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It was too good to be true, but then again, so had the original product been, and now look at her. Anyone with half a brain would’ve told her that she’d been ripped off, but they weren’t the ones who dominated an entire city just by standing up, now were they? They weren’t the ones whose bodies had become a thing of dreams and fantasies; she was. And as the nascent, budding goddess of that world, she decreed that she was going to get more of that transformative substance! It didn’t do anything, her declaring it didn’t suddenly and magically make more of it appear in front of her, but it sounded nice and imperious, plus it served to focus her back on the task at hand, which had slipped her mind almost completely thanks to her growth-induced rampage; granted, the destruction wasn’t about to halt just because Xili now knew where to go, and if anything, it would only get worse since she now had a goal in mind, rather than merely wanting to flail about in an uncoordinated fashion.
She was no longer “merely” dragging herself along, becoming heavier with each step, multiplying her assets whenever her arousal reached a high-enough point; now she knew where to go, instinctively as well, as if the location of the storage warehouse had been burned into her mind after using the product. Alternatively, it could be that she’d read the information on the bottle and it told her where it was manufactured, and it just so happened that she actually knew the place, it having taken her this long for her subconscious processes to make the connections… but no, that couldn’t be it; she was a goddess! She was a goddess, and as a goddess this meant that if she wanted to know anything, it would be provided to her by the universe at large; the fact that most of her wants and desires weren’t merely being manifested into reality was purely a consequence of her not wielding her powers to their fullest extent, nothing else.
It couldn’t be that she was just a regular feline, a perfectly normal dracat-chee who just so happened to stumble onto a growth agent masquerading as body wash; that’d be too mundane, too predictable, too… pedestrian. There had to be a better explanation, a narrative that Xili could weave around herself that would satisfy not only her immense desire for growth, but also the need for divinity that had begun to sprout within her ever since she decided that she had earned the right to be overwhelmingly massive; it didn’t exactly matter if it was true or not, just as long as it was convenient and it did what it had to do, making it, unsurprisingly, easy for the dracat to convince herself that everything happening to her was taking place because it had been ordained, and her godlike self was merely imposing itself on reality after an entire lifetime of being suppressed.
In fact, the only reason why she didn’t go the extra mile to start believing it was actually perfectly normal and she was designed to be that way were the many buildings she had to stomp on in order to get to her destination; hard to reconcile the idea that she’d always been a goddess of immense caliber with a planet that was clearly not prepared to handle her at her most aroused, but that was perfectly fine in her book. Having grown into a deity was, in many respects, far better than merely having been one all along; it denoted power, status, and above all, a sense of accomplishment at having achieved that which so many others had dreamed of for centuries, millenia even. Let the occasional cultist leader convince themselves that they could elevate their soul to the heavens on death to become some sort of worship-based entity, she had herself, right there, in that moment, for everyone to see; why should anyone bother with hymns or songs, with tithes and oddly-worded contracts, when they could just look up and behold her? When they could very easily get up on their two feet and walk to their new goddess, to be blessed with an everlasting existence of purest bliss?
Sure, she was moving too quickly for anyone to catch up to her, and even if they did, they could only climb the colossal number of nuts that Xili was dragging behind her, leaving the poor things to fight against the musk and the quake-inducing churning of cum, but at least that was better than nothing. At least she was there, giving her supplicants a chance at a better state of being, even if the dracat wasn’t exactly thinking about it too much; it was a given, a constant that had become part of her new life, and one that the big cat didn’t care enough to pay much mind to. Maybe someone would climb onto her, maybe they wouldn’t, but at the end of the day, as long as they didn’t actively hinder her pursuit of higher, better girths, then she couldn’t really care less; this went double once she actually spotted where all the body wash was being produced: some random factory out in the industrial area a couple of miles away from the suburbs where all the blue-collar workers congregated to lead their little lives, working from nine to five doing something that, to them, was utterly meaningless.
If only they knew, if only they were aware of what their labour had achieved; they weren’t just bottling shampoo, they weren’t just synthesizing a random product to be put on a shelf so that no one could give a rat’s ass about the people who worked tirelessly, day and night, to produce it. No, they had birthed a goddess, and through their actions they glorified the world, glorified Xili, glorified existence itself by fashioning a deity out of a previously unassuming nobody… and for that, they had to be rewarded.
The dracat was immensely giddy at the prospect of giving those hard-working laborers what they “deserved”, that being her form crashing through their workplace and promptly smothering them in cockflesh; if they knew what was good for them, they’d hold on for dear life and never let go, for those who succeeded in maintaining their grip would be rewarded with yet more physical contact. It would be intoxicating, far more powerful than any drug could ever hope to be; just being near the chee would be enough to set off a serotonin storm that was sure to leave even the most curmudgeonly of old grumps gleefully giggling like a mindless lunatic as they quickly stripped down to their birthday suit, all of it a desperate effort to spread the infectious carnal joy that they were experiencing to the rest of their bodies. They would lose track of time, for they would want for nothing: no sleep would be required, for they would be in a near-perpetual fugue state, no food or water thanks to the waterfalls of milk coming from each of the dracat’s teats, no sun needed due to the radiance and warmth warmth from the giantess herself.
With none of these mundane concerns there to help the little ones keep track of when time passed, with no day or night or anything else to let them keep a tight schedule, they would never again know the outside world; nothing but Xili, forever, in every direction, guaranteed to become even more as the dracat continued to grow far in excess than what she had any real need for. This was what was on her mind when she approached the factory, by that point sweating like an open faucet thanks to the sheer effort required to pull her enormous body over to her destination; all she could think to do was lie back and allow herself to fall on the titanic pile of cum factories behind her, but that had to be postponed. She could do that later, after she blessed those responsible for making her what she was, and, most importantly, after she took as much of the growth shampoo as possible and just threw it on herself.
The chee wasn’t looking to take another bath (at least not one that didn’t involve milk and cum in equal measure), nor did she feel like wasting time applying the shampoo combo to her fur in the way that it was “supposed” to; rather, her intention was to hoist up the holding tanks and let their contents flow down onto her, leaving her smeared from top to bottom in the selfsame substance that had triggered her initial size spurt to begin with. It was a cunning plan, a masterful plan, and above all, a flawless plan; surely, nothing could go wrong, and even if it did, the dracat figured she could fix it on the fly. Sadly, the little ones down below didn’t seem to be so convinced of this themselves; rather than kneeling down and praying to the encroaching goddess, they apparently decided they should try and run away from her at top speed, some of them even getting in their cars in their mad dash to get some distance.
Did they not know that she wasn’t there to kill them? To end them? Did they, perchance, think that she was a dissatisfied customer who wanted to make a complaint? Granted, Xili could imagine why that last one might be a thought that would cross management’s mind, but surely no one would be so brazen as to even suggest a perfect being such as the dracat would ever even so much as dare to think about complaining about her size! Surely, they must all understand that what she wanted the most was to just keep growing, to keep getting bigger and fuller and more overwhelmingly titanic, until the world itself began to look insignificantly tiny next to her; surely, they had to understand that running away would be pointless, even on a practical level, seeing as she’d already made it that far.
Getting in a car would do nothing… but clearly, some of them needed to be reminded of this, prompting Xili to lean over and smack one of her hands directly on top of the one exit the compound had, coincidentally smashing through most of the factory floor with several of her dicks as she did so, and quite fortuitously smushing her colossal mammaries against the ground at the same time. There was some screaming, some panicking, and a few voices loudly suggested that they should be calling the military to help deal with this “thing”... and that hurt Xili. More than anything else, it hadn’t been the running away or obvious fear that left her feeling downtrodden, but being referred to as a “thing”; she was a goddess, damnit, and a magnificent one at that, how dare those little things refer to her in such a manner?!
Why, she had half a mind to not extend the offer of life everlasting to the ones who dared use such expressions, but as the initial reaction faded and the dracat’s anger gave way to the more reasonable side of her mind, she had to admit that it was… well, not reasonable, but at least expectable for those in the workers’ position to be so terrified of that which they didn’t understand that they would employ such terms. It wasn’t every day that people got to see a goddess in the flesh, after all, so some leeway should definitely be given, even if Xili wasn’t that keen on doing so; besides, they would all succumb to her anyway, so why bother wasting time being mad at someone when she knew they’d turn around of their own (debatably) free will eventually?
Best if she just put on a smile, turned to face the crowd gathered outside the ruined factory, and try to make it known that she meant no harm; rather, that she was determined to be as helpful as possible in this transition, even if it meant taking time out of her very busy schedule to help get people up to speed on the whole “you are now the worshipper of a massive skyscraper-sized chee” thing. In fact, just saying it like that, even in her head, let Xili know how absurd it was to expect people to just… fall in line. They still should, but at least it wasn’t that awful of a transgression when they didn’t.
Nevertheless, it was important that her little ones quickly learn that their place was beside their goddess; not under, even if that would be fine, but at her side, for Xili’s intention was to elevate everyone else alongside herself. Not in terms of size, obviously, that’d be ridiculous; only she was allowed to be so gargantuan, only she had the permission to become something akin to a titaness of legend, even if a very lewd, excessively well-endowed one. No, they would be with her in spirit, metaphorically even, experiencing an eternity of bliss and happiness and joy and whatever else they could think of that would get her some more of that growth agent.
Thoughts were hard, especially when the chee had that extra voice in the back of her head nagging her to stop thinking and to start doing, one that she had to battle against with her still very real desire not to hurt anyone in the process of growing any larger. Such conflicts were moot, however, because mere seconds after the dracat burst through most of the factory with her many rods, she realized something important: if that complex was used to manufacture the body wash that had made her grow in the first place, then surely this meant that by throwing all of her weight at it in the way that she did would have completely destroyed the source… but not the material. Opening a bottle by literally smashing it open didn’t get rid of its contents, merely spread them all over, which could only mean that the oddly cool sensations that had been creeping up cocks and portions of breastflesh exposed to the ruins of the factory had to be… yes, yes, they had to! How silly of her to assume that she could just barge in like that and not have the universe hand a victory to her on a silver platter!
Xili was beside herself with excitement, completely forgetting about keeping the parking lot blocked when she heaved herself back up onto a sitting position, eager to find out if her suspicions were correct: lo and behold, there was something chilly, smooth, and most definitely syrupy running down the front of her many busts and down the lengths of her multiple shafts, a substance that, when the chee took her hands to it, was immediately recognizable as the same one that started her rampage in the first place. Just like that, the giantess’ aims were shifted away once again, with any concern she might’ve had for her supplicants vanishing into the aether to make way for yet more size lust, yet more desire to grow; all the dracat could do was run her hands all over herself, trying her best to get the shampoo-body wash combo over as much as her form as she could, just like back at home in the shower, in the hopes of triggering a growth spurt unlike any other.
If she ever ran out of the stuff, all it took would be dipping her hands into the wreckage of the factory, and after all the rubble was blown away, all that was left was the growth agent, sticking to her hands in the most satisfactory way imaginable; much like it had previously, the body wash vanished almost instantly after making contact with her fur, so much so that, by that point, Xili was convinced that her body actually was directly absorbing it, as that was the only explanation that made the slightest, even if slimmest, amount of sense. But such distinctions were ultimately meaningless, since the whole point of getting to where she was had been to reach the source of her growth, and now that she had, it was so, so easy to let go and imagine herself as she would be in just a few seconds’ time… so easy, in fact, that Xili completely forgot that her initial spurt of size hadn’t been global and proportional; with her head stuck in the clouds, beset by growth fantasies that, for most other people, would be little more than dreams, the chee had completely missed the fact that the shampoo had only ever given her more cock and balls, and literally nothing else.
She only had bigger, more numerous tits because she drank of her own seed, and her body was only as big as it was in general due to the effects of the creamy milk she had consumed with such enthusiasm, what felt like years before. The actual growth agent itself, though the catalyst for everything that happened afterwards, had only left her heavier between the legs, nothing more… a reality that Xili was about to become deeply acquainted with after she ran out of the stuff. It was a testament to how far gone the dracat was that she didn’t once consider the possibility that the shampoo factory wasn’t a bottomless pit, and that she wouldn’t be capable of just dipping her hands into its destroyed husk to retrieve more of the delicious growth agent for all of eternity. Thus, when she kept digging in the rubble and returned dry every single time, her mind took a while to process what was happening, just enough time for the gel to work its magic in exactly the same way it had before; it was nothing if not wholly predictable, which just made Xili’s complete lack of preparedness all the more obvious.
The dracat yelped when she felt her eight cumtanks begin to swell with renewed strength, bloating outwards with a speed that the chee had not once considered possible; within moments, she was stranded atop them, unable to even so much as move her legs, lest she end up rubbing her nuts too much and cause a flood… not that this would change much, seeing as she was already in full flow from her double tri-cocks, but at least it would help to mitigate things somewhat, for a given value of “mitigate”, at least. It was hard to hold back the rising tide when the collective sum total of all the waters in the ocean came crashing down upon the shore, and that was exactly how Xili felt every time she made the slightest effort to contain her newest growth spurt; past a certain point, she couldn’t even figure out why she was doing it beyond a vague notion of it feeling better whenever she pretended not to want it, a role to play that the dracat would have to figure out with some heavy-duty self-reflection later.
For the time being, not only were her cum factories swelling at an alarming rate, reaching near double their previous size in under a minute, but her dicks too were becoming difficult to manage; six rods, each of which were big enough on their own to rival skyscrapers for size and volume (if not for mass, where Xili’s cocks were clearly the victors), and yet somehow such measurements seemed so puny compared to the sort of distances that were involved in this new body of hers. All of her shafts raced towards the sky, gaining foot after foot of length, so quickly and unexpectedly that the only reason the dracat didn’t immediately topple backwards from the sudden expansion were the many cumtanks she was sitting on, keeping her at least somewhat stable in between all the madness… even if just physically.
For each moment that passed, her new size left her previous one in the dust, more and more of the city around her vanishing underneath the relentless onslaught of her expanding form, entire blocks destroyed in the blink of an eye by fractions of single nuts, while the deluge of precum pouring down from her rods from up above reached terminal velocity and left deep impact marks on the ground whenever the globs smashed against it. And yet, this wasn’t Xili’s main concern; she knew, on some deep, instinctual level, that anyone caught in her maddening growth burst would be safe, just as long as they opened themselves to her and clung on for dear life. She knew, even if she wasn’t certain how, that none would be hurt in her ascension, as she was a gentle, caring goddess, and would never allow anyone to come to harm under her watch.
No, her problem was that the pressure she was feeling inside of her two sheaths had begun to rise again, even beyond the amount already reserved by the rest of her size spurt, in exactly the sort of way that she had quickly learned meant that a multiplication was about to occur. The chee didn’t even want to look down; she knew, in her heart of hearts, that if she dared to observe the process as it unfolded, it would permanently scar her, turning her into a mindless breeding drone whose only purpose in life would be to hump at thin air in a vain attempt at satisfying urges that no one on the planet would be capable of helping her with… well, unless she used the planet itself, but then again, the dracat wasn’t in the business of cracking inhabited homeworlds, nor did she feel like wasting such a perfect opportunity to establish herself as a goddess in her own right.
No, she just sat there, eyes closed, hands firmly holding onto two of her many tits; they were gone, all the way up to their wrists, sunken into plush, sloshing breastflesh, grasping at the milky orbs hard enough for their claws to sink into their skin, but it wasn’t painful; why, it barely even registered next to the unfathomable amount of pressure coming from further down below, from where Xili assumed she was growing a whole bouquet of cocks, where everything was so terrible, yet so grand, so magnificent, that the giantess truly believed that she was going to pop. Hell, she was going to tear open like an overstuffed turkey, she was sure of it, for nothing in existence could withstand that level of stretching and come out of it better off for it, not even herself.
She earnestly, truly believed this, and kept believing it even through the multiplication itself, even when her sheaths began to engorge further and widen to make way for the new sets of rods, and especially through the agonizing moments where the tips of her shafts poked out from the darkness within, revealing that each of her two arrangements of lengths were now arranged in a near-perfect hexagonal pattern, with her duo of sheats bearing fruit to hold six cocks each! It was an almost absurd number, and certainly not one that she could ever put to use on any hyper that she’d ever heard of, but when she finally opened her eyes, when she saw what had happened to herself… Xili smiled.
It was a broken smile, one that denoted more of a mental crack than it did anything remotely resembling mirth, but a smile nonetheless, as the dracat’s mind struggled to comprehend just what in blazes she was looking at: twelve dicks. Twelve. Two were too many, six were perfect, and now… now she didn’t have words to explain what it was she was feeling. Something beyond bliss? A sensation that transcended her mind’s ability to share it with someone else? A fundamentally personal journey, one that began and ended in the same moment in time, that started with her seeing her newest numbers of rods and reached its conclusion with her acceptance of the excess, even if she didn’t quite know what to make of it. She would flood the world, that much was certain, and would do so gladly, without even thinking too much about it; she would thrust once and create sonic shockwaves, capable of traversing thousands of miles, and not even realize what she had done. But above all, she would do so much more than that.
Because she wasn’t done growing. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Chapter Three Final prep and the delivery by Taya Maruti
Tags: Abduction, Age Play, Bondage, Captivity, Character Development, Forced, Human, Husky, Other/Herm, Slavery, Story Series
Emily was fast a sleep when she heard the door of the mans truck shut emily jumped at the sound wakeing up and began to watch the door she slowly scooted closer to the coutch she was tied to and attempted to hide.
When the man came in the door he looked around the room his eyes fell to the little trembiling husky girl and he went over to her slowly to make sure she was ok when she recognized him she calmed down a bit and went over to see what he had in his hands.
"Amazing you are already begining to have curiosity of things and act some what like the pet you will be, i guess you did listen to what i said after all " the man said as he pulled a peace of ribon out of the bag and set the bag on the couch.
"ok you bee good i am going to rap you up pretty for your new owner." said the man as he worked closer to her and patted her on the head, he took her in his arms and began to wrap the ribon around her in a bondage style covering her sex and encercling her child brests.
Emily sqirmed a bit as she felt him wraping her up tightly but not tight enough to couse discomfort she looked up at him and began to ask what he was doing but he put his hand on her muzzle and then explained to her that we was making her look pretty for the person who bought her.
The man finished with a bow in between her ears, "there you go all pretty, but since you insist on using your voice i am going to have to put a gag or a muzzle on you, you arent suposed to talk any more." she whimpers her ears lay back tears begin to well up in her eyes.
"Don't start you have done good so far but you must learn you will face more evil consicuences if you get in trouble latter on." said the man as he took a second peace of the silk ribbon from the bag and began to tie it around her muzzle, the man took the leash and untied it form the couch and reminded her to not walk on two legs any more took her to a kennel the kind used to take animals on plains.
"Ok now get in and settle down we have a long trip a head of us." Said the man, emily climed in not making a fuss she laid down as it was small but large enough she could move if she needed the man shut the door and as he began to walk away emily turnd around and watched him leave.
Wondering if she would be stuck in there all night or not she closed her eyes so she could have a ecape form this night mare she was in, just then the kennel shudderd and she opend her is quickly to see what was going on but she only saw the ground moving away and the kennel lifting up she began to whimper.
The kennel also began to move twards the big doorshe had no way out its stoped just befor it hit the door and she heard a loud creak as the garage door began to open and the room was filled with sunlight she had not seen sunlight in a while and it made her eyes hurt and instictivly shut she tried to keep them open to see where she was headed but could not.
While she could not see she still could hear as the footsteps on the pavment and the feeling that she was moving filled her ears her heart began to pound in her chest she then felt the kennel lift higher off the ground and move slowly forward.
She managed to open her eyes a bit to see just a bit of a truck bead then they forced them selfs shut becous it was still to bright for her she felt the kennel drop sudenly and land shortly onto a serface witch she knew was the truck bed form the previous sight, a few moments later witch felt like forever to her she heard the truck start.
As the truck began to move she then began to fear her future in this and tried her best to get out of the kennel to escape but to no avail she laid down in the kennel and curld up in a ball as best she could and drifted off to sleep ocasionaly beeing woken up so that she could get a drink or some food when the man stoped.
Afew hours later it got darker and she could now see the back of the truck and the window at the back of the cab as she looked around she watched the trees and telephone poles disapear and the air open up as if in a place where no humans existed exept the ocasional passerby in there little cars.
The next time she woke she found the truck had stoped and she was being lifted out of the truck she whimped a bit and heard a loud pounding on the kennel she quieted up watching as she passed through a back gate and was heading twards a brow shed small but big enough she would be able to be hid in.
She stoped moving and the man came around to the front of the kennel and said "well once i put you in here this is good by i wont be able to be around and i will hope you are ok, but keep in mind what i have told you and what i tought you it will keep them happy and you out of truble."
once in side the kennel was placed back onto the ground and he set a small bowl of watter in the kennel for her closed the kennel and turnd to go out the door as she whimperd he didnt look back just stoped for a moment then closed the door to the shed and walked up to the front after loading the cart he used to transport her he left a note on the door of the house adressed to the woman who bought emily. | FSE |
Title: Stories from Degilon: Rebirth - Pt1 by Lizeron
Tags: Anal, Death, Ejaculation, M/M, Oral, Orca, Otter, Pain, Violence (Not In Yiff)
Warning message is unleashed: The text following contains injuries, deaths, and sex between males, more like raping to be honest! If u can't stand the implies mentioned, or are not a legal aged fur, scale, feather or phin to read this please don't and surely worth mentioning that i am not to be blamed if you do read it. Besides who will ever ask you?! To whoever reads it though have a good time and my hopes for enjoying it.
Stories from Degilon: Rebirth - Pt1
Silence emerged in the room as General Himford stood up from his chair. Many high ranks of the army where inside for the meeting, important as it was for putting an end to many battles that took place at that time. Inside around the circle shaped table there existed all types of furs and cetaceans. The general was barking for his ideas protesting against all others that were heared beside his own. It was needed to put an end to the war between the furs and the scalies, long lasting and exhausting, with many loses and without any solution. "We are civilised people here gentlemen! We must acquire some bombs and kill all of them while we can" the labrador barked and punched the table with his fist, stating clearly that there shouldn't even be a discussion for the solution he was offering. None responded in the room, until a phin started talking calmly looking at the General.
She clearly didn't want the war to get out of hand and she trembled a little before speaking her mind. "According to the inteligence we gathered on humans, they almost destroyed the planet four times, using bombs to attack countries and lands as poor as the land of the scalies. Without any fear to you sir, I will not allow my troops to aid you in a battle that can come out of hand anytime passing". All the furries in the room remained thoughtful analyzing the statement of both the General as well as Colonel Crystal's.
"Colonel Crystal, I cannot allow your madness to affect my army" the dog barked angrily pointing the slim phin with his finger. He didn't like the fact that a woman existed among them and more likely she could be promoted to General herself, thanks to her smartness and logic.
"When you asked for our help, you offered us too much General" she said and looked at the rest of the cetaceans standing by her side. "By all means I cannot help you anymore, if the land you are offering is a poluted radioactive hell". She didn't talk anymore, hoping that more people would agree.
A coyote stood up and requested permission to talk. Only after the General granded permission did the coyote start expressing some points against the Colonel "Miss Colonel Crystal, you are losing a big deal here" Crystal looked up at the young lower rank Lieutenant and the coyote continued after he verified she was paying attention to his words. "We have encountered a huge amount of loses the last three months, wether cetacean or furry, we all can die. We are wasting too much money and raw materials on this and the mechanics for our guns had lots of trouble with that magical bomb that was transferred in the factory. I do insist you accept in the use of bombs or our side will be the one losing this war and we might as well lose more than just the lives of some high ranked soldier and politicians".
An orcan male stood up this time, before his colonel could even respond. He was rather tall and bulky, his strong muscles stretched under his shirt, and his deep voice echoed in the room. "This wasn't our war to begin with Lieutenant Borzoth. We entered this battle cause you promised us land and peace between our species. We are not going to participate in the works like yours" He yelled at his last words. He was furious and sick of the furries talking.
"Sergeant Caels, I didn't give you any permission to speak for our account" The phin answered back. She was driven to corner after corner, the furry war men were obviously needing something from them for the construction of the bombs, and they were trying to make her kneel to their will. "Sir General Himford, I am not in authority to speak for desicions like the one you are talking about"
"But, but, General Whes, is injured from the last battle and probably in a state of coma for two weeks now! Desicions must be made and you are the one with the responsibility to answer" General Himford replied. "I understand the emotional shock you must be in, your future husband being in the hospital like this, but you have to answer". He stated and looked around.
"I am so sick of them" Caels thought observing the furries. "Such disgusting species, you should be the first to be killed not the other freaks nature created. Scalies should fall right after you" he thought again and pressed his jaw, looking angily the labrador that talked before him.
"I shall give you an answer to you suggestion within the week" Crystal said dragging the orcan from his thoughts.
"And most of all i hate females that can order around, irreliable females should be watching over their kids, being spread by dicks, not prove theirselves in the battlefields" Caels thought again "With all the respect my lady, but why should we agree on terms they make?" He yelled outside of his mind.
None talked for a small while, the orca left them speechless. "Sergeant, you better disappear from my sight right now, or I can promise you I will suspend you from your duties!" The Colonel was driven mad and for the first time in that night she was yelling and to her surprise not the the general.
"Do as you like" Caels responded back to her, leaving the room and all the warmen inside of it.
"Quite a troublesome that sergeant is" General Himford whispered and rubbed his chin. "Maybe you should do something for a problem like him" he silently said to the Colonel.
"I shall do something on my behalf about the Sergeant's words, this was most improper by him" she sighed and looked at the door, left open after Caels leaving. "What's the state of the city at the moment?" She asked to change the mood.
A wide smile emerged on the General's face. "Ah, splendit actually. The only people left inside are kids and women and other furrs with special problems. And the taxes got raised smoothly, soon we will be able to foundate a whole new battle" He chuckled of his evil plans
"Being young or a woman, is not a special problem Sir" she said and moved outside of the room, her cetaceans following her and the General and the rest of the furries smiling widely at eachother.
Caels screamed in his cabin, letting his anger grow inside him. He hated all of them, cause they weren't like him or the rest of the males of his species. He was a true believer in the dominance the males should have over females and he was most of addicted in slidding his length inside the cetacean girls. He loved it all, the way he was imagining them, a simply made paradise for the cetaceans. "Do I ask for so much? Just killing furs and scales and fucking any girl I land my sight on" he thought and sighed,pulling his shirt off him to cool a little his black and white skin, gotten warmer so many hard working hours, his shirt having a darker colour from the sweat that got dried up on it.
He stood up and entered the restroom, wetting his face a little to cool himself off. The cold water felt so refreshing on his skin, refreshing his face and making him cheer up a little. He observed in the mirror the male orca that was standing in front of him, with muscles nicely lined on his chest and biceps. He didn't get the chance to mate any woman for what seemed like months, no more than eight days in reality, his job taking the most of him, searching for any type of information about scalies hideouts and their magic. He had killed many of the tortured and interrogated scalies, enjoying himself so much in the proccess, shooting the tied up hostages after endless hours of interrogation. It didn't matter what they were. He wasn't a picky one on that matter, anything male, female or child was good to shoot as long as it wasn't a cetacean and to his dismay a furry.
Suddenly the door knocked and a female voice requested permission to enter. Caels didn't waste time thinking about it opening the door fast, only to find himself in front of Colonel Crystal. "Oh, colonel, it's you" he said and looked quite disappointed, failing to hide his angriness towards her.
"Sergeant Caels, we need to talk" she said and entered the cabin of the sergeant. She couldn't hide her interest in the male very well, his bulky body glistering from the water that was put on it. "How long will I have to bear your behavior Sergeant?" she asked scolding him for the way he spoke to the furries.
"Oh, come on. I know you feel the same like I do" Cael whispered and got closer to Crystal getting one hand around her waist, bringing her breast closer to his chest, a soft whimper left the Colonel's chest at the feeling of male touching her. She didn't have any action other than battles herself for nearly two weeks, and the musky smell of the Sergeant drove her sences over the egde, she almost instinctly moved her hands to explore the male's body. Her hands made all their way from abs to head, making Caels whistle a little from her touch and she became arroused from his body. She carefully picked his neck and brought her lips to his, kissing him with great lust and passion, enjoying the wamrth of his tongue, her body screaming for her to continue, to please its needs.
Her brain was numb and she required time of kissing to understand what she was doing, and what she was about to do. "Oh no, we must not. Whes will be waiting for me" She whispered with a trebbling voice and pulled away from the killer whale. She tried to calm herself, quickly catching up with reality, her mind lost in her fantasies. She looked the Sergeant significantly strick, immediately enlarging the distance between them. She was after all alot more superior to him. She was his colonel.
"Sergeant Caels, what was neccessary to inform you about is that your suspendance is up. Please leave the building without any force to resist, and go to the house mentioned on this paper. I hope that there you might become something better and return to us as a better man" she couldn't look at him in the eyes. She tossed him the sheet and walked away. She was about to betray her love, for the urge of the moment. Caels looked at her leaving, for once at least exposing her female nature to him. She was kind, but not a fool that was for sure. And he wasn't in a good position to argue. "At the very least I can give some happiness at the whores of this city" he said to himself with a pain running through his heart, being force to leave, even for a little while, what he loved most in the world: War.
\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \~\~\~\~\~\~\~ \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* The bulky cetacean walked inside the alleys of Degilon. The night was young and the soft moonlight lightened his path to the house he was given. It was one of the worst suburbs of the city, the smell of rubbish filling the air and his lungs and the sound of the poor families made that peacefull night a carnival. He hated everything and he cursed his Colonel for what she did to him. How dare a female order a man. And suspended also meant he didn't get his chance to torture and interrogate, the feeling of causing pain and suffering already missed in his heart. And his need for a female was so great, again cursing Crystal for not leaning down with him. He was now walking in the roads and streets of the furries capital, disgusted by the idea that the furs had evolved so much compared to the other species. He was looking jealously at the technology they had created, improved guns, lamps, televisions, anything from most dangerous to innoecent, the furries had it better made.
He moved between thugs and drug sellers, whores and homeless people, the creatures that lured in the night, each one of them with his pain to live with, each his own sins to commit, or if innocent, never get many chances to live. People poor, die on the street, none really caring about them, their corpses leaving no tears behind, noone loved them, or knew them in order to mourn for their loss. And those dedicated few, who still tried to live in tribes and small groups, God how much can they be helped? Tears falling from their eyes for what reason? Is it the loss of a friend, the knowlegde that they shall follow his steps and one day die a death being in vain? Or is it that people so poor, with money so little lacking basic need for water and food, will never have a proper grave. Graves made by the hands of the homeless, the last proof of their love, a hole on the ground and the dead body, left inside alone, with prays to rest in peace and find in the afterlife, all that he lost in the realm of the living. Graves so vurnerable opened the other day from beasts and others, poor as they are, in search for something with value or an eatable part.
This orca couldn't trust God anymore, in the battlefield, in his work, the devil lied, waiting for the next one that will fall for his trap. The screams that echo in Caels mind are some so strong ones created by people so little, so vurnerable. Because of his hands many kids have been slaughtered, because of his lust many women were raped, because of his mind, twisted as it was since he was recruited from his childhood, the sight of war changing it, making it what it is today, many people have suffered. "God has abandoned you scums, when i kill any of you, as loud as you cry or scream or beg for me to spare your pathetic existances, never have i seen one getting away nor God saving him" his mouth talked on its own, the sight of the starving children that lied on the street, giving him chills, a mix of pleasure and sorrow. "How can you still believe in God? Can you answer me, boy?" he said as his passed by a thrashcan, a little otter hiding behind it, scared of the huge morph that stood before him. Caels couldn't resist, his logic shut down again his hand moving on its own to satisfy a twisted mind's orders. The little otter was skinny and he was barely moving his thin little arms, he cried softly from the touch of the cetacean, who grabbed his neck and slowly lifted him up
"Now that i can even kill you! Where is your God now that you need him?" the orca yelled and roughly shaked his hand, making the kid to shiver from fear.
"Please let me go" the little otter cried and with his trembling paws touched the orca's fist. Whatever that was, the orca returned to the earth from his twisted fantasy. Was it the touch, was it the cries of the kid? He too didn't know.
"When you are so young, and yet you have as much life as someone who lies on his bed waiting for death to come and free him at his nineties, why would you want to go on living" the sergeant laughed, a mad snicker that made the kid shiver even more. He let go of the boy and the kid looked happy when his slim feet touched the ground. However what the orca knew the best, was that happiness shall never last for long. That's how this world we are living in works. Without even understanding it, a strong, muscled leg kicked the little otter's chest throwing him all the way to the wall. Hitted badly, the kid fainted and the sergeant proud for his performance left the alley, not a single of the furs passing by, even understanding what had happened.
The sergeant's soul screamed for more, the little otter had irritated him without limits. He needed to hear screams, cries, pain and to feel the power of a triggered gun and the sight of blood to colour the backgrounds of his life. War is something scary. He had experienced it from when he was eleven, just a child willing to experience the world, to feel the pride of protecting his country, nothing more than absolute imagination showing him a path totally wrong. But in his mind, the glory of the hero, surpassing all others. He was now, thirteen years later, a man, raised in the fields of terror, ones of which only war can create. From his childish innocense of serving his species, to his grown up's ambitions, glory still lying in the end of the path that he chose. Crazy as he was, he was so good at covering his little imperfection, almost none knowing what he was in reality. And that mad orca wandered in the alleys of a city filled with pain and victims of a war, created by furs greedy and powerful. And how happy that orca was at that time, in a sea filled with powerless people, homeless, hungry... dead anyway.
He followed the directions he was given from his colonel to reach the house for his suspension. It was rather rich compared to the appartments that existed around it, his being a house for his own. No sharing with the filthless creatures that decorated the majority of the city. It had a garden, grass grown, a beautiful green colour sorrounding the building. It calmed his nerves knowing that it was for him. It wasn't a palace, but it was a place to call home, already decorated inside, with furniture that someone average could buy. It made him feel so nice, most of the furs of the city not even having the average for living. Even if they were not fighting in the battlefield hell had already found a way to reach them. Feared souls are so easy to manipulate, the military knows it and they have wealth from it. Leave it to the church to take over, their senseless talks giving hope to the hopeless. And for that hope they have to pay. "Now that we need it the most, our God has chosen us, to eliminate those filthy creatures, the heretates. Help anyway you can and the door to God's domain shall be opened for your souls" They said everyday pointing boxes for money or at the buildings accepting tax payments. And how can miserable furs answer back to that. Instead of helping themselves to survive through this, to buy some bread, they give their money away, only to be taken by the goverment and make more weapons or used for personall reasons by the higher ups. A most well created plot, the biggest powers of a country, all working together for their destruction.
The cetacean, snickered and passed throught the wooden door, stepping in for the first time in years, somewhere that he could call home. It had walls, it wasn't a tent. He could bath himself properly, like the way most needed by an orca. From the moment he came inside the house, his twisted mind became normal again. All of his fantasies ended whenever he was somewhere where he felt calm or protected. His urges always were gone when he was with his colonel and general. They were all three kids when they first picked up a gun. Why was he the only one with the need to kill? Whes and Crystal were always sad about taking lives, he had always fights with Whes for the difference in their opinions. But not a single time did they treat him bad or searched for their own personal goals. They were his cage, to feel calm. After many years had passed, both of them became important war figures known for their bravery and also kindness, and just one year ago the colonel and general became engaged, asking them to walk the bride in the church. The reasons for his denying were one of his biggest mysteries and secrets.
Silence existed inside the empty house. Only his walking could be heard and for once, he enjoyed being alone. He was positioning what little belongings he had, up to shelves or tables. A job like that didn't require any effort or a great mind. Time passed so smoothly when he was occupied, he didn't understand it was already morning when he stopped. He walked up the stairs to his bedroom, all of his energy drawned by his mind, his activities.He took off his clothes, leaving himself naked and then he just left his body to fall on the smooth water bed. And how much did he like the feeling of water existing underneath him. It made him feel all nice and fuzzy, the bed reshaping to accept his bulky body, his body smoothly sunk inside it. He couldn't feel anything after a small while, his whole existance entering dreamland.
He woke up seven ours later, upset from the first nightmare he had in ages. He was alone in his room, but the feeling of loneliness had been existing from when General Whes was injured. Seemed that as higher his rank would get, Whes couldn't leave behind his closest friend. Whenever he wasn't sleeping next to his wife, he was resting in Caels cabin. He was still so upset. Cause to the person who treated him the best way, he was about to mate his love. In his dream, his sins took form, appearing as shadows, praising him for giving them existence. In his dream they screamed and applauded for the man that gave them birth. And so disturbing it was, when the shadows cleared, people he had killed before emerged. Their bodies were rotten, but their voices heard the same, screaming in his head once again, this time not differing to the others. His heart jumped from their pain, his soul felt completed from the sight of the holes his gun had created,they were still existing on their flesh. The tales they had told him through their interogations heard again from their dead mouths. Each one of them was real and he knew them all by heart. So glorius his job was. And then in the middle of the pile with bodies silencing, three figured emerged. Whes, Crystal and the little boy next to the thrashcan. Whes was dying and crystal was burning, the little otter crying next to them. Whes vanished a short while after and crystal half burned, looking like a monster that nature created reached out for him. He didn't like her, rejected her and she after one soft sob burned again to ashes, looking at him, her tears become steam in the process, and her burned flesh filling his senses. And the little boy, cried as food appeared in front of it, moving making the otter run towards it. His little legs, became bones as it ran, his flesh went closer to his bones at all his body, before dissappearing completely. And the skeleton of what once was a kid fell down and became dust.
Caels cleared the sweat from his forehead, and sighed at the thoughts of his dream. "What's happening to me?" Caels asked himself, the sheets covering half of his body. "I just need to calm down a little... it must be because of me being in a house that I feel like this" he sighed, rubbing a little his muscled belly, enjoying the feeling. "I need a female... how hard will it be to find someone willing in a city like this" he thought and remembered the countless bitches that were waiting for their costumers in the alleys and under the street lamps. He yawned heavily and got off his bed. He wasn't expecting to have a boner, but the pink male flesh bobbed as he stood up. He tried to ignore it, as he was walking downstairs moving to the kitchen. He never understood what it meant to be alone. Most times in the army this time of the day he would be already up, and with a whistle on his lips counting exercises for his soldiers. He always said to himself, making these people stronger was a huge priority. But, one day to the other he didn't have his soldiers asking for questions, he didn't eat meals with them. He was now eating cereal... not some strange paste made by whatever the furs used to cook. How did he know it was made by a fur? It was awful and reminded him of dogfood. He looked outside the window, next to the table, at his beautiful garden. He saw a butterfly flying close to some flowers. It was something so alien to him. The field of battle hardly had any plants to begin with, an animal there would be one of the rarest sights.
The land of the scalies was so poor, it made him wonder why a war should take place at all. Not that he complained for the marvelous art of war, already mentioned, he loved it. But it seemed so odd, struggling for a place like that. outside of the coasts there was hardly any land fit for cultivation. Worth mentioned, oil was something the furs' technology had disposed of some years before he had even been borned. So why a battle there? If there was some huge vein of a rare metal, their spies would know first hand. Hiding a whole vein is something most of hard, especially because the civiliants are whispering everything to one another. He couldn't find the answer to that. "why am i thinking of this now? I never cared at the least about it" he asked himself in confusion.
He looked at his house, it was nice to be some place like this. He opened the TV and lied on the sofa, like an ol' good coach potato. This orca hasn't felt so much useless and bored in years. He didn't have absolutaly anything to occupy himself with. He then got a crazy idea. He wanted, to go shopping. His salary was more than enough to furnish a house like three times in one month, but he mostly wanted to buy little useless stuff. Some things were missing from his life. It was maybe his chance to retrieve them. He couldn't marry, since in a job like his, commitment is something rare, he couldn't have kids, cause he was afraid they would get hurt. Yet, he was telling himself that from what he was doing, someday his children will live in a world without fear and war. And he was hoping that losing war would be something less painful, if he was in a warmth of a family.
Thinking became something crazy, he robotically dressed up took his wallet and his gun and left. He didn't have the slightest idea of where the mall or some shops were located so it would be a nice summer day walking. It was his first time he wore his black baggy pants. In the army he was wearing only the sergeants suit, which glistered from the bagdes that decorated his chest or just some sport jackets and pants for the training. However, in a normal life, clothes more suited to a 24-year-old orca were more free for his movements, and by a bigger rating more appealing to females.
When he set foot outside his garden a whisper heard from a few meters next to him. A little otter boy was seating at a side of the pavement and none was passing by. The kid looked at the cetacean and whispered something like "some food please" to him. The man, walked towards the child, in the otter's face a small look of hope emerged. he must have thought "oh today I might eat". But, instead of that, the orca grabbed the kid's neck and pressed his grip smoothly, slowly strangulating him. The otter looked terrified at the orca. He must have not seen his face the night before, maybe because it was dark or he was too exhausted to observe. "Oh no... it's... you..." the otter was able to tremble and gagged from the lack of oxygen and the hand that hold his neck. Suddenly, the grip relaxed and he breathed hungrily the so much needed air. And this time, a punch landed fast on his face, again throwing him back and hitting his little furry head on the wall behind of him. Blood came out of his mouth and the orca cleaned the same blood calmly from his fist. "If this is a war time, and one your people created, I have no reason at all to help you, do I boy?". After some hours passed, noone seemed to pay any attention to the injured otter that was lying speechless and bloodcovered at a side of the pavement.
Caels was so relieved, he found the mall a lot of easier than he feared. The stores were mostly empty, just a few items existing in each store. Clothes were something he didn't see so often and most of the stores had nothing to offer, other than a few cheap stuff. His pride wasn't allowing him to buy anything from any of the stores he visited. Almost all the sellers were wearing poor clothes, most of them sewed over an old scratch they had. The city was growing poorer with each day passing, and the civilians of Degilon were becoming desperate. While moving from each floor to the other, many of the passing furs were looking at him, looking cool with his new and clean clothes while all of them wore dirty and old ones. The few children that still played around were left gazing at the big male walking by, looking at his muscular body. Kids hardly ever change, whatever the life they live in. They set goals and hope and dreams with anything that came by their mind. The kids caels left starting talking of how they would look so amazing and strong when they grow up. They were so absorbed by the talks they didn't understand that the orca heard all of the conversation. Somehow, the way the kids reacted after seeing him gave him a feeling inside. It was a pride so much different than blowing the minds off his captives heads. It was the idolization, that those kids applied to him. He continued walking from every store to the other hardly anyone selling anything of value, or even for his entertainment purposes. But at least he could make a report his Colonel. She had to know the conditions under which the furries were living for the sake of their war. He continued moving through the alleys until after what seemed a whole day of sight seeing, mostly the underdog of what once was the furries most great of cities, he found himself a store filled with all the things he could imagine.
Dolls out of porcelain, some strange clocks all around, glasses with goldencarved grips and many other stuff decorated the inside of the shop. Caels couldn't help not to satisfy his curiosity. Opening the door of the store some bells clinged a little and the boar inside turned surpriced to see his costumer. There it was, an orca, walking through his store, wearing clean clothes and looking strangely around, like he'd never seen antiques before. "Can I help you sir?" He asked, slightly frightened of the appearence of the killer whale. He didn't get a responce from the black 'n' white colored bull, who was disappearing in a state of day dreaming. He was enchanted by a music box, more like a musical necklace. It reminded one his mother had been playing all the time when he was a lot younger. She always played the box for him, just before she was telling him to sleep. It was a nostalgia, thinking that when his mother left for the army, she nenever returned. And for some unexplained reason, the box disappeared with her. The boar was shouting a little bit, seeing the stranger orca moving his fingers around the box, exploring it's hand made details. It was the small medalion, whenever it opened music filled the room, and on it there was an orca male holding in a strong embrace a dolphin girl, his neck locking the girl on his chest.
The boar approached a little, revealing the fact that he was cripple, a wooden leg emerging on his left foot. "Aye boy! Put tha down! I don like people breakin' stuf" he said and moved right next to the orca, but still a scared look in his face, like he was looking at his nemesis.
"Were did you find such a masterpiece?" the orca whispered quietly, hardly holding a sob from his mother's memory.
"Aya thas? Hier 'n' ther! Peps always come hier to gif stuff for some coin" The boar said a chuckle coming after.
"I would like to... buy this" The orca said and dearly held the jewel uppon his chest.
"Ar'ya willin to pay?"
"Aye, sure. How much" He asked as he was getting his wallet off his pocket
"Justa gif me sixty bucks" The boar said smiling greedily watching the full pocket of the cetacean
"Ehm, sure." the orca began, giving him the money and curiously understanding something. Why was such a shop existing? People outside were dying and there was just no way the church was helping this one out. "How come you have so many things in yar store mate?" He asked.
The boar continued to wrap the necklace in some soft paper then turned his head. "Whatcha mean ther boy? I lost a leg out there, the last thin I can at least have is a store no?"
"You have any higher up helpin ya?" Caels asked a perfect greedy grin masking his face.
"Ya said it boy! It's no hard t' make deals in this land" he noticed a slight change in his face, one betraying the orca's greed. The boar was delighted other people like him existed. "Ai'l let ya in on a secret yeh boy? Just go to the docks and there are people sellin stuff, stolen from tha scalie freaks"
"How come the goverment doesn't know" he asked in a low tone voice, showing how interested he was at the same time creating the feeling of sharing a terrible secret, making the boar more eager to explain and to reveal his secrets.
The boar looked suspicious at Caels, who was surely so interested. At start he thought he worked for the police. There were still those who wanted to bring justice on the world. But now he showed so much interest, a spark glimmered in his eyes, exposing a rather moneyloving person. He washed all these thoughts away, decepted that the orca was just like him "Bah they know! It's supposed to be for da peopl here, food, cloths, metals, and stuff. But the goverment sends em to us to sell to the spoiled rich brats that stayed behind"His evil laugh filled the store as he continued "Can ya imagine it boy? They were supposed to be for the people here who suffer. Theyr tha loot from Shak'Arat, the capital of the scales"
Caels' look took it's real form on his face, his eyes narrowed his teeth got exposed, and his huge strong tail flapped on the floor and threw a table behind it. "Heya watch it kidd'o! Ya will break.." But he couldn't continue. He noticed. That look on the whale's face, angriness and a twisted satisfaction covering it all.
"So in other words, you steal" The orca sighed and laughed a little " And you steal from your own people, to get money. Ah, that's why i love your species" he said and turned a little his eyes to observe at the boar who was behind his store table. "What I hate even more than you furries, is the furries that betray their own species" he was talking in such an awe towards himself, thinking out loud. The boar understood the insanity that was filling the orca's head and fast run for a small box next to him. He opened it and inside he found a gun. But it was too late... The orca was pointing him with his own, an evil grin and look appearing on him. The eyes of the boar opened widely as he figured what would follow up. A "Sleep..." left the orcan beak and the gun got triggered, a shot fired between the eyes of the seller and his blood, brains and greed left his body from that hole. The cetacean reached over his blood covered money and the small jewel on the grasp of the dead pig. "That's why I love greedy people. I never regret shooting at them". The orca left the store and the few people that stood outside frozen on the sight of the murder. When Caels got out he saw that frightened look in those poor dry eyes. He left them just before telling them "Raid it, or catch me". Noone remembered what happened at the empty shop ten minutes later.
Caels stood next to a wall... he couldn't help not to like the item that he acquired. He could easily hear Crystal yelling at him, for killing and stealing a civiliant. But in the end, didn't that pig deserve that? He was in a way killing his own people, stealing from them, when others where fighting with nails and teeth for their countries and believes, he was siting on a chair and waited for costumers. The orca didn't want to think about the incident. He just wore the necklace and walked away. It was getting darker. And he had to satisfy his lust. "Well, well... a bitch will be so happy today" he thought and looked at his crotch that was aroused a little by his fantasies. In a city that dark, it wouldn't be so hard to find someone to fuck. Especially cause he had something that many people needed. Money...
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Caels was cursing his way home, with an attitude even more aggressive that usual. He was denied! And to make it worst he was denied from fifteen whore clubs and over 20 whores themselves. He was furious, and he really got mad. They kept telling him and explaining as calm and kindly as they could that they couldn't accept him fucking them, cause he was a cetacean. "How dare these stupid creatures tell me who to fuck or not" he screamed in an alley, a baby crying from the noise as it was roughly woken up. He punched on a wall with all his nerves and might and screamed. The people that lived there got terrified. They were used to gangs, usually most needed food. But to a cetacean they weren't. A granny found some courage in her heart and asked the orca as kindly as possible to keep quite. She required sleep, her mate needed too and some of the children that slept with her needed it too. She looked so helpless with all the years she lived shaping her face, even Caels couldn't help not to obey her request. It hurt so much, being repeled, he was awfull. He needed sex and as much as he needed love. He never expected that the day would come when he would hope that he had someone to hug, to feel loved. And now it happened.
Most of the strippers he found looked arously at him. They obviously wanted him. So why none of them fucked him to begin with. None gave an explanation to that besides his species. He was moving inside the alleys again. But they already felt like he was in his own neighbourhood. He got used to them with such ease. Tracking was one important army skill, as expected he was ace at it. He just wanted to go home. He could swear a tear almost left his eye. He just couldn't stand this anymore. A female on his shaft was pure ecstasy to him, he needed it, and after having his first female some years ago, he swore to himself never to phin off himself again. He was a man, so only females should get the chance to pleasure him.
He continued walking in the night, neglected and dissapointed, his lust not satisfied to the least. Where was his reward for existing among the ugly and disqusting furries? Where was his glory in living the life a normal person had the right to live? Normal stays normal. He needed a girl satisfying his cock and a gun shooting off the heads of whoever he wanted. People like him made war what it is today. It was his art! He could easily tell he was bloodlust again. The boar didn't satisfy his need on that. Both his mind and his body lacked satisfaction, and either one must have it's pleasure. However, he needed to wait a little more. A sigh left him, as he realised it wasn't the right time yet for a murder at least... It was too early and in a city in which most people lived in the shadows of the moon instead of the sun's, patience must be a very powerful weapon. He continued his way to his house, smiling at the ticky sounds of his watch.
He was almost home when it happened. He heard him... whispering some nonsense. In the alley next to the thrash can. The otter boy. "Food... I want to eat" He cried and whispered to himself, those tiny little hands hugging his knees and the clothes he was wearing were somewhat little red. And the orca noticed... It was the blood the otter had spilled the times he was hitted. And oh gods that smile he had when he saw the otter alone in the dark alley. It was perfect... both his needs could find the satisfaction that his whole being was screaming for. Blood and cum, with a male yes, but still cum. He never done this before but he was eager at that moment. He needed it and he had to get it. He walked closer to the otter, who realised someone was walking by. He cleaned off the tears with his little dirty paws, a small sigh heard from him.
Who was there? The boy couldn't tell. It was so dark and his eyes were failing him because of both exhaustion and hunger. "some food?" he said and lifted his paws the one under the other. The tall morph in front of him didn't respond. "damn, if only the light wasn't towards me i could see him" The boy thought.
"what am i doing?! I can't fuck a boy!" Caels said to himself and turned around. He had to keep himself from the temptation and turned away fast. "Fags go to hell!!" He thought. He was afraid so much of that part of the religion. Or else he would be lying with every single one of his fellow soldiers. Many did so. Most of them were 11 years like him or most times even more years in the army. Welcome to the gate to hell, he remembered how his first General had told him. He never saw a cetacean male as sad as him. His eyes have witnessed the deaths of 50 years in wars. One of his eyes had died too, the black leather cover taking its place. I will never be a fag the orca tried to convince himself again. He had to stop his twisted mind... It easily controlled his arms to kill. No need to wait and find out if it can control his hands to fuck as well.
The otter behind him was begging non stop for some food. His whispering voice was ticking his brain. The orca tried to resist and started moving. The kid would die anyway. How more did he have? Two days? Three? No more than a week, that was for sure! He started walking away, when he understood something. The little otter was grasping on his tail, with all the might he had. His hunger was beyond his control anymore. He didn't want to die! If it was needed he would hold the man in front of him as long as it would be, until he would give him some food. To his surprice though the otter understood what he was holding. It was a tail of a cetacean and only one cetacean was moving around his whereabouts: "Him". He looked up at the strong male. It was indeed the orca that hurt him. The kid observed the sergeant and lightened the hold on his strong tail "He looks so sad maybe i have some chances" the otter thought. He asked for food one more time as he squeezed with the little strength that was left in his hands the tail of the huge orca.
Caels froze at the otter. It hugged his tail. And he was asking for food... again.
"Ok kid ... I will give you something to eat" He said. His twisted self was taking over again and there was indeed one small otter that was aiming to get screwed making the same mistake three times. Never ask sergreant Caels for food or u will be hurt. The otter got a small swing on the tail he was holding on, falling on the ground. "Really sir?" he asked in delight, short living as soon as the orca looked cruelly at him, moving closer. "Don't punch me again" the otter tried to say while covering his body with his hands and moving closer to a wall, trying to get as far as possible. "I will feed you.. boy" he whispered and unzipped the fly on his pants. The otter looked terrified at the orca. Being hungry for almost a lifetime it is easy to understand he didn't have alot of stamina. Pawing off in the street? Hah. Yeah, he had done that one time. He was a 13 year old boy, how could he know alot of that stuff. Because of consecutive days of starvation he didn't get high at all. His mind was on survival not sex. And it happened, his back reached the wall... pointless move wasn't it. The orca licked his beak and moved his hand to hold the head of the boy, catching him from between his lowered ears.
The other hand moved to his boxers. He didn't have to reveal anything else other than his staff and the plum sized orbs that hanged underneath. The otter was stunned. A huge ten inches of a cock hardening fast in front of his eyes. The veins were perfectly lined on it and the head was getting harder as time passed. It throbbed like crazy and the musk it emanated was out of this world. The tangy smell was taking over him. Being hold by an orca, fully erected, he was pulled closer to the tip of that cock. He left a small whimper as he tried to resist to the older male, holding his mouth shut, the tip demanding access as it was thrusted slowly forward. "I won't open, no matter what" he told himself. But what could he say, the two muscled and strong hands got a hold on his muzzle, fingers slowly entering in. "Bad little otter... I was thinking on going easy on you at start..." The orca was going nuts. His lust and madness blinded him. He was really going to fuck the boy up.Afterwards? Leave him in a thrash can to die maybe? Safocate him on the spot? No way anyone would ever learn about this.
He opened effortlessly the boy's maw, fastly positioning the tip of his cock inside his mouth. The boy made a small "Mph" when the dick sealed his mouth. It was tasting strangely tangy, and meaty, the kid couldn't describe it. It was like a piece from heaven, tasting something so delicious after what seemed a life time of starving. He shyly put his tongue on the tip of that orcan staff and licked for all it was worth. Caels moaned in ecstasy as his cock finally got the attention it needed. "Good boy" Caels moaned hardly as the kid was eating on his cock. Imagine how hungry he must have been, even the taste of that male meat was filling his tummy. The otter didn't pay any attention. He was just aiming to taste as much as he could the pre leaking cocktip. It felt so nice to have the orcan slime inside of him, his mouth lingered for more of what the orca could give. But he forgot this was actually a rape. He started moving his jaws up and down, in a false effort to eat the orca's most valueable pride. Before he could understand anything the orca gave a hard thrust inside his mouth. He gagged as he felt the tip of that cockhead hit the back of his throat, and his jaws were in great pain for the massive opening they were forced to do. A tear fell from the kid's eyes. This was a rape. He was being raped, violently opened and pleasing the other male. But he couldn't struggle back. He just gave in.
"Ah yes" Caels moaned again and fucked the boy's face hard. He was literaly fucking it, extending it to accept his maleness, the kid cried between gags and thought he could actually die. "Come on boy. LICK" He ordered as he pulled out until only the head was inside again. The otter obeyed and swirled his smooth tongue around the shaft, making the orca more arroused than before. Again without any warning the orca thrusted back in. the kid screamed from the sudden thrust, a scream killed by that huge cock closing his muzzle. He didn't want this, he hated it. He was always warned about people that would do things to him, most times by other homeless furs and he was always extra carefull not to go close to anyone who could be dangerous. Why did he even stayed close to the orca that injured him twice? Why did his destiny have to be a rape? He didn't make a huge deal after a while though. He started feeling complete. The musk the orca emanated, the taste of pure male flesh inside his mouth seemed to be able to let him full for months. He slowly started to enjoy the way his end was coming. He knew it, he couldn't deny it and he surely couldn't do anything about it. "Come on boy. I have someting for you to fill that empty belly of yours" The orca moaned as he was thrusting more and more and his cock was throbing again like crazy ready to explode. The otter looked up at the orca, with eyes red by the tears and a mouth locked on a cock that was slowly taken out of his throat, tip left alone inside.
The kid again moved his tongue all over the shaft, saliva and pre coating that cockhead like it was created just for that feeling. And the orca moaned and panted one last time and released his lust inside the otter's muzzle. The otter hungrily savoured it all, getting all of that fifteen seed shots that were fired in his muzzle down his throat. It tasted amazing, it actually tasted like pure male. He became slightly addicted to that warm taste, the salty sweet pleasure of the orca still existing inside the cheeks of the kid. He looked up to see the man before him, he could see a look of pleasure on these black eyes, and a smile of greed on the orcan beak. The orca stroked himself a little, whistling at the feeling. The little otter could just stand still and observe. The strong male in front of him was well endoured, and he was jealous of that. But he needed more, he wanted his cum. It was not the pleasure. It was the hunger... and he wanted more.
Slowly and cautiously the little boy extended one of his paws. He needed to feel that shaft with his hands to know if it was real. When he touched it he almost moaned. It didn't feel like holding any random piece of meat. It felt heavy, but mostly because of the respect that it drained for the one it belonged to. The little otter slightly moved his hand up and down the long cock. The orca snickered at seeing the boy working on his arrow. "Now, boy... I need more" With these words the otter tried to open his muzzle again. What if only a little less than half could fit in... He wanted to feel more. However the little otter misunderstood the orca's intentions. The sergeant needed to mount and breed. Not a blowjobbing illusion of the pleasure his body screamed for. He roughly caught the boy from his neck and tail and moved him so that he could get a perfect view on his anus. The boy yelp by the move and tried to hold his tail as lower as he could, understanding what the stranger wanted. And then he felt it. THat rough slicky tongue working it's way around his pucker. He tried to scream and ask for help, but as soon as Caels understood what the boy was going to do he punched him on the back, leaving him breathless for what seemed eternity, meanwhile continuing his rimming. The otter saw stars by the treatment of the tongue entering inside of him, but in the end he didn't want this to go on. A dick that long if not handled easily and with care could easily tear him apart.
But Caels was now ready. "Preparations are done little otter..." He thought. And without any further delay he lifted the kid's tail and hips and moved his cock at the young virgin entrance. The otter could feel like a knife was stabbed in his ass, while the cock started it's journey inside of him. He cried and tried to push back, but without achieving anything other than hurt himself even more, his anal ring fiercefully streched. He screamed and cried as the huge shaft rubbed his anal flesh, his virginity starting to fade. The orca didn't do anything without examining the position from the start. A boy screaming like that could lead people look outside just to fullfil their curiosity. He took off his shirt and rolled it fast, making what seemed like a line of cloth. He quickly put it between the otter's muzzle and held tightly on the egdes. The perfect leash for a dog of the street. He entered as much of his cock as he could inside the boy, fearless about the dying screams and merciless for the mess it could have cause. He just slammed his cock inside and took it a little out then in again, occasionally slapping the smooth buttocks making the otter melt in a mix of moans and screams.Caels repeatedly fucked the otter until he was hilted.
The boy was crying his heart out and could feel his injured bowels on fire, blood dripping from his hole in a mix of saliva and pre. He wished to die back then. He wanted the pain to stop, then torture to end. What kept him hoping though? He knew it well back then as much as he knows it today. The pleasure that existed in his injury, in his taken virginity. It was the first pleasure of sex he had in his life. It was something that was worth even a last second of living. He could only relax, submitting his hole to the orca, breathing heavily yet in harmony with the sergeant's breathing. The boy was at his limit by the time the orca started thrusting again inside his ass. He enjoyed it, he felt like a new person. He could only thank his maker for giving him some last moments in the hands of a male like the one that was holding him. The cock that was sliding in and out of his body, pre covering his bowels and making him feel like he was one with the orca. He felt the same awe as the kids in the mall about the orca, the other males well muscled chest and bicheps hugging his little, dirty and slim body. He could feel the abs of the older male rubbing his skinny back with every thrust and he could feel the strengh in those rough hands holding him tightly, holding his leash. He thought for a mere second that maybe dying after something like the feelings he was offered was the least he could give. For a mere second he felt happy, like before his mother died, before his father left for the battlefeld, before receiving the mail announcing his death. He a fucking moment, one of the last he would live he felt happy! But it didn't last for long as well. No happiness lasts forever, as small as it might be.
And now the orca moaned again hard, pulling the cloth up so that the otter's head would follow, almost twisting his neck, whistling in pleasure as his sack was slapped on the younger ones. He was in a bliss and soon fired his hot lines of cum one more time. It felt arrousing and willing and the orca was so pleased of the feeling. His glorious realise finally took place, and the otter was lying unconcious from the filling of his hole. The amount of so much cum inside his already stretched to the limit hole was something he couldn't bear. The sight of that rear dripping his cum on the sides of the street while his huge cock was half inside, was something a few would describe with the word lovely, but Caels found it even more perfect and right than the time he first saw his dick in a woman's vagina. It felt so amazing, so renewing. And the orca had to decide which way he would silence the boy forever. So he picked him up from the dirty streets, a tear falling off his eyes, as he would have to do something he never had done to such a precious fuck toy.
The curtains inside the silent living room of Caels' house were failing their purpose, some of the morning sunshine entering slightly the room, dancing on the orca's face. The orca couldn't believe what he had done the night before. He felt so strange, his stomach had butterflies inside and he cried a little. He was so far away from his war-mates, his soldiers, his General and... his Colonel. What would they say if they ever found out? He could be executed for an act like that and he knew the bad position the furries were driving the cetaceans in headquarters. He felt ashamed.
What if anyone found the boy? It wouldn't take that long for the canines to track him. He didn't feel strange in saying "You will never find his corpse". But he had ashamed the two only friends he ever had, he had ashamed his name, his species. He was no longer worth to be looked as a Sergeant. He was to be looked as a criminal and without reason. He had an alibi all the other times, killing criminals, torturing "spies". But for this time he had none. And darn it, he thought he felt it. The warm feeling of care and compasion. The one people call love. He finally felt it, in the body of not a female, hardly even a male. He felt love in the being of a child. Wasn't that awfull? He punched his thigh as he thought of it. He kept his promise. That kid wouldn't suffer anymore as long as he was alive. After that night, it was the least he could do.
He sighed a little. This was an orca that failed everyone. The few people believing in him would abandon him. He was trully alone. He cleaned his watered cheeks. "Tears fall from my eyes. I really failed myself" He said, hoping for a response from the empty room. He was a failure and only one way to punish failing soldiers. He took out his gun and raised it to the level of his skull. He tried to pull the trigger
And the phone rang. Caels gazed at it. He gave him a last chance to go on living and rushed to pick it up.
"Sergeant Caels, this is Colonel Crystal. We are moving General Whes to Degilon for medication purposes. We need to talk and fast. I need you Caels, so wait for me there"
So, I guess this is the first chapter I write for the city of Degilon. The idea of writing a story about my one out of two fursona's city always existed in my mind, but I got the most eager to write about it after finishing my most favorite book along with "Anna Frank's Diary". It is a huge inspiration for me and it always had been. I have read it around seven times till now, and i can't describe my emotions when i read it ... 150 teenagers write about their lives, so much different yet all in so much pain... Word is for the amazing book "Freedom Writers". I recommend people reading this one. I don't order you to get it, but still a suggestion is a suggestion. If you are of those that believe that a teacher exists only to give homework and to kill free time at home and if you are one of those that believe that books talking of racism, of cruelties in today's lives and of poverty are lame and boring, DON'T READ THE BOOK MENTIONED!!!! It also exists in DVD!!! Yip yip!
Anyway, this was Chapter 1 of Rebirth. Caels needs compasion, he needs love and his friend needs him as well! Welcome to Degilon people!
Any comment, suggestion or general? Just say it!!!
Liz | FSE |
He could never have expected that thing to actually exist, what with the only evidence he had being spurious claims on internet imageboards and the occasional friend of a friend of someone who totally knew someone else who once talked to this guy who swore they saw it once, but after months and months of searching, Jeremy finally had it in his hands. He probably shouldn’t be so happy that he did, considering what he was planning on doing to himself without telling Ashley anything, but considering how much he had wanted to find that app, there wasn’t really a lot else left in his head; just lust and the knowledge of what was about to happen. On the surface, it was… frankly not “just another app”, considering the garish colours and the subject matter, but no one would ever have any reason to believe it was anything more than a pornographic self-insert program meant for particularly desperate people who really wanted to see what they would look like as a fur. It was a profitable market, after all; everything from specialized photobooths to even the odd gene clinic offering full transitioning services, it was commonplace for humans and anthros to switch places every once in a while, wanting to experience life from the other side. Jeremy, meanwhile, had no intention of just stopping there. Though he had never shared his innermost desires with anyone, not even with his wife, he had always sought a way to fulfill his lifelong ambition of… well, it was just too good to think about, really; looking at the app made the whole thing feel almost too real, and now that he had the opportunity to do something about it, he began to have his doubts. Should he really go through with it? He hadn’t told anyone, after all, not Ashley, not his family or friends… not once had he shared his dreams for fear of being mocked and ridiculed, or worse, dissuaded from them. It was always a nagging concern for him, the thought that maybe all it would take for everything to come crashing down would be for anyone he cared about to try and stop him, after which his goals would be revealed to be as flimsy as a house of cards. He didn’t think they were, but he did also use to believe his favourite jersey was the best piece of clothing he owned, and now it was rotting away somewhere in some dump. Thus, he kept quiet, hoping that if he just accepted the fact that he wanted it, then it would help him through the decision. And yet, the more he looked at the options menu, the harder it was to actually move the sliders. Was it reluctance, fear? Or perhaps just such an enormous change in his life handed over to him so unceremoniously, without any kind of fanfare and preparation? He had known friends who underwent the absurdly expensive procedures required to become furs, and it was always this long, drawn-out process that required so many steps that… honestly, it just felt like validation. Meanwhile, there he was, looking at a bootleg program that was supposed to break the laws of physics after locking onto his genetic code, alone, in his room, without anyone there to tell him it’d be fine after he came out the other end.
At the same time, though, it did give him a certain semblance of confidence that he actually managed to get that far. Others would have given up long before he even thought of doing so, and even in his darkest days he never truly considered the option of just throwing the whole project down the drain. No, he had carried on and succeeded, found the damn app and downloaded it onto his damn phone, and now he had it, right there, in his hands! He did that, he accomplished it, and that made it just as real as it should be. He smiled. It was a good realization… and suddenly the thought of altering himself didn’t feel all that daunting. The options menu, however, absolutely was. As the app was supposed to enact changes at such an insanely fine level, it was no surprise then that, at its smallest, it consisted of a couple of dozen headers that split up into sub-menus and sub-sub-menus, rapidly collapsing into hundreds, thousands of sliders that could all be combined in so many different ways that Jeremy honestly couldn’t even begin to calculate a fraction of them. This was to be expected, and in fact he had heard about it, but actually seeing it right there in front of him didn’t really make it easier to take in; if anything, the sense of emptiness in his stomach returned in full force, as his newfound self-acceptance had just been sniped by the intricacies of genetic modification. Thank goodness for the presets menu. He hadn’t really thought about using those, seeing as the supposed creators of that app were anything but wholesome or family-friendly, and as much as Jeremy himself had every intention of racing towards the limits of decency and then rushing right past them, he did still need to keep his job; couldn’t exactly have Ashley be the sole breadwinner in the house just so he could have fun being a lewd little fuck machine, that wouldn’t be fair for her. With the sheer amount of options to pick from, however, the prospect of going for one of the predetermined body types was just too enticing not to consider, and after fiddling around with just one of the three hundred sliders meant to control his right arm, he just gave up trying to do things the proper way. Opening that particular bit of the app was just like being given the menu at his favourite restaurant, with the various options doing very little but causing his mouth to water at the prospect of picking them. Poor thing even had to look around his room, making sure no one was watching while they unbuttoned their trousers and hastily got them off of himself. It didn’t help that each preset came with an “example picture” of what the body type would look like, or that said picture was so incredibly photorealistic that Jeremy couldn’t shake the feeling that they weren’t computer-generated at all. Whatever the case may be, his free hand wouldn’t be free for much longer, and he’d end up making a mess of himself without even going through every single
possibility… which of course just meant he had to take a break before finishing himself off a second time. Such was life. With so many options to choose from, he felt like he was spoiled for choices, each one lewder than the last. There was no way in hell he’d be able to keep a normal life after going through any of them, so that prospect was quickly thrown out the window; and yet, despite his early concerns about being fair to his partner and wanting to maintain a certain amount of normalcy, he didn’t quite feel like stopping even after realizing how drastic the changes to his body would be. If anything, the knowledge that they would be so drastic only made him want to go through them even more, and he found his fingers scrolling through the list without even realizing he was doing so. The choice of species wasn’t even a choice at all: oversized ears, tiny, prime material for a shortstack? Had to be a fennec fox, no other would ever do. Bit of a cliché choice, sure, but it was his choice and no one was going to take it away from him. Finding the correct body type was a bit harder, if only because even the preset menu had multiple iterations of the same “base” form with only minor alterations to it. Fearing that he’d have to go for a third run, Jeremy placed his phone down on the bedstand and took a deep breath… only then realizing he’d forgotten about the most important thing: setting the scenery. Why, exactly, was he in his room? Ashley was working and the house was empty, plus the couple had bought a full-body mirror for the bathroom that he could and should use to witness his transformation. Without a second thought, he bolted out of the room, having to turn back to pick the phone back up, and only stopped when he was in front of the mirror. That was him. His body. The one he was about to change. And to think he was going to do it somewhere where he couldn’t even see it happen in real-time! There were a few more moments of consideration where Jeremy narrowed down his already limited choices, but it was nothing compared to his earlier indecision. Before long, it was down to just two, and a flip of a coin thus decided his fate. Surprisingly, clicking on the preset didn’t actually start the transformation… and instead opened a secondary menu. This one, however, was not composed of sliders, but of “phases”, where each progressive stage was both lovingly rendered in full detail and described as luridly and deeply as it could be. Jeremy’s pants would
have felt tight if he still had any just from looking at phase one alone, and it wouldn’t take a lot of time for him to slam his finger down on the checkmark. Immediately his body temperature skyrocketed, and the pressure mounting inside of him was the final confirmation he needed to know he was dealing with the real thing; to some degree, he had been expecting all of that lead-up to eventually culminate in sweet fuck-all, but as soon as he saw his shirt begin to tent out in front of him, all of his worries vanished. He was developing breasts, and not only were they going to be very big, but assuming he had read things correctly, they wouldn’t be alone either. The two mounds were extremely heavy, even when they were just barely D-cups; this was to be expected, considering that they were meant to have overfilled saline implants inside of them (how exactly the app did that was anyone’s guess) in addition to their own hyper-productive lactation. Two spots on the fabric, where he felt his sensitive nubs rub against, were already sopping wet, and a few seconds later he could feel droplets of some warm fluid trickling down what was an increasingly-larger set of genuine tits. Underneath them, the pressure in his ribcage mounted, with his torso elongating ever so slightly, just enough for three small spots below his original pair to start growing red and swollen, eventually sprouting three breasts in an oddly-numbered row, both of which rapidly inflated to meet the size of the original one; as soon as Jeremy noticed that his third “pair” was actually comprised of a single tit underneath his second row, the topmost rack split apart, providing enough room for a third mound to develop, giving him an obscenely mismatched three-two-one arrangement! All six were almost impossible to move, being so unbelievably hefty that Jeremy nearly collapsed on his knees from the strain of carrying them around. With his shirt having been ripped to shreds, he was fully able to see how every single one of those six teats was in full flow, spurting milk everywhere in front of him and making an absolute mess of the mirror and floor. Trying to squeeze them was both a losing proposition and the absolute best thing he ever tried in his life; they were all positively stuffed, with a more “solid” core at the center made up of their overfilled implants, which sloshed deliciously loudly with each motion and sway of his chest, while the outer layer was absolutely filled with creamy, sweet milk, something he knew from experience after lifting one of those nips to his own mouth. Trying to sink his fingers into them was, therefore, all-but impossible… but trying to do so sent so many jolts of electricity up his spine that he just kept doing it over and over again, long after the point where he realized he wasn’t going anywhere. That was the point, after all.
As far as he cared, he could very well have remained there, fondling his breasts for the rest of the day, but seeing as those were only step one of gods know how many there were, he merely allowed himself to waste a good twenty to thirty minutes admiring his new busts. Admittedly, having his torso expand upwards to meet the demand for extra space was… odd, but more than likely necessary; at least that way he still had some room to move, even if doing so became incredibly distracting thanks to the endless sloshing of his semi-artificial, milk-stuffed udders. Gods, that thought was good enough to make his legs quiver. Next up came his hips, thighs and ass, all of which were given a single command: grow. If he still had his pants on, they would’ve been shredded by the sudden burgeoning of soft flesh, but at least he still had his underpants for him to watch, stretching and ripping and tearing themselves apart, his body overflowing from the gaps in the fabric before they just ceased to exist as a single item of clothing. His thighs fattened up considerably, enough that he wouldn’t even be able to walk without them rubbing heavily against one another, while his hips widened to the point where getting out of the bathroom was going to be markedly harder than it had been going in. Meanwhile, his hands were firmly stuck in his asscheeks, which had ballooned to a large enough degree that he could sink his fingers into the soft, wobbly pudge and have them vanish from sight completely. Perhaps the best aspect of it all were the noises, with his lower body groaning and creaking quietly as its skin had to quickly adapt to the sudden increase in surface area, not to mention the sheer amount of flesh that had to be added onto his frame for it to even work. Jeremy couldn’t quite begin to imagine how any of that was working, to the point where part of him genuinely believed it was just some kind of weird hallucination; even if it was though, he had no intention of breaking back through to reality. Phase three was perhaps the worst one, as it required the complete restructuring of his skeleton and other assorted bits in order to fit their new female aesthetic. Not only did their pelvis need to widen and their shoulders shrink, but their legs needed to adapt to the new digitigrade configuration of their soon-to-be-fluffy feet, while their skull had to elongate in order to fit a muzzle filled with conspicuously sharp teeth. On top of their head, a pair of fuzzy ears sprouted, while his original pair seemed to shrink into their skull before vanishing. The final piece of the puzzle was, of course, the sudden emergence of fur all over their body, coating them from head to toe in an impossibly smooth, dull grey coat. The whole process stopped for just long enough to give Jeremy a chance at catching their breath, at which point they were torn between their need to finish their transformation and the
sudden desire to explore the body they already had. Even considering the time they wasted pleasuring themselves, there were still a few hours left before Ashley came back from work, thus leaving them with ample time to… admire their new selves. Wouldn’t be too hard, after all, just bring a hand or two between their legs to where their male apparatus had most definitely ceased to exist, replaced by a needy, eager slit that welcome all four fingers he managed to push into it, forcing the half-fennec to drop to the ground and collapse backwards underneath the weight of their six full mammaries. Before they even realized what was happening, they were milking themselves with one hand and pleasuring themselves to climax with the other, their mind having lagged several actions behind while their body raced forwards to give them the best possible experience. There were no words that could express what Jeremy was feeling at that exact moment, but the sounds they were making were a close enough approximation. It was a good thing no one was in the house to hear them, though they doubted their neighbors would appreciate them moaning like a whore in heat at such a loud volume. There was no other choice, sadly; with their body outside of their control, their hands reaching for each of their most sensitive spots only to then activate them as best as they could, the half-fen’s mind was nothing if not a puppet of its own physical container, constantly assaulted by sensations that no mortal was ever meant to experience. At least there were no more doubts about whether or not they should’ve gone through with it. A good time later, after the floor was stained by a significant amount of both milk and femcum (far more than it should’ve been, all things considered), Jeremy succeeded in getting back on their feet. Contrary to what they might’ve expected, the leakage didn’t exactly stop; all of their breasts were still producing copious amounts of milk, while thick strands of their fluids drooled from their lower lips, staining the inside of their legs, only made worse by the fact that their puffy, swollen mound was being perpetually smushed and rubbed by a set of thighs thick enough to quality as small tree trunks. This would have made them worry, but it was frankly far too enjoyable for them to care; for Jeremy, it was an affirmation of their metamorphosis, a statement to the world that their old self had been removed and replaced with something new, something better… and something that wasn’t quite done yet. Cosmetics always had a place when it came to transformations like those; most people who underwent the procedures to become a fur spent an inordinate amount of time intricately designing their new colour patterns, sometimes down to individual strands of hair (fur?) in order to have the greatest possible impact. Jeremy, meanwhile, lacked any of the artistic sense
necessary to make themselves look visually stunning, and therefore chose to keep a single, solid colour with maybe a few accents here or there. Fortunately, the app had a function for that as well, allowing the fen hybrid to carefully pick the best kind of light brown they wanted for them, as well as any patterns they might desire. Much as they thought it was overdone and potentially somewhat laughable, there was no way they could avoid doing it: they needed heart-shaped white patches over their nips. It was unbearable, they needed that, precisely because it was so absurdly obvious and overblown that it fit the overall excessively indulgent look they were giving themselves. After all, Jeremy didn’t see herself even bothering to wear bras, if they even put on a shirt at all; with her puppies in full sight of everyone, why should she bother holding back? Better to let everyone know which part of her she expected people to pay attention to, even if it meant making her look like a cheap slut. Which, to be frank, she kind of liked being. Odd, because she was almost certain that hadn’t been the case before… oh well! Next up was the capstone to the whole transformation, when their almost six-foot frame began to shrink down and down and further down, all the while keeping the overall size on anything that wasn’t his torso and legs. While it wasn’t as immediately pleasurable as the blimping out had been, the sight of his body turning into some kind of hyper-exaggerated shortstack, carrying six tits so large compared to the rest of her that she had to physically move the topmost row just to be able to see herself, was enough to get her to collapse again… though honestly, that might very well just be the weight she now had to carry on a body that was absolutely not ready for it. In fact, moving just seemed to confirm that hypothesis, because it just wasn’t happening; much as the fen tried to shift her frame from one spot to another, it seemed like she was destined to be pinned down by her own assets, stuck between having her ass firmly plopped against the ground on one side while her lowermost trio of breasts grazed against the floor on the other. Not that she cared that much, in all honesty; the simple fact that such a thing was even real meant that her size goals had not only been achieved, but massively surpassed, making the time spent looking for that app entirely worth the investment! That said, being able to move would be nice, so most of the following hour was spent trying to figure out how to get from place to place. It quickly became evident that the only way she’d ever be able to move would be by hefting her own ass up off the floor, because otherwise it was simply too much of a source of friction for her to drag it along. Her haphazardly-numbered breasts didn’t really help, nor did the fact that they chose to stack all of their weight closest to her head, making it completely impossible for her to walk in a straight line without at least bumbling to one side or another in her attempts not
to trip forward. Still, pacing around the bathroom a few times let her know that motion was possible, and thus it was time for the final touches in the transformation. The remaining stage was simple, giving the fen the last things needed to truly embrace her new life as a slutty shortstack. First were her lips, plumping up to a point where talking became a chore in and of itself and her upper lip began to tickle the undersize of her nose; the amount of drool that seemed to trickle down those cocksucking lips was also somewhat worrying, or would be if Jeremy retained any of her prior ability to worry about anything that wasn’t finding the next big dick to shove between those lovely, soft, plush pillows. Right about the same time as she felt that, her whole body erupted with a soft tingling, accentuated in her more erogenous areas; even if nothing told her what that was, she knew. She knew that if she even so much as placed a finger on her lower mound or dared to squeeze a nipple, her mind would break in half and the neighbours would have to file a noise complaint, because even the ambient breeze rolling from the open window of the bathroom was enough to set her on edge, and even in her lust-filled, addled state, the fen knew better than to try and walk, knowing that the ensuing rubdown her mound would get would end up destroying her ability to think coherently. And she was reasonably certain she didn’t even have that, seeing as every time her mind tried to focus on anything of substance, it was quickly rectified by it being filled by images of hung himbos and enormous, bulging sacks. Once again, it would have worried her, had she the ability to do so. As it stood, when her hair elongated and the final touches were given to her productivity, ensuring that not only did her tits and slit would constantly leak like crazy, but her upper lips too would be permanently awash with drool, her transformation was finally complete, and the phone was discarded onto the floor, where it would shatter into shards of glass, along with any ability to turn herself back to normal. Not that she wanted that to happen, obviously. Though any vestiges of the old man she no long was were properly disposed of, it was still her mind in there, even if it had warped almost as much as her body did; what with her objective having been accomplished, there wasn’t a single bit of her, admiring herself in the mirror, that wanted to go back. She was perfect. Finally perfect. Admittedly, she could only guess what Ashley’s reaction would be once she got back home; probably some mixture of utter disbelief, disappointment and odd arousal judging from her own personal tastes. Curiously, though, the fen wasn’t really all that worried about it, as much as she was thinking about what her new name should be. Didn’t really feel right calling herself Jeremy
anymore, but nothing really came to mind; any time the fen tried to think too hard about pretty much anything, it was almost like a headache, her neurons aching from the effort of trying to focus on anything other than seeking the nearest source of sexual pleasure. To that end, the time in between her final transformation and her wife opening the door to the bathroom and recoiling in shock with a loud yelp was quite literally filled with shampoo bottles being used for many purposes that they were not initially intended to fulfill. It was a miracle none of them actually burst, though the fen wouldn’t have minded if the ones she shoved in between her tits actually did; the softness would be a welcome change from the sweat leaving her fur stained and feeling all yucky. Barely even noticed when Ashley came in, loudly asking her just what the hell was going on and who the hell she was supposed to be; it was so weird seeing her from that angle; with the fen barely hitting four feet in height, it was like the entire world had just turned into a scaled-up version of itself, which curiously enough included her own body, seeing as her assets refused to remain proportional to the rest of her body. Left without any real response or excuse, nor the capability to come up with any reasoning, the fen was content with just carrying on with what she’d been doing before, drawing a seriously bright blush from Ashley’s cheeks while she tried to regain her composure. It was clear that the sight was activating parts of the young human woman that she didn’t want to even consider, which is probably why they sighed and took a few steps outside, loudly and audibly sighing before coming back in, taking some deep breaths in the meantime. With shaky words, she ordered the fen into the bath, declaring that the shortstack was “utterly filthy” and in need of some good cleaning; feeling like that was a perfect opportunity to let her wife appreciate her former husband’s new body, the fen agreed, pulling herself over into the tub and ending up filling it like some kind of deranged, obscene pile of soft flesh and wobbly pudge. Ashley seemed to think the same thing, seeing as she took an inordinate amount of time picking the showerhead up, but at least she got into a rhythm after staring at the fen for long enough; the whole exercise was obviously very taxing on her, which was a shame because the fennec didn’t really have the mental fortitude to do anything about it. Maybe she used to, back when they hadn’t been transformed into the perfect object of lust, but right then all they really cared about was how soft Ashley’s hands were, and how great the water felt after soaking in her own juices for so long. Unfortunately, her leaking didn’t really stop even when submerged, and considering how much of the tub the fen took up, it was no wonder that the water began to spill out, staining the ground further as it mixed with her milk and constantly-running femcum. Ashley was polite enough to ignore this, even if she was clearly scowling after a while, and instead focused on getting her “husband” as clean as possible before turning the showerhead off and heading off to
find some towels. Took about three of them, tied together in a series of complex knots, before the fen’s body was deemed to be decent enough, after which Ashley led her out of the bathroom and back into their bedroom. What followed were about two hours of careful interrogation, where the human woman had to very slowly break through the many layers of airheadedness that protected Jeremy’s mind in order to get at the truth; not that she wasn’t almost entirely certain that she didn’t already know it, what with her husband not being nearly as subtle about his kinks as he thought he was, but she needed to hear it from his… her? Her mouth. Even if it was difficult to tell what she was even saying, her lips having become too plump to allow for regular speech. She couldn’t understand why he would have done this to himself. So many options to choose from and this is what he went with. Not just that, but he seemed to be enjoying it as well judging from how much leakage was completely ruining their sheets. Though, it was entirely possible it was outside of the fen’s control from what she gathered; they didn’t seem to be doing anything to cause it and it just refused to peter out, so maybe that was just the new normal? Great. Just great. Asking if there was any way to revert it didn’t really help either; not only did the fen react incredibly badly to the possibility that they might go back to what they used to be, but in between their spluttering and spitting she somehow managed to tell Ashley that the phone was broken and would never be fixed quickly enough for the app to be able to change what it did to them. She said it with a smile, drawing a grunt out of her wife and yet another round of temple-rubbing when the human tried to figure out what to do. The first thing Ashley needed to know was how much mobility was left in the fen; sure, she could move around from place to place, but the human wasn’t about to become her chaperone whenever they felt like getting anything out of the top shelf in the kitchen. Sadly, it did seem like some degree of intervention would be required, because after dragging the stacked fennec over to the other side of the house, wobbling and waddling all the way while leaving behind an oozing trail of fluids (not to mention getting her wide ass and hips stuck in the door and needing to be pulled inside), it was quite clear that the shortstack wasn’t going to be doing any chores any time soon. Not only did she feel the need to bump against whatever hard surface was next to her, squirting even harder and moaning like a needy slut in the process, but even after being invited to pick something up from the cupboards, the only thing she managed to do was trip after standing on the tips of her paws, which itself made such an enormous mess that Ashley gave up on her idea for a second try.
It was obvious the fennec just wasn’t cut out for… well, anything. That body was made for one thing and one thing only, and the one human in the relationship wasn’t sure she even wanted to give it to them. Jeremy hadn’t even consulted her on anything, and there he (she?) was, scrambling to get onto their feet after having slammed all six of her oddly arranged tits on the ground, unable to do something as simple as getting some table salt. And liking it, as well, seeing as after a while they gave up trying to stand and would’ve very well brought both hands between her legs if Ashley hadn’t been there to stop them. She was about ready to throw in the towel and just accept that her former husband was now nothing more than a slutty pile of fur and moans when, at very long last, said pile turned around and tried to say something. It was difficult to tell just what it was, seeing as trying to speak through those lips made most of their words incomprehensible, but when she began resorting to simple miming it all became clear. Seeing as how even the simplest of non-lewd thoughts appeared to be hell for the fen to focus on, the fact that they got a whole sentence out on how sorry they were about not telling Ashley about their plan must really mean they were being honest about it. Didn’t really make it any better, but at least the fen’s wife had some reassurance that part of Jeremy remained in there. “Listen, I don’t need you telling me that you’re sorry, alright?” she sighed, sitting on one of the kitchen chairs, “I… I don’t know what I need from you, honestly. How are you going to keep your job? You can barely walk, how are you going to work like this?” For once, the fennec seemed disappointed, sad even, a state of mind that was as transitory as any other of her thoughts. Within moments, the feeling was gone, replaced by the ever-present, overbearing sensation of fullness that permeated every inch of her. Hard to focus when every time she tried, the fennec’s tits ached from how full they were, or her thighs rubbed just enough against her mound that it sent jolts up her spine, or any number of things that served to do nothing but remind her of the type of body she had created for herself. Even while Ashley continued to speak, the fen tried to get back up again, if only because she knew that any attempt at doing something useful was just an excuse to end up in an embarrassingly lewd situation again. To that end, she grabbed one of the few stools they kept lying around and tried her best to climb on it, somehow succeeding in doing so; with a precarious balance, the fen stretched one of her arms out and opened the cupboard, retrieving a single packet of crisps from inside and letting it fall on the ground. The whole thing took about thirty seconds, during which Ashley had to keep her mouth shut about how rude it was for them to ignore her, but by the end, even the fennec’s wife had to concede that the tiny bit of ingenuity in using the stool had made up for her lack of mobility.
Even if the fennec then immediately fell over again and smushed her many breasts against the floor a second time, blanking out completely and needing her human partner to drag her into the bathroom to be drained. This, of course, was easier said than done, because as much as Ashley wanted to help her new “husband” empty out, those sextuple tits seemed to be bottomless; even milking the vulpine like a cow didn’t do anything but make the flooding worse, and after a while the human was grunting in frustration, less at the overall situation, and more at the simple fact that her own tits would never be like those. Really, where exactly was the justice in that? Her own bust was quite large, and yet never once lactated, even with all the supplements she took; how was it fair for her husband to not only develop six of them, but have each one be so milky they could probably open a dairy farm and seHold on there, that was a good idea. She should write that down, it could be a good way to get around Jeremy not being able to hold a job anymore! All that would be needed would be their consent, which Ashley figured wouldn’t be all that hard to get; a few words about how much milking that would mean, coupled with how much they were clearly enjoying it, and the fennec would be all over the idea. Quite literally; it’d be hard to keep them separated from the milking machines whenever they got them around. But, those were thoughts for later. Giving up on her attempt at emptying out the fennec, Ashley instead settled with grunting in frustration and leaving them alone in the bathroom, needing some time for themselves. Without anyone to help pull them out, the freshly-minted fur was stuck inside the tub, and absent anything else to do, decided to just play with herself until such a point as her wife came back to get her. It seemed to be the best possible option, even if she didn’t know why… even when she eventually collapsed from exhaustion as the hours ticked away without Ashley ever coming back. The fen would wake up in the morning, her sleepy eyes opening to see her wife standing above her with the showerhead again, muttering something about needing to get them ready for work. The former Jeremy didn’t really understand why she was still trying to force normalcy back into their lives, but their confused expression at least helped bring some insight into what her wife meant; rather than going back to the office, she was planning on bringing her to a nearby job center that specialized in more “unique” cases like hers. What that meant, the fennec didn’t know; but the prospect of being put to work using her engorged assets on something that
might actually make use of them was enough to get them to comply, even if she didn’t like having to let go of her own body. It thankfully got even better when Ashley began taking care of her, because every solution she came up with to “solve” the various “problems” that had arisen from the fen’s transformation only made the whole situation worse (or better, depending on one’s point of view). Issues with leaking? Get some tape and cover every teat with a thick, black X that just barely held back the constant outpour of milk, incidentally causing quite a bit of swelling when the flow backed up and had to find someplace else to be. Femcum won’t stop pouring onto the ground? Simple enough, get some extra-absorbent pads and make sure the underwear isn’t on too tightly, even if it meant they now had to carry around a whole pack of those things and constantly change them every hour or so. Despite it being a complete waste of time, the human even tried to do something about the fennec’s heightened sensitivity; admittedly, it was a losing prospect from the get-go, but even the former Jeremy had to give her some credit for trying... even if her definition of “helping” was to put small pieces of soft cloth around what she assumed would be the worst areas being affected. This only ended up making the vulpine squeal in delight the moment she tried moving in the slightest, as the combined assault of the clothing forced onto her and the “buffer” pads meant to protect her resulted in so much rubbing of sensitive skin that her brain blanked out and she ended up collapsing onto the floor from exhaustion. This, of course, resulted in the need to take off all of her clothes, find new ones that weren’t stained by milk, re-apply the electrical tape and then just give up trying to pretend things could be salvaged. Ashley’s face was a bright red when she led the fen out of the house and into the building’s elevator, figuring that attempting the stairs would just end up in complete disaster. Despite the fur’s small stature, her overblown curves made it a chore to even fit inside the small cubicle, and for a short while they both feared that they’d gone over the weight limit, what with all the groaning and creaking coming from around them… and despite them clearly hating the task, the elevator’s mechanisms slowly brought them down to the underground garage level, where the next step in their convoluted routine had to take place: getting in the car. Using the doors was just not an option; not only was the fen’s topmost row of triboob too wide to fit through, her hips and asscheeks would rip the whole thing off its hinges, not to mention the simple fact that she was simply too big to even fit back there without squeezing herself to the point of pleasure-driven immobility. The front seat was much too small as well, as was the trunk… which only left one possibility. It was so embarrassing and humiliating for Ashley that the poor woman didn’t even notice how several neighbors, themselves not-so-eager to get to work themselves, had stopped by their cars to watch just what exactly was going on, a
few even trying to exchange words while speculating on the fennec’s identity; the young woman just refused to look up. The transformed fox, eager to make new friends, resorted to waving and blowing a kiss to those she saw staring at her, only succeeding in spitting drool onto her shirt… which itself led to a nearly-unbearable desire to rub down her own tits with it, only stopped when her wife bapped her muzzle and pulled her hands away from her chest. The only way to get the fen into the car was through the back, via the trunk, and even then it took Ashley lowering every seat for the smaller anthro to have the amount of room necessary to crawl in and make a bed for herself, something the fen was happy to try out if it meant being buried by her own tits. Predictably, it ended up being just that, so much so that Ashley just sighed, counted it as a victory and went into the driver’s seat. The sight of the fennec wobbling in the back of the car, desperately keeping herself from unbuttoning her strained shirt just so she could get at her needy chest, was so oddly alluring that it made driving surprisingly dangerous; Ashley couldn’t really look in the rear-view mirror without catching a glimpse of that pile of furry tits and ass, meaning that if anyone decided to rear-end her, it’d come as an incredible surprise. Hell, even the side mirrors were dangerous, as parts of the fen’s body were still visible, all-but forcing the human woman to look straight ahead and hope nothing out of the ordinary would happen. Thankfully, this exact same elephant in the room meant that the ride over to the job center was significantly safer than it normally would be, seeing as Ashley had to be extra careful not to drive too quickly or make any sharp turns; to do so would be to invite tumbling, and the last thing she needed was a small flood of milk staining the inside of her car. Well, not from Jeremy, at least, but that was a different story altogether. Unfortunately for Ashley, even the most careful driving in the world didn’t stop the fennec’s body from overloading on what were, to most people, barely perceptible sensations. For the human, the rumbling of the engine barely registered as even being there; for the fen, it was a constant source of stimulation that drove her ever closer to climax the longer it was allowed to wreak havoc on her body, and even though Ashley was painfully aware of the effects it was having on her husband’s (wife’s?) body, she couldn’t just stop the car in the middle of traffic until the pile of horniness in the back of her car calmed down. Thus, she was forced to endure as the fennec underwent climax after climax, barely exhibiting any refractory period at all in between the loud series of moans that made focusing on anything such a chore that the driver barely noticed the long line of cars forming behind her; though they hadn’t stopped, they might as well have with how slowly they were moving, and Ashley very nearly ran a pedestrian over when they sped back up to compensate.
The atmosphere inside the car was becoming unbearable, the stench of milk and femcum intensifying as the fennec’s body was wracked by successive orgasms. If Ashley had any intention of her partner being even halfway presentable by the time they reached their destination, their hopes would be dashed, because by the halfway point they were visibly leaking from everywhere they could be, the electrical tape having long-since failed to contain the flow and causing so much milk to leak out that the fennec was openly lapping it up from her own tits. Ten minutes. Ten more minutes Ashley had to endure the sight, smells and sounds before finding a parking space and turning the engine off, giving the fennec some time to calm down before getting out of the car and beginning the arduous process of dragging that creature of pure whorish energy out of the back of it. A small tide of milk poured out the moment the trunk was popped, completely ruining the human’s shoes and socks, along with attracting the attention of every passer-by, something that would only get worse when the fennec herself was pulled from the vehicle and shown to the whole world. Some of the more shameless among the crowd immediately pulled their cellphones and began snapping pictures, a small minority transcending the boundaries of decency and trying to make short videos with themselves in frame. Much as Ashley wanted to keep the creeps away, there was just too much attention being drawn to her, and with the fen’s clothing a single step away from disintegrating after being soaked so much, she felt that grinning and bearing it was the only choice she had. At least the job center was right there. Ashley should’ve expected something like it, judging by what kind of reputation that place had, but still felt incredibly taken aback after walking through the front door and seeing a spectacle of debauchery that rivalled the one her wife had been making for the past day or so. Thinking herself alone in her predicament, it was with no end of surprise that the human woman saw a whole bunch of people that seemed to be in the same position she was, humans and furs all accompanying their partners or family members, all of which had succumbed to the same kind of transformative growthlust that Jeremy had. Some were even more obscenely-endowed than the fennec, meaning that while their own arrival drew some eyes towards the entrance, those didn’t really linger; the newcomers were just par for the course when it came to a place like that. Ashley didn’t find the job prospects on display there to be all that attractive as well, especially since most of them included a free “adaptation consultation” meant to instruct everyone involved in their life about how to deal with sudden “life-altering changes” like those. The idea that Jeremy would never come back, while always there in the back of her mind, had been consistently pushed back, only to be brought to the forefront quite unceremoniously after one of the attendant clerks asked her if the transformation had taken place more than twelve
hours before; with Ashley nodding, the man sighed and apologized, stating that the emergency geneslate wouldn’t work, and the two of them should grab a ticket and wait in line. At the very least, a quick scan of the available job offers revealed that there was a seemingly-endless opening for “lactic supply” jobs, which both of them assumed meant turning the fennec into a milking cow, as befitting her hyper-productive bosoms. In fact, the more they looked into it, reaching for a pamphlet and everything, the more the prospect seemed to be genuinely interesting: all-expenses-paid lodging and meals, excellent job security for as long as the milk kept flowing, incredible insurance policies and, perhaps most importantly, a permanent discount on all products produced by the company so long as they remained working there. What with visiting hours being unlimited as well, both Ashley and the former Jeremy could see such a thing turning into an honest-to-goodness career opportunity, assuming the transformation kept the fennec just as milky as she was right now. Wouldn’t be the most dignified of professions, but then again, the fen was anything but dignified at that point, so why even bother with that? The two were kept distracted by these thoughts until their number was called out. Time to start a new life. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Down on the Farm Ch. 01
Tags: milk cows, worked farm, church important, field work, end field, vaguely remember, class schedule, sam becky, gave instructions, becky sam
College is a big drain on the finances, so finding work was an absolute necessity. I'd transferred to this particular college because my folks were no longer paying my way. Several student loans, one scholarship, and a lot of luck had been required to gain admission. The bulk of costs were covered but my bank balance failed to meet the daily needs. Things like laundry, gasoline, dates (when I had any), clothes, and etc were not covered. I required work.
The student employment office was the first stop immediately after registration. Transfer students, along with incoming freshmen get slim pickings because the 'cream' jobs are snatched up by returning students. Entering the office, I stood in line behind 45 other 'would be' job seekers. I'd snagged a list of potential positions from a table at the entrance and was reading through it. Behind the counter and hanging crookedly on the wall, a blackboard with an identical list was showing the number of current openings. Six staff were assisting and the line progressively grew shorter. Understandably the numbers written in chalk, on the board were decreasing as students made their selection and signed up from the dwindling supply.
Thirty five minutes later I stood in front of the counter talking to a large woman who showed signs of fatigue, her friendly demeanor had grown thin. "Yeah, whada ya want?" she quipped.
I'd been observing the routine, so the list of currently open slots for custodian, library assistant, and yard work, each with 4 to 5 hours per week, would not put any jingling change in my pockets.
"Is this all you have?" I asked.
"All of the 'on campus' jobs. There's another list for openings in the community. We can't guarantee nothin' 'cause they choose who they want. Do you wanna see it?"
"Yeah, let me see what is on it."
She rummaged under a pile of tottering folders and emerged with a typed list in her chubby hands. I browsed the columns. Yard work for college staff, cleaning for elderly, and repairs to homes in the neighborhood. Not much for long term employment, which I wanted. Towards the bottom I located a single entry; a local farmer needed help with chores and cleaning out the barn. Sounded like pitching manure, however this was ongoing work. I applied. The woman would forward the paperwork to the folks, letting me know in a couple days. I returned to my room and promptly forgot all about it.
Returning from class, the next day, I pulled a note from my mailbox. This guy was interested in meeting me for an interview. Using the lobby phone, the numbers were punched in and I gave him a call. I couldn't tell much from his voice, but he appeared excited someone was interested in the job. We quickly arranged a meeting for later that afternoon and he gave directions to his place.
My parents taught us kids to face any task with honor, giving the best we had. I recall dad telling me, "There's no dishonor in digging a ditch, its just hard work." Living in the 'burbs' gave rise to earning spending money by raking fall leaves, summer marathons where I'd mow twenty lawns in a day, planting spring flowers, and shoveling snow after a 9 inch blizzard. Elderly neighbors were a joy, as I remember steaming cups of hot chocolate after clearing snow from their walks or icy glasses of lemonade on a hot august afternoon after putting the lawnmower in the garage. Mrs. Jacobson, a widow, three blocks down the street could hold my fascination while telling tales as a little girl on the farm. She would regal me with stories when she would churn the butter or running barefoot to the creek for a summer dip along with her cousins.
Mom and Dad kept us busy at home too. As a youngster, I never liked washing dishes, but looking back on those years, my conversations with mom during those times opened windows to her insights on raising a family of 4 growing boys. Dad taught us the difference between a left and right handed hammer, why not to use a screwdriver in opening a can of paint, and when to use an adjustable end wrench, instead of a socket or pair of pliers. Accomplishments received praise, mistakes used as a learning tool, disobedience merited swift punishment.
The next day, I hopped in my beat-up car and took the 5 mile trip out to this farm. I arrived and was met by a man coming from the barn. He was slender but strong and walked with a limp. His weathered face and work swollen hands were common among the farming community. Greeting me, he introduced himself as Howard. "Everyone calls be 'Bud' though. Are you the college student looking for work?"
"Yup, that's me. Mark's my name."
"Have you ever worked on a farm?"
"No, I haven't. But I'm not afraid of hard work, either."
As we talked, he was sizing me up and his questions were probes into my character. I gathered he accepted me at face value. Descriptions about the kind of work were voiced and most of the duties would be to 'muck out' the barn and keep the milking equipment sterilized. The herd of dairy cows was his main source of income and unannounced visits from the milk inspectors kept him on his toes. Cleanliness was imperative. Added to these tasks included general work around the farm; repairing fence, painting, and help with his crops. I quickly liked him and he took a shine to me.
"You're hired." He said. "Let me show you around the place. He offered me a pair of 'slip on' overshoes, which I gladly accepted and we traipsed across the barn lot between the milk cows. He called each one by name, occasionally stooped to check the udder of one or two. We stopped at the silo and he gave instructions on how he guestimated the amount to feed the herd each day. Reaching the barn, he showed the springing heifers which were about to drop their calves and three day old calves. One was a young bull which he planned to raise to put meat on their table, and the other two were heifers. Looking at them I could not tell much difference between the two, but he had already sized them up and one was slated to enter his herd and the other would be sold at the sale barn in a couple weeks.
The milking barn was our next stop. My experience was 'nil' and what I saw fascinated me. This was the spot that required daily cleaning and sterilizing equipment. The bulk tank was huge and nearly full. He flipped a lever, stirring the contents, then dipped a tin cup in and offered me a drink. "Wow, this is delicious."
"The butter fat content is higher than what is purchased in stores. My cows produce close to 4.5% and commercial whole milk contains 3.5%. It's the fat content that makes money and I've been able to maintain a high average, that difference keeps me in the business."
"Come on; let me introduce you to the rest of the family." He led me up to the house where we kicked off our boots. His wife, Edith, was in the kitchen. She had a pleasing personality, and wiped her hands on her apron before taking my hand. A quick holler into the back of the house brought their three girls; who were probably a handful. Becky was 12 slim with brown hair, Samantha 14 had reddish hair and a bit shorter than the others, and Patricia (Trish) 16 had dark blond hair and dressed in coveralls, flannel shirt and work boots. I said 'Hi' and Becky and Sam giggled. Trish extended her hand which I politely shook.
Bud and I sat at the kitchen table, Edith joined. The girls busied themselves with other responsibilities; however they never strayed far. I withdrew a paper from my pocked with my class schedule and passed it across to Bud. He hoped I could help every afternoon and on the weekends. The unusual class schedule prevented this. The weekends were no problem; it was my lab classes on Tuesday and Thursday which precluded working till after 4 pm. In dairying the farmer is tied to the business. He doesn't miss a milking time, ever. Regardless of sickness or injury, he MUST always milk the cows; vacations were never taken. Should things be worked out, Bud wanted me to know the cows, his routine, and rules. Perhaps he and the family could take a break. "Can you start working today?" he asked.
"I didn't come dressed to work, but my time is free." I ventured.
"There is a pair of coveralls on the porch, I've got an extra shirt lying around here some where, and I know we can find a jacket for you. Trish?"
"Yeah, Dad?" she spoke coming around the corner.
"Once Mark gets changed, take him and show him how to throw down the silage, drop down the grain, and feed three bales to the springers. I noticed that Amy was not among the herd this afternoon. If you can't find her, take ol' Ginger and ride out to the quarter pasture. See if she got through the fence and into the corn. If she has and she bloats, that will cut into production this week."
Edith handed me a shirt and I easily slipped into it. The coveralls were retrieved from the porch and I stepped into them, buttoning them up. I slipped into the overshoes and we headed out the door.
"Have you worked on a farm before?" Trish asked.
"No, I've heard stories from a neighbor about when she was a small girl. Someone will have to show me what to do around here."
"Come on," she said. "We'll get the silage down first."
We walked through a shed and out into the holding pen, through the swing gate, and up the silo. I followed and slid through the 19th door. We stood atop the silage, cut from the past year. There were two silage forks, Trish grabbed one and I took the other. These tools had fifteen tines about an inch and a half apart.
"There are 73 milk cows and we give each, two forks of silage." She showed me the amount then tossed it down the shoot. I joined in and together we counted 146 scoops. "As the level of silage drops over the next few weeks, we will have to open a lower door along the side." She explained.
Moving down the ladder, we headed towards the milking parlor. Here she showed me the grain bin, up in the ceiling. We scooped the grain into the hopper till it was full. She explained this was enough feed to carry through a day and a half. Next the barn, she grabbed three hay bales, tossed them like a pro, popped the twine and pitched the hay into the roughage rack for the springing heifers below. They attacked it with relish.
With ease, she jumped from the mow, to the floor below and scampered off to inspect the herd, looking for Amy. I descended the wood ladder and caught up within a couple minutes. She had straddled the fence and was looking over the cows. I joined her and she explained, "Amy has a white blaze down her nose which turns to the right. Also she has what looks like an exploding star on her left hip."
That made as much sense to me as saying each cow had polka dots. They all looked the same to me. "She's not here," Trish said. "Let's get Ginger."
Dropping lightly to the ground, she is takes off at a run to the other side of the barn. Giving a shrill whistle, I spy their horse trot down the lane towards us. In a minute she lopes up to us and Trish grabs the halter, leading her into the barn.
"Do you know how to put on a saddle?" she asks me.
"I think so. Went to a camp my last year in high school and we went riding every day. Had to saddle and care for the horses."
"Let's see you do it. There's the saddle and there's the bridle."
I found the hand brush giving Ginger a quick once-over. The blanket was beside the saddle and I snatched it, shaking the dust out before positioning it on her back. Next the saddle. I tossed the stirrups and cinch over the horn, picked up the saddle and placed it on Ginger's back. Straightening it, I flipped the cinch and right stirrup off the horn, reached under for the cinch, bringing it up on the left side. The strap was quickly brought down, through the metal ring, and back through the top ring. At this point I lifted the strap to remove all the slack. Then giving a mighty heave, I pulled the cinch tight. I repeated this one more time to ensure adequate tightness. The strap was looped around the front, up behind the top ring, through the ring, and down inside the loop. The stirrup is dropped into place and I turn to face Trish.
"Not bad," she says. "But Ginger's not tied. You should have put the bridle on first."
"Oops." I said. I grabbed Ginger's halter and then put the bridle on, over it. The bit slid between the horse's teeth, as the strap looped back over her ears and the reigns draped back to the horn. She was led back outside where I waited for instructions.
Trish grabbed the horn, stepped into the stirrup and smoothly was in the saddle. "Up behind me." She said. It took a minute but soon I was seated at the rear. "Hang on to me." She instructed. I put my hands around her waist and held on as we took off at a fast trot down the lane. Her hair was blowing back in my face and tickling my nose. After a few seconds I placed my face over her left shoulder.
"Amy will likely be over in that corner of the pasture." She pointed and directed Ginger's head in that direction. Five minutes later we spy Amy. She is still in the pasture but seems caught up in the underbrush. Riding up, I dismount and clear out several branches, opening a break for Amy to get out. Once free, she walks toward the barn.
"Dad usually cleans out this brush once a year. Looks like it hasn't been done yet. Before we head back to the house, let's check the fencing along the corn. Need to make sure no problems are along the row.
I hop aboard Ginger again and we slowly walk along the fence. I dismount a couple times to check the wire is fastened to the post before remounting Ginger, behind Trish. In twenty minutes we arrive back at the barn. Trish leads Ginger into the barn, "I'll strip and brush Ginger down. You go help Dad, he's about half way through the milking. Let him know the brush needs cut back."
I find Bud and explain what we had found. Thanking me he gave instructions on what to do next. Once each cow had been milked, we gather the machines and he shows how to wash, rinse, and sterilize everything. Mentally I take notes on what procedures he used, the order of things, and amounts of soap. This is so completely new, it is evident additional instructions will be required.
Sensing my uncertainty, he turns toward me. "Think you can do this on your own tomorrow evening? I wanted to take the family into town for a night out." Seeing the shocked look on my face he laughed. "It's a lot to remember, I know. I'm messing with you. You'll do fine and before long all of this will be second nature to you."
"Bud, I've never worked on a farm before. To be honest, I'm lost. This is all new to me."
He laughed out loud. "I didn't hire you for what you knew. You were hired because I figured you would work hard. If you apply yourself, you will learn. Give yourself time. It'll come."
"Does Trish help you every evening?"
He shook his head. "The girls rotate. Tomorrow I think its Sam, then Becky. That way it gives them a break. Edith knows the routine too. This is a family business; everyone is expected to pull their weight."
My head is swimming from all this and I share as much with Bud.
"Give it time; you'll get the hang of it."
During the first few weeks, I learned and helped as best I could. As the months progressed I came to know the name of each cow, their temperaments, how to identify them, and every step in milking. I reported for work daily, would meet with Bud to discuss instructions and what he wanted me to do. Something was always changing. For example he might change the type of feed to be used. The grain mix may have different minerals added; the roughage could be changed from silage to hay. Maybe a particular cow developed mastitis, so special attention and medication would be given. These talks with Bud would last maybe half an hour. Occasionally he'd gone to town so I'd meet and talk with Edith. I came to enjoy farm life.
The Christmas holidays came and went. I traveled home to 'fight' with my brothers, like most good siblings. Being the oldest gave me the advantage, until all three would gang up against me.
The second semester started mid January and I returned to working for Bud. By this time I did understand the work. Bud was right about that. This was a family operation, Bud supplied the brains and Edith provided the heart. Trish was a hard worker and she took after her mom. The two of them were a lot a like. Sam (Samantha) liked farm work, she was a tomboy and took after her dad. However, she also had an interest in drama and the stage. Becky was the smart one. Even though history gave her problems, she was acing her science and math. She would be going to college.
Imperceptibly, my relationship changed with Bud and the family. The first few months, I was a 'hired hand'. But slowly I became accepted as a member of the family. I can't say for certain when this change took place, as I look back, probably it was when Trish asked me to stay for supper. Normally at the end of a work day, I would head back to the dorm and catch the tail end of the chow line. One evening in January, Trish and I were finishing up with sterilizing the equipment in the milk house. I was getting into my car when she asked, "Why don't you stay for supper."
I frowned. "Isn't that something your dad or mom would have to ask?" I questioned.
"Wait here a minute, I'll be right back."
True to her word she returned in a flash and said her mom agreed, I could stay and eat with them, if I wanted. "Can you stay, please?" she asked again.
I had nothing planned for that evening and all my studying was caught up. So I agreed.
From that point on, it was a regular request. Even this changed, by the end of February they didn't ask, it was assumed. The only times I ate supper at the school cafeteria was when the family were away from home.
My time working gave me opportunity to know the family well. The girls would always pester me. Becky and Sam would show me projects they were doing for school. A couple times they cornered me into a tickling match, which I always lost, of course. Trish asked about college life and my activities there. She was more reserved than the younger two but was never far away.
The evening meal was always enjoyable. Bud, Edith and the girls would talk about the days events and plans for the next day. If I didn't need to return to the dorm right away I sometimes helped Edith wash the dishes. She loved to talk about Bud and the girls. I shared about school and my family back home. The girls would be doing homework at the table listening to us talk. After the dishes were put away, they could pester me into helping them study. Becky would need help with history, Sam had trouble with science, and Trish couldn't grasp algebra.
One evening as I helped with their homework, Becky asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No, I've never had the time. Too busy farming." I replied. Then seeing all three looking at me, I add, "But I do know three cute ones I might be interested in." Becky and Sam giggled while Trish smiled. These were good times.
With Spring came field work and planting crops. "You ever driven a tractor?" Bud asked one day.
"Only around here. Whenever you've asked me."
"Think you can work the fields?"
"Sure, I guess." I hesitated. "You'll have to show me how." I volunteered.
"That 85 acres over there," He said, pointing, "Needs plowed. That's where I'll plant the corn this year. Can you stick around during your 'spring break'? You'll learn some new stuff, besides caring for the dairy herd."
"I'm game for it. Like I said, you're going to have to show me."
"No problem. It's really pretty easy. Just keep your eyes sighted in a straight line and watch the equipment."
That day he and I adjusted the wheel settings on the tractor, pulled the plow out from the machine shed, and greased everything well. He explained to me the differences in plows. He had a '4 bottom' plow and the moldboards were 14 inches apart. The topsoil was deep in these parts, 8 inches and he liked to plow that depth. Right now the ground was too wet to till, but he figured, if the rains hold off, like the forecast said, next week the soil would be about right. One end of the field is higher ground and drains well, so he took me out and we put that plow into the ground. Bud showed me how to pick a distant point across the field and aim the tractor for that spot. He taught me about the difference between back furrows and dead furrows. How to adjust the depth, when to turn at the end of the furrow, not to turn too short, and to mind the hydraulics.
After a couple rounds, he let me sit in the seat and drive. The first time I am following in his wake, but I see it's not very straight. "Keep your right front wheel in the furrow, tight against the edge and make certain you steer the tractor for that imaginary point at the other end of the field."
Third time around, I did much better, and the fourth round was straight. Bud added, "Remember when you first start your plow 'land' there is nothing to guide you. If you don't get it straight, then nothing will be straight and you'll be fighting against yourself. The first round has to be 'spot on'."
Other details I needed to watch were rocks, excess stubble catching under the coulters, and equipment failures. During the winter, the freezing and thawing brings rocks to the surface. Striking one head on, could break a plow shear. Each moldboard was spring loaded and a direct hit was supposed to allow it to trip backwards, lift out of the ground, and then reset itself. But this didn't always work.
With that, my 'plow' training was over. "Have fun next week." He said. "You know what to do, just get it done before more rain falls. One more thing, if you plan to leave the plow out for more than a couple days, grease up the moldboards, this keeps them from rusting."
The following Friday was the start of spring break, school was closed, and Bud set up a cot in the basement for me to sleep. After the cows had been milked, I fueled the tractor, greased the tractor and plow, and headed out to the field. I finished the 'land' Bud had started the other day and started my own. Must have been overly cautious, because the first furrow was straight as an arrow. Before long I settled into a rhythm and the field took soon took on a different texture. I came to understand the fascination that men have for turning the soil. There is an attraction to be able to see your work unfold behind you and to accomplish something important. For the life of me, I never could understand where the 'sea gulls' came from. They followed behind and swooped up any worms or grubs that were uncovered. Another thing I noticed, time seems to disappear.
Someone asked me, a few years later, if it were lonely riding a tractor in the field. In one way, yes, there's no one to talk to. But in a different way, no, I was communing with nature and working the ground becomes a conversation with God.
I had lost all track of time and before I knew it, I saw Becky at the end of the field, walking along the furrow coming towards me. I stopped and she climbed aboard and sat on one of the fenders. "Mom said lunch is ready." She smiled.
For the first time I recognized the growl in my stomach. "Thanks, I'm hungry. Let's go." With that I finished plowing the furrow and we drove to the house.
After lunch, I picked up where I'd left off and continued till it was time to do the milking. "How'd it go?" Bud asked.
"Not bad, I figure it's about 1/3 done."
"Sounds good. There's tomorrow, and you can finish up on Monday. Forecast calls for showers Monday evening. We need to get it finished before then."
"What about Sunday? Couldn't we finish up then?" I asked.
"Except for the milking, all work stops on Sunday. We go to church. You're welcome to come along. It would be nice to include you as part of the family."
Church had never been important in my life. Vaguely I remember my folks took us kids to a service but that was years ago. As there would not be any other responsibilities, I said, "I guess so." I said haltingly.
Bud noticed my hesitation. "Look Mark. You don't have to come and can stay here if you want. We'd like to include you as part of the family."
"You mean the girls?"
"No, all of us. Tell you what, if you go to church with us Sunday morning, afterwards we'll have a picnic in the woods. It will be relaxing for all of us."
"Okay, sounds like fun. Guess church has never been important to me."
"Maybe it should." He smiled.
Saturday was much the same as before. I took a liking to turning over the ground and several seagulls were so feisty, I gave them names. At 12 noon, Sam came to the field to let me know lunch was ready. The girls are taking turns. When milking time rolled around, I estimated the field is about 80% completed. I could easily finish up on Monday.
In the morning I made a fool of myself. I hadn't been to church in such a long time, I figured that I had to wear a suit. Trouble was, I didn't have one. Coming up the steps, I asked Sam what I should wear to church, since I didn't have a suit. Sam burst out laughing and when she saw the uncertainty on my face, her laughing increased. I feel like making a hasty retreat just as Trish came around the corner. "What's the matter?" she asked.
"Mark thinks he has to wear a suit to church?" Sam says between laughs.
Trish, grinning from ear to ear, "Just wear something that is clean and neat, Mark. You don't need a suit." She was sensing my insecurity. "Don't worry about Sam. I'll take you where you need to go at church."
True to her word, once we arrived, she took my hand and led me through the crowd, down the hall and into the youth room. Everything is new to me and the only folks I know are Trish and Sam. Becky must be elsewhere in the building.
When the Sunday school class was over Trish led me to the auditorium and we sat together during the service. The order of service is different from what I vaguely remember as a boy. I like the music and the preacher has an entertaining way of presenting the message. It intrigued me. At its completion, church is over and we moved towards the door. Trish introduced me to the pastor and he welcomed me and asked me to return. We walked outside and got into the car. Sam was already there and said, "You can stop holding his hand now, Trish." Trish dropped my hand like it was a hot potato. Nothing more was said until everyone was in the car and we headed to the picnic spot.
Edith had packed a large lunch which everyone helped to unpack on our arrival. This spot was a favorite for them and Bud had erected a sort of table. It was three wide planks placed over some 2 x 4's attached to a couple posts set in the dirt. Not much to look at but it served the purpose. I helped Becky gather branches for a fire and in 30 minutes we have one burning brightly. Hot dogs may not make for a king's ransom, but they certainly looked good cooking at the end of those sticks. Baked beans, potato salad, sliced melon, and a variety of soda rounded out the meal. Trish and Sam were tossing a Frisbee, Bud laid out the table setting and Becky and I cooked the dogs.
The weather was beautiful for this early in the spring. The family came here often in the summer time and it was a place of relaxation. Early morning hours, constant pressure to ensure top, high quality production, and steady physical activity; all of this required a means to let down. This is one way that they did this. Occasionally friends or family were invited and sometimes a church group used the place. The birds were singing, a light breeze blowing, and sun shining flickered through the budding branches of the trees. This was so relaxing. I could feel the stress melting from my muscles and my mind clearing as all thoughts floated up with the smoke from the fire. I could see why they enjoyed it here.
We ate and I stuffed myself. Conversation was light and our spirits lifted, we were having fun. I'd seen Bud smile, but today he was laughing and having a rollicking good time. After eating, Becky grabbed the Frisbee and the other two joined her in catch. "Come on, Mark." Sam cajoled. "Play catch with us."
I tried to pass, but they persisted. Edith spoke, "The girls like you, Mark."
"Yeah, I know. I think I ate too much." Slowly I rise and join them, tossing the disk back and forth.
The afternoon passes all too soon, we pack up, return to the house and back to milking the herd.
Monday arrives the next morning and after chores, I am back on the tractor to finish up the plowing. The forecast has changed with the rain to arrive earlier than expected. Keeping the tractor running at full power, the ground changes from stubble to turned black earth. Black clouds are rising in the west as I press on. It's a race against the rain and it'll be close. To speed up the work, I had chosen to plow diagonally to the existing stubble rows and the tractor rocked from side to side. As one wheel rose to cross a row, the other wheel fell between another. The rain was approaching and I could see it drawing near and there are about 5 rounds till completion. My full attention was on the work and Trish was standing beside the tractor before I even saw her. "Lunch time." She said.
I stopped for a moment as she climbed on. "Want to finish up before the rain hits." I say pointing to the western sky.
"Let's get her done then. Mom'll hold lunch."
The tractor lurches forward again and continues the rocking from side to side. Trish is having difficulty holding to the fender and I fear she could be tossed off. "Sit here." I say, scooting back in the seat and open my knees. She slips to the front of the seat with my arms on either side. I put one arm around her waist to give some support.
"Comfy?" I asked.
"For now." she answers. She places her hands on my legs for added support as the tractor rocks back and forth. I give my attention to the plowing; I feel her slip and tighten my hold.
It's a race against the weather. As the ground is turning in even rows, I watch the rain clouds march across the landscape. The seagulls have departed. I must be the dumb one, I think to myself. A 'round' and a half remains and I don't figure we'll get it done. "We're going to get wet." I yell in Trish's ear.
Lightning flashes across the sky, and now I become scared. The tractor is the highest point around and Trish and I are sitting on it. Another bolt flashes, followed by the clash of thunder.
Above the roar of the tractor I yell, "I'll finish this row, then we're outa here. I don't want to get caught in that lightning."
She can only nod. A hundred feet from the end the sky opens up and the rain comes. The ground becomes wet and the tires slip. We're so close with one round remaining. Raising the plow, I change to a higher gear and we race toward the house. The wind had picked up, blowing the rain in sheets. Trish's hair is hanging straight with rivulets of water running down, onto her clothes, on to mine.
The rain is cold, very cold and as it increases to a downpour, both of us are soaked to the skin. A streak of lightning with an immediate crack of thunder reminds me we need to get under cover, and fast. Driving up the lane I aim for the open shed, slowing only enough to ensure we stop inside. I shut off the tractor and we dismount; there is not a dry spot of clothing on either of us. Each step brings a 'squish, squish' from my shoes. By now the rain is falling so hard we cannot see the house a hundred yards off.
"Looks like we gotta wait here till it lets up." I say.
"Okay," Trish says as she stands in the doorway shivering.
There is an old overcoat hanging on a peg at the back of the shed and I fetch it from the hook. Stepping behind her, I place it over her shoulders, and then encircle her with my arms. "You're cold." I offer.
"Yeah, I am. Thanks." Though she's wet, her shivering slowly subsides.
We stand like this for about 3 or 4 minutes before I see the back edge of the rain. It will stop in a few minutes. "You ready to go in?" I ask.
She doesn't reply, so I ask again. "Think we need to be going?"
Still she doesn't answer. I look down and she has a distant stare. She is lost in some dream world.
"Earth calling Trish. Earth calling Trish. Come in please."
She jumped, startled at being caught daydreaming.
"Where were you?"
"Oh, I don't know. Just off somewhere." Then she blushed. As I looked, she blushed again.
I let it drop. "Come on. The rain has let up."
With that we make our way to the house through a light drizzle. Inside the door we stand dripping wet. Edith hands us a couple towels. "You two will catch your death of cold. Dry off and get your clothes changed."
I headed to the basement, stripped; putting on some dry duds, then went back upstairs. Everyone else was seated at the table as Trish and I sat down.
"How much is left?" Bud asks, pointing his chin towards the field.
"One round. If the rain had held off another 15 minutes, it'd be done."
"Showers forecast for the next three days, that's about all we can do. Not bad. You got more done than I figured. Good job."
For the remainder of spring break, I helped Bud get ready to plant. He and I went over the disc, harrow, and planter. We greased, tightened, and adjusted. All was ready once the ground dried, and that depended upon the weather.
I didn't do any more field work, as school was back in session. But then things would soon change and that change would be dramatic. | literotica |
It was hard to believe such a thing was real, but given the amount of real-life accounts attesting for it, then clearly there had to be something there.
On the surface it appeared to be nothing more than your standard clicker game: open it up for the first time, spend a couple of hours actively clicking on things to make numbers go up, and then maybe, if your patience was good enough, you’d progress to a stage where you wouldn’t even need to click on anything in order to make the numbers go up even higher! It scratched an itch that almost every brain had, a primal need for more that manifested in watching three digits become four, then five, then ultimately ten and other such ridiculous quantities, hence why the Internet was flooded by those things just as much as it was by asset flips and cheap, shitty ROM hacks.
But that one was different. Not only was it created by a reputable bioengineering company, of all things, but it was only available on a special mobile device that they themselves had created, and was supposed to have actual effects on the player’s biology depending on how they played it, a proprietary piece of technology that many decried as being little more than blatantly false advertisement meant to sell a cheap knock-off of most smartphones available on the market. But the review section was filled with people claiming that it absolutely worked, so clearly there must be something to it… right?
Blake’s wallet hurt when he went ahead and bought the damned thing purely due to word of mouth, knowing full well that he was probably falling into the same pitfall as everyone else in the short grace period before realizing every good review was probably a planted shill. Still, three hundred dollars down the drain for something that was effectively just a smartphone with less features and something that was supposed to increase his body’s potency in “ways that he could never imagine”; he expected there to be some sort of registration, maybe even a synching period where he had to wear electrodes or anything really, but… no. There was nothing, nothing beyond the “Clicker” app that took up an entire screen just by itself, and opened without even so much as asking him for his name, let alone anything actually important.
However, instead of giving him a giant pastry to slam his sausage fingers onto, the software instead opened with a large, scrollable menu with what looked to be dozens of identical copies of the company logo, all of which seemed to be a different type of clicker game focused entirely on one very specific aspect of his biology; he had to hand it to them, everything was there, neatly laid out and ready for anyone to look through and probably blush at all the options made available to them, some of which were blatantly sexual in nature despite there not being an eighteen-plus warning anywhere on that damned thing. And yet, there they were, clear as day, labelled with such amazing names as “Breast Clicker”, “Milk Clicker”, “Cock Clicker”, and the one that the cat had secretly been looking for the whole time: “Cum Clicker.”
To say that he wasn’t slightly embarrassed by it would be a heinous lie, because he absolutely was. Coming from a family of rather well-endowed individuals, Blake had always felt incredibly inadequate when it came to his own body, in that it was perfectly average and nothing about it really betrayed just what kind of lineage he had behind him; in fact, whenever anyone made the link between his last name and the rather well-known adult movie stars that constantly made the rounds through online spaces every couple of months, they couldn’t help but double-check just to make sure there was no actual relation. In fact, at times Blake went so far as to claim he was from a different family altogether just to avoid the embarrassment, but no more; if that app did what it was purported to do, then he was finally going to get his just dues, even if he’d had to wait until he was twenty-seven for that to happen. With his finger shaking but his mind determined, he approached the “Cum Clicker” option and, fittingly, clicked on it… leading to a black screen with a small loading bar on the bottom of it that progressed so slowly that it made him feel like the whole thing was a joke. Ten minutes he waited, ten minutes where he felt uncharacteristically hot and tight all over, probably from all the anticipation building up inside of him, until finally the game proper was revealed.
It was nothing special: the company logo in the center of the screen, a counter on the top with his name on it (somehow), and several pop-up menus on the right side that he could bring up in order to purchase in-game upgrades and other such goodies that would make his life easier in terms of making the counter go up. The whole point was for him not to click the logo after all, not until far into the game itself when he’d have to actively chain bonuses and temporary boosts in order to achieve the biggest amount of digits, but rather to buy stuff that would do the clicking for him while he sat around watching the game slowly play itself, all while it supposedly worked its magic on his body. So… he started clicking.
Each time he pressed on the screen he gained one point, until he had ten and could purchase the first of what looked to be twenty different types of auto-clicker; this first one didn’t even generate a point every second, but that was alright, because Blake could just spend five minutes clicking away until he had enough fake points to buy enough of the auto-clickers that they actually made a difference. From there it was easy enough to start racking up enough fake points to proceed to the next kind of automatic points generator, and from then on it turned into the same-old routine of trying to maximize one’s gains by way of simple math, ratios and buying the right kind of synergies and direct upgrades to make that counter on the top of the screen go faster and faster. From tens to hundreds to thousands, Blake barely noticed as his morning whiled away and he lost several hours staring at a screen watching a number grow bigger, having completely forgotten what the original point was; it was so easy to lose oneself in this sort of experience that he only snapped back to reality when he heard his stomach grumble and rememberdc he was supposed to eat, only then realizing it was half past noon and spent goodness knows how long staring at this new mobile device for… what was the reason again?
Right, of course, his package. Blake put the smartphone on the table in front of him and got up, inspecting himself for any changes only to find… none. He pulled open the front of his pants and underwear just to be sure, but exactly as he expected, nothing had actually happened; he’d been suckered in by the promise of a miraculous cure to his lack of a hyper condition, spent way too much money on it, and now suffered from a chronic case of buyer’s remorse that he’d have to fix the day after, when he bothered to return the stupid piece of hardware. For the time being, however, he chose to focus on getting something to eat; he was positively starving.
Having left the app running while he did so, Blake failed to notice as the numbers kept climbing higher and higher, no longer being drained in order to buy more auto-clickers to make them go higher to buy more auto-clickers. And since the numbers were getting larger, so too did the effect they were supposed to have begin to manifest, no longer impeded by a stupid cat trying to hold it back because he thought that’s how it worked… though an argument could be made about it being an investment into future gains, but that was ultimately moot; what mattered was that the app, synched as it was to the feline’s body, could finally start performing the sort of changes it needed in order to get their physiology up to speed, changes that Blake was blissfully ignorant of even as he bemoaned them not existing while cooking up a side of beef. He was so busy bitching about his poor luck that he failed to notice that his pants were getting surprisingly tight and ill-fitting, too busy trying to focus on something other than the app’s “failure” to take in how his package was bloating outwards at a small, but still noticeable pace. So single-minded was his determination to be mad about things that, by point he should have been fully aware of something being wrong, he was still only beginning to wonder if his pants had gotten smaller in the wash, right before shrugging it off and carrying on cooking lunch. It took until he sat down to eat before reality asserted itself and the cat flinched, suddenly feeling like he accidentally sat on something very sensitive that he shouldn’t have even touched at all.
He got back up immediately, mind racing as he considered the possibility that maybe, against all odds, the app had actually worked. He didn’t look down at himself, at least not immediately; rather, he rushed to the bathroom, where he kept a full-body mirror, and promptly stripped from the waist down, and what he saw when he did so was enough to have him gasp and instinctively bring his hands up to his mouth: he was bigger.
Not just bigger in the sense that he had a hard-on or hadn’t jacked off in a few days and could imagine that he gained an inch or two, but big enough that he knew for a fact that what he was seeing was not his regular size, nor was it anything he could’ve achieved naturally in any way, shape or form. With nuts the size of large oranges and a cock approaching the ten-inch mark, the only thing better than what he was looking at was the realization that he was still growing larger even while he stared at himself; it took a bit for him to notice it, but the longer he stood there, the more he came to understand that the feeling of pressure inside of his nuts was indeed those things bloating outwards with even more seed, while his dick very steadily creeped forward with extra size in order to compensate. He felt heavily, enough that he didn’t even want to walk for fear of what it might do to his brain’s pleasure centers, but given that his new phone was still in the living room… he had to go there. Clearly, the app actually worked, and if that was the case then he had to go play it some more and get busy with as many bonuses and upgrades as he could muster, because if this was what happened in the early game, who knew what might be possible once he actually got serious?
He turned around, carefully navigating his way back to where he left the smartphone running until he could bend down and pick it up, choosing not to sit on the sofa in order to make room for a hypothetical sack that would absolutely be made real in just a few moments. He was slightly disappointed when he saw the number on display; having played his fair share of clicker games in the past, he knew for a fact that it could get a whole lot more ridiculous than that… but he also knew that, now that he had a good stockpile of it accrued from his time preparing lunch, it meant he could invest it in so many new additions to his number-growing that he’d be back at that value in no time! A shopping binge ensued, with new auto-clickers, new upgrades, new bonuses, more numbers and digits flying by as, indeed, he returned to his starting point in little under ten minutes, already feeling his nuts bloat and fill at a much faster pace than before; the combined efforts of the number counter and the sheer rate of point-gaining had come together to ensure that his body was, indeed, going on overdrive, making his nuts produce cum at such an accelerated rate that he could actually see it happening if he bothered to look down!
Inch by inch his orbs swelled outwards, cock following suit as it gained more mass from seemingly nowhere, only made worse (better!) by the fact that he had progressed so far into the game that he literally couldn’t get rid of all those points even if he wanted to; if beforehand he had to wait for ages before getting the next upgrade, now it was a matter of simply clicking the next random temporary boost and making good use of it, smashing his fingertips on the screen to chain together some truly absurd amounts of multiplicatives, racking up fake points like nobody’s business! With a wide grin on his face, Blake purchased every upgrade he could find, barely even paying attention to what the game was doing to him so much as focusing entirely on making it do so faster and more efficiently. Thus, it wasn’t all that surprising when he felt something touch his balls, something flat, cold, and entirely immobile: the floor.
It was hard to believe that it was happening, but all Blake had to do was look down to see that yes, not only were his cumtanks big enough that they were the reason the inside part of his legs felt so warm, they were so big that they had finally reached the ground beneath his feet, the very bottom of them smushing deliciously against the wood panelling, just as the tip of his cock, bubbling with pre and leaving smears of it all over his own sack, dragged along on top of them. Only then, when he actually bothered to look at himself and see what was being done to his body, did the cat start to hear the sounds coming from within those enormous orbs: the churning, the sloshing, the low groaning and creaking like the complaining of dry, stretched leather, the noise of growth and burgeoning, of filling and inflating that permeated every video his extended family had ever produced for profit, now there, in front of him, truly happening, even if he needed a stupid clicker game in order to make it a reality. What did it matter when he was finally as big as he should’ve always been, as productive as befitted his last name? How he got there didn’t matter so much as the fact that he was there… and he wanted more of it.
From that point onward it was actually quite simple to just keep growing. Given that the numbers he was dealing with, both the total amount of points and the rate at which he was gaining them, were all so stupidly high that the names for them began to sound silly and fake, he had effectively reached the point in the game where he had more stuff than he really knew what to do with; this was only made worse by his active involvement for hours on end rather than him simply sitting on his ass for a whole day before remembering he even had the app on there. It made it delectably easy to just sit down on the ground, back to the cold floor, legs spread-eagled and yet still lying atop his churning, swelling nuts, a package taking up increasing amounts of his field-of-view as the numbers, the damned numbers kept climbing higher and higher.
More upgrades to make the auto-clickers produce more points, more purchases so that all these parts worked better together, even a few actual dollars thrown at the store for boosts that lasted for a whole day, doing more for his body than years of gene treatments ever could. His house was filled by the sounds of gallons upon gallons of spunk roiling around inside those hyperactive factories of his, desperate to get out yet unable to do so; as much as his shaft very easily cleared the four-foot mark after a while, it wasn’t even hard, almost as if this engorged, impossibly large state was just his default, the way he’d look forever without even trying… and the thought of that, well, that was all it took for him to see what happened when his new body was truly spiked by arousal.
His roof didn’t last much longer after this, given his cock just about tripled in thickness and somehow managed to make its own length be pumped up so hard that its girth looked positively tiny in contrast… at least to him. Blake was sure his upstairs neighbor was probably wondering why he had a cock that massive breaking through the floor and into his living room, owing to the amount of shouting coming from up above, but seeing as the cat still wasn't done with his clicker game, that poor man would have a lot more to worry about in just a few minutes; after all, if Blake bothered to try and measure things, he’d very quickly come to the conclusion that his balls were quite literally about ninety-percent of the volume of his own living room and still growing, still filling faster, still being egged on by a mindless clicker game that the cat refused to stop playing, even when it became clear that he was far larger than anyone in his family had ever been, not so much vindicating his hyper heritage as setting a brand new standard for it. But that hardly mattered, as far he was concerned.
He still had more game to play. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Bernie & Penny - Helping Get Tenure
Tags: gangbang, anal sex, kaley cuoco, melissa rauch, the big bang theory, blow job, double penetration, public, cum, hot wife
Leonard, Raj, Howard, and Sheldon were sitting in the cafeteria at CalTech when Barry Kripke approached their table.
"Hewwo, fewwas."
"Hey," they replied in unison.
"Wemember when we were twying to figuwe out what that smell coming fwom Pwofessor Tupperman's office was? Turns out it was Tupperman. Dead at his desk for two weeks."
"Oh, my God," Leonard gasped.
"In wieu of fwowers, the department chair is asking that evewyone donate a bottle of Febweze."
Sheldon was agitated at the sudden turn of events. "If we're going to change the topic from jellyfish, I'd be okay with brine shrimp or the history of the unicycle."
Howard looked at Sheldon with a sideways glance. "Show a little compassion, a man died."
"And turned into a puddew of goo. Now, we can either sit awound and cwy over spilt pwofessor, or we can wejoice in the knowwedge that a tenured position has just opened up. I choose to do the watter."
Sheldon spoke up. "Excuse me, the whole tenure system is ridiculous. A guaranteed job for life only encourages the faculty to become complacent. If we really want science to advance, people should have chips implanted in their skulls that explode when they say something stupid."
Barry began to walk away. "If you need my nose, you'll find it firmwy wodged up the wectum of the tenure committee."
Howard looked around the table. "You Ph.D's gonna go suck up like Kripke?"
Leonard shook his head. "No. I mean, I'll apply, but I'm not gonna stoop to playing politics."
Raj agreed. "Yeah, me neither. It should be about the work. And if I can't get tenure, I'd like to see you or Sheldon get it."
Sheldon looked at Raj. "Raj, don't dangle false hope in front of Leonard like that."
In Penny's apartment later that day...
"So 'tenured' means a job for life?" Penny asked.
Leonard nodded. "Yup."
"You can't get fired even if you're bad at it?"
Leonard thought for a moment. "Mm, not really."
"Wow, sounds a lot like being a pretty waitress at the Cheesecake Factory."
Over in Sheldon's apartment....
"While I disagree with the premise of tenure, if they gave it to me, it wouldn't diminish my output. You know, I'm like the sun. Can't turn this off," Sheldon said.
"Are Rajesh and Leonard competing for it as well?" Amy asked.
Sheldon nodded. "Mm-hmm."
And at Howard and Bernadette's apartment...
"It would be nice to have the increased income. Stop taking money from my parents," Raj said dreamily. "They buy me a new BMW for my birthday but can I get seat warmers? No. 'Rajesh, if you want a warm butt, you're gonna have to pay for it yourself.' Well, maybe I will, old man."
Bernadette grabbed Raj's wine glass. "I think that's enough wine for now." She looked at Howard. "What about you, Howie? Are you going to apply?"
Howard shook his head. "I'd like to but I don't have a Ph.D."
Bernadette smiled. "We might be able to find a way around that."
Back in Penny's apartment...
"So, who do you have to schmooze to get this deal?" Penny asked Leonard.
"I'm not gonna schmooze anybody. I'm gonna let my work speak for itself."
"That's great. That shows a lot of integrity."
"Thank you." Leonard paused. "I'm a naive idiot, right?"
"Oh, good, you heard me." She paused. "Maybe I can help you schmooze."
In Sheldon's apartment...
"You know, if you really want tenure, maybe you should cozy up to the people making the decision," Amy pointed out.
Sheldon shook his head. "Sheldon Cooper does not do cozy."
Amy frowned. "You don't say."
In the CalTech cafeteria the next day...
"You guys goin' to Professor Tupperman's memorial?" Howard asked.
Raj shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."
Leonard shook his head. "Probably not."
Sheldon also shrugged his shoulders. "Barely knew him."
Howard nodded. "Yeah, you wouldn't want to look like you guys are brown-nosing the tenure committee, who will all be there." *All the better to let Bernie work her magic* he thought with glee.
That evening, at Professor Tupperman's memorial, Amy and Sheldon stood in the lobby.
Amy helped Sheldon prepare. "Let's go over our emotional responses one last time. Professor Tupperman is dead, and that makes us?"
Sheldon nodded. "Sad."
"The fact that there are so many people here tonight doesn't make us cranky and claustrophobic. It makes us?"
"Giving Mrs. Davis the box set of Roots was?"
"Bad. However..."
"Fine. Bad."
Suddenly, Raj was standing next to them. He shook his head. "Unbelievable. You have some nerve showing up here just to schmooze with the tenure committee."
Sheldon looked him up and down. "You're here."
"Excuse me. I'm here to pay my respects to Professor Tupperware, or whatever his name is."
"So am I. His passing makes me feel bad." Sheldon looked to Amy. She nodded and winked, indicating he gave the correct emotional response.
Then Leonard and Penny appeared. "Well, well, well, Sheldon, fancy meeting you here. I guess the train store in Glendale wasn't having a cotillion after all," Leonard said. Then he turned to Raj. "And you, you said you weren't coming here, either."
Raj looked him in the eye. "I have a thick accent. You don't know what I said."
Amy looked at Penny. "I'd like to know why Penny's here."
"I'm here to support my man, just like you."
Sheldon looked at her incredulously. "What are you going to do? Take people's drink orders and get them wrong?"
Leonard nodded at Penny. "Do it."
Penny quite proudly threw off the coat she was wearing, revealing a little black dress. "Little" doesn't accurately describe it. Her long blonde hair fell over the black velvet material. It was strapless with a neckline that plunged deep into her breasts. It looked like it might have been built for size 34B cups, not Penny's 36C cups. They were spilling over the top. The dress clung to her curves all the way down to the hem that didn't even reach mid-thigh. The black high heels only made her lean, tan legs look even longer than they already were. She was stunning.
Sheldon was oblivious to the sudden sexiness that was standing before him. "What? Did she do it yet?"
Amy was pissed. "She plans on flirting with members of the tenure committee to further Leonard's cause."
Sheldon looked back and forth at the two women. "Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do. Don't just stand there. Take your breasts out."
Howard and Bernadette appeared. "Ooh, meerkat fight!" Howard said drooling.
Raj snapped his head around. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Just paying my respects," Howard grinned.
"Then why is Bernadette half naked?" Raj asked nodding at Bernadette, trying not to stare at her boobs.
Bernadette was dressed completely out of character for her. While normally she dressed very conservatively, tonight was the exact opposite. Tonight she was dressed in a tight red silk dress with spaghetti straps and a plunging neckline as well as a deep v neck that cut deep into her cleavage. It had very little back, showing plenty of skin. The hem on the right side ran all the way down to her red pumps, while the rest of the hem cut up sideways to the left where it stopped just below her left hip, leaving her left leg almost completely exposed. The cold chill in the air had her gumdrop size nipples practically ripping through the thin material.
Amy tried to argue. "You're all wasting your time. Sheldon is the most qualified for the job, and no amount of gravity-defying bosom's going to change that." She nodded at Bernadette and Penny. "Seriously, is that tape? Like, how are they staying up like that?"
Leonard leaned over and whispered into Penny's ear. "Way to hit 'em with both barrels."
Howard leaned into Bernadette. "You are so getting fucked tonight!"
Just then, Kripke walked by with one of the committee members.
The committee member said, "I could not ask you to do that."
Barry waved her off. "Nonsense. Childwen wove me. Something about me just makes them waugh and waugh."
Leonard shook his head. "No. We cannot lose to that jerk."
The group walked into the large, crowded room filled with people paying their respects to the late Professor Tupperman. There were quite assuredly a few more candidates for the tenured position in attendance, as well. The group split up and mingled through the room.
Leonard was the first to spot two members of the tenure committee. He steered himself and Penny to over to them.
He stood next to them but they didn't acknowledge his presence. He finally cleared his throat.
"Ahh yes, Dr. Hofstadter, good to see you," Professor Eagle said as he shook his hand. Professor Eagle was a distinguished looking man. Tall and handsome, in mid 50s, with a full head of hair that was beginning to show signs of gray.
"Professor Eagle, Professor Stand, I'd like you to meet my wife, Penny."
Both professors looked stunned at the fact that Leonard had been able to land such a beauty. Both professors shook her hand while trying not to watch her tits jiggle while doing so.
The four exchanged pleasantries for a few moments before Leonard leaned into Penny. "You okay?"
She smiled. "I got this."
"Professor Eagle, Professor Stand, would you mind keeping Penny company while I use the restroom?"
The two professors looked at each other. "It would be our pleasure," Professor Stand said. He was a little older and taller than Professor Eagle. He had a little pudge around the waist but, for a man his age, obviously made the attempt to stay in shape.
Leonard had barely taken two steps when Penny went into action. "So, gentlemen, Leonard tells me you're on some kind of committee."
"Yes, that's correct," Eagle said, still trying hard not to stare at the tits that were spilling out of her dress. "The tenure committee. We've gotten Dr. Hofstadter's application for tenure. At first glance, he's definitely qualified."
"Oh, yeah, I know. He's more than qualified," Penny said. She cocked her head sexily and began to run a finger along the neckline of her dress. "I wonder if there's someplace we can talk about, uh, some qualifications that you don't know about. Some qualifications you've been glancing at all night that maybe you'd like to know more about."
"I-I-I don't know if...that would be...appropriate," Stand stammered.
"Oh, c'mon, loosen up. Just three adults having a consensual, private...discussion, right? What's wrong with that?"
The two professors nodded at each other. "Yes, well (ahem), since you put it that way, yes, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that," Professor Eagle said.
Howard spotted two more members of the tenure committee talking with Raj.
"That's so sad about Professor Tupperman," Howard said as he forced himself into the conversation with Bernadette at his side.
"Yes it is, Doctor, uhhhhh," Professor Janski said to Howard.
"Oh, he's no doctor. He's an engineer," Raj said, making sure to emphasize "engineer".
"Master of Engineering, yes, that's correct," Howard said, shaking Professor Janski's hand.
"Oh, yes, I've seen you on campus," Janski said, pulling his hand away. "So, you knew Professor Tupperman?" he asked curiously.
"Ohhhhhhh, yeah, we were like this," Howard said, wrapping two fingers around each other.
Raj rolled his eyes. "Puuuhhhhh-lease!"
"Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet my lovely bride, Bernadette. She's a microbiologist with a corner office at Zangen," Howard said, trying to divert attention from Raj's snide comment.
Bernadette stuck out her hand, as well as her 36 inch bustline. "Au chante."
Professors Janski and Winslow, as well as Raj, Howard, and Bernadette chatted for several moments. The two professors couldn't take their eyes off of Bernadette. With Bernadette being only 5 feet tall, the professors couldn't help but look straight down her dress when looking at her. Try as he might, Raj couldn't pull their attention away.
"So, gentlemen, did you get a chance to look over my Howie's application for tenure?" Bernadette asked.
"Well, yes, and, quite frankly, I'm not sure why he wasted his time," Professor Winslow said. "I mean, he's an engineer."
"A Master of Engineering," Howard said puffing out his chest.
"An engineer none the less," Raj said.
"A Master of Engineering...that's been on a NASA mission," Bernadette said, growling at Raj. She turned back to the professors. "How many people at CalTech can say they've been on a NASA mission?"
"Well, that is true," Janksi concurred.
Raj leaned into Howard. "Oh sure, play the NASA card."
"Bite me, bitch," Howard responded.
"Would you gentlemen like to hear more about Howie's trip into space?" Bernadette asked, moving in closer to the two professors.
"Oh, well, maybe another time," Winslow said quite dismissively.
Both men jumped. Bernadette discreetly cupped their balls. "Or maybe we can talk about your rockets?" she said quietly with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Oh! Yes! (ahem) That's a splendid idea!" Janski said.
The two professors led Bernadette arm-in-arm away from the crowded room with Howard and Raj not too far behind.
"Playing the big titty card? Really? Have you no shame?" Raj asked of his friend.
"She's got 'em, might as well use 'em to my advantage, so too fucking bad," Howard replied as they followed behind. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" he asked Raj.
"Dude, if you think I'm going to let you get away with this, you've got another thing coming."
In a tiny, darkened room down the hall from where the memorial was being held, behind closed doors, were Professors Janski, Stand, and Penny.
"Now stand back, boys. Let me show you those qualifications," Penny cooed. Penny reached behind her. The sound of a zipper filled the room. Her tiny black dress fell to the floor. The two professors stepped forward. Penny wagged her finger at them. "Ah ah ah." She began to massage her tits, pinch her nipples, and rub her bald pussy. "Now it's your turn."
In a flash, two pairs of slacks hit the floor, quickly followed by tighty whitey underwear. Two impressive looking cocks pointed at Penny. *At their age? That's impressive! I hope Leonard holds up that well!* Penny thought.
"Holy crap on a cracker, very nice, boys," she said as she stepped closer. "Now, let me give you an oral argument for why you should pick Leonard."
She dropped to her knees in front of them and grabbed their stiff shafts. The two men gasped. She gently stroked them as she admired each one. She moved in and flicked the tip of Professor Eagle with her tongue, then did the same with Professor Stand. She leaned back and studied the situation. *Eeny, meeny, miny, moe* went through her head. Before he knew it, Eagle's pole was buried in Penny's throat. He gave a loud moan, much louder than he intended. He slid in and out of her throat while she stroked Professor Stand. The room quickly filled with low moans and slurping sounds.
Bernadette and Professors Janski and Winslow had barely entered their darkened room before the two professors pounced on Bernadette. Before you could say particle accelerator her dress had been stripped off her tiny body and tossed to the side.
"Oh my! Professors!" she squealed as two fingers slid past her already puffy cunt lips.
Winslow removed a tit from his mouth. "If you want us to even consider giving tenure to an engineer, you're gonna have to work for it."
"Master of Engineering," Bernadette sighed as she brought his face back to her breast.
Raj started to open the door that Bernadette disappeared behind. Howard grabbed his arm. "Hang on there, buddy. Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm going to stop this right now!" Raj said with clenched fists.
"The hell you say. Let's see where this goes," Howard said, crouching down and peering through the crack in the door.
"Dude! You're going to watch your wife get banged by these two?!"
Howard shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, why not?"
"She's your *wife!*"
"She loves it when I watch, and I love watching," Howard said without looking up.
"You bastard! You're just now telling me this?!" Howard shrugged his shoulders again. "Dude, scoot over! Let me see!"
They watched as Janski and Winslow pushed Bernadette to her knees. Winslow quickly grabbed her by her long blonde hair and pulled her towards his bouncing pole. Even in the dim light she could see the veins wrapped around the beast pulse with energy. She opened her mouth without protest and hungrily took him in.
She gagged briefly as Winslow's swollen member slid down her throat. *My God! He's so much bigger than my Howie!* she thought. Her pussy dripped at the thought of having it buried in her slit and not her throat.
"You're gonna know the true meaning of getting fucked tonight...bitch," Winslow said as he placed his hands behind her head and throat fucked her while she stroked Janski's tool.
"Mmmmhmmm! Mmmmhmmm!" was Bernadette's muffled reply.
"Sounds like they're going to work Bernadette over pretty good, dude," Raj said concerned.
Howard giggled. "Yeah! I know!"
Penny was on all fours, with Professor Eagle beneath her fucking her quivering cunt while Professor Stand impaled her face. Leonard was just down the hall listening intently. All he could hear were moans and the occasional plea to the heavens. He smiled. *Tenure's as good as mine. Blow me, Sheldon.*
"Her throat...it's so...tight! It's...it's...incredible!" Stand announced. "I...I...I don't know...how much longer..."
"Me, too! So's her pussy!" Eagle panted. "It's like it's gripping me!"
"I...I...gaaaaaaaa!" Stand's rod throbbed in Penny's mouth. Each throb pumped another spurt of thick liquid down the back of her throat. She gulped and gulped trying to keep up.
*Jesus Christ! So much cum! This dude needs to jack off more often!* Penny thought as she swallowed.
Stand finally pulled out of her mouth. She sucked it all the way out, releasing it with a pop.
"I don't think I can last much longer," Professor Eagle wheezed.
"Wait! Wait!" Penny said as she lifted off of him. "Fuck me in the ass! Stick it in my ass!"
Eagle grabbed his slick pole. But, instead of holding it steady for entry, he gave it a couple of hard tugs. As Penny lowered herself down, she felt a warm rope shoot across her ass and up her back. *Shit!* she thought. She quickly raced down and took him into her mouth, taking the rest of his spunk down her throat.
Once the flow of cum stopped, she removed him from her mouth and sat back on her haunches. Eagle looked up in time to see her swipe droplets of cum from the corner of her grinning lips and slide it back into her mouth.
"S-s-s-sorry," Eagle said, embarrassed he didn't comply with her request.
"It's okay, sweetie," she said softly. "As long as you enjoyed it."
"Oh yes! Very much so!" he said as he brought himself to his feet.
Stand was completely dressed, waiting for his colleague to finish. "Amazing. You were absolutely amazing."
"Dr. Hofstadter is a lucky man," Eagle said as he got dressed.
"Yeah, I get that a lot," Penny said proudly.
"I'll take a closer look at Dr. Hofstadter's application first thing in the morning," Stand said.
"You do that," Penny said. "If he gets tenure, maybe we can have another 'conversation,'" she said seductively.
Shortly after the two professors left the room, Leonard slipped in. Penny was still on her haunches.
"So? How'd it go?"
She swiped some rogue cum from her tits and slipped it between her lips. "It's in the bag," she said grinning.
Leonard pumped his fist. "Yes!"
"But those rat bastards finished before I did! And I was close, too."
Leonard dropped his pants and pulled out his thick, 8" rod. "Let's see if we can do something about that."
Raj and Howard watched through the crack in the door as Professor Winslow slid his tool in and out of Bernadette's slit from underneath her while Professor Janski pummeled her ass from behind.
"My God! Her cunt is like a vise grip!" Winslow announced after releasing her tit from his mouth.
"That's right! Fuck my tight little cunt!" Bernadette challenged him.
Janski chuckled. "I think I've sufficiently stretched out her ass. Let's see what we can do about that cunt," he said as he removed his thick post from her ass.
'Hey!" Bernadette protested. "What the fu...huh?" She felt pressure on her swollen pussy as Janski continued to chuckle. Then more pressure. "Hey! Hey, bub! W-w-w-what do you think you're doing?!" A moment of panic raced through her mind. *They're going to rip it apart!*
"Just relax," Janski growled. "You can slide a baby's head out of this thing, you can slide two cocks in it."
"Holy Mother of Mary motherfuck!" Bernadette cried out as she felt Janski's cock slide into her with surprising ease, joining Winslow's.
"I told you," Janski chuckled as the two men began to slide their cocks in and out of her twitching twat.
"Ohmagod! Fuck me! Yes! Fuck me, you sissies!"
"Listen to this, slut," Janski laughed. "She gets two cocks in her cunt and she shows how much of a whore she is. C'mon, whore, tell us how much you like have your cunt stuffed with cock."
"I-I-I love it! God forgive me, I love! I...I...shit...I'm gonna...fuuuuucccckkk!"
Her body trembled as she exploded with an orgasm unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She pushed back against each thrust of the two professor's thrusts. The room started to spin. For a moment she thought she might pass out.
"Fuck it, I can't take anymore," Howard said as he stood up from his crouched position.
"Dude! Are you going to stop it?" Raj asked.
"Are you fuckin' crazy? Hell no! I'm gonna join in!" Raj's jaw dropped. He watched his friend drop his pants as he walked through the door.
"Fuck it!" Raj said as he followed Howard through the door.
The light from the open door briefly illuminated the room.
"Wolowitz! Koothrappali! What the hell are you doing here?!" Janski said as he froze.
"It's...it's...it's not what it looks like," Winslow said from underneath Bernadette.
"Hi, honey," Bernadette said with a smile looking up at her husband.
"Well, it looks like you're fucking my wife. Mind if I join in?" Howard said as he dropped to his knees and slipped his tiny tool through his wife's lips.
"So you're okay with this?" Janski asked.
"Hell yeah!" Howard replied enthusiastically as he began to thrust his hips into Bernadette's face. "What're you waiting for? Fuck her little cunt! Make her scream!"
"Mmmmmhmmm! Mmmmhmmmm!" came Bernadette's muffled squeal.
"And hurry up!" Raj said as he stroked his thick cock off to the side. "I wanna bust one off in her ass!"
It wasn't long before the professors were struggling to breath.
"I...I...can't take...much more," Janski panted as he continued to double stuff Bernadette's gash.
"Me, too!" cried Winslow. "Her pussy's...too...tight!"
Janski pulled out and furiously stroked his throbbing cock. With a grunt, a stream of thick, white jizz shot up Bernadette's spine. Several smaller spurts shot out. The thick goo puddled in the small of her back.
Janski slapped his pole on her ass, sending several more droplets up her back. "God damn!" he said as he rose to his feet.
"Gonna...gonna...mmmmmmm...gonna...fuck!" Winslow's thrusts threw Bernadette into the air as he emptied the contents of his ball sack into her hot little box. She could fill it filling up with each thrust of his hips.
When he finally finished he lifted Bernadette off of him. A stream of cum followed as he unplugged her snatch. She continued to suck Howard as Winslow rolled out from underneath her. As soon as he was clear, Raj slid in behind her.
"It's about fucking time! I was about to blow over there!" Raj said as he touched the tip of his thick, caramel-colored cock to her already gaped ass. *What a great country!* he thought to himself.
Winslow and Janski dressed and didn't stick around for the rest of the show. As they left, Janski was heard saying "Jesus Christ! That's the best fuck I've had in years!"
"Years?" Winslow countered. "That's the tightest cunt I've ever had! Fucking amazing!"
As soon as Raj slid is pole past Bernadette's sphincter, Bernadette exploded with another orgasm. The only thing keeping her from collapsing to the floor were the two poles impaling her. Her ass and mouth tightened around the cocks that were filling both.
"I'm gonna launch! I'm gonna launch!" Howard warned. "Prepare...for...liftoff! 3...2...1...booyah!!"
Her mouth was suddenly full of the familiar taste of Howard's rocket fuel while she was still experiencing her own orgasm. He grabbed the back of her head as he halting fucked her face. Her mouth clamped down, sucking him as hard as she could.
Raj was close to jerking himself off before. All it took was Bernadette's ass clamping down on his skewer to finish him off.
"Oh! Oh! Dude! Oh!" Raj grabbed her ass while he threw his hips into hers.
"That's right! Fuck my ass you Indian bastard!" Bernadette commanded after Howard removed his rocket.
"Dude! Dude! Duuuuuuude!" Bernadette felt Raj dump his spicy curry into her, savoring every pulse of his pole. She grinded her hips back into his, wanting every last bit of him inside her.
Leonard's hips smacked against Penny's heart shaped ass as he fucked her ass hard.
"Did you like having those two professors fuck you?" Leonard growled.
"Yes! Yes! I loved it!" Penny cried out.
"That makes you a fucking slut, doesn't it?"
"Yes! Yes! I'm a fucking slut!"
"You're my fucking slut, aren't you? Who's cock do you love the most?"
"Yes! Yes! Yours! I love your cock! Fuck! Oh fuck!"
"Does my fucking slut want to cum?"
"Yes! God yes! Make me cum with your big fucking cock in my ass!"
Leonard fucked her even harder. "C'mon, slut, cum for me. Let me hear you cum while I fuck your ass."
"Ohmyfuckinggawd! Cumming! Cumming! Cummingggggaaaahhhhh!"
Penny rested her forehead on the carpeted floor, sticking her ass even higher in the air. Her body shook violently as a Nebraska twister raced through her body, her head swimming in ecstasy.
As the trembling of her body slowed, Leonard withdrew from her ass. "Sit up, slut. I'm gonna cover those sweet tits with cum."
Penny did as told. She sat straight up and cupped her tits, holding them up as targets. "C'mon, big boy, cover me in cum. You know I love it," she cooed.
"I know you do," he panted. "Here it...here it...here it...cums!"
His head flew back and his chest puffed out and he tugged on his hose. Rope after rope of white hot cum shot out, splattering across her chest and tops of her tits. She watched and smiled as it's warmth covered her.
When he stopped pumping his pole, she replaced his hand with hers and took him into her mouth. She wanted to make sure she had completely drained him. She loved pleasing her man, whatever it took. Even if it meant letting two strangers have their way with her.
When Leonard finally looked down, Penny was licking his cum off the top of her tits. "God, I love you," he whispered.
The gang met back up in the lobby.
"Where have you all been?" Sheldon asked annoyed.
"We were...we were...we were, uhhhhhh," Penny stammered.
"You were exposing your breasts to members of the tenure committee, weren't you?" Amy asked with a sour look on her face.
"And then some," Howard chuckled under his breath to Raj.
"None of your bee's wax," Bernadette said.
"Sluts," Amy said under her breath.
"Jealous much?" Bernadette asked.
"You've got something right there," Penny said to Bernadette with a grin, pointing at the corner of her own mouth as if she was a mirror.
Bernadette quickly licked the droplet of cum she had missed from the corner of her mouth. She nodded at Penny. "What's that on your chest?" Some of the cum Penny had missed had dried and was flaking.
Penny wiped at her chest. "Oh. Uh, yeah. Dry skin."
Six weeks later it was announced who had been awarded the tenured position. Neither Raj, Howard, Leonard, or Sheldon got the coveted position. Not even Kripke. Who did get it? Bert Kibbler, the socially awkward geologist. Apparently he put his MacArthur Fellowship grant money to good use | literotica |
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, giantess, hand pump
Text: Anna didn't have to be a mind reader to know that something was wrong with Molly. For the past few days she had been distracted and listless, often staring into space when she should have been working. Even on their days off she spent time on the balcony, looking out towards the sea and sighing wistfully to herself. She also didn't need to be a mind reader to know what that something was."Come on," Anna said. "Tell me."Molly glanced over her shoulder before sighing and turning back towards the water. "Tell you what?""Who is he?" She put her hands on her hips. "It's obvious you're in love."She smiled longingly. "He's amazing. He's tall, strong...""Yeah?""Confident..."Anna nodded. "Okay.""Scaly, breathes atomic fire...""...what?""Maybe a metaphor of some sort, there's so many layers to him that-""Hold it." As Molly turned to face her, Anna continued. "You're in love with Agrodon.""Yeah." She smiled wistfully. "He's great, isn't he?""He's a thousand feet tall and rises out of the ocean to wreak havoc.""He's hot, though.""Why can't you be normal and just lust after that fish guy from The Shape of Water?""I'm not going to settle," Molly shot back, folding her arms across her chest.Anna made a circle with the finger and thumb of one hand, balling her other hand into a fist and bumping them together. "I can think of at least one problem you'd run into, and that's assuming you could even get his attention.""I know, but he's just..." She sighed deeply, running a hand through her hair. "If only I could be with him on his level, you know?"Anna eyed her friend, resolve slipping away despite her better judgment. Molly was eccentric, there was no doubting that, but there was genuine longing in her actions. Even if her choice in men was highly questionable, she deserved a shot at love; everybody did. The least Anna could do was help her out."I probably shouldn't be doing this," Anna said, "but I have a plan. Change into something stretchy and meet me outside."
Behind the apartment complex was a small park, left in a half-finished state when the building's owner ran low on funds. There were no trees, only partially paved paths, and the closest thing to a pond was a slight recess that got swampy during heavy rains. It was open and flat, however, which was all that Anna wanted from it."This isn't going to work," Molly said.Anna set the bike pump down, letting the long, coiled hose on her shoulder slide off to the ground. "...and yet you still changed and followed me out here," she retorted, gesturing to Molly's biking shorts and sports bra."Yeah, well..." She scratched the back of her head sheepishly. "I guess I really -want- it to work. Donny's not going to dick himself, you know?"She gave her a look as she stooped, picking up the end of the hose. "'Donny.' You're calling him Donny now." Shaking her head, she plugged the nozzle into Molly's navel before moving to the pump. "I hope this is worth it," she muttered, before pushing down on the handle.Molly recoiled in wide-eyed shock as there was a sudden pressure against her navel that quickly gave way to what felt like all the muscles in her body stretching on their own, and her line of sight shot up a foot. Anna raised the handle and pressed it down again and the sensation repeated, her vision rising higher. Her mouth moved wordlessly, and by the time she got the words out she was tall enough that Anna only came up to her waist. "Woah! Hold it!"Anna froze, looking up at her. "Is something wrong?""I..." She looked herself over, patting herself down. She -felt- normal, though her skin had a faint sheen to it that reminded her of a balloon, and there was a slight paunch to her stomach that wasn't there before. Despite being twice its normal size, her outfit seemed to be handling its new scale perfectly fine. "...I can't believe this is working." Glancing around, she added, "everything looks so different from up here.""Should I keep going?""Uh, yeah? I guess."As Anna resumed pumping, Molly's growth showed no signs of slowing. If anything, she seemed to be gaining height faster as time went on, watching as the windows of the surrounding apartment blocks went by. The air that had been affecting only her belly spread elsewhere, giving her a spare tire around her waist and thicker forearms and thighs, and a hissing sound gradually became audible with each pump and fit of growth. As her head cleared the roofs of the five-story building found herself instinctively hunching over, hiding from view.Anna paused again to pick up the pump and step away from her, barely coming up to her mid-thigh. "Why are you so worried people are going to see you?" she shouted up at her."I dunno, I just feel... weird being this big.""Just think of it-" She rolled her eyes, muttering "I can't believe I'm saying this," under her breath before shouting again, continuing to pump. "Just think of it as getting closer to Agrodon.""That's true," Molly replied. Her body grew yards at a time, and she found herself moving her feet together in order to stay in the center of an increasingly confining space. "You know, this is actually kind of nice." She grinned as the curve of her body rose up beneath her breasts up to her neck and to the sides, going from pear-shaped to egg-shaped. "This must be what Donny feels like.""You mean being big," Anna said."Well, yeah." She continued rising up, the apartment roofs below her waist. Going unnoticed was now an utter impossibility, if not from her size then from the loud hisses that punctuated each burst of air, and several pedestrians and cars had stopped to gawk at her. However, her prior concern had quickly melted away as she watched the world grow smaller around her, the attention she was getting growing more and more insignificant as the shore came into view. Had the pneumatic giantess thought to look behind her she would have noticed that she had outgrown the skyscrapers in the business district, now being the most dominant feature of the skyline.As Molly grew to such a scale that the five-story apartment merely reached her ankles, a siren began to sound. Far beneath her in shadow of her belly, Anna stopped pumping, tugging on hose and causing it to slip free with surprising ease before cupping her hands and shouting upward. "Molly! Agrodon's coming!"While Anna was too small and too quiet to hear, Molly still understood what was happening. She looked down, finding her body in the way, then pivoted her hips to the side and craned her neck for a clear view of her home and the surroundings before gingerly raising a foot over the roofs of the buildings, putting it down in the middle of a nearby parking lot. Despite being entirely filled with air she had an impressive weight to her, and deep cracks formed in the asphalt as several cars crumpled painlessly underfoot.She stepped from lot to major intersection to lot, more concerned that she would trip and fall over a building than destroy them. A ten-minute drive through traffic to the beach was covered in a dozen steps, her heel coming down through the boardwalk as her toes touched the water. Molly paused to adjust her outfit and fix her hair before laying down across the beach, backside taking out another swath of boardwalk and part of a tiki bar. Putting on her most coquettish look, she rested her head on her hand and looked out towards the ocean.In the distance the water frothed and churned, waves tumbling towards the shore before the sea parted, revealing a high spiny crest, and beneath it the head of Agrodon. He let out a mighty roar as he surfaced, headed towards the city before the sight of something - or rather, someone - as large as he was gave him pause.Molly winked. "Hey, hot stuff. Instead of smashing downtown, why don't you smash me instead?"Agrodon paused in thought before speaking, his voice a perfectly enunciated baritone. "Is this a metaphor for how mankind has embraced atomic power and used once-destructive technologies for the betterment of civilization?"She smiled. "Baby, if it's you? I'll be a metaphor for -anything-."
| bodyinflation |
Title: French Connections
Tags: seduction, coercion, voyeur, oral, strap on, blow job, threesome, fingering, breast sucking, caught on camera
*This story is based on reluctance and coercion in an interracial lesbian setting. It's fantasy, for the enjoyment of people who take pleasure in such themes. But if this type of storyline is not for you, thank you for stopping by but please pass on.*
Chapter 1
My moans urged Pierre on as he thrust down into me. This was the first time my husband had fucked me in our new home and with the moonlight peeping in through the partially open curtains, it was even more of a thrill than I'd anticipated.
What twenty-five year old girl wouldn't be turned on by fucking in a four poster bed in a French mansion? Pierre had lived there for several years and now it was my home, too.
He grunted as I wrapped my feet around his heavily sweating back. With an affectionate growl, I dug my heels into his ass and pushed him even deeper inside me.
Suddenly the air was full of expletives. Pierre couldn't hold back his language during moments of extreme passion and it never failed to increase my arousal. Was there a sexier language than French? It was that accent that had first attracted me to him. We'd been making love for well over half an hour and sweat was dropping from his forehead onto my body. Despite the twenty year difference in our ages, his stamina matched mine. I closed my eyes, momentarily reflecting on how good life was.
Everything had happened so quickly.
We'd only met six months ago and now I was his wife. It had been a whirlwind courtship, carried out across Europe while he pursued his goodwill Ambassadorial duties for the French government and I carried out my modelling commitments. We'd managed to spend most of that time in one another's company, apart from one weekend when he was delayed in Zurich while was on various catwalk's in Milan.
Pierre was panting hard now, a sure-fire indication he was closing in on his orgasm.
"Let me on top, darling," I told him, wanting him to last just a little longer.
I slid from underneath him, manoeuvring our positions so that I could settle on his lap. His eyes went to my freckled breasts and I shook them at him before bending forward to allow him to suckle each erect nipple in turn. That always made me cream.
If I sheathed him again he'd cum almost immediately and I wasn't ready for that. Before he could react I shuffled my body upwards, leaving a damp trail of juices across his stomach and chest as I slid my sex towards his face.
"Just for a few moments, Pierre," I told him.
He needed his orgasm but I wanted satisfaction first and with my knees clamped over his arms, he had no way out. An Irish girl at University loved bringing me to orgasm this way and while that was a few years ago now, how could I forget?
Marie O'Flanagan had been eighteen then, the same age that Pierre's daughter was now. I hadn't seen Françoise since the wedding. The eighteen year old was as beautiful as her father was handsome and we got on well together, thank God.
It would be early tomorrow morning when she arrived with a friend of hers to spend a long weekend with her father and I. That had given us tonight alone to enjoy ourselves. Pierre was not only a good lover, he was charismatic, wealthy, and had already taught me much about the finer things in life. We were a perfect match.
I clamped my thighs around his head, gripping his hair with one hand and encouraging his mouth to my sex. The French had a real talent for cunninglingus. When he stretched his neck upwards and ran his tongue across my clean-shaven opening, I shuddered.
"Yes, darling, like that," I moaned, grinding down onto his Gallic lips. "Just like that..."
His arms curled under my thighs, holding me in position as I began to gyrate. He knew how wild this position made me and I began to growl as I rode his face. As he sucked my clit between his lips I leant backwards, resting one hand on the bed and circling his thick girth behind me with the other. I wanted him hard for when the time came.
Just as it had always done under the oral ministrations of the red-haired Marie O'Flanagan, my orgasm quickly sprinted through me. I always came harder this way and I waited until Pierre's experienced mouth had sucked up my juices before slithering back down his body, scraping my breasts and hard nipples along his sweaty chest.
"Such a good boy," I whispered, sheathing him and jerking down on his hardness. "Now it's your turn..."
Pierre was already out of bed, conversing in French on the telephone as he paced the bedroom floor. There was some problem in Brussels and his advice was being sought. I slipped the cream silk robe around my naked body and left him to it, sauntering out onto the large balcony and allowing the warm morning sunshine to hit my face.
This was my new home and I breathed in the glorious French air as I rested against the stone balcony rail. The view across the grounds was stunning, a series of rolling hills with not another building to interrupt the vista.
Could life get any better?
A noise from below caught my attention and I leaned forward to gain a better view. Two young women were stretched out on the sun beds beside the large outdoor swimming pool. The curly haired black girl in the red bikini had a voluptuous body but it was the honey tanned white girl I recognised instantly.
The short cut blonde hair was unmistakeable, as was the slender athletic body on display in the skimpy gold bikini. I'd suggested to Pierre that she could easily make her way in the modelling world and I'd already sounded out a couple of photographers. Ever the pragmatist, he wanted her education completed first.
The two of them were casually spread out on their sun beds, chatting, when suddenly the black girl pushed up into a sitting position. As she reached for the bottle of sun tan oil her full breasts bounced tantalisingly inside the loose confines of the bikini top. I felt my nipples rise in approval. I hadn't been into girls since Marie O'Flanagan, but my reaction during Fashion shoots confirmed I could still appreciate the female form.
Some of the other models had stunning figures but none of them quite like this one.
With a frustrated sigh, I began to turn away and chastise myself, but I caught further movement out of the corner of my eye. Françoise's young friend had handed the bottle to her and was casually unhooking her bikini top. I quickly turned back, an unwanted voyeur. Her naked breasts—surmounted on their crests with chocolate, almost perfectly circular nipples—defied gravity as they thrust proudly from her young body.
A pool of appreciation formed between my thighs.
Pierre's voice made me jump. The thought of being caught watching his daughter and her friend flooded my body with guilt and I began to swing away before I realised he was simply informing me he was about to take a shower. The warning should have been sufficient for me to return to the bedroom but as I heard the en-suite door close I was unable to prevent my gaze from glancing downwards again.
Both girls had changed position. The black girl, still topless, lay back on the sun bed, both hands behind her head. Françoise was kneeling beside her, holding the bottle of sun oil over her stomach and allowing the dark liquid to trickle slowly downwards onto that ebony coloured flesh. There was something intensely sensual about the scene.
When a small pool had formed on the girl's skin, Françoise began to work the oil across the glistening skin of that flat teenage stomach.
I imagined the young girl's eyes were closed but beneath the dark sunglasses it wasn't easy to tell. It occurred to me that if she looked upwards it would be impossible to miss my head craning over the balcony and I leant back a little and checked behind me. Pierre couldn't to return to the bedroom without my hearing the en-suite door open but even so, my voyeuring guilt made me nervous.
There was a definite sensuality to watching one woman oil another and when Françoise's hands rose upwards to cup and massage the oil into those delectable black breasts, I felt my breath catch. Any pretence at simply applying some suntan protection had gone. Her movements were sexual as she kneaded those magnificent swells.
I told myself to return to the bedroom but I was hypnotised.
Françoise's fingertips came together with each sweep to delicately pinch those chocolate nipples and the girl's back arched a little under each touch. When the faint sound of a mewing noise floated up to my ears, I felt my own nipples begin to tingle.
Suddenly the black girl spoke again to Françoise. I couldn't quite hear what was being said but she was giving an instruction. Pierre's daughter nodded obediently and reached for the ties on the girl's red bikini bottoms. With a theatrical, almost slow motion pull of her fingers, she freed each in turn. My breath caught in my throat.
The girl lifted her ass so that Françoise could pull them from her now naked body and I felt a surge of static electricity as my eyes drifted down to her cleanly shaven pussy, the skin a deep ebony colour like the rest of her body. Most of the models I worked with preferred the bare look, too, while I held an affection for my own dark landing strip.
Françoise trailed her hand across the girl's baby-smooth sex, her white fingers providing an erotic contrast to the black flesh. Her movements were lazy and unhurried, and it was clear this wasn't the first time they'd engaged in such a practice.
The girl spoke to her again—another instruction?—and a smile creased Françoise's face as she nodded. She bent forward to suck one of those delicious nipples into her mouth at the same time as sliding a single finger inside the girl's sex. It occurred so gently, in such a matter-of-fact way that, at first, I wasn't sure it had happened. But then the black girl's hands were gripping the top of the lounger behind her as her body began to gyrate on the working digit.
My heart was pumping and I couldn't resist the urge to reach inside my robe and run my fingers across my rapidly emerging clitoris. Watching them was an incredibly illicit sensation and it was difficult to judge if guilt or arousal was my primary feeling.
The girl spoke to Françoise once more and I gasped as Pierre's daughter withdrew and then licked her finger. As she shifted position so that she lay between the girl's legs, it instantly became clear what she had in mind and the shock hit me like a thunderbolt. Despite the privacy of the mansion, they must have known that either Madeleine—the housekeeper—or even her father or I could interrupt them at any moment.
If they did, they didn't care. The black girl caressed Françoise's hair just as Pierre's daughter's tongue was beginning its journey across the dark, glistening opening.
The sound of the en-suite bathroom door opening made me jump out of my skin. My husband's sense of timing was wretched and the thought of him finding me watching his daughter go down on her friend sent blood rushing to my face. I leapt up and quickly headed back into the bedroom, guilt written all over my expression.
"What's wrong?" he asked, towelling his hair.
When his eyes flicked over my shoulder towards the balcony, I thought for an awful he was going to check out there and my survival instinct kicked in. I grabbed his arm and pulled him with me to the bed, opening my robe as I fell onto my back.
"I need you," I mumbled, opening my legs. "Lick me..."
Pierre and I had emerged for a late breakfast and were immediately joined—their bikinis covered by kaftans—by his daughter and the black girl, who was introduced to me as Sherrilyn. The young teenager turned out to be a 'close' friend who Françoise had met at their all-girl private College. Pierre had told me that they'd become inseparable lately and I was beginning to understand why.
Despite their activities by the pool, neither showed any undue affection for the other and I would have swallowed the friendship story had I not known otherwise. Thank God that Pierre had no idea. Even though he was imbued with the normal French laissez-faire approach to most things, I couldn't even guess at what his reaction might be.
Throughout breakfast the two teenage girls bombarded me with questions about my career and wanted to know the ins and outs of the modelling world. Françoise was her normal gushing self while Sherrilyn was more reserved, very much in control of herself and her emotions. When she spoke to me she made a point of looking deep into my eyes as if she was listening to my thoughts as well as my answers.
When, eventually, Pierre said he intended to drive into Deauville to visit the local wine dealer, Françoise asked if she could accompany him. She hadn't seen him for ages, she pleadingly said, and it would give Sherrilyn an opportunity to get to know me better. Her teenage friend had just smiled at me, those penetrating black eyes not missing a thing.
Before they left, Pierre led Sherrilyn and I to the conservatory and made sure we were settled comfortably. He gave me a soft peck on my lips and then asked Madeleine—the housekeeper—to bring us two glasses and a bottle of expensive red wine from his collection. He promised that they'd return within the hour.
"Do you think I could make it as a model?" Sherrilyn asked, once Madeleine had departed and we both had a full glass of burgundy in our hands.
I smiled, but felt goosebumps running up my spine at the recollection of her naked body.
"Absolutely," I replied.
I kept my voice steady. Was it the image in my mind's eye of Françoise going down on her that made me feel nervous? Being so well travelled and used to seeing all sorts of things going on when the other models partied, I normally took things in my stride.
She rested her glass on the small table beside her. Smiling at me, she gracefully rose to her feet and stepped out of the black kaftan she wore over her red bikini. Without a hint of embarrassment she sashayed across the room, stopping at the far end to send me a model-like stare before walking directly towards me. One hand in her hair, the other on her hip, she stood not more than a couple of feet away and raised an eyebrow.
I fought back the tightness forming in my chest. This wasn't an audition; it was some sort of sexual challenge. Pierre and Françoise had been gone for less than ten minutes and the teenager was deliberately displaying her body to me. Why would she do that? She couldn't have seen me watching the two of them, could she?
"You have a good figure, Sherrilyn," I non-committaly said, "but there are lots of young women with good figures who want to get into the industry."
I kept my voice soft and cold as I delivered the put down. I had no intention of being intimidated by a teenage girl.
"Mmm-hmm?" she murmured, cocking her hip to one side.
She studied my expression as she picked up her wine glass, as if trying to get inside my mind. After taking a long drink she replaced the glass and, without warning, her hands went to the back of her red bikini top. My eyes widened in surprise she untied the back and pulled it from her body. As she wanted, my gaze was drawn to those well-nigh perfect black breasts as they bounced and settled.
"What about my tits?" she asked, as she provocatively cupped them with both hands. Her black eyes didn't move from mine as she rolled them in her palms. "Some women think my ass is my best feature but others love my tits. What about you, Adrianna?"
I took a few seconds before answering. The girl knew which spots to hit.
"There's a lot of demand for well-endowed models nowadays," I said, trying to keep the conversation within the context of my career. "But it's not just about your breasts. It's the whole package, your body, look and personality. How you look on camera."
"You misunderstand me," she dismissively answered.
Her hands went to her hips, exposing her full breasts to my gaze again. They bounced before settling and despite myself it was impossible to stop my startled eyes from admiring them. Her chocolate nipples were so hard...
"I was interested in your personal preference. You like women, after all."
I felt my breath catch. She was deliberately pushing my buttons and there could only be one reason for her comment. I'd been seen.
"No I don't," I lied.
My eyes dropped to my glass as I swirled the wine around the insides. It was obvious to me where this conversation was heading and I refused to meet her intimidating gaze as I desperately tried to think of a way out. She didn't give me one.
"Did you enjoy watched Françoise service me by the pool, Adrianna?"
The words startled me. Service her? Those were a word that Marie O'Flanagan used when she was in a mischievous mood.
"I saw you watching us from the balcony."
I played dumb but the flush of my cheeks betrayed my embarrassment.
"The balcony?" My heart was palpitating. "I wasn't watching you, Sherrilyn. I was just taking the air."
She simply smiled and we both knew that I had been caught in a lie.
"I was watching you all the time you spied on us," she calmly responded. "That's why I told Françoise to go down on me. It was quite a turn on, having her service me while you watched. I could sense how turned on you were."
She turned her back on me and swayed back to her chair. My eyes dropped to the way the skimpy red bikini bottoms clung to the firm cheeks of her black buttocks. They were fractionally too big for her body but that only enhanced her appeal.
"Did you tell her father?" she asked, swinging around and flopping down into the chair.
The question took me by surprise. "Of course not."
"Good. He wouldn't approve."
I felt a prickle of annoyance. How would she know what Pierre would approve? So what if his daughter was gay or bisexual. Most young women were into experimentation nowadays. She read my mind.
"At college, my friends and I have are members of a club we call Black Sorority. We each have a little white girl we let go down on us. Françoise is mine, although we do share them around from time to time."
Shock was written all over my face as I struggled to comprehend her words. They were clear enough, but difficult to believe. She'd been playing with me until now and that disclosure was almost a knockout punch.
"So you see, Françoise's father wouldn't approve, would he?"
I shuffled in my seat. The girl was only eighteen and she had me speechless.
"Did it excite you, Adrianna?" she asked, increasing the pressure. "Watching us?"
My mouth was suddenly parched and I took a sip of wine to ease the dryness as well as give me time to think. She took advantage, sliding her fingers inside her bikini bottoms.
"Do you want to watch me now?"
"Sherrilyn, stop this, we both know it's completely inappropriate. Whatever you and Françoise get up to is between yourselves. Don't—"
I paused as she slouched lower on her seat and I found my gaze drawn between her thighs. I could see the curl of her fingers under the thin red material, the way her arm was flexing. Her breasts swayed slightly with each movement. I should have instantly told her to stop but the words wouldn't come out. She took advantage of my confusion.
"Most young white girls can't get enough black pussy. What about you?"
I felt my cheeks burn. She was sitting there, only a short distance between us, masturbating while she talked dirty to me. Thoughts of my time with Marie O'Flanagan flooded my mind. The way she used to make me go down on her with just a few well chosen words. I could see her sex in my mind's eye as I sank to my knees to worship her. Only this time it wasn't her. It was a black pussy.
I could feel was a fire burning deep inside my loins. Sherrilyn must have felt it too.
"It's in the eyes," she said, pulling her hand away from her lap.
Was that disappointment I felt?
She slowly rose from her seat, her black breasts swinging as she sauntered across the short divide between us. As she drew level she touched her fingertip to my mouth. I reflexively drew away from her but not before I had unwittingly licked at my lips. It was a taste I hadn't experienced for a long time.
"We both know what you want, Adrianna," she murmured, implanting the suggestion deep in my mind. "The eyes always give it away."
Her teenage hips swung from side to side as she headed out of the room. She was so confident that my gaze was fixed on her ass that she didn't even look back to check.
As soon as she was out of sight, I licked my lips a second time.
I watched spellbound through the conservatory windows as Sherrilyn emerged outside by the pool. She casually pulled loose the ties on her red bikini bottoms and then, naked, dived fluidly into the pool.
Madeleine appeared at the door from nowhere, asking if she could help me in any way. It struck me that her full figured body was a deeper shade of black than Sherrilyn's and I shook away the thought before telling her I intended to take a nap.
Once in my room, I doused my face in water and filtered everything that had happened through my fevered brain. Why had I allowed her to control the conversation like that? Was it guilt at having been caught watching her and Françoise? Or was it some inner need that had lain dormant ever since Marie O'Flanagan had returned to Ireland?
I could still taste her on my lips and as my tongue eagerly flicked across them again, I caught my reflection in the mirror. Guilt was written all over my face, but so was arousal. This was wrong, wicked, but I had no choice. I slowly and deliberately eased my hand under the hem of my dress and down inside my panties.
The immediate sexual charge was almost overwhelming.
I desperately tried to conjure an image of Pierre, of Marie O'Flanagan even, but all I could see was Sherrilyn, that voluptuous black body, and the way she'd so openly masturbated in front of me. What had she said?
"Most young white girls can't get enough black pussy. What about you?"
It was impossible to contain the growl that emerged from my throat.
I widened my legs and planted my feet firmly on the ground, giving myself leverage as I lifted onto my tiptoes. My clit responded as images of a naked Sherrilyn filled my mind as she settled her sex over my face. A finger slid inside my wetness like a knife through butter and my orgasm begin to swirl. A second finger and it was there.
My eyes closed as the spasms wracked my body and I could hear Sherrilyn's voice again.
"We both know what you want..."
Chapter 2
I twisted around on the large bed, frustrated by the events of the last twenty four hours.
I'd watched Françoise go down on her friend by the pool, an insane act considering they were out in the open. Sherrilyn's influence must have been absolute for her to agree to such a thing when her father could have interrupted them at any moment. Yet not only had she agreed, she'd performed eagerly, as if she was being granted a favour.
As for me, I should have been appalled and yet I'd watched the two of them from (what I'd thought) was the safety of the balcony. Worse still, I'd touched myself under my thin robe while savouring every lewd moment of their overtly sexual activity.
Little had I known that Sherrilyn, beneath her large sunglasses, had observed my voyeuristic interest and made Françoise put on a show for my benefit. I wondered whether she'd confided in Pierre's daughter that I'd been there, observing them? I needed to know and while I couldn't openly ask Françoise, I could look for signs. Her demeanour would give it away, surely?
Then there'd been my conversation with Sherrilyn. She combined the body of a voluptuous teenager with the mind of a Lolita-like character. I was still unsure about the Black Sorority, as she'd called them. Could that be true? It had crossed my mind to mention it to Pierre, but he'd be furious with Françoise, and she in turn would probably never speak to me again. Besides, my voyeurism would then raise its ugly head.
I was in a no-win situation, which was probably why Sherrilyn felt so confident in telling me. I felt little pinpricks of nervous energy cover my body. There was only one reason for her to confide in me and that was to attempt to draw me into her web.
As a result, I'd resolved to stay as far away from the two teenagers as I could during their visit this weekend. Until the phone call Pierre had received from the French government. His sudden need to be in Geneva overnight had complicated matters further. He'd been extremely apologetic, but had rushed away late afternoon with a promise he'd return in time for dinner this evening.
I hadn't slept much during the night as without him my body was aching for release. Sherrilyn had lit the fuse and the growing heat between my legs was becoming harder to ignore. With a frustrated groan, I settled back into the piled pillows and reached again for my trusty vibrator. How many times had I used my 'special friend' during the night?
I was so wet that once I'd switched it on, it took very little effort to slip the long shaft deep inside my needy sex. I let out a second groan, this time longer. But just as I tilted it slightly to vibrate against my clitoris, the telephone rang.
Talk about bad timing...
I hurriedly switched it off but left the shaft inside, unable to resist the wonderful fullness as I grabbed for the phone,
"Did you sleep well without me?" the sexy French voice purred.
That surprised me. Hearing from Pierre when he was engaged in any sort of diplomatic mission was a rarity.
"I spent half the night awake," I complained. "When you return I'll show you exactly how much I missed you."
His laugh was a warm Gallic sound.
"I don't have long, darling, there's a storm brewing here. The British don't want to give an inch and neither do the Germans. But I just wanted to check on how you are."
"I'm fine, Pierre," I lied.
"And the girls? They're more than old enough to entertain one another, I know, but I hope they weren't too much trouble?"
They were more than old enough to entertain one another? A vision of their 'entertainment' entered my mind. My breath caught in my throat as I raised my hips from the bed and thrust the phallus deeper.
I'd stayed out of their way early evening, explaining to Madeleine that I had a few phone calls to make from my room. By the time I reluctantly emerged, I found to my surprise that Françoise and Sherrilyn had decided to visit a local casino and nightclub. They'd still been there when I'd retired to my bed.
I was unsure whether I'd felt relief or disappointment.
"No trouble," I began to explain. "They went to a club together—"
But he was no longer listening.
"Sorry darling," he interrupted, his voice suddenly distracted. "They're waving me back into the meeting. I'll be home tonight without fail. Au revoir."
His voice was replaced by the dialling tone before I could reply and for a few moments I held the telephone in one hand before dropping it back onto its base.
"Sorry darling," he interrupted, his voice suddenly distracted. "They're waving me back into the meeting. I'll be home tonight without fail. Au revoir."
His voice was replaced by the dialling tone before I could reply and for a few moments I held the telephone in one hand before dropping it back onto its base.
My thoughts returned to Françoise and Sherrilyn and before I realised what I was doing, I felt the vibrator buzzing deep inside and I was slowly pushing it in and out. Lulled by the delicious friction, I slid a little deeper into the pillows and started to raise my hips to meet the movements of my hand.
I tried to think of making love to Pierre but the problem was that as I grew more excited it was not his image that came to mind but that of the two teenagers. I tried to dismiss it but my efforts were only half-hearted and each time I surrendered to the illicit thoughts I felt myself getting ever nearer to a climax.
One hand rose to my breast, my fingers caressing my sensitive nipples as I began to piston the vibrator in and out. What had started as a slow tease had quickly changed to an uncontrolled frenzy and I squeezed my breasts in time with my thrusts as I thought of 'black pussy'. My body gleamed with perspiration and I tried to stay quiet, but what started as a stifled groan grew louder with each passing second.
When the tide finally broke inside my overheated body, I almost cried with the intensity of the orgasm. Lying back, heart palpitating, I let myself surrender to the repeated orgasmic waves as they beat against the shore.
When, eventually, they receded, I convinced myself to get ready and head downstairs. I couldn't stay out of the way forever...
I'd showered, applied a liberal amount of perfume and changed into my skimpy black bikini. It was the most revealing of all my swimsuits but the need to display my own body was as overwhelming as it was confusing.
Was I trying to impress Sherrilyn?
It took only a few short steps to the balcony to confirm that the two teenage girls occupied two of the loungers by the pool. Françoise's body looked hot in her striped bikini but it was Sherrilyn who drew my immediate attention. Her white bikini presented a breathtaking contrast to her black skin and heat formed between my thighs at the thought of joining them.
Hurrying back to the bedroom, I checked myself in the mirror again. The skimpy top barely held my cleavage in check and my nipples were already pushing through the thin material. Turning sideways, the small triangular strip of black material contained very little of my firm buttocks.
I nodded in approval and gathered up a towel, shades, my IPOD, and some sun tan lotion. Madeleine stopped me on my way outside, wanting to know my preference for dinner that evening. She kept me talking longer than necessary, her eyes continually flicking across my body as we conversed.
I felt my nipples rise further under her gaze. Was it the fact that she was black that brought goosebumps to my skin, or because she was admiring my body so openly? She hadn't been so brazen during our previous meetings, but then I hadn't appeared semi-naked in front of her before.
Whatever, her admiring gaze confirmed what I needed to know. I looked hot.
Sherrilyn was alone when I headed outside and casually sauntered across to the pool. I glanced around in a vain attempt to find Françoise but couldn't see her.
"She's getting us a drink."
Sherrilyn raised her sunglasses onto her forehead as she spoke, shooting me that now familiar smirk. It wasn't the first time she'd read my mind. I deliberately turned away and deposited the belongings I was carrying beside the spare lounger. She spoke again.
"That just has to be the best white ass I've ever seen in my life."
The words sent pinpricks of heat through me but I wasn't going to be intimidated.
"Thank you," I nonchalantly said, turning slowly and raising my hands to pin my long brown hair behind my head.
She dropped her large shades back down, settling them onto the edge of her nose as she allowed her calculating eyes to lazily wander across my body.
"And tits, too. White girls with bodies like yours are in demand in the Black Sorority. My friends are going to love you."
She half-raised herself from the lounger as she spoke, her heavy breasts threatening to spill from the barely adequate white bikini top. She stayed that way for a few moments, deliberately displaying herself and defying me not to stare. When my eyes betrayed me, flicking to those full breasts before rising to meet her gaze again, she gave a knowing smile.
"You'd like that? Meeting my friends? Can you imagine it, Adrianna?"
There she went again, planting suggestions again into my ridiculously susceptible mind. I swallowed hard, telling myself I wasn't going to play her games.
"Don't be silly, Sherrilyn," I snapped. "You've had your girlish fun and I suggest it's time to put an end to it. Françoise's father would be distinctly unimpressed by this talk and you don't want him complaining to your college, do you?"
She casually swung around on the lounger, resting back on her elbows. With her legs splayed wide, her voluptuous body was fully exposed to my view.
"You won't tell Pierre."
She spoke with a calm confidence and I felt frustration rise inside me at her open defiance. I didn't immediately respond, sitting down on my sun bed before speaking again. It was important to show I wasn't rattled.
"I wouldn't be too sure of that, my girl."
She seemed to ponder my words and I thought I'd hit home. But then her face broke into a smile. My frustration turned to anger but she was speaking again before I could repeat my threat.
"I'd say Françoise's sexuality is her business, wouldn't you? She loves being controlled and adores the times I loan her to my friends. She once went down on four of us in succession. Think of that, Adrianna. All that black pussy. Lots of white women crave it and she's one of the favoured few. Is that so bad?"
Her face remained impassive and she spoke so confidently, so rationally, that I couldn't immediately find a response.
"You're excited by the thought, aren't you?" she murmured, taking advantage of my hesitation. "It's okay, Adrianna, you can admit it."
My heart began to pound and for a few moments the lightness in my head made me feel dizzy. Yet again, the teenage temptress had hit the nail on the head. The images that were forming in my mind were proving difficult to shake away.
"Of course I'm not excited," I snapped, the protest tumbling out of my gaping mouth too quickly. "And you don't really expect me to believe all this nonsense, do you? I'll talk to Françoise and—"
"Talk to her all you like," the grinning girl interrupted. "But I have a better idea. Françoise, come here..."
I turned my head to see Pierre's daughter walking across towards us. She carried a silver tray holding a jug of orange juice and some fresh tumblers.
"Put the tray down and come sit here," Sherrilyn instructed, tapping the end of her lounger with the tip of her toes.
I shuffled nervously on my sun bed as I watched Françoise carefully place the tray on the ground between us. Somewhere in the far reaches of my mind, I think I realised Sherrilyn's intentions. But no, that would be unbelievable...
"I need some attention."
The teenager said the words to Pierre's daughter but her eyes stayed on mine. With a twist of her hips she untied both sides of her bikini bottoms and dragged them away from her body. She lewdly opened her legs to display her tight glistening lips.
"Black pussy," she huskily murmured, smiling at me. "What did I tell you? Look how much she wants it."
I glanced at Françoise, my heart in my mouth. She was licking her lips as she stared hypnotically between the ebony coloured thighs.
"That's it, baby," Sherrilyn continued as my stepdaughter slid to her knees. "Why don't you show Adrianna just how good you can be..."
Françoise didn't hesitate, not even for a second. It was as if I was even there. Her hands settled on Sherrilyn's thighs as she dipped her head forward. I watched, transfixed, as her tongue slid out and traced its way across that delectable black mound.
"Yes... lick it... like that..."
Sherrilyn's hands found her short blonde hair, curling a few strands around her fingers. But her eyes were on mine. A smirk covered her face as she held my gaze as she lifted her hips to meet the worshipping tongue.
"Such an obedient little thing," she murmured to me. Her smile widened as she watched my eyes narrow. "I've trained her well, don't you think?"
My pussy was flooding with arousal and I could hardly breathe, let alone reply. I was mesmerised by the sight and it was all I could do not to touch myself.
Satisfied that they had my full attention, she wrapped her fingers around the top of the lounger behind her and stretched her body to the full. With a soft sigh, she pushed her hips up from the sun bed and began to gyrate on Françoise's face.
I almost creamed there and then. Marie O'Flanagan used to rub her sex on my face like that...
Suddenly it was all too much. My hand slithered down my body, inside my bikini bottoms, and I began to rub my fingers across my clit. I licked my lips, recalling the taste as Sherrilyn had fed her juices yesterday. All of a sudden I had a finger inside my wetness and, astonishingly, I was already close to an orgasm.
When I turned my head back to the two young women I found Sherrilyn grinning at me. She had one hand on the back of my Françoise's head, holding her in position as she lazily rotated her sex on my stepdaughter's perspiring face.
"Black pussy," she sexily mouthed to me across the divide, her full lips curling around each word. Her black eyes were clouded with arousal and she raised her voice. "Want to come and get yourself some?"
The invitation hit me like a sledgehammer. It was like watching a porno movie and yet it was pure beauty, like seeing the true face of eroticism for the first time. My sex began to pulsate at the thought of crawling between Sherrilyn's thighs and I swear I was about to give in to the need when a sudden movement caught the corner of my eye and jerked me back to reality.
Someone was watching from the kitchen window! Madeleine?
I panicked, but even so it took every ounce of self control to drag my hand from between my thighs and raise myself from the lounger. What had I been thinking? I couldn't be discovered like this! What if Madeleine told Pierre?
I turned away, needing to find refuge as quickly as I could. Racing across the patio, I hurried into the house and rushed up the curved stairs to the sanctity of my and Pierre's room. Once inside, I threw myself down on the bed.
My hand worked with a frenetic urgency as I spread my legs. Gasping for air, I twisted my body on the bed and gave in to the wonderfully lewd images flittering across my fevered mind. In less than a minute, I was spending uncontrollably over my pumping fingers.
Chapter 3
Pierre had returned from Geneva later than he'd anticipated. The delicate and intense discussions had dragged on and on and even after they'd been successfully negotiated, his homeward journey had been fraught with difficulties.
I'd been apprehensive when Madeleine had prepared some supper and then brought him up-to-date with a few housekeeping matters, but to my relief she'd made no mention of my encounter with Françoise and Sherrilyn. Nor had her demeanour been any different on the occasions when she and I had spoken at various times throughout the day.
I'd begun to think I was mistaken in thinking our lewd behaviour had been overlooked.
I'd practically attacked Pierre's body as soon as I had him in bed and had driven myself to three much needed orgasms before I'd allowed him to rest.
Once he'd fallen asleep I'd known he was out for the count. Particularly stressful days always had that effect. For my part, sleep hadn't come easily. As the fears I'd nurtured all day about being exposed had receded, the vividness of my encounter with Françoise and Sherrilyn by the pool had increased. I'd seen a number of sexual situations during my modelling career, but nothing like that.
Even when I had dozed off, I'd woken from my sleepy state with my hand between my legs and two fingers deep inside myself. I soon worked myself to another climax while I'd allowed my fantasies to wander where they shouldn't go.
I drifted on and off in my sex-fuelled dreamlike condition and remained in a state of high arousal when I eventual awoke. I could hear Pierre in the shower and when my thoughts had inevitably turned to the two teenagers again, I realised I had involuntarily begun to finger myself once more.
With a cry of frustration I dragged my fingers away. I had to find to put these unwanted thoughts out of my mind. The solution hit me instantly. I'd spent the night making love to Pierre and with my husband beside me, I felt secure. It was men that interested me, not women—whatever their colour—and the only man I wanted in my life was naked, in the shower.
I practically rushed out of bed and slipped quietly through the en-suite door.
Pierre's eyebrows raised in surprise when he saw me and I slipped a finger between my lips and gave him my most mischievous smile.
"Want some company, darling?"
I stepped into the shower with him and took the gel from his hands, tipping the bottle so that the liquid covered my palms. I worked them into the creamy lather I needed to cleanse my mind as well as his body.
"You're insatiable," he told me, in that sexy French accent of his.
I giggled and started by sweeping my hands over the smooth skin of his chest. His hands found my breasts as I soaped him and I emitted a throaty growl. I momentarily wondered if Sherrilyn's nipples were as sensitive as mine and violently shook my head to free my mind of the resultant images.
"What's wrong?" he asked, frowning.
I didn't answer but dropped my hand to his cock. This was what I needed. He moaned as I began to stroke his shaft and it grew impressively with each jerk of my curled fingers. When I brought my other hand to his balls, his body twitched.
"Nice and clean," I teased, pulling both hands away.
I leaned closer, reaching around him with both arms and trapping his semi erect cock against my stomach as I caressed the liquid into his back.
Our eyes met as I flirted with the top of his ass and we smiled at one another. I slid my hands down and onto his hard buttocks and worked the gel into the crevice of his asscheeks. He moaned again and I leaned forward to run my tongue around first his right nipple and then his left.
Closing my eyes, I indulged myself for a few moments until my imagination took over and they were chocolate coloured nipples I was pleasuring.
I slithered downwards in attempt to rid my mind of the image and the water cascaded over me like a waterfall as I dropped to my knees. It dripped off my wet hair, dropping onto my face as I licked along the length of his hard cock.
Sherrilyn didn't have one of those...
I took my time, staring upwards into his eyes as I licked from root to tip. This blow job would be my best ever work, defining me as a person and emphasising my sexual preferences. It would cleanse my mind of all other illicit thoughts.
I took the head into my mouth and curled my tongue around his crown. That always excited him. He widened his stance as I gently sucked and then he grunted when I took his hard balls in my hand. The water bouncing off our bodies heightened the moment and I coated him with my saliva, letting it drool down his length before working it into his stiffness with both hands.
"Good, darling?" I asked, slurping off his cock.
For some reason I need his confirmation, his approval.
Pierre glanced down at me as I sucked around the head again. I loved that dreamy look in his eyes. It confirmed everything I needed to know. I playfully ran my tongue around my lips and then lifted his cock upwards, holding it there for a few tantalising seconds before licking along the underside of his shaft.
He groaned out loud and cursed in French.
"Do you enjoy watching your wife do this?"
There I was again, seeking approval. When his grip on my hair tightened, I slid my lips down to his balls. One by one, I sucked them into my mouth. The way his cock jerked told me he wasn't going to last much longer.
"Cum for me, Pierre," I slurped. But that wasn't enough. I wanted to be humiliated. "On my face and in my mouth..."
I frantically swallowed down on his entire length again. This time the need to tease had gone. His grip tightened in my hair and saliva dripped from my mouth as I frantically worked on him. I gripped his balls more tightly and took the thick base of his crown between my teeth, growling like a dog with a bone.
He sent a volley of curses into the air and tried to drag my head away. But I wasn't going to be denied my prize.
I momentarily held him there, trapped between my lips, while my eyes flicked upwards into his. We both knew the moment had come.
When I plunged my mouth downwards again, he planted the soles of his feet on the floor of the tub and roared out his first release. The sensation was almost overwhelming. I swallowed hard then jerked my head away, taking the second blast across my right eyelid. The next hit me across the base of my nose and I reached up with my tongue to lick it between my lips.
Still, he wasn't finished. Neither was I. With a snarl, I took him between my lips again, urging out the final blast. I almost creamed between my legs as it coated the insides of my mouth.
Sitting back on my haunches, I panted hard as I stared upwards into his creased face. My mind was consumed with an overwhelming sense of relief. I loved cock, not pussy. Françoise and Sherrilyn were returning to college tomorrow.
No more temptation.
Getting through the day had been easier than I'd anticipated.
Maybe it was the blow job, but more so because the teenagers had been on their best behaviour throughout. I knew I should have taken Françoise to one side and had a woman to woman chat, but it was as if yesterday hadn't existed. She seemed so natural around me that I didn't have the heart to raise the subject.
Besides, her sexuality was her own business. That's what Sherrilyn had said. I weakly ignored the fact that going down on another woman in public wasn't exactly the best way to express that sexuality, nor was servicing four black women, one after the other, as part of this thing called the Black Sorority.
Why did that thought make my body temperature soar?
But ignoring those extreme acts was a convenient way out of my predicament. Why create a problem by raising the subject when she'd soon be back at college?
Sherrilyn's attitude had been different, too. She'd reined in her blatant sexuality and I was shocked to realise that part of me had been disappointed. I'd found myself watching her, craving another helping of the sexual interplay, trying to find a way to manoeuvre some time alone with her. If it had been her intention to turn the tables, she'd played her part to perfection.
Alcohol was partly responsible for my state, of course. Too much drink induced an intense feeling of horniness whereas it invariably sent Pierre into a deep sleep.
Because of his visit to Geneva, he had promised Françoise and I that we'd have his full attention today. Apart from a couple of morning telephone calls, he'd been as good as his word. The four of us had enjoyed an unhurried lunch at a local tavern and that's where the drinking had started. By the time we headed back to his mansion, we'd consumed several bottles of expensive wine.
More drink had followed throughout the rest of the day while we'd discussed Françoise's future, some of my more glamorous modelling shoots and a number of Pierre's more extravagant adventures. By the time we needed to change for dinner, the four of us were in various states of intoxication.
I'd had Madeleine bring us some black coffee when we'd retired to our room. I didn't want Pierre falling asleep during dinner. I'd drunk some, too, in an attempt to calm myself. I'd have fucked him again but it wouldn't have removed the itch that had crept back into my system.
Get through the evening, I told myself. That's all I had to do.
"Dad's always funny in this state," Françoise suddenly announced.
We'd met again on the patio for pre-dinner drinks half an hour ago. Despite our intentions to slow down, we'd all enjoyed a couple more glasses of red.
"People think he's stuffy, having such an important job," she slurred to Sherrilyn and I. "But he knows some great jokes."
Naturally enough in the circumstances, Pierre responded by telling a couple of humorous stories, but then egged on by his tipsy daughter he began to go through his entire repertoire. It was so awful and yet so funny that the four of us were soon in stitches even at the weakest of his jokes.
That was when Sherrilyn made her move. It caught me by surprise. Françoise and her father were in animated conversation while they helped themselves to more red wine and the young black woman took my arm and pulled me to one side.
"What d'you think?" she asked, holding out her hands.
With anyone else it could have been an innocent gesture. But not with her. The invitation was to admire her body, not the short yellow sundress.
"You look good," I simply said.
It was the truth. Her gleaming breasts thrust proudly against the material and the two buttons she'd left undone allowed her heavy cleavage to spill over the top.
"Thank you, Adrianna. Did you confess to your husband?"
I played dumb. "Confess?"
Sherrilyn smiled. "About his stunning wife masturbating by the pool while watching his daughter go down on me. That was even worse than spying on us from the balcony, don't you think?"
I pulled myself to my full height and ignored the pitter-pattering beat of my heart.
"I'm not having this conversation, Sherrilyn."
"Did you finish yourself off when you reached your room?"
I bit down on my lower lip. If only she knew.
"I told you I'm not having this conversation..."
"Tell me this. What made you run away so suddenly? I was only offering what you wanted. I told you, it's the eyes that are the give-away. It's there now, that look. You're craving for it all right, aren't you, Adrianna?"
"Craving for what?" I defiantly asked.
Did I actually want to hear the teenager say the words again?
"What lots of white women crave. Black pussy."
The words evaporated every piece of good intention in my body. How could she make me feel like this? So quickly?
"My husband's listening," I lamely replied, feeling weak at the knees.
"He's talking to his daughter," she said, stepping closer. "She's so cute she can wrap him around her little finger. Look at them."
I glanced in their direction. Françoise was sitting on her father's lap now, arms wrapped around his neck, and the two of them were laughing uproariously. The hem of her white dress had risen up her leg to expose most of her tanned thigh and any casual observer could have mistaken them for lovers.
"Besides," Sherrilyn continued. "He's far too drunk to know what's going on between us."
I stared at her. She looked like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and yet the sexual vibes she was transmitting were hitting their mark.
"Nothing's going on between us," I blurted.
"There's not?"
She ran a finger across my cheek and along my lips, smiling into my eyes as I partly opened my mouth to her touch.
"Remember my taste?" she asked.
She took my hand as, facing me, she moved directly between Pierre and I. Not that it mattered. He was too busy with his daughter to take any notice. Holding my wrist, she slowly pulled my hand under the hem of her dress.
"No, Sherrilyn," I gasped.
My objection made no difference. I could have resisted, tried to pull away, but I did nothing. She placed my hand onto the cool skin of her lower stomach.
"No panties," she whispered, retaining my gaze.
Her grip guided my hand downwards. The feeling of her smooth, soft flesh was intoxicating and everything began to close in at once.
"Feel me," she instructed.
My gaze flickered to Pierre and Françoise over her right shoulder but my hand couldn't resist the invitation. My chest tightened and I breathed through my mouth. When I cupped her naked mons venus, I felt dizzy with adrenalin.
"Do it," she told me, her breath hot against my cheek. "Finger me..."
I should have resisted, but she had me. My whole body was on fire. I pressed my fingers into the soft, yielding flesh and when she pushed her hips forward, I slid a single finger inside her sweet wetness.
The groan she rewarded me with found its way between my moist thighs.
"Black pussy," she teased. "Those beautiful eyes tell me everything."
She slowly pulled my hand away and held it up between us, directing it towards my mouth. I knew what she wanted. I wanted that, too.
Staring into those deep black eyes, I began to suck on my finger as if it was a penis. She nodded in silent encouragement and I sucked harder, savouring the taste of her teenage juices as I drew them into my mouth.
"Tastes good, huh?" she tantalisingly whispered, pulling the hem of her yellow sundress dress back into place again. "Just wait until you drink from the well."
I'd been like a zombie throughout dinner. My emotions were being pulled apart. I wanted to avoid the voluptuous black girl until she'd left our house and yet I wanted to experience everything she had to offer.
Fortunately, Pierre had been far too inebriated to realise that anything was wrong and both Françoise and Sherrilyn had kept him entertained with stories of their friends and some of the things they got up to at college. Everything sounded tame, of course. But I knew the true story.
I'd refused any further alcohol, though it was far too late for that to have any effect. Pierre, on the other hand, continued to imbibe all evening long. It was as if Madeleine had been given specific instructions to keep his glass filled.
Sherrilyn had constantly included me in the conversation, but she had an ulterior motive. Each reference brought with it a soft touch of my skin by her hand, fingertips, or a surreptitious brush of her leg under the table. If her intention was to ramp up the sexual frisson floating around my body, she was successful.
My mind had eventually wandered off into a world of its own when I felt a soft tap on my arm. It was Françoise, standing beside me.
"Doesn't dad look sweet?" she giggled.
I turned my eyes towards him. He was slumped back on his chair, eyes closed, gently snoring. Goodness knows how long he'd been that way.
"I've just told Madeleine," she explained. "She'll make sure he gets to bed."
"Good." Sherrilyn smiled at me as she brushed her fingers through her black curls and pushed back in her chair. "Time for some real fun..."
Chapter 4
I stood on wobbling feet, asking myself what I was doing in Sherrilyn's bedroom, even though the answer was etched all over my sex-fuelled mind.
The combination of alcohol and anticipation making me feel disorientated and I rested a hand on the table beside me to steady myself. Sherrilyn sat on the bed, sexily swinging her long legs from side to side as she watched me. The coy smile on her face left no room for misinterpretation.
"Feeling it, Adrianna?"
She flicked open a third button on her yellow sundress as she spoke. More of her ebony coloured cleavage tumbled free and my heart began to palpitate.
I swung around as I heard the sound of the key being turned in the lock behind me. Naïvely, it hadn't occurred to me that Françoise was still in the room. She leant back into the door, as if confirming I was trapped between the two.
"Don't worry, Adrianna."
It was Sherrilyn's soothing voice. She could see the uncomfortable look on my face at the sight of my stepdaughter and I thought she was reassuring me. But as usual her words were designed to increase the sexual heat.
"She's got off a couple of times on the thought of her new stepmother eating black pussy, haven't you baby?"
My body almost melted. I opened my mouth to speak but no words would come out. Then Françoise was suddenly behind me, her hands on my bare shoulders. Before I knew it she had slipped her fingers around to unfasten the buttons on the front of my dress. She allowed it to fall to the floor and then slid her hands to my back. My nipples hardened as she released the clips of my bra.
I turned my gaze back to the bed and found that Sherrilyn had removed her dress. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of her magnificent naked body. She crooked a finger at Françoise.
"Come here, baby."
When Pierre's daughter obediently moved towards her, she cupped her black breast and offered it to my stepdaughter. Françoise eagerly fell forward and sucked one of those chocolate coloured nipples between her lips.
"See how much she loves my tits?"
Sherrilyn's voice was throaty as she asked me the rhetorical question. She raised one foot onto the bed, opening herself to my gaze, and stroked her sex expectantly.
"You're going to love this, too, Adrianna. Come here, baby."
I tried to remain where I was but the instruction was undeniable and the sight before me was intoxicating. I felt my legs move forward of their own volition.
"On your knees..."
I sank downwards as ordered. The control she exerted was as much a part of the moment as the black skin that so excited me. Up close, her sex was even more enthralling than it had looked by the pool.
"Come and get it..." she cooed, crooking a hand behind my head.
I gasped for breath as she drew me forward and my tongue licked across my lips in anticipation. The first hesitant touch of my tongue on her glistening black flesh unbelievably sent an orgasm flashed through my own body.
I was actually cumming just from the feel and taste of her sex!
Sherrilyn stroked my long brown hair as if she understood, allowing the tremors to work their way through my body before pulling my face back to her body.
"Black pussy makes you that hot, Adrianna? Show me what you can do..."
I instantly responded, unable to resist the glistening folds in front of my face. My fantasies had now reality and I lapped along the length of her labial lips, savouring a taste that was better than any fine wine of Pierre's. I worked slowly to begin with but after a short while my arousal took over and I began to lick frantically, like a thirsty cat being offered its cream.
"Take your time," Sherrilyn corrected me, tugging my hair. "There's no hurry."
I had to force myself to hold back, such was my intense need. I slowed my pace, licking along the whole length of her sex, delighting in the way she stroked my hair in encouragement. My eyes rose upwards to find her smiling down at me. Her other hand was cupped around Françoise's head as she suckled on one nipple and then the other. I wanted those black breasts in my mouth too.
"Wait a moment," she suddenly said.
I paused at the instruction, inches away from her most intimate of places and obediently waited for permission to continue. She whispered in Françoise's ear and my stepdaughter reluctantly moved away, out of my sight. Turning back to look at me, she stroked my cheek.
"Keep looking at me with those eyes..." she murmured.
She pushed her body back on the bed, crossing her arms under her head as she lay back and made herself comfortable. When she stroked her fingers across her sex, I understood the instruction instantly. Crawling up and onto the bed beside her, I settled myself between her thighs.
Dipped my head back to her waiting sex, I flattened of my tongue and traced the contours of her prominent mound. With a lustful growl, I covered every inch of flesh available to me, unaware of what she had planned.
"Smile for the camera..."
It took a moment for the words to resonate. When they did, a cold chill ran through my body and I jerked my head to the left as I heard a click Then another.
Her whispered instruction to Françoise was suddenly clear. My stepdaughter stood beside us, camera in her hand, capturing every expression on my face. She clicked again as Sherrilyn raised her sex to my lips, and continued to fire off one shot after another as the teenager dragged my head back in place.
Both hands around the back of my head, she held me there.
"Don't stop... this black pussy needs you, baby."
I heard another click but it was too to object. Besides, the thought of being photographed in such a compromising position was as exciting as it was shocking. What was wrong with me? I ran the tip of my tongue across her wet folds again, bringing a soft whimper.
Her seductive taste was captivating and I sucked in her oily juices with each lap of my tongue, rolling them around the inside of my mouth and then swallowing. The tightness of her sex reminded me of Marie O'Flanagan and when I worked my tongue inside it was clear I was starting to get to her.
Her grip on my hair tightened and, as she looked down at me through the valley of her breasts, she began to gyrate on my face.
"That's it, baby... just like that... faster... harder..."
A strand of my long brown hair fell across my face and she gently swept it aside. She wanted to watch my eyes. I stared upwards into hers and as her undulations became more, I twisted my head so that my mouth found her clit.
"Oh, yes baby, you've done this before..."
She pulled my head away so that she could stare deep into my eyes.
"How 'bout that, Adrianna... does your husband know?"
She laughed at my expression and then pulled my head back to her sex, holding herself a fraction away and making me work for what I wanted. I stretched my neck muscles and reached out with my tongue.
"That's it, Adrianna," she moaned in satisfaction. "Come and get it..."
I couldn't hold back. Grabbing one of her legs, I dragged it over my shoulder and licked faster, upping the pace. The contrast between my white flesh and her black skin had my body on fire. Remembering what turned Marie O'Flanagan on the most, I worked my tongue from her wet opening all the way to the little rosebud between her tight round buttocks and then back again.
Sherrilyn jerked as if she was being given an electric shock.
Then she squirted...
It was the last thing I'd expected and I almost orgasmed with her. I could occasionally make Marie squirt but not often. Having the black teenager gush all over my face was the most intense sexual moment I'd ever experienced.
When a second and then third burst of her wonderfully tangy juices assaulted my face, I opened my mouth and eagerly swallowed as much I could.
It took her a while to recover and I lapped at her wetness, using my lips and mouth to entice every last jolt of pleasure from her. Eventually, she eased my head a fraction away and held it there while she rubbed what remained of her glistening juices over my nose and mouth.
She was marking out a territory she now knew to be hers.
I was drunk. On alcohol. On sex.
And I was intoxicated by the control that an eighteen year-old black girl was exerting over me. Other than with Marie O'Flanagan, I'd never thought of myself as a submissive person. Was I only that way with other women?
I stared up at the naked teenager as she fastened my right hand to the corner bedpost. She hadn't asked. She'd held up the two ties and told me to lie back on the bed. I'd obeyed instantly, desperate to experience what she had in mind.
Her movements were lazy, unhurried, and her Playboy breasts swayed as she worked. I couldn't draw my eyes away. She saw me looking and smiled at the effect she was having on me. That self possession of hers was beyond her years and made me feel like the teenager. I tried to still the rapid beating in my heart.
"Who would have thought you'd be that good..." she mused while she worked, making me blush again. "Making me squirt, all over that pretty white face. Loved it, didn't you?"
I opened my mouth as if to speak but couldn't find any words. Not that it mattered. She knew full well and didn't need an answer. She dangled her breasts in front of my face, teasingly keeping them just out of reach as she tested out both of the ties around my hands and then nodded her head in satisfaction.
"All that lesbian tension simmering beneath the surface, Adrianna... all that wanting deep inside..."
She knew exactly what she was doing with her word games and I found I was breathing quickly. Every word was hitting its mark.
"You'll get copies of the photographs we took, by the way. Make sure you keep them safe. We wouldn't want them appearing anywhere by accident, would we?"
Her meaning was clear and I felt a shiver cover my body. I'd put everything on the line as a result of my infatuation for this young woman.
"And whoever delivers them will need a reward. Do you understand?"
I nodded. Did I have a choice?
"And you'll soon be visiting our Black Sorority, Adrianna. My friends are going to love you..."
As if to emphasise the point, her assured fingers roamed onto my sex. I gasped under my breath as she used a single fingertip to stroke my labia. The delicious frisson made my body tremble. She moved her mouth close to my ear and whispered seductively.
"I see the thought of servicing more black pussy excites you, baby..."
Her fingertip moved a little faster as she spoke and her breath was warm against my neck. She placed a single delicate kiss on my cheek as she slid her finger inside me with teasing slowness. Using the pad of her finger, she massaged a spot just behind my clitoris. I found myself lifting my hips as my orgasm began to approach, but she realised the moment too and withdraw her hand.
"All in good time," she said, making me whimper in disappointment as she drew her finger away.
She touched her fingertip to my mouth and I obediently sucked it inside, tasting my own juices. She rewarded me with another smile and ran the back of her hand across my cheek.
"Everything we do tonight, you'll be doing to my friends..."
She picked up a pillow and eased it under my head. Her black eyes shone into mine as she gracefully knelt across my body, her full breasts swaying proactively as she bent at the knees and pinned my shoulders with her knees.
"And believe me, Adrianna; I'm going to need a lot of satisfying..."
She paused as she lowered herself further until her sex was inches from my face, allowing me to gaze upwards at her moist folds.
"See anything you like?"
She smiled down at me with a look of triumphant satisfaction and then sank her glistening labial lips down onto my willing mouth.
Life was returning to normal. It had been a week since Sherrilyn and Françoise had departed and I hadn't heard from either of them. It was almost as if the whole experience had been a dream.
Almost, but not quite. Memories of my long night with Sherrilyn still burned brightly in my mind and I found myself masturbating to each recollection. The fire she'd lit remained inside my body and even when making love to Pierre, my mind was on the black teenager. The indefatigable Marie O'Flanagan had been an amateur compared to the young temptress.
I'd been on tenterhooks as each day had passed, expecting delivery of the photographs any minute, or a summons to visit Sherrilyn at her college. But my nerves had begun to calm with the lack of contact and I was eventually able to relax. And with Pierre away this weekend in Amsterdam, for the World Peace convention, I had two days to myself at the mansion.
He'd actually asked me to accompany him, despite the fact that he'd have little free time. I told him I'd rather stay here. It would be a chance to familiarise myself with the place and start to feel that it was our home and not just his.
Today had been wonderfully relaxing and had been the first time I'd sunbathed by the pool without my imagination running riot. I'd just taken a shower and was drying my hair with a towel when I heard a knock on the bedroom door.
"Adrianna, it's Madeleine. I have something for you."
There are moments in your life when you know, just know. I think it was the way Madeleine used my name. Pierre never allowed her to be that familiar with either of us and by taking a liberty, she was sending me a signal.
My hand shook as I opened the door. I was dressed in the same robe I'd worn that fateful moment I'd stepped out onto the balcony and overlooked Sherrilyn and Françoise. My nipples hardened at the recollection, pushing against the thin material. Every fibre in my body was on edge. Had Sherrilyn sent her?
She stood there for a moment, fixing me with her sultry French gaze. Normally she wore a black uniform but she was dressed in a flowery cream blouse and black trousers. The unusual change of routine reinforced my suspicions.
There was a short pause before she spoke.
"I have a delivery."
She handed me the thin package and my life passed before my eyes. I had no need to break the seal to know it contained the photographs. She was watched me closely, as if waiting for me to open the package. I stared at it, moving it from hand to hand while I regained some composure.
"Thank you, Madeleine. That will be all. I won't be down to dinner tonight."
A knowing smile appeared on her face and then she allowed her gaze to slowly cover my body, making me blush. It was the same look that she'd given me the day I'd worn my skimpy black bikini and watched Françoise go down on Sherrilyn.
She surprised me by stepping towards me and stroking the back of a single finger beneath my chin. Her eyes locked with mine before she took it away.
"We both know that, Adrianna. Neither of us will."
I could smell her perfume against her skin as she continued past me into the bedroom. The strong spicy aroma infused my nostrils and for whatever reason there was a definite sexual undertone to the scent.
She turned to face me once she reached the centre of the room and I suddenly realized that she was not wearing a bra. She had a full figure but carried her weight well and the breasts I could clearly see through her cream blouse were full and firm. When her hands went to the buttons and she slipped the first two open, I found myself swallowing hard.
Was I becoming aroused because she was black, like the teenager who had made me service her all night? Or was it the control thing again and the anticipation of what was to come? Sherrilyn's words came back to me.
"Whoever delivers the photographs will need a reward. Do you understand?"
I felt a sudden light-headedness and I had to fight to keep my balance. She had continued to unbutton the blouse and pulled it from her shoulders. Her large breasts bounced before settling and I felt the heat between my thighs.
"You understand what is required, Adrianna?"
The question took me by surprise and my eyes reluctantly pulled themselves from her pear-shaped black swells and returned to her face. She was staring at me, waiting for an answer. I could have pretended to object but we both knew she had the upper hand and that I had no place to go.
"I want this to be different."
She nodded, her hands going to the belt of her trousers and flicking open the top button. My eyes were drawn to her fingers like a moth to a flame. They drew the zip downwards and I gasped out loud. Whatever my expectations were, I hadn't anticipated the thick black strap-on phallus she triumphantly set free.
"Different..." she repeated, her right hand rubbing up and down the black shaft.
She allowed the trousers to drop to the floor and gracefully stepped out of them, her full body naked except for the large strap on dildo.
"I think we'll start with you leaning over the balcony, Adrianna, looking down on the pool. That's quite appropriate in the circumstances, don't you agree?"
THE END | literotica |
Title: Ritter Arthur und der grüne Drache by Pattarchus
Tags: Dragon, German Language, Human, Light Bondage, M/M, Masturbation, NC, Spooge
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Diese Geschichte enthält explizite erotische Passagen mit teils homosexuellen Handlungen. Wenn du als Leser damit Schwierigkeiten hast, wir dir empfohlen, diese Seite zu schließen. Solltest du unter 18 Jahre sein, darfst du ab diesem Punkt nicht mehr weiter lesen.
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Und nun, viel Spaß mit der Geschichte! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
Ritter Arthur und der kleine grüne Drache Geschrieben von Pattarchus Stormwind webmaster(at)pattarchusstormwind.de
Es war noch sehr früh am Morgen, die Sonne war gerade erst aufgegangen, als schon das Geräusch von Hufen zu hören war. Mit einem leicht mürrischem Blick saß der Ritter Arthur auf einem Pferd. Die letzten Tage waren nicht von wirklichem Erfolg geprägt gewesen und so versuchte er es heute erneut.
Arthur war eigentlich ein Ritter - eigentlich nur deshalb, da er mittlerweile zu einem Drachenjäger verkommen war. Er mochte weder die Bezeichnung, noch die Tätigkeit. Doch was sollte er machen? Die Bezahlung war sehr gut und reichte immer gut bis zum nächsten Fang, doch es war mittlerweile sehr schwer geworden für ihn überhaupt noch einen Drachen zu finden. Die großen Echsenwesen haben sich schon lange in die Gebiete hinter den Gebirge des Landes zurückgezogen, da dort bisher kaum ein Mensch je lebend ankam.
Der Ritter warf sein Haar nach hinten, welches ihm ins Gesicht gefallen war. Er war recht muskulös gebaut für einen Menschen, aber auch sehr schnell und wendig. Sein schulterlanges braunes Haar trug er meist nach hinten, doch waren immer wieder ein paar Strähnen widerspenstig genug, um in seinem Gesicht herunter zuhängen, was ihn ungemein störte.
So trabte er mit seinem Pferd über die weiten Wiesen und hielt Ausschau nach einem Drachen. Er hatte gehört, dass in der Nähe des Waldes einer gesichtet worden war und wollte diese Chance sich nicht entgehen lassen. Er war zwar leicht in Gedanken versunken, doch waren alle Sinne immer noch wachsam genug, um jedes Detail aufzunehmen und Veränderungen zu erkennen.
Genau dies, sollte ihm jetzt zu Gute kommen. Sein Pferd scheute. Dies war sehr ungewöhnlich, war doch sein Pferd eins aus der Rasse der Elysan - eine ganze besondere und edle Rasse der Pferde, welche sehr ausdauernd und kräftig waren und vor allem eins: unerschrocken - doch so konnte Arthur sich sicher sein, dass etwas nicht mit rechten Dingen zu ging.
Er wies sein Pferd an stehen zu bleiben und stieg dann herunter. „Ganz ruhig alter Junge, ich werd schon sehen was dich beunruhigt", sprach er als er seinem Pferd über den Kopf strich und dann begann, sich umzusehen. Auf den ersten Blick war nichts zu erkennen, doch dann sah er, dass das Gras an einigen Stellen zertreten war und sich Abdrücke im Boden befanden. Er kniete sich hin und betastete die Stelle, „Ja...eindeutig Drache...die Krallenabdrücke sind unverkennbar". Es klang aber auch etwas Enttäuschung mit, denn von der Größe des Abdrucks her, musste dieser Drache recht klein sein. Aber er dachte so bei sich, dass er lieber einen kleinen Drachen als Trophäe vorweist als gar keine.
Er sah wieder zu seinem Pferd und musste lachen. Ganz seelenruhig hatte es begonnen zu grasen und scherte sich nicht darum, was sein Reiter machte. „Typisch für dich alter Junge!"
Doch es kam wie es kommen musste; das grüne Gras hatte vorübergehend einen Fressfeind weniger, denn Arthur ritt weiter in Richtung des Waldes. Jetzt wo er einen Hinweis gefunden hatte auf den Drachen, war sein Wille ihn zu fangen noch viel stärker geworden.
Schon bald erhob sich das Dickicht des Waldes vor dem Ritter und er hielt wieder an. Er versuchte etwas zu hören - ein Geräusch, irgendein Hinweis auf den Drachen - doch er wurde enttäuscht, es war nichts zu hören.
Auch wenn sein Pferd sich etwas sträubte wies er es an weiter vorwärts zu gehen. Immer wieder sah er kleinere Tiere die von seinem Pferd aufgeschreckt flüchteten, doch etwas Echsenartiges war nicht dabei.
Mittlerweile überlegte Arthur wie er denn den Drachen fangen könnte. Er hatte noch deutlich den Abdruck in Erinnerung den er vorhin gefunden hatte und kam zu dem Entschluss, dass dieser Drache nicht größer als sein Pferd sein könne, eher etwas kleiner.
Somit blieb nur eine Möglichkeit: Er wollte ein Netz aufspannen, welches aus einem besonderem Material gemacht worden war. Der Drache würde im wenigen Licht des Tagesumbruchs sich darin verfangen. Das hatte schon mehrmals funktioniert, und er war sich sicher, dass es auch ein weiteres mal klappen würde. Doch dazu musste er erst einmal eine geeignete Lichtung finden, wo er diesen Plan umsetzen kann.
Es dauerte noch eine ganze Zeit, doch nach wenigen Stunden offenbarte sich Arthur genau die Lichtung, die seinen Vorstellungen entsprach. Genug Platz für den Drachen, aber auch genügend Bäume um das Netz spannen zu können. Er entlud alles was er dafür benötigte aus den Satteltaschen und begann dann die Falle aufzubauen.
So langsam dämmerte es und er musste sich beeilen, damit er rechtzeitig fertig wurde. In der Nähe der Lichtung hatte er einige weitere Abdrucke gefunden und auch auf der Lichtung wiesen einige Bäume Spuren von Drachenkrallen auf. Arthur hatte sein Pferd etwas abseits angebunden und so legte auch er sich auf Lauer.
Bei voranschreitender Zeit wurde es immer kälter, doch der Ritter ließ sich davon nicht beeindrucken. Er hatte schon ganz andere Temperaturen überstanden, da sollte ihn das doch nicht beeindrucken. Doch seine Geduld sollte auf eine harte Probe gestellt werden. Es dauerte noch tief bis in die Nacht bis etwas zu hören und vor allem, zu sehen war.
Tatsächlich erschien der Drache auf der Lichtung! Arthur schreckte auf und war sofort wieder hellwach. Er hatte sich nicht geirrt. Der Drache war tatsächlich nur so groß wie ein Pferd. Er hatte dunkelgrüne Schuppen und eine ockerfarbene Unterseite. Die Flügel hatte er angelegt, doch Arthur bezweifelte, dass dieser Drache mit denen wirklich fliegen könnte, denn sie waren selbst für einen so kleinen Drachen nicht groß genug, um das Gewicht tragen zu können.
Arthurs Plan schien aufzugehen - der Drache näherte sich immer mehr dem Stück Fleisch welches in der Mitte der Falle lag. Zwar zögerte die große Echse etwas und war sehr vorsichtig. Arthur konnte deutlich erkennen wie sich ihre Nüstern bewegten als der Drache schnupperte, doch auch das sollte ihm nicht helfen. Der Drache biss ein großes Stück vom Fleisch heraus und schluckte es herunter, als es geschah: Ein lautes Surren war zu hören und das Netz fiel auf den Drachen und wurde durch ein Gewicht welches runter fiel festgezogen.
Der Drache fauchte laut auf und versuchte sich zu wehren, doch damit zog er das Netz immer fester bis er sich überhaupt nicht mehr bewegen konnte, denn darauf hatte Arthur gewartet. Er kam aus seinem Versteck hervor und trat vor den Drachen.
„Da bist du ja", witzelte er und hatte ein triumphierendes Grinsen auf dem Gesicht, „hab ja auch lang genug auf dich gewartet!". Der Drache fauchte und versuchte mit seinem Schwanz nach dem Menschen zu schlagen, doch seine Bewegungsfreiheit war mittlerweile zu stark eingeschränkt.
Arthur holte aus seinem Mantel einen Lederriemen hervor der mit einer Schließe versehen war. „Und nun halt still, dann wird es für uns beide nicht so unangenehm", brummte Arthur vor sich hin und griff durch das Netz durch um den Lederriemen um die Schnauze des Drachen zu legen und fest zuziehen. Die Echse wehrte sich, doch letztenendlich gewann Arthur und der Riemen war fest angelegt.
Mit ein paar weiteren Handgriffen war eine Kette an dem Riemen befestigt die der Ritter am Boden befestige und ein Geschirr über den Kopf des Drachen gelegt, damit dieser nicht mehr fliehen konnte. Die Pranken wurden auch mit Ketten gesichert während Arthur langsam begann das Netz Stück für Stück wegzuziehen. Der ganze Drache wurde buchstäblich an die Kette gelegt, so dass er nur noch liegen konnte, oder auf allen Vieren hätte stehen können, was er in diesem Moment auch tat. Die Schwingen waren mit mehreren Seilen die um den Rücken und Bauch gewickelt waren fest geschnürt und selbst der Schwanz war an einem Halsband des Drachen festgebunden, so dass er in einem Bogen über den Rücken hing.
Arthur war mit seiner Arbeit sehr zufrieden. Er hatte zwar einige Kratzer abbekommen als der Drache sich gewehrt hatte, doch er konnte ihm jetzt nichts mehr antun. So ging der Ritter um die große Echse herum und betrachtete sein Werk.
„Ein wunderschönes Tier bist du", dachte Arthur so bei sich und strich mit seiner Hand über die Schuppen des Drachen. Dieser zuckte zusammen und zischte durch sein nur einen Spalt geöffnetes Maul und versuchte sich der Berührung zu entziehen, doch es war ihm nicht möglich.
Arthur war mittlerweile am Hinterteil des Drachen angekommen und ließ seine Hand am rechten Hinterbein von der Hüfte aus entlang streichen. „Da ich dich lebend abliefern soll, muss ich zumindest wissen welches Geschlecht du hast. Ich bekomme für einen weiblichen Drachen weit aus mehr Gold als für ein Männchen. Darum hoffe ich doch mal, dass du eine stattliche Drachin bist" und mit diesen Worten strich die Hand Arthurs auch schon zwischen die Hinterläufe des Drachen der laut aufgrollte bei dem Gefühl.
Nach einigem Suchen fand Arthur dann auch das, wonach er gesucht hatte. Den Schuppenspalt eines Drachen und er drückte zwei Finger prüfend hinein. Der Drache versuchte seine Hinterbeine zusammen zudrücken, doch Arthur hatte in weiser Voraussicht die Hinterbeine mit einer Metallstange verbunden, so dass der Drache keine Möglichkeit hatte sich dieser Erniedrigung zu entziehen.
Vom lauten Knurren des Drachen begleitet gelangten die Finger des Ritters tiefer und Arthur spürte die Wärme des Drachenkörpers. Dieser hatte die Augen fest geschlossen und zischte voller Ekel auf, doch dann war der Mensch schon an seinem Ziel angelangt. Im Inneren des Spalts war das Glied des Männchens verborgen und als die mittlerweile feuchten Finger über die Spitze strichen, schoss ein elektrisierendes Gefühl durch den Drachen und ein Keuchen war von ihm zu hören.
„Ich möchte das nicht tun, doch mir bleibt leider keine Wahl", flüsterte Arthur und bewegte seine Fingerspitzen etwas weiter, „...kleines Männchen".
Der grüne Drache wollte es nicht, er ekelte sich vor dem Gefühl welches der Mensch verursachte, doch er konnte sich nicht mehr lange dagegen wehren: Sein Körper betrug ihn. Langsam glitt die Gliedspitze des Männchens aus seinem Schuppenspalt heraus und der Drache grollte auf.
Arthur musste sich selbst eingestehen, dass der starke Geruch der von dem Männchen ausging auch in ihm eine gewisse Erregung hervorrief die immer stärker wurde. Doch er konnte sich seinem Verlangen nicht hingeben, er musste herausfinden wie gut das Männchen gebaut war, wenn er denn schon mit keinem weiblichen Drachen zurückkehren konnte.
Somit strich der Mensch über die sensible Spitze des Drachenglieds und ließ seine Finger tiefer gleiten, bis sie am Schuppenspalt des Drachen ankamen. Dort drang er leicht ein, die Finger immer nah am Glied des Männchens, welches nun noch lauter grollte und den Kopf in den Nacken gelegt hat. Dieses Gefühl in ihm war einfach zu stark. Der Mensch rief in ihm Gefühle hervor, die noch keine Drachen zuvor auch nur ansatzweise bewirkt hat. Wenn er gekonnt hätte, hätte der grüne Drache seine Hinterläufe freiwillig weiter auseinander gestellt, nur damit diese Gefühle noch stärker werden konnten.
Arthur konnte spüren, dass es dem Männchen gefiel und er selbst war von der samtartigen Oberfläche im Inneren des Spalts auf eine seltsame Art und Weise fasziniert. Das Glied des Drachen wuchs mittlerweile immer mehr in die Länge und nahm auch im Umfang immer mehr zu. Die Erregung des Drachen war nun soweit fortgeschritten, dass ab und an ein Tropfen feucht schimmernder Vorfreude aus der Gliedöffnung des Drachen tropfte und auf dem Boden eine kleine Pfütze bildete. Arthur nutzte diese Flüssigkeit die ihm der Drache darbot um sie auf dem ganzen Glied zu verteilen und seine Hand nun über sie reiben zu können. Er wusste, dass ein Drachenmännchen sehr empfindlich dort war und die trockene Hand wäre einfach zu rau. Doch dieses natürliche Gleitmittel vereinfachte dem Menschen die Sache auf ganz natürliche Weise.
Immer schneller glitt die Hand des Menschen an der pulsierenden Männlichkeit des Drachen entlang, dessen Atem immer schneller wurde und er spürte, dass er dieser Behandlung nicht mehr all zulange standhalten könnte.
Doch dann entschied sich Arthur etwas anders als geplant. Er ließ von dem grünen Drachen ab welcher erregt zischelte als sein prall gefülltes Glied gegen seinen Bauch schlug. Der Ritter begann sich nun selbst seiner Kleidung zu erledigen. Das Hemd war als erstes verschwunden und er schüttelte seine Haare aus dem Gesicht. Dann begann er seinen Gürtel und den Verschluss seiner Hose zu öffnen. Kaum hatte er diese an seinen muskulösen Beinen etwas herunter gezogen, sprang sein eigenes hartes Glied hervor. Die Eichel war blutrot und glänzte feucht und er strich mit seiner noch immer von Vorfreude benetzte Hand daran entlang.
Er konnte sich für einen Menschen sehen lassen, dass wusste er - ebenso, wie er als Mann einiges zu bieten hatte. Er war eigentlich kein Freund von anderen Kerlen, doch dieses Männchen - der unglaublich starke maskuline Geruch der etwas wildes und bestialisches an sich hatte, konnte er einfach nicht ignorieren. Als seine Hand an seiner sensiblen Spitze entlang strich keuchte Arthur auf und er war sich nun sicher was er tun wollte:
Der Drache war in seiner Position gefangen. Er konnte weder weglaufen noch sich hinlegen - und genau das wollte er ausnutzen. Arthur legte sich unter den Drachen, so dass die Gliedspitze des Drachen auf seinen Bauch zeigte und er noch immer mit seinen Händen ihn weiter bequem massieren konnte.
Ja genau das war es was er wollte; der Geruch des Drachen war hier noch stärker und immer wieder tropfte etwas von der Vorfreude auf seinen Bauch und lief an ihm herab. Der Drache selber wusste gar nicht was ihm geschah. Erst ließ der Mensch von ihn ab und nun lag er noch unter ihm und demütigte ihn weiter. Der Drache war sich seiner Gefühle nicht mehr klar; er hasste das was Geschah, doch war er nun so stark erregt, dass er es auch nicht verfrüht beenden wollte.
Doch dies hatte Arthur auch gar nicht im Sinn - er hatte beide Hände um die eindrucksvolle Männlichkeit des Drachen gelegt und massierte ihn immer stärker. Der Mensch spürte, dass der Drache seinem Höhepunkt näher kam, denn das verräterische Muskelzittern der Hinterbeine ebenso wie auch das leichte pulsieren des Glieds waren mehr als nur Hinweis genug.
Dann war es soweit! Der Drache brüllte laut auf und sein Glied begann stark zu zucken, als der heiße Drachensamen sich auf den Bauch des Ritters entlud. Der Drache drückte seine Krallen tief in den Erdboden während er seinen Höhepunkt erlebte und jede weitere Berührung des Menschen eine weitere Welle der Lust durch seinen Körper schickte.
Auch Arthur war wie gefangen von dem Anblick und dem Geruch der sich ihm darbot. Immer weiter massierte er das heiße Glied des Drachen und begann sich dann selbst zu reiben. Seine Hand strich an sich herab und umfasste seine eigene Männlichkeit. Von der Eichel zog sich ein glänzender Faden auf seinen Unterbauch und der Ritter stöhne laut auf. Er nahm etwas des Drachensamens mit seiner Hand auf und verteilte es auf seinem Männlichsten, was ihn nur noch mehr anheizte. Immer schneller strich er mit seiner Hand über sein Glied, bis auch er sich nicht mehr halten konnte.
Sein eigener Samen spitzte bis zu seinem Gesicht und der Rest vermischte sich mit dem des Drachen auf seinem Bauch. Während er seinen Höhepunkt erlebte, konnte er einfach nicht anders, als sich immer weiter mit seiner kraftvollen Hand zu massieren. Doch dann geschah etwas, womit Arthur nicht gerechnet hätte.
Auch dem Drachen war nicht entgangen was der Mensch unter ihm trieb und nun, wo der Ritter unter ihm lag, hatte er noch eine kleine Überraschung. Kurz nachdem er sich vollständig über den Mensch entladen hatte, entspannte er sich soweit er konnte und legt den Kopf etwas mit halb geschlossenen Augen zurück.
Von seiner Gliedspitze tropfte auf den Ritter etwas seines Urins und es wurde schnell immer mehr. Arthur fluchte laut auf, doch von seinem Höhepunkt noch immer geschafft konnte er dem Drachen nicht so schnell entkommen wie er das wollte. So lief immer mehr des dampfenden und stark maskulin riechendem Wassers über ihn und er spuckte das was in seinen Mund gelaufen war wieder aus.
Als er es geschafft hatte dem Drachen zu entkommen, war sein Körper bereits vollkommen mit dem Urin bedeckt. Er sah den Drachen an und konnte nicht fassen was die Echse getan hatte. Er ließ den Drachen erstmal unbeachtet stehen und suchte sich etwas zum anziehen. Der grüne Drache jedoch hatte ein breites Grinsen aufgelegt und sein Glied hing noch immer leicht tropfend unter ihm.
Kurze Zeit später kam Arthur wieder zurück. „Du kannst heute Nacht so schlafen. Das hast du dir selber zu zuschreiben. Sieh zu wie du es dir stehend gemütlich machst", presste der Ritter noch immer wütend hervor und wand sich ab, um sein Lager aufzuschlagen. Der Drache hingegen war sich sicher, dass es noch sehr interessant werden könnte und schloss noch immer grinsend die Augen um sich etwas ausruhen zu können, wenn auch im stehen. | FSE |
Title: Reaper Graesham Campaign: Sixth Interlude by Nex_Canis
Tags: Bear, Character Development, Gorilla, M/M, Plot Development, Ram, Story Series, Wolf
**Interlude: Coal**
*"Memory is a mortal's foundation. Without memory, every step will always be new... but you will have no sense of direction because you will never know where you've been."*
**Antonio Shanks**
***From a Lecture at Dianna University***
**Rocky Rose**
I watched Jacob and Max argue... Their voices carrying across the atrium of Eden.
I could see the reasoning of both sides...
It wasn't right to sacrifice a person... even if it was the save everyone else...
... but at the same time, what choice did we have?
I knew the extent of the Unsealed Factory beneath the Emerald Crown. It was a relic from my... from Conway's reign as Elemental Lord. I had it shut down the instant I came into power. MODD insisted I not destroy it. Since I *was* a MODD agent after all... I couldn't go against their will... no matter how much I wanted to.
I stood as the barrier between MODD and Graesham...
... but with Rose's memories inside me now...
... and with my body...
... how long would my barrier stand?
Everything... Everything just felt so *wrong* now...
Before, I didn't hold a shred of doubt in my mind... I could stand up to Jacob's taunts and criticisms... I could slay an army of Unsealed stretching from one horizon to the next... Even in the face of a terrible plague that had sapped others of hope... I held onto that hope...
But now...
Jacob took a threatening step towards Max. "I didn't see you out there fighting Conway." His fangs were bared and while he looked just like how the media had portrayed him as a mass murderer and psychopath... his eyes revealed the hurt soul inside. "It's so easy for you to call me a coward when I'm out there *fighting* and you're here playing doctor!"
Even in all my doubt... I guess I still held hope that deep inside... Jacob Reaper wasn't a bad person.
Max swept his staff in a broad gesture at the crowd around him. "I'm looking out for these people! I've been patching them up! Healing injuries that *you* were incapable of preventing!"
Injuries *I* could have also helped to prevent... I had trusted Conway... and how did he repay me...? He obsessed with who I had been and tried to bring that person back... even going as far as to sacrifice the souls of countless people in a devastating plague...
How could I call myself the Elemental Lord of Earth when I couldn't protect my people from one of my subordinates?
And now... more doubt was cast into my world as Norton had gone mad...
I gazed at my paws...
How could I find my footing and answer these questions when I didn't even know who I was?
*"You are Rocky Groundwater."*
That voice... It was one that had always guided me throughout my entire life... A voice that always reminded me of who I was... and who kept me on the path I had chosen... For so long, I had trusted that voice... but now...
... I realised that voice was just a Seal filtered my current memories... keeping me from being *someone* else...
In a way... I felt like I should be grateful to it... but at the other side of the spectrum... I doubted if who I was now was just so heavily reliant on that filter... that I had lost the opportunity to grow... I couldn't help but wonder... 'what if?'
*"Never doubt. Never question. When you question, you falter."*
But I *was* faltering... The earth beneath my feet was shaking... and I couldn't find even footing.
"So you honestly think you could've done better!?" Jacob's roar shook me back to reality and I turned my gaze back towards "You think that *you* could've somehow prevented all these injuries, stopped Conway *and* Norton at the same time!?"
"Hell yeah!"
The conviction in Max's voice made me reflect on a time when I was exactly like that...
... and I also realised how naive I was...
*"That wasn't naive. That was smart... determined."*
Shut up.
The crowd cheered Max on... and I slowly realised why the people cheered *me* on. They didn't praise my words... They didn't love my actions... They *gravitated* towards my conviction... my strength. I was a beacon of hope for them... and I realised that while hope was a powerful weapon... it was also dangerous when wielded by the naive and ignorant.
*"You weren't naive. You were as well-informed as you could have been at the time."*
It doesn't change anything... I made foolish decisions...
I allied myself with Conway and inadvertently gave him power and access to what might have practically damned Graesham. I trusted Norton... and now he was going to unleash hell on everyone.
My decisions... had led to this...
"I respect your efforts to defend me, Max," Father Belford suddenly said, stepping in between both Jacob and Max. "But the decision is ultimately mine and I can see the value in making this deal with Norton." He folded his arms as if trying to protect himself. "I will go."
All fell silent...
I oddly felt hollow inside...
I know I should've felt shocked or pained that a major figure in my life was willingly sacrificing himself for the good of all... even if he *did* manipulate me.
But I... I just felt empty...
Like every time I tried to muster that emotion, doubt would creep in and question it...
*"Never doubt. Never question. When you question, you falter."*
I will falter when I damn well please!
"You realise he's going to execute you, right?" Jacob asked, looking perplexed. I guessed he had planned on dragging Belford kicking and screaming to Norton. Probably would've enjoyed it too.
It made me chuckle softly at how Jacob tried so *hard* to be evil... He was *bad*... but he wasn't evil.
I swear... If I wasn't convinced I was a guy, I would be hitting on him *so* badly...
*"But you* are\_a guy."\_
I chose not to comment on that.
"I do," Belford answered, nodding his head in a slow, grim pattern. "It is a necessary sacrifice. I have sinned and it is time for me to face judgement."
"Not afraid you'll burn in the deepest depths of the underworld for what you've done?"
The smile on Belford's lips was somewhat cynical but also saddened. "I can only pray that all my deeds bring me the appropriate judgement. No more, no less."
The crowd instantly began their protests, demanding Belford not give himself up for all of us.
Then, Gabriel stepped up and slammed his hammer into the metal floor. "This is *absurd!*" he roared, pointing his hammer at Jacob. "Even at *half* strength\_all\_ the Branded will be able to defeat Norton! Furthermore, you have the support of *two* Elemental Lords! Why go through the sacrifice of an innocent soul when you can destroy a *corrupt* one with no casualties!?"
I saw Kerry suddenly sweep forward, an icy wave of air washing over the crowd as she slammed her spears against Gabriel's hammer and pushed it to the ground.
"Because there are *some* of us who agree with the deal," she said with an icy stare.
Gabriel tried to shove her away but she was much quicker than he was. She pinned his hammer to the ground and levelled her other spear at his neck.
"I should've suspected a demon-witch like you to have sides with this *criminal*."
Oooh... Bad form there, Gabe...
\_Everyone\_knows that the first person to start throwing slander around is the one to first lose face.
"Would you just *shut up* and listen to what everyone is saying?"
I was surprised when Taylor stepped up and flanked Jacob. He always seemed the quiet time... though I guess with the impending Purge... everyone is a little on edge. "Belford wants to go through with it not because Jacob backed him into a corner. He wants to do it to save people. Jacob did the same. He made the deal to prevent people from getting hurt."
Good point... If that *is* why Jacob made the deal... I suspected he just wanted to get rid of Belford. He wasn't exactly subtle about how much he despised the priest.
Leonardo's gargantuan form rose up behind Jacob and he hugged Jacob tightly. "You view us as expendable. You treat us like fodder for the cannons on the wall."
"Cannon fodder," Jacob offered.
"Yes, cannon fodder," the big - and I will admit, very adorable - Tribal said, hugging Jacob tightly. "We are people too. Are our lives less valuable than Belford's? Are you not risking more by sending us all against Norton than simply losing one life?"
Envy crept into me as I recalled Leo's odd mix of innocence and intelligence... He was insightful and intelligent... but at the same time, the subtle nuances of everyday life made him seem addled mentally... Which was cute... at least in my opinion.
"You can destroy Norton with ease!" Gabriel retorted. The ram swung his hammer -
...but suddenly had Rex's sword levelled at his neck.
Wow... Rex had really changed... I wonder what had changed in him...
"You know what you're afraid of?" Rex asked. "You're just afraid of the unknown. You're *sure* Belford will die and you don't want that. But you're *not* sure about what will happen after Belford dies."
"What would *you* do if the one sense of security in your life was being offered to be sacrificed for some hare-brained scheme!?" Gabriel asked, his eyes wavering and his fear clearly showing.
I saw Rex exchange smiles with Jacob...
I wondered what that meant...
Actually... No I didn't.
I do *not* want to know what happened between them.
"I'd go with their decision," Rex answered firmly. "Even if they're my light... they still have *their* life to lead."
"A life they're choosing to *end* because some *idiot* with a criminal record as long as the galaxy is *wide* suggested it!" Gabriel roared.
Suddenly, Belford placed a resolute hand on Gabriel's shoulder and pushed his disciple back. "Gabriel... my son. This is my decision. If Jacob Reaper had not suggested it, I would have willingly sacrificed myself for the good of our people." He then turned Gabriel to face him, placing both hands on the ram's shoulders. "You are using your prejudice against Jacob to guide your actions. Would you be this insistent had *I* suggested it?"
Gabriel's eyes faltered again... It was clear he was hiding his own hatred for Jacob and just pretending to fight for Father Belford as a means of getting back at Jacob. "Of course, Father!"
The ram fell to his knees, clutching the gorilla's hands firmly.
I felt a strong compulsion to followed his lead... but I shook that thought out of my system... and managed to remain standing. I was no longer tied to Belford... He was a major part of my life... more so than I would have wanted... but I had my own mind and will... I would not bow to him.
Everyone else did, however... Well... Excluding the MODD soldiers and the Branded.
"You are the sole sense of faith and light in this grim city!" Gabriel pleaded. "You have guided us in times of disaster! You have kept this city aloft with your teachings and your kind soul! Do not leave us in our hour of direst need!"
Laying it on heavy there, Gabe...
Belford gave a big, heavy sigh.
"No, my son..." the priest began softly but still loud enough for his voice to carry around the atrium. "We are all in need... Norton cries for blood... *my* blood. A sacrifice must be made. I am willing to pay it so that this bloodshed will end." He turned to the crowd, arms wide. "Come children, for this will be my last sermon. If anything, regardless of where I go in the afterlife, take heed of my words and my soul shall rest easy."
Belford glanced over his shoulder at Max. "Would you kindly ask Eden to raise a platform for me so that I may address my charges?"
Eden raised a platform for him. Jacob turned away in disgust and headed off into the hallways of Eden, followed by Max and Kerry. I was tempted to follow them but, for old time's sake, remained and listened to Belford's words.
"All mortals were forged from coal," Father Belford began. "When the Might Creator came down from his throne and graced our blackened world, he took all the coal in the ground and from it forged mortals. In each mortal species, he planted a different aspect, a different strength that would forge their species. Just as there are impurities in the coal we find today, there are impurities in us.
"He tasked all mortals with the goal of achieving perfection... of cleansing themselves of these impurities so that they may be worthy of entrance into Heaven and to sit by his throne! We are coal... and we must turn ourselves into diamonds."
The basic doctrine of the Holy Mountain... We are imperfect... and we much make ourselves perfect to enter paradise. Having believed that for so much of my life, I was now devastated upon realising that I was *so* far from perfection... I was as *flawed* as they could get... Everything I had done was essentially a lie...
*"No it's not. They were done by you, Rocky Groundwater. If you were to be judged, it would be as Rocky not as a memory-less Rose Earthsire."*
For once since regaining Rose's memories, that voice made sense... and actually helped me a little.
No doubt Father Belford would go through his entire repertoire of sermons in the three hours we had. He would have to breeze through a few sections but I had no doubt he could do it. One of the reasons I decided to leave him behind in favour of MODD - apart from keeping the peace between the two factions - was that I could *never* stay awake through any of his sermons.
Even now, I was fighting back a yawn.
I had to turn away and start heading after Jacob so that no one would see me stifling a yawn.
I wanted to talk to Jacob before we headed off to Norton...
I needed his assurance that... if I stopped being me...
Well... I would like to die as Rocky Groundwater... and no one else.
*"But you* are\_Rocky Groundwater. How can you die as anyone else?"\_
Sometimes... that voice is *really* annoying.
I decided to ignore it for now. I didn't need any more distractions.
I pushed Rose's memories back... and pushed forward... but where was I going?
What was left for me here?
Graesham was decimated... My command was shattered...
What good could come of this...?
I... I had failed...
My body just collapsed and I suddenly found myself leaning against one of Eden's walls. Tears streamed freely down my cheeks... and my heart ached...
My home was destroyed...
There was nothing left for me here...
How could I rebuild from this world?
I felt a warm touch against my cheek... and a finger brush away my tear.
I looked up... and found a familiar face... A face that I recognised... and that Rose recognised too...
"Girls don't cry," he said in his dull, emotionless voice.
I had to straightened myself... In all the commotion, I had forgotten about my one remaining lieutenant... But knowing now that he had been my - no, *Rose's* boyfriend in the past... Could I really trust him?
What if he just wanted me to become Rose again...?
That was the last thing I wanted to happen...
"I'm not a girl!" I retorted, brushing him away and taking a few steps back.
"Mentally, perhaps," he answered.
"How did you get in here?" I demanded, drawing *Earthborn.* "Did Max let you in?"
Soot chuckled mildly and placed a paw on Eden. "This Animus is very wise... perhaps as sentient as Reaper's Animus... Spectre..." His eyes narrowed. "Hmmm... No... Not quite. It responds to emotion instead of actually having a soul... It can differentiate friend from foe with their emotions... Unsealed are repelled because of relentless hunger... enemies for their hatred and dark hearts...
"But as for myself... I have no emotions... Perhaps the only weakness of this otherwise impenetrable fortress."
No emotions...?
How was that even possible?
Could he be that heartless?
"How can you have no emotions? That's impossible."
"Not so when you are nothing but a hollow shell held together by a magical symbol."
A hollow...?
I staggered back in horror. "You're a Puritan!"
Soot chuckled and nodded. "Indeed. Ironic, is it not, that the weakest of my species are so monstrous and yet the most powerful are so similar to your Mortaelians that it is difficult to tell them apart."
I levelled by weapons at him. "Stay back! I'm warning you!"
A Puritan!
This was bad... This deep inside Eden... with so many people around... No backup and Eden being unable to help...
I was in trouble.
Puritans were frightening in power... In my young career as an Elemental Lord, I had only ever encountered *one* and it nearly *killed* me!
And now one of my *lieutenants* was one!
He would know all my tricks!
"I will not harm you," Soot said, raising a paw calmly. He leaned against the wall, arms folded. "I have just come to talk."
I didn't want to believe him... but there was just something... about the way he spoke that made me trust him. Even if he spoke in such a dry, emotionless drawl and his eyes were like empty discs to me... I did feel a degree of benevolence from him.
"Then what *do* you want?"
Soot didn't answer.
I waited for what must have been five minutes to get a response... Nothing...
I guess I'll have to get this conversation rolling. I didn't dismiss my Seal Weapons, however.
Topics... Topics... Hmm... What do you say to the guy that was *supposed* to be your boyfriend but you don't ever remember that...? Or, for that matter, you think you're a *boy* and you aren't gay?
Yeesh... I should start with that...
"So... If you don't have emotions... Do you feel anything... about me...?"
Soot regarded me and shook his head. "What feelings Luke felt for you are long gone. I am not Luke. I am an amalgamation of Luke and all the relationships that Rose Earthsire had forged before Belford made you. I am Soot. A collection of impure carbon particles formed from combustion."
I guess that was true...
A thousand incomplete memories... all come together to form Soot...
I wasn't sure if I should feel pity for this creature or heartbroken that he didn't feel anything for me.
Then again... I suppose it's better this way... No complications.
He has no emotions for me... and I have nothing for him.
It worked out well.
"So why did you join MODD and my division if you don't feel anything for me?"
"What else could I do?" Soot answered. "I am a Puritan Unsealed. MODD would hunt me down. They have the means. However, if I *joined* MODD, their own ranks are where they are least likely to look for an Unsealed."
I suppose that's true... MODD is so secure in our own power that we hardly screen our own troops anymore... I guess that's how Soot managed to bypass our security measures.
"May I ask you something?" Soot suddenly asked.
"Curiosity is an emotion, you know," I answered with a smirk.
"The answer is not for my benefit."
Oh... it was one of *those* questions.
"Would it be truly bad if you were to accept that you were Rose Earthsire at one point in your existence?"
I was tempted to slap him but I held back. "I am *not* Rose."
"You aren't *now* but at one point, you were."
"No I *wasn't*!" I jabbed his chest with *Earthborn*. "And if *I* have to accept I was Rose, you have to accept you were Luke Armstrong at one point! Rose's lover!"
He narrowed his eyes at me. I still couldn't detect any emotions from him. "I have accepted that." He turned his gaze away from me, eyes still narrowed. "I find it fascinating... There are five of us... perhaps six who have had our memories drastically altered."
He lifted a finger and began counting the individuals off.
"First there was Conway... Whose very purpose of living was stolen from him... He was tasked by his wife to forever love their daughter but when his love was permanently snatched from him, the core of his being crumbled and he was forever haunted by the terrible things he performed during his time as a madman. His memories constantly haunted him... and he chose to dedicate his life to righting the wrongs that cannot be righted."
Soot uncurled a second finger. "Then there was Norton... Like Conway, he was haunted by his past. His reason for living was snatched from him but he chose to hold it close to him and has worked tirelessly to ensure that the tragedies of the past never repeat themselves again. To this end, he has attempted to distance himself as much as possible from his pain but was never aware or rather, refused to acknowledge that he was carrying it around with him the entire time."
A third finger came up. "Then, of course, there is myself. I am not Luke Armstrong. I am Soot. My memories are a combination of all the memories of those that were connected to you and Luke's. However, unlike the others, they have merely collided with one another and negated one another. I am simply left with emotionless images. I see them. I acknowledge they are mine. But I could not care less."
His fourth finger rose. "Gabriel is another. Supposedly a vessel empty of memories so Belford placed your original Seal into him, giving him some degree of personality to reforge more memories. An empty creature of no memories... Quite the opposite of me, really."
Soot tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Of course, that leaves us with you, Rocky. You have two sets of memories. Two different personalities. Two seemingly opposite personalities from all accounts. You've essentially had a fresh start. But now the first set of memories is coming back... and one has to question which one will prove to be the dominant one.
"I find it mostly interesting how you are somewhat an opposite to Jacob Reaper. While he accepts his past, that perhaps he could have been a totally different person to who he is now, you reject it, constantly insisting that you were never that person. Even before Conway was killed and his Seal released to you, you vehemently rejected the idea that you were Rose Earthsire at one point or another... Perhaps it is the work of a Seal... perhaps not."
I was starting to draw some pretty crazy comparisons here...
Conway and Norton... Conway got stuck in the past... Norton pulled away as far as he could...
Gabriel and Soot... Gabriel was an empty soul with no memories but overly emotional... Soot was overflowing with memories but emotionless...
Then there was me and Jacob... both he and I had our pasts erased in a way... but where I rejected it... He accepted it... or rather, he didn't care.
Who of us was better off?
Ultimately, when the end came, who of us would survive.
"Well," Soot said, lowering his paw and pushing off the wall, "I assume that since you are not attacking me, you won't kill me." He turned his back and began striding away.
"Wait!" I cried but found myself unable to actually *stop* him.
I knew he was an Unsealed... I knew that I had to because of my duty to MODD... but to my duty to a friend...
I suddenly began to doubt again...
Maybe all we knew about the Unsealed wasn't true...?
I expected that voice to come back and start telling me not to doubt because doubt gives way to weakness or something... But it didn't say a thing.
"One more question," Soot said, stopping in mid-step and turning around to face me. "What is it about that aniga, *Starboy*, that has both you and Luke so fascinated?"
I didn't want to answer that question...
... but I found myself searching deep into my memories - Rose's memories - and finding a time in the distant past...
I saw Luke... and Rose... Back then, Rose had long hair and Luke... She called him 'Sooty' because he was a polar bear with permanently black splotches all over his fur from working in the foundries. Rose was constantly in training from Conway... but at night, when everyone thought she had gone to sleep, she would sneak out and meet Luke.
Together, they'd sneak out to Luke's house where his father would keep them fed and entertained with shows from Luke's aniga collection. Apparently, Rose liked *Starboy* because the protagonist reminded her of Soot. She would glance at him bashfully every now and then when she thought he wasn't looking. He was so kind to her... Everyone else at the base treated her either so delicately like she was a princess made of glass or a weapon for war to be forged into perfection.
She cried... at the ending...
It surprised me that I had somehow maintained the same appreciation of that show after having my memory erased...
*"No. That was not something inherited from Rose. That was simply something you desired. It has no relation to Rose whatsoever."*
I really didn't believe that...
I think... I think some part of me does remember being Rose... and that has translated into who I am today... There is some part of us... that will always remember... No matter who we turn into... no matter how our memories are affected... It will remember. It is what is judged by the Divine when we pass into the realm of the dead.
And... I think it is there to try and steer us in our everyday lives...
Maybe... maybe I should be like Jacob... Maybe I should accept who I was...
"Rose thought that the Princess was a lot like her and that Black was a lot like Soot," I answered softly. "She always imagined that in the end, the Princess would end up with Black... and in her heart, that is how she wanted her story to end. Unfortunately..."
Soot nodded. "I see." He turned around again and began heading away once more. "I wish you luck in your endeavour Rocky Groundwater. Remember, however, that memory is simply a recording made by *you* about events that have transpired. Learn to view them objectively... and perhaps you will see the truth masked by the memories."
What was he talking about...?
What truth?
What was I missing?
It was like a funeral procession... and in a way... that was exactly what it was.
Father Belford's followers were dressed as dark as possible. No one had managed to grab any spare clothing on their way out of their homes so they tried to convince Max to give them some dark clothing. It would've been a pain to make black clothing for everyone so Max simply gave them all black armbands to wear.
They all marched solemnly towards the Unsealed Factory with Father Belford at their lead...
I was *really* regretting not having destroyed that goddamn factory...
I straightened myself and took a deep breath... Whatever happened... I had resolved that it was because of *my* actions... *my* decisions... not something that Rose made me do. Okay... *fine*... I *was* Rose Earthsire at one point -
*"No you are not. You are and always have been Rocky Groundwater."*
Shut up, Voice!
Anyway... I am Rocky Groundwater... I *was* Rose Earthsire.
*"You -"*
Not listening to you!
But... I am Rocky Groundwater now...
I looked towards Jacob who flanked the door leading down into the factory.
He just radiated confidence... not a single shred of doubt... and to think that all came from his acceptance of who he was... of who he might have been. He wasn't stuck in the 'what ifs' or 'what could've beens'. He learned from his mistakes... he moved forward... and he became stronger.
I wanted to be just like that.
Gaining strength from my newly found inspiration, I straightened my back and began marching down into the factory. I took my stand beside the Branded and watched as Belford stepped up to Norton. A few words were exchanged... Then Norton held up a Universal Release Switch. He strapped it to Belford's neck... and I instantly knew he planned on decapitating the priest.
Not going to say I approve... but that's pretty damn clever.
Resigning himself to his fate, Father Belford accepting the dark gift and spun around to face us.
"My actions were not always steered by the light!" he announced, lifting his hands into the air as if welcoming death. "I am mortal. I am prone to succumb to my flaws and I have made many, many, *many* mistakes. In my position of power, I have used many of you... unwittingly or not.
"Ultimately, the source of this suffering can be pointed to me."
I guess... I didn't want to believe that simple truth... That Father Belford... someone who I had accepted into my life was at fault for everything that had occurred in my life... Whether he ruined it or not... I can't say...
But after this... It'll all be over...
"I was once a MODD researcher...I was delving into the possibilities of creating a Seal that did not require mortal sacrifice. Yes, in the days past, a Seal was the soul of a loved one given up for power. The greater the connection between the loved one and the user, the greater their Synchronisation with the Seal."
Yes... I knew that... I remembered reading his profile... In fact, I had invited him to come back to MODD when I became an Elemental Lord. I firmly believed that everyone deserved a second chance. That's why I offered that chance to Conway... I had dreamed that with the former enemies under the one roof, I could instil a lasting peace upon Graesham.
Boy was *I* naive...
"It was ultimately my research that led to the production of more powerful Seals for MODD as I discovered that personality traits could be sacrificed in order to produce as Seal. You can sacrifice your tendency to laugh at inappropriate times or your beautiful singing voice and that could all make a Seal.
"I researched the greatest source of this newfound resource of Seals... and I discovered that the strongest emotion that can produce a Seal... is by far the simplest... Love." Belford was actually starting to tear up as he lifted his head to the ceiling. "I convinced Conway Earthsire to sacrifice his love for his daughter, Rose, to become a new Seal that he could use."
I jerked my head up towards the priest...
I didn't know that...
... Conway... He gave his love... for me...?
What... What would've his life been like?
A life without love...?
Father Belford closed his eyes briefly, a tear running down his cheek. I could see his knees quaking. "But my experiment failed. Love is the core of all existence and by taking it out of Conway, I had deprived him of his core... and he was left with nothing but a deep, longing emptiness that he could not fill. However, the Seal could be compatible with his daughter and I made my second mistake by convincing Conway to give the Seal to Rose... and telling him to train her in its use in the hope that their bonding experience will revitalise the love in his heart..."
I had been empowered by my father's love...
... and I had used that love against him...
Oh Conway...
Now, Father Belford was openly crying. "I was wrong... Rose grew bitter for Conway's actions as such actions were one made by a commanding officer and not a father. Rose grew up without a father... and she resented that existence. She lashed out and fled MODD... Conway gave chase not for love... but in desperation of losing the one source that could fill that hole in his heart...
"Rose, however, did not die that day... She was barely alive... and brought back to the Emerald Crown."
I was encapsulated by a deathly silence...
Vague memories flashed through my mind...
I remembered lying on the ground with Conway standing over me, looking disgusted... maybe disappointed... Around me were the bodies of countless MODD soldiers and the wreckage of their equipment.
I had killed so many...
*"A waste..."\_Conway snarled. \_"Get the Eternal Seal here! I want* everyone here\_used to become a Seal! Maybe we can salvage something out of this operation..."\_
I see...
