion's hips, keeping him in deep. "What was that I ain't hear you?" He teased as he ran his tongue along Neville's lips. "Say it again for me babyboy." "Fuck Breeze you feel so good..." "Yeah you too baby but don't change the subject...tell me what I want to hear." He couldn't take it anymore and gave in completely. "Fuck me Breeze that shit all yours...take my ass fuck you feel so good inside me...it want all of it every inch of that fat dick pounding inside me...fuck me harder don't stop..." "Mmm shit baby I bet you want this nut too don't you?" Brion asked and Neville could feel him tensing above him. He strokes were starting to become off beat and shallow. He was right, Neville wanted nothing more than to be bred by his best friend and told him so. "Ohhh please Brion you know I want it...mmm all of it dump that hot cum inside me..." "That's right babyboy beg for it," Brion said with a soft kiss before he grunted and threw all his weight into Neville for the last stroke before his eruption. Their open mouths pressed together Brion grunted for him to take it over and over with every squirt of his load.
Title: Friends: It Started With Eyedrops Tags: stop rachel, monica panted, chandler monica, chandler rachel, yeah chandler, bed monica, ooo yeah, monica orgasm, fuck chandler, monica quickly Friends: Deleted Scenes - It Started With Eyedrops Rachel and Monica had been to the eye doctor earlier in the day, where Rachel got some drops for her eye. She was freaked out about anything going near her eyes, so Monica offered to help her. As Rachel slouched with her head resting on the back of the couch, Monica sat beside her with the medicine. She suggested doing a practice run, however Rachel knew her roommate was lying. She moved her head, just as Monica squeezed the dropper, getting fluid on her cushions. "All right, come here!" Monica said, getting up and pulling Rachel off the couch by her legs. "What are you? Monica!! Stop it!! Oh my god! Stop it!" Rachel protested as she was dragged onto the floor and rolled onto her back. "I am going… I'm going--Turn over!" Monica scolded as Rachel tried to wriggle away, "I'm… I am going to get these drops in your eyes." Monica was straddling the woman's body. She put the bottle in her mouth, so she could hold Rachel's arms. "Oh my god! You really are freakishly strong!" Rachel exclaimed, as she was easily overpowered by her roommate. Monica started biting on the plastic bottle, trying to squirt drops into Rachel's eye. "Monica! Stop it!" Rachel protested, in vain. She thrashed her head back and forth. Because of this, Monica missed her eyes completely, and ended up spraying the liquid all over Rachel's face and the carpet around her head. Finally, the stronger woman spit out the bottle onto the floor. "Damn! It's empty!" As Monica restrained Rachel, her struggling eventually abated. The girls held their positions, each trying to figure out what to do next. Rachel spoke first, realizing how Monica was on top of her, holding her down. "Wow, y'know if Joey and Chandler walked in right now, we could make a fortune!" They looked into each other's eyes. Moments passed; although to them, time had stopped. They hadn't been with each other since Chandler and Monica had gotten together. All three had felt that the couple needed some exclusive time to grow their relationship. Yet at that moment, each woman knew what the other was thinking. "Are you as turned on as I am?" Rachel asked. "Hell, yeah!" Monica replied. Without a second thought, she pounced on Rachel's mouth. Months of pent up passion exploded. Monica's body pressed down into her roommate, as she straddled her waist and hips. Neither girl seemed to notice how tightly Monica continued to hold Rachel's arms to the floor. Their mutual desire was all they knew. Monica released her right arm, but only to grope Rachel's breast through her grey tank-top. Rachel took the opportunity to wrap her fingers around the back of Monica's head and hold it as they french-kissed passionately. Monica sat up and pulled her light green V-neck shirt over her head. Then she reached around back and quickly removed her black bra. "I need you to suck my tits, Rach," she announced with resolve. Monica scooted back onto Rachel's thighs and, grabbing her wrists, pulled her up to a sitting position. Rachel caressed the smooth skin of Monica's back as she licked and sucked her best friend's breasts. "Oh god, Rach... I've missed feeling you suck them. Oh, I need this." "I need it too, Mon. I need you to make me cum." Monica tugged at Rachel's shirt, pulling it off her body. As Rachel kept licking her breasts, Monica unsnapped her partner's bra and helped her out of it. Hard nipples pushed into Monica's stomach. "Move to the couch," she said softly. It was clear that Monica wanted to be the aggressor right then, and that was just fine with Rachel. Both girls quickly crawled over. Rachel sat up on the cushions, and Monica knelt between her legs. They embraced, kissing. "Oh, Monica, I'd forgotten how good it is to feel your breasts on mine." "I hadn't," was Monica's lustful reply as she initiated another long impassioned kiss. Their hands roamed each other's torsos, touching skin and fondling flesh. Monica held Rachel's breasts as she took one in her mouth and gently sucked it. "Oh Mon! Yes!" Monica ran her tongue all over Rachel's breasts, paying special attention to her sensitive nipples. She gently nibbled on one, eliciting a moaned "omigod" from her roommate. Monica found her way back to her friend's mouth. She probed it lavishly with her tongue, before pushing her back into the pillows of the couch. As Monica sat back on her heels, she unbuttoned Rachel's dark blue jeans. They locked eyes as she pulled the zipper down. "Yes," Rachel whispered with a look of anticipation. Monica pulled the jeans off her partner's body, removing her shoes at the same time. Rachel's white thong was quickly tossed aside. And last, Monica took off her little white socks. She wanted her girl to be as naked as the day she was born. With a look of serious, determined lust, Monica slid her hands under Rachel's ass, leaned in, and lifted her hips off the couch. She was indeed "freakishly strong" and she showed this as she brought a pussy to her mouth, resting her elbows on the edge of the furniture. Both women were well beyond the need for more foreplay, and Monica dove in with abandon. She hadn't had a pussy in months, and Rachel's was her favorite. With Monica holding her hips up, Rachel's hands were under her, balancing her body as she rested her shoulders against the back cushions. Her toes brushed on the floor. Rachel was focused on her roommate. Brilliant blue eyes looked back as her cunt was serviced. She whimpered as Monica sucked on her clit. She moaned as Monica licked every fold of her labia. She gasped as Monica plunged her tongue deep inside her, wagging it up and down. She threw her head over the back of the couch, groaning, "god, yes, Mon... oh my god... that feels incredible..." Monica knew exactly what her roommate loved, and she did exactly those things. This erotic scene was interrupted by an opening door. Monica dropped Rachel's hips to the couch and stood up, forgetting that she was topless. "Chandler!" she said in surprise, then brought her arms up to hide her breasts. Rachel stood and grabbed the throw blanket, trying to cover herself. "What? What's going on here? You two promised..." "I know, I know, Chandler, I'm so sorry," Monica pleaded. She gestured, not realizing that she was revealing her chest again. "Please don't be mad. Rachel and I... I don't know... I'm sorry, it just happened..." Rachel continued, "Please don't be mad at her, Chandler. It was my fault. I started it." "Look, Mon, you know I don't mind AT ALL that you and Rachel... did stuff... together. It's just that I thought you and I needed some time, y'know, for ourselves..." he started to say. Monica stopped him, "We'll make it up to you. Honest, we will." "How?" he challenged. The girls glanced at each other. Rachel's look said everything Monica needed to know. "We'll do this with you..." she said, gesturing to herself, Rachel, and the couch, "and we promise it'll be better than any sex you've ever had." Rachel stepped over and whispered in Monica's ear. "Really?" was her quiet reply, "Are you up for that?" "Well, yeah... are you?" Monica gave her a sneaky little grin, "Yeah, it sounds like it could be hot." "What? What could be hot?" Chandler asked frantically. Monica and Rachel moved to stand on either side of him. Rachel discretely opened her covering. "Well, if you want to find out," Monica said seductively, "you need to come with us to the bedroom." He looked down at their beautiful bare breasts. "Do you want to find out?" Rachel asked, taking his hand and placing it on her breast. Chandler gave a panicked looked to his new girlfriend, like he was going to get in trouble. Monica smiled, taking his other hand and placing it on her own tit. Answering his unspoken question, she said, "It's okay, sweetie. I want you to touch her." They went to Monica's bedroom, where Rachel threw off the blanket. She went to her roommate's lingerie drawer and began throwing all the garments on the bed. Monica quickly stripped out of her black pants and black tennis shoes. Her thong went to the floor, and she was as naked as her roomie. Then she helped Chandler out of his clothes. She gave him little suggestive pecks on his neck and chest, but found that he was somewhat distracted by Rachel's naked body... her pert breasts, slim frame, sexy legs, and small round ass. Monica quietly laughed at him. "Thinkin' about what you want to do to her, big guy?" Chandler stammered a denial, still uncertain of what was happening. She smiled. "Well, you better. Like I said, we're BOTH going to make it up to you." She kissed him passionately, and he tasted Rachel in his girlfriend's mouth. "I know you like your women in lingerie," Monica said. "So how about you pick out some things for me and Rach to wear for you?" Chandler smiled, "Really? All right." He picked through the garments and handed Monica a black satin bustier. "Let's see you need some of these," he said, fishing out a pair of black sheer-top stockings. "Oh, and high heels from your closet." "What? No panties?" she gently needled him. Chandler returned her teasing. "Why bother? They wouldn't be on you for very long." Monica smiled at him and began putting on the strapless lingerie. "What about me, Chandler? Everything that Monica has should fit me, too," Rachel said, snuggling into his side, and provocatively sliding her hand down his chest to his cock. "Hmmm... let's see... for you..." He found a white silk slip. "...this. Oh, can't forget these," he said handing her a pair of white lace-top thigh-highs. She seductively wagged her head. "Oh no... can't forget those. Um, lemme guess... no panties for me either?" she asked with a knowing smile. "Do I even need to answer that?" he replied. "How about heels?" she asked. He thought a moment. "No, let's not. This will make you seem more... innocent." She smiled. It was anything but a naive smile. She cupped his balls in her hand, and gently massaged them. His mostly hard dick, slowly came to full firmness. "Well, I think you're gonna find out just how innocent I'm NOT." Monica was nearly dressed, and she fastened her stockings to the garter straps of the bustier. When she finished, she turned, and asked in a sultry voice, "Are my seams straight, Chandler?" She ran her fingers up the back of her thigh and caressed her cheek. Chandler ogled her legs and bare ass. His eyes traced the line all the way up from her 3" stiletto heel. "DAMN!" he stammered, as she smiled at him over her bare shoulder. He wanted to stick his dick in her right then, but he told himself that even better things would happen if he waited. Chandler looked to Rachel. She was straightening the shoulder strap, having donned her required garb. The lingerie came down just past her ass, and the stockings' white lace bands peeked out below the bottom of Monica's sexy slip. Rachel's breasts filled the top quite nicely, and her erect nipples created two soft vertical creases down the front of the fabric. Monica let down her hair as she strutted toward her boyfriend. "So I bet you want to just throw us on the bed and fuck us. Am I right, Chandler?" "Well, that's the general idea," he laughed softly. Then a look of uncertainty came on his face. "That IS the idea, right?" Rachel answered from her new place, kneeling in the middle of the bed. "Well... that's the eventual idea... but we thought about some OTHER things to do first. C'mere, Mon." Monica gave Chandler a sexy smile as she joined Rachel. Her roommate pushed garments out of the way to make a space for her on the bed, then casually dug through the lingerie scattered around them. Rachel secretly applauded Monica's ability to control her obsessive neatness amid the messy pile of clothes. She'd have to tell her that, later. "Gee, Monica, you missed a pair of stockings," she said nonchalantly. "Here. Let me help you put them on." The roommates knelt facing each other. Chandler watched as his girlfriend gave him a knowing glance, then held out her hands. Rachel flashed her own mischievous look at him, as she took a black stocking and began tying it around Monica's wrists. With the soft restraint in place, Monica turned to face Chandler. Rachel moved behind her, playing with her black hair and caressing her shoulders. "Do you think this is too kinky, Chandler?" Monica asked seductively, "That we would want to try a little light bondage?" "No, no, not at all," he stammered in disbelief, wondering if he was going to awake any moment from this steamy dream. "Good," Rachel smiled as her hands glided under Monica's arms. "'Cuz we were thinking that maybe I could tie Monica up... and then maybe you could tie me up... and then..." Chandler finished her words in his mind, imagining what he would do with Monica and Rachel in that situation. He watched as Rachel's hands slid behind the cups of Monica's strapless bustier. "Ooo, her nipples are hard," Rachel reported, as she gently massaged her friend's tits. "I think she's really getting into this." Chandler began stroking his dick as he watched Monica. Her eyes were closed, enjoying the touch of Rachel's hands, and the soft nibbles of Rachel's mouth on her neck and ear. "Wanna see?" Rachel asked, coyly. He nodded. Rachel slowly pulled down the bodice of Monica's black bustier, folding it back on itself to expose her full breasts. "Watching is sooo sexy, isn't it, Chandler?" the dirty blonde asked, as resumed fondling Monica's breasts. He agreed, wholeheartedly. "Well," she continued, "they say that the imagination is the MOST erotic thing. They say it can be far more of a turn-on... than what you actually see. So how about... for the next little while... we let Monica try to imagine what's happening?" At this, Rachel took the mate to the silk hose holding Monica's wrists, and brought it over her head to her eyes. She snugly tied it as a blindfold for her roomie. A slight smile crossed Monica's lips. "Omigod," Chandler mumbled. He had never realized that it could be so arousing to see his girlfriend being tied up like this. Rachel held out her hand to him. He came to the bed and took it. She guided him up and joined him in front of his beautiful girlfriend. Rachel kissed him, then whispered in his ear, "lick her tits with me." Chandler and Rachel both bent down and began licking. They tried not to touch Monica with anything but their mouths. She moaned, imagining what they looked like, and trying to determine who was at which breast. "Oh you guys," she whispered, "oh, wow." Rachel's hand gently grabbed onto the breast that Chandler was licking, letting her manicured nails press into it, and hoping it would throw a little curve at Monica. They lovingly bathed her breasts with their tongues, as Monica giggled and swam in her erotically dark world. Chandler left her chest, but Rachel continued licking. He took Monica's hands, and then ran his fingers up her arms, and back down to the stocking at her wrists. "Do you really like this, Mon?" he asked, wanting to make sure that she wasn't uncomfortable with something so unusual for them. A broad smile shone on her face. "Oh Chandler, please don't think I'm... sick... or anything... but... yes! I like this... a lot!" "You are so sexy," he smiled at her, though he knew that she couldn't see him. He leaned in and kissed her. At first she jumped slightly, not knowing he was so close, but then her lips searched the air to find him. "Why don't you move up?" he suggested, lovingly. Chandler and Rachel helped her crawl to the head of the bed, and Monica curled up amid the pillows. They looked at her. So erotic. High heels, black stockings, sexy legs demurely together, wrists tied, blindfolded. Almost looking like a dirty pinup from the 1940's. "So what are you going to do with me?" Rachel asked him, luridly. Monica felt them crawl off the bed. "Guys, where are you going?" "Don't worry, Mon. We're still here." "Well, um, tell me... things... okay?" she said with a shy grin. "Let's see," Rachel began to narrate, "he's picking out some stockings... they're your tan ones." Monica heard Rachel's voice move from the side to the end of the bed. She could tell that her roommate was facing away. "And now Chandler's put my hands on the footboard of the bed..." A nasty smile entered her voice, "mmm, and he's tying me to it. Ooo, yeah... you can go tighter, baby." Chandler cinched the knot around her small wrist, then tied the loose end of the fabric to the wood. "Like that?" he taunted. "Mmm, yeah, Chandler, just like that. Oh god, this is so kinky," Rachel groaned, obviously pleased with things. Monica was rubbing her nipple. "Tell me..." she whispered. Chandler spoke up. "She feels so good, Monica. I can't believe you're letting me do this. Sexy slim legs... soft breasts... she feels good wearing your stockings and slip." Rachel took over from him. "He's got my wrists tied to the footboard. He's caressing my body... oh, this silk feels nice... Do it, Chandler, do it... Now he's grabbing my breasts... mmm, yeah, he's rubbing my tits. Is this your fantasy, Chandler? To have your way with a beautiful woman? To grope her body? While she can't... do... a thing... about it?" Rachel stared alluringly at him. Chandler answered her by lowering the straps of her slip, and letting them fall to her elbows. The garment peeled away from her chest. Her long hair came nearly to her nipples. Chandler slid his hands inside her locks and held her head as he kissed her passionately, probing with his tongue. Their soft moans of passion resounded in each other's mouth. Monica caressed her breasts as she listened to the erotic sounds. "Mmm, yes, my neck," she heard. Then a little while later, "Oh Chandler, yes, your tongue... oh yes, feel how hard my nipples are... Oh, suck them... oh yeah, suck on them..." Monica pictured Chandler suckling Rachel's tit, and she longed for her mouth to be attached to the other. She licked her lips. Chandler reached around and caressed Rachel's ass, then slid his hand under the front of the slip and gently rubbed her clit. She opened her legs, allowing him further in. "Mmmm, rub my pussy. Mmmm.. oh FUCK, Chandler, I wish you'd do this more often... I bet Monica would let you... I bet Mon would let you take me... and fuck me... whenever you want... How does that sound to you, Mon?" Monica's hands had found their way between her legs. She was slowly rubbing herself. "Tell me more," she purred. "He pulled down my top and now he's sucking on my tits. Mmm... now his hands are caressing by bare shoulders and... oh my, Chandler. You dirty boy!" she mockingly scolded. "I guess he wants me on my knees, Mon. Is there something you want, Chandler? With me, like th- mmmm!" Monica heard her word cut off as her mouth was filled. She smiled, imagining her beautiful roommate on her knees... tied hands by her shoulders... with Chandler's hard dick in her mouth. Monica's fingers were rapidly rubbing across her clit. "Keep going," she panted. "Keep talking." "I've got her on her knees. And I'm holding her head and sliding my cock in her mouth. That's it, Rach, suck it good." His eyes went from his sex-partner to his girlfriend. "Oh yeah, Mon," he groaned. "Do that... touch yourself... rub your clit for me." "I hate... I hate to break it to you... honey, but... I'm not doing it for you," she panted with a smile. He got a little grin. "All right, Monica? I'm standing here, getting my dick sucked by Rachel. I don't think it really matters who you're doing it for... as long as you just keep doing it!" "You got it, big guy," Monica giggled, as she stretched her legs out and opened them a bit, hoping she was giving him a better view. She listened to the sloppy sucking sounds that her roommate was making as Chandler fucked her mouth. Occasionally, he would pull out, and Monica would hear a wet pop, then Rachel's lewd encouragement. "That's it, Chandler... stroke your nice hard cock... ooo yeah... it's so big... and hard... oh, Chandler... put it back in my mouth... give it to me, give it to me... let me suck on it again... mm hmm, mm hmm... MMMMmmm." More sucking sounds, as Rachel passionately blew his dick, then another pop. "Mmm, yeah... I love sucking cock... yeah, baby... let me watch you jerk off... ooo yeah, do it, Chandler... let me see you stroke it... oh god, I wish I could touch my pussy right now..." Sexual frustration oozed from her voice. "Oh, so your pussy needs some lovin' huh?" Chandler teased. "You know it does, baby," Rachel erotically replied. "Will you fuck me now?" Her beautiful eyes looked up at him. He knew he could go on like this if he wanted to. He could keep fucking her mouth until he shot his load into it... and Rachel wouldn't object at all. But her lascivious invitation was more than he could resist. "Well, since you asked..." he quipped, as he brought her to her feet. Chandler untied the stockings from the bed. "So how do you want me now?" Rachel asked. "What's happening? Tell me," Monica almost demanded, in her arousal. "He's turning me around... hmmm, well, well, Mon... so that's what Chandler was watching," she said approvingly. Monica was alternating between rubbing her clit and shoving a finger in her pussy. She had tried to do both at once, but her sexy restraint wouldn't allow that. Her mouth hung open and her breasts were heaving as she panted deeply, masturbating. "I'm being tied to the bed again," she went on with obvious delight. "How?" Monica asked, between shaky breaths. Rachel described her position. "My arms are tied to opposite sides of the bed... Chandler's got me bent over and..." "Spread your feet, Rach," he softly interrupted her. As she did this, she kept talking to her blindfolded roommate. "...and he's standing behind me. I can feel his stomach against my ass, and his body is covering my back. He's reaching down and caressing my legs... running his fingers up the insides of my thighs... oh, so close to my pussy... and now he's feeling my breasts again... Mmm, his dick is between my thighs, and the shaft is rubbing against my lips." "Go in her, Chandler," Monica said lustfully. "I want to listen to you both do it." "You heard the lady," Rachel purred as she looked over her shoulder. Chandler straightened up and lifted the hem of the slip, fully exposing Rachel's bare ass. He held his dick right at the entrance to her pussy. "You ready, Rach?" he asked. "Ooo, yeah, go in me, Chandler." Rachel groaned as Chandler's long hard cock slid into her. "Yes," Monica whined. She shifted around, and spread her legs, knees up and high heels flat on the bed. Her bound hands were between her stockinged thighs, and she slowly rubbed tiny circles on her hard clit. "Look at her, Chandler," Rachel said softly. "You're the luckiest man alive, you know." "Mmm, I do know," he agreed. Monica returned the smile she heard in his voice. "Oh god, I want that pussy," Rachel moaned, as she watched Monica. "All in due time, Rach," Chandler answered with his dick inside her. He waited a few moments, caressing her ass and enjoying the feeling of being in Rachel. "But first you need to get fucked good." "Yeah, fuck me good, baby," she echoed. Chandler and Rachel's groans joined together as he slowly fucked her. Her pussy was wet and tight, and fit his cock like a glove. His hands traveled Rachel's body, admiring how toned and sexy it was. Hearing them moan each other's names was surprisingly arousing to Monica. Her petite body writhed in the pillows as she frantically masturbated, adding her own erotic sounds to the mix. "Fuck her... fuck her..." she moaned. Soon, Rachel begged to be done harder, and Chandler was only too happy to oblige. He put his hands on her slim hips and jammed his dick into her; fast and hard, burying it to the hilt. Rachel screamed in surprise and pleasure. "YES!" she screamed again with the second hard thrust. "Do it, Chandler. I know you want to fuck me hard," she said with clenched teeth. He started to take the next thrust a bit easier, slowly pushing in, but then halfway through the motion he rammed her hard. He gradually withdrew this dick, and did it again; slowly in, then nailing Rachel to the hilt. Her head snapped back and she groaned in pleasure. "FUCK, Chandler... mmmm... FUCK!... Yeah, do it again. Bang me like that. UHN!" Monica tried to imagine what was happening, but soon she could tell her boyfriend and her best friend had settled into a fast steady rhythm, as they grunted together with each thrust. Rachel's wrists strained against the soft bonds. The silk trailed through her hands and was held in a white-knuckle grip, as her pussy sustained his fleshy assault. "Fuck me, Chandler, fuck me... oh shit, fuck me... ohhhh... ohhh...." Rachel's moans were soon drowned out by sound of Monica's orgasm. She threw her head back into the pillows as two finger dove rapidly in and out of her pussy. "OH CHANDLER!" she groaned, "omigod, omigod, omigod, UUUHHNNN.... UUUHHHNNNN..." Her head thrashed from side to side, unaware and uncaring that she was giving her friends such an erotic show. Rachel heard a whisper in her ear. "Do you want her pussy?" "Yes... please!" she moaned back, begging to have her roommate. "Let's get you on the bed then," he said as slipped the straps back onto her shoulders and then untied her. They quickly moved to the bed, where Chandler directed her to lay on her back between the widely spread heels. Monica's orgasm was just passing, and she was barely aware that they had joined her. Chandler pushed Rachel's feet up near her butt, and tied the silk stocking of each wrist to her ankle. She looked at him with a dirty smile. Chandler was usually fairly reserved, and she liked the fact that he was willing to let out his kinky side. He ran his hands all over her body, as he looked at her, pleased with his risque handiwork. "Guys?" Monica asked, trying to catch her breath. "What's going on? Did you cum, Rach? I didn't hear you cum." Chandler moved past Rachel, and bent over to kiss his blindfolded girlfriend. "Just getting ready to do some things for you," he told her, lovingly. "Ooo, I like the sound of that," she smiled. Acting on impulse, Chandler did the single obvious thing in his mind. Monica flinched in surprise, then giggled as a hard cock was pushed into her mouth. Monica lustily took it, tasting her roommate all over it. "Oh yeah, baby... I love watching you suck dick." Rachel arched her back to catch a glimpse of Monica's blowjob, and to see a bit of the pussy waiting for her. She breathed in her roomie's scent, just a few inches from her face. Chandler pulled out of Monica's mouth, though she gladly would have serviced him more. "Give me your hands, Mon." She blindly offered her tied hands to him. He helped her to her knees, then slowly guided her forward to straddle Rachel. Monica's knees bumped her friend's shoulders and she got the idea. "Mmm, I like where this is going," she smiled. She edged farther, her knees hugging Rachel's body. A tongue began lapping at her wet pussy. Monica moaned her desire, "More, Rach." Chandler knelt between Rachel's legs and eased back into her. A muffled "yes" came from below Monica. He started fucking again, as he watched his girlfriend's hands travel from one of her roommate's breasts to the other. She caressed them through the fabric. He reached forward and again pulled down Rachel's top, this time to let Monica feel her bare tits. "Mmmm, yes, lick me, Rach," she moaned. "Mmm, like that... just like that." Rachel's tongue was slowly licking the full length of Monica's slit, over and over. "Oh yeah... I love it when you do that... oh, touch me, Rach... touch me..." Chandler answered for Rachel, with a mischievous tone. "She can't... she's kinda... tied up right now." Monica's fingers found their way to Rachel's arm, then leaning forward, she traced it down. Her fingertips found soft nylon around her roommate's wrist. Then she realized that it was tied to Rachel's ankle. Monica smirked. Her hands moved across Rachel's abdomen to the other side, and found the same thing. "Chandler, you nasty man..." she said, with approval. Monica's hands moved between Rachel's legs and cupped her roommate's mound on either side of Chandler's thrusting pole. She felt him sliding through her index fingers. "Tying up Rachel and fucking her like this... I like your idea." "Ya do, huh?" he teased. "Oh yeah... I never realized you could be such an erotic lover." Monica felt his cock slow its motions, and then stop, still in her roommate. "Y'know, I've got another idea, Mon," he said, untying her wrists. "Turn around." Still unable to see, Monica carefully turned to face the other way over Rachel's face. "Do you want to tie them behind my back?" she asked over her shoulder. "You're reading my mind," he said, as he responded to her presented wrists. "But let's see if you can read my mind on this one." He reached down and untied the stockings at Rachel's legs. Then he brought her arms up. Monica felt his fingers... then Rachel's hands on her calves... and finally, the feel of a soft bond wrapped around her own slim ankle. "You like it when I tied her up..." He paused. "...so, do you like it when she's tied to you?" Monica smiled as she felt a second knot being cinched around her other leg. "OH YES... I just, I just wish I could see all this." "Nuh un," the response came from between her legs, "just enjoy how it feels. Isn't this the kinkiest thing you've ever done, Mon? I'm so glad I'm doing it with you guys." "Enough talking... more sex," Chandler declared as he started pumping Rachel. She obediently resumed licking, as her fingertips caressed the silk covering Monica's legs. Her tongue slid through her roomie's folds, tasting her arousal, and working to create more. Monica never had felt more restrained, and more free, at the same time. She'd always wanted to try light bondage, but never found someone she felt comfortable with. But now, being tied to Rachel... with both of them as Chandler's sex dolls in this kinky game...now she knew... that it could be better than she had ever imagined. Chandler wanted to bring Rachel back to where she was when he did her at the end of the bed. He wanted to hear her moaning his name. He gradually sped up his fuck, gently rubbing her little clit as he did. "Oh Chandler," she moaned around Monica's labia. "Mmmm... mmmm..." "Oh god, Chandler... whatever you're doing to her... keep doing it," Monica groaned, lowering onto Rachel's face. Lips cupped her pussy, and a tongue pushed up into her. "UHN! Oh, yes! Lick me, Rachel! Fuck me with your tongue!" Chandler reached out and caressed Monica's ass. He saw Rachel's chin peeking out from below, slowly pulsing as she worked Monica over. He dropped his hand and fondled Rachel's breasts, flicking his thumb gently across her pert nipple. His hand traveled down her stomach, and ran the length of her leg, feeling the soft thigh-high encasing it. He brought her foot up and over his shoulder and held it there as he watched his dick slide in and out of her. Monica was rocking her hips forward and back, grinding her cunt on Rachel's face. The sensual sounds of the women were intoxicating. Chandler could tell that Rachel was getting closer and closer to orgasm. The fabric of the slip fluttered ever so slightly as it draped across her stomach. He thought he heard Rachel moan something like, "harder... harder." In moments, he decided just how he wanted to make her cum. Quickly, he grabbed her other leg, and threw it over his head to join its twin. He wrapped his arm around her knees, clutching them tightly together. Her hips rested between his thrusting thighs. Chandler fucking her as hard and fast as before. Rachel's pussy grabbed around his cock, and her moans took on a whining sound as her climax washed over her. Her muffled moans still filled the bedroom with a carnal din. Her fingernails pressed firmly into the flesh of Monica's calves. At that instant, Chandler reached out and took Monica's hands. He gently pulled them back and up, making her lean forward and press her clit into Rachel's devouring tongue. Monica screamed at the repeated shots of pleasure as Rachel suckled. "OH! OH! SUCK IT! OH! YES! OH RACH!" As Rachel's orgasm passed, her furious sucking threatened to turn into just lazy lip licking. Chandler knew that Monica needed more than that, if she was going to cum. He pulled out of Rachel, and crawled up her body to Monica. He quickly untied her hands, and brought them around front, where he held them on the headboard. Without a word, he entered her. "Oh Chandler," she whined, "I'm so close... please bring me... please make me cum." "I want to fuck you, Monica," he panted, very much out of breath, yet very much wanting to bang his beautiful girlfriend. "I want to hear you cum... I want to hear you scream..." Chandler slowly screwed Monica, not wanting to pop before her orgasm. The couple felt Rachel's tongue lavishing both their genitals with sloppy attention. She had perfect access to his balls and rod, her labia and clit. Rachel generously licked everything she could reach. "Oh... oh yeah... oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah," Monica whimpered, her face contorted in ecstasy. "Oh yeah, oh yeaaaAAAAHHHH... OHHHHH.... OHHHHH... UHHHNNN... MMMMMMmmm... OHHHHhhhh... Ohhh.... mmmm... yessss..." He grabbed Monica's petite body, and pumped his stiff dick into her. Just a couple hard thrusts and Monica felt a stream of hot jizz shooting inside her. Chandler quickly pulled out, firing cum onto Monica's pussy as he moved back slightly. Rachel squealed and giggled, when a shot of Chandler's cum landed on her lips. He jacked himself hard and fast, scattering random cum-shots on Monica's pussy and her helpless roommate's face. "AWWW YEAH," he groaned, "That's the stuff!" "Monica," Rachel feigned protest, "Your boyfriend just unloaded his cum on my face." Trails of sperm slowly ran down her chin and cheeks, onto her neck and into her hair. "Well, I'd help ya out," Monica panted, with a smile, "but I'm kinda... tied up." "Yeah, but-mmph," her retort was interrupted by a cock unexpectedly filling her mouth, demanding to be sucked dry. She gladly obliged, feeling it jerk slightly in her lips. "So Chandler," Rachel questioned as he took his member back, "does this make up for you catching me and Monica?" "Ohhh, more than!" "So can I take the blindfold off now?" Monica asked. "Allow me," he said, reaching up and untying the stocking. Monica shook out her long hair, and ran her fingers through it. She scooted back slightly, and looked down at Rachel's cum-splattered face, smiling between her stockinged thighs. Monica reached down and let Rachel suck her finger, then she wiped the cum from her chin, and licked her digit clean. Chandler embraced her, caressing her breast and legs. Monica surveyed just how she and Rachel were bound together. She nodded approvingly. "Very nice, Chandler. Something tells me we'll be doing this again. But next time, do me like Rachel, k?" "You got it, Mon. And next time, I want to see you tie her up. Is that alright with you two?" Rachel answered for both. "Chandler, after tonight, I think we'd be pretty dumb to say 'no'."
Title: How I Managed My Muse! Tags: dialogue, spiritual, energy, guidance, guide, inspiration, creative writing, control, surprise, imagery *(format corrected and simplified 1/15/08)* "Don't ignore your muse. Pay close attention and do EVERY little thing she says and do nothing she advises you NOT to do." "Hey, Hey, HEY! This is my 'How To'! Don't talk to them directly!" "Are you arguing with ME?" "Um, uhhhh, nope. Not I. Ummm, would you mind if I started this again? I'll tell your part as you've told me. OK? But shouldn't it be in my voice? I'll tell them how you introduced yourself and influenced the stories. This one is all about YOU. So thank you.... (you royal pain in the ...)" "What did you say? Were you..." "Errrum, not a thing, your highness. Why don't I start over? OK? I know you know all my thoughts, when you listen. Let me just adjust my cummerbund and bow tie, make sure my black shoes have a mirror fin..." "Don't bullshit them! You're banging on those keys naked... and stop touching yourself there." "HEY! Hey! Don't tell them that!" I neither confirm nor deny...." Now be nice. WOW! Here we go." Part of this narration is HOW I discovered I had a muse. Then I'll relate how to handle her. "I mean, ummm, how to honor and cater to her." SHEEESH! I'm more surprised than anyone that I'm writing. Something DROVE me to write and I learned several interesting things during and about the process. Most of those didn't come to me for months, so hopefully you can learn from my pachycephalic density. Hey, what the...! That wasn't my choice of words." Lois, did you push that thru me? Sometimes simple is better, ya know? Isn't that redundant anyway? I meant thick-headed, LET me write it that way." Sheeeeesh! I apologize for her. She's just sooo wound up with this blurb and her fifteen seconds of fame. "Sorreeee." "THAT's a first. You've never apologized before. OK, assume the position.... you know what I mean. And, yes, I'll explain it to them shortly." As you have hopefully figured out, my muse's name is Lois. I didn't know her name until I was well into my third story, **EMMANCIPATION**. Yet I was unknowingly under her influence from the beginning. One day, I just **HAD** to write my first erotic story, **The ReDating Game**, and I didn't know why. So why did I? Well, I happened to be in a state of questioning my usual left-brain approach to everything. I struggled to box it out of select areas, and creative writing is an ideal testing ground with little penalty for failure. About six months into this odyssey I began pondering why I was enjoying this writing while I HATED creative writing in school. I soon realized the process was very different. In High School and College, the topic was usually unappealing and assigned so it stifled rather than inspired the creative story. There, they structured the process and I had to create story pockets and the ultimate story solution. Then I had to fill the pockets with snippets that formed the details and connective web. Once I had a connected structure in a detailed outline, I went back to flesh out the story and add new elements and refine the characters. That wasn't exactly the process they defined, but it feebly worked for me. It was extremely LEFT-brain intensive. I didn't like it. Besides feeling pointless and forcibly contrived it was unsatisfying and I didn't want to write. Bare [sic] with me a bit as I share the short version of what inspired changes in my outlook. In 1993, I stumbled on what arguably became the best series ever made for TV. It was a novel, written in 110 chapters! The name of the place, umm show, is **Babylon 5**. I made the same mistake others are still making today and prematurely judged it as just Sci Fi fluff. It is so much more and so compelling to anyone with a brain and more than a ten minute attention span. I was hooked, but didn't know why. It was two years before I checked for websites. I then found HUNDREDS. The dozen key sites were BBS or newsgroups. Besides the usual fan info about the show and actors, I found that the creator/writer/producer, JMS, had a constant online presence. He still does, despite the happy burdens resulting from finally being recognized as a first rate writer/creator. I'm going to exclude 99% of the info on B5 since it is not my intent to sell it here. What I want to get to is Joe Michael Straczynski, aka The Great Maker, and his influence. I'll let you find his IMBD and fan site pages on your own. Go rent the DVDs. Email me if you want more info about him or the show or the preferred viewing order. Over the years, Joe revealed tomes of personal info despite selective cautions. He's written many other stories, TV scripts, comics, plays and movies, even a book on script writing. But it was the simple complexity of B5 that awed me. I already had some idea of how hard it was to write a long story that holds together without contradictions, held readers' interest and had some significance that made it worth reading. Or so I thought. His five-year storyline for his B5 novel came to him in a single inspiration. He had details left to complete, but the major events, morals and fine tapestry all came at once. He further defined his process which dove tailed into my mind set. Though the story steps were very closely spaced, the moral and character development raced head to head and far ahead of every other element. I'm still awed that B5 works on so many levels. Kids see the sci fi/action level and if lucky they see the various allegorical levels. How many 110 chapter long books have you read ELEVEN times...so far? Joe said that once he had the characters well defined, he no longer wrote their scenes. They wrote their own story. He described it as opening the window on their world, watching them awhile, then slamming the window and quickly writing what he saw. Their flaws appeared in the story, just as they should. It's an amazing concept. I began to wonder if I had any rich characters in me. Late May 2006, I felt someone inside wanting to tell a story. While I'd normally ignore it, I felt the need to leave a door open so that character could walk out, or I could walk into his world. I had one more chance to ignore him, but I'd already begun my right brain experiment. "Left brain, shutdown, right brain OBSERVE." That's when I got my first story image. Rather than define the narrator in **The ReDating Game**, I tried echoing his elusive feelings. I got anger, confusion, despair, futility and loneliness. Left brain kicked in... Is this just a psychological reflection of me and my moods? Happily, it was not. "Left brain off, right brain contact him." The initial, resolving image for **The ReDating Game** was this: A man sat alone at a four-place food court table. His left arm was extended on the table and held a blue soft drink cup. The table was the closest to a short (three foot high) wall. Many people milled past the wall, near him. He was scanning the crowd for someone special and despondent that he hadn't found her. Something told me this was NOT the beginning of the story. While describing details in that brief image, more information floated to me. Then it dissolved and was replaced by a second image. This one was closer to the start of the story. In that fleeting image was a trestle that looked like a huge Erector set. Much later, I thought it might be a raised subway section known as the El. That same man was climbing a stanchion and was maybe five feet from the top of the six story brown structure. Capping several stanchions was a very big pressboard platform about 20x50 feet. Standing near the edge and about six feet from our man was a cameraman. He shouldered a big TV camera with several bundled cables leading away from it. About fifteen feet from the edge was another man in a dark suit. He held a corded mic and paced impatiently. When I saw him, I knew this was a TV show called The ReDating Game. A flurry of details rushed at me that fleshed out the story. They answered the questions about why he was there; how he got there; who arranged it etc.? I saw the answers in a flutter of several less distinct images. In a final major and clear image, I saw our leading man and his long lost love. They looked like eight year olds holding hands and skipping along the sidewalk, frozen in mid skip. She was in a wide skirt with many ruffled layers under it. They didn't know yet where they were headed, but I saw what the show had arranged. About a block from the couple was an aged, small, horse drawn carriage for them. It was a weather worn brown, yet reminded me of Cinderella's pumpkin coach. The rest of the details about confusion, hope, anger etc., are in the story. Each of those images seemed to exist for no more than five seconds. Since writing that story, I found that the seminal image for new tales almost always came the same way. It floated about two feet before my forehead, the top angling slightly toward then away from me. The image inside the 5x7 white frame often moved - like several frames from a movie - and repeated. Color or sepia, it was sometimes blurred and always disintegrated if I tried to analyze it. I sensed that this story and one other, still unwritten, would be huge challenges. Instead of writing **about** the narrator, I tried becoming him and writing in first person. That meant that his confusion, anger etc., would be part of the narration. If I successfully conveyed his pain and confusion, the story would likely be hard to read, but if I failed, it would be shallow. I decided not to explain his motivation, but saved it for a post script I'd publish in a year. The cynic in me still lives. Where did the framed picture come from? Did it originate in some random neuron firestorm? Or is the firestorm the result of some other influence? If you believe in the metaphysical, you can see they come from the eddies of the energies of the universe. SOMEone WAS that narrator at some time and maybe, somehow, I began to channel him. After a year of very different images somehow crisply connecting outside me, I am convinced the energies coalesced into the persona of Lois, my muse. Yet, when I wrote my second story, **Out of the Closet**, I still hadn't met Lois. The purpose of that story was to expose an exhibitionist who was painfully in denial. The seminal image for it was this: a woman stood on a balcony inside a big room. It was a formal function with a dense, mixed crowd below her that extended fully into the room. They held cocktails, top tier hors d'oeuvres etc., and kept sneaking peeks up at her. Her clothes kept changing, but all were very revealing. When she wore a long, loose, pink dress, it billowed without a wind. She couldn't look at them or she'd KNOW that they were peeping and that would break her delusion. So her gaze was fixed straight out the big outdoors-facing windows directly across from her. I felt Lois's influence when I began assigning motivation and direction that didn't match the character **as she defined herself.** MY only indication was a sense of tense conflict that eased only when staying true to the character's character. As I refined the story, I realized it was deeper than one chapter would allow. Before I finished what would be chapter one, an external guidance had me outline the story in twelve chapters. During that process, I added to my reservoir of story ideas. Today, 9/11/07, that stands at eighteen written and forty-one outlined and not so patiently waiting for me to get to them. When I began **OoC** chapter 2, it began writing itself so quickly I had to hang onto the bullet train or be left behind. It grew too big for a short tale, so I split it in two. Then into six parts. It wasn't done splitting, so I paused and wrote a detailed outline that finally resolved into fifteen chapters. The Pygmalion lead in the former chapter 2, now a separate story called **EMMANCIPATION**, named herself **LOIS.** Coincidence? Not likely. Without yet knowing it, I'd met my muse in disguise as my new lead. Names can be hard to choose at times, but hers came with no effort at all. I knew very well the real person Lois represents, so staying true to her character was easy. The story came easily. UNTIL I tried to embellish and push her to do 'unnatural' things or rush her progress. My still unidentified muse was tweaking my internal conflicts. She apparently felt the need to be more obvious. "You bet I did! You going to tell them about that 'position' remark soon?" "Yes, your highness. I'm getting to it now. You know, Lois, THIS is the first time we've ever actually had...." "Intercourse?" "**...dialog**, interACTION. We've never directly spoken TO each other before. Intercourse? Where IS your mind?" "I could tell you, but..." "Never mind." By chapter three I began to appreciate how much harder it was getting to keep a longer story consistent and not repetitive. My outlined chronology went from a few lines to two full pages of one line entries, thanks to Lois. Scenes, actions and words flowed thru hands and onto the keyboard UNTIL I paused to add spice. I developed a new scene and calculated how to shoehorn it into the story. Suddenly, my fingers **refused** to type. The words were in my head and I ordered my boycotting fingers to comply. They would not! My arms and hands flexed, normally but my fingers physically stopped an inch above the keyboard and would not even wiggle until I moved them away. Choices! My left brain charged in to take control, analyze the problem and FIX it. The more it pushed for a fix, the more resistance and tension I felt. Finally, IT even subtly suggested I find some other approach with less resistance. Using some meditation tips, I felt my right brain connect with the energy streaming down my arm. I SAW that energy blocked at the third joint of each finger. When I traced the energy back up my arms I noted that it was weaker in my left arm. It felt stronger as I scanned past my right elbow. Though I expected and imagined it would wrap around my shoulder and show me its path from my brain, it did not. Instead, it continued out of my right shoulder and flared to its source about a foot behind and above that shoulder. Letting my left brain try to identify that source was useless, so I stared at the keyboard and THEN saw something behind me. I was vaguely aware of a non corporeal presence behind and slightly above my right shoulder. Floating in that source position was the top half of a slim, dark-haired female in a pale pink, diaphanous dress that flowed gently without a breeze. She was looking over my shoulder at the keyboard and screen. Her arms were crossed on her chest and her expression was stern. No words passed her pursed lips, yet I knew what to do. I mentally canceled the scene I'd contrived and stepped back into the previous scene. Once I felt the pulse of the situation, I could again OBSERVE them. What I saw was very different from the scene I invented. My fingers were freed and I wrote what I saw. The apparition smiled thinly and dropped her arms. As her face softened, I recognized Lois. .... **LOIS?!** From then on, I worked to keep my defenses down and stay aware of Lois's presence and influence. **Shower Towel**, [a friendly group grope] and **NAKE, Ed's Place**, [a splosher's tale] were fully formed stories before finger ever slapped the keyboard. A reader wrote in to suggest it would be an interesting story to watch play out on the Food Channel. Hmmm. 'Rachel's Racy Recipes'? Both were intended to be light and uncomplicated fun. NAKE stole the lead and became my quickest story to become insanely popular. **Milky MILF** is a little more complex story, yet it started with a single, simple image and grew under Lois's influence. It too was to be a short, single chapter, simple fun tale. But it also took on a life of its own. It quickly stole the lead from NAKE and became my most popular story. It seems to *want* to be three chapters and immediately inspired a prequel, **RIVER RIDE**, which is one of five open stories I expect to finish this year. My 3-part **Nonagenarian** story inspiration began with the image of the ancient geezer boarding a train. He caught the scent of sex and saw Sue redressing. That shortly became the opening scene in part two. Lois guided me back an hour into the story and helped me write the care free sex-with-Strangers-on-a-train group frolic that preceeded the geezer's arrival. The group activities became a well-orchestrated ballet that, once again, easily wrote itself. Before finishing part two, the image and events of part three were clear to me. The finale was not originally so hopeful. I struggled with how to introduce the special twist and ALSO make it a hopeFUL story. We should all be THAT lucky! There was one other significant surprise while writing **Emancipation Ch. 10: The Intruder**. When I introduced a stranger to the lively group of sisters and mates, I struggled with his name. Nothing fit! So I reviewed hundreds of names on three baby-name web sites. Still, nothing fit. I decided to write around the name by just leaving some '\_\_\_\_' until I could find a suitable name. After getting into the story and catching the momentum of the tale, the words flowed. Without any pauses, I wrote ***"We were still frozen in place so, during the awkward silence, he introduced himself as Valen."* THERE** it was. I never saw it coming. The first time I saw THAT name for the story was as my fingers typed it. My hands yanked themselves off the keyboard, my jaw dropped and I shouted at the screen. Where did THAT come from? Once my goose bumps settled, I went back to the web sites and looked for Valen. Left brain said I must have seen it there and didn't notice. It wasn't on any of them. Valen is one of the most significant characters in **Babylon 5**, so I went looking for parallels. MY Valen was a minor character. He wasn't a leader, or noble or outstanding. Yet, the name felt like a perfect match for the stranger. I STILL don't know why HE [Lois] chose that name, but I'm OK with it. Learn from my surprising experience. Listen for, then to, your muse. **The most important point I think I have finally learned, and the answer to the title of this story is ... you DON'T manage your muse. You merely surrender to her, umm, ahh, guidance.** Yeah, that's it. "Are you OK with this, Lois? Are there any ideas I left out?" "Wellllllll, I think they each must find their own muse. We constantly talk to you all, but most don't hear us. As you told them, they should keep an open mind and stay aware of subtle influences. Your examples were sufficient and didn't need much help from me." "Great. And what is most important, YOU got the last word." "Yes, I did." "Damn!" "That's all. We're signing of...." \=================================== /\\\_\_/\\ ( \~ \~ ) \> \* \< Please vote BIG and leave constructive comments. Thanks.... [grammar ck 11/18/07]===========
Title: Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 27 by Contrast Tags: Ander, Clean, Fox, Hezzi, Kadai, Novel, Serial, Story, Wolf, shekka 27 "How is he, Shekka?" Kadai asked. The insufferable Wolf has been hovering over her shoulder ever since he woke up. "No different from the last time you asked me." *You betrayer you devil you piece of filth how could you keep something like that from me!?* "But will he be all right?" "I don't know!" Shekka screamed, making Kadai flinch. "Just stay away and let me work!" Kadai opened his mouth, perhaps to say something, but then thought better of it. He nodded his puffed up head and took a step back, finally giving her the space she needed. *They should have punched you much harder than that. After throwing away the last shred of honour this family had left, you got off easy, much too easy...* But now to focus on the task at hand: her idiotic drisa, writhing and moaning on her worktable, bleeding all over the place. There were little grooves cut into the wood to drain the blood away (Ander's idea, of course), but Hezzi was bleeding so badly they were already overflowing, the neat, straight lines turning into messy red splashes. "Why are you standing over there like an idiot, Kadai!?" "You said -" "Forget what I said and hold him down!" Kadai quickly grabbed hold of Hezzi's squirming arms and pinned him down against the table. While he was doing that, Shekka took the third bowl from the second shelf of her rack of supplies (also built by Ander). "Now, Hezzi, this might feel a bit strange, but - For the love of the Cora stop moving!" Hezzi tried his very best to lie still, the poor boy, but she couldn't expect him to do anything about the shaking or the rapid breathing. Still, if he hadn't been such a fool, then none of this would have happened. Honestly, she couldn't even blame Garten. At least he was a proper Wolf, like Banno... used to be. She traced the cut with her fingers and slowly poured a thin line of aloe vera oil into the wound, which would keep any impure spirits out. It would do nothing to stop the bleeding though. For that she needed something more hefty. She reached for a bowl of animal grease, but... Why was everything suddenly so quiet? She swivelled her ears around, listening intently. They were shouting and screaming so loudly just a while ago, but now everything had gone dead quiet. Did that mean...? Was it over? Was Ander dead? Was that filthy piece of false blood that had murdered her true son finally dead? "Shekka? What are you -" "Ssh!" Shekka raised a finger to her lips. There was a bitter mixture of aloe and blood clinging to it, but she didn't mind the taste. It was the taste of good, honest work, work that would save the only real son she had left, work that would somehow fix this catastrophe of a family. With Ander gone, all that remained was Kadai. She would have to do something about him. She just didn't know what. But it would come to her, she was sure of that. The Cora would guide her. She could hear footsteps rapidly approaching her tent, and seconds later someone threw the flap open and stuck his head inside. She could tell it was a male just by the way he was breathing. "Chieftain! Shekka Kai! It's Ander! He ..." "Is he dead?" Shekka asked, keeping her head down. She didn't trust herself not to suddenly break out into a smile. "No! He... He just killed Garten!" "*What!?*" Shekka and Kadai said together. "It's... I don't... He's totally lost it! He's gone completely crazy! It's like he's being possessed or something! He said he'll kill us all!" "N-No..." Hezzi said, straining against his Kadai's grip. "I told you to stay still, pup!" Shekka barked. "Your wound is still open!" "He'd never say that..." Hezzi said through gritted teeth. "Ander would never..." "\_Ander\_wouldn't," the messenger agreed. Shekka didn't know his name. "But I'm not sure that's still Ander in there." "What do you mean?" Kadai asked. "You didn't see what was going on out there, neither of you. Some are saying it was just bad luck, the way Garten fell into the bonfire, but I know it wasn't! He planned it that way! The whole thing! Ander burned Garten half to death and then finished him off with a knife!" Ander did that? No, Shekka couldn't believe that. The same boy who once fought with Banno over the life of a lizard? The same boy who nearly broke his neck trying to put a baby bird back in its nest? That same boy, *that very same boy*, threw a Wolf into a fire and then stabbed him to death? But maybe she shouldn't be so surprised. He killed Banno, after all. But still, that Ander was capable of such things... Aargh! Shekka didn't have the time to think about this right now! Hezzi was getting more and more restless, shaking his head, clawing at the wood. He was absolutely beside himself. "Let me go!" he said, straining to - Was the fool actually trying to get back up? Wonders will never cease. Shekka could see the thin blurry red line across his stomach turn into a *thick* blurry red line after every failed attempt. It was the cut gaping open like a second mouth every time he moved. At this rate the little snot really would end up killing himself. "Hezzi, you're hurt!" Kadai said. "Stay still and let your mother treat you!" "No! Ander needs me! He needs... he needs... me..." Hezzi's head hit the table with a funny little *dok!* sound, his eyes glazed over. Well, it would have been funny, were he not on the verge of death. But at least now he was quiet. Shekka scooped up a handful of grease and slathered it across her son's stomach, sealing the wound. "You there," she said over her shoulder, "let us know if anything else happens out there." "I can't do that, Kai," the Wolf said, his voice trembling with fear. "Why not!?" "I'm very sorry, Kai, it's just... I'm not staying here any longer! I know a safe little place in the woods. I'll go there. Just for tonight, mind you. I'll come back once this... all of this, is finally over." "You call yourself a Wolf!?" Shekka screamed, applying a second layer of grease to the cut. She knew she shouldn't be rubbing so hard, but damn this was turning into the most infuriating night of her life. "Ander killed Banno, and now he killed Garten! Those were the two strongest Wolves this tribe had to offer and Ander killed them like it was nothing! What chance do I have against that demon? I'm just a -" "Are you stupid as well as cowardly!? What makes you think you have to fight him alone? Are you not seven hundred strong at least!? Ander's been thrown to the Wolves in the Cora's name! That means all the Wolves! Not just Garten!" "Shekka, that is your son out there!" Kadai said. *No he's not!!* Shekka had to bite her tongue to keep from saying that out loud. For a moment she came dangerously close to saying it anyway. She screamed at him in her head, throwing her thoughts at him like spears, wishing in her heart that they could have been real, like the one that had cleaved open her poor little foolish Hezzi. *Ander may be your son, but he's not mine! He belongs to some Fox bitch named Sarah! I almost died giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, my only enka! And you spirited her away and buried her in the mud before I even had a chance to see her! I couldn't even cry for her passing because I never knew she existed! All so you could keep your wretched affair a secret! I hate you, Kadai! I hate you!* What she ended up saying was: "I'm sorry, Kadai. Tonight has been very difficult for me. I just wish it to end." Kadai sighed. "Me too." "Um..." The Wolf's voice was further away now. Coward must have been inching away for quite a while. "Just thought I'd inform you of the situation. Chieftain, Kai. I'll be leaving now." "Go hide in your hole," Shekka said, but the Wolf whose name she did not know was already gone. She could hear him running for the South gate, his footfalls growing softer and softer until they disappeared completely. "You should give that one a proper punishment when he comes back, Kadai," she said, applying yet another layer of grease. The blood kept seeping through, turning it into a gunky mess. "Punishment? For what?" "For running away from the execution! From his duty as a Wolf!" "There's no law that says that every Wolf needs to participate when one is Thrown to the Wolves. Normally it's just the friends and family of the one who has been wronged that feel the need to -" "But what about you!? Do you have any idea how much respect you've lost tonight? Look at you! You were struck down by your own people! That's something that never would have happened! You need to step up and remind them that you are *Kadai*! You are their Chieftain! And you better do it quick!" "By punishing Vindi for deciding not to participate in the execution of our son? Are you even listening to yourself, Shekka?" *He is not my son...* "Shekka?" "Of course, Kadai. You're right. Unfair punishment would only incite them further." *He is not my son... and you are not my mate!* Kadai nodded, but he still had a suspicious look in his eye. Shekka pretended not to see, and tended to Hezzi's wound. *I will get you back for what you did, Kadai. I swear it to the Cora...* *I will make you pay...* --- Shekka's medical techniques aren't quite as modern or refined as Bethany's, but in ancient times people really did seal wounds with animal grease. Nasty, I know, but hooray for historical accuracy! xP If you enjoy my story, please help keep my face un-mauled by irritable ostriches by dropping me a donation. Thank you! ^\_^ **Paypal: [[email protected]](https://www.sofurry.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)** Donation Progress $57 / $100 (Unlock Wednesday update) How and Why: The Story behind "Ander" (Journal): [https://www.sofurry.com/view/517234](https://www.sofurry.com/view/517234) Special thanks go out to the following furs for helping me keep this project afloat with their generous donations. I couldn't do it without your support. 1. The mystery fur strikes again with a second donation! If you'd like to be credited, drop me a PM with your username. :3 2. PyrePup has also donated twice. 3. KmlRock 4. Faan Thank you! You guys are the best! ^\_^
Title: Freedom Ch. 01 Tags: interracial novella, interracial romance, college, black woman, civil rights, historical, white man, first time I was raised in a quiet and small neighborhood in south Texas where things seemed stuck; every day was just like the last at home as well as at school. Suddenly things began to shake up in my town once the Civil Rights movement hit. In my white world I was ignorant to those who were different from me and did not understand too well what was actually going on and honestly I did not care because I was comfortable in my life. That comfort was challenged when I went off to college; my roommate Larry Grunth from the north challenged my passive thought and forced me to see things as they really were. Larry changed my world and it was never ever going to be the same again. My parents disapproved when I started going to Freedom Meetings with Larry and his friends. In the same room I saw both black and white students in harmony discussing how to peacefully solve this problem of gross injustice. The whole motion excited me as we the college students of America had the ability to a great change for the better. One night Larry and I were at a meeting making plans to go on a tour around Texas, making speeches, passing out pamphlets, and conducting peaceful protest. In our own city things seemed to be changing but even more so was my mind. I had never had such passion about anything. It gave my life color that I could not get enough of. Larry and I signed up to help out with the tour along with a black girl named Ella. I noticed her the first time I came to a meeting with Larry. She was sitting in the back all by herself wearing a yellow dress. Her dark brown hair was cut short and showcased her long lashes, high cheekbones, and full lips. There were plenty of girls in my life who I thought were pretty, but she was more than that. From that meeting on I would look for her. She rarely talked but when she did she had such eloquence, it blew me away. I thought I could listen to her all day. Larry told me that she was a writer and convinced her to write a few pieces for the members who came to the meetings. When I read them, I knew what I was doing was the right thing. We started on our plans and let out a bit early to avoid the brutes and aggressors who usually waited for us to finish so they could shout nasty things at us. Jared, a tall and skinny black guy who Larry and I had become friends with wanted to talk to Larry privately. I was about to walk back home alone when I saw Ella doing the same. "Ella!" I called out to her. She turned around and smiled. "Can I walk you home?" "Sure, thank you Daniel." I sped up to catch up to her. She looks so pretty that night in her dark green dress and red lipstick. How could anyone hate such a beautiful creature? The contrast between us was great. Her skin was the color of milk chocolate and her eyes were dark chocolate brown. She was around 130 pounds probably, 5'4, with 36C breast. I, on the other hand, was 6'1, athletic build, auburn hair and light green eyes that matched the color of glass. "I am really excited about his tour. Hopefully my parents will let me go." "My parents won't be too happy about it, but how can I pass up something like that?" I was so excited about the trip, excited to see young kid's mind open up like mine did. As she walked she looked up to the stars every once in a while and I could see the stars reflected in her dark sparkling eyes. I thought about her often but that night I knew that I liked her without a doubt. "Daniel," she started. "Can I ask you something?" she asked looking straight at me. I grew nervous and didn't know what to expect. I nodded for her to continue. "Have you ever wanted to just go away?" "Like to New York?" I asked, picturing me and her there in a hip jazz club. "Not exactly," she chuckled cutely. "More like just disappear to nowhere for a while." "I can't say that I have." Sure I wanted breaks from things, but I never wanted that. "Tell me about it." "I don't know. Sometimes I just get tired. I wonder if what we are doing is enough to change the attitude of a whole nation...I love this place, I love my home, and my friends, but there are people and places here that will never love me let alone like me back. There is no escaping hate, it will always be there. And no matter what I do, it will never all go away." "But you are doing so much. Its people like you and Larry who have changed my mind and my heart. I know change is only one person at a time, but we gotta keep striving." "I know, it's just hard sometimes when people are calling you things, ignoring you, and throwing things at you. Sorry I am ranting, it's just been a bad week." "No, its okay, do you want to talk about it?" "Sure." We passed her house just talking and walking. She told me about how her week and I told her about mine. I loved listening to her sweet voice. I loved hearing about the world from a totally different perspective. As she talked, I stared at her lips and her teeth. I noticed that she had a slight gap, but it was very fitting of her. I felt good at the end of it. She was encouraged and I was falling in like with this brilliant, insightful, and thoughtful girl. We approached a park just as a cop car drove past us very slowly. The old cop scolded us with his glare in obvious disapproval. I knew him, he was a friend of my father's. God I hoped he didn't stop and question us. I would surely get hell for this the next time I saw my family. At the park we sat on the swing set together. The park was for whites only but I told her it would be okay. "I'll protect you," I whispered wanting to get close to her. After we had our fun on the swings we sat on the tire swing together sitting very closely. Boldly I took her hand and pretended to read her palm. "You are in love," I told her jokingly. She pulled away bashfully and withdrew her eyes from me. "What?" I asked taking her hand again. "Your skin is really soft..."I examined her hand carefully along with her long slender hands. She smiled at me and laced her fingers in mine. "Look how good they look together." She looked at our hands and laced our other hands. "Ella," "Yes Daniel..." "I really like you." "I really like you too." "I think you are a beautiful person, the most beautiful person I know..." She smiled sweetly hearing all of this. I wanted to ask her if I could kiss those gorgeous lips, but I just went in for it. On the tire swing we leaned in for our first kiss. \* \* \* \* In her empty house, alone in her bedroom I watched as she unbuttoned her dark green dress to reveal her black satin slip. I had my shirt off and was laying in her bed waiting for her. She crawled into bed next to me and I pulled her in for another kiss. On our sides we made out furiously wrapping our legs around each other trying to get our privates as close to each other as we could. She was so small in my arms and she smelled so lovely. My hands traveled the contours of her brown soft body and wanted to go underneath her satin slip. I never wanted to touch anything so much, but I didn't want to scare her. I stopped to cool off for a bit. I was already hard, but I needed to make sure what her intentions were. "Have you ever been with a guy before?" I asked. "No, I haven't." "I've never been with anyone either."I admitted. "I really like you Daniel. And I know its probably not what you want to hear, but I am not ready for that tonight." "Its fine, but can I still kiss you?" She nodded and smiled in response. I hovered over her kissing her deeply and passionately trying to get my fill of those lips. I turned over and lifted her on top of me so that I could wrap my arms around her little waist. I loved feeling her breast pressing into me and the way she straddled me. This girl was driving me wild and I wanted more, so much more. Feeling her body move against my hard cock while I sucked on her tasty lips was a feeling that I wouldn't mind feeling the rest of my life. "Gosh I am so..."she started with her lips swollen. "So what?" I asked taking her bottom lip into my mouth. "So wet," she whispered shyly. I kissed her harder enjoying her answer. "We have...to...stop." She said reluctantly. I knew we had to also. I didn't have a condom, and I wanted to take my time with her anyways. She climbed off of me and I put my shirt back on. I didn't want to leave, but I could tell she needed some time to think and so did I. I said goodnight to her and gave her another kiss. "I will see you tomorrow." "Yes...Daniel, it might be best if we don't tell anyone about this. It could get out and your parents could find out." "I don't care who finds out." Maybe I was in a dream but she was all I wanted.
Title: Freedom of Flight Ch. 07 Tags: alanna, tarval, mating, first time *Author's note: All characters and companies mentioned in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone or anything bearing the same name or names. Events portrayed in this story are pure invention and have not been based on any events that have happen in real life. All the characters involved in any sexual acts if their ages are not mentioned before hand; are over 18 years of age. Enjoy.* **Hi everyone, Sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out, it's a nice long one, which I hope will make a lot of you happy. I would like to thank all those who sent feedback or who posted it. I would like to point to one particular posted piece of feedback from Chapter 3 listed as con-fus-ed. I don't really address the problems with immortals in Freedom of flight but with Bound by pride and Guarded heart. I hope you stick with the series and that your confusion leaves eventually, the main immortal characters in the first three stories are almost all very young and haven't lived a few hundred years of this kind of life style, in the next two stories much older immortals come in and I'll leave it there or I'll give too much away. As always a big thankyou to you the reader and my editor for your support and all feedback is welcome. Have fun** Alanna tossed in her bed, not being able to sleep. She kicked the covers off and took a deep breath. Her mind kept dwelling on what Jewel had told her that morning. She never would have guessed that Jewel had been abused judging from what she saw when Jewel was with other men and with Travis. No fear or defensiveness, she thought, bemused and a little envious, wishing she could be that uninhibited. She also longed for the day she could laugh and joke with the men who watched her practise her craft avidly, hoping to learn how she fought, but she simply couldn't let her guard down for that. She sat up and rubbed her face wondering why she couldn't sleep. Part of the reason she knew was she couldn't seem to get pass Jewel's story but that wasn't the major reason; she knew her wolf had a hand in this as well. She closed her eyes and focused for a moment. Her wolf responded to the silent call and padded forward in her mind. They both appeared in the darkness, the place were woman and beast fought for supremacy of the body in which both inhabited. It was also the place were both minds could talk to each other. She barred her teeth at her human, her hackles up, she was not happy at her human half. *What's wrong, why won't you let me sleep?* She asked the wolf. She didn't respond... she just growled. Alanna watched her wolf, confused, *what's wrong? Do you want to run? We are going for one tomorrow,* she said trying to pacify her wolf. She cocked her head for a moment then lunged and landed on her human. Alanna didn't fight or struggle against her wolf; there was no need. She just wanted to make her human side understand. The Wolf growled and filled her mind with mating and Tarval, telling her that she was done waiting for her human side to get comfortable. She wanted to claim him NOW before someone else tried to take him. As a human, Alanna was normally timid around others but that was because she still had ingrained fears. However, the wolf was never timid when it came to her own needs... not since she was freed and allowed to thrive. She wanted Tarval, her human wanted Tarval, she didn't understand emotional scars and why her human side was taking so long to claim their mate. The wolf released her and backed away into her darkness, having made her point to her human self as Alanna opened her eyes. Her green eyes scanned the room for a moment before deciding on the course of action. Then she got off her bed and left her room. She walked silently down the hall, taking the right turns to get to where she wanted to go. She didn't bother to knock, just gently opened the door and was glad it wasn't locked. She closed the door behind her gently, making almost no sound and locked it with a soft click. She approached the bed quietly, taking a deep breath to calm herself and slid her nightshirt off, letting it fall to the ground. Fear raced through her as she contemplated what she was about to do. She, however, felt her body stir, her heart quicken and heat pool beneath her skin. *Guess my body has already decided for me,* she thought wryly. She lifted the covers and slipped in before she lost her nerve and ran from the room naked. Tarval felt the movement of the bed and he instantly went on alert, his hand brushed a glowing crystal set into the bed head that shed gentle light around the room. He blinked, for a moment wondering if he was still dreaming. *I am not seeing what I think I'm seeing... am I?* He thought to himself with a little shake of his head. His vision leant forward and gently brushed her lips against his, assuring him AND his body that this vision was... indeed... very real. He still was not entirely convinced that he WASN'T dreaming, afraid that she'll disappear right up until he pulled her naked body to his. He felt like he was on fire, a fire he felt burning beneath her skin that was fuelling his own. His heart thundered heavily in his chest as his member started to rise. He broke the kiss and whispered, "Alanna..." She pulled him back before he could say anything else. He tried to resist but he had already been aroused by his dream and having her in his arms, making his dream real, was making him desperate to have her. The kiss became demanding as he slid his hands over her body, wishing he had a thousand hands so that he could feel everything all at once; a thousand tongues so that he could taste all of her. He broke the kiss and quickly started to nuzzle at her throat, trying desperately to tamper the mad want coursing through his veins. His hand slid down her chest, with his lips following closely. When he reached his first destination, he gave a brief salutation to the twin globes of flesh before he gently sucked a pert nipple between his lips. She gasped in surprise and desire as the fire within burned hotter, surprise because she had never known his lips could generate such pleasure. Her gasp was misinterpreted as fear, and what felt like ice cold fluid was instantly injected into his veins stopping his desire in its tracks. He pulled away as he remembered what she had been through. He rubbed his face to distract himself from the sight she made in his bed, the one place he had wanted her when he realised he loved her. Frustrated with himself and the situation as well as trying to regain some measure of control, he asked, "Why are you in my bed naked, Alanna?" She wanted to jump in with a snide comment but she didn't, knowing it might push him further away and that was the one thing she didn't want to happen tonight. She wanted him closer to her than anything else in the universe, as close as he was with her just moments ago, as close as her beast. She grasped for a way to show him what she wanted but she had no idea on how to seduce him, having freely chosen to deny her own sexuality. She quickly remembered her mother. Her mother had given her everything she needed in life, including this; she had given her daughter her memories. One of those memories filled her mind, a memory of her mother seducing her willing mate. She just hoped Tarval was as willing as her father was. Her hand slid down softly, barely stirring the blankets to make her intentions known. She let her hand stroke his manhood, tracing the semi flaccid member with fingers that slightly trembled. She was alarmed at his size and wondered how the hell he was going to fit. Her wolf however, was clearly delighted in her mind; it would keep his seed within her as well as a knot would. His breath hitched as she gently stroked his manhood, feeling life surge back into it, chasing the cold from his veins. *What more of a blatant invitation should she give him?* He told himself. She was naked... in his bed... in the middle of the night AND stroking his rapidly hardening member. Having completely analysed the situation, he whispered her name softly again before taking her lips again with a fierceness that should have scared her but didn't. He plundered her mouth for long minutes, their tongues sliding against each other as they mimicked the actions that their bodies soon would be doing, as he crushed her body to his. Then suddenly, he tore his lips from hers, fighting for control. He didn't want to just take her even if she was willing. He wanted to show her pleasure, wanting her to crave his touch after tonight and not think of this as one big mistake. She protested his action with a groan, wanting him back. He smirked and started to kiss and nibble at her throat, trying to slow things down. His hands roamed against her silky skin. He cupped and moulded a breast gently and stopped kissing her long enough to gauge her reaction. He glanced down and groaned as he watched the firm mound that was just big enough to fill his large hand. He leant down and sucked the irresistible light brown nipple into his mouth again, gently pressing his teeth against the tender nub. He felt her tense even when she tried to curb her reaction before it became obvious. He pulled away, a little alarmed, and studied the breast he had started to worship; faint scars that were almost gone were present and explained her reaction. She had been bitten hard, painfully, in punishment for not complying or simply because whoever did it liked to inflict pain. All of a sudden he wanted to rage at the man or men who had done this to her but he knew she didn't need or want that, not now, not *ever.* She needed his love, his understanding not his anger. "Relax." He told her gently before gently sucking the nipple back into the warm confines of his mouth, followed by a little biting and twisting. In response to this new onslaught, she moaned and fisted her hands in the sheets, her body aching to encourage his mouth further. She cried out in objection when he released the nipple and gasped when he transferred his ravishment to the other proud nipple. She felt as if a knot was tightening within her core with every suck, nibble, and pinch he applied to her nipples. She rubbed her thighs together and squirmed beneath him. He released the object of his attention and continued his trail down her body with his tongue. She tensed for a moment, as she didn't know what he was doing but relaxed as his tongue lazily circled her navel. He pushed her legs open gently at the same time and settled between them. He glanced up at her as he felt her gentle quiver. "Trust me." He murmured. She met his eyes; in them, she could see desire and want but even more important than that, she could see his love, a love that promised not to hurt her. This was the deciding factor so she nodded without hesitation; for the first time in her life, she trusted a man completely. He smiled tenderly at her for a moment before he shifted further down. She quivered as she felt him part her sex, exposing herself to his attention. He waited a moment, wanting her to relax before he tasted her. It took several moments but her muscles finally relaxed and her breathing evened out. He leant in and started licking her, starting from her core and making sure he struck every place of pleasure he knew was there before flicking against the nerve rich bundle that jutted out proudly for him. She nearly jumped out of her skin when he struck that spot, her fingers instinctively finding purchase in his hair. He knew it wasn't to push him away; it was to keep him close; even if she didn't know what she wanted, her body and her instincts darn well did. His lips fastened on that bundle, that button of pleasure and sucked and nibbled and licked until she was groaning and pushing up in time to his tongues' antics. So intense was her pleasure that she didn't seem to notice when he started to pump one finger into her, slowly opening her for his body, or even when he added the second or the third. Her fingers scrunched in his hair, pulling painfully as she felt him find a place, which made her jerk. She panted and cried out as the knot started to twist within her womb, growing and tightening with each suck and bite. He angled his fingers to stimulate her further, now that he knew he was in the right area; her cries of pleasure and want were music to his ears. His member throbbed in desperate need, wanting to be within her but he ignored it; tonight was for her and no matter how painful his body felt for denying himself, he would. She cried out as the knot within her exploded, unravelling with a force that made her entire body quake with exquisite after shocks and her thighs locked around his head, keeping her where she wanted him as the spasms rocked through her. She released him a few moments later when she finally came down from her high. She didn't get a chance to savour the experience... the bliss that left her breathless and feeling boneless. He didn't back off to let her catch her breath, just kept going, pushing her higher, getting her into the height of her passion, to need him within her for completion. He removed his fingers and brought them to his lips to lick her essence from them. He watched her watch him, her tongue darting out to taste her lips. Thinking that he knew what she wanted, he offered his fingers to her and her tongue darted out to taste herself. He found the sight to be exceedingly erotic, more so when she slipped his middle finger into her mouth and sucked deeply on it... with her eyes seductively locked with his. He groaned. "More," she demanded, wanting more of the delicious pleasure he had shown her. Nodding almost desperately at her, he crawled up her body to get into position to make love with her. He watched the rosy hint of her release tinged her skin, her green eyes sparkling. He was pleased with the sated look in her eyes, which he had put there. "I know something better than my fingers," he told her softly, knowing that he might push her away. "What?" she asked seductively but with a slight tinge of nervousness as well. He grabbed her right wrist and directed her hand to touch his swollen member. He then released her wrist, wanting to see what she would do; if she pulled away then he would continue to do what he had already done and take care of his needs later when she was asleep. However, if she didn't pull away... he'll know that this is it; she's finally ready for him. After a moment of hesitation, he felt her hand wrap around him and he groaned aloud at the green light. Although her fingers could not completely surround him, her pressure was firm but not painful, moving slowly over him, her eyes watched his, looking to see if she was doing anything wrong or hurting him. When she got to the head, she slid back down then back up, feeling something warm and liquid spill onto her hand. She pulled away to see a dribble of his desire on her skin. He waited with baited breath to see what she would do next. She looked at him inquisitively then brought her hand to her lips and licked it from her skin. If he thought he was on fire before, it was NOTHING to watching her lick his essence from her skin. His blood ran as hot as lava; it was only the memory of her treatment, which stopped him from jumping her. However, this didn't mean that he couldn't do other things... his lips were on hers before she had a chance to truly savour his taste. She moaned at his slightly rough treatment, while his body moved until he was cradled between her thighs, his shaft resting between their bodies, leaking his desire on her stomach. His body pressed hers deeply into the soft feather mattress, his tongue continued to tease hers. She squirmed beneath him, wanting him within her NOW. She broke his kiss and stroked the lines of his face, "I trust you... I love you," she rushed out before capturing his face between her hands and kissed him. Her kiss started slowly, gently like the love she had felt blossoming for him but she quickly built the intensity to show him she was finally ready for him, for his love and his body to join hers in an act as old as time. He growled and shifted his weight, taking hold of his throbbing shaft and moved it to her entrance, slowly pressing against her, letting his weight slowly slide him into her. Their eyes locked; him looking for any sign of fear or discomfort, her looking into his eyes was to look into his soul. She felt for her wolf to bring her forward but her wolf was nowhere obvious to her. She had given her human side the shove she needed to be here and now it was all up to her. Her wolf would not stop or interfere with this; she had to feel his love uncorrupted by the wolf's point of view. Sex was a means to an end for her, it allowed her to reproduce and it gave her pleasure. She grew attached to her mate but only because he was a good choice to father her children. Her human side, however, needed love, not being able to live like the she-wolf. She needed closeness and love and she needed it without her interference. She would come through later to mate but the first time was for her human. He felt himself sliding deeper into her, wondering when he would come across the barrier that guarded her womb and would stop him from completely joining their bodies. He met none as he rolled his hips to press the last of himself within her. He felt a rush of primal heat enter his veins; they fitted like two pieces of one puzzle, completely without even trying. It almost affirmed his choice... not that it would have mattered if only half of him had fitted within her. She was his and nothing was going to change that. He held still within her, letting her adjust. He watched her for a moment, her green eyes were closed, but not in pain... in rapture, her head tilted back, exposing the long column of her throat with mouth open slightly. She let out a small contented sigh as her body started to adjust to his size. He leaned down and captured her lips, being gentle as well as intense. He was waiting for her, waiting for her to make her needs known but until then he just kept kissing her, letting her passion build. In response, she moaned and rolled her hips, wanting his movements, needing them. Getting the message and with sweat dripping from his forehead due to the leashing of his desire, he slowly started to move, keeping his thrusts short and gentle, wanting to build on her pleasure. She broke his kiss and groaned, rolling her hips up to meet his grinding thrusts. His lips moved to her throat. She gasped as he varied his movements; her head lurched forward and sunk her teeth into his chest, not hard enough to break skin but enough to leave a good bruise. She wrapped her legs around his hips, wanting him closer to her. His feathers brushed against her thighs and her arms went around him to hold her to him. She felt drunk as she licked a bead of sweat from his chest, his scent filling her nose, drunk on everything that was he as the sweet pleasure built slowly between them. He growled, as he couldn't fight the need in him any longer. He slowly started to speed his thrusts, lengthening them as well. He was pleased that she was there for him, her need as great as his was. He groaned with her as their bodies slapped together lustfully. She panted against his chest, her arms stroked and scratched at his back. He groaned and varied his thrust, pressing deeply just that little further into her and bumped against the entrance to her womb. She gasped as that was a different sensation and entirely pleasurable. "Sorry." He told her, mistakenly reading her gasp as a protest and pulled back to not thrust as deep. "No... again." She demanded. He did as she asked but this time when he bumped against her cervix, she moaned. He smiled, pleased with himself and continued to thrust into her, every now and again he would thrust that much deeper. She moaned as she felt her climax build, making her tense and then it exploded out to fill her body with pleasurable shockwaves that made her whole body quiver and quake, her groaning against his chest. He gritted his teeth as her tight core rippled against him, his body wanted release but he wanted to coax one more climax from her before he finally let go. He didn't stop his movements, pushing her further into an even stronger moment of bliss. She shivered but didn't try to stop him, on the contrary, her body started to press up to each of his thrust, encouraging him further as he felt his climax build. Her lips pressed against his throat and she bit down again but again she couldn't break his skin. Reaching their pinnacles, this time they exploded together, each yelling out the others name. He let more of his weight press against her body and rested his forehead against hers, panting quickly as his member surged within her. Her hands stroked his body with a smile of sated desire lingering on her face. He started to move to get off her but her legs tightened, wanting to keep him close. Understanding her need for closeness, he rolled them onto their sides as a second option and watched her drift to sleep. He smiled, pleased with the turn of events and closed his eyes to join her in sleep, knowing that tonight he would not dream, as his dreams had come true. \* The wolf yawned as she took over her human body. She was pleased with how things had gone tonight. She felt the needs of her body and gently slipped from his arms. A quick scan of the room confirmed it was similar to her own and she walked into the bathroom to take care of her needs. She walked out and stretched, feeling the delightful ache between her legs. She walked to the bed and watched her mate even though he did not bear her mark. She growled to herself for the oversight but she knew her human had to do this on her own. This was for her; she would claim him for them both. She didn't want to scare or startle Tarval so she kept her body human. Her eyes, however, had turned golden, her teeth sharpened and claws lengthened. No more or she would scare him... at least no more until much later... later he would meet her in all her wolf-en glory but until then, little steps. Wolves have always been smart and cunning... strategists even and she knew she had to have a strategy for introducing herself to her mate. She crawled onto the bed predatorily and into the blankets. She paused when he mumbled then moved again, she waited for him to settle before pressing her lips to the hollow of his throat as she settled beside him. His eyes snapped open, his arms instinctively wrapping around her and pulling her to his body. She liked the show of strength; he would be a good protector of their pups. Approvingly, her tongue ran up his neck and throat in long lazy swipes, drawing a chuckle from him. He caught her jaw and brought their lips together. She let him kiss her, drawing on her human memories to respond to him. She slid a hand down his body, tracing muscles as she went until she got to his rapidly growing member. Her hand quickly wrapped around it, started to stroke, backwards, and forwards. He tore his lips from hers and commented, "More?... You're going to be the death of me." He told her, sounding serious although his member disagreed and was now at full attention, seeking the warm channel it called home. She grinned in reaction and licked his lips, his chin, and his throat in a downward motion. When she got to his chest, he knew what she was going to do. His hands quickly wrapped around her biceps and pulled her back up, preventing her exploration. "If you do that, we won't be able to have fun together." He told her. He actually didn't want her to pleasure him that way... at least not right now. He wanted to show her the delights first and slowly ease her into a sharing relationship where they could both give and take. She stopped her actions and rested her head against his chest. He moaned and rolled her over, pinning her beneath him. He groaned as he pressed her back down to the bed, his hips cradled between her thighs. He attacked her lips, her nails gently raked against his back as her tongue fought his for dominance in the pleasurable caress. He snaked a hand between their bodies, glad when his questing fingers met her warm moist womanhood. He felt around carefully, making sure she would be wet enough for them to join their bodies at this moment. She reached down, grabbed his staff and directed it to where she needed and wanted it. Apparently, his little mate is a bit insistent but he was more than happy to oblige. She growled pleasurably as he slid into her, his groan echoing hers as her warmth started to envelope him. He then began to thrust, wanting to be completely within her; her nails raked against his skin, making him burn. He heard her growl; it was soft, seductive almost. He watched her eyes and frowned when he noticed they had changed colour. He dismissed it, thinking that he would get an explanation in morning when the mad want to fill her womb with his seed had hopefully burned down to a simmer. He ran his lips down her neck to suck and nibble at her throat as he moved in and out of her. She focused her eyes on his neck, even as she felt her body begin to tense. She picked the spot, which would show her bite to world, proclaiming him as belonging to her. She growled as she felt her climax build within her, glad that she couldn't turn him. She only had to bite him, mark him as hers. He grunted as he felt her grip his tightly with both her hips and her womanhood, knowing that she was getting close so sped up his thrusts to be there with her at the end. She picked her spot and lunged forward, sinking her teeth into his neck, feeling his blood coat her teeth as she came around him, grunting into his neck and biting just that little harder. He gasped in pain, but it was too late to stop his climax from exploding through his body to bathe her womb with his seed. He held still for several moments, feeling the sharp pain in his neck where her teeth still were, "Alanna?" he panted, concerned. She released him and licked at the bite, sealing and cleaning the wound. She didn't talk but just pressed her face to his chest and drifted back to sleep in sated bliss. He glared at her for a moment, wondering how she could just fall to sleep like that. He sighed and left it for the morning; he would not disturb her rest. He rolled them both onto their sides and stroked her skin as he waited for sleep to take him. He would deal with the bite wound in the morning. \* Alanna moaned and stretched as she slowly woke. For the first time in years, she awoke feeling rested, having slept deeply without a single nightmare. She moved closer to the body near her, flinging a leg over him and pressing her face to the firmly muscled chest to fall back asleep. Tarval was awake and waiting for her. He wanted to go and tend to the bite mark but he didn't want to leave her side. He leant down to her ear and whispered, "Alanna." She pulled away from his chest, looked up, and smiled at him. "We need to talk..." "Hold that thought." She tossed back the blankets and ran naked across his room to his bathroom. He stood, a little frustrated at her delaying tactic even if she had to answer the call of nature and walked over to a mirror to inspect the bite she had inflicted the night before. It had scabbed over but didn't look to be infected. She walked out of the bathroom and stretched luxuriously while he watched through the mirror and felt desire rise up in him. He turned and smiled a joyously as he walked over and scooped her up to kiss her passionately. As he laid her down on the bed, she gently broke the kiss. "You said we have to talk. Talk first... sex later," she promised. He smiled ruefully at her reminder and kissed her throat. He then crawled up the bed, grabbing a special pillow, which would allow him to lie on his back without hurting his wings. When he was comfortable, he gestured her to come closer as she was ogling over his naked body. She crawled up and snuggled against his side, her head on his chest. "Not that I'm complaining, but why did you come into my room last night?" He asked, starting the session. "I was ready..." she replied as her voice trailed off in embarrassment, her green eyes suddenly focusing on his chest instead of his piercing blue eyes. His heart clenched as he realised what she meant and the trust she had placed on him. She had finally trusted him with her body, her heart and her soul, and this alone almost brought tears to his eyes. After everything she had been through, she still chose to trust him, and so quickly. He thought it might have taken months to get to where he was now. He alone would either redeem the entire male sex or destroy her faith in everything her mother had been trying to do to get her over her childhood. "And?" He asked wanting to know how she viewed last night, was it the best night of her night or the biggest mistake? She smiled, turning her head back to meet his eyes, "no regrets." He smiled, relieved, as though a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He obviously did something right last night. He stroked her face tenderly and several loose strands of silky, black hair that had come free from its plait sometime in the night. "Why did you bite me last night?" He asked curiously, it being his second most important question. She frowned and shook her head, as she answered, "No, I didn't." He tilted his head aside and showed the wound to her. She pushed herself up his body and closer to his neck to see what he was talking about. Her fingers trembled as she traced the wound. "Do you know what this is?" She asked quietly. "A bite mark?" She sighed and moved so that she was straddling his stomach. "How much do you know about Were culture?" He shrugged, "Only what I've been able to gleam off of you, Sage and Dominic plus the little I learnt when Bianca was around... So not nearly enough." She sighed and traced her fingers over the mark, keeping her eyes on his neck, "Amongst Were, this bite mark means you're claimed by me; that you're mine and if anyone wants to take you from me, they will have to fight me for you. It marks you as my mate and is almost as strong a tie as a binding ceremony." She took a deep breath but her eyes remained firmly on the bite and refused to rise to meet his, to see his reaction to the meaning of her bite. She herself didn't completely know how she felt about it... how could he? His large hand reached up and cupped her jaw, her eyes shot to his and searched them for anger or fury at what she had done, but neither emotion was in his eyes. "So... do I have to bite you back?" She looked into his eyes for a moment, judging his sincerity. After a few moments, she smiled sunnily, happy that he's truly accepting this so well. "If you want to." She offered. He returned her smiled and stated musingly, "So... I'm your mate..." She nodded; feeling her heart clinch at the thought, this man... this caring and loving man was all hers. A warm happy feeling filled her body. She pressed her nose to his chest and took a deep breath, the warm feeling within her intensified. He pulled her to him and kissed her deeply, when the kiss broke, he broke out in a warm smile, which she returned, "I like that... I also like the sound of a binding ceremony. I want to be tied to you in every way I can," he told her. He didn't care how their lives were bound together as long as they were, so that the universe would know that she was his and he was hers. "I still don't remember biting you hard enough to do that." Her brows crinkled together in an effort to remember. He frowned and tried to help, "would it have anything to do with the fact that you wouldn't talk and your eyes were golden?" That definitely rang a bell and she sighed, it did explain everything. "Yes. You've always wanted to meet my wolf half and last night you did. She bit you to tie us together. She's been the one who's been egging me on to let you closer!" He grinned at the thought that it was her beast, which had helped get them together, "next time I see her, I'll have to thank her." She lowered her upper body onto his chest, tucking her head under his chin and holding him close, just being together was a great thing for both of them as it sunk in that they were really together now. Suddenly something occurred to him while they were enjoying the silence. "So does that mean..." *Yes, we can talk to each other mentally... but you knew that part already. The bite forges the bond and although you cannot be turned into a Were, you can take on Were characteristics. Sage is Dominic's daughter and he is your son even though you never acknowledge it. That is why she can talk to you mind- to-mind but we never could.* *But Dominic says you used a blood bond spell to keep Markus at bay.* He reminded her. Pleased that he seemed to remember many things about her, she answered, *yes, but only a small amount of Sage's blood came in contact with mine, enough to forge a bond to her but sadly not enough to forge a bond with her father or you.* He smiled and nuzzled her throat soothingly. *I kind of like that. Sage is your sister, she will always be a part of you but you are mine.* *I am yours and you are mine.* He felt his desire come back to the forefront of his mind with her admission. He was aching with a renewed need to sate his desire within his mate's body after the temporary diversion. She could feel him getting hard and wanting against her thigh. She reached back to start teasing the throbbing member. "So is this for me?" She asked teasingly as she ran her fingertips gently up his staff and back down again. He quivered. "Gods, yes." He breathed his passion clear in his hoarse voice. She smiled a pure feline smile of confidence... even though she's wolf not a feline. "So... what do you want?" He pulled her close to him, tilting her chin up so that he could attack her lips. "This is what I want." He said then proceeded to kiss her passionately, pulling her deeper into a spiralling vortex of passion and need with him, one hand slid around her back, down over her firm backside and between her legs to feel her readiness. He stroked her entire body, finding all those places he had discovered last night. Just as simple as that, her juices quickly flowed. She was on fire and he was the only remedy to cool her down. He groaned and moved his hands to her hips. He lifted her up and slowly impaled her on his maleness, nearly crazed for her feminine heat. He sighed in satisfaction as she groaned in need. He lifted a hand and stroked her jaw. He sat up and kissed her deeply; he rocked his hips up as he cupped her hips and pulled her down to meet his thrusts. She captured his bottom lip between her teeth and bit down lightly. He got up, knelt then gently laid her on her back; all the while, he remained connected to her body, a testament to his strength. His lips travelled over her face and neck as he slowly started to roll his hips. She gasped and nibbled at his ear in retaliation, as it was the only place she could reach. There was a knock on the door. He ignored the door and continued to slowly make love to his mate. Another more demanding knock sounded on the door. "Tarval, Alanna's missing." Dominic called through the door. He pushed himself up stilling his movements but keeping himself buried deep within her. "No... She's not," he yelled. "Bugger off." She snorted as she could hear Dominic's chuckle of understanding. Tarval captured her lips again, wanting to have her *complete* attention and started moving again, this time more demandingly within her. She moaned aloud and tried to raise her hips to meet his thrusts. He moved his lips down her neck to her shoulder then made his decision; his teeth bit down. She panted and growled in elation as his teeth broke the skin, coating his teeth with her blood. His lips moved back to hers as she moaned and duelled her tongue with his. She quickly nipped his lip, letting their blood mingle in their mouths. Her body tightened as the pleasure built. "Please." She gasped then licked her lips that were coated with blood not wanting to waste his life's essence and letting her beast have its taste. He made a very masculine chuckle and sped up his thrusts up further. Her hands slid around his body and stroked his wings, causing him to nearly cum on the spot for never had he known that his wing could be so sensitive. She panted against his ear as her body started to tingle, nearly reaching her climax, "Tar..." She began to cry out his name as she came. He groaned and held her tightly as his seed mingled within her. After a few more thrusts, he sighed contentedly and rested against her with deep satisfaction. "Roll over." She ordered, after getting some of her breath back. He sighed ruefully, rolled onto his back, and slid the pillow back between his wings. He would never refuse her within reason and as long as they get to cuddle, he didn't really care. Besides, he knew he was heavy and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. She shifted and he slid free from her body, he sighed a little in disappointment, as he had wanted to stay within her. She pulled the blankets up and cuddled up to him resting her head on his chest. He dragged her up so that she rested on top of him as he wanted her close, needed her close. She rubbed her face against his chest. She liked this, his arms holding her protectively and lovingly. "That's better." He made sure the blankets were secure and covering their lower halves. He stroked her back as she drifted to sleep, listening to his steady heartbeat. His fingers undid the plait, which held her black hair back. It slid from his fingers and brushed his skin like a silk sheet. He was glad to see it surround her for the first time; he didn't consider the party to be the first time as her hair had been styled and restrained by pins even thought it had been left loose. He smiled as he listened to her sleep. His door clicked and opened, Dominic glanced in and couldn't help but grin, then his expression quickly changed as he stepped aside to let Wolfgang and Amy in. Tarval didn't bother to move or wake her; he would never disturb her rest. Wolfgang clenched his fists but Amy turned and gave him a warning glare. She dragged Wolfgang from the room after making sure that all was well with her daughter. Dominic gave Tarval an apologetic look before closing his door and locking it. Leaving Alanna and Tarval to their mischief. \* Wolfgang wanted to hurt someone. He really wanted to go back to that room and pummel Tarval into a pulp for daring to touch his daughter... for daring to sleep with her. Amy watched him as he paced in their room. "Will you calm down?" She demanded, completely at ease with what she had seen. She was actually closer to being ecstatic with what she had seen; pleased that Alanna had found someone she could trust that way. "Calm down? Doesn't this seem a little sudden to you?" He ranted. "Wolfgang, they have been working up to this for two months. You had me in the same period. Why are you fussing?" She pointed out. He gave her an exasperated look, "'Cause she's my daughter." "She's an adult, Wolfgang. You cannot keep her from her life. If you gave him a chance, you would see that Tarval loves her, that he respects her. He is a good man." She stood and pointed to the bed. "Sit." She ordered him and of course, he obeyed. "I know you feel all protective over Alanna... I'm protective too... but," she paused for a moment, trying to put her thoughts into words then started again. "My father told me something when I turned twenty one, shortly before both my parents died. Parents give only two truly important gifts to their children in their lifetime. Those gifts are roots and wings. Wings so that they can leave and live their own lives and roots so that they always know their way home." She waited for him to catch up, confident that he would not disappoint her. He looked at her for a moment. "Let her go." "Let her live, Wolfgang. If your father had tried to control your life, what would you have done? What did Isaiah do?" He snorted; his brother had left the pack and went to another to train for his cooking degree. He could see that if he tried to control her life, she would come here and never come home. "Get to know Tarval... he is a good man. Alanna never would have let him close if he had a bad bone in his body." She sat in his lap. "Be glad, Wolfgang, for after everything she's been through, she still spent the night with a man and mated him. You succeeded in restoring her faith in men... you. Not me." "Great. Next you'll be taking me into Dave..." She snorted in amusement. She wondered why men are usually so dense in such situations. "Electra is far more interested in the fairer sex." He blinked in surprise. "How do you know that?" "I know many things. And I know Electra is gay not because of what happened to her but because that is her natural tendency." He pressed his face to her neck, taking a deep breath letting her scent was over him, calming the anger he still felt towards Tarval. Sage knocked, then immediately popped her head in. "Are the rumours true? Is Alanna sleeping with Tarval?" She asked, excited as she bounced into the room. Amy smiled. "Who have you been listening to?" Sage beamed innocently at her and shrugged, "Servant gossip. Is it true?" "You have a brother-in-law." Wolfgang clarified. Sage grinned, pleased for her sister and her newfound happiness. \* Alanna had on one of Tarval's shirts. He had rolled up the sleeves so that she could use her hands but the shirt swam around her much smaller frame and covered her to her knees but flapped at her back where his wings went. She hovered near the door, waiting. Jewel had tracked her down, to ask if she needed anything and Alanna quickly blurted out clothes, red in embarrassment. She didn't feel confident enough to leave in her nightgown and even less confident to leave in Tarval's clothes. After waiting for a while, she finally heard the knock on the door. She opened the door and Jewel rushed in with an armful of clothes, the door slammed close behind her. Jewel smirked as Tarval walked out wrapped in a towel, water still dripping down his body. "Morning, my lord." She said as she put the clothes on the bed, not in the least bit surprised or bothered by the scene. He smiled and opened a drawer to pull out clothes. Then he suddenly left his clothes and grabbed Alanna around the hips, bringing his chin to rest on her shoulder. "My room or your room, which one do you like better?" He asked before he nuzzled at her throat, thinking that it would be some time before he was able to keep his hands off her for any prolonged periods of time... if ever. "I don't... understand." She squirmed in his arms, as he was still a little wet. "I never want to sleep without you again. So pick a room." He invited as he nibbled at her ear. She took a moment before answering, distracted by his nibbling. "I... prefer my room. It gets morning light so it's cool in the evenings." He grinned; pleased that she was accepting everything that was happening to her so well. He spun her around and kissed her deeply. "Then your room becomes our room." He declared as he released her and went to get dressed. Jewel smiled at the exchange and left to get help to move Tarval's things into Alanna's... their room. Alanna dressed quickly, knowing that she had to face her parents and she'd rather do it sooner rather than later as she knew her father's anger would simmer until it boiled over. She wanted to get to her father before he had a chance to hurt Tarval. He brushed her hair for her, running his fingers through the dark silky smooth strands before he turned it all into a plait. "Come on, we have to face your parents." He told her with a hint of nervousness in his voice, he explained that her parents had walked in on them but had left without making a big fuss. She had been slightly on edge ever since and wouldn't be calm until she had spoken to her father. "I just hope your ma doesn't use the sword she got from Gabrielle." She smirked. "She would never. She likes you." She told him honestly, before she went grim, "Da, you have to be careful of." He nodded in agreement at the last sentence. There was something about Wolfgang that was easily read: I will break you if you piss me off. He wrapped his arms around his love. "Will you come to earth to be with me?" She asked, curiously. "I will follow you to the ends of the universe." He answered with no hesitation. She smiled happily and took his hand as they left the room and walked together down the hall. Sage intercepted them and turned them around to warn, "I wouldn't if I were you two. Da is still a little aggressive... but ma is trying to calm him down." They let Sage steer them away, not relishing the confrontation that would take place soon... but later is better then sooner in this case. She took them to Dominic's study where Michelle and Dominic were waiting. Dominic smiled and shook Tarval's hand. He then moved Tarval's collar to expose the bite mark. "That will scar well," he commented approvingly. Tarval nodded, proud of his scar, "Scared the crap out of me when she bit me." He pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist. She smiled but she wasn't ashamed. She couldn't remember hurting him or biting him so she didn't care that she had scared him. On the other hand, there was a sense of elation and pride at Dominic's comment about her bite and Tarval's reaction to it. Dominic smirked, "But by the looks of it, she stayed human. Bianca shifted beneath me into her hybrid form then took a chunk out of my shoulder." He moved his shirt to expose the recessed scar that was there. Michelle approached and hugged the new couple, "When are you going to make it official?" "Alanna talked of a binding ceremony, so when we go to earth." He turned to her in confirmation and she nodded. Michelle smiled, "Okay. When you do this binding ceremony, you had better invite me. Then I will perform our wedding ceremony, and you'll be bound by both our laws." Alanna nodded, not really caring about being bound by mere laws: she was his and he was hers and nothing was going to change that. No law or piece of paper would stop them from being together. Although she knew that she wanted their relationship to be acknowledged as being mates, she also knew that her mother and father would feel put out if they didn't do the binding ceremony. \*\*\*\* Tarval grabbed Alanna around the waist and nuzzled at her throat. She paused in the middle of the hallway and smiled as his lips ran up her neck to nibble on her left an ear lobe. He removed his lips from her skin when he remembered why he had hunted her down and smiled, "Hey, I want to show you something." She turned and returned his smile. They had been mates for a week now and she could barely remember what it was like not to have his scent all around her. "What?" "Come with me," he took her hand and tugged her after him. She frowned but followed him anyway. She didn't recognise where they were going but when the temperature dropped she dug her heals in and tried to go back the way she had come from. She released his hand in her panic state. The walls seemed to be moving towards her so she got on the ground to keep the closing walls from her. Tarval wrapped his arms around her and walked her a few steps back; the walls moved back to where they had always been. He sat and held her to him, offering her comfort. "Calm..." he said soothingly into her ear, all the while stroking her back. She breathed deeply and tried to fight back her fear. She pressed her face to his chest as she quivered. When she finally calmed down, she hit him. "Don't ever do that again!" He pulled her tightly to his chest and kissed her forehead, "Can't make that promise." "You will..." He interrupted her with a shake of his head, "No... I'm trying to help you just like you helped me. When Michelle learnt of my fear, she told me this: you can let your fear rule you, or you can rule your fear. I let mine rule me until you walked into my life... I will not let yours rule you any longer." Tears forced their way out of her eyes as she pressed her face to his chest and cried. She couldn't stop the tears, as his determination to get her over her fear was in its own way the nicest thing anyone had tried to do for her. "Shh..." he continued as he tilted her head up and rubbed the tears away with his thumbs. "I don't want to hurt you but I see you hurting and I want it to stop." Then he stood, pulling her to her feet. "Close your eyes." With glittering eyes, she did as he asked and felt him stretching out her arms, "What do your hands feel?" he asked softly into her ear. "Nothing." "Open your eyes and take ten steps forward." He wrapped an arm around her waist, silently telling her that he would be with her every step of the way. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, quivered then shook her head while looking up at him; she couldn't take those steps. He understood her reluctance but persistently went on, looking deep into those green eyes. "Close your eyes keep your arms out and trust me." She closed her eyes again and he slowly forced her to walk forward. When they had taken those ten steps, he stopped her. "Okay, open your eyes." She took several slow deep breaths before she opened her eyes. The walls started to move in on her, she tried to back away but he held her tightly. "Close your eyes and tell me what your hands feel." He told her whilst remaining calm as he could feel her panic through their bond, hoping that his calmness would rub off on her. She panted gently and waiting for the encroaching walls to touch her hands and she realised something; they never did. "Nothing." She opened her eyes in wonder and glanced around. He kissed her neck in praise, "your ma told me that she believed your fear wasn't a true phobia. She told me of a great battle you all fought, and you in tunnels narrower than this one. You didn't freak out then." "I was in a battle situation..." "You lived in a room smaller than our bathing room when you first went to live with her yet you didn't freak out." He reminded her. "I was catatonic; I had not long been released from a life style that would have killed me if I was mortal." She turned to him. Knowing that she needed more convincing, he nudged her forward and went to Plan B. "Okay then, let's go." She walked a few paces then stopped and turned to him. She was not going to be tricked a second time. Once was quiet enough! "Where are you dragging me?" He smiled because she looked like a disgruntled little wolf... *HIS* little wolf, "I want to show you something." He turned her around and kept pushing her forward before deciding to answer her question. "You're going deep into the Keep." She turned back again to glare at him. "I get that... please stop reminding me!" "But you asked?" He told her innocently. "I wanted to know our destination, not the route of how we get there. I'm trying not to think about what we are doing." She told him starting to get frustrated. He grinned, pleased that she wasn't going to fight him too much. "Your mother was right then. You don't have a true phobia, only a fear of being caged again." She pulled a face as he took her hand and dragged her to where he wanted to go. He stopped at the first of many wall tiles. He pulled her into his arms and nuzzled at her neck as she looked at the scene before them. "This is the creation of the Da'Vaila." "What is?" She asked in awe of what was before her. He smiled, pleased that his plan is working. "We call this hall the Hall of Renderings. These are Renders, a representation of our history. Every important event in our history is on these walls. This hall goes on for almost a mile. The tiles alternate and start here." He looped his arm through hers and spent the next two hours summing up almost all of the tiles. They got to the last four where a man was working on the last one. He turned and smiled, "My lord, I am just completing the last tile." Tarval smiled and turned her to one of the recently completed tiles. She jerked in surprise as she came face to face with a rendering of her own back, torn and bloody with scraps of her skin hanging free; her image took up a large part of the tile. Twelve sets of bloody footprints marked the bottom edge of the tile. In the background of the picture, there was a burry scene of her and Tarval fencing in the right hand side and in the left was a beautiful black wolf with one eye green and one golden. The wolf was muzzled, chained and locked in a cage but there was something in the way she stood, something that made the chains, the cage even the muzzle look like it wasn't enough to hold her. "We paint the past of the person in the top left hand corner. It is left behind but still is on that persons' mind. In the right, an event that defines them; in the middle, the bridge that brings the two events together." Tarval said softly into her ear. "But... I didn't do anything." She argued with a hint of tears in her eyes. This was all just a little too much for her at the moment, what with Tarval trying to get her over her fear and now this. She felt as if her world was being set on its head. He had been telling her of the battles and peace treaties that had been Rendered but she didn't feel worthy of having a render, she had done nothing to warrant it. Sage's birth was on these walls but she was the warlord's daughter... a female Nephalim. Of course, her birth would be marked on these walls. But she had done nothing except walk from a cell, nothing grand or worthy of being worked into their history. He kissed her neck again, soothingly this time, "You would be surprised at what you have done. They seem insignificant to you but to us they are significant. You *ARE* special and what you did *IS* worthy of a place on these walls. You were just treated so badly as a child that whenever someone tells you that you don't believe them." He gently turned her to the next tile. It was a render of her standing protectively before a shackled Santaur, a dagger in her hand, her breastplate gleaming and a deadly look coming from her eyes. "Mather asked to have this one done and Dominic agreed. See, most would have done nothing; they would have let him be de-crowned, the ultimate insult for a Santaur. Most treat Santuars as nothing more than intelligent animals, unworthy of rank or consideration in our world." "Why?" She asked. Granted she had little experience with Santaurs but they seemed decent enough people that didn't warrant that kind of discrimination. "Call it arrogance," he answered, "call it fear, I don't truly know why. All I know is that it has been that way since our creation. Some, like Dominic, Michelle and I, don't treat them like that: they are not merely intelligent animals: they are a race of creatures with a history and culture as complex as you Were." "Okay... but you don't consider us Were as animals... Why?" She asked. He thought for several moments then shrugged, "I'm not too sure but I think it might have something to do with how our people met. When we met, it was a small war band of Nephalim and Weres didn't turn and run; you attacked and we fought and when we called a stop to the fighting so we could tend our injured, you changed and we learnt to respect you. You spoke a language we could understand; you were fighters. When we met Santaurs, they ran." "But that is a survival instinct bred into them, to run from something they don't understand. Centaurs run but they are evil warriors." She argued. He nodded, "I know but that is the closest reason I have as to why Santaurs have no rank here, because when we met them they didn't fight us, they refused to. We are a race of Warriors, even the S'ephalim and those who do not fight... back when man was young and we were at out busiest, were considered weak by us, unworthy. Sadly as the times have moved on we as a people have yet to evolve from that mind set but maybe one day we will, and it will right the wrong we have done to them." He turned his head back to the tile bringing her attention back to it. "You had never met one before, had no treaties to defend and you had no knowledge of him or his kind but you stopped him from being de-crowned... you treated him with respect that most refuse to do and you freed him. You wagered your breastplate so that he could have the mate he desired... breastplates are like badges of honour, you wagered your honour for him for no other reason then because it was the right thing to do." "But..." She said as she digested his words. "I was just acting as I was raised, as Amy raised me. To not judge a person by their race but by the person they are and that no one deserved to be treated like that simply because they are different." He sighed deciding to change tracts. "Okay... so you standing up for him meant little to you, it was just something you would have done no matter what. But it was big for us as a people, WILL be big for us as a people. That's why it's there, that's why it was Rendered, because on your world what you did is common place but here... here, what you did may just change us for the better. You... an outsider showed us our ways were wrong by standing before him. Common for you but radical for us." He finished. He watched her frown as she thought, he didn't know if he had gotten through to her about just how much of a shockwave had rippled through the markets after what she had done. That people were beginning to talk about what had previously been something that was ignored; they were beginning to question the old ways and only by questioning those ways will there be changes. He turned her to the second last tile. This one was a family portrait, Amy and Wolfgang next to Dominic and a ghostly version of Bianca. He stood in the picture with an arm wrapped possessively around her waist. Sage stood in the picture also, standing as close to her ghostly mother as possible; all were dressed in full house clothes. At their feet was a massive black and grey wolf with white boots on each of her feet, sun glasses covered her eyes, which made her look comical, as well as three cubs sitting next to her: two Sabre cubs and one wolf. "Our strange family has had a profound effect on both our worlds." "I'm afraid to look at the last one." She told him with just a tinge of humour, having a better reign on her emotions. He smiled and turned her as the man stepped back uttering the last spell to make the tile indestructible. It was a very simple rendering: it was them caught in a passionate embrace. He smirked and hugged her tighter while he made his confession. "I think Dominic asked for this one to be done. I've been searching for you since I was created. Finding you is truly a highlight in my history. It might only be matched by two events: our binding ceremony, and maybe holding our first child." Alanna looked at him with joy, and then made a little confession of her own. "Thais... he can see the future... the statue I was given for my birthday... he carved it... it's me... close to my body is a cub, on her back were wings..." \*\*\*\* Tarval blinked for a moment, trying to figure out why he was jolted awake. Alanna popped into his field of vision. He quickly wrapped his arms around her. One month they had been together and he still couldn't get over the fact that she was his. He pulled her down and kissed her. She smiled. "Guess what?" "What?" He asked. "The portal is open. Dominic says we have to go home, if we don't we won't be able to leave." "Give me a moment, I'll come with you." Tarval threw back the covers and went to get dressed. They had spoken about this several times, he knew she had to go home when the natural portals opened, to remove the markers which would trap her here if she didn't go through. She told him she didn't mind being trapped here with him but he reminded her of her family and friends and he would never try to keep her from those she loved. He had told her even more times that he would come to, that he wasn't leaving her alone in her world and she had told him of all the things she would show him when he got there... starting with her bedroom. "Wait! Dominic has suggested that you should stay here and when I get home, I should get ma to come and get you. No markers means we can stay on earth as long as we like and ma can bring us back for as long as we like. Take your time... pack lightly. I'll be back." She kissed him deeply before leaving. She paused at the door and turned to him. "Don't be long." He told her, as he knew that the moment he couldn't sense her through their bond he would start getting anxious. "I love you." She told him before quickly shutting the door. She walked down the hall to join Sage. Dominic was waiting beside the portal. "Don't take too long in getting back to get him." He warned before he kissed her forehead goodbye. "I won't! Talk to you when I come back to get my things." She turned and jumped through the portal. "Bye Da, I love you." Sage told her father before jumping through after her sister. The portal closed behind her. Alanna caught Sage as she burst through, landing in a quiet, colder sac with neat little houses surrounded by neat little picket fences. Alanna turned to the stunned people. "Trust me, travelling by portal is rough." She smiled. "Do you have any money?" Sage asked. "Nope. Looks like we're hoofing it." Alanna looked around. "Where are we?" "Portals always open within a mile of the last portal. So somewhere in the northern suburbs... maybe?" Alanna rolled her eyes. She walked up to a telephone booth and reversed charged a call to her mother. "Find out what street we're on." She told her sister while the phone began to ring. Sage rolled her eyes and jogged down the street to get to the street sign. "Alanna?" "Ma, just a sec. Waiting for Sage to figure out where the portal punched through." Sage jogged back. "Norris Avenue." "Norris avenue in... somewhere, by the looks of it, in the northern suburbs." She explained. "Okay, we have five cars in the area. Stay where you are. If you haven't been picked up in half an hour, call." Amy replied. "Okay, talk to you soon." She hung up. "You realize that the longer this takes, the more agitated your mate will become?" Sage said as she rested her lean body against the phone booth, tucking her white and black streaked hair behind her ears. "I know but I have no choice in the matter." Alanna leant on the other side. "They act like they've never seen a woman with wings before." She said as she rolled her eyes then turned and glared at the group who had gathered to stare. "Back off, Sage." At that moment, a black SUV pulled to a stop. The window went down and Dan, one of their parent's enforcers, popped his head out. "Hey sweet things, need a ride?" Sage jumped up from her position. "Dan the man." She raced to the car. "Wings, why didn't you just fly home?" He asked as Alanna raced to join her sister. "Because I'm not allowed to fly unless it's an emergency." She told him, pulling a face as she climbed into the passengers' side. She grabbed a phone to call her mother. Alanna hopped in. "What about you, sweetness? What have you been up to?" He asked Alanna. "She's married, Dan." Sage told him while calling her mother. "Lucky bastard." He said half-jokingly with a raised eyebrow as he drove off. Alanna smiled and leant back. She had mixed feelings about being back. She was glad she was home but at the same time, she missed her mate. She missed his presence in her mind. "Hey ma, we've been picked up by Dan and we'll be there soon." Sage said, she listened as her mother said good and hung up. Sage shrugged off her mother's behaviour and glanced back to her sister as she closed the phone and noticing her face, turned to Dan. "Can this hunk of a junk go any faster? Alanna's only been mated a month." He glanced into the rear vision mirror, able to read Alanna's face as well. "We can go faster." He said as he put the pedal down further, understanding that new mates were often edgy about being away from their mate. "Are they official yet?" He asked Sage. "No." He swore and sped up further. "Why didn't you bring him or her with you?" He complained to Alanna. "Markers. If he came through a portal, he would have to go through the next one that opened and then they are separated again. Ma can do her own portals that don't leave markers." Sage grabbed the handle and held on before reminding him. "You're breaking the speed limit." "Shit." He swore as a police car flashed him. He pulled over and pulled out his wallet. Enforcers had been granted special privileges about three years ago; they were basically classed as Were cops but it had made human law enforcement resentful but they didn't know it was a hundred times harder to become an enforcer then it was to become a cop. The officer walked up. "Any reason as to why you were speeding?" He asked as he got his pad ready. Dan flashed his enforcer's badge. "Oh, a Were rent-a-cop. You were still speeding." He said as he took the wallet. "Yes, I was speeding because the Senator wants her daughters secured as they were kidnapped and taken off-world where they were rescued. The FBI also wants to speak with them and they just came back from being off-world." Dan explained with exasperation. "I am allowed to speed within reason." "And the reason is?" The officer asked, with a pleased if not sinister smirk on his face, he didn't really care about the excuse he was still going to be issuing a fine. "The reason is, they were kidnapped and it is likely it will happen again as the men who had helped are still free and Alanna was their payment for helping. Now, either help me get them to a secure location or fuck off." Dan snatched back his wallet and waited for the officer to make up his mind, having had enough of his bullshit. He grabbed a pad and pen and wrote down the officers badge number; if something happened to the Alpha's daughters because of this jerk he was not taking the blame. "Fine, I'll escort you but if this is just some hoax, I'm still fining you." He said, his smirk gone. He raced back to his car, but was sure it was a bluff. He pulled out before Dan and turned his lights on. Sage reached under his seat and pulled out Dan's own flashing light. Dan grabbed it out of Sage's hand, put it on the roof, and turned it on. He was still not used to having the flashing light, which had been granted to enforcers and cursed himself for not putting it up sooner; it might have stopped the stupid officer from questioning him. He followed the cop car into the city. They pulled to a stop in front of the Were relations building. A group of heavily armed FBI agents were waiting, as was a security detail. They raced forward to surround the SUV. Alanna and Sage got out and walked into the building, leaving Dan to give the officer an I-told-you-so look. They were bundled into the elevators with two FBI and two Enforcers. They walked down the hall and into their mother's office. Amy smiled as she saw them. "Ma, we have to get..." Alanna squealed in surprise as strong arms wrapped around her from behind and lifted her in the air. Tarval's lips brushed her neck. "Your ma came and got me the moment she knew you were picked up." He said into her ear as he put her back on her feet. She turned in his arms and hugged him tight, glad to be back in his arms. She hadn't liked the fidgety feeling she got when she was away from her mate at all. Amy smiled at them then sighed. "I'm sorry, girls, you will have to have a security detail from now onwards." "Ma." They both whined at her with pleading looks. "No... this is non negotiable, the secret service have been hounding me since you were taken. I finally agreed but on my terms. So no secret service or FBI: Enforcers are your security. Between Wolfgang and Shia, we have put together two teams of two guards." She gestured to the two teams. Both teams were dressed casually to fit in with the girls' lives. "I will protect my mate." Tarval pulled Alanna tighter to his body. "They are not needed." Amy smiled at the maleness of the statement, Wolfgang had used pretty much the same argument until he realised that their work would take them away from each other. "I know you want to protect her but this world is very different to the world you know and you will need help. Plus, you need a licence to carry a sword and that will take a few weeks to organise." "What about Electra? Does she get a detail?" Sage snapped like a petulant child who knows that there is no getting around this no matter how much she complained or tried to ditch her detail. "Electra is FBI," Amy responded. Alanna rested her head against his chest before turning to her mother. "How is Electra doing?" "She tracked the man who had died down to Vegas. She has, however, had to put that case on hold. In fact, we are going to have a houseguest so be nice. I have to go get her." Amy vanished. Tarval's lips brushed Alanna's neck. Alanna groaned gently. He smirked and moved his lips to hers. He kissed her thoroughly, holding her tight to his body. Sage turned to one of the enforcers. "I can't wait for them to become official." He chuckled for several moments before he tensed up, he could hear footsteps approaching them, fast. He frowned, as there was something weird about the sounds... "Lana, Lana, Lana." Serenity raced to her sister as her siblings raced to Sage, with the owners of the footsteps identified, the bodyguards relaxed and smiled indulgently at the cubs as they raced to their siblings. Alanna broke the kiss and scooped up Serenity. "Hey, Ren. What are you doing here?" "Da." She declared and turned to the door where Wolfgang stood. He smiled at them as he walked in. "Just came to tell Amy I'm taking the cub's home." He explained before giving each of his daughters a hug and Tarval an approving clap on the shoulder. He had mellowed somewhat towards Tarval over the last month and was actually pleased to see that he was here already. "Ma went to pick up a guest." Sage explained as she held Temperance and Thais up side down. "Okay, can you tell her instead?" He requested. They nodded. "Come on, runts." He said, using his nickname for the group. Sage let her two go, as did Alanna. They ran to their father and he scooped them up comfortably, having done it a million times already, one in each arm and one on his back. He walked out of the room that way, his 'runts' a wonderful additional weight that he did not even take notice. Tarval scooped Alanna up and sat her in his lap as they waited for Amy to return with their guest.
Title: Meet Big Blue Tags: pegging, bi, bisexual, threesome, anal, first time, strap-on, double penetration, dp *\*\*\*Many thanks to NickJBella for editing this story for me!\*\*\** When I pulled up to the front of his house it appeared to be quiet. The windows downstairs were without light and the only activity to be seen was a TV that was flickering in the dark living room. His bedroom window upstairs had a light glow. My day had been long and stressful. I couldn't seem to relax after work and I needed to be with someone. And what better company than a man who never turns me away no matter what time I decide to drop in? I parked my SUV on the street and quickly made my way up the walk. The door was unlocked so I slipped inside. Just as I thought, the TV was on with an absent audience. I could hear footsteps just above where I was standing. Looks like I may catch him either getting in or out of the shower; mmm what a delicious thought. I slunk upstairs and saw a glowing line of light from his bedroom doorway before I reached the top. I didn't hear the shower running but I did hear something else. I peered in through the crack in the door and was shocked by what I saw. I quietly pushed the door open just a little bit wider so I could get a better look. After studying it for a moment, I pushed the door the rest of the way open and asked, "Are you fucking her or rocking her to sleep?" I instantly had two sets of eyes staring back at me with shock and surprise. A woman, whom I didn't recognize, was on her hands and knees at the foot of the bed while he was giving it to her from behind rather pathetically. She quickly gathered herself and covered with the sheet that had been pulled free from the bed. "Oh my god I am so sorry," she directed at me. "You asshole, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" she spits out with fury. "No worries, Hunny. I'm not his girlfriend. So, are you going to introduce us, asshole? As she so nicely called you," I asked. Great, the one release I could count on was preoccupied with another woman when I needed him. It looked like I was going to have to go home with my tail between my legs rather than his cock. He was paralyzed and hadn't moved. He stood there naked and unaware of how to react. His cock was slowly going flaccid which was a sad sight; such a waste. After a few stutters, he seemed to have given up on talking. I should probably have been upset but I couldn't help to feel an overload of sexual feelings after watching him screwing her even if he was fucking her like an old man instead of the aggressive youngster that I know he can be. "I have to go. We're through," she directed at him as she started gathering her clothes. "Wait," I said as I stepped towards them. "I'll go, you can stay. I probably should have called. I'll let you two alone. I'm the one who intruded. I could have turned around and walked away without being noticed but I didn't and I'm sorry for that." I looked at him and whispered goodbye. "I can't stay. I'm so embarrassed and pissed," she said. "Wait, both of you," he finally chimed in. "Oh, so you \*can\* talk!" I pointed out. "I'm sorry. I never meant to mislead you," he directed at the woman. "She and I aren't involved like that. We're just fuck buddies. Nothing more, please don't leave." She looked at me for a reaction. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded in agreement. "I came here looking for a piece of ass but you beat me to it," I informed her and I turned to walk out leaving it at that. "Why didn't you just walk away?" She asked me. It wasn't a rude tone. I think she was genuinely curious. I turned to address her. "To be honest, I liked it. Now, as much as I'd like to stay and fuck the both of you, I'll just leave you be." "Don't go," she said. "\*I\* want you to stay." I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You were ready to leave and never look back but now you want to share? Are we supposed to take turns with him?" "You said you wanted to fuck both of us. I've never been with a woman," she said with an inviting smile. I looked at him and, as I expected, he had a silly grin on his face as if he'd just won the lottery. "There's no better person to teach you than her," he said to her while motioning to me. "She will show you everything you need to know." Talk about a compliment that went straight to my head. "I don't even know where to start," she said looking nervous like a virgin. "Don't worry, I'll lead the way," I said as I stepped towards her. I gently wiped the hair away from the sides of her face. She was the same height as me so we looked at each other eye to eye. I can see why he was attracted to her; she closely resembled me. Dark hair, brown mysterious eyes, perky tits from what I was able quickly catch a glimpse of. I placed a finger under her chin and guided her lips to mine. They were soft like flower petals. Her lips had a slight hint of cherry lip gloss that I could both taste and smell. It seems as though they jumped right in and got down to business since he didn't take the time to kiss and lick the gloss off from her. Meanwhile, he walked up behind me, slowly unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it off. His erection was pressed against my back. It was clear that he was ready for action once again. He kissed my shoulder and neck while I continued to taste her mouth. He reached around and unfastened my pants. They fell to the floor as he unhooked my bra. After sliding that off he took her hands which made her give up the grip on the sheet she was hiding behind. Our eyes locked onto each other's breasts. He moved her hands to place a firm grip on my tits and left them there for her to explore as he slid my panties off from me. He quickly placed a hand in between my legs as I reached out to fondle her chest. They were soft and warm with nipples that seemed to stare at me. "I'm nervous. I don't know what to do," she whispered. "You and I are going to get on the bed," I said to her. "And you are going to sit in the chair for now and watch," I instructed him. He responded quickly and made himself comfy with a front row seat next to the bed. She sat on the bed and slid up far enough to lie down. She shyly placed her hands on her chest and squeezed her legs together. One would think she were a virgin all around rather than someone who was just bent over exposing all. "Relax," I spoke softly to her with a friendly smile as I crawled up onto the bed. I straddled her hips and I could feel her legs slightly parting as she calmed her body a little. I ran my hands along her smooth stomach until they came upon her hands that were still barricading those pretty tits of hers. I leaned down and lightly kissed her. Her breathing was quick and she still remained somewhat tense. As I kissed her neck I could hear her moan. She finally moved her hands and trailed them down my sides where they came to rest on my hips. My lips began tasting their way down between her breasts. I placed my hands on them and buried my face in the tight alley in between. As I sucked a stiff nipple into my mouth she moaned and squeezed my ass. It was satisfying to know she was enjoying her first time with a woman so far. I took the whole areola into my mouth and teased the nipple by making sharp flicks with just the tip of my tongue. Her hips were starting to thrust up against mine. I kissed my way back to her lips and lowered myself onto her; bare mound to bare mound, feeling her swollen tits against my own. "How far are you willing to go?" I whispered into her ear. "Lick me, please," she begged. "You don't have to ask me twice," I said with a smile. "Hey! Did you forget about me?" he asked eagerly. "You had your turn already. Just sit there and jerk off until we're ready for you," she replied with a giggle. Wow! I'm beginning to like her. I ran my tongue over her breast and down her stomach. I could feel her flinch with each tickling move. I slipped one leg in between hers and she opened wide. I could hear him anxiously playing with himself so I looked in his direction and gave him a teasing wink. I turned my focus back to her. I rubbed my hand over her pussy; feeling how hot and wet it was. It was completely smooth with a sweet fragrance that was drawing me in closer. As soon as my tongue touched on one side she gasped. I ran it up and over to the other side while she moaned softly. I took one long stiff lick up the center and she clenched her hands. Pulling away to admire her, I could see that she had opened up like a flower searching for sunlight. My tongue explored every crease and fold before I focused on her erect clit. I slid a finger in deep. She was hot and extremely wet. A second finger slid in just as easily. With deep thrusts and powerful wiggles of my fingers, I sucked her clit into my mouth and stroked it vigorously with my tongue in hopes of making her cum hard. She was breathing hard and moaning loudly. I glanced over at the chair without a single pause and was amused at the look on his face. He looked like a helpless bystander. At that exact moment, her body made a quick flinch as she came. Her loud scream lets me know just how satisfied she was. "That was amazing," she said between breaths as I climbed back up to her. She placed her hands on my face and kissed me deeply. She rolled us over a whole new side of her emerged. "It's your turn!" She wasted no time. She quickly got busy playing with the very first pair of tits that weren't her own. She squeezed them, licked them, and sucked them hard. I quickly realized I was going to be impressed with her. I held her hair behind her head as she let her tongue wander around my body. When she made her way to a whole new world, I spread my knees wide for her to study me. She looked long and hard at what I had to offer. She shyly bit her bottom lip. "I really want to but I don't know what to do." "There's no right or wrong. Don't worry about pleasing me. Just enjoy yourself and explore," I assured her with a smile. With a deep breath, she reached in with her hand. She made light, lingering touches as she started exploring. I looked over at our spectator and gave him the come-hither motion with my finger. He knelt on the bed next to me and leaned in for a kiss. She was lying flat on her stomach between my legs so he decided to straddle her. He held her hair out of her face as she leaned in for her first taste. It was a long, stiff lick up the center just as I had done to her. Her tongue was warm and soft. He took one of her hands and slowly led her finger inside of me. She planted small kisses and playfully darted her tongue around. I closed my eyes and took in every small detail. It wasn't long before she learned just what kind of attention a clit should be given. My breathing quickened and my body was tensing. "Mmm, that feels so good," I complimented. I wasn't just saying that to cater to her ego. She really was sending me over the edge. He had leaned down to kiss her shoulders and back. She was moaning just as much as I was. I wasn't expecting to climax with her but it took me by surprise. My body flexed as I came for her and I screamed in satisfaction. "I'm impressed," I said when she came back up to me. We were now face to face and she was kneeling between my legs. As she leaned in for a kiss, he threw his cock into her and she gasped. Each thrust he made caused our breasts to bounce off each other. I reached between us and rubbed both of us at the same time. I felt his slick dick burying itself deep inside her. She kissed and nibbled my neck and I held her tight. I squeezed her ass with both of my hands and felt every jiggle made from him pounding her hard. He withdrew himself from her and lay on his back. "It's time for one of you lovely ladies to have your way with me." She and I looked at each other. "Be my guest," she said. I climbed on top of him and finally got to take every inch of him inside. As I began riding him, she crawled up near his head and he got a puzzled look on his face. She turned to face me, threw one knee to the other side of his head and lowered her wet, swollen pussy onto his face. He let out a pleased grunt and went to town lapping her wetness as I slid myself up and down his cock. She and I were face to face yet again. She placed her hands on my thrusting hips and stared at my bouncing chest. She still seemed timid at moments but she was slowly learning to just go with it. I reached forward and fondled her tits without missing a beat with the business I was tending to on him. "I want to eat your pussy again," she whispered with a huge grin. "I'll lie down. I want you to put that pussy of yours on my face too," I responded as I lifted myself off from him. I laid myself back, placing my head at the edge of the foot of the bed. She removed herself from the ravenous embrace that he had on her thighs. She walked around to the foot of the bed and placed a knee on either side of my head just as she had for him. I welcomed her face between my legs once again as she lowered herself onto me. She seemed to mimic every move that I was doing to her; learning from me, the best teacher for the job. He stepped up behind her so I was able to look up and watch him slip his dick inside of her. His movements were slow and shallow. I reached around her thighs and spread her ass allowing him to see everything. The sight of his cock slipping in and out between her pussy lips was driving me wild. She was able to keep her focus on me while he had his way with her. He went balls deep and held himself there. I took the opportunity to suck on each of his balls as they dangled so closely to my face. He pulled himself out of her and looked down at me with a smile. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I nodded with a devilish grin. "What are you two thinking?" she asked us while looking over her shoulder. "It's a surprise," I said as she moved off from me. I climbed off the bed and disappeared into his master bathroom. A few minutes passed and I reemerged from the bathroom. I stood in the doorway to watch the action happening on the bed. Once again, he was taking the easy route. She was riding him hard and was quite impressive. "So, who's first?" I asked. They both looked at me, he with a huge grin and she with a gaping mouth of surprise. There I stood wearing a rather large strap-on, blue of course; his favorite color. "Ladies first," he said. "Oh my god! How exciting! Wait! What do you mean, ladies first?" she asked with complete curiosity. "Well, this is his house...his toy," I said. "His favorite!" "You mean....? You use that on him?" she asked. "I love it when she fucks me with that," he said as I walked towards the bed. The cock swayed with each step I took. I stood at the end of the bed and tossed a tube of lube and a handful of condoms on the mattress along with a towel. I imagined things may get little messy switching things up between the two of them. "Back that pretty little ass of yours over here," I instructed her. She withdrew him from her and backed towards me on her hands and knees. This new addition to the party was just slightly larger than our male counterpart. I quickly rolled on a condom and slathered "myself" with lube. She was watching me over her shoulder and hadn't noticed him move so he was kneeling in front of her. It looked like she was going to get fucked in both ends. I rubbed the tip along her slit and she opened with anticipation. I stepped forward and placed my knees on the mattress for leverage. I wiped my hands on the towel and placed them on her hips. I slowly slid the toy inside while looking her in the eyes. She gasped when she accepted all 8 inches of fun. "Oh my god! I can't believe he takes this in the ass!" she giggled. "Like a pro," I responded as I made slow, shallow thrusts. She turned to look ahead and found herself being stared at by the dick we'd been passing back and forth. She looked up and locked eyes with him. She opened her mouth and welcomed him inside. The harder I fucked her the more she moaned with his cock in her mouth. His hands grasped her head and he began sliding himself in and out of her mouth along with my rhythm. The sight of the toy pushing and pulling at her pussy lips with every movement was thrilling me as much as watching the enjoyment on his face as she sucked him off. "I love watching your tits bounce every time you ram her," he said as he reached for them. He squeezed them, pulling on my nipples. "You'll be able to watch them bounce when I fuck you next" and I winked at him. I saw a gleam in his eye that I've seen so many times before. He removed himself from her oral grip and gave me the go ahead to give her my best moves. The harder I thrust the louder she got. I noticed she had reached down and began rubbing herself in hopes of coming again. "Don't wear yourself out all on her, babe," he said with a pouty look on his face. "My ass is loosening just by seeing you wearing that." With that, I throw a final hard thrust into her and hold myself tight against her. I can hear her panting along with me as I slowly withdraw the toy from within her. "I don't know how much more I can take. I'm exhausted," she said as she crawled up the bed, rolled over, and wiped her wet, sweaty hair from her forehead. "Well then, I guess this is a great time for you to relax a bit and be the spectator," I said as I pulled the condom off and grabbed a new one from the bed. I motioned for him to assume the position and he couldn't seem to move fast enough. He quickly replaced her with his ass high up in the air for me to admire. I rolled the condom on the toy and made sure the lube was close by for when I'd need it. I licked my lips and I noticed my partner in crime had joined me at the foot of the bed. "I thought you were taking it easy," I said. "I've never participated in any kind of anal play," she said with extreme curiosity. "I certainly hope you'll be willing to volunteer when I need you," I begged and she anxiously nodded her head. "We need to loosen him up a bit." I placed my hands on his ass and spread him wide for the two of us to see. He's right; it wouldn't take long for him to accept the big cock that I was wearing. I kneeled down on the floor so I was at his level and touched my tongue to his nuts. I made one long, stiff lick up them and along the entire crease where I gave a strong flick on his eager, begging hole. He let out a deep grunt of satisfaction. "May I?" she asked. "Go for it. Make him beg to be fucked," I urged. She slightly hesitated, not because she was changing her mind but because she was wandering into uncharted territory once again. I stood up and she knelt in my place. She gave a light little lick. He immediately puckered and she smiled to herself. I reached out and pulled her damp hair back from her face. She replaced my hands on his ass and spread him wide once again. His toes were wiggling and his breathing increased. With each lick she gave he gasped and moaned. It wasn't long before she had her face buried and her tongue was darting in and out of his ass. She joined in with his moans and I was hardly able to contain myself watching her eat his ass like she'd been doing it for years. She reached down with a hand and started stroking his cock as I played with his nuts. "Fuck me, now!" he whimpered. I reached for the lube and asked for her to hold out her hand. I squeezed some onto her finger and instructed her to make sure her finger was completely covered. I squirted some lube on his ass, tossed the tube on the bed, and slowly swirled it around making sure he was nice and wet. I slowly inserted my finger and waited for his ass to grab hold and pull me inside which didn't take much coaxing. I was able to easily slide it in and out without any resistance. His moans got louder the faster I thrust my finger. I pulled it out and took hold of her hand. I inserted her finger and told her to hold it still as I inserted my finger alongside hers. I guided her hand as we fingered him together. I could feel him starting to loosen up more and his moans were certainly a telling sign that he wanted it. We removed our fingers and I reached over to the lube again. "Would you like to do the honors?" I asked with a smile as I handed the tube out to her. She squeezed some into the palm of her hand and turned to face me. She stayed kneeling on the floor, her eyes looked up at me and she grabbed the toy with her dry hand. Her tongue started rolling around the end of the cock and she took it into her mouth as far as she could. Watching her suck on my hardware had turned me on like I had never felt before. Had I known all of this was happening beforehand, I would have gotten flavored condoms. I made a mental note for next time. When she was done teasing me she slathered the lube all along the length of the toy and stood up. She wiped her hand and excess lube all over my breasts making them glisten. I grabbed the toy and ran the tip along his crack. He was eagerly flexing his backside with each pass I make. I held the cock still and he pressed his ass against it. The head quickly disappeared and he waited for his ass to adjust. Then he slid back a little farther and waited. He continued this until his ass had managed to swallow all eight inches. I massaged his ass cheeks while he slowly moved allowing the cock to slide in and out. "Fuck me hard!" he finally begged after he had fully accepted me. With that, I started thrusting and I dug my fingers into his hips. Our new little guest had been watching with intense interest. She had a look of disbelief on her but she also looked like she was going to explode if someone didn't give her attention. He must also have sensed her feeling left out because he called for her. "Come here, I want to eat that delectable pussy." He instructed for her to lie down in front of him and he quickly got busy. With each thrust I made, the toy was hitting me in just the right spot. I had never orgasmed while fucking him with that but watching that cock slide in and out along with watching her expressions as his face was buried between her legs was pushing me to the edge. She was moaning, gasping, and running her hands through his hair. He was licking, slurping, and moaning. I was plowing ole' blue deep into his ass. What a sight! She shrieked as she reached her peak once again. The sound of her getting off was all it took for me to come again. He let out a deep, satisfied groan. What are the chances of having two women coming at the same time? I gave him a swift smack on the ass and told him it was time for him to roll over. She moved to the side of the bed and he made his way farther up so I could kneel between his legs. I asked her for a pillow and he lifted his ass high enough for her to place it underneath him. He lifted his legs in the air and I spread his cheeks to show her his gaping hole. She gasped and smiled at what she saw. I added just a little more lube to blue and quickly wiped my hands on the towel. She knelt over his face once again but didn't lower herself down onto his waiting mouth. Instead, she held onto the backs of his knees so he could lie back and enjoy what was about to be done. I slid the cock back into his ass and he threw his head back with joy. With her holding his legs apart and towards her, I was able to thrust deeper than ever. I leaned forward and placed my hands next to his head for leverage. He put his hands on my hips and thrust me into him even harder than I thought imaginable. I won't be surprised to see bruises on his ass in the morning. "Oh fuck, this feels amazing!" he bellowed. I leaned down and kissed him before looking forward where I was now level with her hypnotizing tits. She leaned in closer to me and I teasingly licked her nipples. I sucked one into my mouth and lightly nibbled. He reached up and squeezed them close together so I could bury my face in her tits while I continued burying the toy into his ass. Since my own tits were mere inches from his own face, he started sucking and nibbling mine just as I was doing to her. He was finally able to watch my tits bounce as I fucked him just as I had promised earlier. As much as I was enjoying this, I really wanted to take a turn at being fucked by them. "I want you to fuck my pussy with the strap-on," I said to her, "while you fuck me in the ass," I glanced down at him between her twins. His eyes widened but he said nothing as he still had a mouthful of my breast. "I've never worn one before. I don't know how to use one," she said with a helpless look on her face. "You just lie down and let me do the rest I said. I straightened myself up and slowly pulled out of his ass. Once again, his gaping hole was starting at me. I moved away just enough so I could take his semi hard dick into my mouth. I made one long suck on it and said, "You make him nice and hard again, I have something to give him." I didn't have to ask her twice to gobble up his cock. I slithered off the bed and walked up to the head where his head was. I leaned down and gave him a deep kiss. "This has been amazing," he whispered. "I'll be waiting for a spectacular grand finale," I whispered and smiled. I turned away from him with my legs pressed against the side of the bed, bent over and touched my toes. Here he could see the base of a butt plug that I had been wearing the entire time. "You sneaky little wench," he laughed. I giggled as he grabbed hold of the base and slightly tugged. The large plug slid out rather easily. It looked like his ass wasn't the only one whose has been quivering. I let out a moan as the plug left my ass feeling empty. I turned and took it from him. "Is this what you have to give me?" he asked. Biting my lip with a smile was the only answer he needed. I peeled the condom off the plug and replaced it with a new one. I lubed it up nicely and joined my new friend who was still greedily sucking his cock. She looked at me and her eyes widened. I'm going to have to remind him to stock up on lube and condoms when this is all done and over with. He lifted his legs once again and I slid the plug into his ass. "Holy shit!" he hissed as it slid securely in place. I pulled the pillow out from under him, he gyrated his hips around to enjoy the sensation of his full ass. I stood up and pulled the used condom off from blue. I unsnapped all the buttons and stepped out of the device. "Are you ready?" I asked her. "Yes!" she screeched. I moved in front of her and held onto the harness as she stepped into it. I slowly pulled it up her legs that seemed to go on forever. I nuzzled my nose into her crotch and gave her clit a stiff lick as I passed by. I snapped all the buttons and tightened the waist so it fit nice and snug. A floppy cock isn't much fun to control. She and I both climbed onto the bed. She lay down in the middle and I took blue into my mouth just as she has done to me. The taste of condoms, lube, and rubber invaded my mouth. I stared into her eyes as I fucked the toy with my tongue and lips. When I was done giving her a little show, I placed a small dab of lube on blue. It felt strange to not be wearing it; I've never used it on myself before. I straddled her hips and lowered myself onto her. My toes curled as I took it all. I leaned forward and started grinding my clit against the harness. She was bucking her hips underneath me and squeezing my tits. I watched her tits bounce each time I thrust forward on her. I looked over and noticed he was watching and stroking his cock. I can't imagine the joy of watching one woman riding another was for him. Four perky breasts bouncing for show. He put a condom on along with lube and got on his knees behind me. I had never tried double penetration before. I had no idea what to expect. He spread more lube on my ass and gave me a swift smack. I let out a scream and begged for him to smack me again. He used his hand that was covered with lube which caused it to sting even more. And I loved it. I held myself still and he inserted a finger into my ass which was still nice and stretched from the plug. After getting me nice and wet, he pressed his cock against my ass. He easily slid right it. "Oh fuck!" I screamed. My whole body shivered and started tingling. With seven inches in the back, eight inches in the front. I was in euphoria. He started with slow movements in and out. I had to fight back the urge to not let loose. When his thrusts became faster they also became more rhythmic, I was able to move along with him so I could slide up and down on blue. I would slide down on blue and he would pull away. He'd thrust in and I would slide up on blue over and over. She was also helping by bucking up right at the perfect moment. My orgasm was truly earth shattering. My pussy clenched blue while my ass hugged every inch of him. "Wow!" she said. Wow was right. "Which one of us is the lucky gal to get you off?" she asked him. "Both of you," he replied as he pulled out of my ass. "I want you both kneeling on the floor facing each other." Really? I couldn't move. I wasn't sure my knees would work, and if they did, my legs were wobbly. But I was anxious to see what he had in mind. She and I knelt on the floor, breast to breast. He pulled off the final condom of the night and stood by us. She reached out and grabbed his balls while he started jerking his cock towards our tits. She squeezed and pulled on them and I could hear a moan and a hiss each time she did. I reached between his legs and grasped the base of the plug that was still in his ass. I tugged and it popped loose from his grip so I was able to pull it in and out in quick movements. His hand started working faster and his body was quivering. I watched as a small stream of precum slipped from the tip of his cock. She must have noticed it also because we looked at each other and smiled. Seconds later he tensed and I could see every muscle in his body flex. "Oh fuck!" he yelled as he shot enough hot cum to splatter both pairs of tits. I removed the plug from him and allowed it to fall to the floor. She and I wrapped our arms around each other and shared a hot kiss between us. I could feel the wetness on our chests being squished between us. After cleaning up, we all got on the bed to recuperate. He was lying on his back and she and I snuggle into each side of him. I had been with both men and women but never together and I had never experienced anything like this. She and I were stroking each other's fingers that were resting on his chest. "You know....I'm free again next weekend," she said with an evil smile.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011) Text: She awoke with a start, her dream of weightless frolicking interrupted by the sickening feeling of free fall. Down she fell from her pleasant dreamscape back into the cradling arms of her real world bed, the illusion of clouds being replaced by her comforter and the soft red glow of the clock. 2:34 AM. Wide-awake, she sat up to take stock of her surroundings. The spacious, cushioned room that she now called home was quite bare. It had been less than a week since she had accepted a position at the plant. The nature of her work precluded any travel outside the manufacturing area, and the staff were taking their sweet time in emptying her old apartment. The staff. She looked up and to her left to the observation area, where the staff could monitor her performance. Beyond the glass she could see a microphone and a couple chairs, but all signs of humanity were absent at this hour, replaced by the glow of a single monitor full of digital fish. Thoughts turned inward to the dream interrupted. Floating. Gliding effortlessly from cloud to cloud, arms stretched to either side and a toothy grin stretched impossibly wider. The rush of cool air over her skin, through her shoulder-length auburn hair, it did not merely engulf her, but rather it petted her, caressed her, made her shiver with excitement. She was torn away from the dream world yet again as she was gripped by an all too real shiver of excitement. Only this time it was accompanied by the tickle of tiny bubbles within her chest. The room was filled with an almost distant sound of a hundred glistening glasses of soda. Slowly and steadily her breasts advanced and spread from her chest, increasing in the smallest of sizes, only to stop within a matter of moments, bubbling giving way to the unnatural stillness of her subterranean home once again. Feelings of pleasant relaxation swam through her body, while thoughts began to press at the back of her mind. Memories of the first day swam back. Rules returned quickly to the front of her mind, rules designed to protect the factory and its workers. The rules, however, were lax in many ways. Whatever was not in the rules, as she remembered, were not necessarily forbidden. So long as none were put at harm, management cared not what she and her fellow workers did. Perhaps, she thought, there would even be a bonus for going above and beyond the call of duty. A muffled chuckle escaped her lips as she contemplated her previous thought. She didn't care about any bonus. All she cared about at that moment was the little piece of heaven she would soon savor. Gently, she laid her fingertips across her breasts and slowly drew them across, the light fabric of her top only serving to heighten the feelings of erotic pleasure. The fizzing within her chest began again, amplified two, perhaps threefold. Toes were curled and bedsheets clutched as more than just gas built up within her lithe frame. The effervescent fizzing moved downward, seemingly dripping through her trunk and pooling within her seat. Cheeks and thighs plumped beneath her. Taught, gassy legs pressed together, and were soon rubbed together, throwing her into greater heights of ecstasy. A faux fullness pervaded her stomach, becoming taught and dome-like yet hollow and empty, filled with nothing but the persistent bubbles. Burgeoning breasts, impossibly round, filled her nightgown, gently rubbing against the light fabric, bringing about further sensations of pneumatically enhanced pleasure. With wild abandon she rubbed and caressed every inch of skin she could reach. She felt the levity of her bubbly body gently pulling, lifting, reducing gravity's dream-crushing hold upon her. Her gas filled derriere lifted from her bed, her body drifting upward of its own accord, her only grip being the carpet clutched tightly between her toes. Fibers broke, and all that supported her was air. Silently, the building pressure gave way to a climatic flow of intense feelings. The buoyancy, the tight flesh, the pressure of a million bubbles, drove her upward upon a sea of pleasure, leaving her to rest upon the vaulted ceiling. The bubbles slowed, and then stopped. The padded ceiling pressed gently into her back as the land of dreams beckoned once again. The crutch of weightless dreams, however, were no longer needed. "Another job well done," she murmured, as Morpheus took her into his arms once again.
