stringlengths 145
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation
Text: Eric Connors slammed down the phone so hard it almost shattered into pieces, like an ill tempered toddler he banged both his fists down on his dark mahogany executive's desk. Eric was tall, handsome with blue eyes, blond hair neatly combed and parted to the side and had the body of a typical 50 year old past college football player, a navy suit with a sleek matching tie, big arms, broad shoulders and a slight beer gut. "That Twiddle will be the death of me!" This was the 4th time in 3 years Eric had made an offer to buy Twiddle Confection's, each time he was turned down. Twiddle was a secretive man, in fact no one had ever recalled meeting or seeing him but he was the largest candy maker in the country and if Eric Connors the Founder and CEO of Connors Food Corp could buy Twiddle's business he would create the world largest food and beverage company a dream he would stop at nothing to fulfill.
Suddenly a knock came at the door interrupted Eric from his blind rage. "Who is it?" Eric said shortly.
"A letter arrived sir" A young lanky intern said as he sheepishly approached the CEO's desk.
"Good, put it on the pile and get out." Eric said with his back to the intern as he looked out the window over the city skyline. The door closed as Eric turned around to see a loud pink envelope on his desk atop a pile of papers. "What's this?" Eric asked disgusted by the color. He tore open the envelope and inside was a fancy looking golden invitation.
It read
"Dear Mr. Connors,
I understand you have shown a rather large interest in buying my humble candy business. I welcome the opportunity to find out more about you. I understand Connors Food Corp is a family run business and I would love to welcome you and your family to my factory for a tour. I've been informed you have four strapping sons, Twins Bradley and Benjamin and older sons Tyler and Scotty. Please bring them along as I know you are big on making them a huge part of the future of your company and if our meeting in person goes well, they might even be the future of both our combined companies.
Timothy Twiddle."
Eric placed the note down with a wide smug smile across his handsome face, only moments ago he wanted to throw his VP of mergers and acquisitions out the 40 story window of the Connors office tower in rage, now he was like a kid on Christmas. "I need the jet and collect my sons" Eric said pressing the intercom "Right away Mr. Connors" replied the young intern.
The next morning the limousine drove through the high golden gates and down a cobble stone candy colored road towards a massive fountain in front of steps that led to two large candy cane striped doors. The limousine came to a stop in front of the steps as the driver got out opening the back door. Out stepped Eric Connors followed by his four strapping sons, all Jocks dressed in football jerseys and cargo shorts, typical jock style. There muscular young bodies still showed nicely thru the looser fabric. Each boy had dirty blond hair and blue eyes like their dad. The jocks hair was tousled and poking out the sides of their matching caps which resembled the teams on their respective football jerseys. Each boy had a handsome face with a touch of stubble, thick arms and legs and bubble butt atop them that begged to test the seat of their shorts. Not to mention supple pecs that pulled the front of their shirts nicely.
Brad and Ben were identical twins and the youngest at 18 and a 1/2 of age. The only real way of telling them apart in that Brad had slightly bigger butt on him and his pecs looked like they got more attention at the gym. Not to say Ben wasn't delivering in both departments either.
Tyler looked like a younger version of his dad. Minus the beer gut of course and had a healthy growth of blond stubble on his face and the oldest of the boys at 21.
Scotty a former fatty turned jock was the middle child at 19. With more brown hair than blond, he was made up of softer muscle that was more supple looking. His dad had him on a strict diet after he was sent to a training camp for the entire of last summer and dropped 60 pounds of fat. Eric wanted all his sons to be trained top football players and being fat was not an option.
Suddenly the two large doors opened and there was darkness behind them. The jocks and Eric intently watched as a red carpet gracefully rolled down the steps fully unraveling before the boy's feet. The group looked up to see the cause of this. Before them stood an odd man dressed in rather eccentric attire who stood 6'5 ft, he had piercing green eyes, a long dark red beard that was curled up at the end and a handle bar moustache both which outlined a creepy and slightly pervy looking smile. His long dark red hair tied back under a tall blue top hat with an orange ribbon. His attire was a matching suit jacket and pants with out of place purple dress shoes that turned up at the ends.
Eric and his 4 boys looked at the man perplexed.
"Welcome, Welcome! It's so nice to have guests!" The odd man said lowering his hand to level with Eric's. "You must be Eric Connors, and these are your sons? Such fine, strapping young men they are..." Twiddle said walking around the jocks checking out there meaty butts and ample bodies like he was a hawk circling his prey, he poked Brad's rump with the tip of his cane. Brad turned around to counter the man. "Hello Handsome!" Twiddle said taking Brad's hand and shaking it. "Timothy twiddle here." He said with a devious grin. "You must be Brad, Ben, Tyler and Scotty??" Twiddle said as he made his way down the line of jocks again. "A huge pleasure to host you all on this fine day!"
"I'm excited to get down to business with you Mr. Twiddle." Eric said sounding slightly alarmed and stand offish by the appearance of the man before him, he'd been expecting some conservative executive looking type. "I'm glad you opened the invite to my sons, they are after all the future of our family business." Eric said patting Scotty on the head. "I'm sure you've heard of all my sons. All very big football stars where we're from."
"I have heard lots! Such exciting possibilities for lots of growth from the four of you! I see huge success for all of you." Twiddle said as he cheekily grabbed a handful of Brad's meaty ass. Before Brad could utter any words Twiddle blew on his fife. "Well it's going to be a long exciting day, shall we get started?" Twiddle smiled a toothy grin. Before tipping his hat motioning the boys and their father up the stairs and into the factory watching their ample bubble butts climb each step. Finally the doors closed behind them with an almost forbidding sound.
"Please make yourself at home boys!" Twiddle said eying the jocks up and down almost hungrily. "After all, if all goes well today we'll be one very big happy family." Twiddle grinned widely.
"I get weird vibes from this guy..." Scotty whispered to Tyler.
"Yeah sort of a creeper if you ask me... what with the outfit and all." Tyler laughed
"However..." Twiddle paused a moment. "I must ask that you refrain from touching certain items as they may still very well be in the testing phase. Please sign these young lads, oh and you too Mr. Connors" Twiddle passed around a clipboard with some legal mumbo all over it, next to impossible to make out anything.
"So Twiddle, where to now?" Mr. Connors asked
"Glad you asked Eric!" Twiddle said tipping his hat with his cane. "I know how important being fit and keeping in shape is too such fine jocks as yourselves, so I decided to include our fitness lab into this tour. I usually skip it... However for such fine guests I couldn't resist and I know you'll enjoy learning about some innovative products we are hoping to come out with very soon!"
"Any chances of snagging a workout shake?" Brad asked as his tummy made a rumble.
"Absolutely, Can't have you starving my dear Bradley!" Twiddle said with a devious smile. "Welcome to 'The Room' as we call it." Twiddle opened a large round steel door which looked like the entrance door to a bank vault.
Inside the room was a back wall lined with huge steel drums along another wall was the backsides of some very large cow's huge rumps and udders with big clear tubes attached taking milk away from them. The cows mooed as what seem like gallons upon gallons of milk was pumped from them. Along another wall was gym equipment and tiny men bench pressing huge weights despite their small size. The tiny men about 8 of them were working out vigorously dressed in blue wrestling singlet's and blue top hats much like Twiddle's. All the men were very muscular and looked almost identical to one another, likely each one was about four feet tall if that. They all looked like they'd had a spray tan that when terribly wrong.
"Check out the muscles on those guys?" Scotty said in amazement.
"Impressive, right?" Twiddle said proudly. "All natural too, only using our finest milk to create the finest workout shakes on the market. They taste exactly like milkshakes you'd get at any fast food joint, no yucky powdery taste like the ones you get at health stores."
"What is this?" Mr. Connors asked pointing to an odd looking white with black suit hanging on a pipe attached to a giant vat.
"Oh the milk suit..." Twiddle said turning away from the milkshake station. "One of my latest inventions..."
"Milk suit?" Brad said looking confused. "What's that for?"
"Glad you asked dear boy!" Twiddle said giving Brad a pat on his round jock butt, grabbing the spandex looking garment with his free hand. "You'd think it's like spandex but it's not! It's better. It's a suit made entirely of milk protein fibers."
"The suit is milk?" Tyler asked looking perplexed.
"Right you are my boy! It allows athletes to get nutrition and replenish during physical activity. Basically you wear the suit and no need for water breaks or rest times. It's going to change the way we play sports." Twiddle said proudly, taking of his hat, almost seeming out of respect for how amazing this suit was.
"That's all I need to hear..." Brad said stripping down to nothing. He was use to changing and being naked in front of a group after many years in football change rooms. His big round bubble butt and nice tight abs along with supple pecs didn't go unnoticed by Twiddle who donned a wide pervy smile. Brad kicked his clothing to the side in a pile.
"I'll take this..." Brad said grabbing the tight white and black suit from Twiddle's loose grip.
"I would be very careful Bradley." Twiddle said leaning on his cane and looking at the boy with lust. "Yes, so as I was saying this suit actually repairs muscle tissue while the athlete is still active. However I'm still working out some kinks."
"What like?" Scotty asked watching Brad slip into the skin tight suit.
Twiddle pretended not to hear Scotty. "Well seems to fit well." Twiddle said adjusting his crotch on the sly.
Brad peeled the tights up over his thick legs up too his bubble butt before pulling the front of the suit up over his taught torso and nice round pectorals. He slid his arms through the long tight sleeves before motioning for someone to zip up the back of the one piece suit. It clung like a glove... hugging the boy's body nicely along every curve and bulge.
"Allow me!" Twiddle said over enthused grabbing both Bradley's round melon sized gluteus' and pushing them into the suit while pulling the zipper up. Two of the small bodybuilder men came over holding a large mirror. "Check yourself out my boy!" Twiddle said motioning his hand towards the mirror.
The collar of the suit came down in a deep v neck which set of the jocks generous, round, pectoral cleavage nicely. The suit wasn't only black and white but it resembled a cow, white with black patches.
"I could do without the cow thing going on, but it fits great." Brad said looking in the mirror intently.
"Feel any different kiddo?" Mr. Connors asked pulling out a cheque book. "I'll take one for all my boys Twiddle, how much?"
"Not for sale good sir! Remember I'm still working out some kinks, but I promise you'll be first to know when it goes on sale." Twiddle said motioning Eric to put away his money.
"What kind of kinks?" Ben, Brad's twin brother asked.
"Well the suit is created from highly concentrated milk fibers. The suit on its own works wonders, however if the person wearing the suit consumes dairy products while wearing it. Well... it's had some reactions. "Twiddle said trying to cover his sly grin.
"I feel so limber and the sore shoulder I had yesterday after weight training is feeling completely better dad." Brad said flexing his arms and looking in the mirror vainly as if he wasn't in a room full of people.
"That's my boy!" Mr. Connors said proudly. Watching as Brad went over to the bench press and started putting out reps. "feels like a breeze." Brad said his arms bulging ever so nicely. Placing the weights down, brad walked over to the milkshake station and grabbed a vanilla workout shake.
"Now, now Bradley, do remember what I told you before." Twiddle said almost sounding like he was coaxing him on than stopping him by his excited tone.
"Please... it's a milkshake Twiddle... Besides I didn't get my morning shake in with having to come here..." Brad rolled his eyes. "These muscles need feeding!" Brad said in a smug cocky manner.
Twiddle didn't say a word he only stood there on the spot leaning ever so slightly on his cane checking his pocket watch, which was in his other hand. Placing the watch back into his breast pocket he playfully curled the one end of his handle bar moustache around the end of his finger covering his beaming grin. Watching intently as Brad chugged the shake down hungrily.
"Mmm!" Brad moaned as he licked his lips. "That's the best shake I've ever tasted."
"Please stop." Twiddle pretended to yawn as Brad swallowed the last big mouthful.
As Twiddle began to talk to the group about the superiority of his cows and how their milk had benefits average cows didn't Brad felt a warmth in his chest like nothing ever before.
His nipples felt tender and seemed larger. Like the nipples of a baby's bottle, a pressure welt up inside his supple pecs. Not painful yet not very comfortable either. Almost like they were pushing out and growing?! Brad looked down and let out a slight gasp as he looked down too see the huge cleavage in his deep v collar on the cow print skin suit. Two basketball sized melons begging for more room in the suit.
"Ugh, sir." Brad said getting Twiddles attention.
"Yes Brad?" Twiddle asked, his eyes widened when they settled on Brad's growing chest. "Oh my!" Twiddle walked over to the distressed jock. Putting his cane under his arm, he cupped both large pec breasts rubbing the engorged nipples with both thumbs. "You've responded very well to the suit. It must really like you, I've never seen growth like this so soon after the person consumes dairy." Twiddle seemed more interested in how well the boy's pecs were expanding and growing than reassuring Brad he was ok.
"There must be something to take down the swelling?" Eric, Brad's dad asked looking shocked and appalled. "Perhaps a Benadryl?"
"I'll have to call my scientists..." Twiddle said still fondling the boy's swollen chest. "Oh, and what's this?" Twiddle let go of Brad's chest letting them drop hard against his tummy. He walked behind Bradley giving his bubble butt a firm smack. "Something else is responding very nicely." Brad's bubble butt was swelling up too. Like two exercise balls pushed together in the tight milk suit.
"What's happening?" Brad said trying to look over his shoulder.
"You're responding like I've never seen before my dear boy!" Twiddle said pulling something out of his breast pocket, he blew his fife.
Two tiny men dressed in white lab coats came to the scene. They both looked like the tiny muscle men in the blue singlet's. One was holding a pen and clipboard, while the other held what looked to be measuring tape.
"Our guest is having some issues." Twiddle said with a wide smile.
The two small men in lab coats circled the swelling boy as one took lots of notes, writing at a feverish pace. The other man was taking measurements of the jocks growing buttock and his large swollen, still growing pectorals.
"What are they doing?" Mr. Connors asked looking on helplessly at his swelling son.
"They are taking measurements to ensure we get a milk pump that fits. However it's too early to tell as he seems to have much more growing to do. It's simply amazing how well he's responded to the suit." Twiddle said, his lack of concern for the situation slightly enraging Mr. Connors.
"Help please!" Brad moaned his pecs huge and heavy his huge swelling rump was balancing him out nicely. Suddenly a loud gurgle erupted from inside his taught 6 pack stomach.
Twiddle stepped back as his tummy blew out into a large round ball. His arms and legs looked like ice cream cones as they swelled out from the centre. Shocking of all was the jocks package was swelling up too. It was turning a light pink color, he was growing utters where his package use to be. It too swelled up huge. The size of an exercise ball in no time at all. The boy was swelling up at a rapid pace, rounding out nicely.
"Damn... he's getting huge!" Tyler said poking Brads swelling side.
"Marvelous really, I've never seen this in any of our other tests." Twiddle said biting his nails in excited anticipation.
Brad was now a large round mass in the middle of the stainless steel room, his tiny arms and feet sticking out from his giant size, his large ass making up much of his body. Two huge pink colored pecs each the size of a compact hatchback car, with a large engorged nipple on top of each. Also pink and large was his new pink udder which was easily the size of his large expanding pectorals, more like breasts at this point, maybe it was even bigger, it was hard for the group to keep up. Brad's skin was now matching the suit which seemed to have morphed with his body. The boy was covered in black patches, his skin white as milk, his nose turned black so did his feet and hands. However his face and the rest of his body despite its size and colorings remained entirely human looking. As Brad finished growing for the time being to what looked like 30 feet around, Twiddle played his fife again summoning a group of 8 tiny bodybuilders.
"Please roll Bradley here over to the milking station immediately." Twiddle said catching some leaking milk from Brad's massive breast. "Mmm! It's perfection!"
"Milking station?" Mr. Connors said alarmed.
"Oh yes sir. We've got to have Bradley milked as soon as possible, he's ripe with milk! We wouldn't want him to explode now would we?" Twiddle said stepping back to make room for the 8 tiny men who were now walking around the swelling cow boy, trying to figure out the best course of action for getting him moved.
"Please boys step back, we wouldn't want anyone else leaving the tour before we get to the second room. " Twiddle said with a cheeky grin, gesturing with his cane to Tyler, Ben and Scotty.
The 8 tiny men gathered on the one side of the huge former jock, now a helpless cow boy and with all there might they began to roll the heavy ball of milk toward the large round steel door they had come in from. Pushing with great force they made their way over to the door as the huge cow jock left streams and puddles of milk along the floor.
Almost like a cork stuffed in a bottle, Brad was stuck into the round steel door frame. Helplessly flapping his tiny hands and feet the tiny men gave Brad a mighty push and sent him through the door frame with a sound like the cork coming of a well shaken bottle of champagne. Brad with 8 workers in tow disappeared out of sight down a long wide hall. His mumblings and calls for help sounding more like the mooing of a well fed dairy cow.
"Well that wasn't what I had expected but it was just amazing how well he took to the suit. I've never seen anything like it." Twiddle mused, after quickly checking his pocket watch; he adjusted the collar on his shirt than his top hat before looking at the group before him with a big smile. "I'm sure Bradley will be well taken care of and with lots of milking and some rigorous exercise I'm sure he'll be that football jock he use to be sometime in the next 10 to 20 years. However I can't make any promises about the cow coloring on his skin or that unfortunate udder he seems to have grown in lieu of, how should I put this... his family jewels, and I would recommend you take a milk pump home with you just to play it safe Mr. Connors."
Eric looked at Twiddle with pent up rage. His proud NFL bound football jock of a son was nothing but a massive fat cow.
"On the plus side, you won't need to buy milk for a very, very long time!" Twiddle smiled. "Until we can get him down to a home size bovine we will gladly ship you his milk for free." Twiddle pointed his cane towards another door. "Well the day is young and we've got lots more to see, come along my dear boys."
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, belly, blue, blueberry, body, Expansion, female, growth, gum, gurgle, inflation, stomach, Violet, vore
Text: James started grinning as Chloe saw his face from the corner of his eye as the train rattled onwards. They had been together for just under two years now, their relationship was going well. Well, she thought to herself, was an understatement. They were almost madly in love with each other. In fact, today was Chloe's birthday. They were on the train together on a birthday trip, and he was keeping where a secret. "Guessed where we're going yet?" James said to her from the seat opposite her. "I think I've worked it out now. It's one of two options." Chloe replied, looking up from her phone. "You said it'll be the best day of my life, so it's either that new theme park south of the city-" "Nowhere close" He interjected. "-or, we're just seeing the city sights." "Well we are off the city..." He confirmed. "Really? Where?" "Guess" he replied in his classic joking voice. She simply sighed and rested her head on the headrest and stared into his deep green eyes for a few minutes longer, as he giggled to himself. They left the station, with her hand hanging on to his and his quick stride. "How do you even know where you're going?" Chloe asked him after what she thought was a dozen turnings down crowded city streets. "I've memorised the route. Don't worry. We are getting close now." James replied. "You've... what?" "It's for you, Chlo. You'll love it." She tried to simply trust him, but was becoming increasingly worried. The worry simply turned to confusion, and lots of it, when they stopped outside an innocent looking city-centre building, where James stopped and exclaimed "Here!". 'Fleming and Aquinas Pharmaceuticals'. "Okay. What?" Chloe asked up to his excited-looking smile. "Look, we're on time, this is the place, just trust me." Her doubt steadily grew as they went through the old door into the foyer. A lone, young receptionist sat at a mahogany desk that looked designed for three or four workers. She looked up as James approached her. "Can I help you?" "Yeah, hi," he muttered as he drew a folded piece of paper from his backpack, "I'm here for the, uh, appointment with Doctor, uh..." "Oh, you must be James then." She interjected as her face lit up in realisation. "Brown hair, green eyes, fits the bill. And, you must be Chloe then, the lucky woman, black hair, blue eyes, yep." She grabbed her phone and within seconds told whoever was on the other end that the two had arrived. The three entered the spacious elevator as the receptionist pushed the 12th button. "Seriously," Chloe whispered to James, "What is happening?". He needn't have replied, "Glad to see you haven't ruined the surprise then!", the receptionist happily said, having overheard. The lift opened and after a short stretch of corridor, they reached a fancy-looking door, with a gold sign reading 'Dr Aquinas'. The room inside was a stark contrast to the rest of the building, with its modern furniture and minimalistic design against the classic Victorian city decor. "I'll be leaving you. Have fun!" Exclaimed the receptionist as she closed the door. A woman in a whiter than white lab coat stood over by the windows. She had blonde, straight hair, a slim figure, and a stance that conveyed authority. "James and Chloe, I presume." She spoke in a powerful tone, with the sound of a Northern accent, but with the strong manner of a Southern accent. She span round and stared at Chloe for a second, looking at her from top to toe. "Please, take a seat, you two." "Okay," Chloe began, after she sat down on the grey-coloured seat. "Why am I here?" James began giggling again. "Just what I was going to explain. Oh, sorry," The woman began, "Dr Melanie Aquinas. Very pleased to meet you." She extended her hand out to Chloe, who rather reluctantly shook, but she didn't shake James'. "So, about a month ago, I got in contact with James over here. He tells me that the two of you have, well, certain interests." As the confused look on Chloe's face only got greater so, Aquinas continues. "berryjuice.net?". Immediately Chloe's face flushed bright red. The website in question was an inflation fetishist community website, which many times she had written pieces to. Stories, fiction, imaginations of her peculiar fetish. James discovered this a few months ago, when he discovered one of the stories she had written on her laptop, when she walked in on him, they discovered they had something else in common. James held her leg "It's okay, Chlo. It's not an inflation suit or anything, let her continue." "Exactly," Aquinas grinned, "Here we go then. Not long ago now, we made a huge breakthrough in our studies in chemical bodily manipulation. It's early days, we haven't published anything yet, we're still in testing, that's why you're here. But, to cut a long story short, we've developed a chemical that, under the right conditions, allows us complete control to edit the body of an individual." She finished her sentence, as Chloe stared, mouth wide open, up at her, unable to produce a word. "So far," Aquinas resumed, "We've developed a small handful of procedures, we've got stomach flattening, hair lengthening, breast expansion, skin colour changes, buttock expansion, and, why you're here, a replication of that gum from Wonka." "Y-, yuh-, you're kidding, you're kidding, that's impossible!" Chloe stuttered out, face still bright red. Aquinas said nothing. She simply opened the single drawer of her ice white desk, and produced a tiny white box. She opened it up, and produced a single stick of gum. "We've produced it in a gum form for authenticity's sake. We've been looking for an honest and willing test subject for a while now. James here told me you'd be willing. It's a completely reversible process, it's completely safe, so, do you want to do this?" One legal document and NDA later, Aquinas, James and Chloe were on the lower floor in a small, completely white room. Aquinas handed Chloe the gum. "We're watching from the next room. We'll be in there immediately if you need anything." With that, she made for the door. As she opened it, she looked at Chloe one last time. "When you're ready." Chloe turned to James. "Chlo, you really sure you want to do this? I mean, it's untested, really, and-" James was silenced when Chloe leaned up to him and placed her lips on his in a brief, final kiss. Her blue eyes were glowing with excitement as she pulled herself away. "Happy birthday to the best girlfriend in the world." With that she opened her mouth and inserted the gum. She chomped down fast, and chewed loudly with her mouth open, for James' pleasure. The gum itself was a strong, sugary blueberry flavour. She chewed on, and felt a cold, watery liquid be produced from the gum, and felt it slowly make its way to the back of her mouth and down her throat. She felt it land in her stomach, the cold sensation swimming throughout her gut. Suddenly, she moaned loudly, as her stomach made a load groan and gurgled as if her stomach was stuffed full, and she was about to be sick. She felt the strangest feeling, she felt like she had a terrible tummy ache, she was loudly moaning now, but for some reason she liked it. That's when she felt the juice. She felt it slosh around in her stomach as the gurgles only seemed to grow louder. It was cold and wet, and felt like it was growing, like the juice was growing. James, now with a near-crazy look on his face, instinctively raised her t-shirt. Her stomach was dark blue, a small patch of colour emerging from her small belly button, and covering a small part of her slightly protruding stomach, and was growing over her skin as if it was spilt water. "Oh my god. Oh my god. This is happening" Her boyfriend panted as he placed his hands on her sides. The juice crawled towards him, and as it claimed the patch of skin his hands were laid on, he immediately felt its cold and almost rubbery texture. He pushed up her t-shirt further. The juice was now reaching her back and was making its way into her skinny jeans. He rubbed her delightfully plump stomach some more, then, still moaning, and chewing faster than ever, Chloe kissed him on the lips again. She took off her t-shirt completely to reveal the line of blue juice making its way up her torso. It was a cold wave, slightly tingling, feeling like a wash of new life going round her body. The juice crawled over her breasts, turning them dark, alien blue, as she clutched them in disbelief. The juice went up her neck, the taste in her mouth changed from the sugary candy-like flavour to a unbelievably strong, authentic blueberry flavour. She moaned and chewed as the juice made it over her lower lip and spilled into her mouth. It glossed over her cheeks, flooded over her short, round nose and turned her eyes from bright blue to a deep, dark blue colour to match her new body. Her forehead was next, the juice making its way to her hair parting, from where her jet black hair was turned into the darkest shade of blue yet, squeezing down her hair, past her face, to her shoulders. She picked up some of it, gazed at its deep, luxurious colour, her hands were completely blue too, a smooth shade. James grabbed them and stared in disbelief at her pure blue, plump palms. She looked down, the juice spilling out of her jeans into her shoes. She felt it go across her feet, right up to the very tip of her toes. That's when the loudest of all stomach groans happened. Her stomach roared and gurgled, while the juice splashed about, it gurgled and spluttered, and felt like it was contracting. She was heavily panting now, and moaned loud enough it might have sound like she was screaming. The gurgles and sloshes of juice bounced off the walls of the room, its sound was beautiful to James, music to his ears. The sloshes and groans from within her belly got louder and louder, and seemingly more violent. Her plump, blue tummy rumbled and groaned, sloshing around its juicy contents. "Uh, god, James, I think it's starting, James, uh god! It's starting!" Chloe moaned, panting and still chewing the gum. James knew what Chloe meant. He stared longingly down at her rumbling tummy, placed his hands on either side and held his breath, her plump tummy seeming to shake and contract with every gurgle. Chloe was still panting and moaning and chewing, her mouth wide open as the wet, slimy chews added to the cacophony of noise emerging from the body of this completely blue girl. Her stomach was full to the brim with blueberry juice, she felt it slosh about as her stomach contracted one last time. The pressure against the walls of her stomach reached breaking point, then, the force of her juicy insides pushed out against the front of her stomach, and it rose. James' open mouth turned into a smile as her stomach expanded under his hands. The feeling, the feeling of her inflating; it was the best feeling she had ever felt. Her skin stretched out as she inflated, the juice within her flowed forwards, the pressure on her insides pushed out all over her skin as she grew, with an incredible sound, the gurgling of her inflating stomach getting louder as she grew, the sloshing of the juice in her stomach, the squeezing sound of her stomach walls pushing outwards, her fast, open-mouthed chewing and her moaning, panting and groaning, all lead to a more than orgasmic feeling for her, and a unforgettable front-row experience for her boyfriend. Chloe's stomach spilled out over her belt, forwards first, into her boyfriend's longing arms. Then her stomach grew outwards sideways and backwards, creating a round ball of skin and juice where her overhanging belly used to be. The juice pushed outwards, inflating her body, as her belt dug into her growing belly. It dug in and in, as her belly grew and grew. Then, her belt burst, in a sudden, great explosion, with the juice that was trapped behind it flying out, free to bounce and jiggle and slosh around, her trousers being forced down, resting just above her crotch. Her lovely, round, groaning belly inflated with more and more juice, the round ball reaching up to her torso now, bigger than a baby bump, and much more beautiful. Her belly pushed out from under her trousers, her crotch being forced down, as the top of her thick legs seemed to disappear as it joined her enormous belly, sloshing and groaning as it grew, her butt, round and plump, being forced away, and absorbed into her enormous, juicy body. The round bottom of her juice-filled stomach filled the top of her unfortunately skinny jeans, which were pushed out and contorted round the curves of her juicy belly, then began to rip. Her deep blue skin emerged under the rips in her jeans, being forced apart by her inflating body. James readjusted his grip. He felt Chloe's huge belly growing under his hands, inflating like a balloon, slightly rumbling. He felt her belly button, once small and cute, now growing and inflating towards him, but still cute. Her huge blue belly grew upwards, her breasts being forced away from her body as they were absorbed into the huge mass of her enormous juicy, groaning belly. Her body was unbearably heavy now, her stomach enormous, being filled with more and more juice, sloshing to and fro in her groaning stomach, as her round body absorbed more and more of her legs, which were forced into her body as her huge ballooning belly reached the floor, her crotch touching the floor, becoming her new base, as her legs were forced off the ground under the might of her juicy body. The juice forced her body out round her sides, absorbing much of her arms, leaving her with little stumps of her lower arm and her fat fingers. It rose up, her groaning belly absorbing her neck, her chin resting on what used to be her chest, but then the inflation slowed. Her body slightly above her chin, the deafening groaning of her stomach subsided, then with one enormous, roaring gurgle, stopped. She was still panting, out of breath. She felt dazed, as if she had just eaten a huge meal. She used what was left of her arms to feel her new body. James was lost for words. He felt her skin, exploring his girlfriend's new, gigantic, blue body. Chloe's body had inflated with juice. She had grown like Violet Beauregarde. She was a blueberry. "I-, I'm-, I'm a-, a-, I'm a blueberry. I'm so big..." Chloe finally said. She had finished chewing. "You're, you're the most beautiful girl on the planet." Replied James. The door opened, and Dr Aquinas walked in on the boy and the blueberry. "I see it was a success." She said. "You're telling me!" Said James, impressed at what had become of Chloe's body. "Do you want to spend some time alone?" Asked Aquinas, "You can go in the other room, there are cameras in here." "Yeah-, yeah-, yeah that'll be good..." Said a dazed Chloe, "Roll me there, James..." James clutched the top of her huge round body, holding on to her rubbery blue skin, and pushed her on to her side. The juice sloshed inside her as she was placed on her side, and her stomach let out a single groan, seemingly content with its new size. James rolled Chloe to the door, unable to move herself. "Best... Birthday... Ever..."
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, floating
Text: Kim walked along Pacificana Avenue with a confident stride, for she knew that she definitely was qualified for one of best surf teams out there, the Venusian Wave Riders. She heard that the all-girl club had sort of an elitist attitude, but she figured they were always like that towards novices. As she turned left down an alley and headed towards the end, she spotted the small wood house at the end. When she got there, she checked the address. "2345, this is it!' she happily remarked. She knocked on the door and waited for one of the club members to open the door and welcome her in.
After a brief moment the door opened and a tall blonde-haired green eyed girl in a white Quicksilver shirt and blue Hawaiian board shorts answered.
"You're Kim, right?" The girl calmly inquired.
"That's me! Is everyone here?"
"They sure are! Come on in! We're waiting for you!"
The blonde led Kim into the house and lead her towards the main meeting room of the little bungalow. It was a small house, but it was very well kept up. Just before Kim and the girl entered the meeting room, Kim noticed a large display case full of trophies. She was astonished by how many were crammed into it. The awards came from many major surfing competitions, from Hawaii to Fiji, to Huntington Beach. She also noticed that they were all first or grand prizes, so she knew that these girls were definitely top-class material in the surfing world.
Following the blonde into the meeting room, the slender dark-haired tan-skinned Chinese-American swished her short shiny jet-black hair and was almost blinded by the light coming in through the large windows of the room. The end of the large room had three large windows which gave a view of the beautiful public beach and the waves constantly creeping in and crashing on shore while tourists, swimmers, and little kids wandered around on the dry white sand.
Five girls were already seated on a large couch and discussed tactics for surfing during harsh weather; they all immediately stopped and noticed Kim and the blonde.
"Ladies, may I present to you Kim Lung, our newest recruit!"
"Hello! How are you?"
"Pretty good." Mumbled a blue-eyed tall blonde sitting at the far end.
"So, we've got some fresh meat here again?" Wise-cracked the red-head sitting next to her.
"Kim, here are the members of our prestigious club." The green-eyed blonde began to introduce the girls.
"At the end here we have Shelly Strummers, she took the gold at the Fiji International invitational back in 2000."
The blonde Shelly nodded casually towards the girl's introduction, obviously not to flattered with it.
"Next to her is Courtney Lakes, she won in both Maui and Australia this summer."
"Eh, it was nothin', I coulda' done better." Courtney sarcastically remarked.
"Also we have here Jenny Collins, she's our PR girl and winner of last month's Surf-o-Rama 2002."
"Meh." slurred the slumped brunette sitting at the other far end.
"Next to her..." The blonde continued. "...is Mandy Drakes, the 'Terrific Tuber' as the paper calls her."
"Hey, who said you could call me that?" the raven-haired Mandy rebutted.
"And last but not least, we have our club leader, Tiffany Howland! She's the best surfer of us all! She's won too many competitions to discuss right now."
"But of course." Tiffany smiled.
"And I am Tracy Hayes! Welcome to the club Kim."
"Ahem Tracy." Tiffany coughed and stood up. "Remember, she isn't a part of us yet."
"Oh, sorry. I'm just a bit excited that we have a new member in the club."
"Oh, no need to apologize Tracy." Tiffany slyly grinned and looked towards Kim. "She needs to give us a display of her prowess."
"I'll be glad to Tiffany!" Kim chirped. "But all I brought was my wetsuit and my snorkeling gear in my bag here. I wasn't expecting to surf today, I thought we were just having a meeting."
"Well Kim..." Shelly stood up and walked towards Kim "Shouldn't a surfer always be prepared to prove their worth?"
"Uh, I guess." Kim stuttered. She felt somewhat uneasy around this imposing group.
"I guess we can lend you a board." Jenny said.
"Now get dressed and be prepared to shred some waves, that is if you can." Tiffany snidely demanded. All the girls except for Tracy and Kim laughed.
As Kim squeezed into her full-body black wetsuit within the dressing room, she wondered if she was really comfortable with this club.
"They seem sort of competitive and bossy, but I guess that's what you need to be when you surf at their level!" Kim pondered
After she suited up and grabbed one of the boards in the equipment shack, Kim walked towards the beach to meet the girls.
"Well it's about time slowpoke!" Mandy hollered. "It's freezing out here!"
"So Kim, ready to prove yourself?" Said Tiffany.
"Am I ever!"
Kim ran towards the surf excitedly and splashed into the water with a large splash when she reached deeper depths. She swam around scouting out for some waves to catch. Finally she found a nice large one just beginning to swell up about ten meters away. Kim briskly swam alongside the expanding watery hump and right when it began to peak and crash at one end, Kim stood upon her board, balanced herself, and rode the wave. She rode it for quite a distance, skillfully weaving around and slicing alongside the churning wall of seawater. Her wet black hair swung and flapped around in the wind and her shiny black wetsuit glistened in the late-morning sun. She felt absolutely thrilled.
Finally after a half hour of catching waves and riding them, she swam back towards shore and the girls. Tracy ran towards Kim clapping her hands.
"Wow! That was incredible Kim! You really cut through those waves like hell!"
"Thanks Tracy. I come out here when I can. I find new ways of taming the waves everyday."
"So girls!" Tracy turned towards the five. "What do you think?"
The five girls looked at each other seriously, Jenny let a crooked smile cross her lips briefly and Tiffany spoke up.
"Well, we all discussed your 'moves' out there Kim. And unfortunately, we don't think you're fit for our club."
"What!?" Kim gasped. "But, I didn't wipe out once out there! And did you see that big tube that I rode?"
"You flew through a tube? Didn't catch that one." Courtney sarcastically snarled.
"As you can see, you might have done some moves that could have impressed us, but unfortunately, we didn't. We were too busy talking about other things during your performance."
"But..." Tears were beginning to well up in Kim's eyes.
"After seeing your mediocre performance out there, we probably wouldn't have missed much.