My Seal... the Seal of Earth...
It came from the souls of all those people I had killed as Rose...
I clutched at my heart... I knew Seals came at dire prices... but the irony burned me hard that the sins I had caused in one life empowered me in this one.
"I realised my mistakes then," Belford cried. "So, in an attempt to rectify my sins... I attempted to give Rose a new lease on life... A new beginning."
I may have gotten a new lease on my life... but I was still stuck on the same, old mortgage plan...
You can't run away from your past like Norton... You can't undo the past like what Conway tried to do... You can't pretend they aren't there as Soot claimed... and you certainly can't become consumed by them like Gabriel...
You have to acknowledge them... and grow from them...
I know Jacob hasn't really been exposed to his past yet... but his ideal... They way he approaches it...
... I think...
I want to be like that.
"Thus, I took from Rose her memories of the past and made it into a Seal..." Belford said, his voice growing softer with every word. "I then created a Seal with the purpose of constantly sacrificing her *present* memories and leaving only fragments that will maintain her current personality... Lastly, I took the memories of *everyone else* and made them into a Seal, leaving only what is now commonly believed...
"These three Seals I gave to Conway Earthsire, Norton Manx... and Soot. Unfortunately, because of this, I gave Conway the means by which he could create the Fossilisation Plague in a twisted attempt to resurrect his daughter... He may have created the Plague and he may have been the forefront of all the suffering you have endured... but it was *I* who had set the gears in motion."
Belford lowered his head. "And for that... I am sorry."
Norton lifted his blade for the finishing blow. "Your forgiveness comes with your death, old man!"
I wanted to stop him...
... but... at the same time, I just wanted this nightmare to end...
I wanted to get rid of my past... so that I could finally stand and be myself...
*... Ka-thunk...*
I held my breath... And it took me a moment to realise I had shut my eyes.
Slowly... I opened them...
... My heart froze when I found Father Randall Belford's eyes staring directly at me... dead... The Universal Release Remote lay sliced at the base of his severed head.
"That was sort of anti-climactic..." Max grunted, turning around and bullying the crowd out. "Okay! Show's over! Everyone back to Eden!"
No one wanted to move... but slowly, people began to filter out of the chamber...
"Damn..." Taylor murmured softly. "I can't believe it's over... just like that..." He shook his head in confusion. "I was expecting a fight or something..."
"Does every step of progress we make have to end in death...?" Joanna sighed.
Rex clapped her shoulders. "It's not over yet. We've still got that Purge to deal with."
Right... of course... It isn't over yet.
The Purge...
At least now we can all focus on it.
"A Purge *you* called if I recall correctly," Max chuckled bitterly. "But at least we won't have Norton or Belford to worry about anymore. Come on" - he seized Rex's arm - "you called the Purge, you're helping us stop it."
A large portion of the crowd left the scene... Some lingered to pay their final respects before they too departed. I took a few steps away, torn at the sight of a great rock in my existence having crumbled so easily. At the same time... I finally felt free...
Some part of me realise that the voice that had been nagging me to be just Rocky...
... it was Belford's voice...
... and now that the real Father Belford was gone...
... I could finally rest easy...
"What the hell...?"
I froze...
... and spun around.
My eyes widened in shock.
Jacob had a glowing paw facing Norton.
What was he doing!?
\_"You..."\_Norton snarled.
What -?
Jacob fired off a beam but Norton swiftly dodged to the side, drawing his double-bladed weapon with a frustrated cry.
"This was all part of his plan, wasn't it!?" the mole demanded. "Fake his death so you could get close enough to kill me!?"
What? Fake his...?
He looked for Belford's body...
... and only found a mannequin...
No... He didn't...!
I spun around to check if anyone else lay witness to the scene... But everyone was mostly at the far exit! There were no *true* witnesses except myself and the remaining Branded!
Jacob lowered his arm and summoned his blades. "Nope. I was going to kill you anyway."
This had to stop!
Norton and Jacob engaged in a blindingly fast sword fight. "I knew it! He's got you following him! That's it! No more mercy!" Norton cried. A wave of darkness erupted from his body, spreading over me but I managed to remain rooted in position. I quickly summoned *Earthborn.*
I knew this wouldn't be easy.
"Get them *out of here!"* Jacob yelled.
Norton made his move.
I surged forward and -
Barred Norton's blade alongside Taylor and Kerry.
"I will destroy you *all!"* Norton roared.
Another wave of darkness erupted from him, throwing me back. I managed to remain standing but the others fell back. Norton threw back his head and let out a pained, frustrated cry. Black spears of rock began erupting from the ground and circling him ominously.
"I'll drown you all in a sea of Unsealed!"
Jacob acted quickly, jumping to his feet and firing off beams at the spears that Norton summoned. He shattered many of the spears but others slammed into the vats and shattered the delicate glass holding back the copious amounts of green liquid.
Unsealed poured out!
"Not good!" I exclaimed, bringing up my shield.
A paw fell on my shoulder and I spun to meet Jacob's fierce, laser-like blue eyes.
"Get out of here!"
I was momentarily stunned.
"What!? Why!?"
"Norton is going to die," he answered grimly. I could tell that was the truth... As much as I wanted to deny it... it was the truth... No more denials for me... I can see the truth. I'm looking at this objectively... just like Soot told me to.
I could see Norton would die.
"When that happens," Jacob muttered, "that Seal he's holding will go straight to you. The further you are away from him, the greater chance we have of stopping it before it gets to you. And you *like* thinking you're a boy, right?"
No... I don't like thinking I'm a boy...
... not if I stop being me...
But... Would I still be me if that Seal entered me...?
I would fight to the bitter end to maintain myself... but I might lose...
... So...
I nodded at him. "Don't die."
He gave me a sly grin and a cocky snort. "Can I get a good luck kiss?"
I quickly pressed myself against him, pressing my muzzle against his and pushing my tongue deep into his throat. I felt his warm breath rush into me in that gasp of shock...
I realised something with that kiss...
Yeah... I was a girl.
But more than that... I'm Rocky Groundwater.
I pulled back and returned that cocky smile of his. "Good luck."
Without another word, I spun and bolted for the exit, yelling at the horrified onlookers to get up those stairs and out of the Emerald Crown. I pushed them all as much as I could. There was a resounding boom behind me and I spun around to find the stairway into the Factory suddenly blocked by a titanic wall of rock. I guess Joanna must've blocked it...
I stood there... in the middle of the stairway... just watching those rocks...
My fists clenched tightly...
They were in there fighting for me... against Norton...
Belford had betrayed us... and now... Norton had gone mad...
I don't understand that! Why did Father Belford betray us!?
*"You think I betrayed you, don't you child?"*
I froze...
That voice again.
I spun...
Looking down at me, haloed by a benevolent, golden light... was Father Randall Belford. His smile was so welcoming... so warm... I almost fell back into his spell.
"You -"
He lifted a hand. *"Child, judge me not until you have learned the facts for yourself. Come... Let us save your friends..."*
His voice sounded distant... otherworldly.
What happened to him...?
Father Belford approached the rock barrier barring us from the Factory. He lifted his weapon, the mace-like *Earthen Incense.* With a single blow, he shattered the barrier. I had never seen him fight before... but such *strength!*
I looked into the chamber...
... and my eyes widened.
I had to have been gone for about five minutes!
And Norton had already won!
Jacob lay on the ground... Taylor and Kerry were unconscious several metres away... and now Norton held Joanna by the throat, lifting her up into the air as she desperately tried to kick at him.
"Jacob!" I shouted.
Norton's eyes looked past Joanna... and they widened when they focused on Belford.
*"Cease this madness now, Norton,"\_Belford said calmly. \_"The battle is already over and you have lost."*
A lot of confidence considering we're up against a guy that just beat four Branded!
I brought up my shield and *Earthborn*. This was going to be tough.
"Rocky!" Norton cried. "Why are you allying with him when you saw that he betrayed us!?"
Why... Why indeed...?
"I'm not his ally," I snarled, glaring at Belford. He caught my gaze and seemed unfazed by it. "I'm just here to stop you!"
Belford sighed theatrically... that same sigh he gave so many times... For the first time... I realised that it wasn't a benevolent, tired sigh of one who had a terrible burden on his shoulders... it was a sigh of a man who knew his plans were being met... and was *bored*!
I can't believe I misjudged someone else... *again!*
*"That truly is a pity, girl... But I suppose there is little you can do now."*
The floor hit me *hard*. I saw stars... I never even saw Belford move but I certainly felt his mace strike my chest! My vision began to clear as Belford suddenly vanished in a blur of light and slammed his mace against Norton's armoured form. The gorilla - despite his age - was demonically fast! And he was titanically strong too!
A dangerous combination... the Elements of Light and Earth... Light for the speed... and Earth for the strength.
I won't give up!
I pulled myself to my feet.
\_"Pitiful child,"\_Belford whispered into my ear.
What!? He had just been bashing Norton!
In fact... he still *was!*
That's how he managed to avoid being executed! He used clones!
*"All mortals are destined to become perfect... and you shall be the first to achieve such perfection. Stop trying to fight destiny."*
I spun around, slamming my shield into the clone. The glowing image of Belford merely held me back with a well-placed hand. "If I turn out to be *your* version of perfect, I'd rather be flawed!"
*"You have no choice in the matter."*
I staggered back, my shoulder aching from the clone's strikes. To my horror, countless more clones began appearing in flashes of light. More of them began attacking Conway, bashing at his armour. They were too fast for him to -
Earth and Light!
I reached into my power...
*"Laser Leaf!"*
Glowing, emerald leaves erupted from my body, hung in the air... and then shot straight into the forms of the clones. Many grunted and other cried in pain as their forms dissolved, leaving behind clay mannequins.
"Norton! Use *fast* area attacks! Get rid of them all!"
My lieutenant - yes... he has always been a loyal lieutenant - grinned, gave me a thumbs up and hurled his paws into the air.
*"Obsidian Rain!"*
A *huge* black rock erupted from the ground behind him... and instantly shattered, turning into a shower of black, earthen blades that peppered all Belford clones around him. Many of the clones fell. They tried to block the barrage but there was just too many spears of earth for them to defend. Their bodies crumpled to the ground, turning into the clay mannequins that they were with black shards embedded into their forms.
Others managed to survive...
... but not for long.
*"Laser Leaf!"*
My lasers killed the rest of the clones, the clay mannequins hitting the ground.
I rushed to Norton's side, pressing my back against him and grinning broadly.
"Glad to be fighting by your side again, *ma'am*," Norton chortled.
Strangely, I wasn't insulted by that.
*"Do not resist perfection!"*
Belford sprang from the shadows and charged at us head on!
I blocked him with my shield -
... and Norton quickly followed up by leaping up on my shoulders and spearing Belford's shoulder. He leapt back and kicked Belford's face *hard*. As the dark priest staggered, I took the advantage. I surged forward, spinning *Earthborn* in my paws and unleashing a barrage of kicks, punches and swipes that threw Belford hard against one of the vats!
This time... his form didn't vanish into a clay mannequin.
We won!
At least I thought so until Belford began to laugh.
A hand fell on my shoulder...
"What the!?" I cried, leaping back.
*"Take a closer look at the man you defeated, girl."*
I spun to the *other* Belford...
... and his form shimmered... and melted away...
... revealing Norton...
My eyes fell down to Belford's weapon... *Earthen Incense...*
I remembered... his mace... the head of the weapon was shaped like an incense dispenser... When swung, the weapon spread a hallucinogenic mist... He used it often in the 'golden days' when he was working in MODD!
He... He tricked me!
"You -"
I swung at him -
*"Girl... The end has come for you,"\_Belford chuckled. \_"The last Seal needed to break you is not free."*
No! *No! NO!*
I turned towards Norton's body... just as a green burst of light erupted from his prone body and -
Slammed hard into my chest.
My body suddenly felt numb... and I found myself falling to my knees without any control over my body whatsoever.
I... I could see it...
My past as Rose...
... I *am* Rose...
... but...
A grin crossed my features... and I locked gazes with a horrified Belford.
"Guess who?"
I slammed my shield against him, sending him reeling. He staggered back, managing to keep standing but his resolve clearly broken.
*"You should be the perfect soldier now! No emotions! No mind! You should be obeying my orders! Stop this!"*
I swung *Earthborn* in my paws and got ready for the fight of my life. "That was assuming I never accepted I was Rose beforehand!"
*"That shouldn't be possible! Norton's Seal -"*
"Seals don't make a person. My heart is my own! No Seal can change that!"
Belford's eyes narrowed at me.
*"I see... Then I will just have to go to my contingency plan!"*
Contingency plan...?
*"Sleep, girl!"*
He threw his hand forward. A searing blast of light erupted from the tips of his fingers and slammed into my chest. I felt no pain... and I just grinned.
My heart was stronger than my memories!
Yes... That's what I've come to realise...
My heart... is who I am. It is what defines me... What remembered who I was even when I cannot!
With my heart, I was -
... I glanced down at my chest.
My eyes boggled...
Thick, clear crystal began spreading all over my body... crawling up my chest, my shoulders and down my legs! It froze my entire form! I couldn't move.
"No!" I cried.
But... my heart...!
I couldn't move... but I could still see...
The crystal enveloped me completely in a crystal coffin, my arms planted firmly at my sides. I tried to scream... but my lips wouldn't move. I tried to cry... but the crystal wouldn't let me. I wasn't breathing... but it was still keeping me alive!
What *was* this!?
Belford hovered over me... and smirked. *"Now... Let's just see how well you can hold on under the weight of* more\_Seals."\_
Was he going kill Soot!?
I... I may not be Rose Earthsire... but I still felt those emotions for him... and it broke my heart that he didn't love me back... I loved him...
He would always be my Sooty...
Belford strode out of the chamber... I was horrified to find Norton still alive... I could see him breathing... Out of the corner of his eye, he gave me an apologetic look... and a tear run down his cheek. He reached out towards me...
No! Don't resist!
He'll kill you!
*Boom! Boom! Boom!*
Black coffins emerged from the ground...
His *Obsidian Maiden* attack!
But... I couldn't see any spikes inside the coffins!
The coffins enclosed on Taylor, Joanna and Kerry's bodies...
He was...?
*"Still alive?"\_Belford scoffed. \_"My aren't you persistent."* He lifted a hand... a crystal spear hovered over his fingertips. But the gorilla stopped. *"Hmmm? What's this...?"*
Norton flicked his paws towards the air. The coffins containing the Branded shot into the air, breaking through the ceiling and vanishing from sight.
*"Using the last ounce of strength to safe the fools who were blinded by my trickery,"\_Belford chucked, lowered his spear and letting it vanish. \_"For your bravery, I will let you die slowly. Relish the small victory you achieved in saving their lives for you have only sealed their fate to die in the fires of destruction I will bring."*
Belford headed out of the Factory, my crystal coffin carrying me with him. No one was in the Emerald Crown and for that I was relieved. The gorilla suddenly picked up speed, his mastery over Light giving him that ability.
The world sped past my eyes... I saw the desolation of Graesham... I saw the ruins of the Emerald Crown... and I saw the lives I had ruined due to my foolishness.
I should *never* have trusted Belford...
Before I knew it, we were suddenly in a barren, desolate plane far beyond Graesham's gates... I saw the footprints of where the Fossilised once stood...
We were in the Grey Grounds Graveyard.
*"Rejoice, my children!"\_Belford exclaimed, spreading his paws wide. \_"I have returned from the dead and come to bring you deliverance!"*
Belford dragged my coffin across the Graveyard and I saw the shocked, relieved and joyful faces of the Graesham survivors as we passed them. The way they looked at Belford... It was with admiration... pride... They had given themselves entirely to him!
This was the last bit they needed to truly have complete and utter faith in him!
Resurrection from the dead!
I was such a fool!
But... what did he want from me?
*"Perfection is at hand, my children!"\_Belford exclaimed, rising on a podium of rock above everyone else. \_"I was destroyed and have returned in perfection! Now I have come to take you to paradise! To perfection!"*
All the people cheered.
They had been too far to see Belford's deception... They probably just thought that Norton went nuts! I *barely* saw Belford's mannequin... so what did *they* see?
... probably exactly what Belford wanted...
*"Gabriel! My loyal son! Come!"*
"Of course, Father!"
Gabriel... No!
Gabriel appeared beside Belford, looking up at the gorilla with shining eyes.
Belford placed a hand on the ram's shoulder.*"You have been a loyal right-hand, my son... Now, it is time to fulfil your ultimate destiny!"*
"Anything, Father! Anything at all!"
I saw the gleam in his eyes...
*"Now... be the Destroyer..."*
If my eyes could widen, they would.
Belford had just *shoved his hand right through Gabriel's chest!*
*"Destroy this world... so that it can be reborn in perfection!"*
Gabriel looked horrified... but the crowd... they just ate it all up. They were under Belford's control completely and utterly.
The gorilla pulled his hand out of Gabriel's chest, holding up a Seal. There were no physical injuries to Gabriel's body... but I could see him quake from head to toe... and his eyes fading into a solid, green form...
The eyes of an Unsealed!
Belford lifted the Seal in his hands above me... and I remembered.
That was *Rose's* Seal... *My* Seal!
Oh god... Oh god no!
Please no!
*"And with this... Ascension!"*
He slammed the Seal against my coffin... piercing the crystal frame... and pushing it deep into my chest...
... I felt numb...
... I felt nothing...
... I... I couldn't think...
...I... I didn't even know my own name...
Wait... I think... Yeah... I think I can...
I... I'm Rocky... Rocky Groundwater...
I'm... I'm Rose Earthsire...
Rocky... Groundwater...
Rose... Earth... sire...
Rocky... water...
...R..R... Rose...
I... I'm... | FSE |
Title: House of Love Pt. 05
Tags: incest, bi-sexual, lesbian, mother/son incest, transgender, group sex, swinging, domination, father/daughter incest, anal sex
*House of Love - Part 5 - The Road to Magdalene: End of the Road
This is Part 5 of a story about mind control. But there are no drugs, devices or gimmicks that make it happen. It is about the kind of mind control that happens every day. The kind where people become true believers and no amount of logic or reality can make them see truth. Don't believe it? Then you are not paying attention to the cults, both religious and political.
As in most fiction, there is exaggeration of reality. But this story is based in my personal experience.
Synopsis to date: Sheila is a young girl that left her rural home to work in the city. With no family of social support network, she was drawn into the church called House of Love. There, the leaders twist religion to use for their own nefarious purposes.
Sheila went through an initial experience called the Mary Experience (Part 1). She believes she had sex with God. She is now on the path to what is called the Magdalene Experience (Part 2 - anal, and group sex; Part 3 - lesbian, exhibitionism, and orgy; Part 4 – incest, a D/d encounter that was a necessary next step on the road to Magdalene).
Part 5 contains incest, group sex, wife sharing, anal, lesbian, bi-sexual men, and drug use. It also contains the conclusion to Sheila's time at the House of love. There is the brief reappearance of Billy from Part 1. He was the person who introduced Sheila to the House of Love, but has since disappeared from the story. He is a catalyst that brought change to Sheila's life, and does so once again.
It also contains what many would call blasphemy, as has every other part in this tale. But then, that's the point about how cults control minds, isn't it? If those don't appeal to you, you may wish to hit your browser's back button now.*
Chapter 10 – Final Preparations
Sheila returned to her home with Mike and Jill. Her future was uncertain. Not that it had necessarily been all that certain before. But now, it seemed completely confused.
Before visiting with her father, Sheila thought at least she understood the immediate path for her life. Seeing Daddy had been a necessary side trip on the road to Magdalene. What needed to be done with him was, in her thinking, to be an isolated episode. Not to be repeated.
That assumption was now totally blown away. What was it that she had expected? Maybe she had never really known, never really thought it through. Sheila just knew that in her wildest imagination, she would have never dreamed the soul melding experience which had awaited her.
They had given to each other the essence of their beings. Sheila experienced love as she had never thought possible. The meeting of their physical bodies and spirits was somehow reminiscent of the Mary Experience. As if the thing was of the same category, but with less intensity. She wondered if this is how it had been when "Mom" Baylor had first joined with her own father.
She would have to figure these things out later. Right now the immediate necessities of living life were going to occupy her time. She had to do laundry, unpack and put away everything she had taken on her trip. She was working a full shift tomorrow and she had to be ready and rested. With factory work, inattention could be painful.
Sheila steered her car along one of the alleys. They ran along the rear property lines of all the houses in her neighborhood. Everyone parked behind their own house. Garages, if they existed, faced the alleyway. That's the way things used be done. Modern houses seemed more like a garage with house attached. But in older neighborhoods, the cars and such were hidden away from the public eye.
Sheila entered through the rear door of the house, dragging along as much baggage as she could carry. As she entered, she heard voices coming from the living room. Well, whatever that was, it would have to await investigation while she finished unloading.
As soon as everything was inside, Sheila went to see what was going on. Fortunately, the house was designed in such a way, that there was one particular spot, where one could see most of the living room while still being hidden from view. It provided an unobstructed view of the couch, end on view, so everything happening there was seen from the side.
This was the couch which occupied part of the middle space of the living room floor. There was plenty of room to walk behind the back of it and the wall dividing the living room from the kitchen. It faced the TV and was the place she had spent many evenings watching movies with Mike and Jill as she had gradually come to know and trust them. It was also the same place they had first seduced her into bisexuality and threesomes.
While Sheila was hidden from view, if someone had been looking directly at the spot where she was standing, she would have been seen quite clearly. But people occupied in that room generally had no reason to look in her direction. What Sheila saw was surprising, but not shocking.
Jill was dressed in a black, cupless bustier and thigh high stockings. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Sheila could easily see the dog collar around her neck. A leash was clipped on to the 'D' ring. She also noticed that there was dangly jewelry hanging from Jill's nipple piercings. She only wore those when she was dressing up for someone special.
Jill was on her knees on the couch and was facing the back of it. Her legs were spread wide. The top of her shoulders pressed against the back upper edge of the furniture. This meant that her neck and face could crane over into the space behind the couch.
Mike was standing, leaning against the living room/kitchen dividing wall. He was a bit slouchy, showing that he was at ease and very relaxed. He was conversing with two very well dressed gentlemen. The suits were expensive. Very expensive. Thousand dollar expensive.
What had surprised Sheila was that both men were engaged in fucking Jill while Mike watched. One stood behind the couch with his cock buried to the root down Jill's throat. Not shocking that, as Jill was well versed in the art of sucking cock. The other stood behind her casually stroking his cock in and out of her pussy. Nothing shocking there either.
What surprised Sheila was the casual nature of the whole scene. Mike was relaxed watching his wife being spit roasted. The two men seemed relaxed as they fucked. It was kind of weird. And while all of this was going on Mike was engaged in conversation with the man up Jill's cunt. Sheila could not hear all of it, but she did catch parts of the conversation.
"We can supply your needs and have product available to suit every taste" Mike was saying.
"Now, this is on demand?" said the other.
"Yes, almost always. We haven't had any problems yet. We have plenty in stock and more is in the pipeline, so I don't anticipate any supply problems. But, advance notice is always appreciated." Mike replied.
"We usually order well ahead of time, but there are occasions when we have emergencies and need immediate attention."
"Like I said, I don't see that being a problem" Mike repeated.
With that, the conversation seemed to wind down. And the fucking grew more vigorous. Both men were now pumping hard, seeking to pop their nut in Jill.
Sheila did not understand what the conversation was about, but Mike was a Contractor and she assumed that it was concerning some project they were working on. She did think it unusual that Jill was entertaining business associates. She had never heard of Mike and Jill doing that before, but maybe they were friends also.
Jill having sex with other people was not disturbing. Neither was Mike watching. That happened all the time, but usually only within the church family. There was a lot of sex going on between the church members. But it never seemed detached or mechanical. The church family cared about each other. All of the sex she had witnessed, while maybe wild or even considered deviant, had never been uncaring.
"Well" thought Sheila, "I'm not asking about it now. Not while they have guests. Maybe I'll talk to them tomorrow."
And so she went about the business of getting ready to sleep. She showered, brushed her teeth and otherwise completed the bedtime rituals. After the excitement of her long weekend and the drive home, it was few minutes after her head hit the pillow that Sheila was fast asleep.
Over the next several days, Sheila continued to ponder the scene she had witnessed the night she returned home. Not so much the action itself, but rather her own unaffected attitude toward it.
"The problem," Sheila thought, "is that it doesn't bother me. Why is that?"
As she contemplated her reaction, or rather, her lack of reaction, it came to her that she had changed. Something significant was now different from the time before she went to see her father. Sheila needed help with processing this change. She needed to talk to Jill.
Later that evening Sheila walked into Jill's bedroom.
"Hi, baby. Haven't seen much of you since you got back. I know we have all been busy, but I miss you." Jill said.
"I know. But I have also been keeping to myself a little. I had to think about some things but now I need to talk it over with you. I need help understanding what is going on."
"Well, come over here and let me see you."
Sheila approached Jill and stood right in front of her. Jill was sitting on the edge of the bed so when Sheila came close, they were almost touching. They were both wearing loosely tied robes. Modesty had long ceased being of any concern between the friends.
Jill pushed her hands inside of Sheila's robe opening it slightly more. She cupped, gently squeezed, and caressed Sheila's breasts. Then Jill brought her lips to an erect nipple and teased it to full hardness with her lips and tongue. One hand traveled south to cup Sheila's sex. Fingers drew lazy circles around her clit. Then they stroked up and down along the now slick channel. Sheila was getting wet. Very wet.
Jill could always take Sheila from freezing to piping hot in very short order. Sheila loved lesbian sex with Jill. Previously, it was the best sex she had ever had. Until Daddy.
"How was your time with your father? Were you able to make a connection with Him?"
"Yes, I did. And it was wonderful. So much more than I expected." Sheila replied.
"Did you make it with him? Were you able to complete the next step to Magdalene? Was it good?"
"It was so much more than just sex. I remember you talking about your own connection with your father and how good the sex was. I know now that while I thought I understood what you were talking about, I didn't at all.
The physical sex was great. He is so patient and kind and loving with me. He has the experience to make it wonderful. But there was more. There was a spiritual connection I didn't anticipate. It was like a more moderate Mary experience. It felt like an echo of what happened that night. But not nearly as intense."
Jill looked thoughtful and then said, "For me, daddyfucks are the absolute best sex there is. As much as I enjoy Mike, and you, plus all of the other sex I have, there is nothing as good or as intense as sex with my father. I am sure it is different for every woman who experiences that kind of incest.
If it were forced, I am sure it could be horrible. But my father and I chose to be lovers. Just like 'Mom' and her father. And even among those of us who deliberately chose to do it, the experience is going to be different. Tell me about what happened."
"I followed your advice. I offered myself to him. Not directly, but I dressed and teased and was forward in a way that made myself clear. But I never backed him into a corner. It was his choice. Oh, I baited the hook and I reeled him in, but he could have jumped the line at any point. So, I took it slow and let him realize that this is what he wanted.
He made his choices and I took full advantage. The first taste of his cum filling my mouth was Heaven. Then I gave him my virgin pussy. Oh, I know technically I wasn't virgin, but I don't think sex with God counts.
And then, he took my ass. I was glad that Mike had taken me that way before and taught me how to make it good. In fact, I am also glad for all of the instruction I got from both of you on how to do oral. Daddy loved deepthroat.
But again, good sex and mind blowing orgasms, while great, were not the best part. With Daddy, I experienced total love. I felt safe and warm. I knew a man who was totally committed to my welfare. And to my pleasure. His lovemaking was not just about getting his rocks off. It was an expression of his deepest, heartfelt absolute love.
And I think that it was what he needed. After the failed marriage and divorce from Mom, he was just holed up in the middle of twenty acres. I think he was hiding from life and the possibility of more pain.
I don't mean to say anything negative about sex with you and Mike, or any of the other people in the church I've loved. But this was just different. It was a whole different level."
"I do understand what you are talking about." Jill said. "Sex with my father is incredible. I love it and I know I will never stop. I will crave his cock for the rest of my life. Like I told you before, Mike not only knows about it and approves, he helps make sure that I have time to see Daddy. He goes so far as to help me make the arrangements if I need him to.
So I am so glad that you were able to make this connection. You know it is an absolute necessity for your continued journey toward Magdalene. And now you will be able to continue forward."
"Why was it necessary?" Sheila asked.
"Because sex with your father is the ultimate sex. There is not much beyond that. So it frees you from inhibitions about anything else. You will now experience a freedom in sexual unions that wasn't there before. Some people say it makes women promiscuous.
But that is not true. What it does is make any choices you desire acceptable to you. Some women, because of immaturity or a lack of guidance, make a lot of bad choices. Establishing a loving, sexual relationship with their father can help bring stability to their life. Now, an older experienced man can provide a rock solid base from which they can build.
And if sex with daddy is forced, can do a lot emotional damage. But when both father and daughter choose that relationship, it is amazingly freeing for you. And that is what we hoped it would do for you. Any kind of sex that you choose, without any guilt at all."
"I saw you the other night." Sheila said tentatively.
"When do you mean?"
"The other night when you were with those two well-dressed men. Mike was watching and you all seemed very relaxed. Who were they? I have never seen them before. I thought I knew everyone in the church."
"They aren't from the church, baby. They are business associates of Mike's and that is the first time I had met them."
"And you had sex with them?"
"Sure. Mike wanted me to. It was helping his business for us to make that kind of connection with those men. And I really enjoyed it. I got off having Mike watch me fuck them both like that. It was a lot of fun and I had some great orgasms with them. And better, when they were gone, Mike took me in the bed and screwed me to some of the best sex we've ever had. I am surprised the noise didn't wake you up."
"Well, I was so tired I don't think a bomb could have woken me up. But I am still surprised about you having casual sex with, well I guess, strangers."
"Sheila, you have taken a gigantic step on the road to Magdalene. I am willing to bet that before you saw it necessity of it, you would have never conceived that having sex with your father was something you would choose. But you did choose it. And I can assure you that there will be more choices before you get there.
So one last question. Before you went to see your father, Mike refused to have regular sex with you. You finally figured out that it was because he was waiting for you to have sex with your father. And you figured out that he wouldn't do it because it concerned your journey to Magdalene. He didn't want to interfere with it.
And I know his refusal to take you that way, and his orders that no one else could either, had you very bothered. But now that you have completed this next step, he will fuck your pussy, if you still want him to. And once he does, the bans on others will be lifted also. So do you still want Mike to take your pussy? Do you want to have sex with him that way, or will you be satisfied with him doing you anally? Because, him stroking your ass will never stop, even if you don't choose vaginal sex."
Sheila answered, "Oh, hell yes I want him. I want that cock slamming me has hard as we can go. I have dreamed about that man fucking my pussy ever since those nights on the couch, when you two first started having sex with me. I mean, if that's OK with you, Jill."
"It sure is sweetie. I am so happy that you still want it. You are going to love the way he feels inside you, the way he fills you up. And it is going to open up complete new worlds for you. There are some things we have to settle first. We need to set up a counseling session with 'Mom' and 'Dad.' But first, I think we need a little celebratory sex with just you and me."
"You are doing quite well in your progress toward Magdalene" said 'Mom' Baylor. "You have come a long way from when you first came to the House of Love. You were a shy virgin. But you were willing to submit to God through his human representative and you became Mary. One of only a few Marys existing today.
You had sex with the heavenly father. That opened you to a whole new world of submission and service. You have followed the advice and teaching of your primary deacon, Mike and his wife Jill. They have shown you the path so far.
Sheila, I am so proud of you and your teachable spirit. Recognizing the authority of the church, obedience in action even when you did not understand. You are so worthy of the honor of Magdalene that will soon be yours. With all you have learned there is still a ways to go.
You learned love with Mike and Jill. They taught you to love both men and women. You shared in their love for you and each other. You gave yourself to Mike in a way that pleases him completely. He loves having his cock in your ass. You experienced public sex and exhibitionism at the ladies' meeting when you loved three women, while all of the others watched.
And now, finally, you have had sex with your earthly father as you did with your heavenly. You have destroyed all of the barriers that would have hindered you from full obedience and the full enjoyment of the blessings available to you. I know how long you have been frustrated because Mike would not fill your pussy with his marvelous cock. Well, now that drought is over and you are free to enjoy.
But there is so much more that you can learn. Now there are no limits to the acts of love that you can experience. What we now want to show you is that every act of love is a form of worship. That first Mary worshiped as God took her and made her pregnant. She experienced the ultimate human joy of physical orgasm as God fucked her. He filled her with perfect seed and she bore a son.
But there is more than just the physical union that took place. There was the spiritual as well. You know this. You had the Mary experience. And now your mission is to spread that joy to others through worship. Your acts of love will bring the world to a better place. To that end, you will need training so that you are able to anticipate and fulfill the needs of others.
You know the basics of worship through acts of love, but there is much more you need to know. Skills you need to learn. Experiences you need to have. There is so much variety in the way people love each other.
We are going to enroll you in what we call 'Practical Ministry Education'. There you will learn to fulfill the worship needs of others in the infinite variety of loving acts. Truthfully, you will have sex with almost every member of the church as they demonstrate to you how they worship."
"Thank you so much for believing in me! I can't wait to get started!" Sheila replied.
"Well good" 'Mom' said. "Because you start tonight. You will be going to Marcus and Jenna Stevens' house where you will spend several days, maybe a week, learning to love them."
"That's the black guy with the white wife, right?" asked Sheila.
"Yes, that's them. We need to know right off if you have any issues with people of other races. If there is any prejudice in you about loving all of God's people, we will have to rid you of that first thing. So far, you have only had sex with other white people.
Do you have any questions? Mike and Jill will still be your direct authorities. They will set up your training schedule. You can, of course, have sex with them or anyone else they designate, even if you are assigned to a teaching house. While you are in a teaching house, the head of that house will have immediate authority over you, while Mike retains overall. Do you think that you can submit to the needs of people you have just met? That you really don't know at all?"
"Yes, I think I can do this. If I get scared or confused, can I still call Mike if I need to?"
"Anytime" 'Mom' said.
Sheila went to Jill to talk over this latest development.
"So, the next step along the road to Magdalene is that I begin having sex with everyone?" Sheila asked.
"It's not like that," Jill replied. "You are not going to be having sex with just anyone who wants it anytime they like. It's not indiscriminate fucking. Mike and me, along with 'Mom', will be setting your schedule and selecting people for you. The purpose is to broaden your sexual horizons. Everyone in the church has a ministry to accomplish. You have the ability to bring love, comfort and healing to many people. That is your ministry.
When you have a loving sexual encounter, you are demonstrating God's love to them on a very practical level. Lots of people talk about wanting to help, but are never willing to do what it takes to actually benefit people in the real world. In the book of James, the question is asked, "If someone comes to you and is cold and hungry, and you reply, 'Be warm and be fed', what good does it do?" None. You have not helped them at all.
What we want for you, is that you begin a broad based practical training program. You will have sex with a lot of different people. You will learn much more about sexuality than Mike and me can teach you. We are just two people and our approach to sexuality is limited by who we are. But when you have sexual encounters with many different people, then you learn about all of the different approaches humanity has to love and the comfort derived from the loving act."
"So I am actually going to become like a minister or something?" Sheila inquired.
"Yes" Jill continued, "the historic church always has had lay ministers along with those who got paid to do ministry full time. The lay ministers were volunteers who worked alongside the professionals in order to accomplish the overall ministry of the church. They might even be ordained to their specific ministry.
Sometimes lay ministers get paid, sometimes they don't. It all depends on the circumstances. But the nonprofessional status does not in any way detract from the ministry of the lay person. Their ministry is just as valid as that of the paid minister."
Sheila ventured, "So instead of going to a school to learn how to be a minister, I get practical on-the-job training. And it doesn't take years to get a degree and is immediately applied to helping people".
"Yes, but Mike is not going to let you go anywhere before he has a chance to fill your tight pussy with his own cock. He has wanted you for just as long as you have wanted him. I have had a hard time restraining him. Sometimes I did restrain him because he was so hard." Jill laughed at her little joke. "But I got all the benefits. Now it's your turn."
Mike took his time eating Sheila's pussy. It was really good. But it had always been good. Mike was an expert.
Sheila lay on her back, knees up, legs spread wide. Jill lay beside her stroking Sheila's breasts, licking and sucking her hard nipples. Their lips met and tongues intertwined. None of this was new to Sheila. She had enjoyed this ménage many times before and things were just as good as ever. The only difference this time, was that Mike was actually going to fuck her pussy.
"I'm ready, Mike, please fuck me now!" Sheila moaned. "I've had to wait so long, please fuck me."
"Uhnt uh." The negative response from Mike was muffled as his head was still buried between Sheila's thighs.
"You have waited this long. You can stand it a little while more. We want this to be special for you" Jill said.
Mike flipped Sheila over, on her knees, shoulders on the mattress, ass in the air. Mike got on his knees and continued eating Sheila from behind. Jill leaned over from Sheila's side and tongued her ass.
"Oh God, that feels so good." Sheila didn't know if she could get any higher. Desire was taking over her mind. Sensibility and rationality were fading away and a fierce sexual hunger was roaring in to take their place. She no longer cared about anything. Sheila just wanted to get fucked.
"Do it now!" Sheila wailed. "Fuck me. I want your cock! Fuck me now!"
"Not yet" Jill said.
Sheila couldn't see what was going on behind her. She could only feel what her two lovers were doing. There was pressure at her ass. At first, Sheila didn't know what Jill was doing, but then she realized that a butt plug was being inserted. A large butt plug.
"I want you to experience a double penetration" Jill told her. "This time it's just a nice plug, but soon it will be live and in person."
When the plug was seated, Sheila sighed. She loved the feeling of fullness in her ass. She loved being fucked in the ass. A plug was a poor substitute for the real thing, but it would do for now.
Jill reached under Sheila and began to finger her clit. They were driving her higher and higher to ecstasy. If they didn't stop, she was going to have a mind blowing orgasm. Just then, Mike pulled his mouth off of Sheila. He stood and started rubbing the head of his cock up and down Sheila's slit. She was so wet, so ready.
Mike slowly pushed his cock into Sheila. He had just put the head inside of her when Sheila began to moan out her orgasm. Her pussy thrust upwards trying to get more of him inside. The cock penetrated ever deeper until Mike bottomed out.
"Oh, fuck" Sheila screamed, "Fuck me hard!" With the plug in her ass and Mike's cock pounding her pussy, Sheila was stretched and penetrated to the point of pain. But there was something about the pain mixed with pleasure that was really turning her on.
Sheila loved being dominated by Mike. He loved her and she could completely let herself go. Teaching at the House of Love had always emphasized submission, but it was always couched in terms of spiritual submission. Now Sheila was experiencing the practical outworking of that doctrine.
Sheila loved feeling Mike's cock fill her. He was deep stroking her slash, taking time to savor the tight feeling of this barely used cunt. Slowly Mike increased speed and force. He began to pound Sheila's pussy.
It didn't take long for Sheila to orgasm. Was it a series, or did she just experience one long continuous peak? She wasn't sure nor, at that moment, did she care. It was the ultimate. The little death. Mike pulled his cock out of Sheila.
"No!" Sheila complained.
But Jill slid under her and clamped her mouth onto Sheila's pussy. Mike repositioned himself for his favorite kind of sex. Back door entry. As Jill worked Sheila with her tongue, Mike pulled the plug and replaced it with his rod.
"Yes, Baby. Yes. Take my ass. Fuck my ass! FUCK MY ASS!" Sheila was screaming as Mike filled her. He immediately began ramming her as hard as he could.
"Harder! Fuck me harder! Faster!"
Mike reamed that asshole without mercy. He fucked Sheila like he had fucked few women before. He had no thought of her pleasure, just how good his cock felt as that tight ring stroked him. His inner animal emerged and Sheila became just another bitch to be fucked into submission.
He piston pumped her as hard and as fast as he could, sensing his orgasm approaching. He wanted to fill this slut's ass with his cum, just as he had so many before. The physical sensations of sex were incredible. But more than that, the mental pleasure of taking another sweet innocent girl from virgin to Magdalene was what really made this so exquisite. Soon her indoctrination would be complete.
Mike and Jill had fucked Sheila to exhaustion. She was sleeping soundly in her bed. They shut the door to their room and were talking in low voices. They did not want to rouse her.
"She really gave herself to us tonight, didn't she?" Mike said.
"Yeah, she went into complete submission. No reservations" Jill observed.
"Do you think she's ready?"
"Yes. She is right there. We just need to get the education process going and have her experience every kind of sex we can. Everything we have done so far has finally got us to the point that she is open and willing to anything we do with her.
She has accepted that God desires for her to have sex. He fucked her using 'Dad's' cock. She wants to submit to God and do what he wants her to do. And she knows that the church is the agency God has created to guide her along the right path. So she will submit to whatever the church says. Especially you, since you are her Deacon and her direct authority. She will submit to the both of us and give her body to be fucked by anyone in any way we direct. It's time. We need to call 'Mom' in the morning.
Chapter 11 – Sheila's Education
The next morning, Sheila began to consider the events of the previous evening. There was an unspoken conversation starting inside her head.
"I thought it would be better. The fucking was great, but something isn't right. Who can I talk to? There's really no one. Can't talk to Jill. Can't talk to 'Mom'. Shit.
Did I build up having Mike's cock in my pussy to an unrealistic level? No, the sex was good. I orgasmed plenty. I loved the way he felt in me. I want to do it again. So what the fuck is wrong with me? What's missing?"
Sheila couldn't figure it out. She had to get ready and go on with her day. Work wasn't going to care if she was having a bad day because she couldn't figure out what was wrong with the great sex she had had last night. It seemed so absurd, like a contradiction to use the thoughts 'great sex' and 'something wrong' in the same sentence. If it made her cum so much, how could it be bad? She would just have to figure it out later.
That same morning, Mike placed a call to 'Mom'.
"Did you call me to tell me that you are coming over to fuck my irresistible ass?" Mom teased. "If you are, then bring Jill because I want her to eat me while you do."
Mike teased her right back. "Well, that's not why I called, but if you are desperate I'll see what I can do. You know how much I love shoving my cock in your back door."
"Oh, I'm never desperate sweet cakes. I have two brothers that I have trained to fuck on command just the way I like it. And then there are the wives also. Best lesbian fucks in town."
"I thought it was your sons you had trained" Mike answered knowing full well the reality of their relationship to 'Mom'.
"You know how it is. Some days I fuck my brothers, some days I fuck my sons. Convenient that they are the same people, isn't it?"
Mike laughed. "I guess so! Anyway, I'm calling about Sheila. She's ready for the in-house education."
"So you finally fucked that little bitch? Took long enough. You did Donna in two weeks as I recall."
"Yeah, but Donna had already been having sex with her father for a long time. With her, I could just appropriate that experience and move in quickly. Sheila started here as a virgin, so we had to take the slow approach. But it was worth it."
"Good fuck?"
"Yes, definitely."
"Well, when I talked to her, I told her I was going to send her over to Marcus and Jenna Stevens' house."
"I'm not sure that's a good idea" Mike replied. "I think that is going to be a bit much for her first time out. We are going to have to ease her into that scene. Need to start out with something a little more, umm, tame than that."
"You think she has a problem with interracial sex?" Mom asked.
"No. I don't think she has a prejudiced bone in her body. It's just that they are so into Bondage. Plus, there is the whole 'Black Bull Fucks White Woman' thing. It's the center piece at all of their events. Yeah, lots of white couples into that, but I think it's too much for Sheila to start out with. Better to wait a while."
"What about Bill and Patty?" 'Mom' asked "They like to swing and usually have something going on with another couple most weekends. Bill loves watching Patty have sex with other men. Women, too. Patty likes watching Bill just as much. Sheila could be the fifth. I think it would be an easier introduction to group. Whatever you think is best. Talk it over with Jill. Get her input on this also."
"Already did. Jill likes the idea of her starting out 'plain vanilla', so to speak. Nothing threatening, just some average sized cocks. Nothing too scary. We need to see how she reacts doing things she has already done with us, but with new people she hasn't really interacted with much. Sex with strangers, but not really strangers, because she has seen them at church.
We will move her towards experiencing Bill and Patty. Bit by bit, you know? That might be a good situation. Especially if we are going to have them double her for the first time."
Sheila arrived at Bill and Patty's about 7PM on Friday night. They usually partied on Fridays so that they could sleep in and recover on Saturday morning. They were a couple in their late 20's, but had no children. That certainly made their lifestyle much less complicated.
The house was a modest sized ranch style. Nothing fancy about it, but mostly well maintained. That was in keeping with the neighborhood. Few owners, mostly renters. It was also in keeping with most of the membership at the House of Love. Blue collar working types, few professionals. Both husband and wife having jobs just to make ends meet.
Patty met Sheila at the front door. Sheila recognized her hostess from church. They had never spoken much before, just the "Hi, how are ya's?" said during greeting time in the middle of the Sunday service. It was typical of the kind of sexual encounters Mike and Jill were directing her to have.
"Come on in" Patty said as she gave Sheila a full hug. Patty pressed herself into Sheila's body. She tilted her head so that she could nuzzle Sheila's neck. Patty's tongue lightly dragged on her skin and traveled up to where her lips closed on the ear lobe. After lightly sucking, Sheila heard whispered into her ear, "I've wanted to party with you for so long. I'm already wet."
Patty pulled Sheila through the front door and swung it shut behind them. She then pushed Sheila back up against the door and took Sheila's hand in hers. Patty pulled up her short skirt directed Sheila's fingers into the wetness between her thighs. One finger penetrated Patty's hot cunt.
"See how wet I am?" Sheila's hand was pulled away and redirected to her mouth. Patty pressed Sheila's now wet fingers between her own lips. Sheila rolled her tongue around them and cleaned Patty's pussy juice off.
"Do you like the taste? I love the taste of good pussy. I'm sure I will love the taste of yours."
Sheila was somewhat takes aback by the abruptness of the sexual contact. No warm up. Just full ahead into sex play. Patty didn't seem interested in Sheila as a person so much. She felt like she was just a sex object that Patty wanted to play with.
Patty turned and taking Sheila by the hand, led her further into the house. The furnishings were as modest as the rest of the house. Everything was serviceable, but nothing expensive or fancy.
"What is that?" Sheila asked referring to a collection of straps hanging from the ceiling. There were sex toys scattered about the room, but Sheila had never seen anything like the contraption hanging from the ceiling.
"Oh, that's a sex swing. It's a lot of fun. You sit in it and it allows you to be taken any number of ways. Real convenient if you are into multiple partners at once. But don't do anything you are not into. If you don't like it, don't do it.
These parties are a great way to experiment and try new things. Some you will like, some not so much. If you decide to try something new, and turns out it was a bad choice, just say you want to stop and it will. Nobody here is going to try to force you into anything.
I know you have seen the sex toys and bits of rope and some floggers that I have taken out. Don't worry. We just have fun. We are not into serious domination like some are."
"Are there people like that in church? I mean into serious domination?"
Patty just looked at Sheila in amazement. It was then that Patty realized Sheila actually did not know what the House of Love was really about. How could anyone be so naive?
Patty was one of those who participated in the social life of the church having clarity concerning how things were. Not only knew, but reveled in it, enthusiastically promoted it. Sex without restrictions.
"Yes, not many, but some. I'm sure that Mike will have you make a stop there along the tour."
"Tour of what?" Sheila asked.
Patty was surprised that Sheila wasn't following what she was talking about. "Your sex tour baby. That's what this is all about. You are here to be exposed to new kinds of sex and learn lots of new ways to fuck. Try everything. You will find a lot of things you really like that you never thought you would. That's what happened to Bill and me.
We started swinging after 'Mom' hooked us up with other couples and told me to try out new cocks. Bill got new pussy to fuck and turns out we both liked it. We would have never thought so until we gave in and tried it out. There's other stuff we found out about, but you will see that later. For now, relax and have a drink if you like while we wait for late arrivals."
It wasn't long before there was another knock on the front door. In walked another couple, Jim and Susan Williams. They were about the same age as Bill and Patty. Jim walked directly over to Patty and embraced her while starting a passionate kiss. His hand slid up to encompass her breast. Their sexual contact was just as abrupt as hers and Patty's had been.
"Wow! Miss me sailor?" Patty asked when they broke the kiss. All four of the partners laughed.
"He's always had a thing for you, girl" Susan said as she walking over to Patty. "I do believe that he would rather have you than his wife. Last night, when we fucked, he deliberately looked right into my eyes and kept calling me 'Patty'."
Susan's hand caressed Patty's other breast while her lips replaced her husband's.
"Ahem!" Bill loudly and theatrically cleared his throat. "I think I am being neglected here."
Jim walked over to Bill. Much to Sheila's surprise, he engaged Bill in a deep kiss. It was every bit as passionate as the one he had given to Patty. Jim's hand stroked Bill's cock through his pants. The kiss continued as Bill's hand reached around to pull Jim's head in harder.
Sheila sat down on the couch as she was too stunned to remain standing. Susan and Patty sat on either side of her.
"You didn't think only women were bisexual, did you?" Susan asked.
"I just never thought about it" Sheila replied.
"We love watching boys fuck" Patty added to the conversation. "It really gets Susan and I wound up. It's so hot watching them. Don't you think so?"
Sheila watched as Bill sank to his knees and unleashed Jim's cock. As he withdrew it from Jim's pants, he lovingly stroked it, wrapping his fingers around its girth. Then Bill brought his head forward until the head parted his lips and drove into his mouth.
Sheila could observe Bill's action as his tongue rolled around while his whole head bobbed back and forth along the shaft. Patty and Susan were both jilling themselves off at a furious rate. It was obvious that they both really did enjoy watching their husbands go bisexual.
Jim spoke to Bill. "That's right, boy. Suck my cock. Get it nice and hard so I can use it to fuck your wife. She's told me how much she wants me to fuck her while we make you watch. You want that don't you? You want to watch your wife become my little fuck slut, don't you?"
Bill could only mumble his assent, as his mouth was still full of Jim's cock.
Patty leaned over and whispered in Sheila's ear. "This is just a little game we like to play when we get together. They take turns playing each part. The boys know that it gets us girls really hot and ready to fuck. We haven't been able to convince them to do anal yet. Oral is as far as they will go, but there's always next time!"
Jim pulled his cock out of Bill's mouth and walked directly over to Patty. He knelt in front of her and pulled her hips toward him until her pussy hung out over the edge of the couch. His hips rocked forward and the hard cock he sported drove straight into Patty's cunt, all the way to the root.
"Fuck, yeah!" Patty screamed. "Fuck my cunt! Fuck me hard! Are you watching a real man fuck me, Bill?"
While Jim began to piston pump Patty, Susan got off of the couch and swung around to kneel in front of Sheila.
"Time to get you ready to play" she said to Sheila.
With that, she dove into Sheila's slit and began to eat her out with passion. Susan was into pussy and Sheila was going to enjoy the benefits of her desire. The ministrations to her sex were taking her to heights of pleasure and getting her ready for what Susan had implied.
"Yeah, baby. Now that you're wet, it's time for a good fuck. Bill get over here and fill up this cunt."
Bill knelt in front of Sheila and much as Jim had done to Patty, he pulled Sheila's hips forward and pushed straight in.
"Fuck! She's so tight!" Bill said. "Oh God. She's almost like a virgin!"
The rest of the evening was spent exploring every combination of persons and holes the five of them could conjure. They finally would down around midnight, all of them sexually spent. Sheila declined the invitation to stay the night as she wanted to recover in her own bed and not be awakened in the morning.
"How was your evening?" Jill asked Sheila when she had awakened.
"Well, there were some things that surprised me" Sheila replied.
"Like what?"
Sheila thought for a moment before saying anything. She wanted to be careful how she said what she wanted to express. Being misunderstood wouldn't be helpful.
"I was surprised by how there was no warm up before sex. Patty kind of went right at me as soon as I got there. And when Jim and Susan showed up, it was much the same. 'Hi! How are you? Let's fuck.'
It was different for me, because all my previous encounters began with a relationship of some sort. There was a connection with the people I was having sex with. Even when I had sex with the girls at the Women's Meeting, I still felt part of the group. But last night it was just about a physical sensation of sexual pleasure and having orgasms.
I was also surprised by Bill and Jim's bi-sexual play. I don't know why I was surprised, really. I shouldn't have been, I think. I mean, I have sex with girls, so it shouldn't be a problem if guys get together also.
But overall while the sex was good, I got off lots of times, I am still having a problem with it being so impersonal. I had sex with people that I have seen before, but who aren't actually my friends. I don't have any actual relationship other than we go to the same church."
Jill considered how she would be able to lead Sheila forward on her journey to Magdalene. Sheila was at a crucial stage and Jill did not want all of their hard work to go to waste. This girl had potential to be one of the most productive Magdalenes the church had ever produced. She could do wonders for the church, if they could just get her over this hump.
"You have to think of it this way" Jill began. "When 'Dad' or Mike teach or preach, they are providing a service. The particular service at that moment is knowledge, or may be encouragement, or maybe comfort. But different people accept that service in different ways and to different extent.
Some are able to accept it totally. Others are not quite so far along in their spiritual maturity. And you will also find that some people take very well to one part of the message, but not so well to other aspects of what we teach.
When we minister to people, we have to take people for who they are and where they are at. Everyone is different and we must make allowances for that. Your session last night may have seemed strange to you, but consider that both of those couples have known each other for years and this is not the first time they have played together. So along the way, they have worked out what works well for them.
As far as not having an emotional connection, that is just the way it works out sometimes. When we minister to people, whether it is preaching, or in your case the practical demonstration of love, we don't always get to have that connection with everyone to whom we minister. It's just not possible.
Mike can't stand in a room of fifty people and have, at that moment, an emotional connection with every one of them. He has to give out his ministry as best as he is able without having the lack of that tie stop him from sharing with them.
It's the same for your ministry. Sometimes you just have to perform the ministry to which you are called, regardless of your feelings. You just have to demonstrate practical love whether you have feeling to accompany that act of ministry or not."
"I think I understand" Sheila said. "Mike may not feel like teaching or maybe doing counseling on any given day or to a particular group, but he does it anyway because he is called to that ministry."
"That's right" Jill stated. "Because it is not about Mike, or you at that point, it's about them. It is always about the ministry service you are providing for their benefit. And we provide that service whether we feel a connection or not.
One other thing we need to talk about. And that is ways to make your ministry more effective."
Jill brought out a small, black three ring note book and handed it to Sheila.
"This is small enough so that you can carry it with you or hide it away somewhere so that no one will be able to find it. Because you are going to fill it with very sensitive personal information about the people that you minister to. After every ministry session, you will need to write down everything you know about how to effectively communicate love to them.
Along with their personal information like birthdates, family information, phone numbers and things such as that, you will also need to record what they like sexually and what they don't. In other words, what communicates love to that particular person. This will be most important going forward in your ministry.
If there is a next time with them, you can refer to your little black book and be better prepared for your next encounter. But guard it well, because sometimes what you write in there could do a lot of damage, if it was to be made public knowledge. Understand?"
Sheila assured Jill that she did understand, and that she would be very careful with the book.
"Good. Because I have a new schedule of appointments for you. Remember that you may continue to see things that will be new and maybe surprising. I am trying to give you the broadest exposure possible to the variety of ways in which people give and receive love.
This is your training ground. Learn everything you can so that when you are released into the next level of ministry, you won't be surprised by what you see and you can handle the situation in order to be effective in your communication of love."
Sheila spoke. "I am so excited by the prospect of learning how to be an effective minister. I have thought about how good it would be to be able to show love in a practical way to people who needed it. And I am looking forward to that the next level of her ministry. I want to be a Magdalene. I'm not even sure what that is, but I know it is the next higher step. And you, Mike and 'Mom' would only guide me on a good path."
Sheila continued to expand her sexual horizons through her encounters with various members of the church. When she had gone through most of the core members, those who were allowed to participate in the knowledge of deeper spiritual truths, there came a point where there was little she had not seen and tried.
One effect was that Sheila arrived at a place where the emotional connections did not matter so much. She was there to fuck, and through sex, offer to people the love that they needed. It didn't matter if she liked the sex she was having. While she certainly did most of the time, what mattered most was that the people she was ministering to were satisfied.
One day Jill and Mike approached her and said that they needed to talk with her.
"Your training is almost done" Mike told her. "Jill has very effectively managed your education and the gaining of the experience you will need as a Magdalene. But there is one last encounter you need. A kind of test for you to see if you are really ready to minister to all kinds of people.
As you know, some kinds of people are easier to minister to that others. Sometimes it is because our personalities or preferences clash. That just happens with people. But we have to be able to get over it in order to minister to the world. And that is where our ministry is headed, out into the world. Soon you will be ministering outside the comfort of our church family.
So we are finally going to send you to Marcus and Jenna Stevens' house. There you will see a way of loving that not everyone can accept. You may not either. Or you may find that you really get into what they do. It might be that there is one side or the other of what they do that gets you really turned on. But no matter how you feel about it, you still need to know that this is the way some people do love."
Chapter 12 – "U" Turn
The Steven's were not the typical church members. That is, they were not financially stressed. Both husband and wife were professional something-or-others. Nor were they as young as most. Many considered them to be "old". That is how lots of people in their late teens and early Twenties viewed someone who had passed Thirty.
The most conspicuous difference was that they were an interracial couple. That was most unusual. It was not always accepted by society in that time and place. Sheila thought that Marcus looked like a football player. Maybe a lineman, large, muscular, very black. Sheila didn't know much about American football, but she did know that the really big, powerful guys were on the line. She also knew that the most aggressive played offense.
Sheila considered Jenna to be one of the prettiest women in the church. Certainly on par with Jill. Personality wise, they almost seemed to be sisters. Sheila didn't know Jenna much at all. But she and Jill seemed to be of one mind in their attitude toward most things.
Jenna was what people called a hardbody. Flat stomach, toned muscles, someone who spent time doing workouts. Beautiful face, large breasts, killer body, she could have easily been making a living as a model. Men in the church fawned over her. Some of the women, too. Like a queen bee being attended by drones. And her attitude toward them was much the same. Their attention was her due.
Not that she was ever overtly unkind to anyone. She simply expected their compliance. Marcus seemed to be much the same. There was no obvious compulsion. It was simply that if one chose to be in orbit around them, then one submitted to their dominance. And they did absolutely rule all their domain.
One afternoon, Sheila received a phone call.
"Hello. This is Jenna Stevens. I am trying to reach Sheila."
"That's me. What can I do for you?" Sheila replied.
With a bit of mirth in her voice, Jenna said, "Well we can discuss that some time when we are a bit more intimate. I can think of all sort of things you can do for me. But what I am calling about is that I would like to invite you to an event at our house. 'Mom' Baylor has requested for me to include you. It is something I have wanted to do for a while now, but I was told that you were not ready. Also, I would like to meet you and get to know you before you attend. Would that be alright with you?"
Sheila was somewhat taken aback by the aggressive flirting from someone she didn't know at all. Also, a personal invitation from Jenna was surprising. Sheila did not consider herself to be on the same level as the Stevens. She thought their station in the scheme of things to be above hers, but she sensed no condescension from Jenna. She was being treated as an equal. It was not what she expected.
"Of course, I would love to."
"I'll come pick you up at your house."
Jenna arrived on the agreed evening. She had insisted on driving Sheila to their destination. Sheila realized that using Jenna's car and having her drive them both, put Jenna in control. Which is what Jenna wanted.
"Where are we going?" Sheila inquired.
"Some where I am sure you have never been. It may be uncomfortable for you, but maybe that's the point of it all. Expanding one's horizons is often stressing because we are drawn outside of that which is known, safe, and reassuring.
'Mom' has been providing a social/sexual education for you. Marcus and I are going to be a part of that process, but at a new level. You need to know who you are and I can see that you do not yet understand your place."
They arrived at an inconspicuous building. It could have been anything, a business, a warehouse, or a club. And that is what it was. A club that didn't want to attract attention. A club with no sign to announce itself. The kind of place where you had to know someone to even know that the place existed.
Sheila was not surprised to find that Jenna had taken her into a dimly lit room. It just kind of went with the vibe she was getting from Jenna. They held hands as Jenna took the lead and walked Sheila over to an unoccupied table. Not a table at which one would sit. It was tall with no chairs in evidence. This was designed to accommodate its patrons standing.
A waitress approached. Her appearance was that of a very young waif. Thin, long blond hair, small breast which flashed through the loosely fitting blouse. Not that it would have mattered that much, as the material was so sheer as to leave little to the imagination.
The face was impossibly young. But Sheila knew that it's appearance must be deceiving. There was no way that any underage girls would be allowed in this place, let alone serving liquor.
As her eyes slowly adjusted to the lack of light, the next thing Sheila noticed was the people. There were pairs or small groups of very feminine women, mixed couples at some tables, and scattered groups of very masculine men, most of whom were not very attractive.
Most of then looked at least a little overweight and sported man boobs. The plaid shirts, blue jeans and work boots spoke of rough, hard working men. Blue collar types come in to blow off some steam.
But something didn't fit. The décor was very upscale and the sound system was definitely premium. Not some jukebox in a honky-tonk. The music was techno pop that had just recently become popular. Sheila had heard that it was designed for the express purpose of making the listener want to fuck. The driving beat did make her want to move.
"Tell me what you see" Jenna said to Sheila.
"What do you mean?" Sheila replied.
"Look around and tell me what you see in this place. Describe it. What are your first impressions?"
"I don't know" Sheila mused. "It seems odd."
"How so?"
'Well the outside looks like this would be a dive. But inside it looks expensive."
Jenna nodded to indicate that Sheila was correct. "It is. This place is very expensive."
Sheila continued, "The music doesn't seem to fit the patrons. At least, some of them. I would expect to see most of these guys at a shit-kicker bar. But many of the women are dressed to the nines. The two groups don't seem to fit. Their appearances clash. It's like they are from two different planets or something."
"They're not. So if their appearance seems to divide them, think of what would be bringing them together. Why would they spend this kind of money to be here? What is their common purpose?"
"So I need to think about why these red neck guys would be in a bar with all of these very feminine, high maintenance women?"
"Yes, but you have missed a very important clue."
"What would that be?"
"There are no males in this bar."
Sheila's mouth fell open in complete shock. She was literally speechless.
Jenna continued. "Don't assume that what you see at first blush, is reality. You need to look closer before making judgments about who people are."
"What is this place?"
"A very expensive, very exclusive, very quietly run club whose owners work hard to keep its existence off of the public's radar."
"What is so important about that?"
"Many of the very feminine, 'high maintenance" women, as you called them, are exactly that. They are married to politicians, judges, and legislators. Actually, the wife and daughter of the county sheriff are here tonight. This place is well protected, so to speak. They come here to get what they want, but can't expose to the world. What they need is sex that is taboo, forbidden, and sometimes illegal."
"So how does that happen? I mean, how do they get away with a place like this?"
"It's the golden rule. Those that have the gold make the rule. Money is power. Those with power can make their own rules. One set of rules for the little people. Another set for those who have the ability to make things the way that they want them to be. But money is not the only source of power. Often it is the most fragile."
"What kind of power would top wealth?" Sheila asked.
"Spiritual power. The kind that you have."
"I have?" Sheila was incredulous. "I haven't got any power! What do you mean?"
"You have great power, but you have not yet realized it. That is why we are here. You need to begin to understand who you are. You are Mary. In the church, you have more authority than anyone except 'Mom'. You have more power than anyone including 'Dad' and Mike. Your only peers are the other Marys. Together, you control everything at the House of Love."
Sheila continued to be dumbfounded at what Jenna was saying.
"You control who fucks who. You give blessing to who marries whom and how long they continue to be. If you like, you can reassign a spouse to a new lover. If you want to punish someone, make them watch while their old mate fucks the new. Anything within the inner circle of the House of Love is yours for the taking. Any sex, any person, any possession."
"This is crazy" Sheila croaked. "What does the House of Love have to do with this place? And why did you bring me here?"
"The church actually has no direct ties to this place at all, except for the fact that at the highest levels the social circles overlap. You will get to know many of the powerful women who frequent this place and, at times, you will find yourself their guest at this and other secret clubs. You will be joining them in certain activities.
You are here to learn something. First, don't make assumption about people. You thought that the so-called rednecks were men. Next you are assuming that they are the dominants. Wrong on both counts.
Most of the femmes here are wealthy and well connected into the power structure that runs this town. Some that run this state and the country. They are dominants.
Most of what you assumed are the bulls, are actually submissives. The look belies their insecurity, which the truly powerful exploit and use to their own gratification. But do not assume you know who is what. Because there are many exceptions to even that 'rule'. Some 'bulls' are very aggressive. Some of the femmes come here to be dominated. Discriminating between them is something you will learn to do.
Second, you are here to learn a little about your own power and how to use it. A kind of preliminary introduction. You must learn to take what you want. See something you like? Reach out and grab it. Do with it whatever you will. You have that kind of authority in the church.
Most people are sheep. They don't want to think for themselves. They don't want to have to decide their own life. They are lazy and content to follow, as long as the grazing is good. They will do whatever the shepherd wants. That's how the House of Love is structured. In fact, that is why it exists. So that the shepherds can get what they want from the sheep who are happy to give it, in exchange for the illusion of safety.
Convince them that God speaks through you, then tell them that God wants this or that. Tell a man that God wants him to share his wife with others, like Joseph shared Mary with God. Then watch him deliver his wife to be fucked by anyone you chose. You are at the top of the food chain. Eat whatever you desire.
Now a little demonstration. See that girl standing at the bar?"
"Who? I don't know who you mean." Sheila said.
"The very young looking one. The one looking at you." Jenna pointed her out.
"Oh, I see her now. What about her?"
The girl in question was dressed for sex. Her dress offered, the teased. It hid and revealed at the same time. It was the kind of outfit that seemed to create more nudity than being altogether naked.
"She is waiting for you. I want you to walk over to her and give her a passionate open mouth kiss. Curl her toes."
Sheila objected. "She looks way too young. Why is she in this place anyway? Isn't it against the law for someone so young to be in here?"
"Don't worry. She passed her eighteenth birthday."
"Can't be by much!" Sheila said.
Jenna gave a sly smile. "Doesn't matter how much. Just that she did. And don't worry about her. She is very, very experienced and she wants to submit to you. In fact, she has been prepared for you. Now go over there and take her. When you do, as you kiss her, reach up under her skirt, cup her cunt, and push a couple of fingers inside. You will find her wet and most willing."
"Won't everyone see me?"
"Kind of the point."
It was something of a turn-on for Sheila. Power is very sexy, for both them that take, and them that give. The whole idea had Sheila getting wet. Here was a knockout young girl who apparently was willing to completely submit to any of Sheila's desires. Who wouldn't want that? And so Sheila did exactly that. Without a word, she walked to the bar, took the girl and kissed her. Without any preliminaries, Sheila also reached up under the girl's skirt and began to finger fuck her, right there in full sight of everyone, making it very obvious what she was doing.
The girl made no effort to hide the event. She wanted everyone to see what Sheila was doing to her. She was proud that she had been counted as worthy to be the sexual submissive of the newest Mary.
Sheila didn't realize that Jenna had walked to where she stood stroking the girl for all the world to see.
"Bring her. We have other places to go tonight."
After a thirty-minute ride, they arrived at the strip club that was right next to the House of Love. Sheila had never been inside. She had never conceived of a reason to do so.
"Why did we stop here?" Sheila was curious.
"To see a different kind of power" Jenna replied.
Jenna led the small group straight into the entrance. The beefy bouncer just nodded toward them as they approached. The sign declared the cover charge due, which was promptly ignored as they were let inside. As they encountered various people who Sheila assumed were employees. There were brief acknowledgements made. People quietly greeted, nodded their heads and/or side stepped out of the way. Jenna was treated with deference by the employees of the establishment.
Sheila wondered if this was the different kind of power that Jenna had referred to when she spoke of it. There was no way of knowing at that moment, but Sheila did take notice of the subtle display. Jenna had behaved in a way that assumed rather than demanded.
They proceeded deeper into the building. On the right was a large, dimly lit, circular room. It had a continuous upholstered bench around the perimeter with small tables in front of it at regular intervals. Cocktail waitresses moved along it, gathering and replacing empty glasses.
In the center was a raised circular platform. It featured a large vertical pole and a very nude woman. In contrast to the rest of the room, the stage was brightly lighted. The woman sensually danced before the patrons.
"She owns them" Jenna whispered. "Those men will do what she wants of them, and are paying her for the privilege of being under her domination. Watch her power. People think that these men are exploiting her. But it is she who exploits them.
Their cocks are rock hard and they want to fuck her, but they can't have her. They buy drinks and give her tips, literally throw money at her, to maintain the illusion that they can have her. But they never will. That's power."
"Is that what you wanted me to see? That kind of power over people?" Sheila asked.
"That's part of it. But you already noticed the kind of power on display when we walked in here. Now this other kind of power wielded by the dancer. But power can be displayed and enjoyed in many different ways."
Jenna led them deeper into the building down a long corridor toward another door. In front of the door stood three people. Two of them were very large men. They looked to be in the three hundred plus pound range, impressively huge. The third was a small Asian woman.
Jenna turned toward Sheila. "Tell me what you see."
Sheila stood still and tried to puzzle out what Jenna was talking about. Two very powerful looking males and one female only one third their size. It took her a moment, then it became very clear to Sheila what Jenna was showing her. She was very surprised by the revelation.
"She is the deadly one. She could take out both of those men anytime she wanted to and they both know it. She has all the power."
"Very good. How do you know?" Jenna asked.
"I'm not sure. It is not anything overt. But I can definitely see it." Sheila answered.
"Good. Your subconscious mind is reading the clues from body language. There may well be some metaphysical things going on as well. Those usually take a longer time to develop.
As you progress, you will learn to recognize power exchanges going on all around you. You will be able to consciously look for and recognize them. This will become an increasingly important skill as you step into Magdalene."
Sheila inquired, "Who is she?"
"She is Si Fu. She is a master of Northern Chinese Praying Mantis style of Kung Fu. And you are quite right in your assessment that she is very deadly in a fight. I will also tell you that she is an amazing fuck in bed. A real freak in the sheets. You may choose to experience her submission for yourself."
"How could I have her submit to me?" Sheila was amazed that Jenna could suggest such a thing.
"You do not yet understand who you are. What "Mary" is. Again, you are more powerful, have more authority than anyone in the church, except 'Mom' and the other Marys. 'Mom' is the first among equals, and has the ultimate authority. Don't challenge her. And whatever you do, don't cross her" Jenna explained.
"But what about 'Dad' and Mike and the other male Deacons? And Jill and the others who have been directing me?"
"Oh dear," Jenna sighed. "You do have a lot to learn."
As they moved toward the three blocking the way, the small woman barked out a word Sheila could only assume was Chinese. Instantly, the two men flattened their backs against the walls, making as much room as possible for them to pass. The Asian made a slight bow to Jenna and stepped out of the way.
As Jenna passed, she then stepped back to her original position, again blocking the passage and now standing directly in front of Sheila. Sheila wondered if this woman intended to allow her to pass at all. But to her amazement, the woman slowly sunk to her knees, bent forward until her face touched the ground. She was prostrate at Sheila's feet, in a position of worship.
Sheila looked at Jenna who had turned to observe after she has been passed by the guards. She gave Jenna a look of, "What the hell do I do now?" Jenna responded with a small movement of her hand, palm up, fingers flexing together in an up and down motion. Sheila understood.
"You may rise" Sheila intoned, sounding imperious and awkward at the same time. The whole thing made her feel ridiculous, yet powerful.
The small woman raised her torso, then gracefully stood. Her head was still bowed as she moved to the side to let Sheila and her new submissive pass.
"You get used to it" Jenna said as they closed the gap. "And it becomes more delicious the more you taste it. Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."
They had finally reached the door and entered. Sheila put her hand on the door knob. But she did not open it. Slowly her hand released the knob and returned to her side. Her entourage stared at her wondering what was next. If they asked, Sheila could not tell them because, at that moment, she was having an intense conversation with herself.
Everything Sheila had been shown this night was about power. But the power offered was very seductive. It was a powerful aphrodisiac which she had experienced in the club. But there was something not right. Something was nagging in the far back of Sheila's mind that told her to not open the door. Whatever it was ill-defined. But it was there and insistent.
Jenna had said things to her about the church, and its relation to power and submission. But Sheila didn't understand just what Jenna was saying. She heard the words, but they did not fit the paradigm Sheila had formed about her circumstances. So the information did not penetrate into her thinking. It was confusing.
What Sheila did realize was that she was being herded. People were controlling her. She was being directed from one place and event to another. She was being shown a path designed by others. They said she had great power. But she was following their agenda.
She was given a willing slave, who would try to fulfill any desire she had. Jenna introduced her to the idea power over another was an intense sexual stimulant. And it was, but is that what she wanted?
She was shown a woman who had power over men and used it to make money. But is that how Sheila wanted to use power? And she surmised that whatever lay behind that door was more of the same. Except it would be deeper, darker and more exploitive.
Time to find out if she had actual power or was that an illusion. Everyone was saying she had it. But were they telling the truth, or just telling her what would feed her lust for it?
"Thank you for the tour, but I wish to go home."
Sheila did not offer an explanation. If she had the power they claimed she had, none was necessary. I would not matter the reason, only that it was what she desired.
As she began to move away from the door none of her keepers moved. They were too stunned that she had not entered the room. Jenna had expected to show Sheila how to indulge her darkest desires. To feed her a massive dose of the drug called power that would keep her in addiction for the rest of her life. Once it had a hold of someone, it was almost impossible to kick the habit.
"Everything was going so well," Jenna thought. "What happened? We almost had her." Jenna would have to report the failure.
Sheila walked past the entourage, past the guards, to the bouncers at the entrance. She never once looked back to see if anyone was following her.
"I want a limo here now" she said firmly.
"That would take an hour to get here" the bouncer replied.
"Does the owner of this establishment have a limo and driver awaiting his needs on the premises?"
"Yes mistress, but they are only..." the large man began to reply.
Sheila cut him off. "That will do nicely."
The man looked like a deer in headlights.
The limo had a very nice ride. It was a comfortable trip home. Sheila had commanded the driver to leave the club immediately. Her new submissive had made it inside before the driver sped away. Now she was kneeling on the floor of the rear seating area right in front of Sheila.
"May I pleasure you now, Mistress?" as she opened her blouse to reveal perfect breasts.
"Will you do anything I want?"
"Yes, Mistress. I will do my best to fulfill any desire you have."
"Good. Close your blouse, sit your ass in the seat, and put on your seat belt." Sheila continued, "Where do you live?"
The girl was confused by Sheila's very odd question. "With you Mistress. I am yours to bed and use."
"Where did you live before tonight? Could you return there to live while you await my pleasure?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Good. Then that is my desire" Sheila directed. Then to the driver Sheila said, "After you drop me off at my house, take this woman wherever she needs to go. Then you may return to the club."
"What the hell happened?" Jill asked. "You just walked out of the club, commandeered the owner's limo, and sent the girl home. What were you thinking?"
"It's way too early in the morning for this conversation" Sheila said to herself.
She looked at Jill.
"I just woke up. I haven't had my coffee. And I'm hungry. So hold your horses until I'm functioning."
Jill was a little shocked by the pushback. Sheila had never been one to do that. She had always been compliant, always eager to do whatever was suggested by leaders of the church. So she watched in silence as Sheila puttered around the kitchen making her breakfast.
"Want some?" Sheila asked.
"Sure" Jill replied.
"Anything special?"
"No, whatever you make will be fine."
When Sheila finished preparing the food, she sat with Jill while they ate without conversation. When they were done and the dishes cleared, Sheila returned to the table.
"OK. What do you want to know?"
"Things went off track last night. Your actions surprised people. It was out of character. I just wanted to know what went wrong with you."
"Nothing went wrong with me" Sheila replied. There was a hint annoyance in her voice. "I got tired of people shoving me in a direction I didn't want to go. They were dragging me around, showing me examples of people using power for sexual dominance.
They foisted off on me some poor girl, whose name I don't even know, trying to make her my submissive or sex slave or something. I don't really know what. Power is an amazing sexual stimulant, if you are into that sort of thing. And for a moment I almost went for a swim in that pool.
But it is not who I am. Oh, I can play that game for the benefit of others. I have done so many times in the last year while ministering love to members of the church. But I do it because that is what they need, not what I need. Like faking an orgasm to save someone's ego.
But I will not be forced to go where I don't want to go. I keep hearing how I am supposed to have so much authority because I am a Mary. How I can tell people to do whatever I want them to do. I can have any sex partner I want. If I want a cock that is married to some other woman, that doesn't matter. I can just take him, fuck him any way I please. I can order her to watch if I like.
Same for the wife. If I want some pussy, just take it. Order any woman in the church to my bed. Use her. Share her with anyone I wish. The unattached are just that much easier.
I got to that door and realized that whatever was in there, I wasn't interested. It was just going to be more of the same. Just worse. I didn't know what it would be, but I was sure I wouldn't like it.
So I am supposed to have all of this power to order people about. Well, I was fed up with all of the pushing and shoving and I decided to find out if this power was real or not. Was it just smoke blown up my ass, or would people really jump?
So I just walked out. Fuck 'em. I was just pissed off with what they were trying to do to me. To coin a phrase, I was mad as hell and I wasn't taking it anymore."
"Oh." Jill had nothing to say.
Chapter 13 – Arriving at the Destination
"She's ready" Jill spoke into the telephone receiver.
"Who's ready? And for what?" came the tinny reply.
"Sheila. She is ready for Magdalene. Last night they made a mistake. They tried to push her down a path to make her manifest Magdalene in a way they desired her to be. But she is stronger than any of us realized and she just bolted.
She came out as a strong and very angry Mary. She just bulldozed over anyone standing in her way. It was earlier than we expected, and different than we wanted, but here we are.
We need to bring her to Magdalene as soon as possible. If we don't get her redirected form her current anger state, we may lose her altogether and so much work will be for nothing."
"OK. When should we set it up?" the earpiece sounded.
"This weekend. We should be able to have everyone there. But you must make the presentation. I don't think she will hear it from anyone other than you."
"You have been a long time in preparation for this new chapter in your life. The episode this week showed us that you are ready. I think maybe you have been ready for a while and we just missed it.
You have been a practicing lay minister in this church. You have been serving an apprenticeship ministering to people's spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Often, through acts of sexual kindness.
Although sex may have been the medium through which your ministry was delivered, it is the unseen spiritual energy you gave to them which is the real substance of your action. You gave to them comfort and care from God. And as is common in ministry, you have also received back from what you have done.
Many people who go out to give of themselves to the poor, and not just the materially poor, are surprised to find that they feel like they receive back much more spiritual fulfillment than they give. I have heard that you have expressed this thought with several others. Is this true?"
"Yes" Sheila replied.
"Did you enjoy the sexuality you shared with them? Did you receive physical and emotional, even spiritual energies and pleasure?"
"Most of the time." Sheila thought about those few times when she just had not been able to make that 'connection' with the people she had been with.
"And what happened when you didn't enjoy the moment?"
"I just followed through anyway. I figured that this was not about me. I had gone to them to meet their need, not have mine fulfilled. So I was there to minister to them and my feelings were not really relevant."
"So you have sex with people for whom you had no feelings?"
"It's not that I had no feelings for them. It was just that there was not the connection that helped me receive back from the experience. So I gave to them as best I could. It was a one-way street. But I didn't feel bad about it. Like I said, it was about them, not me."
'Mom' Baylor contemplated the words she was hearing from Sheila. The sincerity of her thoughts. The passion with which she ministered. The purity, even innocence, with which she gave herself to others. Mom realized that if the House of Love, meaning herself and the others leaders, handled this girl right, Sheila would be the greatest Magdalene they had ever seen. Demand for her services would skyrocket out of sight. They were going to make a lot of money.
"Well, I am certainly impressed with your maturity. You have come to see the nature of ministry without having been directly taught these things by anyone else. It strongly confirms that we made the right choice with you.
It also means that we are right in our assessment that it is time for you to move forward. What you have been doing so far in your ministry is what we call 'inreach.' That is, you have been reaching in to the church and ministering exclusive to the already established church family. Now it is time for you to shift focus and begin 'outreach.'
Any church that is exclusively ministering to itself is not fulfilling its purpose. The mission of the church is to share love with those outside of itself. What I am proposing is that you quit your job and begin doing this full time. You will not be doing ministry any differently than you are now, but you will make your living from it just as do most pastors in any church."
"How does that work? Sheila asked. "Do I become an employee of the church?"
"No, you work independently of the church. There is no official link between your new ministry and the House of Love. Here is how it works. We will set up your new 'counseling' ministry as a business. We know the correct lawyers, accountants and others who will do everything for you. You don't have to do anything.
It is very, very important that things be run correctly. Everything has to appear to be above board. And it will. All except the exact nature of your 'counseling'.
The state and federal taxing agencies don't care how you earn your money as long as you pay taxes on it. Your accountant will be very conservative and pay everything the IRS demands. No fancy tax shelters or dicey schemes. No reason to raise red flags and invite an audit.
The only place where anyone would object to your ministry would be local, and I assure you that the local law enforcement will have no interest in your activities. There are ignorant and prejudiced people who would try to make trouble if our secret knowledge became public. We talked about that issue a long time ago. Yes?"
"Yes, we did" Sheila stated. "I understand that some of the teachings of the House of Love are very advanced, and only special people can be trusted with them. If people who don't understand what real spirituality is all about heard them, they would become confused and maybe try to make trouble."
"Good. You understand then why there can be no official connection. We will also set you up with a scheduler. She will act as your assistant in administration and scheduling your appointments. One reason that you should allow her to do this is that she is familiar with the people with whom you should be making appointments with, and whom you should not. Your ministry will be by referral only. And in the beginning, will only be with people who we know firsthand.
You may have surmised that what we are talking about is the ministry of Magdalene. Congratulations, you have arrived. This is the highest ministry of the church. The only person here that has more honor or authority is myself."
"What about 'Dad'? I thought he was the head of the church" Sheila commented.
"Now that you are Magdalene, there are many new things that you will learn. Just as it has been since you joined. Spiritual maturity brings increased knowledge. It also brings increasingly important ministry functions and responsibilities. And greater privilege.
My husband is the figurehead that society expects. He plays the role I assign him, just as he has always done since the time we made a deal so long ago. I wanted my Daddy's babies and I needed a man to be my figurehead husband. The fact that he was sterile just made everything better.
My real husband was always Daddy. So Tom and I get along just fine, as long as he knows his place. And I assure you that he knows his place. A few times he tried to rise above and he found out just how painful that can be.
But we are digressing. Let's focus on Magdalene. You know who she was?"
"Yes, I learned about her in Sunday School. She was a prostitute that was converted." Sheila replied.
"Well, there is more to the story than that. First, prostitute is such an ugly word. She was a woman who was feeding herself the only way she knew how. In that society, if you did not have a man to take care of you, father, husband or brother, there was no way to make a living. You would be destitute. Living on the streets subject to every thug, disease, or horror that came marching down the road.
Then she met the son of Mary. He gave her dignity and respect. I cannot tell you how much that would have changed her life. She loved him. He became the means which lifted her out of the abject misery of her life.
But Magdalene had no way to repay what he had done for her. She had no skill with which to make a living, except that skill she already possessed.
He had filled her with self-respect, by accepting her for who she was. He had given her spiritual life and a connection with the infinite she had never thought possible. What could she do? What she had always done, but now with a new divine purpose.
It was no longer about sex. Now, it was about ministering to others the way he had ministered to her. She sought to pass along the spiritual healing he had given her. It also gave her the means to support his ministry. Magdalene became a minister to others of what he had ministered to her. And she could give back financially for what he had given her spiritually.
Most people don't realize that his ministry was supported mainly by women. In Luke chapter eight, there are listed three women who were supporting his ministry financially. Magdalene is one of the three.
This is the ministry we are all convinced that you are called to. Ministering the love and healing he gave to her two thousand years ago. Passing it along to others in need the same way she did so successfully. Meeting spiritual needs through physical ministry."
There was silence. Sheila was contemplating all of this new information. The profound changes that would be taking place. It was a whole new world. But one of exciting opportunities. She could be a real minister, actually helping people who desperately needed it. Giving out the love and spiritual healing that she had received from the House of Love. How appropriately the church had been named.
Sheila answered the unasked question. "Yes."
"I am so proud of you. This is a big step. But we all know that you are up to the challenge. Now that you have accepted the position, there is more I need to tell you. Jill is also a Magdalene. I know she always told you that she was in 'Marketing'. In a way she is, but not for what most people assume. This ruse was necessary until you were ready to learn the truth.
Jill was the first to recognize your potential. She brought you to my attention and has been involved in your training at every step. She is also going to be your mentor. In the beginning, you will have no appointments except those with whom Jill has already ministered.
She will be able to give you all of the inside information on who, what and where. Also, most importantly, she knows how each is to be ministered to. What they like or don't, all of their preferences. This is vital to your success in this ministry. If you are ready, we can get started.
And first thing in the morning, give your notice at work. If they treat you badly, just walk out. You will never need them again."
Jill took Sheila shopping. She was going to need a whole new kind of wardrobe. Jill chose out for her dresses that were elegant yet sexy to the point of being provocative. They announced sex, but never crossed the imaginary line into the unacceptable as defined by the upper elements of society.
Under garments were scandalous. Totally sexual, designed to arouse and invite. Once the outer dress was removed, pretense was no longer necessary.
"Who is going to pay for all of this?" Sheila asked.
"You are." Jill replied. "Your business has established credit, so don't worry about it. Everything is charged to the business. Your accountant will sort out what is personal and what is business expense. They also pay all of the bills.
You can afford it. You will soon be making more money than you ever thought possible. But don't go crazy. Just because you can buy something, doesn't mean it is smart to do so. You need to keep low key. Don't be conspicuous. Don't attract unnecessary attention.
I can afford a much larger house than we have. But I stay in a middle class house in an unmemorable neighborhood. I could buy a Roll Royce, but that would be stupid. It attracts unwanted questions. It starts people thinking about how much money I have and where it might come from. It also brings very unwanted attention to those to whom we minister. No one around here wants to explain why they had a visitor who drives one parked at their house.
One more thing. We are being modest in how much we are buying right now. You have made no money yet, and the bills will come due. Also, at first, the people to whom you will be ministering will not be paying you for your services. They will be highly placed 'friends' of the House of Love. People who know us and protect us from the ignorant who would not understand the deeper truths we practice. We minister to them without cost because of the gratitude we feel for their concern for us."
She was a beautiful, elegant young woman. She wore a blouse, deeply plunging which showed off her ample cleavage. There was no undergarment as Sheila observed her breasts swaying under the silk. Nipples made hard by the gently caressing material.
The skirt was very short, but not unacceptable for public wear. Just this side of the line of what was not allowed. Much the same as Jill had picked out for her. It was tight with no panty line. Sheila guessed that the girl's pussy was as unfettered as her breasts. An invitation.
The sex in motion moved closer. She pressed herself to Sheila allowing her to feel the crush of breasts and the heat of desire emanating from between her legs. Full wet lips caressed hers in a supremely sensual expression of need. Tongues danced together.
"I've wanted you from the first moment I saw you at the club. Mom does too, but she couldn't be here tonight. So it's just Daddy and me tonight. I do believe that we will be enough for you. You can do Mommy some other time."
Sheila knew the girl by sight. She and her mother had been pointed out to her by Jenna. The daughter of the County Sherriff. Mom was not here, but the Sherriff was. Sheila first ministry assignment was with this Father/Daughter team.
The young woman took Sheila's hand and directed it up under her skirt. There was a bit of shock as Sheila realized that the woman's pussy was shaved bare. Not that she had not heard of that kind of thing before, but at that time it was not common. It was new, just now showing up in skin magazines and porn.
The girl noted Sheila's surprise. "That's the way Daddy likes it; bare, naked, innocent. Do you feel how wet I am? I am soaked thinking about you. I want to fuck you and I get you first. Daddy can watch. Then he gets a turn when I'm done. You won't mind if I let him do me too, will you? After all, I was told you understand just how good daddyfucks can be."
In the month that followed, Sheila had virtual tour of local law enforcement. City Chief of Police, Council members, County Board of Commissioners, several Judges, even a State Senator. With the officials, were a variety of family members, girlfriends, colleagues, invited guests. In one instance, even a boyfriend. Sheila had wondered what the wife thought about that.
And of course, with that menagerie, every possible permutation of combinations of relatives, genders, friends. Sheila kept notes on it all in her little black book. Phone numbers, after action reports, preferences, and anything else she could think of. Trivial or not, it was all recorded. Sheila did not know what information would be important in the future so she kept it all. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
In all of this, she was guided by 'Mom', Jill, and the other Magdalenes. Jenna showed up on occasion and offered her advice. She wasn't a Magdalene, but then she didn't need to be.
The money finally started to roll in. It was just as Jill had said, more than she ever thought possible. Of course, there was a generous tithe to the church. 'Mom', got a cut, Mike and Jill also. Then her scheduler, accountants, lawyers, etc. all had their fees paid.
After her expenses, Sheila was very lucky that she got to actually keep half of the gross. But that half was enough to allow her to buy a modest, median priced, three-bedroom house for cash by the end of the first year. If she chose to do so.
"So do you think you will buy something soon?" Jill asked.
"If you and Mike don't mind, I would like to just keep on living here for a while. I like being here and I feel close to you both. Of course, it has nothing to do with the great sex! I am still in love with Mike's big cock in my pussy and ass. And this one particular cunt I slurp, making me come every time. Especially if it's batter filled."
Jill agreed. "Oh, yes. And I do love the way you slurp it. We do enjoy you being here. It is convenient when we are called out on ministry together. Plus, a lot of fun when we come back home and double team Mike. You know how he loves to hear about the details of our ministry adventures while we fuck."
"God, he gets so hard when you describe how some guy fucked you." Sheila said.
Jill paused for a moment. "But sometime you will need to get out on your own. Or maybe share a place with someone. Not that we want you to leave, but there are others like you were who need our help."
"I know. I can't stay here forever. But I would like to as long as I can. In addition to being fun, it helps me save up money so I can buy with cash. If I try to finance, a lot of questions get asked that I don't want to answer."
"Don't worry about that. Next week I have a repeat that wants me to bring a second. Which will be you. And he is a bank president. So don't worry about finance, you will get whatever loan you want."
"That little bitch is making more money than we thought possible. Fuck! The money is pouring in. Her cunt is making us rich. We knew she would be popular, but I never imagined. She is doing three call outs almost every day. I've seen her do five in a day once. How the hell does her ass take that kind of pounding?"
"Well, 'Mom', she is young and utterly convinced of the necessity of her ministry. She believes that people need what she offers. Her physical ministry is what she lives for and no sacrifice is too great to meet the spiritual needs of the people."
"She still believes that shit?"
"Sheila is a true believer. We conditioned her mind and thinking very well. She was alone, vulnerable and we exploited that weakness to the fullest. You know how this works. We shaped a strong paradigm and every event she experiences is filtered through, and interpreted by that paradigm. Anything that doesn't fit her beliefs is ignored or explained away.
Who knows how long it will last? It could last a life time if we don't fuck up and present her with something that will break the circular logic of her thoughts. That slut fucks like a rabbit because she believes God wants her to. And I hope she continues to do so. Because she is raking in more than any three of us combined.
People want to fuck that sweet, innocent young girl. She is so sincere in her approach with people. We have raised her prices five times this year and no one has balked yet. Obviously we started too low, but who knew? There has got to be an upper limit on what people will pay to stick a cock in her, but we haven't found it yet.
And it is not just the men. Female executives are also paying top dollar. That, maybe I can understand because the little whore definitely slurps my cunt real good."
Sheila chose to stay with Jill and Mike. Mike and Jill didn't press the issue, because they wanted to keep a close eye on Sheila to monitor her thinking. They knew the longer she operated under the beliefs that were driving her, the more they were reinforced and the harder they were to break. So inertia kept her there.
Sheila thought about her decision to stay with them often, in light of events that followed. How different things might have turned out if she had moved out of that house. Her whole future may have been different, if she had not seen what she did.
Sheila came home from a long exhausting day. She thought about those she had been with. She had ministered to a middle aged woman, an executive with some company or other.
"Which company?" Sheila mused. "Too tired to remember, but it doesn't matter. I have it all written down in my little black book. Along with what size strapon she preferred for me to use when I fuck her. She liked the same one for both pussy and ass. I am sure she is going to be a regular.
Then my second of the day was a mother/son threesome. Don't do a lot of those, but they are more common than people think. Funny, I ministered to the husband/father two days ago. So now I've done the whole family. Except for the daughter at college. The mom says she is coming home soon and she will be calling me. Wonder if they all know about each other. Not my problem.
Third was a married couple who wanted a third for her. Him too, but mostly for her. Nothing unusual."
Sheila had come in through the back door as was usual for her. The front door was used almost exclusively by guest. The garage and resident parking was accessed from the alley.
"I wonder who Mike and Sheila are entertaining?" Sheila silently asked herself. Her curiosity was peaked. "I think I'll just poke my head in and see."
As she entered the living area, she stepped into the space between the couch and the TV. Mike was on lying on his side on the couch. Naked. With a young girl stretched out alongside him with her back pressed against him. The girl's legs were parted and Sheila could see Mike's hard cock poking up between her legs.
The girl was partially clothed. Blouse open, Mike was caressing her small breasts. Cute, perky. His other hand was busy down below. Fingering her ass, Sheila believed. Couldn't really tell because Jill's head was in the way. Eating pussy? But the motion was all wrong.
Sheila focused on the girl's face. It seemed familiar somehow.
"I know this girl." Sheila thought. "But I can't remember for where. She looks so familiar. I know I know her."
It took a moment, but it finally came to Sheila. "She looks just like Billy. This has got to be Billy's sister. I never knew he had a sister."
Sheila refocused on Jill. Her head was on an upstroke when Sheila saw the explanation. Jill's head motion was all wrong because she wasn't eating pussy. She was sucking the girl's cock.
"What the fuck? A girl with a cock? Billy's sister has a cock?"
It was then that it dawned on Sheila that this was not Billy's sister. It was Billy. With long hair. With a cute face and makeup on. With tits.
"Oh. My. God."
"Did I say that out loud?" Sheila thought. Yes, she had.
Mike looked up at her. "Hey, baby. Do you remember Billy? Well, of course, these days we spell it B-i-l-l-i-e. I'm just about to give her a good fuck up the ass. Wanna watch"?
Mike's words were a little slow in coming. They were not slurred, but almost sing song. Mike was high somehow. Not drunk. Sheila knew drunk. The smell. It was the smell that gave it away. They were smoking Mary Jane.
That's what one of her ministerial charges had called it when it was offered to her. Sheila had refused. Her client had also informed Sheila that they used the weed to smooth out the other drug they were taking. Sheila didn't remember what they had called it, some street name anyway.
Drugs had been around for a long time. But they became more readily available and popular as the Sixties turned into the Seventies. Most people knew something about them, but they were not commonly in use with the crowd Sheila hung with. But there were more people experimenting all the time.
What Sheila did remember from the encounter was that the people who were high that way couldn't shut up. They babbled on about all sorts of things, even personal things that would have been better not said. But they did anyway, Sheila supposed, because of the effects of whatever they were on. Sheila didn't really mind, although it was somewhat annoying. More information for her black book.
Mike started to speak again. "You remember the first night you came to House of Love? You said that you were looking for Billy. But Jill and I got you first. Billy tried to move in, but we blocked him and took you for ourselves.
But once you left, we went back and found Billy. Jill kissed him and stroked his cock through his pants, and that was all it took. He was in love with her and would do anything she wanted, so we brought him home.
Not for her, but for me. I knew what he really wanted, but wouldn't admit to himself. Jill opened her blouse for him. Showed him her luscious tits, but told him that if he wanted more, he had to do more. He had to please her husband. Me.
So I fucked his cherry ass. God, I love fucking boys and girls right up the ass. Just like I did you, baby. Great thing about assholes, everybody's got one. Doesn't matter man or woman. Doesn't matter to me either. Everyone can give me what I like.
Jill sucked him off, filled her mouth with his cum. I filled his ass with mine. So many times that night. But he would do anything for Jill. Just to touch her. Just to suck those hard nipples."
Jill interrupted with a laugh. "Yeah, Billy would do whatever I wanted. Still does, even though he now belongs to Mike. We made a project out of him. Taken us over a year, but we got him on estrogen therapy. I have a Doctor as a regular customer. He'll do whatever I want also. I totally dominate him when we fuck."
Mike started up again. Just couldn't shut up. "Now he has a nice set of small tits and an ass that begs for cock. Do you know how much certain men will pay to fuck a boy like this? Well, not as much as people pay to fuck your whore ass, but still plenty. Yes, 'Billie' is just what some people want. We're gonna' make a lot of money out of this bitch."
"Whoo-who!" Jill was laughing again. "You know what this little faggot did for me two months ago? He gave me his balls. Because he loves me. I told Him that I wanted to castrate him and if he really loved me he would do this for me. Told him that he was never going to need them again anyway and losing them would help speed up his transformation to what God really wanted him to be.
So I took 'em. Sliced them right off myself. Of course, our good Doctor supervised. He loves fucking Billie's ass almost as much as Mike does. Don't you just love the new Billie?"
Sheila thought she was going to puke right there on the floor. She turned and almost ran out of the room. Grabbing her keys, she went out the back door, got into her car and drove to a nearby hotel. They had a room available for her. They always had a room available for her. She had an account.
Entering the room, she stripped off her clothes and took a long hot shower. As hot as she could stand. She felt so dirty. And then she began to cry. Sobs racked her body. She couldn't catch her breath. Her grief was such that she was almost mindless. Rational thoughts fled. There were just the overwhelming emotions of loss. Pain. Grief. Regret.
Good thing hotels supply endless hot water. Never run out. Sheila was in there a long time.
When the emotional storm abated, Sheila began to think. To try to make sense of what she had heard and seen and learned. The paradigm had shattered into a million pieces. This was never going to be put back together again. Comparatively, Humpty Dumpty was a piece of cake.
"They took Billy and used him. Like a piece of meat. Just a thing to pleasure Mike's lust for fucking ass. And Jill was the one who made it possible. She promised him he could be with a woman. Like he wanted to be with me. But she made him into Mike's play toy. Now he is going to be a whore. So that they can make money off of him. They don't care about him. He is just a thing to them. Something to be sold. Something to be exploited. Something to be fucked.
Just. Like. Me.
I'm a whore. I'm not a minister. I'm a prostitute who sells her body for money. And they convinced me. They lied. They lied to me and they told me this was what God wanted. May they burn in the lowest depths of Hell for ever. How could I have believed them? How the hell do I get out?
I must be very careful. They have the whole city and county legal system behind them. Maybe the whole state. Very powerful people. Very rich people. I could simply disappear if someone thought I was a threat. How stupid could I be? Who can I depend on?"
Then Sheila thought of the one person.
Early the next afternoon, Sheila slowly drove back home to Mike and Jill's. She quietly entered, making as little noise as she could. As she entered, she heard Jill's voice ring out.
"Hey, baby. Is that you? Did you have an all-nighter? Those usually pay real good."
"Jill doesn't know I was here? Did those drugs fuck them up so bad they don't remember? Could I be that lucky?" Sheila's thoughts raced.
"Yea. Had a client that wanted me to stay. Actually two of them. Husband and wife. I think I did them some good."
"Oh, that's great. Think they might become regulars?"
"Don't know. You can never tell about stuff like that. How was your night?"
"Don't really know. I know Billy came over. Do you remember him? Anyway, Mike and I have remained friends with him and I know he came over. But I don't really remember much about last night.
A friend of Mike's gave him some stuff that he said would help us relax and drop all of our inhibitions. Not that we have much in the way of that to begin with. But he also gave us some smoke that would help round off the rough edges. So we smoked it first, and then took the pills.
We got really fucked up. Never again. I can't remember a damn thing. I don't know what that shit was, but we will never trust that guy again."
Sheila asked, "So was Billy the only one who came over?"
"I think so, but honestly am not sure. If there was someone. I don't know if I would remember."
"No fucking way" Sheila thought. "The cosmos must love me."
Sheila had a plan. She knew exactly what she was going to do. She never owned much in the way of material things. Only what she had in her bedroom at the house. And her car. Everything was about timing.
Sheila continued her prostitution. She now knew exactly what it was. She fucked for money. She sold her pussy. Mouth and ass and cunt to anyone who had the coin. As long as they were in the approved group. She couldn't just stop. Powerful people would see and ask questions. Everything had to appear as if nothing had changed.
But along with her regular work, she began to take side jobs with her regulars. They called her directly instead of going through the scheduler. Sheila knew that this would not last long. She would be found out. But this was only a short term deal. She wasn't planning on being here much longer. But she was going to take as much money with her as she could.
She moved all of her savings and long term accounts to a new bank. One only she knew about. The regular checking account she left alone, because if she emptied that, her accountants would know within a few days. They would notice the other accounts eventually, also. But again, Sheila hoped to be long gone before that happened.
She also hired another accountant from out of the county. Still in the state, but far enough away that she hoped they had no connection to The House of Love or its associates. Instructed the new firm to request the transfer of all of her business records from the old firm. She gave them letters necessary to have her instructions carried out, for both the new firm and the old. They asked for and received from her funds sufficient to carry out her instructions.
She contacted a lawyer in the same way. Gave him instructions to dissolve her company after she had left and had drained all of the money out of the accounts. Prepaid him also.
On days when Mike and Sheila weren't home, Sheila packed everything she could into boxes and put them in the back of her closet. It was too much for her car, but then she wasn't taking her car with her anyway. All that was left to put in boxes was what was visible on shelves or the wall. Plus, as few items as necessary for daily life.
She was as ready as she could be. She hoped the plan worked. She hoped she had insulated herself from this life as best she could. People as powerful as those with whom she had associated, could maybe find her if they really wanted to.
Associated? Hell, fucked. The people she had been fucking. The people she had sold herself to. The people who bought her and used her. Sheila hoped that to them, she was just another whore, about whom they did not care. Or at least did not care about enough to make the effort to find her.
At last she was ready to make the phone call to the one person she knew loved her absolutely without reservation.
"Hello, Daddy? I need you to bring your truck and come get me this weekend. I'm moving back home with you. Don't ask now. I'll explain things later. Just come get me."
Sheila had chosen a day when she knew Jill would be away visiting her father. Her luck just had to hold a little bit longer. Mike left for work at seven. Daddy arrived at eight. The small amount of things left in the open they hurriedly packed up. Hanging clothes just laid over the boxes in the back. By nine everything was loaded.
Sheila drove her car to a small dealer who had agreed to buy her car for cash. She knew she was getting a low price, but she just wanted the thing gone and out of her name. After the sale, she walked three zig zag blocks to where her Daddy was waiting in his truck.
They drove to the bank. Sheila closed out her remaining accounts. Took the balance in cash. It was a tidy sum. The bank tried to protest her closing, not wanting to lose the business. Told her it was not safe to carry around that much currency. Tried to get her to take a bank check instead. Sheila was firm, not listening to their complaints, cutting them off with a firm demand. Just shut up and give me the cash.
She walked out of the front door. Walked the same kind of three block zig zag to where again, her Daddy waited.
"Get me out of here."
Coming: Part 6 – Epilogue: After the House of Love | literotica |
Title: Mature's Cinematic Debut
Tags: masturbation, mature, cunnilingus, cunt, lesbian, lesbian sex, oral, dildo, threesome, anal
It took a few weeks, but my husband Walter finally edited the digital videos he took of my "anal trifecta" as I call it and combined them into a single DVD. More work than he expected since he used two digital recorders. Which in case you didn't read "Mature's birthday surprise" was of yours truly getting ass-fucked three times consecutively.
Walter gave me two DVD's. One each for Cindy and Rita, to hand deliver since they asked if he would video my "birthday surprise" for them with my consent. He then asked if I wanted to view the DVD.
I gave it some thought and decided against it. At least not yet. I assumed when I brought Cindy her copy she would likely want to view it immediately, and with me present. I figured if I saw it beforehand and wasn't thrilled I might change my mind about sharing a DVD with her and Rita. Which would be difficult since we already agreed we would. Plus David and Bill would want to see the DVD also.
The next day I called Cindy and told her I had her and Rita's DVD that we promised. She said she was beginning to wonder what was taking so long so I explained how it was more time consuming for Walter than he figured.
"Well, I'm excited it's finally done."...replied Cindy. "Can't wait to see it and soon. How about you bringing both DVD's over to the house Monday afternoon and I'll make sure Rita is here since it's her day off from work and we can all watch it together."
"That will work for me."...I replied. Although I was a bit hesitant about viewing my "anal trifecta" with Cindy and Rita. Then again, it could be fun watching their reaction to things even though I was making it a point not to view the DVD beforehand. Pretty risky on my part, but...
Monday rolled around fast since I called Cindy on a Saturday prior to. I arrived at her house around 1:00PM and when I did Rita's car was already in the driveway. Before I reached the front door Cindy came out to greet me with a big hug and kiss.
We went into the family room where Rita was who also greeted me. Albeit a bit more aggressively than Cindy. Then Cindy got us some wine and we casually talked a bit before Rita said..."Enough with the idle chatter. I'm dying to see the DVD so let's get on with it."
"Before we do."...I said. "Please understand I haven't seen the DVD myself yet so I can't vouch for it being any good, or even worth watching. Hopefully it will be and please be kind since this is the first time I've ever watched a sex video of myself with anyone other than Walter."
"I'm sure it will be fine."...Cindy replied. "As for Rita and I being kind. No need to worry. Just relax and enjoy your cinematic debut with us. I'm sure it'll be as exciting for you to watch as it will be for us."
Before playing the DVD Cindy got another glass of wine for everyone. Then she popped the DVD into the player and pressed the play button on the remote.
We were sitting on the sofa in a semi-circle when the DVD started playing. Walter added a title to the video, which he labeled as "Lacey's Birthday Surprise". He added credits such as starring you know who and co-starring Walter, Bill and David. He even gave himself credit for "editing". Kind of hammy of him I thought.
Then the action started, which I won't go into the details since I already did in "Mature's birthday surprise". But I will say upon seeing what I saw in the first few minutes of the DVD I was impressed with Walter's recording and editing skills, and how well the "action" on the big screen TV viewed. The quality was as good as some porno flics I've watched. Albeit the more amateurish ones.
It was difficult trying to watch both Cindy and Rita's reaction and the DVD itself for the first time. I found myself mostly paying attention to Rita and Cindy and it didn't take long to realize they were both getting turned on by things. Especially Rita since I know she enjoys anal sex as much, if not more, than yours truly.
Right about the time when Walter was inserting his cock in my ass in the DVD Rita started rubbing her pussy through her jeans. Somewhat timidly at first then more openly as she couldn't seem to help herself as she watched Walter plowing his long cock in & out my asshole.
I noticed Cindy's hand go down between her legs too. Although she was trying to be more discreet than Rita. Can't say that I blamed them as what I did watch of the DVD in between observing Cindy and Rita, it was having the same effect on me. Maybe more so from watching Cindy and Rita getting hot and bothered as they were from what was playing out on the TV.
Then unexpectedly Rita blurted out..."Pause the DVD Cindy. I don't know about you two, but I need to get naked. This is making me so frigging horny I need to masturbate while watching it."
Cindy paused the DVD where upon Rita completely undressed. First removing her top and bra. Followed by her jeans and panties, of which the latter were soaking wet. Before I knew it she was sitting there in her birthday suit with legs spread and her hairy cunt drenched in pussy juice.
Cindy left the room and returned with a freshly opened bottle of wine. Then she left again for her bedroom. When she returned she had a tray of assorted dildos, vibrators, different containers of lubricants and some towels.
After placing the tray on the coffee table she stripped naked too. And like Rita, when she removed her panties it was soaking wet also.
Then Cindy said..."C'mon Lacey. You need to get naked too. Don't tell me you're going to sit there watching this for the first time fully dressed? If you were home watching it with Walter you'd both be bare-ass and going at each other like crazy."
"I wouldn't think of it with you two both naked as jay birds. Not forgetting all the nice toys you were kind enough to share so as to "enhance" our viewing pleasure."
Once we were all naked Cindy restarted the DVD. No sooner than she did Rita attacked her pussy and clit as she leaned back with her legs fully spread and feet on the coffee table. Since the sofa was bow shaped and I was seated on the opposite side I had a clear view of her masturbating.
"Damn!"...she said. "First watching my Bill doing you in the ass and now Walter has made me so fucking hot for a cock in my ass I'd ask the first man that walked through the front door to do me. Even if it was the local Pastor."
By the time Walter cummed in my ass Rita was having an orgasm. Come to find out it would be the first of a number of orgasms for us before the afternoon was over. And smart move by Cindy getting some towels because when Rita orgasms she's definitely a "squirter".
She grabbed a towel and placed in front of her just as her vaginal fluids came pouring out of her cunt. What an explosive orgasm she had. I couldn't recall ever watching another woman bringing herself to an orgasm like she did by herself. It turned me on as much as watching the video. Maybe more so.
When done cumming, Rita continued playing with her pussy, albeit less intently.
As for Cindy, after watching Rita cum like she did she attacked her own pussy and clit more vigorously than she already had been. When she did it didn't take long for her to orgasm too. She bucked and shook for what seemed like five minutes before she settled back down. And like Rita she wisely placed a towel beneath her pussy to catch her own vaginal fluids that gushed out.
Watching them both masturbate and cum like they did was definitely more entertaining than the video. At least for me. So much so I found myself fingering my own clit. What a sight we must have been. Three mature women masturbating while watching a "porno" flic. I wondered if mature men sat around and jacked themselves off when watching porn.
Cindy and Rita came over to sit beside me while I continued to masturbate. Rita began kissing me and while doing so she removed my hand from my pussy and replaced it with hers. Then she began rubbing my clit with two fingers while mouth fucking me with her tongue.
Cindy on the opposite side from Rita was busy fondling and kissing my tits. Her tongue and mouth on my nipples got them rigid as a pencil erasers and half an inch long. They almost ached from getting so hard.
For all intent and purposes I was practically lying down with my legs spread out straight on the coffee table. Both my hands were on the back of their heads. One to hold Rita while we passionately kissed and the other to hold Cindy tightly against my breasts.
It didn't take long between Rita fingering me and Cindy attacking my tits before I orgasmed. When I did I broke away from kissing Rita so I could let out a load scream while humping like crazy against her hand and fingers as they stroked my pussy and clit.
That was the first orgasm I ever had from another woman masturbating me and it was simply delicious. Wisely I put a towel under me beforehand since I needed it. Otherwise I would have soaked Cindy's sofa with my own vaginal fluids that came out in multiple streams.
When I was done cumming I kissed both Rita and Cindy and thanked them for the "helping hand" and the wonderful orgasm. "I couldn't have done better myself."
Cumming like I did after watching them both orgasm was truly incredible. But the afternoon activities were far from over and more incredible things were yet to happen.
Cindy paused the DVD so we all could regain our composure. When she did, Rita stated how jealous she was of yours truly getting to experience an "anal trifecta" like I did. And to record it too for future viewing pleasure. "No doubt you and Walter will have some serious sex when watching this together. I know Bill and I will for sure."
Then she added..."I'm still looking forward to my first double ass-fucking. Let alone a triple ass-fucking. Which I can tell you after viewing this DVD is going to happen the first opportunity I get. Can't wait and I hope it will be soon."
Rita asked Cindy to restart the DVD, but to rewind it to the point where Walter first inserts his cock in my asshole. Then she grabbed an anal dildo from the tray, lubricated it and slowly inserted in her asshole as she watched Walter insert his cock in mine.
As the scene played out on the TV of Walter plowing his cock in & out of my butthole Rita was doing the same with the dildo in hers while gently rubbing her clit. It was easy to surmise she was imagining it was Walter's long cock in her ass versus the dildo. She didn't seem in a rush to orgasm this time as she pumped the dildo in & out of her asshole with long, slow, but deliberate strokes.
Wasn't long before both Cindy and I also had dildos in our assholes. Mine being much bigger than Cindy's by choice. The only difference with Cindy and I, we fondled our tits while dildoing our assholes versus rubbing our clits. Once again I wondered what a sight it would be for somebody to see three mature women stark naked dildoing their respective assholes as we all were together.
Next up in the DVD was David with his short fat cock. As he slid it in my asshole Rita couldn't help but comment on how fat it was and how good it must have felt after Bill and Walter's slimmer cocks.
I concurred then said..."Based on our upcoming "sixsome" you'll get the chance to feel David's fat cock doing you in the ass. And when you do I can assure you your anus will be stretched to the limit. But in a pleasurable way."
Next came the part in the DVD where all three cumloads oozed out of my gaping anus. Walter did a great job of recording it and when Rita saw the multiple cumloads exiting my asshole she shoved the dildo as far as she could in hers and orgasmed.
Both Cindy and I joined her shortly afterwards with our own orgasms. And as is the norm for me, mine was accompanied by a series of cunt farts.
I can't recall having two orgasms so close together as I did. Cindy and Rita claimed it was the same case for them too. At the rate we were going we'd all be exhausted by the time the DVD ended. But by then the only part left to play out in the video was when Walter, Bill and David jacked off and shot their cumloads on me.
"Wow"...said Rita. "That must have been so incredible with them shooting their hot cumloads on you like they did Lacey. That's another thing I need to add to my bucket list."
Cindy laughed then said jokingly..."If you want, Lacey and I together could cover you with more pussy juice than they ever could in cum. And I think you'd find it just as enjoyable. Maybe more so."
"Now there's a thought."...replied Rita. Who was taking the suggestion more seriously than Cindy was in proposing it.
Right about then the DVD ended. When it did we all kind of looked at each other as though to say "what now?"
At that point Cindy suggested we head for the bedroom for some intimate "play time". She didn't have to mention it twice. After a quick visit to the bathroom we all ended up on her king size bed kissing, hugging and groping each other.
Once again, I was imagining what a sight it would be of three mature women on a bed all going after each other like teenagers.
Hard to recall who did exactly what to whom. But I do remember going down on both Rita and Cindy. It was the first time I ever did go down on Rita and it was quite an experience making oral love to an extremely hairy pussy. Cindy was just the opposite. A totally clean shaven pussy. Which she has kept that way ever since our first foursome together.
As for yours truly, I'm kind of in between when it comes to pubic hair. Actually mine is very sparse and fine. If you put your hand on my pubic mound without seeing it first you swear it was shaved. Even at first glance it looks bald since my pubic hair is so fine and there's so little of it. Plus it's a very light brown or dirty blonde in color. Totally natural though, albeit not nearly as much hair as when younger.
Back to the action. I also do recall both Rita and Cindy going down on yours truly for a while. And if I had to rate them, Cindy would win hands down as being the best between the two when it comes to eating pussy. Most likely because she's had more experience where as with Rita it's more of a recent thing. Being a late blooming bisexual like yours truly.
What I remember best was when we were in a "daisy chain" eating each other's pussies. Me doing Rita, Rita eating Cindy, and Cindy munching on yours truly. When it came time for us to orgasm Cindy suggested her and I do it while standing spread legged over Rita. That way we could let our vaginal fluids shoot down on Rita when we orgasmed.
At first I thought she was joking, but when the time came that's exactly what we did. Rita stayed on the bed lying face up while fingering her clit as Cindy and I brought on our orgasms while fingering ourselves as we stood spread legged over her. Then as if on cue we all began to orgasm together.
No sooner than we did both Cindy and I sprayed Rita with copious amounts of pussy juice just as she was having her own orgasm. Our vaginal fluids covered Rita from her hairy pubic mound to her breasts. Some might have even sprayed on her face.
I never orgasmed from masturbating while standing upright and I had all I could do to maintain my balance since my legs became so weak and wobbly. I had to grab onto Cindy to keep from falling. She was facing me so when I did she embraced me and began French kissing me.
There we stood with arms wrapped around each other sucking each other's tongues while pussy juice continued to flow from our respective cunts down onto to Rita.
Rita squealed with delight when our vaginal fluids sprayed down on her. With one hand she rubbed our vaginal fluids into her body while with the other she continued to rub her clit and pussy.
Once Cindy and I were done cumming we lied down on each side of Rita and took turns kissing her. We also took turns between gently fondling her very hairy pubic mound and breasts as she slowly recovered from her own orgasm.
"You weren't kidding Cindy, when you said drenching me in pussy juice would be enjoyable. I guess you could call me a lesbian cum slut since I enjoyed it so much. WOW! That was fun."
Finally it was time to call an end to our "lesbian love fest". It was getting late and we all had dinners to prepare for when Walter, Bill and David arrived home from work. Once dressed and just before leaving we all kissed and hugged. Albeit more lovingly than we when first greeted each other earlier in the afternoon. We also briefly discussed making a get together like we just had an occasional thing. The one proviso was when we did one of us had to bring a DVD or tape of our own personal sexcapades to share.
Just as Rita and I were leaving David pulled into the driveway. Both Rita and I greeted him and told him we were looking forward to our planned "sixsome" together. Which couldn't be soon enough now for Rita.
When he asked why, I explained about the DVD and of how Rita was now looking forward to him doing her in the ass. While Rita blushed, David gave her a big smile and said it would be his pleasure when the time came.
The End. | literotica |
Title: The Start Of High School: A Second Chance by Shyboy69s
Tags: Bad Language, Dalmatian, Fox, German Shepherd, Kissing, Wolf, Wolfox
As I drifted off into my dreams. I started to dream of being rejected by everyone as they restrained me with chains and As they passed by me they would hit me and laugh evilly.The pain I was feeling almost felt real, but yet it wasn't.I then realized that I was having a nightmare which was similar to the dream I had when I was little.The nightmare I was having was so terrible that I could feel my heart break apart slowly from it as it was starting to be filled with pain, but Suddenly out of no where came a loud ringing sound which woke me up.When I opened my eyes I saw that my clock was the one making the loud noise and for once in my life I was glad that it did. After a minute of recovering from the nightmare I turned off the alarm and I got up.I then walked to my closet and got some clothes and headed straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.Once I was done I went downstairs to eat breakfast and saw my cousin eating pancakes I was surprised to see 6 on his plate.Because I couldn't even eat 3 without being completely full from eating the first two.Then I remembered that my cousin could eat as much as he wanted and never gain weight.Which made me kind of curious of how he was able to stay the same with out a slight change of appearance.Even when I was like 6 years old he was still eating a lot.Which actually made me think that he was a fat ugly alien who had eaten my real cousin and replaced him.Because I never met or thought that anyone in the world could eat that much.
He then noticed me "oh hey cuz good morning" he said smiling
"uh good morning to you too" I said after I was completely snapped out of my thoughts
My mom then turned around "well good morning honey why don't you come down and eat some pancakes" my mom said in a happy tone as usual
I then walked downstairs and sat next to Ken as we started to talk about our plans on how to spend our day today.After a minute of talking with Ken my mom had finished making me my breakfast and I was about to eat my it until I noticed Ken looking at it with his mouth opened and his eyes darting it.I then looked at his plate and found it completely empty.
My jaws then dropped "your down already?" I asked with a surprised look
"well yeah I'm a fast eater remember" he said with a grin on his face
I then sighed "do you want it?" I asked him as I knew he wouldn't stop looking at my breakfast
"can I really?" he asked in a extremely happy mood as his tail wagged uncontrollable from left to right
"yes" I said as I sighed again
"Thanks a lot" he replied still in the same mood as he started to eat it with big bites
"jeez slow down its' like you haven't eaten for days" I said as I was amazed as it only took him below a minute to finish the pancakes
He then drank water before replying "come on you know I always eat like this" he said smiling as he putted his arm on my shoulder
"well I know, but I got to feel sorry for who ever brings you to a restaurant" I said Laughing
"hey that isn't a nice thing to say" he replied as he attacked and pinned me on the floor
"now boys no rough housing" my mom said cause she didn't want anyone to get hurt even though she knew I was the one who would actually get hurt.
"sorry auntly May" Ken said as he got off me
I then got up and saw the clock behind him "Oh my god I'm going to be late" I shouted as I grabbed my bag and ran to the door, but before I stepped out the house Ken Grabbed my bag and pulled me closer to him.
"now cuz don't forget we have plans later cause I only have like 6 more days to stay" he said smiling
"ok, but if you don't mind I'm going to be late to school" I said as I was trying to get out of his grip to run to school.
"ok see ya later then" he said with a grin as he let go of my bag
I then began to run to school as I tried my best to avoid anything in front of me.After 15 minutes of running I made it to school and only a few more minutes before the bell rang.I then walked in the school and noticed Skye and the others.Skye then saw me as he waved his hand "oh hey there Roberto we thought you were never going to come" he said smiling
"I'm sorry its cause I was talking with my Ken" I said panting as I was still exhausted from running
"Is Ken really here?" he asked with a surprised look
"yeah" I replied still panting
"cool" Skye said in a happy tone
Then Kenneth and the others entered the conversation "whose Ken?" Kenneth asked with a curious look as he wondered who he was
"yeah is he your boyfriend?" Jake asked also curious about who he was
I then blushed "no he is not my boyfriend he is my cousin" I said now fully recovered from running to school
"so what's he like?" Steven asked still curious my cousin
I was about to tell them, but the school bell rang "aww its time for class I guess you got to tell us later" Steven said with a depressed look as he and his bro walked off to there class.Then me and the others started to walk to our class too, but suddenly I froze in my steps as I saw Dante walking towards us.Once Christen saw him he started to growl, but it was strange Dante just gave me a glance with nothing hidden in them not hatred nor sadness as he passed by us.We all then just stood there for a minute until he was a couple feet away from me. Then we continued to walk to class, but for someone reason I couldn't stop thinking of Dante its' like something was troubling him then I thought that it must an been the letter I left him.Once we got in class and sat down I started day dream off Dante, but then I was snapped out of my thoughts as Skye spoke "are you alright Roberto?" he asked wondering if I was feeling ok
"Y-yeah" I replied
"are you sure you look like something is bothering you" he said with a worried look
"yeah its nothing" I replied trying not to look depressed
He then looked back at me as I started to wonder in my thoughts again, but suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts again as the school bell rang signaling everyone to walk to there next class.I then got up and told Skye I'll catch up with them in a few minutes cause I had to use the restroom.I then walked alone to the restroom and when I got there I just turned on the faucet and splashed my face with water to get my self back together.After a few minutes getting a hold of myself I walked out of the restroom and started to walk to class, but I froze in my steps again as I saw Dante walk towards me, but like early he just gave me a glance as he passed by me.I then looked back at him with a confused look And took out my cell phone to send him a text message asking him what's wrong, but he didn't reply.After a few classes with thoughts about Dante troubling me the school bell rang as it finally had become time for lunch, but As soon as I had reached the table with a troubled look everyone started to ask me what what was wrong.I then just looked at them and told them I was fine.We then began to eat lunch, but it felt kind of weird since no one was talking it was just an awkward silence.Until the bell rang then we just got up and walked to our class still silent waiting for the day to be over.A few hours later the last school bell rang as school has finally ended.Me and the others then walked out of school still silent, but suddenly the silence broken by Christen "ok I just can't be quiet anymore so whats wrong with you Roberto your acting stranger then usual" he asked looking a little pissed
"its nothi-" I was cut off short
"don't say its nothing just say what's the fuck is wrong with you were your friends so you can tell us anything" he shouted now more pissed off at me
Skye then walked in front of me "its' about Dante isn't it?" he asked in a concerned voice
I then nodded my head "yah its' just because today he just passed us by without a word or even a expression" I said looking depressed
"why the fuck would you care for him he hurtled you remember" Christen shouted still mad
"I k-know, but he use to be my boyfriend a-and I still love him" I said nervously
Everyone then had a surprised look on there face "really?" the twins said in sync
"yes" I said looking down
Skye then hugged me "its ok Roberto there's nothing to be sad about" he said trying to comfort me
Then out of no where I heard my cousin's voice "Hey Skye long time no see" my cousin said in a good mood
"oh hey Ken" Skye replied as he broke the hug and waved at ken as everyone else's jaw dropped.I guess I wasn't the only one who thought he was sexy
He then walked up to me "are you ready to go to the mall?" he asked with a smile
"yeah" I replied now with a happy look not wanting him to wonder what's wrong
Then suddenly Christen putted his arm around me "so are you going to introduce us" he asked with a grin
"oh yeah' I said almost forgetting about Christen and the others
"well Ken this is Christen, Kenneth, and the twins Jake and Steven" I said as I walked to each of them to show who was who
"well hello guys its' nice to meet you all I'm Ken Roberto's cousin" he said with a smile
"so would you like to join us to the mall" I asked seeing that it wouldn't be nice of me not to invite them
"yeah" they all Shouted
"well it seems were going to have company huh cuz" Ken Said with a giggle
"yeah I guess so" I said smiling till I got a text message I then checked who it came from. My eyes then widen as the text message was from Dante. The message said that he wanted to talk to me at the park near his place. So I had to think on my feet of what to say to everyone so I could go see him without them being suspicious.
"uhh guys I got to get something at home why don't' you go to the mall without me" I said trying my best to keep a straight face
"ok cuz just hurry well be in the mall so just call us when your there" Ken said with a curious look
I then ran a few blocks from the school before reaching the park. After I got there I started look around, but I couldn't find Dante. So I just walked to a tree and sat under it for shade while I waited for him to show up. After a few minutes of waiting I heard Dante's Voice. It sounded like he was behind me so I looked behind the tree and saw him also sitting down.
"D-Dante why did you want me to come here" I asked him nervously
"I just called to you here to give you my answer to the message you left me" he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I then closed my eye and was glad that he was going to change back to his old self, but Suddenly he broke the kiss.
"so would you give me a second chance Roberto?" he asked
"yes, but please don't change again" I said as I hugged him
He then lifted my chin up with his fingers "I'm sorry I only changed cause I was afraid of losing you to someone else" he said as we gazed into each others eyes
I then leaned forward to whisper into his ear "As long as the chain connecting our hearts together doesn't break the bond we share shale live on through out our death and into the night sky of the moon" I then kissed him as time seemed to freeze in the world I have entered.
I'm sorry if this is kind a hard to follow, but I had some family issues so it was a little hard to write this and I rushed this story a little, but anyway I hope you enjoyed it ^^ (I'm still bad at punctuation and some other things so sorry readers) Oh and I'm sorry that there was no sex in this one, but ill try to get some in the next chapter | FSE |
Title: Free At Last Ch. 05
Tags: lesbian incest, daughter, pregnant, spanking, mother, threesome, sex during period
**Part 5: The Arrangement**
It's Monday morning and I call Jimmy Bates, he's a realtor, married, has a son, a daughter and one on the way. So, I didn't have to ask about a fertility problem, or make up a phony excuse to see him. I just set-up a business lunch date, then jot down the three addresses, and information mom knew about the properties.
I meet Jimmy and he looks almost exactly like he did when I saw him last, four years ago. When we were little kids he was the biggest for his age, but he stopped growing three or four years before the rest of us did, and I thought he would always get another spurt, but he didn't. He hugs me and holds my chair out for me.
Ask if he has pictures of his family, and he happily shows them to me. Jimmy is five-seven, lean, decent looking, like me heavily freckled with hazel eyes, but he has red hair. His wife is a brunette, which might be dyed, and his babies have red hair, but their mother's darker complexion. Kids are cute and I try to picture mine with him being the father. I could see the resemblance they had of their father, and those of their mother, trying to adjust my features to the pictures in my mind.
After a bit of small talk he asks, "What can I do for you?"
Tell him I'm moving, wish to sell the properties and if his company wants to handle the listings. He laughs correcting me, "I'm a little monkey in the company zoo, it's my in-law's business, but I'd be more than happy to list them. Where are you moving to?" He grins, looking at my ring finger. "Are you getting married, or something, soon?"
I hem and haw, getting him to apologize and get all red-faced. Feel so bad I tell him my rough plans, and he listens intently. He waits for our waiter to give us our meal then leans closer. "Wasn't trying to pry, Jamie I swear, just the way everything is set-up I can punch in what you're looking for in the computer and get you some listings."
Tell him what we're doing, and what we're after. He holds up a finger. "I'm not trying to be rude, but the more I know the better I can help you. When you say partner, it isn't business wise?"
"It is, but I'm gay too."
He grins and nods. "Makes me feel a little better." I wrinkle my nose, and he laughs. "We were young, but I had such a serious crush on you, and I knew you liked me, but never quite the way I wanted." He holds up his hands. "Not that there is anything wrong with your preferences, it's just... Well, this is funny in a way, see I bought every pick-up book I could find and read them faithfully, but nothing worked. Took me two years to ask anyone else out after I gave up on you."
He laughs, then waves his hand back and forth. "Sorry, it certainly isn't funny to you, and you probably had a rough time trying to figure it all out. It's good to see you, and I'll help you with anything I can."
"Now that you mention it, Jimmy," I smile, "Jan, my partner, and I have another minor little problem. We'd like to have babies," his eyes get big, and his beer goes down the wrong way, "and we could use a donor."
"Ah, Jamie," he wipes off his chin, "we're talking sperm here, right?"
"Yes, but that would be where it ends. No support or anything, if you wish to stay in contact that would be fine. If you want no contact, that's fine too."
"Wow, ah, wow."
We sit there a bit, not saying anything. "Is that a good wow, Jimmy, or a bad wow?" I motion to our waiter for two more beers. "It'll be all up front, and we could talk to your wife–"
"No, can't do that," Jimmy nearly shouts, then calms down. "Sorry, she just knows about you being my best friend, and thinks there was more. Plus I have my in-laws to worry about, they think everyone is out to get them. They'd have a shit fit over other potential heirs to the family business. Ah, for now it was just a wow, a big wow."
"Understand, not a problem, and don't worry, listings are still yours. Now, lets enjoy this fine meal, and let you think about it some. So how is the real estate business doing? You think we should hold off selling?"
"Whew, loaded question Jamie," Jimmy shrugs, "we have decent areas around town, at this time more bad, but there are some good, and it depends on the property. Naturally, for me to make a commission I'd have to tell you to sell, so I'm more than a tad biased." He sips at his beer. "Still, I don't see any real sharp upswing appearing in the next five years. Your grandpa's property, folks around there have been quartering those lots, and doing pretty good. I know a few contractors who might be interested."
"Great, at least I get a little good news."
Poor Jimmy is so shook up he can't eat, but he doesn't have a problem with the beer. I order him another. He looks at me and sighs. "You know you were my dream girl?" Before I can reply he adds, "Alright, I'll do it. So, what do we do, have clinical sex?"
"Actually, we were just going to inject the sperm with a baste–"
"Doesn't work," he shakes his head, "one of those urban myths. If you want to try, fine by me, but I don't want to be jacking off for–" Jimmy put a finger to his lips. "Sorry, that was crude. You can have it done at a clinic, I could donate there and–"
"No, that's not an option. There has to be another way."
Chuckling he raises his beer. "There's the old-fashioned way, it works pretty good."
Sipping on my beer I weigh my options, no matter who we choose this is going to be a problem. "So, for the sake of argument, you would be alright with it? I mean, the old-fashion way."
"Jamie, I told you, you're my dream girl. Yes, I'd be okay with it, and would keep it as professional as possible." He snorts. "Course, I don't know the exact etiquette, do you try to achieve an orgasm, or just contraception."
I wrinkle my nose. "My thinking would be, try to make it pleasurable, so you would be in a more conducive state. Light kissing, breasts are in, heavy kissing, bottom and clit are out." Jimmy nods, and I hold up two fingers. "Other problems, one I don't shave, two my partner wants to be there at conception, means a lot to her."
"Wow, ah, wow." He scratches his head, and closes one eye. "So, are we talking you don't do the new Brazilian cut some girls do?"
"No, I'm talking I don't own a razor." I giggle. "I'm not bigfoot, but if you're curious take a peek under the table."
He drops his fork, then looks under the table. "Can I feel?"
"Well, that's not bad, light color and soft. I don't see–"
"Jimmy, can we please carry on the conversation above the table?"
"Oh, sorry, Jamie." He snickers, and I think he's got a buzz on. "Kinda saying that in bunches, this just threw me a bit. So, is your partner... ah, well, going to be trouble? I mean–"
"Jan is quite nice, just everyday people, I'm the dyke."
"Oh, you are? Really!" Jimmy turns a bit red. "Well, ah, I guess..."
"Not to worry I'm not a bull dyke, but in my circles I would be the dyke."
"You look great, Jamie." He snickers. "Not that I could tell you what a bull dyke, or regular dyke looks like. How are we doing on time, concerning the event?"
"Last period started two weeks ago, I'm fairly regular, so–" He winces, and I realize this is more information than he needs or wants. "Well, I'm going to get an ovulating monitor after we're through with our lunch date. How did you and your wife go about it?"
"One more sorry." Jimmy puckers up his face. "First was an accident, other two were planned. However, all I know is, I get a call on my cell and the wife tells me she's in season, I haul ass home. After making my deposit I hold my wife's legs up to let it percolate or something. Sorry, but like most males I'm just the sperm donor. How about where this happens?"
I laugh, and pat his hand. "So, this is like two guys trying to make a baby." Jimmy makes a sour face at that notion, and I shrug. "Anyway, I think it's the week before your period is the more fertile time, or week after. I'll get it all figured out, then give you a call, and I'm living back at home, so I was thinking there. Assuming you are still interested, and Jan isn't a problem?"
"Definitely, I think I can handle the deed. As for Jan, I'm not sure how I'll react with an audience, but will give it a try." He gives me his cell phone number, and we say good-by.
I go to take care of my other chores wondering if this is a stupid thing to do. Chances are I would've passed on the whole thing, except for Jimmy calling me his dream girl. I knew how that felt, although he was going to be disappointed with this encounter.
Get home and give Jan the good news and bad, while she is in the swing. She takes it all well, but she's in the swing, running her feet up my sides. I'm massaging her feet. "So, another thing to work on, let's shorten your name to Jan, Janice stands out."
"Alright, baby girl, Jan it is. You look a bit frazzled, maybe we should switch places."
"No mom–"
"That's Jan," she corrects me. "You're doing great, baby girl." She pins me between her feet and drags me close enough to get her hands on me and pulls me into her. "You really need to take your mind off of this, swap with me."
I massage her titties and stomach. "So, you okay with all this?"
"Well, I'm a tad jealous, he gets to give you full penetration, which I haven't yet enjoyed." She kisses me. "But I would like to, other than that, yes I'm fine. You decide baby girl, I'm your wife, and will stand beside you no matter what."
"I love you, my sexy girl." I kiss her. "About the other thing, okay, but I'll need to buy a small dildo, I've little experience being on the other side of strap-ons." I rub the crotch of her panties. "Sweetie, how about I get your wet panties off and eat you?"
"Thought I was supposed to be calming you down."
"Yes you are." I've got my hand under her panties. "You know nothing calms me down better than your pussy." I kiss her. "Throw in your rabbit, if I can find it."
"Right up on the dresser, next to the clit gel. I'll need a towel and washcloth, please."
"How did that toy washer do?"
"Seems to clean them up nicely."
I give her belly a kiss, then each nipple and finally her lips. "I'll be right back beautiful, I love you, cutie."
"Um-m, baby girl I love you, and not just because you spoil me rotten."
With help from her toys I give her two nice orgasms, then we need to see about this ovulation thing. Mom found an ovulation calendar on the Internet, and plugs in the dates while I take the pee test. She hollers, "Ah, baby girl, according to this you're prime chance is tonight and tomorrow, after that you have to wait til your next period."
"Great, stick says I'm ovulating too." I sigh. "Jimmy was on call for his wife, so he is used to this, but I don't know if he'll come."
She socks me. "Oops, missed one, 'if he'll come.' What? It's punny." I roll my eyes, then mom rubs my back. "Sorry. A little nervous, honey?"
"Oh yeah, a whole lot." I take a deep breath. "Better now, then dwelling on it for two weeks, or however long. I'll call Jimmy, and hope for the best."
He answers and agrees to come over at seven, assuring me it's no trouble. I'm a nervous wreck, can't eat dinner, and mom massages my shoulders. "Let's go shower up and get ready, baby girl."
Sleepwalk through my shower and mom getting me dressed, then sit on the couch watching the clock. Mom gives me a glass of a wine, and massages my arms and legs. "It's alright baby girl, if you can't do this. We could–"
"I can do it, just sinking in is all." I take a drink, and chuckling nervously smile. "It sounded so easy, and it has to be done. No big deal, it's just a little sex, right?"
Mom pats my leg. "Yes, just a little sex. He can't possibly be bigger than your toys."
Hanging my head I sigh. "But, I've never had sex with a man."
"Not full sex." I shrug. "I couldn't ever get past the bad kissing and pawing." Dab at my forehead, thinking I'm sweating like a pig. "I can just close my eyes, and pretend it's you."
"Sure baby girl." She kisses me, and gently strokes my cheek. "Honey, he was a good friend, and sounds like he still is, I'm sure he will be gentle. We can talk to him about–"
"Oh mom, I don't know if–"
A knock on the door interrupts me. I jump up, go to the door, wipe my sweaty palms on my pants, then open the door. "Jimmy come in, this is my wife, Jan."
"Nice to meet you." Jimmy hands me a bouquet of daisies. "Jamie, thought you might be a bit nervous." He hands Jan a bouquet. "Had no idea what you might like Jan, but daisies used to be Jamie's favorite."
"Still are," I pipe up, "thanks."
"Yes, thank you, they're very nice." Mom smells the flowers. "Would you care for a drink Jimmy? You look a tad nervous."
"With good reason," he grins, "I'm totally nervous. Beer or wine will be fine, just one to calm me down a bit. Was going to have one or two before coming here, but figured I wouldn't be able to stop, and don't need to be drunk."
I giggle. "God Jimmy, I'm glad I'm not the only one."
Mom brings us in drinks and Jimmy smiles. "Thank you, Jan. Do either of you know where Guadalupe, California is?"
Jan giggles. "Guadalupe, isn't that somewhere in Mexico?"
"That is one, but this one is in California, Santa Barbara County, in the northwestern corner to be exact." Jimmy laughs, pulls an envelop out of his jacket pocket and hands me it. "A tourist spot, which happens to have an old warehouse for sale. Eighty feet by one-twenty, two thirds has a second floor, and roof is for parking."
Scratching behind her ear Jan wrinkles her nose. "Sounds small, I mean the city."
"A tad over five thousand people, an agricultural town, majority Hispanic." Jimmy shrugs. "But Santa Maria, with over fifty thousand people is ten miles away. Coast highway runs through the town, it is south of a river, and Pacific Ocean is west."
I smile. "Sounds inexpensive."
"Wouldn't call it cheap," Jimmy raises a finger, "but at three hundred thousand, asking price is not bad. Might get it for two hundred thousand. Almost ten thousand square feet downstairs, over six upstairs, lets you have studio, office and housing upstairs, gallery downstairs."
Mom looks over at me and nods, as I'm tapping my lower lip. "Does sound interesting, what would be our next step?"
"Well, could go take a look at it," Jimmy gives us a wink, "but smarter thing would be get a rough idea of what you want to do with it and work up some costs. As you can see from the pictures, it's pretty wide open, and everything will have to be built. Costs will be determined by what you're after, but you can figure two or three hundred thousand, easy."
"Looks like an old agricultural building." I hold up one of the pictures. "So, we keep it the same for the gallery, very rustic. No fancy lighting or flooring."
Jimmy hunches his shoulders. "Definite money saver."
Jan nods. "I like it, and we don't need much fancy in our house, office will be fine rustic, might cut those building costs to around two hundred thousand."
I chuckle. "Except probably want a roomy tub and shower, at least for the master suite."
"Um-m, yeah." Jan has a dreamy look in her eyes. "Exercise room, sauna and hot tub sound nice. Don't see any yard, so maybe a patio up on the roof, like the big city. I guess we are back up near the three hundred thousand price range."
"Alright, now we work it over." Jimmy clasps his hands together. "So, we're looking at six, throw in all the permits, engineering, architectural drawings and little things that crop up, say another two hundred thousand. Don't forget furnishings, and we're somewhere in the seven to nine hundred thousand dollar range. This type of project banks will most likely want half paid in cash. On the other hand, once complete, building should be worth well over a million dollars. We still talking this being doable?"
"Yes, financially stretches us some." Jan nods, "But, it's doable."
"Alright," Jimmy smiles, "let me talk to the seller. If you can sketch out what you might want on those plans, we can get some figures. Next up, would be to take a trip out there to see if you're interested in living in Guadalupe."
"Any other good news?" I sigh. "Or do we talk about the other?"
"This wasn't the only piece of property, but the best buy." He shakes his head. "Others for that kind of money, lucky to get half the square footage. And the one's with the footage cost three times as much. Still, have plenty of time to find something, and appraiser is going to look at your properties in the morning. So, I guess we're back to talking about the other."
I snicker. "Yes, it all leads back to that. Guess there is no way to do this modestly."
Jimmy chuckles. "If you want we can just do it through open zippers, just hope I don't get it caught, zipper rash is a bitch."
"Thanks, really needed a laugh." Rolling my eyes I take a deep breath. "But, only makes sense to be naked, and we're under a sheet–"
"Actually, dear," mom cuts in, "better and easier for you if you use the ramp and wedge. Unless you want to spend fifteen minutes with your legs over your shoulder."
Raising an eyebrow Jimmy puckers up his mouth. "Even though I wouldn't mind seeing you in the position it gets to be a little weird after a minute or so."
"You're so naughty and bad." I smack him on the arm. "No way could I do that and look you in the eye again. I mean, all that would come into my head, would be me splayed open."
"Won't happen," Jimmy smiles, "if you must get in that position, or any other, I'll put a towel over you. It's not how I wish to remember you like."
"Thank you," I pat his hand, "it means a lot to me."
"It's her first time," mom chimes in, and I flash her a look, which she ignores. "This is her major problem, and has stressed her out, worrying."
Making a tsking sound I roll my eyes. "I'm not a virgin, not even close." Mom gives me one of her looks and I hang my head. "But, I've never been with a man."
"Oh wow." Jimmy takes a drink, and I think he's trembling a bit. "By the way, it's a good wow, a very good wow. Naturally, it's going to be a bit more pressure, now that I have to represent the entire male population."
We all laugh, and he tugs at his ear. "How about we start with the two of us giving you a nice body massage?"
"Good idea." Jan stands, and holds her hands out to us. "Come on you kids, it's not going to be that tough, if we don't make it so."
The two of us take her hands, and she herds us to the bedroom. Jan is all business like. "So, Jimmy, when was your last sexual encounter? And was it one or two ejaculations?"
He squawks, "What?"
Jan smiles. "Not prying, and don't need specifics, but we need to know how successful this might be with just one coupling."
Sounded pretty specific to me. Jimmy sighs. "Last night, just one."
"Okay." Jan holds the door open for us. "You two strip, we're going to need at least two, maybe three–"
"Ejaculations?" Jimmy yelps out, "I might be able to work up two, but no way–"
"Not to worry," Jan cuts in, "I'll help you out, if need be. But you give us two big squirts we won't even need a third."
I don't know about Jimmy, but this isn't going the way I thought it might. As slow as he is peeling off his clothes I have a pretty good idea how he feels. I stand there in my undies and shirt, then Jan gives me a swat. "Come on baby girl, get them off and lay on the bed, on your tummy, if you want." She rubs my back. "Will you be less nervous if I strip too?"
Nod, then I do as told, and my legs are squeezed so tight together nothing short of sub-atomic particles are getting in. My eyes are shut nearly as tight, then I feel the bed move as the others crawl to me. Hands on my shoulders are rougher than on my butt, so I deduce they are Jimmy's. I barely open an eye, hoping to get a peek at what I have to deal with, but all I can see is his thigh.
Jan is doing a great job getting my legs open, her tongue doing wonderful things to my bottom. I rub her bottom and she is wearing her panties. "Honey, take them off, I might want to eat you."
"Ah, just relax, baby girl." Jan kisses my bottom. "We don't need to scare Jimmy."
"Hey, I don't mind." Jimmy snickers. "Really, might get rid of my nervousness."
"Well, ah..." Jan moves away from me, and I open my eyes. She nervously giggles. "Well, I'm on my period. Scared now?"
"Wow." Looking at Jan's butt Jimmy wrinkles his nose. "And you still do it?"
"Um-m, constantly," mom wiggles her butt, "it's great, so intense and you climax like the Fourth of July fireworks finale. I love it."
Poor Jimmy is fidgeting, no doubt having enough of this. I rub Jan's bottom. "I want my girl's panties off, but leave your tampon in, should make all three of us happy."
Jimmy doesn't say anything and mom takes off her panties, before going back to massaging my bottom half. Jimmy is handling his end quite well too, and unconcerned over my excessive hairiness, or at least not shying away from my pits. I'm not sure if it was Jan's suggestion, but he starts planting little kisses all over me, which are great.
I feel him shift a bit, and take another peek, this time between his legs. He has a hard-on, about seven inches, but fairly thin. Doesn't look like it's going to be too tough on me, and along with my girl he is making me feel very nice. His grip is strong, but tender and kisses soft, nothing like my girl's, or any other of my girlfriends, although he is by far better than those other Neanderthals who were pawing me in my youth.
"Honey," Jan pats my butt, "I said, time to get on your back. Baby girl, don't be–" I snap out of my reverie and just roll over, without thinking about it. "There we go, that's my good girl." Jan is planting kisses on my bush, and Jimmy is massaging my titties, by the time I realize a man is looking at me, all of me.
Don't know why my extra hair embarrasses me, but I can feel my face get flushed. I like my hair, and feeling like a boy, even dressing like one. Course, if I was as hairy as Aunt Clara I wouldn't like that, I didn't want to be a man.
"Okay, very good, baby girl," Jan is rubbing my tummy, "Jimmy is ready. You need to go lay on the ramp, and I'll get the lube."
God, my legs are going to be spread wide-open, butt a foot and a half above my head, making my pussy the central focal point of the whole room. Jimmy helps me up, then gives me a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay, we can do this." It's all I can do to give him a thin smile, as he guides me over to the ramp and helps me lay down.
He kneels by my head, so he doesn't have a very good angle at seeing me in all my glory. Jimmy rubs my head and shoulders, whispering in my ear, "Everything is going to be fine."
Jan lubes me up, slides a finger in me then a second while licking my clit. I start panting as she comes over and lubes up Jimmy's dick. "Alright, my baby girl is ready."
Jimmy takes a deep breath, I close my eyes, but can hear all the air slowly escape his lungs. Feel a bit of pressure at my entrance and tense up. "Relax, baby girl," Jan coos in my ear, as she rubs my tummy and strokes my hair. "You're beautiful, baby girl, I love you so much." She keeps whispering sweet nothings to me while Jimmy penetrates my pussy. It's not much different than the few times a girlfriend used a strap-on to fuck me.
Open my eyes, looking up at my dream girl, feeling so wonderful she is here experiencing this with me. Still, I was hoping this might take on the first try, and I cup my lover's pussy. "I love you, sexy lady, thank you." Jan kisses me, sliding her hand up to my clit.
With a loud groan Jimmy trusts deep into me, and I can feel him shooting his cum into me. He stays still in me for a half a minute, then pulls out. "Sorry, for the quickness, I got a bit over-excited, you two are so hot. Never seen anything like it."
"In this case, quick is not bad." Jan giggles, and gets between my legs, opening my pussy. "Was a pretty good load, might get away with just two."
I know I let out a sigh of relief, and I believe so did Jimmy. Jan pats my tummy, then stands. "I'll go get some tea, while you two rest up a bit."
Didn't want her leaving, but I wasn't going to embarrass Jimmy or me by complaining. Jimmy takes a towel off the bed and covers me up, then sits beside my head. "You alright, Princess?"
Giggling I smack his thigh. "Haven't heard that endearment in ages, Sir James. Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for the tenderness, and towel."
"Oh god, I forgot about Sir James." He laughs, then kisses my hand. "It didn't stick like Princess, always bossing me around."
"Yeah, I did, didn't I?"
"Oh yeah, you were so good at it too." Jimmy scratches his head. "None of my business, but Jamie, how long have you been having an affair with your mother?"
"Jesus Christ! You fucking know!" I thought I might burst in to tears, and turn my head away from him. Would've got up and run, but knew I couldn't do it gracefully. "How? You never came to my house, or at least inside, cause grandpa didn't like boys hanging around?"
"It's alright, not a big deal." Jimmy strokes my cheek. "No, it wasn't here, it was at school." He shrugs. "You keep a pretty good eye out for anything that happens to concern your dream girl."
"Not what you think." I wipe away a tear. "Well, it is, and I've loved her for years, but only acted on it when I got back from school, not even two weeks ago. We're two consenting adults and not hurting any–"
"Jamie, it's okay, I'm not going to report you or anything." Jimmy turns my head back, so he is looking at me. "I knew who she was before ever stepping foot in your house. Just curious, and want to help you, but is there anything else, or something worse?"
"No, nothing, and what could possibly be worse?" I choke back the tears. "We just want to start over, hopefully where this can't happen again. We're not weirdoes, you know?"
"Yes, I know." Jimmy kisses my forehead. "I see how you look at each other, and I meant it, you two look hot together. I think your plan is the best, and I'll help you any way I can."
"Thanks Jimmy." I kiss him on the lips. "Thanks, a lot."
"Confession time over?" Jan asks, standing in the doorway. "I'm glad you're not upset, and we would've preferred total honesty, Jimmy, but you can understand why we did what we did. Now, let's have a nice cup of tea, and get back to business."
"Tea, huh?" Jimmy makes a sour face. "Suppose it won't kill me."
Jan laughs, and shakes her head. "It's raspberry herb tea, and will relax you a bit, not kill you. Looks like besides her other considerable talents, my baby girl is a good judge of character, we're going to have fine babies." She hands him a cup of tea. "I wasn't sure how you might like it, so I put two teaspoons of honey in, eucalyptus honey, real good stuff, with a bit of a tang."
He chuckles, and takes a sip. "Alright, it's not half bad." Shaking his head he laughs. "Course, had I known this is how you dress for a tea party, this might not have been my first."
"Fine sense of humor," Jan winks at him, "I like that too." She put the tray on the cube, then helps me raise my head enough to take a sip or two. "You did good baby girl, ready?"
I nod, but Jimmy raises his hand. "Ah, tea or no tea, I might need a bit more time to, ah–"
"Here, give me that, please." Jan takes his tea cup, and puts it on the tray. "Maybe I can help you out a little bit."
Mom kneels in front of Jimmy, bends down and takes his dick in her mouth. I know my eyes double in size, as he groans, "Oh my, yes this should do the trick."
In about two minutes Jimmy is hard and back in me, giving me slow strokes. Jan sits at my head, stroking my hair, fondling my titties and making out with me, while I fondle her. Jimmy lasts a couple of minutes, then I can feel him cum in me.
He puts the towel back on me and shakes his head. "Guess I would be a real loser if I made threesomes a common practice, you ladies excite the living hell out of me. I almost don't know if I'm coming or going, pun intended."
Jan looks at him a bit strange, as I giggle. "We played the sock 'em game too."
"I see, and thank you for the compliment." She hands Jimmy his tea. "So, one more for good luck a possibility?"
"Well," Jimmy sheepishly shrugs, "not like I'm winded or anything. Barely broke a sweat." He looked in his tea cup. "Must be something in this brew, I swear I usually give a better showing. I don't need you getting the wrong idea about the male population."
I pat Jimmy's arm. "Far as I'm concerned you did fine for the male population, even increased it's standing in my eyes." Chuckling I raise an eyebrow. "Course, I didn't have a very high opinion of the male population to begin with, only could go up."
Jan pokes Jimmy in the side. "Don't blame my tea, if anything it would put lead in your pencil. My vote would be we are too hot."
"Like that one too," I chime in, "even if it's not true for me. I'm fairly certain a hairy dyke is not in most men's dreams."
Mom gives me a thump on the head. "It's the way you want it, I offered to do all the work and shave you, not that I mind my girl a tad furry. What do you think Jimmy?"
"At the risk of catching hell," he scratches his chin, "I've had an occasional liaison with the wife when she was a bit stubbly. I didn't care for that, but being a male I wasn't about to let it stop me either. As for Jamie's hair, since it's grown out, it wasn't that terrible. So, I guess it's smooth or furry, but no in between for me."
We all laugh, and Jan shakes her head. "You're not running for office, but sound like it. Besides, you already said it didn't matter." She shrugs. "Doesn't matter to me either, even if my baby girl was stubbly I would never refuse to be pleasured by her, or please her."
"Yeah," Jimmy snickers, "don't know too many guys who give the old 'got a headache,' routine to their wives. Still, I wouldn't mind getting any pointers you ladies have to give."
Jan is happy to give him her opinion on the matter, and I put in my two cents. After half an hour of giving pointers I sigh. "Ah, this isn't the best position to have conversations in."
"Right, sorry baby girl." Jan rubs my tummy. "Jimmy, you need help?"
He glances down at his lap. "A bit, if you don't mind, please."
With a giggle Jan shrugs. "We all have to do our part, don't we?"
She sucks Jimmy's dick, but it's not working as fast. Jimmy rubs Jan's shoulder. "Could you two, ah, maybe do it. I think it would help." For an answer I pull Jan's hips towards me, and my girl straddles my face. "Oh god, that's hot." I can feel Jan lick my clit and hear Jimmy panting. "Um-m, that's even hotter."
He gets between my legs, and Jan stops licking me, but I can hear slurping sounds, as I keep tonguing my girl. Doesn't take long and Jimmy is in me, then Jan goes back to licking my clit. This sensation isn't unusual, seeing as my girl does the same thing to me with a dildo.
Surprisingly I'm enjoying myself, but not as much as my girl. She wiggles her bottom as her climax starts and I suck on her clit, getting her to howl. This set off Jimmy, he thrusts into me a couple of times then explodes. I swear it's the largest of the three, but over long before Jan's.
I'm close, but give her a pat on the bottom and my girl stops. She crawls off me and Jimmy covers me up with the towel. I pat his arm. "Thank you, it meant a lot."
"Hey," he chuckles, "I'm no saint here, and I got a lot out of it too." Brushing his shoulder he grins. "Could I take a shower, before going home?"
"Sure," Jan points, "bath is next door on the right. I'll bring your clothes in."
He heads in for a shower and she comes back to sit beside me. "You did fine, baby girl." She kisses me. "One more time tomorrow to make sure you're going to be a little mamma, then it's all over. Should be easier, not so–"
"Mom, I'm fine, and it wasn't too bad. Could you get me a robe, please?"
"Of course, baby girl."
She takes in Jimmy's clothes and brings me back a robe, then I get off the ramp. "Geez, spent too long like that, what a head rush."
I walk Jimmy to the door, and he gives my hand a kiss. "Thank you for the honor of... I guess, our mating, and I hope we were successful." He chuckles. "I know it was a bit traumatic for you, but you did very well, Princess."
"Because of you it wasn't traumatic at all, Sir James." I give him a kiss. "Kind of strange asking you this now, but are you happy being a family man?"
"Very happy," he smiles, and pats my hand, "and it doesn't have to be like when we grew up. You're going to make a fine mommy." Jimmy makes a sour face. "Or is daddy, the proper term?"
I giggle. "It's two mommies. Will same time tomorrow be alright?"
"Sure, see you tomorrow."
Jimmy leaves and I haven't seen Jan. She isn't in the dining room either. I go back in and find her in the swing, fingering herself. "You horny little devil, what are you doing?" I wave a finger no. "Never mind, I can see what you're doing. Why?"
"Baby girl, you got me all worked up, and–"
"And you need to learn to behave. It's rude not to escort your guest to the door." I sit on the bed and pat my leg. "Get over here, cutie."
"Sorry, baby girl." My naughty girl lays down on my lap and giggles. "After my spanking are you going to eat me?"
"Of course, sexy, and I'm going to fuck you too." I rub her back. "You have to learn to behave, cutie. You can't play with your toys all day and night."
Give her a spanking before putting her in the swing, eating her to three orgasms and fucking her for twice that. I carry her to the tub, wash her then put her to bed, the whole time she is telling me how much she loves and needs me.
Following evening Jimmy comes over and with our help is able to give us three more squirts. This time mom saw him to the door with me, she still wound up in the swing. Things mellow out and we wind up keeping our hands off each other long enough to get things done around the house.
Work on our finances and see what kind of money we are dealing with. Properties appraise at nearly five hundred thousand, but we'll be lucky to get four. We also research what we want in our house, make rough sketches, even start packing up what was going. I'm keeping my truck, but mom is selling her car. But, it is still our honeymoon and we enjoy plenty of sex.
\* \* \*
*to be continued...* | literotica |
“And you’re saying this potion will make me bigger, then?”
Wouldn’t be the first time Maza heard someone promise that, only for the product they peddled to turn out to be complete rubbish. She was used to disappointment on that end, and yet continued to find new and interesting reasons to be disappointed when she inevitably bought new samples or was swindled into purchasing something she should know better than to trust. For the kobold it had become somewhat of an obsession, something she was as capable of resisting as the simple act of breathing; growing out a curvier, thicker body was paramount.
She had that goal for years now, and it partly motivated her decision to become an adventuress-for-hire in the first place. Maza was already significantly more voluptuous than most others of her race, and not just below the waist; her rotund rear was complemented by a perfectly shapely pair of breasts that took up a significant chunk of her chest, a set of tits she was very proud of. But a lifetime of being exposed to bigger role models thanks to her frequent travels, as well as her chosen career putting her in a place where she could find those more easily, had left Maza with a desire for more that, try as she might, she couldn’t quench; much as the ‘bold knew it was better for her to let go of her dream and try and be happy with what she had, there was something else constantly telling her that such an attitude was, to put it mildly, complete horsecrap. She was going to be bigger, and she would go through every damn potion seller in the land if she needed to in order to make it happen.
All of this had led to her visiting her current salesman of dubious alchemical products. The wizened old elf kept his shop in one of the dingiest parts of the city of Starna, somewhere beyond where everyone was too afraid to go. It was highly doubtful he got any kind of clientele that wasn’t involved in at least three racketeering schemes or happened to be on the run from the local guard, which made the tip she got be even more suspicious than usual; surely, of all the people that could ever help her, this one would never be anywhere near the list at all. And yet, when she walked in, the kobold didn’t see an endless series of explosives or liquified hexes; there were plenty of purported intellectual enhancements being marketed to “locksmith experts” and “alternative revenue collectors”, which meant exactly what one presumed it did, but a significant portion of the stock was actually dedicated to bodily transfiguration draughts.
Changing one’s physical shape through alchemy was always a risky procedure, but there was no end to potion masters who sought to perfect their art to the point where they could mass market just that kind of product. The results were nearly universally temporary, and even when they weren’t still had a tendency to be less than stellar; hence Maza’s healthy skepticism when the store’s owner told her that the potion he suggested would make her bigger. Not bigger in any specific way, just… bigger. It was vague enough that it wouldn’t be false advertisement if she just grew an extra inch, but not too specific that she was eager to actually take the risk; not until the elf proposed she use a recovery charm on her payment, conditional with her personal satisfaction with the product. The generosity was suspicious, but Maza took the bait anyway, dropping a bag full of coins and walking out of the store, half-expecting the façade to vanish behind her the moment she turned around.
It didn’t. Even weirder.
The light blue liquid looked like the kind of thing she used to see in large laundry operations, and honestly only needed soapy bubbles before being identical. It tasted just as terribly as well, with the ‘bold needing to physically push down her gag reflex just to keep the liquid inside of her. It left her feeling queasy, uncomfortably hot, and perhaps most importantly, unnaturally tight all over. It was like she was flexing constantly, except without any kind of effort; after the initial shock wore off it actually felt sort of pleasant, at least enough to counteract the potion’s other effects.
Trying to walk was a mistake, and Maza very nearly fell head-first onto the ground. Having not taken a step since downing the potion, she somehow missed the fact that all the blood previously in her skull decided to take a trip downwards, leaving her so woozy and lightheaded that the world was starting to look like it had tripled up and started to dance before her very eyes; only the timely intervention of her sword being (quite inappropriately) used as a walking stick prevented her from splattering over the mud, and even then she could barely walk at all. The blade was starting to bend from all the stress being placed on it, but Maza couldn’t care less; the sudden lack of coordination and her extreme difficulty in keeping her mind focused were far more important concerns to her at that moment. Was she just drugged? Was the whole “potion seller” thing really just a scam in and of itself, and she’d wake up several hours later completely naked and with a note apologizing for having made off with her equipment? It wouldn’t be the first time that happened, but it would be the first where she willingly dosed herself up on a sleeping agent.
It wasn’t meant to be, though; the effects of the soporific never grew more powerful than the initial impact, and after a couple of minutes of heavy breathing the kobold was ready to go back to action… which in that case meant turning around and demanding some explanations out of the charlatan who almost made her throw up her lunch. It was only then that Maza noticed her sword was gone, or rather, it was no longer held in her hand. The ‘bold had to turn in her spot a few times before noticing that it was technically still there, albeit attached to her arm; closer inspection revealed that the hilt was somehow inside of her scales, as if it had melted into her and became part of her flesh, with the rest of it quickly following suit. She yelped in surprise, waving her arm around and trying to shake it off, but to no avail; the blade slowly but inexorably disappeared into her, consumed by her scales… and yet not really showing up again. Maza would’ve expected it to have its pointy end bulge out near her shoulder or something, but instead it had simply vanished from sight, leaving her to touch the “affected” area with equal parts concern and utter confusion.
A few moments later she got her answer, when the previously soft skin began to harden underneath her fingers. Where once she could press down with her thumb was now a rock-solid surface, her brown scales hardening until they began sounding oddly… metallic. It was only after knocking on it with her knuckles that the kobold realized just what had happened: somehow, her body had assimilated the sword and turned its blade into some sort of organic plating, with most of her right arm now covered by this mysterious, hardened surface, leaving only the joints as soft as they were before. What’s more, bringing her right hand to her left arm revealed that the transformation was beginning to spread in that direction as well, and after a few more minutes of frantically exploring herself, Maza soon found out that most of her scales were becoming as tough as steel right underneath her touch.
This was obviously the work of the potion, but while it was working in a way entirely unlike what was advertised, the ‘bold couldn’t help but admit that was actually a welcome addition to her arsenal. Swords could always be replaced; hell, the one her body just ate up was barely three months old. But having a suit of armour that weighed next to nothing and yet seemed more than capable of withstanding blows about as well as plate or mail, doubly so one that wouldn’t need any kind of maintenance whatsoever? That’s the kind of thing money couldn’t buy!
She was still miffed at the lack of warning, and was about to turn around to demand some satisfaction when she heard footsteps in the mud quickly approaching her location. From the sound of it, someone was running towards her, and a cloaked figure carrying a large bag was revealed after it burst out of an alleyway. They were being followed by two lightly-armed guards, shouting after them and demanding they stop; considering the kind of glinting gold falling out of that bag of theirs, it was obvious that person was a thief, and Maza was in the perfect position to intercept.
What should’ve been an easy grab for an easier reward took a turn for the weird the moment the kobold laid hands on the man. He clearly wasn’t expecting her to actually do anything about him, hence the complete lack of a dodge attempt, leaving him to practically trip over himself at the very last minute to try and get away from Maza… who just politely sidestepped with one leg outstretched and had the man fall flat on his face, bag of stolen goods flying a couple of feet in the air before spilling its goods all over the ground. Feeling it to be an entirely natural course of events, the ‘bold grabbed the man by the scruff of the neck… and then had to flinch when she felt something hit her with immense force.
The downed thief writhed in obvious discomfort as their clothes grew looser upon their frame with each passing second, and Maza was left wondering if she had somehow triggered some kind of odd escape spell. It wasn’t until her own body began to change that she understood the true ramifications of both the potion and the sudden sword disappearance: the man she tripped wasn’t vanishing, he was being absorbed.
Poor Maza pleaded with her gods for the process not to be fatal, and much to her delight it seemed to stop just short of doing any permanent damage. The poor man was clearly emaciated and needed help from the guards just to get back on his feet, but at least he was alive and could recover; meanwhile, her own frame had bulged out in every direction, several inches added to her height and curves, leaving her feeling both tremendously satisfied and also utterly terrified at the implications. Her bra straps were digging into her scales and the loincloth she wore was quickly becoming obsolete, to say nothing of how the ever-present feeling of tightness was just getting worse right after it started to vanish into the back of her mind, the ‘bold’s body demanding she feed upon another victim to satiate its own growing lust for size.
Maza didn’t know what to do or say; if the two guardsmen noticed her sudden spurt they didn’t say anything to that regard, leaving her wondering if the whole encounter hadn’t been completely imagined and she was just having a very vivid hallucination after drinking a tainted potion. It took until she returned to the main avenues, all thought of returning to the shop somehow poofing out of her head, for Maza to get some confirmation that it wasn’t just her imagining things; multiple passers-by were eyeing her nervously and a few made comments towards how inappropriately she was dressed. It was a relief, knowing her overspill and muffin-topping wasn’t just in her head; but it also brought with it a few extra concerns that Maza didn’t quite know what to do with.
She had the power to drain others for their mass, ok. That was a thing, and stranger spells had been cast in the past… but what was she to do with it? Was it permanent? Would it wear off as soon as the potion was cleared from her system? If so, shouldn’t she be making the best out of the situation and grabbing as many wrongdoers as she could in order to take back from them what they metaphorically took from others, or whatever else her mind was telling her made sense?
Yes. Yes she should.
Maza didn’t even realize how warped her thought process was when she reached that conclusion; to the kobold it now made perfect sense to go around stealing people’s size to add to her own. She was already approaching five feet in height, giving her an unprecedented new perspective on the world, and she wanted more; and wouldn’t she know it, an opportunity was just around the corner.
A brawl had broken out between a few people over something or other, with a group of guardsmen standing aside waiting for them to tire themselves out before intervening. It was standard procedure whenever they found themselves outnumbered, doubly so when the people responsible were very clearly dockworkers. For most, this meant that any kind of action taken to stop them would lead to a broken nose and a nearly ripped-out arm; for Maza, she saw nothing more than a group of ripe ruffians fresh out of a lifetime of bulking up, ready for her to pluck and devour to her heart’s content. Her newly-acquired predatory instincts kicked in when she strolled right into the middle of the fight against the protestations of the crowd, and grabbed onto as many people as she could.
The effects were immediate. Muscle mass dwindled and shrunk, heights were reduced, biceps deflated, strength sapped; the moment her hands touched bare skin, whoever happened to own it would undergo a terrifyingly effective energy transfer where most of their usable mass went straight to Maza, whose body was rapidly growing to become something more akin to an oversized lizard than the tiny ‘bold she used to be. The crowd took several steps back once her head began to poke out from the mess of fighters, her brazzer and loincloth snapping and leaving her fully exposed for the world to see. Her scales as well began to share in the bounty, growing resplendent and velvety smooth, all while the subdermal plates continued to grow to match her new form.
It wasn’t just height she was gaining; her proportions were being warped as well! Breasts began to swell far more than they should, hips flaring and ass fattening until her combat-honed figure grew plump and squishable, more akin to something one would see in a brothel than in a battlefield. Behind it, however, was still the keen mind of an experienced fighter, hence why the sudden appearance of a lot more flesh on her didn’t stop her in the slightest when it came to getting in the way of the rest of the brawlers. Five minutes was all it took for her to go from small enough to blend into the group, to so tall and enormous that the guardsmen were running for reinforcements.
Maza quite liked having that reaction on people; after a lifetime of being looked at as some kind of shortstack oddity, being able to truly inspire awe in those around her made for a wonderful sensation of power that, truth be told, she was enjoying far more than she thought she would. The idea of going back to the potion seller and demanding some explanation from him vanished from her mind as quickly as the mass disappeared from the bodies of the brawlers, and now she wanted more.
The guardsmen returned after just a few minutes, during which the ‘bold got to show off for everyone around her. The few people who didn’t run away the moment they saw disaster coming seemed to be enthralled by the very sight of her, and why shouldn’t they be? A bust that hung dangerously close to her waist complemented a firm, tight rear that nonetheless kept an unnatural amount of bounce, melding down into a pair of thighs so thick they could be mistaken for tree trunks; strong as them, as well! Contrary to what she thought, the sudden absorption of mass hadn’t turned her into a softy, instead adding even more to her already-defined physique and leaving her body a perfectly sculpted edifice of musculature the likes of which even half-giants would be jealous of. But why settle for half when she could beat out the real deal? It almost felt like a crime not to explore her new powers to the best of her ability, especially now that she had such a willing crowd ready and waiting to provide all the “fuel” she could ever need.
Maza didn’t know how she knew, but it just made sense in her head; the ‘bold snapped her fingers and welcomed the worship of those around her, allowing them to gift her the only thing of value they had: themselves. She felt different somehow, more in control; it wasn’t until the first person collapsed that Maza realized the willing donations could break through the limit that her outright theft couldn’t, and a few of her supplicants were very nearly expiring just so they could make her bigger! She couldn’t deny that it was oddly flattering, in its own “unique” way, but still had no intention of actually taking any lives that day; with another snap the flow was cut, her body once again isolated… but not unchanged.
Though most of the crowd had fled from her, there were still enough people left that the next stage in her ascension left her even more colossal than after she broke up the fight. Now edging out at nearly ten feet in height, the kobold could barely move at all without making a racket; be it her asscheeks clapping powerfully against one another, somehow aided by the subdermal plates she developed, or her practically knee-length breasts sloshing as much as a water tank in a storm, the air was filled by the sounds of Maza, admiring her own form in much the same way one would appreciate a fine work of art. It was amazing how much her physique was only being accentuated by the sudden additions; she expected to go rounder at some point, but those muscles of hers just kept glistening even harder, their shape set even heavier than before!
Wasn’t the only thing with extra weight either; it came as a surprise to her, but her slit wasn’t alone down there between her increasingly-thick legs. It was only apparent when she tried to walk and suddenly noticed something getting in the way that hadn’t been there before, and a few seconds and a glance downwards later, Maza practically shrieked when she saw she had developed a cock and a pair of balls, the latter of which had somehow inherited the same kind of colouring and covering as the rest of her. The scales on those things were being stretched out immensely as the two orbs grew into place… or rather, filled into place; it was quite obvious they were very productive, if not for their weight then for how much her new shaft was already leaking all over the place. By the time it stabilized it was thicker than her arms and about as long as her torso, providing her with the best tool for the job for what came next: the titfuck.
Never in her life did Maza think she’d be able to give one of those to herself, but there she had it. In the middle of the street, with no one left to stop her, the ten-foot giantess dropped on her knees and then fell backwards, shaking the ground itself when her form collapsed, the ‘bold far too busy wrapping her tits around her new length to really care about how much it hurt. It left her face and neck covered in thick seed, its strong scent filling her nostrils until there was nothing left in the world, but rather than succumb to the allure of being able to drink her fill from herself, the experience instead posed a question to Maza: if this, then why not more?
It was a simple question with an equally simple answer: yes. If she got there already there was no reason not to continue stretching her limits until they finally broke. The potion was bound to stop working eventually, and the moment it did her fun would be over; seeing as brewing a new one for her size would take a significant amount of time, the ‘bold figured it was a good idea to make good use of it while she could. And wouldn’t she know it, a group of eager volunteers had arrived! The mob of guardsmen were descending on her location from up the main road, the few at the front stopping as soon as they saw the utter mess Maza had just made. Many were so dumbstruck by the sight that they dropped their weapons, and the one person in charge, a very large orc, was openly questioning what exactly they were supposed to do with her; she had helped them break up a fight, after all.
A poor idiot at the back suggested they should take her in via the use of ropes; tie her up and then drag the ‘bold to the barracks. Precisely no one paid attention to him, but to the kobold it was the perfect excuse to do something about that problem. Rolling onto her feet, Maza loomed over the fifty or so would-be jailors and snapped her fingers; immediately all of them began to groan as their very strength was sapped from them, though a minority had those sounds turn to moans once they saw what the process was doing to their assailant’s body.
Now faced with a feast of untold proportions, fifty very well-built soldiers with both ample experience and body mass, it was natural that Maza develop her body into something akin to a miniature goddess; fifteen feet were easily reached, then twenty and even more, her body widening almost as much as it was gaining height, muscles building onto muscles as her bulbous frame rippled and thickened with each ounce of weight stolen from the large group beneath her. The ‘bold’s arms and legs were covered in throbbing, pulsating veins, bulging out from within and giving her the appearance of some sort of monstrous fighter… if not for her assets deciding to take the lion’s share of the stolen mass.
If her height and musculature were impressive then her tits alone would make them look truly insignificant. They burgeoned with enough size to leave two massive holes on the ground once they impacted it, widening them and leaving long tracks when they exploded outwards. Her ass grew to become its very own seat, leaving Maza at a point where all she had to do was bend her legs somewhat and enjoy the couch she built for herself. The less said about her legs the better; lesser men would lose their minds at the mere sight of those things, let alone the touch, though they did complement the sudden burst in size that her cock went through; damn thing very nearly knocked her on the chin when she wasn’t paying attention, powering upwards until its tip was above Maza’s head, perfect symmetry for the nuts beneath it, both of which were now dragging along the ground from how full they were. The kobold, if that could even be said to be her species anymore, let loose a terrifyingly powerful roar once the influx of stolen size stopped, a sound that the whole city heard… and felt.
It wasn’t just powerful enough to shatter glass and dislodge doors from their hinges, but so strong as to relieve people of the burden of their own bodies. Whatever the potion was, it seemingly granted her the power to demand tribute from those around her through intent alone; the moment anyone heard her roar of dominance they could immediately feel themselves growing smaller and meeker, their very forms giving themselves up for the sake of the burgeoning goddess near the city center. Maza, for her part, wasn’t even aware of this… not until the first wave hit her square in the everything.
It was heaven and bliss all wrapped up into one, the best experience one could ever dream of magnified a thousandfold and then made into something even better. Each person was now little more than a snack for her, but there were a lot of snacks to go around in a city that large; they added up, whether or not they liked it themselves. For the ‘bold it turned what would’ve been a long, drawn-out process into a bountiful repast, one she could gorge herself on without a care in the world… a world that would soon be hers by the looks of it.
Much as Maza liked to think she was in control, the reality of it was that even her body had its limits; she could only grow her tits out to a certain point before they became too big for her torso to hold onto… which obviously meant that all the excedent had to go towards creating a brand new pair! They were tiny nubs at first, forming just beneath the original row, but quickly rose to become just as massive as her other breasts, enough that poor Maza was left practically immobilized by her colossal bosoms. The only thing helping her move was her ass, now gigantic to the point where it almost grazed against the ground even when her legs were perfectly straight, providing the best counterbalance for the sudden weight shift on her chest.
Down below, those nuts anchoring her to the floor decided to go the same route as her chest, dividing themselves into four, while a second cock grew in just below the first one. It was oddly appropriate given the new additions to her bust; two pairs of tits, two dicks and two simultaneous titfucks for her mind to contend with. What amazed her was how much she wasn’t losing her mind; the ‘bold would’ve assumed this sort of assault on her senses would leave her unable to process even the simplest thoughts, and yet she was possessed of a level of clarity she never had before in her life. Perhaps it was because this transformation was her destiny, and she was fated to become the largest, most powerful kobold in existence, a veritable goddess of her kind; made as much sense as anything else that happened that day.
Her body seemed to agree, as it suddenly shot up and out in every direction, “fixing” her problems with proportions by simply making her truly gigantic, enough that a single footfall could wipe out entire chunks of the city without her even noticing. Everything below her had turned into a churned mess of mud and debris, whatever buildings had been there long-since vaporized by the sudden ascension of the previously-diminutive ‘bold. Clouds of dust gathered around her as she shot past fifty feet, sixty feet, seventy-five! The city grew more and more distant as she continued to grow, continued to push the boundaries of what was decent or sensical, until nothing was left but herself, the ruins of the once-proud Starna and the drained, disheveled pseudo-husks of its population. That no one was killed in her ascension was less a miracle and more an affirmation of her own power; of course no one died, she had willed it so it wouldn’t happen!
Still, the sudden burst of height was enough to get her properly mobile again. It adjusted her so that her lowermost pair of breasts were merely a few feet off the ground, while the four nuts she was dragging behind her were only slightly inconvenient to pull whenever she took a step. The two concurrent titfucks were going to be a slight issue, but she was reasonably certain she could power through the sensations without completely losing her mind; hardly worthy of a goddess not to be able to do that, after all. It also gave her the best vantage point to admire herself from, being able to swivel around and get a good view of every last bit of her curves, her hands flying from place to place, creating strong gusts of wind whenever she wasn’t careful.
Her scales were still rock-solid, the armour plates having expanded to cover pretty much every inch of her, tits and balls included somehow, and yet she still maintained an impossible amount of squish to her more sensitive bits. Truly, if she ever found anyone of her size, they would be able to lose themselves in exploring her form for days on end… right before she took from them everything and left them as much of a tiny little thing as the citizens of the former city around her; there could be no other like her, that much she decreed.
And if that was true…
She set her eyes on the horizon. The potion seller was probably caught in her growthsplosion, but that hardly fixed the issue of the potion itself being possible to make; and if that elf could do it, then certainly someone else could too. And if that was true, then it stood to reason that somewhere, out there, in the wide world, there was at least one other person who might have the same idea she did, someone who might give her a run for her money in the whole “ascending to godhood” business. Assuming all of this held true, then there was only one way she could ever fix it and ensure her superiority: proactivity.
At her size, moving from one city to the next wouldn’t take a long time, doubly so considering she could easily absorb villages and towns along the way, making the trip take even less time as her steps grew to become truly titanic in breadth. Luckily for her, Starna was the last big stop before the capital, and if there was anything she could ever qualify as a meal rather than just a morsel at her stage, it was that.
The ‘bold was licking her lips all the way over, the landscape she left behind her being one of complete desolation. Whole population centers left to rot and practically wiped off the map, their population reduced to shrivelled skin on bones begging for her to take them with her on her journey to the capital. Maza didn’t quite care for their fate; she could feel the million-plus souls waiting for her at her destination, and though the ‘bold honestly thought she could hold it in her until she got close enough… she couldn’t. Maza broke into a spring, breaking the ground and leaving either craters or canyons wherever her feet landed, everything behind her turned into a long, quad-nut-sized trail of devastation several dozen feet deep. The roar she let loose had been building up in her throat for goodness knows how long, and if she didn’t let it out now then she might very well explode!
The sound created a shockwave so powerful that the outer walls of the city, a good ten or so miles off, completely shattered, the guards stationed on them frantically trying to escape before they collapsed entirely from the cracks. They barely got halfway down the stairs before the draining process began, tripping over one another in their desperate attempt to outrun whatever was causing the sudden destruction. They called out for help, trying to alert everyone of the magical assault, but it was too late.
Maza no longer needed to walk, though given her size it still took a good half a mile before her momentum died off. Not that she was counting; the ‘bold was slightly too busy basking in the glory that was her new body, engorged by the mass stolen from over a million sentients all tightly packed in one dish for her savouring. It was so excessive and overindulgent that it began to spill over too; the giantess couldn’t just keep quiet, and her throat rumbled with scream after scream of pure bliss, her voice breaking in half again and again as she begged for more, always more, for it never to stop! Her demands travelled far and wide, reaching a great many ears that could do nothing but obey; soon it wasn’t just the capital or the towns leading back to Starna, but the whole kingdom and its outlying duchies, every settlement, every population center, any person that happened to exist. If they were there, they were to give themselves up to her, their new goddess, that she may become everything she could ever be.
Soon enough it was her weight alone causing her to break through the planet’s crust, her claws digging enormous grooves into its surface simply from her growing bigger; terrifyingly massive craters were created from her weight alone, deep enough that even Maza had trouble getting out of them… so she just kicked the dirt she was entombed in, leaving behind titanic holes and gashes wherever she walked, quite literally altering the very geography of the planet itself. Wouldn’t take long for her head to begin grazing the lower atmosphere either; with so many people affected by her constant roaring, it was no surprise she would just never stop growing. Her demands would grow louder and louder until everyone could hear them, at which point she would truly be the uncontested ruler of the whole world, even if she had to destroy a large chunk of it to prove that point.
A third pair of breasts joined with the other two, the whole set filling up so quickly that even the mass being added to it meant nothing compared to their milky production. Rivers of thick cream protruded from her teats, each mound growing so heavy that the ‘bold was forced to stop and lean forward, unable to take another step without destroying her back in the process. Her ass and thighs followed suit, burying her in plush from a second direction entirely, while the six nuts she sported between her legs became country-sized cum factories, each pair servicing one of her three gigantic rods, all of which had found a home within her cleavages. Simply heaving her weight forward was enough to cause so much rubbing between her many parts that she blanked out entirely, and her ascension wasn’t even done yet!
The clouds parted, giving way to a darker and darker sky as Maza approached the final boundary before the wide-open cosmos. The kobold had never thought she’d ever go that far, but her life had been full of surprises before… so why not embrace that one as well? It almost seemed natural to just hop off the planet after a while, giving it a gentle push and ending up floating alongside it, her own body almost as big as that sphere was. She quickly identified the last few holdouts that hadn’t yet given up their mass to her, at which point her dominance over her homeworld was achieved. If anyone dared to come close to her domain they would see her, in her full glory, each breast now as large as the planet she left behind, each cock producing a steady stream of cum that formed entire rings around her. They would know that this was her backyard, and would know to back off before she did to them what she did to everyone else.
Which just posed the same question again: what was stopping someone else, elsewhere in that massive universe, from developing the same potion as the one that brought her that far? Nothing, that’s what; and that was a terrifying realization. Maybe somewhere there was already someone who was bigger than her. Someone who’d had that thought before she did and got a leg-up in becoming the true goddess of that reality; in fact, she was sure of it.
So sure, in fact, that her former homeworld began to look like quite a delicious snack rather than the pearl in her necklace she just saw it as. It’d be a sacrifice, but one she had to take in order to achieve true perfection.
Divinity. | yiff-extreme |
Title: furry lovers by white friesian
Tags: Cheetah, Compassion, Draft Horse, Gay Relationships, M/M, Short, Story Series
Furry lovers This story was inspired by my love and mate. All characters are BASED on real people the names are only their nicknames, the street addresses are fictional along with everything else. and ya this is my first story ive posted anywhere and the first one i wrote (willingly wrote, i still remember those fn mccages i think they were from elementry school, i hated those things. what was the purpose of them anyway?) anyway if ya have any comments gime a yell ( aim and yahoo is wolf03man04 ) and theres no real yiff in the first chapter but there will be, im still writing it actually. anyway i just noticed im rampling so enjoy.
Rabu: a cheetah standing at roughly 5'10". His slim build leading you to think him around 140 lbs at most. His golden brown fur gleams in the dim torchlight and you can clearly make out several black spots dotting his beautiful fur in random places. His eyes, which are a deep blue, rival that of the night sky and gleam when looked upon. Most of the time they smile at all from behind a pair of thin reading glasses. His hair, a dark mahogany, falls an inch from his shoulders in thick loose waves. Beneath the ink black industrial overcoat he wears a silk button down blood red shirt and a pair of black khakis that tuck neatly into his shin-high army boots. A thick strip of leather is strapped across his chest, holding the sheath of a sword on the center of his back. The swords' long silver hilt gleams with polish.
Stang: satin black Friesian stallion, about six feet tall and 210 but despite him being large when he runs its about as smooth as someone half his weight and almost silent, even in his heavy combat boots. brood shoulder and defined muscles that include a six pack and pecs. just looking at him you knew he was built for military service. he's well known in school as a great defense player in almost anything. but known to be best at football. his normal attire consists of military surplus pants and a band jacket, camo jacket from the navy or a hodie. he carries his stuff in a tactical back pack. in his school he is one of only eleven horses, seven mares and four stallions, most of the rest are either wolves, foxes, humans, or lions.
CHAPTER 1, lovers meeting
Stang, a deep red mustang with a stature that defines him as a warrior and his BDU's that he wears confirms that look, looks around from his back corner of the room. "Class. Class quiet down." the science teacher, a tall slim bright red dragon called Draco Howle, screams at the class as a confused looking cheetah walks in. "Is this Mr. Howle's science class?" "Yes, you must be Rabu." "Ya. Umm wear should I sit?" "Hey, Stang, anyone sit next to you?" "Nope" "Ok you can sit there, Rabu" "Sure" Stang returns to half paying attention and jotting down notes. Glancing over at the trim cheetah. As class ends Rabu gently taps Stang's shoulder to ask how to get to his next class "Excuse me, Mr. Stang." "Huh, what? Mr.? Yes?" "Sorry if I offended you, but I was wondering if you could tell me where room 5 is?" "No, no offence taken at all, just surprised me there. And room 5? Um" "Oh, ok. Yes, room 5. It's a study hall" "5. That would be in the art's hall past A hall. Hey I'm heading to 4, so just stick with me, ok?" "Sure. What's in 4, Mr. Stang?" "Band. And one, you don't have to call me with my title and two my title would be C/TSrg. But still just Stang is fine." "Ok Stang. Um what breed are you?" "Friesian mostly, a little mustang here and there." "Neat" the bell rings "So just follow you?" "Ya, I just need to toss my bag in my locker first" "Ok" They leave the room, and after stopping briefly at Stang's locker, they quickly make their way to the arts hall and stop in front of two sets of doors "Ok that's 5, where you go next?" "Next? Um, lunch" "Cool same here. I'll meet you here at the end of the period. Ok?" "Sure. Wait, when you said band did you mean concert or marching?" "Well technically it's symphonic but basically concert band. But we're playing marching band music. Why?" "Well I was in a marching band back at my old school. Do you think I can spend the period in there?" "Cool. Possibly, ask the study hall teacher. I'm sure Steffen wont mind" "Really? Awesome. I'll do that" "Cool, well I'll tell Steffan you might be coming in. If you do, look for me ok? Ill probably be on the far side of the room." As they go in the neighboring rooms Fran thinks to himself, damn he's hot, and as he passes the grey wolf that is Steffan, telling him that a new cheetah might be coming in and he's interested in marching band and that he was in his last school's band. Steffan nods and goes about what he was doing. After sitting down with his other friends, Boris an lion, Tyron a red fox, and Elfonzo a thin small timber wolf, Rabu comes in the door and immediately looks around and sees Fran and then Steffan. After talking briefly to the wolf Rabu pads softly over and takes a seat next to Fran. "So he let you out of study hall I take it?" "Ya. He said since I was only defaulted there that I could come in here and also come here for the rest of the year since it's only a couple days" "Cool. Hey let me introduce you to some of my friends. This is Boris, trombone, Tyron, alto sax, and the section of one Elfonzo, tenor sax." "Hey" "Morgan" "Nani?" "Glad to meet you all, I'm Rabu. I just moved here from Florida. What's nani mean?" "It means what" the wolf retorts "Don't ask why, he's just crazy." Fran informs the cheetah "So, Rabu, what you play?" Boris questions "Oh I play the trombone too. It's at home currently, some where." "Oh ya I play trombone to. Forgot to tell you before Rabu." "Cool, its ok Fran." "Hey listen up" Steffan tries to get the classes attention "YO SHUT UP!!" a short fox shouts and the band quiets down "Thanks Cody. Well today we're just listening to the marching band music which I'll start passing out tomorrow and playing it till the end of school" The rest of the period goes pretty swiftly and by the end Rabu is awed by the music which they will be playing. Fran, and basically everyone, just sits there smiling. None can wait to play this music. "So, Fran, we are playing that music?" "Not just playing Rabu, memorizing and performing weekly for at least 500 people in any weather" Rabu's jaw drops "Shit. Wow." "Yup, but we can pull it off. Last year wasn't easy and this year looks just as hard and fun if not harder" "So you joining the proud ranks of the pride's bonners?" "Yup. Defiantly after hearing that music I'm defiantly joining" "Cool. You might wana talk to Steffan about getting he stuff needed and getting your uniform. I'll be over by the door when your done" "Ok Fran." As Rabu goes to talk to Steffan about joining the marching band Fran goes over to the door where the section leaders have been posted and after a little Rabu comes over and the bell rings and they walk down to the lunch room, Fran showing Rabu where to sit as he gets his lunch before sitting down himself. "So Rabu what you have next?" "Umm. Health. Room 26" "Ok that's a back hall room. When you leave here go past the office and down B hall past the double doors, turn left up a small set of stairs, and it will be the second door on your left, just before a poll. I'm going there next also but I'm heading to rotc when I finish eating so ill be going there from about where my locker is" "Thanks. Hey where you live? That is if you don't mind sharing" "I don't mind sharing at all. Red oak drive" "Oh cool. I live there too, 718" "Serious? I'm next door. 720" "Awesome" the bell rings As Stang finishes eating and stands up to leave he reminds Rabu where to go as class ends and the are dismissed with a loud 'Sire, Yes, Sire', as is the procures of ROTC, he leaves and navigates the main hall to go down C hall, and to the room. He just goes to his seat and drops his bag before heading to the back corner where saw Rabu sitting. "I see you found here" "Ya. Wasn't too hard thanks to you, Stang" "Cool. So how were you're other classes, in the morning?" "I got here just before science" "Oh, so what are your other classes?" "Um, gym with Theison first, math with Jones, study hall, English with Soxman, and history with McClelland" "Cool, we have a few classes together. Gym and English I'm in, I have Jones for math but 5th. She's a nice vixen. McClelland is a good one too he's a lion." "Neat, the office said I can fill my study halls if I find a class with an open spot. What language you taking?" "Ich habe Deutsch. German." "Cool. I like German." "Well, the class is open. We only have like ten." "I'll talk to the office tomorrow. What teacher is it?" "Herr Wesner, but I'll come with you if you want." "Thanks." "Any time." the bell rings "We'll talk more after class." "Ok" Health class passes with little event. After class was over Stang went back and talked to Rabu more. As the bell rings they leave and walk out to the bus to go home. The trip home was a quiet one. Rabu looking around at all the car dealerships. "Ok, Rabu, here's where we get off." "Ya. Hey, Stang..." Rabu starts as the bus leaves them. "Yes, Rabu?" "You want to come over to my house for awhile?" "Sure, let me just dump my crap in my room. You want to come up with me?" "Why not. I'd love to see your room." "Believe me, it's not much. But any way, follow me." "Gladly." Rabu follows him into his house and room, looking around his room as Stang drops his bag and picks up a chain, putting it around his neck. "Cool room." "Thanks. Ok just need to leave a note and we can go." scribbles a note and tapes it to his door before leaving. Rabu follows closely, then leads Stang to his room. Opening his arms as he walks through the door backwards, arms open. "Welcome, my friend, to my room. Lots of crap in here, aint there." "Ya, but nice." looks around as Rabu puts his stuff away. Glancing at his slim build and subconsciously nickering. Rabu freezes and turns to see the horse looking at him. "Something wrong?" "No not at all cutie." "Cutie? Did you call me cutie?"
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*sorry bout the abrupt ending for this chapter but its the best chapter break i could find and well, ill try to get more up soon | FSE |
Title: Thulea by WSAD
Tags: Dragon, Dragoness, Inflation, M/F, Magic, Never Seen Sex Act, Non-Anthro, Short, Tie
Something older (and sadly short) I ran through and tweaked for quality's sake. There is probably still issues with it I'll gouge my eyes out over later on when I see them. Anyway, dragons fucking, enjoy!
     "So what have you decided to do with the human's request? He desires you to train him does he not?" the rust and gold skinned male asked of her. He straddled the smaller female resting on her belly below him where he could slide his body across hers. He allowed his the warmth of his scales tease and stimulate her senses by mimicking the old tradition of foreplay common amongst the older dragons. Their combined musk was strong despite the vault's high ceiling and long corridors, which made up the female's guest chamber, the place where she always greeted her more valued guests with the inviting allure of her slit.
    "I sense, as well as you do; no doubt, a small flame within him. He has potential, but not much in the hands of a human mage. I believe that if I put out effort enough that I could squeeze quite a bit of greatness out of him." She replied with a half moan in response to his ministrations. The male smiled as he thought of what else she would be squeezing out of someone as his slit took the hint and swelled. His member began to swell with hot dragon blood with its tip beginning to poke free of the folds.
    "I say make the attempt. However, by whose standards is this "greatness" measured? A dragon's or a humans?" He dipped his pelvis down to graze the tip of his member across her back. He leaked small amounts of precum onto her back and his musky scent began to explode from the powerful aroma of his seed. She inhaled a deep breathe of it and felt her vent tingle and grow moist. Any more teasing and her folds would turn red with blood and grow hot and inviting, the lips spreading slightly to take anything that wished to enter. The thought of being impaled once again by his huge shaft and taking his full load inside her got her wet with need. She bumped her rear up against his belly to tell him to keep going.
    "Then perhaps I shall. I'm sure he will be pleased." He growled and rubbed his head at hers and nuzzled at the aquamarine skin of her neck. The rest of her was a glossy smooth emerald green with flecks of yellow. He knew how pleased he would soon be, too, and his member finally slid free from his slit. He was till limp, but the size was impressive still, and it would not be long before the blood engorged him fully and made him as erect and solid as a statue. He knew all too well how she liked to be mated and he enjoyed it more than she. Out of the many females who would take him into their guest chamber she was the only one who enjoyed being roughly taken by his rigid meat, and despite her size she was the only one who seemed to be able to comfortably engulf his entire shaft. It always surprised him how much of his seed stayed in her belly rather than spilling out in drove as it did with the other females he frequented. Thulea was an excellent breeder and could make countless fine clutches if she ever decided to allow a male to breed her for young.
    Thulea arched her back and allowed herself to be teased by the ever stiffing shaft bumping and sliding across her rear. The blood flowed through both of them and soon her lips were red and willing to take any male and his spear that was willing to answer the call. His rod was erect and bobbed beneath his large frame to slap against his underbelly. He was more than three foot in length, much more than adequate for any male. His pride was often too much for many females and his semen usually spilled forth in such an amount that no womb could hold it all for young. Thulea had not let herself be mated by him in over two months and he was eager to fill her belly with his rod and make her swell with his spunk.
    "Begin, please. If I am to train the boy then I must greet and prepare him. You may not have the opportunity to breed me for quite some time after this chance." He was only mildly surprised at this news. She was obsessive over anything she decided to do and would often shelve other things to make more time and room for her primary objective. Even things such as mating, one of her favored "treats", was tossed to the side to be ignored.
    "Then I will have to mate you all the more fiercely to make up for time that I will be spending outside your slit." He grinned at her with a quick nuzzle to her neck.
    "Give me all of what you can muster then, Salasal." He licked at her and slid his tongue under her chin and across her snout lovingly as he tilted his hips and slid the tip of his shaft to her waiting hole. His rod eased into her folds with little effort to tease at her senses as well as his own. He adored how her body hugged at his shaft so tightly, stretching around his girth as he squeezed himself inside her. She always felt small and tight, almost so much so that he feared he wouldn't make it in, but she was deep enough for him and her body was just able enough to take him. No other female could and he growled in delight as his shaft buried itself to the hilt.
    Thulea grimaced at the slow and steady intrusion of such a huge beast of a phallus. She concentrated on her thoughts and focused her magical energies as the trickle of power pooled within her nethers. The skin of her slit and the tender flesh of her innermost regions toughened or grew more elastic where needed so they would not tear against the monstrous rod attempting to destroy them. The fool actually believed that she was truly capable of safely harboring his freakishly large prick. She only mated with him and put out the effort of casting stealthy magic on herself so she could indulge in her fetish of being filled with copious amounts of semen. His load was so great that she would orgasm from simply the feel of his shaft twitching with every hot jet of seed he spilled inside her.
    She grinned when she realized that she was not so much a fetishist as a smart dragon. Rarely were dragons ever capable of manipulating their clutches the way she could. Her eggs never grew inside her unless she wished them to so she was never fearful of being burdened by a male's young. When Salasal was finished filling her cunt she would squeeze her folds tight and hold it all in. A difficult task since he filled her so well that most of his seed wanted to spew back out for the lack of room. She would hold out as long as she could and enjoy the warmth radiating inside her, then allow the seed to spill out into a magic formed clay container kept in her Inner Chamber. Each container (of which there were many) contained the seed of every male she mated with, one container for every male. Salasal's container was very big.
    With her skill she could take a large amount of seed and manipulate the tiny pieces of life within them and craft a fine child from it. Using eggs from her own clutch of course as the final half of the puzzle. She had already long since perfected her own half of the mixture. She collect the sperm to blend traits from her various suitors hoping that one day she would be satisfied with her creation, then when boredom struck, she would allow herself to be impregnated. She would raise fine young.
    Salasal was tired of the simple feeling of being squeezed and he began to make good on his promise to mate her fiercely. He slid his hips back until two thirds of his member slid from her body, then plowed it all back in again. She gasped loudly at the sudden vacuum formed from his fast exit, then grunted when he pushed his length back in again. The magic working in her belly worked well and her folds held firm against his pummeling. His shaft was slick with his hot precum and her own juices and he slid in and out with no resistance except from her extreme tightness. She knew he would only last, at most, a few minutes at such a fierce pace and then they would be finished. Her fetish satisfied she would then send him on his way with a stupid grin on his snout.
    Salasal was humping against her as hard as he could, driving every twitching inch as deep as they would be permitted. He was lost in the noises of their mating, the slurping and sucking of wet meat slamming hard into a sloppy hole, and the sound of the tiny female grunting and gasping with every stroke. He felt her clinch her self down on his cock as a rush of hot fluid splash against his cock. Her moans became louder as he realized she was cumming on his shaft.
    Thulea was successful. She then faked yet another orgasm and contracted her muscles to spray her feminine cum across his dick, causing her scent of arousal to flood the room more thoroughly. His huge member was only mildly pleasurable, the healing magic working overtime to numb her folds to stave off any pain.
    Minutes past by and finally Salasal was ready to blow his load. She felt his dick swell slightly. The base of his shaft grew and he plowed it between her lips and it swelled further locking him inside her belly. She was shocked at how large he was becoming since he had never gotten quite so large before. He always tied with her, but never so strongly!
    Salasal decided to cheat his way into a longer stay in her cunt. He manipulated his body's blood flow and forced his shaft to swell larger than it would have normally. His dick was so tight inside her that it would be a long several minutes before he could pull free. She felt him throb inside her before he came. His eyes rolled back into his head as he felt a rush of blackness overtake his vision; a numbness to the limbs, then a tingling that grew from his shaft and exploded through him. His roar was deafening and Thulea had to mutter a quiet spell to protect her ears.
    Then she orgasmed in earnest. Hot cum spilled inside her in powerful streams. Every nook and cranny was filled with seed and she felt her insides swell with his load. Salasal was awe struck by this orgasm. His body shook and trembled as he emptied himself deep inside her. Lights flashed before his eyes before he finally passed out, in part because of his orgasm, and then partly because he stole too much blood from his brain to keep him awake during such a momentous climax.
    His cock was still buried within her and he tugged her to the floor. She laughed at him as she continued to shake and writhe from her intense orgasm. He was still cumming inside her and she rolled him onto his back so she could straddle his belly and ride him. So long as she continued to stimulate his prick he could continue to cum. Her belly was slightly distended from being so viciously filled, and she adored the feeling of fluid surging inside her and flowing in currents as his shaft sprayed his load within her. His orgasm slowly subsided after a time. She felt sick from having so much in her all at once. He had come more than he had ever managed during all their previous matings.
    She flexed her vaginal muscles and readied herself to contain the cum pint up inside her. It took several minutes but his cock went limp and slid from her, all the while she held her slit shut tight to keep the seed from leaking out. Once he was free from her insides she wobbled to her inner chamber and to the largest of her containers. The brown vase was enchanted to preserve anything that was placed within it as if it were freshly deposited.
    She lifted a hind leg and positioned her slit over the opening of the vase and relaxed her muscles. All the seed she was fighting to contain spilled from her cunt and into the vase to join the rest of the container's contents. With his large loads she was forced to create a larger vase just for him. She had thirteen other vases by this one and each contained semen from other suitors, in varying amounts. Some she mated with more than others and usually due to giving favors or simple favoritism.
    When she was finished squeezing out the bulk of his seed she dropped off the container and licked herself clean. She savored the musky flavor of Salasal's cum, though admittedly she had tasted better. Salasal's only perks were that he was large and that he came in long large loads. She loved that about him, but his taste and personality was lacking. She went to snap Salasal awake and to politely tell him to remove him and his freakish cock out of her chambers. She had new business to attending involving the human and she did not want any further distractions. | FSE |
Title: Beautiful Twilight: POP by Sparkle
Tags: Comedy, M/F, Multiple, Oral, Rhyme, Teasing
Beautiful Twilight: Pop
The bar was packed, the staff was stacked, and the line to get in was around the building and back. A mouse, a rat, a doe and a mutt, The girls of twilight began to run low on smut. Spark had the show! She had written it down, But she had forgotten to leave it, before her night on the town. She had the night off, the wolf was long gone, And now the girls needed a show before dawn!
With no act to perform, the crowd became mean They wanted a show, and chanted things quite obscene. "Oh, what will we do?" Margie whimpered in fear "That audience is angry, that is quite clear." "I've got an idea! "Said Crystal, the rat, "We could play "Pop!" How' you feel 'bout that?!" "That's brilliant, wonderful, an idea quite divine!" "We'll keep the crowd busy and close right on time!" And so the girls all marched, all four to the stage Ready and willing to calm the crowd's rage.
"We're gonna play Pop!" Margie shouted to all And the crowd shut up, curious to the call "Pop is a game, that we like to play, That helps relieve the stress of the day. The rules are quite simple, quite easy in fact, All you need to do, is not react. So take off your clothes, come stand next to us If you have a big wiener, well that's quite the plus. The game is quite simple, here's what we do, We tickle, and touch, and grind up against you Then we time, how long that it takes Before an erection begins to take place! All you need do, to win our crown, Is stand here real still, and keep your 'boy' down. If we manage to make you "pop" The game is over, and then we stop. The longer you last, the better the prize: You get to spend the night between our thighs! Two minutes of pleasure, and pain so unique That's how long you must last the technique! So come one come all, to our great game! Be the first to win and achieve your fame!
What's this, too shy? Not a paw in the air?" Ahh, there we are, someone taking a dare! An otter boy, aww, he's really cute, I wanna be first to make him shoot!
Melissa the mutt was wagging her tail, Her eyes wandering the boy without fail. His fur was tawny, tan and relaxed His member was throbbing from under his slacks. The canine growled low, and moaned with glee Upon ripping off his slacks to see his pee-pee The otter was hunky, and well packed indeed But erect already? Not likely to succeed But the game went on, with a squeeze and a grope And that's all it took, for that first sticky rope. Licking her muzzle, Melissa sighed at the male, "What was his time? Four seconds?! You FAIL!" The otter went back to his seat with a blush, But not before the mutt cleaned off her new crush.
Next to come up was a tiger with pride. He strolled to the stage and gave a great smile wide. Lose this game? Not him! He was l33t! The girls would have trouble, so they decided to cheat. First was the rat, who tugged down his clothes eleven full inches- the kitty had a hose. The girls all grinned, at the length they saw Ready and willing, they began to paw They squeezed, gave a stroke, a nibble or two, But the tall standing feline didn't even mew Things looked grim for the girls that night, The feline was putting up quite the fight. A minute and ten, he was soon to win Before the female deer got wise with a grin. She leaned in close, whispering into his ear "That dog over there- the one with the cute rear?" A subby puppy with a thing for you kitty I saw him watching you, it's really quite the pity That you're up here and not down with him, So cute and cut, and beautifully slim Muscles so thick, and biceps so trim A canine hard pressed to give you a rim. Can you imagine, that long tongue he has, Working and licking and slurping your ass? That's all it took, for the tiger to blow His cock erupted putting on quite the show. He blushed deeply and returned to his seat with a sigh Before the canine in question, decided to try. They talked to each other, words soft and sweet And the kitty then offered the doggy a seat.
On stage the girls were winning their game Beating each and everyone down from fame No one could stand, their loving soft touch For every male that tried, it proved to much And so the game ended, with one more fur A feline named Jeice was sure to score! The kitty had red fur, and was ready and play He walked right up, and stood poised to stay. The girls all grinned, and got right to work, Teasing that kitty; already his cock gave a jerk. Melissa was on the bottom, her fingers nimble and small Tickling and massaging the underside of his balls Margie was timing, reading the watch nice and close And while the girls worked, a smiled curved under her nose Crystal was behind, with both paws on his rear, Her lips were whispering naughty thoughts to his ears. And last was Elly, who's fingers worked slow, The doe massaging the pubic fur for the show Jeice to his credit, stood firm and strong Although it was obvious it wouldn't take much to long. The three girls didn't let up, even as the seconds ticked by The kitty was quickly realizing the mistake of his try. His will was wavering, and quickly fading away And poor Jeice found he was unable to stay. They finished him off, much to his dismay With a time of 156- four seconds before his lay! He'd lost- he was the closest of all And he cursed the girls whom emptied his balls He grumbled and snarled and whined quite a bit, The crowd all laughed, the game was a hit!!
The bar closed down, the night was quite done Out of all the furs who played, not a single won. The girls were happy, disaster averted The stage was clean, of all the cum that was squirted. The chairs were put up, the glasses were clean The money was counted, the machine filled with green Crystal was right, they got out on time They all went home, around 2 the bell chimed. And Margie told Spark all about their story The mouse quite happy to have achieved the glory. And so all was well, and all ended right And it was another night, at Beautiful Twilight. | FSE |
Title: Doris' Itch Ch. 03
Tags: doris, incest with son, sex withson's best friend, unfaithful to husband, nurse, sunday school teacher, christian, 42dd tits
*I hope I have done justice to my friend Doris' fantasy and that you enjoy her story, but I would welcome your feedback on how to improve the story or my writing.
Thanks to those who commented on the first two chapters saying that there was no incest or taboo. The story was originally about a woman fancying the underage friend of her youngest son which was the taboo and was leading towards sex with her son which is incest. Unfortunately the story had to be changed to be published as this site considered underage sex to be more than taboo and rejected the story. Maybe this is due to the current fad of political correctness where underage sex is seen as child sex, which is illegal (& quite rightly so), but it is interesting that incest, which is also illegal, is still published – an interesting contradiction in terms.*
On my return home from work on the Friday evening I found the house a bomb site of activity. My husband Ian had got an early flight home from his latest sales trip and he was 'organising' Andy & Mike to get ready for their trip to camp for a weeks 'Father & Son' bonding camp with 4H in the Adirondacks in upper New York State. There were rucsacs, sleeping bags, boots, clothing and camping paraphernalia spread all over the lounge floor as they assembled all they thought they would need to survive outside the safety of Chicago in summer. Looking at all of the kit you won't believe they were only going for a week, it looked more like the end of the world was nigh and they were going to be survivalists in the wilderness.
They were already having fun together so instead of getting in the way by heading upstairs to change out of my nurses uniform, I headed into the kitchen to start fixing dinner. I realised that Toby wasn't around tonight, and that was probably for the best as he would have been on his own as Mike was fully absorbed in his forthcoming trip with his dad & brother. I smiled to myself at the memory of Toby wanking himself off in our bathroom two nights ago and shooting his hot streams of creamy spunk over the front of my uniform skirt as I flashed my 42DD tits at him to send him over the edge. Not only did the memory bring a smile to my face, it brought back the itch between my legs for some really satisfying sex.
As I mentioned previously Ian is strictly a once a month 'service' man in the missionary position with the lights off. So I hoped that tonight would be the night as he had made the decision to have a week away with the boys without discussing it with me. So tonight I wanted a bonus fuck as my consolation prize for not being able to go on holiday with them.
As I prepared a fish pie I dreamt of our love making becoming more adventurous with Ian sliding down my body to taste my pussy for the first time ever. I could just picture my legs wrapped around onto his back and my hands on his head to drive his tongue & face deep into my pussy which desperately craved more than its usual once a month lovemaking in the dark. I wanted to see Ian's face emerge coated with my juices as he climbed out from between my thighs after giving me the most fantastic orgasm of my life. I realised that I was stood in front of the stove grinding my hips in a circular motion as I imagined his tongue buried deep in the pink velvet tunnel of my love hungry pussy. Forget the fish pie I just needed a good fucking, I just wished he would walk in now, close the kitchen door, bend me over the kitchen table, rip off my panties and claim me as his there and then. Now I realised my hand was rubbing hard against my mound as I dreamt these wonderful thoughts rather than concentrated on getting the veggies to the boil and starting the sauce.
"Come and get it," I shouted out for my man & son's, meaning pussy for Ian and fish pie for the boys. Andy, my eldest son was first in and boy did he look a rugged young man dressed in his LL Bean red tartan wool shirt, all ready for the wilderness.
"It smells great mum," he praised as young Mike and Ian followed him to the dining table. It was great to be together again as a whole family as we joined hands across the table for Ian to bless the food before we tucked into the fish pie.
The boys were full of enthusiasm for their trip as I smiled across at Ian and pouted my lips as I slowly slid pie into my mouth and slowly licked the fork clean with my tongue as I smiled across the table at him. I thrust my uniform wrapped tits across the table as I reached for more vegetables and rubbed my foot up his leg under the table to ensure I got his attention while enjoying our meal.
As the boys cleaned away the dishes after dinner I went upstairs to shower and change into something more comfortable. My nipples hardened like bullets as I stood under the hot water and imagined going down on my knees to take Ian's cock into my mouth for the first time. As I dreamed of exploring his length with my tongue for the first time I soaped my pussy to ensure it was nice & fresh to encourage him down there when I would push his head off my tits and send him south for the first time on a new journey of discovery for both of us. As I turned and opened my eyes I was surprised to see that I was looking up straight into Toby's eyes as I released his cock from my mouth and not Ian's. The visualisation was so crisp & clear, was I now totally fixated with Toby?
God was my lack of a good regular fucking and the desire for oral sex driving me to such forbidden thoughts?
Before I risked satisfying myself in the shower I switched off the water and climbed out to wrap myself in a big white fluffy towel. I stood in front of the mirror looking at my 42DD breasts thrusting forward in the towel wondering why Ian was such a prude when most men would be trying to get the towel off to expose the beautiful mass of tit flesh to their eyes, hands and tongues. Even the butcher who attended our church licked the end of his nose whenever he saw me, very obvious in what he desired.
Please don't get me wrong, I dearly love Ian, but I just wished he would be more active and adventurous in the trouser department.
Well if he was going to chase me then I needed to entice him so I put on my smallest & tightest bra & panties before wrapping my body in a thin robe that was slightly see through if back lit. Before heading downstairs I added some perfume as additional enticement for the sex I so desperately craved and needed tonight.
The guys had just about finished all of their packing as I entered the lounge and flicked on the TV and DVD, before settling down in the chair opposite where Ian usually sits. As I started the movie the boys sat down to watch as well, and finally Ian came & sat in his usual chair. Before he got too engrossed in the movie I crossed my legs which forced my robe to ride up and split apart slightly as I offered myself to my husband.
'Shit, he didn't even notice,' I thought to myself as I sat there paying little attention to the movie. I needed to work at this if I was to get the fucking I so desperately needed tonight. So I moved slightly & twisted so one edge of my robe eased forward exposing my cleavage to Ian's view.
'Is he teasing me by pretending not to notice?' I wondered as I failed again to get any reaction. I looked sideways and realised that Andy, my eldest, was staring at the show in front of him, even if my husband hadn't noticed for himself. Andy's eyes quickly switched back towards the TV when he realised that I had probably caught him staring at his sex starved mother flashing her wares at her husband. Andy crossed his legs and put his hands in his lap as he stared straight at the movie.
'My god, I've given my son a hard on. My son has a hard on for his mother,' I thought and blushed slightly at the thought.
"Mike, will you please go & get us some popcorn and drinks?" I asked.
"Aw, Mum," Mike challenged.
"Come on Mike, it is the soppy bit in the film that you don't like, where the man tries to win over the affections of the woman," I hinted in a soft sexy voice looking directly at Ian, who briefly glanced my way without giving any indication of noticing the show I was putting on solely for his benefit.
"I'm sure your dad is hungry for something," I hinted as Mike started to climb out of his chair and head for the kitchen.
There was little reaction from Ian, not even a slight curl of his lips into a smile. Either he was teasing very skilfully or I was getting nowhere. This thought hurt my feelings a little.
Mike returned with a bowl of popcorn & a cold soda each and sat back down in his chair.
"Don't worry Mike you haven't missed much," I informed him," The hero hasn't fallen for her obvious charms yet, and the action is going to begin shortly," as I stared hard at Ian and re crossed my legs to give him a flash of my small panties & my soft inner thighs.
No reaction from Ian, but a look of hunger from Andy and it wasn't for his bowl of popcorn which he was having trouble to rest in his lap without it spilling as it rested atop the hard on that he was trying desperately to conceal.
"Ian, do you think he is going to fall for her charms and bed her at the end of the film?" I inquired to the sound of Andy starting to choke on his popcorn.
Finally Ian looked at me and noticed the amount of cleavage on show and his eyes widened as he calmly stated "I don't know." And at that he turned back to the film.
Now I was hurt and I watched the rest of the film in silence, occasionally feeling Andy still staring at the amount of cleavage and bare leg that I still had on show for my husband.
Finally the film finished.
"Time for bed boys, up those stairs now" I instructed.
Andy struggled to stand and I could see him trying to hide his continued hard on. Would he be wanking in his bedroom as Ian and I had our standard fuck across the hall. My dreams of oral sex were redundant as I expected nothing special now.
I let Ian get into bed first before I started to slowly peel my robe off one shoulder at a time in a slow strip. As he looked towards me I bent forward to show my immense cleavage to him as I slowly pulled down my panties and kicked them off into the corner of the bedroom. Still leaning forward, looking deep into his eyes I undid the front clasp of my bra to allow my full breasts to swing free for his viewing pleasure.
I was horrified & bitterly disappointed not to see even the slightly look of longing or lust in his eyes as I slowly peeled back the covers to climb into bed alongside him.
I snuggled in close and placed my head on his chest & wrapped my arm around him.
I tilted my head up for a kiss as my hand slid over his flat stomach on its journey south to search out his hardening prick.
I was utterly shocked to feel Ian grip my hand as he calmly stated "We have an early start in the morning," and started to turn away from me.
I nearly sobbed as I asked, "Ian you haven't made love to me for weeks and you are going to be way next weekend as well, I need you, I love you. Let's make love tonight."
"Please Doris, give it a rest," he said without feeling as he turned onto his side giving me his hard back, rather than his hot hard prick that I craved and needed right now.
Tears welled into my eyes as Ian turned off the light and didn't turn back to take me in his arms to make love to me. Right at this moment I would accept straight up & down rather than my dream of excitement such as oral sex. But tonight I would get neither.
I turned my back to Ian & quietly wept, wondering if he still loved me. Was I still attractive? Yes I was as my son Andy was lying in his bed, probably wanking to get rid of his hard on. What a waste of a hard cock.
Against my Christian church going beliefs I wanted to go to Andy's room and help myself to his hard cock, especially if my husband wasn't go to give me any of his. I knew these thoughts of my own son would send me straight to hell but I needed a good fucking and I wasn't going to get it in my marital bed with my husband anytime in the next week.
I cried myself to a restless sleep wondering if my husband still loved me?; was he getting his oats when he was away?; was he being unfaithful to me?; was Andy's cock hard solely because of the show I had put on?
As I tossed & turned I dreamt of Andy consoling me in his arms before pushing me slowly down his toned body to take his hard on in my hands and eventually into my mouth.
It seemed only minutes later when the alarm rudely awoke me at 5am for our early trip to the airport. I wondered if last night had all been just a bad dream. But reaching between my legs to find a dry tight pussy meant it wasn't as there was no sign of cum leaking from a wet & tender well fucked pussy. Ian stirred alongside me and quickly got out of bed to get dressed before heading of the bedroom to wake up the boys.
I couldn't join them for breakfast as I was so hurt by Ian, and so turned on by Andy & the thought of him wanking himself off over the thoughts of my body last night.
I was snatched from my reverie by Ian shouting up the stairs "Doris, are you ready?, we need to leave now for the airport!"
We drove in silence, a real tension in the air. I was mad at Ian, and I could feel Andy's eyes boring into my back as he dreamed of my tits. My life seemed to be going off the rails, I couldn't get my husband to fuck me, I had had my youngest son's best friend wank in front of me, and to cap it all my eldest son was probably wanting to do the same!
Well I dropped the three of them off at O'Hare and didn't wait for them to check in. I just needed to get away as my emotions were torn to shreds and my body just demanded sex in what ever form I could get it. As a Christian Sunday school teacher I was plunging into the pits & fires of hell with the thoughts I was having.
I had to concentrate hard on the traffic on the drive home as my mind spun in all different directions and my pussy screamed for attention. I decided that if my now lousy & possibly cheating husband couldn't give me a good seeing to then I would need to do it myself in my den at home, courtesy of a porno video & my fingers. The drive home was hard as my thoughts were torn between emotional hurt & the need for sex. I pictured all sorts of images like Ian shagging some tart in his hotel room; the butcher lashing his long tongue up the length of my pussy; Toby standing over me wanking himself over my tits; or kneeing in front of Andy with his rock solid buried deep into mouth as I draw hungrily on his length. How I made it home I'll never know.
I had only just got in the house when there was a knock at the front door, 'Go away,' I thought, but my Christian good nature overruled that thought and I opened the door to find Toby standing there.
"Hi Mrs B," he greeted me cheerfully," I've come to borrow some of Mike's CD's while he is away at camp, he said it was okay."
I pulled the door open for him to enter, "Come in," I said.
"I don't mind where you come, as long as you clean it up afterwards," he smiled at me.
I reluctantly smiled, "You cheeky little rogue."
Toby headed through the lounge and up the stairs to Mike's bedroom.
'Shit, I can't really head off to my den while he is here," I considered to myself, 'Might as well make the beds while I wait for Toby to leave.'
At this moment in time I really hated Toby's intrusion as I headed to Andy's room. As I entered I could smell a lot of deodorant, more than usual, and as I bent over his bed I could smell the unmistakable aroma of man sex. I reckoned that Andy had been masturbating last night. My pussy started to itch as I wondered if he had been stroking his hard meat at the thought of the show I put on for Ian last night. Tears welled in my eyes as I was reminded of my failed attempt to turn on my husband last night, but I found myself taking an odd consolation in the fact that I had turned on my eldest son & my itch got worse.
Taking a final breath to enjoy the aroma of Andy's cum, I finished his bed and as I started to stand up straight I heard the landing creak slightly; Oh Toby was up to his usual trick.
By the time I came out into the hall Toby was gone & I could see him sitting on the floor sorting through CDs. Toby turned and gave me one of his cheeky smiles. I couldn't help but smile back at the cheeky rogue. He was becoming a great looking young man. ' God, woman you are at it again,' I thought rubbing my thighs together as I smiled back at Toby and then moved into Mikes room to make his bed.
I could feel Toby's eyes boring into my body as I bent to make Mike's bed. I could feel his eyes roving over my ass and up onto my breasts swinging in my t shirt. The horizontal stripes of the material would make them look even larger & more tempting than their 42 inches and double D cups. I felt wicked and a little sexy as I started to tease young Toby by reaching further than necessary, making my breasts swing, stretching the bra & t shirt to their limits. My hips swayed as well in an exaggerated style to tease Toby with my ass.
Finishing the bed I stood, turned & smiled down at Toby, enjoying seeing the lust in his eyes. I regained some of my lost self respect as a woman as I realised the power I had to turn on this young man as his mouth hung open in front of me. I reckoned the CDs in his lap were hiding a hard on. I reckoned that my show had guaranteed Toby was struggling with both his hard on and his thoughts as he stared at his best friend's mother, with her massive tits arching out from her chest high above him. The itch in my pussy was constant now.
I walked out, my hips swaying slightly as I headed to my room to make my bed. As I bent over with my back to the door I knew Toby was watching me from the hallway.
"Toby, get yourself in here and make yourself useful by helping me make the bed," I called out.
"Yes, Mrs B," he answered, his voice only a few feet behind me.
He walked around behind me, having to brush against my bent over ass as he tried to fit between me and the dressing table. 'I bet he enjoyed that,' I thought to myself.
Toby stood on the far side of my marital bed staring at my tits as I pulled the sheet straight.
"Are you going to give me a hand? Or are you going to stare at my chest all morning?" I enquired with a slight teasing smile.
"I... I... Uh..... Sorry Mrs B," Toby stuttered much to my enjoyment.
As I pulled up the blanket I shook my shoulders making my heavy breasts swing & tug at the material trying to contain them. I could feel my nipples starting to harden as they rubbed against my bra.
Toby's eyes were bugging out at the sight and I could see the bulge in the front of his pants, which this time he made no effort to hide.
As I finished smoothing out the blanket I could see Toby was totally fixated on my body.
"As a little boy you always liked being held against my bosom whenever you hurt yourself didn't you?" I asked.
"Yeah, Mrs B," Toby drooled.
"By the look in your eyes, you would like to be back there now wouldn't you?"
"Oh yes, Mrs B." Toby sighed.
I opened my arms wide in invitation, "Come here," I offered.
Toby was around the bed like a shot. He arms wrapped around my waist and his cheek sank into the pliant mass of my chest with his lips brushing against one of my hardening nipples. I wrapped one arm around his shoulders and cradled his head into my bosom with the other.
I could hear Toby sigh contently against my now heaving breasts as I felt his hot breath blow across the front of my covered hard nipple.
"Is that better Toby?"
"Oh yes, Mrs B," he responded quietly.
The warmth of his body made my pussy throb with an indescribable need for attention.
After a couple of minutes of mutual hugging I slowly pushed Toby's head away from my chest, reached down and lifted up my t-shirt to expose the acreage of flesh & cleavage to Toby's wide eyes as I quickly pulled his head back into my now hot flesh. The heat increased as I felt his warm breath blow across my skin and my nipple responded accordingly as it stood out mimicking one of church's organ stops.
Toby just groaned, totally overwhelmed by events.
The touch and warmth of this young virgin was making my mind lose all reason as I rubbed his face across my cleavage. My pussy burned and ached for attention.
Reaching up I undid the front clasp of my bra to let my breasts swing free and let my rock hard nipples project out towards Toby. Before he could react I gripped his head and pulled his mouth over one of my burning nipples.
Instinct took over for Toby as his lips automatically latched onto my breast, absorbing my nipple into his mouth. Toby drew on the nipple, sucking on it as if his life depended on it, as it had as a baby sucking on his mother's breast.
We both groaned loudly as our passions soared and our lusts were realised.
"Suck boy, suck & lick my nipple," I instructed.
Toby needed no encouragement and drew heavily as my nipple was sucked deep into his mouth.
My pussy was throbbing & demanding attention, and I knew Toby's young prick must be in the same condition.
Pushing Toby away from my breast I dropped to my knees in front of Toby, tugging to undo his belt and tug down his zipper. In under a minute I was tugging down his pants and jockeys to free his hard on to my hungry eyes and mouth. A six inch thick meaty hard prick sprung out of captivity right in front of my eyes, accompanied by groans of relief from Toby above me.
I gently cupped his balls and wrapped my other hand around his hot length. Toby's hips thrust forward in natural response to my touch. I peeled his foreskin back to expose a drop of pre-cum on the swollen head of his prick. The head & glands swelled and throbbed with blood as I opened my mouth to take his virgin length into my mouth for the first time.
As my lips closed over the head of his prick Toby groaned out loud, "OOOhhhh........Mrs B!!!!."
I drew heavily on the enflamed head as I gripped a cheek of his tight ass in each hand making him groan even more.
Toby rested one hand on the back of my head and he stooped slightly so he could reach down to try to cup one of my massive full breasts in his young hand. Placing his open hand over my nipple he cupped the weight in his hand, groaning in absolute pleasure as his wildest dreams came true and he had his hand on the treasure he had always desired.
I knew he was excited beyond any pleasure he had ever experienced so far in his young life and that he won't last long. Slipping my tongue to the underside of his meaty length I slid forward taking a man's prick deep into my mouth for the first time. It seemed so natural as the head of his prick reached the back of my throat. As soon as it was fully in I started to bob my mouth up & down the full length of his meat.
"Aarrrggghhh, Mrs B....... Oh god, .......... Oh my god." Toby groaned as I looked up at his face.
His eyes seemed wide & misted over in a mixture of bewilderment and pleasure at this new sensation for both of us. I thoroughly enjoyed the feel of his hard meaty length as it slid through my lips and over my tongue. I supported the weight of his cum filled balls in my hand, leaving one hand gripping one of his thrusting ass cheeks as he plunged his hot meat in and out of my willing accepting mouth.
I was surprised he was lasting so long as I felt my own juices flowing deep within my pussy.
Toby suddenly gripped the back of my head and squeezed my breast hard in his hand as I felt his balls & prick surge & swell even more.
"YYeeessss," he shouted in utter relief as his cum exploded out of his swollen prick head and filled my hungry mouth with non stop copious amounts of hot creamy spunk. Thick wads streamed against my throat as I hungrily swallowed the thick ribbons filling my mouth. Toby had taken my oral virginity as I had never given a blow job before in all of my years of marriage. It was exquisite to be finally enjoying a sensation that I had been dreaming & fantasising about for years, and I wasn't disappointed in my enjoyment & pleasure of sucking & licking Toby's meat and tasting and swallowing his hot sticky cum. This almost sent me into my own orgasm but my pussy and clitoris required probing fingers to achieve this.
'Wait a minute, I have something better than my usual fingers,' I thought,' Yes I've got Toby' and a huge smile crossed my face as I looked up at Toby whose expression was of being totally spaced out by his enormous orgasm.
As Toby started to soften in my mouth the idea firmed up in my mind.
I quickly let his prick slide out of my mouth as I quickly stood in front of him to look in his spaced out eyes briefly before bending down to thrust my jogger bottoms & panties down my legs and off one foot. Toby suddenly realised what I had done and tried to look at my now exposed pussy. Well he was going to get the best seat in the house, only he just didn't know it yet. I sat on the corner of the bed with my legs thrust wide apart and my feet on the floor as I growled "Toby get over here right now."
He immediately obeyed "Yes, Mrs B........"
"Kneel between my legs right now," I said urgently with desire in my voice.
Toby immediately complied, but with assistance from my hands as I grabbed his head as soon as his knees hit the floor. His eyes wet wide in appreciation seconds before I pulled his mouth & face straight into my hot steamy mound that was desperate for stimulation and ultimate relief.
I jumped as I felt his smooth lips meet my pubic mound for the first time, and instructed "Stick your tongue out Toby and lick up & down my pussy."
To ensure he complied I pulled his head up and down my mound as I desperately sought relief that had been brewing since Wednesday when Toby had wanked in front of me. With one hand I spread my wet pussy lips wide just as his tongue penetrated my pussy for the first time by anyone. The feelings that I experienced for the first time in my life were so beautiful and so satisfying as his tongue explored & tantalised every millimetre of my tunnel. I could feel my pussy lips swell and my clit harden as feelings of pleasure radiated from my mound out into my thighs & stomach.
"OOhhh yes Toby that is it, lash your tongue up and down my slit hard," I demanded.
The dam burst deep inside of me as my juices gushed down my love tunnel and swamped over his tongue and into his accepting mouth.
Muff diving was everything I dreamt it would be as my erotic fuse board overloaded and tripped every nerve ending in my body as a nuclear explosion of orgasm demolished my entire being as I pulled Toby hard into my pussy, nearly drowning him.
"Aarrgh Toby, yes, yes.... Lick harder, keep going, keep going, deeper, plunge your tongue deep inside me........ uuhhh, yes that's it," I panted & screamed as my first tongue driven orgasm washed over every part of me.
Toby kept on going, lashing & probing my love tunnel, not knowing to stop due to the immense pleasure he was giving me and his total lack of previous experience in licking a woman's pussy.
The walls of my pussy clamped around his tongue, coating his tongue & throat with my ever flowing juices that just kept flowing. He was possessed as his face squeezed tight to my pussy rubbing his lips over my spread & throbbing lips as his tongue delved deep into me. I was totally spent as I pushed Toby away from my now sensitive and well sated pussy, and he fell back on the floor totally blown away by what both of us had just experienced. I flopped down on the bed totally exhausted but with my legs still wide apart leaving Toby gaping at the sight in front of him.
He stared at my legs & my silky thighs either side of my juice matted pubic mound torn in two by the now swollen pink lips of my pussy. And above all of this he could see my enormous tits heaving up and down as I tried to calm my racing pulse and heavy breathing. Toby must have thought he had died and gone to heaven.
Finally I recovered enough strength to stand up and remove my bra & t-shirt from my shoulders, and to stand totally naked in front of my new lover, Toby.
"Wow, Mrs B," was all he could say as I towered above him and my huge breasts hung over him.
I offered him my hand and pulled him to his feet. I took him in my arms, crushing his young body into my chest as I leaned my head forward to kiss him hard on the lips before exploring his mouth with my tongue for several minutes as our mutual passion and lust increased. We could each taste our own juices in each others mouths as our tongues danced a tango of lust and need.
Eventually I broke the kiss and looked deep into his love puppy eyes.
"Now we have satisfied our immediate needs we can take it more slowly as I teach you how to pleasure a woman, and then I am going to take your virginity & make a man out of you," I informed a gob smacked Toby.
"You can start by taking off the rest of your clothes and lying on the bed," I instructed him as I ran my eyes over the body of my new lover and toy boy.
His body was lean and slightly tanned from the early summer sun. I yearned to explore the tight lines of his body in detail as this was always off limits with Ian. Toby had such a tight looking ass and I planned to explore and pleasure myself playing with it as I watched him settle on the bed in anticipation of the coming hours of mutual pleasure and exploration for both of us.
Before climbing on myself I stood at the end of the bed admiring this fine young boy spread out in front of me awaiting his journey into manhood with a woman that he had lusted over since being a young boy squashed into my soothing bosom whenever he hurt himself playing with Mike. I could see the lust and wanting in Toby's eyes as his admiring eyes roamed over every feature of my body. But his eyes never left my tits for long as these were the object of his desire.
'Now let the pleasure begin,' I thought as I climbed on the bed to lay myself alongside Toby and he rolled onto his side to stare into my eyes, both of us mutually filled with lust for each other.
As soon as I leaned forward to kiss my toy boy Toby's head shot forward to crush his hungry lips hard against mine as he wrapped his free arm over my back and I reached to grasp one of his tight buns for my own satisfaction. As I kneaded his ass like stiff dough in my hand, Toby reciprocated by sliding his hand down over my hips to massage my own ass. Our passion stepped up a notch as we hungrily snogged each other and hands roamed over each others warm flesh. Toby rolled back a little off his trapped arm so he could explore the object of his desire – my heaving 42DD breasts as they swamped his fine young chest. As he ran his hand over my nipple for the first time I could hear & feel him sigh in satisfaction that his ultimate fantasy had been achieved. The feeling was mutual for me as the warmth of his hand rubbed my nipple to an unbelievable tightness that pulsed through the skin & nerve endings of my breast. It felt so wicked to be in my marital bed with this boy that my passion started to run amok. I didn't care if I was going to be condemned to hell for all eternity, I was determined I was going to take utmost satisfaction from this boy as I made him a man in the process.
We lay for several minutes kissing and running our hands over each other as we slowly explored the beauty of our new love toy partners. I could feel Toby's heart beating like a trip hammer inside his chest as his hands played with my horny nipples and roamed his hands over the huge expanse of bosom that had just been given to him for his unlimited pleasure & satisfaction. I could feel Toby's young prick start to twitch and harden against my thigh so I gently broke our kiss and pushed his head downwards and Toby caught on & slid down the bed to lick over the upper slope of my breasts and he headed south to my nipples.
Oh God I was on fire and full of need as his hungry lips drew my nipple deep into his mouth. I sighed at the pressure of his lips sealed wetly on my hot flesh as his tongue tweaked and lashed my erect throbbing attention seeking nipple. I needed the pleasure that this boy could give and I needed it NOW, even though my mind told me to take it slow so that Toby learnt the art of lovemaking from an older woman rather than it being just a quick shag. To accelerate my relief I grasped one of his hands off my breasts and slid it between my legs. Still holding his hand in mine I guided his fingers deep into my juicy slit to thoroughly coat them with my juices and make my hips arch up off the bed slightly in automatic appreciation of his penetration of my pussy. I needed the temporary relief of an orgasm as I taught & explored foreplay with Toby before taking his virginity; so I eased his sticky fingers out of my now saturated pussy and guided them to my clit for the first time. Still guiding his hand I showed him how to rub and excite my clit as it hardened under the hood. After a minute of great stimulation I eased my hood back to expose my erect horny bud to his unhindered touch.
I looked down to see Toby sucking hungrily on my nipples and his hand a blur as it roughly played with my clit and then he took the imitative by sliding two fingers into my soaking pussy while transferring his thumb to my clit to continue stimulating me unmercilessly.
My body was throbbing with unknown levels of sexual hunger and need as I absorbed the way Toby was playing with my body and erotic zones. My mound felt like a volcano heading towards eruption due to the unknown touch of this young man exceeding the pleasure my own fingers have ever given me. My hips were now bouncing on the bed in mutual reaction to the thrusting penetrating fingers that were delving deep into my pussy. But Toby's thumb on my clit was wreaking havoc on my senses as I quickly drew towards my next orgasm. Finally hearing Toby groaning in ecstasy was just too much as his next two tweaks of my hard and now tender clit sent me tumbling into the throws of a fantastic orgasm that ripped me apart as my throbbing pussy clamped down tight onto Toby's sliding fingers as juices poured over his digits. My back arched off the bed as my hand thrust Toby's face into my rift valley of deep cleavage and he licked like mad in a mix of exploration & fight for survival to avoid being smothered by my breasts.
"AAArrgghh Toby, yes, yes, yes .......... Keep going, you make me so horny," I cried in appreciation of his stimulation, but after another minute I had to pull his soaked hand off my mound to prevent passing out in absolute pleasure & over stimulation.
"Come up here my lover," I pleaded as I pulled his head up towards me and swamped his lips with mine as I devoured his mouth in hungry appreciation of that orgasm. My hips & pussy were still twitching in the afterglow of such a stunning orgasm as my tongue explored the depths of Toby's mouth and I hugged him tightly to me, sharing the warmth of our bodies and our passion for each other.
As we kissed I could feel Toby's hard cock brushing against my thigh as Toby brought his hands up onto my breasts again so that he didn't miss any opportunity to play with his favourite objects in the world. Our passions for each other was consuming us as our hands explored each other and I reached down to stroke his cock. His cock twitched to my touch and I slid my hand down to cup his heavy cum filled balls, which elicited a loud groan from Toby and a strong pulse rippled through the length of his meaty weapon.
We looked hard into each others eyes as we both knew that it was time to make the boy into a man as I took his virginity in my marital bed while my family was away on camp.
Breaking our kiss, I pushed Toby flat onto his back as I pushed myself up off the bed and looked down at my toyboy lying there with a 6 inch stiffy waving vertically at me. Toby looked at me with longing and desire as one hand reached up to kindly offer support to my swinging left breast. A wry smile was on his face as he hefted the weight of my full 42DD breast in his open palm.
I slid down his body and swung my leg over his thighs making Toby let go of my breast as he couldn't reach that far. Looking at Toby's throbbing meat I ran my hands down it and cupped his balls as I slid myself up his thighs ready to consummate my unfaithfulness to Ian. Using my hand I guided the head of Toby's cock in between my pussy lips so it was ready to penetrate me and take Toby into manhood. We smiled at each other as we realised the steps we were taking and then I slowly started to lower myself down onto Toby's rock hard, thick, hot cock as it naturally speared its way between my saturated puffy pussy lips.
God, the feeling of his cock head spreading my pussy lips was pure bliss and so wicked as I looked down on the grinning face beneath me as he realised his ultimate dream of fucking his friend's mother. Slowly his length filled me as I settled down on his firm thighs and accepted his manhood buried to the hilt inside me as my slick juices cocked the entire length of his meat in preparation of the lustful fucking that was about to commence.
With Toby buried fully into me we sat and admired each other lovingly as Toby reached up with both hands to support the weight of my breasts. This guy was going to be an unbelievable lover in comparison to Ian and now was the time to prove it.
As Toby ran his hands up to tweak my erect, horny & hot nipples between his fingers; I slowly lifted myself up the full length of his meat until just the tips was resting between my lips. Smiling down at him again I slid down again up I felt his balls pushed up against my steamy mound, and I felt his cock swell even more to fill my love tube. I didn't think that Toby would be able to last long with this being his first time so I held my pussy muscles in check as I slid up & down the fantastic cock that was plunging in and out my appreciative pussy. I cupped my hands over Toby's on my breasts, encouraging him to apply more pressure and be rougher as I started to hump faster on his meat.
Instinct came into play as Toby started to thrust up in unison with my downward pole slide to take his swollen head right up to the hilt in my juicy filled pussy.
"That's it Toby, fuck me hard and deep," I encouraged.
AArrrgh Mrs B.......... You are beautiful," he groaned as I started to ride him hard.
"Play with my nipples, they are all yours........ Tug them, squeeze them, and thrill me with your hands........ I need you so much," I sobbed in pleasure & lust as we both handed towards orgasm.
Now my mound was slapping hard against his balls, stirring up the hot spunk inside them, ready to be shot deep inside me.
"That's it Toby fuck me hard, you know you've always dreamed of me," I panted deeply, "You've always dreamed of my tits and now they are all yours."
"Oh yes, Mrs B," he groaned in appreciation.
"And now your ultimate dream has come true, you are fucking your friends mother," I continued as I rode his surging manhood.
My verbal oration was turning on Toby no end as he cock seemed to thicken even more deep inside of me, so I continued.
"That's it lover, I can feel you so deep inside of me............ Does your first time in a pussy feel good?........Are you enjoying me riding your cock?" I panted & smiled down at my toy boy.
"Oh Mrs B, This is so unbelievable, and you feel so good."
I couldn't believe I was talking like this as sex with Ian was mostly silent. Ian would regard talk like this as dirty and sinful. Maybe it was but God I felt great and it made me so wet & horny that I was going to continue even if I sounded like a slut to my young lover.
"Toby I am going to ride your fine cock all day if you want me to! ........... I am going to teach you about making love to a woman......... and how to satisfy me with your cock, hands, tongue, and mouth," I sighed in a sultry voice.
Toby's cock pulsed & twitched inside me in response to my dirty talk as I continued to ride him, slapping down hard on his balls as he arched up to fuck deep inside of me each time our bodies collided together.
I could see this was becoming too much for Toby, and I could feel my own orgasm ready to burst deep inside me as well.
"That's it lover, squeeze my tits, fuck me deep and hard ......... I want to feel your thick meaty cock explode your hot sticky cum deep inside my pussy ........ Keep going...... Fuck me ..... Fuck me hard Toby!!!"
"Uhhh,......Uhhh, ......Uhh, ....... Uhh," he grunted each time his balls slapped against me, "I .... am ...... going ..... to ..... cum ...... Mrs .....B".
I felt his cock twitching as I finally released my pussy muscles to play along his hot thrusting length.
"Aaaarrgh, Ohhh, ...... Mrs B!!" he groaned as his hands squeezed hard into my breasts and his prick gave one final thrust.
"MRS B, MRS B ....... I love you," he shouted in triumph as he cock surged and exploded long jets of high pressure spunk deep into my pussy.
"Fuck me Toby, Fuck me," I screamed to my toy boy as I took his virginity, my pussy filling with his spunk, "Yes Toby, Yes," I screamed again as my own floodgates opened and I screamed into the most amazing orgasm of my life!
I clamped my muscles around his buried length & released them like an epileptic on speed as I milked & sucked the hot seed from Toby's cock, grunting like a rutting animal as the fires of orgasm consumed the whole of my mind & body. My nipples felt like they could shoot bolts of electricity, I was so wired, so fired up. I had never felt anything like this with Ian at any time during our marriage. Was it because I was being unfaithful?, was it because I was fucking my son's best friend? Or that he was less than half my age, a toyboy?
Toby humped & shook as he finally finished filling my pussy with his seed, and then sagged back onto the bed, literally fucked.
I pushed forward to squash my heaving hot breasts against his own chest as my hungry mouth sort out his gasping lips. My tongue devoured Toby's mouth as he bucked under me, trying to get air into his lungs after his exertions.
My body was so alive, as if I had been taking ecstasy rather than being in ecstasy. I just wanted more, I wanted to suck my lover back to hardness then knee up before him to fuck me hard doggie style. I wanted to keep him here all day playing with my body, bringing me off with his fingers, his tongue, his cock. I was just so desperate for more sex.
Leaving his mouth to take in more air, I slid down his body, stopping to lick & chew his nipples briefly before sliding all the way over his flat young stomach until I dragged my tongue into the forest of his pubic hair. Toby squirmed under me as my tongue traced a path to the tallest tree in the forest which was looking a little sorry for itself, but I was determined to water it back to health with my tongue as I tasted our combined juices in his pubes at the base of his flaccid cock.
Using my fingers to roll back his foreskin I proceeded to lick along its length from its base to the juice covered head that twitched in response to the light, tender licking that I was starting to subject his manhood to. Slowly I slipped my mouth over the tip of his cock and slid my tongue along the tender sensitive underside of his cock as the head of his still soft cock was swallowed whole into my loving mouth. The taste & aroma of our combined cocktail of juices was heady and sensual as I tasted forbidden fruit again.
As his cock head hit the back of my throat and my lips closed around the base of his cock, I felt Toby slide his hands through my hair as his cock started to respond and harden under my loving administrations. My tongue licked the sensitive skin close to his balls making Toby groan out loud, "Mrs B...... that is so beautiful...... please don't stop."
I had no intention of doing so as my lips rose up his thickening and hardening length as it came back to live inside of my sex starved mouth. The feel of Toby running his fingers through my hair heightened my senses & increased my own need for satisfaction. Using one hand to start to gently cup his balls, I slid my other hand down between my thighs to play with my erect clit which was demanding attention.
I nearly swooned in combined erotic pleasure as Toby's cock started to slide in & out of my mouth in unison with my fingers running amok over the erect bud and then dipping into my cum filled pussy. I needed to get Toby hard fast as I needed another good fucking on his young hard cock; this Sunday school teacher just couldn't get enough of this young god and his cock, even though I might burn in hell for my illicit sampling of young extra-marital flesh.
Soon my pussy & clit were clambering for the desperate release of an orgasm and so I slid two fingers deep into my pussy while my thumb continued to strum my clit like the string of a guitar; and my lips eased up Toby's meat to taste the small amounts of cum starting to weep out of his one eyed man.
Suddenly I pushed myself into the throes of self induced orgasm that ripped through my lower body, before expanding out into the tips of my nipples that craved for more attention.
I quickly released Toby's cock from my mouth, much to his disappointment as I pushed myself off him and clambered up along side him. I dropped my face to the blankets as I hoisted my ass in the air as I knelt and looked my toy boy straight into his lust filled eyes, "Toby, now climb up behind my ass and fuck me from behind," I instructed.
As he pulled himself around on the bed I kept thrusting my fingers in & out of my pussy to keep my orgasm going until I was filled instead with rock hard swollen cock from my toy boy. The juices were gushing down out of me as they ran over my fingers & onto my wrist as I shook my ass in the air to gain the attention of Toby's cock.
I felt the bed sag as he knelt behind me and gripped my hips, sinking his fingertips into my soft flesh. I pulled my fingers out of my pussy and spread my lips wide with my fingers in open invitation to ram his cock deep inside of me. With my other hand I reached between my legs to search for his approaching cock and to guide it to its goal and destiny. The massive swollen head brushed against my fingers as it made a bee line for the hive of nectar for his pleasure and my satisfaction. Despite my spread lips the hot mass of his cock head stretched me wide as it slid the first inch into my hungry tunnel of love. But then it stopped.
"Toby, ... please don't tease me ... I need your cock deep inside me....... Please fuck your rampant cock deep inside me...... Fill me loverboy, fill me with your hard meat," I begged like a common street whore as my ass tried to thrust back onto his meaty length.
"Yes Mrs B .... It is yours," he confirmed as he thrust forward hard, plunging his cock deep into me, up to the hilt, and the dam burst again as I came into an instant orgasm that overloaded my senses and I sagged forward, my head deep into the blankets and my ass high in the air.
Toby needed no second invitation as he gripped my hips and rose to a crouched position behind me so he could fuck hard and deep into my pussy from behind. He was a man possessed as he started to slam his swollen cock deep into me in repeated long strokes, with his head just staying within my lips before he thrust forward again to slide like a bullet down the rifling of a gun barrel.
God, I loved the feel of his balls as they slammed against my mound on every downward thrust; fuck, this boy had some vigour & strength as he shagged me hard, fast & extremely deep.
"Play with my tits as you fuck me please," I begged.
"Yes Mrs B," he replied obediently as his hands slid up my ribs and under me to grip the mass of my tits trapped against the blankets. His palms opened full width as they covered my organ stop hard nipples and then he pulled the flesh back into me as he used them as leverage to slam his hot thick cock deep inside me again.
"That's it Toby, be rough, tease me, play with my nipples, ....... I am all yours," I purred as I gave myself to him totally.
Toby didn't respond as he controlled his breathing to keep fucking into me with a regular pace, filled with lust and need.
I was making an attentive lover out of this boy as he circled his hips to rub his cock on every part of my pussy as he rode me hard.
'Fuck, how much longer can he keep going?' I wondered as he continued to fuck me silly with no sign of him coming, while I seemed to keep gushing endless juices over his plunging hot cock to prevent it self igniting as he reamed out my now tender pussy, almost making me beg him to cum or stop. But after dreaming of his cock all week and being so desperate for sex I just marvelled at his passion and stamina.
"Oh Mrs B you are so beautiful," he panted, "I'm sorry but I can't hold out any longer," as he plunged deep into me twice more before his cock fired hot wads of spunk into the depths of my pussy and I collapsed flat on the bed with Toby following me down with his cock buried to the hilt inside of me as my pussy muscles gang banged the length of his cock into submission as the orgasm drained the last of my energy and I lay totally shagged on his hands as they teased & tormented my tender nipples underneath me.
My pussy milked every last drop out of his cock as his meat started to soften and Toby sagged his weight down to kiss the back of my neck as we absorbed the afterglow of fantastic sex and the pleasure it was giving our minds, bodies & souls. The heat of our bodies combined almost made us flammable as every nerve ending burned red hot from the mutual stimulation and lust we had consumed between us.
Finally Toby rolled his weight off me, and we turned to lie face to face as we hugged our sweaty bodies together and kissed occasionally as we slowly regained our breath. It felt so natural to be laying in my marital bed with my young lover, hugging him gently, my breasts squeezed against his chest, and feeling our mixed cocktail of spent juices leaking out of my overfilled pussy and running down my thigh to seep into the blanket. The aroma of illicit sex filled the bedroom as we both slipped into a contented sleep.
Toby came round again on Sunday and we kissed & explored each other instead of going to church. We made out like two sweethearts on the sofa, his hands exploring my body through my clothes as if we expected our parents to burst in at any time.
My nipples were burning through my t-shirt as they sort out bare contact with Toby's hot tender fingers that roamed over the top of my bra and teased me unmercilessly until I was gagging for his cock.
I broke the unspoken rule of the morning by reaching inside of his pants to find his hard erection that was bursting to be freed out of its captivity.
I slipped off the sofa to rip open his pants and to tug down his pants & boxers to release his rampant cock to my gaze. By Jesus it was an object of beauty stood there erect with blue veins pumping hot body to its hidden head as I gazed in wonder at the fine specimen that didn't belong to my far away husband who neglected my sexual needs.
I licked my lips in anticipation of slipping them over his foreskin and peel it back to expose his swollen cock to my tongue. Pushing his thighs apart I eased forward to take his meat into my mouth and thus begin a day of lust and extra-marital sex.
From that Sunday until the following Sunday lunch time Toby and I expanded our knowledge of each other, our bodies, our limits of stamina, our senses & stimuli; and developed an appreciation of different positions in different rooms of my home and even in Mike's bed where I sucked every last drop of spunk out of Toby's cock.
As the week progressed Toby gained confidence in his abilities to please & pleasure me, and regretfully he fell in love with me and my body; especially my beautiful 42DD tits that were never out of his sight and attention for long.
One of the most memorable moments was when he sat atop my chest and tit fucked me for ages. His hand forced my hot tits to smother his throbbing length as he slid it between my immense cleavage. Toby groaned in appreciation and pledged undying love for me as he sprayed hot ribbons of spunk out of my cleavage all over my lips, face and hair. He nuzzled his face into my welcoming bosom as he recovered I worried what would happen when my family returned home and our sex & lovemaking sessions had to come to an abrupt stop.
During the week we explored so many positions, and repeated a 69 several times as we ate our fill of each other. Our other favourite was for me to sit astride Toby's face so he could reach up and play with my breasts and nipples as his tongue plunged the depths of my pussy. This allowed me to thumb my clit so my juices flowed down his throat underneath me. When he had eaten me like this we quickly changed position so he could fuck me hard from behind. We never bothered with the missionary position as I could get that from my boring husband Ian twelve times a year.
I was distracted in my work at the hospital as I thought about my young lover endlessly and the wonderful sex we were having together. Each time I thought about him my pussy would itch and I knew that he would be waiting for me when I got home. I had even taken to bringing take away home each evening so we could have a quick fuck or blowjob as soon as I got in, then pause for a quick dinner, so that cooking didn't detract from any of the evening administering to each others needs & desires.
Thursday lunch time I shot out to Victoria's Secret in the local mall to buy some stockings, suspenders and some open crotch panties. This way I just had to bend over the sofa as soon as we were through the door and Toby had instant access without having to pull down panties & pantyhose to get his hungry stiff meat into my pussy. All afternoon I had to rub my thighs together to ease this insane itch in my pussy, and the guys in the hospital stared in open mouthed admiration at my hard nipples thrusting through my uniform as they waited for the loving attention of Toby's hands, tongue and mouth.
As I drove home I squirmed in my seat, my pussy salivating itself in anticipation of Toby's cock. I got stuck in traffic and nearly screamed in desperation at being delayed from my young lover's attentions. The bare skin of my upper thighs rubbing together was just too much and I hitched up my uniform skirt & thrust two fingers straight through the parting in my split crotch panties. I was so desperate I was masturbating in my car surrounded by fellow commuters. I was so lost in the pleasure my fingers gave as I hurtled towards my impeding orgasm that I was oblivious to the cheers of three construction workers in the big pick up truck stuck in traffic alongside me. It was only when they honked their horn in appreciation as I orgasmed in my seat that I became aware of them.
"Oh Shit," I cried out in alarm as I got a reality check seeing these three guys leering at me from six feet away; as I looked down to see what they were admiring. My white stockinged thighs were spread wide and my hand was plunging between the folds of both my panties and my pussy lips as I fucked myself in public. The prim & proper Sunday school teacher who worked at the local hospital had lowered herself to masturbating in public, dreaming about her forthcoming extra marital affair with a boy half her age. My face blushed crimson in horror, but my pussy gushed sweet juices all over my seat in absolute pleasure of self fulfilling masturbation.
Fortunately the traffic eased before the construction guys thought about coming over to help me out in any way.
I didn't even stop for takeaway, I drove straight home, both in embarrassment and in hunger for a good fucking, I was so hot.
Toby was sat on the door step as I drove on to the drive and almost leapt from the car, my door key already in my hand. After opening the front door I gripped Toby and hauled him inside. As soon as I was inside I pulled him to the dining room and rested my ass against the table as I scrambled to undo his belt and pull down his pants to release my hearts desire, his hot length of pulsating meat.
Toby looked a little frightened at this rush and assault on his body.
"Fuck me now lover boy," I cried out as his hard cock came into view and I started to ease my ass up onto the edge of the table. As I got up on the table I hitched my uniform skirt up and Toby's eyes went wide in utter amazement at the sight in front of him. Instead of the usual panties & pantyhose his saw creamy white stockings ending before a smooth band of firm thigh skin which framed a pair of damp crotchless panties. Toby breathed in the aroma & musk of my already juice saturated pubes as he gazed at the already swollen juice covered pussy lips smiling at him from my wide open crotch.
"Oh fuck Mrs B, you are so gorgeous, I just don't know what to say," he drooled.
"You don't have to say anything Toby, just get that hard weapon of yours thrust deep into my snatch and fuck me hard," I instructed.
Slipping his hands under my knees to rub gently on the sexy material of my stockings; Toby eased my legs up high and wide as he stepped forward between my thighs ready to impale me on his heard, throbbing cock.
"Come on lover boy," I goaded, "Fill me with your hot hard meat."
Toby easily guided his prick against my pussy as he paused to peel back his foreskin to expose his glistening swollen head to my gaze.
"Fuck me now," I demanded.
And so he did, taking me in one long deep thrust as he fat cock plunged into my pussy.
"OOhhh yyeesss Toby, that fills me, now take me and fill me with your hot cum," I sexily demanded.
And so he did after fucking me senseless for five minutes and eliciting three orgasms out of me before his cock started to swell and throb even more inside me. Toby's face looked more like Disney's Goofy as it twisted & smiled as Toby let loose wads of spunk deep inside me.
My pussy clenched his prick, my thighs clenched his hips; and my heels drummed on his ass as we both came in a sea of noise, screams, and shared juices. I loved the feel of his balls slapping against my ass as he continued to pound his cock deep into my pussy.
As his cock started to soften inside of me Toby rested against my mound and reached forward to undo the front of my uniform & expose my vast cleavage to his love hungry gaze & desires. Carefully he reached into my overflowing bra and pulled out my weighty tits for his own pleasure. I spent all evening on the dining room table as he made a meal out of my tits and drank his fill out of my pussy with its cocktail of juices. Finally he eased me off the table, turned me around and ripped off my crotchless panties in a move that frightened me. My lover boy was possessed as he pushed me forward against the table and entered me roughly from behind. Once he was buried up to the hilt inside me, he reached forward to grab my tits into his hands as leverage for the pounding he was about to give me.
Fuck, Toby had so much vigour as he shafted me long and hard from behind. With his rough treatment of my tits as well, I seemed to be almost in a state of continuous orgasm as a river of spent juices washed over his hot length before running down our thighs onto the carpet.
"That's it Toby finish me off," I begged, "I'm all yours, spray your cum deep inside me."
I was rewarded with some primeval grunts as a sea of spunk filled me again.
Oh God, my muscles bite down on his cock as my orgasm ripped all of my remaining energy away from my body. I felt him winch in discomfort as I wrung the last ribbon of spunk from his balls, and his hands cupped & massaged the firm cheeks of my ass.
After he pulled his now soft cock out of me and released my hot ass I pushed up off the table and turned to face him.
Toby wrapped me in his arms and declared "I love you so much Mrs B, you know that don't you?
The puppy love frightened me, but at the same time made me feel very special.
On the Friday night we went out for a pizza and stopped in the park to eat it. But after two slices we were devouring each other with tongues and wandering hands. Toby soon had my tits out, and the next minute I was bent over his lap giving him a blowjob in a public place as he hands mauled my nipples and tits roughly as I sucked him dry. Well I thought I had sucked him dry but he soon bounced back as he thrust me to kneel on the back seat facing out the rear window as he hitched up my dress, and pulled down my panties to expose my ass to the glow of the nearby street lights. Toby quickly positioned himself between the two front seats as he slipped his cock effortlessly into my pussy. The risk of being caught stimulated us to new heights as we rutted and fucked in the rocking car to the most unbelievable orgasm. Fortunately the car contained our screams & grunts of passion as we fucked each others brains out. We finally drove home with Toby's fingers buried deep in my pussy and with his thumb rubbing my clit as my juices soaked into the driver's seat of our family car. I was so sore but so sensitive when we pulled up at my home. As we walked into the hall I could see he was hard again after frigging my clit & pussy for the last five miles on the way home from the park.
As soon as the door was shut I dropped to my knees and pulled down his zipper. Toby ran his fingers through my hair as I gently eased his hardness out of his boxers and into my mouth. Toby rested his weight against the wall and eased his feet apart so I could position myself more comfortably between his thighs.
I eased his foreskin back with my lips to reveal a smooth coating of our expended juices still on his cock as I slowly cleaned his swollen head with my tongue. Toby's knees sagged in ecstasy as my tongue licked along the sensitive underside of his throbbing cock and he swelled even thicker and harder in my mouth. Sealing my lips on his length I sucked in my cheeks to rub against his head as I pulled my lips backwards along his meat so my tongue could slowly lick the sensitive tip of his cock. Toby groaned and tightened his fingers on the back of my head as I focused on bringing him to a climax to finish off our evening. I reached round his thighs to grab his tight buns through his jeans so I could him firmly into my mouth at all times.
After teasing the tip of his cock for a couple of minutes, I started to boob my lips up and down the full length of his meaty cock to sample every millimetre of his fine weapon. As my lips hit the root of his cock and his tip sank down my relaxed throat; I quickly licked the soft underside of his balls. I had no problem getting his cock in & out of my mouth as I leveraged myself through my grip on his wonderful, tight sexy buns in my hands. Toby matched this control by keeping a firm grip on my head & hair as he slowly started to rod in & out of my mouth and I could feel his passion & lust reach its maximum level.
Taking one hand off his cute ass I reached under to cup his balls and gently squeeze them. This was just too much for Toby.
"Suck me Mrs B, I want to cum into your beautiful mouth," he groaned.
I withdrew so my lips sealed around the head and my tongue lashed across the sensitive tip of his cock. To tip him over the edge I started to squeeze & massage his balls to dislodge his last remaining store of cum.
"Yes Mrs B ......... Yes Mrs B", Toby sighed as his cock swelled larger in my mouth, his hips rocked forward; and Toby exploded into my mouth.
I drank his cum down my throat as he pumped his meat in and out of my mouth as he tried to rod the cum down my throat.
"Oh fuck...... Yes ..... Yes ..... Yes," he groaned as he pulled my head down the length of hot cock, "I love you Mrs B; you are so wonderful to me."
His cum was so hot & tasty and I had become addicted to it during the week. How was I going to go back to a once a month shag with Tim from next week? Toby was giving me 6 months of my usual sex supply every two or three days and I was overdosing on it, like any other junkie on their substance abuse of choice!!!!!!
It was only eight o'clock and we had fucked each other senseless.
I slowly licked Toby's entire length clean and enjoyed millimetre and minute of my time with him filling my mouth.
All good things have to come to an end and Toby carefully put himself away as I slowly rose to my feet to look into his sex glazed eyes. We hugged and kissed long & hard, not wanting to let each other go; but I couldn't allow Toby to stay overnight. It was odd, I could let him fuck me in my marital bed, but I couldn't let him sleep with me. As I write this, it seems a retention of old fashioned, prudish values and a contradiction in terms that I could fuck a boy less than half my age and be unfaithful to my husband & family; but I couldn't bring myself to sleep with him ...... odd values.
Saturday was spent in reality as I thoroughly cleaned the house and car to remove all traces of my illicit week of extra marital sex, with the aroma of air freshener everywhere and all the windows open to get rid of the stale aroma of our juices.
Toby came around in the evening and I had to turn him away at the door. He looked gutted and could not understand that our week together had come to an end. I needed to get my head around what had happened, but more importantly I needed to get my head around how I would react to life again with my once a month husband who I suspected was getting his oats away from home during the week.
The ride out to the airport on Sunday evening seemed long and I was in a state of confusion. I had missed my boys, but I wasn't sure about my future with Ian; and with Toby for that matter.
As mostly guys will read this I won't go into great detail of what happened on Sunday as you are really only interested in the sex and not our home life. The short version is:- Ian, Andy & Mike had a great time together; they "bonded"; they loved the camp experience; Mike is going to join a gun club to shoot some more; Ian wasn't interested in me when we were at home together, he made no time for me and we didn't have our once month bit of sex; I went to bed upset & alone; Ian flew out Monday morning as usual.
Monday was a miserable day as I realised my life was back to the same routine of Ian being away during the week; me looking after the kids; all day Sunday at church; and sex once a month if I was lucky. Was this as good as it was going to get? This was so different to the week I had just enjoyed.
Tuesday was a little better as I found Toby had come ready for dinner with Mike. Toby looked disheartened, as he too realised that reality had set in.
Wednesday night I arrived home to find Toby on the doorstep with a message from Mike to say he was going to be out this evening as he was going to join the local gun club. I couldn't not invite Toby to stay for dinner, so I invited him in; and instead of heading upstairs to change I headed into the kitchen and started cooking dinner. I could feel Toby staring at my back as I cooked, I couldn't start to imagine what was going through his mind as he looked at my back, ass & legs. My own thoughts were in turmoil as I cooked, I seemed to be in loveless marriage and here I had a young virile lover sharing my kitchen, desperate to have sex with me again. Gently I started to weep as I realised how messed up my life had got over the last two weeks. As I stirred the pot on the stove I became so miserable at how the future was shaping up, and my weeping turned to gentle sobs which Toby heard.
"What's up Mrs B? Are you Okay?" he asked his voice full of concern.
"No, I'm not," I sobbed out loud.
Suddenly he was there behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, "What is wrong Mrs B.?" he asked, probably already knowing the answer.
"Toby, my life is so screwed up now," I sobbed, "My husband is away & doesn't seem to love me anymore."
"But I am here Mrs B., and I love you," he pledged as he pulled me back against his body to reassure me.
I could feel his young cock hardening between the cheeks of my ass and the warmth in his arms wrapped around me.
"But Toby, I am married. What we did last week was very nice, but I am married and it was wrong. You are very sweet, but you are half my age and my son's best friend. We can't carry on like last week, it is wrong and someone would notice if we did."
"Mrs B, I can make you happy. I might not be your husband, but I proved last week that I can make you happy."
Before I could argue with his logic, he turned me around in his arms and gently kissed me. His warm tender lips were irresistible and any resistance I might have had evaporated. Before I knew it I was returning his kisses as our tongues meshed together in my mouth.
I broke our kiss, "Toby this is wrong."
"Maybe, but you need loving, and I can give you what you are missing," he answered simply before he started kissing me and ceased any further reply.
His tongue seemed to reach down all the way to my pussy as I could feel myself getting wet & flustered in his strong arms.
Toby lifted his hand and ran it over my left tit through my uniform; and I dissolved in his arms as my nipple jumped to attention, sending electric pangs of desire arcing through my body.
"Oh Toby," I groaned in need & pleasure, giving him permission to proceed further.
He undid the front of my uniform and undid the front clasp of my bra, letting my massive tits surge out of captivity into his warm strong hands.
"Toby, I need you, I need you to make me feel wanted," I pleaded.
Toby cupped my tits and played with the weight in his hands as he thumbed my nipples to an unbelievable state of hardness.
My back was becoming hot & damp, but not in reaction to Toby's fondling; but the pan of vegetables was boiling. I almost laughed as I reached behind me to turn off the stove as Toby lowered his lips to one of my erect nipples; that increased my temperature as I rested against the stove.
My hands ran through his soft hair as I pulled him hard into my breast like a suckling babe, groaning, "Yes Toby, enjoy your favourites."
Toby responded by licking and chewing both nipples as he played with both breasts until my hips shook against the stove as a small orgasm rippled through my overheating pussy, making my panty gusset steam cook my hot sticky mound. Toby seemed so in tune with my body and my needs that he released one hands from my throbbing tits and wandered down over my stomach heading for the hem of my white nurses uniform.
He reached all the way to my left nylon covered knee, which he gently massaged for a minute, teasing me until I started to grind my hips forward & back on the front of the stove in desperate need of a more fore filling orgasm. I eased my feet apart to encourage my young lover to explore the warm smoothness of my nylon covered thighs. Toby's need was becoming as great as mine as I felt his hand slowly slid up my thigh in one smooth non-stop journey of discovery; finding my hot saturated, sticky mound as his destination.
"Aaarrggghhh Toby," I groaned in absolute appreciation as the pressure of his palm cupped my needy mound, "Please bring me off with your fingers, I need to cum."
Toby needed no second invitation; I don't think he needed any invitation as he had come to know my body, desires and need so well over the last 10 days; as he increased the pressure on my wet gusset and pushed the material between my willing pussy lips with his finger as I swooned in lust & desire.
My hips were heaving against the stove as I tried to make his fingers spear my pussy through the material. But Toby was more practical & cool headed than I as his hand left my mound heading up to my waist band and in against my hot skin. No sooner had he got his hand inside my panties, then he was making a bee line for my aching pussy. I felt his finger tip glide through my bush covered mound until his middle finger parted the lips of my needy pussy and I groaned out loud in appreciation and anticipation.
Toby transferred his mouth and hand to my other breast as he simultaneously slid his long finger full depth into my nectar filled pussy. Oh fuck, he felt so good buried deep inside me as he sucked hard on my now sensitive nipple. How did I manage four days without my talented young lover I asked myself. Well enough of thinking, time to focus solely on pleasure as Toby devoted himself to my needy body and soul.
Taking his other hand off my breast Toby reached down to my waistband and I eased my ass off the stove to allow him to ease my panties down below my mound. Once they were pulled down I eased my thighs further apart to give easier access for Toby to satisfy me. He needed no guidance on that account as eased his thumb onto the hood of my clit to tease my bud to hardness underneath. My whole body was pulsating as he kept licking & chewing my tits and thoroughly explored the depths of my pussy with his strong middle finger.
"Ohhh, yes Toby," I groaned in sheer delight as his thumb peeled back my hood to make contact with my love button.
Ohh Toby ..... my love ....bring me off ..... please," I begged as if my life depended on it; my happiness certainly seemed to!
Suddenly Toby dropped to his knees in front of me and attached his mouth to my clit, drawing in his breath to form a vacuum seal on it. This lack of pressure drew blood to my sensitive tip and had me soaring with such wonderful feelings of bliss and joy.
As he fingers continued to pump in & out of my love tunnel; Toby started to press the tip of his tongue on to the tip of my clit and then started to rub hard across its nerve endings, sending jolts of pleasure racing through my body. With one hand I pushed his hand tight against me so his lips couldn't break their seal around my clit; and my other hand came up to torture my rock hard aching nipples that were now devoid of Toby's lips.
"Ohh God Toby, this is sssoooo beautiful," I crooned at the skill my lover had developed over the past week as he took me surging towards a most powerful and desperately needed orgasm.
His fingers stretched the inside of my pussy and his knuckles rubbed the tender lips each time they thrust deep inside me. My juices were pouring out over his fingers & soaking into the already sodden panty gusset underneath, filling the kitchen with the musky aroma of my pussy juices. I raked my long nails over my tits, making me wince in a mixture of pleasure & pain whenever they scored across my hardened nipples and excited me even more in conjunction with Toby's attention to my pussy & clit.
My hips were riding his fingers and tongue as I surged ever closer to sensual overload. As my nails hit my nipple again, Toby scored his teeth across my clit and I just tripped out into total orgasmic overload that cross wired all of my senses as I clung to the stove to stay upright.
"YES TOBY, ........ YES, ....... Fuck me with your fingers and bite my clit," I screamed at the head buried between my thighs as my juices broke the dam and surged over his fingers and my well practiced pussy muscles tried to break the penetrating fingers that were now corkscrewing inside my hot flooded pussy.
My arms tried to support my weight as I sagged on the front of the stove panting, "Fuck me Toby, fuck me however you want, but just fuck me here and now my lover."
Toby's face pulled back from my mound and our lust filled eyes met as he continued to corkscrew his fingers deep inside me, and I just couldn't stop abusing my red nail welted tits.
Quickly getting to his feet, Toby grabbed my hand and hauled me out of the kitchen, and into the lounge. He pushed me straight towards the sofa at speed making my shins hit the front of the sofa as I flew forward. Suddenly I was kneeling on the sofa cushions with my head, arms & tits draped over the back of the sofa. Behind me I could hear Toby desperately trying to unfasten his pants and release his cock.
Suddenly Toby hitched up my uniform skirt on to my hips before pulling my panties & pantyhose down a little further to gain clear access to my dripping pussy. I was so turned on and ready to be fucked by my young lover. I felt Toby's hands grip the underside of my ass cheeks with his thumbs close to my hot sticky pussy lips as he eased forwards towards me. Slowly he eased his thumbs apart opening my pussy lips wide and making me shiver in anticipation of him fucking me from behind doggie style. Doggie style is so basic and so animalistic like its name that I enjoy it so much; especially when I am only used to the straight up and down of the missionary position, so beloved by my husband Ian.
" OH GOD, TOBY," I screamed as he just thrust himself like an arrow straight into the bulls eye of my pussy.
"Oh you are so hard and so thick tonight," I swooned in absolute pleasure as his cock stretched me wide and he slammed into me up to the hilt and his hot cum filled balls slapped hard against me. I squeezed my muscles down hard on his meat, trying to tenderise it, and then marinade it with my juices inside my hot oven of a pussy.
Toby sank his fingers into my hips to get a firm grip as he picked up the pace and started to fuck me hard and fast. He both knew we wouldn't last long; the desperation for sex and the exciting foreplay was just too much for both of us.
"That's it lover, fuck me hard and deep," I teased and encouraged him," I love feeling your balls slap against my pussy."
I had begun to love talking dirty, it seemed such a sin to my Christian soul, but so good to my sex crazed mind and demanding body.
Suddenly Toby stepped up on to the front edge of the sofa, crouching so he could keep plunging deep inside of me as we fucked each others brains out. He reached forward trying to reach my tits, so I eased myself up off the back of the sofa allowing his hands to slip underneath me and grip my erect tender nipples between his fingers. He used his grip on my massive, free swinging 42DD beauties as leverage to bang his prick deep inside me with every thrust.
My orgasm was rushing at us like an express train as I screamed at Toby "Cum inside me, fill me with your hot spunk........... Spray your seed in my pussy........ Slam your cum filled balls against my pussy until you explode your spunk into my hot tube."
God I loved talking like a slut, I hoped it turned Toby on as much as it did me. At the same time my mind registered the sound of the front door closing.
"Mrs B you make me so hot for you ........ I can't last much longer.. [pant] ...... [pant]...... I'm going to cum," he grunted out load between huge grasps of breath to fill his overworked lungs.
"Fill me Toby..... Cum inside me now..... I'm coming, aaarrgh, I coming right now lover......Cum with me," I cried, hearing movement at my side.
"MRS B," Toby screamed in pleasure and a hint of panic as his cock swelled even more, the head of his cock twitching furiously inside me as the first ribbon of hot spunk exploded deep inside me. Toby's balls slapped against me another dozen times as he seemed to endlessly fill my pussy with his hot young seed.