Title: First Season Chapter 2 by A large dragon Tags: Dragon, M/M, Oral, Short, Tiger Once again, this has topics that are too mature for younger viewers. Please do not read if you are under the age of 18. Thanks! I had woken up with the feeling of my stomach gnawing at itself from ravonous hunger. It was the fifth day of my mating season and apparently, my sexual appetite wasn't the only thing that had increased with the season. So I took time out of my schedule to go shopping for food. The whole escapade took about an hour and nearly all of my self restraint, but soon I was back in my apartment without many problems. I locked my door and threw the groceries on the kitchen table. I was just about to relieve myself of the seed that had built up during the night so I could eat, when I noticed a white tiger lounging on my couch. I jumped back, startled to say the least, but he just smiled. "What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" I shouted. He shifted his position some to stretch. When he got done, he idly grabbed his balls some which forced his cock to awaken. Needless to say, I was turned on by the sight which showed as each ridge of my own member forced its way out. This made the tiger smile even more. "You dragons shouldn't be the only ones to enjoy a mating season. Hell, I've been feeling your heat for days, so I thought I'd help you with your condition." "How'd you get in?" "Well, since it must matter to you, my claws are good at getting by most cheap locks. Now are you and your erection going to stand there all day, or are we going to have some fun? I did go through the trouble of clearing my schedule for the rest of the day..." I could've been a lot of things at that moment, but I was only horny by that point. And yet, it seems that I stuttered for too long, so the tiger got up and sauntered over to me until his fur lightly brushed against my scales. Almost immediately, I felt the all too familiar feeling of pre leaking out of the tip, but the kitty simply licked it away. My legs buckled a little as need washed over me. But still, this really wasn't right, was it? I knew from others that a dragon's pheremones could make others act strangely... All I had to do was hold off somehow. "I am nothing more than your sex toy for the rest of the day, and this is the thanks I get?" He accentuated his last few words by grabbing my cock and pulling on it, his padding lightly scratching against the pink tip of my member. Whatever he did stirred feelings in me I didn't know before. I pushed him, and we both fell to the floor. Out of pure desperation and need, I strattled his chest and began mashing my cock into his fur, already dripping pre into his coat. The warm feeling of his purring body almost sent me over immediately, the vibrations running up through my body and stimulating me even more than I thought possible. I was just about to climax when the cat pushed me over onto my back and began licking the base of my shaft, slowly licking to the top causing the head to flair even more. When I thought it couldn't get any better, he took the whole thing in his maw, the strange texture of his tongue rubbing over almost my entire length. I growled in pleasure, still humping furiously to try to climax. I was about ready to break when he stopped and held me down, my cock throbbing hungrily. He warned me not to touch it, and then just got up. He came back moments later with a plate of food which he began to stuff in my mouth. "If we'll be playing together, you probably shouldn't have an empty stomach, right?" Despite everything my body told me, I figured he was right, so I scarfed the food down as fast as I dared while he stroked himself. He was quite vocal about what he was doing, occasionally grunting as he played with himself. I looked down at my poor cock as it throbbed, practically dribbling its liquid so that a tiny pool of the stuff was forming on the floor around me. I was so entranced by my own member, that I didn't even notice him looking at me until I went for another bite of food. I heard him take a sharp breath, and I looked over to realize that he was trying to get off to me. Sure, it might have been a bad idea, but I didn't care. I opened my legs a little more, forcing my shaft to its full length. Then I took another bite of my food. "You know," he said between gasps, "I didn't realize you dragons were so big. Had I known, I would've been here three days ago." He walked over to me as I finished the last of the food, then pushed me back down. I growled a warning at him, but he licked my neck, then slowly moved back down to my awaiting dick. He licked it a few times before impaling himself on it. He practically roared as pre shot from his own shaft. He started riding me faster... Harder, his balls slapping against my abs. I bucked back against him, wanting to make him explode from my cum. He closed his eyes and moaned as he spurted a load of cum all over my scales. The sudden tightness made my cock go ballistic... I wanted nothing more than to cum as he finished dripping his last bit of seed on my abs, but I wanted to make the feeling last as long as possible, so I held the cum back. As he finished up, I found I couldn't hold it back much longer, when all of a sudden, he pulled off of me. I nearly roared in anger as he lightheartedly attempted to walk away from me; his legs at moved at a strange angle from having me inside of him. Never before had I been so upset... "No! I'm going to cum in you now!" I screamed angrily between gritted teeth. I nearly tackled him, bringing him to his knees, and wings spread, began to shove my shaft deep inside of him. He groaned, but I didn't care, it felt so good. And the harder I shoved the better it felt. I was panting, and his groaning was getting louder as he pushed up against me, forcing me even deeper. Within moments, I was ready to climax again, and as he writhed against me, I felt all my restraint give way as the orgasm shook my body. I roared loud enough to rattle my windows, driving my meat deep, my cum shooting even deeper. As I forced my way even deeper; he whined as he climaxed again. As he tightened around my ridged length, my cock was milked of every last drop, leaving a night's worth of cum inside the poor kitty. As I finished, I laid down next to the tiger, who already passed out and rubbed my hand over his belly, bloated from its recent flood. As he began to purr, I fell asleep, snuggled close to him...
Title: House Sorena Ch. 02 Pt. 1 Tags: skyra, fantasy, magic, elves, amazons **Sisters – Part 1** A Tale from Skyra by T. J. Skywind *Location: Sargossa, seaport on the Great Northern Ocean, easternmost member of Northumbrian Confederacy, east of Cedardale and the Starfall Mountains Date: June 1999 Note: Dayanna Sorena is a young girl. While her body is twelve, she is one-quarter elven and maturing at a slower rate than full humans. Warning: story ends with sexual violence.* \* \* \* \* \* Twelve-year old Dayanna Sorena raced outside the temple doors into the warm June day. After three months of advanced survival training, she was eager to go home with her grandfather. Spying him through the milling crowds of parents and peers, the small girl ran headlong to his waiting arms. "*Babba*!" she laughed, her grey eyes sparkling. "I got first marks!" Aelfin scooped her up into his arms, hugging her light frame tightly. "Of course you did, Little One. You are my Granddaughter, are you not?" Kneeling, he brushed wayward raven locks from her face, happy that she was back in his care. The ten weeks of training had felt like ages. "Your mother and father would have been proud of you." "You think so? *Babba*, I missed you so much! Brother Rayan says if I work hard, I might be able to serve the Lawgiver as a church knight! He said I can apply right after I pass my Rite of Adulthood." Aelfin set her down gently, frowning. "Dayanna, you are one-quarter elf! The blood--" "*Babba*, you already told me about the debt-pledge to House Sorena." "I'm talking about aging, not marriage." Aelfin sighed. "Humans live at most six score years, a few a bit longer. Because of me, Little One, because I married your grandmother, you will see three or four centuries of life, maybe more! And a longer life means it will take you longer to become a woman. And yes, some humans reach maturity as young as twelve, but they have parents with money or skill to provide healthy, regular diets. Your mother didn't become a maiden until her thirtieth year. You may be twelve, but you have many years of childhood yet." He lifted her chin. "Did you meet a few boys you'd like to know better?" Flushing, Dayanna gave a nod. A sea breeze played with her loose curls. "I thought so. You are so like your mother and grandmother -- headstrong and always in a hurry to get things done. By the time you are mature enough for your church ritual, most of those boys you met will be long wed and have established families. We both have a problem, my love. For you, it will be waiting while the humans around you grow older and pass you by. For me, it is watching how fast the years mark you. To me, but a few days ago you were a babe in the arms of your mother, Brianna. Both of your parents loved you so much, dear heart." Aelfin caressed her cheek, then held out his hand. Dayanna clasped it, and he smiled down at her. "Come, my beautiful girl! Everyone is celebrating their success. How can we do less? Let's go shopping!" "Can we go to the Drunken Giant first, *Babba*?" "What?" Aelfin drew back in mock surprise. "Twelve years old and already seeking your cups? I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you!" Dayanna giggled. "I just want to see Beri!" Grinning, Aelfin nodded. "Now that is a good reason! One must be true to your friends. We will visit them first. If her mother allows, you may invite Beri to join our shopping trip. And, if you wish, we can afford for you to get her one or two things." "Really? Oh, thank you, *Babba*!" It took an hour to traverse the many streets from the temple compounds to the merchant quarter, and then to reach the large, three-storied inn. The commons bustled with the lunch crowd. Chloe Silvanos, bartender and half-owner of the Drunken Giant, spied their entry. Waving to them, she pointed to a small table near the bar where Chloe's daughter toiled at her schoolwork. Written in three languages was a sign that said, "Reserved." Beryl Silvanos had corn-silk hair and large blue eyes, and showed every sign of one day being as tall, angular, and wiry strong as her mother. As they sat down on the bench beside her, Beri looked up, surprised. "You're here! You're really here!" She jumped up and hugged Dayanna, kissing her cheek. "I have missed you!" Dayanna gave back as good as she got, delighted to see her best friend. "Of course, we are here, silly. I wouldn't feel right going home without seeing you first!" Chloe hobbled from behind the bar, her awkward gait and the odd twist in her left arm the result of the Bending Sickness many years earlier. Seeing the waitress Jocelyn approach, Chloe shooed her away; she wanted to wait on her guests herself. Well used to her mistress, Jocelyn patiently hovered nearby. Chloe beamed at Aelfin and Dayanna. "Good to see you, Aelfin. You don't come here often enough. What can I get for you and the young Princess?" The elf smiled. "Your kind words honor us. What would you suggest?" "Well, the last batch of coneys we got in seem a little tough. We'll probably stew the rest tonight. There's trout and sea bass that's reasonably fresh off the docks. We've venison steak and pie, and of course, there's the house mulligan that I'd swear has been cooking, in one form or another, since before Prometheus was chained on the mountain. There's more, but I recall you prefer wild meat." He nodded appreciatively. "Venison pie for us both, Good Lady." "Perfect choice. What would you like to slake your thirst?" "Jasmine tea, if you have it. Otherwise, rosehip or chamomile will do as nicely. Cider for Dayanna, I think?" Dayanna nodded her acceptance to her grandfather. "Yes, cider for her. Thank you." Chloe passed the order to Jocelyn, then sighed as she settled onto a bench. Beri looked up hopefully at her mother. Chloe glanced at them both, then waving her hand dismissively, trying not to grin at their exuberance. Beri bounced to her feet and collected her books. Dayanna touched her grandfather's hand. "Can we go to Beri's room?" "Of course. Friends should have private time together. Just don't forget a meal will be here soon." "Thank you, *Babba*!" A quick kiss to his cheek, and the girls dashed through the crowded room and upstairs as fast as their legs could carry them. Aelfin watched them with amusement. Then, with concern, he asked, "How are you doing, Captain?" Before becoming an innkeeper, before the Bending Sickness warped her body, the Amazon had served in the army of Sargossa. "My body is aging faster than my head, I'm afraid. Melitihia stopped by last week. The priestess told me I have arthritis and then she cured me. Refused payment for the healing. Again. Says it's already taken care of." Chloe looked intently at Aelfin. The elf smiled to himself. He already had Melithia's newest leather boots completed. Chloe had her suspicions, but could get nothing from either Aelfin or Melithia. She continued. "Melithia apologized once again because fixing my crippled body is beyond her. As if I'd hold her to blame! It's beyond every priest in Sargossa. She told me the arthritis will be back in a couple of years. Without such good friends, it would be worse. Much worse." She looked meaningfully at Aelfin. "Enough about me. Need I ask how she did?" "I spoke with a few priests before they released the students. They called her exceptional." "You don't seem terribly happy about it. She's a bright girl, quick on her feet, a good eye, and fearless. She'll be a fine warrior. Maybe even as good as her mother, Brianna." He sighed. "One of the warrior monks has encouraged her to become a paladin in the church. I don't doubt her talents, her skill, or even her character. I worry only that she's trying to grow too fast." Jocelyn brought a steaming pot of tea and cup for Aelfin, a stein for Chloe, and just as briskly, moved on to her next table. Chloe took a deep drink and smacked her lips. "Good beer, and even better that it's cold. Children growing up is the way of the world, my friend. It's what they do. By all accounts, Brianna was also exceptional, and you raised her on your own. This isn't new stuff to you." Aelfin looked up sharply, then away. He picked up a spoon and stirred his tea absently. "Believe me, I am well aware of mortality. If anything, I fear what lies ahead for her. Though both died too young, Brianna and her mother were both great warriors. We could all see that. Yet I would not be surprised if Dayanna one day surpassed them. It's not just her prowess either. More than once that child has impressed me with her insight. No, it is the fate of her House that concerns me. She is meant for great things, but House Sorena has rarely seen peace or happiness. Theláyna died giving me Brianna, and then Brianna died when Dayanna was just learning to crawl. It's Dayanna's heart I fear for. She's quiet and sober enough already." Chloe rubbed her ear thoughtfully. "I count the friendship between our girls as a blessing from the gods. With you so far out in the woods, they don't see each other often enough. If you're worried about her growing too fast, you could always pick a couple of orphans to be playmates and companions for her. Dayanna should have friends, yes, and servants, too. If she will one day be the leader of her House, she needs to learn how to command, and the earlier the better." "Any human children I bring home will grow up faster than Dayanna, and may confuse things for her. No servants yet either. It is always better for one destined for power to learn self-sufficiency and service first, to help resist the darker temptations that power will offer. However, your advice is prudent. We will make more trips to the city." "Huh. If it's work you want her to learn, I'd be willing to put her to task." Aelfin suddenly burst out laughing. "With those two together? I doubt they'd ever be underfoot to task!" Chloe nodded with amusement at the truth of his words, then finished her drink. \* \* \* \* \* Upstairs, the two girls ran down the hallway, their boots clattering noisily on the wooden floor. At the hall's end, Beri unlocked the door to the half-sized nook that was her room, and shut it firmly behind them. Papers, book, and stylus all landed roughly on her dresser top. Dayanna surveyed the room. An oil lamp on the dresser, shelves with odds and ends, and the woven hanging of Pallas Athena Sophia in a stern yet heroic pose in her armor, helm, brandishing her spear and Aegis shield. "Those curtains on the window are new. The spiral patterns are very pretty." "Oh, Dayanna!" Beri threw her arms around her friend, kissing her cheek. "I've missed you! A couple of days a month is not nearly enough time for a proper visit, and this last time you were gone nearly all spring!" Dayanna squeezed back, enjoying second embrace. "I know. I've missed you, too. But I need the training if I'm to survive the Ritual of Adulthood." "Was it tough?" Beri sat on her small cot, patting the space next to her. "*Babba* has been a very good teacher, so I did all right." Dropping her pack to the floor, Dayanna took Beri's hand and sat down. "Bet you got good marks. Hah! I knew it. Will you stay long? I know your Grandda doesn't like the city that much." "I don't know. *Babba* wants to take me shopping, so we will probably at least stay overnight. By the way, if your mother gives permission, you can go with us." "Truly? I do have a few copper bits of my own stashed away. I love you so much, Dayanna! I know we aren't sisters, but if I had one, I'd want it to be you." "I love you, too, Beri. What about Selene? She actually is your sister." "Humph! She's ten years older than me. Most of the time, she's bossier than Ma. Always ordering me about, telling me what to do. Might as well be an only child!" Dayanna squeezed Beri's hand. "You're the best friend I have, and you're the only person I can talk girl stuff with. Sometimes I wish you and your mother would move out to our place! The house is more than big enough for you both." "What would we do there? I like your place in the woods, but I also like living here in Sargossa. Ma can't soldier with your Grandda and his Border Scouts, not with her legs and her arm. I don't think she'd go, anyway. Some of the custom have been coming for years, and she'd miss them. Besides," Beri winked, "Alexandros has been warming her bed the past few months. And I don't think your Grandda would consent to taking his place." The thought of her grandfather and Beri's mother kissing caused Dayanna to gasp, turning pink to her ears. She shook her head fiercely. "He still loves *Bamma* Theláyna, keeping the memory of her in his heart. Maybe you can stay the summer, like last year!" Beri pursed her lips while rubbing her earlobe. Just like her mother, Dayanna realized. With a flash of insight, she wondered how many of her own quirks stirred memories for her grandfather. "I'm sure Ma will let me go with you," Beri enthused. "I'm caught up with my ciphering and numbering. She is always telling me that knowing other languages is important. I'm picking up Norse here in the tavern. If your Grandda promises to teach me more Elven speech, that might convince her." Dayanna whooped. "We'll speak Elvish the whole time you're with us!" "Well, maybe not that much," Beri grinned. "I wouldn't want to forget Hellenic!" "Then you'd be a barbarian, just like the rest of us!" "Hah! What a laugh! You speak it almost better than I do. Besides, even if you couldn't speak Hellenic -- I'm not some snotty aristocrat. You not being Hellene doesn't mean a thing to me. When we grow up, we can be shield-sisters, fighting side by side." Dayanna suddenly leaned closer. "Do you really want to be my sister?" Beri nodded. "Of course! You're my best friend, Dayanna!" "Let's make it happen." Beri leaned closer. "How?" "I saw something at the temple school a couple of years ago, during my Tenth-Year training. One of the girls was adopted by her patron. I remember the words. But we need a fire." "A fire? What for?" Dayanna drew her belt knife from its sheath. "*Babba* says clean blades make clean wounds. I prick my thumb and smear it on your forehead. You do the same to me as we recite the words." "Oh, yes! Amazon warriors do something like that! They cut their arms and mix the blood together, swearing before Artemis and Athena to be shield sisters, protecting each other always." Beri bounced on the bed in excitement. "Oh, this will be so great! My mother is a Brattara Amazon and I want to be a warrior like her! We can use your words, but I want to do the arm blooding, okay?" Dayanna held out her arm, and in Hellene-style, they clasped elbows. "Deal." Beri brought down the oil lamp, then rummaged through her dresser for a tinderbox. After several moments of clattering and digging, Beri gave a cry of triumph. "Found it!" When the oil lamp was lit, Dayanna proceeded to heat the blade. "We need bandages, too," Dayanna said. "If we get blood on our clothes, we'll both get an ear full." Beri dug further, and produced a dress several summers too small. Sitting down, she tore from the hem four wide strips of cloth. Dayanna examined the blackened steel. "It's ready I think. I'll go first." Rolling up her sleeve, she first tested the knife's edge with her thumb. "Could be sharper." Digging in her pack, she pulled out a whetstone and set to work honing the edge. Beri watched her. "Tell me about this survival school. Do you think I should do it? And do they let non-believers take the training?" "While I was there, some guardsmen came for classes, and none of them were Ba'lorian. You're sure you want to become a warrior?" "Of course!" Beri answered. "There have always been Amazons in our family. Ma says a woman should know how to protect herself, but if you have an education, you can make a lot of money, and pay others to protect you. She wants to apprentice me to a merchant, or maybe even have me attend university. But most women have to lie on their back for a man. Getting married and having babies is okay, and boys are sort of cute, but most Hellenic men won't marry a woman with an education. They say education is for courtesans, not wives. I want to earn my own way, using both my head and my hands. Ma was a good fighter. She earned enough to buy into this place. With hard work and a bit of luck, I'll do okay, too. Maybe I'll even strike it rich." "Then you should take the temple training. They teach some weapon drill, but it's mostly about living off the land and teamwork. We can talk to your mother about it during lunch." Dayanna eyed the blade, then resumed sharpening it. "Do we need anything else for this ceremony?" "Nope. Ready?" Dayanna tested the edge. Satisfied, she put away the whetstone and cleaned the blade again. Beri moved to the floor. "Ready." Dayanna rolled up her sleeve. Pursing her lips, she ran the blade firmly along the inside of her arm. A thin red ribbon appeared in its wake. She handed the knife hilt first to Beri. "Your turn." Beri closed her eyes, but Dayanna grabbed her wrist, startling the blonde girl. "Eyes open," Dayanna insisted. "A little blood and a little pain. Not a major wound. Do it like you're cutting a loaf of bread." Beri sighed, nodding. "Okay." Dayanna dabbed at the blood spilling down her arm. "Done." Beri gritted her teeth. They held their arms together, wound to wound. Dayanna recited, and Beri repeated. "Not blood of my blood, not flesh of my flesh, not bone of my bone, but heart of my heart. I declare that I love you. My House is now your House. From this day forward, you will find love, comfort, sustenance, and shelter wherever I abide, and protection from those who would do you harm. You are now blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bone to match the heart of my heart. Before Rena the Lawgiver and these witnesses, thus do I pledge and vow." Beri added Artemis of the Bow and Athena of the Spear and Shield to her own pledge, then giggled as they broke their grip and wrapped their arms. "Witnesses? There's nobody here but us." "The gods and their servants know what we do," Dayanna replied. "What better witnesses than they, Sister?" Beri's blue eyes shone with excitement. "Sister. I'm glad we did it. I respect the gods, but I trust what I can touch and feel more. Know what I mean?" Dayanna laughed. "If you were just like me, Beri, you'd probably drive me crazy. I like that we are different." Then she sobered. "*Babba* and I talked after he picked me up today, and it set me to thinking. I want to ask you a favor. You don't have to do it, but please think it over." "We're shield sisters. Bound forever. Tell me what you need." "You know *Babba's* an elf." Beri rolled her eyes. "Dayanna, that was old news years ago." "Just listen! *Babba* reminded me that my elvish blood means it will take longer for me to grow up. I may not have my first menses until I'm twenty, maybe even later. You, on the other hand, are already becoming a maiden." Beri arched her back, cupping her small breasts. "Do they look okay? I don't think they're all that big, but Ma says they'll do what they're made for, and I still have some growing yet. Of course, Ma also says that a warrior with big teats better have a good firm bra or she'll be in a world of hurt in her first combat." Dayanna giggled. "I never thought of that. She's probably right. Beri, they look perfect. I just wish mine were getting bigger. You're getting hair between your legs, too, aren't you? I thought so. I'm still hairless and flat-chested. We're both twelve and that's exactly what I'm talking about. When I am of age and it comes time for me to pick a partner for the Rite of Adulthood, only strangers will be available, and a man would expect to copulate with me. I trust the Lawgiver to look out for me, and I would love any baby I have, but I don't have to be stupid about my choices. He could be a good man, but he could also be a jerk, or worse. I could be stuck parenting with a man I despise for decades! I might even have to raise the child alone. I could do it, but I don't relish the idea. So will you be my partner and go with me?" "Dayanna, what if you meet some cute boy in the meantime?" "There will time enough for that later. The more I think about it, the more I'd like to prove I am a woman with my sister by my side. So will you think about it?" "What's to think about? Of course! Yes! I'm proud you asked me. But I'm curious. I thought the first part of this ritual of yours is two weeks of wild sex at the temple of your fertility god, Osh Mayan. Isn't there a chance you'll get pregnant? And do I do that, too?" Dayanna shrugged. "It's not wild sex, it's learning how to be a good lover. I don't know, but I don't think you have to go unless you want to. But that wouldn't be so bad, would it? Going through that part together, too? If I get pregnant, then it's God's will. Some take the Daughter's Gift to prevent pregnancy, but most choose not to use the magic during the Rite. The priests say it's not true, but the tradition is if you're barren during your first coupling, there's a risk it could become permanent. When the time comes, I'm not sure what I'll do." "Ma says a man takes sixty seconds teaching a maid about being a woman, and a woman spends a lifetime raising the result. One day I'd like daughters of my own, but not until I'm rich." "Sixty seconds! I hope both of us have better lovers than that. The temple teaches us so we aren't ignorant of our bodies. As women, we bear the children. It's up to us to make sure we don't have too many children so the family doesn't go hungry." Dayanna lowered her voice. "We heard a story that some of the priests can go all night without shooting their seed. Sister Khrysanna said it was true, that she'd experienced the pleasure herself." Beri shrieked with laughter. "Sex all night long? I can only do it once or twice before I get sleepy. If I did it that much, I don't think I could put my legs together, let alone walk the next day! Whooo-hee! Ha ha hah!" Masturbation was fun, but spending an entire night just having sex? Dayanna laughed, too. It really was too silly for words. When they could look at each other without giggling, Dayanna grabbed her pack and stood. "Lunch is probably waiting. We'd better go." Beri went to her dresser. "I almost forgot your present." "You didn't have to do that! I like visiting you!" "I know! I just wanted to. You did sort of graduate. Now it seems appropriate. Here, Sister." Beri grinned, handing her a small lacquered box. Dayanna saw her name crudely etched in Elvish script on the top. *Beri must have written it in her own hand,* she thought. Under the lid was a small metal mirror, and inside the velvet lining were two jars of grease paint, red and black. "They're the same colors Ma used when she was a warrior. Do you like it?" Dayanna hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek. "Oh, I do! Is there any special way to apply the colors?" "I asked Kynthia, one of Ma's shield-sisters. Ma used a thick black band over a thick red band, the same on both cheeks. Kynthia was pretty cool about my asking her. She even took me to go buy it." Dayanna put the gift into her pack. "You just have to come for the whole summer now! When we go hunting, we can both wear your mother's Amazon markings. Deal?" "Deal!" On impulse, Beri kissed her on the lips. When she broke contact, the two girls looked at each other. "I love you, Dayanna," she whispered. "Get your carry-bag, Sister." Dayanna slung her backpack onto her shoulder. "After lunch, we have shopping to do!" \* \* \* \* \* The revelation of the girls and their pledge as shield sisters was met with a mix of emotions. For Beri's mother Chloe, it was elation that the girls were so close, and unexpected surprise and pride that the girls used her own warrior markings. For Aelfin, it was further evidence that his granddaughter was indeed trying to grow up too fast. After the shopping, both girls begged her to allow Beri to spend the summer again with Dayanna. Chloe knew she'd miss her baby, but seeing their excitement and knowing Aelfin would watch them both like a hawk, agreed. The summer in the wilderness was a grand time enjoyed by both girls. Many glorious days were spent learning hunting, tracking, and forest craft, getting bronzed in the sun, improving language skills, and keeping a certain grandfather seriously busy. As the months passed, Dayanna grew four centimeters. Beri grew twice that, and to her delight, more than doubled the size of her breasts. Dayanna's clothes were getting a little small and tight. Beri was unable to get her old shirts on. Digging into some of Brianna's old clothes helped clothe the young girl, but they were always in danger of falling loose. At belt cinched above Beri's breastline helped prevent accidental exposures but looked awkward and was uncomfortable for the girl. Wishfully, Aelfin wondered if he should tie a brick to Beri's head to slow her down a bit. Only the fortuitous arrival of a young clothing merchant, new to the area and quite lost, allowed the two girls to be properly attired in decently modest apparel, with some extra selections having space to grow into. With a heavier purse and easy directions, the merchant agreed to return at least twice a year thereafter. With the advent of fall, the three of them returned to Sargossa. The week-long trip back to town was without incident. The pleasant weather and the breeze from the sea made the stink of roadside garbage and street debris tolerable. Betwixt the sea birds, vendors, and shoppers, the noise was a boisterous, tangible thing. Dayanna and Beri basked in it. Once they sold the furs from their summer hunts, they loaded up their packs with gifts for Beri's mother and sister as well as for other friends in town. Taking their time through the bustling streets, they strolled leisurely in the early afternoon, enjoying themselves and doing a little last-minute shopping. While Aelfin busily haggled with a merchant, Dayanna licked the last of the pastry icing from her fingers, and turned to ask Beri if she, too, was thirsty. To her horror, she saw Beri's limp body being carried off through the jostling crowds by three scruffy, well-armed young men. They quickly disappeared around the corner into an alley. Instantly, Dayanna was in pursuit, screaming, "*Babba*! Help! Kidnappers! *Babba*!" By the time she was halfway across the street, Aelfin passed her and charged around the corner, eldritch words of power on his lips. In the seconds it took Dayanna with her shorter legs to catch up, she saw amidst the clutter and shadows one kidnapper already sprawled bloody and lifeless on the ground. Further down the alley, her grandfather fought furiously blade and dagger with two more, their clashing steel a rapid staccato. Past them, near the end of the alley, Beri writhed and jerked against two more two villains, screaming and kicking. One pinned her arms to the ground while the other cut off her pants before dropping his own breeches. "No!" Dayanna ran forward, and immediately the alley brightened, all shadows vanishing before her. In a hot rage, Dayanna reached for the long hunting knife on her hip as she closed the distance. The one holding Beri's arms saw Dayanna, and he jumped up to meet her, drawing his dagger and short sword. Beri took the opportunity to rake the cheek of the one forcing himself between her legs. Snarling, the older youth hit her twice in the face, then twice more in the stomach. While she was stunned and bleeding, he began his abuse. The ruffian charging at Dayanna grinned, thinking her an easy foe, and perhaps another victim. He tried to use his greater height and weight to overwhelm her, to knock her down. Without thought or hesitation, all of Dayanna's hours training at the temple and with her grandfather automatically and seamlessly came into play. She sidestepped and whirled. Using both hands, she snapped her blade up, cutting deep, and yanked down to pull it free. Then she ran on. Hearing her approach, Beri's assailant struggled to stand up and grab his sword at the same time. Dayanna swung in a downward sweep. He looked at her in surprise, then fell apart, sliced cleanly from shoulder to hip, dousing both girls liberally with blood. Beri shrieked and scrambled back to the alley wall. Dayanna pulled Beri to her feet, and throwing one arm protectively around her, held her sword *en garde.* When Beri tried to reach for the broad sword on the ground, Dayanna roughly pushed her back. As much as she wanted to help her grandfather, she knew better. They would more likely get in his way. "Dayanna!" Beri cried, wiping her bloody nose. One eye was swollen and bruised, nearly closed. "I can still fight!" Dayanna shook her head and squeezed tightly, causing Beri to grimace. The pain in her ribs lanced into her small frame, causing her to gasp. "Then kill them all! No coins for the ferryman! Let 'em be ghosts forever!" And the young girl bawled into Dayanna's shoulder. Her body was one searing, throbbing mass of pain. Aelfin slew one of his opponents. Dayanna glanced around. Only one remained, and he struggled desperately against Aelfin's skill. Beri's pain tugged at her thoughts, and without thinking about it, Dayanna began to hum a tune. Colors danced on the edge of her vision, heat flushed through her body briefly and then it was gone. Awed, Beri whispered, "It -- it doesn't hurt anymore. What did you do?" Tears streaming freely, Dayanna kept her attention on the fight in front of her. Seeing his death, the youth cried in Hellene, then in Norse, "Quarter! I yield!" Aelfin spat back, "No quarter!" When he tried to fight past the elf, Aelfin's dagger took him under the arm, and it was over. It was sometime before Dayanna realized her grandfather was speaking to her. "Dayanna! Can you hear me? Breathe! And please be careful with that sword!" Aelfin squinted at her, his sensitive eyes narrow slits in the bright light. Dayanna was amazed. She was holding a sword. Where did it come from? Exquisitely balanced and feather-light, the grip seemed made for her hand. The edge looked wicked sharp and deadly. Perplexed, she looked for her hunting knife. It was there, still in its sheath on her hip. She blinked, exhaling -- and the light around her vanished. "Come on, Little One," he urged. "It's all right. You're safe now, both of you." "*Babba*?" "Just past thirteen years old and your first battle, you shine like all three suns at summer noon. That's the first -- Dayanna! Watch out! That sword is deadly dangerous. You don't want to hurt Beri or me, do you?" Dazed, she shook her head. Carefully, she laid the long sword down. She thought its silver-blue sheen beautiful. The large diamond in the pommel almost seemed to wink at her. Aelfin hugged them fiercely, kissing away their tears. "Lady above! You're both a mess! All soaked in blood! Dayanna, are you hurt? Are you sure? Good. Beri, I'm going to clean you up so I can check you better, is that all right?" Gesturing with his hands, he muttered a cantrip and she was instantly clean of all blood and grime. Her clothing was in shreds. Beri's face was purpling, but he was startled to find that her split lip was partially healed, and swollen nose only a little tender. Frowning, he glanced furtively at Dayanna before completing his exam. "Anything broken? Any other wounds? No? Without magic, that eye will probably swell shut. Try not to loosen that tooth any further. Beryl . . . there are no words to express my sorrow at what you have suffered. Someday, I hope you will forgive me. I'm not sure your mother will. First, though, you're going to see a healer." He repeated the cleaning spell on Dayanna, then checked her, too. "No wounds at all, Little One?" he asked, surprised and relieved. Dayanna shook her head, staring at the carnage. She'd learned from her grandfather how to dress out animals for food. The alley was grisly; worse than she'd expected. During the battle, she had simply acted, each move a clear action in her mind. Her thoughts now, though, were awash with sadness at the emptiness of death, knowing these had once been living, sentient beings. Now that the fight was over, she trembled. Yet she felt no doubt about the correctness of her actions. They had hurt her sister, Beri! Then Dayanna noticed there were four bodies, not five! "*Babba*! Where's the other one? Did he get away?" "No, Little One," he answered, satisfied at last she was unhurt. Digging into his pack, he pulled out his cloak and wrapped it around Beri, as her clothing hid nothing. Both girls were shaking, slipping into shock. "Where's the body?" "Your sword sliced clean through him, Dayanna. The power of the sword *consumed* him." He touched her chin, his eyes staring into hers. "He was vaporized. Totally. Into dust. Do you understand what I'm saying? What is the name of your sword?" "Berek, the Life Slayer." She stared at him in surprise: surprise that she knew the answer, but also that he knew to ask. More so, she *knew* that sword. Berek had belonged to her dead mother, Brianna, and it was supposed to be locked away in a chest at home, more than a hundred kilometers away. "*Babba*, what's going on?" Unslinging his wine skin, he held it up to Beri and made her drink. "Berek belongs to you now, Dayanna. When your mother died, it went dormant. It seems your goddess heard your plea, and has gifted it to you. The sword is awake now, with all its fierce abilities. If the need is strong enough, it won't matter the distance -- your sword will find you, and Lady help any that dare stand before it." Using one hand to steady Beri, Aelfin touched his granddaughter's face. "Dayanna, take a drink and then I want you to listen to me. You've survived your first combat, and I know all this is overwhelming, but please try to pay attention. Pick the sword up carefully and shake off the blood. Think its name in your mind, and use your thoughts to *command* it to become small." As Dayanna bent down, the sword *moved,* skittering over the cobblestones and into her grasp. Numbly, she did as he bid. Instantly, the blade shrank, becoming a dagger with an overly-large hilt. When she tried to hand it to him, Aelfin jumped back, shielding Beri. "No, Dayanna! Listen to what I'm saying. The sword is awake and you are its master. This sword can kill, even if you don't wield it yourself. Never, *ever* let anyone else attempt to use it or even attempt to draw it, because it might kill them, even if you don't want it to." He retrieved Dayanna's bedroll from her pack and opened it up. "Lay it here. I will roll it up so that you can carry it safely." Dayanna laid it down carefully, and Aelfin rolled it within the blankets. He quickly secured it back to his granddaughter's backpack. Using the cantrip *fasten,* he made the leather straps around the blankets even tighter. "There's a temple near here, and both of you are going to be checked out by a healer. While I carry Beri, I want you to hang onto my belt and stay close." "*Babba*? What of this one?" She pointed to the dead rapist. Aelfin looked back. "He's dead, Dayanna. See the tattoo on his arm? Cult of Ares. He's Hellenic, not Ba'lorian. There's no need for your Un-Naming Ritual." Cult of Ares. Gangs of young men were initiated into the cult's mysteries by kidnapping a woman or a young girl to be tortured and murdered. Devoted to violence and death, the sect was outlawed within the Confederation. What her grandfather said wasn't strictly true, but Dayanna settled for a firm kick to the corpse. If the villain's soul made it past Charon the Ferryman, across the River Styx and into the underworld of the Hellenic dead, she hoped Hades exiled his soul to Tartarus for at least a hundred lifetimes. Then, she hurried after her grandfather. \# # #
Title: Don't Tell Eric Ch. 01 Tags: prostitution It was a beautiful Friday morning in late May as Amy Davis sat in the audience at her son Eric's high school graduation ceremony. As she watched him walk across the stage to get his diploma she was filled with pride and also a bit of sadness. For Amy the day marked the successful completion of her job of raising her son Eric. In every respect Eric had become a man. He had turned 18 a few months earlier...he was well adjusted...he'd never been in trouble with the law...and now he had graduated from high school. He'd even been accepted to a good college and would soon be on his way to living his own life. It seemed to Amy as if he didn't need her anymore. Tears of joy and tears of sorrow ran down Amy's cheeks as she thought about her son not needing her anymore. She had sacrificed a lot and worked very hard over the years to be able to afford to send Eric to a very expensive private school on the 'rich' side of town. They weren't exactly poor, but as a single mother it was difficult at times for Amy to afford the private school. Amy felt strongly though that the private schools would be much better for Eric than public school. As she watched him get his diploma Amy knew that her son was more than worth the effort she had made. When the graduation ceremony ended Amy pushed her way through the crowd trying to find Eric. When she found him she wasn't surprised to find him standing with his 5 best friends Mike, Lucas, Kyle, Jeff, and Troy. "Eric...congratulations sweetie." Amy said. She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh come on mom...you're embarrassing me in front of the guys." Eric said. Amy pulled away from Eric. "I'm sorry Eric...I don't mean to embarrass you...I'm just so proud of you sweetheart. If your dad were here he'd be proud of you too." Amy said. Eric smiled. "You always say that mom." Eric said. "I always say it because it's always true Eric. He'd be just as proud of you as I am. You did it kiddo." Amy said. Amy hugged Eric again. "Hey mom...the guys and I were talking...would it be okay if we have a pool party at the house tomorrow?" Eric asked. "Sure...no problem...though I don't know why you guys always want to have your parties at our house with our little pool with the huge custom built pools at some of your houses." Amy said. "I think it probably has something to do with your willingness to let us drink at your house Mrs. Davis." Jeff said. "Yes...well if you're having a party tomorrow I guess I'd better stop off to stock up on...party supplies...on my way home. How many people were you planning on having over?" Amy asked. "Not too many...probably 15-20 at most." Eric said. "Okay...I'll be sure to get enough alcohol for a party that size, but you guys are going to pass the hat to pay for it...I can't afford to just buy that much alcohol on my own." Amy said. "Don't worry about it Mrs. Davis...we'll take up a collection and get you more than enough money to cover it." Lucas said. The next day was a Saturday and Eric and his friends had a pool party in Amy's backyard. The party started in the early afternoon and after the first hour or so Amy came out the back door in a bikini. She walked over to where Eric and his friends were sitting. "I hope you boys don't mind me being out here, but I want to be sure things don't get out of hand." Amy said. "We never mind having you out here with us Mrs. Davis. You're way cooler about this than any of our parents." Mike said. "Yeah, grab yourself a drink and join the party." Jeff said. Amy grabbed a beer, walked over beside the pool, and sat in a chair and alongside some of the girls that had come to the party. She knew the girls from all of the other parties she'd hosted for Eric's friends so she easily joined in on their conversation with them as they talked about their plans for the summer and what college they were going to go to in the fall. The party lasted all afternoon, but as the sun started going down people started leaving and soon everyone but Eric's friends had left. They all gathered around one table with Amy. "We can't thank you enough for letting us have this party Mrs. Davis...everyone had a great time." Jeff said. "It was my pleasure guys. You guys have one last summer together before you're all off to college so you should enjoy it. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong with having some fun as long as things don't get out of control. Well...I'm gonna head inside and grab a shower. I hope you guys will be nice and help Eric clean up the mess you made, and be careful driving home." Amy said. "We will Mrs. Davis." All 5 guys say together. Amy stood up to go inside. "Oh...Mrs. Davis...we almost forgot. Here's the money to cover the alcohol." Mike said. He got up and grabbed a wad of cash out of his bag and handed it to Amy. Amy started counting the money. "There's quite a bit more here than I spent on the alcohol for this party." Amy said. "Consider the rest of it a tip for being so cool and letting us have so many parties here over the past few years." Kyle said. "Well...thank you boys." Amy said. Amy headed inside and the guys helped Eric clean up the party; then they left. Amy had showered, changed, and was in her office working on her computer by the time Eric came inside. "Thanks again for letting us have the party here today mom." Eric said. "You're welcome sweetie. In just a few short months you will all head off to college and start living different lives. I hope that you have as much fun as possible together this summer so you'll have great memories to look back on years from now. Do you want me to make you some dinner?" Amy asked. "Nah...I had plenty to eat at the party." Eric said. "Okay sweetie." Amy said. The Monday night after the pool party, Eric went over to Lucas' house to hang out with the guys. For the first few hours they all sat around drinking talking about normal things...then the conversation changed. "So Eric...when are we gonna have another pool party over at your place?" Kyle asked. "I don't know man...we seem to have all of our parties at my place...you've all got pools...why doesn't one of you throw the party?" Eric asked. "Nah...it's got to be at your place Eric." Kyle said. "Why does it have to be at my place? Is it because my mom lets us drink?" Eric asked. "That's part of it, but the main reason we have to have the party at your house is because your mom would be there." Lucas said. "You want to have the party at my house because of my mom?" Eric asked. "Yeah...every time we all hang out by your pool your mom comes out with us." Troy said. "So?" Eric asked. "Dude...she comes out and sits by the pool with us in her bikini...looking fine as hell." Mike said. "Hey man...that's my mom you're talking about." Eric said. "She's your mom man...she ain't our mom...which means we can look at her and talk about her and she's a fucking MILF." Jeff said. "Shut up Jeff." Eric said. "What? She is a serious MILF buddy...hell you know that. You see her every day; surely you've noticed how hot she is." Kyle said. "Shut the hell up about my mom! I'm serious." Eric said. "Dude...you should be proud to have a MILF like that as your mom. Just look at my mom." Mike said. "Or mine...you're lucky." Kyle said. "Can we stop talking about my mom please?" Eric asked. "Dude...I would hit that so fucking hard." Lucas said. "You're talking about my mom man...that's not cool." Eric said. "Dude I would give anything to fuck your mom Eric." Troy said. Eric was really pissed off. "Shut up right fucking now!" Eric said. "I'm serious man...anything...just name it." Troy said. "Yeah...I would too. Eric, your mom is the hottest woman I've ever seen man." Mike said. "She has MILF written all over her fine ass." Jeff said. "I've wanted to fuck her since 7th grade." Kyle said. "Knock it off guys. I'm getting seriously pissed off." Eric said. "She touched my cock once." Lucas said. The other guys looked at Lucas. "Bullshit." Troy said. "No...she did. When we were little she would baby-sit me. Eric and I played in the mud in the backyard and got filthy as hell so she gave me a bath." Lucas said. "That don't fuckin' count...you were just a little kid." Jeff said. "It's more than you've ever got from her." Lucas said. "Fuck what we've got from her...it's what we want from her. What's it gonna take Eric?" Mike asked. "For what?" Eric asked. "For us to fuck your mom...how much will it cost us?" Mike asked. Eric was completely blown away. "I don't fucking believe this." Eric said. "Believe it man...how much will it cost us to fuck her? $300? $500? Am I getting close?" Troy asked. "You guys are fucking assholes...I'm out of here." Eric said. Eric had heard enough so he got up and stormed out and headed home. Amy could see that Eric was upset as soon as he walked in the door. She also noticed that it was way earlier than he normally got home from a night out with his friends. "What's the matter sweetie?" Amy asked. "Nothing." Eric said. "Don't give me that...what is it?" Amy asked. Amy motioned for Eric to sit down next to her...he slumped his shoulders and then sat down beside her. "So what's wrong?" Amy asked. "It's the guys...they were talking about something tonight...it really pissed me off. They've been talking about it off and on for a long time, but tonight was different. Tonight they went way too far." Eric said. "Well knowing them the way I do and given the fact that they're 18 year old guys I'd bet that whatever they were talking about had something to do with sex. What were they talking about that upset you?" Amy asked. "It's not...I really don't want to talk about it mom." Eric said. Eric went to get up, but Amy held on to him. "Eric sweetheart...I can't stand to see you this upset. You can talk to me about anything Eric...please tell me what's wrong." Amy said. Eric looked at his mom and sighed. "Okay...it isn't so much what they were talking about that bothers me...it was who they were talking about and how they were talking about her that bothers me." Eric said. "Who were they talking about? Is it a girl that you like or something? Is it a female friend of yours? Who is it?" Amy asked. Eric tried his best to hold it back but he couldn't stop himself. "You...okay...they were talking about you." Eric said. Amy was surprised. "Me? Your friends were talking about me...in a sexual way?" Amy asked in disbelief. "Yes. They say you're a MILF." Eric said. "A what?" Amy asked. "A MILF." Eric said. "What is a MILF? I don't know that word." Amy said. "It means a Mother I'd Like to Fu...um...have sex with." Eric said. Amy was shocked...she'd never heard the word MILF before...and she was shocked that her son's friends thought of her like that. "Oh my goodness. So they were all talking openly about wanting to have sex with me...and that's what's bothering you right now?" Amy asked. Eric nodded. "Yes, but it's not just that...it gets worse." Eric said. "There's more? What else could there be that would be worse than that for you?" Amy asked. Eric took a deep breath. "They kept asking me how much." Eric said. "How much what?" Amy asked. "They wanted to know how much money they would have to give me to let them have sex with you." Eric said. Amy's jaw dropped open...she was completely blown away...her son's friends were asking him how much money they would have to pay Eric in order for them to have sex with her. "Oh my god. Do you believe them? I mean do you think they're serious about offering you money for that? Or do you think they were just giving you a hard time?" Amy asked. "I think they were very serious. They've given me a hard time about things before...this is nothing like that. They even asked about specific prices. They offered $300 or $500." Eric said. "They offered you as much as $500 so they could have sex with me?" Amy asked. "Yes." Eric said. "Oh Eric...I'm so sorry that they did that." Amy said. Amy hugged Eric and for a few minutes they both remained silent. "I'm sorry mom." Eric said. "You don't have anything to be sorry about Eric. You haven't done anything wrong." Amy said. She held Eric for a while longer before he pulled away from her. "Are you gonna be okay sweetie?" Amy asked. "Yeah...I think I'm going to go to bed." Eric said. "Okay." Amy said. After Eric had gone upstairs Amy sat on the couch letting what Eric had told her sink in. She was shocked that her son's 18 year old friends all seemed to want to have sex with her. Amy did consider herself attractive; she'd been asked out by several men close to her own age over the past few years...she'd never even considered that guys her son's age would be interested in her. Amy took great pride in taking good care of herself. She ate right and worked out regularly and she felt that she looked a good deal younger than her true age of 38. Amy was tall for a woman at 5'8" with long legs, a nice ass, a smooth flat tummy, and D cup breasts. Amy found herself sitting there thinking about Eric's friends. She had known them since they were little kids and to some extent that's how she still saw them. She had never once thought about any of them in a sexual way...after hearing that they were interested in her sexually however...she couldn't help thinking about them that way. Over the past several years Amy had seen them all wearing nothing but bathing suits by her pool a number of times. She had to admit...they were all good looking young men. As she sat there thinking about Eric's friends Amy couldn't help but think about how long it had been since she had been with a man. Amy had been widowed by a drunk driver 14 years earlier when Eric was 4 just years old and she hadn't been with a man since her husband died. Amy began remembering making love to her husband...it brought back good memories. Slowly her husband's face was replaced by the faces of Eric's friends. Amy was amazed at the feeling of butterflies in her stomach...and the tingling even lower...as she thought about having sex with Eric's friends. After not having sex for so long the thought of having 5 young guys wanting to have sex with her excited Amy. The idea of having men less than half her age want to have sex with her so badly that they were willing to pay her for it excited her too. "Could I actually do that?" Amy asked herself. Over the next several days Amy spent a lot of time thinking about what Eric had told her. She thought about Eric's friends. She thought about sex. She thought about getting paid to have sex with Eric's friends. Eric went to hang out with his friends every night during the week, but he came home very early and very angry every night. There was no need to talk about it...Amy knew why. By Friday night Amy had made a decision and she was determined to get Eric's friends to stop giving him a hard time one way or the other. She wasn't quite sure when she'd have the opportunity to talk to them, but she knew that she had to do it soon. Amy took a load of clean laundry upstairs, took a shower, and got dressed. When she came downstairs she saw Eric sitting on the couch watching TV. "Aren't you going out with your friends tonight sweetie?" Amy asked. "What's the point? If I go over to Lucas' tonight they're just going to ask me how much it will cost them to have sex with you again. That will get me pissed at them and I'll come home. Besides...I'm going to grandpa and grandma's this weekend and I want to get an early start tomorrow morning so I plan to turn in early." Eric said. Amy saw her chance...she knew where the 5 guys would be...and she knew Eric wouldn't be there. "Okay. I think I'm gonna go out for a drink...it's been kind of a strange week." Amy said. "Okay. Have fun." Eric said. "Oh...I'm sure I will. Don't wait up." Amy said. Amy walked out to her car and drove away. She drove across town into an expensive neighborhood. She pulled up in front of a house she'd been to several times over the years. She parked by the curb, got out of her car, and walked around the back. Out by the pool, exactly where she figured she'd find them, Amy found Eric's friends Troy, Kyle, Jeff, Lucas, and Mike sitting around talking. The guys saw her walking towards them and they all got quiet. "Good evening Mrs. Davis. Eric isn't here." Lucas said. "I know that. I'm here to talk to you guys." Amy said. "Talk to us about what?" Mike asked. "I know that the 5 of you have been giving Eric a hard time lately and I'm here because I want it to stop." Amy said. "What? What did he tell you? We haven't been bothering him about anything." Troy said. "Oh really? So you haven't been constantly asking Eric how much it will cost you to have sex with me?" Amy asked. The 5 guys all had the deer in the headlights look for a moment. "Are you kidding? We'd never do something like that. He's just trying to get us in trouble." Kyle said. "Yeah." Jeff said. Amy laughed. "I'm not buying that for one second guys. Remember...I have a son your age...I can tell when you're lying, and it is written all over your faces. I'm tired of you guys bothering Eric about this, you're supposed to be his friends, so I'm here to put an end to it." Amy said. "What do you mean put an end to it?" Mike asked. Amy had a very serious expression on her face as she looked at the 5 young men. "What I'm about to say doesn't leave the 6 of us do you hear me? If you spread it around I'll simply deny it and it will ruin things for everyone. $1,000 apiece." Amy said. "$1,000 apiece for what?" Troy asked. "You all wanted to know how much it would cost you to have sex with me. The answer is that it will cost you $1,000 each. Remember though; you can't tell anyone...especially not Eric...about anything that happens. So if this happens there will be absolutely no bragging to your friends about doing Mrs. Davis. This offer is only open to the 5 of you and nobody else." Amy said. The 5 guys sat silently for a few minutes. "Are you for real?" Lucas asked. "Yeah...are you serious or are you just messing with us?" Jeff asked. "I'm very serious. For $1,000 cash I will have sex with you. The question isn't whether or not I am serious. The question is...were you guys serious about being willing to pay to have sex with me?" Amy asked. The guys stared at Amy dumbfounded for a moment. "Hell yes we were serious...at least I was." Troy said. "Me too, but the price seems a little high." Mike said. "Oh it does? Well that's too bad because if you want to have sex with me that's what you'll have to pay. I'm not some cheap street walking slut. You all come from rich families and have more than enough to pay me $1,000 to have sex with you and if I'm going to do it I won't accept anything less than that amount. Does anyone think that is unreasonable? Do any of you think I'm a cheap slut?" Amy asked. "No...of course not...none of us think you're a cheap slut. Mike's an idiot...I think $1,000 sounds just fine." Jeff said. "How about the rest of you...Mike?" Amy asked. "I apologize...$1,000 will be fine." Mike said. "How about the rest of you?" Amy asked. The other guys all agreed that $1,000 sounded fine. "Good. You're serious...I'm serious...you've all agreed to the price...so now we need to talk about the rules." Amy said. "What kind of rules?" Kyle asked. "First off...and it is absolutely vital...nobody knows about this but us. You can't tell anyone about what we're doing under any circumstances...especially not Eric. If I hear that you've been bragging about it...or talking about it where people overhear you...or anything like that I'll deny it and it will all be over. If Eric somehow finds out it will definitely be over. Secondly it will be done on my schedule at locations of my choosing. If you want to have sex with me you will have to do it when it is convenient for me...not when it is convenient for you. I won't be some call girl that you can just call up any time you want to fuck. Third there will be no pictures or videos or anything like that so don't even ask for any. Fourth...when it comes to the sex itself I'm in charge so don't try to boss me around in bed. If you try to get bossy with me or if you get rough with me its over. Fifth each of our...dates...will last as long as I want it to last...no longer...no shorter. If all I want is one quick fuck that's all it will be. If all I want is to do oral that's all it will be. Then again...if I want it to last all weekend...that's how it will be too. You will accept whatever I want to do without complaining or it's over. Sixth...there will be no discounts...you all have a good deal of money and already agreed to the price...so its $1,000 per time...cash...in advance...no exceptions. If you don't have the money...you don't have the mommy. Seventh you guys have to stop giving Eric a hard time. He's your friend...he's been your friend all your lives...act like it. You need to apologize to him for giving him such a hard time about wanting to fuck me and you need to get him to hang out with you again. That will work to our benefit...if he's hanging out with some of you guys...he won't be at my house...making it easier for me to have one of you pay me a visit. Are there any questions about the rules?" Amy asked. There were no questions. "Okay then...its Friday night and you all look like you want to jump me right now, but which one of you is man enough and more importantly has the cash to be first?" Amy asked. The guys all pulled out their money and started counting. "God damn it...I've only got $300 on me." Troy said. "I've only got $650." Lucas said. "I've got $1,000...man I'm glad I didn't swing by to get my pot yet." Jeff said. Jeff fanned out the bills proving that he had $1,000 cash...showing it to Amy. She took it and counted it out to be sure it was all there. "Okay...it looks like you'll be my 'date' tonight Jeff." Amy said. "Then let's get over to your place." Jeff said. "Easy there Jeff...Eric is at my house right now. It would be a little awkward if we showed up and asked him to leave so we could have sex. You guys need to call him and tell him that you want to apologize to him for giving him such a hard time lately. Have him come over here and get him to drink with you and hang out for a couple of hours while Jeff and I go have some fun. Oh and if Eric leaves here before Jeff calls you...call Jeff's cell phone so Jeff will be able to leave and I'll have a chance to clean up before Eric gets home." Amy said. Troy dialed Eric's cell phone. "Hello?" Eric asked. "Hey Eric...it's Troy." Troy said. "What do you want?" Eric asked. "Me and the guys were talking...we've been ribbing you pretty hard about your mom lately. We didn't really mean it and we're sorry. Why don't you come over to Lucas' place and hang out with us? We promise that we're done giving you a hard time about your mom." Troy said. "Okay...I'll be right over, but if you guys say one word about my mom..." Eric said. "Don't worry man...we won't. See you in a few minutes." Troy said. He hung up. "Okay...he's on his way." Troy said. "Then let's get going." Jeff said. Jeff and Amy got in their cars and took the long way to Amy's house so they didn't pass Eric on the way. Jeff got a text message letting them know that Eric had arrived at Lucas' house so they pulled into Amy's driveway knowing Eric wasn't home. They went inside and headed straight to the bedroom. They were both nervous as they sat down on the edge of the bed. "So...Jeff...how do you want to do this?" Amy asked. "What do you mean? I thought you said that you were in charge." Jeff said. "I am, but this is my first time whoring myself to someone and I'm a little nervous. On the way over here I decided that if you've been lusting after me for a long time like you all claimed you probably have a scene in your head of how you'd get me...it might make things easier for me and more fun for both of us to play that out...assuming it doesn't involve anything public or anything like that. So...how did you get me in your fantasies?" Amy asked. "Well...I've wanted to see you naked for as long as I can remember. I have even slipped into your room a few times over the years while you were in the shower hoping that you'd left the bathroom door open just a bit so I could catch a peak at you. I was never lucky enough to catch you, but I've fantasized about it a lot." Jeff said. "So you want to catch me in the shower?" Amy asked. "Yeah...yeah that would be great." Jeff said. "So...like...I go get into the shower and then you sneak into my bathroom, watch me through the glass shower door for a while, and then slip into the shower with me or something?" Amy asked. "Yeah...that would be awesome." Jeff said. "Okay...that sounds simple enough to me. Wait out here for a few minutes so I can go in there and get ready. Oh and when you do come in, bring your phone so we can hear it if it rings." Amy said. Amy got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door most of the way, but left it open just a crack so that it wouldn't latch closed. She walked over to the large walk in shower, opened the glass door turned on the water to get it warmed up. Amy stood looking at her reflection in the mirror. "Am I really going to do this?" Amy asked herself quietly. She looked at herself for a minute or so and then her mind returned to the tingling between her legs and the butterflies in her stomach. "Yes...I'm doing this." Amy said to herself. She slowly got undressed; carefully placing her clothes up on the counter by the sink. Amy looked at her naked reflection in the mirror; then she turned towards the shower, opened the door, and stepped into the steamy spray. The heat of the water and the steamy air surrounding her only enhanced Amy's growing arousal. When Amy was thoroughly wet from head to toe she took a deep breath. "Well...here we go. OKAY...I'M READY WHEN YOU ARE!" Amy yelled. Jeff had been craning his ear towards the bathroom door listening for Amy's signal. When he heard it he jumped up from the bed and quickly stripped out of all of his clothes. When he was completely naked Jeff grabbed his cell phone, walked to the bathroom door, quietly pushed it open, and stepped inside. He quietly closed and locked the door behind him before turning his attention to the shower. The air in the bathroom was filled with steam, but Jeff could easily see Amy through the glass wall of the shower. The water streaking down the glass as well as the steam distorted his view slightly, but that didn't matter to Jeff. For a few minutes Jeff stood and watched her wash her body. After several minutes Jeff put his cell phone on the counter and stepped quietly towards the shower door. He reached out his hand and slowly pulled the handle...opening the shower door. Amy turned and acted surprised to see him...she covered herself with her hands. "Jeff...what are you doing in here? You aren't supposed to be in here. Get out of here." Amy said. "You don't want me to go." Jeff said. "Yes I do." Amy said. "Your brain says go...but your body says stay." Jeff said. Amy had lowered her hands revealing her fully nude body to Jeff. He looked her up and down carefully taking in every last detail. After a few minutes of ogling Amy's body Jeff stepped into the shower closing the door behind him. "Jeff...please...you shouldn't be in here." Amy said. "Mrs. Davis...you are absolutely gorgeous...even more beautiful than I imagined." Jeff said. "Thank you Jeff, that's nice of you to say, but I know I don't compare to girls your age." Amy said. "I'm bored with girls Mrs. Davis...what I want is a real...live...woman." Jeff said. He kissed her and took her in his arms. "Jeff...you shouldn't be kissing me...it isn't right." Amy said. "You're single...I'm single...we're both over 18...there's nothing wrong with what we're doing." Jeff said. "You're one of my son's best friends...we shouldn't..." Amy said. "I won't force you into anything Mrs. Davis...if you want me to stop...all you have to do is push me away." Jeff said. Jeff kissed Amy again...she didn't push him away. After kissing her for a minute or so Jeff moved his mouth down to Amy's luscious breasts and licked and sucked them for several minutes before moving lower. The shower had a bench seat in it that was supposed to be used with the steam feature...Jeff guided Amy down onto it. Jeff got down on his knees and gently pulled Amy's legs wide apart. He started at her knees and kissed his way up her thighs to her pussy. He devoured Amy's pussy for several minutes and was rewarded with a mouthful of her sweet nectar as she had an orgasm. They both stood up and Amy kissed Jeff licking her juices from his face. "God Jeff that was incredible." Amy said. "I'm glad you liked it Mrs. Davis." Jeff said. Amy laughed. "Call me Amy...calling me Mrs. Davis when you have my pussy juice running down your chin just sounds ridiculous." Amy said. Jeff smiled. "Okay Amy." Jeff said. "I guess it's my turn now." Amy said. Amy kissed her way down Jeff's body until she reached his cock. Amy gently kissed his cock and stroked it lightly. Amy looked up and saw Jeff looking down at her with pure lust in his eyes. "The first time you only get one...do you want a blowjob or do you want to have sex?" Amy asked. "Sex." Jeff groaned. Amy kissed Jeff's cock again and stood up. She turned away from Jeff and bent down. Jeff moved in behind her and pushed his aching cock into her pussy. It was the first time in 14 years that a cock had been inside her. Jeff started fucking her hard and fast. "Oh god Amy...your pussy feels so fucking good." Jeff said. "Slow down...you'll never last long like that...slow it down...enjoy it." Amy said. Jeff slowed down as much as he could, but he still came within a few minutes. Amy pulled off of Jeff's cock and turned to face him. Jeff kissed her and held her wet naked body tight against his. "So...what did you think? Remembering that this first time was just a taste of what can be...was $1,000 a fair price?" Amy asked. "God yes...that was incredible." Jeff said. He kissed Amy. "So will you want to do this again?" Amy asked. "I'll be going to the ATM as soon as I get a chance." Jeff said. "I'm glad to hear it. There's one more rule that I forgot to mention earlier that I plan to tell each of you about one at a time." Amy said. "What's the rule?" Jeff asked. "If you want to be with me again you have to eat your cum back out of me." Amy said. "What? No way." Jeff said sounding disgusted. "Suit yourself, but I should tell you that once you say no there won't be any more opportunities for you to be with me." Amy said. Amy went to grab the hand shower to wash herself out, but Jeff grabbed her hand. "Wait...I'll do it." Jeff said. "That's what I like to hear. Now...lay down on the floor." Amy said. Jeff laid down on the floor of the large shower. Amy squatted over his face and lowered her cum filled pussy down onto his mouth. "Now be sure to get it all." Amy said. Jeff licked and sucked his cum out of Amy's pussy. Amy moaned as Jeff licked his cum out of her. Amy's husband had licked his cum out of her many times and Amy had always enjoyed it so it felt incredible to have someone doing it again. When Jeff was done Amy moved off of him and they both stood up. "There now...that wasn't so bad was it?" Amy asked. Jeff didn't say anything. "Don't worry Jeff...they'll all have to do it when it is their turn. If they don't do it they won't get any more time with me. You'd probably better get going...Eric will probably be back soon." Amy said. "When can I see you again?" Jeff asked. "We have to be fair and wait until the others have had their opportunity. When you get back tell Troy that he's next if he has the money and have him call me tomorrow morning on my cell phone. Any time after 8:00." Amy said. "Sure." Jeff said. Jeff kissed Amy, slipped out of the shower, dried off, grabbed his cell phone, went to the bedroom, got dressed, and left. Amy rinsed herself off, got out of the shower, dried off, got dressed, and was downstairs reading when Eric got home. "Oh hi sweetie...I thought you were in bed. Did you change your mind about going out?" Amy asked. "Yeah...after you left the guys called and said they wanted me to come over to Lucas' place so they could apologize to me about the things they've been saying about you." Eric said. "Oh I'm glad...I knew that they'd drop it eventually." Amy said. "Well...I'm gonna call it a night...I've got to be on the road pretty early tomorrow." Eric said. "Okay...goodnight sweetie." Amy said. Eric went upstairs to bed. At 8:30 the next morning Amy's phone rang. "I was wondering when you were going to call." Amy said. "I wanted to be sure that Eric was gone before I did." Troy said. "He left a little after 7:00 to go spend the weekend with his grandparents and won't be home until Sunday night...which means I'm here in this big old house all alone." Amy said playfully. "I can help you with that." Troy said. "Have you got the cash?" Amy asked. "I hit the ATM before I went home last night." Troy said. "Then come on over." Amy said. Twenty minutes later Amy was counting Troy's money. "Okay...so...you've fantasized about me right? In your fantasy...how did you picture getting me the first time?" Amy asked. "What? Why do you want to know that?" Troy asked. "Last night Jeff and I played out his fantasy of how he always pictured getting me. It helped us with the awkwardness of the situation. I figured I'd do it with all of you this first time." Amy said. "Oh...that makes sense I guess. Well...I always pictured walking into your room and finding you sleeping. I'd pull back the covers and you'd be laying there naked. I'd look at you and touch you for a while before you woke up. You would always wake up when I was eating you and you'd want me to continue." Troy said. "Well...that's certainly doable...let's go make that fantasy a reality. I'll go up to my bedroom, get naked, crawl into bed, and pretend to be asleep. Give me a few minutes to get ready and then come on up to the bedroom." Amy said. "Okay." Troy said. Amy went up to her bedroom and pulled the covers...except for the thin top sheet...off the bed. She then got completely naked and crawled into the bed and lay perfectly still as if she were asleep. She could hear Troy coming up the stairs. "Okay...I'm ready." Amy said. Amy lay perfectly motionless with her eyes closed as Troy opened the bedroom door and quietly stepped inside. He closed the door and moved over beside the bed so he was looking down at Amy. For several minutes Troy looked at Amy lying there, but then he grew bolder and gently began pulling at the thin sheet that was covering Amy's naked body. He pulled the sheet very slowly...slowly enough that had Amy really been asleep it might not have woken her up. Amy's breasts came into view and Troy stopped for a few minutes to look at them. Then he pulled some more. Amy's tummy...her belly button...her shaved pubic area...and her pussy all came into view little by little. Troy pulled the sheet completely away leaving Amy's body completely uncovered and lying naked on the bed. He stood silently beside the bed looking down at her for several minutes. Eventually Troy gently sat on the bed beside Amy being careful not to shake the bed too much. He leaned over Amy's body getting a closer look at her breasts and her pussy. Slowly he began to touch her. His hands touched and caressed nearly every inch of her flesh. He gently squeezed her nipples and rubbed her pussy. He lowered his mouth down to engulf one of Amy's nipples. He suckled at her nipples for a few minutes before moving down between her legs where he began licking her pussy. It was Troy's fantasy that Amy wake up while he was licking her pussy, plus it really felt good so she started moaning and panting. "Don't stop...don't stop." Amy said. Troy looked up...playing into the fantasy...caught. "Hey...I said don't stop." Amy said. "I..." Troy said. "You can apologize later...for now...finish what you started." Amy said. Troy went back to licking Amy's pussy...he brought her to orgasm and she covered her face with a pillow to muffle the scream. When Troy was done lapping up Amy's juices she pounced on him. She kissed him and began opening his pants. "Mrs. Davis..." Troy started. "Amy." Amy said. Amy lowered her head down and licked and sucked Troy's balls while slowly stroking his cock. She could see him looking down at her...she smiled. "Do you want me to suck you cock? Or would you rather fuck me?" Amy asked. "I want both." Troy said. "Sorry...you only get one the first time." Amy said. "Then I definitely want to fuck you." Troy said. "Then do it." Amy said. Amy flopped back onto the bed and Troy mounted her...driving his cock into her. He lasted just over two minutes before he came in her. He collapsed down onto Amy with all of his weight. She kissed him and put her arms around him. "Was it good for you?" Amy asked. "God yes...I'm sorry that I didn't last that long." Troy said. "That's okay...I didn't expect you to. Was it worth $1,000?" Amy asked. "Hell yes." Troy said. "Will you want to do this again?" Amy asked. "Yes...as soon as possible." Troy said. "Then you have to do something." Amy said. "Anything." Troy said. "Lick your cum out of me." Amy said. "What?" Troy asked. "It's a rule I decided to tell you all about one at a time, and only after you've fucked me. If you want to see me again then you have to lick your cum out of me...otherwise you're out." Amy said. "Oh man...fine." Troy said. Troy crawled off of Amy and moved between her legs. He licked and sucked his cum back out of her as Amy held his head with both hands. "There now...you've earned a second opportunity. As soon as the others have had their turn we can set up another 'date'." Amy said. "Well Eric's going to be gone all weekend right?" Troy asked. "Yes he is...and I'm going to call one of the other guys as soon as you've left." Amy said. "Well don't let me keep you from it. The sooner you get done with them the sooner I get to fuck you again." Troy said. Troy got dressed and left. Amy grabbed her cell phone and called Lucas. "Hello?" Lucas asked. "Lucas...its Amy." Amy said. "Amy? Oh...Mrs. Davis...is it my turn?" Lucas asked. "Have you got the cash?" Amy asked. "Oh yeah I've got it." Lucas said. "Then come on over." Amy said. Amy quickly cleaned up and was waiting for Lucas when he arrived. He immediately handed her the cash. She quickly counted it and then looked at Lucas. "Okay...what's your fantasy?" Amy asked. "What do you mean?" Lucas asked. "How did you picture having sex with me the first time when you fantasized about me?" Amy asked. "Oh...um...it's kind of embarrassing." Lucas said. "There's no need to be embarrassed Lucas...I won't judge you...I won't tell anybody...and maybe we can make your dream come true." Amy said. "Well...okay...I always pictured you catching me jerking off on your bed with your panties scattered all around me." Lucas said. "My panties...are you the one that stole some of my panties?" Amy asked. "Yes." Lucas said meekly. Amy smiled. "Thank god...I was afraid that it was Eric. Your fantasy is no problem...in fact...it sounds like fun...let's go up to the bedroom." Amy said. They went upstairs. "Okay...since you've stolen panties from me in the past you know where they are. Go ahead on into the bedroom and have some fun. I'll give you 5 minutes...then I'll come in." Amy said. Lucas went into Amy's bedroom and shut the door. He immediately took all of his clothes off and opened Amy's panty drawer. He pulled out all of her panties and threw them on the bed. Lucas climbed onto the bed and picked up two pairs of panties. He held the crotch of one pair to his nose and used the other pair to slowly stroke his rock hard cock. Amy waited for what she figured to be 5 minutes then she opened the door. Playing in to Lucas' fantasy she looked shocked and angry. "Lucas! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Amy asked. "I...I...I...I..." Lucas stammered. "Now I'm going to have to wash all of those...thanks a lot Lucas. What do you want to play with a bunch of silly panties for anyway?" Amy asked. Amy looked at Lucas sternly...expecting an answer. "They've...they've been intimate with your most intimate places." Lucas said. "Yeah...but those are clean...they don't smell like me...they smell like fabric softener. You should have gone through the hamper to get the dirty ones. At least those would smell like me. Or did you go through my hamper too?" Amy asked. "No." Lucas said. "So you don't know what my pussy actually smells like then do you?" Amy asked. "No." Lucas said. "Well...let's change that." Amy said. "What?" Lucas asked. "Lay back down." Amy said. Lucas did as Amy told him. Amy quickly took off the little sundress she was wearing leaving her in only her bra and panties. She crawled up on the bed. "If you like sniffing my panties so much...try sniffing them when they're still on me." Amy said. She lowered her panty covered pussy down on to Lucas' face. "Smell it...take in long deep breaths." Amy said in commanding tone. Lucas started breathing deep. "Do you like that Lucas? Does it smell good?" Amy asked. "Yes...yes...it smells wonderful." Lucas said. "Lick them...lick the crotch of my panties." Amy said. Lucas started licking the crotch of Amy's panties. "Can you taste my pussy through my panties Lucas?" Amy asked. "Yes." Lucas said. "Do you want a better taste of it? Do you want to taste my bare pussy Lucas?" Amy asked. "Yes...please...yes." Lucas said. "Ask for it. Ask me if you can please taste my bare pussy." Amy said. "Can I please taste your bare pussy?" Lucas asked. Amy reached down, pulled the crotch of her panties to one side and squatted hard on Lucas' face. "You want to taste me? Fine...taste me...lick me...lick me you dirty little panty boy. Lick my pussy." Amy said. Lucas started licking Amy's pussy. "That's it...you're a good little pussy licker aren't you panty boy? Stick your tongue inside me." Amy said. Lucas stuck his tongue in Amy's pussy and after a few minutes she came on his face. Amy then moved off of Lucas' face and he sat up. "Well done panty boy. Now let's see what else you're good at." Amy said. Amy kissed Lucas for a few minutes before taking off her bra guiding Lucas' head down to her breasts. "Suck them. Suck them and lick them panty boy." Amy said. Lucas sucked and licked Amy's breasts and then Amy forcefully pushed him back on the bed. "You're pretty good at that too panty boy. Now...you have two...no three choices. Choice number one I give you a blowjob. Choice number two I take off the panties I'm wearing and use them to give you a hand job. Choice number 3 I take off the panties I'm wearing, you put them on, and you fuck me. You only get one this first time...what's it going to be panty boy?" Amy asked. "It's definitely option 3. The other two would be great, but I've wanted to fuck you so bad for so long." Lucas said. Amy quickly took off her panties and handed them to Lucas. He pulled them up stretching them out to get them over his ass with his cock and balls poking out. Amy looked at him and smiled. "Those look pretty good on you panty boy. Do you like wearing my panties?" Amy asked. "Yes." Lucas said. "Lay back down panty boy." Amy said. Lucas laid down. Amy straddled Lucas' hard cock and guided it into her pussy. She rode him until he came inside her after just a few minutes. Amy slumped forward onto Lucas. She kissed him and looked down into his face. She smiled. "So...my little panty boy...was this worth $1,000?" Amy asked. "Hell yes." Lucas said. "Do you think you'll want to do it again once the others have had their chance?" Amy asked. "Absolutely." Lucas said. "Then there's something you need to do." Amy said. "What is it?" Lucas asked. "You have to lick your cum back out of me. It's a little rule I decided to tell you about individually just to see how serious you are about doing this again. So...what do you say panty boy?" Amy asked. "I say...give me that sloppy pussy." Lucas said. Amy moved her pussy up over Lucas' face and he sucked and licked until every last trace of his cum had been cleaned from Amy's pussy. "You're very good at that panty boy. I'd say you even enjoyed it." Amy said. "I did. That wasn't my first cream pie...a few of my girlfriends have let me do that." Lucas said. "I think you ruined that pair of panties so you can keep them if you want. Do you want to keep them panty boy?" Amy asked. "Yes." Lucas said. "Then leave them on as you get dressed and wear them home." Amy said. Lucas rolled off the bed, pulled his boxers up over Amy's panties, finished getting dressed, and left. After Lucas left Amy took a nap and showered to be rested up before calling Mike. "Hello." Mike said. "Hi Mike...its Amy." Amy said. "Oh...hi Mrs. Davis...do I get to come spend some time with you now?" Mike asked. "If you've got the money honey...I've got the time." Amy said. "I've got the money." Mike said. "Then come on over." Amy said. "I'll see you in a few minutes." Mike said. Mike handed Amy 10 crisp new $100 bills as soon as he walked in the door. She examined them carefully. "Okay...so in all the times you've pictured fucking me...how did you figure it would go down?" Amy asked. "What? Why do you want to know that?" Mike asked. "I've decided that since you guys all fantasized about me it might be fun to help you fulfill your fantasies...so you can fuck me the way you always pictured. Assuming it can be done here of course." Amy said. "Oh...that's awesome of you. Okay...I always pictured it as me spending the night over here with Eric and you walking in on me when I was in the shower the next morning." Mike said. "That sounds exciting, but the shower Eric uses is a little small for two people." Amy said. "I know...that's why I always pictured fucking you on the counter." Mike said. "Okay...let's go upstairs and make your fantasy a reality." Amy said. They went upstairs and Mike went into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and took off his clothes. After a few minutes Amy opened the door. "Mike...I didn't know if there were any towels so I brought you....oh my god...I'm sorry." Amy said. "It's okay...really." Mike said. "I should let you get dressed." Amy said. "Or you could get undressed." Mike said. Amy laughed. "That's a good line...does it work on anyone?" Amy asked. "I don't know...how's it working on you?" Mike asked. "Well...all of a sudden I am really warm." Amy said. "Let me help you with that." Mike said. He reached around Amy and pushed the bathroom door closed. He also opened her sun dress and pulled it off so it fell to the floor. "There...that should help cool you off...though it is making me hot." Mike said. Mike put his hands on Amy's waist. "You look a little flushed...you must still be warm...let's see what we can do about that." Mike said. He moved his hands up Amy's back until he found her bra strap. "What are you doing?" Amy asked. "I'm taking your bra off so I can finally see your tits." Mike said. "Mike...we shouldn't....you shouldn't...Eric could wake up." Amy said. "Eric's out cold...an earthquake wouldn't wake him up." Mike said. Mike unclasped Amy's bra and pulled it off of her shoulders. Amy let the bra fall to the floor between them. She was pretending to be very nervous. Mike stared at Amy's chest. "There they are at long last. They're even more perfect than I imagined. Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to see your tits?" Mike asked. "How long?" Amy asked. "Seven years...ever since puberty I've wanted to see these tits. I've spent 7 years staring at your tits when you weren't looking. Every tight top...every low cut blouse...every time you'd put on your bikini and come out by the pool with us...they were all torture. I've been trying to sneak a peak at your tits for 7 years and now here they are in my hands...fully exposed...beautiful." Mike said. Mike was gently cupping each of Amy's breasts with his hands. He lifted them to feel their weight in his hands and gently caressed them as he flicked her nipples with his thumbs. "Mike please...that's enough. You wanted to see my breasts and now you've seen and touched them. Eric could wake up any minute and catch us...we have to stop. Please let me get dressed." Amy said. "We can't stop yet. Yes I've seen and felt your tits, but you've got something else that I've wanted to see for a long time too. Who knows if I'll ever get another chance? Take your panties off for me." Mike said. "What?" Amy asked. "Take your panties off." Mike said. "You want me...to...to take my panties off?" Amy asked. "Yes. I've wanted to see your pussy for almost as long as I've wanted to see your tits. Now take your panties off." Mike said. "I...I can't...I won't." Amy said. "Take them off." Mike said. "Why do I have to do it? Why don't you do it? You've stripped me out of the rest of my clothes." Amy said. "Oh no...I won't take them off...I want you to take them off. I want to watch you to take your panties off. I want you to take your panties off knowing that you're taking them off for me. Now...take them off." Mike said. "Um...well...I...okay...but that's it. I'll take them off...you can look at my pussy, but that's it." Amy said. "Take them off." Mike said. Amy sighed. "Fine...I'll do it." Amy said. Mike stepped back and watched as Amy slowly hooked her thumbs into her panties and began pushing them down slowly. When Mike got his first view of Amy's pussy he licked his lips. Amy pushed her panties down her thighs, past her knees, they fell down her calves to her ankles, and she stepped out of them. "There...I took my panties off for you." Amy said. "There now...was that so bad?" Mike asked. "No...I guess not. Can I get dressed now?" Amy asked. "Not just yet. Pick up your panties and hand them to me." Mike said. "What?" Amy asked. "Pick them up. I want you to hand them to me." Mike said. "Um...okay." Amy said. Amy started to crouch down to pick up her panties. "No...not like that. Come over to this side and face away from me. I want you to bend over at the waist...so I can see you from behind." Mike said. Amy moved to the other side of the panties, spread her feet a little more than a foot apart, and bent down with her ass pointed right at Mike. She lingered in her bent position for a while and wiggled her butt playfully before straightening back up with the panties in her hands. She turned to face Mike and offered them to him. Mike smiled. "Here...take them, but please can I get dressed now?" Amy asked. Mike took the panties and put them on his head as if he was a king putting on his crown. He pulled Amy to him and kissed her. "Amy...you are so beautiful. Oh...I enjoyed the shy and embarrassed act, but you can drop it now." Mike said. "Okay." Amy said. Mike lowered his mouth to Amy's breasts and kissed, licked, sucked, and even nibbled on them while his hands squeezed and caressed them. After several minutes Amy shrieked from surprise when Mike grabbed her and put her up on the counter. He kissed his way down her body and between her legs. "Mmm...your pussy smells so sweet. I've been dying to taste your pussy for so long." Mike said. He began licking her pussy as his hands returned to her breasts. When Amy had an orgasm Mike lapped up her cum as if it was ambrosia. He kissed his way back up her body...gently suckling each of her nipples before kissing her on her mouth. Amy reached down and gently squeezed and began stroking Mike's hard cock which was aching. "This first time you have to choose...do you want me to suck your cock...or do you want to fuck me?" Amy asked between kisses. Mike's response was to pull Amy close to the edge of the counter and plunge his cock into her. Mike knew that he wasn't going to last very long so he made the most of it. He took long slow deep strokes allowing his cock to savor every last detail of Amy's pussy. After a few minutes of fucking Amy Mike couldn't take it anymore and he started fucking her hard and fast. It only took two minutes of that before Mike buried his cock in Amy's pussy and grunted as he came inside her. Exhausted he slumped forward onto Amy's chest and began kissing her breasts again. "That...that was amazing." Mike said. "Was it worth $1,000?" Amy asked. "Yes...I definitely got my money's worth." Mike said. "So will you want to do it again?" Amy asked. "Absolutely. I've got a nice big bank account with your name on it." Mike said. "I'm glad to hear that. There's something that you need to do if you're serious about doing this again." Amy said. "Anything." Mike said. "You have to eat your cum out of me." Amy said. "What?" Mike asked. "It's a little rule I forgot to mention when I had you all together. I thought it would be less embarrassing for you all to hear it now...privately." Amy said. "You mean after we've experienced what a hot fuck you are." Mike said. Amy giggled. "Well...that too. I just want to be sure that you know what you could be missing out on if you say no." Amy said. "So if I don't do it I don't get to be with you again? Even for $1,000?" Mike asked. "Not even for $5,000." Amy said. "Well then...I'll do it...I won't like it...but I'll do it." Mike said. Mike lowered himself down and licked and sucked his cum out of Amy's pussy. "There now...that wasn't so bad was it?" Amy asked. "I guess not...it's worth it for the chance to be with you again anyway." Mike said. Amy smiled. "Given enough time you might learn to like it." Amy said. "I doubt it. So when can I see you again?" Mike asked. "Not everybody has had their 1st turn yet Mike...we have to be fair. We'll talk about future dates after everyone has had their turn. Now...its late and I've had a full day so you need to get out of here so I can get some sleep." Amy said. "Okay." Mike said. Mike gathered up his clothes to go dress in Eric's room. When he reached the door to the bathroom Amy cleared her throat to get Mike's attention. "Um...Mike...are you forgetting something?" Amy asked. "What?" Mike asked. Amy pointed at Mike's head. "Oh...I forgot...I'm sorry. I believe these are yours." Mike said. He took Amy's panties off of his head, handed them to her, and then left the room. After Mike left Amy called Kyle. "Hello." Kyle said. "Hi Kyle...its Amy." Amy said. "Oh hi Mrs. Davis...I've been wondering when you were going to call. When do I get to come and see you?" Kyle asked. "Tomorrow morning. I hope you aren't the church going type...though considering that you're paying me for sex I have a hard time picturing you in church." Amy giggled. "I plan on doing the death bed repentance. I've got too much sinning left to do." Kyle said. "Well then come on over tomorrow morning and I'll help you with some of that sinning." Amy giggled. Kyle arrived at 9:00 Sunday morning with the money in his hands. Amy examined the $1,000 and then she and Kyle sat down to talk. "Okay Kyle...tell me...when you've fantasized about me...how did you get me to have sex with you?" Amy asked. "I didn't...it was always you that came on to me." Kyle said. "So...the horny single woman going after her son's friend?" Amy asked. "Yep...why?" Kyle asked. "Because so far I've helped the other guys live out their fantasy of how they fantasized about getting me...I figured I'd do that with you too. Are you up for a little role playing?" Amy asked. "Sure...as long as I get to fuck you." Kyle said. Amy smiled. "You will...I'll go into the kitchen and then you come in like you came over looking for Eric...okay?" Amy asked. "Sure thing." Kyle said. Amy went into the kitchen and started emptying the dishwasher. A minute or so later Kyle came into the room. "Hey Mrs. Davis...is Eric here?" Kyle asked. "No...I'm afraid he's not Kyle." Amy said. "Oh...well could you tell him I stopped by?" Kyle asked. "Just because Eric isn't here doesn't mean that you have to leave Kyle." Amy said. "Why would I stay if Eric isn't here Mrs. Davis?" Kyle asked. Amy walked over close to Kyle. "Call me Amy...please." Amy said. "Okay...Amy. Why do you want me to stay?" Kyle asked. "Do you think I'm pretty Kyle?" Amy asked. "What?" Kyle asked. "Do you think I'm pretty?" Amy asked. "Sure...you're really good looking." Kyle said. "Do you think I'm sexy?" Amy asked. "Wha...I..." Kyle stammered. "It's a simple question Kyle...I've seen the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking...do you think I'm sexy?" Amy asked. "Yes...you're very sexy." Kyle said. Amy smiled. "I like it that you think I'm sexy Kyle. I like it a lot." Amy said. She moved in and kissed Kyle. "Amy...I..." Kyle started. "Kyle come with me." Amy said. Amy took Kyle's hand and pulled him along behind her. When they got into the bedroom Amy kissed Kyle and began undressing him. "What are you doing?" Kyle asked. "I'm trying to get you naked so I can fuck you. Don't you want to fuck me Kyle?" Amy asked. "Uh...yeah...but..." Kyle said. "No buts Kyle...I want it...you want it...just let it happen." Amy said. She kissed Kyle again and they both started to undress each other. Once they were both naked they moved onto the bed where Kyle used his hands and his mouth to explore Amy's body with the enthusiasm of a teenager. When he got between her legs Amy cooed. Kyle got so into licking Amy's pussy that he didn't stop after her first orgasm...only after her second orgasm did he finally pull his face away. Amy pulled Kyle up and kissed him. She kissed down his body...she kissed, licked, and sucked on Kyle's balls for a few minutes while slowly stroking his cock. "You have a choice to make now Kyle. The first time you only get one...do you want me to suck you off or do you want to fuck me?" Amy asked. "I want to fuck you." Kyle said. "Okay...do me from behind." Amy said. Amy got into a 'doggie style' position and Kyle moved in behind her and started fucking her. "Oh god Amy...your pussy is amazing...it feels so good." Kyle said. After only a few minutes he came inside her. Amy and Kyle lay side by side on the bed to catch their breaths. "So...did you get your money's worth?" Amy asked. "Considering you're giving us just enough to make us want to come back for more...HELL YES!!!" Kyle said. "Does that mean that you want to get together with me again?" Amy asked. "Absolutely." Kyle said. "Then you need to get your head down between my legs and lick your cum out of me." Amy said. "What? Why?" Kyle asked. "It's a rule that I decided to tell you all about individually. It's my way of being sure that you're serious about this. If you want to come back you have to clean up the mess you made of me. If you don't want to have sex with me again...well then you can leave my pussy messy as you walk out the door. The choice is yours." Amy said. Kyle immediately moved his head down between Amy's legs and licked his cum out of her. After he's licked it all out of her he crawled up beside her and kissed her. "Well...I guess I should probably go." Kyle said. "No...you should get dressed and call the other guys and have them all come over. Now that we've been through it once we all need to talk about it and see what we want to do going forward." Amy said. "Okay...can I grab a shower?" Kyle asked. "Yeah...sure...you can use Eric's shower." Amy said. Amy headed to her shower and Kyle headed down the hall to the other shower. Once they had cleaned up they both got dressed. Kyle called the other guys and waited in the living room for them to arrive while Amy waited upstairs. An hour after finishing her first time with each of the 5 guys; Kyle, Mike, Jeff, Lucas, and Troy were all sitting in Amy's living room. Amy walked in and sat down facing the 5 of them. "Hi guys...I'm glad you were all able to make it on such short notice. I figured that we should all talk now that you've all had your turn. Are all of you satisfied that you got your money's worth the first time?" Amy asked. "Absolutely." Jeff said. "Hell yeah." Mike said. The other guys agreed. "Was I able to help each of you live out your fantasy of how to get me well enough?" Amy asked. "It was awesome." Lucas said. "Better than my fantasy ever was." Troy said. "Now that you've had me once is there anyone that doesn't want to do it again?" Amy asked. "Are you kidding? There's no way I want to stop." Troy said. "Yeah no kidding." Jeff said. "You're like that old potato chip commercial...I bet you can't eat just one...well I can't just have sex with you once." Lucas said. "So everybody wants to continue?" Amy asked. "YES!!!" All 5 guys say emphatically. Amy smiled. "Good...I'd hoped you would all enjoy it." Amy said. "Oh we enjoyed it and we want more." Troy said. "Okay, if we're going to do more of this then we have some things to discuss. First off all of the rules that we discussed before remain the same. From now on however I won't necessarily be limiting you to only one orgasm all the time, and I won't make you choose between oral sex and fucking all the time. However I'm still in charge so if I say that all you get is one...then that's all it will be. I doubt I'll do that very much though." Amy said. "That's good news because it was hard to say no to you sucking my cock, but I had to go with fucking...in case there wasn't a second chance." Jeff said. "Yeah no kidding...with no guarantee that there'd be a second time it wasn't even a choice...fucking was the only option." Kyle said. "Well...you'll have more options now. I am still in charge though so I might still make you choose sometimes...and sometimes I might choose for you and not give you a choice. Other times I might have you cum 4 or 5 times in a lot of different ways...it will depend on the mood I'm in. Also...we did some role playing with the first time to live out your fantasies...we may do more of that if you want to and I'm in the mood for it, but as far as I'm concerned from now on it will be all about fucking. Any questions so far?" Amy asked. "Will we be able to do anal with you? None of my girlfriends has let me and I'm curious." Troy said. "Me too." Jeff said. "Yes...I will do anal with you from time to time, but you will have to ask for it and I won't always say yes. Any other questions?" Amy asked. There were no other questions. "Okay...now we need to talk about how to make this work without anyone...especially Eric...finding out about it. It's the first weekend in June...so it is basically summer and you've all graduated so you aren't in school. Eric works from 8-4 every week day and I'm self employed and work out of the house anyway which means that Eric will be away from the house and I'll be able to make time whenever I want. That leaves it to you guys to be free during weekday hours so we can get together. Do you think you can do that?" Amy asked. "I can...I don't have a job this summer so I was just gonna be hanging out and stuff all summer anyway." Lucas said. "Eric's the only one of us that has a job. I think the rest of us were planning to spend the summer just hanging out...so I think we're all free." Mike said. "Okay good. I've decided that you'll each only be able to meet with me one day a week. There are 5 weekdays and 5 of you so you will each have a day assigned to you." Amy said. "What if we miss our day? Like if we have to go somewhere or something?" Kyle asked. "If you are assigned to Monday and miss the Monday and want to get together on a different day it will cost you another $200 and you will meet with me after the guy that is supposed to meet with me that day has met with me...to be fair to him...since it is his day. Unless you call me 24 hours in advance to let me know you won't be able to make it I'll expect you to be here on your appointed day every week with cash in hand. You can skip a week if you want, but you have to tell me first. If you skip 2 or more weeks in a row it will cost you $5,000 to get back in. Are there any problems with that?" Amy asked. "Why the hell would we ever skip a week?" Lucas asked. "Yeah...I don't think there's going to be any problem with that one." Jeff said. "So how do we decide who gets which day?" Mike asked. "I'm working on that right now." Amy said. She was writing on pieces of paper and putting them into a bowl. "Okay...I've written down the 5 days of the week on pieces of paper and put them in this little bowl...you'll draw them out and whatever day you draw will be the day that you get to be with me." Amy said. Amy shook the bowl and the guys drew. "Okay...who got what day?" Amy asked. "I got Monday." Jeff said. "I got Tuesday." Mike said. "I got Wednesday." Lucas said. "I got Thursday." Troy said. "I got Friday." Kyle said. "Okay...that means that Jeff...if you want to...and if you have $1,000...you get to have me tomorrow. Do you want to?" Amy asked. "Hell yes...I've got the cash on me now." Jeff said. "Okay...then come over at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Eric will be off to work by then and we'll have the house to ourselves." Amy said. "I'll be here." Jeff said. "Oh...unless we make other arrangements our 'dates' will all be in the morning starting at 9:00. Now...you guys had better get out of here. I'm not sure when Eric will get home and he'd know something was going on if you were all here when he gets home." Amy said. The guys left and Amy made sure everything downstairs was cleaned up. Then she went up to her bedroom, changed the sheets, and cleaned up any sign of what had happened there over the weekend. Once she was certain that there was no sign of her actions for Eric to find Amy pulled all of the money that the guys had given her out of her hiding spot and spread it around on the bed. She looked at all the money...$5,000...50 crisp $100 bills...and thought about the things that she had done to earn that money. As she thought about everything that had happened over the past few days...and what was yet to come...she got a tingling feeling in her pussy. "This has been even better than I'd hoped it would be. I've made $5,000 in cash...and I've been fucked 5 times in the past 3 days...I wish I'd known those guys wanted to fuck me sooner...I could have made enough off of them to put Eric through college." Amy said. Amy got an idea that was so ridiculous that she just couldn't resist so she took off her clothes and rolled around naked on the money...throwing it into the air and letting it fall down over her body. Amy made sure that she was dressed and the money was put away before Eric got home though. She was sitting in the living room when Eric walked in. "Hi mom...I'm home." Eric said. "Hello sweetie...how was your weekend?" Amy asked. "It was good...grandpa and I went golfing with some of his friends on Saturday...man those old guys know some filthy jokes." Eric said. Amy laughed. "I'm sure they do." Amy said. "So what did you do this weekend?" Eric asked. "Oh not much...I actually spent most of the weekend in bed." Amy said. "That's not good for you mom." Eric said. "I know...I did get some exercise in too." Amy said. "Good. Oh...we really need to do something about my car...on the way back to town it was really making a lot of noise." Eric said. "I hope it isn't too serious...you know that we can't afford to replace it right now." Amy said. "I know...but it's only going to get worse and in a few months I'll be going to college...I'd really like not to have this car then." Eric said. "Well hopefully we'll be able to replace it by then." Amy said. Amy immediately knew what she was going to do with the money Eric's friends were paying her for sex. Originally she had no real plans for what she would do with the money...she was just excited about the idea of having young men pay her for sex, and there was no way that she was just going to have sex with them for free. After hearing Eric complain about his car she knew that she would use the money to get him a new car sometime before he left for college.
Title: The Rise of the Silinde - Part 4: The rise of one race brings the fall of two by Trang-oul Tags: Action, Adventure, Character Development, Dragon, Fantasy, Gore, Human, Magic, Primate, Series The Rise of the Silinde: Part 4 â€" The rise of one race brings the fall of both Yea almost done with the history lesson stay with me guys I think I have some bad ass ideas with me here XD Note: to all copy right people I'm getting some characters from the hit game the legend of Spyro and bleach But without further ado... 5:34:45 P.M. â€" in route to the Grotto "So Ignitus how many dragons are with child?" Angrond asked to fire dragon below him. "Around 15 it's the most we've had so far." Ignitus said happily "Ah sounds like a promising clutch, next question, what generation is it?" Angrond asked. "Why does it matter?" Ignitus asked. "Come on Ignitus I've been around for a LONG time I know what happens every 10th generation." "Oh... yes it is the 10th one." "That's fantastic I'm happy for you Ignitus!" Angrond said happily. "Yes were all very happy." 6:21:18 P.M. â€" Grotto "Here we are Angrond." "This is the Grotto? Quite impressive." "Yes but to the task at hand?" "Yes yes of course where are they?" "This way." The Grotto was a cavern about 100 feet high and 250 feet wide with various ledges a few feet off the ground and some craters in the ground big enough to fit a dragon easily there were 16 dragons all total in the nests and around 2 times that number, most male, the few females that weren't with child looked to be anywhere from 2 to 3 months from labor. When Ignitus entered they greeted him but when Angrond came around the corner all the males instantly went rigid and got to their feet, if Ignitus hadn't stopped them Angrond would probably go home without an arm. "Relax he's here to help." Ignitus said stepping in front of Angrond The dragons stood down but were still apprehensive as Angrond looked at each dragon taking in their color, element, and physical features before speaking. "Right, now that that's done with who are the patients?" "There over here." Cyril said walking up to the females who were breathing heavily. Judging by the smell there water had already broke and were starting to have contractions (And that there tail holes were opened eww tmi XD) So Angrond used fire to sterilize his hands (he can literally swim in a volcano so needless to say...yeeeeaaaa) and got to work, first he checked to see what types of eggs he was dealing with to see if they were normal or twins, a few of them were so he made a mental note about that, next he made sure all the female dragons could have eggs and not cause harm to either the mother or egg all of them were in perfect condition to have a perfect birthing so he used some numbing techniques to help with the pain but not make it to were the mother couldn't fell the egg with that done he went from dragon to dragon to see that they were fine and to wait for the eggs to come... 8 minutes later "Good you're doing great a little more... there got it!" Angrond said. "Looks like this is the purple dragons' egg, good work." The dragon only nodded, even with the strange humans numbing effect it still hurt immensely. "That's the last of them." Said another Angrond "Good looks like I can cancel the technique now" and with that the other Angrond burst spilling blood everywhere and sucked it back up in the cut he made in his thumb. He walked over to Ignitus who was standing at the entrance to the Grotto. "Good news Ignitus every egg was lade and no miscarriages." "That's good to here." "But I must ask... that's not the reason you brought me here is it?" "... No it wasn't... Angrond... I must confess... do you feel any evil intentions out there?" Ignitus said motioning to the forest. "Yes I do and it's only getting stronger by the week." "How long have you felt it?" "About a month now." "Hhmm." "You should keep an extra watch on the clutches just in case something bad does happen." "I was planning on doing that any way... but the feeling is strong and I don't know if we will be able to hold it." "If you think that way then yes you will fail... but if it'll make you feel better I'll put some of my men around the place as an added precaution." "That would be greatly appreciated." "Well if that's all I'm going back." "Do you want me to fly you back?" "No I'll walk." "Very well, may you sword be true." "And may your scales never dull." They recited their little parting and Angrond walked off into the forest. About half a mile to go and Angrond heard something and went in that direction, he found himself on a cliff and to his horror he saw something very unsettling An entire army of apes measuring in the hundreds of thousands heading in the direction of Mandos. He ran... as fast as he could within 10 minutes he reached the gates but he jumped 20 feet in the air and climbed up the mountain as fast as a person could run up to the balcony were he found his captains idly chatting "Finrod get the soldiers prepared for battle, Cirdan get the catapults ready, Elerosse send scouts to the grotto tell the dragon war is upon us and to be ready for a hell of a fight, Elrohir get all the archers, and weapon throwers on the balconies MOVE!" "SIR." They were ready for war in ten minutes....... Or at least as ready as there ever going to be. "WHAT!" Ignitus shouted at the terrified scout as he gave him the news "I'm afraid it's true there army measures in the 200,000 mark." "DAME! We must go help him!" NO! Angrond said to stay here and protect the eggs in the unlucky chance we fail." "But what about him?" Terrador asked. At that the scout smiled "That's right you've never seen lord Angrond fight have you, hmhm, don't worry he fights with all the savagery of the underworld." He was right Angrond and the other melee captains themselves stood at the only entrance to the mountain and took down nearly 100,000 before having to retreat, not because of injury, but because they couldn't raise their weapons from exhaustion. "Sir were holding them but were likely to run out of ammo before they stop coming." "How's the gate holding?" "So far not so much as a scratch has been made." "Good, good very well you are dismissed." He bowed and left. "Well now what are we going to do?" Cirdan said still covered from head to toe in blood. "We're pretty much fighting a war of attrition right now so theirs not much we can do but hope they run out of men before we run out of ammo." Angrond said completely covered in blood (Like 100 percent covered) 5 hours later "They've breached the gate fall back to the last stand!" The fight went horribly after Angrond and the captains fell back the first few minutes were fine... until the tanks came, there called tanks not because they are impossible to kill, there called tanks because their huge, wield crystal hammers , and can do aoe damage (Area of effect n00bs). Now one or two wouldn't be a problem but when around 10 or 20 are hammering away at it... but the gate withstood the punishment, the reason why is because it way made from runite ore (Runescape) which is the second hardest metal in the universe. The last stand room was pretty much the throne room but it's called the last stand because all melee troops and a couple hundred archers would fight to the finish here, while the rest of the ranged troops would stay on the balconies and continue to fire, while the captains would use a secret passage and sneak around to the back of the opposing army and attack from behind. "Sir I don't like to be the bringer of the obvious but I think we've been beaten." Finrod said sadly. "True but we need to keep them busy long enough for the men we sent to the Grotto time the place the defenses for the eggs." Angrond said. "What do you mean?" Cirdan asked. "This was meant to be a diversion!" Elerosse almost shouted. "I'm sorry I should have told you... yes it was we need to protect the eggs at all costs." "Dame it Angrond if you would have told us that sooner we would have actually tried." "I was wondering why you guys were holding back." "Ha-ha we thought there was something wrong with the way you were fighting earlier so now that we know... Angrond go to the Grotto and protect the eggs we will stay here and if need be we will use the last ditch effort." "Thanks guys I appreciate it." Angrond said running towards the Grotto at full speed. After he left the captains attacked... they destroyed most of the apes but were effentually hit in the heart by dark crystals and were taken prisoner, the defenses were broken, and Mandos was conquered. Now all that's left is the Grotto "I'm sorry to hear that Angrond I grieve for your loss." Ignitus said. "Don't be Ignitus they aren't all dead my captains are still alive and that's all that matters." Angrond said sitting and a rock near the entrance to the Grotto he didn't show it but he was indeed sad for the loss of his home. "Sir the apes are here!" "It's about time." Angrond said and thanks to the hood covering his face none saw the look of insanity on he wore. "Ignitus stay here and protect the eggs I'll take care of them." With that Angrond Walked out and went to face the apes' army. The leader, a tank, noticed this and laughed saying. "Come to join you comrades human?" "No I'm going to send you to yours." Angrond said, and if the ape commander wasn't so sure of himself he would noticed that the air around Angrond seemed to heat up and simmer. "We're going to enjoy torchering them greatly." "BIG MISTAKE!" Suddenly it looked like Angrond was standing on top of an erupting volcano (If you've watch dragon ball just picture that except that its flames). Then as he drew his wooden katana yelling "RAGE FINGON!" he swung it down and it turned from wooden to metal. "What the hell is he?!" the ape commander shouted he looked at his apes who were edging away "What the hell are you doing kill em'" they charged all 20,000 only to cower as Angrond roared for 15 seconds before blurring and reappearing right in front of an ape and vanishing again as it attacked he reappeared and 20 of them gushed blood from multiple wounds (If you've played onimusha you know). Then he raised his hands in the air like he was lifting a heavy object over his head and then huge geysers of fire burst from the ground leaving nothing not even ash of those that came in contact with it. Then he used his version of a fire fury, meteors came down, mini volcanoes erupted, cracks opened spewing fire like blood gushes from a wound, then he thrust his arms out in a horizontal line then. "Hell...fire" A huge dome of fire erupted turning everything in a 20ft radius to ashes. Angrond heard Ignitus "ANGROND HELP!" "I'm COMING IGNUTIUS!" or at least he was until the ape tank, still alive, took the dark crystal in his hand and threw it at Angrond. It pierced his heart. "Guah!" Angrond turned around and opened his eyes (Going to go back on what I said from now on his eyes are going to be hazel [green with yellow in this case] and when he's pissed they'll be a different hazel [red with black dots] with black dots..... when I can put pics on my computer that I drew I'll show you) they were red and one out of the 20 were pitch black. "You shall not be given the mercy of death." He said and with that the ape died from loss of blood and Angrond snapped his fingers and in a bloody explosion a skeleton rose (normal one [looks human]). He turned to go to the Grotto but relies that the crystal was still in him How the hell am I not dead? He thought But whatever the reason it still hurt like a bitch and he brought his hand up and slammed it down and it shot out and flew into the skeleton behind him and killed it (again?) he now had a hole the size of a foot ball where his heart was. Ok normally id be freaking out so why am I so calm I have a hole the size of a fucking football where my heart should be?!... Oh well I'll figure this out later. Just as he thought that he heard what sounded like a heartbeat, he was suddenly enveloped in pain and his vision was going dim yet he felt no near death sickness you normally feel, but if not for Ignitus run towards him carrying the purple egg he would have passed-out. "Ignitus what happened?" Angrond said clutching at the hole in his chest. "The Apes used what was left of their army to keep you occupied while the rest went around and attacked us, as far as I know I'm the only one who survived." "Come on we've got to hide the egg somewhere safe." Angrond said "Yes but now it's my turn to ask, what happened to you?" "I destroyed them utterly as you probably guessed by the huge patch of grey now... after that an ape with a dark crystal threw it at me and pierced my heart... I'm still trying to figure out how the hell I'm alive, but it hurts something awful." Angrond said still clutching at the gaping hole in his chest, yet he thought he saw it healing, not to fast, but noticeable non-the-less. They ran for a few more minutes before Ignitus asked. "Where are we going to hide to egg Angrond?" "If memory serves there's a river up ahead that's where we will send it down stream to the marshes." "Why in the name of the ancestors would we do that!?" "I now a few good dragonflies in the marshes, I talked to them and they agreed to take care of the egg if trouble arises and I think trouble has indeed raised its head." "Very well I'll trust your judgment on this one because no other plan is coming to mind." "Good use that mushroom cap there and ill sen- Guah!" Angrond doubled-over in pain, his vision going black for a second before the pain passed and his vision returned. "heh-heh It appears that I'm not going to be able to stay here long Ignitus, I must leave you in a little while to rest and hopefully regenerate, please be careful Ignitus and when he is born teach him well... I must go now." "Very well Angrond may the Ancestors help us meet again someday." With that Ignitus sent the egg downstream and Angrond walked away. His eyes hazy from the pain, Angrond walked thru the forest till he found an area with no trees and soft dirt. "This'll do \*pant\* dame this hurts! Well if all goes well then in 20 years I should be fully healed." Angrond said making a rune on the ground. "Kemen amar" Suddenly the earth rose and surrounded him and finally before sleep took him â€" "Caer" And Angrond was surrounded by a faint white light. In his sleep he mumbled "Brother." There we go guys the last chapter of the Rise of the Silinde I hope it didn't kill you too much but know that now I've finally got a good story line I just need approval from Frost to start.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion Text: The day started off so well. I had a good night's sleep, a wonderful day at school and the weather was beautiful. The birds were singing and children were playing in the park I was at. Such a heavenly day and boy was it about to go badly wrong. My boyfriend and I were chatting about various things that occurred today at school, mainly dull stuff that isn't worth mentioning unless you're some super geek. I was wearing a buttoned blouse with some blue jeans. I was also wearing a metal band shirt despite not even being into metal. Things got interesting when he gave me this bottle of pop. I never saw this brand before, it was called "Floatatious Fizz". The name was fucking dumb that's for sure, the colour was purple and the bubbles were fizzing furiously like someone just shook it up. Never the less, I was thirsty and needed a good drink. I opened the bottle, for some reason it didn't fizz up like a recently shaken up bottle would, but I didn't really think about that and chugged it down. I finished the bottle within seconds and let out a massive burp. My boyfriend laughed, "Woah, never seen you so thirsty before". Then I started to hear a hissing sound coming from somewhere. I looked around for the source of the noise, "Where the heck is that weird hissing sound coming from?" I asked, my boyfriend was just as clueless as me. I started to feel bloated, like really bloated, never been this bloated before in my life. Like there was a huge beach ball in my stomach. The hissing got louder, and that's when it began. My belly started rising at a fast speed, my belt was struggling to keep of my expanding form before it couldn't take it anymore. *snap* My belt burst off my body and my panties were starting to show. My gut expanded ever so faster and all the buttons on my blouse were getting so tight. Then one by one, *pop* they *pop* burst *pop* off my *pop* ballooning *pop* body. The shirt underneath my blouse, the metal band logo on the front, was exposed to the world. The logo getting larger as it stretched with my shirt, which even that was starting to feel like it couldn't handle it anymore. My arms and legs started to plump up, tears began *rip* to show on the clothing containing *rip* them, the flesh seeping through as it ballooned into a rounder form. My torso was entirely round, and my blouse struggled to stay on as my limbs started to become absorbed by my balloon-like form. I started to float up off my seat, by this point I was spherical and was flapping my hands and feet around. My boyfriend grabbed hold of my right foot, but he too was starting to float up with me since he wasn't strong enough to keep me to the ground. I was still expanding too, my shirt was *rip* starting to tear *rip* too. And then it just couldn't take it anymore...*boom* it burst off into tiny fragments of fabric, my blouse was still hanging on around the back of my balloon body, but my naked body was now exposed to the world. My jeans couldn't stretch with my body and were loose since the belt came off, finally they just slipped off my feet, though my boyfriend was able to keep it on my right foot, my panties were showing off to everyone! I was blushing, my face looked like that of an anime character blushing...it was so embarrassing. I then landed in the branches of a tree. I was saved from the fate of floating up into the stratosphere and bursting. But how the heck would I get down now? I felt my boyfriend let go of my foot as this happened. I thought he abandoned me or something for a second. I started to cry, my tears coming out like Niagara Falls. Then I heard his voice. "Damn it! Why did I give you that crap!? Ugh, don't worry, the effect will go within an hour, just focus on getting the air out and it will go even sooner! I will wait for you to drop down". Then I realised what he meant. A whole hour of burping and fucking farting, remind me to kill him when I'm down would you?