Kim was flabbergasted. She felt this dark blob of grief fill her heart. It almost felt like it caused it to stop pumping. She dropped the surfboard and ran away, trying to fight back the tears filling her eyes so nobody would see her cry.
"Well, she took it better than some of the others who came this week." chortled Shelly.
"Good riddance, we're fine as we are right now. And with our current winning streak, we wouldn't want her mediocrity spoiling our perfect record." Tiffany said.
"Well, shall we go back girls? I could use some lunch." Everyone nodded in agreement with Tiffany, except for Tracy who just stood away from the group, disgusted by their blatant snubbing of Kim.
"So Tracy, how about you? Wanna' come by the burger joint with us?" Courtney asked.
"I've lost my appetite." Tracy then turned away and walked towards the direction where Kim ran off.
"Hmph, what bit her in the ass?" Jenny remarked.
Kim lay face down on her bed, sobbing uncontrollably into her pillow. She was absolutely heartbroken by the cruel refusal by the Venusian Wave Riders.
"They never gave me a chance. Why did they have to be so heartless?" Thought Kim.
She kept crying into her pillow until she heard a knock at her door.
Kim jumped up quickly, but she sunk back down into her bed. A voice called out.
"Kim! It's me, Tracy! Can I come in?"
"Are you going to embarrass me any more? If not, you can just leave!" Kim shouted.
"Kim! Please listen to me! Let's talk about this! I'm totally sorry about what happened. Those girls had no right to insult you the way they did out there!"
Kim wiped her teary red face and got off her bed. She opened the door and welcomed Tracy into her little apartment room.
"Kim, I'm so sorry about what happened." Tracy wrapped her arms around Kim and gave her a reassuring hug.
"But why? Why did they reject me?" Kim pleaded.
"Well, I guess there's many things I can say about those girls, but I'll choose a simple explanation here, they're bitches."
"No duh." Kim grumbled.
"By the way Kim, you're still in your wetsuit." Tracy pointed out.
"I know. I was so sad that I just rushed here and immediately started crying in bed."
"I can understand, I'd cry too if I were you. Mind if I sit down Kim?" "Sure." Kim pointed out a beanbag chair near her bed and Tracy sat down.
"Kim, as you can tell, the girls in my club aren't exactly the most open group on this beach, in fact they've turned down a bunch of great surfers like you."
"Yeah, they were all good, but I think you were the best one yet! Compared to the skills of the girls, you could easily match those sluts."
"I still can't believe they turned me down."
"They're really paranoid about losing their winning streak, and they really want to keep it going."
"Hmmph, well I bet they're actually crappy surfers themselves!"
"Well, they are good, but I've never seen any of them do that perfect run you did out there."
"Can you do something to let me in?"
"Why? They'll just make you feel horrible, plus they'll never accept you."
"I see."
Tracy and Kim sat silent for a minute, until Tracy spoke up with a bright look her face.
"Hee hee, I'd love to see those jerks get humiliated big time at one of those 'high and mighty' meets they show off at."
"Me too." Kim concurred.
"Hey! We should pull a prank on them! Something that will really screw them over!"
"I don't want to hurt them." Kim said. "Oh we won't hurt them, but we will ruffle their feathers though! But what can we do to embarrass in front of everyone here?"
"Well, maybe we can, uh, wait." Kim wrinkled her nose a bit and started sniffling.
"Gotta sneeze?"
"Yeah, it's a bi... i.... Ah... ah.. ahhhhhh!" Just before Kim could sneeze, she lifted up her wetsuit's neckline and put her mouth towards the opening.
Kim's wetsuit swelled up a bit from the sneeze that entered it.
"Bless you!" Tracy excused.
Kim felt funny with the air that she blew into her suit.
"Huh, that was weird. Good thing I didn't sneeze harder, or I might have blown myself up like a balloon! Hah!"
"That's it!" Tracy shouted!
"What's what?"
"The suits! Blow them up like balloons! We can blow their wetsuits up!"
"Whose wetsuits?" Suddenly Kim realized what Tracy was talking about.
"Ohhhh, I see! Now that would be funny!"
"Just think how freaked out they'd get when their suits started inflating like rubber party balloons!"
"They wouldn't be able to move! It'd just be like a cartoon!"
"Or even better yet, fill them up with helium!"
"Oh yeah! Then they'd float away! That'd be a hoot!"
"And you know what Kim? We can do it! With this upcoming surf meet on Saturday, the brats are going to be modeling these new neoprene/latex hybrid suits for this company. They are supposed to be ultra-flexible and stretchy!"
"Oo! Even better! Also my father works on these special compressed gas pellets for these companies! I'll see if he's got some that release helium!"
"How much can they let out?"
"A lot! These girls are gonna' be really big if we stuck them inside their suits."
"Excellent Kim! You think we can do this by Saturday? We've got only two days?"
"I'm sure I can nab the pellets tonight!"
"And I can sneak them into their wetsuits before they slip them on! How big are they?"
"They are really small, which is quite amazing for the amount of gas they hold. They are the size of a tiny pebble and can hold about 20 psi. I don't think they'll notice them."
"So, you wanna' do it?"
"You bet I do!"
"All right then! These brats will be flying over the waves higher than they ever could hope for. Heh heh."
It was a sunny Saturday morning at Pacificana Beach. A large crowd had gathered for the big surfing event. People from all over the state had come to compete and strut their stuff on the waves. Courtney, Shelly, Mandy, Jenny, and Tiffany were standing around under their tarp, being interviewed by a news crew.
"So Tiffany, what do you think of these state-of-the-art Soothex Wetsuits?"
A reporter questioned the group of girls whom were clad from toe to neck in the glossy black rubber suits. The suits even had mitts and booties on them, and there were no seams whatsoever to be seen on them. They had the sleek dark-blue Soothex logo spread along the side of the right thigh.
"We love them Rick! We think any serious surfer should definitely consider these suits, especially since they show off our wonderful figures so well!"
"And that's one of the main reason's we're selling them! Plus they are designed for maximum comfort and flexibility. They are air-tight too, so that no water can seep in and hinder your movement!"
"We the Venusian Wave Riders support these news suits 100% Rick! And we're happy you chose us to test them out."
"We're glad that you stepped up to the challenge! Plus since you're all such fine surfers, we'll get a lot of attention!"
"Well, its time for us to shred those waves in half. Ready girls?"
"Uh Tiffany? I feel something in my suit. Something really tiny, but round." Shelly spoke out.
"Don't worry, some sand probably got into your suit while you were changing. I feel a little something too. Besides, we don't want to delay our electrifying performancy any more."
The girls picked up their boards and walked towards the surf. People in the audience took notice of the five girls all dressed in the shiny wetsuits. Some of the wilder guys in the crowd wolf-whistled and hooted at them.
Meanwhile, behind a lifeguard tower, Kim and Tracy watched the action.
"Well, this is it! Shall you do the honors Kim?"
"With pleasure." Kim smiled as she picked up a control device with an antenna and clicked the single button on it. She giggled with glee as she pushed the button."
Suddenly all the girls stopped dead in their tracks just as a loud hissing sound began to emit from their suits. All but Tiffany dropped their board and started feeling themselves.
"Wha, what's goin' on!?" Jenny panicked
"There's something filling my suit! It feels like, gas!" Mandy yelled.
The suits began to noticeably bulge out. The feminine curvy figures began to plump out like hot dogs in a microwave. All the girls could do was gawk and gasp at their expanding wetsuits.
"Holy crap! Our suits are blowing up like balloons!" Jenny screamed.
"Noooo! My figure!" The vain Shelly yelped.
"How's this happening? Somebody please stop it! Stoooooop!" Courtney yelled out in futility.
All Tiffany could do was stare down at the ever-expanding mass of black rubber that was her wetsuit. She was sweating bullets and thinking...
"And to think, they're getting all this on TV."
The TV cameras near the crowd were catching every second of the wetsuits inflating. All people in the stands could do was gawk at the spectacle. Most people thought this was some wacky PR stunt, most of the surfer dudes and beach bums just said 'Woah' ad infinitum.
The wetsuits' midsections were now bulging out into well-rounded spheres with a circumference of at least three feet. The legs and the arms were also swelling into plump weenie-balloon shapes. All the girls could do now was waddle around helplessly and cry out for help that wouldn't come.
"For cryin' out loud! Why won't those damn idiots do anything!? We're inflating dammit!" Screamed Tiffany as she finally dropped her surfboard.
By now their had expanded to at least seven feet in diameter, by now the arms and legs of the suits were so plumped up or absorbed into the expanding sphere of the suit that mobility was impossible.
Finally, before the girls could lose their balance, they started to float up into the air.
"Oh shoot! We're filling up with HELIUM!" Cried Jenny.
The sound of hissing gas began to quiet down, the gas within the pellets inside the suits were almost depleted, but by now the suits had inflated from a human shape into a comical ball shape, with little puffy dents for arms and legs, and puffed up feet and hands and their tips. The girls now looked like human balloons, floating away from the warm sand of the beach.
"I don't wanna' float away!" screamed Shelly.
"We're never going to get down!" added Mandy.
"For gods sake! Somebody grab us!" Tiffany pleaded to the crowd.
Some people, once they saw the ballooned girls lift off the ground, tried to run towards them and grasp any part of their spherical bodies, but even the people closest to them couldn't grab them. The ones under them tried jumping up and nabbing the pneumatic females, but their efforts were futile.
Tiffany, Jenny, Mandy, Shelly, and Courtney kept screaming and yelling for help as they floated higher and higher into the beautiful cloudless Saturday day over the beach. As Tiffany floated away, she caught sight of two girls hiding out behind a lifeguard tower on the beach. They were both on the ground in stitches, laughing at the embarrassing predicament of her and the team.
"Bye bye girls! Send us a postcard! Via airmail of course! Ha ha ha!" giggled Tracy.
"Remember to send us some nice aerial shots of your vacation spots too!" added Kim.
"So where do you think they'll fly off to Kim?"
"Hopefully somewhere far. I don't want to see those jerks anytime soon. But I hope they don't get hurt."
"Don't worry Kim. They all have rich mommies and daddies. They'll probably pay the Coast Guard top dollar to fish them out of the clouds."
All Tiffany could do was stare at the two figures in the background and furiously glare at their enjoyment of her suffering. But for now, all she and the other girls could do was float helplessly, without any knowledge as to when they'd come back to terra firma. The five girl-balloons were now at least one hundred feet from the shore, and three hundred feet in the air. Ten minutes later, they were nothing but dark dots sailing around within the blue sky.
Kim and Tracy sat in the Venusian Wave Rider clubhouse, watching the evening news on the 50" wide screen HDTV in the club's living room.
"In other locals news today, a Pacificana Beach girl's surf club found themselves going above and beyond the waves like they never expected before when their cutting edge Soothex wetsuits inflated for no reason and caused them to float helplessly offshore. The president of Soothex Beachwear Inc. in an interview today was dumbfounded by the inflation of the girls' suits since he said that was not a feature that his RandR team had implemented into them."
"Yeah, you could say a willing third party added that in." Kim wisecracked.
"As for the girls themselves, their parents immediately have called the Coast Guard to comb the skies with radar and helicopters and rescue the girls. Unfortunately the sudden change in wind conditions midday have caused the group of girls to disperse, and the search has become a much more trying effort. One girl by the name of Courtney Lakes was rescued right before sundown.
The TV switched to a shot of the hapless Courtney being dragged via helicopter to the Coast Guard airbase, tethered behind a string that a man was holding within the copter. However, right when the helicopter touched down, the force of the landing caused the tension on the rope to reverse direction, and pulled Courtney right into the small spinning blade on the tail of the copter. All Courtney could do was scream as the rotating blade punctured her inflated suit. It exploded in a shower of jagged rubber ribbons, and Courtney fell to the ground butt first. She sat up, shook her head, and screamed when she realized she was completely nude. Courtney scrambled around on the ground to pick pieces of torn rubber from her popped suit to cover herself with.
"Heh heh, as you can see, she didn't have a very comfortable landing." The TV reporter laughed a bit and went on with the rest of the news for the night.
"Poor Courtney, just think how all the guys around here will think once she gets back." Said Kim.
"Yeah, she has a lot of admirers." Replied Tracy. Finally, the Coast Guard and Navy finally recovered all the girls from the sky after a week of intense searching. Tiffany herself floated almost halfway to Hawaii before she was rescued. Since the rescue effort drained the bank accounts of the girls' parents, they had to sell the clubhouse and all the equipment inside. Soon after the clubhouse was sold, the Venusian Wave Riders disbanded.
Kim and Tracy were able to save up enough money shortly after the clubhouse went up for lease, and they started their own club. Nobody had to worry about winning awards, and anybody could join.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, spherical
Text: Mark Prager loved Monopoly as a child. Despite the game's basic reliance on random chance - dice, shuffled decks of cards - he developed an inexplicable propensity for monetary success in the game. He fell in love with Monopoly, and by the time he reached eight years old his older sister refused to play with him. Over the years this affinity and affection for money turned into an accounting degree, a successful career as a certified public accountant, and admirable - if modest - success as a day trader.Mark never showed much of an interest in aviation. He routinely boarded airplanes as a passenger, of course, and he had heard once or twice that someone named Bernoulli was pretty important. He knew next to nothing about the design, engineering, mechanics, or operation of an airplane.Therefore, it stands to reason that despite an aerospace knowledge that barely qualified as basic, Mark Prager knew with a high degree of certainty that when a wing separates itself from its aircraft - as had just happened, right outside his window, on a small chartered jet 38,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean - it is often unplanned and just as often problematic.--The audible warning about the autopilot disengaging was lost in the chaos that ensued in the cockpit. Captain Miranda Lester nearly lost her headset as the aircraft rolled wildly. She could hear screams and commotion from the cabin, beyond the cockpit door. She quickly ruled out a bomb or missile; there was no explosion, just a bit of a clunking sound before the plane lurched. Plus, she knew what it was like to get shot at while flying missions in Afghanistan.Miranda cursed loudly and fought with the yoke, trying to regain some kind of control. After a few moments she had the plane tenuously level, and immediately her first officer, Richelle Durston, grabbed the emergency checklist. "What the hell was that?" Richelle asked.Miranda gritted her teeth as she struggled with the controls. "Nothing good. We've got a loss of thrust and the plane keeps wanting to roll to starboard. I'm putting the nose down so we don't stall."A few seconds later the intercom buzzed from the cabin. "Flight deck," Miranda answered. "Is everyone okay back there?"The flight attendant, Jessi Moloney, ignored Miranda's inquiry and responded in a terse but calm voice. "The port wing is gone.""You mean the port engine, right?""No. The whole port wing." Wailing and loud chatter could be heard in the background.Miranda and Richelle exchanged glances, the former still struggling to keep the plane close to level. "To hell with the checklist, then," Richelle said, scrambling to unbuckle her seat belts."Jessi, you have three minutes to get everybody ready to scram," Miranda said, lowering the nose further, putting the plane into an aggressive descent."Understood." The cabin phone hung up.Richelle had unbuttoned her uniform shirt and was shaking it off her arms, revealing the emergency harness underneath. "You ever do live training for this?" she asked."Not on this scale. Nobody has.""Right." She pulled a small card out of one of the pockets of the harness, examining a table of numerical data. "Okay, we have 40 passengers on board, so that means two of us take thirteen and one takes fourteen.""No," Miranda called out as a slight bit of turbulence, normally inconsequential, jarred the plane. "I have to scram alone and maintain control. You two will need to take everyone with you."Richelle's eyes moved down the card, her eyes eventually settling on a row labeled "20". It was highlighted in yellow, as were several rows above it. "That's an extra 40 or 50 feet. It's past the yellow line.""This is not up for debate. I may not even be able to scram before the plane dives. You are not leaving any passengers with me." Miranda's eyes stayed locked on her instruments, but she turned her head in Richelle's direction. "Two and a half minutes."Richelle sighed. "Okay." She stuffed the card back in her harness pocket, then reached over Miranda's shoulders from behind and unbuttoned her uniform shirt, then reached further down and unbuckled her seat belts. She knew Miranda might not have the precious seconds she would need to do this herself. Finally, Richelle grabbed the plane's maintenance log and tucked it in her harness. "Good luck," she said before opening the cockpit door.In the cabin, Jessi had also shed her shirt and was preparing people to scram. Passengers were quickly donning harnesses of their own. A cluster of people was forming at the front of the plane. A man held a piece of cloth to a bleeding head wound; a young woman looked as if she were trying not to move her arm. Richelle stood next to Jessi and put a hand on her shoulder. "We're taking everybody. Just you and me."Jessi's eyes widened only briefly. She didn't want to panic the passengers any more by showing too much emotion. "That bad?""Miranda isn't sure she's going to make it off."Jessi nodded, then immediately continued the scram effort. "Okay, listen up! I need everyone in two groups of twenty. Those of you closest to the front of the plane will go first with me. Start clipping onto each other, then those of you on the ends of the line will both clip to me. As soon as my group is away, Richelle's group can come to the front. We have about sixty seconds. Go!"Passengers began reaching for the sides of their harnesses and extending a bungee-like cable, clipping on to partners' cables at both sides. Jessi quickly counted heads as the passengers at the ends of her line were holding out their hooks to her, harried looks on their faces. She pulled them close to her and allowed them to hook on, backing up to the cabin door.Richelle spoke up to provide further instructions. "The cables stretch up to thirty feet each, so a max of sixty feet between you and each of your partners. My cables have 100 feet, so my partners have up to 130 feet. Everyone jumps in pairs." She looked to her partners, the two closest to her. "As soon as I jump, you two have two seconds to jump." She then looked up at everyone else. "Each other pair only has one second before you get yanked out of the plane. Got it?""13,000 feet!" Miranda shouted from the cockpit. "Cabin depress!"As soon as Jessi felt the pressure stop changing in her ears, she yanked the emergency lever on the door and it swung open inward, the sudden roar of air almost deafening. Miranda was leveling the plane as best she could, but the floor still rocked and twisted underneath her and the plane was obviously still descending. Jessi poked her head out of the doorway and was thankful that if they got to keep only one wing, it wasn't on the same side of the plane as the door, lest they jump right into a jet engine.Reaching into the top of her harness, Jessi grabbed the mouthguard and pulled it and its attached duct out. Her heels inches from the great blue yonder, she shouted above the din of wind. "Here we go! Three... two... one..."Jessi brought the mouthguard to her mouth, bit down, and leaned backward.
Still in the cabin, Richelle was practically shoving the first scram group out of the plane, and everyone made it out. Crews had at least practiced the evacuation portion of a scram, and the many drills during training had certainly helped. She wanted to look down but knew she didn't have time. Turning her back to the door just as Jessi had, she herded her group as close as possible and clipped onto her partners."Give us twenty seconds and we're out!" Richelle called to the cockpit."Copy!" Miranda shouted between expletives as the plane buffeted."Three... two... one..."Against her better judgment, Richelle had gone skydiving before and swore never to do it again. She was sick for days afterward. The few brief moments of free fall that she experienced now began to bring back the same unpleasant sensations.After three seconds, the accelerometer in her harness kicked in.
At 7500 feet, Miranda looked over her shoulder. Everyone was away; at least 42 people would survive. The tricky part was getting that number up to 43.She estimated that she could get to the door from her seat in about five seconds. But what would the doomed plane do during those five seconds? She let go of the yoke just slightly to gauge the aircraft's response; it held for a second, then leaned violently. Grabbing the yoke again, Miranda wrestled it back to something resembling level and tried to engage the autopilot just for grins. It didn't work, and she envisioned ome line of code in the onboard computer laughing at her as if to say, "You think I'm going to fly this?!"The water below was steadily moving faster underneath. Running out of time and ideas, Miranda reached behind her to see if her shoulder belt would reach around the yoke. It did - barely - but it pulled the nose of the plane up. She tried slipping the other shoulder belt around the yoke for stability. The plane was surprisingly stable, if headed for an imminent stall, but she only needed five seconds.5000 feet - no more time. Miranda took control one last time, pushed the nose of the plane down to regain some air speed, then slipped one belt over the yoke as she slid out of her seat, then strapped the other belt back on and made a break for it. Halfway to the door she could feel the plane tipping, but she already knew she'd made it. She leapt through the door and into the open air.--Jessi's first reaction was relief at seeing everyone make it out of the plane. Her next reaction was shock at how forceful the deepest breath of her life was.The skirt of her flight attendant uniform ripped away almost instantly as her torso began to rapidly grow outward in all directions. In nearly the blink of an eye her view became obscured by expanding domes of cleavage, and only a split second after that could she see her stomach just beyond her breasts. Her underwear was giving her a wedgie, but by the time Jessi tried to reach behind her back and fix it she had nothing to reach with; in little more than a second, her arms - and legs - had blown up, stiffened, and then stretched out across her body until they were simply gone. And an instant after that she didn't have to worry about the underwear anymore anyway.The rush of wind at Jessi's newly rounded back subsided as she continued to increase in size; the harness, stretching around her sides, was doing exactly what it was supposed to do, blowing her up to slow her down. Her breasts grew wider, if not further out. She finally felt something bump into her at the base of each breast, the first tethered passengers coming down for a smooth landing on top of her. The sudden weight increase excited the accelerometer, and the air forced itself down Jessi's throat with an increased vigor. It increased again as more passengers landed on top of her. What had been her shoulders began to bulge around her face as her neck disappeared.Jessi had lost count of the number of passengers she now carried across her chest and stomach, and she hadn't even noticed that she couldn't move her hands and feet. She was still compensating, still inflating at a wild pace, the passengers feeling so small on top of her. But their descent was much calmer now, and she felt her growth begin to slow to a crawl, the wind tunnel in her esophagus reduced to a whisper. When she was certain she could not feel her huge body stretching any longer, she pushed the mouth guard out of her mouth with her tongue. The world was upside down to her, the water slowly rising to meet her at a safe, comfortable three meters per second while her blond hair gently bristled about her face.--Mark Prager was the last person from Richelle's group out of the plane. He barely had time to look down below him before he noticed that something very unusual was happening. He was over a hundred feet above, so it wasn't until Richelle's skirt ripped away from her widening waist and hips that the reality of this solution became apparent.He could see that Richelle was growing at an incredible pace, and the harness - with its straps stretching around her sides and between her shoulders and groin - was growing with her. In one second she looked like some busty pregnant blow-up doll. Just another second later the look was even more extreme, with breasts peeking out around all sides of the harness while her stomach became more prominent and her limbs began to bloat up. Mark looked to his sides to double-check the cables on his own harness, and when he returned his gaze to Richelle she looked markedly less feminine; her breasts had become truly massive bulges, but the other curves that had so capably filled out Richelle's pilot uniform just minutes prior had become much more simplified.Mark realized that Richelle was rising up to meet him. Another moment of observation convinced him to correct himself: she wasn't rising,she was just decelerating as she grew. He could see people starting to lay against her side, clinging to her stomach, a breast, anything they could get a hold of as her now-spherical body continued growing and drifting down. He was worried that he would land on top of another passenger, unable to control his own fall, until someone looked up and grabbed his arm at the last second, guiding him in for a firm yet painless landing somewhere on Richelle's stomach.And then Richelle began to grow even faster, her stretching skin producing a tangible sensation beneath him as the stretchy cords held Mark and his fellow passengers snugly against her. Mark picked his head up and noticed what he thought might have been Richelle's navel next to him. As his pilot grew he watched the shallow concave feature gradually widen and fill in until he couldn't distinguish it from the surrounding skin.Mark could tell they were falling more slowly now, but he had trouble seeing how far up they were since Richelle blocked his view of the horizon. "Above" him he could still see the low hills of her breasts sprawling across her chest. The stretching sensation beneath him subsided until he couldn't tell whether he felt it or not.And then, at long last, he felt the slightest bump and then a gentle rocking motion. They had made it: Richelle had guided them to a soft landing in the Atlantic.Mark picked up his head once again. "Is everybody okay?" he shouted. An indeterminate number of voices responded. Reaching to his side, he unhooked one cable and, with considerable effort, stretched it to the cable on his other side and latched them together. He then unhooked himself from them and squirmed his way out from underneath. Crawling on his hands and knees, he tenderly traversed Richelle's body laterally, checking on those still strapped in. Then he went to check on her.As he crawled between the bizarre sight of such absurdly distorted breasts, he tried as hard as he could not to touch them. Despite their survival being the primary concern, he felt like Richelle still deserved at least some shred of dignity. He followed the longitudinal straps toward her shoulders, the curve of her body gradually becoming steeper. Fortunately Richelle had rolled forward a bit so the angle wasn't too extreme. He finally encountered the main assembly of her harness and found a hook there to latch onto. Just a couple of feet below that was her face, surrounded by pressurized flesh, her rich black hair oozing out from between her head and body and fanning out below. The hose and mouthguard dangled inches from her chin."Are you alright??" he asked.Richelle's eyes danced, trying to make eye contact with him. He could tell she was trying to move her head, but it was firmly held in place. "I... I think so," she said. "What about everybody else?""We're fine. We all made it."Richelle wept softly.Mark reached down to gently hold her cheek, giving her a moment to process the news. She had fulfilled her obligation with flying colors. That might at least help her justify... this.After what seemed like an appropriate amount of time, Mark finally spoke up. "So what happens now?""My harness has an emergency transponder," Richelle said. "It activated as soon as I jumped, so they know exactly where we are. It could be a few hours before a military ship or cruiseliner is diverted to help, though.""And what about..." Mark debated finishing his question."Me?" Richelle interrupted, then sighed. "I don't know. Nobody does.""Seriously?"Richelle looked toward her harness even though she couldn't see it. "There's a folded up card in the pocket there. Pull it out."Mark fumbled with the pocket and found the card. The word "SCRAM" was printed at the top, and then a table full of data in very small type filled the card below it. "Okay.""You see the lines highlighted in yellow?""Yeah." Mark looked up and down the table; the first line in yellow was '15'. He then noticed the header for that column: '# Pass' - number of passengers."Anything above yellow is the number of passengers I can save and have a 'good' chance of returning to normal."Mark had remembered that they had split the plane into two groups of 20. The applicable line on the table was well within the yellow area. He held his breath a moment. "What is a 'good' chance?"Richelle sighed. "Fifty percent or better. And the chances decrease with each extra passenger.""Jesus." The number '277' was listed next to '20' on the table. Mark followed the column up and identified that column as 'Dia'. "What is 'dia?'"Richelle sighed again. "Diameter. In feet."Mark's face paled. "So you're 277 feet wide??""I don't know," Richelle replied, half annoyed, half dejected. "Those are all based on averages. I might be smaller or larger. An accelerometer tells the harness to blow me up as big as I need to be for a three-meter-per-second landing."Mark didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. His eyes wandered down the card a couple rows further, finding red highlighting instead of yellow. "What do the red rows mean?""It means all bets are off at those sizes."Mark continued past the fold in the card, watching the diameters pass 300, then eventually 400 and 500. "Goodness. Can people really get that big?""You don't understand," Richelle responded with a cold tinge to her voice. "It means all bets are off.""Oh."The two sat silently for a couple minutes. Mark wished there was something he could say, some way to thank her that didn't sound trite or just terribly insufficient. Richelle was still coming to grips with the entire ordeal; losing a plane would have been bad enough by itself. They could both hear - and she could feel - the ocean waves lapping against her back far below. Mark finally broke the silence. "Well, I think I'm going to go back... uh... up?... and check on the-- ""No," Richelle interjected, her voice wavering. "I don't really want to be alone right now."Mark placed a hand on Richelle's surface and patted her gently. "Well, in a way, you're not alone even if I do go back."Richelle chuckled and sniffled. "Okay. Just... please stay here."He did.--As it turned out, Miranda had fully inflated - for her, a mere 50 feet wide or so - by the time the plane lost control and entered a steep pitch and roll before falling out of view behind the globe of her body. She cursed herself; she would have had the time to take passengers with her after all, and the additional burden that she forced upon Richelle and Jessi could be ruinous for them.But as she gently floated down to the ocean, Miranda told herself that she couldn't second-guess her decisions. She may have had enough time to get them out of the plane, but she had no way to be sure that she would have had enough altitude. She was probably at 4000 feet or even a little less by the time she bailed. Her thoughts were too scrambled, her adrenaline still too ramped to do the rough math in her head, but she would have been cutting it very, very close.She also tried to force herself not to second-guess the wing. There may very well have been something they missed in pre-flight, but odds are it wasn't anything they would have noticed from the cockpit. There would be investigations, of course, scrutinizing every moment of her and Richelle's flight, and as standard procedure she would be grounded for months. "Actually," she thought, "I'll be grounded for months anyway."For now, though, Miranda just needed to wait, and hope that whoever showed up first would have enough aloe vera for the sunburn she was about to get.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, air tank
Text: Shannon strutted down the sidewalk, whistling a jaunty tune as she carried her bags of groceries. Twirling her keys on one finger she skipped up the steps, entering the dormitory and heading down the hall. Opening the door to her rooms, she went to step inside only to stop suddenly when she noticed something strange. Or rather, someone: While the residents of the dorm were no strangers to having men visit, most of them weren't shirtless, and none of them were purple or had horns. He turned to look at her with golden eyes, and she forced a smile at him before quickly closing the door.It was about this time that Nicole came down the other side of the hall. "Who is that?" Shannon asked her, pointing towards the door."Who?" She glanced at the door. "Oh, that's Lilu.""Why does he have horns?""He's an incubus."Shannon opened her mouth to speak before shutting it again and starting over. "You summoned an -incubus?-""Well, yeah. You knew I was into demonology when you moved in.""You. -Summoned.- An -incubus.-""I'm not really sure what the problem is.""The problem is that you're calling up DEMONS FROM HELL.""I know what I'm doing," Nicole replied, visibly hurt."What if you tell him to do something and he intentionally misinterprets it so he can hurt someone?""You're thinking of genies.""I'm thinking of demons, of which he is one!""Look, I don't think there's a problem. He hasn't done anything suspicious when I've been around, nobody else has said anything, and besides, do you think I'd summon something if I knew it would be dangerous?"Shannon folded her arms across her chest, giving Nicole a dubious look. Nicole glanced at the door again and, lowering her voice, added, "I don't think he has it in him. He's really not that clever.""...""I told you, I know what I'm doing."She drummed her fingers on her arm, thinking it over. "...fine," she finally said. "But just look into the whole 'twisting your words' thing for me, would you? I don't want any surprises around here.""I'll see what I can do."
Lilu calmly regarded Nicole as she shut the door to her room. "It's a bit early, but far be it for me to deny-""You haven't been doing your job," Nicole said, putting her hands on her hips.He rolled his eyes. "I was about to say that I was -willing- to do my job.""Not that. I mean corrupting people's orders. Following the letter instead of the intent so you can harm them, that sort of thing. You haven't done it at all when I've been around." She narrowed her eyes. "You -can- do that, right?""It's not that I'm not capable.""Did you know you were supposed to do that?""I-""Because it's part of the whole 'bound demon' package." She reached out, tapping the incubus' collar for emphasis as she spoke.Lilu quickly brushed her hand away. "Of- of course I knew! I'm excellent at it; that goes without saying. I was simply biding my time until an appropriate order came about." He smoothed his hair. "You underestimate me.""So you're saying that you can twist any order I give you, huh?"He stared up at her defiantly. "Any order."Nicole nodded to herself. "Okay." Turning, she went to the closet and pulled it open, revealing a large air tank. Pulling several loops of hose off of a hook on its side, she returned to her place in front of Lilu."...why do you have an air tank in your closet?""You're not here to ask questions," she said, shoving the end of the hose in his mouth. "You're here to prove you can twist orders." Returning to the tank, she placed one hand on the handle. "So here's an easy one." She cranked the handle. "Don't pop."Lilu's eyes went wide as a surge of air hit him, his cheeks puffing up briefly as he struggled in vain to resist the pressure. Within seconds his stomach and pecs had gained gentle curves, pushing out to and beyond normal human limits. He stared down at himself, poking the side of his belly when a creaking noise drew his attention. Craning his neck over his shoulder, he looked behind him to see his backside swelling within the confines of his pants."It's a lot different when you're not the one in control, isn't it?" she asked, approaching him. She rested her hands on either side of his gut, now two feet wide and gaining fast. "It lets you... -savor- the things you don't pay attention to when you do it on your own." Giving his stomach a gentle squeeze, she moved her hands up, running them across his chest before coming to rest on his shoulders, feeling them as they gained a roundness and fullness that spread down his arms. "Don't you think?"He stared up at her in disbelief before shaking his head violently."No?" She took a step back, giving him a shrug. "If you say so."Lilu made an effort to communicate to her via gestures how incredibly strange it all was and how he wasn't at all enjoying it, but since his arms were triple their normal width and still getting larger the best he could manage was slow, uncoordinated waving. The creases in Lilu's pants were pulled flat as he grew inside of them and his thighs pressed together, pushing his legs apart. His back and sides grew round and full, gradually merging with the swell of his stomach and transforming him into a purple ball with a swollen chest, bloated, conical limbs and a puffy-cheeked head on top.His limbs were forced out to his sides as his volume increased, slowly being pulled flat by his swelling body. He teetered on spread feet before falling onto his backside, rocking back and forth before coming to rest. His chest and shoulders swelled up around his neck as he grew higher and rounder, and as his as his legs were gradually absorbed he rolled upright again, finding himself eye-to-eye with Nicole."You know, I can't figure you out. But you -did- say I underestimated you, after all."The gas continued to flow, and Lilu continued to inflate ever larger. His hands and feet puffed up as they were pulled into dimples atop curves that used to be his limbs. From somewhere inside of him, a deep, hollow hissing slowly rose in volume, and Lilu squeezed his eyes shut as his lips swelled. Moaning loudly, he flapped his hands as his growth slowed, his gut letting out a quiet series of pneumatic creaks before the hose slipped from his mouth with an audible "pop."Nicole caught the hose as it fell, coiling it up and setting it back on its hook. Shutting off the tank, she looked over at Lilu - all eight feet of him. His pants were doing a remarkable job of covering his lower hemisphere, stretched though they were. She made a mental note to see if she couldn't relieve him of them if this opportunity presented itself again.Returning, she stood in front of him, poking his gigantic gut. "So this is your idea of twisting someone's words, hm?" She reached out with both arms, caressing the taut, full curve of his body. "Well, it -is- awfully inconvenient, having you taking up so much space."Against Lilu's muffled protests she rolled him onto his back before pulling over a chair, climbing up it and onto him. She crawled across the expanse of his stomach and chest towards his head; Lilu winced as she moved, his body letting out an ominous series of groans. "I'd have to use you as a bed," she said, lying down in front of him, her breasts less than a foot from his face. "You're very comfortable, but can you imagine? Lying there, pumped to the brim with air and completely helpless, my naked body pressed against yours for hours." With a sly smile she pressed into him, eliciting another groan from his overtaxed body. "But maybe that was a part of your plan."She carefully slid backwards, dismounting him before shoving the chair aside. Grabbing the edge of his pants she rolled him forward onto his stomach, looking down into his eyes. "I guess this'll teach me, huh? Well, I'm not a sore loser. Enjoy your victory." With that she turned and headed out the door, leaving Lilu with only the overwhelming sense of pressure to keep him company."Oh!" Nicole poked her head back in. "...but if you -really- wanted to follow the letter of my order, you could have taken the hose out at any time." She waved. "Bye!"
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, decompression, helium
Text: "Do you think women are still portrayed by the media as sex objects?"
"Well all it takes to answer that question is to look at these pneumatic bimbos they have in porn magazines." Germaine took such a magazine from her satchel and tossed it onto the table to prove her point. It fell open at a page showing Kayla Kleavage Evans, BB Gunns, Chelsea Charms and Minka posing in skimpy bikini's on some random beach, Emmeline glanced momentarily at the filth placed in front of her before giving it a disgusted look and sweeping it onto the floor. She had become used to seeing such images and despite being secretly lesbian had no interest in such demeaning propaganda. Germaine was much more her type; energetic, full of political verve and committed to her cause, not to mention beautiful; a kind of beauty that came only from nature, this girl didn't need make-up let alone cosmetic surgery. Long auburn hair, well boned facial features and dark blue eyes that always seemed to be wide open and focused intensely on the person she was talking to. Of course she'd never find a boyfriend; she was far too idealistic, in search of the perfect man; if only she weren't so damned heterosexual.