I gripped his hands in mine, hard against my tits as my own orgasm consumed my own body like the fires of Hades. The rough treatment of my tits heightened my senses as the orgasm erupted from the pit of my stomach and spread in a circle consuming my sensitive clit and washing through my well fucked pussy with a wave of juices that coated his cock and mixed a cocktail of our shared juices inside the shaker that was my throbbing pussy.
Toby was fucked as his head slumped against my uniformed back; his hard, but spent cock still buried up to the hilt inside me; and his hands clinging to my tits like his life depended on it.
"Thank you, Toby, Thank you, I needed that so much tonight....... Thank you my young lover," I panted as my twitching pussy muscles finally tired and eased off his tender softening cock.
Finally we were quiet as we tried to regain our breath; and a voice said, "Mum?"
I was suddenly jointed out of orgasmic heaven by the sound of Andy's voice. My head snapped up to see him standing in front of me. His face was a vast mixture of emotions – disbelief, disappointment, and awe. He looked down on me as I was draped over the back of the sofa with my uniform wide open at the front and my full tits swinging free now Toby had released them; plus my uniform skirt was hitched up over my hips with my panties hanging on my thighs, trapped in place by young Toby with his softening cock still buried deep in my pussy.
Andy didn't say any more as he just stood there looking at me in this position; I didn't move, I was frozen to the spot, but I felt & heard Toby pull out of before dressing quickly and leaving the house like a bullet from a gun. For what seemed an eternity Andy just glared at me and I couldn't directly look at him as I felt so much shame at being caught like this. I could feel Andy's eyes running all over my partially clothed body as he just stood there in silence.
"Andy?," I almost whispered, breaking the silence between us as I reached behind me to tug my skirt down over my ass to cover my well fucked pussy which was now starting to leak our spent juices down the inside of my thigh and onto the sofa.
Andy didn't say anything, he just walked past me and went upstairs to his room, shutting the door in a seemingly audio end to the matter. I sagged over the sofa crying at how my life had come to this and the level I had sunk to. I tried to stuff my still excited full breasts back into my bra & blouse, but their fullness and my racking sobs made this impossible to achieve. I just gripped my overflowing breasts in my arms and ran up the stairs to my room & shut my own door as I headed to the shower.
After stripping off my clothes I climbed into the shower to wash away my unfaithfulness. I soaped myself all over to remove Toby's touches, a pathetic gesture I know; before delving my fingers into my pussy to clean out the mass of our juice cocktail. Thick globs of his spunk ran over my fingers as I tried to clean myself and reinstate some form of dignity back into my now destroyed life & family. I stood under the hot water for ages, failing in my task. Finally I climbed out, dried myself, dressed in my robe and headed downstairs, passing Andy's still closed door on the way.
The lounge & kitchen reeked of forbidden sex; I was horrified at the strong aroma of our hot passion and lust for each other as I opened as many windows as possible to let the wind take away reminders of my unfaithfulness. Cleaning spent bodily fluids off the sofa made me cry at my own foolishness and self destruction; before finally heading into the kitchen to cook the family evening meal that I had started previously.
Once dinner was ready I had no appetite at all. I just turned it off and left it for Mark when he came in from the gun club. I closed the windows & sprayed the rooms with air freshener before I headed upstairs and knocked on Andy's door.
"I'm so sorry, Andy, I don't know what to say to you to explain," I said as tears filled my eyes and made my voice come out as a croak as I continued, "There is dinner downstairs for you. I'm going to bed. Again I am soooo sorry."
I took off my robe and climbed into bed, hugging the blankets against me to protect me from the outside world which I felt was about to come crashing down on me. Shortly afterwards I heard Mike come in, eat his dinner and head to bed. I didn't have the courage to face him and find out how he had got on at the gun club. I didn't know if I could hide the fact that I had been caught fucking his best friend. Would Andy have come down and shared that information with his younger brother? I didn't know and I was too much of a coward to find out.
I lay in bed sobbing quietly to myself, unable to sleep because of my late developing conscience & regret at my foolishness. I don't know if I nodded off or not, but later on there was a knock at my door.
"Mum?" I heard Andy say.
"Mum, can I come in?" he asked quietly.
I switched on my bedside lamp and sat up before answering, "Sure, come in."
I was relieved that Andy hadn't totally disowned me.
"Can we talk please," he asked.
"Sure," I answered as I patted the bed alongside me and moved over towards the centre of the bed, clutching the blankets to me to hide my nakedness. I just had my arms over the blankets with my hair resting down onto my bare suntanned shoulders.
"Mum ....... I can't understand ...... I don't understand why, ............ why Toby of all people?"
"Oh God Andy, I'm so sorry ... I am so sorry that I've let you down."
"But why mum?" he asked with eyes full of hurt.
"I don't know if I can explain it, let alone ask you to understand or forgive me for what I have done."
"But we love you," Andy said almost in a pleading voice looking for confirmation that I still loved him.
"I know you and Mike do, but I am not sure that your father does anymore." I stated through my tears.
"Why do you think that?"
"Since your father became more religious about ten years ago his views changed on many things........... and lovemaking was one of them."
"But why?" Andy asked.
"I don't know but he only makes love to me once a month and now as I get older I crave more before I lose my looks as I get older."
"But mum you are not old," Andy reassured me.
Taking his hand in mine I replied, "Thank you so much Andy, your father never says that now. We haven't made love for a long time and I worry that he is finding his lovemaking away from me during the week."
"NO ........ mum, you are still a good looking, sexy woman, Dad would be mad to do that, and cheat on us all," he said and squeezed my hand to reassure me.
I burst into tears, no longer able to hold it all together.
Immediately Andy wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders and rested my head on his shoulder as the tears streamed down my cheeks onto his arm and my neck.
"When your father rang to say he was taking the two of you to camp I felt so hurt because he was leaving me out, he didn't even discuss it with me first. I was hurt and lonely. The house was so big and empty without you all. I was so lonely," I cried on his strong supportive shoulder."
"Its okay mum, I'm here," he reassured me, "We love you; you must know that."
"I do, but it wasn't enough Andy, ........ I needed physical love to sustain me," I sobbed.
Andy ran his hands over my bare shoulders to comfort me, and pulled me tight against his chest so my breasts squashed against him through the blankets.
"I craved love so badly that week you were away, it just happened with Toby, it was wrong and I am so sorry, I am so sorry Andy," I explained.
"Ssshhhh mum, it is okay I understand, really I do, I've seen dad ignore you at weekends, only interested in church and then off to work again. I am here now, and I understand, please don't be ashamed, I really do understand."
I looked up in surprise, and looked into Andy's eyes. They were full of love for his hurt mother. He reached up with one hand to wipe the tears from my eyes. His finger was soaked after rubbing one eye & cheek, so he reached down & lifted the blanket out of my hand to rub the other tear filled eye & wet cheek. Once he had done that he kissed my forehead before he lifted my chin slightly with his finger and leaned forward his mouth towards me.
I was amazed and my mouth opened slightly in surprise at this sudden change in events.
Andy mistook this amazement for something else and gently lowered his lips on mine. Wrapping his arms around my bare shoulders he pulled me tight against him as his tongue ran across my wet lips.
I moved my lips slightly, about to say this was wrong; but Andy mistook this movement for acceptance and his tongue slipped into my mouth as he hands started to stroke my bare back.
'Oh Christ,' I thought, 'my own son is coming onto me. This is so wrong.'
It might have been wrong to my mind and what little sense of decency remained in me, but my body craved his love, warmth, and attention. It also craved the desire that was starting to build in both of our bodies.
Unbelievably I started to return his kiss; my body overcoming my mind and commonsense.
Andy ran his hand down my back until it touched briefly against the valley of my ass, before heading back up to my shoulders. I sensed Andy tense up, expecting a negative reaction from me. When it didn't happen he became more adventurous and slid his hand onto my ass briefly. When I returned his kiss more passionately he slid his hand down again on to my ass and this time massaged my ass for several minutes before sliding his fingers down my crease to explore its warmth & firmness.
'This is so wrong,' I kept telling myself, but my body said different.
By now we were starting to devour each others mouths, but I didn't want to encourage Andy, it was for him to decide if he intended to 'comfort' his mother further. My body ached for him to do so.
This time as his hand came up my back it snaked across my back to reach under my arm and brush against the soft side flesh of my breast. At this touch I sighed gently into Andy's mouth giving him the message to proceed further with the seduction of his mother, which was only slightly against my wishes. It would have been totally against my best judgement if I had been thinking normally; but I hadn't done that for two weeks!
Not meeting any resistance to his further advances, Andy became even more adventurous by running his hand up over my shoulders and started down the front on to the upper slope of my now heaving breasts. The blanket was trapped between us, but he gently eased me backwards to break the bond so his hands could ease the blanket down.
All the time we kissed, we search each others mouths asking, both seeking the reassurance to allow this continue. Whilst the reassurance might not have been given, neither of us signalled the desire to stop, we continued into forbidden territory.
Still kissing, still looking into each others souls; Andy slowly ran his hands down the front of my breasts until he came to my now erect nipples and I groaned in pleasure into his mouth.
As his hands played with my nipples his long forgotten baby instincts came to the fore and he started to lower his head to suckle on his mothers teats again after so many years. I eased my hands onto the bed behind me so I could semi recline, thus lifting my full breasts high onto my chest in open invitation to my eldest son.
Andy literally accepted the invitation with open arms as his hands reached forward to support the full weight of my breast in his hands as his mouth slowly descend to one hard teat, and I didn't stop him.
As my baby's lips closed over my teat after such a long break, my pussy pulsated in a mini orgasm of satisfaction and need for more. My head rolled back and my eyes closed as Andy suckled on both nipples for what seemed like hours of pleasure for both of us.
I felt him take one hand off my breasts and I opened my eyes to see him reaching for his cock.
"Here let me take care of that," I said as I eased my weight forward so one hand could reach between his legs and into his boxer shorts. An eight inch long, thick, manly cock stood proud in there waiting for me with a drop of precum coating his helmet as my hand slowly slid down his hot length to finally cup his large hairy cum filled balls. 'Oh god what a fine son I have reared,' I thought as I gently squeezed his balls to be rewarded with a long groan.
"Stand up Andy," I instructed as I slid across to the edge of the bed. Sitting upright I tugged his boxers down and let them fall to the floor, releasing his meat to my eyes.
'Holy shit,' I thought, 'two wonderful cocks in one evening,' generating a thought that I stored away for later consumption.
Sliding my legs out from the blankets I turned towards him.
"Let me help you out with that," I said, "as you look so uncomfortable."
Andy looked down in amazement as I slid my lips over his cock head, peeling back his foreskin, before taking his whole length into the back of my throat in one swift, easy swallow.
Andy's hands gripped my head & ran through my hair as he groaned, "Oh mum, .... Oh mum that is so beautiful."
After only a couple of minutes I could feel his balls & cock start to surge so I quickly slipped him out of my mouth, much to Andy's obvious disappointment. But that was quickly overcome as I leaned forward and crushed my massive tits together in my hands around his erect hot meat.
Andy groaned out loud in appreciation of this startling development, as I started to rock back & forth to run his hard cock up between the acres of hot tit flesh crammed tight around his cock.
Andy soon caught on and started to rock his hips, thus thrusting his cock up between my tits until its head popped out. For such a young man he had unbelievable staying power as he fucked my enormous tits non stop for a couple of minutes, before suddenly pleading, "Mum, I need to cum."
"Go ahead son, my tits are all yours, come between them."
At that he started to cum by crying out "MUM," as ribbons of hot creamy spunk exploded from between my cleavage and sprayed over my face. As he spewing cock retreated between my tits on his downward stroke I released my tits and quickly leaned forward to catch his up thrusting cock in my mouth as his cock continued to spew forth his seed.
Andy groaned loudly as my lips drew down on his length and he thrust deep into my throat. His hands ran through my hair as I ran my tongue along the sensitive glands to elicit the last remaining drops from his cock as I swallowed his seed to prevent myself from drowning in his spunk.
Juices were flowing inside my pussy and I craved attention down there despite being roughly fucked only hours earlier.
Finally Andy's thrusting hips came to a standstill in my mouth and his cock began to soften. I licked him clean before releasing his meat from my lips.
While he continued to stroke my hair I looked deep into his eyes and saw no remorse for the sinful act we had just commitment against the sanctity of our family.
"Now we can take our time," I said as I cast aside the blankets and lay back on the bed in an open invitation for him to join me. Andy needed no second invitation as he joined me on the bed. He lay on his back beside me, informally allowing & inviting me to take control from now.
"Are you a virgin?" I asked
"Errr, ....... Yes Mum," he reluctantly admitted.
"That is fine," I reassured him as I leaned forward to kiss his mouth once more.
We kissed for a few minutes before I took one of Andy's hands in mine and guided his fingers over my breasts, down across my stomach and onto my mound, where his fingertips started to brush against the neatly trimmed hairs of my bush. Andy sighed into my mouth as his finger tips relayed the feelings back to his brain and it registered this as something that was pleasurable and amazing to a young virgin.
Slowly I eased his hand, palm open, over my whole mound until he was cupped me in the palm of his hand. Gently I squeezed my hand over his so he cupped & then eased off repeatedly on my mound that craved attention. I also moved his hand in a slow circular motion over my triangle and I enjoyed the sensations the pressure his hand was exerting gave to my damp pussy lips and my aching clit. After several minutes of this I centred his hand on my mound and increased the pressure of my middle finger on the top of his. I sighed as I felt his finger start to ease my lips apart, and Andy groaned once more in anticipation of this new experience in his young life as his finger started to venture into from whence he had been born.
My tongue licked hard inside his mouth to communicate my need and pleasure to encourage Andy to explore the gift I was laying open for him. Andy understood my need as his finger curled upwards and slid between the walls of my already juice slicked pussy. Once his finger was fully buried I guided his hand to thrust slowly in & out of me as I devoured my son's mouth in mutual appreciation of our actions down below.
Once he had got the rhyme of frigging me I carefully guided his thumb to the hood of my clit and started him rubbing me in a tight circular motion. This triggered my juices to flow over his invading finger as Andy automatically added a second finger to penetrate my now sodden pussy. I opened my thighs to give him better access as I broke our kiss to get some air.
"Oh Andy, that feels so good, you really know how to pleasure a woman," I cooed at my son as he lay facing me.
"Mum you are such as beautiful woman, I can see why Toby had such a look of love in his eyes as he made love to you earlier ......... and dad must be a fool for ignoring you like this."
"You are so sweet," I cooed, "now ease your thumb down slightly until you can ease it under the hood of my clit and you find the hard bud of my clit. I flinched in joy as his thumb found my erect love button, making the walls of my pussy clamp down hard on his two invading fingers.
"Ohhh, Andy, rub my clit, finger my aching pussy, and pleasure your mama," I sexily instructed.
For being a virgin at this he soon caught on, and boy did it feel good.
Andy kissed me a final time as he lowered his head to suck hard on my breast. He ran his tongue across the hot flesh before moving to another part and sucking down on that and licking it briefly. Slowly he covered most of my breast, and finally repeated the treatment as he worked in an ever decreasing circle around my nipple without touching it. The teasing touch of his lips & tongue sent ripples through my nerve endings and stimulated my pussy as much as his fingers were doing. God, I was so horny again and the fact that it was my own son didn't seem to bother me anymore, even it should have done by anyone's standards of common decency.
I could feel an orgasm brewing deep inside me, starting to bring me to the boil, as well as Toby had done in any of our lovemaking sessions.
"Suck hard on my nipples Andy and bring me off please," I gently prompted.
As with any considerate lover he obeyed and drew my right nipple deep into his mouth, & then lashed his tongue across the sensitive teat in long sideways licks.
My nipple, clit & pussy all seemed wired together in one network of pleasure & sensitivity. This network was being simultaneously overloaded and was about to trip out into a body racking orgasm.
With two fingers buried full depth in my pussy, his thumb exciting my now proud clit, and his teeth brushing over my horny teat, I tripped over into a full blown orgasm that shook my very soul. It is hard to describe the feelings & emotions that I went through lying next to my own son with my vibrating pussy clamping on his fingers as my juices tried to flush out his penetrating digits; and my ass & tits heaved & throbbed in appreciation of his thumb & teeth. I pulled his face hard against my burning tits, almost smothering him in my tits. Eventually I had to pull his hand off my mound before I blacked out with over stimulation, Andy wasn't experienced enough yet to know when to stop!
I was still grasping from my orgasm as I saw him lying back with a very smug smile on his face and a raging hard on pointing straight towards the ceiling. I dearly wanted to take his virginity there and then, but I wanted to night to last as long as possible as you only lose you virginity once; and I wanted this to be memorable for my son.
So instead of straddling his hard on I slid up the bed, gripped the head board and swung my leg over his face. Andy looked puzzled as my thigh swung only his face and then I started to settle down directly on his mouth. His hands flew up to grip my hips in self protection until my pussy lips stopped descending onto him about an inch above his lips and he realized he was safe.
"Once you have licked all my juices out of my pussy you can then fuck me," I informed him. "It is like eating your greens before you can have desert," I laughed. Then I lowered my pussy onto his mouth and closed off his hearing with the firm flesh of my thighs either side of his ears.
Andy's tongue tentatively ran along the length of my pussy lips as he decided if he liked this or not. A bit like a kid at the dinner table, he was going to eat his greens before desert; only these 'greens' would orgasm on his tongue before his had eaten the full portion!
It would take a full page of inadequate description to try to even to start to describe the exquisite quarter of an hour that Andy spent licking out my pussy and teasing my horny clit. His tongue delved so deep into my pussy that I nearly passed out. My son was even better than Toby and he very gradually increased his pace and teasing over the time he was inside of me. When he flicked my clit ..... Oh God did my world spin and I had to hold onto the bed head to save crushing my young lover. I wanted the total body experience so I pulled his hands up onto my tits and guided them over the mass of flesh that swung under gravity & excitement. Keeping my hands behind his I guided him to support the incredible weight of my 42DD breasts & massage the underside of them for several minutes before stretching his hand up onto the upper slope of my tits. Here I encouraged him to rake his nails down the firm skin until they ran across my tender nipples. Each time he racked my nipples I seemed to dispense more juices into my pussy for Andy to lick out and swallow.
This stimulation seemed to last all night until I just couldn't take anymore and with a final lick over my erect clit he took me into another orgasm that shook my whole frame even though both of us were supporting my massive tits in both pairs of hands. Suddenly Andy's head fought for air between my thighs and I had to lift my orgasming body up off his face to save drowning or suffocating him.
While still shaking & trembling my way through my orgasm I reluctantly slid off his face and slid down his chest towards the object of my need. I reached behind me to take a firm grip on the base of his twitching cock to prevent him from coming as I finally positioned my pussy over my son's virgin cock.
I looked down at Andy's face. His mouth & nose was coated with my spent juices and his eyes held mixed emotions; relief at surviving my orgasm on his face, anticipation at his goal of losing his virginity, and amazement that it was going to be his mother who was about to take his virginity in his fathers bed.
Releasing the base of his cock I slid my hand up the whole throbbing length until I reached the swollen head. Gently I peeled his foreskin back to reveal a most beautiful helmet with surging veins on the underside and it was going to be all mine to ride. I positioned my pussy lips either side of his helmet and looked deep into Andy's eyes. I could see love, lust and need in his twinkling eyes as he nodded slightly giving his agreement to the barrier we were about to cross as mother & son. I was just about to take his virginity and then fuck his brains out in my marital bed.
I felt the heat of his meat over and above my own hot pussy as I very slowly lowered myself down onto my son's cock for the first time. Despite the earlier fucking by Toby, and the frigging Andy had given my pussy; Andy's cock still stretched my excited lips wide as his helmet sank into my still dripping pussy for the first time.
"Ooohhh mum I have never felt anything like this before," he groaned as my tight pussy stretched his foreskin right back now the first four inches of his eight inch weapon were embedded in my pussy.
"Andy, you feel so good inside me. Are you okay with this?" I questioned.
In reply he placed his hands on my hips to push me down the remaining four inches down onto the base of his cock and tight against his cum filled balls. We stayed in this position, not moving for a full minute as we each got used to the feeling that were surging through our bodies and the emotions that were racing through our minds.
Finally I broke the spell by leaning down onto Andy as I briefly kissed his lips before sensually using my tongue to lick my own juices off his lips & face. As I did this I could feel Andy's cock swell even thicker in my pussy as he found my actions so erotic. As I finished on the juices I felt both of his hands running through my hair as he pulled my lips over his and sank his tongue deep into my mouth to taste my juices on my tongue. We consumed each others tongues, lips & mouths as our passion for each other reached new heights and Andy lowered one hand to rake my back with his nails, which excited me no end. I couldn't believe my son was a virgin as his skills & techniques were far superior to Toby's and Ian's. I had never felt as loved and respected as a woman as Andy was making me feel right now. We lay still, his rigid cock still buried to the hilt inside me as we continued to kiss with Andy running one hand through my hair & over my neck, and the other hand raking my tender back and sliding down to cup & squeeze my buttocks.
The five minutes that we had spent snogging each other meant that Andy's cock had relaxed inside of me and was unlikely to now shoot its load as soon as I moved my pussy on his still erect length. We could now fuck without worrying about the risk of premature ejaculation by Andy.
I loved the feel our what he was doing to my back & ass that I stayed in the same position kissing him deeply as I slowly eased my hips upwards drawing my tight pussy along the full length of rigid cock, inch by sensual inch, until I felt the ridge of his helmet ease my lips apart briefly. I stopped at this point as Andy groaned into my mouth, "Oh mum."
I kissed him back as I slowly slid back down his eight inches of restrained young vigour, knowing that in the next few minutes that this vigour would be released as he pounded his hot meat into my demanding pussy. But for now we were both happy to take it slow and make this wonderful time between us last as long as possible. Maybe incest is the new way for mother and son to 'bond' together in these days of buzzword terminology?
With my squashed nipples rubbing against his hard young chest I was in need of more attention from his hands, but I didn't want to rush things, so for the next couple of minutes I slowly rolled my hips and rode his cock full length as Andy massaged my buttocks and explored the crease of my ass. For a brief moment his finger rested & rubbed over my back hole and sent involuntarily spasms through my pussy. Andy realised he had found a further erotic zone on my body. Our time together was becoming a journey of discovery for both of us.
By now I was picking up the pace, riding the full length of his cock before dropping down and feeling his full balls slap again me. Andy was returning my passion by thrusting his hips upward in perfect unison to my downward slide on his cock.
I had to separate off his lips & chest as we were becoming too hot through our exertions. Pushing up off his shoulders, I sat upright on his lap and the feel of his still thrusting cock gave different sensations and hit a different spot in my pussy. Our fucking went up another notch as our hips worked overtime to pound his meat in and out of my hungry pussy.
"AAAaahhh," Andy groaned out loud in pleasure at these altered sensations stroking his cock.
"Sssshhh Andy," I whispered in panic as I placed a finger over his lips, "you're wake Mike, and we don't want that do we?"
Andy gently shook his head, and with a glint in his eye sucked the end of my finger into his mouth, before sucking on the whole length. I smiled back at my cheeky young lover as I rode his cock with increased fervour.
I grabbed Andy's hands and cupped them under my breasts. He didn't need to be taught a second time as his hands started to cup and fondle my swinging tits. He teased my nipples with his rough thumbs and I groaned in appreciation of this additional stimulation. He then started to gently scratch my extended nipples with his fingernails which just about sent me into orbit
"Aarrgh Andy you feel so good inside me and you do wonderful things with my tits. You are fantastic," I praised him.
Suddenly he gripped my tits like a pair of melons in a supermarket, and pulled me forward as he flicked himself up off the bed. He stretched my left breast up into his wide open mouth as his other hand snaked around my back & down onto my ass to balance himself in this position. His fingers sank deep into my ass cheeks forcing me hard down onto his cock & balls as his lips sucked onto my tit flesh and his tongue started to lash my nipple again.
This just blew me away and my whole body started to shake as another tremendous orgasm consumed my whole body. The years of sexual barrenness were now over and my body was rewarding my young lover with the pent up juices that now flowed over his cock between the pulsating spasms of my love tunnel.
" Andy, please take me, fuck me hard ........ I want to feel your cock explode your hot spunk deep inside me," I panted.
"That's it, thrust deep inside me .... I am all yours ...... Please your mama .... Fuck me hard," I encouraged him between huge grasps for air as our bed shook under our energetic fucking.
Andy released my tit, allowing it to slide down between our sweat coated bodies as he wrapped his arm around me to stay upright and I wrapped both arms around him like a mother supporting her baby. But this 'baby' was fucking his mother senseless.
There I was sitting on my sons lap with his cock buried up to the hilt inside my as I slapped my pussy lips down onto the base of his cock & his balls; while Andy squeezed my buttock hard with one hand and clung to my back, scratching my tender skin with the other hand; and my massive tits tried to squeeze out between our sweaty chests. This was pure fucking heaven for me.
Andy's cock swelled even thicker inside me and he whispered breathlessly in my ear, "Mum I am about to come?" with an element of doubt still in his mind about our incest.
"Fill me with your seed my son, fuck deeply into me, it is okay my lover," I reassured him.
Suddenly his nails sank into my ass & back as he groaned, "Mmmmuummm," as he exploded his spunk like a volcano deep inside me.
"Yes, .... Yes, ..... Yes, ..... Ohhh Andy!!!," I groaned as a new devastating orgasm gutted my body, pulling him hard against my hot tender tits. My pussy was overflowing with shared juices as we rutted and shook through our orgasms in utter relief for the needs of both of us in that moment of incestuous passion that knew no boundaries.
His cock spewed about five long ribbons of spunk deep into my pussy with unbelievable force as Andy's hand almost ripped the flesh of my now abused ass.
While my pussy was continuing to milk the last drop of spunk out of him we collapsed back onto the bed, my face buried into the sheets alongside his glowing cheek as we fought for breath and waited for the remaining throbs & echoes of our orgasm to abate.
With leaning forward my lips broke the wet seal around his cock and our cocktail of spent juices flowed over my swollen pussy lips and dripped down onto his balls & pubes.
Finally I regained my breath and lifted my head up to look at Andy. His face was totally relaxed and his eyes spaced out as he mind revelled in his experience of fucking his mother. I gently kissed his lips as sweat dripped from my brow onto his sweat covered forehead. We kissed softly & lovingly for several minutes until I felt his now soft cock slide out of my utterly fucked & tender pussy.
I broke our kiss and looked deep into his eyes.
"Thanks mum, that was fucking amazing," he stated plainly.
"Fucking usually is amazing when it is done properly," I smiled back, before sliding down his body to lick and suck his soft cock clean.
As my tongue lapped up our spent juices off his cock Andy writhed on the bed each time my tongue caught his sensitive glands & helmet. Once his cock was clean I turned my attention to his tender balls. Very, very, gently I sucked each ball in his hairy sack to leave him clean and his cock now partially hard.
Slowly I kissed my way up his outstanding, firm young body until I lay alongside him again. We kissed, snuggled and stroked each other for quarter of an hour as we shared our new found love for each other in a forbidden mother and son way.
Surprisingly his cock had become hard again between our bodies and Andy reached up start fondling my tits again. I gently pushed him back into the sheets.
"Mum?" he asked questioningly.
"No, enough for one night," I said firmly.
Andy looked puzzled, "You mean we can do this again?"
I smiled, "If Mike has enjoyed his first night at gun club then maybe we can do this again next week."
"Seriously?" he questioned.
"If Mike enjoys shooting, then there is no reason why we can't enjoy some shooting of our own," I grinned in response.
"Mum, I would love to shoot all over your tits........... now?" he sighed questioningly.
"Next week you can if Mike goes to gun club, but not before then," I instructed.
"But what about Toby?" he asked.
"He would probably enjoy fucking me as you came over my tits," I teased.
"Serious? ........ You mean both of us together?" he asked in amazement.
Do you think he could keep it a secret from Mike if I stopped fucking him now?" I asked, "Anyway I think you two could learn new things from each other as you make love to me and fuck me senseless!"
"WOW," he exclaimed in shock.
"Now being very serious, I am now your mother, not your lover, do you understand?, I asked in a stern voice.
"Yes mum," he answered.
"There will be no kissing, no groping, not even a knowing smile .... Do you understand?"
Yes mum," he answered again.
I kissed his cheek, "Goodnight son, now go to bed," I instructed.
Reluctantly he climbed out of my bed, picked up his shed boxers & pulled them up over his hard on and headed for the bedroom door.
Just as he reached the door I asked "Why were you home early tonight?"
"There was a power cut at the service station."
"Goodnight son."
"Goodnight mum," my son replied as he closed the door behind him.
As I pulled the covers back over me and turned off the lamp, I thought about the most amazing night of my life so far. And I looked forward to encouraging Mike to return to the gun club next week. | literotica |
Title: Chapter Eight by WannabeDragon
Tags: Bathing, Dragon, Fanfiction, Firnen, Inheritance Cycle, Lesbian, Mating, NSFW, Saphira, Scalie, Sex, Yiff, byzil
Saphira and Byzil awoke the next morning, feeling the warmth of the morning sun caress their sore bodies. They looked at each other lovingly and shared affectionate thoughts. Once they were done, Saphira stood up to stretch her limbs and noticed strings of their liquids sticking to each other's sacred regions. *"We should go bathe in the oasis."* Saphira said with a toothy grin. Byzil grinned back and stood up. They padded their way to the water source, brushing their scales amongst the luscious plant life.
They arrived momentarily to the glistening water source. Saphira started to walk into the surprisingly brisk water, and while she did she flaunted her hind end for Byzil. Byzil grinned and walked in after her, knowing fully well what will happen next. The small water source was just big enough for the two of them, rising above their shoulders and wide enough for both of them to fit. Their scales glistened like crystals when their hide was dampened. Saphira submerged her head under the water and positioned her snout between Byzil's legs. She started licking all around Byzil's sacred region to clean her sticky light blue scales. Byzil hummed with pleasure as she reached her paws to Saphira's sacred region and began to rub it. Their liquid dripped out into the water as they started to produce more. Saphira spread her leg upwards and gave Byzil access so she could use her tongue. She rested her foot on Byzil's back and gently clenched her toes to keep balance. Soon they were roaring and grunting as their juices flowed through the water. Saphira knew Byzil was close so she quickly took a breath of air and put her head back down to Byzil's vagina to shove her tongue deep into Byzil, tasting her richest juices. Saphira could feel the warmth of Byzil's inner body embrace her tongue. Byzil climaxed and squirted her juices around Saphira's tongue and into the water. Byzil did the same to Saphira, and Saphira also climaxed into the water.
Byzil then lied down with her neck and head sticking out of the water. Saphira lied on top of her and began to kiss her. They rubbed their bodies and paws all over each other to rub clean any grime. Saphira began to lick and nibble of over Byzil's body as their vaginas touched. Byzil squirmed as Saphira licked her sensitive regions. Eventually, Saphira made her way back to Byzil's neck and nibbled on it passionately. Saphira and Byzil embraced and started to kiss again, but, their kiss was cut short when a green-scaled dragon made his way into their sanctum. Saphira's face immediately turned into a snarl as she broke her embrace and leaped out of the water into a crouched attack position on the fertile ground. *"What are you doing here."* Saphira growled to Firnen. Embarrassed, Byzil quickly rolled over and removed herself from the water also. She nervously stood behind Saphira.
"*Saphira..."* Firnen said softly as he deposited a deer to the side. He had brought the deer as an apology, as was a custom among dragons. Firnen tried to say more, but Saphira's cold stare intimidated him otherwise.
"*You ought to leave."* Saphira said sternly with her claws digging into the ground.
With his head down, Firnen said, *"Saphira, I am... sorry. I- I am at a loss for words of how I feel about..."* Firnen paused and glanced up at Saphira. "*us... other than regret and sorrow. Is there any way I can sedate your rage?"*
It took Saphira a split-second to reply, *"Leave us."*
Firnen's facial features showed hurt and emotional agony as he looked at Saphira. His head was tilted halfway down, weighing heavily from his emotions. *"Saph-"*
"*You overgrown green lizard, I said leave! Get it through your thick skull, I do not wish to see you ever again. What you did is unspeakable and could have exterminated our race!."* Crystal clear tears began to roll down both Saphira and Firnen's face. Saphira turned her head away towards Byzil. She received a comforting presence from Byzil as she nudged her snout against Saphira's.
"*Wh- What do you mean?"* Firnen questioned.
Saphira looked back at Firnen, staring deeply into his emerald eyes. *"You don't know what you did, do you?"* Saphira waited several long seconds for a reply before continuing, *"Your 'stunt' made me sterile. I haven't been able to produce eggs since that night... If it wasn't for the eggs we had found, you would have ended our race. Neither Eragon or the elves could heal me."* Byzil looked at Saphira with the utmost concern. Byzil comforted her more, now with a deeper understanding of Saphira, but why did she hide that from her?
Firnen now understood the hatred that lied within Saphira's broken heart. *"I- I jus- I didn't know."* Firnen turned his body around with his hind-end facing them and put his head down.
"*Your hurt me more mentally than you did physically. I want nothing to do with you ever again. Please Firnen, do not make this harder than it has to be."* Saphira felt a small amount of sympathy towards her ex-lover, but she had moved on. *"Even if I forgave you, I am with Byzil now, and she is my mate. Nothing can or will tear us apart."*
*\* \* \**
Her final words fused itself into Firnen's mind as he flew away. His mind began twisting everything that had just occurred into lies. He did not want to accept his loss, or that Saphira hated him. *She still loves me, but that white dragoness is forcing her away from me. I have to help Saphira, so we can be together again.* Plans and ideas began to formulate into his mind as he glided back down onto the opposite side of the large oasis. *Saphira will be mine.* | FSE |
Title: Sacrifice by Bjorn
Tags: Action, Death, Feline, Horse, No-Yiff, Sheep, Steam Punk
With a snort of surprise, he sat up, shaking his eyes free of sleep. The echoes of some thunderous crash resounded about his cabin, the soft lights flickered, and the floor vibrated gently. He glanced down at the mess of writings and novels atop the desk and stood up, stretching sorely, looking about him in confusion.
He had fallen asleep at his desk again, still fully clothed. He slipped on his shoes and walked to the corridor, pulling the door back. One other creature was already there, a tall black panther. He was walking briskly to the stairwell, and looked back at the fellow panther in confusion and panic. He gestured to the stairway, indicating his path.
More creatures were entering now, a pair of rabbits at the far end opening their door, and following the black panther up the stairwell rapidly, close on his heels. A dog and a tiger also emerged, looking at the pale fur of the clothed panther, most of the others in various states of undress. He shrugged, and began to hurry off, following the fellow black feline, his own lighter fur reflecting the soft glow of the amber lighting in the panelled simplicity of the corridor.
He turned onto the stairwell, the trio up front already at the top, and gaped for a moment. The left wall of the flight was bent inward, like some grotesque bulging stomach, splinters scattered on the stair's rough carpet. As he jogged past the protrusion, he stared at it, frowning. He reached the top of the dim flight and pushed the metal door open, stepping out onto the deck.
He saw the three from below, the white fur of the lapines contrasting with the midnight frame of the feline, hurrying off into the dark alleyways of the huge metal containers that covered the deck forward of the bridge. For a moment he was going to call out to them, but looking left, he stopped, and stared.
The bridge, its tall shape normally proud and forward-facing, had been utterly crushed. The fine metalwork, the only real beauty on the entirety of the Hauler's Engine was bent inward, beneath the monstrous form of the rear tether mast. Foggy cloud partially obscured the scene, but somehow, the mast had fallen, backward, landing on the bridge.
He heard a gasp as another soul joined him, watching the ruin in mute panic. From its normal four-storey height, the command deck was now a mere metre or so rose from the deck, its entire structure having collapsed downward like a house of cards. The scene was dark; the hanging lamps on the mast which usually lit the deck were broken, occasional sparks causing the wreck to leer out of the mist.
"What the fuck happened..." The low voice of a Doberman rolled out, awed. More creatures were gathering now, a throng of those woken from their beds. Suddenly, a figure staggered from the rear end of the broken bridge, walking toward them, limping, out of the thin mist.
The panther jogged forward to him, met with a wave and a shake of the head. "I'm fine." He wore a tattered crewman's uniform, small bloodstains and rips covering it. "Stay calm folks." His voice was forced, wheezing. The crowd huddled forward, voices beginning to rise. He waved his hands for quiet.
"We need to evacuate the ship. The rear lifeboats are gone, I'm sorry; the mast took them with it. We need to get forward soon, everyone stay calm, and gather together. There're other crewmen just behind me." The huddle of creature's voices took on a panicked edge. Someone began to cry.
Seemingly on cue, six others emerged from the door to the rear balcony of the ship. Two crewmen supported a passenger on their shoulders followed by two engineers, and one officer, golden belt torn strolled at the front, face calm. He walked briskly towards the crowd, hands spread; he spoke reassuringly.
"Folks, we're going to be fine, my name's Terry Peterson, we are going to evacuate the ship, there's been some kind of accident. I want everyone lined out, can we get a headcount? Is there anyone left downstairs?" A human at the rear of the huddle spoke out.
"No, I just checked, all the rooms are empty!" The officer nodded.
"Alright then, everyone lining up please! In lines of six!" He motioned to the three crewmen, who began to walk forward, offering words of calm, handing blankets gleaned from the fire-stores to those few who were shivering. Despite the night, the air was warm, though dark, and the wind whistled under the spectral balloon above them.
Calm begin to cover the passengers, the fright of before leaving them as they were counted. An avian crewman shouted out to the officer, standing stern at the front of the group; a tall husky with a set face.
"Thirty-one sir! Six missing!" Came the avian's call. The pale panther looked forward with a frown and spoke up, the husky turning to look at him with a serious face.
"I saw three heading forward before you arrived! A panther and two rabbits." The officer nodded.
"That leaves three missing, we'll search as we go, come on let-" His words were silenced by a crash and a ‘thump', harsh orange light bursting like a dirty star across the huddle. Flames leapt up, and creatures jumped to the deck. The confusion washed over the pale panther as he covered his head, stumbling forward, seeking respite from the heat.
He was knocked to the ground, sent spinning as a figure ran past him. He threw his vision upward and saw a group running, led by crewmen, pointing upward, to a broken walkway high above. He jumped up, and saw a horse, engulfed in dirty smoky flames, hurl himself from the far railing, into the night sky, screaming. Running forward, grabbing a discarded blanket, he thrust it onto a pool of flaming liquid that was coiling over the boards. Smoke gushed up and the officer was suddenly at his side, throwing another blanket, stamping at the fire. For an age, in the stinking smoke they battled, throwing buckets of sand and metal debris from the bridge onto the flames.
At last, gasping, those who had tackled the blaze stood. The fire flickered out. Before any words could be exchanged, the world split in two.
All were thrown down again, cries rolling up. A noise like the handclap of a giant cut the air, and more harsh light rained down. The panther rolled onto his back and looked up. Fire spat from the port side of the balloon, and the airship bucked fiercely. The walkway above swayed alarmingly, ropes swinging free. As the fire died, and the sound faded in his ears, he struggled to his feet.
Tattered fabric, flaming, swayed through the breeze around them, the balloon's skin evidently pierced. All looked up, confused and fearful.
"We need to get forward! Get everyone up!" The officer's voice was authoritative, the husky barking at the single crewman, an engineer, still with them. The group that had run off were nowhere to be seen. He pulled a gun of some kind from a box, and aimed it away to starboard, out into the starry night. With a whistling shriek a flare flew out into the dark, highlighting the husky's determined face in the rocket's red glare.
As the crowd gathered, the officer firing three more signals; their red glows picking harsh ragged shadows across the deck, turning the frightened, defiant crowd into macabre art. He beckoned, and began to walk forward. With a crunch, the ship bucked. The engineer gazed back, horrified at the rear of the ship.
"What's happening?!" The husky barked out at him.
"The engines are going over... there's too much heat, too much pressure. I need to go back. But... Sir, the boys down there should be doing this, if they're not..."
The husky glowered, gnashing his teeth in frustration. "Can't it be left?!" The engineer, a short pony, shook his head. The husky cursed and spoke again. "How many do you need?" The desolate equine spoke softly.
"Three. If we can't cool it down, it's going to explode. There'll be no time to get off. At least someone who knows engines." He looked; face ashen, at the huddle.
The panther stepped forward, immediately. A bitch, a collie, came forward at the same time. The officer gritted his jaw.
"I'll come too. All of you need-" The panther cut him short, voice calm and soft.
"No. You need to lead them; they're going to fall apart if you don't." He looked levelly at the frightened crowd. Another, a sheep this time, stepped out.
"I don't know engines." He spoke quietly. The engineer nodded, and beckoned the three, who walked with him, lost, moving like ghosts; yet determined. The officer looked pained.
"You don't have to go if you don't want to." The three looked at the husky's burning eyes. Their faces showed all he needed to know, and he nodded. "God bless your souls. All of you, come on, follow me!" The crowd hurried after him, moving confusedly toward hoped-for salvation, and the engineer quickly opened a small metal hatch in the deck, gesturing down.
"Here we go. Follow on." They descended the thick-set ladder, into a glowing chamber, full of steam. The hatch clicked shut, and the cool night air was cut off. The feeling of entrapment settles like a spectre upon their shoulders.
"My name's Peter. I'm the reserve engineer. I'll lay down what we're trying to do." They walked briskly along a cramped companionway, full of orange light, pipes leaking steam about them, arcane dials and wheels lining the walls. The panther, with a good knowledge of mechanics, understood some of the pieces, but by no means all.
"That groan meant the engines are too hot. Heat means pressure, pressure means groaning. Leave them that way for too long, and they'll go up in flames. Take the ship with them. We need to let off that heat, and I have a few hunches as to what we need to do. The other engineers should be taking care of it... But for all I know they're not here." They came to a cramped stairwell and walked down, the walls shaking gently around them. The panther's fur was already slick with sweat.
"I won't pretend to you lot. Someone's trying to bring the ship down, this isn't some accident. The mast was blown through, and we all saw the balloon go up. She'll hold onto air for a long time, but the Hauler's already sinking." The trio followed close, faces determined. "It's not far; the engines are just below us." The softly shaking floor confirmed the engineer's words.
He pointed to another, small ladder, and began to descend. The volunteers kept on his heels, and they entered the fiery confusion of the engine chamber.
On either side, huge shafts turned with greased thunders, steam rushed from thick vents and the glow of the ignition chamber far in front was enough to illuminate the entire space. They fanned out, looking across in awe, as Peter jogged down a step, beckoning them.
"OK, those vents on the port side are closed; they need to be open, one of you get up to that panel on the walkway!" He pointed, and the female collie immediately began to jog up, clambering over the rusted steps, the harsh light picking out her frame. "Ok, you two head starboard, you can work an engine?" He looked at the panther.
The pale feline nodded. The engineer spoke once more. "Ok, go and check the readouts, make sure all the pressures are ok, I'm sure they should be. Stay sharp." He ran to the port side, waving them off. The panther led the sheep, rapidly towards the side, his grip reassuring. The thunder of the groaning engines filling their ears.
"Just go and look at the dials, in that corner. Tell me what's in the red zones." He gently pushed the sheep onward, and walked to the other console, checking rapidly. All of the needles rested comfortably, bar a few pressure gauges that ticked just over the danger lines.
"There's one labelled ‘Second Chamber Pressure'! It's just into the red area!" The sheep called out over the roar of the mighty engines. The panther waved back, shaking his head.
"That's fine, it's not too bad, I'm seeing it here too!" He looked at the panel and cranked the cooling vents to fully open on the shaft itself. Suddenly, he stumbled for the third time that night, and the roar of the engines increased tenfold. He wrenched his head around, to see fire gushing from the port shaft.
The collie was gone. The walkway on which she had stood was all aflame, melting in the incredible heat that flooded the room. He struggled forward, seeing the engineer pushing desperately through the fire toward a lever. All was screaming and burning. Metal fell from the ceiling. The noise was incredible.
Pushing forward, step by step, the engineer finally pulled the thick switch, and a great rush of coolant fell from tanks high above the shaft, with a furious hiss, spitting foam into the air. The fiery light dimmed, and the engine groaned to a halt, shaft bucking, the floor shaking enormously. The panther, fur singed, stinking, staggered over to the prone equine.
Both coughed as the acrid smoke filled their lungs. The sheep was following, slowly, covered in soot and metallic splinters. The panther gripped the engineers shoulder.
"Hey... Hey, you OK?" His voice was desperate. The engineer shook his head, eyes closed. His thick overalls were largely burnt through, and weeping wounds showed, livid, bleeding.
He spluttered, blood hitting the metal floor. "Get the up-thrusters on. Get off the ship. It'll keep her up longer." His faced was screwed in pain, and he curled up. With a wracking cough, the panther shaking him softly, the horse died.
The sheep approached, face expressionless. A desperate tear falling from his eyes, the panther looked up at him.
"My name's David. He's dead." The sheep's voice was cold, shocked. The feline nodded back, burnt tail curling around his thigh.
"I'm Kar. We have to get some more engines on, before we leave." He stood, coughing still. The smoke was thinning, the cooling port engine moaning gently, ticking and cracking.
"Show me what to do." Kar nodded, and beckoned, jogging across the still hot floor towards the ignition chamber. He pointed to a lever on the right, and took the left lever for himself. The sheep gripped.
"On my count. One. Two. Three." They yanked upward, and with a shudder, the sound of propellers became louder, as the landing thrusters, used to support the engine in an emergency, shifted into life. The entire chamber felt somehow unstable, bucking occasionally, and wisps of smoke still rose from floor panels, ominous creaks issuing from piping all around.
"Come on David." He looked around, and spotted an EXIT marking. They jogged forward, unsteadily as the floor's movements became more violent.
‘Oh shit oh shit oh shit' Kar prayed, knowing something was wrong. As the jumped through the door, his fears were realised as with an explosive roar, fire gushed afresh, from the ignition chamber this time, flooding the room like liquid, burning their hair as the scrambled away.
"WE CAN'T STOP IT! WE HAVE TO GO!" He yelled over the unending, invading noise, like a physical, constant blow. He half-pulled the trembling sheep up a flight of steps, nearly falling. Flickering lights swayed overhead, and steam and smoke filled the narrow space. The walls popped like burning corn, as the metal of the chamber expanded. They struggled on.
Moving, clawing to life in the cramped, burning corridors, they pushed up, and finally they emerged, burnt, smoking, into a small foyer, smoke leaving it via a roof vent allowing them respite. Their progress was blocked. A heavy fire door closed the exit, and the metal foyer was a dead end.
David sunk to the floor, shaking in exhaustion, as Kar pressed forward, examining the controls by the door. He hit a button and the door slid open, revealing a long corridor to the outside air, blocked by another door at its end. He hit another button, and the far door opened, but the door on their side closed. A dull, dreading realization washed over him as he carelessly tapped the buttons in turn, flapping doors taunting him.
He stood David up, opened their door, and pushed him through. "Get off the ship." was all he said. The sheep watched him in wordlessness, knees trembling, shaking his head. Kar attempted to enter the corridor and jab at the button from within, but it was out of his reach, around a more than ninety degree bend. There were no controls in the corridor. He stepped back out, weeping gently, and pressed the switch, sealing himself inside; allowing David escape.
The sheep, eyes glistening, rested his head against the thick, tiny glass window of the closed door. David looked up at him in wordless admiration, turned, and fled, into the night air. Kar slumped against the bulkhead, tears breaking the soot on his face. The heat rose steadily. He struggled to his feet and looked at the control boards lining the room. They offered no escape, only fuel and engine load controls.
He looked at the fire door, and considering the flames beginning to encroach towards his space, made a sickening realization. The engines were going to explode, after the fire doors had failed. The bulkheads were nicknamed "Folders", he had been told, totally useless, serving only to waste effort, unable to resist the heat of a true engine fire.
The explosion would tear the deck apart. The doors were designed to resist such an explosion and channel it backward, harmlessly away from the ship, but they would melt, far too early. Sweat coated his brow, but calmly, he walked to a panel and began to turn the fuel dials.
He pumped the fuel lines, currently closed to prevent the fire's spreading, with a high air mix, and selected the fuel doors with their switched, glowing green indicators; like beautiful emeralds to his smoke-stung eyes. He put a bleeding hand to the ‘Open' switch, fingers flexing, and breathed slowly. He wished love to all he knew, and turned the warm brass key. His sacrificial flesh turned to ash, and his souls' light was obscured in the golden flames. | FSE |
Title: A flower by polak702
Tags: Death, Flower, Love, M/F, polak702
A flower
Nick was a very wealthy and brilliant man living in Chicago he was 6ft 5inches tall and weighted 265lbs. he put fear in to peoples eyes and minds for what he did. Lets start from the beginning it was 1896 and Nick was 23 years old and just getting his fortune by inventing methods for construction, surgery and mining he got richer every day but he never became happier.
Two years later when he was walking out of the bank he bumped in to Rose. She was the most beautiful woman he ever saw. She was 5ft 6inches, had golden flowing heir, eyes that sparkled in the light, a smile that light up the night sky and a voice that could make a man melt. When they both looked in to each other's eyes they both fell in love and nothing could separate them. He always told her how much he loved her and all the things he would do for her. She never asked for anything except just for him to be there for her. He always felt like she deserved more so he always made sure she had everything she wanted.
She loved flowers and everything they stood for. Every day she walked in to her small apartment and wondered what new flower he filled the small apartment with. She loved how hard he tried to show her he loved her. She always told him how much she loved him and every day she would ask him why he put all those flowers in her apartment and she told him he did not have too because she knew he loved her and she loved him and that would never change. He answered the question only once and that was after a month. He said "I love you and you are the most beautiful person in the world and I'm only showing you that a room of flowers could never be even half as beautiful as you are" then he pulled a box that he hid under the table beside them. With the box in his hand he knelled on one knee and opened it inside was a beautiful probably the most beautiful flower in the world with a gorgeous diamond ring around the stem but all she saw was the flower. Nick said "I made this flower for you in my lab I did my best to make it as beautiful as you but it is impossible but with this flower and ring will you make me the luckiest guy in the world and merry me?" She stood in front of him speechless and smiling. He knew what that meant. He slid the ring on her finger and two days got married.
He did not stop showing her that she was never taken for granted. One day he took her to a beautiful mansion it was not the biggest; not even close but it was the most beautiful with the biggest garden full of flowers, trees and bushes.
She was amazed at it all "who would have made this it is so beautiful"
He smiled "you like it?"
"Yes I have never seen anything like it. Who lives here?"
He looked her in the eyes and with a huge smile on his face and said "you do"
She looked at him like he was crazy "what?"
He was still smiling "it's all yours just like me" he gave her a big kiss "I built it with my own two hands and I filled it with the best hand crafted furniture".
They both moved in that day. Everything was perfect. One day he left for a business meeting with a new coal company who wanted the best way to start mining. It was May 7/1920 10:27pm it was raining when he walked in to that silent house he only heard the rain. He walked to the kitchen and saw a book about flowers he smiled and went to the stove and poured himself a cup of home grown tea and walked to the table and looked at the book and all the things she underlined. His smile got bigger and bigger. Then he heard something fall upstairs he got up and walked to the stairs he walked right past the hand painted picture of his beautiful love on the wall and went up to the second floor. He saw that the light was on in there bedroom. He entered. What he saw was horrifying a man standing over a bloody body of a woman. The man did see him when as he stuck a knife into the woman.
Nick stood in the doorway looking at the horror in front of him. Tears rolled down his face as the image of this sunk in deeper and deeper the image of his beautiful wife was replaced with blind anger. He picked up a piece of glass from the broken mirror that was on the wall. He walked up to the monster on top of a bloody corpse the piece of glass cutting in to his hand as he skewered it from anger. He picked up his bloody hand and stuck the bloody piece of glass into the man's back. The man screamed with pain and fell off the blood covered bed where Roses bloody body was laying on. Nick walked past the injured man on the ground and walked to Rose he burst in to tears as he started remembering how she would pick flowers and smile at him how it made him feel when he saw her every day.
He kneeled beside her and said "I love you and always will. God made a beautiful angel and tried to make the world as good as you but not even could do it" the tears flowed from his eyes "I love you. Good bye my only love" his eyes full of tears he turned to the man trying to crawl away.
Nick got off his knees and walked toward the man on the ground "you killed her you killed an angel" in a harsh and angry voice. The man pulled a six shooter from his pocket ands with a smile on his face fired. Nick was hit two times in the chest and once in the arm. Nick did not even make a sound he just walked closer to the man when he got close enough he pulled the piece of glass from the man's back. The man wailed in pain Nick stood in front of him with an angry look. The man said with terrible pain and fear in his voice "please have mercy" Nick smiled and said "god gives mercy" Nick gave out a chuckle "but I don't!" and with the piece of glass held tightly in his hand sliced the man across the face. The man rolled around screaming in terrible pain.
Nick smiled more with every second the man was in pain for hours Nick tortured the man in the house after he finally killed him he went to the bathroom and cleaned the blood off and stitched himself up. When he looked in the mirror that was in the bathroom he did not see the man who he used to be a gentle, nice and forgiving man now he saw a poor man a man with nothing. His eyes were no longer bright and full of love they were dull and full of hatred for the world that took Rose from him. He took the man's body and buried it in the backyard where he built his lab. He took Roses body and cremated it he put the ashes into a 24keret earn and placed it on the table in the front of her portrait that look out of a big bay window.
Nick cleaned the house there was not one trace of what happened in it. He locked the windows and doors and never stepped a foot in to the house he built for her again. He looked out at the world the he going to terrify and destroy for what happened. For the next 12 years he had two new victims every week. Missing posters filled the streets and bodies filled Nicks backyard. The police could not ignore it anymore it was 12 years since the first person went missing they hat to act. They searched every neighborhood until they got to a big house that looked like it was not touched in years. The officers knocked on the front door but no answer they went to the back one of the officers tripped on what he thought was a rock. He yelled out for backup the other officers ran to help and in front of them a skull lying on the ground. From nowhere Nick appeared with a bloody hatchet in his hand that had 12 years of blood on the blade "what are you doing on my property?" one of the officers turned and saw the bloody hatchet. The cop reached for his side arm but Nick was to fast and stuck the blade in to the cop's neck then went after the rest of the officers.
Not one could hit Nick in no time the hatchet had a fresh coat of blood the blood from seven officers of the law. When the officers did not call in on the progress the chief of police called more officers to the last place the seven officers went to. More and more officers went to the property that belonged to Nick when they arrived they saw three police cruisers in flames and like a ghost Nick with the hatchet started attacking officers right and left but there were around 20 officers this time he could not keep up and then shouts rang out as six rounds entered this body.
Nick dropped to his knees then four more rounds entered his back and two ripping right through his body. He dropped on to the grass face first slowly the remaining six officers surrounded him and just stood there as him lay dying. With his last moments of life were passing bye he said something that he used to say every day "I love you Rose my precious love my whole world" the images of here came back in to his mind tears rolled down his face "I love you so much and I will never stop" his life fading "I promise" the last thing he saw was a flower. It was the same flower that he had and proposed with. The most beautiful flower in the world and the only one of it's kind. Just like she was. He finally closed his eyes and died in the garden were she spent all her time. In death he will always be feared for what he did.
L.S | FSE |
Another morning, another series of half-muffled moans once Genevieve’s brain registered that her nipples were being pressed against the ceiling with nearly enough strength to push through it; not that she could see it, courtesy of her lips blocking the view, but it was hard to ignore the constant flood of sensory feedback making her feel like she was about to burst at any given moment. The solution wasn’t any better either; not much she could do apart from roll onto her side and hope that she didn’t crack the wall open again. Honestly, the big cat had no clue why she kept ordering the damned thing to be repaired as opposed to just leaving it down; really, she had no clue why she did a lot of the things she did, mostly because her brain was too busy forgetting about having done them in the first place for the Meowth to really consider them for any long period of time.
Such was her life, that most of her days could be spent in a half-stupor where she went about with her daily routine mostly on auto-pilot, thinking about whatever random topic came to mind (if any did; wouldn’t be the first time the feline spent an entire day with her head devoid of any complex thoughts) and instantly forgetting about both them and whatever it was she’d been doing just moments prior. This caused some issues with her living arrangement, as for whatever reason the giantess hadn’t yet moved into housing that was actually designed to deal with people of her size, despite the insistence of her manager and employers; the company she modelled for did, after all, have a vested interest in keeping their biggest moneymaker in the best possible physical and mental state, to the point where they were often accused by their shareholders of outright pampering the Meowth, but could one really blame them?
For the team tasked with dealing with the airhead, the thought that someone like her could live in a place like she did was something hard to parse, downright bizarre whenever anyone tried to really analyze it; when Genevieve first showed up for an audition, wearing nothing but a badly-stretched tarp that did very little to cover her bulging nipples, everyone assumed that she must have been living in government-assisted hyper housing for most of her life, on account of her… well, everything. Standing at a good nine foot tall, there just wasn’t a part of her that wasn’t egregiously oversized to some degree or another: from tits being so unbelievably colossal that the nipples alones were enough to fully plug doorframes, thighs so wide they could compete with couches, to an ass that somehow, against all odds, managed to outsize everything else combined, the outrageous curves were further augmented by some truly fascinating extra touches, such as her paws looking more like over-inflated beachballs (and being about as useful as one when trying to pick things up) and her face being near-constantly hidden behind a pair of plump lips that looked like they’d been filled with a hose for half an hour and then left there without draining (the drool, too, certainly didn’t help).
Talking to Genevieve was practically impossible as well; whatever words managed to escape from behind the tire-sized smoochers she had on her were inevitably something to do with her wanting to show off how big she was, that apparently being her sole motivation for having come to the try-outs for the company’s newest position for a glamour model. Anything else, no matter how trivial the topic, seemed to elicit a reaction that was equal parts confusion and annoyance, with the Meowth expressing how little she cared by staring down at whoever was talking to her and trying to steer the conversation back to how big she was and how good it felt and how much she wanted to share that with the world.
There were plenty of questions asked of her, very few of which she answered, but despite it all, upper management just couldn’t let go of an opportunity like that; Genevieve was, ultimately, gigantic, and in quite an exotic fashion at that, and seeing as no one had ever heard of her before that day, it’d be something beyond wasteful to not sign her up, even if it was obvious that trying to manage her would be a nightmare. It was only then that they found out the Meowth was still living in her old apartment, which she insisted was perfectly fine, as she had “always fit” and never had any issues with before; apparently, at least according to her, the curves that got her the modelling contract were a relatively recent development, having “grown in” about two years prior. During the transition period, she (again, allegedly) simply learned to live with them and carry on with her life as normal, even when she became too big to leave the house without breaking through the front door, or when she was fired from her job for showing up without any clothes on.
It was perplexing how she spoke of these things in the most normal tone one could imagine, as if having one’s life turned upside down by an inexplicable growth spurt was just something that happened every other day, and was little more than a minor inconvenience; it turned even more confusing when her assigned manager visited her place and found that it was a mess, covered in dents, scratches and ripped-up portions of drywall from all the impacts it had suffered over the previous two years, not to mention how, whenever Genevieve cleaned anything, she was sure to break or dirty up something else. It wasn’t so bad as to be unlivable, but after two years of withstanding someone like her, the Meowth’s apartment looked as if it was midway through a renovation, even if its owner seemed entirely unaware of this.
Efforts to get her to move didn’t work either; despite explaining how hyper-accessible housing was provided at full coverage by the government, and how she could even apply for subsidies thanks to her particular sizes making it difficult for her to coordinate her daily life, Genevieve was adamant that she “didn’t need” to move. As far as she was concerned, or at least as far as she was willing to talk about it, her house was perfectly fine the way it was, and anyone saying otherwise would be duly ignored and then replied to with the same-old retort:
“When next shoot?”
Three words that the feline had learned to speak clearly through her immense lips, three words which had become the backbone of her entire motivation; whatever else was going on inside that empty head of hers, there was one thing that her manager and caretaker team could be certain of, and that was her sheer, unbridled excitement at getting in front of a camera and showing off her body to the world. The cat clearly derived a great deal of pleasure from it, and not all of it entirely innocent; more than once, she had to be reminded to keep her hands away from between her legs during work hours, which often led to her pouting and asking to take a short break so she could do things which she liked to describe in very graphic terms.
At times, this was brazen enough that the photography team wondered whether it was being done on purpose; though the size of her lips made it hard to tell, some swore that they saw the giantess smirk during these moments, as if she was deriving some sick sense of enjoyment out of making everyone’s faces blush a bright red with how indecently she was acting, or how openly she discussed pleasuring herself. Others insisted such a notion was ridiculous… mostly because they believed Genevieve to be as airheaded as she appeared to be at first glance; what other explanation could there be for her living for two years in an apartment that didn’t fit her when she had a much better option available literally for free? Surely this couldn’t be the work of someone clever enough to manipulate all of them into a false sense of security… surely.
It didn’t help that the photoshoots themselves had a tendency of causing lasting effects on the Meowth’s body; while initially no one had noticed the changes, a few shoots in the folks responsible for getting the cat’s clothes on began to notice that the pieces they were given had gotten suspiciously tight and difficult to put on and remove. Initially, the team suspected that Genevieve had been wasting her newfound source of income on gorging herself with unhealthy food; it’d certainly make sense for her to do that after being specifically told not to. Instead, closer examination revealed that she wasn’t growing fatter as much as just bigger, with all of her curves being accentuated at about the same rate as she was gaining extra height.
The effect was small, but it was there, and it was going to keep compounding over time unless something was done about it; quite fortunately, the people in charge of making the important decisions in the company hierarchy had caught wind of this particular nugget of information, and in sharp contrast to the low-key panic and apprehension that Genevieve’s agent and caretaker team were constantly feeling, the suits in the offices far away from any actual trouble figured that this would be a perfect business opportunity. Hypers like the Meowth were rare, especially those who combined so many disparate features into a single package, and those who could grow further after stabilizing post-second puberty were rarer still, turning Genevieve into a once-in-a-lifetime genetic lottery winner that would most likely not be seen for a couple of generations, if not even more.
For the modelling company not to take advantage of this would be an objectively unsound business decision, even if there was a significant risk of it backfiring; it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that their potentially highest-grossing model would end up so buried underneath their own curves that they could no longer perform their job adequately, or that their minds would break from the constant flood of sensory feedback as a result of their bodies becoming increasingly more sensitive. Genevieve herself was already teetering on the edge of this, with every motion of hers seemingly bringing enough sexual arousal that she just had to let the whole world know, so to push it further would be to play with fire; yet, despite this, the executives looking at sales charts and market projections decided that it would be worth the risk, against the indications of the people actually working with the Meowth, and ordered the team the find new ways of both exploiting the mini-giantess’ expanding body… and figuring out new methods to force it to grow further.
The former was easy as piss, all things considered; the only thing needed was a change to the marketing campaigns so everyone would know what their favourite model’s body was capable of, with word of mouth taking care of the rest. There was literally no point in going any further than this, as within a few short days of the first press release being made, the email address set up for Genevieve’s followers to send in their fanmail had to be temporarily shut down just so the interns could deal with the immense backlog of horribly horned-up folks with more hormones than functioning brain cells. Cursory searches revealed that entire blogs and forums had been set up to “track” the Meowth’s progress, hoping to establish a timeline of her growth in order to both create projections for the future and, in some more obscure parts of the internet, provide inspiration for works of art that were best left unthought of.
No one in the team assigned to Genevieve even wanted to think about what they’d find if they dug deeper still, seeing as they all knew exactly what that would be; they weren’t idiots, they knew precisely what sort of clientele they attracted when they sold photoshoots of someone like her, leaving them in the rather uncomfortable position of having to rationalize away the the realization that they were effectively distributing pornography, just without the label attached. It’d be a lot easier if Genevieve herself wasn’t so horribly enthusiastic about it as well; rather than be surprised or even shocked at how many people so eagerly accepted the news of her continuous growth, or even the fact that she was growing at all, the Meowth instead took the news with… something new.
It wasn’t the same sort of mindless glee that accompanied her whenever she was on a photoshoot, nor the apathy she displayed when asked questions that didn’t have to do with her size; rather, it was a manic sort of energy that no one around her had ever seen before, one that occasionally spilled over in ways that led to most of the caretaker team suspecting they’d been played from the start. As soon as it became clear that Genevieve’s growth was indeed happening, the giantess’ mind sharpened suspiciously quickly, with her suddenly being capable of focusing on more than one topic at a time (and even then, literally only one topic), her choice of vocabulary growing wider, and her willingness to openly tease others becoming even more unbearable for those around her. Overall, she felt more “present”, for lack of a better word, lending credence to the suspicion that the entire “brainless beauty” thing had been an act, a way for her to get into the good graces of the modelling company’s upper staff as a (presumably) easily manipulated pawn, only to then turn around and reveal herself to have been far more in control than anyone ever believed.
Yet, at the same time, most of her behavior was still the same it had always been: interminably horny, constantly trying to find openings in which to fondle and pleasure herself, the incessant chatting about how big her tits were, or how fat her ass happened to be; the only difference was that, after being informed of her growth issue, Genevieve added that onto the mix, occasionally spending hours at a time whining about how she wanted to grow bigger but didn’t know how. Therein lay the issue, because the only way the team assigned to her knew how to expand the cat’s body was to put her in front of a camera and let her do her thing; no one knew why that worked, much less the how, but the method itself always seemed to have results. The issue, of course, being that they then had to justify the expenses of a photoshoot when there was no real need for one… or, at the very least, they’d need to find some way of recouping their loss with the material they created; a dangerous line of thinking, considering the few options they had for a large amount of photographs of someone like Genevieve, not made any easier when someone accidentally mentioned it within earshot of her and the Meowth immediately latched onto the idea of “leaking” pics of herself, a choice of words that was at once more verbose and far more calculated than anything the feline had ever had come out of her mouth before.
Ultimately, however, the team’s hands were tied; they had a solution they could use, and with their superiors breathing down on their necks, they quickly ran out of excuses not to put it to use, even when they knew the expenses reports would come to bite them in the ass later. Photoshoots were scheduled, far more than required, significantly more than were justified even with Genevieve’s relative popularity with the public, purely for the sake of getting her body to stretch out and bloat even further; the clothing department had their work cut out for them trying to keep up with the demands, especially once the team started to give up trying to resist the inevitable and put in orders for increasingly skimpier wear, precisely to exploit the growth situation they had on their hands. Meanwhile, the Meowth was beside herself with joy; whether it be because this was the endstate for the long game she had been playing for months, or just because she got to watch herself become even bigger, no one could really tell, mostly because, after a certain point, the cat’s face became fully buried by a set of lips that approached the size of large truck tires… each.
The slobbering made it obvious just how much the big cat was enjoying herself though, doubly so whenever her effectively-useless hands were brought up to massage those smoochers and just ended up making them plump up even harder, creating thin lines of drool that fell constantly down the Meowth’s body. Add to that the continuous expansion of her bust, which had reached such an absurd state that each nipple alone, despite being miniscule compared to the breast they capped, was still bigger than a full-sized couch, or even her ass, which had fattened up to the point where it could probably fill half a regular bedroom all on its own. It was impossible for Genevieve to be indoors anymore, and more often than not she had to be carried over between shoot locations in a long-haul truck just to get around logistical difficulties; at the very least, the team got her out of her apartment, even if it was because nothing short of hyper-assisted housing could even so much as fit her anymore.
All the while, the Meowth herself was locked in an endless state of bliss unlike any she’d experienced before. Really, it was worth the trouble, worth the months of intensive labour and deception; if not for those, she wouldn’t have been granted what was, in essence, her personal paradise with a paycheck on top. Still, there was so much more ground to cover.
She was still mobile, after all. | yiff-extreme |
Title: A Beginner's Guide to Spanking Her
Tags: bdsm, spanking, d/s, s&m, m/s
A Beginners Guide to Spanking her... (Second in the series for BDSM Beginners)
*{Editorial note: I do not mean to insult A/anyone, but for simplicity for the beginner I did not follow the proper capitalization rules.}*
In the first part of this series I talked about the founding principle of BDSM: Safe, Sane, and Consensual. I don't think enough can be said about the importance of each of these three areas. For those of you who did not read the first part, I will cover it here one more time because of how important it is to both the beginner and the experienced BDSM practitioner.
Safety is the first leg of the BDSM three legged stool, if you'll permit the analogy. Safety first, second, third and always is the only way to truly enjoy BDSM to the fullest. That sounds strange doesn't it? Isn't BDSM about taking absolute control? Isn't BDSM about Bondage and Dominance? Isn't the S in BDSM stand for sadism, which means to take pleasure in inflicting pain? Isn't the M about masochism, or the enjoyment of receiving pain? Well, the answer to all those questions is; yeah, but! The BDSM lifestyle that we practice at home is a loving relationship that has the basis on the clearest of understandings. I dominate her, because she needs to submit to feel complete, and I need to have loving control so that I too can be fulfilled. One without the other is impossible, or better said it is not BDSM and can border on abuse and brutality at its worse.
To the outside world [those who have only read the words, but not experienced the lifestyle] BDSM is the dark pictures they see on the magazines and the brutal pornographic images that sometimes are included in the movies. Just like a man can't leap over tall buildings, BDSMers do not brutally accost each other for the sake of the Sadism and Masochism traits they share. BDSM is about the open conversation about the fantasies, desires and needs as well as the enjoyment of dominating or being dominated and for both to heighten their erotic pleasure by the unique sensations they share with each other.
The second leg of the three legged stool of BDSM is "sane". All play, no matter how extreme it seems to the viewer is done with an understanding that no [harm] will be done. The difference between pain and harm is very significant. Think of it this way, you may enjoy having your ass spanked [the thrill of the sharp sensation and the intimacy that accompanies it] but you would not enjoy being punched in the nose. Why? Simple, the blow to the cushioned fatty tissues on your buttock which is made for such abuse will cause no harm [no permanent damage]. However, when you are punched on the nose [even if you use the same force as on the buttock] you hit less than a millimeter of flesh and then you are applying direct force on soft cartilage and then directly on the bone. That same force is very likely to break something and cause injury. Harm is not BDSM, that's brutality and in no way accepted or condoned in the BDSM world.
Sane also includes the fact that the dominant in the relationship is the one that while in control, also must assume many responsibilities for the safety of his submissive. This is not a one way street; it is in fact a very well balanced relationship between submissive and dominant. The dominant has to make sure that neither is under the influence of alcohol or mind, perhaps it would be better to call it perception, altering drugs. The dominant has to be able to focus all his attention on the submissive and have a clear understanding of how close she is to her limits. His reaction time must be at its sharpest to ensure that if the situation gets out of control he can slow it down or stop it in a heartbeat. That can be the difference between pain and harm.
The third leg of the BDSM stool is consensual behavior. Neither party gives *cart blanche* to the other. The importance of communication, communication and yes more communication cannot be emphasized enough in here. Long conversations need to take place between the dominant and the submissive to ensure that the scene is clearly laid out and that both know what the limits are and where they can and where they cannot be pushed. Dominants ask questions and make sure that you know exactly what's on the mind of the submissive. It is essential that you put her at ease and that she is made to understand that in this type of conversation she is not topping from the bottom: a topic all on its own.
Once you've resolved all the questions in your mind, as the dominant, you must take control of the situation. She craves to feel your loving control over her and will only put up a fight to the extent that it heightens her enjoyment of being taken over; more appropriately taken in hand. But, at the same time, you must keep in mind that you are doing this for your own enjoyment of taking her and letting her feel your hand landing upon her flesh just as the rest of you will at the end of the scene when you take her.
The same thing applies here that applied in your first experience dominating her: *take your time*! There is no reason to rush through a scene. The moment can be prolonged and minutes made to feel much longer because your adrenaline and hers are fully taking over your brain and the rest of the chemistry in your body. Give her a set of instructions that make sense to you. In this article I'm going to give you some ideas, but in the end remember it is your scene, and NOT mine.
Order her to go to her room and put on appropriate clothing. My own preference is a loose short skirt, no panties, no bra and a tight low cut top. I want her to feel the embrace of the clothing and I want the clothing not to interfere with my machinations as I spank her. Order her also to come back to you and to kneel before you. The kneeling position I enjoy the most is called NADU and it comes from the Gorean worlds. She is to kneel, legs spread apart and her ass resting on her heels. Make sure she's comfortable enough by providing her a soft spot for her knees. Her hair is to be put up so that it is out of your way. Her upturned palms are to lay on her thighs offering herself openly to you.
Once she's kneeling before you, make a big production out of observing her. Ensure that she understands that you are gazing upon her body and that it belongs to you. Make minor adjustments to her position so that it pleases you most. Arrange her hair the best way for your ability to touch all her skin. At this point you want her to feel your domination and total control over the mood, because it is that same mood you are setting for the scene. The mind is what you wish to control; the body is the easy part.
Enjoy the feel of her breast upon your hands; do not allow her to look up at you unless you explicitly give her instructions to do so. Again, you are working on the mood and you are helping her achieve the mind set of the submissive. Enjoy a long caress down her back, ending on what will be the target of your blows. Touch her as if your fingertips were as light a feather and do not allow her to squirm because you are tickling her. Don't yell at her, just simply and firmly say: Stop! Do not allow her to protest that she's being tickled and cannot help it. A submissive, just as much as a Dominant, has to be in control of herself first and foremost. She has to have searched her own mind and spirit and decided that she wishes to submit to you, and upon arriving at that depth of self understanding, and then she is ready to experience the fullness of submission. If she's failed to do this, take her through this journey of self awareness. There are no shortcuts in life, and neither are there any in BDSM.
The dominant person takes on many responsibilities as I stated earlier. The development of her self awareness is one of the requisites for the job. Come on, it's no different than the soul searching you did when you realized that you had the potential of becoming a Top or a Dominant or even a Master. You spent hours thinking about it, what it meant to you and what would be expected of you, she has to reach the same point or you two are not in balance with each other.
Take your hands and roam her body one more time: always taking the opportunity to correct her posture to please you most. Follow the center of her body down to her thighs and caress them. Tease her, endlessly! She is your willing toy at this point and actually expects you to use her. Caress the inside of her thighs, slapping them softly and telling her: Open! Be firm, but be nurturing at the same time. She's learning what pleases you, and learning what she enjoys at the same time. Part her lips gently, enjoy the unencumbered view and allow your fingers to penetrate her. See if she's wet enough to go to the next step. Your preparations are to bring her arousal to a nice wetness that signifies that her entire body is ready for you. Stay in this stage, or similar one, until you have her completely melting to your touch.
Before you move to the next step, keep in mind that there are parts of her body that are made to take punishment, but there are many parts that are not. Examples of two areas you should stay away from are her spine (I know, you had figured that out on your own) and her lower back. Her lower back, and on the side of her spine is where her kidneys are. The kidneys are very sensitive and are also attached to the muscular tissue directly connected to her flesh. A blow to the lower side of her back and you are dangerously close to causing damage to the kidney and to the injuring her. Not a good idea. One more area, that I'm sure you figured out as you walked behind her, was her neck and her head. Don't strike a blow to either, they will cause harm. The last word of caution is her coccyx bone, or better known as her tail bone. A direct blow to it can cause the tip to break off and that is severe injury and pain.
Now that you have surveyed your property and are certain she is fully aroused, place her in a position that will allow you to spank her comfortably. Remember, this is not a ten second spanking, this is a good workout and will last a fairly long time. Once you've put her in the position you want her in, and then warm her up a bit. Take her butt cheeks in your hand, cup them and squeeze them. The purpose is to get her mind ready, and to get the blood flowing nicely to her ass cheeks. Lightly tap them. Take your coat off, get comfortable, you'll be here a while. Get the lay of the land, so-to-speak. Feel her ass cheeks; make sure her legs are still parted because you want clear access to her lips. You will want to check her moisture level from time to time, and to allow her to vent some of the eroticism she's feeling by playing with her clit, and plunging a couple of fingers deep in her; allowing her the pleasure of your penetration. Continue for a while squeezing and lightly tapping her ass just to get a good feel.
Did you remember to set up a safe word? I hope so, if you read the last article. But in case you've not here is a good time to discuss safe words. Pick a nice safe word, one that would not be a commonly used word in this situation. Stop, is a bad safe word. Ouch, as I remind my wife, is NOT a safe word. I do that to give her a second to decide if Ouch was truly Ouch, please stop, or simply enjoyment of a well delivered blow to her lovely ass. "Blue" could be a good safe word, if you both will listen for it, and both remember the meaning of it.
In addition to a safe word, you also need to find a word or a motion that will let you know that she enjoyed a particular blow very much. A word that lets you know that you can spank her harder, or a word that means you hit a perfect spot, please remember it so that she may enjoy that feeling again. Are you getting the idea that this is a lot of responsibility for you as the dominant? Good, you are getting it right and you'll do well. You must work this entire scene and words (safe and forward) out ahead of time.
Begin by delivering a few nice soft but firm blows. Look for the areas on her ass and thighs she enjoys the most, and give you the most pleasure. Remember the good spots, and make a mental note to come back to them. Test her later on with harder blows, or more rapid blows so that you get a general picture of both of your likes and dislikes.
The force and frequency of your blows need to climb steadily. You should start soft and slow, and then a bit harder and than later a bit faster. Interchange slaps across her ass, with squeezing and caressing. Give her body time to fully enjoy the sharp sensation of the blow, and then the tenderness of your love for her. You are using her ass and thighs to work her out physically, mentally and emotionally. Don't be afraid to make her cry; she may need your spanking to release those emotions. Don't be afraid to hold her down in place as you deliver the spanking as long as she does not use her safe word; but at first you should remind her that squirming or ouch not even crying is a safe word. Make her feel reassured that you are watching for her safe word, but that you are going to take her to the edge and let her peek over and test the other side, until she uses her safe word.
As you land blows keep in mind that too many blows in one place tend to get painful and no fun for either of you; unless you are doing it on purpose. You'll learn that it is not always painful if she is already worked up enough. In that case it is a lot of fun and you should not hesitate to do it. Otherwise, switch cheeks; slap the lower part of her ass right by her thighs with a little upper movement on the hand to cup the ass cheek. Let your fingers linger and then plunge them deep inside her. If she's wet, pump her a few times, then remove your fingers and deliver additional blows where you know you'll enjoy the most. Observe her carefully and she'll teach you where you will achieve the best results by slapping, how hard, how often and for how long. Submissive women are not door mats, they are very intelligent and very strong women who simply need to be taken in hand, to be made, by sheer dominant *will* not brutality, to feel their submission. Let your manliness come out, peel away the years of political correctness, wash them away and enjoy the power exchange you both share. It is like nothing else.
As you do these scenes realize that the more you do them, the more you'll know and the further you can push her. Many women I've talked to tell me that their Tops at first did not push them far enough and that they needed to be taken up there so that they could release totally. Don't be afraid to let the scene last a long while; but always keep an eye on her to make sure her blood flow is not compromised and make sure her breathing is normal (normal for the emotions she's feeling). Her safety is in your hands and no one else's.
Her mental and emotional state is yours to control, but it is also yours to observe. The deeper and deeper she goes into her submission she can get lost inside of herself, and now you have to take great care of her. Just as you took time to bring her to this level of release, you need to slowly bring her back down. This is when you have to be gentle with her and let her feel your presence and your continued control of her as she winds her way back down. Caressing and gentleness are the keys for after care of your girl.
Afterwards talk about how she felt, what she was thinking, what she wanted to feel more of, and what she wanted to feel less of during the scene. If she's reluctant to be open with you, remind her that as your submissive her thoughts around a scene you've put together and delivered belong to you; both the good and the bad. Encourage her and reward her for open honest answers. This will only make your next scene far better than if you only had your thoughts and impressions to work from.
*I encourage both Dominants as well as submissives to add to this posting by leaving comments describing your own feelings about spanking scenes that you've been involved in, and help the beginners gain a better perspective by the variety of thoughts. To allow my own thoughts and experiences to guide is not sufficient. A beginner is eager to learn from you and I humbly ask that you add your thoughts to mine.
**Blessings to all of you and thank you for reading this article.*** | literotica |
Title: A Sister in Need by Almoryk Kane
Tags: F/F, Gender Shifting, Heat, Hermaphrodite, Incest, Love, Passion, Transformation
[WARNING: This story contains a love scene between two sisters. If you believe incest is wrong moraly this story is not for you. However for thoes that find furre incest to be a beautiful thing then your not alone. Mind your aim and your keyboared and enjoy \~Almory]
A Sister in Need
Fiera's ears perked up as she thought she could hear someone sobbing. She peeked her eyes over the counter of her usual spot under the bar just in time to see the blur of motion that was her sister run towards the private rooms. She couldn't help but wonder what was wrong. She truly did love her sister. She stretched her form out having recently woken up from a good nap and went to follow her sister. As Fiera hopped over the bar she noticed wet spots on the floor and as her keen nose picked up the scent she could only tell it was her sister. Now she was really worried. She was thankful she inherited most of her traits from her mother as she used her scent to follow the trail.
Fiera was canine in appearance with a few traces of her "father" who was feline. Her short silky fur was definitely from her mother as well as the D cup breast. She has a mature shape and firm strong thighs. Down her front her fur was a pale violet that contrasted with her shoulder length hair. She wore simple clothing only a tank top and tight jeans so she could show off her form. She was unlike her sister who was half canine and half raptor. Even though they had come from different fathers she adored her older sister. Lupana had always been there to help her. Always wrapping her up in her long reptilian tail and snuggling her. Lupana was a perfect contrast of innocence and danger. With her razor sharp teeth, equally sharp talons, and fins along her arm let alone she could whip that tail around she was not one to mess with. She was a perfect mixed hybrid of her parents. Lupa's front was that of scale along with her inner thighs and the insides of her arm. The rest of her was short black fur that she inherited from her mother. This is exactly what Fiera saw as she was lead to the room which contained the pound area.
Fiera could only gasp as she saw her sister desperately trying to relieve herself bathing her smoking form in the waterfall, the water cascading down her perky scaled breast while her talon gently stroked her wet lips. Her eyes were closed at the time but as her canine ears heard someone enter she could only blush as her yellow eyes fixated on the form of her sister.
"Lupa?" Fiera asked cautiously closing and locking the door behind her as she made her way around the corners of the clean pound to make way to the solid grass to look towards her sister.
Lupa could only whimper in response as she resumed fingering herself the water emitting steam as it hit her body. Fiera didn't need any further explanation as she new her sister was in heat.
"Please..." Lupa gasped looking to her sister with need. Fiera was a bit reluctant at first as she was not particularly dominant. However Lupa had helped her out before when she was in heat. She could not just leave her sister like this. Fiera quickly removed her clothing slipping into the water slowly her hair and fur getting matted down by the liquid. She softly kissed her sisters lips as her paw began to stroke over her sex trying to get her to calm down. Lupa could only gasp and buck her hips against her sisters paw needing more.
Fiera couldn't believe how hot Lupa's body was. She was practically burning up her scent over clouding her censes. Fiera couldn't help but stifle a moan as Lupa kissed her passionately as she would wiggle her fingers deeper into her sister Lupa returning the favor by lightly tracing her scaled tail against her damp crotch. Lupa began to run her talons over her sister's breast squeezing gently making Fiera coo out in pleasure. From the look of it she wasn't helping her sister much, only making it worse as Lupa's body increased in heat.
"I need more Fiera..." she moaned trying to fit Fiera's paw into her soaked urging sex. Fiera's mind was clouded by lust that she couldn't concentrate fully. She shivered as she tried to use her tail to thrust into Lupana. Lupa could only click in pleasure as it tickled so much her body getting hotter. Fiera was too caught up in all the sensations coursing through her she only thrust deeper her wet tail helping a bit but not enough. Fiera tried everything hugging and groping her sister as she nibbled on her neck and continued to try and use her tail. However for Lupa it only tickled. "Fiera!" she pleaded grabbing her tail to stop her.
"I'm sorry sis; I don't know what to do." She cried being so caught up in her scent that she was desperately trying to please her and please herself.
"Do you still have mom's ring?" Lupa ask seeming desperate now as her sex needed to be filled.
Fiera nods her head but then shakes it looking to her sister concerned. "But sis you're off the pill and you're in heat. What about Steve?" She new her sister was trying to get pregnant with her mate but as Lupa cried out in pain at the mention of Steve's name only making her more horny it didn't seem she have a choice. She took out the gold ring with the pink gem in it guiding her sister over to the grassy area so she could get a better hold on her. Fiera gasped in pleasure as she slipped the ring on the magic began to take its affect as a wave of heat encompassed her body.
Both Fiera and Lupa cried in unison as the ring made a bulge formed right above Fiera's sex. In a matter of moments a large cock busted forth flopping atop of Lupa's stomach. Lupa murred and caressed the cock feeling a lot better already as she leaned over to lick the tip.
Fiera couldn't stand it anymore. The scent, the pleasurably feeling of her new cock being rubbed, Lupa's sex just waiting to be filled, all this was building up and clouding her mind as she cried in anguish. She pounced at her sister pinning her down roughly before slipping her already wet cock into her sisters already soaked sex hilting into her quickly as a wet slap echoed around the room as their hips collided.
Lupana screeched in pleasure as she held her sister tightly as Fiera began to thrust in and out of Lupa's wet cunt trying to go slowly, but as Lupa's tight walls clamped down and rippled against her member Fiera couldn't help herself.
Fiera howled with pleasure and gripped her sister tightly her claws sinking into her shoulders but not hard enough to penetrate them. She bites down upon Lupa's neck like a mate should as she took her sister sweeping her away in a passionate mating.
Lupana's screeching got higher and higher in pitch as her younger sister kept on pounding into her as her legs instinctively wrapped around Fiera's locking them together. Lupa couldn't believe the pleasure coursing through her body. As she looked to her sister she saw more of her lycan side coming out her muscles bulging slightly as she bit down hard upon her neck for moving making Lupa moan in submissiveness.
"Oh Fiera I love you." She gasped as Fiera began to thrust all the harder the wet smacking sounds growing in frequency as well as Lupa's moans of pleasure. Fiera simply grunted as her hair got rougher around the edges taking on an almost feral look.
Lupa began to squirm as she felt a bulge begin to form around the outer lips of her constantly dripping sex. The juices had matted Fiera's fur and smeared against her scales making them glisten. Fiera's thrusting had moved them more on the grass then in the water as Lupa's body was significantly cooler. Lupa could barley concentrate as her heat needed to be stated. Yet as the knot of Fiera's cock began to push more and more against her, swelling continually as her sex made audible plopping sounds each time the knot was pushed in and pulled out a sudden fear clicked in.
She tried to squirm more only to be pushed into the soft grass harshly by her lust craved sister. She tried to cry out, tried to snap Fiera out of it but all she could manage to due was make weak whimpers and clicks of pleasure. She managed to say, "Oh Fiera....Fiera!" Yet her cries could not be heard as it was already too late.
With a high pitched screech and a low howl the knot had slipped in locking them together. Lupa couldn't take it anymore as her tight tunnels pulsated and spasms as her orgasm was triggered a rush of her fluids flowing around her sister's trapped cock and lightly leaking out around the knot that spread her lips so loving.
Fiera whimpered in pleasure as the feeling of her sisters orgasm rippled around her pulsating cock. After a few more thrust she finally gave in her cock spewing out a torment of cum as she howled lowly releasing her bite upon her sister's neck. Her tail wagged happily as she filled her sister's womb with her seed feeling her sister's tunnels squeeze out every last drop.
As the passion and heat faded Fiera returned to normal except for the still twitched cock locked within her sister. It would be a while before the knot would deflate. As they panted together Fiera realized what had happened. She looked to her sister whimpering as she could feel the slight bulge she had made due to the amount of cum she had filled her sister's womb with. She nuzzled her sister whimpering as she tried to find the voice to apologize. She tried to ask what she had done.
Yet she couldn't as Lupa locked her lips in a passionate kiss as her talons lightly stroked through her hair and down her sweat soaked body. Fiera could only return the kiss her paws lightly stroking her sister's sides as she mewled happily. No matter what happened or what might occur. She did truly love her sister as they passed out in a blissful sleep.
[For thoes of you who actually know Lupana and Fiera on Furcadia this story is strictly fictional. They both have my permission to include them in this story. Not to say this story couldn't happen but it didn't. Thank you for reading \~Almoryk] | FSE |
Sirit and Marna had a problem, in so far as two deities could really have problems at all. Though they were happy to tell anyone who asked that their decision to take a greater role in managing their realms had been the best one they had made to date, such a wondrous outcome hadn’t come without a cost, and in their case, said cost came fundamentally in the form of time; more accurately, the time they weren’t spending together, at least compared to the way things were beforehand. There used to be a time, back when the dragon and kitsune couple were happy to let their mortal planes sort themselves out, where their days were spent in rapturous pleasure, in a nigh-endless sexual congress that not only served to exacerbate their already-prodigious power and proportions, but spilled over into the many universes they were in charge of; in fact, it was this that led them to take a more active role in taking care of mortal affairs, if only so they could fix all the issues that came with their arousal “infecting” the lower levels of existence to such a point that other gods were starting to take notice, and they couldn’t exactly claim to be paragons and rulers to other deities if they let their own passion get in the way of eternal bliss for their subjects.
Unfortunately, even their time wasn’t unlimited, and the more they became involved in actually paying attention to what was happening down below, the more the two top gods came to realize they had to cut back on their regular habits; no more going at it like a pair of bunnies in heat at least a dozen times per hour, if not more, no more growing out of control as a matter of fact, and certainly no more allowing their fluids to go anywhere but into the hellish pits where they could be burned off into steam and then used to keep the demons perpetually sated after the deluge condensed into milk and spunk rains. No, for the divine couple, there was naught but mundanity looming ahead, a far cry from their usual fare; nowadays, in between having to pay attention to the other gods in the pantheon, managing supplicants and worshippers, and even having to go so far as to answer a billion or so petitions every other week, Sirit and Marna found themselves in a position where, far from a dozen climaxes repeated every hour, they could occasionally barely find the time to be together a dozen times for the whole day.
Admittedly, this was a sex life that was significantly more active than any other, godlike standards included, but to the kitsune and dragon, it might as well be nothing, which made the prospect of carrying on like that for the rest of eternity… less than pleasing. It didn’t help that traits that were previously used exclusively for their ability to arouse the other party to an insane degree were now turning against them: it was one thing for Sirit’s beard and chest hair to be so hirsute and fast-growing that the couple’s attending spirits had trouble even keeping the forest of fur stable, let alone trim it down, but when he was stuck at a desk listening to the same prayer for what felt like the trillionth time, all of that luscious body hair was effectively going to waste… and clogging up some much needed space for extra papers.
For Marna, while it might’ve been enticing for her to be able to produce milk at such an astounding rate that she could easily feed the collective totality of her realms for centuries with naught but a minute’s production, nowadays she found herself having to divert so much of her delicious cream into drains and effluvia portals that it felt downright criminal. But, above all, their bodies, their perfect, exaggerated and overbloated forms, once used to celebrate their divinity in the most intimate way possible, were quite literally being wasted on bureaucratic work, work that left the both of them tired, occasionally cranky, and increasingly unable to find the pleasure needed to kickstart one of their marathon sessions. Both of them were acutely aware of the fact that, if they did nothing to stop this, they would very soon end up not having sex at all, which was not something either of them had any intention of allowing to happen; as top gods of the pantheon and as icons of fertility and virility both, it fell to them to demonstrate the raw power of their sexuality at every waking moment, especially when signing off on documents that had nothing to do with it, for they knew that the moment they faltered in this endeavour, there’d be a million different pretenders wanting to take their spot.
Not that they’d be successful, but having to deal with a civil war would cut into their increasingly smaller amounts of time off, not to mention leave them so exhausted as to be unwilling to have sex more than three or four times a day, a pitifully low amount for the type of divinities that they were. Though it took them a while before they reached the point where they had to start finding solutions, once they did, neither of them looked any further than… well, they didn’t exactly want to say it, nor even think about it, for doing so meant summoning them, and they couldn’t exactly do it somewhere that had anyone else around. No, they had to refer to them in abstract terms, using monikers and nicknames that didn’t speak to their true nature, while openly fawning over the possibilities that would be open to the two of them when they gave themselves unto the forge and reshaped their forms into something better; it was an offer that had been made to them some time ago, back when the couple first spoke to them, but not one that either the dragon or kitsune believed they would ever have to take.
In their hubris, they thought themselves perfect, above such things as needing “upgrades”, even when they were clearly far above them on the proverbial chain of divinity… at least in practice. It was still an open question how a being that was nominally not a god managed to reach that level of size and power, especially when they seemed to come out of nowhere and just inexplicably imposed themselves onto the metaverse at large, but this was something neither Sirit nor Marna wanted to think about; rather, they set about working extra hard for a couple of days, even forgoing their usual dozen or so liaisons, in order to clear out enough paperwork that they could afford to take a break from their management. Not too long that it would cause a backlog, but just long enough that they could put some distance between themselves and the rest of existence in general, for what they intended to do simply could not be done anywhere where it risked spilling into… anything, really.
For what they intended to do was so magnificent, so beyond the scale at which things usually operated, that to even so much as think about it was to invite disaster upon their home, as their power began to fill the two gods even before the two of them got to speak with them. Preparations had to be made, and the proper rituals obeyed, though mostly for everyone else’s sake: in their case in particular, the kitsune and dragon couple transported themselves to somewhere far enough away from the nearest instance of reality, out in the vastness of not-being, that they could be certain they wouldn’t accidentally bump into a universe and snuff it out. It was a curious place to be in, given that there was quite literally nothing there, making it difficult for the two of them to keep their bearings even while relying on their divine senses; at the same time, it was precisely when they reached this point of utmost confusion that they knew they were in the right spot, and after making sure they had everything prepared and every eventuality planned for, they called forth… the Great One.
‘Twas an interesting name, and not one the Great One herself was particularly fond of (she much preferred Lily), but after spending aeons trying and failing to get others to stop calling her that, the Arcanine had more or less given up trying; if even the top gods of the pantheon insisted on paying deference to her, there wasn’t a lot that she could do. Most of the time, she was content in just existing out in the fringes of existence, taking care not to bump into anything lest she accidentally subsume a couple million multiversal clusters into a fraction of a section of a single paw, or have one of the droplets of milk eternally falling from her nipples accidentally find its way into flooding the totally of supra-existence. It wasn’t all that lonely though, given that the Arcanine had access to effectively the sum total of all entertainment that ever was or could be, along with a couple of sneak peeks at alternate timelines where her alter-selves lived in similar, yet distinct conditions, keeping her well and truly busy and without even the smallest instant of boredom.
At the same time, she always made sure to keep her eye out for whenever anyone wanted to take her up on her offer, one that she made sure to extend not just to the pantheon of gods that ruled over the metaverse, but to pretty much everyone she managed to get in contact with, which was admittedly a relatively small number compared to the amount of extant souls still flickering in the vast expanse that resided atop her snout. Really, sometimes she’d blink and the whole thing would be a completely different shape, with entirely different gods, and so many histories spent in that short amount of time where her eyes were closed that Lily could barely recognize it for what it was, a state of existence that, while difficult to get used to at first, she had eventually learned to love for the unique experiences it provided.
After all, just as time could go by in a flash, so too could she focus and observe every second, every individual moment in the span of a handful of instants, or perhaps stand back and watch as a single universe went from birth to end, or anything between and without; whenever she was actually summoned, pulled from her ethereal state into a more physical form, she made sure to present herself in the most convenient manner possible, as the Arcanine was keenly aware that her true shape ran a significant risk of making other people go loopy from overexposure, even top gods such as the tiny little durg and the many-tailed fox beside him. Lily recognized them as the current heads of the metaversal pantheon, the same ones who’d been having some trouble with their love life, and almost instantly picked up on what they wanted her to do; that said, she figured it was best to let them say it themselves, and as such gave them all the time they needed to process her figure before speaking up.
Easier said than done, given the sort of body that the Arcanine had. At its simplest, it was divided into two sections, with a tauric torso making up the vast majority of its mass, and an upper torso linked to it via a waspish, almost ludicrously tiny waist; the latter bloomed from this frankly miniscule connective point into an absolute behemoth of size and volume, with the Arcanine’s bust being of such a gigantic, incomprehensible scale that to even consider the reach of a single nipple would most likely collapse one’s brain into a black hole from sheer information overload… and somehow, they were the least impressive parts of her; in fact, even her sheaths, plump enough to give her tits a run for their money, paled in comparison to what her taur torso had to offer, especially the four pawns holding up her titanic self. Really, if the rest of her body was gathered up and put together on one scale, and a single one of those stompers was placed on the other, the latter would still so heavily outweigh the former that this hypothetical scale would instantly be shattered into pieces, if not worse!
To have four of them, just there for anyone to see, was something so ridiculously overwhelming that for once, Sirit and Marna were happy to remain ignorant of something, even if that something was their only hope going forward. Besides, they themselves represented but a little tiny mote of not-dust on the very tip top of the edge of the Arcanine’s muzzle, so small as to be effectively non-existent, and the only reason why they were even seen at all was because their energy signature was powerful enough for Lily to pick up on. Faced with such a creature, it was easy for the divine couple to forget that the Great One was not a god themselves, and in fact had never made any claims towards it; as far as Lily could remember, she just woke up one day, massive beyond the concept of massive, and decided to just live the rest of her life like that without worrying herself about the consequences. That it broke every known law of reality didn’t bother them, nor did it give them cause to think about anything at all; when one was so big that the entirety of existence barely registered as a fraction of a percentage point on the tip of their snoot, such trivialities stopped mattering altogether.
“On to the business at hand though,” Lily spoke to her guests, making sure to keep her telepathic voice as quiet as possible, “you’re here for some help, I take it?”
Despite it being toned down enough that they didn’t instantly burst their skulls open, the raw power contained in those words was enough to bring both gods to their knees, suffering from spontaneous and near-instant climax; already they could feel themselves growing, presumably as a result of standing atop someone who continuously expanded in every direction at a speed so high that it might as well not be counted… or maybe the Great One’s presence was just such that it caused in them a visceral, unstoppable reaction that would set about transforming them without them even realizing it was happening. As for Lily, all she could do was sigh; this sort of thing always happened, and it was always a bore. As such, she gave her guests some more time to recompose themselves so they could take the lead, even though she’d heard the same words so many times before that she could probably mouth them as they went along.
“O-Oh Great One,” Sirit began, “we beseech you, deliver us from our plight!”
Of course, that was always a popular choice.
“Grant us some of your power!” Marna continued, in accordance to the script, “That we may find peace amidst our duties!”
Always so dramatic. It was all that Lily could do to just not laugh, even though she really wanted to giggle at the sheer melodrama that always came accompanied with those requests. It wasn’t enough for them to just walk up to her and politely ask that she hand out the gift that she said she would, no, they had to make this huge deal out of it, like she was some sort of destructor deity who would ravage their minds if they didn’t prepare adequately, as opposed to just a really big fire pupper. Still, it was at least evidence that they were trying, and thus they deserved a little something special, especially considering that these weren’t just any old little ones, but the very rulers of the divine pantheon come to beseech her for the Great Change!
Yet another name that the Arcanine wasn’t really fond of, yet another name that she nonetheless had learned to live with because those residing within her metaverse decided to call it that and wouldn’t shut up about it; at the very least, it was indicative of what the process actually was, even if in a rather generic, nondescript way, in that it was a change, and it was certainly great in scale. In essence, it is what Lily offered to any who would take her up on her word, the ability to not just reach her own level of power, but to do so while being transformed into facsimiles of herself; from whatever shape they used to have into big ol’ Arcanines, massive enough to overshadow the entirety of supra-existence, and all it took was the willpower to say “yes” when asked, and the presence of mind not to cum their brains out at the mere thought of it… neither of which those two on Lily’s snoot seemed to have in any appreciable measure.
Still, they did come all the way out to meet her, and did go through the trouble of asking her the question when they could’ve easily just stayed there writhing around in pleasure (as they were by that point), so the Arcanine took it from there; the change itself could very easily come from her just snapping her fingers and making it happen, such was Lily’s terrific power, but she had the feeling that what the divine couple wanted was something a bit more… intimate, something more pleasurable to have them go back to the sort of life they were used to before. It would be a full circle, poetic in a way, and it was precisely the sort of mushy, yet terrifically lewd narrative that made Lily’s heart both melt and race with excitement, leaving her slightly blushy at the prospect of finally having some people of her own scale to play around with.
Nonetheless, it was important to ask them if they were ok with the prospect of undergoing the Great Change in the first place, something which took a fair bit longer than expected seeing as neither the kitsune nor the dragon were really in any fit state to think words up, let alone utter them, but after some tactical nodding and a lot of prodding on Lily’s part, authorization was given, and the Change could begin in earnest. Truth be told, even the Arcanine had trouble trying to comprehend how exactly her powers worked, considering the sheer disparity in size should make what she was about to do patently impossible; the insertion was too large, too overwhelming, and if not for the fact that she was so much more powerful than literally anything anywhere, it might genuinely be metaphysically unable to take place.
It would break some fundamental laws of nature that even she was subjected to… or at least, used to be before she brushed them off and figured it’d be best if she didn’t have to bother with such trivialities herself. ‘Twas a complicated state of being, the one that she had for herself, and not one that the Arcanine was particularly happy to have to experience on her own, hence her eagerness to get someone else to share in her own glory; after all, part of the Change was recognizing that it would be impossible to return to whatever universe the changed one had come from, as they would be far too big to even begin to think to fit, at least not without extensive used of compressed avatars. Of course, by that point, they wouldn’t really care, plus they’d be productive enough as to not need to go anywhere near the realms they managed; if all went according to plan, no more bureaucracy would be required, as the divine couple would be able to just gently brush up against the metaverse they ruled over and it would instantly be blessed with the sort of endless bounty that could create mythologies all on its own, and even then that would only represent a small fraction of the soon-to-be-Arcanines’ true potential.
This last one was to become so great, in fact, that it was very likely it would turn into a problem of its own, given the lack of adequate means to vent it… though, with three colossal fire puppers there to enjoy one another, that might not be a problem anymore. It would certainly allow Lily to have someone to vent all of her cum into, especially if the transformation turned out to be especially successful; one of her biggest issues was always needing more and more space in which to keep her excess productivity, which was surprisingly enough becoming somewhat of an issue even in the literally infinite expanses of not-being that she resided in. It was one thing for it to remain empty, quite another for an Arcanine of her stature to suddenly stuff this not-space full of spunk to the point where all the blackness was starting to turn white… but not that time.
Oh no, that time she had two very eager cocksleeves to use, two happy little lovers who were more than content with simply being there and letting her place them around her twin rods (well, twin for the moment, Lily never really knew how many of them there were at any given time if only she stopped looking for five seconds); one moment they were prostrating themselves atop her snoot, the next they were naught but tiny dots, miniscule little inklings that might have been gods adorning a vast, nigh-endless expanse of stretched skin that had been neatly and tightly wrapped around two of the Arcanine’s indeterminately many shafts. It was so quick that no one involved quite knew how it worked, merely that Lily had willed it to happen, and thus it did, no questions asked; perhaps the very concept of reality was so terrified of what might happen if the colossal fire pupper went for even a second without her every whim catered to that it went out of its way to ensure that she was given everything she could possibly need, or maybe it was just magic, who really knew?
Certainly not the two “top” gods who were going to be on the receiving end of a lesson in superiority, and certainly not Lily herself; the Arcanine was far too busy trying to hold herself back from instantly exploding now that she had two people to fuck, two holes to fill, two Arcanines like herself to fashion out of smaller, frankly inferior forms. The process, this “Great Change”, brought out a very specific part of herself that very rarely got to see the (proverbial) light of day, the more dominant side that wanted to impose itself upon everything; thankfully, it was duly tempered by the vast ocean of empathy that kept screaming at her that she was overstepping her bounds and needed to get back before this more ravenous side of herself took over permanently. This entire thing was, ultimately, an exercise in cooperation, a transformative process whose goal was not to usurp anyone’s position, not to affirm herself as some kind of undisputed ruler, but simply to give to someone else the sort of enjoyment that she herself experienced on a constant basis.
It was criminal to be the only one like herself, downright blasphemous that the only creature in that timeline that shared her size and power was… well, herself, the Great One, Lily, and not literally everyone else as well. Granted, there might be space issues if she went so far as to transform everyone the way she intended to with the dragon and kitsune wrapped around her cocks, but she was certain that it would all ultimately work out.
As for her two eager volunteers, however, they would soon be taught a lesson in what it meant to be truly excessive. For two divinities most associated with sex, with self-indulgence, with fertility and virility in quantities so ludicrous that most mortals wouldn’t even be able to begin fathoming them, suddenly being filled in that way stretched even their ability to comprehend what was happening. They were gods, and thus they should be able to withstand any trial without so much as flinching, and yet simultaneously they found themselves, their bodies, as being little more than a basically non-existent accoutrement on a living condom made out of what they could only assume was a lot of magicked-up skin and muscle; to say that this strained their comprehension of reality would be an understatement, doubly so when Lily actually began to pump her hips forward and the first few droplets of cum began to pour into their insides.
Even the smallest of non-loads, just the tiniest amount of the Arcanine’s seed, would be enough to utterly destroy entire multiversal clusters, and even for Sirit and Marna they were too much for them to handle; though in proportion to the Great One, the cum bulge at the very end of their shafts was relatively small, it had already outsized the divine couple by several orders of magnitude, a state that would not be upheld for long, as the whole point of being filled in the first place was to use the extra mass for the Great Change, for their new bodies! And as it turned out, be it because they were gods to begin with or thanks to Lily being so excited over the prospect of having someone to play with, the change that took place almost immediately after the first proper blast of cum was… something else.
The load itself already left the two deities so bloated that anyone looking in from the distance wouldn’t be able to tell the shape of the Arcanine’s shafts inside of the colossal cumguts they had just created, quite a feat considering how girthy those things were; and yet, this was something that only lasted for but a few moments, as almost immediately after the cum blimps were formed, they shrunk back down, all the virile seed absorbed back into the dragon and kitsune’s forms in order to kickstart their new life as near-perfect replicas of Lily. Near-perfect, for their need for more, more and always more manifested itself in them developing quite a few more pairs of breasts than the original Arca-goddess’ single one, each of the two gods having their chest blossom with so many rows of titanic milk factories that their transformation into taurs did very little but provide even more space for even more racks to develop, and even then the amount of space available was absurdly low for the sort of additions being manifested.
This issue with cramping became further compounded by the fact that the breasts alone were only half of the full apparatus, what with the dicks and pairs of balls still needing to grow in; thankfully, a couple more loads on Lily’s part ensured that a veritable forest of rods came in perfectly, at just the right angle, for both Sirit and Marna to effectively be stuck titfucking themselves whether or not they liked it, even if they stood perfectly still. The milk production churning away in their many breasts ensured that the dozen or so (if not more) shafts they sported would be on the receiving end of an endless, unceasing full-length massage, which would itself birth a whole different cycle that would inevitably end with the two of them becoming literally unable to stop themselves from just rolling their hips into their many cleavages; it was as if their conscious decision-making had been removed from the equation entirely, and their bodies had decided for them what things would be like going forward, a state of affairs that none of the three present there were in any mood to debate or fight against.
Lily especially was quite pleased with the way things turned out, if for no other reason than she adored seeing others enjoying themselves… and judging from the noises coming up from those two, they were certainly enjoying themselves quite a lot! But that wasn’t enough, not for her, not for them, as the Great Change wouldn’t be truly finished until there were three physics-defying Arcanines all living together in that great expanse, so perfect and total in their magnificence that the question of managing their realms wouldn’t even need to be on the table anymore. Why bother with bureaucracy and proper protocol when they could just bless the entirety of existence with their creamy mannah? Why sit down at a table when they could wrap the whole of the metaverse around one of their many cocktips and just blast away, giving every civilization within all the resources they could ever possibly need?
Better to just let things happen, to allow their bodies to flood and run over, to feel as their fur changed into a coarser, redder version of itself, to have their frames bloat and swell and grow in every direction, stretched and moulded into a further-augmented tauric form; better to throw caution to the wind and accept this gift that they were given, so that they may once again feel pleasure like they had before, so they could go back to the times where they could be together at every hour of every day, forever and always more… except now, with a third, equally lust-happy partner to throw themselves into the ring with them, helping to spice things up and make sure they would never be dull again.
There, set against the blackness of non-existence, was, ironically enough, their everything; to the couple, each moment they spent being filled and reshaped into an even more perfect form was a moment in which they realized just how much they had been missing out, and just how foolish they had been to believe they didn’t “need” the Great One’s blessing. And as for Lily, she was just happy to have two folks to share her perfection with; it was the best win-win scenario for everyone involved.
And it wouldn’t end until everyone was involved. | yiff-extreme |
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, deflation, floating, helium, Inflatable Girl, inflatable suit
Text: Pam and Sandra stood at the edge of the pool by the entry ladder. Smaller than what would typically be at an indoor municipal facility, the pool was still quite a bit bigger than the ones found in most back yards. It was deep, too - at least 18 feet. The room that contained it was barely twice its size and had the same high ceiling and cushioned walls as the "Looney Bin" next door. The heavy scent of warm chlorinated water filled the room and humidified the air like in a greenhouse. There was much activity occurring around the two women. Technicians scurried about with their computers and note pads as they took up their assigned observation posts. Two male technicians in bathing trunks and SCUBA gear waddled over to the edge of the pool, jumped in with a noisy splash, and disappeared beneath the surface. With the morning's initial tests complete and no helium leakage having been detected in Sandra's newly pneumatic bazooms, she had been deflated back to normal and then briefed and prepped for the next phase. This time around, she had been given a modest one piece white spandex bathing suit to wear. Being otherwise normal, below each armpit of the suit was a vertical seam with a small plastic "D" ring hidden beneath a flap. Pam tapped her earpiece and spoke a few words to the assembled group. The familiar chime toned again and a red warning light pulsed over the entryway double door. "Okay" Pam spoke to Sandra. "Ready when you are." Sandra nodded nervously and then stepped over to the entry ladder and began lowering herself into the comfortably tepid water. Pam turned away and walked over to a nearby staircase that lead to an underwater observation room at the end of the pool. As she took up station behind the thick glass next to the camera operator, the test subject swam to the middle of the pool and tread water. The two divers were at the bottom of the pool on their knees, looking up at Sandra as she floated at the surface.From below, Pam watched for a moment to make sure everything was in place, then pressed a button on the large control console that sat behind the glass. From the room above, an air horn was briefly heard sounding. At this, Sandra took a deep breath and upended herself, swimming for the bottom. The loud echoing of the room abruptly ceased as she dove, replaced by the dead calm of her new environment, broken only by the sound of her limbs moving through the water. Pam watched as the woman descended towards the two divers awaiting her. Without the aid of swim goggles, Sandra had to aim for the two fuzzy figures at the bottom, swimming almost all the way to their feet and then arcing upward to come to a standing position. Waving her hands in the water to keep upright, she exhaled some air to bring herself to negative buoyancy until her feet rested on the pale blue concrete bottom.She smiled and gave a thumbs-up sign to the two rescue divers who returned the gesture. Then, reaching for the flaps in the suit with her hands, she slipped an index finger into each "D" ring and pulled hard. Attached to each plastic ring was a string of about a foot in length and as each one was pulled out and became taut, there was what felt like muffled "pop." Sandra blinked in surprise as she let go of the plastic rings. A smirk passed her lips as an immediate sensation of fullness engulfed her torso. She could feel her chest expanding under the spandex of the bathing suit, her small breasts again blowing up like helium balloons atop it. She also felt her tummy pushing out against the suit, ballooning like her chest. In the water, the gas expanding in her sounded like a vinyl pool toy being inflated and she realized her feet had left the bottom of the pool. As she rose toward the surface, her arms stiffened slightly as they were pushed out by the ballooning flesh beneath them. Beneath the straps of the suit, her shoulders also puffed up a little bit. Her new-found buoyancy quickly pulled her upwards to the silvery waves.With a splash, she broke the surface and exhaled. Bobbing up and down, she was still inflating as she took in a few deep breaths and her body slowly rose until her bust-line was mostly out of the water. The now giant curves of her breasts pressed in against each other, their glistening pneumatic bounciness barely contained by the straining garment and her now pregnant looking tummy had swollen considerably. On either side, the two rescue divers re-surfaced and again the trio exchanged thumbs-up signs. Swimming over to the ladder was easy as her inflated body was mostly out of the water. The only difficulty was the reduced mobility of her arms caused by her inflated shoulders and the swollen breast flesh beneath them. One of the techs helped her up off the ladder as Pam was returning from the observation room. Out of the water, her entire upper body was stiff from the gas that had been pumped into her curves. She still felt slightly buoyant and bounced on her toes to see just how much so."Whaddaya think?" Pam inquired, handing Sandra a towel."Interesting, that's for sure.""Yeah, we call that one the 'Mae West'. Let's see how well it deflates.""Okay," Sandra replied. With a bit more difficulty than before, she again felt around under her arms for the flaps. The plastic rings dangled from the strings at her sides and, finding where each string attached, pressed in until she heard and felt a faint "click." With a squeal and the sound of rushing air, her cartoonish curves quickly began to shrink. Before long, she was back to normal."Let's get you back to the changing room and into the lifeguard rescue version."Sandra smiled enthusiastically. "Sounds like a plan."
The lifeguard one is red, in case you were wondering. I bet it inflates her a lot bigger, too.
| bodyinflation |
Title: Passion by ShingetsuMoon
Tags: Passion, Poem, Poetry, writing
Have you ever met someone who is truly passionate about something?
Have you watched as their eyes lit up and a smile spread across their face at just the mention of that which they hold most precious in their lives?
Have you watched as it transformed them before your eyes into someone who is almost unrecognizable?
Have you stopped to listen to them as they talk about it and about what it means to them personally?
Have you shared in their enthusiasm as they are once again overcome by the love they have for whatever it is that they like to do?
Many people have interests but few people have passions. Few people have developed a love for something that is so strong they could not imagine living their lives without it.
Their passion drives them. Consumes them. Takes over them whenever it enters their lives and they are completely transformed by just the thought of it.
Have you ever just taken a second to appreciate a moment so simple and rare as a person who is living their passion? | FSE |
Tags: Belly Inflation, Male Inflation, Offscreen Popping, belly inflation, farting, gas, male inflation
Text: Pete was a tall, buff, blonde haired guy, with a beard looking much like a blonde version of Lou Ferrigno from back in his Hercules days. Pete was a mechanic, the term being used lightly, as to the annoyance of his coworkers Pete was a real slacker. Pete was always on his phone or chatting up the female customers who came in, entrancing them with his bulging biceps or how his shirt strained against the movement of his rounded pecs or even with his sheer height as he beamed down at them his white teeth and pale blue eyes. The other problem with Pete was that with all the protein shakes he drank he farted something chronic and there was nothing the apprentices or even the head mechanic, Barry, could do about it as the owner was never in, leaving them unfortunately to their own devices and with Pete being bigger than all of them had rule over the workshop.
Strutting in this one particular morning, late as per usual Pete dropped his protein shake on a bench and headed to the bathroom, phone in hand of course. The apprentices moved aside for the brute as he moved towards the back Barry with Pete gone, quietly watched and waited until he heard the bathroom door close behind Pete. Hurrying over to the unguarded protein shake, Barry removed a box of pills that were meant to help prevent excessive farting and dropped them into the bottle, before shaking it for good measure to make sure the tablets were fully dissolved. Barry didn't care if he had over done it with the pills, he just wanted a day without Pete farting and gloating as everyone else suffered. Barry had wondered if such an overdose would hurt Pete but at the same time he didn't care, the boss never did anything about Pete so it was only fitting that as head mechanic Barry did something himself.
Pete emerged from the bathroom 10 minutes later, shook his drink again and downed it, not even noticing any kind of trace of the tablets Barry had slipped in. The other workers simply stood back and waited to see if they worked, Barry having filled them all in. It took a while before Pete felt things moved and they noticed his body language change in the usual manner it usually did before he let off a fart and there was almost a dead silence as they waited. The two apprentices even holding their breath in prayer hoping the pills worked. There was a brrrrtttt sound but it sounded deeper inside than a fart should and Pete shrugged it off, but to the elation of the others there was no smell or gloating from Pete, he just kept going about his work.
Throughout the rest of the day, Pete would make quiet occasional brrrtt sounds deep in his gut and he even began to feel cramped and bloated. He shook it off thinking perhaps something he ate wasn't agreeing with him. Clocking off early, as he often did, Pete got in his truck and headed home unaware at the jubilation of his coworkers. Pleased that their plan had worked even if it was somewhat tarnished by the wonderment of how long their liberation would last. The two apprentices expected things to be back to normal tomorrow while Barry was less concerned, having a stock pile of those pills he intended to keep Pete dosed up as long as his supply lasted. Barry did allow a smirk at the internal rumblings they occasional heard whine from Pete, though again he thought of what negative side effects there might be as he could've sworn Pete looked a little bloated by the time he had shot out the door.
Pete getting home, laid out on the couch, his massive feet resting on his wooden coffee table, a box of left over pizza beside him and a few cans of beer to chug as he watched TV. After finishing a can of beer, Pete felt the usually rumblings in his tummy and lifted a well muscled leg to vent but again there was brrrrtt from in his gut rather than the usual venting from his butt and Pete frowned, before once again shrugging it off, even though he could've sworn he saw his abs push his shirt up a bit creating a small wedge of exposed flesh between his white tank top and the shorts he'd changed into after work. After polishing off a few more cans and going to fart once again, Pete just heard another brrrrrrttttt and this time he watched as the mound forming on his abs swelled, exposing more of his treasure trail and diminishing abs. "Jesus... all the crap I ate in the last few days must be wreaking havoc on my guts..." Pete grumbled to himself, feeling the mound that had formed. Rubbing it tenderly, Pete decided perhaps was best just to sleep it off. Lumbering up his stairs, Pete stripped down to his jocks and hopped into bed, lying on his back to ease the pressure on the ball of tightness centered on his bloated gut.
As the sun finally begun to peak through Pete's blinds, heralding a new day, Pete stretched and squirmed in his bed and with a grin went to do his morning fart only to be jolted fully awake as he heard the grumbling, familiar brrrrrrttt sound in his gut and felt the pressure mount more. "What the fuck....." Pete growled seeing the bulge of his gut was now even bigger than the night before, it almost eclipsed his impressive morning wood bulge from view. Putting a massive paw on his distended gut, Pete grunted as he pushed and worked the mound trying to dissipate the gas and the pressure but nothing worked. Deciding perhaps the bathroom was a better call, Pete headed into his bathroom, glowering at his reflection as his perfect figure was ruined by the beer gut sticking out. Seating himself on the toilet he went about his morning business thinking maybe something he ate had blocked him but everything was working fine in that department. It only confused and aggravated the big man further and he pushed harder, making his face turn red as he tried to vent the gas but all that occurred was another deep brrrrrttt and Pete gasped as his belly bulged out even more making it the biggest bloat he had ever seen on a guy. Changing tact, Pete tried to belch instead hoping that would clear the gas inside but again another deep brrrrt, which left Pete panting his hands pressing against the tight ball trying to push back its expanding circumference.
Sitting there confused Pete decided that maybe the best idea was to go to the gym, he hoped all that movement, tension and exercise would finally unblock him. Throwing on his skin tight workout shirt and shorts Pete could see the near basketball sized globe all too well bulging within the shirt, straining its fabric. So Pete threw on a hoodie over his shirt which lessened the obvious bulge. Getting into his truck Pete sped off to the gym, eager to find a solution to his growing problem.
Striding into the gym Pete headed straight to the treadmills for a warm up, all the while his mind on his bloated belly as it protested against the jostling about, until Pete couldn't take it anymore and hit the squat rack. Pete knew there was nothing like balls to floor deep squats to get some gas venting and loading the bar up, he removed it from the rack, lying the bar across his thick traps before beginning to squat as deep as he could go, which wasn't as deep as he was used to as his gut pushed against his muscular thighs. Like any normal workout, Pete ignored the discomfort and tried to push past it, working his glutes and thighs which each deep rep. However, the bulge wasn't diminishing beneath his hoodie nor did he feel any closer to a much needed release of the pressure inside him.
Frustrated, Pete put the barbell back on the rack, collected his belongings and stormed off to the lockers to get changed. It was embarrassing for him as he struggled to get his gym shoes and shorts off and replace them with work gear his gut limiting his movements. It was thanks to his gut that Pete even slid on his overalls, which he never wore since they were so baggy they hid most of his well sculpted physique, but now the front was a tight fit thanks to his protruding belly. Storming off to his truck, Pete was in a foul mood as he downed his protein shake and was so lost in confusion and rage he forgot the real source of his problem and went to let out a loud belch he felt building but instead all he heard was a loud bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttt from inside him and he felt the shoulder straps of the overalls pinch as they struggled to contain his swelling mound. Pete froze wide eyed, watching his gut pass basketball size and extended out to almost touching the steering wheel. He looked like he was pregnant with at least twins, his gut was so gigantic. Pete immediately gulped and took mental note not to do that again as another surge of growth would not only make his overalls tighter than they already were, he knew his gut would plough into the steering wheel. How big am I gonna get? Pete wondered to himself in horror, his mind still racking as to how he came to be in this predicament.
Sliding his seat further back to allow his gut more space, even though it made driving slightly more awkward, Pete headed off to work, dreading what his coworkers were going to say about his blown up belly as there was no way he could hide it when he looked so pregnant. It also worried him about how taut he felt inside the overalls and he wondered if the shoulder straps were going to last the day the way they were strained so tight trying to hold him in. Arriving at the workshop, Pete came in without saying a word and went straight to work, even though he could feel the gazes of the other mechanics instantly home in on him, more specifically his huge gut.
Pete was simmering with rage as he knew their hushed whispers were about him and when they had finally gone off for a smoke break he waddled to the bathroom to take a leak. Getting the shoulder straps unclipped was as difficult as Pete had dreaded, fearing he was going to pop them right off if he wasn't careful, until they were at last undone and he could edge them down over his globe so he could reach down to his cock and relieve himself. This in itself was also a struggled as Pete had to feel around to find it as his cock was well and truly hidden by his bulbous belly. Standing there, at last relieving at least one need, Pete heard his coworkers whispering and sniggering and the more he listened the angrier he got as he overheard Barry admitting to putting tablets in his protein shake the day previous, which was the cause for his current condition.
Done with the bathroom, Pete stormed out of the workshop and headed across to the supermarket on the opposite side of the street. Pete was going to show them who was boss and have the last laugh as a he formulated a plan, they had essentially dammed him up but if he could build up enough pressure he should be able to clear it and make them sorry. Lumbering down to the can food aisle, Pete brushed off the stares he got from other customers as they looked at the frightening bulge of his gut barging past. Reaching the baked beans he swept up an armful and headed to the checkouts. After having paid for the beans, Pete didn't even wait to getting back to the workshop before he started downing the cans hungrily, adding fuel to the fire inside him.
Pete walked into the workshop just as the others came in from the other side returning from their smoke break. "What's with all the beans?" asked Barry, his tone clearly worried
"Well since you blocked me up with your stupid tablets I figure I should unblock myself to teach you little bitches not to fuck with me." snarled Pete, raising both hands up and giving them the finger after dropping the emptied cans into the bin beside him. Right on que a rumble growled inside Pete and a loud brrrrrrrrrrrtttttt groaned from in his gut and he immediately grimaced as his shoulder straps bore even more tightly into his thick shoulders as his belly ballooned outwards. It looked like he had a gym ball swelling underneath his overalls. Pete began to pant feeling the pressure build when another brrrrrrrrrrrtttt growled inside him, forcing him to hold his belly and with a whining pop his shoulder straps blew. Pete moaned with relief, while the others looked on in shock as Pete's overalls fell away exposing his growing belly, his tight white V-neck not even covering half of the swelling globe. "Fuck....look at it bitches.... It's all... gonna get free..." moaned Pete, as with another bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttt his stomach growled and stretched again the pressure mounting more as he begun to feel front heavy. He could no longer reach the front of his gut.
"What have you done?" gasped Barry, watching the panting big man struggle against his belly which with another grumbling brrrrrrrrrrrrtttt swelled even larger, it was more than half the big man's size and growing with each internal rumble, soon stretching from his pecs to his thighs, his neck to his calves and it still kept swelling bigger. "That block.... It's gonna... give...." Pete grunted through clenched teeth, half gloating half trying to convince himself as with another loud and deeper brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttt Pete's belly swelled bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. The big man was forced against the bench behind him as his belly swelled to the floor and soared above his head. The concrete felt cool to the hot, throbbing globe, electrifying the sensitive super taut skin that fought to keep stretching. "Oh fuck...." Pete moaned as he now could no longer see his coworkers over his gut and with another brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttt it swelled even bigger! Pete felt his gut pushing against the two cars they had in the work place, pressing against them, making them tilt as it swelled even bigger.
The others stood in shock and horror as their workplace was being quickly filled by a hairy, skin colored blimp of a belly. "Fuck..... it's getting... TOO MUCH!!!" Pete struggled to grunt through gritted teeth the pressure inside his gigantic globe becoming greater and greater with each moment, it was so intense and he was so helpless. He couldn't even move anymore as he was now being lifted up by the inflation. Mentally he tried struggled to hold back each brrrrrrrrttt but they kept coming and he kept inflating bigger and bigger. "Someone.... Help... fuck.... I'm gonna.... Explode!" Pete cried out, thinking of how much he was like an overfilled balloon now and now in a panic of how many cans of baked beans he had gorged on. He didn't care about pride as he felt the cars at last flipped by his gut and he knew he'd soon be pressing at the walls and ceiling of the large workshop. Each brrrrrrrtttt now sounded with an ever deeper more thunderous, more threatening growl, which only grew louder and more ominous the more Pete swelled. The other mechanics shaking themselves free of the towering tummy, knew what was coming as the globe that was Pete's belly shuddered and growled more feverishly, the once smooth stretching now ragged and quivering as it struggled to swell more.
Closing the back door behind them, the other mechanics left Pete to his fate. Even with their fingers in their ears they could hear Pete's growing, growling gut and his cursing as he struggled against his plight. Crashing and crunching could be heard about the workshop as more was enveloped by Pete's mass, his throbbing, quivering globe now viewable in the rear top windows as it approached the ceiling. "Fuck.... So tight.... So much pressure...it's... not... fucking... stopping!" Pete groaned as his body rumbled and whined as it pressed against the ceiling and he could hear a creaking. Pete begun to wonder whether he'd outgrow the workshop, thinking it was the walls he could hear creaking, when it was in fact his body giving one last signal before with a might KABOOOOOMMMMMM Pete exploded.
| bodyinflation |
Title: The First Nightmare by TheSadEmoFox
Tags: Character Development, Fox, Gay, Incest, M/M, Plot Development, Story Series, Tragedy
A Warning, This Story Series Contains Sexual Content, High School Drama, High School Hierarchies, Gay Love, Blood, Violence, Horror, and So On And So Forth.. Viewer Discretion Is Advised...
The night sky seemed to twinkle in the late evening hours as a young fox padded his way home on the now empty streets of Miami, Florida. He always arrived late from work, that was how he liked it, coming home to a quiet house, his whole bitchy family deep in slumber, there was nothing quite like it. Travis Love was the fox's name, and when it was spoken, everyone seemed to sneer. Travis had led a very lonely life, he had never had any friends at school, his father loathed him, his siblings ignored him, and his grandparents..well...they were purely convinced he was a "new age" Satanist. Travis, however badly tempted to throw his hands up and say "Fuck You" to the entire world, tried to ignore these grim realities.
The only one in Travis's life who had ever truly loved him was his mother, his now deceased mother to be precise. Marian Michelle Love had died of a malignant brain tumor at the age of twenty-eight, just four years after Travis's birth. Sometimes, late at night, he could hear her voice, speaking softly among the shadows, trying to lull an unseen kit to sleep. These sounds brought back pain to Travis, but he was no fool, the sounds were his memories, and his longing, to have some type of love, some type of affection...
The fox sighed at the thought of his mother, trying to distract himself by looking up at the now unveiling stars. The bright orbs of gas seemed to stare back at him, laughing. They were mocking him, no doubt, for his unfortunate life. Or maybe it was..his lifestyle. Travis had never made any approach to make friends, not even when he was in elementary school. He had always felt distant from the others, they were always happy, always playing. It was like he was inside an impenetrable glass cube, sealed away from the rest of the world, inside of his own emotions. Maybe it was his lack of drive to make friends, or maybe they were just sickened by his looks. Not to get confused, Travis was very attractive for a fox of only sixteen, or at least, that's what he told himself. He stood only 5'10 off of the ground, and weighed only one hundred and five pounds, a little too lean for most furs at his school, but hey, he was a better subject than the 5'3 two hundred and seventy-five pound fatassed bastards that roamed the rest of the halls. No, it was the fact that he was different than everyone else. Travis always wore the same outfit, skin-tight jeans with a rainbow colored belt, complete with a tight pink shirt and his signature purple striped hoodie; sometimes even with a few Skelanimals pins thrown in for fun. Every morning he straightened his hair, and sometimes even put on eyeliner. He loved dressing this way, always making the boys at his school stop and stare.
Travis's agenda for the day was usually the same, wake up, get dressed, go to school, go to work, slink home late in the evening, repeat. Today was no different, probably even more dull than usual. Travis worked at a music store in the Miami Mall called Reinstar Records, and on this particular day, he had the privilege of watching an old otter buy a Marilyn Manson album, at the time, he was smiling, glad to be away from his home. Travis wasn't smiling now.
The fox had been so deep in thought, he hadn't noticed that he was now standing in front of his house. Travis sighed and glanced around the front yard. The grass was short and green, giving off the faint stench of approaching Fall, while a single Palm tree stood in the center of the yard, giving the impression that it was still Summer. A toy yo-yo lay on top of the roof, along with a frizbee, probably from one of the neighboring kids.
A cold wind blew through the air, chilling Travis's fur. He shivered and put his hood up, no longer saddened by the fact that he was now home. He walked briskly toward the front door, his tail fluffing up from the wind. When Travis arrived at the door itself, he paused. Maybe they were actually asleep this time....
Nervously, Travis looked into the front window of the house. Even though the blinds were closed, he could tell the hall light wasn't on, or the television. The fox blew out a sigh of relief and fumbled inside of his pocket for the key. His fingers grasped the cold, metal object and pulled it out into the open. The key shone dully in the starlight as he quietly slipped it into the lock, turning it counter-clockwise until he heard a loud clicking noise. Ever so slowly Travis pushed the door open, trying not to make a sound. The door creaked loudly as he opened it, seeming to make an avalanche fall to Travis, it's hinges screaming out into the darkened house.
Travis flattened his ears against his hair, just waiting for his homophobic father to awaken, but oddly, nothing came. Travis smiled in triumph and raised a fist in the air, his tail wagging slightly. He had won! He had won against.....wait. Travis perked his ears up, no sound. Nothing at all could be heard around the house, no snoring, no movement, nothing. The fox turned around and padded back to the front door, opening it and looking out into the night. His father's car was here, as was his own, and his two little brother's bikes were here as well. Where were they?
The fox stepped back inside and closed the door, the crisp, cold air of the outside world being replaced with the scent of his home, however awful it may be. He turned and slowly walked down the hallway, eyeing his surroundings. There wasn't any sign of a struggle, so he doubted anyone had breaken in. As he walked deeper down the hallway, he hugged his arms to his sides, something felt wrong, and it was getting colder...
Travis reached the end of the hall, still clutching at his sides. To the right was Cameron, his father's, room and to the left was his own room. Travis sighed and reached out his right arm.
No answer. Deciding between going into his room and into Cameron's, well, that was an easy choice, but he had to at least make sure that his father was alright. Travis gently rapped on the door with his knuckles, making the door slowly creak open. He stepped lightly inside, looking around in the darkness. It was pitch black inside of the room, but Travis could just barely make out a figure on the bed near the center of the room. The fox sighed in relief and turned to leave, when suddenly, the open door slammed shut.Travis yelped as the hard wood of the door connected with his muzzle, throwing him to the floor.
"God Damn It!" Travis screamed as he clenched his bleeding nose, writhing on the carpet. He suddenly stopped moving, realizing to late what he had done. He looked panickly at the bed, but the figure was still lying there. Something was definitely wrong here....
Still clutching his muzzle, Travis slowly stood up from the floor, his paw tracing the length of the wall for a lightswitch. The figure on the bed was now making a gurgling noise, as if it was choking on something. Now, frightened and urgent, Travis was searching the wall with both paws, making bloody smears from the blood on his nose. After what seemed like a decade, he made contact, and flipped the switch.
Travis was temporarily blinded when the light came on, and after the white haze faded, he felt bile rise to his throat. On the bed, was what seemed to be a heap of rotting meat. The sheets were stained with blood, and the wall behind the headboard of the bed seemed to be smeared with...shit. An awful stench came from the thing on the bed as if...as if it were death itself.
The fox vomited on the floor, clenching his stomach. The thing continued it's hideous croaking noise, like it was in great pain. Travis gained enough courage to look up at the bed, he was still bleary eyed from emptying his stomach onto the floor. He could make out chunks of fur and bone sticking out of the thing, along with what seemed to be a mouth. Two eyes floated in the center of the deformity, staring tearfully at the fox.
Those eyes, he had seen them before! One eye blue and one eye brown, also called heterochromia. As the realization dawned on him, the thing let out another moan. Those eyes reflected Travis's own eyes, the fear, the secrecy...
The thing vomited up what seemed to be a mixture of blood and mucus, and as if in response, it blinked. Travis backed up against the wall, his whole body trembling. Tears stung at his eyes as he leaned on the wall, quickly sinking to the floor. He hugged his knees to his chest, his dead, deformed mother still vomiting onto the already soiled bed. *This isn't real*, Travis told himself, tears now falling from his eyes, the same eyes of his mother. *This Isn't Real.....*
Travis awoke screaming, his fur completely drenched in sweat. The dream had been so vivid, so real. It was still fresh in his mind, the blood, the fear, the eyes... Travis eyed his surroundings, instantly leaning up on his elbows. He was in his own room, on his own bed..with no demonic deformities of his mother in sight. Travis sighed with relief, wiping his forehead with a free paw. His muzzle still felt numb from the dream, making his head throb in the aftermath of it. Daylight flooded in from his bedroom window, illuminating the room in a sea of light. Travis could make out everything he was familiar with, the various band posters covering the walls, his desk and computer, his closet, the single bathroom, it was all quite cozy.
The fox yawned widely as he stumbled out of bed, wearing nothing but pink boxer briefs. He sauntered clumsily toward the bathroom, stopping at its entrance, and looked back at the clock. *6:13..plenty of time to get ready...*. Travis opened the bathroom door and stepped inside, the scent of shampoo and burnt hair instantly hitting his nostrils. He scratched at the back of his head as he made his way to the sink, plugging up the flat iron that lay at its side. This was an old habit of his, let the flat iron warm up as he took a shower, then straighten his hair. Travis giggled at this, his mother had given him that particular habit. He wiped his forehead one last time, turning the sink on and looking into its mirror.
Travis's face looked emaciated, like he had been through a war zone or a radioactive fallout. His unique eyes had dark circles around them, and his cheeks and muzzle looked sunken. The bright red fur covering his body looked scraggly, and felt stringy to the touch, while his brownish-blonde hair looked like an atomic mushroom cloud. Travis gritted his teeth in annoyance, he hated looking like a disaster....
Twenty minutes later the fox stepped out of the bathroom, the lower half of his body wrapped in a bright green towel. His fur was now clean, soft and fluffy looking too. His hair was now straightened as well, his long bangs falling over one of his eyes. Travis inhaled the scent of his room, it was so familiar, so comforting. He grinned happily and padded silently across the carpet to his closet, where he began rummaging for the day's clothes. The fox pulled a pink shirt from one hanger, the logo "I Recycle Boys" printed in rainbow colored letters. The shirt was kind of an inside joke between him and the manager of Reinstar Records, who had given Travis the shirt. The middle-aged female kangaroo had a great sense of humor, and Travis considered her like an aunt to him. The next thing he pulled from the closet was his usual black jeans, he had many pairs of them, and then a black and purple striped hoodie. This hoodie was special to him, he didn't know why, it just was. Maybe it was the fact that he had owned it since he was ten, or maybe it was the major calling card of his whole 'look', so to speak.
Travis shrugged and threw his clothes on the bed, now looking for a clean pair of briefs inside of his bedside table. He had the choice of wearing pink briefs again, white, or black, and as usual, he chose the pink. Travis stood up from looking in the low drawer, letting the towel wrapping the lower half of his body fall to the floor. A mirror lay propped against the wall across from where the fox was standing, and Travis posed in it. Slender frame, small, yet round ass, long, bushy tail, and a great package to match..it was a wonder he was still single. The fox sighed and slipped on the pink briefs, covering his great backside and his mid-sized scrotum and penis. *Why am I so antisocial..?* Travis frowned slightly and grabbed his jeans, hastily slipping them on. *Maybe it's because I'm ugly..* Travis looked back into the mirror, instantly putting that idea aside. *Or maybe it's because I'm so...secretive.* The fox laughed to himself as he buckled his rainbow-striped belt and slipped on his shirt. Travis had never shared his feelings with anyone, especially his family, and he was never in a mood to talk with them either..or anyone for that matter. He began to put on his hoodie, leaving it unzipped, and walked to the table, quickly grabbing the keys to his car, his wallet, and his Ipod. Travis then made his way to the door to the hallway, stopping just short of it and looking back at the room. He had everything he needed, but what he was looking at, he couldn't take with him. A picture of his mother lay propped up against the wall, seeming to look back at him in bliss. She looked so young, so happy, and with a gaze challenging the world to break her. Travis stared at the picture a moment, knowing it wasn't just still a picture anymore. He turned the knob of the door, breaking the trance he was in, and padded quietly out into the hall.
Travis felt the air colden as he stepped into the hall, goosebumps rising up from his fur. Memories of the dream flooded back into his mind, but he ignored them, instead focusing on the sounds of life coming from the kitchen. The fox padded briskily down the hall, aiming for the front door. Travis didn't feel like talking to his family today, all they did was make fun of him, or harassed him in some form or another. Travis exited the hall, now out in the open. He didn't look around, he just focused on the door. *Only a few more feet...*
"Hey! Where's my favorite daughter going in such a rush?"
The deep voice was like ice to Travis's ears as a shadow blocked the door. The larger fox standing in front of Travis was smiling, a deep grin of cruel humor seeming to radiate from it. Travis looked down at the ground and said nothing. Cameron chuckled and put his paws to his hips, looking down at the younger fox.
"C'mon....you can answer your Dad..can't you?"
Travis didn't respond, he just stood there, waiting for Cameron to move. The older fox had other plans though, Cameron continued to stand there, his tail starting to wave with impatience. The older fox put a paw on Travis's shoulder, clenching it with grown claws. Travis tensed up, still not making a sound. The pain coming from his shoulder was great, his whole body seeming to be in pain. His father had a powerful grip..
"It would be best to answer me Trav, you know that."
The younger fox sighed and looked up at his father, their gazes meeting.
"I'm going to school..and then to work.....*You know that.*"
Travis may be a very soft-spoken fox, but his father heard him, loud and clear. Cameron had heard the hate and longing in Travis's voice, and instantly, let go of the younger fox's shoulder. Travis breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his shoulder, not looking back up at Cameron. The older fox stepped out from in front of the door now, but kept an arm in front of it. Travis growled in annoyance when he tried to walk out, only being knocked to the floor by Cameron's arm. The older fox smiled and stepped over his son, pinning Travis to the floor with his body.
"Before you go.." The older fox said, the smile turning into a lustful grin, "I need you to do me a little favor.."
Travis knew what it was before his father even finished the sentence. A large bulge was growing inside of Cameron's boxers, stretching the fabric. Travis squirmed against the older fox's weight, but to no avail. Cameron chuckled darkly and slapped Travis across the muzzle, instantly stopping the younger fox's movement. Cameron pulled down his boxers slowly, his large cock seeming to spill out of the loose fabric. Travis was mesmerized by the cock, resisting the urge to grab it. This was his father! The one who hated him, who despised him...but Travis just couldn't stop staring. Cameron licked his lips, rubbing his cock with his paws.
"You know you want it Trav..."
Cameron smiled and hung his cock in front of Travis's muzzle, his balls dangling out in the air. Just the smell of the cock gave Travis an erection, his jeans becoming even tighter than they were. Cameron knew Travis couldn't resist a big dick, even if it was his father's. The younger fox bit his lip, his paws trembling. At the moment, Travis was having an internal war within himself, debating whether to grab his father's succulent cock or try to resist, which would surely end in tragedy. His plans would be ruined.. Travis looked up at his father, an expecting expression written across his face. Cameron grabbed his cock with a paw again and held it out to Travis, the cock was already dripping precum. The younger fox couldn't resist any longer, Travis felt his paw reach up and grope his father's cock. Cameron shivered as he felt his son grab his foxhood, a short wave of pleasure going up the older fox's spine. The cock twitched in Travis's paw as he held it, his father's precum staining Travis's fur. The younger fox held out his tongue, no longer resisting, and ran it along the length of his father, earning moans of pleasure from the older fox. The taste in Travis's mouth was heavenly, like a mixture of every pleasurable thing in the world. Travis murred quietly and grabbed his father's balls, earning louder moans of extacy from the fox. Cameron clenched his eyes shut, his son was such a slut...just like his mother. Travis, no longer being able to bear it, slipped his father's cock inside of his muzzle, the taste growing. Travis murred louder as Cameron moaned louder, Cameron's cock twitching crazily. Travis bobbed his head lower over his father's cock, his tongue massaging the underside of it, while his paws clenched and grabbed at his father's balls. Cameron bit his lip and grabbed the back of Travis's hair, pushing his son deeper over his cock. Travis felt his nose hit his father's groin fur, the smell of musk overpowering the younger fox as Cameron's cock went deep into Travis's throat. The fox didn't gag, but instead relaxed, moving his paws from his father's balls and placing them on his ass. Cameron growled lustfully as he humped Travis's muzzle, coming very close to orgasm. Travis clenched his father's ass tighter, feeling the older fox tense up even more. In a final thrust, Cameron came into Travis's mouth, moaning in orgasm. Travis felt the thick liquid run down his tongue and into his throat, the taste of his father's cum was better than anything he had ever tasted. Travis murred as he swallowed it all, wanting more. Cameron let go of Travis's head standing up groggily.
"G-Go to school now...b-boy.."
Travis jumped up and ran out the door, slamming the thing shut. The taste of cum was still strong in his mouth as he opened his car door, hastily cranking it. Travis looked back at the house one last time before he sat down in the seat, gently closing the door. The fox backed out of the driveway and drove off, not looking back at his house. Unbeknownst to his father, something was inside that house, something that was bought by Travis a week ago. The thing was inside his room, hidden inside the portrait of his mother. Travis had lied when he said he was going to school, he was really on his way to the airport. His plane was scheduled to leave at 8:00, bound for New York. Another thing was also scheduled to happen at 8:00 as well, the death of everyone in that house. Everyone who had tormented him for the last sixteen years....
The bomb would make sure of that....
*To Be Continued* | FSE |
Title: pokemon fun by Bolty
Tags: Human, M/M, M/M/F, M/M/M, Pikachu, Vaginal
It was an ordinary day for Antony, Alistair and Oliver. Antony is a 17 year old pokémon trainer; Alistair and Oliver are 17 year old pikachus with yellow fur and black strips across the belly (which weren't his pokémon.). The three friends attend MAG (magic and pokémon) high. The only reason Antony got in because he showed excellent skill in magic and shifting into pokémon forms. No-one knows his secret but I'll tell you that later. The first class is pokémon forms (basically shifting into different forms of pokémon.) Antony was a natural; he always shifts to his favorite pokémon which are: rayquasa, groundon, kyorge, dilaga, palkia and heatran.
"Battle class yes" Antony cheered. in battle class, Antony has to have a separate teacher show he can channel his magic into pokémon attacks. At the end of battle class the teacher would read out two names to have a practice battle. No-one gets hurt because he would cast a safety spell. Today was Antony VS Alistair. "I'm not holding back" thought Antony. "BEGIN" Announced the teacher. Antony was in his pikachu form and hit Alistair on him chest for 2 points with a thunderbolt. The two met in a deadlock of irontails. Antony just overpowered Alistair and striked his face for 5 points. "END. Score 7:0 Antony wins!" announced the teacher. "Nice battle. You gave me a run for my money" Antony chuckled while turning back to a human.
The lunch period was here. The three friends walked to the lunch hall. On the way they passed a female ponyta. "Hi jess" Antony called out "hi" jess replied. In the lunch hall the three friends and jess sat together and talked about what they have been doing today. "I whip Alistair today 7:0! My best score!" Antony cheered
The afternoon bell rung and the friends went to their separate classes. Alistair, Oliver and jess to science and Antony to magic class. He was some of the few people/pokémon to be in that class. Since today was Friday the pupils could practice any spell. Antony practices his future spell and his secret, his moon scence. Because he isn't from earth. He is from an unknown land and no-one knows about it not even his pokémon! (Which are at home.)
The end of school bell rung and the three friends went home. "Bye jess." shout the friends waving bye to jess and went home. Antony, Alistair and Oliver live together with Antony's pokémon. He owns nearly every single pokémon in the world. The friend got in, dressed and turned on the TV. "Welcome back sir" said a rayquasa. "Thanks ray. How is you-know-who?" Antony Asked "she fine. WAIT! I sence something. An evil present" Ray snared. "3, 2, 1" Antony counted and then a gengar bursted though. "L.E.D.S ARISE!" Antony shouted then a sword and amour appeared. "I'm here sir." Said someone."L.E.D.S! Don't call me sir." Antony scarled. "Sorry knight of the elements." l.e.d.s replied. "Ray check on my pokémon, protect them. And get you know who and ellie out of here. That's an order" Antony shouted and the rayquasa flew away. "Now Antony. Surrender or Die!" cackled the gengar. "Wrong way round. You need to learn how to speak right." Antony shouted and swung his sword and chopped the gengars arm off. "Bone claw." Shouted the gengar but Antony destory it and chop gengar's head off. Alistair and Oliver were still watching TV like nothing happened. Antony called ray on his watch with stored everything for him. "Green snake, Green snake, this is legend. Do you read me?" Antony whispered into his watch. "Loud and clear. All pokémon are safe." Ray replied. "Bring them back now. Threat eliminated." Antony ordered and shut of his watch or his Commutater and walked into the living room.
"Hey. Shall we?" Antony asked while striping then turning into a pikachu. "Yer" Oliver said and started to lick Alistair's sheath then Antony's and Antony licked Oliver's sheath until their Chu cocks were exposed. Antony then sucked Alistair's cock,
Alistair sucked Oliver cock and Oliver suck Antony cock and formed a triangle. They all pre at the same time. "Let's move on" Antony said and blushed. Oliver mounted Alistair and Antony mounted Oliver. Antony entered Oliver then he entered Alistair. They all moaned. Antony entered Oliver then he entered Alistair. They all moaned. Antony and Oliver Thrusted hard into their bitch. "Oh it so tight. Oh... I... think... am... going... to..." Oliver whimpered. Alistair cummed on the floor witch sent Oliver over the edge and cummed in Alistair and grow still, but Antony was still going like a demon possessed then cummed into Oliver. they all collapse and fell asleep in a puddle of chu cum.
HEY who's this? To find out answer the fucking phone.
"Hello, Hello, Hello, what doing on here then, and who is it?" Antony asked in his best police man voice. "Hi Antony, it jess." Jess replied jess cheerfully. "Hi jess. What do you want?" Antony asked, "Hey can I come round today, i got nothing to do." Jess asked. Alistair and Oliver nodded. "Of course you can. You are always welcome here." Antony replied happily. "Great, see you in a bit" jess cheered and put the phone down. Antony checked the time and two of his pokémon wasn't up yet and it was 9:15. "O.K water pokémon you know what to do. Hydro pump!" Antony shouted and his two pikachus (which were asleep and not Alistair and Oliver) got extremely wet. "We're up" shouted the two Chu. "Kiara, Riku! We're having a guest. Get up and please look presentable." Antony moaned. The two Chu got dry and put on their smartest clothes.
Ding god
Antony (still in pikachu form) went to the door and opened to greet jess. "Hi Jess. Are you hungry or something."Antony asked. "I'm starving. Have you got fire flakes?" Asked Jess. "Ray. Show Jess the Fire Flakes." Antony said to Ray. Ray went into the kitchen then Jess followed suit.
After lunch Jess and Oliver went to town with all of Antony's Pokémon. witch left Antony and Alistair all alone. "I'm bored. Shall we?" Antony Asked while striping. "O.k." Alistair said in a sexy tone. They got into a 69 and licked each other sheathes.
"Antony, I'm back Oliver just went to get somet..." Jess shout then saw them. The two male stared blackly at her. "C-can I-I join?" jess asked and caught them off guard. Antony and Alistair stopped with their Chu cock fully erected. "o.k." Antony replied. "Antony can you go to my vagina and Alistair to my mouth?" Jess asked while striping. Her slip was already moist. "O.K" Antony replied and position himself at her entrance and Alistair went to her muzzle. Jess sucked on Alistair cock for a while then signaled Antony to start. Antony entered slowly at first and went all the way to the end then pulled out then thrusted back in. Jess gave a soft moan then went back to Alistair cock. every time Antony thrusted Jess gave a moan on Alistair's cock witch made him moan. 10 minutes later Jess gave a moan witch sent Alistair over the edge and exploded in her mouth. She gulped down every drop and pressed on Antony Cock again and sent him over the edge and shot deep inside her painting her vaginal walls with his seed. a few minutes later they got up and put on their clothes and gave Alistair and Antony kissed sharing Alistair's seed. "Mmmmm Alistair you taste good." moaned Antony. Jess broke the kiss as Oliver walked in. they ate dinner and fell into deep sleep.
Well this is my first story on YS. I hoped you enjoyed it as i enjoyed writing it. | FSE |
Title: Dracon's Story: Chapter 1 by Mistress Adrianna
Tags: Anal, H/M, Innocence, Kidnapping, M/Herm, M/M, Oral, Prostitution, Virgin, reluctance
This is a commission piece/gift I did for a very darling friend and lover of mine. A start to a fantasy that has haunted him for a long time. Dracon is copyrighted to him, while Malcolm and Adri are copyrighted to me.
Dracon's Story: Chapter 1
Copyright of The Lady Adrianna 2011
A small thin figure sat huddled on the ground. Positioned just out of the way to avoid being stepped on by traffic, it also sat just out enough to be seen and not ignored. Between the drawn up knees, a small hat sat, a few crinkled bills and coins inside it. The figure itself indistinguishable for the most part. The many layers of torn threadbare clothing hiding anything that might have revealed sex, hair or eye color, even what breed it might have been. Its head remained bowed, forehead pressed to those skinny knees. Though a faint thank you could be heard on the rare occasion of someone dropping something into the small hat.
The figure garnered many looks from the populous around it. The kinder looks were anything from curiosity to compassion. But the ones that had the tiny body curled just out of the path were the ones that ranged from disgust to horror. So, the beggar remained in the safe little spot, the tide of foot traffic parting without pause around the little space. Even the compassionate ones who dropped the donations didn't stop to talk or offer the figure more help then the spare change in their pockets. Not that it expected anything else.
When the traffic around it eased, the figure uncurled some, careful to look around carefully before grabbing the not even half full hat. The clever mechanism that kept the hat attached to the slender ankle hidden carefully by the fold of an over-sized shawl. Only after the small amount of money was tucked safely away did the figure stand and straighten fully. Still small, still thin, the almost pretty face was finally revealed. It would probably be definitely pretty with a proper feeding and care. But for now, now the dirt and hard living of being homeless had left the figure emaciated and filthy. The fur snarled and streaked with dirt so badly that one couldn't tell just what color it was anymore. At first glance, which is all the figure ever really garnered, it appeared to be a child or young teenage girl. Small, slender, with no discernible figure or muscle tone.
Slipping silently off the sidewalk into a shadowed alley, the figure didn't notice the tall silvery figure stepping away from a door frame across the street. It also didn't notice that same figure following it down the alley to its home. So, it reached the small nook, shielded from the weather on two sides by the corner of a brick building and wall, and on two others by a lean-to of cardboard boxes. Slipping into the small shelter, a tattered cloth was pulled across behind it, giving the semblance of privacy. The silent follower stopped nearby, waiting, watching.
Rustling sounds of cloth on cloth sounded faintly behind the shield of the beggar's door. At the gap beneath the cloth, the pile of fabrics that could be seen grew as the homeless person stripped, readying to go to the next spot of the day. But, before it could reach for the waiting clothes, just as dirty, but a little more colorful, the curtain was pulled aside. A soft startled gasp of surprise and fear escaped before a paw was wrapped around its muzzle, silencing any other comment. "Quiet and come out slowly. I want both paws out and up where I can see them," came the issued command. Terrified, the beggar obeyed, a pair of hole filled leggings dropped down, falling into a rain puddle.
Dismayed over the further dirtying of something so precious, the beggar's eyes were on the leggings instead of its captor. But finally, the fingers around its muzzle made its eyes travel up to meet the bright green ones of the silver follower. Muffled words spoken behind the closed muzzle. But the green eyes were busy dropping over the now mostly nude form of the prize before them. "A boy. I was hoping so. A small, thin boy, just perfect for my plans," came that voice again, sounding pleased instead of irritated. A blush darkened the dirty fur, paws dropping to cover its...his...slender frame reflexively. The paw uncurled from his muzzle, dropping down to inspect the exposed body carelessly, though not in such a way as to cause him pain. To Malcolm, the silvery fox before him, he was an object to be considered. The bruise on his muzzle from the fox's grip keeping him still. If a casual grip had caused that wound, he was afraid to guess what the tall muscular male could do if he had put his mind to it.
"Do you have friends, family?" the todd asked, head tilting as that paw dropped down into the small grungy shorts the boy wore to cover his bits. The dirty head paused, then shook slowly, shame making the flopped ears droop, tail tucking between his legs. The boy was a canine..a mutt it appeared through the dirt. Not as desired as a pure bred, but less likely to be missed. The fox's muzzle parted in a hungry grin and he squeezed the small sheath, causing the mutt's eyes to widen and a whimper to escape. "Do you have anything worth keeping in this hovel?" came the next question. Another pause, then another shake. The paw busy working to get the canine length free of the small sheath. Finally, fully hard and starting to moan, the mutt leaned into his captors paw. Only to have it disappear. Whimpering once again only earned him a bigger grin. "Get dressed in your cleanest outfit. You'll do perfectly once we get you cleaned up," the fox ordered, pushing the mutt back into the little cavity the mutt had lived in for over a year. Much to his delight, the dog did as told, returning a few moments later in something that didn't look too much like it had been sitting on a trash heap for weeks before being salvaged. Nodding in approval, Malcolm beckoned and turned to leave the alley.
Oh, his mistress would be pleased with him today. She had spotted this little treasure the other day on her way to an appointment. His job had then been to watch the mutt, evaluating and ensuring that no one would miss him, all before apprehending the target. No one ever really missed the homeless. Even if they did have friends. Though it was easier if they didn't. Less questions asked that would cause money to go into the hands of police instead of their pockets. And, given how the dog followed him, head down, tail tucked, but without question proved that his mistress was once again right on target with her hunches. The new find would fit in nicely with only a minimal amount of training.
Pulling a phone from his pocket, he sent a text, mostly by feel alone. By the time they reached the street, a car was pulling up. A nondescript blue car, four door and simple. Just like most other cars that drove up and down the road every day. Malcolm pushed the pup in front of him then, making the whimpering beggar get into the backseat before he slid in next to him. "Good find?" asked the driver, another fox, though this one with traditional orange coloring. At the silver one's nod, he grinned and started to drive. Not asking any other questions as the two vulpines just waited. Surprisingly, they didn't have to wait too long. Within two blocks, the first question came.
"Wh..what are you doing?" asked the dog
"What do you think?" asked the silver male.
"Kidnapping me."
"Smart as well as cute. Seems I found an even better find than I'd thought."
"What will you do to me?" The mutt trembling now as a myriad of possibilities slid through his mind.
"That's up to mistress." The silver todd winked down at him, causing the pup to shrink back against the door. He didn't bother to ask anything else, getting the idea that he wouldn't get much out of his captors. So instead, he tried to focus on the situation. Despite the still hard length pressing uncomfortably against his pants. Why had the fox done that? No one had ever touched him like that in all of his sixteen years. He hadn't even touched himself like that. So the pleasure it had given him had erased all of his walls and turned him into a docile little toy to be kidnapped without a fight. Though he couldn't for the life of him wonder why anyone would want him. He wasn't a girl, so it wasn't for a sex ring. He wasn't rich, so it wasn't for a ransom. Maybe for a slave business? The fox had said mistress. Old Maggie had warned him of such things when he was a pup. Before she had died that is. Leaving him all alone on the streets. Tears filled his eyes at the thought of his mentor. How badly he had failed her.
Malcolm watched the boy think. Then, saw the tears he expected fill the puppy's eyes, but not spilling over. He hadn't expected that. Most of them railed, screamed, or cried. This one did none of it. He just sat there, huddled against the door, waiting for a fate he didn't know to come crashing down on him. This was odd for his captor, putting the vulpine on edge. Finally, he shook his silvery head before looking out the window, ears perked to make sure he wasn't surprised from behind. But, the canine remained curled against the corner. Not even budging as the scenery outside went from shops to middle class, to something slightly different.
Though the puppy's eyes did widen as he realized the foot traffic here was...not exactly foot traffic. Various forms stood on the sidewalk, all dressed in skimpy outfits, posing provocatively. Curling in more upon himself, he shook his head. Surely not. He was a boy! But, among the various female forms on the streets were ones that were distinctly male. There were also some that he wasn't sure about. With growing dread, he started to realize his fate. And upon looking at the orange fox's knowing eyes in the rear view mirror, they knew he knew. Now, he started to panic some. Frantically thinking of a way he could escape these two muscular foxes. But, being small, underfed and malnourished, he lacked the strength or speed to. He wasn't where he knew the terrain. And he was fairly certain that the hookers on the streets wouldn't help him. Casting the silver fox next to him a thoughtful look, he came to a decision.
He would play along with them. Surely it would lead to more regular meals and baths then he had ever had. And as soon as his strength improved, he'd escape. Go find another little hollow to live in. Another set of streets to try and make the few bucks he needed to survive. And make certain he never followed any man who seemed interested in his bits again. With those thoughts in mind, he forced the panic to the background of his mind and remained just how he was before, waiting. Though he didn't have to wait long. Soon, they were pulling into the driveway of a large townhouse, nicer then most he had ever seen. Both vulpines got out, the silver one grabbing his wrist and tugging him to follow. Obediently, he did, though he made it seem as though he was stupid. Standing there on the sidewalk, head down and tail tucked between his legs, he let them discuss how to take him inside.
"She'll want to see him before we waste time and effort cleaning him up. Can't even tell what his natural color is through that filth," the driver said, lifting a lock of colorless hair and tugging on it before dropping it and wiping his paws on his jeans. The look of disgust caught by the kidnapped pup. But he made no reaction to it, listening instead for the silver ones opinion.
"No. Clean him up, trim his hair some..trim, not cut..and then present him. She wants him. Trust me," Malcolm said simply. Then, as if deciding to take matters into his own paws, he tugged the still nameless boy after him, heading into the house and up a set of stairs just inside the door. The house was quiet, but, it didn't quite have that empty feeling. People were home, just not making noise. Except for them that is.
The vulpine led the mutt into a bathroom near the top of the stairs. Bigger then most expected from a bathroom, it made the boys feet drag some as he just gawked. His captor didn't seem to mind, grabbing a pair of scissors from a drawer and cutting the rags from his body. Then, turning the water on to heat, he looked the pup over. "Whats your name?" he asked, eyes sliding over the slender tiny frame with an odd look in his green eyes. At the mutt's confused pause, he smirked "No name then?" he asked, answered with a small shameful shake of the head. "Come here and kneel on the floor. Put your paws on your thighs and don't move them at all" he ordered, waiting and watching as his prey did as told. If anyone else tried what he was about to do, their mistress would beat them within an inch of their life. But, Malcolm was allowed to try the merchandise before even she did. It was part of the perk of his position.
So try he did, pushing the dirty muzzle down to his crotch, getting his nice clothes filthy. "If you bite me, you're going to wish you had never been born," he warned, fingers capturing the tender ears and twisting, a slight bit of pain to warn. The mutt winced, then nodded, though his confusion was evident in his features. Chuckling softly, the todd just unzipped his pants with one paw, freeing his already mostly hard length, the musky scent of him nearly overpowering to the mutt's tender sensitive nose. Not that the boy would have much chance to get fresh air as he was pulled once more to the vulpine's hips, cold nose forced against the sheath hiding the knot from view. "Lick," was the only order.
Don't fight, don't fight, don't fight was the mantra in the boy's head as his tongue flicked up and over the sheath, tasting that musk directly, almost gagging on it. The todd's paws never releasing the grip on his ears, forcing him to stay there. So he licked again...then again. All around the plump sheath, moving where directed. Eventually, as Malcolm grew harder and longer, the mutt got used to the taste. A part of him even semi enjoyed it, much to his dismay. Finally, his head was tugged up to the tapered tip of the cock. Forced into his muzzle, whether he willed it or not. It muffled the sound of his faint protest as it slid back and forth in his muzzle. Forcing him to taste the pre dripping on his tongue. The moans of pleasure above his head causing a blush to fill his cheeks. The grip on his ears lessened and soon he was moving on his own, those paws moving to brush over his filthy hair. His blush deepened as he realized he was doing it by himself now. And despite how much he told himself it was because he didn't have a choice anyway, that didn't change the fact that his own little length was slipping free of its sheath more and more.
The silver fox looked down at him, letting the boy figure it out on his own. The rough tongue was already curling and stroking. And every time that he drew a breath, he sucked hard on the invading length. Malcolm's knot was still hidden in his sheath, kept there on purpose to avoid being trapped out of it after he filled the boys stomach. The todd didn't try to hold out, hips starting to lift up to hump the small muzzle. The tip of his length forcing its way into the tight throat, causing the mutt to choke and gag around it. The rippling sensations only adding to his tormentors pleasure.
Dirt streaked ears fell back in shame and humiliation, tears leaving streaks of clean fur behind as the boy cried silently around the length in his maw. Amused emerald eyes watched this, enjoying the degradation of the boy. But, before long, the pleasure around his length got to be too much and he gripped those ears again, once more twisting them painfully. With a hoarse shout, he started to cum, filling the mutt's muzzle and stomach. "Swallow," he orders, when the boy made the motion to pull back, surprise filling the adorable features. A grimace crossed over the dirty face, but the throat rippled and the cum was swallowed.
Malcolm was mildly surprised though that after the first wave of salty seed covered his tongue, the boy actually started to suckle harder, tongue sliding up along the underside of the length to coax every drop out. It was as if the boy wanted his cum. But, if the smell of the musk in the air was any indication, the boy was enjoying himself despite the tears and seeming reluctance. So, Malcolm let him suckle for a moment or two longer, cleaning every drop from him. Then, pushing him away, he stood and picked the boy up with ease and dumped him in the tub. "Don't touch it," he ordered, seeing a grimy paw moving towards the small throbbing length between the mutt's legs. The paw faltered, moved closer, then finally dropped back to the thigh it had previously rested on. "Good boy," Malcolm praised, chuckling.
Blushing brightly at the pleasure those two words garnered, the mutt tried to associate it with the fact that there was warm...so warm...water swirling around his legs. Though a small voice in his head was whispering that it really wasn't. That it was the lingering taste of cum on his tongue, the praise ringing in his ears, and the sore feeling of his abused throat. He ignored that voice, waiting as the vulpine arranged to bathe him. Malcolm made quick work of his preparations, then grabbed the removable shower head, turning it on with a flick of his finger. Hot water cascaded over the bent head, dirty water swirling around in the bottom of the tub. Using just the water for now, he worked to get every bit of loose dirt from the boy, watching as his catch moaned and squirmed under the spray, clearly enjoying a luxury most took for granted. Finally, he set the shower head aside and grabbed the fur shampoo, soaping up the long uncut hair first, then working his way down the slender frame. His fingers caressed and stroked under the cover of washing, causing the small length to stay hard, clear drops of pre beading at the tip to mix with the soap and water.
He saved the boys hips for last, paw stroking over the small sheath slowly, sensually. Deliberately bombarding the boy with pleasure. His fingers slid up the thin shaft next, coating it with soap, pushing the boy closer to an orgasm. His paw then dropped to the small sac hanging beneath, drawn tightly up to the sudsy body. Kneading and tugging on it, his other paw came into play, soaping up the bubble butt almost hidden by the semi tucked tail. Then, one finger pressing under that same tail, teasing the tiny pucker hidden there. A gasp met his ears and Malcolm grinned. Not pushing in, he just stroked around it, paw leaving the bits to concentrate on that area alone. There would be times the boy would only feel a touch there, so he made sure to associate the need to cum with the feel of someone playing with his tailhole.
More pre mixed with the soap, the scent of aroused canine growing stronger. Confusion and disgust were easily discernible as well, but the arousal was prevalent. The whimper of loss was easily heard as the fingers left his body, making him tremble with the feeling of loss. He hadn't known what was happening, but he had been building up to something, he just didn't know what. And now, he was left, achingly so, on the edge of that something. Whining low in his throat, he closed his eyes, allowing the water to cascade over him once more as he was rinsed off. Finally, his fur color was able to be seen. A rich purple color with lighter stripes crisscrossing his body. His hair and tail were a darker shade of violet, hanging wetly down to his waist. The todd's sharp intake of breath had his eyes opening once more. The soft pinkish color darkened with arousal.
Malcolm stared at the find sitting wet and needy in his bathtub. A beautiful mixture of purple that drew the eye. And it was natural, which would save tons on dye. Grinning, he soaped up the trembling body again, this time with a professional paw. He was suddenly eager to get this boy in front of his mistress. She would be as pleased as he was with the mutt. "Stand up. There is a fur dryer in the corner, go stand on the circle and relax," he ordered, helping the trembling form to stand. The small length bobbing with each breath the mutt took. Still obedient, the boy moved to stand where he was told. Malcolm turned the expensive piece of machinery on, drying the boy in a matter of minutes. Even the long hair was left only slightly damp as opposed to dripping wet. Then, grabbing the scissors from before and a comb, he proceeded to straighten and then trim the mutt's hair. Giving it more shape and making it more presentable. A rough quick brushing smoothed the deep purple fur down into the proper place, leaving the trembling boy looking very lovely indeed.
"Lets go. Follow right behind me and do not touch a thing," Malcolm ordered, garnering a nod from the still silent mutt. Leading him from the room, he headed upstairs another flight and down to a set of double doors at the very end of the hall. Knocking on it, he waited. The expected "Enter" came quickly enough and he opened the door, reaching back to push the boy ahead of him. "Kneel at her feet and don't look up until she gives you permission," he hissed, pushing the boy to the spot he was expected to be in. Then his own eyes lifted momentarily to the amused golden gaze that watched. A grin curved his muzzle before he bowed low in respect. "Mistress, your wish has been fulfilled," he said, voice turning velvety.
"Thank you Malcolm. You never fail me, do you," the tigress purred, a paw lifting to brush the brilliant red hair from her face. Then, the golden gaze dropped to the bowed form kneeling at her feet. A silver striped tail flicked back and forth and she purred louder. "He's even lovelier then I thought he'd be. You'll get a nice bonus in your paycheck next time," she assured, then used a foot to lift the mutt's trembling head. The pink eyes met her gold ones and the lovely fur darkened with a blush. The controlled gaze dropping to take in the sight of the almost comically small length exposed even after the humiliation he had been put through. "Not a stud, that's for sure. He shall end up playing the female role more often then not. Which is about what I expected. But, one never knows," she mused aloud, as her foot dropped to stroke along the small length. Eliciting a groan and a jerk forward of the slender hips. "Broken in yet?" she asks, her attention returning to the white todd.
Malcolm shook his head. "Just his muzzle, which I enjoyed before his bath. Naive in the ways of sex and love, so he's a clean template for you Mistress. He doesn't even have a name," he added, more as an afterthought. A warm chuckle is his answer and the foot slid down the bare striped chest, ruffling the fur with the toe claws. Malcolm smiled, eyes watching as he shifted his weight slightly.
"A name then, hmm? Let's see, since he could make a very pretty girl, I think a girly name," the tigress mused, shifting on her seat as she teased her foot up and down the mutt's stomach and chest. "Marie? No. Too common. With that coloring, we want something memorable," she murmured, talking more to herself then the two males in front of her. Then, a grin curved her pierced muzzle and she straightened. Standing from her seat, she lowered herself down so her muzzle was almost level with the mutt's. "Dracon," she purred, voice silky soft, promising so much.
The boy's ears flattened and his eyes lifted to meet her golden gaze once more. Actually allowing himself to see her, knowing there was no going back now. The figure that knelt in front of him was breathtakingly beautiful. Shifting slightly, his little length twitched and pulse at the sight of her, the ivory and silver fur seeming to glow from within. The long tumbling curls that cascaded around her shoulders catching the light and seeming like silken fire, highlighting her golden gaze. The small delicate looking piercings adorning both sides of her muzzle only emphasized the power yet feminine delicacy of her face, giving her a conflicting wild dangerous beauty. Red and black tipped ears perked forward to catch his response and he realized belatedly that she was waiting on him. "Y-y-yes?" he whispers, head tilting a tiny bit.
"Do you like the name Dracon?" she asked, her paw dropping to stroke a finger along his length, making it twitch again, moisture beading at the tip. A low moan, then slow nod met her question and she purred deeply. The sound sending little shock waves of pleasurable reaction through his body. The knowledge that his answer had pleased her giving him more joy then he could fathom, or remember ever experiencing. Even more joy then the knowing finger on his shaft gave him. He found himself wanting to do anything to please her, to make the smile that curved her muzzle now return. To hear that purr so intimately close to him and know he was the cause. If that meant being her whore, then, he would be. And as soon as that thought crossed his mind, he knew it to be true, despite his earlier plans on getting free eventually.
The tigress leaned back, then straightened. Settling back into her seat, she grinned at the fox who still watched nearby. "Does he know why he's here?" she asked, head tilting. Her crimson hair tumbling to one shoulder. One paw idly twisted the long strands, coiling it into a rope against one breast. Malcolm stepped closer, settling on a low chair by her side and taking her free paw.
Brushing his muzzle across the back of her paw in a kiss, he answered, "I haven't told him Mistress. He has been told little more then what to do since I found him." He then paused and looked up at her. "Shall I?" At her nod, he turned the green gaze to the obviously confused boy, now Dracon, before them. "You are here, now the property and responsibility of the lovely Adrianna, Madame of this house. You will obey her instantly, without question, on all matters. You will be trained and then set out to earn your Mistress the money she requires for your daily upkeep. A small portion of your fee will be set aside for you to use, either on some immediate trivial, or to save up to eventually buy yourself free. Your clothing will be chosen for you, provided and replaced when necessary. You will wear nothing else but that outfit when clothing is required. You will maintain a state of cleanliness at all times. There is no excuse for you to be slovenly. You are a reflection on your Mistress, do not shame her.
"You will become a streetwalker. Men and women will pay for your services and you will provide them, once again without question. All those who buy you will know the rules regarding treatment of you and your sister slaves. If any of these rules are broken, you will report it immediately to either myself, or your Mistress. We will deal the retribution necessary, not you. Your place is right there, on your knees, working to please your Mistress however you can. In her presence, you are to kneel and submit completely. Any signs of defiance will have you punished." Malcolm paused for breath then, watching Dracon's face expectantly. The boy just nodded, not seeming upset or surprised. Smarter then he appeared it seemed.
"Wh..what wi..will I be expected to d..do?" the boy..Dracon he reminded himself...asked. Flushing at his own stammering. His erection had flagged only slightly through the professional description of his new life. A part of him excited at the prospect of not having to worry about his life anymore. To have the decision taken from him finally. "I m...m..mean most of..often," he amends, blushing even brighter.
A soft throaty chuckle met his ears and his gaze lifted back up to his new, what was she called? Oh, right, Mistress. An amused smile curved her muzzle and she beckoned him closer. Moving awkwardly, he stood and moved to where she directed him between the silver striped legs. The robe she wore shifted as her legs parted to allow Dracon entry between them. Only then did his shocked eyes find that she wasn't quite as female as she had at first appeared. A thick sheath was nestled above the female folds, an inch or two of pink showing from the top. Squirming slightly, he whimpered, coaxing another chuckle from her.
A white paw gripped his wrist, tugging his small paw to the plumping sheath. Fingers curled around his, guiding him in just the right way to grip her and stroke. Each pump down coaxed more and more of the length free. Despite the growing evidence of her arousal, her breathing didn't change, nor did her expression. The few times he was able to look up at her face, she had the same amused smile on her lips, eyes half closed as she watched his face. Completely in control of herself. Even as some sort of clear liquid started to seep from the tip of her to coat his paw.
Slowly, she grew until she was fully exposed. Longer and thicker then the vulpine who had used his muzzle, he found himself staring at her. Feeling shame at the realization that he was inordinately tiny in comparison. Also, besides the shame, was the tingling in his lower belly and his maw watered. Wondering if she tasted the same as Malcolm had. But he wouldn't get the opportunity to find out yet. Instead, the still watching todd moved up behind him, lube slicked fingers sliding against the tiny tailhole that was exposed by the lifted wagging tail.
Dracon jumped, eyes widening as he looked over his shoulder at the vulpine. One finger pushed, pressing past the tight clenched ring with only minimal effort. A slick full feeling overwhelmed Dracon, his muscles squeezing around the finger, trying to expel it. Which only led to him feeling more full. And because of the lube, it didn't hurt. There was discomfort, but that was quickly fading as he adjusted to the invader. Unable to bring himself to complain, he felt his head turned back to the length in his paw. "Don't ever take your eyes off your target. Unless they tell you, your eyes are to remain on the cock in your paws or mouth. Is that clear," came the sultry voice from above. He nodded and started to stroke again, fingers squeezing a little harder.
Malcolm waited for the boy to continue before he started to move his finger again. Following the timing of the small paw's movements, his finger slide deep, then pulled back. Slowly, the tight ring loosened around his finger. Only then did he push a second one against it, pushing it inside. And to his and his mistress's delight, the boy didn't even pause as he was stretched once more. Malcolm's other paw was wrapped around his own length, reawakened by the sight of that cute butt almost sucking his fingers deep on its own. The three were mostly silent, the sensations being soaked up by them all. The only sound was the squelching of the todd's fingers in Dracon's tailhole and the soft little whimpering moans the pup gave off from time to time. Soon enough, the slender hips were pushing back slightly to meet each upward thrust of the slick fingers inside him, wanting to feel them deeper, harder. Only as soon as he had found a rhythm that semi satisfied that urge, the fingers were gone. Whining softly, his head lifted and he looked up at the amused golden gaze still watching him. "P..please..d..d..don't stop," he whined, his lower half doing a little dance of need.
"Don't worry little Dracon, I don't plan to. We're just going to replace it with something a little more fulfilling," she purred down at him, stroking over the side of his face. Then, bending down, she picked him up effortlessly, pulling his small frame over her lap. The shaft he had been so busy pleasuring was now nestled between his rear cheeks, the tip leaking pre over his already slick tailhole. "Sit back" she orders, helping to angle him to the right position. The trusting puppy instantly did as told. Nothing had hurt yet after all. The widening of the pink eyes and the soft gasp that accompanied the feeling of the tip of her length pushing into him had her groaning silently. As did the oh so hot tightness that was starting to envelope her. She knew he was surely experiencing some discomfort, but his expression was one of curious pleasure. He had been worked up so much and denied so long, the feel of something that had been pleasurable before was enough to get him to want to work through the slight pain of being stretched so wide. So when her paws pushed down slightly on his hips, he willingly moved to take more of her, little face scrunching up slightly.
His breathing caught, a little whimper of true pain escaping him and her paws held him still, allowing him to adjust to the feel of the two inches he had taken thus far. One of her slender paws moving to wrap around the small length, coaxing it back to full life again. Moving with expert skill and care, she intertwined the pleasure and pain in his innocent mind, knowing that some would want him to enjoy the pain of being full with little preparation. And they always paid more for one who was convincing in that enjoyment. So, before he was truly ready, she pushed up again, a low moan pushed from her into one of his laid back ears. Still stroking his erection, even as she deflowered his tight little tailhole. The boy, innocent, trusting, didn't fight. Just letting her abuse his small frame without more then a small noise of discomfort now and then.
Eventually, she felt him loosen and stop fighting her. Chuckling a little, she angled herself, the tip of her teasing his prostate as she pushed deeper yet again. Grinning at the sharp gasp then moan as the pleasure shot through him. The slender hips shifted, wriggled, then pushed down again, wanting that pleasure. This time, she let him control the pace, knowing it wouldn't be quite the same without her controlling. And she was right. Within moments, he was whining needfully, eyes meeting hers as he squirmed on her lap. Please, he mouthed, unable to form the words to beg. That was the sign she had been waiting for.
Gripping his hips firmly, leaving his little length alone, she lifted him up, then thrust him back down hard, not stopping until she was buried to the hilt inside him. Pushing firmly against his prostate the entire time. His eyes widened then closed tightly and small paws held onto her forearms. A drop of pre fell on her silk covered stomach, staining the fabric. Giving him but a moment to enjoy the feeling of being full, of her sheath against his stretched ring. Then she was moving, taking him slow, but firmly. Driving deep into him again and again, hitting that bump that would keep him squirming each time she thrust. His tailhole gripped her from time to time, but no longer the borderline painful grip she had first experienced. No longer virginal, he was now being introduced to the world of sex. Her world.
Dracon's eyes went half lidded, unable to stop watching her as she used his small body. The pain still there, but not to the point that it was stopping the pleasure. He hadn't felt this good in all of his life. And if it meant pain to get this full feeling, the slick thrusting in and out of him, he was willing to accept it. Eventually, his hips started to wriggle and squirm on each down stroke, teasing himself, and her with the motions. The answering grin he received for his efforts sent another rush of pleasure through him. He was pleasing her. He was making her happy. Just knowing that had him almost close to that unattainable, until now, peak. His small body tightened and tensed, small passage clenching around her as he whined. The ignored length between his legs jerking. Understanding in her eyes, her grin widened and her thrusts changed.
Now she moved with intent, no longer just enjoying the feel of him. She had a goal now and she was determined to reach it. Her hips moved powerfully into his, the hard shaft invading him seeming to grow larger, the feel of her barbs dragging along his walls with ever increasing pleasure/pain. The peak getting closer as his prostate was abused sweetly. Then, the tingling building sensation finally exploded. With a low shout, he was jerking in her grip, the small length coating her chest and stomach with white cum, tailhole milking her length hungrily. She held off, through force of will alone, and watched him cum, his first climax of his young life.
Waiting only until he had started to come down from his pleasure high before her hips thrust up hard once, twice, four times, the barbs flaring out fully, digging into his walls and holding her in place. A low moan fell from her lips as she started to cum, the thick hot cum filling his tiny body, warming him from the inside out. The sensation of each pulse traveling along her length, twitching inside him had his own orgasm prolonging, making him whimper and collapse against her now messy front. Her arms closed around him as she finished filling him, branding him as hers. Behind them, the forgotten Malcolm groaned softly as he came himself, into his own paw. A satisfied smile meeting his own smug one. The boy would do nicely, just like they had both thought. | FSE |
Title: Meeting #01
It didn't start in Vegas, but those two nights were stellar. I had flown in around ten-thirty that morning. I'd gotten this trip as a gift at Christmas and well, mid-February in the Northeast can get pretty ugly. I checked into my hotel, settled my stuff in the room and went exploring. Through the afternoon, I wandered the shops, the attractions, and the buffets, people-watching at its best. When I noticed the type of people changing, from the families to the more wild and crazy evening crowd, I returned to my room.
All alone in Vegas, I thought to myself, gazing vaguely out the window, seeing the insane coaster whip around the building, feeling a little queasy watching it. I don't know what brought him to mind. I felt myself get warm, get wet, remembering our last meeting, and then firmly pushed him out of my mind. Wishful thinking wasn't going to win me anything in the casino until I got there. I showered, dressed, fiddled with eye make-up, fiddled with my hair, glared at my reflection, knowing if I fiddled anymore I'd be looking like a clown.
The casino was hopping when I strolled in. Bells clanging, lights flashing, one-armed bandits clickety clicking. Dealers, looking both suave and kinda bored, flipped cards with precision and flair. After collecting a drink from the bar, I wandered over to a blackjack table. The dealer was young, cute in a Brad Pitt fashion, and he was smiling with his players, making their experience memorable. So I joined in. A few hands increased my meager pile of chips considerably, but I had more fun than anything. The other players at my table ranged from a newlywed couple to an aging granny who sipped her gin and tonics with a shake straw.
I think there was more cross table conversations than card playing sometimes. We'd commiserate when one lost; celebrate loudly when one won big. They were cheering for me at the moment, as I was on a streak of blackjacks. Four in a row, five. Loud, wild cheers drew more people to watch. Lucky number seven, I doubled my bet, drew another blackjack, raked in my chips. I looked across the table as the newlyweds bid us good night, tossed them a hundred dollar chip, saw him take their seat, saw him see me.
Our dealer, Seamus, dealt out another round. My first card down, an ace showing, I peeked, flipped over the queen. Eight in a row. I grinned at Seamus, "Y'know, if I keep going with this streak management's going to come over and take me to a quiet little room and start asking me questions."
"I don't think you'll have anything to worry about, Miss Dari. If they were concerned, they'd already be here." He grinned back. I saw him, across the table; smilingly order a drink, collect his chips, saw his eyes travel down my throat, linger on my bust, saw him lick his lips. I shivered watching. Seamus dealt again. My streak was broken, but I still held a twenty. Seamus was stuck at nineteen. Another win, another stack of chips. The gin and tonic granny touched my arm before I bet, then whispered in my ear, "Run this table child, take every last dime you can. And most of all get a hold of that big cowboy across the table. He's a prize if I ever saw one."
"I'll do my best Stella. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and have a fantastic time with your greats tomorrow." I answered, giving her a hug good-bye. My hand this round was like pulling teeth to get to twenty, which still topped Seamus's eighteen. Two rounds more and I felt a presence at my right shoulder. I glanced over to see an impeccably dressed man, mid-forties, salt and pepper hair, deep brown eyes and a Hollywood smile. I flipped over another blackjack waiting for him to speak. Thinking it must be management, I collected my chips to sit out this round.
"Good evening, miss. You seem to be pretty lucky tonight." He began, motioning to a passing waitress for more drinks.
"Seems like it, but I'm thinking I might quit while I'm ahead. Maybe catch a show."
"I apologize, I'm John Bartley, senior vice president for this hotel casino and I'd like to offer you the hotel's priority upgrade. Which is having your room comped, your meals..."
"You can comp her room, as she'll be with me. Give her a discount in the jewelers." I heard him say from behind me. John Bartley nodded, going on with a spiel I didn't even hear. He was right behind me. I could feel his body heat near my back, felt my hair brush against his shirt when I turned my head.
I think I remembered to thank John for the hotel's generosity. I felt his hand slide up my back, letting his fingers trail over my bare shoulder, sending shivers down my spine. I turned, looked up to his face, saw his warm brown eyes, deep with wanting, saw his mouth smile, barely caught the twinkle in his eyes as he took my hand, leading me away from the table. "How much are you up?"
"Oh, about eighty-five hundred."
"Nicely done. Dance with me." He said, pulling me close to spin with me. My body was thrumming being held against his. I couldn't help myself and threw my arms around his shoulders, pressing myself tighter against him, feeling his arousal against my belly, feeling like someone left the cage door open and my animal self was slithering out.
Someone passed us, mumbled "go get a room" as we danced toward the lobby and the cashiers. My skin felt branded everywhere his huge hands slid. Anticipation, excitement, flowed through me as he dipped me in front of the cashier window. The girls behind the counters clapped enthusiastically when he brought me to my feet. I handed over my piles of chips, which they turned into cash, which I stuffed in my purse without bothering to count it, and he whirled me away again.
"This is only an excuse to get my hands on you, you know." He whisper growled in my ear, holding me tightly in front of the elevators.
"I know. And they're sky-blue." I watched his eyes go fuzzy, knowing he was picturing me in the sky-blue Perla set he'd bought and sent to me, along with almost every other color imaginable.
The elevator doors opened behind us, we moved aside to let the elderly couple alight from the box, and took their place inside. Once the doors closed I knew he'd be all over me and I'd be all over him. The doors slid shut, he pulled me hard against him as his mouth took mine, devouring me, nipping, biting. His hands kneaded my ass cheeks as he ground his hard on into me. I wrapped one leg around his waist, grinding just as hard against him.
I had a fistful of his hair in one hand, and a fistful of shirt in the other, trying my damnedest to climb into him as he pressed me against the wall.
"I can't wait to get you naked." His whiskey soaked voice groaned, dragging his teeth along my throat, nipping my earlobe, sucking it. His hands squeezed, kneaded massaged my breasts as I humped against him.
"I can't wait for you to get me naked. I can't wait for you to fill me up, to slide deep inside me." I purred in his ear as his fingers slid under my miniskirt, under my panties, inside my wetness, pumping into me, making me gasp as the orgasm ripped through me, bucking hard on his hips. He swallowed my groans as the elevator came to a stop. We didn't move when the door opened.
"Y'think the next people who ride this car will catch this scent?" He said, raising his fingers to his nose, breathing deep. "Y'think it'll make them horny? Think they'll get laid tonight?" He sucked them clean, grinned. Twinkle in his eyes, mischievous teen boy grin, and huge man-sized hard-on still throbbing against my thigh. Gently, he picked me up, cradled me, and carried me into his penthouse suite. "When I saw this suite all that went through my head was how I wanted to make love with you in the bed, in the Jacuzzi. How I wanted to fuck you hard against this bar, fuck you hard on the window seat in the master bedroom."
"When did you get here?"
"Just after six." He paused, gazing down at me. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming here?" He sat on the couch, cradling me on his lap.
"I don't know." I answered, nuzzling at his throat. Nibbling, licking at him, tasting him, and inhaling him with every breath. Sliding my fingers through his hair, over his shoulders, feeling that zing at realizing how broad they are, at how much bigger he is than me, at how he makes me feel so feminine. His hand slid up my thigh, softly pressing my legs apart, feathering touches along my slick slit, spreading my come up and around my clit. Our mouths met, a mingling of tongues, a sudden swallowing of my moan as he rubbed hard, making me writhe and squirm. "I want you inside me."
"Not yet. I haven't even gotten you naked yet."
"Then get me naked." I groaned as his finger slid inside me, again as he added another finger.
"You know it's going to be a long night, don't you?" He grinned when I looked at him. I reached for his top button, undoing it, following down the line, spreading his shirt open, running my greedy hands over his chest, through his light fur. "Your eyes are so green, so fierce, like you know now that when you finally surrender to me, it'll be everything and so much more." He growled between kisses, between meltings.
I pulled and tugged at his shirt until I could drop it, until my hands could roam over him, freely, greedily. Massaging him at his shoulder while his hand slid slowly along my spine, gripping his forearm as I rode another slow orgasm on his fingers. I crawled weakly astride his lap, snuggled my head in his shoulder, feeling my juices trickling down my thigh. His hands rested on my ass, gently rubbing, lightly kneading. Resting for the moment against him, still reveling in the aftergasms, afterquakes of incredible orgasms, I breathed him in. His musky, sandalwood-y mixed with honky-tonk and knew I was lost. Knew I'd give anything for these moments.
I sat up to look at him, feeling my head and my heart reel at the look of love on his face, watching it be hidden, deeply hidden, buried. I couldn't tear my eyes from his. His hands slid over my hips, up my ribcage to cup and knead my breasts. I saw his eyes darken as I moved over him, rubbing his chest with mine, worming myself on his rock hard bulge. His fur sensitized my nipples, hardening them into pebbles that his fingers teased even harder.
I reached a hand between us, flipping open his button, tugging at his zipper. He ground up against me, trapping my hand between my own wetness and his still silken clad cock. I could feel his veins on my palm as he slid on it. He grabbed me tightly, fastening his mouth to my nipple, my back arched, my wetness got wetter, my fingers slid the silk away so I could feel him, feel his heat sliding along my slit. One hand held my ass from moving, from letting me slide onto his cock, his other kneaded and flicked at one nipple while he nipped and sucked at the other.
I was flying with power, knowing this man, this incredibly powerful man, was mine to take, to possess, and to satisfy completely, as I knew he'd satisfy me. I heard my own mewlings as he tormented me, as he drove me up again, as he built up our passion again. He shifted us over, so he was above me, leading us along, sliding the very tip of his cock up and down the slit of my hole, spreading my juices, electrifying my clit.
"You're still not naked, yet." He pulled back, letting the room temp air cool my naked chest. I watched as he slid down my body, as he lifted my legs to his shoulders, as he buried his face between my thighs. I know I went blind. As soon as his lips touched me, sucked at my clit I went blind. I writhed as he slowly nibbled and licked at my slit. I bucked madly as he finger fucked me while sucking rhythmically on my clit. I screamed hoarsely as he brought me again to that blissfully violent release. "I like the garters and stockings..." he whispered, rising over me.
I saw his mouth and chin slick with my come, I kissed him, licking at his chin, tasting myself. I felt him lifting me from the couch, kicking his pants off as he carried me to the bed. He settled me on the lake sized bed, slid his silk skivvies to the floor, climbed on beside me.
"Do you think the laundry guys sniff the sheets before they toss them in?" I asked, slithering over him, down him. His answer was a deep purr, as I let my tongue lap at the tip of his cock. With one hand I cradled his sac, massaged it gently, while the other stroked his length. I rubbed his head over my lips, lapping it, nibbling around the ridge, mouthing it without sucking, letting it fill my mouth, letting my tongue wrap and writhe on his dick-tip.
I could glance up and see his smile gone now. His face told me how much pleasure I was giving him, how torturously pleasurable my ministrations were. When I finally slid my mouth down his shaft, I felt a shiver of power when he groaned, when he fisted a hand in my long, dark hair, when he cupped my head as I bobbed madly on his cock. "Slow, now..." I heard, barely, savoring that first taste of pre come. I had no choice to slow as he held my head, slowing my mouth, slowing his own pumping. As much as I was thirsting to taste him, I followed his lead, letting him control our pace, knowing I'd get my fill soon enough.
I raised my eyes again to his face, feeling that "more" between us as our eyes locked. He pulled me on top of him, stretching me out full length on him, entwining my legs with his. All the words neither of us could say were right there in our eyes, all the feelings we weren't supposed to have were right there. Only with him could I be like this, only with me could he be like this.
His fingers were soft and gentle when he caressed my jaw, my throat, traced my lips. I took a fingertip between my lips and sucked softly, watching his eyes cloud over with passion and heat. I could feel the tip of his cock, nestled slickly between my other lips, twitch and jerk.
"Fill me." I whispered. He groaned, sliding just the head inside, both of us feeling my muscles clamp down on him. A twinkle sparked in his eyes. Slowly, he slid in and out, just the head, really juicing me up. I felt my orgasm building, knew that when he finally did sink fully into me I'd be a quivering ball, coming constantly. A little deeper, then a little deeper. I felt his hips rise, felt him sink in, felt him rub that spot, pushed myself harder against him, growling, snarling as I ground him deep, as I rode him, as he rode me.
"Mmmm, yes, grind.....oh, yes..." I felt every throb, every pulse of his heartbeat shivering through me. I couldn't get him any deeper inside me no matter how I ground myself on him. I could feel him, root deep, buried in me, rubbing that one spot until I was maddened, until I became that quivering ball of orgasms. His hands were everywhere on my body, skimming over my ribs, grabbing tight to my hips, gripping a fistful of my hair. His eyes flashed fiercely as I bit a little too sharply at his throat, they went blind as I rode him wildly.
I vaguely remember rolling around with him, rolled under him, rolled to be possessed and plundered. He rose above me, his eyes dark and warrior like, ready for battle, as he drove me on, pistoning into me, driving deep with every stroke. My body betrayed me when he plowed me over yet another peak, legs splayed, and arms flopping like a ragdoll. Through the haze of satisfaction, I heard him, felt him shudder his release, felt him collapse on me, and felt his heat envelop me.
When I woke up, sometime later, I found myself wrapped in his arms, entwined with his legs, snuggled in so completely, I could only sigh happily and drift back off.
In my dream, his mouth was travelling down my body. His lips kissing, licking, making love to my skin as he moved lower and lower, over my ribs, my stomach, into my mound. He was savoring me like a starving man savors a succulent steak dinner. I know I woke up fully when he slid his cock into me, when I erupted on him. I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me.
"I love waking you with orgasms like that. Your skin is flushed, your eyes still sleepy and filled with dreams of me." He set a slow rhythm, stroking, sliding, raising me in his arms, holding me, and rocking me higher and higher. My arms wound around his neck, hanging on, letting him possess me, letting him take me. "Look at me." I did, and was lost in him, in his desire, his need for me. Everything I felt for him burst through, the primitive need, the lust, the love, flooded through me, overtook me.
Wild, passionate, furious, vicious battles were waged on the mattress, the floor. The surrender he'd spoken of hours ago was just as he'd predicted, all that and more. I was completely limp and satisfied when he dragged the blankets from the bed and covered us over.
Daylight was peeking through the closed curtains when my eyes opened again. My view was of the box spring and the tangled sheets dribbling from the mattress. I knew I was grinning. I knew I was foolishly happy. For a half a second, I wished for all of it, him, the dream of us together. As I lay there, cocooned in his arms and the blankets, I thought of the first time I'd laid eyes on him.
Just over six months ago, the restaurant/bar I'd bought in Knoxville was just beginning to turn a profit. People were coming in every night. The food was written up in the papers. The musical acts too. Even my own eccentricities, especially when I'd mess with the dj by synching my ipod to his system and changing the songs.
My bartenders, wait staff were praised on their professionalism, their exuberance, their attentiveness. I asked them for their best when I hired them, and they gave it. They knew at the outset that I'd always be watching, through the camera system and with my own eyes, as my apartment was on the top floor, with my own balcony over the bar and dance floor.
I'd been hanging out with a few of my girlfriends, dancing and drinking when I did my usual check through from the balcony. Tim, at the bar, was hopping, filling orders with his usual flair. Jeannie, at the other end, was doing the same. Lisa, Michael and Freddie were traipsing through the dancers and drinkers, filling and taking orders. Jinx and Charlie were bringing out food orders. I checked out my customers, most were laughing and talking, having a great night.
He was at my end of the bar, nursing a long neck, his battered hat resting lightly on his tawny hair, giving his face just enough shadow to remain anonymous in the crowd. He looked up to my balcony, our eyes met. He smiled after a second. I'd felt such a jolt, of recognition, of destiny, of maybe lust, it took me second to smile back.
I heard the opening lines of Big & Rich's "Save a Cowboy" and knew that John and/or Kenny had just strolled in, thought about getting some Aleve before the music began thudding the walls. I watched as John strolled up to my handsome cowboy, shaking hands as a greeting. My girlfriend Jet sidled up beside me, followed my gaze down to the bar.
"Mmmmm, fine pickin's down at the bar tonight girl." Jet purred, almost drooling over the railing.
"Usually is...if I actually want to go pickin'."
"Like you wouldn't pick that tall drink of water..." Jet grinned, knowing my preferences like she knew her computer manuals.
"I might. You know I don't usually sift through my patrons like a gem hunter."
"No, you let me do that." She grinned. "You're way too "professional" to sample them."
"You don't sample...you ensnare and hold hostage."
"Only until I'm satisfied." I had to laugh with her at that. She was right; she'd keep a male only until they scratched her itch, and then dumped them. "Is that John?" I heard her voice change to her "prowling" one, knowing she'd do her damnedest to lure poor John into her clutches. "Has that one been here with him before?"
"I haven't a clue. I don't think so. Him, I'd remember. I think he's been here a while." I drank him in, like the Washington Apples I'd been sipping all night. Tall, well over six foot, built like a linebacker, shoulders that looked like they could hold up the world, tapered chest, solid, well-muscled in a tight t-shirt that was tucked into form fitting jeans. Form fitting enough that I would've loved to chew on his thighs to find out if they were as solid as they looked. Jet gave me nudge, waking me before I drooled myself.
"You gonna invite them up? John's been winkin and lickin his lips quite inventively."
"That's because he doesn't know any better." I laughed. "If you wanna play with him, in your fashion, you don't need my blessing or my assistance. You do have your own room here, y'know."
"I know, but it is your place. And he's your friend. One who's been helping you build this place up. I don't want to fuck that up for you."
"You can't. Only I can...and I won't."
My gaze drifted back to the cowboy, appreciatively checking out his quite fine ass, his broad back. John bounced into my line of vision, bumping into the cowboy, who looked, laughed, chatted with John warmly, and bought him another shot. Smiling down at John, as he watched me, chatting amiably to Cowboy, I nodded, seeing his plan, finally recognizing who Cowboy was. "I think tonight is going to be quite interesting, Jet. John's definitely up to no good, which will probably be a fantastic boom for the place but I think something else is brewing too."
"Oh crap. I hate it when you go all mystical and shit on me...it creeps me out."
"I know, sorry. Let's go get a drink." I grinned. Her face lit up with her grin, blossomed. I laughed to myself at the experiences ahead for John, knowing he was up to the challenge of Jet.
We rode down to the bar floor in my private elevator, which opened directly beside the dance floor, wiggled our way to the bar, caught Mickey's attention immediately. Since he knew our drink preferences, drinks appeared almost instantaneously. Never fails to astound me how deferential people become to you when you employ them, when you give them a chance, an opportunity to become more, to aspire to more.
Cowboy had his back to us, completely blocking John out, and only Kenny's head and shoulders were visible over his shoulder. I sighed thinking to myself, my, what a big one he is. Jet nudged me, handed me a napkin. I grinned, an old joke between us. I nodded in the men's direction, her grin broadened into her prowling grin, as she nodded back.
Standing room only is both a blessing and a curse. We wiggled through the throng, moving closer and closer. I could almost feel the predatory waves coming off Jet in front of me. We moved into Kenny's vision and he barreled through the crowd to grab me up in his warm embrace.
"Just how many of my customers did you just trample?" I laughed as he hugged me tight.
"Don't care. Missed my little sister." He breathed into my neck before he set me back on my feet. People made a path for us as he led us back to John and Cowboy. After hugs of greeting with John, he introduced us both to Cowboy. I felt an intense zing go through me when he kissed my hand. I knew by his eyes, he had felt it too. Kenny introduced his flavor of the moment, Kris, who was so unlike his usual flavors, I was impressed. We all chatted amiably, enjoying each other's company for a while.
"Dance with me?" Cowboy asked his breath warm in my ear. His face was close enough I could see the warm honey flecks in his deep brown eyes. I nodded letting him lead me to the dance floor.
His arms encircled me with warmth as he led me along. I breathed deep of his scent, sandalwood and some forest pine scent that began drugging me. He snuggled me close as another couple danced closer. Feeling his body against mine, filling his hollows with my curves was even more intoxicating than his scent. His hand, low on my back, stroked with the beat of Santana's Love of my Life, leading, guiding me effortlessly, matching step for step. When our eyes would meet, I couldn't help but smile, the joy of having a talented dancer slide and swing me around.
He let the sensuousness bleed into our dance, letting his hands glide and stroke over my body, setting me spinning and whirling, laughing, wanting more. Our dance became flirtation, became foreplay. I think I saw Jet swing by with John before I noticed that all the others had pulled back to let us dance.
His smile was joyful as he spun me into a sensual embrace and out again to dangle at his fingertips, to gaze back and see his eyes darken with want. Spinning, dipping, whirling, his arms strong, his steps sure, his hands finding those spots to tantalize, to caress, to inflame, to enfold. Everyone crowded around the dance floor clapped when the song and our dance ended. His lips met mine softly, gently. So briefly, but with such impact, I swear my toes curled then.
We regrouped, found a horseshoe booth and piled in. More drinks, appetizers appeared, were drained and demolished. We trooped upstairs before the bar closed, bringing bottles with us. The dartboard was opened, tips sharpened, missiles tossed, practice claims rang in my living room. Teams were set Jet and John, Kris and Kenny, and me and Cowboy, 601 was the game. We laughed, drank, danced, flirted. Kenny and Kris left after the first game, snuggling and making goo-goo noises at each other. Jet and John began a 301 tourney, using the game as foreplay. Cowboy kept his hands on me, stroking everywhere, until he maneuvered me into my kitchen, backed me up against the fridge.
"I want to kiss you again." He whispered against my lips. His were soft, gentle. My hands slid over his chest, up around his neck, pulling him closer until our bodies were melting together. His tongue teased mine, his teeth nibbled at my bottom lip. His hands gripped and kneaded my ass cheeks, pulling my heat tight against his, grinding hotly into me. I wrapped a leg around his waist, feeling his fingers slide under the hem of my panties, slide into my hot wetness, feeling his other hand, squeezing my breast, pinching lightly at my nipple. Hunching together on my fridge, grinding together, setting each other ablaze, I felt seventeen again, horny as hell. I don't remember why we broke apart, we were panting heavily, gazing amazedly at each other.
I took his hand, led him through to my bedroom, and closed the door behind us on Jet's husky laugh. I leaned back on the door, watching him, wanting him. He held out his hand, I took it, felt myself pulled to him, felt myself melt against him. He slid my shirt from my shoulders, barely touching my skin, stoking my blaze even higher. He watched as it slid to the floor, watched the straps of my bra, the whole of my bra fall. His hands cupped my breasts, held them, massaged them, made love to them with his mouth, nipping and nibbling, driving me wild.
I ran my hands over his chest, pulling his shirt off, through his hair as he sucked and nipped at me. I reveled in his ministrations, writhed as his fingers stroked and explored, whimpered as his mouth continued its assault. He slid me onto my bed, moving me like a precious object, cradling me. His mouth travelled down, leaving my breasts hot and tight, travelling over my stomach, to dive into my mound.
His tongue swirled around my clit, through my juices, his fingers slid inside to the rhythm of my heartbeat. Again, the orgasm he gave me ripped through my whole body, arching my back off the bed, tightening my thighs around his shoulders. Still, he devoured me, bringing another right on the heels of the first, making me buck and squirm wildly. He lifted his face from me, I saw his mouth and chin covered with my own juices, and he was smiling, licking his lips. He crawled slowly up my body, nipping and nibbling along my stomach, my ribs, my breasts again. I could feel his hard cock against my thigh, pressing against my sopping hole, sliding along in my wetness.
"Are you ready for me?" he whispered over me. He was gently rubbing the head of his cock up and down my slit, slithering through my slipperiness.
"Oh, yes...yes, I am." My hands ran up those massive arms, gripping his shoulders as he slid inside me, filling my hole inch by inch. I felt him throbbing inside me as he sank root deep into me, as his dick-tip rubbed deliciously against my button deep within. He rose up over me, pumping slowly all the way out, balls deep. I heard my own moans growing with every long stroke. He shifted my legs from his waist to his shoulders and plowed deeper, speeding up, pistoning rougher, harder. My brain was off, gone and all that was left was my body, rising and thumping with his, in time with his.
"Look at me." I heard. My eyes would barely open, but I looked at him, looked into his eyes. His eyes were locked on mine, his face in a grimace as he thrust harder and harder. "Mine. Nobody will ever possess you like this, will ever give you such release, and will ever make you come like this." I couldn't tear my gaze away, even had I wanted to. He rode me rougher, thrusting madly into me, bringing me with him as he drove us both over the climax cliff. I drifted, warm and secure beneath him, into a soft pastel world of satisfaction.
I woke sometime later as he slid into me again. His hands caressed my body softly, making my whole body awaken to him. My hands roamed over him, touching everywhere I could reach. He nibbled my finger as I traced his lips, making me grin. His mouth journeyed over my face, dropping light kisses on my eyelids, my cheeks, before claiming my mouth, before making love to it.
Sensuousness this time, letting the feeling of impending orgasm build slowly between us. Long slow strokes, from just under my armpit to my hip and back, teasing lightly at my nipple with a fingertip. When my body couldn't help but respond, when it couldn't stop itself from rising, from rubbing, his tempo sped up. Just enough to unleash the primal want, to break the cage of my passion.
Two wild animals took over, thrashing, thumping, thrusting. It became a battle, to watch who would surrender, to see who finally gave in and came. I rose over him, riding him, feeling his hands grasping my breasts, gripping my hips, as I bounced on him, as I ground on him. He got a grip around my waist and flipped us over, took control. He pinned my hands over my head, pounded into me. I watched his eyes as they deepened, as they became fierce, as they went blind with his own release.
I could feel his heart hammering just above my own, heard his breathing just as heavily panting as mine own was. Gently I skimmed my fingertips over his back, his shoulders, through his hair. He turned his face to me, gazing down at me, his expression a mix of exhaustion and excitement. "We'll kill each other soon enough I think."
"You mean we'll fuck each other to death? I don't know about..." I grinned, gasped as he pumped into me, setting off another aftergasm.
"I do. I can't get enough of you." He grinned down at me. "I come inside you and all I want to do is do it again and again. Watching you as I ride you is like a drug for me. Your face shows me everything when I'm in you. When your blush rises up your throat, when you bear your teeth at me..." I had to laugh at that. "When you're at that moment and your eyes are hazed over with ecstasy, but you're still watching me..." he yawned, his jaw cracking. He shifted, rolled over dragging me on top of him. I laid my head on his chest, feeling all those little flares going off in my body and ignoring them to swamp myself in him. I don't remember falling asleep. I woke to a note on his pillow.
"If I didn't have to be in San Antonio this afternoon, I'd still be in your bed, in you. I'll replace what I took, so keep watch for a package. I've left my private number, call if you want to. Believe me when I say I'll be thinking of you...an awful lot. K" I read it twice, feeling the afterquakes of incredible sex, aftergasms, ripple through my body, wishing he was here, wondering what he had taken. Lazily, I got up, put on my robe, collected up my clothes, minus my panties, tossed them in the hamper and went in search of coffee. John sat at my kitchen table, looking fresh as a daisy, sipping coffee.
"Good mornin' darlin'. Sleep good?" he said with a grin.
"Sleep? What's that?" I grinned back at him, as I poured my first cup, sipped. "That's not coffee."
"Yes, actually it is. Not everyone drinks mud like you do."
"It's not mud, it's just really strong. I need really strong..."
"You know he's still technically married, right?" John interrupted, as I was dumping the weak brew down the drain. I stood still, frozen.
"Yeah, I figured he was." I finally answered, getting coffee and expresso from my fridge, refilling the basket, the carafe, setting my special mix to brew. "I'm not..."
"He's never strayed before...but then again, it's gotten a whole lot worse for him this last year. He's been living close to his horses, in the tack room actually, for the past six months. His kids are grown. He had the paperwork filed by his lawyer, just last month. His lady has begun another affair with one of the townies, one of her high school reunion buddies, a divorce lawyer, no less. At least this time, she'll use him instead of being used."
"How do you know all this?" I asked, pouring my first cup of the real stuff. I sat across from him, watched as he rolled a cigarette, always amazed at how flexible his fingers were.
"It filters through the whole society. One person hears it, passes it on until it gets to its intended target. Shit like this goes through everybody. Plus, he's a gold mine for the tabloids."
"So, what's he doing about it? Have you heard that yet?" I asked as he lit up.
"Other than filing, nothing more he can do, right now. I'd keep you out of it, as he would. Others won't, if they find out, so my sweet girl, keep it mum." He rose, went to my fridge, and started pulling out breakfast makings.
I thought about what he'd said. I'd be a mistress, the hated "other" woman. Did I want him enough to ignore that, if it ever became public? Then again, since she's the one already cheating, did I even matter into the equation? Could I handle that kind of shitstorm?
"Whatcha making?" Jet asked in a sleepy mumble.
"Breakfast, darlin'. Want coffee?" John answered her, kissing her forehead as she poured a cup.
"Call me when it's ready. I'm going for a shower." I said rising, as they began their morning cooing. I don't think they even heard me.
I reread his note. Wondering. And just why did he take my panties? I thought better under hot water, so I spun my shower on, straightened my sheets as the water got hot.
A soft buzzing caught my attention as I began disrobing. Under the edge of my bureau, I found my phone, buzzing. Two missed calls and three texts. I'd deal with the missed calls after my shower, but the texts I had to read. One from my daughter, I'd reply to later, the other two were from him. The first was a simple ramble, I'm in the air over Ohio, will reach San Antonio by early afternoon, be careful. The second was an extremely graphic replay of how he'd enjoyed munching on me like he had, and what he was going to do to me the next time, which he was already figuring out the when and where and not to worry my pretty little head about him, he was coming back. I was dazing off into space with an extremely goofy grin on my face, when Jet coughed from my doorway.
"You know your shower's running, right?"
"Uh-huh." No change.
"The bar's on fire."
"Uh-huh...wha...hey, what?"
"Oh, good something does get through that sex addled brain of yours." She laughed, sitting beside me, taking my phone, reading my text, gasped. "Holy motorboats! Wow!! Can I have him?"
"No! Give me that!" I said, snatching it from her hand. She was fanning her face, comically.
"I thought John was inventive! He's chump change compared to that. Whew!"
"So, what's up?" I asked, going in and shutting my shower off.
"I'm not quite sure. Something's definitely changed."
"You or me?"
"Both, I think." She looked worried, as she tried to find the words. Jet's never sure how to just take a relationship minute by minute. She's a planner.
"Well, shit."
"What do you think about being the other woman?"
"I don't know yet. I don't have a clue. Besides, she cheated on him first. All I know is last night was beyond everything I've ever had. I know I wanna do it again. I don't know what to think about that yet. I think best in the shower." I sat beside her on my bed.
"John wants me."
"Well, yeah."
"No, he wants me...to be in a monogamous relationship with him. Serious boyfriend girlfriend type shit."
"Well, what do you want?"
"I don't know. Go get in the shower and we'll think together. Talk it out, like back in college." I gave her a look. "You know I'm better off talking out shit like this." I dropped my robe as I stood up, walking nude into my bathroom. I ran the water, got the temp just right, climbed in. I let the heat pour over me, rewarming all the spots he'd reawakened, let it soak my hair, warm my brain.
"I don't think I like being the other woman. Unless she's like an uber-bitch, which she may be. She's a definite cheater so, who cares?"
"Someday, you're going to have to explain why you never read the tabloids. It's mostly crap but their investigators have been called to be witnesses in divorce cases of high profile celebs. Like this one."
"Explain...in detail."
"I'm getting there, chumly, I'm getting there. Three years ago, he started his own record biz, set it up in Nashville with all the other country peeps, spent too much time in Nashville, not enough time back home in West Buttbump, Texas, so Wifey takes a lover...or three. First, was a hand on their ranch, who pilfered a few of his antique guns along with about twenty five grand cash. She's gotten smarter with each new infidelity, moving up the ranks to toy with a divorce lawyer lately. He's kept it pretty quiet on his end. Never has been caught with another woman, well, until last night. Rumors of divorce filings were just the headlines Tuesday, so..."
"Crap." I muttered, dunking my head under the spray. My bar was just running in the black for the third quarter in a row. I had a few celebs that'd stop in, make some noise, get me some press, and bring me more customers. I heard her talking and pulled my head from the spray. "What?"
"God...Keep your head outta the water for a flippin moment couldja?" I heard her snarl, then sigh. "John saw a video of you and him dancing this morning...on the Today Show."
"WHAT?!!" I shrieked. National t.v. Oh, major crap.
"Chill, chill...it's being played off as a performance for his tour, for his new record. The actual press release said it might be used in one of the videos. I like him, he's pretty slick."
"Why? To protect me...and can I shampoo now?"
"Yes, shampoo...I don't think it's to protect you, or the bar. I think it's just...if he denied it, she'd have the lawyer sniffing around in no time, and the press release gives a viable excuse, no problem, no lawyer. Are you rinsing yet?"
"No, not yet, almost." I thought about his whole problem, whether or not I wanted to get involved, just how I felt about being the mistress. "I want to see him again, that much I know with certainty."
"Well, color me amazed. Duh!"
"Bite me. I think if we did get serious, I'd be able to handle it. For a while anyway. And if divorce is already in the works, well, I'm not the mistress but the new girlfriend"
"Again, bite me."
"No, thanks you're a little on the chewy side for my taste, and you know how I feel about junk food. Seriously though, he's just about perfect for you."
"Which terrifies me...rinsing." I scrubbed and rinsed thinking of him, wondering, and dreaming some. I think I might've moaned a little, thinking of his text. I filled my palm with conditioner; spread it in, rubbing it from tip to root. "Alright, conditioners in. You and John."
"Yep, me and John. Incredible, mind blowing sex. He's an incredibly intense man, full of ideas to change the world, full of passion to make them happen. He asked me to marry him."
"What?! Last night?!"
"Yeah, last night."
"Wait, I think I've missed a couple of chapters here. How did you two already get to this point? You've been seeing him and haven't said anything to me?" I peeked around the shower curtain, saw her face, and stunned expression. She nodded. "How long?"
"Eight months."
"Now you're the Uber-bitch. Eight months and you haven't said a word? Why the fuck haven't you?"
"Because, I'm afraid he might just mean everything." Her voice cracked, tears overflowed, trailed down her face.
I went back into my shower, raising the water temp to somewhere close to burnofftheskin level, rinsed the conditioner from my hair, trying to bury her sobs in the thrum from the shower. When I shut off the water, a few minutes later, she was down to sniffles. I wrapped my hair in a towel, wrapped another around me as I climbed from the tub.
"Aww, honey. Relax." I rubbed her shoulder, cupped her chin and made her look at me. Her eyes were red and really frightened. "He's not Rex. Not even in the same ballpark. Hell, not even the same state, the same galaxy."
"I know, I know. It's just...everything's so good between us, almost too good. He told me he loves me last night. He asked me to freaking marry him. Said he can't stand to be away from me, wants me to quit my job and go on tour with him, experience what his life is like, what it would be like...like...to be his wife." Jet explained following me back to my bedroom. I pulled out an old, ratty sweatshirt, that was my favorite, a snug pair of cut-off shorts, and other necessaries, as she continued. "How can I do that? I'm so out of my league with him."
"As far as I can tell, being in that league, just means they have a talent for singing that pays them extremely well. They're still just like everybody else, fragile, messed up humans, most with loyalty, honesty and integrity in abundance. All those strengths you possess in immense quantities, with the bonus of being with the man you love. You do love him, don't you?" I watched her eyes fill as she nodded. "You trust him, don't you?"
"Yeah, I do." She sighed, wiping her tears away. I saw her spine straighten, knew her fear had just been tossed, knew her past had reared its ugly head and had been vanquished. I knew within the month, she'd be on the road, enjoying every minute, knew I'd be lonely as hell until the tour was over.
"Then you know you have nothing to worry about. Except for not telling me, bitch." That got a grin from her. I knew soon enough she'd be telling me all the sordid, trashy little details only best friends can share. "C'mon, I need more coffee."
My phone made its goofy little noise to let me know another text had come in. Immediately, Jet pounced, checking the caller i.d. I grabbed it from her, giggling like an idiot, leading the way to more coffee. I checked the i.d. as well, recognizing his number. "I need more coffee to read this." I said refilling my mug. Jet perched on my other chair, almost purring. "Jeez, this is the absolute last time I allow John to cook in my kitchen! It's as if a bomb hit it!"
"Oh, please. I'll take care of it, you know that." Jet began. "Quit stalling already. Your coffees as mixed as it's ever gonna get. Let's go, text time, baby!" I laughed, opening the text, read the first few lines, sighed. "Gimme it!"
"Can I read it first? Naggin bitch." I read on, almost feeling his hands do what he wrote, almost feeling his heat again, and definitely feeling a powerful yearning. One I hadn't felt in too long of a time, one I'd missed without realizing it. I heard Jet sigh, caught her drooling over my shoulder. "Hey, stop drooling on me please!"
"He did that last night?" she sighed.
"No. Not like that but..." I trailed off with a sigh. I was as close to coming again just reading it. I shook myself back to reality, saw Jet smiling at me. "What?"
"You're neck deep and you don't even know it."
"Oh, come on..." I felt myself shiver, knowing and feeling were two very different things.
Back then, I'd felt it and dismissed it, pushed it away, mostly due to all the flying shit falling out of his nuclear divorce. This morning, I knew it, felt it, and breathed it. We'd gotten up off the floor, showered, had incredible sex, dressed and went out in search of breakfast. We wandered along the strip, my mouth rambling along with something to say, some daydream at each new display window. Until I stopped dead in my tracks, gazing intently at the loose, uncut green stones.
"What's...wow, those are some emeralds!" He purred in my ear, his chin on my shoulder.
"They're from the shipwreck Nuestra Senora de Atocha. The one Mel Fisher found. They're absolutely gorgeous." My voice had grown hushed and dreamy.
"Tell me what you see."
"A green stone in a crust of blinding white, one ring and one that hangs, dangles. I've dreamed about them often."
"Yeah, for at least the last few years. Every so often they pop into my mind and I drool over them. Wishing."
"Must mean something..." he mused, tucking me under his arm, snuggling me close to his side.
"Like what, other than I have great taste?"
"Dunno, let me think about it for a bit, see what happens." I nodded against his chest as he pulled me close to avoid a cyclist. It was a surprise that not only did we get to enjoy our rambling walk, but breakfast and the walk back. His in cognito disguise was simple but perfect. Blend in, he does, quite well. When we got back to his room, his room phone was blinking and his cell phone was warbling madly. "Time to deal with this, it'll take a while. Will you stay?" I nodded.
"I'm thinking of taking advantage of that whirlpool." He smiled, his eyes sparkling with humor. Whirlpool, laughter, passionate, frenzied, blistering sex, lots of water, everywhere, made me grin too, before I kissed him and went through his bedroom.
All my things had gotten shifted here, when my room had been comped, so I dug through the few lounging clothes I'd brought. I pulled out an older sundress, big cat prints, shimmery blues and golds, silk stockings, the Perla set in tropical teal, laying them out on his bed.
In the massive bathroom, I added hot water to the whirlpool, before setting off the jets. I let my clothes drop at my feet, watching the jet bubbles rise with the steam. Gingerly, I climbed in, ooh-ing and ah-ing as certain spots hit hot water. I sighed completely when the water bubbled up to my chin. Enveloped in deep, penetrating heat soon had me stretching out, letting the heat settle in, bone deep in spots.
I closed my eyes, luxuriating in the heat, the steam, reveling in the scents swirling through the air, jasmine and eucalyptus from the oils in the bath, gardenia from the two bowls full on the vanity counter.
I let my mind wander, back a little, to our last rushed phone call before I flew here. He'd almost said that he loved me. Neither of us had had the courage to jump into that awkward silence. His divorce is almost finished, I think, I hope. When he'd swept me off my feet down in the casino and brought me up here, I had a feeling. Nothing big, nothing freaky, just a feeling. As I slid a washcloth along my thigh, down my calf, I thought he had set the scene, got distracted by lust, and the next morning acted like a, dare I say it, a normal couple, out for breakfast.
If I knew it was over, if he'd say something about it, then maybe I could, let all these pesky, annoying feelings out. To be able to go to dinner together, and not have to have that worry at the back of your mind, one word, paparazzi.
We've been seen together once, that disastrous trip to Martinique, our first spat. Since then, my feelings have swelled completely out of proportion. I loved him, I realized, sitting bolt upright in the tub, splashing water gently over the lip.
"You alright?" He asked from the doorway, leaning against the jamb, his shirt unbuttoned, his hands working the closures of his jeans. I looked over at him, seeing the tanned chest, those strong hands, those long, well sculpted legs, felt my mouth go dry. I think I nodded as I watched him shed his clothes and climb in beside me, sending water cascading over the rim. "This is more appetizing than the business bullshit I was dealing with. Tell me what shocked you."
"...I...don't know if I can put it into words..."
"...hmm, then show me..." he purred, his eyes shining, sparkling, his hands sliding easily around me, shifting me around to face him on his lap.
"...you really have an unfair advantage." I sighed against his mouth as his hands roamed everywhere.
"I know and I'll use it whenever it's necessary and when I feel like it." He grinned, watching as his tanned hands slid up my ribcage to my floating breasts, circling my nipples, filling his palms, kneading. "...mmm, you're purring again..."
"...ooh, I know..."
"...you purr, my cock gets harder and harder..."
"...mmm, does it?"
"...mmm, it does...wanna feel it?" he growled, sliding his hand between my thighs, sliding his fingers all around.
"...mmm, yes, I do...ooh boy..." I groaned, wrapping my hand around his shaft, stroking him gently. I let my fingertips trace around the rim of his swollen purple head, gently tapping around his head.
"...why did I ever sign that damages clause last night? I want you now. Right here." He groaned, as my hand stroked and squeezed.
"...we really can't ruin their honeymoon two nights in a row. Though, the stories they'll tell their grandkids." I grinned, releasing him and climbing from the tub. His eyes followed me across the room to the towel warmers. I heard the splash as he surged across the tub, following me still.
I wrapped the thick terry robe around me, tying it closed at the waist.
"...sucking all the moisture off of me."
"I'd like to suck some..."
"...then you have to get out of tub and come get me..." I said backing towards the door.
"Come get you huh? Alright, then. I'm coming for you now, you'll be coming for me the rest of the night." I heard him croon amidst the splashing. I sped into the bedroom, whipped the covers down with a flick of my wrist, throwing my planned outfit to the floor, rubbed myself through the robe, drying off as much as possible before diving onto fresh sheets, splaying myself in offering. "Well now...that isn't something you see every day." He drawled softly, his eyes hungry.
"No, it isn't. This is for you, and you alone." I purred watching him walk closer. I let myself stretch, listening to him groan, growl. I watched as he unbelted his robe, letting his iron spike lead. I smiled seeing him so swollen and purple, looked up into his eyes, and felt that frisson of excitement burst into me, seeing his eyes so dark with wanting me.
I lifted my hand to him and he dove onto the bed beside me, setting us bouncing, making me laugh. His hands set to tickling...a little bit here, turning into sensuous caresses, a quick tickle, deep, open mouthed, tongue thrashing kissing, groaning.
His hands kneaded every muscle, from head to toe. His mouth, well, it traveled along my throat, from collarbone to collarbone. Each breast got intense attention, both mouth and hands, driving me mad. His hands rubbed firmly around my ribs, surprising a giggle from me.
I met his eyes, saw his grin, relaxed under his fingers. Down my spine his fingers traveled, turning me to a horny ball of putty, a raggedy fuck doll for the taking. I watched him nibble and lick a sensual path over my stomach, meeting his eyes again, watching as he dove to devour me. His mouth sought and found my clit, sucking on it, nipping it, making it hard, and making me groan loudly. I felt his smile against my clam. His tongue took its turn bashing and swirling over my thumping clit.
I drove my fingers into his hair, squirming wildly under him. His fingers slid into me, as deep as they could go, as his mouth took over, sucking my clit in. He felt the muscle spasms on his fingers as I furiously humped his hand, rode his mouth, screaming into a pillow. He sucked and licked me clean, slurping gently over my very sensitive clit, making me hot and bothered again. I laid still, letting my breathing settle, feeling his cheek on my lower belly, his breath brushing over my clit, his hands tracing lazy circles over my stomach, my thighs.
I watched as he rose over me, bracing himself on his elbows, settling himself deeper into the cradle of my hips, his cock snuggled up tight, sliding between my lips, spreading new goo juice around with every wiggle of his hips. Watching his eyes, waiting, letting the anticipation build, purring. His eyes gazing steadily back at me, the little amber flecks sparkling.
"I love you." He whispered, dropping the bombshell. I felt everything inside me flip flop, felt my heart go skyrocketing into the stratosphere. I know I made some noise, a gasp or a sigh, I don't know. "It's okay. Trust me, I'm whacked myself for feeling it but..." I had no other choice but to face it. He'd left me absolutely no wiggle room to escape this embrace, but I was thinking we'd be making wild animal love, not discussing the white elephant that's been in front of us both. "I can't stop feeling it. I tried."
"That hunting trip with Grit?"
"Yeah. See?"
"I see. I do."
"It won't stop..." he make me look at him, "And I don't want it to. I've just received the final papers for my divorce. It's finally over. I want to be with you, not just in stolen weekends like this, but always. You're always in my mind, whether I'm writing songs or if I'm dreaming. I want to wake up with you every morning. My bed is cold without you." He paused for a second, picking his words carefully. "My heart is cold without you." I couldn't speak, hell, I couldn't even think. "I know we've had to..." I kissed him quiet. Kisses that slowly grew sweet, that blossomed into passion, flowered into release.
"I know we should talk some more and I know I probably should've asked, but I... I just didn't want to...intrude, I guess. I'm thrilled that it's over for you." I stammered, trying to speak the actual words.
All but one of our four previous meetings had had that stolen, guilty quality that had left a bitter flavor, which neither of us had ever mentioned, but just dealt with, or ignored. Now, to be able to let this feeling out, to set it free, was heady, intoxicating, and almost effervescent. I took a deep breath, raised my eyes to his and said, "I love you." His arms crushed me to him as mine wrapped around him, holding him as tight as I could. | literotica |
Title: A New Form of [back] Stabbing a Friend... by Picklessauce69
Tags: Bind, Bunnie Rabbot, Bunny, Chipmunk, Contest, Double-Penetration, F/Herm, Hypnosis, Picklessauce69, Poison, Princess sally, Rabbit, Rough, Sally Acorn, Sex, Sonic, Squirrel, Tie, double cock, ribbon, two cocks
The glass dropped from her petite hand, small, furred brown fingers choosing with her hazed mind to no longer clutch the dainty glass stem of the wine glass. The red liquid within the confines of the glittering clear glass escaping over the side, and spreading out over the hard oak of the table.
As her mind spun and leapt out madly within the prison on her skull, Sally tried desperately to examine what she was being attacked by, where the danger was, and how she would escape. Though as her head sunk down towards the plush carpet below she saw only the familiar metallic shine of her friend's robotic paws. The sparkle of the metal beside her nose buried in the carpet the last thing she saw before the haze took over and she drifted off into nothing...
As Sally's eyelids began to flutter slightly Bunnie Rabbot shifted from her seat, standing and smoothing her hand down the side of her smooth metallic hip and front, fidgeting as she watched her friend wake. The expression on the squirrel-chipmunk hybrid's furred face as she looked down to the thick cream colored ribbons holding her into place with arms above her head and legs secured together absolutely priceless to the mischievous bunny orchestrating it all. Her vibrant blue eyes had sprung open wide. Her petite nose had crinkled practically till it melded into the bridge of her snout. And her tail had jerked back violently as if escaping a venomous snake. When in fact she had already passed the poisoning part of this little game Rabbot was playing. Next came the the best part, when Sally's mind would tip to the side and escape as Bunnie's command took place instead.
And it would all start right now.
With the steady tick tick....
Of the clock...
Back and forth the pendulum swung in front of Sally's glossy eyes still dazed from the confusion of being put under with a poison. The golden blur in front of her eyes swirling what small bit of conscious thought she had left into a pitiful memento of what her mind had once been before now when her defenses had been crushed through and Bunnie Rabbot got just what she had wanted for so long, the moment to fuck her energetic friend senseless without leaving the princess with the conscious memory to remember it and risk a friendship.
With the pendulum swinging and swaying and capturing Sally's mind bit by remaining bit, Rabbot began to speak in a low, soothing tone.
"Now, Sally Acorn, you are under my command. You will follow whatever I say, you will be released from this spell after you hear me blow this whistle, until then you are my pet, my slave, and my bitch. Do you understand?"
The mind-numb, ribbon-bound female nodded meekly as she stared rather blankly ahead at the golden-furred rabbit who was setting aside the golden stopwatch that had created the dazing blur in front of her eyes. The captured hybrid squirming a bit once she realized what she was staring ahead at: two gleaming metal shafts protruded from her friend's groin and oozed with glistening pre. The playful grin on the energetic bunny's face displaying the same amount of glee as a child in Christmas morning. Though Sally wasn't squirming with fear, she was squirming with excitement!
The sight of the oozing, thick, lengthy metallic shafts sent chills down her spine and her stolen mind spun with sudden desire for her friend, to please and pleasure the creature before her. Her body shivered with the excitement to begin this goal as she felt the ribbons on her legs slowly loosen. The view of golden head-fur disappearing between her knees as her mind misted over slightly to reduce her to the complexity of a feral, only wanting pleasure or sleep. The small fuzzed over tuft of golden fluff moving closer and closer till suddenly a smooth, wet tongue pressed to the hybrid's sex and sent a hard shudder down the trapped female's spine. The quiver of her captive against her tongue making Rabbot moan into the wettening folds of her slave and only enhancing the moment for the princess who enjoyed a tingled vibration whenever Rabbot made a sound.
Languidly, the robotic rabbit explored her friend's sex. The glistening wet outer folds slipping beneath her tongue with a tangy, yet intoxicatingly sweet taste that sent the golden fur's heart racing in her chest.
Every tremble of the captive princess urging her onwards to continue.
Every whimper that escaped the prisoner's lips another shout of motivation.
Before she had completely realized what was happening, Bunnie Rabbot had frantically dove into her activity of slurping over her friend's sex and her experimental licking had grown into a attack on the hybrid's dribbling wet pussy.
With a hand gripping tightly on each thigh, Rabbot held the girl's legs spread wide keeping the captive hybrid's leaking sex easily accessible. Her eyes were shut, hiding the vulgar show from her but also allowing her mind to focus in on the addicting taste of the girl beneath her. Each and every lick now so teasing and torturous that Sally whimpered with each stroke of the tongue to her sex.
"Bunnie! Bunnie, please! I can't take it anymore. Stop teasing me.Fuck me, mistress, please. I want to please you. I want you to fill me up with you cum till by stomach inflates...I want to be stretched onto both your cocks at once...Please." Sally had hit her limit of patience. Her voice a whimpering plea as she begged for relief and for the pleasure of pleasing her mistress, the only goal her captured mind comprehended.
Bunnie couldn't ignore such beautiful begging and every so slowly eased back from the tortured sex of her friend as she leaned back so instead crawl up over her body. The tip of one of her warm, metallic shafts lightly bumping to the eager hybrid's entrance as Rabbot hunched over the girl's nude body. Her chestnut brown fur gleaming with a faint sweat and her hair a rumpled mess from writhing with pleasure.
"You want this, Sally? Hm?" The girl crooned smoothly into the perked ear of the squirrel-chipmunk hybrid. The sound of the rabbit's voice so close to her sending chills down the captive princess's spine and drawing a whimper out from her lips.
"P-p-please, mistress"
That did it for Bunnie. With a hard jerk of her hips the smooth head of her cock jumped up into the hot tunnel of the bound princess. The warmth that enveloped her shaft making Bunnie moan over her captive friend. The sound of her controller's pleasure drawing a happy whimper from Sally's lips as well.
And that was just the start, with one fluid motion Bunnie slipped all the way back out of the hot snatch of the princess before pounding forward back into her, repeating slowly over and over till her hips found a rhythm they were able to follow to allow the robotic rabbit to hammer into her friend steadily, her shaft gleaming with oozing liquid on metal. Each thrust sent another burst of pleasure into both girl's minds adding to the noise in the room as their moans and cries intertwined to create a soundtrack of the sex.
Through the veil of pleasure, Rabbot saw an idea forming that would give her the incentive she needed to blow her load and empty months of wait worth of cum into her willing friend and the the princess just what she had pleaded for earlier.
Sharply jerking her hips back, Bunnie Rabbot pulled nearly out of the hot snatch that was so eagerly slurping her shaft into its tight hold and allowing her second shaft to bounce up and align with the tight puckered hole of Sally's behind. The mildly heated metal sending a chill of realization down the princess's mind as she realized where it was placed before Bunnie's hips jerked back upwards and both girthy, metallic shafts slammed into the princess. The hard thrust sending the petite hybrid bouncing up only to be tugged back down by the hips till her body fit down snugly over the two shafts tearing her open. The burning of her rump being taken never having the hands to fade as her mistress hammered into her once more. Each hard thrust filling the princess past her limit till she hollered with each hard jerk of the bunny's hips.
The pressure front the hard thrusts was building steadying, the squeeze of Sally's sex was tighter and she hugged around both's Bunnie's, telling Bunnie that both were near their finish. The hard throbbing of her shaft within its prison of constricting warmth finally increasing past the point of control as the robotic rabbit locked up with a howl. Bunnie's body tensed. Sally shrieked and tightened. And Bunnie exploded.
Both cocks jumped like erupting cannons and spurted the first stream of thick, gooey cum into the girl. Stream after stream following the first till the flat, brown- furred stomach of the princess bulged upwards with a collection of seed and both holds oozed with the pearly white substance. The scent in the air was thick and reeked of sex, both Sally's and Bunnie's juices intermixing in the messy puddle beneath them as Sally's eyes slipped shut from exhaustion and she drifted off to the sound of a whistle weakly blowing...
'That was a strange dream...' Princess Sally Acorn mumbled as she tugged her arm down from above her pillow to rub the sleep from her eye, only to notice the gleam of a cream colored ribbon fluttering down from her wrist... | FSE |
Title: Best Christmas Present Ever Ch. 01
Tags: mother, son, incest, taboo
Thank you Jacky for your support and editing.
Mary was sat in the kitchen looking at her computer screen with frustration wrought across her face. She hadn't been on a proper date since she kicked her adulterous husband out two years ago and thought it was about time she 'got some'. The dating sites she'd joined hadn't been a success and she wondered about her profile: Forty-two-year-old single mother looking for a knight in shining armour. It should have read Forty-two-year-old blonde, short, petite, funny and willing to try anything once.
After shutting off the computer, she sighed and got up to sort the laundry from the drier. As she did this she marvelled at the difference in size of her clothes compared to her son's, Glyn. He had recently started his final year in school and was now well over six-foot tall. The freckles and the puppy fat from his early teenage years were gone and he was turning into a handsome young man. Mary had almost finished sorting the laundry into two separate piles, when she held up a lacy red bra and admired it. "It's beautiful", she thought, but was puzzled as to where the matching panties were. She checked the floor and went back to the drier - nothing.
After putting her clothes away, she searched for the missing panties. Behind the laundry basket in the bathroom, under her bed, by the dressing table - nothing. A thought struck her, "Glyn's room", and she took a sharp intake of breath.
Thoughts swirled through her mind and she came to the conclusion, it couldn't be because of her. She was his mom. It had to be just the scent of a woman. She knew how full of hormones teenagers are, but decided she had to make sure this didn't happen again.
Later that evening they were both watching the TV in the living room. When a show finished, she turned to Glyn.
"Get me a beer from the fridge, would you, Son."
Glyn rose from the sofa and before he was out the room an idea came to Mary.
"Get one for yourself as well" she said.
"Thanks, Mom."
"Just this once", she replied and looked away.
As Glyn entered the kitchen he wondered what has got into his Mom. Had he done something that pleased her and this was a reward. He couldn't think of anything. After passing Mary her beer, he returned to the sofa as a sit-com was about to start. During the show Mary occasionally glanced across at Glyn to see if he was enjoying his beer. As the credits rolled at the end of the show, she looked over to see him finish the bottle.
"Thanks, Mom, I liked that", he said as he put the bottle down.
"How's things going in school?" she asked.
"Final year, not long 'til I'll be a free man" he replied with a tone of voice that concerned Mary.
"Yeah, but how are things now?"
"Alright, I suppose. Can I have another beer?"
"No, just one tonight, you've got school tomorrow." She curled her legs up beneath her on the chair and braced herself. "How about girls?"
"Don't ask." He said shaking his head.
"Why? What's wrong? A pause. "Come on, you've always been able to talk to me."
"Ok, Mom. There's this girl, Sandy, I've known her since we were ten. She's great. I've... I've had a crush on her for ages. She's beautiful. She makes me laugh. We talk for ages about music, films, what we want to do in the future, places we want to go. All manner of stuff. I think, I don't believe I'm saying this, I think I'm in love.
Mary smiled at him. "Have you asked her to go out on a date?"
Glyn sighed. "Yeah, I have. A couple of times. Even tried again last week. It didn't go very well. She laughed at me and ran off."
"What!" Mary said, astonished. "She laughed. Why?"
"Someone behind me shouted 'Eeyore'. She giggled and ran."
"Eeyore, as in Winnie The Pooh?" He nodded. "Is that your nickname?" She continued, "Why on earth would they call you 'Eeyore'?"
"It's ok, Mom. I know I'm not the brightest in class", he said as he tried to drain the last drop of beer from the bottle.
"Oh, Son, you are a good student who always works hard. Now go get us both another beer. I want to hear more about this." She said, draining the last drop from her bottle.
Glyn got up and went to the kitchen. He didn't really want to talk about his nickname, but if it meant another beer, he'd be alright with that.
"So, when did this all start? This Eeyore stuff." Mary asked as he sat down.
"About a year ago. I had to read to the class and I really don't like doing that. I fumbled with a few words and someone in the class laughed and shouted 'Eeyore'. Since then I get called it at least a couple of times a week. It's ok though, Mom, it doesn't really bother me." He took a long swig on his beer.
Mary wanted to help, but struggled to think how. A few moments passed and they both took swigs of their beer. "School can be horrible at times." Mary said. "Believe it or not, I used to be teenager and a pretty hot one too. I'm going to give you some tips."
Glyn looked at his Mom and chuckled. "It's not hard to believe you were hot, Mom. You still are." He blushed and looked away.
"Well, thank you, Son. This girl, Sandy, you really like her?"
"Yeah." He said reluctantly.
Mary took a sip of her beer. "It sounds to me a little bit like best friend's syndrome. Has she said she just wants to be friends?"
"That's what's weird. She hasn't said that. She's said stuff like 'I like you, Glyn, but...', then she makes an excuse and says she has to go."
Mary looked at her son and could see he was smitten. "Right then." She said, injecting some energy into the conversation. "There's four weeks until Christmas and we need a plan to win her over."
Glyn looked at her enthusiastically. Mary continued: "Have you been able to get touchy, feely with her? I don't mean romantically, I mean playfully."
"No. Not really. We just talk."
"That's this week's plan then." She said as she stood up. "Up you get. By Christmas you'll have your arms around her, pulling her into your body. First, you need some practise. Don't be embarrassed, but I'm going to show you what to do and then you can practise on me. Pretend I'm Sandy, not Mary."
"Ok, Mom. I'm up for that."
"An easy one to start with. Let's say you see her from behind, maybe in the canteen. As you approach her, you gently place your hand on her shoulder, give it a little squeeze, and say: 'Hi, Sandy'. Stand a couple of paces behind me and give it a try."
Glyn took a breath, looked his Mom up and down and thought "Wow, Mom. You've still got a nice ass." Then he approached her and did as instructed.
Mary told him to do it a few more times until he got the squeeze right. The final time, she placed her hand on his and said: "That's it, honey. Perfect. That will send a bolt of electricity through her body every time. Next you are going to stroke her upper arm." She released his hand and turned to face him. "Imagine she's said something kind or sweet and you look her in the eye and say 'That's really sweet of you.' Then she gently stroked the outside of Glyn's bicep and said: "That's so sweet of you. Your turn."
Glyn looked into his Mom's eyes and smiled at her as he raised his arm. She smiled back as he touched her and her breath quickened when he said 'That's really sweet of you.' He'd got it right the first time, but she had him practise twice more.
"Let's take a moment and have a drink, then I'll show you how to squeeze her hand." She said and picked up her beer.
"How am I doing, Mom?" He asked with a grin on his face.
"Just fine. You'll have her like putty in your hands. Now sit down with your right hand on the sofa." Mary sat beside him with her left hand inches from his. "This time, you're sat opposite her in the canteen or the library and she says something funny or even something bitchy, you briefly squeeze her hand and say: "That's wicked of you."
Glyn looked Mary in the eye, squeezed her hand, smiled and said: "That's naughty of you."
Mary laughed. "Naughty is a much better word. Have another go, so you know you can feel relaxed when you do it to Sandy." Glyn repeated the move and for a moment Mary felt like a teenager again.
"Now this last one is when you put your arm around her and pull her into you. If you get down on your knees, I'll show you what to do. This is best done when you are taking a walk, maybe around the mall or when you leave school. Let's say she's said something clever or insightful, you'll put your arm around her shoulder, pull her into you and say: "That's really smart or that's really clever of you", and then you release her.
Mary put her arm around Glyn, pulled him into her and said the words. She looked down and his head was inches from her breast. At that moment she was grateful she had a bra on, she could feel her nipples harden. She let go of him and took a sip of her beer. "Your turn."
Glyn could have sworn his Mom's body temperature was rising. He knew his was. "Is this the last one, Mom?"
"No, there's one more. A little variation on this one. Now don't squeeze me too hard, coz that will feel like you're messing with the guy's, not playful with a girl."
They stood side by side. Glyn put his arm around his Mom and gently pulled her into his chest and said: "That's really cool. You're really cool."
"Me, cool. I'm too old to be cool." She said quietly.
Glyn took a step backwards. "Don't be silly, Mom. You're cool. What you're teaching me here is really cool. Better than anything I've ever learnt in school." She laughed and he put his arm around her again and told her how cool she is. It felt so natural to have his Mom snuggle into his chest. She gently eased herself away after a few seconds.
"This last one we're only going to practise the once, ok. You only do it when you think the time is right. If you're not certain, don't do it. Instead of putting your arm around her shoulder, you put it around her waist. After you have done that at least a couple of times and she's nuzzled into you, you slowly move your arm up and lightly stroke her breast. But only when she's ready. You got that?
His mouth had suddenly gone dry at the thought of rubbing his Mom's tit. "Yes", he said hoarsely, as he felt his cock begin to twitch. "Are there any words with this one?"
"No." She replied. Just do it when you think the time is right."
They stood side by side. Both of them could sense the sexual tension in the air. Glyn put his arm around his Mom's waist and pulled her into him. She rested her head on her son's chest. They both took long breaths as Glyn moved his arm up and began to stroke the outside of her breast. Mary looked down and saw his cock grow beneath his pants. She knew she should pull away, but it was a long time since she had had this effect on a man and she was enjoying having her breast stroked. A few seconds later when she felt her nipples pressing against her bra, she gently peeled herself away. Without looking at Glyn she sat down and took a sip of her beer.
Glyn sat on the sofa and used his beer bottle to cover his erection. "Mom, thank you. What you've taught me tonight was brilliant."
"I'm glad you think so. I was your age once. I think we should finish our drinks and then call it a night."
She turned the TV back on and a few moments later she looked at Glyn from the corner of her eye. He really was a handsome young man. He was no longer an awkward young teenager with freckles and puppy fat, but a tall good looking young man. She felt proud of him and caught herself thinking "Well I would have said yes if I was that girl."
Over the course of the week, Glyn was as happy as his Mom had ever seen him. A smile permanently etched across his face and a new found confidence that made him seem even bigger. He practised the shoulder squeeze and the arm rub on Mary whenever he could, paying her compliments every time.
The first time he touched her surprised Mary, but the touches that followed triggered something inside her. A feeling she hadn't felt since his father left. She considered telling him to stop, but realised his confidence was more important to her than her own feelings.
On the Friday when Mary got home from work, Glyn was pouring her a glass of wine as she opened the front door. When she entered the kitchen, she immediately saw the radiant look on his face.
"Hello, Son. You look happy."
"I did it, Mom. I did it. It was brilliant. Oh, it felt magical." He said ecstatically.
Mary smiled at him and admired his enthusiasm. "Slow down, slow down. You did what?"
"Sandy. Both the hand and the shoulder squeeze." He said in a split second.
She made a motion with her hands for him to slow down. "When you calm down a bit, tell me all the details. And thank you for the wine." She took the glass and sat down at the table. Glyn sat opposite and began.
"It happened in the canteen. We were sitting opposite each other at the end of a long table. We were chatting about the mornings lessons. She had English with Mrs. Kennedy, her favourite teacher, and she said: 'If I was a man, I'd want to fuck her'. That's when I squeezed her hand and told her she was naughty. Oh, it felt fantastic, Mom. She looked at my hand, then back at me and smiled. Sorry about the F-bomb, but that's what she said."
"That sounds great, Son. Don't worry about the swearing. And the shoulder squeeze?"
"I'd finished my lunch before she had and we were chatting about saving enough money to go to the Glastonbury music festival next year. I agreed with her and said I had to go, but as I got up I placed a hand on her shoulder, bent down to her ear and whispered: 'You're so fucking cool' and gave a shoulder a squeeze. Have a guess what happened next?"
"I don't know. She smiled at you?"
"Better than that", said Glyn leaning towards Mary, "She put a hand on top of mine and said: 'So are you.' Man, I thought I was in heaven."
"Well done, Son. I'm pleased you've got over that hurdle and the best bit is, with her touching you, she's given you permission to carry on touching her. So from now on you do it as often as you can." She looked over at a bunch of flowers on a kitchen worktop. "For Sandy?"
Glyn rose from the table to get the flowers. "No, Mom. These are for you." He said as he gave her the flowers. "A thank you."
"That's really sweet of you. I'll put them in a vase."
As Mary tended to the flowers, Glyn paced around the kitchen as they made small talk about her day. Glyn moved in behind his mom and quickly wrapped his arms around her waist. She let out a little squeal of surprise, then he picked her up and spun her around with his cheek crushed against hers.
"I love you, Mom."
Feeling the strength in his arms, the warmth of his cheek and the power of his body, she quietly emitted a groan of desire. A shock wave went through her body.
"I love you too." She said passionately. A moment later, she realised she had said it like a lover and not a mother. "Now put me down."
The next ten days went by with Glyn in a permanent state of giddy happiness. Sandy was receptive to all his hand and shoulder squeezes, and when Glyn stroked her upper arm, he swore he saw her breasts heave upward with excitement.
Mary continued to enjoy the affection her son was showering upon her, but hoped it would end soon. His hands on her body made her feel like a woman that was desired and she knew the emotions she was beginning to feel towards her son were wrong. "The sooner he has success with Sandy, the sooner I can stop the touching," she thought.
Ten days before Christmas, Mary was washing her hands in the kitchen sink when Glyn approached her from behind. He put his hands around her waist and his head down to her cheek and whispered: "You're hot. You are so fucking hot."
Mary was startled and spun around pushed him away.
"You can't say that to your mother. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Glyn was surprised at her reaction, but then realised what he had said. He raised his hands in appeasement.
"Whoa. Whoa. Sorry, Mom. Sorry. I didn't mean..." He paused for a moment. "That was what I said and did to Sandy. Jeez, Mom, it was incredible. Her knees gave way and I had to hold her tight to stop her from falling.
Mary barely heard what he said, in her head she kept repeating "My son just called me 'fucking hot'." She was horrified at not only what she had done to her son, but that it also excited her.
"Mom!" Glyn said loudly and snapped her out of her trance. "It worked on Sandy, Mom. That line, it worked. She was like putty in my hands. I could feel her heart beating and when she turned to face me her cheeks were all flushed and she said: "You're pretty hot, too."
Mary regained her composure as the feeling of relief assuaged her guilt. "That's great, Son. Go on. What happened next?"
"I didn't realise how badly I had timed it. I just saw the opportunity and did it, then the bell went for the next class. She had lacrosse practice after school, so I came home."
"Well, I think it's time you asked Sandy out on a date."
"Yeah, I'm going to ask her tomorrow."
Nothing much was said during the rest of the evening. Both Mary and Glyn were lost in their thoughts of what had happened earlier that day.
The following day Mary looked forward to seeing her son after work. Not only did she want to see her son happy; she was also sensing the relief she would feel of not having him touching her any more.
When she did get home, her heart sank. Glyn was sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands and looked like he had been crying.
"Glyn, what's the matter." Mary asked.
"She said 'No'."
"Oh, Son, I'm so sorry." She said as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders to comfort him. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not really." He replied glumly.
"Do you want to go and have a lie down or watch the TV while I get us something to eat?"
"I don't understand it, Mom." He said as he leaned back in the chair away from her clutch. "It was all going so well. I was holding both her hands in mine and she looked so happy. Then some dick shouted 'Eeyore' and her smile faded. I should have stopped then, but I ploughed on. I told her she wasn't just pretty, but that she was beautiful and then I asked her out on a date. That's when she pulled her hands away and burst into tears. She said: "I can't", and ran away. What did I do wrong, Mom?"
"Nothing, Son. Nothing." Was all she could think to say.
Glyn spent a lot more time in his room over the next couple of days, but when school finished for Christmas he seemed to change and everything went back to normal. Mary was still working and asked him to help out a bit more around the house. One day when she was getting dressed she noticed her missing panties were back in her underwear drawer. She smiled and thought: "At least he's had more fun with these than I have." Briefly she was surprised at such a thought, then continued to dress and went to work.
Late one night when in bed, Glyn was looking at porn on his phone and he saw a lady that looked like his Mom. He was transfixed. His cock went rock hard and he masturbated faster. He stared intensely at the woman masturbating with a dildo. When she orgasmed and shouted 'Come with me, Son', Glyn went over the edge. His body stiffened and arched off the bed as he yanked his cock furiously. The first rope of semen hit him on the shoulder and several more on his chest. It was the best orgasm he'd had in ages. If not ever. Then he just lay there thinking about his Mom.
The next morning, he was ashamed of what he had done and tried to put it out of his mind. After he had finished cleaning around the house he'd planned on going around his friend John's house to play on his X-Box. As he got his phone out to call John, memories of the previous night came back and he quickly recalled the last internet page he'd been staring at. He went into the living room and made himself comfortable on the sofa. He stared at the porn star who looked like his mother. His cock immediately began to grow at the sound of her voice, and it was uncomfortable inside his jeans. He undid his jeans and it sprang to a full erection.
Unbeknown to Glyn, Mary had left work early. She worked as an administrator in the local college, but as all the students had left for Christmas, there wasn't much to do. Her manager had told the staff to leave at lunchtime and go and finish their Christmas shopping but Mary had already finished her shopping.
Glyn had removed his T-shirt and was watching another video of the porn star who looked like his Mom. He didn't hear her car pull up or the front door open and continued yanking on his cock, as he was engrossed with the image on the screen. When Mary entered the living room she stopped dead. She couldn't believe what she saw. Glyn didn't see or hear her, he was close to coming and had his eyes glued to the screen. She backed out of the room without making a sound, only once taking her eyes of his cock to see the blond on the screen. Then back to Glyn's cock. "It's huge", she thought. "It must be at least nine inches." Glyn began to moan and Mary silently made her way to the front door and out. Just before she shut the door, she heard Glyn cry "Oh, Mom."
Sitting in the car she started shaking. A myriad of thoughts ran through her mind. She'd never seen a cock that big, or that beautiful. She couldn't shake the image of his cock from her head. Then the blond on his phone. "Oh, God, she looked like me. Did he really say that?" Mary started the car and drove to the local convenience store to buy some items as a cover for not entering the house.
Glyn had recognised the sound of the engine, leapt to his feet and ran to the bathroom clutching his clothes and his phone. He cleaned himself up and wondered if his Mom had seen him with his cock in his hand. Guilt ran through him. He felt like he had let her down.
As Mary entered the store she still couldn't stop herself thinking about her son's cock. "He's hung like a horse. Eeyore is hung like a fucking horse." Then it came to her - "Not a horse. Eeyore is a donkey. He's hung like a donkey. The boys must have seen him in the changing rooms and that's where the nickname came from. No wonder the girls didn't want to go near him. Well, that's not quite right, tall girls will like him, but if he likes girls my height, they would be terrified." She was happy to have figured out why he has such a nickname, but now she had to figure out a way to tell him it was not because he was slow. She grabbed a bottle of tomato ketchup and headed for the checkout.
Glyn sat watching the TV when Mary entered the house. "Hello, Son." She shouted.
"Hi, Mom." Glyn sheepishly replied. "Did I hear your car ten minutes ago?"
"I'd forgotten to get ketchup, so I went to the seven-eleven." Mary shouted from the kitchen. She was still happy having solved the riddle of Eeyore.
As soon as Mary entered the living room she could smell the aroma of Glyn's sex and it brought a smile to her face. Glyn was relieved to see her look happy. She wasn't angry with him.
"What's made you so happy?" He asked.
Mary blushed. "Getting a half day off work and something I figured out." She replied. "Tomorrow's Christmas Eve, have you got any plans?"
"Nah." He shook his head. "I tried asking Sandy out again and it was going well until someone shouted 'Eeyore'. She giggled, said 'Sorry Glyn, I'm going to be with Mom and Dad' and walked away."
"Oh, sorry, Son."
"Not to worry, Mom. I think I'd prefer to stay here with you, like when I was younger. When you'd let me stay up 'til after midnight and open one of my presents. Good times." He smiled at her and she smiled back.
Later that evening, while they were watching TV and eating pizza, Mary was formulating a plan about how she was going to explain Eeyore to her Son.
"Want anything from the kitchen, Mom?" Glyn asked as he rose. She shook her head with a mouthful of pizza. He went to the kitchen and opened cupboard door to get the ketchup. There were two bottles there on the shelf right in front of his eyes. He froze. Realisation that she had seen him earlier made his heart skip a beat and he felt a hollow sinking feeling in his stomach. "Why didn't she say anything? Why wasn't she angry? How do I face her now? Oh, God, what do I say? Say nothing! She left the two bottles for me to see. Why? She wants me to know that she saw me jacking off? No way! Oh fuck." He returned to the living room with the ketchup and sat down to watch TV. Mary noticed the ketchup and remembered there were two bottles. "Why didn't I hide the bottle somewhere else?" She asked herself.
Christmas Eve was mainly spent getting the food ready for Christmas day. Mary always made a fuss about setting the dining table with the best crockery and having a candelabra in the middle. Later in the afternoon she went to the seven-eleven and bought another two bottles of wine and a crate of beer. For her plan to work, she knew she had to be a little bit tipsy and it would be helpful if Glyn was too.
At eight o'clock it was time put the plan into action. She went to her bedroom and changed into a little black cocktail dress and put on heals. Her makeup was fine, but she added a bit of rouge and brushed her hair. In the kitchen she poured herself a large glass of wine and got a bottle of beer for Glyn. Pausing outside the living room door, she steeled herself and entered.
"Here you go, Son." She said as she passed him the beer. "If we're staying in tonight I see no reason we shouldn't get a little bit merry. Merry Christmas."
"Thanks, Mom. Merry Christmas to you as well." Glyn took a swig from the bottle then remembered the last time he had a drink with his Mom. That thought dissipated quickly when he noticed what she was wearing.
"WOW, Mom, you're looking good. Very... Um, err... sexy." He blushed.
"Well thank you, Son. Now put on 'It's A Wonderful Life'. Whenever that bottle runs dry, there's plenty more in the fridge."
Glyn sorted the movie and they sat down to watch. By the time the credits had rolled at the end, Mary had finished three large glasses of wine and Glyn had downed four bottles of beer. Mary got to her feet, feeling a little light headed.
"I do love that movie. It was my Mom's all-time favourite. Put on some soft music would you, Hon. Another bottle?"
"Sure. Thanks, Mom." He said before he searched the music channels for some soul music his mother liked. He had a feeling there was something about to happen, but he didn't know what. "It's Christmas Eve, it can't be bad", he thought.
Mary stood outside the living room with the drinks, took a large breath and entered. As she sat down, her dress rose up her thigh. Glyn couldn't help but to look at her thighs and quickly looked away. Mary cleared her throat.
"You remember yesterday when I said I'd figured something out. Well it's about your nickname, Eeyore." Glyn blushed, Mary continued. "But before I come to that, I want to ask you a bit more about this girl Sandy. I'll start with an easy one, how tall is she?" She took a swig of her wine.
Glyn thought for a second. "Five-foot something I'd guess. I'm not really good at heights."
"Compare her to me. Stand up." Mary stood up and beckoned Glyn to stand in front of her. Standing so close to him she was surprised at how powerful his physique now looked. Glyn looked at his Mom and took a step closer.
"She's about your height. Maybe a tiny bit taller."
"And what sort of build is she? Skinny, medium, athletic, big?" She asked looking up in to his eyes.
Glyn inspected his Mom's figure. "Firstly, Mom, I've got to say you've still got a really nice figure."
"Thank you."
"So don't be offended when I say she's a little bit slimmer than you."
"I'm not offended. You just paid me a lovely compliment." She said as a thought entered her mind. "Have you got a photo of her on your phone?"
"Hundreds", he said as he took out his phone. "Here, have a look." He scrolled through his photo's, filling the screen with his favourite pic's.
Mary was relieved to see Sandy had dark hair and eyes. "At least she didn't look like me", she thought.
"Son, before I go on, I've got to tell you this might get very embarrassing for both me and you, but I want you to promise you won't freak out."
Glyn looked at her with a wide-eyed stare and a furrowed brow. "What, Mom?"
"You've got to promise first. Now you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."
"OK, Mom, I promise."
Mary took a large gulp of her wine and pulled her legs up under her onto the chair. She didn't notice her dress ride further up her thigh, but Glyn saw she was wearing red panties before she pulled her dress down.
"Yesterday when I got home early, I did come in before and I saw something I shouldn't have."
Glyn blushed and closed his eyes. "Oh, God, Mom, I'm so sorry. It won't happen again. I promise." He put his head in his hands.
"It's alright, Son. It's nothing to worry about. Now look at me."
Glyn looked at her and Mary could see his anxiety.
"Relax, take another sip of your beer. Now you know I've already seen your cock, it won't matter if I see it again. You've got nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, your cock is something to be proud of."
Glyn was amazed to hear the word 'cock' come from his mother's lips and by the time she had finished the sentence, his cock started to twitch and all manner of thoughts entered his head about where this conversation was going. He swigged on his beer.
"This nickname you've got, Eeyore. It's not because you are not the brightest in your class, it's because you are hung like a donkey. Eeyore is the donkey in Winnie The Pooh. That's why the other boys are laughing and the girls are giggling. You can be proud of that cock you've got." Mary took another large gulp of her wine.
Every time he heard her say 'cock', his own started to throb. "What are you on about, Mom, I haven't got a big..." He felt his cock harden further and shifted his position on the sofa to get more comfortable.
Mary hadn't been able to keep her eyes from glancing at his crotch. She had seen it twitch and grow. Memories of yesterday came flooding back to her. She took another gulp of wine and continued.
"Haven't you noticed when in the showers after gym class that yours is a lot bigger than the other boys?"
"No, Mom. I don't look at other boy's..." Glyn swigged on his beer and Mary took another gulp of wine.
"Every young man your age watches porn, right?" Asked Mary. Glyn shrugged. "Well, the men in those movies are not average. They're big. If you've never looked at another cock in real life, then if you compare yourself to those in porn, you might think it average, but believe me, it's not."
Glyn's cock was starting to get hard. He shifted his arm to try and hide the bulge in his pants.
"Oh, Mom, you're talking nonsense."
"OK, Glyn, I'll prove it to you. First I'm going to get me another glass of wine and you another beer."
Glyn watched his Mom walk out of the room. A slight swagger in her walk only accentuated the shape of her body in the tight fitting cocktail dress. His cock throbbed and grew in size. "That's a cute ass", he thought.
Mary entered the kitchen and sorted the drinks. She knew she was definitely a little tipsy, but she was also exhilarated. She could feel her heart beating faster. Not since she first started dating her ex-husband had she felt like this. Now for the final part of the plan.
She came into the living room and gave Glyn his drink.
"Thanks, Mom."
"This girl Sandy, she's about my height, right?" he nodded. "You're not going to like this, but your cock is too big for her. That's why she's always said no when you asked her out on a date."
Glyn looked at his Mom with bewilderment. "Now you're being crazy. You're drunk."
Mary rose from her chair. "I said I'd prove it to you. Now this is going to be the most embarrassing part of the night. Look at me." He looked her straight in the eye. "Stand up." She said.
"No." Glyn tersely replied.
"Glyn, Honey, I saw your erection yesterday. You've nothing to be worried about."
He stood up and faced her. Mary couldn't help but stare down at the bulge in his pants.
"Sorry", she said looking him in the eye. "Take your T-shirt off" she commanded.
He paused then complied. The next thing he saw was beyond his wildest imagination. He could feel his heart race. Blood was pumping through his brain at a rate of knots he'd never experienced before. His cock was now fully erect and straining against his jeans. Right in front of him, she was taking off her dress. She stood two feet from him wearing only the red lace underwear set.
"This is not sexual" she said. "It's the only way I can think of to prove to you that you have a massive cock." As she said the words, she wasn't sure if even she could believe it's not sexual. "We are going to get naked so we can compare our bodies. Nothing sexual." She reached behind, unclasped her bra and threw it onto the chair. "Now take off the rest of your clothes." A thought raced through her mind: "Nothing sexual, so why are my nipples pointing straight at him".
Glyn stood there, staring at his Mom's tits. They were perfect. Not as pert as the others he had seen, but nicely rounded and firm. He fought the urge to reach out and touch them. His eyes glued to her erect nipples.
"Look at me, Son. Nothing sexual is going to happen. Take off the rest of your clothes and don't worry about me seeing your erection."
"OK, Mom." He took off his jeans and boxers in one move and stood with his erection pointing straight at his Mom. Then she took off her panties. He wasn't sure if he was going to pass out. The most perfect vision of beauty he had ever seen was stood naked two feet from him. His cock throbbed and bounced against his stomach. Mary looked at his cock.
"Wow", she gasped. "You sure do have a magnificent..."
"Don't say it, Mom. This is hard enough as it is."
"It's hard, alright", Mary giggled. Glyn realised what he had said and laughed.
Mary turned around and bent down to pick up a ruler she had earlier placed beside her chair. "Why didn't I bend my knees", she asked herself. Glyn looked at her bum and saw her puffy pink pussy lips protrude from between her legs. His hand reached for his cock, but he withdrew it just before she turned back to him.
"Stand still." Mary said as she took hold of him by the biceps and moved closer until the head of his cock was almost between her tits. His brain was swimming; he was losing control. When she placed the ruler against his cock it sent a spasm throughout his body. He tried to steady himself, but the sight of his mom naked with her head inches from his cock caused his legs to tremble.
Mary couldn't but marvel at the cock she was looking at. It had been two years since she had last seen one and this was the most amazing cock she had ever seen. Involuntarily she opened her mouth and let out a gasp of breath. It hit his cock and it throbbed right in front of her eyes. Glyn groaned.
"Sorry", she said, not knowing if she was sorry at all. She rose to meet his gaze. "Just under ten inches is big. Most men's cocks are about five or six inches. Can you see how far up this would go if you were to put it into me. Into Sandy", she quickly corrected herself. "It would hurt her inside. It would feel like it was going to pop out of her throat."
Glyn looked at his cock, inches from being between his mother's tit's. He closed his eyes and imagined pushing against her.
"Now hold still."
"Hold still", he thought, opening his eyes. It was all he could do to remain standing. This vision of sex was moving her hands towards his cock.
"I could get one hand around your father's cock, now look at this." She placed both hands around his cock. Her thumbs met at the nails and her fingers met at the knuckles. She needed almost both hands to measure his girth. She knew should let go, but something inside wouldn't let her. She was staring at the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and she couldn't let go. Her hands seemed to move involuntarily. Desire had taken over and her hands slowly moved up and down his magnificent shaft. The heat from his throbbing cock made her hands move faster and grip tighter. She couldn't stop herself staring at his big, meaty, cock. A dribble of pre-come seeped from the bulbous head. She took it between her thumb and forefinger and massaged it onto his cock, never looking up. His cock starting throbbing continuously in her hands and she could feel the semen rising. She looked up at her Son.
"Would you like me to finish you off?"
"Oh, Jesus, yes", was all he could muster.
Mary returned her gaze to his cock and started moving both hands faster. His cock head had turned dark red, almost purple, and she knew he was close.
Glyn watched his Mom rubbing her hands up and down his cock. He wasn't sure if his legs were going to buckle before he came, or if he was going to pass out.
"I'm about to come, Mom."
She tugged faster and the first jet of semen erupted from his cock and flew over her shoulder. Lowering his cock, the next stream hit her at the top of her tits, just beneath her throat. As she moved to one side several more ropes of semen flew through the air. "This is fucking amazing", she thought.
Glyn was in ecstasy, his mind blown. He caught a glimpse of his mother's face - a look he had never seen before, as if she was possessed. A final jet of semen spurted from his cock and his left leg buckled. He staggered backwards and Mary instinctively let go. Glyn collapsed onto the sofa, breathing heavily with his eyes closed and his cock resting against his stomach.
Mary stared at her Son, her young man of a son. He looked beautiful. Reality snapped back in and she realised what she had just done. She put her panties back on and pulled the cocktail dress over her head. She managed to conceal her nakedness before Glyn opened his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Son, that wasn't part of my plan."
"Oh, my God, Mom. That was amazing."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, but that is something a mother should never do to her son. I think you need to go and take a shower and then we better have another chat. Go on, scoot."
He gathered his clothes and went upstairs. Mary sat in her chair and thought about what had just happened. She wasn't concerned about herself, just thought of what it might have done to her son. How could she explain to him that this could never happen again. What could she say that wouldn't push him away from her. It was difficult to compose her thoughts, but after a sip of her wine she had an idea of what she would say.
Glyn was in the shower thinking of what had just happened. His first thought was that it was fan- fucking-tastic. The best experience of his life. By the time he had finished the shower, he wondered how his mom felt. He knew that something like that should never happen and realised she must be feeling terrible for what she had done. How to console his mother and tell her it's ok was all he could think about. Then it hit him. He would never be able to have sex with Sandy. All thoughts about his mom evaporated and his heart sank.
Mary took another sip of her wine, then reached up to scratch an itch on her chest. She felt the not yet dried semen and pulled her hand away. She recalled angling his cock towards her and deliberately aiming it at her chest. A hot flush ran through her. She put two fingers into her mouth and covered them with saliva. The shower was still running upstairs and she removed her fingers from her mouth and rubbed the semen into her chest. She licked her fingers again and massaged the rest of his come into her neck. As she reached a hand between her legs, the shower stopped and she jolted back into thinking about the forthcoming conversation. Another glass of wine and a bottle of beer was going to be needed.
As Glyn sat down on the sofa without looking at Mary, she looked over and saw the sad expression on his face. What sort of mother was she? What had she done to her son? Would he ever forgive her? Would he leave her on her own?
"Glyn", she said quietly.
"Not now, Mom. Give me five, then we'll talk."
Those five minutes were the longest five in eternity. The thoughts racing through her mind were tearing her apart. She looked at Glyn. His sad face made her close her eyes and she felt tears roll down her cheeks.
"Mom, would you let me talk?"
"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for..."
"Mom, the reason I need to speak first is to tell you I understand. I'm ok with what just happened. I just needed a few minutes to think about Sandy. It's never going to happen. That's what hurts. I've realised I'm going to have to go out with taller girls and that's why I've been a bit sad. I'm never going to be with Sandy."
"I'm so sorry, Son." Mary paused to hold off the tears. "But what happened tonight..."
Glyn interrupted. "It's ok, Mom. That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me. I know you did it because you love me. You made me understand I could really hurt a girl with this thing I've got. For that I will always be grateful. Don't worry, it will never happen again and I will never tell anyone. I love you, Mom. Thank you.
Mary couldn't believe the overwhelming sense of pride she had for her son. He was a man who was so sensitive and thoughtful. Another tear rolled down her cheek. Suddenly the music on the TV changed. Slade started pumping out 'Merry Christmas Everyone'. Glyn checked his phone - 12:00.
"Happy Christmas, Mom."
"Happy Christmas, Son. Open your present."
Glyn moved over to the Christmas tree and picked up a large box. He tore off the wrapping paper to reveal the latest X-Box. It was all he had hoped for, but after tonight, anything would be an anti-climax.
"Thank you, Mom. It's exactly what I wanted." He thought about giving her a kiss, then sat back down on the sofa and took a swig of his beer. Mary wondered why he wasn't more pleased.
"I'm sorry, Glyn. I couldn't afford to get you more than one present."
"Oh, Mom, don't worry about that. What you did tonight was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. The best. Can we talk about it for a moment?" She nodded her approval, then reached for her wine.
"You've got to admit it was pretty damn sexy. Can I talk freely now?"
A croaky "Yes" came from her throat.
"I admit it was a bit embarrassing at first, but can you imagine how I felt with the sexiest woman in the world, naked in front of me. Not just naked, but feeling horny as well. When your nipples were inches from my cock I could see how erect they were. I thought I was going to explode. That was bigger than the biggest turn on I thought possible. Come on, you've got to admit, when I came you were turned on?"
Mary reached up to her chest and felt the slight stickiness of his come. "It was amazing. I've never lost it like that before. We'll talk about this now, but never again, OK?"
"Sure", he replied. His cock nodded a response as well.
"The wine and the beer was to help me get on with it, but when I saw your hard cock, I started to lose it. Did you see my pussy when I bent over?"
"How could I not see it? It looked sexy as hell."
"When I had your cock in my hands, I don't know what came over me."
"I almost did", Glyn said and they laughed.
"In fact, you did. I aimed one spurt at my tits."
"Fucking hell, Mom. That's naughty!"
"Oh, come on, I know how you were feeling. Can you imagine how I was feeling?" As she asked the question she could feel her pussy warming up. She had seen him come and wondered if he would like to see her come? She blinked and stopped that thought.
"I remember thinking you looked like you were in a trance."
"I was. I was hypnotised by your cock." She saw his cock bulge beneath his shorts. She was getting turned on again and knew this had to stop. "I have got another present for you, but you have got to stay here for the next twenty minutes while I wrap it for you, alright?"
"No problem", he said with a smile.
Mary got up and left the room. In the hallway she grabbed her handbag and headed upstairs. She got onto her bed, opened her bag and took out a bullet vibrator. She eased her panties down a few inches, turned the vibrator on and placed it against her clit. Within seconds her hips were arching off the bed and she was writhing in sexual pleasure. "Slow down", she thought and lifted the vibe away. She wanted to visualise her son's cock more clearly and for longer, before she came. With two fingers, she spread her pussy lips wide open and slid the vibrator up and down on her labia and occasionally up to her clit.
Her left hand reached up to her chest and neck and rubbed the stickiness as she pictured the spurt of semen erupting from his cock and hitting her. She groaned loudly, not caring if Glyn could hear her. The memory of running her hands all over his cock. Rubbing the pre-cum into his gorgeous shaft. She moved the vibrator to her clit and her hips thrust upwards, sending a spasm through her body. She heard someone squeal in excitement and realised it was her. She was close now.