Title: A Submissive Krystal by strawberry_reian Tags: Domination/Submission, Fingering, Fox, M/F, Oral, Partial Strip, Striptease, Tit Fuck, Vaginal, Wolf Jorge, the grey wolf, and Krystal, the blue vixen, sat on the couch next to one another. Jorge had his arm around her and a bowl of popcorn in their lap. They had been expecting one of their favorite movies to be on tonight, but instead, there was just sports. Krystal tapped the button on the controller over and over again, going through each channel as Jorge spoke a dull 'next'. "Sorry this has turned out so awful," he said as they waited for a commercial to end. "It is alright," she said with her strong English accent. "I'm quite sure something is on." There certainly was, as the commercial ended a woman appeared on the screen, dressed what seemed to be a tight corsette that sat under her bust and chaps that were all in black leather, yet her breasts and vagina were exposed. There was a man at her feet, looking up pleadingly with his ears back. Both of the furs sitting on the couch stared with wide eyes and open jaws at the screen. Krystal's digit stopped in mid **-** air above the next button and Jorge fidgeted uncomfortably next to her. To think he would to see his dream situation on the television screen andthe one he imagined havingunder his control next to him. It was honestly all very surreal. "I'm oddly intrigued by this, Jorge," Krystal said setting the remote to the side as the woman pushed the man back with her foot. "Oh?" he said, trying to ignore the growing warmth between his legs. "I wonder how that man feels? Why does he enjoy this?" she asked, tilting her head to the side and her eyes growing wide as the man started to do whatever the woman told him too. Jorge watched her breath quicken as the man licked up the woman's leg before reaching the bare sex that was presented for him. The TV shouted to eat her out - and the man did just that. His head moved forward and the camera switched, showing him licking quickly between her folds before starting to suck at the woman's clitoris while delving into her hot core with a finger. Krystal's breathing was getting heavy and her legs began to shift, slightly at first, but growing more pronounced with each second that passed. "Kiss me," he said, probably less fierce than he should have. She looked at him, a twinge of defiance in her eyes. "I said kiss me!" he demanded with more force, his ears going forward. "Yes," she nodded, and leaned into him, the tip of her muzzle gently caressing his. Jorge froze, a bit shocked that she had actually listened to him. Her eyes were closed as she continued kissing him. Her paw had released the remote and was moving along the outside his thigh. The wolf's eyes were still open and they drifted over to the television. The woman was moaning happily, grabbing the man's hair and pushing his face closer to her cunt. His paw drifted down and grabbed her shirt - which was already tight - pulling her tighter against him and revealing quite a bit of her bountiful cleavage as the first button came undone. "Mhmm," she moaned against him in surprise at the force. The sound of her made the warmth that had been between his legs grow into an all out fire. Her paw moved up and around his thigh as she shifted - thanks to even more pressure being applied on her back - and the wolf's balls clenched in anticipation. He glanced over again at the program that was playing and saw the man now detaching the bottom half of the woman's outfit. The man used his teeth to first undo the belt buckle, then the button tot he waist band that held the chaps on. He moved to the zipper, moving way to slow for his mistress it seemed, since she went and pushed his head to go faster. Getting a brilliant idea, he put the popcorn bowl to the side with his free paw. He then rested it on the blue vixen's leg and slowly started to slide it up, her blue fur running between his digits. She broke the kiss suddenly and pulled back, looking at him with an expression he couldn't read. Trying to think of what he should do, he met her gaze steadily. Was she tired of this game already? Did she not want to have sex? He decided that tonight, for once, he would get his way. "Did I say to stop kissing me?" He snapped. Krystal shook her head and planted her muzzle back on his. Jorge eagerly kissed her back, heart fluttering at finally getting to explore her body. His paw moved farther up her bare leg. As he reached the hem of her skirt, he slipped his paw under it, acting like it was not even there and began to go a little faster, caressing her thigh and allowing his digits to lightly brush against her panties. He could feel her body tense against against him, but she never once stopped kissing him or withdrew from his touch. He thought back to the scene earlier, where the man was removing the woman's clothes and swooned in his mind, his cock beginning to emerge from his sheath. He broke the kiss, looking at her with eyes full of determination, and grinned. "I want you to take off my shirt," he said, pausing long enough to let her move her arms and place her paws on his shirt, "with your teeth." She nodded and bent her head down, blue ears tickling his muzzle. She clumsily undid the first button, her nose brushing across his chest. She moved a little closer to him and his paw slipped right up against her crotch, making her gasp lightly. He looked down at her, noticing the quick recovery and wondered if he was not preforming good enough yet. As she worked on the second button, he took one of his digits and inserted it in to her panty line. She moaned at she moved down to the third button. He wiggled his one digit against her outer lips, trying to get deeper into her panties without removing them - yet. That would come with time. For now, he just wanted her to squirm under him and make sure she did everything he said. They played this game until she was at the last button and he had two digits inside her panties, stroking her sex's lips and feeling them swell under his touch. "Now the pants," he said, putting his other paw on the top of the blue vixen's head and pushing her down. He was pretty amazed at her flexibility as her body did not hesitate being pushed down to the button on his jeans. Even through the thick material he could feel her breath against his growing member. He had tried to keep it under control until now, not wanting the bulge in his pants to make taking them off any harder, but now it was just unbearable. He tried to think of something else as she worked on the little metal button, but his cock sprang to attention once she moaned due to Jorge accidentally flicking her clit. The little bit of added pressure seemed to take care of the button and she moved down farther to the zipper, taking it craftily in her mouth and dragging it downwards. Her nosed trailed along his length, her hot breath mixed with the soft cotton of his boxers made him finally release a satisfied murr. "Good Krystal," he said, stroking her hair and her clit at the same time. His cock twitched, hitting her on the nose a little bit before she was all the way done wit the zipper. "What now?" she asked, looking up at Jorge with her teal eyes. He smiled, knowing exactly what he wanted. Yet, at the same time, he wanted to draw this out as long as possible, be able to explore all the sudden possibilities that had opened up from the program on the television. He withdrew his paw from her hair and pulled his growing cock out of its confines. He stroked his length professionally with one digit, collecting pre-cum on it. He held it up to her muzzle. "Taste it," he said. And she did. Her tongue swirled around the tip of his digit, lapping up his pre-cum. Just as she was finishing the morsel, he slipped a digit into her sex, making her open her mouth in a gasp, a mixture of her saliva and his pre-cum trail from his digit to her tongue. The wolf withdrew the finger, making sure to caress her walls on the way out. He used two of his other digits to make enough space between her entrance and her panties to remove himself without losing any of her natural lubrication. He exchanged his digits, making her taste her own juices. As he moved, Jorge got a good smell of her and was amazed at the pheromones being released. He suddenly wanted to taste her whole body, kiss every inch, be as deep inside of the blue vixen as possible. The warm sensation over his body only increased when she moaned at her taste, her eyes drifting shut as if she was eating a foreign delicacy. "Now strip for me," the wolf said as she finisher her snack, "like one of those tramps at the bar." She knew what bar he was talking about, cause it was one that she went to all the time to gather intelligence. It was where they had met and started talking. He did not think she would follow his command, he did not expect her to undo the top button of her shirt before turning around and bending over at the waist, allowing her skirt to ride up just so he could see the outline of her ass cheeks. She then when into a straddle, making the skirt form tighter over her bottom as she slipped off her shoes. She leaned over to one side and ran her paws up her leg as she came back into an upright position, teasing him with the skirt that began to fall back down. Jorge's paw drifted towards his now fully erect cock, a digit twirling around the tip. His mind was completely focused on watching Krystal, but his paws seemed to move on their own, each one taking a part of his sex and massaging it. The blue vixen was still straddling, but turned her upper body towards him, further unbutton her blouse. The sleeves began to fall off her shoulders, revealing her bright purple bra straps. She faced away from the wolf again, putting her arms down and allowing the shift to fall off her back, and even though it rather quickly revealed her skin, Jorge felt like it was an eternity. So mesmerized by the curves of her body, he did not notice her remove the bra, for the next time she turned to him all she was wearing was the skirt. His eyes tried not to linger at her perfectly shaped breasts for to long, but it was difficult. The fur that covered them left a perfect circle bare around her nipples, which were quite erect already. He forced his eyes to roam farther down her body, finding his mind wandering to what she looked like under the skirt. He removed his paw from his length as she began to walk towards him. She lifted on of her legs and placed it on one side of him. He murred as the skirt rose up even higher, giving him a perfect view of her dampened panties. He wanted to reach out and touch Krystal, but resisted, knowing he would have his time soon. Jorge settled for watching her hands skillfully slip up under her skirt and push her panties down to her knees. The wolf's tongue reflexively went around his top lip as Krystal's sex was revealed to him. Once again the fur was perfectly trimmed, leaving her lips a soft pink color that were begging to be touched. He looked up at her and so a bit of a flush appearing around her muzzle. He smirked and put his paws on either of her legs. "Stay like this, play with yourself in front of me," he said, paw drifting down to where hers was pushing her panties down. He took it and guided her back to her core, giving her no choice but to touch herself. Even with such a light touch she gasped out, pleasure spreading through her whole body. "Continue," Jorge commmanded. Krystal did, using two of her digits to spread her lips, giving him sight of the clit that he had been teasing earlier. The blue vixen took her other paw and began to tease herself, taking her button and pinching and pulling at it. Her yips of enjoyment made Jorge breath heavy and his cock throb so hard it was painful. He watched as she entered a digit into her depths and let a high moan out of her mouth. She began to pump, her juices dripping around her finger. He watched as her eyes rolled up and the blush spread across her face, highly visible even under her deep blue fur. His eyes drifted down and watched her chest heave as her yips and murrs became full fledged moans and gasps. Her breasts jiggled with each gasp and the wolf finally gained the confidence to reach up and touch her. His paws cupped their underside, his thumb-digit being able to brush against her nipples. They grew harder under his touch and made her breath deeper in still. He leaned forward and tentatively licked one of the hard tips, making her flinch in surprise. "Jorge!" she exclaimed in between moans. Krystal had always been so conservative with him that to hear her say his name with such desire and need made him swoon. Pre-cum began to come out of his penis head, giving it more of a shine then it already had. He continued to fondle her breasts, occasionally licking each nipple. They were so soft and pliable, but still firm enough that they created a pleasant natural cleavage. Yet, his knot was still covered by his sheath, but the wolf had a way to fix that. Now that Krystal was all riled up, he wanted her to hold on to that feeling and continue to let it build. "Stop," he commanded. She slowly and reluctantly moved her paw away from her core. "Of course," she whimpered. "Good girl," he said, slowly building to a more harsh term for later. He moved her panties farther down and inspected her folds, parting them with his digits. They were swollen from her strokes and pumps. Not swollen enough, he thought, just wait until I'm pounding into her. He grabbed her clit, making her wince. "Suck me off," he said, with more force than any of the time before. Krysal looked away in impudence. He gripped her harder and she looked back at him. "I said suck me off, and I meant now," he said, not letting go of her. The blue vixen nodded slowly before moving her foot-paw off the couch and back down to the ground. He let go of her clit, but did not withdraw his arm, ready to grab her again if she did not do as he said. Krystal moved to her knees and stuck out her tongue, touching the base of his member and running up his length. Jorge moaned as she took him into her mouth, soft tongue encircling as much of his girth as possible. The blue vixen began to suck, moving up and down him. "Use your...ohhhh....breasts too," he commanded of her. "Mmm-hmmm," she nodded, not letting his cock leave her mouth. She maneuvered from her knees to the balls of her foot-paws, her mouth sliding all the way down his length. She used her tail for extra balance as her body was now slightly arched back. Her paw shifted from his knees to her breasts, pushing them up and around his base. The mixture of sensations made his head fall back and eyes closed in pleasure. Her soft breasts and warm mouth were able to coax out his knot finally. Her breasts slipped over it and he gasped in bewilderment, eyes snapping open and dilating from the joy. It was almost as if she fed off his pleasure as she started to go faster, squeezing her breasts tighter around him. His moans became more consistent and desperate. Jorge urged her to go faster and she did. He could feel his orgasm build, but bit his lower lip to stop it from happening just yet. He was enjoying this too much and wanted it to last as long as it could. His paws moved to her head, stroking her ears lovingly, trying to distract himself from thrusting against her muzzle. She tightened her lips around him and it pushed him over the edge as Krystal went down farther than she had thus far. "Krystal!" he yelled, reaching his first climax. A thought flashed through his mind where he was suddenly happy he hadn't masturbated in a few days. His cum filled her mouth. She farther tightened her muzzle around him to stop his cock from twitching. He never felt her swallow, but instead hold the seeds in her mouth, as if she was afraid to actually allow it go down her throat. He reached out for the popcorn bowl and held it next to her. "Not like these are going to get eaten anyway," he barely commented, breathing ragged from his moans. She removed his manhood from her mouth and shifted over to the bowl, spitting out the thick white substance over the popcorn. She coughed lightly as the last little bit exited her mouth. "Now it is time for the real fun, though," he said placing the popcorn bowl back down on the couch. The blue vixen looked at him, both shocked and excited. He imagined that her desire was taking over most rational thought at the point so he stood up with her still between his legs. He stepped over her and twisted so that he was behind Krystal. She turned to look at him, a bit confused to say the least. "Who gets to be a good bitch for me?" "I do," she said simply. "Good," he bent her against the couch cushions and ran his paws down her side, making her shiver. He grabbed her hips and lifted her up to her feet, making sure that her chest **was** still pressed to the couch. He pushed up the skirt to her waist, making sure to ruffle her fur along the back of her thighs and her ass. She moved her tail obediently to the side, giving him a perfect view of her tight asshole and plumped up pussy. He spread her legs a little bit and murred at the sight of her entrance before him. He shoved his still hardened cock into her, keeping himself from moaning so he could hear her. "Oh!" she exclaimed, as his tip split her sex and entered her depths. He thrust lightly a few times, allowing her to adjust to his size before really starting to pound into her. He grabbed the fur on her back and pulled himself as close as possible to her, making his knot slip in to her tight hole. Jorge finally let out a moan as her sex completely surrounded him. He gripped harder, making her release a mixture of wince and moan. "You are so tight, my bitch. You must have been saving yourself for me," he said, reaching up to her head and grabbing some of her hair. He pulled her back to him, putting her back flush against his chest and making her butt rub against his knot. She tried to pull away slightly, telling him that she was enjoying it and to keep it up. He removed one of this paws from her hair and began to grope at her breast. In this position, his thrusts were less consistent now, but they were very forceful as they pressed almost perfectly on her spot. Getting a little sore, he leaned back a bit on the arm of the sofa unwittingly adjusting so that his knot slid forward and into Krystal's tight sex. Wedged between her and the arm of the sofa, his thrusts became more consistent and, if possible, even more forceful as his knot slid between her walls. Each time his knot left her body she would whimper, and when it plopped back in she would moan. He found that nearly more of a turn on than anything else. He tightened his grip on the blue vixen's breast, digits being sure to catch the nipplewhile his free paw reached around to rub just above her clit. "Oh louder my bitch! Scream my name!" he commanded as he squeezed obht her paws against her tighter. "Jorge! Jo-jorge! Oh my!" she yelled out, never once losing her proper British accent. Her paw was gripping the back of the sofa, nails digging deep into fabric. The wolf chuckled as the blue vixen continued to scream, his orgasm building with each stroke inside of her, each pulse of her walls around him, each vibration of her voice hitting his ears. "I'm going to cum!" she yelled out. He slapped her breast, making her shriek in the middle of her moan. "Not yet. You will cum when I say so!" he said, thrusting harder. He began to ravish her clit faster, wanting to push her to the absolute edge of reason. He began to groan in pleasure as the pressure built in his cock. She continued to express her desire, nay, need to cum. He would remove his paw from her, making the need subside before beginning again. Jorge howled her name as he finally released, continuing to lightly hump her from behind as his seed flowed into her womb. He quickened his pace at her clit and leaned his head forward near her ear. "Now you can cum," he said. He slapped her tit again, pinching her button at the same time, his slow steady strokes against her making her desperate moans become pleased ones. He felt her walls clench around him, holding his cock in her right past the knot as her orgasm hit. Her body quivered and he suddenly wondered how long it had been since she had last had sex. Once Krystal's body was spent, she fell to the side where her paw was clutching the back of the couch. Jorge felt his softened member slide out of her, covered in the sticky mixture of bodily fluids. His paw stroked her back, working his way up to her hair. He used his other paw and softly took her chin, moving it around to face him so he could gently kiss her. "Next time," he said with a wolfish grin, "you get to be in charge." --- Number one of my Iron Author, doing 3 pages for $5. Had a lot of fun writing this! Jorge (c) Jorge the Wolfdog Krystal belongs to Rare/Nintendo Story by Reian
Title: Matt & Lisa at School Ch. 04 Tags: asian coed, sister, master, slut *(If you haven't already, please read **Matt and Lisa at School -- Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3**. This will make much more sense if you do. There is also more detailed family background in **A Family New Year's Eve.**)* \* The slow cab ride back from the pool hall to the apartment was almost painful for the three roommates crowded together in the back seat. They couldn't keep their hands or their lips off of each other, much to the chagrin of the tough-looking, middle-aged African-American woman driving the cab. When they were stopped at a red light, Margie peeled Lisa's dress down, exposing her pert 34B breast and her swollen pink nipple. The lighter, triangular area defined the shape of her bikini top and highlighted the dusky pink bud in the center. The driver, after seeing Lisa exposed in her rear-view mirror, turned around with a frown. "What you doin' back there? Sure...you cute, honey." she smiled at Lisa, "but why in my cab, darlin'? Can't you all wait but a few minutes?" Matt couldn't help himself. He turned his sister towards him and dropped his mouth on to her breast, sucking the rubbery tip between his lips. The driver gasped at the brazen action of the young white boy. But before she could say anything, the light changed and she started to drive. Margie leaned over the front seat and tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Don't worry about them, Ma'am," she said with a soft chuckle. "He's her brother...he'll watch out for her." "Lord preserve us all," the driver said as she looked heavenward. "I've seen a lot of things in my cab, honey," she'd caught Margie's eye and then looked in her mirror again. Matt was licking his older sister's breast, rubbing her nipple between his fingers. "Those two pretty hot, hmm? Really brother and sister?" Margie nodded as she watched her *Master* and her lover getting more and more excited as they got closer to home "Mmmm, mmmm! Well if you say so, darlin'. I guess they come from a close-knit family, huh?" The cab pulled up in front of their apartment as Margie covered Lisa's breast with her dress and Matt pulled a bill out of his wallet to cover their ride and a very generous tip. "You wouldn't believe how close-knit our family is, Ma'am," Matt handed the bill to the driver. "Thank you, Ma'am...I don't need any change back, no." He started to climb out the door after Margie and his sister. The driver grabbed his hand as it lay across the top of the front seat. "Well, your parents raised you to be polite, young man...I know you can't be all bad." She smiled at him. "You take care of her now." Matt shut the door and she drove off down the street. Lisa and Margie wrapped their arms around Matt's waist as the trio strolled into their building. Once in the apartment, Matt took the two baggies of his new sales supply and put it safely away in his room, knowing he would call Winston the next day and they would strategize a new distribution scheme along with Maurice's help. The third bag, the one Margie had wagered for, sat on Matt's desk as he changed out of his suit into an old, comfortable pair of cut-off sweat pants. He set the music menu on his computer and when he was ready, he sat down at his desk, opened the bag and rolled a thin joint. As he lit the end, he punched a number on his cell phone. He took a hit as he heard a distinctive ring from upstairs. Margie knew the ring as soon as she heard it. "Yes, *Master*?" she answered. "How may I serve you?" Her voice was whispery soft, the lilting Chinese accent sounded so hot. Matt exhaled slowly, surprised by the sweet, heavy taste of the potent smoke. It had been a long time since he had smoked anything of this quality and the effects were both extreme and instantaneous. "Come down here...bring a pitcher of ice water and glasses. I need to thank you." Matt closed his phone and took another hit of the joint before he carefully snuffed it out in an ashtray. "Lisa? You in your room, baby?" He didn't have to raise his voice as his older sister's bedroom was right next to his; the doors from each of their rooms to the shared bathroom were open and he could hear her moving around. He looked up when his sister entered his room and just like on that magical New Year's night, she simply took his breath away. The soft lights played off her tanned flesh, still slick with the sheen of sweat and good sex. He loved the way that her nipples were highlighted by the pale triangles on her rounded breasts left from her tanning bikini. He needed that ice water -- his mouth was parched and he was unconsciously licking his lips as his eyes moved over her exposed flesh. His breathing grew shallow as his eyes locked on to the third pale triangle caused by her tiny suit. Still plump and swollen from her earlier activities, Matt thought his sister's cunt was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. As Lisa crossed to her brother, an equally naked Margie followed her into Matt's room carrying the water pitcher from the refrigerator and three glasses. Setting the glasses down on the dresser, the beautiful Asian coed tilted her head causing her long black hair to fall over her perfect tits and highlight her stiff nipples. She filled the glasses with the most graceful movement of hand and arm and then set the pitcher down. Again, Matt felt in awe of the gift that *Yuan Mai Ling* had given him -- all of her self... her love completely...to be *his*. She took a glass in each hand and gave one to the brother and one to the sister. Handing them over, she kissed each of them lightly on the lips, whispering her love to both of them. Matt took a much-needed drink of water and then sat down in the swivel chair in front of his computer. He lit the joint in the ashtray and took another hit before passing it on to Margie. After she took the joint from his hand and took a small hit, Matt pressed his lips to his sister's and slowly exhaled the powerful smoke into her mouth. He motioned to both girls to hold the smoke deep as long as they could. And as the smoke started to escape their lips, all three were smiling at each other, the girls standing together in front of the luckiest freshman on campus. He looked at Margie and once again marveled at how much she looked like a Chinese version of his older sister. Their physical measurements were almost identical -- both of them were perfect in every way. "You were very smart tonight, Mai Ling." A deep blush only made her neck and cheeks more beautiful. "I was so proud of you...using what I have tried to teach you." Margie was so excited by her *Master's* unexpected words of praise. The rush she felt was as dizzying as the potent dope she was smoking. *It made her sooo wet!* He took the joint out of her fingers and pulled the outrageously cute coed down on his knee. Inhaling the last of the thick, sweet smoke, Matt kissed his sister and gave her the smoke as he exhaled. Then he turned to Margie. "I told you I needed to thank you. Know why?" Margie grinned back. "I think we are smoking the reason, Matt." She moved her head slowly to the left and then the right. Her hair was like a black shimmering waterfall rushing down over her breasts, separating around her hardened nipples. It was difficult to draw his eyes away but he did. "That's certainly part of it, baby... knowing that a dealer would keep his best stuff for himself...but there was more." Margie tried to ask but nothing came out of her mouth. Lisa had sunk to the floor between her girlfriend's legs and her tongue was buried between Margie's swollen labia. Matt gently pulled his sister back, eliciting a groan from both girls. "Tell her, Lisa...why are we so proud of our China Doll?" He bent forward and took her fat nipple in his mouth. Covering his teeth with his lips, he started chewing on the rubbery tip. Margie was going crazy as Lisa substituted two fingers for her tongue inside Margie's cunt. Lisa straightened enough to bring her face even with Margie's. They both leaned into the kiss at the same time...all three seemed to be operating on the same wavelength. All of the lust and passion that she was feeling came out in Lisa's deep, throaty voice. "Two reasons, baby..." she looked directly into the black pools of Margie's almond-shaped eyes, "first, you chose to listen to Matt and me about black men, ignoring the old stories." Another deep flush colored Margie's golden skin as she thought again about what had happened earlier that night. "Oh my God!" Margie cried, her voice pitching higher. "I'm so glad that I did...I mean...Oh my..." She looked at Matt, scared for a moment that he would be unhappy with her, but he was smiling and enjoying her reaction. "We knew you would be, baby..." Lisa continued, "but the second reason is really the one Matt was talking about." Matt sat back and looked at his sister and then nodded his head for her to continue. "Margie, think about it, baby. How did my brother describe us -- you and me -- in his words and his actions tonight?" Margie looked at Lisa and then turned to Matt. She thought for a minute and then turned back to Lisa. "Whores." She started to smile as she started to understand. "We were his whores. He used us to *seal the deal*. We were his possessions." She slid a finger through her wet slit. Lisa smiled back at her Asian lover. "You are absolutely right, my love." Margie's skin flashed with Lisa's words; her nipples grew even longer and her cunt grew wetter. "We were the lowest of the low." Margie nodded at Lisa again. "Tell me, baby...tell us both..." Lisa's voice dropped again, "was there ever a minute...outside of having huge orgasms...that you did not feel like you were in complete control?" Margie's eyes opened as far as they could as she gasped, drawing in air. "Oh, I know!" She started to bounce her taut ass on Matt's thigh. "God, Lis'," she shrieked, "that's what made the sex so good! They thought it was all about them..." her whole face began to smile, "but the whole time...it was all about us...it was so cool!" The two girls met in a torrid kiss. Matt took the opportunity to stick several fingers into each of their pussies and gently circle their clits with his thumbs. "That's right, babe. It's a couple of things all mixed together." Both girls were moaning into each others' mouth as Matt fingered both of them deeper and deeper. "There's attitude in there along with some incredibly cute pussy power." He smiled when he heard one of them giggling softly. "But mostly," he said with a sudden seriousness, "it's recognizing and understanding who has the real power in a dominant / submissive relationship." Lisa pulled back and looked at her brother, lust pouring out of her dark brown eyes. Then she looked at Margie. "It was like...you just knew...that was pretty cool, baby. You haven't been at this stuff too long." Both girls reacted to Matt's thumbs as they circled ever closer to their engorged clits. It was hard for Lisa to speak, but she continued. "But when you used it...when *the whore* reeled in the mark and set the terms for the bet... sticking it to the big man... baby that was unbelievable." Lisa and Margie met again -- lip to lip and tongue to tongue -- as Matt brought them to climax with his fingers. He watched his two lovers kiss for a moment and then drew them apart. "Lisa," he said, "go call Mom and Dad. If they're up, tell them to turn their webcam on and IM me." He watched her walk away, swiveling her gorgeous ass before she turned into her room. Smiling up at the beauty perched on his thigh, he asked Margie how he could thank her properly. "Your wish is my command, my darling," he said. Her almond-shaped eyes opened wide as she considered the possibilities. Margie looked around his room as she thought through her choices. Lisa came back in with a smile on her face. "They were in bed, Matty. Mom's gonna IM you in a minute." She noticed the strange look on Margie's face. "What did I miss? What did you say to her, Matt?" Matt brought his laptop to life as he answered his sister. "I asked how she would like to be thanked her for her fine work earlier this evening." He kissed Lisa the way brothers are never supposed to kiss their sisters. "I said her wish was my command." Lisa gasped when she heard her brother. She looked at Margie who nodded in response to her silent question. Before she could say anything, the computer signaled an incoming message. Margie stood up next to Lisa as Matt swiveled around towards his desk and clicked on the video chat window. "What a lovely surprise, darlings!" Laurie's voice came from the computer speakers. The window on the monitor showed a close-up of her beautiful face. Lisa pushed over Matt's shoulder. "You cut your hair again, Mom...it's so cute...God, it's so short." Their mother laughed at her daughter's comments. "Funny as it seems, the shorter I cut my hair..." she paused for a moment. "Hey guys, who all is there?" Matt clicked on the 'zoom out' button until he could see himself and the girls over his shoulders in the little monitor window. "Just us chickens, Mom," he said. "Lisa's right... your haircut is really hot." "Thanks, honey." Laurie zoomed her webcam back as well, revealing her full, rounded breasts and then her husband at her side. "Like I was saying, the shorter I cut it, the longer your father seems to get." She pulled him closer until his hard cock was exposed to the camera. "Oooh, Daddy," Lisa moaned, "you're looking very tasty tonight." "Hi, sweetie," Steven greeted his daughter, "we were just talking about all of you. Yes, all of you, *Mai Ling*." Margie giggled, but they all knew she loved being included as part of the family. "What's up, Pop?" Matt asked for all of them. "Nothing, really. We've just been...missing you guys...and wondering when a good time would be to...come and visit." Matt and girls were staring at his monitor, watching their mother's head bobbing back and forth over their father's hard cock. The slow speed of the video, combined with the position of the camera - their father's head was missing - made for a very surreal image. "Mom," Matt interrupted, "do you have your monitor window on? Can you see what we're seeing?" Laurie let her husband's cock slip out of her mouth and looked at her monitor. "Of course, Matty. Why do you ask?" "Just a real interesting view is all, Mom. Dad isn't all there, if you get my drift." Laurie zoomed her camera in until her head and shoulders filled the frame. Then she brought Steven's hard-on into view. "Right now, children..." she drew her tongue along the curved shaft, "this is really the only part of your father I'm interested in." Lisa and Margie moaned together at the sight before them. Each one thought how nice it would be to be at Laurie's side, helping her suck that cock. "Anyway," Matt continued, "that's really the reason we're calling. There's a Holiday Parents' Weekend in two weeks and we really want you guys to come." "Two weekends from now?" Laurie paused to think for a moment. "I'm sorry, honey, but that Friday is the staff party at school...and I've missed that the last two years." Lisa and Margie were instantly aware of the change in Matt. He sat up straighter in the chair and his breathing slowed and steadied. His chest and arms seemed to expand as he sat there concentrating for a moment. His voice was normal volume, but he pitched it to a lower register. "Excuse me, *slut*. What did you just say?" The girls jumped at the tone of Matt's voice. They almost pissed themselves and he wasn't even talking to them! Then Matt turned and smiled at them -- his back to the camera. "Margie, roll a skinny...that bag." He pointed to the open baggie and then resuming his role, he turned back to the camera and waited for Laurie to speak. Matt and Lisa watched silently as their mother looked into the camera and then crossed her arms behind her back, thrusting her full breasts and swollen nipples towards her children. Then lowering her head, she apologized to her son. "Please, *Master*. I am so sorry. It has been too long since you have disciplined me...and I need that so much." Laurie glanced at the camera and then looked down again. "Of course...we will be there with you. We wouldn't want to be anywhere else, *Master*." It had been so long since she hard heard that tone...she reacted immediately in a physical way. Matt's father leaned down into the webcam's range. He was laughing as he spoke to his son in Chinese. "*Hen hao de!* Very well done! I can smell your mother's cunt from ten feet away!" "Thanks, Pop." Matt resumed conversing in a normal tone, speaking Chinese. "I'm not the only one who has done well...*Yuan Mai Ling* outdid herself tonight. She is a bright pupil and she seems to want to pursue this lifestyle with us. I want you and Mom to spend time with her, help her the way you helped Lisa and me." Margie was squealing in delight (of course she understood father and son) as she finished rolling the joint. She lit it and gave it to Matt and he took a hit. Ten seconds later, he exhaled and gave it to Lisa. "Wait 'til you try this, Pop...outrageous." Matt had switched back to English. "Even better...wait until you and Mom meet our new friends...the guy who gave me this and his business associates. Gonna be a ton of fun." Laurie moved back into sight. She whispered into the microphone, "Am I forgiven, *Master*?" She looked back down waiting for her son's reply. Just a moment later, she looked up hearing his cheerful response. "Of, course, Mother. You know I can't stay upset with you. But you can look forward to some *corrective attitude adjustment* when I see you again." Matt's smile was just a little crooked when he said that. Matt and Margie both laughed when they heard Steven from off camera. "*Shr, hai eega*... Once again," he'd said, referring to the musky aroma coming from Laurie's excitable pussy. Laurie looked at her son and her daughter and their roommate. "*My God*," she thought as she gazed at the monitor, "*they are so beautiful...so bright*." Then she saw Margie kissing her daughter. "*And so incredibly hot!*" "So tell us," Laurie said, "what our newest daughter did to make you so proud of her tonight." "It's kind of a long story, Mom. I'll tell both of you the whole sexy tale when you get here. You'll need to know about the whole thing anyway when you meet our new friends." Matt paused to take a hit off the joint. "But for right now, I'll just say that she performed like a pro. In a pretty stressful situation, she stayed aware of everything going on, and used a little situation going on to snag this baggie of $1000 pot." Matt saw the look of shock register on Laurie's face and realized his mistake. "No...I don't mean she stole it or anything." Laurie calmed down immediately. "Well that's good, honey. What *did* she do?" Lisa and Margie were giggling in the background, feeling each other up for the parents' benefit...and theirs, of course. Matt said, "She bet one of the guys that my cock is more than ten inches long. The way she did it, he had to take the bet...had no choice in front of his friends. Of course," Matt chuckled, "we already knew who the winner would be." "Well done, *Mai Ling*," they heard Steven. "I can't wait to taste it...*gan ni*...you, too," he said. They all laughed together. "What did your Master do to thank you?" Matt looked back at the gorgeous Chinese coed, standing naked and smelling like sex just behind him. Lisa leaned into the front of the camera and said, "Oh my God, Mom...he said, and I quote, 'Your wish is my command'! Can you believe it?" Knowing better than to question her son about this, Laurie simply smiled back into the webcam. "Matthew," she said, "if you don't mind, please have Margie go to her room -- right now, yes -- and call me on my cell phone." She saw Matt nod and turn towards Margie. Then she saw the girl turn and walk out of the room. "Alright, darlings," she said, "we are going to get off now. Please make reservations for us at the usual hotel." Laurie paused thoughtfully for a moment. "I'm going to go talk with Margie now, Matthew. Remember, honey, everything happens for a reason. Talk to you soon. We love you guys." Matt and Lisa could hear the cell phone ringing in their parents' bedroom. Together, they said goodbye to their mother and father and promised to make the reservations the next day. Matt closed the video chat window on his computer, turned off the monitor, and got up from his chair. He smiled at his sister as he put his long arms around her and drew her body next to his. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her with all the love he felt for her. Then he pulled away and looked into her dark brown eyes. "You know why I'm doing this, don't you?" Lisa smiled warmly at her little brother. "Of course, silly. I know she did great...and when you said 'stressful' before, you don't know the half of it." Matt kissed her again -- this time letting his tongue open her lips as his hands drifted over her moist flesh. When his hand found the curve where thigh meets ass, he grabbed hard and pulled her against his thickening tool. Lisa worked her hands down until she had her brother's shorts in her grasp. She broke their kiss to kneel in front of him and peel them down his muscular legs. As always, when she found herself up close and personal with her brother's magnificent organ, she fell immediately under its spell. Almost unaware of his hands, Lisa felt herself being drawn up Matt's torso until she was on her feet again. "She's jealous of you, you know..." Matt said softly to his sister. His hands were on her breasts, his fingers rolling her thick rubbery nipples. Lisa's fingers were stroking her brother's cock and rubbing gently over his balls. "I don't want her to be...I don't want her to have any reason to be unhappy about all this, baby." "I know, lover," Lisa mumbled as she kissed and tongued her brother's nipples, still stroking his growing stalk. "Don't worry, baby. I could never be jealous of you no matter what you do." She looked up into his beautiful eyes. "I love you so much, Matty -- that's all that matters, knowing you love me just as much as I love you." They kissed with even more passion this time, losing themselves in each other until Matt felt Lisa lift her leg against his thigh, offering herself to her brother by spreading her swelling labia before his ever-hardening cock. With his cock still in her hand, Lisa drew him forward, nestling the thick shaft between her moistening lips, sliding it back and forth through her creamy slit until he was covered in her secretions. Then she put the bulbous head into her hole and slid herself down the slick, thick ten-inch shaft until her brother's cock was buried to the hilt in her loving cunt. "I do, Lis', I love you more than anything...you know that." Matt didn't move his body as he flexed his cock inside his sister's hot, tight walls. "Enough so I'm not jealous of you, either." Lisa moaned as he kept flexing himself in her. "I heard you before, you know, when you were *talking* to Henry." Lisa groaned as her brother's cock kept tapping against her G-spot and her cervix at the same time. She opened her mouth to suck on the finger she found there. The next thing she knew, that same finger was rubbing circles around her little star-shaped pucker. Then it was back in her mouth, demanding more moisture. And then, finally, she felt the slick digit penetrate her ass, fucking in and out of her while her brother's magic cock was playing her pussy like a musical instrument. "You would make beautiful children with Henry, baby cakes...I really think so." Matt whispered into his sister's ear. "If that's what you want some day, it would be okay with me." That was all Lisa had to hear...when he started playing with her nipple again, pulling it in time to the finger fucking her ass and the cock twitching in her cunt, her best orgasm of the night rolled over the incestuous twenty-one year old coed. Matt could feel her climax everywhere. Her sphincter clamped down on his finger in time with the spasms of her cuntal walls trying to coax the sperm from his balls. It took all his concentration to keep himself from giving in to the sweet temptation. Matt was still hard as he lifted his sexy sister off of his cock. But he knew it would go down in a few minutes - he'd wanted to save himself, to be ready for whatever Margie came back with. And he knew it would be soon. When both siblings had calmed down, Matt asked his sister to find out what was keeping their China Doll and at the same time, re-fill the pitcher of ice water. As Lisa left the room, Matt sat down and rolled a pin-joint from the new pot. It was almost gone a few minutes later when Lisa and Margie returned. "May I?" Margie asked as she took the joint out of Matt's fingers. She took a nice, long drag and handed it off to Lisa. After a while, the hot little twenty year old blew the smoke out and sat down by Matt, on the side of his bed. She looked at him and smiled. "*God,*" he thought for the thousandth time, "*she's so fucking beautiful!*" Lisa put her tray on top of the desk and poured two glasses. She took one and handed the other to Matt. She nodded at Margie and said, "Guess who I found at the refrigerator? I think she was on her second glass when I got there." Margie smiled again at the sexy siblings. "I got very thirsty talking to my new mother. She is so beautiful. And my new father seems just as nice." Margie sighed as she took another drink. "I wonder how I could be so lucky!" Lisa couldn't stand the suspense any longer. "What did you talk about? What did she tell you?" Margie just looked at Lisa and shook her head. "I'll tell you later, baby. Right now, I think I owe Matt an answer to his question." Matt started to move but Margie put her hand on his chest, keeping him still. "My wish, *Master*, is that for the rest of the night, you treat me...just the same..." It was so hard for her to get the words out of her mouth she had to take another sip. "I want you to treat me the same way...that your father treats your mother." Lisa just about spilled her water when she heard what Margie said to Matt. She couldn't wait for his reaction...this was *brilliant*! And yet, once again, her little brother proved to be in command of this as well. Shocking them both, Matt slid off the side of his bed until he was sitting on the floor by Margie's dangling legs. He looked up into her black, almond-shaped eyes and let himself fall in to the deep obsidian pools. "*Fuck me,*" he said to himself, "*that is some great fuckin' dope!*" With the most mellow smile he was capable of, Matt said he would be honored to serve her like that. Lisa was starting to hyperventilate. This was about the hottest thing she'd heard of since her family started sharing *everything* last New Year. "Fuck, Matty..." Lisa hissed at her brother, her eyes turning to slits with thoughts of unholy lust, "guess what's gonna be on the top of my birthday list?" Margie looked at her with an expression Lisa had never seen before...a little superior, maybe a little dismissive. Whatever it was, it made Lisa's pussy drool. Still looking at Lisa, Margie spoke again to Matt. "You can let her help, if you'd like...but please keep her quiet, Matthew." This time, Lisa's excitement was evident throughout the room. She could feel her response dripping down the inside of her thigh. Matt turned to Lisa and using only his eyes, he directed her to the floor and had her assume her submissive pose. Only then did he turn around to look at Margie. "What may I do for you, love?" "What time is it, Matthew?" Margie ignored his question. "1:45 in the morning." The sexy coed scooted back on the bed and took another drink. "Roll me a joint, dear." Matt looked at Lisa and she hopped over to the desk, busying her experienced fingers with the task. A minute later, Matt placed it between Margie's lips and held a flame to the tip. As Margie slowly sucked on the tip of the little white tube, she raised her right knee until her foot was flat on the bed. Her left leg was flat on the mattress, slightly bent towards Matt. The beautiful long-haired Chinese girl moaned as she sucked in the smoke, letting the fingers of her right hand trail slowly down the inside of her firm golden thigh towards her slick, bare mound. When her fingers found the top of her slit, she looked right at Matt, whipping her long black hair over her swelling nipples. "Call your friend, Winston. Invite him to come over here...now. Tell him you would be very pleased if he would...come over and...fuck me." Lisa thought that her heart was going to explode! She couldn't believe how hot this was...watching her *oh-so-powerful* brother being dominated like that. She wanted Margie so badly...she had never appeared more desirable. That Margie wouldn't speak to her or even let Lisa speak at all sent vibrations through every nerve in her body. Again, Matt glanced at her and she got to her feet. Locating his cell phone, she handed it to him and resumed her pose at his side. Lisa gazed up at Margie with a new-found respect and admiration. Seeing Matt involved on the phone, Margie relaxed a little and winked at Lisa, then puckered her plump lips in a very sexy air kiss. A minute later, a red-faced Matt turned back to Margie. "He said he had to shower. He'll be here in about 30 minutes." Matt looked down for a second and then back up. "May I ask you a question?" "Of course," Margie answered. "What is it, Matthew?" "My father treats my mother many ways. I think I know what you want, my love...but if I'm wrong...or not...don't hesitate to correct me, okay?" Margie's eyes gleamed. "Don't worry, Matthew...your mother told me all about how she corrects your father. Sometimes, he even deserves it, she said!" Margie laughed -- alone. "But you've done nothing wrong, so far..." Matt looked up again. "For right now," he said, "I just want to know...what do you want me to call you?" She looked at him, stared at him until he saw her eyes change once in anger and then again in understanding. Now, looking just plain hot and sexy, Margie spoke in a low, throaty voice. "Matthew, you can call me whatever you like...whatever makes you comfortable. It's not what you call me, love. It's how you treat me tonight that counts." Brother and sister were both more than a little impressed by her answer. Everything she did, earlier and even now, seemed to justify their feelings about her. They were both totally in love with her...and she with them. Margie could see the understanding in Matt's eyes. She could also see the love he felt for her and her heart caught in her throat. He was so beautiful to her. "Stand up, come closer, Matty." He stood next to the bed and leaned towards her. His cock was standing straight out, almost perpendicular to the floor. Margie slid her fingers around the thick shaft with one hand and cradled his balls with the other. She pulled over even farther, stretching the skin covering his genitals. "I want you to start a bath for me, baby..." Margie licked his cock and kissed the smooth, soft skin covering his sac as she gave him her orders. "You can bathe me and shave me for your friend, okay?" Lisa was shivering from the way Margie was addressing her brother. She wasn't kidding about the birthday list thing! When several seconds went by and Matt remained silent, Margie held her breath and bit down on her lip as she remembered what Laurie told her to do...had to do, she'd said, if this whole thing was going to work for everyone. Margie held his thick hard cock against his stomach as she licked the base of his cock and the top of his sac. Matt moaned as she licked him, unaware of her tiny right hand between his legs. As she stretched his cock upwards, she held her middle finger back with her thumb creating as much torque as she could. She silently counted five seconds, hoping he would respond. When the time passed, she let her middle finger go...that classic flick from everyone's childhood...and her long, painted fingernail landed hard and flat, flush against the tender scrotal bag. When the sounds of brother and sister gasping died down, Margie smiled at Matt. "I believe I asked you a question. Were you going to answer me, baby?" Matt was trying very hard to gather himself together. The electric jolt of Margie's snapping nail had scattered parts of him throughout all the known universes. He was so high... the pain was almost transcendent. When he felt he could speak, he slid back down to the floor and apologized from his knees. He could hardly breathe, he was so excited. And without looking at his sister, he knew she had climaxed again when Margie's finger struck him. "Of course, my love," Matt finally spoke, his tone low and soothing, "let me get it started for you now." The handsome young man backed out of the room and ran upstairs to start a hot bath in Margie's bathtub. When the girls were alone, Margie motioned Lisa up on to the bed with her. She smiled at Lisa, her black eyes bright with power and lust. "Lick my pussy, baby." Margie hissed at her lover. Lisa moved her head immediately between her girlfriend's firm, golden thighs; her tongue finding the moist, hot slit full of crème. "That was so cool, baby. I felt his whole body tremble." Margie started to giggle as Lisa's tongue found her hole. "Your mother told me how to do it, honey...I hope you're not mad at me for doing it...she told me I would have to." Lisa looked up at the beautiful girl with a sly smile. "I almost always listen to my mom," she whispered. Then she looked up again. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I spoke without permission. Will you punish me now?" Both girls giggled together until Margie heard Matt's footsteps on the stairs. She pushed Lisa off the bed before Matt re-appeared to escort her upstairs. And just like he'd seen his father do on occasion to his mother, the incredibly mature freshman bathed and shaved the classic Chinese beauty, stroking her ego along with her perfect body as she relaxed in the steaming tub. Ten minutes before Winston was due, Matt lifted her out of the tub and carried her, wrapped in a thick towel, to her bed. He'd finished drying her and was applying a very light coating of body massage oil to her golden flesh when Lisa brought Winston into Margie's bedroom. (Only a few minutes earlier, Lisa had been in the living room waiting for Winston. Knowing what might develop, she thought it prudent to speak to the young man before anything happened. She knew she had to grab his attention and then his agreement as quickly as she could...she thought answering the door completely naked would help. It did.) Hearing his footsteps coming towards the door, Lisa's heart was pounding and her breathing was getting faster and shallower as she waited for him. Finally, she just couldn't stand waiting another second and she threw the door open just as he stepped up to knock. Winston stood there, his arm suspended as his eyes took in his all-time favorite fantasy image -- but this time she was real and right in front of him. Lisa brought him quickly inside, whispering to the freaked out freshman to be quiet as she shut the door behind him. Lisa slid into Winston's arms and kissed him lightly on the lips. Her hand found the tent in the front of his jeans and gave him a little squeeze. "You seem to be all ready, Win," she whispered to him. All he could do was groan in response. "Listen up, little boy," she continued, "tonight's not like usual." He started to say something but she cut him off immediately. "No questions...no time, baby...just listen. Some things may happen that...you...maybe won't be expecting. Nothing bad...just different." Lisa kissed him again, harder this time, as she closed her fingers around the pole in his pants. "Just go with the flow, Winston...okay?" He hesitated for just a moment, trying to figure out *what the fuck* Lisa was talking about. Thinking he was being reluctant, Lisa whispered again. "If you're a good boy tonight, Win, I'll be a bad girl for you another night." Winston was sure that Lisa could hear his heart pounding. His mouth was so dry he could barely get the words out. "How...bad?" Lisa smiled up at the cute boy, remembering what it was like when she was just a lowly freshman. Her cunt started to juice up as she suddenly knew his fantasy. Her nipples poked him in the chest as she whispered again. "If you just go along tonight, baby... sometime very soon...I'll get all naked for you...and let you fuck my little asshole..." Winston , now certain his heart was outside his chest and ready to explode, was on the verge of cumming in his pants. "And Winston," she said, later wondering if it was to 'seal the deal' or if it was just her own fantasy come out to play, "you can do it...do me...in front of a few of your friends...if you want." When Winston's knees started to buckle and he groaned softly about starting to cum, Lisa dropped to her knees, unzipped his jeans and pulled his stiff cock out just as it started to spurt his thick, hot cum. The first jet hit Lisa on her cheek before she was able to get his thick head between her lips. She sucked and swallowed as the overexcited boy splashed the inside of her mouth time after time until finally, only a small drop fell on to her tongue. She licked him clean and put his cock back in his pants. She stood up, his arms around her again. "I take it we have a deal?" She smiled as she licked the last of his crème from her swollen lips. All he could do was nod his head in agreement as she led him to the stairs.) Winston's eyes were jumping back and forth between Margie and Matt. He decided he wasn't high enough for this...whatever *this* was! He turned back to Lisa. "I need a joint, Lis', okay?" Before he could turn back, he heard Margie, but he'd never heard her speak this way before. "You heard your friend, Matthew," she hissed at him. "Get him what he wants...the good stuff." Winston turned around quickly, immediately captivated by that voice...so strong...so totally in control. He looked more closely this time, at first seeing the flush spread through his best friend's face and neck. He looked at Margie, propped up against a few pillows. Her right leg bent upwards at the knee and her left leg flat on the sheet, her left knee pointing towards the side of the bed. He saw the moisture collecting at the bottom of her slit and his heart started beating so fast he thought he would pass out. Then he saw Matt stand up. Naked. They had seen each other nude before -- they had been dorm roommates, after all -- but he'd never seen Matt (or any other real, live man) like this before. Naked and Excited. He knew Matt was kinda big (he had only seen him flaccid), but fuck...the dude was *huge*! Matt walked by his friend and motioned to Lisa. She left to get the pot, some papers, an ashtray and a lighter. Finally, Margie spoke to her special guest. This time, when she opened her beautiful mouth, it sounded like music. She patted the side of the bed, "Winston, I'm so happy you could come over. Come here, baby...sit down by me." He moved nervously over to the bed, sitting awkwardly on the edge...not knowing exactly what was going on or what he was supposed to do. Margie sat up and hugged him from behind. He was built lean and strong and she could feel the muscles beneath his skin. She whispered softly in his ear, "Don't be nervous, Win...I know you want to do all kinds of nasty stuff to me." She dropped on hand down to his crotch. "And I want you to, baby...I really do." He felt her fingers squeeze his swelling cock. "But I have to be honest -- I'm just using you to teach your friend a lesson. Don't worry...he won't hate you for this...he'll thank you later and really mean it, Win." Margie pressed her tits into his back as she licked the side of his neck. "Okay, baby?" Winston had been watching his former roommate as Margie whispered in his ear. He didn't understand it at all...he knew he was 100% straight...why did Matt look so fucking hot to him? All he really heard from Margie was "Okay, baby?" and now he turned towards her...he'd forgotten for a minute just how truly beautiful she was...and brought his mouth down over hers in a searing kiss. Margie melted into the young man's arms as he rolled her back into the pillows. He took his long, supple tongue out of her mouth and then bent over her chest, massaging first one nipple and then the other with the tip of that same tongue. When he'd made them stand out, hard and thick, he moved back to Margie's face. "Okay," he whispered back to her. Matt couldn't believe all of the emotions and feelings that coursed through him, mind and body. It had started earlier, when he told her how he wanted to thank her. He was every bit as much in love with Margie as he was with his sister. The only difference was simply the time the siblings shared before they knew her. He felt that giving her dominion over him would help her see his true feelings. After Margie spoke with Laurie, and then told him how he could thank her, the intensity of those feelings almost overwhelmed him. (He had spoken several times with his father about it in the past. Try as he might, he just couldn't feel what his father was describing when he played slut for Laurie. He and Lisa talked about trying it, but it was so very foreign to the way they were with each other, it just didn't seem real at all.) Then it came to him...it was his mother all along. She understood that her children wanted to experience their parents' fantasies as well as their own. She and Lisa had discussed Steven's submissive behavior and knew the problems her kids were having trying to experience it for themselves. This "thank you" gesture was the perfect way for Matt to understand his father's feelings. Lisa would learn enough to know how to play when her opportunity came. Matt looked at the bed and saw his good friend licking and kissing those perfect breasts. While he'd seen several people do this since Margie chose to become his slut, this time it was different. This time, it was all about her...all for her pleasure and satisfaction. Not his slut...this was one of the women he loved...the one he thought he might (OMG) *marry* some day...fucking his friend...for kicks. He felt like he might be sick for a moment, but that passed when he realized what his mother was talking about earlier. His father had spoken to him at length about experiencing some of life's finest adventures *on the edge*. "It's an enviable place to be," he'd said, "but you have to be very careful if you truly want to spend time there." The first rule, he'd told his son, was that you could never forget that *on the edge* was not a real or normal place to be...not a good 'full-time' location. The second rule was the same as the first, he'd said. "Remember, it's not a real or normal place...have fun...experience everything you want to...no judgments to take back with you to the real world." So here he was, on the edge himself this time and determined to experience all that he could. If Winston couldn't deal with it afterwards, he thought, well that was Winston's problem. He found himself moving towards the bed, to see if he could be of service when he heard Lisa come in behind him. He took the ashtray and put it on the end table next to Margie's bed. Next, he took a joint and a lighter off the tray and indicated to his sister to put the tray down on the dresser. Lisa did as he bade, and then kneeled on the floor in her classic submissive pose. Matt held the joint out for his friend, waiting until Winston was able to pull his lips away from Margie's perfect breasts. When Winston noticed the joint, he sat up and let Matt light it for him. Winston took a hit and passed it to Margie. "So, sexy...how do you wanna do this?" he asked after he exhaled a long plume of smoke. Then he took the joint as she handed it back to him again. Margie looked at Winston. He was so eager...she'd felt used earlier and she really liked that; now she was feeling adored and she didn't want to make him wait any longer. Then she looked at Matt. Her pussy started to flood again at the thought of what she was going to see. Margie smiled at the young boy in her bed. "First thing is," she said, "I want to see you naked and hard." Winston grinned. "That's easy," he said. He took a hit of the joint as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and started to remove his clothes. He felt Margie leaning against his back. "Hey. Easy, baby," she whispered in his ear again. "It's easier than you think...watch." "Matthew," he heard Margie from behind him, "did you hear what I said?" Winston almost jumped out of his skin; Matt was at his side so fast. Before he realized what was happening, Matt had unbuttoned Winston's shirt and his hands were on his friend's belt buckle. Winston panicked for a moment, before he remembered his earlier conversation with Lisa. Margie felt the boy tense up as Matt touched him, but just as quickly, she felt him relax and accept the situation. Lisa rocked back on her heels, her breathing shallow and her heart rate rising, as she watched her brother's long fingers work the belt buckle and the zipper of his friend's jeans. She wanted to stick her fingers up her pussy as far as she could, but she knew it wasn't the right time for that. Still, she could feel her nipples getting harder as her brother skinned the jeans and boxers off his friend's legs. Shirt, shoes and socks followed quickly, leaving Winston naked as the day he was born. Margie was still wrapped around him from the back. Looking over his shoulder, she said, "Well...at least you're naked..." Winston grinned as he turned around. "Don't worry; I can get hard on command." Margie pulled him back and kissed him deeply on the mouth. "You don't have to do anything, Win...You just lay back here against me, okay?" She moved back against the pillows and drew Winston back between her spread legs. His head rested against her soft shoulder and his hands spread out over her firm thighs. She handed Winston the joint, encouraging him to take another hit. As he held the smoke in, he heard Margie tell him to relax. He opened his eyes when he felt movement on the bed. Margie kept whispering 'relax' in his ear as he watched his best friend kneel between his legs and start sucking his dick all the way into his mouth. It only took a few bobs of his head, but Matt managed to get all four of them as excited as they could be. When he drew his lips slowly up his friend's hard-on, Matt felt the blood throbbing under the smooth skin. He also felt the pre-cum start to ooze out of his own cock -- he hadn't been this turned on in a long time. He was beginning to understand his father even more. Margie was getting impatient. Seeing that Matt had already made Winston hard, she rolled him over until he was lying between her legs and they started kissing. Without being told, Matt moved to the side of the bed and knelt next to the entwined couple. He moved his arm in their direction until he was able to take Winston's hard cock in his hand. And when he felt they were ready, Matt put his friend's cock-head at the entrance of his lover's cunt and with his other hand, he pushed Winston's ass hard, forcing his cock all the way into Margie. He watched them fuck for a little while. It was so hot -- watching them move together in an erotic dance. But he thought his presence might be inhibiting them, so he backed out of the room, taking his sister with him. He left Margie's door open, knowing what she would require of him when they were done. Brother and sister smoked a joint and talked quietly in the living room while Winston and Margie enjoyed each other to the fullest. "Matty, can I ask you a question?" Lisa sounded almost shy as she asked. He knew what was coming and he smiled warmly at his sister. "Of course, love. You can ask me anything...you know that." "Do you think you're *bi*?" It was what he'd expected and he was fairly sure his answer was what he truly felt. "I don't really think so, Lis'," he said. "I mean...before...upstairs...I guess I really got into sucking Winston's dick. It was hot...you know, the whole situation." Lisa nodded as she smoked the joint. "But really bi? I guess I say 'no' because...while I got nothing at all against sucking cock, or even taking one up my ass..." Lisa gasped, picturing a hard cock sliding up her brother's butt. "...every once in a while, I just can't see myself involved romantically, or even kissing another guy." He took another drag, counted to ten and exhaled. Matt looked into his sister's dark brown eyes. "Guess I'm just a cock slut -- just like you, baby doll." Lisa moved into her brother's arms, her body a perfect fit to his. They kissed, so deep and so hard it seemed like each one was trying to bring the other inside themselves. "God, I love you, Lisa," Matt moaned into his sister's mouth. "But I think we better get back upstairs." "You can't leave me like this, Matty. I need you in me, little brother." Lisa was moaning as her brother's fingers kneaded her tit-flesh. She reached between them and started stroking his cock, loving the feel of his pre-cum on her fingers. "Gotta wait, hon." Matt gently took Lisa's fingers off of his semi-erect organ. "You know I have to finish this for our China Doll." Matt kissed his sister lightly on the lips as he stood up. "But as soon as she's through with me..." Matt left his sister with a wicked grin and started back up to Margie's bedroom. He could hear Margie moaning over the slapping sound of flesh on flesh. Matt looked into the room to see his tall, slim friend covering the little Asian coed completely as he lay over her *Perfect 10* body. Winston was fucking her furiously, pounding his prick into her wet velvet sleeve, his balls spanking her ass crack on every downward stroke. When he saw Margie looking at him, Matt walked into the room and knelt down close to the bed. Margie's black, almond-shaped eyes were glowing with her excitement as she turned towards Matt. "Oh baby...Winston's fucking me sooo goooood!" The throaty, gravelly whisper was about the sexiest thing that Matt had ever heard. Winston groaned as Margie clenched her pussy walls around his thick pole. "I really want to feel him cum in my pussy, baby...now." Winston tried to say he was still a few minutes away when Margie cut him off. "Don't worry, Win...your friend is gonna help you again." She shifted her glowing eyes back to Matt. "Aren't you, baby? Go on...get behind him, baby." Matt jumped up to obey. Margie held Winston close as she looked over his shoulder. "That's right, Matthew. Right behind him..." She looked up at Winston again. "Hold still, lover...we're gonna make you fill me up." She started squeezing his cock rhythmically with her cunt and she could feel him start to throb and get even larger immediately in her hot pussy. And finding Matt kneeling and ready behind his friend, she whispered again, in that same incredibly hot voice, "Lick your friend's asshole, Matthew...do it now...spread his cheeks and lick him, baby..." Matt felt his skin flush all over -- it seemed his body temperature went up 10 degrees in the blink of an eye. He couldn't believe that's what Margie wanted -- or, that his mother did this to his father. Matt felt a chill as he started to understand more and more of his parents' unique perspective. Slowly, he leaned down and spread his friend's cheeks with his hands. He slid his tongue tentatively down Winston's crack, finding it musty but clean. "Fuck, Matt..." he heard his ex-roommate moaning to him. "that ...unghh...God ...feels so..." *"In for a penny..." Matt thought to himself*. "Ohhh! Fuck me, Matt!" Winston moaned again as he felt his friend's tongue burrowing past his sphincter and a couple inches up his ass. Margie squeezed down one more time and that was all it took to send Winston into paroxysms of orgasmic delight, his hot, thick crème painting Margie's cuntal walls with each spurt of his rock-hard cock. When Winston buried himself as deeply in Margie's wonderful pussy as he could, Matt withdrew his long tongue from his friend's anus and sat down on the floor next to the bed. His face was burning as he tried to get his breathing and his heartbeat back under control as quickly as he could. Christ, he felt so embarrassed now that it was done...he didn't know how his dad was able to do it... *especially* to a friend. And then he became aware of Margie's voice and he knew it wasn't over yet. "Winston," she murmured to the freshman boy, now laying on his back next to her, "that was so good." Her eyes lit up her face as she asked, "Where did you learn to screw like that?" He started to answer, but she silenced him with a deep french kiss. When she broke away, she asked him if he would like to spend the rest of the night with her. Matt gasped when he heard her and then he thought his heart would explode when Winston asked if that meant she wanted to fuck some more. "Of course, baby," Margie cooed back. "Don't you want me again, Win?" Matt was starting to feel some real jealousy as he watched his China Doll licking and sucking Winston's nipples while waiting for his answer. "*God," he thought for what seemed the hundredth time in the last hour, "if I didn't love her so much, I think I'd kill her!*" "Bro," he heard Winston say, "Can you find a blunt to light?" Matt stood and looked around the room spotting his sister kneeling by the door. She nodded her head towards the tray on the dresser. Lisa had, thankfully, rolled a few before she'd brought the tray in earlier. He picked one up and lit it, took a deep hit of the pungent and powerful smoke and handed it to his friend. After Winston took a drag and handed it to Margie, he exhaled and said, "Do I wanna fuck you again, Margie? Well, *duhhh!!!*" His hand smoothed its way over her golden flesh; starting at her firm thighs his fingers moved over her like a blind man reading Braille. When they drifted up over her baby-smooth mound, across her flat, toned abs and then up to her perfect, sweat-covered breasts, he said, "Margie, you are...man, I don't know exactly how to say this...okay, like half of the hottest, sexiest woman in the world." (Winston's favorite jack-off scenario lately always involved both Margie and Lisa.) No one could help it. They all knew what (and who) he meant. Everybody started to laugh just a little. "But I'm gonna need a break before, you know..." His hand lifted and then dropped his crème-covered cock. Margie smiled at the shy young man. "We're in no hurry, honey..." She looked at Matt and then at Lisa -- pure lust radiating out of her beautiful face. "I think your friend and the *other half* you were referring to are going to do something to inspire us in a little while. But first," she continued, her voice so loving and so soft, "I think we should get cleaned up a little." Her eyes narrowed, reminding Matt of his mother. "Matthew," her voiced dropped again to that gravel-rough whisper that he couldn't resist, "come up here and clean us up, darling." He could feel Lisa's eyes on him from behind while Margie's held him captive from the front. Again, he felt his temperature rise as his skin flushed deep red. And then suddenly, like a white light clarifying everything in his mind, Matt reached a *gestalt* understanding of what his father had tried so hard to explain. The 'love her/kill her' dichotomy was the edge Dad had been trying to describe. Now, in a moment of complete understanding, Matt realized a great many things. First among them was the total pleasure that taboo sex brought *on the edge*. Margie gasped, just slightly, as she noticed the subtle change occurring right in front of her eyes. The way Matt looked at her and the way he moved as he crawled onto the bed. Her nipples started to ache as they grew even larger. Her pussy started to moisten again as she realized what was happening. "*Oh My God! Laurie was so totally right!*" she screamed to herself. (During their private conversation earlier, as Laurie tried to explain so much in too short a time, she did manage to make at least one thing perfectly clear. "Matt's father is so good at what he does, Margie," she said, "sometimes I forget that all of this started...a long time ago...for his benefit. The fact that I got a whole lot out of it myself, well I think that was just a bonus. When my son realizes the same thing, and if you do what I tell you to he certainly will, you will see him take back all the power and control. And, in that way, his pleasure is magnified any time and any way that he can add to yours.") Matt moved over the mattress on his knees, ending up between Winston's outstretched legs. He looked at Margie and there was no mistaking the lust in his eyes. "Guest's first, right?" He lifted Winston's semi-hard dick off of his thigh and without waiting for Margie's reply, he swiped the broad part of his tongue along the underside, licking away the sex cocktail that covered the soft skin. The taste intoxicated him -- he couldn't get enough. He heard both Lisa and Margie gasp in unison as he lowered his head and took Winston into his mouth, letting his friend's still thickened organ slide over his tongue and into his throat. "Holy fuck, Matt." His friend threw his head back in total shock and awe. "Dude," he could hardly speak, "you suck a mean fuckin' dick." Then Winston groaned as Matt slid his lips down the length of his shaft and then drew them up slowly, sucking the last sexy bits from the taut flesh. He smiled at his friend and shook his head without saying a word. He surprised Margie a minute later by laying down on his back between her spread legs, his head resting just between her thighs. "Your turn, my love," he growled at the golden-skinned beauty. Matt's long arms reached back to grasp her hips, lifting her up and forward. Margie giggled as Matt held her over his face as she settled down on her knees, one on each side of his head Margie turned to Winston, her eyes glaring and her breathing very shallow. "Move over, baby," she hissed at him, pointing to a spot further down the bed, "you're gonna want to see this." And as he crawled down the bed, Margie looked at Lisa and spoke to her directly for the first time since Winston had joined them. "Get a bath towel, slut." Margie couldn't believe that the words were actually coming out of her mouth. She could barely hear herself over the pounding of her heart! "Put it under your brother's head." Lisa couldn't move -- shock rooted her to the spot on the floor where she sat on her heels, her face burning with Margie's command. As softly as she could, Lisa whispered to Matt, "*Master*?" Winston almost fell off the bed as Matt answered Lisa with more control and power in his voice than he had ever used before. "You will not question her tonight, *slut*. Do as she says." As Lisa rose gracefully from her submissive position, Winston's mind was reeling. *"Fuck," he thought, "she looks so fucking hot!" Then the image came to him...like the really hot covers of the sci-fi paperbacks*. He could hardly believe he was there, stoned, in the middle of the hottest night of his life! Margie was only aware of the pleasure-waves that started in her hot, wet cunt and shot down every nerve in her body the moment Matt answered his sister. *Laurie had told her this might happen, too*. Her swollen, sensitive nipples burned as Matt told Lisa to obey her. She came back to her self when she felt Lisa lift her brother's head to lay the towel underneath. Her eyes were shining slits of pure lust as she took in the scene around her. As Lisa moved away, Margie stopped her. "Go to Winston...keep his cock in your mouth while he watches me." She breathed more than spoke the words. Then, as Lisa moved down to follow Margie's instructions, she fixed her glowing eyes on Winston. Her mouth was smiling but there was nothing *nice* about her expression at all. "Watch your friend, Win..." Margie raised one hand to her breast, cupping the firm flesh from underneath and teasing her nipple with her thumb as she watched Lisa roll onto her back and let her head hang off the edge of the bed. Winston stood up and straddled her head as she sucked him through her mouth and into her throat. When he stopped moaning, Margie could hear the soft nasal breathing and the un-mistakable sounds of swallowing that came from the foot of the bed. "Watch him clean your cum out of me, baby..." With her other hand, the hard-bodied Asian coed spread her swollen, shaved pussy lips apart and used her well-developed muscles to squeeze and push out the thick, white crème that Winston had left, her gaping pussy hovering six inches above Matt's open mouth. Matt was experiencing a whole new realm of sensations as he lay underneath Margie's exquisite body. Time seemed to stand still as he took in his surroundings, enjoying the sights and sounds and aromas that enveloped him. He looked up to see his friend's semen start to slide out of the perfect pussy just above his mouth. He moaned in appreciation as the sex cocktail landed on his tongue. He thrilled in excitement as he heard his friend exclaim that was *the hottest fucking thing he'd ever seen*. He felt the pre-cum start to leak out of his rapidly expanding fuck-meat as Margie hissed at him to suck the rest out of her as she planted her cum-filled pussy on his mouth. The way brother and sister were arranged on the bed, both on their backs with Matt's feet towards the foot of the bed and Lisa's feet pointed towards the head, Margie had easy access to the incestuous siblings' genitals while Matt licked and sucked her clean. She teased and tormented them both with her soft fingers and her sharp, painted fingernails as she tried to speak. "Unnnggghhh...right there, baby...keep licking me...I just keep coming. OH! OHH!! FUCK!!!...unh! unh! How does it feel, Winston? I can see the...unh...outline of your cock...in her throat." Matt couldn't resist shoving his hard tongue through the tight ring of Margie's sphincter. Margie's heart jumped into her throat as her cunt convulsed and her asshole clamped down hard on Matt's tongue. She screamed out to Buddha in her native Chinese as her climax washed over her, wave after fucking wave. Winston was so close to losing his load down his heart-throb's throat. As soon as she'd sucked him in, he felt the most outrageous sensations surround his cock as she started an unceasing yet gentle swallowing action in her mouth and throat. Without moving inside of her, Winston was getting a *full cock* massage. And watching Margie dominate Matt was only making the whole thing crazier. As the spasms of Margie's last climax became manageable, she tried to tell Winston what was happening. "Your friend, baby...he's been very bad...very naughty. He didn't tell me, Winston...he didn't...warn me. He just...unnnggghhh..." Margie leaned down, her eyes glaring as she cocked her fingers once again only this time, it was right in front of his friend's face, and she flicked him squarely on his sac. When he realized what she was doing, Winston's cock lurched sympathetically in Lisa's throat as Matt groaned from the extreme (but, thankfully, short-lived) pain. "He just bit me...can you believe that? First he rapes my ass with his tongue...now he bites my delicate little pussy...your friend is so bad, Winston..." The young man was mesmerized as he watched the scene unfold before him. Margie was grunting and groaning as she became almost violent riding Matt's face, grinding her pussy and her ass all over his mouth and chin. A quick glance down confirmed Matt's excitement by the length of his hard-on. Lisa's reaction to the scene was to increase the swallowing pressure she exerted around Winston's cock, bringing him closer and closer to the edge. And when it seemed like no one could take any more, Margie blew them all away. "So bad, Winston...his mommy told me...how to..." she could only whisper as her heart crept up her throat, "punish him...when he's a bad little boy." Margie lifted herself up on her knees, her heavenly pussy just inches from his face. Her heart was beating so fast she thought she might have a stroke as she forced herself to follow his mother's instructions to the letter. She straightened up and let the fuzzy electric excitement fall over her shoulders, caressing her breasts and her sides as the power fell lower through her torso and found its target below her firm belly. With extreme concentration, the young Asian student found herself in a place she'd never been before. And as Laurie's words came alive inside her head, her bladder opened so slightly that just a trickle of her golden warmth escaped and sprinkled Matt's face. "*Oh Christ! You fuckin kidding me or what?*" Winston couldn't believe his eyes! She couldn't...wouldn't...FUCK!!! SHE WAS!!!! He couldn't take his eyes away. "She said I had to, Winston...you know, punish him...like this..." And now Margie reached that place that Matt's mother had told her about...where their desires and their hungers fed off one another, driving them higher, making each experience more intense. And she let herself go...the power below her belly opening her up and letting her tangy yellow stream splatter over Matt's face and into his open mouth. Margie had never cum so hard in her life. The moment he saw that heavenly-looking girl piss into his friend's mouth, Winston drove his cock as deep into Lisa as he could and started pumping a continuous stream of hot, thick cum down her throat and into her belly. Lisa climaxed as well, recognizing the sounds and the smells coming from her brother and Margie while she savored the essence of Winston's climax. On his back with Margie's smooth, hairless pussy and her tangy puckered rose grinding over his face, Matt felt unbelievable surges of power course through him; he was in total control of his senses and keenly aware of what was happening around him. For the first time, tonight had brought much more insight and understanding to the overwhelming love he'd already had for his parents. The way they used their own needs and desires to drive each other further over the edge...it was pure genius. Every time one of them escalated their feelings, it resulted in an exponential burst of passion for them both. He heard Margie trying so hard to speak to Winston. When he felt her sitting still, a few inches above his face, he knew what was coming. Those first few golden drops splattered against his cheek; when his brain processed the pungent aroma and wet heat, a long strong rope of white fluid escaped his thick, meaty cock-head and puddled on his chest. With all the concentration he could muster, Matt held back the rest of his orgasm. It was so hard for the young man -- Margie's warm, tangy rain had turned into a downpour and he let her steaming yellow stream fill his open mouth. He swallowed a little, wanting to taste her this way, wanting to share another feeling with his loving family. After the first long burst of piss started to fill Matt's mouth, Margie's orgasm over-powered her urge to pee and took total control of her. When she came back to reality, she moved back, off of Matt's face, and made her way to the edge of the bed. She slid off and leaned over to kiss her Master gently on his tangy lips. "*Wo ai ni!* I love you," she whispered softly in Chinese. She turned away and moved quickly to the bathroom. Now her primary consideration was getting rid of all the water Laurie had told her to drink earlier Matt tilted his face to the side after Margie had left. The pungent golden liquid left in his mouth drained out, caught by the towel Lisa had place under him earlier. He sat up slowly, bringing himself back from the peak of his sexual euphoria. As his breathing and his heart rate came closer to normal, he looked around the room and noticed Winston's head between his sister's raised and spread thighs. He looked at Lisa and smiled warmly, his love for her was palpable. And it was enhanced when she brought her arm up from the side of the bed with a lit joint between her fingers. She took a hit and then motioned her brother closer. Even as Winston licked deep into her pussy, Matt bent over her and as they kissed deeply, Lisa exhaled the sweet smoke into her brother's mouth. Matt leaned back on his elbow, his face so close to his beautiful sister's that he gave her butterfly kisses, flicking his long eyelashes against hers. Lisa giggled as he knew she would -- the sound filled him with delight. He took the joint from her, took a quick hit and asked how she was doing. Lisa glanced down the bed, watched the cute freshman boy eating her cunt for a moment, and looked back at her brother. "I'm doing just fine, thank you very much." She absently ran the fingers of one hand through Winston's hair. It reminded Matt of someone scratching a dog while watching TV. "That was pretty intense, little brother." She was trying to keep the excitement in her voice down, just in case he was having second thoughts. But the fire in her eyes gave her away -- he had seen that look *up close and personal* too many times not to know what it meant. Matt looked right into her deep, dark eyes, now only inches away from hers. His hand found her breast and he squeezed her, tapping against her extended nipple with his thumb when he whispered to her, "I think, after a little while, I'll be able to describe it properly, Lis'." He took the swollen tip between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it and pulling it, making his sister crazy. His smile was just a little crooked as he said, "But right now, I'm gonna grab a quick shower." He kissed her lightly on her full, sweet lips. "Then I'm gonna come back and take you to a place you've never been before." He bent down and took her dark pink nipple between his teeth, pressing lightly but firmly into her. Then he let her slip away with a quick flick of his tongue. He looked down her perfect body, saw Winston still at work and he whispered one more time in her ear, "Now I understand, baby...how hot you thought it would be...just a heartbeat ago...if I really would have bitten you." As he got up off the bed, Lisa was gasping and looking at him in awe. "Don't make her cum, bro...whatever she bribes you with, 'kay?" Winston looked up, rolled his eyes and dove right back into the sweetest honey pot he'd ever tasted. Lisa put both hands on the back of his head and starting rolling her hips, moaning like a soft-core porn star on cable. "I mean it, Winston...remember, *amigo*...no matter what you think you've seen here tonight...you know who rules the roust. Don't make her cum, bro." Lisa was pretending to cry as Matt chuckled his way out of the room. He went into Margie's bathroom and found her standing naked on a big fluffy towel, brushing her long, straight hair as she stood in front of the mirror. Every time he saw her, it was like the first time all over again. His heart was in his throat -- she was simply stunning in every regard. He couldn't believe how truly lucky he was. When she noticed him, she dropped her brush on the counter and turned towards him. "Matt," she said softly with downcast eyes, "are you...I mean...is everything..." Matt could see her struggling to make sure everything was alright. She had obviously put a tremendous amount of trust in his mother, and he needed to make her see it was the right thing to do. He moved to her, taking her in his strong arms and pulling her perfect body next to his. "I love you, *Mai Ling*." He kissed her softly. "You...everything...it's all just perfect." They kissed again, this time their tongues finding each other. He pulled his face away and grinned at her. "Tell me, baby...how hard did you cum...when you *pissed in my mouth?*" He tried, but he just couldn't keep the excitement out of his voice. Margie's almond-shaped eyes flew open (as much as they could). "Oh my God!" she shrieked as she jumped into his welcoming arms. "I swear, Matty, it was..." Her head fell back, the curve of her neck and shoulder was poetry to his eyes, "...an explosion, like all of me was riding the great karmic wave." Matt held her firm, rounded ass as she brought her legs down to the floor. "Me, too, baby. It was indescribable...perfect...like you, love." The light from her eyes almost blinded him before she dropped to her knees into her submissive position. "*Master*, may I make a request? Please?" "*God,"* he thought to himself*, "she's just too fuckin' hot to be real!*" "Of course...you may ask. But quickly...I'm a little smelly..." She giggled. "...and I want to go shower." "Please, Matt, when your parents come...I want you to give me to your mother." It was what he'd expected from her and it made him smile. "I want to thank her, of course..." Margie looked up at the young man she loved so much, her grin was a little naughty, "but also...I think there's more that she can teach me...to please you and Lisa." Matt looked down at the wet-dream on her knees in front of him. Of course he would give her what she wanted -- there was never a doubt. But, he thought, he might enjoy her before he gave his answer. "We'll see," he told her. His voice carried more weight as he spoke again. "Come downstairs, *slut*." He could see Margie's golden skin flush in reaction to the word. "You can give me a shower while I decide." A few minutes later Matt stood under the steaming spray, letting the hot water loosen his muscles as it cascaded down his long torso and over his long, fit legs. He leaned against the wall, his shoulders and back getting the benefit of the liquid heat raining down and then he felt her rubbing a soapy washcloth over his neck and shoulders. She lathered his back and arms and then dropped her soapy fingers to his well-muscled ass, rubbing him lewdly as she cleaned every inch of him. When she finished his legs and feet, she stayed in the Asian-style squat in front of him and turned him around. Margie worked quickly with the soap and washcloth up his shins and thighs, gently and lovingly massaging the soft, thick shaft of his cock and then his sac with the foamy cloth. She stood up in front of him, making sure her nipples came in contact with his cock-head, and quickly finished his flat stomach and broad, muscular chest. He handed her the detachable shower head and she rinsed him off, using her free hand to wipe the clean water across his flesh. She softened the spray as she rinsed between his legs, her fingers lifting and separating to allow the water full access. She turned him half-way around again and rinsed his back and then used her fingers to spread his cheeks and make sure his ass was soap-free before she handed the shower-head back to him. By the time he'd replaced it and turned back again, Margie was already waiting outside the tub with a soft, warm towel to dry him off. He let her pat him down, front and back, and then stood in front of his mirror to brush his hair. He glanced at her reflection in the mirror and then smiled to himself as she resumed her kneeling position. He thought about her request for a moment and then turned around, leaning back against the counter. Keeping his voice firm, using the controlling tones he employed so well, Matt said, "Come forward, Margie...let's *multitask*!" She looked up hesitantly into his ice-blue eyes as she slid closer to him, between his spread legs. "That's better, *Mai Ling*. You practice my mother's 'deep swallow' technique while I decide what to do about your request." He groaned softly as Margie raised herself enough to take his thick flesh pole past her soft, sweet lips and into her welcoming mouth. She loved to take him this way -- not yet hard - she knew Lisa did, too. (They did talk about him, after all!) She controlled her gag reflex well as she felt his large, spongy head pass the back of her tongue. Breathing slowly through her nose, she 'swallowed' him into her throat. Matt was moaning softly, concentrating on not moving his hips as Margie held still, letting her throat adjust around him. After a very long minute, she put her hands around Matt's ass and pulled him closer, driving another inch or two deep into her throat. Again, she held him still as her body found ways to accommodate his length and girth. When her breathing and her pulse seemed reliable, the beautiful twenty-year old Chinese girl, completely naked on her knees in front of him, started to use her throat muscles the way Laurie had taught Lisa and Lisa had taught her. For the lucky 'stiff', it felt like nothing else in the world! A base-to-tip, 360 degree, wet, warm, swirling cock massage to die for!!!!! Matt worked hard, willing himself to speak while Margie practiced her magic on his ever-thickening cock. "I can tell you to please my mother...and my father...while they are visiting." He groaned...he was in love with a witch. "And don't forget, *Mai Ling*, you are *slut* number three...if I want my *slut*-mother to teach you her tricks, I could just tell her to." She looked into his eyes, acknowledging the truth of what he was saying. He looked into her eyes and saw the lust that was driving her. "Stop," he whispered to her. His hand went to her cheek as he slowly withdrew from her mouth. She made a small whimpering sound, feeling suddenly very empty. "Don't worry," he told her, his voice nearly normal again. "You can practice later. I want drown my sister in my love for her...you can fuck Winston again while you watch us." Matt's pulse picked up as he looked at her; his breathing became shallow as he pictured it in his mind. "*Shr, ne kan wo...*" he started in Chinese, drilling his authority into every word, "Yes, you watch us - watch me fuck my sister. Every way I fuck her...you make my friend fuck you the same way...very hot, little girl." "Okay," he switched back to English, "I'll give you to my mother...but don't come back to me if it's not quite what you think it might be. Margie, she could do something in front of your friends...you never know if you give her control." Margie felt her cunt flood at the thought of being exposed...for what she truly was...in public, in front of her friends and classmates..."*Oh God*," she thought, "*maybe even in front of my professors*!" Matt saw the lightning bolt shoot out of her eyes when he mentioned her friends; he could smell her arousal immediately. "If that's what you want...fine." He waved his hand dismissively as he walked out of the bathroom towards the stairs. She sat there, creaming at the possibilities when his voice broke her trance. "Coming, *slut*?" When he walked back into Margie's bedroom, he found Winston rolling joints (he immediately took one, lit it and took a long drag) and his sister on the phone. He sat down next to her on the bed, listening to her end of the conversation. "That will be so cool, Mom!" She was bouncing up and down like a little girl, her smile lighting the room. "Downtown? The Presidential Suite?" She lifted the joint from her younger brother and took a drag. "Okay...I will...see you then, Mom. Love you...Love you too, Daddy." And she snapped the phone closed. Matt started to ask what the call was about when Lisa cut him off with a big sloppy kiss, her arms around his shoulders and her breasts pressed against his chest. "Wait a minute, Matty, please?" She looked into his eyes. "There's something I have to tell you, bro. Then I'll tell you what Mom said, okay? But first..." she flipped her phone open again, "there's a quick call I have to make." Matt kissed her softly and nodded his approval. Margie walked into the room with a fresh pitcher of ice water and a few cold beers. She looked at Matt quizzically as he motioned her to be silent. Lisa punched a speed dial number and they could all here the ring on the other end. Lisa issued a disappointed sigh when she heard her Uncle David's voicemail greeting. Still, with a smile in her voice, she spoke into the phone. "Hi, Uncle David. It's Lisa." Her voice changed completely as she continued...deeper, smoky and sexy. "Mom just told me about Parents Weekend. I'm so sorry you can't make it." Margie moved closer to Matt, handing him a cold beer. Lisa looked at her, moved her hand to Margie's firm breast and gave it a loving squeeze. "I can't wait to see you fuck my hot little roomie." Margie gasped and Matt chuckled. Winston looked up for a minute, then continued rolling. "Anyway, thanks again for taking care of everything, Uncle David." She paused, looking at her brother again, and then she finished, "I love you, Unc...I'm here whenever you want me." She flipped the phone closed again. Lisa looked up at her brother; he was smiling patiently at here -- nothing but love in his light blue eyes. She was nervous and it started to affect her breathing and her skin raised in a million goose bumps. As gently as he could he said, "Lisa...there is nothing you could ever say that would make me stop loving you." He kissed her softly on her trembling lips. "What is it, baby cakes?" "Uhmm..." she looked up at her younger brother, the love of her life, a tear falling down her cheek, "I'm so sorry, Matty...I...lied to you." The tears started to flow as he gathered her in his arms and hugged his sister close. "I'm so sorry." Matt held her, kissed her head and shoulders and whispered that everything was okay... he loved her...it would be alright. When she calmed down, he said, "Tell me Lis' -- you'll feel better, honey. Believe me." Lisa shifted around on the bed until she was sitting on her brother's lap, facing him and straddling his waist with her legs. Matt's big, thick cock pressed against the length of her sweet slit as she pushed it between them. She was so close that when she inhaled, her nipples grazed his chest. She knew she shouldn't have lied, but she also knew he would not only forgive her, it would turn him on as well. When she looked up, Margie was giving Matt a 'shotgun' hit off the joint, carefully placing the lit end in her mouth and blowing the smoke out the end of the joint into his mouth. Lisa rubbed her hand across Margie's back and the seductive curve of her hip. When Matt leaned down to exhale the smoke, kissing his sister's open mouth, Lisa slid her finger through Margie's cheeks and pressed up until she was two knuckles deep in her ass. As Margie pressed down and rotated on her finger, Lisa exhaled and started to speak. "Remember a few weeks after we got back from Thanksgiving? I told you I was going to my friend Amy's wedding...I was gone for a weekend?" Matt was trying to remain straight-faced as his sister 'confessed' to him. But he was getting really hot as Margie's gyrations intensified. He started pulling gently on his sister's dark pink nipples; they seemed to stiffen at the same rate his cock was. "There was no wedding, Matty. I spent the weekend in a hotel in St. Louis." She moaned as her brother pulled on her...drawing her breast out as he stretched the rubbery flesh. "Uncle David called me...unghhh...he'd told me at Thanksgiving...uhmm, that feels so good...he said we, all of us, are like a...I know it sounds stupid, Matty, but it kinda made sense at the time...God, you're making me crazy, bro...he said we were like a vampire coven and he was the head." When the silence was broken by Winston's laughter, Matt let go of Lisa's tit and punched his friend in the shoulder. Silence ensued. Then Lisa continued. "He said that since he made Mom his slut first, every incestuous connection in both our families came from that...I was his slut, too." Matt was licking the bottom curve of her perfectly formed tit. Lisa waited until she felt Margie start to lift up and she straightened out the finger that had invaded that beautiful asshole. When Margie sat back down, she groaned and started fucking herself on Lisa's stiff digit. "You too, Margie." She was barely able to speak -- her brother's lips and teeth were working her overly-sensitive nipple and his stiff cock was working her clit as she pressed and humped herself at him. "We talked about you, lover...he said if you were really a part of all this...then you were his as well." Margie was so close to reaching her peak; she felt her nipples harden into long, dark bullets and her clit poked out as she rubbed lightly around it. She caught Matt's eye, "Please, *Master*, may I say yes?" she whispered in his ear. When he smiled at her and nodded his head, she flew over that peak; her pussy released enough juice to coat Lisa's fingers and another one found its way up her beautiful ass. Lisa looked at her brother. He was, she thought, much too calm and collected about all this. She was no longer afraid and she was getting extremely turned on, aware of every touch of his cock against her, every lick and kiss and suck of his lips and tongue on her warm, moist flesh. "He called me one night and asked me if I'd meant it...that I would be his slut. God, I was dieing, baby. You just don't know what guys like you and Uncle David do to us poor little girls. I said yes and he emailed me instructions. I packed some wicked outfits and some toys and I went to a hotel downtown. There was a keycard waiting for me...David said I could help myself to the mini-bar or room service while I waited. He told me to get there at 5:00pm and I shouldn't have to wait more than an hour. So I had some wine and I took a bath and it was about 5:30 and I was getting kinda nervous. I took a half tab of some herbal-X...it was so good. When it started to kick in, the door opened...God, I so wanted to be fucked, Matty, I couldn't believe it!" Margie was gushing all over her hand, but her brother was still in total control as she told him her story. "Oh My God!! It was Brian, baby! Not David...his son!" Lisa couldn't take it any more. She put her hands around her brother's face and looked right into his eyes. And of course, she realized the obvious. "You knew!" she squealed with delight as brother and sister shared a deep kiss. "When...what...tell me, little brother...what do you know?" Matt turned to Winston. "Make yourself useful, dude. Light me a joint and give me something cold to drink." As he waited for his good bud to take care of him, Matt turned to Margie with a smile. "How's your pussy feel, baby? You worked it hard tonight, huh?" The sexy Asian coed wet a finger in her mouth and drew it down slowly over her *Perfect 10* breast and her flat stomach until she was rubbing ever so softly over her tender, swollen mound. "*Ta shr buh tso*...not too bad..." she replied in Chinese, "but always open for you, *Master*." "No, sweetheart, not tonight." He took the joint from Winston, took a deep drag and gave it to his sister. After a long swallow of cold water, Matt handed the glass back to his good friend. He nodded towards Winston's wet dream. "She'll suck your cock again if you want. But if you fuck her...use her ass, okay?" Then he took the joint out of Lisa's hand, took one more drag himself and then handed it back to Winston, too. "Listen, bro...I don't mean to be rude...but I'm gonna be concentrating on my sister for a while. Why don't you and Margie move up to the head of the bed, okay?" Matt lifted Lisa and placed her on her back across the lower part of the bed. Taking a large feather pillow in one hand, he lifted her and slid the pillow underneath her saucy little bottom with the other. Lisa was sooo ready for this; in her mind, everything before had been appetizers leading up to the main course...her sexy younger brother's big, thick beautiful cock. God, how she loved him! Her still-tanned flesh was moist and flushed from the little mini almost-orgasms that Winston provided via his talented tongue. (She avoided the big O as Matt had made a point of telling his friend NOT to make her cum.) Now, with the pillow beneath her, Lisa watched her brother's face as he sat cross-legged between her spread and upraised thighs. Her breathing got shallower and her heart rate increased as he inched closer to her hot, wet core. As much as he appeared to be in control, Matt was every bit as excited as his older sister. His ice-blue eyes locked on to hers as he slowly leaned forward, bringing his talented tongue ever closer to her slick, shaved mound. He'd been waiting forever, or so it seemed to the young man, and his time was at hand. He touched her briefly, with the tip of his tongue, on that little ridge that separates pussy from pucker. He smiled at her when she gasped. "Did you think Uncle David would have called you like that without talking to me first?" Without waiting for an answer, Matt started licking in circles around her dusky pink rosebud. Lisa could only moan an answer. "At first, *he* was planning on meeting you, Lis'. He slid his finger into her moist little fuck-hole, lubricating it with her succulent crème. "He called me earlier that week...asked me if I minded if he sent Brian to fuck you." He withdrew the coated digit and found her asshole with the tip. "When David told me that Brian was already sleeping with Mom..." Matt pushed his finger up Lisa's clenching bowels with one thrust and Lisa, Margie and Winston all groaned together. "I figured it would be cool to talk to him after...you know...your brother and your first cousin, sitting around..." He thrust a second finger past her sphincter and started to stretch her out. "Comparing you and Mom...talking about how we like to fuck you. So I told him okay. But I never really heard any of the details. You can tell all of us now." Matt started to lick his sister's puffy lips as his fingers twisted in her ass. Suddenly, he remembered his mother's phone call. He looked up from between his sister's thighs. "Hey, Lis', before you do...what did Mom say before?" Lisa was having a hard time listening to her brother. His fingers were fiddling with her ass like a concert violinist playing a Stradivarius...and the idea of her brother and her cousin discussing her like that...it just made her cunt flood. But she tried to respond...she knew Matt wanted to hear about Brian and St. Louis. "Uncle David...unghh...is paying for a *huge* suite at a downtown hotel for Parents' Weekend." Her voice was low and gravelly and it made her brother's cock as hard as rock. "Mom and Dad, the three of us and Brian." Margie was moaning along with Lisa as she pictured the possibilities. "And new people, too, Matty. Brian is bringing his fiancée, Kathy, and her brother, Andy." Matt looked at her with a question on his face. Lisa's dark brown eyes were slits of pure lust. "Brian brought Kathy to our house one night. Daddy fucked her while Brian did Mom...then, Kathy told them that she and Andy have been having sex with each other since her senior year of high school." She tried to climb his fingers, thrusting her ass up off the pillow. "Brian told Mom that he looks just like you, Matty...he said you could be brothers." Matt felt his sister's colon start to clamp down ...she was so close to cumming...but then he took his fingers away, leaving her feeling so empty. "Matty," she moaned her loss, "what are you doing to me, baby?" Lisa moaned again feeling her brother's hands under her ass. He pulled her forward until her gaping rosebud was winking at the ceiling. Then he slid his long fingers up the back of each thigh, pressing her knees against her breasts. "Hold them wide open, baby," Matt growled as he slid his hands back down the hot moist flesh, "while you tell us about fucking our dear cousin Brian." Matt's fingertips slid through Lisa's creamy slit, playing lightly over her hyper-sensitive, hairless cunt lips from her erect little clit to her stretched-out sphincter. Then he took the shaft of his cock in his hand, lining up the thick head with her gaping hole. Pinching her clit with his other hand, Matt plunged his pole deep into her receptive bowels. "Talk to me, *slut*. I want to know what happened." Lisa gasped as her younger brother's fingers found her swollen clit and then groaned as he lodged his thick, meaty prick deep in her ass, filling her completely. She never felt as good as she did when her brother's magnificent cock was somewhere inside her. He slid his hips upwards, withdrawing his cock. "Ohhh, Matty..." Lisa moaned her loss, but then, quite unexpectedly, she felt his fingers holding her gaping sphincter open and his tongue slithering into her ass. Then she remembered...her *Master* wanted to her about her encounter with their cousin. "Oh God...that feels...unnnggghhh..." Matt plunged his thumb into her pussy, searching out her G-spot. "Please, Matty..." He really didn't want to stop reaming her butt-hole, but he had to get her back on track. "Keep talking, Lis'..." he grinned at her -- his eyes were slits of fire as he took his cock in hand and once again plunged it deep into her backside. "Or I'll stop what I'm doing." He pulled himself out, his thick head making a *plop!* as it passed her rubbery ring. Looking down, he mumbled to her, "God, Lis', I love the way your asshole stays open...like it's waiting to get filled up again." And again, he drove all ten inches into his sister's warm, tight bowels until his balls slapped against her upraised cheeks. He pulled his thumb out of her pussy and replaced it with two long finger that he used to massage his cock through her cuntal wall. *Fuck, it felt awesome!* Lisa was losing her mind as her brother continued his sensual assault on her vulnerable flesh. "He was so surprised, he told me. He was expecting Mom, but he was real happy that it was me, baby." Matt again replaced his fat cock with his tongue, licking and poking deep into her anus. "He asked me if I was really Uncle David's *slut*. I said yes. He asked me what that meant and I told him that I would do *anything* he wanted for the weekend." It took all of her concentration to keep going. Her brother was moving his tongue and fingers (and occasionally his cock) back and forth between her hot, bare mound and her open and excited dusky pucker. "Margie," Lisa tried to get her attention, "you'll meet him soon. Brian, our cousin...about 6'2" of beautiful stud with red hair, blue eyes, slim body and really great cock." She heard the beautiful Asian girl mumbling something about 'great cock'. "He told me later that Daddy said he loved sucking him so much that he could come over anytime he wanted a blowjob. Anyway, first, when he kinda got over the shock of finding me there instead of Mom, he told me since freshman year in high school, he thought about me when he jacked off." Matt stopped chewing on her pussy lips for a moment. He looked up towards the head of the bed. "He was always so popular and athletic...even as a little kid. Lisa and I both were not. It wasn't until freshman year that Lisa changed. She changed from a kid to a complete hottie." He resumed eating her, devouring her essence. Then looking up again, he said, "He really is beautiful, *Mai Ling*...all through college, he was a high fashion catalog model. Great cheekbones, I was always told...I guess a great cock, too." "I smiled at him," Lisa continued, her eyes rolled back in her head, "and told him he didn't have to do that anymore. I was wearing jeans and a little top. He looked at me and told me to take off the top...I think he wanted to see if I would more than he wanted to see my boobs. I turned around and took off my top. When I turned back around, he just stared at my eyes and told me I was beautiful. Then he told me to roll a joint from some stuff he brought. I lit it when I was done rolling and then handed it to him. He still hadn't touched me so when he took a hit, I put my hand on his jeans, over his cock, and I gave him a little squeeze. That got him started!" She giggled at the memory. "He told me to get naked so I gave him a little show -- peeling off my jeans and then my little panties. He *loved* my shaved pussy, *Master*! Then I stripped him and we played around for a little while and then he finally fucked me. It was wonderful, Matty. And then we showered and when I washed his back, I spread his cheeks and tongued his asshole. He really loved that! When he asked me if I 'swallow' cock like Mom, I think I came a little bit. So I turned him around and showed him I could it, too." Matt was back to alternating tongue, fingers and cock in both of his sister's exposed openings. He was immersed in the tastes and textures that kept subtly changing as Lisa's state of excitement altered. He pictured his older cousin as his sister mumbled on about her weekend. As he tongue-fucked his sister's juicy cunt, he thought about his dad's comment. Maybe he would get a chance to find out for himself... *Oh man*! He didn't know where that thought came from! But when he realized the desire was real, it put Matt right back on that insane edge that his father had described. He was ready to start his journey, bringing his hot, sexy sister along for the ride! Matt sat cross-legged directly in front of his sister's upturned behind. He told her to let go of her legs and let them drop slowly over his. Lisa sighed as her legs dropped slowly, not realizing the strain they had been under. Matt stroked her thighs, working up to her perfect mons, bending forward to kiss her clit. Then he nuzzled his way up the hot, moist flesh of her flat tummy until his broad tongue stroked around the underside of her delicious tits. Lisa felt like she was under water, immersed in the total pleasure of being devoured by her brother, her mind filled with graphic images of her time with Brian. "Tell me more..." she heard her brother's voice just before she felt his teeth on her stiff nipple. She was just vaguely aware when he shifted his hips. She thought she heard him again -- "Talk to me, baby," he said, just before he drove his stiff cock fully into her in one thrust. "UNnnnngggghhh...God, Matty...you're so fucking big." He brought back nine inches, very slowly, and then plunged to the hilt again. "He made me dress all slutty and then took me to the hotel bar so guys could hit on me." Again, her brother slowly withdrew his rock-hard slab until just the thick, spongy head was between her pussy lips, paused and then filled her completely again. He was making her crazy -- they both knew it. There was nothing on earth that could make him vary the pace and the depth of his stroke. It was a sensual torture that his father taught him and he was well into the first stage as Lisa kept talking about her weekend. "We got kicked out of the bar...went back upstairs to order room service. *Oh fuck, Matt!!!* Oooh yessss!" Matt felt her crème coating the length of his cock as she mini-climaxed when he bit her other nipple. "The room service waiter was a great guy...45 maybe 50 year old black man...very classy and *very* fit. Brian gave me to him...he wanted me to lick his ass before he fucked me. After, Brian gave him a hundred-dollar bill -- told him to tell all his friends in the kitchen to take good care of us all weekend. And they did, baby, they really did!" Matt kept the same pace as he continued to fuck his sister's hot, wet cunt. But now, when he was fully in her, he twitched his cock-head against her cervix before he withdrew. He was moving to stage two of his father's technique. He kissed the curve of her shoulder where it met her neck and then slid his lips up the moist, cinnamon skin until he could whisper in her ear. "Love your cousin, Lis'?" "Ummm hmmm," she moaned her agreement, "he's so beautiful, *Master*." She couldn't believe the way he was fucking her! "Gonna keep fucking him, baby cakes?" "As long as you let me...as long as he wants me. Oh FUCK ME, MATTY!!!" Lisa screamed as she climaxed again while feeling her brother's cock twitch against the opening to her womb. "Will you let me, Matty?" she asked when she could speak again. "Sure, baby, sure..." Matt kissed his sister, falling in love all over again with her soft, supple lips and her teasing tongue. "Was he as good as the bald, black posse? Wanna make babies with him...like you want to...with *Henry*?" Matt took Lisa up another level; when he mentioned Henry's name, his thumb plunged through her stretched-out anal ring and up her ass - all the while maintaining the same tempo and depth (and little cock twitch) like a fucking machine. Lisa was babbling and moaning as her brother's words started to penetrate her conscious mind. Babies...Henry..."Oh Jesus! Ohhh FUUCCCKKK!" she screamed her climax without knowing it. She was only vaguely aware of her ass clamping down on his thumb; it felt so good...so right...but he was making her *COMPLETELY FUCKING CRAZY* fucking her the way he was. She managed to find some words as her lust-filled eyes found his. "You heard me, Matty? Ooooohhh.. OH! OH!" She came again, picturing the African Adonis who'd fucked her so well earlier that night. "He told me, Lis'...didn't want to get on my bad side." Matt smiled darkly at his sister. "You would make beautiful babies, no doubt." He slid another finger into her, grinding along side his thumb. Lisa reverted to mumbling sounds, not words, as her brother played his sensuous symphony all over her perfect, young body. Her cunt was gripping his hard, thick cock like the walls had fingers and her ass was eating his fingers with every plunge. It was getting to be impossible for Matt to continue much longer. If he would have let himself, he could have cum anytime in the last ten minutes. As it was, he knew he had only a limited amount of time to bring both of them up the final level...on the edge. Their bodies were slick from their exertions, providing a full-body lubricant to the incestuous siblings as they rocked back and forth against each other. Sensing his sister was riding the crest of a huge orgasmic wave, Matt withdrew his long, hard, cum-coated prick from her exquisite pussy and his thumb and finger from her bowels. Shifting only slightly, Matt's cock found her dusky pink hole and he was up her ass in one smooth stroke. He watched his sister carefully as her eyes started to roll back with no apparent focus. When he pulled back and then fucked her asshole again, her eyes changed back again to the lust-filled slits he cherished. "Ooooohhh, Matty...unghhh...OH FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK unnnnnggggg!!!!" She had never...*never-fucking-ever* felt like this! Three, four, five times he fucked his stiff meat in her ass hard and deep, his balls slapping against her cheeks. Then suddenly he lifted her legs up and moved her away and off his rock-hard pole. He came out of her ass so easily, it seemed like it was a choreographed dance move. Flowing with the cosmic wave that seemed to be guiding his actions, Matt rose up on his knees, his strong, sure hands holding his sister by her trim waist. She was weightless in his grip and with no visible effort, the young man held her above the mattress, turned her upside down and brought her body back in to his. Lisa could not understand what her brother was doing to her. He had never...no one had ever...pushed her farther or harder. Her mind was turning to jelly as the pleasure neurons across her brain and body exploded continuously. Before she knew what was happening, a tremendous rush overwhelmed her as Matt held her with her head down. When she opened her eyes, she was looking at the swollen, mushroom-shaped head of her brother's completely erect cock. She found the drop of pre-cum leaking from his piss hole simply irresistible and moved instinctually to take him into her mouth. Matt opened his sister's thighs and rested them on his shoulders. At the very same time Lisa stretched her sweet lips around the massive corona of the finest cock in her world, she felt her brother's mouth form a seal over her smoothly shaved pussy. When he started to suck...oh so lightly...around her supersensitive clit, she felt the wave take her up a notch to a new level. Her breathing was so shallow and her pulse so rapid; electricity shot through her from where ever their flesh touched. She worked his cock deeper, gently swallowing him when she felt the head slide in to her throat. He couldn't take another minute of the exquisite torture he was putting himself through. He realized, somewhere deep inside, that if he was this far gone then his sister had to be, too. He started to relax the muscles holding back his climax while he slipped a long finger into her cunt, massaging her G-spot. His tongue beat a steady tattoo against the sides of her swollen nub, careful to avoid direct contact. He felt the heat of lust in her mouth as her tongue traced every vein and every ridge of his thick shaft. With all of his will...all of his strength...he lifted his mouth from her fire-hot flesh. "Just think, baby..." he was just barely able to speak, "you, Margie and me, Mom and Dad...Oh! Fuck, Lis'...I'm starting to cum, baby...God...Brian and Kathy and Andy... Ahhh..." he released the first long spurt of his thick semen into her gullet. "All of us fucking each other...and then with the bald, black posse." Lisa slid her mouth back until her lips sealed around the ridge of his cock-head; she needed to taste her brother's love and he complied with another stream across her tongue. He felt her tongue caress his cock, licking all around him. Matt dropped his mouth back to her steamy slit and started nibbling and chewing her clit with his lips. Matt fell slowly on his back, bringing Lisa with him. Their mouths never lost contact with each other's sex. He felt her scream around his thick, hard cock as the sensory overload proved to be too much for either sibling to handle. The vibrations from her lips and tongue triggered a totally uncontrolled release and his thick, hot crème filled her mouth as she struggled to swallow it all. Lisa had already been seeing stars from her brother's lips and tongue...then the G-spot thing...God, he was incredible! It was just about all over for the sex-saturated coed when she felt him gnawing on her clit. *How much could a girl take?* Not much, it seemed. When her brother's hot, thick, slightly salty cum started spraying inside her mouth, her cunt started clenching and clamping and finally squirting her love juice into Matt's mouth. They held each other so tightly, neither wanting their incestuous encounter to end. They were silent as they listened to each other's bodies...taking a last lick and a final suck before they became too sensitive to touch. When Lisa's mind came back to her body, and her breathing resembled something nearly normal, she crawled off Matt's prone torso, turned, and lay down next to him, propped up on her elbow on Margie's bed. Matt smiled up at her when opened his eyes. "Oooh!" he exhaled. "I love you, sis." Lisa looked at her beautiful younger brother, deep in to his eyes. She wanted to stay like this forever. "I love you too, bro," she said just before she kissed him lightly on his swollen lips. She smiled at him and shook her head. "Completely and forever, Matty...I know you know that, right?" "Of course, love," he smiled at her. "You really don't have to prove anything, little brother..." Lisa reached back with her free hand to pull Margie next to them. The beautiful Asian lay down on the other side of their Master and she and Lisa kissed deeply. "We're gonna see those big, beautiful black men several times a week," she said. "You'll kill all of us if you react this way every time, baby." They all looked at each other for a moment, then burst into laughter. Margie put on the cutest, sexiest little pouty face she could manage. "*Master*," she said with a silly Chinese accent, "if you feel compelled to prove it to *me* like that...I wouldn't mind." She paused and looked at them with a very wicked smile. "Maybe...sometime during *Parent's Weekend!*"
Title: The Buckhides - Farm Life by stinkin_weasel Tags: Bovine, Buckhide, Cow, Deer, Horse, M/F, M/F/F, M/M, M/M/F, Mare, Pig, Ram, Scat, Stallion, Vira, manure, roland *'Dear mother and father,'* the letter began, *'I hope all is well on your end. Just writing to tell you I've reached my destination safe and sound, and already love my new job! My new boss is quite the stud, but don't worry, I promise I'll give being a good girl my best effort! I must admit, some of the work here is pretty crappy, but the Buckhides keep us all motivated.* \_ \_ *Hope to hear from you both soon, all my love,* *Meryl* The letter's owner was an attractive young doe, just turned twenty as she took on her new job at the Roland family farm. She had soft violet eyes, and smooth dark hair, that often changed styles depending on her mood. She usually didn't bother with too much lipstick, preferring her lips natural color. Today however, they had been styled up nicely into a smooth brown, delivered straight from the backside of her boss. The whole front of her mouth was stained with a thick musky spread, chunks of corn and grass tangled in fur of her cheeks as she leaned in to grab more. Her parents had no idea that her new employment was chosen for a completely different reason than she advertized, all along the doe having a long lasting hunger to be a shit slut. For months she had frequented local nightclubs, discretely advertising her services to men who seemed a little more on the rough and freakish side. Her first customer ever had been a buff and rugged bulldog. She remembered it all in detail, his dark Mohawk, ripped muscles, rough unwashed hands, and various tattoos. She remembered the look of disgust he had given her after her rushed whispers, looking around the room before handing her a twenty. She never charged much, more attracted to the nasty act than the profit she could gain. She had been so excited to try it for the first time, all her previous experience spent alone, dining on her own waste. She held onto every loving detail of her memory, the abusive name calling, the smell of every fart he rasped out into her nose, and the bitter drippy slop, that had covered her entire face, the only way to get it out being the water of the toilet in their stall. She never was able to make out her first customer's meal, the waste so undigested and sloppy, it seemed more like inedible slime than anything else. She cherished it though, the rush giving her only more of an addiction to satisfy. Her second customer had been a freebie, and not even intentional. She was desperate one night, looking through every stall in the men's washroom until she finally stumbled upon one whose previous occupant hadn't flushed. It must have been there for at least an hour, the bowl's water murky as she slipped her paws in to grab the old watered down log. It had a greenish tinge to it and smelled horrible. She almost gagged at first, but with patience, eventually convinced herself to swallow the whole thing down. That's when he entered, a strong looking ram whose eyes gleamed at the sight of such a nasty act. He eyed her down carefully, the frightened little doe cowering behind a deep red blush. He laughed however, pants hitting the bathroom floor as he merrily said, "No sense in eating a second rate meal, here's something fresh!" His fuzzy gray rump leaned down on her without the ram asking, clearly appreciated though as he felt the doe's tongue trail across his pucker, leaving stains from the leftover shit she had been munching on. Meryl loved the warm manly musk that radiated off the ram's rear, clearly working out that day as it was coated in sweat. She probed away at the rippled hole, waiting anxiously until a rush of air hissed out of the smooth hole. It was a sweeter form of the usual bitter taste of farts and the doe moaned deeply, imagining how delicious the actual scat would taste. As the hole began to stretch out, she lunged her tongue in, rubbing it around the surface of the crisp log inside before letting it naturally fall out into her waiting lips. The ram waited until she was finished the first log, spreading his cheeks with his paws so she could clean him off before the next round, "Got a name beautiful?" The doe leaned down so she could speak, cleaning the last of the ram's streaks off with her nose so she could keep the scent in her senses, "My name's Meryl", she took a whiff of the crap on her nose, "...and you are?" The ram stretched a bit in his relaxed state, comfortable despite the odd crouch he was in. He took a moment to reply, and as the doe looked up her face was bombarded with a pile of freshly squeezed soft serve. "Very full!" he finally replied chuckling as he listened to her rub the mess out of her eyes and into her mouth. She shovelled it all down into her muzzle, scarfing it down as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. "Don't forget to chew beautiful!" the ram said as he pat her on the head, standing up so he could remove his clothing. He winked at her to do the same and when she was finally bare, the two sat next to each other on the cold concrete. The ram squinted as he pinched out another log, this time gripping it firmly to rub over his hard shaft. The doe eyed with hunger, salivating at the chunky layer of shit. "Go on, give it a suck sweetheart!" the ram coaxed her forward, leaning back and sighing as she worked her lips over his muddy meat. She rocked her head back and forth as she fit the shaft cleanly down her throat, working her tongue around until she leaned back up, lips now dirty as the shaft was sparkling clean. "Good girl!" the ram exhaled, lips lunging for hers as he locked her in a horrible tasting kiss. His fingers probed against her tight pucker as they embraced each other, pushing slowly inside as he rubbed the gunk off them. As they slipped in he could feel the edge of something slimy and he broke the kiss to pant out, "Feels like you're backed up...you should do something about that!" She looked behind her with a soft smile, body tightening as a sudden rush of waste poured from her pucker. It was brightly colored and soft, quickly covering the ram. She watched on in wide eyed fancy as he stroked the runny soft serve against his chest and cock, firmly pumping chunks of it over his shaft. It was the first and favourite time she ever had someone worship her own shit. The deer's thoughts suddenly snapped back to reality as her breasts were firmly pinched, her boss still clutching her body tightly. She sighed deeply as she leaned back, feeling the stallion's smooth hands lather in the sticky muck. He caressed her entire body, fancying her figure as his finished up the first priming of a lovely new coat of shit. She gently cooed as he touched her, occasionally nipping her ear until quite suddenly the two were interrupted by another visitor. "Heya boss, nice pair of tits you got there!" the voice belonged to a slightly obese pig, speaking like the doe was just a toy Roland had acquired. The stallion looked at her fine pair thoughtfully before smearing the pile of shit in his hand over them, "Yeah, I like 'em, good and firm!" The pig smiled still, but sweat now glistened on his forehead, clearly overwhelmed by the sight and smell of the two. "This is Larry, slut" Roland spoke in a humorously polite tone to the doe, hand suddenly unzipping the front of the pig's jeans, "Give Larry a warm welcome for me!" The doe smiled up at the fat pig, clearly turned on by the unappealing way both men were treating her. She loved being Roland's slave, even when he made her service unattractive men. His cock was a long limp coil, feeling strange in her hands as she pulled it into her mouth. The taste was noticeable before her tongue even touched it, salty, sweaty and clearly unwashed. It was downright nasty, but she obediently gulped it down, bobbing her head as it grew harder and harder. "Oh god, this is a good one Roland!" the pig moaned, starting to ride the mouth of the shit stained doe. He began to sweat more as he thrust into her, the smacking of his body causing him to let out an accidental fart. Roland pulled the doe away from him, the pig looking disappointed as his cock now hung out by its lonesome, dripping with the doe's saliva. "Don't you dare waste another one of those?!" Roland commanded the pig, twirling his finger until the pig turned around. The doe could smell it from where she was, unwashed, stained, and now laced with fart. She felt sick as she looked at the putrid hole, nestled between the two flabby cheeks of the greasy slob, but the moment Roland pushed her in, she obediently probed her tongue around to clean up all the messy leftovers for the pig. She found little chunks of shit still caked to his backside as she was in there, some hard enough that she was actually forced to chew them down. She fought every urge to spit the crud out of her mouth, her tongue stopping as the pig arched up, Roland pulling the doe's nose down over the hole. Another rasp came out, heavy and warm as it hit both her nostrils and eyes. It had been much stronger than the stallion's, causing her eyes to tear up from the stench. "Good huh?" the pig said cheerfully, clearly unaware of how unappealing it was to the doe. Roland pat the doe on the shoulders, looking sternly to the pig as he spoke, "Enough games, give me some brown!" His grip tightened on Meryl's shoulders, the stallion pushing her down onto her back, so her stomach was facing up. The pig knelled down in response to Roland's orders, squinting and clenching as a big dark pile of scat began to drop out over the stallion's pet. She felt the thick muck pile over her, still finding the smell intense, but at least relieved she didn't have to swallow it whole. Her master reached his hand down, scooping up one of his earlier made piles from her body. He stepped around to the front of the pig, looking down at him in a dominating stance before rubbing the pile against his lips. The pig hungrily licked Roland's fingers, moaning as they were suddenly shoved into his mouth, scraping their contents against his teeth. "Eat it pig!" Roland barked, horking a thick glob of spit into the pig's eyes. The thick corkscrew between his legs grew thicker as he was mistreated, swallowing down his gift as the last clump of shit fell from his ass. "Now get out of my sight!" the stallion's tone was laced with disgust, the pig saying no other words as he trotted his horny fat ass away from the pair. Roland looked over to the doe, eyes still wild before calming, smiling at his little pet, "Now...where were we?" She got up to her knees, kneeling on the grass as he slithered up behind her. His hands gripped at the piles of horse and pig manure, massaging them over the doe's soft fur. "I think we need a little bit more darling" he whispered into her ear. She jumped a little as she felt his fingers slide against her pucker, now aware of exactly what he meant. "Sure thing boss!" she chimed out, hoping she actually had to go as she concentrated. It took a few moments, but finally, a long thick turd dropped out into the stallion's hands, it was all she had, but after all that pig unloaded on her, she was sure it would be enough. Seconds after it had left her body, she felt Roland slap it against her, continuing his handy work on her new coat. When he finally stopped she opened eyes, now gazing down to see her body a messy brown, neck to feet covered in three different coats. She focused on her breasts first, making out a piece of corn right on her nipple that previously belonged to Roland. She could tell the rest was hers though, little pepper chunks littering her fur. Her gaze moved lower, her chest an equal mix of Roland's waste and the pig's nasty droppings. She felt beautiful, honoured to be made so perfect in the stallion's image. He looked her over, the softest smile on his face, the one he only gave to those he truly cared for. She wasn't sure what in her short time on the farm had given him such admiration towards her, but she felt privileged beyond belief. He leaned in to her breast, licking off the piece of corn and chewing it down before giving his one last command, "Stay here in the sun until it's dry...no showers for three days!" Her eyes widened, heart raced and pussy salivated all at once. 'Three days?!' she thought to herself, overwhelmed at how cruel and wonderful her task was at the same time. She gazed into her master's eyes, so thankful she could kiss him, but instead bowed her head low and mumbled out "Th-thank you sir!" The stallion laughed as he firmly smacked her behind, getting to his feet to leave as he called out, "Don't worry gal, you 'will' be thanking me later!" ... By her third day, her fur was crusty, hard, and smelled worse than anything her nose had encountered before. A few of the farm workers even avoided her from time to time, only the nastiest of her friends able to enjoy the stench. Everyone admired her though, the smell of old feces a mark of status among them as she walked the grounds, every other shitslut jealous of Roland's new toilet paper. By the time it had reached midnight, her duties had been complete, one last task now standing between her and a nice hot shower. Her scat coating was indeed wonderful, but was starting to get unsanitary, even for her. Elsewhere on the farm, Roland was out in one of the harsh scented barns. He leaned back comfortably, thrusting his impressive shaft back into his current victim, causing more gurgling to sound out beneath him. A well built, but currently bound ram was locked into place on the barn floor, spread out on all floors like a dog as the stallion forced his ass to swallow his cock whole. The ram's muzzle was locked into a mask that attached to a long tube, the other end of which was gradually emptying the contents of a large tub of manure. "Just a little more," Roland smiled darkly as he listened to the painful swallows of the ram, "I thought you loved cleaning up after newbies!" The ram nodded as best he could in agreement, letting out a long needed breath when Roland finally disconnected the tube. A splash of manure fell across his chest and smiled weakly to the stallion. "I've got a present for you!" Roland said cheerfully, looking to the door as it suddenly creaked open. The ram's eyes widened to two large spheres as the doe walked in, blushing as the two admired her, although it was impossible to tell. She was a rich dark brown, head to doe, the stench lingering throughout the room as she showed off her beautiful coat of dried old scat. "You look beautiful Meryl!" the ram spoke with lust, lips the color of manure as he leaned in to kiss the girl's feet. "Doesn't she though?" the stallion chimed in, staring down at the ram as his tone filled with delight. "I'm sure she's itching to take a bath though, would you do the honours?" The ram gained a sudden look of intensity, both shocked for the reward and regaining his erection with excitement. "I-I'd be honoured sir!" Moments later the doe lay against her stomach, the ram nestled between her and a stack of hay as he dragged his tongue across her chest. Roland was knelled behind the two in a rarely seen position. He gently held the doe's cheeks spread apart as his tongue hungrily probed as deep as it could into her tight pucker. At the same time the ram's tongue took a rough glide over her right breast, cleaning a scoop of shit off. Her pussy lips ached from the tickling of both tongues, soaking wet as it so desperately wanted the same attention. Noticing this, Roland rubbed his fingers against the horny folds, soaking his fingers in their juices before rubbing it over the girl's asshole. "Looks like someone's getting excited" he chuckled, getting up to line his cock up with her backside, "You're allowed to fuck her too Meryl, as long as you keep cleaning her!" His face lit up as permission was given, the ram leaning down for a better position, making sure to keep working away at the girl's clumpy fur, "Yes sir! Thank you sir!" Meryl whimpered in ecstasy as she felt the men rubbing their pricks against either side of her, taking a deep breath as they both sank in with a heavy smack. Roland's shaft was so immense it gave the doe throbbing pain as it filled her ass. The stallion kept thrashing it into her though, only pushing harder every time she whimpered out. Thankfully she could handle it with the added pleasure the ram was giving, his cock rather impressive as well as it slid in and out of her soaking cunt lips. His tongue made long laps across her breasts, choosing to clean them first, his forehead rubbing against her chest gently until it was stained too. It took effort to clean the doe off, the scat so dry and stuck that the ram had to be careful and lather it with salvia before sucking it off. He spent a good time untangling long strands that twined between her chestfur, so noticeably foul that it was obviously the pigs'. His stomach churned as he dealt with the sudden rush of rancid pig waste and just as his face coiled, Roland softly whispered, "I know boy, wretch if you need to!" The ram was thankful for the permission unable to hold back the disgust. Even with his iron will and stomach, the dry pig shit was enough to make him cough out a splash of scat laced vomit. Meryl shivered as she felt the warm splash of half-digested fluid. She ran her fingers through the chunks on her body, waiting for the ram to regain his composure. His cock was still hard, thrusting in and out of her aching pussy lips, still soaked with excitement as the stallion behind her casually treated her ass like a piece of meat. It had stopped hurting by now, but with all those muscles relaxed she foresaw a soon outcome. While she continued to play with the puke on her chest, Roland grunted out, happily surprised as a runny coat of shit poured out over his shaft. "Absolutely lovely" he whispered out, still thrusting into her as he leaned back for a better view, "The only thing better than a tight pucker forced open by a stud's cock, is seeing its soft pink color spoiled by a trail of muck!" The stallion smacked himself in and out of her until the waste splashed over his waist, "Mmm so warm!" While the stallion was busy admiring the doe's messy rear, the ram looked up with glowing eyes, patting the girl on the cheek with his shitty paw as he whispered out, "Look how far you've gotten Meryl." She leaned in to give him a kiss on the nose, hugging him gently as she felt him buck up, his shaft throbbing as his seed shot into her. She lay on him contently, enjoying a short lived afterglow before Roland got to his feet, pulling her up by her hair to shove his prick into her mouth. She swallowed down the runny waste she had left on it, sighing as she suckled away. Roland grinned as he thrust into her throat, grunting as he barked out, "Drink it down bitch!" The ram looked up with a hint of jealousy, sighing to himself as he watched the beautiful doe close her eyes and gulp down, odd splashes of thick horse cum dripping down her muzzle. As the long thick horse cock dropped out of her mouth, it left a long white strand connecting her lips and its head. She reached out, pulling it towards her to slurp up as her master left. He let out one last stench filled fart, just inches from the doe's face, as he turned for the door, waving his hand in a bored fashion, "Feel free to shower Meryl, but you-" he pointed at the ram, "Two days to bask in that filth!" ... It was midday when finally it came time to distribute the fertilizer, a task given to specific hired workers, who both tended the farm as well as joined in on the group's activities. To them this job was both work and play in the same breath; every inch of soil fertilized another step towards orgasm. Two of the workers on that day's shift were very beautiful middle aged cows. Martha was a proper lady, well dressed outside of work and with curled bows of golden blonde hair. Wendy was a brown cow and spent all of her day naked, her favorite pastime baking, with donated 'ingredients' her coworkers would slip her. Today they both were naked as ordered, knelled down on the soft earth as they piled and placed piles of warm manure with their bare hands. They grabbed it from a large container they dragged along with them, its contents a mix of both feral manure and the leftover shit from the outhouses. By the time they midway through their shift, both women were rather dirty, and horny as all hell. "You always get wet when we do this don't you?" Martha chuckled as she slipped her fingers into Wendy's damp folds. The brown cow giggled as she curled up in defence, a blush covering her face as she sighed deeply, "C-careful Martha, I'm s-sooo full!" The white cow smiled, with a longing lust in her eyes. She leaned down behind Wendy slowly and wiggled her damp nose against her folds until the tickle caused her to tense up. "Oh-oh god Mar-ugh!" the brown cow whimpered, and Martha held her hands up just in time to catch a raining plop of thick manure. "Mmm, you are full dear" Martha mumbled out, dragging her nose against the warm dung pile so it could stick to her nostrils. With the helpful reinforcement of that delicious scent, she knelt down into the dirt, stroking the pile in her hands lovingly into the dirt, where Roland's crops were growing. "Your turn dear!" the white cow called brightly, lifting her rear in the air, so Wendy could kneel down behind it. Her palms stretched out for Martha, the brown cow whistling away until the bright pink pucker stretched wide open, a thick pile of cowpie covering her cupped hands. "That's lovely Martha!" Wendy chirped out, sneaking a small bit into her mouth before getting to work as well. After a solid hour of work had gone by, their ears perked up at the sound of footsteps, and they turned to greet their boss with a longing desperate smile. "Oh Roland, is it lunch time?" Martha rang out, her pussy lips already wet at the very presence of the naked stallion. "We've worked up quite and appetite!" Wendy chimed in, leaning against her friend as they both knelled under their master. Roland seemed quite bored at their display as he stretched his arms, still tired from using the ram all night. "Yeah I reckon you deserve a hearty meal" he surrendered to the two, turning around to lift his tail up. The two ladies instantly leaned in together, cheeks pushing together anxiously as they waited. At first all Roland had for them was a big wet fart, the stench coming from it his usual brand of bitter. "Oh, heavenly!" Martha moaned out, as the two of them sucked it in until they were out of breath, both playing with themselves as they dampened at the scent. "C'mon daddy, give us some food!" Wendy giggled, flirting with the stallion like always. Their master turned to give them a little grin, their amusing displays of affection striking his mood, "Maybe if you girls are good and finish ALL of your dinner I'll abuse those cunts for a while!" he admired their rumps as they hung out, their bigger shape always feeling good when they were smacking against him. The two ladies gave him a look of absolute high, literally worshiping the ground he stood on. "You'd do that, for us?" Martha asked like she was a lowly peasant, grabbing Wendy's ass to calm her own excitement. The stallion nodded, his face squinting a bit as a large dark mound of shit began to drop out of his ass. The two ladies pushed against each other aggressively now, fighting for their meal like that hadn't eaten in weeks. When the first mound had finally dropped, it hit the entirety of both pretty faces, the two nuzzling each other until it got everywhere. They munched down on the sloppy bitter muck, occasionally making it out with it so they could share particular pieces they found rather flavourful. "Good girls!" Roland smiled as he let another one go, this time heavier and more solid as it snaked its way into their open mouths. They sucked and slurped on this one together, savouring it as long as they could before it inevitably broke apart midkiss. The stallion let them revel in his filth for a little bit longer, eventually loosing his battle at resistance. "Ok Martha get your smelly rump up here, Wendy, you can eat for a little longer!" "Thank you sir!" he heard them cry in unison, clearly both in orgasmic states from their filthy acts. Martha crawled over to Roland's front as ordered, facing the other way as she held her big rump up to him. He took one look at her manure stained, damp pussy and smiled, pulling her back with his hands as he thrust his thick shaft up into her. He didn't start slow or use much technique, after all she was just warm meat. The white cow screamed in pleasure as she squirted several times, biting the grass she lay in as her friend still sat behind Roland. Wendy was contently licking at her master's warm pucker, coaxing out the odd remaining piece of dung to enjoy. Her face was stinking with shit, chunks literally caked on as she kept herself firmly planted to the stallion's backside. The thick cock that rammed into Martha was quickly starting to hurt, and she made every effort to keep quiet, knowing her place. The brown cow got a few more quick licks in before she heard, "Wendy, up here now!" She crawled up to his front, the same way Martha had as her friend now lay elsewhere on the grass, panting in a daze. Wendy had just gotten settled when she felt the same strong plunge into her pussy. "Oh g-god!" she yelped, gripping the ground as she was ravaged by the stallion's thick pole. She had always been tighter than Martha so Roland's length barely fit. In seconds she was in the same agony her friend had been, keeping her painful moans muffled as she let her master have his way with her. The brown car, kept her rump up in the air as the stallion made his final slams into her. Her flesh almost tearing from his thrusts before finally a long shot of seed filled her insides. "Th-thank you sir" she mumbled as he pulled out of her, her hands reaching back to catch the string of cum as it poured from her abused hole. As she crawled over to Martha, holding out her cupped hands, Roland barely gave them a second glance leaving as he said off-handily, "Get back to work you lazy cows!" The two girls looked in each other's eyes, both climaxed and aching as they leaned down into Wendy's hands, slurping up the sticky horse seed.
Title: Best-Case Scenario Ch. 03 Tags: escort, two women one man, whore sex, threesome sex, prostitute sex, lesbian threesome, bisexual female, ffm, menage a trois *The following is a work of fiction – for now. It describes a fantasy I fully intend to make as real as possible. Those who have advice regarding the scenario I spin below are welcome to contact me, I am pleased to hear from you!* \* It's me again, with another could-be-true scenario of sex and lust outside of my marriage, where I don't get laid nearly as much as I need and when I do it kind of sucks. A little background, for those who haven't read 1 and 2: I'm a thirty-year-old guy with an eighteen-year-old lust that never gets satisfied. I love lesbians, tit-sucking, deep tongue kissing, and role-playing, none of which describes the things my wife is into. She likes romance and deep emotional bonding, which is fine and good, but not much fun when that's what it has to be about every damn time. Incidentally, most married men get laid more than once a month, don't they? I'd hate to think that this is really how it's supposed to be. A moment ago, I mentioned lesbians as one of my turn-ons. For the record, this is NOT something I expect of my wife. I have never asked her to participate in a threesome or even pretend to get excited about lesbian porn for my benefit. I am not upset about the fact that she doesn't swing both ways. I'm not even sure I'd like it if she did. But dammit, if I can't even get some reasonably enjoyable sex from her, I'm sure as hell going to indulge in my ultimate fantasies when I go seeking it elsewhere! Because that's what it's come down to. Unable to find satisfaction at home, I have turned to the age-old tradition of Adultery to fulfill my sexual needs. I'm not looking for affairs at the office or keeping mistresses; I don't need emotional fulfillment, only sexual. For my extra-marital sex, I go to professionals: strippers, escorts, and whores. I wish it were legal, so that I didn't have to be a criminal as well as an adulterer, but such is life. *(Note: I'm speaking as if I actually do this. I don't. I've never cheated on my wife beyond a lapdance with all the rules of the strip club strictly obeyed. These stories are fantasies I use to cope with the lack of sex in my life, not a description of what I really do.)* I live in Houston, where prostitution is illegal, but it's still everywhere. There are strip clubs all over the city, massage parlors at every highway interchange, and "modeling studios" next door to all the above. And, of course, there are the escorts for hire. You can find them on the internet (presumably you're on the internet right now – go see for yourself), and they come in all varieties. I'm looking for something special: two women, busty and beautiful, willing to get down and dirty with me and each other. The keyword to search for is PSE: Porn Star Experience. They're out there… \* \* \* \* \* "Hey, it's no problem, hon," I said graciously. "Go ahead and indulge, and I'll see you in the morning." "You're sure?" My wife was on the other end of the phone. She had called me while I was engaged in a frequent habit of mine, flipping through internet websites of professional escorts and imagining what it would be like to get it on with some of those hot girls for hire. So far, I hadn't done anything but look, but I suddenly realized that might change this very night! "You don't get to cut loose that often," I said to my wife. "Have a few margaritas with friends. If Lindsey's okay with having you crash for the night, that's cool. Unless you want me to come pick you up?" *Please say no, please say no…* "No, don't even do that, it's clear across town. Besides, you know I get carsick when I drink. I'll just stay here and drive home tomorrow." "Okay," I said, trying to sound calm and nonchalant. "I'll see you in the AM, or maybe sometime after noon if you really party." "That second one is more likely," my wife admitted. "Cool. Don't stay up too late!" "I'll try not to. I'll probably just surf the web for a few hours." "Careful," she deadpanned. "Don't have too much fun." "I'll manage. Goodnight, sweetheart." "'Night, love!" She hung up the phone, and I brought up the details on a link I had just found on the Houston Escort website I had been browsing. Two women looked back at me, both sexy and slutty with big racks and sweet bodies. I read the description of services carefully: "Fulfill your fantasies with us! We're two hot, steamy girls who can give you the attention you crave. We love to have fun and we want to hear your ideas for how to do it. A true GFE/PSE experience awaits you! We're at our best with a polite, CLEAN gentleman who treats us right. The fee for our time is non-negotiable and tips will ensure that you get the very best service. Serious calls only, please. Men, women, and couples. We are available individually but we think you'll like us best together!" The rest of the information was about their rates, contact info, and indicated that they were available for incalls or outcalls. I certainly didn't want to have them come to my house, and I preferred not to spring for a hotel room, so I was glad to see they had the incall option. The rates were a little steep – four hundred dollars for the two of them for a half hour – but I happened to have some extra dough in my hidden stash due to some fortuitous sales of stock photography over the web (my wife knew nothing about my secret second income). I decided to go ahead and blow it, and opted for the $1000 hour-and-a-half special. That would leave me with about $400 for tips, $100 for champagne and gifts, and would reserve some money in my little sex account for next time. Of course, there was every possibility the girls were already booked. It was Friday night, after all, and I was trying to do this on very short notice. I decided that the first thing to do was to place the call and see if I could even get them; if not, then I decided I would forgo the evening. I had discovered early on in my adulterous career that it was better to spend my money on what I really wanted than to settle for something less. In other words, one half-hour threeway was better than a dozen no-touch lapdances. I placed the call, feeling the familiar rush I always did when I initiated a new encounter. Sometimes I wonder if it wasn't that anticipation high that kept me coming back for more, and not the sexual release. It's such a gloriously ALIVE feeling, to embark on such an adventure and to do something, *anything,* that involved some risk and daring. "Hello," said the recorded voice on the other end of the line. "You have reached the mailbox of Erica and Sylvia. If you would like to set up an appointment, please leave a call-back number and we will be back with you very shortly. Serious inquiries only, please." I hadn't expected this, and found myself in a momentary quandary over whether I should leave my home number. I quickly decided that these women must have had married men for clients before and would be well aware of the need for discretion, and so I punched my number into the phone and hung up. Then came the waiting. I timed it – it actually took seventeen minutes, but it felt like one hell of a lot longer. All I could do was pace around the living room, too nervous to sit down. I became drenched with sweat. My heart pounded. Like I said, the rush I feel in such circumstances is unreal, and it was something I wished I could get in other ways. I've tried things like bunjee jumping and rock climbing, but there's a component missing to the adrenaline high in activities like those; there's no SEX involved. The adrenaline high coupled with intense sexual tension is what gives me that rush that I crave. Again, I could probably be satisfied with my own wife if she were willing to be even a little bit adventurous in bed, but she won't. Heck, I couldn't even get her to make love on the living room sofa one afternoon when we were alone in the house; she said she felt too "exposed". The phone rang at last. I had to stop and remind myself that it could be my mother or something, and that I must try to answer the phone in a normal voice. I let it ring twice, then grabbed it. "Hello?" "Hi, this is Erica, returning your call," said the voice on the other end. It was even-toned, but there was a hint of sensuality to it. "Good evening, Erica," I said, forcing myself to remain calm. "My name is Xavier, and I'm responding to the advertisement placed by you and Sylvia. I'd like to inquire about your services." (I've taken to using the name Xavier, instead of my own.) "Well, I'm so glad you called," Erica replied, her voice still light and friendly. "When were you hoping to get together, and for how long?" "By any chance, are you both available tonight?" "I'll need to check with Sylvia. Please hold for a moment." I waited, nervously twitching my foot. "Hello, Xavier?" she said at last. "This must be your lucky night. It seems we've had a cancellation, so we can get you in. What did you have in mind?" Their advertisement had specifically said that there was to be no explicit talking on the phone, so I refrained from saying in detail what I really wanted. "I'd like to spend about an hour and a half with you both," I said. "I would prefer to come to your location. I could be there at around ten o'clock, if that works for you." "I think that will be just fine. Since this is our first time doing business together, let me explain how it works. You'll come to our place at ten o'clock, and we'll take fifteen minutes to get to know each other a bit. During that time, if you decide that we aren't what you had in mind, or if for some reason we decide that we won't be able to work with you, then we'll call the whole thing off and there won't be any hard feelings. If we all get along, then you'll need to hand us an unsealed envelope with the agreed-upon fee, in cash, and your hour and a half starts from that moment. Is that all acceptable to you?" "Perfectly." She gave me directions to her location, and made sure I understood that the $1000 was for their time, and that anything that happened during that time was simply a matter of consensual activity between adults. Naturally, I agreed to it all – they were simply trying to protect themselves, legally. I had no doubt of the sort of services I was really buying. "Okay, Xavier, we'll look forward to seeing you at ten o'clock," Erica said. "We'll be ready. I hope you will be." She hung up. I took a deep breath and went upstairs to shower and shave. \* \* \* \* \* On the way there, I bought a bottle of quality champagne, and two bottles of perfume (they had provided a list on their website of gifts they preferred, and I went by that). I also bought some fiery red lipstick for both of them, though that was more for my own benefit; I love hot red lips! The address they had given me turned out to be a condo in a surprisingly affluent neighborhood, which surprised me somewhat until I considered that they were probably able to cover the monthly rent payments with just two nights of work. I parked in the space they had told me to take, and looked out my passenger side window at their door. The moment of anticipation was at hand, the adrenaline was going, and my pulse felt like the beating of drums. With a slightly quivering hand I took the champagne and gift packages, and an envelope with their payment. A few seconds later I was ringing the bell. "One moment!" came a voice from inside. I tapped my foot nervously, feeling exposed and self-conscious standing there in full view of the neighbors, some of whom had to know about the business that went on in this house. I had turned up the collar on my jacket and wore sunglasses, but I still felt like I was standing there naked holding up a sign that said, "I'm here to see the hookers!" The door opened, and there stood an intensely sexy woman. She stood about five-foot-eight in heels. Her eyes were sparkling blue, and her hair was light brown and wavy, falling to just below her shoulders. She wore a simple black evening dress, and it revealed seriously deep cleavage. Her breasts were large and full, and they seemed firm enough to stand out on their own without the need for support. A long slit up the side of the dress revealed a toned, smooth leg. There was a sweetness to her face that didn't match the stereotype of those in her line of work; she looked more like a young housewife or schoolteacher, definitely not a whore. "Hi, I'm Erica," she said. "Won't you come in?" "I'd be delighted," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. I stepped inside and she closed the door. The condo was as nice on the inside as out, with quality furniture and indirect lighting. Down the hall was a room from which a red light glowed, and from that room came my second "date" for the evening. Sylvia looked less "wholesome" than her playmate, but she didn't look slutty or trashy by any means. Her eyes were slightly narrow and smouldered just a bit, even when she smiled brightly as she would to a new client she had just met (which I was, of course, but the smile was the same one I might have seen from a real estate agent or a waitress looking for a good tip). She was less busty than Erica but still very pleasingly shaped, slim and athletic and able to wear a tight-fitting red dress to its best advantage. Her hair was blonde and straight, and draped over one shoulder in a way that I had somehow always found alluring. I felt nervous and self-conscious; I wasn't quite sure what to say or do next. Fortunately, the ladies were very much in their element, and knew how to put me at ease. "Xavier, we're so glad you're here!" Sylvia said as she approached and offered me her hand. "I'm Sylvia, and you've already met Erica. Please, come inside and sit down so we can get to know each other a little." "Thank you," I said graciously, and I kissed Sylvia's hand. She raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth slightly as if surprised and touched by this show off gallantry, and indicated the nearby sofa with her other hand, inviting me to sit down. "I've brought some champagne," I said, offering the bottle. "It wouldn't do to let it get warm." "Mmm, we should put that on ice right away," Erica said, and took the bottle from me. She glanced at the label and smiled with approval; it wasn't Dom Pérignon, but it wasn't cheap either, and I think she was pleased to see that I was prepared to invest a little extra in the evening. I sat down while Sylvia brought out glasses and Erica pulled an ice-filled silver bucket from the kitchen. The sofa was an unusual U-shape, so that I could sit in the middle and the two ladies could be on either end, all of us facing each other. The champagne was popped, flutes filled, and the ladies came in and sat down together. Erica offered me a glass. "Did you have a toast in mind?" Sylvia asked. I had a number of things in mind, but nothing I could blurt out without sounding offensive (even though they probably wouldn't mind, I wanted to maintain a certain air of class). "*Del hora y para el momento que vera,*" I offered, hoping I wasn't stumbling too badly over the pronunciation. "Which means?" Erica prompted. "'To this moment, and the moment yet to come,'" I translated. "I like that," Sylvia said with a smile as we clinked glasses. I silently thanked James Bond for the inspiration (The Man with the Golden Gun, for those who want to know). We sipped champagne together and the girls sat back a bit to relax. "So, tell us about yourself," Erica said. I gave them a few details about me, fairly quickly, wanting to get through the opening amenities as soon as possible and down to the business at hand. I knew I could probably accelerate the process by pulling out the envelope with the cash, but it *was* a substantial investment and I wanted to be as sure as possible that these were the right women to spend it on. They had the look, and they had the class, but I wanted to know that they would perform. I wanted to turn the conversation toward sexual matters, but I wasn't sure how to do it delicately. And I really wanted to see them kiss! I decided to put the ball in their court; after all, I didn't want to have to call the shots all night, and I wanted to see if they had some initiative. "So, that's me in a nutshell," I said, concluding my self-revelation. "What about the two of you? I get the idea that you're very close." "Oh, we are," Erica said, reaching up to stroke Sylvia's arm. "We share *everything*." "All of our *most* intimate secrets," Sylvia agreed, and they smiled knowingly at each other. "We were roommates in college, and we discovered back then how much we had in common." "I remember when we found out we were both bisexual," Erica said, her hand going from Sylvia's arm over to the side of her breast. "Mmm, now *that* was a night to remember," Sylvia said, licking her lips slightly. "Anyway, we've been lovers ever since." "We can barely keep our hands off each other," Erica said, a naughty glint sparkling in her eye as she rubbed her hands up and down Sylvia's thighs, which Sylvia obviously enjoyed. "Can I share a secret with both of you?" I asked quietly, not wanting to break the sexual tension in the air. "Of course," Erica said. "I get really turned on by watching two women touch each other," I said. "And it's really exciting when they kiss." "Mmm, like this?" Sylvia asked, as she closed her eyes and brought her lips up to Erica's. They made contact with lips first and then tongues, keeping their mouths separated just enough so that I could see the mutual caressing. I needed no more convincing; I took the envelope out and placed it on the sofa next to Erica. She continued kissing her lover for a moment longer, and then they pulled apart and smiled seductively at me before Erica picked up the money. "We're going to have a great evening together," she said. \* \* \* \* \* The women asked if I would mind giving them a moment alone and invited me to wait in the room down the hall. Of course, I was perfectly fine with that, but before letting them go I gave them the other gifts I had brought – namely, the perfume and the lipstick. Then came another bit of delicious anticipation, waiting for an imminent fantasy to come to life. The room where it would happen was the one from which Sylvia had come when I first saw her, and that was where they had me wait. It was a room obviously designed with a purpose, with a large bed up against one wall, a sofa against the other, and a bar with two plush stools opposite that. I had brought the champagne with me, and so I set the bucket there. The carpet itself would have been soft enough to sleep on. I noticed a pair of large hooks in the ceiling over the empty space in the middle, suitable for hanging a sling or other paraphernalia for sexual acrobatics. A massage table was folded against one wall. On another wall stood a large cabinet with glass doors held all manner of devices and adult toys, some of which I'd never seen or heard of and couldn't immediately tell how they might be used (just as an example, they later said that one of the more mysterious items was a strap-on for a man that was specifically designed so that he could satisfy three women who would all straddle him in a row). The windows were blacked out and draped with heavy red curtains, and the room itself was mostly red in color as well. The lights were low, but bright enough so that one could see easily. They had told me to "get comfortable", and I knew that meant get nude, so I sat unclothed on the edge of the bed, waiting nervously. I was startled to hear a sharp click from a second door in the room, and I saw that a small peephole had opened in it. Sylvia's eyes were visible behind it. She looked me over, and said, "Hi, Xavier. Shall we proceed with our evening together, with the understanding that you've paid only for our time, and that whatever else happens is nothing more than consenting adults freely doing whatever comes naturally?" "Yes, that is my understanding," I said past the lump in my throat. "Do you want to tell us what you like, or should we just do what we do?" she asked. I decided to give them some ideas, and so ran through a quick summary of my preferences and turn-ons. It felt somewhat clinical and artificial, and killed the mood a bit, but I knew it would be all the better in the end; and then, if I ever wanted to come back and try them again, they would know without my having to tell them. My tastes in sex are pretty straightforward; with the exception of my thing for lesbians, I don't have any fetishes that one would consider particularly kinky or weird, so they had no problems with anything I wanted. "Go have a seat at the bar," Erica said, "and we'll be with you in just one more minute." She may have *said* one minute, and that's what the clock said too, but in my mind it was an hour! I drained a glass of champagne while I waited, and the combination of booze, adrenaline, and hormones made my head swim and my heart pound. Finally, the door opened, and my women entered. They were still in the same dresses; indeed, the only change was that they had applied the bright red lipstick I had brought for each of them, and the scent of their new perfume followed them into the room. Their eyes fixed on me and they walked toward me together, legs stepping in unison. They stopped right in front of me, and turned toward each other, but kept their eyes on me. Sitting on the stool put me right at their eye level, which was a nice way to begin. "I know you like to watch lesbians kiss," Sylvia said. "I hope you like to watch when we feel each other up, and when we take turns sucking tits, and when we lick and fuck each other's pussies." "We're going to go all the way for you," Erica smiled. "We'll make each other hot and wet for when you fuck us. And after you come, we'll make you hard again so you can fuck us some more." "I want your lips, Erica," Sylvia whispered. "Kiss me deep…" The women brought their lips together, tongues invading each other's mouths, hands caressing their bodies. They were so close to me that I could feel Erica's breath as she pulled away for a moment and sighed with the pleasure of lust. I wanted to join them right away, but I also wanted to see them do each other, so for the moment I held back and let them play. They stopped after a moment, and Sylvia moved behind Erica, turning the busty brunette to face me. Then, Sylvia untied something behind Erica's neck, and I caught a glimpse of black lace as the front of Erica's dress slackened. "My lover has the most beautiful breasts I've ever seen," Sylvia said. "They're so big, and they're firm, and best of all they're all natural. Would you like to see them now?" I nodded, not trusting myself to speak clearly. Sylvia's hands slipped under Erica's dress at the sides as the front of it fell away. The black lace was a bustier that held Erica's large tits up on a shelf, with the nipples exposed, or they would have been if Sylvia's hands hadn't been covering them. As Sylvia began to rub them in small circles, Erica leaned back and turned her head so the women could kiss over her shoulder. Erica's dress slithered to the floor. Her black bustier stretched sheer across her belly and formed one piece with silk stockings that went all the way down her legs. There was a bit of extra lace between her legs, but essentially no panties. She teased herself down there with one hand, stroking across her thigh and over the top of the lace that barely covered her pussy, while the other hand helped Sylvia massage her left breast. Suddenly, Erica thrust her chest toward me and the women moved their hands aside, giving me a full in-my-face view of her glorious tits, naked and beautiful. They were not only large but also perfectly shaped, not like round silicone globes but the pleasing, slightly heavy teardrop form of natural breasts. Her bustier cupped them and held them up and out from her body, giving her an invitingly deep cleavage and pointing her large, round nipples slightly upward, especially as she arched her back and moaned as if the very idea of having her breasts exposed turned her on. "Mmm, aren't they fabulous?" Sylvia asked, licking her lips. "I love touching them, rubbing them like this, and she loves it too. But there's something I love even more than touching them… can you guess what it is?" Sylvia slid around to Erica's side, and bent down so that her red lips were brushing against Erica's nipple. "Watch what I do to her now," she whispered, then put out a wet tongue and flicked Erica's nipple just slightly up and down. Erica moaned some more and rubbed her other breast hard. She looked down so she could see what her blonde lover did to her, and Sylvia returned the gaze with hungry eyes. Her tongue grazed over Erica's tit again and again, teasing the nipple hard. Finally, when it had tightened into a half-inch long bud, she took the whole thing into her mouth and sucked long and deep. Erica gasped with pleasure and pulled Sylvia's face firmly against her breast, then moistened the fingers of her other hand so she could rub the other. After a moment, though, Sylvia simply switched over and sucked the opposite nipple until it stiffened as well, then straightened up and kissed Erica on the mouth, continuing the breast massage with her hands. Erica's hands went to the back of Sylvia's dress, and as I watched she slid the zipper all the way down. The dress parted in the back and showed that Sylvia wore a red two-piece lingerie set, but with the girls' bodies pressed tightly together the dress didn't drop off just yet. They turned slightly so that I could better see the beautiful sight of lesbians kissing passionately. Erica slid her lips down to Sylvia's neck, sucking and licking here and there, and as she did the red dress inched its way down Sylvia's body. Her top came into view, red satin ringed with lace, and when Erica's mouth came level with Sylvia's breasts, I saw that the top was open at the nipples. Now it was Erica's turn to suck her lover's tits, and she did it with enthusiasm born from lust. The red dress hit the floor alongside Erica's black one. Sylvia's eyes were on me as Erica licked and kissed her tits, and I could see the intense pleasure it gave her. Again I was tempted to join them, but I had decided at the beginning that I wanted to let the girls have their way with each other first. The idea of fucking lesbians was one that really turned me on, and I intended to wait until they had made each other come. It wasn't easy to just watch, but the payoff would be worth it. Finally Erica stood up again, and after they kissed some more she pulled up the stool next to me and sat down on it with her legs wide. As she did, a seam in her outfit split between her thighs, and she encouraged it open until her pussy was completely exposed, a delicate pink flower with glistening petals and a tiny, sweet bud at its center. She beckoned Sylvia to her with one finger. The blonde lowered panting lips to her lover's sex. At the last moment, she turned to me. "Do you want to come down here and see?" she whispered. I dropped off the stool and lowered my face next to hers. Erica rubbed her breasts to enhance her own excitement and spread her legs just a little more to accommodate me. Sylvia winked at me and then turned back to Erica's pussy, inhaling deeply to savor her aroma. "Mmm… she's so wet," she whispered. "That means she's excited, and she wants my kiss on her sweet pussy. Look how pretty it is… I'll just spread her lips open a little… there, you can see her clit now. That's where she wants my tongue. Watch me now…" Sylvia's tongue reached out and touched Erica's clit right in the center, licking ever so gently up and down, then side to side. Erica's whole body tensed and she moaned hotly, gripping the stool with white knuckles to keep from squirming away from the sweet pleasure her lover gave to her. I watched as Erica's clit swelled slightly and emerged from its hood, wanting more, and Sylvia gave it to her. She leaned in slightly closer and took the little bud between red lips, sucking softly as she pulled away, and then she did it again, and again… "Ooh Sylvia… oh fuck, that's what I need, lover… suck it, suck my clit, love my clit…" Erica's moans became sharper, more desperate, until she almost cried out in her passion. "She's going to come," Sylvia said between strokes of her tongue. "Watch her when she goes over the edge, it's so hot." I stood up to look at Erica's pretty face, flushed in the heat of desire. Her breath came in gasps, her eyes looked through me without seeing, and then, all at once, she clenched her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut as the climax took hold of her. Her hips rose involuntarily off the chair, her back arched and her breasts thrust skyward, and for a long moment she simply held herself that way before collapsing back down. Her breathings still came in gasps as Sylvia finished her off with a final, slow lick over Erica's pussy. Sylvia crawled up Erica's body and stopped with her shining lips only an inch away from her lover's mouth. "Taste your own pussy," she whispered, and Erica eagerly licked at Sylvia's lips and tongue, relishing the flavor of lesbian lust. After embracing for a long moment, Sylvia turned around and settled herself on the stool with her back to Erica. The brunette immediately reached around and started feeling her up, squeezing Sylvia's breasts and dipping down into her panties. Although not so large as Erica's, Sylvia's tits were no less tantalizing, especially with the open-nipple bra that invited one to suck the sweet tips. Erica couldn't do that from behind, but she could moisten her fingers in Sylvia's mouth and then rub the nipples in circles, keeping them hard and excited. As she did, Sylvia reached down and popped open some hidden fastener on her panties, allowing her to simply lift them away. She then spread naked legs to show a pink pussy, as wet and soft and inviting as her lesbian lover's. "I like her touch," Sylvia whispered. "I'm going to think about how hot it will be when you fuck her for me. Mmm… that's right, Erica, rub my cunt, make me wet for you…" "I know just how you like it best, lovergirl," Erica whispered. "Kiss me while I fuck you…" Sylvia leaned back and met Erica's lips with her own. They kissed with their tongues alone, both of them moaning and gasping as Erica's hand slid between Sylvia's legs and began to stroke her up and down. The slender fingers found her opening and slipped into her pussy. "I am inside you," Erica whispered in Sylvia's ear, "and I am fucking you!" "Fuck me *hard*," Sylvia begged. "Fuck my cunt and make me come!" Erica did as she was asked, pumping her hand rapidly in and out of Sylvia's pussy. Their moans melted together, especially as they kissed. Erica pulled out her hand for a moment and rubbed Sylvia's secretions over her nipples, then thrust back in for more, drawing her lover closer and closer to the brink. Sylvia's eyes suddenly locked on me. "Fuck me," she hissed. "Put your cock in me and fuck me now!" My last bit of resistance crumbled. Sylvia's legs were spread open at the perfect height for me to slide my rock-hard member into her. I stepped up between her legs and Erica took my cock in her hand, lubricating me with Sylvia's own cream, and then Erica guided me into the hot blonde's cunt. Tight as she was, Sylvia took me all the way in on the first plunge. "Oh FUCK, that's so good!" she cried. "Come on, ram it into me, do me hard and deep like I need it!" The girls had gotten me so excited already, I couldn't possibly last, but fortunately Sylvia didn't seem to need very long. On the third thrust I could feel her pussy tighten on me, and as it did Sylvia arched her back and reached for Erica's mouth with her own, kissing her lesbian lover while I fucked her to climax. I pumped hot come deep inside her at the very moment she shivered from her own orgasm. The girls kissed feverishly as Sylvia felt the intense rush, Erica sucking on Sylvia's tongue at the moment she came. I felt like I was doing them both, and it was incredibly hot for me to see them so fired up for each other at that moment of sexual high. It didn't even occur to me at that moment to join their kiss, even though it was one of my favorite things to do. After a moment, though, the girls turned their attention to me and pulled me into a hot three-way kiss, both of them competing to see who could give me more tongue than the other. The stimulation kept my cock hard inside Sylvia's pussy, and she was able to shift slightly to one side so I could feel Erica's naked breasts against me. We stayed that way for a long time, slowing down to savor the taste of each other, until finally we had to stop just to catch our breath. "That was such a hot fuck," Sylvia said appreciatively. "I liked it too," Erica agreed. "I still want my turn, though." "Darling, of *course* you get your turn," Sylvia laughed. "We're just getting started, after all. We have so much time." I glanced at the clock on the wall, and saw that astonishingly, only twenty minutes had passed. I still had over an hour to spend with my hot harlots. \* \* \* \* \* We finished the champagne, except for one glass which we would share at the end of the night. I also took a moment to kiss both girls individually. These were actually my favorite moments at such times, when I had fired my first shot and was able to relax a little and enjoy my ladies, not needing to worry about whether I could hold it in until the right moment. The three of us moved from the bar to the sofa, the girls sitting on either side of me. We indulged in a little more three-way kissing, which was something I felt I could do all night, but since we didn't have all night I wanted to do some more as well. It was Sylvia who essentially restarted our sexual activities, by breaking off from our kissing and lowering her lips to Erica's breast. When I saw what she was doing, I did the same on the other side, and soon Erica was leaning over both of us and hanging her large tits in our faces, reveling in the feeling of having both tits sucked at the same time. Sylvia slid over to my side for a moment, and we kissed with Erica's nipple between our tongues. Then she whispered in my ear, "she wants to feel your cock between her tits." "I want it too," I whispered back. "Let me lick you nice and wet first," Sylvia offered, and she slid down to a kneeling position on the floor. I felt first her hand and then her lips enveloping my cock, followed by her tongue swirling around the head. She took me in deeper than I expected, and I had to hold back the instinct to thrust, but she knew what she was doing and backed off before I had the chance, then swallowed me deeper once again. Erica soon saw what her lover was doing to me, of course, and she slid down my body so that she would be ready for her turn. We kissed as her face drew level with mine, and then she settled into position between my legs, ready to take me between her massive tits. Sylvia pulled away, leaving my cock wet and glistening from her saliva. "You know what to do," Erica smiled, and wrapped her tits around my shaft. I thrust upward, and she smiled even more, enjoying the sensation of my cock sliding through her deep cleavage. She helped me by moving her own body up and down, making her tits bounce slightly. Sylvia appeared behind her and reached around to hold Erica's tits, and they kissed some more. I had told them that I wanted to see lots of lesbian kissing, and I was glad that they were indulging me. I was getting tired, as the sofa was very soft and it was hard to thrust upward with any kind of force. Fortunately, the girls seemed to realize it, and after a short while Erica motioned for me to stop and slid her breasts off my hard cock. They both stood up and reached down to help me do the same. "You know what the best part is about doing two women?" Erica asked. I shrugged; as far as I could tell, there were a LOT of good parts! "The best part," Sylvia said, "is having two women on their knees in front of you, sucking your cock together." The playful smiles dropped off their faces, replaced by a look of hunger and desire. The girls knelt down, keeping their eyes on me, and began stroking my legs with their hands. Erica took the first taste of my cock, licking right up the middle and lingering at the tip, and then Sylvia kissed her lips and licked her way back down again. She stayed down there and very gently teased her tongue around in my most sensitive areas, while Erica concentrated on the head of my cock, swirling her tongue around and kissing me with wet, pursed lips here and there. "Do we please you?" Erica asked. I nodded, and she continued. The girls began to rub their open mouths up and down either side of my shaft, kissing when they met at the top. They also turned so they could feel up each other's tits while they serviced me. After a moment, I heard Erica's familiar moans, and I saw that Sylvia had slid her hand between Erica's legs so she could rub her clit, and Erica soon returned the favor. My knees became weak, and I knew I wouldn't be able to remain standing if they took me all the way, which they were about to do. So, I motioned back toward the bed, and they let me go long enough to let me sit down, then crawled across the floor, looking like cats in heat, to finish what they'd started. It didn't take long before I felt once again like I was ready to climax, and I didn't want to do it in their mouths, because I don't like kissing my own cream. I motioned to Erica, and she rose up over the top of me, her large breasts and long hair hanging down. "Lie down for me," I said. She complied, and I straddled her with one leg to either side of her tits so I could slide my cock between them once again. She squeezed her tits around me to give me a tight passage, and I began fucking her tits again, this time harder and faster as I was able to get more leverage. Erica moaned and thrashed her head back and forth, responding as if I were inside her pussy. I didn't know if she really got off on the idea of getting fucked between her tits, but she certainly put on a good show! Sylvia, in the meantime, crawled up next to me where she whispered encouragement into my ear. "Fuck her… fuck her hard… come on her tits, do it, she *wants* it!" I gave her what she wanted. \* \* \* \* \* With two shots down, I was feeling more than a little spent, but I still had half my time left. I wasn't sure I could go a third time, but I knew I could at least get hard again and I hadn't done Erica's pussy yet. The girls took a moment to clean up, and when they came back they had both stripped completely nude. They joined me back on the bed and we kissed some more, in pairs and together, and though I felt a stirring in my cock I knew that it would be at least a few minutes before I could go again. Erica and Sylvia, however, had no such disadvantages, and before long they were enjoying each other at my side, kissing and petting and rubbing pussies on each other's thighs. "You don't mind, do you?" Sylvia asked as she sucked Erica's tits from below. "We're just so horny tonight," Erica explained. "Besides, we know you like to watch us, and we want to do this for you." "God, you have such incredible tits, Erica…" Sylvia's voice came out slightly muffled as she plunged in between Erica's hanging melons. "Mmm… thank you… they like it when you kiss them, lover. Here, slide down the bed a little." The girls moved to make some room at the top of the bed, and Erica patted her hand on that spot. "Sit here, stallion. If you spread your legs around us and lie back, I can suck on your cock while she licks my tits. I'll bet that will get you good and hard." "Mm-hmm," Sylvia agreed around a mouthful of nipple. I settled into place as she asked, and Erica took my cock on one hand and began to rub its head around her lips, kissing it here and there but mostly just stroking her wet lips along its length and around the head. Since I had just come twice in a row, I was a little slow to rise to the occasion, but Erica didn't seem to mind. She seemed to like that I was growing hard only very slowly, that she could relish it and bring me gradually to full erection. I could also clearly see on her face the pleasure that Sylvia gave her through her tits. It took a few minutes, but soon my cock was standing up on its own, and Erica let go with her hands so that she could suck me deep into her mouth. At the same time, Sylvia slid down the bed until her feet were on the floor, her back arched, her pretty face between Erica's legs. I couldn't see what she was doing there, but Erica's hot moans told me all I needed to know. Erica took her time, sucking me gentle and slow. My cock ached slightly from the pressure I'd been putting on it for the past hour, and she seemed to know that what I needed was the most gentle of caresses, with a wet tongue and soft lips. I lost all track of time; it felt to me like she sucked and licked me for an hour or more, but I loved every second of it. Then, finally, she let go and crawled up my body, rubbing her tits against my dripping wet member as she rose, licking my chest and neck, until her legs were spread over my straining cock. "Just lie still," she whispered. "Sylvia will put it in me for you." I felt slender hands guiding my cock toward Erica's waiting pussy, the touch of a warm and yielding wetness, and then her hips lowered down over the top of me, taking me all the way in. Erica threw her head back and moaned long and loud, arching her back and thrusting her tits toward me. I leaned forward and took one nipple into my mouth, tasting the wetness that Sylvia's tongue had left there. "Oh yes… fuck me and suck me… you'll make me come, I know you want me to come, fuck me deeper…" "Yes, fuck her," Sylvia whispered as she slid up beside us. She leaned in close and put her lips over Erica's other nipple, so we sucked both of her tits while she rocked her hips up and down over my cock. I felt like I could go on forever, but at the same time, I wanted one more climax before the evening was done. Several times I felt the buildup to release, but each time I couldn't quite make it. As stimulating as it was with Erica on top of me and Sylvia sharing her exquisite tits, it wasn't quite enough to make it happen for me for a third time. The girls seemed to realize this after a while, and Erica eventually slowed to a halt and pushed herself up to a sitting position on top of me. "Do you need something more, lover?" she asked me. "I hate to even say it, but I'm just not getting there," I said. "Don't get me wrong, though, it feels great." "I think that what you need is the sixty-nine from-behind lick-and-fuck," Sylvia said with a naughty glint in her eye. "It never fails." "Let's do it for him," Erica agreed, and she lifted off my well-used cock with a little shiver of pleasure. The ladies helped me stand up, and Silvia lay down on the bed with her head at the lower end and her legs open. Erica assumed a sixty-nine position on top of her, and Sylvia motioned with both hands for me to get behind her. "All right, stallion," she whispered. "She licks me, you fuck her, and I lick both of you until you come. Now get that cock inside her." Erica raised her bottom in the air and I slid my shaft into her waiting pussy. Silvia's warm lips kissed my cock as I pulled out and then rocked back in. Erica moaned hotly, then put her face down between her lesbian lover's legs to indulge her taste for sweet pussy. The double stimulation of tongue and pussy felt hot and intense, and I knew that this time I would definitely go over the edge. With both girls feeling the pleasure, it felt again like fucking them at the same time. Sylvia's shameless tongue licked all over my cock and Erica's pussy, driving both of us higher and higher, the girls gasped and moaned with hot pleasure, and I felt the climax coming… With a deep, penetrating thrust, I gave Erica the last of my cream. She cried out and tightened her hold on Sylvia's thighs, and I felt the blonde woman beneath her shiver with excitement. All three of us came together in a final, powerful rush that almost buckled my legs out from under me. \* \* \* \* \* When we had finally finished and disentangled ourselves, I still had ten minutes left on my allotted time, but we were all too tired to continue any further. We shared our last glass of champagne together, toasting to a hot fuck and to the next time. Then I lay down with a girl under each arm, enjoying their gentle caresses and kissing one or the other, or both, softly and tenderly. A single bell told me when my time was up. "Oh, that's too bad," Erica said, getting up and stretching. "Yeah, but it was fun while it lasted," Sylvia said. The women helped me to sit up and gave me a final, deep tongue kiss, with their naked bodies pressed against me. When we finally separated, they kissed each other one last time for me, and then pulled a pair of silk robes from the nightstand by the bed. "We'll need you to get cleaned up and dressed now," Erica said. "There's a bathroom right through that door, and your clothes are all here, so we'll give you five minutes by yourself to take care of all that. When you're done, come on out through the other door in the bathroom, and we'll say goodnight." I did as they told me, and met the ladies back out in the living room. They both kissed me again, briefly, and I thanked them for a wonderful evening. "When you want another wonderful evening, just give us a call," Erica said. "We'd love to have you over again sometime." And, of course, I did eventually call them again… but that's a story for another time. **THE END** *Safe sex is good. Using condoms when engaging in casual sex, especially with prostitutes, is imperative. This is a fantasy, where no one has STDs or gets accidentally pregnant. The fact that there are no rubbers in my story does not mean I wouldn't use them in real life.* *I usually base the appearance of my female characters on my favorite pornstars. In this story, Erica and Sylvia are modeled after Erica Campbell and Sylvia Saint. The rules of Literotica prevent be from posting links, but images of the ladies can be easily found via a Google search.*
Title: Lost Love by Beefy the Bull Tags: Bovine, Bull, Human, Love, M/solo, Minotaur, Short, Sorrow, Soulmates, Toys, Tragedy Short story: Lost Love. By: Beefy the Bull A present-day story of tragedy and love. My love had left me a few things when he passed away, and he had taken care of all the details, mostly all I had to do was cry. I would be ok financially, His pension and retirement account would take good care of that . But that didn't matter to me, my soul mate was gone. His place was paid off, it would shelter me, but again that mattered so little; a house, not a home. His truck was mine too, but I never felt like going any place after He was gone. It was a while before I received the most important thing he left me. After more than a month I received a brown cardboard box from the lawyer -addressed in my loves handwriting- to me. I took it in to the bedroom and sat with it on the bed- our bed. Opening it revealed a small metal box of sturdy construction, about fifteen inches long by six inches wide and deep. Made of brushed stainless steel, it was simple and solid looking and other than a four wheeled combination lock on the front- it was un-adorned. An envelope was taped to the top, written in my loves handwriting, was my name. Pulling it off the box and opening it, I tearfully read the short letter: Dear love, I made this for you, knowing you would be lonely when I passed. The combination is one of your pet names for me. I love you forever- Your dearest love, Karnaas P.S: Look on a telephone if you don't know the numbers! He was always so thoughtful- even at the end of his life, he knew I would get frustrated or be confused and unable to figure out something so simple. I loved him for that. Putting the note aside and taking up the box, I thought what the code would be. Only four digits. There were only a few pet names I had for him that were four digits. Spinning the small silver wheels until a soft click, and I had to smile through my tears, thinking of him like this. Opening the box slowly, until the lid rested on its hinges, holding it up to reveal a picture of my love set into the inside of the lid. The picture filled the hole lid, and was of him laying nude across a velvety blanket, his goldish-tan fur looked so inviting, his tail hanging over his thigh, and propping his head up lazily with one hand. He looked so seductive, so sexy. I had never seen this picture before, he must have made it recently...just for me. I couldn't help but to cry on seeing my love again. There were several things inside the box , but they were covered with a letter that said "Read first". Unfolding the letter it read: Lover, dearest lover, I am writing to you, knowing the eventuality of my existence is fast approaching, and we will part ways for a while. But do not worry love, I have not left you, I am still here, just not in the way you remember. I know it's hard, but please try to take care of yourself while I'm gone. I got a few things to help you. In the bottom of the box is my diary I kept for the last few years, for when you are lonely or if you need some love. Just read one entry every time you open it, and it should last you a good long while. And don't forget that my love for you is eternal. Do not weep at my grave, but instead go forth and make yourself happy, and make me proud. Love eternal, \-Karnaas They were his words, there was no doubt, just the way he would have spoken if he were here now. setting the letter aside and pulling aside the cloth that covered the inside, and looking through the contents, I first took out a Small stuffed animal, a golden tan bull- like my love- I hugged it tight and cried, whispering his name, and wishes. That animal would be my only true confidant for the rest of my life. To him I would whisper my hurts, hopes, fears, and love. After directing my mindset in the right direction I continued. The next item I pulled from the box: a life size bull-hood dildo, that filled most of the box. Attached by a string was a small tag reading: " Casting of 'Me' -for when you get the other type of 'lonely', or need the other type of 'love'. I told you I would be with you, didn't I?" He always said witty little things like that, it was indeed a life size casting of my love's bull-hood and balls, in its erect glory, with the two orbs well hung. It was made of something that felt and was colored just like the real thing had been. I held it close for a moment and then set it in my lap. After I wiped the tears from my eyes I composed myself to continue. A tin of some sort of expensive lube, I set it aside, a few Polaroid's of us in bed, and in several 'positions'. I guess he had stashed these away for himself a long time ago. Then I found the diary he told me about in the letter. I wasn't ready to open it yet, so I also set it aside. In the bottom of the box were a few more pictures, more recent that he had taken of himself, for my own 'personal use' I supposed. He was always so smart, thinking ahead of things I never saw or thought to consider, and always he had been so kind as to help lead me along, and provide me with a path. I wished he was here, just to see him, to hear his voice, to touch his body. Picking up the toy, I just sat looking at it, a perfect copy of him. Holding it warmed it up with my body heat, and it felt so real. I tried closing my eyes and touching my face to it, I almost felt as though he was right there, like I had touched my face to him. It even smelled musky. Giving the bull hood a lick it tasted just like him! Shocked, and direly missing him, I truly wished and thought for a moment that he was standing before me, that it was him I licked. "L... love..?" I called in to the darkened empty house, wishing, hoping to hear his voice. But it all blew away when I opened my eyes, and I beheld only a toy in my hands . But it did smell like him, and amazingly it still tasted like him. How? Had he carried it with the real article for a week in his pants? The thought roused something in me that had been dormant for the last few horrible weeks. But it would be unfortunate when the scent wore off I thought. It was then that I realized it was rather slick and oily. And sniffing my hand gave off the same strong musk, a lick of my palm revealed the same wonderful taste. Putting two and two together I picked up the lube, and examined the small tin. It was a round brushed steel can with a twist on top, and the top had a small engraved bull-figure, my loves name, and a number engraved on it. Reading the label, I saw the price: five hundred dollars. It was clear why, my love had found a company that would make lube that was chemically formulated to smell and taste like sample of choice, in this case my bull. I was tempted to never use it, as not to waste such a precious thing, but further reading on the side showed there was a number for refills. After understanding that, I lubed the toy without hesitation, and licked it some, before sliding it around back leaving a trail of bull smelling oil across my back. Bending carefully, I imagined my loves hands and tried placing my own where he would have put his, it wasn't the same, but I could still imagine him. Slowly I pushed the bull-toy in, groaning it felt just like the last time... after recovering from the thought, I continued pushing deep, and deeper still, until the two orbs touched my rear, just like his would have I thought. I cried out his name in lust and sorrow, I needed to be strong for him, it's what he wanted. Moving it about and stroking myself, I whispered him: " I'm sorry... I love you..." my thoughts confused me at this moment, sadness and pleasure. I wanted to lay down and sob at my loss, and cry to the heavens, and let the heavy weight on my chest crush me; and I wanted to continue the familiar feeling of being taken by my bull, to for fill my long growing need. Unable to decide, I lay on my side legs curled in front of me, tears streaming down my face, and gasping from what felt like Him pushing lightly on my rear. " ...Please..." I whispered, both a beg for sexual release, and the return of my lost love. Unknowingly I, by touching some small button on the bottom of the bull toy, activated a vibrator in its base, and its effects were strong. " I love you." said the voice, just as I released, both my tears and my seed. " I love you too." I whispered, unable to hold back the torrent of tears. When I awoke the next day , I was still nude, and the toy was between my legs picking it up and getting out of the bed, I thought back to last night. I know didn't 'hear' his voice. I know he's gone. It was probably just my sub-conscious telling me what I needed to hear. But it stands in my mind as Him, as His best and last gift. Fin.