Germaine looked at the clock above the sofa, it was 4 in the morning, another night spent awake debating with Emmeline. Emmeline was certainly strongly against the objectification of women in the media, among other women's liberal issues but always seemed less than enthused about the action to back up her ideas. What she needed was something more drastic which would have an immediate effect. Germaine picked the magazine up from off the floor and was about to take it to the bin when something in the article that accompanied the photograph of the porn stars caught her eye. 'Hi-tech implants will enable the girls to become bigger that even our wildest dreams'. 'disgusting' she thought, but read on.
The New Physique Centre in Cheshire, England is pioneering a new type of breast implant filled with liquid helium under high pressure which will be much lighter that saline or silicone implants enabling porn stars to carry much larger mammaries than ever thought possible. Helium filled implants are also much safer as any leaks will just release inert helium gas which will not damage the body's tissue in the way other substances do. The girls will fly out by private plane from Austin in two weeks time and large crowds of avid fans are expected to assemble when they return a week later.
"Have you seen this?" Germaine asked Emmeline, "helium filled implants."
"Meh" replied Emmeline "Whatever will they think of next?"
"But listen, it says hear they are experimental, the girls are taking a huge risk in having them done, what if it all goes wrong?" Germaine accompanied this last question with a suggestive nod.
"What if someone was to sabotage the treatment, then they'd get their comeuppance and the feminist movement would score a huge victory over the media".
"You mean" said Emmeline, "We could be the saboteurs?"
"Exactly, you study chemistry, how could you sabotage a liquid helium implant?"
Emmeline thought about this, she had never seen Germaine grasp an idea and run with it like this before, it was hugely exciting for her.
"Well helium is an inert gas, it should be pretty safe, provided the pressure doesn't drop too low, but there little chance of..." Emmeline paused and pondered something.
"The plane, they didn't think of that. I bet their little private jet will be flying at low altitude, because if they go too high, the pressure will drop below safe levels and well... their breasts will blow up like balloons until they explode!" So Emmeline and Germaine found themselves at Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Britain, waiting at the airport for signs of the four porn stars arriving from Austin. Over the past two weeks they had masterminded a plan using Emmeline's technical knowledge and Germaine's cunning; they would kidnap the plane's flight crew and fly the plane back themselves, taking it to a much higher altitude than the girls' implants could take. At ten thirty in the morning the small plane arrived and the four big breasted models emerged into the airport terminal followed by three flight crew and a small band of paparazzi.
"Why on earth would they want to be any bigger than they already are?" mused Emmeline, casting her eyes distastefully over Chelsea Charms' already over-ample bosom as it bounced by, closely followed by Chelsea herself.
"I suppose that's what is meant by economies of scale" replied Germaine, "the greater the product the more feasible the enterprise."
The quartet of big breasted women stopped for a few 'tasteful' before shots, showing off their voluminous cleavages, pressing them up against things, against each other and generally looking very uncomfortable before disappearing out the doors and into a waiting limousine; there was a light hearted moment as Kayla struggled to squeeze her massive mammaries into the car and then they were gone.
The flight crew, a pilot, a co-pilot and a stewardess, remained in the terminal building, for a quick coffee before heading through a door signed 'Changing Rooms – Flight Personnel Only'.
"Now's our chance!" said Germaine. The limo ride was uncomfortable, even the upmarket Rolls-Royce didn't have enough room for the four girls' prime assets. Chelsea spent the entire thirty minute journey with her boobs pressed right up against BB's. When the stately home in the middle of the Cheshire countryside came into view she was relieved to see it looked very luxurious, everything she'd expected England to be, shame all their cars were so small. The chauffeur opened the door and the girls squeezed themselves out in much the same manner that they got in. They were greeted by an elderly lady who introduced herself as Mrs Thomas and led them to their rooms. The treatment would be tomorrow morning and they would then stay another day in the manor before flying back to Austin.
"I'm sure you'll find your stay here very relaxing" said Mrs Thomas in a soft Welsh accent as she left Chelsea in her room. "remember that if you need anything you only have to call me".
Chelsea considered why she and the other girls had come here. It was her agent who suggested it. 'If you want to stay big you have to get bigger' he had said. It was a speculative venture, there was a small risk involved, 'what if something went wrong, the implants had never been used before', but the advantages to their careers if all went well were phenomenal. There had been talks of a porn movie being shot including all four girls upon return to the USA, a movie whose budget would rival some of the big Hollywood blockbusters. It would silly for a star as 'big' as Chelsea to turn down such an opportunity.
The operation was very straightforward, no different in fact to every other boob job any of the girls had had, it was just the implants that were different. They had boosted her bust from a HH to a whopping KK, yet felt lighter than her previous implants.
"I hope the limo company knows how big we've all got" laughed Minka.
It turned out that they hadn't, the same limousine as before arrived to pick them up, Chelsea sighed at the prospect of the journey that lay ahead.
"Hey well at least when we try and get back out at the airport, the paparazzi will have a field day"
All the girls now had hugely inflated busts but Chelsea had the largest and the surgeon had told her it was possible she could be fitted with even larger implants later in the year. She felt her boobs pushing outwards, stretching to their limits the clothes that had been sent through especially from California; another misjudgement, though Chelsea suspected their agents knew exactly what they were doing. Getting into the limo was something of an ordeal, BB went first and her size J bust was simply too wide to fit through the door, she became stuck and a porter had to push her through from behind, when she finally burst into the limo she went sprawling over the place, landing rather precariously on her twin airbags. After the other girls followed in similar fashion there was barely room to breathe in the back of the limo and the chauffeur had problems shutting the door against Chelsea's right breast.
The paparazzi gathered at John Lennon airport were in for a treat as the chauffeur opened the limousine door and Chelsea Charms virtually burst out of the car. As the other girls squeezed out they were greeted by the sight of one huge pair of breasts after another pushing and heaving and eventually popping out of the car, quickly followed by a, rather slender in comparison, young woman. Chelsea walked through the terminal building to their gate, quite aware of the attention, or rather, her bouncing bosom was getting. At the gate they were greeted by two women who they didn't recognise.
"Hello", said one of the women "my name's Emmeline and I will be your captain for the return journey; Germaine will be your cabin attendant. The flight crew who brought you here were called away on other business so we have been brought in as replacements."
"OK" said Chelsea, "Well thanks for coming here are such short notice."
"You're welcome" replied Emmeline cordially, "I hope you have a pleasant flight."
The group boarded the Lear Jet, Chelsea was eager to get home, already thinking about the reception she would get. The flight was 12 hours and she hoped to get some sleep before arriving in Austin mid-afternoon local time.
"I hope my new boobies can take the flight" said BB.
"At least if we have to make an emergency landing we'll have these babies to cushion ourselves" quipped Kayla.
The girls were laughing at this joke as the plane took off, and within no time at all they were cruising at 10,000 feet, a lower altitude than normal, mainly because it was only a small plane, but partly because there were fears about exposing the girls' implants to low pressure at higher altitude. Germaine came through the cabin with champagne for the girls, the champagne had been spiked by Emmeline and Germaine with a sleeping drug, the first phase of the plot.
As they left England behind them, somewhere over Ireland Chelsea began to feel sleepy. 'That's odd' she thought, 'I had a good enough sleep last night'. She looked around the plane and saw Minka in the seat next to her already asleep and the other two opposite also looking drowsy.
"I don't think I'm gonna bother to stay up for the film" said Kayla.
"Yeah" added BB, "I'm feeling a bit tired too."
"I don't know why but I'm feeling the same" remarked Chelsea, "I mean it's not like we need the sleep or anything".
"Well" replied Kayla, "maybe it's just the jetlag setting in, we have had two flights in less than a week."
Emmeline's voice came over the intercom:
"We're currently flying over Northern Ireland girls, we were going to show Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but since you've had a hard day we'll just dim the lights for you."
Chelsea, nodded to herself and sighed, the lights in the cabin went dimmed a bit and within a couple of minutes all the girls were asleep. When Chelsea awoke she noticed that he breasts were aching, she moaned a little and rubbed them. Her skin was feeling slightly tight. 'Ooooh' she though, 'this is strange, the surgeon didn't mention any after effects'. BB, sat opposite her rose to her feet to stretch, she was also smoothing her hands over her breasts.
"I don't know about you", said BB "but I swear my bosom has grown since we left England".
Chelsea ran her hand over her breasts again and squeezed them gently, feeling the pressure inside them.
"I think that mine have too" she said "and I'm feeling a little light headed"
Chelsea got out of her seat to walk around the plane's small cabin, Kayla too was now also awake and both her and BB were complaining that their breasts were aching and their skin feeling tight. Kayla cupped her bust with her hands and bounced them, she was about to say something when, without warning a button burst from her blouse.
"What was that" said Minka, having been awoken by the sound of Kayla's button. "Ohhh my boobs feel like they're being inflated" she said looking down.
Minka's bust was definitely increasing in volume and forcing her tracksuit to unzip, it rose through a couple of cup sizes and began to block her vision. She wasn't the only one, BBs breasts were also ballooning, she clasped her hands to her breasts and felt her blouse and her bra tightening, Kayla was the one in most trouble though. Kayla had staggered towards the cockpit door, her breasts had increased in size to about a JJ and she was struggling to take the extra capacity. Her blouse was staining against her expanding bust and making a creaking noise, 'Or was that her skin making the noise' thought Chelsea. BANG went another of Kayla's buttons, her bra was now fully exposed and digging into her skin where it was too small to hold her bulging mammaries.
"Oh my God!!" screamed Kayla, "There's no-one flying the plane..." she moaned and rubbed her hands over her breasts, which were now the size of a pair of beach balls "and I think I'm gonna explode!"
The other girls were now transfixed on Kayla, mouths agape with horror as they watched her standing by the cabin door, trying to squeeze her breasts back in, but it was futile, they surged outwards as the helium inside her implants expanded. Kayla began staggering around, unable to walk straight, or see ahead of her; her huge bust blocking her vision. Chelsea couldn't see much of this over her own giant bosom, but she could hear the commotion, she could hear a creaking sound coming from within Kayla, it sounded like she couldn't take much more.
"Ooooooh!" moaned Kayla, trying to rub her breasts, which were now so big that they blocked her face completely and she couldn't reach all the way round. Again a loud strained creak came from within her.
"Get back" shouted BB, "she's gonna blow!"
Kayla stumbled to her left, not seeing where she was going, she bumped into the wall of the cabin and bounced back, she fell over a seat as she stumbled backwards and landed on her arse.
"Nnngh!, Ugh!" she grunted as she tried in vain to get haul herself back to her feet, holding on tight to the seat's armrest.
There was a short, sharp pop, and a 'pshhh' sound came from inside her. Kayla squealed and grabbed her rear and stomach as they too inflated slightly, bulging beneath her jeans, her breasts inflated even faster and a loud creaking noise was heard coming from them.
"I think she's punctured her..." Minka's sentence was cut short when...
KABOOM! 'This wasn't another button popping' Chelsea thought, her view of events obscured by her own blossoming bosom, this was an even louder bang, could it have been Kayla herself exploding? Chelsea's fears were confirmed when she felt a blast of warm air send her stumbling backwards and something bounce off her breasts. Chelsea grunted as she bent forward to pick it up, it was one of Kayla's stilettos. She turned round to she could see where Kayla had stood, there she only saw the other stiletto blown into the cockpit and the remnants of Kayla's pink blouse and jeans. The shreds of fabric radiated out from the spot where Kayla had exploded and were draped over the seats, and the other girls who were stood eyes wide open in horror, they had seen the whole thing. There was a deathly silence as the girls wondered who would be next, broken by the familiar creaking sound. Chelsea rushed over to the cockpit door and peered in, Kayla had been right, there was nobody at the controls. She went to open the door and found it to be unlocked; getting through to the cockpit turned out to be a bit of a squeeze as her breasts had now each grown to be about 2 feet across. She tried turning sideways and pushing her breasts through with her hands, she could feel her breasts expanding, pushing against the walls either side. As she struggled through there was a creak and a pop as the stitching in her bra came undone, which had held out until now, as had the other clothes her agent had made specially. Finally, with a 'boomph' Chelsea burst into the cockpit and took a look round. The altimeter read 35,000ft and was climbing steadily, the joystick had also been ripped off so there was no way to alter the plane's ascent; on the pilot's seat was a headset; Chelsea could hear a faint crackling coming over the headset, she picked it up and put it on.
"Hello?" Chelsea said into the mike.
She felt her t-shirt stretching taut as her breasts continued to distend, looking into the cabin, she saw a desperate looking BB struggling for breath as her breasts were now 4ft wide each, Minka had backed away as far as she could get in the rapidly shrinking cabin.
"ugh, Do something Chelsea, nngh!" gasped BB.
"I can't!" Chelsea shouted back "the plane's rising rapidly and the controls are broken!"
"Hello? Is there anyone there?" said Chelsea into the mike again, more panicky this time.
"Hello there Chelsea", a voice came over the headset, startling Chelsea and causing her to jump; she felt her boobs bobbling as she jumped, her left breast was now wedged between the pilots and co-pilot's seats with her right one between the co-pilot's seat and the controls; the rest of Chelsea was stuck in an uncomfortable position with her backside pressing against the defunct throttle.
"Who is this, how do you know my name?" Chelsea replied.
"Because we were the ones who put you in this predicament" said Germaine, "Has anyone become a 'pop star' yet?"
Chelsea was becoming a little tearful as Germaine taunted her.
"Why are you doing this to us? Kayla's exploded and I think BB's next!" she cried.
"Because it's down to you that women are still portrayed in the media as sex objects", Germaine quickly retorted.
"We've got to do something quick! I don't want to explode!" screamed BB from back in the cabin.
The creaks of the girls' breasts stretching accompanied by pops as individual stitches blew was now filling the plane and BB was the loudest. She placed her hands tentatively on the sides of her breasts, afraid to squeeze them at all for fear for bursting herself.
"Well girls we have to go now, we're about to be rescued, I'm sure we'll see you on the news later" cackled Germaine before the intercom clicked off.
Chelsea tried to reach the co-pilot's joystick hoping that it would still be working but she was wedged into the pilot's chair by her ever swelling bosom.
"I can't reach the controls!" she cried "Otherwise I might just be able to get us down."
BB, whose bust was by now 8 feet wide was struggling to stand up straight, clearly she was the one in the most trouble.
"I'll see if I can get through and get the plane down" she shouted over the creaking noise coming from her own breasts. BB staggered over to the cabin door, and realized her bust was now too wide to fit through. It was going to be a tight squeeze and her inflated boobs appeared somewhat delicate as if they might blow at the slightest touch. She stroked them tentatively and looked wide eyed at the small gap she was going to have to try and get through. BB then charged forwards and managed to squeeze her right tit into the doorway. There was a loud creak and the increase in pressure from the doorway caused her left tit to pump up until it was several times larger. There was a slow series of pops as some of the stitching in her bra came undone. BB continued to struggle and managed to force her left breast into the doorway too, bending over in the process, but this meant that both breasts were stuck in the doorway, pushing against the sides and being squeezed themselves so that they almost obscured BB's face, she was bent over towards the ground and her ass was up in the air. There was a loud creaking coming from BBs weather balloon sized breasts as she struggled against the doorway and their expanding. From where Chelsea was she could see them pushing out towards her, pumping up out of contol.
Minka swayed over to BB and tried to push her bum through but this only made the creaking louder and scared that BB might explode she ran back over the cabin.
BB floundered helplessly stuck as her boobs continued blowing up and creaking. Her breasts were almost touching the floor.
'Awww' BB whined 'I can't get through, and the pressure in my bazoomas is too much' she squeaked in fear as another low ominous groan came from her rapidly ballooning breasts. Chelsea watched BB's twin airbags rushing out to meet her and then looked down at her own which were still, inflating and squeaking like a pair of massively overinflated balloons, each three or even three and a half feet in diameter, bulging up towards her face.
'Chelsea' BB said quiety, catching Chelsea's attention again 'It's no good, I'm set for the same fate as Kayla, I'm going to go kaboom any second now, I can feel it. I would ask you to shield your face but it looks like your new assets are already doing a good enough job of it' she smiled weakly.
Chelsea tittered ever so slightly before replying 'goodbye BB.'
'I'm going to go out with a bang, but I hope that you and Minka can get out of this' BB said, before grimacing and straining against the pressure filling her chest. Mid-groan her right breast suddenly popped free of the door frame, making a creaking pop like a champagne cork. BB lurched forward and gasped in fright, at that moment, Minka decided to take the opportunity to run at BB's floundering ass and push her through the door frame, because Chelsea saw Minka's face appear just over BB's bum and then BB's whole body fell forwards into the cockpit. BB shrieked, with relief as her previously constricted breasts bounced outwards to almost half fill the cockpit, but in the split second before her breasts hit the floor Chelsea noticed something BB didn't. Chelsea grimaced as BB's right breast fell onto Kayla's upturned stiletto, puckering her breast like pushing a finger into an airbag.
BANG! BB popped like a balloon pricked by a pin. Chelsea closed her eyes felt the rush of air blowing through her hair. Chelsea opened her eyes to view the destruction, but was surprised to see nothing left of poor BB whatsoever. The girl and all her clothing had been totally blown away by the explosion of her breasts. All that was visible was the offending stiletto, still pointed upwards and Minka, stood on the other side of the doorway, speechless and horrified. The two girls stared at each other, eyes meeting over their expanding bosoms. Minka was standing upright in the aisle, her back arched slightly, her arms out at an angle behind her and the giant fleshy orbs that were her breasts becoming more and more visible over the strained white V-neck they were spilling out of and purple sweatsuit which was unzipping itself as they swelled beyond 3 feet wide each. Chelsea was sat in the pilot's chair, her blouse torn completely open by boobs that were 4 feet in diameter and squeezed between the controls and herself looking literally like twin airbags that had just gone off, smothering the poor girl; she was only able to look back at Minka by craning her neck over her left shoulder. The two girls just watched each other being pumped up for a short wile, listening to the creaks and groans coming from them both. it was Minka who spoke first.
'Well that's the end of that then' she said resignedly 'There's no way I could get through to the controls.'
'I guess so then' Chelsea replied, quietly, sounding down 'I wonder which one of us will explode first, leaving the other along to accept her fate.'
'I hope we both pop quickly' Minka said increasing in volume to speak over a low strained groan from her breasts 'I don't want to be left alone, and I don't really want to spend too long just stood here feeling helpless'
'I wonder what it feels like to blow apart.' Chelsea mused, 'I mean the other girls... did it hurt them?'
'Well BB didn't even know a thing about it I don't think' Minka responded 'She was just feeling inflated one second, and the next second... POP! nothing; no time to feel anything.'
'What about Kayla though.' Chelsea came back 'She definitely could feel it coming, when the swelling got faster and her ass and tummy blew up too, just before. If it was tingly then I can handle that, but not painful, I don't want to go out that way.
'Uh oh' said Minka, 'I think I may find out sooner than I'd expected'.
Chelsea noticed that Minka had moved her hands to her stomach, which was beginning to push outwards, stuttering at first, but then with a whoosh it bulged outwards, causing Minka not be able to reach round it anymore. As her belly quickly rounded out to match her breasts, the air around Minka became full of the sound of hissing and of her body creaking and moaning. Her stomach was quickly joined by her legs which suddenly fattened, like sausages do in a microwave if you don't prick them. Minka's whole body began filling with gas, like a balloon attached to a helium tank, her arms blew up like her legs forcing themselves away from her stomach, and outwards till they were pushed out at right-angles making Minka look like an overly turgid blow up doll. As she grew bigger and bigger, her balance began to go and she swayed from side to side on her ballooning legs and with a cacophony of pops and bangs stitched began to blow all over her tracksuit.
'Whooooa! Here I go!' Minka shouted over the noise of her inflation.
She bit her bottom lip, closed her eyes tight and threw her head back as the pressure inside her reached immense proportions. Chelsea half closed her eyes too and winced again, bracing herself as best she could against the girl who was clearly about to explode massively.
Then, as Minka's whole body started to become round, so that her womanly curves were no longer discernable against the distended shape she had become, she stopped growing.
Minka let out a long gasp as her inflating eased, and she stood there, her legs, arms and breasts, minor protrusions in the big round, parade balloon, overstated femininity that was her body. She looked down at herself as best she could, then there was a long strained creaking noise and suddenly Minka started expanding again, slowly, she gave a muffled squeak.
'Oh fff...'
Minka's last words were cut off by the terrific BOOM which shook the plane and blew the poor girl apart. Chelsea watched aghast as Minka's sweatsuit was torn to shreds by the force of the explosion and the girl was reduced to a cloud of fabric, which settled in little pieces all around the cabin. Chelsea took a couple of seconds to survey the remnants of the burst girl, nothing much except for a fine scattering of purple fabric and a pair of trainers on the floor, exactly where Minka had been stood a few seconds ago, slightly singed and smoking after the heat which Minka's tremendously loud demise had created; but when the ringing in Chelsea's ears had stopped she could hear her own breasts creaking and groaning as if they themselves were in a state of distress. Chelsea was now alone in the plane, surrounded by the scattered remains of Kayla's blouse and jeans and Minka's sweatsuit there was nothing though to suggest that BB had ever existed, and all that showed the locations of Minka and Kayla when they had finally exploded were their footwear, which, with the exception of Kayla's offending stiletto, were still stood on the places where the girls had been, as if wondering what had became of their erstwhile wearers. Chelsea listened to the pained sounds her own bosom was making as her breasts pumped up like two weather balloons being prepped for flight. Her t-shirt was now nearing its limit, which was impressive considering each of Chelsea's boobs was about 12 feet across now and completely filling the front of the cockpit, pressed up against the windows. Chelsea however could now hear the soft popping of stitching bursting to accompany the creaks and moans of her bust expanding. Gently, Chelsea lifted an arm up and stroked one of her breasts where it bulged up to her chin and filled her vision, being very careful, it felt taut and rigid, like it could explode violently at any second, only instead of blowing wind through Chelsea's hair it would take her with it, ripping her to invisibly small pieces as it had the other girls. She could feel, on the other side of her right breast, it pushing against the pilot's chair, forcing it to move. Chelsea strained herself to see as the chair creaked against its holdings and with a snap, fell away from the giant breast. This released Chelsea from where she had been trapped against the controls and she fell backwards onto the cockpit floor.
Now she was really stuck, she was laying on her back with two giant balloons on top of her taking up all her field of vision so that all she could see apart from them was a narrow gap of about three inches between her breasts and the floor. Chelsea was beginning to feel very claustrophobic, she could feel the rest of the cockpit as her boobs swelled to fill it up, touching the top and sides of the small room, Chelsea could feel the cold metal of the walls where the stitching in her t-shirt had burst enough to let her flesh through, reminding her of the reality of the situation.
The first thing Chelsea could think about in what she knew had to be her last few minutes was how different things could've been if she'd just accepted her breasts at the size they had been before treatment; quickly she found herself feeling distressed at the idea that once she blew, there would be nothing to say what had happened to the girls, only that they had gone missing. Finally she considered the more immediate concern of whether her whole body would start to inflate as with Kayla and Minka, or whether just her breasts would explode, as with BB. Her bust was now filling the whole cockpit snugly and with no more room to expand save for a bit of bulging through the doorway Chelsea could feel; the drop in pressure outside was causing the apparent pressure in her breasts to escalate, with increasing force pushing on the sides of the plane. By now there was no gap between her breasts and the floor and Chelsea felt suffocated by her boobs, which were growing more and more taut. Chelsea could hear deep groans and growls, but they weren't coming from her breasts, they were coming from the plane itself. As the body of the plane strained against the pressure of the girl inside Chelsea heard a very loud bang and sudden hiss and felt in her ears the pressure in the cockpit drop. She had actually ruptured the plane itself, and with a series of other loud bangs she felt along the top of her bosom the release as the roof of the plane tore open and her breasts were exposed to the open atmosphere. Chelsea felt herself being sucked out into the cold air when suddenly she noticed the tear in the plane spreading all the walls round the cockpit. She couldn't tell exactly what was happening but it was obvious that the plane had lost all structural integrity. The next thing Chelsea knew she was whisked up, away from the cockpit floor and into the stratosphere, looking down as she passed the cockpit ceiling she saw the whole plane breaking up and falling to the sea beneath, taking with it any evidence of the crime that had been committed on board. Chelsea felt her breasts rushing outwards, expanding massively almost as quickly as they carried her upwards. It felt tingly to her as her flesh became impossibly stretched. She heard the beginning of a long, deep rumbling groan and knew what the conclusion of it would be. Chelsea screamed with all her energy right up until she was cut off by the cataclysmic finale. Newsflash... Yesterday, in tragic circumstances the adult movie stars Chelsea Charms, Kayla Kleavage, BB Gunns and Minka were killed as a plane carrying them back from a surgical procedure in England broke up and fell to the sea just west of Donegal in Ireland. While the four passengers were killed the two unidentified cabin crew survived by bailing out and were rescued just off Tory Island. They have confirmed that the loss in structural integrity was caused by a loss in cabin pressure and that the passengers had all passed out and were unable to be saved. Mysteriously, the survivors both disappeared after discharging themselves from a hospital in Galway, Ireland; The scheduled pilots were found unconscious and drugged in a hotel in Liverpool, England and local farmers on Tory Island claim to have heard a loud bang some minutes after the plane was known to have broken up; more on this news later. The clock above the sofa in Emmeline and Germaine's student flat read 4am, Emmeline turned to Germaine and gave her a mischievous smile of the sort Germaine wasn't accustomed to seeing Emmeline give.
'Not quite a perfect crime' she said 'but I doubt we'll be caught, and when they find the recordings of the girls inside the plane we left I'm sure it will cast this mystery in a whole new light.'
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, candy shop, gum
Text: Davis was a sweet girl. She had short brown hair, blue eyes, and paler skin. She was 17 years old and had a slim body. Her chest was flatter, as was her rear end, and her belly was also flat. She didn't go around for boys like most girls her age were doing. She was happy drawing and being invisible. Her closest friends were at most five people, and she only ever saw them at lunch or the random class. Davis was what was called the wall flower, and she was happy there.One day, she was driving to school. She was wearing her favorite sweater, and her favorite jeans. They were both baggy, yet fitting, allowing no one to see her figure. She saw the Candy Shop and decided to stop in. The shop was very pleasant inside. The man at the counter looked very jovial indeed."Hello there girly! What can I persuade you to today?" He sounded like a grandfather that was well loved."Well, howabout some gum?" Davis walked to the counter."Gum? Well I got you some gum! All types from fruit to mint to veggies, even one called snozberries! But I can tell you want something MORE, huh? This here is Wonka gum, like the movie see, but it works instead. See you take A piece and you get A meal. Wanna bite?""Sure, yeah yeah I'll buy a package," Davis took the pack, paid and left for school.She go there just in time, and waited for lunch. This gum was too good to keep to herself, and besides, new things are always best when shared. Lunch rolled around and Davis sat at her table. Her friends came and sat down as well: Cody, Noble, Dakota, and Daggie."Guys, guess what I picked up?" Davis reached into her pocket."A cold? The flu? Chicken pox?" Cody ribbed at her."No! I got this!" Davis pulled out the gum."Some gum?" Dakota picked it up. She smelled it and handed it back to Davis."Not just any gum, but Wonka's, from the film, but this one works!""Really now," Noble opened the pack, "We'll have to see about that," He popped a piece in."I wanted to try first," Davis said."It's amazing and all the jargon she says in the movie," Noble said sarcastically, "I do feel the tomato soup going down my throut. A bit too creamy for my taste however. And now it's changing to a baked potato with roast beef. I do like a potato, but this one has no bacon," Everyone leaned in, because they knew what was next, and they wanted to see Noble turn into a blueberry, "And now it's blueberry pie and ice cream.""Look there on his nose! It's...it's...!" Cody poked Noble's nose."What?! What?!" Noble jumped up and about fell over."A sparkle! I save your life man!" Cody picked off a small sparkle."Boy did he get you!" Dakota started laughing."That's not funny! Ohh...the taste's gone. Now it tastes like an easer, Yech!!" Noble spit the gum out."Noble, you sure do look like you had a meal," Cody poked Noble's little potbelly."Hey! I had a filling meal.""Okay okay. My turn," Davis pulled out a piece, "It's so small! You know what, I'm gonna take two pieces, see what that's like," She took out another piece and put both in her mouth.The taste was great. Even though Noble was being a smart aleck, it was amazing. The soup ran down her throut. It was rich and creamy and the best she'd ever tasted. She also noticed it lasted twice as long as Noble's did. She also felt full from the soup alone. The gum moved to the next course. About half way through Dakota spoke to Davis."You all done there girl? You look like Noble," Dakota poked some skin that was poking out from under Davis' sweater. She pulled it down and blushed a little."No, I'm still on the roast beef. You know, it's like it's taking twice as long as Noble's? I was full after the first course.""It's cause you took two pieces. You get two meals," Cody picked up the package, "Ahh see here? It says take only one piece or there'll be "Unwanted and unexpected results". So you done goofed girl."The second course ended and Davis could taste the pie now. She felt overstuffed at this point and thought she might explode from the pie, but it just filled her up, and kept filling her."Is it done now?" Noble reached over and poked some more skin. Davis again pulled her sweater down, but it was too small to cover all of it."Uh oh..."Cody pointed to his nose."Ohh..." Dakota shrunk in her seat."What?" Davis asked."You're umm...turning blue," Noble poked her nose."Come on you guys, you think I'm that dumb?" She scoffed at her friends reminded of the boy who cried wolf. The pie kept coming."No really sweetie," Dakota pulled out a mirror and showed it to Davis. She gasped and touched her skin.Her entire head was blue, right down to her hair. The blueness spread down her body, until her entire body was blue. a little bit of blue flab poked out from under her sweater. She then felt her stomach start to push out from her farther."She's swelling up!" Cody poked her again."Why are you still here?! Go get help!" But no one moved they just watched.She felt the juices fill her more and more. Her gut continued to protrude even more, and her sweater rode up her belly. She felt her thighs start to swell too. Her jeans started to fit more perfectly. Her butt also started to swell, causing her jeans to fit even better. Her stomach touched the table, and started to push her away from it. She looked like she was full term pregnant."Please help me! I'm so embarrassed...""Honey, being embarrassed is the least of your worries right now," Dakota said.Her butt fell off the sides of her seat, and her thighs touched the bottom of the table. The table started to rise on her thighs. Her belt split and fell to the floor. She could feel her arms start to rise and her legs spread apart. The stiching on her jeans started to rip, and her sweater revealed her whole belly. Her button on her pants popped off and her zipper unzipped. Her arms were straight out like a T. She felt her lips plumpen and her cheeks fill with juice. Her back rounded out and she started to straighten out. She stood up from the seat and was now seen by all.Some students were pointing and laughing at the blue inflating girl, some went for help, some admired her, and some took cover. Teachers tried to figure out what to do, whilst Davis kept growing.Her arms and legs started to become enveloped by her growing body. Her limbs became cones and her body came closer to spherical."Pleaphe! Heph me!" Davis tried to talk trough her swollen lips."You sound a little miffled," Noble joked."Are you making fun of her?" Cody was little upset."Weeellll...""Well what?!""Yes?" Cody rolled his eyes and ignored his smart ass friend.Davis's sweater ripped in two and fell to the floor. She hoped that that wouldn't happen to her. Her hands and feet were all that were left of her arms and legs. Her bra strained aroundthe globe, and her panties weren't holding up so well. She was now a perfect sphere. She continued to grow however. She felt her panties give way and fall off her. The bra also surrendered."Hef...me..." Her head started to sink into a crater formed by her body. Her hands and feet followed suit. She was now about ten feet in diameter. When she reached fifteen feet, her head, feet, and hands were no longer visible. Everyone but her friends left the lunch room. They tried to reason out a solution."Mufph! Mumm!" Davis moaned. Her skin groaned at the pressure inside her as it conti Jed to rise. She stopped growing bigger and just felt the pressure rise."The pie was so good," was her last thought, then the entire lunch room was coated in blueberry. Her friends were fine though, just covered in juice. They looked at each other, then left.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Jo-Beth groaned in pain as she sprawled on the dirt floor. This mansion was falling apart on her, the wooden panels constantly breaking under her feet. Now, she was in some strange hole. It was littered with cobwebs, and had no flooring. Probably a space between the walls of the mansion. She cursed herself for wearing such a short skirt today, as well as wearing her favorite outfit; her boots, her fishnet stockings and her short t-shirt, all torn up and filthy.
She climbed to her knees, then upon going to stand up her head met with something that clanged in return. She grunted and rubbed her head, her hair becoming muffled from her expedition and almost falling out of its bun. She could only barely see, with aid from a light peeking in from the hole in the room where she fell, but there was a large hole chewed through a strange small tunnel, and her head was just inside of it. She wasn't entirely sure how she managed to get where she was, but all she wanted to do at this point was to get out. On her hands and knees, she looked around behind her to see that her only path was the small tunnel in front of her. She signed, then crawled into the opening.
From the best of her knowledge, she was inside some sort of air duct. It was a bit small, and navigating it was a it frustrating. Her large breasts were only in her way the entire time, her shirt getting caught in nails and her elbows constantly batting them around. She began to grow frustrated, crawling down what seemed like an endless path. She took a few corners, found a few forks, and ultimately began to feel very, very lost. Plus her exposed legs and stomach were freezing cold.
The tunnel began to tighten up as she proceeded. Soon she could barely squeeze herself through, her hips constantly bumping into the walls and her breasts literally dragging. She grunted and heaved slowly, her progress impeded. Soon she passed up a hanging nail in the ceiling, it caught a few of her hairs, and pulled one out, to which she jumped at. As she passed it, it caught the backside of her skirt, and began to pull it off her legs, exposing her ass. She shivered as a cold wind blew straight through the skirt. Her clothes were torn up enough already, but she was going to at least keep dignified.
She pushed herself up on one hand, squeezing the other around her side to aid the threatened skirt. It finally found its way to her rump, and began to fidget with the nail caught in it. She had no luck removing it, and began to fume at the difficulty of her ridiculous situation. She became fed up and threw her chest onto the floor, her breasts cushioning her as she slid her other hand back to free herself. She moved her fingers about and eventually tore the skirt away, putting another tear in her once favorite skirt.
She signed in a bit of frustrated relief, then proceeded her crawl; or, she tried to. She found herself stuck once again; her shoulders were both pressing up against the walls, just enough to keep her from moving her hands back in front of her. She flopped about like a fish out of water trying to pull her hands in front of her, but she simply couldn't move them back. She felt as if the walls had tightened around her, and she began to feel a bit claustrophobic. She shrilled in agony and laid back, her chin rubbed up against her breasts, her hands resting limply against her hips. She sighed and began to think, trying to see if she could figure out a way out of this mess, when she pushed her knees up and attempted to pull herself back to a wider portion of the tunnel.
She stopped when she began to see a strange light coming from around the corner of the tunnel in front of her. It began to grow brighter and brighter, Jo-Beth only staring in confusion, and a bit stiff with fear. Suddenly she spotted it; a ball of light that rounded the corner and seem to hover over to her. She watched in partial fear as it planted itself in front of her, then began to flicker. Its light began to dim and out of the ball of light came...the torso of a ghost. It had a human look - a bit of a clownish look, actually - with only it's chest and head sticking out of the ground. Jo-Beth stared in fear, unsure what this ghost was or what it wanted, but she was sure it wasn't going to end well, with all of the ghosts she encountered earlier.
It sunk into the ground, the tunnel becoming black again, then the light reappeared; from behind her. She couldn't tilt her head enough to look back, but suddenly jumped when she felt something cold hit her from behind; no...squeezing her ass. She grunted angrily and put on an irritated expression, feeling powerless to stop what seemed to be a perverted clown ghost.