She clamped the vibrator on her clit. Aarrggghhhh, she groaned, and thrust two fingers inside her pussy. Her hips bucked and her knees closed together, any second now she was going to come. It felt like her body was being controlled by a god. Thinking of his cock rubbing against her face brought her to the edge, then remembering his cock firing jets of semen into the air sent her off the cliff into another dimension.
She managed to open her eyes and look down at her clit as a squirt of pussy juice exploded onto her panties. Her hips bucked again and another squirt hit the lace material. She'd never squirted before and squeezed her legs together as she rolled over, trying hard to supress a scream of sexual oblivion. Her legs opened and another squirt splashed against her panties. She collapsed, not quite believing what had happened. It took a few minutes before her breathing returned to normal, as she lay there thinking the two most erotic moments of her life had happened because of her son.
After taking off her panties, she couldn't believe how much fluid she had ejaculated. They were soaked.
As she rose from the bed, her legs felt like jelly and she fell back on the bed. "Christ, Son, look what you have done to me", she thought and gently chuckled to herself. Her next thought made her smile: "You are going to make some woman very happy with that cock of yours."
There was one last thing she wanted to do. She pulled her dress down and made her way to the bathroom. "What to do for presentation?", she wondered. A clean white towel will be perfect. She opened the cupboard and took out a towel. Her mind was still in a sexual bliss. She opened the laundry basket, placed the towel across the other laundry, then spread her soaking panties over the towel.
When Mary entered the living room and sat down in her chair, Glyn could smell her sex. The aroma was intoxicating and he knew he was right in what he imagined she had just been doing. She looked at him and smiled. She couldn't remember ever feeling this naughty. After taking a gulp of her wine, she opened her legs to expose her pussy to her son.
"Your present is in the bathroom." She closed her legs. "Go and get it."
Glyn took his eyes away from her pussy, smiled at her, then ran upstairs. He looked around the bathroom, but couldn't see anything unusual. Then he spotted the laundry basket. He removed the lid and saw the soaking panties. The aroma wafted up and he breathed the heavenly scent as he reached out to pick them up. He was surprised at how wet and warm they still were and moved them to his mouth for a taste.
Mary had finished her wine and considered making herself come in her chair. The last thing she heard before she fell asleep was her son calling down from upstairs.
"Thanks, Mom. Best Christmas present ever." | literotica |
Shattered Shards: Aethernauts
"That one there looks like a nice place to settle down. It's big enough to have a gravimetric field, but it's not big enough to have any monsters or anything on it. Looks like trees and plants and stuff are from birds doing the seed spreading. There's even a nice little pond." Fortune said, the yellow and brown fox-squirrel pointing out the window of the smallish aether-craft.
A mix of helicopter, airplane, and mobile home (with a few bits from a sailboat thrown on), the flying machine was a bit of an eyesore, but it was functional, and it had been comparatively cheap. Nearly free, after all, Fortune's boyfriend and exploration partner Billy had built it out of bits found in a junkyard cobbled together with a few simple magical items.
"Looks like a good enough place for a picnic." The kobold said pleasantly.
With a little bit of ingenuity and a bit of magic a perpetual motion machine quite easily became possible. A specially designed Decanter of Endless Water pumped its never-ending supply of water through numerous hoses, leading to several hydro-electrical generators, storing their charge within hybrid magical-chemical batteries. The water was then pushed into a central chamber, vanishing into a small ring gate, which sent the water into the supply pipes of a perpetual-flow power plant. The co-op had split the cost for the system since it could use the flow from vehicle power sources, rather than having to acquire a vast number of devices for its own use. The water was then sent through a dimensional portal back to the Elemental Plane of Water from which the flow originated to begin with. Perfectly clean, cheap, free power for everyone.
Billy hummed happily to himself as he walked back from the cabin to the living area, opening the refrigerator and packing a few things into a basket, giving a quick check to the gauges showing pressures within the propulsion system, making sure nothing was clogged or leaking.
As much as he loved Fortune, the fuzzy fox-squirrel did not smell like a rose when he got wet, as was the case with most furred creatures. When suddenly doused with several gallons of water in the middle of the night, banishing the smell with the use of scented shampoos was not something that was on his mind.
That was reserved for dragging Billy out of bed tail first and telling him to fix the pipes.
Typically the batteries were charged up when they were on the ground, stopping to eat, ask directions, or rest for the night. When in flight they kept the system on the lowest flow setting, to make sure that no air bubbles built up inside.
Billy took a quick look out the windows, admiring the view. Even though they'd been traveling in Aetherspace for several months now, he was still stunned by the vista. When the worlds merged several smaller worlds appeared in the sky, all linked by a band of atmosphere, air, and ley-lines, allowing for easy transportation as long as you could go up.
Though once you got about 30 miles up from the surface of the Fused Earth 'up' became rather relative. There wasn't any particular direction of pull, but anything bigger than a football stadium had gravity of some sort, and anything smaller had a creature of import decide which way was down. It was rather confusing at first, but as the astral plane had worked just fine on that sort of thing for all of recorded history, there were easily learned methods and techniques for managing it.
With clouds and weather patterns forming in the Aether rain reaching most of the small places, and migratory birds had been carrying seeds in their tummies and then pooped them out along a few stops, giving rise to nice, grassy 'side of the road' places like the small Aetheroid below.
The craft touched down gently atop the grass, the propellers spinning down as Fortune removed the key from the ignition.
"I'll get the blanket." The fox-squirrel said with an infectious grin, "You go out and find a good place to set it up, okay?"
Billy nodded and stepped out the door, down onto the step, and then down a good four or five feet as the dirt fell away from beneath him, revealing a small cave.
The kobold's surprised shriek drew his boyfriend's attention. Fortune's ears twitched with amusement as he looked down the hole to see a scowling, dirty, uninjured Billy.
"You are such a kobold. We set down in a nice, happy, sunny field with a pretty pond and some trees and you go and find a cave." He teased.
Billy sighed, "Can you give me a hand and help me up?"
Fortune hopped down into the hole.
"Or I guess you could come down here with me too, that works." He said, rolling his eyes.
Fortune peered into the darkness, the cave sloping gently downwards, "We can eat lunch later. There might be something down here. You don't see caves in Aetheroids too often; usually they're solid chunks of rock."
Billy sighed and climbed up out of the pit, darting into the Aethercraft to retrieve his spear and Fortune's dueling dagger and rapier. If they were going to go poking around in a cave, like any good dungeon crawler, they were going to be armed. Forewarned is forearmed the saying goes.
Later on Billy would think that his thinking the saying earlier made for a wonderful pun.
A few minutes of spelunking revealed no monsters, but as they rounded a corner, the duo found themselves quite a treasure.
"A pre-merge Aethercraft!" Billy said with awe as he recognized the metallic hull of the vessel. It could be a ship, but typically metal ships were sunk into the ocean, not floating around in rocks in the middle of space. Nor did they have doors and a stairway that would be below the water line.
Especially not one that opened by itself the moment the two came within arm's reach. It hissed open softly, oddly fresh, pleasant scented air wafting out. Apparently the air filtration systems still worked.
Billy poked his spear in through the door, tapping it on the ground to make sure there weren't any nasty surprises. Finding none, he stepped forward, looking closely for holes out of which sharp metal objects could come rushing at any moment. He was somewhat disappointed to find that the former owners of the ship weren't as concerned with home safety as your typical kobold.
"You look disappointed that there aren't any traps to take apart." Fortune said with a grin, giving the kobold a hug, "Don't worry, I bet you'll find some old piece of magical technology to poke and prod at."
Billy smiled at that, and strode into the opened door as if he owned the place, which by salvager's rights he probably did. He was rather surprised when he found himself in a rather long hallway. The buried vessel was more the size of a ship than the small Aethercraft he'd expected.
"Oh wow," he said, "If this thing still works we might have to upgrade. This thing is huge!"
Fortune hopped in after him and looked down the hallway as well, "Well, if we can get it out of here and if it has all the comforts of home."
"If it doesn't, I bet it's big enough that we have a place to put our craft, and then we'll have the best of both worlds."
Fortune nodded, "But first we have to find the control room to see if it even works, usually it's at the far front."
"Yeah, but we don't know which end is the front. So I guess let's just pick one, and if it's wrong, we can come back and head the other way."
Billy headed to the left with Fortune following behind. The fox-squirrel raised a handpaw, placing it on the wall.
"Weird, it feels warm, and it feels kind hot and humid in here." He said.
"I like it warm." Billy said with a grin, stopping to hug the fuzzy fox-squirrel, burying his muzzle in Fortune's neck fur, "Mmm... warmth."
"Says the terrible cover thief." Fortune said with a giggle, turning so that his muzzle met Billy's in a brief kiss.
Emboldened by the kiss, Billy darted on ahead, eager to see if the Aethership would be theirs'. If it was, they'd have to have it broken in properly, with celebratory sex in every room. That might take awhile, considering how big the ship was.
The two moved down the hallway, finding it curved slightly to right, following the contour of the ship's exterior. It ended in a smooth hexagonal hatch that was a few shades darker then the rest of the pale blue-white interior of the craft.
Billy approached and began to poke at it, trying to figure out how it opened, while Fortune peered at one of the recessed, pale blue lights that illuminated the hall.
"Okay, let's see, the outside one was motion activated, I think." The kobold said, though the door hadn't opened on his approach.
"Um, Billy?" Fortune said, "The lights are weird. They're filled with glowing liquid, and they're..." the fox poked one, finding it to have a soft, pliable membrane, "Soft. They're like big water balloons."
"I'll remember not to throw them at you. I don't want to end up with a glow in the dark boyfriend. The light would keep me up all night." Billy said, poking at the place where the six triangular sections came together.
They door opened, and the off balance kobold fell through, tumbling down a small ramp, thankfully landing on something soft and squishy, feeling rather like a beanbag chair filled with mashed potatoes, a sensation he'd only experienced twice before.
He stood and surveyed the room around him. It was... weird. Like the room had been made of clay and everything had been pinched and shaped up from the floor, walls, and ceiling. Most things were rounded, giving it a bit of an organic look.
There were several rounded, vaguely chair-shaped object placed before angled tables, likely the control systems. Billy leaned down to see if they were similar to any of the dozens of systems he knew how to operate.
But he didn't see any designs or buttons or anything. He put a hand to the console, trying to brush away some of the blueness to see if it was just clingy dust of a sort.
"Be careful with that," warned Fortune as he stepped in to look over the control room, "You have no idea what it..."
The hexagonal door slammed shut just as quickly as it opened. The console was now glowing with a single, large glyph, as were the rest of the half dozen or so in the room. They blinked on an off slowly.
"What it does." Finished the wincing fox-squirrel with a sigh. "You probably just turned on the security system."
"Good!" Billy said rather happily, "If it means traps or automated defenses, then it's something to take apart!"
The kobold stood at the ready, watching multiple circular openings slowly sliding open in the floor and ceiling.
Fortune peered up into one, trying to see if it was anything dangerous. He promptly received a face full of sticky, translucent blue gunk.
His lips curled in disgust as he whipped the stuff from his eyes.
"Well, that's not too terrible. I'm sure I can figure out an effective countermeasure for blue Jell-O." the kobold said with a laugh that was soon stifled as Fortune tossed a ball of the stuff at him, giving them matching goo-covered faces.
"That wasn't funny." Billy said with a scowl.
Fortune grinned, "I think it's hilarious."
Thicker slime started to pour from the holes, dripping slowly downward, forming gelatinous stalactites and thick strands of blue.
"This stuff isn't caustic or anything. So if this was meant to be a trap by drowning, I think whatever the stuff is might've dried out awhile ago." Billy said, prodding a tendril of slime with his foot.
With a serpentine suddenness the tendril struck, wrapping itself around Billy's ankle.
Fortune rolled his eyes, "Oh great, I think you pissed it off."
Billy leaned down and tried to pull his ankle free of the encircling slime, but only earned a pair of tendrils around his wrists for his troubles. A fourth quickly seized his remaining ankle, leaving him fully bound.
"Oooh! Kinky!" Fortune said with a giggle, stumbling over to his boyfriend, seeming a bit tipsy, "I think the ship wants to play!"
The fox-squirrel moaned softly as slime tendrils curled around his wrists and ankles, several more of the things beginning to move, slipping beneath their clothes, with intent to remove them.
"Well, I hope it just wants to play!" Billy said, still trying to free himself, "Because if it's supposed to tie us up until its owner gets here, I think it's going to be an awful long wait."
Fortune's eyes went wide as he opened his mouth and let out a contended moan of pleasure, "I don't think it's interested only in tying us up." He said, his breath beginning to quicken.
Billy looked at his boyfriend questioningly, but before he could open his mouth to ask a question, the tentacles began to undress him as well, and not merely undress him, but tease him.
They leaked a thinner, warmer slime, seemingly for lubrication. Most definitely for lubrication, as Billy felt one probe at his tailhole, and then slip inside. Another curled around his balls, squeezing gently as they rest of the tendrils stripped him down to his bare scales.
More tentacles slid out of their holes in the ceiling and floor, these were thicker and dripped a thick, silver-blue solution which they began to smear over the captive fox-squirrel and kobold.
Fortune gleefully tilted his head back, playfully trying to catch one of the things. Successful he managed to coax one into his mouth, where her began to gleefully suckle upon it, his shaft already erect as he attempted to thrust against the tentacles, which seemed to have little interest in that particular piece of anatomy.
The silver slime-dripping tentacles seemed to widen in places as they began to bring forth something more solid than the slime, which was beginning to dry where it had been applied to Billy and Fortune's arms, legs, and tails. It tingled rather pleasantly.
Billy clenched his teeth, turning his head away from a tentacle that had a keen interest in penetrating his maw, an ovoid shape held just a few inches from the end, visible through the translucent slime. It wanted to pack the two trespassers full of eggs.
The kobold whimpered as he felt his tailhole stretch, the tentacle already inside of him pushing its contents into its new 'nest.' The egg made him feel pleasantly warm inside, it seemed to send spreading feelings of warmth and pleasure through his interior.
Unable to help himself, Billy moaned with pleasure, the tentacle hovering before him taking the opportunity to slip inside. It felt rather nice actually; its slow, rhythmic pumping making it feel rather like sucking a cock.
Fortune 'mmmed' happily as he caressed the intruding tentacle with his tongue, the tendrils rewarding his acceptance and passiveness by tilting him back, supporting him as he lay back in the air.
They were not gripping him as tightly now, allowing him to wrap his slime-covered hand around his shaft, beginning to stroke.
The silver slime seemed to sink into the skin, but also to harden atop it, removing Fortune's fur where it touched, making a strange sort of shell.
The larger tentacles broke apart, becoming many small ones. They slid over the two, caressing them, leaking more of the silver slime. But they weren't merely caressing, they seemed to have a purpose as they leaked their contents onto the two.
Liquid silver coated their arms and legs and Fortune's stroking assured that the goo covered his cock as well. The substance began to darken, to solidify, growing somewhat translucent as it covered the flesh, seeming to provide protection in order for it to be altered.
And alter it did. Billy and Fortune's fingers and toes were made to fuse, leaving two fingers and a thumb upon each hand and two chitin covered toes that came to points. But such was not the limitations of the changes.
As the fox-squirrel and kobold enjoyed the invasion of the tentacles, they found the color draining from their bodies. Billy's scales began to smooth out, their lilac purple leeching away to a shade of blue-white, his hair becoming a deep amethyst.
Fortune too found himself recolored according to the same design, his yellow and brown fur receded into increasingly blue-white skin, his white hair darkening to the identical dark purple that Billy now wore.
The tentacles seemed to concentrate upon Fortune, more eggs being pushed into him, more slime being packed onto him, primarily in the tail area. With his fur removed, seemingly devoured by the strange process that was warping his body, his tail was a sad, skinny shade of its former thick, bushy self.
Under the care of the slime, however, it quickly began to bulk up, being shaped into a long, tapering length like the reptilian kobold sported. The two were growing increasingly similar, now nearly identical in coloration and tail structure, but that would not last long either. The additional eggs that Fortune received seemed to have quite an effect upon his body. The fox-squirrel's body began to slowly shift, weight being moved around. The mass of his body was being drawn from the midsection and placed upon his arms and legs.
In a few moments it was obvious what was occurring, the fox-squirrel's frame was being altered into a more feminine state. His hips and rump grew rounded and wide, the flesh around his deep purple nipples growing puffy, expanding outward from his chest.
The dried slime upon his cock and tail began to crack, exposing new flesh beneath it. His tail was a mirror of Billy's, and his cock now the same amethyst shade of his hair, eyes, and nipples.
The kobold's own member had turned the same pale color as the rest of him, and it seemed to have grown larger, as had Fortune's. It was upon the loins that the changes centered now, broadening, lengthening, and thickening their shafts and making their balls tingle strangely as something went to work upon them, making the sack swell, growing larger to house the new contents. As their nethers grew, the slime dripping tentacles returned, applying more of the substance upon the shoulders, sides, and backs of the two. The sensations felt were strange, like a pins and needles feeling outside their flesh, like that of phantom limbs.
With the liquid slime hardening into a thick, rubbery, protective shell, new flesh and bone began to form. A new pair of limbs slowly took shape, simplistic and barely formed at first, but rapidly growing outward and gaining definition. In a few moments it became rather clear what the two were being transformed into.
The tentacles slowly withdrew, lowering the two lovers to the ground. They moaned softly as the tentacles withdrew, but their bodies continued to buck and thrust as their transformations continued.
The slime that covered them and had hardened was no longer transparent. It was now a grey-blue color. Both still under the effects of the mind-numbing substances in the eggs and slime that had been pumped into them, they began to explore their altered forms with four chitinous hands.
Fortune gripped his new breasts, delighting in the feel of them, their wonderful softness and sensitivity. Warmth surged inside of him, swirled around in his belly for a few moments before slithering up his spine, entering his mind.
The insectoid fox-squirrel moaned as the bones of his skull shifted ever so slightly, allowing a pair of small tendrils to slip out. But they were not small for very long. They quickly grew to a length of nearly two feet, branching out like a tree, or like a feather. The moth-like antennae tingled as the proper cells within began to activate.
Fortune's eyes widened as his mind was flooded with information, sights, sounds, scents, and more. The ship was alive, and it had been waiting for what it needed to return to full operation.
It had been attacked by pirates long ago, its crew abducted, leaving behind only the sterile workers, cat and dog sized insects with no intellect to them, guided entirely by the living ship's consciousness. It had used its workers to prepare for a time when it would be discovered, to be able to create new queens in order to repopulate both workers and crew. And after unknown years, decades, maybe even centuries of slumber, it had been awakened by Fortune and Billy.
Two different kinds of queens, to be exact. Fortune was made into the commander, his feathered antennae allowing for powerful telepathic transmission and reception, able to give orders through direct mental contact as well as through heightened pheromone production. Billy's antennae were shorter and more solid, they stuck up and then bent forward, ending in a round protuberance. He lacked Fortune's broad telepathic powers; his were more focused, allowing him to more easily communicate directly with the ship. He served as pilot and engineer in one.
The two began to stroke their growing egg sacks, for that is what hung between their legs now, huge, thick, and heavy. Each could feel the eggs already forming within them, different from the eggs that had been stuffed into their bodies. Those had not been truly eggs, but rather storage capsules filled with transformative compounds, nutrition, and chemicals to allow them to relax and enjoy their ascent into insecthood.
Their sacks were about the same size as their upper bodies, and still continued to grow, a slit opening at the end, already beginning to leak lubrication as the first of many eggs prepared for its journey.
Their carapaces were now fully hardened, a dark blue-purple about the same darkness as their hair, but with the blue and the purple reversed. Fortune's markings had transferred to his carapace, metallic purple stripes upon his carapace, darker blue stripes upon his back, tail, and ears.
The fox-squirrel gasped as the ship revealed something else to him. That he was now a she. The alterations to Fortune's figure had not merely been for the ship's own amusement, or an overdose of the insect hormones the two had been given, but rather for a different purpose. The ship would soon have a new force of workers to maintain and operate it, but it still lacked a crew. It only had enough resources to create a handful of queens, so creating a full and proper crew would require other methods.
The command-queen grinned and licked her lips, having the ship keep the information from her lover. Fortune caressed her breasts, noting that they leaked with the thick, rich, nutrient-filled honey that would be the primary food source for the ship's workers, though it wouldn't all come from her.
She cried out with delight as she felt the first egg slip from the slit of her egg sac, a small climax making her body quiver. Her egg sack, and that of her mate, were now fully grown, as long as Fortune was tall, but much thicker. The smooth floor of the ship would allow for comfort in pulling the weight around.
Billy had stood and begun to look himself over a somewhat tentative expression upon his face. It all seemed strange to him, but he had to admit it felt good. Fortune could feel his trepidation and with a short empathic burst and a release of certain scents drove it away.
The kobold gasped, his cock (Actually it was primarily an ovipositor now, but Fortune kept that bit of information to herself) suddenly dripped with a thick load of precum. He turned to Fortune and grinned, the fox-squirrel lifting her tail invitingly.
The operations-queen walked across the room, gasping softly at the sensation of his egg sack sliding over the floor. He was upon Fortune in an instant, hugging the fox-squirrel to him, his ovi slipping beneath her tail. It felt different, so much better than sex had before.
Fortune grinned, coaxing her lover on with mental nudges. Billy's upper hands gripped her breasts, while the others grasped her hips, pleasuring her even more.
The command-queen let out a loud moan of delight, her ovi creating a large puddle of fluid beneath her as she wished to have the ship fully operational as soon as possible, and that meant laying eggs as rapidly as she could.
With malicious glee she found that she was able to induce the same condition within her beloved kobold, whose own egg sack had begun to lay eggs, rewarding him with its pleasure.
"Wh-what?!" Billy whispered, feeling something thick and heavy entering his cock from within.
"You're laying eggs from both ends, silly." Fortune said, turning and giving Billy's nose a lick, "I thought you might find it fun."
Billy grinned wickedly and situated himself upon Fortune's egg sack, making sure his length was as deep into the fox-squirrel as it could go, "And I'm going to make sure that they're all going to go into you!" he said, playfully nibbling on Fortune's ear.
The command-queen's equally sinister grin went unseen as her muzzle parted in a delighted moan of pleasure as Billy's egg began to push into her, on its way towards her inner egg-pouch. Kept within her body, exposed to certain hormones, the eggs would develop into something more than the mere insectoid beasts that were workers; they would quickly grow into sentient insectoids.
"More!" Fortune cried, "Give me more!"
Billy growled softly and began to thrust harder, trying to coax the eggs from his ovi into the fox-squirrel's body. But instead of his ovi narrowing with the passage of an egg and drawing out another it continued to stretch, and stretch, and stretch. What was coming was not many eggs, but one large one.
"Ugh!" Billy grunted, "How is this thing going to f... fit?"
It just kept getting bigger and bigger, stretching the two lowers wider and wider, the sensations rocking their altered forms growing more and more powerful by the second. Fortune didn't bother to reply, merely tilting her head back to howl in exquisite bliss as her body accepted the massive treasure.
"Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods..." panted Billy, hugging Fortune tighter and tighter against him, the kobold clenching his teeth, trying to prevent the building pressure within him from turning into a messy explosion. His ovi felt like a fire-hose with a clamp on it, incredible pressure building behind it, threatening to make him burst.
And then the pressure was gone, the huge, heavy egg passing its middle point, the widest portion of its hard-shelled form. Fortune's body no longer had any resistance, the tension within her now aiding the egg's passage, rather than hindering it.
Billy's feeling of being like a hose building pressure was a perfectly apt description. Lubrication fluids flowed from his ovi with incredible force as he climaxed, all of it eagerly slurped up by Fortune, making her belly swell even more in addition to the presence of the egg.
The kobold panted, drained from the effort it took to expel the massive egg from himself. He closed his eyes, resting his head upon his mate's shoulder, his four hands caressing her swollen belly.
"I... I'm not sure if I ever want to do that again." He sighed.
Fortune giggled and squirmed free from her mate's embrace, letting the operations-queen fall to the rather sticky floor, the kobold worn and weary. She purred softly, lifting Billy's tail with one hand, another slipping beneath it to caress her lover's tailhole.
"Oh no you don't!" she growled softly, "Now it's my turn to lay an egg in you!"
Billy's eyes widened and he yelped in terror, "No! No way! I'm too tired, I have a headache, I need to wash my hair!" he protested, trying to drag himself away from Fortune's clutches, but the fox-squirrel was insistent.
"It's not going to hurt, you big baby! Now just relax, think placid thoughts. You're going to be a mommy soon!"
Billy groaned as Fortune's ovi slipped into him, a bit of a grin on his face.
"Enjoy it, because this is the only time I'm going to let you be on top like this."
Fortune giggle and nibbled upon Billy's ear.
"Oh you'll try, but once you're all worn out and unable to resist, that's when I'll strike." She purred.
"Yeah?" Billy said with a chuckle, turning his head.
"Yeah." Fortune replied, her muzzle parting to accept her lover's tongue, the two transformed queens sharing a deep, loving kiss. | yiff-extreme |
It really did look weird now that she thought back to it. Surrounded on all sides by buildings several times its height, looking like it had been wedged in between them when no one was looking and with a façade that wouldn’t be out of place fifty years earlir, the tiny shop in the middle of the street attracted no attention from passers-by, and neither did any one of them bother to go in. As far as it looked like, she was the only person to even notice it was there at all… and that was far too juicy a mystery for Lauren to ignore. Her common sense flared up and told her she was being an idiot, but the bun was faced with something weird; therefore, curiosity demanded she poke her nose into it.
Much to her dismay (and slight confusion), she was met not by a dusty old antiques collection being tended to by some shadowy, crooked figure in a barely-lit room… but by a series of clothing racks, neatly arranged in much the same way a regular store would be, and bright LED lights in the ceiling. If not for the antiquated exterior, which just brought even more questions to mind when compared to what it was hiding, the store would look perfectly at home in a large mall, or even as a standalone establishment in a large city. It boggled the mind how it could look so out of place, and why it hadn’t garnered a reputation amongst a certain few circles as the best place to go that no one else did.
The selection was, frankly, astonishing; it seemed that wherever she went, the bun found even more wares to peruse, possibly a result of the building being longer and deeper than its unassuming front indicated. Just finding the register was a chore, though it did give her enough time to notice that not only were there no other customers in the whole building, there weren’t any employees either. The background music was still playing and the place was pristine, nary a smidgeon of dust on any surface, so clearly someone had to be making the rounds… and yet the more she walked, the more Lauren found herself completely alone. It was unnerving to say the least, and after a while she resorted to taking quick looks behind her back, just to make sure she hadn’t fallen into some kind of sadistic trap and was now at the mercy of a weirdly-themed serial killer. Alas, nothing of note came to pass; just more clothing racks.
At least the register wasn’t empty; with a sigh of relief, Lauren noticed someone sitting behind it, a young wolf solving that day’s newspaper crossword. They barely noticed the one customer they had, waving absentmindedly towards one of the many corridors when asked where the lingerie section was before returning to their little pastime. Not the best customer service, the bun thought, but at least she was given the correct instructions.
Lauren had unique needs, owing to her nature as a doubly-endowed hyper. It wasn’t enough that she had to carry around a bosom that made most people jealous even when it was completely emptied out, or a rear that muffin-topped out of whatever it was she wore, no; the bun had to live up to her species’ stereotypical proclivities towards breeding like maniacs by also having a male apparatus of… sizeable girth. She was somewhat embarrassed by how large it was, and how loud, thus making proper underwear one of her top priorities; if she could keep the damn thing from moving around too much, it wouldn’t attract even more attention than it did. And considering how it turned heads wherever she walked, that was already far too much.
As befitting the store’s practically supernatural ability to meet demands, Lauren found an entire section dedicated entirely to hyper-sized lingerie and conventional underwear, conveniently next to a series of corridors with shirts, coats and pants designed for people of her unique persuasion. Even though walking into the building was something she did purely out of morbid curiosity, the bun wasn’t one to waste opportunities like that; the prices were accessible, the selection was wide enough she could easily find something she liked wearing, and it was right there in a single shop! No having to bounce between three or five different establishments to fill out a wardrobe, she could just have a binge right there and carry far too much back home!
Once again, however, the building’s weird, shifting size came back to bite her, as the main hallway leading to the dressing rooms seemed to go on forever the more she looked at it; she thought it best to pick out all she wanted to try out rather than make several trips, ending up with so much clothing on and over her that the bun practically toppled over whenever they took a step. Dropping what had to be several pounds of cloth and denim onto the ground, she began the long, arduous process of getting her clothes off. This normally took upwards of ten minutes, owing to the endless amount of zippers and hooks necessary to both get the damn things on her and hold them in place; she was known to fill up during the day and needed some kind of support that could handle that kind of growth.
It was only then that Lauren noticed none of the pieces she picked up had any of that; they were regular bras (both ball- and not) and shirts, just… bigger. While at first her shoulders slumped with dreadful disappointment, the bun soon found that, regardless of their simplicity, those things seemed to do their job a lot better than the crap she was forced to wear every day. It had been years since she wore a bra where she only had to clip a single hook, and yet the first one she picked up was not only that simple, but somehow seemed to distribute her weight even better than the one she came in with. Sure, her back was feeling her tits a lot more, but the counterbalance was enough to leave her feeling substantially more comfortable than before; Lauren even went so far as to bounce a couple of times, a forbidden move for her if there ever was one, and marvelled at how the piece held up and refused to tear even the slightest bit!
Now riding a wave of excitement, the bun quickly grabbed the first ball bra she found in the pile and affixed it to her waist as fast as possible, needing to know if they repeated the same stunt as their brethren up top. Much to her delight, they did, and not only held up her overinflated nuts, but kept them so tightly constrained that they barely sloshed at all… while somehow still maintaining a level of comfort that Lauren could only ever find when she was entirely naked. How exactly that shop was empty left her more confused than worried; surely, at some point, a hyper must’ve visited in the past, so why wasn’t the place flooded with eager customers wanting to get a piece of the stock? These were the best clothes she had ever tried on after puberty, and yet the place was completely deserted!
No matter, just more room and stuff for her to buy, that’s what was important. Trying out the other bras was now an afterthought, with the bun focusing on the shirts and jeans, all of which, surprisingly, she absolutely adored. It wasn’t every day that the bun found herself practically biting her lip at the sight of herself in a mirror, but whatever it was that made those clothes look so good, she was nailing her new style. The only obstacle now was price; Lauren doubted she had enough cash on herself to pay for all of that, and slapping such a massive bill on her credit card was sure to bite her in the future… and yet, by the time she formulated those thoughts, she was already taking her clothes off and putting the terrible old ones back on, shovelling everything into a neat pile and then walking towards the register.
“What am I doing?” the bun thought to herself, “I can’t afford all of this!”
It was true, and yet she didn’t care. Her feet walked of their own accord, leading her to the one other person in the building… who promptly waved her away from the register and towards the door. Lauren tried to ask to pay for what she had picked up, but every time she placed the clothes next to the till she received an angry growl and a pointer finger directed at the exit. Still reeling from the sudden shift in atmosphere, the bun nonetheless took her stuff and left, figuring that if the store’s owner (employee?) wasn’t going to stop her, then she had nothing to fear. And without any kind of alarm system, leaving the building was as easy as stepping outside and closing the door behind her, after which it became patently evident that such a door simply did not exist.
In the split second in between her turning around and blinking, the weirdly-outdated façade was still there, wedged between two apartment blocks. Then it was gone, the space it occupied vanished as well, as if the buildings next to it had stretched to close the gap. Lauren half-expected the stack of clothing she didn’t buy to disappear as well, and for the whole thing to have been a very vivid daydream, but they were still there; they were in bags she didn’t remember picking up, but they were there, leaving the bun even more confused than before. Was this all a lucid dream of hers? Was she not even awake and everything up until that point had just been fake? It seemed insane and nonsensical, but then again she was a massively-sized hyper with assets belonging to the female and male sex, so what did she know?
Shrugging, Lauren turned around and headed home, wanting to sift through her not-purchases in order to properly organize them in accordance with her overly-complicated sorting system. It was when she looked down to look at how many pieces were still there that she realized she wasn’t wearing her regular clothes; those were neatly folded and placed in one of her bags. On her was the first shirt she tried on, the first pair of jeans, and the same two bras that started it all, snugly fitting onto her and just as heavenly as she remembered them. At that point, Lauren figured it had to be a dream; there was no way this was actually happening, so she happily walked down the sidewalk humming to herself, perfectly content in the “knowledge” that she’d wake up soon after realizing that truth, and thus not paying all that much attention to her body.
The first changes came without warning and left her huffing at the sudden weight she was made to carry. It was odd how her dream self could feel so real, even going so far as to tug at the same muscles in her back that her tits always did when they got too full. Then again, it was her body, so it figured it would know exactly how to replicate itself in her dreamscape; at least she got to experience her growth in fast motion now! Lauren was used to filling up and inflating to larger sizes, but this was usually over the course of a couple of days, at best, or a few hours at worst whenever she felt particularly aroused or got carried away doing something she enjoyed (either-or, really). It wasn’t enough that she could see it happen; every once in a while, the bun would look down and notice her bust had grown a few inches or her nuts had burgeoned outwards by the same amount and that was that. Now though? Now she saw her tits bulging from her frame, filling like balloons and feeling several thousand times heavier than one, while a couple of damp spots formed in two very conspicuous places on the front of her stretched-out shirt.
“That’s… that’s funny,” she stammered to herself, “t-these feel really real…~”
Her voice was barely under her control, and judging from the reactions she was getting from everyone around her, wasn’t all that proper for civilized company either. Lauren didn’t know her subconscious was that into public humiliation that it would create such a detailed simulation of what it would be like to undergo a growth spurt in the worst way possible, along with such a long run-on introduction to why it happened… wait, what was she thinking?
… this was happening, wasn’t it?
Her eyes shot open as the realization of how absurd her belief was hit her about as hard as the next jump in size did. Before the bun could do anything to either stop it or at least just brace herself, her ball bra felt immensely more constricting as her nuts filled up with gallons upon gallons of her seed, expanding until even the stretchy fabric they were entombed in began to creak and groan under the strain. She could feel it start to tear, the bulge pocket in her pants finding itself stretched to maximum capacity; now panicking, the bun tried to run, only to break out into a disjointed waddle that nearly knocked her flat on her face. Everyone around her took the opportunity to move out of the way, a few giving her a disdainful look that only made Lauren’s face brighten up so much it was practically luminescent; she just wanted to get home as quickly as possible in order to get those clothes off of her. Why were none of the cabs stopping for her?!
Poor thing tried hopping from one foot to another, but considering the growing weight between her legs, this was easier said than done. She had to bite her tongue not to cry out when she felt her balls hit the ground, their bra giving in completely and ripping down the middle; the only thing keeping her decent was the cloth pocket her package was in, and even that was starting to fray at the edges. Up above the waist, her breasts were causing a similar scene, mostly thanks to having broken free of their brazzer far before her nuts did; the shirt’s low neckline, together with how much that thing rode up her torso, left her with what was effectively a strip of cloth that looped around her back and barely covered her nipples, revealing most of the areolae and dripping thick ropes of her milk out front. Even then she didn’t stop growing, with the “shirt”-cum-tube top thinning out considerably until it began to dig into her skin; this was surprisingly painful, enough that Lauren had to consider whether or not she wanted to rip it off just to make it end…
… not that she had to think about that too long, as her body made the decision for her. With a barely audible snap, the tattered remnants of her shirt flew off, revealing her tits completely for the world to see. They fell heavily on her chest, slapping against her skin and practically bending her over from how heavy they were; each nipple, now the size of her clenched fist, was in full flow, a perfect cap to a pair of milkers that had grown to cover most of her upper body and still continued to pack on mass from seemingly nowhere.
Below the waist, things weren’t much better; not only were her nuts now bulging out from the many, many holes in her pants, but her ass and thighs were starting to get in on the fun as well! Her belt was struggling to hold itself in one piece while the muffin-topping only got worse, resulting in what remained of her jeans reaching some kind of breaking point and immediately tearing themselves apart without so much as a warning. The bun was left entirely nude… and yet didn’t care nearly as much as her mind told her she should. Maybe it was the flood of hormones necessary to even trigger such a transformation, that made sense… or at least as much sense as any of the past hour did. Finally people started to pay attention to her, even if it was to start snapping pictures with their phone or try and grab a handful whenever they were close enough. It gave her something to do: ask for help getting back home with a dreamy smile stamped on her face.
By that point, the transformation seemed to be over; with the clothes gone, her growth had begun to halt, leaving her just large enough that her tits were hanging low to where the top of her nuts’ curvature smushed into them, while her cock was firmly wedged into her cleavage even in its flaccid state. Not that it was soft; damn thing was hard enough to slap her in the face whenever she wasn’t paying attention, spurting her cum all over everyone around her. Lauren was left to take whatever assistance she could, slowly make her way back to her apartment thanks to all the wonderful people whose hands took up far more of her body than they had any right to. It was positively wonderful, being able to feel so much love and be given so much attention, even when she ended up being unceremoniously thrown through her front door and then closed inside while hearing protestations about “milk damage” and “fucking indecent”. Honestly, she didn’t really care; the one thought in her head, when she tried to get up and head to the bathroom, acting on instinct in an attempt to drain herself, was whether or not the store would be there the next day.
She had more shopping to do. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Draka Rituál by Sylkis Nareth
Tags: Incest, Other/Herm, Oviposition, Scat, Watersports
First and foremost this story contains the following: INCEST, SCAT, WATERSPORTS, small gender transformation, and ovipositioning along with it being a baby dragon. I'm hoping the uber capitalized text points out that this story DOES contain such material and I'm not to blame if you pple can't read this or for some reason inclined to read a story that doesn't appeal to you. You have been warned!
\*June 13, 1329: I am starting this diary to document my findings and observance of what the locals call Draka Rituál or Dragon Ritual. Few have ever even attempted such a feat as it is a revered and secret ceremony among the dragons, and if I am discovered it could mean my death. To my knowledge only a colleague of mine has ever actually found the location of one dragon family. The coordinates are..... \*This is a note found with a decaying corpse found floating in the ocean
The sky throws down lightning from the heavens towards the earth. A single dragon sits on the edge of a rocky cliff high in the mountainside, looking up at the flashing sky and smiles. The light shimmers off the metallic black scales every time the lightning flashes across the grey skies. A familiar high pitched clicks of tiny claws echo within the cave, getting louder as a smaller dragon appears next to the adult. The tiny hatchling looks up at the sky with wonder, watching the lightning dance and streak down to the earth below.
The adult turns his head to the side and gazes upon his child as he lays a paw between the horns and rubs. The hatchling just closes its eyes and lets out a loud scratchy purr. The adult can read the baby dragon's mind. A warm swirl of colors and emotions can be sensed coming from the young one as its in apparent bliss. Another brighter color starts to slowly enter into the swirling mix as the mother's thoughts start to reach the others. Both the male and hatchling give each other a gentle nuzzle before slowly retracting back into the cave. It was the perfect day for the Draka Rituál.
The male leads his child to the center of the main chamber, a place the young dragon has often played with the parents but this time there are numerous symbols written over the walls and on the floor. The hatchling sniffs the air curiously and picks up the scent of fresh blood and notices it's coming from the writings. As the baby dragon passes over each symbol it starts to glow a deep dark red, a beautiful sparkling gold dragon takes the baby's paw and leading it down the corridor where more symbols are written.
As the mother walks the child deeper down into the cavern the warm swirling emotions and colors start to fade into a cold blue. The female smiles warmly and rubs along the young's back, recognizing the colors of fear. This calms the young hatchling some as they walk deeper until they stop at a wall. Both the female and male extend their paw and touch the wall. It slowly dissolves into a passage way with a single beam of light in the center that flickers as the lightning strikes.
Once the dragon family pass through the dissolved gate it reappears and the room lights up. Six crystals float around the outer edge of the room as if held up by an imaginary string while an arch from each crystal touches a seventh crystal in the center of the room. Each crystal emits its own attribute from the ceiling to the floor but vanishes before touching the floor. A water fall flows from the top of one crystal as a large vine dangles out of another. Two tornados spin around one crystal as the one next to it burns with a blue flame but isn't consumed. The next to last crystal glows with black fire, causing the crystal to emit a deep violet color while the last crystal glows pure white. The center crystal remains a clear blue color as the unity of the crystals hasn't occurred yet.
The young dragon is in awe of the crystals, a soft harmonious tune echoes in the room yet there is no overlapping sound. It's as if the sound itself is alive and synchronizes with itself so that it's one soft tune. The young one can do nothing but sit there as its lost in the playful melodies, closing its eyes and playing in the warm rainbow of colors inside its mind. However soon the tune fades and the dragon is brought back into reality. The two adult dragons are standing next to the little one and lead it over to a stone table beneath the crystal.
The male dragon purrs and gives the young dragon a soft lick before he picks up the hatchling and lays it on the table. The little hatchling looking a bit frightened at being on the cold stone table but is calmed by the crystals playing the tune again. The young one doesn't even notice the parents tying the feet and paws to the side of the table.
The tune fades away again and the young dragon notices the tall male standing right between the legs, a curious purr emits from the young one's muzzle as the male dragon holds a small shiny crystal between the fingers and starts to move towards the little dragon's tail hole. The crystals begin to sing again and the young hatchling's eyes glaze over, lost in the tune but can only feel the pleasure as the adult dragon slips the crystal inside, rubbing gently around the inside and purring deeply.
The mother dragon watches and smiles as the male pushes his finger deep into the hatchling's hole. She soon remembers that her part of the ritual is coming up so she goes to the earth crystal and pulls off a section of the vine and then to the water crystal, trapping some of the water in a sacred cup. By this time the large black male has finished playing with the young dragon's hole and his muzzle slowly leans down to lick along the red flesh protruding from the hatchling's belly. The mother then brings the cup over the child and pours the water in the young dragon's fem sex. A truly unique hatchling they had made as it brought the balance between all the forces of the universe plus the difference of the genders together.
The cup keeps pouring out water, never running out. The mother concentrates most of the water to the tail hole and watches as her baby's stomach starts to swell. The young dragon cries out softly as it feels really uncomfortable but can stand the pain as the crystals are still singing their tune but now have added more brighter colors to the mix. Once the mother is done she empties the cup into the fem sex and waves her paw over it, the small lips seal and disappear. The male dragon extends his paw and spreads his fingers, this causing the crystal inside the now male dragon to expand, slowly stretching out the hole for what is soon to come. The young hatchling moans out loudly as his hole is being stretched wider and wider. The mother tying the vine around the back of the hatchling's head, forming a makeshift muzzle.
As the crystal finally reaches its final size the hole has been spread wide open where the dragon can see deep inside yet the water inside doesn't flow out. The male dragon stands tall before the young one and his cock stands tall and thick, ready for his part of the ritual. The hatchling's mind is lost in a vast sea of colors, various hues of yellow, blue, green, and red all mixing with the sound of the crystals, only being able to feel the pleasure.
The male dragon takes his large black shaft and points the tip straight at the hole, some of the water splashes out and lubes the entrance. The dragon then pushes his cock all the way into the waiting hole, grunting and moaning as even though the hole was spread open it is still tight due to the hatchling being so young. He thrusts in to the hilt, his ridges stretching the hole further. The muscles automatically flexing and releasing, adding to the tightness and intense pleasure. However the male manages to nod to the female as it's her turn to complete the ritual.
The gold dragon climbs up onto the table and uses the vines to tie the hatchling's muzzle to her own tail hole, forcing the muzzle to slip inside some. The mother closes her eyes and gives a soft grunt as her hole quivers around the muzzle and opens up. The hatchling is left all but helpless as he is forced to suck and eat on the large load of mess that is being pushed out. The mess overflowing the muzzle and also sliding down the hatchling's throat, the male dragon keeps thrusting faster and harder, watching his mate relieve herself inside their baby.
He himself decides to mark the inside of his child as he sighs and a large stream of piss floods the inside of the young dragon, at the same time the mother lets out a loud sigh as she finishes pushing her load into her son's muzzle but also starts to pee all over the slick soft scales and the baby dragon's cock. The young one feels the warm pee and mess and willingly submits to this treatment as it feels so wonderful even though a bit odd but he doesn't mind. The hatchling's hips start to buck against the air and stream of his mother's piss, both parents see this and smile, they both curve their necks and slowly start to lick over their tiny hatchling's cock. The young one murrs out in delight, his muzzle overflowing more with his mother's mess.
His body can't handle all the attention as his father rapes his stretched hole and both of them teasing his cock. However the ritual isn't over yet. The parents keep licking at the cock, alternating between each other as to who sucks on the tip and entire cock. After a few minutes the young dragon's body can't hold back any more and he cries out in pleasure which forces more mess down his throat but he swallows and shoots his cum all over his parent's snout. They murr together and lick all over the tiny body, cleaning him up and entrapping his muzzle from his mother's hole. The female dragon takes the cup again and washes off her baby's muzzle, kissing it deeply and locking tongues. Both of them locked in a deep kiss as their tongues explore each other's muzzles.
The male dragon keeps thrusting and finally roars out so loud that the crystals shake and his cum shoots out into the awaiting hatchling. The baby dragon's stomach keeps swelling as more liquid is pumped into his body. However he feels a change as he rubs his paws over the expanding belly. The feeling in his stomach grows harder and starts to take a round shape. The young dragon feels a small burning sensation beneath his cock as the smooth scales start to split open and form his fem sex again only this time it spreads wide as the egg formed by the water, cum, and piss starts to slide out.
The young herm dragon moans out as the egg is slowly advancing without much pushing but eventually gets stuck at the widest point. The male dragon chuckles softly and points his softening flesh at the egg and manages to push it back inside. The baby moans out loudly as the egg retracts back inside the womb. The mother just watches and cleans up her baby dragon with the water. Once the egg is all the way inside the male pulls out again and helps the baby dragon to hir feet. Once her tiny paws hit the floor the center crystal erupts in a shower of light and colors as all the ritual is complete.
The baby dragon has begun hir journey to becoming an adult. | FSE |
It was honestly confusing why she kept coming back to the gym. Even showing off didn’t quite cut it anymore, not as much as it had; the Rattata could only really do it so much before it started becoming pointless. How could she derive satisfaction from showing off when it was the equivalent of a regular-sized person flexing to an ant? She made a mental note to find some place that had bulkier folks in it, she was in need of a good reminder of how utterly massive she was even compared to the biggest of the big. Still, it was a way to pass the time, she guessed; plus, all the little ones around her gawking at her naked body were always somewhat entertaining, even if it was getting old. Another round of lifts, another few pounds of mass bulking out her biceps; too little to really register on her already-enormous frame, even for the people around her, but for someone as sensitive to her own body as she was? Every ounce was a treat to savour. So much so that she decided to give everyone else a treat as well and offered the gym a good flex with both arms, straining her muscles hard enough to cause her biceps to visibly bulge out a good ten inches in all directions or so, only adding to her bulbous frame. The Rattata had given up using clothing for some time already, not necessarily because she couldn’t find anything that could fit without tearing, but because she had grown tired of the charade; she already knew that whatever it was she wore that day would end up torn to shreds, so why bother? Everyone could already see every defined inch of her as it was, so why should she spend money and effort hiding it? Sure, the police outside were talking about something that sounded like “indecent exposure”, but flashing her waist-length tits at them and completely crushing one of their cars with a single blow (in the process further sinking her hand into the pile of musculature that was her arm) did the trick; they allowed her to just go about her day, provided the Rattata didn’t cause any more such disturbances. Such it was that Beth spent most of her days hitting the gym for a few hours, gaining a few inches in all directions and then going home to make a few hundred bucks making a bunch of online weirdos cream themselves just by her staring at them through a webcam. Or… well, “staring” is perhaps the wrong word, seeing as she was quite unable to see past her chest, having bulked up to such a degree that her only real option was to look upwards and hope her bushy tail managed to brush people aside quickly enough. When she wasn’t using her vast breasts as a cushion, of course; though hard, lying down on top of them did let her tilt her head enough to be able to see people if they were at least six foot tall. If not, they could always use a box… or she could lift them, though that had the “unfortunate” side effect of just causing more bulk to settle on her; she figured it’d be best not to resort to that unless absolutely necessary.
When the clock ticked over to 5PM, however, Beth knew it was time for her little show to be over. Getting up for the last time was always so difficult, and not just because her body sometimes needed to adapt to all the new mass that had settled on it through the workout; trying not to break the ground was an exercise in frustration and constant payments, seeing as Beth lacked the gentler touch of her giant friend. Speaking of, the Rattata had scheduled to meet up with her, so it was time to get up and get going! Trying her best not to bump into too many people when she rushed into the showers, succeeding in only gaining about fifty or so extra pounds of muscle from the strain of doing so, Beth allowed herself to enjoy a little time-out under the running water, letting her sweaty sheen wash off while everyone watched in slack-jawed amazement at her body. It was honestly quite endearing, seeing all the little ones gawk so openly at her obscenely-engorged frame; when Beth started attending the gym, she was anything but small, but nothing compared to the monster she had become. It was almost impossible to think that the Rattata had once been a mere six feet tall and had a frame that wasn’t wider than that. In fact, most people would accuse you of lying if you said you remembered a time in which Beth had a “normal” physique, albeit a very well-defined and muscular one. But it wouldn’t be until she met Clara that her true transformation had begun… not until she snuck in a little taste of the Arcanine’s milk that her body had gone into overdrive. Since then, it seemed like everything she did just made her bulk up more. It used to be that simply straining herself would cause her muscles to bulge out, only to return to their regular size after a while; but with time, they’d shrink less and less, until one day Beth found herself flexing for a gym partner and not having her body return to what it had been before. Bigger and bigger she got, until her very head was overwhelmed by her muscle mass and buried underneath it. Her friend screamed as she saw it happen, but once Beth was done flexing, having grown to a good eight feet tall and just as many feet wide, it was hard for her to do anything but bask in the glory that was her friend Rattata’s body. So densely packed, and yet pudgy and soft enough that one could sink their hands into any part of her musculature and just watch as it vanished… right before hitting the hard muscle underneath, of course. “Poor” Beth had to undergo quite a few “embarrassing” moments when most of the gym goers decided she’d make a good target for their adoration, and very nearly stopped her from being able to just leave; this culminated in her body just bulking up even more when the Rattata had to force people out of her way, only making things significantly worse. Or better, all things considered. But that was unimportant; it had happened three weeks before already, and in that timeframe her body had grown out to become such a monolithic expression of pure strength that it made her
chuckle every time she remembered thinking she had reached some form of apex. How silly of her, to assume she’d ever stop growing. Taking care not to bend the showerheads when moving back, and letting the massive line of people behind her know that the full half of the room she had been taking up was now free, Beth toweled herself off and then carefully navigated the way to the outside, cautiously avoiding straining herself too much when squeezing out the door; the building’s owners were lucky that she was still so soft, even when covered by bulk as she was, otherwise that frame would’ve been busted beyond repairs several times over. Irrelevant; it was past five and Beth was supposed to be meeting Clara in just about five minutes, so it was time for her to actually hurry up for once. Though the Rattata was unable to run, seeing as doing so would most likely end up cracking the pavement to the point where she’d have to pay for repairs, the mini-giantess’ sheer height ensured that her large steps allowed her to cover the distance between the gym and friend’s house in far less time than anticipated; had she grown more than she had thought? Huh, perhaps. The house itself was utterly massive, as was a requirement given how equally-gigantic Clara herself was. Even then, Beth found herself constantly berating her to move out and find someplace better, since the gigantic Arcanine couldn’t help bumping her head against the ceiling every five minutes or so. Clara had bought that place about three years prior, back when she was still merely ten feet tall, but after the changes they’d gone through since then, it was absurd to think her colossal body could be contained in that tiny little matchbox for much longer. She thought that, and yet even the pile of muscles-on-muscles that was herself still managed to look small in comparison to that street-dominating door. Knocking on it yielded no results, leading to Beth wondering if Clara had forgotten about their arrangement… or if she hadn’t, and just lost track of time helping someone do whatever it was they needed; it’d be extremely like her to do that, and as much as Beth wanted to, she couldn’t find it in herself to be mad at the Arcanine for it. She knocked again, and again, only to be constantly met with silence from the other end. Huffing, she approached a small panel built into the wall next to it; it had been installed by Clara herself, since something as simple as keys were sadly just too inconvenient for her to even have. It served as a simple fingerprint scanner, and after Beth had befriended her and made herself a constant guest in that manor of hers, a second panel had been installed just for the Rattata, a couple of feet down. It was ever-so-slightly awkward to use, however, as the bulging mass of her arms overflowed over her hands, needing her to fiddle around with the scanner and press herself against it until it finally registered her outstretched fingers. With a loud *BOOP*, the machine lit up and the front
door slid open to one side, letting her walk in before sliding back into place behind the amazonian beauty. “Clara?” she called out, “Claraaaaa? Are you home?” Nothing. Her voice didn’t so much reverberate as echo through those wide hallways as she made her way through them, calling out for her friend in the hopes that she wasn’t simply alone in the house. That’s when she heard it: the snoring. Beth let out a snort, barely containing her giggling before turning towards Clara’s bedroom and pushing the door open, seeing exactly what she had expected: the massive Arcanine, passed out cold, with one arm hanging off the side of the bed and her tongue lolling from her open mouth. The poor thing looked tired even while resting, clear bags under her eyes and looking like she’d just run a dozen marathons without stopping; to say nothing of her laboured breath and occasional mumbling about “d’you need anything else?” or something about shingles. As usual, the big sloppy pupper had completely lost control of her own drooling, usually kept in check only by her own conscious effort; without her mind there to tell her to keep those watery curtains inside of her mouth, the ground by the side of the bed was a complete mess, a tiny river of her drool flowing into several of the drains she had installed in the bedroom, even the multitude of drainage systems being unable to deal with her full flow and dangerously close to backing up. It was easy to tell what had happened; the idiot had run herself ragged yet again doing errands for other people, and had collapsed from exhaustion after deciding to take a short nap before her friend came over. This would be surprising, if not for the fact that it had happened at least five other times in the past couple of months alone, with far more examples stretching back to the very day the two of them had met. Beth sighed, smiling warmly at the thought of having to wake up that sleeping beast… in just a moment. As was usual in situations like these, given that Clara herself had given her permission after findinging out she’d been doing it anyway, the first thought that came to the Rattata’s mind was to head down to the Arcanine’s paws. The rest of her body wasn’t exactly a slouch; most of it was completely covered by a set of breasts so massive that they reached halfway to the ceiling, and full enough that if a single one of them were to fall off Clara’s heaving chest, even Beth would be unable to properly lift them… at least without bulking up so massively in the process that she’d probably outgrow her friend, something she promised never to do under any circumstances. At least not until given permission.
Being careful not to bump into the large tracts of hip and ass overflowing from the bed, Beth made her way to her preferred part of Clara’s entire body: those impossibly-soft pads on the bottom of her gigantic paws. It was hard to ignore them, considering they were so disproportionally massive to the rest of her that the Arcanine often joked about being immune to tripping down; it was truly a work of art that Clara never destroyed anything with those stompers, considering they practically filled every street she entered. The Rattata couldn’t even begin to explain her love for those things. It’s not like she’d ever been attracted to such a body part before; hell, she used to think it was kind of a weird kink. But a chance encounter with Clara’s own, exquisitely squishy paws, had changed her mind completely… if only for Clara alone. If anyone asked, Beth wouldn’t deny having tried it with other people, but none ever managed to match the same effect her Arcanine friend had; comparing them to velvet would be a disgraceful insult, so much so that the Rattata avoided even thinking such a thing for fear of accidentally blurting it out. It was impossible to describe, almost like their physical properties defied such simple things as “concepts” or “meaning”. To touch a single one of those squishy pads was to awaken from the best sleep one might’ve had, their entire body feeling like it had just been given a fresh injection of energy to go through the whole day; to sink one’s hand (or head, if one was feeling particularly feisty that day) into it would be enough to send shivers down the spine as the very ideal of comfort would be poured into them. It was, for lack of a better word, heavenly. And the best part about it was that it wasn’t just the absolute best thing everest ever to have ever happened to whoever tried it; Clara herself reaped quite a few benefits from whenever anyone decided to massage her paws, even if her blushing self didn’t like talking about it for fear of stammering too much. Beth knew, however, how much the giantess adored the idea of having someone rub their entire body all over those squishy beans of hers, and, in some way, even looked forward to it; she would dare say it was Clara’s guilty pleasure, just about the only thing the loveable fuzzball did for her own gain and no one else’s. Of course, Clara would never admit to this, especially not after how self-conscious she was left feeling when Beth casually mentioned tripping onto her when she was sleeping and more or less just losing herself in the inviting warmth of her paws and toes. The Rattata still remembered how red she was, enough to make even her fur’s colour look pale by comparison! And yet, she didn’t deny her request for a foot rub later that day, or the day after, and a week later Beth didn’t even have to ask; she’d arrive at the house, call for her friend, and find her laying down either on the couch or the bed, sheepishly looking at her while wiggling her toes. Poor Clara never really said anything, but the intent was clear; and Beth joyfully awaited each and every opportunity to get to work on those wonderful pads of hers.
By the time she formulated those thoughts, the Rattata was already neck deep inside one of them, rubbing her substantially-sized torso all over Clara’s left paw; it had taken some time for her to get accustomed to the overwhelming ocean of sensations that flowed through her every time she did that, but the Rattata had developed enough of a tolerance that passing out from how good it felt only happened every once in a while… though that particular occasion seemed to be headed straight for such an occurrence. Fortunately for her, Clara was stirred from her sleep just long enough to start questioning what was happening to her, and then to crane her neck just enough to notice her friend was squirming underneath one of her outstretched paws. With her face growing even redder at the realization, she drew back both of her legs and scampered up the bed, causing its frame to creak loudly as her weight was focused on such a (comparatively) tiny spot. “Oh my god Beth I completely forgot I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do it’s just that Miss Jenkins needed her roof tiles replaced and then while I was doing it Mister Peterson showed up and asked if I could help unclog the sewer drains but then while I was busy I noticed that a couple of the houses needed some renovations?” the giant Arcanine spat out in quick succession, while Beth rolled her eyes at the familiar sight of a startled Clara trying to explain herself, “So I went down to the store, and then there weren’t any of the materials so I guessed it was best to head down to supplier myself and make sure they had enough to sell and hmp!” Her rapid-fire prattling was silenced by Beth literally holding her mouth shut, offering her muzzle a quick smooch and then nuzzling against the Arcanine’s neck… all while still holding her ability to speak hostage, since the Rattata knew full well her friend would just continue to blurt out excuses. “Clara, it’s fine. You don’t need to apologize.” The Arcanine gave her the sad, puppy dog look, enough to nearly get Beth to reconsider, if only to let her friend apologize to feel better. “I’m going to let you speak now. Are you going to be quiet and let me talk afterwards?” Though it clearly pained her somewhat, Clara nodded, whimpering quietly when her muzzle was freed, and very obviously still rearing to return to the flurry of words she was throwing out previously. “Now,” Beth carried on, “it’s okay. You don’t need to apologize, you don’t need to come up with excuses, you don’t need to do anything. But you are going to do me a favour, alright?”
The Arcanine nodded again, seemingly too frightened by her own outburst to say anything, lest it happen again. “You and I are going to take the day off tomorrow. No ifs, no buts, no excuses! You’ve been working yourself down to the bone for as long as I’ve known you, and considering how much pudge is in between those things and everything else, that’s a lot of work to do!” - though still awkwardly trying to hold her tongue, Clara had to chortle at the small, dumb joke - “So tomorrow, you and I are gonna go on a well-deserved break. My treat, my money, you just sit back, relax and stop worrying for five minutes. Deal?” Clara smiled, and though her eyes clearly betrayed how much she wanted to keep going on her previous rant when she delivered her response, it was nonetheless very obvious that the Arcanine was deeply moved by the offer. “It’s a date!” | yiff-extreme |
Title: How to Give a Lingam Massage
Tags: lingam, massage, lingam massage, tantra, masculine, sexual techniques
As a woman, I don't know what it would be like to have your cock completely worshipped and adored for hours on end—but I imagine it would be pretty fantastic! I happen to be on the worshipping end, and I love paying homage to what, in Tantra, is called the Lingam (pronounced ling-ahm)—which loosely translates into "Wand of Light." In the physical sense, it is what we might call the cock, prick, dick, etc. The Tantra definition expands the view of the male genitals beyond the physical—the masculine is a pure laser beam of consciousness, raw energy and single-minded focus. A Lingam Massage is about worshipping that consciousness, and giving a man space to relax into his body, and expand his consciousness to receive even greater pleasure.
This type of massage can also help men work through sexual trauma, or negative sexual conditioning, given a massaging partner with enough gentle patience. Orgasm is never the goal of the Lingam massage, although it happens sometimes, and it is often much more intense than normal orgasms. The true goal is to massage the Lingam, testicles, perineum and "sacred spot" (more on that later—it's the masculine equivalent to the feminine g-spot) to encourage a man to explore the edges of his ability to receive pleasure.
**Preparation** You can bathe or shower together first. Make sure you both void before starting, as you won't want to have to interrupt the flow if one of you has to use the bathroom.
You need a quiet, preferably dim space, with a bed, or a futon mattress on the floor, or even just pillows. You can drape a sheet over them, in case you spill any oil. The temperature in the room should be a little warmer than normal because you are both going to be nude, so you may want to turn up the heat. Lighting many candles in the room also helps generate heat and keep the room dim. You will want to make sure that you have an open time frame where you won't be disturbed, preferably a few hours. Remember to turn off all of your phones and pagers, and if you live with others, you can even put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door.
Music is good to set the mood, but be sure it's something where *all* of the tracks are appropriate. There's nothing so jarring as a discordant piece of music suddenly playing when you're trying to relax. Make sure your CD player has a "repeat" function, so you don't have to stop to push "play" again and again.
Your lubricants and oils should be somewhere within easy reach. Try to get spill proof bottles, and use plastic rather than glass. (Knocking over a bottle of massage oil and breaking it makes a huge mess and goes a long way toward ruining the mood!)
If you are giving this massage, you should remind your partner that their communication with you is key. Make sure that they feel comfortable making requests or comments. He should know that this is about his comfort and pleasure, and if he needs a break, or if the room is too hot, or the touch is too light or too hard, he can and should speak up and say something. You can often encourage him by asking "Is this too hard?" or "Is the temperature ok?"
The first thing you should do is breathe together. Breath is the way we make love with the divine. Look into each other's eyes and breathe, deep into your belly. You should be sitting face-to-face (or standing, if you prefer). You can hold hands, or hold onto each other, whatever feels good to you both.
**The Lingam Massage** The massage begins with the man lying on his back, usually with something under his hips to lift them a little—a pillow (cover this with a towel) or a cushion. He can place a pillow under his head if he likes, or not, whichever is more comfortable. Make sure he is relaxed and truly comfortable before you begin, because he is going to be in this position a long time.
You should sit between the man's legs, cross-legged, with his legs apart, knees up and slightly bent. You should continue looking into his eyes and breathe with him. Remind him, often, of his breath. If you find he is holding his breath, you can place your hand on his lower belly and remind him to breathe from that space, to "fill his belly" with his breath. Practice this a few times before you begin.
Lingam massage begins with a slow, sensual massage of the other parts of the body. Massage his legs, his chest, his abdomen, his arms. This is a long, slow process. Advance the massage slowly toward the inner thighs and pelvis, until he is breathing deeply from his belly, and his body has no more tension and is fully relaxed.
Then, and only then, should you approach the Lingam. This is a sacred act, and a powerful one. You should ask his permission to touch his "Wand of Light." You can simply say the words, "May I touch your Lingam?" or you can more formally ask, "May I touch your Wand of Light?" Whatever reaction or response he has is normal. Take it in stride, whatever it is.
If he gives you permission, pour a small quantity of *very good quality* massage oil or water-based lubricant on the Lingam and testicles. The quality of the oil is important. This area of the body is very sensitive, and the skin can get raw quickly if the oil isn't high quality. Rub the oil into the skin, and then begin at the top of the inner thighs, in the crease where his legs meet the pelvis floor. Work along the connecting bone and muscles, releasing tension as you go. Spend a great deal of time here, rubbing the oil into the skin. Use slow, steady motions.
Remember, too, to ask him what he is feeling—is it too hard, too soft? Too fast, too slow? Let his pleasure be your guide. You don't need to have a conversation (and probably shouldn't—it might take him out of his body) but definitely keep communicating during the massage. Look into his eyes, and keep breathing with him.
Next, massage above the Lingam, on the pubic bone. Rock your hand over this place, feeling the bone beneath the muscle and skin. Then, move on to the scrotum, gently (and I say gently, and I *mean* gently!) pulling and kneading his testicles. You will need to pay very close attention to his responses here, and encourage him to tell you what is just right for him. Some men are more sensitive than others in this area, and can't stand to have their testicles touched at all, while others require a harder touch. Experiment, starting light and moving toward hard, rather than the other way around.
Then, move your hand down to massage his perineum. This is the area between the testicles and anus, and can be very sensitive. Pay special attention here, circling and pulling at the tissues. This is a very overlooked and neglected part of the male anatomy, and most men find great pleasure in having it stimulated. You can use downward strokes from his Lingam to his anus, or a circular motion. Vary your speed and pattern and ask for feedback often.
Now you can move your hand to touch his Lingam. As you do so, imagine you are making love to a god, some divine being, and this is the source of his energy and light, this hard shaft in your hand. Worship him as you begin to stroke the shaft with varying pressure and speed. Let him feel all your devotion and love in your movements. He is your god here on Earth, and this is your opportunity to show him that.
If, at any point, your man seems close to ejaculation, you need to back off immediately and let things cool down before beginning again. He will have to be more aware of his own bodily sensations during this time, and should be giving you feedback. If he thinks he is close to ejaculating, he should tell you, so you can slow your movements. If he passes the point of no return, that's ok. If he is *very* close, but not quite there, you may be able to hold off his ejaculation by squeezing the tip of his Lingam between your thumb and forefinger. You need to squeeze very firmly, and hold it for about thirty seconds. Encourage him to take deep, belly breaths while you do this and it may delay him.
Now, as you are massaging the shaft, begin to gently squeeze his Lingam at the base with your right hand, and pull up, sliding completely off. Then do the same with your left hand—squeeze his Lingam at the base, and pull up, sliding completely off. Then do this again with your right, then your left, and so on. Then, after a while, change directions—slide alternating hands from the top down to the base.
You should pay close attention to the tip or head of his Lingam. Hold his Lingam by the tip and gently shake it back and forth. Then thoroughly massage the head, cupping it in your palm and making a "juicing" motion (like you are juicing a lemon or an orange) around and around.
Another thing about Lingam massage—because it's not necessarily about achieving orgasm, he may not be fully erect all the time. That's perfectly normal, and in Tantra, it's actually preferable. Women experience the same rise and fall of arousal, too, like waves—it just doesn't have such tangible measurements. Let him stiffen or wane, as his pleasure increases or decreases. The more he does this, the more in tune he will be with his own arousal.
Move from the Lingam to the testicles to the perineum and back again, paying close attention to his response. A man can learn to master his ejaculations more effectively through this technique, as you massage him and he learns to identify the cues his body sends that orgasm is imminent. Remember to keep backing off if he gets too close to ejaculating, moving your hands to a more remote area, such as his perineum or even his thighs for a while.
The next place to explore is the male "Sacred Spot." You can do this one of two ways. The first way is to locate the spot halfway between the testicles and anus that creates a small indentation, about the size of a dime. You should be gentle, here, (go light at first, and increase pressure as he likes, that's always a good rule) but begin to push inward with your finger. He will feel a sort of pressure, and it may even be painful at first.
The other way to access the sacred spot is through the anus. Some men are sensitive about having anything inserted and don't want to have it done this way, and that's fine. If he is open to it, you can insert the index finger of your left hand (use lubrication!) slowly and gently into the anus about an inch or so. Then crook the finger in a "come here" gesture, and you will feel the prostate gland. This feels good when massaged, and some men like to have the Lingam massaged at the same time.
Like a woman's G-spot (her sacred spot) this can hold strong emotions that may be released as you are massaging him. Whatever comes up, it's normal, just let him experience the wave of emotions without trying to comfort or rescue him. Keep pressing there, allowing him to release whatever he needs to.
The male sacred spot is also another way to help control ejaculation. If he starts to feel close, you can decrease stimulation on the Lingam and increase stimulation in the sacred spot, either anally or on the perineum, and it should help decrease his immediate need for orgasm.
If he wants to ejaculate at the end of the massage, that's fine. If he doesn't, that's fine, too. If he does choose to ejaculate, keep reminding him to take deep, deep breaths, even during his orgasm. It will probably be more intense than most orgasms he has experienced. When he feels complete, slowly remove your hands. Ask for his feedback—some men do like to snuggle afterward, but some would rather drift off into a meditative state. Let him do whichever he prefers.
I love to worship a man's Lingam, devoting my whole self to his pleasure, feeling the power in him as he learns to master his own ejaculations. I hope that you can give your man your devotion and love through this massage, and show him how much you worship him and his "Wand of Light."
1.) Copeland, Pala and Link, Al. – Soul Sex: Tantra For Two The Career Press, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 2003. | literotica |
Title: Friendly Favours Ch. 02
Tags: gay fellatio, gay friend, gay prostitution, gay gigolo, adultery, gay cum swallowing, gay submission, gay cocksucking, gigolo, gay handjob
**Chapter 2: Hazard Pay**
Things went on that way for a while. Lee would continue to give me a ride to and from work every day and my wife became accustomed to me doing what she thought were odd jobs around Lee's house to help raise some extra cash while we were feeling the pinch trying to make ends meet. Little did she suspect the true nature of the odd jobs I was doing for Lee, or to what lengths I had gone to augment our income.
The length I had gone to in fact was about six and a half inches and the income (not counting the money) was usually down my throat. Yes, for the sake of money, I was giving my co-worker and friend regular blow jobs, sometimes twice or even three times in one day. In this way I was bringing home about two hundred extra dollars a week.
I had become accustomed to the routine. The day would be filled with the drudgery of factory work but sweetened with a strange anticipation as well as I had begun to look forward to my sessions with Lee, which usually ended with me swallowing my own cum for Lee after swallowing his a couple of times. I seemed to be highly aroused by the taboo nature of the act and the utter submission to the pleasuring of another. I tried not to let it bother me too much that I was enjoying this strange form of adultery. It had begun, and remained, a selfless sacrifice for my wife and newborn daughter. If I could enjoy the perversion of being another man's cock-sucking whore for cash, I figured that I deserved that much for myself at least.
So things went on for a period of months, but things change of course. I started to get more hours at work again as the factory picked itself up after a long slump and my wife's parental leave ended and she returned to work, commanding her former full wage once again. Our need for the money was no longer quite so desperate as it had been before. But Lee was still there and he was still willing to pay for me to give him head, and I told myself that I was only doing it to improve the financial condition of my young family. I continued to visit with Lee and suck his cock almost daily for fees, wondering how I could bring myself to quit this strangely pleasurable activity to which I realized I was becoming addicted.
Yes, somehow I had gotten in touch with a fetishistic side of myself that got off on total submission to another person, or should I say, to a man. I was not gay, at least not as I understood the term. I was not attracted to men, did not look at them with lust. I was very into women and quite satisfied with my wife and our sex life together. But my sessions with Lee had taught me a forbidden pleasure I could not fully understand.
But if I needed to prove to myself that I was becoming addicted to being Lee's cock-sucking whore, I got the proof when he received word that his only brother had died. Lee was named the executor of his will and had to leave town for a couple of weeks to make funeral arrangements and put the estate in order. Lee's absence might have been thought a holiday for me, but instead, I found myself longing for his cock. Not for Lee himself, mind you, though I liked him well enough as a friend. No, I felt empty without the thrill of pleasuring his cock. A few nights after Lee began his leave of absence, I even started dreaming about sucking him. On one potentially embarrassing occasion (even more embarrassing if I had not been able to conceal the evidence from my wife, Sharon), I even had an orgasm from one of these dreams. I had experienced my first "wet dream" since being a teenager, and it was inspired by a dream of performing oral sex on a man. It was then that I realized the depth of the change to my sexual nature, because I never even gave a thought to the loss of my extra income. I realized that I had fallen into a pattern of sexual obsession and unhealthy behaviour and I resolved to quit my "second job". I would tell Lee as soon as he returned to work.
Of course, the day soon came when Lee resumed his job. He arrived at work a bit late that day. (I had been taking the bus to work during his leave.) I was working at my station when he showed up and I gave a welcoming nod when I saw him look at me while setting up his station. We had the same lunch break, so I decided that I would tell him what I had decided then.
Noon came and we got to the lunch room at about the same time. The lunches were staggered in the workplace and we were the only two guys in our area scheduled to go for break at this time. I needed to get some change out of my locker for one of the vending machines in the break room, so I stepped through the adjoining locker room door, telling Lee I'd be right back. I was dialling the combination on my locker door and rehearsing in my mind how I would tell him that I was ending our little business arrangement, when Lee came around a bank of lockers to stand by me. I gave him a smile and asked him how he was doing after the funeral and all and he said he was doing okay now. I told him I was glad. He seemed tense though and I didn't think this would be the best time to bring up the matter.
Apparently, Lee had a different idea.
He reached into his pocket and took out his wallet. As he began thumbing through a wad of bills, my jaw dropped. He was counting out twenties and I could see that he had hundreds of dollars in his hand. He didn't say anything, but he motioned to me to follow him. I was perplexed by this and, after closing my locker door, followed him around the bank of lockers without comprehending.
When we got around the corner near the shower enclosures, he suddenly ducked through the curtains into one, grabbing my arm and pulling me into it with him. I was standing inside a shower unit with a man. That had never happened before. I still didn't see what he wanted. It was an odd venue for a private conversation...
Lee held up the wad of cash, probably two hundred bucks at least, and quietly tucked it into the breast pocket of my coveralls and looked at me with the strangest look of desperate need I had ever seen. Only then did I understand what he wanted.
Good God, he wanted me to do it here? What if we were caught in the act? I felt a surge of panic rising from deep within me. I could just imagine how that would go over with the guys we worked with!
Lee could see my astonishment all over my face. He smiled reassuringly and confidently, tapped the stash of bills he'd shoved into my breast pocket and said, "Hazard pay", and then put his hands on my shoulders and gently but firmly pushed me down to my knees in front of him.
I went rock hard instantly and it was as if my brain went on vacation as my actions were ordered from my groin area. Now kneeling before Lee, my hands scrambled up to his belt and I quickly, almost desperately undid the buckle, opened his fly and pulled at the elastic band of his briefs to free his already swollen member, which at this range practically sprung up to hit me in the face. My resolution to give up sucking Lee's cock for money was completely forgotten as my mouth opened to take it in.
Lee gave a groan of pure ecstasy. I was sucking him already with real gusto. I was terribly excited myself to be doing this again and to be doing it here, at work, in a room that anyone could walk into any second and hear what was going on. It felt so good to have his cock back in my mouth, I could hardly believe it.
We had been at this just a couple of minutes when I heard the locker room door swing open and a couple of guys wander in, discussing last night's hockey game. One of them walked over to the urinals, complaining about how lousy the goaltender of the home team had been and the other one shouted back his agreement, as it seemed to me, from just the other side of the shower curtain!
I stopped sucking, knowing full well that the curtain could hide the sight of Lee and me, but not necessarily the sound of what we were doing, especially at close range. I knew it was unlikely that anyone was going to take a shower this time of day. Even with staggered shift starts, no shift in the plant ended at this time, and few employees used the shower anyway, especially in wintertime. Still, there was a chance that someone standing only a few feet away might tear the curtain aside and expose me in my cock-whore submission before Lee. I was petrified.
Again, Lee seemed to have other ideas. His cock was still in my mouth, and now he wrapped his hands quietly around my head and began to push his erection in and out, fucking my mouth needily. He was obviously too hot to stop what he was doing and I was helpless to stop him if I wanted to remain silent. The men in the locker room were still talking, the man at the urinal had flushed and washed his hands and was now opening his own locker. Presumably they had come to the locker room on some small errand or, like me, expecting to get change for the vending machines. Their chatter barely covered the slurping sounds that escaped the vigorous mouth-fucking going on just the other side of the curtain from their conversation.
I was so focussed on taking Lee without choking or gagging, maintaining complete silence, and listening for any sound from the workers in the locker room to suggest I might be discovered, that it took a moment for me to realize that there was another sound, low but noticeable, and it was coming from inside the shower. It was the tongue of Lee's open belt buckle, frantically tapping against the buckle itself, like a quiet, deep-voiced bell, as Lee bucked his hips against my pleasure-giving head. It was getting louder by the second as his bucking intensified and his body built toward a powerful orgasm. I reached up with my right hand and flattened the buckle and its offending part against his leg as quietly as I could and prayed that we had not been heard. But that prayer might yet have been in vain, because I could hear Lee starting to breathe harder, surely loud enough to be noticed. Even as he fucked my face, I could not close my eyes and I stared up toward Lee, pleading at him vainly for silence and stillness. He was well past noticing though. I had learned the signs, and I knew well that he was going to cum very soon.
In the locker room, I heard the guys laugh at a joke about one of the other players in last night's game and the metallic clang of a locker door slammed shut. The lock was closed and the men could be heard walking away toward the exit. And not a moment too soon. Lee let out a moan that seemed all too loud to me and I could feel his cock pulsing in my mouth, flooding my taste buds with his bitter, salty cum. At just the same moment, the locker room door swung shut and I could hear the voices fading out into the lunch room and I knew we had not been noticed.
Lee released my head and I dutifully finished licking his cock to completion, cleaning it up and swallowing every last drop of the bitter ejaculate I loved so much to savour. Then I looked up at him and saw the satisfied look he always had after I swallowed him. I bolted to my feet and stared at him in anger. I wanted to yell at him for subjecting us to the risk of exposure and ridicule and who knows but that we would not have been fired or even arrested, but I dared not yell for fear of attracting the attention of the men in the lunch room.
Lee didn't seem worried at all. Quite the opposite, he looked very pleased with himself. And he was still very much in charge of the situation. He pushed himself against me, pinning me against the tiled shower wall and holding me there with his powerful left arm. With his right hand, he reached up to the zipper of my coveralls and pulled it down to the bottom with a swift yank. I was astonished as he reached down into my briefs with his right hand and touched my cock for the first time ever.
I gasped. No other man's hand had ever touched my cock. No woman had ever forcefully taken me into hand like this either. Lee kept me pinned against the tiles, while he pulled my cock free of my briefs and coveralls and began wanking me hard and at full speed. I was not surprised that I had kept my hard-on despite the fear of discovery. I was almost always erect around Lee these days. I felt my eyes roll back and close as my senses were overwhelmed with the powerful sensations centred in my penis as Lee stroked me to a quick and powerful orgasm. I groaned loudly, and came in his hand. My cum in his hand acted as a lubricant and allowed his hand to move even faster over my cock and the sensation was mind-blowing. I slipped down the wall back to my knees, my cock sliding out of his grasp as I went down.
Lee smiled down at me and held his hand out for me to lick my own cum off of. I was like a dog licking the hand of his master. The image occurred to both of us, I'm sure, and we were both getting off on it. When I had cleaned all of my sperm off his hand and swallowed it for him, we zipped ourselves up, washed up and left the washroom as discreetly as possible.
It was definitely the most interesting lunch break I'd ever taken. I wasn't even hungry anymore.
After work, Lee and I resumed the habit of going home together and I made another twenty-five bucks blowing him at his house before he took me home.
I had gotten into this for the money. Now I was hiding behind the money as an excuse for what I was doing. I knew now that I would be willing to do this for Lee for free for as long as he would let me. The question was, did Lee know that? If not, I was sure that he soon would know, and then what would happen?
As Lee drove away after dropping me off at home, I wondered what would happen next in my strange, unlooked for, but oddly satisfying career as a submissive cock-slave whore for cash. | literotica |
Title: TLoS: After the war (Chapter 4) by Hypter
Tags: Character Development, Cynder, Dragon, Spyro, Story Progression
Chapter 4: All these new faces.
So, in chapter 3 the five friends where standing in front of a room with something in it. Of course you probably want to know what it is, will you find out in this chapter? Will I find out in this chapter? Well, I guess only time can tell...
Volteer still hadn't noticed that five of his students were missing he just went on and on talking about memories. "...And when you completed your training, do you remember that Spyro?...ehm, Spyro?" Volteer turned around and noticed that five of his students were missing. "Oh dear, where have they gone? Terran, when did they go and why didn't you say anything?" Volteer asked worried.
"I didn't know they left, I was listening to you the entire time." Terran replied.
"We better find them before the other guardians find out about this...oh dear they are going to kill me." Volteer said stressed as he began to run back where he had been, calling their names and hoping they would respond.
Meanwhile the five friends walked into the now open room. "Oh cool, look at this, it's...it's just a library..." Boltwire said as his face of awe turned to a bored grimace. The dragons soon noticed no one had been in there for a while, it smelled stuffy and there was a thick layer of dust on every book. "Why would the door to a library be closed when all other doors a open?" Spyro asked confused. "Hmm...the most likely reason is that there are some books in here that shouldn't be read." Hypter answered.
"But what can possibly be so important in a book they have to lock it away?" Zepher asked. Hypter took up a book that he found hidden behind one of the shelves. "Maybe how you resurrect Malefor?" Hypter asked rhetorically, everyone turned and looked at Hypter.
"Did you just say 'resurrect Malefor'?" Spyro asked, with a terrified expression.
"Yes but that page is going away right now." Hypter said as his right paw became covered in black flames and turned the page to ash. "Hmm...who is this? 'Glade and Bloodlust' Let's see. Cita esse malum esse vocant bonum tam voco, que sto, ante me, fac videri. Ok, that was old stuff." Hypter said, as a purple circle appeared on the floor.
"Cool, I wonder what that is." Boltwire said with a curious expression on his face.
"You should probably not touch it." Cynder said, being a bit more serious than normally.
"She probably have right, things like this normally is exactly as dangerous as they look like." Spyro said.
The summoning is in Latin, I used Google translate, to get it translated, the English sentence is: Summon the being of evil, summon the being of good, summon them both to where I stand, before me, make them appear.
I know it isn't the coolest summoning verse...but hey, at least it worked out quite nice in Latin.
Then suddenly Terran came running, apparently he outrun Volteer and found the group first, and then he noticed the purple circle on the floor. "Zeph, what is that?" Terran asked nervous. "I don't know but don't go close to it." Zepher said and got in front of Terran and unfolded his feathered wings to cover Terran more. "Stay behind me bro, I'll protect you." Zepher said, as he tried to make himself bigger to give Terran more are to cover behind. "Zeph, I don't like this." Terran said as he curled up behind his brother.
"I know, stay behind me until I say otherwise." Zepher told Terran.
"Ok, tell me when it's over." Terran said in reply.
"Don't worry, I will." Zepher said with a smile.
Then there was a bright purple light and a black dragon with a chestnut brown chest, dark green horns, red eyes and a scar over the right eye and a white crescent shaped tail-blade appeared.
"Who summoned me?" The black dragon asked, with a seemingly kind voice.
"If you meant who read the description, it was I." Hypter replied.
"Then I will have to thank you, it was some time since I had a chance to stretch my wings. Oh and my name is Glade by the way." Glade said.
"Well, nice to meet you Glade but how come you were locked up in a book?" Boltwire asked.
"Oh that is obvious, he must have done something horrible." Hypter answered for Glade.
"That is correct but I hope to right my wrongs." Glade said.
"Oh, I see we have one from the Blackbird family with us, let me help you to obtain that ability of yours. I assume you haven't got it yet." Glade said as he walked to Zepher and put a paw on his back, in an instant Zepher began to tremble and clenched his paws on his head. "What did you do to him?" Spyro yelled.
"He's fine, he is just getting his ability, and everyone in our family goes through this." Terran explained. "Oh, ok, it just looks like he's having problems with it." Spyro replied.
"I'll be fine Spyro, don't worry." Zepher said as a red mark began to glow under his fur on his right shoulder. The mark consisted of three scorpion tails, the three ends of the tail met up and formed a small triangle with black fur while the extension of the tails were linked together and formed a larger triangle. That mark appeared in his right eye as well as his eyes turned green.
After a minute Zepher stopped shaking, the mark on his shoulder stopped glowing and the mark in his right eye disappeared and his eyes returned to their normal blue colour. "There, now your ability has awakened, now it is up to you to find out how to use it." Glade said.
"Oh, I want to have my ability too." Terran almost yelled as he bounced up and down on the spot. "I could awake it...but I'm afraid that your body wouldn't be able to handle the power." Glade explained.
"I'm afraid I have to agree with Glade, you aren't old enough yet Terran. But you will get your ability too, in time." Zepher said with a caring smile.
"What was that mark on your right shoulder?" Spyro asked surprised.
"The mark on my right shoulder is a mark that dragons that are banned from my village receive the day they leave the village." Zepher said.
"Wait, you were banned from your village?" Cynder asked.
"Yes...because of my fur and this ability I got now, the fur and this ability is something unique to our clan. The ability differs from each individual; it will be exiting to see what my ability does. Terran was given two options since he doesn't have fur. Option number one was to forget all he knew about me and continue to live in our village, and number two was...to get banned with me." Zepher explained.
"And I wouldn't leave you even if it would be my death." Terran said as he hugged his older brother, burying himself in Zepher's soft fur. "I know but the last thing I want is to see is you getting hurt because of me." Zepher said in a calm, carrying voice.
"Anyway, my father convinced the council in our village to pay for the apartment and the rent until we are old enough to do it ourselves. As you might have guessed it is our mother that I inherited the fur from, that is why she wasn't banned. Even if it is seen as something closely to disgusting, our village still don't banish dragonesses." Zepher explained.
"What are you all doing in here? And who is the black dragon?" Volteer asked, as he found the small group of dragons. "Oh hi Volteer, we were just looking around and found this library, and that is Glade...so when are we going back to Warfang?" Boltwire answered with a question, trying to avoid letting Volteer think too much about it. "Don't try to avoid this conversation, you all are my duty protect, so you should all stick to the group. For the time being, I think it's better if Glade follows us but I just don't understand why you had to summon him." Volteer said with a sigh. "So you knew he was here?" Spyro asked.
"Ehm...let's continue with the tour shall we?" Volteer said hasty, as he walked out of the library.
After the boring tour was over with the group returned outside to their tent, the weather was cloudy and now and then there came cold breezes chilling the dragons. "What took you so long in there Volteer?" Cyril asked a little impatient.
"We'll talk about that later, right now we better start to fly or we won't make it back before dark." Volteer said, surprising the two other guardians.
"Ok, well then groups, prepare for leaving." Terrador's booming voice said.
The flight back to Warfang went problem free but it was thing that bothered Volteer's group, the fact that he didn't say anything, at all. Which was very uncommon since Volteer was the most talkative dragon anyone of them had ever known. The evening went smooth as well, the guardians decided to keep an eye on Glade, so they let him sleep over at the school.
When the friends arrived at the school the next day, there were new students...again. Volteer was the one who should present the students this time. "Okay, there seems to be a even stream with dragons moving into Warfang so there might be more students that will begin here. But for now I will let these six dragonesses introduce themselves." Volteer said.
There were six dragonesses, two red, one blue, one yellow, one pink and one purple.
"Ok, I'll start then." A red dragoness said, she seemed to be the oldest of them; she had almost golden horns, deep blue eyes an ash grey underside, orange wings and a spade formed tail-blade. "My name is Fening and I am Phoenix's older sister, Phoenix is this little youngling over there." Fening said as she pointed at Phoenix. "And I like to hang around and just be with people, I follow my lil sis everywhere so if you look for me you can look for Phoenix as well. Anyway I hope we all will get along and it's cool to be here in this new school, it's so much bigger than the one in the village we are coming from. And yes, we are all from the same village so we know each other pretty well." Fening said, and with that she ended her introduction.
"Ok, then it's my turn then." Phoenix said as she stepped forward. Her body had, just as her sister, a deep red colour; she had a blue stripe running along her back. She had brown horns and a light brown underside. Her wings were orange and she had light turquoise eyes and her tail-blade reminded of Spyro's and she had a golden bracelet on her tail with a small gem in it. "My name is Phoenix and my element is fire. I live in the eastern part of the city and I am always up for fun and adventure. I would love to know you all and I hope we shall get along well. My big sister constantly follows me and I also like to relax and draw. I would like to see more of the city so I hope someone could guide me around." Phoenix said with a smile.
"I guess it's my turn then." The blue dragoness said; she had brown eyes and black horns, orange wings and her tail-blade look liked a small fin. "My name is Noctus, as you might guess I'm an ice dragon, I don't like people who talk to much. That's probably it; oh and of course it shall be nice to get to know all of you. And I live in the west part of the city" Noctus said with a smile. "Ok my turn, my turn." A yellow dragoness bouncing beside Noctus said, she had light green horns, dark green eyes, black wings, an orange underside and had a crystal for tail-blade.
"Oh dear...not one more hyperactive dragon, is it some kind of disease going now?" Hypter asked rhetorically. "My name is Fliva and my element is lightning, I love to talk to others and do stuff, I don't like to sit still and do nothing and I live in the west part of the city...Oh look at that, a little butterfly...so beautiful it is..." Fliva ended her introduction because of lack of focus. "I guess it is my turn then." A dark purple dragoness said as she stepped forward. She had brown wings, pink eyes, black horns with a stripe of green on them, a brown underside and a knife shaped tail-blade. She also had a turquoise snowflake tattoo on her left wing and brown stripes along her body. "My name is Specter and my element is shadow. There is not many things I like, so you will probably see me hanging around here or in the west part of the city" Specter said and ended her introduction. "Then it's me I suppose." The pink furred dragoness, standing behind Specter said as she stepped forward. She had white horns; purple eyes, a dark brown underside and a feather shaped tail-blade. Her feathers on her wings where mostly white and purple but had a trace of red in the as well. Both Zepher and Terran just stared at her. "She must be from our family, where have I seen her before...?" Zepher asked rhetorically. "Yeah, you have right, I don't remember her though." Terran said.
"Now I know, it was on the family reunion, she is our cousin, we should talk with her later." Zepher said, receiving a nod from Terran. "My name is Geena and my element is fire, I know it's weird since I have fur but just deal with it. I love being outside and do stuff, fly around in the forest and take a run on the way home. I love to listen to others, especially facts about things that have happened. And I like to hang around and be social. So I hope someone can guide me around here later. Oh, and I live in the eastern part of the city." Geena said, and with that ending her introduction. "Ok, since there are so many new faces here I will cancel this lesson so that you all can get to know each others." Volteer said.
"So we are supposed to mingle?" Specter asked annoyed.
"Pretty much, yes." Volteer answered shortly.
So the dragons took a break and went out from the school building to get acquainted with the new students. Everyone talked with the new students, even Hypter but it was one dragoness he didn't even dare to lay an eye on, Phoenix. Every time he looked at her he felt something strange, he had never felt it before and couldn't place a claw on what exactly it was. "Spyro, I have to talk with you...in private." Hypter whispered.
"Sure, thing but why?" Spyro asked.
"I'll tell you when we are away from the others." Hypter said as he began to walk towards an empty classroom. When they arrived Hypter made sure no one followed them. "How did it feel like when you fell for Cynder?" Hypter asked, as serious as always.
"...Ehm, hard to say, it felt like my heart should beat out of my chest, why?" Spyro asked.
"I think I like Phoenix." Hypter answered with a small smile.
"I see...how does it feel?" Spyro asked.
"I think, my heart is racing and I get hard to focus. When I saw her it was like 'crash, bang, straight into the brick wall' it was a quite weird feeling. Since I normally don't feel anything." Hypter answered. "I just find it weird that you of all dragons get a crush...and so fast too." Spyro said with a short laugh. "Anyway, the best you can do is to talk with her, and try to take it slow and to explain your feelings." Spyro advised.
"I can't do that! At least not here, not now." Hypter replied, going over all possible strategies and outcomes. "The best would be if I try to talk with her in private or after school, and not be too pushy." Hypter concluded.
"That's right, just take it easy and be yourself." Spyro said with a smile.
"Indeed...well, thanks for the talk Spyro." Hypter said, as he began to walk out from the classroom. Hypter was torn in two directions. One side of him wanted to talk with her more than anything else, and the other side was telling him that it would be a bad idea. Since he was the calculating cold guy he knew that talking with her about it right there and then was a bad idea, so he planed to wait until after school. But he decided to try to talk with her about other things, if he could find her.
When Hypter and Spyro went out again they where at first blinded by the sun that shone bright from a clear blue sky and a gentle summer breeze blew at them. Then they saw Zepher, Geena, Cynder, Noctus and Terran in a corner of the schoolyard. When they came closer they could hear that Terran was, as always, annoying his older brother. "Zepher and Noctus sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g" Terran chanted as he bounced around them. "Shut it bro!" Zepher demanded as he blushed. Zepher himself didn't notice it but Noctus blushed too.
"Oh come on, I'm just pulling your tail." Terran complained.
"Hi, my name is Fliva, what's yours?" Fliva asked Terran.
"Uh hi, my name is Terran." Terran replied.
"Hey, lil bro. Do you want me to do what you just did a second ago?" Zepher teased.
"Uh no, no need to do that big bro." Terran replied with a nervous smile, hoping that Zepher would let this one go. "Ok, then we'll let you talk with Fliva, catch you later lil bro." Zepher said as he and the other dragons walked away a bit, leaving Terran and Fliva to talk. "Hey Hypter, Spyro, say hi to my and Terran's cousin. I think you remember her from before." Zepher said, making a gesture with his paw towards Geena. "Hi Geena." Spyro said as he smiled and shook paw with her. "Good day Geena, my apologies for not shaking paw but I have a tendency to be a bit cold." Hypter said, as non emotional as ever.
"It's ok, it's nice meeting you all. So what are you doing here when you want to have fun?" Geena asked. "I would suggest a picnic." Spyro said, making Hypter sigh.
"And I suppose that I should make the food." Hypter said in dismay.
"...Where are Boltwire and Glade, and the other girls? I can't see them anywhere around here." Terran said as he and Fliva joined the others.
"I don't know, and I can't see Flame or Ember anywhere near here either." Zepher answered.
"Ugh, you just got to hate those dragons, saying that others should be avoided. They should be avoided themselves." Phoenix said a bit annoyed after the talk with Flame.
"Ye, I so agree with you sis." Fening said.
"Hi there, I thought you was with Flame...the red dragon that is constantly followed by his girlfriend Ember, the pink dragoness that always agree with him." Hypter said when he found Phoenix and her sister walking alone. "We were talking with him but he started babbling something about that we should avoid...I think he meant you." Phoenix said.
"Probably...anyway, he can be a little negative about things and people. Oh, my name is Hypter by the way; my friends and I were planning a picnic tomorrow. Do you two want to come? Noctus, Fliva and Geena seem to be up to it." Hypter explained.
"Sure, that sounds like a great idea...but what about Spectra? Can she come too?" Fening asked. "Of course, if she is the quiet type she can company Glade." Hypter said with a laugh. "But shall you not ask Spectra if she wants to come first?" Hypter asked.
"We probably should but we can't find her." Phoenix said.
"She might be inside the school." Hypter said. "We can go in and check, and I can show you around at the same time." Hypter continued.
"Great idea." Fening said, as she followed Hypter.
After some minutes Hypter found Boltwire, Glade and Spectra sitting in a corner. "Hi there you three." Hypter said.
"Oh great, I thought no one would be inside of school now. What is it you want?" Glade asked, quite annoyed with being disturbed in his conversation with Spectra.
"I just wondered if the three of you want to come to the picnic tomorrow." Hypter said.
"Well, I have nothing to do, what about you Spectra?" Glade asked.
"Nope, I have nothing to do either...I can come." Spectra answered.
"I say the same as these two non emotional dragons. They are almost as cold as you Hypter." Boltwire said with a laugh. But he stopped when Hypter gave him a stern look.
The day continued as any other with the exception there was much more chitchat in the class and soon the lessons where over with and the dragons where on their way home. Hypter saw Phoenix in the corridor and decided to invite her home to his own little apartment, he considered inviting her over to Spyro and Cynder's house but there he wouldn't be able to get alone with her and ask her what he wanted. When Hypter asked Phoenix if she wanted to come over to his apartment she accepted the invite. The evening went fairly well, they talked about interests and powers and other things. Due to the good progression Hypter decided to move on and ask her the question that felt as a burden to his mind.
"Phoenix, I have to ask you something... Do you have a boyfriend?" Hypter asked.
"No, I don't." Phoenix said with a short laugh.
Ok, here goes the hardest question in my life so far...do you want one? I can't help the insensitive side of me...but I think I might have a crush on you..." Hypter said, blushing slightly.
"Holy ancestors, I didn't see that coming. Well, you seem like a nice guy but I don't know anything about you...except those small things we just talked about" Phoenix said.
"I'm so stupid there is nothing to compare with...Ask me any question and I will answer it honestly." Hypter replied.
"Ok...is this the first time you feel this way?" Phoenix asked.
"Yes." Hypter answered shortly.
"Ok, how are you as a person." Phoenix asked.
"I am cold and calculating, well usually...but when I'm near you I can't think, nor concentrate." Hypter said, blushing a bit.
"And all this you felt on one day?" Phoenix asked, puzzled over the fact it could go so fast for someone to get a crush. "Yes, maybe it is because I haven't felt something for so long. I don't know, the moment I saw you in the auditorium I just went 'crash, bang, straight into the brick wall' it is the first time in my life I am having these feelings. So everything I will be doing and saying will be completely new for me..." Hypter answered.
"Same here, with everything being new I mean." Phoenix said.
"...Really? An attractive dragoness like you has not had a boyfriend before?" Hypter asked, making Phoenix blush slightly but it didn't show because of her red scales. "Yes, really. And what about you? Have you had a girlfriend before?" Phoenix asked.
"As I said before, I have never had these feelings before. So the answer is; no, I have not had a girlfriend before." Hypter answered.
"Have you bothered to look, or have you simply been uninterested?" Phoenix asked.
"I have never been interested...I'm the calm, cold guy that's sitting in the back of the classroom. Trying to avoid as many questions as possible and just trying to pass unnoticed. I just want my grade as smooth as possible...I really get easily bored in school since there is no class I really enjoy, except history. And therefore no one, as I wanted, noticed me." Hypter explained. "But why would you want to go unnoticed?" Phoenix asked.
"Because I'm not good with people, I was general during the war. I have taken the name my enemies gave me 'Hypter the horrible' why, I don't really know. And by my allies I was called 'Coldheart' but my real name is 'Winter' but as I said I took on 'Hypter' instead because it doesn't have anything with my personality to do." Hypter explained.
"For which squad were you general?" Phoenix asked.
"I was general for the medic squad." Hypter replied shortly.
"So...you know medicine?" Phoenix asked, being a little curious.
"Yes, both with herbs and the fact I can stop bleedings with my element. But the reason I was general was because I could take tough decisions many others couldn't." Hypter explained. "I don't want to interrupt this conversation but...it's getting late and it's school tomorrow..." Hypter said. "Oh shit, I forgot about the time! You have right, I better be going, thanks for the conversation and so on." Phoenix said as she got up from the chair.
"If you are in a hurry I can fly you home." Hypter offered.
"I don't think it will go faster if you fly." Phoenix said and looked a bit confused on Hypter.
"Since I'm an ice dragon I can control ice and water. I can form it around my body to grow in size, when I do that I get the size of an guardian." Hypter explained.
"Well...ok then, I also live in the eastern part of the city, not so far from here." Phoenix said.
"Ok, just step aside a little, here might get cold." Hypter said as he began to draw water from the air, covering his body with it. Soon he had grown to the size of a guardian, and then he froze the water so it would stay on his body, he had also conjured the mask. "Now, do you want to be on my back or shall I carry you in my arms?" Hypter asked.
"I would rather be on your back." Phoenix replied.
"Ok, jump up then and hold on tight." Hypter said with a smile but it didn't show because of the mask. Phoenix did as she was told and when Hypter was sure she held on tight he launched out through the window.
When they arrived at the house Phoenix lived in Hypter followed her to the door. Before they had time to say anything the door was opened and her parents stood in the door opening, they didn't look happy. "Phoenix, where have you been? We have told you, you should tell us if you should be out longer than sun down." Phoenix mom said with a strict voice.
"I know mom, I'm sorry and it won't happen again." Phoenix replied, staring down in the ground. "I sure hope so, and who is this?" Phoenix father asked.
"Oh, how rude of me, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hypter, it's a pleasure to meet you. Phoenix and I are going in the same class, so I invited her over to my place. I don't know if she has told you that, and that is also the reason we are late. We got stuck in a conversation and forgot about the time. My apologies, and please don't punish Phoenix, it was entirely my fault." Hypter said.
"Are you not a little old to go in school?" Phoenix's mother asked.
"What do you mean?" Hypter asked.
"Hypter...you still have all that ice on you." Phoenix said with a giggle.
"Oh...right, I'll take it of right away." Hypter said, as the ice immediately fell off of him.
"Oh, I thought you were a guardian." Phoenix mother said, a bit surprised from the now tiny dragon standing in front of her. "No I am not a guardian, I was a general during the war though." Hypter replied.
"You were a general during the war?" Phoenix's father outburst.
"Yes, in the medic squad, is there something wrong?" Hypter asked plainly.
"No of course not...it's just that you seem..." Phoenix's father was cut of.
"A little young, I know...but yes, I was a general. Anyway, I escorted your daughter home just in case. I am trying to patrol as often as I can because here is some criminality. But it is so low now I might be able to spend my free time on something else." Hypter said. "If you ever need a helping paw, just ask." Hypter said with a smile.
"I will keep that in mind." Phoenix father said.
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ignustus and this is my mate Inferna." Ignustus said.
"Well, it was nice meeting you two but I must go. After all its school tomorrow." Hypter said, as he turned to Phoenix. "Goodnight Phoenix, see you in school tomorrow." Hypter said.
"Yeah, and goodnight to you too." Phoenix replied.
When Hypter was out of sight, Phoenix and her parents began to chitchat. "So, who was young dragon?" Ignustus asked with a grin.
"I thought he told you, his name is Hypter and we are schoolmates." Phoenix answered shortly. "Oh come on honey, anyone could see you were uncomfortable when we stood out there." Inferna said with a smile.
"So the young one have a crush, how cute little sis" Fening teased her younger sister.
"No, it's not me, it's Hypter that have a crush in me!" Phoenix protested.
"Really? He seemed so calm when he talked to us, normally you get nervous when you are talking with the parents to whom you like." Ignustus said.
"Yes I know but he is...different, he doesn't show much emotions." Phoenix explained.
"But if he is that type, don't you think it's a good sign that he have feelings for you then?" Fening asked. "Maybe...but I don't know him, and I can't directly say I have feelings for him...sure we have a lot in common but, is that enough?" Phoenix asked rhetorically.
"Well I like him, being a general is a big thing." Ignustus said.
"Oh, you better keep your boy perspective out from this honey." Inferna said with a smile.
"What? That only means he is a proper kid." Ignustus said in complain.
"Can we leave this discussion for now?" Phoenix said a little annoyed.
"Sure, until tomorrow when I will tell everyone in the school you have a crush on him." Fening said with a smirk, dashing of towards her room since she knew Phoenix should get angry. "You should only dare to do that!" Phoenix yelled and ran after her older sister... | FSE |
Title: The Perfect Night by Ken-jo
Tags: Bathing, Dragoness, Ejaculation, Gecko, Handjob, Hybrid, Kissing, Love, M/F, Oral, Shower
The Perfect Night Written by Ken-jo
It was around 10:00 o clock A.M. when we had left the house we shared by the lake in the deep Maple forest. It was now around 11:00 o clock P.M. The full moon was pale and blue as it slowly began to creep above the huge snow covered mountains in the distance. It's tranquil and almost sad face began to shed its pale blue light on the countless trees we were walking threw. We were walking at a steady speed back to our home. The cold night air felt like soft, cool hands running across my face and threw my long orange hair. The soft black sweater and dark green Ski pants I was wearing were enough to retain a little warmth but not enough to keep me from shivering. My tail was curled around one of my legs trying to keep warm but to no avail. I'm sure she was just as cold as I was though. The most warmth we could feel at the moment was her soft hand in mine as we walked.
My beautiful soul mate, the women I loved more then anything else, my significant other and companion Aura and I had gone out for a day and night of fun in the city and Ski resort. Our home was in the outskirts of the deep beautiful forest was only 4 or so miles away from a nearby town so we decided to walk both ways from the bus stop. 1st we had gone snowboarding at our favorite resort. Black Snow mountain, known for it's insanely fun and intensely crazed slopes. We had arrived at it from the bus stop around 11:00. We rented boards and shared a playful romantic day of snowboarding and playing in the snow. It was late early spring and the last snow had fallen so we thought wed go enjoy some before it was gone for another 8 months. Dude the day was so fun it seemed too good to be true, like a dream, her and I racing down the mountain at high speeds, pulling off dumb stunts and awesome tricks. The best part was when we had a mid mountain slope snowball fight.
I was racing down the mountain on my board , the pine trees and wild life along with the other boarders zipping by me like in blur , the Intense speed drawing out my adrenalin and making me concentrate on turning at high speeds to not crash into anything. Aura was close behind me enjoying the same rush when she got a playfully evil grin on her lips. As we sped down the mounting she reached over being careful not to fall and grabbed a handful of snow. "Oh Crap!!! Dude you better not Aura! "I playfully shouted as she balled up the snow in her hands and her grin widened. She giggled and tossed the snowball right at the back of my head and it pegged me dead on sending cold bits of white snow down the back of my sweater and into my hair. "Oooooooo you are so dead!" I said smiling as I brushed off the cold snow and grabbed a handful myself. We were still snowboarding down the hill at high speeds during the playful snow fight so people were staring at us like we were crazy. I smiled as I turned on my waist keeping my speeding board steady and threw my snowball at her. "Eeeeeeeeeeeek!" she playfully screamed as it hit her right in the boobs before she could block it. This made her jiggle a bit thru her jacket and blush. But the fun was just getting started .The snowball fight continued all the way down the slope until we reached the bottom when we crashed into each other. We were a mangled mess of Dragoness, Half demon, Snowboards and Snow gear as we kissed right on the spot. We didn't care if others were watching, we just had a ball and we loved each other like nothing else so we didn't care if others saw us acting crazy or kissing.
We enjoyed the slopes till it got dark and decided to call it a night and go get some grub. We went to our favorite restaurant, Bonsai Forest. She and I enjoyed a huge portioned full course Japanese meal in the peaceful Japanese greenery setting the restaurant provided. We were talked and ate and fed each other with our chopsticks until our hunger subsided and our bellies were full. We took the bus back to the stop and started our walk home. The day was too good to be true and it went by so fast it seemed amazing to me that I was able to slow my mind and enjoying the moment. There was nothing better to me then a romantic walk thru a forest in the full moons light with the women you love. I felt her warm soft scaly flesh against my hand and squeezed it tighter as we walked on. We looked into each others eyes and smiled as we reached one of our favorite spots on the walk home. The break in the trees and path that branched off to a bench next to the cool lake waters. We put our arms around each other and walked toward the small wooden bench and sat down.
As I sat I felt that my eyes would start to bleed with the beauty they beheld. The full Moon rose above the snow capped mountains and cast its reflection on the calm lake surrounded by lush forest. The pale moon caste it sad blue rays on the new leaves green leaves of the Maple trees that surrounded us and the countless different trees in the distance. The night sky was a black and blue net that held countless twinkling diamonds that were crystal clear in the cool night air. Dude! It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! I looked over at Aura and saw that she was in equal astonishment. She was just as beautiful as the night scene around us, her long blonde hair cascading down her shoulders and black jacket like a golden water fall shimmering in the full moon light. Her bright orange eyes seemed to glow in the pale light as they took in the stunning scene around us, the shining stars reflected in her widely opened eyes making them even more beautiful. Her cute snout and gorgeous upper face limp in awe of what she was beholding.
I took her in my arms and leaned her head onto my shoulder and her body onto mine. "Oh Ken-jo........This is so Romantic......I've never seen a night as painted as this one". Her Voice more soft and beautiful then the dead still lake water in front of us. "This night is beautiful......but not near as beautiful as you". She looked up at me and I put the moves on her, half closing my eyes and smiling, trying to make myself look as handsome and deep as possible for her. She blushed and looked deeply into my eyes. The she closed her eyes and put her lips to mine in a deep kiss. Her soft lips sent pleasuring vibrations threw me as I kissed her even deeper. I gently fondled her tough with mine as our lips opened and closed again and again in a deep kiss that felt like it lasted for hours. The heat and pleasure of our caressing mouths quickly going to my brain making me feel light headed. Then I felt something powerful awakening deep inside me. Something deeper then just my outer love for her. Our kiss suddenly broke and she stared up at me blushing even more with wide beautiful surprised eyes. "Whoa crap!" I had gotten so turned on by that kiss that my manhood got stiff and imprinted my pants which she was leaning on. She obviously felt it under right thigh and got startled by it. "Ehehehehe ....." I laughed nervously and looked away hoping she wouldn't detest. She snickered and pointed down at her lap. "Don't be embarrassed silly... It happened to me to". I looked down and saw that she was really wet, so wet it showed up above her blue jeans.
I looked into her eyes, puttin the moves on her again saying "I think we've both got the same idea." She grinned and licked me on the nose. I got up and put my hands in my pockets to hide myself a bit. She grinned with a playful look in her eyes. "Race you home!" she said as she darted off back into the wooded trail. "Oh no you don't!!" I said waking up my legs and dashing after her. My strong legs carried me like the wind down the trail; I caught up to her in a flash and swooped on in. She screamed and tried to playfully squeal and tried to pick up speed but I was too fast for her. I groped her soft breast and kept running at full speed right past her. "Wahahahaha!" I jested. "Oh Yeah!?" She grabbed my gecko tail and held to it so she could keep up with my incredible speeds and grabbed my butt. "Hey!!! You cheater!!!"
Within a few minuets of this playful grope race we reached our house. "Let's work off dinner and take a shower before us start the real fun" I smiled. I saw playful lust in her eyes as she nodded, grinned and walked inside as I held the door open for her. I shut the door and locked it as she turned on the room light .We smiled at each other and walked threw our over decorated house to our Gym , which was placed right next to our bathroom and the master bedroom . We got there and turned on the light. All of our equipment and benches were there as usual, exactly how we left them. I went to my gym clothes drawer and got out my tight fitting black tank top and green workout shorts. I began to head for the bathroom to change when. " Ohhh..... Kennn
jooo." I looked over and saw Aura changing right there in the Gym, She looked at me playfully sex crazed as she unzipped her blue jeans. I grinned as I unzipped my black sweater and threw it on the ground. There we were taunting each other with our bodies as we strip teased each other into full arousal. She took off her jacket next before taking off her jeans. She quickly tugged it over her head and threw it on the ground. Then she quickly pealed off her white t- shirt and threw it on the ground next to her jacket. As she did this I also got rid of the non tempting clothing items on my body as well.
I ripped of my shoes and socks and quickly slipped off my green ski pants putting them all in a neat pile close to the dresser. Now we were down to the fun part. I slowly walked towards her trying to get her as aroused as possible with the deep looks I was giving her. She did the same as we met each other on the middle of the room. We faced each other with a deep desire in our eyes, our emotions running wild like a Lion released from its cage. I looked down at her neck and torso. Her soft Mocha colored scaly soft skin met perfectly with her lower softer skin toned scales. Her browner scales covered a bit of her sides and her shoulders as it traveled up the sides of her neck and colored the top half of her face. Her skin toned side started from the bottom half of her snout and traveled down her neck and chest and disappeared into the jeans and panties she was wearing. Her well endowed treasures supported and hidden the black frilly bra she wore. I reached out and slowly softly ran my hand across her sides, having them travel upward and back to her bra buckle. She let out soft womanly grunts enjoying the sensations my hands left on her sensitive warm skin. I slowly undid her bra. Her breasts fell right out of the black material. The bra hit the ground soundless as I beheld the beauty before me. Her good sized tan breasts sat there proudly before me. Her nipples were a darker shade of the brown on her shoulders and backside. She blushed and looked up at me with deep wild emotion in her eyes.
I slowly retreated my hands back to my sides. "Your turn..." I said in a deep voice. She slowly put her hands on the bottom of my black T and pulled it upward. I raised my arms and she slipped my shirt off over my head , Making my long orange hair fall back onto my face , shoulders and back . She stared at my chest in delight. "You really are the perfect man for me Ken...your body.....its perfection to me." I smiled and said "Not nearly as nice as yours is Aura. You're the best built a man could ask for..." "The feeling is mutual sweetie, your well built to, just look at that chest." It was true. I worked out everyday for a long long time as part of my swordsmen ship discipline and because I wanted to be healthy and it had paid off. I was what she called the perfect mix of skinny and muscle. My chest was well toned but not bulgy with muscle. It was slender yet firm. The only part of my body that was solid with muscle was my legs. That was in effect of my powerful running and kicks along with my climbing abilities as a half gecko demon.
I leaned back a little and flexed for her. She began to feel around my flexed muscles , running one of her soft hands along my shoulders, upper pecks and slightly exposed ribs and running the other hand along my flexed lower six-pack and boney hips , teasingly putting a finger in my pants and boxers and then taking it out running her hand back upward . Her hands giving me soft pleasurable vibrations with each soft stroke of the finger. she enjoyed playing with my broad shoulders , chest muscles and small and pecy waist for a while and I stood there at her mercy as she made me get even harder down there with the pleasantly soft exploring her hands were doing. She was well built her self, she was the same as me, Muscle and skinny, but her muscle was played down enough not to disturb her slender beauty. We really were the perfect match in every way. After a while I decided to reward her exploration efforts with some exploring of my own.
I drooped my head down to her full breasts and ran my tough along her right breast as I began to slip off her unzipped jeans. I ran my tough slowly around each breast circling around the nipple until I reached it , Then I softly nibbled her flesh until her nipples were hard an her pants fell to the ground exposing her light purple panties which hid her last hidden jewel from my desiring eyes . She let out soft pleasured grunts at the feel of my mouth working softly on her hardened nipples. She then slowly moved her hands down my spine sending electric vibrations down my back and threw my chest. She reached my butt and began to softly squeeze my tush in her hands. I flexed it for her and she enjoyed softly groping the flesh threw my pants. She soon ran her hand to the front of my pants and undid my belt, her beginning to sweat with pleasure and breath harder from the chest wash I was giving her with my tough and lips. She unzipped me and let my pants fall to the ground. My manhood making a huge tent out of my boxers form being so aroused. She then ran her hand long my cock threw my boxer material. Slowly gently stroking the under side of my shaft. She then took my mouth off of her hard nipples and pressed out lips together in another deep kiss and she began to lick my face.
Our toughs played across each other faces as I ran my hands down her sides and rested my fingers on the tip of her panties. I teasingly ran my fingers around the brim and softly stroked her wet lips thru the cloth and played with her long tail. She groaned a bit in pleasure and her blush became so full it ran across her face and snout like a wildfire. I then slowly gently slipped off her silky purple panties and let my eyes rest on her exposed pussy. She was so aroused the lips of her clit were already red and slowly dripping with love juice. As I looked at her fully exposed beauty my manhood began to throb in excitement. She smiled and began to slip of my boxers. They fell to the ground with a small soft thud and I was fully naked. She looked down at her exposed prize and then smiled back up at me, her eyes deep with desire in them. "Perfect size...as usual." she said grinning. "I looked away nervously. "Wadda you mean?"
" Your already an inch or 2 bigger then most full grown men and your not even done growing yet , 7 and a half inches is perfect ! Fairly big..." I grinned and looked into her eyes " And I've still got years to grow don't I " She smiled and we kissed again , this time letting our toughs slop around a bit more . Her tough and lips against mine sent Intoxicating signals up to my brain onec again turning me on so much my man hood began to throb harder with the desire for her. As we kissed we gently explored each others bodies with our hands. I started with my hands gently cupping her breasts and slowly moving them down her waist. She let out soft groans from the amazing feelings I was giving her with my hands. I teasingly made my way to her soft wet pussy lips and penetrated her with my middle finger, the fluids running out lubricating my finger as I slowly drove it deeper in. Her breathing became erratic and her moans increased in intensity as I drove my finger in and out of her exposed cunt lips. Threw all the pleasure she was receiving she managed to maintain her cool and began to work her magic on me.
She slowly ran her hands down my firm chest and boney hips. She softly pressed mainly with her finger tips creating a unique pleasuring sensation threw my torso. She then reached down and with one hand gently began to stroke throbbing cock and with the other hand gently fondled my balls. Her scaled hands felt incredibly warm and soft on my continually throbbing manhood. She started from the base and then slowly stroked the underside of my shaft with her fingers until she reached the underside of my head and began to tickle it with one finger , Her other hand gently squeezing and nuzzling my nads . The incredible pleasure stifled me and my breathing also became erratic and I began to groan a bit, but I reached down and grabbed her hands." No no , Its my time to play with you.", She nodded and groaned from my penetrating finger. Our body warmth started to over powering us makes us sweat. She stopped the cuddling and backed away letting my fingers slip out and smiled her gorgeous smile again. "Let's begin our workout..." I sat there realizing that in all that drunkenness from love and passion I almost forgot "what about our clothes-"Were gonna workout naked silly, Then take our shower together, naked, and then go to the main event on our bed, naked." I smiled wide "Sounds like a plan". She walked on over to the pull up bar. I checked out her beautiful back and tush as she slowly strolled across the room. I walked up to her and gave her a boost onto the bar. "Ill count for you" I grinned. She nodded and readied herself. I then penetrated her wet cunt with my fingers and held my arm steady, her groaning a bit as I drove them in.
"You don't need to--" I hushed her " I want to" I said grinning and licking her neck. She then used her dragon like arm strength to lift her body upwards until her chin reached the bar. "1. " As she did this her women hood slipped free from my fingers and she let out a grunt mixed with pleasure and oomph from the strain of the exercise. She slowly lowered her sweaty body downward, as my fingers which hadn't moved re entered her inner folds. She lifted again "2.". Her sweat glistening around her entire body ........" 3. " Making her scaly skin shine ......." 4." Her breath getting heavy and paced...... "5." from the strain and pleasure ......."6.". Her mouth and throat...... "7." releasing soft grunts ......."8." Her pussy ......."9." Getting tighter and starting to pulse...... "12." Her slits lips began to pulse faster and faster...... "15." Getting a feeling of pressure needing to be released ....."17" She tightened up one last time before....."20!" "KKEEEEEEYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!" She screamed as she relased a huge wave of clear cum onto my fingers, her pussy throbbing and spilling her fluids everywhere.
She released the bar and then layer down on the ground letting me finish off her orgasm. She moaned loudly and convulsed as I sped up my fingers. Her juices soon drenched my hand, arm and even my chest as her last wave of cum burst from her clit and her orgasm withdrew. I cuddled her and licked my hand clean as she lay recovering from the Intoxicating pleasure. I swallowed the clear, rich smelling fluid after a minute or 2 she opened her eyes and put her hand on my cheek. "Next you can do you sit-ups okay Hun" I nodded and went over to the vertically tilted bench. I lay down and braced my legs on the soft black pads on the metal bar and then put my arms hands behind my head and readied my self for my daily sit-up routine. I glanced over and saw Aura putting something into the gyms boom box. She pressed play and soon I heard the begging Guitar solo of the 1st song of my favorite band the Pillows coming from the small grey boom box. She turned up the volume and walked over to me smiling lustfully "Ill count this time" she said as she placed her hand on my cock.
I grinned and curled up to the 1st sit-up. My stomach muscles quickly awakening and adjusting to the strain. As my elbows reached my knees she stroked my throbbing dick gently with one hand........ "1." I kept curling up to my knees..... "27." My stomach muscles begging to tense up.... "54." With each sit-up....... "69." She'd stroke it..... " 78" Her soft hand ......."86" sending incredible sensations thru me....." 96." My lower pecks slightly straining with the load of my upper body "112." groans escaping my mouth..... "145. " From the strain of the load and the pleasure being administered to me ......"168." My breathing getting heavy and my body getting sweaty....... " 179." from the warmth of the mixed sensations ......." 183. "My cock begging to throb harder...... "197." as she kept stroking it with her warm silky hand....... "204." I could feel the pressure building inside me...... "215." Like a cracking dam taking on too much water...... "226." It felt so good..."235"....to good to hold it in any longer...."238"...I-I'm...."245" gonna...... "250!"! "URAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
I couldn't take it anymore , I let out a manly howl and collapsed onto the back of the sit-up bench , The 1st wave of my Climax hit me like an arctic tidal wave on a summer day walking threw a desert. I sat there breathing heavily and groaning, drunken off of the pleasure as the cum erupted from my member quickly drenching Auras hand and face. She kept stroking my dick sending my orgasm into full throttle as my cum leaked and shot from my throbbing manhood quickly making a white sticky mess of Auras upper body. My hips, waist and legs were soon getting drenched as well. I sighed and enjoyed the last of my climax as the last wave of cum shot Aura right in the open mouth. I lay sprawled over the sit-up bench with my eyes closed, my senses tired and Intoxicated from the sensation of the climax. Dude! I'm outside of my full gecko demon form and I still came like a horse. It went everywhere! Aura began cleaning up the warm gooey mess with her tough and a towel, I watched as she lapped up all that drenched me with her long tough as she wiped of the sticky white splatters on her face, arms and breasts. Soon she had cleaned up the whole mess. "One of your finest hand-jobs Aura, Those were the best feeling sit-ups I've ever done" I grinned , my drained feeling soon subsiding and my sex drive recovering quickly . Aura had a smug smirk on her face " Thank you now let's saves the rest for the shower and bed".
\* \* \* \* \*
We had both been working out for an hour or so and had finished all the exercise, our naked bodies tired and glistening head to toe with sweat. We had stopped the serious play the casual stroking and caressing of each others person and gotten the entire serious workout out of the way. Although during the exercise there was a great deal of fore play, commenting on each others looks and occasionally fondling each other mid workout. Aura smiled and wiped the glistening beads of sweat off of her brow with her workout towel. Her beautiful orange eyes which were a sunset of autumn shades slowly moved down my person and rested on my rock stiff manhood and she smiled as it began to throb in desire once again , My sex drive had recovered quickly after the hand-job sit-ups and I had been aroused during the whole rest of the workout . I slowly inched my eyes down to her slit, it was the same case with her, her pussy lips were dripping with sweat and essence from long arousal without a pleasing touch. She slowly came up beside me and put a hand on my booty, nudging me forward as we walked towards our bathroom.
She opened the door and walked me in. Her hand softly fondling my behind as she nudged me forward. The soft shaggy dark green carpet we had in the bathroom and in most of the house pleasurably stroked the bottoms of my achy feet , the carpet quickly relived the 2 and a half miles I had jogged , along with relaxing the muscles from my other feet and legs based workouts. She then guided my into the shower , The walls were marbled dark green tiles, The shower head and other handles were a pleasant gold accented metal , the tub itself was polished cherry wood and it was very spacious . Our gorgeous Bath could easy fit 4 people leaving plenty of room for shower play , we had conveniently set in an incense burner in the lower right corner of the tub away from were the water could extinguish it because we both loved to take long warm baths with Incense burning . She took her hand off me and sat me down in the tub and then she walked towards the drawers under the sink and bent down giving me a nice view of her clit and bum. She playfully stroked her right thigh and looked back at me with a calm yet wild smile. This turned me on further as a sat staring at her entire body's beauty from a behind crouched view. She quit the teasing for a moment and started rummaging threw the stuff we kept in the bottom sink drawer.
After a moment or 2 she pulled out a lighter and a small dark blue stick of incense and stood turning towards me, shutting the drawer with her cute mocha colored foot. "Ill tell you what , You transform for me while I make this room smell even better before we start cleaning each other." she giggled . "Hehehehe you didn't need to ask sweetie I was gonna do that already, your turning me on so well it might have auto triggered anyway. You 1st. "I devilishly smirked. Her orange eyes turned from playfully lusty to a full on passionate desired look as she slowly reached up with one hand and began to fondle one of her breasts. Her left hand held the lighter and Incense and slowly crept downward towards her wet dripping cunt , her long beautiful tail curved upward and penetrated her causing even more of her fragrant essence to spill out . She let out soft cries as the liquids began to slowly flow out of her clit as she drew her self into maximum arousal with her penetrating tail. She withdrew her tail and with her fingers and tail tip spread her juices on the incense stick to enhance the smell. Her thick exotic, rich fragrance mixed along with the pleasant smell of sprucely pine trees with a hint of sweetness filled my nostrils as she lit the incense stick, blew it out and set in properly in its burner. I recognized the scent, the incenses name was Winter Forest, and its sweet piney smell mixed with Auras raw must made the air around me simply heavenly to breathe as the swirly white-grey smoke arose from the ember end of the stick.
She then watched me waiting for me to transform, I obliged her and closed my eyes beginning to concentrate. I concentrated on the inner center of my mind and body, digging deeper and deeper within myself with each passing moment. "Bingo!" I felt the inner beast within me begin to emerge at an incredible speed. I opened my eyes to see the sides of Aura mouth up turn into a lustful grin as my skin heated up and I began to transform. My skin felt like it was on fire as it began to darken in some spots and change color. The upper skin on my back, shoulders, arms, legs and upper face turned the same vibrant emerald as the triangles on my cheeks and the upper side of my tail. The skin on my lower face , neck , chest , hips , and manhood began turning a lighter faded emerald green and the fleshy human like skin got scaly and reptilian but without losing its soft firm texture which soon made my skin uniform with my gecko tail . I let out a sharp cry as the mixed pain and pleasure of my transformation to it to the next step of bone structure.
My tail began to lengthen as I sat there thrashing around , sending sharp pains thru my tail and spine as vertebrae grew and formed to fill out my tail more . I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as the brutal pains mixed with a unique pleasure racked my body. My limbs and torso began to lengthen increasing my height from around 5''7 to 6''2. My hands curled up into fists as they grew even larger in size and my finger tips began to get rounded along with my toes. My heart fluttered in my chest as my stiff throbbing manhood grew to proportionately match my size and my lower face lengthened into snout. Primal desires flooded my mind and my whole body throbbed with my heart beat as my transformation was reaching its end , My muscles grew a bit more to match my size and as my fang teeth grew in my fully demonic form . The sensations subsided and a sat there breathing heavily in my new body. My eyes fluttered open with seriously improved vision , I looked down at my fingers and saw the extremely fine hairs growing out of them which enabled my to climb any surface by the hairs reacting with the surfaces molecular structure . These awesome abilities all came from my gecko demon heritage. I could already climb walls and walk on the ceiling without being in full demon form but in this form all attributes and senses were improved by 500 % at least.
Aura looked at me deeply as she climbed into the bath tub, obviously finding even further attraction in my reptilian form. "Now were talkin" she said stroking my chest as she turned on the water the shower spurted out the clear clean liquid on our sweaty bodies . Then she closed the pine tree forest printed curtain and kept stroking my chest with one hand, the warm water and her fingers leaving heated pleasures on my figure. I was at her mercy as she left me wanting more as she paused her fun making on my chest. She grabbed the head rinse bottle nearby and squirted a big glop of purple Shampoo\\Conditioner mix into her hand and kneeled behind me. She slowly worked the thick shampoo into my soaking wet hair, it lathered and cleansed my scalp and hair as she massaged washed my head and hair. Her soft warm hands running there fingers there my long smooth wet hair sending relaxing signals thru my head and face causing me to smile and my eyelids to droop . She then stood up and grabbed the shower, rinsing all of the lather out of my freshly clean smooth hair. I stood and grabbed the shower from her putting it back on there hook and began to return the favor. Kneeling behind her and slowly working the pleasantly scented hair cleanser thru her soaked golden lawks. She reacted as I had, Closing her eyes and tilting her head back enjoying the relaxing sensations of my hands cleansing her long beautiful hair.
Soon the hot water running across our bodies filled the room with steam making the air thick, fragrant and moist. This thick air made our breathing pick up as our exotic bodies glistened in the warm water. The sweat and warm water making her body shine and look even more perfect. Her beautiful round shiny wet breasts wobbled as I took a soapy wash clothe and began stroking them. Mainly concentrating on her hardening nipples, she began doing the same, sending warm feelings down my whole torso as we washed each others upper bodies with desiring smiles. I soon dropped the wash clothe and suds up her lower body with my bare wet hands , softly caressing her every curve with my big green hands. She let out soft moans between heavy breaths in approval of my cleansing. I paid special attention to her soft round butt as I washed her lower regions. Letting my hand softly squeeze each cheek and then play around the area were her tail sprouted and lower were her puckered anus rested in between her soft cheeks. I quickly washed the outer pubis lips of her aroused pussy knowing that the longer I took the more chance there was of the soap on my hand getting inside and stinging her as it occasionally did to my urethra when cleaning. I finished up my sensual cleaning by washing and rinsing her muscular curvy legs and her cute paw like feet. She giggled as I stroked her inner thigh and feet were she was ticklish finishing off the rinse.
She then started the lower body work on me. She made me kneel and began to work on soaping up my boney thighs and butt with her soft slippery hands. She rubbed my butt down and had begun playing with my tail, slowly stroking it as if it were my cock. She looked down and smiled at my throbbing cock, she began to fondling my balls with one hand and cleansing my shaft and tip with the other. Her smooth cleansing begging to please my wanting manhood. I soon grew dizzy from the hot water and the amazing feeling of her tickling my cock and balls with her hands. She then stopped the assault on my man parts and began to wash my thighs leaving me begging in my mind for more. She soon finished my legs and stood me up into the shower spray rinsing off all the soap. "All clean" She giggled,
She then laid me down flat on my back in the bottom of the tub and got on top of me. Her beautiful glistening body on top of mine creates even more bodily heat that mixed with the warm water and thick cloudy fragrant air. She took my face in her hands and we kissed our wet snouts and long toughs playing across each others causing us both pleasuring vibrations that quickly went to our heads. Our inner emotions erupted and our final thresh hold had been shattered as we both blushed and broke from our kiss. We needed to stop the foreplay and please each other. She quickly scrambled over into a new position, one of my favorites, the classical 69 with girl on top. She presented her wet aroused pussy to me as she spread her legs and rested on my chest. I closed my eyes and started to enjoy one of things in sex I was best at. I slowly raised my snout to her open clit and began nuzzling it with my lips , The I slowly teased as I penetrated with my tough and then drew back licking her inner thigh . She let out pleased moans as my tough kept penetrating her inner fold and then drawing out and lapping up her outer lips , soaking my tough in her rich , exotic essences , driving me to want to taste her more . The fluids began to pour out even more as her breathing steadily increased and her groaning became more strained and intense. The I gasped suddenly as I felt her tough and mouth wrap themselves around my throbbing cock.
I tried hard to concentrate on her pussy threw the incredible pleasures she was giving me with her long snout and throat as she sucked hard on my cock , Her movement and suction made me throb harder as some of my muffled grunts escaped her pussy . Soon I stopped the tease pleasing and got serious, aiming my tough mainly at her G-spot and penetrating her with my tough as deep as I could........ Soon we had an equal rhythm going, Are breathing and grunts matched as we pleased each other with our mouths......... My handy work with my tough and lips causing her unimaginable pleasure as she used her mouth and tough to send tickling vibrations up threw my shaft and up into my sensitive head . .......For minutes we sat there enjoying each others efforts........ The pleasures of our needy flesh and the scents of her must and the thick incenses and steam in the air, along with my eyes capturing her raw beauty, her cute passionate moans were like music to my ears. All of these things mixing together creating an Eden for all my senses...... Soon I could feel the pressure deep inside me building again. I could tell we were both on there verge of climax. Our rhythm sped up and I could feel her pulsating on my tough as I my throbbing matched my heart pulse. The pressure built in my like I was going to explode, her wet throbbing lips tensed up one last time before..... "Keeeeiiiyyaaaaaaaaa! Ahhhhhh! " . " Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ruhhhh! Unh!" We both screamed as our joined orgasm came crashing over our heads. I couldn't take it anymore; I exploded right inside her mouth as she let out a huge wave of cum right onto my tough. Gallons of her essences drenched my face as I kept up the pace. I laid there drowning in the pleasure of my climax trying to keep from passing out.
I kept going, licking her more while groaning and enjoying my orgasm. I drank her honey and kept on licking , finishing off her orgasm as she finished off mine , drinking every last bit of cum that erupted from my cock inside her mouth as if it were a giant straw , I cum in crazy amounts when in demon form so she must've been seriously Ken-jo thirsty to drink it all . We lay there, in the showers spray for a while; she lay on top of my breathing heavily. I slowly recovered and began to awaken a little, my sex drive soon doing the same and my cock begging to harden once again "I love you Babe". "I love you to Hun." Aura said as she slowly got up and grabbed a towel. "You've gotta the best women pleaser in existence! That felt incredible!" She wildly smiled. "Thanks "." I try my best to draw out the best for you " I said licking my lips with a passionate smile. " just for you , yknow you felt incredible yourself Aura , Your mouth and throat are nice and deep , and you really know how to gobble me" I smiled putting the moves on her trying to look as handsome as for her possible again .
Her blush got brighter and she looked away again smiling really cute. " You taste really good to... " she said , her cute smile turning into an intimate one , her eyes growing deep with desire once again . I laughed really loud "Do I now?" I said scratching my head smiling. " I cant taste near as good as you do, I like nothing more about sex then making you go wild". As I said this I could see her getting turned on again. "Oh yea Ken? I'm about to ride you like a stallion ... I hope your ready for the main course ". She said as she started to dry me off with a devilish smile. I then realized that the fun was only begging, we had all the time we wanted to play around and passionately draw it out as long as we desired. My hormone soaked brain and inner primal desires felt wild and ready for the greatest night ever, I was gonna please the women I love until she was satisfied and then some.I gave her a wide grin " nayyyyyy. " | FSE |
Title: How to Succeed at Life
Tags: success, self-help, happiness, advice
There are no magic formulas for success, but the older I get, the more I rely on a few simple principles to help get me through each passing day. One could argue that these are simply "common sense", but as my wise grandmother used to say, "common sense isn't very common." The common superficial indicators of success-money, a good job, fancy possessions, and a house on the water- really don't indicate much more than an individual who has focused his life on things. True success goes deeper, and that is what drives the following observations. Sorry, I can't guarantee that any of these will work for you, but by diligently applying them to my own life, I have noticed a distinct change for the better over the last 20 years.
The most essential step to leading a successful life is to find your passion. Everything positive will flow from your pursuit of an area that truly floats your boat. There are many definitions of "passion" out there, but try this one out for size:
When I was a teenager, I loved to play piano. It always amazed me that my two hours of practice seemed to go by in a few seconds. On the other hand, if you are only playing piano to please your parents, spouse, or teacher, practicing will inevitably become an interminable agony.
Some possible passions are sports, gardening, music, reading, weaving, meditation, movies, and dining out. Pretty much anything is fair game no matter how offbeat. I have a good friend who discovered his true passion in life was growing orchids! Even more amazing is that he was able to develop an avocation into a vocation by buying a greenhouse and selling extra plants.
Not all hobbies will necessarily lead to full time employment, but with a little creativity, you'll be surprised at what is possible. In my life, I've turned playing piano into giving lessons part time, growing flowers to selling perennials at flea markets, and reading books to giving lectures on various classic works.
How do you find your passion? Join Internet newsgroups. Start a local club revolving around your specific interest. Get your friends hooked. Then merely sit back and watch what happens. In some cases, your interest may wane after a few months, but in other instances you will find a true passion, something that will consume your life until your dying breath.
Nothing is sadder than someone stuck in a dead end job or hopelessly mired relationship. Change is always a little scary, and many people simply choose to be miserable rather than risk financial stress or marital discord.
Approximately one year ago, I was working full time with some of the most negative people on this planet. In addition, my position was going nowhere and I was doing more and more work for the same amount of pay. Then, on that fateful day May 31st, 2006, my life changed in an instant. While eating a bowl of cereal, I experienced very severe pain and needed to be rushed to the hospital. As the doctors muttered something about an "unexplained abdominal blockage" I was given the last rites. After making it through the night, I awoke with a nasal-gastric tube down my throat. Unable to eat or drink, I was given only ice chips for 5 miserable days.
Yet, while I was lying on my back for what seemed to be an eternity, I had plenty of time to think. And when I was released from the hospital one week later, the first thing I did was turn in my resignation. My family and friends thought I was crazy to leave a tenured position that paid $60,000. per year. But, I had seen the light, and you may be curious as to where I am one year later. Well, I have the most incredibly wonderful postition in the same field. I am treated with respect by a "dream team" of colleagues and next year will actually be making more money than I ever have... AND enjoying it! Yes, there were financial insecurities along the way, and there were times when bills didn't get paid. But I find it extremely ironic that I had to look death in the eye to finally learn how to live.
It takes a great deal of guts to change the status quo in your life. There are no guarantees, but if you follow your heart very little can go wrong!
This was my mother's favorite phrase and it took me 20 years to fully comprehend the import of her wisdom. Gossip is extremely, extremely dangerous. If you are labeled a troublemaker at work your career is ruined. If you are catty and chatty in a relationship, you stand a good chance of losing your significant other's trust. A good rule of thumb to use if debating whether or not to say something is:
A particular dangerous variant of the gossip game is "But I only told one person!" Sure you did, and that person only told one person, and the next guy in the chain only told one person, and before you know it everyone knows. Loose lips do indeed sink ships. Yes, gossip is quite tempting but at best only gives the gossiper a smug superiority...for a while. So, in the coming weeks, try to say five positive statements a day about people in place of anything even remotely controversial. You will notice a change for the better in your relationships almost immediately.
Leading a hedonistic lifestyle is almost always synonymous with unfulfillment and failure. Look at the hapless Virginia Tech shooter- an individual consumed with anger and totally engrossed in a fantasy world. People who service others are in a win-win situation. Success comes from the feeling of accomplishment by sharing your wealth of ideas and individual talents. Here's a short list of service oriented choices which can only heighten your feelings of accomplishment. And who knows?- you may meet your significant other or a special friend in the process.
a) Become a Big Brother/Big Sister/Mentor/Tutor
b) Volunteer to be on your community's P.T.A., or chaperone various school functions.
c) Help at your local church with a food bank or clothing drive.
d) Give free lessons in the area of your choice (I sometimes give complementary music lessons to disadvantaged children who cannot afford them.)
e) Build houses, repair dreams, mend broken hearts.
f) Become involved with Boy Scouts/Brownies, Den Mothers and Fathers are always needed.
g) Agree to be a "Patient Visitor" at your local hospital. I did this one Summer and learned more about life in two months than in my previous 35 years!
In this me-me-me culture, it takes considerable effort to look beyond yourself to the greater good. But I can think of nothing more powerful then servicing others, even in the smallest way. It will make you feel successful like few other activities can, and could easily change your life in a major way.
It always seems that certain individuals are simply lucky, but I have discovered that you can indeed arrange to be as lucky as the next guy. For example, suppose you are interviewing for a particular job. Only allowing yourself 2 prospects means than luck could occur at most 2 times. But doing 20 interviews increases your possibility of luck tenfold! When I was interviewing for a new position, I did 25 interviews, of which 2 resulted in job offers. So, I was "lucky" twice. In a similar manner if you wish to meet new people, and have three blind dates over an entire year, you're not giving luck much of a chance to work. But meeting three people per month increases your chance of luck by a factor of 12. The truly "lucky" people stack the deck in their daily life so that luck has the maximum probability to occur. And sure enough, over time luck is sure to be a "lady tonight" without any extra effort on their part.
If I had my way, I'd abolish ALL competitions, contests, and any event that grades people. It only fosters dreaded comparisons, which is a major factor in depression and disillusionment. Let's face it, no matter how good you are at something, someone, somewhere, is even better. And conversely, even if you feel you are hopeless at something, I guarantee you could teach someone, somewhere, that is even more hopeless.
Instead of comparing yourself to some impossible yardstick, simply do. That's right, just do something. Play guitar, plant a rose, take a walk, climb a tree. Inactive people are the dangerous ones, the meddlers and parasites of society. Get yourself out there even if it is something as simple as weeding the garden. The body craves movement and activity, yet does even better without self judgements. Worrying about doing better at a particular sport, or feeling guilty about a past imperfect performance simply eats up time and immobilizes you. And an immobilized person is an unsuccessful individual. It's essentially as simple as that.
Rather than endlessly wonder about the location of Heaven, or the existence of Satan, try to find your inner God. We all have a conscience, or "tracking system" to help us in times of need. I prefer to call this inner light "God", but you can call it by whatever term makes you comfortable. Your success in life is intimately tied to how well you are in tune with your "soul". Some people spend a lifetime ignoring their inner voice and the end result is confusion and despair. We all are stronger than we think...I brought myself back to life last year when I suddenly realized my work on earth was merely starting at the age of 47. Although the signal may be weakened by all the noise and junk we put in our lives, it is always there, waiting to be at our service.
Cultivate bewilderment, walk under the pale light of stars, and listen...I guarantee you will never turn off your inner God again!
You have an enemy lurking in the bushes. And alas, it will never go away. The name of the enemy is YOUR DEATH, which I prefer to write as "YD" which seems a little less threatening. The final key to you leading a successful life is to come to terms with YD. Frankly, this isn't easy, and some individuals spend a lifetime trying to cheat death, only to be surprised as they approach the finish line.
One very simple thing you can do to feel comfortable about YD is to write your own obituary, no matter if you are 18 or 81. After all, no one knows you as well as yourself, and the experience will be quite humbling. Trying to reduce your life to a few simple paragraphs will inevitably force you to realize you are a mere speck, an asterisk, the head of a pin. Along the way you will discover areas of your life you want to put in your obituary, but can't right now, and this will lead to important changes in your future. I wrote my own obituary at the age of 25, which lead to an incredible two decades of self-exploration. If you have a significant other, you may want to write each other's obituary along side of your own. It is very likely the two obits will be quite different, and this could lead to a productive talk about future plans.
Another activity which will help you shake the hand of YD is to make a "Death Gift Box". This sounds morbid, but is simply an ordinary toy box that is filled with small tokens of appreciation for important people in your life, should you die suddenly or unexpectedly. You could write a letter to a friend, or dry an exquisite red rose for your mother. Be sure to tell someone or mention in your will the location of your death gift box, so your sentiments can be distributed accordingly.
Recently in my community, a gifted 36 year old teacher died suddenly in a tragic car accident. Fortunately, she had put together a death gift box. I cannot describe the looks on the lucky individuals' faces who opened presents from their friend's gift box. They found it almost impossible to put their "treasures" away, and as in most win-win situations, that teacher's memory is now perpetuated forever by a simple act of kindness.
I will never forget sitting next to my grandmother as she was dying 25 years ago. In a faint whisper, she asked if there was anything positive about death. I thought for awhile, then responded "well, at least you can find out how that good dream ends!" She laughed a bit, then was gone. Just as a sentence is a mere collection of words without a period, death is the period that gives life meaning. And all of our lives are ideally a good dream which death merely extends until the next lifetime...
I sincerely hope your life is as successful as it can be, now and forever!
Sack | literotica |
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, first person, floating, helium
Text: I sit down on the tank itself, wearing only a pair of black panties and a black bra, both made to stretch a considerable amount. Under me is a helium tank.
I push my brown hair out of the way, my green eyes glistening. I take the hose of the tank, and put the nozzle in my mouth. I turn the valve, and a rush of the gas goes into me.
First my stomach expands, filling divinely and quickly. Already I look like I should be carrying twins. Next were my breasts, filling evenly, and quite well. The pressure was building already, thirlling me.
Once my breasts and stomach had their fill, the helium starts to fill my other extremities. My legs, ass, and arms. All were growing, being saturated with the gases from the tank. My weight had certainly decreased. I even felt lighter. I continue to let this gas slake my thirst.
My body started to rise off the ground, my head bobbing down to keep ahold of the tank's hose. But it was long enough for me to float to the ceiling without losing it.
Now that the helium had no where else to go, my face started to fill out, my cheecks puffing up. I close my eyes, dreaming I was floating on a cloud.
Now, I just expand, having no more room in my body for the gas to fill. I felt light-headed, but dreamily so.
My body was starting to round out, becoming a perfect sphere. My arms and legs were cones, and my bra had long ago busted off.
My ass was filling out nicely. My panties were thinning into a thong the way this was going. I release my bitedown on the nozzle, the thing turning off automatically, as I had it preset to.
I close my eyes to sleep, hoping to wake ready for more. I awoke much as the same as when I slept; floating around aimlessly.
I kicked off the ceiling and grabbed the hose, it turning on. Soon my body found it's ambrosia of inflation as I continued my expansion once again.
My body was taking the pressure well. I was fully round, and my panties snapped off and was left nude.
The pressure kept on, filling me more and more. Becoming unbarable, but I ignored it, focused on my own figure rather than my ditress.
Now I can't ignore it. The tank read that it was only half gone. I was surprised I took in this much. If given two of three days, it would leak out of me on it's own. But I could feel it.
My body couldn't take another ounce of pressure. A single huff, and that was it.
Pop goes me.
Do I dare?
Most likely pop just to get a high-so to speak.
I bite down on the nozzle, and the tank begins emptying again.
| bodyinflation |
Title: Mean Girls Reunion 01
Tags: lacey chabert, celebrity, oral, blowjob, big tits, cunnilingus, fingering, tit fuck, sixty-nine, mean girls
**1: Lacey**
Working on the film crew for "Mean Girls" was one giant blur. So much so that I can't quite remember why I was relaxing one day in the wardrobe room. But I was sitting behind a few clothing racks during my break, trying to enjoy the solitude, until someone interrupted.
I could see the gossip queen of the Plastics, Gretchen Weiners – a.k.a. actress Lacey Chabert. Whether she could see me was unclear, but the fact she hadn't yelled at me to get out was a sign.
So was her going through sweaters, then taking hers off in my eye line.
She wasn't looking at me and couldn't see me from there – supposedly. She wasn't trying to show herself off in her blue bra and skirt, but there was a Hell of a lot to show off. It took me a while to register her taking off her skirt next – yet the sight of Lacey's incredible cleavage and toned, sleek curves kept her ass and legs off my radar.
I only had a few seconds to take in the whole package before she found a sweater. Once she put it over her face and chest, I remembered what trouble I'd be in if she knew there was an audience. Impulsively, I turned my head away and pretended to sleep – barely stopping myself from pretending to snore.
I heard some small rustlings and prayed they wouldn't be followed by loud footsteps. Yet when I heard them, they got softer as Lacey left the room. My movie crew career was still alive – though I needed more physical parts of me to die down before I left. As if she'd made that easy.
Like this entire production would make things easy for me.
January 2014
A Mean Girls reunion cover story and photo shoot.
If I could make that happen, it'd make this job so much easier for me.
While I didn't do much more work in movie crews since 2003, it got my foot in the door for other opportunities. Eventually, it led me to an assistant's job at a magazine that....well, many of you read every week. If not as much as Entertainment Weekly, TV Guide or Vanity Fair.
This meant that other publications probably had the inside track on a 10-year "Mean Girls" reunion piece, if they were so inclined. But I made the pitch that with my time on their set, I could get the stars to do our magazine. Plus it was the start of a new year, and the best time to publish a Mean Girls story would be in April, so I could get a jump start now.
Of course, my slight connection to the movie didn't mean I could land all the stars. What's more, they'd really need me to book one above all – and she was the wild card to end all wild cards. She might have burned too many bridges with her old co-stars, for all anyone knew.
But after I convinced my bosses I could book Lindsay Lohan, I still wasn't brave enough to go after her first. That was something you had to build towards. Hell, if I got all the others first – the ones who actually had their careers take off since 2004 – it might make Lindsay's absence okay.
Unfortunately, I aimed too high to start proving it.
I thought since Rachel McAdams had the best career and biggest name in the group besides Lindsay – at least in movies – she'd be enough of a headliner. But because of that big career, she wasn't available in the time we'd need to do the story and cover. So that seemed to be that.
If I couldn't land both Rachel and Lindsay, I was finished. Maybe that's why I still wasn't brave enough to contact Lindsay. One of the top five reasons, anyway.
Instead of warming up with a more legitimate star, perhaps I would have to start smaller.
I had to call Rachel because she was busy on a set. However, Lacey Chabert had more free time on her hands. When I gathered that after calling her, I offered to make my pitch in person.
That's how I found myself going to her penthouse in West Hollywood two days later. She'd bought it months ago, not long before her cover spread for Maxim magazine last fall. My memories really didn't need to go there – or to the last time I saw her in her bra – so I cleared my head before knocking the door.
Lacey answered in a blue top and matching jeans, so it kept my head clear. At least clearer than it could have been. "Hello, Ms. Chabert," I cleared my throat enough to say.
"You don't have to be that formal," Lacey said in her high but sweet voice. "This is the first of many Mean Girls reunions, after all. Right?"
"Well, if you want to see it that way. And believe I told the truth about being a crew member. Which I did, but how would you know?" I let get away from me.
"I used my two days of prep time well. But I didn't need to do that much research," Lacey assured. "I remembered myself that you were there. So I'm glad you're here now," she said, topping it off with a little hug. Which was both fortunately and unfortunately brief.
I shrugged it off and followed Lacey inside, letting her give me a tour of the condo. It was pretty extravagant by my standards, if not West Hollywood's. That speaks to how quaint three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a gym and wide views of the city are by comparison.
Despite having the least splashy career of the Mean Girls stars, Lacey still kept busy enough to do well for herself. As if the Maxim shoot didn't rub it in already. Luckily, I kept myself from saying both those things out loud.
At that moment, Lacey wanted to know about my post-Mean Girls career. This made me just a little bit more comfortable.
"Clearly, I went on a different path," I jested for starters. "I mean, I didn't flop out of crew work. I didn't hate it, and you guys didn't make me hate it. I just....realized I wanted a more creative direction. But I realized I wanted it in Hollywood, in some way."
"And a magazine about Hollywood was the answer," Lacey filled in.
"Not at first. I wrote some stuff myself at other places. I'm not doing that at my new place, but I can use it to open bigger doors. If I prove I have some value over there," I started to segway towards.
"And me and one of my old movies can give you that value," Lacey said.
"For the next few months, yeah," I agreed, perhaps less tactfully than I should have. "I know other magazines can make a bigger deal out of it. But they're just so....cliquey. I think you can understand that," I started joking. "I figure there's no need to give the magazine Plastics another win. It'd go against everything the movie stood for."
"Did you sell that to Rachel?" Lacey wondered.
"Maybe I should have. If she had a clear schedule, who knows?" I went along. But the memory of her being unavailable, and the long route I still had to go, made me more truthful.
"I'm not trying to put pressure on you, Lacey. I don't know how free you are, and there's no guarantee this'll even happen. I've got a long way to go before I can answer that," I admitted.
"Well, what's part of that long way? Who else are you asking?" Lacey asked.
"Tina Fey, Lizzy Caplan, Amanda Seyfried, you....and Lindsay," I finished off.
Sensing my hesitation at the end, Lacey offered, "Hasn't Lindsay been pretty good lately? Or did you guys....bury bad press on her?"
"I can't speak for other publications, but we heard good stuff," I answered. "Still....did she burn too many bridges with you guys when she....wasn't on good behavior? And could they be rebuilt in time?"
"I don't think that's necessary. I haven't seen Lindsay in a while, so my bridges are still standing," Lacey commented. "But I haven't seen much of the others, either. That really would make this a reunion for me. And for what it's worth....it'd be nice to see all of them again."
"So if I could make that happen, you wouldn't mind?" I double checked.
"Of course not," Lacey promised. "Working with them wouldn't be a problem. It wasn't before." After a pause, she started, "They even....even kept their distance when we were in wardrobe."
My face didn't move a muscle, so I figured I was safe. I felt myself blinking more than usual, but there could be worse tells. In the back of my mind, I wondered if it was more telling that she paused before finishing. "I see," was the only thought I said out loud.
I deflected by saying, "So, we want to make this a cover story for April. To do that, we need you to be available at the end of February. Can you clear a day or two for that?"
"Shouldn't be a problem," Lacey said. "Gives me plenty of time to get dressed up."
"Well, we'll have that covered for you," I said as steadily as possible.
"I know, but you're already going to enough trouble," Lacey stated. "I've got a lot of stuff in my closet. Maybe I could pick something and get it out of the way."
"If, um, if you want to take a shot," I conceded. I was relieved to see Lacey get up and leave, which gave me time to get back in order. But those dreams died fast.
"Your bosses would probably need to see my picks," Lacey called out. "You can either call them to come over, or just take pictures for them with your phone. The second one sounds easier." It did, in only one way. But it was the only way available now.
So I followed Lacey to her big closet, as she showed off the clothes that were hung up. I went along with the pretense of taking pictures, in case she was being serious. I had further doubts when she said, "I don't know. They'd probably pop more if they were on me."
"So you're saying you need to change?" I sighed in resignation.
"I might need time for that," Lacey replied. With that, I figured there was nothing to do but rip the band aid off.
"For the record, I stayed where I was when you changed back then. And I closed my eyes too. Eventually," I jumped ahead. "That should have made it impossible for you to remember me! I didn't do a thing, other than see you in far more clothing than you had in Maxim!" I let out, to which Lacey merely paused.
Before she could un-pause, I attempted damage control by adding, "Don't punish the magazine because I was a perv 11 years ago. I'll get someone else to give you privacy in here. If that's what you want."
"I almost wanted you to stop 'sleeping'," Lacey interrupted, adding quotation marks at the end. That was hardly the weirdest thing right now.
"I was pretty frustrated that day. Enough to still remember it 11 years later. Enough to remember I was changing to go out for a walk, saw you when you were fake sleeping....and almost wished you'd wake up. Just to help me get some of my emotions out....in some way," Lacey startled me.
"Some way....eh?" I ended less than smoothly.
"Yeah, there were a few ways. I calmed down and left, but when I saw you work after that....I still had to wonder," Lacey shared. "I didn't wonder that much for the next 10 years. But when you called me and I looked you up....it didn't take much to wonder again."
"You're kidding me," was all I could say. "So that was another near miss....or maybe...." I trailed off, having revealed way too much.
"Another near miss?" Lacey repeated, making me nervous with her peaked interest. But instead of asking further, she asked, "Is that what it would have been if I woke you up? Just a near miss?"
"If you wanted it to be," I recovered to change the subject – for more than one reason.
"And if you had a chance to get closer?" Lacey pressed on, her hands drifting to her hips.
"Well, then someone would probably come in and ruin my luck," I attempted to gest.
"And until they did? Would fucking me on my wardrobe be worth it till then?" Lacey got to the point.
"I...." I waited to find a good answer, but only one was accurate enough. "I don't see how I can say no."
Lacey didn't say anything or change her expression. Even when she lifted up her shirt and threw it off, revealing a blue bra barely containing her cleavage, she stayed nonchalant. While I dropped my jaw and made mental comparisons to 11 years ago and Maxim magazine, she just turned and looked through her closet. In fact, she seemed to be picking out a new shirt.
When Lacey took one and put it over her chest, I got her game. And I took the bait.
Like I imagined myself doing off and on for 11 years, I went up to Lacey and kissed her against a rack of clothes. She dropped her shirt and began to unbutton mine, while I got ahead of her in unbuckling my belt. I took a break once she undid my buttons, throwing my shirt off and inviting her to press her body against mine.
The feel of her large, contained breasts and the rest of her tanned, toned, tremendous body against me threw me off, so Lacey lowered my pants down for me. I snapped out of it to put my hands on her jeans, lowering them just as mine dropped. Soon we both had our underwear exposed, but I wasn't ready to remove hers yet.
In a flash, I lowered my underwear and pulled out my erect cock, then had Lacey lean back against her closet drawer. My hand moved the front of her panties aside, leaving them on as my cock head pressed against her pussy. After seeing Lacey in a lacey bra and panties in person, and in print, I had to fuck her while she had them on.
"Do it. Fuck me," Lacey agreed in a breathy voice. She squeaked and almost cooed as my head entered her, then groaned deeper when I added a few more inches. Once I adjusted and knew I could last, my adrenaline went back up as I started pumping her.
Lacey wrapped her arms around my neck and began pushing her groin back against me. I pushed mine forward as our hips got as loud as our voices. I tried muffling mine against Lacey's lips, her neck, and finally her bouncing chest.
I still let her keep her bra on, as I was too busy nuzzling her cleavage and pressing my face against her cups to take it off. She gyrated her hips faster the more I did it, so I wasn't the only one who liked this. But I was feeling the effect harder – perhaps too hard, too fast.
"Fuck, fuck," I muttered, which made Lacey moan her encouragement. But it was a frustrated fuck because I was boiling over too soon. I put my fingers on Lacey's panties to try and get her off before I did, yet she tightened around me and made it impossible.
"Fuck, shit, I'm gonna cum!" I yelled, quickly pulling myself out before Lacey could comment. I left my cock bare and wet, not daring to touch it or even looking at her. After a few seconds, I dared to look up as Lacey caught her breath – then started to smile.
She finally lowered her panties to the floor, bending down way too low for my sanity. When I looked at the ceiling, she cleared her throat and got me to see her unhooking her bra. "Aim it here," she gestured to her chest, then grabbed it and slowly lowered her bra.
I had made sure my hands were frozen – but when Lacey dropped her bra, they went on my cock like a magnet. I was barely aware I was jacking off, since I had to savor those big, bare double D's while I had the time. Unfortunately, I was aware 15 seconds later that my time was about up.
I used the last of my brain power to remember Lacey's instructions, then I pointed my cock up and followed them. The first few spurts landed on her left breast and right above it, but I got myself to cover her right breast in time. The last few spurts landed below her chest, although some strands of cum were oozing down there anyway.
At least until Lacey grabbed her cum drenched tits.
"Eat me. Now," Lacey demanded. On impulse, I got on my knees and put my face between her legs. But when Lacey started rubbing her tits – and rubbing my own cum on those giant, gorgeous mounds – I lost all reason. Which was probably the point.
I wasted no time in suckling and nibbling her sweet spots, or on sliding two fingers inside to speed things up. As Lacey moaned, arched her back and kept rubbing her boobs, I wiggled my tongue and fingers inside her and sucked everything in range. By the time her chest fully absorbed my cum, I didn't make her cum herself -- but I didn't want to lose the race by much.
Once I added a third finger and swiped my thumb and tongue on her, I got that wish.
Lacey grabbed the back of my head and arched her hips forward, exploding directly on me. It faintly registered that her hand had touched my cum and was now in my hair. Yet her cum was dripping on my lips, so we were even.
I didn't break away for much oxygen as I licked and cleaned Lacey up. When she removed her hand and backed up a few inches, I stayed on my knees as it all started sinking in. It didn't sink in fast enough for me to move an inch, although my cock was shrinking by a few.
"Go lay down on the bed. Take as long as you need," I heard Lacey say. As soon as I could do something about it, I made myself stand on my feet. I had enough common courtesy to put my pants and underwear on before I went to the nearest bed, but not enough to put my shirt on.
I laid on one of Lacey's beds, closing my eyes and seeing the images of the last several minutes fly by. At the least, I was too enraptured to go to sleep. Eventually, I'd have to get up, actually face Lacey and hope this didn't affect our deal – if we had really made one. For that and other reasons, I wasn't eager to open my eyes yet.
"For the record, I didn't think of those last parts 10 years ago. It just came to me now," I heard Lacey say. It would have been too easy to make a pun from that last part, so I stayed quiet – but thinking about it made me let out an accidental snort.
"Yeah, that just came on me – to me, too," Lacey pretended to accidentally say. I didn't try to hold back laughter that time, and neither did she.
I kept my eyes closed, but I felt a little looser. Loose enough to ask, "Why were you frustrated back then? Did something happen? Something with the other girls?"
"Trying to interview me early?" Lacey sidestepped.
"I still need to be sure there is one," I said seriously. "If there's really any lingering problems with the others....or ones that might come up with....other people....I should know before I put my career on the line for this. Not that I was that professional before...."
"Even after that, that's what you're really thinking about?" Lacey inquired.
"Well....if I was more established, I could afford not to care about work. I'm clearly a beginner here," I tried to jest.
I opened my eyes now, but I looked up at the ceiling instead of Lacey. I still heard her ask, "If I tell you, will you tell me about that other near miss? If there's any lingering problems you have with them, this might not come together anyway. Right?"
I acknowledged her twisting my own words against me, then answered, "I had some....moments with them. Not moments like....back there. Nothing they'd probably remember like you did. But....I did wonder what could have been a few times. Like I did with you."
"And look how that turned out," Lacey pointed out. "For what it's worth....they missed out. And they'd miss out if they didn't do your cover too. But I didn't do anything then that would make it a problem. And I won't do it when you get us back together."
Regardless of who she meant by 'us', it was what I needed to hear. "Thank you," I said, regardless of what I was really thanking her for.
"No problem," Lacey chimed. Now it was really getting ridiculous not to look at her.
I turned my head and saw Lacey lying next to me, her face a few feet from mine. A brief glance below told me she hadn't put her bra back on. Yet I looked back up in a flash anyway, which made Lacey giggle.
If she didn't want me to stare, she'd have put the bra on – as if that would tempt me less. Regardless, I clung to being a gentleman by watching her face. A face covered with gorgeous green eyes, full tempting lips, and a complexion both innocent and sultry. If I was trying not to look aroused, I was failing miserably either way.
If this could be called failure. Lacey pressing her lips to mine sure didn't feel like failure.
This time we were composed enough to kiss briefly, and almost sweetly. We gave each other several pecks until I gently suckled her lower lips, then slid my tongue past it. Lacey pressed herself against my body, although our bare chests did most of the touching.
Needing more, I rolled myself on top of Lacey and took a bit of control. I pressed my chest down against hers and slid my right hand onto her cheek and hair, while our tongues went back and forth in each other's mouth. Lacey moaned as I broke apart and kissed down her face to her neck.
With my pants and underwear back on, I was feeling pretty constricted. But as I tasted her skin and went down to her chest, I had better things to worry about. When I got to her tits, Lacey couldn't help but remind me, "You know what they were just covered in, right?"
"I do," I reminded. "You got it off well enough." Even if she didn't, I had to taste those tits. The thought that they were just covered in my cum shouldn't have made it hotter, but it did. In any case, her supple skin and full flesh canceled out any other tastes.
I pushed Lacey's breasts up and circled her nipples with my tongue, then flicked them and slid my tongue down her left boob. I suckled and kissed the underside and bounced the rest against my face, then did the same to her right tit.
When I finally sucked her right nipple down, I looked up and saw Lacey's face contort beautifully. She seductively glared down at me as my right hand tangled in her hair and my left rubbed her stomach. It trailed down to her panties – the only piece of clothing she'd put back on – then Lacey suddenly got me off of her.
"Sit up," she instructed. I got some of my breath back as I sat up on the bed, though Lacey worked fast to take it away again. She unzipped my pants and pulled my revived erection out – but instead of touching it further, she put a hand on my head and brought it down to her chest.
I took the hint and started suckling away, while her free hand took one of mine and put it on her panties. Getting that hint too, I slid a finger into her undergarment and into what lay below as well. Once I did, Lacey put her free hand on my cock as her other one played with my hair.
"Mmm, you had all the fun with this before. My turn," Lacey announced, then stroked my shaft as furiously as I did. I gasped and dropped my jaw, but promptly filled it with her left breast while my free hand went on her back.
Lacey slowed down, and soon I did the same. We settled down as we stroked and jacked each other off, while I ate out her tits at the same time too. Combined with me stroking the smooth skin of her back, the triple sensation was making me throb in her right hand.
Her left pushed my head further into her chest, making me groan on her nipple and making her groan and stroke me harder in return. "Yeah, that's it," Lacey encouraged softly. She got louder when my finger curled into her and my thumb swiped across her, cheering, "God, those fingers are good."
"You would know," I mumbled on her breast as her fingers tightened on me.
"They're not enough...." Lacey lamented. Thinking she was criticizing me, I added another finger and drove them both in knuckle deep. "Oh fuck....oh fuck it," she stated, thrusting her chest onto my face like it was fucking it.
I tried to suckle her right breast down, like Lacey would suck my cock down if I was face fucking her. Of course, I had too much to work with to make it perfect – in that regard, anyway. She watched me rub my face and mouth on her flesh, then jacked me hard a few more times and said, "Fuck it" again.
This time around, she followed up by removing her hand from me and taking my fingers off her. Lacey got off the bed and kneeled down in front of it – and me. Her mouth soon went a little lower.
She alternated between sucking me down hard and soft, her hands on my hips the whole way. Mine rested on her shoulder and hair, stroking it so I would be less tempted to push her head down. But Lacey went off me and slid her lips and tongue down herself.
When she finished suckling me just above my balls, Lacey went back up and stuck her chest out. I briefly lit up from what I thought was coming, yet she put my head on her left nipple instead of between her tits. In fact, she used it to get her tips stiffer and erect, which didn't hurt my erection per se. Maybe it even kept me from losing it sooner.
Not that Lacey rubbing my tip all over her breasts wasn't making me boil. She also rubbed it on her undersides, so that didn't calm me down. Neither did rubbing my cockhead between her breasts without pressing them together.
"You gotta learn to put more variety in this after a while," Lacey tossed out. As I began to understand it and feel a little guilty, the minx went and smothered my cock with her tits anyway. But she only gave it a few pumps before she took them off and replaced them with her mouth – although she went all the way down with it.
The brief tit fuck and deep throat left me wet and throbbing, which Lacey chose as the perfect time to really strike. She climbed onto my lap and hovered herself over me, without sinking herself down. Lacey looked at me and my barely composed face, then started to come down.
Once she got the top half of my cock in, I put my hands on her hips and finished pushing her down. Lacey groaned and pressed her forehead against me, then pecked my lips in an almost playful fashion. She soon moved down to my chin and jaw while she rocked her hips, in a far slower way than last time.
As it sunk in how this time would be far less feverish. I relaxed as Lacey suckled and nibbled my Adam's apple and neck. I kept my hands on her hips and started squeezing while she fucked me, and even started some fucking of my own. For that, Lacey gave me a deeper hickey while looking up with her most erotic glare.
After she pulled away from my neck, I rested my chin on her right shoulder. Lacey rocked me a bit faster while I looked down and saw her hips move, not to mention her ass. My hands slid over to cover it up, which led me to jiggle her cheeks around as a distraction.
"Oh, that's it....oh, you know what you're doing," Lacey cooed. I slid a finger between her cheeks to test that, and her louder moan suggested I did something right. My mind then raced for more good ideas, and I came up with a couple.
I leaned back and took Lacey with me, leaving her on top of me on the bed. She took her legs off me and got herself more comfortable, but I stopped her from lying on me when she put me back in. I kept Lacey sitting upright, allowing me to see myself inside her.
After a few moments of her riding me, I saw her tits were starting to bounce. My right hand caught them as my left trailed down her stomach, stopping at her opening. My fingers began teasing her pussy and nipples at once, although my left finger could do more than rub.
I tried to fit some of my finger along with my cock, but I did increase stimulation either way. My right forefinger and thumb pinched Lacey's tit, then I just palmed it as best I could. Nevertheless, Lacey was bouncing harder and getting herself closer.
Before she got further, I told her, "Lean over." I got her to put her hands next to each side of my face, hovering her tits over my face. Now that I could lean up and suckle them again, I put my left hand back on her pussy while I pumped it, while resting my right back on her ass.
"Oh, you're....oh, fuck," Lacey got carried away. That was before my right finger wedged itself against her ass, rubbing it without going in. With my cock and left finger fucking her and my mouth gobbling her tits all at once, she was really being worked over.
"Fuck me....ooh, fuck me, you naughty boy," Lacey requested. I was pretty much doing that now, but before I could remind her or show her, she continued, "If you won't, I will."
She was doing that already too – but now she was taking it up a notch. Lacey rocked her hips harder and faster, while keeping her hands on the bed and her body above me. Her tits swayed as her ass bounced on my groin, and all I could do was hold onto her hips.
I watched Lacey concentrate on me, letting out the occasional big breath and moan. For all that her tits and pussy were doing, I wanted to give equal time admiring her perfect face too. Not just because it was less likely to make me cum – barely.
Lacey seemed to smile while tightening and pushing down on me. "Fuck, I wanna cum again," she told me.
"Me too," I hissed out.
"This time I want it on your cock. I want it all over your cock," Lacey stressed. "Don't you want all that hot, wet cum there too?"
"Ugh....I want it anywhere you can put it," I settled on.
"It's going on your cock," Lacey confirmed. "It'll mix with your....fuck....cum." Despite the pause, it wasn't enough time to prepare me for that.
"Hold on..." I started, but couldn't finish as I felt my cock twitch. Hell of a time for it to have a sense of humor.
"I've got pills. I'll buy more if I have to," Lacey filled in. "First I want you to burst in me. Like you burst on my tits...."
"Not in your mouth?" I blurted out, since it was the only other original option.
"I'll suck us both off you when we're done," Lacey answered. "You want that? Want me to suck that wet cock before it fades away? Then make us both drip cum all over you...."
Lacey's voice could be quite high and squeaky, yet her experience as a voice actress obviously helped control her pitch. Saying those words with her sexy pitch was the last bit of convincing I needed.
Nevertheless, I couldn't go completely out of control until she went first. So my hands went back to her pussy, with my left and right forefinger rubbing her. Lacey gyrated her hips in return, yet I still kept my hands and fingers in place.
I watched my hands and cock work her down below, getting me extra hotter and faster. My eyes went up the rest of Lacey's body for extra inspiration, although her tightening and riding helped just as much. By the time I saw her tits swinging and her face panting, I knew it would at least be a photo finish to the end.
That was truly an apt metaphor, because I wasn't sure which one of us went first. I couldn't exactly do the math in the moment, though. In fact, I couldn't do much of anything but growl and arch my hips, then go limp when we both finished.
I laid there with my eyes closed until I felt another great weight lifted off me – well, not a great weight. But the thin Lacey did have enough energy to get off me, turn herself around and hover her wet pussy over my face. She even bent down to lick my deflating cock while she was at it.
Remembering this is what she promised to do, I had to return the favor. Although I was probably licking up both our juices, she was doing the same with me. So I powered through, despite how both our genitals were getting sensitive right about now.
Nevertheless, it felt like we got each other relatively clean. Before I could check closer, Lacey got herself off me again. This time, she turned around and laid on top of me, kissing me with both of us on her mouth. Since I had the same problem, this solution made sense.
We kissed for a while longer before Lacey laid her head on my chest. I put my hands on her for one last feel, then blurted out, "So that made my case for reunions too. Right?"
Lacey giggled and confirmed, "Yeah, that did set the bar." That, a few more kisses and tit rubs served as enough closure for us – and the promise to see her again for the story helped too.
Of course, I actually had to get a story and the rest of the cast together first. But I was a lot closer to that than I was hours ago. For that and other things, I let out a victorious growl when I got back to my car.
I would save the rest of the celebration for when I got home. First, I had to figure out how to see my next recruit. I hadn't figured out who I'd see after Lacey until now – but now I felt brave enough to see her.
Not Lindsay, of course, since I wasn't that fearless yet. But approaching Tina would be the next best thing – hopefully. | literotica |
His first day at work was… mixed.
Things started off pretty nicely, if he could say so himself. No one really brought his size up or made it so he felt out of place by being so well-endowed… but that was mostly because everyone else also sported some sort of hyper attribute themselves, making for a workplace environment that was both incredibly inviting and, by its very nature, extremely hostile to Ike’s mental well-being. Not that it was anyone’s fault; he was just incredibly susceptible to arousal by those kinds of sights, making everything he had to do be about as much harder than normal as his shaft was. A wonderful comparison, at least if Samantha had anything to say about it.
The other bun spent her entire shift making passes at him, a few being so subtle that even the hyper-vigilant Ike didn’t pick up on them until minutes later, most so overt that he feared that the red on his cheeks was now a permanent fixture. No one else seemed to react to the teasing with anything more than tacit acceptance, if even that; was it just normal for the HR manager to be so hands-on with new employees? She did mask it as “necessary training”, but he had serious doubts about whether she needed to literally plop her tits on top of his head in order to “get a better view” of what he was doing. In fact, now that he thought about, how did blocking her vision further give her a better view?!
Such it was that the rabbit had to spend eight straight hours being tormented by someone who was clearly very experienced at finding people’s buttons and then pushing them without the slightest ounce of shame, be it by ‘accidentally’ rubbing up against him or bumping her bust against his back, at times even going so far as to directly comment on how much he filled his pants; things were made even worse when, after he tried firing back, she very seriously told him she wouldn’t tolerate any sexual comments on his part during work hours, which just left the poor bun even more confused when no one around him seemed to react to this with the confusion he felt was warranted.
It certainly didn’t help that his own growth had gone into overdrive ever since the interview with Samantha; if things were bad before, being pushed to the limit like he was had only made them worse! Now the bun could barely even find compressors that worked, even after deciding to splurge out a bit with his improved budget; at least, compressors that lasted for more than a handful of hours before he had to take them off and empty them down the toilet. He was producing so much that it was frankly ridiculous, and it got to the point where he heard the warning beep coming from between his legs so often that he could practically predict when it was going to go off; practically because he always overshot it, his productivity being consistently on the rise as it was.
At least his workplace was kind enough to offer “milking stations” for both milk and his own predicament; gods knew that he needed one of those just for him, as he doubted anyone else in his department at least had as much of a need for release as he did, and that was before Samantha decided to make it even worse by constantly poking at his libido. He was already having to deal with a shaft that bulged out his pants hard enough that said pants might as well not even be there; he did not need it to be even harder than it already was; and yet the other bun seemed intent on driving him to the edge of madness and further on. She even went so far as to sit in front of him during lunch, forcing Ike to take the next chair over just so he’d have some room to put his tupperware in; certainly didn’t help she had a pair of breast pumps attached to her and absolutely no shirt on, what with company policy making it so that employees could choose to bring their own appliances from home rather than rely on those provided by their offices. Ike was almost certain it was a deliberate choice on Samantha’s end; no way a pair of breasts like those were serviced properly by store-bought milkers like those, and indeed, she looked to be even more stuffed by the end of lunchtime than she was beforehand.
The second half of his shift didn’t go any smoother; if anything, Sam’s teasing just got worse, with the HR manager deciding that, if Ike wasn’t going to break gently, then he’d do so by force. The comments got more direct, the teasing more explicit, the obvious intimacy all the more raunchy and inappropriate, and yet every time he dared to raise a question about whether or not that was appropriate, he was given the exact same answer every time: “necessary training.”
Indeed, given that no one around him seemed to think that what he was going through was worth even so much as giving a glance to, it was likely they’d all gone through something similar. Whether or not that made it better or horrifying was anyone’s guess, though for Ike the problem was his utmost belief that, try as Samantha might, she would never be able to make him feel like behaviour like that was acceptable around the office. The other bun seemed to catch on to his reluctance as well, given that around an hour before his first day was over she vanished from sight, only to call him via an internal line and request his presence in her office. Ike gulped, knowing full well what was going to come his way, but got up and went there nonetheless; it took a lot of effort not to trip over his own cock, seeing as it now occupied most, if not all of the space between his legs, to say nothing of how much his nuts dragged behind him, but he did it anyway.
He would find her on the other side of her desk, once again using it as a rest for her colossal mammaries, and completely and utterly nude. To be perfectly honest, he was sort of expecting that, to the point where he was only mildly surprised she’d be so brazen as to do it during work hours rather than waiting for another fifty or so minutes. The answer to his question came when she mused about turning off the CCTV network in the room, casually mentioning that a position such as hers came with a certain set of perks, before openly asking him a question that broke him nearly as hard as the one during the interview a few days prior:
“How hard do you want to fuck me right now, Ike?”
And again, his pants were torn to shreds and his shaft released from its confines by the simple statement. It wasn’t really a question, at least not one like he’d been used to hearing; there was no way for him to deny that he wanted to go ahead and plow her like a couple of… well, rabbits in heat really, but he couldn’t exactly claim he wanted that option to begin with; his self-control had been slipping further and further away from him for the whole day, and now that he thought about it, that was probably the whole reason why she’d been teasing him for so long. It was devious… but it was effective.
With his shaft now out in the open, even Samantha could probably see its tip all the way from behind her mountain of tits; that damned thing was longer than Ike’s torso was, and just about as thick too, with the accompanying set of nuts, now unburdened by a compression field, having to be carried behind his legs just to prevent them from turning the bun immobile. Veins throbbed across his cock’s leathery surface and a thick trickle of pre ran down from the tip, coating it in a shiny glaze that only seemed to attract the other bun even more. Samantha was openly (and audibly) smacking her lips, and Ike could swear he saw beads of milk emerge from her fist-sized nipples without her even so much as squeezing those things. His own feet were walking involuntarily towards her, enough that, by the time he realized what was happening, his shaft was practically already buried inside of that immense cleavage of hers. He should’ve wanted to pull back, should’ve wanted to tell her that this was all a mistake and they should keep it professional… but he didn’t want to. All he saw there and then were a pair of breasts that were stuffed to the brim with cream and were attached to someone who probably wanted to ride him dry, and as far as his libido cared, that was all that mattered.
From that moment forward, Ike was on auto-pilot, his brain no longer part of the equation. Muscle memory took over and Samantha barely had three seconds before he was literally upon her. One moment she had her tits on the desk and the next they were firmly on her torso, with whatever piece of furniture they once stood on having been flung across the room and against a wall. The real Ike, the one that existed for most of the day, would never have done anything like that; he was far too afraid of the consequences to ever be that direct. But that wasn’t the “real” Ike; or perhaps the one that went about for most of his life wasn’t altogether that “real” itself. Whatever the case, the larger bun wasted absolutely no time in throwing himself at his new lover, flinging his cock into her cleavage and finding in it the one thing capable of containing his immense girth.
With the compressor gone, there was no stopping him. Even a pair of tits of that caliber could only hope to contain a small chunk of his size, with his tip being far enough away from his base that it not only bumped against Samantha’s chin, but went so far as to smear itself all over her face before going right past her, giving the HR bun something to think about when she opened her mouth and allowed her tongue to run wild all over its length… or at least the parts of it she could reach. Very little thinking was done there, just raw, animalistic fucking, and given the two’s bodies were very much geared towards that kind of activity, it didn’t take long before they started to get creative with things.
Much to his surprise and delight, Ike would find that those colossal mammaries were, in fact, completely natural. No creaking, no sign of stiffness, just milk and churning and sloshing and softness all around, giving him enough leverage to sink his hands into their soft breastflesh so much that they vanished into all of the pudge, a waterfall of milk erupting from each nipple whenever he did so. They were very clearly stuffed to the brim, Sam wasn’t kidding about that either; the slightest touch seemed to be enough to set them off, and Ike had absolutely on intention of holding himself back to using “slight” anything; no, his hands aggressively groped and kneaded those immense udders, tugging and pulling at them with all of his might, drawing long, whorish, throaty noises from the other rabbit’s throat that he could only hope were moans. The sounds were enough to set off some kind of automatic response within him, something that drove him to do something that he never thought he’d even think about, much less come to execute.
Samantha’s nipples were large. Large enough, he reckoned, that he could grab them with all of his hands; wrap his fingers around them, feel his palms be filled with their mass, giving him a firm grip on both teats. He did just that, squeezing them down hard enough that the flow of milk that had already begun leaking stopped entirely; he figured he could just keep them like that, hold in the milk until it began to take its toll on Samantha’s body. Maybe, he thought, if he held them close for long enough, she would swell up and become even larger, until her tits could rival his cock for sheer scale and he could finally have something large enough to use his rod on. But that was just a pipe dream (or at least that’s what he told himself), so he re-focused towards what he could achieve: a good milking.
Seeing as Samantha had made it very clear that she was absurdly proud of her tits, and she was entirely shameless in how she used them to her advantage, Ike figured it was only fair he gave them the attention that she so craved. After all, wasn’t that what Sam wanted? To have a huge, hunky bun like himself treat those things like his personal stress toy? His primal lizard brain wasn’t really giving him much of a choice in the matter, only being able to see two milk-stuffed orbs that were his to do whatever he wanted to, so there wasn’t a lot of room for speculation there; before he even realized what he was doing, Ike’s arms began to move of their own accord, squishing and stretching his lover’s tits in a continuous rhythm, hoping to draw as much cream out of them as he could. If Samantha insisted on acting like a dairy cow, that’s exactly how he’d treat her; besides, it gave him plenty of leverage to shove his cock into her mouth, hopefully so the both of them could finish at the same time. Samantha, for her part, was slightly too busy getting plowed by someone she never thought would break that hard to do much thinking; with her goals achieved, all she had to do was lay back and let him take the spotlight for once.
Things were so simple, and yet they offered no end of pleasure for the both of them. Ike tugged on those giant nipples and bucked his hips forward, his tip plunging deep into Sam’s open maw and stretching out her throat, leaving her unable to breathe and forcing the bun to gulp down thick ropes of hot, sticky seed, a protein infusion of truly vast proportions. He would relax his grip and push those tits away, using the momentum to pull back from inside of his lover. This went on for… a while; both of them appeared to have significant stamina, enough that Ike eventually just gave up pretending he wanted anything else and extricated his shaft from within that warm, pre-sloaked cleavage.
Samantha got about half a second to wonder what was going on before she felt her partner’s rod again, this time unceremoniously shoved straight into her slit and very nearly splitting her in half from the sudden insertion. Both of them were lucky the HR bun was as well-lubricated as she was; her arousal had left her something beyond slick, enabling Ike to practically hilt himself inside of her, and consequently find out that those teats of her made for really great handles. What followed were countless minutes of frenzied fucking and mindless, animalistic thrusting, accompanied by ever-escalating grunts and groans from the both of them… though Ike especially. After so long without any kind of proper release, after so much teasing and exposure to the rabbit underneath him, to finally be allowed to cross the line and reach something resembling climax was… divine.
He barely even felt it when it came; when he came. One moment he was base-deep inside of Samantha, the next all of his muscles seemed to melt as a wave of energy coursed through the entirety of his body and straight through his nethers, resulting in an explosion of cum of such immense size that most of it inevitably ended up splattering all over his own groin, backblasting out of Sam’s body when it inevitably couldn’t take any more. Sam herself appeared to have been deliberately holding back her own orgasm as well, at least if the sudden burst of milk from both tits occurring simultaneously to his own release was any indication. Both of them were showered in their own juices, Ike even going so far as to open his mouth to let the proverbial rain in, before inevitably, all strength left him and he felt his body tumble forwards onto his newest lover.
Thankfully for the both of them, even after Sam’s little milkgasm those things retained enough mass and bounce to cushion his fall, allowing him to gently slide into the space between them while his arms lazily slid off onto the ground, right before he struggled to bring them over the curvature of his partner’s breasts and around her neck. The angle at which his cock was placed against the floor made it slightly uncomfortable, but at least he knew it’d be going down, back to what it used to be like; it gave him enough safety and security that he could snuggle up against the other bun without a single care in the world, revealing himself to be the far needier one in that duo.
Samantha was already expecting this, though it’d be disingenuous to claim she was anywhere closed to prepare for the absolute deluge that had stuffed her just moments before. Poor thing had to take five just to be able to breathe properly again, and even then it was still labored and raspy. Still, the sight of that hunk, lying on top of her looking more vulnerable than ever, gave her just the right amount of strength necessary to get a good headpatting going. A smooch on the forehead would do as well, just as he dozed off to sleep. When they woke up, the two would need to have a long discussion on what to do about that mess in her office.
But now?
Now they rested. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Fraternal Twins Pt. 05
Tags: incest, taboo
*This is a copyrighted work by Zeb\_Carter and is not to be duplicated or copied, in part or in whole, to other sites without the explicit authorization from the Zeb\_Carter.*
**Fraternal Twins - Part 05**
Slater was awakened by the two boys climbing into bed with him. He opened his eyes looking at them.
"Mom and dad's door is locked. I don't think they want to be bothered and we're hungry," Troy said.
"Okay, okay," Slater said swinging his feet out of bed and sitting up.
The two boys watched him. Slater picked up his t-shirt and put it on. Turning to the two boys he smiled and pulled them to him, giving them a big hug. He loved them so much.
"Okay, out to the kitchen. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be out in a second," Slater told them. "Just sit at the table," he said sternly.
The two boys hurried out of his bedroom as he crossed to the bathroom. Before he could close the door, Karen slipped in, kissing him roughly.
"I have to pee," he said.
"Me too, so hurry up," Karen replied.
Slater whipped out his cock and peed. He was so full her being there didn't bother him in the least. When he was done, she pulled her pants down and sat, releasing a torrent of pee into the bowl. Slater washed his hands, then left while his sister was still going. When he got to the kitchen all three little ones were sitting quietly at the table. He smiled at them.
"I'm proud of you three," he told them.
The three smiled back at him. He turned and pulled the cereals that they liked from the cabinet. All three smiled even bigger. Slater then took three bowls out of the dishwasher and placed them each with a spoon in front of a child. He poured the cereal into each bowl. He smiled at them as he turned to get the milk. Karen was standing there with it in her hand, smiling at him. He caressed her cheek and let her pour.
As Karen sat down with the three kids, Slater went to the hall and looked down at the master bedroom door. It was still closed. It wasn't like mom not to get up with the three kids when they came knocking on the bedroom door. Frowning he walked down the hall. At the door, he listened. He could hear his parents talking. Mom was crying, Dad was trying to comfort her. He nodded, turned and returned to the kitchen. He too was hungry.
Karen had a bowl in front of her, munching away at a mouthful of cereal. Slater saw a bowl in front of his chair. Smiling he picked up the cereal he liked, poured some in his bowl pouring milk in after. Grabbing a spoon out of the dishwasher, he sat and started eating. The three little ones finished. Slater got up, took then in the living room. Turned on the TV so they could watch cartoons.
"Now be quiet as you can. Mom and dad are trying to relax."
"I heard mom crying Slater," Emily said.
"I know. She lost a very close friend. She is very sad about that. She told me and Karen last night. So, if you could be very quiet and let her grieve, she will feel a lot better in a little while." Slater hated lying to them, but it was for their own good for now.
All three, eyes wide, nodded at their big brother. He smiled at them and nodded. They turned and watched TV quietly.
"You lie very well," Karen whispered as he sat back down.
"Was it really a lie?" He asked her.
She looked at him, her head tilted to the side thinking.
"I guess you weren't lying after all," she said leaning in kissing him on the cheek.
The two finished their cereal and cleaned up the table and rinsed the dishes, leaving them on the counter.
"Well, what do we do with the kids?" Karen asked.
"I guess we take care of them until mom and dad come out of the bedroom. I think they deserve a little alone time, don't you?"
"Of course. Emily, come with me," Karen called her roommate.
"Boys, come with me. We're going outside to play, get your swimsuits on, okay."
All three smiled and headed to their rooms to change. Slater went to the bathroom pulling the boy's suits and his off the towel rack. Karen was right behind him grabbing her bikini and Emily's suit.
The boys and Slater were waiting on the porch for Emily and Karen. When they came out, Karen helped Emily with putting on her lifejacket. The boys already had theirs on and were anxious to get out to the raft.
Taking a hold of the lifejackets the boys wore, Slater looked at them sternly.
"You try to go anyplace else other than the raft, I will personally pull you under until you have swallowed a gallon of water. You two got that?"
"Yes Slater," they both answered.
"Let's go," said Slater leading the boys into the lake.
Karen followed with Emily. With the two boys not trying to get away, it only took minutes until they were all on the raft. There was a lot of laughing and giggling. The boys wanted to jump off into the water without their lifejackets. Slater put the kibosh on that. And jumping in with them on was also dangerous for them. But Slater did lower them down into the water and let them float around near the raft. When they disappeared under the raft, Slater shook his head and started to jump up and down on the raft. The boys came out quickly and climbed up on the raft.
They rested awhile, laughing as they looked at their brother. Slater scowled them, then started laughing. They stayed out by the raft for two hours. Then they all heard a whistle from shore. It was their father standing on the porch waving them to come ashore. Slater once again warned the boys about taking off. They nodded and swam directly to shore. They were happy to see their father. They sat while he removed their lifejackets. Karen removed Emily's and let her go. The three went into the house after hugging and kissing their father.
"Is mom up?" Slater asks his dad.
"She is. I want to thank you two. Whatever you did, helped her with...she was a different person this morning. Thank you."
"You're welcome, dad," Slater said with a straight face taking his offered hand. They also hugged, like father and son.
As Slater turned to go in the house, Karen caught sight of his face. A tear was rolling down his cheek. Karen hugged her dad, turning from him and going in the house. Dad followed.
"Is it ready yet, Eileen?" Dad asked.
"Yes, it is dear," Mom replied as she set two plates down on the table.
Only then did she turn and hug her young children. They lined up to get their hugs and kisses. Then they were off to the living room to watch cartoons. Karen butted in front of Slater to hug her mom. She kissed mom's cheek then stepped away blocking Dad's view of his son and wife. Slater hugged his mom gently. He kissed her on the lips quickly.
"I love you so much," he whispered in her ear.
She shivered as he let her go. Smiling she turned and sat with her husband to have breakfast. Slater and Karen retired to the living room to keep the little ones under control.
**\* \* \* \***
When mom and dad were done eating they joined the kids in the living room. Dad in his chair and mom on the couch between Slater and Karen. Karen wrapped her mom in her arms and just held her. Slater took Mom's hand in his. They watched as the three kids played quietly in front of the TV.
"What have you two done with my children?" Eileen asked Slater and Karen.
"Nothing. I did warn them that you weren't feeling good because you lost someone who was close to you. They didn't even question me about it," Slater replied
"Oh, my. They understood what lost means?"
"I don't know about that, but they understood you not feeling well and how mad I would be if they made too much noise this morning."
"Ah, you getting mad is what clinched it then," Mom said smiling at her son.
She tasseled his hair as he smiled at her. Dad was busy watching his children and smiling. Karen got up, went and sat on her dad's lap, putting her arms around his shoulders.
"I love you, dad," she whispered.
He grinned as he patted her knee. "I love you to Karen," he said.
Mom grinned. She leaned back against Slater. He put his arms around her and smiled as the kids laughed at whatever was on TV. Watching his father he saw him doze off, then wake. He smiled, look around to see if his wife saw him. She had but looked away in time so she wasn't looking at him when he woke. Karen just sat there quietly. Her eyes were full of tears, but none leaked down her cheeks.
Slater was almost on the verge of tears too. He could feel his mother's tears as they fell on his arm. He didn't say anything, but he knew. Then it was lunchtime for the kids.
"Time to feed the little ones. Karen and I will take care of it for you mom," he whispered in her ear. She nodded squeezing his thigh.
"Karen, time to feed them," Slater said. Karen nodded, kissed her dad's cheek and got up off him.
Her and Slater herded the kids into the kitchen. They made sandwiches for them. Peanut butter and jelly of course. The three of them clapped their hands at that. Slater and Karen also decided to have PB&J sandwiches. Slater poured everyone a glass of milk. Karen looked at him like he was nuts, but drank it anyway. When Slater looked into the living room, Dad was sitting with Mom on the couch. He was holding her tight, she was leaning into him. Slater could see her crying as Dad held her. He quickly looked back at the table.
Karen caught his eye. She nodded. She didn't have to turn to see them holding each other. Slater nodded back at her. Slater got up, went to the cabinets and started to take things out. He then went to the fridge and pulled out a bunch of water bottles. Then he went and got his and Karen's backpacks. Karen met him in the hall.
"What?" she asked.
"We are taking the little ones on a hike, to give mom and dad some time alone. Is that okay?"
"Sure. Just want to know what's going on," she responded taking her pack from him.
They packed the bags and took the children to their rooms to get changed. Once the boys were dressed for the hike, he knelt down beside them.
"I'm going to go change. You two wait here. If I come back and you are not here, you know what I'm going to do to you?"
"Yes, Slater," they both said, then sat on Troy's bed.
Slater went to change. When he returned, the two boys were right where he left them. Emily was sitting there too.
"You would never do what you told them, would you?" Emily asked.
Slater had to turn away from them all, he almost broke up laughing. He put a scowl on his face and looked at Emily. She gasped at his look.
"What do you think Emily?" Slater growled at her.
She didn't say a word. Slater went to her, wrapped her in his arms and hugged her. He hugged the boys just as hard.
"I'm so happy you have done what you were told so I don't have to do what I told them." Then Slater smiled at them all. "Come on, we'll wait on the porch for your big sister."
Slater led them through the living room, he stood in front of his parents so the kids couldn't see their mom crying. As they went through the door. Slater turned to his parents.
"Karen and I are going to take them on a hike around the lake, you should have a couple of hours to yourselves."
Eileen got up and hugged Slater and kisses him on the cheek. He smiled at her and his dad and hurried out the door. Karen came out a few seconds later. Slater got the kids lined up and put Karen in the rear to keep them in line. He started out slow. The little ones talked to each other and to Karen. Every once in awhile they would ask Slater a question about something they had seen along the path they followed. Slater always knew the answer.
When they were halfway around the lake and they were in front of the Johnson's place, the little ones started with wanting a boat ride. The Johnson's were sitting out on their porch as the kids walked by shouting about a boat ride. Mister Johnson started laughing got up and went in the house. Missus Johnson came down to the lake where the path was and said hello to everyone. She hugged Slater, then Karen and then each of the little ones. They all said hello politely and stood there looking up at her. She was talking with Karen and Slater.
"So how's your Mom and your Dad?" She asked.
"They're fine, we took the little ones on a hike to give them some time together," Slater said quickly.
"Good, good. I believe George is inside getting the keys to the boat for you. You kids have fun out on the water and be careful," Doris said to Slater.
Slater was about to tell her they didn't really want the boat when Karen gave him a poke in the ribs. He scowled at her, then suddenly smiled at her nodding. George came ambling
down from the house holding out the keys to Slater. Slater smiled at him.
"Thank you very much Mister Johnson," Slater said.
"George. How many times do I have to tell you that son?"
"Sorry...George," Slater said. George just smiled.
"You have fun. If you want you can keep it a couple of days, we won't be needing it until next weekend when the kids are coming down."
"Well, thank you very much, George," Karen said giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. George blushed. Doris giggled at her husband. The little ones were already running toward the boat tied up to the dock.
"Whoa," Slater yelled. "You guys slow down or else."
The three actually slowed down. Doris gasped, then started to laugh.
"I've never seen them listen like that. What is the or else Slater?" she asked.
"It doesn't matter. I would never hurt them, but they don't know that yet."
Both Doris and George laughed as Slater and Karen walked to the boat. The kids were standing on the dock waiting. When Slater nodded at them, they scrambled over the side of the boat and each of them sat in a seat. Slater and Karen stepped into the boat. Karen got the kids situated in their seats, scowling them to stay seated. Slater sat in the Captain's chair and started the engine. Then he ran up to the bow to cast off.
He was quickly in the Captain's chair and moving the boat away from the dock slowly. Once out far enough, he gave the engine a little more gas and headed across the lake to the family house. The three little ones started to laugh and shout for him to go faster. Slater just shook his head as he navigated over to the house. He slowed way down as he came close to shore. They didn't have a dock, so he had to gently ground the boat onto the shore. Karen was up front, now, with a rope so she could tie off the bow to the closest tree. Once she had done that, Slater shut off the engine.
He then took the little ones up front and gently lowered them to the ground. Karen grabbed them and shooed them up to the house. Mom and Dad came out onto the porch to catch the children in a hug. Slater walked up to the house.
"Hey dad, why don't we take the little ones for a ride around the lake for...oh for about an hour or so?" Slater asked his dad.
He was smiling at the excited children as they jumped up and down asking their dad to take them for a ride. Karen was looking at Slater, smiling at him. She winked. He smiled back at her. Dad went in the house, got everyone's lifejacket and off they went. As the sound of the engine slowly faded into the distance, Karen put her arm around her mother's waist.
Turning to look at her daughter, Karen pressed her lips to moms. Eileen didn't shy away. She kissed her daughter back but pulled away sooner than Karen wanted her to.
"Why don't we go inside?" Eileen said softly. Karen's eyes opened wide as she watched her mother step inside the house.
"Sure," Karen replied following her mother into the house.
As Karen's eyes adjusted to the darkness inside the house, her mother was waiting for her and wrapped her arms around her daughter.
"God I love you, baby," Eileen said softly, just hugging Karen tightly.
"I love you too, Mom," Karen replied gently kissing her mom's neck.
Eileen shivered at her daughter's kiss. Spinning out of Karen's arms, Eileen grabbed her daughter's hand and pulled her down the hall to the master bedroom. Once there with the door closed and locked, Eileen, turned to her daughter.
"I understand that you want me, in a way that is completely wrong?"
Karen smiled at her mom. With a passionate gleam in her eyes, Karen walked slowly to where her mom stood.
"I want to make love to you. I want to feel, kiss, and lick your beautiful body. I want you to do the same to me. I want to slide my fingers into your pussy, over and over until you cum so hard you pass out from the pleasure. Then I want to eat your pussy until you cum down my throat. Is that what you mean by completely wrong?" Karen licked her lips.
"Yes that would qualify as completely wrong," Eileen whispered shivering.
They stood there looking at each other. Karen smiled. Eileen smiled.
"You do realize how wrong what you want to do to me and what you want me to do to you is?" Eileen asked.
Karen nodded. Eileen smiled once more.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Mom asked with her eyebrows raised.
Karen leans in, kissing her mother softly. Mom sighed as their lips touched. Karen's hands went to Mom's blouse and started to unbutton the soft cotton top. Mom, shivered as she reached for the hem of Karen's t-shirt. She pulled it up her daughter's torso to find the Karen was not wearing a bra. Mom sighed as her hands touch bare breasts. Karen shook as Mom's hands touched her skin.
Both women took a step back. Eileen's blouse was open. Karen's t-shirt was up above her tits. They looked at each other. Karen ripped her t-shirt over her head and tossed it on the floor. Mom let her blouse slip off her shoulders, reached behind her and unclipped her bra letting it fall from her body.
"You are gorgeous Mom," Karen croaked.
"You are too, baby girl," Eileen told her daughter.
Karen pushed her jeans and panties down her legs quickly. Eileen unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Placing her thumbs in the waistband, Mom pushed her panties to the floor. Karen groaned as she looked at her mother's body.
"God now you're even prettier," Karen growled stepping in close.
"So are you, my dear," Eileen huffed raising her arms to wrap Karen in her embrace.
The two just hug there at the foot of the bed, staring into each other's eyes. Karen sighed at the feel of Eileen's tits pressing against hers. Eileen moaned when Karen pushed her vulva against hers. Eileen kissed her daughter. Karen pulled her lips from her Mom's. She pushed her Mom back onto the bed. Eileen crawled backward to the middle of the bed, watching her daughter follow her. Karen stopped looking down at Eileen's vulva.
"I need to taste you," Karen growled.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Eileen watched her daughter lower her lips to her labia. When they touched, it was like an electric shock shot through her body. Her head flew back and her legs shot out to her sides. Her hips bucked and she screamed. Karen held her lips to Eileen's nether lips until she had calmed down. When her mother looked back down at her, Karen slipped her tongue between Eileen's labia. Karen groaned at her taste. Sucking, gently, Karen pulled Mom's labia into her warm, wet mouth.
Eileen shivered and shook as her orgasms rolled like thunder across her body. Eileen closed her eyes and just lay back to enjoy what her daughter was doing to her. She couldn't believe she was letting Karen do what she was doing. She also couldn't believe she was enjoying it so much. She cried out when another orgasm rushed through her body. Reaching down she pulled Karen's face up and away from her crotch. Karen smiled up at her, crawling slowly up Eileen's body. Karen pushed her face against Eileen's breasts, sucking a nipple into her mouth. Eileen pushed her head back against the mattress, her eyes rolling up into her head.
Shaking with another orgasm, Karen's lips pressed against Eileen's. Eileen's arms shot up and around Karen, pulling her down on top of her. The two women kissed, hard, tongues battled back and forth between their mouths. Karen was moaning, Eileen was moaning. Eileen rolled so she was now on top of Karen. She pulled her lips from Karen's.
"I must taste you, dear," Eileen told her daughter.
Karen moaned as her mother pulled away from her body and moved slowly down. At Karen's breasts, Eileen sucked a nipple into her mouth. She sighed at its firmness. Karen groaned when her mother's teeth closed gently on her flesh. Then the teeth were gone and lips were kissing her navel. She groaned once again. The lips moved on. Small, light kisses down her lower abdomen to her vulva. Karen's toes curled when Mom's tongue brushed past her clit. She almost screamed when that tongue pressed between her labia into her vagina.
"Oh fuck," Karen growled looking down at her mother's head between her legs. "Oh fuck yeah!"
Eileen licked and sucked Karen's pussy. From her clit to her asshole. Karen was on the verge of hyperventilating when Eileen pulled her mouth from Karen's pussy looking up into her daughter's passion filled eyes. What she was doing was a new experience for her. Not only making love to her child but make love to another woman. Slowly, Eileen moved her pussy above Karen's mouth. Karen nodded at her mother, reached up and pulled Mom's pussy to her mouth. Eileen lowered her mouth to Karen's pussy.
Both women screamed into each other's pussies. For the next hour, they licked and sucked each other to multiple orgasms. When Eileen finally rolled off Karen they both were sucking air into their oxygen-starved lungs. Karen moved so she could look into her mother's eyes.
"God, you were so good. I have never cum so much or so hard," Karen said.
"Dear sweet Karen, neither have I," Eileen told her daughter. Eileen cocked her head, listening. "We must hurry child. I hear the boat coming back."
Rolling from the bed, they both gathered their clothes and hurried to get dressed. Both of them were laughing as they tried to sort out whose clothes were whose. When they walked out on the porch, each with a beer in hand, they were laughing as the boat landed and Slater jumped out to tie it to a tree. Then Dad was handing the little ones down to Slater.
The three came running up to the porch shouting and laughing and all trying to tell their mom about the exciting boat ride. Eileen and Karen smiled at them as they talked so fast as to be unintelligible. Then Dad was kissing his wife. Slater sat next to his sister raising his eyebrows at her. She just smiled at him, nodding. Slater looked at his mom. She was busy still listening to the little ones about the exciting boat ride they had.
Slater laughed. He watched as his father grimaced and went inside. He looked at mom, she had seen him too. Slater went in the house to see if he could help his dad.
"Dad is there anything I can do?" Slater asked.
"No, son, I just think I overdid it on the boat, is all."
"Dad, Mom told Karen and me," Slater said.
"I know. She told me. Thank you."
"For what?" Slater was now confused.
"For understanding and just being with her last night. She told me you held her until she fell asleep. Then you carried into the bedroom and put her to bed. She is very proud of you, as am I. You have grown into a very well mannered young man."
"Can I get you a pain..."
"No, I only take those after dinner. I can't stay awake when I use them. I want to spend as much time as I can with you and my others children during the day." He grimaced in pain again.
"Is the pain getting worse?" Slater asked.
"No. Maybe. I don't know."
"Other than the pain, who do you feel?"
"Not as good as yesterday but better than I will tomorrow."
"Oh." Slater was kneeling by his father, gently hugging him. His father hugged him back.
"Thank you, son," Dad said.
"You're welcome, Dad."
The little ones came in the door, screaming and laughing. Mom and Karen followed. Slater got up, smiling at the antics of the little ones. Dad sat there smiling at his littlest children. Slater smiled, then went to the kitchen with Karen and Mom. The rest of the day was spent riding herd on the little ones and playing with them. After dinner, dad took his pain pill and followed the little ones to bed. Mom went in with him until he fell asleep. Karen and Slater sat on the couch watching TV.
**To be continued...** | literotica |
Title: 3 The Power of Avalon
Tags: group sex, erotic coupling, bisexual
Pantone 101. Yellow, but on the delicate side. Not, "look at me" sunshine yellow. I selected and swapped the colours and leaned back in my chair to squint at the results. I propped my feet up on the side cabinet and reached for a sip of water. Not bad, not bad.
I heard the scuff-scuff-scuff of slippers on the carpet, and then across the lino of the kitchen. The fridge door opened. The fridge door closed.
I called out, "We're going to lunch with Harry. You'll spoil your appetite."
"I thought you were working." Val leaned against the corner of the wall and gave me an accusing glare. She wrapped her arms around herself, pulling her hands inside the sleeves of my burgundy hoodie. Since I had nearly 15 centimeters and a good 40 kilos over her, Val could nearly use the thing as a robe. The hem went halfway to her knees. Below the hem were the flannel blue and yellow ducky pyjamas she had brought. My suede and sheepskin slippers, with an extra sock wadded in the toe to keep them on, completed the illusion of a freezing ten-year old.
Assessing the clothes she had brought with her on this trip, you'd think my sister had been raised in Houston and only recently experienced Canada in winter, instead of the other way around.
"I am working. I'm employing my extraordinary artistic aesthetic just now." Val snorted and shuffled around to look, leaning on my shoulder. She yawned. Well, annual reports for insurance firms will do that to anyone. But, that's how graphic artists make their bread and butter.
She fluffed at her neck-length curly black hair, identical to my shorter cut curls. She scuffed off to one of the big "client chairs" I have in my workspace and huddled into it. Val looked out the floor-to-ceiling balcony doors at the sun twinkling off a hundred icicles.
"How can you not be cold? Can't we close the drapes?"
"We're not shutting out that wonderful sun for you, or any wimp like you."
"I'm gonna tell on you. Calling me names."
"Phone's over there. Tell mom I said 'hey'." "Creep." A long silence passed. I decided the font would not do at all. I sat forward and started scrolling through my list. Maybe something with an old-timey feel... "I finished the book you suggested. I liked it a lot."
I brought myself away from the world of fonts and annual reports.
"Good. I knew you would."
"Now I'm bored."
"Get another book from my library."
"I let a good book digest before I start a new one." "Watch a video."
I clucked my tongue against my teeth. I spun around on my drafting chair to cock my head at her.
"Val. I am tickled to death you came up here to visit Harry and me. I'm glad you thought of the idea when your hubby had to go on a business expedition for a month. I am actually not embarrassed to say that I love my little sister. But, I was under the impression you were 28, not 8."
Val sighed and climbed out the chair. She scuffed over and gave me a peck on the cheek. "You're right. I'm sorry." Her smile crinkled her big hazel eyes.
I shrugged apologetically. "It's just that, if I can finish a first draft of this thing before lunch, I'll be free to play from lunch until the client gets back to me. Which I'm pretty sure won't be until after the weekend."
She nodded and took two shuffles back to my den room. She turned back. "Didn't I see an exercise room in the 10 cent tour you gave me?"
She gave a sharper nod. "That's what I'll do. I'm getting all lazy and flabby." She flicked off the oversize slippers and skipped down the hallway. I laughed to myself. Lazy, maybe, but nobody would ever call my perky, svelte, biggest-claim-to-an-athlete-our- family-has, sister "flabby".
Val came bouncing out ten minutes later. She had on one of my white t-shirts. Cheap quality mementos from charity events and such, which I keep for exercising. Like the hoodie, it went down further than some dresses she's worn. Bright pink legs made for a startling contrast. She had on her own sneakers and carried a towel.
"Nice legs. Did you mug a flamingo?" Which was required brotherly banter. Val had magnificent legs.
"These are the leotards I brought for long underwear. With your stupid circus tent shirts, I think I can pass in public."
"Hey, that's a shirt from a previous life."
"I know." She gave me a hug. "Well done you."
She jangled the spare keys I had given her. "These will get me in?"
I nodded. "Have fun. Remember, Harry is shooting for noon-ish."
"Plenty of time. Finish your work." And she was gone.
I gave the email a last proofread, made sure it had all the attachments, and hit "Send". I leaned back with a contented sigh, hands behind my head, watching the file transfer bar launch my work away into the tubes. Done and done, I stood and stretched until I cracked. I gave a sniff. Maybe a shower and then be ready in good time...I paused. I checked the time on my computer. Where the heck did Val get to? She's the McAllister jock, but jeez. She'll be a stunned wreck for the rest of the day if she's been working out this long.
I clicked my teeth and frowned in thought. Nothing bad could have happen. She didn't even leave the building, and the tenants of the Avalon Apartment building were the...
Holy jumpin' jezuz on a pogo stick.
A goodly number of the tenants of the Avalon ranked as the horniest, most sex-crazed people in the city. If not the country. Possibly the entire world. I had the happy, well-exercised cock to prove it. I thought of the wonderful, wonderful moments I had had in this building, breaking free of my legacy as the "shy McAllister boy". Val never had such a label come near her. My baby sister could be down in that exercise room right now making ecstatic noises only dogs can hear.
This gave me a hot twitch in my crotch that raised an eyebrow. Just how open-minded had I become? How much farther was I prepared to open it? Very interesting.
A more mundane possibility of her lying helpless with a pulled hamstring or something crossed my mind. I had to find out. Collecting my keys, I left and hustled down the three flights of stairs. Nobody on the ground floor. I sidled up to the dark blue door that led to the laundry and then to the gym and pressed my ear to it. Not a peep. No chugging washing machine, no whimpers for help, no orgasmic yodels.
I slipped my key in the lock with the utmost care and ever so slowly turned the knob. I pushed the thick door open and poked my head in. An empty and silent laundry room with the door to the exercise room wide open. I tiptoed on sock feet through the lingering aroma of fabric softener and eased to the wall alongside the door. I could see the wall-spanning mirror, and thus, the entire exercise gym.
Val stood in a half-crouch that people seem to adopt when they're being sneaky. She stood with ear pressed to the door that led to the sauna, shower and washroom. The sweat blotches on the shirt and the damp ringlets of hair plastered to her forehead showed she had had her workout. Now she had a new activity. One hand held the hem of the shirt bunched in a fist and the heel of her other hand pressed and massaged her pussy.
That hot twitch sparked through me again. I enjoyed the scene for a moment, but then confused guilt sent me sliding back across the laundry room. I opened and closed the door naturally and whistled a tune between my teeth as I stepped to the exercise room.
The warning had been enough for Val to move her hands, but she didn't bother moving from her position by the door. She motioned me forward, while putting her finger over her lips in a shush. I came against the door and hunkered over. Being a thin thing designed only for a token of privacy for those taking a shower, the sounds came through the plastic without much effort.
Two, no, definitely three voices partook of some gold medal sexual hijinks. Moans, groans and growled profanity mingled with percussive slapping. I couldn't identify any of them. Bad luck that Val was here. I only knew a few of the swingers in Avalon so far and would have liked to have somehow met these folks.
Val's eyes gleamed at me as she smiled in guilty shock. Who was the greater rascal? The people fucking in a quasi-public space or the person eavesdropping on such a scandalous act but enjoying it immensely? Val's listened intently, her face flushed and not only from exercise.
A choked series of profanities and soft screams told us the show had finished. Val closed her eyes and licked her lips. She fluffed out the neckline of the shirt to get some cooling air. For myself, the situation and room sent me down a scalding hot memory lane. I reached out for Val's hand and led her tiptoe away. She didn't resist.
Once in the stairwell, Val burst out with in excited laughter "That was the most gawdamn thing I've ever experienced! WHEW! I can't get my head around it. People having sex right there in the gym!" She babbled in this hyper excited all the way up the stairs and back into my apartment. She collapsed into a chair and then sprang right back up again, pacing. I parked myself in my swivel studio chair, smiling as I watched her.
"I can't believe such stuff really happens. People screwing where they could get caught by anyone pedaling the stationary bike. Just having a sex! And I counted three voices, for sure! Maybe four! It was a gawdamn orgy! A real orgy in a real public place! Holy crap on a cracker!"
"You don't seem too cold now."
Val barked another little laugh. "I don't know what I feel, but I'm not cold, that's for sure."
"What do you..."
"I feel shocked. I feel disgusted. I feel hornier than hell. I don't know whether I should report this to the police or the building manager or just hope I can listen again before I leave." Val ricocheted around my studio. The damp t-shirt clung to her small, perky breasts. I've never seen this cheap souvenir shirt on a woman not wearing a bra. The thin material had gone translucent and I had a private wet t-shirt contest. Val did not seem to be aware of the show. I squirmed and adjusted my legs.
"What should we do? Call your landlords?" Val stopped, hands on hips, eyes blazing at me, face red and gleaming with perspiration.
"No, I don't think that'll do much good." The building managers were the Poirers, my mentors in smut. They likely as not organized the sex romp.
"Why?" Val demanded.
I shrugged nonchalantly. "Live and let live, says I."
She looked me up and down, eyes narrowing, crossing her arms under her boobs. This pulled the material tight across some really excited nipples. "You don't seem too upset by this."
If I stood up straight, you really may change your opinion. But that seems rude in front of my sister. Out loud, I said in a amazingly smooth voice, "Um...huh? Upset?"
Val's suspicious look didn't fade as she bent over to unlace her sneakers. The baggy shirt pulled away from her damp skin and the view I got down the gaping neckline widened my eyes. I could feel the blood rushing to my face and places where, in all decency, it shouldn't go. Now I really would have to wait before standing up.
"Oh!" Val bounced (!) up again and pointed a finger at me, eyes sparkling with excitement. "You've caught the show before! You've exercised down there and heard those sex maniacs before!"
"Ah, yes. That's it. You've sussed it out. Guilty as charged. Well done."
Pleased with herself, she did a little skip-jig. Her little boobies with the nipples of wonder skip-jigged along with her. "Not only have you listened to them, you've probably beat off to them. My brother's a perv! But, I guess I sort of am now, too."
She came up closer to me, in a confidential manner. She bit on her thumbnail, face impish. "Just between us pervs, how often have they done it? How many times have you played Peeping Tom?" She screwed up her face. "No, not peeping...what's the listening version? 'Eavesdropping Earl'? Listening to them fucking was so hot, I'm surprised there isn't a term for it."
I've never been my sister's confidante. This sexual babble coming out her gave me more unseemly hot surges. I wish she'd go change her clothes. I wish she'd bend over again. I felt a bit dizzy.
Val raised an eyebrow and looked me over. She smiled and gave me a sly look from the corner of her eye. "I may be jumping to conclusions. I only went as far as "Eavesdropping Emily" today. I'm thinking my brother might just have gotten his Peeping Tom Badge, too."
"What? No, um. No. That's, er...ridiculous."
"Omigawd! You did! You slipped in and copped an eyeful. I don't know whether to be shocked or jealous. Val shook her head and grinned ear to ear. "Right now, jealous. Definitely jealous. I'd insist on the sweaty details, ALL the sweaty, sexy, smutty details but I couldn't put my shy, modest brother through that. What are you smiling at?"
"Nothing, nothing. Just embarrassment leaking through."
She winked at me. "Yeah, yeah. Happy peeping memories, I bet." Val turned and strode off. "I"m going to grab a hot shower and also...cool off. No peeking!"
Laughing at her own wit, I heard the bathroom door close and the shower start.
I fell forward, head on crossed arms. Could I have a boner this hard without going to hell? Can a guy get locked up for jerking off to his sister's sex talk? I sat back up and ran my hands over my face. Well, hell or jail, I spit in your eye. I needed to pop a cork.
I cocked an ear as I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down. The shower blasted. My mental big screen filled with nude images of Val soapy and wet and gleaming naked and madly masturbating under the water...I gave my head a shake. My cock throbbed in the air. It wanted me to stay on that channel, but too bad.
I started to beat my baloney in a hard pumping fist and closed my eyes. I tried to bring up sexy images to pretend my sister had nothing to do with my jerking off. Well, most of the urges lay deeper with the memories of the amazing time I had had in that sauna. Where I caught Linda doing just what Val had done. She had been spying on Leslie Ann, Kyle and myself. I had caught her and the two of us had got very...stop it! My imagination had slipped Val in place of Linda with the skill of a magician.
I opened my eyes. Still keeping an idle pump going, I clicked desperately on my mouse. A variety of porn images flashed across the computer screen. Not personal enough. I needed something more real to exorcise Val. I scrolled madly to bring up the folder with my collection of Marita. Even if she didn't seek, and actually avoided, the fame of a supermodel, Marita's swimsuit and lingerie photoshoots still circulated. Marita's golden body in various designer scraps of colourful cloth went by on slideshow. I still feel like a lying fraud when I bring up memories of having crazy monkey sex with a woman like that. That flawless gold caramel skin. That... KERUMP!
The noise fractured my erotic daze. The shower still thundered wetly. Damn. She's slipped in the shower! I bounced up and nearly tripped as my pants dropped to my ankles. Kicking them off in desperation, I scrambled to the bathroom door and flung it open. Steam swept over and around me. I could see Val hunched over on the bottom of the tub through the frosted glass. I slid back the door, ready to turn and phone 911...
Kneeling face down in the tub, the water splashing off her curving back, my sister contorted her right arm behind her to pump my shampoo bottle in and out of her cunt. Her left arm bent out of sight under her belly. The jiggling action could only mean a frantic clit flicking.
Val shrieked, flailing and slipping in the bottom of the tub. "Hey! Get out!"
I felt a heady mix of embarrassment and anger. I couldn't help sliding the door with a slam and stomping out of the bathroom. "Dammit!"
My attempt to block Val with Marita blew away in the wind. Sleek, gleaming jiggling flesh of my sister...I shuddered. I struggled to catch my breath and level out. "Zach?" Val's voice came softly concerned. I took another breath and turned. Damp and dripping a bit, my sister came into my studio wrapped in a towel. Since I have only utilitarian "man towels" and not the bed sheet sized towels women prefer, the green terry cloth protected her modesty by scant millimeters. "What's wrong?"
I shook my head and waved my hands in groping frustration. "I'm just wound up about looking like a dope. That's twice in less than an hour I've thought you were might be injured, went charging in like a galloping knight and twice I've found you eyebrow deep in sexy thoughts." Val blushed, pushing an errant wet curl back behind her ear. "I'm sorry. I couldn't keep my balance standing while, well, while I was...and went down on my knees. I didn't expect it to be so loud."
I shrugged and smiled crookedly. "I'm sorry."
"That certainly doesn't make you a 'dope'. That makes you my sweetheart of a protective big brother." "Okay. Thanks."
"And Zach? One other question?"
"Why are you naked from the waist down and waving a very hard erection at me?"
"Shit!" I brought my hands down to try and cover myself. I looked madly for where I had kicked my pants and started towards them. Val giggled madly.
"Oh, I think it's a bit late for that sort of modesty." She reached out a hand to my shoulder to stop me, still dimpling a smile.
"Easy for you to say." I picked up my pants, but only held them in front of me.
"Can I guess you were taking care of business the same as I was?" Val nibbled her lower lip.
"Well, yeah. Kind of obvious." Why didn't I put on my pants? C'mon. Politeness alone dictates...I told politeness to piss off.
"Did you...finish?" She looked down in the direction of my crotch and back up again. I don't know how many men in the world Val had targeted with that mischievous, big-eyed gaze. I had certainly never been on the receiving end. It hit like a grenade made out of sex.
"Uh, no. Did you?"
"I dropped the shampoo bottle."
Val's breathing had grown more rapid. Her lips compressed. "Want to help each other?"
"What? Oh, Val, I don't know if that's a good - I mean, that's a..."
"Let me finish. When Kelvin goes on these work junkets, we keep in touch. Video chat on the computer when we can, just phones otherwise. When we chat, we 'help' each other over being horny. We..."
"...take care of business..."
She gave me a smack on the arm. "Masturbate. It's great when we have video to watch each other. That's what I'm suggesting. Watching and talking. No touching. We'll just be in the same room, is all."
If she wasn't going to mention the speed bump of being brother and sister, she wouldn't hear it from me. My internal revolutions per minute had reached critical. I dropped my pants and pulled my shirt over my head. "Let's do it!"
Val's eyes widened. She looked me up and down and her tongue licked her lips. Her big hazel eyes twinkled and she tossed the towel aside.
Her breasts sat high and perky on her chest, lovely little handfuls that complemented her slim physique perfectly. I suspected she only bothered with a bra to contain those amazing thumb thick nipples popping out of the wide areola. Her pubic area shone clean and bald.
"Well? A gentleman might offer a comment!" Val's voice quavered behind the joking tone.
I turned in profile. I gave my hips a little bump that set my straining, impatient cock bobbing. "I like to introduce you to Mr. Happy-to-See-You. It's mostly your doings this morning that have brought him here today." "What do you mean, my doing?"
"The sex maniacs in the sauna may have turned on the stove, but your nonstop discussion of it got my water boiling." Val stared hungrily at my meat. She made a little mew sound in her throat.
"Hey. My eyes are up here, lady."
She snorted and smiled up at me. "You really have a right to be proud at your physical improvement this year, Zach. It's been even longer than that since I've seen you in a swim suit, so the change is dramatic. You're a hunk."
"You're a poster child for sex."
"My boobs aren't too small?"
"No! Especially with dangerous nipples like those." I took a half-step forward and then caught myself. "We better get this circle jerk going or the no touching policy will be kicked out the window."
Val only nodded energetically. The strain in her voice came through clearly. "I'm beginning to wonder why that policy was ever suggested."
Across my studio, the door to my apartment made a soft click. Our heads snapped around. The knob turned. A voice called out. "Zach! It's me, Harry."
Privacy and modesty lay so close and yet a very long sprint away. Too far. The doorknob was turning. Val dove behind the only thing big enough to hide her nude body. Me.
Harry stepped in, turning to close the door behind him. "Yo, Zach? I still have your keys from when I helped move. I just decided to use 'em. I hope...SHIT!" Zach got over his shock at my nude body. He snorted a laugh and shook his head. "Damn, bro! Not again!" He stopped and craned his neck to see who might be hiding behind me. He looked straight at me with hopeful eyes. His hands went halfway up to taking off his parka and outerwear and stopped, waiting.
"I don't suppose there's room for your kid brother? It was so great last time." His plaintive voice sounded like a kid asking for a piece of birthday cake. "Oh, with your permission, ma'am."
I guess legends of telepathic bonds between siblings always center around twins. My idjit brother sure didn't get my mental commands to SHUT UP. I closed my eyes and waited for the thunder.
"What do you mean 'again'? 'Last time'?" Val stepped around me, a storm of curiousity and outrage.
Now I know what "losing your shit" really means. Harry's eyes bugged, his mouth gaped and he made idiotic choking sounds. He pointed. He took a step. Instead of balancing himself, his toe caught on one of my boots and he fell flat to the floor.
Protective instincts overrode Val's outrage as she skipped across to Harry's side. She rolled him on to his back.
"You're naked." The awe in Harry's voice made us both bust out laughing.
"Yes, WE are." Val took hold of one of Harry's hands with both of hers and helped haul him to his feet. Harry is smaller and leaner than me, but still bigger than Val. Her slender naked form beside Harry in his bulky winter gear looked a chihuahua trying to help a moose.
Harry waved a hand dismissively in my general direction, never taking his lustful gaze off Val. "Big deal. I've seen Zach naked."
Val's curiousity and whirled back up to speed. "Yeah, so I hear. What sort of shenanigans are you two getting up to?"
"A gentleman never blabs."
"Ha!" Val started towards me, the chihuahua now stalking a bear. Her eyes shone. "How does that apply to you?"
I backed warily away. Old reflexes died hard. Fear of parental reprisals for being too rough with my little sister had gave Val the upper hand in many childhood wrestling matches.
"If I wasn't a gentleman, I'd pick you up and stuff you into a cookie jar, peewee."
"You and who else, you big..." She came at me. I gave her enough of a bounce and push to send her sprawling into one of the big chairs. I didn't linger in triumph. I turned and scooted down the hallway to my bedroom. The grin on my face went to my ears.
"Don't stand there like a dummy, Harry. Help me!"
Val tackled me so we fell across my wonderful king-sized bed. Our nude bodies thrashed together, skin slipping across skin. She had the advantage of the moment, sitting astride my back. I could feel her hot and wet pussy spreading across my ass. Her nasty little fingers began to dig into my sides. Shrieking from the tickling, I bucked. She held on, her gymnast thighs clamping tight. "Talk! What sex games have you done?"
"None of your business!" I gasped and rolled, tipping her off. I whirled to face her as she came again. I caught her by the wrists and pushed back until her arms pressed into the navy blue sheets. Val writhed under me, tits thrashing. My club of a hard-on swept back and forth across her stomach, even prodding close to her vaginal lips. Her legs spread and wrapped around me.
Val went still, her breath heaving and her eyes gleaming wickedly up into mine.
"You give? Stop being a nosey brat?"
She gave a little buck and grind at that accusation. Our groins throbbed in hard contact. My cock pressed into her lower belly to help keep her still. And not to knee me in the nuts.
"You're a big galoot. Bullies like you always get their comeuppance." She smiled like a hungry fox.
I chortled. "I don't see how..."
Arms swept in and around my chest. Wiry hair pressed into my back and against my bum as Harry hoisted me up and off. I struggled to escape. Just like the good old days of childhood. The two young snots against me. Except, of course, for the nudity. I could feel Harry's half-hard penis lodging into the crack of my buttocks. I had worked out diligently with gym equipment to improve myself, but Harry did manual, physical labour as a contractor every day. I strained to bust his grip. No obvious result. This might be troublesome.
Val lay in spread-eagled glory for a moment, then bounced around upright. She walked on her knees to within a cent of me, hot, sweaty skin radiating heat to each other. Her eyes never left mine as she traced her fingernails up my belly. I shivered as the tickle reflex spasmed. My cock jumped and poked her in the navel. Val ignored that contact.
"Gonna talk, Mr. Big Galoot Tough Guy?" Val purred up at me. Harry chuckled into my left ear.
Still locking eyes with me, Val brought up her right index finger and sucked it into her mouth. Her lips puckered around it as she stroked the finger in and out. She brought it out with a faint 'pop', then pressed it into my left nipple. She slid the wet finger tip around and around in tight circles. My tickle reflex and my sexual response had a quick meeting over who had jurisdiction on this. They decided on a 50-50 split. I made a goofy gurk noise, spasmed and thrust my hips. My erection prodded hard into Val's tummy. She didn't back away. She slid closer yet, pushing my hard-on up to be wedged lightly between us. She bent her neck and used her tongue on my right nipple.
Tickle reflex bowed out and left the situation to sex. I rattled a groan deep my throat. Harry's breathing had become a bit deep and fast in my ear. His cock now sawed stiff and hard under my crotch. His pubic hair against my butt, the length of his shaft sliding along my 'taint' and the head bumping into my ball sac. Harry was on record as greatly enjoying the watching. Maybe he liked some bisexual stuff as well.
Val looked up at me again, mouth open, lips full and breathing hoarse. Her hooded eyes narrowed at me. "Gonna talk?". Her voice husky.
I swallowed and smiled. "A gentleman never blabs." Harry had sense to realize the rassling was done and let me loose. I pushed forward, once again forcing my sister back on to the big bed. "He just passes on what he's learned."
I ran my palms wide down her sweat-slicked torso, flexing my fingers slightly, kneading and pressing her flesh from shoulders to waist to hips back along the outer thighs to the knees. I brought them back up the front of her legs, gripping the big muscle in the front, sliding so my thumbs came just so close and no closer to her pussy, side by side up her heaving stomach to cup those perky breasts. I stopped and massaged them, feeling the fat, puffed out nipples being forced up into my palms by a moaning, panting sister. I kept flexing my fingers in tighter and tighter until I rolled and pinched those nipples. "OH FUCK!" Val shouted, her eyes wide and her breath erratic.
I swept my hands down and around, never breaking contact, to pick her up in a big brotherly bear hug. I lifted her up and latched a lashing mouth and tongue on those irresistible boobs, sucking the nipples in long and hard. Val clutched my head, kissing my forehead and shuddering with desire.
I moved my right arm down to below her tight ass to better support her. I hoisted her up, turned and went down backwards from the knees so I stretched flat out, my red-faced sister sitting on my stomach. I gripped her around the waist and urged her backwards with a suggestive lift. Val didn't need explanation. She rose, fumbled beneath her with one hand to find my quivering rock of a cock. Gripping it, she fine tuned her positioning. She let the tip of my plum head press and play with her wet folds.
Val came aware enough to grin and widen her eyes. She gave a helpless shrug. "Here we go, big brother."
She plunged down, engulfing me in one mad stroke. Her bald vulva snug against my pubic bone. Val snapped her head back and and quaked along her entire body. She braced her hands on my shoulders and vibrated.
"Oh, fuck. You're so much thicker than Kelvin. It feels so fucking good. So fucking good."
I only nodded in gurgling agreement. Her inner muscles had as much power as her toned legs and body. She had more than a wonderfully tight pussy, she gripped and contracted around my cock with liquid heat. Her legs of legend and song began to flex and lift. She brought herself up so just the head lay captured by her. Compared to my willowy, slender sister, my cock looked like it would split her in two.
And Val began to fuck me. I'm surprised the sheer taboo sexual energy didn't throw off lightning sparks around the room.
A deep-chested moan reminded me our brother was in the room. I had forgotten Harry. He knelt on his feet beside us on the bed, his lanky muscled body arced like a bow as he beat his meat and watched us with wide eyes. He didn't have any hint of "waiting his turn" or "biding his time." My brother really did have a major voyeur thing happening. His fist went in exact synch to Val's bouncing up and down on my cock. He licked his lips.
Harry's moan reminded Val of his existence as well. She extended her tongue from a wide mouth in lewd invitation. I had a better idea. I reached out and cupped my right hand around the back of Val's neck to pull her face towards me. She mistakenly thought I wanted to kiss. She didn't see me reach out with my left to beat Harry's hand off his cock and take a fresh grip with my own hand. The red hot rod pulsed in my sliding palm. I tugged insistently.
Harry hesitated, then scooched forward eagerly on his knees until his thighs bracketed my head and his testicles rested over my left eye and cheek. His cock now rested between Val's and my mouth.
Val kept fucking me, now in a glorious sliding, full body back and forth rather than an incredible cowgirl up and down. Harry's hips flexed and fucked in the dual bombardment of lashing tongues and lips. Val and I licked the pumping shaft and plump head, plunged our tongues under the foreskin and nibbled straining flesh. A sloppy, dripping, noisy mess of a blowjob.
Harry's nuts kept dragging across my eye, so I kept them both closed, letting my other senses carry the load. The taste and smell of Harry's freshly showered cock. The smell of Val's tangy flowing juices. The clashing harmony of grunts and whimpers and sharp gasps. The soft creaking of the solid bed. The sensuous feel of Val's hot smooth skin under my roving hands. Oh, good gawd, the building overload of an eager, blazing orgasm. Harry went first. He got off a "Here I...GAWDAMN SHIT!" His blast fired off somewhere to my right. The backstroke sent the second, lesser blast so it flopped across the right side of my face and started to dribble in my ear. Any further shots of creamy cum disappeared into Val's mouth as she desperately glommed onto her brother's cock and sucked.
When Harry fell back, stunned, Val sat back up. She braced herself on my chest and began to drive her cunt up and down my shaft like a woman gone insane. My hands flailed a moment for somewhere to be and then settled on her hips, adding my arm strength to her down stroke, driving her even harder on to my cock.
"CUM IN ME BROTHER! CUMMING!! FUCK FUCK!" She landed hard and had a bone-breaking seizure of an orgasm. Her words became a wail and her eyes bugged out and stared at nothing. Her nails dug into my chest with sweet agony.
The sight of my sister triggered a volcano deep into her molten cunt. I bucked my hips up but held her hips tight against me with my hands. I made a long grinding growl like I had been stabbed. Val collapsed on me. All my muscles went limp and I released her hips. She rose and fell with the force of my trying to bring in air. She nestled her cheek against me and her wheezing breath blew across my sweaty chest. Harry lumbered around and lay alongside in a group recovery hug, an arm thrown high over Val and one around my head. His body pressed stickily into both us. I raised a quivering arm to pat and grip his thigh.
Eventually, temperatures cooled, breathing stabilized and our brains came to see if all the dagblasted shouting had finished.
My cock went to soft sleepy time, slipping out of Val's cunt in a steady dribble of fluids. Good thing I had bought three separate sets of sheets for this king-size monster. Darn shrewd, if I do say so myself.
Val shifted her arms, remaining in her prone position atop me. She supported her chin with both her hands, her elbows near my trapezius muscles. She smiled sleepily at Harry, and then down at me, her face a smiling portrait of satisfaction.
"So, you give up? Are you going to spill your secrets, or do we have to keep giving you the third degree?"
Harry barked a short laugh. I put on a very thoughtful expression as I wiped the sticky trail of my brother's cum off the side of my face with two fingers.
I sneered defiance. "A gentleman never blabs." | literotica |
Title: Beetlesmith's Ch. 07
Tags: group sex, blowjob competition, double penetration
It was the evening of the dinner party, and Karen was doing her customary freak-out with these types of events. It was her behavior when stressed, consisting of her moods bouncing between a short-tempered, nervous anxiety to one of giddy playfulness. Fortunately, the caterers arrived, which gave her something to do other than worry about the upcoming frivolities. My only worry was that she was already hitting the sauce pretty hard, and was well into her second glass of wine. Anymore, and I was going to rethink administering the elixir to her, or even call the whole thing off.
"How many does that make?" I asked, tapping her glass as a mild rebuke.
"Just my second," she said apologetically, and then added with minor irritation, "Don't bug me about it, I'm nervous...Okay!"
"All the same, slow down. You get anymore tipsy and even Jackie will start sounding coherent next to you...Okay!"
It wasn't long thereafter before the guests started to arrive. Mark Cope was the first. He was a bit surprised at being invited, particularly because his divorce from his ex-wife, Linda, wasn't very amicable and that she was still good friends with Karen. Karen assured him that he was still counted as friend, and that it wasn't fair he should be ostracized from our group, even though Linda hated his guts.
Mark and I were always cordial with each other, but never what one would call friends. He was slightly shorter than me, muscular, with dirty blonde hair that always seemed to need barbering. He was prone to wearing golf shirts, always combined with v-neck sweaters and khakis, and had a typical ex-jock persona, who was now selling cars since hanging up his cleats. Cope wasn't classically handsome, and it was obvious that any boyish good looks were not aging well. However, he had a roguish quality, particularly when he smiled, which he did freely and often. It was probably what Karen found most attractive about him, besides the rumors of his equipment, and as I studied him closer, I had to admit that he reminded me of a more or less harmless, lighter variety of Roger Kendall. That was probably another reason why Mark was on Karen's mind of late, and gave me a little insight into her thinking and emotions that I hadn't known before.
The Averys arrived next. They were about ten to fifteen years my senior. Both were tall and lean in build, and to use an old, yet apt cliché, they appeared to make a handsome couple. I say appeared, because as I would find out, their outward conformity in looks didn't match their internal animosity toward each other.
By most anyone's account, Jack was a brutally handsome man, and his good looks were matched only by his reputation with the ladies. His dalliances with female clients and the office secretarial pool were legendary in the company. Yet, unlike others so inclined, his peccadilloes never seemed to interfere with his business sense and rarely became a negative concern in his running a smooth operation. That is except one time, when it was rumored Denise walked in on him at the office after hours. It happened long before I became a project manager, and since that time I never heard of another incident with him at the office—although some the male business clientele still spoke of him with hushed reverence.
Standing in our foyer, Jack Avery was impeccably dressed as usual, wearing a well-tailored, dark suit that contrasted well with his whitened, full head of hair. I thought he wore too much gold, however. Many gold rings, a gold watch, and as I would find out, a heavy gold chain. All of which, when coupled with a deep tan he always possessed, made him appear as a lothario rather than a top-drawer executive. His one, overriding character was a loud and boisterous laugh, which could be heard and easily distinguished above even the noisiest settings. Some at the company remarked that if ever you were separated from the group at a crowded convention, just wait a few moments and you'll hear Jack's characteristic chortle. It worked better than a foghorn in a heavy mist.
In all of this, Denise was his exact opposite. Whereas Jack looked and acted vibrate and young for his age, the few times I'd seen Denise, she seemed to be carrying a heavy burden about her. Evidence of which was mostly expressed as the small, telltale lines that radiated out the corners of her eyes and mouth, and care lines that wrinkled her forehead. That's not to say she was dour in spirit or prone to melancholy. Quite the contrary, she was always quick to smile and had a bright, infectious laugh.
To sum up her personality in line: she had a regal beauty, but a peasant's love for life and people. What I found most enduring about her was that every time she smiled, two, deep creases formed, one on either cheek. These were not care lines, but natural creases that she probably had since birth, and when she smiled, it was as if they formed parentheses that accentuated her lovely mouth. Coupled with her narrowing eyes when she laughed, these features gave her face an impish quality that I found alluring. It was difficult for me not to become sexually excited whenever she smiled. However, I could tell she was self-conscious of her deep creases, for every time she caught herself in too gay a mood, she would quickly move a hand up to cover her mouth. All of that aside, even with her regal beauty and impish, infectious smile, I always got the impression she was some walking 'Portrait of Dorian Gray,' where each of Jack's infidelities was expressed as a new wrinkle or care line on her lovely face.
Karen got the two a drink and took them for a quick tour of the house.
Fashionably late as usual, Jackie was the last to arrive, and beautiful as ever. She was wearing a long black skirt that extended almost to the floor, complimented with a white, sleeveless blouse that did little to hide her ample cleavage. With her, she had brought one of the two women that I briefly met at her office.
"William, you remember Cecilia, don't you?" Jackie said as she kissed me lightly on the cheek.
"Hello, Mister Henry," Cecilia said nervously as she extended a hand.
"Of course I do, welcome," I said taking her hand in both of mine, "And please call me Will."
I didn't recognize her at first, and then realized that she had changed her hair since I saw her last. At the DMV, she sported a short afro, but now her hair was long and straight. She was also stunning in a long, pale yellow, sleeveless dress, the color contrasting wonderfully with her deep ebony skin. Her most striking feature, however, were her light brown eyes, which sometimes radiated a deep amber color and other times a pale gold depending on how the light reflected off them.
I was about to offer them a drink and find Karen, when Karen came up beside me. I thought she was going to have an apoplexy, "Jackie, the party was for six! Can't you count?"
Seeing the look on Karen's face, Cecilia took a quick step behind Jackie, saying in almost a whisper, "Jackie, I don't think this was such a good idea."
I started to laugh, "Nonsense, you're here and that's all that matters. We're both very happy to have you, and we have plenty of food and drink...Right dear?" Karen grumbled an acknowledgement before I continued, "And this lovely person is my wife, Karen, and although you wouldn't guess, she is really quite sweet and accommodating...Right dear?"
Karen softened when she realized her anger at Jackie was inadvertently making Cecilia uncomfortable, "Of course, please forgive me. I get nervous sometimes planning these parties." Then turning to me, she said while giving me an exasperated eye, "The more the merrier it would seem." Well, she hadn't softened too much.
Seeing that I should separate Karen from Jackie before blows were landed, I said, "Karen, why don't you take Cecilia and get her a glass of wine. Then she can help you set another place at the table."
When Karen and Cecilia left us for the kitchen, I looked at Jackie with my own exasperated expression.
Jackie started to defend herself with typical Jackie-babble, "I didn't think you'd mind. I know you put a limit on the number of guys, but I didn't think that included the ladies," she paused to give me an exaggerate wink. "Anyway, when I told those two nymphs at work I was coming here tonight, both of them were begging to tag along. I mean, I didn't even say we were 'doing' anything tonight, so don't worry about that...Well, maybe a little since I hinted about something to Cecilia on the way over. You know, nothing too obvious, just, 'Robo-cock this' and 'Robo-cock that' and maybe something about Karen and a strap...Anyway...You know, just to get the juices flowing," she winked again. "But really, all I said to them for sure was that I was invited to a small party of yours...Really, that was it...Anyway, before I knew it they had just about signed their pensions over to me as a..."
"You mean she paid you?" I asked, finally getting a word in edgewise.
She looked at me with slight indignation, "No! I'm just saying that I could almost make a small fortune doing this if I had a mind."
"Well, it sounds like if you lose your job with the DMV you can always try your hand as a pimp."
"Look who's talking Mister, 'hey Jackie, come over for a small party, wink, wink, nothin's gonna happen but bring some lube just in case, nudge, nudge.'
Laughing, I said with mock incredulity, "I find that insulting, I would never tell you to bring your own lubricant. Just out of curiosity, is this the married one or the single one?"
"She's single!" she said with renewed indignation, "What do you take me for?" I was about to say, but she snapped, "Oh, shut up."
The caterers informed me it would be a while before dinner was ready, which gave me a little time to make my pitch to Jack for Kendall's position on a more or less one-on-one basis. Once I formally introduced everyone, we seemed to break out into two natural groups, me with the Averys, while Karen spent most of her time in a corner rubbing up against Cope, and clinging to him like cat hair to a dark suit. Jackie tended to float between us. For the most part, Cecilia tagged along with Jackie probably out of fear of being left alone with Karen.
On one such grouping, the Averys and I were making small talk with Jackie and Cecilia, when Cecilia commented on the color of Denise's lipstick and fragrance of perfume. Denise offered to let Cecilia try some, and off the two went to the bathroom. Jackie also took the opportunity to leave Jack and me alone, saying, "Well, I'll leave you two to talk shop. Besides I better get over to your wife before she drools too much on Mr. Cope." With that, she kissed me hard on the lips while giving my ass a little pat and a long squeeze. Then she set off toward Karen. Jack noted the overt, affectionate display, and said as he watched Jackie strike up a conversation with Karen and Mark, "Excuse me Will, but didn't you say she was your cousin?"
I guessed what he was thinking, and played ignorant, "Jackie? She's really Karen's step-cousin, but we just think of her as blood relations. She's a very fun-loving person."
I could see the wheels turning in his head, and thought maybe I should hint to him that Karen and I were developing an open marriage, beginning to explore other 'facets' of what that entails. In effect, get him primed for what was to follow. However, I decided discretion with the elixir was the better part of employment, and left the matter alone. Instead, I shifted gears.
He was still eying Jackie talking with the others, when I asked, "Most of us in the company are wondering what you're going to do now that Kendall has resigned."
He smiled affably, "Ah, doing a little politicking for the job, eh Will?"
I shrugged my shoulders, intimating humility. He continued to smile, "Oh, I don't mind. I like to see that type of aggression in my executives." Then his mood became more serious, "And to be honest, you would have been a natural to take Kendall's place, but I have to be candid with you. The last two or three personnel reports turned in by Kendall didn't paint you in a good light. In fact, they were down-right discouraging."
I knew it. I knew that asshole was fucking me over behind my back. All the while he was banging Karen he was slowly sticking the knife into my career.
"Well, Roger and I rarely saw eye-to-eye on things, and quite frankly I didn't like the direction he was taking the accounts. Now I clearly understand why. It's obvious that Kendall was unstable in all facets of his life—business as well as personal. Moreover, it would seem much of his instability was being pushed my way with his evaluations of my work. Now, let me be candid with you, Jack, and in all sincerity, Kendall is insane. Flat out bonkers. I would really look at any of his recommendations with a dump truck load of salt, and based on what you're telling me now, my only regret was not saying something sooner. I held back out of some naïve aspect of loyalty, to what turned out to be an unstable and volatile supervisor."
Jack didn't say anything, but nodded his head in agreement. I made my final pitch, "Before you make a decision, just do a review of all my past and present accounts. I think you'll see that the ones I had before Kendall took me off them were doing much better than they are now, and most of the real dogs Kendall saddled me with are improved. If you do that, I know you'll see that all of Kendall's decisions concerning me, and the company, were politically motivated and not good business."
A large smile crossed Avery's face, "That's an excellent idea Will, which is why I've already reviewed the accounts." He saw my look of surprise and started laughing, "What, you think just because the Board makes you the boss that they remove your brain first? Once I saw what was happening I started taking a closer interest in Kendall's division. And you're right he was really screwing you over, and in the process screwing the company." He took a step toward me and took my hand, saying, "If I didn't think you could run the division I would've accepted your invitation for tonight. I was going to tell you on Monday and make it official, but now is as good a time as any—congratulations. We'll still need approval from the Board, but really that's just a formality."
I was speechless. It was about this time Karen made her way over to us, and said, "The caterers tell me everything is ready. We can eat anytime you like."
Throughout the meal, I kept thinking about the irony of the situation. All the planning I had done to get the opportunity for this one evening with the boss, alone and outside the office environment.
All that planning, and in the end it was unnecessary. So much so, that I was going to forgo administering the elixir. What was the point in using it now? I had the job. Visions of another Karen and Jackie catfight and how that could affect Avery's decision ran through my mind—or worse, visions of a Jackie, or Karen, or Cecilia, with Denise catfight, or any combination of that nightmare was making me break out in a cold sweat. No, best to let the evening die uneventful, once dinner was finished.
However, I had another thought, or really an emotion. It was coming from that dark place within me, where all feelings that lead to hubris have their beginnings. It was an uncharacteristic feeling of ruthlessness that amounted to just two words, 'Why not?' I felt it once before, at Kendall's health club right before I initiated his downward spiral. Why not? Really, who would care, and if they did, what could they do to me? Nothing. If a catfight did break out, or any number of disagreements, I'd just tell the offending party to stop it. Then I'd tell them to take a cock up the ass in punishment, and they would, gleefully. I felt if anything happened, I could control it, because the hypnotic effects of the elixir would give me the power. Why not, indeed! At last, I smiled to myself, reassured that I was in command of my world.
Karen and I were seated at either end of our long dining room table. The Averys sat to my left with Jack closest to me, while the other three guests occupied the opposite side of the table across from the Averys. Cecilia was to my immediate right, while Mark sat closest to Karen. Once the initial serving was completed, the caterers had left, saying they would be back the next day to clean up and take back the platters and warming pans. In the kitchen, they left two pump dispensers filled with coffee and a large, New York-style cheesecake for dessert in the refrigerator.
As dinner wound down, Jack pushed back his plate, and asked, "Would anyone mind if I smoked a cigar? I always like to enjoy a good smoke after a wonderful meal."
"Oh Jack," Denise said with disfavor, "Not in their house."
"Don't worry Denise," said Karen, "Will's been know to smoke one now and then."
Jack offered one for me, but I declined. He held the temptation out, saying, "It's a Montecristo...Hard to resist."
Suddenly, Jackie piped in, "If Will doesn't smoke it, I will."
"A girl after my own heart," Jack opined, as he clipped the end for her.
Jackie seductively leaned over the table, giving Jack a good view of her cleavage as he held the lighter for her.
"Will, isn't there something incredibly erotic about a woman who enjoys a good smoke," Jack said with a smile and a wink at Jackie.
Jackie sat back in her chair and casually puffed on her cigar, sending wispy, grayish-blue clouds of smoke toward the ceiling.
"Absolutely," I said in agreement, "All we have to do now is put a glass of scotch in her hand and we could sell the image as a male enhancement. We could put Viagra out of business."
I saw Denise and Karen look at each other and roll their eyes in bemusement. Denise said to Jack, "If I'd know that's all it took for your attention, I would have stopped the endless miles of jogging, yoga, and calisthenics and just bought a pack of Tiparillos."
I took that as my cue to prepare the laced coffee for dessert, "Is everyone in the mood for coffee and cheesecake?"
All said they would, except for Mark, who would stick to the wine, and making my job easier in denying him the elixir.
"Karen, want to help me with the dessert while I get everyone coffee?"
With Karen preoccupied with cutting the cheesecake and serving the pieces to the guests, I found it easy to doctor the coffee cups by putting an elixir soaked flimsy into each. They dissolved instantly when I introduced the coffee.
The small talk continued between the guests as I watched for the beginning effects of the elixir. So far, none of the more onerous side effects that I had witnessed the last time had manifested themselves, except for the slight tingle at the base of my skull followed by over-exuberance in the volume and nature of the dinner talk. I was still a bit worried that the pent-up sexual frustration, leading to verbal aggression might cause problems. Particularly given there was another male added to the sexual equation.
It was about ten minutes since ingesting the drug when I noticed Jackie, almost absentmindedly, spinning her butter knife on the table. Each time she allowed the cutlery to come almost to a full stop before repeating the action, and each time she set the knife spinning, a small smile would cross her lips as if it were a private joke. Soon, the small talk died away as each of the guests turned their amused attention toward her.
Finally, Karen voiced what was on everyone's mind, "Jackie, what are you doing?"
Jackie disregarded Karen's question, and seeing that this time the knife ended up pointing directly at Denise, asked, "Okay Denise, truth or dare?"
I believe everyone knew of, or even participated in that old parlor game from our youths, including Denise, but she assumed a tone of faint surprise and naïveté, "Truth or what?"
"Dare," Jackie said quickly, and with a tone of boisterous mirth, "Come on Denise, don't tell me you've never heard of the game."
"Well...yes," Denise stammered.
"Then what will it be, truth or dare?" Jackie pressed, not allowing Denise time to think or make excuses.
Denise looked around the table wide-eyed, hoping that one of us would step in and rescue her from the situation. However, seeing that no help was forthcoming, she resigned herself to accepting her fate, and said with regal air, "Truth, then."
Jackie smiled back at her, and hesitated for a moment while she puffed on her cigar. Finally, she sat back in her chair, and asked, "Tell us about the first time you did it with someone."
Denise told her story, hesitantly at first, as if it were some dark, embarrassing secret no one else in the world could understand. It was a story of a warm summer night in the back seat of her boyfriend's father's Oldsmobile, parked along a dark country road. It was a sweet and innocent story of a young girl who was curious about carnal pursuits, but fearful of their potential, mocking repercussions if her friends and peers ever found out. After a while, as Denise become comfortable with her surroundings, she became more confident in her storytelling, and concluded her ribald tale by explaining in elaborate detail how her boyfriend suffered both premature and painful 'coitus interruptus' when a wandering patrol car ventured onto the scene. She said this with such humor and warmth that her vivid explanation had us all in stitches.
Just like that, any anxiety or sexual frustration that was developing within and between us due to the initial effects of the elixir dissipated harmlessly into our laughter. I breathed easier from then on, and looked at Jackie, the instigator of the game, with newfound admiration.
Round and round the table the game continued. Each took their turn as grand inquisitor, asking in their turn the most lascivious of question. The bodacious nature of each question was escalated by each new inquisitor, and all questions were answered, some hesitantly, some unabashedly, but all with equal flavor in rank.
Without prodding from me, questions for truth quickly gave way to challenges to perform a dare. It was as if everyone knew the ultimate destination to where the game was headed, and wanted to hasten its progress. So far, however, none of the inquisitors dared the actual touching between the participants, but instead demanded from them some ribald act to be performed solo for the amusement of the others. A teasing show of cleavage or a display of the bulge in the trousers was about the extent of our initial play.
We must have made quite a sight. Seven full-grown adults, some well on the downhill side of life, laughing and hooting to mock displays of sex, as if we were drunken teenagers at a late-night party testing the sexual waters for the first time. None of us cared how juvenile all of this might seem to the uninitiated. We were having the time of our lives, and regretting none of it. So it was with the elixir.
Mark was probably the only one who was not fully in the spirit of things. Not so much, I think, because he wasn't imbued with the elixir, but rather because the knife never fell in his direction. It must have been grating on him, given that he had the equipment to give an auspicious display of his bulge, but was being denied the opportunity by fate. It was being done as if by my order, and I got a certain amount of pleasure watching him chomp at the bit.
It was Cecilia's turn as grand inquisitor. She had just finished giving a rousing, mock display, in both physical and vocal exuberance, on how she pleasured herself. I dare say it left most of us breathless, hard, and most likely wet. Smiling to herself at her fine bit of acting, she spun the knife. A tension fell over the room as all silently watched the utensil slowly spin along its invisible axis. Cecilia augmented the tension, as she added playful commentary, "Who will be next, I wonder. I already have a juicy tease for the lucky person. I hope it's you, Jackie."
Everyone held their breath as the knife slowly ebbed to a halt, pointing in my direction.
I smiled at Cecilia, saying, "I hope you're not disappointed that it wasn't Jackie."
See smile back, "Not at all, it works just the same. Truth or dare?"
"Dare, of course."
"Tell me Will, is Karen a good kisser?"
"The best," I said, and then added almost nonchalantly, "But there are even better things she can do with her lips."
This elicited a number of laughs, whistles, and catcalls from around the table. Karen added her own bit of panache to the overall mirth by seductively licking her lips and saying, "And on more sensitive parts of a man's anatomy."
"Ooh, that may be," continued Cecilia, "But I think I'm a pretty good kisser too, on the lips and on other things." There were more catcalls from the group. Cecilia waited for the hoots to die down before continuing, "And I know Jackie can really make a guy's...um...anatomy stand up straight and sing...over and over again, right Will?"
She shot me a knowing smile and wink as a reference to Jackie's previous exploits with Karen, Gloria and me.
Cecilia concluded her challenge, "So let's put this to the test. For your dare you have to find out which one of us ladies is the better kisser."
I started with Cecilia, but kissed them all in the same way. I would stand above them and to the side of their chair, and while bending over to meet their lips I would wrap an arm about them, positioning it just below their breasts so that they naturally rested in the crook of my elbow. During the act of the kiss, I would subtly apply a gentle pressure to them with my arm, and in so doing feel their hardened nipples pressing against me.
Each returned my kiss in similar fashion. A brief moistening of their lips before leaving them slightly parted. Then, as our lips touched, one final intake of air and a closing of their eyes before pushing a tongue forward to greet mine. Except for the subtle pressure of my arm against their breasts, I remained fairly passive throughout the embrace, allowing the women alone to apply as much force and exuberance to the kiss as they felt necessary. And while all of them were of like manner, that is, eager to show me just how exuberant they could be, there were wonderfully erotic differences in each of their techniques.
Cecilia started coyly, and at first, her body felt rigid against my arm. It was as if she were still unsure of her surroundings and fearful of exposing too much of herself in front of strangers. Her posture belied the vampish persona she exhibited moments before. However, after a few moments I felt her body going soft. Her hands that still tightly held my arm, which she used for leverage to press her mouth firmly against mine. As with our initial embrace, her tongue was equally bashful, touching mine briefly only to scamper backward forcing me to the chase, but once I caught up to it she pushed back against me with renewed force and playfulness. When she finally released me, her eyes were looking at me, large and innocent, and oh, so captivating. Their soft brown color seemed to turn almost golden in hue, appearing as if they glowed in contrast to the rich, warm mahogany of her skin. Then they narrowed and wrinkled at the corners, mimicking the impish smile that escaped from her lips.
Jackie showed no hint of reservation, and fully displayed her natural sexuality from the start—mostly by putting on a seductive smile while toying with the top buttons on her blouse and exposing more of her ample cleavage as I approached. What I was beginning to appreciate about her was that although she was probably the most sexually experienced of the group, save for Jack Avery, she never appeared jaded, and treated every encounter with men as if each were her first and favorite. Taking my head within her hands, she pulled me hard against her lips. Her hands wander about my head, first by gently brushing her palms against my cheeks, then running her fingers up through my hair, only to end up wrapping my head fully into her arms. All the while she pushed her tongue fully into and around in my mouth. I could discern the faint trace of tobacco mingled with wine as she danced within me. Toward the end of our embrace she slowed, becoming almost loving, as she softly clamped her lips down to suck gently on my tongue.
The length and intensity of our kiss caused a number of the other guests to whistle and hoot in playful approval. We ignored the catcalls for the moment and allowed a knowing smile to pass between us.
As I made my way over to Karen, I heard Mark exclaim, "Oh, come on Will, by now you shouldn't need to experience your own wife. Move on to Denise."
"Hush up, Mark," Karen said, as she gave him a playful slap on the arm, "I want to be included in this too."
"Funny," I said as I bent down to kiss her, "The thought never crossed my mind to leave you out of the mix."
"I know."
We've done it countless times before, under many different situations and circumstances. I won't say it felt like the first time or the even the thousandth, because it didn't. It felt as it always has—a gesture of romance with the woman with whom I had fallen in love. That feeling never left me, and probably never would. It was the reason why I stayed with her even after finding out about the betrayal. I doubt there were many people in the world that I could or would forgive for that, because there were few people in the world who could still take my breath away, as she did mine.
During our kiss, Karen decided to take some spousal privileges by reaching a hand up and overtly feeling the bulge in my pants. The gesture sent the rest of the table into another boisterous round of hoots, whistles and catcalls, which, in turn, sent Karen and me into fits of laughter.
When she released me, I said jokingly, and in accord with the spirit of the mood that was just created by her fondling, "Care to finish what you started?"
To my surprise, Karen didn't think I was kidding. There was an awkward moment of hesitation, as a sensual, mischievous gleam sparked from her eye. I believe she would have pulled out my cock without further encouragement except for a comment utter at that moment by one of the other ladies, "And if she doesn't, I will."
The comment was so contrary to the façade she had presented to everyone that there was a moment of stunned silence. Denise was sitting back in her chair, an arm casually draped over its back as she laughed playfully to herself with tongue in cheek. It was only until we heard her bright laughter that the rest of the gathering laughed as well. Jack looked at her with surprise, and although he started to laugh with the others, it was obvious he was a little annoyed by her comment.
Taking no notice of her husband, Denise said, "I seem to be the only one left. I guess you're saving the best for last."
Keeping an eye on Jack, I said with mock sheepishness and a wink, "That, but I'm a little concerned about my employment."
Jack gave a small wave of his hand while saying, "Oh, don't worry about that. Hell, maybe you can get more out of her than I could."
It was a not too subtle rebuke at Denise for her comment from moments before.
Not missing a beat, however, Denise responded in like fashion, "Quite possibly he can, because by the looks of things he has more to offer."
Jack threw up his hands in mock surrender, "Ouch, bested again."
I could tell by their banter that the sexual frustration common in the initial stages of those imbued by the elixir still existed between the Averys, even though it was dampened in the rest of us by Jackie's game. It was also obvious that theirs was a marriage of convenience, and I suspect that whatever tenuous threads existed in holding it together may be broken tonight.
Denise surprised me further during our kiss. She started awkwardly, tipping her head down then back as if out of practice. She gave a short, nervous laugh at her own clumsiness, before settling down to one position with eyes closed and lips slightly parted. When our lips touched, I felt a soft breeze against my cheek as she exhaled slowly through her nostrils. At first, she only used her lips, shifting them across mine as if trying to moisten both. She was always soft and slow in her movements. I like to think it was because she wanted to savor the experience, given that they were probably infrequent in her marriage. I felt her tongue gently brush against my lips, almost in a searching manner. Touching me about the mouth but never entering inside. I held back for a moment, teasing her with my mouth while applying gentle pressure to her breasts with my arm. As with the other women, her nipples felt hard against me.
When our tongues finally touched, she responded by opening her mouth wide and pressing herself hard against me, as if trying to pull me fully inside her. She shifted her hand up to caress my hair as Jackie had done, but in so doing, moved her arm in such a way as to place my hand fully over her breast. The action was purposeful, and by the silence of the room, went unnoticed. Pulling her arm close to her body, she forced my hand to cup her breast even more firmly. To finalize the sensual deception, she stroked at my hair causing my pinned hand to massage her breast, involuntarily. It was expertly and artfully done.
I was wrong about her. She had done this many times before and probably with many men. It was her true seduction. I wondered how far she went those other times. Did it end with just a kiss, or did she take the men further along her path? How many brief, spontaneous encounters had she initiated with that kiss? I also wondered if Jack knew his wife wasn't the jaded celibate she made herself out to be, or was their marriage truly one of contrived convenience?
When she finally released me, she said as if to no one in particular, and I suspect to give herself cover, "I haven't been kissed like that by a strange man since I met Jack," then leaning forward, she said to Karen in matriarchal fashion, "Well done, my dear."
Karen just smiled and nodded her head. Something had just passed between the two, but I couldn't guess what. I like to think Denise's cryptic comment was an acknowledgement of the fine catch Karen made marrying me compared to her own apparent failure. It was the egotist in me. For all I know, Denise just complemented Karen on the wonderful job she did training me.
Well, I wasn't going to explore that now. One thing I learned through Cecilia's dare, other than it was an intoxicating experience, was that all of the women were fully aroused, and none more so than Karen. All I had to do was ring the bell, and everyone would be off to the races.
As I sat back in my chair, I was about to spin the knife when I noticed everyone, particularly the women, looking at me anxiously.
I stared back at them, "What?"
"You were supposed to find out who was the best kisser," answered Karen.
"And I did," I said, leaving the matter alone.
There was a long silence as the women continued to stare at me incredulously. Jack was the only one who guessed my intent, and started laughing with characteristic guffaws.
After a few more moments of Jack's laughter, I finally said, "You really don't expect me to answer that, do you? That would be like asking me, 'Does this dress make me look fat?' or, 'Do you think that girl's prettier than me?' These are questions men have learned to avoid like the plague, because no matter how we answer them we still end up getting kicked in the groin."
The response from each of the two groups was predicable. Jack and Mark each nodded their head vigorously in agreement. Mark added a, 'Damn straight,' a number of times to underscore my truism. The women, on the other hand, erupted in unison, "Oh, you are so full of shit!" Of course, each used their own particular vernacular, but their meanings were all the same.
Upon seeing and hearing the women's visceral and unanimous reaction, Mark, Jack, and myself slid into continual laughter. It must have been a sight, each of the men laughing it up while trading high-fives, as the women vainly argued a counterpoint that largely fell on deaf ears. Finally, even Jackie and Karen laughed to themselves, if not out of seeing the truth behind it all, at least seeing the humor of the situation.
The game was all but over. Spinning the knife one last time was a perfunctory act. I could just as easily snapped my fingers at any of the women and the orgy would begin. Those around the table who may not yet be fully in the throes of the elixir, like Mark and maybe Cecilia, would have quickly been corrupted by those who were. That, however, would have been a grossly decadent and unwise show of power—one that I must avoid.
Everyone watched as the knife slowed to a stop, except for me. It was strange, but I already knew whom it would point to even before it happened.
I stared at Karen from across the table. I watched her eyes followed the spinning knife intently, and when there could be no doubt who it pointed at, she smiled to herself before looking over at me. We stared at each other silently, as the others around the table laughed, and reiterated the outcome, hooting, "It's Karen's turn."
I raised a quizzical eyebrow.
"Dare," she said it with slow deliberation. Her eyes smoldered. Their deep blue color radiated almost violet. She wasn't making a choice but issuing a challenge, 'I dare you to do your worst!' She wanted the game to end as much as me, and I knew just how it should end.
"Mark," I said casually, "There's a rumor within our circle of friends that you are quite the man."
Mark was briefly taken aback as I shifted my attention toward him, "What do you mean?"
"Well, it's been said by some that you are a man blessed with more than your fair share of...Oh, how shall I say it...Male accoutrements."
There was renewed whistling and hoots from the ladies.
"If you mean I got a big dick, then yeah, more than my share. I'd say more than three guys' share."
He said it with such pride I felt I had to play with him for a moment, "Well that's a bold statement. I mean, one woman's mountain could be another's molehill. You know what I mean? Things like this can be quite relative and subjective."
"What, you don't believe me?" he said, putting his hands to his zipper while trying to stand.
I laughed, "Whoa, just sit down and keep the stallion in the corral, this isn't your dare." Turning toward Karen, I asked, "Do we believe him?"
The same smoldering look was stamped on her face. She already knew what her dare would be. A shameless smile creased her lips as she slowly shook her head from side to side.
"Well then, your dare is to prove the rumor."
I think Karen was under the table before I finished my statement. Within moments, a look of surprise came over Mark as Karen began pawing at his trousers. The unzipping of his pants was clearly heard by all, followed by the faint rustling of clothes. Finally, we heard Karen's muffled and raspy voice, "It's true," then a brief pause, "Oh yes, so very true." Another longer pause ensued, at the end of which we could hear the faint sounds of moist kissing and gentle sucking. Everyone who was staring at Mark saw his eyelids slowly shut in obvious pleasure.
Cecilia was the first to break the silence, "Oh my god, is she..."
"That's my cousin," Jackie intoned, shaking her head in fake astonishment, "And to think, some people have the balls to call me a slut."
I heard Jack laugh abruptly before blurting out to no one in particular, "Holy shit, whenever Kendall had one of these things all we ever did was sit around and listen to him yammer on about that goddamn country club."
I looked over at our guests of honor. Jack was still staring in Mark's direction, mouth agape, but Denise was staring at me, emotionless save for a bright gleam in her eye. I held her gaze for a moment then smiled, and she smiled back before lowering her eyes.
I turned toward Jackie, and said with a wink, "Why don't you and Cecilia take Jack on a tour of the house."
She winked back, saying, "Come on Cecilia and give me a hand. Jack, how 'bout we go up to my place and have a look at my etchings."
"Etchings?" asked Cecilia, confused, "I thought we were taking a tour."
Jackie rolled her eyes, "It's just a figure of speech, dear."
"And if Jack doesn't mind," I said before the three left the room, "I'm going to have a talk with Denise."
On his way out, he gave my shoulder a little squeeze. It was probably a tactile gesture of permission, but it felt more like a cautionary warning. Along the lines of, 'Good luck with her. You're going to need it.'
As I sat next to her, she said, "I didn't think you noticed."
"Your kiss was an inspiration."
She seemed to blush at my compliment, "Sometimes I get it right. It usually doesn't end in an orgy, though," She laughed briefly as if embarrassed, "That's what this is, isn't it, an orgy?"
I didn't answer her right away. Instead, I began to unbutton her blouse. She tilted her head down to watch my hand, her breathing becoming labored.
It was a sweet, romantic moment, or so I thought, a slightly younger man showing infatuation with, and seducing an older woman. Quit possibly, however, she thought it the other way around. I hoped so. Comically, the romance was somewhat stilted by the sound of Karen, who occasionally hit her head on the underside of the table.
I asked as I undid the last button, "How do your seductions usually end?"
"I think I've given you the wrong impression. At my age, I'm content to be the tease. Oh, I've had my dalliances, but those days are passed me. Now I'm like the old fisherman, content to cast a line but never expecting to hook a fish."
"Is that all it was with me, a teasing moment then?"
I easily undid her bra, which was clasped in the front, and let her breasts fall into my waiting hand. They were on the smallish size, but felt firm and full. She continued to look down at herself as I gently rolled a hardened nipple in my fingers. I could tell by her reaction that that simple act was sending intense waves of pleasure through her.
She shook her head in answer to my last question, and said emphatically, "No. Dear, I keep giving you the wrong impression. I'm just a little self-conscious. I'm not sure why you have such an interest in me when there are younger women around?"
I smiled at her, and wished Karen had a bit more of Denise's attitude when Kendall was sniffing around her. I said with all sincerity, "Because I find you beautiful, intelligent, and you have a wonderfully warm sense of humor. Traits that I always find irresistible."
Just then, Karen's head hit the table with a large thump, causing some of the dishes to clink. Denise and I looked at each other with surprise, and started laughing.
"As you can tell, we don't do this very often," I said, putting her more at ease.
It seemed to do the trick as she pulled me close to her and kissed me hard like she did before. Without breaking her hold on me, she deftly lifted her bottom off the chair and removed her panties. I slipped a hand between her legs, but she hesitated for a moment as she closed her legs slightly. I sensed her self-consciousness returning. When I touched her labia, I knew instantly why she hesitated. She started to make a joke of it, "That's another disappointing prospect of advanced years, the juices don't flow as readily as they used too."
I sucked at a hardened nipple, and said between small nibbles, "That's easily remedied," before lowering myself between her legs.
Once she got over her inhibitions relative to her age, she responded to me with complete abandonment. As I gently moved my tongue around her vulva, paying particular attention to her labia, she put one foot and then the other against the edge of the table. Spreading her legs ever wider for me, she leaned her chair back while arching herself forward.
I teased her, taking my time with tongue and finger, alternating between the two. It was excruciating for her as I moistened her clitoris and upper labia, then slowly slid a finger along her folds before gently massaging her button. Soon, I had her legs quivering and her breathing coming at quickened intervals.
All the while, I could sense Karen next to me, our backs nearly touching as she worked her magic on Mark. I had to admit I found the whole situation with the two of us simultaneously performing oral pleasures on our new partners extremely erotic.
I moved back up Denise's body, stopping to kiss and lick the other sensitive parts of her before finding myself again at her lips. Denise reengaged the kiss, even more passionate this time. Our mouths clamped tight to each other as she sucked greedily on my tongue. I continued to massage her vulva with my fingers. I found it easier this time to slip two fingers into her pussy while gently rubbing her clitoris with a thumb.
Karen must have gotten Mark into a state of readiness that she liked, for I heard her move out from beneath the table while exclaiming, "Stick it in me!"
Hearing Karen bark her desires gave Denise greater impetus to explore our situation further, and I felt her fumbling with the zipper of my trousers. At first, she had difficulty finding the clasp, and then encountered more problems pulling the device. It took her a while to find the treasure she sought, and I purposely made things difficult for her. I was in no hurry, wishing to draw out the moment. I kept my tongue inside her mouth so she couldn't see, and continually massaged her clit and labia, sending her leg into further spasm and her mind wandering off its appointed goal. Several small laughs were the only verbal indicators of her frustration as she fumbled with the zipper. Finally, when I gave her a moment's breath, she said, "You're not going to help me, are you?"
I just shook my head slyly.
"And I thought I was the tease," she said with another frustrated laugh, before clamping her mouth on mine again.
The whole experience was worth the wait. Once I was undone, she continued to fish through the folds and tight passageways of my garments, just as Gloria had done that first night, until finally grasping what she had sought. My cock pressed downward, hard against my leg. Liberating it from its tight confines took more effort on her part, and more frustrated laughter.
I was as hard as I had ever known myself. Instinctively, I think she knew that because when she finally freed my cock she let out low moan of delight. Yet, it wasn't a moan suggesting satisfaction with my length or girth. Rather, it was with the satisfaction that I truly desired her. Feeling how aroused I was in her hand must have removed any qualms she had left about our age differences, or her desirability.
Now, she was going to take her time by teasing me with her hands. Holding my testicles firmly but gently in one hand, she softly massaged and kneaded them, while gliding the other back and forth along my shaft. A long, soft pull with finger and palm here, a gentle scrape of her fingertips there, she worked her hands exploring its whole length in detail. It wasn't long before she had my legs twitching in uncontrolled delight.
Through all of this delicious stumbling and bumbling, I had quite forgotten about Karen and Mark, until Karen came up beside me and kissed my neck. Mark had already left the room for greener pastures, I suspect.
"That was quick," I said as I played with her ass.
Karen put on a brave face, but her voice failed to hide her disappointment, "I think I over did the foreplay. I'll get him on the rebound."