He didn’t dare hope for such a thing, and indeed assumed it was just a case of him growing tired after such futile escape attempts, but as he kept going, as he forced himself to try and pull his body away from the bed he was on, the more Thomas had to admit to himself that his restraints were growing less restrictive, which, combined with the metallic creaking filling his ears, could only mean that he was, somehow, breaking out! Then again, if this were the case, then surely his captors would rush in and tranquilize him, no? If he was actually succeeding at physically freeing himself, then the zookeepers would’ve already ran into the room some time prior… so perhaps this was their plan? Maybe the energy bar, with its oddly restorative effects, was all part of their experimentation, and what he assumed had been an opening for an escape was actually little more than an opportunity for him to be studied; the first lizard did tell him he’d be undergoing a medical check-up, so maybe his captors wanted to see what he was capable of when he wasn’t starving and parched? Whatever the case may be, the drox wasn’t about to sit down and let the universe take everything from him; even if this was just another step in the aliens’ plan, he fully intended to make good use of it for his own ends, nevermind the fact that he didn’t exactly have any of the details thought through in his head. There was a general direction he wanted to go, and that was “anywhere but there”, and if he had to get physical to accomplish that, then his captors would regret their decision to bring him back to peak physical condition; so he kept forcing his restraints, kept clenching his body and pulling on the metal rings, kept trying to break free, every extra inch of wiggle room feeling like a mile when it came to motivating him further. Despite how slow it was, there was progress being made, and that was all that mattered; eventually, the very first ring would budge, both ends of the semi-circle snapping free from the table and falling to the ground beside it, a dull thud heralding the end of its descent. With one of his arms closer to being free, Thomas stopped moving the rest of his body, focusing entirely on this one weak spot; all of his strength was directed at his right arm in the hopes of getting rid of the remaining two restraints, that he may use his then-free hand to help the rest of him along. It was odd, in a way; much like how he’d felt progressively stronger the more he fought against the table holding him back, Thomas couldn’t help but notice that forcing his arm out of the bind it was in became easier the more effort he put behind it; it would’ve been easier to just assume it was because his restraints were loosened as a result of him bending him out of shape, but there was something… more, for lack of a better word. He couldn’t tell what or how, but his body was definitely different than it had been, most likely as a result of whatever those lizards did to him when he was still asleep, or hell, maybe even the energy bar or the IV drip; if the latter were true, he’d have to be careful not to rip it out, if only because he wasn’t about to say no to a strength boost right when he needed it the most. Yet, the conspicuous absence of any of his captors kept nagging at him; surely, the drox thought to himself as the last two rings were slowly pulled out, they should’ve been in there by then if the escape hadn’t been planned, which just left him thinking that all of this had been some sort of strength test, presumably because he’d be expected to do whatever the zoo felt like he should for entertainment purposes. Well, they had another thing coming entirely; as soon as his right arm arm was freed, it didn’t take much longer before Thomas almost instinctively brought his hand over to his forehead, grabbing the metal bar holding it down and near-effortlessly ripping it off, finally letting him get a good look around… and at himself. It took more than a few seconds for him to realize what he was looking at, since the angle wasn’ exactly the best one; his brain recognized that his proportions were off, but as he was still lying down, plus the fact that he might very well have been drugged, Thomas chose to believe that maybe it was just a trick of the eye. It took until he ripped apart every last restraint, then carefully moved off the table and onto the cold, hard floor, before the dragon-fox accepted what he already knew was the truth: he was bigger. Not bigger in the sense of being more muscular, though that would’ve explained how he freed himself so relatively easily, but just… larger, like his body had been placed under a magnification ray and grew outwards while maintaining its overall shape. Either that, or the rest of the room was significantly smaller than he thought it was, perhaps in a deliberate attempt at confusing him once he got up on his own two feet; even more puzzling was how the IV drip was already empty, despite the fact that it probably hadn’t been more than ten minutes since he was connected to it. Was his perception of time altered? Had he fallen unconscious in the process of freeing himself and just never realized it? Or was it all part of the aliens’ scheme to confuse and befuddle him, leaving him as an easier target for whenever they decided to move in and collar him? Whatever the case, the lizards still hadn’t done anything, which as far as Thomas cared, meant he had an opening; though he was still squeamish about it, he figured he might as well disconnect the drip, though he stopped short of removing the part that was actually shoved into his vein… mostly because the thought of taking it out made him feel like his skin was crawling and his fur was standing on end. He’d find someone else to do it, a medical professional who could safely get rid of it, just as soon as he figured out how to leave the room. It was a slight problem that Thomas hadn’t considered before, as he had simply assumed that approaching one of the walls would reveal a door, much like it had previously; of course, as soon as he tried and it yielded no results, that’s when he began thinking and realized that, if a civilization was advanced enough for interstellar travel, they were probably smart enough to have ID locks on something as basic as a doorway, and him, being effectively little more than live cargo, most likely lacked any sort of clearance. Thankfully, he was quite a bit larger than before (or so he assumed), so now that his body had broken the six-foot line, he could actually bring it to bear on obstacles! Granted, he’d be kicking down a wall rather than a door, but assuming those things were made of nano-goop like the drox thought they were, then trying to physically break through them would surely do something; maybe not something productive, but something nonetheless. A good five minutes later, Thomas was on the ground, panting and gasping for breath, after a succession of kicks and shoulder checks failed to accomplish anything other than leaving him bruised and so tired as to be unable to move properly; with his energy stores depleted, all he could do was look back and think on where he’d gone wrong, almost immediately berating himself for thinking that something as stupid as trying to bring down a wall without power tools would be even remotely feasible. What was worse was that the aliens still hadn’t come back to check on him even after he spent five minutes banging on the walls of his cell, which could only mean that either they were already watching him, or they were significantly sloppier than Thomas believed they could ever be. Alas, trapped as he was by his own exhaustion, there wasn’t much he could do besides wait for his body to recover, which was obviously why the universe decided to throw a curveball at him at that exact moment. Despite his best efforts, the wall had refused to budge, and yet all it took was someone on the other side walking up to it for the door to reform again, right at the exact time where Thomas was too tired to get up and run through it. The same lizard that had given him his snack before came through once more (or at least the fox-dragon assumed it was the same one; they all looked conspicuously similar), being about as annoyed as they were before; wordlessly, they dropped yet another energy bar on Thomas’ chest, before turning around and leaving unceremoniously, the door melting back into the wall until there was nothing but a smooth surface left behind. There it was, confirmation: his jailors were observing him, and the whole breakout had probably been staged by them to see how he would react to the opportunity. It felt dirty, in a way, like he was being played with on a level far more fundamental than he could stomach, a marionette on a stage… but no, he refused. He wouldn’t just be a plaything, he wasn’t going to lie there and take it like he had no choice in the matter; clearly, he was given the power bar so he could recover and try again, but he wouldn’t do it. Maybe that’s what they wanted, but at the very least, Thomas knew that he had one weapon in his arsenal that was guaranteed to get him results: apathy. If he was taken from his home to be a zoo exhibit, it stood to reason that his captors wanted him to be active, to move around and be their little plaything so they could take pictures and notes and nod along to whatever nonsense they cooked up. Thus, if he just sat in the corner and refused to do anything at all, he’d at least deprive them of their satisfaction, if nothing else; it was another small victory, but Thomas wasn’t about to complain, especially not if it pissed his jailors off. With a grin on his face, the drox took the energy bar and practically swallowed it whole, feeling positively famished after that impromptu workout; just like before, his aches quickly vanished, his breath and heartbeat stabilized, and his energy flooded back into him, bringing Thomas back to his feet so quickly that he almost forgot about what had literally just happened. He was back in action, ready for more, and if not for his brain kicking in at just the right moment to remind him of the past five minutes, he would’ve gone straight back to trying to kick the wall down. It certainly didn’t help that he suddenly felt incredibly hot, his body temperature skyrocketing without explanation, as if he was an overcharged battery and he just had to let all that pent-up power out somehow. Thomas practically buzzed with excitement, and very quickly lost track of what he had planned to do; he wasn’t even thinking of shoulder-checking anything anymore, instead deciding to pace around the room at a brisk pace, before breaking out into a sprint once he couldn’t take it any longer. He must’ve ran for what felt like hours, yet at no point did he feel even slightly tired; whatever was in the last energy bar must’ve been remarkably stronger than the ingredients in the first once, a suspicion that was all-but confirmed once Thomas felt the top of his head graze against the ceiling some time into his mad dash. Instantly, he froze, as if he’d gotten stuck and could move no longer; momentum seemed to vanish in that moment, when the sudden realization that he’d grown some more hit the drox like a sack of bricks. He refused to believe it at first; surely it was just a case of him taking a larger step than usual, or hopping to the next one, as there was no way he’d gotten so big that his head was literally touching the white panelling above it. So he took a tentative step, a test really, to see what happened… and almost immediately had to throw away whatever preconceptions he still held onto, because rather than the usual walking cycle, he could now feel the ceiling gently scraping against the top of his skull whenever he moved in any direction. It wasn’t enough to be an impediment, but he was clearly getting too big for the room he was in, to the point where his first instinct was to bend over and try and aim his shoulders at the ceiling instead, almost as if carrying the damned thing on them; it brought to mind a great number of ideas that left the fox-dragon blushing, but he quickly brushed them aside, knowing that of all the times, that one was not even remotely adequate to be having size fantasies. Granted, it’d be easier if he wasn’t still growing, as Thomas came to understand soon enough; he assumed that reaching the ceiling would be the end of it, even though he had no evidence for it, purely because it felt like it should. It was a milestone of sorts, becoming as tall as the room he was in, so clearly that end to end there… except, of course, it didn’t, and suddenly hunching over was less of an option he took of his own volition and far more of a requirement if he didn’t want to snap his spine in half. Before long, the drox had to actively fight against the ceiling itself, holding his two hands up to it as if that would do anything, while his body continued to burgeon outwards, leaving him close to kneeling by the time the growth spurt did actually stop; by his reckoning, and assuming the room he was in was comparable to the ones back home, he had to be at least twelve feet tall, if not slightly more, which had left him entirely unable to keep his back straight unless he was flat on the ground. Trying to stand would only result in him having to keep that hunched posture of his, unless of course he felt like squatting and then pushing his head through the ceiling panels through sheer force; the thought did occur to him, and Thomas did consider it for a few moments, but decided against it after remembering how useless his attempts at breaking down the wall had previously been. The last thing he needed was a cracked skull, and besides, wasn’t the plan to not give the aliens anything to work with? Wasn’t his plan to go sit in a corner and wait until his captors grew tired of it? That may have been the case, but now that he was so large, Thomas couldn’t help but feel that things had… changed. He didn’t know why, or how, or even in what way, but he was absolutely not the same person he had been just a couple of minutes prior; this new version of himself wasn’t just going to stand around doing nothing, wasn’t about to sit in the corner of the room and mope about because he just happened to be captured by a bunch of reptilian zookeepers. Even if his thoughts were in line with what his abductors wanted him to think, Thomas really couldn’t bring himself to care anymore; the growing had been confirmed, and now that it had, it had become a drug, one that he had to have more of, nevermind the fact that such a reaction was most likely what the aliens expected to happen. Just as long as he got another one of those energy bars, presumably an extra-strength one that would let him become even bigger than before, then he’d go right ahead and land flat on his ass trying to pull off a somersault if that’s what they wanted; he needed the taste, needed the moment of realization where he saw that he’d become larger, and if they didn’t give it to him… well, if they refused to give it to him, then he’d just have to take it! Yes, of course, it all made sense to him: it wasn’t about his surrender to the extraterrestrials, nor was it about being a good little zoo pet nor even some pathetic attempt at a petty victory by depriving his captors of entertainment; it was about power and taking it into his hands, because clearly the planet he was on (assuming he was even on one) had the technology to make him bigger and bigger still, and given the lack of reaction from the extraterrestrials that were clearly watching him, they must think that things were under control! All the dragon-fox had to do was keep pretending that he was playing along, make-believe that he had been quickly turned into a more obedient little thing, to be put in a cage and made to dance like some sort of circus freak attraction; then, they’d probably give him more of the same substance that made him grow, letting him tilt the balance in his favour one energy bar at a time. Granted, it was highly probable that they’d stop feeding him the delicious snacks after a certain point, but Thomas knew that, once that line was crossed, he could easily keep going and no one would be able to stop him; all he had to do was leave his jailors under the impression that he’d been consumed by the need for treats, and then that’d be it! Even better was how the best way of doing so was to indulge in the selfsame impulses that were already present in his head to begin with, the ones telling him to cut loose and explore that new body of his; there was no acting required when he fell onto his knees then rolled around until he was flat on his back, certainly no need to play up how horny he felt once his hands met his shaft and he had a good few minutes stroking it. Unlike some of the other reference materials he had back home for that sort of scenario, he hadn’t really grown “extra” in any way; there were no muscles bulging out, his package was about the same size as well, and even his curves were the same they’d always been. For all intents and purposes, someone might as well have selected him in some divine editing software, picked the “resize” option and then pulled the slider a long way to the right, leaving him magnified in scope if not in attributes; and while it would’ve been a nice bonus to receive a little something more in a few particular spots, the simple fact that he was that big to begin with was enough to leave him on the edge already. It was a sense of overwhelming dominance over everything around him, the knowledge that he was quite literally too big for his surroundings, that the world had to be adapted just so it could deal with him… that, and the idea that he would only grow bigger still, becoming an ever more imposing presence as his body loomed over all those around him. Not the sort of fantasy he usually got to indulge in, hence its immediate and irresistible hold over him; with that sort of power, backed by years of idle daydreaming, there was simply no manner in which the growthlust hiding in the back of Thomas’ brain wouldn’t immediately take over the first chance it had. Wasn’t surprising when he quickly ran to the end of his stamina and came all over the floor either; much as Thomas would’ve liked to enjoy himself a bit longer, his mind was unfortunately overtaken by a flood of happy juice so powerful that he could barely think straight, let alone try to hold himself back from climaxing at earliest convenience. It was only after he went limp, when his body refused to obey him during the refractory period, that the door appeared on the wall again, that time revealing a small group of lizards armed with what looked to be cleaning and grooming gear; the fact that they all looked pissed off signalled to the dragon-fox that maybe that was just their species’ natural resting face, and what he was looking at was actually a bunch of very disinterested laboratory workers who were tasked with cleaning up after their newest catch. He couldn’t complain though; several hands to not only wipe him down but also make sure his fur was properly rinsed, cleaned and then apparently scented with some kind of spritzed perfume? All while he didn’t have to move a muscle, instead focusing on the sensation of being tended to by his own personal team of aestheticians? Why, he practically felt like royalty once he got over the awkwardness of other people trying to take care of his personal hygiene, doubly so once one of them put a finger to their throat, revealing them to have collars underneath their uniforms, and asked if he wanted anything else. Thomas didn’t know how to react; the question was posed with such sincerity that there was no other explanation beyond the simple truth that it was sincere, which was only confirmed further when the drox, not even thinking about what he was doing, asked if he could have another energy bar and received a curt nod in return, with the alien in question leaving the room and returning a few moments later with yet another snack, just for him. It took all of Thomas’ willpower not to just devour it with all those little ones in the room, and even then he barely lasted half a second after the last one closed the door behind them when the cleaning was done; really, there was a non-zero chance that the fox-dragon was just going to make a further mess of the place yet again, requiring even more mops that time around, but he didn’t care. He had the treat, he had the growth that it promised, and he was going to enjoy every second of it… which was why the complete lack of any additional size left him so immeasurably disappointed that he felt like tearing up after realizing that no more of himself was on the way. It was the greatest of tricks played on him, with the bastard who brought him the snack most likely knowing exactly what their captive was asking for when they requested the energy bar, though it did bring up the question of whether the one he was given was simply inert, or if his body had reached some sort of “cap”, a limit beyond which he couldn’t grow any further. It certainly couldn’t be the latter though; or rather, it could, in the most technical of senses, but Thomas refused to accept it as a possibility. He was destined to grow, fated to become increasingly larger until nothing, not even an alien civilization, could contain him, and this obviously required the ability to keep growing far in excess to what he had already. Surely he couldn’t just get big enough to not fit into a room, surely there was more of him just waiting to burst forth into the outside world, he was sure of it! So sure, in fact, that he was going to prove it… whether his jailors liked it or not.
Title: Memory has dark halls and maybe carpet. by Ara Elkins Tags: Canine, Drama, Foreplay, M/F, Missionary, Short It was dark. God, it was always so dark in here. I could hear him outside, walking down the hall. I could hear him moving things, shifting them around, pretending to be busy. I slouched, head in hands, just feeling my whole body sink into itself. It was always like this. This huge, uncrossable silence with fragments of rebar and concrete and asphalt on either side. I created those explosions of silence. I demolished those bridges myself. And then I sat, collapsed, folded inward in the softness and the dark. I sat and waited for something to change, something to fall into me. I waited to suddenly expand and bloom and blossom into something complete and beautiful. I was a fool. I am a fool. I felt that I should be crying. I felt that hot tears should burn their way down my muzzle and snot fill up my sinuses and emotion make a tight, sick ball in my throat, and that I should have to fight not to sob, and that I should not notice mucus drip down onto my shirt. I did not cry. There was no catch in my slow, steady breathing. I could not sob. I closed my eyes and just sat in the dark, and the warmth and the vast uncrossable desert of a few pitiful feet. I heard the sound of claws clicking on the hardwood floor in the hallway. I heard the sound of those same claws padding across the carpet in the room. I just imagined him there, silhouetted in the yellow hallway light. I could see his muzzle turned to the side, his short tail hanging limply down, his ears back, embarrassed to be intruding. I imagined him walking to me. His demeanor would change. His face, his eyes would turn and focus on mine as he made his way ever so slowly, ever so gently to where I sat, fallen into myself completely. Then he would reach down to me, and run a claw lightly under my chin. I would feel the rough pads on his fingers as he moved his hand along my jawline, lifting my face, resting my chin in his palm, scratching in the thick fur on my cheeks. He would look down into my eyes, and even in the dark I would see his eyes brightly catching the light, shining vibrant, green in the dimness of the rough, charcoal sketch that made up the rest of him. I would shift, slowly propping myself against my own body, feeling internal supports slide into place, leaning up and forwards toward him. We would stop just inches away from each others' wet, black nose and sniff, uncertain in that moment while time would rotate madly around us, spinning out probabilities and futures until everything fell into place with a kiss. It would be a small kiss, just a bare touching of lips, whiskers flat back against smudgy faces in the dark. That kiss would blossom, though, fiery petals slipping cautiously from a little ember at the core, and that flower would bloom in both of us, and we would be moved with its petals, and we would not be the ones who drew arms down each others' face or neck or reached and pulled each other tightly close. That moment would move them for us because we were not capable of creating moments so right on our own. And we would both have our eyes tightly closed, and we would both feel that passion move us, our tides, our moons revolving and bringing each one to the other as the waves of his lips would crash against the shores of my collarbone, would recede across the tender hills of my breast, and cast my nipple into the hot, wet sea of his mouth. I would lean across him, cradling his head, moving one hand slowly, gently but forcefully against the back of his head while my other trailed down through the soft fur on his back, claws scraping lightly against his ribs. He would shift from breast to breast, his tongue rough and wet, burning, hot. I would feel a synergistic heat coil and mewl and smolder inside myself as my nipples grew quickly hard under the tender scrape of his teeth, the warm rasp of his tongue. Down, down deep in the core of my being it would twist around itself. My hands would move rhythmically over his body, one massaging and stroking the back of his ears, the other moving lower, past his ribs, scratching, working around the base of his tail, his hands moving up and down my back, then quickly to my chest, gently rolling the nub of my hard nipple between his fingers, grabbing the soft mass of my small breast easily in one hand and kneading. We would feel the heat of each others' breath as we panted into fur, breathing deeply and smelling only the long-familiar, always exciting scents of one another, those old familiar scents of comfort, of belonging. I would gently move both my hands to his chest, push him away and pull him up and towards me, and our mouths would meet, and my legs would have been open, and wet, and hungry long before his tongue found its way past my teeth, and everything would be passion, and fire, and sweat and a deep, slow pulsing rhythm as we joined. It would be tides, and planets and slow, tectonic shifting as he moved inside me and I moved around him. We would be deeply, intimately, universally connected and I would feel that coiled, mewling heat begin to unwind, and reach and stretch itself across my nerves, down my spine, connecting me universally to its own hunger and lust and filling me with pleasure. I would lose all sens of time in those shifting, organic pulses and its mewls would come faster and more forcefully as it stoked itself on our quickening, panting rhythm until it burst, sizzled across my neurons, and howled. And we, we would howl with it. But what I imagine is not reality. I opened my eyes and he was not standing there in the doorway. There was no silhouette, no kiss. I stood, feeling stiff, and cold, and I could not hear the sound of feet padding on carpet, and there was no sound of claws clicking on a hardwood floor. I walked out of that dark room, into the yellow hallway light. He was not there. He was not pretending to put things away. I felt dazed. The light was too bright and it burned my eyes and I felt my stiff, cold, thin body walking down that hallway towards the door even though I don't remember making myself move. I looked down at some hand on the end of my arm move up and take the note taped to the door. I looked out of the little window in the middle of the door, out past the bars into the cold moonlight and the lonely little puddles the streetlights made and I saw his car was gone. And I saw that note in that hand attached to me. And it was yellow, and old and how long had it been since he had been here anyway? And how long had I sat there, letting years tick away, wondering at sounds that were only memories of sounds echoing out across the insurmountable silence of time. And then, like a peal of thunder, like a stab of lightning, it hurt. And even though it hurt, I nurtured it in my dark interior, among my gently pulsing veins and wet muscles and slick nerves, and it was a part of me. As much as I should, I was never going to give him up.
Title: How Could She Sleep? Ch. 04 Tags: My mind was spinning, and I couldn't tell if it was from lack of sleep, or sexual overload. "How did I get here?" I wondered as I poured coffee for the only two women who wandered into the restaurant that morning. I was so out of it that I almost overfilled the cups. One of the women must have noticed that I wasn't completely together and made some kind of comment to her friend about the kind of night I must have had and winked at me. Then they both giggled as if they had some kind of secret that I was somehow a part of. I smiled politely, asked if there was anything else I could get, and headed into the kitchen to get their food. I watched them as they talked and ate, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their relationship than what they presented. I started picturing them as lovers, letting all kinds of images race through my head. I devised this whole scenario in my mind, as if I knew them. I thought that they were married, and the women and their husbands were good friends, but the men in their lives worked long hours, so from time to time, they turned to each other to satisfy their needs. It was at that point that I knew I needed a break from everything that was happening. Just as the women were paying the check, Danni walked in the front door with Belle and Brianna close behind. We all smiled at each other, and it may have been my imagination, but the two women, being caught in between us all, smiled at each other and nodded in approval as they looked at me, and then back and Danni and my cousins before walking out. It was as if they knew exactly what was happening, but how could they? It was just my over-tired, over-imaginative, over-sexed brain. Belle and Brianna slipped into a booth right by the door, and Danni walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Lou here?" "In the back. He's grouchy today." Danni smiled and headed into the back. I walked over to Belle and Brianna, and jokingly asked if I could take their order. Brianna smiled a wicked smile and grabbed the hem of my skirt, pulling me closer to the table and almost knocking me off balance. "You know what I want." Belle slapped her arm. "Will you cut it out! Stop being so disgusting, she's your cousin!" "So? She's my cousin with the sweet ass!" "Ugh, you're so disgusting!" "What? You didn't see anything disgusting about it last night when you and Cathy were grinding on each other!" "I told you, we were just kidding around, and I was drunk! Besides, Cathy is not my first cousin! If you didn't sit there and make me feel like a prude, it would have never happened, so can we just drop it now?" "Whatever!" Brianna looked up at me. "Looks like the stick is back, and lodged firmly in my sister's ass once again!" I couldn't help but smile. Belle didn't look too happy. "Look, can we just drop it please?" "You brought it up, not me." "I didn't bring it up, I just asked you not to be disgusting and to stop making sexual references to our cousins!" "Well, we're just kidding around, and besides, I had too much drink!" Brianna picked up the glass of water and gulped from it, pretending to be drunk. She was obviously enjoying needling her sister. Belle was getting angrier by the second. I just stood there smiling and thinking about how Danni and I were just like them once. "Shut up! You know I don't drink that much...I was drunk! Besides, there is nothing funny about having sex with your cousin! That's just disgusting!" "Whatever. I'm sorry Anne; apparently "two-sips McGee" over here doesn't like it when I kid around. You know I'm only kidding right?" She gave me this little half-smile to imply that she really wasn't kidding. "Don't get me in on this. I have nothing to do with it." Brianna laughed. Just then, Danni walked over with my boss, who didn't look happy that he was pulled away from his paperwork, but Danni can make Lou do just about anything. All she has to do is keep begging and whining in her little girl voice, and big hard assed Lou always goes along with it. I don't know how she does it because it never worked for me. He just blows me off, but for some reason, Danni makes him melt. "Lou, these are my cousins I was telling you about." Lou looked right at me. "What are you on break? The napkins need to be re-filled." "Whatever!" Danni slapped Lou on the shoulder, something that would get me immediately fired. "I told you not to be mean to my sister, or you'll have to deal with me!" She smiled, and Lou smiled back and shook his head. "Unbelievable!" I mumbled loud enough for them to hear me. Danni smiled and winked at me, gesturing for me to stay there. Lou finally got around to eyeballing my cousins. "Have they ever waited tables before?" Lou had this thing where he would talk about you to another person, even when you were right there. Brianna looked at Lou, who was obviously staring at her tits, and grabbed them with both hands, pushing them up. Lou suddenly looked away. "I think they'd look good in the uniform, don't you?" Lou looked as if he was going to get mad, but Belle spoke up. "Sir, I've waited tables for four years, and I was shift manager for two..." "Okay" Lou interrupted "You and your sister get 'em trained up today. You's can start tomorrow." "Thanks Lou." Danni cooed. "You won't be sorry." "I'm already sorry. You – those napkins ain't fillin' themselves! Take this one and show her how it's done." He pointed to Brianna who made a face at him, and he looked at Danni. "Is this one gonna give me trouble?" "Probably." Brianna spoke up. "This one has a name – It's Brianna, and these are the twins." She grabbed her breasts again; this time bouncing them up and down so Lou could get a good eyeful. Danni and I snickered. "Brianna huh? Sounds like a stripper name to me. Just don't give me any trouble." Lou walked away and Danni busted out laughing. "He likes you already." "Yeah, I'm sure he does." Belle and I rolled our eyes. "Alright, those of us not sleeping with the boss have to get to work. C'mon you guys, I'll show you around." "I'll go and get my uniform. I'll be back before lunch to help you train them." Danni left and I started to show my cousins the job. Belle caught on immediately, so I spent most of my time helping Brianna. I could tell she really didn't want to work, but she knew she had no choice if she wanted money. Danni came back just as it started to get busy and took Brianna off my hands. By the end of the day, Belle knew the job probably better than I did, and we both got done quickly. Even Lou was pleased with how good she was. "You're gonna be alright, but I don't know about that other one." We both looked over at Brianna who obviously bit off more than she could chew, and it showed. "She'll be alright Lou, just give her time." He shook his head and walked away. I asked Danni if she wanted me to stay and help finish up, but she said they were almost done and they would meet us at home. As Belle and I walked home I realized that it was really the first time I got to talk to her alone since she came to stay. I started to say something about the restaurant, but she just blurted it out. "I'm sorry about last night Anne. I'm not...I don't know what happened. I'm not like that..." I laughed a little. "It's okay Belle. We were just fooling around a little, no big deal." "Maybe for you, but I don't do that stuff. I'm not a lesbian, I'm not into girls." "Who said you were? Look, it's no big deal. It was just a couple of girls who had too much to drink, fooling around a little that's all. It was completely innocent." "I just don't know. Lately, I just feel...out of place. I mean, I would never do anything like that. You don't think Cathy is freaked out or anything do you?" I laughed again. "No, I don't think you have to worry about that. Cathy's fine." She looked at me kind of funny and stopped walking. I stopped too and turned to look at her. "What?" "Are all the girls around here the same way?" "What do you mean?" "C'mon Anne, you know what I mean. I know you all think I'm this little priss who doesn't do anything and never gets in any trouble, but I'm not stupid." "No one thinks that Belle. What are you talking about?" "I'm talking about you and Danni..." My heart sank. Belle was the only one who didn't know about Danni and me, and probably for good reason. She probably wouldn't take it all that well. I thought after last night things would be different, but I think it just made things worse. Last night, we were all at Cathy's, and we all started playing around. It was innocent at first, kind of stupid really, but things got a little carried away. Even Belle got a little crazy. We were all playing around, kind of doing a strip tease for each other, and before we knew what was happening, Cathy managed to get Belle naked in front of all of us, something that was very out of character for Belle. It might not have been such a big deal, and probably would have amounted to no more than harmless fun, but Cathy took it a little too far when she started to play with herself as Belle did her striptease. Belle seemed to be the only one who didn't notice what Cathy was doing until it was almost too late. When Belle finally caught on to what she was doing she freaked out, to the point where the rest of us had to stop Belle before she killed Cathy. Cathy and Belle apologized to each other after they had calmed down a bit. Cathy told Belle that she was attracted to her and assumed that Belle felt the same way, but Belle was just kidding around, so they chalked it up as a misunderstanding. After that, things just got kind of weird and so we all left. It was obvious to all of us that Belle just wasn't comfortable with any of it. Even Brianna could tell that she was freaked out, so we all just sort of silently agreed to forget about it. That is, until this morning I guess when Brianna started in on her. I could still tell how uncomfortable she was with the whole thing, and that she just wanted it forgotten. "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not really any of my business, but it just seems that you and Danni and Cathy are...well, I guess you're all just comfortable around each other, and I'm not. I mean, it's all just a little weird for me...I'm not like that I guess and I just feel weird, like you all think I'm being uptight or something." "Belle, really, it's not like that. What happened last night...I mean, that's never happened before...It was just a weird night. No one thinks you're uptight." "My sister does." "To your sister, everyone is uptight! Don't worry about her." "I guess so. I mean, it's just strange. I understand Brianna, and that's how she is. She'll do things like that...I mean she'll do anything for the attention, so I'm used to it from her, but it just seems that she's not the only one. I just feel weird about it." "Look, I understand. To tell you the truth, I was a little uncomfortable myself. I'm not used to anything like that either." "Yeah, but you weren't completely naked humping another girl last night in front of your cousins and your sister." "No, you're right, I wasn't, but no one thinks any differently of you because of it." "I know! That's what's weird about it! You guys are all acting as if it was the most normal thing, and it happens all the time! Look Anne, out of you, Danni and my sister, you're the only one I can talk to and I know you'll be straight with me. Is there some weird sex thing going on between you guys?" "Between who?" "I don't know! You and Cathy or Danni...I don't know...is my sister in on it too?" "Belle I..." "I'm sorry, I know that was stupid. I shouldn't have said that, Its just, I can't believe what I did last night. I'm really freaked, and I seem to be the only one. I just get the feeling that if I didn't stop, it would have turned into some freaked out incestuous lesbian orgy!" I laughed just hearing the words come out of her mouth, but in my head, I knew she was probably right. "Belle, I think you're over analyzing it. It was just some harmless stupid fun that got a little carried away, but I don't think it would have gotten that far." "I don't know Anne, it's just really bizarre, and I feel like...I don't know." "Look Belle, I understand, and don't worry, it's nothing like that. Let's just forget about it and pretend it never happened okay?" "Yeah, okay." We started to walk again, and this time I stopped. "So does that mean that you weren't really drunk last night?" Belle looked at me as if I should know better. I smiled. "That's what I thought. Don't worry, I won't say anything." We got back to the house to find the answering machine beeping away, so I picked up the messages while Belle headed for the shower. The first two were Cathy, looking to see where we all were, and what our plans were tonight – basically she was just rambling.. Next was mom letting us know she would be back late from work, and finally Danni explaining how Lou thought Brianna needed more training, and was making her stay until closing, and Danni volunteered to stay with her. Knowing Lou, it was just his underhanded way of saving a few bucks. Either way, it looked as if Belle and I were on our own. Belle finally finished up and came into our room. "All ready for you." "Thanks. Apparently it's just you and me tonight – everybody seems to be working late." "Yeah?" "Got anything in mind that you want to do?" "I don't know I'm kind of wrecked. It would be nice just to relax tonight." "I couldn't agree more. Want to get a movie and just hang out?" "Sounds like a plan. In that case, I won't even bother to dry my hair." Bell reached for a hair tie on the dresser and put her freshly combed jet black hair in a ponytail. "Yeah, no need to get all dressed up for me. Why don't you run to the video store while I shower?" "Okay – got anything in mind?" "You decide. I don't see too many movies so whatever you want is fine with me." "Okay." I headed into the shower, and Belle to the store. As Belle and I watched the movie I could tell that her mind was somewhere else, like something was bothering her. "Are you alright?" "Huh?...Oh yeah. Fine...I was just trying to figure out the plot of this stupid movie." "You sure? You don't really seem all that interested in the movie." Belle looked at me, and reached for the remote, clicking off the television. "Can I ask you something?" "Of course, what's up?" "Have you and Cathy ever...?" "No, I never had sex with Cathy. Why?" "But I mean, you knew she's a lesbian and you are okay with that?" "Well, technically, I wouldn't say she's a lesbian, but yeah, I'm okay with it." "I mean, it doesn't freak you out or anything? I mean, you guys are like best friends. You've never fooled around together or anything?" "No. Why?" "Don't you think that she wants to do stuff with you? That doesn't bother you knowing that your best friend might be thinking about you like that?" "Well, I guess I never thought of it like that before, but to be honest, it's not like I've never thought about it either." Belle looked at me with kind of a shocked and disgusted look. "So I was right, you're a lesbian too! I knew it! I knew things were weird around here! I could tell..." "Hey! Slow down a minute! Just because I may have thought about what it would be like to have sex with another girl doesn't make me a lesbian. You can't sit there and tell me you never thought about it either." "That's not the point! And besides, it's different, and that's not what you're talking about. Just being curious and wondering what it would be like may be one thing, but it turns you on right?" "So? What's the difference?" I was really getting annoyed with the way Belle was snapping at me in such an accusatory tone. I was beginning to realize exactly what Brianna was talking about. "There's a huge difference! One is just normal curiosity, the other is just sick." "Sick? What's so sick about it? You can't tell me that you've never thought about another girl in a sexual way before. Let's not forget that it was you and not me who was completely naked and grinding on another girl last night!" "So you're saying you've never done anything sexual with another girl?" "Whether I have or not doesn't really seem to be the issue here Belle, so why don't you just come right out and say what you want to say?" Belle coiled up as if she was going to tear my head off, and then suddenly got up and ran into our room. I couldn't tell, but it looked as if she was starting to cry. I wasn't about to let this go, so I quickly followed behind her. "Why did you walk away?" She was grabbing handfuls of her things and quickly throwing them into a bag. "I'm getting the hell out of here! You guys are all fucked up! My sister can stay, I'm sure that would make you all happy. She'll fit in with your twisted lesbian freak show, but I can't take this." "You know what Belle? Fuck you! Brianna is right, you are a fucking princess! You do need to loosen up a little. Maybe you should have let Cathy fuck you last night and today you wouldn't be such a bitch to me!" "Well, I'm glad you all think that I'm such a bitch! I knew coming here would be a mistake." "You know what Belle? No one would think that you're a bitch if you didn't act as if you were better than the rest of us. Ever since we were kids you've had this stupid attitude as if you were so much better than the rest of us, like you were above us all. You know what? You're not! You are exactly the same. We all went through the same shit, but for some reason, you think that you're the only one who has to deal with anything." She continued to move around our room and gather things to take with her, acting as if she wasn't even listening. "See what I mean? This is what I'm talking about." She stopped and looked at me. "What?" "None of us were happy about you coming to stay here and live with us. I mean, at first, yeah, we were excited to see you guys, but it's no secret that none of us were happy that we would all be living together for who knows how long, but you know what the difference is? We all understood that this is the way it is, and we're making the best of it. You on the other hand are so put out, and you haven't missed an opportunity to let the rest of us know how difficult it is for you." "You're right Anne, we are the same, except the difference is that unlike the rest of you, I'm not some slutty dyke looking to shove my tongue in the nearest vagina, regardless of who it belongs to." "All this shit about lesbians and Cathy is all bullshit. You weren't happy from the beginning, and nothing was gonna change that, so you found a way to excuse yourself from the whole thing. You want to leave, go ahead..." "I'm not talking about Cathy, I'm talking about you and Danni and my sister." "What about us?" "Oh come off it Anne! Do you really think I'm that stupid? You know, I wasn't really sure, or maybe I just didn't want to believe it, but after last night it's obvious what's going on, so stop lying." It was obvious that Belle knew something was going on, but for some reason I thought she was bluffing. I wasn't going to say anything unless she did. After all, there was no way she could really know for sure, so I kept quiet. "And I'm sure you've managed to get my little sister in on it too, but you know what? I don't care anymore! I'm tired of protecting her from all this shit, just so she can get caught up in something else! She's a big girl and she can make her own decisions! Fuck it!" Her voice started to crack, and she turned away from me, pretending to look for more things to stuff in her bag. It was obvious there was something else going on. "Look Belle, I don't know what you're talking about, but..." Belle turned around calmly, her eyes full of tears. "No Anne, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Do you need me to say it? Fine. I know about you and Danni. I know that you have sex. I saw you right here on this bed while you thought I was asleep. I watched as you made each other cum. I watched my sister play with herself watching you right next to me. And you know what? I don't care. At first I was pretty freaked out because I really couldn't believe it, but you know what? I get it. I'm not as uptight as the rest of you think. As a matter of fact It made me realize something. It made me realize that I wish it was me!" She dropped the bag and collapsed on the bed, sobbing loudly. I just stood there in total shock, not believing what I was hearing. This couldn't all be happening. This couldn't be possible. "I love her Anne. I always have, but I guess I didn't want to believe it. I've spent my whole life scared at myself for feeling it, telling myself that I was fucked up for feeling it. Hiding from it and denying it. I never even considered saying anything because I was afraid of what could happen. I wouldn't be here with her at all, and then we come here, and there it is...you and Danni. It made me realize that maybe I wasn't that fucked up, and that it could happen, we could...But it's not the same. She's not the same. She doesn't see me that way, and she never will. Maybe you and Danni, or even Cathy, but not me. And even if...it wouldn't matter, it would just be another thing to her. Another crazy thing that she could do, but it wouldn't be real. Not the way I want it to be. I couldn't take that. I'm not like that." I sat beside her as she continued sobbing, not believing what I was hearing. "I was right there, and she didn't even notice! She didn't even think about it!" "Wow." "What?" "I just can't believe it." "Why? I'd think you would understand more than anyone." "No, I do, I completely understand Belle. I just can't believe it. I was so scared that you would find out about us, and that you would freak out, and here you are. I'm beginning to think that none of us are really that fucked up after all." "Oh what are you talking about Anne? We are in love with our sisters! That's about as fucked up as it gets! At least you can accept it." "I guess you're right. We're both fucked up lesbian whores!" She let out a little laugh between sobs and wiped her eyes. I smiled and put my arm around her, pulling her close to me. "Believe me Belle, we're not as fucked up as you think." I told her about Cathy and her sister, and then our moms. She was a bit skeptical at first, like I may have not been telling her the truth. It took a while for it to sink in, but she realized eventually that I wasn't lying. "See, so you're not the only one." "I can't believe your mom and my mom...you're mom knows and she's okay with it. Do you think she's told our mom?" "I doubt it, but you never know." "Well, I don't think my mom would be as understanding as yours." "Aunt Linda? Are you kidding? She's cool! I'd expect she'd take it better than my mom." "No, you don't understand Anne. My mom is cool, but not when it comes to this. Although I guess things make a little more sense since you told me about her and your mom." "What do you mean?" She looked at me sincerely. "Anne, No one knows what I'm about to tell you, especially Brianna, so you'll have to promise me that you'll never say a word to anyone about this, not even to Danni." "Okay, I promise." "You know how David left to go live with my dad?" "Yeah." "Well, there's a lot more to it than that. David started doing things to me at night. He would get all fucked up and come home and basically rape me. It didn't start out like that, but eventually that's what it was. And the fucked up part is that I let him do it. I let him do it because I thought that as long as he was doing it to me, he wouldn't touch Brianna. He knew that though, so he would threaten me by saying that if he couldn't get what he wanted from me, he would get it from her...so I just let him do whatever he wanted because I thought I was protecting her. I was so stupid. Then, one night I came home late and he was already there, totally wasted and pissed off that I wasn't there to let him fuck me, so he went after her. Luckily though, she was asleep, and I caught him before he could do anything. He was on top of her with his pants down...I grabbed the iron...the first big heavy thing I could find and hit him on the head with it, and he fell over. He wasn't moving, and I dragged him out of her room. Brianna woke up just then and I panicked. I told her he fell and to call the ambulance. He woke up by the time the police and ambulance got there. I don't think they believed that he fell, but he knew if he told the truth that I would tell my side of the story, so he told them he fell too, and the last we saw of him was when they took him out on the stretcher." I was completely at a loss for words. My heart broke listening to Belle recall this awful story. "I'm sorry Belle, I had no idea. I can't believe David turned out to be..." "Believe it. I don't even care about him. All I cared about was keeping Brianna safe from him. I'd never want her to go through what I went through. The funny thing is that I think she blames me for him leaving. She saw the iron...she knew he didn't fall, but she never mentioned it again." "What about Aunt Linda?" "She found out that night. The police called her at work. David was gone by the time she got home, and I told her everything, except about him raping me for almost a year – I left that out, but I told her that I thought he was going to do something to Brianna because of what I saw so I hit him. She agreed that we should never tell anyone, especially Brianna. She's still fucked up over it though. I know she's glad that nothing happened to her, but she spent like a week crying over the whole thing. Sometimes I don't think she believes me entirely, but I don't care." By the time she was finished with her story, I had tears in my eyes. "Belle, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." "It's okay Anne, how could you? You know what? It's over now and I'm done with it." We hugged for a minute or two as our sobs receded. "Belle, I'm sorry for the things I said to you before." "Don't be. This doesn't change anything, you were right." "It doesn't matter, I shouldn't have said all those mean things." "I'm sorry too." "You know, I think you're wrong about her." "What do you mean?" "She loves you too Belle. Probably more than she'd ever admit." "Thanks, but you don't have to say that." "I'm not saying it for any other reason than its true." "C'mon Anne, she hates me. She thinks I'm the biggest princess in the world!" "Well then maybe you should prove her wrong. Look Belle, it's obvious that she wouldn't freak out about the idea of you and her being together. I think that you guys just need to get on the same page." "I don't know Anne. I don't know if I can actually do it. I mean, it would be great, but I'd be afraid that...I don't know, what if it changes things...I'd rather have her a little bit than not at all." "Belle listen to me. You are sisters, no matter what. Nothing can ever change that, and believe me, she loves you too Belle." "But what about the other stuff?" "What other stuff?" "You know..." "No..." "It's just...well, she's so much more... experienced...I don't want to be...I've never been with a girl before. I thought maybe with Cathy, but you were all watching and I got scared. I just don't want to seem...I don't know...I'm supposed to be the older one!" "Oh! Well Belle, I have to be honest and tell you that it really won't matter. Believe me, you'll know what to do, and it'll be great no matter what because you love each other. But if it'll make you feel better..." I looked at her and smiled. Our faces just inches apart. She shifted nervously and I leaned in to kiss her. Our lips touched lightly at first, and then harder. I opened my mouth and touched her tongue with mine. I could feel that she was tense and nervous, and I did my best to relax her. I touched her softly as she got used to our kissing, but my pussy was already wet with anticipation. To my surprise, she moved a lot quicker then I thought she would. Our kissing was briefly interrupted as we struggled to remove each other from our clothes. I couldn't wait to feel her naked body for the first time. Fortunately, we were both dressed comfortably in t-shirts and sweats, so it didn't take long before we were both naked and lying side by side on my sister's bed. I felt her hands roaming my body as I began to kiss her neck, slowly working myself lower. She lay still, almost afraid to move as I covered her beautiful body with kisses. After a minute or so I thought that she should take charge, so I rolled flat on to my back, pulling her on top of me. I grabbed her ass firmly with both hands as she started to grind her pussy into mine. She inhaled sharply and whispered my name softly as her clit pressed into my skin. Her eyes were closed, and it was obvious that she was enjoying her first girl/girl contact. She was starting to relax and move more freely, and I couldn't wait anymore. I wanted to feel her mouth on my pussy. I placed my hand on the back of her head and brought my lips to her ear. "Show me how you're gonna eat your sister's pussy." I whispered. She clumsily lowered her face between my legs. Her excitement was causing her to rush. I held her head and spread my legs wide, whispering to her to go slow. She caught and soon her tongue was exploring its first pussy. I guided her head with my hands, showing her exactly where to lick me. She caught on quickly and was soon sucking my pussy to an amazing orgasm. I was completely surprised when she began to work her fingers into my pussy without any prompting. There was no doubt that she was a natural! As my orgasm drew nearer, I encouraged her by telling her how much Brianna was going to love her tongue in her pussy. "Oh yes Belle...Make Brianna cum baby...Lick her pussy...yesss..." It seemed to work as she increased her efforts, and I came after just a few minutes. She kept licking and fingering me through my orgasm until I had to stop her. She immediately climbed back up and rested herself next to me, looking at me almost as if she was waiting for me to rate her performance. I couldn't help but giggle as I shook off my post-orgasmic bliss. "What? Was it okay?" "It was better than okay! It was great! I haven't cum that quickly in a while." I leaned towards her and we kissed again. I couldn't wait to make her cum. I quickly reached down and sought out her clit with my fingers and pressed down lightly as I started to roll her over. She let out a soft moan, but then grabbed my wrist. "Anne, wait. This maybe kind of silly but..." "I understand Belle, its okay, but you have to promise me that I get to return the favor after Brianna." She smiled and kissed me passionately on the lips. "Oh God, I wish she was here now! You got me so hot!" "Well, they probably won't be back for a while, but there's nothing saying that you can't do something about it on your own." She giggled. "Really?" "Sure! Don't mind me. I'll just stay for moral support." I moaned approvingly and pressed myself up tightly against her while I let my fingers gently play between my legs, making it so there was no mistake about what I was doing. "C'mon Belle, I want to see you cum. You won't be able to last until they get home." She giggled again, then she looked into my eyes as her grinning expression gave way to a look of lust. She never took her eyes off me as her hand made its way between her legs. She gasped softly as she touched herself. Our fingers played between our legs as we stared at each other, and soon we were both reaching separate orgasms, together. Danni and Brianna didn't get home for almost two hours after the restaurant closed. They both looked exhausted, and in bad need of sleep. They weren't their cheery usual selves. Belle and I were both back on the couch, watching whatever was on. "Wow, looks like Lou beat you guys up pretty bad." "Fuck him!" Brianna yelled. "I'm not going to work for that asshole! I busted my ass today, and he wouldn't even let me keep my tips! He said that I didn't deserve them! Fuck that!" She was obviously pissed, but all I could do was laugh. "Yup, that's Lou. Don't worry, you'll get your tips, he's just fucking with you – trying to make you sweat. If you show up tomorrow, he'll pay you." "See! I told you!" Danni chirped. "He's just testing you to see if you'll work out. He can't keep your tips." "Fuckin' A right he can't! I'll kick his fat greasy ass!" We all had a chuckle at that one. "Look, mom will be home very soon. Why don't you both go up and jump in the shower, and we'll call it a day." Danni and Brianna looked at me and then at Belle who shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah" Danni stammered, "that's a good idea. C'mon." She grabbed Brianna's hand and quickly pulled her out of the room. Brianna was still looking at Belle as if she was waiting for her to object. We heard the water go on a few minutes later. I got up and held my hands out for Belle. "C'mon sweetie, it's now or never," "NOW? No not now. I'm not ready. Besides, she's tired...and...we'll they're probably..." "Don't worry about that! Just trust me okay?" She nodded hesitantly, took my hands and stood up. "Just trust me, I have a plan. Go upstairs and get ready." I hugged her quickly and nudged her towards the stairs. "You have a plan?" "Yes. Now GO!" "What do you mean "get ready?"" I looked her up and down and smiled. "You know what I mean, now hurry!" She went up the stairs, and I quickly hurried to the bathroom and opened the door. Just as I'd thought, Danni and Brianna were making out under the hot water. I pulled the curtain back quickly. They both jumped, but then realized it was me. Brianna smiled. "Wanna join us?" She winked playfully. "Of course I do, but not now. Danni, I need to talk to you so hurry up." I quickly closed the curtain and left the bathroom. The sight of them wet and naked, wrapped together really got my pussy tingling. I quickly went to our room to check in on Belle who was already in bed and waiting. "You okay?" She nodded, even though she was obviously nervous. "Don't worry, it'll be great. Just another minute." I closed the door and ran back to the bathroom where Danni and Brianna were just stepping out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and threw it at Danni. "C'mon, we need to talk." "Wait! Can't I at least put some clothes on?" "Don't worry, you're fine. Just c'mon." She wrapped the towel around herself and I grabbed her hand and led her out of the bathroom. She looked back at Brianna and shrugged. "We'll be right back!" I led Danni downstairs to the couch. Mom walked in just as we got there. She also looked exhausted, and was probably looking forward to her bed. She paused for a minute and looked at us suspiciously. "What are you two up to?" "Nothing. Belle and Brianna are having some issues and needed some privacy, so we're hanging down here for a bit." I could tell she wasn't really listening. She nodded and yawned. "Okay, well don't be up all night. I'm going to bed so don't make too much noise." "Don't worry, we'll be quiet." Danni snickered, causing my mom to stop again and take a closer look at us. She focused on Danni, still wet and wearing a towel. "Remember what I said..." "Yes mom, we know. We're being good." "You'd better." She smiled and headed straight for her room. When she shut the door, I pulled Danni down on the couch next to me. "What's going on? What are you doing?" I kissed her hard on the lips and pulled her towel off, absorbing her beauty. "Can't a girl just want to spend a little quality time with her sister?" Danni smiled as I removed my own clothes. We kissed again, and I pushed her down on her back, enjoying the feeling of our naked bodies pressed together. "Wait! What about mom..." I continued to kiss her neck and ears while I reached down between us and slid a finger into her already wet pussy. She shuddered and moaned. "Mom's probably asleep already, and our cousin's should be pre-occupied, so don't worry." She started to settle into my touch, but then quickly stopped. "Mmm...Wait! What do you mean pre-occupied? What's going on?" "Shhh..." I continued to seduce her while I whispered into her ear, telling her what was going on. She had begun fingering me when I started, and by the time I finished we were both close to orgasm. Thinking about what Belle and Brianna were most likely doing fueled our lust. We both came hard, trying to be as quiet as possible... \------------------------------------------------ Brianna dried off and wrapped the towel around herself. She stood in front of the mirror for a moment wondering what was so important. She smiled as she thought that it was probably just Anne's way of getting a little "alone time" with her sister. She was a bit disappointed that she couldn't get off with Danni in the shower, but she understood. She started to think about getting herself off in the bathroom before she went into the room, where her sister undoubtedly was. She knew she wouldn't be able to do anything in there. She pulled the brush down through her hair, eyeballing the black handle in her hand. She remembered when she was younger and first discovered masturbation, how often that handle brought her pleasure. Her pussy tingled as she rubbed the handle gently on her nipples, getting ready to fuck herself with it, but she suddenly stopped when she heard the front door open, and her Aunt's voice. She knew there was no point in starting when she would most likely be interrupted by her aunt needing to use the bathroom before she went to sleep, so with a sigh she gave up, turned out the light and headed to the bedroom. She opened the bedroom door and was instantly greeted by her sister who was lying in bed. "Hey." "Hey." Belle shifted nervously, and Brianna acted as she usually would, not paying much attention to her sister. She walked to the side table, placing her things down and quickly removing her towel and hanging up. Belle stared at her intently while Brianna busied herself with organizing her toiletries on the table. It was a game she often played with her sister, knowing that sooner or later Belle would object to her nakedness, giving her an excuse to call her a princess. After a moment or two of silence Brianna turned to Belle. "This doesn't bother you does it?" She spoke in a snotty tone, but Belle didn't even notice. Brianna's voice broke her stare. "What? Uh...no. Should it?" "No, but usually it does." "Well, it's okay. It doesn't bother me." Brianna made a face at her sister. "Since when?" "Since...I don't know. It never really bothered me, it's just..." "What?" "Never mind. It's fine if you're naked. In fact, I don't care if you never wear clothes again." Belle's skin burned, feeling like she had gone too far and somehow said the wrong thing. This just wasn't her, and she feared her sister would see right through her. "Whatever." Brianna paused and smiled to herself. "Well, I don't really have anything clean to wear to bed, so I guess you won't mind if I sleep naked then?" "Wouldn't be the first time." Belle suddenly felt a strange and exciting calm wash over her, knowing that she called her sister's bluff. "Oh yeah?" Brianna thought there was no way her sister would approve, and laughed. "She couldn't be challenging me? Who does she think she's dealing with?" "As long as you don't mind. I didn't have anything clean either." She smiled and pulled back the covers, revealing her own nakedness. Brianna, for once was taken aback. "Really? So let me get this straight...you have no problem being naked and in the same bed together?" "Nope." Belle acted as if she wasn't affected, but she was a nervous wreck. She just hoped that she could keep this up. She shivered as Brianna slipped in next to her, and her warm skin brushed against her own. Brianna settled herself in needlessly close to her sister, and Belle could feel the excitement churning inside her. "Wow, if you keep this up we may have to renounce your throne." "Princesses don't have thrones" She whispered, and snuggled up even closer to her little sister, cautiously throwing her leg across her body and wrapping her arms tightly around her. Brianna was once again confused, but she didn't object. "I don't know what you're on, but we have to make sure you don't run out." Belle began softly caressing her sister's skin, and Brianna purred with approval. Belle knew there was no backing out now. There was no excuse she could make to get out of this, and she didn't want to. She knew by looking into her sister's eyes that she would not reject her, and so, feeling she had nothing to lose, she leaned in and softly placed a lingering kiss on her sister on the lips. Brianna accepted it warmly, although she was deeply confused. "I love you Brianna. You know that right?" For once, Brianna felt as if she was in a situation that she didn't know how to handle. She couldn't believe, even as badly as she's wanted this, and for as long as she's wanted it that it was happening, and that Belle was initiating it. Worst of all was that she didn't know how to react to it. She couldn't imagine what changed in her sister to bring this all on. "Well...yeah...of course I know that, I'm your sister, I mean, I think you're my sister...Who are you? Where's Belle? You look like her, but you can't be her." Belle chuckled, but then got serious. "C'mon, seriously. You know it's me. I need you to be serious for once...just be honest with me okay?" Brianna could tell that something was different. She never saw Belle act like this before. "Okay, I'm serious. Of course I know you love me. I don't think you like me too much, but I never would doubt that you love me." Belle sighed. "Please don't think that, because I do like you. I love you. It's just hard for me...this is hard for me...even though I know it would be okay...It would be great...It's still hard. I admire you, and the way you are, but sometimes it just makes me feel..." "Belle, what are you saying." Belle exhaled with frustration. "I'm saying...I'm just saying I love you." Brianna felt for her sister at this moment. She knew she loved her, but there must have been some reason that she felt she needed to tell her now. "Belle, I know you love me, and I love you too. You don't have to say it for me to know it. No matter how horrible we can be towards each other, I know you love me. Look, if I didn't love you, would I be sharing all this with you now?" A tear rolled down Brianna's cheek, and she quickly wiped it away and sniffled. "You know how I hate all this mushy girly crap! This is your thing, not mine, but you're the only person who I could ever let see this, and probably the only person who could make me like this. You're the only person who I trust, and who I know that no matter what, I could always cry to and you would never judge me for it...You're the only person that I could ever say all this to, so yes...I know you love me, and I love you too." Belle smiled with a gasp of relief, trying hard to hold back her own tears. The two sisters hugged tightly, almost forgetting where they were. Brianna's excitement finally rippled through her as her sister's body pressed tightly against her own, causing her to pull back. "Belle, you could have just told me that. You didn't have to do this for me. I know that you've been feeling lost around here, and you don't like all this... and I promise I'll try to tone it down..." "What do you mean? Do what for you?" Belle smiled playfully. "I'm just saying you don't have anything to prove to me or anyone else. You don't have to..." "I know about our cousins" Belle interrupted. "I know all about Anne and Danni...and you." "Me?" Belle nodded. "Of course. The four of us have been living in one small bedroom and spending every waking moment together. I may be somewhat out of touch, but I sure as hell know when my two cousins are having sex..." Belle lowered her voice "...and when my little sister is masturbating to it in the bed she's sharing with me." "You knew, and it didn't freak you out?" "Of course it did, at first. I mean, they're sisters! Any normal person would freak out, but I've come to find out that we're maybe not so normal, or maybe we are and we just don't know what normal really is. Maybe it's in our blood, I don't know, but I've accepted it. I mean, before that, I'd never even seen two girls together, let alone sisters. But I understand it now...and I've dealt with you masturbating for years, so that didn't bother me. I actually kind of enjoy watching that..." Belle turned bright red immediately after saying that. Brianna sensed her sister's embarrassment. "Yeah well, you're a lot of fun to watch too." They both giggled having finally admitting to each other what they already knew for so long, at it felt amazing. Suddenly, their laughter subsided, and all that was left was the heat between them. It was inevitable what was going to happen next. Brianna lowered her hands, gently gliding them over her sister's soft curves, enjoying her body for the first time. She had imagined for so long what it would be like to touch her this way, and now that it was happening, it was unlike any sensation she's ever experienced. This was going to be different. More than just sex, or getting off, this was real. Suddenly Belle whispered. "I have a confession." Brianna's eyes met hers as she continued to explore her sister's beautiful body. "I know that you've...I know that you and Danni and Anne, and I know you've done this before..." Brianna stopped, holding her breath. "I'm sorry...It was just..." "No, its okay...I'm not upset. I guess in a way I'm even sort of glad that it happened, but I just didn't know if I...Well...Anne and I...well we sort of..." Brianna gasped, and smiled widely. She couldn't believe what her sister was saying. She strangely felt a little jealous, but very excited at the thought of her sister and her cousin together for the first time. She had sort of wished that her sister's first time would have been with her, but fair is fair, and besides, it wouldn't matter. She somehow knew that no matter what either of them had done, or would ever do would not matter. Nothing would ever compare to what was about to happen. Brianna put a finger to her sister's lips, and then replaced it with a kiss. A soft, tender kiss unlike any other before, that within that kiss, told them everything that either one of them needed to know. They kissed passionately while their hands explored each other's body. Belle trembled with excitement every time her sister gently pulled and squeezed her tender nipples. She knew at that moment she had never felt any pleasure comparable to what she was about to experience, and worried slightly that her inexperience would not allow her to return the same. Brianna assured her by the way she touched her sister's body that this was all she would ever need, and no amount of experience could measure up to what she was feeling. Brianna sat up, pulling the covers away from both of them so they could see every inch of each other. Neither had ever seen the other as they were right now, nor felt as beautiful or proud of their own beauty. Belle sat up, and Brianna positioned herself in front of her. She slid close to her sister, placing one leg over hers so they could be as close as possible. Their sex just inches apart let them feel each other's heat and desire. Brianna took her sister's hands and gently placed them on her body, guiding her, teaching her. Belle was eager but relaxed as her little sister controlled her movements. They kissed again as Brianna guided Belle to her pleasure zones. Belle was reluctant at first, feeling awkward that for once, their roles were reversed, but soon realized it didn't matter. They were as one at this moment. Brianna gently guided Belle's hand between her legs, rubbing small circled over her sensitive clit. She guided her sister momentarily, until Belle became more confident, and took over. Brianna moaned loudly as she left her sister's hand to its own devices and leaned back on her arms. Her hips pumped up and down to meet Belle's movements. Belle leaned forward, taking her sister's light pink nipple between her lips, purring as her face mashed against Brianna's firm white tit. Brianna shuddered as her sister's warm tongue probed her nipples. Shifting her weight, she reached down and opened herself up with her fingers, allowing her swollen clit to protrude from its hood. Belle immediately concentrated her efforts on her sister's swollen button, and instantly Brianna was wincing with pleasure. Brianna's hand dropped back behind her to support her weight, her hips now furiously pounding into Belle's touch. Her orgasm hit her hard, causing her body to collapse and bounce uncontrollably on the tiny bed. Belle was haunted by the look of her sister's body from this angle. She was mesmerized by the way her pussy throbbed at the height of her passion, by the way her tits bounced and her stomach muscled pulled taught against her skin. She never knew that a woman could be this breath-taking. Brianna came harder than she ever had at the hand of her sister, and was eager to return the favor. She quickly pushed her sister back, resuming their original position, and began to explore her with everything she had. Brianna's finger gently slid between her sister's lips, tenderly sinking deeper with every butterfly stroke. She could feel her sister open up to her, like the petals of a delicate flower, revealing more of her...every bit of her. She felt her wetness increase with every slow passing glide of her finger. Belle had never felt anything so erotic, or so exhilarating. She moaned softly as her sister's finger gently grazed the tip of her clitoris and over its hood, sending a dizzying shock screaming throughout her body, like ripples in an untouched morning lake. She was defenseless to her sister's touch, and felt as if she couldn't move, numb, as if every sense in her body was concentrated to wherever her sister's touch fell. Her body stuttered with pleasure and anticipation as Brianna slowly sunk her finger deep inside, touching something that lie dormant, deep within her that could only be awakened by this moment. Within seconds, and with no control, her back arched and her head flew back. Her hips rose up, sinking even more of Brianna's probing finger deeper. She inhaled sharply, but could not utter a sound ,as if something unseen had complete control over her body. Every muscle in her body tightened, and everything around her slipped away, as if she was floating, while everything inside of her seemed to be spilling out. Brianna gasped as her sister's body trembled uncontrollably underneath her touch. She had never seen anything so beautiful, so intense. She felt her sister's muscles grip her finger, as waves of her sister's cum poured out of her. She had never witnessed a more powerful orgasm, nor thought that what was happening was even possible. It was as if every sexual desire her sister harbored was being released at that very moment. Slowly, her body began to relax as her orgasm subsided. Brianna eagerly pressed her lips to her sister's, and their bodies slowly melted together as they both drifted off to sleep. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "Do you suppose their finished yet?" "I don't know. Remember our first night?" Danni smiled. "Good point. We'd better just stay here." "We can't. I guess we'd better go check. Maybe we could sneak in and they won't notice." "Yeah, someone could've set off a bomb and I wouldn't have noticed." "Well, I just hope everything went to plan. I guess we'd better go and see." We tip-toed naked through the hallway and pushed the bedroom door open. They were both fast asleep, naked and wrapped in each other's arms. Danni and I both smiled. "That is so hot. Maybe we should wake them up." "Shh...Let them be. We'll have plenty of time for that. Tonight is theirs." "I guess you're right, but I don't know if I can wait." I grabbed Danni's hand and led her to our bed. "Well, I'm sure we can do something to hold you over."
Ever since the “protein” shake, things had never been the same. Spikes was always going to grow up into a big, buff, hunky Rena, but that extra boost he was given had completely ruined any chance of that transformation remaining within the realm of the reasonable, especially after Tim lost control of the Digivice and it somehow ended up within Spikes’ grasp. It was anyone’s guess just where the Renamon was going to take himself, but considering he was already too big to fit onto a couch without breaking it (something they both knew from personal experience), it wasn’t too much of a stretch to assume he’d become too large for regular housing. Indeed, Spikes wasted absolutely no time in making it known that he wanted to start growing at a faster rate than he ever had before, and the first thing he did towards that end was modifying the parameters so that his compressor field itself was warped. Being a creature of pure data made it easy for him to fiddle with the variables in a way that “true” organics could only ever dream of, especially since he had direct access to the device built specifically for that purpose. While at first he insisted that he was only going to make the download rate slightly higher, it didn’t take long before multipliers were involved; the compression was designed to keep him at one tenth of his full size, but there was nothing stopping him from adding a zero to the end of that… and then working through recursion in order to “fix” it by increasing his visible proportions so that they would, indeed, be a tenth of his supposed compressed volume; the house didn’t last a lot of time after he realized he could abuse mathematics that hard. At least Spikes had the decency to give the both of them some time before finally going off the deep end by stacking exponentials of ten, even if he strained the idea of “fitting” into their house to its very limit before finally making it utterly meaningless. It used to be that a good day was one where they only had to go through the process of hearing his body creak and expand a few inches once; this number was slowly amended to make way for the increasing necessity of “adjustments” to fit with his exponentially increasing growth rate, until the groaning of his bulking body became something they just learned to deal with every living second of their lives. It was still slow enough, for a certain definition of the word, that they could envision him lasting for a couple of weeks before having to find new housing accommodations; besides, Spikes had taken to being outdoors a lot more often than he used to, partly because of the issue with space, mostly thanks to him developing a growing love for showing himself off. And how couldn’t he, given what he looked like? Even before kickstarting his immense ascension to unbelievable scales, the Renamon’s body was one that lesser mortals would kill for, and thanks to their inherent nature, was about as natural as one could ever hope for. No need for chemicals or ridiculous interventions, just the adjustment of variables and time spent to download the amount of data required to turn him into a miniaturized colossus. Tim still remembered when the two of them were the same height; the day that the lynx could stand on the tip of their toes and still barely reach Spikes’ pecs was the same day that they lost control over the situation, being far too enamored with their roommate’s continuous growth to even so much as have the capacity for wanting to stop it. All it took was the Renamon taking a step closer to them in order to block the sun with their body and all the fight left the cat’s body, leaving him little more than putty in Spikes’ hands, something Spikes himself wasn’t afraid to exploit for all it was worth. Hence, the protein shake. Under normal circumstances, Tim would never go so far as to do something that depraved, which coming from them was one hell of an indictment; considering the things he had done to Spikes himself, the feline refusing to do anything at all on the grounds that it would be “too much” would’ve been a warning and a half for anyone who paid the slightest amount of attention. But Tim was too far gone by that point, too lost in the adoration of every rock-hard muscle and skin-tightening vein, too much in love with every oversized inch of their lover; Spikes could’ve asked them to bring them the moon and the cat would’ve found some way to do it. By comparison, producing an extra-large protein shake with “organically-sourced protein” didn’t seem like that much of a demand, even when one considered the effects that it could have. The Renamon was all-too aware of what he was going to do to himself, having been on the receiving end of those kinds of “drinks” in the past. For whatever reason, his body reacted quite poorly when it was forced to deal with his partner’s spunk, and by “poorly” one should read “explosively”; it wouldn’t be the first time the two had to readjust his body via his Digivice after a bed or three were broken, or when a wall was torn down thanks to an unforeseen growth spurt, so the idea of him consuming an entire shake made entirely out of that substance had always been a lingering thought at the back of their minds. Tim insisted such a thing was madness; whatever happened to Spikes’ body would no doubt be so massive in scale that returning him to normal wouldn’t even be possible, not to mention the damage done to their house, their neighbours’ houses, and the entire neighborhood to go with it. The Rena, his own mind awash with the constant flood of endorphins that came from having a body like his, could not care less; he demanded the shake be made, for he wanted to experience perfection incarnate. Not that he wasn’t already such a thing; the effects of the growth on him hadn’t just left him a towering pillar of beef, adorned with what had to be the biggest package he’d ever seen, but had gone ahead and shuffled his brain around so much that he barely even recognized himself. Not that this was a bad thing; he much enjoyed his new sense of confidence, being far more confident and willing to show off his power and abilities than his old, puny self had ever been. He remembered he would once shy away from people trying to complement his body, much less trying to get a handful of it themselves, but the very thought of that felt downright unnatural now that he sported a physique that few could ever hope to approach, let alone match; even with other hypers running around, very few, if any, had the ability to sculpt their body as perfectly as he had his, giving him a distinct advantage when it came to flaunting his stuff. He often had to be reminded that some things were still out of bounds even for him, hence why the only piece of clothing he ever wore were a pair of boxer briefs with a secondary compressor field installed; without them, he’d be leaving a trail of destruction where he went, with his nuts being heavy enough to not only sink into whatever surface they lay on, but full to the point where they’d drag whatever was in front of them along with each of the Rena’s steps. This didn’t go unnoticed by Spikes himself, who preferred not to have to deal with that kind of discomfort whenever he wanted to move from point A to point B, even if he was more than happy to let go of his restrictions when he was at home; after all, why limit himself when his cock, while completely flaccid, was still as long as his torso and hard enough that he could give it a great big hug and stuff his face into his tip? All of this and more used to be a pipe dream for him, but was now his baseline reality, and all thanks to that lynx messing around with his Digivice’s electronics and software. While initially it had been done to give him improved stamina for when they adjourned to their bedrooms, it was quickly readjusted to fit far lewder goals; the Rena was already big enough to pick Tim up with two fingers by the time he drank the special protein shake, so anything else was little more than a stepping stone to what he very much assumed was the logical conclusion for his ascension. It was a term he took to using whenever no one was around, but had become more comfortable with employing around the lynx, mostly because it was entirely appropriate for what was going on with him: siphoning data from his home reality, the Renamon was quickly becoming something akin to a minor god, packing so much power and energy into his body that anyone attempting to fight him for his position would be rapidly reminded of just where they stood in the chain, a thought that warmed Spikes so much that he should really be concerned about it. Instead, he chose to further indulge this line of thinking; not only that, but bring it to where it should logically go, and lead with the assumption that, if he could become a minor deity like that, then surely he could just keep going and turn that “minor” upside down. There was nothing stopping him from just making the data transfer keep going forever, or at least until his homeworld ran out of juice to give him; the end result was as obvious as his lust for growth, hence why he chose to go with abusing multipliers and exponentials rather than simply upping the rate of expansion and waiting for it to catch up with his dream size goals. The lynx was technically no longer needed, but they had been the ones to start the whole thing… plus, Spikes had the biggest soft spot for that furball, if not outright love to some degree, so the idea of not bringing them along was simply inconceivable. He thus made sure to keep the lynx held tightly against his body somewhere where they wouldn’t be hurt by the inevitable debris, before making the first “zero adjustment”. By setting his visible size to one hundredth of his real one, then readjusting it so it fit with the previous one-to-ten ratio, their housing issues became a thing of the past by virtue of there simply not being a house anymore. The splinters flew off in every direction, ending up so far away from where the walls once stood that some folks had to actively dodge bits of plaster and wood falling at near-terminal velocities… before stopping in their tracks once they saw just what, or in this case who, had caused such a thing to happen. Spikes quite enjoyed this new freedom, brought on by the liberation that only outgrowing his home could provide. It had never been a dream of his, not until he began bulking out, but now that he saw how good it felt, he was almost disappointed he hadn’t spent several years waiting for it to happen; surely, it would’ve made the experience even more delicious than it already was. He got to appreciate his new perspective for a while before doing anything else, and found that, from where he stood (or sat, to be more precise), earthly concerns seemed… inconsequential. Everyone around him was so tiny that he couldn’t even fathom why anyone would bother doing anything but worship his own body, to the point where the Rena felt genuinely insulted that people weren’t dropping everything and anything they were doing just to make sure he was receiving the adulation he rightfully deserved. Such thoughts were transitory, though; it would be unbefitting of a gracious god such as himself to be irritated at such petty concerns, especially when the little ones around him had been given so little time to get used to his presence. That was easily fixed. The increase in size also played into his growth rate, given that it was conditional and based on however large he happened to be at any one given time; this meant that while the initial burst had destroyed his former house and made him large enough to occupy most of the property, the time it took for Spikes to get used to his new viewpoint allowed his body to start invading their neighbors’ lawns; not that the Rena particularly cared, given that the world was now his by right, but it was a useful means of gauging how fast he was growing nonetheless. With the lynx kept safe and firmly glued to him somewhere inside of his neck fluff, it was time for his attention to turn outward, towards the world that he would soon be presiding over. Already he could see a few people walking towards him, some even leaving their cars in the middle of the road just to approach the mountain of Rena beef, as if wondering if it was, indeed, real; a minority was possessed of enough courage to go so far as to touch him, a gesture that he replied to by granting a few, mercifully soft headpats to whoever got close enough, taking care not to smush anyone with a careless misapplication of his power. But this wasn’t enough; not nearly enough. He was bigger than his house and had already established himself as being there to stay, but he could still see buildings off in the distance that were taller than he was, and what sort of god was outmatched by mere architecture? He scoffed at this notion, grabbing the Digivice… only to then realize he had made a mistake as massive as he was going to be. The tiny controller had remained the same size as it always was, meaning his colossal fingers were now unable to hold onto it without either flattening it into an electronic pancake or just turning it to dust outright; even if he somehow succeeded in grabbing the miniature object, how was he supposed to use it when even the tips of his claws were larger than the monitor? Thankfully for him, the lynx was there to make sure their partner’s ascension kept going without any hitch in either of their plans; if Spikes couldn’t do it, then it fell to their consort, who deliberately chose not to grow themselves out purely so they could appreciate what it felt like to be the tiny, insignificant speck for once. All in all, it was pretty good, though they were certain they’d grow tired of it once the size difference became so much that they’d have to measure the degrees of separation with several zeroes as well. For the time being, however, the next stage in the Rena’s transformation was upon them, and to that end, there was nothing more appropriate than just abusing the compressed and uncompressed sizes again, stacking another exponential onto the previous one. The resulting explosion of mass was so grand that it effectively removed their neighborhood from the face of the map, a cloud of debris and dust being kicked up once every house was reduced to little more than pieces of rubble underneath the Rena’s feet. It was quite fortunate that most of everyone was off working somewhere else that day, otherwise they might’ve had to wonder about how many casualties there had been; not that Spikes wouldn’t be able to fix that (or at least thought he was capable of such), but it’d be such a bother that he preferred it not be a thing in the first place. Still, he looked good at those sizes, so much so that the first thing he did was flex. Not to anyone in particular, just so he himself could admire as his skin rippled and his veins bulged out, the soft layer of fur on him not nearly enough to hide the mass of muscles-stacked-upon-muscles that he had just gained. There were still a few buildings in the distance that were as tall or just slightly taller than him, but they were no longer bigger; the Rena’s shoulders were about as far apart from one another as his head was from his feet, making for a massive, hulking frame that shone brightly underneath the sun. He attempted a step, only to crack the ground and sink into it, a water main bursting between two toes and spraying his leg with cold water. He barely felt it, even when he retracted his foot and brought a few tons of asphalt and concrete up with it, showering the ground underneath him… right before he tried to step towards the city again and ended up repeating the feat. Spikes sighed, for once feeling ever-so-slightly annoyed at himself; if this was how things were going to be, then he was going to have to invest in some way he could fly or float, because having to heave his legs from the ground every time he wanted to move did not sound like a fun time. It still wasn’t enough to deter supplicants from trying to get his attention, a large crowd gathering around him comprised mostly of people who happened to be close by; their voices could barely be heard, and yet the Rena knew exactly what they wanted, though whether that was some sort of divine sixth-sense or just basic understanding how libidos worked he didn’t really know for sure. Whatever the case, he was more than happy to stand still for the time being, giving his worshippers full access to whatever part of his body they could scale; not much, but certainly enough to drive a few lesser ones to near-madness from exposure to such wanton perfection. Sadly, things weren’t meant to stay that way for too long; such an increase in size meant his passive growth was increased by a similar factor as well, straining the fabric of reality by way of the connection to his home dimension being flooded with such a colossal amount of data that everyone on both sides began to felt it. It was merely mild discomfort at first, the hair on the back of one’s neck or the fur on one’s body standing on end, as if electricity had suddenly permeated every inch of space in the air. Like an incoming storm, everyone knew something terrible was headed their way… but how wrong they were. It would be magnificent, sublime, the affirmation of true power. As far as Spikes himself cared, what he had in store for everyone was nothing short of absolute, true glory, a god granting to his followers the privilege of gazing upon his form. So what if he had to destabilize existence itself just to become that large? Sacrifices had to be made in order for progress to happen, and if that meant draining everything and everyone of their energy before he put them back in, then that’s just something that had to happen! Still, moving around was something he quite enjoyed doing, so the Rena politely asked Tim to please make it so that his body wouldn’t be punching holes into the ground by virtue of trying to take a single step. It took a bit for the lynx, lust-addled as they were, to even begin to understand what was being asked of them, taking far longer to accomplish the task than would be normal even after the message got through. This was exactly the kind of reaction Spikes expected of people, the complete inability to think when exposed to the sight of his bulbous frame shimmering underneath the light of the sun. Once he’d grown big enough to blot it out he’d need to find something else to help accentuate those curves of his, but those were concerns for later; now he had to feel himself becoming even larger, and show others what they were missing. Some complicated fiddling with density later and Tim informed their titanic lover that he was good to go; Spikes resolved to reward this with a smooch to the forehead, which unfortunately left the feline so utterly drenched that they practically became stuck to the neckfluff they were riding on. Not that they complained about it, but it still made for a rather awkward realization that the two of them would never be able to exchange an intimate moment like they used to ever again; the price of progress, really. At least what Spikes got out of it was more than enough to make up for the lack of a warm, purring kitten throwing their arms around him, because now he could present himself to the city and demand they do with him as they might. He had no doubt that the general response from just about everyone would be complete and total adoration; even those too simple or close-minded to consider surrendering themselves to him would be taken in by the crowd as they tried to fight against it. At that point, attempting to deny his divinity would be akin to swimming against a current: possible, but ultimately fruitless. He had to be extremely careful not to knock down many of the buildings in his way, even going so far as to tiptoe around a few properties just so the trail of destruction he was leaving behind him wouldn’t become even more pronounced. It wasn’t even his bulk doing most of the damage, but the package he bore between his colossal legs; not only did the Rena have to constantly push his cock away from his face, lest it bump against it and very nearly drown Tim in precum alone, but the size of those nuts he was carrying around were somewhere along the line of the utterly ridiculous. They swung dangerously close to the ground, stuffed and stretched, their forms squishing against the insides of his thighs and making any kind of walking be a lot harder than it should be; the noise as well, highly indicative of the kind of insane productivity that was going on inside of them, was enough to make even Spikes start to blush! It wasn’t in any way surprising that he was leaking as hard as he was; hell, he wouldn’t be surprised if most of the growth he was experiencing down there came mostly from his inability to properly vent everything he was making, if that was even possible. Regardless, the city was right next to him and it only took about five minutes of very careful treading for him to stand next to the outlying set of apartment blocks and offices. The roads were packed with cars, halted by virtue of their drivers being desperate to get out, a few to run away, most to sprint as close to the Rena as possible. Most everyone he saw and that saw him had the same reaction: drop anything they were doing and try to climb onto his body. Spikes would’ve preferred if an impromptu procession formed, trailing behind him and inviting more and more supplicants to join, but he guessed that, absent any kind of grandiose display like that, then having the entire population of the metropolitan area try to find a place aboard his form was a good runner-up. Besides, it was all a meaningless endeavour; the second any of them got close enough to make any sort of progress, he’d already have grown so much that the climbers might as well be on the ground. Not that this stopped any of them; if anything, it only seemed to egg them on further! Spikes could see and feel every eye being laid on him, from the lowliest clerk to the highest oligarch, his body already having become enough of a giant piece of art to be haloed by the sun behind him, casting a long, wide shadow upon the city. Anyone who bothered to look up would see not sky, but several hundred feet of Rena-beef, standing proud and watching as the little ones around him scurried to try and comprehend what they were experiencing. Was it any wonder, then, that the streets were instantly blocked by masses of vehicles, all dead in the water as their owners or passengers rushed out, eager beyond their ability to describe it to find some place to worship their new god from close by? Tim started the whole thing and even they were already lost to the allure of their new supreme being; even if Spikes couldn’t quite tell what it was the lynx was doing (they were so tiny!), he could be certain they were having plenty of fun with the amount of fluids going down onto the titanic Renamon’s neck. He’d already given up trying to force his shaft away from him; not only was it starting to become painful, but the idea of not constantly pleasuring that thing started to sound tantamount to heresy even in his mind. After all, no one else in existence would ever be big enough to handle it properly, leaving him and him alone to pick up and carry the burden. Sadly, this had the rather unfortunate side effect of causing a lot of flooding to fall upon just about everything and everywhere that happened to be in front of him; his stamina may have been increased to levels as absurd as his bulk, but so too did the amount of cum inside of him, therefore making it quite easy for him to release so much of it that gallons alone were no longer enough to quantify just how much he was pouring out. Olympic swimming pools, perhaps, were the only unit of measurement that could adequately describe the utter flood bursting out from his tip, and even then he’d have to resort to some rather inflated numbers just to make sense of it all. Every building he saw was coated in his thick seed, creamy white covering every surface he laid his eyes on, the streets serving as little more than canals for his ejaculate, with waves and currents forming as his juices tried to occupy as much room as they could. Down below, caught in the sudden storm of fluids, countless tiny ones struggled to keep themselves afloat, many failing and falling into the thickening mess, only to reemerge far past where they were meant to be. None would even so much as have a scratch on them; Spikes would see to that personally. The goal of his coating the whole city was less to relieve some of the infernal pressure he was feeling inside of himself, and more an act of affirming his superiority. It wasn’t enough to be massive anymore, he had to show off, he had to tell the world that everything was his and his by right. Completely covering an entire metropolitan area and its associated suburbs with his spunk seemed like as good of an idea as anything else, especially when he was still growing fast enough that, by the time he was “done”, his body already massively outsized anything built by mortal hands. If he took a step forward, nothing would remain in his wake; if it wasn’t his legs and feet destroying everything, then his nuts would drag whatever was there down below them and flatten it completely. This didn’t mean he wasn’t still holding onto his cock, which by that point had grown longer than his torso and about half as wide (impressive, all things considered); his love for that part of him only grew as much as it itself did, and the Rena would soon find himself unable to even let go, much less consider the possibility of halting his ministrations. All of this conspired to make him almost forget the whole point of his ascension, and Spikes found himself just about ready to fall backwards and quite possibly collapse the crust all the way to the mantle just so he could focus entirely on servicing his shaft the way it was supposed to be; it felt downright criminal to only give it two hands and not also a pair of legs, while his feet worked the balls, but that was just how things were meant to be. Sacrifices were supposed to be made for the sake of progress, and that was just going to have to be one of them. Besides, he had other things he could do to make up for it; the lynx was still there and the Digivice was, while not intact, still perfectly functional. All Spikes had to do was order the feline to perform another zero adjustment and he would be on the way to achieving the next form of his transformation into the new ruler of that reality. True to their nature, Tim was completely gone. Their mind was still technically there, but it was mostly a caged slave to their body, ruled entirely by hormones and sexual desire, left to rot in some forgotten corner of their brain while their muscles instead took over. The Rena could just barely feel it, the shapeshifter having given themselves some extra size just so they could hump Spikes’ body and be felt; it was almost adorable, in that it was mostly just inconvenient. The giant colossus had need for the feline’s ability to input numbers onto an electronic device, and now what he had instead was a hyper-sexualized furball who could barely put two and two together. He ordered Tim to listen, to return to normal, but to no avail; the cat was just not going to come back to normal. Not ever again. This left Spikes with only one solution, one that even he didn’t quite like thanks to how dangerous it was. The Digivice was still there, and if need be, he could hotlink himself to it, allowing him to perform any kind of changes he needed on the fly and without the need for a third party. It was, in essence, the best possible option for anyone who wanted full control, but it did carry with it a non-zero chance of him losing that control right after trying to exercise it; after all, being made fully aware that he could control his growth, enough that he could will himself immeasurably larger just by wanting it, was sure to have a negative impact on his ability to retain his consciousness in any measurable, appreciable form… so why was he not doing that already? Honestly, the more he thought about it the more Spikes began to wonder why he hadn’t taken the steps required to get that done in the first place; could’ve avoided the whole issue of needing to rely on Tim for his own growth spurts and just made himself as big as necessary whenever he wanted to. Perhaps it was that last part of him that refused to give in to its own divinity, that preached caution and safety rather than reckless abandon, the last chunk of his mortal mind that yet clung to a simpler, less exotic form of existence. The Renamon got rid of it the second he located where it was hiding, bringing it forth into the glorious light of his own being and letting it boil away, leaving nothing but the certainty in his own perfection and the insatiable desire to become more. And what was best, now that he had a direct connection to the device allowing the data transfer to take place, there was really nothing stopping him from just turning it up to eleven and breaking the “OFF” switch away. So that’s exactly what he did. Another zero adjustment went by and immediately things stopped making any sense. The city, which had once been the perfect landscape of white and musk, had vanished, replaced by the curvature of the planet. The sky darkened, the top of his head suddenly felt a lot colder, and nothing around him had any real definition anymore. He could sort of make out where the cities were, if he bothered to look down; seeing as his head was buried in his neckbulk, doing so would require such a complicated set of acrobatics that it would most likely end up in him tripping over and cracking the planet in half. Moving around wasn’t really possible either, given that not only was he so wide that air resistance hurt him, any kind of shift in his weight would upset the precarious balance that kept him from sinking several miles into the ground. Anyone on that side of the planet that bothered to look up, or even so much as glanced at the sky, would be blessed by the sight of so much Rena-hunk that they would most likely fall to their knees in supplication, wailing at the realization that they had just lost the last opportunity they had to reach their godlike hunk before he left them permanently… for that was what had to happen. It took until the Earth started to feel cramped for Spikes to realize that a planet-bound existence just didn’t suit him in the slightest. Again, the Digivice was still there, thus nothing was stopping him from just continuing to run zero adjustments until the cows came home and the universe itself popped while trying to contain him; plus, at the size he was at, he was already gaining miles whenever he wasn’t looking, carving long trails onto the crust and threatening to throw the whole planet into disarray. It thus stood to reason that, if the globe was just too small for him, then he had to leave; and seeing as how all he had to do was hop and be in orbit, that’s exactly what he did. It almost felt like there was no difference at all, the gravitational pull at those scales turning into something more of a background process than a constant fact of life. One moment he had his feet on the cracked ground, the next he was a permanent fixture in low orbit, as one was. He delighted in seeing his shape outlined against the surface in the form of his shadow, giving him a perfect view of just how unbelievably swollen his frame had become. Spikes could barely even move at all at that stage; his arms were so bulky that any attempt at moving them around resulted in them rubbing up against his equally-massive torso, leading to an incomprehensibly-powerful surge of sensations to fire up his spine and into his brain. This was not helped by how much of his field of view was filled by either his pectorals or his neck, with his head being sunken in a valley of titanic proportions. He had truly become perfect, or at least as perfect as he could’ve ever imagined himself being; the lynx seemed to think so too, as they’d finally let go of their own limitations and began to grow themselves out to meet their lover’s size. Not that they’d ever reach it, of course. Spikes knew things were just getting started. He thought that being as big as the planet (or bigger now, given the rate of his growth and how quickly it was accelerating) would be enough, that it would satisfy his need for size. He thought that it would be… sufficient. But it wasn’t. Not only wasn’t it enough, but now that he had it he understood that it never would have been enough; perfection was not something one could attain, but rather a goal to be achieved and perpetually surpassed. A state that was transitory by nature, since when one becomes perfect, then clearly there’s still room for improvement. This made about as much sense to him as anything else that happened that day. And the Digivice was still there, so...
Title: Matt's Accident Changed Everything Ch. 02 - Final Tags: bisexual female, first time, mother, nudism, nurse, son, taboo, teaching, virgin "Hello?" "Jill, it's Dana. How's Matt doing?" "He seems to be doing better. He's stayed locked in his room since last night though. But if I'm being honest, I've been locked in my room since last night too." We both started laughing. "I was going to ask you about that." She sounded...different. "Anyway, would you mind if I come over? I wanted to see how Matt was progressing, but also wanted to talk to you about something else. By the way, how many times have you changed the batteries?" She giggled and said "Once" "I'll be over in a few minutes. If that's alright?" "Yes. I want to continue what we were discussing yesterday afternoon. I have more questions." "Certainly, dear. I have a few things I want to talk with you about too." ... Jill opened the door. While she always looked young and beautiful, she was glowing. "You look great Jill! You look so relaxed!" She smiled and nodded. "I had no idea how good that could feel. I'm a little numb down there now though." We both laughed. "So, are you still okay with what I have planned for Matt?" She nodded. "Yes. After yesterday, even I learned so much. From putting on that condom to seeing Bonnie's cervix? If you would teach him, I'd be grateful. I feel bad for the way he's grown up and I should have moved out with him long before now. He's been sheltered his whole life and I'm responsible. I do want him to learn though. As crazy as this sounds, the more I've thought about it, the more it does make sense for him. He has no experience and wouldn't really know what to do. Will you still do it for him?" "Of course, I will. I'm going to go back and talk to him about it now. But I may do more than that." Her eyes lit up. "Depending on how he's feeling, that is. Are you sure? We can't undo this if I check on him." She nodded again. Her hand moved down to her pussy. I could tell the thought was turning her on. "When I'm finished, you and I will go back over to my house and talk about this week. Since he's out of school, I was thinking about taking him to the cabin for the week. The doctor I work for closes the office for this week for his staff so they can spend time with family. I had planned on going to the cabin for the week anyway, that is if that's alright?" She nodded. "We can discuss that later. But there's something else I wanted to talk with you about when we go back over to my house." "What is it?" "You'll have to wait. It shouldn't take long with Matt. At least not this time." I winked and started walking down the hall. I turned back and asked, "Do you want to come in with me? I was going to look at him again and then talk to him about this week. If he gets hard, and I'm sure he will, I was going to get him off with my hand. Since you aren't that experienced, you may learn something if you want to watch? "I can't believe I'm saying this, he's my son, but I would like to watch. Do you think he will mind?" "I have my ways. Once I get started, he won't even know you are there." I smiled as we both walked to his room. I knocked on the door. "Matt? May we come in?" "Yes." "How are we doing today?" He was sitting in bed, playing a video game. "I'm better. I stopped using the ice and don't hurt there anymore. And the other is healed up too." He looked down and smiled. He put his controller down as I sat on his bed beside him. "May I a look?" His eyes lit up, then he looked over at Jill. "She saw you yesterday, remember?" He shook his head 'yes' as he pulled his shorts down. "It does look better. The swelling is gone and your penis looks so much better." I felt around his testicles and he didn't flinch. His cock started to harden though. Which was what I wanted. "You want to lay back while I examine you?" He did. All boys like being touched down there. I felt around, touching not only his testicles, but the entire area. I did it in a non-clinical way. He responded as I wanted and was hard as a rock when I finished my 'exam'. "Matt, do you have any questions about yesterday?" I began lightly stroking his cock with my right hand, while lightly teasing his balls with my left hand. I leaned over, giving him a look at my tits down my dress. "Y-y-yes" I kept my manipulation of him and asked what he wanted to talk about. His eyes never left looking down my dress. "Your friend. Bonnie. Are most girls like that? I mean, the way she had an orgasm. Do all girls do that?" He was moaning to my touch and could tell he wouldn't last long if I kept stroking him this way. This first time anyway. "That depends, Matt. The more in tune with your body, the more you know how it responds to stimulation. She was already turned on when you started, but yes, you can do that to girls your age once they get turned on. The secret is taking the time to get them turned on. Most boys your age want to get right to the act. Men too. They have no idea how to get a girl that turned on. Not to that level anyway." He began moaning as I continued stroking his hard cock. I slowed down the pace as I continued, "Another thing guys can do is after they've shot their load is to use their fingers or tongue on the clitoris. It feels unbelievable and a way to keep sex going after the guy climaxes." I looked at Jill, who was intently watching my slow stroking of her son's cock. I picked up the pace and his breathing began to quicken. He was getting close. "If you don't slow down I'm going to" "Going to what, Matt?" I increased the speed and gripped his cock harder. "I'm going to, to...uuuhhhhhhh!" His face turned red as he shot four spurts. I aimed his cock towards his head. By the time he finished, his shirt was covered. He even gave himself a pearl necklace. Jill's mouth was open in amazement. I let him relax as I continued stroking his softening cock. "Why don't you pull your shirt off and let's clean you up a little." He sat up and took off his shirt. I wiped the rest of his cum off his pelvic area and wiped his neck. I tossed his shirt in the floor and looked him in the eyes as he lay in bed completely naked. Jill looking on. "Matt, I want to talk with you about something else. What I'm going to tell you is going to sound crazy, but I can assure you I'm being serious with what I'm about to say." He nodded as he lay back on the bed. I reached down and began lightly stroking his soft cock again. He'd forgotten Jill was even there as he was still staring down my dress. "Speaking of Bonnie. When our sons were your age they were both already sexually active. But they didn't know what they were doing and I felt bad for the girls they were with. Well, we came up with a plan to teach each other's son about women. And it was a lot more than the modeling and demonstration yesterday and what I just did for you." He had a blank stare. Like he comprehended what I was saying, but not believing I was saying it. "Matt? Jill and I have already talked about this. You are an adult now and this is entirely up to you. But, would you like for me to teach you how to have great sex with a woman?" Silence. His mouth and eyes were wide open but he couldn't speak. His cock started to harden, so I asked again, "Matt?" He nodded. After a moment, his voice finally returned. "Um, how? I-I-I" I cut him off. "Well, you are out of school next week, right?" He nodded. "What if I take you up to my cabin for the week? You could experience walking around naked in the woods, which is a freeing experience itself, but also in front of other people. Men and women. There are two pools and if you've never swam naked, you're going to love it. You will quickly lose your silly modesty and become comfortable with your body and most importantly, your penis. But when we go back inside my cabin, I'll teach you how to love a woman. What you did for Bonnie yesterday is just the tip of the iceberg. When you go back to school next Monday, you will be a different person. That is, if you don't mind being taught by an older woman?" He was shocked. "Are you-you-you being serious?" He had a huge grin and he looked like a kid at Christmas as he looked back at Jill, suddenly realizing she was still in the room. He looked back down at my hand stroking his hardening cock. Instead of answering, I stood and removed my dress, giving him an unobstructed view of my tits. I was turned on by watching him climax and thinking about how much fun it is going to be to teach him the ways to be with a woman. Hell, I've been wet for two days. He kept staring at my tits as I moved my hands to my panties and removed them. I was drenched. My pussy was leaking at the thought of this young, hard cock. I wiped myself with my panties and held them up for Matt to see. They were covered in my thick, clear nectar. I put them to his nose as he took in my scent. I looked down and his cock was sticking straight up, still glistening with some of his cum from before. He was again paying no attention to Jill sitting in the chair at the end of his bed. Handing him my panties, "You can keep these for later." I tossed them on his face. He started sniffing them as I leaned over and took him into my mouth. Given his size, I took him all the way in and back up, adding sucking pressure when I got to the head of his cock. It made a 'pop' sound as it exited my mouth. I then made eye contact as I straddled him. He broke contact, looking down as I guided his cock into me. Once he was in, I sat directly on top of him. I knew if I laid on him and fucked him in that position, he would slip out due to his smaller size. Instead, I stayed in the sitting position and began rocking back and forth. I then grabbed his hands and guided them to my tits. "Don't squeeze too hard. Just lightly knead them like Bonnie was doing yesterday. My nipples are sensitive, but you can lightly pinch them if you want. NO, too much. Lighter. Yes, that's it, like that." I rode him for a few minutes, giving him instruction on how to touch my breasts and rub my hips while I rubbed back and forth on his cock. But, I was ready for a climax. I guided his finger and began rubbing my clit as I continued to ride him. I'd been turned on for over a day now and I knew it wouldn't take long. Sure enough, a minute of rubbing and I felt the inevitable coming. I tossed my head back and moaned loudly as I came. My pussy was contracting around his cock when I did so. Just like with Bonnie, my orgasm sent him over the edge. I felt cock throbbing as he unloaded inside me. I stayed on top of him until I knew he was done. Then, I leaned forward to give him a kiss. When I did, his cock slipped out and I felt a stream of his cum flow from me. Despite his earlier orgasm, this kid shoots more volume than anyone I've ever been with. I rolled off him and playfully put my panties on his face. I looked at Jill who had a look of utter amazement, as she had just witnessed her son lose his virginity. I reached down, grabbed my dress and put it back on. "Do you think I'm serious now?" He had the largest smile and look of shock on his face. "Be at my house around 9:00 tomorrow morning. You won't need to pack much, just toiletries. We will stop by the grocery store on the way and stock up for the week." I winked at him, then leaned over and took his soft cock back into my mouth. He moaned as I cleaned our juices off his shrunken member. I pulled up, looked at Jill with a smile and walked into the hallway. Jill followed. ... "Enjoy the show?" I asked as Jill and I walked to my house. She had a look of shock and embarrassment. And desire. I opened the cabinet and pulled out the Cuervo and mix. "Would you be a dear and mix up a batch? Despite being his second load, your son has more volume than anyone I've ever been with. I'm leaking here and need to put some panties on since he has mine. Maybe he won't be taking yours anymore." I giggled as I walked into my bedroom. When I came out, she had already had half of one margarita and had one waiting on me. "Honey, are you okay?" She swallowed and then said, "I can't believe that just happened! I've never seen anyone have sex before. Much less my own son!" She took another sip. "That's why I wanted you to see. I wanted you to see how to take control of a man. Boy or man, you focus on and control his cock and you control him. Do you have any other questions?" She looked down and shook her head. "He's going to be a quick learner. When I'm done with him this week, he'll have more meaningful experience than all the boys in his high school combined." She laughed and agreed. "But I wanted to talk about you." "Me?" "Yes. When I left here last night, I went back over to Bonnie's house. Lane was there and we caught up. He just went through a divorce. His wife is a fool, but that's another story. He travels for work and while she was getting the best sex of her life when he was home, it wasn't enough. She started seeing a guy on the side and got pregnant." Jill shook her head in shock. "Exactly. He couldn't trust her after that and they just finalized their divorce." She nodded then asked, "Okay? What does that have to do with me?" I took a sip. "I was getting to that. We sat around and caught up on his job. Then the conversation shifted and Bonnie asked how Matt was doing. I brought Lane up to speed of what happened, including Matt cumming in his shorts when Bonnie had her orgasm." She laughed. "I then told him about you and what all you have been through. Not only getting pregnant so young, but the guys you've been out with since. Anyway, he shook his head and joked that maybe you needed a teacher too." I took another sip, letting that sink in. She looked up at me when it hit her with her mouth wide open. "Hear me out Jill. Lane is a great young man. He's respectful and understands your situation. This wouldn't be a date per se, but a man who knows what he's doing to help you out. Teach you. He won't jump your bones just to get off like the other guys. He'll show you what to do and what not to do. And he'll show you what it's like to have great sex with a man who knows what he's doing. Trust me, he still knows." I winked. "How do you..." She was speechless. "Honey, I told you I'm a horny 52-year old woman. I took him for a spin last night and again this morning. He's even learned more since I taught him." "Wait! You were with him last night *and* this morning. *AND* with Matt?" "What can I say? I get horny!" We both laughed. "I could never!..." She thought about what she had just said and then smiled. "I'm not saying you would. But you did run through a set of batteries, didn't you? And that rabbit lasts a lot longer than any man can." I took a sip and waited. "Why would he do that? I mean, I'm older than he is and there is no way he would want to do something like that." "You asked the same question about Matt." I grinned. "Yes, but he's never been with anyone before." "He has now." I winked. "Still, this guy is a grown man." "Yes, a grown man. Any woman can go into a bar any night and go home with a man to fuck. Men aren't that lucky. Lane isn't a skirt chaser though. While he'd been with a few girls in high school and college, he met his wife his junior year. He hadn't been with another woman until last night. Look, this isn't a date. But, I think the two of you will hit it off as he's an accountant. He's only four years younger than you. And you? Well, you are gorgeous my dear. I hate that the only sexual experiences you've had have been bad because you deserve so much better. And Lane will teach you that." She thought, then added, "Not all my experience with sex has been bad." It was my time to look puzzled as I took a sip. "You gave me my first orgasms, and that was great! Does that make me a lesbian now?" I almost spit out my drink as I started laughing. "Touché" "I don't know, Dana. I mean, all of this is happening so fast. Four days ago, I just asked you to come over and make sure we didn't need to go to the emergency room. Now? Matt has had sex! I've had my first orgasms and I may be bisexual?" She smiled and laughed. "I don't know. This is crazy, isn't it?" She drank the rest of her drink and started pouring number three. "I'm glad we live next door. There is no way you could drive after this. I guess I'm a bad influence." We both laughed. Then she looked at me and got serious. "If I were to say yes, what would I do? When? Where?" "Slow down dear. Matt is going to be with me all week, remember? I guess your house would be available? Lane is in an apartment since the divorce. And as much as I love him and everything, he's still a single man in his late 20s. I'm sure his place is a wreck." We both laughed. "Jill, don't over-think this. This isn't a date. This is a great guy wanting to help you out. But he is a guy. And don't kid yourself. He wants into your panties just like every other man out there. That's just life. You can fight it, or embrace and enjoy it. It's up to you." She thought for a few moments. "Will you help me?" "Help you?" "Yes. You said I could ask you anything, right?" She asked as she drank half of number three. "Anything dear." "Would you help me shave? I've never done it before and don't want to cut anything if I'm going to do this." She looked nervous. And tipsy. "Of course! Let's go back into the bathroom and we will get you all fixed up." She took off her shorts and panties and sat on the edge of the tub. I took off my dress and panties and sat in the tub so I could the hair would fall inside. I trimmed most of her hair with the scissors. I then pulled out a disposable razor and went to work. She said she wanted to be bare like me and Bonnie. By the time I was done, she was as smooth as a baby's bottom. She was wet too. Very wet. I took a handheld mirror and handed it to her as I turned on the water and washed the hair down the drain. She looked at the mirror, rubbing her fingers up and down her slit. She spread her lips with one hand. I then took the mirror from her and held it so she could get a better look at herself. "You've never looked at yourself before, have you?" "No. Seeing Bonnie yesterday was the first time I've ever seen what it looks like down there before. I tried last night, but couldn't see as much trying with one hand and all that hair." She felt around, rubbing up and down her slit as she stared in the mirror. "It *is* more sensitive without the hair." She looked up and then down at my pussy and smiled. "Yes, it is. I've been bare for many years and sex feels so much better." She kept rubbing her fingers over her smooth mound and between her saturated lips. She looked at me and bit her lower lip. Taking her hint, "Would you like for me to give you another orgasm?" She smiled and nodded 'yes'. I walked her to my bed and took off her shirt and bra. She is a "B" cup like me, but oh to have tits that perky again. I took a nipple into my mouth, gently sucking on it. It was already erect and then I took the other. Laying her on my bed, I got back between her legs and started licking the smoothness of her pussy. When my tongue pierced her lips, she jumped from the contact. I lapped up her juices and gave her clitoris a workout. She was turned on and didn't take long. She came before I could slow down and drag it out. After she came, I lay on top of her, breast to breast. She caught her breath and then asked, "May I do you?" I looked at her and didn't question. I lay on my back and spread my legs. I wasn't sure if she wanted to use her fingers or her tongue or both, but I didn't care. She got between my legs on her knees and looked and explored. She spread my lips and probed me with her finger, trying to find my g-spot. "There it is." I told her when she hit it. She then proceeded to mimic what I had done for her and what Matt did to Bonnie, bringing me to an orgasm after only a few minutes. She didn't try to go down on me and I wasn't going to push her. This girl has come a long way in a short period of time and I didn't want to force anything on her. We got up and dressed, heading back into the kitchen for another drink. "Thank you." "For what dear?" "Everything. I never thought I would feel like that before. I wasn't sure what to do with Matt, but, well...Thank you." "Don't you worry about young Matt. The question now is, do you want me to call Lane?" She took a long drink and nodded 'yes'. Before she had time to think about her answer, I put my phone on speaker and called Lane. "Hey Dana! Let me guess, she said you were crazy and no way, right?" He started laughing. "Lane, I have you on speaker and Jill is sitting right here." Silence on the other end. "Jill, this is Lane. Lane, this is Jill. Lane dear, say hello. Please tell me the cat doesn't have your tongue. Because, that's a talented tongue you have. I've told Jill all about it." Jill covered her mouth and started laughing. "H-hello Jill. I'm sorry, I had no idea I'd be on speaker. But given it's Dana, well, you know her so my apologies." "Hi Lane. She's told me so much about you." The glow in her face suddenly turned nervous. There was a pause in the conversation and just as I was about to interject, "Jill, look. I've been thinking about this and I know this is a bizarre discussion. But this is Dana we are talking about." He laughed and then continued, "Dana told me about you and your past. I understand. Since she is taking Matt to the cabin, how about I pick you up for dinner tomorrow night." He paused, but she didn't answer. "Not for a date, necessarily, but let's get to know one another. Away from the house. Let's eat, have a bottle of wine and talk. Since we both know why we are meeting, let's talk about your past. I've heard it from Dana, but I want to hear from you. And you can ask me anything. I'm an open book. When we've talked until we have no further questions, I'll take you home, walk you to the door and kiss goodnight. If after you sleep on it and still want to meet, call me on Tuesday and we will figure out a time to get together and then see what happens. If you don't want to meet, that's fine too. I completely understand and we can both blame that fiery redhead you are sitting beside. But we will walk away friends. How does that sound?" Jill had a look of relief at Lane's words. "Lane, that sounds like a great idea. I'm so nervous about this and it's crazy. But for some reason, I don't know. Dinner would be great." "Good, would 6:00 work? I'm working from home this week and should be done in time to get you then." "6:00 is perfect, Lane." "See you at 6:00 then. And Jill? If she tries to give you a margarita, run. She's dangerous with those things." He hung up as Jill almost snorted some of her drink out of her nose. ... 8:45 and there was a knock on my door. *Young Matt is anxious.* I opened the door and had him sit on the sofa. "I'll be a few minutes." Time for another lesson about women. I decided to take a bath. Finally, I walked out of my bedroom with my bag shortly before 10:00. Matt was pacing the floor and looked at me with puppy-dog eyes. "Matt, consider that another lesson about girls. They appreciate promptness, but not early. If I were a date and she were still getting ready, it would put her in a rushed position. You want a girl relaxed, not rushed. In the future, arrive when you are supposed to arrive, and not a minute late. If you are late, she will think you don't care." He looked at me confused. "That's right Matt. Women are hard to figure out and always have a way to put a guy on the defensive. You need to start learning and taking cues. Most guys never learn that. But that's what this week is for. We will be having lots of sex, but other lessons too." He smiled and shook his head. *He's going to be a quick learner.* "I see you already have an erection." He looked down and smiled. "Well, we can't go to the grocery store with you in that condition, so let's go back to my bedroom and take care of it." He quickly followed as I walked to my room. "Did you shower this morning?" "Yes" "Take off your clothes." He stripped like he was on fire. "Lay on the bed." His cock was sticking straight up, a clear drop glistening the tip. I leaned over and took him into my mouth, gently scratching his balls while I bobbed up and down. I knew he wouldn't last long, so I wanted to get this one out of the way. Sure enough, only a minute of bobbing up and down and he started grunting. I swallowed as much as I could, but still couldn't believe how much semen he produces. Maybe it's just been a long time since I've been with a younger man, but it was way more than the men my age. I kept him in my mouth until he lost his erection. "Matt, if a girl is doing that for you, always warn her you are about to cum. It's polite and allows her the opportunity to pull off and finish you with her hand, as some girls don't like it when a guy goes off in her mouth. And since you have so much, it's fair to warn." "I'm sorry." "Don't apologize. I knew you were going to cum and wanted to taste you. I was just telling you for when you start dating. I love giving blowjobs. It turns me on to have that kind of control over a man. And speaking of being turned on, it's time for you to learn how pleasure a woman with your tongue." He looked at me and smiled as I took off my clothes. I lay back and spread my legs, giving him a view of my pussy. "I'm already turned on, but we will work on how to get a woman there later. For now, I want you to use your tongue like you did your fingers to Bonnie." He leaned in, taking in my scent then pierced my lips with his tongue. "Mmmm, yes like that. Up and down Slower, yes like that. Too much on my clit, lighten the pressure. Yes" For the next 30 minutes, I basked in the pleasures from Matt's tongue. Sure, I could have climaxed several times, but made him slow down to drag it out. Most men wouldn't have been that patient. He doesn't know any better. When I finally came, his face was covered in my juices. He was also hard again. I looked down and told him to fuck me. He hesitated, but then moved into position and lined his cock up with my opening. "Fuck me however you want." He had a huge smile as he easily entered me my sopping wet pussy. He paused for a moment when he bottomed out, but quickly started pumping. I grabbed his ass cheeks as he pounded away. At the rate he was going, he wasn't going to last long. And that was alright, as I'll teach him delay later. This was for him. Almost a minute after he entered me, I felt the warm gush as he came. He softened shortly thereafter and slipped out. Looking at me with a huge smile he asked how it was. "It was quick, Matt. That's okay though. We will learn how to last longer. But now, you've made a mess and I want you to go down on me again." He looked at me with wide eyes. "What? It's just your semen, mixed with my juices. There's nothing wrong with you tasting yourself. I swallowed your load a little while ago, remember?" He nodded, but was still hesitant. "Most guys won't do what you are about to do. But when you do this for a girl, it's something she will love and appreciate. It's about connection and intimacy. It doesn't get much more intimate than going down on a woman after you've cum inside her. Now, get to it Matt." He shrugged his shoulders and went back down on me. When I came, my comforter was drenched. This boy is a quick learner and already is as good as most of the men I've dated in terms of oral. We got up and showered. As I dressed, he was hard again. "That's going to have to wait until later. We need to get going. The campground is about an hour from here, but we need to hit the grocery store first." On the drive, I talked about naturist etiquette. No sexual contact in public. Always carry a towel and if you get an erection, cover it with the towel. If you are tanning and get one, turn on your stomach or jump in the pool. No gawking or staring. By the time we pulled up to my cabin, he understood the rules. As we got out of the car, I told him to take off his clothes. There were several couples walking along the road and he looked back at me with a look of fear. "It's a nudist campground. Everyone is naked. Now, undress and put your clothes in the back seat as you won't be needing them the rest of the week. He did. We unloaded the groceries and his cock was sticking straight out. I wanted to go for a walk and show him around the campground but wouldn't be able to if he had an erection. Who am I kidding? No, I wanted to fuck him again and get him comfortable around my body. We went into the bedroom. "Matt, come over here and kiss me." It occurred to me he had already fucked, but not really kissed before. He leaned in and put his lips to mine. I took over. He was a quick learner, taking my lead. When I put my tongue in his mouth, his erection poked just above my clit. I spread my legs a bit and guided his cock between my pussy lips. I began rubbing my drenched folds over his cock as we kissed. After a few minutes of making out, I guided his mouth to my breasts. My nipples were hard and his sucking on them gave me a tingling feeling. I led him to the bed and pushed him down, straddling him. As I lowered my dripping pussy on to his cock, he let out a moan of pleasure as he began thrusting up into me. "Stop. Let me do the work. I want you to last longer. If you start to cum, tell me so I can slow down." He nodded. I rode him for a good ten minutes. Slow then fast and then slow again when I felt he was getting close. I wanted more though. I wanted his mouth on my pussy so I began rocking back and forth quickly, pinching his nipples as he erupted inside me. When he finished, I pulled off him, dripping a line of cum up his chest until I hovered my pussy over his wanting mouth. By the time I came, his face was covered in his cum and my juices. I pulled off him and got on my hands and knees, offering myself to him again, as he was already hard again! He got between me and inserted himself into me. "No. Put your legs on the outside of mine. It pushes me together and gives me a fuller feeling." He didn't argue, only did as instructed. "You are tighter like this." "Yes. I told you there are positions you can use to make it feel differently. For both of us. And no matter what your size, girls like it different and mixed up at times." He fucked me for a couple of minutes before he unloaded again. I lay on the bed and he crawled between my legs. I wasn't going to make him do that again. He just did it. If he keeps this up, girls won't leave him alone. I was already satisfied, so I decided to teach him something else. "Put your finger in my ass." He looked up, wide eyed. "You heard me. Lube it up in my pussy and then slowly put it in my ass while you lick me." He did. I'd not had any anal stimulation in a while and it quickly set me over the edge. My ass was squeezing his finger as I climaxed. His face covered again in our juices. We rested for a while, catching our breath from the sex. Just as I was ready to get up and hit the pool, I looked down and his cock was already hard again. *Damn, I miss young guys.* I got back on all fours and told him to stick it in. "Wrong hole, Matt. Put it in my ass." He lined up with my ass and began pressing into me. "Slowly. Hold it there and let me adjust. Okay, now slowly push in further. Further." I felt him bottom out. "Keep it there for a moment while I adjust to you. Okay, now you can slowly start pumping. Faster. Faster! Harder! Hurt me, Matt. Hurt me! Fuck my ass with all you have." He pounded my ass harder than he did my pussy in this position earlier. Given his smaller size, it felt amazing as he pumped with all he had. I was in the throes of another orgasm just as he let out a deep groan and filled my bowels. ... By the end of the week, Matt had a confidence about him most men don't possess. He'd become comfortable about his smaller size and learned many positions to compensate for it. Given his young age, he walked around with a boner most of the time and I was sure to make good use of it. My pussy, and ass, were sore from all the pounding, but in a good way. Mmmm, a very good way. He also loved exploring my sex with his tongue and gave me countless orgasms as a result. I knew once he started dating, he would never have a problem satisfying any girl. Or woman. And as much as I wanted to keep him as my young sex pet, I knew it wouldn't be right. He needed to start dating someone his own age. But, I'd be sure to get my jollies until that time arrived. ... Epilogue Five years later Jill's 'lesson' with Lane ended up being so much more. They fell in love. They had a lot more in common than I had thought. Since her bookkeeping job was mostly online, she began traveling with him while on his audits. She would work from the hotel room while he was onsite and then they would spend the evenings together. They dated six months when Lane popped the question. She got pregnant several months later and little Abigale turns three next week. Matt loves his little sister and Bonnie loves her granddaughter. And of course, I'm considered her grandmother too! When Matt went back to school after the week at the cabin, his new-found confidence led him to asking out a girl that had recently transferred in from the west coast, Tonya. Tonya's father was in the military and stationed at Ft. Bragg. She was perfect for Matt. Sweet, funny and full of life. They hit it off immediately and were inseparable. I even let them use my cabin at the resort one weekend over the summer. However, just before they both were to start their freshman year at UNC that fall, USC contacted Tonya and had a sudden opening. And no, not The University of South Carolina. USC was her first choice of school. And while difficult leaving Matt, she *was* a west coast girl. They are still friends to this day though. In fact, she is one row behind me with her husband, Ben. She tapped me on the shoulder a moment ago as we stood and turned, telling me how handsome Matt looks in his tux. And happy. I looked back at Matt and saw his face light up as he made eyes with Becky as she began walking down the aisle. When Tonya moved away, Matt started dating other girls. While most were sweet girls, none ever gave him 'that' feeling he had with Tonya, so he would move on. They all tended to try to stay around for some reason though. Hehe, I wonder why? One day last year, Matt came over to talk. He always stops by and tells me everything going on in his life when he visits Jill, Lane and little Abigale. And no, we've not been physical since he started dating Tonya. I can still remember the conversation like it was yesterday. "Dana, I met someone. She checked me out at the grocery store the other day and I can't stop thinking about her. I asked what time she got off and she reluctantly told me. I went back to see her and we talked for only ten minutes. There's something about her Dana. I can't get her out of my mind. She may be the one!" He said as he opened a beer. "Well, ask her out!" "I did! She said she couldn't. I don't understand it. She's not married and doesn't have a boyfriend. I asked. I don't get it. I don't know what to do. There is just something about her though, Dana. I can't put my finger on it. Damn, I can't stop thinking about her!" "The Matt I know isn't going to give up this easily. Sounds like you need to go back and try again. Maybe she's testing you, kiddo." He came back over the next evening and told me he had a long talk with her and she agreed to a date. He then asked if I would show him how to make my lasagna dish he loves so much. Over the cooking lesson, he told me about Becky. That Friday evening, when she opened her apartment door she nervously asked if he was sure about seeing her. He walked in, kissed her on the cheek and then put the dish on the counter. She apologized for the small apartment as that was all she could afford working at the grocery store. She also apologized for the mess in the floor. That's when he noticed a sudden look of horror on her face. Matt saw something out of the corner of his eye and by the time he turned around, it was too late. The dart hit him square between the eyes. He looked back at Becky as he hit the floor. When he looked back up, her look of horror turned into a tearful smile as he grabbed the other gun he saw by the sofa. The next twenty minutes ensued in what Becky calls 'the battle to end all Nerf battles between my boys', Matt and Tommy, her eight-year-old son.
Title: Twisted Minds by Kaleb Tags: Fighting, Gym, Highschool, M/M, Violence, Young Love "Damn, Max, am I drunk?" â€" the fox asked, his eyes locked at J's romantic gaze. The wolf laughed and replied: "Damn, dude, what did that vixen do to you? Either you both jointed, or it's something worse...Actually, I wanted to ask, did you have any sex?" Trevor turned with a look of a satisfied vampire: "Oh, you bet we did. And you know what? She is...umm...was a virgin!" â€" Trevor was proud of his act, finally standing up as a grown up fox. Sexual maturity was tied with adulthood. Whenever some boy fucked a girl, he was no longer a "boy". And the girl...well, it was considered she is ready to give birth. Max watched with a small frown. He was a virgin, he was older, but still was a virgin. He turned his gaze to a girl, sitting by Jane. A young dragoness â€" Tania â€" she was brownish, one eye red, the other one â€" blue. Her hair was short and messy with a deep purple color and short green stripes. Max was in love with her... "Ya like her, don't ya?" â€" Max's drooling friend said, with his sight still looking at his mate. "Yea...She's beautiful..." â€" the wolf was cut off by his friend very fast: "Dude, you're not the only one, Punk the hyena, he wants to fuck Tani for a long, long time." With those words said, Max clenched his fist and led out a small groan. "Punky... - it seemed like the wolf said those words with joy - ...he's dead." "Max, dude, stop it, no fighting in the buss." â€" Trevor spoke with cautiousness, knowing what might happen. Punk was lounging at his seat and was telling a story of how he almost killed a "goddamned fag", who tried to squeeze his ass. Trevor's school was full of Bi's, but no one was irritated from them. Although no one could prove that the hyena himself was straight, no one could say the opposite. "Punky" as most of his classmates called him, was just relating how he smacked Buck the otter, when Max shouted from the back of the buss: "Hay, Punky, how ‘bout the time you had to lick my legs, because you lost that be...what was it again..." â€" before the wolf could finish the sentence, Punk got up, came closer to him and said facetiously: "Oh yea, I recall the bet was about who could jerk off faster?" "Yea â€" The canine replied â€" you proved you were a wimp." "Really? I think I proved I'm not getting horny from men." â€" all of the boys who could hear the talk at the back side of the buss laughed simultaneously. Max showed a bit of his teeth, growling slyly, but he kept him calmness and continued. "Punky, Punky, even if you have made the bet with a girl, you would still run off with that excuse..." â€" the last gag took more applauses that the first. Max smiled proudly, and Punk returned to his seat, yelling "Fuck you, McLowsky! At History you'll get fucked!" The bus driver turned his head to reveal a huge giggle. It seemed the microphones in the bus captured everything... "History, DAMN, FUCK, Fuck Stable! I have no homework..." â€" with those words, weird images started to form in the wolf's head. "Trev, may I ask you something?" The fox knew what happened when the wolf started talking like that. Max always needed Trevor's help for his mischevious plans to work. The fox did not know what would happen, but if, by Max's words, the wolf was "out of order", Trev had to think up an excuse... The school buss arrived, thus starting the painfully long day...Half of the students on the bus had History, the other half â€" Maths. Punk had Maths while Max had History so theoretically they couldn't start a fight...but only theoretically. Trevor thought about the lack of grey matter inside Max's head when the wolf began to scratch himself behind the ears before he took out a cigarette. "Max what the fuck r'ya doin'?! â€" Trevor asked â€" You want another detention?" "...maybe..." â€" the wolf replied as he inhaled the tobacco smoke and breathed out a cloud of nicotine, death itself. "Aw, fuck, the guard's out! Put out the damned thing!" â€" Trevor whispered; Mr.Yankovitz, the school ... erm ... "discipline control" loved guys like Max...The nearest entrance to the school was behind the guard. "So, what's up, Maxie? â€" Yankovitz asked â€" What'cha got there?" "Nuffn' â€" Max replied â€" just some soothing-ness, want some?" â€" the wolf handed the cigarette to the big Doberman. Yankovitz pulled the smoke from the filter into his lungs and started to make circles from the nicotine. "Yup, thanks ol'budy, now you gots to go wiz meh!" â€" the Doberman tried to make out a punkish â€" snot-nosed accent and failed miserably, after that he grabbed Max by the shoulder and took him into custody, so to speak. The wolf waved back to Trevor, winking as he did. This was a sight, it meant that Trev didn't have to make out anything, he would only enjoy the day...sort of. The History class went rather well, both groups (everyone single student from the bus) had PE next. The school yard was massive enough for it to take up to 150 students, so 32 of them weren't much of a problem. Trevor, who was speaking with Jane about something carelessly, saw Max coming out from the same black door he came out the last time he was caught smoking. The wolf seemed quite happy from his stay in detention and Trev tried to ignore the calls of his name, but the wolf was rapidly shortening the distance between them. "Hiya Trev!" â€" The fox couldn't ignore his wolf buddy much longer and decided to quit: "What the fuck did you think you were doing?! Why, why, why?" "Well, mr. Brown pants, I thought it would be better to spend 45 minutes with Yakovitz, than in History class, I fucking love that guy!" â€" Max answered, not satisfying is friend's question though. "Anyway â€" Trev continued â€" so are you gonna do with Punky?" â€" to be honest, Trevor wanted to see the outcome of the whole "infatuated idiot versus swaggering bastard" thing. Max didn't answer the last question. The sports teacher, a pumped-up brownish-white dingo with a sensible australian accent, was running in one spot, waiting for his students to get ready. "A'right then kiddoes, everyone worked-up, jacked-up, spun-up and ready to goww now?" â€" Mr. Derek Sean spited up the sentence in a flash and no one actually understood that, and, taking in mind that his accent was strong enough to kill a kangaroo, he repeated himself: "Donn lemme getcha wimpin'-pimin' honey-lickin' pipsqueeks foolin' aroun' in my class! Caam' on, le's goww! One, two, three, foaa'!" â€" and the 32 pupils started running behind what seemed a classical case of caffeine addiction... After a few cycles around the stadium, the boys were separated from the girls and the males headed to play rugby, while the girls were given the hard task of playing volleyball... The match was going good until the ball got in Max's hands and Punk was running against him. In pure instinct, the wolf pounded against the whimpy hyena, and Punk reacted the same way â€" by instinct. Both students started fighting in the middle of the game. Everyone took off their helmets, stepped around the boys and started yelling, part of them for Punk, and a part for Max. Trevor instantly jumped to part the animals, but got hit in his exposed vulpine head. "Headshot" â€" somebody yelled and the crowd started laughing. Max regained sense and saw his friend lying motionless on the ground. He jumped to grab the fox, but was held tightly by Punk. The hyena held the wolf by the belt, pulled him on the ground and started beating him insanely. A small drop of blood flew from the wolf's nose, who on the sight of that exploded inside, pushed forward, and the animals switched places. As Max pumped fist after fist on the hyena's head, mr. Sean jumped from out of nowhere, grabbing Max, pulling him away from Punk. The dingo then checked the bloody hyena, who apparently didn't care and jumped back on Max, but this time Buck pulled the wolf into the crowd and smacked Punk in the face: "Fuck you, Punk!" â€" the otter yelled and kicked the hyena in the stomach. "Guyz, guyz, ee-nough! â€" the dingo started â€" Don'cha know you could kill the innocent creature." â€" Max smiled as he heard those words; The teacher was fucking with the bastard! Derek was on the bus when they argued, maybe he heard the talk. "Now now, â€" Mr. Sean continued, laughing â€" let's leave him alone, he needs a painkiller or two... - the dingo kneeled by Punk â€" Ya allright boy?" â€" he asked, but go spat at in the face with bloody saliva. "I hate you..." â€" Punk mumred. The teacher got up and wiped the spit from his muzzle. He sighed, then said: "Come one, let's leave the bastard here." â€" Max laughed at those words and the dingo came up to him next. "Well, I hope youz gonna be more friendly. Ya okay?" Max just smiled and patted the teacher on the shoulder, wiped the blood from his nose and arose. The dingo laughed again and said: "If ya give him a nice beatin' later, I won't tell anyone." â€" Derek winked, then looked at his watch and released everyone a few minutes earlier. In all the commotion everyone forgot the fox. Trevor lied on the grass motionless. Max picked him up, cached up with Jane and said: "Would you help a helpless kitten? â€" smiling, the wolf offered Trevor to the vixen â€" Trust me, sometimes he looks like a kitten." Jane got the idea and kissed Trev on the forehead. The fox immediately opened his eyes, looked at Jane and said "Hi.", then he kissed her on the muzzle. Max sighed and released Trevor, leaving the fox to fall on the ground. The vixen gave Max a grumpy look, then helped Trevor up. Max approached Tania, held his breath and said: "Tani, hay, how ‘bout I...umm...how ‘bout I buy you a coffee later?" â€" The dragoness smiled and replied approvingly. The boys headed to the showers; Punk was nowhere to be seen. Everyone patted Max, shouting with joy. The wolf smiled, headed to hid locker and, smirking, took out five cans of beer. Everyone whooped and Max handed a can to Tom, a domestic cat, his second best friend, to Joe, a white stallion, great "finess-freak", as Max called him, to Kaleb, a black leopard who could hack the CIA's computer network if he felt like it, and, of course, to Trevor. "Cheers, to Punk, may he always be here when I feel like kicking someone in the ass!" â€" Max shouted, taking out another whoop out of the crowd and then drank the whole can on one breath. His friends though, took it slower. When all of the males finished their work in the showers and headed to the Physics class, Max left behind, because the beer hit him in the head again. He didn't notice the otter, Buck, still there too. "Max â€" Buck started â€" I want to ... thank you â€" the otter moved closer. - ... for the beating Punk received... - the otter kissed the wolf on the muzzle with blinding speed, then he turned and waked away, leaving Max half dead.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation Text: Jeanne Guilder sat on a bench off the arena's main floor, trying to keep her nerves from getting to her. She looked up at the scoreboard and winced at the numbers looking back down at her. In an improbable turn of events, it all came down to her and she was in a position to win it all. It would take one hell of an effort, but it was within reach just enough that the idea of losing - no longer the slam-dunk certainty that it once was - tied her stomach in knots. And the situation truly was improbable, one in which Jeanne never expected to find herself. A virtual nobody coming out of high school, she was lightly recruited by a handful of schools, her short, petite build deemed inadequate for college competition despite decent results in high school. She was only offered a scholarship by a commuter school two days before signing day when their best player suffered a career-ending injury while training. Jeanne submitted her letter of intent before the school could change its mind. Then the freshman was suddenly thrust into the main rotation when one of the seniors on the team got knocked up by her boyfriend and was medically disqualified for the season. So it was improbable enough that Jeanne Guilder, an inexperienced, overlooked history major who had only been on campus for five months, was a regular contributor at a Division I program like Archer City Municipal University. Even more improbable was ACMU's second place finish in their conference, the school's best ever. Even more improbable was ACMU's unexpected run through the regional and super-regional postseason meets, landing them in the National Championship meet with seven elite schools. ACMU hung in there just enough while the other schools' players suffered from late season fatigue, illness, injury, and inevitably some choking on such a big stage. So, on the third and final day of competition the very last slot went to Archer City, the most improbable of Cinderella stories, with Jeanne the only remaining person on the team left to compete, in fourth place but within striking distance of first. A more seasoned athlete would relish the opportunity and rise to the occasion; Jeanne felt like running to the locker room and throwing up. A loud cheer rose from the stands as the previous contestant was escorted off the floor. Katie Florin, a senior from Regents University, had just single-handedly vaulted her team into the top spot. And what a job she had done, scoring a 48 - tying her own Division 1 record - in her last collegiate competition. The girl had already led Regents to a team championship the previous year, was the three-time defending individual champion, and had likely just sewn up another pair of titles. She had been clutch her entire college career, and she was poised to make a lot of money in the pros. Jeanne watched Katie make her way out of the arena to her team's holding area. She would then shed her Regents red and go get fitted for the customary gold uniform that the individual champion donned for the awards ceremony. The noise from the crowd dulled a bit during the break and Jeanne turned to look down the length of her team's empty bench. Like the girls from Regents, Jeanne's teammates were all in ACMU's holding area watching on closed circuit TV. She wished they were there with her to offer encouragement or advice. Her coach had run off somewhere a couple minutes prior, but not before giving Jeanne the customary pep talk. A referee approached the ACMU bench. "Are you ready?" she asked. Jeanne took a deep breath, sighed, and stood up. "Yes." She removed the tracksuit she had been wearing on top of her team uniform, a rich blue spandex suit that bore a bold white "ARCHER CITY" across the chest and her uniform number 9 on her stomach and back. As the referee led her to the center of the arena, Jeanne again glanced at the scoreboard. The magic number was 40 to tie Katie Florin and Regents, and 41 to win. "I can do 41," she tried to reassure herself. She had achieved 38 in practice a couple of times, but practice is practice, and she had never done better than 33 in real competition. Plus, no one of her physical stature had ever attained 41 in competition before. For that matter, none of her taller, more experienced teammates had either. Katie Florin, on the other hand, could score a 41 with the flu while half-asleep. The Regents section of the crowd was still cheering as if they had already won. The rest of the arena was still buzzing a little, most of the fans happy to root for an underdog if their own team was out of the running. Most women's sports are not well attended, but this being the one sport better suited to women than men, the arena was packed and millions were watching on live TV. Jeanne took her position in the middle of the arena floor. The referee wrapped an elastic band around her waist, then took her position a few feet away. Jeanne took this time to begin focusing. The arena was a bit colder than she was used to, perhaps around 70 degrees. The lights were brighter. Her nose was a little itchy from her allergies. She would have to account for all those things, not to mention the noise from the crowd and her nerves. "Your attention, please," the public address announcer said. "Competing in the final position of the championship round: Jeanne Guilder, Archer City Municipal University. Number nine." The echoes of the booming bass voice hadn't subsided before another cheer rose from the crowd. She looked over to the referee one more time and nodded to acknowledge that she was ready. The referee then turned to the judges' table and gave them a thumbs-up. A series of tones, one second apart, came over the PA. This was it: a ten-second countdown, then fifteen minutes to win the whole shooting match. Jeanne closed her eyes in anticipation and concentration. The last tone was followed loudly by the buzzer. The clock was running. An instant later, Jeanne began absorbing the air around her. In the sport of women's expansion, there were various strategies that could be employed during competition. You could start fast, end fast, or simply proceed at a steady pace. Jeanne switched up her pace throughout her routine but she always started slow; that would leave her the stamina to finish strong. The last five minutes were always the hardest. Jeanne's spandex uniform and the elastic band began stretching around her waist as her stomach swelled up smoothly, approaching the size and shape of a basketball. Jeanne opened her eyes only long enough to see that the scoreboard was still blank, the measuring device around her waist not yet able to properly calculate her size. Still, she could tell that the cold of the arena was slowing her down a bit. 41 feet would be a tall order. The referee stood closer, carefully inspecting Jeanne's midsection as it continued inflating, listening to the sound of the air passing through Jeanne's pores and into her body. Jeanne knew the referee was there but needed to maintain her focus, feeling the perimeter of her stomach gradually push further and further out. Without opening her eyes she gently reached her hands out and tried to bring them together in front of her belly. Finding herself unable, she redirected some of her air intake toward her legs. Inflating those next would give her the lower body stability she needed once her upper body became larger. She repeatedly planted her feet further apart as her legs bulged within the spandex suit, reaching nearly four times their former width before she redirected the air back to her torso. Her breasts and stomach surged outward, the text across her chest stretching in effort to catch up to the greatly distorted "9" just below. Jeanne allowed her back to swell out next, starting at the small of her back and then spreading upward to her shoulder blades. Her back and front were beginning to blend together at her hips, causing her entire torso to begin growing rounder. She opened her eyes again, finding a wide swath of blue spandex covering her breasts and blocking the view of anything below. She glanced at the scoreboard in time to see it light up with its first digit, her midsection (albeit disproportional) now round enough to produce a proper number. In three minutes she had reached five feet wide. Jeanne was a little behind her normal pace, but it was now time to make up for lost time. Closing her eyes once more and concentrating on the air around her, she kicked into high gear, forcing all parts of her body to take on air. Everything began growing in unison, including her as-yet-unaffected arms. She began staggering her feet slightly wider as her legs gradually spread apart once again. She could hear a cheer rise up from the Archer City fans in the stands as the number on the scoreboard began climbing. It was around this time that Jeanne felt hands on the front of her massive stomach. This was normal; the referee was checking her to make sure that she was growing according to regulations. Rampant use of inflation-enhancing drugs had been a huge scandal several years prior and it was now largely up to the referees, themselves former athletes in the sport, to look and feel for signs of illegal drug use. The referee's hands traced various parts of Jeanne's widening body, moving from breasts to back and all points in between, feeling for the tell-tale signs of cheating. Finally she stepped back, signaling that Jeanne was clean. Jeanne's legs had become immobile and her bloated arms stuck out stiffly from her rounding upper body. When she felt her feet leave the floor as her crotch advanced downward, she again accelerated her growth for just a short time, watching the scoreboard hit double digits with ten minutes left. Her arms met the same fate as her now-non-existent legs and seconds later her breasts flattened, leaving Jeanne as a blue spandex ball in the middle of the arena. The giant "9" on her front and back made her resemble a billiard ball despite being the incorrect color for the number. The crowd cheered again. The numbers on the scoreboard steadily ticked up, first eclipsing fifteen feet and then twenty before Jeanne backed off to pace herself. Now growing at just a snail's pace with just seven minutes left, she needed to conserve what little energy she had left during the next four minutes. Then she would make another run at what she hoped would be a big finish. But there was still that defeatist attitude in the back of her mind, reminding her that it would take a Herculean effort just to surpass her own personal best in competition and then another 24% beyond that to win. Worried of getting so close and failing anyway, Jeanne considered the prospect of playing it safe. She still had three years ahead of her, so there was no reason to embarrass herself so early. Sure, most of the team would be graduating and next year would be a rebuilding year, but A rising dull roar from the crowd brought her attention back from her own thoughts. Jeanne's mind had wandered only a couple of minutes as she struggled with her inner dilemma, but in that time she had reached 29 feet. Nearly eight feet in only two minutes while barely trying. Five minutes left. "Oh God," Jeanne thought, "I could actually win this thing." She crossed the 30 foot mark and thought back to the look on Katie Florin's face as they rolled her off of the arena floor just a few minutes ago - tired and spent, but also smug, confident, and business-like all at the same time. The look of a winner, a defending champion who despite her numerous accolades had still left everything on the field to ensure that losing would not be her fault. Jeanne wanted to be like that, and for the first time in her life she began to develop a killer instinct. "I WANT to win this thing." With a little over four minutes to go, Jeanne furrowed her brow and forced herself to give full effort, foregoing all of her previous training. She quickly blew past her competition best, feeling her body absorbing her hands and feet; for most women this didn't happen until around the 40-foot mark but it happened much sooner on Jeanne's smaller frame. The Archer City crowd was beginning to go nuts as the realization dawned on them that Jeanne may actually bring this thing home. Jeanne pushed herself even harder, concentrating as much as she could on taking in more air. 39. Three minutes to go. Jeanne had eclipsed her overall largest achieved in practice and knew she had more left in the tank. 40. Clinching at least a tie of the title, Archer City was guaranteed to go down in the record books. The roar of the crowd rose along with Jeanne. 41. Jubilation. She had done it, with plenty of time to spare. But she didn't want to stop. There was still business to attend to. 42. Jeanne's skin reverberated with the din coming from the stands. 43. Two minutes left. The cheering of the audience turned to gasps as they realized that Jeanne, having locked up the team title, was now gunning for Katie Florin's individual record. 44. The wrist and ankle cuffs of Jeanne's suit, stretched into wide empty circles, began to tear as she exceeded the suit's petite capacity. Pale skin began peeking through slivers of the ripped blue spandex on her sides and toward her shoulders and underside. 45. Jeanne knew she was running out of steam, but she needed to keep going. She would get as close to Katie Florin as she could. 46. One minute left. The noise from the audience had faded back to a dull roar as most fans, even those of other teams, watched in bewilderment. 47. 25 seconds to go. The rips in Jeanne's suit were spreading; the right side had split open from arm to leg, her left arm hole had split open up to her collar, and a third rip was traveling up her stomach from the left leg hole. It looked as if the elastic waistband instrument would be the only thing holding her suit together before too long. Jeanne was exhausted and was trying to blink beads of sweat away from her eyes. The clock was ticking down to the final seconds of her magical upset, but she took a deep breath and made one more push. 48. A mere instant later the buzzer sounded, and the crowd erupted in a cheer that surpassed anything the whole competition had heard that weekend. A huge underdog - and a freshman, at that - had just made history, winning the team competition and tying arguably the best individual player the game had ever seen. By the time Jeanne had gotten her wits about her, she was already being rolled off the floor and the waistband was being removed. She blushed a little when the various hands moving her touched exposed skin in areas her uniform was intended to provide the comfort of modesty. As her head pitched toward the floor she saw the referee and entire table of officials and TV and radio commentators giving her a standing ovation - a huge breach of protocol, but nevertheless warranted in this instance. Fans of other schools were jumping and waving. The enormity of her feat was only beginning to dawn on her. As Jeanne was rolled through the large exit on one side of the arena and into the adjacent team paddocks, her teammates were positioned right at the front to greet her. The girls who had competed two days ago were less than half her size, while those who had competed earlier in the day had barely shrunk at all. Camera operators had been dropped on top of the girls to walk atop them and capture the team moment for the TV audience, but with all of the girls completely immobile instead of hugging and whatever else, the sport did not lend itself to exciting victory celebrations. After a few minutes with her team, an official told her that it was time to go. "To the awards ceremony?" Jeanne asked. "No," the official responded, "to change your uniform." Off in the distance, in the corner of the paddock, was Katie Florin with no other red globes nearby. Then Jeanne understood. A group of team assistants had just finished removing Katie's red uniform when Jeanne was rolled up next to her. The view that Jeanne had at first was not entirely flattering, but from the other side of Katie's body came a voice: "Nice job, kid." Jeanne did not feel comfortable essentially carrying on a conversation with Katie's anatomy, so she waited a few seconds while the tailors began stretching the gold spandex suit over her, rotating her as they went. When Katie's face finally came into view, she simply responded, "Thanks." "How did you figure it out?" Katie asked as she was being squeezed into the champion's uniform. "Figure... what out?" "The secret to unlocking your potential. Most girls never do, much less by your age." Jeanne's brow furrowed. "I didn't know I figured anything out. My mind just wandered while I was resting and I kept growing without even trying." Katie raised an eyebrow. "Give me a break. You did that," motioning with her eyes to Jeanne's body, "without even trying?" "Well... I tried for most of it." Katie chuckled, partially in disbelief and partially out of amusement at how ridiculous that sounded. "Maybe you haven't figured it out after all." "So what's the secret, then?" Jeanne prodded. "Ha," Katie blurted, and then grinned. "Sorry, but that's something everyone has to figure out on their own. But if you're truly this good, you may not need to." Jeanne fell silent, giving herself a moment to allow such high praise to sink in. Katie's brilliant gold uniform was pulled up snugly beside her face - a perfect fit. Meanwhile, the assistants removed the remaining shreds of Jeanne's uniform, causing Jeanne to blush once again, naked in front of the seasoned champion she had just matched. "You ought to get used to this," Katie called out as they rolled her asunder to affix her uniform number 22 to her belly. "Something tells me this won't be the last time you'll be sporting gold." And then the shimmering ball of Katie was rolling away. "See you on the podium," Katie called out. "...and in the League." Archer City never won a second national championship during Jeanne's college career. The talent at other schools began developing and Archer City was not the most attractive destination for top-flight recruits. As improbable as the first championship was, it was even more improbable that Archer City would usher in a new world order in inflation athletics. Jeanne herself, however, developed into a star, going on to win three more individual championships, smashing her and Katie's shared record with a 51 during the first week of competition her sophomore year, and then breaking her own record six more times. Solely because of Jeanne, Archer City was still good enough to attend the national meet each year, never sniffing the podium but always touting the best player. Katie continued developing in the pros as well, setting numerous records in the WPIL and leading her team to two Zeppelin Bowl championships in her first three years. When Jeanne was drafted after graduating college, the two began a friendly rivalry that lasted over a decade and resulted in huge popularity for the league. It was also an expensive rivalry for WPIL teams, requiring their arena height requirements to be increased three times.