"Look, jackass, either help me out or get out of my way!" Jo-Beth snarled.
The ghost reappeared from the floor in front of her, making a laughing motion but making no sound. Jo-Beth stared daggers at the thing, but it seemed to only aid his humor. He calmed himself and looked at her, grinning at her plight, almost trying to not break into laughter. She looked silly from up front, her giant breasts pushing her head against the ceiling seemed be the reason she was stuck. The ghostly figure reached out in front of her and lowered his hands to the ground, sliding them to the front of her breasts and giving her stiff nipples a firm squeeze. She jumped and gasped in agony, banging her head against the almost steel ceiling, wincing in pain and becoming extremely agitated. The ghost began its uproar of laughter once more.
"HEY!" Jo-Beth barked. "You going to help me or not? Because I'm getting the hell out of here."
The ghost placed his palm over his face and held up his other hand with a 'wait one second' sort of expression. Jo-Beth continued to try to pull her arms forward and attempt to murder the ghost, but still had no success. The ghost placed his fingers to his chin and looked up in a cartoonish contemplation. His eyes shot open and a little ghostly lightbulb flashed above his head. Jo-Beth only eyebrowed in curiosity, the ghost seeming almost right out of a Looney Toons cartoon.
He held up his sleeve and threw his other hand into it. He dug around inside and suddenly pulled out a long, cylinder-shaped object. It passed through the walls as he pulled it out, being longer than the tunnel itself, but the ghost set it down on the floor before her and positioned it correctly. She couldn't really imagine how it was sitting on the ground when it normally is ethereal, but she was a little more concerned about what it was. The ghost put his hand on it and suddenly formed a long hose from its end. He pulled it out and moved up to Jo-Beth, whos eyes were beginning to show a confused fear.
"W-wait, wha-mmph!" She managed before the cold hose filled her red lips. It almost had no feel or taste; but it was very, very cold. She tried to remove it from her mouth, but with no hands she found it nearly impossible. The ghost seemingly punched the cylinder object, and it suddenly began to form an object on top; a wheel. Or a valve. Jo-Beth could only stare in fear as the ghost attempted to do something that she could not see happening in this world.
The ghost gave the wheel a small turn. The hose jumped a bit and Jo-Beth's cheeks puffed outwards a bit, a warm air filling up her mouth. Her cheeks felt stretched, but the warm air was a bit...comforting. Her breasts tingled with a bit of warm air, Jo-Beth's eyes shooting wide as she began to feel something...different. The ghost turned the wheel a bit more, the hose fidgeting a bit and air flowing through more freely.
"Mmmmmmmph!" was all Jo-Beth could let out. Her cheeks pushed outwards only a tad bit more, unable to hold any more air, the remaining beginning to find its way to her bosom. She felt her bra tighten within her already tight shirt as they began to fill. Her nipples began to warm, going from stiffly cold to warmly ballooned. Her breasts began to shift as they filled, pushing upwards and outwards as they already filled the floor beforehand.
Jo-Beth's chin began to rise as her chest filled up the tunnel. She could only muffle to herself as she began to lose sight of the ghostly figure. Her shirts stitches began to protest as her ballooning bosom pumped out, her bra only causing her breasts to form upwards faster. She began to see a tear form in her neckline, and deep cleavage was staring back at her. Soon, it ripped completely down the center, her shirt being pushed to the walls as a deep cleavage dominated her sight. Her face was flush with embarrassment, but also began to redden with the pleasure that the warm air brought her. Her bra tightened against her shoulders, barely hanging on until they too snapped, her lower breasts bulging outwards and causing the air within her to bounce around wildly. She soon lost sight of the ghost, only able to see a long ghostly hose that glowed as it struggled to force air in between her growing balloons.
She soon felt her expansive flesh push up against the ceiling of the tunnel, her breasts now covering her entire view. They pushed deeper into the tunnel momentarily, but soon she felt the air quit its decent into her chest. But she didn't stop feeling the air flow. She began to feel air tingle her body all about, and soon realized that it was moving into the rest of her. Her body tightened up throughout, now feeling even more squeezed into the thin tunnel. She let out a bit of a paniced grunt, but it was useless now. Her body was entirely stiff, but warm, and felt a bit puffy all throughout. She was completely uable to move, her body feeling like nothing more than a filled blow-up doll; with an exaggerated rack.
"Mmmmmm..." Jo-Beth moaned. It felt great. She was too confused to think further in; she was mindblown, but she could only feel a warmth pushing her from within, and arousing her sensitive places. She wanted to rub herself somewhere, anywhere, but her fingers were stiff with air. Her skirt tightened along her soft ass and full hips, her net stockings feeling tight around her airy legs, which pushed upwards out of the holes of the netting. She felt like nothing could be better. But suddenly this feeling multiplied.
In her front, the ghostly figure grinned evilly as it began to finish up the job. He playfully gave the wheel a jerk, but it didn't seem to budge! He gave it several jerks, then suddenly pulled with all of his might. Soon he flew backwards and out of the tunnel when the wheel came right off. He floated back and looked at the wheel in his hands, watching the cylinder jump as its valvelessness pumped rigorously. He grinned mischievously and heard the beautiful girl yelp.
"Mmmm-MMPH!!" Jo-Beth cried. The force of air kicked upwards drastically. The hose seemed to have thickened as it transported vast amounts of warm air into her body. Soon every part of her thickened too. Her skirt began to ride down her legs as her soft bum and hips began to fill outwards. Her ass pressed against the ceiling and pushed down, forcing her legs straight back, which soon too were bloating outwards. Her net stockings began to protest, almost sinking into her plump legs, and slowly breaking into pieces, string by string, until it was covering her no more. Her arms too swelled widely, her fingers and toes inflated strangely. Her boots held more of a resolve, filled completely but forcing more air to fill her elsewhere. Her stomach had grown into an almost pregnant phase, pushing against the floor and against her arms, until her backside pushed into the ceiling.
Pressure began to mount as she felt a tightness overcome her. Her entire body began to fill the tunnel until she was tall enough to fill it entirely, now only able to push her body outwards. Her ass had pushed her skirt down to her thighs, which had grown wide enough to tear them apart too. Her gray panties completely rounded along her ass but could not stand for much longer. Soon she was entirely naked minus the strong boots on her feet. She was completely pumped throughout her entire body, which tingled emmensely with the warm air constantly running across her body. She felt tight; she couldn't stretch out much more, but this fear came to a halt when her pressure declined a bit, the hose shrinking downwards as it pumped its last bit of air into her.
She sighed in relief, but couldn't think of what to say; or what to think. She was awestruck, unable to really process all that had just happened to her. She simply basked in the unending pleasure, her warm body feeling great all around. She felt the hose tighten, then suddenly let it slip from her puffy lips. Her face received the least change; only a puffy pair of cheeks and slightly swollen lips. Her body was twice as high as normal, if not counting her breasts which were about half of her normal height, sticking in front of her and now being the only thing she could see.
"Nrgh...can...I..." Jo-Beth managed before letting out a gasp of pleasure. "...g-go now?" she finished. The ghost placed its cold palm on her bosom, which were strange looking only half of wide as the tunnel, but just as tall as. They were very round in the front, and had nipples that were incredibly puffy, wider than tennis balls. Jo-Beth gasped loudly at the ghosts touch, her face completely burning with embarrassment and arousal. She bit her lip and tried to keep herself from doing it again, though she had no real dignity left to spare at this point, and suddenly held back a scream as she felt her nipples being squeezed. She held her breath, trying not to yell, but it became difficult when she felt her puffy nipples being pulled on. The ghost stretched them backwards until they were incredibly elongated, Jo-Beth's face turning purple in need of breath, when the ghost let them go; they slapped back to her, but suddenly began to spew air out.
Jo-Beth let out a scream of both agony and pure pleasure as the air rocketed from her nipples; and pushed her back! She flew backwards, somehow, the air pressing so hard she began to race backwards through the tunnel. Her scream was consistent as she felt her soft skin slide across the tunnel as she rocketed backwards through it, her vision being black once more. She felt her pressure relieve as the air from all over her body forced her backwards. The ghost must have affected her course, because she suddenly found herself flying into a dimly lit room, bouncing off the floor and flying out of an already broken window. She fell down a story and landed in a bush outside of the mansion. She took several deep breaths and found her way to her feet. She moved into the moonlight to gather a look at herself; she was puffy, but her nipples were still slowly seeping out air - which felt incredible. She was still naked though, the only clothing in sight where her torn up boots and the completely shattered fishnetting hanging out of them.
She crossed her arms over her chest and shivered; the warmth left her body, and all that remained was the chill of the night. She looked up at the mansion window and snarled. "Asshole."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, water
Text: A crisp Sunday morning in late fall. The large church and its white steeple tower above the rest of the quiet neighborhood. High above the ground, suspended in the steeple, the church bell tolls, drawing surrounding ears to its majestic clang.
Warmly dressed people are exiting the parking garage and crossing the street to the church, puffs of condensation exiting their olfactories. On top of an adjacent church building, steady clouds of thick evaporated water are spewed upward from a series of cooling towers working to keep the entire block of church buildings and its inhabitants warm.
An old man drives by the front of the church in a worn pickup truck. He brakes, allowing a couple and their bundled-up children to cross in front of him. His eyes dart between the parking garage and the massive sanctuary and he scowls, recalling the serenity of this century-old neighborhood before the century-old church began to build these monstrosities. One of the children - a little girl, no older than 5 or 6 - stops briefly to smile and wave at him, and despite the man's attitude, he can't help but return the gesture. Inside the warm facility, guitars strum, drums beat, and a woman's amplified voice resonates as the worship service begins. The younger attendees, clad in jeans and sweaters, immediately begin clapping and swaying in time with the music. Meanwhile, the more conservatively dressed elders stand erect, inserting fingers into their ears and grumbling to each other about how much better church was back in the good old days. Then they look around at the intricate displays of stained glass throughout the sanctuary and take comfort in the traditions that haven't died away... yet, at least.
Out in the cold, the church bell still rings from its spire, its monotonous melodic soliloquoy punctuating an otherwise serene urban landscape.
On another Sunday morning, the neighborhood was just as quiet. However, on this Lord's day, there were no cars driving up the parking garage ramps. There were no families bustling their way across the street. There were no tweeters or subwoofers inside blasting amplified sound frequencies, and, for that matter, no instruments or voices to amplify at all.
The church bell had not sung its lonely song in many years.
In fact, where once the bell hung a hundred feet off the ground, it - along with much of the steeple - now rested on the partially caved-in floor inside the sanctuary.
A few miles away, a shattered nuclear reactor continued to belch invisible radioactive particles into the air. The particles were neither as intense nor as plentiful as they had once been so long ago, but they certainly were life-threatening.
After the power plant meltdown, the large city of hundreds of thousands of people had to be evacuated. As the population was frantically evacuated, various teams of nuclear experts and work crews came in to attempt to minimize the exposure. They were able to get the radiation somewhat contained within a couple of days, but by then the damage was done. Radiation had already saturated many parts of the city, as well as the soil and water, and the metropolis would be unable to safely support life for potentially hundreds of years.
As years passed, the radioactivity slowly waned, but there were still some intense pockets of radiation in various parts of the city. Using satellites and other technologies, various governmental agencies were able to monitor the decrease in radiation. However, in the interest of public safety, they still maintained that no one should try returning to the city for some time. Every decade or so, the government had to send in trucks to replace the crumbling concrete barricades on the streets and highways, blocking access to the dormant city.
Even still, the government knew the Expeditions would likely continue.
The so-called "Expeditions" began only years after the initial incident, and were borne out of the morbid curiosity of a group of friends to venture into the radioactive zone. After a few trips, they even started bringing video cameras and later produced a documentary, entitled "Expedition to the Ghost Town", which made them millions of dollars. Of particular interest were some very interesting examples of mutated foliage, presumed to have been caused by the nuclear radiation. Following the documentary's release, numerous copycat Expeditions began appearing as the curious and stupid ventured their way into the city creating their own misadventures. Many did not know the risks, whether from the radiation or the lacking integrity of many of the structures. This led to some unfortunate accidents, resulting in some people returning home ill from radiation exposure, and dying within a year. Others didn't return home at all, caught underneath a collapsed concrete pillar or sustaining other injuries which made their exit from the city impossible.
The government mostly turned a blind eye. It had tried to police the city's perimeter, but it was far too costly and the environment and health groups were up in arms about military or police receiving constant exposure, no matter how "safe". Building a fence was equally unreasonable. Still, something had to be done to discourage people from going. Finally, the state legislature was able to pass a law stating that no one could be treated for radiation sickness or other injuries resulting from visiting the town. Expeditions slowed to a crawl following that legislation, and remained as such for years.
But Expeditions did indeed still occur. In fact, one was in the works, as a small group of college students who called themselves the Garlics were preparing to make the trip to the condemned area.
Pete always had hated the name "Garlics", but since it was trendy and cool to name your Expedition team, and since the group had voted in favor of it, there was little he could do about it other than quit. His older sister, Amber, had come up with the name, intending it to be a throwback to their childhood days of storming the suspected neighborhood haunted house pretending to extinguish any suspicious supernatural activity. There were so many possibilities for a name there. "Wooden Daggers." "Ghostbusters." (Okay, maybe that one was a little overdone.) The "Garlics"? Come on.
Indeed, their Expeditions were, in a way, just higher-stakes versions of their trips to the creepy vacant house. Although not "ghosts" in the accepted supernatural sense, there were many ghosts in the town. And this time, Pete and Amber's gang were trying to listen to ghosts rather than exterminate them. These ghosts told stories about a civilization uprooted at the drop of a hat, prompted by an awful accident made at the hands of flawed mankind.
The Garlics (God, what a terrible name!) had been on four Expeditions in the span of a year, each one going a little further into the city. They explored everything from abandoned apartment buildings and offices to museums and schools. None of the group members were even a twinkle when the meltdown occurred, and it was fascinating for them to see the now-antiquated technologies these people used. People still used phones with buttons on them! Television displays with borders! And the "computers" they left behind barely deserved the designation! It was like stepping back in time.
On their last expedition, the Garlics had grown bored with just wandering around and going into whatever building suited their fancy. Chris, one of Pete's friends and a founding member of the group, suggested they pick a specific target and spend the entire Expedition there. It would have to be a big enough place for them to spend the entire time there, but there were plenty of options. They all agreed to go do some research and then meet back at Amber's apartment to discuss.
On one wall of Amber's living room, a large video display showed two street-level satellite photos of the city: one taken long ago, before the accident, and one taken only a few weeks ago. Both maps scanned simultaneously, providing a before-and-after view. Currently Pete was operating the display.
"I think we should hit the university," he said. "Over 50,000 people attended it. There are dorms, offices, and even a couple of museums and performance halls. It's pretty spread out, but I think it would be worth it."
"The university?" Blaine, one of the newbie freshmen, asked. This would be his first Expedition.
"The university," Pete repeated.
Amber got up off the couch and walked to the display. "We can't do the university," she said, scrolling the map to the left and soon revealing a large industrial complex - the old power plant. "It's less than a mile away from the core."
"Satellite data shows that the radiation exposure is acceptable in that area," Pete replied.
"No," Amber persisted. "The university is downwind of the reactor. If a stronger wind kicks up, the exposure will be higher. Besides, it's too far into the city. We'll exhaust ourselves before we even get there, and then we'll have to come back at some point. Maybe when we can get our cars further into the city, but not now."
Pete looked defeated, as often happened in discussions with his sister. He always played the risk/reward game, while she always wanted to play it safe. Unfortunately for him, many of the team members also preferred to play it safe. Maybe he would quit, and start the Wooden Daggers.
"I agree," nodded Melissa, one of the founding members. Others followed, and Pete sat down. "So where ARE we going?"
"Well..." Amber started, and scrolled the maps up and to the left, finally centering on a block of buildings in the middle of a neighborhood. "I was thinking we'd hit this church. It had been around for over a hundred years before the meltdown, and it was one of the largest churches in town, so there is probably a lot of history in it. Also, it's several miles northwest of the core, so it's less dangerous. It's also only about a mile within the restricted zone. According to this satellite photo, much of it is still intact."
The old satellite photo showed a large steeple rising out of the largest building, the sanctuary. The recent photo showed no steeple and a gaping hole in the roof. Still, much of the rest of the site did appear to be intact.
"We've never done a church before," Chris said. "I think that might be pretty interesting."
"Yeah, that would be pretty cool," Jana, another freshman newbie, injected.
"Well, if there are no objections..." Amber announced, pausing for a response. Everyone seemed to be in agreement, except for Pete, who just looked disappointed. "Then that's where we'll go. Let's meet here next Saturday morning at 8."
As the week passed, Amber became increasingly excited. She had been to England and seen all of the majestic old cathedrals. They had all been built with such amazing character and technique, especially considering the technology available at the time. For some reason, she always had a soft spot for churches, and now she was getting ready for an entirely new experience with one.
Saturday morning finally rolled around, and Amber awoke early to make final preparations for the trip. She made sure the dosimeters were fully charged, inspected the gas masks and replaced the filters, and got out the rented jumpsuits. When the group arrived, they loaded up Chris' SUV and prepared to leave. However, Pete had still not arrived by the predetermined time.
Amber pulled out her wireless phone and called Pete. He finally answered. "Yeah."
"Pete, where are you?" Amber asked impatiently. "It's time to go."
"I'm not going anymore. Not with you guys, at least."
"What is THAT supposed to mean?"
"You guys always play it too safe. I'm tired of it. You can have all the fun you want where you're going, but not with me."
"Pete, we NEED you! We can't go with an odd number." This was true. Going with an odd number would mean that someone would have to be by themselves, instead of having all pairs.
"Yes, you can." Pete hung up and the connection went dead.
"Dammit!" Amber shouted and put her phone away. She stood and thought a moment, the others gathered around waiting for her to say something. Was she really playing it too safe? Finally, she looked up and said, "Pete's not going. We're going without him."
"Wouldn't that give us an odd number?" Jana asked somewhat nervously. Freshmen... always masters of the obvious.
"Yes, it would," Amber replied. "I'll be the solo."
"I don't think that's a good idea," Chris said. "If something happens..."
"We'll be careful. Let's go."
Following Amber's unusual decision to go without full pairs, everyone piled into the car somewhat reluctantly. However, once they were on the road, reservations diminished as talk shifted to school, relationships, and other such subjects. After a couple of hours, as they drew closer to the city, traffic slowly began to taper off until there were no cars in front and none behind.
Finally, as they entered the outer city limits, Chris drove more slowly as they all took in the sights. Billboards were blank, the printed material on them having long since faded or fallen apart. Buildings were dark inside, the power grid having long since been deactivated. The roads were in terrible shape as well, with cracks and potholes littering the path into the city.
After another ten minutes, the car reached the outer perimeter of the restricted zone. Concrete barricades blocked off the road, and a large red sign with white letters stood above them that read:
Familiar yellow and black radiation symbols bookended the large white text.
Although the veterans of the team had seen the sign several times now, it still sent chills through their spines.
Chris stopped the car, and everyone got out. They would have to proceed on foot from here on in. The three women made the guys turn around while they undressed down to their underwear in order to put the jumpsuits on. Then the women returned the favor while the men changed. They found that the jumpsuits were more comfortable without much clothing underneath, and that there was less clothing to absorb radiation. Then they distributed the masks and dosimeters and headed off to their destination.
As they got away from the interstate, they were amazed as they entered the church's surrounding neighborhood, where they had never been before. This had been the city's oldest community, and many of the houses were not carrying their age very well. Some had completely collapsed into a pile of rubble, while others sat in varying stages of disrepair. Cracked driveways were empty. Even a tire swing still hung from a tree, left only to twist in the wind without any chidren to play on it.
As they continued walking through the streets, a break in the trees up ahead revealed their final destination. Trees and houses abruptly ended at one street, and across the street stood the majestic sanctuary, over six stories tall.
The brick facade was deteriorating, with some bricks missing, revealing the steel structure underneath. Some of the front doors' hinges had failed and the doors hung crooked in their frames. Remarkably, much of the exterior stained glass was intact, unaffected through all these years. As they continued walking past the sanctuary, they saw the church's other buildings. Some housed Sunday school rooms, while others housed offices for the church staff. One building even looked like a smaller version of the large sanctuary. There were some remnants of some signage on it; "CH P L". "Chapel", perhaps? On the other side of the street stood the massive parking garage, seemingly untouched. There were plenty of opportunities for exploration.
"Wow," Blaine said, looking up at the tall sanctuary.
"I read that the steeple on top used to stretch another five stories in the air," Amber said.
"Sure looks out of place for this neighborhood," Chris mentioned. It was rather odd to find such a huge collection of brick and concrete in the middle of a bunch of tiny wooden houses.
"Okay," Amber announced, "Melissa, you pair up with Jana and take the buildings in the back. Blaine and Chris, you guys look through the offices and maybe this chapel. I'll take the sanctuary. Meet back here in an hour."
The team split up and each headed for the entrance nearest their target.
The inside of the church was a mess. Fallen ceiling tiles, lights, and chunks of sheetrock littered the floor. Not to mention all of the relics of the time period all over the place. Walking through one of the halls, Amber stumbled on an old vacuum cleaner. "Damn old crap," she muttered.
After walking down one long hallway, she found herself at the interior entrance to the sanctuary. Light shown through a small window in the door. She carefully pulled the door open and stepped into the sanctuary.
This entrance faced out into the audience, with the giant altar to her right. A balcony only a few rows deep stretched along the side and back walls, forming a U shape that ended at the altar. Part of the balcony on the other side of the room had collapsed, spilling its pews onto the level below. As she had seen in the satellite photo, the roof had also failed in some places, causing the steeple to topple inward. The sanctuary floor had also caved in in the middle of the room, revealing a three stories of collapsed basement underneath.
"What does a church need with three basements?" Amber thought to herself. Some of the steeple still rested inside this great room, while other parts of it had fallen below. Amber made her way around the perimeter of the room, along the wall where the floor would be strongest. Reaching the back of the room, she saw the giant steeple bell, as wide as she was tall, upended on the floor a few feet out from the wall. She carefully crept out to it and was able to make out an inscription:
Amber pondered the irony of that for a moment before continuing to look around. Now she had a perfect view of the church's altar. Although part of it was caved in, it rose about six feet up above the floor with steps leading up, with a large deep platform. Behind and up a little ways was a large choir loft. Amber could even still see a couple of microphones dangling above the loft from the ceiling, and wondered what was the last song those mics heard. Behind the choir loft was the tall apse of the sanctuary, reaching up to the ceiling over 40 feet above. Triumphant gold-plated organ pipes lined the wall, as did glorious stained glass windows. Looking up, Amber could see the sky through the maw of metal roofing and steel girders. It was truly an awe-inspiring sight.
Another odd thing that caught her attention was a strange plant that rose out of the floor another few feet out. Making sure not to put too much pressure on the precarious floor, Amber slowly walked out and knelt down to inspect the flora. It had worked its way through a crack in the floor and had blossomed quite large, with a stem perhaps six inches in diameter and small branches less than half that. Surely it extended far below the floor as well. Many of the branches twisted off in various directions to indeterminate destinations, but one had terminated right there, with a moist round bulb a little bigger than a golf ball hanging from the branch. A small leafy cradle hung just beneath, creating a tiny pool into which the red bulb's clear liquid dripped.
Amber drew herself closer to the unassuming bulb and held up her dosimeter. The exposure was well below dangerous levels. Without really thinking, she reached up to remove her facemask and smell the plant.
"Wait, stupid," she told herself. But then she second-guessed herself again. Perhaps her brother was right, that she was playing it TOO safe. Thanks to her dosimeter, she KNEW that plant was safe. What was to stop her? Amber pulled the facemask over and off her head.
For the first time she really caught wind of the stale stench of decay inside the grand church and gagged. Unable to replace her facemask before drawing another breath, she quickly turned her head and vomited profusely. When finished, Amber leaned backward and lied down for a moment.
Now she had a problem. They had been planning to stay for another 45 minutes, but now Amber would be battling a sour stomach and the possibility of dehydration. There was not much to do about her stomach, but one option for drinking water came to mind. She rose her head, eyeing the water-like drips once again. Her sense of smell was adjusting to the air now. Slowly, Amber brought herself to her knees and scooted herself next to the plant. She cupped one hand under the bulb while gingerly tipping the cradle forward, dribbling its contents into her hand. "It FEELS like water," she thought. She sat there a moment, again hearing Pete's voice...
"You guys always play it TOO safe..."
"Fuck it," she thought, and finally brought her hand up to her face and drank.
To her relief, it tasted like water as well, although it was warm and not incredibly refreshing. However, drinking warm water was better than stumbling around weakly, so Amber decided she should probably drink some more. Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and closed it around the bulb. There was a satisfying squish as the bulb compressed between her jaws, causing water to trickle out and down her throat.
Barely an instant later, the bulb swelled considerably, filling Amber's mouth and nearly causing her to gag. Startled, she tried to open her mouth enough to remove the bulb, but it had grown too large and was stuck between her jaws. She grabbed the branch with both hands and yanked away from her, her grunting muffled by the bulb, but even that didn't cause the plant to budge.
And then she noticed it. After she had given up pulling the bulb out, she watched the branch firm up ever so slightly. She barely had any time to consider the cause before water began gushing out of the bulb and into her mouth. Caught by surprise once again, Amber gagged again, but it didn't do any good. There was no place for the liquid to go but down.
The bulb swelled again, pressing against the back of Amber's throat, and she began instinctively gagging repeatedly, choking on the water before it finally flowed down her throat. It took her a moment or two, but she was finally able to adjust to the flow, fighting to close her throat while she took a quick breath, and then letting the water continue on down.
It wasn't until Amber felt herself leaning forward and downward that she noticed her stomach had grown. It had pulled the midsection of her jumpsuit taut and made her look several months pregnant. Shocked, she struggled to get to her feet, and began tugging at the branch again, but it was no use. Desperate for options, she remembered the pocketknife in her back pocket. If she couldn't pull the branch out, she could cut it! As she reached behind her, she realized that it was not just her stomach that was growing. Her hand met her backside before she expected, as it had also begun expanding now. Unable to move her head much, due to the branch it was attached to, Amber could not see what was happening behind. Fumbling around her growing posterior with her hand, she felt the pocketknife - deep in her back right pocket. She tried to cram her hand into the pocket, but the jumpsuit was growing too tight. Underneath the suit, she felt the waistband of her panties snap.
The only way to get the knife out was to loosen the material. The only way to loosen the material was to take the jumpsuit off.
Amber reached up to her neck to began unzipping the jumpsuit. As she worked it down her body, it stopped near the top of her stomach, and glancing down, she was shocked at how much she had grown in that short a time. She had to really push hard to get the zipper further down as the material got tighter, and even then she couldn't reach far enough out to get it all the way down past her belly... she was simply too big. Still, it was possible that she had unzipped enough for her to egress, so she began frantically pulling her arms out of the suit.
Her breasts began to bulge within her sports bra as she managed to push the suit down to her waist. However, that was as far as it went. Amber's butt stuck out almost a foot in back, and her stomach possibly three feet in front. Her thighs were beginning to grow as well, and Amber wondered if it was becoming hopeless. Then she felt a seam rip open between her legs, and it spread down the insides of her legs and up her front and back. She also felt the zipper, somewhere near her belly button, loosen as it was rended from its seam entirely. Before long, what was left of the jumpsuit fell limp to the floor.
Amber grunted with satisfaction before realizing that now she had a new problem. Having the pocketknife on the floor, and not in her hand, didn't do her any good. And now it would be harder to reach. Struggling with her added weight, she tested the strength of her knees to bend down far enough so she could reach down and pick up the suit, but they grew shaky before she was anywhere close. Amber returned to her standing position, wincing in discomfort at her size, and having to lean backward to keep from falling forward. She really was becoming huge now, and before long even her breasts would not be contained within her sports bra. Also reducing the effectiveness of her reach were her growing sides.
"I need to do something NOW," she thought. Looking to her side as best she could, she thought she still might be able to reach the suit if she were closer to the ground. Using her feet, she kicked the suit to the side and out from under her, and then tried to slowly lower herself to the floor. Unfortunately, as soon as she unlocked her knees, her legs gave and she fell forward, landing on her enormous belly and rolling backward onto her knees. The floor beneath her shook from the impact and she heard a creaking sound, only adding to her uneasiness about the situation.
The strained sports bra finally ripped in the front, allowing her breasts to burst through. With her mobility shrinking rapidly, Amber reached down her side as far as she could, pinched the suit between two fingers, and pulled it off the ground. Her bent legs began to bulge underneath her as her back began spreading out behind. She couldn't reach her left arm across her breasts, so she had only one hand with which to search the suit for the pocketknife. Her fingers frantically fumbled through the suit looking for the knife, hoping to find it quickly.
And quickly she did. Feeling the hard object in the mass of fabric, she jumped with surprise and struggled to remove it from its pocket. With knife now in hand, she let the suit go, now only needing to open the knife. Reaching her hands above her head (because that was the only place she could bring them together), she opened the blade 180 degrees until the sharp edge was fully exposed. Underneath, her legs began to straighten uselessly as her belly now began lifting her knees off the ground. She could no longer flex her legs at will. Reaching up, Amber took the knife and began to cut the branch as best as she could, grunting through the stream of water still pumping down her throat.
Ultimately, her best was not good enough. Even after getting a pretty good slicing motion going, she barely made a nick in the surface of the branch. Then her arms, from shoulders to fingers, began to swell up, and Amber was forced to throw the knife away before dropping it on herself and... well, who knows what. She heard the blade rattle against the floor several feet away as she stared the branch down.
With no other options remaining, Amber pondered this strange plant. Was this occurrance natural? "Natural" barely described what was happening to her, it seemed. If not that, was it random, perhaps in the way that dandelion seeds fly? Or maybe it was a defense mechanism, or some sort of trap? Amber was reminded of feeding bugs to the Venus fly trap she'd had as a little girl.
Amber's physical features diminished as she continued to grow larger and rounder, and before long she found her mobility reduced to zero. The floor shifted again, causing her round form to quiver and her to gurgle on the water. A groaning sound arose from the old steel supports under the concrete, and Amber began to feel cracks working their way across the floor underneath her. The tenor of the groaning steel rose, and a low rumble began to rise before the floor eventually gave way, with large sections of concrete dropping into the basements below as the steel crumbled underneath. The great bell fell downward and clanged loudly as it hit the bottom.
As the blimped Amber began to fall, the branch of the plant snapped taut, whipping Amber's head about and causing her to gurgle in pain. And then, as soon as it began, it was over. As her bottom side lost contact with the floor completely, she was left to dangle there helplessly like a bauble from a Christmas tree, occasionally bumping into the plant's thick stem that had been below the floor level. Her weight was causing intense stress on her mouth, and she wondered how long it would be before either of her jaw, her teeth, or the branch broke. There were three basement floors. In her condition, it was unlikely that any outcome would be good. She thought back to standing on the roof of her family's house as a kid, dangling a water balloon over the edge before dropping it onto the sidewalk below in an attempt to hit Pete.
For a few moments, there was relative silence as the ruckus of the collapsing floor subsided. The gulping sound of Amber's repeated swallows seemed to echo throughout the entire space. To an observer it might even have seemed peaceful. (Certainly not to Amber!) Suddenly, short, jerky motions began to send quaky jolts through her body. The branch was beginning to give, causing her to sink a few inches each time. With each jolt, the flow of water into her throat receded a little. As if that was any consolation at this point.
As the jolts became more frequent and violent, Amber's body sloshed in midair, and time seemed to slow down. Amber began to reflect on her life, and consciously wondered if this was the proverbial "life flashing before her eyes." Various images flooded her mind's eye before, finally, she saw herself as a slender young woman entering this hollow sanctuary. She now revisited the sensations of her massive size and shape - the pressure, the weight, the tightness. How was this possible? How could her figure have been distorted so?
And then the branch broke.
Far off in another part of the building, Melissa and Jana were looking through a collection of toys they had found. This must have been the childrens' part of the church. Melissa was surprised to find that she had had many of these same toys as a little girl.
Jana looked up, disturbed. "Did you hear that?" she asked, furrowing her brow.
"Hear what?"
"I thought I just heard a... bell."
Amber slowly opened one eye, then the other.
Had she fallen at all?
Her violent wobbling seemed to indicate so. Feeling the ground far beneath her also helped to prove that hypothesis.
But she was alive.
The branch fell limp and thunked against her side. The stream of water had stopped, and the bulb in her mouth began shrinking. As soon as it was possible, she managed to push it past her teeth with her tongue, then spit it out. It slide down her side and fell away beneath her.
Amber looked around as best she could, working her sore jaw. When she landed, she had rolled backward somewhat, and she was now facing upward. The thick stem of the plant twisted from beneath her all the way up to the ceiling. Looking up, she saw her rounded form rising up, her highest point reaching only a few feet below the remnants of the sanctuary floor.
She was almost big enough to fill the entire basement.
Just being alive was something of a small victory, though. Ultimately, though, as Amber began to adjust to her rotund state, she didn't care. For the moment, this was better than being dead. She wasn't sure what the others would say when they found her. Neither was she sure what SHE would say. She just hoped they found her soon, so she didn't have to be alone.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, water
Text: It was a cold winter day as Alys jogged to the gym, she was like most girls at 19 getting ready to go to university next year and joined the fad of getting a gym membership and getting in shape. Not that she wasn't in shape her thin body was the envy of most girls but she always wanted just a little more muscle mass. She was a beautiful girl with full lips and blue eyes, her body as mentioned was thin but she had a modest C cup and a decent butt. Her outfit was workout gear with a pair of trainers, leggings, tank top with a sports bra but no panties.
"Made it!" Exclaimed Alys as she jogging to a stop outside the gym "in good time too" wandering in she made a beeline for the vending machine forgetting to bring a drink with her after making her selection and bending over to get her drink, Alys felt a sharp pain in her butt causing her to jump straight back up.
"Woah!! What the hell was that" groaned Alys rubbing her butt cheek but finding nothing wrong. As she walked left away from the vending machines she found herself feeling slightly bloated and a sloshing noise emitting from somewhere. Shaking it off Alys went to the bathroom to feeling maybe that was the cause of her bloating.
Opening the door Alys found the sloshing noise to be following her and worse still her bloated feeling was apparent by her now swollen stomach. Investigating her thighs she also found they had swollen up too.
"What the hell is going on with me!?" Exclaimed Alys as the sloshing grew louder as her boobs started straining her top. "Not you too!" groaned Alys as she found herself somehow swelling up like a water balloon!
As Alys explored and tried her best to prevent any further growth she heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom. "Can't let anyone see me like this!" cried Alys trying to dash to the nearest cubicle but found her enhanced frame was making it a lot harder to move as she waddled with a slosh inside the cubicle just as the bathroom door swung open.
It was to gym bimbos that just go to the gym to marvel at the weight lifting jocks and by the way they were talking they'd seen some sights today. Alys prayed for them to hurry up and leave as she didn't know how long she could stay growing inside such a small space. As the bimbos applied their final layer of makeup. Alys stomach had started pushing against the wall of the cubicle and her butt with had joined her inflation was pressing against the other wall causing a loud sloshing noise.
"I don't know if I can take much more" Alys quietly whispered to herself as her breasts started to push up into her face. Mercifully the bimbos left making complaints that the loud sloshing was due to a leaky pipe. As the bathroom door shut behind them Alys ballooned framed burst out of the cubicle with a pop.
Looking down at her swollen frame Alys was slightly impressed at how big she'd gotten and her outfit was straining to the least. Her leggings were creaking as her now thunder thighs and basketball sized butt fought for freedom and her tank top strained containing her melon sized breasts.
The question in Alys mind remained how was she swelling this big anyway? It was as she stood back and connected with a hose she found her answer.