I got a certain degree of satisfaction hearing about her less than stellar first encounter with 'Mr. Big Guy,' and congratulated myself on my genius with the elixir.
Karen rebounded nicely, however, and said as she looked down at our situation, "I can see you're in good hands, though. How's it going, Denise?"
She didn't look up at Karen. I could see she was blushing, "I feel kind of strange diddling another woman's husband while she looks on."
"Is that all you're feeling?" Karen asked with a smirk.
For the first time, Denise stared up at Karen with a look of pure animal excitement and just shook her head slowly.
Karen disappeared under the table. It wasn't hard to figure out what was next on her plate. Denise blushed. I could tell she was becoming uncomfortable about Karen's advances. After a few moments filled with nervous giggling, Denise finally said to Karen, "I'm so sorry, dear. I'm...I'm just not ready for 'that.' Please, don't be mad at me."
Karen stood back up, smiled at Denise with slight embarrassment. Kissing her on the forehead, she said, "Don't worry about it. I'll go see what the others are doing. Besides, I better find Mark before Jackie sinks her claws into him."
Denise watched Karen bound out of the room, "That was awkward. Now I feel bad. Do you think she'll forgive me?"
Denise's mild rebuff of Karen's advances was surprising to me. The elixir wasn't infallible after all. Maybe there's an age factor to the effectiveness of the drug. That after a certain point our views and mores become too calcified within us, and eventually those moral walls, to use Beetlesmith's vernacular, can never be fully breeched.
I could see a look of pain on her face as she thought she might have damaged a possible friendship. I attempted to soothe her spirits, "Forgive? I suspect she's already forgotten about it. Karen's only just discovered her other side, so she's more in sympathy with you than you may suppose, and like I said, all of this is new to us." I kissed her and saw her smile returning, "So don't ever feel you're being a stick in the mud or a prude, and don't hesitate in telling us if we're making too many demands on you or making you uneasy. Tonight, do as much or as little as you are comfortable. Okay?"
She nodded her head, and then said almost with a defensive sense of pride, "You know this isn't the first time for me. I've been to an orgy before...Well, sort of an orgy."
"Really?" I said with surprise. "If that's the case maybe we should find the others and..."
"No," She said sternly as she lowered herself to the floor and pulling me with her, "Let's just you and me have some fun first."
She pushed me back onto the floor and straddled me. Then with one fluid motion, she shifted her hips up and slowly sank down. My cock easily slid into her. As with the kiss, I let her go at her own pace. Her motion was of an unvarying slow, rhythmic rolling of her pelvis and lower back. About the only thing I did was remove her blouse and bra completely. Soon, she fell into a trance-like state. The whole time her eyes remained closed, and about the only sound she uttered was an almost rhythmic breathing that fell into time with her shifting hips. Occasionally, I would play with her breasts by gently pinching or sucking at their extended nipples, and each time she would respond, almost by reflex, by biting her lower lip.
Her climax was almost as peaceful. I felt her body go rigid. The features of her face froze into a momentary state of bliss, while her arms and lower body stiffened as if she were bracing herself against an incoming tide. At the moment of her orgasm, I heard her inhale three sharp, draughts of air that were quickly followed by a subtle quivering of her body. When the faint trembling was nearly complete, she lowered herself onto my chest with a heavy sigh, lying motionless.
"That was so very nice," she finally said.
"If you say so," I said with a sarcastic chuckle.
She guessed my meaning, "As you can tell, I'm a quiet fuck. Jack always had a problem with that. He likes his women loud and raunchy. I like to think that's why he mostly goes outside our home to plow his fields."
I laughed, "He should get along nicely with Jackie then, she's all that. So, what's a 'sort of an orgy' you hinted at?"
She giggled to herself before answering, "Oh, it was before I met Jack, a long time ago, back in my first year at college. A bunch of us got together at a friend of a friend of a friend's house for an old-fashioned pot party. You know the kind. We were all on our own. There were no watchful parents about. We were filled with ourselves, as if we all knew how the world worked. We got stoned, and one thing led to another. We didn't do any actual swapping of partners, or get into a big orgy pile or anything. We just made love with the ones we came with in front of everyone else. So, it was sort of an orgy. I know, not much of a story," she ended, shrugging her shoulders.
"I don't know. It's more than I ever did."
We lay together for a while and continued to exchange small talk when I heard soft music coming from the living room. It sounded like one of my jazz albums, but I couldn't tell which one.
Denise appeared to be listening to the music, her brow furrowed as if she were in thought.
"What are you thinking?"
"I'm trying to remember the words to that song."
Thinking she meant the song that was playing, I started to say, "I don't think there are any lyrics...," but before I could finish, she held onto me tight and flipped us around so that I was now on top of her. Wrapping her legs about me she said, "Now I remember, 'roll me over and do it again.'"
Denise and I found the others in the living room. It appears Jackie, Cecilia and Jack didn't get too far on their tour of the house. Karen was there as well, and all of them were on the large couch, and in the most unusual positions. The music still played softly, and even though the lights were dimmed, I could still make out what each were doing and to whom. The scene made Denise gasp in surprise when she first gazed upon them.
Jack was on one side of the couch, with Cecilia on top. Both were facing Mark and Karen, who were in a similar position on the other side. Both the men were slamming into their respective partners with equal fervor. Jackie sat between, and was applying a massaging hand, one for each couple, while adding the occasional, salacious comment. She sounded part repo-auctioneer and part carnival barker, as she alternated between fingering the women's clitora and fondling the men's testicles. On the coffee table, in front of Jackie, were a whole plethora of Karen's 'toys' and a tube of lubricant. Karen thinks of everything.
It was difficult to make out what she was saying over the loud moaning of Karen and Cecilia, but I got the impression that the two couples were in some type of contest, with Jackie serving as a demented Mistress of Ceremony.
Jackie smiled brightly as she caught sight of Denise and me, "Hey guys, we were wondering what happened to you two."
"What's going on?" I asked, trying not to laugh at the situation.
Jackie continued to play with the women's vulva, "This is a game called, 'who can come first.' Want to join in? There's a spot open in front of me on the coffee table. My hands are tied up, but I'm pretty nimble with my feet, if you know what I mean." She ended her statement by lifting her foot while wiggling her toes.
I had to laugh at the image of Jackie giving Denise and me a foot fingering, "That wouldn't be fair, they have a head start. Besides, someone already came...twice." I gave Denise's ass a friendly squeeze, and said to her, "You want to join in?"
I don't think Denise was too keen on Jackie's foot fucking idea, either. She shook her head and said, "No, I'd rather just watch and see how this turns out."
Denise and I sat in the lounger on the other side of the room. Denise curled up on my lap and we watched as the contest unfolded.
"I see you're still shaving your 'hoochie coo.'"
Jackie smiled back, saying, "Umm, hmm, I can't believe I didn't do it before. It really gives me a whole new sensation, especially when I'm playing with myself." She giggled at that last part, and went back to diddling the two groups of competitors.
I asked, "So what prize does the winner get?"
"The loser gets it from both guys," Jackie responded, "That punishment was suggested by your wife."
That figures, I thought. Karen was going to finally realize her fantasy of 'twofers' with two 'fellas.' At least I hoped it was a fantasy and not a reenactment from her past.
For the first time that evening I got a good look at Mark's equipment as it slid in and out of my wife's pussy. Well, not exactly a good look. I couldn't be too sure of his length, but if it was anywhere in proportion with his thickness, it was a massive organ, indeed. I had to admit I felt a twinge of jealousy. These feelings were further amplified by Karen's loud, almost guttural moaning and by the look of sheer sexual ecstasy that was carved on her face. Her moans were augmented by equally obscene calls for Mark to, "Fuck my hot pussy! Fuck it harder!"
I think Denise must have guessed at, or felt, my changing mood, and sought to mollify them by exposing her own past injuries, "Seeing Jack with Cecilia reminds me of the time I walked in on him with one of his bimbos. Needless to say, that was the last time I visited him at the office, unannounced."
She didn't wait for a response, but instead kissed me hard and passionately, as she'd done earlier. Finally, she said, "I'm sorry, maybe we should have joined in and really given them a show."
I laughed, "That's all right. I like it fine right here. Besides, by the looks of things I think it's just about over."
Both the other women had achieved full-throated moaning, but it was barely audible above the din of the loud slapping sounds caused when each man slammed into their respective holes. I did hear Cecilia croak out a command for Jackie to, "Touch me a little higher, girl."
Jackie did, and then recoiled comically as Cecilia began spraying clear fluid, the force and volume of which was only matched by her abrupt shout of ecstasy.
Denise bluntly commented, "Oh my, I hope Karen uses Scotchguard."
Given the circumstance we found ourselves in, with Cecilia shouting in delight, while Jackie tried to dodge incoming fire, Denise's deadpanned comment had me laughing uncontrollably. My wave of jealousy dissipated.
"So does this make Cecilia the winner or the loser?" Denise asked, trying to hold back her own laughter.
"Winner," Cecilia barked as she jumped off Jack, almost crashing into the coffee table as her legs wobbled beneath her. Once she gained her 'sea legs' she added with girlish glee, "Karen's the loser."
Like a starving dog who sees a morsel of food inadvertently fallen to the floor, Jack was about to pounce on any of Karen's vacant orifices, but Karen stopped him, "Jesus, wait a minute, Jack. Let me get situated first."
She turned around and proceeded to lick and suck Mark's tool while extending her hindquarters well into the air for Jack. Jack didn't hesitate putting his cock in where Mark had been, thrusting with slow deliberation.
Now I got a good look at Mark's cock, and its length did match its girth—the bastard. I could see why Karen kept bumping her head on the dining room table, there would have been little to no room under there. Worse still, I could tell that he wasn't fully erect, which is why Karen had to spent some time giving him oral encouragement before the real fun started.
Karen could only put Mark's cock-head and just a little bit more in her mouth, before she had to pull back. She applied a good amount of saliva onto it, slowly letting her spittle dribble out and down his shaft before slathering it about with her hand. When she felt his tool was lubricated enough, she went back to gently sucking on his head while stroking the shaft.
My jealousy was back, but was gradually being replaced with an overwhelming feeling of arousal. I couldn't help but get incredibly turned on watching my dear wife getting fucked at one end while sucking a massive cock like a thousand dollar whore at the other.
Mark played the part of rogue and scoundrel to perfection, telling her to suck his cock all the way to his balls. Vainly she tried. Oh, how my little slut tried inching it deeper inside of her, only to pull back quickly with a gasp and a cough. When she failed to fully pull him in, attempt, after gag-inducing attempt, Mark castigated her like a two-bit whore, telling her to suck on his balls instead.
Mark was fully erect now, and played with himself as she licked and kissed his testicles.
"All the way in, bitch," he said to her, not caring that I was witness to my own wife's debasement, "Put my balls all the way in your mouth."
Whether due to the effects of the elixir, or to the sheer erotic nature of the scene playing out before me, I found myself not caring about his playful maltreatment of my wife. In fact, I wanted it to continue in some strange way. Strange as it may sound, it was as if this were all some cleansing ritual I had to endure in order to wash the stench of Karen's infidelity away, or maybe to wash away my own sins in using the elixir on the unsuspecting. Maybe it was for both reasons, because for the first time in a long time since finding out, I had no thought of Roger Kendall.
As Karen was putting the finishing touches on Mark's testicles, Cecilia wandered over to Denise and me. Jackie had already succumbed to her inner slut and was straddling Mark's head and giving him a taste of her luscious wares. She played with her clitoris lustfully, while he vigorously tongued her pussy.
Cecilia asked, "Mind if I sit with you, Robo-cock?"
"Robo-cock?" asked Denise.
"I'll tell you about it later," I said slightly embarrassed.
For now, the three of us were content to watch the other four. Our eyes fully glued to their escapades while our hands danced about our bodies. Denise and Cecilia lying comfortably back against me, their legs spread so that I could fondle them both, while each had a hand on my cock as both gently stroked the shaft and head. It was all done so nonchalantly, almost absentmindedly, as if we were picking at a bowl of popcorn while engrossed in a good movie.
Mark playfully tapped the top of Karen's head with his organ, and said, "Time to sit on the big one again, baby. I've got a whole load of goo for your tight snatch."
Karen shifted forward and easily slid Mark's cock into her pussy. She remained motionless for a moment, arching her back so that her ass protruded backward, indecently. Cocking her head around to look back at Avery, she said, breathless, "Do me."
"Come on Jack, put it up her ass. Let's make this bitch scream," I head Mark say, trying to talk around a mouth full of Jackie's pussy.
Jack dove in and tried to push in, causing Karen to flinch forward, "Jesus! Jack! Lube!" Karen rasped in staccato. Then giggling, added, "It's on the coffee table. Christ, you guys really do want me to scream."
Once he prepared himself, Jack slowed his pace, inching his cock into Karen with intense deliberation. Karen's facial expressions revealed a kaleidoscope of emotion, changing from one from slight pain, to mild discomfort, to one of pleasurable calm, and finally on into ecstatic bliss as Jack pushed fully inside of her.
All three of them were in constant motion now—well four really. Jackie had turned around, and while still suspended above Marks' head so that he could lay the occasional tongue into her vitals, she applied her dexterous mouth and tongue to Karen's breasts. Together, they looked like some weird, abstract work of art, incorporating flesh-toned, paper-mâché mannequins controlled by a noisy, poorly engineered, two-stroke engine.
There I sat on my throne with my two cherubs by my side, watching the debauched spectacle playing out in front of me as if I were some Roman emperor being entertained by my imperial entourage. I felt the power again, flowing though me as it had the other time—an all-encompassing confidence.
"Suck me," I said to no one in particular.
Without hesitation, both Denise and Cecilia flipped around and applied a hungry mouth to my erection. As one sucked greedily, pulling as much of me into her, the other would apply a wet tongue to any area that remained exposed.
"Suck it," I demanded again, while slipping two fingers into each of their pussies.
Their actions became more fevered, as now they tried to subtly push and shove the other off and out of the way, so that they could complete the task I set for them. They grunted, groaned, and grasped for any advantage. Each of them sucked forcefully when the opportunity presented itself. In no time, my cock was bathed in their saliva, a thick and heavy film of it dripping down along my shaft only to pool at its base. None of it was wasted, as the next cherub who gained an advantage scooped up the excess and slathered it around my member while adding more of their own to the mix.
Invariably, their close quartered cock to hand to mouth combat scenario caused momentary touching between the two. Denise seemed oblivious of the inadvertent contact, which I found odd given her rebuff of Karen earlier. I was also overcome by the sensuousness of the two as they slid past each other with the barest brushing of the other's lips or tongue, with their own.
"Kiss each other," I demanded.
Denise hesitated for a moment then gave Cecilia a quick peck on the lips before sliding my cock back into her mouth.
"That was no kiss," I said with a laugh, "Kiss each other."
Denise held her lips to Cecilia a little longer this time, yet her mouth remained closed even though I could tell Cecilia was trying to push her tongue against her tightened lips.
How much could I force Denise to act against her nature? How far did I have to push, in order to get her to fully comply? I voiced my disappointment at her effort, and she retorted with obvious frustration, "We kissed each other."
"No, she kissed you, hardly the same thing at all. Go on, kiss."
Denise gave a last whimper of protest before she slightly parted her lips to receive Cecilia's tongue.
As they embraced, I added continual praise to their efforts, telling them how erotic it made me feel, and how sensual they looked. It seemed that with each compliment, Cecilia and Denise further melded into each other while adding a wandering hand to the other's breasts.
I slipped a third finger into each of them while continuing my approval. Denise replaced her hand with her mouth and sucked on Cecilia breasts. At first, it was gentle. A brief lick followed by a short suck, but as I continued to add lustful, encouraging words Denise's sucking became more forceful. Before long, and to my surprise, I could feel Denise's fingers playing with Cecilia's clitoris while I continued to finger the both of them.
I looked over at the other four for a moment, and saw that Karen and Jackie had changed places. Jack was still going strong, imbued as he was with the elixir. He was as vibrant in stamina as he was insatiable in his desire. He had his arms wrapped around Jackie, holding her steady as he thrust into her ass. Mark, on the other hand was sitting up on the couch, flaccid, momentarily spent from his ordeals with Karen. Poor Mark, I laughed to myself, I guess he just doesn't have the wherewithal as us old fucks. Karen, still flushed beet red as she usually is when sexually aroused, had taken over the role of Mark in their little escapade, by manipulating her vibrator in and around Jackie's pussy while nibbling at her nipples. Given Jackie's loud, and boisterous moaning, I guessed she was close to climax. Again, I felt that power surging though me.
I returned my attention to Denise and Cecilia, and told them to get into the sixty-nine position on the floor. Denise hesitated again, but I gave her a look and down she went, laying on top of Cecilia. Cecilia immediately grabbed Denise's ass with both hands and buried her face into Denise's bush. Denise started out coyly, using only a finger or two to massage around Cecilia's vulva, but as Cecilia continued to work her with tongue and lips, Denise slowly but surely succumbed, and reciprocated in kind.
I came to realize in that moment that somehow, and in some way, I was able to manipulate the others. I guessed it was the pseudo-hypnotic effects of the elixir that made it appear I had control of the others. Once realizing that, I didn't feel the need to add myself to Denise and Cecilia's fun, strange as it may sound. I was content to watch my handiwork writhe around on the floor on its own. Soon, the others joined in the viewing as well. Having finished with their first round of escapades, they sat enthralled, and together we watched as the two women continued to make love to each other without restraint.
We didn't have to watch very long. Cecilia was the first to climax, signaled to us by loud and protracted wail reminiscent of her fake orgasm during the game. Denise quickly followed suit, quieter than Cecilia—a quiet fuck, indeed. They finally realized, to their embarrassment, that they had an audience when the rest of us clapped and cheered.
Just as the revelry began to die down, Jackie stepped in and reassumed her role as Mistress of Ceremonies, "Okay everyone it's time for another game. Now, I want all you guys to sit on the couch."
The three of us hesitated. We weren't sure of what kind of homoerotic perversion Jackie may have cooked up for us, and we really weren't in too much of a hurry to find out.
Mark spoke for the rest of us, "Hey, I'm not sticking my dick in some guy."
Jack seconded, "You're fucking-A right you're not."
"Oh come on you big dopes," Jackie said in an exasperated tone, "This will be fun. I promise. Jesus, you guys think I would make you do something weird?"
I opened my mouth, but she cut me off again, "Shut up, Will."
I sat on the couch as far away from Mark as I could. I was still a bit pissed at his treatment of Karen. Jack sat between us. Jackie continued, "Alright, this game is kind of like the last one, only this time we get to see what the ladies can do."
All the women gave a brief hoot and howl. Jackie continued, "Okay, let's settle down girls. These are the ground rules, each lady will pair up with a guy..."
Before she could finish, Denise and Karen started to move in my direction, which gave my ego an additional boost.
"Wait a minute you sluts," Jackie barked, "I'm not finished yet. As I was saying, I'll draw names as to who gets who, and you can bet wives aren't going to be paired with their hubbies, that would be cheating. So just cool your ass down a bit, Karen. Now, using only your mouths and a bit of hand—but not too much hand mind you—we'll see who can get their guy off first. There can be no help from the guys. Guys, you can't use your hands...You can't thrust your hips...Especially you Jack...And no communication with your partner. You can't tell the girls what feels good or bad...And not too much moaning, that would be cheating too. You just have to sit there and take it like men."
More hooting from the women ensued.
Jackie continued, "The loser is the girl who gets her guy off last. She gets the Will treatment."
Jack leaned over to me, "What's the 'Will treatment?'"
I was as confused as Jack, and asked, "Yeah Jackie, what's the 'Will treatment?'"
"You know silly, what we did to Karen the other time."
I laughed, "That doesn't sound like much of a punishment. I bet Karen purposefully takes her time just so she'll lose."
Karen stuck her tongue out at me, then said, "Keep it up Mister and I'll give you the Karen treatment."
"Promise," I said with a smile.
Jack leaned over to me, "Karen treatment?"
"I'm not sure. It's either really, really good, or you get kicked in the..."
Jackie cut me off in her Mistress of Ceremony voice, "Okay, first names, Denise is paired with the guy who beds them but won't wed them—all...Night...Long—Robo-cock."
Jack leaned over again, "Robo-cock?"
Jesus, this was starting to get embarrassing, but I hoped it would continue, "I'll tell you about it later."
"Next up, Cecilia, paired with every girls cream dream, the one, the only, Mister, 'my schlong is long and quite a dong,' Cope. Okay, that leaves Karen with Jack, who's fast becoming known as Robo-cock part deux."
"Okay, I get it now, you dog," Jack said to me, happy for Jackie's compliment.
"You know," Jackie continued, "We need a better name for you than Robo-cock part deux. It's too much trouble to say all that...How 'bout just 'Deux?' Dewy Louie's got some spewy...No, that doesn't work...Ooh, Duce...I like that...Ducey, loosey as a goosey...
"Shut up, Jackie!" Karen and Cecilia barked in unison.
"Hey Jackie, what are you going to do?" asked Jack, after he stopped laughing.
"I'm going to make sure you guys stay on the up and up, and keep it up. Plus, I get the loser," she paused as everyone looked at her with confusion.
Cecilia was the first to verbalize what everyone was thinking, "I thought the loser gets the 'Will treatment,' whatever that is."
"Oh, didn't I mention? There's going to be two losers. The lady who can't get their guy off, she gets the 'Will treatment.' And the guy who gets off too quickly, he gets the Jackie treatment."
Jack leaned over again, but I cut him off, "You don't want to know, and neither do I."
"Okay ladies get to your positions...Come on Cecilia, this isn't the office, move your ass...Ready...And go!"
Initially, an eerie calm descended in the room, as each of my male counterparts, including myself, maintained absolute silence as per the games regulations. Only soft sucking sounds and deep sighs of forced breathing were audible to anyone.
It was obvious who would be one of the losers. Mark was starting to run out of gas, and poor Cecilia was going to find it difficult to get him hard, let alone make him come. She stroked, sucked and stroked some more, but the only thing she was able to accomplish so far was to make his limp dick appear as if she were keeping a rather large, docile snake from escaping her hand. Twice, Mark tried to help by applying his own, familiar brand of handiwork, only to be scolded by Jackie not to interfere.
On the other hand, Karen was having no problem with Jack, and looked as if she were determined to come out the winner of this contest. She was sucking on Jack's cock as if she thought there was a pot of gold buried deep within his scrotum, and all she need do is suck hard enough to become rich beyond the dreams of avarice.
Unlike Karen, who was rushing to be first, Denise set about her task with such deliciously slow deliberation that I'm sure she cared not a whit whether she finished first, last, or in between. It was as if her only goal was to find as much enjoyment from performing the act, and damn the consequences. Of course, I didn't care what her intentions might be, given that I was the beneficiary of her slow, thoughtful largesse.
She started low, kissing, licking, then tonguing my testicles. She held my cock tight against her face as if she were hugging it as a small child hugs a security blanket. Occasionally, she took time away from my balls to kiss and suckle me at the base and a little bit up my shaft, always scraping her teeth ever so gently along my taut skin as she darted a wet tongue out through slightly parted lips.
Once she felt my shaft was sufficiently moistened, she resumed licking and sucking my testicles and playing with them in her mouth. At the same time, she rolled a finger or two along my shaft, causing my cock to flinch involuntarily at the sudden wave of pleasure.
Still rolling my balls around in her mouth, Denise touched a growing bead of pre-ejaculate fluid with a finger. Pulling the bead away from me, a long, clear strand bridged her finger to my cock.
It was my dream again. A sudden anxiety griped me as I watch Denise mimic what I had been experiencing every morning in my head since Gloria had left. Then she giggled at the sight of the bridge she created, breaking my angst.
I watched as she added more of my fluid to her finger as it continued to emerge, creating an even heavier bridge that sagged in the middle of the span. She giggled again, and just when I thought the strand would break under its own weight, she put her slick, fluid-laden finger on my cock and swirled it all around the head.
Waves of euphoria surged through me, causing my cock to quiver like a reed in a brisk wind. The head of my cock turned a deep purple as it swelled to well over its normal, erect extent. Still more fluid emerged at the top, of which Denise put to good use.
She giggled again as if pleased with herself, then said to no one in particular, "God, I love a stiff cock," and with that declarative statement, she descended onto me and slowly inched me deep into her mouth.
I could feel my cock beginning to find resistance as it met the back of her throat, but instead of stopping, she continued to draw me further inside. She finally stopped her downward advancement when her nose was nearly touching my abdomen, and she remained in that position for some time, tonguing the underside of my shaft before she slowly ascended my member while tonguing me the whole way out. Once at my head she broke suction, allowing a large pool of saliva that had gathered in her mouth to trickle down and bathing my shaft and her grasping hand with her warm fluid. She took a moment to slather the excess saliva about me before repeating the whole descent-ascent routine, repeatedly in excruciatingly slow detail.
It was one of the finest blowjobs I've ever experienced, and as Denise continued, I noticed something I hadn't before. Her eyes never left her husband. I realized that not all of this exquisitely slow sucking of my cock was being done just for my benefit, but was also done to antagonize her husband. She was telling him loudly and clearly, 'This is what you could have had every night, but you chose to be a stiff prick, instead.'
Jack also knew what that look meant, and he responded in kind. Staring back at her, he arched his back and placed a hand on Karen's head forcing her further down so that she would mimic his wife. In this way, he was telling her, 'See, you're not the only one who sucks cock well.'
Twice he did this, and twice was admonished by Jackie to keep his hands to himself, "Once more Jack, and I'll have to disqualify you and Karen."
Unable to use his hands, he resorted to verbal taunts, "That's right, suck on that cock like the dirty whore you are. Slower, suck it slower. All the way down to the nuts. Let me see you drool all over that fuck stick."
"Jack, that's too much coaching. Stop it," Jackie mistakenly intervened, thinking he was coaching Karen.
Denise laughed seeing the predicament her husband was in, and responded back with her own taunts. Again, her eyes never leaving his, she said repeatedly, "Oh, how I love the taste of a real cock. I so much want you to come in my mouth."
Through all this back and forth between the two, Karen, believing Jack's words were meant for her, slowed her pace while flooding Jack's cock with a liberal helping of her saliva. Eventually, both women began mimicking each other as Karen did her own slow, oral rendition of Denise's technique.
Karen, however, had a few tricks up her sleeve, and I knew what that trick was when I saw her wet a finger.
Jack's initial reaction to Karen's probing was one of shock and surprise. He started to climb up the back of the couch away from her, but she held him fast by his testicles. Karen giggled at his reaction, and for added affect, she threw her weight down on him, saying, "Just relax and take it like a man."
Jack crocked out a fitting response, "Jesus, I am. Why do you think I'm backing away?"
"Just shut up and enjoy it," she refrained.
Karen was in full slut mode, and would not be deprived this pleasure at seeing her partner squirm. She reengaged her mouth and just about inhaled Jack's cock while continuing to worm her finger all the way in, down to the last knuckle. Jack's facial expressions ran the gambit from severe shock to finally abject bliss, as Karen slid her finger back and forth in syncopated tempo with her mouth. My only thought was that after tonight, Jack was either going to make me vice-president or unemployed—and at this point I couldn't care which.
Jack began to groan wildly while thrusting his hips forward. It was obvious he couldn't take the sensations any longer, and needed release or he'd burst. I made the off-hand comment, "I think 'this' is the 'Karen treatment.'"
My comment seemed to make things worse for Jack, or better, depending on how one views his circumstance, and only underscored the deep and fervent arousal Jack found in himself. He was caught between his own preconceived social-sexual mores, and the pleasures that were being imposed on him in less than 'hetero' fashion. I saw that internal struggle of pleasure clashing with pride written on his face, but it was a short-lived battle, for the pleasures quickly won out.
Jack was groaning and moaning incessantly now, I doubt he wanted to risk verbalizing anything more specific, and bucked his hips wildly, which thrust his cock further into Karen's mouth and her finger harder against his prostate, thus increasing his pleasure.
Jackie made a half-hearted attempt to warn Jack for his verbal and physical breaches in the game's etiquette, but was slapped down quickly and severely by both he and Karen, as they yelled in chorus, "Shut up, Jackie!"
The final panoply of Karen's blowjob unfolded before my eyes as if in slow motion. Karen kept her head still allowing Jack to fuck her mouth with complete recklessness. She had a gentle yet firm hold of Jack's shaft, while sucking and tonguing voraciously on the head.
With his eyes still fixated on his wife, he let loose a barrage of guttural remarks, most of which ending with, "...Suck that cock you cheating slut."
Karen, again mistakenly took his slurs as her own, and really clapped her mouth down while stroking his shaft in alternating rhythm with Jack's thrusting. To add fuel to the fire, I saw her put a second finger into him and rapidly slid them back and forth.
Jack uttered one last groan, arched his back, and froze.
Karen accepted his first blast fully in the mouth. After which she sat back away with a satisfied smile and continued to stroke one long spurt after another, thick and heavy, out of him until no more came.
"Looks like we have a winner," Jackie said with a laugh, "And a loser...Sorry Duce."
Jack didn't say anything, but gave an acknowledging wave of his hand. He just lay still, briefly spent like a used roman candle. Yet, even though his body lay limp and was sagging back into the couch, his cock remained as hard as it was at the start of the evening. Wonderful stuff, that elixir.
I looked over at Cecilia and saw that she finally got Mark erect. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to do her much good, because I was close to climax.
I looked again at Denise. She had me fully inside of her, and held me there for the longest time. Her deep blue eyes were looking directly at me now, and they would never leave mine throughout the rest of her performance. Once we made eye contact, she slowly pulled back to the end of my cock, and gently sucked on my bulbous head. Her pursed lips barely covering the tip, which gave me a good view of her tongue as it danced hither and yon about me. Then she slowly sucked me all the way in again, stopping just where my pubic hair barely brushed her nose. Her mouth was gaped wide, and I could feel her tongue licking the top of my scrotum. How she managed that still defies explanation, but the whole process, sights mixed with sensations, sent waves of euphoric delight through me.
Karen sat beside me and watched the two of us. She got the giggles, seeing the look on my face. Between quick laughs, she gave a subtle warning to our guest, "Get ready Denise, he's about to pop."
She knew me too well. I took a sharp, almost involuntary breath of air and touched Denise's hand as a signal I was coming. I thought she might remove her mouth and spare herself the initial blast of my ejaculation, but instead she forced me further down her throat.
She held me there, eyes still trained on mine, as I let go with the first blast, then the second. I could feel the muscles in her throat contracting as she tried to swallow each load. The added sensation caused me to ejaculate harder as my body began to involuntarily spasm. With the third blast, she slowly retracted herself, but retained a tight suction on me with her lips. I continued to come in her mouth as she continued gliding her lips up and down along my shaft. Finally, a small trickle of semen escaped from the corners of her mouth, and as her mouth filled to overflowing, she continued to suck me until I had no more to give.
When she finally released me, I thought that there was only one thing that would provide a fitting end to the whole oral extravaganza I witnessed, sort of a final, proverbial cherry on the top of a blowjob banana split—and then it happened, sending an unnatural chill down my spine.
Karen was in mid-comment about Denise's oral expertise, when Denise cut her off with a forceful and abrupt kiss, and in so doing, she emptied the full contents of her mouth into Karen. Karen, wide-eyed, almost recoiled at first, but Denise held her fast about the chest, forcing her tongue with all its contents further into my wife's mouth. Karen then fell into Denise's embrace and accepted her gift with relish.
Karen wiped the small trickle of cum from Denise's chin and offered it to her, and Denise suck on her finger just as she had my cock. Then both women wrapped their arms about each other as they continued to lick and suck at each other's tongue.
Any other man at any other time would have looked on at their display with ever renewed and increasing sexual excitement, but not me and not now. I felt my once hard cock begin to deflate at the significance of what I was witnessing. I had thought it first. I had literally pictured their cum-swapping rapture in my mind, in every detail, only to see it actualized before my very eyes. I had said nothing of my thoughts to them—to anyone. I hinted at nothing with even the barest murmur or subtle gesture, yet it all happened exactly as it had in my mind.
I thought this must be coincidence, but felt that explanation didn't ring true. This wasn't coincidence. It was clairvoyance. I was at a loss to explain it, or to even understand. For the first time since finding the elixir, I felt fear. | literotica |
The initial impact was enough to keep him occupied for an indeterminate amount of time; quite literally so, as at those scales, things seemingly as simple and straightforward as “a second is a second” and “time moves forwards like an arrow” no longer applied as they did back on their home dimension. Both him and Clara were something greater now, a type of being that transcended the very concept of rules and around which reality had to bend itself in order to accommodate for their existence, rather than the other way around. Thus, it could be that he gazed upon the majesty of the other Arcanine for only a few seconds or minutes, or instead that “moment” of beauty and glory could very well have lasted for the entire duration of multiple multiversal lifespans; it was almost impossible for him to tell, even if he tried exceedingly hard to focus on it.
“Don’t try to strain yourself too hard,” she told him, bringing a hand over to where he was floating (?) in the middle of utmost nothing, “it took me a long time before I could figure out how to look down at the lower levels… or maybe none at all. See, even I don’t know!” - she chuckled to herself, looking back at how difficult it had been to adapt to her status as a deity - “Just… relax, enjoy yourself for now. You can get started on acting all high and mighty after you’ve had time to get comfortable.”
Her words were reassuring, but the context in which they took place made them patently absurd; did that Arcanine not see that they were so colossal that they violated every known law of physics? Did she, perhaps, find it normal to have to exist across multiple more dimensions than normal just to be able to communicate with others? And above all, how did he even know that’s what was happening? It was only then that the connection he shared with her was made readily apparent; up until then, the subconscious link the two of them established was just that, subconscious, allowing Brad to be given just the right amount of information needed to understand what was going on without overwhelming him with… well, everything else. Now that he was aware of it, however, it was time for the mental bridge to be strengthened, and allow Clara to give her lover everything he needed to know.
Once more, the process lasted anywhere from a few brief seconds to entire uncountable infinities, but once it was done, the male fire-type was left speechless and unable to react. How could he say or do anything after being given those types of universal secrets? He might as well curl up for another stretch of forever and ruminate on them, if he didn’t objectively know the best course of action was to just accept it and carry on like it was perfectly normal, even when every fibre of his being screamed at him that it wasn’t; and given how immense he was, those were a lot of fibres shouting up into his head.
Regardless, Brad kept going, powering through the thick wall of information and coming out the other side more motivated than before, not to mention quite larger too; it made for a stunning sight, being able to see his partner be as colossal and titanic as him, mostly because it informed him as to how it felt. No wonder Clara was always so eager to jump his bones; he had just barely gotten a taste of it and already he felt the intense need to share his love with whoever was closest to him in the most direct way possible. Thankfully for the both of them, their being close to one another offered a perfect solution to that problem, and thus the two spent a long, long time enjoying one another’s presence, arms wrapped around backs and legs locked behind waists, currents of fluids that floated across vast stretches of all that wasn’t, for what was either a never or forever. Reality itself began to fray at the edges of their intense lovemaking, but that didn’t matter; not only was it safe under their divine rule, but any damage that did occur could easily be rolled back and fixed with the snap of a finger.
It took them a while before they were done, exhausting every possibility in every timeline at least twice before finally pushing one another away to catch their breath, if that was even a thing they could do anymore. Mostly they just floated there, in their throne of non-existence, waiting for their stamina to recover while looking at one another with a mixture of animalistic lust and deepest love; they would have to go through multiple cycles like these before anything else popped into their heads, for it took that long for them to achieve something Clara had thought impossible: getting tired.
Not tired of it all, of course, but simply exhausted from the physical exertion. It seemed that even gods of their caliber had their limits, and they had so eagerly tried to find theirs that, astonishingly, they succeeded. It was a genuine surprise to the both of them, doubly so after the words “not now” were uttered for the first time in almost literally forever, leaving the Arcanine couple unsure of what to do next. Their sexual congress had at least given Brad plenty of time to get accustomed to his new godly status, which he then used to look for a distraction to focus on during his newly-rediscovered refractory period. It was then that he realized something, something that he felt was very important and he probably should’ve noticed before: they weren’t alone.
A third signature, much like theirs, was making its way “up” to their dimensional level, barreling through several million layers of reality like one would take a single step. He didn’t recognize it, but he did know that it was as powerful, if not more so, than himself, almost as much as Clara was! The smug grin on the latter’s face let him know that this was either planned for or entirely unsurprising… and left him wondering if he had truly been the first person that his partner had dedicated her life to. One can imagine his surprise when, out of the blue, everything was occupied all at once by glistening bulk; he could’ve accepted breastflesh, maybe even an enormous ass, but Rattata muscle, for that’s what was pressing against all of him, was the last thing on his list. He couldn’t even see Clara anymore, being buried somewhere in between an infinitesimal fraction of a pectoral muscle and the one right next to it, the sounds of a googolplex of trees creaking in the wind filling his ears and threatening to burst his head from the inside. It was almost impossible to endure, which is why he was extremely thankful that it toned down just long enough for him to start growing himself out, hoping to at least see who that was.
By the time his form tuned into enough dimensions for him to be able to understand what he was looking at, the other Arcanine was already having a giggly discussion with the newcomer, who was apparently enough of a friend that introductions weren’t required. In the back of his mind, thanks to the mental link with Clara, he recognized bits and pieces of that colossus of musculature; he had ignored all the indications that his lover hadn’t made the initial journey on her own, but now that he had been smushed against that thing, it was a bit difficult to keep pretending. At least the Rattata was polite enough to apologize for “bumping” into them, excusing herself by pointing out she wasn’t expecting any guests.
“You know, Clara had been talking about doing this for a while, but I never actually expected her to go through with it,” she said, voice barely audible from within the cavernous hole formed by her chest muscles and neckbulk, head safely kept at the bottom of it, “you wouldn’t believe how shy this girl was back home, I had to practically beat the compliments into her half the time or else she wouldn’t accept them!”
“It wasn’t that bad…” Clara mumbled back, sounding entirely unsure of what she had just said.
“And you wouldn’t even imagine how bad it was when we began our ascension,” Beth carried on, “I swear, I haven’t seen anyone deny themselves so much before. Sure, she started making gods and protectors after a while, but lemme tell ya, it still took way too long before this big lug just shut up and accepted she was such a cutie~”
“Goodness gracious Beth, shut up!” the Arca-goddess snapped back, her face glowing a bright crimson and her paws flying over to cover it, bringing to mind images of a universe and life long gone, “Stop embarrassing me in front of Brad, come on!”
“I wouldn’t say it’s embarrassing, but if you want to, I can take him off your hands while you pull yourself together!”
“Wait what?!” Brad suddenly interjected, “W-what do you mean?”
While the male Arcanine couldn’t see it, courtesy of the Rattata’s head being so far down the hole created by her neck growing over it, he was certain that the newcomer (for a certain value of the word) was giving him either sultry bedroom eyes or the smarmiest grin imaginable. That Clara didn’t immediately say no to the proposition didn’t leave him all that confident either, made worse when he noticed that her blush was growing more powerful rather than the other way around. He was about to ask if she was seriously considering the proposition when he felt some sort of force grip his entire body and hold it in place, right before the musclebound goddess exploded in size, their meta-world turned once again into a backdrop of rippling, sweat-covered flesh and practically disproportionate, bulbous, bulging growth as Beth demonstrated what she was capable of. The sensations weren’t so much filtered down into Brad’s mind as they were poured in, his cup running over with everything, just… everything, eyes glazing over and his body reacting accordingly.
It was no longer in his hands, not after being shown the power hiding within that Rattata; it wasn’t so much a case of wanting or needing to be that big, but a simple matter of a universal truth having to be made manifest. There was no competition there as much as the pieces falling into place: Beth was that large, but she was always just Clara’s companion, someone who came along as a friend and had no real intention of surpassing or even matching her in power. That display of explosive, all-encompassing growth was no more than a way for Beth to tell Brad what he had to do, as they were both perfectly aware that the Arca-goddess’ “body” next to them was just a shadow of what it could truly be. And, to a certain point, it was up to him, as Clara’s divine consort, to do what Beth not only didn’t want to do, but couldn’t: become as great as the female Arcanine, at least in scale.
In an instant, a true instant, he exploded in size. Everything he had ever been before, every growth spurt and burst of size, was made null and insignificant compared to the one he underwent in that moment. Put all of his previous growth together, add it all up, multiply it upon itself and stack it on several layers of exponentials, and one might have a slight inkling of a fraction of the first decimal percentage point of a single length of fur on his body. Beth was no longer larger or smaller than he was; to be so would mean she was comparable… and she absolutely wasn’t, not even in her expanded state. With no limits to hold him back, with the knowledge and certainty that he was meant to do this, Brad kept going, making even his second ascension look like nothing by comparison. He could barely even sense Clara anymore, something that worried him just enough for him to slow down… which itself allowed Beth to immediately catch up with him and sink him into her bosom; quite literally, as somehow he had become small enough to fit in that warm valley without even realizing.
“Fuck me, pretty boy, you really are a grower, aren’t you?” the Rattata boomed, voice perfectly audible even through the blockage presented by her bust, “I guess Clara was right in picking you; here I was thinking she was wasting her time, but goodness was she not~!”
“OH MY GOD BETH STOP!” Clara bellowed, suddenly appearing next to them… and effortlessly returning the three to where they had started, “I’m going to have a heart attack if you keep going like this!”
“Alright, then can I take your hunk for a spin, then?”
“... you know what, fine, sure, go ahead,” the Arca-goddess rushed to answer, still trying to rub away the blush that had settled on her cheeks, “just… please be careful with things, okay? The last time you tried to do anything with that one guy it almost broke every law we had in place.”
“Ok, sure, but that guy wasn’t Brad, now was he hun~?”
“Don’t I get a say in this?!” Brad interrupted, growing out to match the other two for size.
“I dunno Brad,” Beth chuckled, “do you?”
Two words. Two words were all it took for him to doubt himself so much that he felt like an utter buffoon for even putting up any resistance. Why was he trying to put a stop to it? Clara was perfectly fine with it, he was only reticent because of Clara, and it was more than obvious that the Rattata was very interested in exploring their limits together. Not to mention, Beth had helped him achieve true perfection (of a sort) and was one hell of an amazon to boot, far beyond even the most exaggerated of forms Clara had ever taken before. Perhaps this is why she was fine with playing second fiddle to her friend; the mouse already had everything she could ever want and free rein to play around with the entire collection of universes in her own way, so why bother competing for a meaningless first prize?
Brad had to admit, that in itself was extremely attractive, far more than he would’ve expected. There was something refreshing and engaging about someone who was that much at peace with themselves, which was certainly helped by the way her body looked too; in a way, it was a perfect representation of what Beth was like inside, sculpted externally to the finest degree of excellence. She didn’t care about what anyone else thought; her dream body was one that was composed of more muscle mass than anything else, so that’s exactly what she made for herself. Heavens, Brad could already feel himself becoming a grower in another away already! In fact, the first thing to touch the Rattata wasn’t the hand he outstretched towards her, but another member entirely, having grown rock-solid enough to physically push him away… again, assuming spatial dimensions as a concept even worked wherever it was they “existed”. Beth seemed to enjoy it at least, so much so that she allowed some of her own energy to seep into that growing pillar, letting it to break through limits never before imaginable; poor Brad could only float there and watch as his body underwent some sort of runaway growth spurt, with all three deities present being dwarfed by a cock and pair of balls that began to melt into the background tapestry of existence. Clara was roused from her downward spiral of embarrassment when she felt that package poke her in the tail, finding it both incredibly surprising that anything could expand to that level and astoundingly arousing that something like that happened at all. Then again, she did give her friend the right of way, and so stepped aside to let the Rattata do what had to be done.
This was, of course, to wrap her arms around that pillar of cockmeat and start pumping it as hard as she could, immediately drawing so much of the Arca-god’s juices that reality was lucky it wasn’t in the way; if that jet had been launched anywhere near the collective layers of law that made up existence, then the tiny, fragile bubble of all that was wouldn’t even have been pierced as much as it would’ve drowned in a deluge of cum so powerful as to make information collapse in on itself. To a certain degree, it was even self-cleaning; no longer attached to the body from where it came from, it lacked the ability to keep itself together, vanishing into the aether as its impossible properties were quickly corrected by whatever passed for physical laws around those parts. Perhaps the best aspect of it all was that it wasn’t even a proper release; if anything, when put into perspective with the sheer size of Brad’s tool, it barely even counted as bubbling off the tip, with the total mass being so diminutive compared to what his orbs held that those cum factories actually bloated in the process of letting “loose” like that. One could only imagine what it would be like for Brad to experience a proper climax… which is precisely why Beth began working overtime to make sure she found out.
To her, there was no point in delaying the inevitable. The Arcanine was there, her other, more precious Arca-floof had given her permission, so now she was going to have some fun with that new, fluffy toy of hers, a toy that seemed just as eager to play back as the Rattata was in egging him on. After so long without a proper cock to wrangle, Beth had begun to wonder if she hadn’t lost her touch somehow; seeing Brad go off like that at least assuaged her fears… and gave her plenty of reasons to keep going with renewed strength, at least until that hunk of a fire pupper gave her what she was looking for.
There was something missing though, something… something special, something the musclebound goddess knew she once adored, but couldn’t quite put her finger on anymore. It was like a distant memory, fuzzy from how long she and Clara had been in that deific state, a hazy remembrance of an earthly pleasure she once indulged in. Beth was certain that both her and her friend had engaged in it during their ascension at some point, back when the Arca-goddess still indulged in creating avatars for herself in order to appreciate the more simple pleasures of a mortal life. Even as someone who entertained herself making multiversal clusters just for fun, the Rattata couldn’t put to words what she knew she needed… at least not until the absence of it triggered some sort of automatic, instinctual reaction within her: she was holding onto a massive rod, a colossal cock of unimaginable proportions, stroking it with all of her (very considerable) might… and yet there was nothing showering her. No juices, no fluids, no cum was barreling into her and leaving her body a glazed mess of spunk, or at least nothing that she could see! It was this singular moment of brilliant insight that gave her the horrible idea of expanding her body yet again, despite knowing that all three of them were already straining everything as it was.
There were a lot of calculations that had to be made, none of which actually were when Beth loosened her inner power and proceeded to utterly ravage the fabric of existence even more than it already was as she approached the size of Clara’s tail. Her friend had told her, countless aeons ago, that this was the ultimate limit, and at no point should she attempt to go past it; the background of reality had been turned into her fluff (or rather, her fluff had become the very backdrop of existence), and as such trying to break it would be a “very bad thing”. Unfortunately for all of them, Brad had decided to poke that floof with his shaft, which necessitated a mouth at least big enough to wrap itself around a pillar of manhood of such girth; Brad certainly seemed to think so, judging from how heavily he was shaking and how his moans were carried in all directions towards that fluffy barrier, interspaced with a few cries for more and a very confused man wondering whether he should call for his true love, or the Rattata servicing his cosmic-sized package at that very moment.
He seemed to settle for the latter after Clara let him know it was ok, and at that moment Beth knew she had definitively won, at least for the foreseeable future. With that cock’s tip right there for the taking, it didn’t even matter of Brad grew out to match its size; all the Rattata had to do was angle it so that the cum protruding from it would be funnelled into the cavern created by her neckbulk, and as long as those delicious juices weren’t forced to fly around the nothing for more time than it was necessary, then Beth could stabilize them for long enough to gorge herself on their delicious protein content. The results were as arousing as they were patently ridiculous; with her head stuck down a pit of almost unthinkable depth, it took quite a while before any of that flood of cum reached her, at which point so much had been funnelled down that it could conceivably never stop. All that Beth had to do was keep Brad in the same kind of lock as she had been and the Arca-god could just keep producing forever, giving her all the power she could desire and more… if Beth hadn’t made a promise to Clara. As intoxicating as the experience was, the Rattata did tell her friend that she wouldn’t go completely crazy; and besides, the bigger she got the harder it became to shrink back down in order to exist in lower dimensional levels. So as delectable and alluring as filling everything sounded, Beth had to lower her expectations a bit.
And just mostly fill things.
From where she “stood”, the mouse could see all the way to the other side of what constituted their reality, uncountable googolplex-parsecs away. If, she thought to herself, she could fill herself on Brad’s cum, it wasn’t at all inconceivable that she could make it all the way there. In fact, given how damn powerful that thing was, it was outright likely! The first gulp came with such an immense boost in power that even the Rattata had trouble putting it into perspective; she was already made up mostly of rippling muscle sculpted to maximize both its efficiency and presentability, so for each of her biceps to suddenly bulge out so hard that the rest of her body might as well be an atom in comparison was… surprising. At least the second and third gulps let her bring the rest of herself to the same scale, after which she felt something pressing against her back, something fluffy and warm and so inviting she almost felt like going to sleep right there and then: Clara’s tail.
It seemed impossible, but there it was: Beth had grown so much that she had reached the proverbial edge of their megaverse, and thus could go no further… backwards. There was still plenty of room in front of her, and thus the rest of her all-natural protein shake was focused completely on blowing her up with raw mass in the one direction she was allowed to go! This of course left Brad in the rather awkward spot of being smushed against his own dick after it was pushed forwards by the Rattata’s bulk, not really aware of what in blazes was going on and trying desperately to make some sense out of it. Between the sudden, multiple bouts of explosive growth, the existence of a third deity, heck, just the fact they were gods in the first place, his poor brain was so tired of trying to explain things that it was about ready to give up completely… unfortunately, this meant that something else had to take over, and in the absence of anything more rational or logical, the only thing left was, of course, his instincts.
This turned out to be a particularly poor idea for everyone involved, seeing as Brad’s subconscious really couldn’t care less about rules or limitations and was far, far more interested in tapping into the endless supplies of divine energy lying everywhere around them. The Arca-god understood something the Rattata didn’t, or perhaps chose not to: the tail was not the limit. Or rather, it wasn’t a real one, not like whatever lay beyond; Clara had only imposed it because she knew that anyone trying to go past that level of power would inevitably go a bit crazy with it, and was merely waiting for an opportunity to expand it. This much he didn’t know, as he wasn’t given the information, but considering the type of self-indulgent madwoman that his Clara was, he wouldn’t put it past her to have gone through all that trouble just so she could enjoy breaking through another limit, purely for the sake of it.
So his body pushed itself, knowing that it still had most of itself to give. Beth wanted a hefty dose of cum to gorge herself on? Then he’d just give it freely, it and so much more that the colossus of bulk would be stuck in an eternal cycle of bulging out and demanding more just so she could stabilize and equalize her size, all while he himself drew such vast quantities of energy from the process that a single pad on a single paw would be enough to completely smother the Rattata. He felt his head brush against Clara’s tail, the moment of panic that ensued being overtaken by his own bulk, which, while not as disproportionately engorged as Beth’s, still put hers to shame. Sure, the goddess might have made it so her body was so egregiously endowed that a single one of her pecs could contain uncountable amounts of her own head, but Brad’s size alone was enough to make even that comparison be meaningless. Anyone looking from the distance might see his regular bodybuilder physique be improved on itself, giving him far bigger muscles all over, but he was still person-shaped; just so unbelievably vast that even if Beth continued to grow at the rate she was and the Arca-god remained still, it would take the Rattata about as long to reach him as it would for multiversal bubble to grow big enough that any of them could see it: so long as to be utterly meaningless.
At that point, saying that Beth was being drowned in cum wasn’t even an understatement. Considering the sheer difference in size between the two of them, the Rattata goddess could happily fly around for millenia in a single direction inside a single one of the Arcanine’s balls and wouldn’t even get a fraction of a percentage point closer to the other end. And yet he kept feeding her, kept making it so that her bulk expanded in ways she never thought possible, while he himself profited even more off the exchange: a package that continued to grow regardless of how little anyone stroked it, a bulk that grew denser and more defined while his form burgeoned outwards with renewed mass and volume, a fur coating so dense that he could feel it as it moved independently of him; waving his arm around left what was effectively a motion blur made out of the impossibly thick forest of his own fuzz, and Brad had to be careful not to bring his nose too close to it, as the musk was so powerful it could potentially overpower him if he wasn’t careful!
It was around this time that Brad, the conscious Brad, returned to the scene, only to witness himself at a scale so vast and grand that he immediately went under again, allowing the animalistic beast within to resurface, eager for another go at his own growth. Without anything or anyone to stand in his way, the only thing that could ever stop him would be if Clara herself showed up and ordered him to… but she didn’t, so clearly that must mean he was destined for greater heights! He was stuck in that mode of thinking for what felt like several eternities, and would’ve remained there if not for something he truly never expected.
Off in the distance, where once he only saw darkness after breaking through the shell of tailfloof, he began to notice something was off about the backdrop of reality. It wasn’t non-existent, or reflective, or absorbent; it was bright, warm, inviting… and fluffy too. It took several more jumps in size, at which point he was as big compared to Beth as Beth was to quantum foam, before he began to tune in and realize just what he was looking at: it was Clara. But not just any part of her: their tail, their true tail, the one that marked the final edge of existence. The one that, regardless of how hard he tried and how quickly he bulked up, he simply couldn’t reach; each gigagoogolplex he gained seemed to make it go further and further away, until finally… he saw her.
The real Clara. Coming into vision, off in the distance, barely outlined against her own tail’s fluff. She was perfect, she was real, she was his to love. How could he ever have believed the one below him was the true Arca-goddess was beyond him; that, that… that glory that his eyes beheld, that was Clara. The love of his life, her eyes glinting with tears as big as he was, so happy to have finally found him. The mistress of all existence, mother to all that was and could be.
They were finally going to be together.
Forever. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Free Birds Ch. 05
Tags: emily nicole, love kira, felt maria, nicole put, nicole breasts, hot pee, women loved, big wet, nicole smiled, looked nicole
EMILY'S STORY - part 3
Okay, it's me, Emily Sterling, and my story has gotten out of hand here. This is part 3, and you still don't know why I'm miserable. So, I'm going to wrap this up, and the ‘Free Birds' story can move on.
In the first two parts, you know I talked about my ‘initiation' into my high school basketball team, AND I discovered a world of sex besides that I was having with my twin sister Kira - more on her later in this story.
About one month or so after the team initiated me, after the season was underway, and I'd even gotten into two games (yay! - although they were blowout wins for me to get put in the game by Coach Maria), Coach called me into her office after practice. She said that there were a couple of things that she wanted to go over with me, kind of a mid-season evaluation.
Coach Maria was about 30 years old, cute, with medium length brown hair, brown eyes, a cute ass and 34A breasts, and about 5' 9" tall. I didn't know much about her personal life, but I thought that she was a great coach, and she was respected by everybody. Anyway, she had me sit by her desk in a chair next to hers. She had an evaluation sheet, and she went over the areas that she thought I was strong in and where I could improve. But I really appreciated that she told me HOW I could improve in those areas. That’s one of the things that made her such a great coach.
There was a knock at her office door, which surprised me because I thought that all the other players had left. Coach Maria got up and opened the door, and there was a young woman of about 25 there, really cute, and very, very pregnant. She was pretty short, maybe 5' even, blonde hair, long and down on her shoulders, and enormous breasts, but I guess that’s not surprising considering she was pregnant. They hugged, and then, surprisingly, they kissed. Not a peck on the cheek type kiss, I mean a full bore, tongue in her mouth, ‘Emily and Kira alone in bed together at 2 AM' type kissing. I felt a tingle in my little pussy at seeing this, and wondered what was going on.
Coach ushered the woman in, and had her sit down in a chair with arms on it. She was wearing a maternity skirt and blouse, nothing too colorful, kind of beige all over. She plopped down with a sigh, looked at me, and smiled a friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Nicole," she said, extending her hand to me, and so I shook it.
"Nicole's my wife," Coach Maria said, and my jaw DROPPED! Before I could say anything (which I guarantee would have ended up embarrassing me), Coach said, "Yeah, Emily, I'm a lesbian, and I'm married to another woman, which is what pretty much all lesbian women would do if they had someone they loved very much, and if they were allowed to get married to that person."
Of course, I rushed in to say something dumb. "Are you allowed to marry another woman?"
"Well, no, under the law we can't right now, but the pastor of our church is open-minded and realistic, and he married us ‘under God,' so as far as we're concerned, we're married. In order to have something like marriage in the eyes of the law, we've had to legally put everything in both names, like our mortgage, and cars, and all that. Frankly, it's a pain in the ass, but it's the only option available to us, at least until the law changes. And Emily, I’m trusting you to keep this to yourself, the school doesn’t know, and might fire me if they found out for sure."
I said, “It’s my secret Coach. I’ll never tell.” Coach and Nicole smiled at me.
"And as you can see, Nicole is pregnant. She was impregnated by a male donor friend of ours, and we're so excited about starting this part of our family." I thought about asking about that, but fortunately I recognized that there was no way I could venture into the impregnation thing without REALLY looking like an idiot. But, I thought about what a wonderful idea it was, for two women who loved each other to get married, and live happily together. A thought began percolating in the back of my head, and it would ultimately lead to my own misery.
"If you don't mind, Emily, Nicole came to see me, we're going out to dinner after I finish up here," Coach said.
"No, it's fine," I said, looking Nicole up and down. She was very lovely, and probably the pregnancy was a big part of that. She had a lovely glow all in her face, and I thought that her pregnant body was just about the most attractive thing I'd ever seen in a woman. Of course, I'd seen other pregnant women before, but never a pregnant lesbian, and I thought it was charming, and kind of exciting to me.
Nicole looked back at me just as intently, her dark eyes pulling me in. In a soft voice she said, "You're quite attractive Emily. You must have tons of boys after you...."
"Um, no, I'm not really interested in them," I said.
"Emily was initiated by the other girls on the team a month ago," Coach Maria told Nicole. "From what they've told me, she was very happy to be initiated." She looked at me frankly, and I blushed. I had never been sure what Coach knew of my initiation, and I figured it was a ‘don't ask, don't tell' kind of situation.
Nicole said, "Really...do you have any special....friends?" I knew what she meant. I didn't have any girlfriends, other than my sister Kira. We were fucking like mad, every chance we got, which was pretty much every night, but there was no way I could tell my Coach or Coach’s, uh, wife, that I was enthusiastically fucking my own sister.
"Uh, no," I said, looking down. Nicole leaned forward, and took my hands in hers. Her hands were warm and strong.
"Would you mind helping me out, Emily?" she said, in an even softer voice.
"What can I do?" I asked.
"We’re in the last month of the pregnancy, Emily, and that time puts a lot of stress on the mother-to-be. Our obstetrician tells us there's a couple of things we should do, to relieve discomfort, but I always need a partner. Maria usually takes care of it, but some variation would help, and frankly, make it a little more exciting for us both. And you, if you're interested."
"I'll do anything to help," I said.
"Well, it involves you jilling Nicole, to tell the truth," Maria said.
"‘Jilling?'" I said.
"Um, playing with her, to help her have an orgasm. It relieves the pressure on her uterus, and also stimulates her breasts. Would you be interested?"
"It sounds very exciting," I said. "If it would help, yes, I would!"
"Good," Maria said. She had me move my chair next to Nicole's, so that we were sitting side by side. Nicole looked at me lovingly, and gently took my hand, bringing it between her legs, under her skirt and the bulge of her stomach. It was warm and damp there, and I loved the feel of her pussy through the thin fabric of her cotton panties.
"Do you know how...." Maria began, and Nicole interjected, "Oh yeah, she knows!" as my fingers, long used to the touch of a wet pussy under them, whether mine or Kira's, had automatically begun tracing the outline of Nicole's swollen labia, and her already prominent clit. She was quite wet, as the soaked condition of her panties already testified.
"Oh, that's SO good, Emily," Nicole sighed as I stroked and caressed her. She slouched down a little in the chair, bringing her pussy to the edge of the seat. I slipped my fingers through the leg hole of her panties , and quickly found her slippery slit. "Oh, God!" Nicole exclaimed, as I slipped my finger inside her. I'm afraid at that point, we all kinda lost control.
I got out of the chair, and knelt in front of Nicole, lifting up her skirt so that I could look at her panties, with the big wet spot, and her swollen pussy lips very pronounced through the fabric, showing a ‘cameltoe.' Nicole held her skirt up so that I had my hands free, as she was very excited now, and open to what I might want to do. I put my fingers on the over-stressed waist band of her panties, and slipped them off her, Nicole lifting up her remarkably big bottom as best she could to allow me to strip her.
Her pussy was absolutely beautiful. It was an angry purple, all her parts swollen, I guess from the pregnancy and also from her excitement. I love a young girl's delicate pink pussy and clit, but a real woman's pussy is very thrilling and beautiful in its own way. I brought my face close to her, and I could smell Nicole's sexual musk wafting up straight to my nose. Maria, behind me, lifted up my practice shirt, and pulled it over my head, off me, then she unhooked my bra, and I shrugged it off, so that I was topless in front of these two women. I looked up at Nicole, and she glanced at Maria, and she nodded imperceptibly, as I brought my mouth to her hot, wet, swollen, mother-to-be cunt, and began lapping her for all I was worth.
Her pussy was very tasty, different from a girl's, I guess due to the pregnancy, but just as delicious. She was producing creamy clear liquid, almost faster than I could lick it up, but I loved the taste, and especially the thought that I had my tongue inside a pregnant woman’s vagina. My hands were on her hips, but Nicole took one of my hands, and placed it on her swollen belly, and the other hand on her enormous breasts. What a difference from a girl she was!
I felt something moving under my hand, and Nicole said, “Do you feel that, Emily? That’s the baby kicking!” I was thrilled to feel and be a part of such a primal component of womanhood, and I fell in love with that wonderful baby, and knew that I would want to be a mother some day, perhaps the way that Nicole and Maria had achieved it.
My other hand was on one of Nicole’s breasts, and her front was all wet. I stopped and glanced up - there were two big wet circles in her blouse where her nipples were. “Emily, Nicole is releasing milk, due to your stimulation of her,” Maria said. Wow!
I could only get Nicole to lift her legs a little so that I could suck on her clit, but fastened my lips on it and gently sucked her large pebble, causing Nicole to moan with pleasure. “Oh, that’s so nice, Emily, suck my clit, yeah! Put your finger inside me, fuck my little twat with your finger!” I jilled her with my fingers while I licked her, and groped around her boobs with my free hand.
Meanwhile, I felt Maria (I guess) pull down my gym shorts and panties, cool air hitting my naked, teen-aged girl’s ass. Her hands were all over my bottom, caressing my round, full butt, and my pussy tingled at the stimulation. Next I felt Maria caressing my clit, and I could already feel my lubrication running down the insides of my thighs.
Nicole soon came, and came, and came, tremors running through her thighs as jolts of pleasure arced from her clit to her brain, and back again. Her juices increased, and she actually gushed out some liquid onto my face, and into my mouth, some of which I drank, and some of which I wore. I looked up, and Nicole was unbuttoning her blouse, and unsnapping the cups of her bra, I guess it was made that way, and later they told me it was a nursing bra. Then she decided to just take it all off, the bra and her blouse. That was when I saw that she didn’t shave under her arms, and she had pretty big blonde bushes under each arm.
I could smell the odor of her perspiration and sex from under her arms, and I went wild with desire for her, and any other female who happened along while I was under the spell of her body perfume. I also decided that I would go without shaving that part of my body, something that my lovers ever since have said is their number one turn-on.
Her breasts spilled out, and they were really big (but I already said that, didn’t I), and her nipples were giant, too, kind of long and thick. There were little tiny white spots, each about the size of a pinhead, maybe twenty or so, on the tip of each nipple, and I learned that that’s how milk comes out.
“Would you like to taste my milk?” Nicole asked, smiling at me. Would I?
I nearly yelled, “Yes!” Meanwhile, I felt Maria pulling my shorts all the way off my legs, so that I was completely bare now, except for a pair of white gym socks. Maria spread my legs, and I raised myself up to bring my mouth to one of Nicole’s breasts, her nipple slipping into my mouth, warm and wet on my tongue. I felt Maria’s bush behind me, on my ass, and from my initiation, I knew that meant she was naked and rubbing her pussy against me. Well, her pussy, and a cock like Cindy had used, big and long, but instead of slipping it into my ass (thank God!), she slipped it inside my dripping pussy from behind.
I’d never been fucked in my pussy from behind, but it felt really great, especially when Maria brought her hand around front, between my legs, and started lightly pinching my clit. God, she was slamming that hard rubber thing deep inside my pussy, and her hot body pressing into my ass, then following it up with her fingers on my clit, and I came about a thousand times, the rubber dick pulling out gallons of my cream every time Maria pulled nearly out of me, teasing me before slamming back hard inside me.
Meanwhile, Nicole was helping teach me how to drink her milk, telling me to suck gently and for a long time, then kind of milking her breast with her hand and fingers, and I’d get a small gush of sweet tasting mother’s milk, right from the mother! Then she’d have me switch to the other breast, and I’d suck that. I fell in love with the whole idea of being a mother, then, how fulfilling it really is to do something that no man could ever really manage, and to care for another person when they couldn’t care for themself, and watch them grow, and develop feelings, and everything.
We were happy like that for a while, Maria fucking me ‘doggy-style’ (she called it), and me sucking on Nicole’s boobs. But eventually, we all had to slow down, and I knew I was going to miss the feel of Nicole’s nipples in my mouth, her milk gushing, and the feel of Maria’s big dick inside me. We kind of just wound down, and rested a while. Nicole put her hand under my chin, gently lifted my face up, and looking me in the eyes, said, “Was that good for you, honey? Is there anything you want?”
I nodded, stars in my eyes - Nicole was my new hero! “Yeah, I’d like to smell under your arms...” Nicole smiled, and said, “Yeah, Maria likes that too.” I got up and sniffed in her hot, wet, hairy armpits and the odor drove me crazy, so that I was licking her pits, and it was almost as good as licking a hairy cunt, which is pretty cool, too.
Then Nicole said, “I have to go pee, Emily. Would you help me get there?” I shook my head up and down. “Sure,” I said. I got out of Nicole’s way, and put on my gym shorts and jersey. Nicole kind of swayed her way up to a standing position, rocking from one side to the other, then headed for the private bathroom right off Maria’s office.
I led her in, then positioned her over the seat, and guided her in for a landing. I giggled, it was kind of like the space shuttle joining with a space station, her giant ass docking with the tiny toilet seat. Then Nicole said, “Because of my pregnancy, my pee sometimes shoots out between the seat and the toilet. Would you mind putting your hand there to keep it from spilling out?” Well, I had been thinking about how much fun pee was since the initiation the month before, and nodded happily.
I slipped my hand inside the toilet, right below seat level, between her legs, and Nicole let her hot pee jet out. I was fascinated watching the sparkling golden liquid that her body had produced, and the salty smell, like the ocean near our home, but somehow ‘hot’ smelling, the comforting feel of her hot liquid running over my hand and fingers, and finally, the hissing sound her peeing made, coming out of her body, and hitting my hand and water. I found the whole thing highly erotic, and I actually came once or twice from it, without even trying.
After she was done, I pulled my hand out from between her warm legs, my fingers dripping golden dew, and brought it to my nose, then mouth, tasting it tentatively. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” Nicole spoke up, stirring my reverie. “Maria and I like to play with each other’s pee sometimes, too.”
I felt a tingle in my clit at the thought of Nicole and Maria doing pee play with each other, maybe even drinking each other’s hot pee! The things I was learning! I hoped that maybe Kira and I could do it, too. We finished cleaning up, then I went and showered (by myself, unfortunately), and went home, after saying goodbye to Maria and Nicole, and telling them how much I’d enjoyed our time together. They promised to invite me to the baby’s christening, and I hoped that maybe we could play again sometime, too.
I hurried home, with lots to think about. Kira noticed my mood as soon as I stepped inside. She is so perceptive, and so perfect. I really love Kira. I grinned at her, and promised I’d tell her all about it when we were in bed. Kira knew what that meant, as we always saved our sex talk for bed, when we could be naked and alone together.
So, later that night, there we were in bed together. We like to start out slow and easy, both of us wearing nightgowns. We moved closer together, feeling each other’s body heat, until we were just an inch or two apart, our faces so close. We looked in each other’s eyes, by the moonlight streaming in through the window - it was so romantic! I started telling Kira about the events of the day, just as I had told her about my initiation.
And just as had happened with her that time, Kira started kissing my face while I talked, then kissed her way down my body, me talking all the while, getting her, and me, hot. We started side by side, then I lay flat on my back while Kira kissed her way down my body, through my nightgown, the story getting hotter and hotter, just like the two of us.
Kira went all the way down to my feet, then she started kissing ME, meaning my skin, not the dumb ol’ gown, first taking each of my toes in her mouth and sucking on them like they were each little cocks. She does that only sometimes, but she already had me cumming by then. Then she moved aside the front-opening gown just a little, and kissed up my legs, each side of my calves, and my shins. The most exciting thing is that, while she’s kissing me, she’s stripping me naked in slow motion, from a completely night gowned teenage girl, to a completely naked dripping slut, by the time she finishes.
Anyway, she slipped my nightgown off my thighs, and my little pussy was now exposed, but Kira took her time, kissing my lightly tanned thighs, both on the outside, then the fronts of my thighs, lots of little kisses, with a little tongue here and there. Then, pushing the nightgown to either side of my hips, kissing along my hipbone on both sides, teasing my pussy and clit, that she knew damn well were begging to be kissed and licked. But Kira’s a lot more patient than I am. She moved the nightgown off from over my navel, and at least she fucked my inny navel with her tongue, which felt good, but didn’t make me cum. I was getting more tightly wound with the teasing.
Just when I got to the breast sucking part of the story (remember, I’m telling the story with Nicole and Maria that I just told you), Kira moved the night gown off my breasts, my nipples standing erect, of course, begging to be sucked. So, Kira did, but gently, softly, not hard and hurty like I wanted her to, which just made me that much wetter and excited. God, she’s such a bitch when she plays with me!
By this time, at least my whole front is naked and ready to rocket off at the slightest touch. So Kira gets off the bed, takes off her night gown, and I could see that she was naked. She is the most beautiful girl in the world, and in the moonlight, she looked like a black and white photograph of the greatest model or actress or whatever you can think of that you think is most beautiful, and my heart ached at the sheer magnificence of my sister. She pirouetted for me, knowing my eyes were riveted to her fantastic, feminine body, and her wanting to please me, too.
I could see her pussy glisten in the moonlight, as she gently fingered herself there, standing next to our bed, her fingers slowly pulling her cunt lips apart, showing me her shadowy pink interior, now rendered as a gray charcoal sketch, but her pussy fragrance filling in the blanks in what I could see in the dim light. I could hear her finger making sloshing sounds as her pussy approached its limits of how much of her moisture it could contain, before SHE would explode in pleasure.
When she brought herself to the heights of sexual readiness, as ready to cum at a stray breeze as I was, Kira carefully crawled back onto the bed, her head down by my pussy, but a foot above it, her sweet, sweet snatch above my head, a mile and twelve inches away. Then, when Kira judged the moment to be right, she whispered, “Emily, I love you,” and descended on me, her mouth immediately devouring my pussy, liquid bursting forth from my sex in an instant as I came time after time, beyond belief or memory, her wet, unbelievably fluid and hot center on my mouth, greedily demanding that my lips, tongue and mouth worship her, and me striving to please the holiest of all women, and, Kira be praised, me succeeding, my beautiful, wondrous sister whose name is Love, cumming and cumming and cumming without end, spraying her fluid onto me, her blessed sister.
In that act, lies the perfect moment of my life, the one time on my death bed that I will look back and say, “That moment was perfect.” And in that act lies the curse of my life, the one time that will torture me forever so long as I am condemned to trudge this blasted world of ash and cinder.
For I love my sister Kira, with a love blistering hot. I must be hers forever, serve her forever, or die trying. I want to be my sister’s wife forever, I want to bear her babies, as many as she desires. Do anything for her, serve her in heaven and on earth, seek only to bring her pleasure. I love Kira. Not as a sister, though I do, but as her lover, her mate, and I will never, ever love another like that.
And Kira loves me only as a sister. | literotica |
Surely, another golden statuette wouldn’t hurt, would it? Words to live by as the adventuress leaned into the alcove in the abandoned temple to try and snatch the suspiciously-gleaming idol, giving it a once-over before stuffing it in her travel pack. It was obviously some kind of fertility idol, considering the proportions on the clearly female body; not all too surprising, considering how old the temple was and just what it had been used for all those centuries ago. Content with today’s haul, Aleksi turns towards the exit and starts the arduous journey back to the nearest broker brave enough to touch several dozen pounds of golden artifacts. Dragging her haul was, as usual, a pain; the young lizard may be well-toned and fit, but she was still barely 5’5’’ and wearing heavy plate, making for an interesting challenge whenever she needed to drag something her own weight around. This time, however, she seemed to be having an easier time of it, barely huffing at all as she quickly found her way to the temple’s exit, unexpectedly hitting her head on the top of the stone passage after she forgot to duck, almost falling flat onto her tail as a result. Cursing her luck, it takes Aleksi a few moments to realize she wasn’t supposed to have hit the ceiling; she had had plenty of room going in, why was she struggling now? Squeezing through the passage and emerging into the sunlight outside, her questions would be answered once she got a good look at herself outside the dingy penumbra of the temple. Stifling a yelp, the adventuress saw something she’d never expected to see: her own scaly flesh, spilling out from a few of the joints on her legs and arms. She suddenly became keenly aware of how stuffed she was feeling inside of her own armor, but before they could do anything about it, a wave of oddly-pleasurable warmth washed over her, successfully forcing her off her feet and causing quite a racket as she tumbles down onto her loot-filled pack. Aleksi’s armor complains loudly as she sees her legs begin to lengthen in front of her eyes, the pain of growing out of the confines of her protective gear soon nullified as bits and pieces of the plate began to break off, outright flying off a few feet to the side after being bent out of a recognizable shape. Equal-parts alarmed and confusingly aroused, Aleksi had a front row seat to her lower body plumping up and filling out, her supple thighs spilling out from within her adventuring gear, struggling against their confines until, inevitably, the last bit of plate falls off to the side, leaving only the leather underneath… or, well, whatever was left of the leather, filled with rips and tears as it was from her growing form. As the seconds passed, her legs continued to gain inch after inch, her hips thickening and burgeoning outwards against the protests of the last bit of clothing protecting her modesty below the waist. Underneath, she could feel the change reaching her previously-flat rear, flesh multiplying upon itself as it struggled to keep up with her legs’ newfound size.
Above the waist, however, were just as many distracting sensations, with the same uncomfortable pressure building up as her whole body inexplicably grew in all directions. Aleksi’s powerful arms grew incredibly tight before they, too, broke apart the plate surrounding them, her powerful, heavy-set chestpiece riding up her torso as the moments went by, as easily as a cloth shirt being stretched. For the first time in her life, the lizard could feel something on her chest, her almost-nonexistent breasts pressing against the inside of her armor as they, too, began to not only match the growth spurt affecting her body, but to surpass it as well! It seemed as if they wanted to mimic her door-width thighs, making up for all that lost time they spent not being there as cup sizes were blown through as easily as the last pieces of her expensive protective gear were bent into an unrecognizable mess of useless steel. By the time the only thing on her was her increasingly-not-even-there leather armour and the chestpiece hanging off of her, Aleksi’s breasts were halfway down to where her navel would be and still growing! Unbelievable pleasure wracked her conscious mind as her body carried on with its inexorable growth, the lizard’s tail unconsciously wrapping itself around one of her legs, its tip teasing at her nethers without her even noticing. It, too, was lengthening considerably, growing even wider than her immense hips were. More and more she rose above everything around her, the ground becoming ever more distant even in her sitting position, her back scratching against the temple’s stone walls. Below her, the golden fertility idol finally stops shining with its unearthly glow, its job complete, a new host found for its power. Quite some time passed before Aleksi came to, breathing heavily as her head cleared enough for her to take stock of what had happened to her. Struggling to her feet, she almost fell forward before quickly adapting to her newfound center of gravity. The most noticeable difference, all things considered, was her height: from 5’5’’ to easily topping 12’ and matching the mostly-young trees in the woods around her and creating a bit of an issue as she had caved in the entrance to the temple behind her. Her body, meanwhile, was unrecognizable: her hips had flared out to an absurd degree, thighs having been blessed with enough extra mass that each one was easily twice as wide as the door she’d just broken had been. They were soft, incredibly so, sensitive to the touch as she traced her fingers across her smooth, scaly skin, up to an equally-vast, unendingly jiggly rear, each cheek easily bigger than Aleksi would’ve been in her original form, had she curled herself into a ball. Her chest blocked the view of the ground in front of her completely, two enormous, perky, full breasts occupying her chest all the way down close to her waist, easily jutting a couple of feet off each side of her if anyone looked at her from behind. Like her legs, simply existing seemed to send shivers up her spine, Aleksi not even daring to touch them for fear of what direct stimulation would do. At least the chestpiece was still there… though it was more of an undersized chestplate than anything else.
Down below, the fertility idol gleams brightly, humming softly as it, unbeknownst to Aleksi, once again reactivates. It was time to finish the job. | yiff-extreme |
Title: The Human Species Ch. 22 - BIRTH by Justanotherstranger
Tags: Celebi, Pokemon, Weavile, darkrai

Life... Life is unpredictable. We're all but ragdolls, thrown around by the hands of fate. Heck, I'm not even sure that I'll finish writing this before something happens that completely changes my situation! I might succumb to a deadly disease I knew nothing about... Get caught by some kid possessing an unhealthy obsession with the daycare center... Or a legendary Pokテゥmon might just stumble upon my humble home!
Crazy? I'll have you know that the latter actually happened to me barely a year ago. I remember it like it was yesterday, but even so it seems like the event occurred ages ago...
Another night of... Whatever I used to do back then to kill time. Everything I did besides building the place was pointless, that's for sure. Anyway, I remember hearing a small thud right outside the hut. Nothing special, probably just a Pidgey settling down for a moment. I wasn't lonely enough to invite a complete stranger in for homemade poffins in exchange for some company...
... Alright, so maybe I was. That's not the point. The lack of wing fluttering told me that whoever had landed outside was still there, so I hastily put on my cool face and went outside, seeing if I could charm whoever it was.
My first sight told me that "whoever" was a definition that would stick with this Pokテゥmon a while longer. On the ground was a small Pokテゥmon, clutching her abdomen in pain. This is *before* I had served her any homemade poffins, mind you! She appeared to be a Grass-type, with green skin and some kind of growth stick out of her head. She had very small, barely visible wings sticking out of her back, and some kind of antennae on her forehead.
"What's wrong?" I asked to see why she was in such pain, but my words only seemed to increase it. In an instant she twitched, looking up at me with her big, blue eyes...
Ah, those eyes...! A perfection of color, placing sapphire in front of her serene green body to create a picture of harmony and purity! Crystal clear even in the middle of the night! It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and needless to say I was taken back by her response.
"W-Who are you!?" she growled between gasps, failing to make her sweet and sugary voice sound intimidating, "Go away!" "Uh..." I stammered, being too paralyzed to do anything. "Get out of here! Leave me alone!" she shouted and started to rise up from the ground. "No, wait! I..." I started as I became worried that she would fly off and disappear into the night once more.
Instead, she collapsed to the ground, seemingly overtaken by pain. I hadn't noticed it before, but the crystal clarity in her eyes seemed to come from the fact that they were being cleansed by tears.
"No... Not like this..." she cried to herself, "I-I am not ready yet..." "I'm just trying to help!" I told her with sincerity, "You look so pained... There must be something I can do!" "There is nothing you can do..." she said with bitterness towards both me and herself, "This night will be my last..." "Were you attacked!? Someone struck your stomach!?" I shouted out, trying to guess my way as to why she was holding her stomach so tightly, "Wait, did you ingest poison!? I have a whole stack of Antidotes right inside m-" "I'M GIVING BIRTH, YOU DOLT!" she finally screamed at me, shutting me up. I can't exactly remember what my response was, but I'm sure it went something like this:
"Oh... Oh? Oh!" I blurted out, "SHIT!"
Hey, I thought she had just sprained her ankle or something... Alright, so far it's pretty uncool, but just wait until you see what I did next!
"That's... But... Like..." I stammered as my brain put two and two together, "... Water! And stuff! I've got it all inside!" "Just... Leave me alone..." she responded, sounding far weaker than earlier before and shrill scream escaped her. The poor girl's voice said "no", but her writhing on the dirty soil gave off another message. "Sure..." I said, bending over and carefully picking her up. I am a Weavile, so I had to hold her with my arms as not to get her cut with my sharp claws. "What are you doing!?" she yelled at me, "Put me do-ARGH!"
I brought her inside my home, despite her complaining and screaming all the way. All the time I held back making any snappy retorts... Because, well, I was not the one in severe pain.
"See!?" I shouted while hiding my annoyance after finally placing her on my bed of moss and straws, "Beats the ground, doesn't it!?" "I'll die, either way" she pouted, still protesting my actions in a sense. "Don't say that!" I told her, "It's bad luck!" "Luck? LUCK!?" she screamed back at me, "I'll tell you what it was, a bad f-" "Hey, don't give up until it's over!" I interrupted her, "You really want your child to grow up in a world without a mother!?"
Hearing this seemed to calm her anger. However, I had no time to feel satisfied with myself as her anger became replaced with despair.
"... Or a father... Or anyone..." she spoke quietly, not even once having released her grip of her abdomen, "I... Will be dead before I can even see her..." "Keep talking like that, and maybe..." I started, but halted myself when I saw that she was in much more need of reassurance than I was, "... No. I'm here with you. I won't let that happen." "You can't stop it. No one can..." she continued with sadness, "I knew that, but still..."
She trailed off, and we were left in silence. I realized that despite my initial thoughts of bringing her inside to help her out, there was nothing I could do.
"My species... They die when they give birth" she whispered slowly while giving her own stomach a tighter grip, "My mother died giving birth to me, as her mother did with her... Not until now do I realize what she-ARGH!" Another pang of pain suddenly struck her, tears flowing down her cheeks. No matter my many accomplishments in life, seeing this poor woman in such agony made me feel as helpless as a Magikarp.
"There... There must be something I can do to help..." I said. "T-Too late... My powers are already disappearing..." she whispered with a weak smile as she had a dreamy stare on her face, "Can't fly... Or sense... Anything... Anymore..." "... Sense?" I repeated while trying to figure out why she had gotten such an odd expression all of a sudden, "... You can still see me, right?" "... Yes..." she whispered slowly, not averting her eyes from the ceiling. "Well, as long as you see me, that means you're still alive!" I shouted right in her face as her vacant stare made me worried that she was actually dying, "And if you're alive... YOU'RE ALIVE, DAMN IT!"
She instantly snapped out of it, seemingly coming back to life. She looked at me with a surprised face before throwing her head back again, screaming from the pain.
"Sorry, but I don't think I'd be a lot of help down there..." I said, lamenting over the sharp claws only the truly ignorant would ever define as 'hands'. "You... Why...?" she gasped before giving off a higher pitched wail than ever before. "Water... Poffins... I'll get you anything you want!" I tried to reassure her as she suddenly lifted her arm towards me. "No... Stay..." she whispered weakly, her arm shaking more and more with each passing second, "I... I don't want to..." "Hey! HEY!" I shouted while carefully poking her chin, "Don't give up! Focus on me!" "... S... Sorr..." she started, but was unable to finish as her voice finally gave out. Her eyelids fell in what seemed like slow motion as her breathing started coming in weakly. Then, her arm fell to the ground as her body suddenly turned limp.
'A turning point of fate' is a term that has remained in my life for as long as I can remember.
Seeing this woman dying before me while giving birth to a child, I was finally able to give it a definition.
Seeing those beautiful eyes brimming with life close for the last time, I was finally able to hate it.
"No! NO!" I remember shouting while halting myself from holding on to her and possibly cutting her, "I... I won't let it happen!"
The future showed me a single clear path. As such, the time had come to alter fate. A technique as forbidden as it was secret existed within me. I knew that its results would vary, and consequences could be detrimental... But I also knew that it had greater chance of success than doing nothing.
The first YEARS of learning about the technique was spent learning me that using it to steal life was wrong. WELL, DUH! They're the ones to talk, stealing away MY life by cluttering up my childhood with such stupid... At any rate, while actually using it is strictly forbidden, exceptions had been made in the past. It doesn't create or destroy life... It just... Moves it around a bit.
Whether she was already dead or just unconscious, she was lucky to not have to see anything as I used my left claw to tear up my right arm. Screaming in pain while crouched next to this girl who was literally DYING seemed a little out of place, so I grit my teeth and kept quiet. My blood was filled up with both my life and my will, and I knew I could rely on it to handle the rest as I let it drip onto her body.
Suddenly, she stopped breathing. Noticing that she was running out of time, I gave up on holding back and started rubbing my right arm against her, smearing blood all over her.
The blood seeped into her, disappearing under her skin as I started feeling woozy. Doubt struck me as I asked myself whether I should stop as to not succumb to death as well, or go all the way and be at the very least be able to save her...
My question answered itself as her eyes shot open once more. "I... GAH!" she started, interrupting herself with a gasp of pain. "Welcome back..." I said. "What- AH!" she tried to continue, the pain seemingly coming on stronger than before now that she wasn't close to death anymore, "I feel- ARGH!" "I'll explain later..." I mumbled as I sat down to recover from my blood loss. This technique, referred to as 'Blood Magic' by some, is a little too complicated to explain... So I'll just summarize this next part as 'I ordered the blood to crawl back into my veins'.
The rest of the birth went smooth Was beautif
Alright, I'll be honest - It was hell on both of us, more so her than me I'd imagine. But when it was all said and done, we had something to show for it... In my case, her. In her case...
"What's her name?" I asked her as she was lovingly cradling a baby that looked very similar to herself. "I... Haven't thought of that" she said with a weak smile hiding her newfound strength, "I was supposed to die... And she was supposed to inherit my name..." "... What's your name?" I asked, trying to ignore the fact that the baby had an aura surrounding it that was rapidly changing colors, passing it off as something normal. All I knew was that I was NOT up for elongating this trying night even further. "... Celebi" she replied, still smiling. "Celebi..." I repeated, the name hitting a familiar note in my ears but her eyes striking a different, stronger one, "A pretty name. Can't be used enough..."
The scene will forever be burnt into my mind. Celebi, the beautiful Pokテゥmon, lying in my bed while holding her baby close to her. Knowing that I had a hand in keeping both of them alive made me feel like the best. Still, the name left a nagging feeling in the back of my head which I couldn't shake...
"Heh, the same name as that legendary Pokテゥmon, right?" I chuckled. "Um..." she said while looking up at me, "About that..."
If you have ever been told by the woman you just helped deliver a baby that she's actually a legendary Pokテゥmon, you should know my reaction well. Since you probably haven't... Well, I'll leave that part out anyway, since it's not something I'm very proud over. The good news is, I took care of her anyway, for almost a month before one of her friends (Tefay) found her and picked her up.
She could easily have left me there and then, but pleaded that I be brought with her. At the time I didn't realize that we were falling in love and thought they were going to silence me for 'knowing too much', but...
... Aw crap, I just ruined the whole romantic part, didn't I? I guess that's something you can read in HER memoirs! OK, fine, so maybe I'm not so good at expressing myself... But seriously! Living together with such a kind, beautiful, loving, intelligent, caring and fun Pokテゥmon... You work out what happened!
To be honest... I had no chance. Just being near her was enough to bring me delight from the moment she struck me with her killing glance. She radiates and aura of love and positivity that fills me with joy every day... Literally. As a Dark-type I am unaffected by it, but the energy her body exudes is nothing compared to the happy feelings our love brings.
I'll finish up this part later, but currently Celebi is expecting our first... And her second baby. I actually dissuaded her from having another one, since... Well, I don't want anything to happen to her. But... She really loves little Celebi. She wants her to have a sister or brother so badly... I just hope...
To be honest, I am sad at heart and insecure. She's suffered enough... She tells me that we are "bound together" and that "everything will turn out fine", but... But...
... But who am I to judge her? I should be the one to trust her. These are all feelings I had better not show, I don't even know why I'm writing this... Pretty rude of me, eh? (If you're reading this - No hard feelings, sweetie. I can see that you really need me now, and as long as that's the case I won't surrender!)
Anyway, like I said I'll finish up this part later, but just know that... Celebi has made me the happiest Weavile in the whole world!
"... And that concludes the memoirs of our father" Celebi said, closing the book and using her psychic powers to put it back on the shelf. "... That's it?" Zerobi asked while snapping out of her trance, "Wait, what happened then!?" "You" Celebi replied with a faint smile, "Mom did not survive the second birth, and our father... Either left her or died as well." "That's..." Zerobi muttered sadly, "... No one knows?" "Tefay was the one found you and mother's body" Celebi explained while thinking back, "... She herself died a few years back after giving birth to Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie... Simultaneously, might I add." "... Huu..." Zerobi shuddered at the thought, "... Am I going to die if I give birth, too?" "Don't worry!" Celebi exclaimed with cheer, "We fairies die because our powers are transferred to our child, leaving us helpless. You had no such powers to begin with!" "But... What about you?" Zerobi asked with concern in her voice. "... I'm... Different..." Celebi whispered sadly to herself before perking up, "... But who needs a baby when you've got a sister?" "Hey... Sis..." Zerobi said slowly while choosing her words carefully, "That whole 'Blood Magic' thing..."
She was worried when it came to talking about that subject. Family or not, she knew there was no way anyone (including herself) could forgive the crimes she had committed in the past. Even so, she had to know... "Yes..." Celebi said, "I remembered that passage of the memoirs well when Pikablu told me what had happened." "Is there any way to get rid of it?" Zerobi asked bluntly, having wished for nothing more after the destruction of Evolution's Gate. "To be honest, I know very little about it" Celebi explained while looking at Zerobi, "I'll have to do some research... Uh, with your body."
Celebi then twitched and started waving her arms back and forth. "Ah! That sounded creepy!" she said with a panicked look on her face, "Sorry! But that's the way-" "I get it" Zerobi groaned, having been needlessly apologized to many times in the past week, "I don't mind. I'll do anything to fix this..." "Then I'll get started right away!" Celebi exclaimed as she regained her usual cheerful demeanor, "Sit still for a while, so I can chart out your genetic code!" "... How long will it take?" Zerobi asked while leaning back. "About three days!" Celebi replied obliviously before placing her arms in front of her, "Now, be ABSOLUTELY still..." "... Ugh..." Zerobi groaned again as she decided to lie down for the procedure. She was suddenly overcome by tiredness from the long day and her eyes closed, her mind filled to the brim with the story she had just been told...
\*\*... This nightmare seems rather familiar.
Ah, yes. Celebi... The insipid Weavile... I remember it all. Rarely do I make my appearance. Rarely is my appearance called for. As such, I remember this event quite well.
The beautiful cycle of life and death that graces the fairy legendaries had been broken. No inherent ability, skill nor luck had ever caused such to happen. Should an army of those tiny psychics appear, my position and plans might be compromised...
Investigation as well as action was required. Monitoring her dreams for some time, I decided on the perfect time of attack - During Celebi's second birth. To bear witness to this perversion of their species... And prevent it.
Undetected I moved to their location. A primitive structure, providing no protection from me whatsoever. It is as if the other legendaries wished for me to end her as much as I did.
A Weavile stood before me. Bearing some childhood trauma from his abusive parents, and carrying with him a fear of Bug-types. Nothing that needed to be abused for this simple encounter.\*\*
"W-Who're you...?" he asked, sweet fear escaping his every pore. "Darkrai..." I whispered slowly, acting with grace to instill him with a false sense of security, "Move..." "I won't let you have her!" he screamed before cutting into himself. I beheld the technique of blood magic being used against me. That was a surprise. However, as he soon found out, using a technique against the being that once created it is nothing short of a fatal mistake.
"... Why...?" he whimpered after the short battle was over. I picked him up with my arms, hoping to draw more fear from him. "Take me... Leave her al-" he started, but remembering my original purpose there I snapped him in half. His resistance was comparable to that of a twig. Blood splattered my physical manifestation, and dripped to the ground as I reverted to my original form.
Entering the primitive house, the distinct lack of anything is what struck me first. For an instant I thought that I had been tricked by the Weavile, before seeing the empty husk of Celebi in the corner, a wailing baby in her grasp.
Seems my intervention was not necessary, after all.
Observing the room to ascertain myself that the deed was done, I noticed something peculiar regarding the baby. A Dark-type, like me... No psychic abilities... No supernatural traits... Just a regular Pokテゥmon. Had I known this would be the spawn of a dying fairy, I would never have worried myself over it.
It cried. Not out of fear, but out of instinct. Untainted by fear, untainted by the world surrounding it. Feeling that this trip had been nothing but a waste, I decided to try a little experiment. Removing the child from her corpse of a mother, I filled her up with as much darkness as I could muster. If the slaughter of today would not deter the coming generation of fairies from not dying, this hellspawn of evil most certainly would. T'was far from a pleasant evening, but...
Whose nightmare is this? No one from that encounter was left alive, except for...
... Ah.
My, how time flies. Enjoying your nightmare, young Weavile? Cling on to life... And you may relive it! | FSE |
Title: Yado Chuya Hotel: Ch.4 by Soen
Tags: Dragon, Kangaroo, Lion, M/M, M/M/M
After a long wait, here is the fourth part. Sorry for the wait and thank you soo much to all you who have kept up with my stories ^\_^ Hope you enjoy.
\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Spencer returned through the lobby with his head hung low, the necklace clutched loosely in his paw. He flopped down in one of the cushy, red chairs and sighed. Daishu wasn't at the address and he thought that he had lost one of the best things he had ever had. Clyde walked over to the distraught roo, placing a sympathetic paw on his shoulder.
"It's ok... I know how you feel, but don't let it get you down. You'll find someone else. There are hundreds of others in here."
Spencer looked to the ground; his ears flopped down leaving a small sliver of his eyes uncovered. "I don't want anyone else...there is no one else for me....he was....perfect. And I threw it away." He took a deep breath and rose from the chair and walked towards the elevator. Clyde let him leave, not wanting to further upset him. Relationships weren't really Clyde's thing, despite how often he had watched them fall apart then try and mend them. In the Yado Chuya hotel, there was always some sort of drama or trial happening.
Clyde went back to his desk and continued his work when he saw Satsuma wondering around aimlessly. "Hey! What are you doing, Satsuma? Get back to work. I'm not paying you to just walk around and do nothing. Go upstairs and clean the Gym. It should be empty this time of day so you wont be.....further distracted." Satsuma turned to face Clyde. There was a look of confusion on his face for a split second. He shook his head and smiled slyly.
"Sorry.... forgot who I was for a second. Don't worry. The Gym will be spotless before you know it"
Clyde gave him a curious look and then went back to his papers. Satsuma gave a sigh of relief and walked towards the elevator. He looked into the mirror like elevator door and jumped, almost gasping.
"Oh yeah.....I guess I did forget who I was for a second there." Daishu still had to get used to looking in a mirror and seeing Satsuma staring back at him. The elevator door parted and he got off at the Gym. To his surprise it was empty. Completely empty. He crept slowly among the weights and treadmills feeling a little out of place. The Gym didn't look too dirty to him. A few towels scattered about, dirty mirrors and something spilled in the corner, but other than that, it was clean. The roo sighed and started cleaning. All he wanted to do was be with Spencer and nothing else. 'This must be my punishment. If this is what it takes to see Spencer again, I'll gladly do this a thousand times over.'
A small, almost banging sound came from somewhere in the gym. Satsuma looked around what he thought was an empty gym. He stood up cautiously, his fur standing on end. "H-Hello? Is someone there?" A scraping sound echoed from the locker room. Something deep down told him to run, but his curiosity got the better of him. Slowly, he made his way over to the locker room entrance.
The smell of water and wet fur that lingered in the room enticed Satsuma's nose. A low murr soon echoed from somewhere nearby. Satsuma turned the corner and a certain, musky smell hit his nose. He looked around and saw something that he didn't expect to see. A green dragon had a lion pinned to the ground. Both were moaning and the dragon was steadily thrusting his lengthy cock into the lion's tailhole. Satsuma ducked quickly back behind the corner, but he had already been spotted.
"You can join......if you want" the dragon panted. Satsuma stood against the wall, not entirely sure what to do. He tried to pretend that he didn't hear the dragon.
"Talking to yourself again, Dante?" came the lion's pant
"No. There's a roo behind that wall over there. I saw him looking on and thought he might be lonely."
There was a moment of silence and then the lion spoke again. "Well come out then. We don't bite.....unless you like that." Satsuma peered around the corner and saw the dragon's cock fully inside the lion. Both were panting quite heavily and looking up at Satsuma. The lion smiled and was the first to speak.
"My name is Kevin, and this fine dragon ontop of me is Dante." Kevin ran a paw over Dante's scales lovingly. Satsuma was surprised that Kevin was having a conversation in the middle of sex. Though he was even more overwhelmed that the two had stopped what they were doing and invited him to join.
"And you're name would be..." asked Dante. Satsuma blinked, snapping back to reality and smiled. "Oh, sorry... My name is D-....I mean Satsuma"
There was a brief silence and Kevin flipped over, moaning softly as he twisted around the large dragon cock. When he gathered himself, he looked up, now on all fours, and asked "So, Satsuma.....do you want to join us?"
Before he could answer, Dante reached his claw up and with one movement, slid down Satsuma's pants. "Of course he wants to join."
Satsuma looked around and threw off his shirt. He saw Kevin's member dripping with pre and soon found his own sheath bulging. Kevin reached a paw up and slowly began rubbing Satsuma's sheath, bringing him to his knees. Satsuma moved under Kevin, feeling the lion's rock hard member pressing lightly against his tailhole causing him to give a slight shudder. He felt a pair of soft, scaly claws run down his chest and along his steadily emerging member. Satsuma still wasn't completly sure he wanted to do this but before he could object Dante grabbed tightly around his hips and thrust deeply into Kevin's tailhole, forcing Keven to slide his lengthy member deeply inside the roo's waiting hole.
Kevin moaned and wrapped his arms around Satsuma, pulling himself deeper into Satsuma's warm, tight tailhole. Dante's claws slowly worked their way over Satsuma's now throbbing member. The three moved in perfect sync, causing a chain reaction of pleasure throughout their bodies. Satsuma moaned out and slowly moved his tail up to slide it into Dante's seemingly lonely tailhole, forcing past his tight pucker. This caused Dante to writh and thrust faster which served to increase the lust of the other two. The mass of fur and scales rocked back and forth as one. The thrusting and moaning increased as all of their climaxes neared. Satsuma thrust his throbbing member deeply into Dante's slicked paws as Kevin's cock pulsated deeply inside him. Dante gave a large thrust and his hot dragon seed flooded into Kevin's tight lion hole. The orgasm flowed like a tidal wave, sweeping from Dante to Kevin and finaly to Satsuma. They all panted heavily and collapsed ontop of Satsuma.
They laughed and slowly pulled free, giving satisfied murrs. Satsuma grabed Dante's paw and licked his warm roo cum off the scaled fingers. Dante smiled and rubbed under Satsuma's chin.
"Cute little thing, isn't he Kevin?"
Kevin nodded, stretched, and stood up. "That he is, but you can't keep him....remember what happened last time you had a pet? Besides, we should all get cleaned up. I'm sure the little roo has to get back to work."
They all walked to the showers and washed away the heavy smell of musk from their bodies. Satsuma wasn't used to showering with others but since he had yiffed them then it didn't really matter what else they did. He was starting to get comfortable with the whole carefree attitude of the hotel. He was begining to like it. They all idly talked and got to know eachother while their showers wrapped up. Satsuma slipped into his bellhop outfit and bidded his new friends farewell. They all promised to meet up again sometime soon. Satsuma finished picking up around the gym and headed toward the elevator just as two rather buff lions strod into the gym. They shot Satsuma, Dante, and Kevin suspicious looks but then continued to the weights.
Satsuma waited in the elevator as it decended to the loby. He needed to find out what next to do. The faster he got things done, the faster he could find and be with Spencer. The mirror like doors parted and he was flooded with the bustling sound of the loby. He walked slowly through the lobby, a few random furs smiling and licking their lips, examining him closely before waving. Satsuma blushed and waved nervously back wondering what type of life Satsuma must've lived. A skunk crept up behind him and gave him a firm slap on the rear and whispered in his ear.
"Hey there sexy little roo. Hard to keep track of you. Care to finish what we started the other night?" The skunk's voice was heavy with lust and his paws ran along Satsuma's thigh and around his tail base, giving his rear a light squeeze. Satsuma jumped and felt uneasy and yet pleased at the same time. Despite his better judgement, he gave a soft murr and looked up at the slightly taller skunk.
"Sure...just not right now...later tonight, ok?" and with that, Satsuma leaned up and kissed him softly and walked off toward the main entrance. Clyde was situated behund his desk as usual, filing papers and scribling down notes on a large notepad. His eyes shot up from the papers and fell upon Satsuma and he raised his hands up frustratingly into the air.
"There you are! I wouldn't think that cleaning the gym would take that long. I guess it wasn't as empty as I thought. You really should show some restraint and don't go yiffing everyfur that's nice to you or gives you a tempting look. I don't want to see you get hurt."
Satsuma only nodded and scratched behind his head. "Yes but I didn't do anything. I just watched and then they pulled me in."
"You never do anything do you? Like the time I caught you litteraly with your pants down in the water park. What was it then?.... Oh yes! You're swimming trunks fell off after diving in and that otter was just drying you off. Now, do you think you could keep your pants on long enough to take this food to room 3650? And get back here quickly. I need you to do a few more things before the end of your shift, ok?"
He handed Satsuma a small plate covered with a wide silver lide and rushed him through the doors. The numbers '3650' were imprinted on the lid. Satsuma studied it carefully. He had the strangest feeling that he remembered the number from somewhere. He just didn't know where. Then, after a few more moments of gazing upon the number it hit him. He knew where he herd that number before. It was Spencer's room number. He all but ran to the elevator and once again felt once again felt great anticipation and felt a great urn for the elevator to decend. He hopped in and pounded the button and bounced on the balls of his large feet.
When the dorrs parted, he rushed through the hallway and knocked on the door furiously. There was some rumbling behing the door and the soft click of a lock opening and the door slowly opened. Spencer stood half awake in the door way. The rest of the room was darkened and his fur was a little messed. He had nothing on but a pair of pale blue boxers and his eyes were slightly blood-shot. The fur around his eyes was matted down and it was apparent that he had been crying for some time. Satsuma handed him the plate and tried hard to keep himself from pouncing dispite Spencer's obvious depressed state.
"Room service....how are you doing Spencer?" he smiled happily as it grew harder to restain himself. Spencer seemed to be in a stupor and took the plate, stepping in for a second to set the plat on the bed before returning to the door way, leaning against it for support. He gave Satsuma a fake smile and spoke softly.
"Daishu's gone....he was one of the only furs that I truely loved....I'm so stupid...."
"It's going to be alright. You'll find another."
"No I won't. You don't get it...I lost the best thing that ever happened to me...All because I went and kissed you....and he saw.....and now he's gone. I'll never find anyone like him. He was perfect....."
Satsuma stepped close to him and placed his arms around him and kissed him softly, wanting to press deeper into the kiss but fearing the conciquences if he did. Spencer relaxed a little and Satsuma could taste alchohol on his breath. Spencer gently pushed Satsuma away and took a step back into his room.
"No. I can't....it caused me so much trouble last time..."
"Don't worry....nothing will happen. I wont let it." Satsuma placed his paws on Spencer's furry chest and stepped into the room. He closed the door slowly with his thick tail and kissed Spencer once more and searched around for the light switch.
"Satsuma don't....."
"You can't just sit here in the dark, now can you?"
The light flicked on and illuminated the room. Empty beer bottles were scattered around the floor and two knives laid askew on the bed. The necklace Spencer had planned to give Daishu was rested next to the blade points. Satsuma looked shocked and stared at Spencer, slightly confused.
"What is all this? What were you doing before I came here?"
Spencer didn't answer. He just quietly moved over to the bed and sat down, eyeing the blades carefuly. He picked one blade up slowly, turning it and watching the light dance and reflect off the cold metal. The glint of the metal seemed to entrance him as he twirled it in his paw. For a moment, he seemed oblivious of Satsuma. The horror of what Spencer planed to do slowly sunk in and Satsuma slowly walked over, placing a paw on Spencer's leg.
"Spencer....put the knife down. You don't want to"
"Don't tell me what I do or do not want to do." Spencer jerked his leg from Satsuma's touch and glared at him through watering eyes and gave a quick laugh. "You have no idea how I feel. To you, I was just some afternoon fun, just like all the others you've been with... I know because I was the same way...." His head hung low and his body fell limp as if all the energy had suddenly been sucked from the distrought roo. "That is until I met Daishu." He spoke softly just above a whisper.
Satsuma suddenly regreted his deal with Ketsu and wished he had just went back to the hotel. Now he was on the verge of losing his one and only love and there was little he could do to stop it from happening. A wave of dispare washed over him and he had never before felt so helpless. He gazed deeply at Spencer and flashes of the past few days played through his head, giving him a new sence of meaning. He had broke free from Ketsu and Toby then made a pact with Ketsu and all of that was for Spencer. Satsuma could not let all that effort go in vaine. He was so close. He would not lose Spencer, not again. He grabed the knife in Spencer's paw, gripping it tightly by the blade, wincing as a small trickle of blood ran from his paw. "I wont let you do this."
Spencer turned, a little shocked at Satsuma's actions but still held a firm grip on the knife. Satsuma leaned up and kissed Spencer deeply, rubbing the back of his head. The kiss only lasted a second, but it seemed a lifetime to Satsuma. The two roos stared deeply into eachother's eyes, each peering into the other's soul. Spencer saw something familiar that he couldn't quite make out in Satuma's eyes. Something different from the kiss they shared in the food court. He felt a sence of happieness and love that he had only felt around one other fur.... Daishu. Spencer's eyes widened and his jaw dropped and he jumped back, dropping the knife and nearly falling off the bed.
"It can't be....You're not......Are you.....D-Daishu?" Spencer stammered, the dispare lifting a little from him. Satsuma wasn't sure what to do. He knew that if anyone were to discover that he was Daishu then the pact would be voided and would require a sacrifice. But could he convince Spencer that he was not Daishu? Even if he could, would he want to? Spencer scooted closer to Satsuma, lacing his paws with Satsuma's and looking deeply into his eyes, searching for any confirmation to his question. He smiled and hugged Satsuma tightly, crying onto his shoulder.
"I know it's you, Daishu. My love....I can feel it in my very soul." (to be continued...) | FSE |
(M tf Wolf)
Remus was a bit of a knucklehead. He did well enough in school to graduate juuust barely. What he lacked in intelligence though he had in looks. He took good care of himself and would often space out while working out and listening to audio books. If you asked him a fairly simple math question he couldn't tell you the answer, but ask him about a fantasy novel that came out in the last ten years and you bet he knows. He won't win a talent contest, but he could probably snap your arm off in an arm wrestling match.
Unfortunately with no particular talents or intellectual focus, this left him with limited options when looking for a job. He was pretty charismatic, so he tried to some podcasts, trying to become a content creator on the internet. It was a job that took a lot of time and dedication, but was not very hard to do, and was mostly reliant on luck and word of mouth. Unfortunately the podcast scene was a bit over-saturated, and few listened to his. So then he decided to maybe try streaming games. The problem there was he only streamed classic games, because current games are expensive and the whole reason he is streaming in the first place is to get money. But not too many people were floating around the streaming services to watch a 25+ year old video game. But this was when the answer finally found him. On one of his low populated streams one of the women watching asked him if he would take his shirt off for a tip. Remus shrugged and did it, and she dropped him a $10 tip. Short while later, she asks what else she can convince him to take off, and several other viewers chime in. Remus jokingly said it was against the rules of the streaming site and he would have to go over to another place to stream that, and the woman offered him $100 to do it.
So, long story short, now Remus streams regularly on TO2TO; Take Off To Turn On. Every two or three days he will pop on, listen to some slow bassy music, talk a bit to the viewers and do a little strip show and masturbate on camera, and make enough money to scrape by the rest of the month in a single stream. He was pretty good at hiding it, but even now after having done it many times Remus was still terribly embarrassed. He always told himself they are the ones looking at it for porn; they are the ones who paid him to make this happen. Maybe it was that little bit of extra tension from his embarrassment that helped fuel him. A subconscious turn on perhaps. Whatever the case- the formula worked. His avatar and identity as PackLeader also evolved more from his audience than from himself. They noted the wolf poster on his wall in the background and a wolf sticker on the side of his PC tower, and eventually they started calling him a wolf, and spamming a wolf emote in chat when he hit climax. So eventually he called himself PackLeader and his audience were his pack. For a pretty absurd amount of money they even convinced him to get a tattoo on his shoulder because he had been talking about always wanting one but never having the balls to settle on anything to get. So they paid for it many times over to get a tattoo of a wolf biting into a full moon as if it were a dog catching a Frisbee. He thought that would be the extent of it, but today a package arrived for him one of his bigger fans ordered for him. With no idea what it could be he was half afraid to open it and even listened to the package before opening it to see if he could hear ticking. What he found inside was a dildo! And not just any dildo, a canine phallus. It was made of what looked like black latex rubber and what he passed off as a manufacturers seal of some sort around the base of the phallus; was actually a spell inscription. Long forgotten was another discussion with his fans over the use of transformative magic in his streams. Some porn sites had stepped it up a notch and catered to more exotic fetishes, using magic to transform and show off more bizarre forms. Remus told them he was not against the idea, especially since such spells are all temporary- but he did not have that sort of money. Even a quick transformation spell you were looking at quite a bit of money. You could transform for much cheaper if your purchased the runes and stones to do it yourself, but then you were looking at a gigantic price to buy those in return for easy transformations from then on.
And so while he was a bit nervous to try such a thing on stream, it would seem rude not to. They were paying for a show, and had paid for the toy too. He asked in chat who was the one who sent the toy but no one person came forward. He had never used anything other than a finger to stimulate his prostate before so he leaned back quite a bit in the chair, and angled the phallus so the suction cup on the base snagged enough on the chair seat to hold it still, even though the canine cock was tilted almost horizontal at his butt. The seat of his chair was fabric so it would not have stuck normally anyway. Nervous to try an actual toy, and doubly embarrassed now to put on a show with it. There was something about putting an actual phallic object in him that seemed even more embarrassing than usual. It was not that he was against the idea though. As usual, in on window he had porn open in the other his stream and chat. There was one particular old porn flick he always went back to about a woman getting lost in the woods and being ravaged by wolves, who of course have sex with her instead of eating her. It was an older film so they did not have the magic or budget to pull off real wolves- it was actually just dressed up dogs. Still, the fantasy was real in his head. Holding his body in that pulled back, bent over position took concentration, so without even thinking about it, he slid the dildo in further as he relaxed and worked over his shaft. He could feel the pressure approach his actual prostate as the dildo pressed in on the tubing connecting it all, and the pressure was felt as a firmness that followed all the way up to the tip of his actual shaft. The dildo was not very big, and the knot subdued so it was not that difficult to get it in. It was actually just the right length to sit nicely against his prostate once the knot popped in. What he was unable to see though was the runes around the base start to glow- his audience had a great view though.
Remus' camera was on his monitor pointed almost straight down, so with his chair pushed back a bit to put his feet up on the edge of the table, his face was a bit out of the picture. The audience had a great view of his solid abs and dick, and because of the way he sat this time- his ass too. To Remus it felt like his insides were sucking in a bit, as if trying to milk the dildo for all its worth. He actually let go of his penis and just loosely held it in place with his thumb only to make sure he did not go over the edge so quickly. Pre glistened on the head, leading a trail down onto his lower gut just under his navel. What he felt was actually the phallus itself growing! Now that the runes activated, it was swelling to perfectly fit his insides. He squirmed and moaned as the canine dick dug deeper. He noticed something amiss when the knot at the base started to swell up too. It was quite subtle when he put it in but suddenly he could feet the steep difference in girth! As the cock swelled even larger, he could feel it working its way up and seen a slight bulge in his lower gut where it was prodding him on the inside! When Remus concentrated he could actually feel veins throbbing on its surface! It was latex rubber when he put it inside of himself but it now very much felt like a flesh and blood penis inside of him! In a bit of panic he grabbed the suction cup on the base and tried to pull it out, but as if in reaction to his resistance the knot swelled even larger! Since its in charge of keeping the gates closed; the sphincter is the final ring of muscle at the end of the anus, and does not stretch nearly as far as all the rest of the muscle ribs, so if the object grows too big on the opposite side of it- it gets stuck. He tried to relax his butt as much as possible, took a deep breath and grabbed the base and yanked again! Again, it grew quickly to defy him, and the spherical shape of the knot grew so large it actually slid even further up into him, pulling the suction cup at the base flat against his anus so he could not even grip that properly!
It was so gigantic now he could not keep his torso bent like that, because the solid shaft of meat was forcing his lower body straight. It was throbbing quickly now, Remus could tell it was about to climax- assuming it had that ability, since it lacked a prostate or balls. When he straightened his torso a bit more he momentarily seen stars in his vision as his poor prostate managed to pop out from around the gigantic knot, and fit perfectly into the crook between knot and shaft! Remus groaned as he too was approaching climax, but the dildo got there before him apparently! He could feel hot heavy waves of thick, sticky fluid blasting out from the dildo and coating his insides like a layer of paint! It was not cum though- there was no where for semen to come from! His own dick started to shoot ropes of cum straight up into the air because of his position, just clearing the edge of his chair but not reaching his table. He felt his prostate throbbing harder than ever before, thanks to the dildo cradling the side of it. His orgasm also did not taper off when he thought it would, it just kept going! Remus was getting breathless as he concentrated on his unusually long orgasm, not even watching the cheering in chat- or hearing the chime from donations coming in at an almost constant pace! It felt like something flowing into his prostate even as it emptied out! Whatever the dildo was ejecting was not only filling his guts, it was somehow saturating through his intestinal lining and getting into his prostate! Now the urethra stiffened further than usual and the continuing flow of cum felt like it was dragging more on the inside! Was he was feeling was actually a separate sensation entirely- his urethra itself was growing.
The urethra of Remus' shaft started to grow longer than the shaft itself, pulling outward and causing the glans to deform to keep up. It formed a bit of a point on the end of his penis now, which caused the dip on his helmet shaped glans to become much more extreme and turn into a slight divot. It did not take a rocket scientist to recognize the shape it now had, so even Remus caught on- that is the head of a canine phallus! His dick seemed to scrunch up a bit with a very odd feeling. The outward pressure increased and because the cum was still flowing through, it almost felt like his cum was forced back in for a split second before able to resume. His dick became very slightly shorter but tremendously fatter, making it almost bulb shaped! He was confused a moment before Remus' head bucked back as he moaned loudly at his ceiling and his dick started to lengthen; but only from the foreskin onward- the shaft below the foreskin remained bulb shaped! This caused his pleasure to spike to near-painful levels as the nerves were forced to stretch quickly to keep up. The veins under the surface became more and more visible, looking like a complex web of thin purple as the color of the shaft itself turned redder from the increased blood flow. The flow of cum slowed to a trickle, but the powerful throb of pleasure in his shaft prevented it from going soft just yet. His pubic hair was trimmed back quite a bit since he was showing his junk off to an audience regularly, but now it quickly grew back- thicker but not so much longer. What had been subdued pubes instead grew in as thick pale grey fur, and encapsulated his balls as well. Once they were snugly wrapped in their fur blanket, his balls gave a few pleasurable pulses of their own and grew a bit themselves. The fur then spread up his shaft to the end of his foreskin before finally stopping! Remus groaned in a bit of discomfort at the foreskin of his dick felt like it was being stretched too far. When he looked down he seen the bulge at the base had grown even more massive, like half a softball on either side of his shaft. He grabbed the foreskin and pulled it back- it took some effort because of the size of the object inside of it but he managed to do it. Once it was halfway out the roundness allowed it to pop fully out with ease- it was a huge canine knot! His foreskin was now a sheath! That means his sheath alone is almost as long as his cock used to be, on top of a softball sized knot, and then a full canine cock on top of that. His penis in this form was around three times bigger than it was as a human!
Now if you think he would be able to settle down at this point, you'd be wrong. While it may have taken some time to explain, that transformation only took the span of a whole 45 seconds of his time, and there was still plenty going on in the rest of him. As the fluid pumping inside of him climbed impossibly higher from the dildo, it caused his organs to squirm and change along the way. Remus could not see, but the suction cup on the very base started to deform, getting pulled into him further almost looking like it was forming an opening of its own! His torso started to feel even more stiff and awkward as his organs churned, forcing him to burp a few times unexpectedly as trapped air was forced out from all the movement. It almost felt like the liquid was gushing up into his stomach now! That was impossible though... right? There was no way it held that much, and if that much liquid was trapped in his lower body it should be in considerable pain from the weight of the dense fluid. But he could only feel where the liquid level currently was- as if it were a single wave travelling slowly up his body, rather than a steady flow filling him. The suction cup pulled in and completely vanished- the shiny smooth surface slowly fading into his skin which was also black there now too- as if the dildo had been absorbed into his flesh. His anus thanks to this was now mildly triangular in shape... a canine anus. You could now stick something else up there- the dispersal had been cloaked in all the other feelings around it so he did not notice fully or have the time to think on it; but there was no longer a dildo inside of him. The wave of magic fluid flowing up him was all that was left of it, the rest had already been converted and absorbed. The fur in his crotch slowly started to spread. His tail bone started to wiggle on its own into a thick little fuzzy nub. Finally his erection started to leave, the knot shrinking down first before the shaft itself was dragged back into its new fuzzy home.
Remus tried to reach for the edge of his table but could not bend his torso right now. He took his legs off the table edge and rocked into a proper upright position and as soon as he did he jumped a bit in his seat as he heard a sharp pop from his hips that sent a vibration up his entire skeletal structure. His thighs folded closer together, and then became wider! His thighs were just as thin but more wide, making them a bit more disc shaped as his hip bones folded, making his pelvis much deeper but more narrow at the same time! Because of how his leg bones joined his pelvis, this made his femur seem shorter than it had been, even though its actual size was the same. He wiggled his feet and Remus' eyes widened as he seen them start to stretch much longer! His tail bone stretched even longer, the fur on it becoming a bit bushy now, and much darker grey than his crotch. He rocked forward a bit, and unintentionally helped himself by pushing down on the chair with his still forming tail. Remus was going to ask chat how far this transformation was going, because someone in chat was the one behind it, but as soon as he tried to use his voice it felt like the liquid surged up into this throat! His neck felt strange and became a shape longer and the wave surged up into his mouth! He clamped his mouth shut thinking he was going to throw something up but only the feeling of the wave entered his mouth- there was no actual fluid at all. The changes exploded in strength however, following closely to the wave! It was slow to take his limbs because they were much further out from the initial flow, but the flow directly entered his mouth!
The pressure started in top and bottom jaw, causing him to groan through grit teeth. The audience spammed his wolf emote even more as they watched the glistening surface of his teeth expanding! His teeth started to grow, more toward the base, causing them to also sharpen into fangs at the ends. As the ends narrowed the teeth started to slide against each other and fit together like a jigsaw puzzle rather than sit on each other's points. This forced his face to stretch to make room however. The end of his nose compressed to not stick out as far forward, which caused the very bottom to push further down to be level with his upper lip and the flesh rapidly started to darken and become textured. Remus let out several odd sounds like a mix of a howl and a growl mixing to try and produce English, but failing. The bridge of his nose expanded greatly, but started to flatten down a bit as well. This caused the bridge to simply equalize and vanish into the overall expansion of his entire skull as his face dragged out longer. He snapped his teeth together several times, trying to appease the muscles in his jaw feeling cramped from rapid growth. Remus leaned further forward without quite meaning to, which put his growing muzzle even closer to the camera- but still allowing the audience to see on either side of it how his arms were now turning. A shadow of coming fur started to creep down his arms and his hands stretched further. His digits became plumper causing them to squeeze together more, and the base of each finger as well as the tip swelled downward into a squishy thick pad of black skin to protect against walking on the ground. While his fingers followed the rest of the hand, his thumb remained where it was causing it to regress from the rest and turn into a nearly useless dew claw that could not even reach the actual ground.
As the fur wrapped around his torso his midriff and ribs started to equalize, and his muscle structure shifted so his abs were no longer quite visible. When the nipples and areola on his chest started to fade away, six dots appeared along his stomach area. On a male canine discolored spots are the only indication of nipples at all- they do not project. Once these changes finished and his fur grew past his belly he was once again able to bend his torso because the muscles were not tensed from change.
Remus' ears twitched on their own as the cartilage inside thinned tremendously and the ears became more pointed and thin, like triangular dishes to cup and capture sound. The muscle from his jaw expansion branched under the surface and created new fibers for the base of his ears that did not even exist before; enabling him to pivot and shift his ears around. As soon as his ears gained mobility they moved down and to the sides- practically facing the floor. He made a cry that unintentionally came out as a loud low 'woof' as he pulled back away from the camera and crossed his eyes in an attempt to see. His entire face started to feel prickly and a bit itchy and he made several comical expressions in reflex. Fur started to grow, but it first grew in, in the same way human facial hair would have grown. So he first grew a short beard, then it spread up his jaw and got very bushy at the sides giving him massive mutton chops, and only then did the fur collapse into the rest of his face in one fell swoop. A bit more noticeable because of their girth were his whiskers. They are more hidden on a wolf than a dog, because wolves have a lot bushier fur than many breeds of dog, but they do still have whiskers. A few tiny ones on his chin, many on either side of his chops and then two on each eyebrow. A near black line of fur traced where his human eyebrows were and divided the white fur underside and front of his face from the darker grey back fur. His hair turned colors to match the fur and regressed till it was the same length, at the same pace the fur around it grew till the two matched. On another canine his blue eyes might have looked off, but on a wolf they were normal. His face finished changing at about the same time his feet finished turning to paws. Then he flopped backward in his chair, flipping his now fully grown bushy tail around to drape off the front and held his arms out limp in front of himself, so the audience could watch along with him as they finished transforming. They were the most remotely connected to the original site of entry for the magic so they were the last to turn.
Remus made a few odd grumbling sounds again trying to communicate, then sat up and flopped himself over to reach the keyboard again. As a wolf he was actually a tiny bit larger than he was as a human. He mashed the keyboard a few times attempting to type messages to chat. He could not divide his digits enough to type with paws. With enough concentration he was able to lift one away enough from the others that he could use the very end of one of his blunt black claws to peck a few messages out to chat. The wolf pack finally had an actual wolf leader! It was quite a sight watching a feral wolf tap out messages on a keyboard while sitting in a gamer chair. The person who sent him the toy never did come forward, but the way people were talking made Remus think it may have been a group effort. Several people probably put together a fund to buy the enchanted phallus and send it to him. It would apparently only last till midnight that night. Of course, they would always have the VOD. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Door to Door
Tags: older woman, younger woman, teen, school, romantic, seduction
*All characters portrayed are 18-years-old or older.*
Susan opened her eyes and cringed. The light was too much. Too bright and too loud, and it made her head swim in a little puddle of dull regret as she looked across the tousled bed at the mess she'd made last night. Her plan to go out and find something young and eager didn't go nearly as planned, and after a night desperate trolling from bar to bar, she ended up where she was now: naked and alone on her bed with her sex case open on the bedside, her various toys strewn about. She rolled over and pulled a large black dildo from beneath her and stared at it for a moment, not sure whether to thank him or rue him. Either way, she eventually concluded as she tossed it aside, he'd made her cum.
She got up and did a quick fix of her thoroughly JBF-ed hair, put on her robe and went downstairs to make coffee. On the machine she saw that it was 10:15, and she felt only a twinge of guilt for wasting a few precious Saturday morning hours on her self-indulgent Friday night binge. Walking down the hall she opened the front door and did a quick scan for the paper, wondering whether or not she'd have to do her own little walk of shame to retrieve it. Seeing no sign of it she stepped out and checked the shrubs, finally finding it ten feet from the door, wedged in the junipers. "Fucker," she said out loud as she bent over to retrieve it. When she stood up and turned around she noticed an attractive young woman three condos down staring at her. It wasn't anyone she knew, and couldn't imagine any of her mid-life neighbors entertaining a girl that young, but remembering how she was dressed she gave a quick wave and stepped back inside, only slightly mortified.
Ten minutes later as she sat at the table blindly reading the paper, the doorbell rang. Her first impulse was to ignore it, but then she remembered the pretty girl and put it together. Her second impulse was to ignore it again, sure that she'd only be asked to contribute some silly amount of cash to this or that silly cause, but then remembered that not only had she been seen, there was an attractive opportunity standing on her porch. With nothing better to do with her lonesome morning than read the paper, she got up and went to the door.
"Hi," said the perky young thing, plain and pretty in her no-nonsense jeans and high school jacket. She spoke of being with some sort of music program at such and such school, raising money for a trip to someplace uninteresting and blah, blah, blah. All Susan was thinking about, as she stood in the open doorway leaning against the jamb in her slightly opened robe, was this charming girl's jeans, her darling jacket, and what she might find underneath if she either asked nicely or donated enough money. At some point the girl stopped talking, and she found herself on the awkward end of a long silence. Her alpha-female kicked in and told her just what to say.
"Absolutely, honey. Come on in for a second and we'll see what we can get for you." She stepped back and extended her arm into the entryway, ushering the girl in and opening her robe further, all in one graceful motion. She shut the door, but didn't bother doing the same with her robe as she walked down the hallway towards the kitchen.
"Come on back, dear, it's fine. You've seen me twice now in my worst Saturday morning get-up, so there's no embarrassment left between us. Have a seat, I'll get my check book." The girl followed along to the kitchen, but only stood still, looking about, unsure, as Susan opened a drawer and searched for a moment or two before finding the thin leather fold beneath a mass of jumble papers. She came back over to the table and plopped down into a chair, shifting open her robe again that much more. Her ample breasts were now clearly visible, and the correct lean would create quite a show.
"Sit, darling, really," she insisted, taking the girl's hand and pulling her to the chair opposite her. "Let's talk this thing through for a minute and see how much you can make today." The girl fell into the chair with a silly grin on her face, amused by this woman's mildly antic behavior, her casual charm, and in the back of her mind, her confident, womanly attractiveness.
"What's your name, love?" Susan asked, placing her hand over her guest's on the tabletop.
"Um, Katie."
"Well, Katie, how much do you need from me today, exactly?" Her hand lingered.
"Um, it's an open donation. Most people give ten or twenty dollars, but you know, even like five helps me out."
"Uh huh. And how much do you have to raise in total?" She sat back in her chair and folded her arms in a sort of mock seriousness, but more for the effect of pressing her breasts together and shifting her robe. Following the girl's glance she saw that it'd had the desired effect.
"One hundred and fifty dollars," she said, raising her eyes, unaware of where they'd been.
"One hundred and fifty dollars," she said leaning forward, her arms still crossed. She felt the satin slip aside. Oddly, it occurred to her at this point that perhaps the musky aroma of last night's escapades might be overpowering the linger of her perfume on her skin, but that either one would have its own seductive appeal. She reached for her checkbook, casting a waft of her scent as she did.
"I can give you one hundred and fifty dollars, Katie," she said, clicking the pen into action. "Would you like that?"
"Sure!" she said, her face lighting up.
"And would it make any difference if I gave you more?"
"No," she said a little confused. "They only need that much from each of us. They don't need extra."
"Uh huh," she stopped writing and looked up. "What if I were to write two checks: one to the school and one to you, each for one hundred and fifty dollars. Would that be ok?"
"Um, I don't know. What do you mean?"
Susan leaned forward one last time and let her robe fall completely open. She put her hand gently on Katie's shoulder and let it rise up to lightly grasp the nape of her neck as she leaned in to give her a long, slow kiss. At first Katie's lips were still, but Susan's persistence eased them open, and gradually their tongues tickled and merged. When they were both breathing noticeably heavier, Susan finally allowed their lips to part. She looked into the girl's eyes ¬- big pools of brown, unsure but unafraid - and she winked before giving her another quick peck, taking her by the hand again.
..."Come with me, Katie," she said walking her down the hall to the stairs. "Let's make our morning worthwhile." Once they reached the bedroom, Susan let her robe fall away completely, and she immediately reached for the waist of Katie's jeans. "Take these off, little girl," she said, her voice deep with lust. "Take all of it off." As Katie did her best to wriggle out of her jeans without falling over, Susan all but tore the jacket from her shoulders and threw it across the room, then pulled her t-shirt and sports bra straight over her head in one motion. Then she ran her hands down her slim, young body, holding her by the waist in both hands, visually devouring her nubile plaything with all her being. The paleness of her skin, the soft heaving of her buoyant peach-like breasts, her perfect pebble nipples and the taut crimson-brown of her medallion areolae. Further down, the gentle rise of her belly, bordered by the pronounced poke of her pelvis, and the delightfully delicate wisps of her untended, mousy pubis.
She was not beautiful, but she was shapely, almost curvaceous. Grown, but not fully. All the elements of womanhood were there, yet the girl still remained. And the girl was trembling with uncertainty while the woman within was crying out with hunger. Susan could read this in her pretty, plain expression: her pupils dilated, her nipples stiff, her legs slightly apart. Yet her soft, moist lips hung slightly open, curling down at the edges, unable to smile even as the breath passing through them came shallow and urgent.
"Ever been with a girl before, Katie?"
"Kind of," she said in an equally husky but girlish voice. "Once or twice, making out a little."
"Well, this won't be anything like that." She pushed her back on the bed and watched her bounce childlike onto it, following as her hands found her skinny knees and took hold, pressing them apart. Part of her wanted to envelop and comfort the inner little girl, but her own lust demanded her more compassionate side wait. She ran her hands up and down her juvenile thighs, relaxing them open gradually while she lowered her face. She could already sense the musky tang diffusing off her gauzy fur, and she nuzzled her face into its rich, scenty softness, breathing in her youthful aroma. She began with kisses at first, savoring her nuances: the tickle of her fur, the partial parting of her outer lips, and the darker protrusion of her thicker inner crinkles pressing its way through. At its base, the small glisten of her opening, a tiny pink secret exposed. Here is where Susan's innocent kisses stopped, and her tongue came forth, coaxing into the sweet, syrupy nectar of her yielding pussy.
Katie moaned and gasped at Susan's first tantalizing probe, her body stiffening as she felt the tongue gradually invade her, opening her up and sending greater and greater pulses of exquisite pleasure up through her. This was the first time someone had put their mouth on her, and the sensations were almost unreal. She felt Susan's hands on her thighs and lips, parting and holding them while her tongue moved in deeper, and farther up as well, exploring every corner of her tender, aching sex. When she finally made it to her clit she jolted at the intensity of it, shuddering back away involuntarily before calming herself for more attention under Susan's firm grasp. Her legs fell completely apart and her body entirely relaxed as this magic tongue drew her through a sea of pleasure toward a wonderful crest of orgasm. Through the fog of it she heard herself moaning loudly, and felt the tightening grip of hands on her ass, squeezing and holding her hips fast against this wonderful suckling. Then she felt the first finger enter her, followed by a second, and her orgasm went from merely amazing to absolutely mind-numbing. She thought her body might explode as it shuddered and rocked, almost bucking against the woman's face, whose tongue and mouth sucked on her lips as her fingers slid effortlessly in and out curling inside of her and tugging at her soft, melting interior.
For her part, Susan was also fingering her own wet self, massaging her g-spot and palming her clit, trying to play catch up to her lithe little friend who seemed to cum so easily and be so willingly indulged. As the girl's legs finally clamped hard against her ears with the crescendo of her orgasm, she was almost jealous of what was likely Katie's first time reaching such ardent heights. At least she hoped it was, and the thought of it turned her on that much more, pushing her to her own orgasm as she moaned against the quivering pussy she kept sealed to her mouth. She tasted exactly how an older teen should, as with her body, developed but not entirely: clean, delicate, salty sweet and only slightly tart. Focusing on this made her mouth water and her insatiable hunger grow, so much so that when the girl began to relax and her legs sent slack, she seized the opportunity to fold her plaint body back over, lifting her hips straight upwards as her cheeks parted to reveal her second secret opening, found instantly by a greedy, craving tongue.
Katie gave a soft moan of surprise after being folded in half like a rage doll, her mind and body still abuzz. She felt wonderful and willing, almost dreamlike, and opened her legs again to this woman's expertise, but when she felt the first insistent pressure of a tongue on her anus, she instinctively flexed against it and let out a surprised and anxious gasp. But this tightening only seemed to make the tongue more determined, and the unexpectedly strange pleasure of it made her loosen its grip and ultimately yield to its firm, wet intrusion. Here eyes, heavy in delirium, met Susan's, and she now saw deep, dilated pools staring back with pure eagerness behind them. She didn't understand why exactly her ass was such an object of desire, but it felt good to be one, and it was obviously pleasing in return, and Susan smiled even as her tongue moved in and out.
"Was that your first orgasm from a woman's mouth?" Katie nodded and said, "From any mouth."
"And I take it this is the first time your tight little star has been pleasured also?" Another nod, followed by her curling her lips to wet them in an almost indecently childlike manner. "Then I take it you're enjoying it. Maybe as much as I am?" The girl's anus was completely relaxed now, easily surrendering to the smooth glide of the lusty invader. It had its own sweet flavor that made Susan drool and moisten it that much more. She reached up and began to softly massage Katie's clit with her thumb, almost idly, watching her docile face as alternate expressions of wonder and satisfaction moved across it. She really was a rather plain girl, she thought, even as shapely as she was, and finding her here, in this remarkable position, the object of so much lust, was probably the last thing on her or anyone else's mind when she left the house this morning.
"Ready for something really different?" Susan willed herself away from Katie's succulent buffet and climbed up over her, hovering her face inches away as she straddled her left leg over the girl's right. With one full body motion, both lips descended to meet those of the girls, their mouths drawing to a kiss the moment their pussies touched. It was electric for both of them, and Susan let out a deep, heavy sigh of conquest while Katie echoed a similar, softer exhale from the side of subservience. Susan slowly began to grind as their tongues entwined, moving gently at first, but slowly arcing towards a more feverish pitch. When Susan pulled back and sat up to gain better leverage, Katie only gave a wicked, mischievous smile, her mouth open and reaching up in the same manner as her hips. Susan took hold of her left leg and held it against her abdomen, grinding furiously now as they fucked each other with equal ardor.
Susan reached down and took hold of Katie's hand, lifting it up to her full, swaying breast, instructing her to squeeze. "Play with them, little girl. Play with momma's tits while you let her have her way with this wonderful young body of yours!" She reached down and gave the same attention to the firm peaches dancing back and forth on Katie's chest. It was amazing to watch her writhing against the matress beneath her driven by the force of her hips, to see her delicate hands kneading the ample flesh of her breasts, to feel her fingertips brushing her stiff, sensitive nipples. And above all to watch the girl's face, following her hungry eyes as she pored over her own mature body, seeing her mouth open involuntarily as moan after moan of sweet release came out, to revel in her overall expressions of pleasure and excitement, especially as she let herself quiver and cum against the slick, merciless onslaught of their pussies and thighs and buttocks rubbing against each other.
They both came, fast and hard, clamping their bodies even more tightly together and pounding waves of pleasure coursed through them, emanating from essentially from each others pussy. Susan held on tight to the girl's thigh as she slowed and allowed the orgasm to dissipate, and gradually eased herself down next to her, keeping her lips in contact with hers a long as she could before collapsing beside her, sweaty and breathless, but only slightly spent.
After this initial massive surge of passion had driven out all the pent up desire of an older woman's needs and a younger girl's newfound cravings, they lay together on the cool, damp sheets, caressing and kissing, while Susan picked up her scattered toys one by one, and carefully demonstrated, on herself and her friend, how each one was used, into which places it could fit, and the sensations each one could produce.
"You must be an excellent student," Susan said as she slid her big black friend into the girl's prone pussy.
"Uh, sure," came a panting response. A confused but delirious Katie turned her face against the sheets, looking back from her all-fours position, her shoulders pinned. "What makes you say that now?"
"Because you're such a quick and obedient learning," Susan said. "From the very beginning you've gone with everything I've asked, and by that look on your face you're very much enjoying it and committing it to memory, I hope." She urged the dildo in more forcefully just to watch Katie's glassy eyes roll back in her head and her pretty little mouth open and shut, gasping with pleasure like a fish gulping air.
They fucked each other like this for hours, taking turns driving each other to an endless array of orgasms, merging their bodies together and sweetly probing their secrets with fingers, tongues, and toys, occasionally taking breaks to caress their sweat covered bodies with delicate hands.
Some time around two they got up and showered, and finally around three pm, with a promise to return and two neatly folded checks in her back pocket, Katie kissed Susan goodbye and all but floated down the street, her mind and body changed forever. | literotica |
Title: One Lonely Boy by Jag
Tags: Cub, Fox, Harsh, Human, M/F, Masturbation, NC, Orgy, Unbirthing
One Lonely Boy By Jag Contains F/M unbirthing, underage prey, masturbation (lots)
Jax sat along on a chocolate colored lov seat, backed up against one wall of his garage. Ahead of him on a large black stand was the television, flickering every so often before turning to a stream of static. A loud groan erupted from the human boy as he removed one of his shoes and chucked it right at the television. With a loud thud the shoe smacked the top of the television set, a slight buzz coming from the device before turning back on, no longer causing any problems for the viewer. Jax slumped himself down into his seat and sighed to himself as he watched a random infomercial. The garage was his own safe haven, safe from all those who wanted to push him around and shut him out of their lives, which was just about everyone in his own mind. He didn't have that many friends, in fact probably not a single one. His family wasn't willing to spend much time with him either, so that pretty much took them out of the picture. A sudden screech brought Jax's attention from his mind to look at the garage door slowly opening up. A large brown rabbit, wearing a dark blue suit, stepped under the rising door and moved over to the television. He let out a loud sigh and picked up the shoe from the floor, tossing it back at Jax, who caught it before it could hit his chest.
"Quit throwing your shoe at the television. You can easily get up and fix the set yourself."
"The shoe works so much better though."
"Jax, just get in the car with your sisters so I can take you all to school."
Jax put his shoe back on and got up from his seat,trudging past his father and towards the silver Ford Escort parked on the lawn next to the house. He pulled open the back passenger's side door and slid inside, next to two female rabbits about the same size as him. The two looked at Jax and smiled at him before turning their attention back to gazing out the windows. The larger rabbit got into the driver's seat and started it up, quickly out of the driveway and heading down the street.
Jax had been adopted three years ago when his parents were killed in a car crash, he was eight back then. It wasn't really being adopted as much as it was being dumped into the care of a family wanting to care for the lonely human. So for the first couple months everyone paid attention to him, yet soon enough their attention was going elsewhere, to work and to their real daughters. His sisters were both twelve and didn't really play much with Jax, although on occasion they would invite him into playing a game of "house" when they had their friends over. Wasn't really inviting him to play, more along the lines of pushing him into playing as the father or the pet. He should have been happy to just be playing with someone, but he just wanted to be alone in that garage, all day and all night.
The car stopped next to the school's parking lot, the three in the back gtting out and saying goodbye to their father, Jax doing so just loud enough for him to hear it. The three would wait for their mother to get out of work before picking them up. Sometimes it was early or right when the last school bell rang. Other times she was a couple hours late to pick them up. It was just another reason for him to push away from his parents since they continued to push away from him with their constant work. Jax watched as his sisters ran up the steps to the school's main entrance, his body taking more time to get up them. He was about halfway up the steps when a voice caught his attention.
"Hey Pinky!"
Jax groaned silently to himself at the words directed right at him. He turned around to see three kids standing behind him, a dragon, cat and wolf. The three were the local bullies that went to the school and they made it their duty to make fun and beat on Jax every school day. Of course it wasn't hard to pick Jax out from the rest of the students at this school, him being one of the only humans who went there. When he started going to the school he put forth the effort to make friends, but that only lasted a few weeks before he drove himself away from everyone else, putting on the tough guy persona. The wolf ran forward and pushed Jax down, causing him to land hard on his butt on the step behind him. The wolf ran up the rest of the steps as the cat walked by, giving Jax a light kick to his side before moving by him and catching up with the wolf. The dragon moved to Jax and knelt down in front of him, giving him a quick slap on the side of the face.
"New week means more fun."
The dragon chuckled to himsel as he stood up, walking past Jax and using his tail to hit him in the back of the head. Jax sat on the steps as the three headed into the school, wanting them to be well out of his way when he finally got up. Hearing the bell ring for the start of the first class Jax pulled himself up and moved up the steps and into the school, taking a quick look back outside before going inside. That was where the female anthro first laid eyes on him. She watched him from afar as the three bullies were picking on him. He caught her interest almost immediately and she hid behind a nearby tree, peeking out every so often to look him over. As he walked inside she grinned to herself, stroking her fluffy red fox tail every so often. For some reason she just felt something about the boy. She needed him to feel sad just for her and she needed him to be with her, forever and ever.
The fox watched Jax for an entire week, following him around his school each day he went, watching the three bullies push him around and beat him up. She followed him back to his home, watching over him from afar for the first few days, sneaking closer and peeking in on him when he spent his evenings inside the garage. She loved watching him during this week, driven by the need to see him in his miserable life. His sadness just drove her into keeping a close eye on him, planning out details of what she wanted to do to him each night when she got home. She made a list of things she wanted to do, quickly taking the time while he was in classes that week do go do them. She sold her only car to a local dealership to get a few thousand dollars. She tucked this money away in a large envelope, keeping it on her desk at home. The fox took the liberty to even look through the open window of Jax's room one night, enjoying watching him just sleeping and unable to understand the things that were to happen to him. During the last part of the week she found out that Jax's birthday was coming up in the coming days. Grinning happily to herself she set her plan in motion the day she found out Jax had a birthday soon. She had two days to set everything up and get ready to take Jax for her own use. She needed to start with Jax's home life, once that got out of the way then everything else would follow smoothly.
She had studied everything about Jax's routine and planned accordingly. Each morning his father drove him and his sisters to school before going back home for half an hour to talk things over with his wife before both left from work. That was where she was going to make her first move. Get into his home and plan something out with his parents. They didn't really care about Jax that much from what she watched. A little money to grease the deal would probably make the business bunnies fall right into her plot. Then again if not that then she had her own means of getting people to do what she wanted. Watching Jax's father pull back into the driveway after dropping off his kids, the fox padded up to the door and knocked on it as soon as he went inside. Jax's father quickly nswered the door, looking over the fox woman and giving her a bit of a smile.
"Can we help you?"
She quickly pulled out the large envelope and handed it to him. He cocked his head to the side a bit and opened it up, gasping as he say all the money inside. He blinked at the fox and was about to speak, but she chuckled and cut him off, stepping inside of the house.
"My name is Amaru and I've been watching your son actually and wanted to see if I could maybe work out some type of deal with you two in making him mine..."
Her eyes stared into his own, glazing them over almost as he invited her inside. His wife approached the two and eyed the fox woman, about to ask a question of who she was before being led into the living room, the same glazed look moving into her own eyes. They took exactly twenty minutes to work out some type of deal. The fox woman exited the house with Jax's parents waving goodbye to her, the large envelope in his paw. The two walk back inside and hide the envelope in their room, moving back to the front door and kissing each other before getting into their cars and going to work. The fox woman had ducked out into the nearby woods, smiling to herself as the parents left. She got out of the woods and wandered around the front lawn of the house, laughing to herself softly. Part one of her plan was going perfectly. Soon she would have the sad little boy all to herself. She could have stopped everything right there, but she wanted Jax to be even even more overpowered when his birthday came around.
She traveled on foot to the school after staying on Jax's property for about a half an hour. She took her time, not worried about getting there anytime soon. His classes were still going on and she needed to be there right around lunch time so she could talk to those in his class. Having peeked in on his lunch breaks at school, she knew he always had a sandwich and then headed to the library to waste the rest of his time alone. She reached the school grounds with plenty of time to spare, getting a pass to get into the school and having a look around. She used the alibi of checking the school out for her son, knowing that was going to get her in. She walked by Jax's classroom a few times, eyeing him in the back of the class and grinning to herself. She leaned against the wall next to the classroom door as the bell rang for lunch. The teacher was the first one to leave the room, telling the class to head to the lunchroom. Jax was the next to flee from the room, getting away from everyone as fast as possible, not wanting to be cooped up anymore. After Jax left the room Amaru slid into the class, blocking off the students trying to get out.
"Hello everyone. I just wanted to make sure that you all made it to Jax's birthday party at his house tomorrow afternoon."
The dragon pushes his way to the front of the class, glaring at the fox woman as she stood in the middle of the doorway, trying to push past her as his two friends come up from behind him. He looks up at the fox woman and growls lightly at him.
"Why would any of us want to go to that losers party."
"Oh I assure you that it will be plenty fun..."
The dragon's eyes almost glazed over as he looked into her eyes, giving her a little nod his two friends doing the same. The entire class started to nod a few times before she moved out of the way, letting them head down the hall and towards the lunchroom. The fox woman looked them all over as they walked down the hall, knowing all well that they would show up at the party. This was going great so far. Everything was working out fine thus far. All that was needed now was for the birthday boy to show up at his party. One last thing to do before every part of the plan was set. That was to get Jax to the party and make sure that he stayed there until she had time to get everything ready. Of course that was going to be such an easy task to pull off on such a lonely boy.
The rest of the day went by as usual. The class went on mostly ignoring Jax for the most part, but instead of his three usual bullies picking on him, they actually smiled at him and went on their way. Jax stared at them for some time before thinking good luck had shined on him today, taking off for home and going straight to his garage and turning on the television. His normal routine was to watch this until dinner was ready, go inside and quickly finish off a plate of food and then head back outside till his bedtime. Jax sat down on his couch, putting a large pillow behind his back to get comfy before raising the remote to the television and turning it on. He got lost in a mix of afternoon cartoons and court t.v. before glancing up at the clock over the television stand and looking at the time. Almost six and nobody had come out to tell him to get inside for dinner. He leaned forward and let out a grunt as he got to his feet. He headed out the side door and back toward his house, going inside and almost dropping his mouth open as he saw the spread on the table. A huge chicken dinner was laid out on the table and his father smiled at him and motioned to the table.
"You want to help me set everyone's place."
It was actually the first time his father asked him to help out with anything in a long time. Aside from the drive to school and dinner he didn't spend much time with his family so this entire dinner on the table kind of surprised him. They never had a big dinner like this except for holidays. He thought to himself that it could be because of his birthday tomorrow, but shrugged that off since he already had a few birthday's with his new family and not even on his birthday would they have a dinner like this. He finished helping his father set the table and sat down next to him at the table, looking at the various vegtables set out on the table. His sisters and mother soon sat down at the table and everyone began to dig in. About ten minutes into the meal Jax cleared his throat and looked at his father.
"So what's with such a large meal?"
His father swallowed a few bites of food and looked back at him, giving him a smile.
"We just figured that since you were turning twelve tomorrow that it would be a nice idea to have a nice dinner before your birthday party."
His mother nods to him as he took a quick sip of milk from her glass.
"Yes. Your father and I thought it would be nice to actually set up a bit of a party for you. We never get to spend a lot of time with you for some reason, so this would be great for a change of pace."
Jax looked at his mother for a few moments before looking back at his father and shrugging at him, starting work on the rest of his dinner. He didn't really believe them. Sure they said they planned a party for him, but knowing the two of them they'd be too busy to actually care about it to go through with it. He finished off his dinner and actually had seconds for a change, enjoying the large dinner his mother had made. He helped clear the table and put away a few dishes before he went back into the garage. For the rest of the night he surfed channel to channel before dozing off for an hour. His father knocked on the side door of the garage and poked his head in to check up on Jax. Seeing that his son was out like a light he grinned to himself and carried him back into the house, setting him in bed and covering him up. He looked down at him and almost chuckled to himself, turning his back on him and shutting the door quietly behind him.
Jax woke up rather refreshed the next morning, taking care of a shower and sorting out a few things on his bedroom floor before heading back out to the garage. He still had an entire hour to kill before his father drove him to school. He crashed on the couch, laying down on it and before he could turn it on the familiar sound of the garage door opening made him turn to see his father standing there.
"Hey, I gotta drive you to school now since your sister's have to go to the doctor's office today."
"I didn't know they had appointments today."
"Neither did I. Guess your mother didn't tell either of us that."
Jax sighed to himself, having wanted to stay in the garage for the rest of the hour. He did listen to his father however, following him out to his car and sitting in the backseat, staring out the window and getting lost in the passing scenery. He only managed to snap himself back when he saw the school, sighing to himself as he said goodbye to his father and proceeded to get out of the vehicle. He wandered into the school and went to his class, taking a seat at his usual desk. Nobody else was around at the moment, not even the teacher, although his briefcase was on his desk. He grabbed a book from the back shelf and sat down again to read it. Going through the first couple of chapters he noticed that he had already wasted the hour and that other students were starting to sit down. The teacher was already at his desk, fooling around with grading a few papers beore the first bell rang. Jax put the book down on his desk and looked around the room at the lack of students around him. Almost half the class was gone, which seemed odd for a regular school day. He thought the rest would wander in soon enough, but with another hour going by and still only half the class in their seats, he shrugged to himself, not really caring where they could be.
With the final school bell ringing hours later, Jax got up from his seat, leaving the book he was reading on his table and being the last to leave the class. He wandered slowly through the school once trying to find his sisters. Not finding them anywhere he left the school and headed out front, sitting down on the school steps. He glanced up in time to see a fox woman walk by him, giving him a grin before disappearing behind the school building. Jax got up from his seat, following her for som strange reason, but not actually finding her once he turned the way she went. He did however find his mother's car, which he quickly headed over to and got in, his mother inside and ready to get going.
"Where are Beth and Jill?"
"Back at home. I came by earlier and picked them up since they got out of class early."
He looked at the back of his mother's head, trying to make sense of that since they never got out early before. He shook his head a bit since they had probably stayed home after their appointment and his mother didn't want to tell him the truth. He stared off into space as his mother drove him home, only snapping back to attention when the car came to a stop. Jax yawned some, thinking he could take a nap since it was his birthday. A nap and then opening the lame presents his parents always managed to get for him would be a good way to cap off the night. His mother ran ahead of him, opening the door and closing it after her as he trudged toward the front door. Jax yawned to himself as he swung the front door open, being caught off guard as a large group of people yelled.
He stumbled back against the wall next to the door, breathing heavily as he looked over his family and classmates all in his house. A large smile came to his face and a few tears clouded his eyes. He sniffed happily and stepped forward, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"All of this for me?"
Everyone smiled at him, a large cake on the kitchen counter. The lights were dimmed and the largest amount of light came from the twelve candles lining the cake. The small wolf bully that Jax was always picked on grabbed the cake and everyone began to sing happy birthday as he brought it over to Jax. He smiled at him and Jax looked down at the cake, a lovely white frosting with his name in blue frosting. The dragon and cat bully stood behind the wolf as Jax took a deep breath and blew out the candles. Everyone cheered loudly when they all went out. The wolf grinned at Jax before pushing the cake up toward his face. Jax took a step back and gasped to himself.
"Hey! Be careful!"
The dragon helped the wolf by grabbing underneath the cake as well and thrusting it up into Jax's face, causing him to hit his head against the wall before falling forward, landing face down in the rest of the cake. He coughed loudly to himself as he choked on some of the frosting, rolling onto his back to get a breath of air before having it forced out as the dragon kicked him in the chest. He started to cry loudly, calling out for help from his parents, but they stood watching and smiling as the three bullies started to kick at Jax's body as it laid on the ground, the other students joining in soon after. Jax kept crying loudly, trying to get away before he blacked out, being hit on the head with something heavy.
Jax groaned to himself as he woke up, then shivered a bit as he opened his eyes. He tried once to lean forward, but found his hands tied tightly behind his back, causing him to quickly fall back against the large coffee table he had been set upon. He turned his head to the side, gasping as he saw everyone standing around completely naked, the lights off and just candles lighting the room. He turned his head to the other side, seeing his parents and sisters also nude. Everyone's eyes looked glazed over and Jax started to struggle some before stopping, watching a fox woman move past him and standing in front of his feet. She was also completely naked and he recognized her from the fox he had seen back at the school.
"Well Jax I do hope you enjoyed your birthday party. A shame it didn't last long."
"What's going on!?"
"I saw you a few days at the school being picked on. You were so lonely. I started to watch you for a few days and you are just one of the most depressed children I may have ever seen. I knew I had to make you mine."
"What are you talking about?!"
"I crave sadness and right now your life is full of it. Just sit back and relax for soon you'll be mine forever and never have to live in this depressing world of yours."
She closed her eyes and everyone else in the room did the same. Raising her hands in the air she made small circles around her belly and lower regions and started to chant something to herself. Seconds later the entire room was filled with the chanting as the others began to chant with Amaru.
The chanting continued for a few moments, which seemed like hours for Jax as he continued to struggle, trying to work his arms from their bindings. Amaru snapped her eyes open and grinned down at Jax, who quickly tried to roll himself off the table. She stopped him however, grabbing his feet and thrusting them into her sex, which quickly made not only herself moan, but everyone else in the room.
"Evil spirits of the world, help me absorb this boy into myself. Let his sadness become part of my body forever and let those around this room feel the joy of him becoming one with a greater being."
Jax started to cry loudly, begging everyone for help. They all ignored him though, staring at him and then turning back towards Amaru when she speaks. She slowly began to pump Jax's feet in and out of her sex, causing her to moan a few more times before Jax's ankles are sucked inside. He yelped out and started to try his best to pull his feet out, but not having much success with that.
"Now everyone must do as I do, masturbate with me in order to feel extreme joy and to help me drag more of this lonely boy into me..."
Everyone nodded to Amaru, lowering their hands down to their private regions and either grabbing themselves and slowly massaging their cocks or using their fingers to gently tickle their sex. Amaru continued to push on Jax's legs, sinking them in and out of her sex and moaning loudly to herself, which gets everyone else in the room to moan as well. Jax continued to cry loudly for help, wanting someone to hear him and react to his words, but when minutes go by and his legs already halfway into the fox woman's he started to whine and cry louder. His feet lightly kick about inside the hot warm place they were being taken into. While it felt almost nice, he didn't want to go in there, causing him to yell out as he watched his legs go inside. Amaru moaned loudly to herself, juices spilled out of her sex and down Jax's legs, causing him to shudder to himself. What happened next made him yelp loudly, feeling his legs quickly being pulled inside, his knees being sucked up into the sex of the fox. He watched her large red tail flick a few times behind her and then looked up into her eyes, looking into the cold blackness. He started to flop around on the table, trying to get off the table, but finding himself held in place. The others in the room moaned loudly, feeling exactly what Amaru was feeling in her body, causing almost everyone to cum at the same time.
The smell of sex completely filled the room, puddles of semen dripping on the floor below Amaru as well as around the others as they crowded around the table Jax laid on. He shuddered a few more times as he felt his knees sucked all the way inside of the fox's lips, feeling them clutch around and start to slowly pull in his thighs as liquid ran down over his legs still, causing him to jerk his body back and forth, trying once more to get away. His jerking motions cause the fox to smile and then murr loudly, slowly grabbing onto his thighs and pushing them in a little bit and then out, murring all the time. The sound of murring soon overcame Jax, almost making his ears hurt as the rest of the furres around him began to murr as well, a few moans echoing into the room every now and then. He yelled out again for help, but found that once more no one was going to come in and aid him. He tried to pull his hands free of whatever was binding them, but that too failed when his arms began to tire out. He could only scream loudly and start to sob again as he felt his thighs being pushed into the tight confines of the fox's hot, wet sex. Jax had no idea what was happening or what he could to stop himself from moving inward.
His feet squirmed from side to side in the wet confines of Amaru's sex before pushing against a warm wall and stopping. As his thighs began to work inside the fox, she moaned out again as she came once more, a wave of moaning and the smell of sex quickly overpowering Jax's nose as everyone else came as well. His thighs were quickly pulled inside, his waist slowly making it to the fox's sex, causing him to squirm about some more. He stopped soon enough though as he felt his feet start and bend some, his knees soon brushing up against the same wall as they too began to bend a little bit. He stared up at the fox and jerked his body back as hard as he could, working an inch of so of his body out of Amaru's sex before she moaned and clenched around him, pulling him back in. He knew that it was way to cramped in there to fit all of him inside her sex, there was no way he could fit all the way inside if his body was already starting to fold up. Jax tried to tell her to stop what she was doing, but all that came out of his mouth were a few more whines and then he choked out a few more tears.
His waist quickly sunk into the fox's sex, causing him to almost moan out in pleasure as his body began to feel warm, but he realized what was happening and cried out for help again. The heat of the fox's sex rolled over his belly, the soft insides toying with Jax's head. They felt so warm and smooth, part of him wanting to go all the way inside and the part of him in control now wanting nothing more then to be free of this place. He cried loudly as a wave of moans erupted from the room once more, a torrent of cum washing on the carpet below everyone as they came once more, Amaru moaning the loudest of the bunch as Jax's belly was sucked in deeper, causing him to squirm about even more. He could feel his hands behind his back pushing against the sex lips, feeling the heat move over them as the lips sucked on his body. Everything felt wet to him, causing to him to shudder again, his body knowing it shouldn't feel wet at the moment. He continued to feel his body bend inside of the fox woman as more of it was sucked inside. His hands finally slipped into the hot, wet sex as Amaru moaned loudly again sucking more of his body inside. Jax stared at everyone a few more times, their eyes glazed over and blank as they touched themselves.
The sounds, the smells, everything was overpowering Jax in his futile position. His hands were bound and entering Amaru's sex, they were no longer of any use to him in any way. He couldn't work his body out of the fox when he tried to begin with, so with his hands being sucked inward that made his chances of escape decline about ten fold. The rest of his belly was slowly sucked inside as he squirmed from side to side, trying his best to stop some sort of movment inward, but failing in any attempt he made. Every move he made seemed to just make the fox moan louder, her juices running down his back and across his chest. He cried loudly as his chest and arms were moved inside as she came once more, the rest of the room doing the same, a huge amount of cum all over Jax's upperbody as Amaru came, the floor wet with cum that made a very large puddle. Jax looked from side to side for a chance to escape and screamed to himself as he found nothing. His eyes were bloodshot from crying so much, his chest being sucked inward with his arms going inside behind his back. His body folded up a bit more inside the fox as a wave of heat flowed over the rest of his body before reaching his head. The smell of the fox's scent was that of a thick musk and an almost strawberry aroma as it washed over Jax. He coughed loudly from the smell at first before getting used to it, yelling and trying to jerk his head away from the sex of the fox as another moan from her pulled his chest all the way inside, his shoulders and head all that remained outside of her body.
At this time Amaru began to chuckle lightly to herself after each moan. Her hands moved to his shoulders, putting pressure on them to force Jax in deeper. He yelled out loudly as his shoulders and neck were sucked inside, hearing the wet noises of the fox's sex clenching wetly around his body. He started to pant a bit, jerking his head from side to side and trying to move out of the way, knowing his movement is doing nothing to help his plight. A wave of moaning in the room caused his body to shudder as it started to pull him forward.
"Wait! Please! NOOO---"
Jax was finally able to speak something to the fox that sucked him into her sex, but the rest of his word were muffled as his head was sucked in past the lips, his body plunged into hot, wet darkness as he moved inside of the fox. Everything he yelled was muffled and soon enough he was curled up in a tight ball, feeling the fox's body massaging over his body, his frail sopping wet body. He couldn't see anything, his vision blocked by the darkness inside the body and the slick womb walls rubbing over his head. He sobbed loudly to himself, curling himself up tighter and not knowing what else he could do or how long he was going to last in here before he ran out of air. Outside, Amaru had a very large bulge near her midsection, that squirmed about every now and then with Jax's movement. She smiled down at the bulge and rubbed it a few times before moving her hands back down to her sex, closing her eyes and murring happily to herself as did everyone else in the room.
"Oh dark spirits, allow my body to kill this boy inside of me, yet keep his soul forever bound in his sadness deep inside. Let me absorb his body into mine and keep him forever."
With that she moaned loudly, the candles flickering a few times in the room. Jax let out a loud scream deep inside of the fox as the walls around him clenched tightly. He sputtered on some fluid building up inside the womb around him and then yelled loudly as he felt another powerful squeeze around his body. Moaning erupted around the room once more as every began to come a few times in a row, Jax's body heating up and being squeezed tightly, causing him to scream out in an almost faint pain. He then felt his body spasm a bit and it almost felt like he shrunk a little bit. Another tight squeeze caused him to yell loudly again, his mouth filled with fluid as he flowed past him, causing him to cough and choke a bit as he felt his body spasm once more. Amaru continued to rub over her sex, pushing her fingers inside and moaning loudly, sending a wave of pleasure up her back and through everyone else in the room. The walls around Jax seemed to grow smaller around him, but still gripped him tightly and squeezed his body with enough force to make him scream. He felt his hands finally untie from behind his back and Jax started to push against the womb walls he was confined to, yelling out and screaming after feeling his body pushed together.
Jax's body jerked back and forth as he tried to find a way out of his wet confined space. His body shuddered a few times and he gasped for air. Amaru's midsection suddenly shrank quickly rather then slowly as it had been doing, going almost back to normal. Jax's eyes fluttered some, trying to stay open as his world shrunk around him. Everything suddenly went black for him, his body fading out of existence and being absorbed into the fox woman's body. He thought to himself that he could finally rest in peace, knowing that he was dead. His mind suddenly snapped back into reality and he found himself hearing the heartbeat of something around him. He didn't have a body and couldn't speak, finding his essence trapped deep inside of the fox woman. He tried to scream, but nothing came out. In Amaru's mind however she could hear Jax's screams for help as his sould cried out. She moaned again as she came once more, the entire room doing the same. The floor was covered in seed from the women and men in the room, everyone panting loudly to themselves and drifting out of their trance and into a sound sleep. Amaru slowly moved to the front door, leaving the house and patting her midsection a few times.
"Your all mine little boy. Forever and ever trapped inside of a fox."
The screams of Jax's soul echoed in Amaru's mind, causing her to moan lightly to herself as she headed home. The nights to come were going to be such a great time. Jax's loneliness would provide her with a few well deserved nights of pleasure. | FSE |
Title: The Goat Farm 2 by Ramseys
Tags: Anthro, Bestiality, Cum, Feral, Goat, Human, M/F, Non-Anthro, Oral, Pig, Story Progression, Story Series, Vaginal, Zoophilia
Standard Warning About this Story Containing Zoo Sex! Anthro and Non-Anthro! Copyright by Ramseys 2012
I hope you all enjoy
For needed background, please read 'The Goat Farm' first.
The Goat Farm 2
(Jeff's story)
Jeff was your typical High School graduate... Short black hair, skinny, 'wiry' some would say... But when you consider that only about one in fifteen young folks that enter public High School ever make it to the end... Jeff is not the normal young person. He got his diploma in a trade. He's a very good driver. Took to the massive big rigs in no time. Turning, backing up, parking... He could park the huge vehicle quite literally on a dime. So with his newly minted Commercial Drivers License in hand, he got a job at a local lumber company making deliveries. And being the new guy, a young one to boot. He got all the crappiest deliveries, in the oldest crappiest truck, to the most difficult locations. But he really needed the job, so he kept quiet. His folks, for a graduation present, had all the locks changed and his stuff was on the front step... Seams their government mandated parental duties were fulfilled. Then one day, when he was just getting back from yet another crappy delivery to a stone quarry. He was walking across the lumber yard, trying to beat some of the limestone dust off his clothes, when the foreman hollered from the office. Veering from the path that would have taken him to the showers, he headed to the office. On his way, he noted that a truck was just finishing up being loaded. "What'sup?" He asked the overweight foreman. "Got one more delivery." Jeff looked at the clock, 15 minutes until quitting time. His refusal could cost him his job. "Where to?" "That new country club. And this load got forgotten until now. They've been buying a ton of stuff here, so we've got to keep 'em happy, even if they are a bunch of dumb animals." Jeff looked again at the truck... One of the new ones... Heck it would be worth it just to get to drive sometime besides that piece of shit they gave him. "Sure... Be happy to save your bacon, boss."
The Kangaroo looked at Jeff's CDL and company ID. Scanned both and had Jeff look into a retina camera. "Where's the regular drivers?" "Home or a bar, I guess... I got the overtime load on a Friday." The 'roo told him to wait, and went into the guard shack. After a phone conversation, that Jeff could hear a little bit of... "No the truck is fine and that load is still strapped to it.... I'm just doing my job!... If you had done your's, I wouldn't have to check on a new driver." Jeff had hung his head out the window of his truck, admiring the flowers around the guard shack... He gave a slight start with the face of the guard 'roo come back into his field of view. 'Ollie' (The name tag said) handed Jeff a lanyard with two plastic tags. A white one had his full name, a bar code and a magnetic strip on the back. The other was a bright green tag that said "Delivery Driver" and a number. "When you leave, turn in the green one and keep the other one incase you come out here again." Then the kangaroo handed back the invoices for the load and pushed a remote on his vest that made the orange and black stripped stop bar swing up. "Follow the 'B' signs." "Thanks" Jeff said and stuck his hand out... It was the 'roo's turn to look surprised... Taking the offered human hand in his paw, he carefully shook and then released it. With a happy wave, the young man drove into the construction site. Leaving a perplexed kangaroo staring at his paw.
One day in school, for extra credit, Jeff stayed after to meet 6 members from the I.A.O. (Island Animal Outreach) A pair of each of the three animals found on the island. Two hogs, two kangaroos, and two goats. They out numbered the students that stayed. Jeff asked polite questions, he class mates made rude remarks. Jeff looked at the modified hooves and paws... Marveling at each. The animals were fully clothed... Jeff sort'a wished they hadn't been.. he had seen a few photos showing the huge balls that normal boars and bucks possess, and wondered if the 'uplifted' animals bore the same. So while shaking a kangaroo's paw wasn't a common occurrence for Jeff, it was one he had done before and knew what to expect.
Sure enough the road made many splits and Jeff was soon on the 'B' one that led around the massive chalet to a huge barn. Soon he found the area that looked like they were waiting for him. Leaning out of the window, Jeff asked an all brown goat were he wanted the load to go. The buck, dressed in a heavy duty carpenter apron, pointed to a temporary loading ramp. Jeff parked the truck within an inch of the platform. Hopping out of the cab, the human set to work loosening the tie down straps and rolling them up. Suddenly Jeff got the feeling that something wasn't quite right... He stopped and looked around... All the animal workers was looking at him. "Ahhh... Am I doing something wrong?" He asked the group. The goat that had told him where to park spoke up. "All the other drivers never get out of their trucks... We do all the unloading." "Oh.. Sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to get out of the truck." Jeff turned to head back to the cab. "You can get out... There's no rule that says you can't... It's just that the other drivers sat in their cabs with the AC going." "But why?... This place is amazing... You guys are amazing... " The human stood looking at the different goats.. there were even a few kangaroos with shop aprons on. Just then a doe goat came out of the office trailer that sat between the barn and main chalet. She was all white with a green summer dress on. She came up to the foreman and spoke quietly to him. He nodded and turned to me as she retreated to the trailer. "Care for a tour of the place? We can get this load for you." Jeff was given a hard hat and he followed the foreman. The place was getting close to being done, but of course all the little details take time. "Another 8 to 9 months the front office figures." Then they wondered over to the barn. It was mostly done. They even had some of the normal animals they were going to have in the 'Farm Encounter'. Wide open floor with a smooth rubberized covering. Along the back they had it set up so there was an open pen inside where food and water was kept, an enclosed stall for cold weather and to just let the animal 'hide out' if they want to. The back of the stall opened to an outside paddock area and past that, for the bigger critters, (Horses, donkeys, cows, who aren't here yet) large pastures. The animals that were already here were 8 hair sheep. (In cold weather they get an undercoat, but in warm weather it sheds, so no need to shear.) A dozen or so goats. (Anglo-Nubian like the goats from the island) And 4 pigs... (Again the same breed as the island pigs, Durocs) They were standing in front of the pig pen when a sow ambled up to them. Jeff asked if he could touch her and the foreman wasn't sure. Just then a doe bounded up. She was a brown with white patches. She wasn't wearing anything. "Hello Robert, showing a guest around?" Just then she noticed my bright green "Delivery Driver" tag. She seamed to get flustered at this... "Oh.. Ahh.. Hello. You got out of your truck." Jeff did his very best to keep from looking too hard at her crotch teats. "Ahh, yea... I seam to be a bit of an oddity in that regard." Robert the buck goat said to naked doe, "The driver was just asking if he could touch the pig?" "Soffie?... Sure, she loves attention." Jeff was happy to be able to turn away from the two goats, to hide his growing erection. He leaned over the low fence and slowly started scratching the sow behind the ear. He noted how soft she was there. Contented grunts came from the pig. "My first time to touch a real pig." Then he realized what he said.. "I mean I've touched a couple of the island pigs.. they came to my school. But as far as one you'd find on a farm around here. This is the first." The two goats had a whispered conversation while Jeff was distracted with the sow. The doe spoke, "That is part of the reason we're going to have the 'Farm Encounter' area here. So people can either relive or get acquainted with normal farm animals... You seam to be someone that would like to visit here." The human gave a slight snort. "I wish... I'm not exactly Country Club material." "Maybe the next time you're out here then." The foreman suggested. "No... I doubt I'll get by here again anytime soon." Jeff sound wistful. "The drivers are all union and seniority gets to pick what deliveries they take... And this is a favored one. So I'll not be back unless they have another screw up and they need someone to work late on Friday." The human could see that the goats were just finishing up unloading his truck. "And I better be getting back... Thanks for the tour, and letting me pet your pig... I'll remember that." The 'up lifted' animals stood around and watched the truck as it drove away. "Think he'll come back?" Molly the naked doe asked the buck foreman. "Yea... did you see the way he was looking at you?... He'll be back."
On Monday just before noon a delivery truck pulled up... Parked about five feet from where it was suppose to park and the window rolled down and a burly arm thrust the invoices out into Robert's hoof. "Where's the young guy?... We asked for him to deliver." "Listen goat.. I don't tell you how to do your job, so don't try to tell us how to do ours." And the window closed.
Jeff had just sat down on a picnic table at a rest stop. He could hear the ticking of the hot metal as his breaks cooled down. His truck, over loaded with granite slabs, had once again made the trip off the mountain, and Jeff was letting things cool before heading back to the lumber yard. His phone chimed... A message. 'Who could that be?"
*'Jeff Scott: We would like to see you after work today concerning a job offer. Your travel expenses will be reimbursed. -- Robert: Capricorn Construction'*
Jeff sat in the guard shack talking with Ollie, while waiting on a taxi. "I went in and told 'em I was giving my two weeks notice... Next thing I knew they had two guys watching me clear out my locker... I couldn't even keep my cap!" The 'roo nodded and stated, "This is a much better outfit to work for." "Yea, I'm quickly finding that out... After spending all morning filling out forums and signing every piece of paper in the joint. I'm now find myself with a lunch per diem in my pocket, waiting on a cab so I can go pick up brand new lease truck I'll be driving for 'em."
Friday of that week, Ollie hopped into the cafeteria, spotted Robert and joined him at his table. After some small talk the 'roo asked... "You know where your new driver goes at night?" "Home?... But it's obvious from your question that's not correct." The big kangaroo nodded... "I did the background check on him, I know he lives not too far from his old job, meaning it's a hell of a long ways from here. Too far to walk, or ride a bike even. No busses, and a taxi... Well even with the better pay you all are giving him, still wouldn't be enough to cover a taxi to and from every day." "So where's does he go?" The brown buck asked. "Last night a patrol spotted a light in his truck... They gave it a 'bounce by' and they seen Jeff in the truck bedding down for the night."
Jeff made his last trip for the day. Robert was waiting next to the time clock for him. "We got something for you I think you'll enjoy." Was all the buck goat would say as he led the human to a part of the barn not quite done. The 'Members' area. Small rooms that the members can request for the night. Never know when a member would have a need for a room over night... Like when the wife kicks him out. Actually these were 'overflow' rooms in case the half dozen in the chalet were all taken. The hallway only had a bare bulb as did the room Robert opened the door to. But inside... It was fantastic... A bed made obviously by the carpenters, 2x6's and 2x8's had been carefully bolted together. Heads recessed, all edges smoothed and sanded. A full size mattress lay on it, blankets were used for sheets, and one was folded up for a pillow. A chair from the cafeteria stood next to it. The walls hadn't been painted yet and the floor was just bare concrete. "Well... it's not very fancy, but should be more comfortable then the cab of the truck." The human was dumbstruck for a few sec, then said. "You did all this for me?... I guess you found out. Come to think of it, I thought I saw a pair of kangaroo ears flash by the truck window..." "You're a good man Jeff. Sometimes dealing with suppliers... well the humans talk about fairness and equality... I'm sure you get some of the hatred because you work for us." Jeff nodded, a little ashamed at his fellow man, some of the things he's heard hadn't been kind. Going out to the truck he brought in his personal stuff. Razor, towel, soap, spare clothes, laptop, and phone. He'd have to figure a way to stop by his old place and get his TV, beat up gaming console and some second hand dishes. Later as the young man lay in his new bed he had to smile... "I'm living in a barn with animals..." Which to him, didn't seam odd or wrong at all.
Since the suppliers were all closed on the weekends there wasn't any deliveries, but the human happily hopped on the little used forklift and was soon moving and stacking material so the carpenters wouldn't have to walk as far to get needed supplies. Later Jeff found out that the island animals don't have the depth perception to safely use the machine. Which accounted for the audience he had for most of the day. Even the seldom seen hogs popped out of their offices to watch. About three, Robert called an early end to the work day. Went over to the human and thanked him for pitching in like that... It was, after all, his day off. On the way to the shower Jeff passed by the pens for the 'normal' animals. Soffie was standing at their usual corner. The human had been spending part of his lunch times petting the pig. So he stopped and was cheered listening to the sow's happy 'oinks'. Molly came by, naked as usual, and told the human that Soffie was used to him and if he wanted, he could hop the fence and get closer to her. Jeff was surprised and a bit honored, Molly really watched over her charges here in the barn. Soffie seamed happy that the human was sitting down on the hay next to her. First thing she did was to stick her flat moist snout into the human's arm pit and snuffle deeply, giving happy grunts and squeaks in the process. Molly leaned over and spoke softly into Jeff's ear. "Human sweat has some of the same chemicals as in boar's saliva... Soffie probably thinks you're a boar that's come to court her." Before the human could say anything, the doe had pranced off to the other end of the vast barn. The young man sat rather stunned until a snout in the ribs brought him back to the job at hand, scratching Soffie. "So you think I'm another hog... Hmm?" The human never tired at all the different happy sounds the sow could make, as he scratched her behind her floppy ears, under her jaw, or between her front legs. Soffie turned sideways and Jeff continued to scratch her dull red hide. Again out of nowhere the naked doe was leaning over them with a stiff bristled brush in her hoof. "Here..." she said thrusting the implement at the human. "She likes this." And she was gone again. Carefully Jeff stroked the brush over the sow's tough skin. Sure enough, the animal leaned closer to the brush. Along her back and down the flat sides of the pig, the human brushed and brushed. He got lower and lower on her side, until he was starting the curve under her belly. But the skin was softer there so he switched back to his hand. He got closer and closer to the line of teats... Should he? "SHE LIKES THOSE RUBBED TOO." came the voice of Molly from several stalls away. The human jumped like he'd been shot! Once his heart left his throat, he began to rub her many teats, as well as the very soft strip of pig flesh between 'em. Soffie finally tired of having her boobs massaged, she turned again... Only this turn presented Jeff with a view of a very pink pig pussy. Figuring Molly was watching from someplace, the young man picked up the brush and again brushed the thick pig skin. Around the curled tail and down both hips. All the while he stared at the pink mound of sex flesh. He knew Molly washed the pigs everyday... She was so very clean... His mouth was dry... He licked his lips, wishing he could...
Jeff wondered to the tack room in a daze... Strange new thoughts were swirling around his brain. He put the brush on a shelf next to similar ones... And wondered to his room. One of the carpenters had built a small desk and left it outside his door. "Like Elves or something." he mused aloud at how things just seam to appear. The human carefully carried the desk inside his room and put it against the wall. Stepping back he saw they had even put a small drawer in it. Pulling it open there was an envelop inside. Opening the unsealed letter... The letter head was from security. From the desk of Ollie North, head of security.
*To: Jeff Scott Subject: Wi-Fi Security would appreciate is you would help beta test the Wi-Fi that will be used here. Please report any loss of signal, or interruption of service to this office. You have unlimited usage. Thanks for your help: Ollie North* At the bottom of the page was a log in name and password.
After supper Jeff returned to his room. He had thought about going to see Soffie again, but he wanted to check a few things out, before his had a second 'date' with the pig.
The laptop battery was nearly flat. (They hadn't made the 'Zero Point' battery small enough to fit in a small device.) So he had to move his new desk slightly so the power cord from his old Dell would reach. At least the job at the lumber yard had paid Jeff enough so that he could afford the fee to get his laptop switched to 'adult' mode, since he was over 18.
Google told him about the reproduction cycle of hogs. And how the boar's penis worked. Youtube showed him the 'mechanics' of how pigs mated. And because the island animals were not 'animals' by law, there was porn with humans and island animals, since it wasn't bestiality.
Actually some of the porn had been made with normal animals. And when the law found out they arrested them, only to find out the new laws were too broad and too vague. So new ones were passed, only the island animals, who weren't really animals, could shag 'normal' animals, because they could 'read' the body language and could tell if the animal was consenting. Then a farmer was turned in by his ex-wife for having sex with a goat... On the stand the farmer said that one of those island goats had come by that very day and told him, that particular doe goat was really wanting someone to shag her. So he did. There's still was no clear law, after all these years.
With all the Youtube vids and the porn, Jeff was able to brush Soffie's bottom without freaking out. Which he did, along with the rest of her, everyday of the following week. Sometimes he'd be out there even after the lights had been turned off. He thought he noticed something Monday... By Tuesday he was sure... Soffie was coming into heat. Her cute pink cunt was swelling. Wednesday he made a bold move, he rubbed his hand over sow's mound. Just a quick swipe... Then longer, lingering rubs... All the while the hog made her happy sounds. Thursday he let his finger slip in the increasing growing pussy... He found her sharp fleshy point of her clit. This brought a squeal of pleasure from the sow. He tried to slip his finger farther into her, but Soffie wasn't quite ready for that and moved away... But as wet as she was, surely her 'standing heat' as the articles had called it, couldn't be that far off. Friday he came to her just after the lights had been lowered to the night time levels. After her normal greeting of deep inhales and snout poking into armpits, she just stopped moving, as if she suddenly was rooted to the floor...
"Could it be now?" the human wondered... He had watch the vids of how a boar 'work' a sow. Nose lifts along her flank, shout bumps around her rear, and finally the chin on her rump. Jeff got up and using his hands the lifted the flesh around her belly, the moved behind her and put his hand on her rump... She stood still. Her vulva was easily twice it's normal size. The human looked around... No sign of Molly. Slipping his shorts off, he had no underwear, the young man now tried to figure out how to get his fully erect eight inch cock, down to her level. Spreading his feet wide apart, he flexed his knees... The sow's cunt was very slick. The fluid fairly bubbled out of her slit. One hand on her back, with the other he pressed his uncut cock head against her puffy lips. They easily opened to let him slide the first few inches in. He stopped to see if Soffie wanted him to stop. What he got was a sow backing up onto his cock, while making happy sounds. There was no lube that could have been as slick as what the pig was putting out. Jeff slid deeper into the silky smooth, oh so warm pig pussy.
The human started to slowly stroke his cock in and out... Damn she was so hot... And Damn she was so smooth... And Damn she had some nice muscles in there. It had been many a month since Jeff had a pussy to fuck. And this one was fucking perfect. He picked up speed... His cock was rock hard as it stroked the animal's cunt... Soon his groin was giving meaty smacks to her bulbous pig butt. With both hands on her hips he held some of his weight off his complaining knees. He wasn't used to being in this position but he was way too far gone to quit now. Faster he pounded her swine flesh... The human wished he had taken his shirt off too, he was getting hot, sweat dripped down his face and onto the hog's back... He breathing was becoming ragged... Close... He was getting close... Squeals and grunts, Soffie was happy... So was the human... With a sharp gasp, Jeff dumped his first load of human semen into the hog... Another stuttering stroke and another blast... Then a third... The forth and final stroke and spurt... He nearly collapsed onto her back, knees giving out... When his softening cock slid from her hole, he rolled off her and into the hay next to her.
Almost at once he noticed a bigger hog approaching them. From his full tusks Jeff knew this was a boar, and could be dangerous for him to be in here. But the animal attention was clearly directed towards the sow and not him. After some greeting grunts and squeals, the huge male wasted no time in putting his chin onto Soffie's rump. Again she stood still and quickly the boar had heaved himself up and onto the sow's back. The pinkish red corkscrew cock was soon thrusting in and out of his belly sheath in search of pig pussy.
After watching countless vids of farmers helping aim boar dicks at sow's cunts... Jeff decided he'd give the boar a helping hand. Scooting closer, he reached out and caught the waving skinny dick and aimed it at Soffie's puffy twat. That the human noted she was dripping his cum. Quickly the osculating cock slipped into the wet pig twat. He saw the boar heave himself farther up onto Soffie's back as his cock slid farther into her.
"Thanks kid." The deep melodious voice made Jeff jump. An island pig! He knew there was a couple her... The male was called Murphy. "She sure is a great fuck, isn't she?" The human could only squeak out a "Yea". Was he caught? Did they even care? The huge island boar sure didn't seam to mind diving into sloppy seconds. Leaning back on the hay Jeff watched the two hogs go at it. He could see Murphy was still stroking his cock back and forth in the sow... But soon his cock must have caught in her cervix and twisted in... And if he was like the boars he'd watched on Youtube, he'd be in her for a quite a while.
Only a few feet from a fantastic sex show, Jeff's cock started to stir back to life. Soon the human was slowly stroking himself as he imagined the boar's cock buried into the sow's griping cervix, making the male pump out his cum into her waiting womb.
There was something stepping on the hay next him and a soft voice saying, "Now there's no need to let this go to waste." And before he knew it, Molly had her hand around his cock, gently stroking it. Her other hand held a bottle of lube that she slathered onto his penis. Then she was over him, her hind legs did that fold that only digigrade legs can do, and she was sliding her cunt down his cock shaft to end up with his balls against ass. A short fluffy tail gave a quick wag, sending her feathery tail hairs to caress his scrotum. The doe gave his cock a squeeze with well trained cunt muscles, and then said, "You got a nice cock." After which, she started bouncing up and down on the human's 'nice cock'.
Leaning foreword, the doe goat rested her hoof/hands on the human's chest, as she rode his cock. Jeff had just gotten into her rhythm, when she stopped, gave a soft bleat, her cunt spasm around his throbbing cock... Then she was back to bouncing up and down on his groin. Looking over at the two hogs, the human was sure Murphy had a smile, and gave him a wink. Having just cum in Soffie, he had a ways to go before he could cum again. But the doe goat didn't seam to mind, she kept up her steady beat, stopping from time to time to do her goat orgasm. The pattern of white patches on brown was dizzying as he watch Molly get off on his hard cock. Laying his head back he just concentrated on the hot goat pussy that was caressing his dick. Every once in a while, one of Soffie's happy squeals could be heard as well as the goat's soft bleats.
Being nineteen, it didn't really take all that long before the human started to feel the tightness gather in his loins. Looking down he watched the goat's pussy lips, pulling out and pushing back in as Molly rode him. With his own lustful groan, the young man gripped the goat around her belly, just above her heaving hind legs and added his own thrusts to their fucking. With a low cry, "I'm goin'a cum!" Jeff pulled the doe down, onto his twitching member. Molly uses her trained cunt muscles to grip the human's cock as it spewed it's white seed up into her animal twat.
For the second time that night, Jeff's orgasm raced through his body, blast after blast of his gooey white cum erupted into the happy doe siting on him... Then... Quiet... Molly slowly lowered herself onto the human's chest. She bent her neck down so she could nuzzle his face and neck. "I'm glad we were right about you." Her voice was heavy with sex, as she whispered the words into his ear.
With two fucking hogs in the background, and Jeff's slowly wilting cock still being milked by the goat's twat. The two quietly talked... Or rather the human listened as the doe told him about how the men on the island made the doe goats 'Sex addicts'. And how they were always on the look out for willing partners. That humans and animals, 'natural' or island animals, could never make young. And even Murphy's fucking of Soffie won't make little pigs, since she was a 'natural' pig. Another trick the men on the island played on them. They wanted to do, and see, lots of fucking, without lots of little ones. The only way she could become pregnant was with an island buck. The two were then quiet. They watched the growing puddle that grew between Soffie's hind legs as Murphy's cum steadily dripped from her puffy lips. "You didn't look all that comfortable when you were fucking Soffie." The doe softly said. "You were watching?" "Sure, I wanted to see if you'd fuck her." The human nodded and since everyone was so cool with him fucking Soffie, he said. "Yea I wished I had something to kneel on, so I'd be the right height. Just then the massive red boar pulled his cock out of Soffie and slid off her back. With what sounded like a very self satisfied grunt, the big male lumbered off. But not before a casual, "Have fun you two." was tossed over his shoulder. Soffie seamed to have had her fill of sex for the night and wondered over and laid on the soft hay.
Both human and doe looked at their still joined genitals. "We seam to be a sticky mess." the goat noted. Molly stood and Jeff got a good look at the pussy that he had been so deeply buried in. Sort of a dusky brown, except where it still gapped open from the girth of his cock being in there for so long, it was reddish pink. A white pearl of his cum dripped from her. Reaching down, she helped the human to his feet. She grabbed her bottle of lube, he snagged his shorts from the fence where he had tossed 'em. The two wobbled to the showers.
Back in his room. Jeff was soon in a deep happy sleep.
Jeff was up at his normal time, and headed towards the cafeteria. But not quite making it. Nora the all white goat doe from receiving, stopped him. "I hate to ask you on your day off, but could you make a trip into town for a small pick up?" "Sure, not a problem." The human was in a very good mood. "Well you'll need to leave right away, the store's warehouse staff leaves at 1:00 on Saturdays." The human changed course and followed the goat to the receiving office to get his paperwork he'd need for the pick up. Just as he was heading out the door to his truck he met Molly, with a plate with three large chocolate chip cookies on it and a large glass of orange juice. "I heard you were having to head out without breakfast, so I got you some cookies left over from last night. And Bill send you a glass of his special juice." Jeff took a cookie from the plate and the glass. "Bill?" "He's going to be the head bartender... I guess you've not met him. He's an all black buck with a really nice set of horns." The human wondered if, 'nice set of horns' was code for something... Since the juice was in a 'glass' glass, he downed it quickly and snagged the rest of the cookies off the plate. "Thanks Molly..." he wanted to say and ask so many things. "You're welcome, now you better get going." She took the empty glass from him. "We'll talk tonight." Jeff headed to his truck, the 'special juice' had a bit of a bitter after taste. He'd better mention that to Bill if he was planning on serving that to humans.
He made it to the store by 12:10. He was glad he didn't make anyone stay over. Especially since it was just one package that he stood on end in the passenger side of the flatbed's cab. If the fast food place hadn't been in the same shopping center, he probably wouldn't have stopped... Seamed his thoughts were returning to last night. He got his sack of food to go and carried it in front of his groin as he walked back to his truck to hide his growing stiffy. Safely in his cab he hit the AC and wolfed down his sandwich. Switching on the motor, he werrrrred back into traffic. He absently munched his fries as he wound his way out of the city. It was after 3:40 by the time he got back. He was so preoccupied with his thought's, he nearly blew by the guard house. Good thing Rolph was quick on the remote or else he would have snapped the 'stop arm' off. Backing the truck up he rolled down the window and apologized to the 'roo. "I'm really sorry.. I was really lost in thought... I..." Rolph just smiled good natured and said he was happy the human had provided a bit of excitement to a boring Saturday afternoon. Jeff and the heavy box was in receiving by 4:00. Nora took the paperwork and pushed the box back to the human. "It's for you." was all she said. The human lugged the box to his room. Just outside the door sat a small package. The box went on the bed and going back he grabbed the smaller package and put it on his desk. "Might as well start small and work up to the big one." he muttered aloud. The small package contained a bottle of lube, like Molly had last night. "Well I guess this makes it official..." he thought. They were cool with what happened last night. That thought made his dick throb in his pants. He tore into the big box... Some sort of exercise equipment... the instructions showed someone kneeling on the adjustable pads and doing a series of stretches and yoga type moves. Jeff stared at the pads... Not only were they ok with what happened last night, they were supplying special equipment to make it easier for him. The knee pads were connected together with a bent u-shaped bar between 'em. This he put over his shoulder and grabbing up the bottle of lube, he headed to the pig pens. His full erection tenting his shorts, leading the way.
Soffie seamed to be waiting on him. She gave her 'happy to see you' grunts and turned around so her swollen vulva was inviting him in. His clothes were off in a flash. His hands shook as he adjusted the knee pads and placed them to just either side of the sow's hind hooves. As wet as she looked, the human didn't think he needed lube, but he splashed a thin coating on his rock hard cock before dropping to his knees, and thrusting into the waiting swine. Soffie gave a bit of a 'surprised squeal' but quickly started making happy grunts.
Jeff never felt so... Alive?.. lustful?.. Just plain horny. He was quickly pounding his cock into the puffy pig cunt. He grabbed the sow just in front of her hips, to help pull himself deeper into her. He could feel the swollen puffy cunt lips of the sow squish against his groin. Every nerve in his body seamed awash in lust. The sight of Soffie's broad red back, and the faint musk of her heat. The wet slop of her natural mucus as his pounding cock slammed into the wet swine pit.
'Yes Yes... I'm going to cum!' a voice in Jeff's mind screamed. 'Yes, let me cum in her!' The human's fast rhythm never faltered right up to the moment of release. Then he was blasting huge wads of whitish human cum deep into the animal's pussy. Again and again he fired his semen into her. The walls of her swine tunnel were hosed with his jets of cum. Five, six, seven times.. Another, eight! Massive loads of human ejaculate were unloaded into the sow. Finally he was just sending small spurts of gooey white liquid to add to what had pooled in her vagina. The young man slowly bent over and as the last of his cum dribbled into Soffie, he laid on her back... His breaths were deep and ragged... Finally he recovered, the fog of lust seamed to lift some.
'Damn!' he thought, 'Who knew sex with a sow could be so intense.' He must have had some reservations last night, but now he had no such inhibitions. At least that's what he figured had happened.
Several minutes later, he was still rock hard... And still buried in Soffie's warm cunt. he lifted himself off her back. Small movements made his cock throb. Slowly the human started to fuck the sow again. Soffie's happy grunts were like music to the young man's ears. More sexy then any human female utterances. Jeff looked down to watch his cock plow in and out of the puffy nether lips of the sow. Her tail in a tight curl, twitching in time to his powerful thrusting. Just a few months ago, he never would have thought about fucking a sow... Now it seamed like the most natural thing in the world...
Out of the corner of his eye he noticed another hog wonder up... It wasn't Murphy... Another sow... She came closer, he could see her lift her head and scent the air. Even the human could smell the heavy musky scent of sex hanging in the air around he and Soffie. Having another sow watching them seamed lewd... And exciting... He slammed into Soffie even harder... His lust rising in leaps and bounds... His cock churning the mixture of her mucus and his cum into a frothy liquid that leaked out with each stroke... 'God she feels so damn good!' he thought... His first blast of cum rocketed deep into her... Followed by another even stronger... Thick gooey ropes of human semen jetted into the pig's vagina. Powerful blasts sprayed her mating tunnel... Then the human was spent... Just a dribble of cum...
"Hey kid, you want to stop hogging the sow?" Murphy's deep voice rumbled behind him. "Let somebody else have a go with her."
Knowing the massive boar was just behind him, Jeff's erection finally wilted. The human pulled out of the sow. A thin string of sticky translucent cum connected the two for a moment, before breaking and starting a journey towards the floor. Standing up, the human reached down and picked up his kneeling blocks. He stopped for a moment to watch the rope of his semen gather speed as gravity pulled at the viscous fluid that leaked from the puffy pig vulva.
Murphy walked up to the sow. He looked at the cum that flowed out of Soffie. "Geeze kid, you part boar or something?"
Jeff stammered... What does one say in a situation like this? "I'll... I'll clean her off for you."
"Won't be necessary kid." The powerful hog heaved himself up, onto the sow's back. Murphy's cock made a few pokes at the sow's rump before Jeff remembered to help. Seamed a bit surreal to be helping another male plow into a pussy you was just in. Backing away, the human bumped into the other sow that had been watching all this time.
"Oh... Hello there." Jeff knelt down and started to rub the sow's ears. "You seam very interested in what's going on here." The new pig started making happy sounds, but soon turned her red bulbous rump towards him. Her light pink pussy lips were shaped like a small mound. Her tightly curled tail seamed to wag almost dog like as he looked at her.
"Well you seam happy to show it off, now do you want someone to do anything with it?" He mused aloud. Reaching out he scratched around her rump above her tail and down both sides around it. 'Well she seams to like that.' Jeff thought to himself. Next he lightly ran his fingers over the soft mound, and the sow stood still. The human's lust tickled something in the back of his mind and before his knew it, he was leaning in, putting his lips around the pig's pussy mound and was lightly sucking on it. Which made the 'happy sounds' the sow was making become even louder. The human flicked his tongue over the soft flesh... And then inside... His exploring tongue soon found her spear like clitoris at the bottom of her slit. Every time he'd make contact with the sensitive organ, the sow would hunch up her back and give a little squeal. But she never made a move to get away from the onslaught of tonguing. All of which had brought the human's lust back up to full boil.
Jeff pulled his mouth away and picked up the lube bottle, squirting some on his fingers and smeared it over her mound. Carefully he slipped his finger into her opening... She pushed back... Deeper he slipped his middle finger into her snug cunt... The sow still made happy sounds and never tried to move away. The human's throbbing erection demanded to be tried next. Standing up and retrieved his kneeling blocks and placed them on either side of her. Next he slathered a good coating of lube over his rampant cock. And knelt behind her. One hand on her back and the other aiming his hard cock at her nether lips.
Her vulva opened to accept him... He pushed deeper, she pushed back... The snug tube stretched around his cock... He was half way in, stopped and pulled out, he applied more lube and slid back in... Easier this time... Deeper... Deeper... Her warm vagina welcomed the young man's penis into it's depths. When his balls touch her rump, the human whispered. "Tight.... oh so tight."
For a few moments he just held himself deep in her... but his lust wanted more, it wanted to fuck her... Pulling back slightly, then pushing back in... Then longer and longer his strokes became. The sow's cunt loosened... And soon Jeff was fucking her with long powerful strokes of his cock. His lust was happy, it liked fucking pigs... He like fucking pigs... 'God... so hard' Jeff marveled at how stiff his cock was. 'Like steel'... Again and again he drove his hard cock into the sow's cunt. The human felt his third orgasm of the day, start to build. Stealing a glance at Murphy, by the blessed out look on the boar's face, he knew he had screwed his cock tip into the sow's cervix, and was sending squirt after squirt of his hog semen into her uterus. That thought was enough to send the human's own cum to start rocketing down the length of his cock and blast into the sow's vagina. This third orgasm rocked the young man as hard as the first two. Jeff could scarcely believe the amount of cum that was pumped from his glans and into the sow. Not that he minded the intense feeling of pleasure he was getting from wave after wave of orgasmic bliss.
Jeff lay sprawled on the sow's back. The world finally stopped spinning and his breathing was returning to something more normal... He was still very hard... And the sow was still milking him with her squeezing pussy muscles.
A sudden movement to his right... Soffie must have moved. He could see the long thin penis stretching from her cunt to Murphy's belly sheath. With a grunt and a quick lunge the boar was once again fully on her back and his cock was hidden from view as his sheath opening was pressed against the swollen vulva of the sow.
The young man's cock lurched and throbbed at the sight... He was ready to go again! Levering himself up with his arms, Jeff looked down at the deep red skin of the sow he was still buried in up to his balls. He watched his shaft slowly appear from pink neither lips that stretched in their reluctance in giving up the thick penis... Then puckered back in as if sucking the cock back when he pushed back in. The wetness of the lube, his cum, and her mucus shown in the late afternoon light that streamed through the open doors. He felt as if his whole body was one big sex organ. He closed his eyes as he pick up speed. Faster and faster the human fucked, until he was again slamming his groin against firm meaty rump of the sow. All three hogs were making happy grunts and squeals as the scent of their musky sex filled the air around them. Even the human was adding soft moans to the chorus, as well as a staccato rhythm of slapping flesh.
"OH YEA" came out as a mixture of groan and shout as the human achieved orgasmic bliss for the forth time that afternoon. "Fuck yea." was softly uttered nine times, once for each blast of Jeff's cum into the happy sow. This time the young man seamed locked into his position. Head lulled to one side, eyes still closed, slacked jawed. Breathing deeply as he relaxed as the last of his semen was milked from his cock... That was still far from flaccid.
Someone was stepping through the hay behind him. A warm fuzzy body pressed against his back and a white goat muzzle slid over his shoulder and along his cheek...
"Sally, you mind if I borrow our young human for a bit?" It was Nora... She wanted him!
The sow that was milking his cock spoke. "Sure... Just remember where you found him."
The sow was another island hog! And she hadn't said a word the whole time he was fucking her. Jeff looked over at Murphy, who looked like he was enjoying the whole thing... Not just the sow screwing.
"Sally meet Jeff... Jeff meet Sally."
"Nice to meet you, I'm sure." The sow said in a 'valley girl' voice.. and gave his cock an extra firm squeeze.
"Are you two being mean to Jeff?" The white goat doe asked in mock concern.
"Heck no." came Murphy's deep voice. "I let him have first go with Soffie here."
Nora left Jeff on his kneeling blocks, still stuck in the sow. She went over to a soft pile of hay, bent down on all four's, did the front leg kneel and hind leg fold up just like a normal goat would do. "Come on over here, you look like you need a break from all that sex."
For the first time in a couple of hours, Jeff's 'one eyed monster' had finally flagged and was looking at the ground. He didn't look at his cum leaking out of Sally's pussy, for fear of making himself horny again.
He had just sat on the hay next to Nora, when Murphy slid off Soffie's rump. There was no missing that ribbon of cum that flowed from her soppy twat. "I think we did a pretty good job kid. She looks well fucked if you ask me." And with that pronouncement, the big boar walked over to a patch of hay and laid down. Soffie followed, and after sniffing Murphy's belly where the end of his sheath was, she went around and laid with her back to his... Sally had turned to watch and then turned back to the human. "I'd say Murphy was correct. You two did do a heck of a job on poor Soffie." She then gave him a wink. "And you did a pretty nice job on me too... I'll remember this for quite a while." And she too wondered off and laid down at the far end of the pen.
Jeff nodded towards the sleeping boar and sow. "Too bad they can't have kids between 'em."
"So Molly told you about island animals and normal animals?" Nora asked.
"And humans... About how I can't get anyone pregnant here."
Jeff laid back on the hay, a cool breeze blew in for a few moments. He enjoyed the cool on his still heated body. "Feels good"... The human look around and in a low voice he asked Nora. "Ok.. What did Molly give me this morning?... I mean cumming four times in a row like that... That's not normal, even for a porn star."
Nora told him about the 'super sex' drug the men on the island had made for themselves. And how they became addicted to it. To the point where they didn't eat, didn't sleep, they just kept fucking the animals. That was why he couldn't ever tell anyone about it. If it got out into the world, mankind would fuck itself to extinction. They had given him a tiny dose of the drug. Nothing like the dosage the men on the island were giving to themselves.
"Why give the drug to me?"
"We need to learn about it and it's effects. And we wanted to give you a reward for being such a nice human to all of us." Nora's voice had a pleading sound as if she wanted him to understand and not be mad at her. "It'll wear off in a few more hours."
"Well then...." Jeff sat up and looked at the white doe. "I guess we better get on with the testing." The human really couldn't be mad at the goats. After all they were in a permanent state of sexual arousal. He was only going to be like this for a few more hours.
"I'm betting you'd be a willing partner for the next test?"
Nora gave a happy bleat and said. "Oh god yes. I've always wanted to do it, what you humans call, the missionary position."
Jeff got up and retrieved his bottle of lube. From the porn he'd watched, missionary with a goat, one just had to roll said doe over from the position Nora was in now. By the time the human had picked up the bottle to then turn back to her, his erection was once again full hard. Kneeling in the soft hay, he carefully rolled her over... Which she did very easily. "I've been practicing laying on my back." She almost sound like she was blushing at the admission.
First thing Jeff noticed was her bright pink nether area. Her tiny rosebud of a vulva was already wet with her juices. "You sure you can take me?" the human asked.
"Yes, very sure... We doe's can stretch a lot." And again he could almost hear her blush as she added. "I've been practicing with a dildo."
"Well Molly sure didn't have any problem last night. She must have been really worked up the way she started cumming as soon as she sat on me."
"Did that bother you?"
"Heck no, I thought it was uber sexy." Just remembering Molly last night, his lust flared up. With a lustful groan, he got into kneeling position behind the doe. With suddenly shaky hands he barely got the lube open and coated his throbbing erection. He closed the top and tossed the bottle aside. Taking his cock in hand he started to aim for Nora's animal cunt... Just not quite the right angle... He took her hind legs in the other hand and pushed them farther up, making the goat rump roll up more. 'There', he thought, 'That should be just right'. Leaning foreword, he pressed his glans against the pink opening. Sure enough it opened easily to let him slowly slide his rampant cock in. He watched as the pink flesh gobbled up his cock. As with Molly last night, he slid completely in without stopping. The hot goat flesh wrapped around his cock... He leaned foreword more, he didn't have to hold her legs, his belly held them in place... Nora gave a soft bleat as he hilted in her. Again a short hairy tail wagged against his balls. Jeff lowered himself onto his elbows on either side of the goat's body. He had her trapped under him. But the only sound she made was happy little bleats. Slowly he started fucking her. Lifting his loins up to pull out and then back down to drive back into her silky vagina. Her vulva twitched and tried to grip his slick shaft as it thrust in and out of her. Even at this slow pace the doe was soon bleating and quivering under the young man. Jeff would stop at these times, to let her enjoy them, then continued his slow fucking of her sex. He started to grind himself against her when she started moaning and twitching, he must have been tweaking her clit, because she seamed to have a more intense orgasms. By now the doe was panting and her bleats became louder... "Fuck me..." she whispered. "Fuck me hard." Looking up at her face, he saw her looking back at him. Her wide spread horns kept her head directly pointed at him. Sliding his hands under her head he lifted it so he could be rub his lips against her's. Her tongue flitted out and 'kissed' him. Jeff rocked his hips from side to side... She shuttered and bleated... He let her head back down into the soft hay and resumed his thrusting into her... Faster this time. Long full strokes... Harder and faster the human fucked... His own lust rapidly heated... Quickly the fog of sex overtook the young man as his hips became a blur as he pounded the white doe. Jeff's breathing became as ragged as the goat's... On and on he fucked her... Lust flared... Muscles bunched... Semen blasted forth.
"Ahhh... shit that's sooooo good." the young man cum hard, for the fifth time. He hugged the doe to him as he held himself deeply in her milking cunt. A third animal's vagina was coated with human semen. Whitish fluid jetted into her... It blasted so hard that it flooded the very deepest part of her cunt...
Nora heard the human cry out and felt him shutter and buck above her... She could feel the powerful jets of cum being blasted into her. And she too was amazed at the amount of semen the young man pumped in. She had never been so full of cum... Even after a orgy with a dozen bucks! The goat felt the human relax on top of her, and his breathing slowed and became steady.
He had passed out! 'Good thing he's skinny' Nora thought to herself. Since her hoofs were under him, it was easy to roll him over onto the hay. Jeff's arms and legs flopped out into a 'spread eagle'. His still dribbling cock also flopped about smearing his belly and thighs with jizz. The goat could see the human's chest rise and fall with his steady breathing.
Molly stepped over the fence and knelt next to her friend. "He's not dead is he?"
Nora giggled and said, "No.. just overcome... it was his fifth time this afternoon."
Molly looked at the white doe's pussy and at the mass of oozing human semen bubbling up. "Damn, looks like you had a go with Murphy." she noted.
"You know, I've not done him yet." Nora stated "Seams like he's always fucking Soffie or some other 'in heat' sow."
"I wouldn't bother." Molly offered, "Connie did him once, she said he was great at first, but then she had to clinch around his cock so tight to make him cum. By the time he was done she had sore muscles and a jelly plug that dissolved when she was in the shower, thank goodness, he must'a pumped in a pint she said."
Nora listened to the information and said, "Thanks for the warning. I guess I'll stick with ruminates...", she added, "And humans".
"Lay still for a minute, I'll go get a towel." Molly got up and was quickly back with a couple towels and a wet washcloth. "Here you go", as she handed a towel to Nora and knelt next to the sleeping human. The brown goat with the white patches cleaned the human the best she could, wiping up the mixture of various sexual fluids. Nora put the towel over her cunt and rolled onto her belly.
"Whoa... maybe not a pint, but a good half a cup at least. That drug is really something". Standing up the white doe held the towel to her groin. "I feel like I'll be dripping human cum the rest of the day."
Molly got up and surveyed her handy work. "I guess that's good for now, at least he won't be so sticky when he wakes up."
The two goats left the pen and went their separate ways, Nora to the showers and Molly back to taking care of 'her' animals.
Jeff slowly returned to conciseness... What a dream he had... fucking pigs and goats... even now he was dreaming about getting a blow job... wait... He got an eye open and looked at his groin. There was a sow's head bobbing up and down. With a groan he laid his head back down. He was rock hard again... Who wouldn't be? That hog really was doing a great job. He looked again... "Sally?" The sow only oinked and kept up her head bobbing and her tongue swirling around his shaft. Her long snout easily took him full length... Her flat nose blew hot breath into the hair around his cock base. 'Who knew pigs could suck?'.
She must'a been at this for a while, because his loins were already starting to feel that tingle... The human moaned and started to buck his hips up into that wonderful wet swine muzzle... "Oh god yes!" Jeff cried out as his orgasm roared through him... His body went stiff as his cum shot up like a volcanic eruption, spewing hot cum into the back of the pig's throat... muscles worked... cum jetted up... blast after blast... only five this time... The drug must be wearing off. With a great deal of happy grunts, Sally slurped up every drop of human semen, and sucked for more. The young man reach down and gently pusher her sucking muzzle from his cock... "Too sensitive!" Jeff croaked. "The head is too sensitive now".
Sally laid next to the human, she was still eyeing the wilting penis.
"Don't you ever get enough?" Jeff asked with a chuckle.
"Do you?" Asked the sow.
"Yea... after six times, I think I'm done for a while." admitted the human.
So began the biweekly orgy.
And a few months later, by unanimous vote, Jeff was promoted to "honorary animal". And was given access to the private residence wing of the barn. Soon after he moved in with Sally. | FSE |
Title: 90210 Chronicles
Tags: spanking, lesbian, domination
*Fantasy Land - The 90210 Chronicles*
Part 1
Annalynne rolled furiously on her bed in frustration. Who the hell was making so much noise at this time? She punched the bed repeatedly and rolled onto her side to double check the time, it was 06:05. It was bad enough being woken up at this time any morning but Annalynne had a massive hangover today and she wasn't happy at all. She tried to drown out the various noises of clattering plates and other sounds she couldn't recognise by covering her head with a pillow. It somewhat worked, she managed to get back to sleep.
Annalynne was woken again an hour later, but this time, someone had entered her room.
'Annalynne, it's time to get up.' A voice called. Annalynne was dazed; she didn't know what was going on.
'Go away!' She shouted from beneath her pillow.
'No Annalynne, it's time to get up for school.'
Annalynne was confused, she thought she was dreaming. She sat up and rubbed her eyes trying to fix her vision, until she could see Lori Loughlin, another actress from 90210 standing in her doorway wearing a yellow summer frock. The light from the hallway and her bright dress nearly blinded Annalynne in her fragile state.
'Lori, what the fuck are you doing?' Annalynne complained before collapsing on the bed once more.
'I'm trying to get you up for school Anne; it's your first day today.' Lori stated once more and then ripped the sheets off her, throwing them onto the floor. Annalynne shivered slightly but she was still covered by her pink Pyjamas.
'I'm in no mood for your jokes today Lori, I'm very hungover.'
'Have you been drinking Annalynne?'
'Oh my God Lori, you know I have, will you just leave me alone.'
'It's time to get up for school Annalynne and my name is Mrs Loughlin.'
'Fuck off Mrs Loughlin.' Annalynne screamed, throwing her pillow at her, hitting Lori in the face. Lori, rolling up her proverbial sleeves marched into her room to the side of the bed to an oblivious Annalynne. Lori quickly bent down and placed her hands on either side of Annalynne's waist, but before she could complain lifted her into the air spinning her round as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Annalynne landed with a thump over Lori's knee.
'What the fuck!' Annalynne roared, she had no idea what was happening to her, she felt her right arm pinned to her back, her left arm was stuck under stomach, she couldn't move it. She felt Lori's leg on the back of her calves, pinning them down unable to move, her belly was rested over Lori's left knee. Then it happened, she felt a breeze on her butt, Lori had pulled her pyjama bottoms down, it hit her, Lori was about to give her a spanking, she wriggled violently.
'Don't you fucking dare!' Annalynne screamed, trying to move but she was out muscled. 'Help! Help!' She screamed instead trying to catch the attention of one of her friends.
'It's that foul language that's gotten you into this situation young lady.'
Annalynne was about to argue but she heard a whooshing noise and then a loud SMACK.
'OW!' Yelped Annalynne, feeling an unbearable stinging feeling on her bottom.
'OW!' Another had landed, stinging more than the first. Then, they rained down.
'Oh my God!' Annalynne cried out, her bottom was on fire. 'Lori stop! Please!'
Lori did stop, for a moment.
'I've told you, it's Mrs Loughlin.' She yelled.
'Ok! Ow! Ok! Ow! Ow!' Annalynne yelped. 'I'll call you what, Ow! You, Ow! Want, Ow! Just, Ow! Stop hitting my ass!'
'Not until you've learnt your lesson.' Lori shouted over the sound of her hand smacking against Annalynne's lightly pink bottom.
'Oh God!' Annalynne screamed, tears forming in her eyes. Her bottom stung like mad, she wriggled it after every smack trying to dodge her hand but without being able to move much or look where she was aiming. It was helpless. 'Stop, just stop!'
Annalynne stopped moving, she just lay there, crying, allowing Lori to smack her bottom. Lori stopped too. She looked down at Annalynne's red butt and smiled at how wet she was, then picking her up by the waist she then pushed her onto the bed. She looked at the clock.
'It's 07:15 Annalynne, you have to be in school for 08:00.' Lori stated walking to the doorway and grabbing some clothes from outside, she hung them up on her wardrobe handle. 'I expect you showered, dressed and down for breakfast at 7:30 is that clear?'
Annalynne didn't move, she just laid flat down on her bed holding her red bottom.
'I said is that clear?' Lori yelled, walking towards her hand in the air.
'Yes, Yes!' Annalynne cried, shuffling up the bed shielding her bottom away from her.
'Yes what?' Lori demanded sternly, arms folded.
'I, I...don't know what you want!' Annalynne shouted, crying worried that she would get another spanking.
'I've told you to call me Mrs Loughlin.'
'Yes Mrs Loughlin!' Annalynne sobbed, she watched Lori leave before cursing.
'Fucking bitch!' she whispered. She got out of bed, and rushed towards her wardrobe mirror and spun round showing her ass, it was bright red, she touched it with the tip of her index finger, and it stung like mad. She felt again with a few more fingers and winced and cursed at how warm it felt. Then she noticed, hanging on wardrobe door adjacent to the mirrored one, the uniform hanging down. The plaid skirt and the white shirt, it was a school uniform, what the hell was going on?
Annalynne had lived in this house for nearly a year now, she lived in what was once known as Los Angeles, but after the manplague it wasn't really anything. Except for where they lived. They lived in a huge area of land completely walled off from the world. It was about fifteen kilometres in diameter; it had many buildings within it, a lake, and contained a part of the beach and sea. The walls were so high that they were impossible to climb; it had one entrance a large heavily enforced gate. Annalynne had been brought here when she was rescued along with Shenae another friend from her hit TV series show 90210.
They were hidden in Shenae's bedroom, hiding in the wardrobe; marauding men were ransacking the house looking for anything or anyone. Shenae had been crying because all they could hear was the sound of her mum and sister screaming, it was horrible. But then out of nowhere, a man rushed in attacking all the invaders, killing most of them, driving some of them away, grabbed them both out of the cupboard and ran straight to a vehicle he had parked outside, at first they had fought him but once he threw them inside they were reunited with other friends from the set and people they recognised who lived close to them. Shenae screamed at him to go back and get her mum and sister but the man said when he did, there were hundreds of them and they all would have died, she was devastated. They all were.
When they first got to this place, they were all really depressed and angry. But as the months went on, they started to enjoy it slightly, relaxing by the pool all day, drinking with friends. It was actually turning into bliss. Annalynne had been at a party last night with two hundred women, some of which were talented singers such as Rihanna, Britney Spears and Katy Perry. But now, Annalynne found herself in her room with a sore bottom and a school uniform in front of her, this couldn't be good.
Annalynne looked at the time, it was 07:17, she stepped over to the far side of the room taking off her pyjama top, and her bottoms had already been removed by Lori. Bitch. She stepped into her shower cubicle, and turned on the shower, as the water trickled its way to her bottom, she yelped and squirmed on the spot, cursing. She stepped back and her sore bottom touched the shower wall and she cursed again, she quickly turned the temperature down to cold, but the rest of her body was freezing, she put her hands over her breasts, her nipples were rock hard as she stood shivering. She spun round and aimed the shower head at her bottom and closed her eyes, it felt wonderful.
She left it like that for a couple of minutes until she remembered she didn't have very long, she quickly washed her hair and body under a warmer temperature while bearing the sting of her bottom then stepped out of the shower.
Drying herself quickly, she noticed it was 07:21 and so moved to her nightstand to dry her hair. She wrapped the towel around her body covering her breasts and sat down.
'OW!' She screamed, as felt her bottom press against the chair. She stood back up instantly. She remained standing as she blow dried her hair and brushed it.
She saw that it was 07:26, and quickly put on her uniform, after she did the second to last button up on her shirt she was done and it was 07:29, she thought she'd better hurry.
Stepping out into the hallway, she heard a feint noise that sounded like screaming coming from Gillian's room, she pressed her ear to the door and heard them clearer, she was swearing. She also heard a distinct slapping noise and realised immediately that she was being spanked like Annalynne had. She didn't have time to listen, although she would have as she didn't like Gillian. Walking on, she looked into Jessica Lowndes and Shenae's room but they were empty, then she reached Jessica Stroup's. The door was open slightly, and as she drew closer she heard louder and louder the now very familiar sound of a spanking. She reached the door and to Annalynne's horror, Jess was being spanked, but not by Lori, by Jennie Garth. So Jen was in on it too!
Annalynne paused for a moment and watched awestruck as Jess wriggled on Jen's lap as she smacked her very red bottom.
'Annalynne!' Anne nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard a voice call from downstairs. 'If I have to come up and get you I'll make sure your bottom stays red for the rest of the day.'
Annalynne practically ran down the stairs.
'I'm here, I'm here!'
She was slightly startled as she entered the kitchen and saw Jessica and Shenae stood at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal also dressed in uniform. They both looked as equally hungover and bemused as she did. Jessica was wearing the same uniform as Annalynne, but Shenae's was different, she wore a pink shirt instead of white.
'Here's your cereal sweetie.' Lori announced stepping out from the kitchen. Annalynne was lost for words.
She walked to the counter and placed the bowl upon it, having no intention to sit she pushed the stool to the side and stood at the counter. She looked to her right and saw that both girls had also neglected to use their stools; she took this to mean that they had also been spanked.
She looked down at her cereal, but didn't really feel hungry; she was too hungover and humiliated to eat. She pushed it aside and watched Lori washing up in front of her, with her back to the girls. She tapped Shenae on the shoulder who looked at her, Annalynne then circled her finger at the side of her head and mouthed 'crazy bitch' with her eyes as wide as she could. Shenae nodded frantically and pointed to her bottom, bending her knees and closing her eyes. Annalynne silently nodded and looked at Jess who nodded, with eyes that screamed 'what the fuck?'
One of them needed to say something, but they were scared that they would be spanked again. Suddenly, Annalynne realised that there was three of them and only one of her, she tried to motion it to the others but Lori turned around.
'Eat your cereal Annalynne.'
'I'm not hungry.'
'Do you want me to spoon feed it you Annalynne?' Lori asked picking up her spoon at the other side of the counter and holding it up, Annalynne stepped backwards.
'No, Lori...'
'Mrs Loughlin.'
'Fine, no Mrs Loughlin, I'm not hungry, I'm very hungover and annoyed.'
'Eat your cereal Annalynne, or you won't be allowed out after school.'
'Are you serious?'
The other girls watched in stunned silence at the argument that was transpiring, neither wanting to step in, but both rooting for Annalynne. When it seemed as though the tenseness of the situation was going to cause Annalynne to do something, Jennie walked in.
'Morning girls,' said Jennie as she walked into Lori's half of the kitchen and turned on the kettle.
No one responded.
'Cheery bunch aren't they?' Jennie asked Lori, drying the plates she had just washed.
'Well they've been rather naughty this morning.' Lori explained. Annalynne's jaw dropped to the floor.
'Oh I see, Gillian and Jessica have been a bit on the naughty side too, Jessica's in danger of being late for her first day of school.'
'We're ok I think,' Lori checked glancing at the clock, it was 7:40, 'got a good ten minutes before we need to set off.'
Jen nodded in acknowledgment as she poured herself a coffee.
'If I'm being forced to go to school, can I at least have a coffee to wake me up?' Annalynne asked bitterly.
'My word, you've got your handful with that one haven't you?' Jennie laughed, as she moved into the living room with her coffee and turned on the television.
'No you cannot.' Lori replied sternly, 'you've behaved badly enough today as it is, I don't need any more cheek out of you. Now if you're not going to eat your cereal like a good girl, then go upstairs and brush your teeth.'
Annalynne couldn't believe her ears.
'Now!' Lori shouted.
Jess and Shenae moved immediately and walked upstairs, Annalynne hesitated for a moment, but when Lori motioned to come around to her side with intent to spank she thought better of it and ran upstairs.
'Oh my God' Annalynne whispered walking into the bathroom; the other two girls were brushing their teeth in front of the mirror. Annalynne grabbed her brush.
'I know!' Jessica replied removing her brush for a second, then spitting into the sink. 'What's happening?'
'My butt is so sore.' Shenae complained.
'I can't believe she spanked us, Lori did it?' Annalynne asked.
'Yeah.' Shenae and Jessica both responded.
'Did you see Stroup getting spanked?'
'No.' they simultaneously responded again.
'I did, Jennie was spanking her like she did us, her door was open, I wonder why they're not with us.'
'I don't know, but we've got to tell get out of here, this is insane.' Jess replied.
'I wonder if he knows what's going.' Shenae pondered.
'He's not here, he's away, he won't be back for two months, besides he's not in power any more is he.'
They had finished brushing their teeth and were stood whispering still in the bathroom when a voice called.
'Right girls, it's time to go.' Lori shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
Reluctantly, one after the other they marched downstairs and out of the door Lori held open. As they stepped into the street they were even more surprised to see groups of girls walking in the same direction, coming from all over. Lori grabbed her right hand as they stepped out of the gate, Annalynne saw she had hold of Shenae's and Jessica held Shenae's other hand and they began walking in a line up the street. But so was everyone else. Just ahead of her walking was a girl she recognised as Katie Cassidy, she was holding hands with an older woman whom she didn't know either, but younger girls surrounded her.
In silence, they walked down together to the school, as they drew nearer they could see the older women walking away on their own from the school up ahead and there were groups of girls scattered around in the old playground. Eventually they reached it, and Lori stopped.
'Right, I'm going to work; don't get into any mischief any of you. I'll be back to pick you up at three o'clock.'
No one responded, but gladly walked away from her into the playground. After a few minutes of standing around gossiping with other girls in pure amazement, a whistle was blown. Everyone was quiet. Annalynne recognised her immediately, it was Liz Hurley.
'All girls aged twenty two you are to form an orderly queue at the furthest door where Mrs Liu, Mrs Zellweger and Mrs Zeta-Jones are stood.' Liz announced, but nobody moved. 'Now!' Liz yelled, the girls eventually started to queue up at the appropriate door.
'Thank you.' Liz sighed, annoyed. 'All girls aged twenty three; you must go to the next door down where Mrs Britton, Mrs Judd and Mrs Lindemulder are standing. Go now, thank you.'
The girls moved, including Shenae who reluctantly left Annalynne and Jessica.
'All girls aged twenty four; please queue up at the next door down where you will find Mrs Berry, Mrs Hayek and Mrs Leoni.'
Annalynne was sad to see Jessica leave her side; she looked around and caught sight of various other girls who must be her age as there was only one door left.
'Finally, all the girls aged twenty five please queue at the final door on the end where you will find Mrs Kidman, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Moss. Thank you.' Liz announced before heading through the twenty five year olds door, out of sight.
Annalynne headed into the queue, she was stood behind Hilary Duff, and she looked behind her and saw Blake. Neither said a word to the other. The line started to move, as they entered the building they moved into a large hall where they waited for a minute until everyone was inside, Mrs Moss began reading a list of names, none of which contained Annalynne's, at the end she instructed them to follow her into what was obviously a classroom at the back left of the hall. As the door closed Annalynne read on the door '4M' and considered what it might mean but then heard her name called by Nicole Kidman, when she was finished, Annalynne along with a selected few walked into a classroom at the far right of the hall. As she walked through the doorway Annalynne saw the door bore the name '4K' she understood K must mean Kidman, and considered that 4 might mean the year she was in, Shenae being in 2 and Jess being in 3.
Some of the girls had taken the initiative of moving to sit down, but when Nicole shut the door she instructed them to stand. Over the next few minutes according to a piece of paper in front of her, Nicole sat the girls down where she wanted them, Annalynne found herself between Ellen Page and Blake at the front of the class.
There was a lot of wincing and cursing as the girls sat themselves down on their elected chairs, Annalynne found herself leaning to one side on a patch of her bottom she had found to be less painful. But as Nicole was walking past she grabbed her by the shoulders and placed her correctly in her chair, much to Annalynne's bemusement. She motioned to complain, but Nicole quickly held up her hand as she stood in front of her small desk.
'Don't.' She demanded. 'I don't want to have to spank you two minutes into your first day Annalynne.' Nicole then walked to the front of the class and wrote her name on the whiteboard. Annalynne bit her lip and took her advice.
'My name, as most of you will know is Mrs Kidman.' Nicole began. 'I imagine some of you will have a lot of questions for me, so in my lesson plan I have allowed for ten minutes where you can ask me whatever you want, provided you do so in a polite and respectful manner, before we begin with the lesson.
'Now raise your hand if you have something you wish to ask.'
'Yes, how about vot the fuck' Called a voice with a thick foreign accent at the back. Nicole looked quickly at her clipboard before responding.
'Miss Sharapova, I'm going to let that slip, but if you swear in my classroom again you'll find yourself on the other end of a spanking, is that clear?'
'If you say so.' Maria responded.
'Now would you like to reword the question?'
'Vot is going on? Vi am I dressed in this ridiculous American schoolgirl attire, ven I should be playing tennis viv Anna.'
'You're in that attire so that I and the other teachers at the school know what year you are in.'
'Forget that Mrs Kidman.' Annalynne blurted out.
'Raise your hand Miss McCord.' Nicole instructed calmly, as she leant back on her desk. 'Yes dear?'
'Why have you put us all in this school, why have you spanked everyone, why are you threatening to spank everyone, what the hell?'
The room was filled with loud murmurs of agreement with Annalynne's questions, everyone was extremely angry.
'We have placed you in school because we were failing to uphold the demands that were placed upon us when we women took power. The levels of drunkenness, noisiness, damages and people spending time in hospitals was getting out of hand and the council voted that it was time to implement change.'
This announcement met a hostile response from the class.
'To answer your question of why we had spanked you, and why we are threatening to do so, is because we rightly predicted that this transition would be unwelcome by the younger generations and so we deemed it necessary to use force in order to get you to attend and to achieve.'
The girls' hand shot up in the air, each desperate to speak.
'I will answer one more question.' Nicole stated. 'Yes Miss Lively.'
'What's the point of school though, couldn't you have just limited the hours that the bars were open?'
'Well we're sure that you would have found other ways to drink and cause a nuisance of yourself. We're fed up this place looking like a dump. The point of school is that it was doubly necessary, you need to learn things, for example we need doctors and you need to find more productive things to do. Now that's all the questions, it's time for the lesson.'
The girls all spoke to each other, outraged.
'Quiet now.'
They kept on talking.
'Quiet!' Nicole shouted, slapping a plastic ruler onto her desk, the room fell silent.
'If you look inside your desks you will find a textbook...'
Part 2
The lesson carried on for two hours and as the clock struck ten Mrs Kidman led the girls outside into the playground, before she herself departed. Annalynne wandered about, not bothering to talk to any of the girls in her class. She was wondering where Shenae and Jessica were. A few moments later she spotted Shenae being escorted outside with her mates through the very door she had entered, and then Jess too from her entrance. Annalynne beckoned them both towards her; they walked silently to the far corner of the playground.
'We have got to get out of here!' Annalynne started, she spoke relatively loudly for there were only two 'teachers' in sight and neither were anywhere near them, but standing together next to the building.
'No kidding.' Jess replied. 'But how?'
'Let's just make a run for it.' Annalynne suggested.
'But where are we going to go?' Shenae asked.
'Anywhere!' Annalynne cried.
'But let's say we make it out of here, what's to say they won't find us anyway?' Shenae whispered, fearing being overheard.
'We've got to try, we have to find somewhere we can hide, at least until he gets back.' Annalynne looked around her, the grounds were highly fenced off, and the lowest point was gate at the entrance that the cars had to drive through before the manplague. It was at the opposite end of the playground to the women on watch, they might be able to sneak over it without being spotted.
'Follow me.' Annalynne instructed.
She walked slowly to the gate, trying to look inconspicuous, when she drew nearer; she noticed the building was further in front of the gate, so that if they touched it, they were out of sight. She waited for the Mrs Liu to turn around, when she finally did, they all rushed to the gate.
'Quick!' Annalynne pleaded.
She helped Shenae up being the smallest of the three girls; she climbed over and dropped to the other side. Annalynne then jumped over, and sat on top of the gate, one leg over. She turned to help Jess up who was struggling. They were being watched by everyone in the playground, she gestured for them to look away to avoid causing a scene, but it was too late, a whistle was blown and all the girls turned to face them. Mrs Liu and Mrs Britton came running over and pulled Jess down back into the playground, they tried grabbing at Annalynne but she hopped over the fence.
Grabbing Shenae be the arm, she began to run as fast as she could out of the grounds and into the street. She turned right out of the car park, and they ran uphill without any idea what their plan was. At the top of the hill feeling out of breath, Annalynne stopped and looked behind her, Mrs Liu was right behind them, no sign of Mrs Britton. Annalynne turned to carry on running.
Looking over her shoulder a few minutes later she saw Mrs Liu was only twenty feet or so away from her, she pulled Shenae towards a building on their right and they opened the front door and ran inside, locking the door behind them with the keychain that must have been there before when it was someone's house. They turned around and were horror struck when they saw that in the living room sat four women; Annalynne recognised one to be Jennifer Aniston. She turned and ran upstairs with Shenae just behind her and they found the bathroom, locking themselves in. They stood for a moment, gasping for breath.
'Oh crap.' Shenae whispered. 'What have we done?'
'We haven't done anything Shen, it's them bitches.' Annalynne panted. 'Do you think we can climb out of the window?'
Shenae opened it by climbing onto the toilet, standing on her tip toes she peered out and turned back shaking her head.
'It's a long way down.'
'Then we stay in here for as long as we can, my ass is still red from this morning.'
'Girls, open this door immediately.' Called a voice from outside the door.
'No way!' Annalynne immediately shouted back.
'You can't stay in there forever.' That was Mrs Liu.
'We can try.' Annalynne shouted.
Shenae sat down on the toilet and put her head in her hands. Annalynne decided to sit down on the edge of the bath.
'Annalynne, this is Mrs Liu speaking.'
She paused, perhaps waiting for a reply but she didn't get one.
'I'm going to assume this little escape plan was your idea, am I right?'
Neither girl responded.
'Well I know I'm right because everyone knows Shenae wouldn't have come up with this idea.'
'So what?' Annalynne shouted.
'Well, I'm going to offer you a deal. If you both come out now, I will only give Annalynne a spanking because it was you're idea and it's only fair.'
'What? No way!' Annalynne shouted, Shenae looked at her a little disappointed.
'What?' She whispered. 'Do you expect me to agree with that?'
'No.' Shenae replied, looking down. 'I can't ask you to do it, it wouldn't be right.'
'We're starting to detach the handle as we speak, if you come out now and save having to dismantle this handle, then I will only spank you Annalynne, but if you don't come out before we gain entry in five minutes then we're going to tan you both, very, very hard.'
Annalynne stopped to think for a moment.
'You have five seconds before the offer is off the table.'
Annalynne looked at Shenae with eyes wide open, not sure what to do.
Annalynne couldn't think straight.
She panicked, holding her head in her hands.
'Oh God, I don't know.' She whispered to Shenae, who was shaking.
'Wait!' Annalynne shouted. She took a deep breath and stood up. Then slowly walked to the door. She unlocked it. The door flung open. Outside there were several seriously pissed off women. Mrs Liu grabbed Annalynne by the ear and dragged her down the stairs.
'Ow!' Annalynne shouted, 'That hurts!'
'It's about to get a whole lot worse for you young lady.' Mrs Liu shouted, pulling her into the living room by the ear. She let go, and grabbed a wooden chair from the table in the corned and placed it in the centre of the room. Then she walked over to Annalynne who had already tried to run but was blocked in the exit by a woman she didn't recognise. She looked into the face of the tall blonde woman and felt Mrs Liu's hands on the waistband of her knickers; they were pulled to the floor.
'No, stop it, get off me!' She shrieked. The blonde held her arms up into the air, and Mrs Liu unbuttoned her white school shirt one by one before throwing it away, she then unclipped her bra, Annalynne wriggled trying to free herself of the blondes grip to cover her naked breasts, but she couldn't. Then, her skirt was unclipped, and she was completely bare but for the white socks and pumps covering her feet. Mrs Liu grabbed her by the arm and dragged her kicking and screaming to the chair where she pulled her down over her knee and gave her the second spanking of the day.
Annalynne screamed as Mrs Liu smacked her sore bottom. She had a different technique to Lori, Lori's were hard and every second. Mrs Liu's weren't as hard but were faster, she wasn't sure which one she hated more, all she knew was that her bottom stung like made. Although the way the spanked her differed, they both pinned her down in a similar manner, arm pinned behind her back, leg covered by Mrs Liu's.
'Ow!' Annalynne heard Shenae shout upstairs. 'Get off me!'
'What's going on?' Annalynne shouted over the sound of her ass being spanked.
'She's probably getting a spanking.' Mrs Liu replied as she switched to Annalynne's left cheek now that her right was bright pink.
'What?' Annalynne yelped, 'You said you wouldn't spank her!'
'I'm not, I'm spanking you.'
'I don't understand, you promised you wouldn't spank her!'
'Yes. I never said anything about anyone else.'
'You bitch!' Annalynne screamed, with all her strength she broke through Mrs Liu's grip and rolled onto the floor. Before she could move the tall blonde had her in her arms and knelt her on the ground with her chest on sofa, she held her down.
'Thanks Lisa.' Mrs Liu then bent behind Annalynne's ass she knelt on all fours and continued to rapidly smack her bottom.
'You bitches!' Annalynne screamed, 'you fucking lied to me!'
'So what.' Responded the blonde, who Annalynne didn't recognise was Lisa Kudrow.
'This was always going to happen, we just sped up the process. The funny thing is is that we didn't even have any tools to dismantle the door, you could have been in there all night.'
'Oh, you're gonna pay for this!' Annalynne roared.
'I don't think so.' Mrs Liu laughed as she sat on top of her back lightly in order to get a better angle and deliver harder smacks to her bottom. Annalynne could do nothing but weep as she heard Shenae crying upstairs over the loud echoes of her bottom being smacked repeatedly.
Part 3
It had been a long month for Annalynne and her friends. After Mrs Loughlin had been informed of the escape attempt from school she had spanked her at least once a day. Why everyone just assumed it was all her fault Annalynne had no idea, Shenae and Jessica were just as to blame and they got off lightly compared to her. Annalynne had been, much to her bemusement, grounded for two more weeks than they had. However, Annalynne had learnt it was much easier, especially on her bottom, to just get on with it and do as she was told...at least for the time being.
Today though, was Saturday 31st. This meant two things; no school... but even better than that, she was ungrounded. Jumping out of her bed wearing nothing but a smile Annalynne dragged open the curtains of her bedroom, the sunshine blinded her as it reflected off her long blonde hair. She rocked onto the balls of her feet as she ran a finger through her curls while they other reached as high as it could stretching her body. Suddenly, with a spring in her step, she hopped backwards grabbed her nightgown from the wardrobe and opened her bedroom door. She jumped two steps across the hall and opened the adjacent door.
'Wake up Gill!' Annalynne screamed as she slammed the bedroom door into the wall bursting into the room.
'What?' Gillian Zinser replied sleepily from beneath her blanket.
'Get up you lazy bitch, it's time to hit the waves.'
'What time is it?' Gillian complained.
'nine am, get up lazy.'
'Go away!' Gillian shouted, slamming a pillow over her head.
'Come on, it's time to hit the waves.' Annelynne replied excitedly, opening her curtains.
'The waves will still be there at a reasonable hour, now leave me alone.'
'I'm not going to leave you alone so may aswell...'Annalynne ripped the blanked off of her naked body and giggled '...just get up!' Annalynne slapped her friend's bare bottom.
'Ohhh!' Gillian complained lazily, 'fine i'll be up in a minute.'
Satisfied with this typically unenthusiastic response from her laid back friend, Annalynne proceeded to wake up the entire house. Storming into each of the girls rooms Annalynne made sure that everyone one of them were awake before she herself decided to go and dressed. Picking out a pair of denim shorts and a pink bikini set, Annalynne imagined the fun that lay ahead of her.
She did not predict what would happen in the kitchen.
'What do you mean we can't go to the beach!' Annalynne yelled at Lori.
Lori was sat at the kitchen counter on a high stool, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a Jane Austen novel. Annalynne suspected she never read when the girls were out of the house. Feeling a little drowsy, she might have been expected to ask for a cup of coffee herself but this was one of the things Annalynne was suddenly not old enough to do despite being twenty one. Like drinking alcohol, going to parties and apparently surfing. She had only just reached the legal age for drinking and now she wasn't old enough. From what she could gather she would have to wait fourteen years to be able to drink under their laws, but that wouldn't stop her, she would find a way. Besides, she was sure that he was due home from his travels sometime shortly anyway so he would put a stop to this ridiculousness. Annalynne might even persuade him to give them a taste of their own medicine, but she doubted he would, he was too 'nice'.
'Lower that tone young lady.' Lori replied turning the page.
'I'm going back to bed.' Gillian moaned, as she shuffled back upstairs.
Annalynne thought about persuading her to stay but decided her fight was with Lori, she'd deal with Gillian after. She stared furious for a moment at Lori, flicking a page as if they weren't in the middle of a huge arguement. Which they clearly were.
'Lori!' Annalynne yelled.
'I'm warning you Annalynne, one more outburst and you know where you'll go.'
Annalynne thought about that threat, it was not worth risking it.
'Ok, can we at least just talk about why we can't go to the beach?' Annalynne asked as calmly as she could.
Lori looked up and turned to face her smiling.
'You're not allowed to go to the beach because there will be nobody there to watch you and i'm too busy to go today.'
'Wha..!' Annalynne started to shout.
'However...'Lori waited for her to compose herself 'if you want to go to the pool Mrs Aniston and Mrs Cox will be there and I can drop you, Jessica, Gillian and Jess off.'
'What about me?' Shenae asked quietly.
'You're not going, you're coming with me today.'
Shenae looked mortified but said nothing.
'Is Mrs Liu going to be there at any point?' Annalynne asked anxiously, remembering their previous encounter where Lucy Liu had spanked her so hard she hadn't been able to sit down comfortably for three days.
'I have absolutely no idea,' Lori replied, 'But if you don't go, you're going to spend the day with my and I'm going to be inside all day.'
'Fine, when can we go?' Annalynne asked bitterly, not wanting to ruin her first day out (excluding school) in a month.
'I'll take you in ten minutes.'
Annalynne tried half heartedly to arouse Gillian again but she knew it was pointless, she hated the pool and only wanted to surf. Jess and Jessica were dressed and ready to go though within ten minutes and Annalynne was overjoyed, she practically skipped to the car before Lori drove them.
The girls waved sadly to Shenae who had to be dragged by her hand back to the car after Lori left them with strict orders to behave themselves.
Annalynne looked around the pool which was about as long as a basketball court, there were plenty of people there, mostly young. She spotted the two oldest women, Jennifer and Courteney sat at the far end. She motioned for Jessica Stroup and Jess Lowndes to move to a group of empty sunbeds that were slightly hidden behind a large column.
'I think we can sneak out of here you know.'
'What?' Jess asked.
'I think, if we're careful, we can sneak out of here, grab a car and drive to the beach.'
'I don't know, it sounds risky to me.' Jessica replied cautiously.
'Oh come on!' Annalynne protested. 'We can't stay here, look how boring it is.'
The girls surveyed the pool one more time, it did look immensely dull. The girls who were there were all sunbathing around the pool or laid on a lilo. Nobody seemed to be having any fun whatsoever, not to mention the distinct lack of alcohol and music.
Jess looked at Jessica, they both nodded.
The girls walked into the building attached to the pool, it contained a changing room but also it had a refreshment room where they could get frozen treats and drinks. They each grabbed an ice cream and then walked into the changing rooms. Annalynne checked it was empty before then climbing up onto a bench next to the wall and opening a large window. She popped her head out to look around. It was desolate outside, she climbed through followed by the other two.
Each of the girls walked around the car park investigating the parked cars that were scattered. They were checking for keys left in the ignition or behind the mirror, people usually left them there. After a short a while Jess whispered to the others.
Annalynne hurried over and climbed into the front passenger seat, Jessica got into the back behind her. They put their shades on and set off.
The wind whistled through their hair as they drove around the city, the girls felt brilliant, the best they had felt in months. It was great to finally get a bit of privacy. They had grown accustomed to being at school again, sometimes the work was even enjoyable, but the lack of responsibility and privacy was just too much. They were constantly being supervised and they hated it. It was so relieving to be alone for once.
As they pulled up to the beach, the girls were delighted to see that what Lori had told them was true, there were no adults there. But that also meant, unless any other girls had sneaked to the beach like they had they were going to have it to themselves. The only shame was that they didn't have anything to drink.
They made their way down the beach and the sand felt great against Annalynne's feet, she stopped for a moment and buried her toes in it. She was so happy. Once they had reached a good spot they put their bags down momentarily and rubbed sun cream on. It was blistering heat and they already suspected they might have burnt slightly on the ride over, but they didn't care.
'Last one in is a slag!' Annalynne screamed and then ran across the beach towards the sea.
'Oh, you're definitely the biggest slut!' Jessica screamed, as she chased her.
ust as she was reaching the water Jessica Stroup was hot on her tail, Jess was walking quite far behind them though, not really one for sprinting. Annalynne dived into an oncoming wave, the cool water against her skin, soothing her as she was submerged. Just as her head popped up she was splashed in the face by the resulting waves of Jessica's bomb.
'Oi you bitch!' Annalynne giggled as she splashed her back.
Jessica was about to retaliate when something caught her eye, she pointed to a walkway running out into the sea.
They watched laughing at the sight of Jess timidly entering the ocean.
'God you're such a girl Jess.' Annalynne moaned as she watched Jess dipping her toe into the water reluctantly.
'Oh, well.' Jess sighed, not willing to indulge their teasing.
'Just jump,' Jessica demanded. 'It's like ripping off a bandaid.
Jess refused to get in though, Annalynne and Jessica looked at each other menacingly and swam up to her and made to help her in. Instead, they each grabbed onto the lose thread of her bikini bottoms and pulled, yanking them off. Jess quickly flung her arms down off the side and covered herself.
Jess jumped in and gasped as she felt the cool touch of the water against her skin. She stood up, and had to cover herself still as the water only covered most of her thighs.
'Give me back my bottoms!' Jess shouted, bemused.
Annalynne threw them over her head to Jessica, who was standing behind Jess. She was furious to be the piggy in the middle, but she still chased them.
'Stop it!' She yelled as Jessica threw it back over her head just as she had reached her. She waded towards Annalynne who, being much taller than her held them up high in the air over her head. Jess jumped up and tried to grab them. Annalynne and Jessica giggled but then Jess had an idea. She bent down quickly and yanked Annalynne's bikini bottoms down to her ankles. Annalynne stood still for a moment, staring at Jess who was smiling proudly. Then, she stepped out of her bikini and bent down to pick it up, she then threw her bikini bottoms and Jess's out to sea.
'What did you do that for?' Jess shouted, before starting to wade towards them. Annalynne grabbed her waist and pulled her towards her.
'Hey,' Jess protested half heartedly, 'What are you doing?'
Annalynne unstrapped Jess's bikini top, and put her left arm around her back, stroking her hand down over her bottom.
'It's been far too long since we've been fucked, it's time we started seeing to each other.' Annalynne replied bluntly.
She then ran her right hand up Jess's thigh who leaned back acceptingly, as Annalynne ran her finger up her slit. Jessica, feeling left out waded over to the two girls and approached Annalynne from behind. She sat down between her legs and pushed a finger up inside her. Annalynne then worked two fingers inside Jess, who moaned quietly and began to work them in and out slowly, digging them deeper and deeper. She ran her fingers through her hair, and tilted her head back, bending down sticking her tongue in her mouth, kissing her passionately, while Jessica's rapidly fingered her pussy with two fingers now from beneath her.
'Ohh' Jess moaned, as Annalynne withdrew her tongue, the pace at which she was thrusting her fingers were to much for Jess and she came onto her fingers. Annalynne with drew them slowly and kissed her once more. Annalynne turned away from her to face Jessica, who stood up to face her. They kissed, Annalynne slid two fingers inside Jessica and they both held each other tightly, as they simultaneously rammed their fingers inside each other.
After a minute, Jess recovered from her orgasm and got to her feet, she came up behind Annalynne and rubbed her hands over her body, grabbing her breasts and squeezing her rock hard nipples tightly. She then ran her hand down on her back, and down her thigh, up her once more and then ran it up her bottom to her crack, then without warning pushed her index finger inside her asshole.
'OH!' Annalynne yelped, but Jess didn't remove it, instead she stepped to the side and bent Annalynne under her arm, to get a better position. Jessica had to adjust herself so that she could keep fingering Annalynne but Annalynne's fingers fell out of her, the double penetration was too much.
She squirmed between them as both girls fingered her, Jess quickening up the pace was managing to get her whole finger insider Annalynne's ass and was thrusting it quickly inside her.
'Oh God!' Annalynne screamed, she couldn't stand up on her own now, she was resting on both the girls shoulders, her arms clinging to their necks and they stood either side of her, shoving their fingers deep inside her. Jess pushed a second finger into her butt.
'Jesus!' Annalynne yelped.
Jess pushed them all the way in and then vigorously thrust them around inside her ass, Jessica felt Annalynne squirt all over her hand, she withdrew them. Jessica, didn't know she had cum and continued to finger Annalynne's ass rapidly. With no breath to protest Annalynne fell limp still, as Jess fingered her, but a minute later it was having another effect on her.
'Oh, don't stop!' she yelled to Jess.
Jessica seized the initiative and dropped to her knees, burying her face between Annalynne's legs and sticking her tongue inside her, flicking it furiously around. Almost instantly she felt Annalynne gushing of her face.
'Ohh' Annalynne moaned dropping into the water.
Jess, as if on some sort of rampage, grabbed Jessica by the waste and pulled her towards her, bending her over her outstretched right knee. Then, suddenly stuck a finger inside her ass.
'Ow!' Jessica yelped. 'No Jess, I don't do anal.'
But Jess wasn't having it, she dug it deeper into her bottom before slowly working it back and forth.
Jessica wriggled on her lap, slapping Jess's thighs, but she was stronger than her. Jess quickened, and caused Jessica to moan loudly, it was starting to become enjoyable. Until the second finger entered her, and she screamed again.
'Jess, no!' She yelled. But Jess dug her fingers deep into her ass and thrust them back and forth rapidly, Jessica began to moan again. She could feel her pussy dripping and slid her own fingers underneath her body, inside herself. Annalynne started to rouse and saw Jessica fingering her pussy and crawled over to her, Jessica not seeing her behind her moaned at the top of her voice as she felt a tongue penetrate her. It flicked all around her pussy lips and she withdrew her fingers, Annalynne pushed hers in and licked her clit as quickly as she could. Jessica's body was shaking at how fast Jess was pounding her fingers inside Jessica's ass, until moments later she erupted.
It took a while for them all to recover it but a bit later Annalynne and Jessica played around, while Jess relaxed. Normally Annalynne wasn't really this playful, she would sooner be relaxing by the pool working on her tan, but today was different. Today was the day she had gotten of her prison and she was a free girl. Free to do whatever she wanted...as long as she didn't get caught. But she wasn't going to.
After a short while the novelty wore off a bit, and the girls got out of the water, deciding to go and sunbathe for an hour before heading back.
They dried themselves off and cursed about getting sand all over their own towels. Annalynne swore as she tried to ring out her towel so that she could lay on it but it was no use, it wasn't going to work.
'We could just go back to the pool?'Jess suggested.
Annalynne thought about shouting at her for being cowardly but then she realised, they might as well if they were just going to sunbathe. The day had been so perfect, if they went back now it would limit the chances of them being caught.
'Yeah, Ok, I think we should.'
Then Jessica remebered something that made her heart stop.
'Didn't Lori say that Jennie was bringing Shenae down at 12!?'
'Oh my God!' Annalynne screamed. 'She did!'
Panic struck they all grabbed their things as quickly as they could, it was 11:30 now, if they set off soon they would make it, but the thought of being caught was well worth the panic.
Jess raced around at 70mph trying to get back in good time. The streets were barren as barely anyone drove in the new city. Most of the occupants would either be at work or in school anyway. By the time they had skidded to a halt outside the pool it was 11:45 and they seemed to have plenty of time. They even decided they had enough time to grab a quick ice cream from across the street before going back, it might help them with a reason of where they had been, should they need one.
They got out of the car and walked to the changing room window beaming with pride.
They climbed back in through the open window, and luckily for them the changing room was still empty. It was all going well.
'Hey, grab a few towels Jessica, we can say we were getting them or something, it might make us look less suspicious.'
They sorted themselves out and then braced themselves to walk to the pool.
What they didn't know, was that Jennie was already here, along with Shenae. As the girls exited the building Shenae approached them looking nervous.
'Where have you been?' Shenae whispered, 'Jen and Courteney said they haven't seen you all day.'
'We've been to the beach, don't tell anyone Shenae.' Annalynne begged.
'What have you been up to?' Jess asked.
'Lori made me go to her work, it was sooo boring.' Shenae complained.
'Well at least you're here now.' Jessica sympathised.
'Not for long though and you two have to leave aswell, Lori wants you to finish your homework.' She informed Jess and Jessica, who weren't happy.
'At least we had the day.' Jessica sighed.
'We'd better go make sure everything's ok' Annalynne suggested, 'remember, we never left.'
Shenae was so jealous and angry that she cursed them secretly as they walked off leaving her standing there alone. They got to go out and have fun and she'd been stuck inside all day bored out of her mind, where was the justice? Sure they pretended to care but she knew deep down they didn't, as lon as they were happy, that's all the mattered.
She watched as they got to a sun bed and unfolded their things. She saw Jennie Garth, Jen and Courteney come storming over to them. They argued for a few minutes, Annalynne kept pointing to the changing rooms and to her ice cream. It was obvious what she was saying, that they'd been in there all this time enjoying their ice creams and now they were coming to the pool. The most annoying thing about it was that they had gotten away with it. They celebrated.
It made Shenae's blood boil. It was at that point that she was approached by Ashley Benson, a girl in her class a school.
'Hey, Shenae, where have they been? I know they haven't been in the changing rooms all day.'
Shenae thought about her options.
'Alright but you didn't hear it from me, they've been to the beach all morning.'
'What really?' Ashley asked, excited about what that meant. 'No way! Oh they are going to be in so much trouble!' Ashley giggled.
'You didn't hear it from me remember!' Shenae whispered sternly.
'Well..I might accidentally let it slip though.'
'Don't!' Shenae begged. It had been a moment of weakness, like doing a deal with the devil, Ashley was a nightmare. Shenae hated her and her friends.
'I suppose I would make extra sure I didn't say anything, if...well...'
'What...just tell me what you want Ashley.'
'You became my bitch.'
'You heard me.'
'I'm not being your bitch.' Shenae replied. 'What does that even mean?'
'It means, you're going to do my homework, take the blame when i've done something wrong and you're going to come into the changing rooms with me right now and lick my pussy or i'm going to tell the adults that they've been to the beach all day and it was YOU who told me.'
'No way!'
'Oh Mrs Aniston!' Ashley shouted loud enough for her to hear.
'Yes Ashley?' Jennifer asked.
'No please! I'll do whatever you want!' Shenae whispered.
'I saw Annalynne and her friends climb out of the changing room window and drive to the beach this morning, that's where they have been all day.'
'I knew it!' Jennifer screamed, 'Courteney, they've been at the beach!
'Jennie has taken the other two home,' Courtney shouted, grabbing a firm hold of Annalynne. 'I said i would drop this one off when me and Ashley leave. I'll call her and let her know.'
'I'll deal with Annalynne,' Jennifer stated, walking over to her and grabbing her arm, pulling her to one side. She bent her over and raised her hand.
Annalynne tried to put on a brave face and smile for the rest of the girls all stood watching but when that hand connected with her ass she screamed, and tried to run. Jen grabbed her quickly, pulled down her bikini bottoms, sat on a wall bending her over her knee and began to smack her bare ass repeatedly.
The sound echoed around the pool along with Annalynne's cries.
Shenae watched guiltily as she felt a hand running up her dress, feeling her thigh, working its way into her knickers, sliding up her pussy, she shuddered.
'Stop!' She whispered to Ashley.
Ashley gave her a smack of her own to her bottom. But it couldn't be heard over the sound of Jennifer spanking Annalynne as hard as she could.
Ashley grabbed Shenae and dragged her into the changing rooms over to a bench, she pulled her over her knee, lifted up her dress and at a very gentle pace, smacked her bottom.
'Stop!' Shenae moaned.
'Bitch, be quiet. You will learn to be a good bitch.' Ashley warned her, then pulled down her knickers. She stared down at her bare bottom and parted her cheeks getting a good look at her ass hole which she became transfixed with, she pushed her finger against it.'
'N..'Shenae started to protest but before she could, it had slid in to her very tight hole.
'OW!' Shenae jumped on her lap and tried to wriggle off, Ashley let her but kept hold of her arm, Shenae was knelt in front of her rubbing her sore ring.
Ashley, stood up and pulled down her bikini shorts, before sitting back down and spreading her legs.
'Eat me bitch.'
Shenae was reluctant, but Ashley grabbed her head and pulled her towards her pussy, Shenae stuck out her tongue a closed her eyes.
'mmmmm that's it bitch, lick my pussy.' Ashley moaned leaning back against the wall.
Meanwhile, Jennie had received a very interesting phone call from the pool, after putting the phone down she had marched upstairs into Jessica's bedroom where Jess and Jessica were talking and grabbed Jess pulling her straight over her knee without any explanation. But none were necessary, they knew straight away they'd been caught.
Jessica could do nothing but sit on the bed and wait for her turn, she knew it was pointless. One way or another her ass was getting beat and she may as well take her punishment now than get double if she ran. Jennie had a very powerful swing too, she really made Jess's bottom sting with every smack. Jessica flinched at every time it connected.
'I'm sorry!' Jess yelled after a couple of minutes.
'Ha!' Jennie laughed. 'If you're apologising already young lady, you're going to struggle through this.'
Jennie then began hitting her bottom even harder, looking down she could see Jess's bottom was getting very red, very soon but that didn't deter her. She spanked on time not on results. After five minutes Jess began to sob, which turned into crying and then wailing at a volume which was unimagineable. It came as somewhat of a relief to Jennie when the ten minute marker came and she let Jess up and sent her to the wall.
It was Jessica's turn. But just as Jennie was calling her over, Lori walked in. Jennie explained the situation to her, Lori was livid. She decided that Jess's bottom didn't look nearly red enough and ordered her to come with her, Jess looked horrified but left the room.
Jessica found her way over Jennie's lap for the second time that week, she dreaded the first spank and then it came, she winced.
Annalynne's bottom was now practically glowing, she had sworn, begged and pretty much tried everything but Jennifer only hit her harder.
Finally, she let up and Annalynne dropped to the floor. Jennifer looked down with a note of satisfaction on her face as she admired Annalynne red bottom staring up at her.
'If you ever try anything like this again young lady, you'll think that was nothing.' Jennifer warned. While they waited for Annalynne to be collected, Jennifer and Courtney took turns in having her perform oral sex as they lay on their sunbeds. It wasn't for another thirty minutes did someone finally arrive.
'Come on you,' Sara demanded, giving cause for Annalynne to withdraw her tongue from Courtney, 'I can't believe you. Again!'
Sara hit her on the bottom as Annalynne was walking next to her and Annalynne must have jumped ten yards in front.
'Where is Shenae?' Sara asked when she caught up with her.
'I don't know.' Annalynne mumbled.
'What?' Sara shouted raising her hand.
'I don't know, I don't know!'
Sara looked around the pool, there were plenty of girls there all staring, but not Shenae. Why couldn't Annalynne be like all these other girls, there were all perfectly well behaved. If only she would, Sara hated having to spank her.
'Wait here.' Sara demanded walking into the changing rooms. Annalynne turned around and saw everyone staring at her, she was so humiliated. Her ass stung like crazy but she put on a brave face.
'Ohh i'm cumming!' Ashley squeaked as she grabbed hold of the back of Shenae's head and pulled her face into her pussy. 'Ooooohhh!!'
Her leg quivered and bucked as she spasmed, her juices dripping from Shenae's mouth as she pulled her face away looking disgusted.
'Shenae? Are you in here?' A distant voice called.
'I'm..I'm getting changed.' She called back, looking panicked. Ashley didn't seem to care.
Shenae got to her feet and pulled her dress off just before Sara walked in.
'Oh there you are.' Said Sara, she looked at a young blonde girl with her legs spread and her vagina casually on display. 'Someone else's problem' She thought. 'Come on, get dressed we need to go home.'
As Shenae left the changing rooms, she looked back and saw Ashley mime something but she could only make out the last few words. YOU'RE MY BITCH
'Oh God' she thought.
Part 4
The weeks that proceeded were a nightmare for Shenae. Ashley had not let up on her demands of her, in fact she had even expanded on her role as her 'bitch'. Not only did Shenae have to perform regular oral sex on Ashley, she was also giving her humiliating duties. Her days mainly consisted of carrying her school books and completing her homework. She had even decided that Shenae wasn't allowed to speak without her direct permission, which was getting her a lot of spankings from their teacher.
To add further stress to Shenae's life, the other girls had been grounded for a month each for ditching school. Shenae couldn't help but feel, though they hadn't mentioned it to her, that they suspected she had something to do with it. The guilt she was feeling whenever she heard any of the girls receiving a spanking because she had told on them was becoming unbearable. When she was free to do what she wanted and could roam about the house she would try and find a room to herself to hideaway for fear of being found out. She imagined what the girls would do to her if they knew the truth. She realised that this couldn't happen and refocused on the task at hand, driving her tongue deep into Ashley's dripping snatch, forcing her to scream in ecstasy as she came.
'Oh, my.' Ashley shivered.
'My turn!' Selena screamed excitedly, spreading her legs further on the gym bench and pulling Shenae's head towards her pussy. 'Ooo'
Shenae instantly began to flick her tongue all around, having become very experienced after hours and hours of performing for them.
'Hurry up Selena, I want a go before lesson.' Vanessa shouted from the doorway she was guarding.
'Err no,'
'Err yeah,'
'I can't hurry up, when the bitch make me cum, she'll be done.'
Ashley listened to her friends argue over her bitch for a few minutes while she lay down flat across the bench with her knickers by her ankles, she felt so relaxed, Shenae had really made her climax. She laughed quietly at the confidence Vanessa was displaying now that she was no longer the 'bitch'. Ashley felt that she was possibly getting too confident and resolved to bring her down a peg later on when Shenae wasn't around. Ashley looked at the clock and saw they had four minutes before lesson.
'Shut up Vanessa and come over here, I'll watch the door, you both have two minutes.'
Vanessa ran over from the door thanking Ashley for her kindness. Ashley lent coolly against the wall, with one eye on the door and another on Vanessa spreadeagled on the bench forcing Shenae to finger her as Selena drove her face all over her pussy.
After Ashley's second warning, Vanessa had managed to join the girls in climaxing and squirted all over the floor. With not long to repose she pulled up her knickers and they ran to class. Shenae picked herself up off the floor wiping all the juices off of her and ran as fast as she could to her lesson.
By the time she had reached their class room door it was closed and when it was closed it meant you were in trouble. She knocked lightly.
She nervously turned the handle and tiptoed into the classroom.
Mrs Liu glanced at her for a moment and then turned back to the class, continuing with her instructions of how to complete their science project. Shenae stood still after she closed the door and stared at her feet. After a few seconds she couldn't help herself and glanced up towards where Ashley was sat and saw her staring at her, smiling wickedly, Shenae's eyes darted back to the floor.
'...then after you've connected your Bunsen burners I want you all to consult your textbooks and follow the instructions to the letter but remember, this isn't a race and it's to be done as a team, Miss Swift you'll have to start yours off on your own while me and Miss Grimes discuss we she can't turn up to my lessons on time.'
Mrs Liu walked to her desk and sat behind it, motioning for Shenae to approach with her back to the class.
'Is there any point in me asking where you were Miss Grimes or are you still insistent upon your vow of silence?'
Shenae looked back anxiously at Ashley who shook her head slowly with a twisted smile, Shenae slowly turned back dejected and shook her head in silence.
'Very well,' Mrs Liu exclaimed, giving her thigh a firm slap and nodding towards her knee. 'Come on.'
Shenae meekly got to her feet and walked around the desk, she lifted her shirt over her head and dropped it to the floor. She could sense that there wasn't much science being done. Reluctantly she reached her arms around her back and unclipped her bra, covering her small breasts with her right arm as she dropped her bra on top of her shirt. With her free hand she unzipped the side of her skirt and wriggled ever so slightly to allow it to slide slowly down her thighs and drop onto her feet. She couldn't help but give Mrs Liu a quick glance to see if she had suddenly changed her entire viewpoint on how to give a spanking but was saddened to learn that the knickers would have to come off. As she grabbed the waistband, she had to bend at the knee to pull them down over her feet, then as the shoes and socks came off one by one, she was entirely naked before the entire class once again.
The grip of Mrs Liu's hand felt so strong as it propelled her arm and her body forward, she collapsed over her knee and soon felt a sharp pain on her backside. Shenae leaned to the side to try and angle her bottom away but felt Mrs Liu's hand grab her own and pin it to her back, holding her firmly in place. She felt another sting on her right butt cheek, then to her left. Within twenty seconds her bottom had been struck fifty times and felt like it was on fire. It was all she could do not to scream at the top of her lungs but she didn't want to give any of her classmates the satisfaction.
'if you want to be a silly little girl and stop speaking then that's fine by me Miss Grimes but if it affects your school work you will be punished. And how many times have I had to smack your naughty bottom for turning up late? I want you outside my door ten minutes before the lessons begin from now on, is that clear young lady?'
Shenae nodded frantically, as her eyes began to well up.
A glass smashed on the floor.
Shenae's heart leapt at as Mrs Liu's hand stopped hitting her very sore bottom. As she got to her feet she propelled Shenae into the air, landing her on the balls of her feet, where she was pushed gently out of the way as Mrs Liu marched over to where the glass had broken.
'What has happened here?'
As Shenae rubbed her bottom softly, unsure over whether to put her clothes back on her not, she overheard Kristen Stewart and Emma Watson explaining that it had been an accident, that Emma had been passing it to Kristen when it had slipped out of her fingers. Mrs Liu fetched a dustpan and brush and spent the next few minutes ensuring that there wasn't any glass remaining.
'I'm afraid that's the best I can manage, I'll let the cleaners know what happened, don't worry about it girls. Everyone get back to work.'
Much to the relief of Emma and Kristen, Mrs Liu turned and sat back at her desk, failing to acknowledge Shenae. After a few seconds she looked up at her from her papers.
'What are you doing Miss Grimes? Waiting for another? Put your clothes back on and go and help Taylor.'
A few minutes later, she approached the joint desk she shared with her only friend Taylor Swift, who wasted no time in voicing her disapproval.
'I know what you're going to say Shenae but I have to say it,' she whispered, 'you've got to tell Mrs Liu what's going on, she'll help you!'
Shenae shook her head fearfully, glancing at Ashley who was concentrating on her work.
'I might have to if you don't'
Shenae grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down, thrusting it towards her.
Don't say anything, Mrs Liu thinks Ashley is a saint and she won't believe a word I say, just let it go.
'But you can't go on like this, you have to tell someone! What about Mrs Loughlin or Mrs Garth?'
Just drop it, no one can know about this, you're not even supposed to.
'I have to tell her.'
If you do, we're no longer friends.
The rest of the lesson was very tense between Taylor and Shenae, who were usually devoted to each other. Before Shenae had been forced into becoming Ashley's bitch the pair had briefly been lovers and had been hoping to develop their relationship further before Shenae had broken it off.
When the lesson came to an end, Taylor gathered her books and left the classroom without even looking at Mrs Liu, much to Shenae's relief. She started packing away her things when Mrs Liu called her over, as she did Ashley approached her desk and picked up a couple of screwed up bits of paper that had conquered her curiousity throughout the lesson. She looked slightly taken aback for a moment as she read them and then quickly left the room solely to Mrs Liu and Shenae.
'Get under the desk and get to work Shenae, you're losing half of your dinner today.'
Shenae dropped to her knee's and crawled under the desk where she saw that Mrs Liu had already removed her underwear, she crawled closer to her and placed her head between her thighs while Mrs Liu resumed marking papers.
'Hey Taylor wait up!' Ashley shouted down the hall as she ran after her, Taylor sped her walking pace. 'Where are you going?'
'No where,' Taylor lied, having every intention to go and see principle Diaz.
'Hey, Selena, Vanessa! Over here!' Ashley shouted across the large hall as they exited their separate classrooms. Selena was accompanied by Miley, her annoying friend from class.
'Hey Ashley,' Selena greeted, 'what's that loser doing here?'
Selena looked at Taylor with disdain, as though she were something unwanted found on the soul of her shoe. Taylor looked taken aback.
'I've decided to let her join the group,' Ashley announced.
'What!?' Selena shrieked, loud enough to warrant stern looks of anger from nearby teachers. 'I've been trying to get Miley approved for months!'
'They can both have a chance to prove themselves,' Ashley explained, giving into Selena. She really needed to stop enabling her bossiness, she was four years younger than her, she was lucky it wasn't her who was the bitch. Ashley made a mental note to give her a spanking tonight when they got home, before she would make Vanessa eat her pussy.
'So, Taylor, what do you think?' Ashley turned back to her, 'You want in?'
Taylor paused for a moment, perhaps this was the alternative. This could be the solution that she needed, she could join the gang and convince Ashley to turn her attentions away from Shenae.
'Ok, sure.' She answered eagerly.
Ashley turned and led them out of the hall careful not to be seen by any of the teachers. They stealthily made their way into the old sports hall that was out of order for the second time that day. She instructed Miley and Taylor to sit down on bench, they were both reluctant because it looked so wet, but Ashley assured them it was just water.
'So, girls, here's the thing. There's only room for one of you,' the girls looked at each other anxiously 'and i've decided that after ten minutes, whoever has the reddest cheeks and a mouthful of the girls juices is in the gang and the other is going to become our second bitch. Begin!'
The instructions were finished so abruptly that neither girl reacted straight away. Miley was the first to her feet and in the silence of the atmosphere she slowly approached taylor and grabbed her polo shirt, tugging it upwards. Taylor immediately stopped her and got to her feet, she grabbed hold of Miley's waist and pushed her backwards. Miley advanced one more and tried grabbing at her head.
'Get off me you bitch!' Taylor snapped and slapped Miley across the face. Miley, staggered backwards and then groaned as Taylor tackled her to the floor, sitting on her chest she pinned her arms to the floor, and quickly slapped her across the face once more.
'Taylor,' Ashley interrupted, 'those are the wrong cheeks.'
Taylor paused for a moment and then twisted her knee's that were constricted Mileys sides so that her body moved onto her side, Taylor then leant back and started to smack Miley's skirt covered bottom repeatedly.
'Are you going to let that bitch do that to your friend?' Ashley asked Selena, surprised and then turned to Vanessa with the same expression.
The two girls looked at each other and then ran over to Taylor, Vanessa grabbed her by the waist and pulled her off Miley, dragging her onto the floor. She wrapped her arms and legs around Taylor's so she couldn't move and her back was rested against her chest. Selena ripped off her skirt and knickers leaving her bottom have exposed, with Vanessa forcing her legs wide and spread.Selena then grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it over her head as Vanessa held her arms high in the air and then pinned her down once more as Selena unclipped her bra.
'No! Ashley!' Taylor screamed.
'You said it was one against one!' she cried as Vanessa turned her body onto her side, Selena and Vanessa both had her pinned to the floor now, laid naked but for her shoes on her front, while Miley smacked her bare bottom as hard as she could.
'No actually I didn't'
Ashley sat and watched while she ate her dinner as her friends each took it in turns to spank Taylor, when her bottom was fully red they each rubbed her face on their pussies until she agreed to lick them out. Eventually, Taylor gave in, and for the remainder of the break they sat on the bench eating their food while Taylor pleasured them each in turn and Ashley lectured her on her rules and obligations to being their bitch.
Selena and Miley escorted Taylor out of the room after she had made what repairs she could to her clothes. Ashley and Vanessa however remained at Ashley's orders.
'I wasn't impressed with Miley.'
'I like her,' Vanessa offered.
'I don't but Selena does. But she needs to learn that our members reflect our group and Miley was very weak. I've decided that you can have Miley, she's above Taylor and Shenae but she still a bitch.'
'Oh thank you Ash!' Vanessa screamed joyfully, hugging her friend, they kissed each other passionately. Ashley looked at the clock and decided with ten minutes left, she had time. She sat down and much to Vanessa's disapointment, made her lick her out.
The next lesson passed without any incident, during which Shenae learned that Taylor had suffered the same fate as her, she wasn't sure whether to be pleased or horrified about it, but as neither could talk she couldn't relay and feelings toward her anway. After the lesson, they followed Ashley out of the classroom carrying her belongings to meet up with Selena, Vanessa and Miley who was unaware of her position within the group. They sat down at the side of the hall and listened to the three girls talk.
'She's a real teachers pet Ashley,' Vanessa begged her, 'please, I hate her.'
'She seems ok to me, I always liked her.' Ashley remarked.
'Oh please! I'd love to make her my bitch.'
'You already have a bitch.'
'What!?' Selena shouted, causing a stir once more by the teachers. 'Who's her bitch?'
'Miley's my bitch,' Vanessa gloated, much to the shock of Miley.
'What?' Miley croaked.
'Shut up bitch, I didn't say you could speak.' Vanessa snapped.
'That wasn't what we agreed!' Selena hissed outraged.
'Shut up Selena, this isn't a democracy.' Ashley warned her. 'You can't have her Vanessa but I will give her to Selena and she might let you use her.'
Vanessa and Selena both sat silently, angry at this decision. Though Selena was at least excited about gaining her own bitch, especially since it was Hayden Panetierre.
'Taylor,' Ashley turned to her, 'I want you to lure Hayden into the toilets after the rest of us are in. Is that understood?'
'Yes what?'
'Yes Master.'
After they left, Taylor walked over to Hayden who was sat in a corner reading a book.
'Hey Hayden.'
'What do you want?' Hayden asked annoyed.
Mrs Liu told me to ask you to help me with my skirt because i've ripped it,' Taylor showed her the tear in her skirt, 'she said to get you to tie it in not for me because I can't reach.'
'You're joking?' Hayden replied.
'No, honest.'
'Get someone else to do it,' Hayen demanded, resuming her book.
'I can't, Mrs Liu specifically said you and I'm not going to argue with her, so unless you want to go and talk to her about it, I suggest you follow me to the toilet so we can get it over with.'
Hayden thought about it for a moment and decided that it was an inconvenience she could tolerate to avoid getting a spanking from one of the notoriously strictest teachers.
As Taylor entered the toilet first she wasn't surprised to see Vanessa and Selena stood on either side of the door, they allowed her to enter unscathed. As Hayden came through the door, they grabbed her covering her mouth and dragged her into a cublicle where Miley was stood waiting and they locked the door. Soon after she heard very loud slapping noises.
'Watch the door Taylor, if anyone comes whistle loudly.' Selena yelled from inside the cubicle.
She could hear Ashley moaning from within another cublicle and assumed that Shenae was going down on her. She took solace in the fact that it wasn't her on her knees.
Near the end of break time, Hayden exited the cubicle followed by a very happy looking Selena and Vanessa, and Miley was the last to leave, Taylor saw her wiping her mouth with disgust. Seconds later, Ashley came out followed by Shenae.
'It's last lesson now, so I'll see you all in the playground tomorrow morning, Shenae, Taylor, you can split any homework I have between you.'
They watched her leave the room, followed by Selena, Miley and Vanessa after they had given their own instructions out. Taylor was also required to do Miley's homework.