Title: The Fun Has Been Doubled! by Exilo Tags: Applejack, Celestia, Digestion, Excrement, F/F, Fluttershy, Full, Full-tour, Licking, Licks, My Little Pony, Pinkie Pie, Princess, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Scat, Tour, Transformation, Twilight Sparkle, cake, luna, saliva, unaware, urine, vore "You're sure this is the right stuff, Pinkie? None of that Shrinking Violet stuff? Bleh." The pink pony nodded her head enthusiastically. "I'm sure of it. I even went to Zecora and everything. Told her I was going to prank AJ. I think she's still a little sore about that whole lassoing her ear thing." Rainbow Dash groaned. "Pinkie, you weren't supposed to tell anyone!" "Well excuuuuse me! You wanted me to get the right stuff, didn't ya? Didn't ya? Huh? Huh?" Rainbow Dash sighed, looking passively into the jar of blue leaves, all of which had been ground into a fine seasoning. "You know if we ever get caught, there's going to be hell to pay, right? She'll probably exile us to the moon or something." "If if if. Ifing is half the fun! Besides, Celestia is always up for a good laugh, right?" XXX Two weeks earlier, Spike had belched up a particularly royal looking scroll, right into Twilight Sparkle's face. After a couple frowns and an apology, the purple pony opened the scroll and read it, and immediately let out a squeal of glee. Before Spike could ask what had happened, Twilight Sparkle was off, racing out the door. "It's an invitation to an All Thanks Day party Princess Celestia is throwing!" Twilight squealed. Applejack only gave her a confused stare. "All Thanks Day," Twilight Sparkle said again, as if the orchard pony simply hadn't heard. "You've never heard of All Thanks Day?" Applejack gave a confused shake of the head, as she bucked her rear legs, slamming her hooves hard against the tree behind her. Twilight took a step back as a several apples rained down from the tree. "All Thanks Day is a day when we all give thanks." "Uh... yeah. Kinda figured that, Sugarcube." "It's a Canterlot holiday. Every year, close friends and family gather around a table for a great and wonderful feast. The friends and family all sit around the table, and turn to the pony to their right. They explain to that pony, why they are thankful to know them, why this past year has been better with them." Twilight Sparkle sighed. "The invitation is for all of us: me, you, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Y-you're going to come, right?" Applejack smiled. "Course I am. Can't pass up an invitation from the Princess of the Sun, now can I?" The train ride to Canterlot was surprisingly tame. Pinkie Pie seemed distracted by something, constantly looking over her shoulder at a small suitcase she had insisted on bringing, despite the fact that they would no doubt be put up in a couple of royal suites, all their needs taken care of at the ring of a bell. Rarity was ecstatic about that. When they arrived at the Canterlot train station, Princess Luna was there to meet them. She was wearing a plain brown cloak and hood over her strong build, inconspicuous enough that five of the six ponies didn't immediately notice her. Oddly enough, it was Pinkie Pie who was first to recognize her, and leapt onto the dark mare's back. Gripping her cheeks in her hooves, Pinkie Pie spent several moments tugging and pulling, insisting that Luna's frown turn upside down, before purple magic embraced her, and Twilight yanked her off. "I'm so sorry, Princess Luna," Twilight said quickly, and took a respectful bow. Her five friends did the same, but Luna seemed more concerned with fixing her hood, and assuring no one else had noticed her. "Still... a bit shy, huh?" Twilight attempted to smile, but Luna leaned close. "I need to ask a favor of you, Twilight Sparkle." "Uhm... yes?" Luna looked to the other five ponies. Fluttershy was terrified of Luna, and presently cowering several feet away. Applejack and Rarity were both trying to comfort her, while Rainbow Dash was showing an odd amount of concern for a piece of luggage. So much concern, in fact, she insisted Pinkie Pie help her. Luna assumed the blue Pegasus was just keeping the annoying one occupied. "I want you and one of your friends to sit next to my sister at the banquet." Twilight looked puzzled. Luna continued. "It is the first All Thanks Day since I have...returned and I do not know what to say to her, or if she has anything to say to me." "Princess Luna..." "Please, Twilight Sparkle?" Twilight nodded slowly. "Thank you." And so, at the large banquette table, Celestia sat at one end of the table, and Princess Luna sat opposite her. Twilight Sparkle sat to Celestia's right, while Applejack sat to her left. Rainbow Dash was beside Twilight and Rarity beside her. And then Luna, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and back to Applejack. They dined on fresh Waldorf salad and a hot Hay Soup. The chatter was brisk and friendly. Twilight, nervous as she usually was, went on and on about her studies and her spells and how far along she had come, and Celestia listened to every detail with a smile and occasional word of encouragement, which made Twilight's little heart flutter. Luna sat there, awkwardly stirring her Hay Soup with a spoon, waiting for it to cool down, until Rarity began to talk to her. It seemed Rarity was going to start a line of clothing specifically to be worn during the night. She had discovered a special gem stone that, when the rays of the moon hit it, it projected a stunning rainbow. She asked if Luna might arrange a Blue Moon for the night of the fashion show, and if she would be the guest of honor. It was a pleasant dinner, whatever tension was felt soon yielding to something more colloquial. It was all wonderful, save the fact that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie kept exchanging glances across the table. No one was sure why. The main course was pasta sprinkled with apples, cherries, nuts and herbs. The desert was a very royal looking cake: half vanilla and half chocolate, for Celestia and Luna respectively. Before they ate, however, Celestia decided it was time to give thanks. "Why don't you start, Twilight?" she said, looking down at the purple pony. Twilight Sparkle looked to Rainbow Dash, who propped her arm up on the table and her head in her hoof. "Well Dashie... I'm not sure if you know this, but when I first came to Ponyville, I wasn't exactly the social butterfly I am now. You were one of the first ponies that I met though, and never once has your loyalty faltered. I know, no matter what, you'll always be there for me. I know you'll always have my back, and be watching my flanks. And I never knew anypony could be like that, except for my brother. I didn't ever realize what friendship could be. But... thank you for always being there for me." Rainbow Dash smiled, before looking to Rarity, and her grin became a bit crueler. "Hmm... Rarity... Well... what can I say about you... You're haughty, vain, whiny, and absolutely terrified of getting your hooves even a little bit dirty. How I have managed to tolerate you this long is beyond me. Maybe because you're also sweet, kind, and the most generous pony that I know. I'm not really into that frilly preppy stuff, but that dress you made me was something special. And I think I might have impressed the Wonderbolts with it. You're always there to lend a strand of hair or a spare hoof. And, even though I can get on your nerves... I do know how much you bite your tongue..." One by one, each pony turned to the friend on their left, and gave their thanks for all they have done in the prior year. Until, at last, it was Celestia's turn, and she turned to Twilight Sparkle. "Twilight," she said. The purple pony looked up, eyes wide, lip quivering. Her entire body was shaking, but a kind wing from Celestia soothed the invisible chill. "You are the best student that an old war horse like me could ever hope for. You are intuitive and intelligent, and you have a natural gift for these arts, but unlike many who are skilled and so grow lazy, you keep working so hard. More important than talent, or skill, or a natural affinity, you never, ever give up. It is in you, Twilight, that I am able to put my faith, because should anything go wrong, I know you are there for Equestria, there for your friends, and there for me." Twilight Sparkle leapt forward suddenly, catching Celestia around the middle. The force of the smaller pony actually knocked the larger pony flat on her rump, and then on her back. She was confused and vaguely frightened to be on her back like this, but soon felt Twilight Sparkle's arm wrap around her neck, her face bury under her chin, and soft, warm tears wet her fur. Of course, when Twilight had leapt at the princess, everyone got out of their seat. Luna had actually leapt onto the table, horn sparking, prepared to defend her sister to the death, but Celestia waved them back with a hoof. Several moments passed, with Twilight squeezing tighter and tighter to Celestia, until she at last managed to calm down. Celestia lifted Twilight into the air with her magic, and once more deposited her in her seat. Celestia smiled, stroking Twilight's cheek with a hoof, before looking down at her cake and licking her lips. A giggle escaped Rainbow Dash, who gave a knowing glance to Pinkie Pie. Of course, no one found it odd when Pinkie Pie started to giggle... XXX Celestia woke, the next morning, to a gentle knock on her door. "Sister?" asked Luna. "Uhm... Celestia, is everything alright? I raised the sun, I hope you don't mind. It's just that you weren't coming out. I figured you might have wanted to sleep late after the long night you had with Twilight." Celestia's back was tense, and as she came into consciousness, she became aware that she was propped up in a very painful way. Considering the stiffness running down her spine, as well as the pins and needles in her rump, she must have been like this for quite some time. She opened her eyes and tried to look around the room, but neither her head nor her eyes could move, and all she could do was look straight ahead at the door that Luna was knocking on. Celestia closed her eyes and focused, attempting to use a spell to open the door so Luna could come in, but nothing happened. There were no sparks, or the "feel" of magic, which was odd, and rather frightening. With a greater sense of panic now, Celestia attempted to lift her arms, or kick her legs, or even roll her eyes, but found herself completely rooted to the spot. She was utterly paralyzed, and stuck in this seated position, back painfully straight and butt cheeks going numb. What magic could do this? Sure, there were spells that would bind the victim, but to completely immobilize someone so fully, to the extent even their eyes could not move? The door knob inside her room glowed blue, turning slowly. The door opened with hesitance and fear, but finally Luna's blue head peaked inside. With every fiber of her being, Celestia struggled to scream or even whimper, but she couldn't even feel her lungs draw a breath. Her eyes remained fixated on her sister though, as Luna's eyes focused on her. The dark blue princess trotted forward, tentative steps soon coming into a full gallop, and after a moment, she disappeared into a flash of dark blue. Celestia's heart fell, until Luna reappeared in a series of sparks, now standing inches away from Celestia's face. "Well, well, well," Luna asked. "What have we got here?" A thousand thoughts ran through Celestia's mind. She could not feel her lungs, and could not feel her breath, but she imagined she was moments from hyperventilating. Luna's horn glowed blue, and Celestia felt herself lift off the bed. She felt herself spin slowly, her vision forced around the room, and her eyes happened to catch a glimpse of the mirror. In the reflection, she saw Luna and the room and the bed she was sitting on, but she did not see herself. Rather, she saw wedding cake embraced by the blue of Luna's magic. The wedding cake was pale white in color, covered in scrumptious looking frosting as fine as Celestia's own fur. The cake was four layers, each layer trimmed with rainbow frosting in the pattern of Celestia's mane. Crowning the cake was an adorable crown, perhaps hardened sugar or candy. It looked delicious. Soon, she had turned, and Celestia no longer had a clear view to the mirror. She surveyed the rest of the room, before once more she was facing Luna, whose tongue had slipped out of her lips and licked a fleck of drool dribbling down her chin. "Celestia must have ordered a cake last night. A little midnight snack? But why didn't she eat it? Was she called away?" Celestia watched as Luna trotted about the room, looking for a note or some sign that her sister might have left. In her voiceless way, Celestia was screaming and shaking, but fully aware she could neither move nor make a sound. There had to be something she could do though. Some way to warn her, to get her attention. Her mind raced through every spell she knew, and she tried everyone, hoping one might work. At last, Luna trotted back in front of the cake, and once more licked her lips. "Don't think I've forgotten, Celestia. After Night Mare Night, Pipsqueak sent me a cupcake, but then it mysteriously disappeared before I got the chance to eat it." Celestia's heart fell as Luna balanced on her large rump, and reached her fore hooves forward. Celestia felt the pressure of the hooves at... where her neck would normally be, and then felt them lift. Without resistance, the highest layer of the cake was separated from the body. Several terrified moments passed before Celestia realized she was still alive, fully aware her head had been removed from her shoulders, and still felt her lower body resting on the bed. Luna turned the layer of cake she was holding several times, and Celestia caught glimpse of the rest of the cake, sitting there without its head. She could still feel herself: the pins and needles in her asleep buttocks and her arms trapped at her side. At last, she was once more facing Luna, and watched as Luna's tongue once more licked over her lips. "I'm sorry Celestia, I haven't got any clue what might have happened to your cake. Nope, no clue what might have happened. Maybe it was the pink one. Yes, it was her, no doubt." Luna opened her mouth very wide, and rolled out her red tongue. Long strands of drool dripped off the rows and rows of teeth, sticky strands of saliva clung to the corners of her lips as they parted. Celestia watched in breathless horror as the tongue brushed up her face, tasting the creamy frosting coating. A large clump of her face went with the tongue. She could feel a part of her cheek housed in Luna's maw, so slimy and warm and sickening. "My, the chef really outdid himself on this one." A moment later, the entire top of the cake, essentially Celestia's head, was stuffed past Luna's greedy lips. Luna's tongue pushed the cake hard against the roof of her mouth, the saliva already working to break the lump down, and Celestia felt her "head" mashed into mush. She was swished about between Luna's cheeks, and then Luna lifted her head so her snout was facing the ceiling. With a heavy gulp, Celestia felt herself inch over Luna's bumpy tongue, soon dropping into the bottomless void of the blue pony's throat. Another gulp followed, and Luna was relieved of the bulk of cake, feeling it slide down her throat and into her belly. "Vanilla!" Luna decided. "But... something else also... nougat... caramel?" She looked over what was left of the cake. It was an impressive size, almost the size of her in fact, but then, Celestia was a bit of a glutton when it came to pastries. Celestia could feel every bite, every slurp, every lick, as her sister devoured the cake, bit by greedy bit. She could feel everything, every part of her as it was taken into the warm maw of the night princess, chewed and then traveling down the squeezing throat muscles. The landed in Luna's cavernous belly, where her head was housed. When the last scrumptious bit of cake had disappeared past her lips, Luna actually took the time to lick the frosting that clung to the bed sheets. It was delicious. She licked up the crumbs that had fallen on the floor and cleaned her hooves, and when she was sure there were none left, she took up residence on Celestia's bed, lying down. "Perhaps... I didn't think this through..." Luna muttered, watching as her distended stomach sagged to her side. She looked like... well, to be honest; it looked like she had eaten an entire pony. She rubbed her engorged stomach happily, smacking the layers and layers of fat and giggling like a foal at the ripples she formed. She wanted nothing more than to curl up and digest all she had eaten, but she knew she at least had to make an appearance at breakfast, and greet the Bearers of Harmony. Trotting to the banquette hall proved problematic. Luna's belly sagged and sometimes even dragged on the ground, until she thought to use her magic to keep her middle tight. Just the right amount of pressure was required: too much and she started to feel sick, too little and her chubby stomach still dragged or knocked her knees. But just the right amount of magic, and she actually felt quite pleasant, giving her tummy several squeezes. She pushed the door open, and stepped into the banquette hall, where the Bearers of Harmony were waiting for her. Luna was surprised not to see Celestia there, but assumed she was already watching over the day. Upon seeing Luna's sagging belly, several chuckles escaped Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's lips. Sitting next to each other, there were whispers exchanged. Fat jokes no doubt, but Luna didn't much care. "Has anyone seen my sister?" Luna asked. "I was speaking to her until late," Twilight Sparkle said. "Sometime after midnight, she finally ordered me to get some sleep. She walked me to my room, and that was the last I saw of her." Luna nodded, and then looked to the Royal Chef, who was pushing an omelet bar into the center of the dining hall. "Did Celestia order anything last night, to be sent to her room? When I went in this morning, there was a cake of impressive dimensions sitting on her bed." The snickers and chuckles from the blue and pink pony were suddenly cut off. Luna looked to them, and then back to the chef, who shook his head. She frowned, confused, but didn't think much about it. Her belly was full, and she was feeling so slothful. All she wanted to do was curl into bed and rest. "I am sorry I will not be attending breakfast," Luna said, and bowed gently. "I already ate the cake that was in Celestia's room." Luna had to duck when a stream of hot coffee was spat in her direction. The poor chef, who was standing behind her, ended up being hit. Luna quickly cast a spell that pulled the hot drink into the air, and then cast a healing spell that would remedy whatever burns he might be suffering. Glaring wrathfully at Pinkie Pie, who had spat at her, she guided the coffee into a potted plant where it would be out of the way. "P-princess, I'm so sorry!" Pinkie Pie shrieked. Her head suddenly fell, and she hid it beneath a pair of hooves as sobs rippled through her. Rainbow Dash scooted closer, and rubbed her back gently. "Do not let it happen again," Luna grumbled, still glaring. She turned, and trotted out of the room. Peasants, she mused. What Celestia saw in these fools was beyond her, and what they saw in her sister she did not know. She was bitter and annoyed as she opened the door to her personal quarters, and stepped inside. Before Twilight Sparkle could catch her (she was aware she was being followed,) she closed the door and sealed it shut with a spell. She did not want interruptions. She did not want to be bothered. She just wanted to rest, and revel in the blissful fullness the cake had offered. "Well..." Rainbow Dash whispered. "Now we know how Poison Joke affects the princess..." Housed inside Luna's engorged gut, Celestia waited. She did not know how she was still conscious, or for that matter, alive. She was somehow aware of her body, sitting inside Luna's stomach, and she could feel as her digestive acids slowly broke her body down. At least she didn't feel pain, or the sheer agony would have driven her mad. All she felt was a slight tingle over her body, as the digestive juice she was bathing in did its work. She felt her whole world shift and slosh about. Luna was trying to get comfortable, trying all sorts of positions to sleep. She managed her fat with a lack of expertise, constantly shifting it about. Celestia again tried to scream. She tried to push against the fleshy prison, or use her magic to give Luna some sort of sign, but nothing seemed to work. Anything was preferable to the merciless shaking, and Celestia even tried to close her eyes and sleep where she would succumb to whatever fate might occur, but found she could not. If she had eyes, she would cry, trapped inside her sister's stomach, feeling herself slowly broken down into goo. Some of the goo was absorbed into Luna's body, used for nutrients or stored as fat, but most made its way into her clenching bowels. A small amount moved into her kidneys, to be broken down and flushed away. Slowly, gradually, over the course of the agonizingly long day, Celestia felt herself squeezed through the fleshy tunnels of the blue pony's bodies, gradually gathering in Luna's intestines. What Celestia would give to just pass out, but she was forced to endure the feel of her body: separated and spread, fully aware of the millions of tingles as the Luna digested her. The monotony of gathering in Luna's bowels at last came to an end when Celestia felt her world shift. She grew nauseated by the motions and rocking as Luna pushed herself off the bed and gave a wide yawn. A trace of cake was discovered in the back of one of her teeth, and she happily licked it up and swallowed. The delightful fullness in her belly seemed to have passed, and she was somewhat disappointed. She felt a tingle in her rump, but before she used the little foal's room, she wanted to check and see how Celestia was doing. Luna's eyes happened upon a mirror as she passed, and she spent a moment examining her new found curves. She had a delightful amount of weight now embracing her hips, giving her much larger, firmer flanks and a pair of shapely half-moon. Although the oversized gorge of her belly had disappeared, she still had a few more curves in her girth. Simply put, she looked quite good. She undid the barrier spell, and stepped out of her room, only to be greeted by a Royal Guard who had been knocking furiously on her door. "My princess!" he said, huffing and puffing. "What is it sergeant?" she asked. "The sun... princess, look outside!" Luna trotted to the nearest window, and rested her upper body on the sill. At first she was confused, until she looked up and saw that the sun was still sitting in the eastern quarter of the sky, the same spot she had left it in this morning. That meant Celestia had not been there to guide it, and it had gotten stuck. Luna raced off to the tower, breaking through any doors that stood locked in her path. She quickly cast a spell that moved the sun out of the sky, and lifted the moon, before racing for the balcony that overlooked the castle's square. It was no surprise that there was a mob of ponies there, waiting for an explanation from Celestia. She heard more than a few grumbles and sighs when Luna showed her face. "Citizens of Equestria," Luna said, voice meek, a shiver running down her spine. Stomps and trots and shouts continued, long and loud. They had grown louder in fact, all intending to drown out her voice. Luna's teeth gritted. She tried again, tilting her head up and saying, "Please, just a moment of your time." But when all else failed, she settled for using the Royal Canterlot Voice and shouted, "ENOUGH!" If her words did not succeed in gaining everyone attention, the spark of lightning that carved through the sky certainly did. The crowd went silent. Now at least she could think of what to say. "Citizens of Equestria, I am sorry for the confusion, and whatever worry has stirred in your breast. I ask you now, be patient, for my sister has fallen ill. She is in no danger, but she cannot muster the concentration to raise the sun. I, Princess Luna of the Night, shall watch over the day, until my sister has returned to full strength. Please, just be patient, and she will return soon... I give my word as your princess." There were mutters and snarky comments, but soon everyone turned and began to trot away, and Luna's head hung low. When it was discovered she had lied, and it would be discovered, they would never forgive her. They wouldn't understand why she did it, they would just be angry that she did. Perhaps Celestia had been kidnapped, and a pair of adventures would stumble upon her. Then she would return to the castle, and the lie Luna had given would be found out. But for now, at least they were not screaming. She turned, and headed back to her room. "Luna, where is Princess Celestia?" Twilight Sparkle asked when she came upon the blue pony in the hallway. "She is sick," Luna said quickly. "I don't believe you, Luna. Where is Princess Celestia? Did you do something?" Luna glared at Twilight. "You insolent peasant! You suspect I would hurt my sister?!" Twilight Sparkle spread her hooves, bracing herself. "Did you do something, yes or no?" Tense moments passed. Twilight Sparkle spread her legs, and braced her hooves, while Luna spread her wings and continued staring. Sparks of magic exploded from the tip of their respective horns, and Twilight Sparkle hoofed the ground, preparing to charge. "Where is Celestia?" she asked again, a spell charging on the tip of her horn. Luna sighed, and lowered her head, wings falling limp. Her magic faded into nothing, although Twilight Sparkle remained on guard. "You have every right to suspect me, Twilight Sparkle, but no, I have not lifted a hoof against my sister. My worry for her... it surpasses your own. To you she is a mentor, a friend, a confidant, a princess. But to me... she is the only light in a dark, dark world. I feel terror swelling in my breast, and sickness in my stomach. And now, if something has happened to her... now in this moment the citizens of Equestria turn to me for truth and guidance, I tell them a lie. I have no idea where Celestia is. My only hope is she will return, before the citizens of Equestria grow bored and exile me once more." Luna groaned. "And I am greatly regretting eating her cake. By the heavens, how does she tolerate so much sugar at once?" Twilight Sparkle smiled. "Had the same problem with Spike. Too much ice cream for even his iron-clad stomach. Celestia is made of strong stuff. I am positive that she is fine, wherever she may be. And when we return to Ponyville, I will ask everyone I know if they have seen her, or seen anything suspicious. She couldn't have just disappeared." Luna sighed. She sensed something behind her, and looked over her shoulder, noticing something pink peeking around the corner. When their blue eyes met, Pinkie Pie retreated with a squeal. Luna growled. "What did I do to the pink one to earn her animosity?! She poisons the minds of the young ones against me, assaults me with hot beverages, and now she stalks me around every corner in my own home! I have just as much right to this castle as my sister! Why does she insist on pestering me so?" Twilight Sparkle pressed against the wall as Luna trotted past her. She stomped down the hallway, ample posterior swaying. The night was tense and filled with worry for Luna. She looked to every corner, every shadow, sure to find some trace of Celestia: a strand of white fur, a distinctive hoof print, her lost crown or an article of clothing. How could there be not a trace of her anywhere? How could she have just disappeared into thin air? It took all her strength to raise the sun, the following morning. Her heart was heavy with worry, and there was a sickening emptiness in her gut. There was also an almost painful pressure between her legs and under her tail, her body longing to release all that was stored deep within her bowels. But first, there was another group waiting in the castle's square, stomping their hooves and making Luna's head pound. She was in no mood for dealing with idiot peasants, and with the Royal Canterlot Voice, ordered everyone to return to their home, that Celestia's condition had neither worsened nor improved, and she needed her rest. Luna escorted the Bears of Harmony back to Ponyville, despite the heavy bags under her eyes and the pounding in her bowels, and the sickening worry about her sister in the pit of her stomach. Apparently, Celestia had agreed to visit Ponyville, and with her "sick," the responsibility fell to Luna. It was odd to come out, during the day. A celebration seemed to have been set up for Celestia's arrival, and they must not have seen the logic in tearing it down when it was announced that Luna would be coming instead. There was a banner, welcoming the "Princess," and although that was an ambiguous term, the multicolored writing made it clear which princess they had been planning for. But Pipsqueak was there to greet her, and that made the initial greet slightly more tolerable. He charged through the crowd, weaving his way through the lank legs, and when he finally had a clear view of Luna, he leapt upon her, hugging her around the neck and hanging rather comically off her. Luna sighed softly, and placed a hoof under his rump, holding him up and hugging him back. There were other ponies who Luna knew were happy to see her, perhaps even happier to see her than her sister. Gear Head, a stocky Pegasus, bowed before her and kissed the hoof that was offered. He was a great builder of things, and did his best work at night, giving Luna plenty of time to spend with him. Black Jack, an Earth Pony who Luna would adore for no other reason than his raven black coat, asked if she would like to get a drink with him later in the night. He was nice to her, he always had been, and loved the calm night more than the day. Some dark, quiet nights, they had enjoyed moon lit walks through the park. More than once she caught him staring at her, perhaps her added curves enticed the stocky colt. And although it was clear most would have rather their beloved Celestia, they seemed somewhat happy for Luna's presence. The party was held at Sugar Cube Corner. Several deserts had been hastily baked when word of Luna's presence had spread. The planned Angel food cake was replaced with a Devil's food cake (Luna was not sure if she should be insulted at the change, since she did in fact much prefer chocolate.) Teas with cinnamon spice were served, instead of the tea with fresh cream and sugar as Celestia was known to enjoy. And the bakery was significantly less crowded, which Luna found she preferred. The Cakes seemed calmer with her presence, once or twice allowing her cup of tea to empty before they rushed to refill it. And the ponies who were there were much more pleasant to talk to. There were no peasants, taking up space so they could steal a glance of the Princess of the Sun. There were only her subjects, who were genuinely interested in her. Perhaps it wasn't so bad, being second to Celestia... If only her bowels would calm down. She kept crossing her legs or shifting in her seat, struggling to keep her cheeks tightly squeezed, even though she could feel pressure building just behind them. She was both hungry and nauseated. Eating food settled the rumbling in her belly, but also made the pounding in her ass harder to bear. Struggling to maintain a smile, she excused herself from the table, and casually trotted for the door. She thought of slipping into one of the empty shops, but how horrid her stomach felt, she doubted a normal "throne" would be able to handle her. Not to mention, she didn't want to be embarrassed in front of subjects. By the heavens, it felt like she was going to give birth! But where could she go? She could teleport back to her castle but... oh, how she was feeling, she was not even sure her royal throne could handle what was brewing inside her. Did she even have the concentration for such a long distance jump? Or the magic left? Raising the sun had left her utterly drained. She thought of the Everfree Forest, barren of sentient life, and so frightening she would probably alone while she did her business. That would just have to do. "Do you think this will work?" Pinkie Pie asked, pressing against a wall and peeking around the corner of Sugar Cube Corner. "I don't know Pinkie." "What if it doesn't, though!" "I don't know Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash sighed. "Come on, she's moving. We can't lose sight of her." And inside Luna, it was nothing short of unpleasant for Celestia. The walls of Luna's bowels and bladder were very tight and squeezing, and yet Celestia found herself rocked and shaken mercilessly. Her sister must have been traveling in a full gallop. But, if there was a silver lining to this situation, off in the distance there were the smallest glimmers of light. If Celestia could move, she would have crawled towards it. It was the first hints of glow in the smothering darkness, and Celestia felt drawn to it. She wanted to go to the light so bad, be free of this sweltering darkness. She cried and begged to whatever deities were listening to help her. And finally, she felt the walls around her start to squeeze, and the light grew brighter. Luna had found a spot behind a tree, far enough from Ponyville she believed she would be safe, and braced her powerful legs to squat. Groans and gasps escaped her, and she parted her rear legs wide apart, causing her large cheeks to spread. She felt the first tingles of her waste pushing through her tight sphincter. She groaned loudly as a large log of droppings fell from her. She assumed that was it, but suddenly her body shook, and another log was close behind it. It kept coming, much to her surprise, and soon she felt the pressure in her bladder grow too great. She was going to take a step forward to avoid the spreading pile of waste, but found her body was not giving her a chance. More and more dumped out of her, and she was oh so thankful she had decided to come somewhere private for this. How embarrassing if one of her subjects saw her in this very improper way. At last, her cheeks clenched, and she practically tumbled forward, a sense of relief washing over her body. She quickly lifted herself off the ground with her magic and carried herself a few feet away from the nasty pile of poop and pee. Passing that much, she felt lighter, hungry, and utterly exhausted. But it had been almost orgasmic, pressing that much out of her virgin pucker, and now she felt oddly giddy. Celestia was happy as well. She was free of the tight, hot, pitch black bowels of her sister, and although the Everfree Forest was overgrown, the glimmers of light that spilled through the leaves felt like she was embraced by the sun itself. She had been... separated, when she was inside Luna, bits and pieces of her in Luna's belly, her kidneys, her bladder and bowels, but now it seemed Celestia was mostly back together. She still could not move or use her magic, but she could see Luna, lying down. Her sister sighed softly, standing back up, and cast a glance behind her. Shrugging, she headed back for the party, now eager to have some of the Devil's food cake, and Celestia was left alone. Alone... all alone. Left to... what was left for her now? What would become of her? Aware of her body, aware of herself, but unable to move until she was broken down completely, and fell into oblivion. Was this some punishment? Some retribution for what she had been forced to do to Luna? "I hope this works," Pinkie Pie muttered, biting the cork off of a large glass bottle. She was shaking as she attempted to pour it, but Rainbow Dash came beside her, and steadied her hoof. "It will work," Rainbow Dash said, and together, they poured the bath over the pile of horse droppings, doing their best to saturate every stretch of brown and yellow. A heavy breath tore through Celestia's lungs, the first she had been able to take in days. A crippling pain surged through her suddenly, leaving her on the ground, eyes nearly bulging out of her head. Tears streamed down her face from both pain, and the raw joy that she felt like herself again. Her chest, not yet fully formed, could not tolerate the warm breath surging through her. She saw stars, and she fell, gasping and coughing, body shaking in painful agony. Rainbow Dash cupped Celestia's head, and carefully tilted it up. She placed a cup against Celestia's lips, very slowly tipping it, and giving Celestia the first drink of water she had had in days. "Princess Celestia, it was all just a prank! We slipped some Poison Joke on your food. We thought that... we never thought any of this would have happened!" "We're so sorry!" Pinkie Pie shouted. Celestia stood up very slowly, legs wobbling. She fell once, but then managed to stand and find her balance. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both cowered as Celestia took a step towards them. Simultaneously, both opened their mouth to speak, but were silenced when Celestia placed a hoof on their lips. Her voice was calm and steady, and yet that made it worse than if she were yelling. Neither of the younger ponies could stop shaking. "If either of you ever speak of this to anypony, including each other, I shall know. And I shall banish you to the moon for all eternity. Do I make myself clear?" Whimpers and furious nods of the head gave Celestia her answer. She removed her hooves. Her horn sparked several times, before at last, she managed to cast a spell and teleport herself back to her personal quarters at the castle. She almost collapsed from the exertion, her body still not up to snuff. She should probably see a doctor, or eat something, but right now all she wanted to do was melt inside a warm bath. She locked the doors to her room and erected shield, before heading into the bathroom. She filled the tub with water and cast a spell that would keep the water hot. She eased herself in very slowly, her hooves and long rear legs, then her groin and chest, and finally up to her neck. This would be the first of a thousand baths before she would ever feel clean again. Tomorrow she would take another. Tomorrow would be busy. Tomorrow, she would have to give a Royal Decree that she had fallen ill, but was now feeling fine, which was not technically a lie. She would thank the people of Equestria for their patience and compassion. Tomorrow, she would take another bath, filled with every shampoo, soap, and herb she could find, and ask if any of the Royal Guards would be willing to scrub her fur. Perhaps she would make Twilight Sparkle do it. But most importantly, tomorrow she would have a long, long conversation with Luna about coming into *her* room, and eating *her* cake.
Desolation: The Vanguard Chapter I Delilah walked down the hall, each footstep making the ground shake a little bit, the light fixtures swaying overhead. It wasn't that she was in a bad mood, or that the hallway had been poorly constructed, far from it. She was absolutely delighted, as her workload was going to lessen quite a bit. After having spent several years as the lone pilot for Vanguard Lancer Division 112 Research and Development had finally managed to discover how to install the required implants in someone who wasn't already a half-ton killing machine. And machine was about the right term, even with muscle fibers made of bio-organic mythril, she still required servomotors in her joints to move them. Her bones were heavy, a form of spell-enhanced rhenium diboride alloy grafted onto them to in order to support the heavy ordinance she used to carry. Close to six and a half feet tall, Delilah had weighed a touch under 200 pounds before her conversion from human paladin to cannon-carrying cyborg. Her size had remained the same, but she now weighed in at three quarters of a ton. Each motion she made was always accompanied by the faint whine of her motorized joints. Through years upon years of experience, she could move just as easily as a normal human being, and despite the fears of others she wouldn't powder the bone of any hand that she shook. She could, but she had the fine control not to. Delilah looked down at herself, a blend of science and sorcery that had been created for one purpose: destruction. She enjoyed her job a great deal; she was one of the few individuals fully capable of repelling a full-scale demonic incursion force butt-naked. Though that had only happened twice. Truth be told she felt more at home on the battlefield than anywhere else. She preferred her powered armor to her mythrilized silk clothing. The mystical metal had been formed into threads, woven with four silk fibers to add its legendary strength and durability to the fabric. It was the only thing that Delilah could wear without tearing it apart after a handful of uses. The force of the friction generated by her arm against her side, for example, was immense. She had reluctantly given up pants as well, since the grinding sound of metal on metal when she walked normally was quite annoying. She preferred the heavy powered armor as its own sounds of movement made her own seem silent and the kinetic dampeners (veins started to throb in the techs' heads if you called them force-fields) meant that she didn't have to walk on eggshells while wearing the stuff. She suspected that it was so that any passerby would think her just another normal paladin at first glance. But only at the first glance. Delilah's flesh was not her own, every natural bit of herself had been purged one day long ago in preparation for her use as a cyborg. Typical flesh would not stand up being surrounded by what was essentially ultralight steel. Three months spent in an unconscious state in a vat of positively charged deimoplasm had transformed her flesh and bone into the supernatural equivalent. Delilah worried, on occasion, that the darkness of the demon essence, despite its being purified, had warped and corrupted her. She ran her tongue over the worrying points in her mouth. They weren't uncomfortable, but they were unfamiliar. And also typically one of the first signs of demonic corruption; it made Delilah shudder to think about a dark, twisted, and sinister creature with the amount of power she wielded. She could stand toe-to-toe with nearly anything the supernatural invaders could offer as it was. Infused with the dark energies of the netherworld she would become nearly unstoppable. She clutched her dog tags, running her thumb over the familiar sword, star, and spear symbol that represented her faction. The action brought her comfort, for her skin did not sear with pain as she pressed it against the celestial steel. She was still one of the righteous. It worried her now more than ever, for not only was she one of humanity's greatest weapons against the black tides of Hell, but she was the pilot of another; the Lillith. Much like herself it was a combination of living flesh, the latest in cybernetics and nanotechnology, all powering aspects of demonology and necromancy. The sheer number of forces coming together in one creation were astounding. Delilah had become the Lillith's pilot not from any great piloting skill, but because of the thirteen warriors chosen to become the Vanguard Crown she was the only one that still lived. Still lived and was not demonically corrupted, anyway. Tanks were expensive, hard to fuel, took years to train a talented crew, and in the wrong circumstances were torn apart like tissue paper. Powered armor troopers were the most effective against the hordes, able to carry heavy weaponry, but still have maneuverability. Cybernetic troopers had been around since even before the bombs fell and the dimensions were breeched. Most Vanguard cyborgs were men and women who had lost limbs in battle, mechanized prosthetics stronger and more useful than the flesh they were meant to replace. A few brave or foolish individuals volunteered to willing become elite units, putting their lives in the hands of scientists, surgeons, and technicians, becoming reborn as mechanized individual infantry. Delilah had been one of those volunteers. Her ancestors had lived safe below the earth for one hundred years, tucked away and hidden from all the world beneath an entire mountain. There had been peace and prosperity there; it had been a paradise where no one suffered hunger or thirst, illness, disease, or the heartbreak of demonic taint. Delilah herself had lost three little sisters to the darkness; their innocent spirits housed in increasingly demonic flesh, until they could not stem the flow of evil anymore and accepted their destinies as creatures of the night. Unlike the Vanguard, her tribe had not euthanized the corrupted to save their souls, believing that there might be hope, they had just let each one walk off into the night, never knowing if they became heroes or horrors. Sometimes she thought a bullet in the head might have been more merciful for the new demons and their former families. Despite her transformation from mortal to half-demon (some called the creatures of positive energy Angels, but Delilah knew they could be just as cold, wicked, and cruel as their dark kin) she had still kept her tattoos; her traditional tribal markings and her celebrations of noteworthy kills. As well as a handful that she had just liked the look of. She knew that her commanders at the Vanguard disapproved of them, so she had not added any more since her transformation, but the flames, skulls, and demonic visages still remained, forever coloring her pale white skin. Delilah let out a soft sigh as her fingers went from one object of comfort around her neck to the other. Two lines around her neck with many straight lines between them, repeating the same string of letters over and over again, MDCXCI; a way of remembering where her clan's home had once been without saying its now hated name. She dared not even bring the number to mind, for fear of drawing the attention of the horrors that resided there. The Lance had finally succeeded in creating a second generation of the Crown, though they were not individually powerful as Delilah was, they didn't need to be. Their deimomechs would be able to carry and house the firepower. Delilah was an obsolete model, the last of a wasted effort. The Lillith could carry far more firepower than she ever could, and it had the advantage of being little more than a machine. Care had been taken to make sure that it could never operate on its own, never become a demon, or become possessed by one. Programs, charms, wards, seals, every system of control known to man prevented the thing from moving on its own. Delilah arrived at her destination. With a contented sigh she entered her room, flopping down upon her bed. The mattress wriggled and roiled beneath her from the impact, a flexible high impact plastic coating around a large amount of mercury. Delilah's mass would crush springs, permanently compress foam, and reduce just about any other piece of furniture to a snapped and twisted wreck. This and her chair in the dining hall, constructed of parts from a hydraulic press, where the only two places in the building where she felt comfortable. Truthfully she didn't need to eat, drink, sleep, or even breathe; magical sigils drawn upon her very bones drew upon the energy she needed to keep on living. But going through the day to day operations that normal men and women needed kept Delilah grounded, kept reminding her that beneath all the technology, sorcery, and vat-grown demonhide there was still a human soul in there. Somewhere. Her gaze drifted to one wall, where she had placed her tribal gear on a framework to display it, to remind her of where she came from. The last of her tribe, though not the last branch of her people, the demons within that black, vile hive sought her people out, abducted them, and twisted them into more demons for their ever-expanding horde. The hive demons had a special affinity for her people, a mere touch was enough to start the inevitable cascade of corruption that would consume one of them, mind, body, and soul. Delilah had seen the process more times than she wanted to remember. The final time she had witnessed it the most detailed and terrible. She watched her mother ram her sword into one, the monster's purple-black 'blood' flowing up the blade, onto her mother's arms, darkening her skin, taking root, transforming mortal flesh into shaped deimoplasm. Demons were not flesh and blood creatures. They were spiritual and mystical manifestations, their bodies made up of a single, mutable substance that could be shaped into a variety of functions. What held them together, bound to the mortal plane, was a small, fingernail sized gem housed somewhere within their body. They could easily move it around, never keeping it in the same place twice. You could kill a demon by blowing it apart, by severing the connection between body and soul gem; removed from deimoplasm, the spirit within fled back to the netherworld with the next rise of the sun, leaving behind an item of magical power. You could draw upon that power to preserve demonic flesh, as Delilah had. She had crafted her armor from the skin of the monsters she had killed in that final battle, enraged by the loss of her mother. Her one regret was that she was never able to lay her mother's spirit to rest, Dara forever damned to nest within that wicked hive as some sort of brood-monster. Next to the armor was a shield of the same, a dagger made from a massive claw, and a makeshift serrated sword crafted from a leg bone, leather strips, and the fangs and claws of many demons. Her eyes went from the armor upon the wall to the plain stainless steel ring upon her right ring finger, given to all those in her tribe who could call upon magical energy and remain pure, able to become paladins. Delilah never understood the workings of magic, there were so many conflicting theories, some with four elements, some with five, six, eight, nine, or even more. Some of these energies came from the planet, others from realms beyond Earth. Paladins were able to call upon what was often called positive, light, or holy mana, anathema to the demons, and yet compatible and similar in some cases. She could remember the rush that filled her when she called on it; the feeling of peace, perfection, and bliss. She missed it; missed the uplifting surge within her spirit that lifted her up from the drudgery of the world for a few brief moments, fueled its way into her weapon, sliced open monsters, and left her slipping in the deimoplasmic blood. Though the spirit was willing the flesh was... Well... there wasn't any flesh left to channel the energy. Though technology could utilize and channel the mana, it could not call upon it as mortal flesh could. Demons could draw upon their elemental power, but they had limited amounts of it. The energy they spent was also their own life force. It could be restored with a few days rest, but Delilah never had that luxury. She had been sent to settlement after settlement, fighting demons day after day, week after week, month after month. Her cybernetic flesh never tired, but each time she called upon her power it made her more and more weary in the spirit. She had to stop, or else she would have killed herself. Or worse, left herself a soulless, empty shell. The spirit of the woman who had been Delilah Demonbane passing on into the next life, while her body remained behind. Six of the thirteen members of the Crown had burned themselves out. They had continued for years afterward, but eventually they would drop their weapons in battle, and welcome oblivion. Before the Lillith project, Delilah had undergone counseling several times by orders of her commanders; she had become listless, introverted, anxious. It seemed to be merely delaying the inevitable, the feelings always returned, with ever more logic behind them. Even with the Lillith, Delilah wanted to leave. Once she had the first six pilots fully trained, she would don her old armor (which had been proclaimed heretical, and Delilah forbidden from wearing it, for fear of a potential corrupting influence with the number of soulstones used to keep it together, even if it took no wear upon her three-quarter ton body) and walk out into the wastes; tirelessly battling the demonic threat without needing to tend to human matters. A further three of the Crown had similarly wandered off, tales still told of their exploits, but lost to the Vanguard. The specialized equipment to house her used up resources that could be better spent elsewhere. The food she ate could likely feed six other soldiers, or three times that many starving wastelanders. And then there were the signs of impending corruption. They had been subtle at first, but Delilah had recognized them immediately. Three weeks later they were becoming so noticeable that she actively had to take measures to hide them. Making sure to not open her mouth wide enough for people to see her fangs, wearing her already non-regulation hair (since there wasn't anything that could reliably and painlessly cut it with any precision) down over her ears, and of course wearing her tabard over her usual clothing. The demon sigils upon her alabaster skin stood out through the pure white-silver of her dress, the dark markings easily seen through the garment. Delilah tended to attract stares, she was only normal at first glance. Her bloodline had been tainted by demonic manipulation, leaving them open to lust, desire, to sexual corruption. They had encouraged her ancestors to couple amorously with anyone and everyone they could, man or woman. The holy sacrament of marriage had been unheard of; they had been altered to birth litters instead of individual children and had been changed to have the number of breasts needed to feed their entire brood at once. The wasteland had been particularly cruel to Delilah's family. The demonic interference with their genome had left it fragile, easily warped by radiation of both the mundane and magical nature. Rather than the two normal humans sported, or the four her ancestors had, Delilah had six breasts. Having never been pregnant, they had never been particularly noticeable, the middle and lower pairs needing no support, and easily hidden with bandages. But the reason she had been singled out of the other 3 viable individuals still active within the Crown was because of them. Deimomech pilots had to be female and had to have Paladin abilities. She never mentioned that hers had faded away, vanished with a lack of use, or that she was no longer pure enough to use them. Delilah had almost forgotten about them, until one day she tried to draw on them, and found that she didn't remember how. Another week, two at the most, and then she could leave. She could stop pretending to be one of them and just do what she was meant to do, kill demons. No one ever tried to befriend her. The high failure rate for cybernetic conversion, the long odds of surviving battle, both meant that it was a bad idea to get close. But six years of being a near-indestructible killing machine behind her, Delilah still had no friends. Despite being a hero, she was an outsider. She was demon-tainted from birth, a mutant, and a tribal. She hadn't been raised in the confines of a Vault, where most of the Vanguard lived. She was an ignorant savage in their eyes. Her transformation hadn't helped that. It merely added half-demon and machine onto the list. People saw her as a thing, not as a person, a human-shaped piece of ordnance to be stored away when not in use. Delilah sighed softly and stood, walking to her door and locking it before she dared undress. Old fashioned hooks and clasps held her garment closed, the style an ancient one, dating back to Asia hundreds, maybe thousands of years prior. It slid to the floor in a heap. She checked the mirror once more, hoping against hope that the marks had vanished, but they hadn't. The inverted star surrounded by a jagged aura on her belly, the eight markings looking like fangs biting down upon each of her six nipples. The cyborg turned her head away from her reflection. She was supposed to report any signs of corruption immediately, but the next few days would mean the difference between having a fully trained anti-demon fighting force, and a bunch of sitting ducks. Once her replacements were trained, Delilah could simply walk out into the wastes, find a demon hive, and find peace destroying it. Or the next one. Or the next. She wished that she had something to look forward to, some hope, something redeeming in her life. But all she had was slaughter, the laying to waste of demons before her, for as long as she lived. Which could be a very long time; some of the first mortals converted to demons still lived. Demons themselves had an unlimited lifespan. Constant fighting forever was all the future seemed to hold. Was this what it was like to be a demon? Emotionless, cold, empty inside, nothing but the comforts of physical sensation to drive you? Rage, Lust, Gluttony, and Greed, the driving forces behind nearly all demonic attacks? If they truly felt like Delilah she could easily see Envy as being a driving force. If she had been given the opportunity to live her life over again, she would still chose to take the path of the cyborg. She had saved lives, saved hundreds, maybe thousands from a fate worse then death. What else could she ever have accomplished in this bleak, brutal world? Her hands rested upon her swollen belly, she had always known she would never have children. She had lost her entire family to demonic corruption, seeing them become horrors before her very eyes. The Stephanite Hive would hunt all who bore its blood to the ends of the Earth, desiring to welcome them to its fold. Even if the stinger of a demonic scorpion had not stolen away her ability to have children in a battle long ago, Delilah knew in her mind that she would never have had them. Like her mother, who had lost three daughters to the darkness, she to would have to witness her children stolen by the night. She would not bring children into the world in the end, but more demons. Even if the acidic venom had not burned away her ovaries, even if all the demons vanished overnight, Delilah would be unable to carry a child to term. The only thing she could possibly breed with would be a demon. Even if she carried them the instinctive, muscular contractions of her birth canal would crush the life out of anything she would could attempt to birth. So it was fitting that the chamber made for creating life, a useless compartment upon a killing machine, carried instead more machine parts, as did each of her six breasts. It seemed to be almost some sort of pun based on silicon, a component of computer parts, and silicone, which had been used in breast implants. She wasn't quite sure what they were made of, but her body housed the core operational components of the Lillith, which was why all the pilots had to be female. The ports along her spine that had been used to bear loads in order to help her carry heavy weaponry and tie into her internal targeting system now served as linking ports that connected her to her mech. Her pale skin flushed and shamed tears trickled down her cheeks. They could have altered her further, added a new pair of ports just above her pelvis. But no, one of the designers of the Lillith must've been a perverse little creep, since the main control linkage to the deimomech ran right up the existing opening to her womb. They probably viewed it as something cold and clinical, two compatible cable couplings interfacing. Likely Delilah was just over thinking this, the designers had like thought of herself and her mech as two machines networking into one. Not a woman being fucked deliciously every time she defended the base, or exterminated a demon nest. For the first time Delilah found a part of herself wanting to be a demon: to experience mindless carnal pleasure, to be able to give and receive it without any moral or spiritual consequence. She looked back into the mirror, at her markings, telling everyone that a demon laid claim to her belly and bosom. The Lillith had claimed her as its own. She had taken every opportunity that she could to experience life within the cybernetic demon-creature, its senses becoming her own. Her shame turned to anger, her hand reaching down to grip the segmented, metallic protrusion from the base of her spine. They had installed it so that Delilah would have a sensory analog to the Lillith's tail. They could've placed the link to the primary computer core there. But they hadn't. They'd crafted her body and the Lillith so that it would fuck her every time she piloted it, and with all the cushioning fluid within the pilot's chamber, who would notice her own natural lubrication? No wonder she always felt ecstatic while piloting the thing, with its senses overwhelming her own, it could violate her all it liked without repercussion. A pure maiden could tame a demon; keep it under her control, but a tarnished, combat-weary murder-machine who had forgotten how to draw upon her paladin powers? Easily corruptible. The Lance techs had developed a remote control module for the Lillith, it wouldn't allow access to the heavy weapons or the graceful, feline movement the deimomech had with a fully linked pilot, but it would be enough to save lives during an ambush, where the five minutes it took Delilah to run across the base and get fully integrated were critical. She had resisted having it installed, not wanting the deimomech to have even the slightest potential for autonomy. It could be installed immediately; Delilah would never need to slip inside the Lillith again. Delilah laid down upon her bed, pulling the covers over herself. They were synthetic fiber, in no way enhanced, but rather than wash them, the sheets and blankets were just recycled back into the material fabricator again. Delilah could tear them up all she wanted and it wouldn't matter. She closed her eyes, connecting to the base's internal network and wrote a memo to the tech crew that she had changed her mind, and to install the communications module on the Lillith immediately. Business concluded, Delilah set the timer to turn off her conscious functions in 30 seconds. She could send herself into whatever stage of sleep she desired. She always used the most restful state she could get without having dreams. Her dreams always hurt her. They were either hideous nightmares that made her wake up in fear, something she hadn't actually felt in years, or were so wonderful that she never wanted to wake up from them. People had died in the past because Delilah had refused to leave her imaginary family. She had mental images of them in her mind. It was stupid, Nita had been the first to be stolen, when they were six, Mei-Ling had followed into the night at seven, and finally Yuriko when they were twelve. She wished that the memories of her dreams could be stored in the mechanical components of her consciousness, so she could delete the mocking dream-memories from her mind. Demons had taken her family. She had no kin. She would never have kin. Everyone she had ever loved was dead, in one way or another. Holding onto the images of her sisters grown up, happy, smiling, all they did was hurt her. They weren't real. They were programming bugs in the Vanguard's greatest weapon. Thankfully the timer ticked down to zero, ending Delilah's thoughts on her imaginary family as she drifted into an empty, dreamless slumber. -o- Alarm blazing in her ears, Delilah awoke halfway to the Lillith's bunker, her body responding on instinct, training, and programming before she was fully conscious. The scant few seconds it took for the cyborg to come out of her sleep cycle could cost lives. She had wrapped her blanket around herself as a makeshift toga and was running at full speed down the hallway. Her potential corruption no longer mattered, she had a job to do, and she would do it to the best of her ability, no matter the cost to herself for this one act. She leapt down through the center of the stairwell, the stairs leading down to the old railway tunnel were twisted, warped, and broken down in places anyway. A terrible battle had taken place here when demons overran the outposts surrounding them and snuck in during the dead of night through the railway tunnels. After the battle, they'd planted explosives that collapsed the tunnel on both sides, the concussive force had wrecked the stairs leading down, but to someone who didn't need stairs switching wings of the base via the station tunnel was still the best way to get from the residence halls to the front line bunkers. Delilah soared over the pit in the middle, landed on the other side, and with another leap found herself in the stairs that lead to Bunkers Six and Seven. Bunker Seven housed the deimomechs, Six had been an auxiliary armory, until a saboteur had blown it up. It was still partially radioactive, and superstitious Vanguard troops told ghost stories centered around the place. After a few cases of radiation sickness from couples sneaking up there to make out, all the doors had been welded shut. Delilah had un-welded two of them, the one leading from the stairwell to the Bunker Six locker room, and the one leading from the locker room to that shared laundry room between it and Bunker Seven's lockers. Bunker Seven had its weaponry moved to other bunkers, as it was unknown if the radiation from Bunker Six would creep over. It hadn't, but the area had been given over to the deimomech project, which was a better ward to keeping people away than welded doors and signs warning of radiation. The lockers in the middle of the room had been removed, precisely for the reason that Delilah's all out run clocked in at a good 40 miles per hour, and 1500 pounds of cyborg at that speed meant a good load of destruction for anything that was in the way. Like the lockers had once been. They'd replaced the locker room door with a curtain for the same reason, the cloth gave way and billowed outward, the metal door simply broke. The familiar red-black-gold form of the Lillith filled Delilah's vision; she always left the deimomech curled up in a sleeping position right outside. She pulled herself up on one of the skeletal wings, making her way to the pilot's alcove concealed between the beast's shoulders, letting her now tattered blanket fall away from her body. She slipped her hand beneath the black, segmented armor plates, applying just the right amount of pressure to trigger its release. Only a cyborg could apply the precise amount of force for the precise amount of time, down to four decimal points. The plates telescoped back, revealing the place where the creature's spine split, providing an opening for Delilah to slip down into the mech's very center, where she would be optimally armored and protected from harm. She gripped the bar that had been fastened to the underside of the armored plate, jumping inside, closing the way after her. It was always warm and humid within the deimomech, as she was essentially slipping inside a living creature. Demonic flesh closed the passage behind her, sealing the cyborg into a small, ovoid chamber with little more than a chair-shaped 'growth' of the beast's flesh. Delilah settled into the familiar shape, the warmth and smoothness of the deimomech's skin against her own. A small gap in the chair had been designed for her tail, the metallic, foot-long length slithering in and being gripped by muscles and mechanics alike. The cyborg's sense of touch began to fade away as her tail was linked to the beast's own. She slipped her hands and feet into the pockets provided, wincing at the sticky wetness within. With her realization of what exactly the primary computer link between her and the creature was, the restraints that held Delilah in place took on a new meaning. She let out a small, pained gasp as the six inch long spikes that allowed her to control the creature drove themselves into her, the linkage always hurt, despite the Helm's insistence that they didn't, it was supposed to be psychosomatic pain, an imagined sensation of having six six-inch spikes rammed into one's body. Four small tendrils snaked out from the chair, their connections slipping into the slot upon the back and sides of her neck. The chamber had already begun to fill with fluid, up to Delilah's waist as her senses began to dull completely as her mind began to process the Lillith's instead. The Lillith opened its eyes, not fully awakened yet, but its small, bestial amount of consciousness stirring, the instincts that allowed the pilot to move the creature so easily coming to the forefront. Then there was the connection, pilot and mech uniting. Delilah felt the primary link connection as a faint pressure on her own form, and a tiny, almost imperceptible moment from the Lillith's senses. Connected full to its 'brain' within Delilah's womb, the quadrupedal deimomech hopped to its four feet, opening its seven eyes. It processed the visual data, sent it to the cybernetic portion of Delilah's brain, which processed it in a way that wouldn't overwhelm the organic vision center of her mind. The resulting image was far crisper, cleaner, and more detailed than what Delilah's own eyes offered. All its senses were so much keener, and it had more of them. Radar, sonar, thermal imaging, ways of detecting surges of magical energy, all complex devices that couldn't properly fit onto a human-sized cyborg. The Lillith had been crafted from the parts of a number of slain demonic creatures, fused by sorcery into a single creature. That Frankenstein-ian conglomeration of demon parts had altered shape and size, making the Lillith its own creature. Most of the body had come from a fearsome dragon; Delilah had taken that down with a shot from a 30mm cannon, bestial demons tended to keep their soul gems in their heads, not bright enough to put them elsewhere. That had given the final creature six limb mounting points, an elongated neck, and a powerful tail. The creature's wings had been ruined, and the Lillith couldn't fly using them, but jet engines were mounted along the creature's sides to increase its leaping capabilities. The tops of the wings struts housed small missiles and were designed to project a mono-molecular field between them, working well as blades and also for gliding, extending the mech's leaps even further. Its limbs had been taken from one of the Vanguard's summoned guardians once its spirit returned to its own plain. The massive celestial lion's clawed, powerful limbs served the Lillith well, able to run at speeds over one hundred miles per hour, and provided the housing for monomolecular claws. A fearsome three-headed canine had provided a portion of the upper chest and shoulders, with the canine's destroyed heads replaced by those of saber-toothed lion demons, enchanted to become larger than they got normally. The Lillith was a mix of feline grace, draconic power, reptilian fluidity, and a prime example of the sheer force that the largest demons could provide. Atop the hardened demonhide had been placed shaped plates of armor, interlocking and rooted deep in adamantine bones; not quite as sturdy as Delilah's, but the magical alloy was far easier to produce. Adding to the demon's armament were a pair of 50 caliber guns mounted on the tail, along with a camera for vision on all sides, also allowing for precision targeting. Flamethrowers had been mounted in the mouths of each head, and laser cannons adorned its shoulders. The creature's primary weapons, however, were the twin 30mm cannons that Delilah herself had once carried into battle. These, however, were not the breech-loaders she had used for most of her career, but the automatic fire cannons she had used a handful of times when things were truly dire. Still, they were weapons she had been familiar with and knew how to aim. The bunker's roof had retracted just enough to allow the Lillith to leap out into the open air, its red hide, black armor, and golden armaments gleaming beneath the wasteland sun. It spun on its haunches, launching from the rocky outcropping to where a monstrous giant, flames writhing about its body, raised a sword, beckoning the horde of lesser demons onward. Seeking to take the Vanguard complex, to feast on the flesh of those inside, it led them to corrupt any it could find within to bolster the numbers of brood-creatures back at the hive. Small arms fire and the occasional laser blast held the smaller members of the demonic army at bay, creating piles of bodies that defined the edge of the battlefield. The soulstones of weaker demons were fragile; an impact to their center of mass would send ripples through the barely held together slime that comprised their physical bodies. Delilah didn't worry about them; it was the second wave of larger demons that would actually be dangerous. The Lillith spread its wings, firing off its cache of missiles. They streaked towards the lines where the demons were held in reserve, impacting within their ranks, sending demon blood and chunks splattering over a wide area from the concussive force. The twin miniguns upon the deimomech's tail whirred as the barrels began to spin, shortly followed by the stuttering sound of perfectly controlled fire. Each demon in sight got three hollow tipped bullets, one in the head, two in the chest. It would either destroy their soulstones, or force them to spend several minutes regenerating from just a single limb. Delilah pounced, firing up the jet engines that propelled the mech at incredible speeds, though just for a moment, allowing her to further accelerate her pounce, slamming into the third line of demons. The mech tilted its wings, spinning sideways in the air, the centripetal force spinning the long, heavy tail at incredible forces. The serrated scutes on the sides cut a vicious swath through the demonic army. Now came the dangerous part. Able to see through the smoke and dust her attacks had caused, Delilah opened fire with the 30mm cannons, crippling the 39 elite soldiers that stood before the 13 commanders who surrounded the demonic general. The local hive always sent the same number of officers, the only thing that changed was the growing tides of the lesser demons that came with each assault. The Fire Hills Hive had stripped the area bare of settlements, all the people living in a 5 mile radius of the hive had been driven off, killed, converted, or sent into hiding at any one of a dozen Vanguard outposts. There were just too many for an assault upon the demon stronghold. Lesser Fire Hills demons were little more than beasts, no sentience to them, they flung themselves forward in suicidal charges that choked the hallways, trapping Vanguard warriors within. Even with the power the Lillith sported, it could not level mountains. The volley of explosive shells had taken down most of the elites and a few of the commanders. The Lillith's three heads roared and unleashed thick clouds of blue-green flame. Though demons were resistant to fire, for the most part, adding blessed copper salts to the fuel mixture completely nullified the effect. Demons were strong, smart, and numerous, though an individual demon or demon type was almost always a matter of two out of three. The Fire Hills Hive were as dumb as bricks. They had one strategy, swarming, and if that didn't work, they merely waited to replenish their numbers and attacked in the same fashion. They seemed entirely set in their ways, thinking of weapons of war as swords and longbows, rather than long range artillery, plasma and laser weapons, and a giant cybernetic demon that dwarfed all but their largest creatures. Even the demon general was a lightweight compared to the Lillith, while the giant stood half again as tall as the mech, the Lillith's longer body made it a great deal bigger. The giant demon roared in anger, charging forward with its flaming sword held high. Delilah fired three bursts of 30mm shells, head, heart, and groin. The pained demon slumped over, its charge halted while Delilah dealt with its guardians. The Lillith's wings flared, glowing softly as the monomolecular fields turned back on. Tail and claws lashing out, three saber-fanged mouths, wings with a blade the width of an atom, all lashing out and tearing apart the demons. As the giant rose, the Lillith pounced, digging the claws of its forelegs into the creature's thick hide, the powerful bites of three head clamping down on chest, neck, and shoulder, the forces literally tearing the demon in half. Soaked in red-orange blood, the Lillith threw its heads back and roared in triumph, tail lashing out to strike smaller demons as they fled. Take out the biggest demon, and you ended the siege. With something the size of the Lillith able to bypass having to slog through the lesser hordes, it was much easier to take out the big nasty. -o- Delilah felt incredible, so wondrously alive as she relished her victory. She loved the sensations of the Lillith's body. It was huge and heavy, but it was supposed to be, Delilah, on the other hand, was heavy, but not huge, an incredible amount of weight packed onto a comparatively small frame. It felt so much more natural to be inside the deimomech than walking around on her own, and the thought sort of frightened her. She was perfectly capable of residing within the mech forever, she needed nothing save for the energies that were already provided within her. Delilah was the Lillith's brain and she increasingly felt like it. Each time she parted from the deimomech, she felt more and more lost, like parts of her were missing, and phantom tickles abounded in their absence. The mech darted off, running a scouting perimeter, to assure that a second army was not hiding out somewhere. After fifteen minutes the only magical energies she found were the usual scavenging, magically mutated creatures that always roamed the wastes, and the individual demons returning to their nest. The Lillith let out a disgusted snort and slowly made its way back to the bunker. Delilah had nothing more to do for the day, as her cybernetic students would all be required on the walls, just in case of another demonic attack. The draconic feline mech slunk back into the bunker, curling up as it had before at its place just before the locker room. Delilah let out a soft sigh as the interface connecting her to the great creature withdrew. The pilot chamber was drained of fluid, leaving the cyborg to climb out. No one would see the demonic markings upon her body, thankfully. The pink-purple substance was mostly opaque, and would cover her body quite well. The staff had also quickly learned not to gawk, stare, or even look in the general direction of Delilah, as that could be interpreted as gawking or staring. She had made quite clear early on that such behavior would be rewarded by and expertly flung ball of slime to the face. It took Delilah a good ten minutes to wash it off her body; she could only imagine how long it would take someone who couldn't stand the two hundred degree, high pressure spray that she underwent. Though the most time consuming part was working it out of her hair. Delilah let herself drift off, relaxing under the hot spray. The near boiling water wasn't even close to the temperature needed to actually cause slight discomfort. Though she would prefer something a few hundred degrees warmer, hot water was the easiest thing available. She just concentrated on the warm water, the relaxing spatter against her bare skin. She remained there for quite some time, not wanting to check her internal chronometer. But her shower came to an end when she heard a soft mewing sound. Delilah turned off the spray, listening for the sound again, wanting to follow it back to its source. Someone's cat had probably gotten lost, or a stray wandered in from the wastes. "Here kitty," Delilah called, "Here kitty, kitty, are you lost?" She continued to look for the sound, rather puzzled as it didn't seem to change in volume and she couldn't pinpoint which direction it came from. It was a soft, quiet cry, like a kitten looking for its mother. The cyborg looked all around the locker room for the cat, but found herself unable to find it with her normal senses. She sighed and activated her cybernetic sensors and monitoring gear. The soft mewl came again, but her audio receptors picked up nothing. She wasn't hearing the sound. It bypassed her ears, appearing somehow within her head. Delilah could feel a faint presence, an echo of something familiar. She pulled on one of the loose sleeves bathrobes provided for her and stepped out into the bunker. She'd been in the locker room for hours, the lights were all off, the techs gone to bed for the night. It wasn't a good idea to work with demonic magics during the night time, things tended to be a bit more random when darkness reigned. Delilah stepped through the curtain and was immediately pressed against the wall by an unknown attacker. Likely a slime demon, it was massive, heavy, and wet and... The soft mews had been replaced by a gentle purr; a massive snout nuzzled Delilah ever so gently. The remote control module, it must've been installed within the Lillith while she was in the shower. Delilah mentally followed the sound, felt the familiar sense of the deimomech, though dulled, and there was something new. The Lillith had emotions, feelings; it had been frightened, unable to move, unable to see, crying out for the creature it thought of as its mother. Or perhaps the feelings had always been there, and it had never been able to communicate them. Drawing upon what little she recalled of her paladin training, she probed the creature's mind and spirit as best she could. It was soft, warm, welcoming, letting Delilah explore freely. There was nothing dark or sinister within the creature, mentally it was nothing more than a kitten, a kitten that thought of her as its mommy. Delilah patted the three massive snouts before her, climbing up atop the central one and taking a seat upon the Lillith's central neck, rubbing the feline behind the ears, making the creature's purr grow louder. "I'm sorry..." she whispered, hugging the giant beast, "I didn't know." One of the heads turned, its rough, feline tongue sliding over Delilah's entire body. It gently plucked her from the other neck, placing her between its forepaws. The mech curled around her in it normal shutdown position. "Okay," she said softly, "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." The mech rumbled softly, a physical purr rather than a mental one. Delilah envisioned the creature as a tiny kitten in her arms, running her fingertips over its heads and back, rubbing between its wings. She remained with the mech curled around her for quite some time before she felt its senses go offline, its systems shutting down as it went into a slumber. The remote link meant that it couldn't turn itself on, but either a diagnostic program to confirm it worked had activated the Lillith during installation, or Delilah herself had subconsciously activated the creature. She slowly climb from the deimomech's clutches and returned to her room, positioning the scraps over her robe to cover herself so that the markings upon her body didn't show. Few people were up and about at this late hour, especially along the route Delilah took back to her room, the same way she had come up. She knew now that she wouldn't leave, she had piloted the Lillith for months now, it had bonded with her. Giving the mech to another pilot would be abandoning the creature. Likely it wouldn't understand. Delilah had only just locked the door when the strange sensations started. Caresses upon her back and shoulder that made her gasp, the sensations like that of a deep, wonderful massage, the kind that had been impossible to get since her transformation. She felt three rough tongues licking at her neck, apparently the connection worked both ways. She could manipulate the Lillith's senses, and the deimomech could do the same with her own. Delilah could turn off the link, let the mech sleep, and then sleep as well. But the intense, pleasurable sensation at the delicious backrub felt too nice to banish. The cyborg tossed aside her ragged robe and lay down upon the bed, letting the overgrown kitten work her sensory data. It worked out all the tension in her metallic muscles, which gave off soft pops as stiff knots finally gave way. It worked over her body, easing the tension that had built up within Delilah over the years, she let out soft moans as the demon mentally rubbed and caressed her. Delilah's eyes widened at a sudden realization. If it were merely sensory over-ride the knots wouldn't be actually working themselves out of her muscles. She rolled onto her back and reached out, finding some faint resistance to the air. There was a soft shimmer, and a faintly translucent image of the Lillith could be seen, about the size of Delilah herself. This image of the deimomech was bereft of armor and mechanical additions. The proportions were a little different as well; the heads and paws looked a bit bigger, those of a creature in its youth, close to adulthood but not quite there yet. It was an astral form; the Lillith showing it was a being able to part the soul from the body. With training, some people could learn to do it, but as a demon was little more than matter shaped according to the power of the soul, Delilah had only heard of rare attacks by intangible demons. "Ok," she said, petting the barely visible creature, "You can stay, just don't make an... mmm...." The demon had settled down atop Delilah, licking at her breasts with its three tongues. "No!" she scolded, breaking herself out of her momentary lapse, "Don't do... oooh..." the three headed beast had taken a nipple into each of its three mouths and began to suckle. "That's not... not..." Delilah protested, "It's not right!" But it felt oh so good. "H-have you been doing this when I was linked up with you?" Delilah asked, the beast gave her no reply, but she knew that must be the case. The Lillith had indeed claimed her belly and breasts as its own property. But that would mean... Delilah let out a soft moan as something penetrated her, deliciously warm and solid despite the creature's ethereal nature. To call the deimomech the Lillith seemed wrong to Delilah now, it wasn't a tank or a ship to be piloted, but a living, thinking, feeling creature. Lillith wasn't its designation, but its name. A part of Delilah protested, screaming to the cyborg that she was being raped by a demon in her own bed. That part was beaten, bound, and stuffed into a closet by the tag team of Delilah's sexual frustration and her lust. It wasn't rape when your body and spirit had longed for such a thing for years, knowing that no mortal creature would ever be able to grant this pleasure. And Delilah greatly preferred the gentle, playful Lillith to any of the other demons she had met, even the supposed angels summoned by some of the Vanguard Gauntlet. The demon's central head left her breast, and turned, planting a bestial kiss upon Delilah's lips, its forked tongue probing gently for entry. The warrior opened her lips, allowing the demon's tongue entrance, and she met it with her own. She wrapped her arms around the demon, pulling it tightly against her. Her eyes filled with tears, knowing what she was doing was wrong. She was willingly consorting with a demon. Even though it was a Vanguard creation, she should've fought Lillith off, reported the deimomech's abilities and behavior to her superiors. But she was just so lonely and Lillith loved her. The demon cared for her enough to do what it could to relieve her tension, to finally burst the building bubble of need that had been growing in Delilah for years. "I don't care if you corrupt me," she whispered, "I know you'd never do anything to hurt me." She wrapped her legs around Lillith's midsection, forcing the demon's cock as deep into her as it could go. "I'm yours," the cyborg said softly, "And you're mine." Delilah felt something give way inside her, a tired old barrier finally coming down, crashing to the ground. She cried out in shock and bliss, for her climax shortly followed the fall of the psychic wall within her. An incredible heat surged up within her, filling her womb and radiating outward from there. She knew what it was; she had seen the process occur in friends, family, and colleagues. She no longer had to fear becoming a demon, for in a few moments she would become one. And Delilah welcomed it.
Title: 10 Days in Hollywood: Day 03 Tags: facial, oral, anal \*\*DISCLAIMER\*\* Please note that this story is a 100% work for fiction and the characters are not reflective of their real life counterparts and are not endorsed. Any similarity to real life events are pure coincidental. At the end of day, this is a fictional fantasy story, nothing more. Enjoy! Light peeked through the curtains as I opened my eyes. I wasn't sure if it was the squelching noise that did it but I was awake now and completely unsure of the time. I extended my left arm out to touch the spot next to me but it was empty. Rubbing my eyes, I started to come to and I could feel the reason why I woke up. Her mouth felt incredibly warm on my cock and it was incredibly wet and well lubricated. Her tongue running up and down the side of my length as the head run along the top of her mouth. I grabbed the top of the sheet and threw it back, looking down at the top of the brunettes head as she went up and down my cock. Aware that she was no longer covered, Brie looked up at me with my cock in her mouth. It popped out of her mouth, hitting my stomach, as a smile grew across her face. "Good morning Richard. I thought you'd appreciate this kind of wake up. " "Oh, I really appreciate it. " Life is good. **10 days in Hollywood -- Day 3** **Starring Brie Larson, Alice Eve & Jessica Chastain** **Featuring Kirsten Dunst, Emma Stone, Elizabeth Olsen & Amy Adams** **MF, Oral, Anal, facial** Brie wriggled up my body, licking my chest on her the way, before kissing me on the lips. She grabbed my cock and slid it straight into her awaiting pussy, already wet from her excitement. As I entered her, Brie let out a little moan and the smile on her face grew bigger. Her warm pussy surrounded my cock as she leaned up on her arms and started to move over me allowing my cock to go in and out of her. Her hands had done a good job of exciting her as she was already quite wet and I brought my arms up to her breasts, flicking her nipples to excite her some more. She moaned at my touch as I rubbed my index and middle fingers over both nipples, grabbing them in between my fingers and pulling with a little force. "Oh yeah, that feels nice." She moaned as she increased the pace of swaying, her eyes closed. Pulling away from my fingers, Brie sat upright and bounced on my cock, wanting to get to her orgasm quickly. I took a moment to admire her body as I looked up at her, her pussy was glistening and her breasts looked incredibly pert. I watched them heave and jiggle as she bounced on top of me; they looked incredible. Brie grabbed my hands and forced them to her hips and I slipped them around to cup her arse. Her speed increased more as her moans turned into screams and I could feel her pussy tighten around my cock. She moved some hair out of her face, slightly out of breath from reaching her orgasm. I leaned up and took her face in my hands, bringing my lips to hers. My tongue force its way into her mouth and massaged hers passionately. She moaned into mouth as I kissed her, allowing me to spin around and push her back onto the bed. I looked down her in the eyes as I made one big thrust into her. She moaned as her orgasm was still fresh, my cock fully inside her giving her a new sensation. Grabbing her left leg, I brought it up over my shoulder and I placed some soft kisses on her muscular thigh. I thrust into her hard, pinning her shoulders to the bed, feeling the tightness increase with her leg held up. Leaning down, I pinned her shoulder down with her leg, the look of lust in her eyes increasing as I started to dominate her. Brie brought her arm around and scratched her nails down the length of my back before grabbing my arse. "Yeah, fuck me. Fuck me hard." She moaned as I thrust deeply into her. After a few more scratches on my back, I pulled my cock out of her. There was a look of disappointment in her eyes but I knew I wasn't going to cum in that position; she was too wet. I picked her up by the arm and threw her forward on the bed; she landed on all fours and knew exactly what I wanted. She lowered her front so her chest was flat on the bed, her hole begging me to be entered. I positioned myself directly behind her and plunged my cock straight into her pussy, the wetness allowing my full length to go straight in. Grabbing her hips, I pushed myself into her pussy hard and held onto her hips tightly. She had given up with the moaning and was screaming with pleasure as I fucked her pussy in complete contrast to what happened the night before. Letting go of one hip, I used my right hand to grab her hair and pulled it back, her eyes trying to peek over to lock them with me. She tried to say something between the moans and screams but failed, instead enjoying my thursting. My orgasm approached immediately and I shot cum directly into her pussy. I let go of her hair as I climaxed and held onto her hips tightly, intent on keeping us in the same position. I arched my head back as I tried to catch my breath. It seemed to last forever but I eventually pulled out and sat on the bed, my back against the headboard. Brie collapsed onto her stomach before rolling onto her side and looking at me with a smile on her face. I smiled back at her, feeling incredibly satisfied. "Now I thought you were a good gentle boy. That was not gentle..." "I guess you just brought it out of me. Sorry." I replied, a bead of sweat rolling down my face. "Do not apologise, that wasn't fantastic. You fucked the speech out of me at one point." She said laughing, "You want breakfast?" Then it hit me that I was supposed to be meeting Emilio. I looked over to the side to see my phone on the chair next to change of clothes Brie had provided me. Walking over, I picked it up to see that I have six missed calls and they were all from Emilio. "I'd love to but I got to go meet my guy, we have a meeting this afternoon about a possible project. " "Okay, well I certainly hope that I'm going to get to see you again before your wares are fully pimped out." "If I can fit you in, I would love to see you again." "Well you fit in me fine so I'm sure you'll be able to return the favour." She said with a devilish grin, I called Emilio to let him know where I was and he agreed to collect me. Brie got dressed into her gym kit as I spoke to him and went to make a coffee pot for us. The change of clothes she provided didn't fit perfectly but they were clean and didn't smell of sick so they had the advantage over the suit. Going downstairs, I joined Brie for the coffee and she told me all about the research she was doing in preparation for starring as Captain Marvel. It was really interesting to see how passionate she was about the project, more than you would expect from other blockbusters. She said it came from doing smaller types of films and how much you had to care about them to get them made in the first place. Bringing that sort of attitude to larger films is what ensured the soul would remain in them. Emilio arrived about half an hour later and we went our separate ways. She took my number and promised to text me when she saw the screener of my film. I was a bit excited to see what she would think of it as she seemed to have good taste. Emilio seemed just as impressed as I was with her and was flabbergasted when I told him of my experience with her. He congratulated me on the success rate I had since I'd arrived in LA but warned me to keep my business head on with the meeting we were heading to. Twenty minutes later, we were in the Grove to meet Amy's producing partner Brett. He appeared very friendly as he approached us, dressed in a dark blue shirt and a light green shirt, a bit of an outlandish combination in my opinion. "So how was the party last night? I hope you had a good time, I've been to those a few times." Brett said just after the waitress took our order. "Well it was quite eventful, more so than I expected." "Yeah, it's one of the wild ones. There are plenty more sedate ones out there so don't get too used to it!" he chuckled through his reply. "And Melissa, did you meet her?" "Um... yeah. She was..." I paused a moment to think of what to say. "Did Amy say she's going through a divorce?" "Yeah, she started it late last year. Why? What happened?" "Well she was incredibly drunk, like really far gone. When I arrived she was singing show tunes while wearing a cape. She sought me out later but before we had a change to properly talk, she was sick all over me." "Not the best first impression, huh?" Emilio interjected. "Oh my God! I'm so sorry Richard, we'll have a chat with her about it. " "Don't be too hard on her; I'm sure the embarrassment will be enough. " "Although she instigated it, she's not taking it too well. She is worried about what people will think of her, especially considering the leak from a few years ago." She was part of the Fappening leak in 2015, pictures she took with her husband of them having sex had been splashed and viewed by millions. She was just in the process of getting the Supergirl role so wasn't as affected as some of the bigger names. "I'll see if I can arrange something with her to give her the opportunity to apologise. I'm sure she'll make another impression on you, a better one this time." Brett advised. "Have you thought about Brie Larson in the role instead?" Brett laughed as I changed the subject slightly. "Yeah, she was who the character was based on but Marvel has her completely locked up. We'd have no chance." he replied. "Any is doing a reading for some supporting actresses in a few days. I checked with Emilio and he said you have the day free but can you come over? It would be great if you could join her and give your opinion." I looked at Emilio and he nodded. "Yeah I could do that. Send me the details over and I will be there." As we finished arranging it, the food arrived at our table and we tucked into eating. I learned the history of Amy and Brett's friendship as they started in the industry at the same time but on opposite sides of the camera. She had even joined him and his husband on their honeymoon cruise. The meeting went really well and it was agreed they would send the contract details to my management company for them to review and for me to sign when I returned to London. The meeting concluded after several hours of chat as we got to know each other better, laying a path to make the working relationship easier. We shook hands after the meal and agreed to keep in touch in case there was any change of plans. After they left the room, I waited a couple of minutes as Emilio went to pay the bill and we walked out into the sun light. There was nothing planned for the rest of the day so we took a walk around the Grove and Emilio gave me an insight into the people he's worked with. We were just entering a store when his phone rang and he had to take a call. I walked on into the store and looked through the available shirts when I noticed a blonde follow me in, seemingly checking me out. I couldn't see her face but she was wearing a short white dress and a pair of sandals on her feet, the straps going up her tanned legs. I was about the approach her when I saw Emilio walk into the store. "I'm really sorry man but my brother's been involved in a car accident. I've got to the hospital." "Oh jeez, don't apologise. Go on, I'll make my own way back to house. Let me know later how he is." He brought himself in before walking out of the store. I went back to the shirts and I noticed that the blonde had seemingly disappeared. I grabbed a couple of shirts from the rack and walked back to the changing area. There was no one admitting people so I walked into one of the stalls and stripped my top off. I grabbed one of the shirts and slid it on, fidgeting with the cut on my shoulders a little bit. There was no mirror in the stall so I walked out to the changing corridor where I noticed a full length mirror on my way in. Standing at the end of the corridor, in front of the mirror, was the blonde woman from earlier. I could tell it was the same person due to the strapping of the sandals; they snaked up her smooth calf muscles and stopped just short of her knee. The white dress was gone and she stood there clad only in a black thong, she had a nice rounded bubble butt, toned by the gym and squats. My view of the reflection of her breasts was blocked by her back but I could tell she was thin with an exquisite curve to her hips. I couldn't see her face as her head was turned to the side and only her nose snuck out from behind her hair. "This store was supposed to be closed for me this afternoon and me only." she said in a thick middle-class English accent. "But I saw you come in and I couldn't resist letting you stay. " The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. "And why would you let me stay?" "Because I've wanted to fuck you for years Richard and this seems like as good a place as anywhere." She bent down as she pulled the thong down her legs, showing good flexibility by keeping her legs straight. I watched her movement with eager eyes, the lips of her pussy peeking through her thigh gap. It looked smooth and tight from this angle. As she stood straight, she lifted her foot up and removed her thong from it. With a good aim, she threw it over her shoulder and into my waiting arms. "Put that in your pocket; consider it a trophy for your war chest." "I know you, don't I?" I asked, still unsure who it was. "Course you do darling," she said as she turned to face me. "You did go out with my friend." I had a look of disbelief as I saw Alice Eve standing naked in front of me. A few years ago, I had gone out with her friend Elizabeth for a few months and her friends disapproved of me, they were all upper class and a guy from the east end of London was not someone they should date. Eventually, they told her that I'd slept with Alice when we were working on a play together, which broke her heart and our relationship. I had tried to make her see the truth but they had set her mind completely against me and I couldn't salvage our relationship. I didn't know how much Alice had been involved in the break up but she had remained the focal point of my hate for these years. "And why should I want to come anywhere near you?" "Because look at me..." I did as she commanded and surveyed her body. The work in the gym had certainly paid off; her stomach was incredibly flat and quite toned from crunches with her abdominal muscles showing through in a feminine way. Her breasts had always been large, about a 32D I think, and they had a great shape to them because of the gym work, no sign of sag whatsoever. Looking down, her legs were long and toned with a nice tan on them and waxed completely smooth. Speaking of smooth, her pussy was completely free of hair and looked to be very neat, no labia showing through. "You've got me there." "Trust me, when everything went down with Elizabeth, I was conflicted and did tell her that I didn't do anything but she'd known that I wanted you. Why did you think they told her it was me who shagged you? There were plenty of others who were much sluttier than me. Also, she knew she what went on in the theatre and how all actresses are hussies." I laughed at her comment. "But I have a much more personal reason. " "Which is?" I asked as she started to stride towards me. "After you, she became a bit of a whore herself, fed up of being the good girl all the time. So she had a couple of affairs and then fucked my husband when we were at a party. She sucked his cock as I sat in the next room with her parents! So I vowed, if I got the opportunity, I'd suck you and fuck you and send her a picture of it to enjoy." I smiled as she stepped in front of me, her lips only inches from my own. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you made the leap across the Atlantic, you're too talented to stay with the London stage." "And your husband?" I asked "That guilty little shit? He knows the deal. In London, I'm the prim and proper obedient wife. Just as suited to someone of my station, like papa wants me to be." "And in Los Angeles?" "I'm whatever the fuck I want to be. " Alice leaned in and placed her lips on my own; her hands brought up and gently rested on my chest. "Why would I want to be a part of your revenge plot?" I asked "Because she wasn't the only heartbroken one? Because I'm fucking gorgeous and standing naked in front of you with perfect breasts? Because you're bored? I honestly couldn't give a shit!" I was taken slightly aback by how crude and forthright she was being. "I've known you five years and in that entire time, I've wanted to fuck you. You've got a nice cock and you know how to pleasure a woman, I've literally heard the orgasm. Unless of course you're no longer the Richard Cole I know and you're just some Hollywood hipster pussy now." I had to give it to her; she knew how to rile me up. She brought her mouth close to mine and licked my lips, her tongue tapping my nose as he pulled away. I looked at her with a ton of hate in my eyes, the girl was an utter bitch but she was completely right and her body looked too amazing to turn down. "Get your phone then." She turned heel and walked to the end booth. Leaning it to grab her phone, I took the opportunity to look at the side view of her body. She was very lithe and breasts and bum appeared large in comparison to the rest of her body. After picking the phone up, she walked back to me and started to lean in and kiss me but I stopped her with a hand to her shoulder. I grabbed the phone and scrolled through the options to access her album. It was full of selfies and some group shots of her friends. I was disappointed there were no nudes but came to the conclusion she was much more careful than that. "If we're doing this; we'll do it my way. On your knees slut!" I commanded. Alice did as commanded and looked up at me with willing eyes. I took the phone and snapped a photo of her face. She couldn't help but hold a pose and let out a little giggle as I started to snap. She stopped as she saw the serious look on my face though. "Get on with it then and we'll see if you earn the right to have my cock in you!" Alice took the hint and undid my belt, even on her knees she was at a good height. She pulled it from the jeans and threw it into the changing room next to us. Slowly, she undid the buttons on the jeans without breaking eye contact. I'd switched over from the camera to the video and hit the record button; she was a natural looking down the lens. I decided to have a little fun. "So who are we dedicating this video to?" Her eyes looked a little bit shocked but she eased into it. She lowered the jeans and my boxer shorts, allowing my already hard cock to hit her in the face. She nuzzled it while giggling before grabbing hold with her right hand. Placing a kiss on the head as she pulled the foreskin back, her eyes returned to the camera. She took the head of the cock into her mouth and swirled her tongue around. Alice's eyes rolled up to show her enjoyment and made a muffled sound. She took my cock out and held it close by. "You may not have understood but I said this is dedicated to Slutty Lizzy Grantham." Alice immediately returned my cock into her mouth and started to suck up and down it. Her mouth wasn't the biggest so only managed to get half of it down before my cock hit the back of her throat. She kept her gaze on the camera as her mouth went up and down my cock, her left hand reaching around and gripping my arse cheek. A lot of saliva worked up in her mouth and she spat some on my cock after pulling it out of her mouth and pumped it with her right hand. "God this cock tastes nice Richard. Can't believe Lizzie gave it up." Alice was about to put my cock back into her mouth but stopped as the head reached her lips. She winked at me before dropping her head down and running her tongue along my balls, licking all around. I kept them shaved for just this purpose and she took each ball into her mouth and sucked on them. "God this feels good." I moaned as she hungrily sucked on my balls. "My pussy is drenched; I can't wait for you to get in there!" "Well stand up and I will." Alice jumped up from her knees and wrapped her arms around me. Overcome with lust, she forced her tongue into my mouth and wriggled it around ferociously; I struggled to keep her phone in my hand and dropped it onto the floor. I lifted her up in my arms and took her right nipple into my mouth, sucking on it hard. She moaned as I played with her sensitive nipple; wrapping her legs around me and grinding her pussy into my abdomen. I gripped her arse hard as I swapped between her nipples, sucking and biting them in turn. "Christ, I need that cock in me." I lowered her to the floor and kissed her lips, holding in her head in place as our passion was inflamed even more. As I let her go, Alice bit her lip and looked around the area. She turned around and walked to the mirror and before rounding the corner. I followed in her footsteps while stroking my penis to ensure its hardness, feeling her pussy juices on my cock. As I turned the corner; I was greeted by the sight of Alice on her side, laying on a leather sofa, her legs spread and fingers teasing her clit. "You better get here before I finish myself off." Following her instructions, I immediately put my knees on the leather and moved my cock to her entrance. I smiled as I slowly slid my cock into her awaiting pussy, sliding in easily due to the wetness. I started to thrust into her tightness when I remembered to use the camera in my hand. I turned on the video and filmed her body as my cock into her pussy, her legs wrapping around my hip. "Tell the camera how much you love my cock!" "Oh my god.... So much.... So good." Alice said in between moans. "Can you imagine anyone giving it up?" "Lord no, stupid bitch!" I chuckled to myself as she let it out the insult, knowing how much she was loving my cock in her. I reach beck my hand and slapped her arse hard, timing it to hit as my cock reached full length inside of her. "Harder! Make me cum!" Alice screamed. I followed her instructions and continued to spank her arse as I thrust into her harder. Her body started to shake as she started to climax so I continued to thrust inside of her. I reached my hand again and gave her arse the hardest slap. "Oh my God, yes! I'm cumming! Ooohh!" Alice's body fell limp as she enjoyed her orgasm and I slowed my thrusting. I looked over her naked body as she laid there still for a moment, her eyes closed and her hands gently rubbing her breasts. "You ready for the money shot?" I asked. Meekly, Alice nodded her head and slid down onto the floor, moving to the front of me on her knees. I moved to sit down on the sofa as Alice grabbed my penis and moved it to her mouth. Stopping her hand, I shook my head and pointed at her breasts. She knew exactly what I wanted and, as I turned the video recorder back on, Alice placed my cock between her pert breasts and started to move it in between her. Alice was looking down at her breasts as she pumped hard, a little bit of pre-cum seeping out. "I'm going to cover you like Lizzie wanted but never got!" She looked at me with a smile as she increased the pace of the pumping with her breasts. She lowered he head just as my cum started to spurt out hard, covering her. Like a trooper, she carried on pumping allowing all my cum to spray over her face, neck and chest. To my surprise, she rubbed my penis over her nipple, depositing the last of the cum on it. As the camera rolled, she lifted the breast to her mouth and sucked the cum off of her nipple. "That was lovely, thank you Richard." Alice said to the camera and finishing off with a wink. I put the phone to the side and leaned back against the wall, Alice already getting off her feet and walking into a cubicle to retrieve her dress. She returned to me with her dress and bra back on but was clearly not wearing the thong as it was will in the pocket of my trousers. "Thank you Richard, I enjoyed that revenge fuck and you were really good. I may approach you again for a normal fuck, maybe pass your name around the girls. You'll get to shag the whole crew then." She leaned in and kissed me on the lips, cum still on her face, and massaged her tongue on mine. I felt her grab the phone as she stood back up. "I'm going to go out the back exit, more private that way. You leave by the front in five minutes; the manager is across the road so she'll come back over when she sees you leave." She walked out toward the shop floor without saying as much as a good bye. I let out a sigh of relief after what had just happened and smiled at my experience. After a couple of minutes, I realised the stupidity of me sitting in a changing room semi-naked and I got up to put my clothes back on. I left the shirts I was trying in the changing area and headed to the front of the store. I decided to walk around the Grove for a bit to get comfortable in the city a bit more; I imagined I would be spending more time here if the deal to direct Amy's film went through. I browsed in a few of the clothing stores and the Apple shop; buying several new tops and an Apple watch to take back home before popping into an artisan coffee shop. I realised that I hadn't checked my phone all day so decided to scroll through it while drinking my latte. There were two voice mails and a text message waiting for me after I turned it on. The text was from Emilio to inform me that his brother was okay but being kept in for observation. It was unlikely he would be with me tomorrow so would e-mail my inventory later on in the day. I clicked onto my voice mail and listened to both of the messages. "Richard, this is Amy. I've spoken to Brett and he told me all about last night. I'm really sorry about what happened with Mel. I'm having dinner with her tomorrow so I'll speak to her then about it. I know she's having a hard time but that amount of drinking in a public party will do her no good, she'll get a reputation. I'll see you in a couple of days for the tests." I clicked onto message two. "Hi, I hope this is Richard Cole. My name's Kirsten Dunst and I am an actress. I've heard you're in town and that you may have a new project. I'm looking to make some sort of come back and would be really interested in meeting you. My number is 874-698-144; hope to hear from you. " The second message was certainly a turn up for the books. I'd had a crush on Kirsten since I first saw her in 'Bring It On!' and she'd aged very well, though I hadn't seen her in anything since 'Batchelorette'. I made a mental note to get the rest of my week planned so I could try and fit her in, maybe get a bit more than just a lunch meeting. I must have gone into a bit of a day dream because, when I came to, there was a red head standing over me. I recognised her instantly as Emma Stone, the star of 'La La Land' that everyone was excited about at the moment. She smiled at me before sitting in the seat opposite me. "Hi, I hope you don't mind me bothering you. I'm Emma. You're Richard Cole, right?" She said as she extended her hand. I took her hand and shook it with a smile on my face. "That is me and there's no need to introduce yourself, I know who you are. I'm a big fan of your work. Easy A is a masterpiece. I'm surprised you know who I am though. " "Well it was my friend who recognised you," she said nodding to a brunette in the corner. "But once she did; I had to come and say hello." "Oh thank you. Your friend looks familiar too, is she famous?" "Yeah; her name's Elizabeth Olsen. She wanted to come over but she's on the phone with her ex, they're going through custody issues over a dog." "Well then let's hope that doesn't get messy." "No. Well anyway, I just had to say I really liked 'Dandelion'. I thought it was really romantic and a good departure from your stage work." "You know my stage stuff?" I asked This surprised me as I had written a few plays but they'd only been performed at a few small theatres in the UK. It would be the equivalent of 'off off Broadway' and had been limited to a few hundred people for each play. "Well I was filming in London and caught one during one of my days off. I was a lot less famous then so it was easier to go incognito. A friend has seen all of them so she arranged for videos of yours and a few other people's plays to head my way." "Thank you, I'm glad you've enjoyed them. A few were quite personal but I'm glad others appreciate them." "I don't mean to pry but did you do any of the sex stuff? I mean it can be a bit full on if you're a prude?" My mind wandered as the film had three sex scenes and my experience with Amy called back to two of them. "A couple yeah, others are from what my friends have had. I mean, sex is a part of life, there's no reason to be afraid or hide from it. Nothing the body does naturally should be taboo." "Even the orgy?" she blurted out before going slightly red. "Well I've never been involved in an orgy but never say never." I was wondering where this would be going when Elizabeth called over to Emma, indicating the time and that they had to leave. "Oh, I'm sorry, we have to run. There's a concert tonight and it's a while away so we've got to head off. I'll see you around." I nodded to her and said goodbye as she left. I took the opportunity to look at her as she did and was surprised that she had a bit of an arse on her. She always seemed tall and thin so a nice feature like that was appreciated. After they left, I finished my latte and checked the time. It was starting to get on in the afternoon so I decided to head back to the condo for an early night and to write some pointers on the script Amy had sent me. After picking up an Uber, the drive back to the condo went quickly as the traffic wasn't too bad. The forty five minutes in the car gave me the opportunity to read through some business e-mails and the itinerary from Emilio. Luckily he'd decided to give me a day by day play for the next week. Tomorrow seemed a fairly easy day with a viewing of a film by Spanish director Diego Mendes. There were numerous parallels between us so it would be interesting to see what he was bringing to the table. The next day would be free for some writing, while there were also interviews and a couple of parties to attend in the next week. I was delighted to see that what my management company classed as a work trip seemingly mounted to attending a few lunches, parties and the occasional interview. For someone who had grinded at his job for 10 years, this was the least taxing working fortnight in my life. I arrived back just after 6 o'clock and was ready for a night of script reading but I noticed that the lights were on. I shrugged it off as Emilio probably left them on when he came to meet me this morning. I walked into the house and there was some R'n'B music playing throughout the house. I knew there was a sound system but I hadn't had the opportunity to play with it, the sound was crisp and volume even as I walked through into the lounge. There was I was greeted with the back of a red headed woman. She wore a long see-through robe with a white bra, a matching lace thong and suspenders visible underneath. She was swaying to the music and appeared to have a glass of wine in her hand. I coughed softly to get her attention and she turned around to look at me. "You appear to be your underwear in my house." "Yours? I thought you were just renting." "Well technically leasing for the week. But still the point stands." "Lucky I've already poured you a glass then." The red head walked to the kitchen and grabbed the second glass of wine from the side. She turned around and I noticed the heels that she wore weren't the tallest but they accentuated her legs, making her seem much taller than she was. She walked over to me with confidence and her thin body suited the underwear, her flat stomach exposed by the robe. She handed me the glass, her fingers lingering on my hand as I took it. "This isn't going to knock me out cold, is it?" "No of course not, I need you awake for what I have planned. I'm Jessica." "I know who you are. I actually met a co-star of yours earlier; Emma Stone." "Ah, she's a sweet kid. Bit easy to intimidate with sexuality though. I'm sensing you're not intimidated though." "What makes you think that?" I asked as she leaned on the edge of the sofa. "You're not blushing and you haven't once looked at my tits. " "Maybe I'm arse man!" I said with a smile. Jessica nodded her head and immediately turned around. She removed the gown leaving her in the underwear only and bent over the arm of the sofa. I approached her and ran my hand down her back. She shivered at my light touch as I followed her spine down to her arse. I looked at the underwear and saw the thong was over the suspenders, allowing it to be removed while keeping the suspenders in place. I reached my hand over the right cheek and could feel the firmness. She was a few years younger than Amy but her arse was similarly toned. I gave it a slap and she let out a little yelp as my hand contacted her cheek. "That's got a nice feel to it." "A vegan diet and plenty of squats; the perfect combo for a firm ass and soft skin." "And why do I get this opportunity?" I asked as I slid my top off. Jessica went to stand back up but I placed a firm hand on her back, keeping her in the position. "I've had two Oscar nominations and didn't win either. I need that gold in my life. I've known some directors but I think you're the one to get me over the line." "You could audition like everyone else!" I stated as I kicked off my shoes and socks. "I have enough talent to do that but so do many others. I'm fed up of losing out the action roles to Emily Blunt, the quirky indie roles to Zooey Deschanel or Bryce Dallas Howard and comedy to Emma Stone!" I undid my jeans as she looked back, licking her lips at the obvious bulge. "So what makes you so special? Why shouldn't I try and fuck them?" "Blunt is always away filming, Zooey wouldn't cheat on her husband, you're not Bryce's type and Emma is frigid." I slide my boxer shorts down and stood there naked in front of her, my penis standing in full size pointing at her "And I'll let you fuck my ass." Jessica licked her lips again as I approached her and gave her other cheek a hard slap. My cock rubbed against her pussy through the material and I could feel the wetness, excitement exuding from her entire being. Aware of the red mark on her arse, I reached my fingers over and, with a very light touch, slid my fingers over back, feeling slight goose pimples appear at my touch. Jessica let out a little moan as the head of my cock rested at her slit, only the lacy material of her thong stopping it from entering her. She reached around and undid her bra, slipping if off of her shoulders and throwing it to the side. She rested her head on the cushion, her eyes seeking me out as I continued to rub back. I noticed the mirror at the end of room and watched her face as I teased her more. I always thought she had quite hard features but the face looked incredibly soft as she felt the pleasure of my teasing. I decided to take control a little more by grabbing the robe and removing the material used to tie it. I grabbed Jessica's hands behind the back and tied them in place; loose enough for her to move them but tight enough to ensure they'd stay behind her. "I haven't been with someone this forceful for a while." She said to me, facing me via the mirror. "Well maybe you need to be dominated a bit more. This isn't going to guarantee you a place in my films..." "I only need to guarantee your cock in me for now." She said cutting me off. I reached my hand down and moved her thong to the side. Running my hand along her pussy, I could feel she was very wet and ready for my cock to be inside her. Her pussy was smooth except for a small bit of hair on the top, similar to how Amy was. Maybe all Hollywood red heads are the same, a show of pride for their hair colour. "Give it to me!" she exclaimed as my fingers came into contact with her now exposed clit. I stepped forward slightly and pushed my cock into her, half way at first but I was able to fully slide myself in with a few thrusts. I looked into the mirror to see Jessica had closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of my full length in her pussy. The tightness made it obvious that she didn't do this sort of thig regularly so maybe I could count myself lucky. Taking note of the comment she had made earlier, I licked the fingers that had teased her pussy just before my cock had gone in to make them wet. I could taste her sweet juices and considered stopping for a moment to taste her pussy. I'd already slept with two girls today without going down on either of them but one look at her face in the mirror and I could tell that would be a mistake. Jessica's eyes were closed and her face was a mask of pleasure, need the refreshment that only an orgasm could bring. Instead I moved the thong further to the side and teased her arsehole with my thumb. I continued to thrust into her to heighten the pleasure but she still let out a yelp of pain when I slipped my first finger in. "Should I stop?" "No!" she said in between moans. "But I want to cum before you go in there." I took her words seriously and increased the pace of my thrusting, the occasional slap to her arse cheeks as I did so. I kept looking at Jessica's face and her eyes remained closed as I pushed into her hard, her mouth open and moaning all the way through. I could feel the pace increase as she started to push back hard in time with my thrusting, the sofa rocking with our movements. "Yes, just there! Oh my God!" she exclaimed in between the moans. Deciding her pushing back would be more than what was required, I concentrated on her arse. My finger was starting to go in and out fairly easily so I decided to push on. Spitting some saliva down for extra lubricant, I gently moved my middle finger in to join the index and moved the two in motion as Jessica pushed back more, the occasional grunt joining her moans as she became more animalistic. Her hands fidgeted with the lace as the pleasure took over so I reached over and grabbed a load of hair. As her hair was pulled back, Jessica opened her eyes to look at me, a deviant smile on her lips. I pushed further in to her arsehole, a third finger joining in, and Jessica licked her lips as she got closer to her orgasm. I let her hair go and pushed her back to the sofa, my hand grabbing her hip and giving it a squeeze. Finally, after a few more thrusts, Jessica screamed loudly as her orgasm took over. "Oh shit! That's so good, just there. Hold it!" I held the position allowing her to go through the motions of the orgasm. Her body started to relax as her orgasm subsided but I wasn't ready to finish just yet. I undid the lace from her hands and she immediately drew them underneath her body. I couldn't see her face but I could tell she was smiling with the afterglow. I withdrew my hard cock from her pussy and primed it with her juices. Instinctively, Jessica spread her legs wider before bringing her arms around and spreading her cheeks. I took my fingers and slowly inserted my cock into her arse, taking it slowly at first. Her face contorted to show she was uncomfortable to start with but that soon changed as I thrust slowly and she got used to it being there. "You finish yourself good in there." She said she removed her hands from her arse. "I will, you're gonna be filled up." "Good, I can't wait to feel that warm spunk in me." Jessica raised herself up as she leaned on her hands so she was in a better position and I started thrust into her harder. The tightness of her pussy was nothing in comparison to her arse and I could feel her muscles pushing down hard on me, the friction causing pleasure with every thrust. I gripped onto her arse cheeks as I pushed further in, Jessica looking at me through her the ginger hair as I did so. "Mmm," she moaned as I pushed into her hard. I became aware as to why when I saw her lift her index finger to her mouth and starting to suck on it. He tongue entwined her finger as she moaned through the sucking. "God I taste so nice after an orgasm. I better get you to lick my pussy next time." "Next time?" I asked "Cast me in something and you can have any which way, any time." I smiled at the thought of that and I could feel myself getting closer. I gripped onto her hips and rapidly increased my thrusting into her; I wanted to fill her arse fully, shooting my entire load into her. I reached my hand back and gave it another hard slap. I could my balls tighten and I leaned my head back as I came insider her, thrusting through the entire spurt and only stopping when the cum stopped. I pulled out of her and gave her arse another little slap before walking back to the wine glass and drinking it down. As I finished the drink, I watched Jessica walk towards me completely naked. The ginger pubic hair was very neatly trimmed and her breasts were fairly small but nice and pert. It was great to finally get a look at her glorious body. "Now that was a fantastic fuck. Looks like directing isn't the only thing you're good at." "Thank you, I do try my best. Would you like more wine and stay for some food? Maybe we can discuss some project ideas." Jessica smiled at the proposition and leant on the side of the kitchen island. "That sounds like a lovely idea. "
Title: Beyond the De Sade by Kalan Tags: Birth, Bondage, Deep Penetration, Dragon, Fear, Horse, Human, Impregnation, M/F, Master/Slave, Non-Anthro, Oviposition, Semi-NC, Transformation The De Sade's lights flared against the darkness like a beacon. The gangs that had once claimed the area around it as their home no longer came within its bounds. It wasn't simply the police presence, that had started to patrol more heavily around the area of the anthro run club, that kept them away. It was the force that had been built up within the walls of the building. The reclusive anthros policed themselves and word went out that the punishment for bringing pain or bloodshed were something no thug wanted to risk. It was strange to most of the world that the anthro's had taken over the small slice of a town with so much force that even the police considered them a threat. Most of the world considered them pests at the most. But small pockets had started to come to life with what could be considered small militias that could keep things safe. The human police knew something was wrong. They knew it the moment there had been several people that had gone missing. Most of them seemed to have reasonable explanations, but they all had one thing in common. They came to the De Sade. The owner was quite contrite and submissive when they came in. The horse lowered his eyes and said how sorrow he was that it had happened, but he had no knowledge. He couldn't keep track of the humans that sought out his club to dance at or even to be dominated at. After all, it wasn't illegal to tie someone up and flog them, it wasn't even illegal to have sex with them as long as it was consensual and no one paid for it. They had nothing that they could charge him on, so in the end they were left keeping a sharper eye on them. The politicians and preachers were enjoying the unrest in their city. They enjoyed the fact that they were calling out that the anthros were getting ready to wage a war. A war in which mankind would be defeated and they would be left to rule the world in sin and vice. The politicians encouraged the fear that would let them amend bills that would ensure that none of the anthros could be allowed to vote. Couldn't be allowed to have any rights that would put them on the same level as the humans. If the furries knew about it, they didn't give any indication. Most of the world only saw the harmless faces and quiet personalities that offered relief to those that glanced at them. Others knew better, others knew what they hid beneath the surface. Alex knew. Alex knew intimately. She knew every dirty secret they held, every meeting that went on behind closed doors, and every leader that had been scattered across the nation in places designed to deal a firm blow against the ones that held them at bay. She knew, but her lips were silent. It was her master's wish that they remain sealed and she could no more go against Llewellyn then she could stop breathing. The mare was an intimate to anthro's that were hidden from the rest of the world. They were kept a secret because many wouldn't believe they existed and if they did, they would see the danger. She felt honored to be in that position, but it was an honor that came with a tremor of fear. A remembered terror of being human and all that it meant. "You grow quiet, my dear." Llewellyn murmured from his desk and glanced up from where he was thumbing through various print outs that had been delivered to him earlier in the evening. Alex blinked up and looked past the slender sweep of her midnight black muzzle and focused up at her master. She straightened up from where she lay coiled against the desk, nearly against his legs. Her body barely covered in a slip of silk that spilled along her hips. A silver plated halter hung from her head and jingled slightly as she lifted it up so it was held at attention. "I have nothing to say, Master. You are working and I must be silent while you work." She murmured softly and was rewarded with a snort of amusement. The white stallion leaned down and brushed his hand along the curve of her cheek. "Ah my dear, it will take me another life time to find another such as you." Llewellyn leaned backwards and traced his finger beneath her jaw line. "But I think you will enjoy your new home." Alex's stomach fluttered slightly. She had spent a year and a day under the stallion's command. A year and a day she had served the De Sade as a waitress during the early evenings and his pleasure at night. She had born him a fine foal, one that was growing well under the tutelage of an older mare who was nurse maiding him. The stallion had trained her to his hand and lash, he had trained her how to serve him, pleasure him, lick him, and present herself to his stallionhood. She answered his hand like a well trained hound, but it was with the knowledge that she would not be allowed to stay forever. She had been chosen, chosen as a gift once she was trained. "Master, I wish to stay with you.." She let out a soft trembling breath and the fingers trailed down her neck while the stallion's supple pale lips twitched up slightly. He teased her blue black mane with a whickering laugh. "Would that you could, but you are Aran's. You are his gift from me and he will treat you well. To do anything less would make me quite angry." Her master stretched his legs out and let out a low rumbling purr. "Go, go and see Etta, she will make sure that you are ready to go with the morning." "I will not get you even one last time?" Alex flicked her ears back and felt her stomach twist with anxiety. "I will not have you again?" "Mmm.. once more, once more to remember me by.." The stallion captured his cheeks and tugged her halter forward. She didn't want to leave him. She didn't want to go away. But she would take what she could. \~ \~ \* \~ \~ Seattle, Washington. It was one of the places that Alex had never been in either human form or her real form. She had been told where she was going and even knowing that she had found herself shocked to be standing in the middle of a sprawling barn. The scent of horse's assaulted her nose as she shifted in the middle of the large ring and felt uneasy that she hadn't been brought to her Master immediately. Instead, she was left fidgeting and fighting the urge to protest her treatment. The young goat that had brought her to the estate had specifically told her that she was to wait here. She could only assume her new Master, Aran, was testing her training. Llewellyn had warned her that he might. "I am sorry, my lady.." The piebald goat came into the stable, his body hidden under a hood so she barely so the soft muzzle. The rain gleamed over the edge and dribbled down the furred nose. "Master Aran is coming right behind me." "I do not mind the wait." Alex managed to get the words out without her teeth chattering together. She hoped there'd be a reason she was standing out here in the cold. "I should hope not, my dear." A warm masculine voice purred from the door way and she jerked her head up to see a tall middle aged man stepping out. "I do apologize for the wait. Llewellyn promised me the best. I see that you are obedient enough, let's get a better look at you. *A.. human...* Alex shivered a little bit and watched as the sandy haired man stepped into the light and cast his eyes over her. "I-I'm happy to be here, Master." She faltered on the words and was rewarded by Aran broadening his smile as he came up to her and caught the bottom edge of her bridle. "You look confused. What's your name, girl?" The man tugged her head down so that it was on a level with his own. He smelled coppery and slightly of musk that wasn't entirely unpleasant. "Alex, sir. I-I wasn't expecting a human." She faltered and lowered her sapphire eyes down to look at his chest when he suddenly barked out a laugh. "I am sorry, no offense is meant." "I am not human, girl! The unicorn's run their taverns and clubs and bars, but the dragon's run the world and all its knowledge." Aran tilted his head to one side. "We can't walk on two legs like the rest, a dreadful shame, but we're able to take on illusions to allow us to run our businesses. Most of the online giants are run by dragons, you know." "I.. no I didn't know, Master." She flared her nostrils wider and one of his smooth hands brushed against her nose. It was firm and human feeling while it brushed upwards along her dainty muzzle. "We love knowledge and technology, a strange occupation, I suppose, but it helps keep the world under our thumb." Aran trailed his fingers down and gave a light tug to her leather overcoat. "It keeps me far too busy to train my own ladies, but you.. you are bought and paid for. Well trained from what I hear." "Yes, I am, sir." She flicked her eyes down and the man stepped back with a throaty rumble. It vibrated through his chest and he flared his nostrils. "Forgive the setting, lovely mare, I cannot fit in the house in my true form." The man tossed his hair back from his face and his pale brown eye suddenly deepened to a burnished copper. "And once I perfect you, I will not be able to have you ruining my floors." "What do you mean, Mas-" The words died in her mouth as the dragon let illusion drop away from him. The goat that had come in with him bleated and bolted as a massive form seemed to spring from no where. Alex scrambled back as the blue scaled beast reared up with a screeching roar that sounded like tearing metal. Broad wings that were fringed with delicate scales snapped open wide and nearly brushed the ceiling above him as forelegs dropped down onto the ground. The clothing was gone, not torn, just gone as the beast tilted a large heavy head to look down at her. Long spines rose up starting right at the forehead and trailed down along the curve of the neck. Each one was dark black that paled towards a light grey at the sharp looking tips. The jaw was fringed as well as the dragon dropped his haunches down and regarded her with amusement. It was only then that the mare realized that she had shoved herself back against the wall, her ears were flattened down against her head and she was shaking. "M-Master?" She managed to barely stutter the word as the dragon furled his wings and snorted in what seemed to be amusement. "Come forward, girl. I did not expect a coward for my money." The copper eyes narrowed and she felt a bit of a jolt. Alex forced herself to walk forward, her body was shaking and she swallowed roughly as the beast rumbled in amusement at her. As her eyes flickered over the scaled form she realized that he wasn't as massive as his spread wings had made him seem. He was the size of a draft horse, perhaps even a bit smaller. He just appeared larger with the extra limbs on his back. He wore a thick solid gold collar with a phoenix outlined in tiny rubies and garnets. His head was a bit like a horse's, but the tip didn't end in lips, they turned into a hard blue-black beak like a raptors. It made her heart pound against her chest to willingly go near him, but training kicked in. She stumbled forward and let out a little noise as he lifted a forepaw and caught her beneath the jaw. "What do you think, Billy? Do you think she'll do?" The drake tilted his head so the nervous looking goat peered at them both. "You wanted a unicorn mare, sir. She is a unicorn mare." Billy shrugged his hood off and Alex saw him taking a step back as if uncomfortable around the drake as well. "I.. I think she's too small, though, sir." "Observant of you." The dragon drawled and a black tongue flashed in his maw. "You are right, though, she is smaller then I'd like. She'd be quite pleasurable in my human guise, but useless in this one." "Shall I ring Llewellyn and tell him that she won't do?" The black and white goat peered nervously between them. "Perhaps he can try again." "No, but do go and give him a call and let him know she arrived safely. I expect fair return of part of my money due to having to extend myself to perfect her." The drake furrowed his brow a bit, a strange expression on the bestial head. "After that you may leave. She and I will come to terms with one another, won't we, my lovely mare?" "Yes, Master." Alex kept her head up, her instincts were screaming for her to bolt, but her training held true. "Yes, sir." The goat gave her a glance and a grin before bolting towards the open door leaving her alone with the dragon. *I never knew there were four legged anthros. \_ She swallowed as the drake heaved himself up to all fours and started to prowl around her. The thought made her almost laugh. \_There's nothing anthro about him, he's just intelligent.* \_ \_ The mare nearly let out a squeak of fear as a large scaled paw wrapped itself around her torso and drew her back so that she hit against the broad chest. The scales were almost hot to the touch as the muzzle dropped down and snuffled teasingly against her. The leather coat hugged around her and hid the loose silks that she'd been dressed in, so it allowed her some protection against the scaled beast behind her. The paw slipped upwards so that dark black talons teased along the leather of her coat and popped one of the buttons free. Her heart started to beat faster against her chest as a low rumble let her know that Aran was laughing softly at her. "You smell of fear, little mare. Do you think your creator sent you hear to be eaten?" The drake's slick tongue flicked out to catch right against her neck in a hot slippery line. "I do not know, Master. You are like nothing I've ever known." She swallowed while the paw slipped upwards and caught the next button so the heavy leather started to spread open as it loosened. "Ahh well you shall know me very well, my lovely little mare." The tongue slipped along the curve of her neck and flicked upwards. "I have been searching for a long while for a broodmare of my own. The female dragons are... sadly.. quite adamant that they don't need males in their business." The last words were spoken with more amusement than irritation. The claws tugged firmly right against the leather and peeled it open. She heard it being spread open before there was a rough yank that sent her stumbling forward. The claws caught against her silks and the drake let out a baritone growl as she let out a soft squeal of shock. His breath tickled the back of her neck and her heart started to beat faster. No matter what he told her, she felt the fear of any prey animal in the grips of a large predator. The large copper eyes were focused on her as he glanced down look over her silks before giving a rough snort and his large paw caressed against her stomach so the claw tips picked against the fragile material. "Ahh Llewellyn, he has a fine eye for beauty, but that does not gain me what I need." Aran flexed his fingers and gave a sharp tug downwards so that the silk bit against her skin. Alex jerked forward against the paw and to one side. The yanking motion tore the lovely slip that she'd been wearing from her body and her eyes flashed an edge of white. The fear that had started spiked upwards to a new level. This wasn't like her old master. The stallion had enjoyed having her dressed up in silk so he could enjoy the feel of it. The dragon had practically ripped it off her so that it fluttered uselessly to the ground. Her nostrils flared open wide as Aran dropped his head and cast an eye over her. His tongue flicked up and over his muzzle before he heaved to all fours and padded towards her. The muscles rolled beneath his scaled hide and she stumbled back away from him. He called her his broodmare, but at that moment she didn't believe he wasn't thinking of her as anything other then food. As she went backwards the drake's jaws spread open wide and the large tongue curled with what looked like a grin. The serrated teeth caught the light as she bumped backwards and hit against the wall. The soft sound of whickers came from the other side of the wall as the sound disturbed the stalls occupant. She found her heart hammering faster and harder, her breath came in short hot puffs of air while she stiffened at the approaching creature. "I am not an anthro, mare." Aran rumbled as she pressed herself flat against the wall. "I am not one that believes in taming down my instincts because it fit better in with the man-made world. You will learn this, and I believe you will even enjoy it. But for now, this form, lovely though it is, is not one that I can use." "Please, Master," She swallowed and kept her ears pinned flat. "I'm sorry if I offended you." "Oh you have not offended me, lovely mare, you shall be the jewel in my collection. A fertile mare of my own that holds magic within her veins." The large blue muzzle dropped downwards and suddenly a hot blast of breath hit her in the middle. "Mine..." The word came on the edge of something that speared through her torso and hit her with a lance of heat. She squealed out as the world became tinged in red hot fire. Her last sight was that of large copper eyes that glowed in the edge of an eerie blue light. \~ \~ \* \~ \~ Hours? Days? What time had passed came at a loss to Alex as she came back to herself. And when she did, she realized that Aran had no intention of keeping her as the pampered house slave that she had become accustomed to. She didn't wake up on a silken bed with soft pawed servants to bring her her meals so she could remain focused on pleasing her master. She didn't wake up to the scent of incense or the feel of a body pressed against her own. She didn't even wake up bound by silk cords to a bed so she was stretched out receive him as she had been trained. She woke up to only one familiar thing. The bite of a bit pressing down against her tongue and a bridle latched around her head. The rest was terrifyingly unfamiliar. She stood awkwardly in the middle of a small room that had a concrete floor and drain that rested just beneath her. Her chest was shoved up against a smoothly polished wall and her head was held up by a loop of padded leather. She stood, not on two legs, but on four solid hooves that were braced against the ground. They took her weight, but she didn't have to hold herself up. Straps wrapped around her chest and stomach so she could let them take her weight if she had no other option. She had woken up to the ache of them biting against her. She had woken up not as a dainty anthro unicorn mare that was designed to bring pleasure to her Master, but a four legged beast. An animal. And she had hours of time standing in the same place to contemplate such things. *What has he done to me..* Alex lashed her tail as much as she could, but it just bounced against her hips like a club. "Oh you're a wake!" Billy, the little black and white goat, poked his nose in and grinned at her. "The Master thought you would be out a bit longer, but you changed rather nicely." Alex opened her lips and gave an outraged squeal to the goat. How dare he think that she had changed nicely! She hadn't wanted to be changed like this at all! The goat didn't seem to care, instead Billy trotted into the room with a wagging of his tail and leaned up to hold the cheeks in either palm. She wrinkled her nose upwards at the sharp pungent scent of goat that hit her. She couldn't pull away, the hands held her and tugged at the reins so that her head was lowered almost to her chest. The goat fastened the leather straps to the chest band so her head was forced into an awkward angle. The bit flattened down against her tongue and she spread her lips to try and ease the ache. "I didn't get a chance to finish up, just be a good lady, alright?" Billy bleated and Alex let out another squeal, but he ignored her in favor of darting out the door. When he returned he had a set of heavy leather straps cast over his shoulder and he ducked beneath her hanging body with a brush of her head against the curve of her chest. She snorted out, but he dropped the leather in a pile to one side. There was a frightening sound of hard metal clattering with the leather and she tilted her head to try and see what he was doing. The little goat man shifted the leather apart and coiled the leather to one side, along with a set of something that looked like cuffs. She didn't recognize what some of it was, only that it looked terrifying as she shifted restlessly on all four hooves. They clopped against the concrete as Billy picked up a set of the cuffs and moved down beneath her. "Sorry, girl, bosses' orders. He wants you wrapped up for him." He murmured as his hoof tipped hands caught her around her lower leg. A padded leather cuff was fastened just above her hoof, but it wasn't the thin sort of cuff she was used to. It was broader, nearly six inches high, and multiple metal buckles were used to tighten it down so that it hugged tightly about her lower leg. It felt awkwardly heavy and it bit against her hide. It was soon joined with another one that wrapped around her other leg so that she could barely fidget them. She jerked her legs up and placed them down, but it made the leather pinch so she stopped and held them together. Billy moved one of his hands against her left foreleg and suddenly pushed it so that he bent forward and his shoulder pushed against her knee. Alex let out a soft squeal and her hoof skidded over the concrete. Once her legs were forced together he began clicking links together so that the cuffs were locked together at an awkward angle. Her hooves were pressed together so close that they were nearly touching each other. She nearly jerked her forelegs forward, but both of them went down beneath her. The straps along her chest and belly drew taut to stop her from tumbling down to her knees. The little goat jerked out with a bleat as she struggled and moved his hand up to pat against the upper leg. She twisted her head and curled her lips back with an angry noise. This wasn't fair! She was supposed to be respected and treated well! Billy moved back to the pile of leather and picked out a smaller set of cuffs, but these ones weren't just two separate sets, but were hanging from a thick band of leather that turned into a Y shape. She tried to jerk her haunches away from him, but with her forelegs forcibly held together, she couldn't do anything more then carefully side step a few paces. It wasn't enough to do more then make the goat lean over to snap a cuff around her left ankle and then move to the right. She curled her lips back with a low growling noise as the leather was buckled into place on the right leg and the leather dragged around the ground as she fidgeted. "Can't have you kicking the Master!" Billy bleated out cheerfully, "Sometimes the new wild mares are hard to deal with. At least, the horse's are, I don't know about unicorns." The little goat darted beneath her and picked up the leather that connected the two cuffs so it was pulled slightly taut. It wasn't enough to move her hind legs, but enough to let her know that it was there. He came up beside her, close enough that the sharp scent of his musk assaulted her before looping the leather around her neck. The buckles clapped against her neck and chest as he moved in front of her. Her nose brushed against his chest so that the scent made her wrinkle her lips backwards in disgust. There was such a harsh musk about him that she wanted to yank her head away. The bit pinched her tongue as she pulled up just enough to draw in a clean breath. Billy tightened the leather around her neck so that she could feel the hobbles being tightened along the line of her belly. Alex tried to kick a hind leg back, but the moment she did the leather drew taut and she was barely able to move it a few inches before it was stopped up short. The leather cut down around her neck, not painfully, but enough that she understood what the rig was designed to do. Her heart started to pound a bit faster as she realized she was effectively cut off from defending herself with her hooves and her head both. The goat didn't seem to notice her unease, instead he gave her a bit of relief in the form of unclipping her reins so she could jerk her head up. He didn't stick around for her to get in a bite, he darted behind her now safe hind quarters where she couldn't harm him. She stretched her jaws a little bit and shook her head as she lifted her head up and relieved the cramp along her maw. She pushed up against the metal bit and stretched her neck as far up as she could get it. It was a relief to feel the muscles stretching after being forced to arch her neck all the way down to the curve of her chest. Billy used her distraction to bolt behind her for his next chore. His hoofy hands claimed the base of her tail before she realized that he was standing behind her. She let out a whicker and twisted her head back to see the little pie bald goat tugging at her long tail and pulling it down towards him. Her ears flattened back and heat rushed up towards her cheeks as she felt the long hairs being drawn away from the naked curve of her haunches. This wasn't the body she was used to, but that didn't matter. She was still naked. Still exposed. And the fact that this.. this.. servant was pulling her tail away from her loins was insufferable! No one in Llewellyn's employ would ever treat her in this way! She was reserved for her master alone! Not for this creature! Billy didn't seem to care that her velvety tear shaped folds that were snugged between her hind legs. Her long tail was held away from her body, and the goat started to tug at the long hairs and twisted around her tail bone. They were gathered up and flipped over and over again so that she could feel them tightening down almost uncomfortably. She tried to twist her head far enough around she could see what he was doing, but she only saw the long hairs being flipped up and around. She was uncomfortably aware that the action was revealing her inner thighs entirely. The long spill of hair was her only bit of 'clothing' left to her and it was being taken away. The last of the hairs were pulled up tight and were braided down at the top so they wouldn't fall down on their own. It made a club of her tail bone and she tried to twitch it away, but the hands moved to grip it so he couldn't get away. Instead, Billy pulled out a gleaming latex sleeve from the waist of his pants and loosened the laces so one end was spread wide. She let out a muffled squeal as her braided tail was forced into the latex sleeve and the long hairs were pinched down around it as the rough edges were yanked all the way up to the base of her tail. The goat started to tug and pull at the laces so the latex was tightened down almost painfully against the tail bone. "There we go, isn't that better?" Billy grinned up at her and gave her rump a firm slap against the curve of the haunch. Alex showed her teeth in response to that. She lashed her tail back and forth, but the club that it had been made into just slapped against his inner haunches one after another. The long strands no longer offered any sort of covering or help. Her ears and face burned with humiliation as she twisted and kicked one leg out, only to be sent dropping down into the straps that were looped under her belly and chest again. It was humiliating. "I'll go let the Master know I have you set up. He'll be quite happy, he's been anxious to see if you'd take better than the other girls." Billy wrinkled his nose up. "You turn an anthro horse into a four legged one, they kinda forget who they are. I hope you haven't. He's been counting on unicorn blood being strong enough to handle being turned this way." Alex shrieked out and tried to kick back at him, but the yank tugged at the collar around her neck and made her throw her head up with a rough noise. Her ears pinned down flat against her head as she glared at the little servant. He only grinned in reply and bolted from the room with a clattering of his cloven hooves leaving her alone and hanging from the straps. The leather creaked and shifted as she fidgeted nervously. He'd done this to normal mares? And they'd turned into animals? Fear uncoiled in her belly as she dropped her head down a touch. She didn't want to be a beast! \~ \~ \* \~ \~ It was dark when Aran made an appearance. She had spent the afternoon being forced to eat a bucket of grain that Billy had brought her. It had tasted dry and foul to her, but she'd chewed it down anyway. She wasn't quite able to resist the taste of it. Her stomach had been cramping from hunger. She had nearly let herself believe that the dragon was going to ignore her now that she had been changed when the double doors behind her had been opened. The drake's rumble of appreciation spilled from between his scaled lips as he looked her over and she jerked her head up high and glared at him. "Ahh a bit spoiled are we?" Aran's sharp teeth flashed as he spoke and one fore paw lifted up to touch her haunches. "Llewellyn trained you for his tastes, obedient, but a harem girl. Here, my harem doesn't live in silks and lovely rooms, girl. They are my herd." Alex squealed and jerked a hoof back to kick at him. She was angry, she was angry enough she didn't give a damn about her training! She was a valuable mare. She had been told that time and again. It had been a part of her training! She was to serve and obey, but she was to be given some amount of respect for that. "Angry as well?" The drake tilted his head to one side with his lips twitching a little bit as if he were ready to be amused by her. "I enjoy spirit, fire, and I will need that in any mare that will carry my brood. You have been proven fertile, Llewellyn assures me that you produced a fine foal." Alex squealed again, but it was cut short by a sudden lash against her haunch that was like fire. She jerked forward and it happened again, but this time she was able to watch as the long length of the tail was used as a whip. It cracked against the curve of her muscled haunch and left a reddened hot welt behind along the black of her fur. It stung her pride as much as it stung her flesh. She lashed her bound tail and pinned her ears flat down against her head before the blue drake stepped forward and quirked his lips back in a slight grin. He moved around her with graceful steps that made the muscles roll beneath his scales as he looked her over, or rather, he looked at her bonds. He reached his paw up to test them one after another, assuring himself that they held her firmly in place. It made her flinch each time he came near, but he didn't snap his tail at her again. The scent of him was thick in her nostrils, a hot coppery scent that made her flare her nostrils at time as she tasted it on her tongue. It wasn't like Llewellyn's rich musk, but something alien that made her heart start to beat faster. It caused an instinctive fear that made her hide shiver over her muscled haunches. Aran's talon's slid along the curve of her chest and then curled upwards against the sweep of his chest. The talons lightly teased against the smooth fur and pressed down hard enough that it raised a welt against her skin. His head darted in and brushed a hot puff of air against the curve of her neck before his tongue flicked out and coiled itself along the supple length. It raised up the long strands of her mane as she felt the heat of his breath teasing her. The fangs scraped again her hide before his muzzle trailed up towards her bridled head. Her muzzle closed and she rolled the bit against her tongue as the fearsome maw slipped up high enough hat it nearly touched her horn. "My poor frightened mare..." Aran drawled out as his lips brushed against the curved horn so it sent a rush of heat through her. Her stomach tensed up and she jerked backwards. "Don't you know your position here?" The beaked muzzle rubbed against her horn so that the hard edge scraped up and down. It made Alex close her eyes as the warmth flowed through her. No, not warmth, fire. It was a heat that lapped through her veins and rushed through her body. Her stomach tensed up and tightened as the heat spread deeper inside of her and made her breath come out in hot pants. There was a tinge of magic to it that she couldn't escape. She couldn't fight against the feel of the tendrils curling and stroking places inside of her that no hand should be able to touch. Her hind legs kicked roughly against the restraints as she tried to move her head back from the dragon's touch, but he followed her and twisted his tongue around her horn. She'd never had anyone touch the spire before, not as intimately as the tongue that curled itself from the base and started to stroked upwards. It rasped upwards while she let out a breathy noise as the touch wasn't dulled as it should have been when horn was being touched. It was startling erotic to feel the slimy appendage rubbing and squeezing with pulses that helped the magic flow into her body. Her horn was being used as a tuning fork for whatever the dragon was doing. Her breathing came out faster while the beaked muzzle spread open and wrapped itself over her spire and gave a slow suckling pull. Sparks rolled through her mind as the magic suddenly snapped itself free and the world tilted wildly as she tried to tear her horn away from the beast. Aran let her draw her head back, his tongue fluttered over the tip before he drew away and she was able to blink her eyes to concentrate on his face. Her ears remained pinned back against her head as her stomach tightened almost painfully and a soft noise spilled past her lips. Her nostrils flared open wide and the dragon's scent flooded her senses so that she was trembling in place. The musk was mingled with another, more familiar, scent. The dragon's magic hadn't been used just to torment her and tease her; it had been used to call her body into heat. She could feel her lower body starting to swell and warm with her season. "You are my broodmare.." The drake drawled out and curled his upper lip back to draw in her scent. His tongue fluttered out lightly, "Cherished, pampered, groomed and bred to carry on my proud lineage. My eggs will be your only goal and pleasure.." Alex swallowed, her mouth felt dry at the talk of eggs. Eggs?! She twitched slightly as the drake fluttered his tongue out again and curled his upper lip backwards. The sharp hot musk of the male flooded her nose as he twisted his head to fix her with one bright eye. She wasn't staring at Aran though, she was staring between his powerful haunches and what was happening to his body. She had been around stallions. She knew Llewellyn's massive form intimately, but this wasn't anything like him. The large spade shaped cock tip pushed the vent open wider and wider with the tip glistening slightly as the precum oozed out and inched into the light. It was tapered, but rapidly grew wider then her old master had ever been. The underside of the ridges started to come into the light as they swelled outwards and pushed into the light. It brushed along the underside of the belly and spread a smearing viscous wetness onto the broad scales. The hot taste of musk filled her senses while she tried to shrink in on herself. For the first time since she'd woken up, she became aware of the fact that her tail was bound up into vet wrap and it hid very little of her haunches. The cool air brushed against the soft tear shaped folds that had started to grow swollen and fluttered at the hot male scents on the air. They weren't from a stallion, but they still they were male and her body flared at the scent of it. The drake's wings opened and a low growl purred out from deep in his throat as he started to advance on her. "Oh yes, eggs... Once you lay a clutch, you'll be ripe and fertile for me." The tongue flickered out and ran along her neck before trailing downwards along the curve of her spine. "Perhaps I'll watch you lay.. watch you struggle and strain with my egg, and once you lay it I'll be there to plunge into your still quivering body to ensure you'll never be empty." Alex let out a trembling breath, she wanted to squeal a protest, and part of her mind flared with terror at the idea of what the dragon was saying. She had carried a foal, true, but she hadn't been forced to immediately carry another one. She'd been given time to relax and recover. And it had been a foal, not an egg. She stared at the dragon and felt another spike of fear at his size and what he was proposing. Would the egg be the size of a foal? Hard and unyielding as she strained around it or even several of them at once? Would he- The thought's broke away as the muzzle dropped down and a hot rush of breath hit beneath her tail. It curled outwards and twisted around so that her entire body tensed up. Her ears flattened down against her head, but she couldn't' stop the soft whimpering sound that spilled past her lips as the supple hot tongue fluttered out. It brushed against the swollen tear shaped folds and then pushed upwards right against the inner folds. She couldn't stop herself from reacting to the touch, her outer lips winked and flashed her clit into the light. She tensed up a little bit before the tongue slipped along the plump swollen nub and started to circle in slow smooth movements. Her hind legs went tense as the tongue rolled again and scraped right over the tip so that a short noise was forced out of her throat. She felt so swollen, so sensitive. Every beat of her heart let her feel the way her body was starting to react and the tongue was coaxing her on. Her wrapped tail slapped against his muzzle as the tongue plunged forward and pushed along the inner folds. It rasped right up against her opening and probed with the tapered tip so that she let out a squeaking squeal. Her forelegs were nearly knocked beneath her as she leaned forward. She couldn't get away from the attention as another hot breath blasted against her inner thighs. It tickled all the way up towards the stiff teats between her haunches and she let out a breathy noise. The world was scented with hot male musk and her own heat that was starting to spike on the air. It wasn't like with Llewellyn who had seduced and teased her, stroked and roused her body to fever pitch. It was more like a stallion scenting a mare and examining her taste. The scaled lips pushed upwards and scraped along the outside folds as they fluttered and winked with her estrus. Her wetness began to grow as the hot long tongue suddenly plunged forward. The writhing appendage lewdly forced it's way into her quivering passage and Alex arched her back up with a rough protesting cry. Her eyes squeezed shut as the tongue rubbed upwards and seemed to gather up the wetness of her heat before it slipped free with a wet sound. "Sweet, eager.. ready.." The drake's voice came out with a low thrumming growl as the glistening muzzle lifted upwards and sucked in her scent. The words were thick and slurred. He seemed to have problems trying to get the words out around the growing lust that was blazing in his eyes. There was no intelligence in that face, despite the fact he could speak. There was only raw need there that matched the state of his body. The onyx spire was pulsing beneath the curve of the belly. The thick oozing precum dribbled to the ground as the thickness of the base pushed its way free. Larger than any stallion, thicker and strangely shaped. It was intimidating and she knew she should have bolted or struggled as his head slipped over her haunches. But it was starting to get harder to think, harder to make herself recall anything but the hot sweet taste of male on the air. It flared like a fire inside of her until she shifted her hind legs apart when he pressed forward. The broad wings spread open so that wind hit her as the drake lunged upwards onto his haunches and pushed up and over her body. The slip of his forelegs moved up to either side of her haunches while she stiffened her front legs and tried to keep herself in place. A massive set of jaws closed down against the back of her neck and clamped down tightly as the scales of his belly rubbed up against her. It made her breath come in short gasps and her eyes flashed an edge of white. The fear rolled beneath the surface of her desire, but the lust was overwhelming. It didn't let her concentrate on her fear, not when the drake's forepaws locked around her curved hips and something hard and slippery probed up between her hind legs. It pushed between them and grazed her teats as she jerked her bound tail up to one side. Her folds glistened in the light as she lowered her head and let out a throaty noise in her throat. The powerful scaled haunches spread to either side of her hips as he rolled forward in short jabbing movements. The tip grazed upwards and left a trail of clear precum as it slipped higher and higher. It wasn't until the drake pulled back almost all the way that his cock tip found her winking dark folds. A thick goopy dribble of precum trailed along the outside of them before his chest pressed down and a pair of wings snapped forward. His muscles rippled as he lunged forward and the spade shaped tip suddenly lunged into her estrus swollen passage. The mare squealed out in shock and near pain as her body was forced to stretch around the too large shaft. The inner walls clamped down tightly around his girth while the ridges tugged and pushed her folds in on themselves. It grew rapidly thicker as it started to drive itself in deeper and deeper. The walls strained quivering around him while she splayed her hind legs as wide as the hobbles would allow her. Her own wetness was squelched out around the swollen girth and mingled with the precum as it trailed down along the edges of her udder. She spread her lips with a sharp groan as the drake stuffed himself inwards until he was nearly half plunged into her and her back was arched up. Only then did he drag backwards with a growl that vibrated the length of her spine. Alex kept her ears back as it teased through her passage and pulled some of her wetness out to coat her outer lips before he drove forward again. This time his claws hooked against the front of her legs and yanked her backwards. Her bound forehooves scraped against the ground as she was forced backwards onto the cock. The thickness spread wider and wider, too wide, wide enough that her outer lips formed a tight O around him as the ridges popped one at a time into her body. She clamped down around them while the spade shaped tip drove itself right up against the tender opening of her cervix. The base suddenly hammered upwards and Aran let out a snarl and released her neck and rubbed his tip right against the opening. The drake yanked out backwards again and her walls clamped down harder around him so that the ridges caressed her body. Her heat had made her passage swollen and overly sensitive. It was meant for a smooth shafted cock, but the ridges that pulled and caressed through her were something new. It made her body flush hotly as the drake plunged back into him and nudged against her cervix again. The base parted her outer lips with a lewd wet noise while his haunches pushed in tight against her outer hips. The hot breath hit against the back of her neck before he yanked back outwards against a throaty cry spilled out of her throat. It ached, she was stretched too wide, and the pain and pleasure mingled with each other as he kept stretching her open. When the shaft plunged back into her passage she felt the base spreading her open until the tip crammed right up against her cervix. The spade shape was used to wedge him open wider and wider, the tight opening stretched wider and wider. A hot thick drool of cum erupted into her spread cervix and splashed into her fertile womb itself was she was left partially struggling under him. She wanted to relieve the pressure of the base stretching her passage open. Her outer lips were being forced and wedged wider and wider until she couldn't take anymore. Her bound forelegs rocked slightly and she gave a sudden jerking lunge forward before shrieking out as the drake slammed forward. The base knot popped into her passage with a wet lewd sound and her forelegs went down so that the straps that ran beneath her were the only things holding her up. They creaked and groaned at the combined weight of the drake, but Aran didn't seem to care about it. His knot forced her walls open wide as the spade shaped tip lodged itself in her cervix and then he pulled back. Her folds stretched open wide and the knot popped free and then was plunged back into her. The cock ridges continued to tease through her as she was left crying out in short harsh squeals. Her legs kicked back, but the hobbles stopped her from struggling free. Even if she was trying to drive him away. He was caressing and rubbing her, teasing and massaging, coaxing reactions from her estrus ravaged body until a sheen of sweat was gleaming on her dark black hide. She let out a shallow noise deep in her throat as the drake hammered forward. Time and again the spaded tip popped into her exposed cervix and left a hot goopy trail of precum that was being shoved into her. The knot at the base was the worst, it wasn't just remaining the same size. It was yawning open wider and wider as it pushed the outer lips open and with wet squelching noises. Her own arousal was drooling out around the edges of her folds and marring her inner thighs. Her breath came out in short hard gasps as the drake's teeth suddenly clamped down along the curve of her neck. The teeth cut into her hide roughly as the drake's hips lunged forward a final time and the knot started to swell open. The mare shrieked out roughly as her own walls started to clamp down around him and dug the ridges deeper inside of her. Her wetness coated him as she began to milk and squeeze around him as eagerly as if he were a stallion. Her stallion. And as he rolled forward the tip spread wider and locked itself in place within her cervix. The drake's hips was so close against her own as the pleasure washed over her. Not even the teeth gripping her neck stopped her from feel the rush of need to feel what was coming. Aran's body shuddered as the cock suddenly throbbed along her passage. It pulsed and the great vein that ran along the underside bloated before the first hot thick rush of cum erupted out of the tip. The thick splattered hit hard against the inside of her womb in jets that were hard enough she could almost feel them. The sperm rich seed flowed with each and every pulse as she helplessly squeezed and milked around him, pulling it in deeper as her body was ravaged by everything he had to get her. It was hot, as hot as liquid fire, but still she tried to push back against him. The swollen knot kept her joined tightly to him as he gave a grinding push forward and the next jet made her jerk her head up slightly. Million of sperm were already flowing through her fertile womb, writhing and wriggling, fighting to be the first to claim her ova for their own. The first to make her swell with egg. All the mare could do was tremble as the drake's panting body rested above her. \~ \~ \* \~ \~ Three months later \~ \~ \* \~ \~ The stable was dark save for the light that was gleaming in the walk way between the stalls. It cast shadows into the large box stall that had been freshly cleaned by Billy earlier in the morning. It was always kept clean and well tended for the little mare that claimed it. The midnight black creature pranced restlessly back and forth through the thick golden hay while her bound tail was held up high behind her haunches. A gleam of sweat was showing along her hide as she flicked her ears back and let out soft nervous noises deep in her throat. The rest of the stable was quiet, the horses sleeping and ignoring the drama that was growing within the birthing stall. Alex couldn't sleep, she couldn't be comfortable, she couldn't stop her pacing as her fat swollen belly swayed back and forth beneath her. It had grown larger and larger over the last few weeks. The slow swell had peaked to something that she could barely deal with. Her flesh was stretched taut and her teats were swollen and sensitive between her hind legs. Everything felt too hot and almost itching as she turned another quarter around the stable and gave her head a shake. Her black spire nearly brushed the wall as she cast an eye to the lounging blue form that took up one half of the stall. Aran watched her with hooded eyes and a slight grin on his mobile features. He had shown up barely half an hour after Billy had checked her and he hadn't left sense. It didn't matter, nothing mattered but the ache of her swollen stomach and the need to put an end to it if she could find a way. It was nearly three Am when the need grew too much and she let out a groaning cry before her knees went down into thick soft straw. Her cheeks were flushed with humiliation as she heard Aran's prumm of amusement when her haunches fell and she rolled onto her side. Three months weren't enough time to forget what he had done to her. They weren't enough to make her forget the two days he had kept her hanging and bound in the breeding stall as he took her. She couldn't forget the feel of his tip stabbing into her already sore cervix to flood her until she was barely able to move from exhaustion. An exhaustion that he did not share. He only wanted his egg. His off spring. His chance to have his own young from her body. The thoughts drifted away as her stomach cramped and she felt the massive orb shifting inside of her swollen belly. It wasn't a clutch, but an egg that was nearly as large as a foal and a hard shell that gave her no relief, no chance to shift it. Her tail jerked up in the darkness of the stall and she let out a wheezing cry as the contractions forced her inner passage to clamp down tightly against each other. The trickle of wetness gleamed on her outer lips as she rolled onto her chest and forelegs and let herself clench down so that the soft padding of her womb began to ripple and put pressure around the mottled shell that had grown from her ova. Her ears splayed to either side as her wheezing breath came in short hard pants. Each one rougher then the last as the egg wedged and strained her dilated cervix open. The walls stretched open and burned as she clenched and squeezed around it. It wasn't like a foal, it was unyielding while her hind legs splayed open wider and wider. The egg started to push into her passage inch by slow inch, the shell scraped along her passage as she pushed her hind legs beneath herself and started to force her haunches upwards. Her tail flicked to one side as Alex let out a short harsh squeal as the egg splayed her open wider and wider. Her muscles were forced to contract and tense to force the egg outwards. A slippery clear fluid coated around it, thick and heavy as it oozed out of her splaying folds to help and ease the passage. The little unicorn mare's eyes snapped open wide and bulged as she pushed again and this time her legs started to shake as the egg began to pass closer and closer to her aching folds. Slowly the darkness of her lips were parted with a curve of mottled white. The walls stretched open and pushed outwards so that they were swollen looking. Her body was shaking, trembling, and the pain burned through her as she shrieked out and pushed again. The walls clamped down tightly while her sweat soaked sides started to quiver. Her vision started to turn black as the egg yawned her folds open obscenely wide and her hind legs were forced apart. She could almost feel her joints straining to keep in place at the moment of terrible pressure. With a final screech Alex jerked her head up and the heavy egg dropped from between her abused folds into the thick padding of the straw. Her body jerked and her tail flipped over her back as she nearly sobbed in relief as it left her body. Her legs trembled with exhaustion as each breath came in short ragged gasps. Her eyes squeezed shut and she savored the pure and simple relief that the egg was out of her. Her passage still burned from the pain of being stretched and trying to wrap around it, but it was over. She had done it. It was over. She had managed the impossible. "A fine fine egg my dear, better then I have ever wished.." A voice drawled from behind her and she heard the straw moving as something heavy was rolled through it. Alex twitched an ear back before something heavy, scaled and powerful moved over her back and pressed her down against the straw. A hot breath hit against the back of her neck and the teeth gripped her roughly. The mare let out a squealing cry as the powerful forepaws moved to wrap around her hips. The heavy swollen cock rested along the curve of her ass cheeks as the tip oozed out a thick heavy spill of precum that dribbled out and ran along the edge of her tail bone. Her eyes flashed wide when the hips pulled back and it trailed down to brush along her still aching folds. "I hear it is easier the second time around..." Aran purred into her ear and his hips gave a slow roll forward. The mare could only manage a whimpering squeal as the cock tip suddenly drove itself into her aching passage. Her walls quivering around him as the horror of what he'd said hit her. A second egg?!