"A hose!?" Screamed Alys "I've got a hose in me" shocked and scarred she tripped over this revelation and landed in sloshing mass. But something felt different.... She wasn't growing anymore the hose was across the room still spewing its load forth and much to Alys surprise was she wanted it!
She wanted to swell fuller and larger. Maybe to the size of this room, with some difficulty and no less amount of sloshing Alys got to her feet and waddled to the hose swiping it up and inserting it inside her snatch.
"Urgh.... God mmmmm" moaned Alys as she realised just how aroused her size made her. Her frame now reconnected to its source swelled on bloating larger ripping her clothes. "Yes bigger I need more" moaned Alys as her eyes darted about for another source of growth. She didn't know what came over her but she was obsessed with furthering her growth.
Her gaze fell on a water pipe with a valve for connecting a fire hose to, grinning she approached sloshing as she did and throw herself onto her front pressing the hose deeper in her pussy "God...yes mmmmm" she moaned this was better than sex to her.
She gripped the valve on the pipe and locked her lips around the spout opening it slowly and groaning loudly as water spewed forth into her waiting body. She swelled larger and faster, tearing her clothes, making her mind race with pleasure.
Her limps with slowly sucked into her frame, her nipples sloshed filling with water. With a soft pop out sprang her belly button. More was all she wanted as she felt her soaked nethers starting to swell thicker and plumper. Every part of her was full and getting fuller, lost in her lust orgasm after orgasm caused her mass to shake and slosh.
Now that was one way to gain mass.
Same again
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, first person, hose, water
Text: "You look great, Kerry, don't be so hard on yours," I tell my friend Kerry who is eight months pregnant.
"I'm a fucking cow! That's why he ignores me. All he sees is how I used to be thin and I blew up into this," Kerry says wiping tears that are running her makeup.
Personally, I never saw her as being very big. I've see a few girls with twins before and they were huge. My friend Kerry is just feeling really hormonal and I can't seem to calm her. We were ok just a few moments ago when she came over to hang out. Then the damned TV plays the court channel and she somehow connects with a fat lady vs. her husband. I don't know what happened, all I know is I got a crying, eight month pregnant woman in my house making me feel bad.
She looks at me and I say, "You're not that big, Kerry. You look beautiful, all pregnant woman get... um... beautiful."
"Shut up, I'm huge and you know it. Look how small you look to me," she says as she slides beside me, looking at both our stomachs. Which if she's looking for mine she won't find one. "Every part of my body is fat to yours."
"I'm a very small girl, Kerry," I try to explain. Although, it doesn't seem to work she just cries more and it's getting on my last nerve. I know it must be difficult to be so pregnant and all but damn my life isn't prefect being this size.
She walks into my living room, "I'm just a big blimp and Jim is going to dump me because I'm not pretty anymore."
"Get a hold of yours Nebby, she's having a tough day, just let her vent and she'll stop crying," I think to myself as I ball my fist. She sits on my couch and mopes around continuing to talk about herself being fat. I start to hear it ring in my head as I turn away from her and try to not pay attention. "She's... having a bad day, Nebby," I try to keep myself from saying anything bad. Time seems to linger as she continues nagging.
"Shut the fuck up!" I yell out. She stops and looks at me confused. I watch slowing into my living room towards her from my kitchen. "Ok, you blew up huge. You're a fucking manatee, you have the biggest stomach I have ever seen. Hell, your back even has tits! There, I said it. Is that what you want? Someone to tell you that you're huge? Ok? You're fat and for another month you're going to get bigger!" I yell at her as I have completely lost it.
She huffs of a bit then cries louder as she runs out my front door. After a few moments I realize that I was a total bitch for yelling at her. I follow her out my door and off the porch, "Kerry, wait!"
She stops and looks at me with a kind of scared look. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. It's just that I don't know how you feel."
"You're damn right you don't know." I see her look away and her face seems to change as she seems happier.
"That's it, Kerry. I don't know what it's like to be big and pregnant. And maybe one day I will know and I'll -"
"Yes, you will!" she says, loudly interrupting me. I don't know what she means by that or why she had to put it that way. I look to her for an answer to her comment as she walks over and picks up my garden hose from my small flower bed. I raise my eyebrow to her as she dust the dirt off the end and looks up at me smiling. "That's about to change," she says as she stomps on my left foot. I yell and when I open my mouth she stuffs the hose down into my mouth and down into my throat some. With wide eyes I look at her unsure of what she's doing. Tugging on the hose proves to be useless and I begin to wonder how I'm going to remove it.
Kerry walks over to the valve and gives me one last wicked look, "I'm going to make you as big as I feel, so you'll know how it feels."
I can't believe my eyes, Kerry starts cranking the water up and I soon feel the cold water enter my body. I don't even get to swallow it, from where the hose is now it does directly down my throat. I pull harder on the hose but it doesn't even more an inch my throat has a firm grip on it. I then feel my stomach filling up. Kerry approaches me and looks me in the eyes.
"It's similar to this, you're body just keeps getting bigger. Of course normally after nine months a beautiful addition to your life comes out. In your case..." she stops talking to lean over and tickle my belly as it starts to puff out a bit with water, "you're just going to retain a lot of water." I groan and hold my belly as I can feel it distend between my fingers.
"Why is she turning me into a water balloon?" I think to myself.
I start to resemble months of pregnancy as minutes fly by. My now three month prenant-like belly looks up at me while I look at it. Kerry has gone mad as she touches and talks to my stomach like there is actually a baby growing inside.
"How are you doing in there? I hope Momma Nebby takes good care of you," she says while touching and lifting my shirt up to expose my stomach to the world. All the sudden I feel a strange flow change in water. My stomach is still growing but my shirt is getting tighter.
Kerry notices and adds, "Oh, looks like the milk is coming in for you little guy." She gives me a gentle poke in the right boob and I blush.
"Now my chest? I sure how she snaps out of it and stops this before I get too big," I think to myself as I cup my now growing breasts.
Underneath my budding chest, my stomach looks like I'm five months pregnant. Before long my B cup bra is getting very snug and I look like I'd be better off in a D. My boobs overflowing my bra on all ends and it's getting harder to breathe. Reaching behind myself I try to life my shirt up and unhook my bra before I burst off of me. It's being pulled so tight, I'm not used to it fitting this well.
With some skill I unhook it and my boobs surge forward and put a strain to my shirt. Kerry giggles, "Looks like Momma Nebby is going to feed you good."
She gives me another poke and my boobs giggle like jell-o. If blowing up like a balloon in front of your friend wasn't enough she's making fun of me. I swat at her hands trying to get her to stop touching me.
"Oh Nebby, you think you're full enough?" she asks, to which I nod in response. "Ok, let's turn this water off."
"Thank God!" I think to myself as I wipe my forehead.
Kerry walks over to the valve then stops and thinks before looking back at me with that same devilish look. "Wait, didn't you say I had the biggest belly you ever saw?" she asks as my heart hit's the ground. "You know what, Nebby? I'm going to give YOU the biggest belly you'll ever see," she says giggling as she cranks the water flow to full blast.
I wave my arms at her in protest but I'm in no position to do anything but grow. The water pushes hard down into my throat and I feel my stomach grow faster along with my chest. I hold onto my chest and stomach as if it'll help as I hear my shirt start to rip.
"Nebby, you saw that new Willy Wonka movie right?" I look at her, nodding and sweating as I don't like where this is going. "Well, if that's the biggest belly you ever saw, I HAVE to make you bigger than that," she says leaning against my house with her arms crossed, enjoying my torment.
I shake my head at her and hold onto my belly that looks like a swallowed a beach ball and my breasts looking more like I got basketballs attached to me. My shirt rips right down the middle and I'm sure Kerry gets a good view at my massive cleavage before the whole shirt goes to pieces. The water weight is getting too much as I start having trouble standing. I try to gentle sit down but it's more like I bend my knees and fall backwards. My breasts and stomach jiggle like a water balloon as I lay on my back and get bigger. I soon realize that this probably isn't the best position to be in when you are being pumped up huge with water. Not that I can do anything, I try to roll but it's more of me just flailing my arms and jiggling my boobs and belly more.
Kerry giggles, "You really let yourself go, Nebby. You know I don't feel so big anymore. You have shown me that I'm not a be fat cow... you are!"
She approaches me and rubs her hand along my bloating stomach and walks past my breasts and flips my left nipple before looking down over my face.
I see her smiling face along with my increasing bust, "It's really something to cry about huh? Although, you having taste the true embarrassment of it. People have to see you this big, your phone's on the table in the kitchen right?" She looks at me for an answer, "Ah, who am I kidding asking you, you're way to busy being huge."
She prances up my porch and into my house. I start to feel my boobs slide to the my sides and lay on my arms pinning them to the grass. I can't even tell how large my belly is but it has to be immense by now.
A few moments later, Kerry comes out my front door with my phone to her ear, "That's right Josh..."
"Josh! No he can't see me like this! That bitch is going to ruin it for me!" I think to myself as I gnaw on the hose in anger. Not that is has any effect my teeth aren't sharp enough. Josh is a guy I've been dating for a while and he is everything I want in a man. I try so hard to impress him, and I'm sure he won't approve of my new... um... shape.
I listen in on Kerry as she continues, "Yeah, Nebby told me she's WET for you. Yeah. Her mouth is literally WATERING for you. She is THIRSTY for your body. I'd say she's at her house now waiting for you. If I were you I'd get down there ASAP. K, buh bye." She hangs up the phone and laughs at me, "I swear every time I look at you you're so much bigger. You need to change your diet, girl." I feel her give a few pokes to my belly that is now so full that it sits about four foot off the ground.
I feel some of my belly hanging over my lap and on my legs, my boobs are like three foot in diameter. I feel so full and completely helpless, but my skin keeps stretching.
Kerry leans against my breast and looks at me again, "I think Josh is really going to love your new look I think... wait, don't you have a hose in your backyard too?" She starts to wonder off as I start to get worried at the wild look in her eye again. She wonders around back and comes with another hose, I kick myself for buying a hose long enough to reach the front yard. She returns with a hose pinched in her hand, "Oh Nebby, she have to get you looking nice for Josh. I think Josh likes a woman with a nice, FULL figure. We don't have much time, he'll be here soon."
She reaches up and pushes the second hose into my belly button to my surprise she has this one on full blast too. I quiver as my expansion has now doubled. I can feel myself going several inches a second now. I try to protest with kicking and screaming but I can do neither. I'm just a big sloshing water balloon girl.
Kerry gives me a kiss on my belly, "You be a babe and tell Josh hi for me. That is if he gets here in time, you know before you have too much of a good time. Ciao!" I can't believe she casually waves and walks away from me like this. I could explode at any second and she just doesn't care. There is no way this is going unpunished, if Josh gets here in time and saves me, that bitch is done! I watch her get in her car and leave, as my body gets bigger and bigger... and bigger... and bigger...
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Jenny ran in the door to her room, shut it, and locked it. She was over- excited and couldn't wait to try her new bra out. She pulled a small box out of her purse and threw it on the bed. She then pulled her shirt off over her B-Cup breasts and long black hair. She than undid her bra and threw it across the room. Her breasts bounced a little as she opened the box and sat down on the bed. Inside was a light blue bra covered by balloons.
Jenny has always loved balloons. She likes to blow them up, pop them, stick them in her shirt over her breasts, or just bounce on them.
She giggled and pulled it out. Under it was a beige colored bra and a instruction card. She read the card. It said: 1: Put the beige colored bra on first. She took it out and placed it on. She snapped it in the back and then looked back at the card. 2: Put the balloon bra on. She grabbed the bra and she was about to put it on when she noticed the beige bra had disappeared. She felt her breasts and noticed that they seemed a little rubbery than before.
"Must've just blended in with my breasts." She said to herself snapping the bra on.
The bra fit her chest perfectly. Back to the card. 3: Attach air pump to the nozzle on the back of the bra (Have a couple of extra balloons ready in case if one pops. Jenny reached under her bed and brought out a bag of Extra Large Balloons. She took out a red one and blew it up till it was 18". She hugged the red balloon and BANG! It popped. Knowing this, she went to her closet and brought out her air pump. She connected it and turned it on. She looked down to see the balloons on the bra inflating. She went back to the card. 4: Popping will not harm the breasts. And it said no more.
"Popping the balloons wouldn't hurt them anyway." She said.
She then watched the balloons on her bra expand until she thought they were big enough. She turned the compressor and went over to her mirror. She was delighted that she actually was wearing balloons. She even felt like she had air in her chest. Then she noticed that the balloons looked a little smaller than before.
"Must be a leak." She said gently putting her arms around them.
Now she heard a sound like a hiss. No. More of a hiss like when you blow up a balloon. She looked down again to see that her breasts were expanding as the balloons were deflating.
Her eyes grew wide as she watched her B-Cup breasts turn into over-inflated basketballs. The balloons were empty and she squeezed them to make sure. She giggled at the fact that now she had her dream: Huge tits! She laid down on the bed and took off the bra. Her breasts were real all right. Her breasts felt rubbery and gave a faint squeek at she rubbed them. She flipped herself over and bounced on them a bit. She laughed as her tits bounced her on the bed. She stopped and started inspectng the balloon bra. She turned it over and saw a plastic piece where her nipples fit in.
Then Jenny got an idea. She reconnected the pump and turned it on. The bra's balloons again inflated. She disconnected and put a finger over on of the holes to see if she was right. The balloons deflated and she felt a stream of air come through the holes.
"That's why." She said in amazement. "Wonder how big they could get." She placed the bra on and pumped the balloons back up. She disconnected it and waited for something to happen. But nothing did. She pumped up the balloons more, but they all popped scattering colored rubber all around her room.
She thought for a minute and then her nipples popped out. She got an idea. Jenny took the bra off and placed the hose to her right nipple. She turned it on and the breast swelled up to twice it's size, then it stopped. She didn't know why, but it felt really good. She placed it in her other and did the same until it stopped. She squeezed them and giggled again. She never felt this good in her life. Now she felt like popping them. It wouldn't inflate any more through the nipple, so she placed it in her mouth, turned it on, and inhaled. Instantly instead of her breasts getting larger, her belly bulged out expanding to the point where it was the same size as her breasts. Then she felt vibrating. She wanted more air. And she felt that they were gonna pop when she started rising from her seat. She looked behind to see that her butt was inflating too. She managed to take her jeans off before they grew too big. She then pulled her panties down under her inflating ass. They too reached the size as the others. She then closed her eyes as they became a little transparent. Then BANG. She opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw. Her belly button popped out and was also inflating. She looked up at her breasts and saw that her nipples were ballooning up as well. She then felt the vibrations again and then she heard a soft pop.
She opened her eyes to see that her body was normal again. She looked around and saw no sign of the popped breasts or belly or her butt. She put the balloons back on the bra and proceeded to do it again.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, science
Text: Having rich friends, or at least friends with rich parents, can have its perks. Jacob knew this all too well. Instead of living in a campus dorm and paying out the nose to do so, he lived on the edge of campus in a loft/rock wall gym that his friend Lucas' parents had converted an old warehouse into for them and their friend Sam, who also lived there with them. The three friends were avid rock climbing enthusiasts, and they loved their home. Lucas' parents helped with some of the bills, but for the most part their primary source of income was giving rock climbing lessons and renting out their rock wall area for birthday parties, or people looking for a quiet place to get away and/or practice. Jacob knew how well he had it, and he knew it all too well. He had more than enough money saved up to use on his college tuition and textbooks, seeing how he didn't have to pay rent. And on top of the prospect of getting through college debt free, he also had a smart and beautiful girlfriend named Kaylee, who he would lovingly refer to as his "black beauty" from time to time. Hell, Kaylee alone was reason enough to think that things were going in his favor. He hadn't dated a black girl before he met Kaylee, but really, she was whiter than some of the white girls he knew. The product of two fans of Shakespeare who met at a Shakespeare festival in Ashland Oregon, Kaylee had been given an appreciation of literature and the arts as a young girl, and had developed a passion for science which her adopted grandparents (from her father's side of the family) had encouraged as much as they could. This passion bordered on obsession at times, which Jacob knew all too well. He hadn't seen Kaylee much lately since her current project had been taking up all of her free time. But since it was finally Spring break, he knew they were going to finally get some quality time together. Especially since Kaylee and her friend/lab assistant, Lilly, were coming over to test their latest project. Jacob wasn't quite sure what this project of theirs was, all he knew was that Kaylee and Lilly got funding from a local business that was going to produce whatever it was that the two had been working on for months now. Apart from that, Jacob only knew that Kaylee had said that she and Lilly needed someplace that was indoors, large, and away from prying eyes so they could conduct their tests in private. So it was only natural that Kaylee had come to Jacob to see if she and Lilly could use his place to do their tests, since Lucas and Sam were partying with a few other friends down in Mexico for Spring Break. Who was Jacob to say no? He was alone with the loft to himself and anyone else he felt like having over, which in this case was his girlfriend and Lilly. Besides, after those two were done with their testing, he and Kaylee would have the place to themselves for the rest of Spring Break, and there was no way in hell he was going to miss an opportunity like this to have several DAYS alone with his girlfriend and no roommates around to ruin things for them. And that night was going to be a special night anyway. Could it possibly get any better? It was getting around two in the afternoon, and the girls hadn't shown up yet. To be honest, Jacob was a little relieved. This had given him the time to get everything cleaned and tidy for when Kaylee would be there, and also had given him the time to get everything ready for that night. A bottle of wine, the fixings for a home cooked meal that wasn't Ramen or Macaroni and Cheese based, a movie they had been meaning to see, and a fresh box of condoms. Oh yeah. And since everything was ready, Jacob decided to do some climbing in order to pass the time before Kaylee arrived. The building consisted of two parts; the main part was the rock wall gym, which is what the front door to the building opened up into. The living area, which consisted of three different floors, could be accessed by taking a hard left after entering the gym, and walking through two sets of doors. The rock wall area itself was large, but not huge; roughly 60ft by 40ft. The gym consisted of three main rock walls, and a sort of rock wall "island" (a 20ft long rock wall) that was 20ft away from the main entrance. The island created a sort of 40x40 rock wall climbing "pocket" on the far side of the gym. Suspended roughly 40 ft off the floor in the dead center of this area is a cargo net, in case anyone should accidentally fall off the nearly 75 ft high rock walls... but really it was there because it looked cool at the time. It was the rock wall island in particular that Jacob had decided to climb, as he could climb the side of the wall facing the entrance and make sure that the girls saw him when they arrived. But he wasn't in any hurry to get to the top of the rock wall, as his mind was preoccupied with thinking about Kaylee. They had first met on a blind date that mutual friends of theirs had set up. Jacob at that time was relatively fresh off a failed relationship with a woman who had been into BDSM; just one of the many women he had dated or had been in a relationship with who had had some kind of sexual kink. This one in particular had been very keen on dominating Jacob. And while he found it kind of hot in the bedroom, he hadn't really appreciated it when she had been overtly dominant in their everyday lives. Kaylee on the other hand had been single for a few years at that time, the reasons for which Jacob only found out later. Long story short, their first date was a success, and they had hit it off. Although they hadn't had a lot in common, something between them just clicked. Perhaps it was a combination of their personalities and their past love lives, but who really knows. What mattered was that it wasn't very long before they were officially a happy couple. And a few months after that, they became a happy albeit kinky couple. The reason for this was that Kaylee had felt confident enough to tell Jacob about her own little fetish, as he had told her about his past kinky relationships, and his general willingness to try out new things. This revelation had just caused Jacob to laugh at his peculiar luck for attracting women with kinks, which he made sure to tell Kayla (he didn't want her to think that he had been laughing at her). Thus their nerdy/kinky romance began. For two years they had been together; two years to the day, actually. That night was their two year anniversary, and both had promised the other that they were going to make the night especially memorable. Jacob had figured that Kaylee meant she was going to be bringing along some of her gear for their alone time, and would alone require her to bring two duffle bags instead of just one for her clothes and stuff. Which is why Jacob was more than a little confused once the girls arrived. "I still don't understand why you didn't opt to wear it" said the blond girl with a ponytail, walking through the entrance with a crate of some kind. She wore a white t-shirt with "G33K" printed across the front, and a pair of worn jeans. "Lilly, we've gone over this. It would have only been a hindrance, and you know that" replied the chocolate skinned girl behind her, her short black hair fanned out at the base of her head, and would bob a little as she walked. She had a green duffle bag slung over her right shoulder, and rolled up blue tarp in the crook of her left arm. By this time, Jacob had reached the top of the wall and was sitting on top, his bare legs hanging off the side of the wall as he waited for the girls to arrive. "Hey honey" shouted Jacob, "do you need me to grab anything else from the car?" "Thanks babe, but this is all we brought with us" replied Kaylee, dropping the duffle bag off near the door to housing section. "Really? I was expecting you to have at least a second duffle bag with you, and maybe some expensive looking scientific doohickeys." "Yeah, sorry hun, but this is it. Lilly has everything we need to conduct our tests in the crate she's carrying, and I only brought one duffle bag this time. Oh, and I don't think I'll be needing to bring the second one again after today." "What does that mean?" thought Jacob, his face a mask of confusion as he did. "Don't worry about it Jacob, it'll all make sense soon enough." Lilly just looked over at Kaylee and arched her right eyebrow; one of her inquisitive looks. Kaylee just rolled her eyes and waved her hand at Lilly as a way of saying "just forget it." The girls then made their way over to the little secluded area that the rock walls created; setting down the crate and rolling out the tarp over the blue mats. This really didn't shed any more light on what Kaylee and Lilly were doing, as Jacob still wasn't sure what the hell was exactly going on. He had some ideas, but just about everything that came to mind was either outside the realm of possibility or practically fantasy. But whatever was going on, he was sure that he was going to find out soon. As Lilly and Kaylee got everything ready down below, Jacob stayed on his perch high above them. He had learned rather quickly just to stay out of the way and let Kaylee do her thing when it came to the scientific stuff. That, and not to touch anything. But as he waited for them get ready, he took into account Kaylee's strange choice for clothes today. Normally she would wear jeans, a t-shirt, and one of her cute little vests over the shirt. But today, she was wearing an old "Oregon County Fair" t-shirt from the 90's that she had never cared to wear, and a pair of grey sweatpants. And she was either going without her glasses today, or she had contacts in; the latter being something that she hated to do, as she didn't like putting things in her eyes. God, he wished he could clearly hear what they were saying. "Alright Lilly, is everything ready?" asked Kaylee, her short black hair bobbing slightly as she positioned herself in the middle of the new blue tarp. "Umm... yep, everything's ready. Which vile do you want to do first?" "Let's just stick with the regular batch for now and save the more experimental batch for another time. Besides, I'm not even sure if we got it quite right, so let's just stick with what we're pretty sure we know will work." "I dunno Kaylee, I think both will work just fine." "Lilly, could you just hand me the vial I asked for so we can get started?" The blond just playfully rolled her eyes at this, pulled out one of the vials from the crate she was bent over, and then gave it to Kaylee before hauling the crate out of the way. Kaylee was nervous, and it showed. So much worked had gone into this, and she couldn't help but wonder if they had done everything correctly. Any number of things could go wrong, and she was putting her own life on the line due to her being the only willing human test subject at the time. If something were to go wrong and Jacob saw her... no, she couldn't think about such things, they had done EVERYTHING correctly. It was the newer experimental batch they had created that she should be worried about, not the original formula that they had perfected in the lab. Putting everything else out of her mind, Kaylee carefully uncorked the vial, and held it up to her lips. "For science?" Kaylee said/asked, not knowing for sure herself. "I thought it was more for money and personal gain. But sure, for science" replied Lilly facetiously. "Alright then. Here goes nothing" said Kaylee before looking up at Jacob and yelling "Wish me luck!" And then Kaylee quickly downed the vial's contents before tossing it back to Lilly. Jacob didn't have the best of advantage spots, as the cargo net obscured his vision somewhat. But what he saw nearly made his jaw drop. In under seven seconds, his girlfriend went from having a relatively trim stomach to looking like she was at term with a baby. As her stomach continued to swell, her breasts started grow in size as well, closely followed by her but and thighs. All Jacob could hear was moaning from Kaylee down below as she rubbed her swelling belly and breasts, which intensified once Lilly came over and started poking and rubbing his girlfriend. Fuck, he had to get down there. Jacob quickly maneuvered himself back onto the wall he climbed up; the opposite side of the wall that Kaylee was on now. Making sure the rope was secured in his carabiner, he rappelled down the side of the rock wall, his mind racing as he went. His girlfriend was blowing up like a balloon! And not in the sexual role play way, or one of her fully inflatable suits; ACTUALLY inflating! His mind raced even faster as he descended as his ears were suddenly privy to the sound of ripping fabric and more moans of ecstasy. Soon as his feet felt blue safety mats under them, Jacob unclipped the rope and tore off his safety helmet before he dashed around the side of the rock wall. What he saw damn near floored him. Where once his girlfriend stood, there was now stood what looked like a 6ft brown ball. Except this ball wasn't a ball. It was Kaylee. Her midsection had absorbed just about every indication that she was a human, and caused her clothes to shred. Her breasts had essentially become domes with thumb sized nipples on her turgid form. Her arms and legs were gone, sans her little hands and feet. And finally there was her head which rested on her swollen form, her neck practically non-existent. Everything made sense to Jacob now: the subtle little hints Kaylee had been giving him over the last week, the lack of a second duffle bag for her inflatable suit, the project she and Lilly had been working on; everything. And as the initial shock of seeing Kaylee inflated started to fade, Jacob slowly walked up to Kaylee. A mixture of lust and joy plastered Kaylee's face and her little hands started to flap against her inflated sides as Jacob walked up to her, carefully placing his hands on here inflated form. The sensation that greeted his touch was something between touching a yoga ball and a balloon. He had never felt something like this before, yet he had touched his girlfriend numerous times before now. Jacob switched his attention from rubbing his swollen girlfriends form to looking into her brown eyes. "I did it Jacob, I finally did it. I finally discovered a way to actually turn myself into a human balloon" said Kaylee, her voice was quiet so Lilly wouldn't hear. "Is... is it permanent?" said Jacob hesitantly, almost as if saying it out loud might jinx something. "No, it isn't. Or... at least it shouldn't be. But I wish it was, Jacob, I really do. I wish I could always stay like this; stay as a big balloon girl forever. I-I wish I could be YOUR big balloon girl forever." "I don't doubt that for an instance, Kaylee. But I bet you'd want to be back to normal sooner or later. Your love for science is too strong just to be given up for permanently living out your sexual fantasy. Besides, you'd start to miss cuddling" said Jacob, now recovered from the initial shock of seeing his girlfriend inflated. (When you've role played with someone who typically wears an inflatable suit that matches their flesh tone for as long as he had, the initial shock/novelty of actually seeing them inflated wears off faster than for other people.) "J-Jacob I-" "Ahem!" interrupted Lilly, looking a little flustered. "Kaylee, didn't you say that you had some other tests you wanted to do if the formula was successful?" "O-Oh! That's right, there was something I was wanting to... test. Um, Lilly? I'm going to have Jacob roll me off the tarp here, and then I want you to drag it out of this little cove we're in" instructed Kaylee, doing her best to bend what was left of her neck around so Lilly could hear her better. "Alright Jacob, can you roll your balloon girlfriend out of the way so we can have some fun?" asked Kaylee playfully. "Sure honey, but I'm going to get some time alone today to play with my balloon, right?" "Oh god I hope so" breathed Kaylee, her eyes briefly glazing over. "Uh, GUYS. I can't move the tarp with both of you still on it" said Lilly impatiently. "Sorry" replied Jacob before pushing Kaylee onto her back, who let out a brief squeal as she fell backwards. Not checking to see if she was alright (he knew she was, and that she was enjoying it), Jacob walked around to Kaylee's side and proceeded to push her inflated form out of the way. He pushed her all the way to the other side of the little area, making sure to stop her before she hit the rock wall. Laying on her right side with the front of her facing the wall, Jacob walked around to the front of Kaylee as Lilly dragged the tarp out of the rock wall cove. He wanted to do something real quick. "That was fun" smiled Kaylee as Jacob reached her front. "Oh, well then you'll love this." And without any kind of warning, Jacob dragged his tongue across Kaylee's left nipple. Kaylee gasped at the sudden rush of pleasure, which Jacob took as a sign to continue. As Lilly dragged the tarp out of the cove, Jacob used the sound of the tarp dragging across the blue mats as cover so Lilly didn't hear what he and Kaylee were doing. He continued to play with her nipple with his tongue, while occasionally sucking on it. Kaylee had to bite down on her lip to keep herself from moaning out loud. She wanted to lose herself in the pleasure so badly. But then Jacob stopped playing with her nipple; Lilly had finished moving the tarp. Thinking quickly, Jacob used his arm to wipe his saliva off Kaylee breast, as he knew Kaylee well enough to have an idea of what she was wanting to do next. "Alright Kaylee, tarp's out of the way. So what's next test?" Taking a couple seconds to compose herself, Kaylee replied. "Lilly, I want you to wait on the far side of the room over there. When you're ready I'm going to have Jacob roll me over to you, and then I want you to roll me back." "How is rolling you back and forth scientific???" "Lilly, if you haven't noticed, I have been literally turned into a HUMAN BALLOON. To my knowledge this has never happened to anyone else before!" "You're NAKED!" retorted Lilly. "And it's exactly why I wanted you to wear some kind of latex suit in the first place!" "Look after this you can go do whatever the hell you want, but for now just be ready to catch-" but Jacob didn't let her finish before he started rolling Kaylee to get her going fast enough before pushing her towards Lilly. "WOAH!" exclaimed Kaylee as the world around her rapidly spun as she went rolling towards Lilly. However, Lilly wasn't entirely prepared for Kaylee. Lilly had been directly up against the rock wall behind her when Kaylee went rolling in her direction, and had only hand her hands up when Kaylee went rolling right into her. The impact caused both girls to let out an "oof", and caused Kaylee to bounce back a little before rolling slightly. After a couple of tense seconds, Lilly had regained her composure. And without saying anything, Lilly went up to Kaylee and sent her back to Jacob. For about two long minutes, Kaylee was sent back and forth between Jacob and Lilly, who was finally starting to enjoy herself. But Kaylee had Jacob stop her and not send her back to Lilly, as she was way too dizzy to keep doing it. Once her head stopped spinning, Kaylee told Jacob to tell Lilly that she could go home now, which Jacob did immediately. Because Jacob had noticed that his girlfriend's lips were moist; both pairs actually. Not checking to see if Lilly had left, Jacob knelt down onto one knee so he could be at head level with Kaylee, who was in much the same position as she was before he had sent her rolling into Lilly. At this point, Kaylee was clearly horny; labored breathing, glazed over eyes, etc. Jacob went in to kiss her on the lips, but before he could, Kaylee had tried to force herself on him... unsuccessfully. When you have little to no neck to stretch out to meet your lover's lips, and no arms to wrap around them to pull them in to kiss... well then you're not going to have much success. All Kaylee ended up doing was moving her head a little while puckering her lips, causing her hands to flap uselessly on her sides, and making Jacob laugh. He didn't give Kaylee much time to pout, as he went in kiss his ballooned girlfriend on the lips. They held the kiss for a good seven seconds before breaking and then kissed again, and again, and again. Their kissing became slowly more intense until they were making out with each other; Jacob with his left hand behind Kaylee's head so she didn't move. As they made out, Jacob used his right hand to undo the climbing harness he still had on. He knew what was coming next. Breaking off the kiss, the couple came up for air; panting as they did. "Happy anniversary" said Jacob, resting his forehead on Kaylee's. "Happy anniversary" replied Kaylee, smiling as she did. "Jacob?" "Yeah baby?" "I... I was serious when I said I wanted to be with you forever." "You said you wanted to be my big balloon girl forever." "Well yes, but, I want to be with YOU forever. It doesn't matter what state I'm in... but I'd prefer being inflated at least some of the time." "Kaylee... let's talk about long term commitment when we're not both horny. But right now, I know I just want you more than anything else, and that I love you." "I love you too." And with that, the make out session recommenced. Not too long after that, Jacob's kisses migrated from Kaylee's lips, down her chest area, and then lower, all the while slowly tipping Kaylee more and more onto her back. But any thought he had had about going further than just kissing went out the window after what happened next. "LILLY?!" exclaimed Kaylee. As fate would have it, it appeared as though Lilly had never left. In fact, she had been there the entire time, watching Jacob and Kaylee getting hot and heavy, while getting hot herself. Lilly had become fascinated with Kaylee's current state, and how she might herself join Kaylee. By the time Kaylee had finally noticed her standing there with her pants off, Lilly had already obtained one of the vials of the untested experimental batch of formula. And by the time Jacob had moved enough to see for himself that Lilly was in fact still there, she had already ripped the cork off the vial with her teeth, spat it out, and downed half of the vial's contents. "Oh shit" said the couple in unison. Time had seemed to suddenly slow down for Jacob as Lilly's midsection suddenly began to rapidly inflate, followed by the rest of her body. Thinking on his feet, Jacob quickly got in position and proceeded to roll Kaylee out of the potential blast area, not wanting to risk his swollen lover's life should things go wrong. And had he been watching Lilly instead of getting Kaylee out of there, he would have seen Lilly's spherical midsection quickly expand outwards and absorbed her slightly swollen arms and legs. In under ten seconds, Lilly had reached Kaylee's size and was surpassing it. It hadn't taken long for Jacob to get Kaylee on the opposite side of the rock climbing wall, and then cover her ears for the bang... which never came. The only thing they could hear was moaning coming from where Lilly was. So to be safe, Jacob alone had gone to see what Lilly's condition was, while leaving Kaylee behind. But Jacob didn't find Lilly laying on the floor. Jacob found Lilly floating 30ft up in the air, the cargo net stopping her ascent while caressing her swollen form. And swollen it was. Thankfully for Lilly, her rapid expansion stopped once she reached ten feet in diameter. However, her face had swollen up some, hindering her ability to speak. The only thing left of her breasts were her areolas and nipples. And both her hands and feet had been partially pulled into divots in her sides. "Are you okay Lilly?" asked Jacob. "Mmmhmmmm" replied Lilly, who even through swollen cheeks you could tell was in a state of bliss. "What's happening? Is Lilly alright?" asked Kaylee. "Oh yeah she's fine" replied Jacob. "I'm actually pretty sure she's just going to hang around for a while and give you and me some well deserved alone time. Isn't that right Lilly?" "Mmmph" was all Lilly could muster. "I'm just going to take that as a 'yes'" said Jacob before running to close the drapes for any unobscured window in the main area that allowed viewing from outside. "Now" said Jacob to Kaylee after completing his task. "Where were we?"
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, inhale
Text: I remember one time I went to a local amusement park with my friends. Our agenda for the day was fun--and eating cotton candy until we felt ready to explode. I wanted to go on the big rollercoaster, but none of my friends wanted to go on the thing with me, so I went by myself.
I ended up getting in the very back car and the rollercoaster ride began. I love coaster rides and always scream my head off. The cars went up, up, up to the peak of the first railed hill, then...ZOOOOOSH! Down the hill like a bullet. My mouth was open and screaming bloody terror all the way.
Unfortunately, I didn't know the experience would make me inflate!
All the air rushing against me--and me with my mouth wide open, screaming--caused my body to plumpen. After the first hill I found myself wedged into my seat rather snugly, my bloating breasts rubbing against the restraining harness that held me in place. The line of cars bucked and rolled along the rails and met another rise, going up, up, up, then...ZOOOOOSH! Down the other side again. I was crying out, less from the terror of the zooming ride and more from the fact that, with all that air rushing into me, I was getting huge in a hurry.
I looked ahead to the upcoming track; there were three or four more up- and downhill slopes yet to go. The ride continued and I found I couldn't stop crying and screaming--I was panicking hard, and as a result never closed my mouth. My body expanded larger and larger, swelling wider and broader as the air rushed into me. My breasts and belly grew so large and shoved against the harness so hard that I feared the restraint might break, sending me sailing off into the wild blue.