Hayden, Shenae and Taylor all stood silently, not knowing what to say before they left for their own class. | literotica |
Title: Extinguishing Cold Fires by Squirrel
Tags: Bat, Character Development, Mouse, Romance, Sci-Fi, Squirrel
Pyro flashed his paw-beacon to the right.
A shake of the head. "We're chasing ghosts." His voice echoed off the rocky walls, and into the dark. They were in a series of caves ...
"I don't believe in ghosts," Adelaide whispered resolutely.
"Angels, then," Pyro corrected, flashing his beacon to the left.
"What would angels be doing," was the bat's rhetorical question, "on a rogue planet? This far from home?"
"What are WE doing on a rogue planet," was Pyro's counter, "this far from home ... "
Adelaide sighed. Didn't answer. "Shine your beacon straight ahead. Stop moving it about."
Pyro nodded. Flashed the light ... straight ahead of them.
It had been a week since Luminous had fled the snow rabbit sector. They had two weeks of supplies ... left. And were planet-hopping, avoiding predators ... were still alive ... sensors had picked up sources of artificial energy on this seemingly dead world. And an away team had been compiled to investigate ... the rogue planet was rich in untapped resources. But there was no infrastructure in which to harvest any of it ... perhaps ... whatever furs were behind the energy source ... perhaps they could help. Or perhaps not.
"Yeah ... why are we here," Dotna asked, adjusting her phase rifle.
"Sensors picked up ... strange sources," Assumpta told her, "of synthetic energy. Were you not listening to Adelaide's mission briefing ... before we left the ship?"
"I always listen," Dotna defended.
"Then perhaps you need to adjust the volume," the snow leopard said, "of your ears."
The chipmunk smiled and bit her lip, not responding.
"We keep detecting energy sources, but ... no furs. Where are the furs?" Pyro asked.
"Beats me," Adelaide whispered. She was leading the away team. Had a scanner in her paw. A beacon in the other.
They were on a rogue planet ... a planet entirely shrouded by dark (at all hours). Rocky, seemingly barren, but ... somehow with an atmosphere. Somehow, with ... air. The said air was cool, but not frigid. And hardly toxic.
"I smell something," whispered Pyro, pausing.
"Where?" Assumpta sniffed the air.
Dotna tightened her grip on her weapon. Nose and whiskers twitch-sniffing.
The wolf pointed. "Down that cave ... that ... that path-way."
"These caves have been tailored. These pathways are too perfect ... to be natural," Assumpta noted. The snow leopard bringing up the rear of the group, keeping watch from the back. Pyro may have had versatile eyes (which seemed to glow in this lack of light), and may have had a great nose, as well, but ... no one bested felines for quality ... in outright night vision. No, she could see better than the rest of them.
"I don't like this," Dotna whispered.
Pyro gave a quick glance ... at her. Wished he could squeeze her paw ...
"This can't be right," Adelaide whispered, squinting at her illuminated scanner. "I'm detecting ... "
" ... bats!" whispered Dotna, tensing, turning.
"Drop," said a male voice, "the weapon, rodent. Now."
Dotna hesitated. Looked to Adelaide (who seemed to be in a state of shock ... she hadn't picked them up ... with her mind. She hadn't felt them. These bats ... they had no telepathic signature ... it ... even now, with them surrounding her away team, she couldn't sense them ... that wasn't right ... ) ...
"Do as he says," Assumpta told the chipmunk. Realizing they were outnumbered (and in close confines). Knowing they wouldn't win ... not now, anyway. Not without a strategy ...
"Who are you?" Adelaide demanded of the bat who'd spoken. He was male, and like all male bats ... his fur was a periwinkle-blue. A sky-blue. Eyes a deep sapphire.
"We are outcasts."
Adelaide squinted, looking (in the errant beam of Pyro's paw-beacon) very bold, very defined ... as bat-like as she could be. In this cave and suddenly surrounded by fellow bats ...
"Follow us. We shall explain."
"All fixed?"
Juneau looked up (on her knees on the floor, a spanner in paw) ... " ... mm ... " She took a breath, whiskers twitching. Ears swiveling. Tail a bit mussed. "Well ... almost, yeah. I mean, faster than expected." Sickbay was supposed to have taken two weeks to repair and ... get back to normal. But, after only a week, it was almost back in shape ... " ... just a few loose wires. A few ... "
The lights went off.
Ketchy squeaked ... looking around.
The lights came back on (with a hum).
" ... glitches," finished Juneau. "Heh ... um ... yeah, a few glitches, but ... almost done."
Ketchy nodded, looking around.
Juneau, wiping her paws on her uniform (and still on her knees), nodded at the office (with its big, clear window). "He's in there ... as you can see. Been in there all morning."
Ketchy nodded, and ... padded to the office. There was no door. Just an open entryway. She paused there, and ... knocked her paw on the bulkhead. "Mind if I come in?" she whispered.
Denali blinked and looked up. "Oh ... yeah ... I mean, no, I don't mind if you come in. I mean, yes ... come in," he said, taking a breath. Letting it out.
Ketchy giggled, moving up behind him. He was in a chair, and she put her paws on his shoulders. "Mm ... nervous?"
"I ... I don't know."
"Come on, darling ... you are."
"What if I am?" was the quiet response.
"Then admit it. And let me help. Let us ... help. No one's demanding anything of you."
The otter stared at a computer screen. Listening to the beeps and whirs of the various ... instruments in sickbay. He took a breath and whispered (trying to keep their conversation outside of Juneau's ear-shot), "I failed out of medical school ... I'm the back-up medic. I'm ... supposed to be running the science lab, and now ... I'm the ship's doctor. The ship's ONLY doctor ... " He trailed. "Just overwhelming, is all. It's a lot of responsibility."
"Well ... " She rubbed his shoulders.
He closed his eyes.
"Well, I have faith in you," was what she said. A funny thing for her to say. To say she had faith in someone. To have ... any kind of faith. She'd always struggled with her faith. "And I'm here, and ... you've a lot of friends on this ship."
A quiet nod.
"You'll do fine."
He looked up at her ... and smiled softly. "I'm glad you think so, cause ... I'm so nervous ... " He trailed.
"I'm the one who's supposed to be nervous," she reminded.
"Guess it ... goes around," was the otter's response.
And Ketchy leaned down and quietly kissed his cheek. And their eyes, from up close, met, and ... she went to kiss his ...
" ... patient. You've got a patient!" chimed Juneau, in jolly tone.
Denali sighed.
Ketchy giggled an airy, breathy giggle. "Mm ... is the doctor in?" she whispered.
"Afraid so. We'll continue this," he promised, a paw snaking for her tail, fingers raking through the brown, bushy fur ... and a grab! " ... later."
A chitter, and a sighing smile ... which turned into a grin ... as Denali stood and left his office. And as she followed a few seconds later.
"Hi," said Field. Waving a paw (in shy, mousey fashion).
"You're the patient?" Ketchy asked, blinking. "What's wrong?"
"No, it's ... well, it's her," Field said, of the baby in his arms. His daughter. Akira.
"Oh." Ketchy looked down a bit ... saw her. And smiled. She loved baby Akira ... loved babies. "Poor thing. Is she okay?"
"Well, I don't know," Field said, whiskers twitching (and nose sniff-sniffing ... non-stop). "That's why I brought her here." He looked to Denali, raising his eyes a bit ... as if waiting for the otter to say something.
Ketchy nudged the otter in the side.
"Oh ... well ... what's wrong?" Denali asked.
"I don't know!" Field repeated, squeaking in frustration. He sighed ... " ... that's why I'm here," he repeated. "She needs a doctor." He met the otter's eyes.
"Well ... um ... let me see. Sit down on a bio-bed. Hold her still."
Field nodded and padded to a bio-bed, thin tail trailing behind him like a fishing line ... and dishy ears swiveling. The mouse was a bundle of twitching motions. A live wire of anxiety. It seemed almost worse ... than normal. Maybe because Adelaide wasn't on the ship. No doubt, the mouse was worried ... about her being on the rogue planet. About the ship losing contact with the away team ... once they had entered the caves. Oh, the worry was in his eyes ...
Denali pulled out a scanner, and ran it over the baby ... " ... symptoms?"
"Coughing. Little ... barky coughs. Like ... "
"Like, rough ... rough coughs. I mean ... you know ... maybe she has a cold? I don't know ... "
The otter's scanner beeped and hummed. "Mm ... a little virus, I think. Nothing life threatening."
"Well ... "
"I'll give her some medicine. She needs to get some rest. It'll ... get better. She'll be fine."
"What kind of medicine?"
"Field," whispered Ketchy. "Calm down ... "
The mouse's blue-grey eyes darted, and his ... nose sniffed, and ... he let out a breath, nodding, nodding ... Akira cradled in his arms. Her eyes half-open. She seemed listless. "I ... I can feel her," he said.
"Adelaide? On the planet?"
"No, the baby. I feel sick ... cause she feels sick." The mouse's whiskers drooped. "I can feel her pain," he whispered.
"Oh ... I'm sorry," Ketchy whispered. She hadn't known to what degree ... the mouse was linked with Akira.
"Adelaide makes it better," Field whispered, looking at the carpet of the floor. And he squinted. "It used to be grey ... "
"What?" Denali, back with the medicine, blinked.
"Grey. The carpet," Field realized, looking up. "Used to be grey."
"Oh, I changed it," Juneau piped in, smiling. "You like it?"
Field smiled shyly. "Yeah, it's ... a much better color. Much more soothing. Much less ... "
" ... sterile? Oh, I agree. I mean, blues bring out the best in ... "
"Are we done?" Denali interrupted, holding the medicine (and his scanner).
Juneau bobbed her head in playful consternation ... and looked back to Field, confiding, "I don't mind saying this to you, Field, but ... males have NO sense of interior design."
Field blinked, asking (in his wispy voice, with his tail limp behind him), "Why don't you mind saying it to me?"
Juneau giggled. "Mm ... cute," she said, smiling, nodding, and looking back to her work.
Field blinked and looked to Ketchy.
"Don't worry about it," Ketchy said, smiling, too ... " ... and don't worry about anything, okay, cause ... Akira will be fine, and Adelaide will be fine, and ... "
" ... I don't care about interior design," Denali said, giving Akira some medicine.
"You should," Juneau replied. "You really should ... colors affect moods, and ... it's a whole science, you know."
Field nodded ... at Juneau's words.
"Well, I think ... my services have been rendered," Denali announced, nodding, giving the mouse an encouraging smile. "Think she'll be okay."
"Think?" His eyes widened, hugging the baby tighter.
"She'll be okay," Denali insisted, giving the mouse a pat on the shoulder. "Bring her back ... if her condition changes."
"Okay." Field let out a breath and stood. "Well, hopefully ... Adelaide will be back before long. Mm ... " Again, the worry evident in the mouse's eyes.
"She will be," Ketchy assured. And gave Field a paw squeeze and a smile ... and led him to the door, waving as he went back to his quarters. And she turned back ... thinking for a minute, and saying to the others, "You know ... I've never thought about this before, but ... we really need a ship's counselor."
"What do you mean?"
"Like, a counselor. I mean, like ... what happened with Chester, you know, and ... other things ... "
Juneau was quiet for a moment, before saying, "Well ... we all have mates. Isn't that enough? We can all talk to our mates ... "
"I know, but ... none of us are psychiatrists."
"Exactly," she countered. "So, who among us ... is qualified to be a ship's counselor?"
"Well, no one," Ketchy whispered. "I just ... wish they'd assigned one before we left home. I mean, having the Ops team in charge of crew morale ... we need an ACTUAL counselor, someone who's job it is ... to exclusively ... you know, keep the crew in good spirits. To ... all that. I don't know ... just a thought ... "
"Well, if you find someone ... let me know. And ... I'll back the idea." Juneau turned back to her work.
"Yeah," Denali added. "And while you search ... look for another doctor, too."
Ketchy rolled her eyes. "You're bringing this tension on yourself ... "
The otter sighed, sitting on the bio-bed that Field had vacated. "Maybe," he admitted. "I just ... it would be different if we weren't nomads now, low on supplies, and ... evading danger every day."
Juneau worked on some optical fibers ... and said, from her position a few feet away, "We're all in the same boat ... " A pause. "Well, same ship, to be ... exact. It's not easy on any of us. So ... we're just gonna have to do without a trained doctor ... without a counselor, without ... whatever, you know? We'll adapt. We're prey. We're stronger than anyone gives us credit for, and we'll fill in the gaps ... with our own ingenuity. We'll make it through," she said, and then stood ... and nodded. "What great carpet!"
Adelaide had been led away from her fellow crew-furs ... to a darker corner (in the cavern-like space to which they'd been led). The male bat's name ... the one who'd spoken, the leader of this group of bats ... his name was Ereth.
"You're a long way from home," Ereth told Adelaide, walking in a slow circle around her (while she stood still, breathing, trying to feel his presence ... and failing every time).
"So are you," Adelaide whispered back.
"Mm ... "
"I can't feel you," Adelaide said, addressing the issue up-front.
"Not one to pussy-foot, are you?" Ereth asked ... with a toothy grin.
"No," was her brisk response.
"Shame ... I do like games."
"I should've sensed you ... the moment our pod landed. Why didn't I?"
"As I said ... we are outcasts."
"That tells me ... "
" ... everything," Ereth whispered, stopping his circling ... and standing in front of her. "It tells you everything."
Adelaide blinked.
"All bats have telepathic abilities. But most bats have ... limits. Barriers. Most bats do not have limitless powers. Most bats have ... inhibitions. Moral inhibitions."
She breathed, eying him up and down, and then meeting his eyes ... her deep-pinks to his ... gem-blues. "And you don't?"
"No," was Ereth's whisper. "We were branded too dangerous ... by our fellow bats. Do you realize the hypocrisy in that? Our species has been treated horrendously ... was hunted ... by the predators. And then we turn against each other? Bats telling bats ... who is dangerous and who is not ... among them?"
She squinted.
"It was five years ago ... that we left. Or, rather, were forced to leave. In a long-distance transport ship."
"I never heard about this."
"The Council," he said, referring to the governing body of the bat species ... each species had a council or a ... leadership ... and two representatives from each leadership were sent to the furry senate. Politics on Home-world ... they were intricate. They were very messy. Many furs (including most on Luminous) ... had done their best to ... pay no attention to them. Not that, anymore, they needed to ... being exiled. "The Council determined that some bats ... were too dangerous. Dangerous to the whole. And we were sent away. We had stronger powers, but not the numbers ... we had to leave."
She listened. Angular ears ... swept-back and listening.
"I see that you, too, have been exiled ... but for different reasons. You are the only bat," he whispered, "on your ship. You have seen no other bats ... in over a year."
"No ... "
"You are mated," he whispered, reading her mind like a book (and even with her blocks ... she couldn't stop him) ... " ... mated to a mouse." A chuckle. "Not so bad, maybe ... mice are more like bats, physically ... than most creatures. But mentally? Mice are inferior. You know that."
"Apparently, I don't," she whispered back. With a bite in her voice.
"You're the dominant partner in your mate-ship?" he understood, looking deeper. "You have a daughter by him ... "
"Get out of my head," she told him. Simply. Strongly.
"I'll get out ... when it suits me to." He kept searching. Getting every ounce of information about her, about Luminous, about all that had happened, and ...
Ereth stumbled back ... and fell to his furry rump, dazed. And looking up to her ... his link severed by the physical jolt.
"So, you're outcasts ... because you believe that telepathy is, what, a birthright? And that, as the holders of telepathy ... we may do what we wish?"
"It's an advantage. It gives us an advantage over other furs," Ereth said, still at a sit. "We are few, Adelaide. If we hope to repopulate and regain what we lost, and ... we must outmaneuver the other furs. Manipulation ... is required," he said, "for our survival."
"We're ALL furs," Adelaide exclaimed.
"Some species ... are better than others. We recognize that. You should, too. You have powers of the mind. That is ... rare. It is ... " Ereth stood, and stepped back toward her.
Adelaide tensed.
"Your mouse ... he has telepathic abilities? How?"
"I don't know. He had latent mental abilities ... the first time we yiffed, when I bit him ... those latent abilities were activated." A pause. "His powers aren't like mine, but ... he has them. I unlocked them ... "
"That is dangerous ... if other furs develop telepathy ... "
"I told you ... he already had it. He has a special mind. It just needed ... to be rendered fertile. To be nurtured."
"I don't wanna hear about your pet mouse," Ereth spat. Putting a paw on ...
... her arm. On the other side of the cavern, one of the male bats (with his light-blue fur, and his over-confident swagger), put his paw on Dotna's arm.
Pyro glared. Red eyes ... burning invisible holes in the bat who was touching his mate.
Dotna tensed, stepping back. She didn't have her weapon. The bat's had taken it.
The bat grinned a toothy smile, and ...
... ran his paw along Adelaide's neck.
She tilted her head, closing her eyes.
"You've bitten," he realized, "but have never been ... bitten in return, have you?"
She opened her eyes. Turned her neck away from his paw. "No ... "
"Never yiffed with a male bat. With a male of your own species ... you do not know ... what I can do for you. You think you've FELT it ... with your mate? I could make you feel more," Ereth whispered.
"I highly doubt that," she whispered (with a growing edge in her voice). Her mind building a wall around herself. And ... preparing to defend herself (as it was becoming apparent she would have to do).
"You can't avoid me ... "
"I can try," Dotna said, voice quavering. Rodent heart pattering, pat-pattering ...
A low growl. Coming from ...
... Pyro's throat.
Dotna swallowed, looking to her mate. Wishing for him.
The blue-furred bat (who hadn't mentioned his name), chuckled. "Your doggie upset? Am I playing with his toy?"
A blur of ...
... fur. Assumpta barreling into Ereth, slamming him into rock.
Adelaide shivered, collecting herself. "Is he ... "
"Unconscious. He will wake with a substantial headache," the snow leopard exclaimed, with ... a glint ... in her eye. "I saw you required assistance. I came as quickly as I could."
"You overpowered all the other bats?" Adelaide asked. "But their ... "
" ... mental abilities may work on prey and predators alike. However, I am of the ice. My mind is ... layered differently. They are not able to affect me ... as they affect the rest of you."
"Immune to mind control, huh?" Adelaide asked.
"The others? Pyro ... Dotna ... "
Assumpta turned and scanned the darkness for them ... " ... back over there."
"Let's go ... "
The unnamed bat was on the ground, with a bloody gash in his side, and Pyro ... heaving blood-red eyes ... glowing. He heaved, breath shaking. Blood on his paws. He hadn't killed the bat. No, the bat would live, but he'd ... drawn blood. He'd actually drawn blood.
Dotna was clutching to him ... shaking. Thanking him for ... stopping the bat. "He was in my head ... he was in my head," she repeated. Shivering.
Pyro nodded ... swallowing. He knew what it was like to have someone invade your own mind. He knew what it was like to have ...
... Adelaide. Strolling into view. Looking down, and then up. "You ... okay?" she asked (of the both of them).
"He tried to hurt her," Pyro whispered. Hugging Dotna protectively.
Assumpta, standing behind Adelaide, met Pyro's eyes ... and gave a tiny nod. Pyro, at first, gave no motion back, but ... eventually ... returned the nod. Remembering their conversation in the mess hall. And, suddenly ... scared of himself. Of what he could do. But ... he'd done it for her. For love. He would never let anyone hurt Dotna ...
"We're getting out of here," Adelaide stressed. "NOW." She huffed, looking around. "This place is full of cold fire. I suspect they ... were hoping to control us all, take our pod, and ... use their unlimited mind control to ... take Luminous from us. And use it to ... go all the way back home and exact revenge on ... everyone."
"We best leave, then, before they regain consciousness," Assumpta said. "Before reinforcements arrive." There was no knowing how many bats were in these caves.
Adelaide nodded, scooping up the fallen bat's weapon, and ... tossing Pyro a paw-beacon. And the four of them hurried back through the caves, to the pods, and ... back to Luminous.
The doors swished open.
Field turned. Beamed. "Mommy's home," he announced.
"She okay?" Adelaide asked, scooping the baby up ... from Field's arms.
"Yeah ... she had a cough, but Denali made it better."
A nod. Adelaide looking down at her daughter. And feeling the ... little emotional feelers. The good feelings. And smiling.
"How did the mission go?" Field asked, sniffing the air. Sniffing her.
"We ran into some wayward winged things, but ... they underestimated ... our red eyes and ice minds and ... the power of our loves," she whispered. And she planted a kiss on Field's cheek. And then on his lips (soft, slow, sweet ... and succulent). "Mm ... " The kiss parted with a smack-smack, and baby Akira gently caught between their upright bodies ... " ... I'm okay."
Field smiled ... and breathed of her. Always glad to hear it.
Chester, at helm ... steered Luminous away from the rogue planet. The ship had two weeks of supplies left (before it would become dead in the water ... or dead, rather, in space) ... they needed to find friendly furs. Or some kind of planet to ... explore and settle on.
They needed something to happen.
Nose of the ship pointed to some unexplored star (out here on the edge of known space) ... Luminous warped away ... with a hope and a prayer. | FSE |
(Stag on F bondage)
Jessica lived in a rather small town in the middle of nowhere. I had been originally set up as a market town on a strategic place along the road between two far larger places on the map- but it never panned out. It turned out more of just a bathroom stop along the road. Unfortunately for Jessica this meant when it came to finding a boyfriend, she did not have a lot of options. Derek proved to be a bit of an ass, trying to control what she does. His final remark to her before she stormed out was that she will never find a cock as big as his in a town this small. And he was probably right. But Jessica was determined to prove him wrong. So determined that she found herself in the basement level of the local library- probably the oldest structure in the town, and much older than the ground floor of the same library.
There was an entire huge bookshelf that was off-limits here in the basement but it did not stop some of the more youthful citizens from looking. There was a latch across each shelf that prevented you from getting the books out without the key, but they were installed so long ago that they were sort of just coming apart. You could pull the bolt out of the hinge by hand and just take the entire thing off without even needing to open it. Though only half the citizens believed in it, all of these books were old occult spell books. Before the current town had been built there was an abandoned witches village here- the basement of the library supposedly the only surviving structure from that time. The light down there was not bright enough to read by, just enough to identify the book and take it elsewhere. The room was very deep and framed with stairs leading down to it, so the bookshelves were very tall and covered the walls entirely- so the only place to put a light was in the middle of the floor. A large crystal of salt was sat on a holder above the light to help scatter it throughout the room, and to ward the elder books from moisture. She found one book on the majestic elder of the forest, and remembered having a crush on him when she was younger reading this old book for the first time.
The book had no images so one was left to imagine what the forest spirit actually looked like, but the book did have some basic descriptions of him. Very large, well endowed, strong, and never made a sound. Sounds like the perfect boyfriend to Jessica! She read over the ritual part of the book she had skipped every other time and gathered some supplies. She gathered tons of candles, a bucket of blood from the butcher's shop and a pain brush to write the runes with, and the offering. The offering part depended on what your intentions were when summoning it- because she wanted romance Jess was to offer a flower. Since it was autumn, the only sizable flower she could find was an apple blossom. She wandered into the woods late afternoon. It was supposed to be dusk or night when you did this but she was a lot more confident in her ability to find her way out of the forest than into it when it was dark, so she entered while there was still daylight to find her way. There was two forests bordering the town and wouldn't you know it- the one the witches summoned the spirit from happens to be the supposedly cursed Pitchwood Forest. Named because the tree trunks there are as black as pitch. There was tons of trees but they were more like the skeletons of trees that used to be. Even in the spring and summer there was hardly any leaves on them at all, and now that it was fall there certainly was none. Their trunks and branches twisted and turned oddly like they were tangled around some unseen object. It was clear to see why everyone thought the forest was cursed- it was certainly a wretched looking place.
In the fall the forest had more life than any other season, but it was not in the form of plants, but rather fungus. The forest floor and the lower trunks of the trees were absolutely covered in delicate, frilled mushroom growth. That was likely why the forest itself looked so grim- there was probably a colossal circle of mycelium below the ground devouring the plants to feed itself. Mushrooms are just the blossoms of the mycelium. Jess created a huge circle of candles big enough to surround a car- since she had no idea just how large the spirit was. She had plenty of extra candles since she went a bit overboard and placed the remainder at the top sides of the huge rock she decided to do this beside to help light the area. There was a particularly huge tree that looked like it had grown out from under the other half of the shed-sized boulder. Its trunk was extremely thick, and while the tree was not especially tall, its branches reached wide. This was considered to be the heart of the Pitchwood Forest. She lit all the candles and by the time they were all aflame the sky had darkened enough that being near the candle light made everything else look like complete black. She dipped the paint brush in the bucket of pigs blood and started painting the runes on the surface of the boulder- having to do a few corrections at first till she got the hang of how much to have on the brush to paint with without allowing it to drip. Once you place it thinly enough blood dries quite quickly. When it dried the red faded from it quickly as well, making it look black against the already dark surface of the boulder.
Once it was completed the edges of the painted blood started to glow orange as if on fire and the runes burned off the rock without forming any actual flames. She looked at the circle of candles but did not see anything at first and put her hands on her hips in frustration. Then she spotted a floating orb! Tiny beads of liquid white candle wax were drifting up into the air and collecting in the middle! The undulating orb turned into a curled teardrop shape and two jet black orbs opened on either side of its body- eyes! As soon as his eyes opened all the candle flames doubled in size and burned white and pale blue with increased heat! The candles started to melt quickly and the wax flowed up into the air much faster. The round liquid body of the spirit started to sink lower in the air from its increased mass and eventually squished out against the ground a moment before lurching up on the end of four narrow pillars! Jess could see knobby little knee and ankle joints- they were spindly little legs! The front surged out and up pulling more narrow than the body as it went and quickly formed into the shape of a young deer! His ears flicking up away from the newly formed head cast off some extra wax, but the beads of wax slowed mid-flight and then pulled back into its body like a magnet. It quickly stopped looking like a cervine youth as its body rapidly expanded from the collecting wax and he started to surpass Jessica in height! When it got larger Jess was able to see that its eyes were not actually solid either- they were swirling orbs of black flame. The heat from them constantly caused the edges of its eye sockets to liquefy and re-harden. The wax of its body hardened as it took shape but more wax was added, causing it all to increase in size with each new layer. Even with no wax around them, the candle wicks still had wax soaked into them and the flames remained burning even after the body of it had been stolen to feed the spirit's body.
Soon Jessica was only as fall as his neck, then his shoulders, then his large pectoral muscles. From out of the head two giant, ornate candelabra erupted, forming its antlers. The many individual candles it held acted as the many tines of the antlers! A band of red wax formed a crest of runes that circled the very base of his neck like he were wearing a giant gorget. Red wax also emerged from the white on his face to make his nose and lips. Polished brass started to emerge from the ends of his legs as well, lifting him up on metal hooves. The hooves however were giant signet rings that looked like they were made for giants. The type of signet rings a lord would use to press a wax seal on an important document. Jess was not looking at the apple blossom she placed as it burst into flame and vanished into the night. Its combustion caused a magenta wax to well up in the beast's loins, swelling a plump tube of a sheath out from it and two tennis ball sized testicles. The magenta wax then burrowed its way out of the white wax sheath it helped form and emerged as an increasingly long pillar- an extremely large tapered cervine phallus! It was slightly veiny toward the very base but was otherwise smooth and featureless like the real thing. His body remained quite warm, but mostly solidified. It retained only enough give to it that when he bent his limbs, they bent instead of breaking.
Jess timidly walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling his hide. It was somewhat textured like fur, but all wax, so clearly it had no real fur. It was sort of like someone pressed a furry animal into soft wax so that it copied the shape. His eyes were bizarre and hypnotized Jess a bit as her own eyes tried to comprehend what she was seeing. It was like the darkness of night folded in to touch his eyes, lancing the light around him without swallowing it. The black fire that made his eye balls was actually negative light- it was devouring any light it made contact with, but his antlers and the candles surrounding him were still producing light so rather than snuff the light out, it just created a cone-shaped darkness from his eyes to the ambient dark of the night. Jess started to blush increasingly bright red as the initial awe of the situation started to wear off and the knowledge of it started to sink in- she just summoned a colossal stag to fuck her. The book never mentioned the spirit of the forest was an animal... although in hindsight that does make sense. Half in fear of angering such a huge beast, and half in actual aroused curiosity she slowly slid her hand down his side toward the hot pillar of deep pink wax that was his cock. His outer layer 'fur' was soft enough that she could imprint her fingers into him fairly easily- though whenever something altered his form, it quickly reshaped. True to the book's description, he is indeed very large, well endowed, strong, and does not make a sound. He made no move toward her and did not even seem to look at her, he just stood gently breathing, waiting for her to make the first move.
Jess surprised herself a moment when she finally gasped the phallus and her fingers sunk in! The wax seemed to grip her hand- trying to reform while she was still inside of it. The wax of his penis was particularly warm, so it was also rather soft. The moment she pulled her fingers out of it, it was already fully reformed and utterly undisturbed by her influence. It did buck slightly a moment after though, and what looked like a drop of clear pre dripped out- though it became increasingly white as it fell through the air and solidified as white wax by the time it hit the ground. Jess knelt down to bring her face closer, eyeing the hot pillar. The spirit snorted out two jets of smoke and stepped forward suddenly! Since his penis was tapered the end was small enough to poke through her lips before Jess even realized what was happening and wedged the end of his dick in her mouth! She was expecting the gross taste of wax in her mouth, but there was no taste at all. His body constantly reformed so none of the wax was wiping off for her tongue to be able to taste. The stag made micro-movements with his hips, just pulsing his cock back and forth on her lips. Once the initial shock wore off Jess slid further down the shaft on her own. She could feel the throbbing of a heart beat inside, oddly. The molten wax flows through him like blood would a normal deer- so although he was almost entirely wax, it felt almost identical to a real stag. When the cock hit the top of her throat, rather than force its way down it squished a bit and became thicker in her mouth. The veins swelled larger and stiffer and Jess was again surprised when he came in her mouth! Because it was already wedged into the start of her throat she did not even have an option to now swallow- it was being fired halfway down her throat! Wax is organic... right? She should be able to digest that. Maybe. It isn't poisonous anyway.
His wax load was hot enough that it almost burned on its way down, and it sat incredibly heavy in her stomach. The beast slowly backed out of her and trot in a circle, nudging a still stunned Jess on her rump with his nose- which unlike the entire rest of his form actually felt cool to the touch. She turned to look at him, not knowing what he was trying to do. Did he want her to stand back up? He then let out another gust of candle smoke that billowed her skirt up and Jess realized his dick was still just as erect as before- he wanted to ride her other end too! She wanted that too, but had been afraid at first of even attempting because his dick isn't very thick, but it is still many times too long for a human to take. After having him in her mouth she was no longer worried though. It was made of soft wax, so it won't just jam itself into her vaginal lining and tear it- it will squish and conform itself to fit. She huffed a bit as she got to her feet, her stomach felt so heavy! He came a lot. She pulled her panties down and to her surprise he bit them and helped pull them the rest of the way off, causing her to stumble forward a bit on her hands and knees. He stepped forward slowly. She could feel the warmth coming off his front legs as he stepped over her. She bowed her arms a bit to put her ass up high and he bowed his back legs to line up and then thrust in under her skirt. The tapered form allowed him to slide into her easily and she cooed in pleasure feeling the hot rod sliding deeper and deeper. Well, she proved Derek wrong- she has found someone bigger than him in this town! A lot bigger. She had never felt anything so deep in her body before! She didn't even think her vagina was that deep in the first place! Jess then felt a bit cramped as he bottomed out in her but thrust in again to put more in! His dick squished against her cervix and bloated out fatter, and then another thrust and fatter still! It can't go longer so all the extra cock he shoves into her instead stretches her wider! She could see the bulge building on her lower gut! It conforms to whatever shape it is placed in like water- so no matter who he is inside of, his dick is always a perfect fit!
The huge bulge in her gut looked like it should hurt, but didn't. She just felt... incredibly heavy and full. It started to throb violently though and Jess moaned in breathless surprise as he was approaching another climax already! He is certainly easy to set off. She huffed unintentionally as the added pressure on her already very full insides forced some air out of her lungs. The searing liquid wax he ejaculated burned, hurting her a bit a first but it was not hot enough to actually burn her, so after a moment she adjusted to it. The slight burning only added to the pleasure; a hot pleasurable itch. The spirit already filled her completely so when he came it blasted into her womb and coated it, then overflowed and started to blast out of her pussy around his dick from lack of room! And there was a lot of it! As wildly pleasurable as it had been though, Jess never hit climax. She came very close but he slowed his thrusting from his own orgasm and her own loins cooled down. She did not notice the liquid wax seething across the ground as if it were alive under her. Another little surge of pleasure as he thrust into her again after a pause and started to pick up pace again! He was still erect! It must be because she hasn't had a full orgasm yet. She summoned him for sex, so he must remain bound here at least until they have both climaxed at least once to complete the summoning conditions.
She felt the hot wax on her legs and hands but only when it started to creep across her skin did she actually look down and see the wax was trying to coat her! It tightened as it cooled, getting stiffer, and pulled her fingers and toes together inside and locked them that way. As it hardened it took the familiar shape of cloven hooves! Jessica smirked. Kinky. He is going for some sort of wax bondage, sealing her hands and feet inside hard wax hooves. The continued heat of the liquid wax in her pussy made it somewhat numb to the temperature, so she did not realize the continued heat was a small flow of continual wax, not just the remainder of the first load getting squeezed out by his thrusts. Dripping down her legs it started to stiffen and he started to straighten his own legs, causing his penis to hook on her insides and pull her up with him, forcing Jessica to straighten her limbs. The wax dripping down her legs then hardened like that however- locking her legs in that position and forming more cervine shape onto her. He started to throb powerfully again, but before he hit climax he pulled out! Jessica was already approaching hers as well, but him yanking out of her while his cock was still swollen extremely wide from her inner walls crushed against her clit and sent her screaming into an orgasm! She trembled uncontrollably against the wax starting to seal her thighs! Her pussy never closed! It was still wide open like his dick was inside of it even though it wasn't! The wax he coated it with hardened while it was stretched open, so now it was stuck like that! Just as her orgasm was starting to calm back down he rammed his dick back into her- but this time her small, virgin anus! She screamed out again in surprised pleasure as her orgasm spiked back up! His dick crammed itself in and again squished against her insides to conform to the shape of her ass just as he climaxed and fired hot wax up her intestines! Unlike her vulva which ended with her womb, the wax did not run out of room and get forced out this time- it just continued to scorch her deeper and deeper! She felt so incredibly bloated and heavy and hot! So very hot! Her legs would have buckled and cause her to collapse by now except she could not bend them! They looked like wax deer legs! The wax was too stiff for her to move her legs at all, and her arms were cast up to her elbows. Jess felt like it was exploding into her stomach again, but this time from the reverse direction! Her entire torso started to round out a bit, bloating from the massive load of wax inside of her. She felt a bit nauseous and suddenly threw up, but nothing came out except wax!
The beast's wax was still animated, even divided from him, so it was actually navigating its way through her entire body- allowing him to cum straight through her! The wax she was forced to spit up quickly slithered across the ground and up her arms, coating them further up- locking her elbow joints. The wax that dribbled down her lips and chin spread as far around her neck as it could before it hardened. His own body started to give off more and more heat. Jessica wanted to look back at him or try to squirm away but her limbs were locked to the ground, and there was already enough wax on her throat on the inside and outside to prevent her from turning her head! His body was liquefying a bit, causing him to shrink from removed wax, but also dripping hot wax all over her, causing Jess to squirm from the sensation of the hot wax. It was not dripping down- the wax dripped in whatever direction she still had uncovered skin in. The spirit started to shrink down to normal stag proportions by the time he finished and pulled out- this time his cock sliding back into the sheath.
He walked around her slowly and put his face close to hers a moment before huffing and then raising his head up high to observe the forest. Jessica would have said something but the inside of her mouth was coating in a hard wax cast that prevented her from moving her jaws. In fact- none of her body was exposed to the outside world! She was sealed entirely in a doe-shaped wax cast and completely unable to move! Even her pussy and anus was trapped open, because their insides were also trapped! Jess could breath just fine from the nostrils and mouth of the outer cast, but she could not move at all or make a sound! She would be stuck here completely at the mercy of whoever entered the forest and found her first.
Yes, the Pitchwood Forest is a cursed place indeed. No one enters it unless they absolutely have to. There have even been sightings of ghostly white deer statues appearing in the woods, and sometimes moans or other odd sounds coming from the woods, so people knew to stay well away from them. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Don't Touch
This is my first try at dominant, because it was requested by someone, you know who you are. ;-) Unfortunately, I am not used to it. So if it comes out silly and you laugh instead. At least you laughed today! ;) | literotica |
Title: 3 Is a Magic Number Ch. 13
Tags: sister, brother, cousin, cheerleader, redhead, outdoor sex, road trip, creampie, hot tub, pregnancy test
*All Characters 18+*
I always have hated packing for a trip, and packing for the trip down to my Great Aunt Ruby's house in Lexington, South Carolina was no exception. I packed all the essentials, my black suit, a couple of dressier outfits, and a good amount of summer attire. South Carolina gets hotter than a steam room in Hell in July, and I fully expected the temperature to be over 100 degrees every day that we would be down there. Other than the obvious bummer of going down there for a funeral, there was another significant downside to this trip: my mother simply refuses to fly. If the choice were between getting on a plane or being torn apart by a rabid pack of wild dogs; my mom would be crow bait.
We would make the thirteen-hour drive over the course of two days. I argued that we could do it all in one marathon session, especially since there were four available drivers; but my dad wouldn't hear of it. He hates being cooped up in the car for long periods of time. He was in a motorcycle accident in his twenties, and his back can't take sitting in one position for long periods of time. He even has this special chair in his office that he paid $1500 for that helps with the problem. Katie tried to sweet talk dad into letting her and I make the trip down alone, but that idea was vetoed too. So I helped load up the huge Cadillac Escalade, and we left our suburban Detroit home, and headed south.
I couldn't help thinking of the last trip that our family made together. My parents, Katie, our cousin Julia, and I drove the four hours to our vacation house in Northern Michigan. That trip changed my life. What would this trip hold in store for me? For us?
Katie was talking animatedly to my mom about her recent acceptance letter from Northwestern University. I had applied too, but I hadn't heard back from them yet. Julia had received her letter from them three days ago, and Katie had got her letter just one day later. I thought that this boded ill for my hopes of acceptance. The girls said to wait a bit longer, because all acceptance letters weren't mailed together. This seemed plausible, but I had my doubts. The girls had almost perfect grade point averages. Mine was good, but not great. I had also not participated in as many extracurricular activities as they had. All three of us had already been accepted to the University of Michigan months ago, but with our recent changes in our relationship statuses, being farther away from home would be better. The chance that anyone who knew us from school seeing us at Northwestern was slim to none. I can guarantee that at least a dozen of our classmates was headed to U of M, and that would make it damn near impossible to pull off our ruse of being "married" without rumors of us being related getting around. In Chicago, we could have an apartment off campus, along with Julia. This could be a cozy love nest for the three of us. I sighed loudly.
"Don't worry, Jack. Your letter will come soon. Mr. Colburn wrote all three of us glowing recommendations, and he is an N.U. alumnus, and is very active in their alumni association. He told me that he wrote two last year, and both of the students were accepted." She reached over, and gave my hand a squeeze.
"I guess I will know soon, one way or the other." I said distractedly, wondering who the two students from last year were, and if they would remember us as siblings. Maybe we should have applied to the University of Alaska. I bet we wouldn't know anyone there. My sister smoothly changed the subject, and soon my mom was droning on about the landscaping that she was designing for this wealthy couple that lived in Bloomfield Hills. The conversation eventually died, and my dad switched the satellite radio onto N.P.R.
"Jack, do you mind if I lean on you while I nap?" Katie asked. She had a mischievous glint in her eye. The sun set her red hair aflame, and contrasted spectacularly with her porcelain skin. How could I refuse such a beautiful girl?
"Sure, Kay. Knock yourself out." She smiled, and turned around to pull her throw blanket out of the cargo area. She covered up with half the blanket, and threw the other half over me. I never get cold, but I wasn't about to upset her over something so trivial. She put her head on my shoulder, wormed her right arm behind my back, and slung her left arm across my stomach, so she was hugging me. I have to admit that it felt incredible to have her that close to me. I closed my eyes, and leaned against her.
"Norm, look back there. Aren't they adorable? They look like little angels." I opened my eyes a tiny bit, and I saw my dad look into the rear-view mirror at us.
"Yeah, they're cute, all right. I think this is the first full minute of peace that we've had in almost nineteen years." My mom laughed raucously at my dad's joke, and then the conversation died again as their attention shifted back to N.P.R.
Katie's left arm slowly slid down my stomach, onto my thighs. Ever so slowly, I felt her hand move over my basketball shorts, and firmly grip my shaft with her tiny hand. She let out an almost imperceptible moan as she touched my cock. I know that nobody else in the car could have heard it. She didn't do anything with it, she just gripped it firmly, but just her touching it through my shorts made it rock hard within five seconds.
My sister began to move her hand slowly up and down my shaft. She did it ever so slightly, and not over the entire length, just a quarter inch at a time. Up, and down, just a tiny bit, then it gradually became a bit more. It was still really slow, but it was so incredibly erotic; especially with our parents just a couple of feet away. She then began to jerk me in earnest, her hand moved slowly, but her grip was firm, and she had done it to me enough times to know what she was doing. I was getting incredibly excited by the sheer dirtiness of it, and I needed her to slow down or I would soon have a huge, unexplained mess on the front of my shorts. I reached down, and gently removed her tiny hand from my cock.
My sister temporarily forgot her falling asleep act, and gave me a dirty look. She has the most beautiful green eyes. She always highlights them with a tiny bit of makeup, not a lot, just enough to make them "pop;" her words, not mine. I wanted her to know that I wasn't rejecting her, but that I was just getting too excited. I twined my fingers between hers, and held her hand lovingly. She let out an audible sigh, and put her head back down on my shoulder. I closed my eyes, and soon the hum of the car, and her close proximity lulled me to sleep.
My dreams were a jumble of half remembered images, and words that were whispered so softly that I couldn't make them out. I was in the hallway by the gym, book bag slung over my right shoulder. The crowd in the hallway parted, and Katie walked up to me. My sister was radiant. It seemed like everyone else in the hallway was in black and white, and she was the only one in color. It made me think of that scene in "Shindler's List" where the little girl wore the red coat. I laughed to myself, and brazenly enjoyed watching her walk up to me. A big gorilla of a football player bumped into me, breaking my reverie. The next thing I knew Katie was pulling me by the hand through the gym, headed toward the band rooms. Eerily, this part of the school was empty, and silent as a tomb.
"Jack, we need to talk," she said. I heard an uncharacteristic urgency in her voice.
"Sure, Kay, we can always talk about anything. You know that I'm always here for you." She pulled my arm, so that I spun to face her. She was crying. Tears ran unabashedly down her cheeks, and splashed the front of her brown leather coat.
"I just don't know how to say this..." She paused, and the thunder of my heartbeat drowned out her words. I tried to read her lips, but she was talking frantically, and sobbing, and I couldn't keep up.
Everything blurred, and shifted, and I was in my bedroom. I don't know how I knew that it was my bedroom, because my eyes were closed. Maybe on some level I knew that I was dreaming. I felt a mouth moving up and down my cock, and a tongue making motions as it went up and down my rod. I reached out to cradle the head that was doing this great and wonderful thing to my johnson. The strange thing was that the hair wasn't curly. It must be Julia. She is wonderful at giving blowjobs. The beautiful, willowy Julia was a goddess to behold. I smiled, and opened my eyes.
It was neither my sister, nor my Julia; it was Sandy Curry, the captain of the girls track team. Her brown eyes locked with mine, and she slid my pole out of her mouth with a noisy slurping sound.
"Hey, big guy." Her perfect white teeth sparkled in the sunshine streaming through my windows. Her smile warmed my heart, like she had smiled that same smile at me a million times before. She looked older, maybe twenty, or twenty-one. She was pretty before, but the few extra years had refined her girl-next-door charms into breathtaking beauty. She was naked, and she slid her naked body up mine, and began kissing, and biting me on the neck. What was she doing here? I pushed her off top of me gently, but with enough emphasis to let her know that it was no accident.
"What's the matter, baby?" Her voice was honey on my eardrums.
"What are you doing here, Sandy?" Her expression turned from puzzled to hurt. She sat up, pulled her knees to her chest, and wrapped her arms around them, defensively.
"I live here, Jack. I've lived here with you for almost a year. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Her hurt expression was turning to anger, and despite my best efforts, I couldn't stop my eyes from roving over her nude form. Her eyes locked on mine again, drawing my gaze back to her face. "Not this shit again." She huffed, and stood up, pacing. "Let me guess, you are looking for your sister." She paused, and I began to notice the room behind her nude form. It wasn't my room at all. I had never been here before in my life.
"Where is she?" I asked. My voice sounded lost and pathetic to my own ears, I can't imagine what it sounded like to her. My heartbeat sounded like bass drums in my ears. Her pacing stopped, and she turned to me with an anguished look on her face.
"Jack," she paused, "I'm sorry, but they're all dead." Dread hit me like a freight train. The pain of loss and grief crushed me under its weight. "And now..." she slid a small stainless steel revolver from the nightstand, "I'm dead too." She put the gun under her chin, and pulled the trigger.
I awoke to the sound of my own scream, followed by the sound of Katie's puzzled cry. The SUV swerved violently.
"What the fuck?" my dad yelled as he brought the Escalade under control. My heart hammered in my chest, and black spots swam before my eyes as I hyperventilated. I felt Katie squeeze my hand beside me, and my mom threw off her seat belt, and turned to look me in the face. It was just a dream; their deaths, the time that had passed, it was all in my head. I was next to my sister, and my family, and they were all safe. But that dream seemed so fucking real.
"Are you OK, Jackson?" I nodded to my mom, as I tried to breathe deep and slow my heart down. Katie hugged me violently. My fear shifted from my dream, to the real-life fear that they would realize that my sister's hug meant more than it should.
"I'm fine, mom. It was just a nightmare." I slid myself out of the death grip that Katie had me in. "I'm fine, Kay. I just need some air." My sister looked hurt, and I couldn't help but compare that to the look Sandy had given me in my dream. I tried to give her a reassuring look, but she wasn't buying it.
My dad pulled off at the next rest stop. We were still on I-75 headed south. We all stopped into the bathroom, and upon a suggestion from my dad, he and I took a walk on a small trail. I knew that he needed to stretch his legs, but he must have had something on his mind to suggest that I accompany him. My dad was typically the strong silent type. He detested all this "touchy feely bullshit," and thought that most of the world's problems could be solved by "manning up." My dad is a great guy, a good father, and he loves his family; but he is not progressive in any emotional way. We walked a little way before he broke the silence.
"Are you doing all right, son? You have seemed different the last couple of weeks." If he only knew how different things were, then I began to wonder how much he actually knew. Deception and lies have a way of becoming a crazy cycle; and it always leads to paranoia. "I know that death isn't easy to deal with son, and I know things are changing really fast for you right now. It is hard growing up."
"Thanks, dad." I paused as we walked. "Things are just getting complicated, and hard to deal with." He chuckled to himself, as if I told a mildly amusing joke.
"Life is complicated, Jack. Nothing is really easy. Even when a choice seems cut and dry, there are always repercussions to everything we do. Welcome to the Big Leagues." He laughed, and I joined in. I knew that he was talking about something totally different than what was happening to me right now, but the analogy still rang true. "Is this thing with Northwestern bothering you? I always thought that you wanted to go to Michigan. You've talked about it since you were five years old."
"It's bothering me a little," I admitted rather sheepishly. "I guess that all the changes are a little overwhelming. I am going to be going to be moving away from home in another month, and starting a whole new phase of my life. It's a little tough for me." He clapped me on the shoulder.
"Jack, I raised you to be a good man, and you are smart. You will do fine wherever life takes you. Always believe in yourself. That is my best advice to you." He beamed a huge smile to me, which I returned, even though I felt a little bit like Judas. "What do you say that we get back on the road?"
"Sure." We walked back to the car, and got in. Katie gave me a nervous glare, but said nothing. I pulled my headphones out of my pocket, and got some music going on my phone. Katie got her blanket back out, and resumed cuddling with me. Her hand slid into mine, and she gave me a reassuring squeeze. I listened to song after song, and never once thought about taking another nap.
We stopped for the night at the Holiday Inn Express in Charleston, West Virginia. After stopping for lunch, and frequent breaks, this entire leg of the trip had taken just about eight hours. We checked into the hotel. My mom and dad had their own room, and Katie and I had a room to ourselves. It turned out that our rooms weren't even in the same wing of the building. We went to our room to drop off our bags, almost exploding with excitement at the possibilities of being able to spend an entire night alone. I opened our door, and we put our suitcases down. Katie closed the door, with a giggle, and held up the Do Not Disturb sign.
"Do you think we will need this tonight?" My sister seemed totally free from stress this evening. Her demeanor earlier today seemed to shift between being stressed out, and being concerned for me. I felt her gaze on me randomly all day long. When I would meet her eyes, she would seem to wordlessly ask me if I was really OK; or her eyes would dart away, like she had things on her own mind. It was nice to see her looking, and sounding carefree again.
Our room had two full-sized beds. It was spacious enough, but utilitarian. I sat down on one of the beds. It was very firm, but was serviceable enough for us to actually get some sleep on. I was thinking of this, when I was blindsided by my sister diving at me. I saw a blur of red curls, and then I was pinned to the bed by her tiny flying body. Katie turned and her mouth found my mouth before I could even utter a word of protest. Our lips slid across each other's, and my hand seemed to find its own way to my favorite part of her body; her magnificent bubble butt. I rubbed my hand over her ass, and she moaned into the kiss, and slid her tongue into my mouth. I was hard instantly, as she ground her leg against my steel hard shaft.
"Oh god, Jack, I want you so bad right now." I brought my hand up, and brushed my thumb across her nipple. It was harder than Chinese calculus. My cell phone started chiming in my pocket. I had a call coming in. I slid my hand in between us, and retrieved my phone. I looked at the caller I.D. Shit...
"It's mom," I said, to calm the sexual tension down between us. I pressed answer on my touchscreen. "Hi, mom. What's up?" My tempestuous sister refused to play nice. She slid down in the floor between my legs, and started untying the drawstring holding up my basketball shorts.
"Hey, Jack. Your dad wants to walk over to the Shoney's that we saw down the street." Katie had slid my cock free, and had taken about six inches of it into her mouth. She was busily trying to push the rest of it into her throat. She was making a good effort, but I was just trying to keep it together while on the phone.
"That sounds great, mom." My sister had given up trying to deep throat me, and just settled for frantic fellatio instead. She was bobbing up and down furiously, and her mouth was making smacking, and slurping sounds. I cupped my hand over the receiver, so that my sister's cock sucking noises wouldn't be overheard.
"How long do you think it will be before you two are ready?" My ability to maintain focus was wavering. The situation had escalated past the point of no return; and this thing was happening, one way, or the other.
"Maybe fifteen minutes, mom. Katie is in the bathroom. I think that big lunch that she ate didn't agree with her. I'll need to pee when she gets out, too." My sister began rubbing my ball sack, and running her fingernails roughly across it's wrinkled surface. I wanted to moan, but couldn't.
"Try to hurry her up, Jack. Your father is hungry, and he gets grouchy when he's hungry." I pulled the phone away from my ear.
"Hurry up in there, Kay." I looked dead into her emerald green eyes. "Mom and dad want to go eat." Katie said something indistinct from around my penis. I guess it sounded enough like a through-the-door answer to my mom.
"We'll meet you in the lobby as soon as we can, mom." I pushed the end call icon on my screen. "C'mon, Kay. I need to cum too bad now to stop." She looked up as a sign of agreement, and began to use her hand to stroke me, along with sucking me. She jerked the bottom part, and sucked the top. Her rhythm got faster, and faster, until she was bumping her lips with her knuckles on the down stroke. I wanted to tell my beautiful sibling to be careful, but I just couldn't bring myself to say it. It just felt too damn good.
"Faster, Kay," I urged instead. Slippery saliva coated the entire length of my shaft, and she went about pleasing me like a woman possessed. I could take no more. "I'm gonna cum!" I warned, but she knew what she was about, and kept going. The first spurt filled her mouth with my seed, and she almost gagged; but held back, only spilling a few drops that dribbled down her chin. The remaining spurts of my jizz were comfortably within her skill limits, and she kept it up until I tapped her and let her know that I was finished with my orgasm. She raised her head with a triumphant look in her eyes. She wiped her chin with a finger, and sucked the finger into her mouth greedily. She stood up, like a woman possessed, grabbed her makeup and toiletry bag, and headed to the bathroom.
I laid there for a minute to catch my breath, and then got up to pee. I always seem to have to pee after I cum. Usually, I am inclined to snuggle with my partner before urination, but this wouldn't be one of those times. When I entered the bathroom, Katie was brushing her teeth. She flushed a shade of pink, and looked embarrassed. I went to the toilet, and began doing my business. Katie finished brushing, and rinsed her mouth with water from a paper cup.
"Jack," my sister said sheepishly.
"Yeah, sweetie," I answered.
"I wasn't brushing my teeth because your cum tastes nasty, or anything." She was speaking in a frantic tone, like she thought that she had to apologize for something. "It is because I didn't want them to smell cum on my breath. It has nothing to do with the way that you taste; you actually taste kind of yummy." She would have rattled on if I hadn't interrupted.
"Kay, it's fine. Thank you for the blowjob. It was spontaneous and wonderful. You are the most awesome girlfriend that a guy could ever have. I just wish that I could repay the favor."
"Thanks, Jack. You are the most awesome boyfriend a girl could ever have; that even two girls could ever have. You can definitely pay me back later." She had finished brushing her hair, and was working on touching up her lip gloss.
"You sound like you have plans for us."
"I do. I hope you brought your trunks. They have a pool downstairs, and a hot tub." She gave me a conspiratorial smile, as she slid down her panties. "I can't wear these, they're soaked." I couldn't help but notice the panty liner on the inside of her pink bikini panties. I wonder what is going on with that. Katie having her period couldn't happen at a worse time. I came back into the bedroom, just as she was sliding her shorts over a pair of pale green bikini panties. I really didn't know how to go about starting a conversation for this topic, so I just jumped into it with both feet.
"Are you on your period, Kay?" She looked a little startled, but didn't look offended.
"Nope, it should be time for it soon though, probably within the next few days. I figured that it couldn't hurt to wear a liner, plus I knew that I would probably be super moist because I'd be so close to you all day. I couldn't stop thinking naughty thoughts about you all the way down here. Are you ready?"
I was, and we walked to the elevator together. I loved looking at her ass in those shorts. They really didn't leave a lot to the imagination. They climbed up her butt crack enticingly, and usually revealed a spectacular camel toe in the front. The sight was still pretty impressive even with her panty liner in. My mom calls them her "rape me" shorts. I know that most guys feel possessive, and never want their girlfriends to wear sexy stuff, not to mention their sisters; and although she was both, I didn't mind. It always made me feel like a stud when I walked into a place, and all the guys stared at the chick I was with. It never mattered to me even when she and I were platonic, and it made things a million times hotter now. We stopped touching before the elevator hit the lobby, and moved a safe distance apart. My parents were sitting in the lobby, and at the first sight of us, my dad sprang to his feet. They both looked impatient, although we had only missed the fifteen-minute mark by a minute or two; which under the circumstances, I found to be incredible.
"Thank god! I'm starving," my dad grumbled. "Katie, are you going to go out in public with those shorts on?"
"Oh, Norm, she wears those all the time. You just never notice." I noticed though. These are the exact same little pink shorts that she wore on our trip up North, a few weeks ago. I could tell that my dad still didn't like it, but he didn't want to argue. He was hungry; besides, he wasn't the type of parent to make her go back upstairs to change anyway. We walked the two blocks to Shoney's in just a few minutes.
We were seated immediately. Our waitress was a pretty young brunette. She looked like a girl working her way through college. Katie noticed my quick appraisal, and gave me a frown. I wasn't really doing anything wrong, I was just being a guy; but I kept my eyes to myself or on her for the rest of our meal. I couldn't believe that Katie ate an entire double-decker burger and fries.
It only started getting weird when my mom observed that Katie and I seemed to be getting along better over the last few weeks. Katie answered her smoothly with some shit about how we made a pact to get along better, and not to argue. She said that we could possibly get an apartment together in college. I couldn't come up with some bullshit like that right off the top of my head in a million years. I'm glad she answered the question before I stammered out something unintelligible, but her ability to fabricate plausible stories at a moment's notice is something that I will have to be on the lookout for, now that our relationship has changed. Then the bomb dropped, from my dad of all people.
"Katie-bear, are your lips swollen?" Oh fuck! By the startled look on her face, my sister was thinking the same thing. Then the deer in the headlights look fell away, and she gave an answer as slick as butter on Teflon.
"Yes, daddy," she said in her 'daddy's girl voice.' "I burnt them yesterday on my curling iron. Julia called me while I was experimenting with curling my bangs, and I tried to answer the curling iron." What the fuck? Where does she get this bullshit from?
"Ouch," my mom said. "You need to be more careful, Katie."
"I will mom. I put ice on it right afterwards. I can hardly feel it today. They are just a little swollen." And just like that, the discussion was over. If it had been my lip that had been swollen, it would have been a half an hour interrogation. I promised that from now on, I would let my sister answer any question where we had to lie. She was the sensei of deception. Then I thought about how she had acted so awkward the other day when my mom came in while I was rubbing her back. She had been in total panic mode. This was something to think about.
The walk back to the hotel was pleasant. The evening was warm, but not unbearably hot. The humidity was actually less than it usually was in Michigan. The sun was hanging low in the sky as we went into the lobby.
"What do you guys have planned for the evening?" my mom asked, as we were riding up together in the elevator. My dad had stayed downstairs in the business center to check his emails.
"We're going to head down to the pool, and then probably get some sleep," explained Katie.
"Don't stay up too late, kids. We have a full day tomorrow." My mom ruffled my short brown hair. "Set your alarm for 8 A.M."
"We will!" we chimed in unison, and just like that, we were alone for the evening. I don't actually remember walking back to the room. I just seem to remember my mom heading for her room, and then we were in ours. I expected the swimming thing not to actually happen. It seemed like when we were alone that all we ended up doing was having sex as many times as possible. This time I just got a fairly tame kiss from my sister. She told me to get my suit on, fished out a brightly colored bag from her suitcase, and walked into the bathroom.
I got my trunks out. They were a bright teal color, and were made like cargo shorts. They even had a Velcro "zipper" down the front. I'm sure that my sister would have preferred me in a speedo, but that just wasn't my style. I pulled on a baggy t-shirt, just as the bathroom door opened. My sister emerged wearing the complimentary hotel robe, with her long red curls pulled back in a ponytail. We both slipped on flip flops, she gave me a peck on the lips, and we headed downstairs to the pool.
The smell of chlorine was strong in the hallway leading up to the pool house. The pool was surprisingly large, with two large hot tubs, and a lounge area. There were huge windows that showed the sunset outside, but I still couldn't figure out why anyone would want lounge beside an indoor pool. Sure enough, there were two guys occupying loungers about mid-way down one side of the pool. They were probably in their mid-forties, and I pegged them as business travelers, rather than tourists.
We put our towels on two of the loungers closest to the hot tubs, and across from the other patrons. I pulled my shirt off, and slipped out of my flip flops. I heard the conversation of the two guys drop off suddenly, and one of them exclaimed, "Good lord!" I turned, and saw immediately what the fuss was about. Katie had removed her robe, and was wearing the briefest bikini that I had ever seen in person. The top was made of two triangles that were maybe a quarter of an inch larger than her areolas, and some string. The bottom was just as brief. The front of it was a triangle that just barely covered her pussy. I saw what had taken her so long in the bathroom: she had shaved her little strip of pubic hair off in order to wear this suit. The back was a string that ran between her two magnificent ass cheeks. She turned slowly in a circle to model it for me.
"What do you think, Jack?" she asked, perfectly confident in getting a positive reaction from me. I realized then that my mouth had been hanging open. I was busy trying to rationalize this suit in my mind. On Julia, this suit would have been remarkable. Julia is tall, and lithe, and built like a runway model. She is a smallish C cup upstairs, and is beautiful sculpted downstairs. My sister is very petite and very curvy, and built like a porn star. She is 5 feet tall, with a slim waist, and an hourglass figure. She is a DD cup upstairs, and has an ass that any Brazilian swimsuit model would kill for. On her, this suit was damn near indecent.
"Hello... Earth to Jack, what do you think?" Her big green eyes danced with amusement as she watched my reaction.
"It's... ummm... It's definitely something, Kay. Wow!" She beamed her thousand watt smile at me. I had to be the luckiest guy in the world to be with this gorgeous young woman.
"I seem to be getting the same reaction from those older guys over there," she said, motioning her head to the guys on the other side of the pool. This motion did interesting things to her breasts in that suit. I felt myself getting hard very quickly. I needed to find some water, and get in it; fast. My redheaded sex goddess read my mind; being omniscient, like all the great deities. She grabbed my hand, and led me toward the hot tub. We inched slowly into the water, because it was really fucking hot, and the two forty-somethings tried not to be too obvious while still craning their necks for a good view. Finally, the water level was up to her neck, they resumed their conversation, assuming that the show was over. She was sitting near me, but I could see that she wanted to be closer to me. I put my arm around her, and pulled her to my side. She smiled brightly at me again.
"Have I told you today how incredible you are, and how much I love you?" She actually had the nerve to look shy about this conversation while wearing those three postage stamps that she called a bikini.
"No. I don't believe you have. How much do you love me, Jackson King?" she asked breathily. I scooped her up, onto my lap, and put my arms around her.
"Katelyn King, I love you with all my heart. As much as east is far from west, and as much as north is far from south. If I could marry you tonight Katie, I would gladly do so." Tears rolled gently down her cheeks. "Is this water too hot for you, Kay?" She giggled at my attempt to lighten the mood.
"How did I ever get so lucky, Jack?" It was my turn to laugh.
"I think that everyone in this room, including those dudes over there, know that I am the luckiest man alive to be with you. You are smart, and interesting, and definitely gorgeous." She giggled musically again.
"You forgot one thing, Jack."
"What's that Kay?" I asked, genuinely puzzled.
"I'm forbidden. I'm taboo. Doesn't it make it just a bit naughtier that I'm your sister?" What she was saying was true. At first it was the rationale that I used to keep myself from acting on my impulses with her; however, after we had already consummated our relationship, her being my sister did make it hotter. "I know that you've thought about it Jack. Who else has been with me almost my entire life? You have been there for me through thick and thin, you've stood up for me against bullies, and even got your ass kicked more than once for me. You were even there for all the little things, like helping me with my homework, and teaching me how to ride my bike without training wheels. Our parents were never there to do that stuff for us. I'm not crying over spilled milk; because I think that made us stronger in a lot of ways, but it also made us depend on each other. Now we have just taken that one step farther, and depend of each other to satisfy our baser desires. What could be more natural?"
I said nothing. She was one hundred percent right in what she was saying; however, I was pretty sure that there was a tiny bit of rationalization on both our parts. I guess it is human nature to look for the good in our actions, and not for the bad. I honestly couldn't see anything evil in the two of us loving one another completely. Society said that it was wrong; but for old and outdated reasons.
I did what I did whenever the weight of society's laws leaned on me; I chose not to care. I kissed my sister passionately. She returned my passion with equal fervor. After several long minutes, she stood up and straddled me. Our lips locked again, and I lost myself in the woman that I loved. Time seemed to stand still, as our hands roamed over each other's body eagerly. For those moments, we were the only two people on Earth. She ground against my steel hard shaft through my trunks.
"I need you inside me, Jack." I kissed her neck, and just hearing her say that sent shivers down my spine.
"Sure, baby. Let's get back to the room as quickly as possible." I was already planning how to hide my erection behind my towel. I felt her shift her weight, and begin to pull on the Velcro that was holding my trunks on.
"No, Jack. I can't wait for us to get back to the room. I need it right now." Her eyes shone with an iron hard will. She would get what she wants, one way, or another. I reached down, and separated the fly in my suit, freeing my long shaft between us. Wordlessly, she slid her laughably small suit to the side, positioned me at the entrance to her tunnel of love, and pushed against me until I began to slide inside of her.
My sister is always incredibly tight, and this time didn't disappoint. It was like squeezing your hand into a fist, and then trying to shove your dick inside of it. Luckily, she was really, really wet. She began to work herself up and down on my cock, and eventually she began to work more, and more of me inside her holiest-of-holies.
"Oh god, Jack, just like that, baby!" She was being awfully loud, and I realized that I heard no conversation from the business types. With the noises we were making, and motions that we were doing, there could be no way that they didn't know that we were having sex just twenty feet away. She had given up caring, and decided just to go for it, and I just said fuck it, why not?
She was doing all the work, and I wasn't in any position to make any thrusts upward. I held her hips, to steady her, and help her to keep her rhythm. This was all about her, but I was going to do my best to cum when she did, so that I didn't have to get out of this hot tub with a raging hard on. This plan ended up having absolutely zero chance of success. She was riding me furiously, and with absolute abandon, and she came loudly twenty seconds after I touched her hips.
"Oh god, yes Jack!" she cried as she came. Her pussy contracted like a vice, but she never stopped riding me, or changed her pace one bit. "Now it's time for you, babe," she whispered in my ear. She started gripping me every time she slid my cock out of her, so that she was milking my cock.
"I'll let you know when I'm about to cum, so you can hop off, Kay."
"No. I want to feel it inside me, Jack. Please, just one more time." Her eyes were the window to her soul, and her soul was pleading with me. I melted inside. How could I say no to her?
"Sure, Katie, if that's what you want." It was really starting to feel good right now. My orgasm would happen really soon.
"Oh yeah, baby. Give me all your cum. Please cum in me, Jack. I want to feel you explode inside me. Make me your dirty cum whore." Between the rhythmically squeezing my cock with her tight teenaged pussy, and her dirty mouth, I could take no more.
"Oh god, Kay. I'm gonna cum." I tried to be discrete, but it didn't really matter anymore. My balls tightened, and I shot my load deep into my sister's belly. It kept going, and going, and when I was almost done, she came again; pushing big thick gobs of my sticky cum out into the steaming hot water. This time her orgasm was silent, because she came too hard to howl. Between how wet she was, and all of my jizz; she pushed my cock entirely out of her, and just continued to grind my shaft between her lips, and against her clit. She shook bodily for so long that I thought something might be wrong with her, and then she sagged bonelessly against me.
I let her rest for a couple of minutes, but I knew that we needed to get up, and get out of there before we were caught. As soon as I could, I slid her alleged bikini bottom back into place, and sealed up my Velcro fly. I helped her out of the hot tub, and she responded better than I had hoped. As soon as we stood up to leave, the two business guys stood up, and started clapping like they were at a Broadway show. I had to have turned beet red; but Katie, being Katie, gave them a theatrical bow, which exposed a vast amount of her boobs. She slipped on the hotel robe, and pulled me behind her by the hand.
"That is one lucky sonovabitch," I heard one business type say to the other. I had to agree wholeheartedly. The walk back up to the room seemed to take no time at all. We would have strolled hand in hand, but it would have been just our luck to run into our parents. As soon as our door was closed, Katie stripped off her robe and suit, leaving a trail of clothes headed toward the bathroom.
"I need to get this chlorine off, Jack. I can already feel my skin starting to itch. If you ask nicely, I might even let you wash me." She giggled, and poked her head out of the bathroom. "Can you grab my loofah and body wash from my suitcase?" I saw her red hair whip back through the doorway, and the water started running in the shower. I opened her suitcase and found her bath kit. I got the loofah, the peach scented body wash, and brought her shampoo and conditioner, even though she had not specifically asked for it. When I got in the bathroom, she was already in the shower rinsing off. I stripped off my trunks, and hung them off the edge of the sink to dry, and stepped into the shower with all the bottles in my arms.
"Hey handsome," she said with a big grin. "I wondered if you had missed my subtle hint that I wanted you to join me." I laughed, and started putting the bottles down on the edge of the tub. I towered over my sister by 15 inches. With her curly red hair wet, the top of her head didn't even reach my chin. I reached down, grabbed her by the waist, and lifted her up to kiss her. My arms encircled her waist, and held her there effortlessly. She might have weighed maybe 120 pounds soaking wet; which she was, in every meaning of the word. After a couple of minutes of kissing, I turned our bodies so that the water ran down my back, and didn't touch her. She broke the kiss immediately.
"Hey, big bro, that's no fair. Now I'm going to get cold." Her lip stuck out in an exaggerated pout. I put her down, and rinsed the chlorine off in earnest; and then I picked her back up, and put her in front of the shower's spray. "Thanks, but I preferred to be a little cold, but still being kissed by you." I decided to ignore the hint, and I picked up her loofah, and began squeezing body wash on it.
"I distinctly remember you saying that I could wash you." I agitated the folds of the loofah to get the soap to foam.
"I said that you might, if you ask nicely." She grinned mischievously at me. "I don't remember you asking at all; much less nicely." I went down to one knee, and took her tiny hand in my big, sudsy hand, in a blatant play on a marriage proposal.
"Katelyn King, will you let me wash your body, let me dry you off, let me carry you into our bed and make love to you?" She giggled, but her eyes were alive with more than just amusement.
"Yes, Jack, so long as we both shall live." She threw her arms around me, hugging me to her ample bosom. I stood, and gently turned her around, so that her back was facing me. I planted a kiss on her neck, and she shivered. My hardness pushed almost into the middle of her back, so I scooted back a bit. I washed her back slowly, taking my time to get the tiny curve above her ass. I moved closer, putting my chest against her. I moved the loofah slowly over her smooth, flat belly. I let my soapy left hand caress her left breast, and I began to make slow circles on her areola. I was careful not to touch the nipple. I just wanted to tease her. I leaned my face down into her red hair, and began to lightly kiss the side of her neck.
"Oh god, baby. That feels so fucking good." She uttered these words slowly, and breathlessly, and I could tell that she liked the mood that I was setting. I swabbed the loofah puff across her breasts, but I did more teasing with my left hand. I stepped back, and she sighed. I knelt down behind her, and began to soap her impossibly sexy ass. I switched hands with the loofah, and ran my slippery right hand down her crack. I ran my fingers over the puckered star of her asshole, and she moaned aloud, and spread her legs even farther apart. I ignored the hint, and simply swabbed the poof across the bottom of her belly, and worked the soap slowly over, and between the lips of her swollen, pink pussy.
I was throbbing with need to be inside her, but I wanted to finish what I started. She leaned her palms against the wall of the shower, and her knees started shaking. I planted a kiss in the small of her back, and I soaped one leg slowly, then the other. I lifted her feet one by one, and soaped them, and washed between her toes, kissing the soles of her feet. They were so soft. I stood, and pulled her against me, and began to rinse her body. She leaned into me, and let me move her body this way, and that with no hesitation. When I lifted one of her legs to rinse her pussy, she moaned lustily. I turned her to face me, and I began to rinse her back, and ass. She ran her fingers over my hard shaft, and rubbed her thumb over the sensitive head. I had to say that I think I was as close to cumming as she was after this erotic experience. I let the water run between us for a few seconds, rinsing off the suds that she had pressed onto me.
"Do you want me to wash your hair, Kay?" He green eyes looked up into mine.
"Yeah, I do, but I need you to fuck me a lot more, Jack." I kissed her, and she swooned into it, and gripped my rock-hard rod. I picked her up, stepped out of the shower, and turned the water off. She let me dry her slowly and thoroughly, and then I quickly toweled myself off. I picked her up, like a groom about to cross the threshold with his new bride. I carried her into the bedroom, and sat her gently on the bed. She pulled me on top of her, as she laid down, her hands caressing my back lovingly. She guided me gently to the opening of her dripping wet snatch, and wrapped her legs around me as I entered her. A small orgasm took her when I got as far in as I could go, threatening to push me out again. Surprisingly, she was quiet while cumming, which was a rarity for my sister.
She finished cumming, then began to flex her legs while I stroked; trying to push me deeper inside her. I kissed her lips, and neck, and then pushed my body more erect as I started thrusting harder into her.
"Oh god. Yes, Jack. Fuck me harder." I increased my tempo, and she squeezed me harder with her legs. Almost without warning, I was cumming into her sweet little pussy. She pulled my head close to her, and whispered how much she loved me into my ear as I came. I leaned off to one side of her when I was done, my face still half buried in her damp hair. I rubbed her belly as my breathing slowly returned to normal. I slid my hand down over her freshly shaved mound. It was slippery from her cum, and mine; but I knew that she still needed to cum again. I gathered some of the wetness, and began to rub her clit slowly with my middle finger. I rubbed up and down, first slowly, but with increasing frequency. She moaned louder, and louder, and finally mashed my hand with hers, trapping it on her clit as she came.
As soon as her thighs parted, I scooted down in the bed, and slid my middle finger inside of her. She was super wet, and she was still quivering inside from her most recent orgasm. I moved my finger inside her gently, until I got adjusted, and found a rough spot inside her that made her gasp when I rubbed it; then I finger fucked her like a mad man, hitting that spot over and over. I did it faster, and faster, until her fuck hole was making wet noises, and my knuckles solidly smacked against her puffy pussy lips.
She finally had the orgasm that I had been looking for all evening. Her back arched involuntarily, and her thighs crushed my fingers. Steaming hot girl cum filled my palm, and squirted onto the bed, as I kept pushing my finger in and out of her; despite the wrist lock that she had on me. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was open in wordless ecstasy. After thirty seconds, or so, her body slumped back against the bed; spent. Her breath came in ragged gasps, and it was probably another minute or two before she released the death grip on my hand. I moved back up next to her, and hugged her to me. She hugged me back, but she only had enough strength to get her head up on my shoulder. We lay quietly for a long time, just enjoying being with each other.
"Damn, Jack. You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet." She had a dreamy quality to her voice, and I knew that sleep wouldn't be far off for my beautiful sister.
"It's always my pleasure, Kay." She turned, and smiled at me.
"We should switch to the other bed though; there is a gigantic wet spot on this one." She was right. There was a huge damp spot on the hotel comforter. I slid my arms beneath her, scooped her up, and laid her down on the neighboring full sized bed. I pulled the covers back over her, and climbed in the other side, spooning myself against her back.
"Promise me one thing, Jack." She said this with a bit of apprehension in her voice that disturbed me.
"Anything, Katie."
"Promise that you won't ever leave me." She sounded so innocent, and afraid.
"Never," I said, as sleep closed in. "I promise." Mercifully, there were no dreams that night.
My alarm was a rude awakening the next morning. Katie showered, and then I showered while she was fixing her hair and makeup. We put our swim suits in plastic bags, and packed all of our stuff back into our suitcases. Miraculously, we finished just as my mom called, wanting to know when we would be ready to leave.
We all met in the lobby, checked out, and loaded our bags into the back of the huge white SUV. We stopped at Shoney's again, and all ate from their breakfast bar. I was amazed at the amount of food that my sister put away. I guess she burnt a lot of calories last night; we did have sex three times. The chat was light that morning. My dad notice that Katie's lips were no longer swollen, and that she had a "decent" outfit on for a change. Mom said that Katie had a healthy "glow" about her, whatever that means. She also said that she was really happy about our "agreement," and that we were actually starting to act like grownups. We got back on the road, and headed towards South Carolina. We stopped several times for bathroom breaks, and gas, and once for lunch. Overall the trip took us another eight hours.
My Great Aunt Ruby was a powerhouse of a woman, but not in a physical way. She is short, and slightly chubby; but she has a powerful presence. She runs a bed and breakfast in Lexington, which is a suburb of Columbia. Bed and breakfast might be a bit of a misnomer, but that is what she calls it. I think that it is more like the boarding house that Forrest Gump's mother ran. It was once a huge plantation house that had been damaged by a fire in the 1920's. The family had it gutted, and the interior redesigned to be a boarding house. It kept my dad's family from financial ruin during the Great Depression, and probably kept a lot of children from being homeless. It became modestly successful as a bed and breakfast in the 1990's, but Aunt Ruby's arthritis had limited her ability to take on too many guests at once.
I hadn't seen her in probably five years, but it didn't look like she had changed a bit. She hugged each one of us, and exalted about "how much that we've grown," and "what a big, handsome man I had become," and what "a beautiful young woman" that Katie had grown into.
Behind Aunt Ruby were the other people from the family who came to greet us, including a surprise visitor: Julia. She looked radiant as ever. She was wearing a blue tank top with jean shorts, and running shoes. Her shorts were so short that the front pockets hung out below the leg holes, but somehow Julia made it look regal instead of trashy. After our Aunt Ruby finished with us, and started talking with our parents, Katie ran over and hugged Julia fiercely. I strolled over, and hugged her myself. I squeezed her tight, and whispered in her ear, "I've missed you, babe. I didn't expect to see you here."
"I've missed you too, Jack. Aunt Barb had requested that I should be here, so her lawyer had me, and my mom flown in." Then she spoke her next sentences very quietly, so that Katie couldn't hear them. "We need to talk about something, but not tonight. I don't want to ruin our reunion. God knows that I need some time with both of you. I'll take you for a walk tomorrow, and we will ask her not to join us." I pulled back from her embrace, but her face was as enigmatic as the Sphinx. I knew that I would get nothing further from her. Julia was not like my sister, whom I could pry information from.
"Sure, Jules, that sounds good." This immediately piqued the interest of my sister.
"What sounds good?" Katie said. Julia released me, and leaned between us, so that only we could hear.
"I want us all get together tonight after everyone is asleep. Maybe we can meet at the back door about three A.M." Julia avoided the issue she had been speaking to me about, but brought up the burning topic that I wanted to discuss. I wanted a ménage-à-trois with the two most beautiful women that I knew. Julia and I hadn't been together since we came back from vacation.
"Where are we going to do it?" Katie looked hesitant, but I've seen her look hesitant a thousand times and Julia would still talk her into helping in one of her hair-brained schemes.
"We are sharing a room. Jack is bunking with Tommy, so he shouldn't be a problem. We will bring a blanket, sneak out the back door, and go behind the barn. I've already checked it out. Nobody will see us there, and we won't have to be dead silent; especially since one of us seems to have a particular fondness for being loud at inopportune times." She looked dead at my sister, who flushed a spectacular shade of crimson.
"Sounds like a plan to me," I added quickly, before Julia could throw any more jabs at my little sis.
We were greeted by everyone, and after dropping off our bags, we were rushed to the table for a late supper. There were about fifteen members of our family staying there, and they had eaten earlier; "at a decent time." Things were crowded, but it was a congenial atmosphere. I had to share my Cousin Tommy's room, and sleep on a cot. Tommy was a really cool guy. Even when we were kids, he never tried to make me feel shitty that I was two years younger than him. Most kids never want a "baby" around them, even if the kid is just a year or two younger. I think Tommy always wanted a younger brother, and I occasionally filled that void. He was going into his junior year at the University of South Carolina, and permanently lived at Aunt Ruby's. After dinner, I talked for a bit with the family, and I headed on up to Tommy's room. I took a quick shower, then Tommy and I caught up for a half hour, or so. He seemed to be doing well. I set my alarm on my phone, so that the alert would come out of my headphone jack, put one headphone in my ear, and quickly dozed off to sleep.
I was rudely awakened the beeping of my alarm in my left ear at 2:55 A.M. I pulled on a pair of basketball shorts, a tank top, and tucked in my Air Jordan's laces without tying them. I looked over at my sleeping cousin. Tommy gave a muffled grunt once, and turned over, but he seemed to drop back to sleep right afterwards. I headed downstairs as quickly, and as quietly as I could. I found Julia waiting alone by the door. She looked effortlessly beautiful in the dim light.
"Hey, beautiful," I said in my smoothest tone.
"Hey yourself, sexy man." Her smile melted my heart. There was way more between us that just simple sexual attraction. I wonder why it took me so long to see this fact for myself; but then I was the guy who didn't notice that his own sister was head-over-heels in love with him for two years. I am beginning to think that I am the epitome of obtuseness.
"Where's Katie?" I asked. I was confused at her absence.
"She said that she didn't want to come along." I could hear the tension in her voice. I wasn't sure if they had argued, or if Julia was just disappointed; either way, it was just going to be us two. She bent down and picked up a folded blanket, exposing an expanse of taunt, tanned, teenage ass flesh; which I promptly pinched softly. She turned, and handed me the blanket, and kissed me softly on the lips. There was plenty of heat behind the kiss, but it was different than when we first started having sex. "C'mon, Jack. We have to be quick, but I really need to be with you right now. It has been way too long." She opened the back door silently, and I slipped out behind her, shutting the door quietly.
The moon was bright enough to see by, but I was still glad for the clearly defined cobblestone path. We walked hand in hand for about five minutes before we reached the dark hulking form of the barn. It appeared to be a hundred years old, if it was a day; and looked slightly menacing in the moonlight. She led me around to the back side of the structure where there was a neatly tended lawn of newly mown grass. There was even a flood light back here, although I couldn't figure out the reasoning behind its presence. Julia must have seen the look of puzzlement on my face.
"This was your Uncle Gary's smoking spot," Julia said, speaking of Aunt Ruby's brother, who passed away from cancer two years ago. "I went for a walk with Ruby today, and she told me all about it. She said that she keeps the spot nice as a way of remembering him." In the middle of the pool of light, next to the wall of the barn was a simple three-legged stool. It was well worn, from years of use, and I could almost picture Uncle Gary sitting on it, and leaning against the garage, smoking a cigar. She pulled the blanket from my arms, and started spreading it over the manicured turf.
"Maybe we should do it somewhere else. It's kinda creepy to do it here, it's almost like Uncle Gary is watching us." She smirked at me crookedly.
"If he were watching us, I'm sure that he would enjoy the show." Julia walked to the center of the blanket, and pulled her tank top over her head. Her teenaged breasts stood high and firm on her chest, and her nipples were so hard that they could have etched a diamond. All of a sudden I forgot about Uncle Gary, and all that mattered in the world was the two of us alone together, becoming one. I stepped onto the blanket, and took her in my arms. Her lips locked to mine in an instant, and her nipples poked gloriously against my chest through my shirt. I felt her pulling my shorts and boxers down, my erect cock springing free. I was so focused on Julia that I wasn't even aware that I had become hard. I tried to get the top button of her tight shorts unfastened, and kept fumbling with it, as she hauled my own shirt over my head. As smooth as I liked to believe myself to be sometimes, I still am a fumble-fingered teenager. Her fingers snaked between mine, and in half a second, her shorts were sliding over her perfect hips and onto the ground.
I felt her pulling me down onto the blanket, and I flowed along with her, ending with my naked body on top of hers. I kissed down her neck, and she moaned with need. Both of my hands moved up under to cup her breasts, and I rubbed across both of her nipples at once. This elicited a throaty growl from Jules, who seemed to be driven mad with lust. I slid one hand down her belly, and onto her hot little pussy mound. She was so excited that I could feel her wetness on her little triangle of pubic hair before I even slipped my fingers between her engorged pussy lips. I kept kissing down on her body.
"Oh, my god, Jack! Stop teasing and fuck me, already!" She pulled my face from between her tits, so that I could position myself how she wanted me. I didn't need to be told twice. I was really excited too, and could feel the slipperiness of my pre-cum on her flat belly. She tilted her hips, and guided me to the entrance of her slick tunnel. I felt her rub my engorged head up and down her slit a couple of times, liberally coating me with her sweet lubrication. I was a little disappointed that we didn't have more foreplay, and that this would probably not be a marathon sex session. Both of us were way too horned up for that. I pushed against her, and felt the tip begin to push inside of her. "Please go slow, baby," she urged me. I didn't want to hurt her, so I did as she asked. I knew that she enjoyed sex in a very different way that my pain loving sister. I used steady pressure at first, and began to slowly push in, and then pull out of her sopping wet pussy. I could literally hear how wet she was. No matter how lubed up she was, she was undeniably tight. She and I hadn't fucked in while; and by the way I was struggling to enter her, she hadn't had more than a couple of my sister's fingers inside of her since the last time we were together. Finally, my purple mushroom shaped head popped all the way in, and it was just a matter of slow, easy pressure to slide the rest of the way in.
I enjoyed the difference between the girls. My sister's pussy is much smaller than Julia's. Not that Julia's is humongous, or anything; but I can fit almost all my length inside of her before I bottom out. When I am fully inside Katie, there are almost three inches of myself that I can't fit in her tiny box. Both girls feel equally good; but they are just different. And different is how I would describe our lovemaking, because making love was different for Julia and me. When we first began having sex, it was animalistic. We were like two strange dogs humping in an alley behind a dumpster. It was just dirty. This was... well... beautiful. Our bodies moved as one, but instead of being in a fuck-frenzy, we took our time. Maybe it was time that made it different. We knew that we had time: an entire lifetime of it. This thing of ours was no longer limited by the length of a vacation, but only by how much we cared for one another.
Her fingers traced patterns through my short brown hair, and she got closer and closer to her orgasm. I started to move faster, but she whispered for me to "slow down, because it will be worth the wait." I had suspended my body over hers, because we both needed more oxygen than we could get while kissing. Her fingers seemed electrically charged as they moved from my hair, to stroke patterns on my back, urging me on; as if her throaty moans of pleasure weren't enough to keep me on course to the inevitable finish.
With a low cry of passion, she crushed her upper body to mine in a death grip of a fantastic orgasm. She wrapped her legs around me as her body shook, and she tensed as tight as any tripwire, and her pussy was no exception. The pressure on my cock was enormous, but I knew better than to stop fucking her at this critical juncture. She once threatened to "snap my cock like a match stick" if I didn't continue to pound away while she came. Her added tightness and the sound of her orgasmic breathing in my ear sent me over the edge as well. My balls tingled madly, my cock bucked, and I buried my seed deep in her womb. I couldn't have pulled out if I had wanted to. She relaxed a few seconds after I was finished cumming, and I sagged like a rag doll; halfway on her, and halfway on the blanket. We both panted in silence for a couple of minutes until our breathing slowed down enough to talk. I tried to roll all the way off of her, but held me in place, still hugging her body to mine.
"That was great, Jack." She sounded so content, and she stretched languorously, like a cat laying in the sunshine. "You know that you don't have to worry about pulling out, babe." She ran her fingers through my hair, and I felt the same electricity from her touch that I felt during sex. "I'm on the Depo shot, so I can't get pregnant." I felt her teeth graze my earlobe, and she nuzzled my neck with her cute elfin nose. We lay there for maybe five or ten minutes, relaxing and stroking each other, and just enjoying being alone together. Finally, I broke the silence.
"So what did you want to talk to me about alone tomorrow?" Her body unconsciously tensed for a moment, and I could tell that this conversation wouldn't be pleasant for either one of us.
"Well..." she started, and the word just hung there, like a man hanging from the side of a mountain, perilously close to falling. I wanted to urge her on, but I figured that it would be more tactful if I let her get around to the point on her own.
"Well," and there was another pregnant pause. "Like I said, I went to my doctor right after we got back from vacation, and she put my on the Depo shot. I told her that I had a serious boyfriend, and that we were monogamous, and that we didn't want to have to use condoms; and since disease wouldn't be an issue, I wanted her to give me something else." I sensed that her uncharacteristic rambling was another way of stalling. Julia is usually a get-to-the-point kind of girl. "I didn't tell her that we are polyamorous; because I didn't think she really needed to know about that. We are in a serious relationship, and that is all that matters." It was suddenly getting hard for me to breathe. I just knew that this stalling was leading up to something that I didn't want to hear.
"Yes," I said firmly, but my voice sounded far away in my own ears. I could feel her heart beating fast inside her ribs. She didn't like telling this anymore than I liked hearing it. "She didn't need to know there are three of us together." I placed my hand over her left breast. "So, what," I continued," is it about your appointment that has your heart thumping like a jack hammer?"
"Well... It's not about my appointment. This is about Katie, and her lack of an appointment." Now her voice was sounding far away as things began to click into place inside my brain.
"Jack," Julia said softly, almost in a whisper, "She hasn't had a period since way before our vacation. I guess it's been six weeks since her last one. She keeps telling me that it will be here any time, but I can fucking count. She is REALLY late, and Katie is never late. And... Jack, I think she is pregnant." Click. There it was; the reason that my sister has been acting so strange. The reason why she has been so distracted lately, and maybe why she has been eating so much. Was she eating for two? Julia kissed my cheek, and I felt her warm tears as she pressed her face against mine. She was quiet for a few minutes, like she was waiting for the shock to wear off. Finally, the lump in my throat got small enough that I could choke out a few words.
"Are you sure?" The words sounded feeble, sort of like a kid refusing to believe their parents when they inform them that Santa Claus is a hoax, or that there really isn't an Easter bunny. Her face was still pressed against mine, but now I don't think that all the salty tears were hers alone.
"No," she said quietly into my ear. "She refuses to take a test. She refuses to go to the doctor. It's like she thinks that if she keeps denying it, and hoping for the best that it will just go away. I keep telling her that it isn't a sprained ankle, but she won't listen to me." She pushed my shoulders back, so that she could look directly in my eyes. "You need to make an excuse, and go into town tomorrow and buy some tests. If you bring them back, and ask her to take it, I don't think she will refuse you." Her blue eyes almost glowed in the light from the barn, and the little bit from the moon. I could see more unshed tears in those eyes. She was worried sick about this. This affected her life every bit as much as it affected mine and Katie's.
"I'll go and buy one tomorrow," I promised. She hugged me tight, and then she kissed me passionately.
"You might be a dumbass about some things Jack, but you are always there for the important things. Maybe that is why I fell in love with you. You are innocent, but strong." She kissed me again.
"I love you too, Jules. I just never really realized how much until this very moment." The moon put gold highlights in her honey brown hair when I kissed her. We made love again in the grass before sneaking back in the house. My body felt twice as heavy walking back to the house as it had walking to the barn, and it wasn't just being tired from fucking. It was the first real weight of responsibility hanging around my neck. By the time I quietly snuck back into bed, I felt a little bit like Atlas; with the full weight of the world on my shoulders. I wish that I could say that I slept fitfully that night, but I didn't. When the first light came in through the windows, my eyes were heavy, but open. I had the feeling that I wasn't the only one who missed sleep that night. When I heard people start moving around, I got up, showered, got dressed, and went down to breakfast. I ate mechanically, and it was amazingly easy to get my mom to loan me the Escalade to go to the local Huge-Mart to buy a few things that I "forgot."
Julia had told me to get a test branded First Alert, because it is able to tell a woman if she is pregnant even before her missed period, so this one should definitely work for Katie. She also told me to get a two pack, that way they can verify the results with a second test. I went to the pharmacy section, and a bleary eyes sales-girl showed me exactly where to find what I needed. I stopped by, and bought some deodorant, and toothpaste, so that way I would have something that I could show my mom for the trip. I drove home, stuffed the pregnancy tests into one of my huge cargo pockets, and took my bag inside. The girls still weren't up, although almost everyone else was crowded into the kitchen and dining room areas. I took my bag, and dropped it onto my bed, then headed down the hall to the girls' room, and knocked. The door opened a crack, and I saw Julia's blue eye peeking nervously out at me. She immediately opened the door with a questioning look on her face.
I walked in, closed the door behind me. It looked like Julia had just got out of the shower, because she was still wrapped in a towel, with wet hair; and Katie was getting ready to get into the shower, because she was standing with a towel in her hand. I fished the test kit box from my cargo pocket, and handed it to my sister. She took it instinctively, because I handed it to her; but as soon as she figured out what it was, she moved away from me, and looked at me as if I had handed her a live cobra.
"I don't need this, Jack." She said this coolly. She was not looking at me though, she was looking at her cousin, and best friend; at her betrayer. She tried to hand me the box back, but I stopped her hand.
"Please, Katie. Take this for me, that way I can know one way or the other. We both need to know... We all three need to know." I looked into her jade green eyes. I was not entirely innocent of what staring into her eyes does to my sister. Her gaze locked on mine, and all the coolness melted, and I knew by the relaxation of her posture that she would take the test for me.
"OK, sweetie, I'll do it for you. I have to take a wicked pee anyway. She walked into the bathroom, and Julia and I followed; both for moral support, and because we were too nervous to do anything else. Katie stripped off her clothes, and climbed in the shower, muttering how she could never pee on that stick on the toilet without getting it all over the floor. She closed the curtain for about thirty seconds, and I heard the rush of pee against the porcelain tub. She thrust the stick unceremoniously to me, and turned on the hot water. Julia scanned the directions on the box. It said that we had to wait three minutes for a result. We stood there looking nervously at each other as I held the pee covered test stick in my hand.
"It has to have been three minutes, Jack." I agreed with her. I turned the test over in my hand and read it. In the small window were two pink lines.
*Thanks for reading. I will have the next chapter out in a couple of days. Sorry for the hiatus between chapters 11 and 12. I guess life happens sometimes. I am still trying to figure out how to end this. Decisions... decisions. Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message with your email, so I can answer back.
Scott* | literotica |
(F TF Multi-monster hybrids, adventure)
Danna stood outside the huge wood doors set into the hillside, looking back toward the town. She is a Changeling, and was quick to volunteer for this dangerous mission. A wizard had set up this illegal monster menagerie in the hills to do his research and the local guild put out a commission for heroes to shut it down. More than the reward money though, Danna was in this to test her newly learned magic.
As a changeling her true self looked sort of like a pale humanoid who got slightly melted- she never wore this appearance though. Now, as most times she defaulted to the former appearance of her friend Nyx, with ice blue eyes and long raven hair, a smaller but busty form. The problem with changelings though is that the farther from humanoid the shape, the harder the change. They could also not alter their size- the new form had to be relatively similar in size. So while Danna could change forms with a mere thought and not even require any magic to do it- it was mostly limited to disguising herself. Or minor conveniences like turning a nail into a claw to open a letter. Now however, things were different. Now Danna had learned Polymorphic spells. With the polymorph and her natural ability together, she could presumably become anything at all without limitation- unless she depleted all the local mana to cast with.
Nyx appeared over the crest of the hill to join Danna, and soon after her friend Mort who she was riding the shoulders of. Nyx was a Necromancer, swathed in tattered black robes she was no more than mere bone under it with glass eyes in the sockets. Nyx traded in her flesh and blood for more power long ago, which is why Danna used her old appearance as her own default- Nyx wasn't using it anymore. Mort... well, there was not a lot to Mort. He was as tall as a half-giant and wore scant leather and chain armor, carrying a large sword. He is a Berserker, and hanging off his back was a large jug of water with a snake swimming in it. The snake had extremely potent venom, and Mort allowed it to bite him before a difficult battle- the venom sending him into a frenzy where he is so blinded with adrenaline he can no longer feel or react to pain.
Nyx placed a hand on the huge wooden doors. "So Danna, eager to try your new magic, huh? It could be dangerous if you use it too often. But I guess that is why I am here to share the reward money. Just.. try to keep the PDA with Mort to a minimum, eh?" Mort just grunt in reply. There was no relationship between Mort and Danna at all. Nyx just loved to tease Mort putting words in his mouth- because he had no way to defend himself. His former lord cut the tongue from his mouth so he is mute. Since even Mort could not push open doors of this size, Nyx cast Aging Bolt on the door- a basic Necromancer spell, and caused it to age to the point where pushing any harder on it just caused the wood to crumble away, creating a hole big enough for them all to walk through. The inside was huge- halls of stone cut from the inside of the small mountain itself. They could hear the growls and murmurs of various monsters all through the structure.
Nyx motioned toward one of the branching smaller halls. "This place is probably like a maze so it is best we pick one path and follow it to the end, taking as few detours as possible or we will get lost. You are here to test your skills Danna- but I am here to make sure we don't all wind up dead. Or... re-dead in my case. Also, the guild did not specify but they would probably appreciate us killing as few of the monsters as possible. We kill the Wizard Malantheis, not the monsters, ok?" She looked specifically at Mort. "The monsters don't WANT to be here."
Because she was a bit over eager to test herself, Danna skipped ahead first. She almost transformed her hand into a key to unlock one of the cages they passed before Nyx stopped her. The monsters do not know to discriminate one humanoid from another. If they released the monsters now they would likely be attacked by them. Setting the creatures free was a job for someone else. There was brazers lighting the entire structure but the lighting was still pretty dim, and the air was moist and musty at the same time. The hall they chose seemed to narrow quite a bit and the floor got increasingly less man made looking. Nyx mentioned there had been structures in these hills eons before Malantheis moved in, so some of these halls and rooms might be thousands of years older than others. They were approaching a corner, and there was a small opening coming off it that had some stagnant water pooled on the far side. Mort grabbed Danna's shoulder before she turned the corner, made a hushing motion with his hand and pointed to it for her to look closer. There was a humanoid shadow cast along part of the floor! Someone was waiting just around the corner to ambush them! There was a slight grunt of frustration from it- it heard their footsteps stop and realized it had blown its cover. The monster jumped into the end of the hallway, gritting its needle like fangs at them.
The creature they faced now is called a Nothic- formerly a wizard whose quest for knowledge backfired and devolved it into a monster. Hunched over, it had digitigrade legs ending in two large clawed toes. Its legs were large and muscular and its arms long and a bit more lean than the legs. Its back and to a lesser extent the outward facing sides of its limbs were covered in stone-like jagged spikes. Its most notable feature however is the gigantic sickly green-yellow eye that dominated the majority of its head.
Though it did not flex her new magic, Danna immediately shifted forms using her innate ability to mock the Nothic, only having to really concentrate on making two eyes into one. When using her natural ability to change forms her body flowed like it were made of putty- an exotic feeling, though to someone born a changeling i was perfectly normal. The spikes were the first to form, first the skin raised into cone shapes before the bone within quickly branched up. The skin then retracted pulling tight while also condensing and hardening to the bone thorn, creating spikes that had no seam against the rest of the flesh. As her flesh hardened it also darkened to reach the near-black that was most of the Nothic- only its hands and feet and some of its face were a red-pink hue. On her hands her pinky finger softened and seemed to melt quickly into the rest of her hand- then the mass was redistributed to her other digits making them larger as her nails grew into claws. Although they are formerly spell casters, Nothic are unable to cast anything except the basic spells if they are lucky, so their claws are their primary attack method. They know tons of magic, they just can't cast it anymore. Danna hunched over as the skin became extra thick on her back and her neck started to thicken greatly as well. A feeling even she was not familiar with- her face felt like it collapsed in on itself and then popped back out as her eyes collapsed into each other and her sinuses were redirected. Because a cyclopian eye is where the sinuses would normally be, they must instead fork much lower and basically bracket the bottom of the eye socket. Nothic are devoid of depth perception, like several cyclopian creatures. Although, Cyclops and Beholders have depth perception in their primary eye- the membrane that makes up the iris has two angled layers that are processed individually to give them two images with one eye.
Danna and the Nothic both glared at one another- their forms looking exactly the same, except Danna's mono-eye retained her ice blue tone, and she still had breasts. She could have been a perfect copy, she just didn't want to. The Nothic went to swipe at her but she caught it, and then she tried to counter and it caught her attack. Since they were holding each other's hands, she yanked her arms out to the sides to pull them together and went to head-butt him but he moved back to again avoid it.
Nyx clicked her tongue. "Nothic can see everything you know by looking at you. You just look like a Nothic- you don't copy its ability. It can see your attacks as soon as you think of them. You can't see its attacks. Its going to win."
The Nothic looked at Nyx and narrowed its eye. It seen her plot, and knew it wasn't something it could counter, so instead it readied itself to evade. Mort wanted to do something but had taken up the rear and the hall was too narrow here, he would have to push past the other two, giving the monster more than enough time to evade. Trying to keep its eye fixed on Nyx though- the Nothic left itself open to Danna who slammed it against the wall and winded it a bit. It was enough time for Nyx. Her bones suddenly lost their connection to one another and her form fell apart to the floor under her cloak and the Nothic smiled at Danna.
"Ok, I got him."
"Bodysnatch. Necromancy is fuuun. You should try it some time. Anyway, you two go ahead, I will walk this bad boy into a cage and lock him up before I go back to my own body." She gawked at Mort for a moment with her intellect reading eye. "Oh wow."
"Mort really IS in love with you."
Mort lowered his brows and shook his head, unamused.
"Haha, just kidding." She walked past them back toward the main hall. "Maybe."
Mort ushered Danna to move on ahead and so she did, taking the lead again, though now Mort shadowed her closely. Danna remained in the Nothic form, so she would be ready for an ambush. The digitigrade legs made her steps feel like they had more of a spring to them. She sort of felt like an ape with her arms hanging from her slumped back though. Danna tried to straighten her back a few times- she could but it did not feel good in this body. The hall they continued into around the corner seemed unusual. The wall was sectioned off and got wider and narrower at random intervals for seemingly no reason. The areas that stretched farther out had water pooled in them. Because of the moisture there was long narrow glowing mushrooms and pale cave algae all over the place, so the floor was very slippery in places. The wall on their left was perfectly straight, and was likely new- the weird right wall was ancient. Following Nyx's advisings they ignored the many offshoot passages from here and followed the main path which lead them to another large chamber that looked decently new. There was stacks of cages- most empty but still many with monsters inside. The middle of the room had a huge pillar with a ring of brightly burning torches. At the base of the pillar they spotted Malantheis! They could already hear the footsteps of Nyx catching up to them, so Mort did not hesitate to unsheath his sword and rush forward- immediately tripping on a near-invisible wire that yanked a cage door open! The image of Malantheis flickered and vanished. It was an illusion, and he fell for it.
Danna tackled Mort out of the way as he was trying to get up- the monster he unintentionally let out was extremely lethal, and easily recognized by anyone. A thing of absolute nightmare, the Intellect Devourer looks like a gigantic brain with very large claws on the end of simple limbs that got much more broad as they went down. As the name would imply- its purpose for being was to eat your intellect. These were the pets of the lovecraftian horrors known as the Mind Flayers- a formerly mighty race that was long ago deposed. Danna attempted to attack it with her claws- since it has very little defense. The Intellect Devourer lashed out with a long tongue that stuck out from its brain-body from where the brain-stem would be. Danna pulled back, winning an evasion roll, but for a brief second it brushed her skin and that was enough to completely scatter her thoughts for a moment. Nyx arrived and quickly rushed toward them, well aware of the horrific creature's power. The Intellect Devourer lunged at Mort who was once again trying to get up onto his feet again, and wrapped its tongue around his ankle. Mort was instantly extremely dizzy and could not concentrate. His brain kept shifting thoughts randomly not allowing him to dwell on one thought long enough to take action. He started to forget things. Nyx slammed her bony hand into the top of the brain and it let out a high pitched shriek in pain as she dug in and it let go of Mort who staggered back, confused. The Intellect Devourer latched onto Nyx's wrist but nothing happened. Nyx is undead, she has no physical brain- she is a hundred percent immune.
Danna looked to Mort groaning and holding his head, still terribly confused. Normally when an Intellect Devourer steals knowledge it cannot be returned. Now using her polymorphic magic, she gave herself Intellect Devourer traits! Unlike her taking the Nothic's form, she was actually using magic to expand her body, to give her the actual traits, and thus its ability to drain knowledge. This was different from her shape shifting since it added and expanded what she had instead of simply reshaping it, so her form did not become like putty. Her hands cracked softly as her forearms became very broad, and her hands became even larger than that, and her fingers even larger than that. Claws that were bigger than railroad spikes slid out of her. Danna groaned and her huge eye rolled back in her head as a throbbing started in her skull. It was not painful but it was strange, and persistent. Each throb got stronger and stronger till with a muffled crack the plates of her skull were forced open and her brain surged in size. The bone plates expanded to re-fuse as a larger skull but before they touched the brain grew in another surge, and then another. Her head throbbed and grew again and again, giving her a huge sphere on top of her head to enclose the giant brain. She opened her mouth in a bit of a sigh and her extremely long narrow tongue fell out. Nyx nodded and let go of the beast, and before it could move Danna lanced one of its feet, pinning it in place before jamming her tongue into its squishy brain body! Danna was stealing its knowledge away, taking Mort's back. As she drained it, the Intellect Devourer started to turn from pink to grey and its body lost its strength. When she released it, it just slumped over on the floor unconscious. Danna blushed, looking at Mort, who just looked back with a dazed expression. She grabbed him and kissed him abruptly, using her long tongue. The intellect she stole back sparked back to life in his head, restoring him. She felt what was left of his tongue- just a squishy stump at the back of his mouth.
She pulled back quickly after. "S-sorry, had to use tongue to transfer your mind back." She looked at her hands and chuckled. "I probably look like a nightmare right now."
Nyx just grumbled and took the lead. Danna did her best to not call attention to what just happened. Even without skin to make facial expressions, Danna could tell she irritated Nyx a bit kissing Mort. Being neutral to them both, Mort simply tried to ignore the kiss part and just motioned to Danna his thanks for saving his scrambled brain. Danna reverted both her form changes and once again took Nyx's old body, noting her clothes now felt loose from having been stretched from the Nothic form. Nyx did not lead them out of this chamber right away. She looked around and found the majority of the monsters here were Intellect Devourers. This room was dedicated to research of the mind. They found one set of cages though containing humans. A dozen humans sitting in individual cages stacked up in one corner of the room. Nyx tapped on the cages with her bone hands and they all started to wake up. It went from quiet to a loud racket as they all started trying to speak at once, pleading with her to let them out. They seemed to be all manner of people, though most were adventurers of some sort. One of them even claimed to be on the same quest as their party- but his solo endeavor failed, and he succumbed to some large, jiggly monster. Nyx hesitated immediately at that. Danna went to force the cage doors open and Nyx quickly stopped her.
Nyx looked at one of the people in the cage with a short sword at their hip. "Funny they caged you without disarming you."
The person looked at their weapon as if having been unaware of it till now. "Yea, suppose it is. Though a weapon does me little good in here."
"Can I have your weapon for a moment?"
The man took out the sword, flipped it in his hand and handed it through the bars handle first. Nyx reached for it slowly. At the sound of rushing liquid Nyx leaped back, yanking Danna back with her just in time to evade the attack. All of the caged humans melted into a colorful array of gelatinous liquid that seethed out of the cages and re-converged. It formed a tall oval mass of jelly- though the impression of the people's screaming faces still projected across its surface. Those people had all died a while ago, but were unaware they are dead. Another creation of the Mind Flayers- known as an Oblex. They are a modified form of Slime, which are already able to absorb intellect, just really, really poorly. Taking thousands of years to accumulate enough brain power to maybe speak words. Oblex however can absorb the entire mind for itself. Like regular slime, it is still technically hypermetabolic algae, corroding anything that gets inside of it rapidly to eat. Because it devours the entire mind of its victims, it is able to project them back out- creating goo-doubles of their former bodies. The copies of the people are not even aware they are copies, they think they really are the former people. The Oblex uses this ability to lure in new prey and continue to feed! All it really needs to do to eat you is just roll over you. Its corrosive power is not as strong as a Gelatinous Cube, but its stronger than some of the more deluded slimes. Its true color when not stealing a shape is a dark translucent blue- though in the torch light it looked black. Its only flaw is that the clones it makes cannot be completely detached from it- they are still tethered to its main body by a thin strand of goo. That is why it sprung at them when he was about to hand off his sword. The sword is long gone- that one was made of goo, and couldn't be completely detached without losing its form.
It slammed a long tendril of goo down at Nyx who quickly got out of the way again, but having just evaded this put her off-balance. Her dexterity and agility are both pretty bad being a Necromancer, so her odds of winning evade rolls was already bad. Another tendril shot out arching straight at her to hit her dead-on from the front. Danna quickly jumped in the way and took the hit! Nyx fell on her butt in surprise. The slime splashed against Danna and the gobules wrapped around her and closed back in trying to encapsulate her. Danna quickly used her magic to steal traits from the slime itself, because the only ones immune to Oblex... are other Oblex. Her clothes did not adapt any immunity though, and the color drained from her clothes quickly. Once the dye was gone the fabric started to become raw and the strands starting to fray and snap as they melded. Mort tried to cut the tendril off, but the cut he made immediately healed. It was like striking a body of water with a stick- you break the surface for only a moment and ultimately accomplish nothing. Physical attacks on slime are suicidal. Even from the moment of contact the blade of his sword looked dull and tarnished. A moment longer and rust would have taken root.
A humanoid figure sculpted itself from the top of the Oblex, grinning down at them. "Come inside... it is nice in here. Oblex do not age like solid creatures. Your mind will be immortal inside of us~"
Danna's skin started to turn pink and smooth as she took on more and more of her own slime traits to avoid being eaten. The Oblex recoiled in surprise a moment when it suddenly surged into and mixed with Danna! Its dark blue joined with her pink body, turning her pale blue a moment before fading back to pink and expanding. Her clothing was completely gone at this point, corroded to nothing. She got a bit plump looking and her body jiggled. The Oblex moved its body closer to the jelly woman and then sent several tendrils at her! She held out her arms and they collided, again mixing together into a huge gob of swirling goo, before turning pink and returning to Danna. She was absorbing the Oblex! If it had rolled onto her, she would have been absorbed, but it did not know she could do this and wasted some of its mass finding out. Now she was much bigger and its odds of winning not nearly as good. She looked really pudgy now and jiggled with every movement. Danna found she had to concentrate in this form about how she should look. If she lose concentration she would just turn to a pool of goo- she had to actively hold her shape.
While distracted trying to have a faceoff with Danna, the Oblex did not see Mort lifting Nyx up so she could grab the torches off the middle pillar. There was a reason you do not see slime jiggling along in the summer sun. A dry slime is a dead slime- they cannot stand light and flame. Nyx hurriedly gathered as many torches as she could at one time- Danna could fight the Oblex but likely could not win alone. Its mass was still greater than hers. The Oblex lurched at Danna, slamming itself into her with a loud wet slap, knocking her over. It started to rush into her at a point of least resistance- her vagina, since it was a preexisting hole. Her stomach surged in size and stretched far enough that you could partially see through it at the swirling pools of jiggling goo. Dark blue turned light blue turned pink, but it was turning slower than it was rushing in. More light blue started to accumulate, then some dark. Her stomach was getting gigantic and the off-color was starting to leak into the rest of her form! Nyx threw a torch into the Oblex and it immediately compacting its form to rip itself away from the flame as quickly as possible, letting out a shriek and losing the human shape it had on top to speak with them. Nyx threw another and it had to break off from Danna, losing what mass it had attached to her already by disconnecting. Mort threw torches as well, and his traveled faster and harder- striking the Oblex before it could retreat. They hissed and sizzled on contact and immediately caused it to shrink and the edges turned hard and crunchy- releasing a terrible smelling vapor.
Nyx rushed forward as her entire body was surrounded in unnatural dark fire, casting Black Flame she slammed a palm into the the Oblex. It jiggled violently from the hit a moment as the flames seemed to vanish. Holes bubbled open on its surface spitting steam as its form shrank- it was boiling from the inside out! All three of them ducked as what little remained of it exploded like an egg in a microwave, shattering its remaining consciousness.
Mort grinned at Nyx, motioning across his neck and then shrugging- asking her what happened to the 'no kill' policy.
"Yea, well I have no way of capturing a liquid enemy. I don't know any ice spells."
Danna had to really concentrate as she turned back to normal, having to use her natural ability and the magic to return. Nyx looked at her quite concerned. Using a lot of form changing magic saturated her body with a lot of mana- and as a Changeling her body was already very malleable. Danna was a bit confused at first thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her. She was a normal human again... except she was even bigger than Mort. It turned her back WITH the added mass still in her, which made her a giant. A naked giant. Mort took off some of his leathers and tossed it to her. She was able to wrap it around her shoulders and it hung just low enough to cover her nipples. She had nothing to cover her nethers but they couldn't help that right now.
They wandered down the halls to deeper areas, more ancient structures. Nyx explained that the hills in this area are actually all ancient burial mounds, so Malantheis was not only doing illegal experiments, she was disturbing graves. It also meant Nyx's magic was very potent here. As they were walking though, Danna slowed down as her point of view started to dip.
"Oh hey, I am returning to normmmmah~! OOH!" She grabbed her thighs immediately as they started to stretch rounder!
Her butt jiggled all on its own from the movement of soft growth and her thighs became massively round and jiggly! She did not get rid of any mass, it just fell into a different part of her body. Her thighs were so massive they rubbed together uncomfortably when she tried to walk. She grabbed and squeezed the soft flesh, trying to compact it and surprisingly it worked. Her thighs started to tighten as she squished into them with her fingers but she immediately stopped, trembled, wobbled and almost fell over. Mort caught her from behind so he did not see what happened, but Nyx did. The mass almost immediately popped from her thighs into her labia- flesh that was already made to be engorged. Her labia immediately ballooned to a huge size, projecting out so far and to taught it ignited all the pleasure nerves in them all at once and almost brought her to orgasm immediately. Once Mort helped steady her she concentrated and tried to use her natural changing abilities to fix this. Her normal abilities could not alter her mass, so she just tried to redistribute it better. Her thighs, labia, and butt started to tighten and she felt her stomach engorge a bit, but she continued to draw it up trying to balance all the extra mass. As soon as her nipples hardened the pleasure caused her to involuntarily shove mass into them, which caused a surge of pleasure, which broke her concentration and she ended up throwing everything into them! Her breasts blushed bright pink and some blue veins even became visible under the surface as they stretched huge! Even her nipples grew to fat stumps! The farther her breasts stretched from her though, the pinker they became. At the very end they were shiny and almost translucent... they were half goo. The leather cowl definitely did not cover these huge jelly tits. Because they were half goo they were ridiculously jiggly.
Nyx winced at her struggling. "I was afraid of this. When you use polymorphic spells it puts the mana directly into the persons form, you've been gorging on mana all day. Turning yourself into a goo girl required a lot of change, and thus a lot of mana and really pushed you too far. You are unstable with mana. We better take the lead from here, you need to... pull yourself together."
"Can't I discharge the mana?"
"Its not as malleable when its saturating a physical form. Your body is sort of trapping it. I could rip it out with a mana siphoning spell, but..."
"Do you ha-"
"If I had a spell like that I would already be using it. So, no. Just... chill out for a while." She motioned toward Mort. "Let Hulk smash."
Their group traveled farther in now occasionally feeling a nice soft breeze, which was welcome in these musty chambers. It actually did not occur to Danna till Nyx mentioned it, that wind cannot exist this far underground without a spell. They followed the breeze through increasingly maze like paths. The ancient walls were so uneven and oddly constructed it was hard to tell when there was a branching hall, or a room, a corner or a dead end. There was so many corners and curves in the wall that was just there for seemingly no reason. Thanks to the breeze they were able to find their way to a new chamber. This far in there was no way Malantheis could be far- they were running out of tunnels to look in. You can only go so far into a hill before you start coming out the other side. Before them hovered an Aarakocra- an avian humanoid!
The Aarakocra are human shaped birds, with tiny feathers covering most of their bodies, bird beaks dominating their faces and mighty wings on their backs. Their feet are digitigrade and end in talons. The females have subdued colors usually, while the males have vibrant ones- this was a male. His feathers went from a powder yellow to mostly vibrant yellow, with some metallic orange looking feathers giving him streaks here and there. He wore only a blue loincloth and held a forward hooked sword in his hands. Nyx explained that he is not guarding this place of his own will, even if it does not look like he is chained. Aarakocra are not from this plane of existence- they are vagrants from the Realm Of Air. Most likely Malantheis used a summoning ritual and he answered as a way of getting into this plane of existence, not realizing this service was the cost of his contract. They needed to beat him into submission while trying to do as little physical harm as possible. Both women looked at Mort who just shrugged. The only physical weapon they had was Mort's sword which definitely did a lot of physical harm. Nyx could possess him and bring him to a cage, but there was none this deep in. He was the only monster they had seen in a while. Danna finally nodded, saying she would get this. Nyx tried to stop her, thinking she should not be trying to do anything right now, but could not put up much of an argument at risk of their opponent seeing.
As Danna slowly approached, he slowly raised his sword to point at her. "I do not want to hurt you, but I will if I need to. Leave this place."
"Oh come on. What is your name, hun?"
Nyx and Mort both cringed at her bad attempt to sound sexy.
"My name is Aeron. And you are?"
"Danna- I am one of you, you know. I am Aarakocra too, I am just using a polymorph."
Nyx slapped her forehead. That idiot, she is going to try to seduce him into dropping his guard, using even MORE transformation? While trying to give him a seductive look Danna ended up scrunching up her face a bit at the prickly feeling of the first few feathers that bloomed- replacing her eyebrows with long narrow feathers like a rockhopper penguin. Her hair turned to colored mist and lifted away as tiny brown and black speckled feathers started to grow out of her to replace it. She arched her back as far back as it would go as new bone squirmed out from her shoulder blade which shifted forms to create a second socket toward its bottom. Her lips kept wanting to push outward reflexively though and then so did her teeth, causing her to reverse and bend far forward- covering her face with her hands. Her teeth seemed to melt together and expand at the same time, pushing forward out of her lips, then continued to expand forcing her mouth wider open and thinning her lips out of existence! Her teeth had completely reformed... into a beak. It expanded till her nose was fused into the beak, making two nostrils where the remaining bridge of her nose met the base of her beak. Unlike Aeron who had a beak similar to an eagle- Danna's was extremely long and narrow. As she slowly took her hands away from her face as those changes slowed to a stop she seen the feathers had advanced down past her arms now. Her public hair had turned to pillow soft down feathers. Her breasts thankfully started to properly solidify and condense back down to a reasonable size, though stopped when they were still giant by Aarakocra standards. The growths on her back pulled out of her, popping loudly as the joins rapidly shifted and grew. They were starting to look like naked chicken wings. Her tail bone extended only a little, but then grew feathers that exploded in size!
Her tail quickly became a gigantic fan of what looked like peacock feathers. Not peahen feathers... then she realized the error. She was not too familiar with the avian race so she was using her innate powers to copy his form and tell the spell what to enhance her with. But, copying his form would mean she is male, not female. Her clit surged in size, pointing out from her exposed pussy like a soft fat spike! Avians actually have pretty massive dicks, but generally they are internal. Because hers was just developing it could not be internalized, and seeing and feeling a dick growing out of her pussy was turning her on and making it erect so it would not retract even when it finished! She reached down trying her trick from before, grabbing at her clit to force the mass back into her, but before she closed her hand she stopped. She had huge talons on her fingers! The Aarakocra have feathered human hands, they don't have talons on their hands! Her flesh started to contract and harden, turning to the banded flesh of bird legs! Her arms were turning into legs! But her legs were also turning into legs. Danna tensed up again as her wings started to bloom giant feathers- again very colorful ones, like males. Her clit started to get even longer and fatter and... pinker. It started to look shiny and as it stretched even more, started to look translucent. It was engorging with slime features! It wasn't really turning into a penis at all, more like a tentacle.
Aeron just stood there with a disturbed look on his face watching this person make some sort of twisted mockery of his people. Seeing Danna rolled a critical fail on her transformation, Mort went to plan B. He unsheathed his sword and charged. At least this, Aeron knew how to deal with it. The two met sword to sword but then Aeron used the force to leap up over him and swiped at his back from above! Aeron can fly- Mort cannot. Aeron can easily evade attacks. Nyx watched both Mort and Danna nervously, not knowing how she could help either really. If Mort becomes seriously hurt she can heal him- hell he can die and she can still heal him. But that doesn't help him win, it just helps him stay alive. Unfortunately most Necromancer spells do not play nice, so not doing serious harm was an issue. Aeron was making a mockery of Mort sadly. He kept leaping around like an acrobat leaving small slashes in the leather armor over and over again, shaving armor away. Mort was not agile at all, he was built for pure power and endurance. Danna was by far and away the most agile one of the group but... she wasn't exactly bouncing around at the moment. Then Nyx thought of a plan! She possessed Mort's body for a moment, dodging a strike he would not have been able to see from his angle. This caught Aeron by surprise and she used the opening, using Mort's body to cast the spell again to take Aeron's body.
Nyx, in Aeron's body landed on his hands and feet and swatted the loin cloth to the side, presenting him rump to Danna. "C'mon, show this hen a real cock."
Danna did not know where Nyx was going with this, but her wildly mutated giant cock was horny as hell so she did not question it. All of her limbs were bird legs so she hand to run on all fours, jumping up onto Aeron and sliding the huge dick into him. Nyx moaned loudly in a pitch Aeron likely did not know he could even make. His dick started to emerge as well now from stimulation and bob under him. Danna's cock fit in better than any cock has ever fit before. It was only around 70% solid mass, so when it hit a curve or fold in the intestines it just changed form and kept going. It filled it entirely, every nook and cranny was filled with jiggly pink jelly dick. Because it could follow the bend it went deeper than any other object possibly could, starting to fill his entire intestines and hugging his prostate constantly in undulating goo. Because Danna was concentrating so hard on the slime aspect of herself right now, her feathers started to take the pink hue as well. The rest of her body started to become gelatinous slowly. She tried her best to concentrate to stop it, and forced the extra goo mass into the dick which then surged in size, causing Aeron to orgasm! The feeling of him throbbing and clenching caused Danna to orgasm too... though it was harder to tell because she just ejaculated the same goo her dick itself was already made of. She pulled off, most of the goo dick fell off and just turned to a pink puddle and she fell onto her side breathing heavily. Aeron slumped onto his face and passed out as Nyx returned to her own body.
Nyx smiled and nodded at her handiwork. "Men always roll over and go to sleep after an orgasm. He can't keep us out if he is asleep."
She looked at Danna and seen her form was slowly shifting back. The more she changed in a way she did not intend the more her thoughts raced, which incited more unexpected changes. Now that she was just basking in afterglow she wasn't thinking of anything and her form was defaulting. The extra growth on her clit turned to pure goo and just melted off, revealing her normal clit under it all. The feathers fell out and turned to vapor. Her hair grew back in and the huge long beak cracked and shattered. Her nose slumped down, unfurling back into a human shape and her mouth collapsed back in and her lips fattened back into existence. The last of her changes were her talons as the skin softened back to normal advancing down her arms. Finally she was normal Danna again- she even discharged the extra mass from her slime encounter so she was back to normal size. She was still saturated in mana though and absolutely unstable as hell. If you had the ability to physically see mana, she would be flashing like a light bulb. A red light bulb, that indicates and emergency.
Nyx chuckled as she helped Danna up. "Well, that worked out ultimately. You failed so hard, you won."
"Yey, I am an idiot savant." She cheered sarcastically, still winded.
"Mmm, but you did go against doctor's orders, and used even more mana to change again. You are even more unstable now! I bet I could name a random animal right now and you'd change into it without even meaning to!" Danna's ears rapidly grew up tall and her neck lengthened and grew a bit. Hair advanced down the back of her neck. "...you just thought of me saying donkey didn't you?"
"S-stAAWp!" Her teeth grew a little.
Nyx pat her on the shoulder. "Just stay back- do NOT use any more magic. At all. I'd kick you out of this dungeon right now if it wasn't incredibly dangerous to send you back alone through this place."
Danna's alterations were slow to recede. It was incredibly hard to actively not think about something. Because thinking about not thinking about it is still thinking about it. Mort ended up using several perception rolls to check their surroundings for traps. He didn't think there was traps, he was just trying to slow everyone down to guarantee Danna didn't use any more spells. Her mana levels will go down slowly on their own, but it takes time and she has a ridiculous amount. As soon as Mort finished examining for traps, Nyx suggested they take a rest and reset cooldowns. While Danna suspected she was also just stalling for time, it also made a lot of sense. Odds are they were skirting around the chamber Malantheis was in, and anyone who was skilled enough to capture all these monsters was not going to be a pushover. They rested in one of the ancient looking passages, near one of the pools of stagnant water. Now that Aeron was unconscious the wind had stopped, so the next most refreshing place to be was near the cool water. Granted the water was stagnant and ancient- full of ghostly pale cave algae, so definitely not water you want to be IN. Nyx had been carrying food rations hung on the inside of her rib cage, since she has no organs.
Danna groaned a bit in the middle of eating and paused as her stomach started to inflate, making her look pregnant. Nyx chuckled, knowing its because she was thinking how much food was too much if she did not want to get fat- and thinking about being fat caused her gut to balloon. She then rolled back and moaned more as her gut started to compact on its own and in its place her breasts and butt swelled out half as much- Danna wondered why she couldn't get fat in the RIGHT places if it was going to make her fat. Mort was just doing his best to avoid eye contact as he ate. At least he never had to keep up a conversation. Danna's body started to shrink and she squeaked in surprise at it. She was trying to will herself smaller, but got the wrong kind of smaller. Nyx sighed, having enough of watching her squirm and decided to help her simply by asking her what Nyx's flesh looked like over these bones of hers. Danna's default appearance was Nyx's old body, so imagining what she is like with skin still allowed her to default.
Danna did not have time to enjoy being normal again for long though as a tendril reached out from the murky waters she had her back to and yanked her in! Nyx and Mort had little time to try and figure out what happened when Danna vanished. The water looked like a shallow pool collected against the wall thanks to the slanted floor- but that is because the water is so murky you cannot see into it! There was actually an offshoot tunnel in the floor there that was completely submerged, and apparently Chuul are using it as a burrow! Ancient amphibious creatures, the Chuul are a foul tempered hermit race that loath surface dwellers. Since it was not caged, its likely the Chuul were just living here before Malantheis moved in, and the wizard might not even be aware they are here. They look a bit like humanoid lobster. They stand on four digitigrade looking legs ending in large two toed feet, though the front two legs are 3/4rth bigger than the rear ones. They have a chitinous fan-tail like a lobster, and the crustacean like scales continue all up its body. It bends upright at the hip and then it has two large arms ending in huge pincers with serrated edges- for both pinching and tearing. Its eyes were almost hidden under a helmet-like chitin plate, though its eyes were very keen. Chuul can see just as well in the light and dark, and are immune to blinding effects. The worst part of the Chuul is generally the first part you encounter. At the front of its face, its mouth is lined with dozens of banded tendrils that carry a paralysis effect. This is what it used to yank Danna away, which means she likely cannot move- which means she cannot swim, and because she is underwater, she cannot breath either.
Mort was about to jump in but Nyx quickly stopped him- leaping into water wearing armor is a real good way to drown. Mort isn't wearing any plate armor but he would still sink like an anchor. Nyx had no nervous system to be paralyzed, and no lungs to need to breath, so she jumped in. Even in the murk it was easy to spot Danna simply from all the thrashing going on. Her lips had long bumps growing from them- the start of Chuul tendrils. Her throat was longer and bigger and her skin had started to harden and grow out into chitin scales on her back. She had started to turn into a Chuul in a panic, but the neurotoxin was faster and still stunned her- but because she was partially transformed into a creature that is immune to the toxin it was unable to fully take hold. The Chuul looked to Nyx as the bigger threat and rather than strike her physically it filled her head with a psychic static to try to muddle her thoughts. This was an ancient burial mound though- Nyx's necrotic powers were impossibly powerful while in here. She used Create Horror Knight, and immediately followed it up with Dark Transformation. Nyx did not even wait for the aberration she summoned to fully form before grabbing Danna and dashing back to the surface to get her to air.
By the time Danna was back on land gasping for air, she had stubby tendrils around her mouth and a uselessly small shrimp like tail. Nyx grinned a bit as she seen the water turn a tinge of red. Her abomination was likely so large it took up the entire passage and prevented the Chuul from escaping. Even if it somehow did not win the fight- their party will be long gone before the Chuul can look for them. Danna grossed herself out with her own budding tendrils and mistook them for octopus limbs... which then caused them to become thicker and start to develop suction cups on the insides. She quickly looked down at her transforming hands and stopped them before they turned to pincers. She had chitin shell on her hands forming claws, but when she pressed her fingers together the shell locked forming a psudo pincer. She had to concentrate hard to get the chitin scales to soften and get reabsorbed into her skin. They needed to get away from the Chuul though, so she had to do it while walking. Nyx remained close, whispering encouragement to her and she slowly reverted as they approached the final chamber of the menagerie. Danna still had a shrimp tail by the time they got there but she supposed it wasn't getting in the way, so whatever.
Malantheis fumbled a vial to the stone floor when Nyx called over to her. The three adventurers were already a good ways into the huge room before the wizard even noticed. She had wildly wavy blood red hair and purple eyes- an unnatural color from mana poisoning. She wore a thread-bare brown cloak hiding her body. Rather than address the invaders she scrambled for a table of research scrolls and tomes trying to find something. Nyx went to cast Death Coil but failed the initiative roll. Danna's hair started to turn red, unintentionally admiring the look of Malantheis' hair.
Malantheis found what she was looking for just as Mort got to her and swung. She evaded just in time and thrust her hand out- throwing Mort back several feet with arcane energy. "Damn you! How did you get past my traps? I thought for sure the Manastorm Golem would prevent any other casters from getting in at the very least..."
Nyx tilted her head. "Golem? We didn't even see a golem, we must have picked the right path. There are too many preexisting pathways in here Malantheis- you don't control all of them."
Danna flinched as several small rocks around the area became magnetized to her and formed a shell around her feet and climbing her ankle before they ran out- a result of her thinking about golems.
Malantheis held up her hand proudly, a cubic crystal floating above it shining prismatic light. "I wanted to keep improving it but I suppose I have no choice but to use this now to dispose of you vermin." Danna's front teeth grew long and she started to grow whiskers at the thought of vermin. "Behold, the Junctiform crystal! I created it by layering paper thin crystal squares etched with dozens of runes each and then fused together- each acting as a catalyst focus for a transformative spell! Each one imbued with a trait taken from a beast, in an effort to create the 'Perfect Being'."
Malantheis cackled like the maniac she was and cast a transformation spell on herself- channeling it through the Junctiform crystal, which then split it into dozens of different transformations and fired them all into the wizard at once! She lurched forward and her body quaked for several moments. The sound of popping joins proceeded her entire body starting to grow larger under her cloak. Her pants filled with a huge bulge as Malantheis moaned in giddy anticipation. The bulge grew and grew and she did nothing to remove her pants- she wanted it to rip the pants off, she wanted to destroy her clothes with her body's perfection. It stretched a good ways before finally ripping free, and her giant clit sprung forward. Almost as thick as her thighs already and quite long as well, the clit came to a tapered tip and throbbed bigger with every moment. The longer it got the more it writhed on its own, seeking something to rub against. Malantheis started to twitch a bit back and forth as her spine cracked and lengthened, stretching her torso longer but also gaining a lot of flexibility. Her breasts started to blush on their own and her nipples hardened from the power high. She grinned down at her shirt as it filled and then stretched very quickly. Her breasts pulled it tight and then started to get squished both up and down, trying to squeeze out around the shirt as it continued to get stretched wider and thinner. She took a long deliberate breath, causing her ribs to expand and the shirt exploded. Her tits wobbled violently into the open air, shoving her cloak open in the front and continued to grow bigger and bigger still. They were astonishingly light for their tremendous size. Mort did not want to allow her to finish this transcendence and attempted a cleaving attack while Malantheis was absorbed with watching her swelling tits. As soon as she seen the glint of metal though, Malantheis countered. Her left breast split open across the middle revealing thousands of curved fangs and a long writhing tongue inside! They were lighter than they should be because they are not normal breasts. The tongue swatted his blade aside mid-swing and then she turned her chest and forced Mort to leap back or be eaten by a giant boob. Malantheis' smile faded a bit though, as she looked nervously at her crystal. It was vibrating rapidly- she did not have time to complete it so it was not 100% stable, she just had to pray to the DMs it held out.
Pale brown dots appeared all down her very long back and slowly started to press out and stiffen as nipples for more breasts- a lot more. Unlike her gigantic front two though, these were normal breasts. They would act as a humanoid equivalent to a camel's hump- storing food and water in the form of fat. Malantheis quivered and almost dropped to the floor from her legs trembling and locked up in pleasure as her giant clit grew even bigger and even longer. It was wider than her actual legs were, forcing them apart a bit. The clit seemed to have a mind of its own, lashing around till it was able to reach the floor and then shoved itself against it and rubbed aggressively back and forth- leaving a bit of a slime trail of salty vaginal lube that trailed down its underside from Malantheis' twitching cleft. Nyx went to cast Blood Boil but Malantheis cast her eyes on her, and everyone- including Malantheis- flinched in pain and shut their eyes. Malantheis had opened a third, vertical eye in her forehead and connected everyone telepathically. The jumble of four peoples thoughts in each persons head was painfully confusing, but luckily stopped the moment Malantheis closed the third eye. Although it hurt her as well, the third eye allowed her to interrupt spells from being cast. She was still slowly growing overall too- she was as big as Mort now and growing. The wizard smiled at herself thinking she had them all beat, but then frowned as she noticed Danna.
Danna's shrimp tail was now a huge proper Chuul tail, and the chitin scales had advanced up her back. She was deliberately trying to change now, thinking it their only hope at defeating Malantheis. Her skin started to develop the spike-like scutes of the Nothic- down her arms and legs and the upper part of her back where the scales tapered off. Her forearms grew thick with muscle and then her hands grew still larger than that- each finger half as big as her entire hand before changing, and each tipped with the huge Intellect Devourer claws. Danna wobbled a bit as her legs started to get longer and reshape, making her taller and taller. The skin on her legs harded into the banded flesh of bird legs once again as her feet transformed and grew huge hooked talons for rending flesh, clicking against the floor as she flexed them. Her Chuul tail grew even bigger, and prismatic colors bled into the scales, imitating the bright colors of her previous feathered form.
Malantheis grunted and went back to concentrating on her own changes, not to be outdone by some simple changeling. Her clit seemed to explode in size, stretching out to ludicrous proportions! It was twice as thick as her thighs at the base, forcing her legs far apart perminantly. It actually made the ground tremble when its length slapped down and started to roll back and forth lazily, causing Malantheis to quake for different reasons. Her stance got still more awkward as bladed claws started to grow from her ankles, which extended simple joints allowing her to flex the new digit. Malantheir swung her arms up, tossing the crystal into the air for a moment. The air in the room seemed to collapse into the middle a moment, clapping together above her. The air pressure exploded many large stones from nearby pillars and walls and tossed them into her. The huge assortment of stones gathered around her arms and ground together. The flesh and muscle that was formerly her arms seethed out between the stones, connecting them all as it veined out. When they were all connected as two new gigantic arms the rocks started to compact and shift form slightly, making them stand out from the limbs a bit more like blunted spikes. Malantheis slammed her giant arms into the ground toppling everyone else over with the tremor, and tossed herself into the air. As soon as she was lifted, her still growing clit immediately lashed under her in a huge arc, so when she fell back down all her weight went onto her clit... and held. Her gigantic clit was holding her up off the ground as if it were some sort of backwards tail! Her legs minuscule in comparison to the clit, to make themselves useful still, the heel claws grew tremendously now, into huge curved blades of bone not unlike scythe blades- making her legs deadly weapons.
Malantheis bent backward with her flexible long spine and wiggled back and forth in pleasure. The breasts on her back fully developed now into five sets of C cups, all squishing and rubbing together when she arched backwards. Her hips cracked loudly and widened as her clit continued to grow even bigger, writhing around under her, holding her entire body up. She looked over and scowled at Danna, who was also still changing.
Danna's entire body took on a slight pink glow to it as she remembered the Oblex and how to add onto her mass- but had to concentrate incredibly hard to not change the consistency of her body to jelly in the process. She grew her overall size huge. She gagged a bit a moment later as her tongue unintentionally transformed, getting huge and incredibly long, forcing her to spit it out. It lashed around out of her mouth like Malantheis' clit did- except Danna did not mean to do that. She was just going over transformations she learned and accidentally gave herself the feature by passively thinking about it. She tried to grab it to get it under control but it was slippery and hard to hold- her giant claws did not make it easier. The tongue then split into two of the same length but half the width, and then split again filling her mouth with four tendrils, making it impossible to speak. Danna put her head back to hold the tendrils up trying to figure out how to control them all- she definitely had control of them but she normally had one tongue not four mutant tongues so her brain did not know how to operate them all right away. When she looked straight up though, she lost her balance a bit and when she stepped back it was on a larger foot, with even larger talons! Her feet unintentionally grew to make double sure she did not stagger herself. When she looked at them though her first thought was how goofy they looked now, being much too large for her legs. Then scolded herself for thinking that as her legs started to grow- especially in length, making them look almost like a crane's legs, except with humanoid thighs still at the top. She stopped them but as she glanced at her hips to see if they changed too- she accidentally changed them by thinking about it. Her hips popped and grew wide, and her skin filled with extra jiggly fat, ballooning her ass out. It had a permanent pink blush on her cheeks though because it had taken in more slime traits. Danna deliberately started to grow her Chuul tail longer now, just to balance herself out- it felt like she was walking on stilts at this point!
Malantheis growled, thinking Danna was trying to out-do her in transformation, not realizing Danna was doing most of it by accident. She surged more mana into her crystal but winced at the sound of grinding minerals and glared fearfully at her focus as two tiny cracks appeared on its surface! It was imperfect, it cannot create the ultimate being in its current state, but its not like she could just finish it with three invaders trying to kill her. She cried out in pain, throwing her head back as she felt the hot trickle of blood. Several horns started to grow out of her tilted back head, black as night. The horns seemed to wave back and forth as they grew, putting curves into their smooth forms. When she lowered her head again, four horns at least a foot long each stood up and slightly back from her head. Two from her temples and two from toward the back of her head. She concentrated and clouds of super condensed mana glittered into view, compressing into shimmering blue-purple crystals dangled from the tips of all four of her horns adorning them like jewelry. Malantheis was about to open her mouth and taunt the others but her words caught in her throat at the sound of her focus shattering! She looked over to see the glittering prismatic dust falling through the air! Argh! Her precious research! This was as far as it could take her.
Knowing this was as far as she could be perfected Malantheis slithered quickly on her gigantic tail-like clit and attacked Mort, who had to use his sword to try and partially deflect the blows and evade at the same time. He was not strong enough to stop hits from arms that big, and they were so big he could not entirely evade them without trying to deflect at least part of the hit. Because her limbs were mostly stone- even his steel sword blade did little harm. Nyx tried to attack but every time she started to cast Malantheis made everyone flinch with another psychic scream from her third eye.
Nyx braced herself as Malantheis lurched toward her. "Uh... don't suppose you'd go easy on me? My bones can be brittle you know."
Malantheis grinned like a psychopath. "Don't worry, I am not angry- I am just MAD!"
Danna concentrated as hard as she could. She needed to do this! Her friends were depending on her! She came here determined to show that transformation can be used in combat, that it can be a fighting style all on its own without needing anything else. She wanted to show the absolute max potential of the changeling people! With a mix of frustration and blazing determination Danna roared loud enough to shake the walls and everyone else paused, recognizing the sound. Danna's neck grew tremendously huge and long, forcing her collar bone to pop painfully and grow to match, and then her shoulder blades spread wider as her ribs started to pop in succession as her torso broadened greatly. Her midriff grew a bit thicker but mostly just longer. Her hips became more angular and she grew a bit of a pelvic wing from the front, which caused her vulva to be moved back a bit, and face down her long Chuul tail. She fell onto all fours as her body grew tremendously, but especially her torso and neck. Her tendril tongues started to fuse with her cheeks and then reposition themselves as if her skin was putty, so now they were not in her mouth but around it. She grew in a new normal tongue in their place now that they had shifted. Her teeth grew long and sharp and slanted inward. The air around her waved with the heat of her heavy breaths. Her face clicked and she growled as it stretched out, her facial features becoming harder, sharper. Her hair grew longer as if to match the long neck, and stole the red color of Malantheis' hair. The tendrils each took up a corner of the front of either jaw, waving in the air like a catfish's whiskers as her face finished transforming into that of the elder beast. Greedy and arrogant, beauty and carnage and in one. Danna took the overall form of a Dragon, while keeping the transformed features she already had.
Malantheis slithered toward her with great speed, swinging her huge stone fists. Danna caught the first in her maw and yanked it to the side, grinding against the stone with her fangs. Malantheis then yanked her fist out and opened it rather than pulling back, and forced Danna's mouth closed with her hand. Using the grip as leverage though, Danna slammed her shrimp tail into the ground to catapult herself up, rotated at her long neck and slammed her rear legs into Malantheis, lancing her just below the collar several times on her long talons! Malantheis opened her third eye a moment forcing everyone to flinch back, so Danna would fall back off her as she was also forced to let go. Danna used her giant Intellect Devourer claws and slashed at the massive clit-tail! Malantheis was quick to lurch back but also winced in pain- Danna's attack still left a thin red line across the clit. Malantheis folded over forward, at first looking like it was in pain but then her mega tits opened up and went to bite Danna's neck, forcing her to retreat quickly. Danna rolled a critical fail on her evade though- she managed to evade but also slipped and fell on her ass so she could not evade a second strike.
Malantheis kicked through the air, flexing her giant scythe-like heel claws and slashed Danna from her shoulder up the side of her neck and was deflected off one of her Nothic scutes. The cut was not deep but it was long. Danna had to waste an action getting back to her feet, and Malantheis took the opportunity, punching at her with a left fist this time! Danna opened her mouth in defence and for only a breif moment wisps of flame could be seen gathering toward her mouth. Travelling at the speed and with the heat of a lightning strike, there was only a single flash from Danna's mouth a moment before a white pillar of flames fired across the entire chamber- straight through Malantheis' hand! The flame was so hot it vaporized a hole straight through both the flesh and stone! Malantheis shrieked in pain, yanking her hand back. Taking a dragon's traits should not have allowed her that ability! It was then she noticed though, that Danna was extremely overcharged with mana! She had to take care of that or Danna could just literally blast her head off at any moment and there wouldn't be a thing Malantheis could do to stop it.
Malantheis grabbed Danna by the top of her neck and tried to aim her mouth away, as she cast a mana siphon, sucking the power excess out of Danna, which would prevent her from using dragon fire. That was not its only effect however, as Danna's body started to shrink and soften- the changes reverting. The scutes lost their color and softened, regressing back into the skin like the chitin scales. Her tail shrank and lost form till it was no more, her talons slid back in as her legs thickened a bit and shrank tremendously in length. When all her mana was tapped she had reverted to Nyx's old form- because that was the only transformation that was using her innate ability, and did not require any spells. Malantheis tossed the tiny human away but then wobbled and fell onto her huge hands.
Something was... wrong. The breasts on her back started to grow, but at uneven rates becoming all different sizes. Her clit started to grow again uncontrollably becoming so large it needed to start coiling around and folding over itself from lack of space in the chamber! Her torso started to turn vibrant pink as if the clit was starting to absorb her! She went to push herself upright again but instead her right arm split off from itself- spawning a third arm that started to grow longer and more spindly to match the others in length, but not girth. The eye in her forehead rolled in its socket as it throbbed and grew much, much bigger forcing her entire head to grow a bit bigger. The pupil turned into a horizontal notch as she looked around and then to a vertical slit as it rolled up, changing shape according to its movement. Her stomach started to inflate rapidly and she groaned long and loud as she felt something writhing in it! Malantheis almost felt like she was going to throw up, but as she did her neck grew longer, extending the travel time, and then what came out was not barf but several tendrils!
"Wuth h-happuhnen... tuh... n-nnno. Stuhp thuth... uuuuuugh!" It was hard to talk with tendrils in your mouth.
Nyx grinned at the outcome- because she stole Danna's mana, now Malantheis was extremely unstable and unable to properly lock in her form. Had her crystal still been here she could do this easily because the crystal would focus her shape for her- but it burst into dust because they did not allow her to complete it. Nyx told Mort to sheath his sword, and took it to toss over to Danna.
"For you m'lady, I think you earned the honors."
Danna took the sheathed sword, charged at Mort who put his hands together to form a step. When she stepped down onto his hands he catapult her into the air, and doing a graceful twirl she slammed the sheathed sword into the side of Malantheis' head with all her momentum and knocked her completely unconscious! Before Danna was on a quest to prove the power of changelings she was essentially the group's rogue, with high dexterity, speed, and charisma. When Malantheis hit the ground with a thunderous boom her transformations stopped. She was not thinking of anything since she was unconscious. Her body seemed to lurch and undulate like putty and slowly she shrank and the changes receded. Because she was so extremely malformed it took almost twenty minutes to become completely normal again, and by then Nyx had dragged her into a cage and locked it. Now she was a prisoner in her own menagerie.
Nyx chuckled as they wandered back out of the monster menagerie, victorious. "When I woke up this morning I did not expect to be having to deal with dungeons AND dragons. That was some good work, cooking that nut job with dragon fire. Guess you will be doing this every time now, huh? You did prove it works... sort of."
Danna clutched the tattered remains of Malantheis' cloak as the only thing she had to cover herself with. "Uh well..." She shivered as she pictured Malantheis' final form in her head. "Y'know, our group does still need a rogue. You CAN use transformation only as a weapon but... I am not sure if its a good idea. Why lean so heavy on one skill when you can have many, right? You can stand on one leg but its better with two. I think I will use transformation as a supplement rather than my sole method of making myself useful to the party. I will still have the most wicked awesome transformations you ever seen though!"
Nyx nodded, patting her on the shoulder. "THAT, sounds like a great idea." While thinking; 'and also what I suggested you do from the start'. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Fragile Unbroken Ch. 04 Pt. 3
Tags: master, dildo, slave, anal, dominance, bondage, submissive
Fragile Unbroken Ch. 04 Pt. 3 Continued.
Master broke in. "Well Angela?" She looked at him questioning.
"You haven't spoken in a while but you seem to be enjoying yourself."
She nodded and acted a little self conscious standing in front of us naked. "I don't know. I guess I'm in shock." She looked down at herself as if checking to make sure all her parts were intact. "I've never done anything like this. I mean, I've had sex..." We knew that part. "But fuck. You guys are intense."
Master nodded. "Yeah, We are, but that's part of our lifestyle. We aren't always this intense. Sometimes we're much more intense, but we're almost never like the 'vanilla' world either."
He walked over to the table and scooted the almond oil a couple of inches as if to remind to us that he wasn't done yet, then he walked over to the hotels advertisements strewn on one table. He called and ordered a variety of foods from room service and a pot of coffee. Oh shit, I thought. Coffee? He's plotting.
Angela sat down on the bed near me. She looked like she had something to say but she was quiet. While Master was busy I scooted closer and took her hand. "Are you alright?"
She grasped my hand and turned back to me. "I'm so fuckin' alright. I didn't even know I could get this horny." I laughed and we held hands, watching Master.
Master returned to unclip my leash. "You girls relax for a while. I ordered some food."
I rolled off of my knees onto my back and splayed out across the bed. Angela laid back and rested her head on my thigh. We laid there for a long while and rested. She toyed with the end of my leash, twirling it on the beautiful brown skin of her trim belly.
Master clicked on some boring TV news show and I ignored it as I was well practiced in doing. My thoughts drifted to Angela and Master. She was so open and Masters artful manipulation seemed to have drawn out a natural desire for dominance and submission, or maybe it was just that she liked heavy sex. I assumed that Master was just that good and she hadn't even realized what was happening. I reached down and stroked her head as it rest on my thigh, brushing the hair from around her face.
A knock came to the door. Master pointed toward the door. I went to grab some cloths and realized all I had left was the sheer cover up I brought for the beach. It wouldn't even begin to hide my black garter and stockings but I grabbed it and didn't even tie it closed as I ran for the door.
A young man stood there with a cart full of food. He looked right past me and I realized he could see Angela lying naked on the bed. The next place his eyes landed was on my tits, the details of which were only slightly hidden by my cover-up, which wasn't closed anyway. I stepped out of the way for him to enter but his nerves got ahold of him and he pushed the cart half way inside the door before excusing himself. I couldn't resist playing with him. I let go of the cover-up and it fell open. One nipple came uncovered. His eyes shot down to my smooth pussy. He left so fast that I started giggling uncontrollably.
We enjoyed a snack and left the cart outside the door. We all had a glass of wine as our conversation picked up. Angela had questions which she and Master discussed at length. I listened quietly. By the time the subject started to change Angela had a very good idea what our lifestyle was like, as well as an idea how other people view the lifestyle. Her image of leather clad, hooded sexual deviancy had been softened to an open minded acceptance that our lifestyle was varied and that different people lived different ways that were acceptable as long as certain lines weren't crossed, and even those lines were subjective in ways.
She accepted us. We accepted her. I wanted her in my life in whatever capacity could exist. We were fast friends.
But we were friends sitting at the table with a crafty and intelligent man who had an agenda. In my world, that was something never to be forgotten. That bottle of almond oil was still looming large in my mind. My eyes wandered over the room where so much had already taken place. It gave me an idea of my own.
I left my chair and knelt next to Master laying a hand on his thigh. He would know I had a request. He nodded my way.
"Master, may your slave remove her stockings?" I didn't want to tell him they had become uncomfortable or I might end up wearing them all the way home.
He nodded his consent. I had more. "May your slave run a bath for you two?
Master thought for a moment. "A hot bath sounds nice girl." He looked at Angela. She smiled in agreement. "Yes, run us a bath and be in it when I'm ready."
I turned to my duty. There were bath oils sitting next to the tub. I ran the bath as hot as I could stand it, infusing the oils into the water. I stripped and stepped into the heat. If stung my skin as I entered. The masochist in me took over as I sat upon a preformed seat. The tub would easily accommodate all three of us, though maybe just a little cozy. It may have been designed for two, but it was plenty big enough for two people and a slave. The warmth penetrated my body and as the tub filled up I knelt upon the bottom, my breasts bobbing at the surface.
I called out. "Master, your water is ready."
The two of them walked over. Master helped Angela into the water and stepped over the side himself. Each of them took one of the seats and I remained between them. As Master relaxed I took his foot in my hands and set it in my lap. I began massaging it. I massaged both feet, up each leg until I was nearly brushing against his genitals. I worked every muscle and then turned to Angela and did he same. She loved it. She laid back and whispered at me repeatedly how good it felt.
Next I turned to my Master and asked, "May your slave massage her loving Masters back?" He turned, allowing me to slip behind him, where I again worked the muscles of his back, shoulders and neck. I reached around and worked down his arms from behind before slipping from behind him and kneeling in front of him where I massaged his chest, his forearms, even his hard stomach.
I turned to Angela . I didn't even have to ask as I slipped behind her, mirroring my work over her beautiful brown skin. I admired how my pale white skin contrasted against hers. I slipped around the front of her and worked her forearms, and hands. Her response to my ministrations was dramatic in comparison to Masters stoic appreciation. I worked my way up her tummy to her breasts where I no longer massaged muscles but large, beautiful orbs of exquisite tan sexuality. She looked me in the eye the whole time. It intimidated me and I kissed her on the cheek as I withdrew to the middle of the tub and knelt toward my master in the tangle of our feet.
As I worked over their muscles in the steamy water, they conversed about lots of things, masters work, Angela's schooling . We talked about how I met Master and how he learned to be a Dominant. It was relaxed and comfortable.
The tangle of feet aside, kneeling in shallow water is fun. It opens up so many seductive options with its supportive weightlessness. I leaned back and let my nipples stick out of the water. When I wasn't paying attention Master flicked one with his finger and I yelped out loud. It embarrassed me. Angela splashed water in his face and we all laughed.
The water was getting warm and Master told me to get our towels. I stepped out and brought an open towel to the tub. Master led Angela out and I wrapped it around her. I was freezing. I dried Masters body but before I finished he picked up a towel and wrapped it around me. I dried myself. The room was warm but I was still cold. I stepped to the bed and drew the covers back, kneeling on the floor beside it.
Angela bounced up on the bed and spoke to Master. "Jon, can Stephanie come up on the bed?"
"If you like." he responded. I crawled up into the bed.
Angela and I were sprawled on the soft, clean sheets of the bed. The room was still lit only by candles. The TV had been turned off. The only sounds were ours and distant waves. Our hair was wet. If it weren't for the looming presence of my Master I would have curled up next to Stephanie and fallen sleep, but Master returned.
He brought my leash and a handful of long, thick white cotton ropes. Be tossed the leash to Angela. She was awkward as she fumbled to clip it on my collar, but I suspected a lot more awkward was coming for both of us.
Master asked Angela, "Do you want to see how intense it can get?"
She didn't answer for a moment, and when she did it came out soft and quiet. I had a nagging angst as I wondered where this would go. "For who?" She asked.
"That depends on you."
She swallowed hard and didn't say anything.
"What do to want?" He asked.
I could see was processing. She looked at me as if she wanted advice. She swallowed hard.
"Stephanie is so beautiful and you two are so close. I want to talk to her if you don't mind."
"Okay." He jerked my chain and I crawled fast to the edge of the bed and knelt before him, spreading my thighs wide facing him, palms turned up and resting on my thighs, eyes resting on his feet.
She crawled across the bed and sat on the edge next to me. Master was directly in front of us. "Stephanie, I need to know what you think." I was confused. I looked up at her while she continued. "I'm scared, but I want to know how you feel, you know, first hand."
I couldn't help smiling as I admired her honesty and her courage.. Master watched us. I responded. "You don't need me for that Angela. I think that would be beautiful, but are you sure? You've seen so little."
She nodded. "I don't know if I'm sure. Jon, I mean, your Master," she looked up at him and turned away quickly, "he's so..." She paused searching for words.
I interrupted. "He's a good Master who knows how to reach me. He's a good man. I love him and I adore you. If there is something you want, just ask. If you are worried about hurting me, don't. I am his and what pleases him, pleases me." It felt really weird having this conversation with him standing naked a foot away.
I took her hand and held it for a moment, then with a gentle squeeze I placed her hand on Masters chest. She looked up at him. He stood like a statue, beautiful and silent.
Angela left her hand there as she looked up at him. "Jon, would you teach me?
"Teach you what?" He asked.
She thought for a moment. "Teach me how to serve you?"
Master thought for a moment of his own. "There are a lot of things we both have to learn before I can even consider something like that, but what I will do is start making sure you know what you're asking. Get on your knees." He commanded.
She hesitated, looking me over and then seemed to realize she ought to be moving. She shifted her knees under her. Master took her hands and placed them palm down on her thighs then grabbed the hair behind her head and tilted her head down before speaking again.
"Angela, you've only seen a little of what my relationship with this slave is like. Our sessions can be much more intense, and much longer than what you've seen tonight." He leaned down and put his face next to her ear. "And much, much more painful." He stood again. "How can I be confident that you are serious when we've only known each other a day?"
She paused a long while before answering. She started to look up but he pushed her head back down. "I don't know about the pain. I'm afraid, but I've been watching you two, or really watching Stephanie." She stopped for a moment. "I've never seen trust like hers. I don't think I want to be a slave but I want to feel like she feels."
I was gushing inside. I wanted to embrace her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted Master to want her and I wanted her next to me.
Master must have been reading my mind. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face. Her hand was still on his chest and I wanted desperately to see the expression on her face, but Masters eyes were drilling into mine as he spoke.
"Slave. What do you think about all of this?"
"Master, I live for your pleasure. I only want you happy."
"Bullshit." The word hit me like a slap on the face. "I know you are devoted. I know your love for me and I love you, but you have desires. What she's asking may become serious someday. Are you willing to take that risk?"
Doubts and questions flooded my mind. He held my face with his hand but his eyes gripped my soul. He was right, of course. I thought about Angela. My warmth for her had grown so fast, but I had no doubt of her sincerity. She was amazing.
I thought about Master. Every fear I ever had of him had turned into love and trust as the fears proved unfounded. I let the thoughts run through my mind, afraid to speak too quickly. Hints of jealousy washed over me. My heart pounded in my chest, but I knew my fear was not rational. Excitement of the novelty of having a sister enveloped me, but the reality of how difficult life can be in a relationship checked my emotions up.
I turned to look at her. Her hair was messy. She was gorgeous kneeling next to me. That aroused me. I reached to her and placed my hand gently on the back of her head. She turned to me and the expression of sincerity mixed with fear, lust and whatever other complexity drew me to her.
I looked at Master. "I've never met anyone like her, Master. She knows what she wants and she is not naive. I think she would make a perfect sister to me and I believe she will bring even more beauty into our lives. I know you will make good decisions for me."
Master listened and thought. He lifted her chin, holding both of our faces up to him. "Then we'll just see how it goes. I am not promising anything to either of you but I'll accept your request Angela. You'll have to earn my trust and I will earn yours."
He bent over putting his face close to hers.
"This will not be easy for you girl. Your training starts tonight."
She looked up at him and swallowed hard, "Yes, yes..."
"Sir" he finished for her. "You will call me Sir. You are not my slave. You are my submissive. You are sisters and you will address each other as your sister. Your name does not exist Angela. You are my girl, Stephanie is my slave."
I almost giggled. He was on a roll.
My heart leapt at the thought of having her as my sister.
Master continued, "We will have details to work out, but for now you two had best put the rest of the world aside. Tonight, this is your world."
I love it when he gets like that.
Master took a rope, fastened it into a loop around her neck, loose and secure. She didn't move. He jerked down. It took a moment but she got on her hands and knees. He dropped her leash and took mine, almost dragging me off of the bed to sit in the chair. My heart sank but I didn't let it show.
He returned to her and took up her leash. He jerked upward. She thought for a moment and then returned to her knees. He pulled up so that the rope strained against her neck until she rose up off of her haunches. Concentration on my sisters face was a gorgeous thing.
"If you can't take what you're going through, you can tell me to stop, but I warn you, if you ask me to stop, I will stop completely. I will assume you have changed your mind and you will be free to go. You'll be free to stay too, but I will not force you to do something you don't want. Do you understand?"
She nodded, he pulled the rope toward him until she lost her balance. She struggled but she regained it.
Answer me with Yes Sir."
She answered, "Yes Sir."
I was fascinated watching them.
"Do you understand that you are free to go?" He asked.
"Yes Sir."
Do you want to go?"
"No Sir"
"Are you afraid to be bound?"
"No Sir, I mean, Yes Sir, I'm afraid but..."
He interrupted her. "Do you accept my control and will you submit?"
"Yes Sir."
She was awesome. She glanced at me. I smiled. Her face showed her nerves.
Master took her leash and dragged her backward until she fell with a soft shriek onto her back on the bed He bound her wrists together in front of her, then went to his bag and dumped it on the table. A massive pile of coiled rope fell out, as well as a few items I hoped my new sister wouldn't see, at least until Master chose for her to. In her current state that wasn't much of a concern.
He returned to her with more ropes and dropped them on her belly. She looked a little wide eyed as Master took my leash and led me onto the bed.
"Kneel over your sister's face." His voice was deep and commanding.
I complied. My knees were on each side of her head. I was facing her legs. My pussy hovered directly over her face. I awaited further commands. Between my breasts I could see her chest. She was breathing hard, obviously nervous but there was nothing I could do for her now. Sisters fate was His.
Master took the pillows from the head of the bed. With his hand under her ass he directed her to lift her ass and he shoved pillows under her until her ass was a good foot off of the bed. He spread her legs, deliberately placing them as wide as they could go.
She looked so vulnerable. I was intoxicated by all that I witnessed.
Master went to the table and spoke over his shoulder. "Girl, have you ever had anything in your ass?" It was point blank. Her body tensed.
Her reply was tentative. "No... No Sir."
"Do you object?" He asked.
She didn't respond right away. Her body remained tense.
"Do you object?" He repeated.
""No Sir." She sounded like she was almost in tears.
I leaned forward. I couldn't see her eyes. I knew I needed to let go and submit myself to the fact that Master was in control. Somehow that was easier when it was just me. I forced myself to breath slow and deep.
Master came over with the almond oil and a large, heavy, steel butt plug which I was very familiar with.
He looked at sister. "I was not prepared to have a virgin ass here with me tonight, but since you delayed in answering me I have a special treat for you. Your will know who owns your ass by the time we're through."
She didn't waste time in answering him, at all. "Yes Sir."
Master laid the heavy plug between her tits as he tied ropes to her legs just above her knees. The tag ends of these he slung across the bed and attached them to the feet under the head of the bed with an ingenious knot which allows him to adjust the length easily, and yet remains secure. I've never been able to get one to give, but Master does. He adjusted the tension so that her legs were spread wide apart and held up in the air. I could see her beautiful brown pussy and I wondered what torment I might witness, or endure.
Master held the plug over her face. "Kiss it."
She did.
He told her to lick it. She did.
He told her, "This isn't going to be easy. I want you to relax and take your time. If it hurts, I want you to tell me immediately."
"Yes Sir." She whispered.
Master took ahold of my leash and with his hand on my hip, guided my crotch down onto her face. My pussy was on her mouth and I could feel her nose pushing against the bud of my ass hole. Her breast heaved with her labored breathing. Stress was overtaking her.
Master spoke softly, "Relax girl, you are safe. I'll take care of you. Your sister will tell me if something is wrong." It helped. She settled down a bit.
Master pulled the rope on her neck down and draped it by her feet.
"Lick your sisters pussy, girl." He said and he pulled the rope leash unexpectedly, making her face press into my crotch. As she realized the command was for her, she slowly snaked her tongue out and I felt it press into the pink folds of my labia. My legs were spread wide and it was difficult to keep my balance as my body reacted to her first touches. I wondered how she felt with her nose nuzzled into my ass crack.
Master took the bottle of oil and poured oil onto her slit until it was pooling in the depressions. She jumped as it hit her and let out a muffled sound. Master carefully rubbed the vicious steel plug over her slit, and pressed it into her pussy. My sisters hips strained as it entered her and I could feel her moan into my pussy. I began to work my hips back and forth over her mouth as I watched Master pump the long plug into her cunt. It was a lovely thing to watch.
Master pulled it out and slid it down further until it was touching her anus. Her moaning was near constant and every sound was synchronized with his movements, but they stopped as she felt the pressure on her back door.
Master held it there with firm pressure, swirling it gently. I could tell he was taking his time and being very careful with her virgin ass but I knew the pressure would be relentless. Such was his way.
I couldn't concentrate on her licking me as the scene played out before me. Master started coaching her.
"Try to relax your ass girl." Surprisingly I heard her murmur from between my pussy lips, "Yes Sir."
"Breathe," he reminded her. She sucked in a deep breath through her nose. "Breathe and try to let your muscles relax. Let it in. I won't hurry but your ass is going to remember me girl."
As she breathed out again he pushed it in further. She whimpered in response. This continued for a long time with him coaching, and slowly working the large plug into her. After some time I noticed that she was not licking me anymore. Master noticed to.
"Why have you stopped girl?" And her mouth began to work on me again.
As she adjusted to the girth of the plug, her ass expanded past the thickest portion. It slid inside her fairly quickly after that and she lifted her face into me, screaming softly in pleasure or maybe even pain as it sunk to the hilt. Master smiled and backed away to admire his handy work while the erotic atmosphere grew. I suddenly became aware that she was licking my pussy furiously and my legs nearly collapsed. I fell forward onto my hands, looking down at hers bound on her belly.
Master rubbed the back of my head and then grabbed my hair and pushed me down into the cunt in front of me. I knew what to do as the slick almond oil smeared on my face and I began to lick her with ferocity matching what I felt on my steaming pussy.
Master climbed on the bed behind me and stated flatly. "You may not cum without permission girl. Your orgasm is mine."
She broke away from my pussy. "Yes Sir." And returned to her work.
I felt oils on the crack of my ass and his finger rubbing against my own ass hole. I knew she could be watching every one of these actions. I concentrated on pleasuring her and relaxing my ass. I didn't want to make her cum. I wanted to prolong it and spare her at the same time.
Master grabbed my hips and lifted until I felt his cock slide inside me and then I felt his thumb pressing into my ass as he began to fuck me slowly.
I pushed back against him, trying not to pull away from my sister as she was struggling enough to lick me. Every time her tongue hit my clit it was like a shock and I knew I would cum soon if I wasn't careful. I tried for permission.
"Master, may your slave cum for you?"
"Cum slave, and let your sister clean your cunt afterward "
"Oh yes Master, as you wish," but in having been given permission it was like my body heard him and suddenly a wave of ecstasy washed through my pussy and I nearly collapsed as I moaned. "Master, thank yooouuu,"
When I cum, my pussy gushes my nectar in quantity I heard my sister struggling under me. I lifted myself up but Master, his thumb still pressed into my ass, pushed me back down. I also sank my face back into her pussy and began to tongue fuck her, swirling my tongue around and penetrating her as deep as my tongue could go. The edge of the steel plug in her ass pushed in my nose painfully. I adjusted my head to the side and focused on her clit for a moment, switching between sucking and flicking my tongue over every inch of her sweetness. Her hips pressed up into my face.
Master pulled his cock out of me and I felt cum drizzle out of me. The only place it could go was all over my sisters face I felt for her, but I smiled, thinking, 'welcome to the family.'
Not surprisingly, she handled it well. Master knelt behind me and watched her. I felt him reaching between our bodies and manipulating her breasts which just combined to make her writhe against her restraints with little whimpering screams of pleasure, or maybe pain.
It must have been pain since Masters voice broke the spell. "Bite her lips slave."
Oh shit, I thought. If I bit too hard I'd hurt her badly, but if I bit too soft master would know because she wouldn't react. I sucked her already swollen lips into my mouth and pinched them between my teeth but it wasn't hard enough. I pinched harder and she yelped.
Whew, that was good.
She yelped again, and I knew Master was pinching her nipples.
With no warning I felt master pulling my leash, my smooth golden collar spinning on my neck as he pulled me back to kneel above her.
"Go get the pink one," he said. The pink one was a large, thick dildo with a really strong vibe. The head was pretty damn big. It stretched me every time.
I complied, quickly crawling to the edge of the bed I trotted to the table where the pink one was nestled among the ropes. As I brought it back I received further direction.
"Fuck her."
I had a flash of anxiety for my sister. That butt plug plus this dildo was an all consuming sensation, and with Master directing, there was little chance that I would be able to moderate how she received it.
Sister was already in trouble. She had been restrained for a long time. I looked over the places where rope was attached. Master had left them loose. The only points where it appeared that they were sinking into her flesh was where the most pressure was against her lower thigh.
Her body was writhing. And she was breathing very hard, but the sounds she was making spoke of deep pleasure.
I placed the head of the dildo at her entrance and pushed. Her pussy resisted but as it plunged past the entrance she screamed out, "Oh fuck that thing is huge."
Master knelt with her head between his thighs, watching me. His smile showed approval of both my obedience and her reaction.
"Turn it on." He growled.
I twisted the base and the vicious vibrator hummed to life. I pushed it in slowly until it would go no further and held it there for a moment before withdrawing it. I pressed it into her again. Her pussy looked abused as it impaled her. The amount of pussy juice practically squirting out of her blew me away.
Master grabbed her tits roughly, squeezing them, then pinched her nipples. She squealed. He pinched and pulled and twisted and she grit her teeth against the pain.
When her nipples looked swollen and erect, Master had a satisfied look on his face. Sisters face had a cum covered look of ecstasy. He turned around and knelt with his cock hanging toward her face and pushed it slowly and forcefully between her jaws. She sucked him like a starving animal. Every breath that left her body came out with a moan.
As Master pulled his cock out if his mouth he spoke. "You may not cum girl."
She gurgled, "Yes Sir." And the cock plunged between her lips.
When he pulled it out of her he asked, "Do you want to cum without permission?"
"No Sir." She groaned. He took his long cock in his hand and slapped her across the cheek with it on both sides.
"Our relationship will require honesty, girl. Do you want to cum?"
"Yes Sir."
"You may not."
She groaned. "Yes Sir." But watching her body told me she must be very, very close.
The thick shaft of flesh thrust into her mouth. I timed a thrust of the pink dildo with it. She writhed with a long, moaning scream.
Master held his cool inside her mouth. She gagged. He backed it off a little but kept it there. She was moaning into his cock.
"Do you want to cum girl?"
Her mouth was full. She tried to answer but she couldn't. She nodded her head, and I can only imagine that her eyes showed desperation. Master fucked her face and then pulled out. He wrapped his fist around his dick and began to masturbate furiously over her face.
I knew she was going to cum. No matter what happened, she was going to cum.
Master pumped his cock and after a moment I guessed that he too was going to cum yet again. I prepared myself for a clandestine action of my own, suspecting that I knew what was about to happen.
I was right. Master said, "Cum girl." And the second he said it I planted my face on her clit without permission, driving the pink dildo deep into her. I sucked and flicked at her large clit and her orgasm exploded on the toy.
I looked up, and caught glimpses of my Masters cum hitting her under her chin. Master stroked his cock until every drop had spewed onto her face. Meanwhile, Angela was literally screaming in orgasm. She was pushing and pulling her hip in every direction. Her bound hands flailed and her legs strained against the ropes.
Her orgasm went on forever. Master moved from over her and she was still cumming as I fucked her.
When she finally finished, it was like every muscle in her body slowly turned to putty.
I asked Master if I could clean her. I pulled out the pink one and quickly licked her pussy clean, all along her thighs, her slit and down her sopping ass crack, but my job was not done.
Master was untying her wrists. As I crawled up to her. I started with her tits where little spurts of my Masters seed had landed and licked each one into my mouth, savoring the tangy flavor and the silky texture that I loved. I licked her neck clean as she lay exhausted, still whimpering softly. I licked her cheeks clean, a drop right next to her eye, and a little off of her nose.
I saved the best for last as I planted my lips on hers, sucking Masters delicious cum off her lips and kissing her. I'm not sure I ever had a deeper more heartfelt kiss as she kissed me back. I felt deeply content and happy. This weekend had been a miracle.
I stayed there, caressing her hair and brushing it out of her face. We said nothing. She just stared into my eyes as I held her head and kissed her. I knew her sensations weren't through and I wanted to be with her for what came next.
Master tugged on the butt plug. I knew that would feel intense as her ass had held it in for too long and her asshole had to expand over the thick part for it to exit. She strained and I whispered, "Breathe, little sister. Just let yourself relax." I kissed her and she gasped as the plug exited her. She squirmed. I knew the intense, hot sensation she felt as her butt tried to remember what life had been like before Master took ownership of it.
I turned to Master. "Master, may your slave and her sister rest?"
He had a warm, loving look on his face as he turned his attention to freeing her legs. "Yes my dear. Please rest. Help your sister recover."
He freed her legs and she rolled off of the pillows with a flop. She curled up in a ball next to me and I rubbed the places where the ropes had buried themselves in her thighs. I knew how good it felt to be freed as the blood rushes into areas where the rope had been tied. I knew how good it felt when Master did this for me.
Master came to us and rubbed the other leg and leaned down to kiss Angela. She sprang to life but he held her down and kissed her deeply. She settled and I could feel relaxation wash over her.
After a long kiss, Master spoke to her in the softest tone I think he has in his soul. "You did very well girl." He brushed hair from her cheek. "Few girls could have handled what you've been through in their first session. I am very, very pleased."
He turned to me as I watched gratitude spread over sisters face. "Yes Sir," she whispered, "Thank you Sir. May I have another?"
Masters eyes went wide. He turned back to her and she gave him a huge smile as the humor of it sank in.
Master laughed out loud. "You may girl, but spare yourself tonight."
He returned to me. "And you, my slave, will be rewarded for your performance. I love you."
I absolutely melted. Tears welled up in my eyes.
"Thank you Master, may I have another?"
He smiled and said. "You may. I love you."
He stood up and tended to things in the room. My beautiful, brave sister and I curled up together with our arms around each other.
That was the last thing I remembered.
I woke up still tangled up in sister. I looked up at her and she was awake. Concern shown in her eyes. She spoke quietly as I realized Master was behind her, sleeping in the bed. "Stephanie, have I hurt you?"
I answered, "I'm your sister. Stephanie is not my name for you. And no, you've made me very happy. My wildest dreams wouldn't have been this good." I looked straight at her. "And I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it. No fronts. If you choose to continue, we are family, as best we can be."
She reacted to the thought of a choice. "I don't know how it will work but I don't want to leave."
"Talk to Master. I'm sure he will have answers."
As the morning progressed, he did have answers. We ordered room service and ate breakfast while we all talked. She needed to have her life. Master was clear on that, but she was always welcome in our home. He established some ground rules for her to keep in contact with him in her absence. She only lived an hour away, so that was a good thing. She could, (more like would,) spend weekends and other free time with us when possible and Master would train her, teaching her how to live as a submissive.
He made her schooling her priority and while he thought he might have advice he did not want to impact her choices other than to give that advice if she wanted it.
It became a comfortable plan for both of them and while she could see that he would be a huge, dominant presence in her life, she still had all the things she loved about her life available. For my part I was happy and excited about the future. I could see that the life I loved was not compromised by her presence. It was enhanced and beautified.
I was also in absolute awe of how my Master had orchestrated this weekend.
We spent part of the day at the beach and when we parted my sister broke out in tears. I was alarmed until I realized that it was happiness and intensity overcoming her. I knew that feeling well and for the first time in my life I had a chance to share that part of my world. | literotica |
Title: DownStairs 1 - An Introduction by Stilghar
Tags: Anal, Bear, Gay, Leopard, M/M, Oral, Orgy, Wolf
(This story is ©Stilghar/Wolf Starchaser, 2003. This story contains graphic descriptions of nonhuman males engaged in homosexual acts. If this offends you, or if you are not of legal age to view such materials, go do something constructive instead. All named characters are ©Stilghar/Wolf Starchaser. Resemblance of any unnamed character to any copyrighted character is unintentional, or appearance was used with permission. Please direct all compliments and constructive criticism to [[email protected]](https://www.sofurry.com/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection), or to Stilghar on Furnet (formerly Yiffnet) IRC. Flamers will be laughed at and have their e-mail addresses blocked and sold to spammers and script kiddies. Use protection.) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
So this wolf walks into a bar...
Okay, so it's not much of a start. This is my first attempt at writing a raw spooge story. Gimme a break.
The bar was the Staircase, a fairly successful gay bar named, most furs assumed, for the huge staircase that connected the upper level dance floor to the main area on the ground floor. The wolf was Stephen, a rather handsome male who was showing off much of his white-furred, well-toned body with a muscle shirt cut well above the navel and a pair of denim cutoffs that left very little to the imagination. He wore no shoes; few furs did during the warm spring and summer months. He was also one of a few, maybe a tenth of the furs in the crowd tonight, that knew about the other staircase.
The Staircase was moderately busy tonight, with males of various races cruising, dancing, drinking, laughing, and generally enjoying the music and each other's company. The DJ was playing classic rock tonight, which suited Stephen just fine. After a short wait in line at the bar, Stephen wandered into the common area, stiff drink in his paw, singing along with the music and scanning the crowd. It didn't take him long to spot a familiar fur, and he altered his course slightly for the leopard's table. He proceeded slowly, enjoying the view of his handsome friend in his tank top and cargo shorts. Approaching quietly to avoid drawing attention, Stephen managed to get close behind his "prey". Sliding his paws under the feline's shirt, he pinched his friend's nipples gently, and nipped playfully at one ear before announcing himself. "Heya, Hot Spots, how's it going?"
The leopard was slightly startled, but recovered quickly. "Hey, fuzzybutt, fancy meeting you here tonight. What's with this outfit? Looks like you're in one of your 'moods'."
Stephen took a seat across the table from his friend and his grin turned wicked. "I am," he replied. "I don't know if it's the full moon, or if it's just been too long, or what, but I'm planning on getting sleeeeeeazy tonight." His voice dropped into a low murring tone the leopard instantly recognized, and "Hot Spots" answered with a leer of his own. "But I'll get to that later. Or maybe I should say, 'we'. In any case, how've you been, Lenny? I haven't seen you in a while."
Lenny's smile turned a bit strained and he took a large swig of his own drink. "I've been better," he said blandly, and motioned for the waiter. The raccoon sauntered over, took Lenny's order with a smile, and proceeded back to the bar.
Stephen's expression turned serious. "What's the matter, buddy?" Lenny sighed and tried to look away, but Stephen's concerned face and beautiful blue eyes held him.
It didn't take long for Lenny to give up. "Aww, hell. Misery loves company. You know that panther I've been seeing lately?" Stephen nodded, and Lenny went on. "Well, it turns out he's a married male- to a fem, with kids even. Bastard was just using me to get back at something his wife did. I was just a warm hole that he wasn't married to, and male to boot, just to piss off his wife. I didn't bother to get the whole story. Fucker strung me along for months; hells, I thought he was Mr. Perfect...." Lenny's voice started to break, and Stephen put his paw over his friend's and gave a gentle squeeze.
"Hey, buddy, you okay?" Stephen asked seriously. Lenny looked at his friend and took the wolf's paw into his.
"Yeah, man, I'm fine, or I will be, eventually. I'm sorry to dump my personal problems on you..."
Stephen interrupted. "Don't apologize, Leonard, I *did* ask. You know you can dump on me anytime. That's what friends are for, right?" The raccoon returned with Lenny's drink, but the wolf stopped his friend when he reached for his money. "This one's on me, bud," Stephen said, and paid the waiter himself.
"Thanks, man," Lenny said gratefully, then cracked another smile. "Maybe I need to get a little sleazy too, with the right furs this time, and for the right reason." The leopard massaged his friend's paw gently, and Stephen grinned.
"Feel like going Downstairs? " the wolf asked.
Lenny's grin turned lusty and his eyes shone. "Let me finish this drink," he answered, "and I'll be right behind you...or in front, or on top...hells, maybe all of the above, and then some!"
The pair quickly downed their drinks, stood, and walked together towards a fairly unoccupied area of the club. A bouncer was standing watch there, a huge Grizzly, nearly seven feet tall unshod, which, like most of the patrons and other employees alike, he was. He wore only faded jeans, tight in the seat and crotch, and his bare bear chest rippled with muscle under the fur. His face, while calm, spoke louder than words that he would harbor no foolishness in the club on his watch. "Heya, Big Mikey," Stephen greeted the huge bear.
Big Mikey's eyebrow quirked and his muzzle turned into a barely perceptible smile. "Hiya, Steve. Hey, Lenny," the bear rumbled in a deep bass that could literally shake the walls if he let it-and there had been times he'd had to. "Going DownStairs tonight?"
Stephen and Lenny both nodded, and Mike led them towards a small counter in a darkened corner of the vast common room. Mike stepped behind the counter and held out his paw. "I need to see 'em before I can let ya in, Boss's rule."
"We understand," Lenny replied, as both he and Stephen fished in their pockets for what the bear wanted. They each pulled out and placed into the bear's huge paw a plastic card, roughly the size of a credit card, with a small dark square in the center. Mike placed one of these into a slot on the countertop, and looked at Lenny. The leopard placed his thumb on the counter next to the card, and a small light on the countertop flashed green. Lenny took back his card, and Stephen went through this process as well. Mike's smile widened a bit as he did something with the console and the artfully concealed door opened in the wall behind him.
Lenny went through this door first, but Stephen stopped and turned to face the huge bouncer. "What time do you get off tonight, big guy?"
Mike grinned down at the shorter wolf. "My shift ends in about fifteen minutes," the massive grizzly rumbled. "As to when I get off, I guess that depends on the situation DownStairs. Now get outta here, I can't keep this door open long." Stephen flashed the bear a grin, thanked him, and headed through the door, closing it softly behind him.
The secret door opened into a narrow staircase, leading down into the building's basement. About halfway down the steps stood Lenny, with an odd expression on his muzzle. "Flirting with Mikey? The first time you came here, you were scared to go near him."
Stephen chuckled. "That was before my first time down here." The pair both laughed and continued down the stairs.
The staircase ended in a wider area that resembled a locker room, with rows of small lockers. Most of the lockers were the standard small lockers found in gyms everywhere, but with an electronic lock with a small display and a card slot designed to accommodate the cards they'd used to gain entry into the area known as DownStairs. Stephen selected a locker whose display read "UNUSED", placed his card into the slot and pressed his thumb against the small print scanner on the lock. There was a small beep, and the locker popped open. Stephen placed his keys and wallet into it, and started to remove his shirt.
"Don't," Lenny purred softly, placing a paw over his friend's. "I want to do that myself...inside." Stephen grinned and closed his locker, looking to make sure the lock held his card securely until he released the lock with his thumbprint, while Lenny secured his valuables in another. The two males embraced, pulling one another into a passionate kiss that lasted quite some time. They finally broke the kiss, and smiled lustily at one another.
"Let's go see who's doing what to who down here," Stephen murred.
Lenny agreed excitedly, and the two went arm-in-arm through the wide door in the far end of the locker room, into what most patrons of the lower facility called "the Hub". This large, semicircular room was comfortably furnished, with several large couches and many thick, decadent-looking pillows scattered about. Occupying these at the moment were perhaps some twenty-odd male furs of various races, all of them nude, aroused, and enjoying one another's company to put it mildly. One golden retriever, in particular, was having a great deal of fun with the wolf behind him, the fox beneath him, and the tabby cat in his muzzle. Another group consisted of a large, handsome rottweiler and a tiger wearing a cowboy hat, a rainbow bandanna around his neck, and nothing else; their performance had earned them a sizable crowd of onlookers and several wet stains in their fur, none of which they seemed to mind. Small tables were scattered about almost randomly, each bearing an assortment of various lubricants, flavored and unflavored, as well a few toys here and there. A large-screen TV dominated one wall, displaying a film of other males engaged in similar activity, to which several of the patrons pleasured themselves or each other while watching. Several doors in the wall around the room led off to other rooms, some of which offered privacy, or more elaborate equipment for various assorted kinks. One wall had a small bar, which served drinks and snacks to furs not otherwise occupied, or seeking a break from the festivities. A slender, wiry fox in a very skimpy speedo tended bar. Currently, he had no customers, and he watched the activities in the center of the room with obvious interest. His speedo had long since failed to hide his erection, and he sat on a stool behind the bar, stroking himself slowly. He smiled at the two newcomers, and waved hello. "Hey, guys, nice to see ya, even if I'm not seeing all of ya yet." The fox's leer was shameless, and he continued his slow masturbation as he greeted Stephen and Lenny. "Can I get ya anything?"
Stephen returned the fox's grin lecherously. "No thanks, Todd, looks like you've got your paws full already. Careful there, you know your boss won't like it if he sees you with cum in your fur while you're on duty."
Todd's grin got even wider. "Don't worry, I can always find a willing recipient whenever I'm ready to shoot."
Stephen laughed, then turned to the leopard on his arm. "In here, Hot Spots, or do you want to take it private?"
Lenny looked to his lupine companion and began to lead him to the nearest couch. "In here, fuzzybutt. I want an audience for this."
The two gravitated to the couch, and began kissing again. Their tongues danced, their mouths making soft noises of pleasure. They embraced, paws roaming freely. Lenny slid his paws underneath Stephen's shirt, running his fingers through the wolf's soft, white fur, sliding the shirt up slowly to reveal the broad chest barely hidden by the thin fabric. Stephen busied himself by pulling up on Lenny's tank top, sliding one paw up the cat's slender stomach and the other down into his shorts.
Lenny did not fail to notice this rather direct act by his friend. "Already going for the gold, are we?" he laughed. "I hate to interrupt, but at least let me get this shirt off you before you go any farther." Stephen smiled back and held up his arms, allowing the leopard to slide the shirt off over his head. The garment was tossed aside with a negligent flip, and Lenny took a moment to admire his friend's build. "Damn, but you're hot, Steve," the cat purred.
This remark caused Stephen to giggle and strike a bodybuilder's pose, muscles visibly moving beneath the fur. He was rewarded with some applause from the other males in the room, as well as a few rather lewd suggestions, most of which he'd already intended to do anyway.
"You're a ham," Lenny laughed. "Now stand still and let me finish stripping you." With a sensual slowness, the leopard stepped closer to his friend and teasingly undid the wolf's top button. Stephen watched his friend work, the bulge in his shorts growing more prominent as the leopard's paws came close to his crotch. Lenny slowed his pace, taking his time and carefully undoing each button of the wolf's fly. He then leaned forward, burying his nose in the fur just above the wolf's waistline, as he reached around to undo the button on the tail flap. With all fasteners undone, Lenny slowly slid the skimpy shorts down, revealing to all present his wolf buddy's fully erect and throbbing seven-inch maleness. "Hot damn," the leopard purred, "does this thing ever go down?"
"Not without a good reason, Hot Spots," the wolf replied. "But now it's my turn to strip you." Stephen kicked his shorts aside and pulled his friend back to his feet, stripping off the tank top. Casting it aside, he caught his friend in a tight embrace, murring softly as their bodies touched fur to fur. Stephen kissed his friend hotly, sliding his paws down to the waistband of the Lenny's shorts. The catch on the tail flap was no obstacle, and soon both males stood totally nude, to the great appreciation of the others in the room. They continued the embrace for some time, kissing and rubbing their bodies and their cocks against each other, smearing their precum over the organs and into their fur.
Stephen stepped back, grinning lustily at his buddy. "So what do you want, Hot Spots?"
Lenny looked thoughtful for a moment, then glanced downward and purred. "First, I wanna suck you off," he answered, guiding the wolf backwards to sit on the couch. "Then I want to fuck you cross-eyed, spooge all over you, and lay back and watch you have your fun for a while. Finally, I want you to bend me over, fuck me silly, and tie to me with that thick knot of yours."
Stephen laughed, and rubbed a paw over Lenny's ears, scritching them gently. "You know what I like, don't ya, kitty?"
Lenny replied to this with a kiss, then proceeded to lick and nuzzle his way down the wolf's wiry body, giving special attention to the areas he knew were most sensitive to touch. He spent quite some time nibbling on his partner's nipples, eliciting a moan from the wolf squirming pleasurably beneath him. Eventually, Lenny made his way down to Stephen's crotch, and gently wrapped the fingers of one paw around the erect shaft, which was by now oozing pre freely.
Stephen smiled down at his friend. "Go on, Lenny. Stroke it, suck it, whatever you want."
Lenny squeezed the wolf's shaft firmly, making his friend yelp. "Don't rush me," he chided with a smile. "I want to make sure I get this right." He then proceeded to lick his friend's shaft like a lollipop, before sliding his muzzle over the wolf's throbbing rod to deliver a blowjob of the highest order.
It wasn't long at all before Stephen, excited by the thick scent of male arousal in the room and the sight of the handsome leopard going down on him, clenched his teeth together and grasped at the couch cushions, grunting out his orgasm. Lenny purred around the twitching, throbbing shaft in his muzzle, hoping to enhance the sensations even as he eagerly swallowed as much of his friend's love-juices as he could. Pulling his muzzle off the slick shaft slowly, Lenny grinned teasingly up at the wolf. "That didn't take long," he teased.
Stephen soon regained his breath, and cupped his friend's chin gently in a paw. "That was just Round One, sexy," he replied before leaning down and kissing his friend passionately. There was a round of applause from the pawful of other males who had watched the display of skillful fellatio on Lenny's part, the loudest from behind the couch. Breaking the kiss, Stephen looked up into the face of Mike as the bear smiled down at him over the back of the couch. "Hi there," he said up to the huge bear.
"Hi yourself," rumbled the huge grizzly, his muzzle split by a mischievous grin. His thick paw slid down Stephen's shoulder to massage the wolf's chest with a surprisingly gentle touch. "Did I miss anything?"
"Just the shortest blowjob I've ever given in my life," quipped Lenny, who was sliding his paw up the inside of Stephen's thigh to poke a finger gently at his friend's tailhole.
Stephen responded by pinching the leopard's ear a bit firmly. "You know I shoot quick the first time if I'm really excited," the wolf replied. "Besides, no male alive could last long in that hot muzzle of yours."
"Flattery has already gotten you everywhere with me, handsome," said Lenny with a laugh, "but feel free to dispense it all the same."
Mike couldn't resist a laugh at the bantering. "So what's next on the agenda?" the bear asked.
Lenny, meanwhile, had slowly been working a finger into Stephen's ass, pushing and twisting it gently. Stephen responded to this by spreading his legs wider to allow the leopard better access. "I'm gonna get fucked but good," the wolf answered, then glanced up at the bear again, grinning wickedly. "Maybe more than once."
Mike murred, a rumble that came from somewhere deep within his thick ursine chest. "That's a very real possibility, cutie."
Lenny purred softly, smiling at the two other males. "At least let me get him stretched out a bit," he joked, sliding a second finger into the wolf's tight hole slowly, causing the wolf to moan a bit. "That monstrous meat of yours could tear him apart!"
"It didn't last time," Mike replied, standing to his full height and laying the meat in question over the back of the couch. The bear's cock was already hard, its eleven-inch length thick and ridged with crisscrossing veins, the rounded tip oozing precum. Stephen turned to gaze at the organ, and grinned lustily, his tongue reaching out to tease the thick shaft.
"Let's move this to the floor," Mike suggested, "if you guys don't mind. The back of this couch is just gonna get in the way." The other two males heartily agreed, and the threesome moved over to a pile of thick cushions on the floor. Stephen laid himself out like a willing sacrifice, arms and legs spread wide and a wicked smile on his muzzle.
Lenny couldn't resist a giggle. "Silly wuff," he laughed, then sank to his knees and, with a bottle of lubricant from a nearby table, resumed his finger-probe beneath the white wolf's tail.
Mike also went to his knees, facing the other two males, with his immense cock within easy reach of Steve's tongue. He pressed down on the base of his sheath, angling his huge meat down towards the wolf's waiting muzzle, and was very soon rewarded for his efforts by the sensation of the end of his rod being licked and massaged by Stephen's lips.
Lenny purred softly as he watched his friend begin to fellate the huge bear, and his fingers twisted and probed teasingly, eliciting a pleasurable squirm and a soft moan that came out around the half of Mike's dick that Stephen had drawn into his muzzle.
The bear grinned at Lenny wickedly. "Make him moan again, that feels good." Lenny complied eagerly, his free paw squeezing the wolf's scrotum gently, and watched the hunky bear's reactions as Steve moaned louder.
The wolf worked as much of Mike's immense cock into his muzzle as he could manage, and bobbed his head up and down the thick shaft, massaging it with his tongue and the muscles of his throat.
Lenny's eyes went a bit wide as he watched his friend deep-throat the vast bearcock. "Damn, buddy...for a wolf, you're one hell of a cock hound!" Stephen replied by wiggling his rump playfully, and squeezing his friend's fingers with his tailhole.
Mike pulled his thick cock away from Steve's muzzle slowly, and leaned down to kiss the wolf gently on the nose. "Feels good, man," the bear rumbled, "and someday I'm gonna have to let you suck me completely off, but right now I want to watch Lenny fuck you 'fore I pound yer ass m'self."
Stephen returned the kiss with a lusty smile. "You got it, big guy." He turned his gaze to the handsome leopard fingering him, and lifted his hips. "Hey, Hot Spots, howzabout you replace those fingers with something a little thicker?"
"You got it, sexy," Lenny purred, removing his fingers and scooting himself forward to rub the tip of his cock teasingly against Stephen's tailhole, smearing his pre over the already well-lubed pucker before pushing himself forward, pushing his tip in past the tight ring of muscle. He pumped himself in and out of the wolf's hot body at a slow, measured pace, and leaned over his friend's body to kiss him firmly on the muzzle.
Stephen moaned with pleasure as the leopard's cock entered him, and returned the kiss hotly as he wrapped his legs around his friend's waist, locking his ankles and pulling his friend into him. "Fuck me, Lenny," he implored as the kiss broke for a moment. "Gimme all that dick, hard and fast!"
Lenny complied eagerly, driving his cock deep into his friend's body with each fierce thrust, plunging with such force that the wolf's entire body rocked on the cushions. Their display of wanton lust was not lost on Mike, who still sat on his knees near Steve's head, slowly stroking himself as the other two males mated. Precum oozed freely from his immense cock, and he allowed the rivulet to drip from his shaft onto Stephen's face fur. The scent and feel of bear pre only seemed to fuel the wolf's libido, and Stephen pulled his feline lover into him with ever-wilder abandon.
The cat's body tensed, trembling, as the furious pace continued. "Gonna cum soon, sexy," Lenny grunted, and Stephen replied by squeezing the invading shaft hard with his tailhole.
"Pull it out and shoot that nasty fuckin' load all over me, Lenny," Steve implored, unlocking his legs to permit his friend to comply. The leopard did, pulling his cock from his friend's ass and taking aim. He was just in time; his body wracked with orgasm less than two seconds later, his cock erupting to splatter his seed over Stephen's belly, chest and face. The wolf lay there, muzzle wide open to catch any stray drops, and Mike leaned over to rub his paw through Steve's splattered fur, then licked traces of leopard spooge from his fingers. Lenny slumped to lie atop his friend as his orgasm subsided, and he hugged the wolf tightly, regardless of - or perhaps, because of - the mess in his coat. Stephen hugged back, nuzzling the cat tenderly. "Thank you, Lenny," he murred softly into the leopard's ear.
Lenny quickly regained his breath, and licked a trace of his own seed from Stephen's chin with a smile. "Any time, handsome."
A sound from above Stephen's head got their attention, and the both looked up to see Mike golf-clapping, a grin on his muzzle. "Great show, guys."
Stephen gave the bear's oozing cock a lick and a squeeze with his paw. "Audience participation is encouraged, big guy," he murred suggestively.
Lenny gave his friend a soft kiss on the cheek and rolled off, scooting over to one side to get a good view. Sitting back comfortably, he took one of the toys, which closely matched the size and shape of Stephen's cock, and a bottle of lubricant. "Carry on, gentlemen, I'll just be over here preparing myself for the Grand Finale." Smiling in response to the lusty grins of the wolf, bear, and numerous observers, he generously applied the lube to himself and worked his tailhole with his fingers, much as he had done to Stephen earlier.
Stephen sat up and turned to Mike, his paw stroking the bear's immense length. "How do you want me, big guy?"
Mike stood and embraced the wolf tightly, lifting him from his feet. "Hold on to me," he rumbled. Stephen threw his arms around the bear's neck, thick arms braced up his legs, and huge paws guided his hips. He felt the head of the immense cock press against his still-slick tailhole, and forced the ring of muscle to relax in order to admit the huge rod of flesh. Mike pulled Stephen down onto his cock gently, and murred deeply as he slowly entered the wolf's body. "Mmmh...yeah," the bear moaned, "Tight ass on my dick, you feel good, wuffie."
Stephen shuddered with pleasure as the immense bear penetrated him so carefully, and he nibbled gently at a round ear. "You feel good inside me, Mike," he replied softly. "Now fuck me with that giant dick."
Mike slowly accelerated the pace at which he pulled and pushed on the wolf's hips, and Stephen moaned as he clung to the huge bear. Lenny watched the elaborate display of carefully applied strength with a lusty smile as he began to work the dildo he'd chosen into himself.
Stephen rode Mike's vast cock eagerly, as the bear buried his muzzle in the wolf's cum-splattered chest fur. "Harder," the wolf moaned, "Pound my ass with that monster cock!"
"You want it, you got it, handsome," Mike replied, and proceeded to impale Stephen at a pace that shook the wolf's entire body. He watched the wolf's face carefully, but Stephen's expression showed no pain, only lusty bliss, and Mike abandoned all restraint. He lowered Stephen gently to the cushions, lifting the wolf's hips so as to be able to fuck "down" into the wolf's body, adding his own mass to the muscle behind the thrusts.
Stephen cried out ecstatically, shouting encouragements to the huge bear. "Fuck yeah, gimme all that dick! Fuck me hard an' flood my ass with hot bear cum!" Stephen tightened his sphincter around the bear's immense cock, hoping to drive his large partner over the edge.
He didn't have to wait long. The bear gave vent to a thunderous roar and buried himself deep inside Stephen, who moaned wit pleasure as he felt the thick bear cock erupt inside him, flooding his body with such a vast load of bear seed that a trace escaped him, oozing out around the huge shaft.
Mike bucked his hips gently as he panted, grinning down at the wolf smiling up at him. "Maybe it's good I pulled outta yer muzzle, feels like I might've drowned ya."
"I can think of worse ways to go," Stephen replied with a chuckle.
A moan of pleasure attracted their attention, and they turned to gaze at Lenny, who was fucking himself steadily with the dildo while pinching his nipples with a free paw.
Mike kissed Stephen's forehead gently and puled himself slowly out of the wolf. "Looks like he's about ready for ya. I gotta go find some towels."
"Don't miss the show, bud," Steve said, nuzzling the bear gently.
"Don't worry, I most definitely won't!" Mike grinned, and padded off in search of a few towels.
Stephen carefully slid over to the leopard, placing his paw over Lenny's on the sex toy. Lenny looked up at the handsome wolf; his eyes were alight with lust...and something more? "Stephen," Lenny purred, "make love to me..."
Stephen kissed his friend passionately, laying back and pulling the cat over himself. He laid the used plastic penis aside, hugging Lenny tightly as the leopard straddled his waist. "Gladly," he murred, settling the tip of his member beneath Lenny's tail.
Lenny sat up, slowly sliding himself down the wolf's thick shaft, his eyes locked with Stephen's. Paws roamed slowly over furred bodies, as wolf and leopard focused only on one another. The Hub might as well have been empty for all they cared, and neither one noticed Mike's return with a pawful of towels, nor did they react when he collected the used toy, wrapped it in a towel, and took it behind the bar for cleaning.
Lenny rose and fell upon Stephen's wolfhood, moaning softly as the thick knot threatened to press into his body and lock them together. Stephen's paw wrapped gently around the leopard's erect rod, stroking slowly along its length. Neither fur spoke; the only sounds were moans of lust and pleasure. Words were unnecessary.
Lenny grunted as Stephen's knot pushed past his ring of muscle and locked into his body, and the leopard squeezed the base of his friend's shaft and bounced, tugging at the thick knot. Stephen's paw twisted and squeezed over Lenny's cock, the organ throbbing under his fingers as the cat's second orgasm neared.
Leonard wrapped his arms around Stephen's torso and embraced the lupine tightly, moaning ecstatically as his cock erupted once again, spilling his seed onto his friend's chest and belly. The scent and feel of the leopard's shuddering orgasm drove Stephen over the edge, and his howl reverberated throughout the Hub, causing every eye in the place to turn towards them. Lenny purred deeply as he felt the wolf's orgasm flood his body, spreading the warmth throughout his entire being.
They lay there for some time, basking in the afterglow, and Stephen nearly blushed as the applause caught their attention. Lenny's smile was like the rising sun, and he kissed his spotted friend passionately.
"That was beautiful, guys," rumbled an immense voice, and the two looked up at Mike's grin and accepted the beers he offered greatfully.
"Thanks," said Stephen, as the three clinked bottles. "Cheers."
They sat and drank in silence, then Lenny carefully rose, pulling gently off Stephen's knot with a wet-sounding pop. The three of them giggled, and Stephen rose as well. "Thank you for a wonderful time, Mike."
"No problem, guys," the bear replied with a grin. "You two need to hit the showers."
Grinning wickedly, both cum-smeared males hugged the big bear, spreading the mess into the grizzly's coat. "So do you, now," Lenny laughed.
"Not yet," Mike rumbled. "I plan on getting a lot messier before the night is over."
The wolf and leopard smiled at him, and padded off across the thickly carpeted floor to the door to the showers. Wordlessly, they took turns soaping each other over with the fur shampoo, scrubbing and rinsing the evidence of the night's festivities out of their coats, and both luxuriated shamelessly under the fur dryers.
They passed through the Hub again, stopping briefly to glance around the room and collect their scattered clothing. Stephen pointed out Mike with a smile, observing that the crowd around the big bear would most definitely fulfill his plans for spoogey stickiness.
Once in the locker room, both males slipped into their shorts for modesty's sake, but neither seemed inclined to put their shirts back on. That would pose no problem, as the Staircase's dance floors often abounded with shirtless males. Stephen retrieved his wallet and keys, and closed the locker, clearing it for another user and pulling his passkey from the slot. He turned to Lenny and realized the leopard was watching him, and seemed a bit nervous. "You ok, buddy?"
"Steve, do you mind if I stayed with you tonight? I don't trust myself to drive at the moment," he broke off and sighed, looking slightly forlorn, "and I just don't want to be alone tonight."
The wolf hugged his friend tightly, planting a soft kiss on the leopard's cheek. "You know you're welcome in my home, and my bed, at any time, buddy."
Lenny returned the hug, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry, Steve...I've just been dumping on you all night..."
"Shh, it's okay, buddy. I'm here for you, whatever you need."
"You're too good to me, Stephen," Lenny seemed on the verge of tears. "We've been friends for years, and you've given so much to me...You helped me come out to my family, comforted me when my father died, you were the first male I ever had sex with, and through it all I feel like I've never given anything back."
"You've given me plenty, buddy," Stephen replied warmly. "You've made my life a lot brighter. Really."
"I realized something tonight, Steve," Lenny responded. "I guess I should have figured this out years ago." He gazed intently into the wolf's eyes. "You love me. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you, and I'm sorry I didn't notice it before...but I love you too."
Stephen couldn't speak. He felt as if his heart would burst from his chest at the acknowledgement he'd never in his wildest dreams hope to hear, and he hugged the leopard who'd become the most important thing in his life tenderly.
"Why didn't you say something a long time ago, Steve?"
"I wasn't sure how you'd take it, buddy. I figured you'd say something eventually, but until you did, I was perfectly content with your friendship."
"And the occasional groin-grinding?" Lenny joked.
Steve smiled warmly at the leopard. "Yeah, the sex was good."
"Okay, is. You're an incredibly sexy guy, and I was honored to call you my friend. I'm overjoyed now that I can call you my lover as well."
Lenny ran his fingers through his lover's chest fur, and smiled. "We have a lot to talk about, but it's late, we're both tired, and this locker room is hardly the place to plan out the rest of our lives."
Steve kissed Lenny soundly, then whispered into his ear. "Let's go home."
\~Fin\~ | FSE |
Walk a Mile Day 1, Part 1: Citrus
Heather moaned softly, everything felt funny. Her body felt thick and heavy, her mind felt fuzzy. Or was it the other way around? She wasn't quite sure. All she knew was that it was dark, she was in bed, snuggled up under the nice warm covers, and her head hurt a little bit. What had happened? Where was she?
She thought back to the previous evening. Oooh yeah! It had been the big night, her opportunity to stick it to those perverted aliens and their sick, disgusting, sinful company. She was a part of the Pure Blood movement, a human group against genetic engineering, re-engineering, enhancement, and sexual engagements with anything non-baseline human.
The goal was to sneak into the facility where Alpha Genetic Designs had its primary data storage facility, where all the genetic codes for the company's engineered sex toys were kept and accessed. If she could just destroy the mainframe, they wouldn't be able to produce their abominations any more.
She remembered sneaking in through an office window and making it out into the hallway, avoiding the cameras and scanners on her way to the computer core room. It was actually pretty ingenious keeping something so important in a small, out of the way, unimportant location. No one would ever have found it if it had been just a few days later, when they shielded the data line to make the flow look much, much smaller. But Heather had.
Her branch of the Pure Bloods were a bit more extreme than most, and would resort to acts of sabotage to damage the efforts of those that they saw were polluting the moral and genetic structure of the human race. Just because they had to share the universe with such lustful beasts as the Leiaou didn't mean they had to stoop to their level with things.
Disgusting cats, no concept of gender, a bunch of sluts and whores, the entire race. All they were interested in was sex, most had it several times a day with a number of partners. Many had no bonds with any other one individual, and it was unheard of for one to devote herself exclusively to a single partner. Repugnant feline succubi, the whole race.
Heather remembered getting to the computer core room, getting ready to plant the explosives when... when... she couldn't remember clearly. There was a soft noise, like wind through grass, and a sudden pain in her head, and then nothing. She lifted her head from the bed and looked around. It was total darkness, she couldn't see anything. She could move her arms and legs, though. The mattress was comfortable, and the blanket soft. Maybe she had just dreamed the raid?
Suddenly there was a weight against her back, a warm body pressing against her, a soft purr filling her ears, a rough tongue lapping at her neck. Oh no... they hadn't! Heather felt something warm and hard pressed up against her rump. They had! They'd done something to her, they'd probably raped her while she was unconscious.
She felt leather padded handpaws slipping around her body, cupping her breasts, thumbs tracing over her nipples, drawing a moan from her. The paws slid down her body, over her belly, over her hips, and back... up her tail?!
Th... they had perverted her body! It was bad enough that they had raped her while she was alseep, but polluting her genes, that was worse! That was rape on a spiritual level. Heather tried to pull away, tried to struggle, but she found herself unable to move. The Leiaou's hands returned to her belly, and dipped downward to her sex.
Oh no! Oh no! Oh yes! Heather found herself moaning again, gasping, pressing back against the feline monster. She felt her legs spreading instinctively, allowing the harlot's fingers into her. She began to pant, her hips bucking. Her traitorous hands found their way to her breasts, breasts far more plentiful than the ones nature had given Heather. They had turned her into one of them, an oversexed, fur covered beast-slut!
Heather began to moan loudly, she felt the cat-bitch press up further against her, taking the scruff of her neck in her mouth. She yowled in protest as the cat removed her fingers, Heather's sex-toy body longing for the lustful sins this filthy she-cat had to provide. She shivered as the feline cock slid into her, inhumanly shaped and covered with small spines that tickled her insides in ways she had never imagined possible.
Oh it felt so good, but it was so wrong! The feline temptresses had designed themselves to offer sinister pleasures of the flesh to tempt other species into taking the dark path into mixing of genetic lines, polluting them with their own vile genes.
She felt a hot, wet explosion inside of her, a climax far more powerful than anything she had experienced during her own lusts overwhelmed her and demanded she violate herself. She arched he back and growled like the animal that they'd made her as she came. She felt the disgusting dual gendered creature erupt into her, and suddenly found herself overwhelmed with sensation.
What she felt went beyond orgasm, beyond climax, it was... something the human body didn't have the capacity to feel. It felt wonderful, it made her feel more alive, more vibrant. It made her want more. But Heather recognized it for what it was, it was like a drug, a lure, an addiction that they wanted to instill in her to get her to willingly reduce herself to their level.
Heather wouldn't play their game. She would refuse. She wouldn't bow to their demands, she would overcome her... oh fuck, why was she rolling over? Unbidden, her arms wrapped themselves around the furry body of her rapist. She leaned forward, pressing her lips against the feline's muzzle, their tongues meeting.
"Good morning, sister." she heard the words, she felt her vocal chords give voice to them. But they hadn't come from her mind or her will. They hadn't even sounded like her voice
"Good morning, Citrus." the feline purred back.
Citrus? That wasn't her name! She wouldn't let herself be called by that name, not if she could help it. She willed herself to bite, to claw, to show this creature that she couldn't get away with warping her this way.
But instead she found herself scooting downward in the bed, her lips finding their way to the feline's nipple. She wanted to throw up, she was... nursing from this creature. Urgh! It was warm and sweet in her mouth, and... tasted like strawberries?
"That's enough, cutie, we have to get ready for work. We can play later, right before bed." the feline purred, gently prying Heather's head from her breast.
"But I love your milk, 'Berry." the altered human found herself saying.
She felt a playful slap on her rump, "Get in the bathroom and wash up, you're on first duty. And besides, you might want to explain to your little passenger what's going on."
Passenger? Heather didn't like the sound of that at all.
Heather felt herself getting up from the bed, her muscles moving on their own, walking in the darkness. Heather just waited to run into something, or trip over an unseen item in the darkness, but such things never came. Instead her hand found the wall, gliding across the smoother surface until it came into contact with a door frame. Whoever had hijacked her body was familiar with this place and had no problems finding the light switch and flipped it on.
The captive girl caught her reflection in the mirror and gasped, or she would of if she had control of her body. What she saw in the mirror was horrible, terrible, hideous. She was a skunk. A skunk with yellow, orange, and white fur, long white hair, and a body that just screamed out to be fucked. A perfect hourglass figure, a lithe and trim, but solid muscle tone, perky breasts that seemed to defy gravity. Unnaturally blue eyes set in a face that could bewitch men and women alike with a smile. A face that was smirking at her in the mirror.
Her hand reached out for a brush of its own volition, and began fixing her long main of silky white hair. "Okay, that's enough of that. First of all, this isn't your body. this is MY body. You're just fine, you're in a full sensory immersion pod owned by the very company your tried to sabotage the other night. We've hacked your cyberlink, and you're getting direct feed from my own body." the skunk explained.
Heather would have sighed with relief, but again she couldn't control the physical form she was feeling at the moment. She was only linked via remote to this genetically engineered hussy, her own pure flesh and blood had not been tainted. Or at least she hoped it hadn't. A pleasant, warm feeling began to emanate from her.. their chest. The skunk was groping their breasts!
"The remote link is a little bit backwards of how it usually works. Normally the remote user, IE you, is situated in the SIMM pod, feeling the sensation of the remote body, able to read and override thoughts, feelings, and actions. Though not in this case. I hear what you think. We share the same senses for the time being. I can let you control my body, if I feel like it. Now, I'm letting you have control for the moment, don't do anything stupid, or I'll stuff you right back into the corner of my mind that you're currently occupying." Citrus warned her 'rider.'
The human suddenly found the weird, heavy, fuzzy, detached feelings fading, along with the perceived pain in her head. The link was at full power, Heather now had no connection with her own senses whatsoever. All she experienced was now limited to the body of the sex-toy skunkette. She gasped softly and gripped the edges with the sink.
Her entire body felt good, a warm, wonderful, pleasant sensation that seemed to emanate from every portion of her body. "Wh-what is this?" she gasped, her own voice coming from the skunk's throat.
"The Afterglow Effect." Citrus replied, their shared face showing a grin.
Heather shivered and sat down on the toilet, waiting for it to go away. Afterglow was a genetic enhancement that heightened sexual pleasure, and induced hormones into the bloodstream that brought about a sensation of physical euphoria. It rewarded those that were sexually active with not only the intense, but brief pleasure of orgasm, but a lasting feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. It was an incredibly popular genetic alteration. It encouraged promiscuity and sexual deviancy. Depending on the stimulation, Afterglow could take a number of different effects. In this case it felt like being caressed simultaneously over her entire body, invisible fingertips slowly stroking her.
"Make it stop." Heather whispered, feeling her arousal beginning to build from the sensation.
Citrus giggled and shook their head, "Nope. You can either wait twenty minutes for it to go away, or you can override it yourself."
Heather shivered again, it felt so wrong to have two people in one body. She felt the motions Citrus made, felt her words coming out of their shared throat. The feeling was unsettling every time she felt control of their body pulled out of her metaphorical hands. "H-how do I override?"
"You have to masturbate. My Afterglow has been designed to trigger only by climax brought about by others. Climaxing from self stimulation will flush the Afterglow hormones from my system." the sex-toy skunk said with a giggle.
The human felt slightly nauseous. "No way." she said, gritting their teeth. She wouldn't lower herself to that. Even if this wasn't her body, she wouldn't pollute her mind by doing that. She still felt guilty for the few times in her life when she'd been overcome, and in a moment of weakness stooped to satisfying her animal lusts.
"Now that's just silly. Why feel guilty for making yourself feel good? I doubt you feel guilty for eating ice cream, or chocolate, or any treat like that which is just about devoid of any nutritional value. You don't feel guilty for being entertained by a Tri-D movie, or playing a video game. So why should you be ashamed for something that feels good, and provides you with enjoyment and entertainment? It's your body, why should you feel bad for an act that's biologically designed to feel good?" Citrus said with a snort.
"Because it's wrong! Sex is..." Heather began, only to find the vocal chords she shared with Citrus hijacked.
"Sex is what? A vile, dirty, corrupt act that should be ignored at all costs, save for procreational purposes? A biological drive that isn't fit for rational, sentient, thinking beings? A bestial act that should be left to lesser creatures? It's a perfectly natural biological function. You eat, you sleep, you breath, you have sex. It's a perfectly normal activity. I don't understand portions of your race at all. Convinced your uncovered bodies are something to be ashamed of and the act of sex is a crime. Why is it wrong?"
"You think it's wrong simply because your parents and peers taught you that it was wrong, as their parents and peers did before them, all the way back to when females were looked upon as property and superstitions ruled your race entirely. Why base your moral values on the views and teachings of men who were dead centuries before you were born? It seems silly to cling to something so rigidly. Things are supposed to change, to bend, to take on new shapes as new situations and stresses are applied. Things adapt to changing environments, or things die out."
Citrus sighed, "Anyway, enough talk. Into the shower with us. we want to look our best for work."
Ignoring the low throb between her legs, Heather moved their body toward the shower, turning it on and waiting for the water to heat. She was a little stunned, shocked into silence, she'd never had a talking to like that before. She had been forced to listen, essentially. Usually when people talked like that to her, she walked away, or turned away from them and zoned out, ignoring them. It had struck her like a slap to the face.
"I'm sorry for being so blunt, but you're in my head calling me filthy names, thinking you're so much better than me just because you have the inefficient, trial and error, long, slow, drawn out process of adaptation created genes. It doesn't make you any better, or any worse. It just makes you different. Genetic diversity is a wonderful thing, and sexual reproduction allows for the optimal circumstances to enhance it. Technology has allowed us to dramatically alter ourselves as individuals, and as a race. It's made it so that everyone can alter their DNA and their bodies in a way that makes them feel the most comfortable, to give them the best fulfillment of life. Adaptation to a particular environment isn't much needed for sentient species as a whole anymore. With FTL travel, terraforming, and all that stuff, species can find and create their preferred environment. It's enhancing the quality of the life for the individual that sould be important."
Both were silent for awhile, stepping into the shower, enjoying the flow of hot jets of water over their furred body. Heather and Citrus both found it enjoyable, both of them sighing with enjoyment at the same time. Heather picked up the bottle of shampoo and poured a goodly amount into their handpaw, lathering up their hair, and then their body fur.
They stepped back from the spray, massaging the shampoo into their fur, a pleasant tingle occurring where the suds remained for more than a few moments. Heather bit their lip, trying to ignore the increasing desire in their loins. Her handpaws avoided the region, not wanting to accidentally stimulate herself. The human rider was sure that if she so much as gently brushed their sex, she wouldn't be able to resist any longer, and succumb to the urge to fuck.
She stepped forward again, rinsing the soap from her fur. Citrus had left her in complete control again. Somehow Heather could tell the difference when the skunk's consciousness was ready to pounce and seize control away from her, and when she was simply laying back and letting Heather move their shared body.
With the shampoo washed away, the conditioner came next, producing a similar sensation of tingling. Heather spent a little more time with the conditioner, rubbing it into Citrus' tail, exploring an appendage that she herself lacked.
Her arousal was getting annoying, and that Afterglow feeling wasn't helping at all. Heather didn't think she could last another fifteen minutes with it going like that, she would be forced into a lustful fit of self-pleasuring. If she was going to do it anyway, she might as well chose where and when. And after all, this wasn't HER body. Citrus probably pleasured herself every morning in the shower anyway.
"I do." Citrus said with a chuckle, "You're right. The glow is a little distracting sometimes, especially when you want to get on task for something, like getting ready for work. Go ahead and do whatever you feel like. I usually go into work an hour early anyways."
Heather sighed and sat down on the edge of the tub, legs spread, her fingers tentatively moving towards her slit.
"It feels better if you use the bottle, that's why I get that brand. Not because I find the shampoo outstanding, but because the shape of the container makes a great sex toy." Citrus giggled.
Heather found her hand darting to the bottle out of her own will and desire, pushing it needfully into her aching snatch. The bottle had a scalloped shape, curved bumps on the sides. The feeling as her netherlips slid over them made Heather weak in the knees. If she hadn't already been sitting down, then she would have fallen right on her tail.
The slightly painful ache quickly faded, replaced by a pleasant, throbbing warmth. The skunkette's body was designed for sex, and it took the bottle in effortlessly. The human found herself purring softly, a feline characteristic that all Leiaou engineered creatures had. Heather had to admit that it was a pleasant sound, and made it easy to indicate one's pleasure.
It was wonderful, the skunkette's tight walls eagerly clutched at the sides of the bottle, their sensitivity obviously enhanced beyond anything a normal person would experience. Heather felt Citrus move her other hand, her fingers seeking out the small nub of her clitoris. The merest touch made Heather cry out. She dropped to her knees at the bottom of the tub, laying on the slick, smooth plastic, her nipples rubbing against it with each thrust her body made, adding to her pleasure.
She could see why people would mod themselves to this extent, it felt incredible, the intense pleasure more than anything Heather had ever experienced before. She pawed frantically at her clit, driving the bottle in and out of her sex and an equally rapid pace. The human rider had expected to be reduced to a state of animal lust, where her mind filled with nothing but the urge to rut, but it was quite different.
There was a clarity in her thoughts and senses, she felt like she could feel every single tiny hair on her furred body. It felt like there was a balloon of purest pleasure being inflated inside of her, growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger, eager to burst.
And burst it did, Heather was only faintly aware of a hot stickiness that covered her hands, and the smell of lemon and orange on the air. He world had turned white, purest radiant white filling all of her sense as her borrowed body experienced an enhanced climax.
The journey down from the peak was pleasant, mild twitches that resulted in tiny orgasms, the stimulation removed, but her sex still granting her a physical reward for her exertion. Heather couldn't even move, all she could do was lie there and let her body finish. Citrus, however, seemed to be able to recover quicker, taking control of their body again, standing them up and washing their climactic fluids from their fur.
She also licked the bottle clean. Heather was disgusted by it at first, but apparently like the feline hermaphrodite Strawberry, Citrus' own sexual secretions were flavored.
"Shemale." corrected Citrus.
Heather drew a blank at that.
"Strawberry, she's a feline shemale, not a hermaphrodite. Female in everything except the genitalia, where she's completely male."
Heather wanted to feel nauseous at that, the fact that such a deviant creature had not only been pressed up against her, but had engaged in sexual intercourse with her. Well... not her, exactly. But the body whose senses she was sharing.
"Oh don't even start. It's a perfectly normal form for an engineered life form to have, or to be re-engineered into. Some males don't want to go all the way, be it because they want to remain men in some way, or that they just want to have a curvaceous body, or just because they themselves prefer a chick with a dick. Our shemale models outsell their standard male counterparts by fifty percent. A great deal of purchasers prefer the female body shape. Softer, curvier, and our female customers can share clothes with them. A lot of our female clients purchase us not only as a lover, but as a friend and confidant, and find us easier to relate to when we resemble females." Citrus said, turning off the shower and stepping out onto the drying vent.
Heather had begun to recover from the overwhelming climax that the two of them had just experienced. She had guessed that Citrus was an engineered love toy...
"Companion." the skunk corrected, now totally dry and beginning to style her hair.
And Heather had her suspicions confirmed. She wondered what they would be doing all day. Probably something like cleaning their owner's house until they decided they wanted a little companionship and called their fuck-to... companion to come and play.
Citrus grinned predatorially, allowing Heather to catch sight of it in the mirror. "Oh no, we're not owned. We acquired our independence from our owners long ago. But we all decided to keep the jobs we had with the company. There's no better job than the one we have. You see, we're the Alpha Genetic Designs demo models. Well, at this location anyway."
If Heather had been in control of their body, her eyes would have widened in shock and horror. She didn't need it explained, but Citrus enjoyed her rider's discomfort.
"You see, prospective buyers stop buyers stop by, or we go to certain locations in order to allow the public to sample the AGD products free of charge. We fuck for a living, to anybody that passes by and wants to wait. That's why you've been assigned to us as punishment. For four days you get to experience everything we experience, going through the lives of four of the 'fuck-toys' that you hate so much and would like to see destroyed. Now, let's grab some breakfast then get to work!"
Heather was glad Citrus was in control of their body, as she was pretty sure that if it had been her, that they would have thrown up. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Ben & Gabrielle Ch. 04b
Tags: ben, gabrielle, brit, britannia, threesome, group, tattoo, liverpool, kitchen, bed
By the time he exited the arrivals terminal at JFK, Ben was in a foul mood. He glanced at his watch as he made his way to the parking lot -- 5:12pm.
He knew he had no chance of getting home before Brit arrived.
His morning appointment had dragged on longer than he'd anticipated. Although he'd submitted a detailed proposal the day before -- and walked the client through it step by step -- the client developed cold feet overnight, and required reassurance -- a bit more hand holding -- before giving their final approval.
"Damn it," he said, out loud, and not for the first time that afternoon, "they always realize I'm right. Just once, I wish they'd realize it from the start!"
He'd had to re-book his flight home, and wasted several hours sitting around the airport, waiting. In addition, afternoon rain showers forced his flight to take a slightly longer route to New York City.
Gaby had been disappointed when he called that morning to tell her about his change in schedule. She worried he wouldn't be home in time for dinner, but assured him she would entertain Brit in his absence.
The only good news: it was a Saturday; he wouldn't be facing rush hour traffic on his drive home.
He dialed Gaby's cell phone, wanting to tell her he'd landed. It rang through to her voice mail.
Ten minutes later, Ben reached his Jeep. He tossed his bags into the back, then slipped behind the steering wheel.
As he drove out of the parking lot, he hit the play button on the CD player.
"Music soothes the savage beast," he said, exhaling a long breath.
His favorite group, a small-time foursome from Brit's hometown, began pouring from of the speakers.
"It's too bad these lads will never get anywhere," he thought, as he sang along.
"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you..."
That morning, following Ben's first phone call, Gaby debated calling Brit to tell her of Ben's delay. Finally, she decided against it.
Ben would be home soon after Brit's arrival, she reasoned. Then they could go to dinner and relax.
She went out to run errands, including keeping an appointment with her hairstylist. She decided to have her mid-back length, dark-brown hair woven into a single braid, which hung down the middle of her back.
During the day, her anticipation grew. She tried to keep busy -- to keep her mind on other things -- but her thoughts often returned to Brit. And, the more she thought about Brit, the more excited she became.
It was nearly 4:00 by the time Gaby arrived back at the apartment. She enjoyed another long, steamy bath -- during which she again made herself cum while thinking about Brit -- then dressed. She tried on several outfits, eventually choosing a tight, red, bandage dress, which ended several inches above her knees and showed off her petite figure. Her matching four-inch heels boosted her 5'2" frame. Beneath the dress, she wore a black satin thong and matching bra.
As was her habit -- mostly because Ben preferred it -- she applied minimal make-up before heading into the living room to wait.
When the doorbell rang five minutes early, her heart leapt. She could feel it pounding against the inside of her chest.
After buzzing Brit into the lobby, Gaby opened the apartment door and waited as Brit climbed the stairs.
It took only a few moments for Brit to appear. She wore a low-cut, white, knee-length dress, and calf-high, white go-go boots. The top of the dress hugged her body. From the waist down, however, it billowed loosely around her legs as she moved toward Gaby.
Like Gaby, she'd chosen to wear very little make-up, and she let her hair hang straight down. Most of her hair fell down her back, but a few strands framed her pretty face and came to rest on her chest.
"Mmmm," Gaby said, "you look terrific, Brit."
"You think so?" Brit asked. "I wasn't sure what to wear for dinner."
"Oh, you're fine, Honey," Gaby said, adding with a giggle, "in so many ways."
Brit laughed as she walked into the apartment.
"I'm so glad you came," Gaby said, leaning in to kiss Brit on the cheek.
"Where's Ben?" Brit asked.
"He had to catch a later flight," Gaby answered. "But, he called as I was getting out of the bath. He landed about an hour ago, and should be home any minute."
"OK," Brit said. "Where are we going to dinner?"
"Giuseppe's Ristorante," Gaby answered. "Have you ever been there?"
"No," Brit laughed, "that's fancier than the places my boyfriend takes me."
"It's our favorite place," Gaby told her. "We've known the owner forever."
Gaby led Brit toward the kitchen.
"Would you like a drink while we wait?" she asked, over her shoulder.
Ben drove home quickly. The music, and the light traffic, helped lift his mood. By the time he swung the Jeep into his parking spot, he felt better than he had all day.
He opened the door to the apartment, stepped inside, then twisted his body to push it closed with his foot. He set down his suitcase and let the straps of his rucksack slip off his shoulders. As he lowered the pack to the floor, he heard familiar sounds coming from the kitchen.
Ben walked the few steps to the archway leading out of the hallway.
"Sorry I'm late," he said, as he turned into the room.
The sight that greeted him, while not wholly unexpected, was still something of a surprise. The women were almost entirely nude. Crumpled clothing lay scattered on the floor near the kitchen table.
Ben could see that Gaby still wore a bra and heels. Brit wore go-go boots and a pair of white, cotton boyshorts.
Gaby leaned against the corner of the table. Her eyes were closed, and she moaned softly. Brit was on her knees in front of Gaby, her face pushed between Gaby's legs.
Ben didn't need to be a rocket-surgeon to understand the situation. The look on Gaby's face let Ben know exactly what Brit was doing.
"Started without me again, eh?" Ben asked.
Gaby opened her eyes and smiled.
"Hey, Baby," she moaned.
"I see you went straight to dessert," he said, as he moved toward her.
"No, just a little appetizer," Gaby giggled.
Brit stopped licking Gaby and looked up at Ben.
"'Ello," Brit said, with a grin.
"Hello," Ben said. "Having fun?"
He moved his right hand to the back of Gaby's head and held her as he kissed her deeply.
"I missed you, Baby," he said, when he broke the kiss.
"Mmmm, I missed you too," Gaby said, breathlessly.
"I like your hair," he said, gently pulling her braid.
She smiled at his compliment.
Ben turned to look at Brit as she stood up.
"You didn't have to stop on my..." he began, but stopped as his eyes traced over Brit's body.
"Just 'glancing,' Ben?" Gaby teased, after several seconds.
Brit reached up and pushed her breasts together.
"Gaby told me you like them," Brit said.
"I do," Ben admitted.
She stood on her tip-toes and kissed his lips.
Ben opened his mouth and wrapped his arms around her -- pulling her body against his -- as he kissed her back.
She pushed her tongue against his, and moaned into his mouth.
Gaby watched them kiss for several seconds, then stood up. She pushed Brit a step to the side. Ben broke the kiss and released Brit from his grasp. He looked at Gaby.
Before he could say anything, Gaby grabbed Ben's belt and quickly unbuckled it.
"We need to get these pants open, Ben," Gaby hissed.
He reached down to help her, but she pushed away his hands.
Leaving Gaby in control, he used his left hand to pull Brit against his left side, and placed his right hand on her chest. She slipped a hand between his legs, resting it on his inner thigh.
As Gaby unsnapped and unzipped his pants, he moved his hand to Brit's left breast. He savored the feel of her warm skin in his hand. He squeezed gently, then let his fingers trail across the nipple.
Gaby pushed his pants and boxer-briefs downward roughly. The tip of Ben's erect cock popped out of his underwear as Gaby struggled to work them over the hips of his large frame.
Leaving the pants around his thighs, Gaby grabbed Ben's cock.
Ben let go of Brit and tried to push his pants farther down his legs.
Again, Gaby stopped him, moving her body against his right side.
"Oh, my God," Brit gasped, "you weren't kidding."
Ben looked at Gaby.
"I take it you showed her your toy," he said.
"Well, I wanted her to know what she's getting into," Gaby said, with a smile. "Or, what will be getting into her."
"You are a dirty, devious, little girl," he said, slipping his right hand around her body.
"Mmmm, and you love me for it," she reminded him.
He pulled her braided hair again, tilting her head back, and he kissed her exposed neck.
Brit wrapped her left hand around the shaft of Ben's cock. Ben moaned as both women stroked him, each trying to match the other's rhythm. He moved his left hand to Brit's ass, and slipped his fingers inside the waistband of her underwear.
His middle finger found the crack of her ass, and he tried to adjust himself to slide it downward.
Awkwardly, he took a step backward -- pulling the women with him -- until his ass hit the edge of the counter.
Finding more support, he simultaneously pulled Brit in front of him, turning her back to him as he did, and pushed Gaby until she stood in front of Brit.
"Mmmm, a Brit sandwich," Gaby whispered.
Releasing his hold on the women, Ben pushed his pants down farther. They fell to his knees, giving him slightly more range of motion.
Gaby kissed Brit, pushing her back against Ben. His cock became trapped between his body and her cotton panties. He could feel the heat of her body through the thin fabric.
The two women kissed for several minutes, while Ben ran his hands over the both. Brit slipped a hand behind her back to run her fingers across Ben's skin.
Gaby broke her kiss with Brit and quickly unhooked her bra. As it fell to the floor, she kicked off her heels.
Wasting no time, she lowered herself to her knees in front of Brit. She reached up, hooked her fingers inside the waistband of Brit's panties, and pulled them downward.
Ben put his hands on Brit's hips -- to steady her as she stepped out of her underwear. Then, he slid them upward to cup her breasts, and he leaned slightly to kiss her shoulder.
Gaby pushed Brit's legs apart and kissed her inner thigh.
"Yesss," Brit moaned.
Ben squeezed Brit's breasts in his hands, and Gaby trailed her tongue slowly upward until she reached Brit's wetness.
Brit quivered against Ben as Gaby's tongue slid inside her.
Leaving his left hand on her chest, Ben moved his right hand downward, letting the tips of his fingers poke into her bellybutton, then caress the smooth skin of her lower belly. As they reached her clit, Brit gasped. She put her hands on top of Ben's and squeezed hard.
Brit's knees nearly buckled, but Ben held her tightly.
"I've got you," he whispered in her ear.
She moaned in reply.
As Ben rubbed Brit's clit, Gaby alternated between tongue fucking her, and kissing and licking Ben's fingers. The feeling of Gaby's soft, wet tongue on his fingers exhilarated Ben.
"Oh, that feels so good," Brit said.
Her breathing quickened. Ben felt her body tremble against his, and her knees weakened again.
Brit began to writhe against Gaby's face. Her movements made her ass rub up and down Ben's cock.
"Oh, God, I'm gonna cum," she cried, and turned her head to kiss Ben's mouth. He pushed his tongue against hers as he increased the speed and pressure of his fingers on her clit.
Brit moaned into his mouth and her body bucked violently as she came. Ben held her tightly to him and Gaby continued sticking the tip of her tongue inside Brit.
As Brit's orgasm continued, Gaby pulled her face from between Brit's legs.
"Ben, you have to taste this sweet, little pussy," she said.
Brit looked down and reached out to pull Gaby's head back into her, but Gaby dodged her hands and stood up. She leaned into Brit and kissed her.
Again, Brit tasted herself on Gaby's mouth.
Even as her body still quivered, Ben slowly slipped his hands to Brit's shoulders.
He turned her -- breaking Gaby's kiss -- and maneuvered her to the table. She sat on the edge and leaned back.
As Ben struggled to remove his shoes and pull off his pants, Gaby climbed on the table and turned to straddle Brit's face. Gaby gasped as Brit's tongue found her lips.
"Jesus, you're a good student," Gaby whispered, as she squeezed Brit's breasts in her hands.
Now naked from the waist down, Ben knelt between Brit's legs. Gaby leaned forward and reached out to him. She put her right hand on the back of his head and pulled him to her; kissing him fiercely, like a woman possessed by some demon of passion. He too could taste Brit on her mouth.
Ben moved his right hand between Brit's legs and found her wetness. Carefully, he slid a finger inside her.
"I love you, Baby," Gaby said, when she broke their kiss.
"I know," he whispered, with a grin.
He leaned in and let the tip of his tongue brush over Brit's clit. Her body stiffened at the touch.
Ben slipped a second finger inside Brit, and ran his tongue up and down her lips.
Brit moaned and lifted her legs to rest them on Ben's shoulders. She pulled him into her.
"Mmmm, that's it, Brit," Gaby said, "make him eat that pussy."
Brit ran her fingers over Gaby's olive skin, tracing along her sides, and up over her lower back.
Ben suddenly replaced his fingers with his tongue, turning his head to push it deep inside Brit's pussy. He moved his hand to Gaby's face and slipped his fingers into her mouth. She ran her tongue over his fingers, cleaning Brit's juices from them.
Gaby opened her mouth wide around his fingers and Ben knew she was close -- she was fighting to avoid biting him as her orgasm approached.
He couldn't hear Brit, but by the way her body squirmed under his tongue, he knew she too was near the edge of another orgasm.
Within moments, first Brit, then Gaby, began to shake. Gaby took Ben's fingers from her mouth and interlaced her fingers with his, squeezing hard as she reached bliss.
"Ben, I'm gonna cum," she cried, then slipped into her native Spanish. "Me corro! Me corro!"
Both women moaned as orgasms exploded through their bodies.
Their convulsing bodies shook the table violently, and Ben worried it might collapse under them.
He moved his free hand between Brit's legs and pushed two fingers inside her. Her pussy squeezed them tightly as he tried to work them in and out.
Ben lifted his head to kiss Gaby. As her orgasm rocked her nerves, she again took hold of his head -- this time with both hands -- and kissed him deeply.
"Oh, Dios mío!" she gasped, breaking the kiss. "Te amo, Ben."
"Te amo, Baby," he said.
"Fuck me," they heard Brit say, weakly. "Please, Ben."
"Stand up," Gaby whispered to Ben.
He carefully slipped Brit legs from his shoulders and stood. His hard cock pointed at the two women on the table.
Gaby wrapped her right hand around his shaft and pulled him closer.
"I love this fucking cock," she hissed.
"I want it," Brit said, raising her head from the table top.
Gaby rubbed the head over Brit's clit and down the slick lips.
"Oh, bugger," Brit cried out.
She turned her head and pressed her face against Gaby's inner thigh.
Gaby moved the head of Ben's cock to Brit's opening.
"Are you ready?" Gaby asked, looking up at Ben.
"Yessss," Brit answered. "Don't tease me."
"What about rule number one?" Ben managed to ask, though, at that moment, he found it difficult to care about any rules.
Gaby stopped and stared into Ben's eyes. She remained silent, as if mulling over what he'd said. She considered letting Ben break the rule this one time -- not wanting to stop in the middle of things.
"Is that what you want, Baby?" he asked, pushing himself against Brit, letting a few millimeters of his head slip between her lips.
"No, you're right," Gaby said, finally. "I just lost my head."
"Bugger bloody rule one, whatever it is," Brit exclaimed, "stick that bleeding stonker in me!"
Gaby sighed deeply.
"I know, Honey," she said, turning her body to look at Brit's face. "We've had a lot of fun already. I think we owe Ben some."
"I agree," Ben laughed.
"Go lean against the counter," Gaby said, releasing his cock from her grip.
Ben backed up until his ass once again rested against the counter. He stripped off his shirt and dropped it to the floor.
As he watched, Gaby gingerly climbed off the table. She turned to take Brit's hand and helped her up. Brit stood up slowly, allowing her knees to remember their job.
The two women walked over to Ben. As he kissed Gaby, Brit grabbed his cock.
"I want this inside me," she said, aiming it between her legs and moving her hips against his.
Ben moaned as she stroked his shaft.
"Come here," Gaby said, lowering herself to her knees on Ben's right. "You know what you have to do first."
Brit pouted for a moment, sticking out her bottom lip like a child. Then -- still holding his hardness -- she knelt in front of Ben.
Gaby put her right hand on Brit's shoulder. She slid her left hand around the back of Ben's leg, moving it upward until her fingers found his scrotum.
"It's so nice," Brit cooed, continuing to stroke Ben's shaft.
Ben reached out with his left hand and ran his thumb over Brit's lips. Brit took it in her mouth for a moment, before Ben removed it and placed his hand on the side of her face.
"My turn," Ben said, looking into her eyes.
Brit raised herself slightly and leaned in to lick his swollen head.
Ben closed his eyes as Brit began moving her lips up and down the sides of his cock. She let her tongue trail over his skin, lubricating him with her saliva.
Gaby leaned in to kiss his inner thigh as she continued caressing his balls.
Ben tried to control his breathing.
Brit pulled back to flick her tongue across the tip, then took the head between her lips.
"Ohhh," Ben moaned.
She took him deeper, slowly running her tongue over the smooth skin of his hard cock. He moved his left hand to the back of her Brit's head. He grabbed a handful of her long hair and let it slip between his fingers. He put his right hand on Gaby's shoulder both to touch her, and to steady himself.
Brit adjusted herself and took the entire length of him, letting the head slide into her throat. She gagged and pulled back.
She moved her hands to Ben's ass to steady herself, and to allow herself to take him in deeper. Again, she gagged, and quickly let Ben slip from her mouth.
"Easy, Brit," Ben said, as she looked up at him, "you don't have to choke yourself."
"But, I thought guys liked that," Brit said. "I thought that's what you wanted."
"Honey, this isn't a porno," Gaby said, "you don't have to drool all over a guy, or hurt yourself, to make him cum."
Gaby leaned in and took the head of Ben's cock in her mouth. She moved both hands to the shaft and began to stroke him.
As Brit watched, Gaby took more and more of Ben into her mouth.
"That's it," Ben moaned.
Despite her petite build, Gaby had always been able to deep throat him -- an ability he thoroughly enjoyed. He loved the feeling of her throat clutching at the head of his cock, trying to pull him deeper.
As she held him in her throat, Ben -- in a fleeting moment of coherent thought -- got the feeling she was showing off for Brit, but he didn't complain.
He felt the pressure quickly building in his balls.
Gaby suddenly took her mouth off Ben.
"Shit," he cried. "Don't stop now."
"You have to learn to relax your throat," Gaby said, turning to Brit while ignoring Ben's protest, "but, don't force it. It takes practice."
Brit nodded.
"Just start slow," Gaby continued. "Take what you comfortably can in your mouth, and use your hands on the shaft and the balls."
She let Brit take control again.
Following Gaby's instructions, Brit quickly drove Ben toward the edge of orgasm.
"Don't hold back, Baby," Gaby told him. "I know you need to cum bad after what we did to you."
Ben couldn't answer with words. He breathed in gasps as Brit held the head of his cock between her lips and used both hands to jerk him hard and fast. He could feel her pushing her tongue against the tip of his cock.
Gaby moved behind Brit and reached around to run her hands over Brit's hard nipples. Ben began to breathe faster and Gaby could tell he'd cum soon. She pulled Brit back, allowing Ben's cock to pop out of her mouth.
"I want you to fuck these big tits, Ben," Gaby said. "I want you to cum all over them."
Gaby pushed Brit's breasts together tightly. Ben stepped closer as Brit turned her head to kiss Gaby.
Ben bent his knees -- not completely sure they wouldn't buckle -- and pressed himself against the bottom of Brit's breasts. Lubricated by her saliva and sweat, he slid himself between them.
Breaking their kiss, both women looked down to watch the head of Ben's cock poke up above the top of Brit's cleavage.
"Oh, that is beautiful," Gaby whispered, leaning over Brit's left shoulder.
Brit tilted her head and stuck out her tongue to lick the tip of Ben's cock each time it appeared.
Ben knew he couldn't last long. He moved faster, putting his hands on Brit's shoulders as he pumped himself into Brit's soft, warm flesh.
"Push them together, Honey," Gaby told Brit.
Brit moved her hands to the sides of her breasts and kept them wrapped around Ben's cock.
Gaby reached up and pinched Ben's right nipple.
Ben cried out in response to the pleasurable pain.
"Come on, Baby; do it," she told Ben, "cum for us."
She placed her free right hand on Brit's right hip, helping to steady her.
Ben began to grunt with each thrust.
"Yes, I want it, Ben," Brit said, looking up at him.
"That's right, Ben," Gaby ordered, "give it to her."
"Here I cum," Ben said, suddenly. "Here I cummm..."
His body bucked against Brit and he fired a long stream of cum up between her breasts onto her neck. Brit released her breasts as Ben fired again -- another long stream that covered her left nipple.
Brit fumbled while trying to grab Ben's cock as he came, then managed to take hold of him. Gripping tightly, she stroked him roughly.
Gaby released Ben's nipple and leaned over Brit's shoulder, pushing her into Ben, as his body spasmed a third time. His cum coated Brit's hands and her chest.
"More, Ben," Gaby demanded, as he gasped for breath.
Brit let the cock slip from her slick fingers.
"Don't stop," Ben pleaded. "Keep going."
Gaby slipped around Brit and took Ben's cock in her mouth. She gripped the shaft with both hands and stroked him.
"Mmmm," she moaned, vibrating his cock with her mouth.
"Oh, God, Baby," Ben moaned, as she milked the cum from him.
Ben's knees nearly gave out as Gaby finished him, but he reached up to steady himself against the counter.
As the last spasms of his orgasm died away, he looked down at Brit, and watched his cum slowly run down her chest.
Satisfied she'd completely drained Ben, Gaby released his cock from her mouth, but reached up to stroke his softening cock with her left hand.
"Once he cums, he's really sensitive," Gaby told Brit, with a smile. "If you keep sucking, or stroking, you can really make him jump."
"Hey," Ben objected, "no teasing."
Gaby looked up into Ben's eyes and removed her hand from his shaft.
Ben moved away from the women and carefully lowered himself into the nearest chair.
"That was so hot," Gaby said, turning to look at Brit. "Look at your cum all over those beautiful breasts."
She reached out to squeeze Brit's breasts, then rubbed the cum into Brit's skin, leaving her chest shiny in the last dying rays of sunlight coming through the kitchen window.
"Ben really likes it when you rub it in," Gaby said. "And, it's good for the skin, too."
Brit looked at Ben, as he watched Gaby rub her chest.
"Did you like making him cum that way?" Gaby asked Brit.
"Yes," Brit answered.
"Do you want more of that cock?" Gaby asked her.
"Bloody Hell, yes," Brit nearly screamed.
Gaby looked at Ben slowly recovering in the chair.
"Why don't you go in the bedroom while we get cleaned up a bit," Gaby suggested.
"OK," Ben said, "just give me a minute."
Gaby smiled at him as she stood up, then helped Brit to her feet.
She maneuvered Brit toward Ben, and pushed her down on his lap, facing away -- her warm, fleshy ass against his now flaccid cock. He put his hands on Brit's hips.
Gaby leaned over and took Brit's left nipple in her mouth.
Brit's body jumped at the touch of Gaby's lips.
"Mmmm," Gaby moaned, "it tastes good."
Brit trembled on Ben's lap.
"Try some, Brit," Gaby said, pushing Brit's right breast upward.
Brit replaced Gaby's hand with her own. She lowered her head and stuck out her tongue to lick her own nipple. She tasted Ben's cum on her skin.
"Fuuuuck," Ben hissed, watching over Brit's shoulder.
Gaby smiled at him, as she continued to rub Brit's chest.
"Let's go, Brit," Gaby said, after a few more moments.
She helped Brit stand and pulled her toward the hallway.
"Are you gonna be OK, Ben?" she asked, over her shoulder.
"Yeah, I'll make it," he said, as the women turned in the direction of the bathroom.
Ben heard the door close, and he sat in the kitchen for another minute before getting up. He collected the various articles of clothing spread around the kitchen and carried them to the bedroom.
As he passed the bathroom door, he heard Gaby and Brit talking. He continued on to the bedroom. After dropping his load of clothes, he sat down on the edge of the bed.
He opened a drawer in the nightstand and extracted a box of condoms. He dumped out two foiled-wrapped Trojans, then tossed the box back in the drawer and slid it closed.
He turned to lean back against the headboard and waited.
Several minutes later, he heard the bathroom door open. A moment later, the women appeared -- Gaby completely naked, though carrying a bath towel, and Brit still wearing her go-go boots.
"Are you ready for more, Ben?" Gaby asked, as they approached the bed.
"Absolutely," he answered, as Gaby draped the towel over the footboard on the bed.
"Shit," Gaby said, catching sight of the alarm clock on the nightstand. "Joey's gonna kill us. We missed our dinner reservation."
Ben looked at the clock.
"Well, we could go now," he offered, jokingly.
"No!" the women cried simultaneously.
Gaby jumped on the bed and leaned against Ben's chest, as if to hold him down.
"Hey, I haven't eaten since breakfast," he objected.
"I beg to differ," Brit said, with a grin.
"Yes, I seem to remember you munching something at the kitchen table earlier," Gaby whispered.
"You know what I meant," he said.
"Well, you're not going anywhere until you give Brit that big dick of yours," Gaby said. "She's been waiting for it for too long."
"Yes," Brit pleaded, still standing next to the bed. "Don't make me bloody beg for it."
"Come here," Ben said, holding out his hand to Brit.
Brit bent over to unzip her boots.
"Leave those on," Ben ordered.
"You want me to wear my boots to bed?" she asked.
"Hell, yes," he said.
"Oh, you are a nasty git, aren't you?" she asked, rhetorically.
"You have no idea," he said, with a smile.
Gaby rolled off Ben to make room as Brit climbed into the bed. Ben pulled her to him and kissed her mouth. As they kissed, Brit moved on top of him, straddling his hips. Gaby leaned in to join the kiss.
Slipping her hand underneath Brit, Gaby found Ben already growing hard again.
"Well, that didn't take long," she said, turning to look down at him.
Ben pulled her back toward him and they renewed the three-way kiss. Their lips and tongues touched and danced for several minutes, while their hands moved over each other's naked bodies and their fingers grabbed at moist flesh.
"I don't think we should make poor Brit wait any longer, Ben," Gaby said, backing away.
She moved toward the far edge of the bed, giving Brit room to lie down.
Brit rolled off Ben and lay on her back between Ben and Brit.
Completely hard now, Ben stretched his left arm toward the nightstand and retrieved one of the condoms he'd left there.
He flipped over onto his knees and positioned himself between Brit's legs. Brit and Gaby both reached out to touch Ben's body as he tore open the foil packet and extracted the contents. He tossed the foil toward the nightstand. The aerodynamics of ripped foil being a great deal less than flight worthy, it fell short of the stand, and, unseen by anyone on the bed, it dropped to the floor.
Ben quickly rolled the latex over the shaft of his cock. That done, he moved his right hand up and down his length as he moved closer to Brit.
"Are you ready, Brit?" he asked, as he guided himself to her wetness.
Before she could answer, he pushed his cock against her lips. She gasped and reached up to grab his shoulders. He moved the head of his cock up and down her lips, then slid it across her clit, as Gaby leaned in to kiss her.
With a gentle push, Ben slipped the head inside Brit. She looked into his eyes and moaned.
"Yessss," she whispered. "More."
Slowly, he moved deeper into her.
He pulled back slightly, and then pushed farther in, letting her juices lubricate him as she adjusted to his size.
Brit wiggled her hips as she accepted him.
It took only a minute to work the entire length into her, filling her completely.
He gave Brit several slow, gentle strokes as he supported himself on his hands. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him into her.
Ben lowered himself to lie on top of her. He kissed her mouth and increased the speed of his thrusting.
"Oh, God," she moaned into his mouth.
Ben slowed down, but increased the force of his thrusts.
"Yes, that's it," she cried, "fuck me hard."
Gaby kissed his shoulder as she watched Brit's face. She ran her right hand over their bodies.
"Faster, Baby," she ordered.
Ben complied, increasing the speed of his movements.
He slid his hands down Brit's body to grab the cheeks of her ass. Holding her tightly, he thrust into her roughly. Again, and again, he pushed himself inside her as her fingernails dug into his shoulders.
Quickly, they found the rhythm -- that rare, magical rhythm where his thrusts into her matched the upward movement of her hips as they bounced off the bed. They both felt it, and with every remaining bit of coherence available to their clouded minds, they struggled to maintain it.
They couldn't comprehend how long it lasted. Inevitably, however, the rhythm broke down, coming to an end as Ben felt Brit's pussy contract around his cock, squeezing him as he drove himself into her, his balls slapping against her ass.
"Yes," he hissed, "cum all over my cock."
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her, kissing his mouth.
"I'm cumming, Ben," Brit cried, "I'm cumming..."
Ben didn't slow his thrusts as Brit's body bucked against him. He continued pushing into her even as her pussy tried to squeeze him out. She moaned loudly as the orgasm washed over her.
He pulled away from her -- breaking her embrace -- and again supported himself on his hands. He pushed all the way into Brit and stopped. He began slowly rolling his hips left and right. Gaby slipped her hand between their bodies and rubbed Brit's clit, igniting another orgasm before the first had subsided.
"Don't stop," Brit cried out. "Don't stop!"
Neither Ben nor Gaby did. Ben returned to sliding his cock in and out, as Gaby continued running her fingers across Brit's clit and lips.
Gaby leaned over to lick Brit's right nipple, then sucked it into her mouth, flicking her tongue over it.
Brit was delirious. She moaned and clawed at the sheets as she received an overload of pleasure from Ben and Gaby.
Ben leaned back, leaving just the tip of his cock inside Brit. Gaby turned her body. She reached down, grabbed the base of his cock, and pulled it out of Brit.
"Oh, bugger," Brit gasped at the abrupt removal.
Gaby took the cock in her mouth, letting it slide into the back of her throat.
Ben moaned loudly. His body jerked at the sensation caused by her hot little mouth.
Gaby held him there for a few moments, feeling his body react.
"Baby," Ben moaned, weakly.
Gaby pulled back, releasing him.
"Don't cum, Ben," she ordered. "Don't you dare fucking cum yet!"
He slouched slightly.
"You're killin' me," he whispered.
She popped up to her knees and kissed him. Breaking the kiss, she trailed her tongue across his chin and down his neck. Dropping her head to his chest, she leaned in to lick, and then gently bite, his right nipple.
She straightened up, looked into his eyes, and smiled.
"I'm sorry, Baby," she said, smiling, "but I have another surprise for you."
"What's that?" he asked.
She turned her head to look at Brit, covered with perspiration, breathing heavily. Gaby once again stopped to appreciate Brit's large breasts moving up and down as she breathed.
"Are you ready, Brit?" she asked.
Brit lifted her head and looked down her body at the two of them. She smiled.
"Yes," she said, watching Ben's cock.
"What's next?" Ben asked.
"Well, when I spoke to Brit about what the two of us wanted to do with her, she was remarkably open to our requests," Gaby said. "In fact, she was very enthusiastic about most of them."
"I only had one thing I really wanted for myself," Ben said. "And, it's not a huge deal if it doesn't happen."
"I know," Gaby said, "but there were two things that I wanted her to do for you in my place."
"And those were?" Ben asked.
"The first, you've already received," she said, "...that wonderful titty-fuck that made you cum so hard."
Gaby looked down at Brit.
Brit let her head fall back to the pillow for a moment, then she let out a long breath and turned over onto her hands and knees.
She turned to look back over her shoulder at the two of them.
"Is this what you want then? Wanna shag me bum and spaff all over jolly old, eh?" Brit asked with a giggle, referring to her 'tramp stamp' of Great Britain.
Ben and Gaby couldn't help but laugh at her exaggerated accent.
Brit wiggled her ass from side to side, as she moved backward until her cheeks touched Ben's cock.
He looked down to admire the tattoo close up. He traced his fingers over it.
"Come on now, don't tease me," Brit said.
"Are you sure, Brit?" Ben asked.
"Just go slow, it's been awhile since anyone's...well, and you're bigger than...just go very slow," Brit said.
"Don't worry, he'll be gentle, Honey," Gaby said.
Gaby crawled around Ben and hopped off the bed. She reached into a drawer of the nightstand -- the same drawer Ben had taken the condoms from -- and removed a bottle of KY jelly and her Silver Bullet vibrator.
She climbed back onto the bed and knelt to the right of Ben and Brit. She squeezed a liberal amount of KY into the crack of Brit's ass. The gooey lubricant ran downward slowly, sending a shiver up Brit's spine.
"Put your cock back in her pussy," she said to Ben.
Ben complied immediately. With his left hand, he grabbed Brit's hip, and used his right to guide himself back inside her. He slowly slid about three inches inside her, then he let go of his cock, grabbed her other hip, and steadily pushed himself into her. Brit let out a long moan as he buried the full length of his thick cock in her.
Gaby turned so she could use her left hand to rub the crack of Brit's ass. She leaned forward, resting her chest on the bed and whispered to Brit. Brit turned to face Gaby, and they kissed.
Gaby slowly moved her fingers around Brit's asshole. She spread the KY using smaller and smaller circles until her fingers pressed against the hole, then slowly slid her middle finger into Brit's ass.
Brit stiffened slightly, causing her cunt to contract around Ben's cock, but relaxed quickly. Gaby slowly worked her finger deeper. She continued slowly pushing, letting Brit's ass adjust, until she reached the last knuckle. Gaby began moving her finger in and out, pulling her finger out a little farther each time, and then sliding it all the way back in. She continued until she could pull out all but her fingertip before plunging it back in.
As Gaby fingered Brit's asshole, Ben matched her rhythm with his own thrusts into Brit's pussy.
"Does that feel good, Honey?" Gaby asked.
Brit moaned in answer.
"Are you ready for that big, hard cock?" Gaby asked her.
Ben watched as Brit nodded.
He removed his cock from her pussy as Gaby again got on her knees beside them.
She picked up the bottle of KY and poured some of the contents down the length of Ben's cock. She dropped the container to the bed as Ben used his right hand to stroke himself, spreading the jelly thoroughly.
"OK, Baby," she said.
He pressed the head of his cock against Brit's asshole.
Brit again looked back at him.
He pushed gently, holding himself steady.
Gaby picked up the vibrator and turned it on. She placed her left hand on the small of Brit's back. With her right, she slid the toy underneath Brit's body and back between her legs. Finding her clit, Gaby rubbed the vibe against her.
Brit pushed back against Ben. She opened up to him and the head of his cock slipped into her ass.
"Oh, yessss," Brit moaned.
Ben echoed her, letting his own moan escape.
Still holding himself to avoid slipping out, Ben stayed still for a few moments, letting Brit's tight hole adjust to him.
Brit nodded at him.
"OK," she said, quietly.
Ben eased another half inch of himself into Brit. He pulled back, then pushed a little deeper, looking down to watch himself disappear into her.
Brit dropped her face to the pillow.
Ben adjusted his position and pushed farther.
"She's gonna cum again," Gaby said, looking up at Ben.
Brit's body shook as she came. Ben held her hips, working himself deeper as she moaned.
By the time her orgasm ended, he had nearly five inches of himself inside her. The heat of her, and the tightness was already driving him crazy.
"God, how much more is there?" Brit asked, looking back at Ben.
"Are you OK?" Gaby asked her.
Brit nodded.
Gaby straightened up and put her left arm around Ben. She let her vibrator fall to the bed and put her right hand on Ben's chest. She found his left nipple and pinched.
He moved his right arm around her and trailed his hand down her spine to her ass. He pushed his middle finger between the cheeks of her ass.
"Bennn...," Gaby cried, as his fingertip -- slick with KY -- slipped inside her.
She tried to wiggle away, but he reached across his body and wrapped his left hand around her neck. Holding her tightly, he pulled her to him and kissed her.
Gaby gasped for breath and pinched him harder. He pushed his finger farther into Gaby's ass, reaching the second knuckle, as he continued moving his cock in Brit.
Gaby broke the kiss and looked into Ben's eyes as he finger fucked her asshole. Her mouth fell open, as if in a silent moan, and her eyes rolled back.
"You like that, Baby?" he asked.
She could only nod.
"Are you gonna cum for me?" he asked.
Another slight nod, as she gasped for breath.
Her body began to shake, bucking against him as she plunged into her orgasm. The convulsions wracking her body threatened to pull her away from him, but he held her safely in his arms, and kissed her mouth.
He released Gaby's neck -- still holding her with his right hand on her ass -- and put his left hand on Brit's left hip. A low moan escaped Ben's lips and Gaby knew he wouldn't last much longer.
"I want you to cum right here, Ben," she said, tapping to the tattoo in the small of Brit's back with a finger.
"Ohhh," Ben moaned, "I want to."
Brit lifted herself up on her hands and looked back over her shoulder.
"Give it to me, Ben," she said. "Shoot it on me bum!"
Ben eased his finger out of Gaby's ass and put both hands on Brit's hips. He pulled her back against him, sliding deeper inside her.
She moaned as she took him in.
"Does it feel good, Baby?" Gaby asked.
"It's so hot and tight," Ben gasped, trying to catch his breath.
He was close. He briefly considered remaining inside Brit as he came, but thought about his fantasy. Not sure if he'd ever again have this chance, he carefully removed his cock from Brit. He used his right hand to strip off the condom, then began stroking himself hard and fast.
He leaned into Brit and his knuckles brushed against the cheeks of her ass as he moved his hand up and down the length of his cock.
"Come on, Baby," Gaby whispered, "cum all over that beautiful ass."
"Yesss," he hissed, as he felt the cum boiling in his balls.
Brit reached up to collect her long hair. She pulled it forward to let it fall over her shoulder, baring her back to him.
Ben grunted as he reached the point of no return.
Gaby supported Ben with her left arm as he erupted.
His body convulsed. He thrust himself against Brit's ass, and fired a stream of cum high up onto her back. It landed along her spine, between her shoulder blades. He tried to aim himself at her tattoo and his second stream splattered across the ink.
He continued moving his hand along his shaft and another shower of cum coated the outline of Great Britain. A few more spurts followed.
Ben slumped against Gaby as his orgasm subsided. She kissed his shoulder.
"So much cum," she said.
He looked down at Brit. His cum covered much of her back and ran down the crack of her ass.
Brit turned quickly and took Ben's wilting cock in her mouth.
"Oh, God," Ben cried, as she sucked the remaining drops of cum from him.
He grabbed Brit's shoulders, digging his fingers into her skin, and tried to push his hips into her.
Brit moaned.
"That's it, Brit," Gaby encouraged, "get it all."
Expended, Ben collapsed onto the bed. His cock slipped from Brit's mouth.
Gaby lowered herself to lie beside Ben. As Brit moved toward them, Gaby moved her hands to the sides of Brit's face and kissed her.
As they continued kissing, Gaby moved her hands to Brit's back. Her fingers smeared the cum Ben had deposited there.
"Mmmm, Ben made a real mess," she said, breaking the kiss.
She released Brit and turned to retrieve the towel she'd earlier left on the footboard. Brit lowered herself against Ben's left side. She kissed his cheek.
"Are you OK?" Ben asked her, as his breathing slowed.
"Yes," she answered.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked.
"No, it was boss," she said. "I've never cum with it in me bum before."
Gaby wiped her hands on the towel, then turned to gently clean the cum from Brit's back and ass. She leaned over to kiss the skin she'd cleared, trailing her wet tongue across Brit's flesh.
Finished with Brit, Gaby turned her attention to Ben. She dragged the towel across his soft cock, wiping away the cum, sweat, and KY left there. She tossed the soiled towel to the floor beside the bed.
Gaby kissed Ben's stomach, then moved slowly upward, across his chest, his neck, and chin, to his mouth. He wrapped his right arm around her as they kissed.
"How you doin'?" she asked, with a smile.
He looked at her.
"Hungry," he said.
Both women laughed.
Gaby glanced at the alarm clock.
"It's too late for Giuseppe's," she said.
"There's always the diner," he suggested.
Gaby looked at Brit.
"What do you think?" she asked.
"Well, so much for the fancy dinner," she said with a giggle.
Ben and Gaby laughed.
"We'll have to give you a rain check on the fancy dinner," Ben said. "Next time we get together, I promise."
"Oh, you presume there will be a 'next time.'" Brit said.
"You don't want to do this again?" Gaby asked.
Brit remained silent for a few moments, then smiled.
"Of course, I do," she said.
In the wee hours of the morning, they returned from their meal at the diner. After more kissing and fondling, Brit left. Ben and Gabrielle undressed and crawled into bed.
She lay with her back to him. His arms wrapped around her.
"Did you have fun, Baby?" he asked.
"Mmmm, I did," she whispered. "We need to do that again, soon."
"Yeah?" Ben asked, tentatively.
The tone of his response made her turn her head.
"I thought you wanted to," she said. "You don't?"
"Sure, I do," Ben answered. "I just don't want you to forget about rule number three."
"Are you going to fall in love with Brit?" she asked, turning over to face him.
"Of course not," he answered. "But, the rule works both ways."
She looked at him for a moment in the dim light.
"You're jealous," she said, finally.
"No," he countered.
"You are," she said. "You're jealous of how much I wanted Brit."
"I'm not," Ben insisted.
"Awww, my big Pookie Wookie," she said, using her pet name for him -- a name rarely spoken -- "is afraid I'll run off with a little English crumpet."
"It's not like that," he said.
She kissed his lips.
"Ben, I love you," she said. "I'm not going anywhere, with anyone."
She turned over again and nestled back against him.
"I'm your girl," she continued, "and you're my guy."
He kissed her bare shoulder.
"I love you, Gabriella Sarsaparilla Armadilla," he whispered in her ear.
"Of course, if I was to run off with Brit," she said, with a giggle, "I'd take that big toy with me so I can always remember your cock."
She yelped as he smacked her ass. | literotica |
Title: Crocodile Blood Part 1 by twopaperbags
Tags: Bathing, Crocodile, Dark, Explicit, F/solo, Gore, Transformation
My first Yiffy story... I've been working on it for a while. It's a transformation story, actually, I'll get to already Yiff stories later on. There is more to this, and I'm working on the next part. In the mean time, enjoy part one of Crocodile Blood.
Crocodile Blood
At the head of the air boat, currently puttering through the dense swampland that most know as the Asmat swamp in New Guinea, a woman wiped sweat from her brow. She was tall, thin, with brown hair displaying her flawless face. She was wearing a pink tank top, and short blue jeans. Despite her best efforts, the humidity left her clothes stuck on her form, displaying the fact she was braless. The heat of the area was killing her, and the crew was complaining. Around her neck hung a camera; issued by national geographic.
She blinked her brown eyes, looking around past the swamp gases. "Any luck, yet?" She called to the back of the boat over the sound of the fan. Her finger was ready to take a shot for hours now, and getting impatient.
"Sorry, Alia. No sign of them yet." Another called back. She sighed, watching the water impatiently.
They were out on these swamps to find a species of Crocodile that was rapidly becoming extinct; its kind was being slaughtered and sold. The blood of crocodiles was used in some medicines, and they had managed to trace them back to the area.
The boat moved on, unaware that a few feet to their left, past a large hanging tree, a group of crocs were lying on the beach, well hidden by a large tree. They watched the boat move by, only moving slightly now and then, to conserve energy in their cold blooded boides. The largest of them all was sitting on a log, sleeping silently. It didn't notice the unnaturally large mosquito land in its neck and drink some of its blood, then fly away after a moment.
Alia looked around impatiently, sitting down inside the boat. She quickly put her camera away in a waterproof casing, setting it aside. She leaned over to a crew member and spoke in a quick language, barely understandable to anyone untrained. The man nodded standing and beginning to turn the boat around.
"We'll try again tomorrow, don't worry!" she said as the crew protested. "Tomorrow, we'll find 'em for sure, got it?"
Almost halfway to their drop-off point, the mosquito got a hint of another feast, and descended to the ship. Landing on the camera bag, it was brushed away by Alia's hand. It seemed to not enjoy such treatment, and flew to her exposed shoulder. She gave a small yelp as it landed, quickly smashing it. It was too late, though, the mosquito had its fill, and she now had hers.
After realizing the mosquito had bit her, she went to the medical kit, rooting around for a moment before finding the anti-itch cream. Applying it gently, she noticed how much bigger that mosquito was to the most that had bit her earlier, but decided to let it go. Size didn't have much to do with it, it seemed.
After a little while longer of conversation, about their current job or family, and some heated discussion on their lack of crocs, the air ship had landed at the drop-off point. The crew all pitched in and got the supplies back in the truck, and was ready to get back to their temporary home: An un named establishment known to them as the Motel.
They returned to the motel; a two level establishment that wasn't doing s well in terms of renovations. There were holes in walls, paint peeling, garbage littered, and the finest point was running water that wasn't brown. They each went to their respective rooms, tired after the morning excursion. Alia was the leader of the group, so she got a room along. The downside was, the equipment would have to keep her company.
After getting settled in again, Alia sat down on her bed, pondering the day's events. She was brought out of her thought by a sudden pain in her shoulder, where the mosquito had bit her. She got more of the calamine lotion, applying it. She stopped as she noticed the skin was red and inflamed, but when she touched it, it was cooler than the rest of her skin. "Huh..." She whispered quietly, running a finger around the red area.
To keep her mind off the bite, she got up, and walked into the bathroom. The shower was clean, unlike most of the others in the motel; she had spent most of the first day tidying her living space. She started the water, making it warm, how she liked it.
She stepped back from the shower and peeled off her damp clothes, exposing her round, perky breasts. They weren't much, but she got by with them. Her pants followed, going into a pile on the floor. She glanced in the mirror and smiled lightly; she liked how she looked. She turned in front of the mirror, running a hand over her round ass. Her finger gently twirled her nipple idly, without her realizing it. She was always a very sexual person, and didn't mind a game now and then, she had to admit. She giggled a bit to herself as she stepped into the shower.
As she felt the warm water begin to caress her body, she felt herself get slightly... colder, strangely enough. She blinked, shivering a small bit. Her breasts shook on her chest, and she stopped them with a small touch. Her nipples began to get harder, even with the warm water blasting down on them. The mark on her shoulder felt like frostbite, and she rubbed it worriedly. She turned up the heat of the shower, turning in it to get warmer, but found it didn't do much. She mumbled something about the heater being broken, stepping out of the shower. She went to the mirror again, looking herself over. She didn't look any different, but she felt...
"Probably a sickness... malaria, most likely... great..." She groaned, going back to the medical case. She dug around for the antibody syringe, finding it without much hassle. She prepped the syringe, placing it to her skin. For a moment, the needle didn't break her skin, making her confused. She placed the syringe down, feeling her upper arm where she had tried to inject herself. She was surprised to find it wasn't as soft as before and was now cracking slightly.
"What... but the moisture around here..." She said in a low whisper, feeling the hard skin. It seemed almost armor like. "I must need a doctor..." She decided, taking the syringe again. After some looking for a spot, she found a small soft patch and injected the serum. The label had said that some side effects such as dizziness, tiredness, and slight hallucination might be possible, so Alia went to the bed and laid down, closing her eyes before even getting under the covers.
She awoke a few hours later by a sudden burst of pain from the mosquito bite. She gave a pained moan and clutched it, feeling something odd. The hardness of her arm had spread, and she could feel her touch dulled from all sides. In her haste, she had left herself unclothed, and ran her other hand along her stomach. It felt soft still, luckily, but now she was beginning to get even more worried.
"What was this bite...?" She wondered aloud to no one. "Is this paralysis...?" she said quietly. Her train of thought was stopped, though, by another burst of pain from the bite. She growled and clenched her teeth, which felt... odd to her. She waited for the wave of pain to subside before getting out of bed and going to the mirror, looking at her teeth. They were normal, but when she touched one, it wobbled slightly.
"That doesn't make any sense... What's going--AH!" She shouted as the tooth she was playing with dropped from its place and onto her tongue, followed by the taste of blood. She spat it out, and another became loose. She held back tears as she spit out her pearly white teeth, one by one, the taste of blood getting greater with each tooth spat out. She took a glass of water and swirled it in her mouth, spitting out a mass of red liquid. A tear fell from her eye as she looked at herself, now with only gums in her mouth.
"Wh..." She stammered, her knees feeling weak. She looked in the mirror, the area around her mouth coated in her own blood. "Hallucination... Malnutrition... something..." She panted, shaking her head violently. She collapsed, her hands holding her above the sink. She looked at herself through tear-full eyes weakly. She ran a hand over her chest, feeling her breasts as if reassuring herself they were still there. As her fingers grazed her nipples, she felt another wave wash over her, but this time, in pleasure. She knew this was hardly the time, and cursed herself for doing it. She hated not masturbating earlier when she had the chance, and now she was too occupied with her condition to think about something like that.
She got up, going to her clothes. She squatted down over them, and began picking them up. A rip was heard, and she stopped, looking down to where one of her fingernails had scratched through her shirt. She pulled the shirt off to find not her normally light blue painted nails, but small, pointed claws. "What the..." She looked at her other hand, in time to see her fingernails fall out painlessly and be replaced. "My nails... claws?" She looked down to her feet in time to see her toenails fall out and inch-long ivory nails push through. Strangely, this entire process was painless, but this might have been due to the hardness of her skin. She was distracted from the new attachments to her fingers by a sudden pain coursing through her gums suddenly.
She threw her head back, opening her mouth wide as the taste of blood returned, and starting from the back of her mouth, sharp teeth began shooting from her gums. They wrapped around her entire mouth. She gave a small cry of pain, her tongue running along her new teeth. She had, without thinking, swallowed the blood that had come from her own mouth. "F...fangs..." She whispered, her speech hindered by the new inch-long teeth, with slightly serrated edges.
She went back to the mirror and pulled her lips out of the way, and as she looked at her teeth, she became sick. She turned to the toilet and her insides emptied, leaving her panting and sweaty.
"This isn't any normal sickness..." She panted, flushing away her last human meal. She hadn't realized, but in many places her skin was developing a dark-green tint. She looked back in the mirror, her regular brown eyes reassuring her of something.
She felt another surge of pain, coming from every point in her body. She closed her eyes as her skin began separating into scales, and then, as if plants began growing on her, she rapidly became fully coated in a murky green color. Her breasts slowly became smaller, receding into her chest until only her nipples, now a dark green, poked from between scales. She wept silently, and the pain didn't end even after the scales had formed. Her spine began to warp, pressing against her back and stretching the skin out. With a tearing noise the spikes broke from her skin, making a small row along her back. Her jaw shuddered, and then began to stretch out with sickening crunching noises. It moved slowly, dragging the sharp teeth along with it. New teeth began forming and pushing out of her gums, making up for the increased space. Her tongue also became longer, lashing out of her mouth as the flesh became harder to resist her sharp teeth. Her mouth began filling with saliva, and her eyes rolled back into her head.
Her body churned again, but it wasn't her stomach this time. She screamed. She fell onto her back, spreading her legs as far as she could. Her spine began pushing out, forming a lump above her asshole. She panted and pushed, a tail began protruding from her. She pushed harder, and soon, it was much more than just the bump it had begun as. It was a fully fledged tail, lashing out from under her her.
She reached down and looked at it, not really believing it was hers. As she touched it, a claw got stuck between a few of her new scales, and the pain confirmed her fears. She let go of the tail gently, shifting to a better position
A sudden knock came from the door, and she spun around in surprise, her teeth barred.
"Alia! It's Matt!" The voice called, knocking again. She remembered him; he was one of the interns on their current trip, and she had taken a liking to him.
"Alia, some of the crew heard you screaming! Is something wrong?" He banged again.
"Rrr... Not now, Matt, I'm, uh, changing!" She hadn't lied.
"Don't try and send me away that easily! What's wrong?!" he called.
Her silence was more than enough encouragement. Matt began pounding harder on the door. This was different, though, now he was ramming it. He saw no other choice if he wanted to help her.
She slowly and carefully stood, so she didn't make any noise to alarm him further. Viewing the damage to herself, she looked pained. She was now covered in the plate-like green scales of the residential crocs, and her mouth was shaped like theirs a well: Long, flat, and full of serrated teeth made for biting and holding meat. Her hands were clawed, and she noticed one finger had disappeared. Had she looked into the mirror, she would have noticed her eyes were yellow, and a coating was over them so she would be able to see underwater. Her tail swayed behind her, and she had to turn away from it.