Some might say that sneaking into a wizard’s tower in order to steal and then make off with a potion might be a bad idea; most others would call it actively suicidal and either attempt to dissuade the person suggesting it from the attempt, or encourage them further depending on their personal opinion of them. But for Anthony, this struck him as the best and quickest way for him to get exactly what he wanted, for after all, who better to beseech for a pair of fluffy, feathery wings to adorn his back than a wizard? They could probably brew up all sorts of potions if they were so inclined, and it just so happened that he wasn’t in the possession of a lot of coin (or any coin, for that matter), and as such alternative methods had to be found; besides, he was a kobold, so even assuming he got caught, he had ample experience being kicked out of lairs after trying to scurry away with their contents. Infiltrating the tower itself proved to be the easiest part, given the complete lack of defences around it. A wizard’s reputation was often the best tool in their arsenal, and more often than not their actual homes were only kept behind lock and key rather than anything more arcane; after all, who would dare to break into a sorcerer’s home and take from them? Anthony, that’s who, and that’s exactly who ran close to the tower’s base under the cover of night, after noticing the homeowner leaving with a large basket; the ‘bold had been watching the man for some time, casing out his residence, and had learned that they often went out herb-picking when the moon was out, especially for mandrake roots and nightshade. If his notes on the subject were correct, he had about half an hour before the wizard returned, giving him more than enough time to go in, find the correct potion, and then get out as quickly as possible! He vaulted the stairs and practically slammed against the door, crushing the small magical crystal in his hand, a one-use Blink spell that allowed him to bypass the barrier and find himself safely inside the tower proper; assuming he found the potion he was looking for, he could just fly out of there on his own. If he didn’t… well, he was sure he could make the jump over to the river. Maybe. No time to doubt himself now. Anthony bolted up the stairs, finding himself in a succession of different rooms and workspaces that spanned so many different fields of study that the kobold couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge of respect for the old man living there; clearly, he was a wise old wizened wizard… which could only mean he was bound to have an alchemy lab somewhere! Indeed, somewhere just above the halfway point to the top of the tower, the ‘bold emerged onto a landing filled with wooden tables topped with a dizzying variety of glasswork and delicate measurement instruments, none of which he recognized by name but correctly surmised to look like the kind of stuff used to brew potions. Plus, there were whole cabinets and shelves filled with flasks, so there was that as well; he rushed forward, taking care to bring a small ladder next to him, and thanked the gods for his chosen heist target knowing how to properly catalogue their experiments. There was everything there, from simple healing draughts, to love potions, to concoctions meant to improve one’s luck, however that was supposed to work; it took him a bit of time, but he eventually stumbled onto a small section containing transformative brews, all of which were locked behind a glass cabinet with a piece of parchment attached to the front. “DO NOT CONSUME - Need to figure out the kinks here” was written on it, a warning that Anthony was all-too happy to ignore as he grabbed a small chisel and broke the glass panel, eagerly sifting through the contents of the cabinet for anything that might leave him bewinged. He found it almost immediately, in fact, and with a bit of paper that had wings drawn on it as well! It was almost too convenient… which is exactly why he uncorked it and immediately downed the whole thing without bothering to think about the consequences, then stood back to give his brand new feathers some room to grow. They… didn’t. At least not immediately, leaving the ‘bold to wonder if the effects took some time to kick in, and if so, if they’d show up before he had to do a frontal spin dive into the icy river below the tower. He was beginning to panic slightly when he hiccuped once, then twice, then kept up flinching again and again as his body grew hotter and tighter, filled with some incorporeal substance that left him feeling like he was about to burst; he was ready to scream in agony when… it all stopped. And the kobold just stood there, wondering what in blazes had just happened, when a chance bump against a table revealed that his back wasn’t as barren as it used to be; believing himself to be dreaming, for some reason, he tried and failed to flip around and catch a good eyeful of what was happening to him, only to end up tripping and falling into what was, without a doubt, a pair of fluffy, feathery wings sprouting from just under his shoulders! They were so deliciously soft, so warm, that all he wanted to do was hug them and wrap himself in their embrace for the rest of the night as he fell asleep in the most comfortable self-hug ever; unfortunately, he was still trespassing, and there was no time for him to learn how to use them properly. He had to leave, immediately. Luckily for him, the tower happened to have a very large window on the very top, from which the wizard conducted his observation of the stellar constellations; there was the slight issue of there being a telescope in the way, but he was certain he’d manage to find a solution for it. Anthony turned to face the cabinet again, drawing yet another crystal from his pouch and crushing it into dust before sprinkling it over the shards on the floor; they immediately began floating back into place, slowly reassembling the glass panel that he’d destroyed, and coincidentally taking all of his attention so that he couldn’t notice what else was happening with his body. The same force that had filled him just before his wings sprouted hadn’t really gone anywhere, merely lost its strength and began acting in a far stealthier manner, but it was still there; so much so that it had started to add a little bit more to the kobold’s body than just wings… a little bit more everywhere. Anthony would soon be finding himself very light on his feet, almost too light, but he chalked that up to the feeling of utter elation that he had spring up inside of him thanks to his new set of wings, wings that were also beginning to bloat out of shape as their interior was filled with some sort of gaseous substance. All of him had begun to bloat, in fact, enough for it to be quite noticeable, but the kobold himself wasn’t paying any attention; rather, he was too busy making sure that the glass panel was in perfect condition before turning around and running up the stairs to the observatory, only then being forced to smack straight into reality as his body refused to obey his commands. The first step he tried taking failed to even meet the ground, needing him to struggle for a bit before he beat out gravity and managed to land his foot on the wooden floorboards. He was about to loudly ask what was going on when his eyes caught wind of what his body looked like at that precise moment: large, almost spherical around the midriff, with two pudgy arms and two equally rotund legs jutting out of it almost comically, while his wings looked more like a set of balloons than anything else, leaving the poor ‘bold quite confused as to what was going on with him. Flustered, he tried moving again, only to realize that such a thing was impossible, at least the way he used to do it; Anthony could still waddle, shuffling his body from side to side and flailing about like he could barely move at all, but even that was starting to feel like a chore, like it would soon stop working altogether. With his face bright red, all he could think to do was the utterly undignified action of bouncing himself to his destination. He couldn’t say he wasn’t warned about the effects; he had chosen to disregard the piece of parchment glued to the cabinet after all, but it would’ve been nice of the wizard to actually specify what those were, seeing as he’d been so meticulous with everything else! His body was filling with a gas that was lighter than air, of that he was certain, and he was only slightly ashamed to admit that it hadn’t been the first time something like this happened to him; wizards were fickle folk, especially those who were stolen from, but it wasn’t the effects of the inflation that he feared; rather, it was the retaliation on the part of the sorcerer himself. Turning into a balloon was only ever a temporary state of affairs, but being caught by a powerful practitioner of the magical arts after not only breaking and entering into their home, but also stealing from their supply? That was practically begging for a curse, and those were a lot harder to get rid of. Even by putting all of his weight down on his increasingly-stubby legs and then pushing up, the arcs he described through the air weren’t enough to get him to move anywhere properly, as they were growing wider and taller, and very quickly would stop being arcs altogether. Anthony stopped hopping after a few tries, dreadfully afraid that he might just take off, and tried to think things through. There was… one option to deal with the gas, but it wasn’t one he liked thinking about, nor was it in any way one that decent folk should consider. He could always try and divert it from one place in his body to another, but that would be temporary at best… plus, where could he even move the gas t-... the wings! Of course, how could he have been so stupid! The very things that he’d broken into that tower to get, they’d be the one to save him; if he could make his wings return to normal, then he’d be able to just fly out, being as light as he was! If only they too weren’t filling up with the phantom gas, leaving the poor ‘bold feeling slightly panicked at the prospect that they just might pop before he had the chance to do anything with them, and so soon after finally giving himself a pair as well… he was sweating, and quite profusely at that, trying his level best not to let his fear get the better of him as he ran through the possibilities in his head. There was always the simple solution, which was merely trying to flap those feathery appendages, very slowly and carefully to avoid them bursting from the strain, but that would never work with the amount of clutter around him; his wings were wide, beautifully so, but what would look great outdoors in the sun made it difficult for him to get any clearance to take off properly. At best, he could slowly unfurl them and then try and flutter the very tips as a way of controlling his descent after jumping, but that was very much a gamble. What was worse, as they continued to fill and bloat, they became harder to control, further taking agency away from him and leaving him one step closer to getting stuck on the ceiling after a mistimed hop. If there was any way he was going to get out of there, it was by making his wings work properly, and he couldn’t do that while they were filled with whatever gas was turning him into a balloon. “Expelling” it was out of the question, but moving it around was perfectly possible; he just had to be extra careful not to strain himself too much, lest he pop more than a vein. Centering himself, he grabbed two tables on either side of him, anchoring his claws on the ground as best as he could; the ‘bold could still feel as his body grew lighter by the moment, the gentle creaking of his skin filling his ears as much as it itself was being pumped larger and more rotund. He took deep breaths, only really making matters worse, and focused all of his attention on his two wings: every inch of them, every contour, every tiny feather and every last tip, all of it filled his mind as he allowed his brain to process what was going on with it… and then promptly clenched for a full second, straining every muscle he had and several others he didn’t in an effort to dislodge the gas build-up inside of his fluffy new appendages and force it downwards into the rest of him. At first, this seemed like a resounding success; he could feel as the wings grew lighter and more manageable, several times more maneuverable and able to move around without squeaking quietly… though unfortunately, this did result in the rest of him undergoing a non-insignificant growth spurt from all the gas he’d forced to move, resulting in his already-spherical belly becoming even larger and his buoyancy to shift so hard that he had to practically sink his fingers into the table’s wooden surface just to prevent himself from flying off. No matter, at least his wings were functional… for about ten seconds. Anthony was getting ready to use them the proper way, allowing his body to float up just enough that he had room to flap those things around, when he began feeling their agility plummet to the same level it used to be at. Panic filled him again as he tried to turn his head around, only to find that doing so was impossible; it had sunk into his neck, which itself had been consumed by what used to be his torso, now little more than a round reservoir of helium, to the point where even talking was difficult, let alone trying to move his head from side to side. He had to rely on his sense of hearing, which itself was being battered by the constant noise of leathery groaning coming from his body, and air rushing in from every direction despite it not being what was filling him. Still, it was impossible to deny his wings were filling up again, and within seconds they were back to being just as useless as they had been before he forced the gas out of them. Trying to do so again was just not something he was willing to try, lest he end up making things actively worse for himself all over again… leaving only one, very desperate option. Trembling all over, it was nonetheless unsurprisingly easy to let go of both the ground and the tables, seeing as his arms and legs were being subsumed into the spherical vastness that used to be his chest and waist. All that was needed of him was to relax, and soon enough he was floating upwards into the air, carefree, feeling like a leaf blowing in the wind from how easily he moved against the force of gravity; he knew, at that moment, that he was very lucky to be indoors, because a stray breeze could and would send him flying off into the distance with very minimal hassle, his wings no longer able to deal with his sheer girth. This did pose a problem for how exactly he was supposed to cure himself of this side-effect after getting outside, but that was an issue he could resolve later; nothing that could happen to him as a result of turning into a ‘bold balloon could compare to the wrath of a pissed-off wizard. He gulped while he still could, convinced that his head would vanish into the bulging sphere that his body had become, then tried flapping his wings; very slowly at first, so as to not strain them too much, but as soon as he became convinced that he could put in a little more energy behind it, he did so, hoping he wasn’t going too fast for his inflating appendages. It was a constant juggling act between every force acting on him, from the buoyancy of the helium inside of him, to the wind gusts created by his wings, to the frantic flailing caused by his limbs trying to move when they were sinking further and further into him, it was an utter mess; the best he could do was keep flapping those things and hope for the best, even when it was becoming clear that the only thing he was accomplishing was flipping himself in midair and making it harder to control where he was going, and soon enough the kobold was literally spinning in place and growing more nauseous with every revolution. He had to stop trying to fly, but that didn’t really do much; still took a while before he stabilized again, though thankfully with his head the right side up, even if everything up to his snoot was now buried into his stretched-taut skin and forced him to look in a very tiny cone of view in front of him. By this point, everything was over. Even his tail had been filled with the gas, helping to fudge up his balance even more, and he was halfway to the ceiling and accelerating slightly towards it. In a few minutes the wizard was going to be back, he was going to notice someone was inside his tower and then the fates would decide what horrible curse would be cast upon the kobold. Meanwhile, the only thing left for Anthony to do was float up and pretend to try and escape, occasionally moving his overfilled wings in ways that might charitably be called an attempt at flying, or at least pushing himself in any one direction; he did succeed in inching a bit closer to the stairs to the next level, but even that was out of the question now, as he was wider than they were. Even if he were to somehow hug the wall again, there was no way he was going to fit the path to the observatory; no, he was well and truly stuck there, with no recourse but to wait for the homeowner to show up. The bump sealed the deal. A couple of minutes later, Anthony felt the hard wood planks that made up the floor to the next landing hit him on the head (or him hitting them, to be more precise), followed by his entire body rotating until it was very much stuck to the ceiling like the balloon that he was. If his body weren’t what it was at the time, he might say he had his back to it; as it stood though, his “back” no longer existed, and with his physical frame allowed to rest in a stationary position, the ‘bold could finally “enjoy” the sensation of having his hands and feet vanish into him, followed by most of his head, until only the top of it was left for anyone to see. He was, in essence, an immense blimp of a ‘bold, with the only odd thing out being the equally-inflated wings that looked glued onto his back more than anything else. Frankly, at that point, he sort of welcomed the wizard; how else was he going to get fixed? Down below, the door opened some time later; the ‘bold had continued to inflate and fill with the phantom gas, until the bottom of his “belly” grazed the top of the fragile equipment laid out on the tables, enough that any longer and he’d start breaking some very valuable stuff. The wizard seemed to be at least semi-aware of this, as a string of expletives was clearly audible coming from the lower levels, followed by the heavy footsteps of a man who just learned that his private sanctum had been violated. He was probably expecting a random thief, perhaps a group of them, or bandits even! Anything but what he saw when he reached the alchemy lab and looked up to see a colossal blimpbold of proportions so absurd that the old man’s mouth flung wide open and he dropped his staff, right before bringing a hand to head to scratch it in sheer confusion. Anthony only wished he could explain himself. “Who the blazes are you?!” the wizard shouted. Oh, to be able to speak. Time to flap his wings again.
Title: McKinley Manor Pt. 02 Tags: stepmother, stepson, first time, learning, dominant, affectionate She wanted him to touch her? She had undeniably given him permission. He couldn't understand it. This beautiful woman wanted his hands on her. He gave her breasts a tentative squeeze and was surprised at the underlying firmness, he had expected something like a water balloon. He felt her nipple hardening in the cool air, he rubbed it between his fingers and heard a sigh escape her lips. Emboldened he began to explore her body with his hands. She pressed her back against his chest as his hands wandered across her skin. The little gasps and mewls from her pretty lips told him he was doing something right. He made his way down her body, caressing every inch of skin and making mental notes of her reactions which were growing in intensity as he reached her abdomen. He slid one hand down between her legs and found a soft wetness. Jacob let his instincts drive him as he curled his fingers gently into the warm depth. She panted, her head falling back against his shoulder. In one fluid motion he lifted her and made to toss her on the bed. She squeaked in surprise and clung to him, pulling Jacob down with her. He bit her shoulder and made his way down between her legs to better see what his hands were into. He recalled a time that Mark had been with his girlfriend Jennifer after a football game and had asked Jake to keep an eye out for them while he showed her a good time. Mark had kissed her between her legs and she had made cute sounds that had gone straight to Jacob's groin at the time. He wanted Gretschen to make those kinds of noises for him. He wondered what it would taste like. Before the thought fully processed he had lifted his wet fingers to his lips and sucked them clean. It was an unusual flavor but not an unpleasant one, musky but not strong. That must be the scent he had taken to be part of her perfume. Jacob looked up to see blue eyes watching his little experiment, he quirked an eyebrow at her and dipped his head down to collect a sample straight from the source. He ran his tongue up her slit and flicked her clit with the tip as he passed it, her hips bucked involuntarily. He dove in with enthusiasm, licking, sucking, nibbling and kissing every inch until she was moaning and swearing softly under her breath. He probed her soft opening deeply with his tongue and she cried out as she came. Gretsch gasped for breath as he smiled up at her. He rested his head on her thigh and tenderly petted her twitching muscles. Jake gently trailed his fingers across her pelvis, enjoying the soft texture of her skin, he felt a flaw in the smooth plane. An old surgical scar perhaps. She jerked, flinching away from his touch as his finger brushed over the crooked scar just above the center of her pelvic bone. "I'm sorry!" He yelped, releasing her bodily, not certain what was wrong but knowing he had messed up. "Did I...hurt you?" He asked, repositioning himself to look into her eyes. The woman looked frightened and dazed. She shook her head but looked unsure as she sat up on the bed. "Gretsch?" She heard the worry in his warm voice and a lump formed in her throat. He cared, that was all she needed to know. "Before this goes any farther, you need to understand that you must not do certain things. Touching my scar is one of them." She looked up into his brown eyes, they were the color of rich honey. She needed him to understand. "This scar is a part of my past that I do not like to revisit and every time it's touched I feel the knife again and the man that wielded it." He was in shock, someone had harmed her. "What did he do to you Gretschen?" Jacob's voice was low in his chest, it made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Fear, concern, anger and a fierce possessiveness that he wasn't really entitled to boiled up inside of him. He wanted to protect her. "When I was eighteen, I was captured and held against my will by a man, he was much stronger than I was. He tore my clothes away from my body and held a knife to my bare skin. He forced himself inside me with no preparation. I was a virgin, he was large and I was tight...he hurt me, badly. When I screamed he threatened to kill me. I didn't want the filthy seed of such an evil man inside me but he didn't pull out. He came deep inside me. I cried in despair, that excited him more and he continued. I almost managed to get away at one point, that was when he stabbed me. I knew he would kill me, the fear and pain made me compliant. He used me roughly, my blood was the only lubricant he used to take my unprepared ass and he was not gentle and there was a lot of damage. He took me over and over again until something in me snapped. The pain became pleasure and I found sexual release from his abuse. The instant he realized I felt pleasure, he cleaned my blood off of himself and left me bleeding on the floor. The man raped me without mercy and left me for dead. If your father and Daniel hadn't found me when they did, I probably wouldn't be here. He got me pregnant but with all the stress and trauma, I miscarried." Hot tears streamed down her cheeks but she looked strong and determined. He now understood her intense dislike of pocket knives even though she carried one herself. Jacob had found a new level of respect for this woman that he revered. He felt a fire blazing in his chest and a desire to kill the man who dared to hurt her in so many ways. "Who was he? Is he locked up?" "He's dead." She said simply. "How did he die?" "Painfully." She answered cryptically. He saw that she was becoming very uncomfortable. Jake changed tack. "You said there were things I shouldn't do, like touch your scar. What else should I know?" She assessed him. This was a rabbit hole she had only been down once before and it had gotten her married. Where it would lead this time was anyone's guess. She came to a decision. "Never touch my scar and never touch any other part of me without permission. Never do butt stuff without asking first. Never call me slut, whore, dirty or bitch. Do not hold me down, force me or pull my hair, ever. Ask me where I want you to cum unless I've given you specific directions otherwise. No sharp implements or binding materials near me when I'm naked. Try not to rip pieces of cloth around me and never ever spank me." A memory surfaced suddenly of Gretschen leaving the garden abruptly when he had ripped an old shirt into strips to tie the tomato vines earlier in the year. He now understood her action and how hard that must have been for her. "All of these rules have a reason and are in place to prevent me from getting hurt or hurting you." He wondered what she meant by that. How could she hurt him? "If you understand these rules and agree to them we may continue." There were rules about cum and butt stuff, the implications of the need for such rules was staggering, this was more than he could take in. He sat up on the bed next to her. "Gretschen, I understand your rules and your need for them. I don't understand why you are allowing this." Her blue eyes threatened to swallow him up. "You desire me." It was a statement. Not a flinch or a stutter, it was truth and she knew it was solid. He nodded. "You do not wish me to leave your father for you and know very well that I won't." Another truth. "You respect me, you don't want me to be hurt and even if you haven't admitted it to yourself yet, you love me." He did. His head spun at the way she knew him better than he knew himself. "I have a favor to ask you Jacob." "Anything." He breathed. "I want you to help me to break the rules." He flinched. "But you said never..." "I know. Some of these rules I have tested and some I have not. I do not know what will happen at some of those limits. I may fall to pieces, I may react violently, I may become insatiable, but you are strong enough to handle me. You care. You love me. You want to protect me. I need your help if I'm ever going to be free from him for good. I'm tired of being afraid." He let it sink in. He saw the hard set of her jaw and the desperation in her eyes. This was a woman in a cage. He held the key. "I will break your rules and I will catch you when you fall." Gretschen took his hand in hers and held his eyes. She would hold him to his word, it was a promise...a bond...a vow. She released his hand and stood. "It is late and this has been a very emotional night. Forgive me, but I think it would do well for us to continue this tomorrow once we've both slept." Jacob also stood and gathered her robe from the floor and held it open for her. With attentiveness born of affection and respect, he helped her into the soft robe. She reached up and kissed his neck just above his collar, he shivered. "Goodnight Jake." She purred as she swept gracefully from the room. He laid himself back on his bed and could still feel her warmth. "Gretsch..." He murmured softly to himself as he drifted back off to sleep. Jake awoke to a soft piece of music by Vivaldi drifting into his ears from down the hall. He followed it to Gretschen's room and knocked, no answer. He pushed the door gently and it swung open without protest. He pursued the sound, it was coming from the bathroom, he knocked gently on this door as well. "Enter." He did. The scent of almonds and raw honey was laced through the warm, steamy air. The music swelled to a crescendo and he heard her softly humming along. Gretschen sat on a bench wrapped in an oversized towel with a second towel on her head. She was painting her toenails a royal blue. "Did you sleep well?" She asked, never looking up. She remained focused on her task. "I had a very strange dream that you found out a big secret I was hiding and you told me an even bigger one." She looked him dead in the eyes. "That was no dream. Don't you forget it." Her sober words felt like a punch in the gut. It was real and he had made a real promise. Break the rules. He approached her carefully and sat on the opposite end of the bench. She finished the nails on her left foot and fanned them gently to dry them. He grabbed her ankle and yanked her foot up to his face and blew gently on her toenails, he ignored her small squeak of protest and accompanying blush. If she wanted to push her limits, he would have to get comfortable with touching her and she would have to get used to this side of his personality. What little he knew about his own sexuality, from his erotic dreams, was that he was fairly dominant. When her nails were dry he waited for her to paint her right foot. He repeated his gentle but firm process and dried the second set of nails. When her toes were all dry he stood and offered her his hand, she took it and stood. "Come on." He said, leading her into her room. He directed her to sit on the bed as he opened her closet. He chose a thicker pair of high waisted jeans, a black turtleneck sweater and her leather jacket. He went to the dresser and found the bra with the most comfortable fabric and good support, she needed to be reasonably comfortable. He tossed all of these at her. "Get dressed." He said gathering socks and her heeled motorcycle boots. "Panties?" She asked. "No panties. Get dressed." She scowled but the intrigued glint in her eye told him she was curious about this new game. He watched her dress herself and sit back down awaiting shoes. He knelt, tugged socks over her feet and put her boots on. He ran his hands up her leg sensually until the one hand was between her thighs, teasing her through the thick fabric, and the other rested on her hip. He swatted her hip loudly but playfully with the flat of his hand. "Lets move." He pulled the Shadow around the front of the house and she stood up off the steps, helmet propped on her hip. She was so beautiful. "I hope you slept well, you're in for a long day." She swung her leg over the bike, put her helmet on and tightened the strap. They took off down the driveway, headed for the open road. They rode hard and fast, stopping for nothing until the fuel light came on. They pulled into a service station. "Go use the restroom." He said as he dismounted and twisted open the gas cap. As she turned toward the building he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back to look him in the eye. "Do not touch yourself. I know what the vibrations of the bike do to you and I will know if you take care of it yourself." She tugged her wrist free and stalked inside. He was getting her worked up and she was reacting the way he had hoped. Just a little longer. He slipped his phone out, made a quick call then fueled up the motorcycle. Jake pulled around to the door to pick up Gretschen as she exited and they were gone again. The sun was staining the sky gold, red and purple as they pulled into the drive of a little cottage surrounded by trees. The lights were on but there was no indication of life. Jacob dismounted and walked over to the bird feeder, lifted the lid and removed a key. He unlocked the door and led Gretschen inside. The smell of red cedar and roasted venison hit him as he stepped inside. Perfect. He sat Gretschen down at the table and pulled the table settings off of a shelf and set the table. He pulled the rolls out of the warming box and the venison and gravy off the wood stove. Jake plated a generous portion for Gretschen and set it before her along with sassafras tea and a bowl of tomato and cucumber salad. "Eat." He directed her, so she did. The food was delicious and she was enjoying it. Gretschen looked around at the quaint, one room cabin, he had arranged this but for what purpose she didn't yet know. It had something to do with breaking her rules and she was nervous that things would go too far. She trusted Jacob but she didn't trust herself. When they had eaten, he put wood on the fire and turned to her with his eyes smouldering. "You are unfamiliar here but I have taken steps to insure your comfort, you are turned on but not allowed to find pleasure for yourself..." He took the key and locked the door, which she now realized was double keyed. "...and you are caged. This is a metaphor that I needed to make tangible for you to see where you stand." She looked nervous, a little fear creeping in. He crossed the room and crouched down beside her. "I hold the key. Gretschen, I think I can do more than make you comfortable, I think I can let you out of the cage. Are you prepared to test yourself?" He saw resolve and fortitude in her eyes, she was preparing herself. "Where should we begin?" She asked quietly. "Disrobe yourself, please." His voice was low and warm. She took off her jacket and hung it over the chair, followed quickly by her sweater and her bra. Jacob watched with fascination as she methodically undressed herself. Finally she stood before him naked, nipples hard and goosebumps all over in spite of the warm room. She perched herself on the bed expectantly. "I am going to cover your eyes. If this becomes unbearable, you will let me know." He wrapped a soft cloth over her eyes and tied it. "Lay back. I am going to touch you with my hands and nothing else. We will only cross one bridge to begin with." She nodded and laid down on the bed, it was soft. She felt him move to the side of the bed and heard soft rustling sounds she couldn't place until she heard his belt buckle hit the floor. He was also undressing. She blushed a little remembering the swell pressing against her the night before, he was fairly large. Her mind came back to the present as she felt his weight on the bed. He started at her ankles and slid his hands up her legs, there was something so sensual about the firm but gentle caress. He pulled her knees up and apart, she was exposed to his eyes. She trembled with a mix of fear, lust and exhilaration. He sensed the fear. "Gretschen, I told you that only my hands will touch you for now. I will not hurt you and I will stop at your word. This short examination is for my benefit and yours, I need to learn your body better before we move on." She nodded and he continued. He could see the soft inner lips of her pussy gleaming with moisture cloaked by her outer lips which were a little puffy from the vibrations of the long motorcycle ride. The little pucker of her asshole clenched a little and relaxed every time he touched her. She was so nervous. He could see small white scars extending from the pink pucker. The man had done horrible damage to her but she seemed to have healed well. He looked at the scar the knife had left. It was crooked and about two inches wide, pale against her skin. He placed a hand on either side of it. She shivered. "Are you ready?" He asked. She braced herself and nodded. He rubbed his thumb firmly across the old wound. She cried out and shook but did not tell him to stop. She slowly calmed. "Again." She requested. He was a little surprised but acquiesced, this time pressing firmly on the scar with his finger and holding it there. She thrashed and jerked but never told him to stop, and finally calmed herself. A sheen of sweat appeared on her smooth skin. "Again." They repeated the process several times, each iteration more intense than the previous. She was uncomfortable but continued to ask for more, he monitored her carefully for signs that it was becoming too much. When she started to whimper he removed his hand from her scar and crawled up over her. Jake stroked her hair and cupped her face gently. Gretschen was so brave and strong. He caressed her body and teased her nipples with his fingers. She relaxed and made soft, sexy, little sounds. He felt himself hardening in response but ignored his body. She needed him in complete control. Jacob worked his way down her body with his hands as she slowly came unraveled. By the time he reached her waist she was bucking her hips in response to his touches. He trailed his fingers from her quivering rosebud across her moistening slit and up to her pelvic bone. She gasped at the unexpected sensation, she wanted more. He probed and explored with his hands until he found her opening. He carefully pressed a finger into it, hoping he wouldn't hurt her and not sure how deep it went. Her head rocked back on the pillow and her back arched slightly, she liked that so he decided a little more wouldn't hurt. He pulled back and added a second finger before pushing back in. She was making those sexy mewling sounds again. Jake grinned to himself and began working his fingers in and out, enjoying the increase in volume and urgency in her voice. Before long his hand was making little squelching sounds as he hammered his fingers into her wetness, his thumb rubbing on the sensitive little nub at the top of her slit. Gretschen's legs were shaking and her squeaks and mewls had become moans. His cock throbbed at the sounds and beautiful visual. He curled his fingers slightly as they were starting to get a little stiff and her back arched off the bed as she ground against his hand, gasping and shaking through a powerful orgasm. Jacob sat there in shock, he had made her cum again. She's your stepmom...your sexy, seductive minx of a stepmom. He removed the cloth from her eyes. She was still shaking all over, her eyes glazed over with her afterglow. She recovered herself and sat up on the bed. Gretchen stiffened at the sight of his cock. He was bigger than she had thought. Ten inches easily and thick enough to be intimidating. She shivered. "May I return the favor, Jacob?" She asked shyly. He looked at her carefully and determined she was doing this because she wanted to, not because she felt she had to. He nodded. She knelt before him as he sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her delicate fingers around his girth. She thrilled at the realization that her fingers didn't reach all the way around. Gretschen began to stroke in an expert rhythm, she had done this many times and knew how to bring him to a release quickly. She really wanted to take him into her mouth, slick him up and then ride him until dawn but she kept it to just her hands as he had done. "Jake..." Her blue eyes met his brown ones as she felt the pulsing rush under her fingers and she knew he was cumming. Gretsch let it spray over her ample breasts and was surprised at how much there was. Pleased with herself and enjoying the way he marveled at her covered in his spunk, she ran a finger across her breast and through one of the pearly pools. She brought it to her lips and tasted it, he tasted clean and not too strong. She savored the flavor of him, as well as his wide eyed expression. Jacob gulped. "I am tired. Can we sleep?" She asked, still kneeling between his legs looking like a porn star after filming a gang bang scene. "First you're going to get a bath." He said raising up and actually stepping over her with his long legs. She took the moment to marvel at his muscular build. Jacob had gotten taller since he had moved into McKinley Manor. He was six foot three now and nearly 250 pounds of solid, lean muscle. He was a gentle giant but Gretschen had to admit that she felt a lot safer knowing that he was right down the hall in the case that someone broke in and tried to hurt her again. Jake pulled the long curtain back that divided the bathroom from the rest of the little cottage. He ran a steaming bath in the huge wash tub and laid out towels for her to dry with. When the bath was run and he'd gotten a bar of soap out for her, he turned to see her watching him with an amused but affectionate look in her eye. He crossed the room to fetch her and lifted her in his arms. Gently setting her in the water he grabbed the soap and washed her. She felt like a child under his big hands. He was careful not to touch her scar but slipped a finger in and out of her a few times and stroked across her clit intermittently, causing her to scowl at him with poorly disguised arousal. Once she was washed and rinsed Jacob offered her a hand to climb out of the tub. She carefully stood and stepped out of the basin taking the proffered towel. She dried herself while he turned down the bed, she blushed as she realized she had no night clothes. Pushing the thought from her mind, she headed for the soft pillow she knew awaited her. It was still dark when Jake awoke. His dream had been so vivid, he could still feel her pressed to his chest. He sensed something move and felt around in the dark to find that Gretschen had her back nestled up against him. His cock throbbed and twitched as he realised they were both naked. Jacob's brain slowly woke up, he remembered the events that had gotten him here. He could still feel the sensation of her soft hands stroking him to completion. His hard dick throbbed again, he was going to have to do something about it. Jake went to roll away toward his side of the bed as Gretsch repositioned herself causing him to rub his pulsing member against her plump backside. She froze mid stretch and turned over. Jacob expected anger but saw nothing but raw, animalistic passion. She pulled him to her, biting his neck, grinding her wetness against his hip. Fuck, that's so hot. He pushed her back onto her back and climbed on top of her, his hard member pressed between their stomachs. The big man rubbed the length of his cock up and down over her clit in long strokes as if he were inside her. She gasped her appreciation, writhing on the sheets trying to get more. He pulled back and teased her opening with the swollen head, then resumed rubbing his length across the sensitive little bud. She was moaning and squirming. Gretschen wanted to feel him inside her. He teased her slit with the tip again, savoring the wet heat and she jerked. Jake misjudged his aim for the forward stroke and the first four inches of his rock hard cock slipped into her warm, wet pussy. Jacob froze. "Oh Jake...fuck..." She swore softly. He felt so good, he stretched her wide but not to the point of pain, just incredible fullness. "I'm...I'm inside you!" He gasped. "I'm...having sex!" Gretschen's brain snapped back to reality. He was a virgin, so pure, she had taken that from him in a moment of passion. She couldn't give it back but she could make sure he had the best damn first time possible. "Yes Jacob. Please, let me take over. Allow me to take care of you." She rolled them over so she was astride him and sunk herself down on his throbbing cock until she felt like her organs would have to be pushed out of the way to make room for his enormous hardness. Finally, her pelvis came to a rest on his and she sighed. So big. So deep. So good. Gretsch had managed to take all of him. She leaned over his body and kissed her way up his chest as he reached up to cup her tits and play with her nipples. She started a gentle rhythm and watched him closely. Whenever he started to show signs of getting close to an orgasm, she would settle back onto him and not move until he relaxed, prolonging his experience and helping him last longer. When he had finally had all he could stand she tried to still once more but he lifted her up and drove his hardness into her with a ferocity she hadn't expected. He wrapped his hand into her hair and pulled her head back as he thrust into her. "Gretschen, I'm going to cum inside you and fill you up. I'm going to paint your pretty little insides white. You are going to be dripping my cum from your tight little hole for a week." He growled in her ear as he felt her tighten up. "Oh, Jake!" She jerked and spasmed as a strong orgasm rocked through her. Her muscles clenched around his erection and he roared out as he came, pulse after pulse until he didn't think it would ever stop. They were both shaking as he gathered her up and held her against him, his cock still twitching through a series of aftershocks inside her. "I'm sorry Gretschen, I couldn't stop. You felt so good and I lost control, I meant to be much gentler with you and your boundaries. Please, forgive me." He panted. She felt his voice rumbling in his chest. He'd broken some rules and she had enjoyed it. She had been too in the moment to let the fear take her over. "There is nothing to forgive. Can you forgive me for taking your first time from you? That should have been special...with someone special." He chuckled, "You are special, Gretchen. I will never forget it. I would never change it." His eyes glinted at her in the dark. "Can I ask you a favor?" His hand cupped her cheek and his thumb caressed her lips. "Anything." She said, remembering that the same answer from his lips is what had brought them to this point. "Can I kiss you? I've never kissed anyone and I would like you to be my first." Her eyes welled up. She had taken the virginity of this amazing young man who had never even kissed a girl. She wanted to make it up to him and might as well start with what he wanted at the moment. A kiss. She wiped her face so he wouldn't know she had been crying and leaned close. As she did, she felt his softening member slide out of her, it was a delicious feeling. Her lips met his and she gave him a soft, tender kiss. She lingered on his lips, sucking his bottom lip between hers gently and darting her tongue out to taste him. When she pulled back she was a bit breathless. "Wow, that's nothing like the movies." He mused. She giggled and snuggled into his side. In just a few minutes they were both sound asleep. The morning was overcast and cold, they dressed and enjoyed a simple breakfast together. Jake caught her up and kissed her for the thrill of it at every opportunity as they gathered their things. She was dreading the long ride home as she was a little sore. Gretschen wasn't really sure where they were, they had ridden a few hundred miles but the terrain looked familiar to home. They had taken main roads until they stopped for fuel but had been on winding back roads all the way to here. She resigned herself to the ache she would feel and decided to head straight to bed when they got home. He let them out of the cabin and locked up, tucking the key back into its hiding place and throwing a leg over his bike. She climbed on gingerly behind him. He smirked knowing why. "I'm going to take it easy on you. We'll be home in about half an hour." He said grinning under his helmet. "What? How?" "We took the long, roundabout way to get here. We'll have to stop for fuel about five miles from here and then we'll only be about twenty minutes from home." Before she could respond, he kicked the bike in gear and pulled out of the drive. They hit the storm front about a mile from McKinley Manor and by the time they got in the house they both felt drowned. "What a downpour!" Jacob exclaimed as he shook wet hair out of his eyes. He looked over to see Gretschen wringing, what looked to be a gallon of water, from her braid. She was shivering. Jacob pulled her to him, crushing her against his chest. She nestled closer sharing his body heat. "Let's get you in a warm bath and some dry clothes." Jake scooped her up and carried her to her room. He tugged the waterlogged leather from her arms, hung the jacket over a drying rack in the bathroom and started running her a bath. He returned and peeled her out of the drenched layers of fabric that clung to her skin. When she was naked he lifted her and slid her gently into the warm water. Her shivers subsided and her lips took on a rosy hue, she smiled softly at his consideration for her. He headed down stairs to get a fire going. Flames were crackling merrily in the stove as Jacob headed up the stairs. He peeled out of his sopping wet clothes and climbed stiffly into the shower. The hot water warmed him thoroughly and he relaxed as the little rivulets coursed down his body. He wondered for a moment what his father would say if he had seen the events of last night. Shame and guilt flooded his mind. His dad was a good guy. Jake had learned that his dad had tried to get custody of him several times over the years but never managed to get even visitation because of the distance. He had never failed to send presents for every holiday and birthday which his mother had always claimed were from her except the bike. It was expensive enough that she couldn't explain it away in the finances and the title was in Rick's name. His mother had always claimed they were broke but she refused to work and his dad had been paying thousands of dollars a month in child support, as well as wiring money any time something unexpected had come up. Jake had done some math and knowing the house and car were paid off, he figured their monthly expenses to be around $1,500. He found out that she was also getting alimony from Aaron from the year they were married. He had tracked down an accountant and a lawyer to look into her accounts and spending and found a huge nest egg. She had been using him as a cash cow for years, squandering every penny of child support money she could stand to so that she wouldn't have to work even after he left home. All these years she had coached him into a resentment for his father to keep him from reaching out to the only person who actually cared and wasn't manipulating him. Now Jake had damaged their budding relationship by having an affair with his stepmother. Why was he so stupid. "Jake?" He'd been so deep in thought, he hadn't heard her knock. "I'm not decent." He snapped. Gretschen withdrew in shock. What had changed? She went to the kitchen to make herself some hot tea. She settled into the chair by the fire with her mug and mulled over the events since the party. He had been fine less than an hour ago, maybe he was having second thoughts. Maybe he had gotten caught up in the thrill or heat of the moment and was coming out of it. Maybe he didn't really find her attractive but had thought it would be a fun time and was now regretted his choice to sleep with damaged goods. Gretschen missed Rick, he could always cheer her up. She called him. The line rang twice and he answered on the third. " Good evening gorgeous!" His cheerful tone felt like a soothing balm. "Hey baby, I think I might have messed up." "You broke Ellie's favorite plate, didn't you?" He chuckled. "No honey, you remember what you told me about if I got too lonesome when you were gone?" "I do. I want you to be happy. I'm not as young as I used to be and my needs aren't as strong as yours. If you find someone worthy enough to take a lover, I understand and I approve. I love you and I can't live without you. Just...don't leave me. I need you like a fish needs water. " "Rick, I have found a man who is worthy of my affection. I would never leave you for him and he does not expect me to. I need you. I love you and I don't want that ruined. You need to know who he is before this goes any farther." "I don't need to know dear, just be careful. Don't let Jacob get too friendly with him, you don't want him knowing what's going on." "Rick...Jacob is my lover." The silence was deafening. "Rick, I know. This wasn't my intention and I don't want him to get hurt. I just want him to be happy and he makes me happy." "Gretschen, has he...cum inside you?" Rick's voice cracked a little. "Yes." She answered nervously. "Gretschen, you're not taking birth control, are you?" "No." She was starting to pick up his thought process. "Men in my line are very potent. I guess that makes me daddy grandpa." He sounded more stunned than angry. "There's no way, not from just once." "Love, he was conceived because she missed 2 days worth of pills on a trip with her sister." She was in shock. She did a quick mental calculation, she was at her most fertile yesterday. Oh boy. "Gretschen, I love you. If I didn't trust you with every fiber of my being I would be angry right now but I know how lonely you must be without me. I'm truly sorry. I also know that you have a desire to be a mother. If you are pregnant I want you to be glad for it and not be upset that it isn't mine. In fact, I had thought about asking Jake if he would be a donor when you made the decision you were ready. This isn't the method I envisioned but the outcome could have been far less ideal than this." His good cheer was returning. "Rick, I love you. Will you have a sit down with Jacob and discuss this with him man to man when you get home?" "If that is how you would like to handle this. I have to run dear, I think Alan is lost again. Be careful with Jake and have fun, I love you both too much to see you hurt." She snorted at his comment about Alan and kissed him through the phone before the line disconnected. That really couldn't have gone any better. Gretschen didn't believe for half a second that she was actually pregnant, her family on both sides had trouble conceiving and she was sure one time wouldn't do it. She hoped, now that she had filled Rick in, that it wouldn't turn out to be just a one time fling. She cared for Jacob and she hoped he cared for her. She headed to the kitchen to rinse her empty mug and fix dinner. When Jake came down to eat he couldn't look her in the eye. He was a bad son. He was like his mother. A cheater, a liar, an adulterer. He would have to confess to his father when he came home accept whatever punishment came. Maybe he should pack his clothes just in case he was kicked out on the street. "I spoke with your father earlier...about us." Jacob's eyes shot up from his plate to focus on her. "He told us to be careful and have fun and that he loves us both." Jake couldn't believe it. He shook his head. "Just like that? He's not upset that his son is banging his wife?" She flinched, he was angry. "Your father and I agreed a long time ago that if I got lonesome with him gone that I would be permitted to take a lover. I would be allowed to keep my lover as long as he was clean, caring, able to satisfy my physical needs and didn't ever ask me to leave your father for him. We even talked at one point about me taking a lover, though I didn't feel the need for one at the time, for the express purpose of having a child but I didn't want to carry a stranger's baby. I love your dad. He is my world and he holds my heart. I love you Jacob, I have since before you lived here, when your dad told me stories about you as a child. I will always love you even if you decide that you do not want to be intimate with me. I have made my choice though. I'm lonely and you are the only lover that is fit for me. If you deny me then I will just have to be lonely but I will understand." He shook his head. It was a lot to wrap his head around. This stunningly beautiful, talented, broken woman felt that he was the only worthy candidate for her affections and his father was okay with it? "Gretschen, why?" "Why not?" She gave him an impish grin as she rose from the table and made her way up the stairs. Jake decided he needed to think about this for a while. A few weeks passed at McKinley Manor and it was Jacob's birthday. Rick had been in town two days prior and had sat and talked with Jake about Gretschen. They had come to an agreement and though he hadn't been with Gretsch since their first time, he knew he wanted her and he had permission. He sat before the cheesecake she had made him with twenty candles on top. Even though it was silly, he wished, as he blew out the candles, that Gretschen would give him a very happy birthday. They ate cheesecake and as Gretsch cleaned up the table he watched her body move. She wasn't really different but she looked a little tense, he knew how to fix that. He stepped into the kitchen and moved up behind her quietly. He reached out and grabbed her waist from behind and pulled her up against him, his cock already waking up. She squeaked at the sudden motion but relaxed against his chest as his arms wrapped around her. "I've missed you." He growled in her ear, nipping her neck. "Tonight, you're mine." She pulled away and turned to look him in the eye. "I will be yours tonight and will give myself over to the pleasure you offer, but first, I have a surprise. If you still want me after that, you may have me." She dried her hands and beckoned him to follow her. There was a small box on the coffee table in the parlour. She handed it to him with shaking hands. Jacob opened it and was instantly confused. Inside was what looked to him like a digital thermometer. He picked it up. Where the digital display should be there was a slot with some kind of paper or something with two lines on it. He gave Gretschen a quizzical look and examined it more closely. There was a diagram on it. One line = negative. Two lines = positive. The light went on. "Gretschen...you're...pregnant?"
Title: Frankie's Story Ch. 02 Tags: niece, slave, master, handcuffs, punishment, collar For such a long time all I could do was sit and watch this extraordinary woman as she knelt in front of me. Her eyes glued to my chest not moving a muscle. I shook my head to remove myself from this trance and got up from my seat. I passed my niece and attempted to hide my thoughts, then told her to go to bed. I had loved Shannon with all my heart, but as I lay in bed watching the ceiling that evening, all I wanted to do was strangle her for putting me in this position. I understood she had been caught by Frankie and had to tell her something to stop her calling in the police, but she must have known what was happening to Frankie. She gave our niece her own collar for heaven's sake! As my brain finally succumbed to tiredness and started to switch itself off, my last thought was of my brother and his wife, and what I was going to tell them. Frankie was already up when I came into the kitchen. Her naked form was new to me. I had seen her in bathing costumes for the hot tub and a few times in a bikini when Shannon and I went to parties at my brother's place. But this was Frankie in the suit she was born in and uncovered for me. Youth still held Frankie's breasts firm and in place, more than a handful may be wasted, but it sure wasn't wasted on her body. Given the women I had seen naked, I had never seen nipples so thick with the potential to be wondrously long with almost strawberry red aureoles. The curiosity to see how long they would be when erect must have been something primeval within me. The landing strip of hair on her pubic bone was trimmed back so much that the only reason you noticed it was because it was dark as the hair on her head. The collar all too familiar and fitted Frankie as well as it fitted Shannon. I hadn't heard one word from her since she had put her collar on. There were still too many unanswered questions pounding at my thoughts, wanting to know the answers. I needed to know more before I could make any form of decision. I smiled to myself as I thought I understood why Frankie came to me in the first place, and possibly her agenda behind it all. She wanted me to get to the bottom of what was on her mind, before I sorted out her return to her folks. With breakfast over and the kitchen cleaned, we headed for the porch. Even as I sat, she knelt on the decking next to me. It seems Frankie took her role in this very seriously. "There was a tipping point in your relationship with Randy. What was it?" For such a long while Frankie simply knelt next to me saying nothing, my mouth opened to repeat my question, then she finally spoke up. "Randy took me to a dungeon up state. He told me that we were only going to look around, but he lied. He led me into a room and introduced me to two masters and two mistresses then told me for the duration of our stay, I was to do each and every one of them, for as long as they wanted me." Even as I watched her, a great sadness came to her as she recounted that evening. A tear wound its way down her cheek as she recounted her tale. Randy went and sat in a chair; both men held her down as both women took turns with her, using a strap-on. Once they were done, it was plain to see that from then on, she no longer needed to be restrained. For the next three hours, each and every hole that Frankie had in her body was used. It seems that when they were done and had left, Randy got up out of his chair and said that he just wanted to see how he would feel watching her do all four of them. He said that he may not tell her to do it again, but then again, he may do. My heart went out to her. Randy clearly didn't know anything about the gift that my niece had given him. It was also clear to see that she was close to slipping into a funk over the memories that this sorry tale had given her. It was time to move her on from this. "You are a slave; you were there to do as you were told." For the first time that morning her head came up and her eyes bored deep into me. "I'm a slave by choice. That doesn't make me anyone's whore. I noticed while all this was going on, not once did any of their own slaves come in to share the load. For three hours I was used as nothing more than a free ride for his friends. I knew then, that he could never again have my respect or loyalty." Just shrugging my shoulders seemed to incite her a great deal and what I said next, damn near made her apoplectic. "Never the less, you gave yourself to Randy. You were his to do with as he see fit, you don't get a say in the matter. As Randy's property, you do as you are told." "If you had tried the same stunt with Aunt Shannon she would have stuck a knife in you the next time you slept together!" That made me chuckle and nod my head in agreement, it also brought a smile to Frankie's lips and lightened her spirit. "Yes, when I met Shannon and we clicked so quickly, we never needed anyone but each other. Oh, we did stuff that would give you nightmares young lady, but the trust between us was total. What we did, or in most cases, what I did to her, we did because we wanted too, knowing we would remain exclusive." For such a long time I simply sat and enjoyed the silence. Finally Frankie's fidgeting became too much and I walked into the cabin. Coming out once again with a rug and tossing it on the decking next to her. She looked up at me slightly confused. "The decking can be hard on the knees I know. Put that on the deck and kneel on that." Frankie nodded her head once and did as instructed. Even then I waited another hour before she said what I knew was coming. "I know I can do this. I thought Randy was a younger version of you. How wrong was I? Please give me a chance to prove I can do this." It took me so long to answer, even Frankie moved her gaze from my chest to my face awaiting my decision. "You're my niece, we can't do this. Hell, I shouldn't even be seeing you naked like this, you're too young and you would break." Her eyes never left me, her cheeks flushed for a moment and she bit down on her bottom lip. I was expecting a response, just not the one I got. "That's a damn lie and we both know it. Aunt Shannon taught me to compartmentalize my life; I can be your slave within the confines of this cabin or even the valley and when I'm clothed I can be your niece. As for my age you son of a bitch, you first took Aunt Shannon when she was twenty." The urge to drag her into the play room by her hair and remind her of her lack of manners was close to overwhelming. Even when I looked into her eyes she refused to back down. Her cheeks once again flushed slightly, but she kept her stare firmly on me. Even when I leaned down and rested my elbows on my legs, her eyes followed me. "You know your outburst could cost you everything? Not even Shannon had dared to go where you are now." So many emotions crossed her face. She even started to shake, but then her mind took back the control of her body. Her upper body leaned forward and her hands rested on the decking. As her forehead rested on the back of her hands, her body seemed to totally relax. She was in a submissive pose simply waiting for me to decide what to do with her, given her outburst. I let her stay that way until I could calm myself. I even found my fingers had automatically entwined themselves in her hair. For a second her body seemed to stiffen slightly, perhaps expecting retribution for her outburst, but I wasn't sure. With the tattoo on her back now in full view, my heart saddened. Were we truly two lost souls? If I took Frankie down the path she seems to want to rush head long into, would I be damned? The question that never left my thoughts was always the same. If I did as Frankie wished and I suspect what Shannon had made possible, would I be doing it for Frankie, myself or both of us? "It would be pointless telling you to put a costume on because we are going into the hot tub, wouldn't it?" Frankie didn't answer, although the quiet little giggle gave her away. She quickly checked herself and became silent once again. After telling her to start the hot tub and that I would join her shortly, I stood and left her. Frankie was knelt by the tub waiting for me, once again her eyes went no higher than my chest and the fact I was wearing shorts wasn't lost on her. I got in and told her to join me. At least I waited until she was comfortable before I hit her with the news. "We need time apart." Frankie's eyes shot to mine and her mouth opened to say something. I merely waved her to silence. "I'm becoming annoyed with your lack of respect. Even before yesterday you never treated me with this much lack of respect and it has to stop." Her mouth closed and she nodded her head once, then brought her eyes back to my chest. "We both know why you are acting as you are towards your folks. In your mind you are burning your bridges with them so you can come here to me. This isn't going to happen. They are your parents therefore will be given respect. We need time apart since it was you that ambushed me with all this." It was the look of great sadness that crossed her face that pulled so hard on my heart. I placed my hand under her chin so she would look directly at me. The tears in her eyes were on the tip of welling up within her. "Answer me this right here, right now. Do you want this? Do you really want this? You must understand that once you cross this path, turning back will hurt even more." She nodded and smiled that thousand watt smile of hers. "More than anything, I can do this, I know I can. The outbursts you have seen from me have been nothing more than fear you will reject me. I simply don't know what I will do if that happens." "You are my niece. We shouldn't even be having this conversation, let alone be in a hot tub with you sat naked beside me." Frankie vigorously shook her head. "Aunt Shannon taught me to compartmentalize. As I see you at this moment, you are my Master and I am your slave." She waved her hand around the hot tub and then extended it outwards before speaking. "Here, I am yours to use as you please. As any slave should be used. It's only out there that I'm your niece and even then, you will never have anything more than my total respect. This body is yours to do with as you wish. It is the body of a slave and in here, that slave is a woman. It's only out there I am your niece. We can make this work, I know we can." Even as I let what Frankie said sink in, there was more to be said. I just didn't realize it would be from her. "Please may I speak?" Instantly I looked at her, something had changed about her, something in her eyes. I had first looked into those same eyes at the hospital, but once where there was a screaming child, there was now a three day old looking so intently at me, just as she was now. Eventually, I nodded my head, her words practically rushed from her mouth. "You taught Aunt Shannon to compartmentalize her life and she used that skill to great effect when she was visiting her folks and us, all through her everyday life. Had I not come to the cabin that day and seen the bruises on her, I never would have known of either of your involvement in this lifestyle. I had a good teacher and she taught me so much. Please let me bring into practice all that Aunt Shannon has taught me." The pause as her words sunk in was only momentary. "There is one other thing. You taught Aunt Shannon well, but aren't you forgetting your own teachings. I know we can do this because I can compartmentalize my life, to serve you, to be your slave and also be your niece at any other time. But can you see me as anything other than your niece? Can you compartmentalize us as you did with Aunt Shannon?" Even as my mind absorbed all Frankie had said, I knew she was fighting me with her own logical take on the situation, the challenge didn't go unnoticed either. I motioned her to move over onto my lap, the thousand watt smile didn't go unnoticed when she slide onto my lap and tried to curl as much of herself into me as she could. "Tomorrow you're going home to your folks." Her mouth opened to protest before she realized I was waiting for her to do just that. Then she closed her mouth and nodded her head, resigning herself to keeping her own council until I had finished. "In four days I have to leave for a two week round of seminars. You are going home to repair the damage you have done with your folks, if you have to crawl over broken glass to do this, then make it happen. They love you unconditionally so your first task is to mend the fences Frankie." She nodded her head before saying. "I will obey." "You also know the tests that are coming don't you?" Again she nodded her head and said. "Yes I do. Aunt Shannon told me what you did to her before she earned her collar." I felt her hand move to that same collar she now had around her neck. "In a month we will see if this lifestyle is really what you want. A month from today you will return. Park your car in the barn, and keep the clothes you will have packed to come here in the trunk. From then on you won't see any clothes until you leave. Is that understood?" She nodded her head. I ignored her, I wanted to hear it from her lips. "I will obey." It was now time to hit her sideways. "Oh and Frankie, when you get here you will be given a safe word and you will be shared. By how many will be my choice. This is my life Frankie, welcome to my world. I do truly hope you understand what you're letting yourself in for." \*\*\*\*\*\*\* I watched and even waved Frankie goodbye the next morning. Sleeping with her in my bed without either thunder or lightning was a strange event. I didn't touch her and other than spoon into me so she was snug, she never touched me. But it must have been the soundest sleep either of us had for some time because we both slept passed out usual waking time. It was Marci that phoned me a few days later. I was just getting ready to leave when she rang; I even had to put my bag down to answer the phone, which was how close she had come to missing me. She instantly thanked me for sorting Francine out and they were all going to dinner as the golf club later that evening. "I don't know what you do Jack but she is back to normal once again and I would like to thank you so much." "She's a great kid Marci, just treat her right and she will always shine around you and Mark." "Oh I will Jack, we even went on a bonding stroke shopping trip today and bumped into Melanie Fairfax and she couldn't believe how well Francine looked. Her time with you sure made her glow, Melanie was talking about bringing Carlson to the golf club with her as well. It would be nice to see her settled don't you think Jack?" Boy was I thankful she didn't see me shake my head. "Marci you have got to stop trying to run that girls life. Hell, she has only just gotten free from Randy; don't start making plans for her yet. Let the girl breath." It was blatantly obvious my words fell of stony ground so I just let her babble on for a minute more before I told her I had to leave. Although I got the odd update from Marci while I was away, they all seemed to centre on Frankie being pushed towards Carlson Fairfax. Marci just couldn't seem to help herself, the trouble was that I felt partly responsible for what was going on. I had sent Frankie back to her folks on the understanding that she was to rebuild her relationship with them. But my niece was steadily being pushed towards something that her heart simply wasn't in. My trip had now been extended by a few days so it meant I was still going to be on the road for another ten days. To make it worse, the calls from Marci continued and made me feel that too much pressure was being heaped onto Frankie and would result in undoing everything that I had done so far. It was time for me to speed things up and part of doing that would be to ease the pressure on my niece. The phone rang six times before it was answered. "Hello?" Since it was now four in the morning her time it was understandable that one word was all I got from her. "Good morning Red." "Jack? Damn your eyes! Don't you ever get any sleep? Do you know what time it is?" Ignoring her comment I went straight to it. "It's time to play Red. It's time to put those close protection skills courses into effect. I need you at my place no later than three the day after tomorrow. Can you make it?" The pause as she checked first before answering was predictable. "Yes I can make that. Who am I looking after?" "Frankie." This time the pause was a lot longer. "You have got to be shitting me. I hope you know what your doing?" "I have no choice in the matter; her folks are making her life a living nightmare. I need her away from them and you to run interference if needed. Oh and Red, sit and listen to her, she wants what you are and Shannon was." My second call was easier. "Hello Frankie." I heard the rustle as she made herself more alert. "Hello Uncle Jack." "Your mom is placing a great deal of stress in your way. Do you wish to be removed from this stress?" My heart went out to her as she burst into tears on the phone. I waited until she had calmed enough for me to continue. Frankie got there first. "I'm sorry Uncle Jack, I've tried truly I have. But I'm having trouble keeping to your wishes. I am trying so hard to repair the damage that I did with my family but it seems Mom and Mrs Fairfax are hell bent on marrying me off. I told you I would obey, but I'm struggling. I can't fail you over this." "You have done everything I have asked of you Frankie. It's not up to your folks to choose your life partner, that's your job. As of today you work for my company, your resume was sent to them yesterday, all you have to do is go into the office to sign some papers. They are expecting you no later than ten this morning. Once you have done that, you will go to Cassandra's for the night and then go to my place the day after." The relief in her voice reached me all those miles away. "I will obey." "Frankie, you are not to be there before three in the afternoon and you will not be alone. I'm still on the road so I can't be there for another ten days. What your folks are doing means I have had to take steps to protect you. Other than telling your folks that you have a job interview, you will tell them nothing." "Thank you Uncle Jack." Mrs Gillins in the personnel department reported that Frankie was camped out by her door before nine that morning. With pleasant surprise in her voice, she also said that even through a whole day of induction interviews and paperwork, my niece never stopped smiling. I told Mrs Gillins that I wouldn't know what I would do without her and once again thanked her before I put the phone down. Turning my thoughts back to my work again sure made the days go faster. I received the odd call from Marci over the next couple of days and she continued to vent her great displeasure that the company I worked for had poached Frankie and had already put her to work. At this moment she was on a two week seminar, I don't even know if Marci knew about that! The urge to stick it to her became too tempting not to say something, so I reminded her that she graduated seventh in her class and any company would want her on their pay roll. It was then of course that I asked her about Carlson Fairfax. I shouldn't have been too amazed at how quickly she changed the subject. \*\*\*\*\*\*\* Both the girls were knelt on the porch watching me as I pulled up and once I told them both to stand, I noticed they were both dressed in t-shirts and shorts. We hugged both individually and then together, in amongst this I noticed the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen, which I was so thankful for. We adjourned there and ate before I could be bothered with pleasantries. It also didn't escape my niece's attention when I noticed the unlocked room in the corner and that everything inside was spotlessly clean. "You were to look out for Frankie and keep her company. Why is the play room open?" Red was quick to reply. "I kept her occupied with work. We cleaned the play room and every room in the place." "You told her about yourself?" "No. that is for you to do, all that I am is as much as you tell her. She understood my reluctance to talk about myself until you had returned, so we talked of general things and I made sure we both kept occupied until you returned." I nodded and thanked her before turning my attention towards Frankie. "The predicament I placed you in with your folks was unforeseen and I had to adjust everything very quickly. Being employed by my company makes life easier for you now. The job is real and you are employed for however long you wish to be." Frankie simply nodded her head and once again waited. "Red is one thing and many things. I understand that means little to you but that is who she is and I love her because of it." Her head lifted to look at me and then adjusted her line of site slightly to take in Red's reaction. She blushed. "Red. Clothes?" Frankie continued to watch the woman next to her as she pulled air into her lungs to both calm herself and answer the question posed to her. "I was made aware of your request that Frankie was to be naked. However, that was before I was sent here at your request. You gave no indication on how you wished me to be so I took it upon myself to keep us clothed until you decide on both of us and not just one of us." My gaze once again turned to Frankie who seemed to flinch slightly expecting the worst. "Do you see how her mind works Frankie? Red does not go by blind faith in anything, she wears a collar and I could take her into the play room for the next three weeks and use every piece of equipment there is on her and she will smile through the entirety. I could tie her to my bed and use her until every hole in her body is too sore to ever use again and she will still smile." "But if I where to use her in a sadistic manner or one that will not give both of us pleasure. Then that smile will still be there when she places her hands around my neck and squeezes the life out of me." Frankie's face was one of total shock, even when she turned her gaze to Red and looked at her closely, she watched fascinated as her stature seemed to grow in the room. It was then that we both heard just two words from Red. "Damn straight..." "Frankie. Red is the only person I had ever shared Shannon with. Red is also the only person I thought to turn to when I decided to move you away from your folks. It's between Red and I to teach you what you wish to know. Some of course will be things that Shannon taught you, the rest will be us." I started to fear that I was overwhelming Frankie with to much information all at once. So I sent both girls to the spare room to undress and collar up and then return to me. They both found me in the play room, as my eyes scanned the room, my mind provoked memories of fond times here, even though I hadn't been here since just before Shannon's death. Without even looking behind me I knew what I would see. Both girls would be knelt side by side two foot inside the room and one side of the door. "You still have your old job Red? Not killed anyone yet I hope?" "Yes Master. I do my best, but I seemed to have taught them all to well." We both giggled and I turned and looked at them both. The contrast between them was almost total, Red had an inch in height on Frankie but broader shoulders. Frankie was a C-cup and I knew for a fact that Red was the middle ground between a B and a C-cup, and through her work, her body was much more toned than Frankie's. Of course where Frankie still had that strip of pubic hair, Red was perfectly smooth thanks to laser surgery. The biggest contrast was of course their hair. Red did actually take after the name everyone used on her since birth. Her real name was Maureen, when she was old enough to realize she hated it, she used the nickname everyone used due to the shocking red hair on her head. A gift from her fathers Irish side of the family which always seemed to bleed over only onto the women of each generation. I told Frankie that Red had her own company and she worked in Hollywood as a fitness trainer, amongst other things. We then talked about a fitness regime for Frankie that she could do after work. Both were to go into town in the morning and sort out a running kit, sports bras and good trainers. Even as we talked Frankie seemed a little uncomfortable that we were talking about her and not to her what so ever but it was obvious that my next question made her regret getting caught. "Frankie how many lovers have you had since you lost your virginity?" My niece shot a look at me, her mouth opened in shock and her face just seemed to drain of blood. "I... I..." My niece stammered. Finally I said. "Red Explain." "Master needs to know how used Masters Pussy is, so he can adjust what he can do without causing his Pussy any damage." The pause as they both looked at each other, simply reinforcing not only what she had said, but also what she was about to say. "This question will also tell Master how promiscuous you have been since you gave up your virginity." I suppose now was going to be a turning point for both of us. Red knew what was coming and adjusted her own seated position so that she was no longer next to Frankie, but at an angel looking towards the side of her. Even as I walked towards her and motioned her to stand, Frankie was on her feet in an instant. There was no warning; I simply slapped Frankie across the tits with my hand. The sound made both the girls wince, Frankie for her part, took it better than I expected. Walking deeper into the play room I motioned Frankie to follow. I knew Red would be behind her. I stood against the table and pointed to the spot I wished her to stand, and she obediently stopped. Pulling a couple of drawers open I found what I needed and went back to both of them holding out my hand as I did. "You know what this is?" Frankie nodded immediately and then said. "It's a butt plug." Tossing it to Red who caught it with ease I took a step closer to Frankie. "That's going in you and Red is going to put it there. It only comes out when you need to use the bathroom and you will then clean it and put it back yourself. It will stay in you until you both come back from your shopping trip tomorrow." The nod of her head and the slump of her shoulder told me so much. The tear that slowly ran down her cheek wasn't expected, but it did let me know that she now realized that simply calling me Master and wearing a collar she hadn't earned, didn't actually make her a slave. \*\*\*\*\*\*\* The door to the shower slid open and quickly closed again. The soapy hands massaged my back and came as a welcome relief to me. "It's in her and I left her crying in her room. I have a question, you asked me to come here and look after her and protect her until you got here. Do I need to protect her from you as well?" I shook my head and placed my hands on the tiles and Red set about adding more soap to my back whilst working her magical fingers into the tension that had beset me the last couple of days. "It was easier with Shannon and then you. We had compartmentalized our lives so well that not even my family knew of our lifestyle. Even when you, Shannon's room-mate, figured it out and wanted to be involved, our happy threesome kept to ourselves and we had no need for others." My voice caught in my throat only to be replaced with a slow groan as Red seemed to have found just that right spot and concentrated on it to great effect. Closing my eyes and looking upwards, letting the spray from the shower cascade over my face, small explosions of light seemed to dance across my line of sight as yet another gentle pleasurable groan escaped my lips. "Shannon told neither of us that she had included Frankie into our circle and sadly with her death has left us both with the decision of what to do about it. She's my niece Red, an extension my own flesh and blood; and she tells me that she wants into my life." I started to chuckle and Red stopped what she was doing. Her hands came away from my body, only for her naked form to reappear between my outstretched arms. Her own arms wrapped themselves around me and she just held on tight until I finally stopped. "You know what we do Red. What I did to you and Shannon in our time together, not a session went by that at the conclusion someone or sometimes you both, walked with a limp or winced when sitting down. I know this pain sometimes lasted a day or two afterwards. How many law books do I have to delve into before I find what she wants me to do falls under name of incest?" Finally Red relaxed her hold on me and then placed both her hands on my cheeks, keeping my head still while her eyes bored so deep into my soul. "She tried and failed to find what she needs outside of us and look what that pig Randy did to her. Denying her now, you could send her to someone else and he could break her. Hurt her in a way that can't be fixed. At least with you guiding her, you have her best interest at heart. If you insist on giving anything a name then give it this one... Slave." Red had always been the philosopher in our group and the heated discussions the three of us had not only at college, but when we became more involved with each other made me wonder if she would ever be comfortable with our lifestyle. Hell, even Shannon raised an eyebrow when Red had first approached her and told her that she knew what Shannon did with me and wanted in. As skeptical as we both were, Red took to it like it came natural to her. Shannon and I both knew her limits even if Red didn't at the time. It was a full year after we started to include her that she came to me and said she didn't want her safe word anymore. The party we held that weekend left Red cutting classes on Monday to recover. When Shannon had asked her if she was ok? Red just smiled and said that she now realized why she held onto her safe word for so long. "Your thoughts are elsewhere. What are you thinking?" Her words broke into my revelry. I explained as we dried off, Red even blushed slightly as her own thoughts of that weekend came to her. It was only when she placed her collar once again around her neck that her face became neutral, her eyes now focused on my chest. "Sleep with Frankie tonight. I have to leave for work early in the morning so I will leave you two in peace. Take her to town and get the things that are required for her fitness regime. Ensure you both work on this before you leave." At first, Red simply nodded and then she did something that made me stop and look closer at her, she seemed to deflate slightly as though relief had washed across her. My first instinct was to do nothing, but this was Red. "Explain yourself." It was plain to see that her first instinct was to deny everything. Her collar made that impossible. "I saw it in your eyes Master. You wished to take your frustration at this situation out on me. I know this body would have accepted it since it is yours, but your frustration would have been misdirected." Even Red was unprepared for what I did next. The fact she tensed up when my arms went around her was a sure sign of that. She quickly relaxed into me thankfully and accepted the hug I gave her for all the reason's it was meant. \*\*\*\*\*\*\* If there is one thing I have realized as a guy is that we make more noise trying to be quiet than we do when we don't bother trying to be. One of life's oddities I will admit, but also true. Red had already got coffee ready for me when I woke and came and knelt on the bed as I got dressed. "May I speak?" Those three words made me instantly stop what I was doing. The fact those three words left Red's lips made me pay extra special attention, sitting on the bed next to her while I did up my tie. "We talked long into the night. It's also why I didn't wake her for your departure. That is one frightened young lady." I finally stopped what I was doing and looked at her. "Even as she talked, my first instinct was to recommend that you throw her back. That she didn't belong. Master there is a steeliness within her, but what that idiot Randy did to her has done more to kill her confidence in this lifestyle than anything. Master she is terrified of failing you." It was the pause that made me once again look into her eyes. "Master she simply isn't ready for this. Oh don't get me wrong, she wants it, Shannon was right about Frankie, I will give her that. But Randy got to her first and she's been head-fucked. Admittedly, we only have had the one conversation on this matter, so I just don't know how badly." After hugging Red and telling her I would think things over, I left for work. I got the usual call from Marci wanting to know when Frankie's seminar would be finished so that she could get her room ready, and no doubt let Melanie Fairfax drop by when she does come home as well. It's a good thing I'm the boss, if I was an employee I would have sent me home, I wasn't worth the wages I paid myself that day. I had phoned Mrs Gillins and asked her to make herself available later in the afternoon as there were some ideas I needed to put her way and sound her out. With my final meeting finished, Mrs Gillins and I set to work. At first she was skeptical, but the more we both pored over Frankie's resume and college history, the more I got her thinking my way. By the time I left her office she was already getting the paperwork ready for tomorrow and with my car pointed in the right direction, my thoughts once again turned to Frankie. I spotted them running together along the ridge about a mile from home so I got them fresh cold drinks ready for their return. Frankie was slightly worse for wear but her love of sports all the way through school still stood her in good stead. I couldn't help but smile when they sank a pitcher between them. Sending both off to shower and rest for an hour in my room raised an eyebrow from Red. I'm not sure if she raised both when they got there and I was working in the den. Hell I had to do something to earn my keep, I was all but useless at work and it was only the meetings and my conversation with the personnel department that kept my mind at least working on what to do with Frankie. The polite cough from the door made me look up from the small stack of paperwork I was slowly getting through. Both the girls were knelt just inside the den. Red pointed to the clock and said. "Our hours rest is up Master." We both smiled. Red was never one to be subtle, it just amused me how she still managed to be Red and a slave at the same time. I think that's what drew her to our relationship, yes the rules were there but blind submission wasn't on the list. She understood that Shannon could still be Shannon as well as a submissive. My wife once told me that the clincher for Red was finding out that with us, it was important to give an equal amount of one to be the other. "Frankie, go to the play room. We will be along in a moment." With nothing more than a nod of her head she stood and left. I looked at Red, she had something on her mind and I was curios about when she was going to get around to sharing it. "She asked me how long I was staying." We both smiled and I asked the inevitable question. "Do you think she is trying to get rid of you?" Red shrugged her shoulders and smiled. "That thought did cross my mind, but I don't think so." The pause was momentary. "Frankie hasn't seen you naked yet has she?" The distance between us diminished so quickly even Red winced. "Don't allow the latitude I give you go to your head slave." She paled, her stare never leaving my chest. I'm sure Red expected more from me; I simply stood once again and told her to follow. As soon as we entered the play room I pointed to a spot and watched out of the corner of my eye as Red knelt at that very spot. Once again turning to Frankie I said. "Frankie how many lovers have you had since you lost your virginity?" The tilt of her head as she looked to Red for guidance amused me, all Red did was sit and wait. With no help there, her gaze once again rested on my chest. Mentally I had already counted to six. By the time I got to eight she was looking into my eyes, at ten she had slowly opened her mouth to answer. My hand stopped her and the tears forming in her eyes told me once again that this question wasn't as easy for her to answer as it seemed. This time I pulled out two items from the drawers behind me and tossed them on the floor in front of Frankie. Telling Red to see that the plug and the ball gag were fitted correctly, I left the play room and headed for my shower. Once again, my back was to the door as I felt it open and quickly close, soaped hands started to massage my back, slowly working there way up either side of my backbone. "There were three men in my life the first year I lost my virginity." I was surprised to hear Frankie's voice. Her hands continued to apply soap and then massage it into my body. "By the second year I had added another five to that total and two women, it was curiosity with the women and I actually enjoyed it." By now, her hands were working outwards from the middle of my backbone, I continued to use the wall of the shower for support. "The third year added another seven men to that total and another two women. Up until that point, the men ranged in time from one night of dinner and then sex, to a few months dating them. The women I was more particular with and they were never less than a month and never more than three." It was then her hands seemed to go on auto pilot, Frankie's mind had wandered. "My sexual apatite changed dramatically after that year and I liked multiple partners. Preferably mixed partners and I once even pulled a train at one of the frat houses. I wasn't drugged and I did it willingly, it was only afterwards I realized the label that gets attached to people who do that, so I got myself medically checked out and never did it again." As suddenly as she stopped talking and her hands stopped working on my back, only for her naked form to appear between my arms just as Red did the night before. "So you see my Master, why I struggled so much with your original question. Did you wish to learn that this slave was a slut until she realized how destructive a path that was for her? Or did my Master wish to know how many partners I had only to be told that I honestly don't know a true answer to that question." There was a look about Frankie now. Not defiance, but a need to finally bring all of this out in the open perhaps. "You discussed this with your sister?" Frankie nodded, her cheeks flushed slightly as she did so. "You were told to put a ball gag on, where is it?" For just a second she smiled and cast her eyes once more to my chest. "Once I told Re.... my sister everything, she took the ball gag from me and told me to come here and tell you. At this moment Master, my sister is wearing it as penance for daring to be too familiar with you. She told me to make you aware that she understands she crossed a line and took your warning to heart, the gag is to remind her to shut up when there is nothing to say." It was then we both laughed. It was also then that I felt Frankie's hand around the back of my neck, making me look at her. "Please Master, touch this slaves tits feel this slaves pussy, I would offer this slaves ass but Master has butt plugged it. All that you see my Master owns. This slave stands before you ready to serve. Give this slave a command and watch this slave do it." There seemed to be so much fear in her eyes. I am sure it wasn't the water from the shower head making it look like she was on the verge of tears once again. Frankie had laid everything about herself on the line, she was afraid that being so honest about her own sexual history would be her own undoing. Her one great fear now that she had exposed her truth is that I would say no. Slowly my hands left the tiled wall and moved to wrap my niece within them, just as the damn of pent up emotions within her broke. Frankie's head rested on my shoulder and she cried, her arms clung to me like I was a life preserver to a drowning woman. It must have been a good five minutes later that Red came into the bathroom, opened the shower door and turned the water off handing me a towel at the same time. She quickly turned and got another one which she kept in her hands. Between the both of us, we stood Frankie in the middle of the bathroom and dried her off. For a moment, my niece went to protest that Red and I were toweling her down but she quickly shut her mouth and accepted the gift in the spirit it was meant. As all three of us lay in bed simply holding each other, my mind went back to something that Frankie had told me. I understood now why she accepted her task of taking on the two mistresses's and master's so easily, just as I knew why the task was given to her in the first place. I had no doubt that Randy knew of her sexual past and the curiosity of actually seeing her do it and to some extent enjoy it as well, was also his own demise. Randy's ego got bruised and watching Frankie that night was the beginning of the end for them. My opinion of Randy hadn't changed; he had chosen the path he wished his slave to go down. If he wasn't prepared for the fall out, then that was simply stupidity on a monumental scale on his part. Red's hand rested on my hip and mine joined hers, our fingers entwined as we both listened to Frankie sleep the sleep of the emotionally exhausted. \*\*\*\*\*\*\* I drove us into work that morning and formally introduce Frankie to the department heads who gave her the tour of their sections and a quick summary of what projects they were working on, then left her in the safe hands of Mrs Gillins. It was mid afternoon before I saw Frankie again. She knocked and bounded into the office, a folder under her arm, the business suit making her look older and damned attractive at that. She eyed the chair in front of my desk, I simply waved at it and Frankie sat, expelling air as she did. "My ass is killing me. This plug is bigger than the first one." "Well if you had answered my original question, I would have stopped at the first plug. Since you took it upon yourself to withhold information, you have to put up with what you're given so stop your griping." With a resigned look on her face and a swift shrug of her shoulders Frankie placed the folder on my desk and opened it, several items slid out before she placed the folder to one side again. "I can only hope to one day be as organized as Mrs Gillins. She made me sign for this company credit card and when I asked what the limit on it was. All she would say was, don't ask it'll only freak you out dear." Inwardly I smiled, that's something she would say. We had both discussed the limit to put on Frankie's card and finally decided to give her the same as mine. I trusted my niece to be responsible, and I knew Mrs Gillins would still keep a close eye on Frankie's card for some time to come. It was just the way she was. I'm sure she had been around politicians in a past life, trust everyone, but verify as soon as their back is turned. "You're going with Red tomorrow, between you both I want to see six business suits, three with skirts and three with trousers plus blouses and associated attire. Your job will require professionalism so nothing smutty, you are representing this company when you're with me and when I send you off for what ever reason." I leaned back in my chair, taking my time with my next statement. "Red is also taking you to my doctors. You will be given a birth control injection for now. That will cover you until I decide on a more permanent form of birth control." Frankie blushed, a smile slowly lit up her face, and even her eyes seemed to glow with the full knowledge of what I had just said. She opened her mouth to say something, I decided here wasn't the place for the conversation she seemed to want to have so I headed her off at the pass. "Mrs Gillins told you what your new job entails." "Yes I'm your PA when you have to travel. I'm organizing your work schedule, transport, hotels rooms and actually making sure you eat." I looked at Frankie. She held up her hands and said. "Mrs Gillins words I hasten to add. She cares a great deal for you and seems relieved that you will have someone watching out for you while you're away now. By the way, does she actually have a first name?" It was my turn to shrug my shoulders. "Damned if I know and I hired her, she was the first and grabbed hold of the reins from then on. Telling me not to worry about personnel unless I had someone specific in mind and if I did she would do all the hiring and firing. Ever since then this place has run so smoothly that I just left her to it." Frankie held up a cell phone. "All those you wish to contact, send them that number and you will use that cell from now on. All the bills to both yours and my cell go direct to Mrs Gillins and she deals with them via accounts, did she ask you about your passport?" Her eyes lit up and that thousand watt smile returned once again. "Yes I have to bring it in for her inspection, although I will have to go to mom's to get it. I have to make sure there is never less than a year on it at any time." Frankie then picked up a set of keys and waved them at me. "I seem to have a new car as well. What's wrong with my car?" "That ancient rust bucket you call a car is a death trap on wheels and let's not even go into the conversation of you giving it a name. There will be times you will need to drive me places, working and driving doesn't work. It's too easy to become very familiar with the rear end of a semi." She looked at her watch and then me, I waved her away and as she stood she said. "I also seem to have a company lap top. I have to go to tech now and they will close their eyes as I load in my passwords." At first all I did was grunt an acknowledgment, and then I said. "Tell Marlon I said hi, just try not to torment him, he's afraid of women." With a nod of her head she bounded out of my office, leaving me to wonder if this will actually work. I suppose if the head of the personnel department said it had possibilities then perhaps it would. I don't know how she did it but Mrs Gillins even got on the phone and talked to a few of Frankie's college professors who gave my niece very good verbal references. Frankie was more than qualified for the job, if anything she was slightly over qualified. A degree in business management and a handful of computer related courses and qualifications actually made her ideal as management material. The conversations also left me realizing that Frankie was allot smarter than she lets everyone see and is something I will keep an eye on from now on. Of course, the inevitable call from Marci just about rounded off my working day. The thought of throwing Frankie back amongst the wolves wasn't something that was high on my list of things I want to do, but I did want my niece to stay on good terms with her folks. But at the moment, I couldn't seem to figure out how to make that happen. It was when we were home I got a reminder of how fragile Frankie still was. I was in my den when Red walked in with Frankie's butt plug, the red streaks along the plastic was slightly darker and dried at the base. I took one look at it and asked Red where she was. Red told me that she looked at the plug as it came out and told her to sit in a hot bath for half an hour while she talked to me. Nodding my head before saying. "Stay with her, give her a half an hour and then come and get me when you have dried her down and put her in my room, make sure she's face down." Red nodded and left, I tried to continue to work but it was pointless. I finally got up and went into the bathroom but all was quiet so I tried the bedroom. Both the girls were still busy toweling down, I realized I was used to their nakedness now and the collars they both wore when they were away from water became second nature as well. Frankie blushed and mouthed sorry. Although I couldn't think of what she had to be sorry about. Telling her to get onto the bed and then onto all fours both Red and I took a closer look. Red left a minute later and returned with cream. Even before I had thought about my actions, I took hold of the cream and was now applying it to Frankie. It was only when I had placed cream around the edge of her anus she stifled a moan. Red smiled and winked at me and I had to smile back before inserting two fingers into her to push the cream even deeper and she moaned again while trying desperately not to push back onto my fingers. That I had a part of me inside my niece wasn't even thought about anymore, her collar meant she was a slave. I've watched with interest, the speed she puts it on and reluctance to take it off simply proved it. I'm told that old habits are difficult to break. So I slapped her ass and asked her who gave her permission to move or make any noise? Her ass tensed around the two fingers I still had in her. The heat that seeped out of her pussy was instant and the way her pussy lips slowly bloated out told their own story. "This excites you slave?" Frankie paused, she knew she couldn't sit up but she did raise her head off of the pillow to answer. "Very much so." Her voice broke and she took a lung full of air to calm herself. "This is the first time my Master has touched this slaves body in an intimate way and it makes this slaves mind scream with delight that you are doing so. I have waited so long Master I am just sorry that this body was weak and bled all over the plug." Red sensed what was coming, why wouldn't she. She has known me as long as Shannon had and when I looked towards her she had already gotten off the bed. Her eyes were already dilated and the flush of her cheeks had just started to become noticeable. She looked at me as I looked down at her pussy and nodded, then looked back at her expression. Red smiled and ran out of the bedroom while I continued to talk to Frankie. "You will be seeing the doctor in the morning anyway. He knows of this lifestyle and why you are there. You will be honest with him when he asks you questions, should you have any doubts, look to Red as she will be going with you." Just then I slowly pulled my fingers out of Frankie's ass, the moan that followed was one of disappointment that I had left her. Red quickly came back, trying to be as quiet as possible, the slight tilt of Frankie's head let me know that Red wasn't quiet enough. It was then I took a gamble and said. "Something is on your mind, what is it?" "I sense something is different and I'm excited by that feeling. You don't blame me for bleeding on the plug and I'm relieved, but there is something different about all three of us now and my hopes are that this difference is a positive thing." Their was no point in being quiet any longer Red tossed me the collar she had brought into the room. The thick leather collar went around Frankie's neck and clicked shut. Both of us reached under the bed in unison and clicked the cables to the rings in the collar. Frankie was effectively limited in movement by the collar. The other two items Red placed on the bed behind Frankie so as to be out of her line of site. She then proceeded to walk around to the front of Frankie and kicked the pillows off the bed before sitting on the bed in front of her. From my angle I couldn't see, but I think once they looked at each other, they both knew what was going to happen. Red opened her legs as wide as she could and slid closer to Frankie's head while Frankie moved as much as she could forward, while being restrained. She waited until Red was close enough and just dove straight in on Red's pussy. That girl must be good at it because not even Shannon got Red warmed up that quickly and those two had been intimate with each other for years. As for me, I grabbed a condom and went to town on Frankie's pussy. She squealed, bucked and moaned her way to an orgasm while turning Red into a sweat soaked, orgasm exhausted lump of meat. I saw a look of relief in Red's eyes as I came because she knew what was coming next. That this clearly stopped her from disobeying me and trying to push Frankie away from her now tender clit. I pulled out, turned the vibrator on full and pushed it deep into Frankie. Red held Frankie's shoulders and heaved herself out of reach of her and with as much energy as her own body would allow, slid off the bed and got behind Frankie. I moved in front of her and saw the cat that found the cream smile still on her lips as I slid my cock into her mouth for her to make hard again. It was less than a minute before Frankie was once again being pushed forward, Red had quickly got into her strap on and didn't waste any time in pulling out the vibrator and push her rubber dick into Frankie. Their was no respite for Frankie, when she got me hard again, Red and I simply changed positions. Her body was a sheen of sweat, I had lost count of the amount of times we had both made her come. Time simply became something we had no need to keep an eye on as we set about extracting every last orgasm we could from Frankie. Our goal was within our grasp as both Red and I could see that she was waning. I undid the collar and we turned her on her back then pulled one more orgasm each out of her. The bed was a mess of twisted sheets and cum stains all over the place. But the look on Frankie's face was priceless as I once more inserted the vibrator into her soaked and bloated pussy before closing her legs. To further torture her, Red and I lay on either side of her so she couldn't move her legs apart. We chatted over the top of her about nothing and everyday things as though Frankie wasn't there, we both watched as her head would move from one to the other of us, the fear that grew in her eyes was truly one to behold. Her hips would involuntarily twitch and at one point she had to bite down on her lip whilst trying desperately to suppress a moan. Poor Frankie simply didn't know if she even allowed to cum one more time and the fact that Red and I had basically ignored her while we talked only made her more anxious. "Master please..." "Not now slave, I'm busy talking to your sister." Her stomach gave a lurch and Frankie went to move her hands. Both of us grabbed a hand each and continued to talk. Her hands relaxed in our grasp but a slow moan escaped her lips. This time I stopped talking to Red and looked down at Frankie, my fingers gently brushed a stray hair away from her eyes. Those same eyes that now held so much panic and uncertainty over what she could now do. "Have you had a good time slave?" The fear written across her face lessened slightly and she nodded her head. Her anxiety that the vibrator was still within her, her own build up had begun. "You know Red, when we had slave on all fours, I believe we missed a bit." Red followed my gaze and smiled, Frankie followed my gaze and tried to shrink deeper into the bed. My smile wasn't missed when Frankie looked once again at my face, the whimper that followed my next statement to Red made both our evenings. "Pull the cuffs up and attach them to her wrists, I'm going to do the same to her ankles." With her legs now spread Frankie's first instinct was to try to push the vibrator out, anything to gain some semblance of her body back from the precipice that she felt she was so close to plunging into. "Do that again slave and an even bigger one goes in your ass, bleeding or not. I choose what goes in and comes out of that body do you understand?" Even Red paused to look down, Frankie stomach muscles tensed once more and part of the vibrator could now be seen. Red quickly glanced at me and knew what was coming next, she quickly grabbed Frankie's chin and tilted her head so they were both staring at each other. "Pull it back in my sister. Please hurry, use your pussy to pull it back in since you used your pussy to expel it, now pull it back in, you must." We both watched and Frankie attempted to try to do as Red had asked. Finally the tears welled up in her eyes as she said the two words that must have crushed her. "I can't." The silence within the room was close to overwhelming. Both slaves looked at me and both feared the worse, Red followed my actions when she saw me undo the ankle straps that had held Frankie down. She in turn released her wrists, sat back on her legs and waited. Once I had pulled the vibrator out of Frankie, I told both girls to follow me into the play room. I didn't even wait for them, the sound of their padding feet giving that much away as we crossed the day room. Pointing to the centre of the room and simply telling both to kneel was all I did as I took the vibrator back to its drawer and wiped it down before changing its batteries. My first instinct was to carry out my threat but the walk to the play room gave me a chance to cool down. I reminded myself that even with the time spent with Randy, she was still very new to this lifestyle and being that harsh on her served no purpose whatsoever. Was she going to be punished? Oh yes, but it was now going to be a measured punishment. Kneeling next to her I handed her a ball gag. "Put this on as I have no reason to listen to your attempts of explaining yourself. Your control over the body I own has shown itself to be weak. I have to change that and I intend to start now." Both of us watched as Frankie simply nodded and without a word placed the gag on. She had sat and watched as I made a show of pulling new batteries out of the packet, what she didn't know was that I had palmed both of the new batteries and replaced the old used ones. The aim was to educate her not to torture her. I then told her to extend her arms and once that was done I placed the vibrator between her hands, holding both ends of the vibrator with each index finger. I turned it on full without speaking and stared at her, she would either figure it out or I would take a paddle to her and she would figure it out even faster then. Frankie's stare never left my chest, mine never left her eyes as the vibrator simply buzzed away between her fingers its slight weight now growing as her arms began to feel the discomfort of being extended for that long. When I realized that her pure determination was keeping it were it was, I still couldn't help but admire her for it. But this form of punishment was new to her and the muscles she was using would fail her long before the batteries would, even with a little help from the used ones. Given the amount of time I had used the vibrator on Frankie and the time she had it between her fingers, it was only a matter of minutes before the vibrator would signal the end of their life. What I had to do was keep her concentrating on keeping her arms extended; it was time for a small distraction. My arm lifted and my finger prodded Red's nipple. She looked up at me and then down at my finger, her nipples pushed deep into her breast, the realization on her face finally allowing me to remove my finger from her. Red got up and walked to the far wall, after a moment she came back with two items and placed them on the floor next to me before assuming her kneeling position next to Frankie. Although Frankie had kept her eyes on my chest I could tell she had watched as best she could what we had done, the fact I now had two nipple clamps on the floor next to me started to make her sweat just a little. When I started to pull on her nipples to make them hard, she started to sweat quite allot. It was then the vibrator gave that faltering buzz and then resumed. Instantly Frankie looked up at the vibrator and did her best not to smile, her arms seemed to straighten with renewed determination. Minutes later, again the buzz faltered and then again, her smile was one of relief and determination to once again see this through. She felt the source of torture between her fingers start to lose it's vibrating strength and finally stop. The look on her face was one of pride, she had beaten the test. The relief as I took the now dead vibrator from her hands and placed it next to the nipple clamps was close to overwhelming. "Go and start the shower. Your sister and I will be with you shortly." With a nod of her head, a smile and a yes Master, she stood and then shook her arms trying to push blood back into them before leaving the play room. Red was staring at me, a lopsided smile on her lips. "Did you used to pull conjuring tricks like that with Shannon and me?" This time it was my turn to smile and after a moment, nod my head. "She didn't cheat Red. In her mind she did everything asked of her. You've known me long enough to know I'm not a sadist. But I sure know how to get my point across, Frankie wont make that mistake again, in future what I put inside her body will stay there until I want it out even if she has to nail it there, because she will always be reminded of how close she came to failing twice in one evening and that's never going to happen again." For such along time all Red did was stare at me, it was obvious she had something to say and perhaps she was just having trouble working out how to say it. For someone like Red, that was a real hurdle in her life. Eventually Red's eyes lowered to my chest and her hands went out to the floor before her head rested on the back of her hands. "When you do stuff like that and say things like that I'm reminded why I call you Master and can never look to another man for comfort." She paused and just as I went to stand, I think I heard words from Red that not even I was supposed to hear, if anything it felt like she was reaffirming her own thoughts, they just sneaked out in the form of words. "Love for life my Master." It was only when Red sat back on her legs that she realized I was knelt next to her and its startled her slightly because I could now see just how close she was to tears. As we both stood my arms wrapped themselves around her and held her tight to me. The dam of her own emotion burst forth and cried into my chest for a minute before Red reclaimed herself. But I still hung in there and kissed her with the passion that we both felt for each other. As our lips parted, poor Red needed to grab large amounts of air so she could bring calm to herself once again. "Come on, the evening is still young and we haven't finished tormenting your sister yet." I'm sure Frankie heard her laugh from the other side of the cabin. The knowing look from Frankie as we entered the bathroom only seemed to confirm it, we did torment her some more but were still mindful of the doctor's appointment the next day. We all had an early night and to be honest, both the girls deserved it. End of chapter two.
Title: Rough Riders by JakeII Tags: Character Development, Coyote, Fox, Love, No-Yiff, Violence (Not In Yiff) \--Rough Riders-- by Jacob Womble I smiled as I looked into the mirror, brushing my hair back. Neon would be here soon. He always liked my hair long. He said it made me look even more beautiful then I already was. I always blushed when he said that. He certainly is a cute one, my Neon... I sighed happily, looking back into the mirror. We had been going out for a few months, and I had started to notice the things about him I'd never noticed before. The cute way he blushed when I kissed him, the way his tail would wrap around me when I rubbed his shoulders, the cutest little moan he'd give out when I rubbed his ears, and, of course, the most adorable weakness I've ever seen in a guy. Tickling. Especially his feet. I loved "torturing" him using that weakness. And he always seemed to love repaying me for it. I also noticed his eyes. Those deep brown eyes that always held love and compassion for me. I could loose myself in those eyes... The doorbell rang. I jumped a little bit, looking back at the clock. Neon wasn't supposed to be there for another fifteen minutes or so. I chuckled slightly, half at my reaction, and half at his arrival tendencies. "He did always like to be early..." I laughed. I straightened my shirt quickly before walking to the door, smiling as I opened the door. "Well, you're here earl-" I stopped, noticing that Neon was not the one I was opening the door for. It wasn't my adorable coyote boy standing there. I looked back into a white t-shirt that hid an overly muscled chest and oversized biceps. I looked up at the tall fox, recognizing his sleazy smile and greasy black hair anywhere. The worst were his eyes... those blue eyes that pierced straight into your soul... "Marco!?" I asked, looking up at the hulking figure in front of me. "Yeah, baby. I'm back!" he said, his slimy voice sending a chill down my spine. Marco Marconi. My ex-boyfriend. The man who once said he loved me. And showed that love by beating me, cheating on me, and dropping out of school to run off with some slutty stripper. I hated him. I didn't always hate him... in fact, I used to love him. We met in junior high... he sat behind me in English. He was cute... kind... sensitive... just like Neon. He used to pass me these cute little notes in class, and then started talking during lunch, and soon afterwards... I fell in love with him. We started going out our eighth grade year, and it was nice. He loved me, and I loved him as well. We were happy. ...Then high school started. He joined the wrestling team, and loved it. I supported him whole-heartedly. Things were fine... until our junior year... but then, Marco started to change. He became angrier, more... paranoid and macho. He wasn't the same boy I used to love. I wanted to break up with him, but whenever I tried... he'd... he'd beat me... I found out that he had been cheating on me... several times. I had to stop it... I walked in on him in the boy's locker room, only a few months before we graduated. I saw him... injecting himself. He had been using steroids. Half the wrestling team did... He dropped out about a week later after he was tossed off the wrestling team. I hadn't seen him since. That was three years ago... I sneered up at his face. "What are you doing here?" I asked, disgust infecting my voice. He stared down at me. "What? A guy can't check up on his..." he started, as he tried to run his hand through my hair, "... girl?" I pushed his hand back in disgust. He just smiled evilly down at me, as he forced his way into my apartment. There wasn't anything I could do to stop him. He advanced on me slowly, as I staggered back, leaning against my couch for support. I tried to think of something to say, something to stop him from coming any closer. However, like an idiot, I said the first thing that came to mind. "I'm with someone else now, Marco. Someone who, I know, loves me for who I am!" As soon as I said that, his expression changed. His eyes narrowed as his sleazy smile turned into an angry frown. "So... my girl has been sleeping around behind my back, eh?" he said, moving closer to me, rage building behind each step he took. I looked up at him... the gentleness that his face once held now had been replaced by corruption and evil. He raised his hand, preparing to strike me. "You whore!" he said, bringing his hand down. I braced myself for the pain, and waited. And I waited... and I waited... but the pain never came. Why? Where was the pain I expected? I looked up, seeing Marco's hand being held back by another hand. I looked over to see who had stopped him. I could only stutter slightly, seeing who had saved me... "N-N-Neon!?" Neon was there, dressed up for our preplanned date. He knew what I liked him to wear... casual, but still nice. A simple white button-up shirt, a nice clean pair of blue jeans... he certainly had his own style. I have to admit... it was cute. His long brown hair fell to an end between his shoulder blades... just how I liked it. He stared into Marco, those brown eyes of his filled with compassion from behind his glasses. "Don't you touch her, Marco!" he stated, calmly. "Neon Light?" Marco asked in disbelief, looking back down at me, then back up to Neon. "You chose this scrawny little shit over me?" He began to chuckle, before growing into a full laugh. It sent chills up my spine. "You really are just a stupid, good-for-nothing who-" he began. But before he could finish, I saw Neon's fist fly, connecting directly with the side of Marco's face. He staggered back a few feet, placing his palm on the side of his face. "How dare you? How dare you call Kerrin that? And how dare you try and lay a hand on her?" he said, anger inflicting his usually calm voice. It was like nothing I'd ever seen in him before. He knew Marco could just as easily beat him to a pulp, and he still stood up for me. In that moment, I loved him even more. Marco said nothing. The silence was worse then anything he could have said at that point. It was a silence filled with aggression and anger. He stared into Neon, his blue eyes filled with so much rage, they could pierce through solid steel. He slowly advanced on Neon, pounding his fist with every step. Neon stood, staring straight back at him. Firm... unmoving... "You want to hit me? Then hit me... I can take a punch... So c'mon... hit me!" he said. "Hit me!" he stated, louder then before. Marco smirked at this bold declaration. He contemplated the offer for a second, and answered Neon with a fist. I looked on in horror as I saw Marco's fist impact his face. His glasses flew off, skittering to a halt somewhere on the floor. He staggered back a few steps. His nose and lip had both already began to bleed. He looked back up at Marco, his eyes squinting as he looked back up, just trying to see his attacker. "There... you've hit me... you must be proud... Now leave!" Marco smirked back at him. "I've got to hand it to you, shrimpy. You weren't kidding about taking a punch..." he stated. He quickly punched Neon in the stomach. He coughed, breathed slightly to regain his breath, pain obvious behind every breath. "Heh, fine... I'll leave... but I'll be back..." he said. He turned, spitting on the floor, before walking out the door. I looked over to Neon. He was coughing, a small amount of blood trailing out of his mouth. I reached out to help him up, but he stood before I could make it. "Neon... c'mon... we don't have to go ou-" I started to say. He shook his head lightly. "No, Kerrin... let's not let this ruin our night..." he said, smiling back at me. A shiner started to form around his eye, and his nose and lip were still bleeding. I sighed. He was either too stubborn, or too loving to admit defeat. Either way, I'd never win... he was intent on taking me out that night. I smiled weakly back to him. "Ok... but at least let's clean you up first..." I said, grabbing a wet washcloth from the kitchen. I dabbed his nose, wiping the blood up. I moved to the open cut on his lip. He didn't even flinch when I touched it. He really wasn't kidding about taking a punch. I tossed the bloodstained rag into the sink, and picked up his glasses, cleaning them lightly on my shirt, before placing them back over his eyes. I kissed him lovingly. "Neon... this is twice you've saved me... thank you..." I said, burying my head into his chest. He held me, stroking my back gently. "It's what any good boyfriend would do, Ker... you're welcome..." he whispered into my ear. I looked up into his eyes, tears forming in my eyes. I ran my hand through his hair, still staring into those beautiful brown eyes. "Oh, Neon... what did I ever do to deserve someone like you?" I found myself saying. He kissed me lightly. "I don't know... but whatever it was, I'm just as grateful..." he said, smiling warmly down at me. We stood there for a few minutes, his arms wrapped around me lovingly. He kissed me again, taking my hand. "C'mon. Let's get something to eat..." he said, smiling warmly down at me. I nodded in agreement as we walked out. We were about to go down the stairs, when we heard a voice yell from down the hall. "Sleep with my girl, will you!?" the voice said, growing nearer with every second. We turned around, to see Marco, charging down the hall at us. Neon shoved me out of the way just as Marco came up, tackling him. They both fell down the stairs... hard. I looked down in horror at the two crumpled heaps that were once Marco and Neon at the bottom of the stairs. "NEON!!!" I screamed, hoping that he'd awaken, and move... he didn't... I ran down the stairs, pulling him out from underneath Marco, who had been knocked out as well. I... I can't remember much after that... It was much later... hours later... I was in the waiting room of the local emergency room, pacing nervously in the same spot that I'd been in all night, tears falling down my cheeks. I stopped for a second, only to look up at the clock. My gaze returned back down to the floor, resuming my pacing regiment. The doctor walked in, looking at a chart. "Kerrin Shorefellow?" he asked, "Came in with a Neon Light?" "That's me, doctor!" is said, rushing over to him, almost frantic. "Is Neon okay? Please tell me he's okay. Please..." I pleaded to the doctor, tears flowing even faster down my face. He sighed, looking back at me "He's alive, yes..." he said. I gave out a large sigh sob of relief, wrapping my arms around the doctor. "Thank you... oh God, thank you..." I cried into his shoulder. He pulled me back slightly. "Miss... he's very badly injured... his legs are broken, along with several ribs. He also has a very mild concussion..." he said solemnly, "He'll have to go through a few months of physical therapy..." I nodded, tears still falling slightly. "What about... Marco?" I asked, wanting to know what that bastard had suffered. He shook his head. "He... he died, miss..." the doctor said, looking down at the floor. "Of what?" I asked, slightly in shock. "Cardiac arrest. He had a reaction to the medication. We did a drug screen. Steroids. He's been using for years, it would appear..." he said. I nodded, tears falling slightly from my eyes. Marco... he wasn't a good man, but he still didn't deserve to die like that... I shook the thought out of my head, returning to my Neon... "... Doctor... could... could I see Neon... please?" He nodded, as he led the way back to his room. He was lying there, in the bed, and EKG machine beeping with his pulse. He was sleeping, looking just as peaceful and adorable as ever. I nodded to the doctor as he left... I pulled a chair up next to him, and sat, watching his chest raise and fall with every breath he took. I felt tears fall down my cheeks. If he hadn't have been there... and if he hadn't have pushed me out of the way... He risked his life to save me... I cried, burying my face into the sheets on the bed. I felt so bad... like I had caused all of this. I tried to lift my head, but couldn't. I couldn't stand the site of seeing my Neon in such a state. The tears flowed out of me like a river. I felt horrible. This was all my fault... I did this to him. He had nearly died because of me. All I could do was repeat the same phrase over and over... "Neon... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I..." I began, but something stopped me. I felt something... warm and comforting rest on my head. A hand! I felt the hand rub my fur from the back of my head to my ears... comfortingly... soothingly. I looked up, and there he was, awake. He frowned at me, his brown eyes glistening with tears from behind his glasses. "Ker... don't cry... please... don't cry..." he said, his voice weak from pain. I couldn't understand it. He still loved me... and didn't want me to worry about him... I cried again, tears of joy streaming down my face. I climbed into the bed, lying down next to him. I kissed him, wrapping my arms gently around his bruised and broken body. "Neon... I'm sorry... I... I love you..." I said. He kissed my forehead, and rubbed my back gently. " I know Ker... I love you too..." he said... It was the same thing I had told him that first night with him... He held me closely, my head burying into his chest. He loved me enough to risk his life for me... I loved him so much... He smiled, again kissing my forehead, as I slowly fell asleep in his arms... \*Author's Note: Most people who know me well know that I'm not a very serious person. In fact, this is one of the few dramatic series that I write. However, what I write about is true to how I feel. I may be single, but I would do anything to protect someone I love, and even most people I don't. True love is something that I believe is something worth risking everything for. Don't pass it up. \~Jake
Title: Friend Zone Tags: romance, pregnant, friend zone, yeet, romantic *Just a sweet little love story. What can I say? I'm a romantic. I need to thank my team. Harddaysknight is my mentor and gives me critical review. SBrooks103x also gives me a pre-post read. My editors are Girlinthemoon, Norafares, Hal, Pixel the Cat and GeorgeAnderson. I love you all. I hope you enjoy, Randi* \*\*\*\*\* I got off work at midnight. I was working 3:30 to midnight at a factory that makes electric motors for everything from fans to huge industrial applications. I had to get up for an eight o'clock class at the university the next morning. I was a second semester junior, majoring in mechanical engineering and this was a tough math class. I was hungry and I stopped at an all-night diner for a bite to eat. There were about five customers in there and I sat in my usual booth until Florence came by to take my order. I got breakfast just like I always do; three eggs, sausage patties, hash browns and biscuits and gravy. She brought me my glass of milk and stopped to talk a minute. "Eric, would you mind if I asked you for a favor?" she asked. "Well, as long as it doesn't require me standing up, I'll do anything," I told her. "Is this a tonight favor or a some other time favor, Flo? You're my mom's best friend and if I want to stay friendly with her, I better help you out." "It's a tonight favor," she said. "It isn't for me, Eric. See that girl over there?" I looked and there was this tiny little slip of a girl sitting in a booth looking out the window. She had this mane of dark blond hair swirling around her until I could hardly see her face, but she looked young. "What about her?" I asked. "She's been here for two hours and Tony's complaining about her. He's going to kick her out. She's only ordered coffee, and I don't know what's wrong with her. She's been crying from time to time, and I think she's in trouble. I don't think she has any money and I was hoping you'd buy her something to eat. That way Tony can't kick her out. I'd do it, but Tony's watching me and he'd see me put the money in the till." "Your boss is an asshole," I told her. "Take her what I'm having. No, don't do that, she might not like it. Get her a couple of cheeseburgers, some fries and a coke. Everybody likes those." "Thanks, Eric," she said. "Can I tell her you bought it for her?" "Don't do that, Flo. Just tell her it's on the house." She went away and I heard her yell in the order. By the time my breakfast was ready, the girl's order was ready, too, and Flo dropped it off at her table on her way to mine. The girl said something to her I couldn't hear, and then Flo brought me my food. I saw the girl looking after her and she took a look at me, too. I got the impression of huge brown eyes and freckles before she looked at her food and started eating. Flo gave me a wink and went back behind the counter. I put salt and pepper on my food and began to eat. I was concentrating on eating when a shadow fell across the table. I looked up and that girl was sliding into the booth across from me. She had her plate and her coke and God she was gorgeous. She was obviously very young and her eyes were all red from crying. She looked at me and I just stared back. Those eyes were big enough to drown in. She had a little button nose and full puffy lips that were made for kissing. She was thin, but she had something going on under that t-shirt that made it hard to look at her face. Her boobs probably weren't that big, but on that tiny frame they looked huge. "Thanks," she said. I wanted to hear her talk more. Her little voice was husky and low, sounding like wine, smoke and old jazz. "Thanks for what?" I asked. "Thanks for buying me some food," she said. "I was starving. I didn't have the money to buy food and I think the owner was just about to throw me out." "It wasn't me," I told her. "Bullshit," she said. "The waitress told me. I'm grateful; I'm not busting your chops." "Flo has a big mouth," I said. "You're welcome though." "She didn't really tell me, but I got you. So, the next question is why? Why did you buy me food?" "You looked hungry and I had the money," I told her. "Do you want something from me?" she asked. "Yes, I want you to eat it," I told her. "See that fat trucker over there," she said. "I was working up my nerve to ask him to help me. I'm glad I don't have to do that." "What did you need help with?" I asked. "Well, it's 27 degrees out there, I'm broke and I think I'll freeze to death tonight unless someone helps me," she said. "Jesus Christ! How did you get in this fix?" I asked. "I lived about five miles from here," she explained. "This afternoon, I came home from school and told my Dad I'm pregnant. He grabbed me by the hair, dragged me to the front door and threw me out on the lawn. He told me I'm a slut and to never show my face again." "Can't you go to your boyfriend's house?" I asked. "I don't have one," she said. "I told him at school today and he dumped me." "You had a bad day, kid. I'm very sorry. Are you really pregnant?" "Yes, I made a bad mistake. I'm not a slut, Mr... Mr... " "I'm sorry, I'm Eric Brand," I held out my hand. "I'm Penelope Ring," she shook my hand. "Do you live around here, Mr. Brand?" "About ten miles away. I work down at Brisco," I told her. "I go to school at the University." "Well, you seem like a nice guy who won't hurt me. I'll make you the same offer I was going to have to make that truck driver. If you'll give me a place to stay, just for tonight, I'll be very nice to you." I saw a tear squeeze out and run down her cheek. "I thought you said you weren't... never mind, Miss Ring. Let me think about it." I saw her stiffen up as I was about to remind her she wasn't a slut, and I was glad I shut that remark down. More tears rolled down those little brown cheeks and she was breaking my heart. "Okay, here's the deal," I told her. "You finish that food, I'll get the check and you can come home with me. You're going to be nice to me, but not like that. I don't ever want to hear that again. You're not a slut. That's what you told me, and I'm holding you to it. I'll put you up and you can get a good night's sleep. I have an eight o'clock class in the morning that I can't miss. I'll skip the rest of the day and we'll talk and decide what to do. Is that okay?" She nodded and finished her second cheeseburger and the fries. We got her a coke to go and she went out with her little hand in my big one. When we got to the car, she squeaked a little. "Is this your car?" "Yes, do you like it?" I asked. "I love it," she breathed. "What is it?" "It's a Charger Hellcat," I told her. "It looks fast. This is going to be fun," she said. I opened her door and put her in. She buckled up and I went around and got in. When we got to the entrance ramp to the freeway, I opened it up, and we were doing 85 when we merged. The 700 horsepower from that supercharged hemi had her pinned to her seat and she was wide-eyed and laughing. She was giddy with excitement, and she looked like a vision, giggling and clutching the armrest. "Yeet! she said. "That was like being shot out of a cannon! Do you mind if I play the stereo?" "My phone is down there somewhere." I fished around in her floorboard and she stiffened up when my arm rubbed against her thigh. I took it away and she relaxed. "Penelope, you're safe with me," I told her. "I won't hurt you or molest you. You're going to find out you can trust me." She looked up at me with those big brown eyes full of tears. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm very grateful." "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" "I'm seventeen," she said. "Does it matter?" "No, but I don't have sex with underage girls," I told her. "You're safe. Just relax." "Okay." She reached down and found my phone. She plugged in the aux cord and dialed up a song by Big Data called "Dangerous". The heavy bass beat throbbed and she laid her head back against the leather and closed her eyes. When I pulled into the garage, she opened her eyes. "We're home," I said. We got out and I showed her around. My house is one of those log types and the inside looks the same. There's one bedroom downstairs and three upstairs. One is in a big loft area and I gave her that one. It opens out over the living room and there's a bathroom next door. I located her a toothbrush and showed her where soap and towels were. "I'm sorry, Penelope, but I'm out on my feet," I told her. "If you're hungry or thirsty, there's stuff in the kitchen and you can have anything you want. I'm sleeping right under you and if you need anything, just knock." She came over, threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug. Her head came up under my chin and she stood on tiptoes to kiss my cheek. "Thank you, Eric," she said. "I promise I'll find some way to make this up to you." I patted her and went downstairs. I took a shower and crawled in bed. I heard her come downstairs and the refrigerator door open as I drifted off. When I woke up, there was a delicious smell in the house. She was cooking breakfast, and she fed me bacon and eggs. We talked for a few minutes over coffee and I had to go. "Eric, do you have anything that I might be able to wear?" she asked. "I only have the clothes I had on last night. They're dirty and I don't want to put them back on." I showed her the washer and dryer and told her to go through my closets. I was going to have to come up with something different, though. She was just too little to wear much of my stuff. I aced my test that morning and took the rest of the day off. I called in to work and told them I had some personal stuff to take care of. I had 12 days coming, and they didn't give me any grief. When I got home she had found a pair of shorts with a drawstring and a university sweatshirt. It swallowed her up but she looked as cute as a button in it. She said she was pregnant, but it didn't show. It must have been very early. She made us roast beef sandwiches and we ate chips and drank apple juice. I lit the fireplace and we talked. She was one of four children, the oldest, and she had two little brothers and a sister who was the baby. Her mom had passed away two years earlier from breast cancer, and her dad drank. They were strict Catholics, and the whole pregnant before she was married thing was a huge no-no. That also precluded an abortion, and she was determined to have the baby. "I did something wrong. It was a huge mistake," she said. "I'm not going to make another by killing a baby." I figured that was her choice to make so I didn't offer any comment. "What about your baby's dad?" I asked her. "Are you sure there's nothing there?" "Yes, he's a tool," she said. "I knew it when I went out with him. There was just something about him that I couldn't say no to. I wanted to, but he kept pressing me until I just let him do it." She was crying now and I pulled her over against me and hugged her. She sobbed for a minute and I got her some tissues. "It was really bad and painful," she sniffed. "He was just the most popular guy in my class and all the girls were so jealous. I knew he slept with a bunch of the other girls in our class, but I just fooled myself into believing that it would be different with me. I'm so stupid and now I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm in big trouble, Eric. I would have had to fuck some greasy guy last night to keep from freezing if you hadn't come along. I'm just that desperate. What do you think I should do?" "Well, I don't know enough about it to tell you," I said. "I know some things we should do. I think I should go and talk to your dad, for one thing. He might be regretting what he did. I think we should take you to a doctor and make sure you and the baby are following some kind of plan so you'll both be healthy. I think you should be going to school. There's only a month left and it would be a shame to quit in your junior year when you're almost through. You'll have the baby this summer and go back and finish after it's born." "How will I do that?" she asked. "I think I need to get a job. I have three dollars in my pocket. My baby is going to need things. Where will I live? Oh, my God, I don't know what I'm going to do!" She began to sob again and I just couldn't stand it. This gorgeous little waif was heartbreaking. Right then, my life changed and it was never the same. I was going to take care of her. There was no way she deserved any of this. Being young and stupid shouldn't have consequences like this. "Penn, do you think you might like to stay here with me?" I asked her. "If we can't talk some sense into your father, would you stay here?" She looked up at me, her eyes full of tears. "Why would you do that?" she asked. "Call it an investment," I said. "I think you're going to be someone special, Penn. I'm willing to take that chance. I'd like for you to meet my mom. She's pretty special, too. She raised me by herself. My dad cheated on her several times and finally an irate husband beat him to death in a sleazy motel room when I was four. She taught me that if you have a chance to help someone, you should. You'll never regret being kind to people. That's what she taught me and I try to live that way. You need help and I have the ability to help you. I'll do it if you'll let me." She laid her head against my chest and closed her eyes for a minute. I saw her lips moving and she seemed to be praying. When she was done, she looked up at me. "I've never met anyone like you," she said. "I can't believe I got so lucky. I think someone was watching over me. I promise you'll never regret helping me, Eric. I'm going to be so grateful that you won't ever have a minute when you're sorry you helped me. I think I should forget about school, though. I need a job." "No, that's one of the conditions of me helping you," I told her. "You're going to go to school and you're going to do well. I'll get you a job after school until your due date is close. I'm kind of a big deal where I work. I'll get you a job there. It will be decent money and I'll get you on the insurance so you won't have to worry about that. My company has big plans for me after I graduate and they'll bend over backward to keep me. They pay me great so that I'll work for them when I graduate. I'm going to go over and talk to your dad. Will you go and stay in the car?" She was as nervous as hell about it, but when we pulled up where she had lived, I just patted her and told her to stay put. I went up and pushed the bell, but nothing happened. Evidently, it was broken. I beat on the sagging screen door and after a few minutes, a large hairy man answered it. "Mr. Ring?" I asked. "Who wants to know?" he growled. "Sir, my name is Eric Brand," I told him. "Do you know what the temperature was last night?" "It was cold." "Do you know that your daughter could have frozen to death?" I asked. "I think if I talked to the police, they might be a little upset with what you did. I think they might even arrest you for child endangerment." "That whore is no child of mine," he blustered. "She'll be plenty warm rotting in hell with her whore friends!" "No, she's going to be just fine," I told him. "You're a real ass though. I made a mistake coming here. She's better off getting away from you. I just feel sorry for your other kids. Any time you want to get rid of them, have them call their sister. The way your breath smells, maybe you already have cirrhosis. You should have your liver checked." I turned and walked down the sidewalk toward the car. The bastard actually made a big mistake then. He came out on the porch, grabbed me by the shoulder and spun me around. "You did make a mistake coming here," he snarled. "Did you bring the whore with you? Maybe she'd like to watch me beat your ass." I buried my fist in his big soft gut up to the wrist. All that foul breath exploded out in a rush. I eased him down to his knees and he doubled over and puked. I patted his shoulder. "You should be more polite," I told him. "You're setting a bad example. Some kid might hear you. Now you clean up that mess and think about your sins; if I hear that you've been talking nasty around the other kids like that, I'll come back. I won't be so gentle next time." I left him there and we drove away. Penelope was looking at me with something like worship in her eyes. "I can't believe you did that," she said. "He's twice your size. I've always been scared to death of him." "Well, he should watch his language," I told her. "Not everyone is afraid of him. I suppose he can terrorize 100 pound girls, but grown men don't like to be talked to like that." I drove along for twenty minutes and we didn't say anything. She got my phone and played Thin Lizzy. It was "Black Rose". It was my favorite song by them. "Do you know Thin Lizzie?" I asked her. "No, but I liked the name," she said. "I really like this song, too. Where are we going, Eric?" "We're going to the mall," I told her. "You need clothes and stuff." "We could just go to the thrift store," she said. "That's where Dad always takes us." "I don't mind the thrift store," I told her. "The problem is that you need everything, and we won't find a tenth of the stuff you need there. I'm pretty dubious about buying underwear there, anyway." She laughed. "I've never bought underwear there. I get that at Walmart." "That's okay, too, but I don't want to shop all day. We can get everything at the Mall." To my dismay, we spent all day shopping, anyway. All that stuff packed the trunk pretty good and we had to get stuff at Walmart as well. I never realized that girls used so much different stuff than men. She seemed to think my toiletries were defective. I just used a bar of soap or shower gel for everything, but she needed stuff like cream rinse, moisturizer, body spray and all kinds of combs and brushes. I dreaded getting my credit card bill. I blew off school the next day and we went to the doctor. Patricia was a friend of Mom's, and she agreed to see Penelope over her lunch hour so she could get in. She thought she was as healthy as a horse and the baby was coming along nicely. She gave us a list of things that Penelope should do and eat and got her some prescriptions for prenatal vitamins and things. We got her set up with appointments and I took her to see Mom. I could tell that she was as nervous as hell. Her legs were bouncing and she squirmed like a worm on a sidewalk all the way over there. When we pulled up in Mom's driveway, she froze. She grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. "I can't," she started to cry. "She'll probably think I'm a slut and she'll hate me. Please don't make me go in, Eric." "Nonsense," I told her. "She'll love you the minute she sets eyes on you. She's really sweet and kind, Penn. I love her with all my heart. You don't have to go in, but I just want you to give her a chance. Will you try?" She wiped her eyes and nodded. I went around, opened her door and she got out. I thought she was going to squeeze my hand off when I rang the bell. Mom answered the door and Penelope hid behind me. Mom is a tall, willowy redhead. She'd put on a little weight over the last twenty years but she was still one of the world's ten most beautiful women. She had a heart to match, and she threw herself on me and kissed me. She looked over my shoulder at Penelope and she could tell right away the kid was scared to death. She pushed me out of the way, took Penn's hand away from me and hugged her like they were best friends. "Penelope, this is my mom," I told her. "Her name is Mary and she's my best friend. Mom, this is Penn. I told you how we met. Please be kind to her, okay?" "Of course, Eric; it would be awful to do anything else. Come in here, honey. I made a pie today, and I'll feed you. Pregnant girls are well known for liking ice cream. I'll heat up the pie and we'll have ice cream on it. If you want pickles, I have some of those, too." Penn laughed. "Thanks, Mrs. Brand. I'm not craving pickles, though. The pie and ice cream sound good. What kind of pie is it?" "Apple," Mom told her. "I love a good apple pie. It's Eric's favorite." We sat and ate pie and got acquainted. Penn warmed up to Mom right away and Mom was warm to everyone. "You know what would be good?" Penn said. "A hunk of cheddar cheese." Mom laughed. "I love that, too, Penn." She got a block out of the refrigerator and broke it into three pieces. We nibbled on it and talked. Mom was a little uneasy with Penn staying with me. She asked her if she wouldn't rather stay with her. I felt Penn immediately tense up and squeeze up against me. Mom saw what was happening and she came around and hugged her. "I wouldn't dream of taking him away from you, if that's what you need," she kissed her. "I'm sorry, honey; I just thought you might be more comfortable here. I know I'd love the company." "Thanks, Mrs. Brand, but I want to stay with Eric," she said. "Please don't call me that," Mom told her. "My name is Mary. Mrs. Brand sounds so old." I think they fell in love with one another that night. We stayed for an hour and a half and I took Penn home. I went to work, and when I got home she was asleep, curled up like a kitten on the sofa in front of the fireplace. I woke her up and she told me she wanted to go back to school the next day. She didn't want to go to bed before I got home. I scolded her a little. "I don't get much sleep these days and I don't need as much as some people," I told her. "You're pregnant, Penn, and you need to rest. Don't you stay up like this." I was wasting my breath. She was always asleep when I got home, but she never went to bed until I got there. Sometimes she'd be lying there with a book open on her stomach and papers scattered all around, but she refused to go to bed until I got home. I had a Dodge truck with the hemi in it, and she drove it to school when the weather was bad. It was four-wheel drive and I felt like she was safer in it. When the weather was good, she drove the Hellcat and I drove the truck. I got her a little job working from three to five for my boss in his office. He loved her right away, and she seemed to be a good worker. We got her on our health plan and she didn't have to worry about that any more. By the time school was out, she was growing a little tummy. I don't think she gained more than ten pounds the whole time she was pregnant. She ate like a horse and I think her hair grew a foot. It was below her butt and it looked amazing. She brought her report card home the last day of school and it was great. She had all A's except for one. She had a C in Anatomy and Physiology and she apologized to me. "I promise I'll work harder next year," she said. "I hate those kinds of classes where you just have to memorize all that stuff. I can do better and I will." "Hey, you can't be good at everything," I told her. "You don't have to apologize to me, Penn. If you're disappointed in yourself or happy with yourself, that's all that matters. I know it's been a tough year." We spent every available minute together. As her tummy started to grow, she made me rub it with lotion so she wouldn't get stretch marks. I rubbed her feet and ankles, too. They were swelling a little and she loved me rubbing them. Her boobs were growing, too. They became even more noticeable, and that was saying a lot. She was four weeks away from her due date when she waddled into the garage. We had been taking classes on birth and parenting and we sort of knew what to expect. We kept bags packed and she was carrying them. She kicked my foot that was sticking out from under the truck where I was changing the oil. I rolled out and saw her face. "My water just broke, Eric," she said calmly. "I think I need to go to the hospital." We were there in ten minutes and in another ten, she was in a birthing room. She was starting to feel it pretty hard and I asked about drugs. The nurse was one of those militant "natural childbirth" types and she looked at me sternly. "The anesthesiologist might not get here in time," she said. "Women have been doing this without drugs for thousands of years. "Well, you go and look for him," I told her. "Nobody gets an award for enduring the most pain, and a lot of those women died. Doctors didn't wash their hands, either, for thousands of years. If he isn't here in five minutes, I'm going to find him and squeeze his nuts to see if he likes pain." She huffed off, and Penn and the other nurse died laughing. She didn't laugh for long. She started having contractions and I thought she was going to break my hand. The anesthesiologist made it in four minutes and he gave her an epidural. The pain went away and we enjoyed the birth of the most beautiful baby girl I'd ever seen. They let me cut her cord. "What's her name?" the Obstetrician asked. "Abigale Erica," Penn told him. They filled out the birth certificate and gave it to me. I looked at it; more than a little confused. "You need to sign it," the nurse told me. "You're her father." I looked at Penn. She nodded. "Please," she mouthed to me. I noticed that the name was Abigale Erica Brand. I got a big lump in my throat. I felt like I was going to choke. Tears were filling my eyes and I could hardly see. I took the pen and signed my name and Penn held out her hand. I gave her the certificate and she signed it, too. The doctor signed and that was it. Abby was my daughter. The nurse held her out to me and I could see her bright blue eyes looking up at me. I took her in my arms and one little hand grabbed my finger and held on. I knew it was just a reflex, but that one motion stole my heart and I never got it back. They let us go home two days later, and Abby gurgled in her little car seat in the back. Penn sat in the back with her and I drove carefully home. Our lives were chaos for the first month. I was out of school for the summer and it was a good thing. We made one of the bedrooms upstairs into a nursery and I moved up into the other one so Abby was between Penn and me. We took turns getting up with her. Penn breastfed her for a while until school started again. Mom came over and took care of her when we were at school and you have never seen a more devoted grandmother. She wouldn't hear of putting her in day care, and she loved taking care of her. When Penn and I got home from school, Mom went home and we spent the rest of the evening spoiling her rotten until I had to go to work. I'm surprised she ever learned to walk, the way we carried her around. We both had homework to do and it was grueling trying to fit everything into twenty-four hours. It was a good thing I didn't need a lot of sleep. Penn did, but still, she never went to bed until I got home. I'd been promoted three times, and I was now working in the engineering department. It was even more demanding than production had been, and I was feeling pretty stressed. Penn was doing okay, and she had started talking to her siblings on the phone. She saw them at school and they told her that their father was drunk all the time. By the time we both graduated, Abby was walking and starting to talk a little. I was sitting on the sofa one day trying to study while holding her and keeping her entertained. Penn was doing homework, too, and all of a sudden Abby pulled her pacifier out of her mouth. She looked up at me and said, "Da-da." I didn't quite catch it and I just kissed her absently. She said it again; "Da-da." I looked over at Penn and she was crying. "Did you hear that?" she asked. "I think so," I told her. "I think she just called me 'Da-da' to get my attention. It's her first word, Penn!" I squeezed that perfect little angel up against me and she cooed. "Da-da." Penn came over and put her arms around us. Abby looked at her. "Ma," she said. We laughed and cried until it upset Abby and we had to calm her down again. She picked up words after that the way a vacuum cleaner picks up dust bunnies. By the time Penn's nineteenth birthday came around, she knew "Gra," too, and she could name a lot of objects around the house and in her books. I took Penn out for her birthday and Mom kept Abby. I took her to her favorite restaurant. It was a local place and they had really good food. We got a booth and Penn made me sit with her. She held my hand until I could hardly eat. She was sitting very close and I could feel how warm she was against me. She just kept staring at me and I started getting a little uncomfortable. "Is something wrong, Penn?" I finally asked her. "No, everything's so right," she said. "I can't begin to tell you how right everything is. Eric, did you know that we've been together almost two years?" "No, I didn't know that. It seems like twenty years to me," I told her. "You big lunk," she punched me. "I'm serious, Penn. It's hard for me to remember when we weren't together. So much has happened it makes the rest of my life seem like a few minutes." "That's so sweet," she said. "Are you sorry, Eric?" "Sorry about what? Sorry that the most gorgeous girl in the world lives with me? Sorry that the sweetest person I know waits up for me on the sofa every night? Sorry that I have a little girl who calls me Dad? Am I insane?" "Well, you don't have a girlfriend. You haven't been on a date since we've been together. Are you lonely?" "I don't have time for that," I told her. "I don't have time to date, either, and I'm not interested in it, anyway. I thought I was on a date now." "You mean, with me?" she asked. "Do you see anyone else here?" "Eric, do you think I'm pretty?" she asked. "You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen," I told her. "Why haven't you made love to me then?" she asked. I nearly choked on my water. I sputtered around while she laughed at me. "Jesus Christ, Penn. What kind of a question is that? I didn't know you would be interested... I was afraid... you were so young and I promised..." I stammered like an idiot. "I've been trying to seduce you for a year," she told me. "I rub my tits on you; I kiss you all the time. I run around the house in next to nothing and my pussy is wet every time you touch me. I rub myself off every night thinking about you. I'm beginning to think you're gay." She rubbed one of those hard little boobs against my arm and it looked like her nipple was about to shred her shirt. My cock was as hard as iron and I felt her hand slide up my leg onto my crotch. "Ooh, I guess you're not gay," she said. "No, I'm not, and stop that," I held her hand. "Someone is going to see us. What are you doing, Penn? Are you trying to drive me crazy? I noticed all that stuff. I just thought you were comfortable with me. I've spent a long time trying to show you that you could trust me. I wasn't going to screw that up by perving on you." "I'm trying to tell you I love you, Eric. I've loved you since the day you took me to see Dad. I'm in love with you. I want to be your girl. If you don't love me, I'm going to move in with Mary. It's going to be too hard for me to be around you any more. I've been dying inside, trying to get you to notice me. I can't stand it anymore. I need to know if there's a chance for me. I'll always let you have our daughter whenever you want her, but if you don't love me, I need to move on and so do you." Her eyes were starting to well up with tears. I took her cheeks between my hands and looked in her eyes. I kissed her, and it went on for a long time. Someone cleared their throat, and when I looked up, our waiter was standing there. "I love her," I told him. "She loves me, too." He got a big smile on his face. "Did you just find out?" he asked. "Yes, I knew she really liked me. I was afraid I was in the friend zone." He went away and came back with two pieces of cake. "Congratulations," he said. "The cake is on me. I thought you two were married when you came in here." He left the check and went away. I looked back at Penn and she was glowing. She took my arm and rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm so happy, Eric," she said. "I may burst!" On the way home, she took off her seat belt and crawled across me. She leaned her back against the door and sat on my lap with her arms around my neck. "Don't have a wreck," she said. "I may," I told her. "I'm having a hard time concentrating with a little gypsy on my lap." She didn't get off when we got home, and I carried her inside. Mom's face lit up like a light bulb when she saw us. "He loves me," Penn told her. "I knew it," Mom said. "See, he just needed a little push." "You two planned this!" I exclaimed. "My own mother is scheming around." Mom snorted. "Well, someone had to take some initiative around here. You two were just going to dance around the rest of my life. I want more grandkids before I'm eighty!" "We'll get started right away," Penn giggled. "Is Abby asleep?" "Yep, and I'm gone." She got her purse and left. "So, what do we do now?" I asked Penn. "You take me to bed," she said. I carried her to the stairs and set her down. She wiggled her butt all the way up the stairs in front of me and it was a sight to wake the dead. Her perfect little ass jiggled under her jeans and I had to give it a squeeze. She gave a soft little squeal and ran the rest of the way up. We melted together and I couldn't get enough of those luscious little lips. We fell on the bed and she climbed on top of me. She unbuttoned my shirt and spread it out before kissing all over my chest and belly. I started undoing her shirt and she sat up and let me. It fell away and she undid her bra. Those breasts sprang out. They were everything I had imagined. They weren't really that big, but she was very small and they sat so high and proud that they looked big. I had seen glimpses when she was nursing Abby, but this was Penelope in all her glory. She had a lot of glory, too. I pushed the shirt and her bra off and she lay on top of me. Her nipples were sweet and brown, and they were poking holes in my chest. They were hard enough to shatter, and she scraped them across mine. My hands slid up and down that beautiful back and she felt like silk under my fingers. I slid my hands down and felt the explosion of her hips and waist. Her hips weren't wide but her waist was tiny and there was a dramatic curve there. I felt her unbutton her jeans and I slid my hands inside and up over that fantastic ass. She was getting impatient and she wiggled around until she kicked them off. Her panties went, too, and I rolled on top of her. I shucked out of my pants and boxers and looked at her. I froze. She looked so good it hurt. She just had a few little blonde curls down there and she kept them trimmed. I could see her skin through them and her little pussy was bare and pink. I wanted, no I needed, to taste it. As I got close, I could smell her; a mixture of soap and horny girl. She was shy about letting me in there, but I pushed her legs apart and there it was. I couldn't get enough. I lapped and sucked and nibbled and she went off like a bomb. She thrashed around until I couldn't keep up with her any longer. She pulled on my hair and I nibbled my way back up until I could claim her lips again. She tried to push her tongue down my throat. "Damn, Eric; were you trying to kill me?" she gasped. "That was so amazing! I've never felt anything like that in my life. No one has ever done that to me. I thought it was good rubbing myself off, but it's nothing like that." "I want to watch you rub yourself off," I told her. "You're a nasty boy," she giggled. "Do you want to fuck me now, or do you want me to do that to you first?" "I don't want to fuck you, I want to make love to you," I told her. "Okay, but I'm doing that before the night is over," she warned me. I moved up over her until I could feel all that hot moistness against my cock. She was very wet and the head of my cock slipped in easily. She gasped. "Easy, Eric, it's been a long time since anything's been in there." I took my time and before long, I was inside the tightest hottest pussy I'd ever felt. After giving birth, I didn't expect it to be that tight, but it was. The hotness was just Penn. She always felt like she had a fever when she touched me, and this felt scalding! I started to move and she moved right back. It was slow and sweet as honey for a while and she had a small orgasm. I wasn't going to last long. Being inside this amazing woman I was so in love with was driving me to the edge. We were moving, and the friction was exquisite. She was climbing the hill again and I took her hand and put it between us to hurry her along. She rubbed her clit and I plunged in until we both exploded together. She writhed and moaned like she was dying and I heard a male voice, too. I realized it was me, and I pumped her full of cum. My cock never went soft. I slowed down for a while, just cruising until I felt her begin to tremble again. I rose up on my arms and pounded her. She was gasping and moaning again, and when we came this time, she let out a little shriek at the pinnacle. We collapsed together and I heard the pitter-patter of little feet going down the hall to my room. "Daddy, whe ah wu?" Abby called. "In here in Mommy's bed, baby," I called. She came in and stood by the bed. "I hud something," she said. "Why ah you quishing Mommy?" "We're just playing, baby," Penn told her. "I'm sorry we woke you up. Do you want to go back to bed or get in with us?" She climbed in, her little white nightgown making her look like a living doll, and we collapsed, giggling like school kids. She giggled, too, just joyful at being with us, and I climbed over her. We squished her between us and fell asleep. I was having an amazing dream. An angel was sucking my cock and it felt so good I was about to come. When I opened my eyes it was true. Penn was bobbing up and down, nearly sucking the skin off my cock. She stopped when she saw I was awake and held her fingers to her lips. "I put her back in her bed," she whispered. "Don't make any noise." She was the one that wound up making the noise as I mounted her from behind, straddling her legs and giving her everything I had. Her moans and cries would have woken a cemetery when she came and I was right along with her. Amazingly, Abby didn't wake up at all. We showered together, and afterwards we wound up back in bed where I fucked her again. "Jesus, Eric, you're killing me," she whispered as we held each other. "I love it. I never knew it could be like this. It was just painful the first times. I thought I must just be frigid. I know now. It just takes the right guy. You're the guy for me. There won't ever be anyone else." We fucked like bunnies for the next six months. I fucked her in every room in the house and in the garage, too. We fucked two or three times a day and it really wasn't a surprise to me when she came and sat in my lap one evening. "Eric, I'm pregnant again," she told me. I had been waiting for that moment. "Hold that thought," I said. I went out to the garage and unlocked the bottom drawer of my toolbox. I got out the little box and went back in. I knelt on the floor in front of her and her mouth fell open. "Penelope, will you make an honest man out of me?" I asked her. "Will you marry me?" I opened the box and she squealed like she'd been stabbed. I took the ring out and slipped it on her finger. She threw herself on me, sobbing and giggling at the same time. "Nothing would make me happier," she said. "Yes, yes, yes, I'll marry you. I've wanted to forever. I'll love you forever." She did, too, but that's another story.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping Text: "You're next," Imogen told Felix as she used a tissue to rub her lipstick off his face. Felix turned to look at the ring. His opponent--presumably that was Maura--was already waiting for him, dressed in a skin-tight pink body suit and hooking herself up to the aero-accelerator. She was a tall, slender woman, and Felix wondered if that put him at a disadvantage. Did thinner women take longer to overinflate than heavier women? Or vice versa? The crowd murmured amongst themselves as they waited for the next round to begin. "Remember," Imogen advised him. "Don't get popped. It's my job to pop you." "We'll see," is all Felix said, and he walked out into the ring, possibly to his doom. As it was his first match ever, Felix had the buxom blonde referee show him how to hook himself to the machine that would inflate him and Maura. It was actually pretty simple to use; he just wanted a closer look at the ref's rack. Strangely, as the referee stood back and raised her arm, Felix did not feel nervous. He just wanted it to begin. The blonde threw down her arm. "Go!" Felix had often speculated what inflation felt like, but he still wasn't prepared for the sudden rush he felt when Maura, with the help of the aero-accelerator, puffed him up like a balloon. It was downright euphoric. He watched in wonder as his gut blew up nice and round, filling him not only with Maura's warm breath, but also with an overwhelming sense of well-being. He ran his hand over his belly, absorbing just how much bigger he had gotten in so little time. And then Maura blew into him again, blowing his belly up twice as big. It was then that Felix finally snapped out of his reverie. He had to start blowing--now! He realized already that he had made a bad start: Allowing the opponent to get even one breath ahead of you could be fatal in such a match. And so he blew into the plastic tube in his mouth, the air traveling through the tube, through the aero-accelerator, through the black wire, and into Maura's belly. She looked instantly pregnant. Felix's heartbeat sped up as he puffed hurriedly, trying to make up for lost ground, all the while inflating larger and larger. He couldn't help but be amazed at his own ballooning body, watching it expand, feeling fuller and fuller in a wonderful, orgasmic sensation. And yet, he didn't have the luxury of pausing to admire it, because Maura would pop him unless he kept blowing. And so he puffed, hurriedly at first, his nervousness clearly showing. The match was just a few breaths in, but the crowd had already rallied around Maura. "Go, Maura! Pop him!" "Blow him to the moon!" "He's yours, Maura! Make him burst!" Felix briefly closed his eyes. He had to focus. As difficult as it was, he had to stop thinking about his own inflation, ignore how big he was getting, how he was so plumped up that he couldn't even move. He had to just blow, quickly but with deliberation. He opened his eyes again to see that his breaths had the desired effect: Maura was becoming ball-shaped. She was still smaller than he, but he wasn't out of the game yet. He blew and blew, observing with satisfaction that Maura inflated as easily as a toy balloon. If he could pop a balloon, he thought, he could pop this beautiful woman. He just needed to catch up. He tried to suppress the nervous energy that would cause him to lose his breath. He just kept puffing away, marveling in his own glorious expansion, while at the same time admiring the way Maura surged bigger and bigger. She was a round balloon-ball now, just like him. And it was all his doing. The bigger he got, the better he felt. And the bigger Maura got, the bigger he wanted her to be. He let the cheering voices turn into white noise, filtering out the calls for him to burst, and instead just focusing on the realm of the ring, watching Maura fill out bigger, feeling himself grow larger. As he puffed, he cheered within his own mind. I'm a balloon! I'm a balloon! I'm a BLIMP! I'm a giant, inflating BLIMP! And so is she! Look at Maura! She's my balloon! I'm making her bigger, and I love it! I'm going to make her so big that she pops! And so it went on, the two tight, globe-like figures puffing and inflating, puffing and inflating. Imogen watched nervously and quietly from the stands. It didn't look good for Felix; he was a size smaller than Maura, and Maura had a little more experience. Felix was blowing hard, but so was she. He always seemed a breath or two behind. And then something happened that almost made Imogen stand up from her seat. Maura made another large puff--and the plastic tube flew from her mouth. The crowd collectively gasped. Strangely, at least in Imogen's experience, this had never happened before. No one had ever before let her blowing tube fall from her mouth. Maura's eyes opened wide as she flapped her stubby hands in a futile attempt to reclaim her weapon. But the tube just rolled off her round body and hit the floor. There was a moment of indecision by the crowd. What were the rules in this situation? Did they stop the match? Did the referee step in and give Maura back her tube? Would Felix stop to give Maura a chance? The answer, of course, was no. Felix knew the rules: There were no rules. It was pop or be popped. As the crowd fell into deathly silence, and Maura squirmed to get away, Felix inhaled deeply...and he blew. Maura's growth surged again, pushing her out in all directions. "Stop! I lost my tube!" But Felix just blew again. Maura was now as big and as full as he was, her advantage completely gone. Maura pleaded. "Wait! It's not fair! Someone help me!" But everyone just froze, waiting for the next move. It came from Felix, who just blew, and blew, and blew again. Maura swelled and swelled, surpassing Felix's size and still growing. "Stop the match!" Maura cried. But the referee just watched from the sidelines as Felix kept blowing. "Please!" Maura begged Felix. "Give me a chance! I can't blow back! It's not fair!" Felix just kept blowing, watching Maura stretch and stretch until she was nearly twice his size. He wondered at first if he should stop. But the crowd and the referee had done nothing, apparently feeling as he did that, if Maura lost control of her weapon, she had only herself to blame. Besides, he admitted to himself, he wanted to see her burst. His attention was now totally focused away from his own inflated state and onto the beautiful, giant balloon woman in front of him. She was, in fact, a beautiful balloon, Felix thought. And she just got more beautiful the bigger she got. And so he kept blowing and blowing, watching her get bigger and ever more beautiful. She knew, he knew, everyone knew what was going to happen. Maura is going to pop, he thought. And I'm the one who's going to make it happen. "Please," Maura said, her head now inflating as her body stopped expanding. Her voice was faint, as if she had already given up. She probably had. She knew it was inevitable. Felix puffed once more, and she let out a little squeak. Her body seemed to quiver ever so slightly. Felix puffed yet again... BANG!! Like a spectacular firework display, Maura burst into lovely shrapnel, the explosion shaking the ribs of the front-row spectators. A pregnant pause followed. And then the crowd burst into applause. Felix, at first the underdog, was now the hero, basking in the applause and adulation. He looked at the lovely shrapnel that had been Maura and wondered if he deserved applause: After all, it's not like he won fair and square. What would've happened if Maura hadn't made that fatal error? He'd never know. Imogen smiled and applauded from the stands, even though she knew she was out fifty bucks, having put her money on Maura. The crowd broke into packs of discussion groups as cleanup began. Two lovely women in tight blue jumpsuits cleaned up the debris that had been Maura. As the audience mixed among themselves, one woman walked from the stands to approach Felix, who still sat there in the ring, a helpless, inflated balloon-boy. He recognized the woman as Dreda, the founder and all-time champion of Inflate Club. Unfortunately, there was no mistaking her: That freakish face was, sadly, difficult to erase from one's memory. Felix scowled. Did she think that dressing in those tight white shorts, low-cut tank top, and high heels made her look sexy? Did she really think she could compensate for those giant ears and that oversized mouth with the crooked teeth? What was she thinking? Dreda looked up at him with her hands on her hips, which carried small but noticeable spare tires. "It'll take you about fifteen to twenty minutes to deflate," she told him. "And then it'll be time for the next round. That'll be between Tamika and your girlfriend, I believe." Felix looked to the stands for Imogen, but he didn't see her. She had apparently gone backstage to prepare for her round. He was on his own. "You like her, don't you?" Dreda asked. "Yes," he said simply. "That's good," said Dreda, in a way that suggested that it wasn't all that good. "You must be pretty proud of your victory. Especially the way you won it." Felix didn't like where this was headed. "There are no rules in Inflate Club, except that you don't talk about Inflate Club. And that there are no other rules." "Maura was a friend of mine," Dreda said coldly. Felix just swallowed. Dreda stepped closer, lifted one of her high-heeled shoes, and dug the pointy heel lightly but firmly into Felix's taut flesh. He inhaled deeply, feeling the point come dangerously close to piercing his fragile, gossamer skin. "You think you're pretty big right now, don't you?" Dreda asked him. "Well, you are nothing compared to how big I can be. You better hope that I don't get you in the ring, because I'd blow you to bits. You lucked out in this round. You won't be so lucky next time. You'll have to get by on your own breath, and I think you'll pop. But if not..." She lifted her high heel off his skin, and Felix finally exhaled. "I'll be seeing you." As she walked away, Felix tried and failed to resist the temptation to look at her butt in her tight, revealing shorts. Damn it, that ass was too big to be in shorts like that, but he had to look. He hated her even more for that, because he was SO not attracted to her. It was Felix's turn to sit in the stands--after getting several congratulatory salutations from attractive female spectators, along with a few flirtations--and he watched as Imogen hooked herself up to the aero-accelerator. Her opponent was a flamboyant black woman, who, Felix knew, was actually named Tamika, but competed under the name "Spice," as if she were a wrestler of some sort. She wore a star-spangled outfit, a red-white-and-blue number with stars and stripes on the up-the-crotch shorts and the ever-straining sports bra. She did some wild dances, playing to the crowd, which apparently carried a sizable fan base for her. She was over the top--sort of like her sports bra, Felix noted--but she deserved the attention, because her body was flawless. It was almost too bad that he'd have to see her pop. Almost. The match began in the usual way, and Felix watched these two gorgeous women, a petite blonde and an athletic black-haired beauty, lose their womanly figures and swell into big, round balloon women. And it continued in the familiar way, each women's supporters shouting encouragement as the two women blew each other up. Soon the two women were as big as weather balloons, and there was still no clear frontrunner. They were both disciplined, focused inflation athletes, and Felix felt a little nervous. Could this be an occasion where both competitors wind up bursting? It looked like that was a possibility, though perhaps Imogen was just slightly bigger than Spice. It was a tense few minutes as each women blew, and each woman inflated. The crowd was going nuts: "Pop her, Spice!" "Go, Imogen!" They were stamping, cheering, clapping. All the while, Felix just quietly watched. The two women were nearing the size of parade balloons, almost totally round except for their heads sticking out on top. They still blew, still swelled, each keeping pace with the other's inflation. And then the crowd sensed it just as Spice did. Spice's eyes widened in concern as Imogen took an impossibly large breath, apparently using lungpower she had kept in reserve, and focused it all into one powerful gust. Spice was kept off guard, unable to compensate for her sudden expansion, too flustered to regain her composure. Imogen pushed out all the air she possibly could into the plastic hose, the constant flow of air accelerating into Spice and multiplying in force. Spice grew at an alarming rate, surprising everyone who had never seen a woman that big inflate so much more in so short a time. Instead of just a growth spurt, Spice billowed steadily outward in one constant expansion that lasted what seemed to be an incalculable amount of time, panic flaring in her eyes as she began to pulsate ominously, her taut skin squeaking from the rapidly increasing strain. Imogen kept up the pressure, keeping Spice from ever catching her breath or from ever letting her inflation stop. Spice's growth slowed only modestly as she reached the limits of her endurance, having time for only one quick "Mmmmph!" before she went... KABOOOOOOMMMM!! The crowd rose to its feet in exaltation, except for those who lost a fortune on their bets. The applause lasted several minutes, and Felix enjoyed it almost as much as Imogen, who soaked up the spotlight as the cleanup crew arrived. Eventually, after several long minutes, the applause died down, and the spectators turned to each other to talk about perhaps the most intense, exciting match they'd seen in a while. Felix sat back down again, but he wondered if he should go out to the ring to give Imogen his congratulations. Before he could decide, Dreda appeared from the stands and walked straight up to Imogen, just as she had when Felix was in the ring. Oh, brother, thought Felix, trying in vain to keep his eyes from straying to Dreda's slightly exposed buttcheeks. Don't tell me Dreda gives everyone that "I can be bigger than you" speech. But in fact, Dreda said nothing. With a swift kick of her high heel, she pierced Imogen's elastic skin and caused her to burst with a loud BANG! The sudden explosion caused all conversation in the arena to a screech to a startling halt. An overpowering silence filled the room. Felix rose from his seat in disbelief. Where a moment ago Imogen sat helplessly inflated, there was now just scraps of skin floating to the ground. Although the rules of Inflate Club were minimal, it was unheard of to pop someone after a match was over, especially when that person had no chance to defend themselves. But no one seemed inclined to punish Dreda, perhaps because she was the Club founder, or perhaps because the vast majority of the crowd were her fans. In the stunned silence that followed, Dreda stepped in front of the bleachers where Felix sat and flipped him the birdie. "I just popped your girlfriend, fucker! What are you going to do about it?" The crowd let out a "Ooooh!" from the challenge. Felix just stared dumbly. "Next week, then, I take it? You and me?" Dreda asked him. Felix looked around the arena. It was filled with beautiful women, all of whom he would rather compete with. He wouldn't have minded so much being popped by a hot chick like Imogen, Shanelle, or even Maura. But he didn't find satisfaction in competing with the ugly chick--especially since she just happened to be the top popper. And yet he couldn't back out in front of the entire arena. And besides, this time, the competition was personal. After a long, tense moment, Felix nodded. "Bye-bye!" Dreda sang, and walked out of the ring. Felix's eyes followed her shorts, as usual, but he was barely aware that he was doing it, as he was already planning his revenge. He had to pop that freakishly ugly chick. And he knew just how to do it.