The ride finally ended after what seemed like hours, even though it probably lasted a minute or two. When the ride coordinators came to unharness me they found a very plump girl with belly and huge boobs squeezing out on all sides of the little coaster car. They actually had the gall to yell at me (after they unstuffed me from the car) saying pregnant women are not supposed to ride rollercoasters. I didn't say anything; what could I say? I just turned red and waddled away, jiggling and bouncing like a big carnival balloon.
I was just glad I hadn't ridden in the very front car...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, bedroom, bursting
Text: Tight. So very, very tight.
The tank hissed, then ebbed away into silence as the flow of compressed air was cut. She whined, barely audible; her body groaned, deafening. It glistened under the campfire-orange mood lighting as beads of sweat clung like fresh morning dew. A vast delta of veins stretched across her expanse, crisscrossed by long stretch marks across her belly and sides. A wide, smooth, continuous curve, bereft of breasts or anything else human, apart from a few divots: a pair of bloated hands, two swollen feet, one tiny head. You could just see through her.
With every quivering, shallow breath, she caught the flowering smell of sex and Febreze in the air. Her heart raced with every groan; its every palpitation, its every beat pulsing like a finger tapping on the skin of a drum. Every pulse felt strong enough to bust her open. She poked her tongue out from between her lips, testing her limits. Seemed safe. She licked her lips and swallowed by accident
her body shrieked; she closed her eyes and waited for the bang. Nothing yet. She opened her eyes and continued staring at the beige ceiling her body pressed into. Some of her brunette hair covered her face
nothing she could do about it, now. All she could do was sit and wait, listen and feel, passive; powerless. Helpless against whatever whim he fancied.
And she was tight. So very, extremely, torturously, unbearably, agonizingly, tight. The brush of a feather would be enough to rip her open.
He brushed his fingers against her side
a bevy of creaks following
and marveled. He pumped her bigger than he ever hoped, bigger than she ever thought possible. Pumped her 'til she was Gigantic; Colossal; Enormous; Room-sized. There was so little space, he had to lean into the corner so his face wouldn't press into her quivering surface. But why do that? She was a balloon
his balloon.
"Just a bit more. She can handle it."
He opened the tank by a hair's breadth.
She screamed. Every molecule packed into her was one too many, racing and pounding against her body, begging for release. Against her lower belly, another pulse throbbed, burning into her like a brand. Pressing in, pushing out
an ebb and a flow, a rising tide. Warm blood and cold gas. She held her breath, groaned with the rising crescendo of her body as its elasticity met its limit. The pressure jumped and pushed outward, against the walls, against him. A final thrust
she felt something hot Bam!
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: Sarah was a normal 28 year old, well, a very well educated and intelligent 28 year old, who had just qualified as a lawyer. She was a fairly plain Jayne, slim, tall with shoulder length straight brown hair, not attractive but by no means ugly, she wore typical secretary glasses. After a few months looking for a job Sarah finally got one in the city, which meant she needed to move, that was easier said than done, after weeks of sleeping on friends sofas Sarah found her dream home, everything seemed perfect for a couple of weeks. Sarah had never seen her neighbours but she certainly heard them, every night she could hear kids laughing and a strange rubbing/squeaking noise and she was getting sick of it. One night she decided to go round there and see what all the noise was about, she rang the bell and bashed on the front door but got no reply, so she walked over to the living room window and tried to see through the net curtains, all she could make out was what looked like 2 kids bouncing on a huge balloon, she tried to get their attention but still they didn't respond, she cursed them and walked back to her house in a foul mood. Another few days passed and the noise was louder than ever! "F#*k sake" she shouted and marched out of the door, on her way out she heard a loud BANG! "What the hell was that" she said out loud again. As she knocked on the door it creaked open. "Hello" she shouted, no reply. "Anybody there?" She continued. Still no answer, so she pocked her head in the front door still calling out hoping for a reply, the house was open plan on the ground floor so after walking around and finding no one she made her way upstairs. As she got to the top of the stairs Sarah noticed what looked to be the remains of a balloon in pieces on the floor 'obviously what the bang was' she thought to herself. Just then something to Sarah's left caught her attention, she looked and saw a figure come out of the darkness holding some sort of gun, the figure wasn't human and neither was the technology it was about to use on Sarah, she turned to face the figure but all she could do was let out a groan as the figure shot her, everything went dark for Sarah. Sarah started to wake up, everything was bright white, her vision was blurry and she felt like she had one hell of a hangover, she could see the outline of somebody standing over her, as she focused on the person it turned out to be her mother. "Mum? Thank god, I had the strangest dream, my neighbours.." Sarah was saying as she was trying to wake herself up, then she realised she was naked and her arms and legs tied into a spread eagle pose. "Why am I tied to a table??" She asked her mum. Only then did her mum speak. "I'm not your mother, but we thought appearing as someone you know will help to keep you calm" "Well I'm f#*king not calm now! What the hell is this?!" Sarah shouted. "Perhaps we should explain, we are from a very distant planet, but have lived among you humans on earth for many years now. We mean no harm to the human race but we have needs" Sarah was trying desperately to get free from the ropes holding her down, she didn't like what she was hearing, and demanded more of an explanation. "You see Sarah, back on our planet we have slaves for our entertainment, we blow them up into massive balloons and our young play with them all day, we are quite a simple race really, small pleasures, you must understand? However on earth we have to use the next best thing, which is where u humans come in! Only bloody problem is you humans keep bursting after a few weeks." The alien, still looking like Sarah's mother was walking around the room whilst Sarah tried her hardest to break free, it came back with a large needle and continued. "Ok then Sarah, I've told you enough now time to get u prepped" It plunged the needle into Sarah's arm, she started screaming and begging for help but gradually drifted of to sleep. The room was then a hive of activity, more aliens came in with computers monitors and tubes, and began to set everything up, Sarah briefly regained consciousness as they started to insert all the tubes into her, it didn't seem like she knew too much of what was happening. Everyone cleared the room apart from the alien looking like her mother, Sarah was left with a tube down her throat, 2 smaller tubes attached to her nipples, one in her vagina and the last was in her anus, the tube in her throat was joined to the same machine as the ones in her nipples and vagina, the tube in her anus just had a tap on the end of it. The alien tapped away on the keyboard then turned around to look at Sarah, the machine kicked into life and you could see a liquid being forced into Sarah, her whole body seemed to grow a bit, she looked puffy all over from her fingers to her toes, even her cheeks were more chubby, the monitor on the machine started flashing and an alarm sounded, the alien then pushed a few more buttons and the machine stopped. It then left the room, Sarah resembled a blow up doll now, but not a balloon, she moaned a few times and tried to open her puffy eyes, but not for very long. After a couple of hours an alien returned, it placed a large jug where the tube from Sarah's butt ended, it opened the tap on the tube and thick green fluid ran out, as it was coming out all of Sarah's body deflated apart from her head, her whole body went flat, it appeared the fluid in Sarah had dissolved everything in her body, she just looked like a bag of skin with her head on top, the alien then took the tubes out if her nipples and put clamps on them then replaced the tube in her vagina with a plug, it then took her flat hands and feet out of the ropes and crossed them over her body, after this it went to another computer and poured the green liquid into a funnel, the screen turned on and Sarah's voice could be heard saying. "Hello? Can someone help me? I feel strange, I'm not sure what's happening or where I am, please somebody help me" The alien turned the sound off, and took a lead out from the computer, it had some sort of bulb on the end, it shoved it into Sarah's mouth, a few seconds later her eyes opened and started looking around the room, that was the only movement Sarah had. The alien then made a gesture to the door and 2 smaller aliens came running in pulling a cylinder of oxygen, the bigger alien attached the hose leading from Sarah's ass to the cylinder. "Ok boys when you're ready, blow up your new balloon" With that the boys cranked open the valve and the oxygen rushed into Sarah, she quickly began to fill out and soon she looked like she did before she was captured, but the gas kept flowing and her belly began to rise, slowly the mound grew bigger looking like she was 9 months pregnant, slowly her breasts grew larger too, as the air pushed into Sarah it began to force her arms to the side and her legs done the same, they were begging to turn into cones, it wasn't clear how much Sarah knew about what was happening but she kept looking at her ever growing belly, that was until her view was blocked by her enormous breasts, her hips started to grow and she was now more of a pear shape, she grew wider and wider, her ass was being absorbed by her growing body which was now a globe stretching down a far as her knees and out as far as her elbows, the gas kept flowing in and soon her arms and legs were pulled into the ball Sarah now was, all she could do now was feel the pressure build and build inside her until finally the order was given to stop inflating her. Sarah was now a massive balloon, the alien detached the cylinder from the hose coming from Sarah's ass, then he pulled out the bung in Her mouth, Sarah laid there totally helpless, the kids then started jumping on her and bouncing her all over the room, Sarah's body was now making the same noises she used to hear from next door! A few weeks later, Mike moved into the old house, he thought it all seemed perfect, the neighbours were a bit noisy but he could ignore that, one day there was a massive BANG! 'What was that' Mike thought to himself, it came from next door, I'd better go and check it out...
Tags: Other Inflation, Female Inflation, foot, hand, head
Text: "Hey you!"Usually people who didn't know my name and were calling for me approached me from behind. This one, who was bold enough to go "hey you" to a complete stranger, shouted at me from the front. She was about eighteen and... well, she was a tomboy, complete with short hair and baseball cap. Aside from that, she was wearing sandals and a crop top and shorts in that same familiar, super-stretchy, spandex-like material. They looked brand new.I blinked. "Yes?"She stopped in front of me. "Help me out. You're some big expert, right?"I was about to ask what she meant and why she thought I knew anything about it when I realized that, with the way she was dressed, she probably only meant one thing. That and the emphasis on "big." Or maybe I was reading too far into that."Help me inflate." It wasn't a request so much as an order."Okay? Should I find you a hose, or-""No, I know how to do it, I just need..." Her expression faltered a bit. "...help.""You want me to teach you?" I wasn't quite sure what she was getting at, honestly."No, I -know- how, I just-" She huffed and rolled her eyes before grabbing me by the wrist and leading me off. "Just come on."
Our journey ended beneath a high, shady overhang in the outskirts of town, facing a field away from prying eyes. She lead me to a point a few steps from the wall and let go of my hand, which I took as an unspoken instruction to stand there as she continued on for another few yards before stopping, turning, and looking at me like she was expecting me to say something. When I didn't, she asked in an accusing tone, "so you just inhale and keep inhaling?""Usually you need to focus on the part of your body that you want to inflate and sort of..." I gestured, trying to think of how to phrase it. "...direct the air into it.""Oh." It sounded like she hadn't thought of that. "Well, that's fine. If something goes wrong I can just ask you." The way she said "ask" made me wonder if she didn't mean "blame." She looked lost in thought for a second before nodding to herself, and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before continuing to take it.She spread her arms and pushed out her chest; she must have done something right, because the signs of her growth were immediate. Not in her breasts or belly, but in her hands. In an instant they went from normal to puffy to fat to rapidly growing caricatures, the curves of her palm growing more indistinct until they simply bulged out and became completely round. Her fingers began swelling like sausages, then growing broader as they took on a conical shape, jutting out of the spheres of her hands. In mere moments there were two balloons on the ends of her arms nearly as tall as she was. If this was her first time, she was doing an excellent job. Kind of.The tomboy stopped breathing in and let out a sigh, opening her eyes and looking down. Her expression fell, and her head turned from one hand to the other. "What..." Her fingers wobbled back and forth a few inches. "What even.""That's actually a really good start," I said, trying to encourage her. "If you have that much mobility in your-""No!" she snapped. "Just... let me try again."She took a moment to focus before inhaling again. Nothing appeared to change at first, but then there were two quiet "pops," and I looked down to see that her swollen feet had broken through the straps on her sandals. They doubled, then tripled in size, the toes full and puffy. Unlike her hands they sort of kept their shape, being vaguely triangular with distinct curves at the heels and balls of her feet. They pressed against each other as they filled with air, pushing her legs apart and lifting her up higher and higher. By the time she stopped she was almost three feet taller, with feet big enough to use cars as sandals and big toes the size of exercise balls. She was also quite limber, considering how wide her stance was.Her toes wiggled and she let out a huff, rolling her eyes. "Great. Terrific.""I don't know what the big problem is," I said. "You're doing really well.""Look, just... one more chance." The index finger of one of her hands slowly waved to and fro. "Give me one more chance."I wasn't really about to say "no." To be honest I wasn't really sure why I was there anymore. Aside from needing that one little bit of advice she was fine. "Okay."The tomboy leaned back and took a deep, open-mouthed breath, and all at once she changed: Her lips fattened and pursed into an "o" shape, her cheeks bulged comically, her nose grew bulbous, and all over her head simply became spherical. Despite her change she continued to suck down air through plump lips as a deep, hollow hissing came from her. She swelled at a rapid pace, eyes darting to and fro, and for a moment I worried that she might not be able to handle what was happening. Luckily her lips pinched shut with a low squeak, and she blew out the excess air a second later. Still, her face looked like an overfilled parade balloon, and her head was about ten feet around, taking up over half of her newfound height.I wasn't thinking it at the time, but looking back on how swollen and misproportioned she was, it was actually kind of funny.She blinked her wide eyes as I backed up to get in her line of sight. "I didn't get bigger anywhere else," she asked, "did I?" Her voice had a hollow, kind of echo-y sound to it."No. Why, what did you want to fill up?""My boobs.""Just that?""Yes.""There's more to life than just blowing up your breasts."Even with her head being a mass of air-filled curves she was still able to give me a derisive look. "Easy for you to say." She looked around. "How do I deflate?""You wanted to inflate without knowing how to deflate?"The toes on one foot wobbled a bit. I got the impression that she was trying to stomp her foot in annoyance. "Just tell me!"I sighed. "Okay, don't get angry. It's just like inflating: You focus on the air inside of you, then push it out."She grunted and opened her lips, letting out a series of little puffs but nothing else. Suddenly a torrent of air rushed from her lips, and her eyes went wide as she left the ground and flew backwards over the field, hands and feet rapidly shrinking."Wait!" I shouted, running after her. "You're supposed deflate your head -first!-"
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, magic
Text: Sylvia giggled, "This is soo funny!" The 5'6" blonde was laying on a sofa in the living room of her large home, watching an all night marathon of softcore porn comedies on one of the premium cable networks. She was perhaps appropriately dressed for such an occasion, wearing an expensive red bustier, black lace panties, and thigh high black lace stockings.
"Did you see that, Naomi?" she asked her friend. Naomi didn't respond. The cute young black woman was lying on her belly on a blanket on the floor of the living room, and at the moment she seemed preoccupied with staring at a blank page of a notebook. Naomi was Sylvia's longtime friend and web designer for her lingerie business. Her attention to her blank notebook was suddenly interrupted when her head was walloped with a sofa pillow.
"Ow! What was that for?" she asked, adjusting her glasses after the pillow knocked them crooked.
Sylvia hmphed, "I invite you over for a slumber party..."
"Party? It's just the two of us."
"And first you wear those ridiculous kiddy jammies..."
"It's a unionsuit thermal underwear and happens to be very comfortable in these winter months," Naomi said matter of factly. They were baby-blue cotton long-johns with a panel in the back that could be unfastened to use the bathroom.
"Then you totally ignore me and this quality entertainment I have provided for us."
Naomi glanced at the B-movie playing on the television and then gave Sylvia a look that said, "You've got to be kidding."
Sylvia had a big pout on her face, trying to look hurt, but she couldn't hold back a snicker as she launched another pillow at Naomi.
"Why you!" Naomi said as she laughed, blocking the pillow with her hand and picking it up, but Sylvia had retrieved another and soon the two were embroiled in a full-fledged pillow fight. That quickly evolved into a tickling match as the two giggling women wrestled with one another. Naomi was trying to pin Sylvia down, but Sylvia managed to grab her arm and pin her down on her stomach. She held Naomi's arms folded behind her back with one hand and unbuttoned the bottom panel of the unionsuit with her other.
"Oh my, no panties! Naughty girl!"
Naomi eeped, "Stop that!" she squealed as Sylvia began playfully spanking her bare bottom. This continued until they were both out of breath from laughing and squealing. Sylvia rebuttoned the butt panel on Naomi's long-john undies, but still held her pinned.
"I'm not letting you up til you tell me what's up with the notebook," Sylvia threatened, as she picked it up and thumbed through the pages.
"I'm trying to write a new story for an online contest. Hey, don't read those!" Sylvia skimmed through some of the existing stories in the notebook. Naomi struggled and managed to roll over onto her back, but Sylvia straddled her waist and pinned her arms down with her knees.
"Oooh, these look fun...Hmm, kinky..." Sylvia commented as she read.
Naomi looked hurt and embarrassed that Sylvia was reading her stories. Sylvia giggled as she set the notebook down and leaned over her captive.
"Well...I never knew you were so kinky. You've always been the quiet, down to earth one."
Naomi shrank in dread, bracing for Sylvia to make fun of her. "They're just stories," she muttered quietly.
"You know," Sylvia grinned slyly, "I think I have an idea for your next story...," she said, grasping Naomi's breasts in her hands and squeezing them firmly.
Naomi gasped in shock, "Sylvia! This isn't funny! You know I'm not like that!"
Sylvia grinned, "Your mouth says no, but your body says yes."
Naomi panted as she struggled, but as Sylvia spoke those words, she felt her heart pounding. For a brief moment, all she could hear was that powerful thumping and all she could feel was her body pulsing, her breasts throbbing in Sylvia's grasp as her heart pumped forcefully. It was like the moment before an orgasm. In fact, she did orgasm.
"Oh, God..." she groaned as her legs twitched. "Sylvi...I...I..."
Sylvia giggled and put her finger to her lips in a shushing motion. "I have something for you." She stood and helped her up to her feet. Naomi didn't know what to say after what just happened. She quietly allowed Sylvia to lead her to the bedroom where some lingerie was layed out on the bed.
"Put those on."
Naomi began to object but Sylvia shushed her again, and nodded in the direction of the clothes. She felt nervous as she wandered over to the bed and slipped out of her unionsuit with Sylvia watching. She put on the pink the pink waist-cincher corset first, with Sylvia's help, slapping her friend's hand away as she tried to steal a grope. Next she slipped on the pink lace panties, which had a bright red heart sewn over the crotch. Then she slipped on the pink thigh-high lace stockings and fastened the corset straps to them to keep them up. Last she fastened on the 34C lacy pink bra, but it seemed a little tighter than it should have been.
"Mmm, you look delicious," Sylvia commented as she came up behind Naomi while she was bashfully looking at herself in the mirror.
"I feel ridiculous...This isn't me."
"Oh?..." Sylvia giggled, wrapping an arm around Naomi's bosom, grasping her left breast in her hand while her other hand went down to the red heart on the pink panties.
"How about now?" Sylvia asked.
Naomi was about to protest when she felt her heart pounding again like before. Her body was pulsing and throbbing to the beat, and suddenly she orgasmed again, her knees shaking as she went limp for a moment in Sylvia's arms.
"Will you stop doing that?!" Naomi growled as she spun around to confront her friend. Sylvia only smiled and looked her up and down appreciatively. Naomi suddenly realized that her heart was still pounding, as though she had just run 100 yards. It was pumping so hard she could feel the pressure of blood flowing through her, like a gush of fluid running through her body with every heartbeat. And then she noticed her breasts were bigger. They looked like 34D, though the bra fit as well as before.
"What just happened? I feel..." As her heart continued to pound, she realized that not only had her breasts gone up a size, they were slowly pulsing bigger with every beat. She felt her stockings shifting over her legs and her panties shifting over her rear, and she spun back around to look at herself in the mirror. As she watched, she saw her breasts gradually swelling larger, while her mid-section remained the same, restricted by her corset, and everything from her hips downward seemed to be slowly swelling larger, like a water balloon on a slow tap. She felt another orgasm welling up but she concentrated hard to suppress it.
"What's happening to me?!"
Sylvia giggled. "Shh, don't fret. Why do you think my lingerie is so popular."
Naomi just looked at her with wide eyes, one arm across her DD breasts trying to hold them in and the other trying to hold in her expanded rear, her hips up to 45 inches and still growing.
Sylvia rolled her eyes, "You need to relax, silly. My lingerie is magically enhanced to give the utmost pleasure and satisfy the wildest of fantasies. I never knew that your fantasies were quite so wild, though..." She reached around Naomi again like before, grasping a swelling breast pinching her inflated bottom. She felt firm, yet also soft and heavy.
Naomi squealed as she orgasmed again, feeling that liquidy gush inside, causing her breasts to surge to H-cups and her bottom half to surge several inches larger.
"Stop touching me!" Naomi growled as she wriggled away and turned to confront Sylvia.
"It's the magic that makes it feel better when you have a partner. I'm such a genius..." she giggled.
"Leave me alone! Go sit over there!" Naomi growled.
"GO!!!" Sylvia frowned and stalked off across the room. She turned with a flourish and flopped down in the chair next to her bed, folding her arms and pouting, looking genuinely hurt. Meanwhile, Naomi put her hand to her forehead in dismay, watching her huge M-cup breasts entering the second half of the alphabet in size, the lacy bra magically stretching right along with them. They looked like huge chocolate mounds trying to escape a pink wrapper. Below the waist she was in the same predicament, her hips bumping her elbows as they ballooned up larger and wider, while her big inflated thighs were pressing together. Even the red heart on the crotch of her panties was stretching larger. She reached behind herself and tried to unhook the bra, but the hooks would not budge. She did the same with the corset but could not handle the zipper. Even the stockings wouldn't come off.
"Why can't I take these off?"
Sylvia hmphed, still pouting. "A partner has to do it."
"Um...Can you take these off for me."
"No, you told me not to touch," Sylvia scowled.
Sylvia turned her nose up and shook her head.
Naomi looked at her breasts with growing concern as they reached Z-cups, making her bust a full 60 inches around. She hefted them, feeling their weight while being careful not to overstimulate herself into another growth surge. Her hips were about the same measurement around, and her big thighs were pressed tightly together and getting tighter. She glanced back at Sylvia again, almost catching her with her hand down her panties.
"Won't this outfit tear?" Naomi asked, wondering when the spell was going to wear off.
Sylvia replied, "The other outfits I sell would have torn by now. I made that one as a gift to you. It has no limits."
Naomi gulped, feeling a bit guilty that she had behaved so ungratefully, and also feeling concerned that the magic was unlimited.
"Then when will this stop?"
"When it ceases to turn you on," Sylvia said, matter of factly.
Naomi felt her pulse quicken, and with it she could feel herself swelling a little faster.
"You mean...I...I'm doing this to myself?"
Naomi tried to calm down but she couldn't. The fantasy of inflation turned her on. The fact that she was really inflating, here and now, turned her on. The fact that being turned on was causing her inflate, turned her on even more. She cried out as she orgasmed again and her breasts and hips surpassed 70 inches.
"Please...Help, Sylvia...I need you..."
Sylvia tried to maintain her frown but her face quickly softened into a sly smile. "Come here."
Naomi turned in her direction, having to swivel her hips to do so, and then proceeded to slowly waddle across the bedroom, like a toddler taking her first steps, her hugely inflated thighs rubbing across one another as she struggled to put one foot in front of the other, while her beachball-sized breasts bounced heavily from side to side. The difficulty she was having turned her on even more, and she swelled as she walked, reaching 80 inches around by the time she made her way to Sylvia.
Sylvia hugged her and kissed her passionately, feeling her continue to expand in her arms, her inflated curves throbbing in time with her heartbeat as Sylvia pushed her back onto the bed. She continued to bulge ever larger, her overblown hourglass figure soon reaching 90 inches. Suddenly, Sylvia stopped.
"What?" Naomi asked.
"I have a better idea, let's get you back to the living room."
"But..." Naomi didn't have time to protest. Sylvia pulled her back onto her feet and then pushed her toward the bedroom door. By the time she waddled over to it, she was wider than the doorway itself, but she felt Syvlia's hands on her swollen backside.
"Wait, I'm too big!" Naomi oofed as her breasts managed to squeeze through while her hips got wedged in. She glanced over her shoulder and could see her enormous hips bulging around the doorway while her big ass remained in the bedroom, the overstretched panties riding up while her garters held on for dear life, trying to keep her overstretched stockings up on her swollen thighs. Her measurements were 100-24-100 and far too wide to fit through a normal doorway. The thought excited her.
"Help, Sylvia! I'm getting bigger!" The wooden doorway began to creak with pressure. Sylvia giggled and pushed Naomi from behind after getting a running start. A couple more tries and she finally popped through like a cork, wobbling out of control. Pinwheeling her arms, she teetered on her little feet, finally losing her balance and crashing down forward onto her three-foot wide boobs, right onto the blanket she had been lying on earlier.
"Ow!" Naomi whimpered, rubbing her boobs. She tried to sit up, but the weight on her chest was so much she designed to stay where she was, on her hands and knees. Or rather, on her breasts and knees. Her breasts spread out too far underneath her for her to reach the floor with her hands. Sylvia giggled as she walked around her, surveying the changes to her body. Only a small part of Naomi's body was unaffected, the distance from her waist up to her head, and her long slender arms. The rest of her body, her breasts, hips, rear and legs, were a swelling mass of chocolaty womanly flesh. Side by side, her three foot breasts were six feet wide combined, as were her hips and butt, and even her thighs at their widest.
Naomi looked up at Sylvia pleading, "Please, take these things off me?"
Sylvia began to reach for the clasps but then stopped herself. She stood, watching. Naomi's little torso was very much dwarfed by her womanly curves. Her breasts were pushing her higher while her knees were growing tired of supporting the huge orbs of her buttocks. She began to panic at how large her breasts were becoming, and practically began to hyperventilate as she glanced over her shoulder at the mounds of ass rising behind her and the tire-sized thighs struggling to support it.
"Sylvia, please!"
Sylvia giggled, and seemed to have a twinkle in her eye. "Wait a minute...I know why you're scared. This is still turning you on, isn't it."
"No, of course not! Help me!" Naomi's legs had had about enough of her big butt, and she shifted backward until she was in a squatting position, except her butt was resting soundly on the floor. She straightened out her the lower part of her drumstick-shaped legs, ending up completely folded in half at her hips, sitting on her expanding legs and bottom while her breasts kept her leaning forward, almost leaning enough to reach out and touch the toes of her widespread feet.
"Sylvia!" Naomi was beginning to bump into furniture as her breasts and buttocks swelled to the size of large bean bag chairs.
Sylvia giggled. "I think...I want to see how big you get before this doesn't excite you anymore."
"What?! No! Don't!" Her expansion had lifted her to waist height in front of Sylvia, and though she protested, Sylvia's threat only seemed to excite her all the more, for her inflation seemed to accelerate, causing her breasts and thighs to push the coffee table and sofa away.
"Come on, Naomi. Tell me how much this excites you."
"Stop!" She felt one of her coffee-can-sized nipples pressure against an arm chair and it was driving her wild.
"Is there any end to how big you will get. Do you want to fill up my house? Is that it?"
"Please don't do this!" Naomi felt something bumping her head and glanced back to see a wall of ass clad in pink lace mounding up behind her. "Oh my, God!" She began to cum, again and again, her throbbing form inflating even faster.
"Or maybe you want to burst, like a balloon. Is that it? Are you so horny you want to explode?"
Naomi's eyes went wide. She was now face high to Sylvia, even though she was still just bent in half resting on her enormous curves. Before she could say anything, Sylvia grabbed her face and kissed her. Naomi felt the magical lingerie stop stretching. She feared she had reached her limit and now her own fetish would make her pop. She had filled almost all of the living room and was still growing, knocking over lamps and tables. Sylvia's lips left her own as Naomi rose out of reach. Naomi clutched at her friend's hands, crying, yet still cumming, as she lost her grip and rose higher toward the ceiling while Sylvia was slowly pushed away by her widening thighs. Her breasts began to overflow the bra cups, and the straps were beginning to dig into them. Her butt bulged out the bottom and over the top of her overstretched panties, and her thighs bulged over stockings, straining the garter straps. Finally the bra gave out with a bang, allowing her breasts to flop forward and slap against the far wall and the walls to the side. Her panties made a tearing sound before they too popped and took out her garter straps along with them, allowing her butt to flop against the wall behind her and her hips to hit the side walls.
Sylvia giggled and slowly approached her swollen friend as her swollen legs slowly shredded the pink stockings. She climbed atop one of her enormous thighs, and carefully made her way up the expanse of soft smooth skin to where Naomi was sobbing. She reached over and cradled her head in her arms.
"Shush, it's ok."
"I'm gonna pop!"
Sylvia giggled, "Do you feel like you're still growing?"
Naomi sniffled and felt over herself with her hands. "No..." she said pitifully, as if still expecting to blow at any moment.
"Are you still cumming?"
"Hmm...I suppose I could fix that..."
Naomi sobbed and punched her in the stomach.
"Ow! I was just kidding," Sylvia groaned, rubbing her stomach.
"You...You said the magic had no limits."
"I lied...I would never put you in danger, hon."
Naomi rubbed her eyes, seeming to calm down. She moved her torso around a little, feeling how she was weighed down by tons of...herself. "Why am I still big?"
"It takes a while to wear off. You'll be back to normal by morning. Hmm...Maybe a little bigger, I'm not sure."
"Yes, hon?"
"Can we do this again tomorrow?"