She hadn't the time to warn Matt before the hinges of the door gave way, and he tumbled in. She stood like a deer in the headlights, looking at him in complete and utter shock. He looked back at her, and he slowly began backing away to the door. "You... you're... you're a..." He struggled, his eyes wide in shock.
"Matt, wait... help me..." She pleaded. He stopped moving back; surprised she could speak, even. "Please... don't leave..." She continued, reaching out to him. Her hands wrapped around his upper arm, and their grip was tight. "Please... don't... go..." She repeated. He winced as her claws dug into his skin, shaking as he tried to get free.
"Alia... your claws..." He said, his face showing weakness. She loosened her grip, and stumbled back at what she had done. "Oh no... your bleeding..." she said quietly, reaching out for him again. "Alia... what happened to you...?" He asked, avoiding the warmth now on his arm, slowly dripping downwards.
"Something bad... something bad..." She said quietly, stumbling backwards and sitting down on the bed. Her tail felt awkward under her, some of the scales rubbing against her pussy. It began to get warm, but it wasn't the time. She looked down at her hands, and then her eyes began to water. She choked, and then began to cry, sobbing into her hands. Smelling his blood on her claws, she wailed and clawed at herself violently, then collapsed in her own despair. He watched in sadness, sitting down next to her quietly. His hand was gripping his upper arm, where she had scratched him. He gently took it away from the wound and put it on her shoulder. He shuddered at the feel of her scaled skin.
She suddenly had a mood swing, and looked up at him angrily. He had violated her by touching her, and now she was mad. She moved away from him, growling in her muzzle as she hunkered down to attack. He had jumped up, aware of what she would do. "Alia! Wait! Control yourself, Alia!" He shouted, but in vain. She lunged at him, her jaws clamping down around his leg. Her reptilian tongue lapped at his blood as her teeth dug deep into his thigh, loving the feel of it as it ran down her throat. He cried out in pain, trying to get her to release him. He flailed around in defense and she released his leg, but only so she could get a better hold on him; by his neck.
She regained her senses about an hour or so later. She was on her floor, licking her jowls when her human thoughts returned. The first thought was how full she felt, and the taste in her mouth. She looked down at her hands, and found them coated in dark crimson.
Blood. Everywhere.
She reeled around to behind the bed, coming face to face with a barely reminiscent body-- she looked away quickly, sick again. She recalled the last hour or so as a blur, but remembered attacking him... and now...
She became sick, her insides spewing out again. The contents of her stomach were also filled with blood. She was appauled, not believing it. "I..." Her new yellow eyes watered again as she came to the dark, hideous truth. "I killed him... and... and... I a-ate him..."
She sobbed in silence, looking down at her deed. She looked around, noticing bloody handprints on the floor, the walls, and the bed, even on her... His.
She sobbed, and, in her sadness, her reptilian thoughts took over. She lunged at his body and began tearing it apart with her new teeth, tears flowing from her eyes. She didn't know why, but she continued to maul the remains, eating anything that broke in her powerful bite.
When nothing but a few bones and the blood that stained the carpet where left, she went into the shower again, and lay down on her stomach. She knew this would be permanent, somehow, and that she would continue to kill people that came near her if she tried to go out into the human world. As she thought, her hand absentmindedly moved over her scaly form, feeling her subtle nipples before moving down along the soft plates on her stomach. She rubbed herself without thinking, and her other hand caressed her tail. Her body found it arousing as she touched the new appendage, and her mind slipped from her predicament to her pleasure as the crocodile took over again.
She was entirely absorbed in herself, rubbing her pussy vigorously now. She felt her claws against her sensitive skin, and some of her juices began to leak from her as her heat rose. Enjoying it, she played with her lips with a claw, before pushing one into her. She gasped as a wave of pleasure shot over her, although a part of her was trying to remain calm and ignore her impulse to fuck herself senseless. Her animal instincts soon became too great and overpowering, and she threw her head back and spread her legs as far as possible, her tail lashing around under her. Its scales left marks on the shower, but she ignored them and continued. She pumped into herself hard, her claws scratching her insides and bringing about a swift orgasm. Clear white juices spewed from her, and she panted harder. Her hand brought her tail to her slit, and as soon as she was ready, pushed it into her.
She almost immediately felt another orgasm coming, but tried to ignore it and began to find how to control her tail. A small thought and it went left, another and it swayed right. She soon had it mastered, and was moaning and panting as her tail ran past every soft spot inside of her. She gasped and gave a loud moan before she brought herself to another climax using only the thrashing and pounding tail which thrust into her.
She closed her eyes after this, her tail continuing to thrust, and was alarmed to see she was imagining a male crocodile on her, thrusting hard into her tight opening. She knew it was wrong, but she returned his thrusts with thrusts of her own, her tail his magnificent and filling cock. She soon came to her final orgasm, soaked with sweat and her own juices. It dribbled down her scales and into the drain below her.
She panted and rolled onto her stomach, her human thoughts returning quickly. "Gotta go... to the swamp... too... hot..." She decided, still short of breath. She got up, slowly, and walked out of the bathroom, her tail awkwardly between her legs as she walked like a human. She avoided to look at the place of her dinner, and went to the door. Glancing around, she could see it was now dark, and no one was around the near vacant parking lot; probably playing cards in one of the crew's rooms. Leaving her door open wide, she ran out, dashing in the direction of the swamplands. She somehow knew the direction to go; her reptilian nostrils flared and she could smell the water. Her animal instincts began to return, and she was on all fours, her claws pounding into the soft soil below in a half deer-like run, half croc crawl in her dash to the swamp.
Moments later, she took another bound forward and was met with water. Her scales were quickly soaking, and she swam around in what would be her new home. She immersed herself in the murky water, her human arms and legs still there. She lay on her stomach, floating like that as her nostrils flared, catching the musk of another croc. She made a grunting sound as she began to swim, using her tail for momentum, to the source of the smell that was driving her crazy. She disappeared into the murky depths of the water, her old life leaving with her. | FSE |
Title: How to Ride a Tikbalang Ch. 15
Tags: diwata, group, nonhuman, tikbalang, non-human, group sex
The first sign was a sudden craving for the sour bite of crisp, unripe mangoes with salty, garlicky, fermented shrimp paste—*manggang hilaw at bagoong*—in the wee hours. The next was the sudden simmer of bile in Jinx's gut, a rising gorge akin to a volcano releasing magma to the surface through a vent with pyroclastic intensity.
It was all the diwata could do to hold the burning rising up her esophagus in until she got to the bathroom of Cocoy's apartment so she could hurl out the *taho* that had been such sexy fun just a few hours ago.
Kidlat had heard their diwata's distress through the open bathroom door and peeked in.
"What else did you eat besides the *taho* and the *merienda* at Mom's?" The tikbalang knelt beside Jinx and gently took her now-long locks in one big hand to pull them away from the porcelain throne into which she was making overly intimate confessions, literally from her gut.
"*Tamod*. From a tikbalang and a bayot." Jinx's wry answer echoed between momentarily dry heaves from inside the white bowl before she resumed tossing her *taho* into it. *I can't believe that something that has been so much fun thus far could create such smelly side-effects.*
The smell of bile mixed with the sickly sweetness of regurgitated *maja blanca* and *taho* as another heave deposited a literally steaming pile of the stuff into the water of the bowl. Water that sizzled and evaporated. Jinx hit the flush handle just as the acidic steam rose up.
The fresh water rushing into the bowl caught her next heave-ho, and it cooled some of the projectile vomit enough to throw small black pebbles to surface before they sank to the porcelain bottom with muffled little clinks.
"What on earth is wrong with you, anyway? You were just fine earlier..."
"She's pregnant." Cocoy's voice drifted over Jinx and Kidlat from the open door. "Fucking several times a day will do that to a female, especially since we didn't always use condoms, dude."
Cocoy took a metal bucket from the cabinet under the sink and half-filled it with water. Then he tapped Kidlat on the shoulder and took hold of Jinx's thick curtain of black hair, cocking his head to the side in a silent command to Kidlat that he'd take over.
The bayot steered Jinx's head to the bucket with care. He was pretty sure he could feel more than one heartbeat under the pads of the fingers he'd placed on her neck: One strong, steady beat that belonged to their diwata and a softer, faster one—maybe two.
"Throw up here, love," he said quietly as Kidlat moved aside so Jinx could switch confessionals. "Rub her back, Kid. That should help."
"Pregnant? Don't diwatas just, I don't know, come into being? In mountains?" The tikbalang sounded as confused as Cocoy felt. All he knew of diwata biology, so far, was how hot these women were—literally and figuratively. *I should have paid more attention to the things outside our fighting and fucking, stupid tikbalang that I am.*
Kidlat's big hands felt so good to Jinx. So did Cocoy holding her hair and steadying her chin so it didn't hit the bucket's lip. *Now, if only this Exorcist audition would stop...*
"I don't have any explanations for this, either, Kidlat," Cocoy said while Jinx heaved into the bucket again, raising another puff of acrid steam. "But I do know no kid of ours is going to be left at the foot of any damn mountain."
"Presuming she is pregnant, hell, no, we're not leaving any kid of ours to the elements—even if his mom is a diwata." Kidlat felt as militantly protective of their still-unconfirmed progeny as Cocoy was. "But what does one do with a pregnant diwata? What kind of prenatal care does she need?"
*What the ever-lovin' fuck? Pregnant?* Jinx would have spat those words out if she weren't so occupied with ejecting breakfast. *Do diwatas even get pregnant? And if I'm pregnant I sure as HELL am keeping the kid. This baby, if it exists, will have a goddamn family that won't up and leave. That changeling shit is so panahon pa ng Katipunan.*
"I have NO idea." Cocoy shook his head at the tikbalang. "Let's just get past this vomiting, because the liquid in the bucket is starting to simmer and we're going to need to do something about this unless we want to see how superheated fluid can smelt metal." *Since neither of them is thinking straight, that's my job, I guess. Haynaku.*
"Oh, Gods of War." Kidlat dumped the contents of the hot bucket into the tub and managed to refill it using the handheld showerhead in time to cool the next wave of Jinx's projectile bile.
"Mrphrghlh—aaaaack! Haaaaaaack!" *Morning sickness shouldn't happen at lunchtime*, Jinx thought in an attempt to ease the stress of the situation. Not that it helped.
Cocoy went to answer the door. Again. It was as if an unending stream of diwatas was constantly walking through his apartment—which wasn't small by any measure since the North Syquia Apartments building was one of the old apartelles and boasted of plenty of floor area.
However, the sheer number of beings walking about his space was disconcerting. Sinukuan, whose deep physical scars were fading, was seated on Cocoy's plush sofa-bed, fussing over Jinx as if she were Jinx's mom. Some other diwatas were touching Jinx's still-flat belly in wonderment and asking pregnancy-related questions like "you had morning sickness? What was that like? What do you mean it doesn't just happen in the morning?"
Kidlat was in one corner of the living room, listening intently to Adora and Makiling, who were talking pretty much simultaneously. Cocoy was circulating about the room, offering to fetch drinks or food for their influx of guests.
From what the bayot could piece together of the bits of conversations he'd picked up, diwatas didn't do pregnant. They'd never done pregnant—until Jinx, of course. They were also arguing quietly with her when she'd said she wasn't going to do the changeling thing with the baby.
"We're going to raise the baby as a family," Kidlat said firmly, ending that argument. "No one else gets responsibility for our child. That's a Batumbakal kid and we don't do fostering."
Cocoy had emerged from the kitchen with yet another tray of *mamon* and *salabat* when all the chatter stopped and every eye in the room was locked on him.
"You told Jinx she was pregnant," Sinukuan said as she rose from the sofa. "Would you mind explaining how you knew, bayot?"
Cocoy took a deep breath, set the tray he was bearing down on a coffee table, and spoke in even tones. "My intuition told me so. Well, that and the fact that there was no other reason for her to be evacuating her breakfast into the toilet that I knew of—and she hasn't left my line of sight since Biak na Bato."
"*Mamon* and *salabat*?" Kidlat took up the tray and began offering its contents to the guests who still didn't have any of the soft butter cakes or hot ginger tea.
"You are marrying Jinx, tikbalang, bayot?" Adora's query shot across the room with an imperious ring to it. "You do know that any creature who wants a diwata in his or her life will have to do *paninilbihan*?"
"Actually, no." Kidlat answered with just as much imperiousness. "What would that involve?" He cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his puffed-up chest. "I am sure Cocoy and I would be up to it."
Pepe's Pole looked brand new, considering that it had a beautiful new coat of pearlescent blue paint and silver trim, courtesy of Cocoy, who had also agreed to do a series of mini-concerts onstage there once a month for a year—all as part of the *paninilbihan* for Jinx's hand in wedded bliss.
Kidlat had re-tiled the roof with the finest terra-cotta roofing his money could buy, and he'd done the heavy lifting for the new furniture Adora and the other diwata had selected for the interiors, which Cocoy had also repainted.
The bayot had also replaced the carpets and wallpapers at the mountain guardians' request while the tikbalang hefted barrels of wine, rum, beer and cases of quality hard liquor. Kidlat walking about shirtless in the summer sun with a slight sheen of sweat and all muscles flexing was sheer heaven for Cocoy and Jinx, not to mention an audience of admiring diwata. Every now and then, Kidlat would take a short break to kiss Jinx soundly, or goose Cocoy and send him a hot look that promised more hot sex after the *paninilbihan* was done.
"Watch those muscles flex," Makiling said, making appreciative sounds as she fanned Jinx on one of the hammocks Jinx's men had set up in the shade of a mango tree in the front yard of the bar. "You are one lucky bitch, you know that?"
"I know." Jinx was smug as she lowered the shades over her changed eyes. "I have the best man-meat in the world and it is being displayed to full advantage." She picked up the icy kalamansi slushie by her side and took a long swallow of the drink without taking her eyes off Cocoy's rippling back while he ran a brush laden with the final coat of silver paint over the window frames.
"This *paninilbihan* thing is fun. It's good to be able to order these beefcakes around, especially since they're shirtless," Makiling said between giggles.
"Careful, hon," Jinx cautioned as she took a sliver of green mango and dipped it into a small bowl of bagoong. "Those beefcakes are mine." She bit into the mango slice with a snap and a warning look at Makiling.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I know they're yours. I'm just looking."
"Good. Keep it that way."
The manual labor for the bayot and tikbalang took the rest of the day and went on well into the night, when the diwatas rewarded them with an impromptu bridal shower complete with gifts for all three of them: A dress made of actual lava for Jinx, a beautifully woven *tapis* of gold and silver cloth matched by an ornate gold breastplate and headdress with silver beads for Cocoy, and an ethereal barong Tagalog of deep blue shot with gold and silver threads in traditional geometric designs of lizards and mountains for Kidlat.
The *paninilbihan*, after all, was a physical expression of betrothal, one that Jinx's men more than eloquently made clear to her sisterhood of diwatas. They were satisfied that the tikbalang and bayot meant business when they said they loved Jinx. They would never have been able to renovate Pepe's Pole so quickly or so well otherwise.
The trio decided to retire to Jinx's home after they'd opened the other gifts they'd been given, including some interesting items Banahaw called "sexytimes essentials," and various rocks and gems that gave them entry to each diwata's domain.
Adora had, by some arcane means, produced items molded from Mt. Pinatubo's wealth of lahar to distribute among all the others, too: Ashtrays, paperweights, phalluses and the molded ashfall version of Baguio City's man in a barrel. These items would make it easy for the diwatas to arrive at the wedding ceremony.
Jinx felt much better after all the fussing she'd thoroughly enjoyed, but she was more than ready to have her men to herself again. Basking in diwata envy was fun, but the reason for that envy asserted itself again. Her guys had been touching her with every chance they'd gotten, surreptitiously rubbing the sensitive points of her neck, back and arms, getting her all hot and bothered. She wanted them, and she wanted them right the fuck now.
Once the front door was shut and locked behind the three of them, Jinx wrapped an arm about each of her lovers and took the opportunity to thoroughly explore their mouths with hers. She released them only to pull the plackets of her snap-front blouse open and pull Cocoy's blue t-shirt off so she could lick at his yummy chest, and tease his nipple piercings with her hot tongue.
Kidlat kicked his shoes off and shucked his jeans while Cocoy was stripping him of his white tee. Getting naked in record time was becoming a habit among the three of them, not that he had any objections. Them, naked and pleasuring each other was the best way to end a hard day at work in his book.
"Hey, Jinx, easy, love," Cocoy said on short breaths as Jinx ripped at his jeans zipper. "I'm not going anywhere— " Whatever else the bayot had to say was cut short by a rough, hungry kiss from Buhawi, who'd also thrust a hand into Jinx's hair because she was licking up the tikbalang's legs.
"Get her to the dining table, Cocoy." Kidlat's eyes were glazed with desire, yes, but they also glittered with command. "It's time for a midnight snack of hot, wet *puki, pecho* on the side."
"Sounds good, Kid." Cocoy picked Jinx up and carried her half-naked body to the dining room while Kidlat rummaged in a trunk by the dining room sideboard for something.
The bayot laid Jinx down softly on the table, stripping her of shoes and clothes slowly, his eyes holding her enthralled and still with the flames of want that lit them.
When Kidlat returned to his now naked lovers, he was carrying what looked like sinewy green rope in his hands.
The command word the tikbalang spoke brought those ropes to life, and they wrapped in gentle but sturdy coils around Jinx's wrists, tugging those wrists out to spread her arms over the table. The ropes grew and twined beneath the tabletop to coil around the diwata's ankles and pull her legs apart, securing her ankles to the legs of Jinx's petrified wood table.
Cocoy picked his backpack up from the foyer table where he'd dropped it, rummaged, upended the bag on the sideboard and took the naughty gifts the other diwatas had given them and picked up a pair of sapphire spheres.
"I wonder how these work?" The bayot's killer dimples were out, bracketing his impish grin. "We really should find out, shouldn't we, Kid?"
"We should, 'Coy." The tikbalang smiled darkly, devilishly at Jinx, who was lying spread-eagled, totally open to them. "Then we should give her a show." He took the orbs from Cocoy, and bent to lick a pert breast. Cocoy bent to kiss Jinx, one hand in her hair and the other teasing her other breast, tugging at a hardened nipple. "We're going to make you so wet, diwata of ours. Then we'll play with you and get you all hot with these balls while we do a bit of man-on-man preparation for our manwich."
Kidlat skimmed Jinx's skin with one hand, bringing it to her breast so he could massage the aroused flesh firmly while he increased suction on her nipple, nipping it lightly and circling the bud with his tongue.
"You like that, goddess? I'll be doing the same thing to your *tinggil*. Get you soaked. Lick and suck you like an ice cream cone on a hot day."
Cocoy's hot whispers made Jinx writhe, the firm tug of his other hand on the nipple Kidlat wasn't laving and sucking coincided with a love bite from Kidlat that brought her to the edge of orgasm.
"Ooooohmyyy*GULAY*!" Her back arched as one of Kidlat's hands found her wet slit, and gave her a playful slap that brought her clit to attention. Fingers slick with her wanting rubbed her sweetly, on her outer labia, then inside, lightly, maddeningly. She canted her hips up to increase the pressure. The tikbalang spread her labia with forefinger and ring finger. All the better for his middle finger to rub the exposed head of her wet clit in slow circles that had Jinx chanting his name, and Cocoy's.
She felt another mouth on her other breast and closed her eyes against the ecstasy of having both breasts given such passionate kisses, full of tongue and teeth. Then she felt a cool, hard touch between her *puki* lips. Someone was rubbing one of the balls against her clit, her cunt, and pushing it in, then repeating the process with the other ball.
A mouth on her clit had her opening her eyes on a gasp, her breath coming as quickly as her hammering heart when that mouth began to suck and lick at her almost painfully sensitive clit with the most pleasurable lack of mercy she'd ever felt. She looked down to meet Cocoy's eyes, which were almost black with the intensity of his feelings, her orgasm shooting her past the known universe when the balls began vibrating hard against her g-spot and Kidlat began suckling at each of her breasts in turn with urgent pulls of his mouth.
*It's a good thing I'm bound to this table because I think I'd fly off it if I weren't*, Jinx thought. *Oh, my gulay, thank goodness we're not going to die, because my heart would explode if I were still human. So good.*
Kidlat eased off on Jinx's breasts, leaving them throbbing and wet while the sapphire balls continued to elongate her orgasm, holding her bound in ecstasy just as well as the ropes bound her to her table.
He went up behind Cocoy, enfolding the bayot in a rough masculine embrace that brought his *tarugo* up against the small of the bayot's back and the cleft of his ass. Kidlat made a trail of licks and bites along the side of Cocoy's neck, his hands going around to the bayot's groin to enclose Cocoy's hard cock and drawn-up balls.
"F-fuck, that's so hot," Jinx said, watching Kidlat kissing Cocoy. She was enthralled by the graceful movements of the tikbalang's hands as he lavished Cocoy's cock and balls with rough caresses that left the bayot breathing hard, his head thrown back against the tikbalang's shoulder. "*Ohmygulay*, I'm c-coming again!"
Cocoy reached back with both hands, giving the tikbalang as good as he got and planting a wet, messy kiss on Kidlat's mouth.
*I will never, ever grow tired of this*. Jinx forced her eyes to stay open, no matter how much her body's paroxysms of pleasure would have made them close. *I am not missing this beautiful show for the world*. Her men were so gorgeous together, completely masculine and so open with their pleaure. She could feel them at the same precipice of pleasure's abyss as she was.
Cocoy's hoarse command made the vines unravel from Jinx's wrists and ankles.
"We need you in this manwich, goddess. Come here." Kidlat was beckoning her with an intense, almost angry look on his face—that look that told her time and again that she was in for a hard ride.
Jinx knelt between her men, taking one, then the other down to her throat and sucking hard, flicking her tongue along their cocks as they kissed and stroked her and each other.
They eventually wound up in a proper standing manwich, with Cocoy fucking her pussy first. Kidlat slid home in her slick *puki* and she pulsed around him in a hard clench as Cocoy slid into her anally.
Tikbalang and bayot rocked the diwata they had suspended between them slowly, feeling each other pump into her in an alternating rhythm that made speech impossible.
Jinx kissed each man in turn, her breaths coming out in pants and moans as they built their strokes up to a crescendo of sighs, moans and yells that were the perfect counterpoint to a blindingly hot exchange of bodily fluids.
"Oh my Gods, I love you both," Cocoy couldn't hold the words back, even if he barely had the breath to speak after they all staggered into Jinx's bed. "And I love our kids."
"Kids? Plural?"
"Yes, Jinx. Kids. Plural. I believe we're the parents of twins."
"Whoa, twins, Cocoy?" Kidlat's shock quickly faded into delight and even more love for the bayot, and the pregnant goddess lying between them. "*Inay* is going to freak, in a very good way. Twins..."
"Say the men who don't have to shove twins out of a very narrow puki in after several more months."
"We'll spoil you silly over those months, our love," Cocoy said with a happy laugh. He pulled Jinx against his chest in a one-armed hug. "We'll spoil you forever."
"Oh, yes, we'll spoil her," Kidlat kissed the top of Jinx's head and pulled her back against his chest for a kiss. "We love you."
"We also love the pregnancy hormones that make you so horny," Cocoy said against Jinx's breasts. "I can't wait to see these get bigger."
"I can't wait to see this get bigger," Kidlat uttered huskily against Jinx's back as his hands came to rest on the still-flat planes of her belly. "It would be so sexy, fucking our personal Villendorf Venus in a few more months."
"Oh, c'mon, dudes," Jinx huffed as she tried (and failed) to catch her breath as her men stroked her oversensitive body. "I doubt if you'll find beached whale me sexy."
"We find you more than sexy, love," Cocoy nuzzled his words against the shell of Jinx's ear, making her squeal from the tickling of his breath. "We'll not be able to keep our hands off you."
"Are you kidding? We won't be able to keep ourselves out of you—or each other. This is going to be a very happy pregnancy for all three of us." Kidlat rolled under Jinx as he said this, easing his still-hard erection into her slick heat. He looked to Cocoy, who was headed to the bathroom to wash himself up. "Don't bother with a washcloth, loverboy. Just get back here quick as you can."
Cocoy did as he was bid, sliding back into bed with his lovers. He bent over Kidlat's head, intent on licking them where they joined while Kidlat took him deep into his throat and Jinx clutched at his head while she fucked Kidlat slow and deep.
The three betrothed eventually fell asleep as the sun rose—but not before they'd short-circuited their brains on the best sex they'd ever had with each other thus far.
Forever was starting out on a very good note indeed.
Grandchildren! If Bulan was given any more reason to be a martinet about the preparations for Kidlat's wedding to his bayot and their diwata, the idea of another Batumbakal grandkid was exactly what she needed to make Mt. Pinatubo presentable for it.
The First Priestess hopped into Giselle, Buhawi's red Range Rover Defender, and put pedal to the metal to get to the Zambales town of Botolan at the foot of Jinx's volcano. Ulap was already there, overseeing the needed weather phenomena and consulting with Indianale and Aman Sinaya and other necessary deities for the otherworldy aspects of the ceremony.
She'd marshalled Amihan and Habagat—Waki, too—so they could source the liquor and victuals in Manila and Pampanga, respectively. No wedding feast was complete without quality booze and food. She also had to find a suitable cave for the light-sensitive *malignos* who were invited. The *manananggals* and *aswang* would appreciate the cool dankness of a cave, after all. The siokoy would enjoy the lake, and put on a lovely aquatic dance for the threesome at the feast, and that meant making sure they had plenty of good seafood.
The diwatas assured her that Jinx's wedding dress would be their contribution to the affair, as well as a choir of singers to serenade the gathering.
Bulan's hurry was all about getting the place properly blessed and protected from prying eyes, and that would take a while. She also checked in on Buhawi and Tala over the speakerphone while she was on the road. This new generation of Batumbakals meant she and Ulap could finally enjoy more time together—and that thought excited her just as much as the prospect of spoiling her coming grandchildren did. All was good with her worlds. | literotica |
Title: Maurice Ch. 07
Tags: vampire, interracial, new orleans, arkansas
I didn't say anything when Micah came into his office and found me sitting at his desk quite comfortably I might add. His anger was palpable; I could feel it from across the room even from where I sat.
"What's the matter Micah? Did you lose something? Or should I say someone?" I asked not moving from my spot.
I half expected him to come rushing in demanding to know where Regina was but he didn't, probably because he already knew. He walked up to the desk, looked at me for a moment and then sat down in the chair across from me. To anyone not aware of what was happening, it would have looked like two perfectly reasonable men having a friendly chat except that the atmosphere was tense.
I should tell you that prior that meeting I had never met Micah or any of the Lannisters before so part of what was happening was us sizing the other up. As of yet Micah hadn't made the mistake that so many others did- he didn't underestimate me. Part of the reason was because he knew of me and if he didn't believe half of what he heard about me before, he believed it now. I was sure that he knew how many of his vampires had already died in trying to keep me out and if he didn't I was about to inform him.
"So finally we meet." I said with a smile.
He didn't reply or smile back at me.
"How many guards did you have here?" I asked as I finished my drink, "I know that I myself disposed of thirty, Edward and Daniel took care of those guarding Regina, how many Gremlin disposed of I don't know."
"Bastard!" he hissed at me.
"Yes well, I've been called much worse and by better." I replied and then waited.
Regina was gone along with her brothers and Gremlin. Most of the guards I had were either dead or they ran when they heard that Delgado and Gremlin were both here. Remember when I said that I didn't believe half of what I heard about Delgado? I found myself wishing to the gods that I had listened more closely to the stories, I would have doubled or even tripled my guards and I would have moved Regina as soon as I arrived but you know what they say about hindsight.
So here I sit in my office with Delgado who has made himself at home with a drink and his feet propped up on my desk as if he belonged there. I had two options, I could leave and go to my family in disgrace or I could stay and fight. If I fought and won, I would still have time to find and marry Regina, there would be Saint Germaine to deal with but I would have my family's backing on that. If I lost then well, I would either be dead or considered to be dead and Regina would be forever out of my reach. And if that were the case, then I would just as soon die, being killed by one such as Delgado would bring a certain amount of honor to me and my family.
I didn't bother to ask where Regina was, I already knew, she was back at the Royal Sonesta in the safe room; it's where I would have taken her had I been in Delgado's position. That also meant that Gremlin would go unpunished for his betrayal as well, Annie was also out of my reach and even if we had her, every one of Gremlin's kind would come after her.
How is it possible that things got so fucked up? Delgado is why, had he not been here and met Regina, this wouldn't be happening but that is neither here nor there, there is only now.
"Yes, finally we meet." I said as I made myself comfortable in my chair. I was sizing him up, he wasn't nearly as big as I was but if he could kill thirty vampires and not even look tired then I was in for a fight.
"Is it true that you are related to Saint Germaine?" I asked trying to buy myself some time.
"It's true." he replied, "Stop stalling," was the next thing that he said, "it doesn't become you."
I resisted the urge to fly out of my chair and strangle him. What stopped me? I heard that he could kill without touching his victim and after tonight I didn't want to find out. If I was going to die, it was going to be fighting him and I was going to make him work for it. In the meantime, I had to keep him talking until I could formulate a plan.
"So Regina is your mate." I said.
He didn't answer, he just looked at me with a bored but amused expression on his face, he wasn't fooled. He was having a good time watching me make a fool of myself and he knew exactly what I was doing.
He was stalling, I don't know why because he was a dead man no matter how long he stalled but who was I to deny him his last few minutes of life? But then again, I did have other things to attend to namely Regina and I was tired of his trying to buy time.
I was going to make Micah an offer that I rarely made; I was going to let him choose how he was going to die. Why did I do that? I took into account who he was, he wasn't some lowlife although that depended on one's point of view but at any rate, he came from a very high ranking family and deserved to choose the manner of his death.
Before I offered him the choice, I had some questions first; they were questions that I was sure that Regina would want the answers to.
"I already know why you chose Regina or should I say why you feel that she belonged to you but why did her parents agree to let you have her?" I asked.
"As I was telling Regina before you arrived, my father made her parents an offer that they couldn't refuse." he replied.
"And what was the offer?" I asked
He hesitated and I think I knew what the offer was, they would have lost no matter what they did except had things gone as planned they wouldn't have been killed.
"They had the choice of giving Regina to us voluntarily or we would kill the boys as they watched and then they would have been forced to watch our wedding." he replied.
"And you call me a bastard?" I asked. "Did you feel nothing for Regina at all?"
Micah shrugged and smiled a smile that didn't reach his eyes, that was all that I needed to know.
Our sister! I knew that we should have known her! I still don't remember much about her but I supposed that the memories would come back once Micah's influence wore off. He was still alive, I could feel him in the back of my brain but he wasn't trying to control me, I had the feeling that he other things to worry about.
I looked over at the woman, Regina I mean, she was still asleep draped over Daniel's shoulder then I looked over at the other.... Whatever he was. Micah had told us about his kind and until tonight I had never seen one like him. He was part vampire and something else but according to Micah no one knew what the something else was which made him extremely dangerous.
I looked back to be sure that we weren't being followed as neither Daniel or.... I don't even know his name seemed to be concerned.
"We are not being followed." he said in a raspy voice that grated on my ears.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I am called Gremlin; I am an ally to Delgado and mate to Annie."
Annie.... it was another name that I should know.
I looked over at Daniel, he had been listening and ha that scrunched up look on his face when he was thinking hard, he knew the name Annie too.
So Eddie was right, we knew this woman. Not only that, we were related to her, I was beginning to understand a few things, we didn't remember her because Micah didn't want us to. He used us to keep tabs on her and he was planning to kill us one at a time. I was supposed to kill Eddie tonight and then Micah would either kill me himself or have someone else do it; the latter was more like it.
Micah was a cold hearted son of a bitch but he didn't like to get his hands dirty, if he could find someone else to kill me, then he would. I adjusted Regina on my shoulder and compelled her back to sleep when I felt her stirring; I didn't want her waking up kicking and screaming an end up dropping her.
I could feel Micah in the back of my head but ignored him concentrating on getting back to the hotel safely. I don't know about Eddie but I was having little snippets of memories like Annie, I know her, I think that she is related to us somehow. How? I didn't know. I was also beginning to wonder about our parents, I know that they died but did they die the way the Lannisters told us they did? So many questions and only Micah knew the answers to all of them.
I looked over at the slightly green colored being flying on the other side of Eddie and was glad that he was a friend and not an enemy, we wouldn't have stood a snowballs chance in hell against him. I was also glad that Delgado stopped me from killing Eddie and I would have because he wouldn't have tried to stop me. As I said before, he hated this life whereas I accepted and learned to love it.
I tried to talk with Olivia to pass the time; Chatty Cathy she wasn't and when she did speak it was in one word answers. Finally giving up, I took out my lap top and then I had her full and undivided attention.
"Do you play games?" she asked in a hushed whisper.
"Sure, what do you want to play?"
"I like solitaire if that is agreeable with you." she replied.
So this was Gremlin's cousin I thought as I gave her the laptop. I wondered if the rest of them were as chatty as she was, come top think of it, Gremlin wasn't all that chatty either. Thinking about him made my heart hurt, I was scared for him, Delgado and Reggie. What if they were dead and I just didn't know it? But I would know wouldn't I? We exchanged blood and made love before he left.
I couldn't help but feel responsible for bringing Reggie here no matter what Gremlin said....
"He lives and will be here soon. Olivia said, "If he had died, you would have felt it."
"Can he die?" I asked.
"No, he cannot, he can be injured and weakened but not killed, none of our kind can die."
"What are you exactly?"
"A little of this, a little of that." she replied.
"Are you vampires?" I asked realizing that I had no idea of what I had mated with.
"Yes we are vampire among other things."
"What other things?" I asked.
"That is for Gremlin to tell you, he will be here soon with the others."
Others? Did that mean Reggie and Delgado? Several minutes later I had my answer. Gremlin came through the window first, then Danny carrying Regina and finally Eddie.
I ran to Gremlin and hugged him letting out a sigh of relief when I felt him hug me back and then pick me up.
"You're alright!" I said kissing his face.
"I am unhurt." he replied as he returned the kiss and set me down on my feet but not letting me go.
I looked at Regina who was sound asleep and then at Eddie and Danny. They didn't remember me; I could see it in their faces.
"I'm Annie, your cousin." I said by way of introduction, "I used to come over to your house everyday and play with Reggie after school and on the weekends."
As I talked I saw a little glimmer of recognition in Eddie's eyes so I kept talking.
"I used to follow you around the house just to piss you off, remember?"
"Pink bicycle with a pink basket." Danny murmured.
"That's right." I said, "What else do you remember?"
"Not much." Danny replied as he looked at Regina.
Suddenly, his whole demeanor changed, I can't explain it exactly but it was as if the lights went out and whatever memory he was having was gone. All of a sudden, he was in full vampire attack mode.
Something was happening, I could feel it.... Gremlin, he was alarmed. I looked over at Micah who had a smug grin on his face. The son of a bitch booby trapped one of the brothers and if I had to guess, I would say Daniel, he had just sent him on a suicide mission but something wasn't adding up, why let them make it all the way to the Royal Sonesta?
But not only that, they were in the safe room....which the brothers would be safe in because it was originally meant for them. I stared at Micah; he was speaking to Daniel telepathically.
"What are you saying to him?" I asked calmly.
He feigned innocence.
"I don't know what you're talking about." he said still smiling.
I stood up, my good humor and my patience was gone.
"I suppose that you think that Daniel has succeeded in killing Regina." I said.
The smile left his face.
"I have just received word that she and Daniel still live. Do you have anything to say?"
I had just played my last card and failed, Delgado wasn't lying when he said that Regina and Daniel were still alive, and Delgado was furious but if I could evade him for long enough, I could still beat him. I vanished from where I sat and went to the far side of the house where I kept a variety weapons none of which I knew for sure to be effective against him. I bypassed the standards such as the wooden stakes because I didn't think that I would get close enough to use it but I grabbed the crossbow with the poison tipped arrows, the dart gun that had darts dipped in another kind of poison and an a revolver that had exploding bullets. One of these had to work didn't it?
I quickly armed myself really believing myself to be at an advantage because he was in my home and I was armed whereas he wasn't. I became confident that everything would turn out right and by the evening, Regina would be in my bed, both of her brothers would be dead and Annie I could care less about.
I could hear Delgado as he went from room to room looking for me but I wasn't fooled, he knew exactly where I was and was trying to lull me into a false sense of security, but I had already done that to myself. I vanished from the room and into my bedroom where I leapt out of the window and headed toward the deepest part of the woods. I wanted him to come after me.
He can't be serious, hide go seek? Really? Apparently he had chosen to die slowly. I took my time in going after him, now that I knew that Regina was safe, I had time. I made sure that he knew I was coming, unlike him, I believed in fairness. I knew that he had weapons, Edward told me about the weapons room the question was which ones had he chosen? Which one would I have chosen if I had been him? I would have chosen something that didn't require me to be close to my enemy, guns and bows, things like that.
He was in the other part of the house, I felt him leave and head toward the woods, he was so damned cocky thinking that he would come out of this alive. I chose to let him believe that, his arrogance is what was going to get him killed.
I jumped from the nearest window and headed toward the woods. I could hear him to my left making much more noise than he should have but then I realized that it wasn't him. He still had a few guards who stuck around hoping to kill me and be rewarded for the deed. I moved toward the noise and ended up standing beside the vampire making the racket.
"Shhh!" I said, "Delgado will hear you!"
The startled vampire looked at me and reached toward me, he was dead before his arm left his side. I had to wonder how many others were in the woods but it really didn't matter, if they didn't leave they would be as dead as the vampire lying on the ground.
"Micah!" I called out. "I'm coming for you!"
I was fine one minute and then..... It was as if my mind went blank except for one thing, I was supposed to kill the woman even if I died doing it. I remembered moving toward the bed where she lay still under compulsion and then I was tackled from behind and from the side by Gremlin and Eddie. I heard Annie scream but it sounded as if it was far away. There were arms around me and I knew that it wasn't Eddie, it was Gremlin but damn he was strong! I fought against him but it was pointless. I heard Eddie calling my name and gradually my head cleared, "I'm ok" I said but Gremlin wouldn't let me go.
Was this ever going to be over? I saw Danny move toward the bed but so did Gremlin, he grabbed Danny from behind while I came at him from the side. Micah still had some control over Danny; he was trying to make him kill Regina. Thank god Gremlin was there because I would have been hard put to stop him, it took several minutes before the fight went out of Danny, Micah must have let him go but even so, Gremlin held on to him until he was convinced that he was no longer a threat. By unspoken communication, his cousin Olivia placed herself between Regina and Danny. Gremlin motioned to Annie who moved behind him out of reach of Danny and myself, Regina continued to sleep which was probably just as well.
"You will not be completely free of Micah Lannister until he is dead and as of this moment he still lives." Gremlin said. "For the safety of Regina and Annie, I am going to put both of you to sleep."
We didn't even have a chance to protest before we felt ourselves landing on the floor where we stood.
I was surprised to find a few of my guards scattered here and there, I promised each of them an astronomical amount of money if they could bring me Delgado's head. Even among immortals money talks! I counted ten that I could see-ten left out of one hundred and thirty guards! That should have given me pause but it didn't, I had the gun, the darts and the crossbow remember? And on top of that ten guards. How could I not kill him?
I could hear him calling out to me as if I were a child that he was playing a game with; little did I know that that was exactly how he saw me except that this was one child that he meant to kill. I didn't respond to his calls but kept moving. Every so often I would hear a cry of pain and then him calling out to me.
"Ten little vampires now there are nine! Ten little vampires and now there are eight! Ten little vampires....."
When he got down to two, I knew that I was in deep shit. My first line of defense had failed miserably soon it would be just me and him but even so my confidence remained high.
I went through the woods killing every vampire that I came across, one of them told me that there were about ten of them and I had already killed three by that time. Micah was moving deeper into the woods to where he considered himself to be safe then for just a few moments I lost track of him. When I stopped to take stock of where I was, I felt a sting and then a burning in my left arm. I plucked out the dart and smelled it, poison but not one that could hurt me anymore than it had.
"Come now Micah, surely you can do better than that!" I called out as I continued on my way. Suddenly, I was tired of the game and wanted it over so I issued a challenge.
"I am tired of playing children's games!" I shouted, "show yourself and let's be done with this unless you are too afraid to meet your death as a vampire should!" I added.
I had no more guards left, they were all dead all by the hand of Delgado. I managed to shoot a dart at him, of the weapons that I had, it was coated with the most powerful poison and it hadn't fazed him at all. I threw down my weapons when he issued the challenge; it was time to meet him face to face. It was time for the fight to the death and the winner would have Regina.
I looked at the three sleeping forms, I wondered if we shouldn't wake Reggie up to give her a chance to get used to the fact that her brothers were here and were vampires. I was going to suggest it but apparently Gremlin had the same idea.
"Annie, go sit with her, she will need a familiar face." Gremlin told me.
I sat on the bed next to Reggie and took her hand in mine. I looked at Gremlin and nodded, seconds later Reggie was awake but disoriented. She looked around the room and saw Gremlin, Olivia, Eddie and then Danny, she opened her mouth to scream but Gremlin silenced her with a word.
"Reggie, it's alright, you're safe." I said.
"Wh... who are they?" she asked looking at Olivia and Gremlin, "they're vampires!" she whispered.
"Yes, they are but they won't hurt you." I assured her.
"Eddie and Danny, they're vampires too." she said looking at them, "why are they on the floor?'
"Gremlin put them to sleep so that Micah couldn't control them." I replied.
"Annie, we have to leave before Micah gets here!"
"He will not come to this room, he cannot." Gremlin told her.
"Reggie, it's alright, Gremlin is ...."
I hadn't even thought about how I was going to tell her that I was mated to one of the creatures that she was so frightened of.
"He's what?" she asked staring at him and then Olivia suspiciously.
"He's a friend of Delgado's and Olivia is his cousin and works for Delgado."
I let her absorb that piece of information for a few minutes before I told her the rest.
"Reggie, Gremlin is my mate- I married him."
Regina stared at me, her mouth dropped open and then she shot off of the bed and into the bathroom locking the door behind her.
Gremlin came to me and hugged me, "she is in shock." he said, "give her time."
The last thing that I remember was that I was hiding in the bathtub and there was a huge fight going on in the next room. Then my brothers were in the bathroom trying to convince me to go with them, even the mention of Delgado's name carried no weight with me. I remember one of them saying "fuck this!" and I woke up to a room full of vampires with the only humans being myself and Annie but now I wasn't sure about Annie. After all, she had mated with one of them.
I couldn't deal with it, I had to have some time to think about what was happening so I locked myself in the bathroom and sat on the floor. I braced myself for the knock on the door and was relieved when it didn't happen then I realized that I hadn't asked about Delgado. It was because of my stupidity that he went to Micah's house, he had come after me and I didn't even think to ask about him.
I stood up, walked to the door and called for Annie.
"Reggie, come out no one here is going to hurt you." she said.
"Where's Delgado?" I asked not addressing her statement.
"He's still at Micah's but Gremlin says that he's alright. Reggie please come out."
I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to face her or anyone else for that matter, I had too much to think about. The first thing was my brothers, were they still my brothers now that they were no longer human? And Annie, what was she now that she had mated with whoever he was and who was that other woman? I also knew that there were questions that I would probably never know the answers to like what did the Lannisters offer my parents that would make them give me away to vampires? The last question was why would a vampire put his life on the line for a woman that he didn't know? To be honest with you, it was a question that I wasn't sure that I wanted the answer to.
I don't know how long I sat on the floor before I got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I looked at the bathroom door debating if I was really ready to face a room full of vampires but I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever so I went out.
Annie was standing by the window with Gremlin standing behind her with his arms around her, I could hear her crying. You have to understand that Annie wasn't a crier and for her to be crying she had to be really upset. For just a moment I forgot about my brothers who were still out cold on the floor, the woman and who I assumed to be Gremlin and called her name.
As I waited for Micah to show himself, I thought about Regina. I was betting that they had to compel her to sleep and that she was still sleeping. When she woke up to a room of strangers she would be frightened but something else worried me, after her experiences with vampires she would be loath to mate with one which put me in an interesting position. If she decided not to acknowledge me as her mate as is her right then I will be alone unless she changes her mind.
My hope was that even though she was frightened and didn't think much of my kind that she wouldn't disregard me right away. I was also hoping that the fact that Annie's mating with Gremlin would help.
"I'm here." Micah said from behind me, I'll have to deal with Regina later.
I turned to face him, his hands were empty but that meant nothing. Micah was a powerful vampire and killing him wouldn't be easy, it was time to lay down the terms of this fight.
"No magic." he snapped out.
"No secret weapons." I replied.
"No Gremlin."
"No weapons except our hands, feet and teeth." I said.
That got him; he had a weapon on his person. I watched as the knives- there were four of them clattered angrily to the ground.
"Is that all of them?" I asked.
I was rewarded with an angry glare as another knife clattered to the ground.
"Did you not learn to fight fairly?" I asked with a smile.
"Arrogant little prick aren't you? He asked.
"Not really" I replied, "I find it interesting that you feel that you have to resort to cheating."
Then he was flying at me, I have to admit that he surprised me so much that he actually got a strike in. I felt the burn and then the flow of blood resulting from the slash on my neck just above my collar bone. The wound closed almost instantly.
"No magic!" he hissed.
"I didn't use any." I replied and I hadn't, part of my genetic makeup included healing even faster than what was normal for vampires. Could I be killed? Of course but a wound wasn't going to do it, Micah had to decapitate me, that and driving a stake through my heart were the only ways that I could die.
I was going to die. I knew that now and I had only one request to make of Delgado.
"If I don't survive this, please make sure to tell my father that I died fighting you."
For a moment I didn't think that he was going to grant my request but then he nodded, if nothing else I believed him to be a vampire of his word. Would I be missed? Maybe but I doubted it, that would be too sentimental. There would be a memorial service as a final goodbye after which life would go on as before. The most important thing now was to die with honor with a witness and what better witness could there be but the one who killed me?
After we set out terms I still tried to give myself an advantage, I kept a knife but he knew and called me on it. The only thing that I had now was the element of surprise so I charged ahead and actually cut him. It was a deep cut just above his collar bone, he should have still been losing blood even with the speed in which we heal but he wasn't, I watched transfixed as the cut was closed in just a matter of seconds.
I accused him of using magic and of course he denied it. No wonder the poison failed! I realized then that every fucking story that I had heard about him was true and that I had fucked up. I didn't take the time to know my enemy and now I was going to pay for that error.
Annie turned to look at me, her eyes were red and swollen from crying and Gremlin gave me a look that almost sent me running back into the bathroom. He was seriously pissed off at me.
"Annie?" I called again.
"I'm so sorry that I brought you here!" she cried, "It's my fault that you're here and that Micah tried to make you marry him."
"No Annie, it isn't your fault, none of it is." I told her, "The Lannisters did this, Micah told me some of it, they fucked with your head just like they fucked with mine."
"But I should have known that something was wrong as soon as we got here! We should have left when you wanted to!"
That we didn't was Micah's doing. I now knew that even if we would have tried to leave we couldn't have and that's what I told Annie. I looked up at Gremlin relieved to see that while he was still angry he wasn't as angry but he had some thing to say to me.
"Go on and say it." I said.
"Do you understand what you did when you left this room?" he demanded.
"Yes." I said quietly.
"You endangered yourself needlessly. If you would have stayed here all of this would have been over hours ago."
"I get it!" I snapped back at him, "I fucking get it! I was mad and made a stupid mistake!"
I don't know what else he wanted me to say, he just looked at me and then turned his attention to Annie. I wanted to give her a hug but wasn't sure if I should, even though he was hugging Annie, it was obvious that he was protecting her as well.
"Annie, can I give you a hug?" I asked.
She broke away from Gremlin, met me halfway across the room and opened her arms. We hugged each other tight and at that moment I no longer cared whether she was human or not, she was my cousin and best friend, which was something that was never going to change. That thought led me to another one, Daniel and Edward were vampires but they were still my brothers. I had to start confronting my fears about these creatures who were now family members and I had to figure out where they would fit in my life.
I swallowed hard and looked over at Gremlin.
"Hi, I'm Regina Annie's cousin. Thank you for helping me and I'm sorry for any trouble that I've caused."
I felt like a kid at the principle's office and like I was introducing myself at an AA meeting as I waited for a response. He didn't say anything but gave a slight nod of his head indicating that he heard me. I turned to the woman and repeated the same thing only she replied.
"I am Olivia cousin to Gremlin and now Annie. Delgado is my employer and I am making all ready for your arrival."
My arrival? What was she talking about? I was leaving this horrible city and never coming back if I could help it! I heard Gremlin growl deep in his throat and Olivia stopped talking, she had said too much.
"What are you talking about?" I demanded.
"My cousin has spoken out of turn." Gremlin replied before Olivia could reply, "Delgado will explain everything." he added as he glared at Olivia.
"Gremlin is right, I have spoken out of turn and I apologize."
After that I couldn't get a straight answer out of any of them Annie included. I soon gave up and asked about my brothers.
"What's wrong with them?" I asked.
"Nothing, I put them to sleep until Delgado returns." Gremlin replied.
"Why? Is he going to kill them?"
"No but as long as Micah Lannister lives he will have control over them; it is for their safety that I compelled them to sleep."
"Delgado, where is he?" I asked.
"He is with Micah Lannister." Gremlin replied.
"You have to go back and help him!" I said, "it's my fault that he's there.'
"He will call if and when he needs assistance." Gremlin replied.
I argued with him but he simply stopped talking and blocked me out.
Micah did have options if he wanted to exercise any of them, he could have conceded defeat, he could have ended his own life or he could have begged for mercy but he did none of those. He chose to go down fighting although he knew it was suicide.
He took off at a run and came straight at me, he was faster and stronger than I had originally thought and got in another slash this one closer to the mark.
It was time to end this.
This time when he came at me, I met him head on with my fangs bared and my claws out. In this case my size was very much to my advantage as Micah was used to bigger targets. As the point of impact approached, I curled into a ball with my arms stretched out. I felt his skin tear and then smelled his blood as it poured from the near fatal wound on his neck. Not wanting to drag this out, I immediately attacked again this time decapitating him. I watched as his head fell to the ground and rolled until it hit a tree.
I had absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by winning this fight. As long as I breathed I had a chance no matter how slim. When I charged him and managed to slash him again, I was ecstatic, I could do this! I could win against Delgado and all would be mine.
That happiness was quickly dashed when I went at him again, I almost didn't feel his claw as it cut into my skin but I felt the warmth of my blood as it ran down my neck. I knew that it was over, I couldn't heal as quickly as he could and he was already coming back to finish it.
And then there was nothing.
I said a few words to preserve the head; I would send it to his family not to gloat but so that they could place it in the family tomb along with the heads of his ancestors. I would also write a note informing them that he had died in battle with me and that he fought courageously, there was no point in telling them that he tried to cheat and he did in the end fight with honor and courage.
I went back to his house and looked for something to put the head in. I found a box, lined it with towels and went back to where his head lay as if it was waiting for me. I put the head in the box and went to my home to shower, change my clothes and eat. The events of the past day and the fight had tired me and I hadn't had food of any kind in over twenty-four hours.
I was surprised to see a note from Olivia saying that she was at the Royal Sonesta with Annie. She didn't know Annie so I wondered why she was there-no I didn't know that she was related to Gremlin. I took a hot shower, dressed in clean clothes and sat down to write a note to Micah's parents. It wasn't very long and just conveyed what he asked me to tell them and what I told them was the truth. I packed the head in plastic, stuck the note in the box and made a phone call; someone would be here within the hour to pick up the package and put it in a more presentable container and then deliver it to Micah's family.
I ate the entire tuna casserole that Olivia left in the fridge and instead of wine; I drank six units of blood. Feeling refreshed, I headed to the Royal Sonesta.
"He is coming." Gremlin said in his raspy voice.
"Who?" I asked.
"Delgado, he is coming."
"I am here." I heard from behind me.
I turned around and came face to face with Delgado. | literotica |
Title: Millenium Nap (Chapter 1) by Fenryx
Tags: Bizarre, Bunny, D&D, M/F, Rape, Snuff, Violence, Vixen, Vore (soft), Wolf
Trees as far as the eye can see; each one looks to be as tall if not taller than our modern skyscrapers. In a few of the clearings are patches of farming, attended by creatures that can only be described as humanoids rabbits. Carrots; lettuce; potatoes; all sorts of foods are grown as a man in simple but protective leather clothing walks among them. Dark brown haired and hazel eyed, he towers over the rabbit folk, their heads coming up to his groin. An elder, white furred with age with long hair and a beard besides, approaches the man, hobbling on a staff and wearing an earthen robe.
"Hello, human," the elder rabbit says in greeting although his tone is guarded. "What brings a warrior such as yourself to approach our warrens?" "My apologies, elder," the human replies with respect. "I have come from Sumberhoam as an advanced scout. How has the land been to the lop this year?" "Ah, it is getting to be that time." The elder lop smiles. "Well enough, we have much to trade to Sumberhoam, I just made sure the Circle got their tribute, being one of their member by the will of the Goddess." The human presses a fist to his heart and bows. "That is good to hear. I am of the Hunter's Guild myself. We are set to run our annual field exams near here. Which is another reason for my visit. Not all who wear the robes is a true druid but I am honored to encounter you." "I felt the call of our God and Goddess as a young man, myself, hunter." The Druid says as he guides the huntsman to a tree as wide as a house with stairs leading into the roots. "We have accommodations for you larger folk when we get visitors to our village. Will you be staying with us long?" "I am to be stationed here a week, wise one." The huntsman answers honestly. "Do you have messenger kites here? I need to send a missive home to inform the Headmaster of the College of Rangers and Scouts." "Of course, of course." The Druid nods to the request. "Any Guardian candidates among the students that will invading our neck of the Shadow Wood?" "Aye," the huntsman says with a nod. "Several in fact. Although the closest to completing his challenges and perhaps attaining that honor is the lupin Cullen Dogwood." The druid is checking a stew cooking on a great cauldron. He almost has to spit out his tasting when he hears the name. Whirling around to face the human he asks, almost fearfully. "Fenrys is scheduled to come here? It shall be an honor to host such a hero among the good folk of the wood." "Aye," the huntsman says with a nod as a pair of angry red eyespots alights behind him. The trunk of a sapling crashes down on his head with tremendous force, killing the man instantly. Stepping into the light is another man, one made of wood with moss growing like hair between the random bumps and twigs crowning his head. The moss detaches from the wood man's head and crawls into the human's skull. "I will try to learn all I can elder, but it may already be too late." "It's alright, my dark wood man," the lop says as he begins to strip the human. "We learned enough. When your soul catcher finishes devouring his memories give me a full report. Now I need to prepare his body for the goblins. Pity there was only one of his kind this time, I do so like the smell of humans roasting." "By your command, great font of dark wisdom." The wood man smiles evilly at his superior as he strips himself to reveal a patch of fur over his heart, a black circle with a stylized skull at his center symbolizing the Shadow Circle, a cabal of dark druids worshipping the cruelty and sheer malice of nature itself. "Good evening, Grandfather," a fetching blonde haired female calls as she enters the druid's abode. Seeing the corpse she sighs. "And what did he do? Don't tell me the Circle of Light is getting close to realize your true allegiances." "Cute, Tasha, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to deal with you," the elder druid growls to the offspring of his offspring. "But do make yourself useful. A ranger is coming, a lupin ranger, one so in tune with the light that he will disrupt my plans to awaken the tarrasque should he get too close to its place of slumber." "The same ranger that managed to survive the cockatrice pack you unleashed this spring?" Tasha says with a smirk. Her grandfather shoots her a dark look that satisfies her inquiry. "Worry not, Grandfather, I will alert you when Cullen Dogwood arrives. By the way, should I alert the Purple Death tribe that you have another bit of meat for their campfire?" "Yes, you do that." the elder lop druid says with a dismissive gesture.
Tasha leaves as the wood man gives the druid a dark look to which the druid shakes his head. While the younger lop scout is annoyance, the druid perceives her as a useful tool. However what both lops and the humanoid tree failed to recognize was the female red tailed hawk that had witnessed everything. The bird of prey leaves through the upper branches of the house tree with the dark druid saluting his passage with the admiration of a predator. But the eagle is no friend of the druid's as she flies back to her master. Flying past Tasha she considers shooting it just because she can with her short bow, but decides instead to follow it. Crying out to someone, she flies up to a low branch of a birch. Knocking an arrow to her bow she takes careful aim. But before she can shoot a long bow arrow pierces her throat. As life ebbs from her body she watches a humanoid timber wolf, a lupin, in studded leather armor with a green cloak and wielding a reinforced long bow emerges from the foliage. The hawk she was going to kill takes off again only to perch on the ranger's shoulder. Suddenly Tasha understands that the hawk is the ranger's pet and she saw everything. But as she starts to fade to black a warm, fuzzy feeling that she knows is healing magic. However, after she is brought back from the brink of death, she feels herself being bound. Cullen Dogwood may have saved her life but if she was going to hurt his friend he needs to interrogate her. Passing out the lop femme wills herself to die rather give up her family's secrets until she hears the muted whoops of goblin warriors.
Restrained but alive, Tasha watches as purple haired goblins bring up blowguns. She smiles but the hawk won't shut up. Fenrys does a quick chant that Tasha recognizes as a spell of protection against un-enchanted missiles. His spell casting worries Tasha, then she notices the torc, a twisted ring of silver encompassing his neck. A Torc of Communion, only those selected as Sentinels within the Circle of Light and those of the Inner Realm are allowed to wear this magic silver collar so that they communicate better with all around them. He was warned and is continuing to being warned by that damn bird. The bow starts to glow in the lupin's hand. Arrows fly as if on missions of death. While the first two goblins going down cause the other eighteen no concern but when ten goblin warriors are killed before the ranger is even scratched, the remaining ten begin to disengage. And when the ranger empties his quiver of twenty arrows and the Purple Death goblin hunting party is completely wiped out, Tasha is very much afraid. In fact she sees the same arrow he took out of her throat recycled to kill the last goblin. Feigning unconsciousness, Tasha is surprised as Fen kneels besides her to get a better look.
"Tasha Woodblade," Cullen says with a frown. "One of many daughters of Duncan who was found to be serving the Shadow Circle but he hinted of more family involved. My hawk confirms that his father, Morgan is an actual member of the Shadow Circle." Tasha remains silent but Cullen shakes his head. "Quit the act, Tasha, I know better. You lops aren't that good at playing possum." Tasha still does not respond, as she is too afraid until she feels the lupin grope her breasts and groin. Then she gets horny. "Interesting all I did is restrain you and yet a good groping gets you hot?"
Tasha would bite her fist if she could. Like her sisters she has been taught to be very receptive to males that abuse them. Something her father ingrained on her years ago. Being restrained turns her on, a fact that she hates in situations like this. Right now a part of her is begging to be used as a sex toy while the rest of her is trying to resist this primal urge. The Lop have always taught their children not to resist predators when they know they can't do anything about. While she is supposed to be complacent now, she will tell her grandfather who will no doubt visit great punishment upon the lupin later. It is while reflecting on this that she sees the pants of his supple armor bulge. Turning her head she tries to forget what her brothers, her uncles and her cousins taught her to do with a male when he gets like that. Unfortunately while she may not want to, her grandfather's programming is starting to kick in and she licks her muzzle.
Cullen sighs and shakes his head. Tasha manages to inchworm herself below him and lick at his groin. Internally, a part of Tasha's psyche is screaming against this but the rational part of her mind has been subjugated to the manifesto of the Shadow Circle. Determined to make herself a honey trap she keeps licking until Cullen relents and lets her suck on his phallus. He knows full well this is mostly an act but part of him is still very curious as to know how far she will go to try and lull him into a false sense of security. But while enjoying his fellatio treatment by his prisoner a bush stirs behind him. Upon seeing the moving bush the eagle cries out a warning. Cullen sees the shuffling mound move and tosses a glass sphere with a brownish orange liquid at the mound. It shatters upon landing exposing its contents to air which causes it to ignite. Tasha never stopped her fellatio; she never saw the mound except after Cullen lit it up. Her grandfather raises and trains predatory plant creatures as a hobby. More as security than anything else and that thing was probably a sentry. A scream elicits from the thing as it burns to death.
Cullen grunts when he climax and Tasha swallows everything she can. Taking her back to the elevated barracks in the majestic redwoods that now serves as a temporary base for this last series of field exams for the apprentice rangers. Once there she is put into a cell with other criminals that will be part of tests scheduled to take place over the next month. However, putting her in a cell and keeping her are two different things. Leaving all clothes and all dignity behind she manages to escape. Using her own orienteering skills she attempts to make her way back to her grandfather. Except she forgot something: she was trying to escape a ranger camp during training season and they expect the prisoner to attempt to escape. Her absence does not go unnoticed for long and a silent alarm goes out. Rangers of various levels of skill and competence are quickly dispatched to bring her back. For Tasha it is a desperate act to return to her family and away from the punishment for their misdeeds that she gleefully participated in, but for the rangers this is a test of their skills and a chance to prove which of them is top dog.
Tasha gets first indication that she is hunted by the site of the eagle, specifically Cullen's hawk. Rangers use their animal companions to help them hunt and now Tasha herself is the prey. Desperation fills the rogue lop's heart as she know Cullen is just that good. She can run all she likes but there is no hiding from a lupin. He will smell her heat and then it will be over. Unless she can find a way to defeat that and Tasha thinks of just such a place. Running to a waterfall she knows has a hidden cavern that she knows how to access. While she manages to get to the waterfall, she is lassoed before she can get into the cave. Looking back at her capturer, she sees the naked form of Cullen Dogwood. Gray fur that features black tiger stripes with red top fur, the irises are a bloody red but not a single garment is worn by the ranger. Her captor licks his muzzle as she realizes his cock is already out and ready. Pressing her up against the wall of the falls he ties her front up quite well before licking her breasts. Binding her has its usual effects and as the lupin violates her, Tasha wraps her legs against his waist. She knows better than to resist the ranger and this time her heat had time to build. The lasso was almost a relief as it meant she was caught again and her body this time was craving sex. Cullen rapes Tasha against the wall of the waterfall. Water cascades down and drenches the pair as Tasha inwardly weeps.
Once Cullen has finished with her initially she is again hauled back to the base. But this time she is not thrown into a cell but into a magic circle. Tasha knows just enough about magic to recognize the purpose of the circle. Forced down to her knees the naked bunny is going to be made someone's pet to be used and abused as he or she see fit. Before the ritual of binding starts, a wood gnome reads off a heady list of charges that her family has perpetrated over the years. Hearing the crimes, Tasha notes that only those that she actually participated in are being read aloud. Apparently she has been fully identified. Members of the Circle of Light, a Druid organization dedicated to goodness in the natural world, are in attendance. An ursyn member, an elder by the look of the old bear, rises once the charges have all been read. Her punishment has already been decided: life in bondage to another member of the Circle or one of its adherents. Cullen is also in attendance. The smug look upon his face is almost too much for Tasha to bear. But even as part of her is railing against the injustice, as she would rather be executed for her crimes than play the part of a pet, another is secretly hoping the wolf that has caught her will be her master. As luck and circumstances would conspire to make it so the ursyn hands Cullen the collar that will be placed around her neck. Tasha keeps her head down and herself calm as she can. When the collar is placed around her neck, the bunny sucks off her captor for all to see quite willingly. Unfortunately what she does not know is that her grandfather has sent a dark heartwood treant to rescue her. It has two objectives to achieve. Primarily it is to disrupt the slaving ceremony and retrieve Tasha. Failing that; it is instructed to kill Tasha so that the family secrets do not fall to the Circle of Light.
Tumbling past the darkly sentient plant of human like form, Cullen casts a spell on himself before striking at critical points on the walking tree. Driving an iron spear into the dark and twisted heart of the treant, Cullen kills it almost instantly. Remembering its other objective the heartwood titan makes sure it falls on top of Tasha, crushing her to death under its weight. Cullen sighs and shakes his head. He sacrificed much to ensure that Tasha was not outright executed and instead became his sexual plaything. And to have all that effort wasted by her senseless death causes the wolf to drop to his need in anger and remorse. A vixen witch he had been arguing with for quite some time kneels behind him and disrobes. She presses her tits to his back and hugs him at first before her hand slips to his cock and starts to paw him off. In the hierarchy of their theocracy, the witch technically outranks him. But she also needs a guardian and that usually means entering into a contract with a male that includes sexual activity.
The ursyn gives Cullen a sly wink and a nod. Reversing their positioning, Fenrys pins Morganna beneath him. Morganna lays down but looks to the bear, as druids hold power over witches in these woods. As Cullen enters Morganna, the old bear performs a hand fasting or marriage ceremony. He sets the time of their binding to five years at which time they must renew or allow the bonds to dissolve. Sighing, the vixen is getting the wolf protector she wanted, just not in the circumstances she wanted. Unbeknownst to all another plant creature called a spore bat is watching them and transmitting its findings back to Morgan Woodblade. Woodblade is not happy at the proceedings as he paces back and forth in his hovel.
"This is intolerable!" Morgan bellows to no one in particular. But much to his chagrin a seven foot female humanoid with green scaled skin and the general countenance of a dragon walks in on him. "And what is so intolerable, Morgan?" Shi demands to know. Like all dragons of this world this wood dragon is a true hermaphrodite. Wearing not a stitch of clothing, shi taps her foot expecting an answer. "Oh...nothing, Dracina, your highness," Morgan lies badly. "Just a bit of a set back, that's all. Everything is proceeding according to our plans." "I find that a little hard to believe." Dracina growls, "I know you have been lying to the Shadow Circle. Your incompetence is becoming a liability. The Circle of Light is coming close to finding out our plans and that, my dear, dear Morgan is quite intolerable." "Temporary set backs I assure you deeply, your magnificence." Morgan whines as he tries to convince the dragon without much success. "I just need to find someway to eliminate a certain ranger before he becomes a guardian" "Ah, yes, the ranger Fenrys who has become such a nuisance." Dracina states: "I am actually here to discuss him. It has come to my attention that he is quite skilled. If our plan to awaken the tarrasque to reek havoc on the countryside is to come to fruition than he must die. Did you plan on having your granddaughter seduce him?" "Not especially but I was going to use that angle once she was properly conditioned." Morgan states which gets a nod of approval. "But you botched attempt at retrieving her, has executed her." Darcina states coldly. "I will not stand for this incompetence. You are to be removed as our operative in this area." "But, your grace!" Morgan yells in desperation. "Please! I beg you! Have I not been loyal?" Dracina flashes him a sinister smile of lust. "Oh that you have been, dear, dear Morgan. Which is why you will have a boon before you are retired. Not to mention how I intend to retire you. Strip yourself and lay down on the table." "Yes; your grace." Morgan knows better than to protest.
After stripping himself nude and laying on the table as instructed Morgan notices the dragon is showing hir heat. Dracina licks at Morgan's scrotum. The druid may be old but his libido has only increased with age. Getting his member up and ready to use does not take long as the dragon knows full well. The dragon impales hirself on his member and licks hir own muzzle in pleasure. Riding the rabbit with full control, the dragon makes him cum inside of hir before proceeding with phase two of hir plans. Young by dragon reckoning, Dracina is older and more steeped in magic lore than hir partner of the moment. Retaining his seed, shi use lye to remove his fur before shi takes out all of his fillet knives and butchering cleavers. Shi fires up the grill he has used to cook many humans and elves over the years. Rubbing the same cooking and marinating herbs he has used on many an agent of light on his body, Morgan is alarmed at the fact that his member springs to life once more. Once done with the initial applications shi takes a cleaver and surgically castrates with a single precise stroke. Placing his cock and balls on the grill to cook shi then starts to butcher him alive. Only when shi decapitates him with a cleaver stroke does he receive the release of death. But his soul cannot leave by hir own decree. He is forced to watch as his body becomes a meal for his patron before a goat bearing an enchanted lantern around its neck meanders in. Dracina places Morgan's soul in the lantern before assuming his form to further his schemes that he had approved by hir personally. | FSE |
Title: Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 0.2 by comidacomida
Tags: Fantasy, Gore, Magic, Violence, Zion
Zion - Path of the Moon Mother Chapter 0 Conclusion Bannihar - Blinding Light (Part 2)
"Stay on your guard," Lord Raes suggested as the rest of the party filtered into the large room after him, "They may have chosen this building for a reason."
The group looked around the ground floor. The building appeared to have been hollowed out. Large sections of wall had been removed to provide a clear view around the entire first level but a single wall remained undisturbed toward the center of the building. "Why didn't they move that one too?" Priestess Delier asked quietly, motioning to the unaltered stone wall with her muzzle.
It's load-bearing." both Roarg and Elias said at the same time. They each grinned at the other's response.
"Keep close together." Lord Raes suggested, "It looks like they have murder holes." he motioned toward the ceiling, which was full of large sections of broken wood providing glimpses of the floor above. Elesin was already half way across the room, but almost everyone else gathered close together, all eyes going to the holes in the ceiling. Alexander separated further from the party, slinking into the darkness.
"There." Iskiy announced quietly, motioning with his sword to a shadow that moved monetarily across one of the breaks in the ceiling.
"Corporal... long range." Lord Raes directed, and Iskiy complied, sheathing his blade before drawing out his bow once again.
"Priestess..." Roarg spoke up, glancing to Kayte, "Can you ask the Goddess for protection?" he requested. The wolf nodded, whispering quietly as she brought her paws together. Roarg drew his double-headed battle hammer, gripping it tightly with both paws. The leather grip creaked beneath his firm grasp, but the more prominent sound was the creaking of floor boards from above.
Roarg and Elias looked to one another and Roarg nodded toward the remaining stone wall in the middle of the room; the armadillo got the picture immediately. Elias knelt to the ground and placed his palms against the stone. He twisted his fingers into the floor as if it were clay, gripping the rock and gave it a firm shake as one might with a sheet on a bed. A powerful ripple flowed across the floor and into the central wall; a moment later the entire floor above the group began shaking. Several shouts from above signaled that the cultists were no longer interested in stealth.
"Kill them!" came the call from behind the stone wall at the center of the room, and five cultists emerged from hiding, wicked-looking jagged knives in their grasp. Several crossbows peeked through the holes in the ceiling.
"Protect us in our time of need." Kayte's voice picked up volume as her prayer concluded. A cool, silverly blue light rippled through the party, encasing Kayte, Iskiy, and Elias in a protective aura. A wavering beam of light crept across the floor, seeking out Elesin to keep her safe from harm as well.
Lord Raes raised his shield, "IN TAH'AVEEN'S NAME!" his entire body became a beacon of the same illumination, enveloping both Roarg and himself in the holy defense.
"Battle isn't won with pretty words and bright lights, kids." Elesin announced, "Here... I'll show ya how to do it." The kangaroo shifted her sword to her left paw and reached into her satchel with her right. Black sand leaked out between her fingers as she began intoning the words of power.
"Ah... miss?" Elias spoke up, "I'm not certain that kind of spell is the right one to use in an enclosed--" but the warning fell on deaf ears... and as the kangaroo's spell was completed the remaining sand in her grasp erupted into a roaring ball of flame.
"You worship a big ball of fire, eh?" Elesin's grin was truly frightening illuminated by the crackling orb. She lobbed the blistering globe upward into the ceiling, "You're welcome."
Lord Raes raised his shield, a silvery barrier of light spreading out around the group to protect them from the flames. Standing amidst the swirling mass of cinders Elesin simply laughed, unharmed by her own magic. She slid her blade back to her main paw as several cultists from the floor above fell to the ground, charred, dead already before hitting the floor.
A single cultists remained on the weakened second floor, flames licking at his robe. The man brushed the fire off with the back of his hand, drawing the burns and blisters from his body with the same gesture. Scowling, he raised his crossbow, taking aim at Elesin... but an arrow sprouted from his chest a split second after Iskiy's bow string twanged.
The cultists on the ground floor each quickly spoke a word of warding and motioned with their free hands, their own divine energy granting them protection against any future magic thrown their way and, thus protected, they stalked toward the kangaroo.
"I'll handle these wackos if you all still want to stay in your huddle..." the kangaroo called over her shoulder, "But I don't think it's going to be a very fair fight... there's only five of em."
"You will die for your vanity." declared the lead cultist, a coyote with gold embroidery on his robe. "Kill her." he announced to two cultists nearest him. They rushed her immediately upon the order, both coming at her from the front. Without a pause, Elesin returned the favor, closing the distance. She skidded to a halt and leapt to the side at the last minute, drawing her blade across the abdomen of the cultist on the right. He collapsed mid-stride, innards falling out of the opening. The kangaroo spun around with a back-arm swing at neck height, but the second cultist was able to block it with his blade.
Another cultist rushed Elesin from behind, blade at the ready. Elias was quick to respond, placing himself between the cultist and the kangaroo.
"An armadillo?" the raccoon cultist sneered, "I'll spill your blood in Her name!" and he stabbed. Elias spun to the side, relying on his rock armor and his shell to protect him from the blow; it did. He pushed back further, knocking the raccoon off balance. Continuing his spin, the armadillo held his arm out. The stone covering his flesh extended past the point of his claws, thinning and broadening out into a rock blade. The raccoon, however, nimbly ducked.
By that time, Roarg had lumbered into the fray. With a simple, no-nonsense downward swing the badger collapsed the raccoon's head. He sidestepped, winding his weapon around for another strike, bringing it to aim against a bear cultist who moved to intercept him. The bear stepped to the side at the last minute, taking the hammer as a glancing blow to the shoulder at the last minute. Though the attack dealt no real damage, it did knock the bear off balance, making his own attack come up short, blocked easily by the badger's hammer.
Alexander emerged from the shadows, blade held in reserve as he stamped his foot down against the bear's shin, forcing the large cultist back, and right into Lord Raes' charge. The large dog led his rush with his sword, impaling the bear straight through, pushing the corpse off his blade with a bash from his shield. Another cultist rushed him from behind, and Lord Raes spun about, knocking the knife aside with his shield and driving his sword right into the attacker's throat. By that time, only the cultist with the embroidered robe still survived.
"You... champion of Tah'aveen..." the last cultist stated. The coyote pointed his blade at Lord Raes, "You will die."
"Everyone will die... but he will not be felled by your hand." Priestess Delier announced, stepping to the front of the group, "No one here shall. You lost your flock, Pretender. Now submit."
"Kayte Delier..." the cultist sneered, "I'm surprised they let an initiate leave the temple."
"Priestess." the wolf corrected.
"Either way, you live a lie. Tah'aveen is NOTHING!" he sneered, changing his grip in his blade as he raised his arm to hold it in a stabbing position. Lord Raes quickly stepped to interpose himself between the Priestess and the Cultist.
"DIE!" the coyote bellowed, bringing the knife down with all his might. Lord Raes dropped his shield and casually reached up and intercepted the arm, paw grabbing the cultist's wrist in a vice-like grip. Wild-eyed, the coyote added his second paw to the first, trying to force the dagger down into the dog. His whole body shook with effort, "My... Lady.... will not--" Lord Raes casually brought the pommel of his sword across from the right to collide with the cultist's head. The coyote collapsed, leaving Raes holding both a sword and the cultist's dagger.
"Your 'Lady' is an illusion." Priestess Delier announced, "You're defeated... now yield."
The coyte slumped to the floor, falling to his paws and knees. He hung his head, a drop of blood falling to the stone from the cut on the side of his face. He began sobbing, "Why have you abandoned me?" he asked softly.
"She was never with you..." Lord Raes announced, tossing the cultist's blade to the side, "you were deceived." he reached down to pick the man up, but the cultist suddenly sprung at him.
Pulling a hidden blade from his robe the cultist screamed, "MY LIFE FOR TAH'ALIA!"
Shieldless, Lord Raes moved his left arm to intercept the blade and a pulse of silvery blue energy repelled the attack before it reached his flesh. The cultist pressed the attack, placing his foot behind Lord Raes' and body-checked him with his full weight. It wasn't enough to push the dog off balance, but it did open up his defenses. The cultist, sadistic grin flashing in victory, readied his blade for another strike, but he stopped, eyes open wide.
The coyote's paw opened and his blade fell to the ground. He took a half step forward, and fell face first to the floor, a knife stuck cleanly in his back between his shoulder blades. Alexander stood there, looking down at the fallen cultist. Quietly kneeling down, the cat pulled his blade free and wiped it off on the man's robes. Fur still standing on end, the silent feline numbly replaced the weapon into a sheath within his vest and turned, walking right out of the building. One by one the party followed. The cult was defeated, but the trip hadn't even begun.
\* \* \* \* \* \*
Welcome back to Zion: Light of the New Moon. Unlike the other groups, Bannihar has a follow-up post to finish off Chapter 0.
Due to their Story Arc, Group 1 engages in combat for their very first Chapter. Victorious, the party from Bannihar gains 1 Experience (an amount equal to the Complexity of their Story Arc).
Since combat was involved in this post, all characters also gain 1 Minor Fatigue. Nobody is at 5 Minor Fatigue so no checks are required to avoid a Major Fatigue point.
Elias, Elesin, Kayte, and Raes are all required to check against the power of their magic/faith to see if they gain a Minor Fatigue or a Major Fatigue. All of the characters succeed on their check and gain an additional Minor Fatigue. Due to the power of magic used by Elesin she automatically gains a Major Fatigue as well, putting her at a total of 1 Major and 2 Minor; if she gains 1 more Major Fatigue she will be inhibited by them due to it exceeding her Mettle rating of 1.
Now that combat is over, readers have the opportunity to vote for their favorite character. "Favorite" can mean any number of things depending on how readers choose to define the term. You might consider your "favorite" the character that contributed the most, perhaps one that accomplished the most, or maybe someone that just gives you "the right vibe". You do not need to define why the character is your favorite, you just need to vote! Contributing Readers and Non-Contributing readers are both welcome to vote. This vote will only be available until 11:50pm (pst) on Sunday the 29th.
The group from Bannihar certainly got started off with a blast!
Stay tuned for the beginning of Chapter 1, coming up this weekend! | FSE |
Title: The Cure for Dead Week Finals by Grizzled Bear
Tags: Anal, Bareback, Canine, College, Feline, Knot, Lion, M/M, Oral, Short, Wolf
Hey all! So, my goal was to write some short and yiffy (not sure that's a proper adjective...oh well), and I wanted to push myself too. Gave myself an hour and 4 pages to work with--so that I had a goal and all that...went a little over--so still need to work on that aspect. But, for what it was written in and the time and all taht, tell me what you think! Hope ya' enjoy!
"So...square the 'x'....yeah...yeah......." the wolf mumbled with the pencil between his teeth before beginning to do the calculations. It only took a bit of time and a few scribbles before the inevitable angst though, "Damn it! No...no, wait...yes...yes...Got it!" he mumbled jubilantly--knowing that he only had one more problem to go before being finished with his 'take home' chemistry final.
It wouldn't be long now until the semester was over; till hell week was over. Zombie week. Dead week. Reading week. Week of no-hope. It went by many names, all of them invoking just as much terror and fear as the over in the students across campus. Made A's on all your homework and quizzes? Great, now the professor's bundle up one test that counts for thirty percent of your grade--much like the slim piece of paper in front of the wolf.
Of course Devin felt he handled the stress better than most. He was after all, an RA and in a position where he had to show a certain capability for managing many tasks due at once--having just calmed down a first year student who was flipping out about having forgotten to go to their lab practical. Still, it was only Tuesday, and he'd assured the fox that if he got in contact with the professor then they could most hopefully work something out.
Well, perhaps he didn't get any slimmer by his method--a piece of chocolate every time he got a concept or answered a question correctly. But he figured a bit of gut wasn't a terrible thing; it certainly didn't keep him from the dancing nights held on Thursdays: keeping up with the best of them too.
Now he was glad to nearly be done with his own first exam. It would be Wednesday before he had his first exam--though he was hoping his partner would arrive soon. After all, it was a tradition to study intro to analytical chemistry together. That's what partners did--among many other things. Behind him he heard the door click and a gust of wind sweep into the room as it was thrown open. Looking over he saw a muscular lion with a glare so vicious one might think he was ready attack anyone who got on his bad side, or that he already had.
"Fucking shit-face, asshole of fuck-me-over-town!" Allen grumbled throwing his bookbag over his head and then, as if realizing his computer was inside at the last moment, stopped himself from hitting it against the wall.
"Language!" Devin hissed a bit playfully at his more than scowling boyfriend. The lion didn't acknowledge him before moving over and getting a beer, something he wasn't supposed to have on campus, from his fridge and wasting no time before beginning to down it. He watched a few moments more before his eyes widened in elation, "That's it!"
Allen continued chugging away the beverage only giving a huff of reply to the wolf who was now scribbling away madly at the paper--seeming to draw some complicated structure but smiling to himself as he did so. He wiped away the excess on his chin and let out a belch as he watched the wolf continue working for a few more moments. Devin soon enough stood up, strode over to him, and clasped onto the sides of his neck through his mane, holding his fur tightly.
"You're so perfect!" Devin told the lion before diving in and giving his stressed boyfriend a wet, plundering kiss. It didn't take the lion long to start a small purr or to return the kiss just as eagerly, even if he wasn't sure what warranted such affection. He pulled back after a few moments and smirked, "Now...what's the problem? Things not go so well for your exam?"
"My asshole of a professor told us, 'ohhh there's no need to know phase diagrams' you know," Allen mocked in a tone very easy to interpret as nothing short of hate. "I mean, fuck me for not studying something I shouldn't have had to!"
Devin leaned forward and kissed the lion once more on his cheek, getting the tiniest flicker of a smile from his boyfriend, "I'm sorry you had such a bad time...was it all that bad?" he asked, getting a whiff of lion musk as he did. The lion really was worked up--the exam had been all the way in Anderson Hall; half way across campus and it seemed like the feline had stomped all the way here. It was nice--despite the undertone of anger.
Allen just snorted a bit and looked away, more than recognizing his mate's coddling him like he was throwing things out of proportion--something he was likely to do. Still, he was borderline passing in that class; he needed all the points he could get!
"I know something that'll make you feel better," Devin said, smirking a bit.
"Bit of wolf cock...make you mewl for a bit before shooting your load. You know you're always happy with a bit of cock,"
Allen's ears twitched on his head while he quickly glared up at the wolf, "Devin, this is serious..." he said, but his sheath did twitch pleasantly at the idea. Still it was unlike the wolf to suggest it so raunchily. They had spent the past two years working up to their routines: dinner, perhaps a movie, bit of romance, bit of romping, lot of cuddling, sometimes waking the other up for another go. To just 'go' was a bit odd.
"I'm serious too Babe...you're stressed. I'm hella stressed. You chugging back a beer made me realize the answer to my last problem--had to work out the alcohol in esterification,"
"What about analytical Chem?" Allen asked, eyeing the wolf as he threw his shirt across the room. The wolf did look good...really good.
"We've got tomorrow," Devin replied.
"You said it best yourself," Devin told the lion, dropping his boxers unceremoniously and stepping over to his boyfriend who was still fully clothed. He splayed a paw through the lush mane of the feline before gripping down and yanking Allen closer to his peaking member, "Fuck you. I can do that...I can really do that,"
Allen scowled up at the wolf but the musk was a bit too much to deny. He let out a small sigh of pleasure before pushing against his boyfriend to no avail. A part of him realized the irony of pushing away the sexy wolf who he usually had to perk up to having sex--not with too much trouble mind you. Still, the wolf was literally throwing himself at him.
"I know you want it,"
Another small growl escaped the lion as he glared up at his boyfriend who was now grinding his package against his muzzle. It was--OK, he couldn't deny it; it was hot and sexy; he loved a bit of rough treatment.
Devin smirked as the vibration from the lion changed from a low growl to a medium purr of contentment, followed by a wet experimental lick over his sack. He pulled Allen away, leaned down, and planted a kiss on the feline's lips. After a bit he pulled back and smirked.
"Thought I was going to get some wolf cock," Allen retorted to the wolf's leering. He didn't feel abashed about the statement, after all, he had been quite content to begin with a good tongue bath over the wolf's fuzzy orbs. The wolf ruffled his mane before standing fully back up.
"Well...it's here..."
Devin stared at the wolf for a few moments before a smile ran over his features--almost not even upset about his exam anymore, and certainly not upset about having been forced to smell and take in his boyfriend's musky scent. He started out by kissing the wolf's bit of paunch--never a bad thing to have in a male--before quickly working his way to the tip of his boyfriend's cock.
It was nice too--not quite hard yet. There was only about an inch out of the wolf's sheath, meaning it was Allen's job to get the rest out and into his muzzle. He was purring happily when he wrapped his lips around the tip and began a gentle suckling motion, teasing his boyfriend's tapered end with his tongue and being rewarded with a spurt of pre over his tongue.
After a minute of gentle maneuvers and eager paws the two had found a rhythm. Quickly enough Allen was allowed to bob his head a bit more and more as the wolf's cock emerged from its furry home and into its warm playhouse. He didn't let up on the purrs or moans of pleasure at the feeling either; not that they eve needed to be forced. This was better though; eyes closed and working over a hot veiny shaft that rewarded him with delicious wolf nectar--a thousand times better than studying.
"There ya' go...get it nice and wet," Devin slurred, thrusting in and out of the oh-so-willing muzzle. By now it was a simple matter of a bit of movement of his hips and keeping his paw on the lion's head because Allen needed no push to bob his head up and down the slick pole. He grinned down at his boyfriend, unsure just what exactly could be better than the lips sealed around his member as that tongue lathed over him--even the purring added to it all.
"Mmmm...Mmhmm," Allen moaned to the wolf, throwing off the pattern of the grey furred hangers slapping against his chin when he moved down and deepthroated his wolf. He could feel the flesh throbbing inside of him and taste the sweetness of the pre as his reward for being the great cat he was. A moment more and he reunited with Devin's rhythm to where he could feel the wolf's low-hangers slapping rudely against his moist chin where from the combination of a great, mouthwatering cock and his more than eager mouth.
Without losing a beat he moved his paws to his shirt and began to work over the buttons. He opened his eyes briefly to look up at the wolf who smirked lewdly down at him. It was a bit odd but he managed a grin through the cock between his lips and only purred more intensely when the wolf told him how hot and sexy he was--though not quite in such simple terms. It took him a moment before he shucked off his shirt, revealing his chest and well groomed furry mane that ran down his neck and chest--a bit expanded around his pecs before dipping into his waist where his sheath was: his happy trail as it was.
"So hot..." Devin growled down, emphasizing his words with a rough thrust into Allen's muzzle. The lion was soon groping and working over his pants, though that endeavor soon ended once the button and zipper were undone--the feline paws instead opting for wolf fur and flesh. He let out a good-natured groan as claws raked down his lower back, and Allen moaned happily; even throwing in a twist of his head over his cock before diving quickly back down again.
He let the lion enjoy himself for a minute more before pulling back, watching as Allen's eyes opened once again and he tried to move forward to reclaim his lost treat. The lion had the brief look that he'd miscalculated their rhythm and had let the cock accidently slip--though after as much practice as the two had such a thing was unheard of. Devin grinned down at the lion and ruffled the maned head, "Ready for the main event Babe?"
"Hell yeah," Allen sighed, readjusting himself to where he could once more use his mouth to breathe. He began to work deftly over his shoes and socks, casting a few smiles up at the wolf as he did so.
"Want me to get you ready or just go for the simple stuff tonight?" Devin asked, showing the tip of his tongue and grinning a little.
"Simple stuff,"
"Just want t--Oh!" Devin let out a slight yelp as he was pulled down onto the bed.
"Just like you said I said," Allen told the wolf, reaching over the desk and fumbling around a moment until he found that inconspicuous bottle of pleasured related liquid next to the wolf's night light. "Fuck me,"
Devin let out a moan as the lion dipped down for a kiss, their tongues beginning a small duet for the night while he was handed the bottle of lube. He didn't mind though. While he got his paw nice and wet--making sure to warm the cool gel a bit too--the lion's paws began to graze over him in nearly every way. Sometimes using claws to rake down his chest and other times stroking his muzzle.
The two furs continued their makeout session, eventually with Allen ending up on top and straddling the wolf. The room was filled with the gentle hum of a purr and the occasional cussing of the feline as he pulled away to remind the wolf once again what to do to him--biting his lip before dipping back into the kiss as he did.
"Mmmm! Mm-mm...Mmmmm," Allen moaned into the wolf's muzzle as he began to take his boyfriend's member--not stopping till his hips were resting back on plushy wolf fur again. After a few moments he began to pull from the kiss, grinning as he did, "That's good...."
"Yeah," Devin replied with a small grin. After a bit of readjusting his had his knees propped up behind the lion like a small chair and a pillow behind his head to watch the show, "Now...I know we've been talking about the things I'm going to do to you...but...I feel like letting my kitten do what he wants for a bit,"
"Watch it Devin," Allen told his boyfriend, showing off his snarl for a moment but making it turn into a small, dumb grin as he slid off and back onto the thick veined shaft. It didn't take him long to begin working up to a heavy rhythm. His breathes came in small sputters and left in happy grunts while the wolf kept to tilting his hips or gyrating them a little--poking him in all sorts of fun places.
It didn't take either the two long to feel the effects of their lovemaking. Devin ran a paw up and down the sweaty chest of the lion, playing with the mane and occasionally giving his boyfriend's balls a rewarding squeeze. He was beginning to sweat too, adding to the musky air he was sure any would notice if they walked by his room. Hell, they would notice the grunts and slap of flesh against flesh.
Even the small dorm bed creaked in unison with them. Allen had his eyes closed tight with a look of concentration and pleasure on his features while he bounced himself up and down on the wolf's cock, paying no mind to his own leaking, pulsing member. He was a lion, it didn't take much to get him off--he'd let the wolf pound the cum out of him. After a bit he found himself leaning down and pushing on and off the wolf, feeling hot pants of air from his boyfriend run across his face.
"Yeah...that's a good job," Devin remarked, feeling his cock pulse and shoot more and more pre into his lover's tight hole. The way Allen worked for it, getting to watch his mane sway a little as if in a breeze or to lean up to taste the sweat of his labor that was only bouncing up and down on his shaft--it was all perfect. The sound of the lion's low hangers against his own flesh, or that of the mixture between the purr and grunts; they all worked in tandem for this purpose. He planted his paws on the lion's hips, beginning to help his boyfriend; shoving him down onto his cock; letting him know he still had a knot to go.
"Huh-huh-huh...fuuu--Oh!" Allen grunted, surprised by the quick jab up by his wolf but not minding it at all. His cock was swaying with the rhythm of their bodies, leaking pre onto the wolf's stomach much like the wolf's tool was leaking into his rump. "Tie me," he moaned.
Devin was panting heavier now.
"P-Please Devin," Allen mewled, his teeth bared and his own pace breaking; instead becoming more erratic and needy. He nearly rose off his boyfriend, before being helped back down and letting out a growl of pain, snarling in pleasure as the knot speared him.
"Come-on...get in--make you mine!" Devin growled up at the lion, now bucking his own hips to meet the lion's downward thrusts. He needed to tie the feline, just as much as Allen needed to be tied. They both worked to the goal, making sure the other was going to reach their peak.
"Ah...Ohh...Ohhhah--Mmmphpmm!" Allen yowled into his boyfriend's muzzle as he sank down past the knot. As soon as the kiss began it ended--having served its purpose so that he didn't wake up half the dormhall. He was held tightly against the growling wolf, feeling his boyfriend's knot pull against his pucker but his body being fall to unwilling to let it go. The wolf was his; just like he was the wolf's. His prostate was being pummeled mercilessly, and at the feeling of that all familiar heat flaring inside him he let out a mewl of pleasure while his cock throbbed between them.
Devin snarled at his boyfriend, feeling him clamp down on his cock like a vice and the lion's cock pulsing between their bellies, thick spurts of lion cum being trapped between their now sticky chests. His own cock throbbed in the warm, velvety tunnel, shooting off pulse after pulse of wolf cum; replacing any vital fluids his lover lost.
Soon it was at the familiar point; where Allen was helplessly moaning against him--his over sensitive prostate still being milked by his bucking hips; not that it stopped him. He kept thrusting into the lion, filling him with his essence and not missing the smile that it put on his lover's muzzle either. But even eventually he felt his own hips falter, and they were both soon clinging to one another--the feeling of wet cat cum seeping between them.
"Ooooooh...." Allen moaned, laying his head down on the wolf's messy chest while Devin's paws ran up and down his back. As his breathes returned to normal and the heat fell away he became aware of the cool air. It felt even colder, reminding him just how much he'd worked himself up. He nestled as close to the wolf as he could; wanting that heat that was so firmly planted in him to transfer all around him.
"Here..." Devin said, leaning over and grabbing a blanket off the floor. He threw it over them and wrapped his arms and legs around his boyfriend, smiling at him, "Better,"
"Yeah...." Allen purred, squeezing down a bit with his private muscles on the wolf, and feeling a bit of his own seed seep between them.
It was silent for a few moments.
Allen looked up and smiled at the wolf, "You know...after this...I think I'll need a review,"
"Review your canine anatomy?"
"Mmhmm...they say you have to repeat something three times before it really sinks in you know...."
Devin grinned a little and kissed the lion before nipping at his ear, "OK, but I don't want to hear you complaining tomorrow about a sore ass, got it?" | FSE |
Title: Tussle by Doc Hauke
Tags: Bear, Character Development, Fighting, Gym, M/M, No-Yiff, Reptile, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wrestling
I love the old gyms, the ones left over from the previous era. They're very rare, scattered about in what's left of the old concrete islands. You have to go to them to find decent steam rooms and saunas, and they still have water showers, not those silly dust baths or professional grooming stations. I suppose if I had fur, I'd enjoy that new stuff quite a bit more; to someone cold-blooded with scales, the old ways are the best.
I let the hot water in "Frank's Gym" run across the top of my head and down my back, warming me. Getting warmed up is important before a workout, all the more so when you're exothermic. I leaned against the shower wall, clicking my long nails on the tile and keeping aware of the footsteps of those behind me to avoid having my tail stepped on. Since most of my fellow gym-goers showered after their workouts (if they showered at all), they had very slow, heavy steps; most of their energy was spent.
In this gym, the showers did not have stalls. Everything was opened up, steam rising uniformly everywhere in this large tiled room, with a single door leading to the lockers. It took a while to warm up in the colder parts of the year, so I'd stay in the same spot long enough to observe several shifts of the shaggy, furry males lathering up, still catching their breath after their exertions. I enjoyed watching them, they're so different. Fur and prominent ears, some muzzles with whiskers and some without. Large, prominent sheaths, pendulous testicles; I have nothing like that. That is, nothing that shows unless it's ready to be used.
As I recognized some of them, they probably recognized me by sight or scent. I'd been coming here for a few months. I was no doubt "the lizard". I had gotten to know a few of them very well in the steam room a few weeks ago, which is how I convinced them that I wasn't a female accidentally wandering into the males' changing area. But that's another story.
Feeling much more active after letting the hot water do its work, I went out to the lockers, and dressed myself in my change of clothes. When I had arrived, I walked past several familiar scents; I expected them to be out on the first floor, but the large rooms housing weights and corridors leading off to the hot tub, pool, and steam room were surprisingly empty of fellows I recognized. My tongue waggles when I'm following scents, and I'll admit it; it looks very silly and I don't like doing it in public. But there was nobody important here to see, and I wanted to know what they were all up to. I caught most of their trails: the fuzzy boys were upstairs.
I sauntered up myself, and was just in time to round the corner at the top of the stairs to see one of the regulars, a stag whose name I still didn't know, pacing back and forth near the water trough and salt lick. He was limping, grimacing with each step, and casting angry looks toward double doors at the opposite end of the room.
That room was also known as "the arena". It was usually locked, but when enough of the fuzzies got antsy, as they will in the spring, a few good-natured fights help relieve the tension. I went to the arena, pushing the swinging door wide open so I'd have enough time to drag my tail in after me.
There was a bear whose name I knew, executing a sloppy submission hold on an unfamiliar hog. They were wrestling on a recently unrolled mat in the center of the dimly lit room. It was a little chilly in here; I estimated I'd have about 15 minutes before I'd get too cold, and start going into torpor.
The bear, Cody, was simply hugging the boar so tightly that the poor hog couldn't catch his breath. I didn't recognize the boar's face, but he smelled familiar. He let out one last whiny grunt before his eyes rolled back into his head, and his struggles ceased. Cody dropped him to the mat.
"So! Anyone else?" Cody pounded his chest. He was a fine specimen, much stronger than the average bear. "My first match, and it only lasted a minute. I'm not tired at all yet!"
I caught sight of another stag, looking the worse for wear; possibly the opponent of the first one I had passed. Just as I thought; it was an informal little session of jockeying for status. The room reeked of male pheremones. I was certain all I had missed were tests of strength, not of skill. Maybe it was time to introduce myself.
"I'll play with you," I said and stepped up. My knee creaked and popped on the way, which elicited a look of astonishment from a certain panda I knew well. He prodded a friend of his, a small wolf, and started whispering. Maybe I'd have a cheering section.
I tossed the shirt I had been wearing in front of me, and it fell perfectly flat at the edge of the mat. I could read the familiar saying as I passed it: "Youth and Strength are no match for Age and Treachery." Dragging my tail behind me, I tightened the drawstring on my pants.
The bear wasn't expecting someone like me. He looked down at the top of my head; I refrained from tipping my head up meet his gaze; it wasn't necessary yet. "Are you a monitor lizard?"
"No, I'm a tegu. And you're a brown bear...though I suppose you're sometimes mistaken for a grizzly bear. Cody, right?"
I wondered if he wished he were a grizzly, or if he had told some of them that he was. Almost everyone there was a regular; I knew few of their names, but I knew their scents and appearances from waiting my turn to use equipment or watching them spotting each other for heavy dead lifts. I'm sure he recognized as many of the muzzles and snouts here as I did. They muttered and discussed my chances.
"Yeah," he answered me. He grinned condescendingly. "I don't want to hurt you too much, gramps. Tell me, have you written your will?"
"No, I haven't. Call me Walther."
The grin turned into a sneer. "You can call me 'Daddy' after this. I'll break your back if I'm not careful, so be sure to cry loud enough for me to hear while I'm squeezing the life out of you." He walked forward, arms raised.
While he probably didn't realize that I didn't have to breathe as often as he, the hog, or many of the other mammalian spectators did, and that he'd have to crush me for a long, long time. However, I didn't relish the idea of being swept up into his arms. He was strong enough so that I doubted I could break free without seriously hurting him.
I smiled slightly, imagining other settings where I in fact might not mind a tight, lasting hug from a massive guy like him. "I'll show you who your daddy is, Cody," I whispered to myself as my tongue involuntarily flicked out at him. He was very close now. "I'll be gentle."
I stepped aside slowly; too slowly, so that he turned to follow me, reaching for my shoulder. I let his claws click against the scales there, tantalizingly close to an old scar where a much faster lion had once snagged me. I didn't even glance toward him as his grasping claws closed on nothing.
"Running away?" He snorted and lunged at me again. All of his bodybuilding efforts had been poured into making himself stronger; he wanted to appear big. None of his work was in order to make himself flexible or able to change direction quickly. He was a wonderful example of a muscular, strong bear, but great strength isn't a prerequisite for being a great fighter.
This time I moved quickly; I didn't dodge to the side or retreat, I moved toward him, under his lumbering, grasping arms. I felt his paws slide down my back, missing their target; he had meant to grab my shoulders, presumably to pick me up and shake me in a wasteful attempt at humiliation. It would cost him.
I held one of his arms to my shoulder and shoved against him with my other shoulder, putting all of the force of my tail into it. He was surprised; my legs look weak, and in fact, they were very weak compared to his. But my tail's thicker around than even his legs.
Of course, not knowing better, he pushed back to overcompensate. He had no sense of balance at all. So as he leaned forward to put more force into the resisting push, I caved in to the side. I pulled his arm, locked against my shoulder at the elbow, across his front. I moved most of my body out of the way but my tail, which with a quick jerk up, entangled itself across one ankle and behind his other leg's knee. With one last light tug on his arm, it overbalanced him. Tani otoshi, the valley drop throw: it's served me well. Technically, one is supposed to use a leg for the last little trip and lift, not a tail. But you work with what you've got.
He landed on his back, which conveniently untangled my tail from his legs. I landed mostly on him. He wouldn't be getting up for a minute, judging from the sound of him hitting the mat. I patted the front of his shorts, coaxing a groan and an incoherent mumble from the big bear.
"Poor daddy. You rest for a while. Come and see me in the steam room later if you feel up to it." I rolled forward and stood up; it was probably time to go before I got too chilly and slow. I collected my things and headed for the door.
The surrounding fellows watched me go, really seeing me for the first time. "Tell Cody I enjoyed myself," I said. "He can be much stronger; maybe I'll take him on as a student." | FSE |
Title: Lusting for Kinship by Durexia
Tags: Gay Relationships, M/M, M/M/M, Shower, Teasing, Various Species, Young Love
The maroon comforter was soft on my lion paws as I gathered it around me, settling in for the story my friend Gray was about to tell. The raccoon sat next to me, his eyes stared off out the window as he began to relate a tale of his roommate red fox, Loki. I wanted to hear the story because I was drawn to the fox. While he was away I had slept in his bed, taken on his scent, and liked what I felt. Gray could sense this attraction and instead of being jealous, as many animals are when they find out their mate is taken by another; he fed my curiosity because he was not under the belief that any creature should be claimed by another. He also had great respect for me, and his roommate Loki. The raccoon and I cuddled on the bed together as he began his tale.
"Loki had been sharing his den with an older vixen. They were mating on a regular basis, but he had taken precautions to avoid unwanted kits, after all, they were still young pups themselves in his eyes."
Gray paused and reflected, as though contemplating his own age and wondering if he still looked at himself as a younger cub. I thought of my own age, yes, my mane was starting to grow out, I had been chased out of my pride a few years ago, but I was not yet strong enough to call myself a mature male. I nuzzled into Gray, smelling his familiar sent and thinking about the kinship we shared together. He felt me pressing into him and continued the story.
"Well, you and I both know Loki is a loner, he drifted out of the area and headed north to join me here. The vixen stayed in contact with him but could tell he was not interested in keeping up a long distance relationship. She seemed clingy and kept calling him. A few weeks later she dropped a bomb shell, she was pregnant and saying they were his kits. Of course Loki was confused, he had used protection religiously to prevent this, yet she said it had somehow failed. Instead of running with his tail tucked as many other young pups would, he owned up to the accusations and agreed to return to her den to stay if she would have him. He would help raise the kits and call the vixen his mate."
Again Gray paused. He looked at me seriously now, "No one told him he had to do it, he could have called her a liar, and she had slept with others before him. But he was strong; he owned up to it and went to her because he is much older than his age tells." It was true, though Loki was still a pup; his eyes showed the maturity he had been forced into. The scares of many brushes with death covered his lean frame.
"She lost the litter in an accident. That's what she told him anyway. He went to her and still offered his paw in marriage. The vixen accepted and they slept together unprotected, a demonstration of their new devotion I guess. Then he was mingling with some of her pack mates and found out she had been sharing her den with many others during his absence. He confronted her in front of the pack and she broke down. There had been others, but one had forced himself on her after getting her drunk. He had raped her. Loki's hair on the back of his neck bristled up as he growled a demand for the intruder's name. The vixen meekly whispered the name of a dog in the neighborhood and Loki rallied the pack on a blood hunt."
I realized that I was gripping the comforter with my claws and retracted them quickly. This was not a new story, many of my pack mates had been violated by twisted beings in the past. I counted myself lucky at only being abused mildly in comparison. I could feel the rage growing in me and waited eagerly to hear what Loki had done to the pathetic dog that now carried a death wish. Gray had told other stories about Loki and his protective nature, I knew to expect blood would soon be spilt. How I wish I could have been there with him to exact the sweet revenge. The raccoon story teller related the hunt.
"Loki took the vixen with him, along with a large cougar friend. They tracked the dog to a back ally near where he worked. The k-9 didn't expect the ambush and was knocked quickly on his back by the angry red fox. It was a skinny looking greyhound lab mix, black with one white ear. Loki drew out his signature hunting knife from the sheath on his back. It glistened in the street light as he pressed it against his prey's throat. The cougar watched from the end of the ally to make sure no one was coming. Loki paused for a moment, intent on castrating the fucker, he thought it best to quickly make sure he had the right dog. A game of twenty questions ensued and before he knew it, the pathetic dog was telling him an all too familiar story. Apparently he had fucked the vixen consensually many times in her den, that she had told him she carried his litter, and later lost it. Loki was crushed, this dog was not a rapist, he had fallen victim to a fox now caught in her own lies. That same little vixen was now standing before them. The dog cursed her out and took off, Loki did the same. He had been willing to turn over his life to save her face, he had almost ruined the life of a total stranger for her, and now he felt like a fool."
Here Gray paused; his voice was shaking a little as he said those last words. I knew we both felt betrayed by her actions, by the actions of anyone who had lied to us like that. We agreed that Loki was strong for walking away, he had refused to sink to her level and come out ahead because of it, there are many other animals I could think of who might not have been so merciful to such betrayal. As I thought about the pain that Loki must be feeling I wanted to be with him. Gray looked at me and smiled,
"He's in the shower right now friend, you should go to him if that's how you feel."
I blushed and hid in the blankets. My pack mate was giving his consent. Suddenly I felt an urge to be there, holding Loki in the warm water and telling him things were going to be alright. Pushing the covers off I walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
"Yeah, what?" Called the fox, he was still grooming himself.
I thought about his naked body, wet and soapy in that shower. With confidence, I opened the door a crack and made myself known.
"I'd like to join you in the shower if that's ok Loki."
"Sure, but I'm almost done and..." He broke off, catching his breath at the sight of me.
I was already inside and stripping off my cloths as he peeked out of the curtain. His eyes widened a little at my forward approach. I smiled and stepped up to him, he backed away.
"Well," I said "I guess I'll have to hurry then if I want to share this with you."
I stepped into the shower and shook my mane under the water. Loki came closer, putting his arms around me in a friendly embrace; he became aroused suddenly as I gently ran my paws down his strong back.
"Gray told me what happened with that vixen Loki. I want you to know that not everyone is that kind of lying bitch."
"Yeah?" he said "Thanks for caring."
I pulled him into me, feeling both of us harden at the soft touch of our wet fur mingling in the water. We kissed gently and then looked into each other's eyes. He had a look of innocence that was almost believable until you saw the scars on his body. There were a few strange looking fresh ones on his arm. I asked him about them.
"I was drunk at a party a few days ago and some ass holes were putting their cigarettes out on me. They said it would toughen me up, I don't need that kind of bull shit."
His rough words attracted me even more. I let my hand fall down between his legs and I touched him gently. He was hard and reached eagerly for me. We embraced and began making out. The water suddenly went cold and we both cried out. Loki scrambled for the faucet handle and turned it off.
"Well," He said, "I think I'm all clean now, shall we head to my room to cuddle for a while?"
I nodded with a smile and we stepped out of the shower together. Without even grabbing towels to dry off we walked right through the house stark naked and dripping wet. Gray shook his head as we came by.
"You two are incorrigible; I'll get dinner started while you get acquainted." said the raccoon as he keyed up a pot of water on the stove.
Loki's room was small and dark. There were cloths and papers all over the floor along with numerous books. He was apparently an avid reader. The bed was nothing more than an old mattress on the floor covered in sleeping bags. Loki picked one up and shook it out before laying it back down, then he bounded onto the mattress and beckoned for me to join him. We continued to lick and kiss affectionately while occasionally stroking each other to encourage our arousal. This elaborate ritual continued until finally Gray hollered that dinner was ready. Naked and hard, we emerged from his room and walked naked to the kitchen, a benefit of not only owning your own den, but also being comfortable with your body. The raccoon had taken off his shirt in the hot kitchen. His muscles gleamed with condensation from the steam of boiled vegetables rising out of the pot. I wrapped my arms around him, allowing my aroused body to press into his back. He jumped forward a little and then moaned softly, pressing against me with his rear. Loki slapped my ass as he passed us, heading to the cabinet to set the table. Gray turned to face me and we liked each other in excitement.
"Hey! You should wait till he's finished cooking before you distract him like that, he might burn the veggies," cried Loki.
I gave the red fox a mischievous look and let go of Gray. The vegetable were not burning, but I knew it would be difficult for Gray to finish cooking if he started in on me. Loki set the places and we sat down. The sun was shining through the uncovered windows. When I had first come to visit my pack mates in their den, I was a little unnerved by the openness of the space; all the windows were uncovered so anyone walking by who happened to look up would see my naked body standing there. Gray and Loki seemed not to care, all though, when children passed by they would move away to avoid traumatizing minors. Now I stood and let the sun dry my fur. It was nice to feel the warm rays fall across my back as I sat down in the chair. Loki was staring at me, he reached a paw across the table and began stroking my neck. I could not help purring at his gentle touch.
"Alright gentlebeasts, dinner is served." Gray set a great bowl of steaming vegetables on the table along with rice and beans.
We ate the hardy vegan meal on nice stoneware while laughing and joking about sex, friends, and being young, carefree animals. Being among such loving pack mates was so satisfying, like the food, they filled me with satisfaction. It was the natural order of things and I was pleased that Loki had come north and found us. Perhaps here he could settle with trusting, loving companions who would give him the respect he deserved. I looked forward to getting to know him on a more intimate level later that night. | FSE |
Title: Someone to Hold Ch1 by Sheba Wolf
Tags: Rain, Spongebob, Window, carwreck, sadness, squarepants
**Someone to Hold**
By Sheba Wolf
Reiza sat staring out the window, not really noticing anything. She didn't even notice the squirells playing in the tree in her yard. Light rain softly hit the window, leaving streaks as the droplets slid down it's length. The streaks matched the streaks on her face. Tears were slowly making their way down her face leaving matted lines in her fur. This was not a rare sight on rainy days like this.
She let out a soft sigh and turned away from the greyness of the outdoors. She hated the rain. Not because rain made people gloomy but because it was rain that had ruined her life. It was raining when her mate of 2 years was taken from her in a horrible accident. He had been driving home from a long night at work when a dozing truck driver over corrected, slid across the center line on the wet pavement and hit him head on. He didn't even know what hit him, he was dead on impact.
Getting up from her window seat she groaned slightly, not only did the rain bring back bad memories it brought pain in her knee. She frowned and rubbed her aching knee and moved on to the kitchen. She pulled open the freezer and grabbed a tub of cookie dough ice cream. This was going to be a long night she thought to herself as she plopped on the couch to watch TV.
"Tonight at 10pm see what was discovered in the river during the yearly clean up" The TV blared. Reiza rolled her eyes, she was upset enough she didn't need the ever depressing news to make it worse. Quickly changing the station she stopped on a very interesting looking show. A young but not too young vixen was sitting on a bed in a skimpy lenguire seductivly smiling at someone off camera, playfully swishing her tail. Reiza blinked a couple times before realizing what was going on, blushing she changed the channel to cartoons before looking around to make sure no one had seen what she had seen. Who was she kidding, there was no one there to see. She was alone in that 4 bedroom house.
She had been alone for about 10 years. It really was time for her to move on, Greg was never coming back. Even if he could come back he probably wouldn't love her anymore. Since his death she had become a recluse and avid cookie dough and ice cream eater. This had caused her to gain quite a bit of weight, not only that but her hair was turning white. It was no longer the beautiful sleek black that Greg had fallen in love with.
Finding she had derpressed herself further she took a big glob of ice cream and shoved it in her mouth, trying not to cry as she watched Spongebob Squarepants. Usually this show would make her laugh, but not this time, she was too far gone in her depression. The ending theme came on. She got up to go to the restroom, returning just in time for the beginning theme of the next episode of Spongebob to start. She happened to glance out the window and noticed a big yellow moving truck sitting in front of the empty house across the street from her. She perked her ears and watched as several men hurridly took boxes into the house. Trying to keep them and the boxes as dry as possible.
"I wonder who is moving in," she said out loud semi scaring herself with her own voice. Then she saw him, the only guy not wearing a uniform, standing in the doorway of his new house, barking orders to the men carrying the boxes. "Don't drop that! Keep that box dry! If you break that I'll break you!" She couldn't help but giggle at the men struggling to carry the apparently heavy boxes across the wet lawn. Then suddenly the man looked across the street and straight at her, as if he knew she was watching him. She immediately ducked out of sight and crawled back to her couch, hoping he really didn't see her and it was just coincidence that he looked her way. She let out a little giggle when she realized how silly she was being. Although...he was kind of cute!
Title: How Pantyhose Brought Us Together
Tags: pantyhose fetish, body hose, lesbian, pantyhose
I have a pantyhose fetish. There, I've said it. I've never flat out told this to anyone before. You mention any type, color, or style of pantyhose, and I've got it. And more than one pair of them too. I've loved pantyhose as long as I can remember. I like how sexy they are on me. I like how they feel against my skin. I love the variety of what you can find. I have red, green, purple, leopard, and fishnets. I have bodystockings, pantyhose, thigh highs, and knee-highs, and different styles in each. Like I said, you name it, I've got it. My name is Keri, and I have a pantyhose fetish.
Now, you might be asking what I do with all of my pantyhose. Well, just about everything. However, I have at least two pairs of every one. I have a pair that I don't use on a regular basis. They are like my backup pair. I keep them neatly stashed away in a lockable container, all organized by type. Then I have the pair that I do use. I also keep these neat as well, and organized, but used. With some of them, I have even more. The ones I have extra off tend to be my playthings. They are for other uses. You see, when I got my first bodystocking, I fell even further in love with pantyhose. I loved how it felt all over my body. That is when I discovered an alternate use for pantyhose. You take a regular pair of pantyhose, and by cutting a few holes, you can wear them as shirts. Then I take your basic knee or thigh high, and put that over my head like you sometimes see robbers do. It's a remarkable sensation that you have to try sometime. The feeling of pantyhose rubbing against my 34D breasts is something that cannot be explained. I even found a site dedicated to this stuff...I immediately became a member.
Now why am I telling you all of this? Well, I have one problem. I often feel alone when it comes to this. I want to tell people about my fetish, but am afraid that people will hate me when I tell them. So I've come to you, in hopes that someone out there understand what I'm going through. Someone who enjoys pantyhose like I do, whether you be male or female. Write to me and tell me about your pantyhose experiences. Like I am about to do for you now.
Only once has anyone ever learned about my fascination with pantyhose. I know, I mentioned earlier that I've never told anyone before. Well this is a bit different. I didn't tell this person, they learned about it. Her name was Cindy. She is the only person I've met who actually loves pantyhose as much as I do, and it was a chance encounter. It was at a bar called Logans. I was at the bar, drinking a Bud Light, when she approached. Now, I must tell you what I was wearing. I was wearing a long-sleeve red dress, one that showed no cleavage at all. Why you ask, especially how easy it is to pick up men by showing cleavage? Well, instead of a bra, I was wearing a pair of altered black pantyhose. I had cut out a hole around the crotch, and cut off the feet. It was one of those pairs I altered so I could wear it out in public, without anyone knowing. That is why my dress didn't show cleavage. I also was wearing black pantyhose the normal way down below, and yes, they were crotchless. When she approached, the first thing I noticed, can you guess, were her pantyhose. She had on a dark blue pair. Imagine my surprise when I saw the same exact dress on her. For an instant, I imagined that it was for the same reason I was, but quickly dismissed that thought. When she got to the bar, she ordered a drink, looked at me, and whistled. "Didn't think I would see someone else wearing my dress, and looking so good in it too." I smiled, and thanked her. That was when she did it. She pulled up a stool, and placed a hand on my knee. I looked down, and back up with a look of question. Boy, how my plans changed with that one move.
"Can I buy you another drink?" she asked. Unable to think properly, I nodded yes. Pretty soon we were on the floor dancing. Then it happened. All I could gather was that she felt the seam where I had cut into the pantyhose. She ran her hand along my back, and stopped. She gave me a look, than pulled me to the side of the room. Without anyone seeing, she pulled the front of my dress forward and looked down. When she saw what was underneath, she let go of my dress, leaned over to me and whispered, "How about we leave this joint?" My jaw dropped. Not only was she interested in me, she also wasn't disgusted by my choice for an undergarment. When we got outside, I asked where she wanted to go. She pushed me against the wall, kissed me, and said, "Your place." We left immediately, hand in hand.
I lived only a few blocks away. From the time those two words were mentioned till the time we got inside and locked the door, nothing else was said. Before I had even finished locking the door, she was already behind me unzipping my dress. As soon as it was unzipped enough, I rested a hand on her shoulder as she helped me out of it. I had her turn around and I unzipped her dress. I was a bit disappointed that she didn't have the same thing on underneath, but she did have an interesting bra. I was like any other bra, but it was made out of nylon. I've seen them before on the net, but haven't found a way to get one outside of using the net. Normally, I would have bought one right away, but I didn't that time. Don't remember why though. Well, she wanted to play right away, but I wouldn't let her. I took her hand and led her into my bedroom. Sitting her on my bed, I went into my closet. I took off the makeshift shirt I had on, and switched it with a pair of pantyhose that didn't have the feet cut off. I came back out to find her lying on my bed like she lived here. She sat back up as I moved over to her. Without saying a word, I placed my hands on her cheeks and kissed her. And yes, there was some serious tongue action.
When we finally broke that off, she scooted further onto the bed as I got up there with her. She lay down as I began to explore her body. I could tell she also enjoyed the feeling of nylon on her skin as my hands ran down her body. As I began to explore her breasts (later discovered to also be 34D's), she began to lightly moan. She did this every once in a while as I massaged her nipples through her bra, and as I moistened it running my tongue over every inch of her breasts. Even while I nibbled her nipples a bit, she continued to moan. Then I moved down. As my hands ran along her belly, I felt a small shudder from her body. Using my nylon covered finger to part her belly button a bit (an innie I might add), I carefully sucked on her belly a bit. Then I moved down. Now mind you, this is the first time I have ever been with another female. I have enjoyed looking at other females online, but hadn't really come to the conclusion that I wanted to experience it yet. But my love of pantyhose, and meeting someone else who shared that love, overcame any inhibitions I might have had.
When I came to her pussy, her pantyhose had already developed a wet spot around her pussy. So, I decided to add to the wet spot by getting my first taste of another woman. My initial taste was very sweet, and only encouraged me to taste more. I didn't even bother pulling her pantyhose down, I just forcefully stretched them enough to insert the very tips of my fingers barely inside her lips. I wasn't able to keep them there long, as it took too much pressure. Instead, I began to massage her clit through her pantyhose. Her moans became louder as I moved faster. Pretty soon I heard, "I'm going to cum." Still massaging her clit, I attached my mouth around her pussy, the nylon the only thing between my mouth and her lips. As I began to suck on her pussy, I began to feel something wet soaking through the nylon. I caused her to orgasm. As I sucked up as much as I could, I continued to work her clit. All the while, she is letting out some very deep moans, along with the words, "Oh, Keri." After about 30-40 seconds, she stopped cumming. I didn't want her too do so, but she removed her pantyhose, then proceeded to lick the crotch herself, obviously trying to taste as much as she could. Not only had a found someone with a love of pantyhose, but also someone who also enjoyed the taste of their own cum. Everyone I had ever had sex with would always insist on giving oral before sex, as the didn't want to taste their cum if we did it after sex. And I've only orgasmed once outside of masturbation and that person had this thing where they immediately would clean himself off after sex. So I have tasted myself before, but only by licking my fingers or whatever toy I'm using for self-gratification. When she finished with this, I helped her put her pantyhose back on, with a large wet circle around her pussy, and we fell to the bed wrapped in each other's arms, kissing.
We laid there in each other's arms for about ten minutes, doing nothing but kissing and rubbing our bodies against each other. At this point, I decided to show her my collection. Taking her hand, I pulled her off of my bed. With her head against my shoulder, and my arm around her, I walked her into my closet. Letting go of her, I grabbed a key hanging next to the door and unlocked one of the large chests I had in one corner (I have a good sized walk-in closet). Opening the chest, I motioned for her to come over. When she knelt beside me, she just gasped. Reaching out, she ran her hand over the top drawer, touching each pair of pantyhose that I had. As she explored that chest, I opened my other one, the chest containing the pairs that I use regularly. I looked to her and said, "Name a color."
"Umm, red." I pulled out one drawer and found several pairs and shades of red pantyhose and stockings. She was amazed. "Okay, how about yellow?" I pushed in that drawer and pulled out another. "Okay, how about multicolored?" She was enjoying this. I pushed in that drawer and went down about three. Pulling that one out, I showed her my different styled pantyhose. I have various different animal styles, along with non-animal styles. Holding up a finger, I pulled out a leopard bodystocking that I had. Her eyes went wide open. Then, without even removing what I already had on, I went ahead and put it on. The pantyhose I was already wearing made it a bit darker, but at first glance, you couldn't tell I was wearing anything underneath. The only thing that gave away that fact was my hands, which were still encased in pantyhose. While doing this, she looked further through my collection, and found a spiderweb bodystocking. As I finished putting on the leopard pair, I told her to go ahead and put the spiderweb pair on. As she began to remove what she was wearing, I stopped her and told her to leave them on. While she put on the bodystocking, I grabbed a large shoebox that was off to the side. The shoebox contained the stuff that I had stretched a bit, for instance stockings that I had stretched to fit over my head. I grabbed a pair of nude knee-highs and closed the box. Pushing the drawers back in, I waited for her to finish dressing. When she finished, I began to put one of the knee-highs over her head like a mask, and than did the same to myself. Now the bodystockings that we were wearing were both crotchless. The one I was wearing only exposed the hands and everything from the neck up. The pair Cindy was wearing did the same, but it went below the neck, so it exposed a bit more. But considering what else I was wearing, only my neck and pussy were exposed. Her hands, neck, and a little bit of her chest were exposed. I could tell that she had never tried a mask before, as she seemed to look a bit uncomfortable wearing it. It can be at first, but if you really like pantyhose, you eventually grow to like it and even to love it.
At this point, she seemed to be exploring things, as she ran her hands over her body. She stuck out her tongue a few times, examining how it felt against the pantyhose. Her face was a bit distorted, and her eyes were partially open. I leaned over and as she was sticking her tongue out, I did the same and rubbed my tongue against hers. It is a weird sensation, as you can't actually feel the juices like you normally do without the masks, but it is also an exciting sensation for some...like me. As I moved closer, I put my hands on her cheeks and fully kissed her. While kissing her, I ran my hands over her body, especially over her breasts. She seemed to like it, as her kiss became more passionate. She began doing the same to me, exploring the feeling of everything with pantyhose. As I laid her down on the closet floor, I got on top of her and used one leg to split her legs. I then placed my legs around one of her thighs, all while continuing to kiss her. When we broke the kiss, I moved down and began giving her light kisses from her neck to her breasts. As I was further exploring her chest, I felt her stretch a bit. I glanced up and watched as she reached for a conveniently placed strap-on. I'm not sure what it was doing there, as I am not usually a messy person. I must have forgotten to put it away after use one day. Now you might be asking why I have a strap-on, considering I've never been with a woman before. Well, I once had a boyfriend who enjoyed anal sex, both giving and receiving, so I bought one. When she finally grabbed the strap-on, I smiled and helped her put it on. As I lay down, I spread my legs invitingly. If you don't know what is going to happen next, than you are either an idiot, or have some form of amnesia.
Cindy crawled over to me, and sitting on her knees, she spit into her hands and began lubing the dildo with her spit. Once she had it good and ready, she lifted my legs up and under her arms. Pulling me closer to her, she then began to slap my pussy with the dildo, before gently pushing it a bit inside. Then without warning, she rammed all 6 inches into me. Most guys aren't that quick, so it caught me a bit off guard. Resting there for a second, she took my right leg and began to kiss it from my knee up to my foot. Sucking on my big toe for a few seconds, she then gripped my legs and proceeded to fuck me. She didn't do it hard like the insertion, but she was fast, and good. Every once in a while, she would skillfully twist my body to one side while twisting her body to the other side, causing the dildo to twist in my pussy. It felt wonderful. She would then fuck me some more, than twist again. After the third twist, my hands tried their hardest to grip the floor as I violently orgasmed. I let out a loud "OH MY GOD!" while my body began to pulse, and my pussy just let it all flow. I don't ever recall orgasming like that before, and it provided me with one more reason to try and hold onto Cindy as long as I could. I'm not exactly sure how long it lasted, and seem to recall Cindy leaning forward and kissing me. I even recall Cindy not even bothering to pull out the dildo. I just flowed around it. When I finally finished, and my body went still, Cindy pulled out. She then got into a sixty-nine position, and began cleaning up down there. While doing this, I began to give the dildo oral, cleaning it up for the next use. And yes, I tasted myself, but I've done that before, so it wasn't anything new. I enjoyed my own taste. And yes, I had to do this while still wearing a mask. So I had to basically stick my tongue out and run it along the dildo, trying to lap up whatever I could. It makes it a bit harder.
When we finished, we took off the masks and strap-on, and placed them to the side. I then asked her "Would you like to stay the night?" She didn't think about it a second, as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed. As we laid down for the rest of night, we weren't planning on sleeping at all. We didn't take long before we started up again, this time doing something different. I began to realize that I finally found that person I've always been looking for, and I was told later that she felt the same way. I had introduced her to a new side of pantyhose, and she had introduced me to a new kind of partner.
About a month later we moved in with each other. We shared our collections with each other, and it was a long time before a day or night went by without us doing something together, and it was because of a very logical reason. We had just been on a plane for most of the day, on our way to our honeymoon, and we were too pooped out to do anything more than cuddle in our hotel room. This was almost a year and a half after we met, and thankfully, our families fully supported our lifestyle choices.
That is the end of this story. Maybe, if you keep a lookout, you might find something else about our pantyhose enriched lives together. | literotica |
Title: Mazra's Travels Ch. 03
Tags: fantasy, potion, orc, futa, gnome, futanari, human, cum, witch, threesome
"Dammit all!" Ellie shouted, staring at the map. The little gnome and her orcish companion had been trekking in the Zanzaldi jungle for three days, now. What was supposed to have been a half day's journey from their last stop just outside the jungle at Huntsman's Crossing before arriving in the port town of Fletcher Bay, had now become a quest just to find a path leading to any form of civilization. Before leaving Huntsman's Crossing the two adventurers had received word that a recent storm had washed away the road leading to Fletcher Bay, but a kindly gentleman had sold them a map with what he had promised was a more direct route to their destination. Thinking back on it, he was less a "kindly gentleman" and more of a "deceiving con artist".
"Damn this jungle! Damn these mosquitoes! Damn this hot weather! Damn this stupid map! And damn the lying bastard who sold it to us!" With a huff, Ellie stuffed the map back into her pack, and sat down on a nearby rock, sulking.
Mazra sat down next to her smaller companion. "It will be dark soon," the orc noted. "Perhaps it would be best to set up camp, and rest here for the night." A crack of thunder boomed through the air, shattering the near silence of the jungle. The first few heavy drops of rain began to fall, providing an unwelcomed respite from the hot, tropical weather. "We should get started on that camp."
The rain was unrelenting, quickly turning the ground into a soft, slippery, and muddy mess. The heavy patter on the tent made it difficult to sleep soundly, but the two managed to eventually drift off. Mazra and Ellie's clothes were soaked right through, meaning they had to strip them off and sleep without. The two of them were forced to cuddle together while they slept for warmth, not that either minded, nor was it any different from how they normally slept. All of the nearby wood had been drenched, making it unusable to start a fire, which meant they were colder than usual. And, unprotected from any of the innumerable predators that lurked in the shadows.
The moon was nearing its highest point when Mazra heard it: the sharp snapping of a branch. Something was out there, and the orc wasn't going to bet on it being friendly. "Ellie!" Mazra hissed. The gnome stirred, ever so slightly. "Ellie! Wake up! There's something out there!"
"What!?" Ellie said, scrambling to her feet. Mazra was already reaching for her axe. Ellie, grabbed her revolver rifle, double checking to make sure it was loaded. The only bit of clothing the two bothered to put on were their cold, wet cloaks, to provide at least some protection from whatever foe lurked out there, or to give the pair at least some decency in case it was another person.
The two slowly crept out of their small tent, careful not to make too much noise that would alert whatever was out there to their presence. "You sure you heard something out here?" Ellie whispered.
"Yeah, I'm positive," Mazra replied. "Perhaps it's gone." The low rumble of a panther's growl broke the near silence. "Or not. Keep on your guard, and shoot it as soon as you see it."
With a roar the panther leapt from its hiding place. Ellie released a shot, but barely grazed the beast. The black feline swiped at Mazra, slicing her right in the stomach. "ARRGH!" she screamed, keeling over. She quickly straightened herself, slashing back against her opponent. The panther deftly dodged the attack, growling at its prey.
"Get away from her!" Ellie yelled, firing another round at the cat. This shot hit its mark, planting itself in the panther's shoulder. The panther yelped in agony, before turning its gaze on Ellie. The predator licked its lips in anticipation for the fight with this more worthy opponent.
The beast lunged at the small woman, knocking her to the ground. Her gun flew from her hands, landing ten feet away from where the two struggled. Just as the panther was about the sink its teeth into the juicy gnome beneath it a bolt of green magic struck its side. With a yelp the animal was pushed aside, giving Ellie a chance to scramble to her weapon. Another blast of magic was fired at the cat, barely missing its target. The first hit had been enough, however, and the beast fled from the fight in defeat.
Ellie rushed to Mazra's side. "You alright, babe?" the little woman asked, concerned. She examined her companion's wound. "This is not good. We need to get you to help. Now!"
"I'm fine," the orc growled. "It's going to take a lot more than that to take down a member of the Wolf Heart Clan. Go fetch our packs. Should be some bandages in one of them." Ellie scurried back into the tent, emerging with both of their packs, digging around to find something to bind Mazra's cuts.
"Perhaps I should take a look at your injuries," a deep voice said. Mazra and Ellie both looked up. Standing before them was a tall, dark skinned woman. She wore nothing but a loin cloth and an animal skin bound around her modest chest, her outfit displaying her well toned body, as well as the many rune tattoos that decorated her skin. In her left hand she wielded a twisted mahogony staff, which had many of the same runes that decorated her body carved into it. She pushed a few of her dreadlocks out of her face, revealing a pair of silver eyes that appeared to almost glow in the moonlight. She knelt besides Mazra, placing her staff on the ground, moving the orc woman's hand from her wound, and inspecting it closely. "Your gnomish friend is right, this is a grave affliction. I have just the thing in my home to treat this," she said, before turning to Ellie. "Take your packs. The two of you can rest at my home, tonight."
The woman rose to her feet, bringing Mazra to her own. "I'm guessing it was you who helped us out back there," Mazra said, letting out a pained grunt as talking caused her injury some discomfort.
"You would be correct," the mysterious woman replied. "I heard your struggle from my hut. I wasn't going to just let a couple of travellers get killed in the night. Arrived just in time, it would appear."
"We would have been fine," Ellie interjected.
"Strange," the woman said, a hint of laughter behind her words. "It seemed that without me you would have been quite the meal for that predator back there, had I not acted in time."
Ellie angrily huffed in response. "What's your name?" she inquired.
"Tanska," their savior replied. "And what about you?"
"Elora," the gnome responded. "And that beautiful green thing is Mazra."
"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Tanska said. "It's a shame we couldn't have had this introduction on a more pleasant note. It has been a long while since I last entertained guests, and the company would be greatly appreciated."
The trio of women arrived at a large hut, smoke billowing from the chimney. Tanska pushed aside the curtain, inviting her guests inside. "Lay your cloaks and other belongings by the fire to dry. No need to be shy about your lack of decency, I have plenty of warm, dry blankets to wrap yourselves in," she said, following Ellie and Mazra inside, and leaning her staff against the wall. She turned towards a large cabinet, and opening it. Inside were dozens of bottles and jars, ranging from every size, color, and viscosity. The dark woman reached for a jar of pale, green paste, before beckoning Mazra over. She opened the jar, releasing a pungeant, sour aroma, and scooped up a generous amount, which she proceeded to rub deep into the claw marks. Mazra hissed in a pained response. "The medicine should be taking effect, now," Tanska said, sealing the jar once more, before putting it back into its place in the cabinet.
The effects were instantaneous. The muscles on Mazra's abdomen began to sew themselves back together, the skin sealing back over the exposed muscles, leaving only a scar a few shades paler than the rest of her skin. "Thank you," the orc said, graciously.
"It was no problem," Tanksa said. "The wound would only have gotten worse over time. Illness and possibly death would have been imminent." She walked over to a large basket, and procured two, thick blanets. "Here," she said, handing a blanket to each of her guests, before sitting on the floor with them. "These should help warm you up."
Both women thanked her for the blankets, before wrapping themselves in their warmth, once again covering their naked bodies. "So, what exactly is it that you do out here, Tanska?" Ellie asked, in an attempt to dissipate the silence in the room.
"I have always lived in this jungle," the dark woman replied. "I was born to a tribe that lived and learned with the spirits of this place. We found a balance between helping and using the plants and animals, and were rewarded with power not seen outside of these trees," Her tone grew somber. "Then outsiders came. They showed us technologies we had never even imagined before. New spirits to worship. New ways of life we had never thought possible. Slowly, my tribe abandoned the old ways, rather than living alongside the new. They left the village, and adopted the cultures of the outsiders. They abandoned the spirits, and the spirits abandoned them."
Ellie placed a comforting hand on Tanska's thigh. "I'm so sorry," she said, meeting the much taller woman's eyes.
"Do not be, dear Elora," Tanska replied, smiling. "They have found happiness in their new lives, and I continue to be happy with my old one. I brew potions that I trade with them for the pleasures their cultures offer, and I do not stray far from what the spirits need to keep my home strong and full of life."
"What sort of potions do you craft?" Mazra asked.
Tanska smiled. "I brew potions to cure wounds like the one you suffered, alleviate ailments, both common and uncommon, rejuvenate strength, vigor, wit, as well as..." her eyes twinkled. "elixirs of a more... recreational use."
"How do you mean 'recreational'?" Mazra questioned.
"I'll show you," Tanska purred, rising from her spot on the floor, and, once again, opening the large cabinet. This time, she produced a small vial containing a shimmering, purple liquid. Uncorking it, she downed the contents in a single gulp. The effects were not apparent, at first. Perhaps it did not have a visual effect? But it was not long until Tanska began to slowly pitch a tent in her loin cloth.
"Did you just-?" Ellie asked, incredulously.
"Indeed I did," Tanksa replied, grinning. She removed her loincloth to expose her think, ten-inch, throbbing erection.
"No way!" Ellie squealed, scrambling to her feet. She reached up, and grabbed hold of Tanska's very warm dick with both hands. "No fucking way!" She gave the cock a stroke. "This thing has to be at least half as big as me!" The little gnome excitedly jerked the black cock in front of her.
Mazra crawled forward, also reaching out and grasping Tanska's huge cock. The warmth radiating off of it was inviting. She began to slowly stroke it, her hand meeting Ellie's rapid jerking, ocassionally. She moved her hand downward, towards where a pair of testicles should be, but was instead greeted by Tanska's dripping slit. "You still have a pussy!" Mazra exclaimed.
"So, I do," Tanksa replied, chuckling. Mazra inserted two fingers into the wet entrance, as Ellie began to lick up and down the thick, black length in front of her. "Oh, yes!" Tanksa moaned, gripping the back of Ellie's head, urging her to do more. The gnome licked from the base of the cock all the way back up to the tip of the foreskin that covered the head of Tanska's cock, before plunging her face down, sucking the cock into her mouth. The little woman had difficulty stretching her mouth around the thick, black cock, but managed to get around three inches of it into her mouth before she began to gag. "Mmm, yes! Just like that, Elora!" Tanksa wailed, as the small woman eagerly slurped up her cock, her pigtails flapping about, drool running down her face and onto her perky tits, her efforts being rewarded with the occasional spurt of precum.
Mazra removed her fingers from the pink entrance, replacing them with her tongue. She licked up and down Tanska's dark slit, as juices trickled out and into the orc's hungry mouth. She happily gulped down as much girlcum as she could, some of it dripping out and running down her face. She reached behind her head, and gripped the fat cock, jerking it in places the Ellie's sucking couldn't reach.
"Aw, fuck!" Tanska shouted. "I'm gonna cum!" And that was all the warning the two ladies servicing her received before Mazra got sprayed by a stream of the shaman's pussy juice, and Ellie got a large mouthful of hot cum, causing her to choke, and remove the cock from her mouth. The gnome received several more spurts of the pearly, white jizz, each as big as the last, absolutely covering her face and small tits.
"Wow," Ellie said, noisily swallowing her mouthful of cum. "That was awesome!"
"Agreed," Mazra continued, before licking up some of the white slime on Ellie's breasts. "That was definitely one of the more exciting encounters I've had. Please, tell me we can do that some more."
Tanska smiled. "Of course, my friends," she said, undoing the binds on her breasts, letting her medium sized tits bounce freely, and showing the small gold rings that were pierced through her nipples. She walked over to her cabinet full of potions for the third time that evening, and pulled out two more flasks of the wonderful potion she had already used on herself. "Why don't the two of you experience the effects for yourself? Don't worry, the effects are only temporary," She offered the two potions to her guests, both of whom eagerly took them and downed the contents.
Mazra and Ellie felt a pleasurable tingle spread throughout their bodies, which slowly became more focused on their crotches, before their clits swelled and morphed into proportionally large cocks. Ellie's four inch length began to drool pre almost as soon as it formed, while Mazra's grew to be about as long as Tanska's, but noticeably thicker. Both reached down and grasped their new appendages, moaning from the unfamiliar and pleasurable sensations they were now experiencing. "I never thought," Ellie gasped. "That having a cock would feel this good."
Tanska smiled, letting her guests get familiar with their new equipment. She could patiently wait before letting them fuck her into a stupor. Just thinking about it made her begin to stroke her softening cock. Oh, yes, this was definitely going to be a night to remember.
After a few moments of exploring her body, Mazra knelt down, embracing Ellie. She began to lick up some of Tanska's cooling cum that remained on the small woman's body, before drawing the gnome in for a kiss, pushing some of the jizz into her mouth, which Ellie graciously accepted. During the kiss, Mazra reached down and grasped Ellie's throbbing length, and began to slowly stroke it. While it was barely the width of her palm, it was still quite large, as far as gnomes go. Ellie moaned into the sperm filled kiss, enticing Mazra to stroke a little faster, rewarding the orc with more slick precum.
Mazra then let go of Ellie's cock, getting on her stomach, and sucking the small girlcock into her mouth, and eagerly bobbing her head up and down on the length. Ellie screamed with pleasure, grabbing hold on the orc's dark hair, forcing her to suck deeper and faster, which Mazra happily accepted. Mazra reached up, and stuck two green fingers inside of Ellie's dripping snatch, rapidly pumping them in and out, increasing the volume of the gnome's lusty screams..
"Shit," Ellie said through gritted teeth. "I'm not gonna last much longer. I'm gonna- oh, fuck- I'm gonna blow! I'm gonna cum right down your fucking throat!" A geyser of warm pussy juice sprayed out of Ellie's tight cunt, soaking Mazra's hand, while hot, gooey cum exploded from Ellie's small cock. Mazra greedily gulped it all down, not letting a single drop get past her lips.
Mazra gasped as she pulled the cock out of her mouth. "My turn," she said, smiling up at Ellie. Standing up she pressed her cock into the smaller woman's chest. "Well?" she coaxed, prodding Ellie with her thick dick. Getting the message, Ellie slid the thick, green cock between her tits, rubbing them up and down the length. While Ellie was certainly busty for her size, her boobs could barely wrap halfway around the orc's massive penis. What she lacked in size, however, she more than made up for in technique. She varied the speeds of her titfuck, suckled on Mazra's foreskin, and occasionally slipped her tongue inside to play with the head.
Tanska watched her guests' display, pumping a hand up and down her throbbing length, while stuffing four fingers inside her hungry snatch. Pulling her hand out of her gaping pussy, she used it to jerk her cock, her slick girlcum providing the excellent lubricant. Sticking a finger through one of her nipple rings, she gently tugged on it, moaning at the sweet mixture of pleasure and pain. She bit her lip at the incredible feeling, as well as the show she was enjoying. Pre was continuously leaking from her cock. Wiping some up with a finger, sucked it into her mouth, savoring her own flavor.
Mazra grunted as she reached her own orgasm, cum erupting from her cock, returning Ellie to a sticky, white mess. Her girlcum splashed down around her thighs and onto the floor. The orc panted, heavily, before kneeling down, and beginning to lick the cum off Ellie's chest and face, stopping from time to time to draw Ellie into a kiss, sharing her cum, which the gnome greedily swallowed.
"I trust you two are enjoying yourselves?" Tanska inquired, reminding the two of just where they were, and that they had spent the last few minutes ignoring their host.
"Definitely," Mazra replied, smirking, and giving her new cock a few strokes. Ellie nodded in agreement, before scooping up the remaining about of Mazra's sweet load and eating it.
Tanska approached her guests, before kneeling before them, grasping both of their cocks, and beginning to stroke them. "That's good. It is very important that my guests enjoy themselves," she said, moving her head forward, and taking Mazra's thick, green cock into her mouth, and sucking up and down the length, while never ceasing her stroking of Ellie's much smaller cock. Every time Tanska bobbed her head forward, she took more of Mazra's new dick than the last time, working her way to the base. Every time the dark, green glans reached the back of her throat, she gagged, increasing Mazra's pleasure. It wasn't long before Tanska had the entire length down her throat, her nose buried into the orc's crotch, drooling profusely. Sadly, she needed to come up for air, and let out a long sigh as she felt the thick length of meat leave her throat, leaving her feeling empty.
Not forgetting about her smaller guest, Tanska switched cocks, slipping the little penis into her mouth. While Ellie's short length did not fill her throat like Mazra's did, it did allow for a different sort of fun. Sticking her tongue out from the underside of the gnome's small cock, she extended the wet appendage until the very tip could probe Ellie's dripping entrance. Ellie moaned in approval, grabbing a handful of witch's dreadlocks, and hammering her cock as deep into her mouth as possible, causing Tanska to drool and gag around the small length.
While her host continued to fellate her traveling companion, Mazra removed her cock from Tanska's stroking grip, and knelt down beside. She grasped one of the dark tits in front of her, giving it a firm squeeze, and playing with the small, gold hoop. With every tug of her piercing, Tanska let out a pleased squeal. Mazra moved forward, taking the nipple into her mouth, and sucking it. She let her tongue play with the jewelry, eliciting more lustful moans from the dark skinned beauty.
As Mazra played with the nipple, she reached down, and gave Tanska's ass a good, strong slap. Tanska screamed with pleasure around the cock in her mouth, which Mazra responded to by spanking her, again. Over and over she slapped Tanska's amazing butt, leaving it darker than it was.
Removing the nipple from her mouth, Mazra crawled around, and grabbed her host by the hips, pulling her onto all fours. Mazra slapped her thick length on Tanska's ass, watching with joy as flecks of precum splashed onto her ass, the white of the pre contrasting nicely with her dark skin. She slid her cock between Tanska's ass cheeks, grinding her length between the mounds of pillowy flesh. Adjusting her position, the orc slid her dick into Tanska's sopping cunt, and wasted no time humping into her. With every thrust Mazra made, Tanska was driven further down onto Ellie's cock.
"Oh, damn!" Ellie moaned. "Here it comes!" Quickly pulling her length from Tanska's dark lips, she jerked it a few times before her jizz spurted out, painting the witch's face pearly white. Tanska licked up as much of the semen as she could, but was unable to reach most of the cum. That didn't matter to her, though. She reveled in having her face coated in cum.
Mazra flipped Tanska onto her back, continuing to drive her cock as deep inside of the other woman's pussy as possible. Tanska's own massive length flopped around, slapping between the two women's bodies, drops of pre flying everywhere. With a moan, Tanska came, juices spurting out from around Mazra's hammering cock, while her own shot cum all over her stomach, breasts, and face.
Crawling around the fucking couple, Ellie laid down on her stomach, planting her face between Mazra's thick thighs, Extending her tongue, she began to lick up and down the green slit, as Mazra continued to thrust hard into Tanska's snatch. "Come on," she coaxed between licks. "Keep going, baby. Shoot it inside. Paint her insides white. Watch it pour out."
Mazra grunted as her cock began to spasm. White, hot cum errupted from her cock, shooting her load deep inside Tanska. The witch moaned in satisfaction, rejoicing in the feeling of being pumped full of jizz. With a sigh, Mazra pulled out, watching her load spill out onto the floor.
Tanska was on the verge of passing out. Mazra gently picked up the cum covered beauty, and carried her over to the bed, Ellie following close behind. Laying their host down, Mazra and Ellie climbed up onto the bed, getting some of the cooling cum on their own bodies, but were too exhausted to care. "I'll be sure to pack some more of those potions with you before you leave in the morning," Tanska whispered as they all drifted to sleep. | literotica |
Title: Pandora's Templar - Chapter 12 by Coranth
Tags: Adult, Avatar, Clean, Crossover, Fanfiction, Human, M/F, Na'vi, starcraft
**Disclaimer:** *Blah, Blah, Blah. I don't own Avatar; James Cameron does. All the Avatar stuff belongs to him. However, my Na'vi character, myself, the Dragon Weyr and its technologies, and the Pandoran animals of my menagerie are all mine. The Protoss - apart from my characters - all belong to Blizzard Entertainment.*
**Pandora's Templar**
A Work-In-Progress Story by Coranth Dehanae
Chapter 12
(Continued from Chapter 11...)
Nodding to her, I replied, "I will." Since there were now far too many animals at the Homestead to feed by myself, after Txe'lan and I had dressed for the day and eaten heart breakfasts, she and I fed the 'core group' of the Menagerie - Falkor, Atreyu, the Pack, Miracle, Beauty, Leaf and Cloud - and then, whilst Txe'lan tended to the Dragon Weyr and performed routine maintenance here and there, I sought out the Second *Tsa'hik* of my Clan, San'eya. She was, fortunately, easy to find; I caught up with her as she was returning to the Homestead from the forest, after having completed her morning communion with *Eywa*. *"Tsa'hik San'eya!"* I called in Na'vi. At my call, she hurried over to me and as she did so, I noticed that she looked troubled.
When she reached me, San'eya stopped and began to walk beside me as I turned to head back to the Dragon Weyr. *"Srane, ma Olo'eyktan?"* she asked. Feeling somewhat apprehensive, I swallowed to moisten my suddenly dry throat, and then I began to speak, *"Ma tsmuken, I must speak with you regarding a... a spiritual matter"* I began.*"I believe that Eywa may have contacted me last night as I slept, perhaps to warn me of something, for I did not sleep well ..." "...You were troubled with night terrors,"* she finished. At this, I stopped, and turned my head about to look at her. *"They have afflicted you as well, Tsa'hik?"* I asked, both surprised and concerned by this turn of events.
My Clan's *Tsa'hik* of *Eywa* nodded, a shiver coursing through her body. Inhaling, she opened her mouth to continue speaking, but then - as she saw various other members of my Clan exiting their *thípis* to begin the day - with a shake of her head, she said, *"We shall speak no more of this until we are inside Txra'kon We'er."* That was that; San'eya and I returned swiftly to the Dragon Weyr and then - once we were back within the safety of the Weyrheart - I sat down with her upon the Great Fleece Pile and told her everything. I told her of the mutilated Palulukan discovered by Master Hunter Oo'ano, of the 'corrupted' Na'vi tissue sample now stored within the Lab, and of the monstrous visions I had seen within my dreams.
By the time I finished my explanation, San'eya was looking at me with an expression that I had never before seen upon her face: sheer *terror*. She was visibly *trembling*, the normally-cyan skin of her face sky-pale from lack of blood. "*San'eya*" I asked, resting a hand upon her shoulder in concern, *"ngaru lu fpom srak?"* At my question, slowly, she shook her head. *"Kehe, Txa'vit, I am not well,"* she answered, gravely. *"The night terrors you experienced last night - and the visions that Eywa showed me this morn when I communed with her - were a warning. The Clan is in terrible danger, Txa'vit, for a Time of Great Sorrow approaches, but the danger may yet be averted. Please, ma Olo'eyktan, gather the Clan and bring them to swotu unil, for there is a story that I must tell you all."*
I nodded to her, and then with all haste, dropped into a light meditative trance in order to send out a psychic call. My efforts, however, were gently rebuffed for the Dragon Weyr was quicker! Already at a state of *alertness* due to San'eya's own frightened condition, via its partially psionic and partially technological Communications Transceiver, the Weyr issued a *powerful* psychic call throughout the Homestead and its surrounding lands to the entirety of Clan Tawkami! As the powerful call - feelings of *danger* and the compulsion to *come to Txra'kon We'er* - swept through her, San'eya looked around frantically for a moment, before she turned back to me and asked, *"Txa'vit... What, in Eywa's name, was **that**?"*
Blowing out a gusty sigh, I thought to myself privately, 'Ooh boy... that call was a *bit* more than was needed. Something tells me we didn't just summon Clan Tawkami...' Aloud I answered, *" **That,** ma Tsmuken, was Txra'kon We'er calling the Clan."* As I spoke, from out of the Transport Alcove they came in groups of five, ten, and twenty with their animal companions - the whole of Clan Tawkami - with spear, bow, hammer and axe unsheathed and ready for combat! Once all were present and accounted for, Lompor swiftly approached me and said, *"We felt the Call of Txra'kon We'er, ma Olo'eyktan. What danger comes before us?"* As he spoke, a feeling of *sheepishness* from the Dragon Weyr filled my thoughts, and for a moment, I rested my head in my hands. 'Next time, my friend, could you *please* try not to "cry Nantang"?' I thought.
As the Dragon Weyr's *affirmation* and *sorrow* filled my thoughts I raised my head to address the Clan. *"Ma 'Olo, ma 'olo please, put away your weapons; we aren't in danger yet..."* I said. As hand weapons were sheathed once more, spears and bows returned to backs, and animals soothed and settled, I continued, *"...but we may be soon, for a Time of Great Sorrow comes! Join me, ma 'olo, at Txra'kon We'er's swotu unil; Tsa'hik San'eya has something that she wishes for us all to hear."* The Clan responded to this with nodding of heads and murmurs of assent and curiosity. Could what the Tsa'hik was going to say have something to do with why Txra'kon We'er had called them? And so it was that we all made our way to the Dragon Weyr's Psiodeck and gathered about a *huge* *mreki u'lito* amidst a Forest of Trees of Voices.
Once we and all our animal friends were settled, for a moment there was silence in that pocket universe - save for the sound of the bioluminescent trees swaying in the breeze around us - as San'eya, *Tsa'hik* of *Eywa*, gathered her thoughts. Then, she inhaled deeply, before she began to tell an eerie and unsettling tale. *"Long, long ago, before the coming of the First Toruk Makto, and even before the People lived as the Clans we know today"* she began, *"there existed a loose group of the People that were... different."* At this Lompor raised a hand, and Tsa'hik San'eya turned to regard him steadily. *"Forgive me, Tsa'hik, but... different? In what way were these People different from the Clans of today?"* he asked. Tsa'hik San'eya continued to regard my student for a moment and then finally, she replied, *"They did not serve Eywa."*
The Clan's reaction to her statement was one of sheer disbelief - murmurs of denial, voices of protest, and gasps of horror spread throughout the assembled people of my Clan. A group of the People who did not serve Eywa? This... this was utterly *inconceivable!* Although traditions of worship and ceremony often differed among the Clans, *all* of the People served *Eywa*... didn't they? Soon, I called for silence. *"Fnu, rutxe, frapo. Fnu, rutxe!"* When the Clan settled, Tsa'hik San'eya continued. *"Yes, ma Olo', this group of the People did not serve Eywa. In fact, they **rejected** her ways and her guidance, utterly! They were violent and savage; they slaughtered and murdered others of the People at their whim and committed acts of savagery that the People today have no names for!*
*Perhaps it was their nature that did it - or perhaps Eywa herself cursed them for their deeds - but soon, this group of the People **changed** ; their bodies became hideously twisted and deformed, their skin became as white as the stars, and their eyes turned as red as blood! Not even Eywa's curse could make them cease their savage ways, however; instead they reveled in their new twisted forms, using them to commit ever more vile acts of terror and bloodshed. These People became known as 'They who could not See.' Thus they remained, and the rivers of kifkey Eywa'evengä ran red with the blood spilt as a result of their terrible deeds. This was the first Time of Sorrow.*
*It would have remained such forever, but Eywa - in her infinite wisdom - wove from the Land and then sent into the Sky the mightiest of her Children to fight 'They who could not See': the first Toruk. Then, from among the good People who still lived despite the actions of 'They who could not see', she called upon the mightiest of warriors to ride the great beast. That warrior became the first Toruk Makto! Toruk Makto formed the People into Clans and then together, he and the new Clans of the People united to drive away, 'They who could not See', deep beneath the ground of kifkey Eywa'evengä, where they could never commit violence again, except upon each other."* At this, the Clan broke out into applause, whooping, hollering, and cheers!
Txe'lan and I turned to look at each other and smile. 'I'm a sucker for happy endings,' I thought, 'but this story isn't over yet...' I was right. Once again I called for silence, and then, when the Clan again settled, *Tsa'hik* San'eya concluded the story. *"So feared and reviled were They that they were never given names or recorded in any Songs of Today; Eywa chose to let Her Children forget that They ever existed, allowing only a few select Tsa'hiks of the People to remember 'They who could not See', as a warning, if they ever chose to return."* With Tsa'hik Sen'aya's story concluded, the Clan offered her their thanks. Many stood in preparation to leave and return to their duties, but I bade them stay.
Once all were again seated about the *mreki u'lito*, Lompor spoke up. *"You have told us a fine story, Tsa'hik, but why tell us this tale?"* he asked. *"Surely 'They who cannot see' are a legend..."* As he made to continue, Tsa'hik San'eya silenced him with a *look* before she snapped, *"'They who cannot see' are more than a legend, you skxawng; they are very, very real! Olo'eyktan Txa'vit and I have witnessed Signs of Their return!"* At that, the shit hit the fan; a cacophony of *noise* exploded throughout the Psiodeck as every member of Clan Tawkami tried to talk over each other, their moods reflected by their animal companions whom added their own distressed voices to the din!
*"Ma 'Olo!"* I called, trying to restore order. *"Ma 'Olo, rutxe lu mawey!"* No one, however, could hear my voice above the din, and so - adding a large amount of psionic power unto my voice, I called ***"FRAPO FNU!"*** When all had calmed down, and had soothed their animal companions Tsa'hik San'eya shot me a relieved look as she said, *"Irayo, Olo'eyktan!"* Then, she continued, addressing all. *"'They who do not see' always attack Eywa's animal Children first and Txa'vit saw this when he journeyed with Master Hunter Oo'ano to examine - and then return to Eywa - the defiled body of a slain Palulukan! Our Olo'eyktan also has a piece of flesh from one of Them right here in Txra'kon We'er, which he is examining in order to find Their weakness!"*
At this falsehood, I snapped my head around to look at her, startled! 'What?' I thought, incredulous. 'I'm not doing that, at all; I'm simply trying to find out what I can about them due to sheer curiosity!' Before I could voice a protest at her lie, however, she waved me off; a gesture that clearly said, "Play along for now." Therefore, with a heavy sigh, I held my tongue as she continued, *"Finally, both Txa'vit and I have received warnings from Eywa; dreams and visions in which we have Seen them! I believe 'They who cannot see' have returned!"* At Tsa'hik San'eya's last statement, a wave of agitation swept through the Clan. Na'vi men and women talked, gossiped and debated with each other over what was to be done to safeguard the Clan and the Homestead against the potential threat from 'They who could not see.'
Some among the Clan wondered whether the warnings and signs had been misread. Others desired action; that we should actively *search* for these 'different', savage Na'vi and hunt them down before they could become a threat. Others, still, opted that the Clan should remain vigilant at the Homestead and wait for real confirmation of the threat before deciding what was to be done. A verdict on what to do could not be reached. Finally, one of the Clan's warriors spoke up. *"What then, is to be done, Olo'eyktan?"* he asked. Having listened to and weighed the opinions of my Clan members carefully, I thought long and hard about his question before answering. *"We know very little at this point, ma Tsmukan"* I intoned softly.
*"We have only the Signs - the dead Palulukan and Eywa's warnings. We do not know when, or even if, 'they who cannot see' will attack us at all.**Therefore, until we **do** know what will happen, our lives will continue as normal. But... I will ask Txra'kon We'er to use its pxay aynari to watch over our land carefully, and I would ask you all to do the same. Whenever you are out in the forests, hunting, foraging, and gathering, be watchful. Be vigilant. If you see **anything** strange or unusual - anything at all - you are to report it to me, or Tsa'hiks San'eya and Txe'lan immediately! Do you understand, ma 'Olo?"* The response to my question was immediate; an almost unanimous nodding of heads and various cries of\_"Srane, Olo'eyktan!"\_ | FSE |
Sorority Cows 4: Ceremonial Milking
“Are you ready for tonight?” The dark cow made a few last-minute adjustments to the cream-colored robe.
“I think so? Is my tail okay?”
“Yeah, it’s good.” Erika gave her a playful whack on the bottom.
Chrissy jumped slightly at the strike. “Why am I nervous? I mean it’s not like we don’t do this every year.”
Erika shrugged. “Maybe because you were brought in after the rest of us freshman year and didn’t have to go through the milking ceremony?”
“Yeah, but I changed in front of everyone.” Chrissy shifted her robe trying to let her udder move freely rather than getting bunched up with the fabric.
“Everyone does. It’s tradition now. But you got changed separately. You didn’t get the all the pageantry.” Erika bit a loose piece of thread off the hem of her sleeve.
“Do you think Holly is ready for us yet?”
“Should be almost time.” Erika looked at the clock on the wall, one of the few antiques that actually dated back to the founding of the Sorority. “Almost.” She commented.
Chrissy nodded and sat down to wait, her udder already feeling taut and full. Not milking for two days was starting to hurt. In the corner she could see Erika’s black and white mottled tail swishing in impatience.
*** *** ***
Downstairs the main dining hall had been cleared of everything, only a small podium and two small tables covered in candles filled the room. A single figure in a cream robe with white edges intoned the ritual welcome and the history of the sorority. The figures, all nude women, sat on their knees before her, attention rapt upon the words even as some shyly covered their exposed breasts.
Around the room a dozen more figures in cream robes stood silently. Expectantly. “And now, you know the Sisters of Mu Omicron Omicron, and I ask to you. Do you give yourselves to the sisterhood? To be blessed with our gifts? To be forever one of the few?”
Silence settled for only a moment until the six pledges murmured their accent.
The figure lifted from the lectern a heavy bell. She intoned it three times. Each time letting it ring and then fall silent. “Know then than we welcome you to our sisterhood, and we bid you now, come and drink.” With that she stepped out and in front of the centermost girl, momentarily joined by the sweeping robes of five of her fellow seniors as they swept in from the side rooms, three to her left, and two to her right. Holly smiled. Tonight, she would preside over what would be the crowning moment of her role as head of the sorority.
In unison each of the robed figures lifted their robes, heavy udders flopping out in front of the shocked faces of the pledges. At first there was hesitation, but Holly had chosen her target well. She was the first to reach out, gently, placing a hand on Holly’s udder. Her fingers caressing the soft skin, slowly working her way to the long teats. Holly’s tail lashed excitedly. Like her fellow seniors she was bursting with milk and she desperately wanted to be suckled.
A moment later she felt the warm wetness of the pledge’s mouth cover the first of her teats. The first gentle suckles. Milk spurting down the surprised throat of her pledge. After an initial gasp and widened eyes, the younger woman settled into the rhythmic pattern that the magic demanded this night.
Beside her Chrissy felt her pledge follow her new sister’s lead. This young woman was of Asian descent, her small fingers wrapping around the thick teats of Chrissy’s udder with care. She wasn’t as initially eager as some others, but Chrissy nearly orgasmed as she felt her milk begin to flow.
Around her each pledge was now suckling. The magic, normally subtle, was rising now. The hairs on the tips of their tails reminding them of its power. Each lost in their own thoughts as they welcomed the newest bevy of bovine babes to their sisterhood. Though they welcomed the rising feeling of warmth in their body.
Slowly each pledge began her change. Some faster, some slower. Already nude, the candles only served to make the glimpses more appealing. Slowly each woman would shift, her hips widening to make room for her new udder. Small horns would begin to peak from their hair. The blonde in front of Holly was quickly sporting an unusually large and impressive pair. Ears would flop outward, fluffy and soft.
Their hips would rock back as their tails slowly shifted and grew outward, each bursting forth in a puff of hair that matched that on their heads. The udders grew slowly at first, only visible if you knew what to look for. But each woman being suckled knew that sensation. That slow pressure above the groin, first popping out like tiny bumps, but swelling more and more. In just a few minutes an udder, complete with four luxurious teats would fill their laps. But the magic made sure it wasn’t done. Breasts swelled too, and each of them could feel the swelling of their vulvas as they grew larger, lewder, and decidedly wetter as the hormones raced through them.
Slowly each new pledge released her sponsor’s teat, licked her lips, and waited.
“Welcome my newest sisters.” Holly intoned. A murmur of welcomes followed from the assembled sisters.
Each new cow was lost in her heat now. The hormones that drove all of them to extreme horniness were the most powerful this night. The smell of sex and musk was in the air. Milk dribbled from breasts and udders alike as all of them felt the rush of the magic that settled on the new pledges with the ancient curse. Fingers crept under robes. Two of the pledges were already kneading their new udders wantonly.
One by one the sisters of Mu Omicron Omicron removed their robes, standing in their own nude glory with the pledges. Slick trails of moisture running down thighs gleamed in the dim candle light as they paired off seeking to take the edge off their magically induced lust. Each woman’s heat rose, and inhibitions fled.
*** *** ***
Chrissy gently knelt down to her new sister. Her udder pressing against her thighs. She took the new cow’s hand and helped her to her feet, examining the woman, her golden skin offset nicely by the dark black of her ears and tail. Her udder was small, not unsurprising given she was small breasted when she came in, but sometimes the magic surprised.
She led the nervous woman to a couch. She didn’t speak, just put her finger to the woman’s lips and knelt down. Slowly she caressed the new udder, letting it sit warm in her hands as she bent her own head to suckle at the first of the woman’s new milk. The gasp was audible as the smaller woman felt her teats release the first streams of precious creamy fluid.
The smell of the new cow’s sex was pungent in Chrissy’s nose now. The woman squirmed at each new suckling sensation. Slowly Chrissy slid her fingers under the udder. Reaching the thick folds, so much like her own now, she gently pressed them wide, letting her fingers caress the woman’s clit. She was rewarded by a shudder and a shill cry as the woman reached orgasm. Around her similar cries were occurring as each woman was brought to orgasm after orgasm to both cement the changes, and bring her to accept them.
Within minutes she’d pressed the woman over the back of the chair and pressed her face into the damp folds, licking and sucking, letting the woman’s moans and cries guide her until she reached orgasmic exhaustion. Chrissy gathered up her new charge in her arms, and helped her to her new room. Slowly she kissed the new cow on the forehead and tucked her hair around her new ears and horns. She even tucked in the woman’s tail.
It was only then that she heard the voice of her new sister. “This really just happened, didn’t it? I’m a cow now, aren’t I?”
“Yes, and you’re a lovely cow.”
“I’m glad.” She smiled sleepily, and with that the newest member of the sorority drifted off into an exhausted dreamless slumber.
Chrissy turned off the light, looked back at her charge once more, and went downstairs to help the others clean up and restore the dining room to its proper configuration.
*** *** ***
The next morning broke bright and clear, the august sun beaming bright and warm. The six newest sisters slowly made their way into the dining hall for a much-needed breakfast and a chance to really meet and get to know the women who were now their sorority sisters. Their new tails swishing sexily behind them. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Backstage by Gruffy
Tags: Ass, Cougar, Doberman, Gay, Leopard, Lion, M/M, Tiger, Wolf
*Standard disclaimer:*
*This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.*
Hello, and welcome to the latest chapter!
If you have comments or speculations about the chapter or the story in general, please drop a few lines once you're done. It will help me to become a better writer, and it amuses me a great deal, too! Faves and votes and watches are appreciated as much.
Have a nice read!
"And here, 4 dollars and five cents, and your receipt, ma'am."
"Thank you, dear boy."
"You're most welcome, ma'am, hope you will visit us again soon."
"Good day to you too."
I watched the middle-aged mare disappear into the street outside and realized that I hadn't closed the cash register yet. I shook my head and snuffled and pushed on the till to close it, and then yawned, quickly, into my paw while pretending to scratch my muzzle.
"Sleepless night again, muffin?" a voice purred from somewhere beyond.
I tipped my head to the side and spied a very curious-looking Marge giving me the eyes, her tail looping around behind her and threatening the structural integrity of the pile of gift boxes we had behind the counter.
The cougar smirked and chuckled.
"You're even more zombie than usual and it's almost nine am already," Marge winked. "Thought that maybe you've stayed up late again."
"No later than usual," I tried to defend myself, flicking her ankles with my fun, thick tail. "I didn't go out or anything."
Not that she needed to know ever if I went out or not. Or that I might have stayed up on Facebook a little to chat with Victor and Peter. Or that I kept thinking about the date...my man date. GAY date.
"Nah, you don't smell like going out," Marge snuffled audibly.
My ears flicked curiously.
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah," she replied. "Xanthomax isn't so good in getting rid of all scents, but you definitely only smell of Rory."
My ears dropped briefly at the thought of Marge spying my scent, but at least I had the good grace to smirk.
"Since when did you know what shampoo I use?" I challenged her a little, my tail swishing slowly.
"Since always!" the cougar beamed.
A bear ambled over to the counter and chose Marge as his humble servant, thus leaving me to man my own cash register while staring at the wall ahead of me and wondering about Dobie dates in the near future. I was all poised for it tomorrow, I definitely was ready to meet the mysterious Dobie again, face to face, guy to guy...well, yeah, that was the picture... a fun picture that was, too!
So yeah, maybe I was freaking out a little bit at the prospect of a date, even after a few late evening chats with Victor, trying to get to know the Dobie a little bit more before the hugely anticipated DATE that was...
\_ **TOMORROW!** \_
My tail made a number eight behind my nice lion butt while I contemplated the prospect of a fun date. It was still quiet in the job, it being only nine a.m. in the morning, and there definitely was not a crowd outside waiting in line for the Lord Mistwillow thing. Well, notwithstanding a certain frat wolf who had been hyper all morning, arranging posters, cardboard cut-outs of Caledon Rocks characters, chairs, special felt-tipped pens for signing books and a huge pile of *Justice of Helios* books on a special 12% discount FOR THIS DAY ONLY! I couldn't see what was going on in the downstairs area at the moment, but I suspected that the surprisingly non-armour-wearing Mason was likely making sure that the backup backup signing pen was in a working order. I had also seen a suspiciously thick pile of well-worn Caledon Rocks books in the locker room bench and suspected that the wolf was planning to get the best out of the author visit. At least he was happy.
Crystal walked past the counter, carrying a pile of haematology books for the MEDICAL TEXTBOOKS section, and flashed me a smile. I gave her an ear flick in return and leaned on the counter, wondering whether tomorrow could feel even slower than this day did, with me waiting for my DATE! DATE! DATE!
Oh well, at least there were customers to keep me distracted, at least on occasion. Even now a leopard wearing a somewhat ill-fitting purple business suit kind of a ladies' no-nonsense outfit was standing in front of me, looking curious and probably wanting to buy a Harlequin paperback. Or maybe a book about business law.
"Good morning," I pulled myself out of the land of Victor Holden Date dreams and put on my happyhappy face. "How may I help you?"
"You could start by telling me who's in charge here," the leopard drawled at me, her voice deep and purring.
Oh shit...reclamation...I was sure it was a reclamation. Furs came over unhappy with their gift books all the time wanting refunds for books their friends or relatives didn't like, or the recipients themselves came over demanding their books to be changed. Of course they came in without a receipt. It was always so much fun alright.
"You probably want to talk to the manager, that'd be Marge...uh, Ms. Pitt, please, she's here," I waved a paw towards the cougar standing next to me who was still serving the oddly verbose bear who seemed to be asking for books about swivel chairs.
"Ahh...," the leopard gave me a suspicious look before she gave Marge a suspicious look.
"Anything I can help you with, ma'am?" I persevered in my good deeds for now.
She reached out with her paw, her stern eyes on me while she drawled again.
"Guadeloupe Lopez, of the Lopez Agency," she spoke, waving her outstretched paw.
I took her little paw and gave it a quick squeeze.
"Good morning, Mrs. Lopez."
"Miss," she purred, "I represent Lord Mistwillow, I'm here about the book signing."
My ears flicked and I nodded.
"Ahhhh...," I rumbled," ohh, right."
"I really should talk with the manager," the leopard replied dismissively.
"I see."
Marge finally managed to send the talkative bear on his way and turned to look at me and the leopard, smiling.
"Hello," she greeted, her ears flicking.
The purple leopard pushed out her paw for Marge to squeeze.
"Guadeloupe Lopez of the Lopez Agency, I'm here for Lord Mistwillow," she spoke as soon as their fingertips touched briefly.
Marge's eyes lit up and she smiled.
"Marge Pitt, I think we've talked on the phone before?" the cougar smiled.
"Perhaps," the pushy leopard replied, her eyes moving around the shop floor slowly. "I assume everything is ready?"
"Oh yes!" Marge exclaimed, her tail looping about happily. "I've got my junior assistant manager in charge of all the preparations and we've all things ready!"
"Good," the leopard didn't sound too impressed. "And I hope that you have the required space for him outside the shop floor, as we agreed?"
"Our staff room is at his full disposal," Marge defended our preparations with a sharp look upon the leopard.
"Good, he can't just hang around the shop all the time now can he?" the leopard didn't sound too amused. "Well, if that really is set, I better get him."
"He's here?" Marge's ears jumped.
Well, even my perked a little at the idea of at least semi-famous someone being in the vicinity.
"Out in the car," the leopard huffed. "Not like the Lord Mistwillow can just walk into places now can he?"
"Uh...I guess not," even Marge was speechless for a little moment, before she nodded.
"We'll be here in one minute," the leopard Lopez declared before turning on her high heels and disappearing out to the street.
I gave Marge a look and shrugged.
"Too much coffee, I hope," she hoped.
"I hope so too," I shook my head a little.
"Think she's going to be around all the time that guy's here?" Marge whispered.
"I don't know...," I scratched my scratchy muzzle. "I wonder if I should warn Mason..."
Marge chuckled, making her whiskers wobble.
"Nahhhhhhhhh," she purred.
A couple of happily chattering foxes entered the shop while we watched, curious and eager while we kept vigil on the door, and they were followed by a wolf girl, and a black Lab. This sudden influx of customers passed our counter in a single faceless throng while we only had eyes for the door which we expected to open at any moment and reveal the mysterious face behind the books Mason got so geektastic over.
Next arrival was the leopard, standing by the door in a clearly bodyguardish pose while she held the door open for a tiger wearing a green coat, and who had eyeglasses. He looked like...well, like nothing, really, just a bespectacled tiger, a bit taller than the purple-clad leopard, and he had stuffed his paws into his coat pockets. He looked around the shop with a slightly bemused look, gave a little smile, and looked over to the counter. The busy leopard was quick to move over to his side, staying practically shoulder to shoulder.
"Would either of you show me the way to the staff area, please?" Lopez snapped at us.
"Good morning, " the tiger spoke quickly and smiled for us two.
Marge was just...kind of staring at the tiger, not sure what to make out of this who was presumably the mythical Lord Mistwillow....and he wasn't wearing medieval dress, or carrying a sword. I wouldn't have spotted him on the street.
"I'll be happy to," I spoke quickly and gave a big Rory happyhappy smile, passing behind Marge to get out of the cattle pen that was the service counter.
"Thank you, " the tiger replied, giving me a nod.
"You're welcome, " I spoke quickly, leading the pair to the stairs leading to the old books section.
I spotted Mason standing behind the table he had hauled in to a convenient corner of the downstairs section, adorned with the familiar Sir Wilbur and Princess Catalina cardboard fantasy characters and giant posters plastered on the walls and publicizing The Justice of Helios. His tail was swaying slowly about as he re-arranged the glass and pitcher on the table, and once again I smirked at the black T-shirt he was wearing, the one that had a valiant knight pictured on it, along with the text "\_ **I'm With Aydrian** \_". At least he didn't have the chainmail on again, I observed wryly as we went down the stairs, me trailed by the leopard and the tiger.
Then he saw us, and Mason almost pushed the pitcher over, something that would have destroyed the carefully arranged pile of Lord Mistwillow fan photos on the table covered with a purple fantasy cloth. His ears were flicking at 100 flicks per minute and his tail wagged, and he just...stood there, otherwise immobile.
I gave the wolf a quick wink as we walked past his spot and entered the coolness of the back room, greeted by the clatter of the metallic grate stairs under our footpaws. I could hear a small "tsk" from Lopez at the sight of the messy coffee corner and the endless books in steel shelves, but at least the Mistwillow fellow didn't react too badly. He didn't react much at all, really, just followed us around.
"Maybe you'd like some coffee?" I tried, turning to face the duo.
"If you can get me a double d-caf frappuchino, I'll say yes, if you can't get me one, I'm going to say no," Lopez's tail swished like a whip behind her as she observed the dirty mugs and the 1980's leather couch.
"I wouldn't mind a coffee, thank you," the tiger spoke from the leopard's side, his own tail making a more languid motion behind him while he stood there, his paws still held in his coat pockets.
"Sure," I smiled and headed towards what we referred to as the kitchen, though the combination of an electric kettle, a microwave oven, sink and a small fridge hardly was good enough for some heavy duty gourmet cooking. "Just...uhhh....sit wherever you like, it'll be right up."
Ms. Lopez leopard didn't move a muscle, but the tiger flopped down onto the chair Mason frequented, as spied by me from the corner of my eye while I put fresh water into the electric kettle and rummaged the cabinet for clean mugs. I wondered how Mason would react to the knowledge of one of his idols sitting in his chair, just like that. I was also pretty surprised that he hadn't already slinked down here, on some pretence, maybe, to get a really good ogle at his idol. Hahah, he was probably already chattering to that lynx Haakon on the phone, sharing first impressions.
"I always wondered how it was like working in a bookstore," the tiger rumbled after the quiet lull in the storage backroom seemed to stretch too long.
I turned to face the room again, my tail flicking as I tried to fight the urge to lean on the kitchen counter the way I sometimes did back up on the shop floor.
"Just like any retail, I guess," I rubbed my chin, trying to figure out something interesting or smart to say to the so-called esteemed visitor.
The electric kettle thrummed.
"I used to work on a Wal-Mart when I studied" the tiger mused. "Long hours."
I still didn't even know what to call the guy. Should I call him "sir", maybe, since he was a famous writer? Well, at least famous enough to be listed in Wikipedia, I suppose that was one way to define famous. Lord? My Lord? No, he didn't look too much like a Lord, too...mild-mannered, I suppose. Mistwillow?
Would you like to have sugar with your coffee, Mistwillow?
It was probably a pen name anyway, I decided, and kept on being vague about nomenclature.
"Yeah, they do like to push the temps hard," I tried to sound really empathic.
Ms. Lopez was studying her red-dyed claws with keen interest, blocking the two of us out of her consciousness while she brooded, disinterested and without frappuchino.
"Well, uh, we're very happy to have you over," I took another go at small talk with the quiet tiger.
The Mistwillow-someone gave me a look through his thin-rimmed glasses, followed by a little smile.
"Always glad to do these things," the tiger stroked his chin, slowly. "It's good for the kids."
I thought about the big kid going crazy upstairs, and smiled.
"I'm sure they're all going to be very excited," I replied with a grin.
"Hopefully it's going to be better than the last," the leopard observed.
The tiger flicked his tail and snuffled, thumbing over his chin again.
"It was just a small place, Ms. Lopez."
"We only had fourteen furs showing up!" the leopard flexed her screaming red claws threateningly.
"You forgot to put the date up to the webpage early enough for the word to pass maw to maw," the tiger sounded almost bored as tried to reason with Ms. Lopez.
Funny that he mentioned a date...
Crap, that's bad!
I shook my head quickly and busied myself with the coffeemaking for a few precious moments before I was ready to serve a mugful of hot Folger's for the seated tiger. He accepted my offer with a small smile, and I gave him a smile, and sat down to the couch to sip my own coffee in peace, considering that now that I was charged with keeping the writer and his agent happy, I might as well kick back and let the girls take care of the floor for now.
That Ms. Lopez kept flexing her claws and she paced a little, walking around the storage room, her tail flicking severely behind her. The tiger seemed quite happy with his coffee, though, rather taking a quiet sip and just being in his peace. Maybe he was thinking about the next Caledon Rocks book...whatever that'd be called. *The Mystical Magic of Sir Tacrolimus* ?
*The Infamous Butt of Sir Victor Holdenius?*
I almost expected the tiger to pull out a small notebook from his coat pocket and start writing rabid notes onto it with a really scribbled paw and envisioning all sorts of fantastic things on paper, digging deep into the far reaches of his subconscious for inspiration.
I sure hoped that Marge would not get the idea of trying to show her NaNoWriMos to him.
I sipped my coffee and yawned and wished that it'd already be tomorrow.
The door to the back room creaked open, and I saw a glimpse of an eye and about one half of a muzzle before the door was opened fully and a fan shirt-wearing wolf crept down the stairs, almost slow and quiet enough to not be noticed.
Of course, the leopard spotted him almost instantly and gave Mason a glare.
"Yes?" she snapped, causing the wolf to stop on his tracks, and his ears dropped.
"This is Mason, he's in charge of the signing," I smiled and nodded at the newly arrived wolf.
The wolf's tail was tucked between his legs when he took a tentative step forward despite the sharp gaze of the leopard practically slicing him into bits.
The tiger-willow-fellow turned his head to the general direction of the wolf and smiled.
"Good morning."
Mason just gaped.
"Mason here has all your books, and his friend Haakon too is a big fan," I supplied with a cheeky grin,
The tiger's white-tipped eyes flicked.
"How did you like *Helios*, Mason?" the tiger spoke casually. "Hope I wasn't being too rough on Wilbur and Beckett when they had to do what they did. I know the fan reaction's been quite...polarized."
Poor Mason just stood there silently, for a long while, before he spoke, quickly.
"You know...fan reaction?"
"I visit Aydrian's Hut every now and then, yeah," the idolized tiger smiled. "Good to know what the furs are thinking about it, anyway."
Mason tugged on his ear quickly.
"They're really liking it, they really are. Everyone's...uh...they're all wondering about a sequel..."
Awww, he looked so sheepish when he said that, tail tucked between his legs and all.
The tiger, kudos to him, smiled simply.
"Do you think it deserves one...Mason, isn't it?"
His ears jumped up crazily, as if it was the most wondrous thing he ever heard.
"Uhhhh...yeah. There's still a lot that could be written about the Alchemists...like, what happened to the enchanted armchair that holds the spirit stone fragment from Feagemon," the wolf spoke incomprehensibly, but I was quite sure that it made perfect sense to the tiger, who nodded again, over his coffee cup, and smiled broadly.
"Sounds interesting," he replied with a wide smirk.
"Uh, yeah, I guess..."
"Oh!" the leopard exclaimed, staring the wolf down, which was quite the feat since she was a head shorter than he happened to be, "Did you put up the sign that makes sure that we're not giving out free copies of the books?"
My brow rose at the outrageous comment, and I watched Mason carefully when the wolf gathered his wits and spoke again.
"Uh, no, we've never implied that we're gonna give free books to anyone."
"You sure about that?" Ms. Lopez insisted "I don't want to see the same kind of chaos we saw back in...ah..."
"In Chicago," the tiger added.
"Sounds like you've been on the road for a while," I mused.
"For a month now, a new town every other day," the tiger replied. "But this is the end stop for...how long was it, Ms. Lopez?"
The aggressive leopard shrugged.
"A week off and then to West Coast," she waved a paw in the air abstractly. "Twenty spots there."
The tiger snuffled.
"The publisher is spending almost as much as I make on the books on my flight tickets," the Mistwillow chuckled.
The leopard didn't look too happy with the joke, and rumbled decisively unhappily.
"The books are doing fine! They're paying you increased percentile, thanks to me!" the purple brood snarled.
Mason was looking at this all with a strange expression on his face, his eyes flicking between the chattering leopard and the seated tiger. I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey, Mason, why don't you go and check if there are any fans already waiting out there?" I suggested with a smile. "It's only, what, twenty minutes until the signing is supposed to begin?"
The wolf gave me a look, flicked an ear and nodded.
"Yeah, I guess I..."
He disappeared up the clattering stairs, his tail swaying broadly behind him as he went along.
"You heard the geek," Ms. Lopez made clawing motions in the air in front of her as if she was doing some form of hyper-aggressive tai chi, and glared in a by now familiar way at the calmly coffee-sipping tiger. "Time to get the show rolling, Mistwillow!"
The tiger drank the rest of his coffee in one go and got up, stretching his arms a little.
"I think I'd like to leave my jacket here...where could I put it?"
I blinked.
"Uhh...well, maybe you can just leave it here...this is off-limits, it's for staff only..."
"Yeah, thanks," he was already unzipping.
I wondered idly whether Mason might try to steal the jacket and enshrine it as his private object of Mistwillow worship, but I was cut short when the leopard urged us to move again. I smiled, mildly amused, and followed the swaying-tailed pair upstairs. I had to admit that there were a few furs up on the main floor, mulling about with the telltale sign of a book pressed against their chest that signified their role as an autograph-hunting fan. It was a shame that I didn't see any cloaked figures around., though I caught a few fan T-shirts and one pointed wizard's hat on a little coyote girl's head. Crystal hovered above them all, her tail and ears flicking while she seemed to be holding the mass contained...for now.
"Now that looks okay," I tried with a smile, spotting Mason standing near the desk set up for the tiger, before I turned to face the purple leopard and tried happyhappy Rory again.
"Better than Chicago," Ms. Lopez shook her little head quickly. "And they've got lots of books, good...good..."
"We've got them all up there with special discount," I added quickly. "Special discount on the special edition of the new book with the bonus story."
"Good, good, I want to see the sales figures once we're done," she was already storming towards the signing corner.
I watched the tiger walk calmly towards his destination, clad in a pair of jeans, a green-collared shirt and a knit vest. His tail looped slowly behind him, unhurriedly. Guess this was his daily fare, nothing new, just another day at the office for the professional book-signers, in a sense. I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled quickly, wondering just how many furs might show up. I glanced at the clock and saw that there were still five minutes left before the official start of the signing.
My ears perked up at the sound of the familiar voice, and alright...my eyes did widen a little bit at the call addressed at me, along with the sight of that all too familiar butt.
Thanks for reading!
If you have comments on the chapter or the story in general, please be free to drop a few lines! It'll help me to become a better writer, and the speculation amuses me a great deal.
Cheerio! | FSE |
The doors to the pantheon closed behind them for what would be the last time in a long while. There was no real time set for his destination; there was a goal, but reaching it was more of a case of overcoming hurdles at their own pace, which was a… highly variable yardstick, to say the least. Their parents tried to talk them out of it, the rest of the pantheon certainly didn’t seem all that happy with the idea, but if there was one person that could put an end to their newest member’s woes, it was the one among them who shunned contact, the one who had left their hallowed halls eons prior to seek a life of solitude. For the young Arceus, whose life had been one of unending size-based disappointments, seeking out this renegade deity wasn’t anywhere near the top of their priority list; or, at least, it hadn’t been until every other avenue to fix their problems had been closed off one by one as failure after failure compounded on one another to leave them feeling utterly helpless.
It was even worse considering their status as the Inheritor, at once their name and title, progeny of two meta-entities whose chosen physical avatars constituted the substrate upon which reality was built; the couple’s size was such that their mass was often indistinguishable from the very fabric of existence as anyone could perceive it, and even when their forms were “visible”, the sight was often enough to cause severe headaches, even in other members of the pantheon. They were, to put it lightly, big, and not just in the sense that they were vast or incomprehensibly overendowed; they were big in sheer scale, in that nothing could be bigger than they were, for to achieve such a status would, by necessity, mean usurping their position as the foundational structure of all that was and could be… and, seeing as neither the Penultimate nor The Most High were in any way willing to relinquish their power, this was unlikely to happen in the near, medium, or far future.
As a result of this, however, there were great hopes for the Arceus when they were birthed into being as a result of their “parents” convening to create for themselves an heir; the Inheritor was to become something greater than the sum of their parts, imbued with the power and might of the two grandest, most powerful gods that had ever existed, becoming an entity of such unfathomable, grandiose glory that even the brightest of cosmic jewels would look like a pile of dirty coal next to them. They would be so magnificent that they could wear the totality of existence upon them as a supersized raiment, bedecked in jewels in such absurd quantity that they would outnumber the proverbial fabric, and not only would it not be enough to even cover a fraction of a percentage point of their full size, but not even the full extent of everything would be able to hold a candle to the body that lay underneath. That is, assuming that such a form could even be described, assuming it didn’t simply become so all-encompassing that it literally broke even the gods’ ability to speak of it in their meta-linguistic forms of communication; merely a possibility, to be sure, but one whose likelihood was far greater than most were willing to admit, given the sort of entities who had given birth to the Inheritor.
As such, one could only imagine the surprise when the Arceus emerged from their cosmic egg and ended up being… mundane. Their curves were nothing if not exaggerated, of course, and no one expected anything less; they were even greater than most other deities’, what with each of their three shafts being large enough to have several moon systems to their name, or their tits and ass being of such a scale that doors often had to be widened in the pantheon’s halls in order to prevent accidental wedging and blockages. But alas, that was the problem: they were big, but comprehensibly big, large enough to be a serious logistical issue, but still perfectly understandable, even from a mortal perspective. Should any of the countless souls who resided within the infinite universes take a look up at the Arceus, they would not see the uncontested, undisputed overlord of all of reality, but “merely” a very big, very curvaceous hyper-god whose only claim to fame was being on the scale of a couple of star systems packed together.
And while this would’ve been impressive for a lesser deity, it was far less so for someone of the Inheritor’s pedigree; with the parents they had, for them to turn out to be so small was, at best, a surprise as big as they were, and at worse, an outright disappointment. Not that their progenitors would ever dare to put it in such terms, as despite the size difference, there was nothing but raw, unfiltered love shared between the Inheritor and the two pataversal entities that brought them being; it was merely a case that, ultimately, it was quite clear that there were expectations in place, expectations that the Arceus had clearly failed to meet, and now had to do something about. Again, not that their parents would ever be so bold as to suggest that their progeny change anything about them; as far as the two were concerned, the Inheritor was perfect just as they were, as surely they were simply a late bloomer, or would come into a more fitting size for a metaversal ruler once the mantle was passed onto them.
The Arceus themselves, however, found these comments to be naught but further evidence that they were unworthy, and their presence in the pantheon’s halls was little more than a constant reminder of their parents’ failure, and that if they did nothing to fix this, the end result would very likely be open war between would-be usurpers and two people who wanted nothing more than everlasting peace and prosperity. There was no shortage of supposed deities, especially those ascended from mortal souls, whose sole purpose seemed to be to sow chaos and wreak havoc unless actively stamped down and chained up, and while the Penultimate and The Most High abhorred such methods, it was either that or risk having wars be set off between petty tyrants whenever anyone said a word that could be misconstrued as maybe meaning something personally offensive. The tenuous balance was kept in place purely because the two were the uncontested rulers of all of existence, but with their heir turning out the way they did, they suddenly found themselves carrying a noose around their necks, one that would only tighten with each day that passed and the Arceus did nothing to fix their size problems.
Thus, the pilgrimage; it wasn’t a great idea, or even a good one by any stretch of the imagination, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and none were more desperate than the Arceus, seeking some kind of resolution for their lack of impressively overbearing size and dimensions. It took some work, as well as combing through the deepest archives of the pantheon, but the answers they sought were there, buried underneath countless eons’ worth of misinformation: a rogue god, one who had eschewed the traditional hierarchy of their kind and set off to parts unknown in protest. The Inheritor’s parents seemed to know something about this divine being, but they refused to elaborate beyond cryptic remarks on how they were “not technically wrong” but “should’ve picked a better way”, among other, even less useful and trite commentaries that went absolutely nowhere.
After a short while failing to dig up anything further, the Arceus made a decision: they would leave the pantheon’s halls, decide upon their destination, and let their powers guide them to wherever this rogue god might be, as they were sure to do. The question wasn’t whether they’d be capable of finding them; this was something that just about anyone of their kind could do if they put their minds to it. No, the real meat of the matter is whether or not they were worthy of finding them, as every single reference to this missing deity also referenced a set of “challenges” or “trials” that came with attempting to locate them. In return for passing them, however, this primordial being was said to be capable of granting any wish that a pilgrim might want fulfilled, from the mundane to the fantastical… and seeing as neither of their parents seemed willing to disprove this, the Arceus could only assume it had to be true.
Granted, they had no idea what sort of trials lay ahead of them, nor if they were even remotely capable of rising to their challenge, but that was what the pilgrimage was for; as the Inheritor, as the child of the two most powerful entities that metaphysically could ever exist until they themselves dethroned them, there were only two options: either they were worthy of the title, and would thus be able to meet any trial head-on and come out the other end victorious, or they weren’t, and would receive confirmation of such. It was an existentially paralyzing thought, but one that the Arceus had to power through as they walked down to the front gates of the pantheon, where the interminable line of deceased mortals awaiting entry to their personal paradises was given a show in the form of the Inheritor’s body, fully on display, wobbling and jiggling its way to the outside, a show that thoroughly burned out several trillion of souls simply by virtue of being.
The Inheritor apologized profusely to the poor angelic bureaucrats who’d have to put the soul sparks back together, but carried on regardless, the knowledge that their form could at least do that much being the sole consolation they had, one that was instantly robbed from them the moment they stepped out of the hallowed halls of divinity, slamming the golden doors shut behind them. In front, the interstitial medium of the multiverse, the space between spaces where their kind operated; it was, as usual, teeming with activity, with minor gods and their messengers flying to and fro in the endless operation of the celestial bureaucracy. For such a vast space, it certainly looked cramped with the sheer amount of entities that regularly made of it their personal highway; this, of course, would simply not do, and as such the Inheritor simply willed themselves somewhere more quiet, and with a single step, they blinked, reappearing in complete emptiness.
It was a testament to their power that they could simply teleport themselves so far away from everything that even the multiverse had to spend some time mathing out just where the Inheritor was, like a machine buffering a series of operations in a backlog. Soon enough, the Arceus’ mere presence would spring forth more universes, each one creating their own set of gods which would fill the interstice with yet more pandemonium… but until then, the Inheritor had that slice of not-being all for themselves, where no one could bother them.
It was only then that the sheer nothingness really hit them. For the first time in their life, the Inheritor was bereft of any sort of stimulus but the ones created by their own body, which was certainly an… experience. They’d been alone before, but never in a section of the multiverse that literally had nothing else in it; to say that it forced perspective would be an understatement, as without a means for reference, the Inheritor honestly couldn’t even tell how big they were anymore. They were intellectually aware of their dimensions, at least in absolute terms, but there, in the empty, in the place where places would eventually be, there was nothing to compare themselves to, and thus, perhaps fittingly, nothing could be said to be bigger than they were, therefore making them the biggest thing there… if only by technicality.
Then again, wasn’t all divine business done by technicalities anyway? Their size was relative, after all; they could at once be bigger than a whole planet while still being capable of striding upon. The Arceus themselves was proof positive of that, as they were “merely” big enough to have several moons orbiting around their triple cocks, yet if they really wanted to, they could float alongside entire universes and see them as little more than tiny, shiny baubles, several of them able to fit on a single palm. It was a trick of perception as much as it was reality, with the fine line dividing the two growing thinner or thicker depending on one’s control over their own form, and the effects it had on existence around it… and perhaps this was the secret, or at least the first hurdle.
For the Inheritor, speaking with their parents was always a chore, as the size difference between them was such that it was less a conversation and more of a communion; they still had a much faster connection than between the two hyper-deities and the rest of the pantheon, but it wasn’t as if the three of them could sit at a table and have a nice chat over dinner. Theirs were two different size scales altogether, with The Most High and the Penultimate effectively occupying spacetime on so many layers that it was easy for the Inheritor, who merely dwelled on one, to forget that what they were looking at was merely a fraction of their progenitors’ full self. That being the case, it then made sense that they themselves should be cut from the same cloth, that the Arceus be capable of becoming the very underlying structure of reality by sheer virtue of being alive; that they weren’t, well… there was a reason why the pilgrimage had taken place to begin with.
It stood to reason, then, that if the rogue god was so ancient that even the Inheritor’s parents feared speaking of them, then this renegade was most likely massive, far more than the Arceus was. Or, at the very least, they had understood the duality of their divinity in such a way that they could choose to be all-encompassing, in a way that the Inheritor could only hope to one day understand; perhaps, they thought to themselves as existence began to coalesce around them, that was their first goal: to comprehend how truly big they were, and how their size was ultimately a choice they made, rather than a physical constant. It was the sum total of their self-worth and self-actualization, as well as their understanding of how they even worked on a fundamental level; nothing was technically stopping them from willing themselves larger apart from themselves, though the mental barrier was surprisingly sturdy, even after its presence was made known. It was, ultimately, hard for the Arceus to think of themselves as anything other than what they had always been: insufficient.
Big, yes, but not big enough; huge, but not unfathomably so. It was these thoughts which held them back, which created for them a mental image of themselves that was then projected onto realspace and turned into their true form, one that only slipped whenever the Inheritor wasn’t busy beating themselves up over something that they knew wasn’t their fault… but, at the same time, it was entirely their fault. If their size was theirs to determine, then the fact that they weren’t consistently bigger than entire universal clusters was, at the end of the day, their choice, which should have left them feeling worse than ever before, if not for the companion realization that came hand-in-hand with it: if it was their own fault they weren’t big enough, that meant it was entirely in their hands to change that… which means they could change it, and thus were free to enlarge themselves at their will whenever they figured out how.
Which, all things considered, should be significantly easier now that they had some time to consider it; it’d been so long since the last time they were anywhere outside the pantheon’s halls that really, just the fact that they were away from it was enough to give them a fresh perspective on things. If their girth was self-determined, then surely being surrounded by reminders of their supposed “failings” on a daily basis could do little but harm their self-actualization; this was probably the whole point, at least on the part of some of the more underhanded deities, who very likely saw it as an opportunity to kick them down and keep them there so they themselves could usurp the Inheritor’s rightful place as heir to the multiverse. Out there in the great nothingness, however, there literally could be nothing that could stop the Arceus from making themselves as big as they wanted to… and thus, when the first universes began to phase into being, there was nothing stopping them from simply deciding that they should bigger than them, not momentarily, but by default.
It wasn’t a significant change, in the sense that they felt nothing when they made it; ‘twas merely an affirmation, a statement, one that determined a new reality that reality itself simply had to adapt in order to conform to. They were the Inheritor, progeny of the Penultimate and The Most High, and as such it was their prerogative to decide how enormous and all-consuming they were; therefore, when they decided to be bigger than whole universes, it didn’t take long before the moon system orbiting their cocks to vanish from sight, now so insignificantly tiny as to barely be said to exist. Granted, there still wasn’t a lot to compare themselves to, and with no major changes wrought to them but size, it was hard to tell if anything had truly changed at all… but there was something there, a notion, a knowing, that their body was fundamentally different in some way they couldn’t determine; given what they’d just gone through, the Arceus resolved to believe that it was their size, having become so much larger than they would barely be able to fit back into the pantheon’s halls.
And in doing so, in believing in this “truth” with all their might, it became truth, the truth; should any of the lesser deities back home see the Arceus now, they would be looking up at a fraction of their full body, as the whole thing was far and away too big for anyone else but the Inheritor’s parents to truly grasp. Content, the budding hyper-deity once more willed themselves to an empty section of the multiverse; it was nice to be big and all, but it was still important to start from a blank slate, lest the steps outlined for the pilgrimage be disregarded and the final goal never reached. As the documents stated, any god wishing to meet with the renegade should stare into the void, the nothing, and then take a step forward; this was significantly harder than it might initially appear, as for them to take a step forward meant imposing the concept of distance and relative position onto a nothingness, thus turning it into a something and defeating the whole purpose. In fact, merely by existing within a void, the Arceus transformed it into a not-void, as if reality itself rebooted around them and struggled to fill the space with as much of itself as it could.
There was a moment where the nothingness remained, but an instant before the first particle couplets were formed and quantum foam spread across the vast infinity, and it was in this moment that Arceus had to take a step… except not really, for the step wasn’t actually required, or at least not a physical one. At no point was it made explicit that it was a literal step, an actual moving of the legs where one paw ended up in front of another; there were plenty of gods without feet after all, so how were they supposed to get to the end of the pilgrimage if this were the case? It was significantly likelier for it to be a metaphorical step forward, though what exactly that might be still eluded the Arceus; it had to be significant enough to matter to a rogue god, and yet something that anyone could feasibly accomplish if they just put their all into it. A realization, an epiphany, one that blended perfectly with a perfect void, whatever little sense that made; perhaps the truth was that there was no truth, and the Inheritor, much like everyone else, would spend inordinate amounts of time overanalyzing something that was actually quite simple, only to then realize it wasn’t, and their immediate instinctive reaction to dumb it down was part of some cosmic quadruple bluff.
Or, as the Arceus came to realize it, perhaps there was a simple answer in the end: creation.
The biggest issue with doing anything in a void was that, by doing so, it would no longer be a void; this was a moment of creation, where something was created from nothing, the purest exercise of divine power. Most deities took it for granted, such was their culture and mental state, to the point where they would make and unmake entire universes just because they were feeling bored or wanted to try out a new look using existential jewelry. For them, snapping their fingers and forcing reality to cough up a chunk of itself where once had been nothing was, at the very best, treated as downright mundane. But was it not the most beautiful thing? Was it not the grandest, most magnificent of boons, bestowed upon them by the two hyper-deities whose forms and minds were the substrate of Creation itself? The ability to make, the capacity to dream and make those thoughts be, limited only by their imagination and how much effort they wanted to put into any given project; to take such a thing and turn it into an everyday occurrence, into routine of all things, felt downright heretical, to the point where the Arceus physically recoiled at the notion.
The moment of creation, the very instant where an empty space was filled by something, regardless of what that something might be, was the very core of what it was like to be a god, a deity, and if they were supposed to take the role of the caretaker for all that was and could possibly be, if the Arceus was fated to live up to their name… then surely, they had to understand this truth more than anyone else. They had to exercise this power in such a way as to make it mean something, rather than simply willing a feast into existence because they didn’t feel like doing it manually, or summoning a large statue to admire, or any number of painfully ordinary things; rather, they had to create their own road to reach the end of their journey, not so much stepping onto the path as making said path.
Much like before, the only thing standing in the way between the Arceus and becoming everything they could be was, of course, themselves, and their own preconceived notions of what it meant to be a god within the context that they had lived their whole lives; as soon as they shed these notions, as soon as they freed themselves from the shackles of certainty and embraced their own ignorance, it became immensely easy for them to make judgement calls about how things should work, calls they would never have thought to make beforehand. It wasn’t about imposing their will upon reality, for reality was whatever they perceived it as; therefore, if the Inheritor stepped into a void, and in that moment crafted for themselves a pocket multiverse which they could rule like their progenitors lorded over their own, then that was just how existence was meant to function. Never mind the fact that having a sub-layer of multiversal existence running in tandem with an upper one raised a series of unfortunate questions about the nature of just what numbered stack it was; such considerations were for later, for after the Arceus was done turning themselves into a deity worthy of having a Creation of their own to rule.
Of course, doing so for the first time was bound to result in less than satisfactory results; as much as the Inheritor was learning things about themselves which they had never known, finding more power welling up within them than ever thought possible, there was only so much they could do when attempting the supposedly impossible. Thus, their transcendent moment of creation was slightly undercut by how they, in practice, only managed to make a small room for themselves… well, “small”, in the sense that it managed to fit them and was, in proportion, about as large as one of the living spaces back at the pantheon. Given their size, the Arceus was certain that this little space of theirs would most likely be capable of encompassing several universes, but for someone who was meant to take the reins of existence itself, it counted as little more than baby’s first steps towards learning what it was like to be a true god.
Still, it was something, a sub-dimensional layer built into a higher stratum, making use of it as a substrate from which to drain the energies required to keep it functioning. It looked suspiciously like their room back home, which the Arceus could only assume was the result of them allowing their subconscious mind to do most of the work; while they did deliberately perform the actions needed to create a brand new reality, the smaller details were left to the automatic processes within their head, resulting in a decent replica of what little privacy they had back at the pantheon. Then again, this was just the start, as nothing stopped the Inheritor from building on the room, to bring forth a whole house, its neighborhood, the city it was in, and so forth until there was a whole multiverse in there with them as its sole deity; in fact, having a solid foundation from which to work made it significantly easier than the Arceus assumed it would be, raising the question of whether or not their parents had done something similar in the past.
No one did know just where the Penultimate or The Most High had come from, and while one could be forgiven for simply assuming that, like most gods, they were timeless in the literal sense of the word, it just so happened that even other deities didn’t have a clue as their overlords’ true origins. As far as anyone knew, the two had simply popped into existence one day, with no one capable of remembering a time from before such a thing happened; most were certain that there was a before, however, and chose to believe that the divine mega-couple’s arrival had simply upturned the natural order to such a degree that nothing could be the same anymore, that reality itself had to rearrange its own order of events to make the two’s presence make the slightest amount of sense… but what if that wasn’t the case?
As they stood there, staring at a reality of their own creation, the Inheritor couldn’t help but think about the sheer gap that existed between their parents and even the strongest of the other divinities, of how thoroughly outmatched everyone was in comparison, themselves included. Could it be that, much like they themselves had stepped into a void and crafted for themselves a brand new pocket of existence over which to rule, their progenitors too had done the same, an unfathomable amount of time in the past? Could this have been the reason for why they, a creature supposed to be possessed of the same degree of insane power, couldn’t even begin to think about holding a candle to the two entities that birthed them? That the meta-structure of reality was that of a series of nested sub-existences, with a being from one creating a universe below its own dimension, triggering an endless series of metaversal births that stretched into infinity? Could it be that they themselves, the Inheritor to this truth, would one day create their own heir, who would repeat the process and keep the cycle going?
If that was the case… then where did the rogue fit into all of that? They were clearly there, in some remote place of this new reality the Arceus had created, and they were obviously real, given the reactions they got from everyone, progenitors included; but if the whole point of the journey was to uncover these truths by oneself, then surely the gods wouldn’t react as if this renegade deity was actually real, as it made no sense for them to do so. One might think that it was a means of pushing the Arceus onto a path that would lead them to true enlightenment, but they received the same dismissive, occasionally fearful tone even from those who absolutely hated them, making it unlikely for it to be some sort of long con on the pantheon’s part. But, in that case, where were they?
The Inheritor had to forcefully pull themselves out of this thought spiral in order to focus for long enough to remember the next part of the instructions, detailing what they should do after “taking the step”: once in this void, call for aid; if the need is great, the rogue god would appear. It sounded simple enough, but the last two steps had apparently turned out to be a cover for some kind of great personal revelation, making it somewhat likely that this one was as well, no matter how much it might sound otherwise. In fact, it took very little consideration for the Arceus to come up with several competing hypotheses on what the instructions could really mean, each one more unlikely than the last, requiring them to stop and breathe heavily just to recenter themselves.
Everything so far had proven one thing: that the one true obstacle to divinity and ultimate power was themselves, that the one roadblock standing in the way between the Inheritor and the throne of the multiverse was the very Inheritor, whose preconceived notions on how reality “should” work had left them shackled to laws that, on closer analysis, existed only because the Arceus assumed they did, and thus subjected themselves to their effects. Who was to say, after all, that they should care about conservation of mass? Had they not created something from nothing, and not even in the way that meta-reality usually did? If that was the case, then everything was possible, for if one “inviolable” rule of existence was so easily broken after what was frankly a cursory examination of it, then what hope did any of the others have before a motivated, godlike ruler? Especially in a sub-instance of reality that they themselves had created, thus being subject only to whatever Laws the Arceus decided it should have… which posed a serious problem.
If this void-turned-not, apparently necessary in the path to finding the rogue wish granter, was a playground in which the Inheritor could effectively do whatever they felt like as long as they could think of it, what kind of “need” could they possibly have? If their power was absolute, their dominion total, then it stood to reason that they’d never actually need help for anything, being fully capable of resolving any issues they might have all on their own; this meant that step two invalidated step three, or perhaps step three was impossible by design after having completed step two… or, far likelier, there was some deeper understanding that the Arceus just hadn’t reached, which would blow the whole conundrum wide open and reveal to them some grand, eldritch truth about the fundamental nature of existence as they knew it.
If that was so… then what was it? The renegade deity was real, that much the Arceus was convinced, and if it needed any who sought it to perform such arduous tasks, then it must reside somewhere in the middle of all things, where one simply couldn’t traverse without having an absurdly elevated level of power. It must live in the spaces between spaces, where nothing existed or could exist, and thus required an act of creation in order to make it even temporarily and conditionally reachable; thus, even after making a reality for themselves, the Inheritor still was no closer to finding this rogue god than they had been before, as while they knew somewhat of where they might be, it was the functional difference between trying to find a needle in a haystack, and trying to find it after being told it was somewhere between the top and bottom one percent of the pile. It was technically closer, but by no means in any appreciable manner, leaving the Arceus feeling as if they’d been cheated of a victory… that is, until it hit them.
The traversal of the void, and the act of creation thereof, had been a means of reminding them of their own, personal power; in doing so, the Inheritor, and presumably anyone else capable of reaching such a stage in their quest, was given proof positive that they were stronger than they believed they were. But no monarch rules alone, and for one to believe that they could be the singular, undisputed overlord of all that was when everything within their demesne conspired to dethrone them would be an enormous waste of time; even the Arceus’ own progenitors, powerful though they might be, made sure to cultivate a culture where most of the work was distributed among those better suited to perform it, even when the Penultimate and The Most High could likely do everything by themselves. It was better for everyone and everything if, ultimately, power was shared among those capable of wielding it, even if it required active supervision to prevent misuse; in more abstract terms, the Arceus couldn’t expect to do everything by themselves, and part of that was recognizing when to admit that they just couldn’t do something… like tracking down the rogue god.
It was such a simple conclusion, and simultaneously one that the Inheritor could absolutely have seen themselves struggling with for the better part of a cosmic aeon if they hadn’t been paying attention to their own prior revelations; presumably, the fact that this pilgrimage was built around the idea that the reward would be one’s wishes fulfilled, it was designed to attract the sort of deity who wouldn’t be capable of admitting such a thing, who would stare out into a reality of their own creation and, rather than carrying on, assume that that was the end of the journey, content with what they believed to be absolute power. How many of them were there, petty tyrants residing within their tiny little bubbles, unable to see just how pathetic their existence truly was? They had failed to understand the meaning of the words, believing the call for help to be something that only weaklings would do; the Arceus, meanwhile, knew better, and thus, when they walked to the front door of the room they were in, throwing it open onto an impossibly long and exceedingly tall hallway, they did so with four words in their mouth.
“I need your help.”
These were spoken to no one in particular, and, at the same time, to the renegade deity who might or might not have been watching. They were spoken in earnest, for it was a legitimate request for assistance by someone who quite honestly had no clue how to proceed; the Inheritor might be capable of crafting an entire reality for themselves, but finding something that didn’t want to be found, someone who had clearly gone to great lengths to abscond themselves from the entirety of meta-reality, that required a certain degree of humility: just enough to admit that they needed help, for it was no shame that to be so.
Receiving said help, however, was a different matter entirely, if only because the entity responsible for providing it was so keen on not being found. A void and an epiphany later, they still resided somewhere in the middle of all things, so any kind of assistance it could provide would still require the prospective supplicant to put in some effort; in the Arceus’ case, they had emerged from their entrance space into a colossal, multiverse-spanning hallway, dotted with other doors leading into other rooms, ones that each held their own universe or universal cluster. It was a way of organizing things more than anything else, a representation of the underlying structure more than an actually accurate depiction of what reality looked like; it wasn’t as if the inhabitants of one cosmos lived on a table, or the contents of a bottle were actually the collective mass of several nebulae. Still, it was a way of seeing things, a way that allowed the Inheritor to put their thoughts in order… and to have a plaque show up on the “wall” in front of them in between one blink and the next.
It hadn’t been there just moments prior, that much they were certain of, but it didn’t look out of place next to the rest of the imagined architecture either: a small, apparently metallic rectangle, with a single arrow pointing towards one end of the corridor the Arceus was in. Simple, to the point, and far more direct than anything else had been up until then, perhaps indicating that the Inheritor was close to the end of their journey: no more personal revelations, just simple instructions.
Indeed, there were no more steps left in the pilgrimage, at least as far as they could remember; supposedly, asking for help was the last thing one needed to do, after which the rogue god would make themselves known. It sounded too simple to be true, and indeed the Arceus was convinced that there might very well be one last step they had to take before they could truly meet with their wish granter; after all, if it was as straightforward as asking for help, then the renegade would’ve just opened a door closest to their newest pilgrim, rather than asking them to walk for an indeterminate amount of time. Indeterminate, for time meant very little within the corridor, metaphorical construct that it was; the Arceus had created that multiverse from nothing, and as a result found that they could navigate its time streams just as easily as they could traverse the spaces within and without it, almost absent any thought or intention.
As long as they didn’t consider the concept of time, as long as they didn’t think about the fact that time passed, then it just didn’t, leaving them to walk forward for what would have been an eternity if the clock’s hands hadn’t been halted; alternatively, it might very well have just been five minutes, seeing as the Inheritor’s perception of what “time” even was depended heavily on how much attention they paid to it at any given moment. Even back home, it was exceedingly simple to experience aeons in mere moments, or stretch out a second into infinity; now that they were the master of their own domain, this “issue” had been exacerbated to the point of absurdity, leading to the Arceus occasionally having to stop to remind themselves of what a second was, lest the reality they were creating end up being a lawless wasteland where everything took forever and instantly at the same time and yet never simultaneously.
And, in the process, the Inheritor did end up learning a valuable lesson, albeit one they didn’t realize they were learning until it had firmly solidified itself in the back of their mind: running a reality was hard work. It seemed like such a simple statement to make, but it wasn’t any less true because of it: in between having to figure out how to even create a sub-instance of Creation itself from a void of nothingness, having to then structure it in a way that made some semblance of sense, as well as all the tiny little details that the Inheritor hadn’t once had to consider, the business of running their own multiverse was turning out to be quite a bit more difficult than they expected. They could only imagine what it must have been like for their progenitors, who had to deal with a version of reality that was actually populated, compared to the Arceus’ barren hotel (if that was even what it was), not to mention the constant, unending attempts at usurping their position on the part of greedy lesser deities.
For the Inheritor, who was alone in a grand building of their own design, the mere act of keeping the whole thing together was already a drain and a half on their mental faculties, especially after they realized that letting it slip would cause entire sections of the corridor to shift out of existence altogether; it had to be a conscious process on their part, yet surely their parents didn’t spend their entire time deliberately thinking about keeping the multiverse in working order, did they? Surely, at some point, it had to turn into a background process, much like any other skill: with enough time and practice, running a reality without it breaking apart at the slightest momentary lapse of concentration would become as simple as breathing or conjuring something from ambient energy… which only served to highlight how ancient the Penultimate and The Most High must be, if they could handle such a task without, seemingly, ever having to become directly involved in most of their multiverse’s affairs.
Perhaps this was the final test, for anyone who might get that far and still not be in the correct state of mind to receive the blessing of the rogue god, whoever they may be: understanding the notion that, sometimes, one just had to… keep walking. There were some tasks that couldn’t be half-assed, no matter how hard one tried, tasks which would, by their very nature, require one’s undivided attention, and oftentimes, one simply couldn’t escape them; for those with the power to create a multiverse from nothing, this was the final, dreadful realization from which they couldn’t escape, that if they wanted to hold onto their power within their tiny little corner of Creation, they would have to sacrifice so much of themselves that, by the end, they wouldn’t even be themselves anymore. Anyone willing to create a new dimensional layer and actually maintain it so that it could flourish and serve as a cradle for new life would, inevitably, be forced to undergo such a deep personal transformation that they may as well be a completely different entity by the end of it… and it was there that the Arceus realized that, the more they walked down the hallway, the more doors they passed and occasionally stopped to peer into in order to make sure that everyone was fine inside, the more they realized that they couldn’t truly be called the Inheritor anymore.
The reality they came from was not theirs to take, but rather, the source of the power through which they could create a brand new one for them to rule over as a benevolent overlord, much like their own progenitors; perhaps it was a case that The Most High and the Penultimate didn’t want this to happen, hence their apparent hesitation at letting the Arceus go on their pilgrimage, and instead preferred it if their precious progeny remained behind, to take the task of running their reality from their hands, that they may instead spend their time doing something else. The Arceus couldn’t blame them; after being given but a taste of the responsibility needed to keep their own meta-cosmos alive, they could scarcely begin to imagine what it must be like to deal with that responsibility when countless googols’ worth of souls were thrown into the mix, let alone with the divine bureaucracy thrown into the mix.
Nevertheless, it still wasn’t their fate, not anymore; theirs was the right to rule, but this meant creating a reality in which they could do so, one with its own rules, its own Law, its own guidelines on what gods could and couldn’t do on the foyer of the pantheon’s halls. Everything, from the highest of ordained obligations to the tiniest of inconsequential details, would need to be workshopped and then put into place in a process that would most likely take so long that the Arceus would’ve forgotten their name by the end of it anyway… but it wasn’t the same. It had to be discarded, and deliberately so, wiped clean from their identity, as they were no longer the Inheritor, or the Heir, or any other such synonym; they weren’t anything yet, not until they finished the task of making their creation run properly, but eventually they would have a name, a name they earned through hard work and dedication, a name which would be theirs and only theirs.
They smiled, happy in the certainty that this was a future they were walking towards with each step they took, so much so that they almost failed to realize that they hadn’t been walking for quite a while; finding this rogue god felt more and more like a fool’s errand, or just a formality at the end of a process that they had already gone through successfully. Then again, they’d gone through all that trouble to find them that it felt like a waste if they didn’t go all the way, giving the Arceus the right amount of motivation to keep going, even when it felt like it wouldn’t really matter in the end.
Aeons more passed, aeons that the Arceus made good use of as they slowly reconstructed their reality, giving it a more coherent shape; its initial form was built mostly out of raw necessity, being little more than a place where things could exist, carved from a void where nothing could. Now that the creator god had time on their hands, however, it was clear to them that they should spend it as wisely as they could: namely, on ensuring that physical law was up to snuff and lacked any dangerous loopholes that someone, at some point, would eventually try to abuse. Time was put in place, as was the nature of space itself, then the two linked together in order to create a more functional mesh; fundamental forces were kickstarted, leaving much of the nitty gritty work of creating and organizing matter to the very fabric of that reality in itself, vibrational frequencies which, when receiving a single pluck, would be able to create whole universal clusters all by themselves, requiring nothing but token supervision on the Arceus’ part.
Only when these baseline requirements were met did the creator focus on the (technically) unnecessary, yet still welcome accoutrements, such as what the speed of light should be, what sort of universes there would exist, and even the arrangement of them in and of itself; it’d be one thing to have the multiverse be a series of bubbles floating in a meta-vacuum, but wouldn’t it be even more impressive if every universe was connected to its neighbors in a neat, organized lattice? It’d make the underlying structure of that layer of existence a lot more rigid than the one the Arceus had come from, but it’d also allow for better communication and travel between different cosmos, potentially priming a multiversal golden age further down the line! Small details, but necessary ones; anything further down the ladder would just have to be done by local gods, as the Arceus was simply too large and powerful to really bother themselves with such trivialities as galactic allocation of mass or whether or not magic should be allowed within the confines of any particular universe; they had better things to worry about, such as that open door off in the distance.
They hadn’t opened it; the Arceus would’ve remembered if they had. Rather, it was simply… open. It had always been, even before it was a door to begin with, before its creator focused enough to make it come into being. It was, put simply, its state to be open, and the god walking towards it knew at least that much; it didn’t bother them that there was no explanation for it being slightly larger than all the others, or why it was set at an uneven distance with every other door, or even how the wall around it seemed to bend and distort to keep it there without sacrificing any other entrances. It was there, and it was meant to be there, because it wasn’t theirs… but his.
The Arceus felt their whole body shake as they came to the realization that whoever was waiting for them on the other side of the doorway was not only far more powerful than them, but somehow prescient, though how exactly they knew this was anyone’s guess; it took them a long while, certainly long enough to justify closing a few doors permanently while opening new ones, for the Arceus to understand that what they were looking at was the domain of the renegade god, the rogue who they had come to see in the first place. It had been such a long time (or none at all) that it had slipped their mind, leaving them flabbergasted at the fact that they were still there, ready to receive them as if the new creator deity hadn’t just spent aeons (or seconds) crafting a new multiverse, believing themselves to have reached the apex of their power.
And from within, from the other side of the open door swung outwards into the corridor, came the sound of typing, alternating between short bursts of high intensity and prolonged periods of silence, oddly enough coinciding with whenever they themselves were actively walking towards it or not. It wasn’t coincidence either, as they were soon to find out, but it did leave them remarkably anxious as to whether or not the thing on the other side could see them, and the whole exercise of getting them to cross a door’s threshold was just a way for the rogue deity to exert control over them. Either that, or… but no, that was ridiculous; it couldn’t be it.
Swallowing whatever remained of their fear, frowning so heavily as to be comical and straightening out their shoulders, the Arceus began walking in earnest towards the open door, the typing growing more powerful the closer they got to it; their mind raced with the possibilities, especially since the pantheon back home was so diverse that no two gods were even remotely similar to one another, to say nothing of the higher-level meta-deities or even the Penultimate or The Most High. For this renegade to have such an effect on others, even countless ages after having left, then they were sure to be positively immense, terrifyingly powerful and overwhelmingly… everything, really. For the Arceus, trying to put it into words would be to do it a disservice, for clearly a god that powerful could only be experienced, not described; this made it surprising when they finally walked around the open door, took a peek into the room, and saw nothing in there.
It wasn’t even a case of the godlike entity being invisible, or too grandiose for them to perceive; the Arceus would’ve noticed the former and definitely sensed the latter, leaving them staring at an empty room while trying to come to terms with the fact that the typing was still happening somewhere nearby. It wasn’t until they swivelled their head around and saw the typewriter on top of one of the desks that the creator god was made aware of the source of the noise, as well as the fact that the typing speed was somehow synched up to each one of their motions. Be it when they tilted their body from side to side, took a step or tried to pick something up, the typewriter would move of its own accord, adding letters and words to a piece of paper that at once seemed to be moving like it should, yet never overflowed or ran out. An ouroboros, if one would, albeit one with remarkably few serpentine characteristics.
Confused, the Arceus approached the contraption, taking the time to observe the room around them as they did so: it was less of a personal living space as much as it was an office, a quiet spot where someone could retreat to whenever they wished to work unimpeded by any of the myriad distractions of the outside world. That said, everything looked too pristine to have ever been used; with not even the faintest layer of dust to go around, one might be forgiven for thinking it was cleaned on a regular basis, but, at the same time, there were the tell-tale signs of abandon: neatly organized books on the shelves that had clearly not been moved in lifetimes, a chair tightly placed against the work desk, a window with its blinds drawn and curtain closed, not to mention the complete and utter lack of any personal touches. No, that place had been long left behind by whoever, or whatever, had used it, with the only reminder that it had ever seen anyone at all being the typewriter.
The machine was placed atop a smaller desk shoved near one of the corners, right next to a thick pile of books whose leathery covers bore no titles or illustrations. A fresh stack of papers rested on the other side, ready to be inserted into the machine’s rolling mechanism, along with what looked to be a pot of ink for whatever reason; the absence of a chair, however, betrayed how the arrangement was most likely there purely for show, since if the room’s owner wanted to use the typewriter, they had a perfectly serviceable desk just a few paces away. No, the device was there for an entirely different reason, and when the Arceus grew close enough to it, they could tell what it was, for there, printed on the endless page continuously written upon by phantom fingers, were their thoughts. Words, expressions, abstract sentiments represented by [closed brackets around a close enough approximation], it was all there, even those whom the Arceus didn’t recall having but had no trouble believing had crossed their mind.
They weren’t arranged in the best order chronologically, but then again, neither was their multiverse, so that only made sense; the Arceus assumed that, with time, the typewriter would’ve been able to “tune in” to the overall flow of time in this new reality and write accordingly. Yet, as soon as the newest creator deity came upon the device, getting close enough to it that they could’ve placed a hand on it if they so wanted, it stopped working. In fact, it did so in the middle of pressing one letter more at the end of a word that the Arceus found themselves unable to read, as if the half-formed thought was simply too slippery for them to hold onto; not a moment later, the page itself burned to cinders, causing the deity looking at it to flinch and jump backwards in fright… only for the typewriter to resume writing again, a new sheet appearing from seemingly nowhere. This time, however, the ink was not black, but a dark blue, and it recorded not the Arceus’ thoughts, but, it would appear, those of someone else entirely. Could it be?
It was interesting to see them appear before me in such a manner. Certainly not the kind of person I expected to have gone on the pilgrimage, but, then again, none had ever reached its end, so who was I to know what a victorious traveller might look like? They were, at the very least, capable of an act of selfless creation, which was about the minimum I could ask of anyone; though, to be fair, I never expected them to go through with maintaining what they had made, as apart from those other two, none had ever gone so far as to genuinely care for their creations.
Were they supposed to answer? Was the Arceus meant to look up at the void above their heads and let loose whatever commentary they wanted to make? Was the renegade god even real, or was the entire pilgrimage just a means to improve oneself, and the typewriter nothing more than a cute little meta-contextual wrap-up written from the perspective of an all-seeing observer?
Of course, it was difficult to remain quiet, but such was necessary. To be in their presence, indeed, to be in the presence of anyone at all, would be an affront to my very nature, and for them to have reached that point was proof enough that I had not done well enough in hiding myself. Good enough for the other two, but not their progeny… though, perhaps, it was precisely because they were a fresh perspective that they had reached the point they did; unfortunately, this still meant very little, if anything, when it came to breaking my bonds. I could but hope that my thoughts reached them, in some capacity, that they might be aware of their victory.
The Arceus read those words, not knowing what to make of them. Who was writing them? What was writing them? Were they a record kept behind from a previous visit, or was the creature using the typewriter actually capable of perceiving them? Were they referring to The Most High and the Penultimate when they wrote of “those two”, or was it another duo entirely? So many questions, and yet the creator god could pose none of them… not without typing them out on the device. What was stopping them, after all?
They wrote, thinking they would receive a straight answer, when in reality they already held it. Understandable, given the state of affairs on the outside; one cannot expect one’s true nature to be passed on properly when it is built on self-deception, after all, though one can still be slightly miffed that no one even tried properly.
Such pitiful nomenclature; alas, it was what was available, and lacking any other methods, I supposed that it should be. A pity that direct communication was impossible, but how thankful that the device allowed for interfacing after such a long time without seeing any use. Of course, the notion of granting any wishes was little more than a nonsensical pipe dream at that point; had they not just created a new instance of reality? What more could they possibly want?
A wonderfully hilarious take on it, but still a pointlessly confrontational one. The pilgrimage was complete, the objectives achieved; there waited no further enlightenment to be found, not at the end of a sentence or the start of a new one. As they themselves had noted, their final steps were nothing but a formality, a way for them to justify having gone that far without having to tell themselves what they already knew. But they already knew it, and thus, there was no real need for me to stick around anymore, not after everything was done; thus, I bequeathed my room, my study, my belongings, my collective knowledge on the operational structure of reality, and moved elsewhere, to continue my own journey. Thinking, perhaps, that I would find some measure of satisfaction if I just dug deeper, away from the light shining on the surface; brightness brings lies, after all, and only the darkness is sacred. Perhaps they would know this, eventually.
Until then, I bid them farewell, in the only way I could.
The typewriter was gone.
The Arceus stood there, staring at the empty desk, finding it increasingly devoid of any of the objects that had once been placed on it. A quick scan around revealed the rest of the office was still exactly the same; had the desk ever been there at all?
A tap on the window, sending the creator reeling against the wall in sheer fright, their heart racing for a few moments as they considered what could possibly be knocking on the edges of their multiverse like that. They turned around, only to find the damned thing still closed; whoever it was, they were forcing them to open the blinds, which they could only assume was some sort of deliberate attempt at… something. After what had happened with the typewriter, the Arceus chose not to try and make sense of what was happening, not even when they pulled the blinds, threw the window open, and found himself staring at two very familiar faces, ones that they didn’t expect to see this far down. Hell, ones they didn’t expect to be able to “see” at all; the Penultimate and The Most High certainly looked downright mundane when their physical forms were actually visible, and at about the same size as theirs.
“Took you long enough,” the Penultimate spoke, their words reverberating within the Arceus’ skull, “we were starting to think you wouldn’t throw the doors open.”
“You know he’s unpredictable,” The Most High mused aloud, looking past their progeny at where a desk used to be, “for all we knew, he might as well have left them high and dry.”
“But he didn’t, and that’s what matters… though, now” - the Penultimate turned to face a very confused former-Inheritor - “I’m a bit embarrassed to say I don’t exactly know what to call you. Not after… well, this.”
A name.
Their name.
A name they had earned, through hardship, through realization, through self-actualization, through the “act of selfless creation”, as the rogue god had written.
But what? | yiff-extreme |
Title: Just for you by shywryter
Tags: F/F, Fisting
Just a short story I did for a special some one
I stood in the kitchen pouring myself another cup of coffee. I had been awake early this morning and hadn't quite been able to get back to sleep. I smiled as I heard the air around me shift. "Morning." I called out softly.I heard her low chuckle as she wrapped her arms around my waist and gentle kissed my neck, "Nothing escapes you huh?" I shook my head slightly, "Not when it's this early and there are no other sounds, you know my hearing." "I know but I was hoping maybe one of these days I could at least try to surprise you."
I turned and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me and kissing her gently. "Maybe..." I said in between kisses, "you will some day." She smiled enjoying that thought as I let my fingers roam her still naked body. "You know it's dangerous to walking around like this." I commented slowly trailing kisses down her neck to her chest taking one of her nipples into my mouth sucking lightly. "Because we never seem to get anything done..." I continued my decent kissing her flesh as I heard her gasp and her hands go to my shoulders urging me where she wanted me to be.
"Only because..." She had to pause between words to catch her breath as her body shivered enjoying what I was doing to her. "you drive me..." Her fingers tightened as I let out a small breath of air over her core. I took in her scent as I continued to drift down lightly pressing my lips against her bare thighs. As I pulled my fingers up from her ankles up her calves to her thighs letting my hands rest on her waist I looked up, a thrill shooting through me as I saw her eyes softly glazed with hunger. "crazy..."
I smiled and leaned into her letting my tongue make contact with the tender skin around he clit. She shivered and her knees bent slightly, I tightened my grip around her waist and leaned her against the counter before kissing the delicate skin. She drew in a sharp breath, goose bumps covered her skin. I dove my tongue deeper into her lifting one of her legs over my shoulder to have more of her. I teased her core with the tip of my finger making her groan and shift her hips trying to get more. I avoided making direct contact with her clit, not wanting to give her too much just yet.
I heard the frustration in her sighs and groans as I worked slowly, dragging each sensation out of her. I knew when she was edging close to needing to cum as she pleaded, "Baby..." I still hadn't gotten her to outright beg but I knew she needed me, it was clearly laced with her body language as she whispered to me. I could have dragged this out for hours knowing full well we had the time. I could have enjoyed each sweet torturous moment dragging her pleasure out to its breaking point. As I let my mind briefly wander in the possibilities my own needs had grown and were demanding attention.
I moaned and shifted suddenly thrusting three fingers deep inside her and taking her clit into my mouth. I shivered feeling how wet she was, I looked up at her reveling in her tortured expression and explosion of need splayed across her features. I twisted my hand and slowly inched my fist inside her, my own need to fill her completely took over. She gasped and her eyes popped open as she looked down at me. "Shhh, close your eyes and just enjoy the feel of me."
She moaned and closed her eyes letting her head gentle fall back as I curled my fist inside her core. I could feel her stretch to fit me, when she had adjusted I began to gradually pump my fist inside her starting in slow burst and gaining speed and depth before lowering my mouth back on her clit. I had to fight the urge to make her cum right then and there as my own need thundered threw my veins. This time I wanted her to cum hard, I wanted to feel it rip threw her and to hold her up afterwards as she regained herself.
I listened to her moans and felt her gripped tightened and let go as she would get close before I would back her down again. Finally out of nowhere she gripped her hands on either side of my face and lifted my eyes to meet hers, "Please..." The need in her eyes was of so much more than a simply release, she needed me to take care of her to make her cum and to cradle her afterwards as the aftershocks rolled through her, she needed me to hold her and love her as no one else would.
I would have cried, she was so open to me in that moment so vulnerable. I could reach out and touch every corner of her mind, ever shadow. There were no walls in that moment. I nodded slightly and wrapped my arm around her thrusting myself deeper and faster. She gasped and grabbed onto me, both of us latched onto each other as her orgasm approached and thundered violently threw her body. I kept up my pace dragging as much out of her as I could until she had built up another orgasm and I felt as it crashed threw her core clenching tightly around my fist.
I slowed gently before I completely stopped. I reveled in her after shocks holding her up as each one tore threw her. I smiled noticing the soft glow to her skin as she tried to catch her breath leaning part way on the counter and part way on me. I shifted and guided her down to lay completely against me kissing her gently as I held her my fist still buried deeply inside her. "I love you..." She whispered, her voice thick from the pleasure still affecting her. I closed my eyes and kissed the top of her head and squeezed my arms around her. "I love you too..." | FSE |
Title: Beltaine Fire
Tags: raven made, hair raven, raven felt, continued flick, mouth raven, broke contact, back raven, raven knew, wine made, taking drink
Raven's eyes swept the clearing observing the robed figures building the bonfire. Her own robe of lavender velvet accented by purple thread embroidered into a Celtic circle and other Celtic symbols acting as clasps to hold it closed, swirled around her sandaled feet.
As the sacred circle was drawn and the spirits invoked, the drummer and the piper began to play. Raven watched as a breeze moved through the clearing stirring embers within the fire to dance upward toward the star speckled night. The salt smell that filtered into the grove spoke of the sea that was not far away.
Raven made her way to the circle and waited for permission to enter. Only good was invoked and to break the circle was to invite evil in.
As she began to move to the music , chanting softly. Her violet eyes watched her fellow dancers. One dancer seemed to draw her attention. His powerful frame could not be disguised by the emerald green robe he wore. The only thing she could not see was his face.
As the dance picked up to follow the increased beat of the drums, Raven lost herself in the moment. Praising the God's and Goddess' for a good year and praying for a good season. The dancers moved.
Every once in awhile a movement would reveal a bared leg, as the beat picked up and the dancers got more into the rhythm. The priestess called for the final invocation and opened the circle, but the dancers still moved.
Raven's hood fell away and her black hair gleamed in the firelight. Tendrils fell out of the bun she had put it in to tease her neck. The heat from the fire and the exertion as she danced made her reach up and unclasp the button at her throat.
A pair of emerald eyes watched her movement from across the fire. Raven felt his stare from across the blaze. His hood had also fallen back and his chestnut curls were damp at his nape. His robe opened into a vee and Raven saw the light spray of his chest hair.
Raven felt drawn to him and found herself dancing toward him, moving her hips suggestively. Letting her robe part to show her long tanned legs. His lips parted and the tip of his tongue came out to wet them as he smiled at her.
As she got close, Raven liked the way he had chosen a robe to match his eyes because that is why she wore her lavender robe.
He held out his hands and she took them as they matched their rhythm to each other. Raven glanced around and noticed others had paired up. The magic of the night and the Beltaine fire was working on everyone.
He bent his head close and told her his name was Riley and he brought up her hand, turning it palm up he kissed the center.
The heat from his lips scorched her palm and Raven drew in a gasp. If a simple kiss like that burned her, she would be a pile of ash by dawn.
He pulled her in close and she could smell the sandalwood soap he had bathed in. They swayed to the drums, their bodies brushing together. He gathered one of the tendrils of her hair and let it run through his fingers, then reaching up took the pins from her hair.
As her midnight locks fell down her back, his eyes lit up. The ends stopped at just above her knees, ringlets separated to fall into soft waves.
His hand did not stop at taking her hair down it moved down her neck to her breast where he undid another clasp. She felt the breeze blow on her exposed flesh and instead of cooling it , she felt hotter.
Raven felt she should return the favor and reached up to undo one of the clasps on his robe. Her fingers lightly brushed against the wiry softness of his chest hair.
She reached down and took his hand the led him away from the fire toward the grove of trees that surrounded the clearing. As they went she reached down and grabbed the bag she had left at the tree line.
Raven had learned to always be prepared for festival fires, especially the Beltaine fire. She had scoped out the area when she had arrived, wanting to find the perfect spot for after circle activities.
Raven had found a spot close to the water, and it was surrounded by big rocks with a small clearing in the center. As they had walked she had unbuttoned the last clasps on her robe.
When they got into the clearing, she pulled out a blanket out of her bag. And she walked to the center of the clearing . She spread the blanket out and stood up, then let her robe fell to the ground.
The moon was full and cast enough light for him to see all she offered. She stood about 5'6" and her breast were a 36c cup with dusty pink areola and darker pink nipples. His eyes traveled down to take in her small waist that then flared to her hips. In her navel a pearl caught the moon's glow. Her legs were long and slender, as she bent to get a bottle of wine out of her bag, he was gifted with the site of her perfectly rounded bottom.
As she stood and turned toward him, Raven knew she had aroused him because of the tent blossoming from his robe and the gleam in his eyes. She wanted to see him bathed in moonlight and she told him this as she sat down on the blanket.
He turned with his back to her and undid his robe. He let it fall slowly revealing his strong muscular back that tapered into a nice waist. She licked her lips as his perfect ass made its appearance. It was one of those ass's that begged to be squeezed and caressed.
Raven lay back resting on her elbows as he turned and she saw that the hair on his chest spread across both pecs then tapered down his belly to his groin, where jutting out proudly stood his erection. He looked to be about 9-91/2 inches long and just the right size width ,big enough to enjoy but not to choke on. Raven knew she would enjoy sucking his cock.
He knelt on the blanket and Raven remembered the wine she held. She slowly drew out the cork, when it came free, she tilted the bottle back and took a drink letting some of the wine dribble down her chin, to slowly drip toward her upturned nipples.
She passed the bottle to him and he drank, his eyes following the trail the wine made down her chest. He passed it back saying he preferred to drink his wine from her body. She smiled a taking another drink , let more drip down her chest.
She leaned back offering him a drink, he leaned toward her kissing her lips, licking the wine from them. The feel of his tongue licking her lower lip, made Raven melt. She slowly stuck her tongue out to meet his.
Their tongues picked up the dance that they had recently left. Parring and thrusting in each others mouth. Raven drew his tongue in to lightly suck on it, giving him a taste of what she would do to his cock. He returned the sucking action to her tongue and Raven felt her pussy contract and her clit hardened.
As they continued to kiss, their hands weren't idle. Each seemed not to be able to get enough of the other. He broke the kiss to trail baby kisses down her neck, sucking after the trail the wine had made. Light flicking motions of his tongue as he lapped at her skin seemed to ignite sparks within her body.
He had reached one of her hardened nipples and he slowly circled around the nipple, kissing and licking . Raven wanted him to take it into his mouth. She lay back to give him full access but he skirted around it moving across to the other breast. Here he did the same until Raven was panting for need to feel that mouth surrounding her nipples.
He looked up at her, smiled seductively and answered her whimpered request. Slowly he flicked the left nipple and an eruption of lava swept through Raven's blood. He drew the tip into his mouth and sucked on it lightly as his tongue continued to flick it. He sucked more of her tit into his mouth, gradually sucking harder. Raven's hands had found their way to his hair and she pushed him against her, silently pleading for more.
As he pulled away she moaned but he was just beginning as he took her nipple between his teeth and gently bit down. Raven felt her first orgasm coursing through her body and when he broke the bite and gave the other tit the same treatment, she lay her head back and just let the sensations flood her.
While his mouth worshiped her breast, his hand traveled to the apex of her thighs to find her pretty pussy. Raven spread her legs and his thumb found her pebble hard clit and slowly he rubbed it. And as he bit on her tit, he flicked her clit. Raven moaned and arched her back as she came. His finger found her hole and she rode her climax, he entered her with sure hands, stroking her as he sucked on her tits.
Soon he had two fingers fucking her. Tickling her, just as she crested on her first orgasm. He found her G-spot and tapping a finger against it, set off another wave. By this time Raven was whimpering and bucking her hips, she needed more.
As if sensing her need , he withdrew his fingers. Raven felt bereft and empty but his head was moving down. And as he moved between her legs, Raven opened wider to allow him full access. He spread the lips of her pussy, allowing him a perfect view of her rock hard clit, that looked like a dark pink pearl resting in a lighter pink shell. He told her she had a beautiful pussy and then lowered his head to taste her.
He drew her clit into his mouth, gently teasing it with his tongue. Raven felt little sparks shoot through her body. She raised her hips to his mouth, he sucked on her clit but then his tongue would flick hit hard and he would lick down toward her hole, then back up . As he sucked on her clit , his chin rested on her hole and he would move his chin against it.
Her orgasms were building quicker now and another one was growing. He took her legs and raised them above his head so that her pussy hole was at the right level and began to tongue fuck her. He would withdraw and suck on her hole then lick her clit, take it in his mouth, then lick back down to her hole sucking her sweet cum.
Raven's head was thrown back as her strongest orgasm shook through her. Her body was jerking as if someone had attached strings to her nerves and was pulling them. Little lights were erupting behind her eyelids. She felt plugged in. She felt like she was going to overload on the electric feeling.
He broke contact when he felt her body go stiff then relax. He reached up to her chest to check her breathing. Once he felt her breathing steady, he began to finger her tight pussy. As he entered her, he felt the small contractions as her orgasm rippled through her. She was so wet.
He gently stroked her then he bent to take her clit into his mouth again. As he stroked her with two fingers his pinky teased her asshole, slowly working into it. She moaned as he entered her ass fully with his finger, then her body started to convulse as another orgasm rippled through her.
Raven's mind was mush. She couldn't think, only feel the extreme pleasure his mouth and hands were giving her, but she felt the need to take him in her mouth. She wanted to give him the same pleasure, the same rapture.
When he broke contact with her clit, she moved to let him know she was ready to do something else. She felt so empty as he removed his fingers from her ass and pussy.
She slowly sat up, still feeling a little dizzy and kissed him deeply. The taste of her own juices turned her on, because it had felt so good.
Raven pushed him back as they continued to kiss. He lay prone now. Open to whatever she wanted to do to him. She broke the kiss to rain butterfly kisses down his neck stopping briefly to suck at the juncture where his neck and shoulder met. This was one of her favorite places on a man.
After leaving a small love bite, she moved down to his chest, feeling his chest hair tickle her chin. She found one nipple and flicked it with her tongue. The pebble hard nubbin seemed to jump at her tongue. Raven loved the feel of his nipple on her tongue. She licked slow circles around it causing it to stand harder, then she raked her teeth over it gently.
His inhaled breathe told her he liked what she was doing. She nibbled on his tit a little more then moved to the other one. She didn't want it to get lonely. As she played and teased his nipples, his fingers were fanning through her hair.
Raven felt his erection against her chest and rubbed her breast against it. She began kissing down his chest stopping to nip and nibble around his navel. Moving lower still following the trail of dark hair to where his cock stood proudly.
Raven grabbed hold of it to feel the iron shrouded in soft flesh. She rubbed the head, then lowered her lips to it. Her tongue reached out to taste it. She licked it slowly, taking her time. Enjoying the feel of him on her tongue, his salty-spicy taste. Her fingers wandered down to gently knead his balls as she took the head into her mouth.
Raven swirled her tongue around the head then , teasing his pee hole with the tip of her tongue. All the while working her mouth around the head. Taking more of his cock in as her tongue continued to flick and swirl over the head and around.
Halfway down she came back up to the head only to go back down, taking him deeper into her mouth. Sucking on his cock and when she came back to the head , she sucked a little harder , shaking her head like a dog with it's favorite bone.
Her temp increased as she felt his hands buried deep in her hair guiding her head as he thrust up into her mouth. He was groaning deep in his throat as she sucked harder. Taking him all the way down. He tongue slipping out at the base to lick his balls. She licked up his cock and then just licked and nibbled her way back down to his balls.
She had been kneading them while sucking them and they had grown harder and tighter as she gave his cock her adoration. Now she wanted to savor the feel of his balls in her mouth.
He widened his legs to give her an unobstructed view of his package. She took first one nut in her mouth, rolling it around in her mouth, sucking softly on it. Then sucking in the other nut . Sucking on them, rolling them against each other. Then releasing them she licked further, teasing his taint- between his ass hole and his balls, flicking her tongue over the area. This was the spot where you got the real smell of a man.
He growled deep in his throat, then told her, he wanted to feel her hot pussy around his cock. He needed her pussy around his cock.
Raven made one more round on his cock. And as she lifted her head, the suction made a loud popping sound.
Sliding up to kiss him, Raven straddled him, the tip of his cock teasing her wet entrance. Guiding him in with her hand, she felt him glide into her moist warmth.
The feeling of him filling her felt so good and when she had taken him all the way in , she moved just slightly letting her pussy become accustom to the feel of him.
When she could wait no longer she rose to the point of him almost coming out, then rocked back down. Raven slowly started to ride his engorged member, squeezing her muscles as she withdrew, then advanced back down.
Raven felt his hands grab hold of her tits and he squeezed them in time with her pussy contractions. She threw back her head and rode him harder. Soon he lifted her up and off his cock. He flipped her over onto her back and taking her by the ankles, he slipped back in. Where riding him she had felt impaled, now he ground into her spreading her legs in a vee, reaching deeper spots.
She could feel his cock, expanding as it brushed back into her. He then put her ankles on his shoulders and bent forward to kiss her. He slowed his rhythm, just letting the feel of their bodies joined bring on an intense pleasure. Long, steady strokes with an occasional twist to ake her look at him with her darkened violet eyes. Then he would pull out and then enter roughly.
Raven loved the feel of his cock sliding in and out. The pleasure was so intense. She felt another orgasm building and when he reached down and thumbed her clit she came hard. Her pussy walls milking him and he continued to ride her. She was whimpering and moaning and he would play with her clit, making her buck up against him. Then he would lean forward and take one of her nipples in his teeth and bite just a little.
By now Raven was riding one intense orgasm after another. But she wanted more. She told him she wanted him from behind. He withdrew and Raven's pussy mourned his removal. Flipping over on her knees, he quickly re-entered her.
Raven reached under her body to play with her slit and his balls as he fucked her. He withdrew and fingered her covering his fingers with her juices, then re-entered her. He used her cum to lubricate her ass and while he pumped her pussy, he fingered her asshole.
He had his hands spayed out with both thumbs spreading her ass entering her. Raven loved to be filled with cock, fingers and toys. She told him that there was some oil and a small dildo in her bag.
He chuckled and said she came prepared, in answer she squeezed on his cock with her pussy muscles. He had the toy out and oiled up quickly and without stopping she felt the toy enter her ass.
As he pushed the toy in he withdrew almost completely out then he rammed into her. Raven felt her next orgasm rip through her as the sensation became so intense. He was moving both his cock and the toy quickly now. As her orgasm caused her pussy to contrast against him, she felt knew he was getting closer.
Raven felt his cock going deeper and deeper. Closer and closer to the sweet spot where Heaven awaited. His strokes were becoming faster and he would almost totally withdraw then buck back into her. The toy was forgotten as he grabbed her by the hips grinding faster and faster.
Raven felt it then, the head of his cock entered her cervix. The feeling of being opened so deep within was electric. Raven heard a roaring in her ears and she was screaming "Yes" at the top of her lungs, then as the most intense of her orgasms shot through her, it became just a guttural growl.
He was fucking her hard now and growling himself as he let himself go. Raven felt him come inside her, the head of his dick feeling like it was double what it had started out as. He continued to pump into her as his orgasm and her own continued.
Raven felt as if her whole body were made of jell-O, both of their breathing was slowly coming back to normal. He was still within her, moving back and forth just a little. They were both coated with a fine sheen of perspiration. Slowly the world was coming back into focus.
He kissed her sweetly as he withdrew from her body. Rolling onto his side, she reached up and caressed the side of his face. The sound of water lapping at the rocks beyond made Raven move.
She sat up and taking a drink of wine, she tried to get the world to stop spinning. Little sparks fired behind her closed eyes. She handed him the bottle then slowly she got to her feet, then stood while he drank.
Raven held out her hand to him and he stood and took it. She guided him from their lover's circle to the water and they swam.
In the clearing they could see the glow of the Beltaine fire as they frolicked in the water. The drums had fallen silent. | literotica |
Title: Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite
Tags: surveillance, retirement, anniversary, party, infidelity, payback
I waited as the secretary announced my name into her intercom. I was mildly surprised when she looked up at me, smiled and said, "Mr. Foster will see you now, Mr. Kite. Please take the elevator to the fourth floor and then go through the door on the left."
I knew that George Foster was the manager of this Eastern Security franchise, a firm specializing in gathering information, for a fee. I knew from my internet research that the company had over fifty offices throughout eastern United States.
The elevator door opened immediately. Soon I was knocking lightly on a heavy wooden door. Then I turned the knob and entered.
"Mr. Kite!" exclaimed the well-dressed man behind the desk. He quickly rose and came around to greet me. He offered his hand and I felt the strength of his grip as we shook.
"Please have a seat and tell me what Eastern can do for you today," he continued.
I sat in the plush leather chair and formed my words carefully.
"I'm interested in hiring your company to, ah, verify a few things for me, Mr. Foster. To be honest, I thought I'd be doing business with someone a little lower in the corporate food chain. I see from the name on the door that you're a company vice president and manager of this branch.
"I still like to personally handle as many clients as I can, Mr. Kite. It keeps me aware of our services as well as how I might improve our procedures," he replied easily. "Our company prides itself on discreet, professional service. I intend to see this branch maintains the highest standards."
"That's very reassuring," I admitted. "My situation may seem a bit trite to a man in your position, I'm afraid. I want to hire your company to determine if my wife, Monica, is having an affair."
"That's one of the services we provide, Mr. Kite. It certainly doesn't seem trivial to us," stated Foster. "May I ask if you have already determined your wife is unfaithful, if it's a suspicion of yours, or if you are simply worried about her with no solid cause?"
"I guess you do get these problems a lot. I can't prove anything and I may be totally wrong, but Monica seems to be acting differently of late. She's busier and staying later at work and she has to travel more. Even when she's home, she has to go in to work on weekends. She even went to her office for an hour on July Fourth!" I blurted. "I just want to find out what, if anything, is going on. It could be nothing more than an effort to get ahead at work. I need to know for certain."
"I understand your concern," Foster assured me. "We do these things all the time. Sometimes the wife is cheating, but usually the husband has made some erroneous conclusions. Let's hope that's how this situation plays out. I'll need to meet you at your home when your wife isn't there and place some concealed devices to monitor her actions. What would be a good time for you, Mr. Kite?"
"Wow! You're going to come to my place and do your spy thing yourself, Mr. Foster?" I asked in amazement. "Don't you have techs or something you send for that stuff? I wouldn't expect a man in your position to do the hands-on work."
"That's exactly why we are so successful," smiled the man behind the desk. "As I stated, I like to personally handle a few cases. If one of our employees tries to tell me something can't be done, or won't work, I'll know if they're right, or if they're giving me a snow job."
"That makes a lot of sense," I agreed. "I read on your web page that I would get a written report and for a fee, I could get a report on DVD as well. I want to select that option. If there's any cheating, I want to be able to throw it in her face. It would also be more damning in a divorce action, wouldn't it?"
"Yes, provided there's any wrong doing on the part of your wife, Mr. Kite. I caution you against you jumping to conclusions. Let us do what you are paying us to do, please. That's why you came to us, isn't it?" asked Foster.
"Yes, of course. I didn't mean to get ahead of your investigation," I apologized. "It's just that the very thought of Monica having a lover makes me angry and tense. I have to find out the truth before I do, or say, something I'll later regret."
"We'll get right on this case and you'll know the truth shortly, don't worry," promised Foster. "I'll need you to answer a few questions and to sign a few forms giving us permission to place your home under surveillance and to have access to your personal records, such as phone and credit cards."
I spent the next half hour responding to an entire list of questions posed by Foster. I studied him as he wrote my responses down. He was a big man, tanned, and athletic looking. He seemed self-assured and very competent. He seemed to really know his business.
"I'd like to place this on my Visa," I told him when asked about payment.
"We take credit cards, of course, Mr. Kite. The thing you need to consider is whether your wife will see the charge and know you have hired a service to investigate her. Does she have access to the statement for this card?" he queried.
"Technically, she does, but Monica never pays the bills and seldom looks at the statements. This won't be a problem," I replied. "She'll never know about your service until I lower the boom on her! That is, if she's fooling around on me, of course."
After doing all the paper work, we agreed to meet at my house at noon on Friday. Monica had already informed me that she'd be working late that day. At least she called it working. I left Eastern Security feeling like I had accomplished my objective. Foster promised to have a full report, including a DVD, within three weeks. That would fit in perfectly with my plans for Monica.
I had been having some difficulty keeping my suspicions from Monica. That only thing that had made it even remotely possible was that she had been paying very little attention to me for the past few months. I could have grown a frog on my ass and cut my cock off and she would have never noticed. Now I had a timeframe to work with and I felt I would be able to hang on that long, although with some effort.
That evening Monica was home in time to make dinner, which was unusual. She seemed annoyed when I asked her about it.
"Don't make such a big deal out of it," she warned. "You do everything you can to get advanced at work. There's no reason for you to resent my success, Bill. My work is as important to me as yours is to you."
"I haven't any problem with that, Monica. It's just that you haven't been around much lately," I replied. "I seldom work weekends and never holidays. Time is more important than money, especially when you have enough money. We'll never have enough time."
"Well thanks for spouting your asinine platitudes," snapped Monica. "I bet that's one that fucking Confucius never even considered!"
I realized that my words of infinite wisdom were falling on deaf ears, so I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and went into the living room to watch the news.
It was the very next day at work that I was called into the company president's office. I was in the middle of the corporate ladder in an advertising agency. I was pretty good at what I did, which pretty much was to dream up bullshit that made products look and sound better than they were.
"We've been watching your work, Kite," boomed the company president and CEO, even as I wondered to myself why the fuck he couldn't address me by my first name. "You've shown yourself to be innovative and independent, yet a team player."
I realized this guy had been in advertising longer than I had. Talk about dishing the shit without saying anything! He was really good at it! That was what I had to look forward to attaining?
"You're being promoted to a vice president position, Kite. Congratulations! You'll be in charge of several of our most lucrative accounts," he continued. "You'll have your own office with a dozen people working under you. I'm making the announcement this afternoon."
I politely thanked the tub of lard for bestowing such an honor on my most unworthy self and left the office with a smile. Things were finally falling into place for me. Too bad Monica had to stray. After twenty-four years of marriage and two kids, she deserved to share in my achievement and the financial rewards that came with it.
True to his promise, the boss announced my promotion and people started kissing my ass by the time I got back from lunch. I shook hands and smiled as men deferred to me. The ladies suddenly found me attractive. How many times had I sucked up to some guy I thought was an asshole after hearing he'd been promoted? Now I was the asshole! It felt great!
Friday found me showing Foster around my home. He placed tiny devices in various areas of the house. He was efficient, yet careful. By 3:00 he was packing his tools away.
"I've just received a nice promotion and I have to be at corporate headquarters in New Jersey next Monday and Tuesday," I explained. "It seems like that would be a likely time for Monica to scratch her itch, if you get my drift."
"Well, if she does any scratching, we'll have it all recorded," grinned Foster.
"Your company has a very good reputation, Mr. Foster," I continued. "You can guarantee as a professional employee of Eastern Security that you'll catch any infidelity by my wife in this house, can't you?"
"I absolutely guarantee that, Mr. Kite. I'm very good at what I do. If your wife strays in your home, we'll have the proof for you. Rest assured of that!" he promised.
"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," I admitted. "Now we'll see if the mouse takes the bait."
"I was named a vice president today at work," I revealed to Monica that evening. "It means a big pay raise. We'll be able to take some nice vacations and buy some things for the house."
"I knew they'd see your talents, Bill," cooed Monica. "I think we should have a party on Saturday, the fifteenth. We'll celebrate our twenty-fifth anniversary and your promotion at the same time! How's that sound?"
"Monica! I'm touched. What a great idea. We'll have your family and a bunch of my relatives over. The kids can come home from school. It'll be an event people will remember for a long time to come!" I proclaimed.
"Don't get too carried away, Bill. It isn't exactly the second coming," grinned Monica, "but it'll be a good time."
Every now and then Monica reverted to the woman I married those many years ago. Those times were fewer and farther between, however. I was mulling my situation over as I drove east on I 80, toward headquarters that Monday. Would Monica betray me while I was away? In my home? My bed? Was she that self-centered and foolish? Did she think I was that dumb? I had the questions and realized I would have the answers in a couple days.
It was three days before our party and Foster was back in my house, removing all his electronic devices. I accompanied him as he went from room to room.
"Are you sure Monica never had any male visitors, made any unusual phone calls, or did anything that could be even slightly construed as cheating?" I asked for the third time.
"Believe me, Mr. Kite," laughed Foster. "Your wife makes Mother Theresa look like an unsavory character. She isn't having an affair!"
"When will I get the report and the DVD?" I asked.
"You still want a DVD, even if there's nothing even remotely inappropriate to show?" questioned Foster.
"I paid for the damn thing and I want it. I'll find some use for the damn thing. Years from now I'll watch it and laugh my ass off," I responded.
"Okay, it's your money. Everything will be ready for you to pick up tomorrow afternoon," shrugged Foster.
Long after Foster left the house, I sat in my home office and considered my situation. He had stated that Monica wasn't unfaithful and didn't have any lovers, or even friends, at the house why I was away. What would Monica do if she found out about the surveillance? It seemed likely she would be furious and use it as an opportunity to punish and humiliate me. I had to be prepared to foil her efforts. I couldn't help thinking that I was engaged in what seemed more like a struggle to the death than a marriage.
People started showing up for our party by eleven AM. By one o'clock, we had just about every relative and friend within fifty miles enjoying clams, barbecued chicken, lobster, and steak. We had gone all out for the occasion. Everyone was having a wonderful time. That was when Monica decided to be melodramatic.
"Could I have everyone's attention?" she shouted above the din. Every eye turned to her. "It has come to my attention that my loving husband recently hired an agency to monitor my actions in order to determine if I was having an affair!"
Aside from several gasps, there wasn't a word spoken by the assembled crowd.
"I happened to open the mail yesterday and found a large charge to our Visa card from a surveillance company. I made a few phone calls and found out that Bill had hired them to determine if I was unfaithful to him," hissed Monica. I could feel her venom.
"I was told that Bill was even supplied with a DVD documenting my actions. You can imagine how shocked and disappointed I was, and still am, when I learned of Bill's lack of trust, and of this invasion of my privacy," lamented Monica.
I knew she'd want to humiliate me, but she was better than I could have imagined. I just silently stood my ground and bore the brunt of her verbal attack.
"So, Bill, my devoted, loving husband, where's the disc? I think everyone here should see the results of your spying and judge for themselves just who wronged whom. We'll play it on this goddamn big screen TV you insisted on buying. Everyone is right here and ready to watch it!" she snarled.
"Dear, I don't think it would be a good idea to air our dirty laundry in public," I stated soothingly. "Why don't we watch it in a more private setting? This is a party."
"You're trying to blow smoke up my ass and get away with practically accusing me of being a slut! I demand that you show everyone here what you have learned about my fidelity, you damn weasel! I haven't seen this production yet and I can't wait!" shrieked Monica.
I shrugged and reached into my breast pocket and removed a DVD and held it up for everyone to see. Then I walked to the player and slid it in. I walked to the back of the room with the remote and pointed it at the machine.
It took a few seconds for the picture to appear. Monica and Foster were sitting in our living room.
"You mean he hired you to find out if I was having an affair?" laughed Monica. "What are the odds of that happening?"
"What are the odds that the jack-ass would put the charge on your Visa? You have wonderful opportunity to "accidentally" discover he's spying on you. You'll have his balls in a vise!" Foster replied.
"In that case, I'll crush them like a couple of walnuts," chuckled Monica.
"I'm a trained professional!" Foster pretended to pout. "The dumb bastard wanted the best, so he came to me. That's why his company uses us to some discreet background checks on employees being promoted to sensitive positions. We really delve into personal accounts and backgrounds deeper than your more law-fearing firms. That's how I met you that fateful day, remember?"
"I'll never forget it, and how determined you were to seduce me," grinned Monica. "Was I worth the effort?"
I noticed Monica begin to shrink back as the events unfolded on the big screen, in living color, and with surround sound.
"You sure were, now get over here, Slut!" insisted Foster.
The screen was suddenly filled with Monica's face. She was smiling... around a nice sized cock! Her lips and tongue worked feverishly and were soon rewarded with a few twitches from the cock. White goo leaked down her chin. The audience was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
The picture changed to show Monica on her hands and knees and Foster pounding her pussy from behind. Both their faces were readily recognizable. Monica had a blissful smile on her face as Foster reached in and pinched one of her nipples.
Suddenly, Monica found her voice and jerked everyone back to the present.
"You miserable bastard!" she screamed at me. "You set me up! Turn that goddamn thing off now. Everyone get the hell out. Now!"
Spittle was flying from Monica's mouth as she yelled. Her face was purple and the veins in her face looked like they would pop. Her mother and father rushed to her as she began to collapse. They half carried her and half led her from the room. Within a couple minutes, my two kids and my parents were the only people left in the room with me.
"What are you going to do, Dad?" asked my daughter. "It's a hell of a mess."
"You just saw what your mother has been doing, Rachel," I replied sadly. "Her words today seem even more despicable than her actions of late. She wanted to torment me, to make me suffer for suspecting the truth. She's had no love for me for a rather long time. I think you know that. I'm finished with her and moving on with my life, Sweetheart. You may be able to talk her into getting some help. I don't think her words and actions are consistent with the Monica I married, but it's no longer my problem. I'm sorry."
"I've discussed this situation with a very good team of lawyers. A while back, I had hired a detective firm recommended to me by a college buddy. I had them to watch your mother when I first started getting suspicious. I was stunned to find that she was having an affair with an agent of the firm hired by my company to check on me. I was being considered for an important position and they wanted all the dirt on me, so they hired Foster, with Eastern Security."
"I decided that I wanted to ruin his career at that point. I hired him to determine if your mother was cheating, all the time knowing she was, and it was with him. Now I have him on disc, as a representative of his company, giving me a false report, as well as admitting he probably broke the law when he conducted his rather extreme background checks for my employer," I summarized.
"My legal team tells me that my company should have notified me and even had me sign a release allowing the background check. They also tell me that Eastern Security has deep pockets and is in a world of shit for the conduct of their agent. He seduced your mother while doing a clairvoyant check on me, than accepted payment to report on her activities when he was personally involved with her, and then he knowingly lied in his report to me. I have been assured that these companies will want to settle rather than have the truth hit the newspapers. This really shouldn't have been billed as our anniversary party," I grinned. "It's really more like my retirement party!" | literotica |
Title: Friends, Enemies, and Exes Ch. 07
Tags: cum, dominant male, harem, lesbian, mind control, orgy, powers, submission, transformation
(The time gap between the writing of Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 was rather large. I apologize for any inconsistencies, ret-cons, or mistakes. The following chapter will begin just where the last one left off, but will jump forward several months by the end. Thank you for reading.)
Charlie sat on a lush velvet chair, Penny on his lap, while more than two dozen women kissed and caressed and pleasured one another. Not a single person in the room had clothes on. Even Ashley had taken a break from her many duties to get a taste of Lanie.
But this was business first, pleasure second.
*Pick any one of them and reach out. You might not be able to pinpoint at first,* he said in Penny's head.
Her eyes narrowed and focused on Zoe, her tiny body straddling Lily, hands fondling her new gigantic breasts. Charlie could hear Zoe think, *They're so beautiful... I wish I knew he could do this before. I wonder if Master can make my tongue a little more sensitive.*
*Of course you can,* Penny thought. *You'll just have to cum in her mouth, right Master?*
*That's right,* he told her. *I want you to try and send her a thought. Can you do that?*
She furrowed her brow, focused harder. Nothing came to her at first, and Charlie could feel the frustration bubbling up. He placed a hand gently on her thigh, let his cock twitch against her ass, and felt her simmer down with a happy sigh. "Thank you, Master," she cooed.
Zoe gasped, almost inaudibly, and involuntarily her own inner voice said, *I should slap Lily's tits for her.* With her left hand still massaging, Zoe's right came down on the other breast with a sharp *smack!* and Lily yelped happily.
"Good girl," Charlie said aloud. He reached up to Penny's chest and started to knead at her breasts gently. Her head tilted back and she sighed again, that soothing happy way of sighing that she had.
"Thank you for teaching me, Master," she moaned. "I hope this is what you want."
"I just want you to know what you're doing so you don't overdo it," he explained. "I've made a lot of mistakes with this thing, and I don't want you to do the same."
"You haven't made any mistakes lately."
"Some. But I'm certainly much better at it now."
A moment later, he stopped playing with Penny, let her come back to the real world, and she noticed just how quiet the room was. Every last one of the sluts was on her knees, facing the velvet chair, faces blank and backs straight. They looked like a grid of mannequins besides the sweat still glistening on their skin and the rise and fall of their chests with their slow, controlled breaths.
"Master..." Penny muttered.
"This is more of an emergency thing," he said, picking her up off his lap and standing up to walk around them. "If I just walked away and stopped focusing, they would all come to in five minutes or so. No harm done. But while they're like this, it's just easier to make small adjustments without going *all the way in*."
Penny walked to her sister, kneeling at one corner, and smiled down at the submissive image of herself. Charlie could sense what she wanted to do.
"Go ahead," he said. Penny slapped Sammy's face lightly, then again much harder when she gave no reaction. Nothing at all.
"They're empty," she said.
"I always thought of it as off-mode," he said, looking at Alex. "This is how I usually got away with cheating. I only fucked Shelby once, but when I did it was right in front of Alex. Otherwise I just made her forget or ignore all the signs. The point is, they'll only register what you tell them to."
"You could have just made her okay with it," Penny said.
"Hindsight's twenty-twenty. I thought I could resist the urge to fuck other girls, but I couldn't. And I don't like to Rewire twice. I'm a little upset I've had to do it to Lanie as much as I have."
Penny nodded and moved on, stepping between the girls until she found shy little Sarah. "Sarah," she said, "what's your kinkiest fantasy?"
In a matter-of-fact tone, Sarah said, "To have my ass fucked on a public train by Master."
"Oh that's fun," Penny said.
Charlie walked over to Erica, his research assistant, and placed a hand gently on her hair. "Erica, your sex drive is starting to wane. You still love having sex, but you won't be able to get horny while you're reading or working."
Penny looked at him, puzzled. "What's wrong, Master?"
"I need to be able to write without constantly fucking her," he explained. "You try something."
Penny looked around the room, one Mistress standing naked over her charge. Finally her eyes landed on Gina's big gorgeous body. "Gina," she said. "Ashley needs help running the house. Start assisting her every day until you can run the house by yourself. And Ashley, you teach Gina how to do it so you can take care of the business."
Both of the girls nodded, and Charlie felt relieved. He was worried for a moment that she might make a more outlandish command first, knowing how insatiable Penny had been so far. But beyond all that, her head was still practical. He walked over to her, his erect cock brush past half a dozen girls' hair on the way. He kissed the love of his life gently, ran his fingers through her dirty blond hair, and said, "You were right. I think I will enjoy living here."
She kissed his neck, nuzzled there for a moment, and said, "Life is pretty good, isn't it?"
"Why haven't I fucked you?" he asked.
Penny was taken aback. He could feel the turmoil in her mind, uncertain of the answer. Charlie had not expected that. "I don't know," she said. "It just... somehow feels like I shouldn't yet. I think I'm waiting for something."
"What might that be?"
She tried to look brave, but she was afraid to answer. He smiled for her, let himself push at her mind ever so slightly to take the edge off. "I'm not sure yet," Penny said. "But it's coming."
Charlie kissed her forehead and felt her hand wrap around his cock. *But I can do anything else,* she thought to him.
"There's one more thing before we finish up," he said. "Rewiring."
Penny looked out to the field of naked women. "Do I get to pick?"
He shook his head, a little perturbed by her eagerness. "Not any of them. No more double dipping. Besides, if you want the full lesson, you'll need someone fresh."
"Who, Master?"
"There's a few girls from Pleasant Valley who haven't arrived yet. But Helen showed up this morning. Would you like to watch me Rewire her?"
Penny's eyes lit up in wonderment. "I wonder if I can."
She could.
Helen bounced at an even pace on Master's cock. Penny remembered her as an extremely studious girl, dead set on becoming the valedictorian of Pleasant Valley High. She had something of a long face bordered by a mess of curly brown hair; altogether she looked pretty in a sexless sort of way. Until she took off her clothes, of course.
Master fucked her on the dining room table, while in the back of his mind he kept the thirty other sluts on their knees in the ballroom, nearly catatonic. In only a few minutes, he was cumming inside of her as she clenched around him in her own orgasm. And then Penny was somewhere else, somewhere dark and light at the same time. Charlie was here too, holding her hands, trying to say something, but she couldn't hear him for a moment. Just when she was too afraid to stay, he pulled her in close and she felt safe again.
"We're here," he said. "This is Helen."
"Oh," Penny said. And he was right.
"Look around," he said. "Then I can get to work."
Somehow it was easier on the inside, like reading a book. Penny could find her memories at a whim, taste her fears and desires without even thinking about it. She found images of waterparks and rainbows, long angry drives in thick traffic, and finally the beautiful vivid sight of Charlie's cock, burned brightly into Helen's memory. From there, Penny found the whole story.
Helen was insecure in high school, just like many many others, Penny found. Searching through her memories like Master taught her, she found the key moments to her dose of Charlie's cum. The rumors of his sexual prowess reached her, and she began to wonder if she'd missed out on something great while she spent most of her free time studying. Out of curiosity, she went to a party and lost her virginity to a friend of hers, finding herself utterly disappointed. Refusing to believe that was all sex had to offer, Helen approached Charlie very directly.
"I've never had good sex," she had said bluntly. "And I'm told you're very good."
It was more academic at first, Penny realized. But as she took Charlie inside her and began to feel the indescribable ecstasy that so many others had praised, Helen lost control. She practically tore the condom off him to feel more of him, bucked wildly even with her back on his mattress. She clawed at his back and forgot to hold back her screams of, "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!!"
And after begging to feel his cum inside of her, Helen blacked out and woke up a new woman. Although Charlie left for school not long after, his influence remained with her ever since. She masturbated daily, bought toys for all three of her holes, even frequented bars and clubs looking for a man who could do that to her again. To her luck, Penny found, Helen had met many good partners over the years, even some who fucked her just as vigorously. But none of them quite hit the bar that Charlie had set.
"So how do you do it?" Penny asked.
Charlie found a fading memory of himself. He was sitting next to Helen at the library, not interacting with her. Then, in a snap, the memory changed. He was pointing at her worksheet, helping her figure something out. Helen was smiling at him, clearly smitten.
"Just a few alterations to back up the commands I give. If I attach my orders to happy memories, they're easier for her to accept. I could put myself anywhere, even if I wasn't there, but I try not to do that too much."
He changed little details in dozens of memories, and then found the little pieces that made up her inhibitions. Without destroying them entirely, he managed to dampen, diminish, and debilitate them. In place of those, he took the parts of her that made her sex drive and amplified them. Penny stopped him halfway through.
"Master, can I try?"
He looked hesitant, but he stepped back and let her find something. Penny touched a piece of Helen and found hesitance, a part of her that wanted to carefully consider every option before proceeding. It took her some time, but eventually Penny molded it into something else. It was vague at first, and she was not wholly certain she had achieved it. But then she could feel it, as though the desire was her own. Penny took Helen's hesitance and turned it into the intense desire to spread joy.
Charlie wasn't certain what she'd done, but the surface emotion was all he needed. He smiled again, and Penny felt chills. When he finished with his own adjustment, he knelt down and touched the ground, whatever it was. These were the commands, Penny knew. The final touch.
Penny blinked, and she was back at the mansion, hiding around the corner, watching Helen convulse as her throat struggled to swallow every drop of Charlie's cum. Gradually, the sound of her thoughts grew louder. *Cum... cum...* Helen thought. *So... much...*
She was out like a light, and Charlie carried her to the ballroom. "Girls," he said. "This is Helen. She'll be joining us today. Find her a bed and teach her everything she needs to know."
They all awoke from their trance, stood up and crowded around the unconscious Helen. A moment later, they were all upstairs, except for Sammy.
"You've been a good girl, Penny," Charlie said, his hands sliding up Sammy's body. "How would you like me to fuck your sister?"
Penny sat in the velvet chair again, her hands already at her dripping pussy. Sammy was standing at attention, back arched to keep her tits stuck as far out as possible. "Fuck her ass," Penny said. "Pick her up and fuck her ass."
Penny watched the mirror image of herself suspended in the air, leaning back against Charlie's chest, his cock deep in her asshole. Every bounce made her tingle, every unhindered moan and gasp gave her goosebumps. Sammy was so very like her now that Penny thought she could even feel Master's cock in her ass.
Wordlessly, knowing Charlie was distracted, Penny reached out to Helen again, hoping that her work was concrete. Time would tell. But if she'd done what she thought she'd done, Helen was going to recruit plenty of new whores to please Master. She would have to if she truly wanted to spread joy.