Title: Don't Use Jargon Pt. 01 Tags: teaching, family sex, multiple partners, novelist *Dear Faithful Readers - Let's start the New Year with a many parts story of love and adventure in the great Northwest. Follow Mickey and his women friends as they discover hard work and hard play! \*\*\*\*\* Don't Use Jargon - Part 1 - Mickey has a degree but no job* Chapter 1 - Caitlin I was newly graduated from the University of Oregon with a B.A. in English and had the usual young writer's problem of oscillations from brilliant self-confidence to black despair. I was also hung up on the word 'dysfunctional.' This was partly because the only professor for whom I had any admiration was a bear on jargon words, and partly because my Irish family was stereotypically dysfunctional. There were other problems. I didn't drink, which made me an outcast from my family, all of whom knew the inside of every bar in Douglas county. I didn't have love affairs that ended badly and violently. In fact, for no reason that I could discern, girls seemed to like me, and even better, went to bed with a smile, a laugh, and a fine orgasm on the end of my oversized cock. Which was hardly a problem except that I feared romance would lead me to marriage and the end of my career before I ever really learned to write. This morning, however, there was no time for mooning over the story line for a saleable book. Sheila called while I was still in bed to report that Caitlin had disappeared again. Of the four McCullough kids, we were the youngest, and the only ones that did not fight continuously. My mother had until recently been a good Catholic, and therefore popped out babies in accordance with God's will and a lack of birth control. Caitlin had been the fourth, and the cause of Sheila's decision to quietly instruct her doctor to make damn sure the tubes were tied and no record made of the procedure. "Mickey, I don't know what caused it this time. She gets these ideas in her head, doesn't say boo, and disappears in that rattletrap Celica." "Mom, you are not to worry. It will bring on a migraine and you will be lying in bed in the dark for days. Let me chase after her." My mother's family, the McIntires, passed down a tendency to migraine in the female line. She had been to the university medical clinic in Eugene several times for treatment and went home with little more than painkillers and instructions to avoid stress and a list of suspect foods. Sheila confined to her bedroom with the shades drawn was very bad for the McCullough family. My father, Conor, a logger like his father and grandfather, was working harder for less as cutting in the Oregon forests inched toward the last of the virgin trees. My older brother Luke drove a second truck when there were trees to haul, but was working at a state highway maintenance facility on second shift to make ends meet. His girlfriend Patti was the assistant manager at a tire store and grumpy because they couldn't afford to marry and start a family. Sheila was the glue that held us all together. The Mom with a hug and a smile. But Conor's drinking was getting worse. If Luke was around to share the whisky bottle, and the two of them got their women to drinking, the results were usually bad. Caitlin hated all this with a passion. She hated being very smart in a family where IQ had been handed out sparingly. She hated being half the size of her dad. When she got so mad and unhappy she couldn't stand it, she would get in the broken down car and drive an hour to my attic room at school and camp there, waiting to pounce when I returned from class. We had a deal that, for one hour only, she had free rein to physically attack me. Fortunately for my body, she usually ran down before the hour was up, and curled herself in my arms for a good cry. After that, she would attack my lips with hers and pull my hair as viciously as she could, exclaiming, "Mickey, what am I going to do? What am I going to do?" I would take her to one of the hole in the wall restaurants that flourished in Eugene and gently attempt to convince my incredibly smart younger sister that life was not all bad. This was a losing battle, because Caitlin's list of McCullough family transgressions was very long and ever lengthening. What my mother didn't know was that by the time she missed Caitlin, usually at night, the teenager was already in my bed. At this very moment, she was freshly showered and powdered and snuggled to my side, holding our shared cup of coffee. My conscience clear, I lied like a fish to protect my sister. The thanks I got was to have my manhood stroked tenderly until I found an excuse to hang up on Mom, and return the attack. Caitlin had been trying to have sex with me since she was sixteen. This scared the bejesus out of me, and resulted in a recital, accompanied by hard swats to her rear, of the several ways we could receive jail terms for unlawful intercourse. For the past year or so, that argument had failed, because I was twenty-one and she was nineteen. But I was still holding her off. Something told me that if you crossed the bridge of familial sex, there wasn't any way back. "Mom, you are not to worry about Caitlin. She is a tough little tramp and I will track her down and maybe get that car fixed up. I'll call you tonight, or sooner if I find her." Caitlin was frenching me as hard as she could, her knee in my crotch. "God, Mickey, I wish I could lie as well as you do. She doesn't suspect a thing." One part I liked about these visits was the wrestling. Caitlin was small, compact and knew how to use her muscles to advantage. It always ended with her getting off on some part of my anatomy, crying out, "Cock, Mickey, I need your beautiful cock." Sometimes she took me in her mouth, and sometimes in a towel. Sleep quickly overtook our sated bodies and held the world at bay for a few hours. Until we sat like this, sipping from a single cup of coffee, and staring at each other. "Mickey, I have to do something with myself, and I'm not working at Burger King." I switched her around so she could lie on my chest while I worried her chest. "Playing with my tits isn't bringing in any money." I let that hang out there, my hand resting on her breast and my teeth nibbling the back of her neck. Finally, she turned over and whispered, "We have to go away somewhere. Somewhere secret. Somewhere I can have a job and you can write." I was done with school and had to be out of my attic space by the end of the week. We got dressed and I worked on packing while Caitlin explored online job ads. Suddenly, she shouted, "This is perfect! Come look." A junior college in Yakima was advertising for summer help. An English instructor and an administrative assistant to help with student paperwork. My intense sister was a dynamo of action. "There is an email drop and a phone number. We will send them resumes and then phone and say we are driving up for an interview tomorrow." She jumped into my arms and hummed happily, showering me with kisses. "We will save up and after summer session I will find something better to do, and you will write in our cabin in the woods." "What are we going to do about Mom and Dad? They will have a fit." "You are the only college graduate. The fair haired son who can do no wrong. After we are offered jobs tomorrow, you will call Sheila and explain the situation." I wondered what explanation that was, but put my arms on her shoulders and asked, "You are sure this is what you want? No more going home?" "No more going home, Mickey. That's over. You keep telling me things aren't so bad. Well, we are going to go find out!" Chapter 2 - Emily's Place To my amazement, Caitlin's scheme played out exactly as she predicted. After the interviews were confirmed, the Celica was filled to overflowing and chugged out of town. I decided the route on highway 97 was the best bet for surviving the trip. The muffler had a new hole, so we announced ourselves along the way. The Columbia River crossing at Biggs Junction cemented the end of the Oregon memories we were leaving behind. Caitlin kissed me in the middle of the bridge and said, "Goodbye old life, hello new life." Her eyes were shining and I realized that whatever else was happening, my sister was finally liberated from a miserable existence in a nearly dead logging town. After a forgettable night in a cheap motel, we showed up at the college for our ten o'clock interview, which was with Edith Albright, the chair of the English department. She was fiftyish, neat and organized. "You have come quite a distance for a personal interview. That's unusual. Why do you want this job?" I was direct. "I would like to make a living with my writing. This sounds like a good way to have some income while I sort that out. I was a TA for several terms at school and enjoyed it." She turned to Caitlin, "And you, Ms. McCullough?" "I am Mickey's kid sister and he looks after me, even though I'm nineteen now. There is no work at home, and when I saw the two postings, I told him we should come here to convince you to hire us." She had a winning smile and I wondered how far it would take us. Edith smiled back and asked more questions about our resumes and whether there were any law enforcement problems. "Thank you. The interviews end today and I will call tomorrow by noon." That was it. In and out in thirty minutes. We retreated to Starbucks and checked our email. I asked Caitlin, "What do you think?" "She's nice. I think we have a chance. That honors degree helps. How come you learned to study someplace?" "It was all those beatings, sis. Where are we staying tonight?" "I've been looking at the college housing lists and have some phone numbers. Since the summer session starts next Monday, you are going to be busy preparing. I guess I will be too. We better find something today." The first call turned out to be a summer sublet for a unit in a student housing block. Sounded grim. The second call turned out to be a faculty retiree with a guesthouse. We hurried out to take a look. Caitlin elbowed me. It was the place of her dreams. Nestled in a grove of pine trees away from the main house. Emily Nordhouse, the widowed owner, was sweet and said we could have it today with a check for the first month's rent that she would not cash until next week. I explained that the jobs were still up in the air, and she smiled. "Edith is a friend of mine. I will call." Another very stiff elbow from Caitlin. I said, "I guess I know where I'm getting my orders from. What about the car? It has to go." "Buy me some lunch and I will check craigslist." Her good fortune continued. A down on his luck dealer was closing out the lot and wanted to move everything. There was a five year old Toyota pickup in forest green with almost a hundred thousand miles on it. Caitlin whispered that Toyotas run forever and we should take it. I said to the dealer, "We might both have jobs tomorrow. Today, we don't have money and you won't find a credit rating." I was getting used to the smiles in this farming town. "Clean out that wreck and come back in the morning with a note saying you have the job and I'll take it for a downpayment." We emptied our wallets for some groceries and went back to Emily's place. She came out with the key to our little house, "I can't say a thing, but you should relax and think about teaching on Tuesday." Caitlin pushed me down on the squeaky bed and sat on my chest. "See. I knew this was the right thing to do." I pulled her down for a kiss and a tickle. "You always cry after beating me." She squirmed and pulled my hair. "No more crying. I will clean up and work on dinner. You go see Emily and offer to do some chores. She is all by herself now." Emily was pleased to have the offer. "Mickey, that is very kind of you. I am down to my last few sticks of firewood. There are dry rounds in the back. After that long drive, you could probably use the exercise. Split some for your stove too." By five o'clock, Emily's woodbox was nearly full, and ours was getting there. When I wandered in from the shower, Cait pressed a drink in my hand. "It will help your sore muscles." "I don't drink." "This is your new life, Mickey. There is fresh lime juice in that and moderate alcohol is good for your health." I stared at her and took a big swallow. "You are corrupting me." "Have more and think about teaching. Sit on the porch. Dinner is almost ready." In a few minutes, she came out and folded into my lap. "Are you happy?" "Very. Are you pleased to be several hundred miles away from home?" "Very. I suppose we have to call Mom. She will wonder what happened to last night's call." "Before or after dinner?" "Let's get it over with. Here's my cell." Sheila answered on the first ring. "Where are you? Why didn't you call?" "I was too busy tracking Caitlin down to call. I have her in custody, and she is behaving." "When are you coming home? I'm putting her over my knee." The hand between my legs squeezed. I licked her ear. "I don't think that is possible at the moment. We have decided to get summer jobs together. I think it will be good for her to spend some time away from home, and to have income of her own." "Where on earth are you going to find two jobs close together? Aren't you trying to be a writer?" "I need to make some money myself. Writing may have to wait. As soon as we find work, I will call." "Mickey, I miss you. It's not the same when you are gone. Conor and Luke are raising hell all the time." "Mom, Conor has to decide whether chasing a dying business is what he wants to do. I know it is tough at forty-six to give up your independence as a hauler, but times are changing and the trees don't support people the way they used to." "Damn, at least I've got one child who is intelligent. You take care of yourself and that smart aleck of a girl, and call me even if you don't have news." Click. Smart aleck was crying. "She doesn't understand, does she?" "She never will. Maybe when you find the right guy, and have a house and babies and a decent income, she will recognize what a great person and daughter you are." She dragged me to the kitchen, swearing a blue streak. "Mickey, in the new life, we don't call home all the time." Caitlin had a grim look on her face. "I'm not having anything to do with her until I am independent and on my own." After a few bites of dinner, I said, "Remember Shakespeare? 'The quality of mercy is not strained.' She is an unhappy woman and strikes out at you without thinking. Show her as much love as you can, and ignore the insults." The dark eyes weren't teary anymore. "You will help me with that? It's hard, you know." I pressed her hand across the table. "We are a team. We need each other right now." Trying to read course materials after dinner was a failure. Cait poked me and said, "Bed for you." I never felt her climb in. We'd driven almost due north to Yakima and the June sun was earlier than Eugene and very bright. When I turned over, her eyes were open and staring at me. "What?" "I want you." "You know I am not available. There are going to be lots of young guys here. I bet you meet some today. Smart, sexy and richer than your brother, the starving writer." "Asshole." She climbed out of bed and wiggled her rear at me as she walked to the bathroom. I was on the porch working on cereal and coffee when she came to my side and said, "I'm sorry. That conversation last night meant finding my own guy, didn't it? That's part of being independent?" "Yes. You are a very attractive young woman who needs to expand her horizons." I tickled her ribs and asked, "Are you on birth control?" She slapped my head, "Damn, Mickey, you've got me in somebody's bed already." We emptied and cleaned the ancient sedan, waiting for the call that would launch us into a summer career in Yakima. It wasn't even nine when Edith was on my phone, saying she was pleased to offer both of us the jobs we had applied for, and could we come to the office immediately. Cait was still giving me dirty looks as we drove to work. "Just trying to pimp me out..." "You will have to stand at your desk after I finish with your bottom." I liked the pushback. She really was a new woman. About to report to her first real job. Giving big brother a hard time. I grabbed her hand and kissed fingertips. "Stop that. I am supposed to be mad at you." She leaned over the console and tried to kiss my cheek. I noticed and twisted my head to catch her lips with mine. She pulled back, laughing, "You are going to crash us." Chapter 3 - Margo Edith was waiting with paperwork. "Mickey, you are in office 221 upstairs. Caitlin, I will take you to the admin office. Fill out these forms and take them to Personnel any time this morning." After dealing with the forms, I was digging into the course syllabus when the door opened and a blond head followed by a tall female body entered. "Hi, you must be Mickey McCullough. I am your officemate, Margo Halstrom. We are both teaching sections of the summer English course." I stood up and found myself in a hug. "I hope you like hugs. In my family that is how we say hello." I wrapped my arms and squeezed. "I believe in hugs too, especially when they are delivered by tall blond strangers with incredible bodies." After sorting the office arrangements for a few minutes, she said, "Let's go find a latte and talk." The student center had a coffee place and a sunny patio. She began, "Edith tells me you just finished Eugene in English." "Yes, which means I couldn't be greener about teaching." She laughed and tossed her long hair. "Relax. This is my second year and I am your source for pedagogy, keeping discipline, handing out grades, and other necessaries." I smiled and asked, "What about my novel? I need a story line and a good start." "Ask me out and we can talk about that too. I'm almost over thinking I can write the next great American novel myself." "With your looks, there have to be guys hovering nearby." "I could say the same about you. Except you don't look like a gay." "I think you need to come to dinner tonight. My sister is with me and is a terrific cook. She also makes a mean margarita and can give you a candid opinion on how gay I am." "Edith tells me you are staying in Emily Nordhouse's guesthouse. You know who she is, don't you?" "I know she is very nice to penniless teachers." "Edith is the coach and Emily is the trainer for women's athletics at this college. Their girls win all sorts of medals. I played soccer at UW and am the assistant coach and assistant trainer." She had an infectious smile. "You are on a long leash?" "Yes. If you really mean that invitation for dinner, I'll tell you stories." At that moment, Caitlin poked her head in. "Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm Mickey's sister." "Hi, I'm Margo, and teaching the other section of English with him. He has asked me to dinner without consulting you." There was an instant hug and giggle. "He's like that. We specialize in embarrassing moments. Dinner sounds wonderful. Should we do barbeque? You are not vegan, are you?" After a few moments of conversation, Cait extracted me for a visit with the car dealer, saying she had an employment note to give him. She also showed me a check for $2,000, which was an advance on salary. I was driving, and hoping the clunker made the mile to the dealer's lot. Caitlin gave me a sideways look and said, "She's awfully pretty. Have you asked her out yet?" "She asked me, and please see if you can let your brother have a pleasant first date." "I may have to pretend to be the totally bratty teenage sister." "You keep risking having your naked bum over my knee." At the car dealer, I signed my life away, and became the owner of a deep green Toyota Tacoma pickup. I hugged Caitlin and told her to drive. The sparkling look in her smiling eyes told me the newly independent existence was agreeing with her. We did a grocery run, gathered our stuff at the college, and headed to Emily's. After everything was hauled to the kitchen, Caitlin pushed me out the door, saying, "Find Emily, and ask about more chores. We need the good will." I found our landlady on her front porch swing, dozing lightly with a sweet smile on her face. My noise on the steps awakened her, and she said, "Mickey, that was nice of you to fix my wood yesterday when you had so much on your mind. Did Edith give you a job? Come and sit with me." She took my hand with hers and gently swung us to and fro. "Emily, we got the jobs, and we got a new used car just before that rattletrap died. I'm here to see about more chores. Margo is coming to dinner and says there are wild stories about the three of you and women's athletics." "That girl! She is super smart, and you should see her with the teams. She teases them, she cusses them, she threatens failing grades. After they achieve the impossible, she showers them with hugs and kisses." Emily looked at me for a moment. "If you don't happen to have a girlfriend, she needs a man in her life. There was a guy in Seattle, they were almost married, and it all blew up when he told her she couldn't have a career of her own and needed to concentrate on making babies. She cried on my shoulder and said she wasn't sure whether she was madder at him for being an obnoxious male chauvinist, or at herself for falling in love without ever getting signals straight." "Sounds complicated. Can I ask her to a dance and just feel our way along?" I bent down and brought her legs across my lap, working the muscled flesh and slipping her shoes off to liberate feet and toes. She sighed and said, "If you do this for Margo, you will have a friend for life. She is very susceptible to muscle cramps." Her voice fell to a whisper, "If you are very gentle, she won't notice your hands creeping above her knees." "Emily, you must need some male attention in your life. Your husband's passing shouldn't leave you high and dry." Before she could respond, we saw Caitlin advancing across the lawn, measuring cup in hand. "I need another cup of flour for the crust for the dessert tart. I told him to ask for more chores and you seem to be taking him up on the offer." "Does he work on your muscles too?" "Yes. We have terrible fights when I am being bad, and then after I cry, he fixes me." "Have you...?" "No. He says we are brother and sister, not lovers. Any chance I could find a decent boyfriend around here?" "Tomorrow is Saturday, and if you do not have to go into work, come and have coffee with me and we will discuss your requirements for male companionship." Laughter followed them to the kitchen. While they were in search of the flour, I closed my eyes and chuckled at Caitlin receiving tutoring from Emily about finding a man. When we got back to the guesthouse, I received a hard punch in the arm and a frown. "Don't frown at me. You are the one who said, 'New places, new faces.' " "I'm jealous. I turn my back for one second and you are romancing a Scandinavian bombshell." At that moment, Margo drove up and dashed in with the rhubarb and strawberries for the tart. The two of them went to work like best buddies. My own sister scheming to put me down. She is going to suffer. I went out back to clean up the patio table and chairs. I had hardly finished when two bodies showed up with a pitcher of margaritas and kisses for me. With an arm around each of them, I said, "You two are already ganging up on me." They both giggled and Caitlin said, "Time to work on the meat. We get to relax. The salad and dessert are done." I started the barbeque and took a quick shower before putting on the thick chops. There was low voiced but intense conversation going on between them. A realization seized me. There were four women - Edith, Emily, Margo and Caitlin - who were giving me orders. A sudden thought occurred; while they were busy being devious, I could turn the tables and flirt with them. Maybe more than flirt. Pretend I was overcome with longing for older femme fatales. Offer to be a trainer for the women's teams. Dinner was laid back. Margo had brought an excellent bottle of Washington state Pinot Noir and I was going through it, trying to avoid their eyes full of conspiracy. Margo had the nicest voice, soft and sibilant, describing growing up in eastern Washington among the apple groves and the beginnings of the wine industry. Cait and I felt like she was weaving a spell over us, a soft cocoon that went with the gathering dusk. Holding a handful of blond hair, I whispered in Margo's ear that she was special and we appreciated the warm welcome. She reached up and drew my head down for a soft kiss. I rose and told them to stay where they were while I took the kitchen duty. Chapter 4 - Cait Gets Her Wish I suppose I should have been surprised when I found the two of them in bed together, but I wasn't. The smiles were wide. "Margo thinks she shouldn't drive after such a nice meal. I invited her to stay over." I shrugged and said, "Great, I'll just take the sofa..." "No, you won't," they said together. The smiles were wider. They moved apart and pointed to the middle. The sheet was high on their bodies and I suspected I was in for nude encounter. "I suppose I don't need pajamas?" "Not permitted. Lose the clothes, turn out the light and get in here." While I was doing the kitchen, they were doing themselves in the shower. I was hardly in the bed before I was buried in fragrant female arms and legs and lips and pinching fingers. "Is there a reason for this?" "We don't have boyfriends at the moment, and you will have to substitute." They both found a convenient leg for a rubbing post, so my hand fell naturally to their muscled behinds. I pressed down and they made little happy noises. Margo said, "Mickey, you and I are going to have fun teaching together this summer. And doing other things." The kiss was long and wet and passionate. Caitlin had a tight grip on my cock, squeezing and pulling to and fro. "Mickey, I had a long talk with Margo about my sex needs. She says it would be unfair and cruel to send me out to find just any old male to take my virtue." She whispered, "My precious virtue." Margo's fingers wrapped around me too, adding more pressure. Her tongue was back, searching for mine. "Mickey, you do follow directions, don't you?" They were ganging up on me. It was obvious I was supposed to have sex with two new pussies. My devious sister had recruited horny Margo in the quest for my cock. I was losing this fight. If I didn't get busy, my equipment was going to be tortured. "This is what the two of you have been scheming about? Wear down my resistance to family sex and get my cock in Caitlin? Aren't you ashamed?" Margo was big and strong and drew me on top. "Directions, Mickey. Follow directions and put that big thing in me. Right now." She didn't have to ask twice. I hadn't had sex in several weeks and her welcoming thighs were a delight to settle between. I discovered directions meant she had a firm grip on my cock and was directing him home. Home, home, home. "Oh fuck. I'll follow your directions any time, Margo." She bucked up and laughed. "You feel terrific in there, Mickey. I need this. Cait, your brother is just fine. I can't believe I get to teach with him, and fuck too. What a blast!" She howled and shook and twisted, and suddenly threw me out. "That's enough for now. Your sister needs attention. Give her a sweet kiss and ask how she wants you to do her." Sister was on her back, eyeing my dripping shaft. I could sense a little hesitation now that the moment was upon her. "Hey, we can take this real easy. We don't even have to do it this minute." She closed her eyes and reached for me. "Hurry up and get this over." I slipped an inch into the athletic pussy and waited a moment. "Yes! Finish me!" If there was a barrier, I didn't feel it. Instead, I found another warm cunt happy to have me. I bottomed with a satisfied grunt. Margo slapped my ass as hard as she could. "Caitlin," she shouted, "you are fucked! A very fine fucker has all of him in you." She gave a tentative thrust upward, and I drove her back down. "More." Her eyes opened and she smiled brilliantly. "Margo! It's just like you said. He belongs in there." Her eyes shifted back, "Fuck me, Mickey. Fuck me." I started a steady rhythm and looked at Margo, who was lying on her side, watching and laughing, almost giggling. Her hand reached out and slapped me again. "This is fun, Mickey. I've never been real close to live sex before." Cait was tensing up and I realized my little sister was going to come on my cock. If she was, I was. Margo would have to be satisfied with leftovers. Cait humped at me and froze with a scream stifled on her lips. Margo wasn't giving me any time off, and had me back where she wanted me in moments. "Big fucker. You'd better have some left for me." Her laugh was infectious and sent Cait and me off too. Talk about happy sex. She got on top and bounced. The high Nordic breasts were to die for. I lunged at them and captured a nipple firmly in my teeth, then rocked forward and drove the strong body deep into the mattress. She tried to get away, but I was finally in charge. Every move got another thrust that pounded our pubic bones together. "Cait! He is destroying me!" All that meant was Margo losing it in a tremendous top to bottom climax that went with a horrendous scream. I climbed off and grabbed the phone. When Emily answered, I said, "Sorry if you heard screams from over here, they both attacked me. I am standing next to the bed and they are smiling at me, so it couldn't have been all bad." She laughed, and said, "Mickey if you are going to behave like that, the landlady requires that you come over with a treatment for her!" "Why not now? Come over and see if there is anything left." "Yes." The schemers were in hysterics. "You didn't! Is she coming? We have to get cleaned up!" I scowled at them. "You sluts are staying right there. You started this, and will suffer Emily's inspection." I was still staring down at the lascivious bodies with their flushed cheeks and rosy chests when a pair of arms went around me. "You terrible stud. Doing them and inviting me over to see." I pulled her in front and slipped the bathrobe off. There was luscious naked Emily beneath. She turned and frenched me as hard as she could, her hand searching to find a cock. She whispered in my ear, "I've been wanting you since that conversation this afternoon. I'm horny as a backyard cat. Don't wait. Take me now." The cock was hard and the pussy was wet. She howled with glee, on her back between the two others. My cock could tell no one had been there in a while, but the muscles were strong and I wormed my way inside with short thrusts and words of encouragement. "Emily, I already said you needed this. What a great cunt you have. I never thought it would be me to have the pleasure of your loving. Is this some kind of plot?" She giggled and froze and came, just like that, with a shout and a smile. "My god, Mickey, don't stop. Please don't stop." Two orgasms later, she pushed me off and climbed into the arms of Margo and Caitlin, laughing and crying. Margo frowned at me, "Take your shower, alpha one, and leave us to clean up. You can fix tea and find the brandy at Emily's." We sat on the patio in the dark, sipping tea and recovering from our little orgy. I wouldn't admit it to them, but I was all fucked out. Wondered where the energy and the juice came from to take care of Emily. Margo said, "We love you. That was the best sex we have had. But you are not to get arrogant and conceited." I rose and said, "Come on, we can change the bed and have a cuddle." Caitlin punched my butt. "We already did that. You have good instincts. Emily agrees with Margo." "Agrees what?" "That it was better for you to be my first. It didn't hurt. God, when I locked up like that, I didn't even know what was happening." Her elbow caught me sharply. I wondered if she was going to let that be our first and last time. Four in the queen was a stretch, but everyone was asleep before we stopped wiggling. I discovered I was alone in the bed, in bright sunlight, with voices coming from the kitchen. I used the bathroom and wandered in. "Well?" They frowned and then broke into giggles, handing me a cup of coffee. Emily walked into my arms with a hot kiss. "Mickey, that was a first for all of us. In more ways than one. Do you suppose you can possibly keep quiet the fact you had three women at the same time, in the same bed?" I pulled them all into a giant hug, "You mean what happens in the guesthouse, stays in the guesthouse?" They groaned. "Oh, he is so bad..." There was an interval of kissing, biting, nipping and hair pulling. "I didn't deserve that fine loving last night, but I am keeping it a deep, dark secret. Are we ever going to play that record again?" Breakfast was accompanied by heavy lidded looks and giggles. Finally, I said, "We need a plan for more than sex and giggles today. I can see there is lots of yardwork, but what about a picnic over lunch?" Emily had wandered in from a trip to her house and said, "I heard that. It's a fine idea. We can go to my mother's family ranch, which is a half hour away, south of Ellensburg." We went in the new used pickup, which had four doors and a decent back seat. Margo insisted I occupy the back with her. She told the front seat that the two of us had important course instruction matters to discuss. I discovered this involved my hands under her tee shirt, unhooking the bra and massaging the fabulous breasts. "Yes, keep that up. Have you taught college English before?" I pinched her nipples and nuzzled her neck. She squirmed and said, "Oh shit, I'm coming." Caitlin smirked and said, "Emily, those two are going to mix sex and English instruction. We better sign up!" I smashed Margo down in my lap and closed my eyes. She pulled my hair and said, "Has it penetrated your thick skull that I've got the hots for you?" "You are a dangerous woman whose body is destroying my self-control." "I hope so. I need a man who gives as good as he gets. My last boyfriend turned into a total loser. I took him to bed and the next thing I knew, he was talking babies and living in the woods somewhere off the grid." My hands were playing games with her delectable flesh and making her twitch. "You are not an off the grid girl?" "I am a work hard, play hard girl who requires creature comforts at the end of the day." She turned into me with a little sigh and we were still kissing when Caitlin followed Emily's directions to a dirt lane leading to a family compound with a barn, a corral and several houses. Margo whispered in my ear. "I've been here before. Be respectful. They really know what they are doing. Grapes make fantastic wine. Apples, apricots and cherries sell out every year." Two large male Nordhouses came out to greet us. The women got bear hugs. I got a demon handshake. "Emily, I suppose you brought your friends to lie around and watch us work?" "Rolf, you are my younger brother and will behave. These are nice people from the college. We are going to have lunch under the trees, and help harvest whatever is ripe." At four o'clock, with the shadows lengthening and our backs aching, Caitlin was by my side, "Notice how work gets done here without bitching?" "Strange, isn't it? Maybe the drunken Irish should clean up their act?" Her elbow was sharp. "You are not drunk and you are mine!" Her lips were hot and Margo was at our side in an instant. "Not in public!" she hissed, and laughed loudly. "Emily, our plan worked!" The four of us were treated to a farm worker supper, with generous amounts of wine. Caitlin pinched my ear, gulped fresh applejuice, and said she was the designated driver. It was dark when we got back. I took Emily into my arms, "Is this one with us tonight?" Margo scoffed, "Not the landlady again?" Her hand was searching inside Emily's blouse as we walked into the house. On the bed, there was an epidemic of kissing and wrestling. Emily lay back and said, "Mickey, if you will build it, I will pay for a hot tub." Caitlin cheered. "Oh, we have the nicest landlady, don't let her go anywhere." Margo dropped the last of her clothes on the floor and smiled at us, her gorgeous body with its blond hair at top and bottom shining in the moonlight. "Four tired, dirty bodies are going to the shower first." Snuggled together, I tried to talk to Margo about the course, but there was no Margo listening, nor the others. Caitlin punched me awake. "Get up. The women have been busy for an hour. You can't just lie there!" I had her under me in a second, my hips driving into hers, well covered by shorts. "Help! He is attacking me!" Her tough body flipped us over and she covered my lips with hers for a long time. Over her shoulder, I could see Margo and Emily smiling in the doorway. "Hmmm. Maybe I don't mind your attacks." I stood bare assed in the middle of the room, hard as a rock. Three women with clothes on laughed at me. "Look, he is ready to go again. Doesn't know this is a work day, not a play day." At breakfast, I apologized to Margo. "I'm sorry for all the horsing around when we should be organizing the course. Can we hide someplace and work?" She sat in my lap and laughed. "If we go in the trees out there, you will just attack me." Her lips were wet and warm and devastating. "Mickey, this is hard. I'm all stirred up." My tongue fought with hers. "Remind me I like stirred up women." The other two were there, giggling and poking us. "We made the bed. Go in there and be responsible teachers for a change. We are doing chores at Emily's house." Chapter 5 - Things Get Serious With Margo I worked on Margo's bare feet and toes while she filled me in on students who took summer English. "It is a mixed lot. Minority kids who have flunked English during the regular school year. Bright kids looking for A level credits to help them transfer to a four year campus. Lots of in between." "Edith said there might be thirty in my class. That means I stretch myself to try a personalized learning approach to each one?" She was lying on top, whispering. "Yes, each student requires you to interact meaningfully. Like you do with me." Damn, those lips again. "How many will be female and approachable?" The knee in my crotch was sudden and hard. "You are not hitting on any students. It will get you fired. And punished by me." I closed my eyes. She sure felt nice up there. "Margo, we are being foolish." "Yes. It's nice. You are tough and great in bed and I've fallen in love." "Caitlin whispered in my ear that you were the right girl for me." "Your sister is special. She says she isn't even a little bit guilty about you being her first." "If you were me, would you feel bad about doing your little sister? Your feisty, smart sister who has had a tough life in a drunken Irish family?" "Mickey, you are a wonderful worrier. But I am here in your arms, you have a job, you have a sexy landlady, and your sister is all smiles. I think you should relax." We were wiggling around on each other, kissing and licking. She was right. Life could be worse than this. A lot worse. I sat up and dragged her into my lap. "How am I going to be your partner when you are always one jump ahead?" She smashed me down flat and said, "Repeat after me. 'Margo is my girl and things will work out.' " "Margo is my girl and things will work out." Now she was standing by the bed, pulling me up. "I have an idea. You and I will multitask. We are taking your new pickup and going shopping for the hot tub. We will talk about summer English students as we go." We walked outside and I hoisted her to my shoulders, the dress falling to both sides. "Put me down, you devil." I marched us over to Emily's and called for them to come out. "This one is kidnapping me on a hot tub search. We will be back for lunch." Margo's crotch was warming the back of my neck, which we both knew. As I walked to the truck, she said, "You are going to smell of me." I opened the passenger door and eased her in. As we drove out to the highway, I asked, "If one of the salespersons smells you on me, what will they think?" She giggled and covered her eyes. "Oh god, Mickey, they are going to think your mouth has been on me." "And?" "I should beat you. They are going to think we need a hot tub so we can have wild sex under the full moon." "Exactly. Now kiss me and smile." She was still giggling when we arrived at the first pool and spa place. Acres of not very attractive plastic. A saleswoman approached, smiling, "How can I help you this morning?" Margo put on a sexy voice and said, "He promised me a hot tub for an engagement present." I tried to keep a straight face as the woman explained features and prices. It seemed the price depended a lot on how many jets and other fancy features you wanted. "My girl and I have a place in the trees on the edge of town and want something simple that blends into the woods. Do you have any old fashioned wood tubs?" "There is not much demand for those, but come along to the back and I will show you what we have." There it was. Beautiful redwood and just right for four people. Plumbing connections at the side and bottom. "There is no heater supplied but we can sell you one separately. Needs its own pad and electrical cable." Ten minutes later, Margo's hand was around my neck and her lips pressed to mine. "Mickey," she breathed, "we are going to have the greatest time in that tub. Thank you so much." Her tongue promised many delights in the tub under Emily's pine trees. "I suppose if we are engaged, my privileges with the others are cut off?" "If you get that hooked up by next weekend, you can have all the privileges you want." We both knew Emily and Caitlin were not about to give me up, but it was fun pretending. I wondered if the pretend engagement would turn into a real one. Emily was delighted and called the spa store with her credit card information instantly. After she hung up, I was pressed down in the sofa with her warm body on top. "If you are still willing to install the tub, I know an electrician who will do the wiring and keep you from being electrocuted." Her lips were teasing and her bottom wiggled on me. "Emily, you are making me all hard again. This has to stop." My fingers slipped in the opening of her blouse and found a firm boob to massage. Margo and Cait arrived. "Look at this. She's flirting again." "I am. He is strong, sexy, and does hot tub installations." After a wonderful lunch, I was taken to the site for the hot tub, and a printout of web instructions for building a pad for the tub thrust into my hands. I protested, "Don't I need to prepare for the first day of class tomorrow?" Cait said, "Don't be a wimp, all that tree duff has to be cleared down to firm soil. We are going to the lumber supply for concrete and piers, and plumbing parts. I have the list from the hot tub place with me." Four hours later, six precast piers were sitting in eighteen inches of fresh posthole concrete. Strings with little bubble levels on them showed everything was the same elevation. My back hurt like crazy. The women were smiling and hosing me down, right out in the open. "Mickey, you are our hero. Margo is finishing some notes for your class, and Emily is fixing a steak dinner. Come and sit on the porch and I will bring you a tall margarita." Cait thought my slavery on behalf of the tub was noble, and funny as well. She tipped the glass to my lips and followed with a hot kiss. "You are big and strong and lovable too." I groaned. "I didn't realize I have to work for my loving." "You've never had such a good deal. Three different women to choose from." I pulled her to my lap for another kiss. "You should be feeling good. Your grand plan for escape from Oregon is happening." She whispered in my ear, "Mickey, you are the best brother a girl ever had. I never would have got here without you." She sat straight and poked me. "And you finally gave in too!" I buried my head in her bosom and licked. She giggled and pulled my head up. "We are just trouble, aren't we?" After a wonderful dinner, Emily applied more kisses and turned me over to Margo, saying that she would worry about the rest of the hot tub details so I could pay attention to teaching. Margo dragged me back to our room and thrust the lesson plan for tomorrow in my hands while she went to do her teeth and get ready for bed. "Get out of those clothes and get in here with me, it is chilly. You can fall asleep now and we will get up early for more study." When she climbed in a few minutes later, I was out. It was barely light at 4:30, but her hands were in my hair and her teeth fastened to the back of my neck. The length of her warm body pressed alongside mine felt special. I whispered, "What about anatomy study?" One hand slipped to my front and squeezed hard. "You males have no capacity for waiting, do you? Get close to a woman and you are off to the races." I growled fiercely and forced her to her knees beneath me. Now it was my teeth that were fastened. My hands that were cradling her boobs. "I'm letting you off this time, but may attack at any moment!" She pushed me off the bed, laughing, "Mickey, it is such fun to have a man after me again. Emily asked if we are paired up for real?" A voice at the door asked, "Yes, Mickey, are you paired up with that blond bombshell for real?" Caitlin didn't have a stitch on and pirouetted in front of us before leaping into Margo's arms with a squeal. I left them playing and went to make coffee. A few minutes later, she nudged me, "Your girlfriend is hot stuff. We both came." Her body now had clothes on, but I tickled anyway. "It is a terrible insult to my manhood to have women making out like that." "Faker. If you didn't have to study, you would have been using that horrible cock on both of us." I grabbed Margo's course notes and retreated to the living room. Soon a plate of scrambled eggs and a muffin appeared, delivered with a kiss. "I'm in love with you." "Go away and let me study. I can't support a wife without a job." I was getting ready to leave for school when Emily arrived. "Here is a note for Edith. It invites her for dinner on Sunday and says the hot tub should be working by then. " I was feeling frisky and had her on my shoulders in a flash. "You trust me a lot, issuing invitations like that." "Mickey, put me down. You can't be carrying the landlady around like this." I danced and hopped and circled, finally flopping her into my arms with a hot kiss. "How did Cait and I luck out with you? When is the electrician coming?" "If you put me down and go to work, I will call and make sure he shows today or tomorrow!" An hour later, I was standing in front of a class of twenty-eight young people, asking them to each tell me a little bit about themselves to help me remember their names. Eric, Naomi, Pamela, Maria, Steven... It took more than a half hour, but they seemed happy and I enjoyed every minute. Looking at the course syllabus, I said, "This is summer school English 101. We are going to be flexible because you have so many different reasons for taking the class. I have decided there must be a pop quiz to start us off on the right foot." I looked up, waiting for the groans. No groans, just smiles. I said, "You have found me out already. By the way, since this is summer school and you actually want to be in this class, my name is Mickey. I don't answer to Mr. McCullough. The pop quiz is 250 words on what you would like to get out of the course, other than an A grade. Just put them on this desk when you are finished. I will be in the sun on the patio if you need to see me." I was very relaxed, with my eyes closed, when a small female voice asked, "You seem very nice. Is Caitlin in the office your sister?" I sat up and turned to her. Small body to go with small voice. Cute as could be. "Let me guess, you are taking this for advanced credits." "Yes. I'm trying to improve my chances of getting into the University of Washington the year after next." I dug deep and came up with her name, maybe. "You are Naomi Stevens?" She laughed and sat up straight, "Very good, Mickey." Her laugh had a ring like a church bell. She scrunched over closer and said, "You are not supposed to know this, but Edith is my aunt. She told me if I took the course from you, I would work very hard but have fun. Do you think that is right?" "Fun? You are accusing me of teaching for fun?" Caitlin and Margo appeared from nowhere with sandwiches and sat down. "Yes, he does have a lot of fun. He was an honors English major at Eugene, and can teach you a lot." Naomi had a sandwich in her backpack, so we all munched and kept talking. She was a little intimidated by having both course instructors sitting next to her, but Caitlin said, "I'm only a year ahead of you and we will keep them from horrible teacher behavior. By the way, they are dating after only three days." Naomi laughed and said, "Oh dear, I've been sitting here having a terrible crush and my hopes are dashed!" She waved her arms and gave Margo a kiss on each cheek. Lunch broke up and we walked back to the office. I asked Margo, "How did your first session go?" "Fine. There are two or three jocks with mush for brains, but I will get something out of them." She grabbed my arm, "You keep your hands off Naomi. She is smart as a whip and will probably be valedictorian." I turned us around so I could push her against the wall, grabbing an ear in each hand so I could exercise control. I made my voice low and male, "First, I don't hit on students, especially when they are adorable teenagers who may not even be legal. Second, if she is that smart, you have to help me fashion something meaningful for her in the course. Third, she is Edith's niece, so why don't you conspire with Emily to see if Edith will bring her to Sunday dinner." I hadn't counted on the knee in my crotch, which had me doubled over with her hand karate chopping my neck. Her voice was equally low, "I want a ring. A girl needs some defense from other predatory females, even the ones who don't know they are poaching." "Ms. Halstrom, we seem to have survived our first class sessions. I recommend relaxation back at the ranch. Perhaps we can consult with the ladies there about jewelry." She kept trying to punch me all the way to the truck. "I don't want a consultation. You are to drive me directly to McCarthy's on Main St." Her look tried to be tough but was worried around the edges. Was this latest guy actually going to give her a ring? Sitting out front, I took her hand and kissed it. "You are not to think about money. Find one you like." Her eyes teared up. "I'm not sure we should be doing this. I was sort of making a joke. Sort of." "I don't think so. Let's go inside." Ten minutes later, I had signed a complicated credit agreement and we were walking out. The ring fit perfectly the moment she tried it on. She couldn't stop looking down at it. "Oh god, Mickey, what have we done?" I drove and Margo wiped her eyes. When we got home, Emily was in the yard with the electrician. Margo took the ring off and smiled, "Later, when Cait is here." I changed and plunged into the digging for the underground electrical runs to serve the hot tub pump and heater. The electrician needed secure posts to mount his termination boxes and that kept me occupied until nearly five. By then, the two of us had armored waterproof cable stubbed out for the appliances, which were coming tomorrow or the next day. I was standing under the hot water when three more bodies created a crowd. "Mickey, you are our hero. Teaching a class and doing the electrical all in one day." They soaped me and kissed me and flipped my equipment around. Toweling off, Emily said, "Mickey, I am old enough to need a proper martini on a special occasion like this. Will you do the honors?" The roast was in the oven, so the ladies took seats on Emily's veranda, looking very nice in summer dresses. I raised my eyes at Margo, who nodded. I raised my glass for a toast, looking around. The ring had very secretly appeared on Margo's finger and she slowly raised her glass in her left hand. I said, "To my dearly beloved Margo, who has consented to be my wife." Only Emily and I got some gin out of the toast. Caitlin was too busy screaming and crowding around to see the ring. Then returning to pound on me. "You did it!" Emily got up and made me sit next to Margo on the swing. We held hands and kissed. I felt sappy. Probably not for the last time in the marriage process. I whispered to Margo, "You should get Emily to be a bridesmaid." "Yes, that is a terrific idea." The two of us stared at her until she said, "What?" Margo said, "You are an eligible young woman and I would like you to be one of my bridesmaids." Caitlin had another screaming fit. "Yes! Oh yes!" I added, "What about Caitlin and Naomi? They are small enough to be flower girls." Caitlin didn't have any screams left and collapsed in our laps. "A flower girl! Mickey, mom is going to go crazy!" Cait and Emily made us stay in the swing until dinner was ready. Margo whispered to me, "Did we do this too fast? It's been less than a week since we met." "You have my ring, I'm not giving you up." "But I was having such a stupid fit about that gorgeous young girl..." "Yes. A stupid fit. I was wondering what it would take to get a ring on you." "Mickey! Stop being bad. We are supposed to be silly in love. At least for a day." Cait heard us and hollered to Emily, "They have to be silly in love for a day." As we entered the dining room, they hugged and kissed both of us. "You can be as silly as you want for as many days as you want!" Later, we lay in bed, still smiling a lot. Cait came to the door and Margo motioned her in. "Come sit with us, flower girl." I lifted the sheet and we had the tight body wiggling on us. "Gosh, this is really a good thing. You both needed a partner and now you have one." After a bit of silence, "What about me? Will I find a partner?" My always-in-charge sister was sobbing. "Mickey, what am I going to do!" Four hands worked on her. "Sis, you made up the plan for coming here. We are still on plan. We have a new partner. A special partner. She loves both of us. No one is throwing you out of this bed..." After a lot of kisses from both of us, she was asleep, right in the middle. Margo stuck her tongue at me and I turned out the light. (cont'd in Part 2)
Title: How Did I Start This Lifestyle? Ch. 09 Tags: michael marie, king-size bed, marie knew, looked marie, michael thought, michael walked, marie asked, looked sue, started slide, bed looked Sorry its been a while getting round to the next chapter. for those of you have sent me feedback I say a big thank you. Marie had been getting herself deeper and deeper into the black submission scene with Michael and had been with 3 guys the night before. Marie didn’t know how long she had slept, she wasn’t even sure where she was, then she remembered Michael had brought her here to the club, at least she thought that was where she was. Then she felt movement beside her, lifting her head she saw Sue. She was still asleep. Marie lifted her shoulders and looked at Sue; she was naked apart from her stockings which were covered in white stains. It hit her then what had happened the previous night. She had, No they had both been taken and used by those guys. She shuddered as she remembered what they had done to her, she had changed so much, and she couldn’t believe she had responded like that, really wanting it, needing them to fill her. Her hand reached down and felt her pussy, it was a little sore. What really struck her was that, despite the shower and douche she was still leaking cum. She moved her legs and then felt the soreness again but this was lower, further back, shuddering again, realising what they had done, what she had allowed them to do. She swung her legs round and sat on the edge of the king-size bed. She looked around, eyes not focussing properly. Her clothes were in a pile on a chair in the corner. Standing carefully she walked over, her soreness more noticeable but she made it somehow. Lifting the clothes she sat on the chair. Her mind would not process everything, how she had changed so much, what she had allowed to happen and that she had actually enjoyed it, well most of it. ‘What does that make me?’ she asked her self. “Wondering about what happened?” she heard someone say. Sue was awake. “Yes I didn’t imagine it, did I?” Marie asked still unsure. “It happened and you really got into it, admit it?” “I don’t know, I really don’t know” was all that Marie could mumble “Too late to change your mind about it now, it happened so you have to deal with it.” Her friend told her. Marie knew Sue was right, she would have to deal with it and get her mind straight. The door opened and Michael walked in. “Good you are both awake now” He looked a little different to Marie, more threatening in some way. She was unable to pin point how he had changed but change he had. He looked over at her “Get your clothes on now!” he demanded. Marie looked at him and then at Sue. She was already dressing, she knew what to do. “I said get them on now” he shouted at her. “Yes” she said, hardly recognising her own voice. It was shaky and feeble. “And don’t forget what I said, stockings and no under wear Ok?” He was glaring at her. “Yes Michael I haven’t forgotten” “Good, when you’re both dressed come and get some coffee” Both girls said “Yes Ok” Marie slid the stockings over her long legs. “At least the haven’t got holes or runs” she said. “You are lucky look at mine, covered in stains and full of runs. Lucky I keep a spare pair with me. You will have to start doing the same” “I hadn’t thought about that but I suppose you are right.” Marie replied before she realised what she was saying. Sue thought to herself ‘She’s started to accept and that takes the pressure off me.’ They finished dressing, each helping the other to get clothing adjusted so that it looked as it should. Marie glimpsed her reflection in a long mirror as they walked to the door. Her tiny black skirt, the red top, she didn’t really recognise the woman she saw. They were back in the club Michael was sat at a table drinking coffee and smoking a cigar. “I’ve poured your coffee, come on sit down and tell me how you are feeling.” They sat at the table, Marie taking the coffee and taking a long drink, it was strong and black but at least it had sugar. “Well how do you feel?” He asked looking straight at her. “Ok, I think” was all she could reply “Ok, what’s that supposed to mean?” “I mean umm, I don’t really know how I feel right now” she said shaking involuntarily “Well the guys thought you were something else they said for your first time you’re a natural.” “Natural?” “Yes you took to it like a duck to water, being with more than one guy I mean.” “Oh, I still can’t believe it happened and that you let it” “I did tell you I was going to train you, to lead you to your destiny so to speak” “I know, I know but …” Marie stammered “You loved it last night, think about it, remember it, you loved it at the time.” “It’s just that everything is happening so fast, that’s all.” Michael thought to himself ‘She’s right, but it’s got to be fast if she had time to think I might lose her.” Smiling, he was proud of how he could control her. “When you have finished your coffee I have a surprise for you.” “What?” “Well if I tell you it won’t be a surprise will it? Hurry and you’ll see” Marie asked “What about Sue?” “Marcus will be here to take care of her soon, so don’t worry about her” “You go and enjoy your surprise” Sue said to her friend Michael and Marie left the club; the sun was high in the sky. “What time is it?” “A little after 1230” “I didn’t realise it was that late” “Well you had a late night didn’t you?” he said laughing. “Mmmmm” They walked to Michaels car and he unlocked it, He didn’t open her door this time like he had before and she realised that now he had control of her he wasn’t going to be as nice. That worried her. They drove about 2 miles before he pulled the car in to the side. “Here we are” he said. Marie didn’t recognise the street but she knew the area, not one she would have normally gone to. The houses here had all been converted in to flats or apartments as the signs said. The street itself was not what it had been when the Victorians had designed and built it. Most wanted major repairs and those that didn’t needed painting at the very least. She was wondering what they were doing here when she heard Michael say something. “Here’s your surprise.” He handed her some keys and pointed to a blue door of a nearby house. “What do you mean?” “This is your surprise, since you aren’t with your husband any more you need somewhere to live.” “What do you mean not with him any more?” “I didn’t think you would be going back, Do you think he will want you back now?” The thought hit her hard. She had done all those things in front of him, enjoying it and it was better sex than her and Jon had ever had. But she still had feelings for him. But Michael was right would he want her any more. ‘Just as well he wasn’t there last night’ she thought. “Go on open the door and go on in.” She walked up the steps and unlocked the door walking in she noticed the place had a funny smell. “What’s the smell?” “Don’t worry it’s probably someone smoking.” Michael thought he had smelt it before in one of those cafes in Amsterdam, the places where you could smoke the wacky baccy She passed the remark off without further thought. Michael indicated a door on the right and said “It’s this one” She again opened the door and walked in. The flat was not too small, she saw a living room and kitchen and two doors, obviously the bedroom and bathroom. The walls had been freshly painted and it looked clean at least. Michael walked across the room and opened a door. Marie saw a king-size bed and above it what looked like a mirror. “Like it? Come and see don’t be shy.” Entering the room she looked around, apart from the bed there wasn’t much furniture, a chair and cabinet at the bedside. In the wall was a large fitted wardrobe with full length mirror doors. She stood looking around seeing herself reflected in both wardrobe and ceiling mirrors. She was getting used to seeing the mini skirt and the black stockings now and actually did a twirl in front of the mirror, smiling to herself and thinking ‘I don’t look so bad, at least I have the figure for these clothes.’ Michael came up to her and put his arms around her waist pulling her into him and grinding his hardening cock against her. He wanted this woman more than any of the others, wanted to be in her fucking her hard getting her to pleasure him. He felt her responding pushing back against him. He started kissing her neck, knowing it was a sure fire way to get her going. He felt her body tremble and heard her start to make soft noises in her throat. He knew he could get her every time, knew shed respond to his touch, his kiss, his hardness. He started to lift her skirt with his hands exposing the lace tops of her stockings and then her ass and pussy were visible, he reached down and gently started to stroke her rubbing his finger between the lips, feeling the wetness already leaking from her, he felt her clit grow as he moved around her pussy. Her skin soft, no bristles yet to annoy. As he continued her legs opened and she started biting her lips moaning louder, he had her again she was going under, under his spell soon she’d be doing anything he wanted. He pulled her top off and licked, bite and sucked her nipples, feeling them grow harder as he did, she seemed to like him biting them so he did it a little harder, she moaned even more. “Oh yes, God yes” she shouted. “Please don’t stop Michael pleaseeee” she was almost crying in pleasure. “I’m yours” she said. “You will do as I want now wont you?” “Yes anything, just please don’t stop” He pushed his finger inside her then and made her jerk; he inserted another and then started to slide them in and out. She was bucking on his hand and it wasn’t long before she screamed and he felt her cum on his hand, her juices running over his fingers and into the palm. Marie dropped to her knees, her legs unable to support her. She reached up and unzipped him, he was naked under the trousers and she soon had his cock in her hand, stroking it up and down making him really hard. She leaned forward and was soon kissing the head, licking all around that black helmet. Slowly sucking it in to her mouth. She had lost her fear of sucking him now. She was happy to have his bulbous head in her mouth. ‘It’s twice the size of any others’ she thought to herself and sucked it again, taking a little more inside. She felt his hands slip behind her head and knew he was going to pull her on to him. She opened her mouth wider and prepared herself. “Suck it, go on suck it like you’ve never sucked anything before. Take it whore, Suck it harder. Let me have your head, relax and let me. Marie knew what he wanted, she felt herself relaxing her mouth and throat, trying to concentrate on him and his wonderful cock. She felt him pushing it in, she was taking more and more and soon her nose was buried in his bushy hairs. He was completely in her. Shed never done it before, she was glad she’d been able to open up this time and take it all. Just then she gagged as he started to thrust in and out. He pulled himself almost all the way out and then slid back in again, again she gagged and he pulled out, this continued until he was almost fucking her mouth and throat. She was pulling him in now, grabbing his cheeks and pulling as he thrust. He felt the seed start to rise and he was getting that wonderful feeling just prior to explosion, he quickened the pace and emptied himself in to the back of her throat. He felt her swallowing hard and starting to choke, he pulled out and looked at her. Mouth open, his juice inside, dribbling down her cheeks and chin dripping on to her chest. Michael reached down and held his dick in his hand guiding it again towards her mouth. “You know what to do” he said looking at her eyes. Marie quickly started to lick at the cock in front of her, cleaning it from root to head, as she did Michael could feel it hardening again, stiffing to its full length. When he thought shed done enough he said “Ok lay back and get those legs open” Marie was very excited she lay back and opened her legs wide; she did it without even thinking. Her pussy was on fire she needed it filled, needed a cock. She thought about it and realised that it didn’t matter who the cock belonged to as long as it was big and black. She spread herself for Michael “Oh please fuck me, fuck me hard give me your cock.” “That’s right beg for it, you will soon be wanting cock all the time wont you?” “Yes Michael I want cock” she heard herself saying “What are you?” I’m your slut” she said without thinking about the reply. She just wanted, no needed filling, she was more excited than she’d ever been. As he spread her pussy lips with his cock he looked at her face. It was flushed, her mouth a tiny bit open, her breathing hard, her eyes almost closed. She was wriggling around thrusting her self towards him as he began to bury himself inside her. “You’ll do anything I ask, wont you?” She murmured “Oh yes, please don’t stop fuck me hard I want to cum I need to cum.” “You will cum for me when I’m ready to make you cum” he told her. “Yes but please don’t make me wait to long” she begged. "I will fuck you as long as I want to and I don’t want you to cum too quickly” “I will try” she said bucking her hips at him trying to get him deeper. Michael started to slide himself in and out; she was so wet he could feel her on him. She was in hot and he was going to increase the heat and make her beg. He knew he could do it, he wasn’t being a bighead. He’d done it to several other girls. He thought ‘I’ll show her that the saying is true about once you go black’ He continued fucking her making her squirm and beg him to continue and then he fucked her as hard as he could. Taking her over the edge Marie came with a scream, she heard it but didn’t realise the noise was coming from her mouth. It sounded so strange almost animal like. Wave after wave coursed through her body it seemed to go on and on and then just as suddenly it died away as it did Michael deposited his seed deep inside her. They both collapsed and lay there breathing hard. To be continued. How far will Michael take this, will Marie lose her identity to him completly?
Title: Freddie Pt. 02 Tags: gay, older/younger, seduction, frottage, reaming, oral, anal I could not believe it. Freddie must have dissolved the Viagra in the coffee and that was why my cock had become erect on its own, why it would not go down and why I was unable to resist his advances. Freddie had duped me. At least that is what I told myself. I decided to go back down to the basement and confront him. When I went down to the basement I went over to the sofa bed where Freddie was lying on his back with his eyes closed. Still asleep, I thought. I sat on the edge of the bed for a long time just admiring his manliness, then a wonderful idea came to me. I went to my shorts and took my mobile from my pocket. I took a video of him lying there resplendent in his stockings and garter belt. I wanted some shots of his fat cock too. As I concentrated on his cock he opened his eyes, smiled that smile of his and then he spoke. "Are you looking at my cock? You are, aren't you? Do you want to take a photograph of it? Go on then, I don't mind. You can look at the photo of my cock next time you play with your little cock." I put my mobile down and putting my hand in the dressing gown pocket I pulled out the empty Viagra box and sachet and waved them in his face. I pretended to be cross with him. "You are a very naughty man Freddie. You tricked me and manipulated me with this aphrodisiac. You used it to seduce me and take advantage of me. You knew I would not be able to control my sexual urges. You deliberately waited until the Viagra had taken effect before you made your move. You have taken advantage of me Freddie and ... and I want to thank you." Having said this, I lay down beside him on the sofa-bed. It happened again. My cock just became fully erect in an instant and was screaming out for attention. My face turned crimson, my breathing quickened, my heart was thumping in my chest. I did not care that Freddie had deceived me. I wanted more cock fun. "Oh, did my little cock sucker finish the coffee," said Freddie reaching out his hands and pulling me close to him. I offered no resistance. "You are so naughty," was all I managed to say before he forced his tongue into my mouth again and began swirling it around. Resistance was futile. He held me tight to his body and our naked cocks touched each other. He was thick and hard again and I could not stop myself from thrusting my cock out to meet his thrusting manhood and try, in vain, to match him. He licked my lips and then he licked my face. He nibbled my neck and then he nibble my ear lobe. Then he whispered in my ear. "Don't kid yourself that you do not want this, my little, cock lover. You know you want this, as much as I do. Just accept what you are." His hand went down and grasped both our cocks together. He rubbed our knobs together and I yelped in pleasure. It was so much better in reality than I had imagined it would be. Freddie's precum mingled with mine and our cocks slid against each other. He was so calm and in control whereas I was lost in wonder and lust. His lips were only inches from mine as he spoke to me softly. "Yes, my little cock sucker. You love this. I know you do. You love being cock to cock with me. You are so ripe for the plucking and I am going to turn you into my little panty boy, my very own cock sucking, cum swallowing, panty wearing, sissy. That's really what you are, isn't it? That's what you want to be? "Yes, yes," I gasped. "Oh Freddie, you are wonderful. Oh, Oh.! "Now get down there and lick my shiny knob and rub your soft, baby face into my leaking, cock. I have plans for you and you are going to love them all. This is what you were made for, to be a sex toy for a man, a real man that is. Show me how much you love my cock" I did not refute a word he said. There was no fight in me. Everything he was saying was true. When my cock was hard I did want to be his panty boy, I did want to be his cocksucker, and I did want to swallow his cum. His words only turned me on, even more. He was running his fingers through my hair gently and then he stuck his long, wet tongue under my upper lip running it across my gums. "You know I am right, don't you baby. You are my baby now. You belong in my arms, in my bed, pleasuring me, meeting all my needs. Just admit it." "Yes, Freddie," I whispered, almost breathless. "This is what I want." I looked into his eyes. Oh gosh he was right. I loved everything he was doing to me. He was setting me free. I had come to him, willingly. The Viagra just made it all more pleasurable. Freddie rolled over on his back and pushed me down on the sofa. As I traveled south I luxuriated in his hairy chest and rubbed my soft cheek against it, thrilling in the delight of the sensations I was experiencing. I came to his rock hard cock and luxuriated, again, in the smell and the heat that emanated from it. It was so beautiful and erect and proud. "Enjoy yourself, sissy. Just, enjoy yourself. Make love to my cock with your sweet, soft, girly, mouth. Do it for daddy." "Yes daddy." The sound of his voice was my command to action and so for the second time that day, I stuck out my tongue to french his purple knob and was instantly rewarded with sweet, precum that oozed out of his cock slit. In an effort to extract more of that precious nectar, I tried to force the pointed tip of my tongue, into the slit of his cock. This brought wails of delight from Freddie. I repeated my action and followed it, tout suite, with more licking of the underside of his crown, as I lightly caressed his big, hairy, balls with my fingertips. I ran the very tip of my index finger, ever so gently and lightly, the whole way up his shaft and back down again and then slurped his cock head into my mouth and sucked hard. Ever so gently I caressed the length of his shaft with pursed lips and wet tongue, paying particular attention to the underside of his knob with my tongue. The more I played with his cock, the hornier I became, and the more Freddie moaned and babbled. He kept telling me that I was a good little boy and how lovely and sweet my mouth was. I reveled in his praise and felt so proud of myself. My mouth was dribbling saliva and precum all over his engorged, fat cock but the flavor of his cock was divine. I continued to play with his balls and slide a fingertip along his perineum. All I could smell, all I could see, all I could taste or touch was Freddie's manhood. I was in heaven. This was where I belonged and it felt so good. He pushed me over on my side and drove his cock in to the back of my throat causing me to gag. His cock was glistening now with my saliva and precum and the inevitable, little, threads of both, joined my nose, chin and face to his beautiful fat knob. Recovering slightly from his initial thrust into my throat, I placed my hand around his shaft and felt it pulsating and throbbing with his rampant lust. My hand did not reach the whole way round his manhood, yet I managed to get a firm grip on him and stroke him gently. He was out of control and cried out to me, to grip him tighter and rub him faster. He was going to shoot soon and I was the one making it happen. I had total control of his desire for me and took great pleasure in my manipulation of his impending, orgasm. His cock was so beautiful. I formed a perfect O with my lips and in spite of his upward thrusting and his lustful yells, to allow him access, to my warmth and wetness, I only allowed his cock head to pass through this hole, into my waiting mouth, where my wicked tongue pounced, upon the underside of his knob, with many viper-like flicks, eliciting from Freddie, shrieks of delight, until finally, I could feel his cock expand to its maximum as he forced it into my mouth. I clamped my lips behind the ridge of his big, shiny, purple knob, gripped his shaft tightly, and sucked on him for all I was worth as he released his living seed, his precious, delicious sperm, in several forceful jets. His spurts of manly cum hit my throat, coated the sides of my mouth and filled me to such an extent, that even though I swallowed quickly, my mouth was overflowing with cock cream. He did not have to tell me what to do next. I pulled his fat cock from my mouth and climbed back up on top of him. I brought my lips to his and he eagerly parted his to allow me to share with him, to snowball back and forth between us, his sticky seed. When he was satisfied and had swallowed what I left in his mouth, I scooted back down to suckle on what still remained, inside his deflating cock. I lay my face below it, against his thigh and placing just his purple, crown inside my mouth, I gently suckled his creamy dregs. I lay with his cock head in my mouth, savoring every last droplet and the flavor of him, until he told me to come up beside him. I have to tell you that I left my post reluctantly. I lay down on my back and Freddie lay on his side, leaning on his elbow, his head resting on his hand again. This time he slowly massaged my chest and tummy. It was beautiful torture. The Viagra was doing its work now and my cock wanted him to palm me. Instead he played with my inner thighs and tickled my balls mercilessly. When he drew his fingertips along my perineum I had to moan. "You like it when I tickle you down there with my fingertips don't you? Heck, you really are a hairless little boy aren't you? Your inner thighs are so white and soft, like a girl. Maybe I'll get you to shave off this blondie fuzz you have around your lovely little cock. I love the fact that you are not circumcised. What is that like?" I was moaning as I told him how the tip of the skin was ever so sensitive and he teased it until I was almost delirious with pleasure. He gave gentle little squeezes to the edge of my foreskin by using the tip of his thumb and his forefinger to pinch it. This was pure delight for me. "I know you like my cock so I am going to let you hold it. From now on, you will come when I call you because you are a submissive boy by nature. Now, when I give you permission you will be allowed to hold my cock in your hand. You do like having a thick cock in your soft hands, don't you baby? You are the sort of boy who likes to be told what to do and from now on you will do what daddy tells you, won't you baby? "Yes, daddy," I gasped and I meant it. His words were like a dream come true for me. He licked my lips several times more before continuing. I could taste his cock cream and smell it off his breath. It was heavenly. I wanted him to make me cum. I would do anything for him now and he knew it. How many times had I dreamed of lying down naked with a lusty man like Freddie, who teased my cock as he was doing and made me want to willingly submit to all his sexual wishes? When he stopped licking my lips all I could do was say his name and beg him not to stop touching me. "Yes. Do you want daddy to talk dirty to you? Of course you do! I bet you love dirty talk. Don't deny it. You want me to tell you what a sissy little bitch you are; that is what you are isn't it? Yes it is baby. We both know how much you love my cock, don't we? You want to hold it in your soft sissy hand don't you? Why I can even taste myself from your mouth, your sweet, cock sucker's mouth." Everything he said was true and I did not want him to stop talking to me in this manner. I had masturbated so often imagining a man talking to me like this, calling me his baby, his sissy, his cock sucker. I looked up into Freddie's eyes pleadingly. "Please Freddie. Please can I touch it?" "Call me daddy now pet." "Please daddy. Please can I touch it?" "Touch what? You have to be more specific. Tell me what you want to touch. Is it my fat cock? "Yes," I gasped. "Please daddy." "Then say it. Be a good little boy and say it." "Please Freddie, I mean, please daddy, may I touch your cock?" "Do you want to hold it through my panties or do you want to feel it with your bare hand?" "I want to feel it throbbing in my soft hand and to have you stroke me gently, tenderly, as you whisper dirty things in my ear. I have dreamed of this. I don't mind if you lick me. I love it when you lick me. I will do anything for you, but please daddy, please, please, please, just talk dirty to me as you stroke me tenderly. I love that, Oh God, I love that so much." Freddie picked up the panties and took them in his hand. Gently he placed them over my cock. Oh my goodness, how he teased me with his wicked tongue. I was so hard for this. He stroked me up and down as he called me names. He licked my lips and whispered in my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my face and the occasional rasp of his manly face against my baby face. I was so turned on. I was his baby he said, his very own little cock sucker, his cum swallower. I had his thick cock in my hand and I was loving feeling it and touching his pubic hair, his black pubic hair. He told me I would become like a girl for him and he would dress me in lingerie and that I would come to love wearing stockings and a garter belt for him. He promised me that I was his from now on, that there was no going back now. He told me I could never be with a girl because I was not a real man. He told me I could never really satisfy a woman with such a little boy cock. Besides, didn't I prefer older men like him. Older men with big hairy cocks. Manly men. There was no denying it. I preferred cocks. He told me he owned me, because I adored his thick circumcised cock. He told me I was his to do with as he pleased. Had I not sucked his cock with relish? Then it follows that I was his cock sucking, cock loving, little cum slut. "What are you?" he asked me. Before I could answer he flipped me on to my tummy and to my surprise and delight he playfully spanked my bare bottom. "You have such a lovely firm, bottom," he said and proceeded to massage my buttocks. Oh God it felt wonderful and I did not want him to stop. "You like that, don't you baby? You like daddy's hands on your bum. You have such a perfect, round, little bum." The next thing I knew he was sucking my bum cheeks. First one, then the other. He would pretend to bite me and then move to the other bum cheek and his hands parted my cheeks and I could feel his rough manly face rub against me. It was so strange and yet so sexy. Then he did something to me I never thought people did. He licked me. He held my bum cheeks apart and he gave me one long, delicious, sticky, wet lick all the way up the crack of my bum and all the way back down again. I nearly jumped out of my skin with shock and pleasure. "Oh!" he said. I think you liked that baby." I was going to answer but could only squeal with delight as he proceeded to repeat the operation. I cannot describe the pleasure he gave me. I whimpered and yelped at the sensations I was feeling when his lips kissed my pink bum hole and his tongue flicked in and around the entry to my most secret place. His tongue licked and probed and I squirmed and squealed as I pushed back against this beautiful, soft, moist invader. My cock was on fire as Freddie relentlessly probed me with his long tongue and his saliva ran down along my perineum. I could hold back no longer. He raised my bum up to give himself a better angle and just as my sphincter opened up and his tongue entered me, he seized my cock and pulled it down roughly and I completely lost it and came all over the sofa bed. Freddie did not stop. He tongued me without mercy and the more he tongued me the more I squealed and wriggled and the more I pushed my bum back begging for more, like a shameless little tart. I knew men licked women's pussy but this was so unreal, so bizarre and the best thing ever. Something firm pushed in to me and while I was a little bit shocked at the stinging sensation, I knew immediately that Freddie had inserted a finger into my boy pussy. I shamelessly pushed back against this new intruder and a wave of intense pleasure spread through me as his fingertip glanced my prostate. I couldn't help but moan and whimper. Then two fingers went up me and he slid them in and out, in and out, relentlessly, unceasingly. Each time they passed over my prostate I could only moan. Freddie reached down under the sofa bed and lifted something off the floor. As I lay there exposed he withdrew his fingers from inside me. It was a tube of lube which he generously poured over his fingers and into my bum hole. His fingers slid into me again as I lay in a heap upon the sofa. He placed both hands on my waist and raised me up on my knees. I heard him soaking his cock in lube. I trembled as he leaned forward with his cock in his hand, hard and erect. I felt him slide up and down in between my buttocks. His cock was so hard. He spoke firmly to me. "Place your hands on your bum cheeks and show me your pussy." This was not a request but a command so I did what I was told. He was salivating at the prospect of taking me and making me his property. "So pretty, so pink. This is mine now." I felt him climb over me, part my buttocks further and place his big, purple, spongy knob at the entrance to my inner sanctum. I begged him not to do this to me. I told him I was not ready. I was truly petrified. His cock was so fat even when only semi-hard. "Ssh, little one. Daddy's here for you. Just relax for me now." He pressed his cock head against my opening and pushed against it with some force. I froze. I was so afraid and so excited. It couldn't fit. He drew back a little and then pressed against my opening again, more firmly this time. It hurt me. I told him so. "It hurts, Freddie, it hurts." Gripping my hips firmly, Freddie pulled me to him as his fat knob made a third attempt to breach me. For some reason I pushed back against this intruder at exactly that very instant and his lovely purple crown entered my boy pussy. I cried out in pain as Freddie gasped loudly. "It's in. It's inside you. My cock is inside you," he cried out triumphantly. "Oh, fuck me, you are so tight!" Ignoring my cries of pain, he gave a forceful, upward thrust and just like that, his entire cock was in my bum. He had penetrated me. I was in shock. I did not want this pain but Freddie held me tightly in his arms. I was going nowhere. "Just relax. That's my little girly. The pain will ease and you will accommodate me. This is your place. You are mine now, all mine. I own your girly ass and I am going to breed you. I am your master." Time seemed to stand still, but as the seconds ticked by the pain eased off and I felt the need to pee. I also felt so full. Then, of their own accord, almost like a reflex action, my bum muscles started to spasm around Freddie's fat cock, slightly so at first and then with regular pulses. My God it was almost as if my ass was pulling him deeper in to me. I became conscious of his pubic hair tickling my smooth bottom. He held me so tightly. "That's my boy," said Freddie who began to withdraw his rock hard cock from my bum, only to push it back in all the way again. He repeated this action, slowly at first and so began a gentle rhythm. New sensations began to take over. The pain was now just a dull ache, a discomfiture. There was a slopping sound being made as his cock went in and out of my boy pussy. I was beginning to like the sensation of being taken. He reached his hand around me to wank my cock and started to laugh. He stopped fucking me to tell me that my cock was so shrunken it had practically disappeared. Freddie was fucking my manhood out of me and told me that this was yet more proof that I was his little girl now. I felt so humiliated but I didn't care as I was picturing his fat cock so hard inside me, leaking precum. "Tell daddy what you are, bitch," he demanded of me. "I am daddy's little girl," I whispered. "Daddy's bitch" My whispers seemed to urge him on and he started to vigorously pound his fat cock in to me. I tried to push back to keep up with him but his piston like action was too much for me. His breathing became labored and he was grunting with pleasure. Something went off in side me and I yelped as my seed gushed out from my soft little cock. He had fucked the cum out of me. I just gave myself over to his pleasure. Then he gave a loud cry and pushed himself into with such force that I almost passed out with the pain. He yelled out his pleasure with a long loud roar and I knew from the pulsations his lovely, fat cock was making inside me that he had cum inside me and was filling me with his seed. He just kept saying, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" and collapsed on top me, forcing me flat on my belly and into my own sticky mess. I felt his cum seeping out of my ass. I liked that feeling. I was flattened by him as he bathed in the afterglow of his fucking. I could feel his heart beat going thump, thump, thump. He started kissing my neck and breathing into my ear. His cock was slowly softening in my ass but I still felt full. He had taken my anal virginity and for the first time in my life I felt truly loved. He licked my face and then he spoke softly. "That is the best fuck I have ever had. You are a beautiful girly boy. Thank you. Thank you." He kissed me with passion and I felt so proud and so happy. I wanted to thank him but he kept kissing me and licking my lips. Finally, he slipped out of me and rolled me over on to my back so he could lie on top of me face to face. He touched my face gently and petted me. He told me I was beautiful, a great fuck, that he owned my ass now, that I belonged to him, that he was my daddy. He asked me if I agreed with him and I told him I did. He wrapped his arms around me and we sealed our afternoon of love-making with a long and passionate kissing session. When he had finished with me, he sent me to the bathroom to shower. His sticky white cum ran down my legs as I showered and yes I did give in to the temptation to take some on my fingertips and taste it. Afterwards, he bade me farewell and told me he would call me soon. I traveled home feeling exhausted. Once home I went upstairs and lay down on my bed and with my mind full of thoughts of what we had done together. With my hand on my semi-hard little cock, I slipped into a pleasant sleep.
Title: In a pack part 16 by Sindragon Tags: Feline, Human, Nala, No-Yiff, Sabretooth Tiger, Tigress, Wolf, diego, ice age, soto **In a Pack by SindragonV2** I own Sin, Nala Ironfang ,David ,Starstorm ,Angel,Ruby,Ice, any other Oc and Silvermoon I don't own Soto Diego, Manny Sid is own by Blue sky This is set in A/U of the Ice age movies ,set before the first movie. A Human baby is born with a Tiger birth mark . Seen as evil and a bringer of doom to Humans, his father the leader of the Human clan orders for the death of his own Child. His Mother refuse to let her son die,so run away to save her son life. Only to die and with her son, still alive in the cold. But her son is found by a Sabre, who take the baby home to her clan. To raise him in as one of them **Warning: There will be paring between a human and a animal. If you don't like that stuff don't read this story ok !** **Also I will keep the parings the same as they are in the movies.** **Chapter 16 Ice and Fire** **To Ironfang,Starstorm and Silvermoon** " Fine we give up for now." Ironfang said while snaring,to Blade who just cockily smirk at him. " Ah good kitty,but you better lose that attitude of yours. If you don't want your sons dead,now move foreword all of you." Blade said in teasing way to Ironfang, before ordering him and the other Sabers to move. As the other Wolfs chuckled,while the Sabers snared but they knew not to risk the safety of Diego and Soto. So reluctantly lead by Ironfang and Silvermoon as they walk into the bush,while being trailed by the Wolfs. **Back to Nala and Sin group** Nala, Sin and the other Sabers were about to attack Ice and his Wolfs. To save Diego and Soto,but Ice and the other Wolfs couldn't care. Not afraid of Sin and the Sabers,as Ice ear then twitched as he gave Sin and Nala a cold smirk. " Why are you so happy." Sin asked coldly to Ice. " Oh you see curse, just about NOW!." Ice replied calmly ,as he turned his head to look at the bush to the left of them. Confused Sin and the Sabers turn to look to,see what Ice meant by. A few seconds later to Sin and Nala shock ,as well as the other Sabers. They saw their parents and their group, being walk out by a group of Wolfs. " Dad, Mum and Grandma." Nala said in a worried tone. " Ahh Ironfang we meet again,but this time daddy inst hear to save you from me." Ice snared darkly at Ironfang. Only for Ironfang to snare back,as he and the other got lead next to Sin Nala and their group. While Silvermoon nuzzle Nala and Sin,when Ironfang stood in front of Ice. " This is between you and me Ice, battle to the death. Loser pack surrenders and leaves for good." Ironfang snared darkly to Ice. Only for Ice to chuckle darkly,as he look at Blade. Who went back to the vine holding the rocks above Diego and Soto. " Sure but you need to learn who make the rules, cut the vine." Ice order to Blade who smiled coldly, much to Sin and the Sabers horror. " NO." Silvermoon screamed in fear,as she saw Blade about to cut the vine. **End of Chapter 16** **Review and Rate ^.^** **No flamers.**
Title: Training with the Best by The Big Bad Wolf Tags: Comedy, M/F, Muscles, Oral, Renamon, Romance, Sixty-Nine, Skunk, Vixen (This be a unlucky chucky story, gotta give him chances) Chucky was walking down the street, kicking aside all random garbage. He huffed and puffed, remebering all the past memories of Vince teaseing and picking on him. His emotional damage was not compared to the burises and injuries he received from the bullying. He sighed and and continued on. He then after five minutes caught his eye on a neon sign near the far street corner. He walked closer and read the sign. "Dojo Motorola" He thought for a second and a thought bubble popped above his head. Chucky, plus karate training, equals, one buff hunk of a skunk. He drooled at the thought and entered the building. the white painted spacious room echoed the dingling chimes attached to the door. He walked in and looked around, he couldnt see anyone, but he did hear the sounds of someone grunting and loud pounding thuds. He followed the sounds to the source. When he happend across the initial room, his jaw made a loud thud as it hit the floor and his eyes bulged behind his glasses. A Renamon female was rapidly attacking a sturdy padded cement post from what seemed to be from all directions. She wore a sports bra that tried to contain her bounceing bulgeing breasts. and her nice muscular hips and rump sways gracefully in her lilith movemnts in her agile attacks, wearing nylon shorts. her fur is the same as any kind of renamon, except her black and blue hair that dangles around her head, damp with sweat. She was built, but nothing too unattractive, her muscles and lean form bonused her beauty. He tried to aproach her, he uttered a small sound. She opened her paw, a diamond katana sprouted from her palm, she instantly spun and pointed the sword at chucky's throat. the top of the concreate padded slab poofed into dust and cotton. If she werent a lady, he would have shit enough skunk clay to build a shrine the size of montana to her. "Ummmm........... sorry for interupting but, i wanted to see if i could join?" he whimpered quietly. "Realy?" she looked the skunk up and down "Too much work" "I dont need to become an ultimate fighter like you, i just need to learn how to handle a bully twice my size, in height and in muscle" he begged. "My child classes are full" she smirked, the diamond weapon evaporated from her white paw. "Plz can you teach me how to take down a Big Bad Wolf?" he begged on his knees. "Wait a minute? he wouldnt be called Vincent Woolfe wouldnt he?" she got a lil peeved. He nodded frantically "I live with him. how do you know him?" Wavey flashback scene change "One time, he came in during my child class. he flirted with me while i asked him to leave. he siad hed put some moves on me, he noticed a loose thread on my teaching robe, and pulled on it, causeing all my clothes to fall apart and leave me naked in front of 40 young boys and girls" she frowned and as the flash back waveyed back ended, a skull and cross bones bubble floated over her head. "Well you know what i need to dealwith, so can you plz help me?" he tilted his head. "sure i will, and maybe you can tell me more about your experiences with him during some tea?" she smiled reasureingly, offering her three fignered paw. "My names Tikisha" "Kewl" he gladly shaked her paw. "I'm Unlucky Chucky" They spent three hours training. Learning offensive/Defensive stances. learnig where to strike and when. Since the yellow vixen was two feet taller than the mephit, He was realy gettign the feel of attacking vince. One style after another, Chucky quickly learned. But even being kept busy concentrateing his moves, he couldnt help but look at her. her form, her body, her beauty and personality. All these and more would not ruin his fantasys of her. In only three hours, he had a crush on her. When they finished. They exited to lockers and showers. The room was disgnated for genders with a solid brick wall. But Chucky, he needed to see her. He wanted to, but he is no match for the locked doors. He then began to fantasize in the shower, her goreious tits, free from restraint. Her goodies out in the open and her over all fur damp and sexy. His erection was standing rampant. But who wouldnt. His deep thinking was interupted by a knocking on the door. "Done washing yourself?" Tikisha said through the door. "YEA!" chucky slipped around and stubled through the locker room, he kept on running into lockers and walls as he tried to dry himself, get dressed, and walk at the same time. She was very concered when she heard all the loud noises in the males section of the lockers. Then she was greated with an exausted chucky, who fell between her legs as she opened the door. "Hi....... lets have some tea" He was ready but his rampant boner still wouldnt leave him. He followed, tail wrapped around his waist, he entered her lunching area. She sat down, crossing her legs in an impossible budah style. "Have a seat" He tried to mimic, but as he did, his bulge was an added fith leg to the table. She did see this, even as she walked, she saw something she felt she always needed, she needed to bait this catch. "So, how is living with satan himself?" "Hes a jerk. but he does use it to hide himself" he shrugged, his cock still straining in his pants, he sips some tea. "Realy?" she mentally giggles. "We've had some good times, he saved me once or twice, helped me when i needed him. he even \*cough\*tookmyvigirnityaway\*Cough\* we also had some good adventures in his perverted missions" he sipped more tea. "Huh? uh never mind. now tell me, got gf?" she inquired. "Cant, living in Vince's shadow left me loveless" she sighed. "Ever considered anyone to be one?" \*almost have him\* "My roomies are close, but being friends is just as close as i can get" he sighed. "They the some species or do you like interspecies?" \*so close\* "They are all different, especially a vixen named veronica, she has such a lovely tail" he cooed in a day dream state. \*I got him\* "Is it nicer than this?" she layed her tail across the table. he started to drool and touched it gently, strokeing it. "Ye Ye Yeah!" "Mmmmmmm and does she have a nice pair of these?" she ripped her sports bra open and and her breast bounced for ten seconds. The table flipped up into the air and landed on the side of them from the force of chucky's erection. Tikisha just lustfully lunged at the skunk. He went down hard on the ground, his shirt was ripped apart. he would do the same but during her lunge the clothes flew off themselves. she covered his face and muzzle with loving and sloppy kisses. her tail wagged wildly in the air. They were rolling on the ground naked to the fur, hot and heaving for sex. Tikisha pinned down chucky and began to deepthroat chucky's veiny throbbing cock. he was forced to repay the oral treatment when she smothered her face with her damp musky cunt. his face drenched in her self lubricating juices, his tongue probed deep and went deeper the more he twitched from soon upriseing orgasm. Her muscled thighs really kept his head where she wanted it, and she didnt even break a sweat shen she practically begain to swallow his cock whole. her muscles were just as developed as the ones that made up her body. his loins were soon aflame with an upcoming orgasm. he then forced most of his face into her delicious cunt. She grinned and caught him off gaurd as her cunt began to squeeze the muzzled trapped in her snatch tightly. she sucked his rod until her prize came and her throat controled the flow of his seed into her well developed tummy. He nearly passed out from lack of oxygen, but she crawled off him and presented herself to him. completely exposed for him. He didnt care that his cock was limp now, he pounced and began to spring his soilder into action. He slide easily, his cock made good pace with the slickness of her sex. She grinned again and used the power of her cunt on his cock, nearly breaking it in half. he gasped and grunted with pleasure from her teaseing. Ecstacy ran through his head, he moaned in tune with hers, he thrusted harder and longer. The room filled with the scents of their sex, her breasts were groped and roughly played with. she didnt mind the pleasure, but retaliated with vice gripping chucky's cock. This continued for 15 more minutes. soon they both received a cosmic orgasm. their combined cum poured onto the floor under them. They rested togehter, they found that he was being held in her protecting arms. he held her paw gently in his, he kissed her lovingly and gently. An hour of showering and cleaning later, tikisha gave chucky a ying yang ring, and if he needed her he just have to turn it. He left leaveing her with a few more hugs and kisses. She hopes he calls and needs her again. Later at the apartment. Vince poked at chucky, and then a few seconds later, vince ended up on the strett, his legs forced thru his ears, and his ass wrapped around his neck three times. End\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Email me at [[email protected]](https://www.sofurry.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)
Title: Chapter 1: The Future Was Not Easy by GhostDrake Tags: Human, Intro, Plot Development, Sci-Fi, Story Series The mission to the nearby star system, designation PX-3821, and in particular the H-Class, or Habitable Class, planet located there, yielded to the young space-faring Earthlings, a new friend. They were the Solans, a species that many, in closed quarters of course, claim almost looked like a cross of humans and dogs, and that association was only reinforced by the variety of coats, colors, and temperaments the Solans possessed. Though the Solans and Humans met with open arms, their relationship became strained when the Humans and Solans exchanged books of history and culture. Although their own history was not completely free of conflict, the Solans were horrified by the war-like humans, and it came as no surprise when the Kora, an equivalent to the Human World Congress, unanimously voted down the alliance the human diplomat had petitioned them, but passed the trade agreement. After that, the Kora proposed and passed a Secret Resolution 2224, and diverted trillions of dollars towards military research and development. When asked about why the alliance was declined a Solan diplomat famously stated: "The Humans have brought upon themselves more death and destruction than all of our wars combined. While we invented clean anti-matter power, they used it upon themselves in a fourth World War so devastating they were forced to leave their irradiated planet and colonize a nearby planet." This sentiment was not widely felt by the general Solan until it came to light a year later that the World Congress had attempted to violently suppress a revolting colony, and in turn, triggered a civil war. When this was discovered, that same Solan diplomat was again quoted after the bill came up and was shot down again. "Why would we trust a another government who betrays its citizens, and lies to the ones it proposes to ally?" This revelation killed any chance of obtaining an alliance, and almost ended the profitable trade between the two empires. Some months after their dismissal of the second Alliance Petition, a battleship three times the size of any craft in the Solan's small military dropped out of warp and eradicated their defenses. With nothing left to stop them, this new race who identified themselves as the Lanska, issued their demands which went along the lines of total and unconditional surrender. Not waiting for an answer, they commenced a High Energy Proton Bombardment (HEPB) upon the Solan's defenseless planet. Solans, now desperate, issued a message to the Humans, but knew the World Congress fleet was scattered across the galaxy attempting to stabilize their colonies that had revolted against the authority of the Congress. Worse yet, the Lanska detected the message and the Laetor in charge of the ship saw it as merely a pathetic ruse to scare them off with the mentioning of these "Humans", enraged the Laetor issued the order for the 3 other bombardment cannons to join the one firing. The message passed by most of the traders, who immediately turned around because they were only equipped with Low Energy Pulse Cannons for defense. It seemed all but hopeless for the Solans, until the message passed to World Congress Science Ship Endeavor's captain, Admiral Ron Hasslan. As the story goes, he rallied the traders together and had one take his crew, while the rest kept the battleship's defensives occupied. The researchers knew that there was enough of the volatile high density anti-matter to blow a moon into a permanent crescent, and they knew what he was planning to do as they boarded the trader ship that would take them to the surface of Solania. Slamming the science ship into the battleship at full speed, and destabilizing the anti-matter containment, he took out half the battleship, and space did the rest. With the sacrifice of his life, the Kora immediately ratified an alliance with the humans, and both went to war with the Lanska. The first year of the war was brutal and it appeared the Lanska would slowly win, until a Human woman named Denise Lorell, and her Solan lover, discovered an element on Solania that when combined with carbon and steel, made a super-metal alloy she called Denisium. Using the super alloy, the Humans and Solans were able to design an elevator that connected to a geosynchronous space station. The humans sacrificed no expense and by modifying the orbiting trade station Arcadia, they completed what the Solan's predicted would take a few years, in only a few months. Several hundred ships were produced from the continually expanding spacedock, and helped keep the war to a stalemate. The War-like humans wanted to attack at what was determined to be the home world of the Lanska, and they wanted to reverse engineer the Lanska Battleship Warp Drive recovered after Admiral Hasslan's sacrifice. However, the Solans waited, and hoped the the fanatical Lanska would come to their senses. It wasn't until the slaughter of Devion-5, a new and booming Solan supercolony, by the Lanska's new and terrifying weapon, the Las'kia Oranum, or roughly translated, Destroyer of Worlds. The weapon consisted of high density anti-matter, which normally was highly unstable, however the Lanska had managed to stabilize it into a bomb like projectile one could launch from space. The destruction was devastating and killed some 25 million innocent people. The populace was outraged and the growing dissent over the incompetence of the Kora caused Commanding General Grenji to attempt a successful coup d'etat. The Solanian military put all of it's best minds on reversing the Warp Drive within two months every ship in the World Congress and Grenji Fleet had the technology equipped. Warping into the AA-5829 system, where the Lanska homeworld was theorized to be, left the Lanska completely unprepared, and quick surgical strike by bombers left their main ships out of the fight. Although their fleet had been crippled, they refused to give up and the fighting began to take a toll on the Allied Fleet. "It was with great remorse," The Captain of the Leviathan would later say, "We agreed to drop High-Density Anti-Matter bomb upon the Lanska Homeworld. In a single flash, my hand had killed trillions of people." With their homeland struck by a Las'kia Oranum and their economy crippled, the Lanska quickly surrendered. It was agreed that the death of their people would greatly harm their economy, and they had little to give now that their home world was eradicated. It was agreed that they would be allowed to colonize a new home world in AA-5829, and pay reparations for five years. It surprised the Lanska when the victorious Humans and Solans came to their aid, spending most of the reparations on medical supplies, repairing the Lanskan Fleet, and on general transport to the new colony. Through the tireless friendship that the Humans and Solans showed, the three civilizations grew closer. Nine Brutal years had passed, and the trial and tribulations had strengthened the bond between the Solans and Humans. Near the end of those eight years, the fleets and governments of the reinstated Kora and the World Congress were no longer considered separate entities but as one unified force dubbed as the Alliance, a simple enough name, but the idea behind it was complex and powerful. The Lanskan's were a strange breed to them. Having been ousted, destroyed and humiliated, they only showed respect for the now recognized Alliance Fleet, and the Lanskan's had gone above and beyond with their tactics used to halt the civil war in the Human colonies, bringing peace to the three systems. This paved the way for them to join the Alliance three years after their devastating defeat. This golden age of Friendship and peace led to the drafting of what became known as the Flagship of the Alliance: Endeavor, a ship that, combined with all three's technology, was nothing short of a military masterpiece.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, competition, demolition, pump Text: Meanwhile at Natalie's house........ "Are you sure about this Natalie. What if we pop?" "What are you, chicken?" "NO! Just concerned is all." "Well then lets do this already. My new air compressor is waiting in my room for us. Lets go." Natalie and Kristie raced to her room. They've always had a small rivalry between them ever since they've met. Competing with one another over anything they could. The door to Natalie's room burst open with a kick from Natalie. "Ha, I won!" "No fair Nat. You pushed me back there." "Nah uh." "Uh huh." "Nah uh." "Uh-holy crap what is that!?" "Nah......oh. It's the air compressor." ^_^ "Jesus it's big!" "I know I found it online for cheap. Isn't it great?" "Gee, I don't know Nat. Maybe we shouldn't-" "Buk, buk, bwaaaaak! Chicken." "I'm not a chicken. I'm just afraid you won't be able to handle losing is all." "Ha now that's funny. I do this every night. I'll get way bigger than you can imagine." "Oh yea, lets just see about that then shall we?" "Okay, lets do it then." Natalie walked over to the air compressor. It was as big as the desk next to it. It was able to connect to multiple hoses so Natalie just inserted the two she got. She handed Kristie one while keeping the other for herself. "So, now what?" "Now we put it in." "Put it in where?" "Oh that's right your new to this. Well......um......it goes in our......uh......butts....." "Our WHAT!?" "Calm down it's not so bad. It feels kinda nice actually. Look I'll put mine in first then I'll help you. You do it like this." Natalie pulled her jeans and panties down to her knees exposing her butt. She took the hose and well......you know. She pulled her pants back up and buttoned them. "You see it's easy." "Hmmmm......I don't know." "Here I'll help." Natalie walked over to Kristie, spun her around, pushed her over, and pulled down her short shorts. Then she inserted hose A into slot B. "EEEP!" "There that was easy right?" "Sort of....." Kristie pulled up her shorts and rubbed her butt. "Shouldn't you take your shirt off and wear a bikini top like me?" "No thanks. I like the feeling of my clothes getting tight as I blow up." "Ha whatever. It'll just constrain you and I'll end up bigger." "Alright let's see if you can put your money where your mouth is and get bloatin. Whoever becomes the biggest wins. Also if you take the hose out before I do then I win." Finally Natalie turned on the machine. It made a whirling noise and started to shake. Soon the hoses came to life as air flowed through. Natalie was getting excited. "Mmmmmm, I love this part." Kristie didn't see it at first, but Natalie's stomach started to grow by a few inches. Kristie couldn't feel anything and thought her hose was busted. "Hey did you cheat and tamper with my hose?" Natalie snapping out of her pleasure looked at Kristie. She still looked the same. "No way. I'm not a cheat you know that." "Your right you've never cheated before. What's wrong then? AAAAHHHHH!" *FWOOOOMP* Kristie's belly shot out a foot in front of her. She stumbled back against Natalie's dresser. Knocking over the pictures and other items that were there. "Whoa. Your huge Kristie. Hey wait your bigger than me now!" "Ha, see I'm just better at inflating than you are." "Oh yea?" Natalie cranked the compressor up a few notches. Her belly filling up faster. Getting to basketball size and more. Kristie wasn't growing at the rate of Natalie which started to make her nervous. "Looks like I'm catching up." "Shut up. It just takes a bit to get goin." Bigger and bigger Natalie grew. Her belly ballooned to 3 feet all around until the button on her jeans blew off and ricocheted off of Kristie's belly. "Ow! Watch were your pointin your buttons next time." "Hehe sorry." Kristie noticed not only was her belly growing, but so were her thighs. They strained the legs of her short shorts, cutting into the puffy legs. She rubbed them up and down. Her butt cheeks stretched the back of her shorts. Almost like it was sucking them up into her growing butt crack. Natalie watched her friend as she blew out all over. Enjoying the show while feeling her own bloated body. Her tight shirt was slowly riding up inch by inch. Exposing her bare belly to Kristie. You could see her panties coming out of her opened jeans. Being stretched by her bloated crotch and pushing through more. She looked back and noticed quite a bit of ass cleavage looking back up at her. She was spilling out of the tight jeans she wore. Finally realizing the ripping noises that were coming from her. Her puffy legs were bursting at the seams of her jeans. Her thighs were 3 feet in diameter and bursting out of her pants. Natalie just smiled and looked at Kristie. "Oooohhhh. Isn't this fun? I'm getting completely huge!" "Heh, yea this is kinda fun, but I'm way bigger than you." "Ha, we'll see about that." The girls continued to blow up. Growing and growing and growing. Ballooning out of their own clothes. Kristie's nipples started to peak out of her bikini top while Natalie's shirt was straining to keep it together on her own breasts. *THWIIIIP* Suddenly the bikini top shot off across the room and landed on Natalie's belly. It slowly slid down the front and plopped on the floor. "Whooo. They're gettin mighty big aren't they." "Ha look who's talkin. Your shirt is about to burst just like you." "Haha, very funny." *RIIIIIIIIIP* "Natalie's shirt ripped from the neck down allowing her breasts to push through and be free. With the sudden force of her breasts Natalie stumbled back onto her bed. Her ass made the landing more bouncy. She felt more comfortable sitting while she inflated. Kristie started to feel a bit tired and tried to sit down on the floor. It was a bit awkward, but she managed. As she was going down her shorts ripped in half pretty fast and hit the floor before her cheeks did. Their arms also inflated. Making it hard to move them. "Man were gettin pretty big. You sure you don't want to give up yet?" "Nah, I'll go on forever if I have to." Just as Natalie's belly reached 7 feet she felt something cold rub against it. She didn't know what it was or could see much in front of her, but as her belly continued to push against it she soon figured out what it was. It was the nob on the compressor that controls air flow. Since she was to the left of the nob her belly turned it to the right, sending it to full blast. Kristie and Natalie felt the sudden increase of air flow. They started to blow up much quicker than before. "Natalie? What's happening?" "Um, I think my belly turned the air compressor on full blast. Hehe......." "WHAT!?" Kristie ballooned more and more. Growing up and out. Her butt raised her off the ground and towards the ceiling. Her belly pushed forward and met Natalie's. Her breasts bloated into her face making her head tilt back. "NATALIE DO SOMETHING!" Natalie tried reaching the hose in her bum, but couldn't. Her arms were too stiff and puffy. "Uh, I can't." Natalie swelled out immensely. What was left of her jeans dug into her bloated legs. Her panties tightening into her ass and lady parts. The lips of her lady parts were extremely puffy and was outlined perfectly by her undies. *FWOOOMP* Her belly button became an outie. My god her belly was huge. It was taking up half of the room by now. Pushing Natalie up against the head board of her bed. Her head hit the ceiling with a thud. From this height she could see Kristie again, but what she saw was amazing. Kristie was now just two huge naked breasts and a massive 10 foot belly with bloated legs on either side. She couldn't see Kristie's head which was behind the behemoth tits. *FIIISSSSSS* FIIIIISSSS* Air was shooting out of her nipples. *PPPFFFT* *PFFFFTT* Natalie could feel air squeaking out of her butt. "Can you hear me Kristie?" "MMMPHHHH!" "I'll take that as a yes." It was right then that Natalie felt it. She was reaching her limits. The pressure in her body was growing as she pushed against the walls and Kristie. Less and less space became available in Natalie's room to grow and she couldn't stop the inflation. More and more packed it got in Natalie's room. Squishing against each other and the room. Tighter and tighter it felt. Natalie's head sinking into her body as it pressed against the ceiling. "Ugh.....I'm.....going to...beat....YOU-MMMMMMMM!" The room started to creak or was it their bodies? Squeaks and creaks were coming from Natalie's room. Their bodies were beginning to come out of the room. Luckily Natalie's window was opened so that her body had somewhere to go. From outside a huge boob was pushing out of the window. You could see Kristie's belly peaking through the sides of the door as it pushed it out making it bend and flex. Bigger and bigger they got. Tighter and tighter they became. Until then.........*rumble* *KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* Pieces of wood and furniture flew everywhere. A huge chunk of her house was missing where her bedroom used to be. Her dresser and half of her bed was floating in the pool. Pieces of wood and clothes laid in the ruin of her bedroom. The air compressor still intact though.