Sylvia smiled and kissed her forehead gently. "Of course, hon."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: Sitting alone in the manor overlooking the town, Hershel rubbed his temples as he watched the snow fall outside. Candles flickering around him, the unlit Menorah sat in the windowsill as he wondered what the goblins had in store for him. He had been able to fool the first one with that egg trick pretty easily, but the shrill threats of more to follow made him nervous. Swallowing hard, he gave a small prayer for courage and wit before sitting down with his dinner. A modest meal of hard boiled eggs and pickles, Hershel was just starting to wonder if the goblins or the food would kill him first when he heard a loud crack from outside. The smell of sulfur filling the air, he took a deep breath and steadied himself as he heard the front door creak open. "Oooh, nice place you got here. And aren't you just the cutest little snack."Hershel's heart caught in his throat as the goblin stepped in, though not for the reasons he anticipated. Standing a good head taller than him, the creature that walked in wasn't some grotesque abomination. Despite the long claws and light green skin she was actually quite beautiful. Pointed ears peeking out from her long black hair, her goblet figure easily could turn some heads and make the girls back in town feel wanting. Wearing a black, shredded top, stripes of generous green flesh peeked out along the sides of her bust and along the front of her chubby paunch. A long, thick tail swished behind her curvy ass, peaking out a hole she had made in her black skirt just for it. Up the curve of her back was a line of hard spinal ridges, the sharp tips sticking out of tears up her shirt. Her smile revealing a set of pearly serrated teeth that would make a shark jealous, she strode in confidently as Hershel put on a disarming smile of his own. "Ah, I was expecting one of you would be by tonight. I was just sitting down to dinner." He said kindly, smiling up at her.The gobliness smirked, placing her hand on her shapely green hip as her skirt swished beneath. A pair of bare green feet peaking out the bottom of the rough hem, her sharp, black claws scratched at the hard wood floor impatiently. "I'm here for business hun. Now where is this special candle of yours?" Hershel shook his head. "I'm not so sure I want to tell you. You don't plan to break it do you?" She snickered down at him "Hardly anything so crude dear. I'm not like those other morons you've no doubt encountered. How many has it been so far by the way?""Just the one so far. Small, kind of stupid fellow."Putting a foot up on the chair across from him, he caught a flash of her chubby inner thigh as she leaned in and smiled hungrily "Well then, I'm about to do you a favor sweetheart. Just point out the candle and I'll save you from having to meet those blunt simpletons. I promise I won't break it! My talents are much more subtle than that."Leaning back, Hershel stroked his chin "Well...I'd need to see a demonstration of your talents first. I'm no fool either mind you." Her eyes widening, almost appearing giddy at the suggestion. Standing to her full, intimidating height, she brought her clawed hands to her chubby middle and gave it a proud jiggle. "Oh happily! Sit there with your eggs dear. This won't take long..." Her thick tail flicking behind her, she pursed her full lips together and began to inhale. Hershel watched her curiously, not sure what sort of trick or stunt the strange creature was up to. His eyes widened however as he watched the front of her shirt start to bulge out slightly, the bottom of her chubby green tummy peaking out the lower lip as she drew in air. Her eyes flicking to a candle across the room, her cheeks puffed out as she blew out a thin stream. Her aim true, the small flame was snuffed out without so much as a shiver from the candle beneath. Grinning proudly to herself, she turned back to Hershel with her hands on her hips. "See? Nothing malicious." She winked at him. "Just going to blow out that fancy candle of yours every time you light it. You'll either give up or run out of matches eventually."Eating one of his eggs, he considered the gobliness' point for a few moments. It was a pretty good play. "I admit that was impressive. But they must not have told you about the magic of this particular 'fancy' candle."She cocked her head to the side, tail flicking impatiently behind her as she shifted her hips. "Magic? What magic?"He shrugged. "Well, it's very hard to blow out. I'm not sure even you would be able to put out enough wind to do it." The gobliness gave an indignant "Hmmph" at such a suggestion. "Is that so. Well maybe I didn't make myself clear last time..." Tilting her head to the side till her neck gave a *crack* she stretched her shoulders a few times before putting her lips together once more. Sucking in air with determination, her chest swelled upward as she put her hands out and curled her clawed fingers. Her belly swelling out beneath her breasts, it quickly surpassed the slight bulge she had sported when blowing out the first candle. Pausing for just a moment, her eyes glance over to Hershel to make sure the silly human was watching before sucking in another deep breath. The air filled with a steady hissing, her belly swelled outward like a green bubble. Her shirt riding up and revealing a long, golden piercing attached to the bottom of her chubby navel, Hershel found his eyes glued to it as it shimmered and clinked across the rounding curve of her belly. Swelling out to the sides as well, it expanded out till it looked she could carry two kegs of beer in it with room to spare. Bringing her hands down to rub her swollen belly appreciatively, her cheeks puffed up as she got ready to fire. Her pursed lips curling up at the sides as she saw Hershel's jaw drop, she wiggled her hips a bit and strummed her fingers along the swollen surface. Hershel quickly shut his mouth, going back to pretending to be unimpressed as she gave a muffled chuckle. Four candles left in the room, the small flames atop shivered as if they were aware of their impending fate. The gobliness turned her swollen belly towards them with some difficulty before with four quick blows she snuffed them out one by one. Her belly deflating a little each time she fired, it finally was back to it's former, chubby self as every candle in the room had been snuffed out. "HA! How's that human? Just admit that you've lost and we can call it a night. I'll even let you take your stupid trinket with you! A keepsake to remind you of my glorious tummy." She reached down and pinched the sides of her belly, the adornment giving a festive jingle as she teased him. Hershel's heart sank a bit. He'd never be able to keep the candle lit so long as she was there to puff and blow it out like a living set of voluptuous bellows. His prayers for wit were answered however as he suddenly got an idea. "That's quite generous of you. Though I'm not beat yet."He pointed to the unlit Menorah on the windowsill, "The magic of my special candle here is that if I get them all lit, then it STAYS lit. No matter how hard you blow." Leaning back in his chair Hershel smirked, "And as cute as your trick was, it took you sometime to get puffed up big enough to blow out four candles. As you can plainly see, my candle has more than twice that number on top!"Her smirk was snuffed out just as quickly as she had blown out the first candle as she realized that he was right. He could light them all before she got big enough to stop him! And if that happened, she'd be the one facing the goblin kings wrath "Grrr, then I'll just have to puff myself more than twice as big as I was before then!" She growled.Not wasting any time, the gobliness spread her legs and prepped herself. As she started to stretch however, Hershel pulled out a box of matches from under the table. Her eyes widening, she decided to skip her usual stretching and quickly pursed her lips together. Huffing and sucking in air as quickly as she could, her belly groaned as it was forced up and outward in quick, undisciplined surges. Soon reaching her previous girth with a slight moan, as the human flicking the match across the edge of the box she balled her fists and fought to suck in air faster. Ignoring the growing ache in her flanks, she forced herself to swell like a puffer fish, glutting and gorging with air till the bottom of her shirt only covered her ripe, green breasts. The twin peaks jiggling heavily atop her swollen belly, they also looked quite a few cup sizes bigger as the green cleavage teased the bottom of her chin. Her tail gripping a fire poker behind her, she pushed herself to inflate till her belly was as wide as she was tall! Her green flesh gaining a tight sheen as she started to falter, Hershel watched the light of his match reflect off her bellies golden adornment. Her once deep navel now stretched completely flat, only the bulge of the piercing fighting for purchase on the curve of her abdomen gave away where her belly button had once been. Sweat running down her brow, she cringed as she felt her skin pinch and bite back as she forced it to hold more than it was used to. Before she could blow out the match in Hershel's fingers though, he blew it out himself with a quick puff. "Oh I'm not lighting the Menorah now though..." He grinned, watching the gobliness wince and struggle to hold all that air. "What?!?" She fumed, her belly puffing up a bit further in her frustration. "But if not now then wh~HRK" Her belly creaked as she unwittingly took in another angry puff, her body trying to signal that it was time for her to expel her air by sending a blast up her throat. Her cheeks puffed up as her mouth filled with excess air, eyes bulging as she brought her clawed fingers to her lips. Fighting to swallow, her neck bulged as she worked her throat to get all the air back down into her belly. "Guh, t-then when? When are you l-lighting it?" She asked, trying to keep from getting worked up again.The affect of her rage on her overinflated body not lost on him, Hershel just gave a playful shrug. "Not sure. Guess you'll just have to hold all that air all night if you want to stop me."The blimp of a gobliness' eye twitched, her chest welling up with anger once more before an angry creak reminded her she needed to take it easy. If she got too worked up she might just...She shook her head, not wanting to think about the consequences back home if such an inconceivable occurrence transpired. "I can wait. No problem at all!" She lied through gritted teeth, the skin around her navel ring itching and burning. "In that case, join me for dinner? I'm almost done with my eggs but I still have a whole jar of pickles there if you want one." The gobliness shook her head as best she could. "No, I'm fine. Just get to lighting your damn candles human." She grumbles, shifting and trying to get comfortable as her swollen backside brushed either side of the archway behind her. Her back sporting a curve behind her, the ridges of her spine were no longer touching each other as it felt like every inch of her was stretched and struggling with her air.Hershel just chuckled to himself, taking a bite out of the last egg and grinning up at her. "I guess that's true. You do look rather full already. Just one and that belly of yours might pop like a balloon!" Her heart flashed with rage at such a claim, her eyes shooting daggers down at him from just above the curve of her swollen bust. "Nonsense! How dare you suggest such a thing!" She seethed, her belly swelling a few more inches as she sucked in air through her teeth."Then prove it." Hershel said, smirking as he pushed the jar of pickles across the table towards her. Eyeing the jar, she winced as she reached down for it. Her belly not liking the sudden spike in pressure as she tried to lean into it, she whimpered slightly as it gave a groan of warning. Deciding to attack the jar from the side, the gobliness rocked back and forth on her bowed, green legs. Waddling herself to the left, she leaned over to the right and grumbled. "Stupid human. I'll show you. I'll eat all of them! Then I might just eat you for suggesting such a stupid thing!" Stuffing her entire hand into the jar, she wrapped her fingers around all the pickles at once and pulled. The jar coming up with her hand instead of a fistful of pickles, she looked at it in confusion before trying to shake it off. "What? What is this?!" she growled, shaking her fist wildly as she tried to ge the jar off. "I'm stuck! You put a spell on jar to hold me fast!" "That's right" Hershel said, laughing at the gobliness' faulty logic "That's what you get for trying to stop me from lighting the Menorah."Seeing the gobliness start to huff and swell again with rage, Hershel started goading her on "Maybe I should sing some holiday songs while we wait? I do have all night to light these after all. You can shake the jar around to the tune!""NO! Don't you dare!" She seethed, reaching her other hand around to the jar and trying to pry it off. Her breasts squeaked and bulged as she fought to get her claws along the rim, her shirt tearing off along her back and falling to the floor. Huffing and stomping around, her swollen body wobbled back and forth. Groaning and squealing, each angry breath made her grow bigger and bigger. "I hate singing! I hate these pickles! And I hate you! You...you..." She stopped as her left hand was pulled away from the jar, forced back to its side of her swollen sphere of a body as she got too big to reach around herself! The growing ache in her flanks making her forget the stupid jar, she looked down fearfully as she realized she was getting too big! Trying to calm herself, the jar bounced against her side before her arms slowly began to swell up and out. "You...you tricked meeeee" She squealed, her body still swelling out of control in all directions. Her skirt barely holding on by a few stitches, with a few quick pops and tears it tore off of her and fell to the floor. Her tail starting to inflate and swell, she could barely bend it as her once shapely legs were swallowed up by her growing girth. Her clawed toes clenched as she struggled to keep from rolling over, scratching pitifully at the hard wood as she teetered precariously. Taking up nearly half the room, her growth slowed to a painful crawl as her tortured hide gave a low, mournful CREEEEEEEEAAAAAAK"Ohhhh..." She moaned, her skin aching as the pressure pushed and prodded for the slightest weakness in her squealing hide, searching for any kind of release before it was too late. Finding none, the gobliness whimpered as she felt her body start to fail her. "Oh! Oh no! I'm gonna POP!" She shrieked, flapping her hands in the air as she realized she was getting too big! The pickle jar still stuck on her hand, it swung around in the air as her eyes looked fearfully down at herself. Looking to Hershel, she pleaded "Please! I-I give! I'll leave you alone! Just...oooh....Help! HELP MEEEEMMMPPH!!" Her neck swallowed up by her body, her face was forced upward as flesh bulged up around her head. Hershel started to mumble something about letting go of the pickles, but realized it was too late for that as her cheeks bulged. The gobliness scrunching her eyes shut, a thin stream of air started shooting out past her pursed lips. The pressure still growing inside her, the small stream of air started to make a sharp whistling. However, her swollen cheeks kept her lips too pursed for it to do any good! Too little too late for the doomed gobliness, she gave a muffled scream as her body pulsed and shook, suddenly surging out in all directions. The scrap of flesh keeping her navel ring on finally having enough, with a *snap* the golden piercing pinged off her belly and went flying into a bookshelf on the other side of the room. All that pressure finally having a place to escape, her eyes shot open one last time in surprise before...*BOOOM*Hiding behind the table, Hershel looked up to see small green scraps rain down onto the floor. Nothing left of her but her torn clothes, the gobliness had actually popped like a balloon! As he slowly got up, a cold breeze through the house blew what was left of her out into the snow. The box of matches still in his hand, he brushed himself off before straightening the Menorah. He almost thought he heard a shrill, distant scream of frustration as he lit the match, wondering what the goblins had in store for him tomorrow.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Inflation Olympics
Text: Sarah peered down at the field, looking at the arriving helium tanks. There were three tanks, each one of them bigger than the officials that were struggling to wheel them onto the track. Sarah watched Sandy, still inflated, stride across the rubber track and help one of the officials heft one of the tank-laden hand trucks up past the concrete lip around the track. The distended woman grunted slightly with the effort of bending at her massively inflated waistline. Nearby Sandy, Samantha stood idle, inspecting her manicure. She was less inflated than the last time Sarah had seen her, the woman finally having a discernable, slender waistline. The white "Helium Queen" text across her stomach looked positively anemic at this size, tiny and difficult to read from a distance. However, Samantha's curves still seemed outrageously wide, particularly her bust. The huge spheres stood out on the woman's chest, projecting almost eight inches forward. The reporter tore her eyes away from Samantha's improbable bosom. Sarah abruptly noticed that Samantha was no longer inspecting her fingernails, and was instead staring directly at her, smirking. Sarah shook her head and immediately looked away, returning to the conversation. "Um, aren't those tanks down there a little bit overkill?" Sarah asked. "I mean, you could probably fill a blimp with one of those!" Amanda and Laurie exchanged glances, a touch of shared humor passing back and forth between their bemused looks. Amanda answered hesitatingly, "They probably could almost fill a blimp, yes. But they're, um, not particularly overkill. If the volume girls really get going, I mean. The tanks do have a little bit more than anyone could take, but not by much." The reporter's eyes widened. Amanda glanced down at the tanks herself before continuing her explanation, "They have to have enough in the tank that the girls can't run out during an event. But aside from that, some of the volume girls could inhale almost all of one of those tanks." Down on the field, the officials and Sandy had finished lining up all three helium tanks a short distance apart from each other. "But, that's impossible! How can that be?" Sarah asked, gaping. Amanda and Laurie chuckled good-naturedly at her discomfiture. "Well, if we knew that, we'd probably be doing the volume events ourselves," Laurie laughed. "Some girls are just better at stretching than others. Or have a better mindset that allows them to more easily endure getting huge." Laurie's explanation was cut off as a loudspeaker down near the track squawked to life, one of the officials at the scorekeeper's desk speaking into a microphone. The party seated in the bleachers turned to look down at the field. "Cindy Brown, please report to the Maximum Volume Time Retention event if you wish to compete. Thank you," the official's voice called. The official down on the field rose from the microphone while Samantha and Sandy looked on, surprised. A concerned look crossed Sandy's face. The honey-haired woman appeared to concentrate for a moment, her distended body slowly slimming as she released the vast reservoir of helium inside her tall form. "Cindy never misses her events," Sandy called to the official, her distant words audible only with difficulty to Sarah. The official shrugged elaborately, palms facing the ceiling. "We're already late," the woman called back with emphasis, checking her watch. "We've got to get a move on soon. I'll give her a few more minutes." The official stepped over to one of the helium tanks, inspecting one of the gauges. Sandy chewed her lip, seeming distracted. The official stood, and shot an annoyed glance in Samantha's direction. "Ms. Cartwright, I thought I told you to ditch all that helium?" she asked. Samantha put on an air of injured pride immediately. "Me?" Samantha squawked, glancing down at her breasts. "Whatever do you mean? I'm totally empty!" She crossed her arms under the spheres of her bosom, hiking them upwards another four inches. Sandy rolled her eyes slightly and shook her head. Without hesitation, the referee walked over crossly and squeezed one of Samantha's breasts with a practiced hand. Samantha gasped, her full lips forming an alarmed circle of surprise. "You've got helium in there. Get it out," the official responded with an annoyed tone. Sarah noticed a subtle smile on Sandy's lips. "What's the matter, Samantha? How come you're always embarrassed to show your actual size?" Sandy asked slyly. She raised a pale-brown eyebrow interrogatively. The other woman dropped her arms, placing her hands on her hips. "I'm not," Samantha shot back. She opened her mouth slightly as she worked her tongue against the valve opening inside her mouth. With a hiss, a burst of air passed her lips aimed towards the ceiling. The blast of helium caused her burgundy bangs to flap wildly in the helium stream. Samantha's curves gradually shrank, losing the unnatural, full roundness that they'd had previously. When the flow stopped, Samantha appeared as a statuesque woman with a respectable bosom and wide hips. "Happy now?" she groused, clearly irritated. Sandy smirked, not replying. This was the first time Sarah had seen Samantha and Sandy in close proximity to each other without both of them being crammed to the gills with helium. Both women were roughly six feet in height, though Samantha appeared to be a few inches shorter than her counterpart. They shared the same general body plan, both being long-legged and curvaceous. Samantha's hips were slightly wider than Sandy's own, but the taller girl possessed a considerably larger bosom that appeared breathtaking in the body-hugging confines of her emerald leotard even when not in a state of inflation. The burgundy-haired woman possessed a finer bone structure, with higher cheekbones and slimmer arms than Sandy. The overall result was that Samantha appeared to be the slighter of the two by a small margin. The official picked up the scorekeeper's microphone once more, saying, "Cindy Brown, last call. Cindy Brown, please come to the track immediately." A confused expression flitted across Sandy's face, the amusement at Samantha's discomfiture fading. "Did you see her earlier?" Sandy asked Samantha, cautiously. The other woman looked surprised. "Me? I just got here after your little relay, why would I bother to show up early? I don't need to warm up," Samantha scoffed. "Maybe she didn't want to compete against me and lose again." Her fellow competitor glared at her in exasperation. "Ladies?" the referee asked. "It appears Cindy is a no-show. Shall we get this show on the road?" The official strode away from the scoring desk until she was squarely in front of the two competitors. "I thought you'd never ask," Samantha moaned gleefully, putting heavy emphasis on the word 'never.' She ran her hands down her flat stomach eagerly. "I suppose we'd better," Sandy agreed with less enthusiasm. "I'll call Cindy later and find out what the deal is with the absence." Samantha chuckled, "It's me you really want to compete with anyway, we both know that. Stop worrying about Cindy. Worry about me getting soooo much bigger than you." She sauntered easily over to the helium tank in front of her. Sandy clenched her left fist slightly, taking a long step over towards Samantha and shoving her shoulder with her right palm. "You pompous balloon," Sandy yelled as she shoved Samantha. "You know you're not that much better than me!" Samantha giggled, taking a step backwards atop her long legs to absorb the shove. "Hey!" the referee snapped. "Knock it off, both of you! Can't you two do just one event without this constant back-and-forth?" Sandy sighed, muttering, "Sorry, sorry." She stepped away from Samantha, taking up her own position in front of a helium tank. Only the tank off to the far left stood unoccupied. The referee nodded, reaching up to adjust her black cap slightly. "Alright, then. Let's get going," the official said. She removed a bulky stopwatch from the front pocket of her black and white shirt. "This is a Maximum Volume Time Retention," she began. "We know the rules," Samantha chuckled, interrupting her. The officiating woman glared. "Apparently not, because we keep having these chats," the official sighed. "Get as big as you can, and hold it for as long as you're able. No talking, absolutely no touching, do not interfere with each other in any way. Are we clear?" "We're clear," Sandy said, determination visible on her face. "Yes, mother," Samantha irreverently said. "We'll play nice." The judge pulled a starting pistol out of her pocket with her free hand, and stepped back several paces. "Let's get this show on the road then," the referee sighed. "Contestants, on your mark." Both women bent down to grab the trailing hose of their respective helium tanks. "Get set," intoned the put-upon official, bringing the starting pistol up perpendicular to the ground. Samantha and Sandy slowly brought the hoses to their mouths, lips parting briefly to admit the helium lines. Each woman placed one hand on the valve of their helium tank. The two competitors turned as one to glance sidelong at each other. A mix of emotions played across their faces. Sandy's face was a mixture of nervousness, desire, and the drive to succeed. Staring back at her, Samantha wore a smile of smug confidence, but the woman's eyes were as intently determined as Sandy's. Their gazes bored against each other, seemingly unaware of anyone else around them. Up in the stands beside Sarah, Laurie clasped her hands in her lap. "You can do it, Sandy," Laurie murmured, half to herself. Sarah glanced from side to side, seeing the intent looks of everyone in the bleachers. There was the strong sense that this is what they'd come to see. "Go!" the officiating woman shouted, her starter pistol going off with a sharp, simultaneous crack. In the echoing aftermath of the shot, a matched per of metallic whisperings were heard as both women hurriedly opened the valves on their helium tanks. The noises of the valves quickly gave way to the gaseous hissing of the compressed helium flowing down the length of the hoses into the two women. Sarah gasped, the sole sound in the quiet bleachers. This was not the steady, measured expansion from the previous event. Sandy and Samantha began to balloon so rapidly that their bellies came to dominate their figures within moments. Through the hissing of the helium, the reporter could hear the soft susurration of skin and spandex creaking with tension. Peering through the curtain of the honeyed waves of her hair, Sandy's eyes remained fixed on Samantha's gaze. As her belly distended, Sandy rose from hunching over the helium tank in order to allow the burgeoning sphere of her stomach room to expand. The taller girl released the valve of the cylinder and placed her hand atop the rising swell of her gut, as if she could somehow shepherd the buoyant cargo into her body more rapidly. Beside her, Samantha followed suit and stood erect. As her cranberry-clad waistline inflated, the ivory "Helium Queen" text swelled into legibility as it stretched across the woman's growing belly. The breasts of both women began to swell with helium as well, the implants contained therein distending their full, natural bosoms into spherical, pressurized tautness. The referee slowly began to circle the two women, inspecting them from all of their continually-widening sides to ensure that all facets of the rules were maintained. The women rapidly swelled into enormous, bellied projection like the sails of ships before a stiff breeze. Sandy's palm atop her vast belly slid down and around, comfortingly rubbing the taut flesh of her side that lay beneath the stretched, green leotard. Her opponent widened her stance, seeking room to grow as her thighs began to distend with helium in conjunction with the swelling of her middle. Samantha's full lips were clamped tightly around her own hose, but her eyes were a maelstrom of lust and intensity that stared across at Sandy. In a few short moments, Sandy and Samantha's bodies had become inhumanly swollen. From the reporter's vantage point in the bleachers, their faces and limbs were beginning to look miniscule compared to the massive ball that each woman's belly had become. As their midsections expanded into incomprehensible fullness, the arms and legs of the competitors took on their own share of the cargo, their swelling thighs and upper arms gradually tapering down into dainty-seeming hands. Sandy took several straining waddles backward, making additional clearance between the front of her encroaching acreage and the helium tank on the track before her. Glancing sidelong at Sandy as she moved to avoid the tank, Samantha smirked around her mouthful of hose and contemptuously arched her back, shoving her belly forward in a more direct assault on her own helium tank. Samantha's tall cylinder clunked to the ground with a burred clanging noise, allowing her growing belly to surge over the prone tank. Up in the stands, Sarah shook her head numbly as she watched the women balloon. The creaks of pressure were becoming more audible. The cheeks of the swelling women had begun to pink in an intense blend of arousal and strain. "T-this is impossible," Sarah murmured, her voice tinged with awe. "How can anyone's body tolerate this?" she asked, the whisper cutting through the silent stands and drawing a few annoyed glances. Laurie turned to face her, putting one finger to her lips to shush her quietly. "Shhh, Sarah," Laurie whispered, not unkindly. Sarah glanced to her left and saw that the redhead was sitting tensely in her seat, nervous fists clenched in a firm grip on the spandex girding her legs. A creak from the track drew Sarah's attention back. She gasped in horror. Even in the brief few seconds of inattentiveness, Sandy and Samantha had swollen dramatically bigger. They were swiftly encroaching on such vast, distended reaches of girth that no automobile would admit them entry. The double-doors leading into the arena would be a tight squeeze. The two women were still staring at each other, eyes fixed over flushed and straining cheeks. The hoses in their mouth robbed them of any chance to talk, but the intensity of their gazes spoke volumes. A lust-filled determination lurked there, a silent message insisting that neither woman would allow the other to be the greater in girth. In spite of the obvious strain, they seemed to give no thought to their own impossible fullness. Sarah's belly ached in silent sympathy with the two women down below, the swollen duo looking as if they could burst at any moment. The official still continued to circle their bloating forms, a black whistle held in her lips. Samantha's eye contact broke from Sandy's gaze briefly to flick towards the referee with the briefest of glances. The gigantic, cranberry-suited woman locked her eyes back on Sandy almost immediately. As the judge orbited one side of Samantha's vast body, the ballooning woman held up the swollen arm on the opposite side and pointed her slim, manicured hand directly at Sandy's face. Her hand quickly shifted, the woman displaying a tiny distance between her index finger and thumb. The message was clear. "You. You're small." Samantha's lips smirked as best they could while clenched around her hose. Sandy's eyes narrowed in irritation and she shook her head violently. Her knuckles went white as her grip on her own hose tightened. Samantha nodded mockingly in insistence. Sandy suddenly pulled the hose from her mouth, the helium hissing from the hose as it escaped into the room. "Stop it!" Sandy spat, plugging the hose immediately back into her lips and continuing to inflate. The referee instantly blew her whistle, waving her arms. "Oh, Sandy, no, not again," Laurie sighed upon seeing the exchange, shaking her head sadly beside the reporter. Sarah looked over at her in confusion. The redheaded girl hid her eyes in her hands, seeming weary. "Knock that off, Ms. Mason. Don't distract each other. I'm not going to warn you again!" the referee shouted, holding her whistle while she spoke. Samantha arched an eyebrow at Sandy, who glared at her. The swelling of the women had proceeded rapidly during this interchange, each girl an enormous girth of curves and belly who struggled to see over their own breasts. The creaking orbs of woman flesh were so gigantic that they would occupy a majority of the space in a room of modest size. Samantha whipped the hose from her mouth. "I'm bigger than you," she gloated, the syllables spilling out in a rapid tumble that blurred one word into the other. Her hose was back in her mouth almost before she finished speaking, pumping her gigantic belly larger. The referee gaped in outrage, whistle falling from her lips onto the thong around her neck. "Both of you, stop this off at once!" the official shouted. Seemingly unhearing, Sandy shuffled sidewise in a rapid waddle and threw her vast flank against Samantha's belly, the two almost bouncing apart from the impact and rolling slightly. A deep, drum-like thump reverberated from Samantha's belly. A sharp moan of arousal spilled from both women which escaped from their lips with a mutual burst of helium. The woman in the referee's uniform shook her head in disbelief, blasting her whistle again. The duo paid no attention, if they had even noticed. "Here we go," Laurie sighed. Beside her, Amanda had her hands over her mouth. "Go?" Sarah asked, numbly. She was unable to take her eyes off the train wreck occurring below. "Where um, is this, uh, going?" Nobody spoke, aside from Lindsay releasing a drawn-out, quiet, "uhhh-ohh." The words sounded as if the woman's voice was not involved at all, her lips merely shaping a nervously exhaled breath. She was perched atop the towering cushion of her own buttocks, nervously watching the field. Down below, the pair of massively inflated women were wobbling ungainly around the floor after their collision. Samantha had rolled onto her swollen backside, while Sandy was prone on the floor. Sandy lay inclined slightly forwards, both her gigantic bosom and belly pressed against the floor. Her back formed a ramp aiming at the ceiling. The two struggled to right themselves, looking for all the world like a pair of buoys attempting to stay level in a stormy sea. Even as they fought to their feet, they were taking in more and more helium. Their bodies distended even as they struggled, the girth working against them more with each passing moment. After long moments, the humungous women regained their footing. They were significantly larger than when Sandy had charged Samantha and sent them both sprawling. They glared at each other through the canyons of their expanded décolletages as their bodies swelled with the soft hiss of helium. "Now then, ladies," the referee yelled, her face bearing an angry flush. "Let's strike this foolishness as a false start and begin again, shall we?" Even though it had been a question, the incensed official's tone brooked no argument, it was clearly a command. She looked for some sign that her words had even registered with the women. Snatching her whistle to her lips again, she blew a loud, angry blast that rang shrilly through the arena. The official strode forward and lay a hand on Samantha's helium tank and began to screw the valve shut. Immediately, Samantha's gaze jerked to her, eyes blazing. "Hands off!" the crimson-haired woman snapped, turning to squarely face the referee as she yanked the helium hose from her mouth. In comparison to her vast, spherical belly the judge looked positively diminutive. Samantha took a rapid step forward and thrust forward at the hips, throwing the enormous ball of her belly toward the referee as the woman was reaching to cut off her source of helium. A mighty thump echoed from that vast, inflated middle as it struck the smaller woman and sent her flying. "Unngh!" grunted the judge as she crashed to the track. The landing dislodged her hat from her head, and the black cap fluttered to the surface of the arena. She lay there seemingly dazed. Samantha's glare snapped back to Sandy. "So that's how you want to play it, is it?" Samantha demanded, addressing Sandy's earlier assault that had sent them both rolling across the track. "Fine by me." The woman plugged the hose back into her waiting lips. She waddled forward as rapidly as she could to slam her middle against Sandy's own, the two colliding this time with belly meeting belly. The pounding reverberation of the impact was far louder this time. Sandy literally rolled head over heels. The force of the impact squeezed a moan of internal pressure from the rolling woman, blasting out of her lips along with the helium hose. Sandy's hose fell to the track, hissing like an angry snake as the unchecked helium vented out of it. The woman herself gradually bounced to a stop, the roll leaving Sandy flat on her back with her gigantic middle rising towards the ceiling. Somehow the woman's scale was emphasized further as her belly projected upward, the massive pressure and light contents laughing off the pitiful influence of gravity. "My god," Sarah whispered. On the track, Samantha languidly waddled towards Sandy's supine form, continuing to take in the cargo of the helium hose that left her more swollen with each step. Reaching Sandy, she pressed the front of her unspeakable middle against the underside of Sandy's belly, squashing against her and leaving the other woman pinned against the floor. "Hnngh," Sandy moaned, squirming. The moan was a curious mixture of tension, discomfort and surprising arousal. As the pressure of Samantha's waist against her own increased, the fallen woman's cheeks flushed pink. In spite of the obvious war of emotions playing across her face, the woman twisted and scrabbled with her chubby arms, seeking for the helium hose that had fallen from her lips. Seeing her struggles, Samantha kicked it away. "Ohhh no, no," Samantha chided, pulling her hose from her own mouth. She thrust her huge abdomen more firmly against Sandy's, watching with approval as her rival moaned with the corresponding rise in internal pressure. "You're going to lay right there and watch me get bigger than you." The woman's purring words mingled smoothly with the hissing of the two helium hoses. "Like hell!" screeched Sandy, the screamed denial erupting from the pinned girl. She cocked one swollen leg and stomped upward at the underside of Samantha's gut. "Uulf," grunted Samantha, staggering backwards and falling unceremoniously to her ballooned behind with her tubby arms flapping gracelessly. The motion popped the hose free from her mouth and left the hissing hose taut between her hand and the tank, rocking the tank slightly atop its base. Sandy struggled to her feet with an elaborate ritual of grunting and squirming. She waddled across the track surface over to her discarded helium hose. Sandy hopped, rolling forward atop the sphere of her belly until she was inverted and on the opposite side of her vast middle, supported by a palm thrust out against the floor. She snatched her helium hose from the ground with her free hand. Grunting, she shoved against the floor with her opposite hand and rolled back the way she had come, ending lightly on her feet. She spun and glared at Samantha, the woman clumsily trying to get her swollen, cone-shaped legs under herself. Sandy faced her squarely, belly aimed proudly at her adversary. "Get up," Sandy ordered. "Put that hose back in your mouth, and leave it there until you're too damn tight to smirk at me anymore. Then tell me who's bigger than who." Punctuating her command, she shoved her own hissing hose back into her own mouth. She widened her stance, giving herself room to expand. She resumed swelling, ballooning with an expression of determination. She snapped a swollen arm upwards and made a come-hither motion of her index finger, challenging and beckoning Samantha. "Fine!" the other yelled. Hissing in outrage, Samantha managed at last to get her enormous legs underneath her center of gravity. She jackknifed forward and grunted as she placed her bodyweight on top of her massively distended belly, using the sphere to provide support as she stood to a proud standing position. The woman arched her back, the forward thrusting motion of her belly almost seeming to make her inflate further. Without further comment, Samantha jammed her own hose between her lips and faced Sandy. She began to swell again with the influx of new helium, her swollen flesh creaking with pressure. She waddled forward towards her opponent and pressed the enormous expanse of her middle against Sandy's own waist, as if she was trying to push her opponent using the pressure of her gut. Rather than retreating, Sandy leaned forward against her opponent just as firmly. The arena seemed filled with an electric tension as the two woman glared, struggled and inflated, the whisk of spandex and creak of their straining bellies against each other audible even up in the stands as the two strove against each other. The referee sat up groggily, one hand cradling her forehead as the other hand sought for her missing cap on the track. like some blind cave-denizen sent on a quest by its owner. Slapping the hat back onto her head, she staggered to her feet and gasped in fury at what she saw. Samantha and Sandy surged back and forth against each other, pressing their swelling bodies against each other in a perverted, reverse tug-of-war. Several times the force of their opponent's abdominal assaults cause one of them to stumble, but they always regained their footing and pushed back twice as firmly against their distended rival. Neither seemed the clear victor, and each woman was red-faced with pressure. Their straining forms groaned with the unnatural pressure distorting their balloon-like bodies as they repeatedly shoved belly-to-belly with each other and swelled. "Will you two never learn?" the official shouted. Rather than blow her whistle again, she seemed to have decided that physical intercession was necessary. Stalking up to the two women, she attempted to insert herself physically between them. For a long moment she seemed as a woman attempting to wade into a vast gulf of belly rather than water, the ballooned surfaces of their abdomens pushing and straining to fill any gap she attempted to squeeze through. Despite all her efforts, she was unable to squeeze between them and was left straining at the dividing line between their guts in an attempt to force herself into place. The harried judge settled for turning around and leaning her back into the gap as she attempted to physically push the two apart, one hand shoving at each of their middles. "Stop...it, right...now!" she grunted. She may as well have been pushing a pair of hills. The swelling women didn't even seem to notice compared to the monumental pressure they were exerting as they moaned and squashed their distended waistlines against each other. The woman's increasingly desperate shoves were swallowed up and absorbed by the rising swells of the competitors' waists. With a cry of frustration, the official squeezed back out again in tactical retreat, the creaking orbs covered in green and cranberry spandex threatening to engulf her as they grew. "You two are out of control, you're making a mockery of this competition!" she raged. At a safe distance from the two women, she lunged for one of the helium tanks and began to twist Sandy's valve to a close. As one, the two ballooning rivals turned and glared at the referee, their heads rotating with a smooth coolness that belied the furious anger in their eyes. With seamless synchronization, the two pulled their hoses from their lips with a soft pop and an gaseous hiss of helium. "Shut up," Samantha grunted, in a forceful but strained voice. She sounded as if she was holding an incredible burden while speaking. "Sit down. We've got something to settle. Turn my helium back up and get lost," Sandy echoed. Her groaning voice sounded equally under pressure, but an edge of determination still wound its way through her tone. The referee hesitated, hand still on the circular valve of Sandy's tank. "NOW!" both of the enormous women shouted, starting to turn towards the comparatively tiny referee. Taken aback, the woman meekly screwed the valve of Sandy's tank back open. She retreated to the safety of the scorekeeper's desk, where she talked with an alarmed expression to the other officials in hushed tones. Satisfied of no more interruptions, the colossal women turned to face each other again without a word, and replaced the hoses betwixt their lips. Throughout the recent altercation, neither woman had stopped shoving her belly against the other, but now they redoubled their struggle. The women resembled nothing so much as a bizarre struggle between alien balloon women vying for dominance, caught on film for an otherworldly nature documentary. With each inch of girth the creaking women gained, they seemed to force their waistline more firmly against their opponent's own in an attempt to physically demonstrate their vast bloating and will to be the biggest. Their swelling continued until the women's torsos began to resemble gigantic trios of balloons, two large swells of the breasts with a belly of unspeakable distension projecting from underneath. The overhead lighting of the arena cast stark highlights on the stretched spandex and bare skin of their forms. The fullness they were feeling was graven on Sandy and Samantha's faces, their intent demeanor beginning to give way to a flushed look of strain. Struggling to bend their cone-shaped limbs, they squeezed and soothed their blimp-like bellies, willing the tortured spheres to contain still more. In spite of their discomfort they shoved and vied just as strongly against one another, barely acknowledging the need to step back to allow either more room to expand. Even up in the stands, Sarah could hear their disconcerting creaks coming from the women, uncertain if the noise was the women, their garments, or both. She could hear soft, feminine moans of pressure echoing occasionally through the long length of the hoses. Their skin was beginning to take on a taut shininess of a balloon ominously close to bursting. "This is insane," she breathed. "How big can they possibly get?" As if in answer, the hiss of helium fell silent from Samantha's hose. The cranberry-haired woman turned in surprise, glaring at the offending tank. It was empty. Her eyebrows were raised in shock, plump lips slightly parted among bloated cheeks. Across the vast canyon of abdominal protrusion, Sandy was looking at her opponent in confusion. "Oh my god," Amanda murmured. "She took it all." Scant seconds later, Sandy's tank went silent as well. The red-faced, straining Sandy let the hose fall from her lips in awe at her own girth. Laurie gasped, hands over her mouth. "I thought you said nobody could hold all of one of those," Sarah asked helplessly. "Nobody ever could before," Amanda replied numbly. Off to Sarah's left, visible beyond one of Lindsay's swollen thighs, a