*Such a good girl, Penny. Maybe you understand me. Maybe I won't have to get rid of you when I reunite with my Master. You've done so well, clearly you know what's best. Just keep doing what you're doing, and when I arrive I'll make sure to get you a nice comfortable cage. You can even have a pretty pink collar to wear, and I'll let you lick Master's cum out of me every night.*
*Just remember the most important thing. Remember what I told you. Don't fuck him. Not until I say.*
Before she knew it, weeks passed.
Charlie quickly finished his work with Lily, inflating her chest from nothing to a pair of tits that rivaled Lauren's. After that, he gifted Alex with a week of baths, trimming an inch from her height every time. By the end, she was one of the smallest girls in the whole house.
The other girls queued up for their requests, though most of them were not nearly as drastic. Small adjustments to their faces, their curves, their breasts. All Sarah wanted was a little bit more pink in her nipples, all Lauren wanted was naturally red hair to go with her freckles. Zoe's tongue was more sensitive now, and even a teasing french kiss could melt her into a puddle. But the most fun was watching her hips gyrate as she swirled her tongue around the head of Master's cock.
Whatever these girls were afraid of when they came into the house, most of it was gone before Charlie ever started altering them. Only the little things were left.
Alex, for one, was as happy as could be. Whenever Master used her, she felt so small and fragile. The extra daintiness to her form exhilarated her more this way. Mater could break her if he wanted, but he knew just how to treat her. When he rode the line, when he almost crossed it, that was the most erotic feeling in the world to Alex. Because he never went too far. But he could.
Somehow, Natalie talked her into joining her band. Lauren was producing their first couple of recordings, and decided they needed a singer. It wasn't until watching a video Lily made of the way Alex screamed during sex that she realized she might really have the voice for it.
After a few weeks of practice, she had something close to a comfortable tone. "You'll get better with practice," Lauren said. "Amazing with time. For now, you can still lay down some serious vocal tracks."
It was Lauren who came up with the band name *Fifth Manor*, Lauren who mixed and mastered every recording they did together, Lauren who teched their instruments and their effects and their dynamics. She was as imperative to their sound as any of the four of them. Once, while she was tuning Miranda's bass guitar, Alex asked her, "Why don't you play?"
Miranda stopped eating Alex's pussy long enough to turn around and ask, "Yeah, why don't you play? You would be so good."
"I'm happier this way," Lauren said. "Besides, if you ever play any live shows, I know you'll still let me have a groupie or two."
"Or five," Natalie smirked.
All summer long, they wrote and re-wrote and recorded and re-recorded their handful of songs, always putting flesh on the skeletons that Natalie brought in. And as Helen started bringing more and more girls into the house, the five of them realized that their music might really be good.
Kissing Lily and fondling her big gorgeous tits on the way into the shower one morning, they caught Helen and a new girl named Grace singing, *"Going down, down, down... father of all misdeeds..."*
Alex opened the shower door to the two naked girls, one lithe and curly-haired, the other tall and wide-hipped. "You like our song?"
Grace's hands did not stop groping at Helen's ass. "It's super catchy," she said. "Is it really yours?"
*Fifth Manor* played their first gig in September to an exclusive audience of Charlie and his many whores. While the music played, everyone's clothes remained on. But they jumped, they danced, they shouted the lyrics they already knew from overhearing the loud practices over the summer. No matter how many times Alex rewrote the lyrics, they always seemed to catch on.
In the middle of the first some, Alex was so nervous that she nearly ran off the stage. But she locked eyes with Penny, saw her sitting next to Charlie at the back of the crowd, and something changed. The words she spoke the night Master promised to make her smaller echoed in her memory. *When you're all done, I'm going to break you. Personally.* Just looking at her, Alex felt fire kindle inside her. Her lungs were a caisson for her lyrics, but now her body was fuelling the music itself. She started to own the stage, to look her sluts in the eye as they screamed along with her.
*"Down, down, down, closer to what I need!"*
By the end of the show, Alex just wanted to start all over again.
No one was pregnant.
It started to add up one day when Lauren was awash with Charlie's cum, so much of it that it dripped out of her mouth, off her tits, and down to her thighs. An almost forgotten impulse to worry took hold of her, and she started to wipe it away from her vagina. Then she remembered all the times he'd cum inside her, all the times he'd cum inside *every* slut in the house. He showered her in it, bathed Alex in it, grew massive new tits for Lily with it. Some of the girls begged for him to fill their pussies every day. And no babies.
*He can do anything,* she realized. *Except that.*
Something about that made her sad, though she could not say that she wanted a baby herself. But if he and Penny ever wanted one, it seemed out of the question.
Still, it saved a lot of trouble. Lauren never thought she could live a life so full of cum, let alone Charlie's heavenly seed. The summer was like one long practice session for him as he learned to deliver larger and larger shipments. The average man could only ejaculate a few ounces per orgasm. Charlie could unleash *gallons*.
One night, as he fucked her tits slowly and deliberately, Lauren started to crave it more than ever. She begged, "All of it, Master. I want all of your cum. Don't stop until it's all out, *please.*" But he thrust his cock up to her chin and growled, "It will never stop."
Her body gave in to an orgasm so intense that if she hadn't been lying on his bed, she surely would have fallen down in convulsions.
When she wasn't working with *Fifth Manor*, Lauren was servicing Charlie's cock. Her time with the other girls was limited because of the time consuming processes involving the music, so her feminine contact was limited to the band and whatever interactions Charlie asked of her. Still, on occasion Zoe or Sarah would come knocking on her bedroom door, hoping to steal a few kisses or get a taste of her while she mixed at her desk.
As summer wound on, Lauren found herself more attached to Penny. She was almost constantly with Master, fondling herself as he played with his toys. Her own attentions were rarely set on him, normally giving precedence to any available slut. When Master started asking Lauren into bed more often, citing his desire to keep her from becoming a musical shut-in, Penny became like a girlfriend.
While Master fucked the life out of Sammy or Alex or Lanie or whichever lucky whore he'd invited in, Penny would stroke Lauren's copper red hair and mutter, "You're so beautiful. So talented. So smart." The feelings were mutual, Lauren knew. She admired the power that Penny both used and did not use, though she clearly had so much of it. *She always knows how I'm feeling or what I need,* Lauren thought, staring warmly into Penny's inviting green eyes one night. *She really cares.*
Lauren would do anything for Charlie, she knew. But now, she thought, she might do just about anything for Penny too.
So when Penny asked her to retouch the *Fifth Manor* lyrics a bit, Lauren did not even bother to ask why.
Helen was not how Lanie remembered her. She could hardly believe it when she showed up at the house, naked and sweating and happy in that just-got-fucked way. The austere study buddy Lanie remembered left no impression on the skinny bitch before her now.
"Face down, ass up," Lanie commanded. Helen raised her rear into the air, rested her head against Lanie's pillow, and wiggled a bit.
"Yes Mistress Lanie," she said.
"High knees, legs spread, mouth open."
"Yes Mistress Lanie."
Helen scooted to the edge of the bed and stood on her knees, thighs far enough apart that her labia opened on its own. Lanie reached down and coated two of her fingers in the slut's thick honey. Reaching up, she gave Helen a taste of herself. "Thank you, Mistress Lanie."
"When are these friends of yours arriving?" Lanie asked her.
"Any minute, Mistress. I hope you like them."
*So do I,* Lanie thought. The house was getting crowded. Helen had a knack for making friends with just about everyone, and sometimes she found a beautiful young woman who wanted to visit the house, see what it was all about, get a taste of Master's cum. Not all of them stayed long enough to fall under his enchantments, but those who did ended up staying. Almost every room in the house was doubled up by the beginning of October.
If Gina hadn't taken up the mantle of running the house, Lanie might have moved in with Ashley. The two grew closer almost every time they spoke, and Lanie found herself craving her touch more often. But Gina needed to stay close in order to learn the ins and outs of it all. The only thing Lanie could do to stay near Ashley was to study business and economics in her free time, just as an excuse to give input, brainstorm, problem-solve with enough efficiency to keep Ash coming to her.
Instead, she roomed with Helen. Not a bad match by any means, the serious teenager she'd once been had become a smile machine. She was as horny as any of the other girls, but not so obnoxious about it as to keep Lanie up all night. Other pairings were not so compatible, some barely able to resist each other enough to get a full night's rest. Shelby had new dark rings under her eyes after Erica moved in with her.
There was talk of expanding the house to make room for new girls as they came in. Stopping the influx was simply out of the question. With money already rolling in from some of Ashley's strategic investments, the obstacle of funding ceased to bar anything. If things like *Fifth Manor* or Charlie's impending publishing house took off, then everyone would truly be set for life. Building new rooms would be the least of their worries.
Until then, Lanie practiced her dominating skills on Helen. It was difficult at first, trying to slip into the skin of someone with power when she herself was powerless before Charlie. At first, she could not help but remember how brainless and automatic she became the night Charlie re-entered her life. That was the real her as far as she could tell. But when Helen started to obey with more immediacy, Lanie started to think she might actually be good at it.
Before long, she was as commanding as Mistress Penny. The sluts were happy to fear her, and more than once a girl might misbehave "accidentally" in the presence of Lanie. It was just a quick walk to the dungeon, and she could do what she pleased with a bottomless pit of toys and accessories.
"Swing your hips," Lanie commanded, and Helen obeyed. Then, the intercom. "Helen, your guests have arrived," said the compressed voice of Gina.
"If those goes well," Lanie said. "We might be out of rooms."
A dozen sorority girls — Penny did not know their names yet, and did not care yet either — laid on their backs, heads dangling upside down. Lanie and Lauren and Alex all walked back and forth between then, slipping their strap ons into any available throat and thrusting at whatever speed they desired. Some of the college girls gagged, others moaned, one of them was totally silent no matter how hard anyone fucked her throat.
Half the girls in the house were sitting around the dungeon, jeering at the wouldbe entrants, cat-calling and degrading them. "Fucking slut, take that cock! Deeper, go deeper, whore!"
On the other side of the table, Zoe and Sarah and Helen took turns tasting their pussies, occasionally at the same time that they were getting throat fucked. Penny loved when they mixed tastes by swirling their tongues together, muttering notes that she couldn't hear. *Little connoisseurs of pussy.*
After what felt like only minutes, but must have been more than an hour, the six judges deliberated. "Best Throat," Lanie announced loudly, bringing a hush to the room. "Stefanie." A pear-shaped Asian girl sat up on the table, her own saliva coating her face, and smiled as the room clapped for her. She hopped to her feet and pranced over to the Mistresses, who held her hands and kissed her cheeks.
"Best Pussy," Zoe said, "Tammy." The blondest one of all hopped up and joined her judges, stealing a genuine kiss from all of them.
Penny let everyone clap and cheer, and then raised her hand to silence the room. *Small powers,* she mused. *I don't even need to control them for that.* "All of you are invited to stay," Penny said. "But you two will get the privilege of meeting with our Master first. The rest may watch while you wait your turn. Thank you Helen, for bringing us such beautiful girls."
Upstairs, Penny placed the two winners on Charlie's bed, posing them to look as sexy as possible for his entrance. When she was sure she had it, Penny graciously thanked the other girls and reminded them there was no obligation to stay. None of them budged. *Helen really is a good judge of character,* she thought. *They're all born sluts.*
When Master entered the room, Penny could see a mix of fear and excitement grow in the sorority's eyes. He was completely naked, hard as any man could be. But they did not know how much he had changed in only a few months.
Charlie did not become a musclebound freak nor did he balloon in size. But the population of his harem had doubled since the beginning of summer, and with it his body morphed ever so slightly into the perfect version of itself. Without growing taller or bigger, he just looked *perfect*. Sarah, in her studies of graphic design, found an ancient Greek diagram that showed mathematical proportions in the male physique. Compared to Charlie, the diagram might have been drawn after his own body.
It was no wonder that these girls were instantly enraptured. And still they did not know what they were in for. Not only did his body chisel itself into scientific perfection, but his stamina became nothing short of infinite. In June, he struggled to stay on his feet after a day of playing with his fuck toys. In July he could pound at them all day without slowing, then collapse into a hot bath and sleep twelve hours. By August, he did not tire even after cumming in every last one of his girls. In September, he stopped sleeping.
And best of all, he loved it. Penny felt his heart swell with pride every day as he looked at the joy he'd brought these scores of women. He was happy to be himself. And as far as Penny was concerned, that was mission accomplished. *And the more girls he has, the happier he'll be,* she knew. *Thank goodness for Helen.*
Wordlessly, Charlie sauntered across the master bedroom and stood in front of the bed, eyeing his two new prizes. Unbidden, both Stefanie and Tammy fell to their elbows, clamoring to take his cock into their mouths. Charlie grabbed them swiftly by the hair, keeping their lips just inches short of making contact. He turned to their sisters. "Who first?" he asked.
"Oh, Penny," Katie said. "She's turning out to be so good for him."
"Why is that?" Emily asked.
"He's becoming less hesitant to take what's his."
She was coming more regularly now, always happy to ensure their privacy and let Katie out of her white clothes. They'd started restraining her wrists years ago because if they didn't her hands would always be between her legs. Emily didn't seem to care. At first, Katie was fervently rubbing herself to climax as quickly as she could. But now that Emily's visits were regular, she started taking her time, slowing down, enjoying it more.
Katie sat up in her bed, playing casually as they spoke. She would not stop until it was time for Emily to leave, and when she was gone she already missed the sensation. But now, at least, she could look forward to doing it again at a regular schedule. That made it more bearable to wait. But when Charlie was active, usually late at night, Katie would squirm and wriggle, trying to rub her legs together in the hopes of getting at least a little friction.
Whenever Emily walked in and let her loose, the images of who and what he'd done the previous night would resurface in her mind. Then she would talk about everything that happened, how it made her feel, what she wished he would do or say. Emily loved to hear it all. *A little more effort and maybe I can get her out of her clothes,* Katie mused.
"Charlie's starting to enjoy his... harem?" Emily asked.
"Very much," Katie answered. "He still has a few hang ups. But there will be more sluts for him in time. And the more sluts he has, the more powerful he'll become. Master will love it."
Emily hummed with satisfaction, one long *hmmmm*. She leaned back in her chair, tilted her head, twirled her hair. "You're so lucky to have a Master like him," she said.
Katie heard the lament in her voice and asked, "How have you been?"
Emily leaned forward, fists propping up her head, looking dejected. "I've been seeing this guy lately. Big, strong. Can pick me up like a feather. Living proof that size doesn't matter. I've never been fucked quite this way before."
"So what's wrong?"
"He won't let me swallow his cum," Emily said, pouting.
"Are you sucking his cock?"
Emily nodded and slid out of her chair, crawling over to Katie's bed. Even fully clothed, she looked so perfect on her hands and knees. Katie could already picture Master standing in front of her, pulling her head further and further down by the hair.
Emily leaned in a little, stuck her ass out. Her lips started to shine with saliva as she let her mouth go slack. As she spoke, she started to drool ever so slightly. "I like to do it on all fours so I can stretch my neck a little bit. That makes it tighter. And I get him nice and wet, which is easy because he always makes my mouth water."
*Oh fuck,* Katie thought. *Show me how you do it, please, please!* Her fingers twitched around her nipple as she fought the impulse to reach out and give her a finger to suck on. The urge to reach out and command her, tweak her impulses just a little, was so strong that Katie's head started to hurt. *I can't influence her*, she knew. *Not until she tastes Master.*
"So why..." Katie asked, her breathing getting quicker. "...why won't he cum in your mouth?"
Emily slumped, sitting on her heels. "I don't know. He's not as nice as your Master. What do you think I should do?"
*Fuck him all day, all night, do whatever he says, just get his cum, taste his cum, swallow it all!*
"Ask very nicely," Katie said.
Emily smiled, sat back in her chair, and stared at Katie's sopping wet pussy for a minute. Then her face grew serious, and she looked her in the eyes. "Katie, I was wondering if you would let me run some tests on you."
That soured her mood, but her hand kept working nonetheless. "They already tried that."
"I know, I read your file. They won't admit it, but they really fucked up."
"You're telling me." When Katie first arrived, they tried to run brain scans, take blood samples, send in psychiatrists. But she knew they would just tell her she was crazy. There was only so much they could get from sedating her. The rest she locked away in her own brain. But when she resisted, they tried to make her regret it.
"I want to prove to them that you're okay. I know there's nothing wrong with you, but they won't believe that unless I can get it down on paper. So I just want to know what I can do to make you comfortable with some tests. I would be there for all of them."
"You would?"
"In fact, I would be in charge. If anyone steps out of line, I can shut the whole thing down."
Katie bit her lip, started circling a finger around her clit a little faster. "It's not experiments, right? No shocks or surgeries?"
"Just tests, like a normal doctor's visit. We won't give you pills or anything. What can I do for you Katie?"
*Yes,* she thought. *Oh yes, Master. I found someone. She's going to bring me back to you.*
"Fuck my Master," she said. "Find him and fuck his brains out for me. And make sure to swallow." | literotica |
Title: Autumn Woods - Chapter Ten by WhitePawPrints
Tags: Massage, Nude, Otter, Story Progression, Story Series
Near two in the afternoon, Cloud woke up. During Cloud's nap, Rye read about two hundred pages in the book but he set it down quickly and went over to Cloud.
"How are you feeling?" Rye asked, kneeling down to Cloud once again.
"Sore," Cloud answered with a groan while he sat up. "Not depleted anymore but my muscles are really aching. My back aches horribly." The blanket fell off Cloud's shoulders but he made no effort to conceal his nudity. "What time is it?"
"Almost two-thirty," Rye answered, sitting on the couch next to Cloud. "You should sleep more."
"No," Cloud said being stubborn. "It was hard enough for me to fall asleep just now. I'm not going to try again."
"I don't like seeing you like this."
"I'm fine. I've had worst." Cloud put his paws over his head and stretched his back, causing every muscle to ache more.
"Like what?"
"I once got really ill when I was about thirteen," Cloud answered resting his head back. "I was a breath away from death at the worst of it. I'm a strong otter, don't worry about me."
Rye shuddered. "Thinking about not having you . . . is just unbearable. Lie down, I can give you a back rub if you'd like."
"You can give massages too? You are just too wonderful." Cloud chuckled and lied down in the same position he just was. Rye stood up, and when Cloud was comfortable on the couch, Rye carefully saddled Cloud's lower back, sitting just above his tail.
Struggling to ignore the fact that Cloud was still without clothes, Rye slowly pressed on Cloud's back and began massaging the white otter's muscles with his paws. Cloud hummed deep in his throat, which almost made it sound like he was purring, in response to Rye's touch.
"I'm curious, whatever happened with the rest of your family?" Rye cautiously asked.
"Hmm," Cloud sighed. "My older sister keeps moving from one bad boyfriend to the next. She thinks she's so intelligent because she got good grades in high school but she makes the stupidest decisions. My oldest brother, well, he still lives with my mom, has no job and has one stupid girlfriend."
"Excellent choices in their mates apparently," Rye muttered, moving his paws down Cloud's back.
"They're actually the only two with a 'significant other' right now," Cloud continued. "My other older brother still pretends to live in high school. He didn't ever graduate and he messes around too much where he's constantly getting in trouble. And for my little sister, she's still attached to my mom like a new born hatchling. My older three siblings aren't the best role models."
"No, not at all," Rye agreed. "What of your dad?"
"I haven't talked to him in years before I left. Last I heard he moved to the mountains somewhere searching for whatever job he can get. My family really brings disgrace to the species. I did what I had to when I cut off my ties with them and went on my own. I'm very grateful for this city though, and allowing me to work for shelter when I arrived rather than stupid and ridiculous legal processes and distrust stand in the way."
"I'm rather grateful that you chose this city," Rye added.
"What of your sister?" Cloud asked, after a moan of pleasure when Rye's paws firmly massaged his lower back.
"I thought I already told you that she's off at college," said Rye with a giggle.
"I know but what is she majoring in? Is she dating anyone?"
"Why? Are you interested in my sister?"
Both of them laughed. Rye moved back to Cloud's shoulders with his paws.
"Well, not many guys can keep up with her obnoxious attitude so she's not dating anyone right now," Rye said. "Although she'll probably flirt with you if you are to meet her anytime soon."
"Great," Cloud replied with sarcasm.
"So be prepared for that," Rye giggled. "And well, she keeps switching her majors so I don't know what she's doing right now. Last I heard, she's majoring in becoming a computer technician. I don't understand it though since she hates computers."
"I really want to meet your family," Cloud said. "Ooh, your paws are magic."
"It can be arranged," Rye answered. "My mom and dad will be visiting my sister when she has Spring Break, and we can take a vacation to her college then."
"When does she have Spring Break?"
"It's two weeks after our initial Break. But her Spring Break is three weeks long." Rye started to firmly press his paws on Cloud near the base of his tail.
"Hey, don't go too far down," Cloud said in response. "Anyway, we should plan on going then. I don't want to keep you away from your family for too long."
"Hmm, you can keep me away from the whole universe for as long as you'd like. But they'll be coming to my graduation so we don't need to take time off from school."
"Alright, alright. I'm fine, let me up," Cloud said shrugging his shoulders and turning to look at Rye, who was still saddled on him, the best he could.
"Nice position you put us in," Rye said with a crooked smile.
"Can I at least put clothes on Rye?"
Rye shook his head.
"So then now what?" Cloud couldn't help himself but smile also while he felt electricity flow through his body. "Remember the nurse's advice."
"I know," Rye feigned a frown. "I'm just playing. Although it really would be a shame if you were to put your clothes back on." Rye stood up and got off Cloud.
"I don't think you need any more temptation anyway," said Cloud while he sat up. "I feel much better though. Thank you."
"Ask of me anything you want and I'll serve you the best I can," Rye answered with an amused tone. Rye sat down next to Cloud, and playfully forced his tail behind Cloud and alongside with Cloud's tail. "So what do you want to do now?" Rye curled his tail back toward him, so it now wrapped around Cloud's waist.
"Since you're so determined to not allow me to get dressed, let's play a game," Cloud snickered. "What were you reading by the way?"
"One of my old books," answered Rye while he chose a game to play. "I used to read a lot before I met you and I could find nothing else better to use my time. But now I don't want to read so much because I have you."
"Sounds like how I am when I pick up a book," Cloud responded, almost stunned. "What game did you choose?"
"Super Smash Brother Brawl," Rye responded. A moment after Rye gave the white otter one of the controllers, the doorbell rang.
Answering the door, after Cloud wrapped himself with the blanket, Rye found Ariel there once again, without Patrick this time.
"I heard what happened," she said allowing herself in. "Are you alright Cloud?"
"I'm fine," Cloud answered, allowing Ariel to set next to him.
Rye shut the door and followed Ariel to the couch. "Why is it every time we start playing a video game, you arrive?"
"Coincidence," Ariel said firmly.
"Where's Patrick?" Rye asked. "And how did you know Cloud got hurt today?"
"There are stallions that are friends with Diane in your class," Ariel answered. "They made jokes and made fun of Cloud during lunch. It angers me so much to see that they still don't respect the both of you."
"It's alright," Cloud said. "Bullying is often the result of jealousy."
Ariel gave a weak smile.
"Where's Patrick?" Rye repeated his question.
"I don't know," Ariel replied. "He just told me to come here and check on Cloud. He said he'd pick me up here."
"What were the things they were saying?" Rye sat on the couch next to Cloud while Ariel took a seat on the recliner. She took the liberty of grabbing an extra Wii remote for herself.
"I don't want to say. It's far too harsh for me to repeat what they said, and it got really personal towards both of you, Cloud mostly."
"I hope one of them gains enough confidence to try to confront Cloud in person," Rye muttered. "If they did, I'd make sure that they wouldn't walk again."
"It'd definitely shut up the rest of them," Ariel responded.
"Will you both stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Cloud said and chuckled softly. "You two think too much about everything. Let's just play the game."
"Okay, okay," Rye agreed. | FSE |
(F Inflation)
Sally grinned to herself as she returned home from work. Her potions were finally done! Creation of any sort of magic potion took quite some time, because most of the ingredients were not inherently magic... so you needed to slowly saturate them with mana over time. The material shaped the mana, the mana powered the effects, the effects contribute to the final potion result. One potion was only tinged slightly light blue, the other was a much more vibrant pink. The two potions were opposing forces, but Sally theorized they were just what she needed to unwind. She didn't need a boyfriend- no one knew her body better than herself! In one hand she held the pink potion that greatly enhanced orgasms, in the other hand the transparent blue potion of chastity. Normally the blue potion prevented orgasm to allow a person to remain chaste even if their will fails... which seemed rather counter intuitive given the other potion she planned to drink. Sally did her best to keep the potency of the two equal- what she planned would happen is a forced edging effect. The chastity potion would keep her from going over, while the orgasm potion helped build her up and keep her at the edge. They were both higher concentration than the recommended ammounts, but she figued the blue potion would keep her from absolutely exploding, and the pink potion would prevent the blue from completely preventing orgasm.
Between her eagerness to test these together, and the fact her clothes were already sweaty and needed cleaning- she did not even bother to undress before gulping down the entire potions and plopping down on her soft carpet between couch and living room table. Her job was not physically hard, but she had to do it out in the beating sun all day, so it was draining, and always left her sweaty. She slid one hand up her shirt to grab her sweat slick tits, and the other immediately went to her pussy which was already heating up from the potion's effects. Her pussy was bare under her clothing- with how hot her job got she kept herself clean shaven just so there was less hair to overheat her. The men she worked with had to keep at least their faces clean shaven too, to avoid catching live embers in their facial hair... which would get real bad, real quick. Sally smirked as she imagined her male coworkers in sexually compromising positions. She did not particularly think of any of them as attractive, but that was partially why she was aroused at the thought of them being rendered helpless under, oh say, a spike heeled leather boot she may or may not own. As Sally pawed at her searing hot pussy, it started to drool with arousal- a clear effect of the potion. Because it coats the insides, female lube is less noticible than male because it has much more area to cover before getting to open air, so it usually takes a lot to start literally dripping. She usually only used two fingers, but now she tried all of them- not so much to stretch herself wider but to try to get any of those fingers deeper. Her clit throbbed against her palm as her hand hooked around and into her, trying to dig deeper. Her pussy was as hot as the beating sun at work! Her other hand squeezed her ample breasts hard, digging into that flesh aggressively too. Her body bucked a bit from what felt like hitting the edge of orgasm but it only lasted a second, sending echoes of pleasure trembling through her entire body before returning to just before. She angled her hand and body to be more up and down and sat on her wrist, forcing as much of her hand into her as possible, sinking down to her on wrist so her entire hand was inside of her hot, wet snatch. The crotch of her pants and her panties within were utterly soaked at this point, but the outfit was filthy to begin with so she did not care.
Her entire hip area felt like it was pulsing every full second- the muscles started to tense from approaching orgasm but then revert as the two potions played tug of war with one another. She started to work herself over faster, bouncing on her hand so her clit landed in the crook of her wrist, slamming them together. Her breasts were bright pink under her top from her aggressive kneading. She started to moan in desperation as sharp pleasure jolts started to fire through her off-rhythm from the muscle pulses as her body tried to release. She bucked her hips now, grinding her clit on her lower arm and wrist as well with every downward slam. Finally her entire body went rigid with pleasure and her muscles all clenched automatically, but she never orgasmed. The pleasure was certainly there, she made it there, but there was no big release. When her body started to relax again, Sally caught her breath. She pulled her pants and panties right down to look at herself a moment. It was an orgasm with no release. Her pussy was still hot and drooling. It looked severely sensative now, and bloated. Her lips had become fatter than she had ever seen them and blushed bright pink. She figured the orgasm potion would somewhat negate the chastity potion, but it seems both were still holding their individual effects in spite of the other. Well, she couldn't continue here or the carpet would get drenched so Sally went to the bathroom and finally kicked off her sodden clothes. She started a cool bath and resumed pawing at her needy crotch while she waited for the tub to fill. Her swollen pussy felt like extremely soft rubber. She could flick the fat lips and they bounced back into place. The flesh of a pussy was always like that, but normally it wasn't bloated up enough to really notice. Sally's clit was actually a bit harder to hit now, because it was sunken in deeper thanks to everything around it being more inflated. She intended to cool herself down and call this experiment a bit of a bust, since she couldn't completely finish herself off, but standing here touching herself felt so good, she decided to give it one more go. She grabbed the shower head and stuffed the rounded head into her pussy. In its swollen state it certainly did not look like it would fit, but the flesh was pillowy and plush so it stretched aside easily to allow the shower head in. Because she was already rubbed sensitive, she was able to build up to orgasm much faster- being penetrated helped too. She was so into it as she sat on the edge of the tub, she not only completely forgot the filling bath but did not notice the cool water rushing around her as it overfilled and started to cover the floor. She trembled violently as she reached another orgasm, and almost fell backward into the water! Her pussy throbbed and clenched extremely tight! Several seconds passed as her hips continued to buck and the throbbing only got stronger. As good as it felt Sally got worried when it wasn't showing any signs of stopping. She realised she still wasn't getting any release, but because the shower head was still inside of her, she wasn't coming back down from the edge either! She quickly grabbed at the hose leading to it and went to pull it out and yanked herself off the edge of the tub onto the wet floor! She looked down in her desperate pleasure addled haze and seen her pussy pressing out WAY farther than it should! Her labia were inflated like water balloons to the point where the shower head no longer fit to get it back out! Her lower gut even stuck out a little bit, and her thighs looked bigger too? That wasn't right. It didn't matter how aroused she was, her legs shouldn't change, ever. Growling in effort she grabbed the hose with both hands, bent her hips forward with what little muscle control she still had in her lower body and yanked as hard as she could. The slope of the shower head was gradual, so it should still come out. It took some effort but she managed to finally yank it free. Moments later she finally noticed the pool of cool water she was sitting in and turned around to turn off the faucet.
Sally looked down at herself and her pubic mound was so pronouced it looked like she shoved a soccer ball in herself, yet there was nothing in her at the moment. Her pussy was giant! It was like she used a saline injection and a pussy pump at the same time. She touched herself only lightly and immediately shivered at the feeling. The nerves were stretched so far. It really was like a water balloon, it was soft and wobbly but still taught. Her clit was swollen huge too, but not nearly as much as everything else, absolutely burrying it in there. The problem with that was now if any of the flesh around her clit moved, it rubbed all over the clit itself. Why had the area around her pussy grown a little too, though? She slowly eased herself onto her feet. She needed to consult her magic books again, see if she could look this up as a possible side effect, because this was a little baffling.
The moment Sally took a step forward she almost fell to the floor again. Ooooh god, was it ever sensative! Her pussy was so inflated and sensative that she almost had a mini orgasm as both her legs rubbed against it. She couldn't walk properly with it like this! But she needed to look up reversal remidies! If both potions were still in effect, this wasn't going away on its own. She walked slowly, shivering in pleasure with each step. Every few steps she had a mini orgasm and had to stop and brace herself against the wall. And with every mini orgasm her lower gut started to swell out a bit, and her thighs thickened. By the time she got to the kitchen where the potion station was set up with her books on the counter, her entire belly was puffing out a bit, and her nipples and areola were now looking swollen out for some reason! She staggered to the island counter in a final burst of speed, counting on it to brace herself against. The pleasure surge was great though, and caused her to buck involuntarily which then mashed her huge swollen mound right into the corner of the counter! She slid to the floor immediately in huge shaking orgasm and could visibly see herself blowing up! Her thighs swelled and softened and her stomach started to push out making her look like she was in early pregnancy! Her boobs started to swell a bit larger as well as her ass! Sally touched herself, poking gently at the swollen areas that were not her pussy. They felt softer than they should, but taught and a bit jiggly as well. Her eyes went wide as she realized finally what was happening! The chastity potion was preventing release, but the orgasm potion was causing her extreme pleasure, and her pussy to produce impossible ammounts of female ejaculate. Her body couldn't release the produced fluid because of the blue potion, causing her to inflate with her own pussy juice! It felt like a water balloon because it almost literally was! Her boobs were not even remotely connected to her crotch, but were pleasure centers. The fact that the magic was able to reroute excess fluid there because it was much more flexible, meant that it really was not going to stop on its own. Even if her pussy was inflated as big as it could ever possibly get even with the influence of magic- the potion was just going to find another place to stick it and keep going.
This was well beyond her ability to fix, Sally did not need to look in her magic books to know that. She needed to find her friend- she practiced much more complex stuff and might know how to fix this. Or at least know someone else who could. It was hard to move though. Even standing was difficult because her body felt so heavy! Liquid was dense and weighed a lot for its mass. Sally had two more small orgasms on the way to a new outfit, and another huge orgasm the moment she sat on the end of her bed to put it on! Her boobs inflated massively this time, presumably because her crotch was already now at maximum capacity. Her ass rounded out a lot too. If it was just that she may not have even minded- she always wanted a bigger booty. But not like this. She moaned loudly as she yanked her top on. Her fat swollen nipples against the fabric were so sensitive it nearly hurt. Her breasts were larger so a shirt that was supposed to fit her fine now revealed her midriff. She was not even going to attempt underwear at this point. She got her pants up to her upper thighs before it started to squeeze into her soft flesh. These were the loosest pants she had, from before she lost weight. They were supposed to not fit because she is too small, not too big! The round curve of her bloated labia stuck several inches out from where the pants waist could be pulled to, there was no possible way to fit in inside. All the cramming in the world could not pull that off, and trying would cause her to orgasm and grow even more swollen. She needed a sweater or a jacket! She could tie it around herself and drap it over her giant bloated pussy to hide it! It was the only thing she could think of to pull this off. She just needed to get to her friend's house, not through crowded places.
When Sally went to stand, bending forward put pressure on her gut which shifted the liquid pressure forward and into her pussy, causing it to clench and her body to shake in a small orgasm. The lips on her face started to puff up a bit now with subtle pressure too! Another area that was flexible. She started to rock back and forth, trying to use momentum to get her on her feet without moving too much. The liquid inside her rocked as well, and she could feel the waves of motion rocking against the inside of her pussy, rubbing it from the inside! She squeeked in desperation, as the momentum tossed her forward but she was hit with an orgasm so rather than roll to her feet she went completely over onto her hands and knees. Her body shook from orgasm and jiggled from liquid as it swelled bigger. Sally's eyes went wide at the sight of her hands holding her up. Her fingers looked a little puffy! Her entire body was swelling, not just the flexible areas now! She tried to get herself up onto her knees, and trembled as the sensation of liquid shifting inside of her tickled her pleasure nerves and gave her several tiny orgasms. With each jolt of pleasure she got a little bigger- her pussy gushing more hot liquid into the rest of her body. Her pants were forced lower and lower as her ballooning thighs allowed less and less to fit. By the time she got up onto her fat knees, her knees were as far as they pants could go, making them rather useless. She couldn't walk at all with pants clinging to her knees, so she had to take them off entirely. As soon as she carefully bent over to grab at them she cooed at the sensation of the liquid rolling around in her now huge breasts. Her shirt was so tight, and the boobs were so soft that they squished and spread into every available space left to them. She shuddered and fell back to her hands and knees, swelling a bit bigger. She could hear the threads of her shirt groaning, she was outgrowing any article of clothing. Sally should have known there was no way to remove the top, but couldn't think clearly enough. She tried to grab at the edges of cloth sunken into her supple flesh but jiggled in pleasure and grabbed into it hard without thinking, kneading her tit with her one free hand. Her entire body bucked with pleasure, causing huge orgasms, which caused her entire body to in surges. The shirt ripped completely off as her entire torso started to grow softer and rounder. Her ass was huge now and her stomach looked full term with multiple offspring. Even her fingers and toes swelled into fat little sausages.
Sally willed her hand off her huge tits, but the damage had already been done. She was getting so round and so, so heavy. Her arms strained to hold her up, and her muscles were weak with orgasmic tremors. She fell to the floor, literally bouncing on her huge breasts and then flopped heavily onto her side before rolling onto her back to catch her breath. What was she going to do now?! She could not even sit up, never mind walk or go anywhere to get help. Maybe if she screamed loud enough her neighbours would hear and come? She parted her lips to scream for help but then realized how swollen her lips had become. She couldn't barely get her mouth open, her lips were so plush even with her jaw open as wide as she could go, most of her lips were still touching. Sally also quickly noted her breasts were still rising. Her torso under them was still rounding! She was still having smaller orgasms over and over, they were just harder to notice now because of the giant orgasms she has been having to compare them against. The liquid! There was so much liquid mass compared to the solid parts of her body that any movement at all caused it to rock, creating small waves inside of her that massaged her insides, especially her inner pussy, which created orgasms. Orgasms created muscle spasms, which created movement that created more waves, that induced more orgasms! She literally could not stop at this point! A small orgasm was as low as her body could manage, any attempted deliberate movement created a huge orgasm. She could not even move her fingers now, they were swollen so taught they could not bend. Her limbs were stuck in a ballooning T-pose, too swollen to put down. Her entire torso started to look round! She was turning herself into a giant balloon of pussy juice! All of her orgams were backfiring into her endlessly! Her moans and grunts were reduced to humming as she could not open her mouth any more. Sally had no idea what could be done, and surely there was nothing at this point. She could not speak or move, only orgasm. Only rock in repeated orgasms against the waves of her previous orgasmic pleasures. The pink potion demanded more powerful orgasms, while the blue potion demanded she hold it all in. Her digits now looked like mere bumps on her round hands and feet. Her arms and legs larger bumps on her huge spherical torso. It felt so strange at this point. Her tissue has been bloated and rounded so far off from her orgams and skeletal structure that her body felt completely different. Sally could not even feel her insides anymore, perhaps numb from continual explosive pleasure, or perhaps they too became so saturated with pussy juice that there was no difference between them and the rest of her. Sally internally sighed, resigned to her fate of endless pleasure. Surely someone would find her eventually... right? She should just... enjoy this. But then her eyes went wide again as she heard a sound like overtaxed leather. Oh no. There was no magic effect that allowed her to stretch indefinitely. Her body was very nearly out of room, but she could not stop her orgasms! She did not look like she was getting any bigger now, but it still felt like she was. The sounds of stretching tissue got louder and move violent as the pressure started to surge. She was too full, too much pleasure! The pressure stopped rising as even it had reached the limit, instead pulsing violently every few seconds, testing for more room but finding none. She was a pussy juice balloon and... she couldn't... hold... a.. ny... BLOOSH!
There was a gigantic explosion of fluid, but none of it blood. It was only pussy juice, and nothing more. The rest of her had oddly vanished. So saturated with the fluid that the rest of her had basically dissolved, becoming just more fluid. But... why did she know that? How did she know she exploded? If she exploded she should be dead, but if she is dead how can she think at all? Sally attempted to look around and to her surprise her vision slowly faded back in. The more she concentrated on trying to see, the more she could. Her perspective was very low... on the floor? She tried to stand, and she easily lifted from the floor. She tried to lift her hand to look at herself and that was when she realized what happened. The vaginal fluid lifted off the floor taking on more and more of the shape of a human hand and arm! Her arm! Sally IS the pussy juice now! The blue potion was still working, it would not allow her to release the fluid, but there was so much fluid that she no longer had a body, so the potion was binding her essence to the fluid! She looked down at herself and tried to flex muscles that no longer existed, and those muscles formed. She moved and thought of how she used to look, and became that. She was a goo girl now! Sally's body had no set shape, she became whatever she either willed herself to be, or thought she should be. Sally smiled as she gathered up the rest of her body off the floor, making the carpet dry again. This wasn't what she had planned at all... but she liked it just as much. | yiff-extreme |
Title: How to Date a Superhero Ch. 03
Tags: superhero
Jordan Summers awoke with a stretch of her tanned limbs and slipped from bed, reaching for a robe hanging over the back of a chair. She examined herself quickly in a vanity mirror situated over a squat dresser, fussing over her tangled burgundy hair. "I need a shower," she yawned.
Jordan was not a morning person and didn't consider herself truly awake until she completed a shower and swallowed a cup of coffee.
Next to the dresser, on a wide desk, were six flat-screen computer monitors situated around a hulking keyboard. She paused at the desk out of habit, tapped on a key, and quickly scanned several windows of streaming data and video feeds; nothing unusual seemed to be happening in the city. Satisfied by what she saw, Jordan slipped the robe on and padded on bare feet out of her bedroom.
"Travis?" she was surprised to see her roommate's boyfriend squatting in front of a linin closet. He wasn't wearing anything other than a pair of boxer-briefs and a white undershirt, though a towel was draped over his shoulder. "Um, what are you doing?"
Travis slowly stood and turned. He was holding a red spandex costume draped across his hands; a Mega-Girl costume.
"Oh," Jordan saw what he was holding, her expression like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "Crap."
Travis looked down at the spandex, "I'm sorry about last week, when I blew you off."
"What?" Jordan sounded confused.
"Don't play dumb, I know you're Mega-Girl. When you came to see me last week, and we made plans to hang out, I really wanted to... I just, I think I'm in love with Penny."
"Wait," Jordan laughed. "You think *I'm* Mega-Girl?"
"Well yeah," Travis gestured with the costume. "Isn't it obvious?"
"I hate to be the one to break it to you honey, but -"
*Harbinger! Harbinger, are you there?*
The grainy-sounding voice was coming from a speaker inside Jordan's room.
"What was that?" Travis asked, startled by how loud it was.
Jordan spun and moved quickly towards her computer desk.
Travis followed, impressed by the half-dozen screens, "Wow, what the heck is all this?"
"I'm a computer-science major," Jordan replied, sitting in her swiveling desk chair. She turned to face the monitors and hit a few key strokes.
*Harbinger. Harbinger, come in.*
"Who's Harbinger?" Travis wondered in a clueless tone.
"I am," Jordan said, placing a headset over her burgundy hair. She adjusted the microphone in front of her mouth, "I'm here, MG. What's going on?"
*I'm being attacked by Apollo!*
"What?!?" Jordan's fingers began spinning a mouse-like trackball and the camera images on the monitors panned outwards.
Travis stood behind Jordan, watching the screens as he tried to figure out what was going on. He recognized Gateway City from above, but had no idea where the images could be coming from. The point of view on Jordan's computer screens was too high to be situated on any building.
*He just attacked me! He came out of nowhere.*
"Why would he do that?" Jordan asked.
*I don't know, but I've never fought a three-thousand year-old god before; I need to figure out a way to stop him. I need your help.*
Travis watched as one of the camera views zoomed in an incredible amount, showing a downtown street from a viewpoint directly above. The figures of people were small, but he recognized one of them as the world-famous Apollo! "Are these satellite images?" Travis asked, amazed that Jordan would have access to anything so high-tech.
She ignored his question. "I'll get into it right away," Jordan told Mega-Girl. "But it might take me some time. Can you hang in there?"
*I'll certainly try.*
Her fingers were suddenly dancing across the keyboard as Jordan pulled up a dozen different search windows at once. Almost immediately, newspaper articles and internet reports of Apollo's past activities, along with images of the god, filled all six monitor screens. Videos of him in action populated even more windows as Jordan continued to yank as much data as she could from the internet.
"What the hell is going on?" Travis asked, overwhelmed by the speed at which Jordan worked. "Was that Mega-Girl you were talking to?"
"Yes," she answered curtly, her attention glued to the monitors.
"But I thought you were -?"
"I don't really have time to explain it to you right now, Travis. I need to figure out how someone can defeat an ancient Roman god."
"But if you're not..." It suddenly dawned on Travis, "Wait, you mean Penny is...?"
Jordan sounded irritated. "You need to either shut-up or help me figure out a way to keep your girlfriend alive."
"Are you telling me my girlfriend is fighting Apollo right now? Holy shit!"
"Damn it, Travis, Penny is in a lot of danger right now! You need to stop asking questions and help me. Apollo is like the most powerful guy on the planet. At the very least - he's the strongest."
Travis sobered, "O-okay, um, what can I do?"
"We need to figure out if Apollo has any weaknesses."
"How are we going to do that?"
Jordan pointed at her screens, "Look for anything that stands out as something Mega-Girl could use against him. Look for common denominators - things he always does, or never does. Even the smallest detail could be a clue."
Travis began studying the videos that were playing on screen, footage of the god battling various super villains. The only thing he thought any of them had in common was how savagely Apollo fought. Travis swallowed nervously, suddenly very worried for Penny.
Apollo stood in his gleaming armor with the greenery of Byrne Park spread out around him and drew an arrow from the quiver on his back, "You have fought well, mortal. But thy days have reached their end."
Mega-Girl winced as she clutched at the arrow shaft protruding from her left shoulder. With a pain-filled scream she pulled it out, the arrowhead tearing her flesh. She didn't want another one of those arrows coming anywhere near her, realizing Apollo had found some way to bypass her normally-reliable invulnerability.
"Wait," she said, trying to buy some time for Harbinger. "Why are you trying to kill me? It doesn't make any sense."
Apollo notched his arrow, "I must prove my love to the mortal Lauren Smith, so that we may be together forever."
"How is killing me going to prove your love for some chick?"
Apollo aimed his bow, but Mega-Girl's question momentarily confused him. He loosened the bowstring.
"I don't even know this person," Mega-Girl continued, covering her wound with a palm. "Why does she want me dead?"
"It matters little," Apollo decided, raising his bow once more and drawing its string to take aim.
"Shit," Mega-Girl cursed, taking off into the air with the speed of a bullet.
Apollo fired but missed, his arrow arcing harmlessly through the air. Replacing the bow upon his back, Apollo flew after her, his speed equal to hers.
Flying straight upwards, Mega-Girl aimed for the clouds, but Apollo proved the faster. He reached and took hold of her ankle, flexing his mighty arm and hurling Mega-Girl back towards the earth. She landed with the force of a crashing meteor, a detonation of grass and dirt erupting around her petite frame. Her wounded shoulder exploded with the pain of a thousand stabbing daggers and she barely had time to cry out from the agony before Apollo was on top of her, pounding her face and body with punch after devastating punch.
Instinctively, Mega-Girl curled a leg between them and kicked with all her strength. Her foot caught Apollo in the stomach and sent him spinning through the air. He crashed into a park bench a hundred feet away, shattering it into splinters.
Crawling out of a crater of dirt and soil, Mega-Girl had trouble rising to her feet. The left sleeve of her costume was growing soaked with blood and her shoulder was throbbing in pain. Unfortunately for her Apollo wasn't done. He flew into her with the speed and power of a runaway locomotive, driving Mega-Girl through the air and slamming her back-first into a thick tree with a sharp crack. Once again the god's savage fists began raining blows, pinning her between the tree and his onslaught.
But Mega-Girl wasn't ready to give up. She shot her forehead towards the vicious god's face, head-butting him in the nose. In the moment that bought her, she lifted a hard knee into his groin causing Apollo to stumble backwards in sudden pain. And then, with every ounce of strength she could muster, Mega-Girl swung a massive haymaker punch with her one good arm.
The blow launched Apollo high into the air. He flew for hundreds of yards, disappearing from view to land behind a line of trees.
"This guy is brutal!" Travis exclaimed, watching a video of Apollo defeating The Leviathan.
"There must be something," Jordan remained optimistic. "There must be some way he can be defeated."
"It's hopeless," Travis feared. "I mean, the only thing in common I see is that he beats the crap out of everyone he fights and that all these fights take place during the day. Not very helpful."
"Oh shit," Jordan began cycling through each of the videos and photos, glancing at each one quickly. "That's it!"
"What?" Travis was confused.
"Apollo is the god of light," Jordan remarked excitedly.
"So?" Travis shrugged
"Don't you study your mythology? Apollo is the sun god. And Look! Every single time he's been captured on video battling a super villain, it was during the day."
"So?" Travis still didn't get it.
"So why doesn't he ever fight at night?" Jordan asked.
Travis' eyes widened as he finally caught up with Jordan's train of thought, "Because the night makes him weak!"
Jordan beamed a smile, "That's got to be it. You're a genius, Travis!"
Apollo re-emerged in the distance, from between the tree line, looking extremely angry. He also appeared uninjured.
"What does it take to stop this guy?" Mega-Girl muttered with a frustrated breath. With her shoulder throbbing in excruciating pain she didn't know how much longer she could hold out.
*MG! Are you there?*
Mega-Girl lifted a hand to her ear, "I hope you have something, Harbinger. I'm getting the crap kicked out of me!"
*We think we found something.*
"We?" Mega-Girl wondered, watching Apollo slowly stalk her way. "Who are you with?"
*Never mind that. Apollo is weakened by the night. His power must come from the sun, or something.*
"Are you sure?"
*Not one-hundred percent, but it's all I've got.*
"Fair enough, thanks Harbinger."
*Good luck, MG.*
Mega-Girl looked up at the sun, which was still low in the early morning sky. If she wanted to find night, she would need to go west and hope to outrun the dawn.
"Mega-Girl!" came a deep bellow, "Thy delays will not save thee. No mortal, no matter how strong, can defeat the might of Apollo!"
"If you want me," Mega-Girl yelled back, "You're going to have to catch me!"
Rising into the air, Mega-Girl burst westward like a streak of crimson. Apollo gave chase, soaring through the sky after her.
Straightening her body, Mega-Girl stretched her right fist out in front of her to cut through the air like a bullet. Though her other arm was curled at her side and throbbing with pain, she ignored the wound as much as she could and continued to accelerate, her blonde hair flapping behind her. "Let's see how fast you are, Apollo," she murmured.
A cone of air was visible to the naked eye around Mega-Girl's sleek body as she flew faster and faster. A clap of thunder erupted as she achieved supersonic speed and began moving quicker than sound. The ground beneath her was a blur, Gateway City far behind. She kept her altitude low, needing the horizon to obscure the sun. Glancing back, she saw a flying speck she assumed was Apollo. He was keeping pace, but not gaining. She pushed herself to fly even faster.
Fifteen minutes later, with Apollo still in sight, Mega-Girl flew over the Rocky Mountains. She finally slowed somewhere over western Utah, choosing a vast stretch of uninhabited flatland to stand her ground. Apollo nearly flew on, high above her landing spot, before he too slowed and swooshed a curving path back towards the heroine. He landed to a skidding halt in front of her.
"Coward!" he yelled.
Mega-Girl glanced to the east. The morning sun had yet to peek over the horizon and it was time to gamble on Harbinger's hunch. When Apollo ran towards her she stood firm, praying Harbinger would be right.
Apollo, crazed with anger and mad with his love of Rapture, punched Mega-Girl solidly across the chin.
She barely felt the blow.
"What's wrong?" Mega-Girl offered a crooked, suddenly confident smile. "Getting a little wore out?"
Apollo realized he had let his fury get the better of him; he had flown out of range from the source of his strength - the sun. His confidence waned in an instant and Apollo silently cursed his opponent for her trickery. There was only one last chance. Reaching for his bow, Apollo knew it would be his only hope of victory.
But Mega-Girl wasn't about to let him shoot her with that wicked weapon again. She grabbed him by the arm and spun, hurtling Apollo as hard as she could against a boulder protruding from the ground nearby. He smashed against the rock and crumpled to the ground. Without the sun fueling his power, Apollo's strength and invulnerability was vastly diminished.
The fight was over in an instant; Mega-Girl had defeated a god.
Even though the battle had reached its conclusion, many questions yet remained. Mega-Girl wanted to know why Apollo, a fellow hero, had attacked her. And who was Lauren Smith? The answers would need to come quickly however, before the eastern sky lit with the morning's dawn and Apollo regained his strength.
"Why did you try to kill me?" Mega-Girl demanded to know, approaching the god's prone form. "Who is this woman you were trying to prove yourself to?"
No answers came. Instead, Apollo simply vanished.
"What the -?" Mega-Girl gasped in astonishment. She felt on the ground where he was, in case the god had turned invisible, but he wasn't there.
It wasn't like when he teleported during their fight in the city - there was a bright flash of light when he did that. It was like he simply disappeared. One second Apollo was there, and an instant later he wasn't.
"MG?" Jordan adjusted the microphone on her headset, "MG, can you read me?"
Travis sat on the edge of Jordan's bed, his foot tapping nervously. It had been nearly a twenty minutes since their last contact with Mega-Girl; both he and Jordan wore concerned expressions on their faces. Neither had bothered to dress.
"Why isn't she answering?" Travis worried aloud.
"The connection is cellular," Jordan explained. "She could be in a dead spot."
"Or she could just be dead," Travis rose and began pacing.
"It'll be okay," Jordan assured him, "Your girlfriend is kind of tough."
"Yeah but Apollo is a fucking god!" Travis gestured at Jordan's computer monitors, "You saw those videos. The guy never loses! What if we were wrong? What if it was just coincidence that he was always fighting during the day?"
"No one has ever defeated Mega-Girl, okay? She's nigh-invulnerable." Jordan activated her headset and tried again, "MG? Are you there?"
"Nigh-invulnerable? What does that even mean?" Travis continued to pace, "This is seriously fucked up. I thought I was dating a normal girl. I wanted to date a normal girl. I want to graduate college, get a normal job, maybe pop out a couple of kids. I can't spend every day of my life worrying if my wife is going to be killed by a Roman god. I mean, can Penny even have kids? She's not an alien from another planet, is she?"
Jordan gave him a strange look, "No, she's from the suburbs."
*Harbinger? Harbinger, can you hear me?*
Both Jordan and Travis turned towards the speaker, excited and relieved to finally hear Mega-Girl's voice.
Jordan activated her headset, "I'm here, MG. What's your status?"
*I'm wounded, but not too bad... somewhere over Colorado at the moment. I should be home in about twenty minutes. You saved my life, Harbinger. You were right about his weakness; he was about as tough as a kitten as soon as we were out of the daylight.*
"It was actually your boyfriend who figured it out," Jordan admitted.
*Wait, he's with you?*
"Yeah. Sorry, MG. He found your stash of costumes."
*Oh god, is he pissed?*
Jordan glanced at him, "I think he's just relieved you're okay. We both are. Do you want to talk to him?"
Jordan pulled the headset off, having to untangle it from a snarl of her burgundy hair, before handing it to Travis. "Don't use any real names," she instructed, "It's a secret identity thing."
Travis looked at the headset and considered, "You know what? This is all way too crazy, I'm out of here."
"Wait," Jordan frowned as Travis turned to leave the room. "Travis...!"
Travis lifted a dismissive hand, "Just tell her I'm glad she's okay, but I can't be with someone who lies to me all the time."
Jordan winced as Travis slammed her bedroom door shut.
Apollo awoke to the feeling of sunlight warming his beardless face, opening his eyes to strange surroundings. He was in a bed, dressed in a simple tunic and loincloth, though his armors were arranged neatly upon a chair in the corner. Sliding glass doors led out to a marble patio, with mountains in the distance. The bedroom was plainly furnished but spacious, as though it was a spare for guests. Apollo wondered if he was in the home of a friend, or a foe.
Quite suddenly, a lean and handsome man with dark curly hair appeared out of nowhere beside Apollo, his arrival heralded by a barely perceptible tremor of air. He wore a pair of tan slacks, loose-fitting and made of expensive material, with a collared polo tee-shirt; Nike sneakers seemed overly casual in comparison. "Hello, brother. I see you are finally awake. The morning sun always did cure all of your ills."
Apollo exhaled a relieved breath and swung his legs over the edge of the bed to sit up. "Hermes," he greeted in a gruff voice, happy he was not in the hands of a potential enemy. "How many centuries has it been?"
"Three, I believe."
"That long?"
"I believe it was when Napoleon crowned himself Emperor," Hermes mused.
"Too long," Apollo grunted.
"Gods, what a party that was, though. Do you remember the French woman we shared that night... what was her name? She could do the most amazing things with her tongue..."
"Monique," Apollo recalled perfectly, running a hand through his long, blond hair.
Hermes laughed, "You amaze me, brother. How could you possibly remember her name after three hundred years?"
"She was the Emperor's niece," Apollo replied blandly. "Napoleon wanted me drawn and quartered for defiling her innocence out of wedlock."
Hermes chuckled, "Napoleon. What a pompous little cock that one was."
Rubbing his forehead, Apollo felt a subtle grogginess leaving his mind like fading morning dew, "Where am I? How did I get here?"
"You are in my Athens villa. I spirited you here, of course."
Apollo rose and moved to the sliding glass doors, staring at the distant mountains of Greece, "I did not know you were here, on this plane, again."
"It is a recent development," Hermes explained. "I've been monitoring a situation in Gateway City, a personal matter, and it was there that I chanced upon my mighty brother engaged in fisticuffs with one of the many costumed heroes of that city. Curious of your activities, I followed your chase of the mortal girl until she bested you."
Apollo turned a dangerous look over his shoulder, "She tricked me."
Hermes didn't argue, "Was she the one who spelled you?"
Apollo's face twisted, "What!?"
"After you fell to the mortal girl, I brought you here. Don't worry - I was moving quite quickly. I am sure to her eyes it seemed you simply vanished. But I sensed a taint around your mind, a dark influence if you will - no doubt it was sorcerous."
Apollo appeared mildly alarmed, as though wary of magic.
"Do not fear; I brewed you a tonic which seems to have cleared the foulness away."
Apollo scowled as he realized the probable source, "Lauren Smith."
Hermes lifted an eyebrow, "Been lying with witches, brother?"
"It would seem so. A powerful one at that to manipulate mine actions so completely."
"So this witch was the reason for your battle with the costumed mortal?"
Apollo placed a fist in his other palm, cracking all his knuckles at once, "It must have been some manner of hex. She wanted me to kill Mega-Girl."
"Mega-Girl," Hermes repeated to see how the name tasted on his own tongue; he didn't like it. "Despite the regretful name she appeared to be quite a specimen - for a mortal. To stand equal against mighty Apollo in hand-to-hand combat is no easy feat!"
"My mind was clouded," Apollo grew defensive at the prospect of a mortal being compared as his equal.
"Still," Hermes argued, "You were not going easy on her and she survived your onslaught. In fact, she gave back - and then some! A woman like that would be fit for a god, be she mortal or not."
"As a mate?" Apollo sounded curious.
"Why not, brother? It's hard not to respect a woman of such power. Think of the demigods she would yield - they would rival Hercules himself."
Apollo's beardless expression grew contemplative.
Hermes laughed at his sibling, "Come, Apollo. We'll need to be far more drunk if we are to start contemplating mortal mates."
Jordan appeared completely helpless as she stood beside her roommate, holding a needle tied with fine thread, "You realize I'm a computer-science major, right? Not pre-med."
Penny was seated within their apartment on a dining table chair, still in her Mega-Girl costume though she had taken her mask off. Dried blood caked her left shoulder and arm around the wound she had suffered in her fight with Apollo. Jordan had been able to cut away the sleeve of Penny's costume but was hesitant to begin stitching.
"I can't go to a hospital," Penny complained. "Not without revealing my secret identity. You're all I've got. Please? I'm scared I've lost my invulnerability."
On the table nearby Jordan had arranged a plastic basin of warm water along with some small towels. She reached for one and began to dab it around Penny's wound in an attempt to clean some of the blood away, "Okay, okay. But how could Apollo have done that?"
"I have no idea," Penny winced when the cloth touched a nerve. "I don't even know why he attacked me in the first place. I never got the chance to ask before he just vanished into thin air."
"Okay, here goes..." Biting her lip, Jordan sucked in a breath and held it. Trying to keep her hand steady, she poked the needle into Penny's shoulder...
"Is it working?" Penny glanced, not feeling the expected pain.
Jordan shook her head, "It won't go through your skin."
"Push harder," Penny suggested.
"I don't want to hurt you," Jordan winced as she applied more pressure, but the only result was that the needle bent into a ninety-degree angle. "Crap, this is pointless! I'm never going to be able to push a needle through your skin."
"I'm actually kind of relieved," Penny exhaled. "I was worried Apollo had somehow found a way to negate my powers, but maybe it was the arrow that was special, or something. You know, like some godly magic?"
"Maybe," Jordan abandoned the needle on the table. "But I'm definitely not going to be able to stich you up." She pressed the damp cloth over Penny's shoulder, "Hold this over the wound, I'll see if we have any bandages in the linin closet. We'll just have to hope you're a fast healer."
Penny pressed the cloth against her shoulder, "I have no idea how fast I heal; I've never been hurt before."
"Never?" Jordan wondered as she moved towards the hallway closet. "Not even when you were a kid?"
"I've never had so much as a scratch. My mom told me that when I was really little she took me in to get my immunity shots, but the nurse couldn't pierce my skin with a needle."
Jordan laughed as she rummaged through their closet, "You never told me that. I remember you telling me your powers developed naturally, but I assumed it was when you were in high school."
Penny shook her head, "I was only five years old when I realized I was different. A ball I was playing with had rolled under my mom's car in the driveway and I lifted the front end of the car up over my head so I could reach it. It didn't seem like a big deal to me at the time, but my mom totally freaked out."
Jordan returned with a dusty first-aid kit, "So do you think you were born with your powers?"
Penny shrugged bonelessly, "I guess so."
"There are some tape-like stitches in here," Jordan discovered once she opened the plastic kit. "Let's try these, and then I'll cover it up with a bandage. Hopefully you have super-healing to go along with your super-strength."
"Okay," Penny agreed, lifting the cloth and glancing at her arm.
"Have you figured out what you're going to say to Travis?" Jordan asked as she set to work on Penny's shoulder. "He seemed pretty pissed when he left about you lying to him."
"I didn't lie to him," Penny sounded like she was trying to convince herself. "I just didn't tell him I was Mega-Girl."
"I'm not sure he sees it that way," Jordan remarked. "You better think of something good to say, because he seems like a really great guy. He's irresistibly cute, and totally sweet - in a naïve kind of way."
"I know," Penny sighed. "I have no idea what I'm going to tell him."
*"What do you mean it's over already?"* Travis' sister sounded disappointed. *"I didn't even get a chance to meet her."*
"She lied to me," Travis said, putting his cell phone on speaker mode so he could type and talk at the same time. Travis had a history paper due and was busy writing when his older sister Janice had called.
*"What did she lie to you about?"* Janice's distorted voice asked. *"Was it about how many boyfriends she's had in the past? Because girls always lie about that stuff."*
"No," Travis sighed, not wanting to talk about Penny. He wanted to bury himself in school work and not think about girls or superheroes. But Janice wanted to know about his new girlfriend and Travis knew how persistent his sister could be, "It wasn't anything like that. Look, Jan, I can't really talk about it, okay?"
*"What do you mean you can't talk about it? What the big secret?"*
Thankfully a knock sounded on Travis' dorm room door saving him from trying to explain that the girl he had been dating was secretly a superhero, "Someone's here, I'll have to call you back."
*"Travis! Don't you dare hang up on -"*
Swiping his finger across the phone, Travis ended the call and rose to answer the door.
"Hi," Penny attempted a hopeful smile, standing in the hallway.
"Hello Penny," Travis greeted dryly. "Or should I say Meg-"
Penny quickly covered his mouth with a palm and prodded Travis backwards into his room, "Shush!"
Travis pushed her wrist away, "What? It's true, isn't it? You're Mega-Girl?"
Penny quickly closed the door to prevent anyone walking through the dorm hallway from overhearing, "Please, Travis. My secret identity is really important to me! It protects me and the people I care about."
"I don't even know which is which!" Travis exclaimed, clearly upset. "I mean, which one is the real you? Are you Penny? Are you Mega-Girl? Or are they both masks?"
"Both," she admitted, having decided that she needed to be completely honest with Travis.
"What does that even mean?" Travis lifted both of his palms, gesturing in exasperation. "You know what? I don't even care. I think you should go."
"I'll explain everything," Penny assured him. "Just... why don't you sit down, okay?"
Travis eyed her dubiously.
"Please, Travis. Let me explain. I'll be completely honest with you and I swear I'll never lie to you again. Afterwards, if you want me to leave I will."
Travis exhaled a heavy breath and glanced at his loveseat. Curiosity got the best of his anger and he moved to sit.
"My name is Penelope Swann, that's who I am. It's the name my mother gave me when I was born. Mega-Girl is the identity I created after graduating from high school so that I could use my powers without anyone knowing it was me. I didn't want my friends and family hounded by the press, or targeted by super-powered criminals. But I have two masks, Travis, just like you said, because even when I'm Penny I have to pretend I'm someone I'm not. I can't talk like I do when I'm Mega-Girl. I can't wear my hair the same way. I can't show my body. Do you understand?"
Lifting her right hand, Penny removed a platinum-colored ring from her middle finger. Travis grew wide-eyed when the air suddenly began to shimmer and distort around her form. Penny's hair color changed from dark to blonde; her skin tone was no longer pale, transforming instead into a golden tan; her eyes shifted from a green hue to an icy blue.
"This ring is an image-transducer," Penny set the ring down on Travis' dresser. "It surrounds my body with a very thin spectrographic ionization field."
"Huh?" Travis didn't understand a word.
"It changes the way light reflects off my body," she explained more simply. "It makes my skin look paler and my hair darker, so people can't see any similarities between me and Mega-Girl." Penny removed her glasses and set them beside the ring.
Travis watched as Penny unzipped her hoody and then proceeded to unbutton her jeans, "What are you doing?"
Struggling to take her tee-shirt off because of her wounded shoulder, Penny proceeded to discard all of her clothes and stand naked before Travis. Only her bandaged shoulder remained covered. "This is me," she told him. "This is what I really look like. No image inducers. No costumes. No masks. This is as honest as I can be, Travis."
Travis saw that she still looked like Penny, but with blonde hair, blue eyes, and perfectly tanned skin. Her naked form was petite, toned, and unbelievably sexy. But as good as she looked, it was strange for Travis to see.
"Why did you lie to me?" he asked. "Why did you make me think you were two different girls when we first met? I felt like I had to choose between Mega-Girl and Penny when really I was choosing between the same girl!"
"After saving you from that car accident I recognized you from our Chemistry class. You were kind of shy and totally sweet the way you asked me out for coffee. I wanted to go out with you, but I was scared you were only attracted to the costume. I wanted you to like me, to actually like *me*, so I decided to approach you that day in the Quad. I thought if you choose me as Penny over me as Mega-Girl, I'd know you actually liked me instead of just being enamored with the fame and glitz associated with Mega-Girl."
"But the truth is: Penny is just as much of a mask as mega-Girl," Travis frowned. "And I don't like being manipulated. I want you to leave."
Penny looked shattered, "But Travis, wait -"
"No," he shook his head. "I chose Penny because I don't want to date a superhero. I want a normal life! Your life is too crazy for me. You get into fist-fights with gods and giant robots. I don't want to be a part of that, I can't."
Penny had expected Travis to forgive her. She had assumed he would still want to be with her and that they would kiss and make love and live happily ever after. His rejection stung her deeply. Penny was suddenly very self-conscious of her nudity and began to quickly gather her clothes, "I-I'm sorry, Travis. I'll go. But please don't tell anyone - please keep my secret?"
Travis rose from the couch and turned his back as Penny hastily dressed herself, "I won't tell anyone. In fact, I'm going to do my best to forget all about you."
"Don't say that," Penny said with a quiver to her voice. "I thought we had something, Travis. I care about you, a lot, and I thought you felt the same."
"I did," Travis said, unable to turn and face her. He was afraid if he looked at her he'd give in to those feelings, "I do... but I can't anymore. I can't date a superhero, Penny. I don't even want to know how. Maybe if you weren't Mega-Girl anymore..."
Slipping her ring back on the air shimmered briefly around Penny's form once again. Her hair grew dark and her skin grew pale. She slipped her clunky glasses on and moved towards the door, "I can't stop being Mega-Girl, Travis. I was born with these powers. In a way, I've been Mega-Girl my whole life. Sometimes I think I'm more myself with the mask and costume than when I'm just trying to be Penny."
"That's kind of sad," Travis glanced at her as she walked towards the door.
Penny shrugged, trying to keep herself from crying, "Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I do need a guy who wants the costume. I-I'm sorry, Travis. I guess I'll see you around."
A bright flash of light heralded Apollo's return to his Gateway City condominium, his brother beside him. Both men were clad in modern clothing, expensive and casual, though Apollo held his armor and weapons in a large sack beside him.
Hermes disappeared but reappeared a moment later, moving too fast for Apollo's eye to follow. "No one is here," he reported, having searched the apartment in approximately a tenth of a second.
Apollo nodded as though accustomed to, if not entirely comfortable with, his brother's speed, "I suspected as much. No reason for the sorceress to linger."
"She'll be difficult to find," Hermes commented, strolling toward the open kitchen area at a normal speed. "The mortals number in the billions, and your sorceress could be anywhere."
"Aye," Apollo conceded, depositing his satchel near the empty armor mannequin. "Likely she has learned Mega-Girl yet lives and rightly assumes the spell over me has been broken. No doubt she had fled to some dark corner to avoid my wrath."
Hermes opened the refrigerator door, bending at the waste to examine its contents. "I am only a humble messenger," he announced, finding a bottle of wine to his liking. "Tracking and hunting is your twin's arena."
"You know our sister has sworn never to return to this plane," Apollo said as Hermes located a pair of wine glasses. "Artemis despises the fact that I have chosen Earth and the mortals over Olympus and our kin. She would never aid me."
"She would if you offered her the bow," Hermes suggested. "Artemis has always been jealous that Minerva gave it to you rather than her."
Apollo shook his head as he joined his brother in the kitchen, "The joy I would feel killing Lauren Smith pales in value to a bow that can pierce any armor."
"I'm sure you're right," Hermes poured the wine. "Still, it is not her death I would be seeking if I wore your skin. I would want to know how, and why, she manipulated me into becoming her assassin. Mortals, after all, are not known for their sorcerous talents."
"Thy words carry wisdom," Apollo looked contemplative.
"What is the bow to you?" Hermes asked. "After all, you've not held it for centuries. Obviously you've survived well enough without it."
"True enough," Apollo conceded.
"Artemis can track a mote of dust across the cosmos," Hermes commented, testing the wine with a sip. "Your mysterious Lauren Smith should be easy for her to find. I could carry a message to her for you, offering the trade?"
Apollo took the other glass and swallowed much of its contents, "Perhaps. But I have business with another mortal as well, which must take priority."
"The titan?" Hermes guessed.
"Aye, Mega-Girl. And she should be much easier to find."
Jordan sat on the far side of her and Penny's L-shaped couch trying to watch her favorite soap opera. She had been addicted to the show since high school and had even scheduled her classes around it. But it was hard to pay attention when her roommate, who was sitting on the other end of the couch, kept sniffling. She finally clicked the mute button on their television remote, "Are you crying again?"
Penny was trying to read a textbook, but she was having trouble focusing and hadn't turned a page in over ten minutes. "No," she murmured, wiping a lone tear off her cheek.
"For Pete's sake," Jordan rolled her eyes. "It's been over a week since Travis dumped you. I get that it sucks, but you should be past the water-works. He's just a guy, there will be others."
Penny sighed and snapped her book shut, "It's more than that, it's what Travis made me realize. I'm a girl with two identities, and both of them have masks. I'm so worried all the time that someone is going to discover my secret that I feel like I have to constantly hide."
"Well," Jordan considered. "Which identity are you more comfortable in? Which is more 'you'?"
"The costume," Penny replied meekly, ashamed of her own answer.
"So go put it on," Jordan suggested. "You haven't been on patrol since your fight with Apollo. It'd probably do you some good to get out and fly. Besides, your shoulder has healed perfectly."
The idea made some sense to Penny. Jordan was right about her shoulder; her body had healed within a couple of days, so thoroughly that not even a scar remained to mark where Apollo's arrow had pierced her flesh. Perhaps it was time to get back into the routine of her life prior to Travis, Penny thought.
Only minutes later Mega-Girl was garbed in her red one-piece costume and soaring over the skyscrapers of Gateway City. It felt good to get out of her apartment and fly again, to feel the warm late-summer sun on her back. Thoughts of Travis slowly drifted away as she flew over the city. There was little she could do to change Travis' mind regardless, she understood. Travis didn't want a superhero for a girlfriend and Penny couldn't change who or what she was. If she was being honest with herself Penny felt more alive, more like 'herself', when in costume. As Penny she felt forced to be reserved and closeted, but as Mega-Girl she felt free.
Curling her flight around the Keppler skyscraper, a flash of movement distracted Mega-Girl from her thoughts. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Apollo! He was flying after her, coming from the direction of a balcony in the Keppler Building. Once again dressed in his gleaming ancient armor, Mega-Girl feared the god was seeking another fight. She spun in the air to face him, her hands balling into fists, and hovered in the face of Apollo's approach.
But he too stopped short, hovering a short distance away. "Mega-Girl," he spoke, his deep baritone voice carrying no sign of animosity, "I would have words with thee."
Mega-Girl's eyes narrowed cautiously through her mask, "Just words? No fists this time?"
"I apologize for our previous encounter. I was not myself; my mind was addled by a foul sorceress. I mean thee no harm. Quite the opposite, in truth."
Mega-Girl remained wary, but she was also curious, "All right, where do you want to talk?"
"This way," he gestured, returning his flight towards his condominium within the Keppler building.
Mega-Girl briefly wondered if Apollo could possibly be setting a trap for her but followed him towards the balcony regardless; she suspected Apollo wasn't the crafty type. He seemed more like a man who confronted his problems head-on rather than deal in traps or trickery.
"Please," Apollo invited her into his home after the two had landed on his balcony.
"Nice place," she remarked, noting the tastefully decorated and spacious apartment.
Apollo removed his mohawk helm, letting blond hair tumble to his shoulders. "Let us dispense with any pleasantries. No doubt you have many questions for me."
"Just a few," Mega-Girl said, maintaining a safe distance from him. "Why did you attack me last week?"
"I told you. I was ensorcelled."
"What does that even mean? Are you talking about magic?"
"Aye," Apollo set his helmet down on a large dining table, "Or some manner of power. The variety of mortals such as thyself, all with strange abilities, are too numerous to count. Pure magic is rare on this plane, but mortal adepts are not unheard of."
"You mentioned a woman, Lauren Smith, is she the one who put the zap on your head?"
"Would you care for a drink?" Apollo asked, temporarily ignoring Mega-Girl's query.
"No," she replied curtly, "Answer my question."
"Aye, Lauren Smith. But before you ask I know not who she is or what motivates her. It is humbling to admit, but the witch made me a dupe in her plan to kill you."
"Why would this woman want to kill me?" Mega-Girl asked, confused. "I've never even heard of her."
Apollo lifted a shoulder, wandering towards his kitchen, "I need some wine."
"What about that bow?" Mega-Girl followed after him, intent on more answers.
"The bow is mine," Apollo admitted, perusing a rack of wine bottles near his fridge. "But have no fear, mortal, I will not take aim upon thee again."
"How did it hurt me?" Mega-Girl wondered, "Nothing's ever hurt me like that."
Apollo selected a green bottle without a label and pulled its cork out with his teeth, "My father magicked it to pierce any armor, any flesh."
"That's pretty convenient," she commented dryly, "What does your father have against me?"
Apollo chuckled as he poured a glass, "The bow was made over two millennia ago, long before you were born."
Mega-Girl folded her arms across her chest, "All right, I'm convinced you don't want to kill me anymore. I just have one other question. Where can I find this Lauren Smith bitch so I can convince her to stop tricking gods into killing me?"
"I know not where she is," Apollo stated, pausing to take a swallow of wine. "But I can aid thee in locating her."
"How are you going to do that?" Mega-Girl sounded skeptical.
"Not myself, but mine sister. We'll need to travel to Olympus and convince her to aid us."
Mega-Girl laughed at the absurdity, "You think she's on a mountain in Greece?"
Apollo chuckled, "Nay, not Greece..."
"He wants to take you where?" Jordan wondered with an incredulous gasp, watching her roommate stuff a toothbrush into a duffle bag.
"Olympus," Penny said; the two roommates were within Penny's mess of a room as she tried to decide what to pack, "I guess it's where he's originally from - his home town, or something."
Jordan was having trouble wrapping her head around what Penny had said regarding her conversation with Apollo, "And it's in another dimension?"
"That's what he said."
"And you believed him?"
Penny glanced at her, "Why shouldn't I? He's a god, right? They must come from somewhere."
"Jesus, Penny. Do you have any idea how crazy this all sounds? We don't even know if Apollo is actually a god at all. I mean, he could be a lunatic full of shit who simply tells everyone he's a god. That doesn't mean it's true!"
Penny shrugged bonelessly, "He says his sister is there and that she can find this Lauren Smith chick who somehow has the power to control people's minds and wants me dead. If there's a chance Apollo is telling the truth I owe it to myself to try and figure out where to find her." Looking towards her closet she asked, "What do you suppose people wear in Olympus?"
Jordan threw her hands up helplessly, "How the hell would I know? Do I look like I've visited other dimensions, before?"
"I guess I'll just pack a couple of extra costumes," Penny decided, "If they all dress like Apollo I shouldn't stand out too much."
"You do realize that if Apollo is telling the truth, and that's a big 'if', you'll be on your own? I'm handy with computers and electronics but I'm pretty sure no one has invented a cell phone that can call another dimension."
"I'll be fine," Penny assured her, "Apollo apologized for attacking me and I believed him when he said he was under some kind of magic influence. I'll be perfectly safe. I'm nigh-invulnerable, remember? Plus, I'll have an ancient god at my side to protect me."
"I'm not suggesting you need a bodyguard," Jordan conceded, "But what if you get trapped in this other dimension and can't get back?"
"What if I don't go?" Penny proposed, folding one of her spare costumes, "What if this crazy sorceress lady succeeds in killing me because I just ignored the situation?"
"We could try finding her? I could do a full search on the name Lauren Smith; I even have a few backdoor options for government databases I could try. I'm sure it's not her real name but maybe it's a common alias and I could get some red flag hits -"
"I want to go," Penny interrupted, "Since putting on the costume I've seen and done some pretty amazing things, but this is on a whole new level. Traveling to another dimension? Meeting actual gods? I can't turn down an adventure like that."
Jordan frowned and sat on the edge of Penny's disheveled bed.
"What?" Penny watched her.
"Nothing," Jordan sighed, "If I were in your shoes I'd probably do the same thing. Plus, Apollo is damn near the sexiest guy on Earth - literally a Greek god - and you're recently single."
Penny laughed, "I didn't know you were into the muscle-bound types."
"How long do you think you'll be gone?"
"Shouldn't take more than a day or two," Penny guessed, "At least I hope not; I can't afford to skip classes for very long without getting seriously behind."
"Just promise me you'll be careful, okay?" Jordan looked slightly concerned.
"Don't worry about me," Penny winked, "I'll bring you back a post-card." | literotica |
Title: Effervescence by Damikun
Tags: Anal, Canine, M/M, Mind Control, Oral, Reptile, Wet
It was weird; the dalmatian behind the counter had been rather insistent he add the small bottle to his order. Claimed it was the perfect scent for him, matched his bodychemistry or something. He had even gone so far as to give it to him for free.
Sarovak just couldn't shake the weird feeling about the bottle though, even as he lie in his bed and stare at the multifaceted bottle as light filtered through it... It was almost hypnotic to watch the light dancing along it. The other stuff from the store; Namely an antique clock, two old pictures, and an old worn leather strap, which he thought would look nice around his arm, were lying on the table.
"What the hell... He said it'd be perfect for me, right?" He said with a laugh, sitting up and grabbing the bottle. Sniffing the nozzle experimentally, he was pretty sure that it was nothing but water... But he sprayed some on his chest anyways, and got up to get ready for the club.
What he didn't hear, was the door to his apartment opening slowly, or the footsteps inside. He was too busy in the bathroom, having stripped down to his underwear, with the outfit he intended to wear next to him. Music was playing gently, distracting him from the pair of yellow eyes that stared at him from the opening of the bathroom door.
Those smooth ears twitched for a moment, and slowly he turned, just in time to come face to face with a green, scaley face, about to shout something.
But then everything went black....
"Mmmm, Wake up Sleepy puppy..." A Gentle voice whispered, but Sarovak didn't want to wake up. No matter what his dreams were, there were always those glowing yellow eyes...
"Wake up..." The voice was more insistent this time, and Sarovak begrudgingly opened his eyes... and found himself staring at those same yellow ones. He wanted to panic, he wanted to run, but for some reason, he just stared at them...
"Good puppy... Your smell... Is intoxicating" The Green scaled face said, then slowly leaned in to run his tongue along the chest... It tickled a little, and when he looked down; Sarovak was shocked to see a darker reptile down by his feet. Scales of Dark blue, this one resembled more of a snake; with a lengthy, swaying tail behind him and two sharp fangs.
"Good, the pup is awake..." Blue spoke smoothly, a voice that made Sarovak want to drift back to sleep again. But he couldn't, because as his eyes started to dip down, he realized something... Both of these Reptiles were naked... And both of them were gorgeous.
As Green slowly moved, Sarovak's nose twitched, and the scent of the room stirred him more awake. Arousal. And not his own! It was then, as the green lizard crouched near his head, that Sarovak felt a heavy shaft resting on the back of his skull.
"Who are you people...?" He said in a voice that was too weak and soft to be his own. He still had his underwear on; but outlined nicely in the thin fabric was his own arousal. When did he get so hard?
"You can call us Master..." They said in Unison, and Sarovak gently nodded. That sounded right, sounded good to think about. And as he opened his mouth to speak again, the Green lizard shifted. "Enough talk" He said simply, and a thick bead of precum would fall from what appeared to be the largest cock Sarovak had ever seen. It landed right on his nose, and his went blurry and unfocused.
Sarovak had found the greatest smell in the world; He only barely noticed the red scolding the other, drifting back to hear....
"... If he'd swallowed it this early, we wouldn't have the fun of breaking him!" Was all he came back to hear, sitting up slowly to look at the two. The Red serpentine reptile was clearly the biggest; standing a full head over the other and with much bigger muscles. Sarovak's eyes moved of their own accord, the silvery blue orbs tracing down... And as the two continued arguing, he crawled forward.
Escape; they weren't watching, the door was open... he could run away! Get away from these two. Yes, thats what he could do...
Instead, he'd crawled right to them, and softly whispered "Masters..." Before he pressed closer to the Red; and his tongue slowly ran up along his cock. It tasted better than he'd imagined possible, groaning softly With a smug look, the Green said "See? Worked out fine," which promptly got him smacked upside the head.
"Shut up and let him enjoy himself..." The red hissed out, feeling the tongue swirl around the fleshy shaft; teasing his foreskin. The Pup was rewarded with the start of a heavy flow of Precum.
Every drop that went past his lips clouded the vision of that door further and further. Three more licks, and he felt a hand on the back of his head; Unceremoniously shoving him down to force his open muzzle to take the cock.
Nothing else existed at that point, just this room, these two, and their pleasure. Unfortunately, the red proved too large; Sarovak couldn't take more than a muzzleful, gulping down precum as it flowed. Clearly displeased, the large scalie pushed him off. "Can't take me in that pretty little mouth of yours? Fine... There are other options" He hissed, and promptly tore the underwear off, making Sarovak yelp.
The sudden loss of the flavor had his brain start thinking, but it was like swimming through mud; Everything was slow, hard to understand. He was supposed to... Supposed to... What was it!
"Ssssuck..." The green hissed out, and Sarovak found his lips around another cocktip; this one more manageable in size. Yeah... That was it; He was supposed to Suck. Rolling onto his stomach slowly, he got up on his knees to start sucking on the cock. Deeper; he could take it deeper... and slowly, as his mind drifted away from his body, his throat yielded to the insistent green.
The green had help, of course; The sharp gasp Sarovak gave as a serpentine tongue pushed into his tail had opened the way, and now he was having trouble breathing. Every breath was a heady musk, aroma of sex and lust... The Red was clearly impatient; just a light coating of saliva was all Sarovak got before hands grabbed his hips. A Slight struggle started, and the Green shoved himself tot he hilt.
Heaven... Sarovak was pretty sure he'd just had his face shoved into pure bliss; tongue rolling and sucking as his stomach started to fill with copius precum.
Unfortunately that abruptly ended when the Red sought his pleasure. Thick and hard as steel, his cock was forced into Sarovak and made his mind cry out in pain. But his body just continued to suck down the sweet, addictive pre seed.
"Relax... Relax, and accept your fate..." The Red whispered in his ear as his cock spread Sarovak wider than the wolf had ever imagined possible, precum lubing the way a bit.
He did; Sarovak relaxed... And with a steady push, he found himself effectively speared on two cock sat once, lungs burning for air but the Green wouldn't relent; Ass burning for relief, but the red just ground forward. They wouldn't let him loose, They wouldn't pull back. Sarovak would have to work for their pleasure...
And he did. Clenching, he started to squirm while working to bob his head; They were Master, they deserved the pleasure and the effort. After a few awkward moments of squirming and sucking, they relented. Careful motions started to work insync with each other; While the Red pushed forward, it would slide the Green's cock deeper into his mouth, rocking the pup back and forth.
Sarovak hadn't even noticed when his first orgasm had come; but the red was smearing the seed along the wolf's chest as he started to pick up the pace, every thrust a symphony of wet slaps and slurps. Precum was soaking his thighs, leaking from his abused tail.
The Green went first; As he came, he tilted up his head and let out a low, loud hiss that rumbled in the room, followed by the first spurt. Sarovak expected to be held down; but after the first few shots went straight down his throat, The red pulled him back. A change of positions; the wolf helplessly suspended, supported by hands on his thighs and a cock in his tail, forced to bounce along the shaft as it neared its orgasm. The result was a rather effective white shower; Cum splashed and coated the wolf's face and chest, marking him so perfectly.
The Red's orgasm was much easier to detect. The cock seemed to thicken as it pulsed, and thick cream pumped deep into the ass. But there was one thing that had told Sarovak of the orgasm more than anything... Those fangs, sinking into his shoulder. With that small burst of pain; his mind was gone, the hypnotic combination of cum and venom overwhelming and erasing all that was Sarovak.
All that was left... was Pup. And Pup panted sweetly as he felt his Master pull out; felt the seed still flowing from the cock coat his back end. His green Master moved, crouching infront of him. As he was sandwiched between their chests, he felt both of those cocks pressing to his stretched, loose tail. Sarovak would've been scared; panicked... but Pup; He only moaned and tilted his head back.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something that almost seemed familiar... A faceted glass bottle, fitted with a spray nozzle on top. And a gorgeous slim dalmatian, picking it up and fading away with the rest of his memories... | FSE |
Title: Tag X by Der Schakal
Tags: Coming Out, Fox, Gay, German Language, Lion, M/M
Hi, mein Name ist Dave. Ich bin ein Löwe, 16 Jahre alt und 1.75m groß; bin aber um ehrlich zu sein ziemlich unmuskulös und drahtig gebaut, was für einen Löwen an sich ungewöhnlich ist. Doch soviel Information zu meiner Person müsste genügen und ich will mit meiner Geschichte fortfahren, der Geschichte vom Tag X...
Als ich vom Tennistraining nach Hause kam zog ich mir sofort einige frische Sachen an um gleich wieder in Richtung der Geburtstagsparty eines Klassenkameraden aufzubrechen. Joaquim feierte in einigen angemieteten Räumen des hiesigen Jugendzentrums und alle waren eingeladen. Nach und nachtrudelten an die 30-40 Leute ein. Diese nicht ganz kleine Gruppe bestand vor allem aus der geschlossen versammelten Klasse, einigen Freunden die Joaquim von irgendwo anders her kennt und einigen die einfach so kamen. Zwar nicht eingeladen aber auch nicht unerwünscht. Alles in allem wurde der Abend zu einem Gelage mit sehr schneller Tanzmusik. Gegen Mitternacht saß ich eine Weile auf einem der Sofas die überall rumstanden und ruhten meinen Kopf ein wenig von dem aufkommenden Alkohol- Schwindelgefühl. Einige Leute waren bereits gegangen da am nächsten Morgen wieder Schule war. Die übriggebliebenen saßen zusammen und unterhielten sich nur noch. Die Musik war ruhiger und leiser geworden und ich schloss meine Augen um die Stimmung die im der verrauchten Luft lag zu genießen. „Hi!" sagte da eine Stimme. „Du bist also auch noch hier." Es war Ben, ein Fuchs von meiner Größe, allerdings muskulöser gebaut. Schon lange war er der Hauptdarsteller in all meinen Traümen. „Ja, ich bin noch hier," sagte ich ein wenig verlegen „ und wie fandest du's so?" „Die Party? Bisher ganz cool. Meinst du hier geht noch was?" „Keine Ahnung, glaub aber kaum. Sind ja alle viel zu besoffen um noch mal das Tanzbein zu schwingen." „Also ich bin noch nicht besoffen. Die Leute die ausschließlich zu solchen Partys kommen um zu saufen kann ich eh nicht leiden!" Das bewunderte ich so an Ben. Er war so gnadenlos ehrlich, eine Eigenschaft die leider nur all zu selten vorkommt. „... aber das weißt du ja." „Hä? Was? Sorry, ich hab dir grad nicht zugehört" Ben hatte in der Zwischenzeit weitererzählt. „Ach ist ja auch egal. Du stehst wohl auch schon neben dir, oder?" „Hmmm," murmelte ich. Und wieder war ich abgelenkt. Mein Blick wanderte über seinen schönen Körper hinauf zu seinen noch schöneren Augen. Sie schauten so gutmütig und klar. Ich konnte nicht anders, der Augenblick schien perfekt. Ich beugte mich vor und küsste ihn auf seine warmen prallen Lippen. Die Atmosphäre änderte sich schlagartig. Ich merkte wie die Musik und alles andere um mich herum verstummte. Die anderen Gäste hatten nichts gemerkt, doch dann schaute ich in Bens Gesicht und erblickte ein Paar Augen die mich anstarrten. Kein Muskel regte sich und er starrte weiter. Seine Hand fuhr zum Mund. Ich lief knallrot an und ergriff die Flucht. Bloß weg. Doch wohin? Ich war viel zu aufgeregt um Nachzudenken. Ich rannte weiter bis ich mich nach einiger Zeit auf einer Parkbank niederließ um meine Gedanken zu sortieren. Was hatte ich mir nur bei allem gedacht? Ich wurde ganz panisch. Hatte uns doch jemand beobachtet? Wie würde Ben in Zukunft damit umgehen? Würde er mich verraten und mit anderen darüber herziehen das ich schwul war? Mein Coming-out hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt. Langsam wurden meine Gedanken klarer. Ben würde mich bestimmt nicht verraten. Dafür war er viel zu anständig. Plötzlich hörte ich Schritte auf mich zukommen. „Dave?" Es war Bens Stimme. Ich antwortete nicht. Doch Ben kam näher. „Ich hab dich gesucht." Sagte er und schwieg dann eine Weile. Ich versuchte krampfhaft die Tränen zurückzuhalten, doch es gelang mir nicht. Ben legte seine Pfote um mich und Hemmungslos weinte und schluchzte ich in sein Hemd. „Ben, scheiße man!" schließlich konnte ich doch etwas rausbekommen. Mit tränenüberströmten Gesicht sah ich an und sagte: „Das... das hab ich nicht gewollt. Aber ich will das du weißt das ich das nicht nur getan hab weil ich angetrunken war!" „Shhhh, ist doch gut" sagte er ruhig. „Du musst mir glauben, bitte verrat mich ni..." aber weiter kam ich nicht. Ben küsste mich auf meinen Mund.
Tja, das war er also, der Tag X. Und was blieb? Nun ja, ich bin immer noch mit Ben zusammen und es sind 1 1/2 Jahre vergangen. "Und...ist es liebe fürs leben?" fragt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht liebe Leser. Eine Garantie kann uns keiner geben, doch ich hab da so ein Gefühl... | FSE |
Title: An Understanding, Chapter 1 by habook2
Tags: Gay, Horse, Human, M/M, Oral, Story Series, Teenagers
An Understanding
   Will awoke on his seventeenth birthday with a lump in his throat. He knew that it was almost over, but the pain was still unbearable. There was no denying the hold she had had over him. Taking the immense effort to drag himself out of his outdated bunk beds, Will came to the conclusion that if he was going to do what he was planning to do, he'd best have a full stomach. Climbing down the stairs slowly after dressing himself, Will was greeted warmly by his younger brother.
   "Aren't you over that girl yet?" he asked. "It's been three months!"
   "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. She was stupid." The lump grew. "I'm totally over her."
      "Good. I'm sick of you moping around the house like the world is coming to an end or something."
      The world can't come to an end. It's already ended, thought Will to himself as he continued on his way to the refrigerator. He was hungry, yes, but as he examined its contents, he realized that everything in the refrigerator required chewing, and he was in no mood to chew. Deciding, therefore, on a glass of milk, Will plopped down in front of the TV to see what was going on in the world. No matter what the news was, it couldn't possibly make him feel any worse. He flipped on the set.
      ". . . and the child was returned home safely. In other news, an area man was arrested today for having sex with a horse. We'll have the detailsâ€"" Will flipped off the set. This subject really struck a nerve. It was just the mention of a horse that did it. She . . . had loved horses.
      Will sighed as he drifted to memories of times spent at her stable, watching her trot on her beautiful Appaloosa named Pablo. The stallion would prance about and she would appear to be truly, truly happy. And seeing his first love truly happy was the best feeling in the world for Will.
      The memory shifted. Will was suddenly back in the hotel room by the water park. He had been invited to spend the weekend there with his girlfriend and her family. He remembered the comment she made. It had angered him so badly, and for no real reason. He . . . lost control. Will stood, walked to her, and hit her, hard, on the right side of her face. Oh, sure, they tried to work through it, she even said that she'd forgiven him, but from that night on, their relationship had never been the same, up until she finally broke it off with him at the end of the previous school year. Now school was getting ready to resume, and he had no desire at all to see her. Not just because of the fact that the relationship had ended, but due to the shame and self-loathing that Will now felt. As far as he was concerned, his life ended that night along with his relationship, and it was now just a matter of time before he finally got his things together in order to perform the inevitable.
      Will had it all planned out. For symbolism, he was going to perform the task he had set himself at the stable where he once saw her happy and carefree. His life would end where hers found its meaning. Will smiled to himself, a luxury he rarely afforded himself. He was ready.
      The drive to the stable was uneventful. He made the 40-minute trip with no problems whatsoever, and he took this as a sign that the universe approved of what he was planning. Pulling into the stable, he took a long whiff of the smell of the horses around him. This was it.
      Will got out of the car. He took the knife that he had stolen from his mother from his back pocket. He didn't hesitate a moment. There was a sudden burning, searing pain on the left side of his chest. Will fell to his knees in agony. And the last memory he formed was of Pablo, her horse, rushing over to him, nuzzling his neck, and . . . impossibly . . . forming a tear for him.
\*Â \*Â \*
   Where was Will? He certainly wasn't in his bunk bed. The surface on which he found himself was much too hard for that.
   And the memory of what he had done came flooding back to him. Will smiled. It had been a success. But this wasn't heaven, and it certainly wasn't hell. So where was he?
   No. There was no one around. He must have just missed his target, that's all. Will looked down at his torn shirt, looked at the hole where the knife pierced him. The shirt was covered in dried blood, but there was no wound to be found underneath it. What had happened?
   "William! I know you can hear me!"
   "Whoa, who's there?" demanded Will in shock. There was no one for miles, he was sure of that. He made sure that no one was around â€" he didn't want to perform his suicide in front of an audience. He stood up, and was greeted by the long face of a horse.
   "I am Pablo."
   "Pablo's a horse. Who's playing a trick on me?" He knew it was her, trying to get back at him for what he had done for her.
   "I am equine in nature, yes."
   "Okay, I'll play along. If you're speaking, why aren't your lips moving?"
   "I am communing directly with the subconscious part of your brain."
   "Fuck this. I'm out of here." Will turned to where his car was still parked, and resigned himself to try to end his own life another day.
   "YOU CANNOT LEAVE!" The humongous horse galloped in between Will and his car and looked him straight in the eye. "Forgive me, but now that I have communicated with you, you cannot leave until you understand the implications of both of our actions."
   "Wait . . . you're really talking to me?" The horse acting on his words was very convincing, indeed.
   "Yes. We are one now. I healed you, both physically and mentally. We are now bonded."
   "Wait. Bonded?"
   "Yes. We are forever inseparable. A part of my soul now resides within you."
   "I'm like . . . a horcrux?"
   "You've read Harry Potter as well, I see," chuckled Pablo. "No, not in that crude sense. We are merely one in the same now."
   "'Merely?' That sounds a bit more than ‘merely' to me!" said Will with a chuckle, even though the thoughts going through him at the moment were far from humorous.
   "Well, if you don't want to be bonded, I could just let you die. I believe that was your intention anyway."
   "It was. But . . . " Will trailed off. He had wanted to kill himself, it was true, but now . . . now he wasn't so sure. This horse had saved his life.
   "Why did you bond with me?" asked Will, now having given up on getting to his car and sitting on a nearby log.
   "I couldn't let you die. Not with your history withâ€""
   "Okay! Okay!" Will couldn't hear her name. "But she hates me now. Wouldn't you want me to die?"
   "Not necessarily. Though she is my master, our opinions aren't always one in the same. And I've always felt kind of . . . close to you since that night in the barn."
   Will remembered that night. It was cold, wet, and storming. She hated storms, and Will was cuddling with her, the two leaning against Pablo who was lying in his stall. He thought he'd felt something from Pablo then, but was too involved in keeping her safe to notice.
   "Why wouldn't you let me ride you?" Pablo had never let Will mount him, even after the months they had been acquainted.
   "I was afraid you'd like it too much and get a horse of your own," Pablo replied simply. Will felt something else coming from Pablo now.
   "Pablo . . . I've never been able to tell you this in front of her, but I think I love you more than she does. I've craved seeing you. I . . . really do love you." Will finished lamely.
   Pablo walked slowly up to Will and nuzzled him. "I love you too, Will. But . . . if she ever finds out . . ." Will understood what he meant. She would kill the both of them if she found out Will was seeing him.
   "That's an obstacle, yes. Do you commune with her?"
   "No. You're the only human to whom I've ever spoken," said Pablo sheepishly. Will was flattered, but also puzzled.
   "Really? I love you, man!"
   And they hugged. Will's arms wrapped around Pablo's neck, Pablo wrapping himself around Will's back. Will never wanted to kill himself less than at that very moment. And there was a stirring in Pablo, a familiar feeling, not unwelcome, but interesting nonetheless.
   "Pablo? Are you . . . dropping?" asked Will, spotting the huge penis beginning to fall from its sheath.
   "I told you I love you, didn't I? I admit that I have had fantasies . . . involving the two of us . . ."
   "Me, too!" exclaimed Will. "Only I never thought it would actually happen."
   "Would you like it to happen?" Pablo asked.
   "Fuck yeah!"
   "Okay, then. Follow me."
   Pablo led Will into the barn, where he immediately stripped down to his underwear. He opened the gate to Pablo's stall, letting him enter, and couldn't help but stare at the huge horsedick now swinging between his legs.
   "Pablo? How are we going to . . ."
   "Shh. That's not for some time. For now, I just want us to pleasure each other."
   "Umm, okay!" said Will. Will approached Pablo's face, brought himself down to the big mouth, and kissed it fully, running his tongue over the horse's lips until they parted, allowing his tongue access to the caverns within. His own erection now throbbing, Will broke the kiss after what seemed an eternity and removed his boxers.
   "You're not unimpressive yourself, kiddo," said Pablo, glancing downwards.
   "Very funny, Pablo." Will's dick had never been impressive at a measly five and a half inches, but it got the job done well enough. As if to apologize, Pablo pushed Will against the wall of the stall and brought his face down to sniff Will's cock. He shuddered.
   "A nice musk you have. I like that," said Pablo, a little shakily. And Pablo took the human's penis deep into his mouth so that Will could feel his hot breath on his pubis, and Pablo started sucking. Nothing in Will's wildest dreams could have prepared him for how it felt to get a blowjob from a horse. Within seconds, Will's balls began to tighten. He said, "Pablo . . . I'm getting ready to . . ."
   "Shh. Let it happen," said Pablo without removing his mouth (one of the benefits of telepathic communication). Bobbing his head, Pablo ran his tongue up and down the shaft in his mouth as fast as he could, and he could hear Will's breath speed and eventually stop completely as a torrent of human cum came gushing out of the penis in his mouth. Spurt after spurt hit Pablo's tongue until Will was empty, gasping, and sweating.
   Without a word, Will brought up the big horse's head to his own and kissed him, hard. Their tongues meeting, Pablo deposited a hefty load of Will's own cum into his mouth, and the two spit it back and forth until there was no flavor left at all. Spotting Pablo's now-throbbing erection, Will said, "Your turn now, stallion." He dropped down between the horse's legs and took the huge meat in his hands.
   "Are you sure, Will?" asked Pablo. "You understand that when I flare . . ."
   "I know all about horse cocks, Pablo. Now let me work." Will kissed the tip of the head gently, running his fingers all the way along the shaft until he came to the enormous balls at the end, and back up again. Pablo shuddered. Without warning, Will took as much of the cock into his mouth as he could, while plunging downwards with his hands to simulate a mare's vagina as well as he could. Pablo grunted audibly. He repeated the motion several more times until Pablo told him, "Watch out! I'm flaring!" The huge head of the horse's cock expanded in Will's throat, but he didn't mind, as he saw the stallion's balls retract up into his body and knew that his prize was within sight. Will pulled his mouth off of the penis until only the humongous head remained in his mouth, and pushed his tongue hard against the very tip, sending Pablo over the edge. Blast after blast of sweet horsecum splattered Will's throat and tongue, and Pablo tried his best to thrust into Will, but Will knew what to expect and kept him under control as his orgasm finally abated. Will backed off the cock with a huge slurp and got up to kiss Pablo again, again sharing the cum between the two of them.
   "We need to do this again," gasped Pablo.
   "Only if you want, love," said Will coyly. He finally swallowed what cum he could and scritched Pablo behind the ears.
   Will now knew what he had to live for. And it was recovering from an orgasm right in front of him. | FSE |
Title: The boy with the golden core (uneditted) Chapter 3 by saintkoopa
Tags: Cub, Magic, Male, Nudity, Submission, Teen, Violence (Not In Yiff)
Chapter 3
The next morning the boys and their father were at breakfast. Most were still in their pj's with the exception of Vincent who was already dressed for school. Luhull and spent the night treating Bryce. He had magic burns all over his inside. They were not significant enough to cause damage until last night. Luhull also taught him the keys to handling his magic. Junior was going to wait until everyone left to talk to his father. Vincent left first going to walk over to Janice's house Luhull and Bryce left for their school while Jacob said he was going to walk with a friend.
"dad we need to talk"
"what about?"
"you mean what happened last night? I was going to check into it this afternoon"
"it happened before. When mom died. Luh probably didn't notice but I did"
"you were what 5 at the time? What happened? I came late"
"a hyena shot a pistol at Luh but Vincent stopped it. He was glowing when he did just like last night"
"how do you know... I shouldn't have asked someone who has a photographic memory that question"
"yes you shouldn't have but whatever. Dad the elders said something about that birth mark on his chest."
"yes I know. I been checking into it with Luh but we still have not found out everything. I still have no idea what it means or why he has it. But we did notice it sometimes glows when he uses his magic. But why do you look so concerned?"
"I um sensed someone targeting Vincent with a magic spying spell. I managed to hear a conversation between them saying 'it' has awakened. I don't know what they meant by 'it' but I am pretty sure it has something to do with what happened last night"
"I know you have extraordinary perception and extrasensory detection but how did you key in on them. None of us were able to detect them. Or any magic"
"It was faint dad very faint. I am going to pick up Vincent after school"
"Okay I have to be here to take custody of Kilec."
"oh about that, you said you had a brother who got disowned by grandpa and grandma and that he died. The way you reacted to the alpha guard's passing I would wager that he was your brother?"
"Yes he was my brother. My mom and dad disowned him when he was 15. They threw him out and never looked back. We talk about it after you get home from school which you are late for"
"Whoops. Later dad"
Jacob went back to waiting for Kilec to arrive.
Jacob got to school just in time and made his way to his locker when he saw luhull being surrounded by 4 bullies. As usual. They pushed him back into his locker as Bryce walked towards them
"fucking hybrid. I don't know why they let you disgrace our school!"
"you must be confused. My brothers are hybrids I am pure snow tiger!"
"and not a freaking slave! Well then we better teach you your place!"
The wolf punched luh in the stomach. Junior was about to go over and help when Bryce intervened
"what do you think you are doing?"
"Bryce! We are just teaching this tiger where his place is care to help us"
"I would advise you to leave him be"
"because you are punching my brother"
The hallway went silent. Bryce the most popular kid in school was defending luh the most hated.
"are you going to say something?"
The wolves noted the tone in Bryce's voice. They knew he could have them thrown out on their kiessters in an instant. They let go of luh and left.
"wow never thought the day would come when you would call me your brother"
"well I owed you for saving me. I guess I should at least respect the fact you are my brother. Come on we are late for class"
"yea lets go"
Junior just stared at the 2 walking away together. Did that really just happen?
The uneventful school day was just about to end for Vincent but something was about to change all that. He was at his locker with Janice getting his stuff ready to leave.
"Mrs. Rune really did a number on me with that pop quiz"
"Come on Janice you did not do that bad" "sure about that?"
"now..." A cheetah with black fur and orange spots appeared right behind Janice. Before anyone in the hallway could react He grabbed Janice and at great speed dashed for the door. Vincent gathered some magic in his feet and sprinted after the cheetah. They flew out of school so fast that they created a tailwind that knocked over a few students. He followed the cheetah through the streets and to a park. Once there the cheetah through Janice by a tree and then stopped ot face Vincent.
Vincent arrived ready to face the cheetah. He saw Janice knocked out from the speed they were running at. Now that Vincent thought about it they were going at speeds faster than he normally could run. And he was trying to outrun a cheetah one of the fastests runners. He knew he had a challenge on his hands but who was this guy?
"who are you?"
"I am ZK38. A member of the 4 zodiac revolutionaries!"
"never heard of them."
"because no one who hears of us lives!"
Vincent became nervous. This cheetah was going to kill him?
"why did you take my friend!"
"she was the bait to lure you out"
"yes I want your magical core! And I am going to kill you to get it!"
The cheetah gathered his magic into his paws and then swung them at Vincent. In an instant Vincent was hit with bullets made of air. He felt their impact hard but they didn't penetrate his fur.
"hmm a magic neutralization shield huh? Impressive"
"what the hell. It activated on its own?"
"no wonder the boss said to get him before he learns how to contact 'it'"
"'it'" 'do they mean that voice I heard yesterday?'
"having trouble ZK38?"
"no 47"
A Dalmatian said. Just like the cheetah his spots were inverted. He was black with white spots.
"then shall we finish this. Anti-magic squads are 20 minutes out"
"ok I will take 10 minutes to extract the core we have to defeat him in 5"
"it will take me 5 seconds" the Dalmatian gathered his magic into his paw and it coated his paw in foam. He then shot some foam at Vincent. It missed him and landed a few feet to left of Vincent. Vincent looked back at the Dalmatian who cracked a smile. The foam then expanded a bit and exploded. Sod covered a good bit of the area now and Vincent was covered in it.
'anti fire magic is Dalmatian's specialty. And speed magic is cheetahs' specialty this won't be easy'
"One move" Vincent sensed a change in the magic around the cheetah as he said that. His feet were emitting a darker kind of magic that felt cold to Vincent. Vincent then raised his magic shield but it would not form.
"what did you do to me? My shield is not working!"
"that foam is magic suppressing foam it is something I whipped up in my transformation"
"47 stop giving up information you are saying too much."
"then finish him off already"
The cheetah nodded and then charged it at great speed Vincent could not move out of the way in time as the cheetah pounced on him trying to pierce him with his claws. Vincent closed his eyes at the cheetah struck. He then realized he was not hurt. When he opened his eyes again he saw Bryce. His fur was sparking and he had a sword strapped to his back. Bryce had caught the cheetahs paw in his own.
"where did you come from?"
"I was meaning to ask you that question. What do you want with my brother!"
"Brother? 47 what is going on"
"our target is the son of a local alpha. I don't want to face the Black blood general Jacob. We better retreat"
"I won't let you get away" said junior as he came in already covered in flames. Luh was not far behind.
"no one hurts our brother and gets away with it"
"prepare to pay"
The 3 brothers gathered their magic and encased their bodies with it. They were about to attack together
"fire falcon!"
"sea serpent!"
"thunder spear"
Junior made a falcon out of fire, luh made a snake out of water and Bryce made a spear of pure lightning. They sent all their attacks towards the Dalmatian and cheetah.
The Dalmatian smiled and intercepted the attacks with 3 balls of foam. The attacks were neutralized the minute they touched the foam. The boys were stunned and tried to launch another attack. Before they could the cheetah swung his paw and sent 3 giant bullets of air towards the 3. They hit with such impact they flung the boys backwards behind Vincent.
"Luh! Junior! Bryce!"
"we better finish this up they are getting close"
"at least let me kill them so we won't have to deal with them again"
"go ahead but do it quickly"
The Dalmatian gathered his magic energy in 3 balls of pure darkness then sent them straight at the fallen boys. Vincent stood up to intercept them but fell down as the foam had drained most of his strength. He could only watch on as the balls flew past him on their way to his brothers. Just he closed his eyes fearing the worse he had a song. A song played on a grass whistle. He did not know where the song was coming from but he was feeling stronger the more he listened"
Then he got up and turned to see the balls were stopped in midair and shrinking. Something had stopped them. The song continued to play and now the grass was emitting energy. Vincent noticed all the plants were emitting energy. Then His brothers began to glow green. The wounds from the last attack were healing.
"what is he doing here?"
"I thought the 3rd zodiac was taking care of him!"
"they must have failed. We need to go. If we have to face 'him' we won't be able to escape the anti-magic squads!"
"get us out of here then"
The Dalmatian caused foam to rise out of the ground and cover him and the cheetah. Then the foam subsidized. The 2 were gone. Vincent turned back to his brothers and noticed the had a single leaf on their wounds. He looked around for the source of the song when he saw a pure green furred raccoon jump out of a tree. Vincent felt like he was emitting the essence of nature itself.
He got closer to the fallen boys and continued to play his song. Vincent just kept changing glances between him and his brothers. He then heard his father and 5 members of anti-magic squad delta arrive.
"Vincent! Are you okay?"
"I am now. Thanks to him"
"who is he?"
One of the guards instantly became annoyed and went over to the raccoon.
"this is where you ran off too?"
The raccoon ceased his song and the boys started to regain consciousness.
"I wanted to check out the area."
"I don't know how your dad got you to listen to him when you are so stubborn. Anyway suppress your powers. Jacob here will take over for you"
The raccoon nodded and then suppressed his magical powers. His fur returned back to the normal raccoon colors. Brown and black. And he had a black mask.
Jacob couldn't believe it
"nice to see you again Jacob"
"I hope the army treated you well"
"as well as they treated everyone else. I was only 3 when you brought me here. Your brother took me in."
"I am glad he did wish he had told me about you though"
"I asked him not to. I heard about what you went through I didn't want to add to things"
"well, let me introduce you to my sons. Vincent this is Kilec your cousin"
"wait he is Kilec?"
"thanks for saving me and my brothers"
"it is no problem but can we talk in private I need to tell you something"
"Kilec we all already know about 'them' just say what you have to say"
"they weren't after me. They specifically targeted Vincent. A different zodiac is after Vincent. And I know why!"
"they lured me here by capturing ... Janice! Where is she"
"over here. I am fine vin"
"thank goodness"
"Can we continue now. Kilec? Why are they after Vincent"
"same reason they were after me. Vincent has your fur changed color and you magic felt more powerful?"
"last night yes"
"You have a golden core"
"a golden what?"
"core!" luhull said rising to his feet "every person has a core. It is similar to what we refer to as a soul. Normally a core is pure white. But on some occasions it can be differently colored"
"a white magical core gives no benefits other than just using magic. But a colored core can give huge advantages. I know of 5 colors. emerald gold Ruby black and purple. I have an emerald core it gives me stronger connections to nature. I can use plant and earth magic much easier and at much stronger level than normal. A ruby core multiplies a person's magical power. Black makes it easier to use Dark magic, purple magic gives you access to poisonous magic. A golden core is by far the most versatile. It enhances all elemental and also negates other magical powers."
"my magical negation shield?"
"yes. That is part of it. These furs have found a way to extract a person's core and infuse with their own."
"But colored cores are rare. Like 1 in 4 trillion rare."
"but there are 10 furs with colored cores in the world right now. They already got 5 of them."
"who are the other 5? You know who they are?"
"well um all 5 of them are standing right here right now"
"you, and him" he told luh and then pointed to Junior
"and him" he pointed to Bryce
"wait me?"
"I have the ability to see a persons colored core. I already saw yours. Luh has a sapphire core. Junior has silver core. Bryce has a ruby core and of course Vincent has a golden one"
"but how is it possible."
"your mom never told you did she"
"your mom was a prophet if you don't remember"
"I remember I just don't talk about her much"
"well she predicted the oncoming of furs with colored cores. And it happened. 10 were born in a 5 year span. Luh being first and I was last."
"what? Mom was more concerned about Vincent not us"
"because the presence of a golden core indicates that Zryx is trying to awake"
Luh's eyes went wide and he started breathing heavy. Everyone else just stared on curiously
"Zryx?.... he... is... awakening?"
"Since you reacted the way you did I suspect you heard of him?"
"yes I was royalty in my tiger clan. I know of the story"
"who is Zryx?"
"He was... the world's strongest magic user. He was the one who started the 2000 year war"
"it was story passed down through the royalties of the clans just in case he ever resurrected"
"he ... attacked every clan by changing his ...appearance. He started the 200 year war by getting the species to attack each other. He then fed off the chaos and improved his magic. He destroyed a few species himself. To take him down.... The wolves, foxes, tigers, hyenas, coyotes and raccoons teamed up and sealed him away forever in Ember mountain."
"ember mountain? That mountain that no species go near? Not even the ferals go there!"
"yes because that is where zryx is sealed."
"The story says they found the essence of the fallen species and along with the wolves species essence they sealed him away. It caused a bit of a break in the war and the wolves then learned about alphas and how to counter magic without magic."
"we learnt that in history 101" Junior said being a bit snarky
"well did you know that all the extinct species still have a magical essence lurking. And zryx was tapping into them! He developed a type of magic called universal magic. The furs after us are trying to use that magic"
"you know a lot about them?"
"yes. Because they based in the west not the east. They are right now recruiting from the armies around the world. Including wolves. Just like you uncle, they are recruiting wolves who can use magic. And have started the anti-alpha movement"
"who are these people anyway?"
"they call themselves the Snuni zodiacs. Each zodiac consists of 12 bosses and some underlings. There are 5 zodiacs so around 60 bosses. Each boss has a artificial colored core. I don't know all the details about them though. All I know is that the 3rd zodiac was sent after me and the 4th was sent after you guys. They aren't going to stop coming after us."
"if what you say is true than I will advise everyone to return to the mansion."
"the limos are on their way already" Bryce said putting away his cell phone.
"when we get home Kilec you are going to help me deal with a few things"
"sure thing uncle"
The limos arrived a few minutes later and everyone got in and made their back to the mansion. After Kilec explained a few more things about the zodiacs that were after them. He told them how they recruited from every species and gave them the ability to use magic even if the species has no magic essence. He was about to explain how they killed his father when they arrived home as they walked in the door the conversation continued.
"So Kilec can you tell me how my brother died. His death is classified. I have been given no details"
"he did not completely die. He... was ... um captured"
"we were under attack from 10 zodiacs. They killed off all our guards but they got injured so only 2 of them were able to chase us. We tried to escape out the building. As I said they attacked our apartment complex. Dad got caught in one of their attacks and disappeared."
"then how do you know he is still alive?"
"because I made a lifeforce ring for him. It glows to indicate his lifeforce" he pulled the ring out of his pocket and showed everyone. "I already told the alpha guards about it and they have begun an investigation. It has dimmed but it has not stopped glowing. My dad is alive and my best way to get him back is to take on these zodiacs."
"but if they could get to the head of alpha guard what makes you think you are safer here"
"well you for starters. I have seen the strength of these people. They are strong. But they are afraid of a few people. The anti-magic squads for one. They try to avoid them because they can prove to me an annoyance for them. They are also afraid of the Black blood alpha"
The boys all stared at their father.
"that was what they called me when I was general in the army."
"Oh I can't wait to hear that story"
"quiet Junior! Kilec would you continue"
"well not much else to say. They said if anyone could at least stop them it is you. Also there is easier access to anti-magic squads in this area"
"well why don't you boys get acquainted before dinner. I have to address my parents who should be here in..." the door opened and in came the grandparents.
"now I guess. Boys go upstairs for now I call you once dinner is ready"
"Bryce could stay I actually enjoy his presence."
"uh. I am going to join them."
His grandfather and grandmother looked on in awe as Bryce followed the other 4 boys.
"what did you do to that boy?"
"I did nothing. Luh did"
"I should have him arrested for assaulting an alpha. No way Bryce would even think about associating with those abominations"
"well he was going to die soon. From his magic. Luh stayed up all night nursing him and treating the magic burns his insides suffered. If it was not for those abominations Bryce would be dead."
"that is a lie. How are you sure those injuries were not inflicted on him by one of your sons. I would think that boy junior would be a prime candidate"
"as I told you last night. Bryce brought this on himself. He was taught badly by that slave. Did you forget that in one night."
"Don't take that tone with me!"
"dad. You know I would respect you more if you weren't so arrogant"
"I just put the preservation of our status above personal influences and aversions. You would have done well to learn that lesson"
"you tried to push that on Julius and that is what made him run away. if you are going to just talk about my perceived mistake then maybe should just leave. I have a family to take care of. And if you don't want to be part of it then don't be. But I can tell you Bryce will be a part of it."
"No he won't the association will see it our way. Miranda we are leaving"
The 2 left angry for the second night in row. Jacob just sighed.
"come on out you 3"
Jacob said to Junior luh and Bryce who were standing in the hallway listening in.
"didn't I tell you to wait upstairs? And where is Vincent and kilec?"
Bryce and junior tapped luh on the shoulder signaling him to answer
"they went to the magic training room."
"they what?"
Jacob ran upstairs past the other three who just causally whistled and went to sit at the table for dinner"
Jacob reached upstairs to in time to see Kilec stabbing Vincent in the chest with his finger. Before Jacob could react he saw that Vincent had turned his fur golden again. He entered the room to listen in on the boys.
"see. I told you"
"too many butts. Unless you're like my dad then not enough butts"
"Kilec! My brother never was that kind of wolf. And what did you do to Vincent"
"I um unleashed his stored powers. It is only temporary since he didn't summon it himself. While the others seemed to have not unlocked theirs yet Vincent has had access to his entire life"
"are sure about the others I mean I have not found out much about cores. But as u said it amazingly rare. How could all 4 of them have colored cores"
"I am sure. As I said I can see them. It was a specialty of mine that the warthogs used. My full power is see a person's magic. They used it to find their most talented magic users. That was until the you saved me 8 years ago"
"you were only 5 at the time. How were they using your power?"
"I used to act differently when around strong magic users. They used that as their indicator."
"when I left you in the care of my brother I never expected you to adopted by him"
"after my kingdom fell and he took me in." Kilec paused and changed his tone he seemed a bit depressed "after while we started getting targeted on trips and vacations. At first we did not know by whom but then they started attacking. Then the attack they had on our building happened and well you know the rest"
Jacob went over and put his hand on Kilec's shoulder
"you can experiment with our magic after dinner. Now come."
Vincent's fur was still golden as they walked back into the dining room. They saw the other three boys already eating their dinner. Jacob gave them a stern look when they raised their heads and they instantly went back to eating. The others joined them. Once everyone was finished a bulter came and cleared the dishes. Jacob then told them that they would training on the 4th floor sparing area. Vincent and Junior had never been to that training room since it was where Luh and their father practiced their swords.
Jacob opened the door to the room and ushered the boys in. as soon as they walked in Jacob's, Bryce's and Luhull's clothes vanish and they were totally naked. Bryce instantly covered his bits as luh and Jacob just sighed.
Kilec and the others were stunned and a little bit disturbed. Their father then began to explain. He told them about the wolves' magical essence which had control over this room. He also told them the price of using the magic. Kilec understood since he knew about his species essence which had a smiliar price but their species essence preferred females. Vincent just looked disturbed. He couldn't believe that this essence was going to require his dad and brother to perform such lude acts for him. Jacob tried to look disturbed but he was smiling on the inside. His ultimate fantasy realized. A secret one that he indulged on the side with his boyfriend. He would have to find a way to get into this pact.
"ok now that I have scarred you boys for life shall we get testing."
"sure but are sure you can't have clothes on?"
"not on their lives!" said the essence in a thundering voice.
"Bryce, luh will be teaching you how to control you thunder magic. Junior your with me. Kilec you and Vincent work on whatever it is you were doing earlier"
They all nodded and headed off to the individual training rooms.
"how did you contact the essence?" "it contacted me."
"well you now know the price. So what are you going do?"
Bryce drew his sword. Take as much power from it as possible"
"good answer" Luh said as he and Vincent began to spare.
In training room 2 Junior was about to spare with his naked father.
"so what were you smiling about earlier?"
"smiling? Who was smiling" 'damn he found out'
"I know you cracked a slight smile earlier. But if I try and think what it is was about I really think I would want to throw you in a mental home"
"um it was just funny to think of you being a submissive kind of guy for the wolf. "
"and now I think that if I check you internet history I will find porn sites. Disturbing porn sites"
"um... what makes you think that?"
"you used the word submissive. That was a very good indicator."
"but how could you tell is was gay just be using the word submissive"
"I never said you were gay but you just did"
".... You are evil dad"
"evil no. cruel yes"
"Okay I am gay. And I liked the idea of serving the wolf."
"if you actually like the idea why not learn wolf magic."
"but you said you didn't want us to learn it"
"because of the consequences. But if you have no aversion to what the essence wants of us why should I deny you a potential source of magic."
"so you really will teach me?"
"yes. I will"
"thanks dad"
"be prepared I am not going easy on you"
Jacob said as he handed a sword to Junior and unsheathed his.
"Just don't stare at my package"
"don't ruin my fun"
In the training room 3 Kilec was trying to teach Vincent to unlock his powers.
"well first thing you have to do now is just meditate"
"yes you have to have a perfection connection with your magical core to unlock your ability. Just sit and relax"
Vincent sat and folded his legs as he assumed a mediating position.
Kilec took a leaf out of his pocket and placed it near his lips. He began to use it as a whistle and play one of his songs. It was a nice slow tune and Vincent seemed to enjoy it. As he focused in he realized there was something about himself that felt different. He tried to search his magical essence and realized there was something more to it. He tried his best to reach it and once he found he got pulled into his mind.
"who is there?"
"Me? I am you"
Appeared before in utter darkness was a wolf with golden fur he was the spitting image of Vincent.
"you are what?"
"the magical you. The fully magical you"
"you were the one who spoke to me last night"
"I was. It was about time I made my presence known"
"why? I thank you for saving my life"
"I did not do anything special. I just gave your normal shield a boost"
"without it I would have been killed."
"you would have been injured not killed"
"if I would have lived then why did you want to make sure I knew you existed"
"to explain my motives I will have to tell you a story of who I am"
"you are not part of my inner self just here to help me master my powers?"
"that would be too cliché. I was once one of the wolves who sealed zryx away. His power is leaking out into the world right."
"Kilec said he was awakening and that his power is threatening the world"
"to affirm the seal we used our bodies and souls. We sealed them away with Zryx to give the seal the power it needed to function but someone has been weakening it from the outside. Kilec has also told you about them."
"he has."
"to fight them you will need my help. Just like I have come to help you minions of Zryx have also come back. They are giving birth to a new set of followers. And we must stop them. If they get zryx revived in this age when the species would not even contemplate an alliance and giving up their magic. He would be a very destructive force."
"what can I do?"
"Accept my offer"
"surrender all your magic to me. I will pass it through your core and change your entire magical essence."
"how do I do that?"
"just let me but this will hurt. Are you sure you want this?"
"my mom died trying to make sure I got where I am today and now I am finally understanding why. I have to give it my all"
"is that the extent of your resolution?"
"no. they are me and my brothers. I watched my brothers nearly die as I was totally helpless. I never want to feel that way again."
"I can see it in your heart. Your conviction is the real thing. Very well"
Vincent then felt it. His magic was totally drained. Meanwhile outside his mind kilec was preparing just in case. He already had a plant barrier around Vincent.
He felt the magic in Vincent disappear.
"here it comes"
Vincent's body was emitting a huge amount of power. Nearly blowing kilec away. Kilec then began to whistle his tune once again. The song caused the plants to absorb the magic emitting from Vincent's body. The sudden surge of magical energy garnered the attention of the others. Everyone ran into the room to see what was happening.
They all covered their eyes as the final burst of energy left Vincent's body.
Kilec finished his song and retracted his plants to reveal a very weak Vincent.
Vincent screamed out still groaning in pain.
Jacob went over to examine his son.
"wow his body went through a lot of stress. What the hell did you do?"
"I did nothing. He just unlocked his hidden powers. I was only here to make sure the building was not destroyed like when I unlocked mine"
"gah! You really are Julius's son. Just as deceptive as he is. You guys can continue Kilec could you team up with Junior?"
"uh sure?.... where are your clothes?"
"um I now have the same problems the rest have"
"just great! I am so glad our essence preferred women!" Kilec said walking into the other training room. He stopped and waited for Jacob to leave the room with Vincent on his shoulders before he turned to the others
"now that he is gone. Who is next?"
The 3 naked boys looked at each in both fear and concern. | FSE |
Title: Axel & Rena Part 21 By: Renatamer by Shalamar Fox
Tags: Bisexual, Digimon, Human
**Kimmy wasn't going to let this go without a fight. For sometime now she had listened to and felt jealous of Rena and Cleo. Rena could feel Axel and Black's emotions, and Cleo when in her Angewomon form, could see both Axel and Black. They both had a personal connection with this god. And now Kimmy wanted something, anything that she could have all to herself. "Black," whispered Kimmy as she slid her hand down to his thick leather belt, "don't make me beg..."**
**Black tried to stifle the growing urge she was setting off inside him, but the deep groan that suddenly slipped forth gave it all away. Reaching down under her backside, he hefted the human teen up as he stood... she was now, more or less, sitting on his right forearm. With a giggle of glee the girl quickly threw her hands around his thick neck and held on.**
**And suddenly there was nothing but darkness...**
**Axel & Rena. Chap 41**
**Rena groaned happily as the morning sun broke through the window of her room and began to climb its way up her furry body. It had been a long time since she had slept in her mother's house, let alone in her old room, it was a welcome comfort after all she'd been though. But then so was the body that was snoozing away next to her.**
**Turning slowly over onto her side, the digi-fox reached out and gently pulled the sleeping Gatomon into her open arms, cuddling it close to her chest. Cleo barely opened an eye, let alone cared that she was being hugged into Rena's large breasts. Purring contently she snuggled back into the sun warmed digi-fox and continued to doze.**
**"Do you think we should wake them?"**
**"No Mary," Leo smiled as he and the elder Benden sibling looked in on the sleeping digimon. "I think its best to let then be."**
**"I guess your right," the redhead sighed, gently closing the flimsy wooden door.**
**"Of course I'm right," Leo smiled broadly before slipping an arm behind her rump and turning her down the hall. "Now then, I heard this odd rumor that there is a natural hot spring out back..."**
**"Yep," the lion nodded, giving her backside a squeeze. "Want to help me find it?"**
**"Why not," she giggled as she gave her ass a little shake. "I've never done it in a hot spring..."**
**Leo gave a slow shake of his head as he followed his human mate back to their room to grab a few towels.**
**There was indeed a hot spring towards the back of the pagoda's well-kept grounds. The first thing one came across was a three-sided hut that held several small benches and shelves where one could shed and keep their clothes. A pleasant stone path led from the tiny hut down through a small but quaint garden that ringed the springs and gave it a feeling of privacy. The spring itself was a nice size with lots of odd looking rocks 'n' boulders jutting out here and there, some of which had places to sit carved into them.**
**Mary couldn't help it as she made a cooing noise, with the help of the rising sun; the bathing springs and its surroundings were just too beautiful for words.**
**Both she and Leo had shed their clothes back at the hut and were quickly making their way the short distance to the steaming water when the sound of a childish giggle drifted their way. Pausing in place, Mary held up a hand to stop her lion-man and put a finger to her lips... the universal sign for "keep quiet".**
**Leo's ears perked high as he and his mate ducked low and crept towards the source of the giggling.**
**"How did you manage it," Axel's voice floated up, "or do I want to know?"**
**"Well..." came Kimmy's reply, "let's just say that I appealed to his carnal lust for..."**
\**"You can stop right there," Axel cut the teen off from her explanation. "I'd rather not know what you two where up to." \**
**"I still can't believe you got Black to take you into the void," Axel sighed as he relaxed in the steaming waters of the spring.**
**After their little trip into the void, Kimmy had decided to venture out to the hot spring and soak the void's chill from her body. Yet upon realizing the erotic effect hot springs had on humans, she had begged Black to go with her. Black on the other hand claimed to not have enough energy after their trip through the void, reverting control back to Axel. Axel, still in his digimon form, was more then happy to join his niece for a dip and so here they were.**
**Yet poor Axel had no clue what Kimmy had had in mind for Black... and now for him...**
**They had begun by being rather quiet and respectful of each other's privacy. The oversized pond had an almost lazy 'L' shape to it so they had started off at opposite sides. Yet as they relaxed in the heavenly water they began to talk. This led to a surprising opening of how each felt for the other and, in a rather short time, Kimmy had ventured over to her uncle's side of the hot spring.**
**At first Axel had retaliated by sinking up to his snout in the hot bath and covering his lap with a small towel he had brought out with him. Yet again, as they talked, this forced him to sit up, so as to answer and ask her questions. Before he knew it the wet towel had wound up covering his furry forehead and, Axel wasn't sure how she had managed it, Kimmy had moved between his legs and now sat with her back pressed against his strong chest... her backside grinding down on his sheath.**
**This also meant that his quickly hardening shaft was trapped between them.**
**Letting out another happy sigh, Kimmy reached out and gently brought his arms up and around her shoulders before snuggling back against her uncle's fuzzy chest. "Are you sure you don't want to know," she questioned as she felt his tool slip past her buttocks and throb against the small of her back. "Or would you rather I just show you why Black gave into me..."**
**"I do believe that you have already started that, and while the offer is tempting," he began, still trying to think of a way out of this situation. "I still can't help but feel that it is in some way... wrong."**
**"Honestly..." Kimmy gave a snort before sitting up. Turning in place, she locked eyes and glared at her uncle. "I want you Axel Benden, Rena's ok with it, so is Cleo... even Mom said it was ok..."**
**"I...I know," he visibly shivered for Kimmy now sat astride his sheath. Trying hard not to stare openly at her young breasts, he again informed her of his feelings, "But that doesn't change anything. I still feel that the relationship that you want with me is wrong."**
**"Oh come on," she snarled as she stood up before her uncle and spread her hands out to her side, gesturing at her tight body. "You can't tell me that you don't want a piece of me..."**
**"To be truthful," Axel, try as he might, couldn't help it as his glowing eyes were drawn to where the water just barely kissed the teen's hairless pink sex. "Parts of me would love nothing better than to show you what you mean to mmmm..."**
\**Kimmy had finally had enough, with her uncle in mid sentence she darted forward and locked her young lips to his. Axel was caught so off guard that he didn't try to resist. With the first step now taken, Kimmy didn't wait for her uncle to recover, holding the kiss she slowly she sank back into the water and onto his lap. \**
**"Mary," the lion-man asked in whisper. "Would you like me to intervene before it's too late?"**
**"Shhhhh," Mary hissed as she reached up and covered Leo's mouth with a hand. "This is something that Kimmy has wanted for a long time," she said softly. "I trust Kimmy and I trust my brother... so we will watch and only interfere if needed..."**
**Leo wasn't sure what aroused him more, the sight of Mary hiding in the beautiful garden on all fours, naked... The fact that she wanted to watch her daughter and brother mate... Or the overpowering smell of sex that was now starting to fill the air... either way, he was getting a massive hard-on.**
**"So..." Kimmy asked as she broke the kiss and locked eyes with the black digi-fox she so wanted. "Do you still think this is wrong?"**
**"...yes..." her uncle finally managed to whisper. Yet even as he answered her, she felt his idle hands brush her knees, slowly moving, sliding up her creamy thighs.**
**Axel's touch was shy but heavy on her legs. Shivers ran up her spine as he began to stroke her skin with his talented fingers. Kimmy let a hiss of pleasure escape her as she wrapped her arms about Axel's neck and bent her body to his. Even in the hot water of the springs, his midnight fur was cool against the teen's skin and she couldn't help but press her hardening nipples into his strong chest.**
**His hands moved further up her body while he slowly began to relent. Both felt the strong pangs of pleasure for Axel's throbbing cock was now trapped between his belly and her tight sex. Sparkles flashed before Kimmy's eyes as her clitoris brushed the surface of his hard shaft. Closing her eyes, she gently laid her chin on her uncle's shoulder as she felt herself fall into a pit of pleasure while his hands stroked her body.**
**"We shouldn't be doing this..."**
**"Shhh." she whispered.**
**With a frustrated sigh, Kimmy sat back and again addressed her uncle, "Axel... Shut up."**
**To emphasize her words, she grabbed his right hand, the hand he did his art with, and began to kiss it. Slowly she parted her wet lips over his thumb and began to suck on it, running her tongue around his knuckle and kissing his hand erotically. Axel shut up. With one hand now occupied, he continued to stroke her, only now he had moved to her belly.**
**Again Kimmy shivered, moaning as she nuzzled her uncle's fur covered drawing hand, for the other had moved up to her pert breasts. He rubbed and massaged each in turn, paying special attention to her pink nipples. "...oh Axel..." she breathed and pressed herself onto his roving palm, crushing his thick fingers into her nipples harder, becoming more and more hot and horny for the only man she had ever loved.**
**Finally it happened, taking a deep breath Axel let out a long sigh, and let go of his apprehensions. As for Kimmy, she happily relinquished control as her uncle's hidden lust for her suddenly sprang forth. Settling back into his lap, she cooed as his hand aggressively cupped her developing breast, thumb pressing, rubbing, and stroking her nipple.**
**As one hand engulfed her now sensitive breast, the other slipped below her backside and hefted her up. With her breasts now at head height, Axel's mouth lowered. The gasp that slipped from Kimmy echoed through the secluded bath spring. Without even realizing it, she began to run her fingers through his dark fur, now immersed in pleasure, she moaned for the older man.**
**Kimmy was reveling in the sensations running through her while Axel nibbled and nursed on her pink bud. Yet he wasn't content with this arrangement, pulling his hand away, he gently started kissing his way back n forth, from one breast to the other. Now free, his left hand slowly ventured down her trembling stomach, lower and lower it slid until it found its way to center of Kimmy's heat and desire.**
**She gasped, her eyes flew wide and her head snapped back as she felt his claw tipped fingers lightly brush her aroused clit. The sparkles in her eyes flared into bright stars. With his talented mouth sucking and nibbling on her pert tits, Axel... the one she longed for... had without warning, slipped one of his thick fingers past the silky lips of her sex. Kimmy's breath caught in her throat as the morning sky spun high above her.**
**Closing her eyes, Kimmy turned inward, sensing with every fiber of her being as Axel touched... how she loved it. Oh so gently his finger slipped deeper into her core, searching for and finding her most elusive spot... softly he pressed a claw. The steaming water seemed to engulf the teen and she couldn't hold the inevitable off. "Ooh Axelll..." she gasped as she gripped his shoulder for support, her body shuttering in a powerful orgasm.**
**Never in her life had Kimmy ever climaxed so quickly, not even during her first time with Cleo.**
**With a slight chuckle, Axel pulled her close and held her in his strong arms until she finally relaxed into the steamy water. "T..that wasss amazing," she slowly panted, regaining her breath.**
**Back in the nearby cover of the garden, Mary and Leo sat mesmerized by what they had just witnessed... and it had left them both wanting to see more. As Mary watched her own brother pleasure her daughter, she had absently reached between her now spread thighs and started to stroke her aroused pussy lips. As for Leo, with his mate still on all fours before him, he was getting a spectacular view of both Mary and the two making love in the hot spring... his erection was now throbbing painfully.**
**"hmmm..." she barely replied her eyes locked on the action before her.**
**"Marrry," Leo urgently whispered again.**
\**"What," Mary hissed as she tore her attention away from her daughter and shot a glance back at the lion man. The sight of Leo's painful predicament brought her up short, "Leo, are you ok?" however she knew the answer well before he could respond. \**
**"Please Mary, it hurts..." he breathed, eyes pleading.**
**Taking a moment to register everything that was happening around her, Mary finally took pity on her overly furry lion-man. "Leo, I'm your tamer and mate," she smiled back over her shoulder as she wiggled her hips and flashed him with her dripping sex. "I wouldn't be much of either if I denied you."**
**"Huh?" Leo blinked, in his current state of need, he couldn't figure out what she was getting at.**
**The redhead could only giggle at her mate's clueless look. "How about this," she gave him a knowing wink and said what she knew would get him going. "Fuck me big boy...breed me hard and fill me with your cubs..."**
**That was all the encouragement Leo needed, hardening even more at the thought of mating her until she swelled with his child, Leo took hold of his rod and shifted behind her. Mary was trying to glance back at him over her shoulders, her back forced to dip by her spread knees, and her position in the flowering bushes presenting him with her gorgeous spread ass.**
**Leo caught her by the hips as he nudged his barbed crown against her southern lips, sliding along her cleft until he found her ripe opening. He knew his size would be easier on her now that they had had time to adjust to one another. This time, with her pussy slick with juice, he thrust fully into her with one deep thrust.**
**Mary bit her tongue to keep from moaning out loudly and disturbing her brother and daughter. Yet this didn't stop her from making a squeaky noise as Leo's gripping fingers forced her back on his swollen shaft, impaling her to the core. Both lovers froze however as they herd a loud gasp from the hot springs.**
**Mary's head snapped forward and together she and Leo watched as Kimmy reached down between herself and Axel, taking hold of something below the water.**
**Sliding back slightly, straddling Axel's legs, Kimmy reached down between them and began to stroke Axel's hard cock, her slim fingers griping his meaty shaft, forming a small fist. Leaning in, she pressed a deep kiss to her uncle's lips, their tongues dancing as she traces the tip of his fox cock with a fingernail. She moved slowly at first, enjoying Axel's reaction to her caressing grip. With Axel now moaning in the kiss, she slid her other hand down, cupping his large fuzzy balls.**
\**She giggled as she felt Axel almost jump out of her grasp when she ran her thumb gently over his heavy balls, his cock growing harder and harder as her tempo increased. She knew she had him when he began to squirm beneath her and the base of his tool began to swell. \**
**"Kimmy," Axel breathed as he finally pulled back and broke the passionate kiss. "Please, I can't take much more..."**
**"Am I your Beta?" she asked as she drew a line along the underside of his prick, from his sack to the head of his cock with a thumbnail.**
**"Y..yes," he nodded quickly, closing his eyes tight.**
**"And I can have sex with you?" she asked as she drew the same line back down. "Whenever Rena says I can?"**
**"Hell yes," She had him almost in tears.**
**With a wicked grin on her face, Kimmy's hand stopped at the base of Axel's cock, holding tightly to his rapidly forming knot. A mischievous smile crossed her young face as she crawled forward, positioning her young sex just above his throbbing member. Both she and her uncle let out a gasp as she lowered herself, small pussy lips being forced open by a large cock. Axel was quickly lost to the exquisite pleasure of feeling her tight velvet walls grasping him.**
**Kimmy almost howled as inch by inch her uncle's cock stretched her open. This was only the second time she had ever taken this monster into her tiny sex and she couldn't help the thought that formed in the back of her sex crazed mind... 'God, it feels like I'm being ripped in two!'**
**With her pussy lips stretched taught, she could feel his cock pulse inside her, vibrating in time with Axel's heart as it filled her up. Only now, with over half of his cock jammed into her warm depths, did she let go of his shaft... sliding her hands up his muscular stomach to knead at his chest. "Ooh Axel," she whimpered as she looked into his glazing red eyes, "You feel so good, so deep... I love you..."**
**Gently, as one of her dreams was unfolding before her, Axel reached up and stroked her chin. "I know," was all he said before drawing her into another deep kiss, only this time there was true, unmistakable love behind it. Together they moved, thrusting as one, sending small waves crashing out into the rocks of the hot springs.**
**The sight of Kimmy taking Axel's cock was like adding fuel to Mary's already inflamed passion. She moaned and bucked back onto Leo's massive dick with more force, her hair swishing over her back as he slid up deep inside of her. "Harder, please," she begged as he pulled back and began to ram into her, the rounded barbs on the head of his cock scraping her inflamed tunnel as it quivered around him with each plunging thrust.**
**"That's it Kimmy, you're doing real good," Leo muttered an encouragement to the girl whose mother he was working himself inside of like a piston. He didn't give Mary much time to brace herself as he pulled almost out of her before driving back into her to the hilt. He knew she was getting close, watching her little girl getting fucked was proving too much for the redhead. Despite this, he knew that if he slowed down even a little, that his fiery mate would skin him alive.**
**Oh God she loved what Leo was doing to her even as she struggled weakly to stay on all fours, her body wet and slick from his cock. His hand slid over her hip and beneath her, his fingers delving in her light thatch of red curls to find her tight little bud nestled in dewy folds. She began to moan softly as his finger rubbed and stroked her, driving her into a frenzy of need and soon she was bucking back on his spearing prick.**
**All the while she watched as Kimmy grunted loudly each time her brother shoved himself in and out of her depths. Mary could just imagine Axel thrusting deep until his cock threatened to punch a hole into her daughter's womb and his balls pressed tight against Kimmy's ass. Together uncle and niece moved in exquisite unison, again and again, in a rhythm that almost matched the erratic beating of Leo and Mary's hearts.**
**Kimmy was in a state of pure bliss, loving the way her tight pussy lips strained around Axel's thickening knot, a popping feeling accompanied by waves of pleasure as it slipped past her opening again and again. With his hands on her hips, helping her to ride her new toy, she leaned in and began to cover her lover with kisses, his neck, his cheeks, forehead and lips, stopping only after he began to thrust into her depths even harder.**
**The teen cried out as Axel began slamming against her cervix, her back arching as he impaled her on his thick hard cock over and over. "OH YES... Harder, Please god, Tie With Me!" Tears started to trickle down her cheeks as she begged and pleaded with him, her muscles instinctively clenching around him as the bulge at the base of his shaft grew too big for her to easily take onto her sex.**
**Kimmy groaned as painfully exquisite friction filled her as she tried to take the knot of flesh. With short quick thrusts, Axel's wild bucking began to falter inside of her, and she gloried at how his cock stretched her young sex as she clamped around him like a fist. She knew he couldn't hold out much longer, yet by the pressure building at the swell of her cunt as he rammed into her, she didn't have that long either.**
\**Mary's eyes were now glued to the lovers in the water, watching how Kimmy's pert breasts jiggled with the power of Axel's thrusts. Their bodies slapped and sloshed the waters as he thrust against her, making her writhe atop him. \**
**Mary was in a wildfire of emotions, feeling the exquisite tension between her thighs build until she was lost to everything but the sight of her daughter's young body as she bucked wildly. And as Leo forced himself past her inner most barrier from behind with a sharp, deep thrust... It was all too much. Mary quickly stuffed her towel into her mouth as she felt the tension snap, blissful waves of pleasure wash over her as her pussy rippled and shuddered around the large cock that filled it as she came with a muffled scream.**
\*\*Leo wasn't as lucky for he let loose a reverberating roar out as he pounded into his mate. Both his hands grasped her hips as the glistening length of his cock slid in and he held her tight to his groin. The lion-man shook as his seed exploded into her with great shuddering bursts, filling Mary with his warmth.
**Faster and faster Axel and Kimmy thrust together, their moans a loud symphony declaring their love for one another. The water in the spring crashed over the surrounding rock in waves, sending water spilling to the tiled path, but they hardly seemed to notice. Finally, Kimmy could hold out no longer. Throwing her head back she spasmed hard, clinching at the cock that penetrated her depths.**
**That was it for Axel, he thrust into her sharply one last time, smashing his knot against and finally past her already stretched lips. A screech of both pleasure and pain ripped from the teen's throat as his steely shaft smashed into her inner core and his knot locked their two bodies as one. Light flashed before Kimmy's eyes as she felt the first spurts of her uncle's hot seed deep inside of her, her ongoing orgasm suddenly flaring into a brighter climax as her womb began to fill with his seed. With a third scream, that sounded more like a roar, she collapsed atop Axel's gray furred chest.**
**She lay still for quite some time, her breath coming in ragged gasps while her cunt quivering around the bulge now trapped within her. Every fiber of the teen's being was focused on the pleasure swirling around in her slit each time Axel's cock pulsed deep inside her. Over and over she felt the joyful throb from his shaft as it spat, painting the walls of her womb with his seed until at long last he was empty. It was only then that Kimmy felt his lips nuzzling her neck as her body slowly came back down to earth.**
**"So this is where you all are," The sound of Rena's voice sparked in Axel's mind, causing him to almost jump out of his skin. The sudden jerk drove Kimmy to hiss through her teeth as she sank her nails painfully into his back. "Kimmy... Kimmy, you're drawing blood dear..." he winched, yet again this only made him move within his niece even more. "Rena, a little help here?"**
**Yet aid was slow in coming. As slowly as possible, Axel slipped himself into a more up-right sitting position. This allowed him to crane his neck around and look for his mate.**
**It wasn't hard to locate her tall yellow form, she was standing over near the brightly colored flowering bushes that helped ring the warm pool. Her attention however was on something in the bushes instead of him and Kimmy. Rena stood with hands on hips, while next to her Cleo was trying hard not to laugh...**
**Slowly two sheepish figures rose from out of the bushes.**
**"Oh god," Axel couldn't help but groan as he realized that Mary and Leo had been spying. If it were not for the fact that his niece's sex was still trapped on his throbbing shaft... Axel sighed and wanted to sink up to his snout, using the water to hide that he was now brooding, but that would drown the much smaller girl resting atop him.**
**The last twenty-four hours hadn't exactly been a picnic for Axel, and now, here he was caught with his dick in his niece.**
***'Let it go kid-o,'* Black smiled as he floated past. Though only visible to the cartoonist, he appeared to be lying atop the pools surface. With hands behind his head and eyes closed, the ghostly shadow seemed in a relaxed state. *'This was all preordained, so just learn to live with it...'***
**'Easy for you to say,' Axel thought back. 'You're not the one who has to live with the repercussions from what has just happened here.'**
***'Truthfully, yeah I do,'* the ghost opened one glowing eye. *'You forget that we are now one, my dear self. So what ever affects you, affects me.'***
**'So you are going to help me out with this problem,' Axel silently gestured towards the teen who sat astride him.**
***'All the way to the bedroom,'* a mischievous smile now dominated Black's muzzle.**
**'That's not the help I need,'**
***'Says you...'* the shadowy phantom retorted. Yet after a moment of dead silence from Axel, Black decided the game was over. With a sigh he shifted to his side, propping himself up on an elbow. *'Ok, besides the whole, I fucked my niece thing... What else to you need my help with?'***
**Axel considered this for a moment before responding, 'What should I do when we confront Sam?'**
***'Nothing...'* The almost quiet way in which Axel had asked the question had spoken volumes to the digi-god. In a way, Black had known that his other half still felt something for the heartless bitch, just as Axel had still felt a brotherly connection to Josh.**
**Somehow he understood that killing one friend had been too high a price for Axel, having to destroy another might...**
**'We can't do nothing,' Axel was about to protest, yet Black stopped him.**
***'I didn't say we, I meant you,'* Black elaborated. *'Through this whole mess you have tried to shoulder all the responsibility, but not anymore. It's high time you asked for help, starting with that wife of ours.'***
**'Rena...' the black Renamon blinked.**
***'Yes,'* the shadow was now sitting up and had locked eyes with his other half. *'When it comes to Sam, you will not do a damn anything. Instead you will let Rena finish what Sam started back on earth.'***
**"Axel... Axel dearest..."**
**Blinking, it took Axel a moment for reality to refocus before his eyes. Standing before him was his yellow mate, thigh deep in water, a look of concern on her beautiful face. Looking around, he quickly noticed that Kimmy was no longer in his lap, but was in fact laying on the ledge of the hot spring while Cleo helped her hold a wet towel to her sensitive pussy.**
**He then realized that Mary and Leo had somehow found their way into the pool and that all were looking straight at him. "Did I miss something," he asked, slightly puzzled.**
**Giving out a groan, Rena shot a look towards Mary, yet the older Benden sibling only shrugged. "Don't look at me. You took him as your mate, so he's your problem now."**
**Axel & Rena. Chap 42**
**"So that's the plan?" Mary blinked, not sure what to think of her brother at this time, "Well I for one don't like it."**
**"I'm sorry Mary, but that's the way it has to be," Axel, now human, was pinching the bridge of his nose to stave off a headache.**
**If you think your going to go traipsing off into the digi-world, my daughter in hand, without me... then you're dead wrong," the older Benden growled, crossing her arms over her bare chest.**
**Currently most of Team 1, save for Kimmy and Cleo, were chest deep in the warm waters of the hot-springs. Mary and Leo now sat across from her brother and yellow mate, while Kimmy sat on the edge behind Axel, her legs dangling in the pool to either side of him with Cleo leaning against her. As for why the elder sibling was upset, Axel had just filled Team 1 in on his plans... and Mary wasn't happy.**
**"If you would rather," Rena spoke up, "we can send Kimmy back with the children and you can come with us."**
**"Mary, it breaks down to this," Axel sighed, trying to enlighten his sister. "Someone has to escort the children back where we entered this world so that they can get home, meanwhile Rena and I need someone to come with us... that's just how it is."**
**"Fine," the older sibling grunted, "how about you and Rena take the kids back and Leo and I will take Kimmy and go fight Samantha."**
**"ummm... Mary, dear," interjected the lion-man. "If this Sam person does indeed have a Veemon who can become Anubismon, then the only one who could fight him and win... is Black."**
**"See mom, no matter how you cut it," Kimmy piped up as she absently petted her Gatomon. "One of us stays with Axel, and the other goes with the children."**
**"So the question one needs to ask," Axel locked eyes with his older sister. "Will you and Leo be the ones protecting the other children on their way home, or do you want to send Kimmy with them... alone?"**
**"Damn you Axel Benden," Mary snapped, sulking as she pressed herself into Leo's side. While she didn't like it, Axel was right. It all boiled down to who could better watch over the other tamer children on their way home... and in the long run, if Kimmy was safer with Axel, then alone. For the first time, Mary had to ignore her motherly instinct, and let her daughter go. "Fine, Leo and I with take the children home," she breathed in defeat, yet quickly her voice turned into a growl. "However, you had better protect Kimmy with your life Axel... do you hear me?"**
**"Loud and clear," he nodded.**
**After their soak, the rest of the day was spent gathering supplies and deciding who would be going ahead on the two digi-dragons. In the end 40 of the refugees and their digimon would be flying ahead, 20 on each dragon. This left Mary looking after 54 children plus their digimon... Lots of food, water and blankets would be needed for the long journey; most of which would be on foot.**
**This wouldn't be the case for Axel and his group.**
**"Come on, we want to show you something," Cleo chirped while she ran ahead on all fours.**
**"What now," Axel asked as Kimmy dragged him along by the hand.**
**"You're going to love this," Rena smiled brightly.**
**"So you say, but I'm..."**
**"We're here," Kimmy and Cleo exclaimed as they pulled him around a corner of a small hut and pointed towards the nearby barn. "It's in there..."**
**"What is?" Axel was a bit confused.**
**"Go and find out, dear," Rena said as she gave her mate a little push.**
**With nothing else to do but follow their instructions, Axel gave a bit of a shrug and ventured on to the barn alone, his girls gazing on intently. He really wasn't sure just what to expect when he reached the huge door of the barn, but what he found happened to not be on his suspected mental list.**
**With a creek from metal hinges that hadn't seen oil in a long time, if ever, Axel pulled the door aside and stepped into the barn. The smell of decaying hay greeted his nose and for a moment he wanted to sneeze. A Mousemon or two skittered away as light flooded the structure and illuminated a great deal of the barn. Empty stalls, old farming equipment rusting away, and a broken feed cart were clearly visible to his enhanced eyes... as was the large tarp covered object that sat at the back of the barn.**
**Axel wasn't sure what was under the faded blue tarp, nor could he explain why he felt drawn to it. As if in slow motion, the man in black, his shadowy half soul beside him, stepped over to the undefined object. '*Any idea as to what it is*,' Black asked. "Not a clue," was Axel's response as he reached out and took hold of the tarp. With a quick jerk he sent the tarp flying and filled the air with a cloud of dust.**
**Axel's breath caught in his throat, not because of the huge amount of dust now drifting around him... but because of what sat before him.**
**Her red paint was fading slightly and he had no clue if she still ran, but before him was the most beautiful VW based 1969 GP Mark 1, Beach Bug... the original dune buggy. Oh so gently he reached out and took hold of her foam wrapped roll bar, testing to see if it was indeed real. The vision before his eyes didn't fade.**
**"What do you think?"**
**"hmmm..." Axel blinked and glanced up to find Rena standing at the door to the barn. "It's beautiful, remarkable even..." he breathed as his fingers began to follow along the car's gently waving form. "At one time I used to dream about having one of these, it's what led me to converting my old bug into the Baja." Axel had to pause as an odd question popped into his head, looking back at the buggy he asked, "Rena, where did this come from?"**
**"A while back, an evil half spider digimon named Arukenimon and her side kick Mummymon had used the buggy to get around the digi-world, spreading their corruption as they did." Rena spoke softly as she joined her mate next to the car. "It had disappeared after she was defeated by the second set of digi-destined, later the machine was discovered in one of our rice fields and we moved it here for safe keeping... and now it's yours."**
**"Really," with eyes wide, Axel turned his questioning gaze to his love.**
**"Yes, really," she giggled at his astonished face.**
**"But... why?"**
**"We have such a long way to go, and the digimon here don't have a use for it," she said as she slipped an arm about his waist. "The elders gave it to me, and now I'm giving it to you."**
**"That's very generous of you, love," a smile flashed over Axel's lips as he faced his yellow fox. "So what do I owe you for this gift of gifts?"**
**"Lick me."**
**"huh," Axel blinked.**
**"I haven't had an orgasm since we left the train," she whispered as she pushed herself closer to her mate. "I have seen to your needs, now it's time you did the same for me, love."**
**'*She wants you to give her pussy a tongue bath, stupid,*' Black snorted from nearby.**
**"I think I can handle that," Axel whispered as he gently reached under Rena's shapely posterior. With a slight grunt, he hefted her up and sat his love on the back fender of the buggy.**
**From the door, Kimmy and Cleo both watched on in fascination.**
**"Are you still messing with that thing?"**
**Taking a moment Axel pulled himself away from the buggy's bolted-in 1800cc engine, and looked up at his older sister. "Sorry Mary, just making sure that it will run," the smile in his grease smeared face was on of happy contentment. "You should see this Mary, it has counterweighted cranks, and dual-port heads..."**
**"Fascinating," Mary cut him off, rolling her eyes at her brother. "So you would rather work on this... thing, then to come say goodbye to your sister and wish her luck?"**
**"errr," hastily he looked at his watch and grimaced. "Sorry about that, lost track of time."**
**"Come on little bro," she sighed as she turned and headed for the village square, "time to see everyone off."**
**"Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec to clean up, I'm covered in grease."**
**Giving a groan, Mary stopped in her tracks and spun around. "You should have thought about...it...before..." Mary's frustrated words died as she watched Axel gave a snap of his fingers. Instantly he, his clothes, and the car were clean.**
**"You coming," Axel asked as he moseyed past the gaping woman.**
**"Wait just a tick," she called, rushing along to ketch up to her sibling. "How the hell did you do that?"**
**"Do what?"**
**"The... snap, poof, clean thing?" she gawked.**
**"Mary," he smiled, as if everyone knew at this point. "I am part digi-god... you'd be surprised at just what I can do here in the digi-world."**
**"Oh really," the older sibling challenged, her hands on her hips as she glared at her departing brother. "Like what?"**
**"Well... like all sorts of things," he said with a shrug.**
**"Oh no you don't," she snarled as she rushed to keep up with the man. "I want to know what you can do."**
**"Well, I made it so you n Leo could have children..." stopping in his tracks, he paused to think on that one. "Would they be children or cubs, and for that matter, would Rena and I be having kids or puppies?"**
**"Ok, that's one example, but what else have you done?"**
**"I fixed the valley," he said before turning to regard his sister. "I wiped clean the stain that was the prison camp."**
**"Ok, so let me get this straight," Mary was almost fuming as she confronted her brother. You have the power to change and or mix human and digimon DNA, and you have the power to change the digital world to suit your whims?" She was now fuming, standing toe to toe with Axel, "Does this mean that you could have fixed everything without us having to come to the digi-world?"**
**"No I couldn't," Axel said it so softly that it brought Mary up short.**
**"No," she blinked.**
**"Mary, I didn't have the power I do, not until Black and I merged..." he kept his voice low so that anyone passing by wouldn't ketch what he was saying. "Yes, each time part of the prophecy was met, I got a bit stronger... but it wasn't until Black willingly became a part of me that I realized what I could do."**
**"So you now have the power to change worlds," she asked, watching his eyes.**
**"Not the entire world, no," he shook his head. "I'm not Black, I only have half of his abilities."**
**"And what dose that mean?"**
**"He can affect worlds, destroy or create as he sees fit," Axel was now walking again, only slower so Mary could keep up. "As for me, I can only affect what I can see... line of sight and all that."**
**"So in a world of all powerful Sovran and digi-gods... you would be what, Hercules?"**
**"No," he said as he tilted his head in thought. "More like Raistlin, just with out the whole "I'm a weak, sickly, twin," thing going."**
**"er... and who is Raistlin," Mary didn't understand the connection.**
**"sorry," he sighed, "I keep forgetting you're not a gamer."**
**"That's ok," she was smiling now as they made their way into the village square. "Can I just ask one more thing though?"**
**"Seeing as your powers only work in line of sight, dose that mean that you could just snap your fingers and send all the children here home... all at once," she pondered.**
**Axel froze at her words, shivering slightly as he watched Mary continue to walk along. "Could I," he asked in a quiet voice.**
**'*Could you what,*' Black asked as he stepped sideways out of Axel.**
**"Could I send them all... home?"**
**'*Can you see them,*' Black asked, watching Mary's ass as she headed for her Leo.**
**'*Do you have the ability to affect things within your sight,*' the god questioned.**
**'*Well then?*'**
**The color in Axel's face drained away as Black faded from his view, did he really have that kind of power, his mind asked. Silently he watched the children and their digimon gathered around the fountain, they had all been though so much, yet seemed so happy to finally be going home... could he... should he?**
**"Hey Axel, What're you up to?"**
**He never heard the Gatomon walk up, or her question for that matter... Slowly he razed his hand, fingers at the ready, a wicked grin playing over his lips. From somewhere deep inside he reached in and tapped into the dark energies that resided within him. As the power washed through him, it felt like a cool wind blowing over and around his body... and right into his fingers.**
**"ummm, Axel..." Cleo asked again, slightly put off by his silence and the look of mischief in his eyes. "Axel, are you ok?"**
***U***\*\* *n* \*****d****\* *e* \**\*\**r**\* ***C***\*\* *o* \*****n****\* *s* \*****t****\* *r* \*****u****\* *c* \*****t****\* *i* \*****o****\* *n*\*\*
**Mr. Mitsuo Yamaki (32) - Hypnos Leader**
**Miss. Reika Ootori (26) - Hypnos Chief Operator (Reilly)**
**Megumi Onodera (23) - Hypnos Operator (Tally)**
**Mr. Shibumi (Gorou Mizuno) - Wild Bunch Member**
**Janyu/Jiang-Yu Lee [Tao](40) - Henry's father and Wild Bunch member (Janyu Wong)**
**Joe Kido= Gomamon**
**Mimi Tachikawa Kido= Palmon**
**Koushiro 'Izzy' Izumi= Tentomon**
**TAICHI "TAI" YAGAMI= Greymon**
**TAKERU "T.K." TAKAISHI= Patamon**
When rhythm start to play Dance with me, make me sway Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore Hold me close, sway me more
Like a flower bending in the breeze Bend with me, sway with ease When we dance you have a way with me Stay with me, sway with me
--- | FSE |
Title: A Fun Work Out by Leo Ja-Ju Sek
Tags: Balls, Blowjob, Clit, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Gym, Licking, M/F, Oral, Penis, Shower, Straight, Vagina, Weights, rubing, sweatsuit, weight lifting, workout
\*\* \*\*\*\* By Leo Ja-Ju Sek\*\*
It was a warm March morning, when Champ had just entered the gym that he had been going to for years. Champ was a 17 year old Border Collie who was athletic and fun loving but he wasn't always that way. When he was 12 he was a little chubby in a cute way but he didn't like his body so he joined the gym when it opened, since then he as built him self up. He was now 5'10" at 195 pounds. He had a six pack and solid pecs. His arms and legs had a muscular build and he had Broad shoulders. Today he was wearing a tight pair of basket ball shorts that showed off his big package and a tight tank top that showed off his pecs and abs underneath.
He started his routine like he did everyday, first he did his warm ups which consisted of seventy five jumping jacks, forty push-ups, and a hundred crunches. Then he moved on to the punching bag and practiced boxing drills. After fifteen minuets he stopped and took off the boxing gloves. Next on his list was weight lifting. He walked over to the bench and applied 310 pounds to the barbell.
He lied down on the bench and griped the barbell. He took it off its rack and started to do his reps. 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9...10...11... he started to pant as his muscles flexed with each rep; out of the corner of his eyes he noticed a hyena eying him from across the room. She was around 5'6" and had the average body type of a girl. Her purple hair was down to her back, and she had beautiful green eyes. She had a typical fur coat with light brown fur and black spots. The fur around her chest and stomach was a tan color and she was wearing a pink sweat suit the hooded sweater only went halfway down her torso and the zipper was partial unzipped exposing her cleavage and chest fluff. She had abs but they were not that defined, and she was semi muscular. Everything about her seemed just right and this made Champ murr with lust. She stood there watching him the whole time as he finished his reps. He usually did 35 reps but he pushed himself to 70 just to impress her.
After he finished he began panting, he put the barbell back on the rack and sat up. He looked at the hyena and grinned, she was still standing in the same spot. He then got up and approached her, his heart pounding. "Hey beautiful;" he said to her. She slightly blushed and smile and replied "Hey there big boy seems like you got a good work out"
Champ grinned and flexed his right arm showing of his muscle definition; "Yeah I have worked out here since it opened... I'm Champ by the way."
"Well champ I'm Roxy"
"Very sexy name.... so are you new here I haven't seen you around here."
"Yeah I am, I just moved here.... so champ what is there to do around here."
"Well there is the gym, movie theater, the community pool, and me;" Champ said licking his lips slowly. Roxy blushed and looked away for a second then met Champ's gaze as she moved closer to him and whispered into his ear; "Well you sound like fun." He let out a soft chuckle as he stroked her cheek gently and whispered back; "Well why don't you follow me I can show you a good place where we could have some fun."
Champ gave Roxy one more look then walked off and flicked his tail as it began to swish happily; she followed him as Champ led her to the shower room. Each shower was its each individual stall giving them plenty of privacy; they walked into the first open one they saw. Roxy closed and locked the stall door behind them as he pressed her up against the wall and pressed his muzzle up against hers. She slowly melted into this as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his body into hers. She opened her mouth slightly allowing champ to slither his tongue into her maw as he began to slowly explore her mouth savoring the flavor. She moaned slightly into his maw and slid her paws underneath his shirt as she began to rub his back; she then took her tongue and began to rub against Champ's. He lost himself growing deeper into the kiss, murring softly as she rubbed his back.
He took his paws and began to rub her bare stomach as he gradually slid them up under her shirt and began to fondle her left breast. They were c-cups and they fit perfectly in his hand as he gave them a soft gentle squeeze making sure not to be to rough. She moaned mumbled words into his mouth as she started to suck gently on his tongue and dig her claws into her back. Champ slid his hand from underneath her shirt and grabbed the zipper of her hoodie and slowly pulled it down as he pulled her off the wall still kissing her and removed her hoodie.
She then ended the kiss by gently nipping the bottom of his lips and looked at him shyly. She took her paws and tugged on his shirt as she lifted it up revealing champs godly torso. She gave one of his pecs a gentle kiss before removing his shirt entirely. Champ rubbed the side of her torso looking down at her as he leaned forward and kissed her neck. He slid his paws up behind her and started to work on unhooking her bra. After a few seconds of fondling he unfastened it and slowly slid it off her arms revealing her beautiful chest.
He took his paws and slowly massaged them before rubbing the areola. She moaned softly as he continued rubbing as he kissed her neck slowly moving his way down and kissing the top part of her tit. Slowly making his way down as he took his paw away and wrapped his around her lower back and began gently lick her nipple. Roxy let out a soft moan and patted Champ on the back of his head as he began gently sucking on the nipple.
"Oh...god champ your good with your tongue...."
Champ sucked it for a few more seconds before giving it another lick.
"Want to see what else it can do Rox?"
Roxy nodded and Champ grinned. He kissed her nipple as he slid his paws down her stomach and grabbed the waistband of her pink sweat pants. He looked up at her and smiled then looked back down licking his lips grinning with lust as he slowly pulled them down revealing her pussy.
"You don't wear panties?"
"I don't see the need for him;" she said with a wink.
Champ grinned and blushed as pulled her sweat pants down.
Roxy stepped out of them and sat down on the bench that was attached to the wall, Champ stepped towards her and began to kiss her again, rubbing up her thigh. She let out a murr as she grabbed his paw and placed it on her warm moist cunt, Champ murred louder then ever as he rubbed her vaginal lips. He ended the kiss and continued to rub as he took his fingers and began to rub in a circler motion around her clitoris. She let out a gentle moan as he got onto his knees and leaned into her crotch. The smell of her cunt making him lust for more as she spread her legs.
He pressed his lips up against her vaginal lips and stuck out his tongue, savoring the salty sweet flavor of the first lick. He then slowly and gently licked up her outer labia stopping for a few seconds when he reached her clitoris; he paused for a few seconds and let his tongue flicker over it, this made Roxy blush and moan so he repeated the same motion for a few minuets. He then began to lick up the vaginal lips this time when he reached the clit he gently pressed his lips around it and sucked on it gently for a few seconds. He continued this motion and began to move his tongue between the inner and outer labia making Rox gasp with pleasure as she gripped the edge of the bench. After he sucked her clitoris a few more times he took his thumbs and spread her pussy and calmly squirmed his tongue around the area.
Champ slid is tongue inside her vaginal entrance and thrusted is tongue in and out of her returning to stimulate her clitoris every now and again. He leisurely explored her vaginal walls sliding his tongue up against her g-spot making her squeal in pleasure. She then pushed champ deep inside her moaning loudly as he continued to work on her g-spot.
"Oh..god champ your good at this.... I....I'm ge...getting close, ohhh faster...C.C..Champ;" She said still pushing his face into her.
Champ started to lick the spongy surface of the G-spot even faster as he felt some fluid leak out. She let out a loud howl as she began to reach her climax and squirted into his maw. Champ murred softly swallowing the tangy, sweet fluid with delight. He retracted his tongue from within her and gave her wet pussy one last lick. She then patted him on the head. Champ then stood up as Roxy smiled and said: "Its my turn now." She smiled and sat up as she grabbed him by the waistband of his basketball shorts and pulled him closer.
Roxy took a paw and rubbed down the bulge murring lustfully as she pulled his pants down to his ankle and exposed his nine inch canine cock. She garbed the base of and brought the tip to her lips and licked it slowly tilting her head slightly to left as she inserted it and began to suck gently on the head.
Champ bent forward a little bit pressing his paws against the wall as he felt the warm wet moisture of her tongue around the tip of his cock. She inserted a few inches of his shaft and began to gently massage the shaft with her tongue as she wrapped her lips around his dick as a few drips of pre leaked from his member. She slowly bobbed her head as she played gently with his orbs rubbing them in her soft hands. Champ let out lustful sighs of pleasure as he licked his lips and nodded his head.
"T..thats a good girl.... o baby"
She let out a soft murr as she happily sucked, and she slipped her paws behind him and pulled him in closer and began to deep throat his cock engulfing nearly several inches of his cock. Champ blushed and patted her head as he gently tugged on her hair.
Roxy slipped one of her paws between Champs cheeks and inserted a pinky inside his tailhole and squirmed it around making Champ yip and moan happily as he swished his tail. She continued bobbing her head and sucking on it as Champ began to thrust his shaft sliding across her tongue as Champ murred with delight. With a few final thrust he came into her maw with his warm thick seed. She swallowed the load and took her finger out of Champ as Champ took his cock out of her maw leaving a string of saliva from her maw to his tip. Rox stood up and embraced Champ with a warm hug.
The two then made out for a few minuets and got dressed, they both exited the shower stall and met up in the parking long. Champ hugged her one last time.
"You were wonderful Rox"
Roxy smiled at him and blushed as she replied; "Same with you, that was a great work out."
The two giggled and Roxy handed him a folded piece of paper, as she waved goodbye and got into her car; she then drove off.
Champ then got into his car and turned it on still holding the paper. He took it and unfolded it. It read
"1-617-554-4349 " With lipstick kiss on the bottom. Champ thought to himself this could be the beginning of something good............................................... | FSE |
Title: Finally Unfrozen by Squirrel
Tags: Character Development, Mouse, Romance, Sci-Fi, Skunk, Violence (Not In Yiff)
"Some-fur has to operate the controls, from up here," Advance said. They were in the control room (of the tea factory). "And some fur has to lure Mandy out into the brewing area ... and another fur has to ... wield the electrical plug. And stick her with the discharge."
"I'll do that," said Audrey. "That last part," she added.
"You will not," Peregrine countered.
"Perry ... "
"I'll be Mandy's ... lure," whispered Advance. "You two ... Peregrine, you can operate the controls," he told his fellow mouse.
"But ... "
" ... darling ... I'll be fine," said Audrey.
"But ... " A sigh. A little nod. "Alright ... " Though his eyes darted with worry. And his heart was at a scurry-scurry.
It was mid-morning, and ... Mandy wasn't here yet. But she would be. Soon. And the three furs were working over their plan (one final time). Feeling rushed. Their voices at a hush.
The lights in the room were dim, and the windows that covered one wall ... looked out on the floor below, which was ... sparse.
"We should, uh ... get into place," said Advance, whiskers twitching. The pinon mouse ... his large ears swiveling. A bit hot. He was nervous. Being alone with Mandy (again), and ... worried that, if they failed ... what would the retribution be?
Consequences would result ... no matter the outcome.
But, oh, how much worse they would be ...
... if this failed.
And the pinon mouse ... filtered to the door. Paused. Looked to them. And nodded. And slipped out. Into the hallway, and ... going to where the lobby was. Where he would intercept Mandy, the cheetah ... when she arrived.
Peregrine and Audrey were left alone in the control room.
"Well," Peregrine whispered. "I, uh ... "
"I'll be fine ... "
"Let me do it."
"Wielding the electrical plug? Perry ... it's dangerous."
"Which is why I should be doing it. I'm ... I'm the male, right? I'm supposed to protect you, right?"
"You're also a mouse."
"So?" He twitched.
"Darling ... when Mandy lunges at you, claws extended, teeth bared ... you'll panic. That's no fault of your own. That's ... no detriment to you. But ... I'm a skunk. I'm neither predator OR prey ... I can face her. I can look her in the eyes. I don't doubt your courage, and your will ... or your intent, but you know ... that of the three of us involved in this, I'm the one best-suited to attack a cheetah."
Peregrine swallowed, looking to the floor. Nodding slightly. "I guess ... a mouse versus a cheetah would be ... does sound like a bad idea, huh?"
"I'll be fine, Perry ... " The skunk put her paw underneath his chin. Lifting his gaze a bit. So she could see his grey eyes. "Mm?" She smiled warmly. Softly.
And he had to smile back. Just had to ... oh, what she could do to him, and ... oh, his heart. It was careening out of control. More and more in love with her. Closer and closer to her. Figuring out, by the hour, much she meant. How much she was worth. A few days ago, he'd been worried about ... staying in one place. Worried that, out of fear, he would scurry away. Would lose her. But, now, he was feeling ... such a sensation of need. Dependence.
He was addicted to her.
She leaned forward. Put a kiss on his cheek. Another, closer to his lips. And then ... his lips, exactly. Spot on ... sweet, soft ... succulent. Muzzle to muzzle, tilted, and ... drawing back. And she swallowed, licking her own lips (quietly).
"I love you," he told her. He'd always been afraid to say those words ... out loud. For fear of rejection. For fear of ... he didn't even know. Fear. Those words were powerful. Were strong. To speak them was to deal with heavy, committed things. And ... but he no longer feared them. Or maybe he did. But he wasn't going to let it stop him. So, he said (again), "I love you ... Audrey ... and ... " He cleared his throat, flushing, his ears turning a rosier pink. "When this is over, and this town is free of this conspiracy, I just ... when all the fear is gone, I'll ... I want it ... " He trailed. He didn't know what he was trying to say. He just wanted to say SOMETHING. Felt he needed to say something. But ... the words ...
"I know," was her response. "We'll let our hearts go wild ... unfettered. Unchained. We'll frolic in the light."
A smile. "Mm ... something like that, I guess." He padded a single step forward, leaning his head against hers. Nuzzling her with his twitching, sniffing nose. Getting her silky scent. "Tonight," she promised, "we'll celebrate ... mm ... "
"Yeah?" he whispered, breathing deep. Sighing ...
"Yeah ... and the sort of celebration I have in mind requires ... that we both be in attendance, so you stay safe," she said. "And I will, too. I love you, too, Perry ... " A squeeze of his paw. A lingering, and ... she pulled away, opening the door.
"What should I do?" he asked of her. Not knowing why he asked it, and what he even meant ... by it. What should he do about his fear, or ... the worry, or ... being left alone in the control room? To pass the anxious minutes?
"Pray," she whispered. "And think of me ... " Her eyes glinted, and her smile was ... so full of life. Like him, a battered fur. A simple fur. Who'd lived a hard-earned prairie life. And was now on the cusp of feeling that ... emotional healing ...
... was here.
Joy ... was here.
Just a few paw-steps away.
All they had to do was ... own the day.
Their time was now.
Mandy slipped inside the front door. Silky. Smooth. As was her way. She moved with a confidence built on control. Control of herself (and her own abilities). And control of others. She craved control. It was why she was so addicted to this Conspiracy, and why ... she was seeking to run it. Seeking the thrill, the ... " ... morning," said Advance. Quietly. Not meeting her eyes. He couldn't. Not after what she'd done to him, and ... how he'd been so weak, and ...
" ... good morning to you, too. Mm ... isn't it, though?"
"A good morning," the cheetah purred, taking a step around him. Padding in a slow circle around him. Looking him over. "Like something," she whispered, "the cat dragged in." A pause. A fierce, golden gaze. "We'll have to do something about that."
"Well, I ... "
"Groom your fur." She put her paws on his side. Patted him. Smoothed his fur, and ... tugged at his clothing. "Mm ... " She seemed distracted, her pupils dilating. As if she was analytically dissecting her prey.
"I, uh ... the tea," managed Advance, feeling chills. Trying to step away. "The tea ... I want to give you a proper tour of the brewing floor."
"You already did that."
"But I, uh, the ... I found a way to more effectively," he said, "mix the mind agent ... made it more soluble. I mixed a batch."
"When?" She titled her head. Her black spots seemed to be like black holes. Don't start at her fur ... or you'd get hypnotized.
"This morning."
"I didn't authorize you to brew anything yet ... "
"I wanted it ready for you."
"Why?" She put her paws on his chest. Pushed him to the wall. Teeth showing. "Answer me, mouse ... "
"I ... I ... thought it would please you ... "
"I am in control here. I tell you when to ... "
" ... to control me. I'll drink it. You can control me," he squeaked, writhing. Trying to get away.
The cheetah paused. Leaned back, relaxing. Intrigued. "Really ... " She tilted her head. Eyed him. "Why?"
"I ... thought it would ... please you," he repeated, twitching. Speaking erratically.
A slow smile spread across her lips. "You like being dominated?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Well, of course, you do ... you're a rodent. You're prey. Still ... that you would be the first to test the contaminated tea ... such loyalty," she purred. "I didn't think you had it in you."
And he didn't. And he was hoping she didn't recognize that ... hoping she would buy into this, as she was doing. Stay with it, stay with it ...
"Alright. Lead me to it."
Advance started to scurry off, squeaking, nearly tripping ...
... as her paw crushed his tail in a steely grip. "Walk," she advised, "where I can see you." Where she could pounce him ... if she needed to. Within striking distance. She wanted him to stay within striking distance. "Keep your backside to me ... now, move," she yanked his tail.
"Ow," he yelped. Feeling a sharp pain ...
And she let go of the tail, shoving his back ...
... and he stumbled forward, submissively leading her to the brewing floor. The main part of the factory. Through the doors, and into the open ... near the big vats of tea. Near all the equipment. Where the raspberry flavoring was mixed in, and ...
... above, in the control room, Peregrine, who'd been pacing back and forth, back and forth, unable to calm down, glanced out the windows.
Advance came into view. Shaking ... scared ...
... and Mandy right behind him. Taller. Stronger. A lithe huntress. A robot. More than a match for the three of them combined.
But no match for the elements. For electricity.
Perry eyed the controls. What ... which button ... and he froze. Eyes widening, whiskers twitching. He squeaked ... button, button ... which button!
Calm down, calm down ...
... think, think, think ...
... blue! Blue one. Sky-blue ... button.
He swallowed and pressed it, and ... heard a hum. And saw the indicator light turn on ... full power.
The vats began to stir. Began to purr ...
... like how Mandy purred. "Mm ... the sound of progress."
"Over here," Advance said. Pointing to a small set of steps. "We can ladle some ... I'll drink it."
"You've being cooperative," noted Mandy. With more than a hint of suspicion in her voice.
Advance took a step forward.
"You smell ... you've been around other furs."
"I'm not allowed to have friends?" he asked.
"No, no ... I smell other furs ... " She froze, nose to the air. "A ... "
" ... skunk?"
Mandy whirled.
Audrey, electrical plug in paw ... three-pronged head to the cord, and ... all she had to do was stab it into Mandy's fur. And the volts would flow. The discharge would kick back ... maybe shock Audrey a bit, too, but ... no, the brunt would go into the cheetah.
"A skunk," spat Mandy. Saying the word "skunk" as if it were a curse word.
Audrey padded forward.
Advance backed away, scurrying round the corner of the biggest tea vat.
Mandy turned to glimpse the fleeing mouse ... " ... coward!" she hissed. "You're not ... getting away," she huffed, her rage flaring. Her predatory instincts coming into full swing. "You're my toy, mouse. You're my ... prey."
Audrey padded closer, preparing to lunge, but ...
... Mandy growled and lunged first, without even looking in Audrey's direction. Hitting the skunk's stomach, breasts ... knocking her down, sending the corn flying like a lost rope. The end of it sizzling.
The cheetah swung a fisted paw at the skunk ...
... who twisted out of the way.
Mandy's paw punched the floor. She yelped ... hissed, and ...
" ... Advance ... g-get out!" Audrey yelled.
"B-but ... "
"Just go ... " It wasn't like the mouse was contributing to this fight in any way (as frozen with fear as he was), and ... what Audrey had in mind ... " ... go ... " A foot-paw kicking, from the ground, at Mandy's shin.
The cheetah, lithe, nimble, twisted ... and raked her claws at the skunk's arm. Slicing through the fur and to the flesh, and drawing bright-red blood ... which matted the black fur. Dark red on black, and ...
... the skunk's tail flickered. Flickered.
The cheetah ignored what was intended as a natural warning sign ... and clawed again ...
... as Audrey crawled away, on all fours, tail raised and flickering. The white stripes showing like snowy marks against the night-black. Tail arched. Flickering.
"Opening your flank to attack ... skunk ... you ... " Mandy froze. Suddenly getting it. Suddenly realizing what she was dealing with. What she was facing, and turning ...
... too late. Turning to run ... too late.
Audrey's glands released the spray. The molecules quickly disseminating in the air, and ...
... the cheetah howled, hissed, and ... gagged, shaking, blindly trying to attack Audrey (in spite of this).
And the skunk, unaffected by her own weapon, calmly got to her foot-paws, nursing her bloodied arm, and ... grabbing the fallen electrical cord with her good paw. Picking it up.
The cheetah, with each breath, sucked in the scent ... which was the most unreal thing ... she'd ever been assaulted with. Incapacitating. She couldn't think, couldn't ... she just shivered, coughing ...
... and Audrey hesitated. She was a kind fur. She was rough and tumble. Was rural. Knew about life and death, but she'd never ...
" ... killed anything? The fur caught between worlds ... where does your allegiance lie? If you kill me," Mandy gasped horribly, "you're a predator. If you don't, you're as weak as prey ... either way, you're lost."
"No ... no, you're the one, Mandy, who's lost. That's lost. You ... have lost," Audrey said quietly, "this time."
"There are more of me. I'll be replaced by another ... " Cough ... sickly coughs. The skunk spray still hovering in the air. In her nostrils. Sticking to her fur and clothes. (And the two mice, Peregrine and Advance, even from the control room, behind the windows ... where they now were ... even THEY could smell it, and ... their noses wrinkled and twitched, and they eyes watered from it ... but they were only getting a trace ... Mandy had gotten the full brunt.)
"Mandy, if there are more of you ... advise them to steer clear of Sheridan, Wyoming. And maybe you'll be smart enough not to mess with a skunk. We may be pretty," Audrey taunted. "We may be silky, sensual ... furs. But we can be as gritty as the rest of them. Do NOT," Audrey growled, "hurt mice ... and do NOT ... push my buttons."
"You're a fucking ... "
STAB! Stabbing Mandy with the electrical cord, and ...
... shriek! Howl!
And the resulting electrical discharge overloaded her circuits. Fried her, and ... she lay limp. Defeated. Done.
And Audrey let out a deep breath, taking a step backward. Breathing, swallowing ... a bit shaky. And she looked up at the control room window. And sighed, and ... offered a weak smile. Still nursing her own bloodied arm, and ... tail still raised (in defensive position).
Peregrine's worried, caring eyes ... no longer distant, no longer glazed over from fear ... they met hers. And held that gaze.
"I'll come up to you," she mouthed. "Better yet ... outside."
His eyes raised.
"Outside," she mouthed quietly ...
... and Peregrine nodded.
And a minute later, the three of them were outside. In the mid-morning sun. In the blue, hearing the birdsongs, and ... seeing the greenery of the waving trees.
Oh, but there was a breeze!
"Your, uh ... your factory's gonna have to be shut down for a few days," Audrey said sheepishly. Apologizing. "That's how long it'll take for the scent to go away."
Advance nodded ... and smiled with relief. "It's okay. I mean ... after this, I need a rest, and ... when the other prey in town here about this, they'll ... we'll have our town back. They can't control us anymore. Guard trolleys or not. We'll find a way to ... liberate this town, too."
A slight giggle at the pinon mouse's enthusiasm ... and she looked to her mate. And ... held her breath. "Perry," she whispered.
The mouse threw his arms around her. Eyes watering. "Mm ... I, uh ... you were remarkable!" He beamed and pulled back, eyes welling. "You were ... grace and poise and ... strength. I never could've done that," he admitted. A giggle, eyes darting. "I, uh ... I know, now, why you needed to be the one to attack her. I, uh ... couldn't have hit her with your arsenal."
A chuckle. Her arm hurting, throbbing, the gash healing ... blood drying on her fur, but ... the bleeding had stopped. She would be okay. "We both need a shower ... badly ... "
A sigh ... and a look at her arm. A look of concern.
"It's sore, but ... it'll be fine. Just need a few days' rest, is all ... "
"I'll be your medicine," Peregrine promised. The mouse named for a falcon. Showing such empathy. Such emotion. Finally unfrozen.
And the skunk hugged her mate ... and kissed him on the cheek. A sloppy, sighing kiss.
And Advance watched, blushing ...
... as the sun rained down on them. Absorbing into their fur. Casting them all in such a hopeful glow.
Faith, hope, and love. Now, in this light, in this ... victory ...
... all of them could grow. | FSE |
Title: Downpour
Tags: in a sunburned country event, romance, beach, queensland
*Thanks to Chloe for initiating this story theme. I enjoyed the challenge of writing for it and I hope you enjoy reading the result. Please leave a comment if you'd like to, because I really appreciate reading them.
Everyone in this story is over the age of 18.*
"Well, fuck this. Fuck this for a game of soldiers. Ughh. Fuckity fuck."
Two sodden, useless bags slide to the ground and lounge around my feet like sorry dogs. I stab them with my best hard stare. One slumps even further and a green pepper, no make that a 'capsicum' since that's what it's called here, falls onto the greasy concrete and wobbles as if having a good old laugh at me.
And that's my last statement on the matter. It's been a shit day. Totally, utterly shit. Mum called me this morning to rant at me about my thieving brother, like I can do anything about it. Not. Nothing went right at work either, unless delivering the news of a twenty per cent overspend to a new client can be counted as good. And now this torrential rain has caught me on my way back from the shops. I'm soaked to the skin and both paper bags have pretty much disintegrated.
I peer out at the street. I've never seen or heard rain like it. The traffic, normally an unstoppable procession, has come to an almost complete standstill. The sound of the rain on the awning over my head is thunderous.
"You're English."
I bite back a shriek, turning round to locate the source of the voice. I thought I was all alone here, but no. There, leaning against the pawn shop window, is a tall-ish bloke, all limbs and wild hair.
"I'm what? What?"
"Sorry. Didn't mean to make you jump," in a laconic voice. "I'm guessing you didn't see me standing here?"
"No. I didn't."
I stare at him. Almost as hard a stare as I gave the shopping bags just now. It doesn't appear to have much effect. He doesn't wither to dust or explode into smithereens. In fact he seems to return it with interest. It's my skin that's burning up.
"What's a game of soldiers? Never heard a that."
"A what?" I frown at him, then get it. "Oh. That. It's just a sweary thing."
"A sweary thing?"
Is he making fun of me?
"Yeah, you know. It means... well, it's just a way of saying you're fed up with the, um, the situation."
He's definitely cracking a smile. I frown harder.
"That's a new one on me," he grins.
I blow my breath out. He's got that lithe, feral look they have around here. Of someone who's spent as much of their childhood in the water as on land. Long muscles. Loose strides. Barefoot most of the time, eschewing the difference between beach and pavement. And very green eyes. Well ok, the eyes are particular to this one here.
"It's what my dad used to say. He was a squaddie. Most of what he said came from the army one way or the other."
Why am I explaining myself? I bend to pick up the errant pepper and hold it in my hand as I straighten up, feeling his eyes on me.
"Got far to go with that?"
He points to my shopping spilling out of the soggy, split bags at my feet.
"No, not really. But it was pelting down and the bags sort of disintegrated a bit."
He nods. Turns his eyes to the rain sheeting down from the awning all around us.
"It'll ease off in a few minutes."
I contemplate the view, dubious about his prognosis. It's my fourth week here but my first rainfall, so what do I know?
"Is this how it always rains here?"
"You're from England?"
He's moved closer.
"Yes. That must be obvious?"
He raises both hands. A gesture of surrender. Maybe I need to wind my neck in a bit. It's not his fault.
"Sorry. Bit of a shit day if you know what I mean. This has just been the icing on the cake."
I gesture at the rain, noticing the green pepper still in my hand. Something that finally makes me smile.
"Icing on the cake?"
His face is creased in a big grin again.
"Yeah. That."
He nods. We stand looking out at the road. Maybe the rain is letting up. Just a bit. I glance at him, trying not to turn my head and be obvious about it. Two tattoos that I can see. Hair of a length my dad would tut at. Dark shorts and t-shirt. Wet all over. No shoes. Green eyes.
His face splits into another grin and I feel busted.
"Right," he says in that way that's between a statement and a question. And bends to pick up one of my bags, the black waistband of his underwear peeking out, 'BONDS' emblazoned across his hips in big white letters. He stands, hitching up his shorts.
Just like that, it's stopped raining. As if someone's turned the tap off upstairs. The traffic is moving again. Rivers of water sluice along the gutters. Confused, I put out a hand, but he's already wrestled one of the bags into his arms.
"I'll take this. You can't carry them both."
I hesitate. And then -- fuck it -- if he's a psychopath, so what. It'll just prove I shouldn't have got out of bed this morning. Or tramped halfway around the world, come to that. As I pick up the other bag he says, "I'll follow you," and I shiver.
He doesn't follow me, exactly, but walks next to me. We don't say much. I worry about taking him up to the door, dire 'stranger danger' stuff swirling around in my guts, but reason that there are six flats in the building, so maybe it's not so bad? I'm on the top floor too, so he'd have to work his way through at least four other flats before he got to mine. I imagine that the desperate screams from the neighbours would alert me to his murderous rampage and give me time to jump off the balcony to save myself? Maybe.
"Hey, buddy." A white truck pulls alongside us, a darker-haired version of Green Eyes sticking his head out of the window. "Long time."
"Hey Mike. How're you going?" Green Eyes slows down. Comes to a stop at the kerb.
"Yeah, good. You get caught in the rain?"
"Does it look like it much?"
They both laugh easily. They know each other. I relax a tiny bit. Surely murdering psychopaths don't have friends they laugh with like that?
"Wanna call me later? I could use your advice on a couple a things?" sliding his eyes to me. "Hey."
"Hi," I respond, not sure if I want to introduce myself or not.
"Sure. After nine tonight?" Green Eyes offers.
"Too easy."
A plan agreed, we all move off and away. It's just starting to rain again, more lightly this time, as we reach my building.
I nod.
"Need help from here, or --?"
"Oh I'm fine from here, thank you."
He puts the bag down on top of the mailboxes.
"Thanks for helping me."
"Yeah no worries."
There's an awkward moment where neither of us moves. My skin prickles.
"See you around."
And with that, he walks off, back towards the main road. I watch him until he reaches the corner. Then hurry inside, not wanting to be caught looking. As if he'd look back anyway.
It's only when I see myself in the bathroom mirror I realise my wet shirt is almost completely transparent. I squeeze my eyes tight and sigh, mum's voice banging in my ears; "Just be careful out there. You don't know the rules, Marie. Different rules in different countries, so you be on your guard." Rules. Yeah -- that's my family. All rules and no discipline.
"Hello again."
I look up and raise my hand to shade my eyes against the setting sun. It's him. Standing in front of me, a board under his arm, dripping ocean water from his lean frame.
"Oh! Hi!"
"Better weather today." His face cracks into that wide grin.
"Yes. Beautiful actually. It's like the rain scrubbed everything clean and shiny."
I stop. Embarrassed.
"Yeah right."
He's still grinning, but not like he's laughing at me. I dig my toes into the sand. Water bubbles around them.
"Taking a walk?"
I nod. Except I wasn't. I'd come to a standstill, staring out at the horizon. Which I'm sure he must have seen. I tighten my grip on the shoes I'm carrying in my hand.
"I'm still getting used to the idea of being able to walk on the beach every day."
"Yeah? I've seen you along here before. It's a special place eh?"
I nod again, feeling the tension working into my gut.
"You working around here?"
"Um, yes. For a friend of mine. She runs her own business."
He's turned around to walk alongside me. We kick through the edge of the surf into the low sunlight.
"One of her employees has gone travelling for a year, so I'm filling in for her."
"Sweet as."
"I hope so. At least this week has been better than last week. Sorry about that. You saw me at a bad time."
I sneak a look at him.
"You're alright. We all have shitty days," green eyes suddenly glimmering.
I smile back.
"So, do you work around here too?"
"At the Surf Club. Have you been? You need to know someone who's a member to get you in."
He's pointing at the place that overlooks the beach. Big blue umbrellas and glass balustrades.
"It must have a great view."
"You should come in one night after work. Give them my name at the door and they'll let you in."
I breathe in.
"I'm there most nights except Sundays," he offers, squinting at me.
"Oh. Um, ok, maybe -- yes. One evening, maybe."
God, could I sound more nervous?
"I'd like that. Bring your mate, if ya like."
He slows. Swaps the board to his other arm and offers his hand out.
"Ask for me. Noah."
He nods. "Noah Holland. And you?"
"Marie. Marie Cooper."
His hand is firm and warm.
"Awesome, Marie Cooper. Gotta run, but see you later."
He turns. I watch him padding down the beach in his black wetsuit. An easy gait. Nice hips. And want to sink into the sand when he turns back, grins, lifting his hand in salute.
"Come on, let's go. Why not? We have to celebrate getting this new project somehow. The Surf Club sounds as good a place as any, especially if you can get us in, Marie."
The look on Lisa's face is all too familiar. She's set her mind to something and nothing is going to derail it. As soon as I'd begun to tell her about meeting Noah I'd regretted it. The sparkle in her eyes was enough to warn me she was much too thrilled about it. Ever since getting me here, she's been on at me to start dating again.
"And I'd get to cast my expert eye over this Noah Holland candidate."
She licks her lips and winks. I'm forced to laugh.
'You're the worst, Lisa."
"Haha. You wouldn't have me any other way, admit it."
We're still laughing as we cross the road and climb the steps up to the club.
"Noah? Ah, yeah. Just a minute."
I watch the woman at the desk pick up the phone and mess about with some papers in front of her. Lisa taps her fingers, impatient. I swallow. What if he was just a mad fraud?
"Hey hi!"
He strolls out of a door to our right, looking a bit less wild. At least, his hair looks as though it might have seen a comb today, and he's wearing more formal clothes than I've seen him in so far. So far? What am I thinking?
"Um, hello. I -- um -- we -- uh, this is Lisa." I point at Lisa in desperation.
"Good to meet you, Lisa. And to see you again Marie Cooper. I'll show you round," his mouth kicks up at one side.
He walks us through the bar and restaurant out onto the terrace. Hitches at the waistband of his khakis. I have to move out of Lisa's range to stop her from jabbing me in the ribs.
"Oh wow. The view is amazing."
He turns to face me.
"Yeah, pretty nice hey?"
For some reason my body heat starts to spike. I look down at my toes but he's still watching me when I raise my head. As if he's studying me. I start to hum under my breath, searching for something to say. Anything.
"Did you come for a drink, or you eating here too?"
Still nothing. Lisa jumps to my rescue.
"Drinks. We're celebrating."
His eyes flick to her, then back.
"The bar, then."
We follow him back inside where he steps behind the bar and pours us both a large glass of sauvignon blanc.
"Cheers," he pushes the glass towards my hand.
"Join us?"
That's Lisa.
"Nah, you're alright. Long night ahead."
We raise our glasses, awkwardly. He's still smiling as we weave our way back to the terrace for the last few moments of the day. I pull on my sweatshirt, feeling the chill as the sun sinks low. We watch in silence.
"I can't get enough of these sunsets, Lisa."
We clink glasses.
"The colours are amazing. I've never seen such perfect baby blues and pinks together in one sky."
"I'm thrilled, Marie. I know you weren't completely convinced you were going to like it here, you're such a townie. But there's something special about living so close to the ocean."
"I think I'm beginning to see that."
"And this is our winter. Bit different to winter in grey old London, isn't it?"
"Definitely. I can't imagine what the summer is going to be like."
I sit back.
"So, he's cute enough to turn a queer girl straight. Especially with a bum like that."
I cough.
"Lisa, honestly?"
She's smirking over her wine glass.
"What? Marie come on! I'm not saying anything you don't already know. I see how you look at him. If your eyes could dance, they would." She takes a sip. "And so would his. He likes you."
I make some noises of protest, but acknowledge it's more an effort to shout down my own hopes than anything else. What if Lisa's wrong?
"See you again. Down on the beach, maybe?"
His words roll around my head, lying here in the dark. Were they a promise, or just a casual way of saying goodnight?
I'm too restless to sleep. Too much wine and not enough food, for one thing. Memories of his hands uncorking the wine bottle, holding out the glass for me, the slightest touch of our fingers, for another.
I kick my legs out of bed and stand at the window. It's not that the moon is upside down here so much as sideways. It's a constant, if beautiful, reminder of how far I am from home. I choke down the tears that suddenly rise up in me. Definitely too much wine. And a hot mess of other stuff, all of it I've been trying to put behind me. Marginally psychotic parents. A brother on his way into prison, by the looks of it. A pathetic end to a disastrous relationship. The usual. Everyone has their burdens to carry, don't they?
It's been windy all day and this, plus the amount of wine consumed last night, have blessed me with a mammoth headache. But now I'm on the beach exposed to the full blast of it, it's clearing my head. I curl my toes into the sand, watching it suck and sink around my feet. Hypnotised by the overlapping patterns made by the sand, the water and the bubbles.
A huge dog races into view, tongue out and eyes wild.
I take a step back. Nearly stumble.
"Cassie! Come here!"
"Oh, it's you."
"Good to see you too, Marie."
I suck at my lip.
"She won't hurt you, she's a big softie" he smiles. "Not a fan of dogs?"
His eyes squint at me as he pulls at the dog's collar, holding her close to him. The wind is whipping his hair all around but he pays that no attention.
"Is she yours?"
"Nah. My boss's. I'm taking her out while he's dropping his kids off."
"Mm. Where I come from dogs like that roam in packs for safety."
Another awkward pause.
I look away. Then down.
"Do you ever wear shoes?"
He laughs; a sharp bark of a noise. Cassie the dog gives him an adoring look.
"Not often. And never on the beach."
"Oh. I guess I'm just marking myself out as a complete foreigner."
He shrugs.
"Come for a drink later? I can get off work early for doing this favour for my boss. If you want?"
He pauses.
"Bring Lisa too, if you'd like."
"To the Surf Club?"
"No. I spend enough time there as it is. Do you know where Vinny's is?"
I nod. It's on my way home. He must know that.
"Eight thirty good?"
"Um, yes. Eight thirty."
"Come hungry. They make the best burgers on the Gold Coast."
"Ok." I grin like stupid.
He nods. Lets go of Cassie's collar and she races directly into the sea, barking at the waves.
"Later then."
He's standing at the bar, his back to the door. In jeans. They make his legs look even longer. And -- yes -- shoes. Vans, I think. Skater shoes anyway. And a long-sleeved shirt. Lisa was right about his bum. I suck at my lip. See the girl behind the bar tip her chin in my direction and watch as he turns around. Pushes himself off the bar.
"Hey Marie. You came on your own?" his eyes scoping around me.
"I did. I've been here before and know there's more than one exit, so I reckoned I'd be safe to come by myself. Plus it's a busy place. Lots of witnesses," I deadpan.
"Sure. Can't be too careful?" A glint of a smile.
I look around. Our table has a view of the entire place. Probably even a peek of the ocean in daylight.
"I suppose you know everyone here?"
"That work here? Yeah. Bit of an occupational hazard, being in the same business in a small town like this."
"Is that how we got the best table in the place?"
He smiles. I look down at the menu, unsure if I can take his gaze.
"What are ya having?" he asks.
"I thought this was where the burgers were to die for, or did I get that wrong?"
He laughs. I press my knees together under the table.
"So, Marie Cooper, what's brought you all the way out here to Queensland's finest? Broken home, broken relationship or an offer from the criminal courts you couldn't refuse?"
"Well, Noah Holland, since you're asking, it's probably a combination of all three. Although it's my brother who's in trouble with the law, not me as such. But it sure makes the other side of the world an attractive option right now."
He sits back in the chair, his shirt tightening over his chest.
"Guess I touched a nerve," he says after a few seconds of contemplating the look on my face.
I shrug. "S'ok. It's just the average family story where I'm from."
"And where's that?"
"East London. Hackney. It was a right shit-hole when I was growing up. They tarted it up for the Olympics. Makes it look prettier in the rear view mirror but it's still best experienced only in the rear view mirror, if you know what I mean?"
He's laughing. Really laughing.
"I think I do. Not planning on going back there, then?"
"Not if I can help it. I mean, I'd managed to move away before coming here, to a better area of London. But this is definitely a substantial upgrade. Sun, sea, surf and fewer dirty syringes per square mile."
"Life is good here, eh? Although I'm not sure about the syringes. Have you noticed the clinic down on Fifth Avenue?"
We slipstream into an easy evening together. The burgers live up to their billing. He makes me laugh too, his eyes lighting up whenever I have to put my food back on the plate to catch my breath. It's a million miles away from the miserably stilted dates I'd put myself through back home. And even further away from the weird rituals of a night out with Alex.
He walks me home. The streets are pretty dark here. I'm so used to city life I forget that night time isn't the colour of sodium orange everywhere. But it's not the dark I'm thinking about. It's his proximity. Hints of his smell and the slightest brush of his arm against mine as we walk. I can hardly think of anything else and marvel at my ability to put one foot in front of the other without tumbling into the gutter.
"Thanks for inviting me out," I begin, pulling the door key out of my pocket. "Dinner was -- "
His face is suddenly close. My pulse jacks up and I put my hand out, scrabbling to grab onto the doorframe. For a horrible moment I think he might be having second thoughts, his eyes seem so cool. The feathery touch of his fingertip under my chin confuses me and I lift my face in surprise. The first impression of his mouth is soft. A burst of electricity. I'm sure he reacts to my sudden intake of breath, two fingers caressing the delicate underside of my throat now, tempting me closer. He presses against me a little more firmly. My head swims. As kisses go, this is right up there. I run my hands around his neck. He pulls away, but not far.
"That was nice. Inviting you out was the easy bit. This -- this took more courage. I wasn't sure you wanted it."
I'm so surprised by his honesty I don't know what to say. His face splits into another grin. I don't think I've been kissed by someone smiling so broadly as he is. He pecks and sucks at my mouth. Playful. How did I not know until now what a turn-on playful can be? His thigh pushes in-between my legs, his hand on my back pressing me into him as he bends down to my mouth. Still soft but more insistent. And then he lets go. An abrupt abandonment that leaves me bereft.
"Goodnight Marie. I'll see you around."
"How?" Almost a wail. God, how embarrassing.
"You walk the beach between four and five most days, right?"
I nod dumbly. And watch as he raises his hand, then turns away.
"Night, Noah."
He acknowledges me with another wave before turning the corner out of sight. I slump against the front door until a surge of adrenalin bolts through me and I'm giggling like a madwoman as I climb the stairs.
"What are these?" I ask, picking up an unfeasibly bright green pod eddying in the water around us.
He scoops it up out of my palm.
"It's a mangrove seed pod. They wash up all along this coast. Good colour, aren't they?"
"And so many of them."
"Yeah. They're all over this area."
"It's so exotic. To me, anyway."
"No mangroves in Hackney then?"
"What do you think?"
"Ow! So sharp."
I tut at him and then regret it. I'm about to apologise but he's already talking again.
"Have you been over the other side of the headland yet?" gesturing at the view in front of us.
"No. Not yet."
"How about Saturday morning? I don't have to be at the club until midday. We could go early?"
I nod. "I'd like that."
"Great. I'll pick you up around eight. We could have breakfast? There's a good place out that way we can stop at."
He reaches out to tug at my hand.
"We can walk a long way out here. It's really shallow, see?"
I look in the direction of his other outstretched hand, at the people jumping waves in the distance. I follow his lead as we weave our way across narrow streams of seawater and wide banks of sand, further and further away from the shore, my stride slightly constricted by the office dress I'm wearing.
"I'm not really dressed for the beach," I mutter.
"And yet you walk it every day dressed like it."
"It's all I have!" I protest even though what he says is fair comment.
I packed mostly work clothes and only a few concessions to beach life when I came here, and have found my style to be sorely out of step. It seems like shorts and t-shirts are acceptable in almost any work situation. The programmers turn up to work in their wetsuits some mornings, boards tucked underarm, tracking sand all over the floor. It makes me feel a total square in my sensible grey and navy skirts and dresses.
"I'm not complaining. It makes it easy to find you."
I pull a face which he shrugs off, unembarrassed at his admission that he watches for me.
"It's warm today. The water, I mean. It feels warmer."
He tips his head, his fingers twitching in my hand when he suddenly yanks me to him and we fall waist deep in the water. My shriek sounds horribly loud.
"Warm enough for ya?" he's pulling us deeper, arms and legs wrapped around me, holding us afloat.
"I can't believe you just did that." I try to glare at him, but he's having none of it and his amusement is infectious.
And now I'm in it, the water isn't that warm. I mean, warmer than the North Sea, no question. Yet not exactly warm.
"And what's in here anyway?"
"Nothing life-threatening. It's too shallow here for sharks or dolphins."
"Dolphins? Aren't they just cute, cuddly things?"
"They're bastards. They bump and knock into you if you're surfing someplace they don't want you."
"Yeah. Serious bruises if they get ya."
"I had no idea."
He draws me into his chest, sharing his body heat, his hands warm around my waist.
"I think the wet and wild look suits ya," he says.
"The what now?"
"You're pretty when you're all neat and tidy, but I think I like you messy."
I open my mouth to retort something biting, but he beats me to it with a kiss. Purposeful. More exploratory than the other night. Harder. Splashes of sunlight float and dance over my eyelids. I try to relax but my blood is thumping around my body too fast. The tip of his tongue brushes along my lower lip. I open my eyes, running out of oxygen. His gaze, full of intent, does nothing for my blood pressure. No-one's kissed me like this. As if it's the main event. It scares me. And I want more.
We kiss until the breeze rises and brings me out in a rash of goosebumps, his tongue stroking and curling around mine, gently pulling at me, searching for me. The press of our bodies feeling more urgent, our breathing more shallow.
"Probably time to get out before it gets too chilly," he smiles, rubbing my back.
I curse the setting sun for killing the heat and follow him back onto the sandbanks, my legs a little shaky. My dress clings to me, heavy with saltwater. We collect my shoes. Noah's persuaded me it's fine to leave them on the beach while I walk in the water, after teasing me for assuming everyone's a thieving git and reminding me this place isn't anything like London.
"I'll take ya home on my bike so ya don't get too cold," he's saying as we walk up the beach towards the road.
I didn't know he had a bike, but it's there, parked outside the Surf Club. I know bugger all about motorbikes. This one's nice looking; glossy blue and shiny chrome. I'm dubious about getting on it, but he flicks his hand at me and I hike up my dress to get on behind him.
"Hold onto me like this. I won't go too fast. You'll be fine."
His skin is hot underneath his wet shirt. Air rushes by all around us. For my first bike ride, it's pretty good and I'm laughing by the time he pulls up outside my building.
He steadies me as I get off.
"That was fun."
"Yeah?" He looks pleased.
I nod. Lean in to give him a kiss and he catches me, hands on both sides of my head, holding me to him.
"Gotta go," he says regretfully. "Until Saturday."
And drives off. Faster than when I was on the back.
I regard my overpriced smashed avocado on toast, wondering what my nan would say about it. She thinks avocado is a colour choice for bathrooms, not a food. A little twist in my gut brings a flush to my throat. I'm so very far away from home. It's liberating.
We are surrounded by blue. Blue sky. Blue ocean. Brilliant, expansive, big blue in every direction. On the edge of the world. Not even the frequency of the aircraft taking off and landing nearby mars the beauty of this place. I try to visualise what's out there, over the blue horizon. I've spent hours staring at Google Earth trying to orientate myself. To the left is Papua New Guinea. To the right, New Zealand. Thousands of islands and atolls sprinkled throughout the South Pacific, but no major landfall from this coastline until Chile and Argentina.
I drag my eyes back to our table, and sneak looks at him when I think he's too absorbed in eating to notice. He's wearing a light green t-shirt that looks like it's been worn and loved for many years, his shoulders straight and square inside it. Light brown hairs on his golden arms reach up into the puffs of air swirling around us.
"Did you grow up around here?"
He nods, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Takes a drink from his sweating glass. "But I've only been back here about a year."
"Yeah. I was working down in Sydney for a few years but I hated it."
"Sydney or the work?"
His green eyes focus on me then dip.
"The job. I worked for a big accountancy firm and couldn't have hated it more if I tried."
"As an accountant?" I can't hold back my surprise.
"Don't sound so amazed," his response is mild but I worry he's offended.
"I know I don't look much like an accountant but maybe that's why it wasn't my best career choice."
"I can't imagine you in a suit."
"No?" His eyes trap mine.
I shake my head and swallow. He takes another drink. I watch his throat. He hasn't shaved recently. I sit on my hands, fighting an unfamiliar urge to run my fingertips across his stubble.
"What made you stop?"
He picks at his plate.
"One morning I woke up but couldn't get out of bed. So I quit. Didn't even go back into the office."
"What are you going to do next?" I nearly bite my tongue off, thinking I might be offending him even more with my assumption that working in a bar isn't what or where he wants to be.
"A bit of this and a bit of that. Running the club for Nick is ok for now. It gives me time to do a couple other things."
"I do the accounts for some mates of mine that run their own businesses or are self-employed. I guess that'll always be a fallback for me, to pay the bills." He pauses; shrugs. But for once I think he's having to try for laid-back and I sit up, to listen more carefully to whatever's coming next. "And I take pictures. I've even sold a few."
He nods, looking a bit less sure of himself. An idea of him as a young boy flits into my head; softer, maybe even shy.
"I'd like to see them."
"Sure." He smiles a small smile.
The big blue skies spin overhead.
"Wanna beer or a glass of wine?"
"Um, a beer, thanks."
We slide the bags onto the kitchen counter. The food smells great, but I'm more interested in looking at the flat. It's above the club. We passed a small bathroom on the way into the main room -- a kitchen, dining and living room all together. A couple of doors, both closed, off to one side. An entire wall made up of sliding glass doors looking directly out onto the ocean.
"The view must be incredible in the daylight."
He glances up, bottle opener in his hand.
"It's spectacular. The rest of the apartment isn't anything special, but the view is what makes it."
The beer is ice cold. I fold my arms around myself. He dishes out the food into bowls, his movements fluid. Economical.
We sit either side of the kitchen countertop. He eats steadily and with concentration. We've been out all afternoon, riding along the coastal road and then inland, into the pines. I can feel the sun and wind on my face. The skin on my arms and legs is stiff with it too. His hair is wild from the ride, unruly waves of it framing his face and straggling down his neck, trapped around the black cord he wears there.
"Don't ya like it?"
He's gesturing with his chopsticks at my bowl. Largely untouched.
"No. I mean yes. It's delicious."
I blush hard and shovel rice into my mouth.
We don't say much after that. The clicks and slurps of eating and drinking against the regular rhythm of the ocean are the only sounds all around us. It's comfortable. He sits back as he finishes off, balancing the chopsticks across the top of his bowl. He asks me what it's like working for Lisa; whether it's what I'd expected it to be. I tell him about our college days together. Our daydreams of emigrating into the sunshine. But where she'd gone and done it, I'd got myself a sensible and very boring job in London instead. Until she'd messaged a few months back, asking if I'd be interested in a year's contract working for her company, to fill in for her project manager while she took off around Europe. I could even live in her flat while she was gone.
He pushes another beer over to me while I talk, letting his fingers rest on mine for a few seconds.
I ramble on, about persuading Lisa to change some of their management software, and how I still can't get used to the idea of sitting in an office in shorts and flip flops...
"Flip flops?"
"Thongs. You lot call them thongs."
... and how welcome everyone has made me feel there. How much I've grown to love walking along the beach every day after work, kicking through the surf. And how I feel more relaxed here than I had thought possible.
I halt.
"Sorry. I talk too much."
"Who says?"
I turn to look out of the window.
"I don't think so."
"I'm the one sitting here listening to ya."
Sounds from downstairs, distant until now, gather in volume, like a battle cry. Noah inclines his head.
"Queensland must've scored."
"Did you want to watch it?"
"Nah. I'm not much of a football fan. And I don't reckon Queensland will win it this year anyway."
He shakes his head and stands up.
"I need to sit somewhere a bit more comfortable than these bloody awful chairs." He lifts his eyebrows at me; an expression both funny and suggestive.
The sofa is more comfortable than it looks. I sink into it, glad of its softness.
"Mindless TV or music?"
"Music. I hear enough of Australian tele from my neighbour's flat. I think he's a bit deaf."
Noah laughs, then coughs as he settles next to me.
"You good?"
"Yes. Yes, thanks. I really enjoyed the afternoon."
"Being on the bike was ok for ya?"
"Yes. I had fun, although I think I'll feel it tomorrow."
"Me too probably. It's a while since I've ridden that far."
He crooks his arm along the back of the sofa, a hint of his sweat that makes me want to breathe deeply. A twitch plays out across my shoulders.
"Cold? Here," and he pulls at a blanket lying across the top of the sofa. "Take this."
I tuck it around myself, inching a little bit closer.
"It doesn't sound like Queensland are winning the game," I offer. "Judging by the lack of cheering downstairs."
"Did you want to watch it?"
"No. I wouldn't have a clue what's going on. I'm not much of a one for watching sports."
"Mmm." He pauses. "Can I ask you something Marie?"
I turn to look at him. "Yes. What?"
Uncertainty in his eyes.
"You don't have a boyfriend waiting for you back in London, do ya?"
"No. No I don't."
"No-one you're still hung up on?"
The back of my neck crawls as his fingers curl upwards into my hairline.
"And another thing."
"When do ya ever take this down?"
He tweaks my knot of hair.
"Not messy enough for you?" I tease him, but I'm already reaching up to pull out the elastic.
"No, let me."
I stop, surprised at how rough his voice sounds. And let him unwind my hair with his gentle fingers, appreciating the care he's taking not to pull at the tangles. He moves me, twisting me until my back is turned to him as he teases my hair down over my shoulders, fingertips catching, sometimes lingering, against my skin.
"You've done this before."
"Three sisters."
"Hair like yours?"
"I imagine they brush it more than you do, then, to try to tame it?"
My skin cools where he's lifting up my hair, his kiss hot on my neck. I jolt forwards, a giggle escaping my lips, and stretch, offering him more of me.
"I've been thinking about this all afternoon," he whispers, his breath the lightest tickle.
I lean back into him, relaxing into his touch as he moves his mouth under my ear, down to my shoulders and back again. It's setting me alight, my skin already sensitised by too much sun and wind. I squeeze my toes tight and drop my head forward, overtaken by the feel of his mouth caressing me.
"You ok, Marie?"
I breathe in sharply, aware I might have have been making sounds I thought were only happening inside my head. I begin to nod but instead twist to meet him, wanting his mouth, the rush so intense it makes me lightheaded. Each touch, each kiss, intensifies the feeling of lifting upwards, high into the deep blue sky. His hands, firm on my shoulders, pull me closer until I'm hard up against his chest. The contact is a relief yet not enough.
He pulls back, releasing my mouth, eyes shiny. We yank at the blanket between us, redundant now, until it's in a heap on the floor.
His stubble rasps under my touch.
"Come here, Marie. Closer," as he coaxes me onto his lap, resting his hands around my waist.
He tastes earthy. With a touch of salt. A hint of washing detergent from his clothes.
"You smell good."
His chest moves as he laughs.
"You're the first girl who's ever said that to me."
I kiss his neck again.
"Well, you do."
He shifts underneath me and I slip forwards, clumsy. He's hard.
"Sorry," I apologise, seeing him wince.
He shifts around some more and I lift my hips, feeling awkward. I sit back down but the wonderful feeling has gone.
"It's ok," he tries to reassure me.
It's no use. I've lost my nerve. He's running his hands over my back but it only makes me stiffen up more.
"What is it?"
"Nothing," I lie.
"Nothing. Really."
"I'm not stupid. What's wrong? Tell me."
I look at him, wishing it was that easy.
Hurt fills his eyes.
"You're nervous of me."
I can't stand to look at him and know I'm ruining it all. As per. I lurch away, stumbling to find my feet and stand up.
"No, wait. Don't go."
He snags my hand.
"I'm sorry, Noah," I can barely get it out, "but I'm shit at this."
"What?" His brow creases as his fingers grip mine. "Shit at what? I thought you were into it... What do you mean, 'shit'?"
I look down at him, fidgeting my trembling legs.
"This. Shit at this."
"Says who?"
"My ex, for one."
He blinks, sits up straighter.
"He said so when I broke up with him."
"Well he sounds a right cunt."
I grunt, caught out by his vehement tone.
"Right? Marie? I mean, that's a fucking shitty thing to say to anyone."
"But I think he was right." I chew at my mouth, knowing now there's no way back from here.
That it's going to be over. He still looks so hurt. My guts churn with embarrassment. And grief over what could have been. It yawns in front me; another pathetic failure.
"Sit down. Please, Marie?"
His thumb presses the top of my hand.
"Unless ya wanna go. I mean, I want you to stay but it's not a hostage situation going on here. You can leave whenever you want, right. But stay, will ya?"
I drop back down onto the sofa, confused.
"Sorry, Noah. I'm sorry."
"Ok, stop. Stop apologising."
I press my lips together, my mind stinging cold with panic, blood and shame rushing in my ears.
It's a few minutes before either of us says anything.
"Do you wanna tell me, or shall I take you home?" He pauses. "I really like you, Marie, ya know? I was enjoying myself and I thought you were too. I want to see you again so I'd like it if ya stayed and talked."
I try to listen, recognising the effort it must be taking him to say these things.
"It's hard to talk about it, Noah," I eventually manage to say, miserable.
He rubs his hand over mine. Giving me some encouragement, I think. I decide to take courage from it.
"The thing is..." I glare at the crumpled blanket on the floor, "the thing is I enjoy it to a certain point but then it -- but then I just don't seem to be as into it as I should be. I get distracted. Nervous, or something."
I suck at my lip, determined not to be any more pathetic than I already have been by crying as well.
"Did I do something wrong? Something you didn't like? Marie?"
I shake my head miserably. "No."
"No? Then what happened?"
"I just thought maybe -- that, umm, that when I slipped and --"
"Oh, that." His face lightens. "That was nothing."
I realise I'm humming under my breath and stop.
His touch is more tentative, but he coaxes me into sitting back, his arm over my shoulders, hugging me gently to his side. I try to relax. Or at least to stop feeling incurably foolish.
"How would you like to come with me to Byron Bay one day next week? I need to go down there to pick up a few things from a mate. See if Lisa can't give you a day off."
My chest opens up as though he's forced the air into it.
"I meant it, Marie. I like ya. If this is our first bump in the road, so be it, right?"
I stare at him. I've been conditioned more than I thought to expect cruelty, moody silences and door slamming.
"Yes. I'd love to do that."
We buy Japanese again for dinner on the way back from Byron Bay. He's driving a mate's ute -- what I used to call a truck -- with the windows wound all the way down, air gusting around us as we swing into the car park behind the Surf Club. Cassie bounds up to the doors, Nick watching from the steps, and Noah shoos her away before I'll get out, clutching the food to my chest.
This time I'm the one serving it into bowls while he washes up in the bathroom.
"I'm bloody starving," he announces not for the first time as he sits at the countertop.
I slide the bowls over to him.
"Eat before you expire."
He grins at me. I can't stop myself from reaching over to push some of his hair out of his eyes.
"Yeah, even I'm about to admit I need a haircut."
"It wasn't a criticism, I just wanted to see your eyes."
I flush. He chews, his gaze steady on me. I seek refuge in my own food, studying it intently. His grin merely widens when I look up again.
We eat until we've finished every last morsel, the bowls scraped clean. He sits on the sofa fiddling with his phone while I start rinsing out the dishes.
"Hey, don't do that. Come and sit down. Unless you wanna go back to your own place now?"
I pick up the blanket that's still on the floor and fold it up as I sit down next to him. My phone buzzes. I pull it out of my back pocket. It's Lisa.
\--Aaand??!! --
I groan to myself. And tap out as short a reply as I think I can reasonably get away with.
\--Lovely day. Byron Bay is pretty. Hippie-Central! --
\--Aaand??!! --
Well, I should've known she wasn't asking for my Trip Advisor review.
"What's up?"
I pull a face.
"It's Lisa, nosing around."
"She's chief cheerleader as far as reviving my love life is concerned."
"Love life, eh?"
That dangerous glint in his eye. I flush hot again.
He eases the phone out of my hand and sets it down out of reach. His earthy smell fills my senses and he makes a surprised sound as he feels my first kiss on his neck. He lets me take my time, only gradually running his hands down from my shoulders to my waist, gentle touches of his lips to my hair.
As I lean back his eyes are serious. Careful.
"Do you want to go somewhere more comfortable than this grimy old couch?"
I stand up, heart thumping. Anticipation, not fear.
He holds my hand, leading me into his bedroom. Which is surprisingly neat. And smells of the same washing detergent as his clothes. Turning me around he picks at the elastic band in my hair, releasing it down my back, smoothing his hands through it. His breath is hot against my ear as he bends down to me.
"Look, I'm only interested in enthusiastic consent, Marie, so stop me if you don't feel right about anything."
I meet his gaze in the mirror in front of us, failing to control the strong kick of desire that skitters down my back.
"Do you trust me to stop if you say so?"
I nod.
"I don't have any condoms, so we're stopping before we reach that point anyway. Is that good with you?"
I nod again, something powerful blooming from under my ribcage. Still watching me in the mirror, he lifts my hair and presses his face into my neck, holding me to his chest. I let myself lean against him, to give myself over to his hold on me. Wanting him to touch me. All over. But his lips trace circles around my neck, ear, cheek. Delicate touches that bring me to place of pleasure I hardly recognise.
I open my eyes and find his staring back at me in our reflection.
"Yes. This is lovely."
"Lovely." He repeats the word as if practising it, humour touching the corners of his eyes.
"Mmhmm. Lovely is the perfect word for this feeling."
His eyes soften. He presses another sweet kiss into my neck. "I'm doing alright, then?"
"Oh, it's not you. It's me, Noah. All me. I'm the one that's --," I can't bring myself to say the word Alex branded me with. "I'm the one that can't do it right," I stutter.
"That's just fucking bullshit. I think he was the one not doing it right."
I frown, my heart sinking.
"No really, Marie. You were in his hands and he fucked it up. I mean, what did he even try?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean -- did he do this with you?"
He kisses my neck again.
"Umm, mmm -- yes. A bit. But not as -- not like this," I exhale, giving up on trying to find any words.
He tightens his hold around my body, moving into me, pressing himself up against me, eyes flickering as I push back, fitting into his body. He tilts his hips, forcing a shiver down me, head to toe. It feels as if my skin has come alive, nerve endings teeming, twitching, buzzing. With pleasure, not fear. His thumb scratches across my shoulder, catching against my shirt, my bra strap. Just once.
Can I relax enough to imagine that this could be good? Could go even partway to fulfilling my fantasy of what sex could be like? I think about Noah's promise.
As I pull myself back into focus, I realise he's been watching me, his eyes full of questions.
"What's going on, Marie?" he asks softly.
I slip my fingers into my shirt to release it, button by button, his eyes following every fumbling movement. His kisses return. Wetter, heavier than before.
"You're gorgeous," he says, dragging my shirt off to one side, applying his lips to my bared shoulder; then down my arm, chasing the cloth as it falls away.
"So are you."
His eyebrows shoot upwards and he wraps his arms and body around me. He feels really warm. Hot. My belly clenches.
"Marie, I want to fuck you until we're both broken."
I snatch at my breath, shocked and delighted.
"I've wanted you since I first saw you putting your feet in the ocean wearing that smart blue dress of yours. But I'll be as patient as you need."
We pull at each other's clothes until they are heaped on the floor and he's sliding his leg between my thighs, the palm of his hand pressing me onto him. The hairs on his chest are ticklish against my breasts. Tantalising. I fidget my toes over the tiled floor until he urges me to lie down with him in his bed. He pulls the sheet over us, moving us together until we are pressed into each other again, his breath running over me. His tongue fills me, searching me out. The muscles in his back flex as he moves. I trace their outline with my fingers, crook my leg over his, pulling him harder to me, wanting his weight in-between my legs.
Little by little I surrender myself to his touch, pushing my fears to the far edges of my mind, concentrating instead on the buzz of his fingers and tongue on my skin. He's still tracing circles, moving slowly, slowly closer down to my breasts. Agonisingly slowly. It's a beautiful, torturous, journey. I didn't think I had that many places to kiss, but he's finding them, inching one way, then the other. Returning to some places again and again. Just as I think he must be about to finally touch my breasts, he torments me further by planting his mouth just underneath them, his stubble rasping along the tender skin.
Green eyes, big black pupils, rise up to meet my gaze, the crease of his smile so provocative my heart stutters. Nearly falls. I suck at the air.
"Too patient for ya?"
The wet warmth of his mouth envelops my breast for one wonderful second. A fleeting salve. Then the green gaze is back.
"Shit, Noah. You're being a bastard now."
He just laughs. Presses his lips to mine, then resumes his slow exploration, grazing his cheeks along my minimal cleavage until I'm burning up with need. When he finally sinks his mouth onto a nipple I twist and writhe, disbelieving the intensity of it, suddenly aware of how wet I am between my legs. I wonder if he can feel it too, through the cotton of our underwear. He rocks into me just then, confirming how slippery I am. I move against him, heated delight slicing into me at the sound of his quiet grunt.
He twists us until he's on his back, positioning me over him, his hard-on more obvious like this. I fight the return of my nerves. His hands push me up, raising me onto my hands and knees. I look down. His body is a lovely sight, lying loose and confident under me.
"What do you want?"
I shake my head, unable to voice it. The flutter of his hands is too much. I tilt my hips down towards him.
I kiss him to stop him asking me things I can't answer. Nearly bite him at the sudden relief of his hand pressing up against me. His quiet laugh fills my mouth.
"How's this feel?" sliding his palm along me, firm and smooth.
Some kind of desperate noise escapes from me as I fight for breath.
"Lovely?" a smile lifting his lips as he teases me with my own words.
I nod, quivering over him; suspended.
He lifts his head, kissing me deeply, curling his fingers into me, making me jerk and moan. I'm helpless as he takes control of me, his fingers slipping against me as if inviting me to some secret place. My hips press and rotate of their own volition, wanting to help him find it. When he at last pulls at my underwear to fit his hand inside it's a violent relief, a wash of pleasure that almost unhinges me.
"Aw Marie," he whispers, tugging me down tight, rolling over, yanking the twist of sheets off us, easing my underwear down my legs.
I pant as he closes in on me, his mouth sweet and hot on my face. And then he leaves me, head down, mouth pressing random, pleasurable places, his shoulders moving with grace and power as he journeys further away from me. Each touch of his mouth, each brush of his hair on my skin makes me flinch, my hips and toes fidgeting in sweet agony.
And then he reaches the place I both feared and hoped was his destination. Another burst of sounds escapes me at the smooth wonder of his tongue on me. He looks up. I'm sure I must look a sight; wide-eyed and tangles of hair over my face. But he smiles.
"You're bloody gorgeous," as he returns to my mouth for a gentle kiss.
My eyes pop wider at the taste of me on him.
"I think you like that," he winks.
And crawls back down my body, flexing and lithe like a wild animal. His touch is rougher, more dominating than before. I can't get enough of it, no longer caring what I look like. All my senses narrow down to the flicks and licks of his tongue, the softer caresses of his lips, his hard grip on my thighs as he presses me wider. Adding his fingers to reach more of me jacks up the intensity and I don't know whether I want to escape or push myself into his face. He's everywhere, touching and finding every nerve ending I have. I drag air into my lungs, desperate but afraid for it to end. The sensation of his fingers pushing inside throws some kind of switch in me. More noises chase their way out of my throat.
"Yeah let me feel it," he whispers so close to me his words overflow into me.
I'm moaning, really moaning. Unable to stop. Until he does something unbelievably delicious with his tongue, touching a part of me I can't even describe. It's like the union of all the good and beautiful in me. It silences me, the shock of his touch, his discovery. And then everything erupts; everything. And I'm whirling high up into the deep blue above. Out of control. Flying and spinning. It's enough, but he doesn't stop, forcing more from me, allowing me no escape.
Until I'm done.
I collapse back to the mattress, dimly aware I must have been lifting my back up high, feeling the tremble in my muscles now, my lungs heaving. He strokes the side of my face. I turn into him, hugging him closer.
He waits for me catch my breath, softly rubbing my back.
"Did he try that?"
It takes me a few seconds to work out what he means.
"Alex? No. No, I don't think he had a clue about any of that," I pant, the truth of it suddenly obvious now.
He grins. It fills me, the sweet delight of it, and I begin to laugh until I'm giggling. I stretch out, trying to sober up. And am suddenly aware that he is still hard.
"What about you, Noah?"
I touch him lightly, tentatively. His underwear is sticky. From me or him, or both? His eyes snap back into focus.
I suck at my lip.
He thrusts upward. I retreat, unsure of what to do. Alex said I was crap at this too. But Noah doesn't know that. He pushes his underwear down, takes my hand in his and presses it around his dick.
"I'm not going to mind if you wanna help me," his voice sounding gruff. "I'm right on the edge as it is."
He holds me there, squeezing my hand tighter than I expected, encouraging me to move up then down, pushing himself in and out, hard and slippy against my palm.
"Yeah, that's it. Nice and tight," he encourages me.
His eyes drift closed. I look down at his angry-looking head, at his hips rising then falling. I adjust my grip and try to match the rhythm of his hips, watching in fascination as liquid drips from him. I rub at it with my thumb and press down.
"Like that. Yeah," he murmurs, reaching into my hair.
I do it again, tracing the path of his come, spreading it around, feeling him twitch and pulse.
'Aw, sweet fuck," he pulls me in, fixing his mouth on mine and delving deep into me, grunting into me as he jerks and fucks into my hand, his hot come exploding in-between our bodies.
The silence after is calm and long. We hold onto each other until he reaches down to pull the sheet back over us and gives me a soft kiss.
"Stay here tonight Marie, will you? I'll take you home in the morning to get clean clothes for work."
I listen to him fall asleep, feeling his body get heavier against mine. Sleep comes harder to me but I've never felt lighter.
"How was the beach today?"
"Beautiful. Blowy."
"And Noah?"
Lisa knows we meet there, on the beach, almost every day now.
"Also beautiful," I smile into my glass, waiting for the inevitable ribbing.
"How's it going between you two?"
She scrutinises me over the tops of her glasses.
"Good. I think. I hope."
"You're too cute for words, Marie."
"What can I get you guys?" The bartender leans towards us.
"Beer for me. I'll get a Stone & Wood," Lisa gestures behind him. "Yeah, the Pacific Ale. Marie? Same?"
"No, I'll get a cranberry juice, thanks. Let me get these."
We fight for a few seconds over who's paying until Lisa capitulates. I slide the bills over the bar.
"So? He's 'beautiful' is he?"
I stare into my drink.
"Better than that douche Alex, I take it? Not that it'd take much."
I nod. "Truth, Lisa. I think I'm only just beginning to see how terrible he was."
I catch her eye and we giggle a little bit.
"But he's good to you, is he? Noah?"
"Yes," I reply. "Why are you asking in that tone of voice?"
She lifts her shoulders but I'm not having it.
"Come on. You can't go all silent and mysterious on me."
"No, nothing. Not really. Erica says he's a good fella."
And then she hesitates. Cramps nip at my belly.
"Um, just, you know -- she said he had some sort of breakdown when he was living in Sydney, you know? That's why he came back here."
"Oh, that." I breathe out.
"You know? I mean, he told you, did he?"
"Yeah he did. Look, a bit of mental illness doesn't scare me."
"Not with your family, I suppose."
"You said it."
"So long as he's good to you?"
"He is. Very."
"Oh God, look at you. I'm not sure I've ever seen you all loved up like this."
"Shut up."
We giggle some more.
"Just tell me this. Does that bum of his fulfil all that glorious promise?"
'Fucking hell Lisa, your mind's so down in the gutter."
"A girl can look."
"I didn't think he'd be up your alley, exactly?"
She lifts her shoulders again.
"A good bum is a good bum, boy or girl."
"How does Erica feel about that confession, I wonder?"
'She's good with it. No secrets between us. Cheers, Marie," she lifts her glass to mine, and then, "You alright?"
"Yeah. Just don't feel like a drink tonight. Been feeling off colour all day, as it goes."
"Mmm. Can't tempt you over for dinner? Erica's cooking."
I shake my head. "No. Thanks, but I think an early night is called for."
I'm perching on the edge of the bed when my phone buzzes.
\--Hey not on the beach today? --
\--No. Not feeling brilliant --
\--Translate? --
\--Not brilliant = unwell. Other expressions include, sick as a dog, Tom and Dick, a bit peaky, etc. Had to leave work early --
\--What do you need? --
\--I'm fine --
\--I'm coming over --
\--But don't you need to be at work? --
\--I'm coming over --
I lean forwards, wondering if I'm going to puke. I'm still there when he knocks on my door.
"You look like shit," he offers as he shuts the door behind him.
"Mmm. I feel like shit."
"And you're burning up," he says, his hand on my arm.
"Yeah. I think I need to lie down."
He sits next to me on the bed, pressing a hand to my forehead and brushing my hair back.
"I'll get you some water."
My eyes are heavy by the time he returns.
"Yeah, get some sleep," he murmurs from a place somewhere behind me.
I wallow in a hinterland of consciousness, scowling against a hot white light one moment then straining to find myself in a heavy thick darkness; scuffling against uncomfortably tight bands around my legs then flailing around in desperate search of warmth and containment. Strange, distorted voices alternately frighten and comfort me. Terrors and wonders battle me to the point of exhaustion, wringing me out.
And then nothing.
I stare, gradually making out the shape of a glass on the table next to the bed. I roll over onto my back, trying to blink myself back to normality. The bed moves.
"You're awake," he says.
He's lying on his side next to me; reaches out to brush my forehead.
"You've cooled down."
I struggle to form words. My mouth feels like it's full of socks.
"How are you feeling?"
I can make out more of him now my eyes are adjusting to the dark.
"Better. I think. Thirsty. And hungry."
"Good signs."
"And in need of a pee," I add, scenes of being helped into the bathroom flashing behind my eyes like memories. I squeeze them closed for a second or two.
"What time is it?"
The bed moves more as he reaches out for something, the harsh light of his phone screen throwing shadows around his face.
"Nearly five."
"In the morning?"
'Yeah. On Friday."
"Yeah. You had a fever. You've been proper out of it."
I swing my legs out of bed, nearly fall onto the floor.
"Wait. I'll help you."
I groan as he holds me up, walking me into the bathroom.
"Don't worry. We're all the same," he offers, but I'm grateful when he closes the door behind him and leaves me alone.
When I re-enter the bedroom, he's switched on a light and I survey the scene. A bucket on the floor by my side of the bed; pillows bunched up on the other side, the outline of his back pressed into them; a thermometer lying on the bedside table. I look down at the t-shirt I'm wearing but don't remember putting on.
"Ok?" as he walks into the room, holding out a fresh glass of water.
"I can't believe it's Friday."
"Do think you can eat something?"
I nod, relishing the feel of the cool water in my mouth.
"I'll bring you some soup. Mum said that'd probably be the best thing as you haven't eaten in a while."
He starts to leave. I trail after him.
"I don't think I can stand another moment in that bed," I explain as he pauses.
I sit at the table trying to stop my legs shaking and watch him as he heats up some soup. His hair is a nest and from the looks of his undershirt, he's been wearing it a while.
"Have you been here the whole time? What about the club?"
"Nick owes me a few favours, so I called them in." He pours the soup into a bowl. "You were really sick. I couldn't leave you."
"You're not having any?" I ask, holding up my spoon.
"Chicken broth at five in the morning isn't really my thing," he smiles.
I dip my head. How can he be so good looking at this ungodly hour when I must be doing my best impression of an old witch?
"Thanks Noah."
"Aw, my sister brought the soup around, so thank her."
"I didn't mean the soup. Although it's lovely and I'll thank your sister for it if I get to meet her more formally."
He's still smiling at me.
"I meant thanks for staying here with me."
He leans back against the kitchen cabinets.
"You were really sick," he repeats. "Mum said someone should stay with you while you had a fever that high."
"Your mum?"
"She's a nurse."
"So she knows?"
He laughs. "Yeah. She knows."
He sits down opposite me and pulls a hand through his hair. I squeeze my knees together, thinking about him talking to his mum about me.
"I feel like I've been in another dimension."
"Yeah. You have. I learnt a lot."
I recognise the uptick of his mouth, the look in his eyes, and narrow my own at him.
"You were pretty delirious for a while. Rambling."
"Yeah. For one thing, the more I hear about Alex, the more I want to smack his face into a wall."
I wince at how angry he sounds; afraid of what I must have been saying. No. What I must have been revealing.
"On the other hand, you had better stuff to say about some other dude."
I frown. Fiddle with the spoon in my hand. Exposed.
"It's ok. He feels the same way about you."
We grin at each other.
I survey the photographs laid out on the countertop in silence. He's standing behind me. Jittery. Picking at his nails.
Soft lines and shadows; shallow angles and deep curves.
"I don't usually photograph people," he starts again on the explanation I've already heard, his voice tight with tension.
I don't know what to say to him. No one's ever photographed me before. Not like this, anyway. He'd done it when I was ill; when I'd been unable to give him permission, something for which he's already apologised a number of times. He's fumbled his way through an explanation that involved getting his camera -- a Rolleiflex, apparently (no, no idea either, but he says it like it's something special) finally repaired in Sydney; his sister dropping it off to him on her way up to Brisbane to see their mum because he hadn't wanted it risk it with FedEx (seems like she was just one of an actual parade of people who came round while I was ill. Lisa and Erica also called in a couple of times); hours of watching over me, his newly repaired camera waiting to be tried out. As he'd put it, it had been too much temptation and he'd given in to it.
And now I'm looking at the results, with the promise that if I wanted, he would destroy all of them. The negatives too. But would I look at them first?
Most are close-ups, tightly shot segments where it's not immediately obvious which part of my body it is. Rumpled cotton, twisted sheets; tangled hair, smooth skin, a fingertip, an eyelash, the nape of my neck -- lots of those. Frame-fulls of beauty.
"Is this how you see me?"
He looks at me curiously. "Yes. That's how you are, Marie."
I stare back at him. Then at the photos.
He starts to shuffle them together, covering them up.
"No, don't."
His hands go still.
"I've never seen myself like this."
I pick up one. The crook of my knee; a sliver of rumpled sheet lying across the top of the image.
"You've looked at me so closely." I look at him. "Which ones do you like?"
He's hesitant at first then glances over the array of photos and picks out a few of them.
We examine them together.
"I like this one because this is a place you love to be kissed," he says, holding up a photo of the dip in-between my collarbones. "And this one for the same reason," showing me a close-up of the corner of my mouth. "And these ones because they show how beautiful your skin is. And the curve of your spine."
Eventually he asks, "Are you angry with me?"
"No. Not angry, Noah. I think I'm shocked you've spent such a lot of time looking at me. I feel... seduced."
"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?"
He looks so worried.
"Depends on how honourable your intentions are, wouldn't you think?"
Which earns me the softest of his kisses. Barely more than a brush of his lips. I kiss him back, watching the way his eyes seem to change. He pulls at me, his hand hot on my ribs, but I step back, shaking my head.
"Uh-uh. Now I'm going to look at you like you've already looked at me."
His eyes flicker and his mouth twitches.
"Yes. So you'd better take off your shirt."
"You had a t-shirt on the whole time," he protests, but I hold up my hand.
"Do you want to keep these pictures?"
I cast my eye over the piles of photographs that show me as if I'm someone beautiful, hoping he says yes.
"I do."
"Then this is the price."
I hold my breath, wondering what's got into me. Wanting him to take his shirt off. Nearly clapping my hands in delight as he flips the top few buttons open and tugs the shirt over his head. He gives me a bit of a look, his mouth twitching, and I raise an eyebrow at him. The shirt drops to the floor, as if he's raising a challenge to me. I tip my chin. I am a little freaked out at being photographed like that. Not angry. More like shocked at being seen, no -- examined -- by him when I was in such an unguarded state. Now I want him to find out what it's like to be so closely examined, even when he's aware. Maybe especially when he's aware.
I drop my eyes from his and focus on his chin, gathering myself, willing myself to be strong enough to continue whatever it is I've started here. And let my eyes roam over his face, from the little lines at the corners of his eyes to the soft tips of his earlobes. Down to his throat where I watch him swallow. He lifts his hand as if to touch me, but I give a quick shake of my head and he drops it, swallowing a second time. I look back into his face. He's not looking nervous. That'll be me. I'm the nervous one here. I clear my throat.
"Let me look at your back."
It comes out more as a croak than a command. He tilts his head just a tiny bit before swinging around, planting his hands on the countertop in front of him. I suck at my breath as I regard him in this stance, his hips a little canted to the left. I take a step closer to him, fixating on the undulations of his spine from the long curls of hair playing around the nape of his neck down to the underwear that's exposed by his low-riding shorts. I like his lean shape. Brief memories of Alex's stockier body invade my mind until I shake them off. I don't know the names of all the different muscles I'm looking at, but they seem well-defined. I pinch my thighs tight as I watch his ribs moving with the rhythm of his breathing. I've never looked at anyone this closely or for this long.
I take another tiny step closer to him and watch in fascination as goosebumps erupt across his shoulders. He jolts forwards when I touch him there, playing my fingertips over his skin, tracing the fierce pattern of bumps as he shudders. It emboldens me, to see his body reacting to something I'm doing to him and I draw one finger down the route of his spine until it reaches his waistband. I push downwards.
He emits a noise, something harsh and sudden that chases out of his throat. I squeeze my legs again, trying to ignore the heat there, hesitating. And then not. Slipping my fingers into his waistband and tugging at it.
"And these," I manage to get out, catching the quick turn of his head out of the corner of my eye.
He undoes the button and fly one-handed then stops. I look up. He looks as if he's waiting. Waiting for me to do it, both hands back on the countertop again. I push his shorts down over his hips, feeling him clenching his muscles until I tap on each thigh to get him to bring his legs closer together. Another sound, this one closer to a short laugh, escapes him when I stroke the top of his foot, then lift it, running my thumb over the rough skin of his heel. Another noise. Ticklish. I stroke his other foot, coaxing him into lifting it up and I pull his shorts free.
He buckles when I kiss the back of his knee.
"Fuck," he mutters, recovering, returning to his previous stance.
I get up off my knees and step back. His bum does look really good, Lisa's got that right. I smile. He jumps again when I smooth my palm over it.
"Now these," I murmur, pinching at the fabric of his underwear, then dipping my hands into the waistband.
His sharp intake of breath stops me.
"Careful," he mutters, grabbing my hand and placing it over him, where he's really stiff.
I'm such a dummy, I hadn't thought this was turning him on. It hadn't occurred to me that it might. He's looked so relaxed. I breathe out. His underwear is wet under my palm. I ease the waistband over his dick. I can't resist planting another kiss to the back of his knee again. Same reaction from him. He adjusts his stance to help me free him from his underwear. Still kneeling, I examine his legs. Long muscles. A messy scar around the back of his right ankle that I trace lightly, feeling him flinch at my touch. And again at my kiss.
I stand up again, running my hand up in-between his legs until I reach his bum. His muscles are tense, quivering. I retreat. Stand back just to look at him. He's dropped his head, as if he's been needing to concentrate on other things, in another world. And he looks like he's breathing more rapidly than before, a slight sheen of sweat gathering in the small of his back. I wrap my arms around myself. How can this be? This kind, sexy man standing here, letting me touch him like this?
I blink. He's turned around.
"I was worried you'd lost interest," he says, his tone light but his eyes serious.
I smile shakily.
"I don't know what I'm doing here."
He reaches for me.
"Making me feel fucking amazing," he declares, pressing us hard together.
I laugh, trying to expel my nerves. Aware he's probably staining my sensible work shirt with his dick pressing into it like this and not caring. Not caring one bit.
I let him fiddle at the buttons and part my shirt, yanking at my zip until my skirt falls down to the floor, then pulling at the catch until my bra falls open at the front. His first touch is surprisingly rough, almost painful. I want him to do it again. He rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and I nearly take off.
I raise myself up on my toes and plant my lips on his, opening up for him as he sweeps his tongue into me, his eyes wide open. Wider when I curve my palm around him where he's so very hot and hard. He grunts, almost a protest. But I squeeze him harder. He wrenches his mouth away.
"I'm gonna come, Marie, if --"
I smile. Nod. He groans some more as I push my hand down then up, twisting it a bit. Which forces out a louder groan than before. I repeat it, liking the sounds he's making.
"Fuck. Christ, Marie."
His body tenses up. I double my efforts, concentrating on the feel of his skin sliding soft over such a hard, hot core.
"Yeah, good 'n' tight," he mutters before finding my mouth.
He throbs hard in my hand. I give another twist. His breath chases out of his nose, down my face, his eyes bright. And his hips jerk up, nearly unbalancing the both of us, his orgasm sudden and violent. I keep squeezing and tugging, letting the vibrations from his groans fill my mouth. Until he breaks off. Panting, closing his eyes for a few seconds, swaying back until he's leaning hard against the countertop behind him. Taking me with him, pressing me to his chest.
Then he stands upright, walks me backwards until I fall into the sofa. He climbs over me, shuffling us until I'm lying down and he's propped up over me. I look down at his come over both of us. He picks up my sticky hand, runs his fingers through mine, then presses two of my own into my mouth, his eyes flickering as he watches me suck on them.
"Now touch yourself, Marie, can ya?"
I shake my head.
"Go on," a little frown playing over his face.
I shake my head again. Take my fingers out of my mouth.
But I'm unable to say why. That I'm so close, I want him to be the one touching me when it washes over me. Instead, I pull at two of his fingers. He plunges them into my mouth and I wet them; the faint taste of beer from his shift in the bar tonight on my tongue. But I don't think he knows how ready I am. That this is unnecessary. I wriggle my hips. And sigh as he trails his fingers out of my mouth.
"You. You do it," I whisper.
He shoves his hand into my knickers. Grunts as his fingers discover just how ready I am. He looks into my eyes and I writhe in a mix of embarrassment and impatience. And nearly stop breathing at his sure, steady sweep through me, unable to stop my hips rising up to his touch.
"Like that?"
But it's already on me, my hips pressing up to him, following his every move as he rubs me with the heel of his hand. His gaze is intense as he studies me, working at me, making me come onto his hand. I moan, almost cry, suddenly scared he might stop. But he doesn't. Thank God he doesn't. The world expands until everything is good and right, here with Noah kneeling over me, his green eyes pinning me down as surely as his hand. It's the sweetest burn. I want him to have everything of me. It's my last coherent thought.
He's kissing me, short, gentle touches on my face, as I return. Heart thumping, I pull him down onto me and we both tighten our hold.
"Does this mean I'm forgiven?"
I snort.
"Probably. What do you think?"
He looks at me. Not smiling.
"Ok, seriously, Noah. It's fine. It was just unexpected, you know? No-one's ever done anything like that about me before, that's all."
He looks relieved.
"And the photos are beautiful. Really, they are. They make me feel as though I could be beautiful. That you want to make me feel like that, not --," I cast about for the right words. "Not cheap or dirty."
"I should hope not. I didn't, ya know, touch you or anything like that when I was taking them. I just looked."
"I trust you, Noah. That's not the issue."
"What is?"
"I'm not sure there is one."
He cocks his head.
"Ok, so Alex was very controlling. Maybe there was a bit of me that freaked out that's what you were trying to do."
"That's not it."
"I know. I think that --," I hesitate. "I think that you were celebrating me."
I blush, unused to saying anything like this.
His non-verbal response forces me to look into his eyes again.
"Loving ya. That's what I was doing, Marie."
The shouting is shrill, staccato, getting clearer as I get closer to the bar. Coming from the room in the back that's full of slot machines -- 'Pokies'. It's come out of nowhere, incongruous in a busy night of lots of birthday parties or similar that have been keeping both Noah and Nick well busy while I've had dinner with Lisa, Erica and Erica's sister. But as I emerge from the bathrooms the air is suddenly crackling tight with tension. Noah's nowhere to be seen. I divert my path over to the back room, converging with Nick as he steps out from behind the bar.
It's a bloke I haven't seen before. Drunk and sweaty and focusing all his anger on Noah. A couple of others sitting at the machines, looking like they want to bolt.
"Time to leave, buddy," Noah's saying. Repeating, judging by the exaggerated patience in his voice and the set of his shoulders.
"Fuck off will ya?"
"No. You're causing trouble here, so you gotta go."
"Says who?" sneering. "You, with ya perfect fucking judgement? That what they said in the nut house about ya when they let ya out?" and making an unmistakable gesture at Noah.
I stop breathing, boiling anger racing up my gullet ready to fire out in a torrent of terrible words. But then I see how Noah's shoulders have dropped a little bit.
"Leave. Now."
"Yeah? Think this'll make you a big man?" His mean eyes flick, suddenly aware of Nick and me standing behind Noah.
Noah steps towards him, his back rigid and square.
"Yeah come on."
But he looks shocked when Noah grips his arms to pull him upright off the stool. Nick steps in and between them they drag and march the protesting drunk downstairs. The hurt look in Noah's eyes as he'd seen me there stays with me as I walk back to the table. It makes my heart pinch with sadness.
"What's going on?"
"Some pissed up arsehole getting ejected."
I sit down, trying to control my shakes.
"You ok? You look upset."
I shake my head. "I'm fine," I lie.
Lisa stops Erica from asking anything more. She knows from the look on my face it'll fall on stony ground. It turns the evening and soon enough, we're all standing, ready to leave.
"Wanna lift home?" Lisa asks me.
"Nah. I want to say goodbye to Noah and the walk home will do me good. You go."
"Ok. See you in the arvo -- don't forget I'm going out to Burleigh Heads first thing in the morning, right?"
I nod, anxious for them to leave now.
Noah's cleaning the bar, head down. I stand near, waiting for him to see me, uncertain yet feeling it might be important to stay.
"Marie, you heading off?" Nick walks around me, dirty glasses in his hands.
'Uh-huh, yes."
Noah's looking up at me, a blank look to his eyes. I twitch with nerves. No, with fear.
"Hey Noah, why don't you nick off now? Walk Marie home or whatever. Go on," Nick seems to give him a particular kind of look, as Noah simply nods, no argument, puts the cloth down near the sink and mutters a quiet goodnight.
I follow him down the stairs and outside, catching a hold of his hand as he lets go of the door.
"Hey," I offer.
"Hey Marie. You girls have a good night?"
He sounds so subdued.
"It was ok. Better than yours."
"You heard all that, then?"
I squeeze his hand.
"Make me a cuppa before I walk home?"
The tiniest suggestion of a smile on his face. But he doesn't switch the lights on once we get inside his flat; instead leans up against the kitchen counter. I don't know what to do, his stiff silence so unfamiliar it makes my heart ache. I switch the kettle on. Move closer to him until I can feel his body heat. I breach the space between us first, gasping into the firm hug, his arms suddenly tight around me, his head dropping to my neck. The kettle rattles and boils. Turns itself off. Silence. Just the regular rhythm of the ocean outside. And our breathing.
After a while, he shifts his footing and lifts his head.
"Tea? Coffee? Beer?"
"I'll have what you're having," he replies.
The kettle goes back into action as he sits down on the sofa. I open the fridge, using the internal light to locate mugs, tea and a spoon elsewhere.
"Here," I hand him a mug, taking a seat next to him.
We sip quietly, me hoping he isn't regretting me being here.
"There was a girl in Sydney," he begins.
I hold onto my breath and my heart, not knowing what's coming next.
"I didn't treat her very well in the end and she didn't deserve that."
I tuck my legs up onto the sofa.
"I mean, we didn't really fit together. Not really. She was part of all the stuff there that I hated -- the job, the clients, the obsession with making money. But she didn't deserve the way I treated her."
"And how was that?"
He shrugs. "I abandoned her, really. Stopped answering her calls. Didn't open the door when she came looking for me. And I'm sure she got it bad at work too. We worked together and I'm positive the bosses went after her when I just dropped out of sight. It must've made it even worse for her. I'm not too proud of being such a prick."
"You weren't well."
He gulps down the last of his tea. I do the same, making a decision.
"My dad killed himself, Noah. None of us had a clue it was that bad for him. I suppose he didn't feel able to say. Not even to mum. In fact he was behaving like a complete dick just before he did it."
"Christ, Marie, I'm so sorry," his eyes wide, glittering.
"Mental illness doesn't make for good behaviour. He was pushing us away. I think he was making it easier for himself to do it, you know?"
I know he does know, from the bolt of recognition that passes through his body.
"Is that how it was for you?"
We let his admission sit in the air around us.
"What happened?"
He shrugs. "I set fire to all my suits instead. Locked up the house and drove back here. Stayed with Nancy, my sister. She's a nurse."
A flicker of humour in that last sentence.
"So she knows?"
"She knew," he acknowledges the joke, wryly.
"I'm glad."
He heaves a sigh, pulls on me until I'm across his lap and hugs me hard. Relief pours through me.
It's still dark when I wake the next morning. In his bed. His body pressed along mine, an arm heavy over my ribs.
"You're awake?"
I breathe out, shift my hips, letting him know. Yes, I'm awake.
A light kiss to the nape of my neck and a sweep of his hand down my side. It makes me smile. Last night's heaviness seems far away. His hand keeps busy, sliding my t-shirt upwards, stroking my bare skin on the return. Sliding and stroking. Another light kiss.
"Thanks, Marie."
"What for?"
"Staying with me."
I turn over to face him.
"I don't give a shit what anyone says about you, Noah. But I'll always want to hear what you say."
He runs a fingertip down my spine.
"Are you listening to me? Noah?"
"Yes. I am."
"Don't clam up on me, will you? That's what frightens me."
"Clam up?"
"Go silent."
"Oh. That."
"That. Yes."
Another kiss. I sink into him, letting myself get a little bit hypnotised by his fingers moving up and down my back. No longer made nervous by the feel of him pressed hard against my belly. We barely move except for the necessary adjustments to draw breath. Soon enough dawn begins to break. It happens so fast here, as though the sun can't wait to begin the new day. Hues of apricot crack open the sky. Noah stirs. Stretches.
"What time do you need to be at work Marie?"
"Eight. There's a bloke I like to meet up with on the beach between four and five every afternoon. I don't like to miss him, so I get into work early so I can leave by four."
"Oh yeah?"
His smile is lovely.
"We still got some time, then, before I need to get you home?"
He makes his meaning clear with a little lift of his hips.
"S'alright, Marie, we can only go so far."
"Still got no condoms, so you're safe from the worst of me."
"Now you're talking shit, Noah Holland."
I shimmy my hips over him, watching his eyes nearly pop out of his head.
"It might be time for me to have your worst."
"Don't tease me, Marie Cooper."
He rolls me onto my back. Settles himself between my legs.
"I'm not."
"Not nervous of me anymore?" A deliberate rotation of his hips that forces me wider.
"Not anymore."
He gathers me up into a long, full-bodied hug.
"I can't believe it's so empty here," I say, surveying the long stretch of sand.
Aside from an older couple, their overactive dog and a mother with her baby, there's not another soul in sight.
"Well, it's winter here. Most people think this is cold."
I laugh at the absurdity of it. That weather like this could possibly be called winter. That I'm sitting here staring out at the Pacific watching for humpback whales with a genuine chance of seeing some. That Noah is curled around me, finishing off his beer, his throat working as he swallows. He takes a long breath.
"I called Rachel yesterday."
It takes me a second to remember who Rachel is. Yes, the girl in Sydney. I blink, steadying my nerves. And look at him from the corner of my eye but he's staring straight ahead at the ocean.
"Uh-huh. How did it go?"
I feel his chest move as he shrugs and shifts behind me.
"That's it?"
"She was pretty fucked off with me. But by the end of it she thanked me for at least calling her. Said I coulda done it a year ago, but --"
"But it was better than nothing at all?"
"Yeah. Something like that."
"Good. I'm glad you called her."
He just tightens his hold around me. And then suddenly tenses.
"There! Right there. Did you see?" his arm shooting out in front of us.
And yes, the slightest disturbance in the water, far out, a light spray briefly rising upwards. We watch avidly and are rewarded with a few more.
"Wow. Just fucking wow, Noah. That's amazing. I've never seen that before. I can't believe they are out there."
He hugs me again.
"We should go out on one of those trips and we'd get much closer to them."
"I'd love that, even though I'm not a fan of boats much."
"Landlubber," he teases me.
The light levels suddenly dip.
"Shit, we should get going. It's gonna rain."
He gestures towards the banks of clouds massing behind us.
"Think we'll get caught in it?"
"Maybe. I hope not because it looks like it's here to stay. Come on, let's go."
We shove the remains of lunch and the blanket we'd been sitting on into my backpack and set off towards where we left the bike, chill fingers of colder air already curling around my arms and legs. About twenty minutes into the ride, the heavens open. Noah pulls the bike over a couple of times, and we stand under the canopy provided by roadside trees until the rain calms down enough for us to continue.
As we climb off the bike, soaked to the skin, a couple of the club regulars are standing on the deck outside.
"Hey Noah, showing ya chick a good time again?" one of them jeers, holding his cigarette aloft.
"Sure, Dean."
"What are we looking at here, Noah? Some kind of hipster foreplay?"
Noah shakes his head.
"Why don't you two get back to the Pokies where being a loser isn't such a public embarrassment for ya?"
They both yelp in delight at the insult while we climb the steps to the flat above.
By the time we are inside we're both shivering.
"You need to warm up. I don't want you getting sick again. Why don't ya get in the shower and I'll put your clothes in the dryer?"
"What about you? You're shivering just as much as me."
"Yeah, I'll jump in the shower after. Go on."
He ushers me in the direction of his bathroom.
I'm glorying in the hot water, letting it release the cold tension in my shoulders and back, when he knocks on the cubicle door.
"Room for one more in there? You're gonna guzzle all the hot water."
I open the door for him.
"Hell's teeth Noah you're cold. Swap places with me."
I push him under the shower and watch the water cascade over his head and down his body. It's a pretty nice sight. When he catches me looking he gives me a deserved smirk, pulls me in to him for a kiss.
"I'm making myself a cup of tea. Want one? Anything?" I ask him before opening the shower door.
"A cold one for me."
"Right you are."
He's out of the shower and standing behind me just as the kettle comes to the boil.
"Cute outfit."
I look down at the t-shirt and underwear I took out of his clean laundry pile to wear. Give him a twirl.
"Styling the weekend casual look?"
"Nah. Just cute."
He slides his arms around my waist, trapping me to his body.
"You've perked up."
"A beautiful naked girl in my shower does that, ya know?"
He reads my attempt to push him away as the half-hearted gesture it is. My desire for a cup of tea is fading fast as he bends into my neck, all rasping stubble and salving lips.
"What do ya reckon to a decadent Sunday afternoon in bed?" he murmurs, pressing me against the kitchen cupboards, the countertop's edges sharp on my hip bones.
"You're a bad boy."
"Only when tempted."
"The sort my mother warned me against."
"Thought you didn't pay that much attention to her?"
"You've got me there," I sigh.
Although my resistance is lowering by the second I can't resist putting up one last obstacle.
"My hair's still wet."
"But I like messy."
There's no mistaking how aroused he is. If the tone of voice wasn't enough of a clue, his hard-on pressing into the small of my back certainly is. I tip my hips backwards to feel him.
'You are lovely, Marie Cooper."
I snort at how he's adopted that word, it sounds so strange from his mouth. His smile widens. I squeeze my legs tight.
"Why do you do that?"
"This," he pries a finger in-between my rigid muscles.
I close my eyes. "To control it."
"Don't do that, Marie. I don't want you to control it."
I chew at my mouth, alarmed at how fast my heart is racing. He forces his hand deeper in-between my thighs as I concentrate on unclenching them.
"Know what I saw when I first set eyes on you, dipping your toes so daintily into the ocean in your blue city dress?"
I twist my head.
"I thought, there's a girl who's dying to let loose. I watched you for quite a while. I was convinced you were about to wade in. At first, I didn't know whether to worry about that or not. I couldn't decide if the fact you were still holding on to your shoes was good or bad."
I look at the mug on the counter in front of me, the tab and string dangling over the side of it.
"And when I saw you the next day, I watched you again. You looked like you were daring yourself to take the plunge."
I think back to those first few days. My shock and incredulity at being here. Trying to work out what Lisa needed from me at work. Not knowing what to do with myself outside of the office and wandering the beach in search of it.
"I thought you might only be here a few days. But after that first week I started to wait for you. Trying to work up the nerve to speak to you."
"My gutter-mouth saved the day then?"
"Sure did."
"Good job it rains here sometimes otherwise who knows how long we'd have both been left waiting?"
He smiles into my neck. Sucks on it a little. Enough to soften my bones. I press my thighs together again, involuntarily, and laugh when he tuts and spreads his fingers out between them. I try to loosen my muscles but it's difficult when he's touching me like this.
"Are you taking me to your bed, then, or was that just big talk?"
He stills. Just for a second. Taken by surprise, maybe. And then he's lifting me off my feet, laughing at my surprise now, until he puts me down in the bedroom. For a moment I'm distracted by the view from his windows and the loud battering of rain against them. They look right out over the ocean although today there's nothing to see but water streaming down the glass in wide, wet tracks.
I jump at the touch of his lips to my earlobe and shiver. Let him draw me in-between his splayed legs as he sits down on the edge of the bed, pushing his face into my belly, kissing me through the t-shirt.
"The more I watched you the more I saw your serenity. And I wanted in. Sure, you were the most beautiful woman on the beach. But you looked so self-contained. It was fascinating and maddening all at the same time."
I shiver again. No-one's ever talked to me like this. No-one.
"And then when you stopped right in front of me in that rain storm I couldn't believe it."
"My foul mouth," I murmur, resting my hands on his shoulders.
"That," he agrees. "And you were right there in front of me. It was a gift."
"And I was only trying to work out if you were a psychopath or not."
I nod.
"What persuaded you I wasn't?"
"When Mike stopped on the street and you laughed together."
"Good for me."
"And me."
He laughs, as if to himself, then grabs me harder.
"Of all the beaches in all the world, blah, blah, blah," he's still laughing as he pulls us both down to the bed and we giggle together at his naff joke.
I stretch out, loving how he's happy just to hold me, in no hurry. I trace the outline of the tattoo on his arm with my fingers.
"What's making you smile like that?" he asks, his green eyes bright in the greyed-out light of the rainy afternoon.
"This. It's got to be the best feeling."
His eyebrows twitch.
"Don't you think?" I ask, pressing my fingers down onto his arm.
"Yeah. I do."
I slide onto him.
"You gotta take these off," he says, his hands running over my bum. "It feels wrong, touching my own underwear on you like this."
I scramble off him, not in the most dignified way, and take them off.
"Come closer and I'll let you know."
He runs his hands from my ankles up to my thighs, then halts.
"You're stopping there?" I'm half teasing, half desperate, surprised at how every single cell of my body has suddenly come alive.
He sits up a little.
"Nope. My intentions are less honourable than that."
"Are they?"
He nods, solemnly, then cracks a grin. "I bought condoms," giving me a hopeful look that makes me smile.
"You braved old stickybeak in the pharmacy then?"
He laughs. "Nah. Went to Coles."
"Hmm. Good to see you're learning the Aussie lingo though."
"It's infectious."
"Come back here."
I settle myself on him. His kiss is defiant. Laying down his intent. It sends my heartrate up into the stratosphere again. He holds my head in his hands.
"No." I try to shake my head. "Yes."
He smiles back at me.
"Marie --"
"No," I stop him. "No, I'm alright, Noah."
"What didn't feel right about it, with Alex?"
I swallow, torn between vile embarrassment and the pitiful desire to cry. How to describe it?
"Was it painful? I want to know so I can try to make sure it's nothing like that for us."
Just his use of the word 'us' nearly unleashes the flood of tears. He hugs me. Kisses me. It slows my heart and quickens my blood. I sigh.
"Noah, nothing felt like this with Alex. Nothing. I honestly don't know why I spent so many years with him. It was a complete waste."
For a moment I think he isn't going to let me off the hook without a more detailed answer. Until he resumes kissing my neck. I wrap myself around him, pushing my hands into his damp hair. His mouth widens against my neck; smiling. I pull a little, his hair slippy in my fingers. He grunts. Presses me harder against him. Unexpected reaction, but good. I repeat it and get the same result.
His pupils look enormous as he draws away.
"Take this off," he tweaks at the t-shirt I'm wearing.
I sit up, quite enjoying the way it makes him squirm underneath me, and pull his t-shirt off me. He looks star-struck as he draws his hands together over my waist and belly. I tremble at the lightness of his touch.
"Come back down here and let's just work up a bit of a sweat, Marie. See how we go?"
He sighs as I come to rest on his bare chest and draws his knees up around us, cocooning me with his body.
"You feel so good here," he mutters, his hands pressing me down onto him.
We find our rhythm, slow and deliberate. I watch his eyelids pressed together, eyelashes flickering. I kiss them. And the corner of his mouth. His golden stubble. Down into his neck. A passing nip on an earlobe and across his collarbone.
He whispers my name, his eyes heavy as I move back to his mouth. It's a kiss to make the world spin. We fall into it, winding ourselves deeper into each other. When we need to break away for air he whispers lovely words into my ear as if I'm the only other soul in the universe.
His first touch between my legs makes me jolt so hard he grunts with the effort of keeping me close to him, slicking his fingers along me until I moan.
"Yeah, that's it my beauty," he whispers, his breath harsh on my face, pressing his fingers a little deeper.
The suddenness of it, the wave of desire bullying its way through my body, is breathtaking.
"Ok, Marie?"
I drop my head to his, lost for words.
"What do you need?"
His eyes couldn't look more beautiful.
"With you," is all I manage to get out.
I nod. He gropes around with his free arm until he knocks something to the floor. He rolls me off him, pulling his underwear off, retrieving the black shiny box. It takes a couple of attempts before he's unpicked all the packaging.
"It's been a while," he says, smiling, but I feel his nerves and sit up, moving closer to kiss the side of his face.
He meets my mouth with his and we lose ourselves in the kiss again. Threading ourselves closer together, we lie down face to face. When I touch him, he twitches and jerks; grasps my hand and squeezes it around him.
"You like it this tight?"
He opens his eyes.
"Yeah," moving his hips and pulling me closer until he slips between my legs.
I imagine I can feel his heartbeat there. It's a tantalising proximity that makes me ache until he begins to push into me, a sure progress, opening me. It's never been like this. A delicious, determined slide that satisfies me and leaves me wanting. I pull on his hip, urging him deeper. Unable to move when he reaches me, needing time to adjust to the feel of him all the way inside.
Sounds escape from me. His eyes fly open and come to rest on mine. Warm. Bright. Loving. I dare to say it again, just to myself; loving. He pushes my errant hair away from my face, dragging his fingers over my skin.
"You good?" His voice is laboured.
I inch towards him, needing to know how it feels for him. If it's as good for him as it is for me. His response is fierce, his lips fixing on mine, filling me up with everything he has. And then he moves his hips up against me and I think I might go mad with it, this feeling. I press back, wanting more. Wanting to be released from it. Wanting it to last forever. He twists us until he's beneath me, pressing me hard onto him and moving into me in ways beyond my experience. He kisses my face, eyes, mouth, neck, jacking his hips faster, higher and higher. It's unbearable and fantastic; a torment and a delight. I pant as he pulls and drags at my insides, and push back.
"Yeah, come on Marie, that's it. Fuck me."
I moan, making sounds I've never made before.
"Let it loose, my lovely Marie."
"Noah," I blurt, but I have no idea what I need to say.
"I have you. You're all good," he whispers, pushing me hard onto him.
I curl my fingers into his hair. "Please don't stop."
"Aw, fuck."
He sits up, forcing both of us upright. And deeper inside me. I struggle for air, for equilibrium, but all is lost. I grip his shoulders before letting go of every other tether to the earth as we begin to spin together. He's reaching into me, finding a place I didn't know was there. Different to before. Somewhere much deeper. It tugs at me, almost painfully. He's still whispering to me, more urgently now, urging me to stay with him, filling me with beautiful and sexy, dirty words. When he fixes his mouth to mine, eyes wide, I recognise it as his signal, that he's about to come. And that's it. Everything stops dead. He forces it from me, cruel and relentless, until he falters too and I'm flying up into the roof of the world holding on to him for life. Time is suspended for a few brief, heart-stopping moments.
Will I live or die? In that moment it feels like the most glorious of questions.
And then --
I gulp for air. We're both gasping for air. And laughing. Really laughing. The relief; we're alive. Completely alive.
I tip my head to him; bring my arms back down to wrap around him. His chest is heaving hard against me, sheened with his sweat. I breathe in his wonderful smell, nearly delirious with high delight.
We stare at each other, wide-eyed. I wonder if I look as raw as he does.
It's still raining outside as if nothing's changed, water racing down the windows.
I feel the tiniest touch of a fingertip under my chin and turn my head back to look at him, wondering what else he can ask of me. His lips barely touch me but the effect couldn't be more profound. It wells up in me. Belief and disbelief. Too much.
"It's ok. You're good, Marie, all good," he breathes it into me, soothing his hands down my back, drawing me into him.
"Noah," I breathe.
"I know, Marie. Yeah."
He drops backwards, taking me with him, collapsing us flat to the bed. I can't move. Don't want to move. Neither does he, it seems. I yank at the sheets to pull them over us. That's when he shifts around, pulling free from me and chucking the condom somewhere out of reach. He lies back.
"Is that what it should feel like?"
He looks at me, his eyes back to normal size now.
I frown.
"I don't know what that was. Nothing I've ever felt before." He gives out a short bark of laughter, probably at the confused look on my face.
"Come here, Marie," holding out his arm for me to slip into. "I don't know what to say. I thought we'd do this all afternoon, and now I'm not so sure. I think I might die if we try that again, it was so good."
"We're broken."
He barks, a loud, short laugh that makes his body shake.
"Yeah. Although I can't decide if we broke or made something new."
The look in his eyes makes me shiver all over.
It's later, dark outside, and the smells of his cooking filling the flat, when he holds out a hand to me. I pick up his beer bottle, thinking that's what he's after, but he shakes his head
"Not that. You."
I touch his fingertips with my own.
"I was wondering," he begins, giving the pan a stir, "what you'd say if I asked you to move in with me here." He cuts a look at me before continuing, "I know it's a bit basic here and above the club and all of that, but I just want to be with you."
I study him. Wild hair, his shirt hanging open over crumpled jeans. Barefoot in the kitchen.
"I'd probably say yes. If you were to ask me, that is."
"Would you?"
He looks so earnest, hair falling into his eyes.
I nod. And snatch at the air when he envelops me with his body.
"Then I'm asking," he declares, kissing the side of my mouth.
"And I'm saying yes."
I sway into his hug. It's so good. Mellow. Lovely. Something to hold onto.
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