Title: Reaper Angelsea Campaign: Fifth Interlude by Nex_Canis Tags: Crocodile, Fantasy, Gay Relationships, M/M, Orca, Plot Development, Science Fiction, Story Series, Wolf **Interlude: Leak** *"We know of the Primarchs, the ten employees of MODD who possess the most powerful Seals of all. However, one has to question how they obtained these Seals and what they had to sacrifice for them. Again, one has to further ask why all ten under MODD's control or if there are more out there."* \_ \_ **Esme Hart** ***The Unsealed Truth*** **Shadow of the Storm** I had never met a crocodile before that did not make me feel like I had to run in the opposite direction. My father taught me that crocodiles were not good prey to hunt and that they were not worth the trouble. Only the most foolish would challenge one. Their meat was not filling and they were strong. Their scales offered natural armour that claw and fang would be hard pressed to penetrate. The same could be said about this 'dock-taur' Oculus. I had no idea what a 'dock-taur' was but he smelled unnatural, metallic. MODD's facilities smelled like him only to a lesser degree. I didn't like him. The way he grinned up at me set my nerves on edge and I wanted to run away. I was not paying much attention to what he was saying as I became aware that my mate was missing. While I had agreed that Jacob and I would be equals, it was still hard to think he and I were on the same level. I drew my strength from him and I felt vulnerable whenever I couldn't smell him. With so many people crowding around me, his scent was lost and I felt a whimper leave my throat. I pushed through the crowd and sniffed the air. His scent was gone. Worry began to eat at me and I quickly bolted into the strange floating city, searching for him. I valued myself as a good tracker, perhaps not the best in my tribe, but I was competent. However, the city smelled too much of the sea and with the constant winds blowing salt into my nostrils, Jacob's trail went cold. I did not like this city despite all its wonders. It was too... *artificial*. The smells were wrong. The people looked... *wrong*. It was amazing that they made an island that floats but it just felt so... unnatural. The beauty of this place just warned of a greater danger. When we faced the Unsealed, Neptune, I caught a glimpse of that danger. The other Scion Unsealed we had faced were in no way that big nor were they so... *intelligent*. I caught a familiar scent as I was sniffing for Jacob in a nearby alleyway. One of the Elemental Lord's Lieutenants, the black wolf with red hair, stood out in the crowd. My heart leapt to my throat as I hoped he could lead me to Jacob. There was always something about him that struck me as familiar. Friendly as he was, he sparked my curiosity but at the same time made me wary for he *was* a lieutenant after all and my past with lieutenants was not pleasant. I tailed him through the crowds for a short while. No malice hung around him as he spoke to people here and there. When he started heading back to the big palace thing - I think Sierra called it 'Oasis' - I decided to approach him. "Joul." The wolf turned to me, eyebrows raised and a smile on his face. "I was wondering when you'd come up and speak to me." A frown crossed my face. "You knew I was here?" Crossing his arms, Joul said, "You strike me as the kind of person adept at hunting in the wilds. I'm a hunter in the city." "How?" I asked, curious. Perhaps if I too became an adept hunter in the city, I could impress Jacob more. Perhaps I would not lose him so easily next time. To my surprise, the wolf in front of me picked up what appeared to be a small red box. I blinked a couple of times as he opened the box and revealed buttons on them. I bent down and sniffed the device. It smelled... artificial. Though the wolf's nutty smell was on it, it smelled... *wrong* just like these clothes I wore. It was metallic and had this tingle to them that reminded me of the electricity that I wield thanks to Jacob's Brand. "What is that?" "This, Leonardo, is a mobile phone," answered Joul. "You use it to communicate with people across vast distances." He pressed a button on the phone and a faint ringing came from the device, surprising me. When a voice emerged from it, I cocked my head to the side and sniffed at the magical device, wondering if Joul had managed to copy a person's spirit inside. "You really don't know what a mobile phone is, do you?" I shook my head. "I only arrived on Rillotia not too long ago. This is all very new to me." My ears folded back against my head. "You must think I am stupid..." He just laughed heartily and rested a paw on my shoulder. "Trust me, I know where you come from. I'm a Tribal too, you know." I reeled back. No *wonder* he smelled so familiar! The scent of our homeland was on him but it was dulled, doused in the artificial scent of this place. Rillotia always smelled so... *off* to me. Even in places so close to nature, there was this sinister undertone to it. I never wanted to insult my mate by telling him of it but it always lingered at the back of my mind. "You are from Oxis?" I asked, unable to hide my surprise. "How did you become so...?" "Tame?" he finished. "Small." Joul laughed softly and crossed his arms against his chest. I could see the definition in his chest and arms but for a Tribal, he was still small. "I'm from the Sun Fangs Tribe, Leonardo. We value speed over strength. By my guess..." He rubbed his chin as he appraised me, licking his lips slightly. "Hmmm... You must be from one of the bigger tribes, I take it?" "White Moon Tribe," I confirmed with a spark of pride. "I am the chieftain's son!" "I can tell. Only the members of the biggest tribes get to be as big as you." Joul nodded in my direction. "My tribe is fairly small but we've always had open relations with Rillotians. Your Tribe tends to be a little... behind the times." I bristled a little in agitation. "We are the strongest Tribe on the mainland! We are -" "Conservative and unwilling face the fact that you guys will go extinct if you don't start moving forward," he countered. "Seriously, have a look around you. You stick out like a sore thumb. You don't even know what a mobile phone is and those stares people are giving you aren't because you're a magnificent specimen of wolf." He nodded behind me and when I glanced around, I caught a few people turning away. "It's because you still smell like a Tribal - earthy, musky and with the scent of sex on you." He leaned forward and sniffed at me. "Male sex." I could not help but growl at him. "I am a proud member of my Tribe! I grow strong on the semen of my father and all the strongest warriors in my Tribe! Jacob -" "See that?" Joul said, poking a finger at my chest. "That isn't something you go advertising to the whole world. Not here in Rillotia. I doesn't matter where you're from but there are people here who just do *not* look kindly to guys sucking off guys." He held his paws up. "Now mind you, I have nothing against it but take it from someone who has been there..." He placed another paw on my shoulder and I fought hard not to shrug him off. "There are people around here that just don't like that kind of talk. Rillotia is different from Oxis. You best learn fast or you might end up hurting those around you that really do care." Before I could protest, there was a ringing from his 'mobile phone'. I wanted to tell him that I was the strongest of my Tribe and that was why I was sent to Rillotia - because no one on Oxis could possibly be my mate. This was my journey. Everyone back home was not worthy of my seed. Now, I found my Alpha Prime and that was Jacob. I would do anything he wished of me and I would take his seed so that we would sire children that are even stronger! We would start a new tribe that would outstrip his own! But in the back of my mind, I recalled that... 'outing' I had with Jacob just a few hours ago. I remembered wondering what a 'fork' was and what an 'omelette' was. Food in Rillotia - especially Angelsea - was so strange. Why do they mix so many foods together? It dulls the taste of the meat and did they not weep when they killed the unborn chicks of mother hens? This was a strange world... and I did not fit in. Someone gripped my paw and I turned. There were five men standing there. "Hey, did I hear ya say you sucked cock?" asked the one closest to me, a big bull. "I do," I answered. I inclined my head to the side. The five of them looked fairly fit and I was never one for semen from outside my species but they looked like they were strong. By their clothes and various tattoos, it looked like they were very worldly. Surely someone with torn sleeves and such ragged clothing knew much of the workings of the world and if I drank their semen, I would benefit from their knowledge. "Did you want me to suck yours?" The bull grinned at me while one of his companions massaged his knuckles. They cracked ominously and I suddenly got a very bad feeling. "Sure," the bull said, "come over here for a sec." I glanced over my shoulder but Joul was distracted from his call. The bull looked strong - perhaps big by the bulge in his crotch - but I somehow doubted that he had stamina. I should not be too long. I agreed and they led me towards an alley away from the crowds. I anticipated the loosening of these articles of clothing Rillotians called 'pants' but instead, pain exploded from my stomach and I was sent to the ground, gasping for breath. "Fuckin' faggot!" one of them cried. My instincts drove me to survival and I lashed out with my fangs, blindly snapping out at my attacker but I was outnumbered. Fists and feet came lashing out from every direction, sending fresh blasts of pain all throughout my body. I yelped and suddenly felt like a little child again. When one of them drove a knee against my manhood, I felt tears on my cheek. "Stop!" I begged. "Please stop -!" A fist slammed into my muzzle, cutting off my cry and throwing me against the wall. I saw my blood splatter against the brick before my eyes were blurred, veiled by the colour of blood. "Now I seem ta recall ya offering to suck my cock," the bull rumbled. "Let's just see how much ya like cock after this, ya faggot!" I whimpered and made one last attempt to plead for them. "Please... I do not want this..." "Oh yeah? Well I don't believe ya." He seized the scruff of my neck forcing me to come muzzle to muzzle to him. I smelled a foul stench on his breath. I think it is what Rillotians called 'alcohol. "When I'm done with ya, yer gonna be begging for your life!" Then an ominous voice cut through the deep growls of the bull's companions and their laughter. "Why don't you lead by example?" Through the haze of blood, I saw a tall, muscular figure standing a short distance away. The light glistened off full-body armour and a wolf's tail lashed out behind him. At first, I thought it was Joul but the smell was different... alien. He smelled like... crystals... Was it Jacob? No... The build was wrong... Whoever it was slimmer than Jacob and had this sense of menace about him that sent me further and further into my puppy-like state. "And who the *fuck* are you?" snapped one of the men. "You don't need to worry about that. Just let him go and I promise to leave enough for the coroners to identify your remains and send a commiserations to your families." The bull still holding me laughed. "See this armoured freak, boys? Get him." I don't think he realised I was regenerating. I thanked Jacob for the gift of the Brand but I was regenerating slower than he ever did. It was still so painful... My vision cleared somewhat and I saw one of the men, a slim lizard of some sort charge at the stranger with a small knife. Despite the armour and his apparent bulk, the stranger ducked the blow and drove an armoured fist into the lizard's elbow. Even *I* winced when I heard the lizard's arm break at the join. The pain caused the man to cry out but even that cry was drowned out in a matter of moments. The stranger snatched the knife from the assailant's clawed hand, seized the forked tongue and - right there and then - sliced it right off! I gagged at the fountain of blood that quickly flooded from the lizard's throat as he staggered back and knelt, trying to keep himself from drowning in his own blood. That blooded knife then came screaming through the air and jabbed right into the lizard's left eye. All the other assailants stopped in horror as their comrade reeled back with a gurgling scream as the knife was yanked out of his left eye socket and driven right into the other by that armoured fist. I caught a glimpse of the stranger's eyes. They were sapphire-blue but unlike my Jacob's, they were cold, hard and full of hatred. In one, swift movement, the stranger yanked the knife back out, spun it in his paw and delivered a brutal slash that slit the lizard's throat. The mutilated reptile dropped to the ground, gasping his last. But he was far from done. The stranger threw the knife straight down, the blade digging *straight* into the reptile's groin bringing another gurgling scream from the lizard. A heavy, metal boot slammed into the lifeless body, grinding it into place. Even I could not watch. The bull let go of me and screamed something that sounded like, "Fuck! Let's get out of here!" But then I just heard the words, "What the fuck!? How'd he get - ack!" The sound of flesh being rend and bones being broken hit my ears. I wanted to cover them, block the noise of brutality away. This was not a hunt. This was not in the defence of another. This was murder. Slaughter. A massacre. One of them actually pleaded for mercy, I think, but like the others, the noise was cut short and I just heard the sickening sound of bones being crushed. The warm splash of blood hit my cheek and I actually shivered at its touch. Then it was silent. I only heard the sounds of the people of Angelsea milling about not even a hundred metres away from us. How they could not hear the sounds I heard, I didn't know. The cold touch of that armoured hand on my shoulder made me shiver. "Are you alright?" The softness in his voice almost mirrored my Jacob's but this was not him... Not this... this monster... I had recovered enough to actually lash out at him with my claws. I only grazed the jet-black metal armour he wore. When I opened my eyes, I found myself staring at the face of my mate if his fur had been dyed white. Only his eyes looked the same. They held the same fiery intensity that attracted me to Jacob on more than just a physical level but those eyes... They were angry, focused. I realised he was on the hunt. "Wh - Who are you...?" I stammered. For a moment, his eyes softened as they turned away. It was only for a brief second but then we locked gazes again and I felt like an unprotected pup. "I am a remnant; a shell of someone that could have been but refused to submit to destiny. I am Revenant." "Revenant...?" I repeated. That was a word Tribals used for spirits that refused to pass on and possessed inanimate objects or corpses. Was this demonic wolf such a being? His ears swivelled towards the alleyway and his strong paws seized my wrists. "Hang on." His words felt like they were cold, dead and emotionless but something told me it was just a mask for something he hid beneath. In his other paw, a small crystal appeared and he quickly tossed it into the air. Before I knew what was happening, there was this feeling of suddenly having the ground swept out from underneath me and it was like I was floating in water for the briefest of moments. When I looked down, I realised I was in mid-air and the world began beckoning me back towards it. Revenant then seized my waist and threw another crystal from his free paw at the nearest roof. Another feeling of wind rushing past me and I felt the ground against my feet. I collapsed on my paws and knees, gasping at the surreal feeling. Weird screeching cries suddenly rang out around me. "Alarms," Revenant scoffed, sounding bitter. "Wonderful." He strode past me and hurled another crystal far off into the distance. I got to protest for a second before he seized my shoulder and we were suddenly at the sea shore again. I staggered away from him onto the sand. "Get away from me!" I cried, knowing full well the weakness I showed. I tried to pull myself back into the brave, chieftain's son that I had been but Joul's words echoed in my head. I was out of my element; this was not my land and these people... They were aliens to me. I felt that rush of blood into my heart and body and I got that feeling like when I was ready to pounce on my prey or turn and flee. I wanted to be free from this dark opposite of my Jacob. "You're afraid of me?" Revenant asked. I couldn't even muster a reply. It took all my control not to void my bowels there and then. "Good." He strode forward and I crab-crawled backwards. "Because if you're going to face what's coming up next, you better be afraid." Light crackled at his palms. I noticed there were strange discs attached to his gauntlets just like those discs Jacob wore on his gloves. However, instead of summoning two swords like Jacob did, twin blades of light erupted from the discs, crackling angrily. It was bright blue and semi-translucent but I had no doubt that it was very solid. The right hand blade formed a big, broad shield while the other transformed into a sword, both mounted on his wrists. "Get up." I was paralysed. His blue eyes flared with annoyance and I truly feared what he would do to me. For the first time, I truly knew fear. I was not afraid when I left the shores of Oxis on my grant adventure. I was not afraid when a wild lion nearly killed me. I was not afraid when first Rillotians I had seen came to my Tribe offering support. But this... This I was afraid of... "For the love off..." Revenant snarled. He charged at me and I whimpered, curling my tail against my crotch in some vain attempt to protect myself. Then I felt the coat he wore brush past me and I peeked past my crossed arms. The blue, unnatural flesh of an Unsealed squirmed above me. The creature looked like it was a shark with arms and wielded a trident. It's yellow eyes glared at Revenant while the stranger's translucent blue sword stuck out from his chest. "I deal with bigger monsters than you on a daily basis," Revenant snarled. He slammed his shield against the Unsealed's face, forcing it off his blade. Without even wasting a second, he spun around, bringing his sword cleaving right through the monster's neck. The Unsealed dropped to the ground, disappearing in a flurry of blue runes. Two more erupted from the salty waters of the ocean, lightning crackling from their tridents. "Nice try," Revenant scoffed, a cocky smirk on his muzzle. The weapons in his paws shifted, transforming into two, enormous spinning blades - shurikens I think they are called. He threw them but they were slow in their progress. The Unsealed just dodged aside. The moment their eyes were drawn away from Revenant, a crystal twinkled behind the one on the right and Revenant was suddenly there in a burst of darkness. He caught the Unsealed in a powerful chokehold and even as they hovered in the air, he yanked the trident from the creature's hands and threw it at the other. All three of them went down in a heap with Revenant easily rolling through the sand and onto his feat. The Unsealed vanished as they normally did. His shurikens flew back towards him and he caught it deftly, the shining blades disappearing back into his gloves with a flurry of light. Revenant was tense for a few moments. Even after he caught his shurikens again, he remained ready for battle, his tail rigid and his fangs bared. But after a few moments, the tension rolled off his white fur. He rolled his shoulders and shook his head from side to side. "That was barely worth a minute of work," he grumbled. His blue eyes turned towards me and I flinched. It surprised me when his gaze softened and he sat down beside me, gazing out into the ocean. "You have that look on your face like your world just ended and you're the last wolf left." I could not speak. I was still in too much shock. At least he continued to talk. "It's funny." He nodded at the last fragments of drifting runes. "Every day, I go into an arena and face off monsters ten times stronger than those for the entertainment of some sadistic fans. I've got a fan club and the money I get is pretty darn sweet. But only now, fighting those... *things*, does it feel like I've accomplished something." Frowning I managed to compose myself and found the strength to incline my head to the side. "The funny thing is, I don't even know what I did," he laughed, shaking his head. "All I get is some vague instruction after nearly getting crushed by a 'Skydiving Blue Whale' telling me to 'save the guy that's about to get raped'." His eyes turned to me, a cynical smile on his muzzle. "I don't suppose you're going to save the world, are you?" I could not help it. "I am. Or... I hope to help." I do not think I had control of all my mental faculties at that point but I told Revenant everything in short. I told him about our crusade to defeat Balthazar and how he was evil and exploiting people. I told him about the pain we had seen across two cities and I told him about how the Seals needed a sacrifice to be used. He seemed most interested in that last part. "Seals are what?" "Created from the sacrifice of something important to a person," I answered. "I do not know how." Revenant's eyes narrowed. "Have you ever heard of the 'F Seals'?" "I have not." "Nothing about the Forbidden, Forsaken or the Forgotten Seals?" Again, I shook my head. He offered me a faint smile. There was sadness there, I could not help but feel like I had let him down somehow. "Darn... And here I thought it would be that easy." He sighed and leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head, his smile fading back into an emotionless mask. "Well... It's not every day I get to spend a day off in a far off realm on a sunny beach. It'll be hell to get all this sand out of my armour though... And I bet Cliff will be asking where it all came from..." Another sigh escaped his muzzle as he closed his eyes. "Fuck... This is messed up..." Strangely, despite his words, he was still smiling. The anger was gone but I sensed distress in him though he seemed so relaxed. "Are you alright?" I asked tentatively. He pressed a finger against his muzzle. "Ssssh... I'm trying to listen to the ocean." Living on an island, I had listened to the ocean many a time. It was boring. I was anxious to get moving but something about this wolf kept me in place. "What are you listening for?" "My heart." I snapped my attention back to him, puzzled and confused. "Why?" He opened one eye at me. It would have been an appropriate time to smile but his muzzle didn't move an inch. "Because where I come from, I've wrapped myself in a ball of lies. I've kept at it for so long that it becomes so hard to tell where the lies end and where the truth begins. I spend so much time keeping up a mask that I'm not even sure where and when I can pull it off. These days, it's easier to just not show any emotion." He closed his eyes again. "I good friend of mine told me once that if I ever found a fragment of peace, I should just try to stop and listen. Your heart might just say something." Anxious to find Jacob - and also to get away from this stranger - I slowly rose to my feet. "I shall leave you, then." I was already two steps away from him when something about his words made me pause. He said *'where I come from'*... "Are you from around here?" I asked. He let out a snort, a cynical smile on his muzzle. "Dude, where I come from is *so* far from here that it'd make your head spin. Honestly, I'd be surprised if this place even *had* death sports." "Death... sports?" "Yup. I'm an athlete." He gave me a dark grin. "I get tossed inside an arena with either monsters, robots or a couple of other contenders. Depending on the game, I either kill them or I humiliate them enough that they kill themselves later." I never heard of anything so... *barbaric* on Rillotia or any other place on Mortaelis. Then again, after looking at Angelsea, I realised there was so much more I did not know about. "So you are new to this land?" I asked. Revenant sat up, gazing out into the ocean. He reached out with one of his hands towards the sun that had just begun angling towards the horizon. "It's funny. Everything looks the same. The sun feels the same. The air smells the same. But at the same time, I know it is so different." His fingers closed around the sun. "If I wanted to, I could probably fit in. It'd be easy to just leave one life behind and start a new one." "What is stopping you?" "Baggage," he answered with a shrug. "I've got a shit tonne of baggage." Again, he laid back, arms crossed behind his back. "But you know what? I'm on a sunny beach on what looks like a floating, artificial island. For the next ten minutes, I'm going to forget my troubles. Maybe fuck someone over for shits and giggles." He peeked at me. "You doing anything later?" I backed away and he just returned to his state of semi-slumber. His words compelled me to sit beside him. He was brutal, vicious and merciless. A hunter without remorse. Yet he was still so much like me. In an alien world, alone. He actually reminded me a little of Jacob before he opened his heart to me. "Can you teach me how to adapt to this world?" I asked softly. His eyes flicked towards me. "Aren't you a native?" I shook my head sadly. "I come from Oxis. I am a Tribal." For a moment his eyes seemed to betray some inner thought... like he wanted to correct me or something but he never gave voice to those thoughts. I waited for him to say something but he only remained silent so I just continued. "I have a mate here... I am in his world, fighting for him... but I do not know his customs, his traditions and the people he is accustomed to. I fear I will only hurt him." "Him, huh?" Revenant asked, losing his smile as he leaned back into the sand. "Well, this country, island or whatever is just one part of a bigger world. It's a world whatever way you spin it. Sure you're from different countries but the way I see it, you share the same sky, look at the same stars and feel the warmth from the same sun. So you eat with a knife and fork and he gobbles down his food with his paws. In the end, you're still eating. "The little differences mean nothing." A small smile touched his lips. "If everyone was a single plot on the canvas and we were all painted the same colour, it'd make for a pretty shitty painting. It's good to have different colours in there." I'm not sure if he was talking to me anymore but I understood his message. I am who I am. A Tribal. I came here for my reasons and I found that reason but I did not need to lose myself for that reason. "Revenant." "Hmmmm?" "What is your name? Truly?" He paused, keeping his eyes on the sky. The sun crawled across the sky and the ocean began to reflect the fiery oranges and pinks of sunset before he finally replied. "Sam. Samuel Wolfe." Somehow, I doubted that was his real name. My legs began to cramp but I managed to rise and lie beside him, draping one arm across his armoured chest. He didn't react. Even after spending so long in the sun, his armour still felt so cold. I wondered what lay beneath the armour not because I wanted his cock but because I understood that armour wasn't to hide something but rather to protect him from the world. He carried much... 'baggage' and he left many troubles behind him. That armour was to shield him from them. He was caged in a prison of his own making. I did not want him to be trapped anymore. We wolves deserved to be free. "Can I interest you in fishing?" I asked tentatively. He sat up, pushing my arms away. "I'll pass. I think it's about time I got back anyway." Though he tried to leave, I seized his wrist and tugged him back down. "Stay," I urged. Trying to pull his paw away, he said, "You're a cute kid but I don't need this right now. I've got a match." As armoured as he was, I pulled him back down with my superior strength. I pinned him to the ground with my superior weight, our muzzles just an inch apart. I could smell his breath. It was minty and his scent was intoxicating, just like my Jacob. "Forget your worries for a little longer," I insisted. His eyes travelled to my crotch. I would not deny that I was considering inducting him into our pack but I was not even sure if I deserved a pack now. Jacob was supportive of me but this world was just too strange for me... I would hinder him if I did not grow. I am me. I am a Tribal. But I could still be something more. Perhaps like Joul. "What do you have in mind?" he asked, cocking one eyebrow. I smiled at him and licked his nose. He didn't look surprised. I think it has been such a long time since he truly felt something that his face only knew two expressions - an emotionless mask and a false smile. I wanted to fix that. I took his paws and yanked him to his feet. "Follow me." \*\*\*\*\* "This is stupid." I pushed him forward towards the edge of the pier. "You must," I insisted, grinning from ear to ear. "This is the perfect opportunity." His face was still an expressionless mask as he stared at the big, white moon above us. From the corner of my eye, I could see the small mini-moon that the shamans said was an abomination to the gods. Rillotians called it 'Central'. Apparently, it was some sort of construction that span around the world and helped connect the trains. It was meant to be replaced by a 'Black Ring' though I do not know how or why. "I can't," he said, turning around and striding back towards the beach. "I've already stayed too long. I have to get back..." I seize his paw and pull him back. He didn't resist me this time as I spun him around and pointed him back at the moon. "You are a wolf. You know how to do this in your blood." "To be perfectly honest, I'm pretty sure I've got a bit of husky in me. Mixed in with a bit of rabbit and possibly a little snake. "Really?" I asked, looking for some scales. "Oh yeah. Sometimes after a guy cums in you, you don't wash out everything." I raised my eyebrows. "That was a joke," he said blandly. Spinning around, he tried to push past me but I blocked him off. "Please move." Just for show, I then summoned the power Jacob's Brand gave me. Black lightning arched across my body. Anyone else would have been surprised but Sam... Sam just stared at me with those blank, blue eyes. I don't know why... But I wanted to see those eyes brighten. I wanted them to shine like the moon, to twinkle with the stars and to glow with the warmth of the sun. "You will have to make me." He laughed softly and took a step back. Lifting his hand, I watched as blue light coalesced around his palms. "You know in the league, my weapon is considered a training weapon? It's for rookies that don't know what weapon they will specialise in." I watched the light change from a hammer, an axe, a dagger and then to a spear. "It does low damage, has a limited energy supply but it can recharge in the middle of battle given enough time to rest. Modifications were made, of course, but do you know what people did when they saw me stride out into the death ring with these on?" "What?" "They laughed." He examined the back of his paw, that dark smile on his muzzle. "They weren't laughing when I ripped out their favourite's throat *without* even using my weapon. The next day, they booed and called me a cheater. I was up against three others players. Killed them all without a second thought. Shame I had to use my weapon but that shut everyone up. After that, whenever I stepped on the field, everyone would just fall silent. They knew the name 'Revenant' brought death." His blue eyes locked with mine. "Are you sure you want challenge that?" I will not deny it. I was afraid. He inspired fear in me and... I do not know. For some reason, that made him more respectable. Perhaps it was because so far, I had been living in a dream world where I was flooded by fantasies of sex and the thrill of adventure. He reintroduced death and mortality to me, making everything so much more... *real*. Was it bad to want the nightmare when the dream was so much better? "If I win," I said, taking a few steps back and calling my power, "you do it. Agreed?" He smiled and the discs in his palms summoned twin blades of translucent blue light. "And if I win?" What could I, a dumb Tribal, offer him? What could he possibly want? At first, I thought I could offer him my body. If he defeated me, drinking his semen would give me his strength. But remembering how brutal he was to those thugs, I decided against it. "Knowledge," I responded. "I will take you to someone who knows about the Seals." That got his ears perked and his eyes narrowed. "I thought you didn't know about the F Seals?" "I do not. But I know someone who does." At least I hoped he knew. Sam straightened, his expression completely unreadable. I would have thought he would be pleased with that prospect. When two blades of blue light sprang from his palms and wrapped around his wrists, I realised he had placed on his hunting face. Hunters from my tribe pulled expressions to intimidate their enemies; some looked utterly insane, others were wild and feral. Sam looked frightening. "Deal." Then he was upon me, his movements fast, lightning-like and at the same time, smooth and elegant. I was unable to even block and had to leap back in shock as he spun and cartwheeled towards me, blades extended. I never even saw him *throw* one of his light-blades at me. It grazed my right shoulder and sent me skittering to my left. He clearly wanted that and the instant his feet touched the ground, he was throwing himself at me, his shoulder slamming against my chest. I thought we would hit the ground in a tumble but he would not allow that. Not even half a second after our bodies slammed together, he seized my injured shoulder with one hand, purposefully digging one finger into the open wound and used the grip to launch himself *over* me. I howled in pain at the wound opening even further but no more when he landed behind me, pressed his back against mine and slammed both his elbows into my back, just beneath my ribs. Sharp, shooting pain exploded across my back and I tumbled forward, crashing into the pier. "You're too big." I growled and glared at him but I was only met by an expressionless gaze. The sea breeze blew his short, golden-blonde hair aside, sweeping his long, black overcoat along with it. In that light, he looked just like my Jacob if you ignored the armour and white fur. "You're all brute strength and power. You're fast. I can see the potential there. Those muscles are good for something. Use them." "I shall!" I growled and leapt at his legs. He actually had the time to shake his head and give me a strange reprimanding sound like he was half-snarling, half-laughing, a sort of 'tsk-tsk-tsk' noise. Then he leapt up, *stepped* on my head and launched of. In the reflection his cast on the ocean's waters, I saw him leap into the air, somersault and sweep his arms wide. An array of light swords sprang around him like a pair of wings. My heart leapt to my throat and I almost screamed for him to stop but then the pier was shoved into my muzzle. I heard the loud *thump-sizzle* of the blades striking the wood and I wondered if I was just too afraid to notice them biting into my flesh. When I felt nothing, I looked up and found one of the swords just an *inch* away from my muzzle. "Get up." He stood over me, glaring down at me with his eyes unreadable. I might as well have been a pup again especially when he reached down and yanked me off my belly by the scruff of my neck. He pushed me back enough so that I could brush against the swords that were embedded into the pier to remind me he had *purposefully* missed me. When he strode forward, I retreated. When he gripped one of the swords and recalled it into his glove, I shrank further and further into my puppy-like state. "You aren't going to save the world like that," Sam said, his voice dead and without any emotion. I would have been more comfortable if he snarled or seemed disgusted. The dull drawl gripped my heart with fear of the unknown. I had no idea what he was going to do. There was no way to guess his next action. "What is holding you back?" he asked, the light in his right paw becoming a long, lashing whip. He cracked it ominously and I shied back. "I..." "It doesn't matter," Sam interrupted. "You want to hear me howl, then earn it!" He lashed out with the whip and it came crashing towards me at an angle. I wanted to leap to my left - away from the attack - but I realise that was exactly what he wanted. I summoned the powers deep within me, feeling the energy coursing through my veins and the touch of nature throughout the world. I drew strength from my tribe, my family and my mate. I called upon that power to collect the shadows around me and thrust it into the air. A tentacle of darkness lanced up from the pier and stopped his whip. Still no surprise. What would it take for him to show some true emotion? "Think again." Those ominous words made me look at the whip but my shadows still held it firmly in place. I felt something crackle and sizzle against my nose and when I looked down, I found his blue blade levelled at me. He tricked me! "You -" "Did I really?" he countered, as if reading my mind. "I just told you to think again. You should have thought again." His knee came rushing up towards my gut but I managed to block the assault with both paws. However, his other leg came up in a brutal kick that caught my chin, sending my reeling back as he somersaulted backwards and came back up to a ready position. Every strike he made was the perfect balance of speed, power and intelligence. He knew where to strike, when to strike and how much power to apply. It was like fighting Jacob... only one that was dark, emotionless and had no heart with each of his attacks. There was no passion in what he did or at least none that I could detect. That puzzled me. He thrust his paws forward, shooting blasts of light at me. They came close enough to drive me back but it didn't seem like he wanted to hurt me. Again, I questioned why. When the back of my foot brushed against the edge of the pier, my question was answered. "Someone once told me that a fight is not won on the battlefield," Sam said darkly. "Some part is done up here." He tapped his temple. "Then there is here or here." He pointed at his gut and his groin. "The last is fought when your enemy is asleep sound in their bed thinking they're safe." Pain exploded from my chest and blood came rushing up my throat. "Don't think for a *second* that you're safe just because I need your information," Sam snarled into my ear. He yanked the light-sword from my chest, the wound burning and sizzling from contact with that mysterious weapon. With his free hand, he pushed me off the pier and I could only stare at him in shock as the cold, ocean's waters enveloped me. The warmth was sucked from my limbs even more so as the salty waters swept into my wound, causing a terrible stinging sensation and making me feel cold inside. I watched Sam's silhouette past the waves vanish and blur into darkness. Some part of me begged for Jacob to come and save me from this menace. I knew he would come. Isn't that what he was meant to do as my Alpha? No... he was my mate... But I was not worthy of that title... I was a burden to him and here I was, expecting him to know just on a whim that I was about to die and to come save me. My lungs began to burn but then something cold seized the scruff of my neck and pulled me abruptly back to the surface. Glorious, fresh air rushed back into my lungs and I found myself staring into Sam's eyes, cold, empty... just like the sea. "You are weak," he said darkly. "Were you expecting someone to come and save you?" I could barely muster a whimper. "Well... If that's the case. Let's wait together." Wait... Was that a genuine offer? Was the reason why he was so dead inside was because he was waiting for the right person to save him? Did he just need someone to help him through the darkness? No. He shoved my head back into the ocean and I spluttered, coughed and felt the salty water come rushing back into my throat. I screamed but no one heard me, not in the silence of the sea. I then was abruptly pulled back to the surface where Sam held me at eye-level. "I'm going to keep you on the fringes of life until your supposed saviour comes and rescues you. Let's see which one of us gets what we want." Then there was water again. I thrashed, tried to seized his arm to get him to release me but my claws just raked across cold armour. When he pulled me back up, I noticed that he was just *floating* over the waves. How was that even possible!? Even Jacob needed Spectre or some manifestation to grant him flight! "What do you want!?" I begged. His eyes locked with mine and for a second, I thought I saw something in those dark, sapphire orbs. He was looking for something... and he was looking for it in me. Without any other reply, he shoved my head back into the water and I struggled again but only half-heartedly. I saw something... and I think he saw something in me too... He pulled me up again and this time, I stared deep into his eyes. "You -" I managed to get out before he plunged me back into the cold waters. This time, I did not struggle. When he next pulled me up, I did not hesitate. "You are like me, are you not?" He snarled, the first true sign of emotion he had aside from sarcasm, mockery and that expressionless mask he wore. I was shoved back into the waters and he held me under for a little longer. But I calmed. The panic washed away from me and as I came to realise what he wanted... and what I needed to be. When I felt him pulled me back up to the surface, I opened eyes I never realised I closed and - *WHAM!* ... punched his muzzle. We both plunged into the ocean, my fist stinging from the strike. I swam expertly through the waves. Knowing he was covered in armour, he was likely to drown. To my surprise, he merely straightened in the water and shot straight upwards without even a single gesture. I followed him to the surface where broke through the waves and just hovered there, stiff and unmoving but with blood trickling from his nostrils. He was mortal. "You're fighting back," he observed. And thus came my realisation. "Because no one else will fight for me." His muzzle half-opened as if he was about to reply with a snap but the ferocity in his fangs melted into a strangely gentle smile. Then he threw his head back and laughed. The sound is hoarse, gruff and like two rocks being ground against one another. I wasn't sure if he was crying or laughing but either way, it seemed like he hadn't laughed genuinely in a while. "No one will fight your battles for you," he concluded, staring up at the moon above us. "I only I had learned that lesson a long time ago. Here I thought I had taken that lesson to heart but it seems I'm still waiting for my knight in shining armour to come and save me." He turned around in mid-air like he was just walking on some invisible sidewalk. He started descending as if he were on steps towards the pier, his black coat billowing out behind him. When he reached the pier and stopped. I felt some strange force tug at my entire body and I was suddenly being lifted out of the water and gently being carried towards the pier. I didn't want to flail for fear of what might happen if I did. I was seated on the edge of the wooden pier and he sat down beside me, our legs dangling from the edge. "So what battle are you fighting?" he asked. "What fight are you just stalling and waiting for that someone to come save you?" I wanted to tell him I was fighting for the world but... That just did not seem true anymore. My answer was stuck in my throat. It was clear in my mind but I just could not form the words for it. Instead, I just said, "Tell me yours first." He chuckled darkly. His eyes just showed weariness now and when he rubbed them lightly, I could just see how tired he was. "I'm stuck," the wolf answered with a humourless laugh. "I embarked on a crusade to find out more about what plagues me but I just ended up back in square one; relying on others to support me and fighting useless battles that provide no answers. I keep hoping that something will come along that will give me that revelation that'll solve everything, that'll make everything fall together nicely but it never does. I try to convince myself that each battle brings me closer to the end but I just keep going around in circles. I'm going nowhere." I watched his paws clenched into fists, the anger so evident in them. Unable to help myself, I reached out and took his paws in mind. Somehow, that stopped the shaking. "Maybe the answers are there but you just are not looking. Where I come from, the first thing we are taught is to search clearly for the tracks of your prey for they can be hidden by the world around you." When you are hungry, the sun is blaring down on you or the storm is raging and other animals add their cries to the sounds of the world, it becomes hard to find your target." "So how do you do it?" he asked. "How do you find your 'prey'." I smiled and shrugged very easily. "I just breathe." "Breathe?" "Take a deep breath. The world will slow and you can learn." He snorted. "That sounds just like what my friend told me about listening to me heart while there is peace." "Your heart will not beat when you are not breathing." His eyes snap open as if he was struck by cold water. "I'm not sure if you were just being cute or that is real advice." I shuffled next to him, partially because the cool air against my wet fur was making me cold but also because he looked like he needed a hug. "Your heart is not the best thing to listen to when you are in turmoil. It races while even when you try to just listen to it. Slow everything, slow the world, slow your heart and *then* listen." It was the words of my father echoing to me and I found myself listening to them too as I recited them. At the same time, Sam and I took our respective breaths and we listened to our hearts. I did not know what mine said. I could only hear my own breath. "You need to stop relying on others saving you." I did not open my eyes as Sam's voice echoed in my ears. "When you were getting beaten up in that alleyway, you were twice their size and with all the power you showed here, you could have beaten them. But you were waiting for someone to give you orders, waiting for that someone to safe you. If you want to survive, you need to fight." I opened my eyes and smiled faintly at him. "So I have taught you to interpret your heart... and you have taught me to fight for myself." Sam snorted and reached down his breastplate, taking out what appeared to be a golden key hanging on a chain. "This is what I get for jumping between worlds..." He closed a fist around it and let out a deep sigh. "But a fresh perspective is probably what I need right now." He stood up and looked towards the moon. A smile crossed his muzzle, a genuine smile and I saw the light re-enter his eyes. I do not know whether or not it was the moon reflected against his sapphire orbs or the starts twinkling but I will admit this now... I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Maybe it was how his blonde eyebrow framed the blue perfectly or the way the passion burned from deep beyond his eyes and was reflected in the inspired smile. I am ashamed to say it, but even Jacob never looked that... passionate. There was always some fragment of doubt in my mate's eyes but Sam... he was set on his path. I doubt even James Canis could come and break him down. "Hey," Sam said, snapping me away from looking deeply into his eyes. Then, he breaks into a bright, shining grin that takes my breath away. It was like staring at a perfectly white, crescent moon. "Want to join me?" "In what?" I ask. He flicked his ears and suddenly, I understood. "Now bear with me," he said, turning towards the moon. "I'm a little rusty." "So am I," I lie. We stand side by side and he clears his throat theatrically. I spread my legs, clench my fists and take a deep breath. I tip my head back and let out my loudest, proudest howl. I hear his howl beside mine. It is ragged, broken and shaky but it has exactly the same passion that I saw in his eyes. I heard the anguish in his voice but also the triumphant cry that declared to the world that he would work past the pain and fight his way past the cycle of misery that had engulfed him. I do not know why... but that made me proud as well. Our howls died in our throat but his was cut shorter than mine as he broke into a fit of coughs. It made me smile at just how... *mortal* he seemed now. He was so unstoppable before but now he was... I do not know... like me? I patted his back and he began laughing. "I told you this was stupid." I needed to fight for myself, I could not keep waiting for others to save me nor could I continue to rely on other's charity. In Pollenburn, I had blindly accepted the help of others that had ultimately led me to commit a crime. I was led to Jacob but it seemed, that even my mate's crusade was flawed. I was led on this pilgrimage by my father and my tribe. All my life, I had been told what to do. It was time I did what *I* wanted to do. "No." I replied. "*This* is stupid." Before he could ask 'what', I pressed my lips against his. He was only a little shorter than me, just a bit taller than Jacob so I did not have to lean down to kiss him. I felt him tense for a moment... and then melt into my arms. Our tongues brushed against one another. I reached for his arms but then he tensed again and pushed me away. "No denying that was incredibly hot," he said, holding up a finger. "But come on, I almost killed you. You really want to do this?" I stared into his eyes. "Yes." He closed his eyes, a sad smile on his muzzle. His right hand pointed towards Angelsea and light spilled out of his palms and formed a brilliant, blue, translucent door just a few feet from us. "Sorry, stud," he said, turned towards the portal he had just conjured. "I'm going to have to take a raincheck." "But -" I began, reaching for him but he slipped away from my paws and pushed the door open. Beyond was only darkness. I felt as if I should not let him return to that world of depression and darkness. "Listen," he said, a gentle smile on his muzzle, "if you follow me through this door, you're probably going to end up in some old lady's bathroom who will scream, wail for the police and hit you with her purse until you get out of there. But..." He broke into that dazzling smile again. "... if you manage to stay alive, next time I'm in town, I'll give you a call, okay?" I opened my mouth to protest but he interrupted me. "Oh, and you can't tell anyone about this, promise?" I only nodded once and he was suddenly through the door and he shut it behind him. The door stood in front of me, inviting me. My time was scant, however, as a moment later it began to dissipate. It crackled and let out sparks. Chips of the translucent light fell off and disappeared into the air. The feeling in my heart struggled with one another. Jacob was my mate, I was committed to him but... what was this I was feeling for Sam? Why did I want him suddenly? He *did* try to kill me... admittedly, he saved me. Joul's words came back into my head. *'Rillotia is different from Oxis. You best learn fast or you might end up hurting those around you that really do care.'* And then Sam's... *'I good friend of mine told me once that if I ever found a fragment of peace, I should just try to stop and listen. Your heart might just say something.'* I knew nothing about the world around me and I would only continue to hinder those I cared about if I waiting for them to help me become better. But here was someone who truly helped me become stronger and he had just stepped through the door, leaving me alone. What could I do? I closed my eyes. I took a deep breath. And listened... My heart only said one thing. *'No one else will fight for me.'* My eyes snapped open and I threw myself at the door. Contact with the fading, blue substance burned my fur and skin but I did not care. I threw it open and stepped through. Instead of the darkness that I had seen, however, I found myself standing in what appeared to be a big, white facility of some sort. It looked like the metal interior of Eden only everything was white and all the people inside were dressed in white coats... except for the children dressed in strange clothing staring up at me with wide eyes. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Dock-taur Oculus stepped out from the crowd of white-clothed people. Behind him was Add-Me-Rall Jenkins. The orca did not look pleased but Oculus was beaming brightly. "Isn't that one of the Branded?" the crocodile asked. "Leonardo Custer," Jenkins answered. "The dumb Tribal." I forced myself not to bristle to defend myself and just gave them an innocent look. "What is this?" I asked. "Why is everyone dressed in white?" Oculus just beamed. "You shall find out soon enough. Why don't we you follow me, son? I have something to show you." I did not like the way he grinned at me.
Title: Meet Me in Big Sur Tags: big tits, cunnilingus, eating pussy, exhibitionist, mature women, outdoor sex, smooth pussy, vaginal sex Chapter One: It's been a quiet week here in Pismo Beach. I'm still recuperating from my role as a glory hole stud. My friend, Lynette, asked me to entertain a lady from Iowa she had met. Lynette is the Assistant Manager at our local adult sex shop. She set her friend up in one of the video booths and had me stuff my cock through the glory hole from the adjoining booth. Marta, the Iowa cutie used her mouth and sweet pussy to coax two orgasms from me. After my duties were completed, the three of us spent the remainder of that day back at Lynette's house. We experimented with various positions and sex toys that Lynette owns. Suffice it to say the three of us enjoyed using butt plugs, strap-ons, vibrators, and for me a very tight cock ring. It kept my shaft hard enough to please both ladies several times. I was also able to use my oral skills to keep their pussies wet and flowing with cum. I am dozing in front of my flat screen when my cell phone lights up and gets me to my feet. It's Karen on the other side. She and I met a couple of months ago on Amtrak. We met in the Observation Car when she spotted me reading a James Patterson novel. Since he is one of her favorite authors, she sat down, and we struck up a friendly conversation. As the train rambled through the High Sierra Mountains, I learned that she was on her way to Chicago to stay with her daughter and new baby granddaughter. At the time she was wearing a cute sweatshirt that read *Grandmas Are Cool.* I have to say she filled out that sweatshirt quite nicely. Her big tits stretched the material to the bursting point. Anyway, I was traveling to Denver to meet up with some high school friends that I'm hadn't seen in many years. After enjoying a long conversation with Karen, where I found out that she is a widow living in Santa Clara, California, she asked me to join her for dinner. I gladly accepted. Karen had reserved a sleeper since she was traveling for two days. This allowed her privacy to change clothes and when we met for dinner... Wow! She was dressed in a smart looking black dress, cut at mid-thigh. The front was low-cut and every time she bent over her breasts threatened to spill out. Karen displayed a lot of cleavage. I am sure it was for my benefit, because each time she caught me staring she flashed a knowing smile. Dinner was lovely, and the wine was flowing. After dinner, we parted ways; she to her sleeper and me to the standard coach seat. As we walked back, I suggested that we meet again in the future, perhaps a camping trip to Big Sur for some great hiking and beach time might be fun. She responded *That would be delicious. Let's make plans.* I thought that would be the last time I saw Karen, boy was I wrong. Around 11:30 at night I felt a tap on my shoulder and awoke to find Karen standing over me wearing a light purple satin nightgown that left little to the imagination. She thought I would be uncomfortable sleeping in the chair all night and welcomed me to share her bed. At first it was just to sleep, but somewhere in the middle of the night we woke up with my hard-on pressing into her ass. She wrapped her hand around my shaft and that was the start of a beautiful night of making love. Actually, it was early morning around 2:00 AM. We were fueled in our passion by a couple in the sleeper next door who were very loud and fucking their brains out. That was quite an adventure, it was our adventure of "Riding the Rails". You can see why I am now incredibly excited that Karen is calling. "Hi Karen, it's so great to hear your voice again. How was your stay in Chicago? Did you enjoy your time with the grand baby?" "Hi Rob, it's so nice to hear you again too. I wanted to call sooner, but I just got home from Chicago. I stayed a lot longer than planned and was constantly busy with the kids. I didn't want them to hear our conversation and then try to explain myself. But every day I thought of you and our special night." "It definitely was a special night. I keep playing it back in my mind, you are an incredible lover." "Well thank you and so are you. I might add you have a very talented tongue that I hope to experience again. I love Chicago, it's such a lively city and so much to do. That's part of the reason, I stayed so much longer. So many sites to see and especially nice to be with my granddaughter. She is so precious. So, remember when we talked about meeting up in Big Sur? I know it's a couple of months later than we planned, but can we make it happen?" "Geez Karen, do you even have to ask? Yes, we are going to make it happen. I'll check out a few parks online and let you know what I find. I can pick you up and we'll take the trailer down the Coast Highway." "Oh no Rob, that's way out of your way, I couldn't let you do that. Let's meet in Big Sur and I'm sure we'll have the time of our lives. I still can't get the sounds of that other couple on the train out of my head. They got me so horny, well you remember, we had quite the night ourselves." My cock is getting hard just speaking with Karen, "I'm sure we can recreate some of those sounds ourselves in my trailer, and we won't have to worry about the neighbors hearing us." "Rob, you are bad, and I love it so much. You pick the spot and we'll meet next Monday in Big Sur. I can't wait. My vibrator is going to get a lot of use between now and then." "Well I'd better make that reservation right now, otherwise we'll be burning up the phone lines with phone sex." "That wouldn't be such a bad thing. But, you're right, you need to make reservations right now. Text me with the details and I'll be on my way." "Good night my love." Karen whispers a sexy, "Bye." My cell line drops off and I feel a bit of sweat on my brow, not to mention a raging hard-on. I'll need to relieve this soon, but right now I need RV reservations. I surf the web for various locations in Big Sur. I have a few to choose from and spend time looking at the websites and reading reviews. Some are mega-expensive, and others are more reasonably priced. But that's to be expected in this area along the California coast. One RV Park has a great location close to the ocean, but it only garnered three stars on Yelp. I look closer and most of the negative reviews are about the size of the spaces and lack of amenities. The consensus is if you have a trailer over thirty feet, look somewhere else and if you have a motor home, don't even bother. One positive review said the park overlooks Highway 1 with a gorgeous view of the Pacific Ocean. The grounds harken back to the hippy days of the 60s and 70s when Big Sur was the capital of free love. But don't expect the luxuries found at most RV resorts. Well, this sounds intriguing as I only have a 25-foot trailer and I don't need any resort amenities. I have a queen size bed and room to share it with Karen. That's all I need. The view of the Pacific Ocean is a definite plus. Upon further inspection, this park doesn't even have a website, only a phone number to call. I make the phone call and speak to a lady with a quiet, unassuming voice. I ask about pricing, the sites and layout of the facility. She relates that it is a small park with only fifteen sites, currently there are plenty available for the following week and the price is a steal for the area. In the back of my head, I think that something might be amiss, but I go for it anyway. After all Karen and I might never leave my trailer. I provide my registration details and credit card number. I ask for the confirmation number and she says she doesn't have one, she just writes names on a sheet of paper. This place is definitely low tech. Then she adds *you can have number five for a number* and laughs. Well, I guess I am rolling the dice on this place. I text Karen and let her know we are set for the week, Monday through Friday, and send her the address. She texts back that she forgot about an appointment on Monday but will arrive first thing Tuesday morning. She added... *don't go looking for any company on Monday, I want that hard cock all to myself for the week.* Well, this hard cock needs relief right now, so I am off to find my Fleshlight. Chapter Two: The road to Big Sur winds along the California coast with spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean. As I approach the RV Park near McWay Beach, I nearly pass it by. There is only a small handmade sign posted on the side of the road pointing to a narrow dirt path. This is not your typical resort. I pull my rig along the dirt path 500 yards until I see a log cabin with a sign stating 'office'. A quick look around affirms this is no resort, however I do see several spaces that contain electric and water hook-ups. I step inside the office and am greeted by a lovely lady wearing a colorful caftan with long straight hair highlighted by strands of grey. My first impression is that she is a child of the sixties generation. Her broad smile covers a face devoid of any makeup. She picks up a clipboard and studies the sheet of paper. "Welcome, you must be Rob. You are the only one scheduled to arrive today. I'm Ginger the owner and official greeter." I extend my hand, "Hi, I am indeed Rob. This is a lovely setting; however I almost drove right by it. You are definitely secluded back here." Ginger laughs, "Yes we are, we're a wonderful secret for only a select group. If you want to experience what it was like back in the 60s and 70s, this is the place. My parents built this cabin as part of a commune back then; complete with hot tub and private beach. I really hope you'll enjoy your experience. We only have four reservations for this week, so drive around and pick any open space, just come back and let me know which one you pick." "Thank you Ginger, I will. This all seems very informal, you don't have a web presence, confirmation numbers, assigned spaces. I love it already. Oh, by the way, I'll be joined by my lady friend tomorrow morning. Her name is Karen." "I'll keep an eye out for her. But for now, just pretend you're back in the free love era, and you'll have a great stay. If you need anything at all, just ask, I live right here in the cabin." I head out to look for a space along a circular drive, wondering what Ginger meant by *I'll have a great stay if I pretend*. I see the other three RVs settled in the park; they are spread out around the circle. I spot an open space to the left of a hiking trail that looks promising. As I drive around the circle, I pass a small Airstream. An older lady standing next to the door, smiles and waves. I wave back and do a double-take as I realize she is topless. Her pendulous breasts sway back and forth with her movement. I'm beginning to wonder just what is going on here. I settle into my space, level my trailer and hook up my water and electric. I look over to the Airstream and the lady baring her tits has vanished. I begin to think I imagined it. Maybe I'm just too wound up over the prospect of being with Karen again. Speaking of which, I text her that I have arrived and let her know about the near hidden entrance to the RV Park. I set up a couple of my camp chairs and grab a beer to sit outside. A warm mid-May breeze flowing out to the ocean presents a perfect day to relax. I stare out to the blue sea just beyond the coastal highway and contemplate Karen's arrival. My sunglasses cut down the reflective glare. I'm wistfully thinking about Karen when I hear a door slam. I look back to the middle of the park where the sound came from and see the lady with the Airstream walking toward me. Oh my god, she is topless. I wasn't hallucinating after all. As she gets closer, I get a better view. She is wearing a tie-dye skirt that reaches the ground and is holding a glass of wine. Her breasts are large with some sag, much like Karen's. They swing to and fro with each step and look very alluring. Her thumb size nipples are centered within wide, light pink areole and appear to be quite erect. I wonder if this is what Ginger meant by the free love era. This pretty lady doesn't bother to cover up, rather she seems very nonchalant about being topless. I stand as she walks right up to me and extends her free hand. "Hi, I'm Audrey. It's nice to meet you, isn't it a lovely day?" It's a good thing I'm wearing my sunglasses, otherwise she would see my eyes bugging out. I force myself to look her in the face, however, behind my sunglasses, my eyes dart up and down her perfect form. "Hi, I'm Rob. It's nice to meet you too. I love your Airstream, they are so nice. Have you had it long?" I offer Audrey a chair to sit and try to keep the conversation light in order to keep my cock in check. Audrey smiles and takes a sip of wine. As she lifts her hand to her mouth, I stare at her hanging tits with the erect nipples. I wonder if the breeze is keeping them hard. "I've owned it for a couple of years; I bought it used. Ginger found it for me. One of her regular campers moved up to a brand new 35-foot Airstream and I was able to get a real deal on it. I don't know many people who can afford a new one. Unfortunately, that couple can't stay here anymore. Their new rig is too big for the park." "No, I don't know many people who can afford one either. It looks like yours fits nicely in that space. So, you know Ginger? She seems like a nice lady." Audrey stretches her shoulders back which makes her boobs push forward. I enjoy the view and I sip my beer while she speaks. "Yes, she is. We were college roommates back in the late 80s and have remained best friends since then. She lets me camp here at a reduced rate, but don't tell her I told you" Audrey laughs, and her tits shake back and forth. She continues talking as if it is quite natural for her to be topless. Uh oh, I feel my cock begin to stir. I hope I can keep it in check while we chat. Audrey continues, "I love this park. The ocean view is spectacular, and the beach provides a lot of privacy. Ginger inherited the property from her parents and she is trying to maintain it like it was in the 60s and 70s. Have you seen the hot tub yet? It's a real throwback." I take another sip of beer and stare, "No, not yet. I thought I'd rest a while and then look around. It sure is peaceful." "It's very peaceful. Are you camping here alone?" I realize Audrey sees only me and I think about what I should say, but I must stay true to Karen. "I am tonight, but I expect a lady friend to join me tomorrow. We have reservations for the next five days." Audrey grins, "Well, if you are free this evening, I would love to have you over for dinner. I'm cooking spaghetti and garlic bread. You can see the inside of the Airstream. I made a few changes to the interior with Ginger's help." I let Audrey know that would be wonderful and thank her for the invitation. I ask her if I can bring anything and she says no, just my lovely personality. She stretches once again and tells me that she is going to grab a nap before dinner. "Come on over around five and we'll share a bottle of wine before dinner. I'll give you a quick tour and then we can indulge ourselves in pasta. I'm so glad you found this little slice of heaven, Rob." I smile and think to myself, *not as much as me Audrey.* Audrey takes a final gulp of wine and clinks her empty glass against my bottle of beer. She turns and walks back to her trailer. As she heads to her Airstream, I look down and see my shaft pressing against my shorts. My bulge is readily apparent and I'm sure Audrey noticed. I keep my eyes glued to her svelte form until she opens her Airstream's door and slips inside. I need to slip inside my trailer and take care of a hard cock. I hadn't planned on masturbating so early today, but then again, I hadn't planned on seeing Audrey's boobs either. As soon as I shut my trailer door, my shorts come off and I hop up on my queen size bed, cock in hand. I grip my dick with my right hand and stroke. A mental picture of Audrey has me at the point of no return. I picture her perfect swaying breasts and hard pink nipples. I tighten my grip around my throbbing shaft and erupt. Several thick ropes cum launch up in the air and land on my belly. A few more spurts dribble onto my fingers as I pump through a very satisfying orgasm. I raise my hand to my nose and inhale. I love the sweet smell of my cum. I think to myself *Karen cannot get here soon enough. I wish she was here right now.* I doze off to a picture of Audrey's tits covered in my semen. After a quick snooze, I am totally refreshed and cleaned up by five to five. Even though Audrey said I didn't need to bring anything to the party, I feel obliged to add to tonight's dinner. At precisely five o'clock, I knock on the Airstream door with fresh strawberries in one hand. Audrey opens the door and invites me inside. I can smell the marinara sauce simmering on the stove. I present the fruit and am rewarded with a kiss on the cheek. "I told you to only bring yourself, but the strawberries are a welcome addition. Thank you so much. Come in and look around. Tell me what you think." By the way, Audrey is no longer topless, although she might as well be. She is still wearing her tie-dye skirt, but now she has added a pink sleeveless tee that does nothing to hide her stiff nipples. I can see the faint outline of her wide areole through the thin material, but her nipples are on high beam. I'm not complaining. "Ginger thought it would be fun to go retro with the interior, so I chose some colorful paisley material for backsplashes in the kitchen area and bathroom. We replaced all the door handles and fixtures with bronze accents. And you see the shag carpet. Take your shoes off and tell me what you think. It's so soft, isn't it?" I kick off my trainers and slide my toes through the soft floor covering. "Audrey this is so nice. Your trailer has an ambiance of 70s hippy. It reminds me of some of the vans from back in the day." "I know, doesn't it? Well dinner is almost ready, would be a dear and pull the garlic bread out of the oven while I dish up the spaghetti. I poured us some red wine to complement our meal. Let's dig in." Earlier, I was so transfixed by Audrey's tits, I didn't get a true vision of her facial features. She is strikingly beautiful with full pouty lips, sparkling green eyes and a cute dimple on her left cheek. It appears every time she smiles, which is often. Her dirty blond hair cascades down to her shoulders. I'm sure the hair color is from a bottle, since she and Ginger were in college during the late eighties, which puts them in their late forties or early fifties. I'm not going to ask. We trade many stories as we eat. Audrey asks about Karen and how we met. I tell her all about our meeting on the train but leave out the sexual details. She is a nurse and works four days on and four days off. This provides a regular routine for her RV adventures, but she admits most of them are right here in the park. Audrey inquires, "Did you get a chance to see the hot tub?" I admit that I did not, and that I chose to take a little siesta before dinner. Of course, I didn't elaborate on masturbating with images of her big breasts floating through my head. "I'll take you down to see it after dinner. Ginger said she would be there this evening, soaking her tired bones." Dinner is delightful, and I tell Audrey that she outdid herself. There is a bit of a sexual vibe, as Audrey's nipples remain erect all the way through dessert. I offer to help with dishes, but she will hear nothing of the sort. She said the dishes will soak in the sink and we can go soak in the hot tub. 'Rob let's go down to the hot tub and find Ginger. She keeps towels down there, so you don't need to take anything." Audrey grabs my hand as we leave her Airstream. I find it strange that she hasn't changed into a swimsuit or ask me about what I'm going to wear. She pulls me down the narrow path near my trailer. She is a lady on a mission. We walk down about 50 yards and come upon a wooden deck about 100 feet wide by 50 feet long with a large wooden hot tub in the middle. The hot tub is right out of 1970s and looks like it could accommodate at least 20 people. My first thought is this would be the perfect location for an old school porn film. I can picture couples fucking on the deck while many others are humping in the spa. Tonight though, only Ginger is relaxing in the oversized tub of hot water. There is a 10-foot pole sticking up next to the hot tub with a bare light bulb shining down. It provides the only light other than the moon and stars. Ginger sees us approach and waves us over to the tub. There is a wooden bench next to the tub with several towels on it, just as Audrey had mentioned. Ginger smiles, "Hey you two, come on in. The water is hot and feels good on my achy bones. Hi Rob, I see you have met my friend Audrey. I hope she's been treating you well and behaving herself? She can be a sexy little minx." "I have to say she's been the perfect hostess. She introduced herself this afternoon and then invited me over for a delicious spaghetti dinner this evening. Her Airstream has quite the retro look. Audrey said you had a hand in the design." "I did indeed. Now come on in and join us in the tub." "Ginger, I'm not exactly dressed for the water." "Silly man, we don't dress for the hot tub, we get naked for the hot tub. Now off with your clothes." I look over to the side and see Audrey has already removed her pink tee. Her big tits sway as she pushes her skirt down to the deck and steps out of it. She's not wearing underwear and her pussy is covered with a full bush of dark hair. Ginger reaches up and helps Audrey step down into the tub. She slinks down into the water and sits right next to Ginger. They both look at me and motion for me to hurry up. "Come on Rob, take those clothes off. Ginger and I want to see some cock." I watch Audrey turn and kiss Ginger on the lips. Ginger returns the kiss and wraps her arms around her college roommate. I'm dumbfounded, I was not expecting this scene. Almost on cue, they both tell me to hurry up and get in the water. Well, when in Rome? I'll have quite a story for Karen tomorrow. I feel a bit awkward as they both know I'm attached to Karen this week. I wonder if a threesome is in store tonight. I unbuckle my shorts and push them down to my feet along with my boxers. My cock springs up and garners some whistles from the ladies. I finish undressing and step down into the wooden tub. Ginger stands up to grab my hand. Her boobs emerge from the water and I am treated to a first look. Although, not as large as Audrey's, they are nice and round with small red nipples protruding from her alabaster skin. Her nipples immediately harden from the cool night air. Audrey reaches up and pinches her left nipple. Ginger swats her hand and pulls me down into the hot water. Ginger whispers, "Now, doesn't this feel delightful." I admit, "It is very nice. Look up at all the stars. I love the Big Sur sky." Audrey confirms, "Yes, me too. It's one reason I love camping here. The stars and this precious lady." Audrey slides against Ginger and pulls her in for another kiss. This one lasts much longer, and I watch their tongues play against each other. I feel my cock harden beneath the water. Audrey palms Ginger's tits as they continue to kiss. I move off to the side and watch the ladies enjoy each other's company. Several minutes pass before Audrey looks over. "Gee, I'm sorry Rob, I guess we shouldn't ignore you. Too bad Karen isn't here tonight, we could all play together. When do you expect her to arrive?" "Hopefully, first thing in the morning. She can't get here soon enough because watching you two is making my cock throb." Ginger pipes in, "Sorry Rob, I guess we got a bit carried away. Tomorrow should be a lovely, warm day. When Karen gets here, take her down to the beach. The path next to the deck goes under the highway and leads to our private beach. You can only get there from this path, so you two will have plenty of privacy. The sandy beach is perfect for making love." "Have you ever been to Avila Beach in my neck of the woods? I love to sunbathe in the clothing-optional area. Occasionally you'll catch people screwing out by the rock formations." "Audrey responds, "Yep, Ginger and I have been there a few times. We know about the big rocks. We made love there once. I hope we're not making you uncomfortable with our honesty. We would love to take care of that beautiful cock for you, but we're committed to each other. Maybe you can ask Karen for a blowjob as soon as she gets here." I watch Audrey as she speaks. Her hand is underwater and is moving freely between Ginger's thighs. I believe she is playing with her pussy. Ginger's eyes are closed, and she seems to enjoy the attention. I grab my shaft and pump it a few times. As I squeeze my shaft, I see Ginger shudder a little bit. I bet she just enjoyed a nice orgasm. Ginger's eyes flutter open and she smiles at me. She stands up and water cascades over her round boobs. "Well Rob, I think Audrey and I are going to call it a night. Be sure to tell Karen to make herself at home this week. Let her know, it's OK to go topless and sunbathe around the park. I'm sure you would love that. And do take her to the beach." Audrey stands up next to Ginger and they help each other get out of the hot tub. As they stand on the deck drying each other, I see that Ginger also has a nice full bush between her thighs. I think these ladies love the 1970s fashions all too much. I stand on the hot tub bench and step out. My cock is rock hard and points out ninety degrees. Ginger and Audrey give me approving winks. Ginger adds, "I think Karen is a very lucky lady." I stroke my shaft a few times for their benefit and they both chuckle. I grab a towel to wrap around my waist, collect my clothes and the three of us walk back up the path. I escort them to Audrey's Airstream and leave them with a kiss on the cheek. I walk over to my trailer and a date with my Fleshlight. Chapter Three: Tuesday morning begins with a brilliant sun and blue skies overhead. It's too nice not to be outdoors, so I setup my camp stove on the table outside my trailer. Time to cook up some sausage and eggs while I anticipate Karen's arrival. While the coffee pot heats up on the burner, I look across the way to Audrey's Airstream. She is already outside laying on a chaise lounge and catching some rays. She is topless and applying sunscreen to her generous breasts. I have a momentary thought of running over and helping spread the lotion. I watch her grip and massage each giant boob slathering them with protection. She sees me watching and waves. My desire for Karen to get here is magnified. Almost as if on cue, I see a canary yellow Mini-Cooper with a black top moving around the central loop which draws my attention away from Audrey and her very suckable nipples. The small car pulls up in front my trailer and stops. An older lady with willowy legs steps out - Karen! I drop everything and rush to her side. We embrace, and our lips meet for a prolonged kiss. Finally, she is in my arms for the first time since we left each other in Denver. We enjoyed a final meal after a night of passion. Our hug is tight, and I feel the firm flesh of her breasts for the first time in three months. My cock responds to our union and Karen presses her hips into mine searching for my hard shaft. We break apart to catch our collective breath and stare into each other's eyes. Her blue eyes sparkle. It's almost as if I am seeing her for the first again. Her lovely auburn locks cut short, but a tad longer than three months ago, pouty lips that I now know are very kissable and narrow hips leading to a very sweet pussy. She is wearing a short summer dress adorned with flowers on a yellow background matching the color of her car. The top is cut straight across, held up by one-inch straps. It is low enough to show of the tops of her round breasts which are no doubt pushed up by a designer bra from her girlfriend's lingerie shop. "Karen, you look glorious this morning, did you have any problem finding this place?" "Rob, I'm so happy to be here with you. I've missed you. No, I didn't have any problem thanks to your advice about looking for the small handmade sign. I pulled right in and stopped at the front desk. It is charming, and I met Ginger. She directed me right to your space. She also said that you mentioned me and have been gushing about my staying with you. How sweet are you?" "I may have mentioned something about meeting a very sexy lady and couldn't wait for her arrival as she is an incredibly hot sexual dynamo in bed." Karen punches me, "You didn't say that." "Well I left out the part about sexual dynamo, as that is for my knowledge only. I'm glad you met Ginger, she is nice and owns the park. She inherited the land from her parents. It's a long story, so I'll tell you all about it later. Ginger has a very special girlfriend staying here this week, she is over across the way in that Airstream." Karen looks over to the other side of the park and sees Audrey sunning herself on the chaise lounge. Karen stops dead in her tracks when she realizes Audrey is topless and her big tits, glowing with sunscreen, are on display. Audrey sees us staring and waves to us. "Oh my god Rob, that lady is topless! What is that all about? Do you know her?" I hold Karen's hand as I explain Ginger's rules for the park and if you are so inclined, you may enjoy the freedom of being au natural. I relate how Ginger's parents found this as a commune in the late 60s and how Ginger wants to hold on to some of the past. "Yes, that is Audrey. She is Ginger's girlfriend and lover. They were college roommates. She came over yesterday and introduced herself and welcomed me to the park." Karen is still recovering from the shock, "And was she like that when she introduced herself." "What do you mean, topless? Yes, she was, and I was just as shocked as you are now." "Oh, I bet you were mister. I bet you were loving every minute of it. This is going to take a moment for me to wrap my head around this scene." I tease Karen, "Well, yes I was loving it all. She has nice tits and they're spectacular up close. She asked me to rub sunscreen on them and I couldn't refuse. But, of course, no one compares to the lady standing right next to me. By the way, yours look incredible. Are you wearing a new bra from your friend's lingerie shop?" Karen turns and slugs me in the shoulder. She can't hide the smile on her face. The coffee on my camp stove begins to boil and draws our attention back to our own little world. "I was just about to make breakfast, I hope you are hungry? Sausage and eggs OK?" "More than OK. I left my house at six o'clock and have been on the road for two and one-half hours. I'm starving. Before you start cooking, help me with my suitcase." We walk to the rear of her car and she opens the hatch. "Karen, I love your Mini-Cooper, it looks brand new. And the color just suits you." "Thanks. It is brand new, I just picked it up at the dealer over the weekend. This is her maiden voyage. I'm getting those retro personalized plates for her. K-O-O-L G-R-M." "Cool Grandma? Just like your sweatshirt? Karen, you are too cute, and way to sexy to be a grandmother." "I think you are saying that just so you can get into my panties. Now, grab this suitcase." Karen is so right, I do want to get into her panties. I pull her suitcase out and take it inside the trailer. Karen follows and is very surprised by the inside decor. She plops down on the bed and tests out the mattress. "Rob, this is beautiful, so much room. I love all the counter space and this bed is so comfy. I had no idea they made trailers with all these amenities. Wow, a microwave and flat screen TV. You do travel in style. So, how many ladies have enjoyed this queen size bed?" "Let's see, I think you will be number nine." We both laugh at my comment. She knows I am just kidding. But then again, I'll never reveal my secrets. "Oh you! I know I should never believe you." "Well you can believe one thing, I am so happy that you are here, and we have the whole week together." Karen stands up and we hug again, this time it's even tighter. Our lips press together for a deep soulful kiss. Karen pulls away and, as I catch my breath inquiries about breakfast. Oh yeah, she said she was starving. Once outside, I grab the coffee pot and pour us a cup. We clink cups and I start the process for breakfast. We'll be eating in no time at all. I begin with the sausage. "Rob, I can't get over how lovely this park is. And the view of the ocean from here, it's just beautiful." I concentrate on breakfast while Karen walks around and enjoys the morning sunshine. While I tend the sausage, I see Karen start to walk toward Audrey's camp site. "Hey Karen, where are you going?" She holds her coffee in one hand and uses the other to wave me off. She keeps on walking, oh no, what is she up to. I can only stand here and watch as she approaches Audrey. I see Audrey get up from her lounger and the two ladies meet face to face, Audrey's boobs are on full display. I can't hear what is being discussed, but both ladies seem very animated. My eyes shift from the sausage to the girls and back to the sausage. I don't want to burn our breakfast. After several minutes, I see Karen and Audrey hug each other. Karen turns and walks back toward me while Audrey settles back into her chaise lounge. I must ask, "Karen, what was that all about?" She smiles, "I just had to meet Audrey. Any lady who can display her breasts in public, as if it is the natural thing to do, has got to be an interesting person. She seems to be a delightful lady." "What did you talk about?" "We talked about you, of course. No, she said you are such a nice guy and have been talking non-stop about me and how much you were looking forward to this week. She said I am a very lucky lady and that if she wasn't so committed to Ginger, she just might try to steal you away. I think she was just kidding. She also told me that I must take you down to the beach today and make passionate love on the sand. Which is just what I intend to do." "She said all that?" "Yes, she did. And you are right, she does have gorgeous boobs. Now, how is breakfast coming along? I told you I'm starving. Do you think, I should be topless for breakfast?" "I would love for you to be topless for the entire week my dear. Breakfast is almost ready, I'm cooking up the omelets right now. Would you please grab the orange juice from the fridge? It's such a nice day I want to eat out here." Karen goes for the juice as I serve up the eggs. She returns after several minutes and looks a little different. Aside from putting on her yellow sun hat and sun glasses, something else has changed. It takes me a minute, but I realize she has removed her push-up bra. Her boobs are now free floating under her sun dress. They sway with each step and look very alluring. I don't say anything yet. We sit on the shady side of the table, knee to knee and thigh to thigh. I see the definite outline of her naked breasts and erect nipples. We enjoy our first meal of the day and catch up on the past three months. We look over to Audrey from time to time who has not moved from her quiet perch on the chaise lounge. Karen tells me all about her grand baby and the things she did in Chicago. I tell her about my recent trips and changes I have made around the house. I leave out my recent stint as a glory hole stud. After breakfast, Karen helps with the dishes and then suggests that we take a trip down to the ocean. She wants to see this secluded beach for herself. I am all for it, if it means we will be making love on the sand. I head inside the trailer to change into shorts and my Hawaiian t-shirt. Karen asks me to grab the bag on the bed, she said it has sunscreen, bottled water and some snacks. I grab my floppy hat, sunglasses and the bag. I already have some towels on the table outside. When I pick up the bag, I notice Karen's bra and red satin thong laying on the bed. Mmm. I can't resist, I pick up her thong and inhale her fragrance. It's exactly what I remember from our train ride tryst. Outside, I give the bag to Karen, collect the towels and her soft hand. We walk down the path hand in hand toward the ocean. In fifty yards, we pass the wooden deck and hot tub. I remark that after the beach, we should make use of the hot tub. I tell Karen it reminds me of some 1970 porn movie, but the hot water feels great. "Wow Rob, that does look so retro. So, you've already been in it? When was that?" I confess, "Last night with Ginger and Audrey. I guess they use it every night." "And tell me, is it clothing-optional too?" Uh oh, I may have spoken to soon. I give Karen a sheepish grin and confess. "Yes, we were nude. In my defense, Audrey was the one who forced me to go. Ginger was already in the tub when we arrived." "So, you saw them, and they saw you? That might explain why Audrey said I was a lucky lady. I bet your cock was hard, wasn't it? Seeing those two ladies in the nude, their big tits staring you in the face." "Like they say in the movies, *It ain't half bad*." Karen tugs my arm and leads me further down the path, under the highway and to the shore. Our beach is more like a small cavern with the high cliffs on either side and a patch of sand, maybe fifty feet across. It is secluded and intimate, definitely not Avila. We walk over to the far right and Karen puts the bag down. I hand her one towel and we place them on a patch of level sand, side by side. We walk out to the water hand in hand. We test the water with our bare feet and it is oh so cold. There will be no swimming today. I grab Karen by the hips and place a wet kiss on her lips. Our tongues mingle as the waves crash to the shore. "Welcome to our slice of paradise, Karen. This is exactly what I had in mind when we talked about Big Sur." "It is spectacular and very private, but you know what I want to do? "What's that?" "Make love on the beach." And with that, Karen pops the two buttons holding the straps on her sundress. It slithers to the sand and she is completely nude. Unlike the sleeper on the train where the light was very dim, I now have a picture-perfect view of my naked friend. Her boobs look even bigger and rounder. The ocean breeze has her deep red nipples fully erect and jutting out at least a half inch. The nicely trimmed landing strip of gray pubic hair adorns her mound. She does a slight curtsy and then orders me to strip. "All right big boy show me the goods, like you showed the ladies last night. Drop your shorts." I do as I am told and my cock springs up, slapping against my abdomen. No bit of cool breeze is going to keep me down; not with this amazing nude lady standing next to me. Karen grabs my shaft. "Very nice, I guess I am a very lucky lady." "Karen is that a new look for you down there?" "Yes, do you like it? I did it for you after that amazing tongue of yours licked my pussy. I visited a waxing salon for the very first time. I'm hoping you will give me an encore." We move down onto our towels and sit thigh to thigh. I put my arm around her and hold her close. Her skin is soft and warming up under the morning sun. We turn to each other and kiss some more. Karen massages the inside of my thigh. The back of her hand rubs my shaft, so I flex a couple of times to get her attention. She takes the bait and grabs my cock again. This time she pumps me up and down quite vigorously. "Karen, do you think we should use some sunscreen to protect us?" I grab the sunscreen and rub some lotion onto Karen's back. She takes the tube and squirts several spurts onto her breasts before passing the bottle back. Karen rubs the protective lotion all around her tits and stomach. I just watch, knowing I should be the one spreading the lotion. She runs her hands down to her 'new look' mons and pussy lips. Karen lays down on her stomach and asks me to protect her backside. I squeeze a stream of UVA25 onto her back and use both hands to rub the lotion into her skin. I move my hands down and cover the sides of her tits with the sun protection. I massage her side boobs, Karen purrs. Next, I pour some sunscreen right onto her fleshy ass cheeks and rub my hands around and around. I glide my finger along her crease, rubbing her special star several times to make sure she is protected. Karen giggles and tells me to stop, and that she has other ideas. She turns over and requests that I finger her just like I did on the train. She lets me know her most intense orgasms are when she masturbates, or in our case, when I 'jilled' her. She lays on the towel with her legs spread. I place my hand directly on her pussy and use my fingers to dip into her wet gash. I slide my fingers up and down her slit and rub her smooth outer lips. She feels completely different as her lips are now silky smooth and not covered with hair. "Rob, my cherry lube is in the bag. I think you know how to use it." I reach into the beach bag and pull out the same bottle that she had on the train. I pour some lube onto my fingers and glide them along her pussy. I press two fingers between her folds and they easily slide deep into her hole. I move my fingers along her G-spot. "That's it, gawd you have magic fingers." Karen presses her pussy up against my hand creating more pressure and more pleasure. I slide my hand up and down her inner labia. Her hard clit emerges from beneath the hood. She presses her fingers into her slit and pulls her outer lips up allowing her clit to flare out even more. I rub circles around the bump, driving her closer to her orgasm. "Oh god Rob, finger my clit faster. I'm so close." The sun begins to beat down on us from the cloudless blue sky. Karen spreads her legs obscenely and raises her ass up from the towel. My fingers stroke her love button which sends her over the edge. "Geez Rob, I'm going to cum. Oh yes, don't stop. Fuck my pussy with your fingers." My hand slides back and forth along her wet slit. Each time I pass her clit, I flick the bump with two fingers. This moves drives Karen insane. Her pink pearl is throbbing as I stroke it several more times. Karen hits the wall and explodes. Pussy juice drips all over my hand and down her thighs. Her orgasm floods her body as she shakes about on the sand. Waves lap at the shore and the warm sun enhances her outdoor climax that much more. Karen grabs my wrist and presses my hand against her full outer lips as she tries to contain my movement. I press my hand flat against her cunt and let her ride out the last spasms of joy. Sweat covers her forehead and a wide smile lets me know I did good. "Oh god Rob, you did good, you did really, really good. I came so hard. I love being totally naked outside. Let's do this every day." Karen tries to catch her breath as she continues to tell me how she feels. Her breasts rise and fall with each breath. The grab my attention and I bend over to take a ripe nipple between my lips. I savor her body as I suck the red raspberry. I switch to her other erect nipple and feast some more. Karen places her hand on the back of my head and holds me close. She loves the attention to her tits. Soon I feel her hand on top of my head start to push me down. My lips travel down her chest to her stomach and I leave a trail of kisses along her soft skin. I lick her belly button which makes her squirm. She applies more pressure on my head, pushing me lower and then I realize her motive is for me to eat her pussy. I reach her soft landing strip of hair and inhale the results of her latest orgasm. Her sweet juices are intoxicating, and I need to lick up all of the juices coating her labia and inner thighs. Karen now has both hands on my head and directs me to the sweet spot between her thighs. Karen's voice is hoarse, "Eat my cunt Rob, I got it waxed just for you. Lick my smooth lips and make me cum again. I need your tongue to make me come again. Gawd yes." I lap up the smooth soft skin of her outer lips and then dart my tongue between the puffy folds deep into her core. I trace up and down her rosy inner labia licking up as much juice as I can. The more lady juice she provides, the more I lap up. Her clit is once again hard and fully exposed. I surround the bud with my lips and suck hard. I keep her clit between my lips while my tongue taps away. Each time I tap her clit, Karen's body jerks up and more sweet juice flows. "Gawd yes, I'm cummmiinnnng againnnnn. Eat meeeeeee, Rob." Karen's hands hold my head in place as she bucks and thrusts against me. She achieves her second orgasm of the morning with my tongue firmly planted within her pussy. Her thighs vibrate around my head with her climax rising and falling and rising again. She grabs her nipples and twists the red bumps to add a touch of pain to her pleasure. She rides out this orgasm and then settles back onto her towel. Karen releases her tight hold on me and I'm able to breathe normally again, not that I have anything to complain about. I take my time cleaning her with my tongue. With each lick I am rewarded with sweet nectar. Karen calms down, almost in a catatonic state and I kiss my way back up to her lips. On the way up, I take time to lick her soft skin and suck on her erect nipples. I savor each one as Karen sighs contentedly. "That was the best Rob. I came so hard. But now I want you inside of me. Push your cock deep into my pussy. Fill me up like never before." As I plant small kisses all over Karen's face, I become acutely aware of my own body. I feel my hard cock press between Karen's thighs. She spreads her legs and I readjust myself enough to place my tip along her moist entrance. I let my hips go and I slide easily between her silky labia. She is so hot and so wet that I bottom out and hold my cock still just to enjoy the moment. Karen squeezes her pussy to remind me that she still controls our union. "Fuck me slow babe, you feel so good." Karen wraps her legs around me as I slowly slide my shaft in and out of her pussy. I place my hands just above her shoulders to support my weight. Our eyes are locked while we make love on the beach. I feel the heat on my back and press my hips flat against hers. I flex my shaft and Karen squeezes her cunt to hold me tight. "You feel so good Karen; your pussy is so tight. I want to this to last as long as possible." My chest rubs against her tits and hard nipples. I use my hips to thrust in and out. I savor the feeling of her wet juices coating my shaft. We continue to stare into each other's eyes; wide smiles cover our faces. She moves her legs down around my thighs forcing me deeper into her center. I feel my glans push up against her cervix. Our lips meet in a tender kiss that deepens into a passionate connection. Our tongues parry back and forth, moving from her mouth into mine and back again. "Make love to me, Rob. I dreamed about this moment every day in Chicago. Slide that wonderful cock in and out. I feel you so deep." I lift my hips, pulling my cock up from within Karen's folds and push in again. Her inner flesh grips me like a satin glove. Each time I pull up, the tip of my cock nearly exits her cunt, only to be drawn back in by the pressure of her legs on my thighs. Karen maintains a tight lock on me. I maintain a steady rhythm, moving up and down, gliding within her wet pussy. I press her ass into the soft sand. Karen squeezes my shaft as an overwhelming feeling of release grows. My climax is seconds away. "Karen, get ready. I'm going to cum. I can't hold back any longer." "Don't hold back Rob, fill me up with your cum." Her words spur me on and I release my load sending several ropes of jizz deep inside Karen's pussy. I bang away, and hot semen coats my shaft mixing with her juices. Some of it leaks down Karen's ass onto the towel. Sweat covers our bodies while we kiss and enjoy our union. Our bodies are completely relaxed. I feel myself soften and slide out of Karen onto my back. She moves to her side and swings a leg over me. We rest as a cool breeze blows in from the ocean and lulls us to sleep. Such a perfect beginning to our week in Big Sur.
Title: Me and Georgina Tags: obedience, shapely breasts, stockings, younger man, mature An ex-NewForester story that I have tidied up a bit and re-issued under the new name Rockycoveboy. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Georgina Lent was my first boss. I was 19 and it was my first job, in a little accounts office, and Georgina Lent seemed ancient. Gradually, however, I had become infatuated with her, and very often thought about her at night. She did filthy things in my dreams. I had bummed about for a couple of years previously, doing a few beach jobs down on the south coast, but I thought it was about time I found a more reliable job, and applied for a little accounts job, in a factory in East Anglia, only a few hours drive from where my family lived. I had moved into some nice 'lodgings' nearby, had a few 'O' levels to my name, and was offered the job, there and then, at the interview. The Financial Controller interviewed me, and the name Mrs Lent drifted past me as being 'Head of Section.' I met her on the following Monday morning, when I started, and, initially, she was just another middle-aged woman. Peroxide blonde, but still ancient as far as I was concerned. My interest in women, up until then, had been girls of my own age or even younger, and Mrs Lent was just 'my boss.' I hadn't had a regular girlfriend since leaving the family home, and was just pleased to get a regular job. Georgina Lent seemed pleasant enough, and she was kind enough to remark on my firm handshake, but I paid no further heed as I was introduced to the two other women who worked in the 'purchase ledger' part of the office. They, also, held no interest for me, and I was a little depressed to find that I had got a job with three women, all old enough to be my mother. However, over the coming months, I learnt a bit more about Georgina Lent, and she became intriguing. The women often gossiped between themselves, but Mrs Lent never let anyone forget that she was 'head of section'. She could be vindictive, bitter, and sometimes rude to the other women, and it was my first experience of bitchiness amongst adult women. On the phone, she put on a 'haughty' voice, a 'plum' in her mouth, and she could put people down with just one look, or a sharp word. She was always polite to me, though, as I never gave her cause to be rude, and I slowly realised that she was like this with most men. I listened to the conversations as we worked, and I gathered that Georgina was 51 years old - two or three lifetimes away from me, it seemed at the time. She never gave anything else away, and it was only when she wasn't there, and the other women were 'bad mouthing' her and being bitchy behind her back, that I picked up little snippets of information. Once upon a time, possibly, she had been married, and once upon a time, possibly, she had had a son. She also had a 'friend' called George. Georgina Lent had wonderful breasts, and her thighs were superb, and it was these attractions that made working life that little bit more bearable. She was well aware of the fact, though, and very often some of the older men would come by for a chat, and she would tease them, and flaunt herself a little as she sat in her chair. She would never appear to be doing it on purpose, it always appeared as though it was an accident that her skirt had rucked up, as her chair slid away from the desk, or that her sweater was pulled tightly over her chest, accentuating the full, curved breasts. The men would lean against the wall behind her, casually chatting, and she knew that, over her shoulder, they were ogling the expanse of nylon covered thigh on view, and she did absolutely nothing to retain her modesty. A wonderful cock-teaser, but always trying to give the impression that butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. I tried not to glare or take any notice, but I knew full well how she manipulated situations, and stayed in control of those around her. Her 'friend' George was a strange man. He must have been nearer 60 than 50, and he appeared every now and then, at the end of the day, obviously ready to take Mrs Lent home. He worked in another part of the factory, and I never knew his surname, nor was I ever introduced to him, but it seemed pretty obvious that he was married, and Georgina was his 'bit on the side.' She went off in his flash car after work, and often she would come in and say, 'Oh, George bought me this,' or 'George told me that,' but that's all I ever got to know about the relationship. Mind you, George felt the lash of her tongue as much as anybody else. It was obviously him on the phone on numerous occasions, and Georgina would cut him dead, and put the phone down gently, to leave him to fester, or she would bombard him with questions about where he'd been, with whom, why didn't you phone, etc, etc, and on some evenings when he waited for her, she would give him the 'silent' treatment as they made for the door together. I felt sorry for George sometimes. I gradually got used to the job, and looked forward to going into work each day. I always waited to see what Georgina was wearing, as she was always very smart, and her body became more and more appealing, as a pleasant distraction during the working day. It was always high heels that she wore, and always a skirt or dress, or business suit, never trousers. Her nylons were dark brown, or black, and the skirts were on or just above the knee. Her favourite was a simple black dress, which clung to the curves of her middle-age figure, but it accentuated the fine breasts, her waist, the curve of her hips, and her fine ass. Her other favourite outfit was a tight, white jumper, with a light blue skirt and, again, these items managed to cling to her body wonderfully. I always dressed smartly for work, and Mrs Lent was always very polite to me and tried to involve me in all the conversations within the group. I was still young and fit, and a bit timid, and played a lot of sport, and I don't know whether she found this a turn-on or not, but if I had a query with an invoice or something, and needed to go to her desk, there was no doubt that she would give me a display, whilst not appearing to. Her chair would slide back on its rollers, and those stunning thighs would appear, her skirt almost up to the stocking tops, for that's what I'm sure she always wore. We would discuss the invoice problem, but I was acutely aware that she was enjoying displaying herself, and she would always give me a smile as our conversation ended. As a young man, I wanted just to reach down and run my hand up her thigh, feeling the white skin above the stockings, but I never indicated such thoughts in any way whatsoever, and this might have been part of the fun for Georgina -look, but don't touch. The daughter of one of the other women in the section was having her 18th birthday party, and we were all invited to her house on a Saturday evening. I went along, on my own, not knowing anybody, apart from the ladies from work, and Georgina was there, also on her own. She gave the air of 'mother hen' watching over her flock, and the others tried to ignore her as much as possible but, being the gentleman, I asked her for a dance, a slow number, and took her into the middle of the room. She seemed really chuffed that a young 19 year old had put himself out for her, and eagerly allowed me to hold her hand and put my arm around her waist, as we danced. I was taller than Georgina, and she looked up into my eyes as we just shuffled round, and she seemed very attentive, but nothing was said that could be considered even mildly flirtatious. It was purely colleague to colleague. However, I did enjoy feeling her back, smelling her perfume, and having her body up close to mine, and it only enhanced my lurid fantasies about her when I slowly played with my cock, later in bed that night. I also had a dance with the 18 year old birthday girl but, even though her skirt was almost round her neck, and her boobs were bouncing about all over the place, she didn't arouse half as many erotic feelings in me as Georgina had. Back at work, I continued to survey the mature head of section as often as I could, and I knew that she would innocently put on a display for me, if the situation lent itself. One afternoon, there were only 3 of us there, and Georgina and Kathy, the eldest in our section, were discussing some local chap who had got into trouble with the law for taking photos of young girls. Georgina seemed to revel in the scandal, and I just watched and listened as I carried on with the invoices. Far from just mentioning the facts, Georgina went on to describe what sort of things this chap had got up to, and I'm sure it was just for my benefit. She slid away from her desk again, and moved her hands slowly round the curves of her breasts, in her tight sweater, to indicate that photos were being taken of girls breasts, and then her hands moved slowly down to her waist, and then over her hips to the tops of her legs, where her skirt was bunched up again. She seemed to take great delight in her display, and I couldn't help but watch and listen to this erotic conversation, done with such innocence. Was Georgina playing up to me? Was she teasing? Was she so lonely in her sorry life, that teasing a young teenager in the office was her only way of getting some fun, before she went home to a cold, uneventful evening? I had managed to get an old banger of a car to help me get about, and one evening I offered Georgina a lift home. None of the others would do any overtime, as they all had families, but I would take whatever I could to help the finances, and the savings account. On this occasion, a new invoice system was being introduced, with a cut-off date, and I volunteered to do a couple of hours with Georgina on a Friday night, to help get the system up and running. George, when he came up to collect her, was told in no uncertain terms, that she had to stay behind, and Georgina seemed to take great delight in telling him that I had offered to give her a lift home later. Poor old George shuffled off with his tail between his legs, the poor sod. No leg-over tonight, then! She loved playing with his emotions. The couple of hours went by quickly, and Georgina and I got on well. I helped her on with her coat, held the office door open for her, and then helped her into the passenger seat of my car. It was a really cold, December evening. She was wearing a thick, suede coat, 'which George bought me,' but she didn't do up the buttons and, sitting next to me in the car, the black dress had slithered up as she had got in, and for the 10 minute journey, I was aware of the wonderful, shapely, succulent thighs that were only a few inches away from my hand. As I changed gear, I knew I could just flick out my fingers and touch her leg, but I didn't, and finally, we reached her home. I hadn't a clue where she lived, and was just guided by her directions, but I was shocked to find us going down this bumpy lane before we pulled up outside—a caravan!! 'This is home,' she said, laughing, but almost apologetically. Although just a caravan, it looked a very nice caravan, huge in size and on a large, grassy plot in a compound with about 50 others. I thought, straight away, that Georgina Lent had a bit of a sad life, but that she tried to make up for it by being bossy at work, bitchy to the other women, and, if the truth be known, she was probably jealous of their happiness, as opposed to her uneventful existence, with only a visit from George now and then to brighten her up. She still had wonderful legs, though, and I was trying not to focus on them in the car, when Georgina suddenly said - 'Coffee, Paul? Come in and have a coffee!' Well, how could I resist an offer from the boss, but I didn't want to seem too keen. 'Are you sure? I don't want to put you to any trouble, Mrs Lent' 'Nonsense. It's not any trouble at all. You deserve a drink after all that work, and anyway, I've only got a night in front of the TV to look forward to. Come on!' and Georgina began to open the door of the car. I waited, hoping to get another glimpse of her legs, and, sure enough, the sight was superb as Georgina eased her wonderful thighs apart, to put her foot on the grass outside. Her black dress moved further up her legs, and I watched in awe, but then the moment was gone, and I quickly got out and locked the car, following my boss up the short path to the caravan door. The inside was just as nice as the outside view, and was more spacious than one would imagine. Half of the caravan was devoted to a lounge come diner, with soft sofas around the outside of three walls, and a table and chairs against the other wall. I didn't get any further, but I could see along the small passage to the edge of the kitchen, and two or three other doors leading off into other rooms. Just right for a single person, I thought. I joined Georgina in the kitchen, as she put on the kettle and got two mugs down from a cupboard. I watched her avidly, and was determined to find out more about her. We were away from the work place, it was cold and dark outside, and perhaps I could get her to relax a little, and tell me a little more about herself. I gathered my courage and went for it! 'Did you used to be a model, Mrs Lent?' She spun round and looked at me, a big smile on her face, almost spilling the sugar she was putting into the mugs. 'A model? Me? A model? No, no. I'm not tall enough to be a model. Why do you ask?' I knew that I was probably wrong, but I also knew that the suggestion would be seen as a compliment by her, and it would give me a chance to let her talk about herself, and she liked doing that. It would also give me the opportunity to talk about her figure. I returned the smile, and carried on the compliments. 'Well, you have a lovely figure, and you're not short at all, are you? I just thought that you might have done some modelling at some time.' She gave me another lovely grin, and passed me with the mugs, leading us back into the lounge diner. I sat at the table and watched her sink into the soft sofa, hoping to get another look at those wonderful thighs as she sat down. Sure enough, the black dress slid up, and more and more of Georgina's legs came into view. 'I'm sorry if asking you was rude, Mrs Lent' 'Not at all, Paul. I'm flattered. Please call me Georgina, everyone else does. I didn't do anything like that, at all. When I left school in London, I went straight into office work, and I've been doing that sort of work ever since, apart from a bit of a gap a few years ago. (Was this when she had the 'never talked about' son? I didn't ask) I knew that having her ego massaged was the one thing that she enjoyed, and so I was determined not to let her down, while at the same time I wanted to bring her out of herself, and give away a few secrets, perhaps. 'You're my boss, Georgina, and I like calling you Mrs Lent, especially at work, in front of the others, but if you're sure you don't mind, I'm happy to call you Georgina, but only in private. Is that OK?' 'You are a kind young man, Paul, and very polite. Of course that's alright. I'm over 50 you know, and you must have loads of young girls chasing you about, being tall and handsome, and fancy free,' and she casually crossed one leg over the other, the 'sshhh' of nylon on nylon sending shivers through my body. 'Not really. I haven't got a steady girlfriend, and it makes a change to be with a very attractive, intelligent woman who can still turn a man's head.' I was laying it on a bit thick now, but Georgina loved it. 'Do you really think so? I'm a bit of an old has-been, really, and I think you're just being kind.' 'No I'm not. You must've seen the other blokes in the office watching you move around. They love looking at you, don't they, and your lovely legs are ever so sexy, you know. George thinks so, doesn't he?' I stopped there, to see what the reaction to 'George' was. I'd hit a nerve, and Georgina was quick to cast him aside. 'George is just a friend, nothing more. Sometimes he gives me a lift home, and occasionally we have a drink together, but that's it. I have no more allegiance to George than to anybody else.' That was that. I had got George out of the way, but I had to make her relax again. I took a sip from my coffee, and returned to the flattery. 'I'm sorry, very sorry. It's none of my business, Georgina, but you must admit that all the blokes come up for a chat, and enjoy looking at your figure. You enjoy it as well, don't you? That's because you are still a very attractive woman.' She'd already forgotten the mention of George. As she spoke, she took more time in re crossing those nylon encased legs, and she knew that I would be watching her. A little more of her thigh was revealed, and my cock stirred gently in my trousers, under the table. 'Oh, Paul. It's only playful fun in the office,' she laughed. 'You don't think anybody would take me for a sexy woman, do you? Do you really think, at my age, that my legs are sexy,' and she ran the palms of her hands up from her knees to the hem of her skirt, and we both looked at the black nylon on view. 'I suppose they're not too bad, really,' and she gave out a little giggle again. 'They are sexy, Georgina, really attractive. Your whole figure is very shapely, in fact. That's why I asked if you had ever modelled. You shouldn't be coy about it. The other women in the section think you're still attractive, as well,' I lied. ( they thought she was a dragon, and would never say anything complimentary, even behind her back). Georgina was getting excited now, and warmed to the topic. Someone had come along, me, and was throwing compliments at her, about her figure, like confetti at a wedding, and it was a young teenager doing it, to boot! She loved it, and I had obviously brought a bit of warmth to the start of a weekend that was going to be dreary, uneventful and drab, probably, for Georgina Lent. 'Who'd want me to model for them, Paul, an old 51 year old, who was past her prime?' She still held her palms at the hem of her skirt, allowing me uninterrupted views right up her legs, almost to her stocking tops, and, as always, she tried to give the impression that it was just natural, she wasn't doing it on purpose at all. She carried on. 'I did let someone take a few pictures of me once, in a bikini, but that was a long time ago, and just for fun, and I can't see anyone wanting to do it now, can you?, and she took her hands away from the hem, but the dress didn't move. A wonderful sight. 'Are you asking me, Georgina? I bet half the men in the factory would love to see you in a bikini. I bet you still look great, and I bet they'd love to photograph you in a bikini, as well. I know I wouldn't mind,' and I blushed, having got carried away with myself, and the stunning view of Mrs Lent's thighs. I thought I'd better stop there and change the subject, but I knew that Georgina had enjoyed our little verbal banter, and I hoped it would happen more often. 'I told my landlady I'd be home about 8 for dinner, and I ought to be going really. Thanks for the coffee, Georgina. I promise that our conversation will remain private, and it's back to Mrs Lent on Monday, isn't it?' I got up from the table, sorry to be leaving those gorgeous legs behind, and Georgina looked a little disappointed that I was leaving 'You've been ever so kind, Paul,' she smiled, 'but I don't really think you mean half of what you said, do you?' I did a quick mental calculation about my plans for tomorrow, Saturday, and then pushed my luck. 'Look, Georgina. I'm playing football tomorrow afternoon, but in the evening, I haven't got any definite plans. This is a bit of a cheek, and please say no if you're doing anything else, or you don't fancy it, but could I take you out for something to eat?' Her smile returned again. 'I can't afford a really posh restaurant, but we could go for a 'Chinese' or 'Indian' if you can stomach it. Please say no, rather than be polite.' 'Oh Paul,' and she just held my arm as I neared the door. 'I'd love to come for a meal with you. I love 'Chinese' as well. I haven't been to one for a long time. Are you sure you want to go for a meal with someone like me. You don't have to.' 'That's it then, Georgina. End of debate. I'll be round for you about 8.30. OK? You'll wear your glad rags, won't you,' and I looked down at her legs, on purpose, and rubbed her arm through the dress, as a first sign of affection!! I was out of the door, and back at the 'digs' just after 8. After football on the Saturday, I had a long shower, and then went back to the digs to get changed. Some of the football lads had told me about a nice little 'Chinese' restaurant in a quiet little village a few miles away, and it sounded just right. At the digs, I put on the deodorant and loads of talc', a shirt and tie and my best suit, and bade the landlady and her husband goodbye. They gave me a weird look, and it was probably because I smelt like 'Boots' the chemist. I got to the caravan site about 8.30 and pulled up at the side of Georgina's caravan, and knocked at her door. It was dark and cold, but not raining, and when she opened the door, her silhouette was lit up against the light behind her. She smiled and I could see that she had made an effort with her outfit. She had on a dark blazer, with gold buttons, a starchy, white shirt with buttons done up to an open neck, and she had on a flared skirt, a little shorter than usual. Her high heels were even higher than usual, and they accentuated her lovely legs to even greater effect. I helped her down from the caravan step, and opened the car door for her, on her side. 'You look very fetching this evening, Georgina,' I smiled at her, and it was just at the moment that she put one leg into the car and moved sideways to get into the seat. She smiled back at me, but she knew I was aware of her legs going through the motions of opening, with the flared skirt going up her thighs as she positioned herself. She had on very dark nylons and her legs looked delicious. 'You don't look too bad yourself, you handsome young hunk,' she replied, and we were into the right mood already. We set off, and Georgina guided me through the town, and put us on the right road for our destination. 'It's not often that a young man takes me out for a meal, Paul. You didn't have to really, and it's very kind of you.' She smiled at me, and was probably getting used to the warmth in the car, after the cold, December air. 'I asked you out, Georgina, because I wanted to. There's no reason for it. What's wrong with taking your boss out for a meal, particularly when she's an attractive, intelligent woman?' 'You're flattering again, Paul. I expect there are hundreds of girls who would like to be taken out by you, to a nice Chinese restaurant, but I feel very honoured,' and Georgina slipped her hand onto my knee as I negotiated the little roads. Her hand was on my knee!! Christ! 'I meant what I said, yesterday, about you being a very attractive, and sexy, woman, Georgina, and ...I'm being nosy and rude again. I find it a bit surprising that you live on your own. There are lots of men, I'm sure, who would want to be with you, you know, who still find you very attractive, and...and...well, you know, Georgina.' 'Want to take me to bed, Paul? Is that what you're trying to say? Some men are only after one thing, aren't they? It's not a good enough reason for living with a man, though, is it? I like living on my own,' she lied. 'No-one to tell me what to do, no-one to run about after, clearing up the mess. It's quite nice where I am, peaceful and quiet. There's a lot to be said for it.' She looked at me again, and her hand ran up my thigh an inch or two, and I had to hold tightly to the steering wheel. I laughed at her. She had more or less admitted it. 'So you do admit, then, that some men find you attractive. You just said it, didn't you? I expect when you were younger, they were all flocking round you, weren't they? Not that they don't all enjoy watching you move around the office, now. Your legs are very sexy, Georgina, and you still have a shapely figure. I said that yesterday, didn't I?' 'Oh, it's really flattering to be with such a nice young man, Paul. You really know how to make a woman feel good about herself,' and as she spoke, she took my hand from the gear lever and gently placed it on her thigh, just above the knee, and held it there with her fingers. God, I was touching a wonderful thigh, and with Georgina's blessing. My cock twitched. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you looked at it, we were just entering the little village where the restaurant was, and I had to change gear, and slow down. I took my hand from her knee, and gripped the wheel again. 'It's at the far end,' Georgina started. 'On the left, and I think you'll have to park in the street.' Soon we were going through the front door of the little eating house. It was warm inside, thank God, and seemed very pleasant. It was dimly lit, soft, water music played over the stereo, and there weren't too many other diners. A little Chinaman came to us straight away, and I put on my most adult voice. I apologised for not booking, but hoped that he could accommodate us. 'No ploblem,' and he turned to take us to a table. I grabbed him. 'Do you have a quiet table out of the way?,' and the waiter took us to the back of the restaurant, to a little table for two. Each table was surrounded by a high bamboo stand, which gave diners a certain amount of privacy, and it was ideal for a pleasant meal. During the meal, we enjoyed 2 bottles of white wine, and some wonderful Oriental food, but it was the conversation that stimulated both of us even more. We sat opposite one another, and Georgina had not taken her blazer off to eat, but it was undone, and the crisp, white shirt clung to the contours of her breasts, and her perfume was intoxicating. It was the first time I'd seen her with a button-up shirt, and it suited her. I knew she wanted more flattery, and I hoped I could brighten up what would otherwise be, almost certainly, a lonely, drab, uninteresting weekend for her. 'So, do you still have that bikini, Georgina,' I grinned at her. 'Or do you still have the photos?' I wanted to tease her a little more. 'What about mini-skirts. Did you wear mini-skirts when they were in fashion? I bet you did, with those luscious legs, didn't you? She smiled back, as she took a sip of wine. 'Paul, you are awful, are you really interested? I am 51, you know' She had put my hand on her thigh in the car, though, and was obviously slightly aroused herself. She had dressed smartly, and looked quite sexy, and I knew she wanted me to go on. I wanted to go on, and try and arouse her some more, not forgetting that she was my boss, though. 'Yes, I am Mrs Lent. Young men still admire an attractive, mature woman, and I'd love to see you in a mini-skirt. I bet you look fabulous. I can't see any of your legs from here, but never mind, your perfume is really nice.' 'Here, Paul. Can you feel them now?' and Georgina ran a nylon covered foot up and down my shin, under the table. She had slipped her shoe off, and the feeling was totally erotic. I looked her in the eye, from only a few inches away. 'They're stockings, you know, Paul,' she whispered, and she tickled my nose with a finger. 'And call me Georgina, remember?' This was wonderful. My boss was teasing me, and was acting completely out of character where I was concerned, but as I long as I respected her position as my boss, and as a mature, intelligent woman, I knew she wanted me to go on. 'I hoped they would be, Georgina. Your legs were made for stockings -and mini-skirts. Did you wear mini-skirts, you know, very short? Tell me, so that I can imagine. I often think about your sexy figure, and your legs in a short skirt. Do you still have any?' 'Do you? What, think about my figure, and legs in short skirts?' 'Yes, yes I do. Look, if you mention any of this in the office, I'll pack in and get another job somewhere else.' I was serious, but I was calling her bluff. 'I wouldn't dare mention anything that's private between us. You know that, Paul.' Her foot was still playing on my shin, and she laid her hand on mine, on the table cloth. 'Paul, I'd love you to come back for coffee, at the caravan, but only if you want to. You've been really kind in taking me out this evening, and I've really enjoyed being with a handsome young man, but I would understand if you wanted to get off home.' 'You haven't answered my questions, have you, about the short skirts, and if you've still got any. I'd love to come for a coffee, Georgina, but only if I can see those gorgeous thighs again.' She laughed, and within half an hour, I stepped up into the caravan, behind my boss. We warmed up quite quickly again, after the cold blast in the car, and I sat with my coffee as Georgina sank into a sofa once more. I had helped her off with her blazer, and she looked even more stunning now that the white shirt was on view. Her thighs were on display once more, and then Georgina spoke. 'Why don't you take your jacket off now, Paul, and relax. Come and sit over here instead of those hard chairs. You were closer to me in the restaurant, and it was so nice.' 'Only if I can still see those sexy legs, Georgina,' I teased. 'The view is wonderful from here' but I rose from the chair, and hung my jacket on the back, and made for the sofa next to Georgina. 'Oh, and turn the main light off, Paul,' she smiled. 'The side light here is enough, isn't it?' She was really turning on her feminine charm now, and I was caught up in the heady aroma of it all. I was loving every minute, though, and wanted to smell her again, and be close to her mature figure, but I wasn't going to overstep the mark, not at any point. I would allow her to set the pace. The little side light threw soft shadows all around the room, and I sat down on the soft cushions next to Georgina. 'Can you still see my legs, Paul? she laughed. I was almost looking down on the stunning thighs from above Georgina's hair and, still in the high heels, her legs looked incredibly sexy. 'Most of them, Georgina. I can see most of them,' I teased. She looked up at me, a searching look in her eyes, and I could see her breasts breathing heavily under the shirt, her perfume now soft and seductive in my nostrils. 'I want you to see all of them, Paul, if that's what you want,' she whispered, and she took my hand again. 'Paul, please, would you kiss me?' and she offered up her mouth, and it was very difficult to resist. My other arm went round Georgina's shoulder, and I lowered my lips onto hers. Just a little peck on the lips, but her mouth remained for more. I went back and felt her mouth gently open, and at the same time, Georgina moved my hand to her thigh, gently guiding me up the inside until my fingers felt the soft, warm flesh above her stocking. This was heaven, and there was now no question that Georgina Lent wanted physical pleasure. 'What about the mini-skirts, Georgina? Tell me how short they used to be when you wore them. I bet you looked really sexy,' and my fingers caressed her soft thighs. She sighed some more, and gave away another little secret. 'Perhaps I might show you some photos, one day. I've kept some hidden away, but not now, eh. Kiss me again. Your mouth is so masculine.' Her hand left mine on her thigh, and I gently toyed with her skin. I felt the suspender, ran back down to the nylon, and then back up to the delicious, naked thigh again. One of Georgina's arms was pinned against me, but her free hand moved onto my chest, as we still kissed heavily, and began to caress my chest, my shoulders, and my tummy. We broke from the kiss, and she was panting a little. 'Oh, your chest and shoulders are so strong, Paul. It's lovely to be cradled by such a fit, young man again. And your fingers are so soft. Please just carry on touching me, it's so nice. You don't know how much I've missed being touched gently and kindly by a considerate man. Oh, Paul,' and her hand was on my face, almost pleading for another kiss, so I bent my head again. As our tongues met again, and our lips fought with each other, I let my hand gently push her skirt farther up, easing one side up, and then sliding the other side up, so that Georgina's lovely, flared skirt bunched right up around her waist. She helped me by shuffling her thighs around, and then the skirt just lay in her waist, exposing her legs right up to her panties. She made no comment, but started to unbutton my shirt, still with my tie on. I squeezed her into me, around her shoulders, and my hands played with her legs. I tickled the insides of her thighs, right at the top of her legs, and I gently let a finger meander right up the centre of her panties. No pressure, just a gentle caress of the thin material. Her answer to this, as we kissed again, was to open her thighs just a little wider, so that I could slide my finger down, to feel the wetness at the gusset of her panties. Mrs Lent was certainly aroused, and I rubbed round, feeling the lips of her vagina slide about under the material. This really was heaven! I had watched these gorgeous legs, and this sexy figure, move round the office since I'd started the job, and now I was sitting on a comfy sofa, my hand up this mature woman's skirt, playing with her little panties. Not just any woman. Mrs Lent was the office manager, a sullen, brusque woman on occasions, and I was just the 19 year old office junior, but she seemed to want me to enjoy her, and I wasn't about to protest. As we continued to kiss passionately, I suddenly heard a scuffling noise outside, and I broke away. 'What was that, Georgina? Did you hear that?' The light from inside the caravan shot across the park as I opened the caravan door, and I laughed as I saw a fox scurrying away, disappearing into the darkness behind the other caravans. I closed the door again, and reassured Georgina. 'If I had been here on my own, Paul, I would probably have locked the door, and spent the rest of the night huddled in bed, petrified. It's wonderful to have a man here with me, a considerate, kind man, and a handsome one at that. Come back here. I feel so protected with your arms around me.' 'Georgina, are you sure you want this to go on? No recriminations later? No giving me the silent treatment when we get back to the office,' and she knew exactly what I meant. By this time, I had sat down again, and put my arm round her shoulders again. 'Paul, I promise I will not mention a thing in the office, I really promise. This is too good to jeopardise,' and as she spoke, she took my tie right off, and undid all my shirt buttons. 'It's you that I worry about, Paul. I'm 51, old enough to be your mother, and I'm sure that when you leave here, you won't give me another thought and probably won't come near this caravan ever again.' She buried her head in my naked chest, nibbling at my skin, running her hands over my body, sighing gently. 'I want you Paul. I want you to do whatever you want with me. I love you admiring my body, and your touch is so soft.' I kissed her again, and slowly undid the buttons on her shirt, revealing a skimpy, pink bra, her breasts straining to escape. 'Please hold me, Paul. I haven't felt like this for years. You've woken feelings in me that I thought had gone forever. You've made me feel like a woman again. I'm yours, to dominate as you want.' I kissed her hard, and moved a bra-strap down onto her arm. I eased a wonderful breast out of its cup, and felt the solid nipple, flicking and pinching it gently. I didn't want to rush these moments, as I would probably remember them for ever, but my cock was now rampant inside my trousers. Playing with Georgina's breast obviously increased her arousal, as well. 'God, Paul, you're so protective, I feel so safe, but I need you, Paul. Please do anything you want with me. You said you wanted to take photos of me. I'd love that, but please don't leave me. It's wonderful you being here,' and she moved her hand to my crotch and felt the hardness of my young cock through my trousers. 'Ohhh,' and she sighed as she held tightly between my legs. 'Don't worry, Georgina, I'm not going anywhere. Just relax, please relax, and everything will be OK.' I decided just to keep playing with Georgina. I wanted her to build up as slowly as she wanted, not to rush her into something that she didn't want, and I also wanted to enjoy this shapely, mature body, bringing all my fantasies to fruition. I ran my hand right to the top of her thigh again, slipping a finger under the side of her panties, to feel the tufts of hair protecting her sodden cunt lips. Georgina continued caressing my cock through my trousers, and I bent and suckled on her hard nipple while I played in her pubic hair. Her legs were as wide as she could get them, and I gently moved her panties to the side, and felt her wet lips open as I ran my finger up the entrance to her vagina. 'Oh God, Paul. Take me to bed. I need you, now. I'm yours to do anything with. I ...oh God,...please take me to bed. Treat me like your slave, Paul. I'll do anything, now, but I want you.' She seemed frantic, not the controlled, icy woman in the office, but a frustrated, lonely woman giving herself up for pure pleasure. I got up from the sofa, and helped Georgina up. She held my hand as we went to the other end of the caravan, to one of the doors off from the passage. The double bed took up most of the room, but it was still warm and cosy, and the little bedside light was more than sufficient. I took off my shirt, but Georgina turned to me and wanted my lips again. I put my arms round her shoulders, slipped her shirt off and kissed her deeply again. 'Let me take your trousers off, Paul. May I?' She undressed me completely, and I stood naked before her. My cock was standing to attention, and Georgina wrapped her hand around it, smiling into my eyes once more. 'Beautiful, Paul. You are so beautiful, and I just need to feel you, all of you,' and she dipped to lick me once, round the bulbous head of my rampant weapon. 'You have a magnificent cock. Come with me,' and she sat on the edge of the bed, and shuffled backwards, up the bed, me going forward on my knees to be beside her. She undid her skirt, and slid it down her legs, and she lay there in just bra and panties, high heels, and stockings and suspenders. For a woman of her age, she looked ravishing. I held my cock, as I watched her, and I asked her to take her bra off completely. She obeyed, and I rubbed gently up and down on my member as her stunning breasts were revealed in all their glory. I lay down next to Georgina and began to caress her again. We kissed deeply, and my hand went straight between her legs, inside her panties, and I explored the wonderful, soft, succulent cunt. 'You are so sexy, Georgina, especially with your shoes and stockings on. It really turns me on,' and I nibbled her breasts, biting gently on her skin, and pulling the nipples between my teeth. I had two fingers playing inside her cunt, not harshly, but gently exploring her hidden depths, and drawing gasps of delight from Georgina's mouth. 'Anything, Paul. I said anything that you want. Just don't stop. It's wonderful. I mean it. You are so kind, I will do anything that you ask. Ummmmm.' I moved my body down her side, and started to inch Georgina's panties down her tummy. She had her fingers in my hair, and lifted her bottom, to enable me to move her pants right down her thighs. I then saw the wonderful matt of hair all round her vagina, and I leaned down and ran my tongue right up her cunt, bringing a shaking of her body that said it all. She was sopping, and her hand grasped my head and held me between her legs. I just licked at her, and she was frantic. I went up and down, pushed in with my tongue, and then I found her clit and licked hard at the piece of erotic skin standing out from its hood. 'Christ, Paul, yeeeees, oh Paul. Please, please, just take me, anyway you want. Just take me, please.' I wanted her now, really wanted to fuck her, but I wanted to enjoy her aroused state, and tease her while inside her. I slid her panties right down her legs and off, and I moved to kneel between her open thighs. I was so hard that I wouldn't need any guidance, and I just leaned forward over Georgina, and held myself up on my elbows. My groin pushed down between her legs, and my sensitive cock was nudging at the lips of her cunt. I watched her face as I pushed into her, only an inch or two, feeling her succulent lips enclose round me. Georgina sighed again, and I moved back and then in a little further. 'Oh yes, Paul. Oh yes. Do it to me. Right inside me, please, ohhhhh...' I held her head with one of my hands, and pulled it up to me to kiss her. I shuffled a little, over her body, and then I pushed my cock into her with more force, holding her face up to mine and lashing her mouth with my tongue. 'Oh... PPPPaul, yeeee...', but she couldn't finish. I started a steady rhythm within Georgina's cunt, and I moved a hand back to lift one of her thighs. I felt the nylon stocking round my waist, and then she lifted both legs and put them round my bottom, crossing her feet to keep them in place. I could feel the leather of her shoes on my back, so I started to plunge even harder. Up and down went my body, my cock almost leaving her body before I thrust it back, right down into her depths. It was a fantastic fuck, and Georgina knew all the right noises to make, and all the right body movements to bring excitement to us both. I was smitten. 'Do you really want to be dominated, Georgina? Do you mean you would do anything? I wouldn't want to hurt you, or take liberties with you,' and I thrust in as hard as I could, watching her face contort, her mouth loll open and her eyes close. 'Oh, you feel wonderful inside me. Just keep doing it to me, Paul. Oh... I meant it all, Paul. I'd love you to take control of me, and make me do whatever you wanted. Anything that you wanted. God, harder, Paul, harder.' 'Like what, Georgina? What would I make you do? Tell me'. Her stockings moved further up my back, and I was able to get deeper into Georgina Lent's cunt. I was plunging into her body, almost nailing her to the bed, but she could take it, and was panting and moaning quite genuinely, make no mistake. 'Tell me Georgina.' 'I live a lonely life here, Paul. You've probably worked that out. Oh Gooood, this is good... If I could just have you around for a while, if only for just a few months before you got fed up, I would really treasure it. I'd obey your every wish. I'd dress just how you wanted me to, you could take photos of me if you wanted, and I'd be your...Christ, you feel so big inside of me. I'm nearly 'cumming' Paul.' 'You'd be my what, Georgina,' and I gave one extra special thrust, and felt the lips in the deepest part of her cunt almost open to take me into her stomach. 'Your slave, Paul. Let me be your slave. Ask me anything, and I'll obey you Paul, I promise. Say you'll come back. I need this, Paul.' I gushed my thick semen into Georgina's cunt. What she had just said had taken me over the top, and I was unable to hold back any longer. My mind and body had been completely overwhelmed. Feeling me splashing inside her, and the force of our coupling had also brought Georgina to the top, and tears were in her eyes as she grabbed my neck and held me tightly, while her body shook, and then went rigid, as her orgasm ripped through her. It had been the most fantastic experience of my young life, and this mature woman had brought me magnificent pleasure. We lay together, my arm cuddling her up to me, and I was still mesmerised by those thighs, even though I had just been lying between them, enjoying all the other secrets of her body. 'Now you've had me, Paul, I suppose you'll go, and that'll be that! But I meant it all. Please come back, and let me be your slave. Dominate me just how you want to. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you now, and all I want from you is your company.' I lay there, bathing in her words. On Monday morning, I resigned from my job. I got another one the same day, paying the same money. I wanted to give Georgina my company, and I looked forward to dominating her like she had pleaded. I couldn't wait to get back to the caravan!!
Title: On Parole 10 by Vee_Stitch Tags: Character Development, Crocodile, Digimon, Dragon, Other/Herm, Story Progression, Violence (Not In Yiff) On Parole 10 Veemon walk up in the arms of Dorumon. What happened in the game felt more like a dream then the sex. Today would be the day He fought Bearmon. It was now more then ever that he felt his confidence drift away. He sat up slowly and kept looking at his fist. Dorumon woke up and hugged him. Dorumon looked at Veemon and asked, "What's wrong." Veemon said, "There was only so much I could do here. Now I'm forced to fight with the best Digimon out here. If I win I will be set free in two days. It's funny though it's only been four days and being out there already feels weird. It's like I don't even belong out there." Dorumon asked, "So are you going to throw the fight to stay here and be that guys slave for years to come." Veemon said, "I don't know what I want to do." Flamedramon, Renamon, Agumon and Palmon came inside the jail. Starmon said to the group, "I'm sorry but there are no visitors allowed in this jail. Renamon just shoved Starmon out of the way and they ran for it. They made it to Veemon's cell. Flamedramon could barley see inside since there was very little light. Flamedramon asked, "Veemon are you in there?" Veemon quickly came to the bars and cried, "Dad. I'm glad to see you." Flamedramon said, "Were glad to see you." Palmon said, "Sorry about getting you into the mess." Veemon said, "It's cool. I can get out myself. I made a bet with one of the Digimon in the next cell. If I can win he talk to Starmon to let me out in two days." Agumon said, "That sounds easy." Veemon said, "If only it was. He's the best of the best." Agumon said, "Well be supporting anyway we can." Flamedramon asked, "How do you know this guy will keep his promise?" Veemon said, "I have an idea, just to make sure he doesn't. We gotta this big, like media big, like Youtube big." Agumon said, "Were on it." Veemon said, "Hurry." They left. Renamon gave Starmon another good shove. Starmon said, "Everything is falling apart." Monodramon said, "I can already see it, the stars will shine a miss guided light to the most unfortunate. The sun and moon will cry out to our god and beg for forgiveness and we will all repent. He will be our light in the deepest darkness; the shadows will never consume him. There will always be a small light in the strongest heart. His heart will lead us to new life, new love, and new hope. We must be strong with him, no longer against him. We have soiled ourselves in hate. We must beg with all our might that we will be spared. We were never victims but cruel mislead fools who were so simple minded." Monodramon turned to Starmon and asked with a very serious tune, "Why did you arrest him?" Starmon asked, "Why you going off the deep end?" Monodramon yelled, "Why Did you arrest him?! Tell me now!" Starmon asked "Do you have a problem? Seriously." Monodramon went in Starmon's face. Monodramon said, "It is now out of your hands. The situation now belongs to me. I'm apart of the F.B.I and this is of the up-most importance." He showed his badge and everything. Starmon asked, "What in blazes is goin' on your tellin' me you were undercover all the time." Monodramon said, "As far as our considered I never existed. Now I saw his family run out going to grab the media. Now we going to have this fight they were mumbling on about and were going to make sure Veemon wins that fight. If he loses we can all be in deep shit. Were lucking that boy didn't get angry yet. Were letting him out of here as soon as possible." Starmon asked, "Letting him out? If he's such a threat why not just keep him here." Monodramon said, "I will not allow that. If he stays it will anger him. We most let him be surrounded by love. I know what he can do. Know seriously why did you arrest him in the first place?" Starmon said, "Because he exists. I wanted him to rot here." Monodramon looked down and said, "You have a serious problem. Please don't tell me any one with a hood has talked to him." Starmon asked, "Hood?" Monodramon said, "Like a full black cloak with a hood." Starmon said, "No, just the three I sent in, and none of them weren't wearing hoods." Monodramon said, "Then we still have a chance. We better see it that the media makes it. This story will make him happy if he wins." Meanwhile Veemon sat on his bed. The other three sat on the higher bunk waiting. Suddenly everything felt strange to Veemon. He got up and turned to his three bodies. They were frozen. Veemon said, "Uh guys." Suddenly a dark shrouded cloaked figure came up to the cell. The cloaked figure said, "You must be him. The ones the others told me about." Veemon asked, "Who are you?" The cloaked figure said, "It's not important. The question you must ask yourself is who are you?" Veemon said, "I'm Veemon." The cloaked figure asked, "Are you really? Is that what you were told? Man Monodramon must really wanted you to stay here." Veemon asked, "What are you talking about?" The cloaked figure asked, "Are you getting angry with me? Wow this was easier then I thought you won't even have to here from the other twelve." Veemon asked, "Twelve?" The cloaked figure said, "Oh I should say eleven shouldn't I. You used to be one of us. It's a shame to see you here like this, why don't you just come back?" Veemon asked, "Come back? I don't even know you." The cloaked figure said, "Well that makes me sad. We used to be great friends. Well I shouldn't keep you. You do have that big fight to win. By the way we do hope you win, we are on your side." The cloaked figure left through a strange dark portal. Spyro jumped down and asked, "Are you ok? You don't look so good." Veemon looked at his skin he was dark blue instead of light blue. His eyes were slightly pink instead of bright red. Veemon said, "It must be because I've been in here too long. Now I have another reason to win." The media came crowding the main lobby of the jail. With all this and now everyone seemed to be rioting. The creatures shouted, "We don't belong here, let us out." Starmon asked, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Monodramon removed his shirt and removed his belly flab which to Starmon know knew was fake. Monodramon took of the pants and out his F.B.I shirt on which he hide in his pouch. The two cell doors were open for Veemon and Bearmon. Bearmon and Veemon walked out at the same time. Bearmon said, "I'm gonna smash your face in." Veemon said, "Don't be so sure about that. You might be a street fighter but I've practiced martial arts. So you're in store for the fight of your life." The media went right up to them taking pictures. The reporters asking, "Do you care to repeat that statement? Do you really think your going to win this fight that has only been building up for a day and has already become the biggest fight to be announced in history?" Veemon said, "Like I said, I'm going to crush this bear." Bearmon shoved Veemon the media got wild. Starmon said, "Hey take the fight outside. I don't want to see blood in here." Bearmon said, "Boy u' in a world of hurt know. U' ain't just lookin' at a street fighter your lookin' at a champ. I've made everyone who said there were gonna beat me bleed. Most of them were Digimon twice my size." Veemon and Bearmon walked side by side as the media would not allow them to move that fast. They managed to make it outside. Both Bearmon and Veemon gasped as the audience outside were enormous. Starmon and Monodramon also went outside. The other prisoners were let out. Spyro, Croc and Dorumon tried to keep up. Soon everyone was outside. There were Digimon and other creatures all watching. One of the reporters said, "This is now official live, on the air action. Were about to see the best fight in the history of fights. We are going to see Bearmon and Veemon duke it out. Know if these names don't sound familiar well we managed to dig up some info. Bearmon who was a world champion, and tag team champ with Impmon, A UFC champion, and an official street champion. While Veemon has mastered more official Martial arts such as Tai Kwon Do, Jah DO, Capoeira, and Karate. We are in what will be the best fight in history. There are all ready thousands of blogs saying who will win this fight." The two Digimon went on the basketball court to begin. Bearmon got his hands up and so did Veemon. The crowd was wild both inside and outside the cell. Starmon asked, "This is already out of control. Monodramon what is this all about?" Monodramon said, "Telling you isn't a good idea. I can tell no one. All we can do is hope everything runs smoothly in his life time." Starmon said, "You're makin' that sound easy." Monodramon said, "That's why I must follow him after this. I have to make sure he stays safe." Starmon said, "I hate to tell you this but the world isn't a safe place. Hell if he knew you around he'd ask questions. It's probably better off if you just stay hidden and hidden well." Veemon and Bearmon circled off and the crowd went wild. Spyro shouted, "Come one Vee you can do it." Agumon, Flamedramon, Renamon and Palmon were on the other side cheering on as well. Bearmon went in with some jabs. Veemon blocked. Veemon put his hands down for a split second and Bearmon went for a deep punch and hooked it right in. Veemon fell to the ground. The crowd reacted with a load owww sound. Veemon staggered back up and kicked Bearmon with an axe kick. Bearmon was hit right in the chin. Bearmon stepped back a bit. Bearmon said, "Oh it's gonna end now." Bearmon went it with a wild barouche of punches most of them hitting Veemon. Veemon was still resilient. He back off trying to make some room. Veemon went into doing Capoeira. Bearmon was not familiar with this still so he got his hands up ready for some defense. Veemon muttered to himself, "Paranaue, Paranaue panama." Veemon came in with swift high jumping kicks Bearmon backed up and went off to the other side of the court. Spyro said, "Come on Croc, cheer with Veemon." Croc chanted, "Paranaue, Paranaue, Panama." Spyro chanted it as well. Agumon caught on and joined in. Veemon tripped Bearmon wit a low spin kick. Bearmon got up quickly to see Veemon momentum was high. The crowd followed in this chant now getting behind Veemon. Bearmon said, "So what you got fans now. That ain't gonna change a thing." Veemon said, "But this will." Veemon kicked him in the face with the dance known as the xinga. Bearmon tried to adapt to Veemon style by doing the dancing fight style as well. Veemon said, "You want to dance, ok then you asked for it." Veemon did a flip and kicked him right in the head. Bearmon staggered back as blood dripped from his mouth. The crowd went wild. Impmon and Gazimon watched with concern. They got ready to jump in. Spyro saw them and lead Croc to them and they stopped Impmon and Gazimon by running into them with pushing them hard to the ground. Veemon able to keep on the offense as Bearmon was staggering to stay up. Veemon kept knocking him down. The audience still behind Veemon. Veemon got ready to finish him off but then everyone froze. Veemon stopped as another portal appeared. A cloaked figure came out. Veemon asked, "You again?" The cloak figure said, "No you must be talking about the other one who came here, Siromon. Well were glad you won and all. Hope your ready for school?" Veemon asked, "School?" The cloak figure said, "It's embedded in this program world." Veemon asked, "What are you talking about this is the real world." The cloak figure said, "Wow that must really messed with your head. Listen you really think Flamedramon is nice and Renamon. There your enemies, you hate them, you wanted to kill them. Those two are far too nice. Face it Renamon would never really have sex with you." Veemon said, "Well as odd as it was it was real." The cloak figure said, "You really are convinced then. Well school will change your mind. You will soon learn who you really are." He went away and the crowd unfroze. Veemon finished Bearmon with his head-butt. The crowd went wild. Monodramon smiled, "Yes, he won." Starmon said, "Nothing is ever going to be the same here again. Monodramon said, "Well now you can retire. I'll take care of the other prisoner. I'll have Spyro and Croc follow Veemon wherever he goes. Hopefully they just do it naturally." Veemon was going to be free but with a lot more on his mind like whom these hooded guys were. What about this whole School thing. He would have two more jail days to think it over. He realized that Bearmon was his Bitch now and he grinned and waved to the audience as the live report continued. Fin
Title: Siara's Submission by Tafari Tags: Adventure, First Time, Lion, Lioness, M/F, Plot Development, Rape, Virgin © Tafari - All rights reserved Part 2 - Siara's Submission The young lioness looked up to the tall alpha and shivered with fear continuously. She looked around at all the hungry males laying their eyes all over her. "What...What are you going to do to me?" Siara asked in pure fear. "Oh you will soon see, these lands are ours now so I think its time we... got to know what's ours a little better", a grin wiped over the dark alphas face, enough to put fear in to the bravest of souls. He stepped towards her and crouched, using a claw to pull dipped head to his. "You will soon learn to respect me and eventually every male in the pride" He muttered to her quietly, the idea to strike her with more fear. The alpha got up and looked over his pride, their dark fur blowing in the moonlights glow, he spoke "My fellow Pride members! We are successful in our mission, take a break!". The pride roared all at once, so loud it caused poor little Siara to wince. She watched the Pride make their way to the hill top where her Father once stood, before feeling a warm large paw on her shoulder. "Time for me to have my reward my darling..." the alpha whispered coldly in to her out turned ear. Siara turning around to look in to his big dark glazed eyes and stared at him. "A reward, what reward? What's going on?" Siara stuttered, "Oh my dear, do you not remember your oath you gave me... you gave yourself to me to save your life. My you do have a short memory for such a young beautiful feline" he chuckled to himself. "I had no Idea what that would involve... especially what I think it does" she snapped back at him, but he appeared to have enough of her words and simply just picked her up by her nape, slinging her over his shoulder. They made their way to the opposite side of the Nemrock, away from the praying eyes and ears of the dark pride lions. The alpha lion gave a large and deep inhale of the air around him and exhaled quickly "Ah, you smell very ripe my dear. I feel I am going to have a good time with you. Do you think you could as well?" the Alpha said while licking his lips. Siara just shivered and looked to the floor, "Please don't touch me, I am too young for this and I've never experienced anything like this before... please have mercy on me" she pleaded. All the Alpha did was laugh before setting her small figure down on the soft meadow floor for him to admire for a few seconds. Although he had no grip of her anymore, Siara did dare not run as he was twice the size of her and would imagine could run twice the speed. She watched his eyes run all over her young untouched body and did not know what to do. The Alpha dropped to his knees with a thud and lowered his huge head down to her golden furred body. His nose hovered just above her tight navel with his eyes piecing up in to hers. Siara could not look away, they were too strong and some sort of physic effect on her. The Alpha continued and took a deep breath through his nostrils, closing his eyes at the sent of her young body and smirked to himself. Once he was satisfied with her scent, his head followed by his large muscular frame moved up over her body. The large round eyes of the Alpha opened as his face was opposite hers, looking down in to her crystal blue eyes. The lioness felt tainted in some way she could not recognise, she felt over powered by his presence. He lowered his muzzle to hers and placed a soft delicate kiss upon her tender lips, catching her off guard as she had no thought of him being the least bit gentle. But Siara thoughts did not change; she laid there awkwardly as the large dominant male forced a kiss on her. His tongue slipped out and down in to her mouth quite aggressively and almost to the back of her throat. The young lionesses' eyes closed tightly as his muscular tongue rolled around with hers unwillingly. One of his paws stroked down her side to a hip as the other propped his heavy body up above her. He finished the kiss to speak. "It's not that bad my girl, you are being deflowered by the most powerful lion in the lands... you should be pleased my dear!" said the lion down to Siara. She went to speak but he covered her muzzle, still wet from the kiss. Siara lay there frozen as he leaned up and rested in his knees with his torso up straight. One of his large claws reached forward to her chest loin cloth and sliced it away with his razor sharp claw. The soft velvety skin of antelope fell away from her small body, exposing her pert little breasts for the Alpha to stare down at. His eyes opened at the pure beauty of the site as he licked his lips, immediately lowering himself back down to take a large lap over her breasts. The Alphas textured tongue scrapped over her soft nipples and up to her neck, stopping to savour the taste. An eye catches glimpse of a nipple as it stands erect, making him smirk. "My girl, it looks as though you are enjoying this I see" he chuckled up to her, "My hormones... their taking over me... oh god....your too over powering... your musk..." she said under the influence of her raging female hormones as they begin to take over her body. The Alpha stops to look over her from tip to toe and couldn't believe his luck. Before his eyes getting drawn to Siara's widening legs, she could not control herself anymore from any logical decision. "You really want me don't you girl..." he smirked as his paw smoothed over her breasts, down her flat stomach and between her heated legs. The large Alpha's paw covered her mound and felt its dampness and heat against his palm. He knew that she was ready for him and he had been waiting for this moment for a long time. "I'm going to take you as mine now my child... this may hurt at first but you soon enjoy it" He said as he moved himself to mate her. The Alpha lowered his hefty weight down on top of her, moving his hips between her small thighs. Her legs were forced to open as wide as they could, possibly a bit further than they should. Siara moaned with her eyes closed, the poor lioness girl we know can do nothing to save her dignity. Once he mated her, she was his till the day he was dead... her fate was inevitable. Siara looked down her body and saw a dark dangling hard object between her spread legs. She thought she new what it was but was not quite conscious of what was about to happen until she felt him penetrate her. The Alphas large lion male hood slipped in slowly but extremely tightly in to Siara's sex, making a wet sound as he entered. The lioness screamed hard enough to alert the dark lion pride of what their king was doing to her. He had no mercy however; he kept sliding his long length in to her tiny body until he hilted in her. The Alpha paused for a second and looked down to her small figure below him. "My child, you really are untouched. You could satisfy the lion gods with this body... but now it is my job to claim you as mine!" He sneered down as with drew his cock almost to the head and drove himself back in like a piston into her tight snatch, making her scream. This time his paw covered her mouth as he began to mate her. The Alphas heavy lion balls started to hit rather hard at Siara's rump as he forced himself upon her. Siara was lucky as her hormones released juices in to her sex to help him glide swiftly in and out of her. She had to like it as it was the only way she get through it pain free... however, she felt her walls stressing at the girth of his member as well as the smell of blood. He began to drive hard continuously in to her young body, the sound of his balls hitting her sweet rump could be heard clearly now and his murrs were like thunder to her ears. Two large dark lion paws pinned her arms down as well as his entire body weight making her unable to move. Siara could feel him so deeply, the tip of his member reaching just below her navel. The dark lion stopped to take a breath. She looked up at him after opening her scared eyes to see a mad, heavy breathing beast connected with her. The Alphas drool dripping from his mouth down on to her body. Before she knew, he turned her over and pinned her shoulders to the ground, forcing her rump to present itself to him. Siara's tender pussy lips were wide and open, ready for his large lion cock to slip straight back inside her. He crouched down behind her in the traditional lion mating position, his hips curled around her butt cheeks and his cock speared back inside her forcefully. His large paws grasped her shoulders and yanked her on to his lion spike. The young lioness felt his velvety balls press tightly against her entrance with him also inside her. The dark lion's hips began to piston inside her again and again, her pleasure levels were getting intense from his pounding but she could not help but enjoy it... The alpha lowered his mouth and gripped on tightly too her nape as he mated her, both his paws pulling her in to his thrusts before he knew it was time to claim her. The lion stopped, grinding his hips so hard in to her that it caused her to cry out with shear pain. His shaft reached a new depth in her body as she screamed. Alpha smelt the blood coming from her entrance but did not care. His cock unloaded his fertile lion cum in to her young womb in large jets, his hips jerking inside her as he continued to come. Siara also came from the pain; she let herself go over the edge as she could not bare the pain any longer. Her mind had never experienced such pleasure before, her hips shuddered and her sex contracted over the large cock of the Alpha lion, trapping him. He stopped his pleasure rage on her body and rose up above her, standing on his two foot paws and looking down at her. The dark lion's long cock started to recede back as both his and hers juices rolled from the tip to floor. Smirking and watching his seed seep out from between Siara's soaked thighs he chuckled. "My girl... or should I say my Queen... you now bare my seed... you are now mine my sweet" he smiled to her and walked off, knowing she had no energy to go anywhere. Siara rolled on to her side and began to cry as her hormone high died off and the Siara we knew realised what she has just become... TO BE CONTINUED © Tafari
Title: Bella's Inferno Tags: storm, home alone, beach, motorcycle It was a late summer evening when Bella stood on the porch of her old country house watching the storm brewing in the distance. She could hear the claps of thunder out over the horizon, "it's going to be a bad one" she thought. Jack came out of the house with his suit cases packed and grabbed Bella around her tiny waist, kissed her on her neck and looked out into the direction of the storm. "You gonna be ok here without me?" "Yes, you know I love storms, I will just curl up with a good book. I will be fine. Do you think you plane will be on time," Bella said, as she turned to face Jack. She ran her fingers through his hair and looked into his eyes and gave him a hug good bye. "Be careful, call me when you get there," she said. Jack gave her a peck on the cheek and walked to his car, "I will be back before you ever miss me. Don't forget to close the windows and lock the doors. I love you." Bella smiled and watched as Jack pulled way. She waved and started to walk back into the house when she noticed a man on a street bike slowing down in front of her house. He came to a stop just at the end of her drive way. Bella watched him intently but did not move. He pulled off his helmet and nodded toward the storm, "Its certainly going to be a show tonight," he smiled warmly revealing a set of perfectly white straight teeth. Bella smiled, and wrapped both her arms around her waist as if she new she might need protection from him, not because of him but from herself. "Yes, it certainly is." He turned off his bike so he could hear her and said, "I don't mean to bother you, but I am not from around here, I think I have gotten way off my path. Can you tell me how to get back to hwy 136?" Bella, walked down the steps of the porch and her long dark hair whipped across her face by gusting wind, she took a very deep breath, pulled all her hair to one side and started down the pathway toward the bike. "Yes, I can, but your going to need to write it down, do you have something?" As she walked closer to the strange man she noticed that his black leather pants hugged his thighs and surrounded his perfect body like a glove, she couldn't stop her thoughts from going to a place that married women should not go. She looked into his eyes and was momentarily spell bound by the deep pools of blue that stared back at her. She smiled warmly at him and said, "Unless of course you have a great memory." He was watching her intently as she approached him, almost as if he did not hear a word that she spoke, and finally after a long pause, he said, "I have a great memory." Bella gave him the directions, but she could tell he would have to stop and ask someone else again later. She was being undress by his mind, and the erotic-ness of the moment sent an intense desire throughout her body. She liked the thought of this man touching her, wanting her; she didn't want the moment to end. She smiled at him knowingly, and with a sarcastic giggle she said, "Well, OK then you should have no problem getting there, Have a nice ride. Oh, and you might want to hurry so you don't get stuck in this mess coming behind you." Bella pointed toward the dark sky as she turned to go. He reached for his helmet, hit the ignition and revved his bike, "Thank you Miss...?" "Bella." "Miss Bella.., yes, well, I should be going, you should take cover as well." He smiled that smile again and rode off in front of the storm. Bella, walked back to her porch, and watched the stranger climb the hill at the end of her road until he disappeared into the evening horizon. She walked back into the house made a cup of tea, grabbed her book and sat longwise on her overstuffed brown leather couch. She put a throw across her legs and opened her book. She tried to read, but nothing was sinking in. Her thoughts were whirling around in a thousand directions. The thunder was coming closer and the lightening was flashing brightly through the evening sky. She could feel the wind whipping through the open windows across the room. It was a strange moment of complete silence, intermittently followed by excruciating loud claps of thunder. She felt a tightness growing in her body, a feeling of uneasiness, scared but excited, lonely but a mind racing with anticipation. "Well, the hell" she said out loud, and laid back down on the couch. She tied to read again, but the eyes and smile of that man would not leave her thoughts. She closed her eyes and imagined putting her lips against his lips, pressing her body against his body, and feeling the swell arise in his leather pants, straddling his bike with the vibrations of the engine against her tight thighs and wet pussy... Bella slowly lowered her hand into her blue jeans. He fingers gently guided between her lips and the wetness allowed her finger to move effortlessly across her clit. Her body tightened and relaxed her clit was swollen and throbbing. ... Jessie crested the second hill at 65 mph, the buzzing of his motor in sync with the rhythms of his bind. Rain began to fall, and he could see lighting flashing through the cloudy sky like lightning bugs on a clear summer night. He could not take his mind off of Bella, the way her jeans rode up her ass, the hem just short enough to show what must have been 5" stiletto hills; the man's dress shirt barely buttoned revealing the top of her tanned and freckled breasts; her hair waving gently in the wind. Suddenly the skies opened up in a downpour, as if a months worth of rain was pouring from the heavens in one moment. Jessie slowed down and made a u-turn, not that he minded riding in the rain, but he wanted, he needed to see Bella.....again! As he approached the dimly lit house he slowed and killed the motor, drifting to a stop and pushing his mount underneath the poor. Soaking wet and cold his eyes adjusted to the darkness illuminated by one light in what he assumed was the living room. What was he doing here? He knew by the ring on her finger that she was married...was her husband at home? Would he return at any moment? Did he care? No, he was transfixed on seeing Bella again. Pulling off his helmet and his shirt he wandered over to the big living room window where he heard nothing but the sound of Alex Trebek seeking questions from contestants. Jessie peered in the window and what he saw immediately set off butterflies in his otherwise calm and confident body....There lay Bella on the floor of the living room, her shirt unbuttoned her jeans on the floor beside her....She was laying in a sit up position with her feet, still in the stilettos, on the floor and spread apart. Her long sexy legs were bent at the knee so he could see the wettest and most swollen slit he had ever seen in his life. Bella was two fingers deep while slowly rubbing her clit with her thumb. Jessie could barley see Bella breathing, her perfect breasts just slightly raising and dropping with each breath, her nipples looked like a berry that need to be nibbled, taunted, teased and then alternately bitten and sucked hard. Jessie stood there taking in the sight, the sound and the atmosphere of a gorgeous woman pleasing herself while he himself could feel his cock growing in the constraint of his leather pants. Never letting his eyes leave hers, though she was completely unaware of the stranger watching her, he unbuckled and unzipped his pants, dropping them to the ground. He stroked the shaft of his cock slowly, squeezing then stroking it from balls to swollen head, watching her all the while. At times she would speed up with her fingers, in rhythm with her thumb and he could here the soft moans of an approaching orgasms. At the same time, he was hard, like he had never been before, stroking his entire length. He could feel the tightening in his groin and things, feel the first drop of pre-cum on the tip of his cock. Suddenly Bella eased over to her side and stared right into Jessie's blue eyes for the second time that evening, the site of him was too much. She knew she must be imagining him, so desperate with desire for him that hallucinations where tormenting her mind. But then he moved closer to the window. Her passionate dreams turned to reality and she realized she was actually looking into the eyes of the stranger. Fear gripped her into complete panic. She jumped from the floor and prepared to run. A horrific crash of lightening lit up the porch, illuminating his face and body that stood still staring back at her. The thunder rattled the house with the intensity of a horror flick and the house went completely black--Bella stood frozen, half naked, gripped with fear and no sight. She slowly backed out of the living room toward the kitchen. She could hear her breath and the rise and fall of her chest. She listened intensely, mind racing, she opened the knife drawer and felt around for the biggest one. Pulling out the knife she continued to back away toward the kitchen wall. She heard the front porch door openly slowly, and another flash of lightening revealed that he was standing in the living room. Bella screamed at her intruder, "What do what, I have a knife?" pressing her back against the wall she stood praying for more lightening. Her breast rose and fell with each breath. She could sense him coming closer. She stood ready and raised the knife above her head, prepared to attack the stranger at any moment. Jessie, walked slowly toward the kitchen, the last place he saw her naked body glistening in the flash of light. "I am not going to hurt you," he said, in a soft tender voice. "I am mesmerized by you." Bella felt her fear dissipate, but kept the knife high above her head. She felt his presence only inches away. "I swear you take one step closer..." Bella felt his warm hands touch each side of her body. She stiffened up against the wall like a cat ready to pounce. "What do you want from me..." she said. Jessie placed one hand on Bella's wrist high above her head and squeezed until the knife lost its power. His other hand gently caressed her breast and his mouth kissed the hard nipples that awaited his touch. Jessie sucked them and bit them until they rose up into hard berries filled with desire. The knife fell to floor with a resonating sound of defeat. Bella thoughts danced between fear and desire; was she going to kill him or allowed herself to be devoured by him? Just then Jessie placed his mouth over Bella's drawing her in with his powerful arms. He lifted her leg up and placed it around his waist. He pushed his hard body against hers forcing them both to lean against the cold wall. Bella felt her fear turn to passion, she felt herself fall into him, and her will power dissolve, and "this strange man has me, and I don't want to escape" she thought. Bella began to suck on his neck hungrily, squeezing her leg around his body. Standing with only one stiletto on the floor she pressed her body into his and she could feel his hard cock begging for her body. She wanted him, she wanted all of him. Bella traced his body with her fingers and found pleasure every step of the way. His tight abs rose up and down with each breath, she felt his thighs and they were strong and powerful, his ass was round and hard. She was drowning with desire, her own body pulsating to the rhythm of his kisses Bites and nibbles. Jessie lifted her other leg up around her waist and shoved her hard against the wall. His tongue wandered aimlessly over every reachable inch of Bella's body. Bella reached for his member and found what she had often dreamed about but had never had. She wrapped her hand around his cock and stroked it slowly. She felt his body move with her movements, she felt the skin on his shaft move with her hand and she felt the head of his cock which was smooth as silk and slippery with pre cum... Their tongues danced together as they kissed first hard, then soft, quick then long, with Jessie nibbling her bottom lip in between. Their movements in sync both Jessie and Bella could feel his swollen head at her entrance, their bodies seemed to be made for each other, the touch the feel, the smells it all seemed surreal. Like all of the passions of 1000 lovers being unleashed at once. This lasted for what seemed hours with time standing still but was really just minutes. Jessie put his hands on Bella's ass, ready to pick her up to just the right angle when the lights crackled back to life startling the two would be lovers and stopping their kiss. They stared into each others eyes blue oceans gazing into smoldering embers. They lost themselves...their gaze was so intense that they didn't hear Barry White on the radio, his baritone voice blasting out....My First, My Everything.....half way through the song Jessie broke his gaze, and holding Bella by the waist with one hand reached over to turn the kitchen light off. Pulling her close he stepped back and threw the kitchen table out of the way making a small space in the middle of the room. He pulled Bella to his chest and began a slow dance, both naked, both wet on the verge of exploding. Jessie's arms gave Bella the sanctuary she had already dreamed of and they danced and danced, kissed and kissed, touched and touched as the storm outside blew over and the wind died a slow death. In one sweeping motion Jessie picked Bella up beneath the knees and neck and carried her, still wearing only her stilettos, to the front room. Jessie stood Bella by the dining room table and stood behind her gently kissing her neck, nibbling her ears, breathing warm breath on her neck....all the while cupping her perfect breast with his hands....he kissed down her back along her spine his hands following their way down to her hips...wet kisses on her ass, his hands feeling every inch of her body...as she moaned his hands would linger until at last he reached down and picked up one foot, make sure to balance her, and placed it on the edge of the dining room table....his hands slid up and down this leg while he kissed and licked her other inner thigh...Bella could feel her lovers warm breath on her as his hands worked their magic....Jessie spread her cheeks apart and slowly tongued Bella's ass as his hands came down to meet her wetness. For what seemed an eternity Jessie used his fingers, tongue and teeth to bring Bella to the edge of climax, over and over again. Each time slowing the pace at just the peak, when Bella felt a tremor coming on...Jessie slipped one, two even three fingers in her pussy while tonguing her asshole then would move to her clit where he would suck it and kiss it, flicking it in his mouth forcefully while slipping a wet finger in her ass. This went on and on, Jessie not letting Bella cum, the release Bella was begging for...When Bella could no longer stand it the moans become words, Bella begging Jessie to let her cum...."don't stop let me cum, all over your tongue..." and as Jessie did he quickly drove 2 fingers in and fucked her with them while sucking her clit and shoving a third finger in her ass....Bella exploded, a symphony of feelings, desires, waves and waves of pleasures not felt in so long...all meeting at one spot deep inside her...it was draining....Jessie stood up and led Bella over to where he had first seen her and sat her down...he slowly, slowly dressed her....pulling off the heels, pushing the jeans on.....putting her blouse, first through one arm then the other, buttoning it....peppering her lips with sweet kisses, attentive to her every moan. Finally her put her heels on and proceeded to get dressed also...Bella was confused, dazed, in a state of utopia her body still feeling the aftershocks of an orgasm like she had never experienced before. Jessie led her to his bike where, with the flick of a finger, he turned the engine over and helped Bella on to the perch while he himself slipped into the controls. Helmetless and carefree, Jessie gunned it up the driveway and out onto the main street feeling Bella's body close to his, her breath warm on his neck....Bella clasped her hands around Jessie, wandering if she would ever let go....she could feel his hardness, his release still waiting through his jeans...occasionally lightning would light up the night sky in the distance illuminating the world and each other....Jessie flicked the bike left onto another road and Bella know exactly where they were going....the beach, she could already hear the roar of the waves over the noise of the engine...the sea mist felt salty on her skin and thick in her hair as the bike came to a stop in the pier parking lot, at this hour, and with the storm so recent they were the only ones there.... Jessie turned to her while still sitting on the bike and lifted Bella onto his lap where he took her face in his hands and kissed her, hard their lips meeting with the salt of the wind and the booming crashes of the surf. Jessie felt he had never been kissed so deeply and passionately in his life; like she was breathing energy into his body, life into his soul. It was as if Bella could reach out and touch his mind, knowing just what he needed to feel. Jessie took Bella by the hand and led her over to the waters edge, the moon peaking through the clouds danced a waltz across the ocean lending to the magic of the moment. Bella could feel her desires stirring within her, she wanted him again even more than before; she knew Jessie was still throbbing and swollen beneath his leather pants. After a moment of staring into the water, Bella turned to face Jessie; she ran her fingers through both sides of his hair, looked deep with in his eyes and said, "Will you take me here? I want you inside of me, I want to feel your body dancing with mine?" Bella's eyes bore holes into Jessie's soul, and she slowly lifted the shirt off her lover's body. She ran her hands up and down his chest and back and attacked his nipples with bites and kisses that sent Jessie soaring with pleasure. Bella kissed his neck and lowered herself to the sandy earth beneath them. She knelt before Jessie, and looked up into his eyes as she unbuttoned his tight leather pants. Jessie head fell backward and awaited the impending pleasure. Bella unzipped him and as she saw his swollen tool standing before her, waiting in anticipation she felt the blood rush to her own erotic zones. Jessie, moaned with desire, Bella moaned at the sound of Jessie's desire. She reached behind him pulled Jessie's pants off his ass, accidentally scratching his back with her long nails. Jessie moaned again. Bella, caressed his balls sweetly, and began to lick the length of his cock with slow precision. Their eyes would meet and then fall shut from pleasure. Jessie could not stand up anymore; he fell forward to his knees. Bella pushed Jessie back onto the salty sand beneath him while she continue to stroke him, lick him and suck hard on his penis. Jessie moans where getting louder, and the louder he moaned the more excited Bella became. She wanted him inside her, but watching him feel her pleasure was bringing her to her own climax. She paused, slid up his chest and met his face, she kissed him long and hard as the waves lapped at their feet desperately trying to get a taste of the lovers on shore. Bella could feel his body shaking beneath her. She looked into his eyes and said, "lets cum together, you and me, right here, right now!" Bella pulled her legs up straddling Jessie and squeezing him with her thighs. She lifted her body above his penis and slowly lowered her wet pussy down on top of his trembling body. Their two pleasure points met and the moment stood still in time, Bella took a deep breath and grabbed Jessie's chest. She didn't know if she could last another minute before she exploded on top of him. She pushed her body slowly down on his and felt his hardness; warmth and size penetrate within her. Bella's eye shut tightly and felt her body contract and pulsate. She wasn't going to be able to hold on-she stopped to regain herself, held her breath-looked at Jessie and said, "I am going cum baby, what should I do?" Jessie threw Bella down on the beach and grabbed his hard penis and put it inside her and drove her to ecstasy. She yelled out her pleasure and racked her fingers into his back. Her body trembled beneath his. Arching her back then wrapping her body around his as he pounded her deeper and deeper. Bella cried out as she experienced orgasm after orgasm. She begged for more and Jessie gave it to her over and over. Then suddenly Jessie slowed, his body tightened, his eyes shut hard. Bella knew his moment was near... Jessie grabbed Bella dainty wrists with his right hand pinning them in the sand above Bella's head, against little resistance....his knees dug harder into the sand, grinding the tiny granules into his skin but feeling only pleasure, his back momentarily arched then he bent down grabbing Bella's face with his free hand and hungrily kissing her, taking her tongue deep in his mouth, he could taste every sensation, feel every moan, there bodies molded as one....he pounded faster and faster, Bella's rhythmic moans urging him on.... his cock deep inside Bella, the swollen head of his curved member just touching her most private and sensitive spot...Bella's tremor started from deep inside her belly, feeling like an approaching earthquake....time stood still, until at last she could feel the ultimate orgasm, a thousand sleepless nights of fantasies come to life....she was cuming like she had never cum before, experiencing sensations that she didn't even know existed...at the same time Jessie's face contorted in a grimace of primitive pleasure he momentarily slowed as his cock exploded like an active volcano, his whole body shook, both bodies shook with their shared release he was so deep inside her....he could feel her clamp her muscles around his cock as she wanted every last drop deep inside her...he stayed on top still pinning her arms until their bodies both began to stop tremoring...their mixed cum leaking onto the wet sand. Exhausted, yet pleasured like he had never felt before, he collapsed on top of Bella finally releasing her arms....Bella grabbed his ass and kept him inside her still hard, still pulsating as the again looked deeply into each others eyes, smiling...staring, then sharing a sensuous kiss that spoke all of the words that needed to be said...they did not move for hours. The sun graced her body starting with her toes and drifting ever so softly up her thigh as if it alone knew the secrets of the world. It spread deep within her stomach and penetrated her heart with strength and peace, and it finally reached her eyes, oh the eyes, (the pain of opening the eyes,) and Bella opened her eyes. She saw the wakening of earth and its fingers of colors dancing across the sky, as if touched magically by something that was knowingly mighty and strong. She felt the presence of the unknown and wanted to be one with its force, but she lay frozen. She watched the wave's crash inches below her body. She squinted to see the horizon far off in the east, trying desperately to gain her place in the ever overwhelming world around her. The weighty drift of sand and surf lay heavy upon her body. She lay open, she laid exposed to all the elements, frozen in a moment of time, anxious, peaceful, weak, and aware of her power as a human soul. Her body rejoiced! She lay frozen. Her mind fought with the normal opposition of parents, spouses, and children but for some unknown reason these influences could not penetrate the precision and perceptions of true knowledge. Bella simply lay open, unafraid, uninhibited, alive, and alone. An alone that created an ability to be finally complete. Bella complete! Free. Free to finally be Bella. A lifetime of expanding, changing and conforming only to come full circle; to become Bella. It was at this moment that Bella sat up to the perfect pink skies created by a maker well beyond her capabilities and an awareness that she had finally become the person she was always designed to be. Humbly aware that her destiny was not called by clergy, or forefathers, nor husbands or authority- but simply and joyously by the power of her desires- the desires that were God given and obsessed by all. She sat in the morning sun, aware for the first time that life exits without boundaries, belonging only to those who except it and take it. She realized that rules are for those who make them and those who try to break them—yet all others are free to create and consume. The moment was sacred and precious and it belonged solely to Bella. She looked to her side and saw the most beautiful passionate creature she had ever known sleeping peacefully next to her. She kissed his lips and whispered in his ear, "thank you" and she ran down the beach.