spectator stood and cheered, "They're going to tie! There's never been a tie in this event before!" Samantha and Sandy spun towards the sound, sweeping their dirigible middles through the air, the pair seemingly offended by the words. From the floor below, Sandy shouted, "There's not going to be one today, either!" She spun and shoved Samantha aside with a palm to the belly, sending her distended rival rolling and wobbling onto her swollen flank. The woman let out a howl of outrage and fullness. Waddling past her, Sandy strode purposefully to the third helium tank, the abandoned cylinder intended for the absent Cindy Brown. Seeing Sandy's target, Samantha squealed and squirmed to her feet with enormous difficulty. "Get away from that tank, it's mine!" Samantha hissed, struggling after her with awkward motions of her swollen limbs. Up in the stands, Laurie peered over quivering fingers a scant inch from covering her eyes, as if she couldn't bear to watch. "Oh my god, Sandy can't possibly be thinking of forcing in even more. She'll burst for sure!" Laurie fretted. "Burst?" Sarah said, a ribbon of shock twisting through her tone. "I've never seen anyone get this full before! Ever!" Laurie wailed in reply. Sandy pounced on the lone helium tank, twisting the valve wide open. Without hesitation, she jammed the hose to her lips and moaned as her tortured, pressurized body began to stretch outward again with a terrifying creak of overstretched flesh. Moments, later, Samantha pounced on her swollen form. Their juxtaposition immediately devolved into a furious melee of bumping bellies, thrashing, swollen limbs, and smothering breasts. Each woman angrily wrestled frantically for control of the tank's hose. Dragged back and forth between their frenetically clawing hands, the hose spouted vast swirls of helium into the arena. "I'm the biggest!" Sandy panted, pulling strongly on the hose and managing to take a few gulps of it before it was yanked away again just as rapidly. The woman's voice was strained. Samantha shrilled, "No, I'm the biggest! You'll never be bigger than me!" while taking her own snatched mouthfuls of helium from the hose they warred over. The two rolled to the ground as Samantha was pushed over, so focused on fighting for the hose that they didn't even both to stand anymore. They struggled on the track surface, each growing more distended in sporadic bursts as they grabbed whatever precious seconds at the hose that they could. As the moments went on, an increasingly frightening sound of creaking began to build in the arena, the sound of the pair of struggling bodies each beginning to reach the maximum limit of their gigantic elasticity. With a rending, astoundingly loud pop, Sandy's green leotard gave up trying to contain its burgeoning owner and burst, revealing the extent of the helium's effect on her naked, monstrously stretched body. The spectators screamed in alarm, loud bursting noises a potentially disastrous event in the context of the Inflation Olympics stadium. Beside Sarah, Laurie jolted in her seat and screamed along with the crowd. Down on the field, Sandy's struggling, naked body was flushed pink with pressure, the overhead lighting reflecting off tiny beads of sweat and straining skin that was every bit as tight and thin as that of an over inflated air-raft. Her nipples and navel had become almost stretched out of existence, subtle, tiny bumps in the vast acreage of the stretched flesh that formed the enormous swells of her breasts and eight-yard belly. Her areolae had become pale, gigantic circles of tint, barely coloring the apex of her breasts with a hint of rose visible through the body-wide flush. Between her swollen thighs, the pull of skin from her vast, monstrously distended belly stretched her features there slightly lengthwise toward her navel. Moments later, Samantha's leotard also exploded as she struggled to take in another mouthful of helium from those hose that finally pushed her frame beyond the limits of her garments. The cranberry "Helium Queen" unitard burst, becoming a fluttering, reddish-purple scrap of cloth around her shoulders. Bereft of any force holding it up, the white leggings that had laid underneath rolled down, eager to escape encompassing the enormous swell of her belly, and retreated to her comparatively less-distended calves. There was no underwear beneath the spandex. Her body was in a similar state of strain to Sandy's, albeit with slightly dusky areolae, smaller swells of bosom and slightly more swollen hindquarters. Her entire body appearing flushed, shiny, and dampened with the sweat of her strain in holding back the impossible pressure within her body. Heedless of their nakedness, the two girls continued to writhe and fight each other for the control of the helium hose. Their dangerously-full bodies creaked and groaned each time they bumped against the other. Each grew in spurts as they commanded control of the black tube for scant moments at a time. Without clothing, the ominous creaking sound that filled the arena was now apparent to be solely issuing from the girls themselves. Their stretched skin was at the limit of sanity and reason. Even their impossible elasticity balked at holding more helium. Laurie leapt to her feet and stepped over Sarah into the walkway down the bleachers, shouting, "Someone's got to stop this or they're both going to burst!" She began to run down towards the track. Amanda's gaze followed after her, an expression of shocked realization crossing her face. Jumping to her feet and following Laurie, Amanda called after her, "We've got to roll them apart!" Sarah watched both of them go in a daze, nearly having been knocked out of her seat by the enthusiasm of their efforts to exit the row. She was blindsided for the second time today by the pair of black, spandex pillows that compromised Lindsay's hindquarters, the improbably-reared blonde attempting to pour herself out into the aisle as well. "Urlf!" Sarah grunted in helpless surprise. "Sarah!" Lindsay said, spinning around to face her from the aisle. Her sweeping rear collided obliviously with a woman in the bleachers on the other side, knocking her into her neighbors. "I'm going to go help! Um, stay here!" She spun again, freeing the woman she'd inadvertently battered. Lindsay took off running after Amanda and Laurie, her run an odd penguin-like shuffle in the face of her enormously-inflated hips and thighs. Sarah was left alone in the aghast stands, staring at the chaos below. The three women ran towards the naked, terrifyingly-swollen women that writhed and wrestled each other on the track in a whirlwind of moans, belly-bumping, and chubby limbs groping at each other. She wanted to look away in embarrassment, but the total impossibility of the scene held her view fixed in fascination and horror. The destruction of the women's clothing had ripped a barrier veil away. When they had been clothed, some small part of her mind had still seen them as conceivably normal and merely wearing a strange, balloon-like outfit. With their distended forms laid bare, their gigantic forms could no longer be rationalized. "This can't be happening," she murmured, numbly. Unable to stop looking at the pair of balloon-women, she noticed to her reddening embarrassment that their frenetic, nude struggles against the distended form of their bare rival now could be taken quite differently. The resemblance of their struggles to a wild bout of rutting hedonism was uncomfortably obvious. She shivered, feeling strange watching the scene. The two of them were rubbing their near-bursting bellies against each other, giving heed to nothing except their own girth and trying to snatch the hose from their rival. Their nakedness and the distortion of their swollen forms seemed altogether too private, to intimate for people to be watching. Abruptly, Sarah stood up. She looked surprised, as if unaware she'd stood. "I've got to get out of here," the reporter croaked, bizarre feelings washing over her. She raced stiffly down the stairs with her shoes clacking on the bleachers. The reporter shuffled across the arena floor with the abbreviated, staccato steps of someone attempting to cross a hushed library at maximum velocity, heading for the locker room doors that offered relief from this surreal scene. Just once she looked back: people were rolling Sandy and Samantha apart, the pair unable to resist in their state of gigantic fullness. The sole resistance they could offer was to reach toward the distant hose and rage pleadingly for more. She slipped into the locker room, tearing her view away. Inside the locker room, she raced towards the exit. As she was coming to the final corner before freedom, the light from outer door opening illuminated several feminine shadows against the wall. The reporter balked, feeling curiously guilty and unwilling to run into anyone. Changing course, she darted past a bench into an offshoot of the locker room, an office with the door bearing the placard of games director. Once inside, she slammed the door and locked it. Shaking, she pressed her back against the cool, laminated wood of the portal and slowly slid to the concrete floor. She sat there a long time, dreading discovery and trying to understand the whirlwind of bizarre feelings the final moments of the event had inflicted on her. A few times she thought she heard people calling for her, but she didn't respond. Eventually they went away. Gradually, Sarah's mind eased and she felt some semblance of normalcy after having a chance to recompose herself. She raised her head and tried to decide if she should merely leave, or seek out Laurie and explain where she'd gone. She felt a pang of guilt for running off so suddenly. Just as she was preparing to rise, she heard a feminine chuckle from outside, and a creak as a weight settled onto the bench that had been outside the office. The locker room lighting on the window blinds of the office showed the backlit shadow of two forms sitting on the bench outside. Samantha's voice came from one of the forms, chuckling, "Do you feel better now after getting that out of your system?" There was a long, pregnant pause. "Yes," Sandy agreed, hesitating. "As usual." Sarah heard a sigh issue from her. "We can't keep doing this, Samantha. We're out of control." The reporter could hear the twinge of guilty and worry flowing through Sandy's voice. "I don't know what you mean," Samantha laughed. "Both of us are getting bigger than ever." A hearty, drum-like slap was heard, the impact of a palm on a belly. "Sammy, there isn't any 'us!' There hasn't been an 'us' for years now," Sandy murmured back, a sorrowful mixture of venom and regret tinting her voice. Through the blinds, Sarah saw Samantha's shadow shrug. "That wasn't my decision," Samantha said in a completely different tone from her normally smug rejoinders. Sandy's shadow slumped, and her voice sighed, "I didn't want it that way either. But we both knew we were a bad influence on each other. Even now." She sat up again. "Frankly, your pride is reaching monstrous levels again, and I know I'm starting to see red when I even think about someone getting bigger than me. Especially you. We just...feed the other's negative traits somehow. We always have." The taller woman's shadow turned to look at the one beside her. "So what," Samantha chuckled. "Live a little. Who cares what everyone else thinks when you and I compete? A monthly meeting now and then to relive the old times doesn't hurt anyone. It's just our way of blowing off stress. I know you love it." Beside her, Sandy shook her head. "I do, and that worries me sometimes," she said. Changing the subject, Samantha queried, "Hey, why didn't you let me blow that reporter up?" Sarah sat straight up, back along the door. Outside, Sandy squawked. "Do I really have to answer that? She was a guest. Our little performance probably scared her off too," Sandy replied. "Everyone's going to be furious at us. You know why we're after some media attention." Samantha huffed snidely in response. "I'll bet you just wanted to blow her up yourself," the other woman accused, chuckling. Sandy's shadow reached over and shoved the other woman. Crossly, Sandy replied, "you know I don't do that anymore." Her shadow pulled her arm back and sat normally. "That's one of the reasons we had to break it off, remember? We were getting so bad we had no inhibition at all. I would have gone to jail that last time if not for that plea bargain." "Look at me and tell me you didn't want to blow the reporter up," Samantha taunted challengingly. Sandy's shadow turned furiously towards Samantha. "Of course I didn't want to do it," Sandy said. "Liar," Samantha snickered. "Liar, liar, pants on fire. I could always tell. Just like me, you want to puff her up until her stomach looks like a beach ball." Sarah wouldn't have opened the door for a million dollars. "Stop it, Samantha, I don't want to talk about this. I'm not going to blow her up, so stop taunting me about it," Sandy sighed. Samantha's shadowed form against the blinds edged closer Sandy. Her shadow leaned towards the taller girl, purring, "So let's not talk. Let's puff. No strings attached." Hesitantly, Sandy's shadow turned her head, craning her neck down. The two shadows met and a whisper of shared, muffled moans flitted through the window, punctuated by the occasional hiss of helium and a creak. Abruptly, Sandy grew restive and pulled away. "Ngh. No. Not here," she murmured. "Someone might see. I don't feel like trying to explain why I'm swapping helium with you." "Suit yourself," Samantha chuckled smugly, though a hint of disappointment tinged her voice. Her shadow against the window scooted back into a normal posture on the bench. "At the end, when we were both so strained, so tight, I wanted so badly to lean over, plant my lips on yours, and give you just one tiny puff, to send you over the edge. Kaboom," Samantha purred, syllables pouring out lustily from her mouth. Sandy's shadow squirmed on the bench. "Is that so? Is it possible you've got some sense of restraint after all?" Sandy asked dryly after a moment. "Absolutely not. I just didn't know which way the helium would flow. From me to you, or you to me," Samantha murmured. There was a moment of profound silence as Sandy absorbed the implications. "Meaning, for once you aren't sure you were bigger. You were afraid I was the biggest and most pressurized, and trying to puff me would burst you," Sandy gloated. Samantha didn't make a reply. More loudly, Sandy laughed, "I don't think I've ever heard you express doubt that maybe you weren't the best at something." "Don't let it go to your head," Samantha said. "We got disqualified anyway, it's nothing official. They didn't even pressure check us." "Oh, definitely not official," agreed the other woman in soothing tones, a note of facetiousness in her voice. "But interesting nonetheless." Sandy's shadow shifted in the seat, holding up a hand. "Anyway, I guess I should call Cindy. I'm a little worried she didn't show up. It's not like her," Sandy said. "Let's see if she's home." Sarah heard the vague tones of Sandy's cellular phone being dialed outside the window. From the office's closet beside the door, Sarah heard a vague noise. It sounded uncannily like a tinny rendition of MARRS' song, "Pump Up the Volume." She turned quietly, looking at the closed closet door. "It's ringing," Sandy said from outside. Drawing her legs up underneath her, Sarah put her palms on the floor and quietly rose to a standing position. She slowly walked over to the closet and took the handle into her palm. The noise was definitely coming from inside. With exaggerated care, she slowly turned the handle and opened the door and flicked the closet light on. Sarah screamed. There was a flurry of motion outside, a wrenching of the bench legs against the floor. Almost immediately there was an incredible, rubbery impact with the office door. The aging hinges buckled inward, and Sandy surged into the office with a squeak of inflated sides against the doorframe. The woman was in a state of partial inflation, huge but not absurdly so. Sandy was clad only in track shoes, a grey-colored shirt, and a pair of black panties that clung to the underside of her inflated abdomen. She had one arm and her belly thrown out in front of her and evidently had gone through the door like a wrecking ball. This was the smallest room Sarah had ever seen her inside, and at her inflated girth she seemed to nearly fill the space to the point of claustrophobia, especially given what she'd just seen in the closet. "Sandy!" Sarah yelped. "Sarah?" she asked in disbelief, "What are you doing in here? What's wrong?" Beyond Sandy's shoulder, Sarah could see Samantha standing in the locker room through the doorframe, looking alarmed. She was wearing the white spandex leggings Sarah had seen earlier, with the destroyed cranberry unitard replaced with an alarmingly stretched, black tube-top. Sarah pointed into the open closet door. She was almost knocked over as Sandy sidled into the space, one side of her belly bumping against her as the taller woman came to look. A woman was in the closet, so inflated that she nearly appeared spherical. Her body pressed from wall to wall. She was blonde, clad in a grey bodysuit, and her eyes swam fearfully above swollen cheeks. A broad ribbon of duct tape crossed her full lips. She seemed far too big to have possibly crossed through the doorframe in her current state. The noise Sarah had heard was a cellular phone tucked between her breasts, the 80s music still warbling from her cleavage. "Cindy!" gasped Sandy, aghast, naming the missing competitor. Immediately she turned to Samantha out in the locker room. "God damn it, did you do this? If you shoved her in here to cut down on the competition," Sandy began, voice dangerously threatening. "Huh, what?" Samantha said, blinking and appeared shocked. She slowly squeezed through the doorframe and looked into the closet with the others. "Hell," she murmured, eyebrows raised. "No," she promised. "I didn't know anything about this." "Hang on, Cindy, we'll get you out of there," Sandy said comfortingly. "There's a note on her or something," Sarah said. Delicately entering the closet, she plucked the note taped to the terrified woman's huge body. Turning to face the others, she flashed the paper to them. It was neatly type-written, on non-descript, ivory stationary.'Balloon Girls,You're behind on your payments again. As you're well aware, our organization's funding of your elasticity pharmaceutical endeavors was no small expense. Please rectify the situation promptly. Don't get so wrapped up in being human balloons that you shirk your fiscal responsibilities. Consider Ms. Brown's condition to be a token of our extreme disappointment in the delay. Regards,Your Financiers'
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, deflation, floating, helium, Inflatable Girl, inflatable suit
Text: Pam and Sandra stood at the edge of the pool by the entry ladder. Smaller than what would typically be at an indoor municipal facility, the pool was still quite a bit bigger than the ones found in most back yards. It was deep, too - at least 18 feet. The room that contained it was barely twice its size and had the same high ceiling and cushioned walls as the "Looney Bin" next door. The heavy scent of warm chlorinated water filled the room and humidified the air like in a greenhouse. There was much activity occurring around the two women. Technicians scurried about with their computers and note pads as they took up their assigned observation posts. Two male technicians in bathing trunks and SCUBA gear waddled over to the edge of the pool, jumped in with a noisy splash, and disappeared beneath the surface. With the morning's initial tests complete and no helium leakage having been detected in Sandra's newly pneumatic bazooms, she had been deflated back to normal and then briefed and prepped for the next phase. This time around, she had been given a modest one piece white spandex bathing suit to wear. Being otherwise normal, below each armpit of the suit was a vertical seam with a small plastic "D" ring hidden beneath a flap. Pam tapped her earpiece and spoke a few words to the assembled group. The familiar chime toned again and a red warning light pulsed over the entryway double door. "Okay" Pam spoke to Sandra. "Ready when you are." Sandra nodded nervously and then stepped over to the entry ladder and began lowering herself into the comfortably tepid water. Pam turned away and walked over to a nearby staircase that lead to an underwater observation room at the end of the pool. As she took up station behind the thick glass next to the camera operator, the test subject swam to the middle of the pool and tread water. The two divers were at the bottom of the pool on their knees, looking up at Sandra as she floated at the surface.From below, Pam watched for a moment to make sure everything was in place, then pressed a button on the large control console that sat behind the glass. From the room above, an air horn was briefly heard sounding. At this, Sandra took a deep breath and upended herself, swimming for the bottom. The loud echoing of the room abruptly ceased as she dove, replaced by the dead calm of her new environment, broken only by the sound of her limbs moving through the water. Pam watched as the woman descended towards the two divers awaiting her. Without the aid of swim goggles, Sandra had to aim for the two fuzzy figures at the bottom, swimming almost all the way to their feet and then arcing upward to come to a standing position. Waving her hands in the water to keep upright, she exhaled some air to bring herself to negative buoyancy until her feet rested on the pale blue concrete bottom.She smiled and gave a thumbs-up sign to the two rescue divers who returned the gesture. Then, reaching for the flaps in the suit with her hands, she slipped an index finger into each "D" ring and pulled hard. Attached to each plastic ring was a string of about a foot in length and as each one was pulled out and became taut, there was what felt like muffled "pop." Sandra blinked in surprise as she let go of the plastic rings. A smirk passed her lips as an immediate sensation of fullness engulfed her torso. She could feel her chest expanding under the spandex of the bathing suit, her small breasts again blowing up like helium balloons atop it. She also felt her tummy pushing out against the suit, ballooning like her chest. In the water, the gas expanding in her sounded like a vinyl pool toy being inflated and she realized her feet had left the bottom of the pool. As she rose toward the surface, her arms stiffened slightly as they were pushed out by the ballooning flesh beneath them. Beneath the straps of the suit, her shoulders also puffed up a little bit. Her new-found buoyancy quickly pulled her upwards to the silvery waves.With a splash, she broke the surface and exhaled. Bobbing up and down, she was still inflating as she took in a few deep breaths and her body slowly rose until her bust-line was mostly out of the water. The now giant curves of her breasts pressed in against each other, their glistening pneumatic bounciness barely contained by the straining garment and her now pregnant looking tummy had swollen considerably. On either side, the two rescue divers re-surfaced and again the trio exchanged thumbs-up signs. Swimming over to the ladder was easy as her inflated body was mostly out of the water. The only difficulty was the reduced mobility of her arms caused by her inflated shoulders and the swollen breast flesh beneath them. One of the techs helped her up off the ladder as Pam was returning from the observation room. Out of the water, her entire upper body was stiff from the gas that had been pumped into her curves. She still felt slightly buoyant and bounced on her toes to see just how much so."Whaddaya think?" Pam inquired, handing Sandra a towel."Interesting, that's for sure.""Yeah, we call that one the 'Mae West'. Let's see how well it deflates.""Okay," Sandra replied. With a bit more difficulty than before, she again felt around under her arms for the flaps. The plastic rings dangled from the strings at her sides and, finding where each string attached, pressed in until she heard and felt a faint "click." With a squeal and the sound of rushing air, her cartoonish curves quickly began to shrink. Before long, she was back to normal."Let's get you back to the changing room and into the lifeguard rescue version."Sandra smiled enthusiastically. "Sounds like a plan."
The lifeguard one is red, in case you were wondering. I bet it inflates her a lot bigger, too.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, blow, floating, helium, magic
Text: Kim reluctantly seeks a position as an apprentice Airealist, and quickly discovers that there's so much more to her talent than she realized.
It had taken Kim over two hours to find the shop, tucked in as it was to the rear of a launch lift platform from the flight deck. As far down in the core of the station as this location was, the gravity was spastic, changing dramatically the further she went from the residential halls. Right here it seemed to be about one gee, although it had been so long since she had been planetside that it was hard to tell.
The neoarc sign over the small door read "Ms. Vleck's." That was all, nothing else. It was hard to believe that behind this rust spotted exterior lived one of the more powerful thaumaturgic practitioners in orbit.
Kim swallowed hard, and then reached up to press the door alarm. She was far too young to remember when magic had become part of the science continuum back in the late 2030's. Thaumaturgy had been an accepted thing for her all her life, speeding man on his way to the stars. Ever since Kim was young she had wanted to be a mage.
It was not that easy however. More of a genetic predisposition than anything else, good mages were born, not made. Kim had been incredibly envious ever since her little sister was discovered to be the bearer of genes for becoming a mage of Force, able to create and control nuclear reactions with the right training. Later on, when she found out she too was a gene positive, she had been wildly exited. This had later turned to disgust when it was discovered that her ability lay in an incredibly esoteric form of arcane lore. She was one in a million, one in a billion. Kim was a aieralist, controller of air in enclosed spaces. In other words, about all she could do was manipulate balloons.
After deciding she still wanted to learn, even if in such a strange way, Kim then had to find a mentor. It had taken three weeks to locate one on this out of the way station, then several more to get her to agree to take Kim on as a student. Today was Kim's first day of schooling.
Kim could hear the dim sound of the buzzer as she pressed the button. The door slid aside with a groan, and she stepped forward into darkness. After a few moments the surroundings became a bit more visible, congealing into display racks filled with small trinkets. As she stepped closer, she realized that each small item was made up of entwined balls or long sausage like shapes. In spite of this, there were some incredibly complex pieces of amazing beauty. Kim was soon engrossed in examining a full replica of a Hermes-Class starship in 1\3500 detail.
"Ahem." Kim started up. Out from behind the counter came a small woman, barely up to Kim's shoulder. She was somewhat older, having the look of well worn skin that many spacers get after long years with little ozone. Although she was shorter than Kim, she more than made up for it in width, having shoulders easily twice as broad as Kim's. Barrel chested and wrapped in some sort of toga, she reminded Kim of a boulder come to life.
"Kimberly Tanner, I presume?" The woman smiled, revealing pearly white teeth. "Ah, I see you are examining some of my work."
"Yes... Um, it's quite nice..." Kim was somewhat taken aback by her new mentor. This was hardly what she had expected. Unlike the soaring cathedrals of the matter manipulators, or the even more grandiose homes of the mages that could handle more than one plane of control, this place was small, almost cramped. She had expected more, even from a master of such an insignificant form.
The woman seemed to sense this. "Not quite what you expected, is it?"
"Come child. If I am to teach you, you must at all times be truthful. This is not the home of some grand and powerful controller of the fifth force of the universe, is it?"
"No, I suppose not, Master." Kim blinked as the old woman beamed.
"Master. I haven't been called that in years! There are not many who wish to learn this sort of thing anymore." She ran one finger down the edge of one of the display cases. "Truthfully, I am quite surprised you sought me out."
"Well, I, um..." Kim paused, abashed. She had been told to be truthful however. "It's always been a dream of mine to be able to manipulate some form of thaumatergic energy. Even if it is something so small." Kim gasped and covered her mouth.
Far from being offended, the woman continued to smile. "But you came to me, even if it seems 'so small'. Come girl, turn around for me. Let's see what you look like."
Kim set down her travel bag and turned slowly, feeling Ms. Vleck look her up and down. Although quite thin, she had always done some sort of aerobic training, giving herself a wiry build. At the age of eighteen, she had become resigned to looking somewhat like a boy unless she were willing to undergo surgical alteration, which seemed a bit excessive. Beyond that was magic, but that way, while far less invasive of the body, was also far too expensive. It was her face that stood out however. With high and prominent cheekbones emphasizing enormous eyes of seemingly endless depth, she had managed to mesmerize more than one person. A talent that was somewhat wasted in the present situation, she thought to herself.
Ms. Vleck wandered around her for a moment, mumbling to herself in a language that Kim could not make out. After a few moments of this, she went behind the counter, motioning Kim to follow.
Kim was surprised to see the extent of the house. She had expected it to be small and cramped, much like the showroom. This was not the case however. The rooms were airy and open, well lit and clean. The studio impressed her the most however. Over ten meters across and high, it had various tables scattered about and loaded down with all sorts of odds and ends. Across the back of the room stood several canisters with various labels warning of gaseous contents.
On the central table, like a diamond in its mount, burned something Kim had never seen before. A complex and ornate mounting, looking like it were made of solid gold, was mounted firmly by mechanical waldos. Over it flowed living flame, swirling and looping almost to the ceiling, but never leaving the area over the mount. The colors were myriad, dazzling in their brilliance.
"You like?" Ms. Vleck smiled.
"It... It's beautiful," Kim breathed. "What is it?"
"A sculpture for the coronation of Maris the Fifth. I did one for his sister when she was enstated, so he thought he should have one as well." Turning a sly grin on her student, she commented, "Still seem like a useless talent."
Kim blushed, looking aside. Her teacher grabbed her bag and hustled off towards the residential wing. "But come, I will show you your room. We will get aquainted, then I will give you some reading matter that you might find interesting. Tomorrow we will begin your understanding." Kim shifted uncomfortably on the mat off to one side of the studio. Clad as she was in a plain blue unitard made out of some stretchy material, she was a bit cold. Mrs. Vleck had tossed it at her the night before, along with a datapad whos memory banks contained numerous descriptions of various balloons, their uses and functions as well as what they looked like. Kim had found it somewhat boring, but persevered in the reading, finishing it up just before Ms. Vleck had returned to put out the lights. Apparently Kim was to be on some sort of schedule. The brightening of the lights had woken her, and after normal morning activities she had proceeded to her present location.
Ms. Vleck walked in, humming a merry tune and still clad in the same toga like affair from last night. With a cheery "Morning Dear," she rummaged around for a few moments, then came over to where Kim was sitting.
"First off, what's this?" She tossed something into Kim's lap. Kim picked up the small piece of plastic, remembering it from her studies the night before.
"A similflex fiber balloon, color chantry blue." Kim noted absently that it matched her unitard nearly perfectly.
"Very good. Now, blow it up." Ms. Vleck looked at her intently. "Come on, I wish to see your style."
Kim blushed lightly, then proceeded to take a deep breath. She puffed into the balloon furiously, but it resisted. Her cheeks swelled out from the effort and she acquired a distinctly red sheen, but the balloon slumped back to lifelessness as soon as she paused to take a gasping breath.
"I take it you've never tried this before," Ms. Vleck cocked an eyebrow at her. "Dear girl, didn't it ever occur to you to do any of this sort of thing before you came to me?"
Kim squirmed in embarrassment. "Well, I didn't expect to be blowing up things with my mouth, if you know what I mean. I thought it would be, you know..." She waved her fingers in the air.
Ms. Vleck sighed, then took the balloon from Kim's fingers. "This might give you an idea of how to go about it." She set the balloon to her lips. With a single continuous breath, it bulged outward, growing larger and larger until it had attained the size of her head. With a single deft move, she tied off the nozzle and softly bumped it over to Kim, who caught it with a reflex motion.
"Care to try again?"
"How'd you do that so smoothly?" Kim enquired. "I mean, it just filled up like you blew into it continuously."
"I did."
"No way! I mean, that's too big a breath."
Ms. Vleck turned and pulled a what looked to be a large bag off of one table. Kim recognized it as a bubblebox toy, an inflatable sphere made out of a clear membrane that was comprised of one giant molecule. It was incredibly tough for its size.
Ms. Vleck smiled at her and took a slow and deep breath, her ample ribcage swelling up as she inhaled. Then she placed the bag to her face and exhaled.
The bubblebox lifted and stirred in the first few moments of her exhalation. Within seconds it had become perfectly round, glistening in the light. Ms. Vleck did not stop there however. She still continued her output, the sphere growing in size. Kim watched with growing awe as the bubblebox continued to increase in size, soon becoming large enough to cover Ms. Vleck's head from view. Kim could only see her face through the slightly distorted view of the balloon. The balloon became even bigger, Ms. Vleck continuing to blow. Only when it had started to warp the view of her down to her waist did she stop.
"There." Ms. Vleck did not even sound out of breath after that monumental release. "Do you still think that's too big a breath?"
Kim shook her head mutely. She had heard of this, but had forgotten it in the mundanity of her arrival. Ms. Vleck could probably fill the entire room with a single balloon off of one breath without really trying. She watched as Ms. Vleck released the bubble, which drifted slowly off to the side.
"Now, enough with the demonstrations. It's time for your first test, one that you will come to know rather well in the weeks to come." Ms. Vleck went over to a cabinet and yanked some apparatus out of it. A long tube, almost an inch wide, was connected to a gag.
"Now put this on." Ms. Vleck handed the gag to Kim. "Don't be shy, just bite down on the mouthpiece and clip the buckle together on the back.
"What's this for?" Kim eyed the gag suspiciously.
Ms. Vleck suddenly was all business. "One of my prime requisites is that all of my students follow the rules. The first rule is that when I ask you to do something, you do it. Now, please put the gag in your mouth."
Kim complied, chewing on the mouthpiece for a bit before she became used to the rubbery taste. The gag wrapped about her head, two buckles clicking together behind her neck. Up front it was quite wide, going from just below her nose down to wrap a molded piece around her chin. Once in place, she realized that about all she could do was mumble
"Now, the object if this exercise is to improve your lung ability. It's a simple contest." Ms. Vleck picked up the other end of the tub. Kim thought that perhaps she was intending to connect it to some bellows or something that she'd have to pump on for a few hours. Taking a deep breath through her nose, she took in the heady smell of the gag.
"You are going to try and blow as hard as you can down your end. I will try to blow down this end. The winner is the one who pushes the most air into the other."
Kim blinked. That was no contest! Ms. Vleck would easily win. Her widening eyes apparently alerted Ms. Vleck to something.
"Oh, you're quite right. It's unlikely you'll win at this stage. However, this is an incentive exercise to get you to work harder at your skills and abilities, once they are taught to you. I'll tell you what, let's put some stakes on this. The winner gets to have the loser do something for her. Housework, clean up a mess, work on inventory or orders for the rest of the day. It'll give you something to work for. The strap on part there is to teach you the correct method of inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth."
Kim sighed inwardly. She could see a lot of days cleaning up in the future. Oh well, she had rather expected to do it as an apprentice anyway, and this ways sometimes when Ms. Vleck was at a low point perhaps she might win. Looking up, she realized that Ms. Vleck was waiting for some sort of agreement from her. Nodding, she took a deep breath through her nose.
"Alright then. On the count of three we start." Ms. Vleck took the other end of the tube and raised her other hand. "One, two, three!" She chopped her arm downward.
Kim puffed furiously, snorting air in through her nose. She realized it was a losing battle, but hoped to make a good showing. Funnily enough, it seemed as though Ms. Vleck was taking everything that Kim was sending her way, not returning at all.
Suddenly, Ms. Vleck exhaled.
Kim's cheeks squished against the gag as Ms. Vleck's breath rushed into her. She tried to push it back out, but the flow continued as Ms. Vleck, with a cheerful twinkle in her eye, simply overwhelmed her with more pressure. Kim had lost.
Shrugging, Kim reached up to undo the gag and find out what her chore for the day would be. This was probably a standard ritual that all newcomers had to go through during their beginning years. She tugged for a few seconds before she realized that the gag seemed to be stuck tight.
Meanwhile, Ms. Vleck had continued to breath. Kim realized that it was becoming difficult to breath the excess air through her nose. It probably was not good that she was taking in all that already used air as well. The carbon monoxide content had to be somewhat high.
Ms. Vleck exhaled harder.
Kim urfed into the gag as she felt the increase. Grasping the hose, she tugged on it, but the fastenings were too tight to come loose. She felt as though she were taking an incredibly deep breath, the air forcing its way into her. Waving her hands, she motioned at Ms. Vleck. It felt as though she could not take any more.
Ms. Vleck exhaled harder.
Incredibly, impossibly, Kim felt the air, smooth and tangy sweet, swirl down into her stomach. No gag reflex was triggered, only a sensation of fullness.
Kim glanced down, then stared in shock. Her stomach was swelling outward slowly, somewhat like a balloon. In fact it looked just like the small blue balloon had earlier. Putting her hands on it, she marveled at how tight and firm it felt. Pushing inward, her hand sank down a bit, then was met with resistance as the pressure built up higher.
Kim's figure was already looking like that of a very pregnant woman when Ms. Vleck stopped. Pinching the tube with her hand, she examined Kim closely. "Very good. You're not panicking. Most people would in your situation, you know."
Kim held back a shudder, trying hard to look casual. Her groping hands gave away the strain she was under however as they moved up and down her new paunch. No wonder she had been made to wear the unitard this morning.
"Now you begin to understand the power we wield," Ms. Vleck said with deep seriousness. "What I do to you as a point, I can do to anyone, anytime. Strange as it is, odd as it feels, this I can do."
Kim realized that, even though Ms. Vleck was not letting her breath, she had no need to. Surmising that it had something to do with all the extra air in her stomach, she attempted to get ride of some through her nose. With a sudden whoosh, she let loose a gust of air from her nose. At the same time the gag popped loose, falling from her face. Kim's stomach rapidly subsided as she let out a great heaving wheeze, finishing with her lungs.
"How do you feel?" Ms. Vleck looked worriedly at her. "That didn't bother you, did it?"
Kim explorationially poked at herself. She thought she should be upset, but truthfully the experience had not been that nerve racking. For some reason she just did not feel that angry about it.
Ms. Vleck nodded when Kim commented on that to her. "You sense a basic ability to do that yourself, otherwise you would have reacted more forcefully. Normally that can cause great paranoia, or even temporary insanity to have the body start to act so peculiar. Now, on to your chore for losing!"
Kim grimaced slightly, but nodded assent. She had spent far too long getting here to antagonize her teacher now, and besides, that last had shown her that her abilities might not be as limited as she had first thought. Besides, it was not wise to upset someone who could manipulate her very body in such strange ways.
Ms. Vleck thought for a bit, idly tapping on finger against her nose. "We'll skip cleaning detail for now. You'll have plenty of time for that later. Oh, I know! I'm now going to demonstrate to you that there are many other variables involved."
"What do you mean?" Kim asked curiously.
"I mean not only can the air intake be moderated, so also can the shape of the device holding the air, as well as its weight and density. But here." Ms. Vleck removed the gag from the end of the tube, leaving only the mouthpiece, and handed it to Kim. "Now that I know you're not going to go screaming in terror down the hall, you won't need that anymore. Bite down and I'll explain what I'm doing."
Kim slowly put the end of the tube in her mouth as the other woman went over to one of the many tanks against the far wall. "What I'm going to do now will involve many aspects of what I just told you. I will manipulate your weight, size and shape all at once. Do you feel comfortable with that?"
"No, but I'll do it."
"Good!" Ms. Vleck smiled. "Not that you really have a choice. This is the next exercise and it is necessary that you undergo it. It will start to train your power on how to manipulate your body as well. I will have to do it for you at first, but later you will be able to do it on your own. Now, are you ready?"
Kim nodded slowly. She realized that the first time had not hurt. In fact it had been somewhat interesting to feel and see. She munched on the mouthpiece, waiting to see what was next.
She did not have long to wait. Ms. Vleck put her mouth to the outlet of one of the larger tanks, then twisted the valve on the top. She sucked on the hissing device for what seemed to be an inordinately long time before she turned back to Kim. All that Kim could notice that was different was that she seemed to be holding a deep breath, her broad chest tensed up.
Wordlessly, Ms. Vleck retrieved the hose. As she once again put it to her mouth, she winked at Kim, who stood trembling while biting the mouthpiece.
Ms. Vleck exhaled.
The lungs were bypassed this time as well as Kim's cheeks, but she could feel the gas flowing deep within and swirling about coldly as Ms. Vleck blew her up. From here she could barely make out the label on the side of the tank. It's logo was a simple double dot setup. After a few seconds, she realized that this was the atomic number of helium. Ms. Vleck was pumping her up with helium!
When Kim looked down, the first thing she noticed was that she could no longer see her feet. This time it was not her stomach, but her bustline. It was slowly moving outward as the gas rushed in. She realized she had already increased a cup size or two. As she watched in fascinated amazement, she became even more topheavy. For the first time in her life, she was sporting a full figure.
Kim cupped her breasts with her hands, smiling as best she could around the mouthpiece. Still she swelled bigger, her legs puffing up a bit in nice curves leading to well rounded calves.
Ms. Vleck exhaled harder.
Kim became more and more pumped with gas, a feeling of pressure spreading through her body. It was not painful and was in fact a rather snug feeling, what with the unitard wrapping around her expanding form.
Ms. Vleck exhaled harder.
Kim watched bemusedly as her beanbag sized breasts swelled outward. Odd how so much of the gas seemed to be going there, she mused. Laughing inwardly, she wondered what the boys back at her school would say if they could see her once waif like figure now. A light blush crossed her face as she thought of this. She could feel her legs still swelling, the comfortable pressure increasing and holding her in a gentle embrace.
Ms. Vleck exhaled harder.
Kim's swollen shoulders rode up somewhat. Twisting her head over, she glanced curiously at her arm, examining its sausage like muscle structure. She realized that she was more and more resembling a huge female shaped balloon, inflating, swelling, balling up, expanding larger and larger. With a sudden jerk of surprise, she realized that her feet were no longer touching the mat! With a slow and ponderous motion, she rose upwards several feet, there to hover like a tethered blimp at the end of the air hose.
Ms. Vleck finished with a sigh.
Kim spit the mouthpiece out and watched it fall away. Slowly she rolled in the air to the right, spinning upside down. "This is so weird."
Ms. Vleck watched her for a moment. "Do you feel anything unusual?"
Kim thought about it for a bit. Somewhat to her surprise, she felt calm and relaxed, almost dreamy in a way. This was a far cry from what she felt a person who had been turned into a zeppelin should feel like. "I feel... very mellow. I..., I think I'd like to just drift around here all day." Kim noted that she spoke normally for being a bag of helium. Her breathing was in no way interfered with either.
Ms. Vleck nodded. "You just might be a worthwhile student after all." Suddenly she clapped her hands together. "I'm going to go do some work up front. I'll be back in a few hours. If you can get down yourself, it will be something of an accomplishment. If not, well then, enjoy your afternoon rest. We will continue at five o'clock."
With that Ms. Vleck bustled off, leaving Kim to her own devices. There was not much to be done however. She was well over ten feet from the floor, spinning lazily along her axis. Blowing hard produced only a slight motion change that did not really get her anywhere. Besides, truthfully she was just too comfortable to really care.
So began her first day.
Subsets and Splits